The Science & Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Huberman Lab Podcast #78

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- Welcome to The Huberman Lab Podcast

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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[upbeat guitar music]

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I'm Andrew Huberman

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and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, we are talking about obsessive-compulsive disorder

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or OCD.

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We are also going to talk

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about obsessive-compulsive personality disorder which,

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as you will soon learn, is distinct

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from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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In fact, many people that refer to themselves or others

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as obsessive or compulsive or quote-unquote,

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having OCD or OCD about this or OCD about that

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do not have clinically diagnosable OCD,

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rather, many people have obsessive-compulsive

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personality disorder.

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However, there are many people in the world

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that have actual OCD, and for those people,

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there's a tremendous amount of suffering.

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In fact, OCD turns out to be number seven

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on the list of most debilitating illnesses,

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not just psychiatric illnesses, but of all illnesses

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which is remarkable and somewhat frightening.

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The good news is thanks to the fields of psychiatry,

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psychology, and science in general,

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there are now excellent treatments for OCD.

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We're going to talk about those treatments today.

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Those treatments range from behavioral therapies,

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to drug therapies, and brain stimulation,

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and even some of the more holistic or natural therapies.

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As you'll soon learn, for certain people,

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they may want to focus more on the behavioral therapies,

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whereas for others, more on the drug-based therapies

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and so on and so forth.

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One extremely interesting and important thing

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I learned from this episode

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is that the particular sequence that behavioral

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and/or drug and/or holistic therapies are applied

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is extremely important.

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In fact, the outcomes of studies

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often depend on whether not people start

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on drug treatment and then follow

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with cognitive behavioral treatment or vice versa.

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We're going to go into all those details

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and how they relate to different types of OCD,

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because it turns out there are indeed

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different types of obsessions and compulsions,

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and the age of onset for OCD, and so on and so forth.

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What I can assure you is by the end of this episode,

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you'll have a much greater understanding

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of what OCD is and what it isn't

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and what obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is

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and what it is not.

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And you'll have a rich array of different therapy options

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to explore in yourself or in others

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that are suffering from OCD.

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And if neither you or others that you know

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suffer from OCD or obsessive-compulsive

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personality disorder, the information covered

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in today's episode will also provide insight

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into how the brain and nervous system

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translate thought into action generally.

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And also, you're going to learn a lot

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about goal-directed behavior generally.

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My hope is that by the end of the episode

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you'll both understand a lot about this disease state

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that we call OCD, you will have access to information

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that will allow you to direct treatments to yourself

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or others in better ways,

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and that you will gain greater insight

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into how you function and how human beings function

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in general.

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The Huberman Lab Podcast is proud to announce

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that we've partnered with Momentous Supplements.

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We've done that for several reasons.

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First of all, the quality of their supplements

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is exceedingly high.

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Second of all, we wanted to have a location

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where you could find all of the supplements discussed

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on The Huberman Lab Podcast in one easy-defined place.

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You can now find that place at

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In addition, Momentous Supplements ship internationally,

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something that a lot of other supplement companies

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simply do not do.

Time: 209.37

So that's terrific whether or not you live in the US

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or you live abroad.

Time: 212.34

Right now, not all of the supplements

Time: 214.11

that we'd discuss on The Huberman Lab Podcast are listed,

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but that catalog of supplements

Time: 218.61

is being expanded very rapidly

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and a good number of them that we've talked about,

Time: 222.09

some of the more prominent ones for sleep and focus

Time: 224.49

and other aspects of mental and physical health

Time: 226.74

are already there.

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Again, you can find them at

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science-related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the sponsors

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of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens.

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Athletic Greens is an all-in-one vitamin-mineral

Time: 250.71

probiotic drink that also has adaptogens

Time: 253.02

and digestive enzymes.

Time: 254.64

I started taking Athletic Greens way back in 2012

Time: 257.4

and I've taken it every day since

Time: 258.69

so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

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The reason I started taking Athletic Greens

Time: 262.89

and the reason I still take Athletic Greens

Time: 264.42

once or twice a day is that it covers

Time: 266.34

all of my foundational nutritional needs.

Time: 268.41

In fact, when people ask me,

Time: 269.243

"what's the one supplement I should take?"

Time: 271.11

I always say Athletic Greens

Time: 272.7

because by taking Athletic Greens,

Time: 274.35

you give support to your immune system,

Time: 275.97

to your endocrine system, to your nervous system

Time: 278.19

and to the so-called gut-brain axis

Time: 280.08

and the gut microbiome.

Time: 281.46

As many of you've probably heard,

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our gut, meaning everywhere from our mouth

Time: 285.21

down all the way through our intestine,

Time: 286.68

is populated by trillions of little microbacteria

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that support the different systems of our body.

Time: 292.56

Athletic Greens has the probiotics that support

Time: 294.57

the microbiome, and in turn, support things

Time: 296.49

like mood, endocrine function, immune system, and so on.

Time: 299.76

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 301.14

you can go to

Time: 303.57

and claim their special offer.

Time: 304.86

They'll give you five free travel packs

Time: 306.69

plus a year supply of vitamin D3 K2.

Time: 309.45

Many people are deficient in vitamin D3

Time: 311.46

and in general, vitamin D3 and K2

Time: 313.47

support a huge number of factors

Time: 315.78

in your brain and body that support your immediate

Time: 317.55

and long-term health.

Time: 318.69

Again, that's

Time: 321.51

to claim their special offer.

Time: 322.98

Today's episode is also brought to us by Thesis.

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Thesis makes custom nootropics,

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and frankly, I'm not a big fan

Time: 329.43

of the word nootropics.

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I've said that on various podcasts

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and on social media posts

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and the reason I'm not a fan of the word nootropics

Time: 335.03

is it means smart drugs.

Time: 337.11

But as a neuroscientist,

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I know that we don't have circuits in the brain

Time: 341.28

or chemicals in the brain for being smart,

Time: 343.41

we have circuits in the brain for focus

Time: 345.54

and for task switching and for creativity,

Time: 347.55

and oftentimes those circuits differ from one another

Time: 349.92

although they collaborate to create things

Time: 351.63

that we think of as intelligence

Time: 353.34

or focus or creativity, et cetera.

Time: 355.62

Thesis understands this and for that reason,

Time: 357.72

has developed custom nootropics

Time: 359.46

that match your particular goals

Time: 361.38

and to your particular biology.

Time: 363.78

They give you the opportunity to try

Time: 364.89

several different blends over the course of a month

Time: 366.87

and discover which ones work best for you

Time: 368.55

and which ones don't.

Time: 370.08

In addition to that personalization,

Time: 371.64

they take it a step further by offering free consultations

Time: 374.01

with a coach to help you optimize your experience

Time: 376.41

and dial in your perfect formulas.

Time: 378.78

I've been using Thesis for about eight months now

Time: 381.09

and I can confidently say that their nootropics

Time: 383.43

are the best that I've ever used.

Time: 385.23

My go-to formula is the Clarity Formula

Time: 387.51

or the Motivation Formula

Time: 388.8

when I'm going to work or work out,

Time: 390.54

meaning when I'm going to do focus cognitive work,

Time: 392.67

or I'm going to exercise.

Time: 393.72

I also like their Energy Formula prior to exercise.

Time: 396.45

To get your own personalized nootropics starter kit,

Time: 398.43

go online to

Time: 401.58

You can take a three minute quiz that will help match you

Time: 404.13

to the best custom nootropics to start with.

Time: 406.32

And Thesis will send you four different formulas

Time: 408.48

to try in that first month.

Time: 409.86

Again, that's

Time: 412.5

and use the code Huberman at checkout to get 10% off

Time: 415.17

your first order.

Time: 416.76

Today's episode is also brought to us by Eight Sleep.

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Eight Sleep makes smart mattress covers

Time: 421.23

that have cooling, heating, and sleep tracking capacity.

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I've talked many times on this podcast

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and another podcast and on social media

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about the critical relationship

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between temperature and sleep.

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Generally speaking, your body temperature has to drop

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by about one to three degrees in order to get

Time: 436.98

into and to stay in deep sleep.

Time: 439.11

And waking up has a lot to do

Time: 440.82

with an increase in body temperature

Time: 442.32

of about one to three degrees.

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So for many people like myself who run warm

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during the night, I find myself waking up

Time: 447.45

in the middle of the night.

Time: 448.53

However, recently I started using

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an Eight Sleep mattress cover

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and by programming in the specific temperatures

Time: 453.21

that work for me across the night,

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I'm staying asleep through the whole night

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and as a consequence, I'm feeling far better during the day,

Time: 459.39

much more focus, alertness, et cetera,

Time: 460.95

all the great things that come

Time: 462.24

from getting excellent sleep consistently.

Time: 465.15

The Pro Pod Cover by Eight Sleep

Time: 466.59

is their most advanced solution on the market

Time: 468.3

for thermal regulation during sleep,

Time: 469.8

that's the one I use.

Time: 471.03

It pairs dynamic cooling and heating

Time: 472.44

with biometric tracking.

Time: 473.55

It also has this really nice feature where

Time: 475.89

your mattress basically vibrates a little bit

Time: 477.66

right upon waking, I like that as well.

Time: 479.85

You can cover any mattress with it.

Time: 481.26

You can start sleeping as cool as 55 degrees Fahrenheit,

Time: 483.87

or as warm as 110 degrees Fahrenheit,

Time: 485.85

And that range is available to you

Time: 487.32

simply because Eight Sleep understands

Time: 489.12

that people have a tremendous range

Time: 490.89

in natural body temperatures and sleeping environments.

Time: 494.01

If you want to try Eight Sleep,

Time: 495.03

you can go to

Time: 497.16

and check out their Pro Pod Cover

Time: 498.45

and save $150 at checkout.

Time: 500.76

Eight Sleep currently ships within the USA, Canada,

Time: 503.46

and in the United Kingdom.

Time: 504.51

Again, that's

Time: 506.94

to save $150 at checkout.

Time: 509.16

Let's talk about OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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First of all, as the name suggests,

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OCD includes thoughts or obsessions

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and compulsions which are actions.

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The obsessions and the compulsions are often linked.

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In fact, most of the time,

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the obsessions and the compulsions are linked

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such that the compulsion, the behavior,

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is designed to relieve the obsession.

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However, one of the hallmark themes

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of obsessive-compulsive disorder

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is that the obsessions are intrusive.

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People don't want to have them.

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They don't enjoy having them.

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They just seem to pop into people's minds

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and they seem to pop into their mind recurrently.

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And the compulsions, unlike other sorts of behaviors,

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provide brief relief to the obsession,

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but then very quickly reinforce or strengthen the obsession.

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This is a very key theme to realize

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about obsessive-compulsive disorder

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so I'm just going to repeat it again.

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These two features, first, the fact that the obsessions

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are intrusive and recurrent,

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as well as the fact that the compulsions, the behaviors,

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provide, if anything, only brief relief for the obsessions,

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but in most cases simply serve to make

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the obsessions stronger are the hallmark features

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of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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And it turns out to be very important

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to keep these in mind as we go forward,

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not just because they define obsessive-compulsive disorder,

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but they also define the sorts of treatments

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that will and will not work

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for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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And then once you understand a little bit

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about the neural circuitry underlying

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obsessive-compulsive disorder,

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which we'll talk about in a few moments,

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then you will clearly understand

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why being a quote-unquote, obsessive person

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or having obsessive-compulsive personality

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is not the same as OCD.

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In fact, we can leap ahead a little bit

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and compare and contrast OCD

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with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

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along one very particular set of features.

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Again, I'll go into this in more detail later,

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but it's fair to say that OCD is characterized

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by these recurrent and intrusive obsessions.

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And as I mentioned before, the fact that those obsessions

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get stronger as a function of people

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performing certain behaviors.

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So unlike an itch that you feel,

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and then you scratch it and it feels better,

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OCD is more like an itch that you feel, you scratch it,

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and the itch intensifies.

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That contour or that pattern of behaviors

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and thoughts interacting is very different

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than obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,

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which mainly involves a sense of delayed gratification

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that people want and somewhat enjoy

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because it allows them to function better

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or more in line with how they would like

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to show up in the world.

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So again, OCD has mainly to do with obsessions

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that are intrusive and recurrent,

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whereas obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

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does not have that intrusive feature to it.

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People do not mind, or in fact,

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often invite or like the particular patterns of thought

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that lead them to be compulsive along certain dimensions.

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So leaving aside obsessive-compulsive

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personality disorder for the moment,

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let's focus a bit more on OCD and define

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how it tends to show up in the world.

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First of all, OCD is extremely common.

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In fact, current estimates are that anywhere

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from 2.5% to as high as 3

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or even 4% of people suffer from true OCD,

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that is an astonishingly high number.

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Now, the reason the range is so big,

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2.5% all the way up to 3, or maybe even 4%,

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is that a lot of the features of OCD

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go unnoticed both in the clinician's office

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and simply because people don't report it

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and don't talk about it.

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In fact, it is possible to have recurrent

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and intrusive obsessions and not engage

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in the sorts of behaviors that would ever allow

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people to notice that somebody has OCD.

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That can be because some of the intrusive thoughts

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don't actually lead to overt behaviors

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like hand washing or checking

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that other people would notice.

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It can also be because people learn

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to disguise or hide their obsessions

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and their compulsions out of shame

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or fear of looking strange or whatever it might be

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such that they have these obsessive

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and intrusive thoughts, and they do little micro-behaviors

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like they might tap their fingers on their thigh

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as a way to avoid, at least in their own mind,

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something catastrophic happening.

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That might seem crazy to you,

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it might seem bizarre, but this is the sort of thing

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that operates in a lot of people.

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And I really want to emphasize this

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because the clinical literature that are out there

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really point to the fact that many people have OCD,

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full blown OCD, and never report it

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because of the kind of shame and hiding

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associated with it.

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Another thing to point out is that OCD

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is extremely debilitating.

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I mentioned this a few minutes ago,

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but OCD is currently listed as number seven

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in terms of the most debilitating illnesses,

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not just mental illnesses or disorders,

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but all types of illnesses

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including things like asthma and cancer, et cetera.

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So you can imagine with that standing at number seven,

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that it is both extremely common

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and extremely debilitating.

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And as a consequence, it's now realized

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that many hours, days, weeks, months, or even years

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of work performance or showing up at work

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of relational interactions really suffer

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as a consequence of people having OCD.

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So this is a vital problem that the scientific

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and psychiatric and psychological communities understand.

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And it's one of the reasons that I'm doing this podcast.

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And of course, I received a ton of interest in OCD

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because of this incredibly high incidence of OCD

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and how debilitating it is.

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We could go really deep into why it's so debilitating.

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I don't want to spend too much time on that

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because I think most of that is pretty obvious,

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but some of it is not.

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For instance, one of the things that makes OCD

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so debilitating is, of course,

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the shame that we talked about before.

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But it's also the fact that when people are focusing

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on their obsessions and their compulsions,

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they're not able to focus on other things.

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That's simply the way that the brain works.

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We're not able to focus on too many things at once.

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The other thing is that OCD takes a lot of time

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out of people's lives.

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With recurrent intrusive thoughts happening

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at very high frequency, or even at moderate frequency,

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people are spending a lot of time thinking about this stuff

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and they're thinking about the behaviors

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they need to engage in, and then engaging in the behaviors,

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which as I mentioned before,

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just serve to strengthen the compulsions

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and so they're not actually doing the other things

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that make us functional human beings

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like commuting to work or doing homework

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or doing work or listening when people are talking

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or interacting or sports or working out,

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all the things that make for a rich quality life

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are taken over by OCD in many cases.

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So while that might be obvious to some,

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I'm not sure that it's obvious to everybody

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just how much time OCD can occupy.

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Another thing you'll soon learn is that sadly,

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a lot of the obsessions and compulsions in OCD

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often relate to taboo topics.

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And that's because the general categories of OCD

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fall into three different bins,

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checking obsessions and compulsions,

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repetition obsessions and compulsions,

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and order obsessions and compulsions.

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The checking ones are somewhat obvious,

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checking the stove or checking the locks,

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which I think we all tend to do.

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I'm somebody typically I'll head off to the car

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to commute to work and I'll think,

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did I lock the front door,

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and I'll go back once,

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but I won't go back twice or 50 times.

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People with OCD will often go back 20 or 30 times

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before they'll actually allow themselves to drive off.

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And then it's a real challenge for them

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to continue to drive off and discard with the idea

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that they didn't check the stove

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or they didn't check the locks

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or they didn't check something else critical.

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Repetition obsessions and compulsions,

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obviously can dovetail with the the checking ones,

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but those tend to be things like counting off

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of a certain number of numbers,

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like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

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seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

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People perform that repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly,

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or feel that they have to.

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I remember years ago watching a documentary about

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the band, The Ramones, right?

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Most people heard of The Ramones, right?

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Jeans, T-shirts, aviator glasses,

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everyone had to change their last name to Ramone.

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They weren't actually all related

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to one another, by the way.

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You had to change your last name to Ramone.

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The Ramones had one band member

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who was admittedly and known to others as having OCD.

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And during that documentary, which I forget the name,

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I think it was called,

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can't remember, anyway,

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can't remember, hippocampal lapse there,

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but in this documentary,

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the band members describe Joey Ramone

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as leaving hotels, walking down the stairs

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to the parking lot, but then having

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to walk up and down them seven or eight times,

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and sometimes getting out of the van again

Time: 1009.53

and walking up and down them seven or eight times

Time: 1011.197

and it always had to be a certain number of times,

Time: 1013.61

given a certain number of stairs.

Time: 1015.08

This appears, quote-unquote, crazy,

Time: 1016.7

but of course, we don't want to think of this as crazy.

Time: 1019.01

This is somebody who very likely had full blown OCD.

Time: 1023.24

Now that particular example, believe it or not,

Time: 1025.19

is not all that uncommon.

Time: 1027.86

It just so happens that that example

Time: 1029.72

entailed certain compulsions and behaviors

Time: 1031.67

that were overt and that other people could see.

Time: 1034.82

And you can imagine how that would prevent somebody

Time: 1036.89

from moving about their daily life easily.

Time: 1038.57

A lot of people, as I mentioned before,

Time: 1040.37

have obsessions and compulsions that they hide

Time: 1042.77

and they do these little micro behaviors,

Time: 1044.3

or they'll just count off in their head

Time: 1046.43

as opposed to generating some sort of walking up

Time: 1048.65

and downstairs or tapping or things of that sort.

Time: 1051.44

So we have checking, we have repetition,

Time: 1053

and then there's order.

Time: 1054.65

Order oftentimes is thought of

Time: 1057.08

as putting cleanliness

Time: 1059.48

or making sure everything is aligned

Time: 1061.49

and perfect and orderly.

Time: 1063.74

And oftentimes that is the case,

Time: 1065.39

but there are other forms of order

Time: 1066.74

that people with OCD can focus on

Time: 1068.99

in a obsessive and compulsive way.

Time: 1071.72

Things like incompleteness, the idea that

Time: 1074.69

one can't walk away from something

Time: 1076.37

or stop doing something because something's not right

Time: 1078.65

or complete in that picture.

Time: 1080.57

It could be the way the table is set.

Time: 1082.97

It could be the way that something's written on a page.

Time: 1085.1

It could be an email.

Time: 1086.78

Again, now we're still talking about OCD, the disorder.

Time: 1089.69

We're not talking about obsessive-compulsive

Time: 1091.79

personality disorder.

Time: 1093.86

I'm aware of, well, I'll just be direct,

Time: 1096.2

several colleagues of mine and it's just remarkable,

Time: 1098.51

the order in their emails.

Time: 1100.28

Every email is perfect, punctuated, perfect,

Time: 1103.31

grammar, perfect, everything's spaced perfect.

Time: 1105.92

Do they have OCD?

Time: 1106.82

Well, they might, they might not.

Time: 1107.99

How would I know unless they disclose that to me.

Time: 1111.35

But they might have obsessive-compulsive

Time: 1113.6

personality disorder, or they just might be able

Time: 1116.18

to generate a lot of order

Time: 1117.92

and they have a lot of discipline

Time: 1119.21

around the way they write, and the way they present

Time: 1120.98

any communication with anybody at all.

Time: 1123.68

So if somebody has a OCD that's in the domain of order,

Time: 1127.88

it could be incompleteness and the constant feeling

Time: 1131

of something not being completed

Time: 1132.89

and a need to complete it.

Time: 1134.27

It can also be in terms of symmetry,

Time: 1136.19

that everything be aligned in symmetric in some way.

Time: 1138.74

This could be seen perhaps in young kids.

Time: 1141.92

This is one example that I read in the literature

Time: 1144.05

of children that need to arrange their stuffed animals

Time: 1146.6

in exact same order every day

Time: 1149.57

and in a particular order to the point

Time: 1152.27

where if you were to move the little stuffed frog

Time: 1154.64

over next to the stuffed rabbit,

Time: 1155.93

that the child would have an anxiety reaction to that

Time: 1159.68

and feel literally compelled, driven to fix that

Time: 1163.52

maybe even multiple times over and over again.

Time: 1166.4

We'll talk about OCD in children

Time: 1167.96

versus adults in a little bit.

Time: 1169.4

And then the other aspect of order,

Time: 1171.65

which is a little bit less than intuitive,

Time: 1173.9

is this notion of disgust,

Time: 1175.61

this idea that something is contaminated.

Time: 1177.47

So we often think about OCD and hand washing behavior

Time: 1181.28

in response to people feeling

Time: 1182.81

that something is contaminated,

Time: 1184.25

a space, a towel, et cetera,

Time: 1186.29

or even simply somebody else's hand

Time: 1188.51

and so they're unwilling to shake somebody's hand.

Time: 1190.82

You can imagine how these different bins of obsessions

Time: 1193.52

and compulsions, checking repetition and order

Time: 1196.82

be extremely debilitating depending on how severe

Time: 1199.13

they are and how many different domains of life

Time: 1201.41

they show up in.

Time: 1202.79

Because oftentimes in movies

Time: 1204.71

and even the way I'm describing it now

Time: 1206.66

it sounds as if, okay, well somebody has to check the locks

Time: 1209.42

but they don't have to also check the stove,

Time: 1211.22

or somebody has the need to count to seven back and forth

Time: 1214.94

up to seven and down to seven seven times

Time: 1217.4

seven times a day or something of that sort

Time: 1220.37

where they need symmetry in very specific domains of life.

Time: 1223.22

But it turns out that this recurrent

Time: 1224.87

and intrusive aspect of obsessions

Time: 1227.27

leads people with OCD

Time: 1229.22

to have checking repetition

Time: 1231.95

and/or order compulsions everywhere.

Time: 1235.46

So whether or not somebody is at work or in school

Time: 1238.13

or trying to engage in sport

Time: 1239.51

or trying to engage in relationship

Time: 1240.95

or just something simple like walking down the street,

Time: 1243.62

the obsessions are so intrusive that they show up

Time: 1245.93

and they compel people to do things in that domain

Time: 1248.75

independent of whether or not

Time: 1251.15

they happen to be in one location or another.

Time: 1253.1

In other words, the thought patterns

Time: 1255.737

and the behaviors take over the environment

Time: 1257.93

as opposed to the environment

Time: 1259.28

driving the thought patterns and behaviors.

Time: 1261.5

So it therefore becomes impossible

Time: 1263.15

to ever find a room that's clean enough,

Time: 1265.25

to find a bed that's made well enough,

Time: 1267.8

to find anything that's done well enough

Time: 1270.77

to remove the obsession.

Time: 1273.2

And I know I've said it multiple times now,

Time: 1274.937

but I'm going to say it many times throughout this episode

Time: 1278.03

in a somewhat obsessive, but I believe justified way

Time: 1281.96

that every time that one engages in the compulsion

Time: 1285.62

related to the obsession,

Time: 1286.82

the obsession simply becomes stronger.

Time: 1288.82

So you can imagine what a powerful

Time: 1291.35

and debilitating loop that really is.

Time: 1293.39

So let's drill a little bit deeper

Time: 1294.77

into how the obsessions and compulsions

Time: 1296.51

relate to one another.

Time: 1297.89

If we were to draw a line between the obsessions

Time: 1299.987

and the compulsions, that line could be described

Time: 1303.74

as anxiety.

Time: 1305.72

Now, we need to define what anxiety is

Time: 1307.88

and to be quite honest,

Time: 1309.92

most of psychology and science can't agree

Time: 1312.47

on exactly what anxiety is.

Time: 1314.12

Typically the way we think about fear

Time: 1316.25

is that it's a heightened state of autonomic arousal,

Time: 1319.07

so increased heart rate, increased breathing,

Time: 1320.99

sweating, et cetera, in response to an immediate

Time: 1323.72

and present threat or perceived threat.

Time: 1326.36

Whereas anxiety, generally speaking

Time: 1328.58

in the scientific literature,

Time: 1329.99

relates to the same sorts of thought patterns

Time: 1333.74

and somatic bodily responses, heart rate,

Time: 1336.38

breathing, et cetera,

Time: 1337.58

but without a clear and present danger

Time: 1340.73

being in the environment or right there.

Time: 1343.01

So that's the way that we're going to talk about anxiety now.

Time: 1345.86

And anxiety is really what binds the obsessions

Time: 1348.62

and compulsions such that someone will have

Time: 1350.48

an intrusive thought.

Time: 1351.71

So for instance, someone will have the thought that

Time: 1354.2

if they turn left on any street,

Time: 1356.93

that something bad will happen.

Time: 1358.61

Okay, that's an obsession.

Time: 1359.54

It's actually not all that uncommon.

Time: 1361.43

Now, how bad and what the specificity

Time: 1363.59

of that bad thing really is will vary.

Time: 1365.42

Some people will think, if I turn left,

Time: 1367.43

something generally bad will happen,

Time: 1368.84

it just makes me feel anxious,

Time: 1370.19

So they always insist on going right.

Time: 1372.11

Whereas other people will think if I turn left,

Time: 1375.23

so and so will die, or I will die,

Time: 1378.2

or something terrible will happen,

Time: 1380.45

I'll get a disease or someone else will get a disease

Time: 1382.67

or I'll be cursing myself or somebody else

Time: 1384.65

in some very specific way.

Time: 1386.63

This is unfortunately quite common in people with OCD.

Time: 1390.86

So they have this feeling

Time: 1393.56

and the feeling can be generally

Time: 1394.97

or specifically related to a particular outcome.

Time: 1397.22

But beneath that is a feeling of anxiety,

Time: 1400.07

a quickening of the heartbeat,

Time: 1402.08

a quickening of breathing,

Time: 1403.55

a narrowing of one's visual focus.

Time: 1406.31

I've talked about this before in another podcast,

Time: 1408.11

the Master Stress, another podcast

Time: 1409.76

but if you haven't heard those,

Time: 1411.44

let me just briefly describe

Time: 1412.58

that when we are in a state of increased

Time: 1414.65

so-called autonomic arousal, alertness,

Time: 1416.48

stress, et cetera,

Time: 1418.19

our visual field literally narrows,

Time: 1420.44

the aperture of our visual field gets smaller

Time: 1422.96

and that's because of the relationship

Time: 1424.22

between the autonomic nervous system

Time: 1425.6

and your visual system, so you start seeing the world

Time: 1428.66

through sort of soda straw view

Time: 1430.67

or through binocular-like view,

Time: 1432.08

as opposed to seeing the big picture.

Time: 1433.61

Why is that important?

Time: 1434.63

Well, it literally sharpens and narrows your focus

Time: 1438.8

toward the very thing that the obsessions

Time: 1440.81

and the compulsions are focused on.

Time: 1442.1

So the person walking down the street who sees

Time: 1444.23

the opportunity to go left or right

Time: 1446.24

will only see the bad decision,

Time: 1449.66

their visual field narrows very tightly

Time: 1452.54

along that possibility of taking a left turn.

Time: 1455.21

And I know as I describe this seems totally irrational,

Time: 1457.64

but I want to emphasize that the person with OCD

Time: 1460.46

knows it's irrational.

Time: 1462.44

They might feel crazy because they're having these thoughts,

Time: 1465.89

but they know it makes no sense whatsoever

Time: 1467.99

that left somehow would be different than right

Time: 1470.87

in terms of outcomes in this particular case,

Time: 1473.27

and yet it feels as if it would.

Time: 1476.09

In fact, in some cases it feels as if they went left,

Time: 1478.49

they would have a full blown panic attack.

Time: 1480.83

So the idea here is that the obsessions and compulsions

Time: 1484.01

are bound by anxiety, but then by taking

Time: 1487.19

a right-hand turn, again, in this one particular example,

Time: 1490.43

by taking a right-hand turn, there's a very brief,

Time: 1493.91

I should mention, very brief relief of that anxiety

Time: 1497.69

at the time of the decision to go right, not left

Time: 1501.59

and there's an additional drop in anxiety

Time: 1505.1

while one takes the right-hand turn

Time: 1507.38

as opposed to the left-hand turn.

Time: 1509.63

And then as I alluded to before,

Time: 1511.7

there's a reinforcement of the compulsion.

Time: 1514.31

In other words, by going right,

Time: 1516.14

it doesn't create a situation in the brain

Time: 1518.96

and psychology of the person that, oh, you know what,

Time: 1521.9

I'm not anxious anymore, left would've probably been okay.

Time: 1525.11

It reinforces the idea that right made me feel better,

Time: 1528.47

or turning right made me feel better,

Time: 1530.27

and going left would've been that much worse.

Time: 1532.7

Again, it reinforces the obsession even further.

Time: 1535.7

And again, we could swap out right turns and left turns

Time: 1540.23

with something like hand washing,

Time: 1541.91

the feeling that something is contaminated

Time: 1544.31

and the need to wash one's hands

Time: 1545.78

even though one already washed their hands

Time: 1548.06

20, 30, 50 times prior.

Time: 1550.16

And we're actually going to go back to that example

Time: 1551.63

a little bit later when we talk about

Time: 1553.64

one particular category of therapies

Time: 1555.53

that are very effective in many people for OCD

Time: 1558.62

which are the cognitive behavioral and exposure therapies.

Time: 1561.68

I think some of you have heard

Time: 1562.88

of cognitive behavioral and exposure therapies,

Time: 1564.95

but the way they're used to treat OCD

Time: 1567.11

is very much different than the way they're used

Time: 1569.63

to treat other sorts of anxiety disorders

Time: 1572.39

and other sorts of disorders generally.

Time: 1574.7

So it's fair to say that up to 70% of people with OCD

Time: 1579.23

have some sort of anxiety or elevated anxiety,

Time: 1582.92

either directly related to the OCD

Time: 1585.17

or indirectly related to the OCD

Time: 1586.88

and it's really hard to tease those apart

Time: 1588.53

because OCD can create its own anxiety,

Time: 1591.68

as I mentioned before, it can even increase its own anxiety.

Time: 1594.74

And there's also an issue of depression.

Time: 1597.71

Having OCD can be very depressing,

Time: 1600.5

especially if some of these OCD thoughts and behaviors

Time: 1603.59

start to really impede people's ability

Time: 1605.3

to function in life.

Time: 1606.23

At work, and school, and relationship,

Time: 1607.76

they can start feeling less optimistic about life.

Time: 1609.83

And in fact, some people can become suicidally depressed.

Time: 1612.59

That's how bad OCD can be for us.

Time: 1615.38

So we have to be careful when saying

Time: 1617.66

that 70% of people with OCD also have anxiety

Time: 1620.57

or X number of people with OCD are also depressed

Time: 1622.85

because we don't know whether or not

Time: 1624.17

the depression led the OCD or the other way around

Time: 1626.75

or whether or not they're operating,

Time: 1627.89

as we say in science, in parallel.

Time: 1629.84

Some of the drug treatments for OCD and depression

Time: 1631.88

and anxiety can tease some of that apart

Time: 1634.34

and we'll talk about that,

Time: 1635.63

but I think it's fair to say that

Time: 1637.13

what binds the obsessions and compulsions is anxiety,

Time: 1641

that there's a feeling of,

Time: 1642.82

or I should say an urgent feeling of a need

Time: 1645.08

to get rid of the obsession.

Time: 1647.21

And the person feels as if the only way

Time: 1649.19

they can do that is to engage

Time: 1650.63

in a particular compulsive behavior.

Time: 1652.4

Some people are probably wondering

Time: 1653.75

if there's a genetic component to OCD

Time: 1656.33

and indeed there is,

Time: 1657.98

although the nature of it isn't exactly clear.

Time: 1660.56

And oftentimes when people hear that something

Time: 1663.17

has a genetic component,

Time: 1664.61

they think it's always directly inherited from a parent,

Time: 1668.21

and that's not always the case.

Time: 1669.68

There can be genes that surface in siblings

Time: 1672.74

or genes that surface in children

Time: 1674.51

that are not readily apparent

Time: 1676.58

in terms of what we call a phenotype.

Time: 1678.08

So you have a genotype, the gene,

Time: 1679.34

and then you have a phenotype, the way it shows up

Time: 1681.47

as a body form or like eye color

Time: 1684.23

or how it shows up in terms of a behavior

Time: 1686.87

or behavioral pattern.

Time: 1688.88

Based on twin studies where researchers

Time: 1691.82

have examined identical twins, fraternal twins,

Time: 1694.43

even identical twins that share the same sack in utero,

Time: 1697.88

the what we call monochorionic,

Time: 1699.68

so sitting in the same little bag during pregnancy

Time: 1702.29

or in different little bags,

Time: 1703.76

you can see different levels

Time: 1704.84

of what's called genetic concordance.

Time: 1706.76

But if we were to just sort of cut a broad swath

Time: 1709.4

through all of the genetic data,

Time: 1711.14

it's fair to say that about 40 to 50% of OCD cases

Time: 1715.34

have some genetic component,

Time: 1716.78

some mutation or some inherited aspect that's genetic

Time: 1720.23

and that one could point to

Time: 1721.07

if they got their genome mapped.

Time: 1723.2

Now, while that's interesting,

Time: 1724.31

I don't think it's terribly useful for most people.

Time: 1726.59

First of all, you can't really control your genes,

Time: 1728.96

at least at this point in history,

Time: 1730.76

even though there are things like epigenetic control

Time: 1733.22

and people are very excited about technologies

Time: 1735.11

like CRISPR for modifying the genome

Time: 1738.11

in humans at some point,

Time: 1740.51

most people can't control their genetics, right?

Time: 1742.64

You can't pick who your parents were as they say.

Time: 1744.77

So just know that there is a genetic component

Time: 1747.17

in about half of people with OCD, but not always.

Time: 1750.83

Now as is typical for this podcast,

Time: 1753.29

I want to focus on some of the neural mechanisms

Time: 1755.96

and chemical systems in the brain and body

Time: 1758.15

that generate obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Time: 1760.76

In fact, if you've watched this podcast before,

Time: 1763.07

listen to this podcast before,

Time: 1764.6

this is always how I structure things.

Time: 1766.31

First, we introduce a topic

Time: 1768.56

and we explore that topic in detail

Time: 1770.39

and really define what it is and what it isn't.

Time: 1772.61

And then it's very important that we focus on

Time: 1775.19

what is known and what is not known

Time: 1776.99

about the biological mechanisms that generate

Time: 1780.17

whatever that thing happens to be, in this case,

Time: 1781.76

OCD and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Time: 1784.247

Now I want to emphasize that even if you don't have

Time: 1786.98

a background in biology,

Time: 1788.78

I will make this information accessible to you.

Time: 1790.76

And I also want to emphasize that for those of you

Time: 1792.86

that are interested in treatments

Time: 1794.45

and are anxiously awaiting the description of things

Time: 1798.35

that can help with OCD, I encourage you,

Time: 1802.04

if you will, to please try and digest

Time: 1804.65

some of the material about the underlying mechanisms

Time: 1806.66

because understanding even just a little bit

Time: 1808.76

of those biological mechanisms can really help

Time: 1811.25

shed light on why particular drug

Time: 1813.98

and behavioral treatments

Time: 1815.087

and other sorts of treatments work and don't work.

Time: 1818.12

This is especially important in the case of OCD

Time: 1820.97

where it turns out that the order

Time: 1822.68

and type of treatment can really vary

Time: 1824.48

according to individual,

Time: 1826.04

and that's something really special and important about OCD

Time: 1829.01

that we really can't say for a number of the other

Time: 1831.2

sorts of disorders that we've described

Time: 1832.76

on previous podcasts.

Time: 1834.35

So let's take a step back

Time: 1835.7

and look at the neural circuitry.

Time: 1837.68

What's going on in the brain and body of people with OCD?

Time: 1840.8

Why the intrusive recurrent thoughts?

Time: 1843.41

Why the compulsions?

Time: 1844.43

Why is that whole system bound by anxiety?

Time: 1848.39

And in some ways in thinking about that,

Time: 1850.46

I want you to keep in mind

Time: 1851.84

that the brain has two main functions.

Time: 1856.46

The brain's main functions are

Time: 1858.8

to take care of all the housekeeping stuff,

Time: 1860.9

make sure digestion works,

Time: 1862.04

make sure the heart beats,

Time: 1863.03

make sure you keep breathing no matter what,

Time: 1865.19

make sure that you can see, you can hear,

Time: 1868.22

you can smell, et cetera,

Time: 1869.45

the basic stuff, and then there's an enormous amount

Time: 1872.18

of brain real estate that's designed

Time: 1874.49

to allow you to predict what's going to happen next,

Time: 1876.95

either in the immediate future

Time: 1877.92

or in the long-term future.

Time: 1880.1

And largely that's done based on your knowledge of the past.

Time: 1883.03

So you also have memory systems.

Time: 1884.48

And of course you have systems in the brain and body

Time: 1887

that are designed to bind what's happening

Time: 1889.79

at the housekeeping level, like your heart rate,

Time: 1891.86

to your anticipation of what's going to happen next.

Time: 1894.35

So if you're thinking about something very fearful,

Time: 1896.09

your body will have one type of reaction.

Time: 1897.65

If you're thinking about something very pleasant

Time: 1899.3

and relaxing, your body will have another type of reaction.

Time: 1901.91

So whenever I hear about the brain-body distinction,

Time: 1904.94

I have to just remind everybody

Time: 1907.01

that there really is no distinction

Time: 1908.42

between brain and body when you think about it

Time: 1910.52

through the nervous system.

Time: 1911.48

The nervous system is the brain, the eyes, the spinal cord,

Time: 1914.03

but of course all their connections

Time: 1915.41

with all the organs of the body

Time: 1916.55

and the connections of all the organs of the body

Time: 1918.26

with the brain, the spinal cord, et cetera.

Time: 1920.33

So as I describe these neural circuits,

Time: 1922.88

I don't want you to think of them

Time: 1923.87

as just things happening in the head,

Time: 1925.76

they are certainly happening in the head,

Time: 1927.8

in fact, the circuits all described most in detail

Time: 1930.71

do exist within the confines of your cranial vault,

Time: 1933.29

that's nerd speak for skull,

Time: 1935.03

but those circuits are driving particular predictions

Time: 1939.17

and therefore particular biases

Time: 1941.42

towards particular actions in your body.

Time: 1943.49

They're creating a state of readiness

Time: 1945.02

or a state of desire to check or desire to count

Time: 1948.71

or desire to avoid et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 1952.1

So what are these circuits?

Time: 1953.45

Well, there's been a lot of wonderful research

Time: 1956.48

exploring the neural circuit's underlying

Time: 1958.76

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Time: 1960.8

and that's mainly been accomplished

Time: 1961.94

through a couple of methods.

Time: 1963.5

Most of those methods when applied in humans

Time: 1965.99

involve getting some look into which brain areas

Time: 1970.7

are active when people are having obsessions

Time: 1973.07

and when people are engaging in compulsions.

Time: 1975.77

Now that might seem simple to do,

Time: 1977.39

but of course your brain is housed inside the cranial vault.

Time: 1980.51

And in order to look inside it,

Time: 1981.8

you have to use things like magnetic resonance imaging,

Time: 1984.11

which is just fancy technology for looking at blood flow,

Time: 1987.53

which relates to activation of neurons, nerve cells,

Time: 1991.04

or things lik PET, P-E-T, imaging,

Time: 1994.04

which has nothing to do with the verb pet

Time: 1995.69

and has nothing to do with your house pet,

Time: 1997.61

has everything to do with positron emission tomography,

Time: 2000.46

which is just another way of seeing

Time: 2002.14

which brain areas are active

Time: 2003.52

and then you can also use PET to figure out

Time: 2005.44

what sorts of neurochemicals are active,

Time: 2007.18

like dopamine, et cetera.

Time: 2009.22

Many studies, we can fairly say dozens

Time: 2012.64

if not hundreds of studies,

Time: 2013.81

have now identified a particular circuit

Time: 2016.63

or loop of brain areas that are interconnected

Time: 2019.48

and very active in obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Time: 2024.52

That loop includes the cortex,

Time: 2027.37

which is kind of the outer shell of the human brain.

Time: 2030.91

The lumpy stuff, as it's sometimes appears,

Time: 2033.73

if the skull is removed.

Time: 2035.2

And it involves an area called the striatum

Time: 2037.51

which is involved in action selection

Time: 2039.22

and holding back action.

Time: 2040.87

The striatum is involved in what's commonly called

Time: 2043.18

go and no-go types of behaviors.

Time: 2045.46

So every type of behavior like picking up a pen

Time: 2047.32

or a mug of coffee involves a go type function.

Time: 2051.43

It involves generating an action.

Time: 2053.53

But every time I resist an action,

Time: 2056.14

my nervous system is also doing that

Time: 2057.73

using this brain structure, the striatum,

Time: 2060.88

which includes, among other things, the basal ganglia.

Time: 2064.06

We've talked about that before.

Time: 2065.17

I'm not trying to overload you with terminology here,

Time: 2067.18

but I know some people are interested in terminology.

Time: 2069.52

So you have go behaviors and you have no-go,

Time: 2071.47

resisting of behaviors, not going toward behavior.

Time: 2075.76

The cortex and the striatum are in this intricate

Time: 2079.03

back and forth talk.

Time: 2079.99

It's really loops of connections.

Time: 2081.37

The cortex doesn't tell the striatum what to do,

Time: 2083.11

the striatum doesn't tell the cortex what to do.

Time: 2085.09

They're in a crosstalk.

Time: 2085.99

Like any good relationship, there's a lot

Time: 2087.43

of back and forth communication.

Time: 2089.89

There's a third element in this cortico-striatal loop

Time: 2093.7

as it's called, and that's the thalamus.

Time: 2096.07

Now, the thalamus is not a structure

Time: 2097.45

I've talked a lot about before on this podcast,

Time: 2099.61

but it's one of my favorite structures to think about

Time: 2102.04

and teach about in neuroanatomy,

Time: 2103.63

which I teach back at Stanford

Time: 2105.52

and I've taught for many years elsewhere

Time: 2107.47

because the thalamus is this incredible

Time: 2109.54

egg-like structure in the center of your brain

Time: 2112.36

that has different channels through it.

Time: 2114.52

Channels for relaying visual information

Time: 2117.4

or auditory information or touch information

Time: 2120.55

from your environment up into your cortex,

Time: 2123.97

and as a consequence, making certain things

Time: 2126.16

that are happening to you and around you

Time: 2128.62

apparent to you, making you aware of them,

Time: 2130.6

making you perceive them and suppressing others.

Time: 2134.44

So for instance, right now,

Time: 2135.58

if you're hearing me say this,

Time: 2137.17

your thalamus has what are called auditory nuclei,

Time: 2140.44

there's collections of neurons

Time: 2141.85

that respond to sound waves

Time: 2144.97

that are of course coming in through your ears,

Time: 2146.98

and your thalamus is active in a way

Time: 2149.713

that those particular regions of your thalamus

Time: 2152.32

are allowed, literally permitted to pass the information

Time: 2155.98

coming from your ears through some other steps

Time: 2158.62

but then to your thalamus, your auditory thalamus,

Time: 2160.63

then up to your cortex and you can hear

Time: 2162.19

what I'm saying right now.

Time: 2163.9

At the same time, your thalamus is surrounded

Time: 2166.84

by a kind of a shell,

Time: 2167.92

something called the thalamic reticular nucleus.

Time: 2169.99

Again, you don't have to remember the names,

Time: 2171.43

but this thalamic reticular nucleus,

Time: 2173.2

also sometimes called the reticular thalamic nucleus,

Time: 2175.75

this is, believe it or not, a subject of debate in science.

Time: 2178.24

There are people that literally hated each other,

Time: 2179.92

probably still hate each other,

Time: 2180.88

even though one of them is dead for decades,

Time: 2182.92

because they would argue it was thalamic reticular nucleus,

Time: 2184.93

the other was reticular thalamic nucleus.

Time: 2187.21

Anyway, these are scientists,

Time: 2188.62

they're people, they tend to debate.

Time: 2191.05

but the thalamic reticular nucleus,

Time: 2192.58

as I'm going to call it,

Time: 2194.38

serves as a sort of gate

Time: 2196.33

as to which information is allowed to pass through

Time: 2198.79

up to your conscious experience, and which is not.

Time: 2201.85

And that gating mechanism is strongly regulated

Time: 2204.19

by the chemical GABA.

Time: 2205.93

GABA is a neurotransmitter that is inhibitory, as we say,

Time: 2210.46

it serves to shut down or suppress the activity

Time: 2213.73

of other neurons.

Time: 2215.02

So the thalamic reticular nucleus is really saying,

Time: 2218.65

no, touch information cannot come in right now.

Time: 2222.19

You should not be thinking about the contact

Time: 2224.86

of the back of your legs with the chair

Time: 2226.96

that you're sitting on, Andrew,

Time: 2227.89

you should be thinking about what you're trying to say

Time: 2229.54

and what you're hearing and how your voice sounds

Time: 2231.22

and what you see in front of you, et cetera.

Time: 2233.92

Whereas if I'm about to get an injection from a doctor

Time: 2237.31

or I'm in pain, or I'm in pleasure,

Time: 2239.56

I'm going to think about my somatic sensation

Time: 2242.23

at the level of touch

Time: 2243.49

and I'm probably going to think less

Time: 2244.99

about smells in the room,

Time: 2246.76

although I might also think about smells in the room

Time: 2248.59

or what I'm seeing and what I'm hearing.

Time: 2250.36

We can combine all these different sensory modalities,

Time: 2253.36

but the thalamic reticular nucleus

Time: 2254.95

really allows us to funnel,

Time: 2256.99

to direct particular categories of sensory experience

Time: 2260.08

into our conscious awareness

Time: 2261.43

and suppress other categories of sensory experience.

Time: 2265.66

In addition, the thalamic reticular nucleus

Time: 2268.33

plays a critical role in which thoughts

Time: 2272.02

are allowed to pass up to our conscious perception

Time: 2274.84

and which ones are not,

Time: 2276.73

so much so that some neuroscientists

Time: 2279.4

and indeed some neurophilosophers,

Time: 2281.53

if you want call them that,

Time: 2282.67

have theorized or philosophized that

Time: 2285.85

the thalamic reticular nucleus

Time: 2287.17

is actually involved in our consciousness.

Time: 2289.36

Now, consciousness isn't a topic

Time: 2290.71

that I really want to talk about this episode

Time: 2292.33

and it's a very kind of mushy-murky,

Time: 2294.67

as we say in science, it's a shmooey term

Time: 2297.16

because it doesn't really have clear definitions

Time: 2298.93

so arguments about it often get lost

Time: 2300.67

in the fact that people are arguing about different things.

Time: 2303.01

But when I say consciousness,

Time: 2304.45

what I mean is conscious awareness.

Time: 2306.28

So let's zoom out and take a look at the circuit

Time: 2308.8

that we've got and that we now know

Time: 2310.45

based on neuroimaging studies is

Time: 2313

intimately involved in generating obsessions

Time: 2315.13

and compulsions in OCD.

Time: 2316.75

We have a cortex or neocortex,

Time: 2319.24

which is involved in perception and understanding

Time: 2321.43

of what's happening.

Time: 2322.57

We have the striatum and basal ganglia,

Time: 2324.76

which are involved in generating behaviors, go,

Time: 2327.46

and suppressing behaviors, no-go.

Time: 2329.5

And we have the thalamus which collects

Time: 2331.9

all of our sensory experience in parallel,

Time: 2334.39

hearing, touch, smell, et cetera,

Time: 2336.58

not so much smell through the thalamus, I should mention,

Time: 2338.41

but the other senses that is.

Time: 2340.84

And then that thalamus is encased

Time: 2344.32

by the thalamic reticular nucleus, which serves

Time: 2346.93

as a kind of a guard saying you can pass through

Time: 2349.21

and you can pass through, but you, you, you

Time: 2351.16

can't pass through up to conscious

Time: 2353.29

understanding and perception.

Time: 2355.27

So that loop, this cortico-striatal-thalamic loop,

Time: 2358.79

cortico-striatal-thalamic loop is the circuit

Time: 2361.9

thought to underlie OCD,

Time: 2364.6

and dysfunction in that circuit

Time: 2366.4

is what's thought to underlie OCD.

Time: 2368.29

Now, again, this circuit exists in all of us

Time: 2369.94

and it can operate in healthy ways,

Time: 2371.26

or it can operate in ways that make us feel unhealthy

Time: 2373.45

or even suffer from full blown OCD.

Time: 2376.51

How do we know that this circuit is involved in OCD?

Time: 2379.66

Well there, we can look to some really interesting studies

Time: 2382.81

that involve bringing human subjects into the laboratory

Time: 2386.71

and generating their obsessions and compulsions

Time: 2389.02

and then imaging their brain using

Time: 2390.61

any variety of techniques that we talked about before.

Time: 2393.7

What would such an experiment look like?

Time: 2395.23

Well, in order to do that sort of experiment,

Time: 2397.63

first of all, you need people who have OCD

Time: 2400.72

and of course you need control subjects that don't,

Time: 2402.91

and you need to be able to reliably evoke

Time: 2405.16

the obsessions and the compulsions.

Time: 2406.78

Now, it turns out this is most easily, or I should say

Time: 2410.11

most simply done, 'cause it can't be easy

Time: 2411.85

for the people with OCD,

Time: 2412.9

but this is most straightforward,

Time: 2415.24

that's the word I was looking for,

Time: 2416.32

most straightforward when looking at the category

Time: 2419.68

of obsessions and compulsions that relate

Time: 2422.23

to order and cleanliness.

Time: 2425.11

So what they do typically is bring subjects

Time: 2427.57

into the laboratory who have a obsession

Time: 2430.45

about germs and contamination

Time: 2432.58

and a compulsion to hand wash,

Time: 2434.92

and they give these people, believe it or not,

Time: 2437.68

a sweaty towel that contains the sweat

Time: 2441.01

and the odor and the

Time: 2443.92

liquid, basically, from somebody else's hands.

Time: 2446.5

In fact, they'll sometimes have someone

Time: 2448.09

wipe their own sweat off the back of their neck

Time: 2450.85

and put it on the towel and then they'll put it

Time: 2452.74

in front of the person, which as you can imagine

Time: 2454.66

for someone with OCD is incredibly anxiety-provoking

Time: 2457.99

and almost always evokes these obsessions about,

Time: 2461.353

ugh, this is really, this is really bad.

Time: 2464.41

This is really bad, I need to clean,

Time: 2466.591

I need to clean. I need to clean.

Time: 2467.424

Now they're doing all this while someone

Time: 2468.67

is in a brain scanner or

Time: 2470.56

while they're being imaged

Time: 2471.4

for positron emission tomography.

Time: 2473.35

And then they can also look at

Time: 2474.31

the patterns of activation in the brain

Time: 2477.28

while the person is doing hand washing.

Time: 2479.02

Although sometimes the apparati

Time: 2480.58

associated with these imaging studies

Time: 2481.84

make it hard to do a lot of movement,

Time: 2483.34

they can do these sorts of studies.

Time: 2485.35

They have done these sorts of studies

Time: 2487.09

in many subjects using different variations

Time: 2490.27

of what I just described.

Time: 2491.38

And low and behold what lights up?

Time: 2494.255

And when I say lights up,

Time: 2495.25

what sorts of brain regions

Time: 2497.74

are more metabolically active, more blood flow,

Time: 2499.69

more neural activity?

Time: 2500.53

Well, it's this particular cortico-striatal-thalamic loop.

Time: 2504.85

In addition to that,

Time: 2506.26

some of the drug treatments

Time: 2507.76

that are effective in some,

Time: 2509.26

and I want to emphasize some individuals,

Time: 2511.48

at suppressing obsessions and or compulsions

Time: 2514.36

such as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Time: 2517.35

or SSRIs, which we'll talk about in a little bit,

Time: 2521.23

when people take those drugs,

Time: 2522.97

they see not just a suppression of

Time: 2525.88

the obsession and compulsion,

Time: 2528.46

but also a suppression of these particular neural circuits.

Time: 2532.33

They become less active.

Time: 2533.62

Now I want to emphasize and telegraph a little bit

Time: 2536.2

of what's coming later,

Time: 2538.39

these drugs like SSRIs do not work for everybody with OCD.

Time: 2542.02

And as many of you know,

Time: 2543.07

they carry other certain problems and side effects

Time: 2545.53

for many but not all individuals.

Time: 2548.11

But nonetheless, what we have now

Time: 2549.97

is an observation that this circuit,

Time: 2551.92

the cortico-striatal-thalamic loop,

Time: 2553.72

is active in OCD.

Time: 2555.07

We have a manipulation that when people take a drug

Time: 2558.13

that at least in those individuals

Time: 2559.54

is effective in suppressing or eliminating

Time: 2561.64

the obsessions and compulsions,

Time: 2562.84

there's less activity in this loop.

Time: 2564.88

And thanks to some very good animal model studies,

Time: 2567.61

that at least at this point in time,

Time: 2569.2

you really couldn't do in humans,

Time: 2571.09

although soon that may change,

Time: 2573.1

we now know in a causal way

Time: 2575.14

that the equivalent circuitry exists in other animals,

Time: 2579.85

such as mice, such as cats, such as monkeys,

Time: 2582.19

and that activation of those particular

Time: 2585.88

cortico-striatal-thalamic circuits

Time: 2588.13

in animal models can indeed evoke OCD

Time: 2591.82

in an individual that prior to that

Time: 2594.64

did not have OCD.

Time: 2596.29

So I'm just going to briefly describe one study.

Time: 2598.27

This is a now classic study published

Time: 2600.64

in the journal Science,

Time: 2601.69

one of the three apex journals in 2013.

Time: 2604.81

The first author on this paper

Time: 2606.67

is Susanne Ahmari, A-H-M-A-R-I.

Time: 2610.18

I will provide a link to this in the show notes.

Time: 2612.25

It's a truly landmark paper done

Time: 2614.35

in Rene Hen's lab at Columbia University.

Time: 2617.44

And the title of the paper

Time: 2618.46

is repeated cortico-striatal stimulation generates,

Time: 2621.43

that's the key word here,

Time: 2622.27

generates persistent OCD-like behavior.

Time: 2625.33

What they did is they took mice,

Time: 2627.07

mice do mouse things.

Time: 2629.2

They move around, they play with toys,

Time: 2630.67

they eat, they pee, they mate,

Time: 2632.59

they do various things in their cage,

Time: 2634.36

but they also groom.

Time: 2636.73

Humans groom, animals with fur groom,

Time: 2639.46

Well, you hope most people groom,

Time: 2640.87

some people over-groom, some people under-groom,

Time: 2643.33

but most people groom.

Time: 2644.163

They'll comb their hair, they'll clean, et cetera.

Time: 2645.91

Those are normal behaviors that humans engage in.

Time: 2648.82

I'm not aware that mice comb their hair,

Time: 2649.9

but mice adjust their hair.

Time: 2651.13

So they'll kind of pet their hair

Time: 2652.117

and they'll do this.

Time: 2652.95

They'll sometimes even do it to each other.

Time: 2654.67

We used to have mice in the lab,

Time: 2655.72

now we only do human studies,

Time: 2656.98

but the mice will groom themselves,

Time: 2659.86

and typical, what we call wild type mice,

Time: 2662.38

not because they're wild,

Time: 2663.25

but because they're typical,

Time: 2664.63

will groom themselves at a particular frequency,

Time: 2667.69

but not to the point where their hair is falling out.

Time: 2670.06

Not constantly, they are grooming some of the time

Time: 2673.15

and they're doing other mouse things other mouse times.

Time: 2676.72

So in this particular study,

Time: 2678.1

what they did is they used some technology,

Time: 2681.04

which it actually was discussed

Time: 2682.66

on a previous episode of The Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 2685

this is technology that was developed by a psychiatrist

Time: 2687.4

and bioengineer by the name of Karl Deisseroth,

Time: 2689.32

one of my colleagues at Stanford School of Medicine.

Time: 2692.32

This is technology that allows researchers

Time: 2694.27

to use the presentation of light

Time: 2696.88

to control neural activity in particular brain areas

Time: 2700.78

in a very high fidelity way.

Time: 2703.21

You control the activity in the cortex of the striatum

Time: 2705.48

or the thalamus when you want and how you want.

Time: 2707.83

It's really a beautiful technology.

Time: 2709.66

In any event, what they did in this study is,

Time: 2711.9

or I should say what Susan Ahmari

Time: 2713.68

and colleagues did in this study

Time: 2715.24

was to stimulate the cortico-striatal circuitry

Time: 2720.28

in animals that did not have any OCD-like behavior.

Time: 2722.95

And when they did that,

Time: 2724.21

those animals started grooming incessantly

Time: 2726.46

to the point where their hair was falling out or they even,

Time: 2729.43

they didn't take the experiments this far, fortunately,

Time: 2731.35

but the animals would have a tendency

Time: 2732.88

to almost rub themselves raw

Time: 2734.59

in the same way that somebody who has a compulsion

Time: 2737.05

to hand wash would, sadly, people will hand wash

Time: 2740.26

to the point where their hands

Time: 2741.093

are actually bleeding and raw.

Time: 2742.51

It's really that bad.

Time: 2743.59

I know that's tough imagery to imagine,

Time: 2745.6

and you can't even imagine why someone would self harm

Time: 2747.49

in that way, but again, that's that incredible anxiety

Time: 2751.09

relationship between the compulsion, excuse me,

Time: 2753.07

the obsession and the compulsion,

Time: 2754.93

and the fact that engaging in the compulsion

Time: 2757.6

simply strengthens the obsession

Time: 2759.19

and therefore the anxiety.

Time: 2760.6

So that collection of studies, of data,

Time: 2764.59

FMRI, PET scanning in humans,

Time: 2766.81

the treatment with SSRIs, and these experiments where

Time: 2771.37

researchers have actively triggered

Time: 2774.46

these particular circuits in animal models

Time: 2777.25

that previously did not have

Time: 2778.78

too much activity in these circuits

Time: 2780.07

and then they observe OCD emerging

Time: 2783.37

really points squarely to the fact

Time: 2785.14

that the cortico-striatal-thalamic loop

Time: 2787.48

is likely to be the basis of OCD.

Time: 2790.36

Now, of course, other circuits could also be involved,

Time: 2792.94

but the cortico-striatal-thalamic circuit

Time: 2795.49

seems to be the main circuit generating OCD-like behavior.

Time: 2799.36

That's a lot of mechanism.

Time: 2800.74

Hopefully it was described in a way

Time: 2802.6

that you can digest and understand.

Time: 2804.46

And some of you might be thinking, well, so what?

Time: 2806.29

Why does that help me?

Time: 2807.25

I mean, I can't reach into my brain

Time: 2808.78

and turn off my cortex.

Time: 2810.1

I can't reach into my brain and turn off my thalamus.

Time: 2812.65

And indeed, on the one hand, that's true.

Time: 2815.5

But as you'll next learn

Time: 2817.48

when thinking about the various behavioral treatments

Time: 2819.79

and drug treatments

Time: 2821.2

and holistic treatments for OCD,

Time: 2823.57

what you'll notice is that each one taps

Time: 2825.49

into a different component

Time: 2826.84

of this cortico-striatal-thalamic loop.

Time: 2829.78

And by understanding that, you can start to see

Time: 2832.69

why certain treatments might work at one stage

Time: 2835.27

of the illness versus others.

Time: 2837.31

You will also start to understand why

Time: 2839.32

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Time: 2842.38

does not have the same sorts of engagements

Time: 2844.75

of these neural loops,

Time: 2845.83

and yet relies on other aspects of brain and body

Time: 2850.3

and therefore responds best to other sorts of treatments.

Time: 2853.75

Or in some cases, people with obsessive-compulsive

Time: 2856.93

personality disorder are not even seeking treatment

Time: 2858.97

as I alluded to before.

Time: 2860.35

The point here is that by understanding

Time: 2861.79

the underlying mechanism

Time: 2863.23

why certain drugs and behavioral treatments work

Time: 2865.99

and don't work will become immediately apparent

Time: 2868.15

and in thinking about that, in knowing that,

Time: 2871.42

you'll be able to make excellent choices,

Time: 2873.46

I believe, in terms of what sorts of treatments you pursue,

Time: 2876.22

what sorts of treatments you abandon,

Time: 2877.9

and most importantly, the order,

Time: 2880.75

the sequence that you pursue and apply those treatments.

Time: 2884.02

Before we go any further, I'd like to give people

Time: 2886.39

a little bit of a window into

Time: 2887.89

what a diagnosis for OCD would look like.

Time: 2890.89

Give you a sense of the sorts of questions

Time: 2893.11

that a clinician would ask to determine

Time: 2895.6

whether or not somebody has OCD or not.

Time: 2898.12

Now, I want to be clear, I'm not going to do this

Time: 2899.5

in an exhaustive way.

Time: 2900.67

I wouldn't want anyone to self-diagnose.

Time: 2902.59

Although I'm hoping that by sharing some of this,

Time: 2904.69

that some of you might get insight

Time: 2906.04

into whether or not you do have obsessions

Time: 2907.96

and compulsions that might qualify for OCD,

Time: 2910.9

and perhaps even to seek out help.

Time: 2913.3

The most commonly used test of OCD,

Time: 2917.86

or for OCD, I should say,

Time: 2918.91

is called the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale.

Time: 2922

And this is, scientists love acronyms

Time: 2924.58

as do the military, and it's the Y-BOCS,

Time: 2926.857

the Y-B-O-C-S, the Y-BOCS.

Time: 2931.36

So typically someone will go into the clinic

Time: 2933.7

either because a family member encouraged them to

Time: 2935.77

or because they feel that they're suffering

Time: 2937.66

from obsessions and compulsions,

Time: 2939.49

and before the clinician would proceed

Time: 2942.46

with any kind of direct questions,

Time: 2944.02

they would very clearly define

Time: 2945.55

what obsessions and compulsions are.

Time: 2946.93

And here I'm actually reading from the Y-BOCS.

Time: 2949.21

So quote, "obsessions are unwelcome and distressing ideas,

Time: 2951.7

thoughts, images or impulses

Time: 2953.11

that repeatedly enter your mind.

Time: 2954.46

They may seem to occur against your will.

Time: 2956.59

They may be repugnant to you,

Time: 2957.88

you may recognize them as senseless

Time: 2959.53

and they may not fit your personality."

Time: 2962.38

Then there are compulsions.

Time: 2963.79

Quote, "Compulsions, on the other hand,

Time: 2965.56

are behaviors or acts that you feel driven to perform

Time: 2967.72

although you may recognize them as senseless or excessive.

Time: 2971.02

At times, you may try to resist doing them

Time: 2972.91

but this may prove difficult.

Time: 2974.26

You may experience anxiety that does not diminish

Time: 2976.72

until the behavior is completed."

Time: 2978.43

And as I mentioned before in many cases,

Time: 2980.68

immediately after the behavior has completed,

Time: 2982.33

the anxiety doesn't just return, it indeed can strengthen.

Time: 2985.63

Now, there are a tremendous number of questions

Time: 2986.89

on the Y-BOCS.

Time: 2987.723

So I'm just going to highlight

Time: 2989.68

a few of the general categories.

Time: 2992.2

Typically, the person will fill out a checklist,

Time: 2994.78

so they will designate whether or not

Time: 2997.6

currently or in the past they have,

Time: 2999.79

for instance, aggressive obsessions,

Time: 3002.19

fear that one might harm themselves,

Time: 3004.2

fear that one might harm others,

Time: 3005.91

fear that they'll steal things,

Time: 3007.08

fear that they will act on unwanted impulses,

Time: 3009.93

currently or in the past or both,

Time: 3012.06

that's one category.

Time: 3013.11

The other one are contamination obsessions.

Time: 3014.88

So concern with dirt or germs,

Time: 3016.53

bothered by sticky substances or residues,

Time: 3018.54

et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 3019.59

So there are a bunch of different categories

Time: 3021.51

that include, for instance, sexual obsessions,

Time: 3024.33

what are called saving obsessions,

Time: 3026.49

even moral obsessions,

Time: 3028.47

excess concern with right or wrong or morality,

Time: 3030.87

concerned with sacrilege and blasphemy,

Time: 3033.93

obsession with need for symmetry and exactness.

Time: 3035.82

Again, all of these questions being answered

Time: 3037.74

as either present in the past

Time: 3039.45

or not present in the past,

Time: 3041.01

present currently or not present currently.

Time: 3043.17

And then the test generally

Time: 3046.29

transitions over to questions about target symptoms.

Time: 3049.86

They really try and get people to identify

Time: 3052.05

if they have obsessions, what are their exact obsessions?

Time: 3054.63

Now, this turns out to be really important

Time: 3056.19

because as we talk about some

Time: 3057.32

of the therapies that really work,

Time: 3059.88

I'll just give away a little bit

Time: 3061.26

of why they work best in certain cases

Time: 3064.08

and why they don't work as well in other cases,

Time: 3066.81

it turns out that it becomes very important

Time: 3069.39

for the clinician and the patient

Time: 3071.34

to not just identify the obsessions

Time: 3073.647

and the compulsions generally

Time: 3075.243

in a kind of a generic or top contour way,

Time: 3078.03

but to really encourage or even force the patient

Time: 3081.24

to define very precisely what the biggest,

Time: 3085.11

most catastrophic fear is,

Time: 3087.51

what the obsession really relates to.

Time: 3089.76

That turns out to be very important

Time: 3091.41

in disrupting this cortico-striatal-thalamic loop

Time: 3094.47

and getting relief from symptoms

Time: 3096.36

one way or the other.

Time: 3097.65

So the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, this Y-BOCS,

Time: 3101.13

again, is very extensive,

Time: 3102.42

it goes on for dozens of pages actually,

Time: 3105.69

and has all these different categories,

Time: 3108

not so much designed to just pinpoint

Time: 3110.79

what people obsess about

Time: 3112.29

or what they feel compelled to do,

Time: 3114.81

but to also try and identify

Time: 3116.91

what is the fear that's driving all this.

Time: 3119.97

In the way that we've set this up thus far,

Time: 3122.16

we've been talking about obsessions and compulsions

Time: 3124.02

is kind of existing in a vacuum.

Time: 3125.91

You're obsessed about germs

Time: 3127.26

and you're compelled to wash your hands,

Time: 3129.18

obsessed about germs, compelled to wash your hands.

Time: 3130.83

Or obsessed about symmetry,

Time: 3132.24

compelled to put right angles on everything.

Time: 3134.22

Or obsessed about counting

Time: 3135.51

and therefore counting, et cetera.

Time: 3137.37

But beneath that

Time: 3139.65

is a cognitive component that is not at all apparent

Time: 3143.28

from someone describing their obsession

Time: 3146.31

and from someone describing or displaying their compulsion.

Time: 3149.55

The deeper layer to all that is what is the fear,

Time: 3153.24

exactly, if one were to not perform the compulsion,

Time: 3157.8

meaning what is the fear that's driving the obsession?

Time: 3161.1

So that brings us to a very powerful category

Time: 3164.34

of treatments that I should say does not work

Time: 3167.73

in everybody with OCD

Time: 3169.44

but works in many people with OCD

Time: 3172.02

and really speaks to the underlying neural circuitry

Time: 3176.31

that generates OCD and how to interrupt it.

Time: 3178.71

And that is the treatment

Time: 3179.88

of cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 3182.22

and in particular,

Time: 3183.06

exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy.

Time: 3186.63

So we're going to talk about cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 3188.46

and exposure therapy now,

Time: 3190.05

but right at the outset,

Time: 3191.85

I want to distinguish the kinds

Time: 3193.23

of cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 3194.4

and exposure therapies that are done

Time: 3195.81

for obsessive-compulsive disorder,

Time: 3197.187

for the sorts of cognitive behavioral therapies

Time: 3199.05

that are done for other types

Time: 3200.91

of mental challenges and disorders

Time: 3204.3

because cognitive behavioral therapy for OCD

Time: 3207.51

really has everything to do

Time: 3208.92

with identifying the utmost fear.

Time: 3212.91

In some sense, we can think of fears

Time: 3214.11

as kind of along a hierarchy.

Time: 3215.88

An the example earlier of somebody

Time: 3217.95

being afraid to turn left and therefore

Time: 3219.84

feeling compelled to turn right,

Time: 3221.85

you would want to take that person

Time: 3223.17

and really understand what do they fear most

Time: 3226.5

about turning left?

Time: 3227.46

Now they might not be aware of it.

Time: 3229.02

They might not be conscious to what that really is,

Time: 3231.39

but if you were to probe them in a clinical setting,

Time: 3233.7

you would eventually get to an answer.

Time: 3235.11

That answer could be at first,

Time: 3237.66

I don't know, just, it's just bad.

Time: 3239.31

I don't know why it's bad, it makes no sense,

Time: 3241.26

but it's just bad.

Time: 3242.28

I do not want to go left.

Time: 3243.42

I don't know why, I don't know why.

Time: 3244.83

But if you were to push that person a little bit

Time: 3247.08

in a respectful and kind and caring way

Time: 3250.32

aimed at their treatment,

Time: 3251.16

if you were to push 'em and say,

Time: 3251.993

well, what do you mean by bad?

Time: 3253.65

If you turn left, you think the world would end?

Time: 3256.2

They might say, no, the world's not going to end,

Time: 3257.85

but you know, someone is going to die suddenly.

Time: 3260.97

I know that sounds crazy, but somebody's going to die suddenly.

Time: 3264.12

This almost sounds like superstition,

Time: 3265.74

we'll talk about superstitions later,

Time: 3267.03

but indeed it is somewhat superstitious.

Time: 3269.37

So for instance, you would say, who's going to die?

Time: 3272.07

And they'd say, I don't know.

Time: 3273.66

And you'd say, no, really who's going to die?

Time: 3275.85

If you think about this, are you going to die?

Time: 3277.44

Is so and so going to die?

Time: 3278.46

And very often,

Time: 3280.56

very often what you find is that

Time: 3283.05

people will start to

Time: 3285.45

reveal the underlying obsession

Time: 3288.63

at a level of detail that both to the clinician

Time: 3291.63

and to them can be somewhat astonishing

Time: 3293.37

even though they've been living with that detail

Time: 3295.17

in their mind for a very long time.

Time: 3297.24

Now, how could somebody start to reveal detail

Time: 3299.19

about something that's existed in their mind

Time: 3300.81

for a very long time, but not known about it, right?

Time: 3304.23

Not been aware of it.

Time: 3305.46

Now, some of you might think,

Time: 3306.36

oh, it's repressed or something.

Time: 3308.01

That's not at all what's happening.

Time: 3310.35

If you think about the architecture of OCD,

Time: 3312.63

typically, people will have an obsession

Time: 3314.46

and then they'll engage in the compulsion

Time: 3316.14

as quickly as they can to relieve that obsession.

Time: 3318.66

So in many ways, the disease itself

Time: 3320.4

prevents people from ever getting to the bottom

Time: 3323.43

of that trough, ever getting to the point

Time: 3325.5

where they really clearly articulate to themselves

Time: 3327.99

exactly what it is that they fear.

Time: 3330.57

But it becomes so essential to articulate

Time: 3333.45

exactly what it is that they fear

Time: 3335.91

for a somewhat counterintuitive reason.

Time: 3337.83

You might think, oh, the moment they realize

Time: 3340.08

exactly what they fear, everything lifts,

Time: 3342.51

the circuit turns off and they just feel better

Time: 3344.4

because they realized it.

Time: 3345.87

I wish I could tell you that's the case,

Time: 3347.1

but it turns out it's the opposite.

Time: 3348.84

What the clinician is actually trying to do

Time: 3351.18

is get people to feel more anxiety, not less.

Time: 3355.2

What they're trying to get them to do

Time: 3356.34

is to short circuit, no pun intended,

Time: 3359.4

to intervene in their own neural circuit,

Time: 3361.65

I should say, with that relief of anxiety,

Time: 3366

however brief, brought on by engaging

Time: 3368.67

in the compulsion related to the obsession.

Time: 3370.74

So, whereas typically someone would feel

Time: 3373.8

the obsession with, ugh, I don't want to turn left

Time: 3375.797

'cause something bad's going to happen,

Time: 3377.34

someone's going to die, and then they turn right,

Time: 3379.74

they never get the option or the opportunity

Time: 3382.68

to really explore what would happen

Time: 3385.56

were they to turn left or to not be able to turn right.

Time: 3388.56

By forcing them down the path of inquiry,

Time: 3391.02

that leads them to the place where they very clearly

Time: 3393.99

identify the fear, the anxiety,

Time: 3397.2

it raises the anxiety in them,

Time: 3399.54

and that's actually what the clinician is after.

Time: 3403.71

Cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy

Time: 3407.1

in the context of OCD, most often involves

Time: 3410.1

trying to get people to tolerate,

Time: 3412.71

not relieve their anxiety.

Time: 3414.93

This is extremely important.

Time: 3416.34

And I realize there's variation to this

Time: 3418.62

depending on the style of cognitive behavioral therapy,

Time: 3421.62

the style of exposure therapy, but almost across the board,

Time: 3425.52

The goal, again, is to get people to feel the anxiety

Time: 3429.54

that normally they are able to at least partially relieve,

Time: 3432.87

however briefly, by engaging in the compulsion.

Time: 3435.87

So if we think back to that circuit

Time: 3438.18

of cortico-striatal-thalamic, what's going on here?

Time: 3441.15

Where is CBT intervening?

Time: 3443.46

What part of the circuit is getting interrupted?

Time: 3446.37

Well, as you recall,

Time: 3447.203

the cortex is involved in conscious perception.

Time: 3449.4

The thalamus and that thalamic reticular nucleus

Time: 3451.62

are involved in the passage of certain types

Time: 3454.86

of experience up to our conscious perception, not others.

Time: 3458.1

And the striatum is involved

Time: 3459.21

in this go, no-go type behavior.

Time: 3462.45

When OCD is really expressing itself in its fullness,

Time: 3467.25

people feel an anxiety around a particular thought

Time: 3470.16

and they either have a go,

Time: 3473.22

for instance, wash hands,

Time: 3474.66

or a no-go, do not turn left type reaction.

Time: 3479.79

By having people progressively,

Time: 3481.65

in a kind of hierarchical way,

Time: 3483.6

reveal their precise source of anxiety,

Time: 3486.6

their utmost fear in this context,

Time: 3489.63

what happens is they feel enormous amounts

Time: 3492.09

of autonomic arousal.

Time: 3493.83

Now in the context of anxiety treatment

Time: 3496.41

or other types of treatments,

Time: 3497.7

the goal would be to teach people to dampen,

Time: 3499.77

to lessen their anxiety through breathing techniques

Time: 3502.38

or through visualization techniques

Time: 3504.78

or through self-talk or through social support,

Time: 3507.24

any of the number of things that are well-known

Time: 3508.95

to help people self regulate their own anxiety.

Time: 3511.44

Here, it's the opposite.

Time: 3512.88

What they're trying to get the patient to do

Time: 3515.1

is to really feel the anxiety at its maximum,

Time: 3518.31

but then do the exact opposite

Time: 3520.14

of whatever the normal compulsion is.

Time: 3521.82

So if normally the compulsion is to wash one's hands,

Time: 3524.31

then the idea is to suppress hand washing

Time: 3526.68

while being in the experience of the utmost anxiety.

Time: 3529.83

Or in the case of not turning left,

Time: 3532.74

the person is expected to

Time: 3535.29

or would hopefully be able to actually turn left,

Time: 3541.407

and as you can imagine, that would evoke tremendous anxiety

Time: 3544.05

and yet to tolerate that anxiety.

Time: 3546.12

Now I want to be very clear,

Time: 3546.99

this is not the sort of thing you want to do on your own.

Time: 3548.97

This is not the sort of thing you want to do for a friend.

Time: 3550.86

This is done by trained licensed psychologists

Time: 3554.46

and psychiatrists.

Time: 3555.96

But nonetheless, it really points to the fact

Time: 3559.23

that as a anxiety-related disorder,

Time: 3562.53

OCD is distinct from other types of anxiety

Time: 3565.65

and anxiety-related disorders,

Time: 3567.63

things like PTSD and panic disorder, et cetera,

Time: 3570.42

because the goal again is to bring the person

Time: 3572.97

right up close to the thing that they fear the most

Time: 3576.42

and then to interrupt the circuit.

Time: 3578.64

And now you should be able to know,

Time: 3581.46

just intuitively, 'cause you understand the mechanisms,

Time: 3584.58

that the circuit you're trying to disrupt

Time: 3586.26

is the pattern of information flow

Time: 3589.35

from the thinking part of the brain,

Time: 3591

the perception part of the brain,

Time: 3592.02

which is the cortex, to the striatum.

Time: 3595.23

The striatum has these neurons which are active

Time: 3598.56

that essentially are, I know it sounds a little bit

Time: 3600.69

like a discussion about free will,

Time: 3602.07

but they're trying to get some,

Time: 3603.12

the person to generate a certain behavior,

Time: 3604.95

suppress a certain behavior.

Time: 3606.81

And as anxiety ramps up,

Time: 3608.31

it's sort of a hydraulic pressure to do that very thing

Time: 3611.73

that they've done for so long

Time: 3612.81

and they suffer from so much.

Time: 3614.64

We talked about hydraulic pressure in the context

Time: 3616.65

of aggression in the aggression episode,

Time: 3618.78

this is very similar.

Time: 3620.79

There's a kind of a,

Time: 3622.29

now when I say hydraulic pressure,

Time: 3623.49

it's not actual hydraulic pressure,

Time: 3624.9

it's the confluence of a lot of different systems.

Time: 3626.94

It's neurochemicals, we'll soon learn,

Time: 3628.62

it's hormonal, it's electrical,

Time: 3630.51

it's a lot of different things operating in parallel

Time: 3632.88

so we can't point to one chemical or transmitter.

Time: 3635.46

What's happening is the person is feeling compelled

Time: 3637.44

to act, act, act to relieve the anxiety

Time: 3639.66

and through a progressive type of exposure,

Time: 3643.44

you don't throw people in the deep end

Time: 3645.03

in this kind of therapy right off the bat,

Time: 3647.52

you gradually ratchet them toward

Time: 3649.23

or move them toward the discussion

Time: 3650.91

of exactly what they fear the most

Time: 3652.44

and then eventually move them toward

Time: 3654.09

the interruption of the compulsion

Time: 3656.25

as they're feeling this extremely elevated anxiety,

Time: 3658.77

of course, within the context

Time: 3659.94

of a supportive clinical setting.

Time: 3662.61

But in doing that, what you are teaching people

Time: 3665.34

is that the anxiety can exist without the need

Time: 3668.55

to engage in the compulsion.

Time: 3670.14

Now some of this might sound to people like, oh,

Time: 3672.99

this is a lot of kind of fancy

Time: 3674.28

psychological neuroscience speak

Time: 3675.87

around something that's kind of intuitive.

Time: 3677.4

But I think for most people, this is not intuitive.

Time: 3680.85

And for people with OCD,

Time: 3684.27

there's no really other way to put it,

Time: 3685.71

the impulse, the compulsion to avoid anxiety

Time: 3689.49

is such a powerful driving force

Time: 3691.77

that it should now make sense to you

Time: 3693.06

as to why being able to tolerate anxiety

Time: 3695.76

and really sit with it and do the exact opposite

Time: 3698.16

of what you're normally compelled to do

Time: 3699.72

is going to be the path to treatment.

Time: 3701.49

And indeed CBT has been shown to be enormously effective,

Time: 3705.03

again for a large number of people with OCD,

Time: 3707.88

but not all of them.

Time: 3708.99

And oftentimes it requires that it also be

Time: 3711.99

used in concert with certain drug treatments,

Time: 3714.24

which we're going to talk about in a moment.

Time: 3716.25

Next, let's talk about some of the really unique features

Time: 3718.62

of cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy

Time: 3720.81

in the context of OCD that you often don't see

Time: 3724.35

in the use of CBT, that is cognitive behavioral therapy,

Time: 3728.28

for other types of psychiatric challenges and disorders.

Time: 3732.03

The first element is one of stair casing.

Time: 3735.39

And I already mentioned this before,

Time: 3737.07

but this gradual and progressive increase

Time: 3741

in the anxiety that you're trying to evoke from the patient,

Time: 3744.54

from the person suffering from OCD.

Time: 3747

That's done in the context of the office or the laboratory,

Time: 3751.08

again, by a trained and licensed clinician.

Time: 3754.74

But then the person leaves, right?

Time: 3756.78

They leave the office, they leave the laboratory.

Time: 3760.2

And a very vital component

Time: 3762.12

of CBT and exposure therapy for people with OCD

Time: 3764.94

is that they have and perform what's called homework,

Time: 3768.42

is literally what they call.

Time: 3770.16

This might be seen in other sorts of treatments

Time: 3771.99

but for OCD, homework is extremely important,

Time: 3775.32

because within the context

Time: 3776.85

of a laboratory experiment or the clinic,

Time: 3778.74

patients often feel so much support

Time: 3780.81

that they can tolerate those heightened levels

Time: 3782.4

of anxiety and interrupt their compulsions.

Time: 3784.77

Whereas when they get home,

Time: 3785.91

oftentimes the familiarity of the environment

Time: 3788.34

brings 'em to a place where all of a sudden

Time: 3789.93

those obsessions and compulsions start

Time: 3792.15

interacting the same way

Time: 3793.2

and they have a very hard time suppressing the behaviors.

Time: 3796.65

Why would that be?

Time: 3797.73

Well in neuroscience, we have a phrase,

Time: 3800.31

it's called conditioned place preference

Time: 3802.02

and conditioned place avoidance.

Time: 3803.7

There's some other phrases too

Time: 3804.72

but basically it all has to do

Time: 3806.31

with a simple thing which is,

Time: 3809.13

when you feel something repeatedly in a given environment,

Time: 3811.74

or sometimes even once within a given environment,

Time: 3813.96

you tend to feel that same thing again

Time: 3816.39

when you return to that or similar environments.

Time: 3818.76

Okay, So conditioned place blank,

Time: 3820.14

or conditioned place that is simply fancy nerd speak

Time: 3822.99

for the fact that when you're in a place

Time: 3824.97

and something good happens,

Time: 3826.38

you tend to feel good if you return to that place

Time: 3828.09

or a place like it, or if something bad happens

Time: 3830.67

in a given place, you tend to feel bad

Time: 3832.11

when you return to that place or a place like it.

Time: 3834.9

I think that most salient example that leaps to mind

Time: 3837.2

is in, unfortunately, the category of bad,

Time: 3838.98

but I had some friends years ago visit San Francisco.

Time: 3842.46

There's been a ongoing,

Time: 3843.72

it seems like it's been happening forever,

Time: 3845.49

but this is really in the last decade

Time: 3846.75

of daytime break-ins and nighttime break-ins into cars

Time: 3850.74

to steal anything from computers

Time: 3852.96

to what seems to be like a box of tissues.

Time: 3854.64

And there are numerous reasons for this,

Time: 3856.47

I don't want to get into,

Time: 3857.303

it's not the topic of today's podcast,

Time: 3858.78

but I will use this as an opportunity to say

Time: 3860.16

if you're visiting anywhere in the Bay Area,

Time: 3861.99

do not leave anything in your car

Time: 3863.13

because the window will get broken into,

Time: 3864.96

sometimes in broad daylight.

Time: 3866.4

Some good friends of mine were visiting the Bay Area

Time: 3868.5

and I texted them and said,

Time: 3870.96

hey, by the way, when you're headed to dinner, guys,

Time: 3872.94

make sure you bring in all your luggage and computers

Time: 3876.18

however inconvenient that might be.

Time: 3878.37

They wrote back, too late, everything got stolen.

Time: 3881.31

So some years ago now, I think five, six years ago

Time: 3883.29

this happened, sadly, everything got stolen.

Time: 3886.62

Most of it could be replaced,

Time: 3887.58

but some of it was very sentimental to them.

Time: 3889.68

Every time we talk, every time we consider

Time: 3892.71

having a meeting in a particular city,

Time: 3894.45

this comes up as I don't want to be there,

Time: 3896.67

I don't like that city anymore, et cetera.

Time: 3898.29

And of course, San Francisco has some wonderful

Time: 3899.82

redeeming features, but it only takes one bad incident

Time: 3902.61

in one location to kind of color

Time: 3904.38

the whole picture dark, so to speak.

Time: 3907.86

The brain works that way.

Time: 3909.12

The brain generalizes, it's not a very specific organ,

Time: 3912.36

again, it's a prediction machine

Time: 3913.65

in addition to other things.

Time: 3915.03

So in the case of CBT therapy,

Time: 3917.82

the reason there's homework is that when people go home,

Time: 3920.85

oftentimes that's when they relapse,

Time: 3923.46

if you want to call it that,

Time: 3924.48

back into their obsessions and compulsions.

Time: 3926.28

And that location, that conditioned place

Time: 3930.42

is where it becomes most important to challenge

Time: 3933.03

the anxiety and to deal with the anxiety,

Time: 3934.89

to not try and suppress the anxiety

Time: 3936.42

through compulsions or other means.

Time: 3938.88

And when I say other means, I want to highlight something,

Time: 3941.73

it will come up again a little bit later in the podcast,

Time: 3943.83

that substance abuse is very common in people with OCD

Time: 3947.31

because of the anxiety component

Time: 3948.96

and also because of people's feelings

Time: 3950.79

that they just can't escape from the thoughts

Time: 3952.71

or behavioral patterns that are so characteristic of OCD.

Time: 3957.03

So alcohol abuse or cannabis abuse,

Time: 3959.27

or other forms of narcotics abuse

Time: 3962.13

are very common in OCD.

Time: 3965.4

Later, we'll talk about whether or not cannabis

Time: 3966.96

can or cannot help with OCD.

Time: 3969.96

But needless to say,

Time: 3971.88

suppressing anxiety is exactly the wrong direction

Time: 3975.36

that one should take if the goal is to ultimately

Time: 3978.87

relieve or eliminate the OCD.

Time: 3981.51

So we now have two characteristics of CBT exposure therapy

Time: 3985.26

that are extremely important for OCD

Time: 3987.06

and somewhat unique to the treatment of OCD

Time: 3989.07

and that's the staircasing up towards the really bad fear,

Time: 3991.68

the really severe and specific articulation

Time: 3994.98

and understanding and feeling of how bad things

Time: 3997.38

really would be if someone engaged

Time: 3999.69

in a particular behavior or avoided a particular behavior.

Time: 4002.03

Then there's the component of homework

Time: 4003.95

given by the clinician for the person to be able to

Time: 4007.43

create a broader set of context

Time: 4009.56

in which they can deal with the anxiety,

Time: 4012.71

not engage in the compulsions.

Time: 4014.45

And then a very unique feature of treatment of OCD

Time: 4017.72

that you don't see in many other psychiatric disorders

Time: 4020.81

are home visits.

Time: 4022.19

And I find this fascinating.

Time: 4023.66

I think that the field of psychiatry and psychology

Time: 4026.51

traditionally doesn't allow for or invite home visits,

Time: 4030.74

but this component of context, location and context

Time: 4035.06

being so vital to the treatment and relief of OCD

Time: 4039.89

has inspired many psychiatrists and psychologists

Time: 4043.64

to get permission to do home visits

Time: 4046.13

where they actually go visit their patients

Time: 4047.72

in their native setting, in their home cages, right?

Time: 4050.24

They're not mice, but in their home-home cages,

Time: 4052.82

I'm being facetious here, but people,

Time: 4054.38

mice live in cages, at least in the laboratory,

Time: 4056.15

and humans generally live in houses or elsewhere,

Time: 4059.54

so they visit them in their home

Time: 4062.45

in order to see how they're interacting

Time: 4064.61

and the particular locations that evoke

Time: 4066.89

the most anxiety and the least anxiety.

Time: 4068.66

Some of the, I don't want to call them crutches,

Time: 4070.58

but some of the tools that people are using

Time: 4073.16

to confront and deal with the obsessions and compulsions

Time: 4076.94

and in particular to try and identify

Time: 4079.16

some of the tools and tricks

Time: 4081.98

that people are using to try and avoid

Time: 4084.32

that heightened anxiety, because, once again,

Time: 4086.69

and I know I'm repeating myself,

Time: 4087.8

but I think this is just so vital and so unique

Time: 4090.17

about OCD and the treatment of OCD,

Time: 4092.51

the critical need for the patient to be able to tolerate

Time: 4095.42

extremely elevated levels of anxiety is so crucial.

Time: 4100.19

So if people are avoiding certain rooms in the house,

Time: 4103.19

or if people are avoiding certain foods

Time: 4105.98

or certain locations in the kitchen,

Time: 4107.66

the clinician can start to identify that

Time: 4109.52

by mere observation.

Time: 4111.23

And I should mention here that patients

Time: 4113.48

are not always aware of how they're interacting

Time: 4116.72

with their home environment.

Time: 4117.83

Some of these patterns are so deeply ingrained in people

Time: 4120.683

that they don't even realize that they're

Time: 4122.81

constantly turning to the left,

Time: 4124.13

or they don't even realize that

Time: 4125.6

they're only washing their hands on one side of the sink.

Time: 4127.79

And so the clinician, by visiting the home,

Time: 4130.01

can start to interrogate a bit in a polite way,

Time: 4132.58

in a friendly, in a supportive way

Time: 4134.33

as to, do you ever think about why you always

Time: 4137.6

flip the faucet to the left

Time: 4139.16

or flip the faucet to the right, et cetera.

Time: 4141.53

Now, we all do a lot of things that are habitual.

Time: 4145.76

We all do things that are

Time: 4148.31

somewhat regular from day to day.

Time: 4150.11

In fact, I would invite you to ask yourself,

Time: 4153.11

do you always put your toothbrush in the same location?

Time: 4156.53

Do you always cap the toothbrush

Time: 4158.06

before or after you use it?

Time: 4159.41

What sorts of things do you-

Time: 4160.243

You wipe the little threading on the toothpaste or not?

Time: 4163.58

I'm somebody, I confess that I have,

Time: 4166.43

well, I have about 3,500 pet peeves,

Time: 4168.77

but one of my pet peeves

Time: 4169.67

is toothpaste kind of on the thread of the toothpaste.

Time: 4172.55

It really bothers me, I don't know why,

Time: 4174.26

almost as much as trying to wipe it off bothers me,

Time: 4176.87

which creates a certain challenge.

Time: 4178.19

And if I talk about this any further,

Time: 4179.75

then I think I would qualify

Time: 4180.77

for obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Time: 4183.47

But I have to say, I don't experience

Time: 4184.64

a ton of anxiety about it.

Time: 4185.84

It doesn't govern my life.

Time: 4187.04

In fact, I realize that right now

Time: 4188.72

there are tubes of toothpaste

Time: 4190.67

that have toothpaste along the thread

Time: 4192.2

everywhere in the world

Time: 4193.635

and it doesn't really bother me.

Time: 4194.468

I can still sit here and provide some information

Time: 4197.78

about OCD to you.

Time: 4198.62

It's not intrusive, at least not to my awareness.

Time: 4202.25

So by the home visit,

Time: 4203.96

the therapist can really start to explore

Time: 4206.12

through direct questioning and can allow the patient

Time: 4209.21

to explore through direct questioning of themselves

Time: 4211.46

the things that they might be conscious of

Time: 4212.81

and the things that they might not be conscious of

Time: 4215.27

that would qualify for OCD.

Time: 4217.61

So I'd like to just briefly summarize the key elements

Time: 4220.25

of cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy

Time: 4223.37

and how they can be combined with drug treatments

Time: 4226.19

that are very effective.

Time: 4228.29

Much of what I'm going to talk about next

Time: 4229.91

relates to the data and indeed the practice

Time: 4233.54

of an incredible research scientist and clinician.

Time: 4238.25

So this is Helen Blair Simpson,

Time: 4240.14

or I should say Dr. Helen Blair Simpson,

Time: 4242.12

because she is indeed an MD medical doctor

Time: 4244.43

and a PhD research scientist

Time: 4246.05

at Columbia University School of Medicine.

Time: 4249.23

And one of the world's foremost experts,

Time: 4252.29

if not the expert, I would put her in a category

Time: 4254.78

of maybe just one to three people who

Time: 4257.96

is most knowledgeable about the mechanisms of OCD,

Time: 4261.47

is actively researching OCD in humans,

Time: 4264.74

trying to find new treatments,

Time: 4266.15

trying to unveil new mechanisms

Time: 4268.76

and expand on our current understanding and who also treats

Time: 4272.24

OCD quite actively in her own clinic.

Time: 4276.2

Dr. Simpson gave a beautiful presentation

Time: 4279.32

which she summarized some of the core elements

Time: 4281.96

of CBT and exposure therapy

Time: 4283.73

for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Time: 4286.19

She describes that the key procedures are exposures,

Time: 4289.34

of course, done in person

Time: 4292.07

and with the actual thing that evokes

Time: 4294.2

the obsessions and compulsions.

Time: 4296.45

So this could be the sweaty towel as described earlier,

Time: 4299.63

or could be any number of different triggers done

Time: 4303.38

with the patient in real time,

Time: 4305.09

so in vivo, as we say.

Time: 4307.1

And it could also be things that are imaginal,

Time: 4310.25

sitting somebody down in a chair,

Time: 4312.05

in an office and saying,

Time: 4313.34

okay, I want you to imagine the thing

Time: 4315.95

that triggers the intrusive thought,

Time: 4317.36

or let's just focus on the intrusive thought as it arises,

Time: 4321.05

and then to explore and expose the patient

Time: 4323.18

to their obsessions and compulsions that way.

Time: 4324.77

So it can be real, or it can be imaginal.

Time: 4326.9

And the goal, of course, then

Time: 4328.25

is to gradually and progressively

Time: 4330.92

increase the level of anxiety,

Time: 4332.45

but then to intervene in so-called ritual prevention

Time: 4335.39

to prevent the person from engaging in the compulsion.

Time: 4338.3

The goals, again I'm paraphrasing here,

Time: 4340.91

are to, as she states, disconfirm fears

Time: 4344.33

and challenge the beliefs about the obsessions

Time: 4348.77

and compulsions, to intervene in the thoughts

Time: 4350.96

and the behaviors, and to break the habit

Time: 4352.43

of ritualizing and avoiding.

Time: 4354.11

Now, how is this typically done?

Time: 4355.46

What are the nuts and bolts of this procedure?

Time: 4358.49

Typically, this is done through two planning sessions

Time: 4362.33

with the patient.

Time: 4363.163

So describing to the patient what will happen

Time: 4365.45

and when it will happen and how long it will happen

Time: 4367.79

so that they're not just thrown into this

Time: 4370.01

out of the blue.

Time: 4371.09

And then 15 exposure sessions done twice a week or more.

Time: 4375.71

So the one thing to really understand

Time: 4377.12

about cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4378.5

is that it can take some period of time,

Time: 4380.24

several or more weeks, as many as 10 or 12 weeks.

Time: 4383.48

However, as you'll soon learn,

Time: 4385.16

many of the drug treatments that are effective

Time: 4386.9

in treating OCD either alone or in combination

Time: 4389.75

with behavioral therapies also can take 8, 10, 12 weeks

Time: 4393.44

or longer, and many of those never work at all.

Time: 4396.08

So even though 10 to 12 weeks

Time: 4397.76

seems like a long period of time,

Time: 4399.14

it's actually a pretty standard.

Time: 4400.4

If you'd like to see more complete description

Time: 4402.59

of the protocols for cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4404.63

and exposure therapy for OCD,

Time: 4406.73

I'll provide links to two papers,

Time: 4408.29

Kozak and Foa, F-O-A,

Time: 4410.63

which is published in 1997,

Time: 4412.31

which might seem like a long time ago,

Time: 4413.6

but nonetheless, that the protocols are still very useful.

Time: 4416.51

And then the second paper is by that last author,

Time: 4419

FOA et al in 2012

Time: 4420.8

and we'll provide links to both of those.

Time: 4422.96

In addition, Dr. Blair Simpson and others

Time: 4425.93

have explored what are the best treatments

Time: 4428.66

for patients with OCD by comparing

Time: 4431.36

cognitive behavioral therapy alone, placebo,

Time: 4434.27

so essentially no intervention

Time: 4437.06

or something that takes an equivalent amount of time

Time: 4439.13

but is not thought to be effective in treatment.

Time: 4443.09

As well as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Time: 4447.38

So what is an SSRI?

Time: 4449.721

An SSRI is a drug that prevents the re-uptake

Time: 4453.05

of serotonin at the synapse.

Time: 4454.82

What are synapses?

Time: 4455.653

They're the little spaces between neurons

Time: 4457.58

where neurons communicate with one another

Time: 4459.53

by vomiting little bits of chemical into the space,

Time: 4462.68

the synapse, and then those chemicals either evoke

Time: 4466.01

or suppress the electrical activity

Time: 4467.9

of the next neuron across the synapse.

Time: 4470.72

And in this case, the neurotransmitter,

Time: 4472.58

the chemical that we're referring to is serotonin.

Time: 4475.01

SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Time: 4478.67

prevent the reuptake of the chemical that's left,

Time: 4483.02

in this case, the serotonin that's left in the synapse.

Time: 4485.39

After that, I call it vomiting to be dramatic,

Time: 4488.15

but it's not actually vomiting,

Time: 4489.17

the extrusion of the chemical into the synapse.

Time: 4492.71

And as a consequence, there's more serotonin around

Time: 4495.8

to have more of an effect over time,

Time: 4497.72

the net effect being more serotonergic transmission,

Time: 4500.69

more serotonin overall.

Time: 4502.67

So not more serotonin being made,

Time: 4504.47

more serotonin being available for use,

Time: 4506.87

that's what an SSRI does.

Time: 4508.67

So they compared cognitive behavioral therapy, SSRIs,

Time: 4513.47

they also had the placebo group

Time: 4514.7

and they had cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4516.2

plus the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Time: 4519.95

This was a 12-week study done as described before,

Time: 4522.71

two times a week over the course of 12 weeks.

Time: 4525.38

First of all, the most important thing, of course,

Time: 4528.38

placebo did nothing.

Time: 4529.52

It did not relieve the OCD to any significant degree.

Time: 4534.86

How did they know that?

Time: 4535.693

They gave them the Y-BOCS test

Time: 4536.96

that we talked about before, the Yale-Brown test

Time: 4540.59

with all those questions of which I read a few.

Time: 4542.96

So the OCD severity that one has to have

Time: 4546.56

on the Y-BOCS is measured in terms of an index

Time: 4549.23

that goes from here from 8 all the way up to 28,

Time: 4552.86

that shouldn't mean anything.

Time: 4553.99

So that number eight is kind of meaningless here.

Time: 4555.89

It's in terms of an index that's only meaningful

Time: 4558.29

for the Y-BOCS, but if somebody has a threshold

Time: 4561.35

of 16 or higher, it means that they're still having

Time: 4564.11

somewhat debilitating symptoms

Time: 4565.43

or very debilitating symptoms.

Time: 4567.17

Placebo did not reduce the obsessions or compulsions

Time: 4570.41

to any significant degree.

Time: 4572.27

However, and I think quite excitingly,

Time: 4574.49

cognitive behavioral therapy had a dramatic

Time: 4578.57

effect in reducing the obsessions and compulsions

Time: 4582.32

such that by four weeks, that score that, in this case,

Time: 4586.01

ranged from 8 to 28,

Time: 4587.27

dropped all the way from 25 down to about 11.

Time: 4591.38

So it's a huge drop in the severity of the symptoms.

Time: 4595.19

Now, what's really interesting

Time: 4596.6

is that when you look at the effects of SSRIs

Time: 4599.48

in the treatment of OCD symptoms,

Time: 4602.9

they had a significant effect in reducing the symptoms

Time: 4605.96

of OCD that showed up first at four weeks,

Time: 4608.78

and then continued to eight weeks.

Time: 4611.3

In fact, there was a progressive and further reduction

Time: 4614.45

in OCD symptoms from the four to eight week period.

Time: 4617.12

Again, these are the people just taking the SSRI,

Time: 4619.97

and then it sort of flattened out a little bit,

Time: 4621.65

such that by 12 weeks,

Time: 4623.09

there was still a significant reduction in OCD symptoms

Time: 4625.76

for people taking SSRIs as compared to placebo.

Time: 4629

But the severity of their symptoms

Time: 4631.4

was still much greater than those

Time: 4634.01

receiving cognitive behavioral therapy alone.

Time: 4636.59

So at least in this study,

Time: 4638.15

and I should tell you which study it is,

Time: 4639.68

this is Foa, Liebowitz et al 2005

Time: 4641.99

in the American Journal of Psychiatry,

Time: 4643.4

we'll also provide a link to this

Time: 4644.81

so you can peruse the data if you like.

Time: 4647.06

But at least in this study,

Time: 4648.44

cognitive behavioral therapy was the most effective,

Time: 4651.35

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, less effective.

Time: 4655.13

So what happens when you combine them?

Time: 4656.72

Well, they explored that as well,

Time: 4658.13

and the combination of cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4660.253

and the SSRIs together

Time: 4662.81

did not lead to any further decrease in OCD symptoms.

Time: 4668.33

This points to the idea that cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4671.48

is the most effective treatment.

Time: 4672.83

And again, when I say cognitive behavioral therapy,

Time: 4674.54

now I'm still referring to cognitive behavioral,

Time: 4676.52

slash, exposure therapy done in the way

Time: 4678.77

that I detailed before,

Time: 4679.61

twice a week for 12 weeks or more.

Time: 4681.95

So all of the data, at least in this study,

Time: 4683.69

point to the fact that cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4685.88

is really effective and the most effective.

Time: 4688.43

Does it alleviate OCD symptoms for everybody?

Time: 4691.91


Time: 4692.743

Is it very time consuming? Yes.

Time: 4693.92

Twice a week for two sessions or more of 15 minutes,

Time: 4697.73

sometimes in the office, plus there's homework,

Time: 4699.8

plus, in an ideal case, there's also home visits

Time: 4702.29

from the psychiatrist or psychologist,

Time: 4704.24

that's a lot of investment, a lot of time investment,

Time: 4708.53

to say nothing of the potential financial investment.

Time: 4711.59

Now, Dr. Blair Simpson has given some beautiful talks

Time: 4714.35

where she describes these data

Time: 4717.29

and also emphasizes the fact that

Time: 4719.75

despite the demonstrated power

Time: 4722.3

of cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of OCD,

Time: 4725.15

most people are given drug treatments

Time: 4726.62

simply because of the availability of those drug treatments.

Time: 4729.05

Now, when I say most people,

Time: 4730.083

I want to emphasize that I'm referring

Time: 4731.72

to most people who actually go seek treatment

Time: 4734.75

because a really important thing to realize

Time: 4736.82

is that most people with OCD

Time: 4738.71

do not actually go seek evidence-based treatment.

Time: 4741.92

I want to repeat that, most people with OCD

Time: 4743.72

do not seek evidence-based treatment,

Time: 4745.58

which is a tragic thing.

Time: 4746.87

One of the motivations for doing this podcast episode

Time: 4749.57

is to try and encourage people

Time: 4751.16

who think they may have persistent obsessions

Time: 4753.2

and compulsions to seek treatment,

Time: 4756.11

but most people don't for a variety of reasons

Time: 4759.77

we spelled out earlier, shame, et cetera.

Time: 4762.68

Of those that do, the first line of attack

Time: 4765.35

is typically a prescription, most often an SSRI,

Time: 4769.37

although not always just SSRIs

Time: 4771.35

because soon we'll talk about the somewhat common use

Time: 4775.46

of also prescribing a low dose of a neuroleptic

Time: 4779.11

or an antipsychotic, not always but often.

Time: 4782.57

So the important thing to understand here

Time: 4784.79

is that excellent researchers like Dr. Simpson

Time: 4787.58

understand that while there are treatments

Time: 4789.92

that we could say are best or are ideal

Time: 4792.8

based on the data, that doesn't necessarily mean

Time: 4794.84

that's what's being deployed

Time: 4796.73

most often in the general public.

Time: 4798.65

As a consequence, Dr. Simpson and others

Time: 4801.47

have explored in a very practical way

Time: 4804.53

whether or not it matters if somebody

Time: 4807.14

is getting SSRI treatment

Time: 4809.87

and is experiencing that reduction in OCD symptoms

Time: 4814.28

that as you may recall, is more than

Time: 4817.16

what they would experience with placebo alone,

Time: 4819.95

but not as dramatic a reduction in OCD symptoms

Time: 4822.4

as they would get with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Time: 4825.05

And as I mentioned before, there was this exploration

Time: 4827.54

of combining drug treatment

Time: 4829.16

with cognitive behavioral therapy from the outset,

Time: 4831.47

but they also quite impressively explored

Time: 4834.17

what happens when people who are already taking SSRIs

Time: 4837.29

initiate cognitive behavioral therapy.

Time: 4839.51

This is a really wonderful thing

Time: 4841.04

that they've done this because in doing that,

Time: 4843.74

first of all, they're acknowledging that

Time: 4845.42

there are many people out there who have sought treatment

Time: 4847.25

and are getting some relief from those SSRIs,

Time: 4849.8

but it perhaps is not as much relief as they could get.

Time: 4852.59

And they are actively acknowledging that many people

Time: 4856.34

are getting these drug treatments first.

Time: 4858.29

In fact, most often people are getting

Time: 4859.61

these drug treatments first.

Time: 4861.26

So what happens when you add in

Time: 4863.33

cognitive behavioral therapy?

Time: 4864.62

Well, the good news is when you add

Time: 4865.91

cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4867.98

to someone who's already taking SSRIs,

Time: 4870.83

that further improves their symptoms.

Time: 4873.2

Now that's different than the results

Time: 4876.32

that I described before

Time: 4878.15

from the same laboratory in fact,

Time: 4880.49

that if you combine cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4883.52

with SSRIs from the outset,

Time: 4885.62

there's no additional benefit of SSRI.

Time: 4889.37

However, as I just described,

Time: 4890.84

if someone is already taking an SSRI

Time: 4893.06

and they're experiencing a reduction in their OCD symptoms,

Time: 4897.38

by adding in cognitive behavioral therapy,

Time: 4900.11

there is a further reduction in the symptoms of OCD.

Time: 4904.624

This is very important.

Time: 4905.457

So for those of you that have sought treatment

Time: 4906.8

and you're taking a SSRI,

Time: 4909.01

or if you're thinking about treatment

Time: 4910.46

and you're prescribed an SSRI,

Time: 4912.08

the ideal scenario really would be

Time: 4913.52

to combine the drug treatment

Time: 4915.02

with cognitive behavioral therapy,

Time: 4916.46

or in some cases, maybe cognitive behavioral therapy alone,

Time: 4918.83

although that's a decision that you really have to make

Time: 4920.96

with the close

Time: 4923.24

advice and oversight of a licensed physician,

Time: 4926.69

because, of course, these are prescription drugs.

Time: 4928.7

And anytime you're going to add or remove

Time: 4930.68

a prescription drug or change dosage,

Time: 4932.21

you really want to do that in close discussion with

Time: 4934.657

and on the advice of your physician.

Time: 4936.59

I don't just say that to protect me,

Time: 4937.7

I say that to protect you

Time: 4939.067

'cause it's just the right thing to do.

Time: 4940.64

So again, cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 4942.65

is extremely powerful.

Time: 4943.88

Drug treatments seem less powerful though.

Time: 4946.07

If you're already on a drug treatment,

Time: 4947.36

adding cognitive behavioral therapy can really help.

Time: 4949.67

So I've been talking about SSRIs

Time: 4951.02

and described a little bit about how they work

Time: 4952.55

at a kind of superficial level of

Time: 4954.65

keeping more serotonin in the synapse

Time: 4956.6

so that more serotonin can be in action

Time: 4959.57

as opposed to gobbled back up by those neurons.

Time: 4962.57

I should just mention what some

Time: 4963.47

of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are.

Time: 4966.23

So things like clomipramine,

Time: 4969.5

which is not entirely selective,

Time: 4972.74

I should say that that one generally falls

Time: 4974.87

into a category of less selective.

Time: 4976.61

So it can impair

Time: 4979.13

or can enhance some of the other neurotransmitter

Time: 4982.63

or neuromodulator systems like epinephrine, et cetera.

Time: 4985.85

The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are,

Time: 4989.42

at least the classic ones are, fluoxetine, Prozac,

Time: 4991.91

fluvoxamine, Luvox, paroxetine, sertraline,

Time: 4995.6

citalopram, et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 4999.08

There are about six or classic SSRIs,

Time: 5001.9

some of them like citalopram

Time: 5003.43

are used in children and are available

Time: 5006.37

in pediatric doses.

Time: 5007.87

Some like Prozac may or may not be used in children.

Time: 5010.66

The details of which SSRIs, et cetera,

Time: 5013.72

is a very extensive literature and discussion.

Time: 5016.18

And I think it's safe to say that

Time: 5019.09

which drugs to use and which dosage

Time: 5021.43

and whether or not to continue, excuse me,

Time: 5024.1

the same dosage over time depends a lot

Time: 5026.32

on the individual variation that people express

Time: 5028.93

and the responses that they have.

Time: 5030.49

All of these drugs, in fact, I think we can say

Time: 5032.71

all drugs have side effects.

Time: 5034.93

The question is how detrimental those side effects are

Time: 5038.59

to daily life.

Time: 5039.423

The SSRIs are well known to have effects on appetite.

Time: 5042.4

In some cases, they abolish appetite.

Time: 5044.92

In some cases, they just reduce it a little bit.

Time: 5046.96

In some cases, they increase appetite.

Time: 5049.12

Really is highly individual.

Time: 5050.77

They can have effects on libido.

Time: 5052.36

For instance, they can reduce sex drive,

Time: 5055.72

sometimes in a dose dependent way,

Time: 5057.16

sometimes in a way that's more like a step function

Time: 5059.38

where people are fine at say 5 or 10 milligrams,

Time: 5062.11

but then they get to 15 milligrams

Time: 5065.02

and there's a cliff for their libido.

Time: 5068.86

That can happen, it really depends.

Time: 5070.54

Please don't take those dosages as exact values

Time: 5072.7

'cause this is going to depend on

Time: 5074.8

what they're being used for, depression or anxiety or OCD,

Time: 5077.62

and it's also going to depend on the drug, et cetera.

Time: 5079.45

I just threw out those numbers as a way

Time: 5081.634

to illustrate what a kind of a step function

Time: 5083.47

would look like.

Time: 5084.303

It's not gradual, it's immediate at a given dose

Time: 5086.2

is what that means.

Time: 5087.7

The other thing is that some of these drugs

Time: 5090.88

will have transient effects.

Time: 5092.92

So side effects that show up and then disappear

Time: 5094.75

or sadly people will sometimes take these drugs

Time: 5097.24

for a while and then side effects will surface later

Time: 5099.13

that weren't there previously

Time: 5100.9

depending on life factors, nutrition factors.

Time: 5103.06

So it's a very complicated landscape overall.

Time: 5105.85

And that's why it's really important to explore

Time: 5107.5

any kind of drug treatment, SSRI or otherwise,

Time: 5109.99

really in close communication with a psychiatrist

Time: 5112.33

who really understands the pharmacokinetics

Time: 5114.19

and has a lot of patient history

Time: 5115.63

and experience with them.

Time: 5117.13

So what I'm about to tell you next

Time: 5118.39

is most certainly going to come as a big surprise,

Time: 5120.79

which is that despite the fact

Time: 5122.92

that the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Time: 5124.96

can be effective in reducing the symptoms of OCD,

Time: 5127.72

at least somewhat,

Time: 5129.25

and certainly more than placebo,

Time: 5131.29

there is very little, if any evidence,

Time: 5133.81

that the serotonin system is disrupted in OCD.

Time: 5136.84

And I have to point out that this is

Time: 5138.67

a somewhat consistent theme in the field of psychiatry,

Time: 5142.3

that is a given drug can be very effective

Time: 5145.33

or even partially effective in reducing symptoms

Time: 5148.54

or in changing the overall landscape

Time: 5150.88

of a psychiatric disorder or illness,

Time: 5153.64

and yet there is very little,

Time: 5156.1

if any evidence, that that particular system

Time: 5158.05

is what's causal for OCD, or anxiety,

Time: 5162.55

or depression, et cetera.

Time: 5163.81

This is just the landscape that we're living in

Time: 5165.46

in terms of our understanding of the brain

Time: 5166.99

and psychiatry and the ways of treating brain disorders.

Time: 5169.72

So as a consequence, there are a huge number

Time: 5172.51

of academic reviews that clinicians and research scientists

Time: 5175.72

have generated and read and share.

Time: 5178.33

One of the more, I think, thorough ones

Time: 5182.44

in recent years was published in 2021.

Time: 5184.78

I'll provide a link to this.

Time: 5185.71

This is by an excellent, truly excellent researcher

Time: 5189.13

from Yale university School of Medicine,

Time: 5191.26

I should say not just a researcher

Time: 5192.49

but a clinician scientist, again, an MD-PhD.

Time: 5195.01

This is Christopher Pittenger

Time: 5197.17

And the title of the review

Time: 5198.19

is Pharmacotherapeutic Strategies

Time: 5201.97

and New Targets in OCD.

Time: 5204.43

And again, we'll provide a link to it.

Time: 5206.74

This is a just gorgeous review describing,

Time: 5209.68

as I just told you, that the serotonin system

Time: 5211.48

isn't really disrupted in OCD

Time: 5213.37

and yet SSRIs can be very effective.

Time: 5216.04

The review goes on to explore even what sorts of receptors

Time: 5220.12

for serotonin might be involved.

Time: 5221.83

If it's in fact the case that serotonin

Time: 5225.07

is a culprit in the creation of OCD symptoms.

Time: 5231.43

Talk about the serotonin 2A receptor

Time: 5233.83

and the serotonin 1A receptor.

Time: 5235.18

Why am I mentioning all that detail?

Time: 5236.8

If in fact it's not clear,

Time: 5238.27

serotonin is involved because

Time: 5240.25

I'll just tell you right now,

Time: 5241.84

there is currently a lot of interest

Time: 5243.19

in whether or not some of the psychedelics,

Time: 5245.32

in particular psilocybin, can be effective

Time: 5247.077

in the treatment of OCD.

Time: 5249.52

Psilocybin has been shown in various clinical trials

Time: 5252.58

in particular the clinical trials done

Time: 5254.05

at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Time: 5255.88

by Matthew Johnson and others.

Time: 5257.65

Matthew was on The Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 5259.42

He's been on the Tim Ferris podcast.

Time: 5261.04

He's been on the Lex Fridman podcast.

Time: 5262.99

He's a world class researcher

Time: 5264.28

on the use of psychedelics for depression

Time: 5266.56

and other psychiatric challenges.

Time: 5269.5

And their psilocybin treatment

Time: 5271.72

has been seen, at least in those trials,

Time: 5273.61

to be very effective in the treatment

Time: 5275.11

of certain kinds of major depression.

Time: 5278.08

Currently the exploration of psilocybin

Time: 5280.21

for the treatment of OCD

Time: 5282.1

has not yielded similar results,

Time: 5283.75

although the studies are ongoing.

Time: 5285.46

Again, has not yielded similar effectiveness,

Time: 5287.53

but the studies are ongoing

Time: 5289.12

And the serotonin 2A receptor

Time: 5291.07

and the serotonin 1A receptors

Time: 5292.75

are primary targets for the drug psilocybin.

Time: 5296.44

So I figured there were going to be some questions

Time: 5297.88

about whether or not psychedelics help with OCD,

Time: 5300.79

thus far it's inconclusive.

Time: 5303.04

If any of you have been part of clinical trials

Time: 5305.47

or have knowledge or intuition about this relationship

Time: 5308.59

or potential relationship, I should say,

Time: 5310.09

between psilocybin and other psychedelics

Time: 5311.92

in OCD, please put them in the comment section.

Time: 5313.93

We'd love to love to hear from you.

Time: 5317.14

One thing I should point out

Time: 5318.64

is that even though serotonin

Time: 5320.56

has not been directly implicated in OCD,

Time: 5323.05

serotonin and the general systems of serotonin,

Time: 5325.72

the circuits in the brain that carry serotonin

Time: 5327.55

and depend on it have been shown

Time: 5329.98

to impact cognitive flexibility and inflexibility,

Time: 5333.91

which are kind of hallmark themes of OCD.

Time: 5336.1

So in animals that have their serotonin depleted

Time: 5339.13

or in humans that have very low levels of serotonin,

Time: 5341.95

you can see evidence of cognitive inflexibility,

Time: 5345.88

challenges in tasks, switching challenges

Time: 5348.04

and switching the rules by which one performs a game,

Time: 5350.83

challenges in any kind of cognitive domain switching.

Time: 5354.94

And so that does indirectly implicate

Time: 5357.34

serotonin in some of the aspects of OCD.

Time: 5360.1

Again, when one starts to explore

Time: 5361.81

the different transmitter systems

Time: 5363.31

that have been explored in animal models and in humans,

Time: 5366.07

it's a vast, vast landscape,

Time: 5367.81

but serotonergic drugs do seem to be

Time: 5370.9

the most effective drugs in treating OCD

Time: 5372.97

despite the fact, again, despite the fact

Time: 5375.97

that there's no direct evidence

Time: 5377.23

that serotonin systems are the problem in OCD.

Time: 5382.12

If you recall the cortico-striatal-thalamic loop

Time: 5385.18

that is so central to the etiology,

Time: 5388.93

the presence and the patterns of symptoms in OCD,

Time: 5392.5

of course, serotonin is impacting that system.

Time: 5394.66

Serotonin is impacting just about every system in the brain,

Time: 5397.39

but there's no evidence that

Time: 5399.19

tinkering with serotonin levels,

Time: 5400.63

specifically in that network,

Time: 5402.82

is what's leading to the improvements in OCD.

Time: 5406.54

However, if people go into a FMRI scanner

Time: 5410.26

and those people have OCD

Time: 5411.58

and they evoke the obsessions and compulsions,

Time: 5413.41

you see activity in that cortico-striatal-thalamic loop.

Time: 5417.43

Treatments like SSRIs that reduce the symptoms of OCD

Time: 5421.9

equate to a situation where there is less activity

Time: 5424.6

in that loop.

Time: 5426.13

And I should point out cognitive behavioral therapy,

Time: 5429.22

which we have no reason to believe

Time: 5430.9

only taps into the serotonin system,

Time: 5432.58

I think it would be extreme stretch,

Time: 5434.8

it would be false actually to say

Time: 5436.636

that that cognitive behavioral therapy taps

Time: 5438.07

only into the serotonin system,

Time: 5439.63

clearly it's going to affect a huge number of circuits

Time: 5441.7

in neurochemical systems.

Time: 5443.05

Well, people who do cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 5445.66

and find some relief for OCD,

Time: 5447.55

they also show reductions

Time: 5449.08

in those cortico-striatal-thalamic loops.

Time: 5451.84

So basically we have a situation

Time: 5453.25

where we have a behavioral therapy that works,

Time: 5456.04

in many people, not all,

Time: 5457.87

and we have a pretty good understanding

Time: 5459.1

of about why it works.

Time: 5460.12

It increases anxiety tolerance,

Time: 5461.95

and interference with pattern execution,

Time: 5467.02

getting people to not engage

Time: 5468.82

in the same sorts of behaviors

Time: 5470.35

that are detrimental to them.

Time: 5472.18

And we have drug treatments that work

Time: 5474.28

at least to some degree,

Time: 5475.24

but we don't know how they work

Time: 5476.5

or where they work in the brain.

Time: 5477.85

One of the things that really unifies

Time: 5480.01

the behavioral treatments and the drug treatments

Time: 5483.4

is that they take some period of time.

Time: 5485.44

Some relief from symptoms seems to show up

Time: 5487.33

around four weeks and certainly by eight weeks

Time: 5489.88

for both cognitive behavioral therapy and the SSRIs,

Time: 5493.21

but it's really at the 10 to 12 week stage

Time: 5496.39

when someone's been doing these twice a week,

Time: 5498.04

cognitive behavioral sessions,

Time: 5499.99

where they've been taking a SSRI for 10 to 12 weeks,

Time: 5503.65

that the really significant reduction

Time: 5505.81

in OCD symptoms starts to really show up.

Time: 5509.17

Now, up until now, I've been talking about the fact

Time: 5511.15

that people are getting relief from these treatments,

Time: 5514

but sadly,

Time: 5515.71

in the case of OCD,

Time: 5517.3

there is a significant population

Time: 5520.54

that simply does not respond to CBT

Time: 5523.78

or to SSRIs, or to their combination,

Time: 5526.6

which is why psychiatrists also explore the combination

Time: 5530.56

of SSRIs and neuroleptics

Time: 5533.47

or drugs that tap into the so-called dopamine system

Time: 5536.17

or the glutamate system.

Time: 5537.43

These are other neurotransmitters and neuromodulators

Time: 5540.04

that impact different circuits in the brain.

Time: 5541.81

And just to really remind you

Time: 5543.07

what neurotransmitters and neuromodulators do,

Time: 5545.17

because this is important to contextualize all this,

Time: 5548.11

neurotransmitters are typically involved in the

Time: 5550.99

rapid communication between neurons.

Time: 5552.82

And the two most common neurotransmitters for that

Time: 5554.83

are the neurotransmitter glutamate,

Time: 5557.2

which we say is excitatory,

Time: 5558.818

meaning when it's released into the synapse,

Time: 5560.311

it causes the next neuron to be more active, or active,

Time: 5563.849

and GABA which is a neurotransmitter

Time: 5566.099

that is inhibitory, meaning when it's released

Time: 5567.791

into the synapse, typically, not always,

Time: 5569.59

but typically, that GABA is going to encourage

Time: 5572.32

the next neuron to be less electrically active

Time: 5574.51

or even silence its activity.

Time: 5577.33

The neuromodulators, by contrast,

Time: 5579.82

So not neurotransmitters, but neuromodulators

Time: 5581.98

like dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine,

Time: 5583.96

and acetylcholine and others

Time: 5586.96

operate a little bit differently.

Time: 5588.49

They tend to act a little bit more broadly.

Time: 5590.62

They can act within the synapse,

Time: 5592.33

but they can also change the general patterns

Time: 5595.18

of activity in the brain,

Time: 5596.41

making certain circuits more likely

Time: 5598.27

to be active and other circuits less likely to be active.

Time: 5601.42

So when we say dopamine does X

Time: 5603.73

or dopamine does Y, or serotonin does X

Time: 5605.77

or serotonin does Y,

Time: 5606.603

they don't really do one thing,

Time: 5608.14

they change the sort of overall tonality.

Time: 5610.57

They make it more likely or less likely

Time: 5612.1

that certain circuits will be active.

Time: 5613.84

You can think of them as kind of activating playlists

Time: 5616.51

or genres of activity in the brain,

Time: 5619.54

rather than being involved in the specific communication

Time: 5622.36

or specific songs, if you will,

Time: 5624.22

in this analogy, or discussions between particular neurons.

Time: 5627.43

So when we hear that SSRIs increase serotonin

Time: 5631.54

and reduce the symptoms of OCD,

Time: 5633.43

or a neuroleptic reduces the amount of dopamine

Time: 5636.49

and makes people feel calmer for instance,

Time: 5639.79

or can remove some stereotype, repetitive motor behavior,

Time: 5645.07

which they can either generate

Time: 5646.84

or reduce motor behavior it turns out.

Time: 5649.45

So when I say that, what I'm referring to

Time: 5651.24

is the fact that these neuromodulators

Time: 5652.96

are kind of turning up the volume on certain circuits

Time: 5655.81

and turning down the volume on other circuits.

Time: 5658.54

I say that because if you are going to explore

Time: 5662.08

drug treatments again with a licensed physician,

Time: 5665.44

if you're going to explore drug treatments for OCD,

Time: 5668.38

and in particular, if you are not getting results

Time: 5671.83

from SSRIs, or you're not getting results

Time: 5674.44

from cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 5675.67

or the side effect profiles of the drugs

Time: 5677.59

that you're taking for OCD

Time: 5679.75

are causing problems that you don't want to take them,

Time: 5683.11

well, then it's important to understand

Time: 5685

that anytime you take one of these drugs,

Time: 5687.13

they're not acting specifically

Time: 5688.81

on the cortico-striatal-thalamic circuit.

Time: 5691.51

That would be wonderful.

Time: 5692.343

That's the future of psychiatry,

Time: 5694.3

but as now, when you take a drug,

Time: 5697.36

it acts systemically.

Time: 5698.35

So it's impacting serotonin in your gut.

Time: 5700.6

It's also impacting serotonin in other areas of the brain,

Time: 5702.79

hence the effects on things like digestion or libido or

Time: 5708.1

any number of different things

Time: 5709

that serotonin is involved in.

Time: 5710.89

Likewise, if you take a neuroleptic like haloperidol

Time: 5714.07

or something that reduces dopamine transmission,

Time: 5717.58

well, then it's going to have some motor effects

Time: 5719.41

'cause dopamine is involved in the generation

Time: 5721.42

of motor sequences and smooth limb movement.

Time: 5723.7

That's why people with Parkinson's

Time: 5724.81

who don't have much dopamine will get a resting tremor,

Time: 5727.06

have a hard time generating smooth movement.

Time: 5728.62

And so the side effects start to make sense,

Time: 5731.08

given the huge number of different neural circuits

Time: 5733.66

that these different neuromodulators are involved in.

Time: 5736

I don't say that to be discouraging,

Time: 5738.01

I say that to encourage patients

Time: 5740.62

and careful systematic exploration

Time: 5743.05

of different drug treatments for OCD

Time: 5745.57

always again with the careful and close

Time: 5749.92

guidance and oversight of a psychiatrist

Time: 5752.08

because psychiatrists really understand

Time: 5753.7

which side effect profiles make it likely

Time: 5756.19

that you can or cannot or will never,

Time: 5760.51

or maybe someday will be able to take a given drug

Time: 5762.61

at a given dose.

Time: 5763.63

They're the ones that really have that knowledge.

Time: 5765.31

This is not the sort of thing that you want

Time: 5766.78

to cowboy and go try and figure out yourself.

Time: 5769.57

Now, I also want to acknowledge

Time: 5771.67

that there are other forms of drug treatments.

Time: 5773.53

We touched on psilocybin briefly,

Time: 5775.15

but there are other forms of drug treatments

Time: 5776.89

that have been explored for OCD.

Time: 5779.26

Earlier, we talked a little bit about cannabis.

Time: 5781.24

Why would cannabis be a place of exploration at all?

Time: 5785.68

Well, first of all,

Time: 5786.64

a number of people try and self medicate for OCD.

Time: 5789.61

There is some clinical evidence,

Time: 5791.38

I'm not talking about recreational use,

Time: 5792.76

I'm talking about clinical evidence

Time: 5793.78

that cannabis can reduce anxiety.

Time: 5795.64

Now earlier we were talking about

Time: 5797.59

not reducing anxiety, but learning anxiety tolerance

Time: 5801.07

in order to deal with and treat OCD

Time: 5804.16

in the context of cognitive behavioral therapies.

Time: 5807.85

That doesn't necessarily rule out cannabis

Time: 5809.53

as a candidate for the treatment of OCD.

Time: 5812.707

And in fact, this has been explored.

Time: 5814.66

A study from Dr. Blair Simpson herself looked at this.

Time: 5819.25

This was a fairly small scale study.

Time: 5820.96

So first of all, I'll give you the title.

Time: 5822.28

And again, we'll provide a link.

Time: 5823.39

This is entitled, Acute effects of cannabinoids

Time: 5825.52

on symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder:

Time: 5827.62

A human laboratory study.

Time: 5829.45

very briefly, this was 14 adults with OCD.

Time: 5832.12

They had prior experience with cannabis.

Time: 5834.43

This was randomized, placebo-controlled.

Time: 5836.59

The cannabis was smoked, they had different varietals,

Time: 5840.64

as they're called.

Time: 5841.54

They had a placebo.

Time: 5842.44

So this is basically a condition in which certain subjects

Time: 5846.82

consumed a cigarette that had 0% THC,

Time: 5850.27

others had 7% THC, other groups that is, or

Time: 5855.04

some had 0.4% CBD and THC.

Time: 5857.98

So they looked at CBD.

Time: 5859.06

I know a lot of people out there are interested in CBD.

Time: 5860.953

This is one of the few studies I could find

Time: 5862.69

where they explored different percentages

Time: 5865.15

of THC and CBD in these

Time: 5868.15

cannabis or marijuana cigarettes basically.

Time: 5871

The total amount that they consumed,

Time: 5872.92

I believe, was 800 milligrams.

Time: 5874.66

These, again, are not suggestions.

Time: 5876.73

These are just simply reporting what's in this study.

Time: 5878.71

You can, again, I'll provide a link.

Time: 5881.65

They looked at OCD symptoms, ratings.

Time: 5884.74

They looked at cardiovascular effects.

Time: 5886.87

They had a large number of different things

Time: 5888.55

that they explored.

Time: 5889.51

And I should say this study was done in 2020,

Time: 5891.76

and it was the first placebo-controlled investigation

Time: 5895.09

of cannabis in adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Time: 5898.12

Pretty interesting.

Time: 5899.2

And I'm just reading from their conclusions here.

Time: 5901.6

The data suggests that smoked cannabis,

Time: 5903.31

whether containing primarily THC or CBD,

Time: 5906.52

remember they looked at different concentrations

Time: 5908.02

of those, has little acute impact,

Time: 5910.33

meaning immediate impact on OCD symptoms

Time: 5913.87

and yield smaller reductions in anxiety

Time: 5915.85

compared to placebo.

Time: 5917.17

So they did not see a, when I say a positive effect,

Time: 5920.44

I mean a ameliorative effect,

Time: 5923.23

an effect in reducing symptoms of OCD

Time: 5925.69

from cannabis or CBD,

Time: 5927.67

which, it's unfortunate.

Time: 5929.74

I think it's unfortunate anytime a treatment doesn't work.

Time: 5931.6

But nonetheless, those are the data,

Time: 5932.89

I'm sure there are going to be other studies.

Time: 5934.54

I'm sure there are also going to be people

Time: 5935.71

in the YouTube comments section saying

Time: 5937.57

that cannabis and CBD helps their OCD symptoms,

Time: 5941.62

at least I anticipate there probably will.

Time: 5944.05

Almost everything I say here,

Time: 5945.16

somebody will contradict it with something

Time: 5946.72

from their experience, which I encourage, by the way.

Time: 5948.94

I want to hear about your experience with certain things

Time: 5951.31

even if it's not from randomized placebo-controlled studies,

Time: 5954.4

I still find it very interesting

Time: 5955.87

to know what people are doing and what they're experiencing.

Time: 5958.27

I think that's one of the better uses of social media

Time: 5960.49

comment sections, is to be able to share some of that,

Time: 5962.65

not in an advice-giving way or prescriptive way,

Time: 5965.26

but simply as a way to share and encourage

Time: 5967.42

different types of exploration.

Time: 5969.07

There are other sorts of drug treatments

Time: 5970.36

that are gaining popularity for OCD,

Time: 5972.97

at least in the research realm.

Time: 5974.74

One treatment that is a legal, L-E-G-A-L.

Time: 5978.22

Sometimes when I say legal,

Time: 5979.18

sometimes people think I say illegal, but that is legal,

Time: 5981.61

at least by prescription in the United States, is ketamine.

Time: 5985.87

The actions of ketamine are somewhat complex

Time: 5989.38

although we know, for instance,

Time: 5990.55

that ketamine acts on the glutamate system,

Time: 5992.71

it tends to disrupt the transmission

Time: 5996.43

or the relationship, I should say,

Time: 5998.53

between glutamate, not glutamine,

Time: 6001.23

not the amino acid, but glutamate, the neurotransmitter,

Time: 6004.29

and the so-called NMDA, the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor,

Time: 6007.89

which is a receptor that's very special

Time: 6010.59

in the nervous system because when glutamate binds

Time: 6012.72

to the NMDA receptor, it tends to

Time: 6016.23

offer the opportunity for that particular synapse

Time: 6018.42

to get stronger, so-called neuroplasticity

Time: 6020.64

and ketamine is a, essentially, an antagonist,

Time: 6024.42

although it works through a complicated mechanism,

Time: 6026.4

it tends to block that

Time: 6028.44

binding of glutamate to the NMDA receptor

Time: 6031.47

or the effectiveness of that.

Time: 6032.67

Ketamine therapy is now being used quite extensively

Time: 6035.67

for the treatment of trauma and for depression.

Time: 6037.53

It leads to a dissociative state.

Time: 6039.54

It's a so-called dissociative analgesic

Time: 6042.954

in the variety of ways in which that happens.

Time: 6044.67

We did an episode on depression.

Time: 6045.96

We're going to do another entire episode all about ketamine

Time: 6048.87

describing the networks that ketamine impacts, et cetera.

Time: 6051.24

Ketamine therapies are being explored for OCD.

Time: 6054.06

As of now, the data look somewhat promising,

Time: 6057.66

but there's still a lot more work that needs to be done.

Time: 6060.54

My read of the data are that

Time: 6062.64

the more extensive clinical trials

Time: 6065.37

have not happened yet.

Time: 6066.42

The smaller studies that have happened

Time: 6069.3

revealed that some patients do get some relief

Time: 6071.4

from ketamine therapy for OCD,

Time: 6073.5

but there was nothing overwhelmingly pointing to the fact

Time: 6077.4

that ketamine is a magic bullet for OCD treatment.

Time: 6081.57

So cannabis, CBD, at least now,

Time: 6084.42

even though it's one smaller study,

Time: 6086.58

there's no real evidence that it can

Time: 6089.16

alleviate OCD symptoms.

Time: 6091.74

If there are new studies published soon,

Time: 6093.27

I'll be sure to update you.

Time: 6094.62

And if you see those studies,

Time: 6095.73

please send them to me.

Time: 6096.563

Ketamine therapy, the jury is still out,

Time: 6098.91

psilocybin, The jury is still out.

Time: 6100.86

These are early days.

Time: 6102.45

Another treatment that's becoming somewhat common,

Time: 6105.42

or at least people are commonly excited about

Time: 6107.7

is transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Time: 6110.01

So this is the use of a magnetic coil.

Time: 6112.32

This is completely noninvasive,

Time: 6113.91

placed on one portion of the skull,

Time: 6117.03

and one can direct magnetic

Time: 6120.78

energy toward particular areas of the brain

Time: 6123.15

to either suppress, or nowadays,

Time: 6124.95

you can also activate particular brain regions.

Time: 6127.44

There are some interesting data

Time: 6128.49

showing that if TMS is applied

Time: 6130.47

to areas of the brain involved

Time: 6131.94

in the generation of motor action,

Time: 6134.01

so the so-called motor areas,

Time: 6135.75

or supplementary motor areas as they're called,

Time: 6138.6

while people think about or have intrusive thoughts,

Time: 6143.19

we know that the TMS coil can interrupt

Time: 6145.65

the motor behaviors, the compulsive behaviors,

Time: 6149.13

and at least in a small cohort of studies

Time: 6152.536

and a small number of patients within those studies,

Time: 6155.13

this has been shown to be effective,

Time: 6157.38

not just while the coil is on the head, of course,

Time: 6159.45

but after the study has been performed

Time: 6161.97

or the treatment's been performed

Time: 6163.5

in reducing OCD symptoms by disrupting the tendency

Time: 6167.85

for the compulsive behavior to be so automatic.

Time: 6171.57

One of the key features of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Time: 6174.81

is that, especially if it's been around for a while,

Time: 6178.65

the person's been dealing with it for a while,

Time: 6180.36

there isn't a pattern in which the person thinks,

Time: 6183.42

oh, I have this contamination fear,

Time: 6185.97

or I need symmetry, or I'm kind of obsessed

Time: 6188.37

to count to the number seven.

Time: 6189.72

And then they pause and they go,

Time: 6191.433

ooh, and then they do it.

Time: 6192.9

No, typically there's a very close

Time: 6195.66

pairing of the obsession and the compulsion in time

Time: 6198.57

so that somebody's walking down the street,

Time: 6199.95

thinking one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Time: 6201.18

one, two, three, four, five, six seven, seven...

Time: 6203.31

and then they're doing this

Time: 6204.87

in such rapid succession

Time: 6207.15

because the obsessions are coming up so quickly.

Time: 6209.43

Thoughts can be generated very quickly.

Time: 6211.68

And then they're generating the compulsions

Time: 6212.943

as a way to beat down

Time: 6214.32

or to try and suppress that anxiety

Time: 6216.69

and then it comes right back up again

Time: 6218.1

at even stronger as I described earlier.

Time: 6220.41

So transcranial magnetic stimulation

Time: 6222.48

seems to intervene in these various fast processes.

Time: 6226.11

Right now, I don't think it's fair to say

Time: 6228.3

that TMS is a magic bullet either.

Time: 6230.82

I think there's a lot of excitement about TMS

Time: 6232.47

and in particular,

Time: 6233.94

I really want to nail this point home,

Time: 6235.89

in particular, there's excitement about

Time: 6238.59

the combination of TMS with drug treatments,

Time: 6241.8

or the combination of TMS with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Time: 6245.88

And this is a really important point,

Time: 6247.47

not just for sake of discussion

Time: 6248.7

about obsessive-compulsive disorder,

Time: 6250.23

but also depression, ADHD, schizophrenia,

Time: 6254.76

any number of different psychiatric challenges

Time: 6257.76

and disorders in most cases are going to respond best

Time: 6261.48

to a combination of behavioral treatment

Time: 6263.28

that's ongoing that occurs in the laboratory

Time: 6265.41

and clinical setting,

Time: 6266.243

but also in the home setting where there's homework,

Time: 6268.74

maybe even home visits.

Time: 6271.17

Drug treatments, often, not always,

Time: 6273.69

are a terrific augment to

Time: 6275.22

those cognitive behavioral therapies

Time: 6276.62

or other behavioral therapies.

Time: 6278.04

And then now we are living in the age

Time: 6280.05

of brain-machine interface.

Time: 6281.31

You have companies like Neuralink

Time: 6283.02

that I think it's fair to say are going to enter

Time: 6285.63

the brain machine-interface world first

Time: 6288.21

through the treatment of certain syndromes,

Time: 6291.96

movement syndromes or psychiatric syndromes

Time: 6293.94

probably before they start putting electrodes

Time: 6296.16

into the brain to stimulate enhanced memory

Time: 6298.65

or enhanced cognition, who knows,

Time: 6300.06

I don't know exactly what they're doing

Time: 6301.83

behind the walls of Neuralink.

Time: 6302.937

But I have to imagine, in fact,

Time: 6304.56

I would wager maybe not both arms,

Time: 6306.81

but I'll wager my left arm

Time: 6308.34

that the first set of FDA approved technologies

Time: 6313.38

to come out of companies like Neuralink

Time: 6315.96

are going to be those for the treatment of things

Time: 6317.4

like Parkinson's and movement disorders

Time: 6319.2

and cognitive disorders, rather than,

Time: 6321.63

shall we say, kind of recreational

Time: 6324.03

cognitive enhancement or things of that sort.

Time: 6326.1

So transcranial magnetic stimulation is noninvasive.

Time: 6328.53

It doesn't involve going down below the skull,

Time: 6330.9

can have some effect, but most laboratories

Time: 6333.69

that I'm aware of at Stanford and elsewhere

Time: 6336.21

that are exploring TMS for things like OCD

Time: 6338.4

and other types of psychiatric

Time: 6340.53

challenges are using TMS in combination

Time: 6343.83

with drug therapies, are using,

Time: 6345.66

in some cases, for instance,

Time: 6346.98

a laboratory at Stanford, hope to get 'em on the podcast,

Time: 6349.71

a psychiatrist, Nolan Williams,

Time: 6351.78

is exploring TMS in combination with

Time: 6354.18

psychedelic therapies, not necessarily at the same time,

Time: 6356.37

but nonetheless combining them

Time: 6357.89

or exploring how they impact brain circuitry.

Time: 6360.51

So if you have OCD, should you run out and get TMS,

Time: 6363.24

or should you try ketamine therapy,

Time: 6364.92

of course, with a licensed physician?

Time: 6366.42

I think it's too early to say yes.

Time: 6368.49

I think the answer is we need to wait and see.

Time: 6371.4

I think cognitive behavioral therapy, the SSRIs,

Time: 6373.527

and some other drug treatments like neuroleptics

Time: 6376.47

combined with SSRIs and cognitive behavioral therapy

Time: 6379.41

are where the real bulk of the data are.

Time: 6382.53

I want to make one additional point about cannabis CBD

Time: 6385.17

as it relates to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Time: 6387.84

To me, it's not at all surprising

Time: 6390.21

that cannabis CBD did not improve symptoms of OCD.

Time: 6394.35

Because in my discussion with Dr. Paul Conti

Time: 6396.69

a few weeks ago,

Time: 6398.31

and I should mention, Dr. Conti

Time: 6399.48

is indeed a medical doctor, a psychiatrist,

Time: 6403.08

we were talking about cannabis and its various uses,

Time: 6405.27

because it does have some clinical applications.

Time: 6408.27

And he mentioned that one of the main effects

Time: 6410.82

of cannabis is to tighten focus

Time: 6414.63

and to enhance concentration on

Time: 6417.66

and thoughts about one particular thing.

Time: 6420.45

And in some cases that can be clinically beneficial,

Time: 6423.12

and in other cases that can be clinically detrimental.

Time: 6426.12

If you accept the idea that cannabis increases focus,

Time: 6431.88

and you think about OCD and the networks involved,

Time: 6435.87

and you think about the anxiety and the relationship

Time: 6438.18

between the obsession and compulsion,

Time: 6440.88

well, then it shouldn't come as any surprise

Time: 6442.68

that cannabis did not improve the symptoms of OCD

Time: 6446.13

because if anything, it would increase focus

Time: 6449.04

on the obsessions and the compulsions.

Time: 6450.87

Now that's not what they observed.

Time: 6451.95

They did not see an exacerbation

Time: 6453.96

or a worsening of the symptoms of OCD with cannabis,

Time: 6457.38

at least that's not my read of the data,

Time: 6459.12

but they did not see an improvement

Time: 6461.1

in OCD symptoms with cannabis or CBD.

Time: 6464.13

And to me, that's not surprising

Time: 6466.11

given that cannabis CBD seems to increase focus.

Time: 6469.56

Next, I'd like to talk about some of the research

Time: 6471.63

on and the roles of hormones in OCD,

Time: 6475.11

because it turns out to be

Time: 6475.943

a very interesting relationship there.

Time: 6477.87

But before I do, I want to point out something

Time: 6479.58

that I realize I probably should have said earlier,

Time: 6482.49

which is one of the key things for someone with OCD

Time: 6485.61

to come to understand if they're going to experience

Time: 6488.19

any relief of their symptoms,

Time: 6489.81

whether or not they're doing drug treatments

Time: 6490.98

or behavioral treatments or otherwise,

Time: 6492.99

is that thoughts are not as bad as actions.

Time: 6498.72

Thoughts are not as bad as actions.

Time: 6500.76

One of the kind of rules that people with OCD

Time: 6504.09

seem to adopt for themselves

Time: 6506.16

is that thoughts are really,

Time: 6508.53

truly the equivalent of actions.

Time: 6510.33

So they'll have an intrusive thought and,

Time: 6512.58

we haven't spent too much time on this today,

Time: 6513.99

but earlier I touched on the fact

Time: 6515.97

that some of the intrusive thoughts that people have

Time: 6518.28

in OCD are really disturbing.

Time: 6520.47

They can be really gross,

Time: 6522.18

or at least gross to that person.

Time: 6524.1

They can evoke imagery that is toxic or infectious,

Time: 6529.05

or is highly sexualized in a way

Time: 6531.63

that is disturbing to them, it can be very taboo.

Time: 6534.48

This is not uncommon

Time: 6536.13

when you start talking to people with OCD

Time: 6537.78

and you start pulling on the thread.

Time: 6539.49

Again, this would be a psychiatrist

Time: 6541.47

who was trained to ask the right questions

Time: 6543.63

and gain the comfort and trust of a patient.

Time: 6545.91

And they start to reveal that

Time: 6546.743

these thoughts are really intrusive and kind of disturbing,

Time: 6549.63

which is why they feel so compelled

Time: 6551.22

to try and suppress them with behaviors.

Time: 6553.38

One of the powerful elements of treatment for OCD

Time: 6557.28

is to really support the patient

Time: 6560.49

and make them realize that thoughts are just thoughts

Time: 6564.21

and that everyone has disturbing thoughts.

Time: 6566.55

And that oftentimes those disturbing thoughts

Time: 6568.38

arise at the most inconvenient, and sometimes,

Time: 6571.44

what seems like the most inappropriate circumstances.

Time: 6575.01

And this relates to a whole larger discussion

Time: 6577.35

that we could have about what are thoughts

Time: 6579.78

and why do they surface,

Time: 6580.62

and how come when you stand at the edge of a bridge,

Time: 6583.53

even if you do not want to jump off,

Time: 6585.21

you think about jumping off.

Time: 6586.68

And this has to do with the fact

Time: 6588.45

that your nervous system, as a prediction machine,

Time: 6590.85

is oftentimes testing possibilities.

Time: 6592.71

And sometimes that testing goes way off into the

Time: 6596.91

Netherlands of the thought patterns

Time: 6600.54

and emotional patterns that we all have inside of us.

Time: 6603.36

The big difference between a thought and an action

Time: 6605.85

is that, of course, the nervous system is,

Time: 6608.87

in one case, not translating

Time: 6611.1

those patterns of thinking into motor sequences.

Time: 6614.97

That nerdy way of saying thoughts aren't actions,

Time: 6618.66

believe it or not,

Time: 6619.493

can be helpful for people if they really

Time: 6621.48

think about that and use it as an opportunity

Time: 6623.73

to realize that, first of all, they're not crazy.

Time: 6627.36

They're not thinking and feeling this stuff

Time: 6630.3

because they're bad or evil.

Time: 6632.19

And of course, sometimes this can cross over

Time: 6634.2

with other elements of life

Time: 6635.82

where we place moral judgment on people

Time: 6637.8

for certain behaviors.

Time: 6638.633

I think that's part of a healthy society, of course,

Time: 6640.68

that's why we have laws and punishments

Time: 6642.63

and rewards for that matter for certain types of behaviors.

Time: 6645.69

But this idea that thoughts are not as bad as actions

Time: 6647.73

and that thoughts can be tolerated

Time: 6649.77

and the anxiety around thoughts

Time: 6651.66

can be tolerated and over time can diminish,

Time: 6654.06

that's a very powerful hallmark theme

Time: 6656.31

of the treatment of OCD

Time: 6657.45

so I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it.

Time: 6659.94

Thoughts are not actions.

Time: 6661.92

Actions can harm us, they can harm other people,

Time: 6664.53

they can soak up enormous amounts of time.

Time: 6668.52

Thoughts can soak up enormous amounts of time.

Time: 6670.92

They can be very troubling.

Time: 6671.94

They can be very detrimental.

Time: 6673.2

We of course want to be sensitive to that,

Time: 6675.81

but when it really comes down to it,

Time: 6678.81

the first step in treatment for OCD is this realization

Time: 6682.83

where the approach to the realization

Time: 6684.51

that thoughts are not as bad as actions.

Time: 6687.3

So what about hormones in OCD?

Time: 6689.55

Well, this has been explored,

Time: 6690.75

albeit not as extensively as I would've liked to find,

Time: 6693.66

but when I went into the literature,

Time: 6695.34

I found one particularly interesting study,

Time: 6698.28

entitled, Neurosteroid Levels in Patients

Time: 6700.23

with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Time: 6702.18

First author, Erbay

Time: 6703.013

And as always, we'll provide a link to the study.

Time: 6707.04

The objective of this study was to explore serum

Time: 6709.56

within blood, neurosteroid levels in people with OCD.

Time: 6713.73


Time: 6714.563

Well, because of the relationship

Time: 6715.86

between OCD and anxiety

Time: 6717.36

and the fact that in stress-related disorders

Time: 6719.67

such as anxiety and depression,

Time: 6722.28

the hormones have been extensively explored,

Time: 6724.14

but not so much in OCD, at least until this study.

Time: 6726.78

So they compared serum levels of a number

Time: 6729.09

of different hormones, progesterone, pregnenolone,

Time: 6731.58

DHEA, cortisol, and testosterone.

Time: 6735.36

This was done in 30 patients with OCD

Time: 6737.297

and 30 healthy controls.

Time: 6739.62

So it's not a huge study, but it's enough to draw

Time: 6742.62

some pretty nice conclusions.

Time: 6744

These subjects were 18 to 49 years old,

Time: 6746.91

and the controls were age and sex matched

Time: 6750.33

healthy volunteers.

Time: 6751.2

Again, no OCD.

Time: 6752.85

What was the basic takeaway from the study?

Time: 6754.26

The basic takeaway from the study was that in females

Time: 6756.9

with OCD, there was evidence

Time: 6759.63

for significantly elevated cortisol and DHEA.

Time: 6763.65

Now that's interesting because cortisol

Time: 6765.33

is well known to be associated with the stress system.

Time: 6768.57

Although every day, should mention,

Time: 6770.67

we all, male or female, everybody experiences

Time: 6774.3

an increase in cortisol shortly after awakening.

Time: 6776.79

That's a healthy increase in cortisol.

Time: 6779.04

Late shift, I mean, late in the day peaks in cortisol

Time: 6783.15

where a shift in that cortisol peak

Time: 6784.95

to later in the day is a known correlate

Time: 6789.33

of depression and anxiety disorders.

Time: 6792.66

So the fact that cortisol is elevated

Time: 6794.157

and DHEA are elevated in female patients

Time: 6798.42

with OCD suggests that

Time: 6801.75

cortisol is either reflective of or causal

Time: 6804.48

for the increase in anxiety.

Time: 6806.82

We don't know the direction of that effect.

Time: 6808.92

Now in male patients with OCD,

Time: 6811.68

there was evidence for increased cortisol.

Time: 6813.81

Again, not surprising given the role of anxiety in cortisol,

Time: 6816.86

or I should say, given the role of cortisol in anxiety

Time: 6819.93

and the increasing anxiety seen in OCD,

Time: 6822.87

but there are also significant reductions in testosterone,

Time: 6825.99

which should also not surprise us

Time: 6828.18

because cortisol and testosterone more or less compete

Time: 6832.02

in some fashion for their own production,

Time: 6834.99

both are derived from the molecule cholesterol.

Time: 6837.9

And there are certain biochemical pathways

Time: 6839.67

that can either direct that cholesterol molecule

Time: 6841.86

toward cortisol synthesis or testosterone synthesis,

Time: 6845.22

but not both.

Time: 6846.54

So they compete.

Time: 6847.373

So when cortisol goes up in general,

Time: 6849.06

not always, but in general,

Time: 6850.2

testosterone goes down and vice versa.

Time: 6852.57

If you want to learn more about the relationship

Time: 6854.31

between cortisol and testosterone,

Time: 6855.81

and there are even some tools to try and optimize those

Time: 6857.85

ratios in both males and females,

Time: 6860.4

you can find that in our episode

Time: 6861.69

on optimizing testosterone and estrogen,

Time: 6863.73

that's at

Time: 6865.8

Now, I would say the most interesting aspect

Time: 6868.44

of this study is not that DHEA and cortisol

Time: 6871.8

are elevated in females with OCD

Time: 6873.2

or that cortisol and testosterone

Time: 6875.67

have this opposite effect,

Time: 6876.63

cortisol up and testosterone down in males with OCD,

Time: 6880.11

but rather the relationship between all of those,

Time: 6883.08

DHEA, cortisol, and testosterone.

Time: 6886.77

In terms of GABA, GABA again

Time: 6889.35

being this inhibitory neurotransmitter

Time: 6891.57

that tends to quiet certain neuronal pathways,

Time: 6896.04

it does different things at different synapses,

Time: 6898.83

but in general, the more GABA that's present,

Time: 6901.17

the more inhibition that's present,

Time: 6902.79

and therefore the more suppression of neural activity.

Time: 6905.52

And DHEA is known to be a potent antagonist

Time: 6911.43

of the GABA system.

Time: 6913.47

So here we have elevated DHEA in females.

Time: 6918.54

And I should also mention that testosterone

Time: 6921.09

is also known to tap into the GABA system.

Time: 6923.82

Typically, when testosterone is elevated,

Time: 6926.13

GABA transmission, at least is slightly elevated.

Time: 6929.76

So here we have a situation in which the pattern

Time: 6932.28

of hormones in females and males with OCD

Time: 6936.51

are different from those in people without OCD

Time: 6940.77

such that GABA transmission is altered

Time: 6943.86

and the net effect would be an overall reduction in GABA.

Time: 6947.64

Now GABA, as an inhibitory neurotransmitter,

Time: 6951.39

and broadly speaking is associated

Time: 6953.67

with lower levels of anxiety,

Time: 6955.77

and it tends to create balance

Time: 6957.75

within various neural circuits.

Time: 6959.43

Now, that's a very broad statement,

Time: 6960.63

but we know for instance, in epilepsy,

Time: 6963.54

that GABA levels are reduced

Time: 6965.01

and therefore you get runaway excitation

Time: 6966.99

of certain circuits in the brain,

Time: 6968.34

and therefore seizures, either petite mal,

Time: 6970.74

mini seizures, or grand mal, massive seizures,

Time: 6973.35

or even drop seizures where people completely collapse

Time: 6975.69

to the floor in seizure.

Time: 6976.83

You may have seen this before.

Time: 6978.18

I certainly have, it's very dramatic

Time: 6979.95

and it actually is quite debilitating for people

Time: 6983.01

because obviously they don't know when these seizures

Time: 6984.66

are coming on most often, and then

Time: 6987.03

they can fall into a stove or while driving, et cetera.

Time: 6989.91

So the situation with OCD is one in which,

Time: 6993.18

for whatever reason, we don't know the direction of effect.

Time: 6997.53

Certain hormones are elevated in females

Time: 6999.51

and certain hormones are elevated in males

Time: 7001.28

and those hormones differ between males and females,

Time: 7005.57

and yet they both funnel into a system

Time: 7008.09

where GABAergic or GABA transmission in the brain

Time: 7011.21

is reduced because of this ability

Time: 7013.46

for those particular hormones

Time: 7014.9

to be antagonists to GABA,

Time: 7017.21

and as a consequence, there's likely to be overall levels

Time: 7021.77

of increased excitation in certain networks in the brain

Time: 7025.4

and that brings us back to this

Time: 7027.972

cortico-striatal-thalamic loop,

Time: 7029.84

this repetitive loop that seems to reinforce,

Time: 7032.39

we can say reinforces obsession, leads to anxiety,

Time: 7036.56

leads to compulsion, leads to transient relief of anxiety,

Time: 7040.4

but then increase in anxiety, increased obsession, anxiety,

Time: 7044.09

compulsion, anxiety, compulsion, anxiety, compulsion,

Time: 7046.28

and so on and so forth.

Time: 7047.78

So I have not found studies that have explored

Time: 7052.07

adjusting testosterone levels

Time: 7054.38

through exogenous administration,

Time: 7056.09

cream or injection or otherwise,

Time: 7057.65

or that have focused on reducing DHEA in females.

Time: 7062.24

If anyone is aware of such studies,

Time: 7063.83

please put them in the comment section on YouTube

Time: 7066.86

or send them to us.

Time: 7067.85

We have a contact site on the website at,

Time: 7070.64

but the comment section on YouTube would be best.

Time: 7073.28

But because we know that hormones impact neuromodulators

Time: 7076.22

and neurotransmitters, as I just described,

Time: 7078.05

and that those neuromodulators and neurotransmitters

Time: 7080.12

play an intimate role in the generation

Time: 7082.22

and the treatment of things like OCD,

Time: 7085.34

it stands to reason that manipulations

Time: 7088.34

of those hormone systems, however subtle

Time: 7090.56

or dramatic might, I want to highlight,

Time: 7092.9

might prove useful in adjusting the symptoms of OCD

Time: 7096.23

and I hope that this is an area that researchers

Time: 7099.23

are going to pursue in the very near future

Time: 7100.94

because many of the treatments for reducing DHEA

Time: 7104.57

or increasing testosterone or reducing cortisol

Time: 7107.09

have already made it through FDA approval.

Time: 7109.91

They're out there, they're readily prescribed.

Time: 7112.4

Many of them are already in generic form

Time: 7114.02

which means that the patents have already lapsed

Time: 7116.42

on the first versions of those drugs.

Time: 7119.21

So when they're available as generic drugs, very often,

Time: 7122.03

they're available at significantly lower cost.

Time: 7124.7

There's a whole discussion we had there

Time: 7126.05

about patent laws and prescription drugs.

Time: 7129.47

But because these drugs are largely available

Time: 7132.14

in prescription yet generic form,

Time: 7135.74

I think there's a great opportunity

Time: 7137.06

to explore how hormones, not just cortisol,

Time: 7140.6

testosterone, and DHA,

Time: 7141.77

but the huge category of hormones

Time: 7144.14

might impact the symptoms of OCD,

Time: 7146.51

especially since many of the symptoms of OCD

Time: 7149.21

show up right around the time of puberty.

Time: 7151.25

We haven't talked a lot about childhood OCD,

Time: 7152.69

'cause we're going to do an entire series

Time: 7154.7

on childhood psychiatric disorders and challenges but

Time: 7159.26

many children develop OCD early as young

Time: 7162.38

as three or four, believe it or not,

Time: 7164.27

or even 6 or 7 and 10

Time: 7166.04

and in adolescence, and certainly around puberty.

Time: 7168.86

and in young adulthood.

Time: 7170.54

It is rare, although it does happen,

Time: 7172.58

that people will develop OCD very late in life

Time: 7174.98

around 40 or older, just kind of spontaneously.

Time: 7177.74

Most often when you look at their clinical history,

Time: 7179.6

you find that either they were hiding it

Time: 7181.58

or is being suppressed in some way,

Time: 7183.32

or if it does spontaneously show up late in life

Time: 7186.14

like mid-thirties or in one's forties,

Time: 7190.07

typically there's a traumatic brain injury,

Time: 7192.53

could be due to stroke or physical injury to the head

Time: 7195.26

or something of that sort.

Time: 7197.15


Time: 7198.74

there is a interesting correlation

Time: 7200.63

between the onset of puberty in certain forms of OCD.

Time: 7203.33

There's certain forms of, or I should say,

Time: 7205.4

there's certain aspects of menopause

Time: 7206.84

that can relate to OCD.

Time: 7208.16

You can find all these things in the literature.

Time: 7210.26

All this to say that hormones impact neurotransmitters

Time: 7213.17

and neuromodulators, which clearly impact

Time: 7215.06

the kinds of circuits that are involved in OCD

Time: 7217.22

and it makes sense that,

Time: 7219.14

and I would hope that there would be an exploration

Time: 7221.63

of how these hormones impact OCD

Time: 7223.4

in the not too distant future.

Time: 7224.75

Now there is an extensive literature exploring

Time: 7226.58

how testosterone therapy,

Time: 7227.96

both in males and females, can be effective

Time: 7232.43

in some cases in the treatment

Time: 7234.44

of anxiety-related disorders,

Time: 7236.57

but not, at least to my knowledge, in OCD in particular.

Time: 7240.14

So this whole area of the use

Time: 7242.33

of testosterone and estrogen therapies,

Time: 7244.28

DHEA, cortisol suppression,

Time: 7246.29

or maybe even enhancement for the treatment of OCD

Time: 7249.89

is essentially a big black box

Time: 7252.35

that very soon, I believe, will be lit.

Time: 7256.55

I realize that a number of listeners of this podcast

Time: 7258.92

are probably interested in the non-typical

Time: 7262.58

or holistic treatments for OCD.

Time: 7265.55

Dr. Blair Simpson's lab has at least one study

Time: 7267.92

exploring the role of mindfulness meditation

Time: 7271.4

for the treatment of OCD.

Time: 7274.31

There, the data are a little bit complicated

Time: 7277.34

and I should mention that

Time: 7279.98

good things are happening, at least in the United States,

Time: 7282.68

probably elsewhere as well,

Time: 7284.06

but good things are happening in terms of

Time: 7286.43

the exploration of things like meditation

Time: 7289.1

and other, let's call them non-traditional

Time: 7291.14

or holistic forms of treatment for psychiatric disorders

Time: 7294.68

because of the division of complimentary health

Time: 7297.23

that's now been launched

Time: 7298.37

by the National Institutes of Health.

Time: 7299.63

So, whereas before people would think about

Time: 7302.69

meditation or yoga nidra,

Time: 7304.97

or even CBD supplementation for that matter,

Time: 7308.69

as kind of fringe maybe, or kind of woo

Time: 7310.91

or non-traditional at the very least,

Time: 7313.67

the National Institutes of Health in the United States

Time: 7315.68

has now devoted an entire division,

Time: 7319.25

an entire Institute, purely for the exploration

Time: 7322.4

of things like breathing practices, meditation, et cetera.

Time: 7324.74

So there's a cancer institute,

Time: 7326.15

there's a hearing and deafness institute,

Time: 7327.86

there's a vision institute,

Time: 7329.57

and now there's this complimentary health Institute,

Time: 7331.58

which I think is a wonderful addition

Time: 7334.61

to the more traditional aspects of medicine.

Time: 7338

I think no possible useful treatment

Time: 7341.09

should be overlooked or unresearched in my opinion,

Time: 7343.7

provided that can be done safely.

Time: 7345.83

And as I mentioned, Dr. Blair Simpson's lab

Time: 7348.65

has looked at the role of mindfulness meditation

Time: 7351.347

and the treatment of OCD.

Time: 7353.33

Now we should all keep in mind,

Time: 7356.12

no pun intended, that most of the data

Time: 7358.4

on mindfulness meditation shows that it increases

Time: 7361.97

the ability to focus.

Time: 7363.86

Now, this brings us back to a kind of repeating theme today,

Time: 7366.44

which is that increased focus

Time: 7368.06

may not be the best thing for somebody with OCD

Time: 7371.87

because it might increase focus on the obsession

Time: 7375.2

and/or compulsion.

Time: 7377.03

Turns out that mindfulness meditation can be useful

Time: 7379.7

in the treatment of OCD,

Time: 7380.99

but mainly by way of how it impacts

Time: 7384.05

the focus on and the ability

Time: 7387.11

to engage in cognitive behavioral therapies.

Time: 7390.05

So it's very unlikely, at least by my read of the data,

Time: 7393.29

to be a direct effect of meditation

Time: 7395.54

on relieving the symptoms,

Time: 7396.68

rather it seems that meditation is increasing focus

Time: 7399.53

on things like cognitive behavioral therapy homework

Time: 7403.04

and to not focus on other things

Time: 7404.72

and therefore indirectly improving the symptoms of OCD.

Time: 7408.11

Now somewhat surprisingly, at least to me,

Time: 7409.94

there have also been a fairly large number of studies

Time: 7412.64

exploring how nutraceuticals, as they're sometimes called,

Time: 7416.48

supplements that are available over the counter

Time: 7418.64

can impact the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Time: 7421.73

Now there's such an extensive number of different compounds

Time: 7425

and supplements that fall under the category

Time: 7427.31

of nutraceuticals and that have been explored

Time: 7429.29

in the treatment of OCD that I'd like to point you

Time: 7431.12

to a review that is entitled,

Time: 7433.67

Nutraceuticals in the treatment

Time: 7434.96

of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a review,

Time: 7437.69

excuse me, of mechanistic and clinical evidence.

Time: 7440.51

So it's published in 2011, so it's over 10-years-old.

Time: 7444.5

And so by now,

Time: 7445.953

I have to imagine that there are an enormous number

Time: 7448.46

of additional substances that could be explored,

Time: 7451.43

but there are just one or two here that I want to focus on.

Time: 7454.4

Here in this review,

Time: 7455.233

they describe effects of 5-HTP and tryptophan,

Time: 7458.99

so things that are in the serotonin pathway,

Time: 7461.06

which would make sense

Time: 7461.893

given what we know about the SSRIs

Time: 7463.91

that people would explore how different supplements

Time: 7466.04

that increase serotonergic transmission

Time: 7468.29

might impact OCD.

Time: 7470.36

What you find is that they do have significant effects

Time: 7473

in improving or reducing the symptoms of OCD

Time: 7476.72

in somewhat similar way to some of the SSRIs.

Time: 7479.45

But you of course have to be careful.

Time: 7482.54

Anything that's going to tap into a given

Time: 7484.55

neurochemical system to the same degree

Time: 7486.86

may very likely have the same sorts of side effects

Time: 7490.16

that a prescription drug would.

Time: 7491.66

One compound that I like to focus on

Time: 7493.24

in a little more depth, however,

Time: 7494.75

because it's exciting and interesting to me

Time: 7497.45

is inositol.

Time: 7499.28

Inositol is a compound that we are going to talk about

Time: 7501.41

in several future podcasts, because,

Time: 7503.75

well, first of all,

Time: 7505.07

it seems that it can have impressive effects

Time: 7507.44

on reducing anxiety.

Time: 7509.03

It also can have pretty impressive effects

Time: 7510.59

in improving fertility and particular in women

Time: 7513.38

with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Time: 7515.87

And here I'm referring specifically to myo-inositol

Time: 7518.57

because it comes in several forms.

Time: 7520.16

And it does appear that 900 milligrams of inositol

Time: 7523.79

can improve sleep and can reduce anxiety

Time: 7526.97

perhaps when taken at that dosage or higher dosages.

Time: 7530.24

I will just confess, first of all, I don't have OCD,

Time: 7533.27

although I will also confess that when I was a child,

Time: 7535.52

I had a transient tick.

Time: 7537.2

I've talked about this on podcast before.

Time: 7539.12

It was a grunting tick.

Time: 7540.14

So when I was about six or seven,

Time: 7541.49

I recall a trip to Washington DC with my family,

Time: 7544.76

where I was feeling a strong

Time: 7548.69

desire or need even as I recall,

Time: 7551.51

to grunt in order to clear something

Time: 7553.79

in my throat, but I didn't have anything in my throat.

Time: 7556.19

I didn't have a cold or any postnasal drip,

Time: 7558.11

it was really just the feeling that I needed to do that,

Time: 7560.12

to release some sort of tension.

Time: 7562.37

And I remember my dad at the time

Time: 7565.1

telling me don't do that.

Time: 7566.24

Don't do that, it's not good to grunt

Time: 7567.92

or something like that.

Time: 7568.753

I think he saw that it was a kind of compulsive behavior.

Time: 7571.16

And so I would actually hide in the back seat

Time: 7572.9

of the rental car and do it, or I'd hide in my room.

Time: 7575.33

Fortunately for me, it was transient,

Time: 7577.04

I think about six months or a year later, it disappeared.

Time: 7579.71

Although I did notice, actually an ex-girlfriend of mine

Time: 7582.8

point out that when I get very tired

Time: 7584.54

and I've been working very long hours,

Time: 7586.07

sometimes that grunting tick will reappear.

Time: 7588.62

What does that mean?

Time: 7589.46

Do I have Tourette's?

Time: 7590.36

I don't know, maybe.

Time: 7591.56

I was never diagnosed with Tourette's.

Time: 7592.79

Do I have OCD? Maybe.

Time: 7595.46

I certainly could be accused

Time: 7596.78

of having obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,

Time: 7599.36

which we'll talk about still in a few minutes.

Time: 7602.42

But the point here is that many children

Time: 7605.24

transiently express ticks or low level Tourette's

Time: 7608.69

or OCD, and again, transiently

Time: 7610.7

and it disappears over time.

Time: 7612.68

So inositol has been explored

Time: 7614.84

in a bunch of different contexts,

Time: 7616.28

including for ticks in OCD, et cetera.

Time: 7619.82

Going back to inositol and its current use,

Time: 7623.33

or I should say my current use,

Time: 7624.38

I've been taking 900 milligrams of inositol

Time: 7627.26

as in addition to my existing toolkit for sleep,

Time: 7630.71

which I've talked about many times on this podcast

Time: 7633.29

and other podcasts, consists

Time: 7635.03

of magnesium threonate, apigenin, and theanine.

Time: 7638.3

If you want to know more about that kit,

Time: 7639.71

you can go to our newsletter, Neural Network Newsletter

Time: 7641.88


Time: 7643.61

The toolkit for sleep is there.

Time: 7644.84

You don't even have to sign up for the newsletter

Time: 7646.52

but it'll give you a flavor of the sorts of things

Time: 7647.93

that are in the newsletter.

Time: 7649.07

In any case, I've been experimenting a bit

Time: 7653

with taking 900 milligrams of myo-inositol

Time: 7655.55

either alone or combination with that sleep kit.

Time: 7657.65

And I must say the sleep I've been getting

Time: 7659.09

on inositol is extremely deep

Time: 7662.42

and does seem to lead to enhanced levels

Time: 7664.49

of focus and alertness during the day.

Time: 7666.05

And perhaps you're noticing that

Time: 7666.95

'cause I'm talking more quickly

Time: 7667.85

on this podcast than in previous podcast.

Time: 7669.47

No, I'm just kidding.

Time: 7670.303

I don't think the two things relate

Time: 7671.42

in any kind of causal way.

Time: 7673.4

The point here is that inositol is known

Time: 7676.43

to be pretty effective in reducing anxiety,

Time: 7679.4

but when taken at very high dosages.

Time: 7681.38

Can it do the same at low dosages?

Time: 7683.15

We don't know.

Time: 7683.983

I would consider 900 milligrams a low dose.

Time: 7686.63

Most of this, given the fact

Time: 7688.79

that most of the studies of inositol

Time: 7691.82

have explored very high dosages,

Time: 7693.44

like even 10 or 12 grams per day,

Time: 7696.38

which I must say seems exceedingly high

Time: 7698.78

and they do report that some of the subjects

Time: 7700.52

in those experiments actually stop taking

Time: 7702.77

the inositol because of gastric discomfort

Time: 7705.02

or gastric distress as it's called.

Time: 7707.57

So I've reported my results with sleep

Time: 7710.123

in a kind of anecdotal way.

Time: 7712.22

They certainly aren't peer-reviewed studies

Time: 7713.57

that I described about my own experience

Time: 7715.67

in an anecdotal way.

Time: 7716.9

But nonetheless, it's been explored that

Time: 7720.32

things like glycine, which is another,

Time: 7722.75

which is an amino acid,

Time: 7723.83

which also acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter

Time: 7725.81

in the brain, taken at very high dosages,

Time: 7727.64

60 grams per day, that is a absolutely

Time: 7730.82

astonishingly high amount of glycine.

Time: 7732.86

I would not recommend taking that much glycine

Time: 7735.11

unless you're part of a study

Time: 7736.4

where they tell you to and you know it's safe.

Time: 7738.98

18 grams, excuse me, of an inositol,

Time: 7741.98

these are very, very high dosages used in these studies.

Time: 7744.74

Nonetheless, there's some interesting data

Time: 7746.96

about inositol leading to

Time: 7750.41

some alleviation of OCD symptoms

Time: 7753.62

or partial alleviation of OCD symptoms

Time: 7756.56

in as little as two weeks after initiating

Time: 7760.4

the supplement protocol.

Time: 7761.78

So I think there's a great future for these nutraceuticals,

Time: 7764.03

meaning I think more systematic exploration

Time: 7766.07

in particular of lower dosages

Time: 7767.39

in the context of OCD treatment.

Time: 7769.85

And as we saw before for the SSRIs

Time: 7773.78

and other prescription drug treatments,

Time: 7775.61

I think there really needs to be an exploration

Time: 7777.71

of these nutraceuticals in combination

Time: 7779.66

with behavioral therapies.

Time: 7780.74

And who knows, maybe with brain machine interface

Time: 7782.51

like cranial magnetic stimulation as well.

Time: 7785.24

Now way back at the beginning of the episode,

Time: 7787.16

I alluded to the fact that OCD is one thing,

Time: 7790.43

obsessive-compulsive disorder,

Time: 7791.72

and it's truly a disorder and it's truly debilitating

Time: 7794.09

and it's extremely common,

Time: 7796.58

and then there's this other thing

Time: 7798.02

called obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,

Time: 7800.42

which is distinct from that

Time: 7801.95

does not have the intrusive component

Time: 7805.04

so people don't feel overwhelmed

Time: 7806.63

or overtaken by these thoughts,

Time: 7809.66

rather, they find that the obsessions

Time: 7812.51

can sometimes serve them or they even welcome them.

Time: 7815.848

And I think many of us know people like this,

Time: 7817.7

I perhaps even could be accused or who knows,

Time: 7820.16

maybe have been accused of having

Time: 7821.57

an obsessive-compulsive personality at times.

Time: 7825.05

Why do I draw this distinction?

Time: 7826.25

Well, first of all, we've come to a point in human history,

Time: 7830.03

I think in large part because of social media

Time: 7832.61

but also in large part

Time: 7833.45

because there are a number of discussions being held

Time: 7836.3

about mental health that have brought terms like trauma,

Time: 7840.5

depression, OCD, et cetera,

Time: 7843.44

into the common vernacular

Time: 7845.93

so that people will say, ah, you're so OCD,

Time: 7848.84

or someone will say I was traumatized by that,

Time: 7850.96

or I was traumatized by this.

Time: 7853.07

We should be very careful, right?

Time: 7854.48

I'm certainly not the word police,

Time: 7856.79

but we should be very careful in the use

Time: 7859.67

of certain types of language,

Time: 7861.59

especially language that has real psychiatric

Time: 7865.19

and psychological definitions

Time: 7867.8

because it can really draw us off course

Time: 7869.78

in providing relief for some of these syndromes.

Time: 7871.94

For instance,

Time: 7874.04

the word trauma is thrown around left and right nowadays.

Time: 7876.53

I was traumatized by this, or that caused trauma,

Time: 7878.69

you're giving me trauma.

Time: 7880.55

Listen, I realize that many people

Time: 7883.16

are traumatized by certain events

Time: 7884.9

including things that are said to them,

Time: 7886.64

I absolutely acknowledge that,

Time: 7887.99

hence our episodes on trauma and trauma treatment,

Time: 7891.08

several of them, in fact.

Time: 7892.97

Dr. Conti, Dr. David Spiegel,

Time: 7895.94

and then dedicated solo episodes

Time: 7898.19

with just me blabbing about trauma and trauma treatment.

Time: 7901.67

But as Dr. Conti so appropriately pointed out,

Time: 7905.93

trauma is really something that changes

Time: 7908.78

our neural circuitry and therefore our thoughts

Time: 7911.9

and our behaviors in a very persistent way

Time: 7914.18

that is detrimental to us.

Time: 7915.53

Not every bad event is traumatizing,

Time: 7917.63

not everything that we dislike or even that we hate

Time: 7919.88

or that feels terrible to us is traumatizing.

Time: 7922.07

For something to reach the level of trauma,

Time: 7924.89

it really needs to change our neural circuitry

Time: 7927.71

and therefore our thoughts and our behaviors

Time: 7929.66

in a persistent way that is maladaptive for us.

Time: 7932.6

Similarly, just calling someone obsessive is one thing,

Time: 7937.19

saying that someone has OCD or assuming one has OCD

Time: 7940.1

simply because they have a personality or a phenotype,

Time: 7943.01

as we say, where they need things in perfect order,

Time: 7945.29

like I find myself correcting these pens

Time: 7947.09

making sure that the caps are facing

Time: 7949.49

in the same direction for instance right now,

Time: 7952.64

that is not the same as OCD.

Time: 7955.28

If, for instance, I can tolerate these pens

Time: 7957.2

being at different orientation

Time: 7958.46

or even throw the cap on the floor or something,

Time: 7960.23

it doesn't create a lot of anxiety for me.

Time: 7962.06

I confess, I agree it's a little bit in the moment,

Time: 7964.19

but then I can forget about it and move on.

Time: 7965.99

That's one of the key distinctions

Time: 7967.73

between obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Time: 7970.64

and obsessive-compulsive disorder

Time: 7973.07

in its strictest form.

Time: 7974.87

Now, once one hears that OCD

Time: 7976.94

is different than obsessive-compulsive

Time: 7978.29

personality disorder because of this difference

Time: 7981.08

in how intrusive the thoughts are or not,

Time: 7983.72

then that's useful, but it really doesn't tell us

Time: 7986.78

anything about what is happening mechanistically

Time: 7989.42

in one situation or another.

Time: 7991.55

Fortunately, there are beautiful data again

Time: 7994.07

from Dr. Blair Simpson's lab.

Time: 7995.75

And you can tell based on the number of studies

Time: 7997.97

that I've referred to from her laboratory,

Time: 7999.77

she's truly one of the luminaries in this field,

Time: 8002.92

that there really are some fundamental wiring differences

Time: 8006.79

and behavioral differences and psychological differences

Time: 8009.58

between people who have obsessive-compulsive disorder

Time: 8012.43

and those who have obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8014.23

personality disorder.

Time: 8016.45

So this is a study, first author, Pinto, P-I-N-T-O

Time: 8019.99

entitled, Capacity to delay reward differentiates

Time: 8022.93

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Time: 8024.28

and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Time: 8027.28

And the methods in this study were to take 25 people

Time: 8030.07

with OCD and 25 people with obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8033.79

personality disorder and 25 people

Time: 8036.34

who have both, because it is possible to have both

Time: 8038.89

and that's important to point out,

Time: 8039.94

and 25 so-called healthy controls,

Time: 8042.04

people that don't have obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8043.72

personality disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Time: 8047.2

They take clinical assessments

Time: 8048.76

and then they took a number of tests

Time: 8051.22

that probed their ability to defer gratification,

Time: 8055.72

something called, in the laboratory,

Time: 8057.07

we call it delayed discounting.

Time: 8058.6

So their ability to defer gratification

Time: 8062.23

through a task where they can either accept reward

Time: 8064.78

right away or accept reward later.

Time: 8066.43

Some of you may have heard of the two marshmallow task.

Time: 8068.89

This is based on a study that was performed years ago

Time: 8071.62

on young children at Stanford and elsewhere

Time: 8073.75

where they take young children into a room,

Time: 8076.18

they offer them a marshmallow,

Time: 8079.18

kids like marshmallows generally,

Time: 8081.28

and you say, you can eat the marshmallow right now

Time: 8084.28

or you can wait some period of time,

Time: 8086.44

and if you are able to wait and not eat the marshmallow,

Time: 8089.38

you can have two marshmallows.

Time: 8090.97

And in general, children want two marshmallows

Time: 8093.19

more than they want one marshmallow.

Time: 8094.69

So really what you're probing is

Time: 8096.37

their ability to access delayed gratification.

Time: 8099.04

And they're very entertaining,

Time: 8101.56

even truly amusing videos of this on the internet.

Time: 8106.81

So if you just do two marshmallow task video

Time: 8109.48

and you go into YouTube,

Time: 8110.313

what you'll find is that the children will use

Time: 8112.27

all sorts of strategies to delay gratification.

Time: 8116.14

Some of the kids will cover the marshmallow.

Time: 8118.75

Others will talk to the marshmallow and say,

Time: 8120.4

I know you're not that delicious.

Time: 8121.69

You look delicious, but no, you're not delicious.

Time: 8123.43

They'll engage with the marshmallow

Time: 8124.53

in all sorts of cute ways.

Time: 8125.77

They'll turn around and try to, you know, avoidance,

Time: 8127.96

which actually speaks to a whole category of behaviors

Time: 8130.99

that people with OCD also use.

Time: 8132.61

I'm not saying these kids had OCD,

Time: 8134.23

but avoidance behaviors are very much a component of OCD.

Time: 8138.67

People really trying to avoid the thing

Time: 8140.44

that evokes the obsession.

Time: 8143.44

Well some kids are able to delay gratification,

Time: 8146.44

some aren't and it's debatable as to whether or not

Time: 8148.69

the kids that are able to delay gratification

Time: 8150.52

go on to have more successful lives or not.

Time: 8152.38

Initially, that was the conclusion of those studies.

Time: 8154.18

There's still a lot of debate about it,

Time: 8155.41

we'll bring an expert on to give us the final conclusion

Time: 8157.87

on this 'cause there is one and it's very interesting

Time: 8159.7

and not intuitive.

Time: 8161.05

Nonetheless, adults are also faced

Time: 8163.6

with decisions every day, all day

Time: 8165.88

as to whether or not they can delay gratification.

Time: 8168.88

And this study used a, not a two marshmallow task,

Time: 8173.41

but a game that involved rewards

Time: 8176.23

where people could delay in order

Time: 8177.67

to get greater rewards later.

Time: 8179.32

What is the conclusion?

Time: 8180.67

Well, first of all, obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8183.04

and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder subjects

Time: 8186.04

both showed impairments in their psychosocial functioning

Time: 8190.72

and quality of life.

Time: 8191.86

They had compulsive behavior.

Time: 8194.26

So these are people that are suffering in their life

Time: 8196.33

because their compulsions are really strong.

Time: 8199.09

So it's not just being really nit-picky

Time: 8201.31

or really orderly in one case

Time: 8202.63

and having full blown OCD in the other,

Time: 8204.16

both sets of subjects are challenged in life

Time: 8207.34

because they're having relationship issues

Time: 8209.14

or job-related issues, et cetera,

Time: 8210.7

because they are that compulsive.

Time: 8213.37

However, the individuals with

Time: 8215.53

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,

Time: 8218.56

they discounted the value of delayed gratification

Time: 8221.95

significantly less than those

Time: 8223.3

with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Time: 8226.27

What do I mean?

Time: 8227.44

They are both impairing disorders

Time: 8229.06

that are marked by compulsive behaviors,

Time: 8230.59

here I'm paraphrasing,

Time: 8232.21

but they can be differentiated by the presence

Time: 8234.16

of obsessions in OCD.

Time: 8235.51

So obsessions in OCD.

Time: 8237.43

People with OCD are absolutely fixated

Time: 8241.63

on certain ideas and those ideas are intrusive.

Time: 8244.3

Again, that's the hallmark theme.

Time: 8246.19

And by an excessive capacity to delay reward

Time: 8249.22

in obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Time: 8251.47

That is people who have obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8253.78

personality disorder are really good

Time: 8256.45

at delaying gratification.

Time: 8258.22

So they are able to concentrate very intensely

Time: 8261.67

and perform very intensely in ways

Time: 8264.31

that allow them to instill order

Time: 8267.22

such that they can delay reward.

Time: 8269.32

Now you can see why this contour of symptoms,

Time: 8274.54

meaning that the people with OCD

Time: 8278.2

are experiencing intrusive thoughts,

Time: 8280.93

whereas the people with obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8283.06

personality disorder show an enhanced ability

Time: 8286.18

to defer gratification.

Time: 8290.11

You could see how that would lead

Time: 8291.37

to very different outcomes.

Time: 8292.81

People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Time: 8295.57

can actually leverage that personality disorder

Time: 8298.63

to perform better in certain domains of life,

Time: 8301.09

not all domains of life,

Time: 8302.23

because remember, again,

Time: 8303.07

these people are in this study

Time: 8305.38

and they're showing up as experiencing challenges in life

Time: 8308.26

because of their obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Time: 8311.41

Nonetheless, people with obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8313.84

personality disorder, you could imagine,

Time: 8315.31

would be very good at say architecture

Time: 8319.09

or anything that involves instilling a ton of order.

Time: 8321.67

Maybe sushi chef, for instance, maybe a chef in general.

Time: 8324.82

I know chefs that just kind of throw things around

Time: 8326.8

like the chef on the Muppets and just like throw things

Time: 8330.1

everywhere and still produce amazing food.

Time: 8331.54

And then there's some people there incredibly exacting,

Time: 8334.27

they're just incredibly precise.

Time: 8335.83

I think that movie, what is it?

Time: 8336.91

Jiro Dreams of Sushi?

Time: 8338.44

That movie is incredible.

Time: 8340.39

Certainly not saying he has obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8342.19

personality disorder, but I think it's fair to say

Time: 8344.35

that he is obsessive or extremely meticulous and orderly

Time: 8349.18

about everything from start to finish.

Time: 8350.95

You can imagine a huge array of different occupations

Time: 8353.77

and life endeavors where this would be beneficial,

Time: 8356.38

science being one of them where data collection

Time: 8358.51

and analysis is exceedingly important that one be precise,

Time: 8362.05

or mathematics or physics or engineering,

Time: 8365.71

anything where precision has a payoff

Time: 8367.99

and gaining precision takes time and delay

Time: 8372.1

of immediate gratification,

Time: 8374.2

you can imagine that obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8375.79

personality disorder would synergize well

Time: 8378.07

with those sorts of activities and professions.

Time: 8380.23

Whereas obsessive-compulsive disorder is really intrusive.

Time: 8383.14

It's preventing functionality in many

Time: 8386.14

different domains of life.

Time: 8387.73

So the key takeaway here is that

Time: 8391.33

when we use the words obsessive-compulsive,

Time: 8393.73

or we call someone obsessive-compulsive,

Time: 8395.53

or we are trying to evaluate whether or not

Time: 8397.24

we are obsessive compulsive,

Time: 8398.5

it's very important that we highlight

Time: 8402.22

that obsessive compulsive disorder is very intrusive.

Time: 8405.52

It involves intrusive thoughts

Time: 8406.78

and it interrupts with normal functioning in life.

Time: 8409.12

Whereas obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,

Time: 8411.49

while it can interrupt normal functioning in life,

Time: 8414.28

it also can be productive.

Time: 8416.59

It can enhance functioning in life, not just in work,

Time: 8419.08

but perhaps at home as well.

Time: 8421.12

If you are somebody and you have family members

Time: 8423.43

that really place enormous value on having

Time: 8425.26

a beautiful and highly organized home,

Time: 8427.6

well, then it could lend itself well to that.

Time: 8429.94

it's going to be a matter of degrees, of course.

Time: 8431.62

None of these things is an absolute,

Time: 8433.15

it's going to be on a continuum,

Time: 8434.32

but I think it is fair to say that obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8436.69

disorder, whether or not in mild, moderate,

Time: 8439.12

or severe form is impairing normal functioning,

Time: 8443.41

whereas obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,

Time: 8445.93

there's a range of expressions of that,

Time: 8448.27

some of which can be adaptive,

Time: 8449.59

some of which can be maladaptive,

Time: 8451.03

and again, it's all going to depend on context.

Time: 8453.67

Before we conclude, I do want to touch on something

Time: 8456.61

that I think a lot of people experience

Time: 8458.53

and that's superstitions.

Time: 8460.6

Superstitions are fascinating,

Time: 8462.07

and there's some fascinating research on superstitions.

Time: 8465.64

One particular study that I'm a big fan of

Time: 8468.64

is the work of Bence Olveczky at Harvard.

Time: 8471.25

He studies motor sequences and motor learning,

Time: 8474.55

and he has beautiful data on how people learn,

Time: 8477.52

for instance, a tennis swing

Time: 8479.5

and the patterns that they engage in early on

Time: 8483.16

and then the patterns of swinging that they,

Time: 8485.29

swinging the racket that is,

Time: 8486.64

that they engage in later as they acquire more skill.

Time: 8489.73

And basically the takeaway is that

Time: 8491.71

the amount of error or variation from swing to swing

Time: 8494.86

is dramatically reduced as they acquire skill.

Time: 8499.15

That's all fine and good,

Time: 8501.34

and there's some beautiful mechanistic data

Time: 8503.62

that he and others have discovered

Time: 8506.14

to support how that comes to be,

Time: 8508.24

but they also explore animal models,

Time: 8510.94

in particular, rats pressing sequences of buttons

Time: 8514.87

and levers to obtain a reward.

Time: 8517.33

Believe it or not, rats are pretty smart.

Time: 8519.52

I've seen this with my own eyes.

Time: 8520.96

You can teach a rat to press a lever for a pellet of food.

Time: 8524.47

Rats can also learn to press levers

Time: 8527.35

in a particular sequence in order to gain

Time: 8530.14

a piece of food.

Time: 8531.31

And they can actually learn to press

Time: 8534.4

an enormous number of levers in very particular sequences

Time: 8537.28

in order to obtain pellets of food.

Time: 8539.2

You can also give them little buttons to press

Time: 8541.57

or even a paddle to, or I should say a pedal, excuse me,

Time: 8545.92

to stomp on with their foot

Time: 8547.39

in order to obtain a pellet of food.

Time: 8549.19

Basically rats can learn exactly what they need to do

Time: 8552.1

in order to obtain a piece of food,

Time: 8554.77

especially if they're made

Time: 8555.67

a little bit hungry first.

Time: 8557.59

Bence's lab has published beautiful data

Time: 8560.08

showing that as animals and humans

Time: 8563.65

come to learn a particular motor sequence,

Time: 8565.78

very often they will introduce motor patterns

Time: 8569.08

in that sequence that are irrelevant to the outcome

Time: 8572.86

and yet that persist.

Time: 8574.6

If you've ever watched a game of baseball,

Time: 8576.19

you've seen this before.

Time: 8578.08

Oftentimes the pitcher up on the mound will

Time: 8581.74

bring the ball to their chin.

Time: 8583.96

They'll look over their shoulder,

Time: 8585.55

they'll look back over the other shoulder,

Time: 8587.83

and then they will, of course, reel back and pitch the ball.

Time: 8591.79

But if you watch closely,

Time: 8593.02

oftentimes there are components in the motor sequence,

Time: 8595.48

which are completely unrelated to the pitch.

Time: 8598

They're not looking necessarily to see

Time: 8599.65

if someone's stealing a base.

Time: 8601.15

They're not necessarily looking

Time: 8603.19

down at home plate where the batter is.

Time: 8606.01

They're also doing things like

Time: 8607.6

touching the back of their ear

Time: 8608.68

before they bring the ball to their chin

Time: 8610.51

or adjusting their hat.

Time: 8611.65

And if you watch individual pictures,

Time: 8613.27

what you'll find is that they'll do the same sequence

Time: 8615.31

of completely irrelevant motor patterns

Time: 8618.31

before each and every single pitch.

Time: 8620.59

Similarly, rats that have been trained to, for instance,

Time: 8623.86

hit two levers and step on a pedal

Time: 8627.07

with their left hind foot, and then

Time: 8630.7

tap a button up above that is the red button,

Time: 8633.22

will do that to gain a piece of food.

Time: 8635.68

But sometimes they'll also introduce a pattern

Time: 8637.72

into that motor sequence where they will

Time: 8640.51

shake their tail a little bit,

Time: 8641.68

or they'll turn their head a little bit,

Time: 8642.82

or they'll move their ears a little bit, et cetera.

Time: 8645.67

Motor patterns that have nothing to do

Time: 8647.44

with obtaining the particular outcome in mind.

Time: 8650.98

In other words, you could eliminate

Time: 8652.78

certain components of the motor sequence

Time: 8654.43

and it would not matter, the rat would still get the pellet,

Time: 8656.62

the pitcher would still be able to pitch,

Time: 8659.56

and yet that get introduced because somehow

Time: 8662.77

because they were performed again and again

Time: 8665.71

prior to successful trials,

Time: 8668.83

the rat or the human baseball pitcher

Time: 8672.43

comes to believe in some way

Time: 8674.47

that it was involved in generating the outcome,

Time: 8677.2

hence superstition, right?

Time: 8679.12

I confess I have a few superstitions.

Time: 8681.4

I occasionally will knock on wood.

Time: 8683.47

I'll say something that I want to happen,

Time: 8685.03

and I'll say, oh, knock on wood, and I'll just do it.

Time: 8687.1

And occasionally I'll challenge myself and think,

Time: 8689.65

ah, I don't want to knock, don't knock on wood,

Time: 8691.45

Andrew, don't do that.

Time: 8693.31

I don't think anyone wants to be superstitious,

Time: 8695.35

I certainly don't.

Time: 8696.25

And so every once in a while,

Time: 8697.21

I'll just challenge it, and I won't actually knock on wood.

Time: 8700.9

I'm admitting this to you to kind of

Time: 8703.75

I guess normalize some of this.

Time: 8705.49

Some people have superstitions

Time: 8708.28

that border on or even become compulsions.

Time: 8712.03

They really come to believe

Time: 8713.32

that if they don't knock on wood,

Time: 8714.94

that something terrible is going to happen,

Time: 8716.35

maybe something in particular.

Time: 8718.24

Or in the case of the baseball pitcher,

Time: 8719.89

they come to believe that if they don't touch

Time: 8721.63

their right ear before they reel back on the pitch,

Time: 8725.71

that the pitch won't be any good

Time: 8727.87

or that they're going to lose the game.

Time: 8729.13

Well, I don't know what their thought process is.

Time: 8730.57

Now, I also don't know what the rat is thinking,

Time: 8732.76

but the rat is clearly doing something

Time: 8736.21

or thinking something is related to the final outcome.

Time: 8740.05

I don't know of any studies where they've intervened

Time: 8742.27

with the particular superstition-like behaviors

Time: 8745.57

of the rat to see whether or not the rat

Time: 8747.73

somehow doesn't continue to do the motor sequence

Time: 8750.76

to get the pellet.

Time: 8751.593

We don't know the rats, they're rats.

Time: 8752.71

I don't speak rat, most people don't,

Time: 8754.3

or if you speak to a rat,

Time: 8755.65

if it speaks back, it's not in English.

Time: 8757.21

Anyway, the point is that superstitions are beliefs

Time: 8761.5

that we, on an individual scale, come to believe

Time: 8766.81

are linked to the probability of an outcome

Time: 8769.51

when in fact we know, we actually know

Time: 8772.87

in our rational minds, they have no real relationship

Time: 8776.2

to the outcome.

Time: 8778.06

Superstitions can become full-blown

Time: 8780.19

compulsions and obsessions

Time: 8782.8

when we repeat them often enough

Time: 8785.2

that they become automatic.

Time: 8786.58

And I think this is what we observe most of the time

Time: 8788.89

when we see a pitcher touching their ear,

Time: 8791.41

or for instance, in tennis, you see this a lot,

Time: 8793.72

you'll see someone they'll slap their shoes.

Time: 8796.6

Often, I see this, they'll like slap

Time: 8798.04

the undersides of their soles.

Time: 8799.57

They may tell themselves that this is, I don't know,

Time: 8801.7

maybe moving out some of the dust or something

Time: 8803.56

in the bottoms of their soles,

Time: 8804.55

that gives them more traction and they want that

Time: 8806.56

to be ready for the serve or something like that.

Time: 8808.93

And maybe there's some truth to that,

Time: 8810.34

but here, what we're referring to

Time: 8812.377

are behaviors that really have no rational relationship

Time: 8815.47

to the outcome, and yet we perform in a compulsive way.

Time: 8819.61

People with OCD, yes, tend to have more superstitions.

Time: 8823.36

People with more superstitions, yes,

Time: 8825.55

tend to have a tendency towards OCD

Time: 8828.547

and I should mention, obsessive-compulsive

Time: 8830.74

personality disorder.

Time: 8832.15

If you think way back to the first part of this episode,

Time: 8835.78

when I was just describing what the brain does, right?

Time: 8838

What does your brain do?

Time: 8838.833

Housekeeping functions to keep you alive

Time: 8840.7

and it's a prediction machine.

Time: 8842.98

Your neural circuits, you,

Time: 8845.32

have an enormous amount of biological investment

Time: 8848.41

of real estate, literally, cells and chemicals

Time: 8850.63

that are there to try and make your world predictable

Time: 8854.53

and to try and give you control,

Time: 8856.57

or at least the sense of control over that world

Time: 8859.39

and that's a normal process.

Time: 8862.33

Low-level superstitions, moderate superstitions

Time: 8865.9

represent a kind of a healthy range, I would say,

Time: 8870.13

of behaviors that are aimed at generating predictability

Time: 8875.11

that don't disrupt normal function.

Time: 8877.24

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,

Time: 8879.22

provided is not too severe,

Time: 8880.42

would I think represent the next level

Time: 8882.58

along that continuum.

Time: 8884.44

And then obsessive-compulsive disorder,

Time: 8886.33

as I pointed out earlier,

Time: 8887.74

is really a case of highly debilitating,

Time: 8890.05

highly intrusive, really overtake of neural circuitry

Time: 8894.22

over our thoughts and behaviors

Time: 8895.57

that requires very dedicated, very persistent,

Time: 8899.83

and very effective treatments in order to stop

Time: 8903.82

those obsessions and compulsions

Time: 8905.2

and the anxiety that links them

Time: 8907.6

somewhat counterintuitively by teaching people

Time: 8910.57

to tolerate that level of increased anxiety

Time: 8913.33

and interrupt those patterns.

Time: 8915.04

And fortunately, as we described earlier,

Time: 8917.02

such treatments exist, cognitive behavioral therapy,

Time: 8920.17

drug treatments like SSRIs, also drug treatments

Time: 8923.38

that tap into the glutamate system

Time: 8926.26

and into perhaps also the dopamine system,

Time: 8929.65

the so-called neuroleptics.

Time: 8930.88

And then, as we described,

Time: 8933.34

there's now an extensive exploration of things

Time: 8935.26

like ketamine, psilocybin, cannabis,

Time: 8938.23

the initial studies don't seem to hold much promise

Time: 8940.42

for cannabis and CBD and the treatment of OCD,

Time: 8942.58

but who knows, maybe more studies will come along

Time: 8944.74

that will change that story.

Time: 8946.63

And then of course, brain machine interface

Time: 8948.13

like transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Time: 8950.14

And then just to remind you what I already told you before

Time: 8952.69

combinations of behavioral and drug treatments

Time: 8955.39

and brain machine interface, I think,

Time: 8956.85

is really where the future lies.

Time: 8958.42

Fortunately, good treatments exist.

Time: 8961.84

We cannot say that any one individual treatment

Time: 8964.99

works for everybody.

Time: 8966.22

There are fairly large percentages of people

Time: 8969.43

that won't respond to one set of treatments or another,

Time: 8971.53

and therefore one has to try different ones.

Time: 8974.08

And then there are the so-called supplementation-based

Time: 8977.83

or more holistic therapies.

Time: 8979.81

Today, I've tried to cover each and all

Time: 8981.33

of these in a fairly substantial amount of detail.

Time: 8984.91

I realize this is a fairly long episode,

Time: 8987.67

that is intentional.

Time: 8989.62

Much like our episode on ADHD,

Time: 8991.78

on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,

Time: 8994.18

I received an enormous number of requests

Time: 8996.31

to talk about OCD, and my decision to make this

Time: 8999.19

a very long and detailed episode about OCD

Time: 9003

really doesn't stem from any desire

Time: 9004.65

to subject you to too much information

Time: 9007.59

or to avoid the opportunity to just list things off,

Time: 9011.61

but what I've tried to provide is an opportunity

Time: 9013.59

to really drill deep into the neural circuitry

Time: 9015.807

and an understanding of where OCD comes from,

Time: 9018.42

how OCD is different from things like

Time: 9020.79

the personality disorders that I described.

Time: 9022.95

And also to give you a sense of how the individual

Time: 9026.85

behavioral and drug treatments work

Time: 9028.41

and perhaps don't work

Time: 9029.94

so that you can really make the best informed choices,

Time: 9032.49

again, highlighting the fact that OCD

Time: 9034.62

is an extremely common, extremely common,

Time: 9037.83

and yet extremely debilitating condition

Time: 9040.44

and one that I hope that if any of you have,

Time: 9042.45

or that you know people that have it

Time: 9044.01

that you'll both gain sympathy and understanding

Time: 9046.95

for what they're dealing with,

Time: 9048.18

perhaps as a consequence of some

Time: 9049.19

of the information presented today,

Time: 9051.06

and maybe help them direct their treatment,

Time: 9054.63

find better treatment, and of course,

Time: 9056.94

apply those treatments for some relief.

Time: 9059.22

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Time: 9061.44

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Time: 9063

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Time: 9065.4

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Time: 9067.47

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Time: 9069.03

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Time: 9070.71

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Time: 9072.99

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Time: 9074.61

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Time: 9076.71

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Time: 9079.47

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Time: 9081.39

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Time: 9084.39

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Time: 9086.4

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Time: 9087.96

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Time: 9089.64

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Time: 9091.71

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Time: 9093.93

During today's podcast and on many previous episodes

Time: 9096.39

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Time: 9099.21

While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,

Time: 9101.37

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Time: 9103.29

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Time: 9106.29

The Huberman Lab Podcast is now partnered

Time: 9108.15

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Time: 9109.74

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Time: 9110.94

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Time: 9112.65

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Time: 9115.23

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Time: 9116.76

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Time: 9119.37

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Time: 9122.01

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Time: 9123.81

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Time: 9126.03

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Time: 9127.95

the catalog of supplements available there

Time: 9129.66

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Time: 9131.16

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Time: 9132.48

But right now, already, there are a number

Time: 9133.83

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Time: 9135.96

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Time: 9138.3

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Time: 9141.03

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Time: 9142.92

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Time: 9144.78

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Time: 9147.39

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Time: 9149.22

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Time: 9150.39

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Time: 9152.31

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Time: 9153.54

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Time: 9155.697

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Time: 9158.04

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Time: 9159.21

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Time: 9160.98

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Time: 9162.21

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Time: 9164.04

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Time: 9166.32

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Time: 9168.75

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Time: 9170.37

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Time: 9171.87

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Time: 9173.13

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Time: 9174.93

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Time: 9182.513

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Time: 9183.69

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Time: 9185.97

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Time: 9189.12

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Time: 9191.25

So again, it's the Neural Network Newsletter

Time: 9192.99

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Time: 9196.11

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Time: 9198.48

In closing, I'd like to thank you

Time: 9199.89

for this in-depth discussion

Time: 9201.78

about the mechanisms and various treatments

Time: 9204.48

for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Time: 9206.097

and some of the related disorders.

Time: 9208.17

And as always, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 9211.277

[upbeat guitar music]

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