The Science of Hearing, Balance & Accelerated Learning

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, we're going to talk all about hearing and balance

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and how you can use your ability to hear specific things

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and your balance system in order to learn anything faster.

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The auditory system, meaning the hearing system,

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and your balance system, which is called

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the vestibular system, interact with all the other systems

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of the brain and body and, used properly,

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can allow you to learn information more quickly,

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remember that information longer and with more ease

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and you can also improve the way you can hear.

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You can improve your balance.

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We're going to talk about tools for all of that.

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This is one area of science,

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where we understand a lot about the cells

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and the mechanisms in the ear and in the brain and so forth.

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So we're going to talk about that a little bit,

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and then we're going to get directly into protocols,

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meaning tools.

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We're also going to talk about ways

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in which the auditory and balance system suffer.

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We're going to talk about tinnitus,

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which is this ringing of the ears that,

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unfortunately, for people that suffer from it,

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they really suffer.

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It's very intrusive for them.

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We're going to talk about some treatments

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that can work in some circumstances

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and some of the more recent emerging treatments

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that I think many people aren't aware of.

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We're also going to talk about this,

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what seems like kind of a weird fact,

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which is that 70% of people, all people,

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make what are called otoacoustic emissions,

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their ears actually make noises.

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Chances are your ears are making noises right now,

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but you can't perceive them.

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And yet those can have an influence on other people

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and animals in your environment.

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It's a fascinating aspect of your biology.

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You're going to learn a lot about how your biology

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and brain and ears and the so-called inner ear

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that's associated with balance,

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you're going to learn a lot about how all those work,

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you're going to learn a lot of neuroscience.

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I'll even tell you what type of music to listen to.

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And if you listen to me, you can leverage that

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in order to learn faster.

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Before we begin talking about the science

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of hearing and balance and tools

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that leverage hearing and balance for learning faster,

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I want to provide some information

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about another way to learn much faster.

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There's a paper that was published recently.

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This is a paper that was published

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in Cell Reports, an excellent journal.

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It's a peer-reviewed paper from a really excellent group,

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looking at skill-learning.

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Now, previously, I've talked about how,

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in the attempt to learn skills, the vital thing to do

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is to get lots of repetitions.

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You've heard of the 10,000 hours thing,

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you've heard of lots of different strategies

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for learning faster, 80/20 rule and all that;

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the bottom line is you need to generate

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many, many repetitions of something

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that you're trying to learn.

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And the errors that you generate

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are also very important for learning.

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It also turns out that taking rest

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within the learning episode is very important.

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I want to be really clear what I'm referring to here.

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In earlier episodes, I've discussed how when you're trying

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to learn something it's beneficial,

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it's been shown in scientific studies,

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that if you take a 20-minute shallow nap

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or you simply do nothing after a period of learning,

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that it enhances the rates of learning

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and the depth of learning, your ability to learn

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and remember that information.

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What I'm about to describe are new data

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that say that you actually should be injecting rest

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within the learning episode.

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Now I'm not talking about going to sleep while learning.

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This is the way that the study was done:

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the study involved, having people learn sequences

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of numbers or keys on a piano.

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So let's use the keys on a piano example.

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I'm not a musician, but I think I'll get this correct.

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They asked people to practice a sequence of keys,

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G-D-F-E-G; G-D-F-E-G; G-D-F-E-G.

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And they would practice that either continually

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for a given amount of time, or they would just do that

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for 10 seconds, they would play G-D-F-E-G,

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G-D-F-E-G, G-D-F-E-G, G-D-F-E-G for 10 seconds.

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And then they would take a 10-second pause or rest.

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They would just space take a space or a period of time

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where they do nothing for 10 seconds

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then they would go back to G-D-F-E-G, G-D-F-E-G.

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So the two conditions, essentially,

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were to have people practice continually,

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lots of repetitions, or to inject or insert

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these periods of 10 seconds idle time

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where they're not doing anything,

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they're not looking at their phone,

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they're not focusing on anything,

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they're just letting their mind drift

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wherever it wants to go

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and they are not touching the keys on the keyboard.

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What they found was that the rates of learning,

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the skill acquisition and the retention of the skill

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was significantly faster when they injected

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these short periods of rest, these 10-second rest periods.

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And the rates of learning were,

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when I say significantly faster,

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were much, much faster.

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I'll reveal what that was in just a moment,

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but you might ask why would this work?

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Why would it be that injecting these 10-second rest periods

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would enhance rates of learning?

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What they called them was micro-offline gains

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because they're taking their brain offline

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from the learning task for a moment.

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Well, turns out the brain isn't going offline at all.

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You've probably heard of the hippocampus,

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the area of the brain involved in memory and the neocortex,

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the area of the brain that's involved

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in processing sensory information.

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Well, it turns out that during these brief periods of rest,

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these 10-second rest periods,

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the hippocampus and the cortex are active in ways

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such that you get a 20 times repeat of the G-D-F-E-G.

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It's a temporal compression, as they say.

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So basically, the rehearsal continues while you rest,

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but at 20 times the speed.

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So if you were normally getting just,

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let's just say five repetitions

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of G-D-F-E-G, G-D-F-E-G, G-D-F-E-G per 10 seconds.

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Now you multiply that times 20.

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In the rest periods, you've practiced it 100 times.

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Your brain has practiced it.

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We know this because they were doing brain imaging,

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functional imaging of these people

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with brain scanners while they were doing this.

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This is an absolutely staggering effect

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and it's one that, believe it or not,

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has been hypothesized or thought to exist

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for a very long time.

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This effect is called the spacing effect.

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And it was actually first proposed by Ebbington in 1885.

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And since then, it's been demonstrated

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for a huge number of different, what they call domains,

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in the cognitive domain.

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So for learning languages, in the physical domain,

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so for learning skills that involve a motor sequence.

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It's been demonstrated for a huge number

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of different categories of learning.

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If you want to learn all about the spacing effect

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and the categories of learning that it can impact,

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there's a wonderful review article.

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I'll provide a link to it.

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The title of the review article is parallels

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between spacing effects during behavioral

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and cellular learning.

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What that review really does

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is it ties the behavioral learning

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and the improvement of skill to the underlying changes

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in neurons that can explain that learning.

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I should mention that the paper that I'm referring to,

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the more recent paper that injects

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these 10-second little micro-offline gains,

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rest periods is the work of the laboratory of Leonard Cohen,

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not the musician, Leonard Cohen.

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He passed away, he was not a neuroscientist;

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a wonderful poet and musician, but not a neuroscientist.

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Again, the paper was published in Cell Reports

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and we will provide a link to the full paper as well.

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So the takeaway is if you're trying to learn something,

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you need to get those reps in,

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but one way that you can get 20 times,

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the number of reps in is by injecting

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these little 10-second periods of doing nothing.

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Again, during those rest periods,

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you really don't want to attend to anything else,

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as much as possible.

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You could close your eyes if you want,

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or you can just simply wait

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and then get right back into generating repetitions.

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I find these papers that Cell Reports and other journals

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have been publishing recently to be fascinating

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because they're really helping us understand

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what are the best protocols for learning anything.

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And they really leverage the fact that the brain

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is willing to generate repetitions for us,

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provided that we give it the rest that it needs.

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So inject rest throughout the learning period.

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And if you can, based on the scientific data,

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you would also want to take a 20-minute nap

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or a 20-minute decompress period

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where you're not doing anything after a period of learning.

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I think those could both synergize

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in order to enhance learning even further,

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although that hasn't been looked at yet.

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Before we begin talking about hearing and balance,

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I just want to mention that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero-cost to consumer information

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about science and science related tools

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to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme, I want to thank the sponsors

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of today's podcast and make it clear

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that we only work with sponsors

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whose products we absolutely love,

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and that we think you will benefit from as well.

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Our first sponsor is Roka.

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Roka makes sunglasses and eyeglasses,

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that, in my opinion are the very highest quality available.

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The company was founded by two all-American swimmers

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from Stanford and everything about their eyeglasses

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and sunglasses were created with performance in mind.

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These eyeglasses and sunglasses have a number of features

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that really make them unique.

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First of all, they're extremely lightweight,

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the optical clarity of the lenses is spectacular.

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And for the sunglasses, they have this really great feature,

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which is as you move in and out of shadows,

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or across the day, the amount of sunshine might change,

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you always experience the world as clear and bright,

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and that can only come from really understanding

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how the visual system works.

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The visual system has all these mechanisms

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for adaptation and habituation.

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You don't need to know how those things work,

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but the folks at Roka clearly do

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because you put these glasses on

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and you don't even notice that they're on.

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They also stay on your face even if you get sweaty.

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They were designed to be used while active,

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so running and biking, et cetera or indoors.

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One thing that I really like

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about Roka eyeglasses and sunglasses

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is that the aesthetic is terrific.

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Even though they were designed for performance,

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unlike a lot of sunglasses out there

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that were designed for performance

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that look kind of ridiculous, kind of space-age,

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Roka eyeglasses and sunglasses,

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you could wear anywhere.

Time: 654.162

The aesthetic is really clean

Time: 656.22

and they have a huge number of different styles

Time: 657.89

to select from.

Time: 659.24

If you'd like to try Roca eyeglasses,

Time: 660.97

you can go to Roka, that's R-O-K-A, .com

Time: 664.32

and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off

Time: 667.24

your first order.

Time: 668.29

That's Roka, R-O-K-A, .com

Time: 670.44

and enter the code Huberman at checkout.

Time: 672.66

Today's podcast is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

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that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

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to help you better understand your body

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and reach your health goals.

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I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

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for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact

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our immediate and long-term health can only be analyzed

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from a quality blood test.

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And now with the advent of DNA tests,

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we can get further insight and information

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into how our metabolism is working,

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how our brain is functioning, how our endocrine system,

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meaning our hormone system is functioning.

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One of the issues with a lot of companies

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and programs that involve getting blood and DNA tests,

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however, is that you get the information back,

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you don't know what to do with that information.

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With InsideTracker, they make all of that very easy.

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First of all, they can send someone

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to your home to take the samples, if you like

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or you can go to a local clinic.

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You get the information back and, of course,

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you get all the numbers and levels of hormone factors,

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metabolic factors, et cetera,

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but the dashboard at InsideTracker provides directives

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so that if you want to bring those numbers up

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or bring them down, or if you want to keep them

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in the same range, it points to specific regimens

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related to nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors

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so you can really move around those numbers

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to best suit your health goals and health status.

Time: 751.5

If you want to try InsideTracker,

Time: 752.99

you can go to,

Time: 756.05

and you'll get 25% off any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 759.05

Just use the code Huberman at checkout.

Time: 761.3

Today's podcast is also brought to us by Headspace.

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Headspace is a meditation app that's backed

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by 25 published studies.

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And in addition to those,

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there are hundreds of studies showing

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that meditation is beneficial for our brain

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and for our body.

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One of the challenges, however,

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is maintaining a meditation practice.

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I started meditating a long time ago,

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but I found it very hard to keep that practice going.

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Then I discovered the Headspace meditation app

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and what I found was that because they have meditations

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that are very short, as well as some that are longer

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and some that are much longer,

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I could maintain my meditation practice.

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Sometimes I do a short five-minute meditation,

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sometimes I do 20-minute meditation,

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I try and meditate at least 20 minutes per day,

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but sometimes, some weeks, I only do it five times a week

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and I'll just meditate for longer.

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So with Headspace, you have the full palette

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of meditations to select from.

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If you want to try Headspace,

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you can go to

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And if you do that, you'll get a free one-month trial

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so no cost whatsoever,

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with their full library of meditations.

Time: 821.98

So that's the best offer that they have.

Time: 823.732

So, again, if you want to try Headspace

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and you want to get access to all their meditations for free

Time: 829.31

go to

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Can you hear me?

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Can you hear me?

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Okay, well, if you can hear me, that's amazing

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because what it means is that my voice

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is causing little tiny changes in the airwaves

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wherever you happen to be.

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And that your ears and whatever's contained in those ears

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and in your brain can take those sound waves

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and make sense of them.

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And that is an absolutely fantastic

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and staggering feat of biology and yet we understand

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a lot about how that process works.

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So I'm going to teach it to you now in simple terms

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over the next few minutes.

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So what we call ears have a technical name.

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That technical name is oracles,

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but more often they're called pinna,

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the pinnas, P-I-N-N-A, pinna.

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And the pinnas of your ears,

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this outer part that is made of cartilage and stuff

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is arranged such that it can capture sound

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in the best way for your head size.

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We're going to talk about ear size also,

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'cause it turns out that your ears change size

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across the lifespan and that how big your ears are

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or rather how fast your ears are changing size

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is a pretty good indication of how fast you're aging.

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So we'll get to that in a few minutes,

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but I want to talk about these things that we call ears

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and some of the stuff contained within them

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that allow us to hear.

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So the shape of these ears that we have

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is such that it amplifies high-frequency sounds.

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High frequency sounds, as the name suggests,

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is the squeakier stuff.

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So low frequency sound, Costello snoring in the background

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that's a low frequency sound or high frequency sound, okay?

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So we have low frequency sounds and high frequency sounds

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and everything in between.

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Now those sound waves get captured by our ears.

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And those sound waves, for those of you

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that don't maybe fully conceptualize sound waves,

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are literally just fluctuations or shifts

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in the way that air is moving toward your ear

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and through space.

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In the same way that water can have waves,

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air can have waves.

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So it's reverberation of air.

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Those come in through your ears

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and you have what's called your eardrum.

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And on the inside of your eardrum,

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there's a little bony thing that shaped

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like a little hammer.

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So attached to that eardrum,

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which can move back and forth like a drum,

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it's a little membrane, you got this hammer attached to it.

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And that hammer has three parts.

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For those of you that want to know,

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those three parts are called malleus, incus and stapes.

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But basically, you can just think about it as a hammer.

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So you've got this eardrum and then a hammer.

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And then that hammer has to hammer on something.

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And what it does is it hammers on a little coiled piece

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of tissue that we call the cochlea,

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sometimes called the cochlea,

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depending on where somebody lives in the country.

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So, typically, in the Midwest, on the East Coast,

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they call them coh-chleah.

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And on the West Coast, we call them caw-cochlea, same thing.

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So this snail-shaped structure in your inner ear

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is where sound gets converted into electrical signals

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that the brain can understand.

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But I want to just bring your attention

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to that little hammer because that little hammer

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is really, really cool.

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What it means is that sound waves come in through your ears,

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that's what's happening right now,

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that eardrum that you have, it's like the top of a drum.

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It's like a membrane, or it can move back and forth.

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It's not super rigid and it moves that little hammer.

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And then the hammer goes, doom-doom-doom-doom

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and hits this coil-shaped thing

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that we're calling the cochlea.

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Now the cochlea, at one end, is more rigid than the other.

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So one part can move really easily

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and the other part doesn't move very easily.

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And that turns out to be very important

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for decoding or separating sounds that are low frequency

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like Costello's snoring and sounds

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that are of high frequency, like a shriek or a shrill.

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And that's because within that little coil thing,

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we call the cochlea, you have all these tiny little

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what are called hair cells.

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Now they look like hairs, but they're not at all related

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to the hairs on your head or elsewhere on your body.

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They're just shaped like hair, so we call them hair cells.

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Those hair cells, if they move, send signals into the brain

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that a particular sound is in our environment.

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And if those hair cells don't move,

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it means that particular sound is not in our environment.

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So just to give you the mental picture of this,

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sound waves are coming in, because there's stuff out there,

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making noises like my voice;

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it's changing the patterns of air around you

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in very, very subtle ways;

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that information is getting funneled into your ears

Time: 1128.97

because your pinnas are shaped in a particular way.

Time: 1131.67

The eardrum then moves this little hammer

Time: 1134.18

and the hammer bangs on this little snail-shaped thing.

Time: 1137.79

And because that snail-shaped thing, at one end,

Time: 1141.02

is very rigid, it doesn't want to move

Time: 1142.81

and at the other end, it's very flexible,

Time: 1145.15

it can separate out high-frequency and low-frequency sounds.

Time: 1149.66

And the fact that this thing in your inner ear

Time: 1152.3

that we call the cochlea is coiled,

Time: 1154.48

is actually really important to understand

Time: 1157.119

because along its length,

Time: 1159.69

it varies in how rigid or flexible it is,

Time: 1162.3

I already mentioned that before and at the base,

Time: 1166.3

it's very rigid and that's where the hair cells,

Time: 1170.35

if they move, will make high-frequency sounds,

Time: 1173.92

and at the top, what's called the apex,

Time: 1175.97

it's very flexible and it's more like a bass drum.

Time: 1179.01

So basically what happens is sound waves come

Time: 1181.273

into your ears and then at one end of this thing

Time: 1185.15

that we call the cochlea, at the top,

Time: 1188.04

it's essentially encoding or only responding

Time: 1192.13

to sounds that are like, doom-doom-doom-doom.

Time: 1195.1

Whereas, at the bottom, it responds to high-frequency sounds

Time: 1199.07

like a cymbal, [clanging].

Time: 1203.14

And everywhere in between, we have other frequencies,

Time: 1206.89

medium frequencies.

Time: 1208.68

Now this should stagger your mind.

Time: 1211.7

If it doesn't already, it should.

Time: 1213.75

Because what this means is that everything

Time: 1216.92

that's happening around us,

Time: 1218.12

whether or not it's music or voices or crying

Time: 1220.76

or screaming or screaming of delight from small children

Time: 1224.74

who are excited, 'cause they're playing

Time: 1226.21

or 'cause they get cake;

Time: 1228.08

all of that is being broken down into its component parts

Time: 1232.38

and then your brain is making sense of what it means.

Time: 1236.13

These things that I've been talking about,

Time: 1237.99

like the pinna of your ears and this little hammer

Time: 1240.74

and the cochlea, that's all purely mechanical.

Time: 1243.77

It has no mind of its own.

Time: 1245.48

It's just breaking things down into high frequencies,

Time: 1248.11

medium frequencies and low frequencies.

Time: 1250.11

And if you don't understand sound frequency,

Time: 1251.88

it's really simple to understand,

Time: 1254.11

just imagine ripples on a pond.

Time: 1256.2

And if those ripples are very close together,

Time: 1258.84

that's high frequency; they occur at high frequency.

Time: 1261.99

If those ripples are further apart, it's low frequency.

Time: 1265.4

And obviously, medium frequency is in between.

Time: 1267.43

So just like you can have waves in water,

Time: 1269.048

you can have waves in air.

Time: 1270.17

So that's really how it works.

Time: 1272.39

Now we are all familiar with light

Time: 1276.73

and how, if you take a prism and put it in front of light,

Time: 1280.29

it will split that light into its different wavelengths,

Time: 1283.01

its different colors, red, green, blue, et cetera.

Time: 1287.545

So like the Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" album,

Time: 1289.81

I think, has a prism and it's converting white light

Time: 1292.87

into all the colors, all the wavelengths

Time: 1295.79

that are contained in white light.

Time: 1297.61

Your cochlea, essentially, acts as a prism.

Time: 1300.76

It takes all the sound in your environment

Time: 1303.03

and it splits up those sounds into different frequencies.

Time: 1306.78

So you can think of the cochlea of your ear,

Time: 1308.95

sort of like a prism and then the brain takes

Time: 1311.64

that information and puts it back together

Time: 1313.72

and makes sense of it.

Time: 1315.13

So those hair cells in each of your two cochlea,

Time: 1317.653

because you have two ears, you also have two cochlea,

Time: 1321.38

send little wires, what we call axons

Time: 1324.91

that convey their patterns of activity into the brain.

Time: 1329.61

And there are a number of different stations

Time: 1332.23

within the brain that information arrives at

Time: 1334.83

before it gets up to the parts of your brain,

Time: 1337.15

where you are consciously aware.

Time: 1339.13

And because some of you have asked for more names

Time: 1341.27

and nomenclature, I'll give that to you.

Time: 1342.64

If you don't want a lot of detailed names,

Time: 1345.18

you can just ignore what I'm about to say.

Time: 1346.77

But, basically, the cochlea send information

Time: 1349.98

to what's called the spiral ganglion.

Time: 1353.13

A ganglion, by the way, if you're going to learn

Time: 1355.14

any neuroscience, just know that anytime you hear ganglion,

Time: 1358

a ganglion is just a clump, so it means a bunch of neurons.

Time: 1361.93

So a clump of cells.

Time: 1363.62

So the spiral ganglion is a bunch of neurons

Time: 1366.18

that the information then goes off

Time: 1368.05

to what are called the cochlear nuclei in the brainstem.

Time: 1371.77

Brainstem is down near your neck,

Time: 1374.02

then up to a structure that has a really cool name

Time: 1375.89

called the superior olive,

Time: 1377.27

because you have one on each side of your brain.

Time: 1379.82

And if I were to bring you to my lab and show you

Time: 1382.45

the superior olives in your brain or anyone else's brain,

Time: 1385.55

they look like little olives,

Time: 1387.23

even that little divot in them that to me,

Time: 1389.128

it looks like a pimiento,

Time: 1390.66

but they just call them the superior olive.

Time: 1393.32

And then the neurons in the superior olive,

Time: 1395.57

then they send information up

Time: 1396.97

to what's called the inferior colliculus,

Time: 1398.72

only called inferior because it sits below

Time: 1400.88

a structure called the superior colliculus.

Time: 1402.94

And then the information goes up to what's called

Time: 1405.06

the medial geniculate nucleus.

Time: 1407.38

And then up to your neocortex

Time: 1408.93

where you make sense of it all.

Time: 1411.51

Now you don't have to remember all that,

Time: 1412.95

but you should know that there are a lot of stations

Time: 1416.65

in which auditory information is processed

Time: 1419.14

before it gets up to our conscious detection.

Time: 1423.6

And there is a good reason for that,

Time: 1425.9

which is that more important than knowing

Time: 1428.93

what you're hearing, you need to know

Time: 1431.5

where it's coming from.

Time: 1434.49

It's vital to our survival, that if something, for instance,

Time: 1437.75

is falling toward us, that we know if it's coming

Time: 1440.23

to our right side, if it's going to hit us from behind,

Time: 1443.26

we have to know, for instance,

Time: 1444.3

if a car is coming at us from our left or from our right.

Time: 1447.65

And our visual system can help with that.

Time: 1450.5

But our auditory and our visual system collaborate

Time: 1453.07

to help us find and locate the position of things in space.

Time: 1457.87

That should come as no surprise.

Time: 1459.55

If you hear somebody talking off to your right,

Time: 1462.43

you tend to turn to your right, not to your left.

Time: 1464.8

If you see somebody's mouth moving in front of you,

Time: 1468.25

you tend to assume that the sound is going to come

Time: 1469.96

from right in front of you.

Time: 1472.24

Disruptions in this auditory hearing

Time: 1475.97

and visual matching are actually the basis

Time: 1479.03

of what's called the ventriloquism effect,

Time: 1481.28

which we'll talk about in a few minutes in more depth.

Time: 1484.14

But the ventriloquism effect can basically be described

Time: 1487.5

in simple terms as when you essentially think

Time: 1491.76

that a sound is coming from a location

Time: 1494.14

that it's not actually coming from.

Time: 1497.29

We'll talk about that in a moment

Time: 1498.44

but what I'd like you to realize

Time: 1501.1

is that one of these stations, deep in your brainstem

Time: 1505.07

is responsible for helping you identify where sounds

Time: 1508.21

are coming from through a process

Time: 1510.49

that's called interaural time differences.

Time: 1512.91

And that sounds fancy, but really,

Time: 1514.88

the way you know where things are coming from,

Time: 1518.02

what direction a car or a boss or a person is coming from

Time: 1521.33

is because the sound lands in one ear before the other.

Time: 1525.02

And you have stations in your brain,

Time: 1527.294

meaning you have neurons in your brain

Time: 1529.21

that calculate the difference in time of arrival

Time: 1531.89

for those sound waves in your right versus your left ear.

Time: 1535.38

And if they arrive at the same time,

Time: 1537.27

you assume that thing is making noise right in front of you.

Time: 1541.02

If it's off to your right,

Time: 1542.25

you assume it's over on your right.

Time: 1543.79

And if the sound arrives first to your left ear,

Time: 1545.656

you assume, quite correctly,

Time: 1547.85

that the thing is coming toward your left ear.

Time: 1550.96

So it's a very simple and mechanical system

Time: 1553.75

at the level of sound localization.

Time: 1557.92

But what about up and down?

Time: 1559.29

If you think about it, a sound coming from above

Time: 1561.61

is going to land on your right ear

Time: 1562.89

and your left ear at the same time.

Time: 1565.81

A sound from below is going to land on your right ear

Time: 1567.77

and your left ear at the same time.

Time: 1569.55

So the way that we know where things are

Time: 1572.75

in terms of what's called elevation,

Time: 1575.26

where they are in the up and down plane

Time: 1579.05

is by the frequencies.

Time: 1581.35

The shape of your ears actually modifies the sound

Time: 1585.49

depending on whether or not it's coming straight at you,

Time: 1587.81

from the floor or from high above.

Time: 1590.78

And so already at the level of your ears,

Time: 1594.39

you are taking information about the outside world

Time: 1597.17

and determining where that information is coming from.

Time: 1600.8

Now, this all happens very, very fast and it's subconscious

Time: 1604.15

but now you know why if people really want to hear something,

Time: 1608.73

they make a cup around their ear.

Time: 1611.65

They essentially make their ear

Time: 1613.32

into more of a fennec fox type ear.

Time: 1615.75

If you've ever seen those cute little fennec fox things,

Time: 1618.4

they have these big spiky ears,

Time: 1619.85

they look like a French bulldog,

Time: 1621.47

although the fox version version of the French bulldog.

Time: 1624.48

This big, tall ears,

Time: 1626.12

and they have excellent sound localization.

Time: 1628.29

And so when people lean in with their ear,

Time: 1630.705

with their hand like this, if you're listening to this,

Time: 1633.04

I'm just cupping my hand at my ear,

Time: 1635.26

I'm giving myself a bigger pinna.

Time: 1638.18

And if I do it on the left side, I can do this side.

Time: 1640.19

And if I really want to hear something, I do it on both sides.

Time: 1643.69

So this isn't just gesturing,

Time: 1645.35

this actually serves a mechanical role.

Time: 1647.43

And actually, if you want to hear where things

Time: 1649.46

are coming from with a much greater degree of accuracy,

Time: 1653.74

this can actually help because you're capturing sound waves

Time: 1656.98

and funneling them better.

Time: 1659.373

It's really remarkable, this whole system.

Time: 1662.49

So you've got these two ears and because of the differences

Time: 1664.95

in the timing of when things arrive in those two ears,

Time: 1667.6

as well as these differences in the frequencies

Time: 1669.841

that certain things sound,

Time: 1672.92

or I should say the differences in the frequencies

Time: 1675.567

that arrive at your ears,

Time: 1677.32

depending on whether or not the thing is above you

Time: 1679.97

or right in front of you or below you,

Time: 1681.64

you're able to make out where things are

Time: 1683.05

in space pretty well.

Time: 1684.37

So now you're probably starting to realize

Time: 1686.17

that these two things on the side of our head

Time: 1687.65

that we call ears are there for a lot more

Time: 1690.76

than hanging earrings on or for other aesthetic purposes

Time: 1694.9

or for putting sunglasses on top of.

Time: 1697.66

They are very powerful devices

Time: 1701.3

for allowing us to capture sound waves from our environment.

Time: 1706.62

Now I have a question for you,

Time: 1708.66

which is, can you move your ears?

Time: 1711.98

It turns out that unlike other animals,

Time: 1715.52

humans are not terrifically good at moving their ears.

Time: 1718.95

Other animals can move their ears even independently.

Time: 1722.28

So Costello is pretty good at raising his ears,

Time: 1724.9

the two of them together,

Time: 1725.8

He can't really move his ear separately.

Time: 1728.35

Some dogs can do that really well.

Time: 1730.53

In fact, sighthounds and some scenthounds

Time: 1733.79

do that exquisitely well.

Time: 1735.51

Some animals like deer and other animals

Time: 1738.48

that really have very acute hearing

Time: 1742.11

will put one ear down to a very particular angle

Time: 1745.99

and will tilt the other one

Time: 1747.22

and they will actually capture information

Time: 1750.57

about two distant sound-making organisms,

Time: 1755.06

those could be hunters coming after them

Time: 1756.98

or other animals coming after them.

Time: 1758.65

They are very good at doing this.

Time: 1760.25

We're not so good at it.

Time: 1761.47

But about 60% of people, it's thought,

Time: 1764.99

can move their ears consciously

Time: 1767.56

without having to touch their ear.

Time: 1769.24

So can you do that?

Time: 1770.71

Maybe you should try it.

Time: 1771.543

Ask someone to look at you

Time: 1772.98

and see whether or not you can do it.

Time: 1774.48

The typical distances that people can move it

Time: 1777.73

is usually no more than two or three millimeters.

Time: 1780.34

It's subtle but can you flap your pinna

Time: 1782.537

with just using mental control?

Time: 1785.77

If you can, or if you can't,

Time: 1789.084

try looking all the way to your right

Time: 1792.12

or all the way to your left.

Time: 1793.123

Obviously, if you're driving a car

Time: 1794.96

or doing something or exercising,

Time: 1796.52

don't put yourself in danger right now.

Time: 1797.82

But if you move your eyes all the way to your left,

Time: 1801.42

which I'm doing now or all the way to my right,

Time: 1804.05

you might feel a little bit of a contraction of the muscles

Time: 1807.149

that control ear movement.

Time: 1811.85

Now I want to ask you this: can you raise one eyebrow?

Time: 1814.59

I'm not very good at it, I can do a little bit,

Time: 1816.62

but it's mostly by like cramping down my face on one side.

Time: 1820.08

And I certainly can't raise my right eyebrow.

Time: 1822.33

I can only do my left eyebrow.

Time: 1824.65

Trying to talk while I'm doing this,

Time: 1825.483

that's why it looks strange.

Time: 1827.08

People who can raise one eyebrow very easily,

Time: 1831.33

almost always, can move their ears

Time: 1833.89

without having to touch them.

Time: 1835.5

It's controlled by the same motor pathway.

Time: 1839.54

And there does seem to be a small,

Time: 1841.48

but statistically significant sex difference

Time: 1843.731

in the ability to move one's ears.

Time: 1847.22

Typically, men can do this more than women can,

Time: 1850.5

although plenty of women can move their ears as well.

Time: 1854.4

Now, if you think that is all a little strange or off topic,

Time: 1857.97

it's not because what we're really talking about here

Time: 1861.009

is a system of the brain, but also of the body

Time: 1865.52

of the musculature for localizing things in space.

Time: 1868.44

And so you might find it interesting to note

Time: 1871.26

that one of the things that we share very closely

Time: 1874.68

with other primates, with non-human primates,

Time: 1877.98

like macaque monkeys and chimpanzees,

Time: 1880.52

if you look at their ears,

Time: 1882.55

their ears are remarkably similar to our ears,

Time: 1885.83

or rather our ears are remarkably similar to their ears.

Time: 1889.94

The eyes of certain monkeys like macaque monkeys

Time: 1893.67

are remarkably similar to human eyes.

Time: 1896.94

This is one of the reasons why,

Time: 1898.15

if you look at a baby macaque monkey,

Time: 1900.12

it has this unbelievably human element to it.

Time: 1904.34

But the ears of these primates is very similar

Time: 1906.95

to our ears; our ears, similar to their ears.

Time: 1911.68

If you're interested in ear movements

Time: 1914.22

and what they could mean and some of the things

Time: 1917.54

that ear movements correlate with in other aspects

Time: 1920.34

of our biology, there's a nice paper, actually,

Time: 1923.03

a scientific paper.

Time: 1924.293

The author's last name is Code, C-O-D-E,

Time: 1927.97

it was published in 1995.

Time: 1929.65

I'll give a reference to that.

Time: 1931.05

It's a review article that discusses

Time: 1933.51

some of the sex differences in ear movement control,

Time: 1936.95

as well as the relationship between ear movements

Time: 1938.96

and eye movements.

Time: 1940.2

And it's a pretty accessible paper.

Time: 1941.88

It's one that I think any of you who are interested

Time: 1944.11

in this topic could parse fairly easily.

Time: 1947.05

And there's some very interesting underlying biology

Time: 1949.9

and some theories as to why humans

Time: 1952.24

would have this so-called vestigial

Time: 1954.35

or ancient carry-over of a system for moving our ears.

Time: 1958.82

Now, if ear movement seems strange,

Time: 1963.04

next, I want to talk about a different feature

Time: 1965.258

of your hearing and ears that's even stranger,

Time: 1969.96

but that has some really interesting implications

Time: 1972.663

for your biology.

Time: 1975.7

And I'm guessing that you've not heard of this.

Time: 1981.14

What am I about to describe

Time: 1982.38

are called otoacoustic emissions.

Time: 1985.2

And otoacoustic emissions, as the name suggests,

Time: 1988.21

are sounds that your ears make.

Time: 1992.26

Believe it or not, 70% of people make noises

Time: 1997.08

with their ears, but they don't actually detect them.

Time: 2000.41

Like I said, you've never heard of this.

Time: 2001.87

Okay, that's not what I mean.

Time: 2004.62

But what I do mean is that 70% of people's ears

Time: 2008.72

are making noise that's cast out of the ear.

Time: 2011.97

And these otoacoustic emissions, actually,

Time: 2013.87

can be detected by microphones.

Time: 2015.41

Sometimes they can be detected by other people

Time: 2017.9

in the room if they have very good hearing.

Time: 2020.52

Now, it turns out that women or, I should be technical here,

Time: 2025.21

females who report themselves as heterosexual,

Time: 2029.87

have a higher frequency, not frequency of sound,

Time: 2032.7

but a higher frequency of otoacoustic emissions

Time: 2036.88

than do men who report themselves as heterosexual.

Time: 2040.47

Women who report themselves as homosexual or bisexual,

Time: 2045.68

make fewer otoacoustic emissions than heterosexual women.

Time: 2050.69

These are data that come from Dennis McFadden's lab

Time: 2053.66

at the University of Texas, Austin.

Time: 2055.72

He actually discovered these,

Time: 2057.51

what are called sexual dimorphisms and differences

Time: 2060.51

based on sexual orientation without looking for them.

Time: 2063.57

He was studying hearing.

Time: 2065.01

He's a auditory scientist and people were coming

Time: 2068.05

into his laboratory and they were detecting

Time: 2070.23

these otoacoustic emissions.

Time: 2071.43

And they started to notice the group differences

Time: 2075.07

in otoacoustic emissions.

Time: 2076.3

So they started asking people about their sex

Time: 2079.33

and about their sexual orientation.

Time: 2081.36

And these differences fell out of the data, as we say.

Time: 2085.34

And it's interesting because otoacoustic emissions

Time: 2088.48

are not something that we associate

Time: 2089.81

with sex or sexual dimorphism.

Time: 2092.39

But what these data really underscore is, first of all,

Time: 2095.63

a lot of us are making noises with our ears,

Time: 2097.8

some of us more than others.

Time: 2099.45

And that exposure to certain combinations of hormones

Time: 2104.25

during development are very likely shaping the way

Time: 2107.52

that our hearing apparati, meaning the cochlea

Time: 2110.67

and the pinna and all sorts of things,

Time: 2112.59

how those develop and how those functions

Time: 2114.44

throughout the lifespan.

Time: 2115.66

We did do an episode on hormones and sexual development,

Time: 2119.21

which gets much deeper into the other effects

Time: 2121.97

that hormones have on the developing brain and body.

Time: 2124.42

If you want to check out that episode,

Time: 2126.239

we will put a link to it in the captions.

Time: 2129.87

So now I want to shift to talking

Time: 2131.3

about ways to leverage your hearing system,

Time: 2134.86

your auditory system so that you can learn anything,

Time: 2137.9

not just auditory information, but anything faster.

Time: 2141.95

I get a lot of questions about so-called binaural beats.

Time: 2145.96

Binaural beats, as their name suggests,

Time: 2148.25

involve playing one frequency of sound to one ear

Time: 2152.51

and a different frequency of sound to the other ear.

Time: 2155.23

So it might be doomed, doon, doon, doon to your right ear,

Time: 2159.23

and it might be to ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding

Time: 2161.64

to the left ear.

Time: 2163.05

And the idea is that the brain

Time: 2165.86

will take those two frequencies of sound

Time: 2168.952

and because the pathways that bring information

Time: 2172.3

from the ears into the brain, eventually crossover,

Time: 2174.92

they actually share that information with both sides

Time: 2177.64

of the brain, that the brain will average that information

Time: 2180.939

and come up with this sort of intermediate frequency.

Time: 2185.05

And the rationale is that those intermediate frequencies

Time: 2188.38

place the brain into a state that is better for learning.

Time: 2192.49

And when I say better for learning,

Time: 2194.7

I want to be precise about what I mean.

Time: 2196.66

That could mean more focus for encoding

Time: 2199.592

or bringing the information in.

Time: 2202.86

As you may have heard me say before,

Time: 2204.76

we have to be alert and focused in order to learn.

Time: 2207.28

There is no passive learning

Time: 2208.49

unless we're little tiny infants.

Time: 2211.06

So can binaural beats make us more focused?

Time: 2214.81

Can binaural beats allow us to relax more if we're anxious?

Time: 2218.8

I know some people, they go to the dentist

Time: 2220.33

and the dentist offers binaural beats

Time: 2222.4

as they drill into your teeth and give root canals

Time: 2224.69

and things of that sort, probably causing some anxiety

Time: 2226.85

just describing those things right now.

Time: 2229.75

But those are available in many dental practices.

Time: 2235.033

Binaural beats have been thought to increase creativity,

Time: 2238.52

or at least they have been proposed to increase creativity.

Time: 2240.66

So what does the scientific data say about binaural beats?

Time: 2243.37

There are a number of different apps out there

Time: 2245.14

that offer binaural beats.

Time: 2247.02

There are a number of different programs.

Time: 2248.53

I think you can also even just find these on YouTube

Time: 2251.197

and on the internet.

Time: 2252.2

But typically, it's an app and you'll program in

Time: 2254.61

a particular outcome that you want:

Time: 2256.16

more focused, more creative, fall asleep,

Time: 2258.44

less anxious, et cetera.

Time: 2260.54

So what does the scientific data say?

Time: 2262.45

So believe it or not, the science on binaural beats

Time: 2265.1

is actually quite extensive and very precise.

Time: 2268.55

So sound waves are measured, typically,

Time: 2271.99

in hertz or kilohertz.

Time: 2273.53

I know many of you aren't familiar

Time: 2274.81

with thinking about things in hertz or kilohertz.

Time: 2276.94

But again, just remember those waves on a pond,

Time: 2279.72

those ripples on a pond.

Time: 2281.5

If they're close together, then they are of high-frequency.

Time: 2286.47

And if they're far apart, than they are of low frequency.

Time: 2288.73

So when you hear more hertz,

Time: 2290.88

what you're essentially hearing is higher frequency.

Time: 2294.69

And so if it's many more kilohertz

Time: 2296.35

then it's much higher frequency

Time: 2297.57

than if it's fewer hertz or kilohertz.

Time: 2299.57

And so you may have heard of these things as delta waves

Time: 2303.25

or theta waves or alpha waves or beta waves, et cetera.

Time: 2306.72

Delta waves would be big, slow waves, so low frequency.

Time: 2310.35

And, indeed, there is quality evidence

Time: 2313.116

from peer-reviewed studies that are not sponsored

Time: 2316.11

by companies that make binaural beat apps

Time: 2318.522

that tell us that delta waves like one to four hertz,

Time: 2322.8

so very low frequency sounds, think Costello's snoring,

Time: 2326.32

can help in the transition to sleep and for staying asleep.

Time: 2331.09

And that theta rhythms,

Time: 2332.72

which are more like four to eight hertz

Time: 2335.06

can bring the brain into a state of subtle sleep

Time: 2340.62

or meditation, so deeply relaxed, but not fully asleep.

Time: 2344.35

And then you can sort of ascend

Time: 2345.85

the staircase of findings here, so to speak.

Time: 2347.92

And you'll find evidence that alpha waves,

Time: 2349.9

eight to 13 hertz can increase alertness

Time: 2352.62

to a moderate level.

Time: 2354.03

That's a great state for the brain to be in

Time: 2356.39

for recall of existing information.

Time: 2360.282

And that beta waves, 15 to 20 hertz

Time: 2362.881

are great for bringing the brain

Time: 2365.38

into focus states for sustained thought

Time: 2369.13

or for incorporating new information

Time: 2371.69

and especially gamma waves, the highest frequency,

Time: 2374.14

the most frequent ripples of sound, so to speak,

Time: 2377.71

32 to 100 hertz for learning and problem-solving.

Time: 2381.64

Now, all of this matches, or I should say,

Time: 2384.21

maps onto what I've said before

Time: 2386.79

about learning really nicely,

Time: 2388.58

which is that you need to be in a highly alert state

Time: 2390.9

in order to bring new information in,

Time: 2392.88

in order to access a state of mind

Time: 2395.48

in which you can tell your brain or the brain

Time: 2398.06

is telling itself, okay, I need to learn this.

Time: 2399.91

This is why stress and unfortunate circumstances

Time: 2402.101

are so memorable is because our brain gets

Time: 2404.5

into a really high alert system.

Time: 2406.13

Here, we're talking about the use of binaural beats

Time: 2408.42

in order to increase our level of alertness

Time: 2411.25

or our level of calmness.

Time: 2414.18

Now that's important to underscore because it's not

Time: 2416.843

that there's something fundamentally important

Time: 2419.05

about the binaural beats.

Time: 2420.81

They are yet another way of bringing the brain

Time: 2423.43

into states of deep relaxation

Time: 2426.1

through low frequency sound or highly alert states

Time: 2429.88

for focused learning with more high-frequency sound.

Time: 2433.49

So they are effective and I'll review a little bit

Time: 2436.79

of the data in detail, they're effective,

Time: 2440.07

but it's not that they're uniquely special for learning.

Time: 2444.96

It's just that they can help some people bring

Time: 2447.22

their brain into the state that allows them to learn better.

Time: 2450.86

So there are a lot of studies that allowed us to arrive,

Time: 2455.08

or I should say allowed the field to arrive

Time: 2457.77

on these parameters of slow, slow,

Time: 2461.69

low frequency waves are going to bring you into relaxed states,

Time: 2463.93

high frequency waves into more alert states.

Time: 2468.27

There's very good evidence for anxiety reduction

Time: 2471.66

from the use of binaural beats.

Time: 2474.31

And what's interesting is anxiety reduction seems

Time: 2478.7

to be most effective when the binaural beats

Time: 2483.01

are bringing the brain into delta,

Time: 2485.32

so those slow big waves like sleep, theta and alpha states.

Time: 2490.29

And I'll link to a couple of these studies

Time: 2492.33

although I will probably link more to the list

Time: 2496.06

that really segregates them out one by one

Time: 2498.06

so you can see them all next to one another.

Time: 2499.601

There's good evidence that binaural beats

Time: 2501.6

can be used to treat pain, chronic pain.

Time: 2503.89

There's three studies in peer-reviewed journals

Time: 2507.68

which I took a look at, and they seem to be of good quality,

Time: 2511.62

not sponsored research, as we say,

Time: 2513.56

not paid for by any specific company.

Time: 2516

Binaural beats have been shown

Time: 2517.17

to modestly improve cognition,

Time: 2520.09

attention, working memory and even creativity.

Time: 2523.72

But the real boost from binaural beats appears

Time: 2527.05

to be for anxiety reduction and pain reduction.

Time: 2531.03

Some people might find these beneficial

Time: 2532.72

for these oral surgeries, right?

Time: 2535.633

Believe it or not, there are people

Time: 2537.47

who would rather have the entire root canal

Time: 2541.81

or cavity drilled without Novocaine.

Time: 2544.26

And that's because they sometimes have a syringe phobia

Time: 2547.56

or something of that sort

Time: 2548.393

or they just don't like being numb from the Novocaine,

Time: 2550.17

or maybe there's an underlying medical reason.

Time: 2552.13

But I think most people do don't enjoy getting

Time: 2554.63

their teeth drilled even if they have Novocaine in there

Time: 2556.68

or a root canal.

Time: 2557.89

And so it seems that binaural beats can be effective

Time: 2560.54

in that environment.

Time: 2561.72

And you don't have to go

Time: 2562.65

into that sort of extreme environment

Time: 2564.04

to benefit from binaural beats.

Time: 2565.42

Binaural beats are a either relatively inexpensive thing

Time: 2571.41

to access, most of the apps are pretty inexpensive.

Time: 2573.76

I don't have a favorite binaural beats app

Time: 2576.52

to recommend to you.

Time: 2577.71

I confess I did use binaural beats a few years ago.

Time: 2580.17

I shifted over to other what I call NSDR,

Time: 2584.07

non-sleep deep rest protocols in favor of those,

Time: 2586.55

but many people like binaural beats

Time: 2588.63

and say that they benefit from them,

Time: 2590.75

especially while studying or learning.

Time: 2593.49

I think part of the reason for that relates

Time: 2596.12

to the ability to channel our focus

Time: 2599.38

when we have some background noise.

Time: 2601.37

And this is something I also get asked about a lot.

Time: 2604.17

Is it better to listen to music and have background noise

Time: 2606.863

when studying or is it better to have complete silence?

Time: 2609.85

Well, there's actually a quite good literature

Time: 2612.42

on this as well, but not so much as it relates

Time: 2615.24

to binaural beats, but rather whether or not people

Time: 2617.93

are listening to music, so-called white noise, brown noise;

Time: 2622.49

believe it or not, there's white noise

Time: 2623.61

and there's brown noise, there's even pink noise

Time: 2626.12

and how that impacts brain states

Time: 2629.16

that allow us to learn information better or not.

Time: 2632.35

So now I'd like to talk about white noise

Time: 2635.15

and I want to be very clear that white noise

Time: 2638.01

has been shown to really enhance brain states for learning

Time: 2642.52

in certain individuals, in particular, in adults.

Time: 2646.5

But white noise actually can have a detrimental effect

Time: 2649.52

on auditory learning and maybe even the development

Time: 2652.07

of the auditory system in very young children

Time: 2654.92

in particular in infants.

Time: 2656.98

So first I'd like to talk

Time: 2658.07

about the beneficial effects of white noise on learning.

Time: 2662.424

There are some really excellent studies on this.

Time: 2665.49

The first one that I'd like

Time: 2666.5

to just highlight is one that's entitled:

Time: 2670.34

Low Intensity White Noise Improves Performance

Time: 2672.83

in Auditory Working Memory Task, an fMRI Study.

Time: 2676.01

This is a study that explored

Time: 2679.55

whether or not learning could be enhanced

Time: 2683.03

by playing white noise in the background.

Time: 2686.14

But the strength of the study is that they looked

Time: 2688.9

at some of the underlying neural circuitry

Time: 2690.447

and the activation of the neural circuitry

Time: 2692.34

in these people as they did the learning task.

Time: 2694.41

And what it, essentially, illustrates

Time: 2696.81

is that white noise, provided that white noise

Time: 2700.29

is of low enough intensity, meaning not super loud,

Time: 2704.566

not imperceptible, so not so quiet that you can't hear it,

Time: 2709.14

but not super loud either,

Time: 2710.78

it actually could enhance learning to a significant degree.

Time: 2713.77

And this has been shown now

Time: 2715

for a huge number of different types of learning.

Time: 2719.89

There's a terrific article as well

Time: 2722.18

in a somewhat obscure journal, at least,

Time: 2723.93

obscure to me, which is:

Time: 2724.91

The Effects of Noise Exposure on Cognitive Performance

Time: 2727.48

and Brain Activity Patterns.

Time: 2730.29

That's a study involving 54 subjects.

Time: 2733.6

They, basically, were evaluated for mental workload

Time: 2736.43

and attention under different levels of noise exposure,

Time: 2739.73

background noise and different, essentially,

Time: 2742.48

loudness of noise.

Time: 2743.59

And the reason I like this study is that they looked

Time: 2745.79

at different levels of noise and types of noise,

Time: 2747.506

and they varied a number of different things,

Time: 2750.48

as opposed to just doing a two-condition,

Time: 2752.81

either white noise or no white noise type thing.

Time: 2755.28

And what they found, again, is that provided the white noise

Time: 2758.85

is not extremely loud,

Time: 2760.73

it could really enhance brain function

Time: 2762.96

for sake of learning any number

Time: 2764.55

of different kinds of information.

Time: 2767.44

Now that's all great, but it really doesn't get to

Time: 2770.664

the deeper guts of mechanism.

Time: 2772.93

And as a neuroscientist, what I really want to see

Time: 2775.15

is not just that something has an effect.

Time: 2776.91

That's always nice.

Time: 2777.743

It's always nice to see in a nice peer-reviewed study

Time: 2780.37

without any kind of commercial biases

Time: 2782.39

that there's an effect, binaural beats can enhance learning

Time: 2785.3

or listening to white noise, not too loud

Time: 2787.51

can enhance learning.

Time: 2788.97

But you really want to understand mechanism

Time: 2791.61

because once you understand mechanism,

Time: 2794.81

not only does it start to make sense,

Time: 2796.34

but you can also imagine ways in which

Time: 2797.927

you could develop better tools and protocols.

Time: 2800.71

So I was very relieved to find,

Time: 2803.54

or I should say excited to find this study published

Time: 2806.23

in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,

Time: 2808.5

this is a 2014 paper, White Noise Improves Learning

Time: 2813.24

by Modulating Activity in Dopaminergic Mid-Brain Regions

Time: 2817.41

and Right Superior Temporal Sulcus.

Time: 2819.67

Now I don't expect you to know

Time: 2820.54

what the right spirit temporal sulcus is.

Time: 2822.039

I don't expect you to know

Time: 2823.53

what the dopamine midbrain region is, but if you're like me,

Time: 2827.33

you probably took highlighted notice

Time: 2829.77

of the word dopaminergic.

Time: 2831.26

Dopamine is a neuromodulator, meaning it's a chemical

Time: 2834.77

that's released in our brain and body,

Time: 2836.47

but mostly in our brain that modulates,

Time: 2840.16

meaning controls the likelihood

Time: 2843.15

that certain brain areas will be active

Time: 2844.83

and other brain areas won't be active.

Time: 2846.53

And dopamine is associated with motivation.

Time: 2848.77

Dopamine is associated with craving.

Time: 2850.55

Motivation is associated with all sorts of different things,

Time: 2852.84

including movement but what this study so nicely shows

Time: 2858.11

is that white noise can really enhance

Time: 2862.25

the activity of neurons in what's called

Time: 2863.97

the substantia nigra VTA.

Time: 2865.85

The substantia nigra VTA is a very rich source of dopamine

Time: 2870.27

and that's because it's very chockablock full

Time: 2873.67

of dopamine neurons.

Time: 2875.54

It's an area of the brain that is, perhaps,

Time: 2878.18

the richest source of dopamine neurons.

Time: 2881.31

And you actually can see this brain region

Time: 2883.78

under the microscope if you take a slice of brain

Time: 2885.53

or you look at a brain without even staining it

Time: 2888.24

for any proteins or dopamine or anything.

Time: 2890.49

It's two very dark regions at the bottom of the brain.

Time: 2894.74

And the reason it's called substantia nigra,

Time: 2897.54

nigra meaning dark is because the dopamine neurons

Time: 2901.28

actually make something that makes those neurons dark.

Time: 2905.75

And so you've got these two regions down there,

Time: 2907.713

that contain dopamine and can release dopamine

Time: 2910.6

and, essentially, activate other brain regions

Time: 2913

and activate our sense of motivation

Time: 2914.72

and activate our sense of desire

Time: 2916.74

to continue focusing and learning.

Time: 2919.04

But you can't just snap your fingers

Time: 2921.49

and make them release dopamine.

Time: 2922.52

You actually have to trigger dopamine release from them.

Time: 2924.98

Now that trigger can be caused by being very excited

Time: 2928.02

about something or the fact that that thing gave you

Time: 2930.83

a lot of pleasure in the past,

Time: 2932.19

or you're highly motivated by fear or desire.

Time: 2935.2

But what's so interesting to me is that it appears

Time: 2938.63

that white noise itself can raise what we call the basal,

Time: 2943.43

the baseline levels of dopamine that are being released

Time: 2946.58

from this area, the substantia nigra.

Time: 2949.32

So now we're starting to get a more full picture

Time: 2953.03

of how particular sounds in our environment

Time: 2955.7

can increase learning.

Time: 2958.3

And that's, in part, I believe,

Time: 2960.46

through the release of dopamine from substantia nigra.

Time: 2964.75

So I'm not trying to shift you away from binaural beats,

Time: 2968.26

if that's your thing, but it does appear

Time: 2970.86

that turning on white noise at a low level, not too loud.

Time: 2973.89

You may say, "Well, how loud?"

Time: 2975.13

And I'll tell you in a moment,

Time: 2976.18

but not too loud can allow you to learn better

Time: 2979.39

because of the ways that it's modulating

Time: 2981.31

your brain chemistry.

Time: 2982.69

So how loud or how soft should that white noise be

Time: 2986.628

while you learn?

Time: 2988.94

Well, in these studies, it seemed that white noise

Time: 2992.49

that could be heard by the person,

Time: 2994.35

so it wasn't imperceptible to them,

Time: 2995.87

so it was loud enough that they could hear, but not so loud

Time: 3001.11

that they felt it was intrusive or irritating to them.

Time: 3005.8

So that's going to differ from person to person

Time: 3007.68

because people have different levels

Time: 3009.13

of auditory sensitivity.

Time: 3010.9

It's going to depend on age, going to depend

Time: 3012.3

on a number of different factors.

Time: 3013.84

So I can't tell you turn to level two

Time: 3016.281

on your volume controller.

Time: 3017.95

That's just not going to work.

Time: 3018.783

Also, I don't know how far you are

Time: 3020.11

from a given speaker in the room

Time: 3021.63

or if you've got earphones in your head

Time: 3023.47

or you've got speakers in the room

Time: 3026.11

or if it's coming out of your computer.

Time: 3027.81

I don't know those things.

Time: 3029

So what you're going to have to do is adjust

Time: 3030.35

that white noise to the place

Time: 3032.24

where it's not interfering with your ability to focus,

Time: 3035.11

but rather it's enhancing your ability to focus.

Time: 3037.84

I think a good rule of thumb is going to be to put it

Time: 3042.07

probably on the lower third of any kind of volume dial,

Time: 3046.11

as opposed to in the upper third,

Time: 3049.21

where it would really be blasting.

Time: 3051.52

And really blasting any noise, frankly, is not good,

Time: 3055.87

but that's especially not good, meaning it's especially bad

Time: 3059.65

if you have headphones in.

Time: 3061.48

I do want to mention something about headphones

Time: 3063.5

before I talk about white noise in the developmental context

Time: 3067.04

and why it can be dangerous there.

Time: 3069.63

When you put headphones in your ears,

Time: 3073.89

it has this incredible effect of making the sounds

Time: 3077.77

like they come from inside your head,

Time: 3079.73

not from out in the room.

Time: 3081.71

And now that might seem like kind of a duh,

Time: 3083.76

but that's actually really amazing, right?

Time: 3085.9

Your brain assumes that the sounds

Time: 3087.77

are coming from inside your head,

Time: 3090.14

as opposed from the environment

Time: 3091.64

that you're in the moment you put headphones in.

Time: 3093.63

So if you're listening to an audiobook

Time: 3094.98

or maybe you're listening to this podcast with headphones,

Time: 3097.29

that's very different than when you're listening

Time: 3099.14

to something out in the room and there are other sounds,

Time: 3101.68

other sound waves, especially if you use

Time: 3103.24

these noise-cancellation headphones.

Time: 3105.22

So if you're going to use white noise to enhance studying

Time: 3109.55

or learning of any kind, this also could be

Time: 3111.36

for skill-learning, motor skill-learning

Time: 3112.78

while you're exercising, my suggestion would be

Time: 3116.8

that if you're using headphones, to keep it quite low.

Time: 3120.31

This is an effect on the midbrain dopamine neurons

Time: 3123.42

that's a background effect of raising

Time: 3125.16

the baseline of dopamine release.

Time: 3126.73

The way that dopamine neurons fires, they're always firing;

Time: 3128.91

yours are firing right now, so are mine,

Time: 3130.72

when something exciting happens, they fire a lot.

Time: 3133.02

And when something disappointing happens,

Time: 3134.41

that firing, the release of dopamine

Time: 3136.34

goes down below baseline.

Time: 3138.01

What you're talking about here is raising

Time: 3139.6

your overall levels of attention and motivation,

Time: 3141.66

which translate to better learning

Time: 3143.48

by just tickling those neurons a little bit,

Time: 3146.33

raising the baseline firing.

Time: 3149.06

You're not turning up the white noise

Time: 3150.2

to the point where you're feeling amazing.

Time: 3152.1

This isn't like turning on your favorite song.

Time: 3154.1

This is actually the opposite.

Time: 3155.83

This is about getting that baseline up just a bit.

Time: 3159.93

So I recommend turning the volume up just a bit

Time: 3163.46

so that you can focus entirely on the task

Time: 3166.78

that you're trying to do.

Time: 3167.613

And, of course, you've turned on white noise

Time: 3169.29

so your attention might drift to that for a moment.

Time: 3170.9

Is it too loud? Is it too soft?

Time: 3172.87

If you can disappear into the work, so to speak,

Time: 3175.33

if your attention can disappear into the work,

Time: 3177.18

then that's probably sufficiently quiet.

Time: 3180.31

And for those of you that say,

Time: 3181.33

well, I like really loud music

Time: 3182.6

and if I just blast the music,

Time: 3184.43

then I forget about the music.

Time: 3186.86

I don't suggest blasting music.

Time: 3188.58

And this is coming from somebody

Time: 3189.57

who really likes loud music.

Time: 3192.25

I grew up with kind of a loud fast rules mentality,

Time: 3194.67

and if you don't know what loud fast rules means,

Time: 3197.43

then I can't help you, but there's a time and a place,

Time: 3202.08

perhaps, to listen to music loud

Time: 3203.67

but, especially, with headphones,

Time: 3205.63

you can trigger, excuse me, hearing loss quite rapidly.

Time: 3210.03

And unfortunately, because these hair cells

Time: 3213.21

that we talked about earlier,

Time: 3214.17

our central nervous system neurons, they do not regenerate,

Time: 3217.14

they do not come back.

Time: 3219.03

Now along the lines of hearing loss,

Time: 3223.02

I should just say that the best way

Time: 3225.22

to blow out your hearing for good,

Time: 3227.22

to eliminate your hearing is to have very loud sounds

Time: 3231.9

super imposed on a loud environment.

Time: 3234.89

So loud environments can cause hearing loss over time.

Time: 3237.43

So if you work at a construction site, clanging really loud,

Time: 3240.33

or if you work the sound board in a club or something,

Time: 3243.73

you are headed towards hearing loss

Time: 3245.76

unless you protect your hearing

Time: 3247.63

with earplugs and headphones.

Time: 3249.698

Nowadays, some of the ear plugs are very low profile,

Time: 3252.84

meaning you can't see them.

Time: 3253.89

So that's kind of nice, so you're not like the,

Time: 3256.16

when I was younger, like you didn't want to be the dork

Time: 3257.99

to go to the concert with the earplugs,

Time: 3259.41

but it turns out those dorks were smarter

Time: 3260.98

than everybody else, because they're not the ones

Time: 3263.24

who are craning their neck to try and hear trivial things

Time: 3267.97

at the age of 30 or so 'cause they blew out their hearing.

Time: 3272.49

So if you are working in a loud environment

Time: 3275.38

or you expose yourselves to a loud environment,

Time: 3278.69

you really want to avoid big inflections

Time: 3282.02

in sound above that.

Time: 3283.4

So loud environment plus fireworks,

Time: 3287.24

loud environment plus gunshot,

Time: 3289.19

loud environments plus very high-frequency intense sound,

Time: 3293.137

that's what we call the two-hit model,

Time: 3296.626

this is also true for concussion,

Time: 3297.84

that you can take a stimulus that normally

Time: 3300.49

would be below the threshold of injury,

Time: 3302.08

you add another stimulus at the same time,

Time: 3305.18

that would be below the threshold of injury.

Time: 3306.84

And then, suddenly, you killed the neurons.

Time: 3308.84

So I don't want to make people paranoid,

Time: 3310.61

but you do want to protect your hearing.

Time: 3311.88

It's no fun to lose your hearing.

Time: 3313.64

If you're going to use headphones and you feel

Time: 3315.76

like you want to crank it up all the way,

Time: 3317.1

just remember that the more that you can get

Time: 3320.78

out of a lower volume, meaning the longer

Time: 3322.83

that you can go listening to things at lower volume,

Time: 3325.69

the longer you'll be able to hear that music or that thing.

Time: 3330.18

So again, I'm not the hearing cop.

Time: 3333.88

That's not my job, but as somebody who's lost

Time: 3336.79

some of his high-frequency hearing,

Time: 3338.7

I can tell you it's not a pleasure.

Time: 3342.067

The old argument that it helps you not have to hear

Time: 3345.123

or listen to people that you don't want to listen to,

Time: 3347.32

that does it doesn't really work.

Time: 3348.38

They just send you text messages instead.

Time: 3350.42

So what about white noise and hearing loss in development?

Time: 3354

I know a lot of people with children

Time: 3355.38

have these noise machines like sound waves

Time: 3358.68

and things like that, that help the kids sleep.

Time: 3361

And look, I think kids getting good sleep

Time: 3363.67

and parents getting good sleep is vital

Time: 3365.53

to physical and mental health and family health.

Time: 3368.99

So I certainly sympathize with those needs.

Time: 3373.93

However, there are data that indicate

Time: 3377.04

that white noise during development

Time: 3379.82

can be detrimental to the auditory system.

Time: 3382.44

I don't want to frighten any parents

Time: 3383.74

if you played white noise to your kids,

Time: 3385.53

this doesn't mean that their auditory system

Time: 3387.09

or their speech patterns are going to be disrupted

Time: 3389.79

or that their interpretation of speech

Time: 3391.15

is going to be disrupted forever.

Time: 3392.93

But there are data published in the journal, Science,

Time: 3397.077

and Science being one of the three, APEX Journal,

Time: 3399.61

Science, Nature, Cell, the most stringent journals,

Time: 3403.4

data published in the journal, Science, some years ago,

Time: 3406.21

actually by a scientist who I know quite well,

Time: 3408.33

his name is Edward Chang, he's a medical doctor now,

Time: 3410.86

he's a neurosurgeon, he's actually

Time: 3412.27

the chair of neurosurgery at UCSF

Time: 3415.14

and he runs a laboratory where they study auditory learning,

Time: 3418.87

neuroplasticity, et cetera, he and his mentor at the time,

Time: 3423.12

Mike Merzenich published a paper showing

Time: 3426.19

that if young animals and this was in animal models

Time: 3430.49

were exposed to white noise, so [shushing]

Time: 3435.02

the very type of noise that I'm saying as a older person,

Time: 3438.726

and when I say older, I mean, somebody who's

Time: 3440.98

in their late teens, early 20s and older

Time: 3443.14

could benefit from listening to that at a low level

Time: 3445.93

in the background for sake of learning,

Time: 3448.202

well, they exposed very young animals to this white noise,

Time: 3451.642

it actually disrupted the maps of the auditory world

Time: 3456.63

within the brain.

Time: 3457.463

And we haven't talked about these maps yet,

Time: 3459.28

but I want to take a moment and talk about them

Time: 3460.71

and explain this effect and what it might mean for you

Time: 3464.05

if you have kids or if you were exposed

Time: 3465.58

to a lot of white noise early on.

Time: 3467.66

So auditory information goes up into our cortex, into these,

Time: 3473.309

essentially, the outside portion of our brain

Time: 3475.79

that's responsible for all our higher level cognition

Time: 3479.55

and our planning, our decision-making, et cetera,

Time: 3481.84

creativity and up there,

Time: 3484.72

we have what are called tonotopic maps.

Time: 3486.97

What's a tonotopic map?

Time: 3488.43

Well, remember the cochlea, how it's coiled

Time: 3490.77

and at one end, it responds to high frequencies

Time: 3492.517

and the other end, it responds to low frequencies?

Time: 3495.77

Like a piano, the keys sound different

Time: 3497.78

as you extend down and up the piano keys.

Time: 3501

And it's organized in a very systematic way.

Time: 3503.72

It's not all intermixed high frequencies

Time: 3505.264

and low frequencies.

Time: 3506.3

It's organized in a very systematic way

Time: 3509.07

from one end to the other.

Time: 3510.73

Your visual system is in, what's called a retinotopic map.

Time: 3513.66

So neighboring points in space off to my right,

Time: 3516.88

like my two fingers off to my right

Time: 3518.94

are mapped to neighboring points in space in my brain.

Time: 3523.03

And that space right in front of me

Time: 3525.44

is mapped to a different location in my brain,

Time: 3527.2

but it's systematic, it's regular.

Time: 3528.98

It's not random. It's not salt and pepper.

Time: 3531.08

It goes from high to low or from right to center to left.

Time: 3535

In the auditory system,

Time: 3536.11

we have what are called tonotopic maps,

Time: 3538.5

where frequency, high frequency to low frequency

Time: 3542.36

and everything in between is organized

Time: 3544.27

in a very systematic way.

Time: 3546.37

Now our experience of life from the time

Time: 3548.95

we're a baby until the time that we die is not systematic.

Time: 3552.68

We don't hear low frequencies at one part of the room

Time: 3554.846

or at one part of the day and high frequencies

Time: 3556.81

is another part of the room and other part of the day,

Time: 3558.87

they're all intermixed.

Time: 3560.42

But if you remember, the cochlea separates them out.

Time: 3563.52

Just like a prism of light separates out

Time: 3565.58

the different wavelengths of light,

Time: 3566.78

the cochlea separates out the different frequencies.

Time: 3570.02

And the developing brain takes

Time: 3572.77

those separated out frequencies and learns this relationship

Time: 3577.04

between itself, meaning the child and the outside world.

Time: 3583.46

White noise, essentially contains no tonotopic information.

Time: 3588.61

The frequencies are all intermixed.

Time: 3591.3

It's just noise.

Time: 3592.87

Whereas when I speak, my voice has,

Time: 3595.45

now I'm getting technical, but it has what's called

Time: 3597.41

a certain envelope, meaning it has some low frequencies

Time: 3600.14

and some slightly higher frequency.

Time: 3600.973

Like I might a voice higher,

Time: 3602.8

although I'm not very good at that.

Time: 3604.09

My voice starts to crack and I can make my voice lower,

Time: 3607.22

although not as low as Costello's snore.

Time: 3608.9

So it has an envelope, it has a container.

Time: 3612.32

White noise has no container.

Time: 3614.04

It's like all the colors of the rainbow spread out together,

Time: 3617.44

which is actually what you get when you get white light

Time: 3619.9

white noise is analogous to white light.

Time: 3623.44

So one of the reasons why hearing a lot of white noise

Time: 3629.64

during development for long periods of time can be

Time: 3631.9

detrimental to the development of the auditory system

Time: 3634.41

is that these tonotopic maps don't form normally;

Time: 3637.18

at least, they don't in experimental animals.

Time: 3639.07

Now, the reason I'm raising this

Time: 3641.9

is that many people I know, in particular,

Time: 3643.86

friends who have small children, they say,

Time: 3646.367

"I want to use a white noise machine while I sleep.

Time: 3652.01

But is it okay for my baby to use a white noise machine?"

Time: 3656.21

And I consulted with various people, scientists about this.

Time: 3659.78

And they said, "Well, the baby is also hearing

Time: 3663.32

the parent's voices and is hearing music

Time: 3665.141

and it's hearing the dog bark.

Time: 3666.53

So it's not the only thing they're hearing."

Time: 3668.35

However, every single person that I consulted with said,

Time: 3672.737

"But there's neuroplasticity during sleep.

Time: 3675.85

That's when the kid is sleeping.

Time: 3677.7

And I don't know that you'd want to expose a child

Time: 3680.51

to white noise the entire night,

Time: 3682.6

because it might degrade that tonotopic map."

Time: 3686.15

It might not destroy it.

Time: 3687.64

It might not eliminate it,

Time: 3688.91

but it could make it a little less clear,

Time: 3692.04

like taking the keys on the piano

Time: 3694.627

and taping a few of them together, right?

Time: 3697.4

So you still got the highs and lows in the appropriate order

Time: 3699.98

and everything in between.

Time: 3701.11

But when you take the keys together,

Time: 3702.75

you don't get the same fidelity.

Time: 3704.36

You don't get the same precision of the noise

Time: 3707.95

that comes out of that piano.

Time: 3709.926

So, again, I don't want to scare anybody,

Time: 3712.96

but I would say if you are in a position

Time: 3714.63

to make the choice of either using white noise

Time: 3717.63

or something similar, pink noise is just a variation.

Time: 3720.31

It's got a little bit more of a certain frequency,

Time: 3722.3

just like pink light has a little bit more

Time: 3724.22

of a certain wavelength than white light.

Time: 3727.22

If you are in a position to make choices

Time: 3731.06

about things, to put in a young,

Time: 3733.89

especially very young child's sleeping environment,

Time: 3736.43

white noise might be something to consider avoiding.

Time: 3739.72

Again, I'm not telling you what to do,

Time: 3741.24

but it's something to perhaps consider avoiding.

Time: 3743.77

I don't think most pediatricians

Time: 3745.43

are going to be aware of these data,

Time: 3747.34

but if you talk to any auditory physiologists

Time: 3750.25

or an audiologist or somebody

Time: 3751.99

who studies auditory development,

Time: 3754.33

I'm fairly certain that they would have opinions about that.

Time: 3757.24

Now, whether or not their opinions agree with mine

Time: 3759.48

and these folks that I consulted with or not

Time: 3761.87

is a separate matter.

Time: 3762.703

I don't know, cause I don't know them,

Time: 3765

but it's something that I felt was important enough

Time: 3767.32

to cue you to, especially since I've highlighted,

Time: 3771.49

excuse me, the opposite effect is true in adulthood.

Time: 3774.11

Once your auditory system has formed,

Time: 3776.5

once it's established these tonotopic maps,

Time: 3778.68

then the presence of background white noise

Time: 3781.2

should not be a problem at all.

Time: 3782.76

In fact, it shouldn't be a problem at all

Time: 3785.28

because you're also not attending to it.

Time: 3787.33

The idea is that it's playing at a low enough volume

Time: 3789.5

that you forget it in the background

Time: 3791.12

and that it's supporting learning

Time: 3792.68

by bringing your brain into a heightened state of alertness

Time: 3795.23

and, especially, this heightened state of dopamine,

Time: 3797.97

dopaminergic activation of the brain,

Time: 3799.83

which will make it easier to learn faster

Time: 3802.39

and easier to learn the information.

Time: 3804.72

So now I want to talk about auditory learning

Time: 3807.38

and actually how you can get better

Time: 3809.03

at learning information that you hear,

Time: 3810.98

not just information that you see on a page

Time: 3813.89

or motor skill learning.

Time: 3815.96

There are a lot of reasons to want to do this.

Time: 3817.59

A lot of classroom teaching, whether or not it's by Zoom

Time: 3820.27

or in-person is auditory in nature.

Time: 3822.99

Not everything is necessarily written down for us.

Time: 3827.12

It's also good to get better at listening or so I'm told.

Time: 3832.26

So there's a phenomenon called the cocktail party effect.

Time: 3835.99

Now, even if you've never been to a cocktail party,

Time: 3838.1

you've experienced and participated

Time: 3840.451

in what's called the cocktail party effect.

Time: 3842.93

The cocktail party effect is where you are

Time: 3844.84

in an environment that's rich with sound,

Time: 3847.13

many sound waves coming from many different sources,

Time: 3849.78

many different things,

Time: 3850.613

so in a city, in a classroom,

Time: 3853.26

in a car that contains people having various conversations,

Time: 3857.53

you somehow need to be able to attend to specific components

Time: 3862.07

of those sound waves, meaning you need

Time: 3863.45

to hear certain people and not others.

Time: 3865.67

The reason it's called the cocktail party effect

Time: 3867.97

is that you and meaning your brain

Time: 3871.195

are exquisitely good at creating

Time: 3875.59

a cone of auditory attention,

Time: 3877.66

a narrow band of attention with which you can extract

Time: 3880.98

the information you care about

Time: 3882.81

and wipe away or erase all the rest.

Time: 3887.21

Now this takes work, it takes attention.

Time: 3890.4

One of the reasons why you might come home from

Time: 3893.4

a loud gathering, maybe a stadium, a sports event

Time: 3896

or a cocktail party, for that matter,

Time: 3897.84

and feel just exhausted is because if you were listening

Time: 3900.6

to conversations there or trying to listen

Time: 3902.52

to those conversations while watching the game

Time: 3904.46

and people moving past you and hearing all this noise,

Time: 3908.03

clinking of glasses, et cetera,

Time: 3910.56

it takes attentional effort and the brain uses up

Time: 3914.48

a lot of energy just at rest,

Time: 3917.56

but it uses up even more energy

Time: 3919.97

when you are paying strong attention to something,

Time: 3922.2

literally caloric energy burning up things like glucose,

Time: 3925.08

et cetera, even if you're ketogenic, it's burning up energy.

Time: 3928.69

So the cocktail party effect has been studied extensively

Time: 3932.7

in the field of neuroscience and we now know

Time: 3934.87

at a mechanistic level, how one accomplishes

Time: 3938.1

this feat of attending to certain sounds,

Time: 3940.78

despite the fact that we are being bombarded

Time: 3943.51

with all sorts of other sounds.

Time: 3945.41

So there are a couple ways that we do this.

Time: 3946.9

First of all, much as with our visual system,

Time: 3952

we can expand or contract our visual field of view,

Time: 3957.79

so we can go from panoramic vision,

Time: 3959.61

see the entire scene that we are in by dilating our gaze,

Time: 3963.36

talked a lot about this on this podcast and elsewhere.

Time: 3965.9

We can, for instance, keep our head and eyes stationary

Time: 3968.56

or mostly stationary, you don't have to be rigid about it,

Time: 3970.61

and you can expand your field of view

Time: 3972.01

so you can see the walls and ceiling and floor,

Time: 3974.24

can see yourself in the environment, that's panoramic view.

Time: 3976.413

It's what you would accomplish without having to try at all

Time: 3978.92

if you went to a horizon, for instance,

Time: 3981.91

or we can contract our field of view,

Time: 3983.55

I can bring my focus to a particular location,

Time: 3986.423

what we call a vergence point, directly in front of me.

Time: 3988.61

Now I'm pointing at the camera directly in front of me.

Time: 3991.74

We can do that, we can expand and contract

Time: 3993.24

our visual field of view.

Time: 3994.26

Well, we can expand and contract our auditory field of view,

Time: 4000.24

so to speak, our auditory window.

Time: 4003.14

You can try this next time you are in an environment

Time: 4006.43

that's rich with noise, meaning lots of different sounds.

Time: 4009.5

You can just tune out all the noise to a background chatter.

Time: 4014.76

You try not focus on any one particular sound

Time: 4019.31

and you get the background chatter of noise.

Time: 4022.89

And you'll find that it's actually very relaxing

Time: 4025.07

in comparison to trying to listen to somebody

Time: 4026.89

at a cocktail party or shouting back and forth.

Time: 4028.61

Now, if you're very, very interested in that person,

Time: 4030.61

or getting to know them better or what they're telling you,

Time: 4033.97

or some combination of those things,

Time: 4035.47

then you'll be very motivated to do it

Time: 4037.47

but nonetheless, it requires energy

Time: 4039.67

and effort and attention.

Time: 4042.31

How do we do this?

Time: 4043.3

Well, it's actually quite simple

Time: 4047.3

or, at least, it's simple, in essence,

Time: 4049.65

although the underlying mechanisms are complex.

Time: 4052.78

Here, I have to credit the laboratory

Time: 4055.93

of a guy named Mike Wehr, W-E-H-R,

Time: 4059.61

up at the University of Oregon who essentially

Time: 4063.5

figured out that we are able to accomplish

Time: 4065.93

this extraction of particular sounds.

Time: 4068.5

We can really hear one person or a small number of people

Time: 4072.18

amidst a huge background of chatter

Time: 4074.87

because we pay attention to the onset of words,

Time: 4080.01

but also to the offset of words.

Time: 4083.02

Now, the way to visualize this is if the background noise

Time: 4087.07

is just like a bunch of waves of noise,

Time: 4088.95

it's literally just sound waves coming every frequency,

Time: 4091.37

low frequency, high frequency, glasses clinking together.

Time: 4093.75

If you've got a game, people are shouting,

Time: 4095.24

people are talking on their phone,

Time: 4097.12

there's the crack of the ball,

Time: 4098.27

if somebody actually manages to hit the ball,

Time: 4102.84

the announcer, et cetera,

Time: 4104.4

but whatever we were paying attention to,

Time: 4107.34

we set up a cone of auditory attention,

Time: 4109.862

a tunnel of auditory attention, where we are listening

Time: 4113.47

although we don't realize it, we are listening

Time: 4114.96

for the onset and the offset of those words.

Time: 4119.11

Now this is powerful for a couple of reasons.

Time: 4121.71

First of all, it's a call to arms, so to speak,

Time: 4127.38

to disengage your auditory system

Time: 4130.55

when you don't need to focus your attention

Time: 4132.45

on something particular.

Time: 4133.87

So if you are somebody, you're coming home from work,

Time: 4136.05

you've had a very long day and you're trying to make out

Time: 4140.23

a particular conversation on background noise,

Time: 4143.44

you might consider just not having that conversation,

Time: 4146.42

just letting your auditory landscape be very broad,

Time: 4150.46

almost like panoramic vision.

Time: 4153.09

If you're trying to learn how to extract sound information,

Time: 4157.1

it could be notes of music, it could be scales of music,

Time: 4162.38

it could be words spoken by somebody else,

Time: 4164.83

maybe somebody is telling you what you need to say

Time: 4167.53

for a particular speech or the information

Time: 4170.29

that you need to learn for a particular topic,

Time: 4172.6

and they're telling it to you,

Time: 4174.94

deliberately paying attention both to the onset

Time: 4177.652

and to the offset of those words can be beneficial

Time: 4181.35

because it is exactly the way that the auditory system likes

Time: 4185.32

to bring in information.

Time: 4187.26

So one of the more common phenomenon

Time: 4190.5

that I think we all experience is you go to a party

Time: 4193.701

or you meet somebody new and you say hi,

Time: 4196.21

I would say, "Hi, I'm Andrew."

Time: 4197.4

And they'd say, "Hi, I'm Jeff," for instance.

Time: 4199.797

"Great to meet you."

Time: 4200.63

And then a minute later, I can't remember the guy's name.

Time: 4203.96

Now, is it because I don't care what his name is?

Time: 4205.69

No, somehow the presence

Time: 4208.13

of other auditory information interfered.

Time: 4210.29

It's not that my mind was necessarily someplace else.

Time: 4212.78

It's that the signal-to-noise as we say wasn't high enough.

Time: 4217.54

Somehow the way he said it or the way it landed on my ears,

Time: 4222.49

which is really all that matters,

Time: 4224.236

when it comes down to learning, is such that

Time: 4228.68

it just didn't achieve high enough signal-to-noise.

Time: 4231.65

The noise was too high or the signal was too low

Time: 4233.99

or some combination of those.

Time: 4235.88

So the next time you ask somebody's name,

Time: 4237.49

remember listen to the onset of what they say

Time: 4240.12

and the offset.

Time: 4240.953

So it would be paying attention to the j in Jeff

Time: 4243.99

and it would be paying attention to that in f in F,

Time: 4246.98

in Jeff, excuse me.

Time: 4249.56

And chances are, you'll be able to remember that name.

Time: 4253.16

Now, I don't know if people who are super learners

Time: 4256.44

of names do this naturally or not.

Time: 4259.41

I don't have access to their brains.

Time: 4261.03

I don't think they're going to give me access

Time: 4262.21

to their brains either.

Time: 4263.53

But it's a very interesting way to take the natural biology

Time: 4267.1

of auditory attention and learning and apply it to scenarios

Time: 4270.16

where you're trying to remember either people's names

Time: 4272.645

or specific information.

Time: 4274.57

Now, I do acknowledge that trying to learn every word

Time: 4277.63

in a sentence by paying attention

Time: 4279.53

to its onset and offset could actually be disruptive

Time: 4283.05

to the learning process.

Time: 4284.83

So this would be more for specific attention,

Time: 4287.38

like you're asking directions in a city and somebody says,

Time: 4289.56

okay, you say you're lost and they say, okay,

Time: 4292.27

you're going to go two blocks down,

Time: 4294.58

you're going to turn left.

Time: 4295.87

And then you're going to see a landmark on your right.

Time: 4297.86

And then you're going to go in the third door on your left.

Time: 4302.9

That's a lot of information, at least, for me.

Time: 4305.45

So the way you would want to listen to that

Time: 4307.82

is you're going to go down the road.

Time: 4310.31

See, I already forgot.

Time: 4312.334

You're going to go left and you're just going to program

Time: 4314.87

and instead of just hearing the word left,

Time: 4316.24

you're going to think the L at the front of left and the T.

Time: 4319.92

You're going to left, okay.

Time: 4323.05

So you're coding in specific words.

Time: 4325.09

And what this does is this hijacks

Time: 4327.81

these naturally-occurring attention mechanisms

Time: 4330.11

that the auditory system likes to use.

Time: 4332.55

So a little bit of data that for auditory encoding,

Time: 4335.5

this kind of thing can be beneficial.

Time: 4337.69

There are a lot of data that attention

Time: 4340.61

for auditory coding is beneficial.

Time: 4343.7

There are a little bit of data showing

Time: 4346.7

that deliberately encoding auditory information this way,

Time: 4350.02

meaning trying to learn auditory information this way

Time: 4352.8

can be beneficial or can accelerate learning.

Time: 4355.59

And some of these features of what I'm describing here,

Time: 4359.03

map onto some of the work that of Mike Merzenich and others

Time: 4363.63

that have been designed to try and overcome things

Time: 4366.55

like stutter and to treat various forms

Time: 4369.8

of auditory learning disorders.

Time: 4372.22

But more importantly, and perhaps more powerful

Time: 4376.64

is the work of Mike Merzenich that was done

Time: 4379.56

with his then graduate student, Gregg Recanzone

Time: 4382.86

that showed that, using the attentional system,

Time: 4386.74

we can actually learn much faster

Time: 4389.4

and we can actually activate neuroplasticity

Time: 4392.71

in the adult brain, something that's very challenging to do.

Time: 4396.04

And that the auditory system is one of the main ways

Time: 4399.5

in which we can access neuroplasticity more broadly.

Time: 4402.62

So I just want to take a couple of minutes

Time: 4404.16

and describe the work of Recanzone and Merzenich,

Time: 4406.39

because it's absolutely fantastic and fascinating.

Time: 4410.55

What they did is they had subjects try

Time: 4414.36

to learn auditory information,

Time: 4416.98

except that they told them to pay attention

Time: 4420.06

to particular frequencies.

Time: 4422.44

So now you know what frequencies are

Time: 4423.79

so, essentially, high-pitched sounds or low-pitched sounds.

Time: 4428.66

What they found was just passively listening

Time: 4432.34

to a bunch of stuff does not allow the brain to change

Time: 4436.22

and for that stuff to be remembered at all.

Time: 4438.96

That's not a surprise.

Time: 4439.97

We've all experienced the phenomenon

Time: 4442.66

of having someone talk and we see their mouth moving

Time: 4444.66

and we're like, yeah, this is really important,

Time: 4445.869

this is really important.

Time: 4446.71

We're listening. We're trying to listen.

Time: 4448.04

And then they walk away and we think

Time: 4449.32

I didn't get any of that.

Time: 4451.37

And you wonder whether or not it was them,

Time: 4453.38

maybe this is happening to you right now.

Time: 4455.08

You wonder whether or not it was you,

Time: 4457.75

you wonder whether or not you have trouble with learning

Time: 4459.77

or you have attention deficit.

Time: 4461.27

It could be any number of different things.

Time: 4463.21

But what Recanzone and Merzenich discovered

Time: 4465.3

was that if you instruct subjects to listen

Time: 4468.52

for particular cues within speech, or within sounds,

Time: 4472.81

that not only can you learn those things more quickly,

Time: 4475.78

but that you can remap these tonotopic maps in the cortex

Time: 4482.11

that I referred to earlier.

Time: 4483.17

You actually get changes in the neural architecture,

Time: 4485.47

the neural circuitry in the brain,

Time: 4487.02

and this can occur not only very rapidly,

Time: 4490.68

but they can occur in the adult brain,

Time: 4493.13

which prior to their work was not thought

Time: 4495.73

to be amenable to change.

Time: 4497.38

It was long thought that neuroplasticity

Time: 4499.45

could only occur in the developing brain,

Time: 4501.26

but the work of Recanzone and Merzenich

Time: 4503.23

in the auditory system actually was some of the first

Time: 4506.82

that really opened up everybody's eyes and ears

Time: 4510.75

to the idea that the brain can change in adulthood.

Time: 4514.1

So here's how this sort of process would work

Time: 4516.127

and how you might apply it.

Time: 4518.37

If you are trying to learn music,

Time: 4520.58

or you're trying to learn information

Time: 4523.56

that you're going to then recite,

Time: 4526.62

you can decide to highlight certain words

Time: 4529.781

or certain frequencies of sound

Time: 4533.67

or certain scales or certain keys on the piano,

Time: 4536.42

and to only focus on those for certain learning bouts.

Time: 4540.27

So I'll give an example that's real time for me,

Time: 4544.35

meaning it's happening right now.

Time: 4547.89

I know generally what I want to say when I arrive here,

Time: 4551.37

I even know specifically certain things

Time: 4553.32

that I want to make sure get across to you,

Time: 4556.42

but I don't think about every single word

Time: 4558.94

that I'm going to say and the precise order

Time: 4561.5

in which I'm going to say those things.

Time: 4563.33

That would be actually very disruptive

Time: 4565.24

because it wouldn't match my normal patterns of speech

Time: 4567.54

and you'd probably think I was sounding rather robotic

Time: 4570.158

if I were to do that.

Time: 4573.24

So one way that we can remember information

Time: 4575.56

is as we write out, for instance,

Time: 4577.47

something that we want to say,

Time: 4579.19

we can highlight particular words, we can underline those.

Time: 4583.15

If we're listening to somebody

Time: 4585.56

and they're telling us information,

Time: 4588.81

we can decide just to highlight particular words

Time: 4591.78

that they said to us and write those down.

Time: 4594.43

Now, of course, we're listening to all the information,

Time: 4597.02

but the work of Recanzone and Merzenich

Time: 4599.9

and the work of others in addition to his former student

Time: 4604.35

or former post-doc, I don't know which,

Time: 4606.66

Michael Kilgard who's now got his own lab down in Texas

Time: 4609.58

or others have shown that the cuing of attention

Time: 4612.48

to particular features of speech,

Time: 4614.73

particular components of speech,

Time: 4617.06

the way in which it increases our level of attention overall

Time: 4620.46

allows us to capture more of the information overall.

Time: 4624.14

And so I don't want this to be abstract at all.

Time: 4626.01

What this means is when you're listening,

Time: 4627.9

you don't have to listen to every word.

Time: 4630.43

You're already listening to every word.

Time: 4632.12

All the information is coming in through your ears.

Time: 4634.41

What you're trying to extract is particular things

Time: 4638.78

or themes within the content.

Time: 4640.77

So maybe you decide if you're listening to me

Time: 4642.62

that you're only going to listen to the word tools,

Time: 4646.21

or you're only going to listen

Time: 4647.25

to when my voice goes above background,

Time: 4649.84

you get to decide what you decide to listen to or not.

Time: 4652.72

And what you decide to focus on isn't necessarily

Time: 4656.14

as important as the fact that you're focusing.

Time: 4659.28

So I hope that's clear.

Time: 4660.57

The auditory system does this all the time

Time: 4662.84

with the cocktail party effect.

Time: 4664.04

What I'm talking about is exporting certain elements

Time: 4666.75

of the mechanisms of the cocktail party effect,

Time: 4669.41

paying attention to the onset and offset of words

Time: 4671.85

or particular notes within music or particular scales,

Time: 4675.55

or you can make it even broader and particular motifs

Time: 4679.56

of music or particular sentences of words

Time: 4682.31

or particular phrases.

Time: 4683.55

And in doing that, you extract more

Time: 4685.91

of the information overall,

Time: 4688.32

even though you're not paying attention

Time: 4689.53

to all the information at once.

Time: 4691.81

Now, I'd like to talk about a phenomenon

Time: 4693.46

that you've all experienced before, which is called Doppler.

Time: 4697.95

So the Doppler effect is the way that we experience sound

Time: 4704.34

when the thing that's making that sound is moving.

Time: 4708.92

The simplest way to explain this is to translate the sound

Time: 4712.52

into the visual world once again.

Time: 4715.42

So if you've ever seen a duck or a goose sitting

Time: 4719.8

in a pond or a lake and it's bobbing up and down,

Time: 4724.44

what you'll notice is that the ripples of water

Time: 4726.62

that extend out from that duck or goose

Time: 4729.4

are fairly regularly spaced in all directions.

Time: 4732.09

And that's because that duck or goose is stationary.

Time: 4734.76

It's moving up and down, but it's not moving forward

Time: 4736.81

or backward or to the side.

Time: 4739.01

Now, if that duck or goose were to swim forward

Time: 4742.13

by paddling its little webbed feet under the surface,

Time: 4745.94

you would immediately notice that the ripples of water

Time: 4749.12

that are close to and in front of that duck or goose

Time: 4752.49

would be closer together than the ones that trailed it,

Time: 4755.52

that were behind.

Time: 4756.95

And that is essentially what happens with sound as well.

Time: 4760.767

With the Doppler effect, we experience sounds

Time: 4764.7

that are closer to us at higher frequency,

Time: 4766.93

the ripples are closer together,

Time: 4769.34

and sounds that are further away at lower frequency,

Time: 4772.73

especially when they're moving past us.

Time: 4775.04

So if you've ever, for instance, heard a siren

Time: 4778.13

in the distance, [humming]

Time: 4787.81

that's essentially my rendition of a siren,

Time: 4790.44

I don't know what ambulance or police or what,

Time: 4792.89

passing you on a street, that is the Doppler effect.

Time: 4797.32

The Doppler effect is one of the main ways

Time: 4799.96

that we make out the direction that things are arriving

Time: 4804.63

from and their speeds and trajectories.

Time: 4808.05

And we get very good, from a very young age,

Time: 4811.71

at discerning what direction things are arriving from

Time: 4815.33

and the direction that they are going to pass us in.

Time: 4819.35

And the Doppler effect has probably saved

Time: 4820.85

your life many, many times.

Time: 4823.03

In this way, you just don't realize it

Time: 4824.57

because you'll step off the curb

Time: 4825.637

or you're driving your car and you pull to the side

Time: 4829.34

so that the ambulance or firetruck can go by

Time: 4832.16

because you heard that siren off in the distance,

Time: 4837.09

and then you pull away from the curb

Time: 4838.55

and you get back on the road in part,

Time: 4840.45

because you don't see it any longer,

Time: 4841.88

but also you don't hear any other sirens in the distance.

Time: 4844.97

Now, some animals such as bats are exquisitely good

Time: 4849.04

at navigating their environments according to sound.

Time: 4851.95

Now, we've all heard that bats don't see.

Time: 4855.35

That's actually not true.

Time: 4856.4

They actually have vision,

Time: 4857.71

but they just rely more heavily on their auditory system.

Time: 4860.38

And the way that bats navigate in the dark

Time: 4863.54

and the way that bats navigate using sound

Time: 4866.3

is through Doppler.

Time: 4867.89

Now, they don't simply listen to whether or not things

Time: 4871.61

are coming at them or moving away from them

Time: 4874.66

and pay attention to the Doppler like the siren example

Time: 4877.33

I gave for you.

Time: 4878.94

What they do is they generate their own sounds.

Time: 4882.64

So a bat, as it flies around is sending out clicks,

Time: 4887.857

[Andrew clicks tongue]

Time: 4889.13

I think that's my best bat sound or maybe it's

Time: 4890.913

[Andrew clicks tongue]

Time: 4892.37

and they're clicking, they're actually propelling sound out

Time: 4895.12

at a particular frequency that they know.

Time: 4898.35

Now, whether or not they're conscious of it, I don't know.

Time: 4900.21

I've never asked them.

Time: 4901.043

And if I did ask them, I don't think they could answer.

Time: 4902.307

And if they could answer, they couldn't answer

Time: 4903.91

in a language that I could understand.

Time: 4905.86

But the bat is essentially flying around,

Time: 4908.16

sending out sound waves, pinging its environment

Time: 4911.35

with sound waves of a particular frequency

Time: 4913.38

and then depending on the frequency of sound waves

Time: 4915.84

that come back, they know if they're getting closer

Time: 4918.93

to an object or further away from it.

Time: 4921.16

So if they send out sounds at a frequency of,

Time: 4924.77

this was much slower than it would actually occur,

Time: 4926.7

but let's say one every half second, [whining]

Time: 4930.75

and it's coming back even faster [roars]

Time: 4933.81

then they know they're getting closer

Time: 4935.76

because of the Doppler effect.

Time: 4938.04

And if it comes back more slowly,

Time: 4940.28

they know that there's nothing in front of them.

Time: 4942.31

So the bat is essentially navigating its world

Time: 4945.88

by creating these auras of sound

Time: 4949.42

that bounce back on to them

Time: 4951.71

from the various objects, trees, et cetera,

Time: 4953.93

buildings and people, it's kind of eerie to think about.

Time: 4956.42

But yes, they see you, they experience you with their sound,

Time: 4959.92

they sense you and they're using Doppler to accomplish it.

Time: 4964.46

Now I'd like to talk about ringing in the ears.

Time: 4968.01

This is something that I get asked about a lot.

Time: 4971.04

And speaking of signal-to-noise,

Time: 4973.38

I don't know if I get asked about it a lot,

Time: 4975.58

because many people suffer from ringing in their ears,

Time: 4978.95

or because the people who suffer from ringing

Time: 4981.31

in their ears suffer so much

Time: 4983.14

that they are more prone to ask.

Time: 4985.51

So it could be a sampling bias, I don't know,

Time: 4988.33

but I've been asked enough times and some of the experiences

Time: 4992.05

of discomfort that people have expressed

Time: 4994.38

about having this ringing of the ears

Time: 4997.34

really motivated me to go deep into this literature.

Time: 5000.69

So the ringing of the ears that one experiences

Time: 5004.18

is called tinnitus, not ti-nahy-tus, but tinnitus.

Time: 5009.8

And tinnitus can vary in intensity

Time: 5012.75

and it can vary according to stress levels,

Time: 5016.25

it can vary across the lifespan or even time of day.

Time: 5020.55

So it's very subject to background effects

Time: 5023.41

and contextual effects.

Time: 5025.84

So I think we all know that we should do our best

Time: 5028.84

to maximize healthy sleep.

Time: 5030.21

We did a number of episodes on that.

Time: 5032.07

Essentially, the first four episodes

Time: 5033.82

of the Huberman Lab Podcast were all about sleep

Time: 5035.66

and how to get better sleep.

Time: 5038.2

We all know that we should try and limit our stress.

Time: 5040.15

And we had an episode about stress

Time: 5042.25

and ways to mitigate stress as well.

Time: 5045.99

However, there are people, it seems,

Time: 5048.47

that are suffering from tinnitus,

Time: 5049.89

for which stress or lack of sleep

Time: 5052.45

just can't explain the presence of the tinnitus.

Time: 5055.93

Tinnitus can be caused by disruption

Time: 5059.65

to these hair cells that we talked about earlier

Time: 5061.61

or damage to the hair cells.

Time: 5063.71

So that's another reason why,

Time: 5065.23

even if you have good hearing now

Time: 5068.46

that you want to protect that hearing

Time: 5070.09

and really avoid putting yourself

Time: 5072.59

into these two-hit environments,

Time: 5074.71

environments where there's a lot of background noise,

Time: 5076.96

and then you add another really loud auditory stimulus.

Time: 5080.99

This also can happen at different times, I should mention.

Time: 5083.57

If you go to a concert or you listen to loud music

Time: 5086.91

with your headphones and then you go to a concert,

Time: 5089.66

or you go into a very loud work environment,

Time: 5092.17

the hair cells can still be vulnerable.

Time: 5093.96

And once those hair cells are knocked out, currently,

Time: 5097.12

we don't have the technology to put them back.

Time: 5098.84

Although many groups, including some excellent groups

Time: 5101.14

at Stanford and elsewhere, too, of course,

Time: 5103.985

are working on ways to replenish those hair cells

Time: 5107.32

and restore hearing.

Time: 5109.84

There are treatments for tinnitus

Time: 5111.57

that involve taking certain substances.

Time: 5117.39

There are medications for tinnitus.

Time: 5119.93

In the non-prescription landscape,

Time: 5121.85

which is typically what we discuss on this podcast,

Time: 5124.32

when we discuss taking anything,

Time: 5127.66

there are, essentially, four compounds

Time: 5129.67

for which there are quality peer-reviewed data,

Time: 5132.62

where there does not appear to be any overt commercial bias,

Time: 5136.91

meaning that nothing's reported in the papers

Time: 5139.1

as funding from a particular company

Time: 5141.13

and those are melatonin, Ginkgo bilboa, zinc and magnesium.

Time: 5146.47

Now I've talked about melatonin before.

Time: 5149.11

I'm personally not a fan of melatonin as a sleep aid,

Time: 5153.13

but there are four studies, first one entitled:

Time: 5157.22

The Effects of Melatonin on Tinnitus,

Time: 5160.48

tinnitus, excuse me, and Sleep.

Time: 5162.7

Second one, Treatment of Central and Sensory Neural Tinnitus

Time: 5165.8

with orally-administered melatonin.

Time: 5167.67

And then the title goes on much longer,

Time: 5169.66

but it's a randomized study.

Time: 5171.6

I'm not going to read out all these.

Time: 5172.73

Melatonin: Can it Stop The ringing?

Time: 5174.68

which is an interesting article, double-blinded study,

Time: 5177.73

and The Effects of Melatonin on Tinnitus.

Time: 5181.05

Each one of these studies has anywhere from 30

Time: 5183.86

to more than 100 subjects, in one case 102 subjects;

Time: 5188.29

both genders as they list them out,

Time: 5191.01

typically, it's listed as sex, not gender in studies

Time: 5194.09

so it should say both sexes, but nonetheless;

Time: 5198.665

an age range anywhere from 30 years old,

Time: 5202.62

all the way up to 65 plus.

Time: 5204.43

I didn't see any studies of people younger than 30.

Time: 5208.79

All three focused on melatonin, not surprisingly,

Time: 5212.98

because of the titles, looking at a range

Time: 5215.5

of dosages anywhere from three milligrams per day,

Time: 5218.65

which is sort of typical of many supplements for melatonin,

Time: 5222.32

still much higher than one would manufacture endogenously

Time: 5226.48

through your own pineal gland,

Time: 5228.35

but three milligrams in these studies

Time: 5232.34

for a duration of anywhere from 30 days

Time: 5235.37

to much longer in some cases, six months.

Time: 5239.27

And all four of these studies found modest

Time: 5242.72

yet still statistically significant effects

Time: 5245.623

of taking melatonin by mouth,

Time: 5248.24

so it's orally-administered melatonin

Time: 5251.39

in reducing the severity of tinnitus.

Time: 5256.33

So that's compelling, at least to me.

Time: 5258.376

It doesn't sound like a cure.

Time: 5260.97

And, of course, as always, I'm not a physician,

Time: 5264.46

I'm a scientist, so I don't prescribe anything.

Time: 5266.52

I only profess things, I report to you the science.

Time: 5268.66

You have to decide if melatonin is right for you

Time: 5271.1

if you have tinnitus.

Time: 5273.14

And certainly, I say that both to protect myself,

Time: 5276.3

but also protect you.

Time: 5277.59

You're responsible for your health and wellbeing.

Time: 5280.04

And I'm not telling anyone to run out

Time: 5282.38

and start taking melatonin for tinnitus,

Time: 5284.951

but it does seem that it can have some effects

Time: 5287.35

in reducing its symptoms.

Time: 5290.41

Ginkgo Boaboa is an interesting compound.

Time: 5293.188

It's been prescribed for or recommended

Time: 5296.56

for many, many things, but there are a few studies,

Time: 5301.9

again, double-blinded studies lasting one to six months,

Time: 5305.147

one that has have an impressive number of subjects,

Time: 5307.97

978 subjects ranging from age 18 all the way up to 65

Time: 5313.13

so on and so forth that show not huge effects of Ginkgo,

Time: 5320.49

but as they quote, limited evidence suggests

Time: 5323.25

that if tinnitus is a side effect of something else,

Time: 5327.22

in particular, cognitive decline,

Time: 5329.47

so age-related tinnitus might be helped by Ginkgo Boaboa.

Time: 5336.84

I won't go through all the details of the zinc studies,

Time: 5339.01

but it seems that zinc supplementation

Time: 5340.65

at higher levels than are typical

Time: 5342.33

of most people's intakes of 50 milligrams per day,

Time: 5345.32

do appear to be able to reduce subjective symptoms

Time: 5347.5

of tinnitus in most of the people

Time: 5350

that took the supplemented zinc.

Time: 5351.75

There aren't a lot of studies on that.

Time: 5353.9

So I could only find one double-blinded study.

Time: 5356.84

It lasted anywhere from one to six months,

Time: 5358.75

41 subjects, both genders listed out again here, 45 to 64,

Time: 5363.43

and they saw a decrease in the severity of tinnitus symptoms

Time: 5366.913

with 50 milligrams of elemental zinc supplementation.

Time: 5371.19

And then last but not least is the magnesium study.

Time: 5374.37

Again, only a single study.

Time: 5376.41

It's a Phase II study looking

Time: 5378.75

at a fairly limited number of subjects,

Time: 5381.03

so only 19 subjects taking 532 milligrams

Time: 5385.16

of elemental magnesium.

Time: 5386.5

For those of you that take magnesium,

Time: 5387.76

there's magnesium and elemental magnesium,

Time: 5389.6

and it's always translated on the bottle,

Time: 5392.32

but it was associated with a lessening of symptoms

Time: 5394.8

related to tinnitus.

Time: 5396.09

So for you tinnitus sufferers out there,

Time: 5399.77

you may already be aware of this,

Time: 5401.23

you may already be taking these things

Time: 5403.386

and had no positive effects,

Time: 5406.31

meaning they didn't help, maybe not.

Time: 5408.47

I hope that you'll, at least, consider these,

Time: 5411.57

talk to your doctor about them.

Time: 5413.16

I do realize that tinnitus is extremely disruptive.

Time: 5416.3

I can't say I empathize because I don't,

Time: 5420.09

from a place of experience, that is,

Time: 5421.54

because I don't have tinnitus,

Time: 5422.69

but for those of you that don't include myself,

Time: 5424.67

you can imagine that hearing sounds of things

Time: 5427.62

that aren't there and the ringing in one's ears

Time: 5429.51

can be very disruptive and I think would be very disruptive

Time: 5433.03

and explains why people with tinnitus reach out so often

Time: 5436.34

with questions about how to alleviate that.

Time: 5438.41

And I hope this information was useful to you.

Time: 5440.87

I'd like to now talk about balance and our sense of balance,

Time: 5444.84

which is controlled by, believe it or not,

Time: 5448.08

our ears and things in our ears,

Time: 5451

as well as by our brain and elements of our spinal cord.

Time: 5455.59

But before I do that, I want to ask you another question

Time: 5458.19

or I would rather, I'd like to ask you to ask yourself

Time: 5461.85

a question and answer it, which is how big are your ears.

Time: 5467.26

It turns out that the ears grow our entire life.

Time: 5471.98

In the early stage of our life, they grow more slowly.

Time: 5475.43

And then as we age, they grow more quickly.

Time: 5479.15

You may have noticed if you have family members

Time: 5482.14

who are well into their 70s and 80s,

Time: 5485.038

and if you're fortunate, into their 90s

Time: 5488.847

and maybe even 100s, is that the ears

Time: 5492.2

of some of these individuals get very, very big,

Time: 5495.2

relative to their previous ear sizes.

Time: 5498.586

So it turns out that biological age

Time: 5501.47

can actually be measured according to ear size.

Time: 5506.21

Now you have to take a few measurements but there's,

Time: 5508.35

believe it or not, there is a formula

Time: 5510.43

in the scientific literature,

Time: 5513.91

if you know your ear circumference,

Time: 5516.6

so the distance around your ear, ears, plural,

Time: 5521.34

presumably you have two, most people do,

Time: 5524.44

in millimeters, so you're going to take the circumference

Time: 5527.51

of your ears in millimeters.

Time: 5528.47

How would you do this?

Time: 5530.17

How would you do this?

Time: 5531.07

Maybe you take a string and you put it around your ear,

Time: 5534.34

and then you measure the string.

Time: 5535.45

That's probably going to be easier than marching around

Time: 5538.11

your ear or somebody else's ear with a ruler

Time: 5540.42

and measuring in millimeters.

Time: 5541.61

So what's your ear circumference, on the outside,

Time: 5544.81

don't go in on the divot or anything.

Time: 5546.41

You're just going around as if you're going to trace

Time: 5548.07

the closest fitting oval,

Time: 5550.91

assuming your ears are oval, closest fitting oval

Time: 5553.91

that matches your ear circumference.

Time: 5557.02

Take that number in millimeters, subtract from it...

Time: 5560.95

Oh, excuse me, I should do this correctly.

Time: 5563.27

Do that for both ears, add them together,

Time: 5566.08

add those numbers together, divide by two,

Time: 5567.89

get the average for your two ears,

Time: 5570.16

get your average ear circumference,

Time: 5571.85

of course, your two ears.

Time: 5573.56

Then take that number in millimeters,

Time: 5575.96

subtract 88.1 and then whatever value that is,

Time: 5581.44

multiply it times 1.96

Time: 5584.4

and that will tell you your biological age.

Time: 5587.4

Now why in the world would this be accurate?

Time: 5592

As we age, there are changes in number

Time: 5594.13

of different biological pathways.

Time: 5597.66

One of those pathways is the pathways related

Time: 5599.73

to collagen synthesis.

Time: 5601.78

So not only are our ears growing,

Time: 5604.57

but our noses are growing too,

Time: 5606.717

and my nose seems to be growing a lot.

Time: 5608.93

But then again, I did sports where I would get

Time: 5610.46

my nose broken, something I don't recommend.

Time: 5612.51

As I always point out, you don't get

Time: 5613.46

a nose like mine doing yoga, but nonetheless,

Time: 5617.27

my nose is still growing and my ears are still growing.

Time: 5619.59

And I suspect as I get older,

Time: 5621.22

if I have the good fortune of living into my 80s and 90s,

Time: 5625.03

my ears are going to continue to grow.

Time: 5627.34

A comparison between chronological age and biological age

Time: 5630.24

is something that's a really deep interest these days

Time: 5632.38

in the work of David Sinclair

Time: 5634.28

at Harvard Medical School and others.

Time: 5637.53

So called Horvath clocks that people have developed

Time: 5641.03

have tapped into how the epigenome and the genome

Time: 5643.908

can give us some insight into our biological age

Time: 5647.85

and how that compares to our chronological age.

Time: 5649.83

Most of us know our chronological age,

Time: 5652.02

because we know when we were born

Time: 5653.89

and we know where we are relative to that now.

Time: 5656.95

But you can start to make a little chart,

Time: 5661.09

if you like, about your rates of ear growth.

Time: 5663.89

Your rates of ear growth actually correlate pretty well

Time: 5666.38

with your rates of biological progression

Time: 5669.67

through this thing that we call life.

Time: 5672.49

So it's not something that we think about too often,

Time: 5674.72

but just like our DNA and our epigenome,

Time: 5678.83

and some other markers of metabolic health

Time: 5681.48

and hormone health relate to our age,

Time: 5683.97

so does our collagen synthesis.

Time: 5686.04

And one of the places that shows up the most

Time: 5687.738

is in these two little goodies on the sides of our heads,

Time: 5690.28

which are our ears.

Time: 5691.76

So even though it's a little bit of a bizarre metric,

Time: 5694.91

it makes perfect sense in the biological context.

Time: 5697.69

So let's talk about balance

Time: 5699.22

and how to get better at balancing.

Time: 5701.7

The reason why we're talking about balance

Time: 5703.33

and how to get better at balancing

Time: 5705

in the episode about hearing is that all the goodies

Time: 5708.93

that are going to allow you to do that are in your ears.

Time: 5713.83

They're also in your brain, but they're mostly in your ears.

Time: 5717.73

So as you recall from the beginning of this episode,

Time: 5719.96

you have two cochlea, cochleas,

Time: 5722.8

that are one on each side of your head.

Time: 5725.63

And that's a little spiral snail-shaped thing

Time: 5727.81

that converts sound waves into electrical signals

Time: 5730.68

that the rest of your brain can understand.

Time: 5733.39

Right next to those,

Time: 5734.71

you have what are called semicircular canals.

Time: 5738.94

The semicircular canals can be best visualized

Time: 5741.46

as thinking about three hula hoops with marbles in them.

Time: 5745.38

So imagine that you have a hula hoop

Time: 5748.36

and it's not filled with marbles all the way around,

Time: 5751.42

it's just got some marbles down there at the base.

Time: 5754.91

So if you were to move that hula hoop around,

Time: 5757.31

the marbles would move around, [shushing].

Time: 5760.89

You've got three of those and each one of those hula hoops

Time: 5763.3

has these marbles that can move around.

Time: 5766.75

One of those hula hoops is positioned vertically

Time: 5771.47

with respect to gravity.

Time: 5772.8

So it's basically parallel to your nose.

Time: 5775.57

It sits like this, if you're watching on a video,

Time: 5777.57

but basically it's upright.

Time: 5779.2

Another one of those hula hoops is basically

Time: 5782.935

at a 90-degree angle to your nose.

Time: 5787.36

It's basically parallel to the floor

Time: 5789.77

if you're standing up right now, if you're seated.

Time: 5793.52

And the other one, it's kind of tilted

Time: 5797.25

about 45 degrees in between those.

Time: 5800.17

Now why is the system there?

Time: 5802.9

Well, those marbles within each one of those hula hoops

Time: 5805.31

can move around, but they'll only move around

Time: 5809.76

if your head moves in a particular way,

Time: 5811.72

and there are three planes or three ways

Time: 5814.56

that your head can move.

Time: 5816.34

Your head can move up and down like I'm nodding right now.

Time: 5820.11

So that's called pitch,

Time: 5821.66

it's pitching forward or pitching back.

Time: 5825.74

So it's a nod, up and down,

Time: 5828.52

or I can shake my head no, side to side.

Time: 5831.57

That's called a yaw.

Time: 5832.94

You pilots will be very familiar with this, yaw.

Time: 5836.04

Not yawn, yaw.

Time: 5838.28

And then there's roll, tilting the head from side to side,

Time: 5842.26

the way that a cute puppy might look at you

Time: 5844.83

from side to side or that if somebody

Time: 5847.36

doesn't really understand or believe what you're saying,

Time: 5850.7

they might tilt their head, very common phenomenon.

Time: 5854.26

I mean, nobody does that to me,

Time: 5855.55

but they do that to each other.

Time: 5857.69

So pitch, yaw and roll are the movements of the head

Time: 5861.96

in each of the three major planes of motion, as we say.

Time: 5865.38

And each one of those causes those marbles

Time: 5869.01

to move in one or two of the various hula hoops.

Time: 5874.53

So if I move my head up and down when I nod,

Time: 5877.25

one of those hula hoops, literally, right now,

Time: 5880.07

the marbles are moving back and forth.

Time: 5881.42

They aren't actually marbles by the way,

Time: 5883.22

these are little, kind of like little stones, basically,

Time: 5888.33

little calcium-like deposits

Time: 5891.02

and when they roll back and forth,

Time: 5893.82

they deflect little hairs,

Time: 5896.79

little hair cells that aren't like the hair cells

Time: 5898.93

that we use for measuring sound waves.

Time: 5901.04

They're not too different, but they are different from them,

Time: 5904.6

not like the hairs on our heads,

Time: 5907.07

but they're basically rolling past

Time: 5909.3

these little hair cells and causing them to deflect

Time: 5912.6

and when they deflect downward, the neurons,

Time: 5915.765

because hair cells are neurons,

Time: 5917.34

send information up to the brain.

Time: 5920.73

So if I move my head like this,

Time: 5922.52

there's a physical movement of these little stones

Time: 5925.57

in this hula hoop as I'm referring to it,

Time: 5928.43

but they deflect these hairs, send those hairs,

Time: 5931.74

which are neurons, those hair cells,

Time: 5933.46

send information off to the brain.

Time: 5934.93

If I move my head from side to side,

Time: 5936.65

different little stones move.

Time: 5938.63

If I roll my head, different stones move.

Time: 5940.89

This is an exquisite system that exists in all animals

Time: 5944.92

that have a jaw.

Time: 5947.55

So any fish that has a jaw has this system,

Time: 5950.61

a puppy has the system,

Time: 5952.3

any animal that has a jaw has this so-called balance system,

Time: 5956.12

which we call the vestibular system.

Time: 5958.29

One of the more important things to know

Time: 5960.12

about the vestibular, the balance system

Time: 5962.5

is that it works together with the visual system.

Time: 5968.1

Let's say I hear something off to my left

Time: 5970.04

and I swing my head over to the left to see what it is.

Time: 5974.165

There are two sources of information about where my head is

Time: 5977.13

relative to my body and I need to know that.

Time: 5979.97

First of all, when I quickly move my head to the side,

Time: 5983.93

those little stones, as I'm referring to them,

Time: 5986.41

I realize they're not actually stones,

Time: 5987.77

but as I'm referring to them,

Time: 5989.44

they quickly, whoom, activate those hair cells

Time: 5992.41

in that one semicircular canal,

Time: 5994.93

and send a signal off to my brain

Time: 5996.91

that my head just moved to the side like this,

Time: 5998.76

not that it went like this and pitched back

Time: 6000.67

or not that it tilted, but it just moved to the side.

Time: 6003.97

But also visual information slid past my field of view.

Time: 6008.75

I didn't have to think about it,

Time: 6009.75

but just slid past my field of view.

Time: 6011.67

And when those two signals combine,

Time: 6015.72

my eyes then lock to a particular location.

Time: 6018.63

Now, if this is at all complicated,

Time: 6021.27

you can actually uncouple these things.

Time: 6023.82

It's very easy to do. You can do this right now.

Time: 6026.21

In fact, I'd like you to do this experiment

Time: 6027.91

if you're not already doing something else

Time: 6029.61

that requires your attention.

Time: 6030.84

And certainly, don't do this if you're driving.

Time: 6033.106

You're going to sit down and you're going to move your head

Time: 6037.22

to the left very slowly with your eyes open.

Time: 6042.09

So you're going to move it very, very slowly.

Time: 6045.39

The whole thing should take about five, six,

Time: 6047.46

maybe even 10 seconds to complete.

Time: 6052.15

Okay, I just did it.

Time: 6053.72

Now, I'm going to do it very quickly.

Time: 6054.98

I'd like you to do it very quickly as well.

Time: 6058.35

Now do it slowly again.

Time: 6064.27

What you probably noticed

Time: 6065.78

is that it's very uncomfortable to do it slowly,

Time: 6069.44

but you can do it very quickly

Time: 6072.07

without much discomfort at all.

Time: 6073.39

You just move your head to the side.

Time: 6074.97

The reason is when you move your head, very slowly,

Time: 6078.81

those little stones at the base of that hula hoop,

Time: 6082.03

they don't get enough momentum to move.

Time: 6084.06

So you're actually not generating this signal

Time: 6087.57

to the brain that your head is moving.

Time: 6089.23

And what you'll notice is that your eyes have to go,

Time: 6091.677

boom, boom, boom, jumping over step-by-step.

Time: 6095.33

Whereas if you move your head really quickly,

Time: 6097.29

the signal gets off to your brain and your eyes

Time: 6098.94

just go boom, right to the location you want to look at.

Time: 6101.88

So moving your body slowly is actually very disruptive

Time: 6106.32

to the vestibular system.

Time: 6108.96

And it's very disruptive to your visual system.

Time: 6112.31

Now, if you've ever had the misfortune

Time: 6113.68

of being on a boat and you're going through big oscillations

Time: 6116.69

on the boat, for those of you seasick,

Time: 6117.842

folks that get seasick,

Time: 6119.69

this can actually make certain people seasick

Time: 6121.51

just to hear about it, those big oscillations

Time: 6124.62

going up and down and up and down.

Time: 6127.04

Those are very disruptive.

Time: 6128.37

We'll talk about nausea in a minute

Time: 6130.06

and how to offset that kind of nausea.

Time: 6132.1

I get pretty seasick, but there are ways

Time: 6133.56

that you can deal with this but this is incredible

Time: 6137.5

because what it means is a purely physical system

Time: 6139.36

of these little stones rolling around in there

Time: 6142.23

and directing where your eyes should go.

Time: 6144.96

So you can do this also just by looking up.

Time: 6147.18

So let's just say, you're sitting in a chair,

Time: 6149.24

you're going to look up towards the ceiling

Time: 6151.04

and your eyes will just go there.

Time: 6152.32

You're doing this eyes open and you look down.

Time: 6154.23

Now try doing it right really, really slowly.

Time: 6162.02

Some people even get motion sick doing this,

Time: 6164.29

which if you do, then just stop.

Time: 6166.24

Okay, so you can do this also to the side,

Time: 6169.12

although it works best if you're moving your head

Time: 6170.451

from side to side and we're nodding up and down.

Time: 6175.37

So what we're doing here is we're uncoupling

Time: 6177.44

these two mechanisms, we're pulling them apart,

Time: 6179.19

the visual part and the vestibular part,

Time: 6180.97

just to illustrate to you that, normally,

Time: 6183.78

these mechanisms in your inner ear tell your eyes

Time: 6187.7

where to go, but as well,

Time: 6190

your eyes tell your balance system, your vestibular system,

Time: 6194.07

how to function.

Time: 6195.45

So I'd like you to do a different experiment.

Time: 6198.05

I'm not going to do it right now, but basically stand up.

Time: 6201.57

If you get the opportunity, you can do this safely,

Time: 6203.26

wherever you are, you're going to stand up

Time: 6205.12

and you're going to look forward about 10, 12 feet.

Time: 6208.02

Pick a point on a wall or you can,

Time: 6209.901

anywhere that you like, if you're out in public,

Time: 6212.67

just do it anyway.

Time: 6213.71

Just tell them you're listening to Huberman Lab Podcasts,

Time: 6216.838

and someone's telling you to do it.

Time: 6218.94

Anyway, if you don't want to do it, don't do it.

Time: 6220.32

But, basically, do it.

Time: 6221.54

Stand on one leg and lift up the other leg.

Time: 6225.16

You can bend your knee, if you like

Time: 6226.58

and just look off into the distance about 10, 12 feet.

Time: 6231.55

If you can do that, if you can stand on one leg,

Time: 6233.6

now close your eyes, chances are you're going

Time: 6237.09

to suddenly feel what scientists call postural sway.

Time: 6240.41

You're going to start swaying around a lot.

Time: 6242.52

It is very hard to balance with your eyes closed.

Time: 6246.634

And if you think about that, it's like, why is that?

Time: 6249.13

That's crazy.

Time: 6250.1

Why would it be that it's hard to balance

Time: 6251.95

with your eyes closed?

Time: 6252.783

Well, information about the visual world also feeds back

Time: 6256.634

onto this vestibular system.

Time: 6258.76

So the vestibular system informs your vision

Time: 6260.77

and tells you where to move your eyes

Time: 6262.16

and your eyes and their positioning tell

Time: 6264.75

your balance system, your vestibular system

Time: 6267.03

how it should function.

Time: 6268.7

So there's a really cool way

Time: 6271.07

that you can learn to optimize balance.

Time: 6273.73

You're not going to try and do this by learning

Time: 6275.37

to balance with your eyes closed.

Time: 6277.33

What you can do is you can raise one leg

Time: 6281.08

and you can look at a short distance,

Time: 6283.04

maybe off to just the distance that your thumb would be

Time: 6285.27

if you were to reach your arm out in front of you.

Time: 6286.73

Although you don't necessarily have to put

Time: 6288.29

your thumb in front of you.

Time: 6289.123

So maybe just about two feet in front of you.

Time: 6291.57

Then while still balancing,

Time: 6292.74

you're going to step your vision out a further distance,

Time: 6296.26

and then a further distance

Time: 6297.45

and as far as you can possibly see

Time: 6298.87

in the environment that you're in.

Time: 6300.45

And then you're going to march it back to you.

Time: 6303.24

Now, what the literature shows

Time: 6305.57

is that this kind of balance training

Time: 6307.59

where you incorporate the visual system and extending out,

Time: 6312.409

and then marching back in the point

Time: 6314.62

at which you direct your visual focus,

Time: 6316.93

sends robust information about the relationship

Time: 6320.51

between your visual world and your balance system.

Time: 6323.793

And, of course, the balance system includes

Time: 6325.49

not just these hula hoops, these semicircular canals,

Time: 6328.59

but they communicate with the cerebellum,

Time: 6330.47

the so-called mini-brain, it actually means mini-brain

Time: 6332.7

in the back of your brain,

Time: 6333.93

combines that with visual information

Time: 6335.47

and your map of the body surface.

Time: 6339.13

That pattern of training is very beneficial

Time: 6344.53

for enhancing your ability to balance

Time: 6347.36

because the ability to balance

Time: 6349.19

is, in part, the activation of particular postural muscles,

Time: 6353.35

but just as much, perhaps even moreso,

Time: 6357.25

it's about being able to adjust those postural muscles,

Time: 6362.5

excuse me, it's about the ability

Time: 6363.688

to adjust those postural muscles

Time: 6365.671

as you experience changes in your visual world.

Time: 6368.77

And one of the most robust ways

Time: 6370.64

that you can engage changes in your visual world

Time: 6373.37

is through your own movement.

Time: 6375.2

And so most people are not trying

Time: 6376.87

to balance in place, right?

Time: 6379.3

They're not just trying to stand there

Time: 6380.6

like a statue on one leg.

Time: 6382.27

Most of what we think about when we think about balance

Time: 6384.22

is for sake of sport or dynamic balance

Time: 6386.8

of being able to break ourselves,

Time: 6389.09

when we're lunging in one particular direction

Time: 6390.87

to stop ourselves, that is,

Time: 6392.22

and then to move in another direction

Time: 6393.96

or for skateboarding or surfing or cycling

Time: 6396.74

or any number of different things, gymnastics.

Time: 6399.21

So the visual system is the primary input

Time: 6401.97

by which you develop balance,

Time: 6403.37

but you can't do it just with the visual system.

Time: 6406.49

So what I'm recommending is if you're interested

Time: 6409.34

in cultivating a sense of balance,

Time: 6410.73

understand the relationship between the semicircular canals,

Time: 6414.47

understand that they are both driving eye movements

Time: 6418.85

and they are driven by eye movements.

Time: 6421.13

It's a reciprocal relationship.

Time: 6423.1

And then even just two or three minutes a day,

Time: 6426.54

or every once in a while, even three times a week,

Time: 6430.04

maybe five minutes, maybe 10 minutes, you pick,

Time: 6433.54

but if you want to enhance balance,

Time: 6434.86

you have to combine changes in your visual environment

Time: 6438.9

with a static posture, standing on one leg

Time: 6441.23

and shifting your visual environment or static visual view,

Time: 6448.36

looking at one thing and changing your body posture.

Time: 6452.44

So those two things,

Time: 6453.69

we now know from the scientific literature,

Time: 6456.047

combine in order to give an enhanced sense of balance.

Time: 6459.07

And there's a really nice paper that was published in 2015

Time: 6462.65

called Effects of Balance Training on Balance Performance.

Time: 6465.59

This was in healthy adults.

Time: 6467.98

It's a systematic review and a meta analysis.

Time: 6471.04

A meta analysis is when you combine

Time: 6472.67

a lot of literature from a lot of different papers

Time: 6474.69

and extract the really robust

Time: 6476.68

and the less robust statistical effects.

Time: 6479.33

So it's a really nice paper as well.

Time: 6482.12

There are some papers out there, for instance,

Time: 6484.96

comparison of static balance

Time: 6486.81

and the role of vision in the elite athletes.

Time: 6489.4

This is essentially the paper

Time: 6490.84

that I've extracted most of the information

Time: 6492.376

that I just gave you from.

Time: 6494.57

And that paper, and there are some others as well,

Time: 6498.24

but basically I distilled them down

Time: 6499.86

into their core components.

Time: 6500.86

The core components are move your vision around

Time: 6503.94

while staying static, still

Time: 6506.9

but in a balanced position like standing on one leg,

Time: 6509.37

could be something more complicated

Time: 6510.68

if you're somebody who can do more complicated movements.

Time: 6514.72

Unilateral movement seemed to be important,

Time: 6517.2

so standing on one leg as opposed to both,

Time: 6520.43

or trying to generate some tilt is another way

Time: 6524.04

to go about it or imbalance,

Time: 6525.45

meaning one limb asymmetrically being activated

Time: 6528.14

compared to the other limb.

Time: 6529.83

And then the other way to encourage

Time: 6532.81

or to cultivate and build up this vestibular system

Time: 6536.74

and your sense of balance actually involves movement itself,

Time: 6540.43


Time: 6541.48

So that's what we're going to talk about now.

Time: 6543.49

So up until now, I've been talking about balance

Time: 6545.37

only in the static sense,

Time: 6546.73

like standing on one leg for instance,

Time: 6548.47

but that's a very artificial situation.

Time: 6551.09

Even though you can train balance that way,

Time: 6553.21

most people who want to enhance their sense of balance

Time: 6555.84

for sport or dance, or some other endeavor,

Time: 6558.83

want to engage balance in a dynamic way,

Time: 6561.55

meaning moving through lots of different planes of movement,

Time: 6564.22

maybe even sometimes while squatting down low

Time: 6566.9

or jumping and landing or making trajectories

Time: 6570.13

that are different angles.

Time: 6572.73

For that, we need to consider

Time: 6574.49

that the vestibular system also cares about acceleration.

Time: 6579.248

So it cares about head position,

Time: 6581.01

it cares about eye position and where the eyes are

Time: 6583.58

and where you're looking, but it also cares

Time: 6585.66

about what direction you're moving and how fast.

Time: 6589.43

And one of the best things that you can do

Time: 6592.46

to enhance your sense of balance

Time: 6594.9

is to start to bring together your visual system,

Time: 6599.44

the semicircular canals of the inner ear

Time: 6602.33

and what we call linear acceleration.

Time: 6605.11

So if I move forward in space rigidly upright,

Time: 6608.92

it's a vastly different situation

Time: 6611.04

than if I'm leaning to the side.

Time: 6614.64

One of the best ways to cultivate

Time: 6617.45

a better sense of balance, literally,

Time: 6620.28

within the sense organs and the neurons

Time: 6623.03

and the biology of the brain is to get into modes

Time: 6627.99

where we are accelerating forward, typically,

Time: 6631.08

it's forward while also tilted with respect to gravity.

Time: 6635.68

Now this would be the carve on a skateboard

Time: 6638.51

or on a surf board or a snowboard.

Time: 6640.76

This would be the taking a corner on a bike

Time: 6644.28

while being able to lean, safely, of course,

Time: 6646.81

lean into the turn so that your head

Time: 6649.31

is actually tilted with respect to the earth.

Time: 6652.89

So anytime that we are rigidly upright,

Time: 6655.78

we aren't really exercising the vestibular system imbalance.

Time: 6660.42

And this is why you see people in the gym

Time: 6662.38

on these, one of those bouncy balls,

Time: 6664.71

Bocce balls are the one that the guys roll in the park.

Time: 6667.52

Bouncy balls, where they're balancing back and forth,

Time: 6669.313

that will work the small stabilizing muscles.

Time: 6671.94

But what I'm talking about is getting into modes

Time: 6673.87

where you actually tilt the body and the head

Time: 6677.28

with respect to earth.

Time: 6680.58

What I mean is with respect to Earth's gravitational pull.

Time: 6684.11

Now the cerebellum is a very interesting structure

Time: 6687.37

because not only is it involved in balance,

Time: 6689.85

but it's also involved in skill-learning

Time: 6693.04

and in generating timing of movements.

Time: 6695.97

It's a fascinating structure deserving

Time: 6697.68

of an entire episode or several episodes all on its own,

Time: 6701.8

but some of the outputs of the cerebellum,

Time: 6705

meaning the neurons in the cerebellum get inputs,

Time: 6707.85

but they also send information out.

Time: 6710.52

The outputs of the cerebellum are strongly linked

Time: 6713.4

to areas of the brain that release neuromodulators

Time: 6716.56

that make us feel really good, in particular,

Time: 6719.56

serotonin and dopamine.

Time: 6721.35

And this is an early emerging sub-field within neuroscience,

Time: 6724.666

but a lot of what are called the non-motor outputs

Time: 6727.91

of the cerebellum have a profound influence,

Time: 6731.23

not just on our ability to learn how to balance better,

Time: 6735.67

but also how we feel overall.

Time: 6738.46

So for you exercisers out there,

Time: 6740.77

I do hope people are getting

Time: 6741.847

regular healthy amounts of exercise.

Time: 6743.93

We've talked about what that means in previous episodes,

Time: 6746.59

so at least 150 minutes a week of endurance work,

Time: 6749.12

some strength training,

Time: 6749.953

a minimum five sets per body part to maintain musculature

Time: 6753.37

even if you don't want to grow muscles,

Time: 6754.91

you want to do that in order to maintain healthy,

Time: 6756.94

strengthened bones, et cetera.

Time: 6759.48

If you're doing that but you're only doing things

Time: 6762.58

like curls in the gym, squats in the gym,

Time: 6764.75

riding the Peloton, or even if you're outside running,

Time: 6767.48

and you're getting forward acceleration,

Time: 6769.48

but you're never actually getting tilted,

Time: 6771.36

you're never actually getting tilted

Time: 6772.85

with respect to Earth's gravitational pull,

Time: 6776.44

you're not really exercising and getting the most

Time: 6781.25

out of your nervous system.

Time: 6783.22

Activation of the cerebellum in this way

Time: 6786.72

of being tilted or the head being tilted

Time: 6788.98

and the body being tilted while in acceleration,

Time: 6791.34

typically forward acceleration,

Time: 6793.01

but sometimes side to side has a profound

Time: 6796.82

and positive effect on our sense of mood and wellbeing.

Time: 6800.2

And as I talked about in previous episode,

Time: 6802.88

it can also enhance our ability to learn information

Time: 6806.22

in the period after generating those tilts.

Time: 6809.64

And the acceleration.

Time: 6811.38

And that's because the cerebellum has these outputs

Time: 6813.84

to these areas of the brain

Time: 6814.89

that release these neuromodulators,

Time: 6816.49

like serotonin and dopamine.

Time: 6818.8

And they make us feel really good.

Time: 6821.46

I think this is one of the reasons why, growing up,

Time: 6824.19

I had some friends, some of whom might've been

Time: 6826.628

the world heavyweight champions of laziness

Time: 6830.27

for essentially everything,

Time: 6832.17

except they would wake up at 4:30 in the morning to go surf.

Time: 6836.34

They would drive, they would get up so early to go surf.

Time: 6840.11

It's not just surfers and some surfers, by the way,

Time: 6842.45

I should point out are not lazy humans.

Time: 6844.73

They do a lot of other things.

Time: 6846.07

But I knew people that couldn't be motivated to do anything,

Time: 6848.97

but they were highly driven to get into these experiences

Time: 6853.16

of forward acceleration while tilted

Time: 6855.24

with respect to gravity,

Time: 6856.61

likewise, with snowboarding or skiing or cycling.

Time: 6861.15

Those modes of exercise seem to have an outsized effect

Time: 6865.85

both on our wellbeing and our ability

Time: 6868.42

to translate the vestibular balance that we achieve

Time: 6872.53

in those endeavors to our ability to balance

Time: 6875.25

while doing other things,

Time: 6876.77

and I don't mean psychological balance necessarily.

Time: 6879.71

I mean physical balance.

Time: 6881.59

So for those of you that don't think of yourselves

Time: 6883.49

as very coordinated or with very good balance,

Time: 6887.01

getting into these modes of acceleration forward movement

Time: 6889.88

or lateral movement while getting tilted,

Time: 6891.76

even if you have to do it slowly, could be beneficial,

Time: 6894.26

I do believe, and the scientific literature points

Time: 6896.087

to the fact that it will be beneficial

Time: 6898.75

for cultivating better sense of physical balance.

Time: 6902.54

It can really build up the circuits

Time: 6904.47

of this vestibular system.

Time: 6906.32

And then, of course, the feel-good components

Time: 6908.82

of acceleration while tilted or while getting the head

Time: 6912.38

into different orientations relative to gravity,

Time: 6915.858

well, that's the explanation for roller-coasters.

Time: 6918.78

Some people hate roller-coasters.

Time: 6920.08

They make them feel nauseous.

Time: 6921.99

Many people love roller-coasters

Time: 6924.87

and one of the reasons they love roller-coasters

Time: 6926.75

is because of the way that when you get the body,

Time: 6930.33

even if you're not generating the movement,

Time: 6931.93

you get the body into forward acceleration

Time: 6934.03

and you're going upside down and tilted to the side

Time: 6936.54

as the tracks go from side to side and tilt, et cetera,

Time: 6939.27

you're getting activation of these deeper brain nuclei

Time: 6942.84

that trigger the release of neuromodulators

Time: 6945.31

that just make us feel really, really good.

Time: 6947.23

In fact, some people get a long arc,

Time: 6949.45

a long duration buzz from having gone

Time: 6951.87

through those experiences.

Time: 6953.12

Some people who hate roller-coasters

Time: 6954.464

are probably getting nauseous, just hearing about that.

Time: 6958

So I encourage people to get into modes of acceleration

Time: 6961.77

while tilted every once in a while,

Time: 6963.32

provided you can do it safely.

Time: 6964.71

It's an immensely powerful way to build up your skills

Time: 6968.59

in the realm of balance.

Time: 6970.16

And it's also, for most people, very, very pleasing.

Time: 6974.07

It feels really good because of the chemical relationship

Time: 6976.66

between forward acceleration and head tilt and body tilt.

Time: 6981.23

Now, speaking of feeling nauseous,

Time: 6984.93

some people suffer from vertigo.

Time: 6987.27

Some people feel dizzy, some people get lightheaded.

Time: 6991.41

An important question to ask yourself, always,

Time: 6993.95

if you're feeling quote-unquote dizzy or lightheaded,

Time: 6996.56

is are you dizzy or are you lightheaded?

Time: 6999.66

Now, we're not going to diagnose anything here

Time: 7001.74

because there's just no way we can do that.

Time: 7003.47

This is essentially me shouting into a tunnel.

Time: 7005.35

So we don't know what's going on

Time: 7006.83

with each and every one of you

Time: 7008.28

but if ever you feel that your world is spinning,

Time: 7013.2

but that you can focus on your thumb, for instance,

Time: 7016.55

but the rest of the world is spinning

Time: 7018.61

and your thumb is stationary, that's called being dizzy.

Time: 7022.81

Now, if you feel like you're falling

Time: 7025.19

or that you feel like you need to get down

Time: 7027.21

onto the ground because you feel light-headed,

Time: 7030.45

that's being light-headed.

Time: 7032.08

And, oftentimes, with language we don't distinguish

Time: 7034.38

between being dizzy and being lightheaded.

Time: 7036.62

Now there are a lot of ways that dizziness

Time: 7039.21

and lightheadedness can occur.

Time: 7041.03

And I don't even want to begin to guess at the number

Time: 7042.87

of different things and ways that it could happen

Time: 7045.53

for those of you that suffer from it

Time: 7046.78

because it could be any number of them.

Time: 7048.96

But, oftentimes, if people are lightheaded, yes,

Time: 7052.26

it could be low blood sugar.

Time: 7053.24

It could also be that you're dehydrated.

Time: 7055.86

It could also be that you are low in electrolytes.

Time: 7058.77

We talked about this in a previous episode,

Time: 7060.71

but we will talk about it more in a future episode.

Time: 7063.33

Many people have too little sodium in their system, salt,

Time: 7066.96

and that's why they feel lightheaded.

Time: 7069.38

I have family members who, for years,

Time: 7071.26

thought they had disrupted blood sugar.

Time: 7073.82

They would get shaky, jittery, lightheaded,

Time: 7076.98

feel like they were nauseous, et cetera.

Time: 7079.19

And simply the addition of little sea salt

Time: 7082.21

to their water remedied the problem entirely.

Time: 7084.36

I don't think it's going to remedy every issue

Time: 7086.71

of lightheadedness out there by any stretch,

Time: 7088.98

but just the addition of salt, in this particular case,

Time: 7092.06

helped the person.

Time: 7092.94

And they are not alone.

Time: 7094.64

Many people who think that they have low blood sugar,

Time: 7096.48

actually are lightheaded because of low electrolytes

Time: 7099.58

and because of the way that salt carries water

Time: 7102.96

into the system and creates changes in blood volume,

Time: 7105.5

et cetera.

Time: 7106.85

Low sodium can often be a source of lightheadedness

Time: 7110.5

as can low blood sugar and, of course,

Time: 7112.34

other things as well.

Time: 7113.47

Now for dizziness or seasickness,

Time: 7116.04

we were all taught that you need to pick a point

Time: 7118.92

on the horizon and focus on it.

Time: 7121.74

But actually, that's not correct.

Time: 7125.8

It is true that if you are down in the cabin of a boat

Time: 7129.5

or you're on the lower deck and all you can see

Time: 7132.07

are things up close to you,

Time: 7134.81

that getting sloshed around, like so

Time: 7137.28

or the boat going up and down, like so,

Time: 7139.88

I think I'm getting a little seasick, even as I do this

Time: 7141.497

and I describe it,

Time: 7146.27

focusing on things close to you can be problematic.

Time: 7149.16

And in that case, the advice to go up on deck

Time: 7152.42

and get fresh air and to look off into the horizon,

Time: 7155.94

that part is correct.

Time: 7157.63

But focusing your eyes on a particular location

Time: 7160.06

on the horizon is effectively like trying

Time: 7163.11

to move very slowly as I had you do before,

Time: 7166.3

where you're trying to move your head very slowly

Time: 7168.28

while fixating on one location.

Time: 7170.53

Your eyes and your balance system were designed

Time: 7172.41

to move together.

Time: 7173.97

So really, what you want to do is allow your visual system

Time: 7176.83

to track with your vestibular system.

Time: 7180.26

This is why sitting in the back of an Uber or a taxi

Time: 7183.47

and being on your phone

Time: 7185.34

can make you suddenly feel very nauseous.

Time: 7187.75

Sometimes the cabs, particularly in New York City,

Time: 7189.73

they have a lot of occluders,

Time: 7191.05

they have a lot of stuff blocking your field of view.

Time: 7193.22

There's usually a little portal where you can see out

Time: 7195.66

to the front of the front windshield,

Time: 7199.27

but there's all this stuff now,

Time: 7200.34

televisions in the back seat and you're watching

Time: 7202.36

that television and the cab is moving.

Time: 7204.15

You're in linear acceleration,

Time: 7205.902

and sometimes you're taking corners, you're braking

Time: 7209.05

so then your vestibular system has to adjust to that.

Time: 7211.71

If you're looking at your phone or a book,

Time: 7214.54

or even if you're talking to somebody, actually,

Time: 7217.28

I'm starting to feel a little nauseous

Time: 7218.38

just talking about it.

Time: 7219.213

I promise I'm not going to finish this episode

Time: 7220.93

by vomiting at the end, at least not here,

Time: 7223.9

but what can happen is that you're uncoupling

Time: 7227.798

the visual information from your motion,

Time: 7231.14

from your vestibular information.

Time: 7232.88

You want those to be coupled.

Time: 7234.2

This is why a lot of people have to drive,

Time: 7236.96

they can't be in the passenger seat.

Time: 7238.44

Because when you drive,

Time: 7239.273

you also get what's called proprioceptive feedback.

Time: 7241.52

Your body is sending signals also to the vestibular system

Time: 7244.95

about where you are in space.

Time: 7246.91

When you're the passenger,

Time: 7248.1

you're just getting jolted around as the person is driving.

Time: 7251.16

And if you're looking at your phone, it's even worse.

Time: 7253.37

And if you're looking at the occluder

Time: 7254.7

between you and the two front seats, that's even worse.

Time: 7258.71

So this is why staring out the front windshield is great

Time: 7261.4

but you don't want to fixate.

Time: 7262.76

So, hopefully, I spared a few people and, hopefully,

Time: 7266.45

a few cab drivers of having people get sick

Time: 7268.51

in their cars or Ubers.

Time: 7271.33

Let your visual system

Time: 7272.41

and your vestibular system work together.

Time: 7275.36

If appropriate, get into linear acceleration,

Time: 7278.6

and you'll improve your sense of balance.

Time: 7280.85

Once again, we've covered

Time: 7282.01

a tremendous amount of information.

Time: 7283.841

Now, you know how you hear,

Time: 7285.98

how you make sense of the sounds in your environment,

Time: 7289.59

how those come into your ears

Time: 7291.13

and how your brain processes them.

Time: 7293.44

In addition, we talked about things

Time: 7295.12

like low level white noise and even binaural beats,

Time: 7298.14

which can be used to enhance certain brain states,

Time: 7300.78

certain rhythms within the brain,

Time: 7302.38

and even dopamine release in ways

Time: 7304.61

that allow you to learn better.

Time: 7306.84

And we talked about the balance system

Time: 7308.337

and this incredible relationship

Time: 7309.955

between your vestibular apparatus,

Time: 7312.98

meaning the portions of your inner ear

Time: 7315.21

that are responsible for balance

Time: 7316.55

and your visual system and gravity.

Time: 7319.58

And you can use those to enhance your learning as well,

Time: 7322.83

as well as just to enhance your sense of balance.

Time: 7325.68

If you're learning from this podcast,

Time: 7327.38

please subscribe on YouTube, that really helps us.

Time: 7330.14

In addition, please leave us any comments

Time: 7332.53

or feedback or suggestions for future episode content

Time: 7335.94

on YouTube in the comment section.

Time: 7338.89

If you haven't already subscribed on Apple and Spotify,

Time: 7341.28

please do that as well.

Time: 7342.73

And on Apple, you have the opportunity

Time: 7344.44

to leave us up to a five-star review.

Time: 7346.65

At Apple, you can also leave us comments and feedback.

Time: 7349.75

During this episode, I mentioned some supplements.

Time: 7352.13

We partnered with Thorne because Thorne

Time: 7353.83

has the very highest levels of stringency

Time: 7355.87

with respect to the quality of their ingredients

Time: 7358.31

and accuracy about the amounts

Time: 7360.21

of those ingredients contained within their products.

Time: 7363

If you'd like to see the products that I take from Thorne,

Time: 7365.52

you can go to T-H-O-R-N-E dot com, slash the letter U

Time: 7369.83

slash Huberman.

Time: 7370.9

So that's to see all the supplements

Time: 7375.98

that I take.

Time: 7376.813

And if you do that, you can get 20% off

Time: 7378.92

any of those supplements or 20% off any of the supplements

Time: 7382.42

that Thorne makes.

Time: 7383.6

For those of you that might want to support us in other ways,

Time: 7385.713

we have a Patreon account.

Time: 7387.33


Time: 7390.49

and there you can support our podcast

Time: 7392.19

at any level that you like.

Time: 7393.88

In addition, if you'd like to support the podcast,

Time: 7396.158

please check out our sponsors mentioned

Time: 7398.03

at the beginning of the episode.

Time: 7399.41

That is absolutely the best way to support us.

Time: 7401.91

Last but not least, I'd like to thank you

Time: 7403.55

for your time and attention and desire

Time: 7406.31

and willingness to learn about vision and balance.

Time: 7409.16

And, of course, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 7411.663

[tranquil music]

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