The Science & Process of Healing from Grief | Huberman Lab Podcast #74

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science,

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and science-based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor of neurobiology

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and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, we are discussing grief.

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Grief is a natural emotion

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that most everybody experiences at some point in their life.

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However, grief is something

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that still mystifies most people.

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For instance, we often wonder

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why getting over the loss of somebody, or a pet,

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is so absolutely crushing.

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In some cases it's obvious,

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because we had a very close relationship

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to that person or animal,

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but in other cases, it's bewildering,

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because somehow, despite our best efforts,

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we are unable to reframe and shift our mind

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to the idea that the person or animal

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that at one point was here, and so very present,

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is now gone.

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Today we are going to discuss how we conceptualize grief,

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both at an emotional and at a logical level.

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I'm going to teach you about the neuroscience

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and the psychology of grief,

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and incredible findings that have been made

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in just a few key laboratories,

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that point to the fact

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that we essentially map our experience of people

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in three dimensions.

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I'll just give you a little hint

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of what those dimensions are.

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They relate to space, where people are,

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time, when people are,

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I'll explain what that means,

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and a dimension called closeness,

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and how those three dimensions

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of space, time, and closeness

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are what establish very close bonds with people,

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and are what require remapping,

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reorganization within our emotional framework

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and our logical framework,

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when we lose somebody, for whatever reason.

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Within that understanding,

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I'm confident that you will have greater insight

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into the grief process.

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And should you ever find yourself

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within the grief process,

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as I imagine most everyone will at some point,

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you will be able to navigate that process

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in what psychologists and neuroscientists deem to be

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the most healthy way of going through grief.

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Indeed, moving through grief

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requires a specific form of neuroplasticity,

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a reordering of brain connections,

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and also the connections between the brain and body.

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I'm going to teach you about all of that today,

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so you're going to learn a lot of scientific information.

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You will also learn a lot of tools

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that you can put in your kit

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of emotional and really, emotional physical tools,

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that will allow you to move through grief

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in this healthy way that I referred to earlier.

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I'll also point out some of the myths about grief.

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For instance, many of you have probably heard

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that there are designated stages of grief

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that everybody moves through.

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Turns out that recent research refutes that idea.

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There are different stages of grief,

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but not everybody experiences all of them,

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and hardly ever does somebody

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move through all of those linearly,

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meaning in the same order.

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I also want to point out that for many of you

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that are not experiencing grief in this moment,

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there's an important scientific literature

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that teaches us that how we show up to grief,

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meaning our psychological and our biological state

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that we happen to be in when a loss occurs,

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strongly dictates whether or not we end up

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in what's called complicated or non-complicated grief.

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And non-complicated grief is a form of grief

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that is very prolonged,

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and in fact often requires

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that people get substantial professional help.

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So whether or not you're experiencing grief that's mild,

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moderate, or very intense right now,

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or whether or not you are not experiencing any grief at all,

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you're going to learn scientific information

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and tools that will help you navigate

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through this process that we call grief.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information

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about science and science-related tools

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to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Eight Sleep.

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Eight Sleep makes smart mattress covers that have cooling,

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heating, and sleep tracking capabilities.

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I recently started sleeping

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with an Eight Sleep mattress cover,

Time: 254.87

and I am so glad that I did,

Time: 256.766

because the sleep that I'm getting is superb

Time: 259.93

compared to the sleep I was getting previously.

Time: 261.82

I always thought that I slept pretty well,

Time: 263.5

especially since I apply a number of different tools

Time: 265.6

in order to sleep well, things like supplements,

Time: 268.75

things like keeping the room cool, et cetera.

Time: 270.96

But I have had a repeating problem over the years,

Time: 273.77

which is that I would wake up

Time: 274.94

in the middle of the night often,

Time: 276.5

and sometimes have a bit of trouble

Time: 278.247

or a lot of trouble getting back to sleep.

Time: 280.29

I would have to apply other tools

Time: 281.628

in order to get back to sleep.

Time: 284.29

Eight Sleep allows me to adjust the temperature

Time: 286.67

of my mattress and my sleeping environment,

Time: 288.87

so that I fall asleep easily,

Time: 290.45

and stay asleep throughout the night,

Time: 292.33

which as many of you know is a game changer.

Time: 295.48

Temperature is a powerful regulator of sleep

Time: 297.307

and the ability to get into sleep.

Time: 298.82

We know, for instance,

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that the body needs to drop by one to three degrees

Time: 302.76

in order to get into sleep and to stay asleep.

Time: 304.85

And with Eight Sleep,

Time: 305.8

I can program the temperature of my bed

Time: 307.53

so that it gets cooler as I fall asleep,

Time: 310.27

gets even colder as I enter deep sleep,

Time: 311.887

and at the transition to REM sleep,

Time: 313.97

rapid eye movement sleep, it can get even cooler if I like.

Time: 316.99

I actually like to maintain the same temperature

Time: 318.64

through deep and REM sleep.

Time: 319.97

And then it heats up slightly as I head towards morning,

Time: 322.7

because of course heating up of the body

Time: 325.38

is one way in which we wake up.

Time: 327.387

So I have this nice contour of cooling and heating

Time: 330.011

that puts me through a beautiful arc

Time: 332.25

of falling and staying asleep,

Time: 333.74

and waking up when I want to.

Time: 335.18

If you want to try Eight Sleep,

Time: 336.41

you can go to,

Time: 338.83

and check out the Pod Pro Cover,

Time: 340.62

and save more than $150

Time: 342.57

with an exclusive Memorial Day discount,

Time: 344.37

now through June 6th, 2022.

Time: 346.832

Eight Sleep currently ships

Time: 348.17

within the USA, Canada and the UK.

Time: 350.69

Again, that's,

Time: 352.86

to save over $150 with an exclusive Memorial Day discount,

Time: 356.388

now through June 6th.

Time: 358.2

Today's podcast is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

Time: 360.48

InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

Time: 363.61

that analyzes data from your blood and DNA,

Time: 366.44

to help you better understand your body

Time: 368.03

and help you reach your health goals.

Time: 370.13

I've long been a believer

Time: 371.29

in getting regular blood work done,

Time: 373.1

for the simple reason that many of the factors

Time: 375.23

that impact your immediate and long-term health

Time: 377.051

can only be assessed from a quality blood test.

Time: 379.97

And nowadays with the advent of modern DNA tests,

Time: 382.87

you can also get insight into, for instance,

Time: 384.9

what your biological age is, and compare that

Time: 387.43

to your chronological age.

Time: 388.54

And of course your biological age

Time: 389.87

is the number that truly matters.

Time: 392.36

One issue with a lot of blood tests

Time: 393.84

and DNA tests out there, however,

Time: 395.78

is that you get values back about metabolic factors,

Time: 398.57

hormones, and lipids, et cetera,

Time: 400.68

but you don't know what to do with that information.

Time: 402.618

InsideTracker solves that problem.

Time: 404.76

They have a very easy-to-use personalized platform.

Time: 407.41

It's a website where you can literally place your cursor

Time: 411.34

over a given value,

Time: 413.54

say for a hormone or metabolic factor or lipid,

Time: 416.45

and it will tell you what you can do

Time: 418.33

in terms of nutrition, behaviors, and supplementation

Time: 420.81

in order to bring those values into the range

Time: 422.76

that are optimal for you and your health.

Time: 425.2

Find this immensely useful and very easy to use.

Time: 428.28

If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

Time: 429.68

you can go to,

Time: 432.45

to get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 434.94

Again, that's,

Time: 437.46

to get 20% off.

Time: 438.86

Today's episode is also brought to us by ROKA.

Time: 441.37

ROKA makes sunglasses and eyeglasses

Time: 442.975

that are the absolute highest quality

Time: 445.08

and have extreme versatility

Time: 446.84

in terms of what they can be used for,

Time: 448.82

and when you wear them.

Time: 449.743

What do I mean by that?

Time: 451.19

Well, the company was founded

Time: 452.39

by two All-American swimmers from Stanford,

Time: 454.58

and their goal was to develop eyeglasses for performance,

Time: 456.99

things like running and biking and so forth.

Time: 458.93

And you can certainly wear them for those activities.

Time: 461.23

And I do wear them for those activities.

Time: 463.13

I wear readers at night.

Time: 464.97

I also wear sunglasses sometimes,

Time: 466.68

when it's very bright out.

Time: 469.02

One of the things that's terrific

Time: 470.07

about ROKA sunglasses and eyeglasses, however,

Time: 472.11

is that they're not just designed for sport.

Time: 474.07

They have a terrific aesthetic,

Time: 475.65

and you can also wear them out to dinner,

Time: 478.18

to work, and so on.

Time: 479.91

I say this because at least in my opinion,

Time: 482.08

a lot of so-called sport eyeglasses

Time: 484.36

or high-performance eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 487.1

make people look like cyborgs.

Time: 488.68

ROKA, the aesthetic is really terrific.

Time: 491.19

They're extremely lightweight and they don't slip off,

Time: 493.33

even when you're sweaty.

Time: 494.4

So you can indeed wear them on a hot day,

Time: 496.76

or when running or cycling.

Time: 498.2

They're not going to slip off your face.

Time: 499.27

They're so lightweight, in fact,

Time: 500.29

that I often forget that they're on my face.

Time: 502.3

If you'd like to try ROKA sunglasses or eyeglasses,

Time: 504.93

go to, that's,

Time: 507.67

and enter the code Huberman

Time: 509.14

to save 20% off on your first order.

Time: 511.29

Again, that's ROKA,,

Time: 513.44

and enter the code Huberman at checkout.

Time: 515.83

Okay, let's talk about grief.

Time: 517.56

I just want to remind you that everybody,

Time: 520.71

at some point in their life, experiences grief,

Time: 524.13

either mild grief, moderate grief, or extreme grief,

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and it's somewhat obvious, but worth stating nonetheless,

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that how intense grief feels,

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and how long it lasts,

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scales with how close we were with somebody.

Time: 539.34

And if you learn that the person

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who works at the coffee shop

Time: 542.88

or that you see at the coffee shop on a regular basis,

Time: 544.953

happened to pass away

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or tragically get killed in a car accident,

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that can be quite upsetting.

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It can be somewhat disorienting to you

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if you, for instance, just saw them yesterday

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or they seemed perfectly fine when you saw them last.

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But of course the grief that results

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from the loss of somebody

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to whom you have that level of attachment

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is far and away different than the level of grief

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that you would experience

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from the death of a very close loved one,

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a sibling, a parent, God forbid a child.

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When that type of loss occurs,

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it's often the case

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that our entire relationship to life feels different.

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Places and things that at once brought us joy and laughter

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now bring the opposite.

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They bring us intense feelings of sadness and loss.

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Psychologists and neuroscientists

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distinguish between complicated grief

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and non-complicated grief.

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They are very similar at the outset.

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One of the fundamental differences between them, however,

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is that complicated grief,

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which occurs in about one in 10 people,

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is a situation in which grief

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does not seem to resolve itself,

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even after a prolonged period of time.

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Later in the episode, I'll point you

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to the actual tests that are used.

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I've provided links to those in the show note captions,

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that will allow you to distinguish

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between complicated and non-complicated grief.

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These arrive through the important research

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of the world-class grief researchers that are out there

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and the psychologists that treat grief.

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The important thing to point out is that grief is a process.

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Like any biological or psychological event,

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it has a beginning, a middle and an end.

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And I do believe that being able to orient

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in terms of where you are in that process

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can be immensely beneficial,

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not just for predicting how long it's going to last,

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but in order to conceptualize the person or animal

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that you lost, in a way that allows you

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to best preserve their memory

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while maintaining your own functional capacity in life.

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Along those lines, I want to point out

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that grief and depression,

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while they can feel quite similar in certain ways,

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and have overlapping symptomatology,

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loss of appetite, challenges sleeping,

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crying in the middle of the day

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for no apparent reason, et cetera,

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they are distinctly different processes.

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The modern research teaches us for instance,

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that grief rarely responds well to antidepressants,

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whereas depression can often

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respond well to antidepressants.

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Everything we know and understand about grief

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is that it is a distinct psychological

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and physiological event

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in the brain and body from depression.

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Rather, perhaps the best way to think about grief

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is that it is actually a motivational state.

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It is a yearning.

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It is a desire for something,

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and somewhat surprisingly,

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it's not just a desire to have that person back,

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or to have that animal back.

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You might think, "Well, that's crazy, of course it is."

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But of course, there are instances

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in which someone passing away or an animal passing away

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is actually providing relief for that person,

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because of where they happen to be in their life.

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Today, I'll teach you about grief as a motivational process,

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because grief as a motivational process

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really is the way that scientists and psychologists

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now conceptualize grief, and the treatments for grief,

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so that people can move through them effectively.

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As we wade into this important topic,

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I'd like to emphasize some of the common myths

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and misunderstandings about grief.

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Some of the myths and misunderstanding arrive

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from the beautiful work of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross,

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a psychologist who wrote the famous book on death and dying.

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And I should emphasize that while Kubler-Ross

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was a real pioneer in establishing

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that there are indeed different stages of grief,

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the modern science, both psychology and neuroscience,

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point to the fact that not everybody

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experiences all of the stages that Kubler-Ross defined,

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nor do they move through those stages in a linear manner.

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Sometimes they're out of sequence.

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I'll just highlight the five stages

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that Kubler-Ross illustrated,

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because some people really do experience all of them,

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sometimes in the order I'll read them.

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But again, oftentimes they don't.

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The different stages of grief, very quickly,

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are denial, anger, bargaining,

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depression, and acceptance.

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In the Kubler-Ross model,

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denial is always the first stage,

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and denial is just as it sounds,

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this disbelief, it cannot be, there's no way,

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a refusal to accept the new reality

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that the person or animal is gone.

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The second stage, anger,

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is one in which the individual recognizes

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that the person is indeed gone,

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or the animal is gone,

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but their body and their mind go into a motivated state.

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This is important.

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We're going to return to this idea of grief

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as a motivated state that involves action plans,

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in more depth as we go further.

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And then the third stage is bargaining,

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what's sometimes called the negotiating phase,

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this idea that, well, if I had just done this,

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or if they had just done that,

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or if I had called more,

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or somehow refusing to accept the reality.

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So in a way this can be blended with denial in thinking,

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"Well, if I just don't think about it,

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it won't be real," this kind of thing.

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So again, stages can be blended or braided together,

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because emotions are complex, right?

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Even though there are different stages to this process,

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they can sometimes be melded together.

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The fourth stage of depression that Kubler-Ross described

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is one of, why go on living?

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Why should I go on living?

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Why should I continue in this grief-stricken state

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that seems to deprive me of all the richness of life

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that I experienced when the person or animal was still here.

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And then the fifth stage is acceptance.

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This internalization, not just cognitively,

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not just thinking,

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but emotionally that it's going to be okay,

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that not just this too shall pass, but that it has passed.

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So again, the five stages of grief

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that Kubler-Ross defined were immensely important

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as a critical parsing of the different stages

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that one could move through.

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But unfortunately those five stages

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were sort of taken to be gospel for a long time.

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And we now know, based on neuroimaging,

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based on more in-depth psychological evaluation,

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and frankly, more researchers and clinicians

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moving into this area and observing

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that while much of what Kubler-Ross described

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does hold true, it's not always the case.

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And in fact, the contour of the grief process

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actually has a lot of dimensions

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that are not encapsulated by those five stages.

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There's also a lot of variation,

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depending on whether or not the loss

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is due to old age, disease,

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whether or not there was suffering prior or not,

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suicide or non-suicide type deaths and losses,

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and even grief about non-death losses,

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a relationship breakup, or something of that sort,

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or even homesickness and things of that sort.

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So I do want to tip our hats to the incredible work

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of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.

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By no means am I or do other researchers

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try and discount her incredible contributions.

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But I think nowadays we have a different and frankly,

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a better understanding of what the grief process is like,

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and as a consequence, better tools to move through grief.

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In order to really understand what grief is

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in your brain and body,

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and how to best navigate grief,

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I'd like you to do an experiment with me.

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For the next five minutes or so,

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I'd like you to at least try to discard

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of all prior notions of grief

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as just a state of sadness.

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I want to acknowledge that it is

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and does involve sadness,

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but for right now,

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let's think about grief as a motivational state,

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as a desire for something specific.

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In fact, I'd like you to think about grief

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as an attempt to reach out

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and get something that you very much want.

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Imagine yourself extremely thirsty, for instance,

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on a very hot day,

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and a glass of water is right in front of you.

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And it's a beautiful, clean glass of water,

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and it's completely full,

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and you so badly want to drink that water.

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But no matter how intensely you want it,

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and no matter how hard you try and reach it,

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it always shifts just outside your reach.

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So if you can imagine that, even just a little bit,

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you are touching into the experience of grief.

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How do I know this?

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Well, I know this because brain imaging studies

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involving what's called functional magnetic

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resonance imaging, FMRI,

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in which you can evaluate

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which brain areas are more active than others,

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according to blood flow,

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which correlates with neural activity and so forth,

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teaches us that the brain areas

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that are associated with motivation and craving and pursuit

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are some of the primary brain areas and circuits

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that are activated in states of grief.

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I'd like to share an important paper with you,

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as one of the first to illustrate the fact

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that grief is not just a state of sadness and pain.

Time: 1074.81

It is indeed a state of yearning and desire of something

Time: 1078.92

that is just outside your reach,

Time: 1081.16

and unfortunately will always be just outside your reach

Time: 1084.45

until you remap your relationship to that person or thing.

Time: 1088.76

The title of this paper is posed first as a question,

Time: 1091.66

so that's why I'll read it as such.

Time: 1093.19

The title is "Craving Love?

Time: 1095.17

Enduring Grief Activates Brain's Reward Center."

Time: 1097.95

And the first author of this paper

Time: 1099.3

is Mary-Frances O'Connor.

Time: 1100.58

She's a professor of psychology

Time: 1102.002

at the University of Arizona,

Time: 1104.57

and one of the world leaders in the study of grief

Time: 1108.52

from a neuroscience perspective.

Time: 1110.03

With some luck, we'll get her here

Time: 1111.16

on the podcast as a guest.

Time: 1113.58

Now this paper has several important features.

Time: 1115.88

I'll just highlight a few.

Time: 1117.23

One of the features of this paper that's not surprising

Time: 1119.98

is they found that people who are in a state of grief

Time: 1122.81

are in a state of pain.

Time: 1123.98

That is, brain areas associated with pain,

Time: 1127.08

actual physical pain, are more active

Time: 1130.67

than in non-grieving individuals.

Time: 1133.74

However, they also found that people who are experiencing

Time: 1136.25

what's called complicated grief

Time: 1138

showed reward-related activity

Time: 1140.52

in a brain area called the nucleus accumbens.

Time: 1142.82

What is reward-related activity?

Time: 1144.31

Reward-related activity is activity of neurons

Time: 1148.13

that's associated with motivational states.

Time: 1151.21

And the nucleus accumbens is a brain center

Time: 1153.8

in which dopamine has the effect

Time: 1156.17

of creating a motivated state.

Time: 1158.7

If ever you thought that dopamine

Time: 1160.75

was only associated with feeling good,

Time: 1162.95

you hear about dopamine hits,

Time: 1164.64

well, this paper and papers like it,

Time: 1168.28

firmly tell us that dopamine is not about feeling good.

Time: 1172.01

Dopamine is about placing us into a state

Time: 1174.49

of desiring things and seeking things.

Time: 1178.53

This is true in addiction.

Time: 1180.28

This is true when we're hungry and we want to eat.

Time: 1183.01

This is true when we want to reproduce.

Time: 1185.62

This is true in every state

Time: 1187.57

in which we are reaching for something

Time: 1189.14

outside our immediate ability

Time: 1191.38

to give that thing to ourselves.

Time: 1193.21

This is very important to understand,

Time: 1195.38

if you want to understand grief

Time: 1196.76

and how to move through grief.

Time: 1198.47

Grief is not just about sadness.

Time: 1200.66

It is a state of sadness,

Time: 1203.2

hence the activation of brain areas associated with pain,

Time: 1206.35

and it is a state of desire and reaching for something.

Time: 1211.95

And for those of you that have experienced grief,

Time: 1214.64

I think that will resonate with you.

Time: 1217.32

In that understanding that grief is both a state of pain,

Time: 1222.82

but also a state of wanting,

Time: 1226.04

and in the understanding that when we lose somebody,

Time: 1230.23

either because of breakup or because of death,

Time: 1234.58

or if an animal dies or gets taken away or is missing,

Time: 1240.24

that state of wanting and desire

Time: 1242.23

drives an activation state within us.

Time: 1245.18

Now, the key thing to understand

Time: 1246.36

is that the activation of those reward centers,

Time: 1249.02

and the involvement of dopamine

Time: 1251.45

puts us into an anticipatory state,

Time: 1254.4

a state of waiting for something to happen.

Time: 1256.88

It also puts us into a state of action or desiring action.

Time: 1261.21

Our body and our mind

Time: 1262.91

are what I like to refer to as center of mass forward.

Time: 1266.04

We are seeking how to resolve the craving,

Time: 1269.47

even if we know that is impossible.

Time: 1272.53

Why do I say that?

Time: 1273.42

Well, we understand,

Time: 1275.47

also on the basis of brain imaging studies,

Time: 1278.85

and also some studies in animals

Time: 1280.48

that I'll describe in a moment,

Time: 1282.24

that in order to understand grief,

Time: 1284.89

we have to understand how attachments

Time: 1286.81

are represented in our brain.

Time: 1288.35

And it turns out that both attachments

Time: 1291.04

and the breaking of attachments in healthy ways

Time: 1293.87

are governed by three important, what we call dimensions.

Time: 1297.45

A dimension is just some feature of the world

Time: 1300.58

that's represented in our brain.

Time: 1302.85

So for instance, the color red doesn't exist in your brain.

Time: 1306.67

You happen to have cells, neurons, in your eye

Time: 1311.69

that respond best to long wavelengths of light.

Time: 1315.63

And those long wavelengths of light

Time: 1317.36

happen to be what are reflected off things

Time: 1319.95

that are perceived as red.

Time: 1322.31

So in your mind, you have a notion of red.

Time: 1324.82

I know this is a little bit abstract,

Time: 1326.27

but you're not actually lighting up red neurons

Time: 1329.77

in your brain, and that's why you see red.

Time: 1332.04

You are lighting up neurons in your brain

Time: 1334.3

that represent the presence of red things

Time: 1337.74

in your environment.

Time: 1339.29

Similarly, we have neurons and maps,

Time: 1342.89

or we say representations of other dimensions.

Time: 1345.79

We have dimensions of touch.

Time: 1346.93

We have dimensions of sound.

Time: 1348.58

And as I'll now teach you,

Time: 1350.29

we have three dimensions that define our relationship

Time: 1354.37

to people and animals and things.

Time: 1356.83

And when those people, animals and things

Time: 1359.46

are within our immediate vicinity,

Time: 1362.11

or if we know how we could access them, right?

Time: 1365.73

If somebody's still alive,

Time: 1366.66

there's generally some way to access them,

Time: 1370.03

unless they're refusing to interact with us.

Time: 1373.12

Well, when we understand that,

Time: 1375.4

our motivational states can operate

Time: 1378.19

in a way that's logical.

Time: 1379.4

We know that, for instance,

Time: 1380.44

if we want to find our mother, brother, sister,

Time: 1384.22

significant other, dog, cat, parrot, et cetera,

Time: 1387.53

we have to go through a certain set of steps.

Time: 1390.37

What are those three dimensions and how do they work?

Time: 1393.053

And that's what I'm going to teach you now.

Time: 1394.56

So at risk of sounding a little bit too reductionist,

Time: 1396.87

we are now going to describe your relationship

Time: 1400.54

to anything, everything, and anyone,

Time: 1404.37

in these three dimensions.

Time: 1406.85

How can we do that?

Time: 1408.43

Why would we even want to do that?

Time: 1410.73

Why would we want to rob the complexity of relationships

Time: 1414.41

of their contour and their detail?

Time: 1417.4

Well, if we can understand the dimensions

Time: 1421.14

in which we map our relationship

Time: 1423.46

to people, animals, and things,

Time: 1426.4

then we can understand why it is that when those people,

Time: 1431.1

animals, or things are not accessible to us,

Time: 1435.1

why it hurts so much,

Time: 1437.3

and why it takes a certain amount of time

Time: 1439.53

in order to re-understand, if you will,

Time: 1442.75

or remap our association to them.

Time: 1445.93

I promise that in grasping the information

Time: 1448.37

I'm about to give you,

Time: 1450.07

you will be able to better orient in the grief process,

Time: 1454.06

and you'll be able to move through it more effectively.

Time: 1457.43

The three dimensions of relating to someone,

Time: 1461.6

or an animal, or a thing,

Time: 1463.41

are space, time, and closeness.

Time: 1467.24

And in order to illustrate each one

Time: 1469.24

and how they work together to support relationships

Time: 1472.81

and their involvement in the grieving process,

Time: 1475.16

I'm going to tell you about an experiment.

Time: 1477.73

This experiment was actually done.

Time: 1480.07

The experiment involves putting people into a brain scanner

Time: 1483.08

that allows the researcher to evaluate

Time: 1485.141

brain activity in different areas.

Time: 1487.54

In fact, can look in a very non-biased way,

Time: 1491.05

not make any predictions about which brain areas

Time: 1492.87

are going to be involved.

Time: 1494.5

And the experiment is the following.

Time: 1497.02

The person, we should say the research subject,

Time: 1500.29

first sees images of things that reside

Time: 1503.38

at different distances from one another.

Time: 1505.01

And when I say things, these are objects.

Time: 1507.61

So in one case it's a beach or a parking lot

Time: 1511.7

with bowling balls set

Time: 1513.01

at different distances from one another.

Time: 1516.3

Their brain is imaged,

Time: 1517.75

and as their brain is imaged,

Time: 1520.24

they see different pictures of different scenes,

Time: 1523.35

the beach, the parking lot, et cetera,

Time: 1525.38

bowling balls spaced in different ways,

Time: 1527.69

close together, far apart,

Time: 1529.14

regularly spaced, non-regularly spaced.

Time: 1532.18

When one does this sort of experiment,

Time: 1533.47

you see a lot of brain areas activated.

Time: 1535.78

Not surprisingly, the visual cortex,

Time: 1537.48

the area of the brain that is responsible

Time: 1539.03

for creating visual perceptions,

Time: 1541.85

but also a brain area that seems uniquely tuned

Time: 1546.06

to the distance between you and the objects.

Time: 1550.36

So whether or not the bowling balls are far away

Time: 1552.34

or close together from one another,

Time: 1554.85

and whether or not they are far away

Time: 1556.66

or close to you physically,

Time: 1558.19

so literally the distance between you and these objects.

Time: 1560.97

We'll refer to that measure,

Time: 1562.88

that dimension, as we call it, as proximity, okay?

Time: 1565.84

Whether or not it's very close to you,

Time: 1567.631

high degree of proximity,

Time: 1569.61

or far away, low proximity.

Time: 1572.72

But it's simply physical space.

Time: 1575.79

Then subjects listened to tones.

Time: 1579.2

Those tones also are spaced from one another.

Time: 1582.01

So it could be something as simple as

Time: 1584.16

my hand meeting the table top

Time: 1587.34

that I'm happen to be sitting in front of.

Time: 1588.75

So it's [hand hits].

Time: 1592.96

They image the brain.

Time: 1593.819

Of course, areas of the brain

Time: 1595.59

that are associated with auditory perception are active,

Time: 1598.62

not surprisingly, but as they evaluate

Time: 1601.57

different types of sounds and patterns of sounds,

Time: 1604

for instance, [hand hits]

Time: 1609.03

they can start to parse brain areas

Time: 1610.92

that seem uniquely tuned to the spacing of sounds,

Time: 1615

independent of what sounds are coming in.

Time: 1616.7

So whether or not it's musical notes,

Time: 1617.92

or my hand hitting the table, or human speech,

Time: 1620.807

they identified a brain region that is uniquely tuned.

Time: 1625.49

That is, it becomes active specifically in response

Time: 1628.83

to changes in the spacing between sounds,

Time: 1631.84

much in the same way as they could identify brain regions

Time: 1634.42

that were only activated

Time: 1636.03

when there were changes in the distance between objects,

Time: 1638.93

such as the bowling balls

Time: 1640.07

that I used in the previous example.

Time: 1642.3

And then the subjects saw a different set of images.

Time: 1645.86

The images that they saw were of people, and of faces.

Time: 1649.66

And some of the images that they saw

Time: 1651.41

were of people's faces right up close,

Time: 1653.88

and other images were of people at a distance,

Time: 1657.54

where you could see the whole body of the person.

Time: 1659.91

Now, they also varied

Time: 1661.72

the emotional relationship to those people.

Time: 1664.29

That is, they were able to get photographs

Time: 1666.87

from these research subjects' lives,

Time: 1669.13

so they could show them pictures of, for instance,

Time: 1671.15

their sister or some random person off the street.

Time: 1675.09

They could show them pictures of a parent,

Time: 1678.52

or of a neighbor,

Time: 1680

or of a celebrity that's well known,

Time: 1682.89

or of somebody that they didn't know at all.

Time: 1685.5

So they were able to vary

Time: 1686.97

both the position of the person, close or far,

Time: 1690.481

and they were able to vary

Time: 1692.4

the emotional distance to the person,

Time: 1694.84

which is this dimension that I'm referring to as closeness,

Time: 1697.53

which is not physical closeness,

Time: 1698.98

but how attached, or how well you know somebody.

Time: 1702.58

Now, this is maybe sounding like

Time: 1704.31

a somewhat complicated experiment,

Time: 1705.67

but the takeaway from this experiment

Time: 1707.56

is exquisitely simple, and exquisitely important.

Time: 1712.27

The result was, that in all three conditions,

Time: 1718.73

changes in the physical spacing of these objects,

Time: 1721.84

changes in the temporal,

Time: 1724.4

that is, the time spacing of these sounds,

Time: 1726.62

and changes in the emotional distance

Time: 1729.48

between the subject and different people,

Time: 1731.85

the same brain area was uniquely activated.

Time: 1736.07

Now that is an incredible thing to find,

Time: 1738.37

because what it suggests is that, yes,

Time: 1741.38

of course there are brain areas

Time: 1742.41

that are associated with representation of visual objects,

Time: 1745.14

and that yes, of course there are brain areas

Time: 1746.69

associated with representation of different sounds.

Time: 1749.95

And of course, there are brain areas associated with faces.

Time: 1752.17

We now know this.

Time: 1753.33

In fact, there's something called the fusiform face area,

Time: 1755.57

which is uniquely tuned to faces.

Time: 1758.11

But at the same time,

Time: 1760.13

there is a unique brain region that is activated

Time: 1765.055

in all three of the conditions I described,

Time: 1768.22

that has to do with how far you are from somebody,

Time: 1771.11

both in space, in time,

Time: 1774.14

and in terms of emotional closeness.

Time: 1776.61

And that brain area, it turns out,

Time: 1779.37

is a brain area called the inferior parietal lobule,

Time: 1783.19

the inferior parietal lobule.

Time: 1784.55

Now, you don't need to know

Time: 1785.95

where the inferior parietal lobule is.

Time: 1788.55

In fact, you don't even need to know

Time: 1789.7

the name of this brain area.

Time: 1791.51

What you do need to know, however,

Time: 1792.96

if you want to understand grief

Time: 1794.35

and how to move through grief,

Time: 1796.01

is that your map of people is not a map

Time: 1799.87

of emotional closeness per se.

Time: 1802.85

It is a map of emotional closeness,

Time: 1805.123

what we call attachment,

Time: 1807.2

that is interwoven, that is braided in,

Time: 1810.69

in a very intimate way, with your map

Time: 1813.07

of where they are in physical space,

Time: 1816.15

and where they are in time,

Time: 1818.32

when you saw them last,

Time: 1819.41

when you're likely to see them again,

Time: 1821.25

and if you were to want to see them,

Time: 1824.84

how much time it would take to reach them,

Time: 1826.98

or for them to reach you.

Time: 1828.84

Now earlier, I said that one of the key functions

Time: 1831.17

of our nervous system

Time: 1832.28

is to be able to make predictions.

Time: 1834.56

And so it's somewhat obvious,

Time: 1836.98

but nonetheless important to state and restate

Time: 1840

that one of the most powerful aspects

Time: 1842.28

of our attachments to people, animals, and things

Time: 1846.1

is our ability to predict what it would take

Time: 1848.86

to see them again, and when we are going to see them again.

Time: 1852.34

In fact, we could say that our ability

Time: 1855.94

to locate someone, or an animal, or a thing

Time: 1859.56

in space and time, right,

Time: 1861.94

where they are and how long it would take for us

Time: 1864.43

to reach them or them to reach us,

Time: 1867.06

is a prediction of the requirements

Time: 1870.17

to engage in the attachment.

Time: 1871.93

In order to illustrate this at a little bit more depth,

Time: 1875.17

let's just do a fill in the blank experiment.

Time: 1877.8

You can do this now in real time.

Time: 1879.68

I want you to think of somebody that you either rely on

Time: 1882.9

or that you care about very, very much.

Time: 1885.75

And I'll just allow you

Time: 1887.45

to fill in the blank on this sentence.

Time: 1890.477

"If I want to see blank," the person or animal,

Time: 1895.137

"I could see them within blank amount of time," right?

Time: 1898.93

If right now you wanted to see this person or animal,

Time: 1901.89

or maybe even a thing,

Time: 1903.65

how long would it take you to reach them?

Time: 1906.44

Could be a day, could be a second,

Time: 1908.93

could be they're right next to you.

Time: 1910.12

All you'd have to do is turn your head.

Time: 1913.4

Now answer this.

Time: 1915.687

"If this person were to travel halfway around the world,

Time: 1922.01

and land in their plane,

Time: 1924.47

I would expect to hear from them

Time: 1926.26

within blank minutes of them landing."

Time: 1929.97

Okay, the answers of this of course, will differ.

Time: 1933.73

Now, I'd like you to answer this question.

Time: 1936.337

"If I'd like to find myself,

Time: 1938.24

it would take me X amount of time."

Time: 1941.41

And of course, if you're listening to this

Time: 1942.833

and you're understanding it and you're of a rational mind,

Time: 1946.6

the answer to that should be zero seconds, instantaneous.

Time: 1949.84

You are always able to locate yourself in space and time,

Time: 1952.81

provided you are in the appropriate state of mind,

Time: 1955.65

meaning not asleep, for instance.

Time: 1958.62

That last question might seem somewhat silly,

Time: 1961.16

but it's a fundamentally important one,

Time: 1963.71

because it illustrates the extremes

Time: 1965.24

at which we map our relationship to ourselves

Time: 1967.36

relative to other people and things.

Time: 1969.81

Now, if all of this sounds

Time: 1970.87

like a bunch of neuropsycho babble,

Time: 1975.46

parsing of the obvious,

Time: 1977.63

I'd encourage you to suspend that belief for the moment.

Time: 1980.6

Because if you understand that all relationships

Time: 1983.09

are mapped in the brain and body

Time: 1984.67

through these three dimensions,

Time: 1986.06

space, time, and closeness,

Time: 1988.06

or proximity of space, proximity in time,

Time: 1992.36

and proximity of attachment,

Time: 1995.04

how close or rich or bonded you are to someone,

Time: 2000.23

well, if you can understand that,

Time: 2002.75

then it almost becomes obvious,

Time: 2005.47

or at least it becomes intuitive,

Time: 2007.66

as to why, after the loss of somebody,

Time: 2010.04

in particular, a death, or the loss of an animal,

Time: 2013.31

this map has to be reordered.

Time: 2015.83

Why, because if we are attached to someone, or an animal,

Time: 2020.86

at a deep level,

Time: 2022.64

it is almost always on the basis

Time: 2025.01

of a lot of what we call episodic experience,

Time: 2027.76

a lot of episodic memories,

Time: 2029.3

memories of things that happen.

Time: 2031.33

Episodic memories are literally

Time: 2034.08

the conscious recollection of your experience of somebody,

Time: 2037.95

or an animal, or a thing.

Time: 2039.93

And within that memory,

Time: 2042.53

you have an understanding of what has happened with them

Time: 2046.58

in association to you,

Time: 2048.05

what's going on with them,

Time: 2049.57

where it happened, when it happened.

Time: 2051.86

You have a rich knowledge database

Time: 2054.13

that we call implicit knowledge, right?

Time: 2056.12

You might not be aware of it all the time,

Time: 2057.76

but it's within you, of what this person is like

Time: 2060.27

and what they're doing in their life.

Time: 2062.99

When somebody is taken away from us, for whatever reason,

Time: 2067.46

episodic memories persist for some period of time,

Time: 2070.92

and they are still linked to our feelings of attachment.

Time: 2074.45

Grief is the process of uncoupling, unbraiding,

Time: 2078.8

and untangling that relationship

Time: 2081.99

between where people are in space, in time,

Time: 2084.197

and our attachment to them.

Time: 2086.01

What I mean by this is when somebody or an animal

Time: 2088.51

or a thing is taken from us,

Time: 2090.09

either by decision or by death, or by circumstance,

Time: 2095.01

well, in that case, our entire memory bank

Time: 2100.65

and our ability to predict where and when they will be,

Time: 2103.92

and therefore when we can feed our attachment to them again,

Time: 2108.44

that whole map is obliterated,

Time: 2111.76

except that the attachment itself has not been disrupted.

Time: 2116.24

Assuming that you are deeply attached to someone

Time: 2118.61

or an animal or a thing, that attachment persists,

Time: 2121.61

and the grief process is one

Time: 2123.3

in which you have to reorder your understanding of them

Time: 2125.99

in space and in time.

Time: 2128.3

This is very, very hard to do,

Time: 2130.37

and for some people it's almost impossible to do,

Time: 2133.59

at least at the outset of grief.

Time: 2135.61

This, in a very neurosciencey way,

Time: 2138.68

explains this stage that Kubler-Ross described,

Time: 2142.03

which many, again, not all,

Time: 2143.54

but many people experience,

Time: 2144.77

which is one of denial.

Time: 2146.57

How could it be, why?

Time: 2148.34

Well, when we have a rich catalog

Time: 2151.39

of experiences with somebody or of them, right,

Time: 2154.4

ideas about them and what they do,

Time: 2155.87

how they spend their day,

Time: 2156.74

what they do and don't do,

Time: 2157.61

where they do it, et cetera,

Time: 2159.3

well, that memory bank is not just flushed out

Time: 2163.77

the moment that we learn that they're no longer with us.

Time: 2167.56

What happens is, the brain continues

Time: 2169.45

to make these predictions

Time: 2170.73

that they will be in a certain place

Time: 2173.12

or a certain time, right,

Time: 2174.73

that they'll be in a certain time zone

Time: 2175.96

or they'll walk in the door any moment.

Time: 2177.89

All of those predictions still hold.

Time: 2179.47

The neural activity continues.

Time: 2181.03

We call this reverberatory activity.

Time: 2184.36

That explains the yearning for,

Time: 2186.33

and the desire to interact,

Time: 2187.64

and yet it's just beyond our reach.

Time: 2189.14

Because once they're gone,

Time: 2191.23

our brain still functions in a way,

Time: 2194

these neural circuits still function in a way

Time: 2196.38

that put us into an action state of seeking them,

Time: 2199.18

looking for them in the same location,

Time: 2201.46

expecting them to contact us at whatever frequency

Time: 2204.07

that we were used to hearing from them,

Time: 2205.82

or that we could reach out to them

Time: 2207.02

and reliably get a response.

Time: 2210.66

It is immensely disorienting, in other words,

Time: 2213.84

to maintain a close attachment,

Time: 2216.8

and at the same time to not be able to make predictions

Time: 2220.59

about where that person, animal,

Time: 2222.87

or thing is in space and time.

Time: 2226.01

Now, if this seems somewhat abstract,

Time: 2228.03

I'm going to continue to flesh it out.

Time: 2229.89

And actually right now, I'd like to flesh it out

Time: 2231.99

with a real-world example of grief and loss

Time: 2234.95

that comes to us from perhaps

Time: 2237.33

one of the greatest minds in human history,

Time: 2239.81

and somebody who was intensely grounded

Time: 2243.39

in reality and logic, and indeed the physics of the world.

Time: 2247.33

And the person I'm referring to is none other than

Time: 2249.57

the Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Richard Feynman.

Time: 2253.21

Many of you are probably familiar with Richard Feynman.

Time: 2255.48

Some of you perhaps are not.

Time: 2256.94

Richard Feynman was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist,

Time: 2259.78

known for his thick New York accent.

Time: 2262.46

He was actually not from Brooklyn, as many people think.

Time: 2265.14

He was actually from Far Rockaway in Long Island.

Time: 2269.01

Thick New York accent, very personable,

Time: 2273.09

exceptional teacher, brilliant mind,

Time: 2275.64

hence the Nobel Prize in physics.

Time: 2277.27

Also a quite funny and amusing person,

Time: 2279.68

told great anecdotes, et cetera.

Time: 2282.69

Feynman had a childhood sweetheart

Time: 2285.77

who turned out to be his first wife.

Time: 2287.94

Her name was Arline, and it was well known

Time: 2290.46

that Feynman was absolutely in love with her.

Time: 2294.24

He would talk about her all the time.

Time: 2295.87

She had a profound influence on him and his thinking,

Time: 2298.58

and ultimately on his public education efforts later.

Time: 2301.7

If you haven't already read books such as

Time: 2304.237

"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman,"

Time: 2306.24

or "What Do You Care What Other People Think,"

Time: 2308.57

I encourage you to do so.

Time: 2309.403

And in fact, that quote,

Time: 2310.277

"What do you care what other people think,"

Time: 2312.1

is actually a quote, not of Feynman,

Time: 2314.4

but of his first wife, Arline,

Time: 2316.05

who sadly, died at a very young age from tuberculosis.

Time: 2319.8

Why am I sharing Feynman's story

Time: 2322.095

of loss of his first bride?

Time: 2324.18

Well, the reason is, Feynman continued

Time: 2328.01

to write letters to Arline for a long period of time.

Time: 2330.95

This is well known only because after Feynman died,

Time: 2335.964

it was discovered that he kept an archive

Time: 2338.75

of letters to his deceased first wife.

Time: 2342.88

And even though he did eventually marry,

Time: 2345.61

and in fact had many relationships with many people,

Time: 2348.32

and I think was married twice more,

Time: 2349.68

maybe it was once, maybe it was twice,

Time: 2352.33

the intensity of his grief,

Time: 2354.37

but also his lack of ability to transition his mind

Time: 2360.23

to a place where he understood that Arline had died,

Time: 2363.6

is one of the more profound examples

Time: 2366.15

of this inability to reconcile

Time: 2368.67

the logical world and the emotional world.

Time: 2371.24

And I'm now going to read to you a letter

Time: 2374.29

that Feynman wrote to Arline.

Time: 2375.91

This was discovered after Feynman's death,

Time: 2377.89

when they went through his desk and his belongings.

Time: 2380.98

And as I read this, you're going to hear

Time: 2383.7

some of the typical narrative of grief

Time: 2385.95

that is not unique to Feynman and his dead wife,

Time: 2390.92

but there are also some elements in there

Time: 2393.36

that I think you'll recognize

Time: 2395.05

as highlighting this disbelief and this dissociation

Time: 2398.98

between the reality of somebody's location

Time: 2401.61

in space and time,

Time: 2403.05

and the emotional attachment that they hold for us.

Time: 2405.7

And therein lies the information

Time: 2407.42

about how to better navigate grief.

Time: 2409.53

So now I'm reading from the letter.

Time: 2410.86

This was a letter dated October 17th, 1946.

Time: 2415.83

It's not terribly long, but bear with me.

Time: 2418.311

"Dear Arline, I adore you, sweetheart.

Time: 2421.97

I know how much you like to hear that,

Time: 2423.61

but I don't only write it because you like it.

Time: 2426.06

I write it because it makes me warm all over inside

Time: 2428.45

to write it to you.

Time: 2430.22

It is such a terribly long time

Time: 2431.69

since I last wrote to you, almost two years,

Time: 2434.57

but I know you'll excuse me,

Time: 2435.68

because you understand how I am,

Time: 2437.32

stubborn and realistic,

Time: 2438.84

and I thought there was no sense to writing.

Time: 2441.9

But now I know, my darling wife,

Time: 2443.23

that it is the right thing to do,

Time: 2444.53

what I have delayed in doing,

Time: 2445.9

and that I have done so much in the past.

Time: 2448.26

I wanted to tell you I love you.

Time: 2450.04

I want to love you.

Time: 2451.31

I will always love you."

Time: 2452.98

So here we can hear the intense emotional attachment

Time: 2455.76

that clearly has persisted.

Time: 2458.937

"I find it hard to understand in my mind

Time: 2460.93

what it means to love you after you are dead,

Time: 2463.52

but I still want to comfort and take care of you.

Time: 2465.94

And I want you to love me and care for me.

Time: 2468.72

I want to have problems to discuss with you.

Time: 2470.78

I want to do little projects with you.

Time: 2472.86

I never thought until just now that we can do that.

Time: 2475.68

What should we do?

Time: 2477.38

We started to learn to make clothes together,

Time: 2479.39

or learn Chinese, or getting a movie projector.

Time: 2482.55

Can't I do something now?

Time: 2484.07

No, I am alone without you,

Time: 2486.32

and you were the idea woman

Time: 2488.01

and the general instigator of all our wild adventures.

Time: 2492.15

When you were sick,

Time: 2492.983

you worried because you could not give me

Time: 2494.31

something that you wanted, and you thought I needed.

Time: 2498.01

You needn't have worried.

Time: 2499.43

Just as I told you then,

Time: 2500.52

there was no real need,

Time: 2501.44

because I loved you in so many ways so much.

Time: 2503.83

And now it is clearly even more true.

Time: 2506.27

You can give me nothing now,

Time: 2507.94

yet I love you so that you stand in the way

Time: 2509.96

of my loving anything else.

Time: 2511.78

But I wanted you to stand there.

Time: 2513.31

You, dead, are so much better than anyone else alive."

Time: 2517.79

So you can really appreciate the depth

Time: 2520.75

and intensity of the attachment.

Time: 2522.32

Despite two years' time, it clearly has not waned.

Time: 2526.53

I'll read the final paragraph now.

Time: 2529.347

"I know you'll assure me that I am foolish,

Time: 2531.53

and that you want me to have full happiness,

Time: 2533.58

and don't want to be in my way.

Time: 2535.52

I bet you are surprised

Time: 2536.45

that I don't even have a girlfriend,

Time: 2537.404

except you sweetheart, after two years,

Time: 2540.67

but you can't help it, darling, nor can I.

Time: 2542.65

I don't understand it, for I've met many girls,

Time: 2545.13

and very nice ones, and I don't want to remain alone.

Time: 2548.37

But in two or three meetings, they all seem ashes.

Time: 2551.84

You only are left to me.

Time: 2553.91

You are real.

Time: 2555.44

My darling wife, I do adore you.

Time: 2557.57

I love my wife.

Time: 2559.08

My wife is dead.

Time: 2560.77


Time: 2562.3

P.S., please excuse my not mailing this,

Time: 2565.01

but I don't know your new address."

Time: 2568.57

So there's a lot contained in this letter.

Time: 2571.13

We could parse it line by line,

Time: 2573.29

but I think it's fair to say that clearly,

Time: 2574.84

there's an immense attachment that's been maintained.

Time: 2577.09

So that's that dimension of closeness of attachment.

Time: 2580.92

Clearly, there's an understanding that she's dead.

Time: 2582.93

In fact, the last line of this love letter is,

Time: 2586.517

"My wife is dead," right?

Time: 2588.67

He now moves her into the third person, in fact,

Time: 2591.168

in that final line.

Time: 2593.96

So he understands this,

Time: 2595.24

and yet he maintains the attachment.

Time: 2597.87

And the very last portion of the letter, the P.S.,

Time: 2601.33

the postscript, "I don't know your new address," right?

Time: 2604.75

Somewhat humorous in the typical vein

Time: 2606.92

of a Feynman writing or speech.

Time: 2610.02

He always had a intensely amusing

Time: 2613.48

and playful sense of humor.

Time: 2615.29

And yet there's something really contained in this.

Time: 2617.08

I don't think we're reading into this too much,

Time: 2619.68

in that he doesn't know where to find her.

Time: 2621.88

He feels her as very real,

Time: 2624.64

and yet he doesn't know where to find her.

Time: 2626.75

He doesn't know her address.

Time: 2628.48

He obviously knows she's dead,

Time: 2629.84

so there's nowhere to mail it to.

Time: 2631.92

The reason I shared this letter with you,

Time: 2633.39

as opposed to one of the almost infinite number

Time: 2636.3

of other letters that have been written

Time: 2638.329

by poets and authors and scientists and everyday people,

Time: 2642.87

is that it really encapsulates all three dimensions

Time: 2646.1

of attachment and grief.

Time: 2648.09

These notions of space,

Time: 2650.04

where is something or somebody,

Time: 2652.3

time, this dimension of,

Time: 2654.39

how long would it take me to reach them

Time: 2655.95

or for them to reach me?

Time: 2657.49

What would it take, in terms of time, to be reunited?

Time: 2661.2

And then that last dimension of closeness,

Time: 2663.98

and the letter beautifully illustrates the fact

Time: 2666.88

that, in grief, we maintain that sense of closeness.

Time: 2672.3

And yet we have to uncouple it

Time: 2674.47

from these other two dimensions,

Time: 2676.65

as we're referring to, space and time.

Time: 2679.78

So with this current understanding in mind,

Time: 2682.47

a few things start to become obvious

Time: 2684.97

and entirely normal to us,

Time: 2687.25

in the best and most healthy sense of the word normal.

Time: 2691.61

For instance, if you've lost somebody, or an animal,

Time: 2695.19

or even a thing that was vitally important to you,

Time: 2698.82

it should make perfect sense to you

Time: 2700.21

as to why you keep looking for that person.

Time: 2703.16

I recall this in my own life.

Time: 2704.58

I had the unfortunate circumstance

Time: 2706.54

of my graduate advisor, who I was very close with,

Time: 2709.33

died quite young of breast cancer.

Time: 2712.49

And her daughter, she actually has two daughters,

Time: 2716.66

kept her cellphone and would occasionally call me.

Time: 2719.4

I had a quite close relationship to their family.

Time: 2722.87

And when it would come in,

Time: 2724.27

the number would pop up on my phone of not the daughter,

Time: 2728.05

but the name that showed up was of my graduate advisor.

Time: 2730.82

So for years after she died, my initial impulse,

Time: 2734.33

when the phone would ring was,

Time: 2735.407

"Oh my goodness, she's calling."

Time: 2736.74

It was a reflexive excitement

Time: 2738.86

because I truly always enjoyed hearing from her.

Time: 2741.96

She was a wonderful,

Time: 2743.7

incredibly wonderful person, I should say.

Time: 2746.81

Similarly, when somebody passes away,

Time: 2748.78

we will find ourselves looking into a room

Time: 2750.6

expecting to see them there,

Time: 2752.2

or expecting them to knock on the door any moment,

Time: 2754.52

or to call on Sunday morning, as it were.

Time: 2759.63

Those expectations, those predictions

Time: 2762.433

that the brain is making, are entirely normal,

Time: 2766.87

because they are based on that deep catalog

Time: 2769.58

of episodic memory that you maintain about that person.

Time: 2772.68

Again, the depth and richness of that catalog

Time: 2775.76

scaling, of course, in direct relation

Time: 2778.61

to how close you were with that person, right?

Time: 2780.73

Closer to somebody means more information about them.

Time: 2783.73

More information about them

Time: 2784.87

means your brain has a lot of implicit,

Time: 2788.02

unconscious notions of when and where and how they show up.

Time: 2793.93

So the fact that your brain,

Time: 2795.5

and indeed, sometimes your body reacts

Time: 2798.25

to the expectation that they'll be there is entirely normal.

Time: 2802.84

It's simply an activation of this map

Time: 2805.333

that involves closeness, space, and time.

Time: 2809.72

Not surprisingly, then, the reordering of that map

Time: 2814.43

that's required in order to move through

Time: 2816.39

the grieving process,

Time: 2818.31

is going to involve some remapping.

Time: 2822.097

And you, as the person grieving,

Time: 2825.75

have the opportunity to ask which node as it's called,

Time: 2829.15

which element or dimension within that map,

Time: 2832.12

are you going to focus on?

Time: 2834.62

Some people really try hard to disengage with

Time: 2838.53

and remap their sense of emotional closeness to the person.

Time: 2841.6

That is, it's so unbelievably overwhelming to them,

Time: 2845.49

that the person is no longer accessible,

Time: 2847.63

that they try and change their ideas

Time: 2850.48

about how close they really were.

Time: 2852.32

They try and change their emotional attachment to the person

Time: 2854.76

after they've died.

Time: 2856.06

Clearly in the example that I gave in the Feynman letter,

Time: 2858.97

that's not the case.

Time: 2860.828

The attachment seems indeed quite fixed

Time: 2861.86

and not going anywhere.

Time: 2864.23

Psychologists and neuroscientists generally agree

Time: 2866.52

that the best way to approach moving through grief

Time: 2869.43

is actually to remap these dimensions

Time: 2872.74

while maintaining the close sense of attachment

Time: 2875.76

to the person,

Time: 2877.2

by not in any way trying to undermine

Time: 2880.24

the intensity of the attachment

Time: 2881.78

or how important it was to you.

Time: 2884.19

So we'll now talk about how that process works,

Time: 2887.37

and the different entry points, as they're called,

Time: 2891.17

to engaging in that process.

Time: 2893.26

So one straightforward way to think about

Time: 2895.37

this state of mind and body that we call grief,

Time: 2898.77

is that the idea that someone,

Time: 2902.01

or an animal, or a thing,

Time: 2903.96

simply does not exist anymore

Time: 2906.29

is not something that the brain can easily conceptualize.

Time: 2909.92

And the reason for that is that we,

Time: 2913.72

as beings that have a brain,

Time: 2916.07

and a brain, as an organ that makes predictions,

Time: 2919.81

tends to rely more on experience than knowledge.

Time: 2923.81

In other words, the knowledge that someone,

Time: 2926.84

or an animal or a thing, is gone, that it doesn't exist,

Time: 2929.97

at least not in the dimensionality

Time: 2931.428

that we were accustomed to relating to them in,

Time: 2935.92

is something that we can understand logically,

Time: 2939.49

but that emotionally is very hard to undo,

Time: 2942.52

and from a memory perspective is very hard to undo.

Time: 2946.87

So it's not just that we are in a state

Time: 2948.44

of emotional disbelief.

Time: 2950.49

It's that we have neurons, literally nerve cells

Time: 2953.61

and neural circuits, connections between nerve cells,

Time: 2955.77

that are dedicated to this vast, implicit knowledge

Time: 2959.38

of all the things we know

Time: 2960.68

about that person, animal, or thing.

Time: 2963.01

And just because they are no longer in the dimensionality,

Time: 2967.35

meaning in the configuration,

Time: 2970.01

alive or present in our life that they were before,

Time: 2973.39

doesn't eliminate those memories.

Time: 2975.27

Those memories persist.

Time: 2977.5

And so anytime we call to mind the person's name,

Time: 2981.01

or we call to mind things that remind us of them,

Time: 2984.61

or we suddenly feel the desire to engage with them,

Time: 2989.18

the memories, those episodic implicit memories,

Time: 2992.79

as they're called,

Time: 2993.66

all that menu and library of knowledge,

Time: 2997.69

slams us straight in the face,

Time: 3000.05

and pushes us into a mode of wanting to act in a way

Time: 3004.29

that's consistent with them still being here

Time: 3007.03

in the way that all that knowledge

Time: 3008.987

told us they were when we acquired it.

Time: 3012.25

That's a very long-winded way of saying

Time: 3014.41

that there's nothing wrong about the emotional state

Time: 3017.094

when we are in a state of grief,

Time: 3019.66

in fact, quite the opposite.

Time: 3021.27

But there is something wrong about the memories,

Time: 3023.58

because the memories are based on

Time: 3026.16

our prior knowledge of them,

Time: 3028.06

and those memories actually do not apply

Time: 3030.95

to our current knowledge of them.

Time: 3033.27

And again, even though our brain is a prediction machine

Time: 3036.05

and it's a very good one, it's not perfect.

Time: 3038.54

In fact, it's far from perfect.

Time: 3040.24

So really, moving through grief

Time: 3041.48

is a process of understanding

Time: 3042.837

how relationships are mapped in the brain,

Time: 3045.89

space, time, and closeness, also called attachment,

Time: 3049.23

understanding those three dimensions,

Time: 3050.65

understanding that they are closely linked,

Time: 3052.84

and then understanding that simply the knowledge

Time: 3055.43

that somebody or something or an animal

Time: 3057.29

isn't accessible to us,

Time: 3059.39

does not allow us to discard

Time: 3062.25

of all the knowledge that we have.

Time: 3065.62

And as a consequence,

Time: 3066.73

our brain is constantly generating expectations

Time: 3069.72

of how to access them,

Time: 3070.81

even if we know that's completely irrational.

Time: 3073.74

Now this should, I would hope,

Time: 3077.18

assist you in moving through grief.

Time: 3079.41

It's not a tool of the sort of,

Time: 3081.96

like a switch that you can flip

Time: 3083.27

and suddenly not feel grief,

Time: 3084.88

but it does point to a specific set of mechanisms

Time: 3087.6

or a specific set of steps that you can engage

Time: 3090.61

in order to start to move through the grieving process

Time: 3093.76

in the most adaptive and effective way,

Time: 3096.5

and in a way that still holds in mind,

Time: 3097.333

your close attachment to the person.

Time: 3101.37

So let's talk about some of the tools

Time: 3102.68

for adaptively moving through grief.

Time: 3104.81

These are tools gleaned from the research psychology,

Time: 3107.16

the clinical psychology, and the neuroscience literature.

Time: 3110.32

So I've synthesized my understanding

Time: 3112.42

of those three literatures,

Time: 3115.22

to provide the tools that I'm about to describe.

Time: 3118.1

The first one involves the acknowledgement

Time: 3121.62

and really the understanding

Time: 3122.94

that you don't want to disengage or dismantle

Time: 3126.8

your real attachment to someone, an animal, or a thing.

Time: 3130.01

That's a real thing,

Time: 3131.01

and there is actually no adaptive reason

Time: 3134.03

to try and persuade yourself or numb yourself,

Time: 3137.55

or somehow avoid the thinking

Time: 3138.81

of just how much they meant to you.

Time: 3141.4

What is important, however,

Time: 3142.77

is that you make some effort to shift your mindset

Time: 3146.16

and your understanding of that person,

Time: 3148.81

in a way that holds in mind that yes, indeed,

Time: 3151.74

the attachment is very real,

Time: 3153.91

and in some cases is very, very intense,

Time: 3156.64

but is now going to be uncoupled

Time: 3160.36

from the other two dimensions of the map,

Time: 3162.64

namely space and time.

Time: 3164.52

So again, just to make absolutely clear,

Time: 3167.43

there's no reason to try and convince yourself

Time: 3169.94

that you weren't actually that close to this person

Time: 3171.98

or them to you.

Time: 3174.06

There's no reason to try and reduce the intensity

Time: 3177.34

of that attachment.

Time: 3178.173

To the contrary, you want to anchor yourself

Time: 3180.45

to that attachment, but you want to make sure

Time: 3183

that your thoughts about the person,

Time: 3185.84

and your feelings about the person,

Time: 3187.55

are not oriented toward or in reference to, I should say,

Time: 3191.87

that map, that deep catalog of memories that you had.

Time: 3195.94

Now, this is not simply a fancy way of saying,

Time: 3198.64

don't live in the past.

Time: 3200.03

This is saying, you need to maintain

Time: 3202.62

your sense of attachment,

Time: 3204.34

but you need to start making predictions and understanding

Time: 3208.1

about how you're going to engage with that attachment,

Time: 3211.17

how you're going to feel those things,

Time: 3212.7

without the expectation

Time: 3215.18

that things that once happened before

Time: 3217.5

are going to happen again.

Time: 3219.15

So it's a complicated process, you can imagine,

Time: 3221.98

but you really want to hold and register two things at once.

Time: 3224.75

It's sort of like spinning two plates at once,

Time: 3226.47

and therefore it's going to feel like effort.

Time: 3229.46

One way to do this is to set aside

Time: 3231.35

a dedicated period of time,

Time: 3233.061

of maybe five or 10, maybe even as much as 30 minutes,

Time: 3238.39

or depending on your capacity, 30 to 45 minutes,

Time: 3242.46

in which you are going to feel deeply

Time: 3244.04

into your closeness and your attachment

Time: 3246.27

to that person, animal, or thing.

Time: 3248.6

But you are consciously going to try

Time: 3250.86

and prevent yourself from thinking about

Time: 3254.276

a couple of categories of things.

Time: 3256.69

First of all, you want to actively try and disengage

Time: 3260.83

from any attempt to engage in

Time: 3262.67

what's called counterfactual thinking, the what ifs.

Time: 3266.5

What if I had called them a day earlier?

Time: 3268.84

What if they had taken a different route home?

Time: 3271.87

What if I had taken a different route home?

Time: 3274.89

These counterfactual modes of thinking

Time: 3278.57

are an infinite landscape of possibility,

Time: 3281.22

and they are very closely tied to guilt.

Time: 3283.87

Guilt is an interesting emotion.

Time: 3285.2

We should probably do an entire episode about guilt,

Time: 3287.693

but guilt as defined by psychologists and neuroscientists

Time: 3292.315

is actually a way of assigning ourselves more agency,

Time: 3295.7

more capability of controlling reality than actually exists.

Time: 3299.81

And it's a very slippery slope.

Time: 3302.36

And I want to be clear.

Time: 3303.59

It's not the case that guilt

Time: 3305.17

is never an appropriate response,

Time: 3307.21

but in the context of grieving,

Time: 3309.63

guilt is very precarious,

Time: 3311.04

because in thinking "I could have done this,"

Time: 3313.48

or "if I had only done that,"

Time: 3316.83

you are essentially exploring an infinite landscape

Time: 3320.61

of things that you can never refute.

Time: 3323.31

You will never know that had you not gone down

Time: 3326.42

a different path or they had not taken

Time: 3328.45

a particular path in life,

Time: 3330.09

that things would've turned out different,

Time: 3331.7

but you can't know that it would've worked as well,

Time: 3335.09

meaning you actually don't know

Time: 3336.72

that your what ifs are true,

Time: 3338.73

and you don't know that they're not true.

Time: 3340.03

And so as an infinite space, it's a very precarious one,

Time: 3342.98

and it will not allow you to uncouple

Time: 3346.05

that intense emotional attachment that I'm telling you

Time: 3348.26

is actually vital to hold onto,

Time: 3350.15

from that catalog of episodic memory

Time: 3353

that you've established.

Time: 3353.89

In fact, it's going to strengthen those bonds.

Time: 3356.92

So in this dedicated five or 10 or 30,

Time: 3360.75

whatever period of time you can tolerate and maintain focus,

Time: 3363.79

the idea is to think about your attachment in a rich way,

Time: 3368.41

and to perhaps even experience that in your brain and body.

Time: 3371.16

I think if you're in a stage of grief,

Time: 3372.85

that actually will be fairly reflexive to do,

Time: 3376.17

but to try as much as possible

Time: 3377.511

to hold that grief in the present

Time: 3380.55

and to be connected to your immediate physical environment.

Time: 3383.96

So you want to orient yourself in current space and time,

Time: 3388.4

rather than focus on memories,

Time: 3390.37

or what you would've liked to see happen,

Time: 3392.88

or the wish that they were still there,

Time: 3394.63

while at the same time,

Time: 3395.79

thinking about the depth and richness of that attachment.

Time: 3399.41

This is a obviously a tightrope walk, so to speak.

Time: 3403.19

It's an emotionally challenging,

Time: 3404.75

and sometimes even will be experienced

Time: 3406.48

as a physically challenging tool or experience,

Time: 3410.57

but in our understanding of how attachments and grief

Time: 3414.31

are represented in the brain,

Time: 3415.79

this can be an immensely beneficial practice,

Time: 3418.43

because it is the first step,

Time: 3420.21

and indeed, it represents many of the steps

Time: 3423.37

in the voyage from the initial shock of loss,

Time: 3427.48

to our ability to hold in mind somebody

Time: 3430.4

or an animal or a thing in a way that still allows us

Time: 3432.74

to feel the depth and fullness of connection to them,

Time: 3435.86

without feeling the yearning,

Time: 3437.28

that reaching for the glass of water

Time: 3439.44

that unfortunately will never be resolved.

Time: 3442.13

Keep in mind that as you embark on this process,

Time: 3445.09

it is entirely normal for your mind to flip

Time: 3447.37

into various states of expectation

Time: 3450.24

that they're suddenly going to be there.

Time: 3451.27

In fact, because of the closeness

Time: 3453.48

of these three dimensions in the map,

Time: 3455.35

space, time, and attachment,

Time: 3457.99

it's entirely normal that when you start to think about

Time: 3461.26

your attachment to somebody,

Time: 3463.36

or an animal, or a thing,

Time: 3464.63

that you almost start to experience them

Time: 3466.87

as present in that environment.

Time: 3468.99

I'll share with you a somewhat bizarre,

Time: 3471.08

or it sounds bizarre to articulate out loud,

Time: 3473.07

but many of you perhaps will resonate with this.

Time: 3475.96

For years after my graduate advisor died,

Time: 3478.89

I would get an experience of someone

Time: 3480.11

touching the back of my neck when I would think about her.

Time: 3483.37

And that was not an experience I ever had with her, right?

Time: 3486.65

It was a professional relationship.

Time: 3487.93

I don't ever recall her touching me

Time: 3489.3

on the back of my neck,

Time: 3490.278

or me touching the back of my neck in her presence,

Time: 3492.777

at least not on any regular basis.

Time: 3495.76

So it was very perplexing to me.

Time: 3497.8

And then I encountered this incredible literature on grief,

Time: 3501.15

which said the following.

Time: 3503.327

"Grief in many ways is like a phantom limb."

Time: 3506.87

For those of you that aren't familiar,

Time: 3508.86

many people who experience amputation of a limb,

Time: 3511.411

either through surgery or accident or otherwise,

Time: 3515.16

will feel in a very genuine way

Time: 3516.93

that the limb is still present,

Time: 3518.29

even though when they look for the limb, it's not there.

Time: 3521.13

So they can feel pain in limbs.

Time: 3522.68

They can feel the sensation of touch.

Time: 3525.16

There's some famous experiments from the neurologists

Time: 3527.14

and my former colleague

Time: 3528.44

at University of California, San Diego,

Time: 3530.003

who goes by his last name, Ramachandran.

Time: 3532.42

Some people just call him Rama.

Time: 3534.65

He's an incredible scientist,

Time: 3536.41

and has done a lot of really important work,

Time: 3538.184

in particular on phantom limb,

Time: 3540.35

among other things,

Time: 3541.77

and has done some beautiful experiments

Time: 3543.135

showing that people who have phantom limb pain

Time: 3547.12

or that are experiencing different sensations

Time: 3550.02

in their phantom limb,

Time: 3550.853

that can be very intrusive,

Time: 3551.82

much in the same way

Time: 3552.69

that expecting someone to walk through the door,

Time: 3556.21

who you happen to know is deceased,

Time: 3558.83

can be very intrusive.

Time: 3560.49

Ramachandran's done beautiful experiments,

Time: 3562.73

showing that if you give people

Time: 3564.2

what's called a mirror box,

Time: 3565.41

this is a box in which you insert an intact limb,

Time: 3569.29

and there are some mirrors

Time: 3570.19

that give you the visual impression

Time: 3571.612

that the other limb is still present,

Time: 3573.72

and you move the intact limb

Time: 3575.28

and you get a mirror image of the non-existent,

Time: 3578.76

but nonetheless a visual image

Time: 3580.39

of the phantom limb moving,

Time: 3582.32

that you can resolve some of the pain

Time: 3583.91

of a limb that feels otherwise cramped up.

Time: 3586.02

In other words, the visual perception

Time: 3588.1

can reverse some of these phantom sensations.

Time: 3591.49

In many ways, the phantom limb scenario,

Time: 3594.43

and what I described about a sensation

Time: 3596.92

of being touched on the back of the neck,

Time: 3598.42

or this feeling that we have

Time: 3599.84

when we engage in the thinking

Time: 3602.2

and the emotions of our attachment to someone,

Time: 3604.5

an animal, or a thing is very much like a phantom limb,

Time: 3607.53

only it exists in the emotional space,

Time: 3610.07

and it exists because it is reactivation

Time: 3613.083

of these maps about space, time, and person.

Time: 3618.06

And so if the process of moving through grief,

Time: 3620.45

adaptively in a healthy way,

Time: 3622.53

involves maintaining the attachment,

Time: 3624.24

but uncoupling that attachment

Time: 3625.6

from the space and time representation of that person,

Time: 3628.52

animal, or thing that we had before,

Time: 3631.03

well, then the question becomes,

Time: 3632.81

where should we place our expectation of them, right?

Time: 3637.04

Now, that of course will vary from person to person.

Time: 3639.813

Some people with particular religious beliefs

Time: 3642.37

will indeed believe that the soul of the person,

Time: 3646.84

the molecules of the person

Time: 3648.06

have been reordered and exist in some sort

Time: 3650.05

of either distributed domain, right?

Time: 3652.1

That they are in everything,

Time: 3653.2

or they are in one location.

Time: 3655.14

I'm not here to speak to that one way or the other.

Time: 3658.36

There's no good experiment I know

Time: 3659.93

either to prove or disprove that,

Time: 3662.17

nor would I want to.

Time: 3663.81

It's not the job of science, frankly.

Time: 3667.24

However, allowing ourselves to place notions

Time: 3671.54

of where that person, animal, or thing is

Time: 3676.12

in their current new configuration,

Time: 3678.69

whatever that might be,

Time: 3679.97

ashes to ashes, dust to dust,

Time: 3681.51

or that the person's soul comes out of their body.

Time: 3683.41

These are all the different variations that people hear.

Time: 3685.26

Or some people think, "Well, it's just molecules

Time: 3687.39

and they disintegrate and are reordered,

Time: 3688.86

and come up as the plants and the trees."

Time: 3690.284

Again, a near infinite number of possibilities,

Time: 3694.31

and it depends a lot on personal belief.

Time: 3698.86

It is, however, essential

Time: 3699.929

that no matter what you believe,

Time: 3702.36

that you have some firm representation

Time: 3705.56

of where that person, animal, or thing is

Time: 3708.02

so that you can plug it into this map,

Time: 3711.07

this three-dimensional map of space, time, and attachment.

Time: 3716.23

The process of moving through grief

Time: 3717.59

can't simply be that we hold onto the attachment

Time: 3719.95

and we discard with any understanding

Time: 3721.8

of where they are in space and time.

Time: 3723.43

And actually, the letter that Feynman wrote

Time: 3725.79

to his deceased wife Arline,

Time: 3728.47

again, so beautifully

Time: 3730.23

and really poignantly illustrates the fact

Time: 3733.11

that he doesn't really know where to find her.

Time: 3735.26

On the one hand, he really understands that she's gone.

Time: 3737.91

And on the other hand,

Time: 3738.743

he understands that he still very much expects her

Time: 3741.68

to be there, that he would like to mail the letter.

Time: 3743.96

But then of course, in this final,

Time: 3746.56

somewhat humorous line,

Time: 3749.4

he doesn't know where to send the letter, he tells us.

Time: 3752.31

What's very clear, and I think is very healthy,

Time: 3755.6

is the fact that the emotional bond is still there,

Time: 3758.86

that that is maintained.

Time: 3760.27

And so this tool, if you will,

Time: 3763.12

of dedicated blocks of time

Time: 3764.3

for really spending some effort,

Time: 3767.21

and it is indeed effort

Time: 3768.33

to access the emotional connection

Time: 3769.92

while starting to uncouple the other nodes

Time: 3772.04

of the map, as it were, is something that is hard.

Time: 3776.42

You should expect it to be hard,

Time: 3778.44

but in terms of the options one has

Time: 3780.71

in order to deal with grief,

Time: 3782.59

it is indeed the most adaptive way to go about it.

Time: 3786.16

You're not trying to avoid thinking about it.

Time: 3788.54

You're not engaging in this counterfactual thinking,

Time: 3791.25

the what if, what if, what if.

Time: 3793.19

You're not drowning it out with substances

Time: 3795.56

or delusion or with other ways of distracting yourself.

Time: 3801.15

So in that sense, it is truly adaptive.

Time: 3803.26

Now, of course, I don't want to imply

Time: 3804.75

that I'm a clinical psychologist.

Time: 3806.68

I'm certainly not.

Time: 3807.9

There is absolutely a place

Time: 3809.33

for working with a trained professional

Time: 3811.06

to move through grief,

Time: 3811.96

especially these situations,

Time: 3814.27

these one in 10 people

Time: 3816.515

who deal with what's called complicated grief,

Time: 3819.42

or very prolonged grief.

Time: 3820.88

Those are somewhat different things,

Time: 3821.93

but in general, point to the fact

Time: 3823.49

that there are people who have

Time: 3824.47

an exceptionally hard time moving through grief.

Time: 3826.93

We'll talk about who those people are

Time: 3828.85

and ways to move through them,

Time: 3830.05

with or without a professional to assist you.

Time: 3833.98

But nonetheless, we're starting to understand

Time: 3836.76

on the basis of neuroscience,

Time: 3839.42

what some of the more adaptive

Time: 3840.62

and functional ways of moving through grief are.

Time: 3842.88

In order to really understand how a tool

Time: 3845.51

of the sort that we're describing to work,

Time: 3848.43

and what it's designed to accomplish at a mechanistic level,

Time: 3853.65

I'd like to teach you

Time: 3854.483

about a very important aspect of your brain function

Time: 3857.73

that has everything to do with grief

Time: 3859.96

and the process of moving through grief,

Time: 3862.07

but has a lot to do

Time: 3863.65

with other aspects of our life experience as well.

Time: 3866.92

Some of you are probably familiar

Time: 3868.07

with a brain area called the hippocampus.

Time: 3870.09

The hippocampus is a structure that's involved

Time: 3872.3

in the formation of new memories,

Time: 3873.87

but not the maintenance of memories.

Time: 3878.36

I discussed the hippocampus in detail

Time: 3879.94

in our episode on memory,

Time: 3881.32

and our episode with our guest,

Time: 3883.6

Dr. Wendy Suzuki from New York University,

Time: 3885.67

an expert on learning and memory.

Time: 3888.83

During those two discussions, I did not however,

Time: 3891.19

touch into what the different cell types are

Time: 3893.72

in the hippocampus, and the different roles they perform.

Time: 3896.65

And it turns out that there are indeed

Time: 3898.45

different cell types in the hippocampus,

Time: 3899.93

and they perform very different roles

Time: 3901.64

that are absolutely central to the grief process.

Time: 3905.7

We have cells in our hippocampus,

Time: 3907.76

meaning you have cells in your hippocampus.

Time: 3910.59

These cells are neurons,

Time: 3911.423

nerve cells that fire any time,

Time: 3914.68

or, and when we say fire, I should just remind you,

Time: 3917.45

I mean, have electrical activity,

Time: 3920.93

any time that we enter a particular familiar location.

Time: 3925.59

So for instance, think about your bedroom,

Time: 3928.33

and think about where the bed is.

Time: 3931

As you're doing that,

Time: 3931.97

these so-called place cells are firing,

Time: 3934.6

not necessarily to represent

Time: 3936.47

that it's a bed at that location,

Time: 3938.17

but to represent the location itself.

Time: 3941.21

We also have neurons in our hippocampus

Time: 3943.61

and elsewhere in our brain, I should say,

Time: 3945.68

that represent proximity.

Time: 3948.38

So for instance, if you were to wake up

Time: 3949.65

in the middle of the night

Time: 3950.483

and walk into the kitchen,

Time: 3951.76

and it's somewhat dark,

Time: 3953.39

and you orient toward the sink

Time: 3954.88

to get yourself a glass of water,

Time: 3956.26

or to the refrigerator to get yourself

Time: 3958.399

something to drink or to eat,

Time: 3962.1

as you get close to the sink or the refrigerator,

Time: 3966.1

there are neurons in your hippocampus

Time: 3967.67

that are going to start engaging electrical activity,

Time: 3970.75

because you are in the mirror expected proximity

Time: 3974.09

of the sink or refrigerator,

Time: 3975.21

and you know where they are, hence the word expected.

Time: 3978.95

Now that all seems fine and good.

Time: 3980.43

You've got neurons that represent where things are,

Time: 3983.02

and it sort of goes without saying

Time: 3984.97

that those same neurons map to our emotional attachments.

Time: 3989.52

We generally know where to find our loved ones.

Time: 3991.84

Even if they don't live with us,

Time: 3993.52

we generally know what city they're in.

Time: 3995.78

Even if they're traveling,

Time: 3996.7

we generally have a sense of where they're traveling

Time: 3999.11

or the general area in which they're traveling.

Time: 4001.9

Place cells and proximity cells

Time: 4003.47

are involved in that kind of mapping

Time: 4004.97

and representations as well.

Time: 4006.96

Now there's a third kind of cell

Time: 4008.16

that's particularly important for the sort of tool

Time: 4010.97

that we were talking about earlier,

Time: 4012.41

that tool of holding on

Time: 4013.5

to the emotional attachment to somebody,

Time: 4015.56

and yet trying to deliberately remap our understanding

Time: 4019.4

of where they are in space and time.

Time: 4022.02

And that has to do with a category of cells

Time: 4024.66

called trace cells.

Time: 4026.65

Trace cells were discovered by a number of laboratories.

Time: 4029.45

I think the most renowned of those is the Moser Laboratory.

Time: 4033.03

The Mosers are a couple.

Time: 4034.83

Actually, they were a couple.

Time: 4035.95

They're now, I think, amicably separated or divorced.

Time: 4039.94

That's not what this episode's about.

Time: 4041.42

If I have that wrong, forgive me.

Time: 4043.203

Edvard and Britt are their names.

Time: 4046.288

Their relationship isn't what's important,

Time: 4048.41

except what is important

Time: 4050.043

is the work that they did together in one form or another,

Time: 4053.33

which was very important work,

Time: 4055.18

establishing this category of cells

Time: 4057.13

not just in the hippocampus,

Time: 4058.7

but in an area of the brain called the entorhinal cortex,

Time: 4060.7

that acts as a sort of coordinate system,

Time: 4063.09

to orient us in space and time.

Time: 4066.29

Trace cells are activated when we expect something

Time: 4070.86

to be at a given location, but it's not there.

Time: 4075.03

Experiments done in their laboratory

Time: 4076.7

and in other laboratories have shown that, for instance,

Time: 4080.47

if you give a rodent or frankly, a person,

Time: 4084.83

a object that always resides at the same location,

Time: 4089.24

and we reach to it in order to access it,

Time: 4092.7

let's say where your coffeemaker is in the morning.

Time: 4097.24

I do a pour-over coffee.

Time: 4098.43

If I'm drinking coffee or latte, I'll do a pour-over.

Time: 4101.24

It's always more or less in the same location.

Time: 4103.97

And so there are place cells and proximity cells

Time: 4106.92

that relate to my being able to find

Time: 4108.158

that pour-over coffee cone thing.

Time: 4112.58

However, if I were to go to that location

Time: 4114.77

and it wasn't there, the trace cells,

Time: 4118.56

these neurons in my hippocampus

Time: 4120.29

and in the entorhinal cortex and elsewhere,

Time: 4122.4

'cause again, these cells are connected

Time: 4123.59

by way of circuitry, by way of connections,

Time: 4126.67

those trace cells would fire.

Time: 4128.18

We could even call it a trace circuit.

Time: 4129.93

It's a circuit that has an expectation

Time: 4132.58

that something will be in a location.

Time: 4133.92

But when something is not at that location,

Time: 4136.61

this circuit becomes active.

Time: 4138.32

This is important because what we're talking about here

Time: 4140.26

is a neural circuit and a set of neurons

Time: 4142.91

that are responsible, not for the presence of something,

Time: 4145.25

but the absence of something.

Time: 4148.87

We have every reason to believe,

Time: 4150.11

based on neuroimaging studies

Time: 4151.51

and studies in animal models,

Time: 4153.33

that trace cells become very active in the immediate stage

Time: 4156.969

after the loss of a loved one,

Time: 4160.9

that the brain and our maps of the person, place,

Time: 4165.67

or thing that we know cognitively,

Time: 4168.22

we understand, we even believe they are gone.

Time: 4171.85

They are not accessible for whatever reason,

Time: 4173.94

death or otherwise.

Time: 4175.57

And yet we have neurons that are firing,

Time: 4179.21

to reveal that absence to us.

Time: 4181.43

And these neurons are closely associated

Time: 4185.1

with neurons that tell us where things ought to be.

Time: 4188.93

So if you feel the expectation,

Time: 4191.38

or you sense that somebody

Time: 4193.11

should walk through the door any moment,

Time: 4194.51

or call at any moment,

Time: 4195.78

or be next to you when you wake up,

Time: 4197.62

and yet you cognitively understand that they won't,

Time: 4200.9

that there's no real reason why they should,

Time: 4202.54

because they are indeed gone, you are not crazy.

Time: 4206.18

In fact, it's simply a reflection

Time: 4209.05

of the normal functioning of these trace cells

Time: 4212.54

and trace circuits.

Time: 4213.77

Now I'd like to consider why two people,

Time: 4216.05

both who are intensely attached

Time: 4219.71

to a person that is no longer there,

Time: 4222.99

can experience the grief of the loss of that person

Time: 4226.33

in such different ways.

Time: 4227.92

This is often observed.

Time: 4229.26

You can have, God forbid,

Time: 4232.47

incredibly sadly, in cases where a child is lost,

Time: 4235.52

where both parents are grieving intensely,

Time: 4238.76

but one seems to feel it at a emotional depth and level

Time: 4242.4

that seems distinct from the other.

Time: 4244.05

Now of course, keep in mind that we never really know

Time: 4248.04

how other people are feeling.

Time: 4249.53

This is something actually that was raised

Time: 4251.05

in the episode where I interviewed a psychiatrist

Time: 4254.71

and researcher colleague of mine

Time: 4255.92

from Stanford, Karl Deisseroth.

Time: 4258.94

As a psychiatrist, I heard him say once

Time: 4261.963

that we really don't know how other people feel.

Time: 4264.82

In fact, a lot of times we don't even really know

Time: 4266.61

how we feel, or at least describing that

Time: 4268.3

is quite challenging with language, often.

Time: 4271.95

And indeed that is the case.

Time: 4273.02

We don't really know how other people feel.

Time: 4275.35

There's no clear way of knowing

Time: 4277.45

that the expression someone else has

Time: 4279.91

or whether or not they're crying or not,

Time: 4281.42

or their body language really represents

Time: 4283.71

how they feel inside.

Time: 4284.76

So that is important to keep in mind.

Time: 4287.13

Nonetheless, there does seem to be

Time: 4289.56

a sort of a split among people,

Time: 4292.74

and indeed, among animals as well,

Time: 4295.46

even within a species,

Time: 4297.09

in terms of how intensely they feel

Time: 4299.37

the yearning aspect of grief.

Time: 4302.66

And it appears, based on a number

Time: 4304.84

of different lines of evidence,

Time: 4306.14

that that relates to this molecule

Time: 4307.96

that some of you have probably heard of, which is oxytocin.

Time: 4310.75

Oxytocin is a hormone slash peptide.

Time: 4314.21

A peptide just means a protein,

Time: 4316.29

generally a small protein,

Time: 4318.15

and a hormone is generally something

Time: 4320.59

that functions at numerous locations in the body

Time: 4322.85

to impact numerous organs and areas of the brain.

Time: 4325.75

So a peptide can be a hormone,

Time: 4327.49

and a hormone can be a peptide.

Time: 4328.71

They are not mutually exclusive.

Time: 4330.24

Oxytocin has a variety of roles in the brain and body.

Time: 4333.74

It's involved in milk letdown during lactation.

Time: 4336.6

It's involved in pair bonding, both in males and females.

Time: 4339.8

It's involved in bonding of parent to child,

Time: 4342.31

and indeed, between romantic partners, et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 4347.53

Let's talk about some of the animal models

Time: 4349.13

that inform us about the potential roles of oxytocin

Time: 4351.9

in the grieving process.

Time: 4354.43

There's a species of animal called the prairie vole,

Time: 4357.2

and believe it or not,

Time: 4358.04

the prairie vole has been studied fairly extensively

Time: 4360.99

by neuroscience and psychology researchers.

Time: 4364.14

In fact, our former director

Time: 4365.83

of the National Institutes of Mental Health, Tom Insel,

Time: 4369.22

his laboratory focused quite heavily on prairie voles.

Time: 4372.77

Prairie voles are one species of animal,

Time: 4374.61

but depending on where they live,

Time: 4376.81

you find that some prairie voles are monogamous.

Time: 4379.89

That is, they mate with the same prairie vole for life.

Time: 4384.96

They raise litters of little prairie voles for life,

Time: 4389.13

and other prairie voles,

Time: 4390.712

generally that live in different locations in the wild,

Time: 4394.44

are non-monogamous, sometimes called polygamous.

Time: 4399.44

The neurochemical and circuit basis

Time: 4402.02

for this monogamy versus non-monogamy, quite interesting.

Time: 4407.61

However, in the context of grief and attachment,

Time: 4409.79

the prairie voles have taught us a lot,

Time: 4411.81

and they've taught us a lot

Time: 4412.67

through the following experiment.

Time: 4414.56

You take two prairie voles that are coupled up.

Time: 4417.09

So these would be monogamous prairie voles,

Time: 4419.56

that have established a couple bond.

Time: 4423.13

I guess you would call that at a prairie voledom.

Time: 4425.68

Anyway, you put them in a cage together.

Time: 4428.17

They mate together, they raise young together,

Time: 4430.82

and then you separate them.

Time: 4433.91

You literally put a physical barrier

Time: 4435.48

between the two of them,

Time: 4436.85

and you can evaluate how strongly one prairie vole will work

Time: 4442.14

to get access to the other prairie vole, right?

Time: 4444.93

This is sort of the "Romeo and Juliet"

Time: 4446.903

of prairie vole experiments.

Time: 4450.25

And what you observe is that the monogamous prairie voles

Time: 4453.85

will work very hard to get back to their mate,

Time: 4456.42

to get access to their mate.

Time: 4457.55

They will lever press.

Time: 4458.81

They'll even walk across a metal plate

Time: 4461.62

that they get a electrical shock.

Time: 4463.76

They'll work very, very hard.

Time: 4465.45

They will cross rivers and valleys, if you will,

Time: 4468.95

in the experimental context, that is.

Time: 4472.27

The polygamous prairie voles,

Time: 4476.12

and again, we don't know if they are polyamorous.

Time: 4478.32

We don't know what they feel, right?

Time: 4480.03

We don't know if they're in love

Time: 4481.04

or if they're motivated simply for other things.

Time: 4483.9

But the non-monogamous prairie voles will not work as hard

Time: 4488.6

to access a prairie vole partner.

Time: 4492.57

Now you could argue that's because they expect

Time: 4494.96

that there will be other prairie vole partners,

Time: 4496.49

but even if they've never experienced

Time: 4497.77

another prairie vole partner,

Time: 4499.18

they won't work quite as hard to get back

Time: 4502.06

in connection with this other prairie vole,

Time: 4504.79

to mate or otherwise.

Time: 4506.77

This turns out to be interesting,

Time: 4508.63

when you start to explore the patterns

Time: 4510.92

of so-called oxytocin receptors in the brain.

Time: 4514.71

To make a long story short,

Time: 4515.95

and to also bridge to the human literature,

Time: 4519.62

it turns out that the monogamous prairie voles

Time: 4523.11

have far more oxytocin receptors in this brain area

Time: 4526.56

that I mentioned earlier, the nucleus accumbens.

Time: 4529.22

And again, to remind you, the nucleus accumbens

Time: 4531.32

is the brain area associated with motivation,

Time: 4533.88

craving and pursuit.

Time: 4535.67

So it's as if the monogamous prairie voles

Time: 4539.02

have a capacity to link the attachment circuitry

Time: 4544.2

and the molecules of attachment,

Time: 4545.75

in this case, oxytocin,

Time: 4547.47

to reward pathways and to motivational pathways.

Time: 4551.82

Polygamous, or we should say,

Time: 4553.02

non-monogamous prairie voles, do as well.

Time: 4556.8

However, they have less oxytocin receptors.

Time: 4559.74

So in other words, non-monogamous prairie voles

Time: 4563.29

seem to have less yearning for attachment overall,

Time: 4566.62

at least to a single individual prairie vole.

Time: 4569.6

And when we look at the human literature,

Time: 4571.74

in terms of oxytocin receptor expression

Time: 4574.39

and brain imaging experiments, and so on,

Time: 4576.74

what you find is the same,

Time: 4578.32

that people that experience intense grief,

Time: 4580.97

and a deep yearning and a motivation

Time: 4584.11

to reconnect with the person, animal,

Time: 4587.13

or thing that is lost,

Time: 4588.75

in many cases have heightened levels

Time: 4591.47

of oxytocin specifically,

Time: 4593.81

or I should say, oxytocin receptors to be exact,

Time: 4596.78

specifically within the brain regions

Time: 4598.67

associated with craving and pursuit.

Time: 4601.52

So for those of you that find yourself

Time: 4603.14

in this kind of stuck mode,

Time: 4605.69

this persistence of trying

Time: 4607.97

to reach into the past or wishful thinking,

Time: 4611.42

this counterfactual thinking,

Time: 4613.817

"if only, if only, if only."

Time: 4617.09

You don't necessarily want to pathologize that thinking.

Time: 4619.21

First of all, we should acknowledge

Time: 4621.09

that it's not necessarily adaptive.

Time: 4622.79

And in fact, in the complete loss of somebody,

Time: 4625.02

or if somebody says they don't want anything

Time: 4626.47

to do with you ever again,

Time: 4627.901

by all means, you know, if that's expressed clearly,

Time: 4630.7

then you need to accept that reality.

Time: 4633.61

But the yearning, the desire, and the impulsivity,

Time: 4637.13

that kind of leaning in at a almost reflexive way,

Time: 4641.67

to try and access that person again,

Time: 4643.24

to text them, to want to hear from them, could,

Time: 4645.94

and I have to highlight, could reflect the fact

Time: 4648.4

that you just so happen to have more oxytocin receptors

Time: 4651.43

or maybe more oxytocin overall in this brain area

Time: 4655.27

that's associated with motivation and pursuit.

Time: 4658.36

It does not necessarily mean

Time: 4659.76

that you are more capable of attachment

Time: 4661.68

than people who move through grief more quickly.

Time: 4664.9

And I should say that people move through grief

Time: 4667.87

at different rates.

Time: 4668.703

Even if two people lost the same person, or same animal,

Time: 4672.32

people move through this at different rates.

Time: 4673.8

And some of that is no doubt psychological,

Time: 4676.88

but some of it, no doubt,

Time: 4678.07

is also neurochemical and biological.

Time: 4681.66

And in sharing this with you,

Time: 4682.87

I hope it sheds some understanding

Time: 4685.09

and perhaps even some compassion for people

Time: 4688.57

who are moving through things more quickly

Time: 4690.32

or in a different way.

Time: 4692.03

And of course it should also, I would hope,

Time: 4695.11

shed compassion and understanding

Time: 4697.28

for people that seem incapable of quote unquote moving on.

Time: 4701.4

It's taking them far longer to move on.

Time: 4704.1

Earlier, we talked about complicated grief,

Time: 4706.36

non-complicated grief, and prolonged grief disorder.

Time: 4709.37

And I should say that the precise divisions

Time: 4711.65

between these categories is not very precise.

Time: 4716.21

It takes a really trained expert

Time: 4717.96

to be able to identify whether or not

Time: 4719.5

somebody is in the prolonged grief disorder category,

Time: 4722.66

complicated or non-complicated grief.

Time: 4725.1

There's actually a set of questionnaires

Time: 4726.88

that I invite you to answer if you like.

Time: 4729.66

They were provided, or I should say I accessed them

Time: 4732.61

through a public site on Mary-Frances O'Connor's webpage.

Time: 4736.7

We'll put them in the show note captions.

Time: 4738.51

You actually can submit those answers in an anonymous way

Time: 4740.93

to a study that she's doing.

Time: 4742.78

She has several surveys,

Time: 4744.61

one for loss of a romantic relationship,

Time: 4747.37

other for loss due to death of somebody,

Time: 4751.22

and still another one that relates to homesickness,

Time: 4753.81

and it's also available in several different languages.

Time: 4755.96

So I'll provide a link to that website.

Time: 4758.24

It's very easy to download.

Time: 4759.21

There's no cost to that at all.

Time: 4760.69

You can contribute to the scientific

Time: 4761.978

data collection process, if you like.

Time: 4764.14

And I do believe that you get your scores back

Time: 4766.76

or an interpretation of your scores by participating there.

Time: 4771.82

When Mary-Frances O'Connor hopefully comes on the podcast,

Time: 4774.35

she can tell us some more of the detail

Time: 4776

about separating out this prolonged grief disorder,

Time: 4778.9

complicated and non-complicated grief.

Time: 4780.77

But in the meantime, it's very clear

Time: 4784.19

that people move through grief at different rates.

Time: 4786.38

And as I mentioned just a moment ago,

Time: 4788.23

that this is entirely normal,

Time: 4789.69

probably has a basis in neurochemicals

Time: 4791.78

and hormones, such as oxytocin.

Time: 4794.93

There are probably other reasons as well.

Time: 4796.21

In fact, we can assume with almost certainty

Time: 4798.76

that there are other reasons as well.

Time: 4801.17

Nonetheless, I think it is really important

Time: 4803.38

to think about why some people might have a harder time

Time: 4806.73

moving through grief due to life circumstance,

Time: 4809.87

innate differences, and so on.

Time: 4813.02

There's a very nice set of studies,

Time: 4815.31

but one in particular,

Time: 4816.72

entitled "Catecholamine Predictors

Time: 4818.6

of Complicated Grief Outcomes."

Time: 4820.96

Here again, the first author is Mary-Frances O'Connor,

Time: 4823.83

reminding us that she's done

Time: 4824.85

so much important work in this area.

Time: 4827.56

This paper has several conclusions,

Time: 4829.96

but one of the key conclusions

Time: 4831.99

is that this particular category of molecules

Time: 4833.82

we call the catecholamines,

Time: 4834.96

the catecholamines include epinephrine,

Time: 4837.35

which is also adrenaline,

Time: 4838.48

norepinephrine, which is noradrenaline,

Time: 4840.35

and dopamine, which you've learned about before.

Time: 4844.42

Here, I'm just going to paraphrase,

Time: 4846.25

or I'll read directly, actually.

Time: 4848.22

What they found was that "participants",

Time: 4850.42

again, this is human subjects,

Time: 4851.757

"with the highest levels of epinephrine,

Time: 4853.89

of adrenaline, pre-treatment,

Time: 4856.39

had the highest levels

Time: 4857.27

of complicated grief symptoms post-treatment,

Time: 4860.04

and that could account

Time: 4860.94

for their baseline level of symptoms."

Time: 4862.44

What this means is that people

Time: 4864.1

that have a lot of circulating adrenaline,

Time: 4865.87

we might even call these people,

Time: 4866.993

people who are, or typically reside

Time: 4870.24

at a higher level of autonomic arousal, right?

Time: 4873.2

We have an autonomic nervous system

Time: 4874.46

that dictates how calm or alert or stressed

Time: 4877.64

we happen to be just at baseline.

Time: 4879.26

People who tend to be more alert and anxious at baseline,

Time: 4882.3

prior to any grief episode,

Time: 4884.148

tend to have, or statistically on average,

Time: 4887.65

we should say, are more likely to experience

Time: 4890.72

complicated grief and maybe even prolonged grief symptoms.

Time: 4894.03

So if you're somebody that is anticipating losing someone,

Time: 4898.73

or an animal, or a thing at some point,

Time: 4900.35

and I think that really means everybody,

Time: 4902.88

utilizing tools to adjust your epinephrine,

Time: 4905.96

your adrenaline levels down

Time: 4907.95

has a number of important benefits,

Time: 4909.46

improving sleep, health metrics, et cetera.

Time: 4912.04

There are tools to do that.

Time: 4913.18

We have an episode on mastering stress

Time: 4915.15

that you can find at our website,

Time: 4917.827

It has a lot of behavioral tools that are backed by science,

Time: 4921.16

some of work that was done in my laboratory,

Time: 4922.92

but certainly other laboratories as well,

Time: 4925.61

that will allow you to control

Time: 4928.5

your autonomic nervous system, both in real time,

Time: 4930.71

and reduce the overall level of stress

Time: 4933.357

and even chronic activation

Time: 4935.61

of the so-called sympathetic arm

Time: 4937.22

of the autonomic nervous system,

Time: 4938.28

which is just fancy geek speak for saying,

Time: 4940.49

there are tools to help you be calm,

Time: 4942.54

not just for sake of navigating daily stress,

Time: 4944.83

but as this paper illustrates,

Time: 4947.39

for anticipating the fact that at some point,

Time: 4950.12

you will lose somebody, an animal, or a thing,

Time: 4952.87

and there is a way to move through that process

Time: 4955.95

that we call healthy, normal grieving.

Time: 4957.85

And then there's the so-called complicated grief,

Time: 4959.85

or prolonged grief disorders,

Time: 4961.89

that reflect immense challenge

Time: 4964.41

in moving through grief at a reasonable rate.

Time: 4967.4

So you can somewhat inoculate yourself

Time: 4971.04

against complicated or prolonged grief,

Time: 4973.28

by reducing your resting levels of,

Time: 4976.16

or your pre-loss levels of epinephrine, of adrenaline.

Time: 4980.4

And again, there are excellent tools to do that.

Time: 4982.33

I won't review them here for sake of time,

Time: 4983.88

but they're time-stamped,

Time: 4985.14

and you can access those easily.

Time: 4986.83

Again, zero cost tools.

Time: 4990.68

Going back to this paper,

Time: 4991.927

"Catecholamine Predictors of Complicated

Time: 4993.62

Grief Treatment Outcomes,"

Time: 4995.8

should say that not only did participants

Time: 4998.52

with the highest levels of adrenaline

Time: 4999.9

have the highest levels

Time: 5000.733

of complicated grief symptoms post-treatment,

Time: 5003.39

but the predictive relationship between these two things,

Time: 5007.31

adrenaline and complicated grief,

Time: 5008.97

was not seen in depression.

Time: 5010.56

And I find that incredibly interesting,

Time: 5012.39

because it further separates depression from grieving

Time: 5015.57

and grieving from depression.

Time: 5016.97

It's a resounding theme again and again.

Time: 5019.14

Grieving is not depression,

Time: 5020.36

and depression is not necessarily grieving.

Time: 5022.47

They can coexist, but they are separable as well,

Time: 5025.559

and indeed, reflect separate brain circuitries entirely.

Time: 5030.22

So the conclusion they draw is that

Time: 5031.367

"The present study supports the hypothesis

Time: 5033.22

that catecholamine levels,"

Time: 5034.3

again, epinephrine, dopamine, norepinephrine

Time: 5036.5

are the catecholamines,

Time: 5037.537

"are affected by bereavement and in turn,

Time: 5039.72

can affect the ability of those with complicated grief

Time: 5042.09

to benefit from psychotherapy."

Time: 5043.89

So what does all this mean?

Time: 5044.723

What this means is, we can prepare ourselves

Time: 5048.02

to be in a better state to access, yes,

Time: 5051.66

access grief when it's appropriate.

Time: 5054.06

And indeed, grief is the appropriate response,

Time: 5057.09

when we lose someone, an animal, or a thing

Time: 5059.49

that we are closely attached to,

Time: 5061.2

and yet, to be able to move through that

Time: 5063.999

at a pace and in a way that is most adaptive for us.

Time: 5069.28

And to just, again, highlight what adaptive means.

Time: 5071.65

It does not mean dissociating from the attachment

Time: 5074.4

to the person, animal, or thing.

Time: 5077.14

I just want to pause for a second,

Time: 5078.49

and mention why I keep repeating person, animal, or thing.

Time: 5084.18

I'm saying that because,

Time: 5086.33

while grieving the loss of a person,

Time: 5089.448

or a relationship with a person,

Time: 5091.24

doesn't have to be through death, of course,

Time: 5093.05

but death or otherwise is something that we all

Time: 5095.94

can intuitively understand,

Time: 5097.32

even if we haven't experienced it.

Time: 5099.75

We are capable of achieving great attachments

Time: 5103.08

to animals as well.

Time: 5104.9

And while the loss of a thing, of an object,

Time: 5109.17

in no way, shape or form,

Time: 5110.52

approximates the loss of a person or an animal,

Time: 5112.94

I would never suggest that it does,

Time: 5114.464

it would also be naive and unfair of me or anyone else

Time: 5118.21

to suggest that things can't hold immense importance to us,

Time: 5121.077

and that the loss of them can feel quite significant,

Time: 5124.29

and invoke the grieving process.

Time: 5126.65

This isn't always about materialism.

Time: 5128.51

Sometimes it's purely about the sentimental attachment.

Time: 5131.41

So for instance, the loss of a wedding ring

Time: 5134.05

or an engagement ring that was very meaningful to you,

Time: 5136.83

or an article of clothing or a painting,

Time: 5139.8

or even a small, seemingly unimportant object

Time: 5143.31

to somebody else,

Time: 5144.143

but something that held great meaning to you,

Time: 5145.3

maybe a seashell that you collected

Time: 5147.46

with somebody on the beach,

Time: 5148.75

and then somehow it gets lost.

Time: 5151.02

And it's the relationship with that person

Time: 5152.831

that's contained within that object for you,

Time: 5156.02

as a representation within that object that's important.

Time: 5159.6

That's the reason why I keep saying,

Time: 5161.207

person, animal, or thing.

Time: 5163.07

I think it's only fair to include things in that category,

Time: 5166.11

but of course, with the understanding

Time: 5167.61

that they don't hold the absolute same magnitude

Time: 5171.26

as the loss of a being.

Time: 5173.16

One thing that we ought to consider for a moment,

Time: 5175.17

is whether or not the depth of attachment

Time: 5178.37

that you have to somebody

Time: 5179.26

predicts how long it will take

Time: 5180.81

for you to move through the loss of that person.

Time: 5183.526

We often hear this.

Time: 5185.37

Actually, I can remember some years ago,

Time: 5187.55

at the end of a relationship,

Time: 5189.287

a friend and colleague of mine saying,

Time: 5191.877

"You know, for every year that you were together,

Time: 5194.86

it's going to take you one month to get over that person."

Time: 5198.1

And I thought, "Where in the world

Time: 5199.97

did those data come from?" [laughs]

Time: 5201.807

And this is what I call anecdata or collective data,

Time: 5205.2

where this is like phrases such as,

Time: 5207.987

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Time: 5210.15

And indeed, sometimes absence

Time: 5211.4

can make the heart grow fonder,

Time: 5213.08

in the context of two living people

Time: 5215.3

or people in a loving relationship,

Time: 5217.21

or even in the context of grief and loss.

Time: 5219.59

But of course, there's,

Time: 5220.707

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder,"

Time: 5222.38

and then you also will hear,

Time: 5223.537

"Out of sight, out of mind."

Time: 5225.27

And if you've been listening to this episode,

Time: 5228.16

clearly, out of sight does not mean out of mind

Time: 5230.8

or out of emotional connection.

Time: 5233.62

So these sayings of, "Well, it takes X number of months

Time: 5236.69

for number of years,"

Time: 5237.59

or "out of sight, out of mind,"

Time: 5238.78

or "absence makes the heart grow fonder,"

Time: 5240.118

they really don't hold a lot of meaning,

Time: 5242.68

at least not for somebody like me,

Time: 5243.89

who likes science because science is at least geared

Time: 5248.48

toward or aims towards establishing things

Time: 5250.7

in fact, not opinion,

Time: 5252.37

but also because science allows you to make predictions.

Time: 5255.91

It allows you to orient yourself in a process,

Time: 5258.61

and make predictions and understand.

Time: 5261.2

So, what are we to think of people

Time: 5263.6

who seem very, very attached to somebody?

Time: 5267.05

They break up, and they seem just crushed, devastated.

Time: 5270.01

But three weeks later,

Time: 5270.86

they're in a new relationship

Time: 5272.07

and they seem perfectly fine.

Time: 5273.49

Or somebody whose spouse dies,

Time: 5277.03

and then suddenly they're in a new relationship.

Time: 5279.35

I think there are rates of transition, if you will,

Time: 5282.27

that suggest some dysfunction, pathology, et cetera.

Time: 5286.49

But here we aren't in a position to judge.

Time: 5288.63

We're only in a position to speculate about this.

Time: 5291.36

And I think we can reasonably speculate

Time: 5293.99

that it sort of makes sense

Time: 5296.31

why someone who has an intense attachment to somebody

Time: 5300.26

might be able to form

Time: 5301.543

intense attachments generally, right,

Time: 5304.17

that they aren't restricted to one person,

Time: 5305.5

whereas other people who have

Time: 5306.45

an intense attachment to somebody

Time: 5308.53

might find themselves entirely incapable of moving on,

Time: 5311.27

or it would take them a very long time,

Time: 5313.21

hence the lines in the Feynman letter to Arline about,

Time: 5317.4

he had met various other young women.

Time: 5320.01

They seemed perfectly nice.

Time: 5321.01

And yet, they were meaningless to him

Time: 5323.097

in the shadow of her memory,

Time: 5326.44

or we should say, in the light of Arline's memory,

Time: 5328.64

or the memory of Arline, rather.

Time: 5330.5

So these dimensionalities of attachment,

Time: 5334.011

they cut in every direction.

Time: 5336.45

And I don't think any well-trained psychologist

Time: 5339.42

or neuroscientist would ever say,

Time: 5341.137

"Oh, if you are somebody who becomes very attached,

Time: 5343.341

therefore it's very hard to move on."

Time: 5345.64

I think that could be true.

Time: 5346.57

It could also be that if you're somebody

Time: 5347.79

who has a great capacity for attachment,

Time: 5349.36

you have a great capacity for attachment overall.

Time: 5352.36

Neuroscience nor psychology is really in a position

Time: 5355.286

to judge, certainly,

Time: 5357.12

but it's also not in a position

Time: 5358.57

to make those kinds of predictions,

Time: 5359.75

at least the field, as it stands right now,

Time: 5362.502

of attachment and grieving,

Time: 5365.19

can't really speak to why that's the case.

Time: 5367.37

So that's my attempt to depathologize

Time: 5370.03

some of what we observe,

Time: 5371.49

although I have to confess,

Time: 5373.026

from a just sort of everyday stance,

Time: 5376.4

that sometimes the rate in which

Time: 5377.93

people move out of attachments and grieving

Time: 5380.336

can be somewhat eerie.

Time: 5382.16

I'd like to take a moment and explore this idea

Time: 5384.97

that allowing ourselves to really feel

Time: 5387.41

the attachment to somebody

Time: 5389.01

can accelerate or at least support

Time: 5391.16

adaptive transitioning through grief.

Time: 5395.176

There's a really wonderful study that, on the face of it,

Time: 5398.99

appears to be a, what we call negative result.

Time: 5401.86

A negative result is when a hypothesis is posed,

Time: 5404.74

and then turns out the hypothesis is not true.

Time: 5407.66

But as is the case with so many

Time: 5409.49

interesting scientific findings,

Time: 5412.29

often when there's a negative result,

Time: 5413.95

there's a more interesting result

Time: 5415.28

nested in that negative outcome.

Time: 5417.26

And this is the case in a particular paper

Time: 5419.62

I'll share with you now.

Time: 5420.453

This is a paper published

Time: 5421.286

in the journal "Biological Psychology."

Time: 5423.36

And again, the title is posed as a question, which is,

Time: 5427.117

"Emotional Disclosure for Whom?

Time: 5429.7

A Study of Vagal Tone in Bereavement."

Time: 5432.52

What this study explored

Time: 5433.7

was whether or not written disclosure

Time: 5436.9

of the emotional connection to somebody that was lost

Time: 5439.87

would be effective as a way for people

Time: 5442.55

to move through the grieving process.

Time: 5446.254

The study also explored the so-called vagus nerve.

Time: 5449.33

The vagus nerve is an extensive nerve pathway

Time: 5451.86

that is bidirectional between brain and body,

Time: 5454.03

so brain to body and body to brain.

Time: 5456.53

It generally is associated with calming effects

Time: 5459.536

on our brain and body,

Time: 5460.91

although that's certainly not always the case.

Time: 5463.87

The way to think about it in terms of

Time: 5465.35

what we're going to talk about now

Time: 5467.42

is heart rate and heart rate variability.

Time: 5470.48

And in very simplistic terms,

Time: 5473.54

if your heart was just allowed to beat

Time: 5475.7

at its sort of default rate,

Time: 5477.99

that rate would be rather high,

Time: 5480.36

because of the activation of the so-called sympathetic arm

Time: 5483.33

of the autonomic nervous system,

Time: 5484.51

the alertness component of the autonomic nervous system.

Time: 5489.52

The parasympathetic nervous system,

Time: 5491.75

as it's called, involves calming.

Time: 5493.76

We sometimes hear sympathetic is for stress

Time: 5496.1

or fight or flight.

Time: 5497.45

It's for a lot of other things as well, I should mention,

Time: 5499.3

and it is not for sympathy.

Time: 5500.83

Sympa simply means together,

Time: 5502.11

and it reflects the activity of a bunch of neurons

Time: 5503.97

being active at the same time or together, sympa,

Time: 5507.27

whereas parasympathetic is often associated

Time: 5509.84

with quote unquote rest and digest functions,

Time: 5512.21

or calming functions,

Time: 5513.25

although it is certainly involved in other things as well.

Time: 5515.54

So sympathetic nervous system drives alertness,

Time: 5518.43

panic, stress, et cetera.

Time: 5520.81

Parasympathetic nervous system,

Time: 5522.07

meaning a distinct set of neurons drive calming,

Time: 5524.95

falling asleep, digestion,

Time: 5527.062

sexual arousal for that matter, and so on.

Time: 5530.92

So it's sort of like a seesaw

Time: 5532.34

of alertness and calm, alertness and calm,

Time: 5534.2

sympathetic and parasympathetic, back and forth.

Time: 5536.75

The vagus nerve is generally associated

Time: 5539.17

with parasympathetic functions,

Time: 5541.12

and has the capacity to slow down our heart rate,

Time: 5544.99

in particular, by exhales,

Time: 5547.52

and just simply because of the movement of the diaphragm

Time: 5549.79

and its relationship to the heart

Time: 5551

and the thoracic cavity.

Time: 5552.45

Exhales result in slowing down of the heart rate.

Time: 5557.29

This is what we call an increased vagal tone.

Time: 5561.16

So let me explain for a moment.

Time: 5563.13

And actually here's a tool you can use,

Time: 5564.4

not just in terms of navigating grief,

Time: 5566.24

but in terms of stress modulation, generally.

Time: 5568.72

We have a muscle called the diaphragm.

Time: 5570.57

When we inhale, [inhales]

Time: 5572.61

whether or not it's through our mouth or our nose,

Time: 5574.58

our diaphragm moves down.

Time: 5577.3

As a consequence, there is more space overall

Time: 5579.75

in the thoracic cavity.

Time: 5581.06

The heart gets a little bit bigger,

Time: 5582.68

believe it or not, volume-wise,

Time: 5585.094

blood flows more slowly through that large volume.

Time: 5588.65

And there's a signal conveyed

Time: 5590.62

from the nervous system to the heart to speed the heart up.

Time: 5593.46

So inhales literally speed your heart up.

Time: 5595.38

And when you exhale, the diaphragm moves up.

Time: 5599.56

And as a consequence,

Time: 5600.73

there's less space in the thoracic cavity.

Time: 5602.49

Heart gets a little bit smaller.

Time: 5604.384

The existing blood volume in the heart at that time

Time: 5606.78

moves more quickly through that small volume, right?

Time: 5608.96

Given amount of blood volume,

Time: 5610.18

make the compartment it's in, the heart, smaller,

Time: 5612.73

and the blood moves more quickly through that volume.

Time: 5614.98

And as a consequence, the nervous system

Time: 5616.63

sends a signal to the heart,

Time: 5618.21

via the vagus and other pathways,

Time: 5621.01

to slow the heart down.

Time: 5622.38

In other words, exhales slow the heart down.

Time: 5624.55

That process, that relationship

Time: 5625.539

between inhales speeding the heart up,

Time: 5628.03

and exhales slowing the heart down,

Time: 5629.9

is something called respiratory sinus arrhythmia.

Time: 5632.66

Some people are able to engage respiratory sinus arrhythmia

Time: 5636.71

more naturally, more reflexively than others.

Time: 5639.08

You can actually train this

Time: 5640.55

by consciously thinking about slowing your heart rate

Time: 5642.86

while you exhale,

Time: 5644.07

and consciously thinking about increasing your heart rate

Time: 5646.93

as you inhale.

Time: 5647.763

You can literally strengthen these pathways.

Time: 5650.27

Now, respiratory sinus arrhythmia,

Time: 5653.17

and the ability to slow your heart rate with exhales,

Time: 5656.67

is one dimension of what's called vagal tone,

Time: 5659.64

or your ability to control

Time: 5661.46

your overall level of activation of alertness and stress,

Time: 5665.25

with these vagus nerve pathways.

Time: 5667.81

So vagal tone is something

Time: 5669.06

that varies from person to person.

Time: 5670.46

If you've trained up or you've thought about

Time: 5672.25

your relationship between breath and heart rate,

Time: 5674.15

you can improve vagal tone.

Time: 5676.32

Some people have very robust vagal tone

Time: 5679.079

without having done any training.

Time: 5680.72

Other people have less of it, et cetera.

Time: 5684.64

I'll just paraphrase from this paper,

Time: 5686.04

and you'll see where this takes us

Time: 5687.45

in terms of navigating grief, because it's quite important.

Time: 5690.517

"The vagus nerve provides

Time: 5691.65

inhibitory regulatory influence on the heart,

Time: 5693.87

allowing the heart rate to increase rapidly

Time: 5695.95

through vagal withdrawal,"

Time: 5696.9

that means kind of coming off the break

Time: 5699.12

of the parasympathetic nervous system,

Time: 5700.917

"as in response to a stressor in one's environment."

Time: 5703.65

Right, when you're stressed,

Time: 5704.92

you rarely take the opportunity,

Time: 5706.65

if it's an immediate stress or threat, to actively exhale,

Time: 5709.85

although that would be a great tool to use.

Time: 5711.13

And in fact, we promote that tool

Time: 5712.27

in our "Mastering Stress" episode.

Time: 5714.837

"Vagal withdrawal usually co-occurs

Time: 5716.15

with an increase in sympathetic activation of the heart."

Time: 5718.23

You now know what that is,

Time: 5719.677

"or is known as the fight or flight response.

Time: 5721.39

Vagal tone reflects the degree to which there is tonic,"

Time: 5724.83

meaning ongoing, "vagal influence on the heart."

Time: 5728.49

So when you have a high degree of vagal tone,

Time: 5732.04

it means that you are always activating that break

Time: 5736.63

on your stress system, just at default.

Time: 5738.82

And some people just happen to do that more.

Time: 5740.25

Other people need to practice long exhale breathing

Time: 5742.66

in order to build up vagal tone,

Time: 5745.03

something that's very useful to do,

Time: 5746.96

whether you're grieving or not.

Time: 5748.87

Now in this study, what they did

Time: 5750.25

is they had people,

Time: 5752.46

and I should say it was 35 participants,

Time: 5755.68

go through a writing exercise for a period of weeks.

Time: 5758.45

They actually wrote about three times per week.

Time: 5760.87

Then there was a follow up at some period of time,

Time: 5762.93

and then again, about a month later.

Time: 5764.43

And there were two different groups.

Time: 5766.8

One group was in the so-called written disclosure group.

Time: 5769.85

What they did is they, on day one,

Time: 5772.3

they would write about what happened when a loved one died.

Time: 5776.18

And indeed they used people who had experienced real loss.

Time: 5779.49

And so they were asked to talk about

Time: 5781.69

and write about their deepest emotions

Time: 5784.23

and thoughts about it, memories of their loved one,

Time: 5786.87

very intense stuff, if you think about it,

Time: 5788.66

if they're in the immediate period of having lost someone.

Time: 5791.6

Then they actually were asked to write a letter

Time: 5793.78

to the person that they lost.

Time: 5795.18

So again, a very intense exercise to go through,

Time: 5799.05

if you did indeed lose somebody as these subjects had.

Time: 5802.17

And then of course there was the testing,

Time: 5803.62

some period of time later,

Time: 5805.97

and I'll tell you what that period,

Time: 5807.38

what that testing involved.

Time: 5809.93

The other group was a so-called control group,

Time: 5811.68

where they were simply told to write

Time: 5813.22

about how they use their time.

Time: 5814.51

So an emotionally kind of empty writing exercise,

Time: 5816.95

if you will.

Time: 5817.783

They described what they did today after they woke up,

Time: 5819.79

et cetera, no heavy emotional content, and so on.

Time: 5823.43

Now, as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 5825.89

the immediate results of this study were a negative result,

Time: 5829.68

meaning no effect.

Time: 5831.7

The disclosure that, we should say,

Time: 5833.24

the emotionally intense writing group

Time: 5835.01

and the control group did not differ at baseline

Time: 5836.99

on any symptom measures

Time: 5838.26

or psychological variables, they tell us,

Time: 5840.3

and at least at face value, somewhat disappointingly,

Time: 5844.75

there really wasn't any kind of difference in outcome

Time: 5848.41

between the group that wrote about

Time: 5850.147

the very emotionally intense stuff

Time: 5851.93

versus non-emotionally intense.

Time: 5853.67

Now, what I didn't tell you thus far

Time: 5855.83

is why they had them do this exercise at all.

Time: 5858.5

They had them do this exercise

Time: 5859.75

because many of the effective practices

Time: 5861.76

for moving through grief involve, as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 5864.94

getting close to and actually deliberately experiencing

Time: 5869.86

the attachment that one has to that person that was lost,

Time: 5872.68

not distracting one's self,

Time: 5874.49

not getting into this counterfactual thinking,

Time: 5876.9

the what if, what if, what if,

Time: 5878.17

but rather thinking about,

Time: 5879.93

or in this case, writing about the real attachment.

Time: 5882.53

And so the initial idea was,

Time: 5884.82

if people write about this attachment,

Time: 5886.48

that they're going to experience this attachment,

Time: 5887.817

and that will serve them in some or many ways,

Time: 5891.05

in terms of moving through grief.

Time: 5892.98

And that wasn't what they found.

Time: 5894.09

They found no difference between the two groups,

Time: 5895.93

until they explored who had higher vagal tone,

Time: 5900.88

who had a greater degree

Time: 5903.16

of so-called respiratory sinus arrhythmia.

Time: 5905.52

In other words, who was able to modulate their state,

Time: 5909.24

using their breathing and their body.

Time: 5911.21

And what they discovered was that a subset of individuals

Time: 5914.83

who had a high degree of vagal tone

Time: 5917.46

seemed to get more benefit from this writing-type exercise.

Time: 5921.62

Now, this is one study,

Time: 5922.96

and I would consider it fairly preliminary with 35 subjects.

Time: 5926.93

Although, you know, it's a study unto itself

Time: 5928.98

and I think a quite nice one,

Time: 5931.28

and it really set the stage

Time: 5932.33

for a number of other studies that followed,

Time: 5934.17

from this group and other groups,

Time: 5935.82

that really point to the fact that yes, indeed,

Time: 5938.64

accessing these states of emotionality

Time: 5941.087

by writing or thinking about somebody

Time: 5943.14

is quite powerful in terms of engaging the bodily states

Time: 5947.46

and the mind states associated with the attachment.

Time: 5949.347

And that is very beneficial for moving through grief.

Time: 5953.02

That is very beneficial for sensing the attachment.

Time: 5955.683

And now it makes perfect sense as to why some people

Time: 5959.41

would benefit from that sort of practice more than others,

Time: 5961.96

because some people are able to access

Time: 5963.802

more real somatic feelings of attachment

Time: 5967.73

by writing about the attachment,

Time: 5969.13

or by thinking about it, than others.

Time: 5971.09

So this brings us back to an earlier discussion

Time: 5973.26

we were having, where we were talking about

Time: 5975.266

how some people seem to move through things very quickly,

Time: 5977.93

or don't seem to be grieving constantly,

Time: 5980.09

and a spouse or a family member of that person might think,

Time: 5983.187

"Gosh, why aren't you upset?

Time: 5984.63

How is it that you can be functional and I'm not,"

Time: 5986.87

or, "how is it that you can be functional?"

Time: 5988.12

There can even be fractures in families and relationships

Time: 5991.5

on the basis of differences in rates of grieving and so on.

Time: 5994.97

Well, some of this, again,

Time: 5996.5

probably relates to psychology

Time: 5997.79

and the different attachments

Time: 5998.74

that people had to the person or animal

Time: 6000.4

or thing that was lost,

Time: 6001.36

but it no doubt also has to do

Time: 6004.2

with how much of a mind/body connection,

Time: 6006.34

how much vagal tone exists in the person,

Time: 6009.504

when they suddenly found themselves in the grief episode.

Time: 6013.51

So this actually offers multiple opportunities.

Time: 6015.78

If you're somebody, for instance,

Time: 6017.37

who is grieving so intensely and so often

Time: 6020.9

that you're finding it immensely difficult

Time: 6022.7

to move through grief at a reasonable rate,

Time: 6025.26

and you might even say, or find yourself

Time: 6027.28

diagnosed with prolonged grief disorder

Time: 6029.17

or with complicated grief syndrome

Time: 6030.65

in a way that's really impairing

Time: 6033.12

your adaptive functioning in life,

Time: 6035.82

well then, it's not clear to me,

Time: 6038.21

at least by my read of the data,

Time: 6039.6

that you would want to engage in a lot of practices

Time: 6043.03

to increase the mind/body relationship

Time: 6045.08

and feeling so much of this attachment,

Time: 6046.9

because you're already feeling an immense amount of it.

Time: 6048.95

Whereas other people who are feeling challenged

Time: 6052.74

in accessing the feelings of attachment,

Time: 6055.7

and perhaps not functioning well

Time: 6057.81

as a consequence of that,

Time: 6059.33

might find that practicing breathing

Time: 6062.11

in order to encourage respiratory sinus arrhythmia,

Time: 6065.35

again, focusing on slowing your heart rate consciously

Time: 6068.32

while you exhale,

Time: 6069.24

and concentrating on increasing your heart rate

Time: 6071.447

as you inhale,

Time: 6072.62

even just as a brief practice

Time: 6073.9

of even just one to three minutes or one to five minutes,

Time: 6076.77

every once in a while or per day,

Time: 6078.58

that could be immensely beneficial

Time: 6079.96

in building this mind/body relationship.

Time: 6081.56

Because again, what this paper really points to

Time: 6083.67

and set off a number of other investigations related to,

Time: 6086.94

is that for those that can really feel

Time: 6089.91

the relationship between breathing heart rate,

Time: 6091.828

what we call vagal tone,

Time: 6094.02

well, those people are going to be in a better position

Time: 6097.31

to move through grief,

Time: 6098.16

not because they are disengaging

Time: 6100.46

from the feelings of attachment,

Time: 6102

but because they are better able

Time: 6103.47

to access those feelings of attachment.

Time: 6105.78

So what this relates to of course is that tripartite map,

Time: 6109.53

that three-part map that we talked about earlier,

Time: 6112.48

that representation of space, where things are,

Time: 6115.71

where the person is, where their belongings are,

Time: 6117.5

where their car is, where their bicycle is,

Time: 6119.108

time, when you were expecting to see them

Time: 6122.53

on a regular basis,

Time: 6123.363

when they would call,

Time: 6125.2

when they would come home from work, et cetera,

Time: 6127.52

and that third node,

Time: 6129.1

or that third dimension of attachment,

Time: 6130.68

which is literally attachment and closeness.

Time: 6133.62

Well, what we're talking about here

Time: 6135.29

is anchoring to that attachment

Time: 6137.09

and really feeling into that,

Time: 6138.43

but then disengaging from the space and time map

Time: 6142.316

that we call episodic memory,

Time: 6144.46

that menu of prior experiences,

Time: 6146.61

that keeps us in many ways,

Time: 6148.29

maladaptively in an expectation

Time: 6150.97

of what never can be again.

Time: 6152.91

Now I'd like to take a moment and consider

Time: 6154.28

some of the tools that you can access

Time: 6156.21

that support healthy transitioning through grief.

Time: 6159.71

And these are tools distinct from that neural map,

Time: 6162.15

that space, time and closeness attachment map

Time: 6164.41

that we were talking about before.

Time: 6166.13

Rather, it's important to remind ourselves

Time: 6168.43

that everything exists

Time: 6170.79

in a context of our baseline physiology.

Time: 6174.15

And I'm certainly not going to be the first

Time: 6176.18

or the last to tell you that everything in life,

Time: 6179.31

learning, relationships with people that are still around,

Time: 6183.93

our health in every way, immune system, et cetera,

Time: 6186.01

function far better when we're sleeping really well,

Time: 6188.89

and when we are generally awake during the daytime

Time: 6192.17

and asleep at night.

Time: 6193.52

I realize there are shift workers out there,

Time: 6195.42

people who are traveling and are jet-lagged.

Time: 6197.69

First of all, thank you, shift workers.

Time: 6199.63

We rely on you.

Time: 6200.64

We have an episode all about jet lag and shift work,

Time: 6203.04

for you and for trying to maintain

Time: 6205.04

the best possible mental and physical health

Time: 6207.07

in the face of ongoing shift work and jet lag.

Time: 6209.42

You can find that episode

Time: 6210.48

on our website,

Time: 6212.28

Lots of behavioral tools, some other tools as well.

Time: 6216.64

Nonetheless, human beings are diurnal.

Time: 6219.48

We were really designed to be awake mostly in the day

Time: 6222.64

and asleep at night.

Time: 6223.97

There are rare exceptions to this

Time: 6225.12

where people like to stay up late and sleep in late.

Time: 6226.84

But we are a diurnal species,

Time: 6229.3

by way of our genetic wiring

Time: 6231.305

and our neural circuit wiring.

Time: 6234.56

There's a particular feature to our diurnal,

Time: 6237.3

and diurnal, meaning the opposite of nocturnal,

Time: 6239.56

our diurnal pattern of the release

Time: 6242.75

of a hormone called cortisol.

Time: 6244.85

Cortisol is a stress hormone, it's sometimes called,

Time: 6247.67

but cortisol has a lot of other effects,

Time: 6249.94

many of which are positive.

Time: 6250.89

Cortisol for instance, protects us against infection.

Time: 6254.11

It can help us in terms of waking up in the morning.

Time: 6257.13

In fact, the pulse as it's called

Time: 6259.5

or the spike in cortisol early in the day

Time: 6261.89

is part of the reason we wake up.

Time: 6263.25

It's linked to our increase in temperature rhythms,

Time: 6266.22

and can further increase our temperature,

Time: 6268.97

which leads to waking, and so on.

Time: 6271.56

The typical pattern of cortisol in a healthy individual,

Time: 6274.37

and we really can say physically

Time: 6276.4

and emotionally healthy individual,

Time: 6278.49

is that cortisol is going to be

Time: 6280.5

somewhat high right around waking,

Time: 6282.77

and then is going to be highest as it ever will be

Time: 6286.1

in the 24-hour period, about 45 minutes post waking,

Time: 6289.62

not exactly 45 minutes, but about 45 minutes.

Time: 6292.76

And then it will drop gradually,

Time: 6295.45

such that by about 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon,

Time: 6298.21

which is actually when body temperature

Time: 6299.805

tends to start to drop as well,

Time: 6302.35

cortisol tends to be very low,

Time: 6304.06

and then remains low in a healthy individual,

Time: 6307.16

such that at 9:00 p.m., it's very low.

Time: 6309.72

And throughout the night as we sleep, it's very low.

Time: 6312.02

In fact, spikes or pulses in 9:00 p.m. cortisol

Time: 6316.22

are a fairly reliable biomarker readout

Time: 6320.37

of certain forms of depression and chronic anxiety.

Time: 6323.1

This relates to the beautiful work of my colleagues

Time: 6325.22

at Stanford and Stanford School of Medicine,

Time: 6326.9

Dr. David Spiegel, who's been on this podcast,

Time: 6328.95

and Dr. Robert Sapolsky, who has also been on this podcast.

Time: 6334.94

There's a very interesting paper

Time: 6336.66

exploring the relationship

Time: 6338.04

between cortisol rhythms and grieving, in particular,

Time: 6342.27

complicated versus non-complicated grieving.

Time: 6344.49

Again, complicated grieving being the form of grieving

Time: 6346.38

that reflects a immense challenge

Time: 6349.46

of people moving through the grieving process,

Time: 6351.02

such that it really needs to be dealt with, right?

Time: 6354.49

Again, grieving is healthy, but complicated grieving

Time: 6356.98

is a prolonged grieving,

Time: 6358.16

and has other dimensions as well,

Time: 6359.64

hence the name complicated.

Time: 6360.88

The title of this paper is,

Time: 6362.757

"Diurnal Cortisol in Complicated and Non-Complicated Grief,

Time: 6366.55

Slope Differences Across the Day."

Time: 6369.09

And the figure to orient to in this paper,

Time: 6371.81

if you do decide to check it out,

Time: 6373.23

and we'll put a link to it,

Time: 6375.064

is Figure One, which beautifully shows,

Time: 6378.78

or I should say very clearly shows,

Time: 6381.69

that in individuals that are experiencing complicated grief,

Time: 6386.13

there's the same general contour

Time: 6388.07

of high cortisol upon waking,

Time: 6390.06

even higher about 45 minutes after waking,

Time: 6392.6

and then a reduction in cortisol by 4:00 p.m.,

Time: 6395.3

and even further reduction by 9:00 p.m.,

Time: 6397.28

so just as it were in a typical individual,

Time: 6399.77

or somebody who is in non-complicated grieving.

Time: 6402.63

However, when you compare the cortisol levels

Time: 6405.007

between people experiencing complicated grieving

Time: 6408.03

versus non-complicated grieving,

Time: 6409.73

what you find is the 4:00 p.m.

Time: 6411.615

and 9:00 p.m. cortisol levels

Time: 6414.01

are significantly higher than they are

Time: 6416.425

in the non-complicated grieving group.

Time: 6419.57

This raises a very interesting idea,

Time: 6422.02

and relates very closely

Time: 6423.51

to what we were talking about with vagal tone.

Time: 6426.12

You could imagine a situation

Time: 6427.67

in which people who are experiencing complicated grief

Time: 6431.39

have higher levels of afternoon and nighttime cortisol,

Time: 6434.88

because they are in complicated grief,

Time: 6437.28

but you could also imagine the opposite,

Time: 6439.29

that they're experiencing complicated grief

Time: 6441.73

because of the fact that they have elevated cortisol.

Time: 6444.97

Now, it's very likely that it's bidirectional,

Time: 6447.82

that the answer isn't one or the other, but both,

Time: 6451.19

that complicated grief changes patterns of cortisol,

Time: 6454.58

and that patterns of cortisol change the likelihood

Time: 6457.26

that one has complicated grief.

Time: 6459.87

That's the most logical interpretation of data like these.

Time: 6463.09

However, when taken along with the data on vagal tone,

Time: 6467.33

that people who have a higher level of vagal tone

Time: 6470.64

are better able to navigate situations of the sort

Time: 6474.85

that we're talking about,

Time: 6476.11

and that some people perhaps have oxytocin receptors

Time: 6480.01

or patterns of catecholamines or epinephrine,

Time: 6482.75

that position them to be more likely

Time: 6484.39

to grieve in a particular way,

Time: 6486.03

we arrive at a scenario where it makes very good sense

Time: 6489.877

to think about modulating,

Time: 6492.23

that is controlling the foundation of your life,

Time: 6495.21

in a way that establishes cortisol rhythms,

Time: 6498.08

and sleep patterns,

Time: 6499.19

and patterns of autonomic arousal and catecholamine release

Time: 6502.75

that position you to navigate the grief process

Time: 6505.834

in the best possible way.

Time: 6507.712

If that was a complicated mouthful to digest,

Time: 6510.41

let me restate it in a simpler way.

Time: 6512.524

If you are somebody who is heading into grief

Time: 6515.598

or is challenged with grief,

Time: 6517.35

complicated grief, or otherwise,

Time: 6519

prolonged grief or otherwise,

Time: 6521.535

getting adequate sleep at night

Time: 6523.424

and establishing as normal a pattern of cortisol as possible

Time: 6529.67

is going to be very important.

Time: 6531.26

And there's a very simple, straightforward way to do this.

Time: 6533.62

And I apologize to the listeners of this podcast in advance,

Time: 6536.17

if I sound like a repeating record,

Time: 6537.51

but the most powerful way to do this

Time: 6539.94

is to view sunlight, very close to waking.

Time: 6543.97

It does not have to be right at sunrise,

Time: 6545.63

but when you get up in the morning,

Time: 6547.77

if the sun isn't out,

Time: 6549.5

please turn on as many bright lights

Time: 6551.08

as possible in your environment.

Time: 6555.23

And then once the sun is out,

Time: 6556.48

try and get some bright sunlight in your eyes.

Time: 6558.85

Never look at any light so bright

Time: 6561.25

that it's painful to look at, sunlight or otherwise.

Time: 6563.99

If you live in an area of the world

Time: 6565.36

where there isn't a lot of sunlight,

Time: 6567.46

please keep in mind that sunlight coming through cloud cover

Time: 6569.66

is going to still be a very effective mechanism

Time: 6571.789

for establishing this cortisol rhythm.

Time: 6573.93

Why do I say this thing about sunlight

Time: 6575.25

over and over and over again?

Time: 6576.73

Well, having an early day cortisol peak

Time: 6579.69

and a very low cortisol level late in the day,

Time: 6583.81

4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., is immensely beneficial.

Time: 6587.33

It's, reflects a properly regulated

Time: 6589.81

autonomic nervous system.

Time: 6590.98

It means being alert during the day.

Time: 6592.29

And your ability to sleep at night is tightly correlated

Time: 6595.32

to this viewing of sunlight in the morning.

Time: 6597.69

If you have additional questions about this

Time: 6599.68

or these protocols,

Time: 6600.539

please see our "Mastering Sleep" episode also

Time: 6603.94


Time: 6604.98

But in brief, you don't want to wear sunglasses

Time: 6607.86

when you do this.

Time: 6608.693

You do not want to do this

Time: 6610.07

through a window or a windshield.

Time: 6611.77

It is 50 times less effective at least,

Time: 6613.76

because of filtering of the proper wavelengths.

Time: 6615.75

It is fine to wear eyeglasses,

Time: 6618.13

meaning corrective lenses or contacts,

Time: 6619.79

even if they have UV protection.

Time: 6621.45

Again, sunlight is best 10 minutes to 30 minutes,

Time: 6624.25

depending on how bright it is outside,

Time: 6625.61

and so on and so forth.

Time: 6627.3

I keep coming back to this protocol,

Time: 6628.75

because first of all, it is a zero cost,

Time: 6631.46

but very effective way to regulate things

Time: 6635.49

like cortisol rhythms, melatonin rhythms,

Time: 6637.42

wakefulness during the day,

Time: 6639

ease of falling asleep at night, and so on,

Time: 6641.28

and second of all, because I want to emphasize

Time: 6644.01

this idea of modulation.

Time: 6646

There are processes in our brain and body

Time: 6648.01

which directly mediate some psychological effect

Time: 6650.969

or physiological effect, right?

Time: 6653.03

Dopamine is directly involved in motivation.

Time: 6655.95

If you're somebody who struggles with motivation,

Time: 6658.52

your dopamine system is likely

Time: 6659.88

to be dysregulated in some way.

Time: 6661.33

And there are behavioral tools

Time: 6662.163

and other tools to adjust that.

Time: 6663.89

We had an episode on dopamine motivation and drive

Time: 6666.23

that talks extensively about those tools.

Time: 6668.639

However, the process of grief can't be distilled

Time: 6672.75

down to one molecule, one circuit,

Time: 6675.14

such that we can say, "Oh, you know, take this supplement

Time: 6677.46

or eat this diet and/or exercise in the following way,

Time: 6680.83

and you'll recover from grief more quickly."

Time: 6683.53

It's simply not the case.

Time: 6684.9

It is the case, however,

Time: 6685.98

that proper sleep at night sets the foundation

Time: 6689.24

for the proper emotional tone,

Time: 6692.24

to be able to navigate physical, psychological,

Time: 6695.68

and other types of challenges,

Time: 6696.93

and not incidentally, sleep at night,

Time: 6700.78

I should say, sufficient duration

Time: 6702.17

and quality of sleep at night

Time: 6703.85

is the way in which you engage neuroplasticity,

Time: 6706.16

the reordering of neural connections,

Time: 6708

and everything we've been talking about today

Time: 6710.47

about reordering of the maps in your mind.

Time: 6712.72

This tripartite, three-part map

Time: 6714.15

of space, time, and closeness involves neuroplasticity,

Time: 6717.59

the reconfiguring of connections between neurons,

Time: 6720.5

strengthening certain pathways,

Time: 6722.03

and not strengthening others,

Time: 6723.56

actively trying to disengage from the what if, right,

Time: 6727.12

this counterintuitive thinking,

Time: 6728.3

actively trying to disengage from the expectations

Time: 6731.23

that someone will be there,

Time: 6732.64

although when you find yourself doing that,

Time: 6734.21

understanding why it's so reflexive and normal to do that,

Time: 6738.41

actively trying to lean into the real attachment

Time: 6740.87

to somebody, animal, or thing,

Time: 6744.27

and yet at the same time, not deluding yourself

Time: 6748.49

and undermining the whole process of grieving,

Time: 6750.92

by trying to imagine that they are in fact

Time: 6752.75

still, truly there, right?

Time: 6754.68

It's a very narrow knife edge of a process,

Time: 6758.25

which is why it's so challenging.

Time: 6760.41

Regulating your cortisol rhythm through viewing sunlight

Time: 6763.11

early in the day, and I should also say,

Time: 6765.4

avoiding bright lights from artificial sources

Time: 6767.437

in the evening, generally 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m,

Time: 6771.05

but certainly in the evening,

Time: 6773.53

trying to dim lights in your immediate environment,

Time: 6776.01

trying to avoid bright screens,

Time: 6777.64

bright artificial lights as much as possible,

Time: 6779.92

and accessing that deep sleep,

Time: 6781.52

that's modulating, it's setting an overall autonomic state

Time: 6785.58

or an overall autonomic landscape,

Time: 6788.35

would be the better way to describe it,

Time: 6790.2

that's going to allow you to sleep

Time: 6791.57

and get neuroplasticity,

Time: 6792.59

sleep and be in the best emotional state

Time: 6794.34

to navigate the grieving process.

Time: 6795.78

Because it's only fair to say

Time: 6798.21

that the grieving process as we're describing it is hard,

Time: 6801.74

and not just because it's emotionally hard.

Time: 6803.49

It's cognitively hard.

Time: 6804.97

You just think about what's required

Time: 6806.42

to move through grief properly, if you will.

Time: 6808.96

It's thinking about,

Time: 6811.17

and actually physically experiencing the depth,

Time: 6815.04

the full depth of the attachment to the person,

Time: 6817.58

while at the same time trying to uncouple

Time: 6819.47

from that rich menu, that catalog of episodic memories

Time: 6823.464

that can date back many, many years

Time: 6825.68

and have so much richness.

Time: 6826.83

So many predictions form on the basis

Time: 6829.93

of those episodic memories,

Time: 6831.24

and actively trying to distance ourselves

Time: 6833.44

from those memories,

Time: 6834.41

by being very anchored in the fact that we are present,

Time: 6836.78

we are the person alone in that room,

Time: 6838.71

or in some cases with a bereavement group in that room,

Time: 6842.27

or with other people that are mourning the loss

Time: 6844.43

of that individual, animal, or thing,

Time: 6846.097

and that knife edge of feeling the intense attachment,

Time: 6852.4

while also disengaging from all the things

Time: 6854.92

that led to that attachment.

Time: 6856.693

Well, it's understandable

Time: 6858.49

why that would be so challenging,

Time: 6860.09

and it should also be understandable

Time: 6862.091

why positioning yourself to be able to do that

Time: 6864.71

in the best possible way requires proper sleep.

Time: 6868.02

So what are the tools that we can think about using,

Time: 6870.63

in terms of healthy, adaptive moving through grief,

Time: 6873.45

trying to avoid complicated grief

Time: 6875.27

and prolonged grief disorders?

Time: 6878.45

I realize that word disorder implies all sorts of things,

Time: 6881.05

but again, those are just naming categorizations

Time: 6883.376

that people come up with,

Time: 6885.019

that I think fairly reflect the fact

Time: 6887.87

that some people have more challenge

Time: 6889.71

moving through grieving than others.

Time: 6891.83

And for some people it can be very extended.

Time: 6894.13

I think the common misunderstanding

Time: 6896.64

is that proper grieving involves

Time: 6899.7

moving through something quickly.

Time: 6901.1

We're certainly not saying that.

Time: 6903.4

However, it is very clear that some people can get stuck,

Time: 6907.14

and that process of getting stuck,

Time: 6909.28

you should now understand,

Time: 6910.73

has a lot to do with maintaining

Time: 6913.56

or reactivating those episodic memories,

Time: 6915.71

those expectations of where somebody will be

Time: 6918.33

in space and time.

Time: 6920.77

So what can we say about the tools for moving through grief?

Time: 6923.46

Clearly it's of value to dedicate some period of time,

Time: 6927.32

perhaps every day, perhaps every other day,

Time: 6929.77

depending on your capacity and schedule.

Time: 6933.28

These could be periods of time ranging anywhere

Time: 6934.94

from five to 45 minutes, maybe longer.

Time: 6938.61

These blocks of time would be appropriately described

Time: 6942.27

as rational grieving, right?

Time: 6944.98

Rational grieving is a clear acceptance

Time: 6947.82

of the new reality that the person, animal,

Time: 6950.42

or thing no longer exists

Time: 6951.8

in the same space/time dimensionality

Time: 6953.99

that we knew them before,

Time: 6955.48

and yet holding on to an anchoring

Time: 6957.83

to the attachment that we had.

Time: 6960.12

This is again, not an unhealthy anchoring to the attachment.

Time: 6963.87

This is really anchoring to the depth

Time: 6965.617

and the intensity of the attachment that existed,

Time: 6968.5

as a way to, for lack of a better way to put it,

Time: 6972.66

push off from those episodic memories,

Time: 6975.198

to distance ourselves from them.

Time: 6976.87

Because those episodic memories are the ones

Time: 6979.47

that lead us to look for the person in our current reality.

Time: 6982.85

And assuming this is a real and complete loss,

Time: 6985.593

those sorts of expectations are maladaptive.

Time: 6988.84

They do not serve us well.

Time: 6991.35

The second aspect of this is to understand

Time: 6993.302

that the node of the map,

Time: 6996.16

the component of the neural map that you're anchoring to,

Time: 7000.16

is a very real component of you.

Time: 7001.7

These are literally cells

Time: 7002.76

that represent the depth of attachment.

Time: 7005.11

They are linked up with your emotional centers in the brain,

Time: 7007.46

and indeed they're linked up with your body.

Time: 7009.54

I think one of the things that comes up so often

Time: 7011.594

when people are grieving is why does it hurt so much?

Time: 7014.96

Well, that hurt is that yearning.

Time: 7017.6

It's that anticipation of action

Time: 7019.41

that you want to engage in,

Time: 7021.21

but some part of you at least knows that it leads nowhere.

Time: 7024.83

It's that reaching for that glass of water

Time: 7026.63

in a kind of desert of thirst,

Time: 7028.842

and you know you can't have it.

Time: 7031.01

That's why it hurts so badly,

Time: 7032.13

because the systems of your brain and body

Time: 7034.37

are in a place of anticipation of readiness.

Time: 7037.68

And given the activation of these brain reward systems

Time: 7041.49

like the nucleus accumbens,

Time: 7042.97

given your now understanding of oxytocin,

Time: 7045.39

being more enriched in the nucleus accumbens

Time: 7048.964

of some individuals and as opposed to others,

Time: 7053.32

it should make perfect sense

Time: 7054.32

as to why it's so painful in your body.

Time: 7057.46

We talked a moment ago about the importance of accessing

Time: 7060.11

quality sleep on a regular basis,

Time: 7062.34

gave you at least one tool to do that.

Time: 7063.96

There are again, a rich array of tools to do that

Time: 7066.79

in the "Mastering Sleep" episode.

Time: 7068.45

And again, highlighting the importance of sleep

Time: 7070.505

for not just emotion regulation and autonomic control,

Time: 7074.83

which is so vital, but also for making sure

Time: 7076.84

that neuroplasticity takes place.

Time: 7078.41

Because again, neuroplasticity is a two-part process.

Time: 7080.68

There's the triggering of the plasticity,

Time: 7082.19

which in the case of the things

Time: 7084.18

we're talking about today,

Time: 7085.013

will be naturally activated by the practice

Time: 7088.04

of a dedicated focusing on the attachment,

Time: 7090.36

feeling the attachment to the person,

Time: 7091.69

maybe even writing about the attachment to the person,

Time: 7094.2

as was described in that previous study,

Time: 7096.41

but also just the plasticity is triggered by

Time: 7100.08

the mere loss of that person,

Time: 7101.75

the intensity of that experience.

Time: 7103.1

But neuroplasticity, the literal rewiring of connections,

Time: 7106.27

occurs during deep sleep

Time: 7108.47

and in what I call non-sleep deep rest or NSDR.

Time: 7111.057

And you can find NSDR scripts,

Time: 7112.85

these are short behavioral protocols

Time: 7114.78

that you do for 10 to 30 minutes

Time: 7116.7

at some point throughout the day,

Time: 7117.74

maybe even multiple times through your day,

Time: 7118.97

that have been shown to accelerate neuroplasticity.

Time: 7123.19

So having a such a practice can be very useful,

Time: 7125.65

and understand that it involves some cognitive work.

Time: 7128.87

We have to hold onto the attachment,

Time: 7130.48

and imagine and feel as much as we can, the attachment,

Time: 7133.57

while also being extremely rationally grounded,

Time: 7137.41

and trying to not try to hold onto the past,

Time: 7141.49

trying to not anticipate the person walking in the room.

Time: 7144.45

This is very hard because

Time: 7146.4

when we think about the attachment,

Time: 7147.63

the attachment tends to drag with it

Time: 7150.31

those episodic memories,

Time: 7151.8

that rich catalog of experiences.

Time: 7153.72

The expectation that they will walk in the room

Time: 7155.63

is perfectly natural.

Time: 7157.3

The hard cognitive work

Time: 7158.812

is to experience the deep, emotional attachment,

Time: 7163.17

while at the same time severing from

Time: 7165.57

or distancing ourselves from these expectations

Time: 7168.86

that they'll suddenly show up in our reality,

Time: 7170.7

when in fact, they won't.

Time: 7173.58

And we talked about preparing ourselves for grief, right?

Time: 7176.84

If we have a loved one that's dying,

Time: 7179.29

or we anticipate that at some point

Time: 7181.36

we are going to have a loss of some sort,

Time: 7183.71

could be death,

Time: 7184.543

could be a loss of another type,

Time: 7186.09

breakup, et cetera,

Time: 7187.56

that we can prepare ourselves to grieve more adaptively

Time: 7191.46

by regulating the level of catecholamines,

Time: 7194.14

in particular epinephrine,

Time: 7195.65

that was well-described in the study

Time: 7197.54

that I referred to earlier,

Time: 7198.93

and tools such as the one found

Time: 7201.01

in our "Mastering Stress" episode,

Time: 7202.57

and tools of the sort that we talked about today,

Time: 7205.29

increasing that vagal tone

Time: 7207.31

by actively building up the relationship

Time: 7210.08

between exhales and slowing down of the heart rate,

Time: 7213.06

so-called respiratory sinus arrhythmia.

Time: 7215.18

Those things can be very useful tools.

Time: 7216.73

So we can actually encourage our nervous system

Time: 7220.5

and build our nervous system

Time: 7221.77

and build our mind to prepare for grief

Time: 7223.81

when it inevitably will come.

Time: 7226.37

Again, this is not about buffering ourselves

Time: 7228.49

from the realities of life.

Time: 7229.69

This is not about disengaging from grief

Time: 7233.39

as a real and important process.

Time: 7235.41

And indeed, it is a real and important process to engage in.

Time: 7238.68

Those that enter denial,

Time: 7240.91

or try and distract themselves with substances

Time: 7243.82

or thinking or distracting of behavior,

Time: 7247.45

substances or otherwise,

Time: 7249.2

won't move through grief as well, as adaptively,

Time: 7251.83

as those who embrace a process of the sort

Time: 7254.223

that I'm describing here.

Time: 7255.49

And of course, I want to restate again,

Time: 7258.121

that even though grief and depression

Time: 7261.24

are now known to be fundamentally different,

Time: 7264.26

even though people move through

Time: 7265.54

the different stages of grief

Time: 7266.7

at different rates and sometimes skip stages, et cetera,

Time: 7269.99

it is often important to access

Time: 7271.168

a trained professional psychologist,

Time: 7273.24

or psychiatrist, or both,

Time: 7275.39

or bereavement group,

Time: 7276.41

or all of the above,

Time: 7279.11

in order to get the proper support for grieving.

Time: 7281.63

So this is a podcast about science and science-based tools,

Time: 7286.66

but I absolutely want to emphasize

Time: 7289.58

that there are terrific resources out there

Time: 7291.97

that you can access.

Time: 7293.51

I don't say this in any kind of glib

Time: 7295.21

or kind of pass the buck kind of way.

Time: 7297.56

There are wonderful trained therapists,

Time: 7300.93

bereavement groups, psychiatrists that are expert

Time: 7305.73

in navigating these sorts of things.

Time: 7307.73

I like to think that the tools

Time: 7309.08

that we've talked about today

Time: 7310.69

would be not only compatible,

Time: 7312.59

but would be complementary

Time: 7314.01

to the sorts of approaches that they take.

Time: 7316.27

And as we think about this process of grief,

Time: 7319.51

as we all should at some point in our lives,

Time: 7322.61

because we all indeed will experience grief

Time: 7324.56

in one form or another,

Time: 7326.9

I would hope that the information that we discussed today

Time: 7330.16

would not only give you some tools,

Time: 7333.12

but hopefully give you a better understanding

Time: 7335

of not just the people that you've lost

Time: 7337.53

or that you stand to lose,

Time: 7338.57

not just the animals that you've lost and stand to lose,

Time: 7341.8

but also give you a sense of why it is

Time: 7344.04

that the people who are still in your life

Time: 7346.127

and that you're attached to,

Time: 7347.2

the animals that are still in your life,

Time: 7348.61

that you're attached to,

Time: 7350.06

have such profound meaning for you.

Time: 7351.88

And I would encourage you to not lean away from,

Time: 7355.15

but rather to lean into the building

Time: 7357.27

of those episodic memories,

Time: 7359.26

to build up a richer and richer set of experiences

Time: 7362.75

and emotional attachments.

Time: 7364.6

Because while the process of grieving

Time: 7366.303

is in direct relation to how close

Time: 7368.93

we are attached to people,

Time: 7370.22

there are ways to move through it.

Time: 7371.9

And of course it is the depth of our attachments,

Time: 7374.53

and the number and the depth of meaning

Time: 7376.51

of experiences that we share with others and with animals

Time: 7379.59

that makes life so rich and worth living.

Time: 7382.32

So I just want to take a moment and say thank you

Time: 7384.2

for being willing to explore this rather complicated,

Time: 7387.94

and sometimes extremely challenging thing

Time: 7390.57

that we call grief,

Time: 7391.74

from the perspective or through the lens

Time: 7393.59

of neuroscience and psychology.

Time: 7395.74

I certainly learned a lot in exploring this literature.

Time: 7398.26

I also really look forward to hosting people

Time: 7401.01

like Dr. O'Connor on the podcast,

Time: 7403.97

and others on the podcast

Time: 7405.143

who've done such beautiful work in this area.

Time: 7407.98

I've put out the request,

Time: 7408.92

and hopefully they'll join us soon

Time: 7410.13

to further elaborate and teach us

Time: 7412.45

about this fundamental component of our lives.

Time: 7416.29

If you are learning from and are enjoying this podcast,

Time: 7418.96

please subscribe to us on YouTube.

Time: 7420.74

That's a terrific zero cost way to support us.

Time: 7423.13

In addition, please subscribe to the podcast

Time: 7425.52

on Spotify and Apple,

Time: 7427.37

and at both Spotify and Apple,

Time: 7429.13

you can leave us up to a five star review.

Time: 7431.45

If you have comments and suggestions, feedback,

Time: 7434.48

or you'd like to see a particular guest on this podcast,

Time: 7437.08

please put those suggestions, comments,

Time: 7438.72

and feedback in the Comments section on YouTube.

Time: 7441.58

In addition, please check out the sponsors

Time: 7443.49

mentioned at the beginning of today's podcast.

Time: 7445.63

That's the best way to support us.

Time: 7447.54

Not during today's episode,

Time: 7448.77

but on many previous episodes

Time: 7450.14

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 7451.69

we've discussed supplements.

Time: 7453.15

While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,

Time: 7454.99

many people derive tremendous benefit from them,

Time: 7457.34

for things like easing and accelerating

Time: 7459.47

the transition time into sleep,

Time: 7461.83

and getting better, deeper sleep,

Time: 7464

as well as things such as focus, et cetera.

Time: 7467.07

We've partnered with Momentous Supplements,

Time: 7469.25

because Momentous Supplements, first of all,

Time: 7470.86

are of extremely high quality.

Time: 7472.96

That's obviously important.

Time: 7474.42

Also, they ship internationally.

Time: 7476.06

We had heard from many of you

Time: 7477.16

that you were having trouble

Time: 7478.29

accessing some of the supplements

Time: 7479.456

that were described on the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 7482.04

because you did not live in the U.S.

Time: 7483.31

Momentous ships both within the U.S. and abroad.

Time: 7486.62

And many of you have also requested

Time: 7488.219

that there be a single site

Time: 7490.25

where you could access all of the supplements

Time: 7492.66

that we've talked about on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 7495.58

Right now at,

Time: 7499.3

you can find a subset of the supplements

Time: 7501.39

that have been described on this podcast.

Time: 7503.28

Again, all of the very highest quality.

Time: 7505.72

Each, single-ingredient supplements.

Time: 7507.48

That turns out to be very important

Time: 7508.57

if you're trying to develop

Time: 7509.485

the proper array of supplements for you.

Time: 7511.51

It's not helpful to have supplements

Time: 7513.37

that include many ingredients,

Time: 7514.58

so we encouraged Momentous

Time: 7516.32

to have single-ingredient supplements

Time: 7518.053

with dosages that allow you to build up

Time: 7520.53

from the minimal effective dose, and so on.

Time: 7523.85

And the catalog of supplements

Time: 7525.1

they are going to add to that location,

Time: 7526.761,

Time: 7528.89

is going to expand in the weeks and months to come.

Time: 7531.2

And we expect that in a fairly short amount of time,

Time: 7534.57

all of the supplements that we've described

Time: 7536.08

on the Huberman Lab Podcast will be there.

Time: 7538.01

If you're not already following @hubermanlab

Time: 7539.77

on Instagram and Twitter,

Time: 7541.56

I post science and science-related tools

Time: 7543.58

@hubermanlab on Instagram, also @hubermanlab on Twitter.

Time: 7547.663

Oftentimes that material will overlap somewhat

Time: 7550.13

with the content covered on this podcast,

Time: 7552.16

but more often than not,

Time: 7553.96

what I'm covering on Instagram and Twitter

Time: 7555.41

is distinct from the information I cover

Time: 7557.43

on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 7559.19

We also have a newsletter that has summaries of podcasts,

Time: 7562.69

and points to specific protocols and links

Time: 7565.18

that could be useful to you.

Time: 7566.76

That is the Neural Network Newsletter,

Time: 7569.09

and you can find it at

Time: 7571.36

Go to the menu, go to Newsletter.

Time: 7572.8

You can sign up simply by giving us your email.

Time: 7574.73

We do not share your email with anybody else.

Time: 7576.78

Our privacy policy is there, and is made very clear.

Time: 7579.65

You can also see some newsletters of months past,

Time: 7582.205

so you can assess whether or not

Time: 7583.9

you really do want to sign up,

Time: 7585.37

although I like to think that you will.

Time: 7586.84

Again, zero cost, total privacy of your email account,

Time: 7589.914

and many people find those Summaries

Time: 7592.65

and Takeaway Tools to be very useful

Time: 7594.17

in navigating these admittedly long podcast episodes.

Time: 7598.52

And last, but certainly not least,

Time: 7600.79

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 7602.727

[light contemporary music fades]

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