The Train Crash That Exposed Japan’s Toxic Work Culture

Time: 3.56

on a spring morning in Japan a rapid

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commuter service train makes its last

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ever schedule

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stop not even three minutes later 107

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people aboard this train would perish

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the time is 6:11 a.m. the location is

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Osaka and amagasaki

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Japan many of the train lines in the

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area are operated by the West Japan

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Railway company or Jr West for short its

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headquarters resides right here in Osaka

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but our journey starts at the company's

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hitan branch office where 23-year-old

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riro Takami wakes up and takes the

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departure roll call by 621 to begin his

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birthday he makes his way to his

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allocated train a 7c car 207 series

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electric unit and after having completed

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the startup procedure at 648 he drives

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the train to Honan station to pick up

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his first passengers of the day

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Takami departs the train from the

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station under the number 218s on the

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katamachi line to Matsui yamata station

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with no problems to

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report from here the train is driven as

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5769 M back towards Honan to kobashi

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station during this trip however Takami

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accumulated 1 minute and 20 seconds of

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delay the same train now as 4469 M

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departs to amagasaki station 47 seconds

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behind schedule on this route just

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before Kashima station entering a curve

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the atsp or automatic train stop system

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was triggered which applied full service

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breaking the train entered the curve

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just under the speed limit of 65 km/

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hour the train eventually made it to

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amagasaki station 50 seconds late the

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train was scheduled to stop for 4

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minutes and was able to leave the

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station on time now heading to

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takarazuka station during this leg of

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the Train's Journey Takami had run a red

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light causing the ATS to apply emergency

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breaking halting the train Takami was

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supposed to report the incident to

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traffic control which he didn't the

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train arrives at takarazuka station 44

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seconds late Takami prepares the train

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to make its way back towards amagasaki

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now as 541 a.m the train leaves the

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station 15 seconds late while nearing

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Itami station with a 34 second delay

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Takami activates the breaks too late

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despite the warnings in the camp he is

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forced to use the emergency break after

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the train passes the stopping point

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having overshot the station by 72 M and

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needing to back up the train is now 1

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minute and 20 seconds behind schedule

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the conductor masatoshi Matsushita

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sitting at the other end of the train

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was called by Takami on the intertrain

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phone according to him Takami said

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something along the lines of will you

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forgive my mistake matushita wasn't able

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to answer as a passenger had just

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knocked on his window asking for an

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apology announcement which he made

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moments later he called traffic control

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to report the overrun their conversation

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was the following

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Meanwhile by driving on the edge of the

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speed limit Takami was able to bring the

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train back under the a minute behind

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however right here is where the Brak

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should have been applied at the latest

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since just ahead is a curve with a 70 km

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speed limit coming up and the train is

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currently traveling at

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816 it is at this point that the train

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enters the Curve and no brakes have been

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applied still 4 seconds later traffic

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control would attempt to call Tamaki but

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by then it's too late

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rescue operations by the city Fire

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Department began as early as 6 minutes

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after the incident the teams began work

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on on the second car first since they

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had not initially realized that the

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first car had been completely embedded

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into the building's parking lot out of

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the 92 Souls on board this car 43 had

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lost their lives including the driver

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the car had been destroyed to a near

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unrecognizable State the second car had

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been crushed against the building of the

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132 on board this car 57 died out of the

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over 100 people on the third car nearly

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all had sustained injuries and and three

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passed away the remaining cars had

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experienced no casualties however a

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total of 281 persons on them had been

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injured an additional four souls from

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cars that weren't indentified had passed

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away bringing the total death count to

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107 and the total number of injured to

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562 how was this allowed to happen the

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first key in understanding the cause of

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the disaster is to look at the train

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involved the 207 series is a Standard

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7ar Electric unit which the company

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owned hundreds of with a top operating

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speed of 12 km/ hour great acceleration

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breaking and a capacity of

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1,115 the train was optimized for

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getting as large a number of people as

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possible from A to B in a timely manner

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Hiroshi Kubota an expert who once worked

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for the National Railway stole a

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newspaper that quote the derail train

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has heavy air conditioning systems on to

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the roof of the cars that are just as

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heavy as the bottom frames of the cars

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that probably ambalance the cars and

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made them prone to

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topple this specific unit comprised of

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newer cars at the rear of the

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arrangement which had many devices

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installed including data recorders these

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recorded the precise state of the

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control surfaces over the course of the

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day like how Takami was late to start

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breaking at Itami station or how he had

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only applied braking in the Fatal Corner

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once the train already entered the curve

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the speed recorded in the corner was 116

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kmph while the speed limit was 70

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simulation showed that the train would

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have derailed going at any speed of 106

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km/ hour but if the train was

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approaching well over the speed limit

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why did the ATS not trigger like it did

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previously in the day the reason for

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this is that this line picture in yellow

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here had the oldest ATS system installed

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by Jr West this old system did not have

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beacons in place for over speed knowing

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this the focus of the investigation of

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the accident became the driver why would

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someone be so fixated on trying to

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alleviate a delay as small as one or two

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minutes well you see when it comes to

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Transportation Japan is perfectionist it

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has become a standard in the country for

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trains to always be perfectly on time it

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is what the passengers expect as this is

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the case Railway companies also time

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their trains to meet at hubs for a quick

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transfer this was the exact case when

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someone asked Matsushita to apologize

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for the delay since they knew that they

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would be late for a transfer at

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amagasaki station even still why risk

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derailment just what consequences could

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there be for being late this is where we

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will discover that Japan isn't as

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perfect as it seems from the outside the

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perfectionism comes with a price and

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it's not

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cheap the troubling statistics of

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workers with mental health issues in

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Japan has been slowly moving into the

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foreground but many are still not aware

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of the extent to which the average

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Japanese person is pushed to in their

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daily life take Takami for example he

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had worked the previous day from 1:00

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p.m. till 11:00 p.m. his co-workers at

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the huntan office said in an interview

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that he looked normal nothing seemed off

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or different about him they were

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actually having a conversation about who

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was going to get better sleep since some

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of them were waking up at 4 a.m. this

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was just before midnight Takami was

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waking up at 600 and just like most of

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his cowork ERS he skipped shower to have

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more time for a train driver in Japan

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this was a normal day the real nightmare

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begins when you are assigned to

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retraining Nick and QQ literally

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translated to dayshift education is a

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retraining program Jr West would make a

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driver take as a punishment for being

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late but there was no retraining here

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instead drivers would be subjected to

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severe verbal abuse and forced to write

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reports repenting their mistakes

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furthermore they would be placed on

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video leing and grass cutting duties

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during the day this program was seen by

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many as psychological torture Takami

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himself had been on the program three

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times and it is highly likely that

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leading off to the event of the crash he

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was trying to avoid going back you may

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have noticed in the call to traffic

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control that mosita had reported an

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overrun at Itami much shorter than in

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reality hoping to ease the possible

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penalties for Takami unfortunately for

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him when they were talking on the

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intertrain phone and Takami asked will

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you overlook my mistake mosito wasn't

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able to answer due to the passenger

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knocking on his window he said after the

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accident that Takami might have thought

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the phone was hung up because the

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conductor is

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mad the official investigation concluded

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the direct cause of the accident to be

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the delay and applying brakes when

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entering the corner and the indirect

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cause to be the company's driver

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management system and the avoidance of

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its disciplinary actions to divert the

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driver's attention from driving the

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train at the time the company thought

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that pursuing the individual's

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responsibility for an error would

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prevent recurrence so we were carrying

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out disciplinary action and retraining

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program that could be perceived as a

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penalty against Personnel this led to

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Personnel directing their attention

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toward covering up and making excuses

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for errors which resulted in a situation

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that opened the door door to accidents

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as opposed to preventing human

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errors in June of 2005 2 months after

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the accident masak kaida adviser of Jr

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West who played a major role in

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enforcing the strict punctuality

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resigned followed by the company's

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chairman in August the company hasn't

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brushed the accident under the carpet

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their website homepage also makes clear

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mention of the disaster they caused

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accountability is one thing however

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taking action is another the company has

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supposedly undergone restructuring to

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focus on safety and the human factor but

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I am not so sure that the Japanese

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mentality is that easy to get rid of is

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history bound to repeat itself has Jrs

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gone through actual growth or are there

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actions just window dressing I don't

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know but I can't help but wonder whether

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progress was made or are we still living

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the world where

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541m rounded the curve successfully for

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