The Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair | Huberman Lab Podcast

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast,

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where we discuss science and science -based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor of neurobiology

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and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, we are discussing hair.

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Hair is a topic that occupies the minds of many people.

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There are people that are losing their

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hair and want to halt or reverse that loss of hair.

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Today, we will talk about all the ways

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that science has taught us we can slow or even reverse hair loss.

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I confess that researching today's topic

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was a particular joy for me not because I'm obsessed with hair,

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mine or the hair of others, but because hair turns out to be

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fascinating from the perspective of cellular biology and stem cells,

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which is a topic that I've long been interested in and that for much

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of my career I focused on in the context of development.

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When your brain and your nervous system develop, it develops from a small batch

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of cells that turns into many trillions of cells.

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It does that by cell replication, something that we call the cell cycle.

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We'll talk a little bit about this and so-called mitosis today.

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I promise not to get into too much detail.

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But what makes hair so very interesting from a biological standpoint is that every

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hair, every single individual strand of hair has its own little stem cell

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niche, meaning its own little pocket down there in the follicle in which specific

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stem cells give rise to those hairs for different durations of time,

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depending on the hair, where it is on your body, et cetera.

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For instance, the hairs on your head will

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undergo ongoing growth for 4-6 or even 8 years.

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Were you to not cut your hair, it would continue to grow.

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One single hair would continue to grow.

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I guess we could say all the hairs will continue to grow for up to 8 years.

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That is very different from, for instance, your eyebrows, which have a much shorter

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period of hair growth lasting on the order of months.

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That's why you don't see people with eyebrows that extend down to their waist.

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But you can see people with hair on their

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head that extends down to their waist if they don't cut it.

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Now, that discrepancy illustrates for us

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just how incredible hair follicles and the stem cells that reside within

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hairs are and their enormous potential to give rise to these things that we call

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hairs, which are simply proteins of varying length.

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Today, we are going to address what

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determines the length of a hair or rather what determines how long a hair continues

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to grow before it ceases growing and eventually falls out.

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We're going to talk about what regulates those stem cells,

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what allows them to continue to produce hair or cease producing hair.

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As we do that,

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you will learn all the biology in clear, simple terms,

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regardless of your background, that will really set the stage

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for understanding what we'll also talk about, which is how to slow hair loss or

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halt hair loss entirely or even reverse hair loss.

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We will talk about hormone -related hair loss in both men and women.

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We will talk about some of the mechanical

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and stress -related influences on hair loss.

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We will talk about the chemical

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and mechanical approaches to halting and reversing hair loss,

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everything from minoxidil to dutasteride to ketoconazole

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to microneedling to thyroid, estrogen, IGF-1 pathways.

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Again, all made very clear regardless

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of whether or not you have a background in biology or not.

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I will also dispel some of the common myths about balding and hair replacement.

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If you've heard, for instance, that you inherit your patterns of balding

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from your mother's father, that is not true.

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Although it is true that you do inherit certain genes that influence whether or

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not you have a predisposition to balding in particular parts of your head,

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and believe it or not, even in particular parts of your body.

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But it is not the case that you can simply

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find a photo of your mother's father, say, age 50, or age 60 or 75,

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and determine whether or not you'll have the exact same pattern of hair loss.

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That's a myth that I'd like to dispel right here and now.

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I will dispel some of the other myths

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about hair loss, hair replacement, and hair regrowth as well.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however,

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part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science-related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Helix Sleep.

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Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows that are the absolute highest quality.

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I've talked many times before on this podcast about the fact that sleep is

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the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance.

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Helix understands that everybody's sleep needs are slightly different.

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If you go to their website,

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you can take a brief quiz, and that quiz will ask you questions such

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as, do you sleep on your back, your side, or your stomach?

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Maybe you don't know which is fine.

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You can simply answer, I don't know.

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Or do you tend to run hot or cold during the night?

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Helix takes those answers and then matches

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you to a mattress that's ideal for your sleep needs.

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For me, it matched me to the dusk, D-U-S-K mattress.

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I've been sleeping on a dusk mattress

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for over 2 years now, and my sleep has been better than it ever was previously.

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If you're interested in upgrading your

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mattress, go to, take their brief 2-minute sleep quiz,

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and they'll match you to a customized mattress for you.

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You'll also get up to $350 off any mattress order and two free pillows.

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They have a 10-year warranty , and you get

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to try out their mattress for 100 nights risk-free.

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They'll even pick it up for you if you don't love the mattress.

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But I think you will. I certainly love mine.

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Again, if you're interested,

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go to /huberman for up to $350 off and two free pillows.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by HVMN ketone-IQ.

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Ketone-IQ is a ketone supplement that increases blood ketones.

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I want to be very clear that I, like most people have heard of the ketogenic diet,

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but I, like most people, do not follow a ketogenic diet.

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That is, I'm not in ketosis.

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However, most people don't realize that you can still benefit from increasing

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your blood ketones, which is what HVMN ketone-IQ does.

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I take Ketone-IQ prior to doing really focused cognitive work,

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so I take it once in the afternoon, any time I'm going to prepare

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for a podcast, or do a podcast, or if I'm going to do some research, or

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focus on a grant, anything that requires a high level of cognitive demand.

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That's because ketones are the brain's

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preferred use of fuel, even if you're not following a ketogenic diet.

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I sometimes also use Ketone-IQ prior to workouts, either resistance training

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workouts or endurance workouts such as running.

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Again, that's because Ketone-IQ

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by raising blood ketones is really a brain fuel.

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If you're interested in trying Ketone-IQ,

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go to and use the code Huberman to get 20% off.

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Again, that's, and use the code HUBERMAN to get 20% off.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by ROKA.

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ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses

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that were designed with the biology of the visual system in mind.

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I've spent a lifetime working on the biology of the visual system,

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and I can tell you that your visual system has to contend with an enormous number

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of challenges for you to be able to see clearly throughout the day.

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For instance, when you go from a shady area to a well-lit area,

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your brain and eyes have to make a bunch of different adjustments that eyeglasses

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of the conventional type don't always compensate for.

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ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses compensate

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for those sorts of changes and all the sorts of changes that your visual

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system has to contend with, so you always see things with crystal clarity.

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The company was founded by two all-America swimmers from Stanford, and initially,

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their eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed for sports performance.

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Indeed, all of their eyeglasses

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and sunglasses can be used while running, while cycling.

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They won't slip off your face if you get sweaty.

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They're extremely lightweight.

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But they also have an enormous number of varieties of eyeglasses and sunglasses

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that are designed to be worn at work or to dinner.

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They have the classic performance

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eyeglasses where makes you look like a cyborg, if you like those.

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They also have more conventional esthetics

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that you'd be comfortable wearing pretty much anywhere.

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If you'd like to try ROKA eyeglasses or sunglasses, you can go to,

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that's, enter the code Huberman to save 20% off your first order.

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Again, that's, enter the code Huberman at checkout.

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Okay, let's talk about hair.

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In researching this episode by talking

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to experts in the biology of hair, and the stem cells that exist in all of us

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that give rise to our hair growth, and the pigmentation in our hair,

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and in talking to experts who understand how to halt and even reverse hair loss,

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that there is a tremendously interesting biology surrounding hair.

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But there's also an incredible psychology around hair.

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In fact, most people who experience even

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marginal hair loss undergo pretty severe anxiety.

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Now, I confess this is not something I can relate to.

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I am losing my hair in certain places.

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I'm 47 years old.

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I've got a couple of patches up front where there's very minimal hair.

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I think that, as we'll later learn in this

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episode, reflects a higher density of DHT, dihydrotestosterone, receptors

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at that particular location as opposed to elsewhere in my scalp.

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But keeping my hair is not something that I've fretted about much of my life.

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Yet as I was researching this episode, I remembered an anecdote from my childhood

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where my father told me, and I think it was because I was stressing

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about something, I was trying to get to sleep, and he said,

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"Don't stress . Calm down." And here's why.

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If you stress too much, it can actually make your hair fall out.

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In fact, I have a cousin who lay down one night stressed,

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and woke up the next morning , and all of his hair was on his pillow.

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I'll never forget that story.

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I think he was trying to get me to stress less.

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I don't know if that story made me stress less or not.

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But in any event, I don't know that that story is true.

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I'm not going to challenge the authenticity of that story.

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I didn't have a chance to reach out to my father and ask him to verify or not.

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But as we will soon learn,

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it is true that our psychological well-being can impact both the coloration

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,, or lack thereof and the growth rates of our hair.

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That's a real thing.

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The reverse is also true,

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which is that as hair starts to thin, or fall out, or change color,

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many people expect intense anxiety or even depression.

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This was not something I was really aware of.

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Perhaps that's just because I've always kept my hair pretty short anyway.

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I always assumed that if my hair started

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to really fall out, I would just shaved my head.

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But that's me, and that's not most people out there.

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I think most people would loathe to lose their hair.

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In fact, given the enormous number,

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probably up in the high billions of dollars and euros and other currency,

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of course, that people invest in trying to halt or reverse their hair loss,

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it's clear that hair is very important to people.

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What we know is that by age 50, approximately 50% of all men and women

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will have experienced significant enough hair loss that they start to notice it.

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And a large percentage,

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up to 85% of those people will experience some anxiety that leads them to go out

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and try and either halt or reverse that hair loss.

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Now, why at age 50?

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Well, an important point arises from that, which is that the hair loss is not

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occurring between the 49th and 50th birthday.

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Hair loss is ongoing from about age 30 to age 50.

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It's only by age 50, however,

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that about 50% of people out there start to notice that hair loss.

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This is typically because

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they'll be in a bathroom or looking in a mirror and the lighting will be

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bright enough that it permeates the outer boundary of their hair.

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They'll notice that their hair is thinning in a particular location.

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That's usually how this thing happens.

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Again, our psychological states can impact our patterns of hair growth or loss

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and of course, patterns of hair growth, but more typically,

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hair loss and hair graying can really impact psychological states.

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This is a subject that people take intense interest in.

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Today, we're going to talk about how hair

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normally grows, why it grows at the rate , and for the duration that it happens to.

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Then as we talk about ways to intervene with that hair loss,

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those biological mechanisms will come up because they really provide a nice

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framework for explaining why certain treatments work more or less well or why

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certain treatments might have certain side effects or total lack of side effects.

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It will also highlight a really key theme

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that will come up several times in today's podcast, which is that there are both

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mechanical and chemical approaches to slowing and reversing hair loss.

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Mechanical approaches would be things as

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simple as massaging the scalp, but mechanical changes to the scalp can

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cause either hair loss or facilitate hair growth.

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This is why things like microneedling are

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so prominent in the context of trying to reverse hair loss.

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But again, there are also chemical

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approaches to trying to halt or reverse hair loss.

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This relates to the fact that the hair growth itself is strongly regulated

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by hormones such as estrogen, thyroid hormone,

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insulin-like growth factor, and that other hormones, in particular

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the androgens, so things like testosterone,

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but mainly it's derivatives like dihydrotestosterone are very much involved

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in setting the stage for hair growth by controlling how big or small that pool

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of stem cells that gives rise to hair growth is.

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If any of the terms I just use are

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confusing to you, don't worry, I will make all of those very clear in a moment.

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It's actually all pretty straightforward and simple.

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I'd like to just start by talking about

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what hair is, how it grows, why it stops growing, and why hair normally falls out.

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Let's talk about the biology of hair.

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In doing so, I also want to talk about stem cells.

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Now, keep in mind that when you hear

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the word stem cells, you probably, like most people, think about the sorts

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of cells that people are getting injected into their face to get rid of wrinkles,

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or give them new skin, or to give them more hair if it's

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injected in the scalp, or into a joint to repair a joint or a muscle.

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Those stem cells are what we call exogenous stem cells.

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Exogenous, meaning from outside the body.

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The stem cells that we're going to talk about today are so-called endogenous stem

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cell, cells that we all make that can give rise to other cells.

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That's really the definition of a stem cell.

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Stem cells are present in all of us from the very beginning of life.

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When sperm meets egg, that cell,

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which we think of as the egg, starts to duplicate,

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it incorporates the DNA from the sperm and the egg, of course,

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starts to duplicate, and then those cells give rise to more

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cells and more cells and the ability of all those cells to replicate and create

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more cells are because those cells really are stem cells.

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Now, at some point we are a completed body plan, as the biologists say.

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We end up with a brain, and a spinal cord, and limbs, and fingers, and livers,

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and guts, and all the things that we need in order to be a functioning human being.

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Even though we're a baby at that time, we haven't grown up,

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we have all the bits that we're going to have for our entire life.

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At that point, many of the stem cell populations disappear.

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For instance, past puberty,

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and probably earlier, you don't get many more new brain cells.

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You get a few, but you don't get many more new brain cells because the brain doesn't

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have many stem cell populations, whereas other organs in your body maintain

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little pockets of stem cells, or in some cases, many stem cells that can

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give rise to more and more of that tissue across the lifespan.

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Hair is one such tissue.

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If we take a look at hair, what we find is that, indeed,

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there are these things that we call hairs, but there are also stem cells,

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and those stem cells are actually what give rise to the hairs that we see

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on the head of our scalp or that we see on the surface of our body.

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Right off the bat,

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you should know that every single hair that you have is there because you have

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a stem cell population that is giving rise to that particular hair.

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Let's take a step back, or rather,

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I should say, let's zoom in on one hair and the stem cell population that gives

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rise to that hair, because in doing so, you're going to learn all the different

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components that you can tap into if your goal is to halt the loss of hairs or

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to replace hairs that have already been lost.

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If we were to just zoom in at the level

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of one hair, what you would find is that that hair has what typically is

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called a hair root, so that's the portion below the skin.

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When we say below the skin,

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it means that it dives down into a narrow trench, which is in the so-called

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epidermis, which is this outer layer of skin.

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It also has a shaft.

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The shaft is the part that grows out above the skin.

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What you see on somebody's head or you see on their arm,

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or when you see an eyebrow, you're seeing the shaft of the hair.

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The root, of course, goes below the skin.

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What most people don't realize, however, is that down at the base of the root,

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there's actually a little cave, a little pocket.

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If you were to look at this, it would look like a little bulb,

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a little round area with a bunch of stuff in it right below the root.

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Within that little cave, there are stem cells.

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There are populations of cells that have the ability to divide.

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We call this mitosis.

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It's a process by which cells can actually

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divide, and take DNA with them, and then give rise to other cells.

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We call those cells that divide and move out, we call those daughter cells.

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We call the cells that give rise to them progenitor cells, but they are effectively

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stem cells that give rise to these what we call daughter cells.

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Those daughter cells then become

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the various types of cells that make up the hair.

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When you see a hair,

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you're not seeing something that grows throughout the lifespan.

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You're seeing something that's going to be

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born down there in that little cave, then is going to grow.

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It's actually going to stack up on top of itself.

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That's because hairs are made up of a protein called keratin.

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There are a bunch of different kinds

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of keratin depending on what kind of hair you're looking at.

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But these are little proteins that stack up on top of one another,

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and they're structured in a way that makes them pretty darn durable.

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I mean, it's possible, of course, to pull a hair out.

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But if you've ever tried to tear a hair, in particular,

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thick hair like one from the face or even one off the top of your head,

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it's actually a pretty tensile strong little thing.

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That's because keratins stack up on top

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of one another and bind to one another with a really strong bond.

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What you end up with is a bunch

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of proteins stacked up on top of one another, and that's the actual hair.

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We've got the hair shaft, the hair root,

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and then we've got the stem cells down there in that pocket that give rise

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to the various cells that make up the actual hair.

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We also have down there in that little

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cave, which, by the way, is actually called the hair bulb,

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if you really want to know the technical name because it's shaped like a bulb.

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We have not just stem cells, but we have cells that give rise

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to the pigment of the hair that create what's called melanin.

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Now, some people have very blond hair,

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very light hair, some people have darker hair.

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But everybody, unless they have what's

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called the albino mutation, where the hairs are truly white,

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they lack all melanin, and it's a pretty rare condition,

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although it does happen, most people have some degree of melanin

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in their hairs because there are little pockets of melanin-producing cells.

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Melanin is just a protein that essentially

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gets injected into the keratin, into the hair, and gives it its darker color.

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Now, there are a couple other components

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about the hair that you need to know about, especially if you're interested

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in reversing hair loss or reversing graying of hair.

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One of those components is a little gland.

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Next to every hair root within the dermal layer of the skin,

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so this is below the epidermis, there is a gland called the sebaceous

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gland, and the sebaceous gland makes oily stuff, and the oily stuff is called sebum.

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I know the name evokes something gross,

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but sebum is actually really cool and really important.

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The sebum gets injected, or seeps rather,

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into the area right around the hair as the hair starts to approach the surface

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where it goes from essentially root to shaft.

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The sebum does two things.

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First of all, it forms a little bit

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of a seal right at the place where the hair exits the skin.

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And that seal is very important, actually, for waterproofing of your skin.

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So we don't often think of ourselves as waterproof because we are so accustomed

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to water just landing on our skin and and rolling off.

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But that's because of some of the oily properties of our skin.

Time: 1223

Now, it's also true that our skin is pretty densely packed with cells.

Time: 1226.11

But in the absence of sebum, we would not be as waterproof as we are.

Time: 1231.04

Now as I mentioned, sebum has two important properties.

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The other important property of sebum is

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that it actually is a strong antibacterial and antimicrobial.

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Most people don't realize this, the oils of your skin provide a lot

Time: 1244.51

of immune boundary, so that things don't get into the hair

Time: 1247.51

root or the region around it and infect our skin.

Time: 1250.67

So sebum, while the name is sort of unattractive, to be honest,

Time: 1255.07

is actually performing some essential roles both for waterproofing and for our

Time: 1259.28

immune system function, protecting us from various kinds of infection.

Time: 1262.51

We're going to return to sebum later. As it turns out,

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sebum is also very important as it relates to psoriasis and as it relates to some

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of the fungal components that can cause hair loss.

Time: 1273.6

So I'm just going to file that away.

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There's another important component

Time: 1276.87

of the region around hairs, which is the arrector pili muscle.

Time: 1281.07

The arrector pili muscle is a muscle

Time: 1282.99

that lies diagonally between that bulb portion of the hair or a little bit above

Time: 1287.27

it, and goes up to the surface of the skin.

Time: 1289.59

The arrector pili muscle

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is a muscle that contracts when we get cold or when we get scared.

Time: 1297.39

So if you've ever had goosebumps, that's because the arrector pili muscle

Time: 1302.11

contracts pulling the skin at the surface down around the little hair follicles,

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or at least where the hairs meet the surface of the skin.

Time: 1310.78

And so those little bumps are actually where little micro hairs reside.

Time: 1314.31

And the dimples between them are

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the dimples that occur when this arrector pili muscle pulls down.

Time: 1320.87

Now, why would this muscle exist?

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It has a couple of important functions.

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One of the functions is that when it

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pulls down, it causes, as the name suggests, the hairs to stand up.

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Maybe not perfectly vertical,

Time: 1333

but when you hear, oh, I was so frightened, my hair stood up on end.

Time: 1336.31

And that's because the hair has become erect.

Time: 1338.75

They stand up.

Time: 1340.04

Now, why would this happen when we get cold?

Time: 1342.19

It happens because when the hairs stand

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up, air can be trapped between those hairs and can actually warm our body.

Time: 1349.73

This is not so much the case if you have very light hair on your skin.

Time: 1354.08

If you're a very hairy person,

Time: 1355.52

this is going to be a more robust aspect of your physiology.

Time: 1358.31

And yes, this is why dogs like Huskies can go out in the snow and still remain warm.

Time: 1363.47

When they get cold,

Time: 1364.55

their hairs actually stand up a bit on end because of the contraction of these

Time: 1368.96

arrector pili muscle trapping air in there.

Time: 1371

And then their body warms the hair trapped beneath the hair.

Time: 1373.6

And it's like they've got a blanket

Time: 1375.07

on made by the interface between the hair, the air, and their skin.

Time: 1380.39

So just to recap all the components

Time: 1382.36

of hair and the different things around it that are going to be relevant

Time: 1385.55

for understanding how to replace hair that's lost.

Time: 1388.59

We have the hair itself, which has the shaft that sticks out over

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the skin, goes a little bit into the skin, but basically sticks out over the skin.

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We have the root portion which goes down into the skin.

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It goes through the epidermis and into the dermis.

Time: 1403.55

Then we have this bulb like region down at the bottom.

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Down at the bottom of that bulb, we have stem cells that actually give rise

Time: 1410.23

to the actual hair, and we have pigmented cells that pigment that hair.

Time: 1414.53

In addition, and this is very important, there are capillaries that go

Time: 1420.75

into that bulb region down at the bottom of the hair and that can serve and support

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the stem cells, the melanin producing cells, which are called melanocytes.

Time: 1431.12

So the melanin producing cells in the stem

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cells get a lot of blood flow that allows them to keep providing new hair or

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the proteins that make up hair and the pigment that goes into those hairs

Time: 1442.59

and those little capillaries deliver not just nutrients and things of that sort,

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but they also deliver oxygen because it turns out that the whole process

Time: 1451.35

of growing more hair is a very active process.

Time: 1454.23

Now, as soon as you hear oxygen and you

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hear that the growth is an active process, that should cue you to why so many

Time: 1461.27

of the stories around how to keep your hair and regrow hair involve statements

Time: 1466.35

like don't wear a hat, it'll make your hair fall out.

Time: 1469.04

Or if you want your hair to grow back,

Time: 1470.77

don't wear hats or massage your scalp or increase blood flow.

Time: 1474.39

Or why some people will suggest

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that people take peppermint oil, for instance,

Time: 1478.87

or menthol type oils of different kinds and massage them into the scalp.

Time: 1482.96

Things that make the scalp tingle.

Time: 1484.55

Or there will be light therapies designed to what?

Time: 1487.67

To increase blood flow to the scalp.

Time: 1491.04

The whole rationale there is that you're

Time: 1493.07

trying to increase blood flow to the stem cell and the melanocytes populations

Time: 1497.03

that support the hairs and that actually create the hairs.

Time: 1500

Now, whether or not those are approaches work we'll touch on a little bit later.

Time: 1503.36

I'll just give you a little bit of a hint

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right now, which is that while no single one of those approaches that I described

Time: 1510.31

is known to regrow hair in a very robust way because of the requirement for oxygen

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and nutrients and because it's such an active process for the stem cells

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and melanocytes to grow and darken the hairs that grow out of your skin.

Time: 1525.29

It is true that manipulations or treatments that increase blood flow

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to those regions can at least slow the loss of hair or can even extend

Time: 1537.71

the duration over which hairs continue to grow.

Time: 1540.84

So if you've heard things like don't wear a hat, if you want to maintain your hair.

Time: 1544.04

Or massage your scalp, if you want your hair to grow faster.

Time: 1546.99

In some sense that's true, but none of those manipulations on their

Time: 1551.15

own is going to robustly enhance the rate of of your hair growth.

Time: 1555.88

Those things are designed to be done

Time: 1557.35

in conjunction with some other treatments that have been shown in many,

Time: 1562.03

many clinical studies to increase the rate and duration of hair growth.

Time: 1565.56

So now you have in mind a picture

Time: 1567.12

of what's happening at the level of individual hairs.

Time: 1569.48

And if you're anything like me, you're probably thinking, Wow,

Time: 1571.83

there's a lot going on down there just below the surface of the skin.

Time: 1575.76

And indeed there is.

Time: 1576.72

But really the things to think about are that stem cell population that actually

Time: 1579.75

give rise to the hair proteins so that actually create the hair.

Time: 1583.53

The melanocytes that darken that hair, that give it pigment.

Time: 1587.05

That sebaceous gland and the oil sebum that provides some important antimicrobial

Time: 1593.05

and other properties to that general region.

Time: 1595.59

And that arrector pili muscle, that arrector pili muscle,

Time: 1598.83

as I mentioned earlier, is important for creating goosebumps

Time: 1602.51

and it's important for keeping Huskies warm in cold environments.

Time: 1605.72

But it's doing some other really important

Time: 1607.47

things as well, and we'll talk about those as time goes on in this episode.

Time: 1611.97

Right now, what I want to do is just talk

Time: 1614.83

for a moment about how hairs actually grow and why they grow the way they do.

Time: 1619.87

This is extremely important toward

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understanding hair replacement and slowing hair loss.

Time: 1627.17

There are three basic phases of growth of a hair.

Time: 1631.12

The first phase is the phase

Time: 1633.19

in which the stem cells down in that bulb give rise to the cells that make up

Time: 1638.59

the proteins of the hair, so the actual growth of the hair.

Time: 1641.59

And keep in mind that the hair is actually growing from the bottom up.

Time: 1646.56

Now, you might think, of course, it's growing from the bottom.

Time: 1648.43

Everyone knows that.

Time: 1649.44

But a lot of people think that the hair

Time: 1650.84

starts growing right at the surface of the skin.

Time: 1652.8

That's not the way it works.

Time: 1653.77

The hair is actually growing from deep within the root and stacking up and then

Time: 1657.75

eventually extends out across the top of the skin.

Time: 1662.21

That growth phase is called the anagen phase.

Time: 1666.6


Time: 1667.95

And this for some people will ring a bell because if you've ever been interested

Time: 1672.99

in weightlifting or even if you're an endurance runner,

Time: 1675.91

you'll hear about things that are anabolic that promote growth, so Anna of Growth.

Time: 1681.51

Or catabolic that promote breakdown.

Time: 1684.71

So the first phase of hair growth is

Time: 1687.07

called the anagen phase, and it's a period of varying duration

Time: 1691.51

depending on which hair in the body we're talking about.

Time: 1694.95

So the anagen or the growth phase

Time: 1697.03

for hairs on the head, as I mentioned earlier, is anywhere from 2 to 8 years.

Time: 1701.72

For most people, it's going to be about six years.

Time: 1703.91

What this means is that if we were to just not cut our hair, just let our hair grow

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for 2 to 8 years, that hair would eventually grow

Time: 1713.19

to a length that it was at its maximum and then would stop growing.

Time: 1718.11

So we can say that the anagen phase of hairs on the scalp is 2 to 8 years.

Time: 1723.77

The the duration of the growth phase.

Time: 1726.25

Contrast that, for instance,

Time: 1727.99

with the duration of the anagen phase for hairs of the eyebrows.

Time: 1732.75

The hairs of the eyebrows grow about 4.2mm per month.

Time: 1739.08

Believe it or not, people have measured this thing.

Time: 1740.76

Now that's an average.

Time: 1741.79

So some people are going to have eyebrows that grow much longer per month.

Time: 1747.36

I'm somebody who, for instance, has mostly the same length eyebrow hairs,

Time: 1751.8

but every once in a while I get one of those eyebrow hairs that really seems

Time: 1754.64

to be heading off my head, like really wants out of there.

Time: 1756.88

And so it's much longer than the rest.

Time: 1758.76

What does that mean?

Time: 1759.79

Does it mean that it grew faster?

Time: 1761.77


Time: 1762.87

But chances are the stem cell population in that particular eyebrow follicle

Time: 1769.35

for that one eyebrow hair is longer than it is for the others.

Time: 1774.96

This is really important.

Time: 1775.96

I'm trying to illustrate two principles at once here.

Time: 1778.39

The first principle is that different hairs on your body,

Time: 1781.92

including the hairs on your scalp, have a growth phase of different duration.

Time: 1785.28

This is why the hairs on your head can grow very, very long because they have

Time: 1788.19

a very long anagen or growth phase, and the hairs on your eyebrows will only

Time: 1792.47

grow for a few months before they actually fall out and then have

Time: 1796.71

to undergo replication of the stem cells to give you new eyebrow hair to then grow.

Time: 1803.32

What's important here is not just that there are differences in the duration

Time: 1806.95

of the growth phase, but rather that the rate of hair growth

Time: 1811.27

is not something that tends to differ within a given body region.

Time: 1816.72

You'll hear people say, "Oh,

Time: 1818.04

my hair grows really, really fast." Other people will say, "Oh,

Time: 1820.67

my hair grows really, really slowly.' That is probably not the case.

Time: 1825.12

Well, there could be slight differences in the rate of growth.

Time: 1827.51

That is the addition of more keratin

Time: 1829.75

to the actual hairs, so creation of more hair more quickly.

Time: 1835.24

Almost certainly what's happening is that the duration of the anagen phase

Time: 1838.99

in some people is just much longer than it is in other people.

Time: 1843.36

We don't realize this, and we tend to think more in terms of how

Time: 1846.51

fast hair grows, because if you were to just look

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at somebody's hair, you'd say, "Oh, they're all more or less the same length."

Time: 1852.24

I mean, some people's bangs are shorter than the back because they cut them.

Time: 1854.8

But if they were to just grow their hair, you'd say, "Oh, it's all more or less

Time: 1857.2

the same length." But if we were to zoom in with a microscope,

Time: 1859.87

we would see that there are a lot of hairs down there in between the other

Time: 1863.59

hairs that are very, very short or even tiny, tiny, tiny.

Time: 1867.05

Those are coming in as the other ones are finishing their anagen phase.

Time: 1870.97

That's the anagen or growth phase.

Time: 1872.75

After the anagen phase comes the catagen phase.

Time: 1877.08

Again, this resembles the word catabolic or the breakdown phase.

Time: 1881.15

During the catagen phase, the hair is actually receding not

Time: 1886.27

from the top down to the skin surface and then into the root, but the other way.

Time: 1891.63

It's actually receding from that bulb region up toward the surface.

Time: 1896.53

That catagen phase is going to also be

Time: 1899.28

of different duration depending on which area of the body you're in.

Time: 1902.65

It will vary a little bit depending on

Time: 1904.96

who you are, meaning from person to person.

Time: 1906.8

We'll talk about the influences on the anagen and catagen phase in a moment.

Time: 1910.31

Why is it important that it actually recedes from the inside out?

Time: 1913.83

Well, that's important because as it does that, there's actually a change

Time: 1918.55

in that bulb region down below, because normally, there's an interface,

Time: 1922.72

there's a conversation that's occurring between the stem cell population,

Time: 1926.2

the melanocytes, and the hair itself, and they support each other.

Time: 1929.32

Remember, there's blood vessels going

Time: 1930.59

into that area or rather capillaries that are feeding that area as well.

Time: 1935.08

After the catagen phase comes the telogen phase, which means rest.

Time: 1939.55

The telogen phase is a period in which no

Time: 1942.11

new hair proteins are being added by those stem cells.

Time: 1945.81

During that telogen phase,

Time: 1947.43

that bulb down there at the bottom, instead of being nice and oval and really

Time: 1952.68

having a lot of space in it with all these different things like stem cells,

Time: 1955.31

starts to pinch off from the little tube that comes down

Time: 1960.12

from the surface of the skin that normally would have a hair in it.

Time: 1962.87

It starts to pinch off.

Time: 1964.27

At some point, many hair follicles pinch

Time: 1966.47

off that bulb region, and it recedes and dies.

Time: 1969.89

When it recedes and dies,

Time: 1971.35

the stem cell population and the melanocytes go with it.

Time: 1974.97

In other words, there is no longer a population of stem

Time: 1977.99

cells to give rise to more hair after that telogen phase.

Time: 1983.12

There's no longer melanocytes to pigment the hair, and in fact,

Time: 1986.12

the hair isn't there anymore, so there's no hair even to pigment,

Time: 1988.91

after that telogen phase, unless it's a hair of a particular type such as

Time: 1995.23

the hair on your scalp, which can then reenter the cell cycle,

Time: 1999.19

and get back into an anagen phase and regrow more hair from stem cells.

Time: 2004.49

There are three critical stages

Time: 2006.19

of the life cycle of a hair that are relevant to today's conversation.

Time: 2010.2

There's the anagen phase during which the hair grows,

Time: 2012.79

there's the catagen phase during which the hair actually starts to recede and die.

Time: 2018.05

The protein is actually disappearing from the bottom up.

Time: 2021.72

Then we have the telogen phase,

Time: 2023.24

which is the phase in which the stem cell population is what's called a semi

Time: 2026.95

quiescent, semiquiet, or completely quiescent, where it's not active at all.

Time: 2032.77

Those three phases make up the life cycle

Time: 2035.83

of a hair, keeping in mind that for some hairs, they can reenter the life cycle

Time: 2041.51

and go back into the anagen phase, if there's stem cells there,

Time: 2045.39

and if there is oxygen there, and if there is sufficient blood support,

Time: 2050.47

and—and this is a very important and— if there are the appropriate hormonal

Time: 2055.83

signals to support growth, and there is a reduction or an absence

Time: 2060.75

in the hormone signals that actually trigger that telogen phase.

Time: 2065.13

I make this point now because much of the rest of today's discussion is

Time: 2068.71

going to focus on why particular hormones such as dihydrotestosterone cause hair

Time: 2075.39

loss and why inhibiting things like dihydrotestosterone can support

Time: 2079.71

the preservation of hair that you have and the regrowth of hair.

Time: 2083.24

To make a long story very short, and then we'll get into some additional

Time: 2085.87

details that are relevant, and that I hope you'll stick around

Time: 2088.95

to listen to, dihydrotestosterone, which is a derivative of testosterone,

Time: 2094.41

causes changes in that bulb region where the stem cells reside.

Time: 2099.31

It shortens or halt the anagen phase

Time: 2102.71

of hair growth, and it extends and promotes the catagen and telogen phase.

Time: 2109.2

When we hear that, "Oh dihydrotestosterone makes your hair fall

Time: 2112.67

out, or estrogen makes your hair grow," there are real chemical people,

Time: 2116.65

or we should say biochemical legitimate reasons as to why that is.

Time: 2120.19

But it all comes back to this three

Time: 2122.35

phases of hair growth: the anagen growth phase, the catagen,

Time: 2125.93

catabolic or hair loss phase, and the telogen phase,

Time: 2129.43

which is a rest period in which the hairs can either come back,

Time: 2133.07

if it reenters the anagen phase or maybe it's over for good.

Time: 2136.31

Hormones are the accelerator and the brake on each one of those phases.

Time: 2140.97

I'd like to take a quick break

Time: 2142.51

and acknowledge one of our sponsors, Athletic Greens.

Time: 2145.43

Athletic Greens, now called AG1, is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 2150.31

that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs.

Time: 2153.08

I've been taking Athletic Greens since

Time: 2154.79

2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

Time: 2158.16

The reason I started taking

Time: 2159.12

Athletic Greens and the reason I still take Athletic Greens once or usually

Time: 2162.75

twice a day is that it gets me the probiotics that I need for gut health.

Time: 2167.32

Our gut is very important.

Time: 2168.55

It's populated by gut microbiota that communicate with the brain,

Time: 2172.16

the immune system, and basically all the biological systems

Time: 2174.79

of our body to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health.

Time: 2179.16

Those probiotics and Athletic Greens are optimal and vital for macrobiotic health.

Time: 2184.36

In addition, Athletic Greens contains

Time: 2186.12

a number of adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals that make sure that all

Time: 2189.11

of my foundational nutritional needs are met, and it tastes great.

Time: 2193.35

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens, you can go to AthleticGreens .com/

Time: 2197.36

huberman, and they'll give you five free travel packs that make it really easy

Time: 2201.04

to mix up Athletic Greens while you're on the road in the car, on the plane,

Time: 2204.31

et cetera, and they'll give you a year's supply of vitamin D3 K2.

Time: 2208.52

Again, that's

Time: 2211.08

to get the five free travel packs and the year supply of vitamin D3 K2.

Time: 2216.05

Now you have in mind the anatomy

Time: 2218.07

of the hair and the area from which it grows, and the stem cells, et cetera.

Time: 2222.04

The fact that there's capillary innervation delivering oxygen and blood

Time: 2225.43

flow to the stem cells that give rise to the hair, and that there are these

Time: 2229.83

three critical phases of hair growth: anagen, catagen, and telogen.

Time: 2234.61

Now, let's talk about the accelerators

Time: 2237.07

on hair growth and the brakes on hair growth.

Time: 2240.28

There are many accelerators on hair

Time: 2241.99

growth, but the first one that I really want to underscore is blood flow itself,

Time: 2247.91

which equates to the delivery of nutrients and oxygen.

Time: 2251.65

This is very important,

Time: 2253.39

and it explains a lot of the treatments for halting and reversing hair loss.

Time: 2258.04

For instance, one of the longest standing

Time: 2260.11

treatments for halting and reversing hair loss is so-called minoxidil.

Time: 2264.79

Minoxidil, sometimes also referred to by the brand name ROGAINE,

Time: 2269.33

was actually a drug that was developed to treat hypertension.

Time: 2273.2

This is a cardiac drug that lowers blood

Time: 2276.03

pressure, and it does that by causing vasodilation.

Time: 2279.23

It allows more blood flow,

Time: 2280.99

not just to the hairs on your scalp, but to hairs everywhere on your body.

Time: 2285.24

Indeed, most people don't realize this,

Time: 2287.07

but minoxidil won't just slow the loss of hair from your scalp,

Time: 2291.67

it is also effective at slowing the loss of hair elsewhere in your body.

Time: 2295.51

How does it do that?

Time: 2297.05

Well, you now know one of the major ways it does that.

Time: 2300.11

It does that by extending the anagen phase, so it basically makes that phase

Time: 2305.95

a bit longer, and does it make it much longer, which is why for most people

Time: 2310.63

who are losing their hair quickly or who have already lost their hair,

Time: 2314.19

minoxidil alone is not going to be a sufficient treatment.

Time: 2317.24

However, minoxidil has been shown to be effective at slowing rates of hair loss

Time: 2321.88

in people that are starting to experience some hair loss.

Time: 2324.08

I'll get into dosages and things

Time: 2325.4

of that sort a little bit later, but right now I just want to really focus

Time: 2328.35

on the logic of why people would take this drug,

Time: 2331.15

which is lowering hypertension at all as it relates to hair loss.

Time: 2336.05

That might seem like crazy until you

Time: 2337.99

understand the anatomy and the growth of hairs, which you now do.

Time: 2341.44

That's what minoxidil is doing.

Time: 2342.79

It's creating more blood flow to the hairs, which because minoxidil

Time: 2347.72

does have this positive effect, at least most people would like to slow

Time: 2351.07

their rates of hair loss on their scalp anyway, it tells you that blood flow

Time: 2355.91

and delivery of oxygen and other nutrients from the blood is pretty

Time: 2359.83

critical, if not very critical, for the support of the hair growth cycle itself.

Time: 2365.89

Now, again, we haven't talked at all about the sorts of chemicals or the signals

Time: 2370.24

within the body, such as hormones that actually direct the growth of hairs.

Time: 2373.92

Here, we're just talking about

Time: 2374.95

a mechanical change, allow more blood flow to the region,

Time: 2378.07

and thereby extend the anagen phase, which is exactly what happens with minoxidil.

Time: 2382.37

Now, minoxidil does have other effects, and this is why dosing of minoxidil

Time: 2386.67

becomes a little bit complicated and can be a little bit tricky to troubleshoot.

Time: 2391.13

It can greatly lower blood pressure or lower blood pressure just a little bit,

Time: 2395.35

depending on how sensitive somebody is to that particular drug.

Time: 2398.93

Oftentimes physicians will start people on Minoxidil dosages that are very low.

Time: 2403.03

Ideally, that would be the case and then ratchet it up in order to figure out

Time: 2407.16

where the minimal effective dose or the critical threshold is beyond which they

Time: 2411.15

start experiencing some pretty uncomfortable side effects,

Time: 2414.43

such as swelling of the ankles or headaches or dizziness.

Time: 2418.47

These things can happen with the use of Rogaine, aka Minoxidil.

Time: 2422.49

Now, Minoxidil has also been associated with increases in the hormone prolactin.

Time: 2427.81

Prolactin is a hormone that's released from the pituitary.

Time: 2431.39

It is a hormone that acts also as a bit of a neurotransmitter, like many hormones,

Time: 2436.83

and it tends to be antagonistic or an opposite to dopamine.

Time: 2441.41

Dopamine is a neurochemical.

Time: 2443.56

It's actually a neuromodulator,

Time: 2445

meaning it modulates the activity of a bunch of neural circuits in the brain.

Time: 2448.03

It also controls the release of various hormones in the body.

Time: 2451.51

Dopamine is almost always associated with states of motivation, pursuit, and drive.

Time: 2457.03

It has a little bit of a feel- good

Time: 2459.24

element to it, which is why a lot of people think

Time: 2461.08

dopamine is associated with reward and pleasure.

Time: 2463.39

But it's really about energy, motivation, and drive.

Time: 2466.99

Dopamine and prolactin are,

Time: 2468.8

as I mentioned before, antagonistic to one another.

Time: 2470.99

They're in sort of a push-pull.

Time: 2473.08

People who take Minoxidil, especially if they're very sensitive to it

Time: 2476.15

or they take dosages that are too high, will experience increases in prolactin

Time: 2480.75

that in turn can cause things like reductions in libido,

Time: 2485.63

reductions in overall feelings of well-being, apathy,

Time: 2489.31

and in some cases where the elevations in prolactin are more extreme,

Time: 2493.63

they can experience, for instance, increase in male breast tissue

Time: 2497.43

gynecomastia or even small bits of milk letdown, things of that sort.

Time: 2502.35

In women who take Minoxidil,

Time: 2504.35

the side effects are much like the ones in experienced in men.

Time: 2508.2

So there can be swelling,

Time: 2509.19

edema of the tissues because if you get too much vasodilation

Time: 2512.99

and too, too much lowering of blood pressure, that's not good.

Time: 2516.23

Headaches, dizziness and so on.

Time: 2518.09

Dosing of Minoxidil is really important.

Time: 2520.33

If somebody is going to use Minoxidil

Time: 2523.03

in order to try and slow or reverse hair loss, again, it mainly is going to be used

Time: 2527.85

to slow rates of hair loss, not to actually reverse hair loss.

Time: 2530.92

The really key thing is to get that dosage right.

Time: 2533.36

The ranges of Minoxidil that you'll see

Time: 2535.03

suggested and that people use out there are vast.

Time: 2538.6

I should also mention that there are two

Time: 2540.51

major routes by which people get Minoxidil to the hair follicle.

Time: 2543.71

One is to take it systemically as a pill

Time: 2545.8

where it goes into the general circulation.

Time: 2547.81

The other is to take it topically as a cream.

Time: 2550.81

There are prescription and non-

Time: 2553.24

prescription forms of Minoxidil just to further complicate things.

Time: 2556.31

But the ranges of oral Minoxidil that you'll see out there and that people

Time: 2560.55

take range anywhere from 0.25 milligrams all the way up to five milligrams per day.

Time: 2567.92

That's an enormous range.

Time: 2568.95

It's like a 20-fold range.

Time: 2571.53

The topical Minoxidil is also found in various concentrations.

Time: 2576.18

The typical concentration is going to be

Time: 2578.31

a 5% concentration that people will use once per day.

Time: 2581.63

Topical treatment with Minoxidil at 5%

Time: 2584.71

concentration is thought to just stay at the scalp, but we now know that it

Time: 2590.12

can go systemically, it can get into the general bloodstream.

Time: 2593.04

Why that is should make complete sense

Time: 2594.52

to you because when you put something on your scalp, I've already told you

Time: 2597.19

that these little pits, these little tubes that go down to those

Time: 2600.71

bulb regions below the skin that have direct access to the blood supply.

Time: 2606.6

When you massage something into your

Time: 2607.92

scalp, it not only has the opportunity to get into your general circulation,

Time: 2611.63

it often does, especially if it's something that's very

Time: 2615.63

water-soluble and that way can get into the capillaries and into the general

Time: 2619.87

bloodstream, although topical treatments of which we're going to discuss,

Time: 2624.03

a number of them today don't tend to get into the general circulation as robustly

Time: 2628.87

as taking something by way of pill or capsule.

Time: 2632.73

Minoxidil works by way of increasing blood

Time: 2635.31

flow to the stem cell niche below the hair.

Time: 2638.41

The dosage ranges of the oral Minoxidil

Time: 2641.51

are tremendous, 0.25 milligrams, all the way up to five milligrams once per day.

Time: 2646.33

The dosage range of the topical solutions tends to be a little bit more confined.

Time: 2650.99

Typically, it's a 5% solution and it's

Time: 2653.19

recommended that people use it one time daily, maybe twice daily.

Time: 2657.43

It's also important, by the way, if you're going to take this route,

Time: 2660.83

that you actually leave that solution on the scalp for 3-5 minutes.

Time: 2664.32

This is important and should make complete sense as to why it's important.

Time: 2667.44

You can't just rub the stuff into your

Time: 2668.88

head and then rinse it off and expect it to be absorbed.

Time: 2671.19

It actually needs to seep down into those hair follicles and access the niche.

Time: 2676.23

How do people arrive at the correct dosage for Minoxidil?

Time: 2680.87

Well, for better or for worse, really, in some cases,

Time: 2684.71

it's accomplished by finding out that you have an unwanted side effect, like

Time: 2690.53

dizziness or swelling of your ankles or edema or I would hope this wouldn't be

Time: 2695.31

the case, but something that suggests there's hyperprolactinemia.

Time: 2699.48

You could get a blood test to measure

Time: 2701.07

your prolactin or you perhaps notice a drop in libido or some lethargy.

Time: 2705.93

These sorts of things that are common

Time: 2707.83

to reduce levels of dopamine, increased levels of prolactin.

Time: 2711

I would hope that if people are working with a physician or if they're not

Time: 2714.03

in taking Minoxidil, that they would start with the lowest possible dose.

Time: 2719.77

For oral Minoxidil, that would be 0.25 milligrams and then

Time: 2723.29

increase it as needed rather than jumping in right at five milligrams because some

Time: 2727.44

of those side effects, in particular the fluid retention

Time: 2730.12

and the hyper prolactinemia can be pretty uncomfortable and can

Time: 2733.27

disrupt a lot of aspects of life that most all of us consider desirable.

Time: 2737.77

We're really focusing right now on treatments that relate

Time: 2740.75

to the critical requirement for hair stem cells to receive blood flow in order

Time: 2746.31

to receive oxygen and nutrients, to get the hair to grow.

Time: 2750.13

That's really what Minoxidil is about.

Time: 2752.43

It's also what all of those anecdotes you hear are all about, like

Time: 2757.77

massaging the scalp or putting red light on the scalp.

Time: 2761.48

Although red light might do some other

Time: 2762.71

things, in general, heating or lighting of the scalp or

Time: 2765.91

massaging of the scalp is really designed to increase blood flow to the scalp.

Time: 2770.43

Now, the reason Minoxidil works at all is because it is going to increase blood

Time: 2775.56

flow around the clock, and that's because people are taking it

Time: 2778.15

topically and it's seeping into the general circulation,

Time: 2781.11

or at least it stings somewhat restricted to the hair cell niche.

Time: 2785.12

Or they're taking it orally and it makes

Time: 2786.63

it to that hair cell niche below the follicle.

Time: 2791.24

When we massage our scalp, however,

Time: 2793.63

that's a transient thing, like I massage my scalp right now,

Time: 2796.63

I'm no doubt increasing blood flow to certain areas

Time: 2800.04

and probably decreasing blood flow to the areas I'm pushing down on.

Time: 2802.47

But it's all temporary.

Time: 2803.71

I don't know many people that can massage their scalp enough during the day or long

Time: 2808.31

enough during the day rather that it would sufficiently increase blood flow.

Time: 2812.44

With that said,

Time: 2813.15

it is clear that increasing blood flow to the scalp by way of reducing

Time: 2817.23

hypertension, which is effectively accomplished

Time: 2820.11

by broadening by expanding the blood vessels and capillaries,

Time: 2825.07

is an effective way to at least hold on to the hair that you have.

Time: 2829.83

Is it going to completely halt hair loss

Time: 2832.12

if you have a strong genetic bias towards hair loss?

Time: 2834.23

No. Is it going to reverse hair loss?

Time: 2836.75

Very unlikely that it will.

Time: 2838.27

But it can slow hair loss or even maintain the hair that you have.

Time: 2842.53

If we were to take a step back and ask ourselves what other sorts of drug

Time: 2846.79

treatments are out there besides Minoxidil, that increase blood flow

Time: 2850.87

and that might increase the rates of hair growth or more likely increase

Time: 2855.75

maintenance of hair that one already has by increasing blood flow to the niche.

Time: 2859.97

Nowadays, there are more and more doctors

Time: 2862.11

who are familiar with this requirement for blood flow.

Time: 2865.17

Understand the mechanisms by which Minoxidil works and understand

Time: 2868.4

the vast desire out there for people to hold on to the hair they have

Time: 2871.19

and regrow hair and they are prescribing things like low-dose tadalafil,

Time: 2876.11

so 2.5 milligram to five milligram tadalafil.

Time: 2880.69

Tadalafil was initially discovered as a drug to treat prostate health.

Time: 2885.11

It was a drug that we now know can increase blood flow to the prostate

Time: 2888.99

and thereby offset some of the issues associated with an aging prostate.

Time: 2893.97

Higher doses of tadalafil

Time: 2896.45

sometimes also referred to by its brand name, which is Cialis,

Time: 2900.23

are used to treat erectile dysfunction, but at the dosages that are used

Time: 2903.83

to increase blood flow to the prostate and that now a number of doctors are using

Time: 2908.27

to increase blood flow not just to the prostate but to all regions

Time: 2911.55

of the body, including the scalp, such as 2.5-5 milligram tadalafil.

Time: 2917.96

This is something that I think deserves

Time: 2920.03

attention because it falls under the umbrella of increasing blood flow

Time: 2923.67

to the hair stem cell niche in order to maintain hair.

Time: 2927.69

It is not something that most doctors are going to be familiar with as the way

Time: 2932.39

to reverse hair loss because it won't do that.

Time: 2935.39

But the use of low-dose tadalafil

Time: 2937.27

to slow rates of hair loss is very much in a logical mechanistic sense,

Time: 2943.17

exactly the same as the logic of using Minoxidil to slow rates of hair loss.

Time: 2947.39

It's all about increasing blood flow

Time: 2949.4

to support the stem cell niche below the hair follicle.

Time: 2952.11

The critical requirement for blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to the stem cell

Time: 2956.79

niche is also why you hear a lot nowadays about the use of PRP,

Time: 2961.43

platelet-rich plasma for trying to offset hair loss or even reverse hair loss.

Time: 2967.37

We're going to do an entire episode about PRP.

Time: 2970.05

It is pretty controversial in certain

Time: 2972.23

circles and well- accepted in other circles.

Time: 2974.8

A couple of key things to understand about PRP.

Time: 2977.01

First of all,

Time: 2977.87

it is being used in multiple tissues for different purposes in different clinics.

Time: 2982.89

For instance,

Time: 2984.24

board-certified physicians in the United States, Canada,

Time: 2986.95

and Europe are doing PRP injections into ovaries to try and expand the number

Time: 2993.83

of healthy follicles and eggs so that people can conceive later in life or

Time: 2998.32

even earlier in life if they don't have many follicles.

Time: 3000.36

People are getting PRP injections

Time: 3001.91

into their joints in order to try and support joint health.

Time: 3005.75

People are getting PRP injections into just about every tissue you can think of.

Time: 3010.01

However, PRP, despite what you may have heard, is not stem cells.

Time: 3015.4

Somebody tells you they're injecting stem cells, they're either outside the US,

Time: 3018.57

Canada, or Northern Europe, or they're injecting something else.

Time: 3021.75

So you want to really look into that.

Time: 3024.07

The safety issues there are subject totally deserving of an entire episode.

Time: 3029.99

I'm not necessarily opposed to the future of stem cells as a treatment,

Time: 3034.32

but keep in mind that stem cells are cells that can give rise to lots of other

Time: 3037.23

cell types, and they are cells that divide and replicate.

Time: 3040.92

There's a name for that when it happens

Time: 3042.52

in the adult body when you don't want that.

Time: 3044.49

That's called cancer.

Time: 3045.79

Tumors are over-production of cells

Time: 3048.51

from stem cells when those stem cells ordinarily should be quiescent.

Time: 3052.84

Keep in mind the difference between stem cells and PRP.

Time: 3055.11

PRP, platelet-rich plasma,

Time: 3057.69

again, is legal in the US and many other places because it involves drawing

Time: 3062.27

somebody's blood, spinning it down at a particular speed,

Time: 3065.68

which separates out different components within the blood.

Time: 3068.59

Then taking the platelets and re-

Time: 3070.79

injecting those in a solution back into the person's body.

Time: 3076.09

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is platelet enriched plasma from that person.

Time: 3081.99

But the basis of PRP is really to encourage nutrient delivery

Time: 3086.23

to a particular region in the body using somebody's own platelets,

Time: 3089.84

because those platelets are enriched for various nutrients.

Time: 3092.81

People are getting PRP injections into their scalp.

Time: 3096.56

Those are not stem cell injections.

Time: 3098.07

Those are PRP injections into the scalp with some moderate success.

Time: 3102.76

These are very expensive treatments.

Time: 3104.47

They tend to be transiently successful.

Time: 3107.08

I'm sure there are people out there who are going to say,

Time: 3109.03

"PRP worked fabulously well for me." That might be the case.

Time: 3112.28

I'm not going to dispute that.

Time: 3113.51

And I'm happy for you.

Time: 3114.67

Although there are not sufficient

Time: 3116.92

clinical data to suggest PRP as a treatment right now,

Time: 3119.44

especially given the cost, many thousands of dollars, many, many treatments.

Time: 3122.99

It's also the case that the PRP

Time: 3126.11

injections, when they work, might work for reasons independent of the platelets.

Time: 3132.12

What do I mean by that?

Time: 3132.96

Well, soon, we're going to talk about a different type of treatment,

Time: 3135.79

which is a mechanical manipulation of the hair follicle, typically,

Time: 3139.84

on the scalp, because that's typically where people want to regrow hair.

Time: 3142.08

I don't know many people who are trying

Time: 3143.31

to maintain or accelerate or regrow their back hair, for instance.

Time: 3148.04

They might be out there,

Time: 3148.95

but I don't think there are a lot of them or their leg hair, for that matter.

Time: 3153.32

Almost always, it's going to be scalp hair.

Time: 3155.07

And one way that people are doing that is through mechanical stimulation

Time: 3159.21

of the hair follicle and the stem cell niche using what's called micro-needling.

Time: 3163.19

Micro-needling, as the name suggests,

Time: 3165.11

is taking a bunch of little needles either in a little stamp.

Time: 3168.89

A little square or nowadays, typically, it's a roller.

Time: 3172.28

It looks like a paint roller,

Time: 3173.75

except it's got tons of little needles in rows all over that roller.

Time: 3178.47

Those needles range in length from half a millimeter to 2.5 millimeters.

Time: 3184.85

Millimeters and one rolls that over the scalp.

Time: 3188.4

If you're thinking, ouch, that probably hurts.

Time: 3190.39

Indeed, it can hurt a little bit or a lot,

Time: 3192.55

depending on the thickness and the length of those needles.

Time: 3197.01

Micro-needling has been shown to do two things.

Time: 3200.03

It has been shown to reactivate semi-

Time: 3203.44

quiescent populations of stem cells that are in that telogen phase,

Time: 3206.75

putting them back in antigen phase and thereby stimulate more hair growth.

Time: 3210.51

It has also, and this is I think, the best use of micro-needling.

Time: 3213.91

It has also been shown to be a very

Time: 3216.07

effective augment for some of the hormone- based hair regrowth tools

Time: 3221.8

and pharmacology that we're going to talk about in a few minutes.

Time: 3224.96

Micro-needling and PRP have something very critical in common,

Time: 3228.07

which is the needle, the actual injection into the skin.

Time: 3231.92

For those of you that are hearing this

Time: 3233.11

and thinking, why would disrupting the skin with needles

Time: 3236.63

actually, support hair growth or regrowth, wouldn't that just damage the follicle?

Time: 3242.09

Well, this gets into some of the, I think, interesting, if not fascinating aspects

Time: 3247.19

of our biology, which is that all of the cells in our body

Time: 3250.47

really can respond to both chemical and mechanical cues.

Time: 3254.81

When we hear needle injected into skin, we think, oh, that must just be damaging

Time: 3259.15

everything, causing all sorts of inflammation.

Time: 3261.55

But it turns out that low levels of inflammation caused by things like

Time: 3265.55

micro-needling or PRP injections or even the introduction of any kind of fluid.

Time: 3271.24

For instance, saline fluid injected

Time: 3273.11

into a region can cause changes in the cells in that region, causing,

Time: 3277.99

for instance, stem cell populations that were waning to reactivate again,

Time: 3282.79

causing telogen phase follicles that have melanocytes and stem cells that are dying

Time: 3288.79

off but not completely gone to reenter the cell cycle.

Time: 3293.41

Micro-needling procedures, PRP injections, things like Minoxidil,

Time: 3298.07

they all kind of center around this same general theme of increasing blood flow,

Time: 3303.03

increasing oxygen, delivery of nutrients, or in the case of micro-needling,

Time: 3307.71

increasing inflammation just enough at that local site that certain cascades

Time: 3313.59

of biological function that relate to proliferation of stem cells or

Time: 3318.43

maintenance of stem cell populations are kicked off.

Time: 3321.16

It's sort of like reminding the cells

Time: 3322.63

in that area that they need to stay alive in order to replenish whatever is lost.

Time: 3327.07

Sometimes a wound can actually induce some healing.

Time: 3330.39

Although I do want to point out

Time: 3332.51

that the micro part of micro-needling is absolutely key and this should be

Time: 3336.87

obvious to you when you think about scars.

Time: 3339.79

I don't know about you, but I've never seen a scar with hair

Time: 3342.8

growing out of it, or if there was, it was probably like one hair.

Time: 3345.95

But if you've ever seen a scar,

Time: 3348

someone had their appendix out or if someone had a brain surgery,

Time: 3350.91

you see that scar because there is no hair growing out of it.

Time: 3354.35

So the micro portion of micro-needling is extremely important.

Time: 3358.71

We are not talking about causing

Time: 3360.99

significant damage to a tissue in order to activate that stem cell population.

Time: 3365.15

We're talking about causing microdamage

Time: 3367.23

and micro levels of inflammation to stimulate growth.

Time: 3370.63

For those of you that are interested in using micro-needling or micro-needling

Time: 3375.04

in combination with chemical treatments like Minoxidil or some of the other

Time: 3378.04

treatments we'll talk about in a little bit.

Time: 3379.39

Like finasteride and caffeine.

Time: 3381.64

Yes, believe it or not, caffeine is being used to regrow hair.

Time: 3384.55

Very interesting.

Time: 3385.68

Get into that in a moment.

Time: 3386.8

But if you're interested in using m

Time: 3388.12

icro-needling alone or in combination with some of these other treatments,

Time: 3391.6

there's a wonderful review that was just published this last year.

Time: 3394.51

Wonderful, because it's very comprehensive.

Time: 3396.93

Not so wonderful.

Time: 3398.43

Not to the fault of the authors because

Time: 3400.97

most of the studies out there on micro-needling are not superb.

Time: 3404.83

There are ways of gauging the strength of a study mainly relate to their

Time: 3408.8

duration, whether or not they were control groups et cetera.

Time: 3411.52

But the review itself is excellent and the title of the review is M

Time: 3414.67

icro-needling and its Use in Hair Loss Disorders: A Systematic Review.

Time: 3418.64

We will provide a link to this

Time: 3419.83

in the show note captions and this review did a very good job of highlighting both

Time: 3424.32

the strengths and drawbacks of the various studies looking at micro-needling.

Time: 3427.91

It also explored the use of micro-needling

Time: 3430.31

in both men and women and of various ages, and it does appear to be the case

Time: 3435.67

that micro-needling shows some positive benefit in both men and women,

Time: 3439.27

regardless of age, especially when used in combination

Time: 3442.84

with the various other treatments that we're talking about.

Time: 3445.08

I was also able to glean from this review and some of the papers described within it

Time: 3449.23

that needle lengths of about one millimeter to 2.5 millimeters seem to be

Time: 3454.07

more effective than shorter needle lengths.

Time: 3457.39

So if you're scared of the needles and the needle lengths,

Time: 3460.51

keep in mind that done properly, micro-needling shouldn't be too painful.

Time: 3464.48

Some people experience a little bit more

Time: 3466.04

pain than others, but it's not considered a very painful procedure.

Time: 3469.15

It is, however, a procedure that can cause

Time: 3471.92

some bleeding of the scalp, and that bleeding of the scalp can be

Time: 3474.88

very apparent, especially if it's in the front

Time: 3477

of the head as opposed to in the top of the head and hidden by some hair or if

Time: 3480.55

you're already quite bald in a given region.

Time: 3484.73

Keep that in mind.

Time: 3485.84

I suppose one could wear a hat or a wig

Time: 3487.48

or something of that sort if they were really self-conscious about it.

Time: 3489.83

But the micro-needling itself is causing

Time: 3493.11

a physical disruption to the scalp, some degree of bleeding, inflammation.

Time: 3497.23

And again, all of that is part

Time: 3499.11

of the process by which micro-needling can actually improve hair growth.

Time: 3503.04

Of course, there's healing that occurs

Time: 3504.76

of the bleeding and the damage to the follicle.

Time: 3506.83

This is a transient thing,

Time: 3508.26

but understanding the cosmetic implications in the short term as well as

Time: 3511.96

in the long-term is certainly worth knowing.

Time: 3514.2

One thing that's very clear is

Time: 3515.47

that the combination of micro-needling and Minoxidil treatment together is far

Time: 3519.75

more effective than either of those treatments alone.

Time: 3522.39

In addition,

Time: 3523.51

the combination of micro-needling and Minoxidil has been shown to be

Time: 3527.32

effective in recovering what are called dead zones.

Time: 3529.85

These are regions of the scalp that are either completely bald or mostly bald,

Time: 3533.91

for which there is essentially no stem cell population there.

Time: 3539.21

The combination of Minoxidil plus

Time: 3541.48

micro-needling is somehow able to recover those stem cell populations and allow

Time: 3545.35

new hair to grow, although the growth of that hair

Time: 3548.07

in those dead zone regions can take a very long time, 30 to even 50 weeks.

Time: 3553.07

Neither Minoxidil treatment alone nor

Time: 3555.24

micro-needling alone has been shown to be effective in recovering these so-called

Time: 3559.31

dead zones when those treatments are done separately.

Time: 3562.68

This, I would say,

Time: 3563.43

is a strong reason to consider combining micro-needling and Minoxidil as opposed

Time: 3568.27

to just doing Minoxidil or just micro-needling.

Time: 3571.01

I should also mention that Minoxidil treatment, if you pursue it,

Time: 3575.16

is likely something that you are going to have to do for the rest of your life.

Time: 3578.95

If you want to hold on to the hair growth that you obtain with Minoxidil or if you

Time: 3583.91

want to maintain the hair that you are already maintaining with Minoxidil.

Time: 3588.27

Some people have been successful in taking Minoxidil, maintaining some hair

Time: 3592.6

growth or even stimulating some hair growth and then coming off Minoxidil.

Time: 3595.79

But most everyone who goes on Minoxidil

Time: 3597.99

has to stay on Minoxidil because when they cease taking Minoxidil,

Time: 3601.59

even if they're doing other treatments, they lose the hair that they gained

Time: 3605.79

with Minoxidil, so that is an important consideration.

Time: 3608.6

The decision to go on Minoxidil is likely

Time: 3610.63

a decision to be on Minoxidil for the rest of your life.

Time: 3613.48

I'd like to just take a brief break

Time: 3615.27

and thank one of our sponsors, which is LMNT.

Time: 3617.92

LMNT is an electrolyte drink that has everything you need and nothing you don't.

Time: 3621.75

That means plenty of salt, sodium,

Time: 3624.19

magnesium, and potassium, the so-called electrolytes, and no sugar.

Time: 3628.61

Salt, magnesium,

Time: 3629.72

and potassium are critical to the function of all the cells in your body,

Time: 3632.95

in particular to the function of your nerve cells, also called neurons.

Time: 3636.85

We now know that even slight reductions

Time: 3639.39

in electrolyte concentrations or dehydration of the body can lead

Time: 3643.03

to deficits in cognitive and physical performance.

Time: 3646.12

LMNT contains a science-backed

Time: 3647.69

electrolyte ratio of 1,000 milligrams, that's one gram, of sodium,

Time: 3651.79

200 milligrams of potassium, and 60 milligrams of magnesium.

Time: 3655.24

I typically drink LMNT first thing

Time: 3656.92

in the morning when I wake up in order to hydrate my body and make sure I have

Time: 3660.07

enough electrolytes, and while I do any kind of physical

Time: 3663.2

training and after physical training as well, especially if I have been sweating

Time: 3666.67

a lot, and certainly I drink LMNT in my water when I'm in the sauna

Time: 3670.76

and after going in the sauna because that causes quite a lot of sweating.

Time: 3673.8

If you'd like to try LMNT,

Time: 3674.95

you can go to drinklmnt, that's To claim

Time: 3679.8

a free element sample pack with your purchase.

Time: 3681.71

Again, that's drinklmnt ,

Time: 3686

So, as you're probably starting to realize, there's a relationship between

Time: 3688.87

mechanical stimulation of the follicle and blood flow, both of which turn out

Time: 3693.15

to be critical for maintaining hair and for stimulating hair growth.

Time: 3697.49

Not surprisingly then, an increasingly c ommon treatment for hair loss is Botox.

Time: 3702.95

Botox is the brand name for what is otherwise known as botulinum neurotoxin.

Time: 3708.55

What is botulinum neurotoxin?

Time: 3710.77

Botulinum neurotoxin,

Time: 3712.07

sometimes just called botulinum for short, is a toxin that's a bacterial

Time: 3716.31

toxin that serves to cut the protein that leads to synaptic vesicle release.

Time: 3722.63

What in the world did I just say?

Time: 3724.32

Well, when your nerve cells communicate with one another,

Time: 3727.15

they do that by way of electricity, but the electricity within those nerve

Time: 3731.39

cells, those neurons, triggers the release of chemicals

Time: 3734.35

from neurons into the synapse, the little gap between neurons.

Time: 3738.09

The release of those chemicals allows the next neuron to be chemically active,

Time: 3742.07

or in some cases, it will suppress the electrical activity of that next neuron.

Time: 3746.73

Botulinum neurotoxin serves to cut a protein present in neurons so

Time: 3752.91

that neurons cannot release the chemicals that cause other neurons to be active.

Time: 3757.93

This actually is pretty serious.

Time: 3759.6

If you were to get botulinum neurotoxin

Time: 3761.55

injected into your muscle you would be paralyzed because the nerves that control

Time: 3766.03

contraction of the muscles would not be able to control the release

Time: 3769.51

of that chemical onto the muscle, which makes it contract.

Time: 3773.45

Botulinum neurotoxin is commonly used in what's called Botox.

Time: 3777.72

Botox is something most people are

Time: 3779.39

familiar with because people get it injected in and around their wrinkles

Time: 3784.31

because many wrinkles are triggered by not just loss of tensile strength

Time: 3790.07

in the skin, but rather, the nerves around the skin

Time: 3794.39

and in the skin are hyper contracted, which causes wrinkles.

Time: 3798.48

For instance, I have crow's feet.

Time: 3799.84

I like to think that's because I've laughed a lot and smiled a lot,

Time: 3802.64

and it's probably also because I've squinted a lot in my lifetime.

Time: 3805.73

I have crow's feet because the nerves

Time: 3807.83

there have pinched the skin on either side of my eyes and that's given me

Time: 3813.16

little creases there that are sometimes referred to as crow's feet.

Time: 3816.23

Botox injections can be applied

Time: 3817.95

to the scalp in order to relieve tension of the scalp.

Time: 3822.92

In hearing that, it should be obvious why

Time: 3824.59

Botox is being used to try and offset hair loss.

Time: 3827.75

It's decreasing the squinting,

Time: 3830.63

if you will, or the tensile nature of the scalp skin so that more blood flow

Time: 3837.19

can arrive at that stem cell follicle area.

Time: 3840.41

Botox treatment to the scalp is actually becoming pretty common.

Time: 3843.84

There are a couple requirements with this Botox treatment.

Time: 3846.28

First of all, it has to be done by somebody who's really skilled.

Time: 3848.95

There are numerous images online

Time: 3851.87

and websites online of so-called Botox fails, where people have gotten too much

Time: 3856.43

Botox or the injections have been done too deep or not at the correct locations

Time: 3860.8

on people's face or scalp, and it can give them droopy scalp or droopy eyes.

Time: 3864.35

All sorts of cosmetic nightmares can occur with Botox.

Time: 3867.94

The second thing to understand is that Botox does eventually wear off.

Time: 3871.47

That botulinum neurotoxin doesn't stick around forever.

Time: 3874.88

Provided it's done correctly at the correct dosages,

Time: 3877.03

it doesn't actually kill the neurons that cause that tension of the skin,

Time: 3880.73

so Botox injections have to be done repeatedly.

Time: 3883.85

The efficacy of Botox for offsetting hair loss is not clear.

Time: 3888.04

There aren't a lot of large- scale clinical studies on this just yet,

Time: 3891.11

but it does seem to be at least one reasonably safe alternative to things

Time: 3894.79

like Minoxidil, although I think if one were to just want to increase blood flow

Time: 3899.07

to the scalp, things like low- dose Tadalafil, which doesn't seem to carry any

Time: 3903.08

of the side effects that Minoxidil can carry, we talked about those side effects

Time: 3906.95

earlier, that would probably be the better alternative.

Time: 3909.71

Botox is a fairly invasive procedure, but some people opt for Botox treatment.

Time: 3914.03

In fact, there is a syndrome called cutis verticis gyrata.

Time: 3919.4

Some of you have probably seen this.

Time: 3920.76

It's more typical in men, although it does occur in women.

Time: 3923.51

It literally means a lumping of the skin on the scalp, or gyri of the scalp.

Time: 3929.73

Gyri or gyrus pertains to the Latin word knee, so it means bump or knee.

Time: 3936.33

Any time you hear the word gyrus

Time: 3938.17

in neuroscience or in biology, you're talking about a bump.

Time: 3941.36

You'll sometimes see people will have ridges in the back where it looks as if

Time: 3944.03

the skin was pushed together, kind of like a Shar-Pei dog, but on the scalp.

Time: 3948.87

People with cutis verticis gyrata almost always experience pattern hair loss.

Time: 3954.92

Now, part of the reason for that is

Time: 3956.51

cutis verticis gyrata is also associated with some androgen or

Time: 3961.4

testosterone- related hormone issues that we'll talk about in a little bit.

Time: 3964.91

But in addition to that,

Time: 3966.79

it has been shown that relieving some of those gyrata by injections of Botox

Time: 3970.95

to allow those folds to sit flatter, A, is effective.

Time: 3974.75

It can lead to less of those gyri, those bumps, and can improve hair growth

Time: 3980.35

in those regions, even if those people don't take on any

Time: 3984.07

additional treatments to address the hormone issues.

Time: 3986.96

That's really how people arrived at this understanding that Botox might be a good

Time: 3990.23

treatment in general for reducing the squinting of the scalp that can occur

Time: 3995.75

and the resulting hair loss in those regions.

Time: 3998.07

I'd now like to turn our attention to the chemical variables that control

Time: 4002.19

the duration of the growth phase of hair, the duration of that catagen phase,

Time: 4006.63

which is when that hair essentially recedes from the inside out,

Time: 4010.71

and the quiescent or semi- quiescent telogen phase.

Time: 4015.85

There are a couple of key chemical players here that we should all be aware of.

Time: 4020.37

First of all, the growth factor IGF-1,

Time: 4024.49

insulin growth factor 1, which is produced by the liver,

Time: 4027.55

but that receives stimulation from the brain and pituitary to be

Time: 4031.79

released, is a strong regulator of hair growth.

Time: 4035.57

We can think of it as the accelerator on hair growth.

Time: 4039.49

It does that by extending that anagen, or growth phase, for longer.

Time: 4044.99

It doesn't necessarily speed up growth,

Time: 4047.15

but it extends it for a longer period of time.

Time: 4050.29

In addition, cyclic AMP, which is part of what's called a second

Time: 4053.91

messenger pathway, in fact, cyclic AMP is a second messenger,

Time: 4057.71

is also a key player in stimulating growth of the hair follicle.

Time: 4061.76

Now, cyclic AMP does many different things in many different cell types in the body.

Time: 4065.55

It really acts, as the name suggests,

Time: 4067.99

as a messenger between signals that arrive at the surface of cells

Time: 4072.31

and transmitting or conveying those signals to things that happen deep within

Time: 4077.27

the cells, such as the turning on and off of various genes.

Time: 4081.24

When you hear second messenger, don't let that confuse you or overwhelm you.

Time: 4084.59

Just understand that the whole process of getting signals from the outside

Time: 4088.55

of cells into the center of cells and controlling gene expression,

Time: 4092.79

for instance, causing a stem cell to continue to give

Time: 4096.79

off daughter cells, or causing a hair cell to continue growing for longer,

Time: 4100.76

that whole process is a bit like a bucket brigade of handing off water or

Time: 4104.63

a bucket from one component to the next, or along a chain.

Time: 4107.84

It's like an assembly line.

Time: 4108.92

I think that's probably the simplest way to think about it.

Time: 4111.41

For sake of this discussion, IGF-1 is known to increase the growth

Time: 4115.87

of hair by extending that anagen phase, as is cyclic AMP.

Time: 4121.04

Those are going to be considered

Time: 4122.46

the accelerators, at least in this conversation.

Time: 4125.53

The brakes on hair growth are going to be

Time: 4129.34

the things that either shorten the anagen phase or that extend

Time: 4132.99

the catagen phase or this quiescent phase, which is the telogen phase.

Time: 4138.05

The two major brakes on hair growth

Time: 4140.55

that we want to think about are PDE, which is a phosphodiesterase,

Time: 4145.57

anytime you hear -ase it's likely to be an enzyme, and TGF-beta-2.

Time: 4150.72

This is a particular growth factor that,

Time: 4153.52

somewhat counterintuitively, doesn't stimulate growth,

Time: 4155.99

it actually stimulates lack of growth, or shortens growth.

Time: 4159.13

With all of that in mind, and please do also keep in mind that you

Time: 4163.2

don't need to remember all those specific terms, just understand that there are

Time: 4165.91

some factors, like insulin growth factor 1, that act as accelerators on growth,

Time: 4170.59

and there are factors that act as brakes on growth.

Time: 4173.64

We can start to think about why,

Time: 4175.91

for instance, half of all people by age 50 start to lose their hair.

Time: 4181.32

Well, they start to lose their hair because of something called androgen-

Time: 4184.59

related alopecia, which, translated to English,

Time: 4188.3

means testosterone and testosterone- derivative induced hair loss.

Time: 4193.75

This is true in men and women.

Time: 4195.8

Hearing that, you should probably be wondering the following thing:

Time: 4199.72

Young men have higher levels of testosterone than old men, right?

Time: 4204.4

Well, the answer is yes,

Time: 4205.63

although some older men in their 40s, 50s, even 80s, maintain testosterone

Time: 4210.22

levels similar to many men in their 20s, but most don't.

Time: 4213.59

It's a downward slope starting at about age 40.

Time: 4216.99

How steep that downward slope is depends.

Time: 4220.33

Women, too, have testosterone.

Time: 4222.26

In fact, women have higher levels of testosterone than they do estrogen.

Time: 4226.92

That's right.

Time: 4228.25

A healthy woman has higher levels of testosterone than she does estrogen.

Time: 4232.03

However, women, on average,

Time: 4234.14

have lower testosterone than most men, so they still have far more estrogen

Time: 4239.3

and far less testosterone than most men, but the level of testosterone that they

Time: 4243.59

have within their body is higher than the level of estrogen they have.

Time: 4248.57

Androgens such as testosterone and its

Time: 4252.14

derivatives, such as dihydrotestosterone, which will be much the topic of what we're

Time: 4257.34

getting into next, inhibit IGF-1 and cyclic AMP.

Time: 4264.32

Again, androgens such as dihydrotestosterone inhibit,

Time: 4268.11

prevent the action of IGF-1 and cyclic AMP, which you just learned a few moments

Time: 4273.14

ago, act to extend the anagen or growth phase of hair.

Time: 4276.22

Which then raises the question, well, if young people, both male and female,

Time: 4281.42

have higher levels of testosterone than they do when they're older,

Time: 4284.95

why would people lose their hair when they're older and not younger?

Time: 4289.37

The answer lies in the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

Time: 4294.63

Testosterone most people have heard of.

Time: 4296.71

Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is made from testosterone.

Time: 4301.55

There's an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase that converts testosterone

Time: 4305.46

into dihydrotestosterone in both men and women.

Time: 4308.92

Dihydrotestosterone binds to the androgen receptor at five times

Time: 4313.83

the affinity of testosterone, so it is the most powerful androgen

Time: 4317.79

in humans, and it is responsible for a number of things that we all

Time: 4321.75

really want and like, such as mental vigor, physical vigor, strength,

Time: 4328.07

healing capacity, drive, libido, and on and on.

Time: 4332.61

DHT itself is not bad.

Time: 4334.72

If we take a step back and we acknowledge testosterone levels are

Time: 4337.79

higher in males and females at younger ages as opposed to older,

Time: 4341.07

but as they get older, there is more 5-alpha reductase activity,

Time: 4344.84

which is converting more of that testosterone

Time: 4346.95

to dihydrotestosterone and dihydrotestosterone inhibits hair

Time: 4350.42

growth by reducing IGF-1 and cyclic AMP, well, then we should all be aboard why it

Time: 4355.18

is that by age 50, about 50% of people experience pattern hair loss.

Time: 4360.63

That is androgen-dependent alopecia,

Time: 4363.96

but translated to normal English is pattern hair loss.

Time: 4368.17

In a moment you'll understand why some people lose their hair from the crown

Time: 4372.3

region in the back of the head, or back and top of the head,

Time: 4375.3

whereas other people lose their hair in the front of their head,

Time: 4379.18

in the flanks, right on either side of the midline,

Time: 4382.87

or maybe in the midline and front altogether.

Time: 4386.25

That's because different people, depending on their genetic lineage,

Time: 4390.11

have different patterns of androgen receptors on their scalp.

Time: 4394

The pattern of androgen receptors

Time: 4395.75

that you inherit indeed does come from your mother's side.

Time: 4399.96

This is what gave rise to the the myth that if you want to know if you're going

Time: 4403.59

to go bald or not, just look at your mother's father.

Time: 4406.28

Doesn't quite work that way.

Time: 4407.46

In fact, if you think about the logic, you should really look at your mother's

Time: 4411.5

mother if you want to know your pattern of androgen receptors on your scalp.

Time: 4416.83

However, most women don't lose as much

Time: 4418.99

hair from their scalp, or they have ways of covering up the hair

Time: 4422.32

loss in their scalp because their hair is just generally longer or they're using

Time: 4425.67

other approaches, so that you never really get a clear picture of what the androgen-

Time: 4430.11

dependent hair loss was in your grandmother.

Time: 4433.88

Now, we don't want to go too far down the genetics rabbit hole because,

Time: 4436.96

as you know, you can't select your parents anyway, but if you want to know

Time: 4440.5

why, for instance, I'm losing a bit of hair on either side

Time: 4443.99

of the midline in the front, it almost certainly has to do

Time: 4447.56

with the fact that I have a higher density of androgen receptors there,

Time: 4450.8

as opposed to, say, on the crown of my head where,

Time: 4453.16

for whatever reason, my hair seems to grow thickest.

Time: 4455.55

Other people lose hair on the crown,

Time: 4457.45

in the back and top, but not in the front, and some people will lose it all over.

Time: 4462.09

Now you understand why hair loss occurs in certain regions of the body.

Time: 4466.45

You should also understand that the androgen receptors on the face

Time: 4470.75

are also what are responsible for beard growth.

Time: 4473.36

This is where it can get a little bit tricky, but a lot of things will start

Time: 4476.07

to make sense if you can understand this and internalize this.

Time: 4479.29

If you have a high density of androgen

Time: 4481.38

receptors on your face, well then as your DHT levels go up

Time: 4485.03

with age, you will be able to grow a thicker and thicker beard.

Time: 4488.38

In fact, it is rare to see someone who can

Time: 4491.07

grow a thick beard in their youth, but not so much as they get older.

Time: 4494.55

In fact, the reverse tends to be true.

Time: 4496.48

The pattern of androgen receptors differs

Time: 4498.18

between the scalp and the face and the back.

Time: 4502.21

On your back you have androgen receptors and their DHT stimulates hair growth.

Time: 4506.48

If you know someone who has a very hairy back, or if you have a very hairy back,

Time: 4509.52

that means you have a high density of androgen receptors on your back.

Time: 4512.38

If you have a beard and that beard is

Time: 4514.56

thick, well then you have a high density of androgen receptors on your face.

Time: 4517.95

However, a high density of androgen receptors anywhere on your scalp is going

Time: 4522.11

to predispose those regions to androgen- dependent alopecia, or hair loss in those

Time: 4527.26

particular regions, which is going to allow us to understand

Time: 4530.67

why all of the rest of the treatments for halting hair loss

Time: 4534.75

and for stimulating hair growth, almost all of those center on inhibiting

Time: 4540.63

either DHT directly, or 5-alpha reductase, the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Time: 4546.92

Now I'd like to discuss the ways that one can chemically adjust certain things

Time: 4550.79

within the hair growth pathway, things like IGF-1, PDE, TGF beta, etc,

Time: 4557.37

in order to stimulate hair growth or halt hair loss.

Time: 4560.52

The first thing on this list is actually

Time: 4562.14

going to be pretty surprising to a number of you, and that's caffeine.

Time: 4566.04

We all think of caffeine as a stimulant that we drink.

Time: 4568.71

I certainly drink coffee in Yerba Mate,

Time: 4570.88

the occasional energy drink, things of that sort.

Time: 4572.91

Caffeine does many things besides

Time: 4575

stimulate our central nervous system and make us feel less sleepy, however.

Time: 4578.64

One of the things that caffeine does is it is a fairly potent PDE inhibitor.

Time: 4585.41

By being a potent PDE inhibitor, it indirectly stimulates IGF-1.

Time: 4590.64


Time: 4591.18

Well, because PDE can suppress IGF-1, and by ingesting caffeine,

Time: 4598.09

or by applying topical caffeine ointment or cream to the scalp,

Time: 4603.84

you can suppress PDE sufficiently enough to increase IGF-1 and increase some hair

Time: 4609.14

growth, or at least maintain hair growth in that region.

Time: 4612.88

This may come as a shock,

Time: 4614.34

it might seem a little bit esoteric or even outside the margins of typical

Time: 4618.55

treatments, but head to head, topical caffeine application can be as

Time: 4622.99

effective as Minoxidil application without actually lowering things like

Time: 4627.3

blood pressure and potentially increasing prolactin and some of the other negative,

Time: 4632.88

let's call them negative because they are, side effects of Minoxidil.

Time: 4636.84

Caffeine ointments, and caffeine present in various hair treatments

Time: 4641.07

and creams, etc, is starting to become a more prominent theme out there.

Time: 4645.64

I will include a reference to caffeine and its uses for offsetting hair loss.

Time: 4650.24

Keep in mind that topical caffeine ointments shouldn't necessarily be applied

Time: 4653.76

every single day, so this is the sort of thing you might do three times a week.

Time: 4657.16

The concentration of caffeine in different ointments varies tremendously.

Time: 4660.42

Most of the studies of caffeine

Time: 4662.32

on the stem cell niches that control hair growth and extension of the anagen phase

Time: 4666.46

of hair growth have been performed in vitro in a dish.

Time: 4669.38

Although there are some clinical studies exploring this, they are not nearly as

Time: 4674

extensive in number or duration as the studies of Minoxidil because this

Time: 4677.52

approach just hasn't been around quite as long.

Time: 4679.63

However, when comparing side effects of Minoxidil, cost of Minoxidil,

Time: 4683.67

comparing the efficacy of caffeine and Minoxidil,

Time: 4686.22

I think caffeine as a topical treatment for offsetting hair loss stands as

Time: 4690.63

a pretty good choice if you're going to start exploring this pathway.

Time: 4694.16

There's no reason to think that if you were to try the caffeine ointment and it

Time: 4697.24

didn't work for you or you didn't like it for some reason or you needed to stop

Time: 4700.2

it for some reason, that you couldn't stop it safely,

Time: 4702.46

because it doesn't carry all the other blood pressure- related effects

Time: 4706.3

and prolactin emia effects that Minoxidil does.

Time: 4709.48

If you look out there into the hair maintenance and hair replacement

Time: 4712.96

literature, and you look at thetreatments that are

Time: 4715.3

being sold, don't be surprised to see caffeine there.

Time: 4718.12

Also, don't be surprised when I tell you

Time: 4720.08

what I'm about to tell you now, which is, no, you can't simply just drink more

Time: 4723.55

caffeine in order to accomplish the goal of offsetting hair loss.

Time: 4727.48

It is true that when you ingest caffeine, it goes systemically.

Time: 4730.38

However, you have so many adenosine receptors throughout your body.

Time: 4734.12

Those adenosine receptors, and the parking of caffeine in those

Time: 4737.2

adenosine receptors, is the main way in which caffeine

Time: 4739.71

exerts its stimulatory effects, making you feel less sleepy.

Time: 4743.96

It does that because then adenosine can't

Time: 4746.04

have its effects, which are to make you sleepy.

Time: 4748.22

Well, those adenosine receptors soak up

Time: 4751.13

so much of the caffeine that you would ingest orally that very,

Time: 4754.75

very little would make it to the scalp and to the hair follicles

Time: 4759.16

at the concentrations that you would want, so that's why you have to rely

Time: 4762.11

on the application of these caffeine ointments about three times a week.

Time: 4765.96

Keep in mind that no one has really

Time: 4767.71

explored the dosages of caffeine in these ointments in a systematic way.

Time: 4771.4

We are still in the early stages of all this, but I do think it's important

Time: 4774.73

to mention caffeine because of the lower incidence of side effects,

Time: 4778.08

at least reported side effects, and the general safety margins,

Time: 4780.91

and the head to head essentially comparable efficacy with Minoxidil

Time: 4784.6

because Minoxidil has a bunch of other issues.

Time: 4786.87

Now keep in mind that both Minoxidil and caffeine are generally used as

Time: 4791.11

a preventative for reducing hair loss over time.

Time: 4795.22

They are not expected, and they do not, as far- as far as we

Time: 4798.75

know, create new hair growth to any sufficient degree.

Time: 4803.12

If any of you have used caffeine, ointments or minoxidil and observed new

Time: 4806.68

hair growth that was robust, please put that in the comment section.

Time: 4809.84

I'd be curious about those experiences, but as far as I know

Time: 4812.6

and from the clinical literature that I read, there's no examples of that.

Time: 4816.34

One other point about caffeine.

Time: 4818.03

It does appear that caffeine can not only indirectly stimulate IGF-1 and the antigen

Time: 4822.99

phase of hair cell growth by way of reducing PD and TGF beta.

Time: 4827.22

But it also seems to reduce apoptosis

Time: 4830.22

which is naturally occurring cell death of that stem cell niche.

Time: 4833.56

We've been talking a lot about the antigen or growth phase of hair.

Time: 4836.2

We also talked about the catagen or

Time: 4837.99

the recession of that hair from the inside out.

Time: 4840.32

But remember that third phase,

Time: 4841.6

the telogen phase, where that whole bulb down at the bottom, the bulge,

Time: 4845.08

as it's called, gets pinched off and the whole thing dies

Time: 4847.48

and takes the stem cells off to the grave with it.

Time: 4849.71

It appears that caffeine can offset the death of that niche and potentially

Time: 4854.18

maintain the stem cell population longer, making caffeine a really good choice

Time: 4858.87

to think about in conjunction with the various chemical treatments

Time: 4862.38

aimed at directly attacking the DHT pathway that we'll talk about next.

Time: 4866.71

So there's one very direct way to increase hair growth and maintain

Time: 4870.46

the hair that you have on your head, and that's to increase IGF-1.

Time: 4874.92

That can be accomplished through prescription drugs such as growth hormone

Time: 4879.59

and things that stimulate the release of growth hormone and IGF-1.

Time: 4883.8

Keep in mind, growth hormone is released

Time: 4885.5

from the anterior pituitary during the first hours of sleep,

Time: 4888.92

especially when you haven't eaten anything for the two hours prior

Time: 4891.67

to sleep, and especially when you get regular bedtimes.

Time: 4895.63

Yes, this is a real thing.

Time: 4897.34

If you are going to sleep at variable bedtimes, especially if you go to sleep

Time: 4901.5

much later than your usual habitual bedtime, you will miss that growth

Time: 4905.18

hormone pulse that normally occurs in the first 2-3 hours of sleep.

Time: 4909.48

This does not mean that you need to be

Time: 4910.76

neurotic about getting to sleep at the exact same time every night.

Time: 4913.28

There's probably a plus or minus 30-

Time: 4914.91

minute window, and it doesn't mean that you can't stay

Time: 4918.07

out late or have a bad night's sleep every once in a while or get woken up.

Time: 4922.04

Your hair isn't going to fall out.

Time: 4923.75

My dad's story notwithstanding,

Time: 4926.2

your hair isn't going to all fallout because of that.

Time: 4928.28

But you do want to try and get

Time: 4929.72

that natural growth hormone release each night.

Time: 4931.95

And as I mentioned,

Time: 4933.38

there are prescription approaches and those are growth hormone itself.

Time: 4938.09

Things like sermorelin, which is a peptide that increases growth hormone.

Time: 4942.14

It's actually a secreted dog.

Time: 4943.95

It causes the secretion of growth hormone and thereby increases in IGF-1.

Time: 4948.63

This is well documented.

Time: 4949.87

Both growth hormone and IGF-1, as I mentioned, are available by prescription.

Time: 4954.14

They are not without their side effects.

Time: 4957.09

They do cause growth of all tissues.

Time: 4958.99

They do increase height in children, They increase bone mass and density.

Time: 4962.91

They can increase mainly fat loss, not so much muscle size,

Time: 4966.38

but they can increase leanness and they increase hair growth,

Time: 4969.72

They can increase turnover of skin, they can make skin look more youthful.

Time: 4972.84

All these things sound wonderful.

Time: 4974.34

And yet they also have problems because

Time: 4977.48

they can increase growth of small tumors that normally might be eliminated.

Time: 4980.99

So there is an increased cancer risk

Time: 4983.03

with growth hormone treatments and IGF-1 or anything that increases IGF-1 such as

Time: 4988.76

sermorelin or ipamorelin, any of the peptides that you hear about nowadays.

Time: 4992.67

That said, a number of people are using sermorelin as an indirect way to increase

Time: 4996.84

IGF-1 and thereby to increase hair growth.

Time: 4999.22

It does seem to be fairly effective in doing that, especially when done

Time: 5003.08

in conjunction with other treatments that we'll talk about.

Time: 5005.24

But keep in mind, these are prescription drugs and they do carry their own risks.

Time: 5009.14

The other thing about stimulating the natural production of IGF-1 is that,

Time: 5013.03

as its name suggests, insulin growth factor one,

Time: 5015.79

it is insulin dependent in many ways, if not for its secretion,

Time: 5019.71

then for its action at the hair follicle and stem cell.

Time: 5023.4

So one of the things you really want to pay attention to is to avoid being

Time: 5026.79

insulin resistant, or rather you want to try to be insulin sensitive.

Time: 5031.6

So if you're carrying a lot of excess

Time: 5032.95

body fat, if you're obese or if you have type two diabetes,

Time: 5036.52

meaning your insulin resistant, you're going to want to deal with that.

Time: 5039.2

There are a number of prescription treatments to deal with that nowadays.

Time: 5041.83

People are very excited about all the GLP one agonists, but in addition to that,

Time: 5045.88

regular cardiovascular exercise and resistance exercise,

Time: 5049.26

making sure that your body fat percentage is not in excess of where it needs to be.

Time: 5054.76

Everyone has a slightly different idea

Time: 5056.76

of where it needs to be, both cosmetically and for health.

Time: 5059.2

So that's a conversation between you and your doctor and you and you frankly.

Time: 5062.95

But you want to avoid being insulin resistant because being insulin resistant

Time: 5067.99

and being obese can indeed lead to hair loss.

Time: 5070.84

There are many people out there who are

Time: 5071.99

not obese who nonetheless are experiencing hair thinning and hair loss because they

Time: 5076.79

are insulin resistant by way of reduced IGF-1 activity.

Time: 5080.56

There are a few supplements. So these are over-the-counter

Time: 5082.87

supplements such as myo-i nositol, taken at dosages of about 900 milligrams

Time: 5087.22

before sleep, which by the way, can also assist in sleep or things like

Time: 5091.42

berberine or metformin, which are known to improve insulin sensitivity.

Time: 5096.22

Each and every one of these has its own profile of positive and negative effects.

Time: 5100.79

The lowest number of side effects is associated with 900 milligram myo-i

Time: 5106.04

nositol taken about 30 minutes before sleep, mostly because it can make people

Time: 5109.34

a little bit drowsy and it does aid sleep in some really

Time: 5112.59

great ways, but really exercise and maintaining

Time: 5115.48

a healthy nutritional program are also going to be key.

Time: 5118.22

You just can't discard those.

Time: 5119.68

Berberine, which is a substance made

Time: 5121.48

from tree bark is sometimes called the poor man's metformin.

Time: 5124.22

Metformin being the equally effective prescription version of berberine.

Time: 5129.24

Or put differently,

Time: 5130.18

berberine is the non-prescription but equally effective version of metformin.

Time: 5134.63

Keep in mind that both berberine

Time: 5136.42

and metformin dramatically reduce blood sugar levels.

Time: 5139.52

And so if you're not going to take them

Time: 5140.68

with carbohydrates, it can lead to some feelings of discomfort.

Time: 5143.44

That's why I'm not a fan of them.

Time: 5144.83

But if your goal is to really improve insulin sensitivity,

Time: 5148.07

they are considered very potent tools on the list of things that can do that.

Time: 5152.32

The other thing that's really important for maintaining proper hair growth,

Time: 5155.14

this antigen phase, is that you need sufficient iron.

Time: 5158.13

This is because iron and ferritin play

Time: 5161.14

a key role in the cell growth pathways that go from the stem cells

Time: 5165.83

to the stimulation of keratin within the hair itself.

Time: 5168.76

I don't have time to go into this

Time: 5169.79

pathway in a lot of detail, but you can have your blood levels of iron measured.

Time: 5174.4

This turns out to be pretty important

Time: 5175.8

because you don't just want to start popping iron supplements because too much

Time: 5178.79

iron can be toxic, too little means you're anemic.

Time: 5181.64

For women, the levels of iron that you want are somewhere between 25 and 100.

Time: 5187.38

And for men, somewhere between 30 and 150.

Time: 5190.25

Fortunately, the tests or the blood tests for iron are usually a very

Time: 5194.34

inexpensive add to your current blood panel.

Time: 5197.32

So if you're going in for a blood panel

Time: 5198.71

for LDL, HDL, typical things, or if you're doing the more elaborate

Time: 5202.64

hormone testing, which I do recommend people do if they

Time: 5205.2

can afford it or if their insurance covers it, do ask for an iron test as well.

Time: 5208.84

And if your iron is low, you may need to supplement your iron.

Time: 5211.24

If your iron is too high, that's not good either.

Time: 5213.67

But iron plays a key role in the antigen

Time: 5216.4

phase of hair growth, so you want to make sure you at least have sufficient iron.

Time: 5220.36

And if you don't, you want to make sure

Time: 5221.55

that you're getting it from nutrition and or supplementation.

Time: 5224.84

Earlier, we were talking about dihydrotestosterone.

Time: 5227.34


Time: 5228.55

just to jog your memory, is a form of testosterone that combine

Time: 5232.3

the androgen receptor at five times the affinity of regular testosterone.

Time: 5237.57

Both men and women have a lot of testosterone relative to estrogen.

Time: 5241.52

It just so happens that men tend to have more testosterone than women do overall.

Time: 5245.53

But both men and women, as they age, convert more of the testosterone they

Time: 5250.46

have to dihydrotestosterone and dihydrotestosterone does two things

Time: 5255.6

that are bad for hair maintenance and hair growth.

Time: 5257.99

First of all, it shortens the antigen phase, that growth phase.

Time: 5262.2

Whatever hair is going to grow is going to occur over a shorter period of time.

Time: 5266.11

Second of all, because of the presence

Time: 5268.83

of androgen receptors on the stem cell niche area and around it,

Time: 5273.63

it actually miniaturize the follicle and the stem cell niche.

Time: 5277.48

In other words, it makes the population of cells that give rise to more hair

Time: 5281.07

protein smaller and can eliminate it altogether.

Time: 5284.79

And that is why anything that reduces 5-

Time: 5287.3

alpha reductase is going to reduce DHT, is going to maintain or extend the growth

Time: 5293.42

phase, the antigen phase of hair growth and is going to offset or prevent some

Time: 5298.15

of the telogen phase, the pinching off and the removal of that stem cell niche.

Time: 5303.4

Now, one substance that we know can

Time: 5305.11

inhibit 5-alpha reductase, although it does it pretty weakly is saw

Time: 5309.5

palmetto, which is an extract of the saw palmetto berry.

Time: 5312.64

To be honest, I don't know how this was initially discovered.

Time: 5315.24

If anyone knows, please put it in the show note captions.

Time: 5317.46

When I looked online I found a bunch of conflicting stories about who was

Time: 5321.38

the first person to start extracting the extract of the saw palmetto berries.

Time: 5326.15

So I have no idea which one of those is true.

Time: 5328.46

Maybe somebody can tell me.

Time: 5330.36

The good thing about saw palmetto

Time: 5331.79

treatment is that it is known to have very few, if any, side effects.

Time: 5335.76

There might be some side effects

Time: 5337.03

in about 1% of people, but it's not associated with a lot of side effects.

Time: 5341.57

It's also known that when taken at about

Time: 5344.24

300 milligrams per day and here it doesn't have to be that strict.

Time: 5347.42

Most of the studies that I explored involved taking anywhere from 200-

Time: 5352.08

500 milligrams of saw palmetto, but most of them focused on about

Time: 5355.23

300 milligrams of saw palmetto per day, divided into two or three doses.

Time: 5359.28

Why? Well, it has a relatively short half-life,

Time: 5362.28

meaning it's going to get cleared from the bloodstream and more importantly,

Time: 5365.04

its biological action is going to be very short-lived.

Time: 5367.42

So if you can get a hold of 50 or 100- milligram capsules or tablets

Time: 5371.91

of saw palmetto and divide those up, take them in the morning,

Time: 5375.72

afternoon and evening, or even just in the morning and evening

Time: 5378.03

to achieve a total of about 300 milligrams per day.

Time: 5381.21

That's going to very likely help you hold on to some of the hair that you would

Time: 5386.55

have otherwise lost, maybe even grow some new hair.

Time: 5389.42

And I say maybe give you some new hair growth because saw palmetto is not

Time: 5393.38

known to be a particularly robust treatment for the reversal of hair loss.

Time: 5397.68

It's known to have some effect,

Time: 5399.19

but it's generally taken in conjunction with a bunch of other things.

Time: 5402.99

And so it's really hard to tease out just what amount of hair growth or

Time: 5407.65

prevention of hair loss is due to saw palmetto specifically.

Time: 5410.84

But I mention it here because

Time: 5411.99

the mechanism of action is logical and fairly well-known,

Time: 5415.27

which is this week effect in reducing 5- alpha reductase and thereby reducing DHT.

Time: 5420.84

So again, because it has relatively low

Time: 5422.71

side effects, even though it's not super effective and because it's fairly low

Time: 5426.75

cost and it's available over the counter, I felt it was important to include.

Time: 5431.92

Now, as soon as people hear things like

Time: 5433.88

saw palmetto berry, they're probably also thinking, "Oh boy,

Time: 5436.44

here comes all the herbals." Now keep in mind that there are some herbal

Time: 5439.95

compounds that have pretty robust biological effects.

Time: 5442.99

And we talked before in our optimizing testosterone episodes about things like

Time: 5447.84

Tongkat Ali and Fadogia agrestis, which taken incorrect dosages

Time: 5452

and in the correct way, can be pretty potent for increasing

Time: 5454.34

luteinizing hormone and free testosterone that can have huge effects.

Time: 5458.04

It's not like taking exogenous anabolic steroids, but they can have real effects.

Time: 5461.95

And so herbal compounds can be potent.

Time: 5464.67

However, I do acknowledge that there is a vast market out there of herbal

Time: 5468.71

compounds and plant-based compounds that people are arguing.

Time: 5472.3

Mostly the people who sell them are arguing can increase hair growth.

Time: 5476.04

There are some decent studies of these things.

Time: 5478.23

The hard part about studying these herbal

Time: 5480.5

compounds and these plant-derived compounds for increasing hair growth is

Time: 5484.46

that they are often taken in combination with one another.

Time: 5487.42

In fact, most of the hair growth

Time: 5489.75

supplements that involve these herbal compounds and plant compounds include 5

Time: 5494.91

or 10, sometimes even more things altogether.

Time: 5497.4

So teasing out which ones are effective

Time: 5499.15

and which dosages are effective is nearly impossible.

Time: 5501.88

There are just too many variables.

Time: 5503.57

You will hear, for instance, that green tea extract, Reishi Mushroom,

Time: 5507.59

pumpkin oil, zinc, curcumin, all of these things can increase hair growth.

Time: 5513.88

Perhaps the only thing on that list that makes logical sense with respect

Time: 5517.07

to the biochemistry is that curcumin is known to, in some people,

Time: 5521.57

be a potent inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase and DHD so much so that I can personally

Time: 5526.59

say for me I once took curcumin, turmeric, it's also called in high dosage.

Time: 5532.83

This is about a gram to 2 gram capsules and I felt absolutely terrible.

Time: 5537.13

I mean, just dreadful.

Time: 5538.28

I don't care if it allowed me to keep

Time: 5539.67

my hair forever, I would rather lose all my hair three times over.

Time: 5543.8

I guess that means it would have grown back.

Time: 5545.27

I'd rather lose all my hair.

Time: 5546.91

Let's just put it that way

Time: 5548.96

than ever take curcumin or turmeric in high dosages again.

Time: 5552.16

In saying that, I know that many people take turmeric and curcumin and really like

Time: 5555.67

its anti-inflammatory properties and don't experience any side effects.

Time: 5559.46

I just happen to be particularly sensitive to curcumin by way of this DHT pathway.

Time: 5564.16

I know this by way of blood work, so I'm never going to hear that stuff again.

Time: 5567.23

That said, a lot of these herbal compounds

Time: 5570.15

and cocktails probably will have some minor marginal,

Time: 5575.8

infinitesimally small, somewhere in that range effect

Time: 5578.55

on maintaining hair growth or in stimulating new hair growth.

Time: 5582.92

It's just that there really aren't

Time: 5584.2

clinical studies to support any one of them.

Time: 5586.04

And that's why I singled out saw palmetto as one of the few

Time: 5588.87

for which the biochemical pathway of inhibiting 5-alpha reductase

Time: 5592.11

and the low incidence of side effects and the fact that many people have used it

Time: 5596.23

with some degree of success makes it a standalone.

Time: 5599.63

I wouldn't say recommendation, but a consideration.

Time: 5602.38

Another commonly discussed and use commercial compound for offsetting hair

Time: 5606.91

loss and stimulating hair growth is ketoconazole.

Time: 5609.99

Sometimes this is known as Nizoral where Nizoral is the brand name of a shampoo.

Time: 5615.27

Ketoconazole is an antifungal that was

Time: 5618.15

initially developed to treat dandruff and severe psoriasis.

Time: 5622.37

Ketoconazole has been shown to be effective in increasing hair number.

Time: 5626.64

It's also been shown to be effective

Time: 5628.46

in increasing hair diameter, which is somewhat surprising because one

Time: 5632.23

of the common side effects of ketoconazole is drying, thinning and brittle hair.

Time: 5637.4

So what's going on there is a little unclear.

Time: 5639.6

We'll return to that in a moment.

Time: 5641.09

The mechanism of action for ketoconazole is pretty interesting.

Time: 5644.32

Remember earlier we were talking about

Time: 5645.67

the sebaceous gland and the production of sebum, that oily stuff

Time: 5649.33

whose very name seems to evoke disgust in certain people.

Time: 5652.27

Well, ketoconazole can disrupt some

Time: 5654.55

of the fungal growth that frankly, we all have on our scalp all the time.

Time: 5658.79

I know this is a surprise to many of you, but you are constantly bombarded

Time: 5662.79

with viruses, bacteria and funguses all the time.

Time: 5666.76

But we managed to battle those off

Time: 5668.28

with our immune system, either by physical barriers such as

Time: 5670.63

an oil barrier like the sebum or through antimicrobial action.

Time: 5675.57

Chemical approaches our immune system, the sebum, etc,

Time: 5678.84

ketoconazole acts as an antifungal that in some way seems to reinforce

Time: 5683.95

the properties of sebum at keeping out other fungal infections.

Time: 5688.11

And the net effect, at least as far as we know, is a mild reduction in DHT.

Time: 5693.38

Now exactly how this happens isn't really clear.

Time: 5695.99

What is clear is that the use

Time: 5698.23

of ketoconazole shampoo is 2-4 times per week with a scalp contact

Time: 5704.27

time of about 3-5 minutes has been shown to give about an 80% response rate

Time: 5709.95

of maintaining hair that would otherwise be lost.

Time: 5712.46

So that's pretty dramatic, 80%.

Time: 5714.4

What is less clear is whether or not

Time: 5715.99

ketoconazole shampoo can actually stimulate new hair growth.

Time: 5719.44

But as you're probably starting to realize,

Time: 5721.67

this is always a bit of a tough thing to disentangle maintenance of hair

Time: 5725.48

that you would have lost versus new hair growth.

Time: 5727.69

Certainly, that's an easy thing to disambiguate if

Time: 5730.27

you have a patch of scalp where there is absolutely no hair,

Time: 5733.49

these so-called dead zones that you can resurrect with certain treatments.

Time: 5738.11

But what about areas of your scalp where hair is thinning?

Time: 5741.32

So, for instance, on the top of your head,

Time: 5743.42

this is where many women will first experience pattern, hair loss.

Time: 5747

Alopecia is right at their midline,

Time: 5750.36

especially if they have a part right there.

Time: 5751.92

They'll start to notice that under very

Time: 5753.28

bright light, fluorescent lights in particular,

Time: 5755.19

they'll notice a thinning of their hair there or in the forehead region.

Time: 5759.37

They'll start using ketoconazole shampoo.

Time: 5761.96

Again, the typical recommendation is 2-4 times per week with a scalp contact time

Time: 5766.52

of 3-5 minutes and really rubbing it in and then rinsing it out.

Time: 5769.52

You don't need to be super vigorous, but you want to make sure that it gets

Time: 5772.04

down into the follicle and around the follicles, not just sitting on top

Time: 5775.55

of the hair, which is going to be especially

Time: 5778.15

important for people who have long hair to really massage it in.

Time: 5781.49

Well, they will experience a growth of hair in that particular region

Time: 5785.46

that almost certainly were due to miniaturization of the hair follicle

Time: 5789.15

and reduction of the total population of stem cells in that follicle as opposed

Time: 5793.55

to complete loss of the stem cell population.

Time: 5796.08

The reason we say this is that there's no reason to think that ketoconazole can

Time: 5798.99

actually stimulate IGF-1 or activate growth itself.

Time: 5802.83

It's probably offsetting some of the reductions in the antigen phase

Time: 5807.19

and some of the exacerbation of the telogen phase.

Time: 5809.96

Now, if you decide to use ketoconazole as

Time: 5812.04

an approach to offsetting hair loss, it's very important that you get a hold

Time: 5815.38

of a shampoo that's at least 2% concentration of ketoconazole.

Time: 5819.4

This is important because a lot of the ones that are available out there,

Time: 5822.87

especially online, are going to be 1% or lower.

Time: 5825.95

So you want to try and obtain a ketoconazole shampoo of 2% or higher

Time: 5830.3

concentration of ketoconazole because it has other things in it, of course.

Time: 5834.24

I should mention that there are occasional side effects with ketoconazole.

Time: 5837.52

The rates of side effects from the meta analyzes and reviews that I read were

Time: 5841.27

somewhere between 1% and 8% of people will experience some side effects,

Time: 5845.03

but those side effects tend to be pretty mild.

Time: 5847.34

Things like irritation of the scalp,

Time: 5849.57

things like thinning and brittleness of the hair that sometimes can be offset

Time: 5853.68

by using shampoos that contain things like biotin.

Time: 5856.2

I know many people are probably curious

Time: 5857.71

about biotin, which is a protein that can be incorporated into the keratin.

Time: 5862.49

Whether or not different biotin enriched shampoos can really enhance the total

Time: 5867.23

amount of biotin that gets incorporated into the hair isn't clear,

Time: 5870.71

but it is clear that having sufficient biotin around is important.

Time: 5874.03

So if you get a little bit extra from your shampoo,

Time: 5876.56

you can imagine how that would "tap off" the amount of biotin in that hair.

Time: 5880.4

And there are people out there saying

Time: 5881.8

that by biotin-enriched shampoos have done wonders for them.

Time: 5884.75

Who knows? I'm not going to dispute their experience.

Time: 5888.17

So if you're going to use ketoconazole,

Time: 5890.3

keep in mind that the more typical brand names that are out there,

Time: 5894.55

you know which ones they are, oftentimes don't have 2% or if they do

Time: 5899.71

have 2%, they can be very drying and lead to brittle hair.

Time: 5903.57

There are newer and now fortunately,

Time: 5906.71

a greater variety of ketoconazole containing shampoos.

Time: 5909.91

We as a podcast and I don't have any

Time: 5912.23

affiliation to any of these, but I will provide a links to a couple

Time: 5915.63

of the more prominent ones that are known to have 2% concentration of ketoconazole,

Time: 5920.2

as well as some other things in them known to offset some of that dryness

Time: 5923.34

and brittleness that ketoconazole shampoos can trigger.

Time: 5926.73

So by now, I think it will be abundantly

Time: 5929.11

clear why inhibiting 5-alpha reductase and thereby reducing DHT should increase

Time: 5935.11

hair growth because of the negative impact that DHT has on the hair follicle.

Time: 5941.77

The major player in this whole story

Time: 5944.42

around inhibiting 5-alpha reductase and reducing DHT to maintain or increase

Time: 5949.83

hair growth is going to be finasteride and its close cousin, dutasteride.

Time: 5955.13

Finasteride is effective in reducing DHT because of its actions in reducing

Time: 5959.71

the type two isoenzyme or isoform of 5-alpha reductase.

Time: 5964.44

It turns out there's three different

Time: 5965.83

isoforms or what are sometimes called isoenzymes of 5-alpha reductase.

Time: 5969.72

This is getting pretty far down in the weeds.

Time: 5971.84

What I think most of you just need

Time: 5973.19

to know is that finasteride reduces DHT, that's the net product of finasteride

Time: 5978.5

and in doing so, it can increase hair count by as much as 20%.

Time: 5982.2

Pretty remarkable if you think about it.

Time: 5984.09

In addition, finasteride treatment done properly, which we'll define in a moment,

Time: 5989.92

can reduce hair loss in 90% of all people that take it.

Time: 5994.41

That is near staggering.

Time: 5996.56

I mean, there aren't many pharmaceuticals

Time: 5997.87

Out there that have that efficacy, really dramatic.

Time: 6000.75

In addition, it's known to increase hair thickness by about 20- 30% overall,

Time: 6005.75

so not just create new growth of hairs, and thicker hairs, but whatever hair you

Time: 6010.6

do happen to have on your head, it can further thicken those.

Time: 6013.41

The finasteride story is one, I think, of general success.

Time: 6018.55

It really seems to improve hair growth,

Time: 6020.79

and help you hold on to the hair that you have.

Time: 6023.57

The issue with finasteride is twofold.

Time: 6025.77

First of all, it is known to have some pretty significant side effects if it's

Time: 6029.75

not dosed properly, and in particular populations of people.

Time: 6034.15

This is because there is a wide variation

Time: 6037.55

in the amount of the different Isozymes that people make.

Time: 6042.32

This is why I brought up the Isozymes earlier.

Time: 6044.5

Some people make more of Isozyme one and three, some people make more of

Time: 6049.27

Isozyme two and three, and every variation thereof.

Time: 6053.27

When people take finasteride, some people are very strong responders,

Time: 6057.87

and they achieve really effective hair regrowth and maintenance of hair.

Time: 6061.71

Other people less effective, although still pretty impressive.

Time: 6065.15

But the catalog of side effects

Time: 6067.27

that people experience at a given dose, varies widely.

Time: 6070.07

There's a lot of trial and error that has to take place.

Time: 6073.33

Also, I should point out that finasteride comes in two major forms.

Time: 6077.19

There's an oral form and there's a topical form.

Time: 6080.11

This is not unlike our discussion of minoxidil earlier.

Time: 6083.73

Topical finasteride is typically taken

Time: 6086.55

in 1% solution or ointment and rubbed into the head, sometimes it's now also

Time: 6091.75

incorporated into shampoos, but typically it's put into a solution

Time: 6095.63

that people rub into their head, and it is thought that the 1% solutions

Time: 6099.59

are equivalent to one mg of systemic finasteride.

Time: 6103.96

Now we need to take a step back and ask

Time: 6105.68

why was finasteride developed in the first place?

Time: 6107.83

Well, finasteride, as a fairly potent five

Time: 6110.3

alpha reductase inhibitor, it's great at lowering DHT.

Time: 6113.77

It was developed for treatment

Time: 6115.42

of prostate enlargement and various issues of the prostate that are

Time: 6118.95

associated with elevated DHT that occurs with age.

Time: 6121.64

The topical finasteride were designed

Time: 6123.5

with the hope that the finasteride would make it into the hair follicle,

Time: 6127.46

and would inhibit DHT there and allow for more growth of the hair,

Time: 6131.08

which apparently it does, but not make it into the systemic

Time: 6133.64

circulation, or at least not at concentrations

Time: 6135.55

sufficient enough to cause as many side effects as with the oral dosing.

Time: 6139.38

Now, the problem is, it does make it into systemic circulation.

Time: 6143.73

The issue is also,

Time: 6145.38

that topical application of finasteride is harder to dose than oral finasteride.

Time: 6150.92

I'm not saying you should be taking oral rather than topical finasteride,

Time: 6154.3

but keep in mind that the dosages of finasteride that have been shown to be

Time: 6158.27

effective for inducing hair growth, cover an enormous range.

Time: 6161.75

As low as 0.01mg per day and as high as

Time: 6166.03

five mg per day, which is a just staggering range.

Time: 6170.96

Now, when trying to simplify the problem

Time: 6172.95

of how much finasteride to take, either by way of oral tablet,

Time: 6176.38

or by way of topical solution, we can get a bit of leverage on this

Time: 6181.19

by thinking about how much DHT reduction occurs as a function of dose.

Time: 6185.59

There, finasteride shows this really

Time: 6188.3

interesting, what's called logarithmic distribution.

Time: 6191.34

What it means is that,

Time: 6192.75

for a dosage of 0.01mg of finasteride, you're going to achieve approximately

Time: 6198.71

50% reduction in DHT, and that's systemic DHT,

Time: 6202.79

so this is a blood draw measuring your DHT, then taking 0.01mg of finasteride.

Time: 6208.3

Again, 0.01, very low dose of finasteride, repeated a couple of weeks,

Time: 6213.67

measure people's DHT in their blood again, and you see that it's reduced by 50%.

Time: 6218.57

However, at increasing dosages of 0.2mg, one mg, five mg of oral finasteride per

Time: 6228.38

day, over the same period of time, the increase or I should say

Time: 6233.34

the reduction in dihydrotestosterone, doesn't increase linearly.

Time: 6237.23

It's not that you go from 50%-6 0%-75%-

Time: 6240.69

100% with each increasing dose, it tapers off, it flattens out.

Time: 6244.88

It tends to increase a little bit,

Time: 6246.11

but it's a gradual slope increasing as you head from 0.2mg out to five mg.

Time: 6252.75

What this means is that given that reducing DHT can cause various side

Time: 6258.87

effects, sexual side effects, reductions in either sexual function or

Time: 6263.42

sexual drive, as well as overall drive and motivation,

Time: 6266.95

sometimes even some depressive symptoms that everything points to taking

Time: 6272.19

the lowest effective dose of finasteride and starting with a very low dose

Time: 6276.55

of finasteride because low doses of finasteride, even at that 0.01mg taken

Time: 6282.34

orally daily, are already leading to a 50% reduction

Time: 6287.34

in dihydrotestosterone and thereby taken for a long enough period of time,

Time: 6291.34

should offset hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Time: 6294.09

One of the problems, however,

Time: 6295.63

is that people will start taking finasteride at a low dose 0.1mg or 0.2mg,

Time: 6300.63

maybe even 0.01mg, and there will be a reduction in their

Time: 6305.23

DHT, but because of the long duration of that antigen phase,

Time: 6309.75

they don't see a lot of change in hair growth in the first month or even two

Time: 6314

months, and so what they end up doing is increasing their dosage and then they

Time: 6317.42

start to see hair growth, but then they start to experience more side effects.

Time: 6321.32

Now the side effects of oral finasteride

Time: 6323.23

are serious enough and common enough in people that take finasteride

Time: 6326.64

that the topical solutions were developed, but there are two one needs to exercise

Time: 6330.34

caution because if we are going to translate between topical finasteride

Time: 6334.59

and oral finasteride, with the understanding that topical

Time: 6337.55

finasteride can actually make it into the systemic circulation,

Time: 6340.72

we need to look at what's been shown in clinical studies,

Time: 6343.46

which is that for instance, taking one ml of 0.25% finasteride applied

Time: 6348.83

to the scalp, this is a very typical recommendation, translates to the same

Time: 6353.87

thing that would be achieved with 2.5mg of oral finasteride.

Time: 6359.68

When I say translates to the same thing,

Time: 6361.42

what I mean is it leads to the same concentrations in the blood.

Time: 6365

Now consider that 0.2mg, 0.2mg

Time: 6370.69

of finasteride in the blood is known to be effective in generating new hair

Time: 6374.75

growth and maintaining hair that one already has when they start the treatment.

Time: 6378.69

If you think that the topical

Time: 6380.99

finasterides are actually creating lower overall systemic concentrations

Time: 6386.46

of finasteride, that is not necessarily the case.

Time: 6389.27

Again, one ml of topical finasteride

Time: 6391.91

at 0.25% leads to a 2.5mg concentration in the blood, when the effective dose

Time: 6398.71

within the bloodstream by taking it orally as a pill is 0.2mg.

Time: 6404.36

That might not seem like a big deal to you, although it is a big deal, right?

Time: 6407.95

We're talking 2.5mg versus 0.2,

Time: 6411.05

but it is a huge deal when you consider that the side effects of finasteride

Time: 6415.79

increase as you increase the concentration of finasteride in the bloodstream.

Time: 6419.92

Where does this leave us?

Time: 6421.5

Should people who are interested in taking finasteride take the oral form

Time: 6425.63

at low dose or take the topical form and simply try and apply it less often or

Time: 6430.76

guess at what their systemic concentration of finasteride is.

Time: 6433.56

Well, it's going to vary from person to person.

Time: 6435.48

Some people are very sensitive to finasteride and not in the good sense.

Time: 6438.96

The side effects just really show up quickly and they tend to be dramatic.

Time: 6442.38

Other people, not so much.

Time: 6445.04

The dosage recommendations that I was able to arrive at based on the clinical

Time: 6448.79

studies and frankly in discussion with some doctors who prescribe

Time: 6452.87

finasteride were the following: 0.5mg to one mg of finasteride as a tablet per

Time: 6459.95

day seems to be an effective and pretty safe starting place for most people.

Time: 6466.04

Now some people will find that even

Time: 6467.56

that 0.5mg dosage is just going to cause side effects that are not going to work

Time: 6471.5

for them, and they're going to either have to reduce their dosage of finasteride or

Time: 6476.19

move to the topical or maybe cease taking finasteride altogether.

Time: 6479.63

But for many people out there, that's going to be pretty well tolerated.

Time: 6483.8

The key thing here is that one is going to have to wait some period of time

Time: 6487.4

to see whether or not any hair growth occurs.

Time: 6489.46

It is a naive and frankly foolish approach based on what we know about

Time: 6493.95

the duration of that antigen phase of the hair to do one of these

Time: 6497.72

treatments, wait a week or two and then decide to up your dose.

Time: 6500.75

Now, it is not foolish to reduce your dose

Time: 6503.03

if you're experiencing bad side effects, but to simply increase your dose because

Time: 6507.24

you're not getting results quickly enough, that's not going to be the best approach.

Time: 6510.8

I really encourage people who are going to explore the finasteride route,

Time: 6514.03

to think of this as a long-term project and to really ratchet up slowly if at all,

Time: 6518.72

starting initially with a low dose taken for a long period of time,

Time: 6521.5

maybe even as long as 25 weeks before considering going up any further.

Time: 6526.08

Certainly, as I mentioned before, if you need to go down further,

Time: 6529.17

that's not going to be a problem, at least not in terms of reducing side

Time: 6533.64

effects, you're not going to get additional hair growth,

Time: 6535.36

but you're certainly not going to increase your side effects if you reduce your dose.

Time: 6538.96

However, I will talk a little bit later about post-finasteride syndrome,

Time: 6542.16

which is something that's getting increasing attention nowadays.

Time: 6544.48

That's something that occurs after

Time: 6546

people have taken finasteride for an extended period of time.

Time: 6548.92

Now some of you have perhaps heard and I'll just tell you right here,

Time: 6551.95

that the topical forms of finasteride are associated with far less side effects.

Time: 6557.3

Now that might come as surprising given that topical application of finasteride

Time: 6561.38

can lead to systemic distribution of finasteride.

Time: 6563.87

But the numbers that are out there right

Time: 6565.95

now, it's that topical finasteride is associated with 30-50% fewer side effects

Time: 6571.19

or 30-5 0% less severe side effects than oral finasteride.

Time: 6576.16

There are several things probably responsible for that.

Time: 6578.44

One is that people tend to ratchet up

Time: 6580.04

their dose of oral finasteride pretty quickly.

Time: 6582.07

But keep in mind that the effective dose of finasteride in the blood is 0.2mg.

Time: 6588.05

Earlier I said the typical topical finasteride solutions are 0.25%. People

Time: 6593.03

are taking one ml of it, that equates to 2.5mg,

Time: 6595.99

and so it seems like a massive overdosing but here's the discrepancy and here's

Time: 6600.63

where we can arrive at some reasonable recommendations.

Time: 6604.25

If you decide that finasteride is right for you, you get a prescription.

Time: 6608.52

I would hope that you're monitoring your DHT levels and other hormone levels

Time: 6611.91

that would be ideal, and working with a doctor, please.

Time: 6616

0.5mg to one mg per day of oral

Time: 6619.63

finasteride seems to be the best starting place.

Time: 6624.29

For topical finasteride.

Time: 6626.29

It's going to be that one ml of 0.25% that we talked about earlier,

Time: 6632.16

but that's taken only one time per week, and you can fully expect that right after

Time: 6636

the application you will have higher levels of finasteride in your bloodstream,

Time: 6639.75

and therefore lower levels of DHT and that will alter across the week.

Time: 6644.28

Most people are not going to be able

Time: 6645.87

to measure their DHT on a day by day or even weekly basis.

Time: 6648.99

It's just too expensive and labor intensive.

Time: 6651.56

But I think those dosing regimens ought

Time: 6653.5

to get people into more or less the same category of optimizing hair maintenance

Time: 6657.91

and hair growth while minimizing finasteride side effects.

Time: 6661.15

One point about finasteride taken either alone or in combination is that in recent

Time: 6667.27

years, really in the last five or so years, there's been increasing discussion

Time: 6671.99

about so-called post- finasteride syndrome.

Time: 6674.96

Now post-finasteride syndrome is indeed a new phenomenon in the sense

Time: 6679.46

that finasteride has been prescribed for a very long period of time

Time: 6683.5

for treatment of the prostate, at dosages of about five mg per day.

Time: 6688.41

That's a very high dose.

Time: 6689.87

Sometimes lower, but as high as five mg per day, and for many years there was no

Time: 6695.3

discussion about this post-finasteride syndrome.

Time: 6697.76

What is post-finasteride syndrome?

Time: 6699.49

Post-finasteride syndrome is when typically it's males.

Time: 6702.8

This is where it's been described.

Time: 6704.3

We'll take finasteride at any range of dosages, from 1mg to 5mg per day.

Time: 6710.16

They're either doing this for prostate or more likely they're doing it to offset

Time: 6714.15

hair loss and increase hair growth, and then they stop taking finasteride

Time: 6717.92

for whatever reason, financial or it wasn't working for them

Time: 6720.46

or the side effects were not to their liking, and they start to experience some

Time: 6725.5

very severe what can only be called syndrome effects,

Time: 6729.11

such as very reduced libido, very reduced erectile function,

Time: 6735.19

very reduced mood to the point of depression, even suicidal depression.

Time: 6739.63

This is pretty scary stuff, especially since it's occurring at an age

Time: 6743.36

when most of these things are not typically occurring in males.

Time: 6746.26

They can occur, but they're not typical

Time: 6748.29

of younger males in their 20s and 30s and early 40s.

Time: 6751.52

We have to ask ourselves what's going on here?

Time: 6753.32

After all, people have taken finasteride for the prostate at fairly high dosages

Time: 6757.2

without this post-finasteride syndrome when they've stopped.

Time: 6759.92

Now these young males are taking

Time: 6761.52

finasteride, they're coming off finasteride

Time: 6763.14

and they're getting this very severe, very debilitating post-finasteride syndrome.

Time: 6767.27

This has become a hot topic,

Time: 6769.16

enough so that medical doctors who have been prescribing finasteride for a very

Time: 6772.76

long time, have been forced to address this.

Time: 6774.88

I think at first they were perplexed

Time: 6776.48

and thought, I don't know, this might be psychosomatic, whatever that means.

Time: 6779.44

As a neuroscientist who works on mind-body

Time: 6781.5

connection, we know that nothing is truly psychosomatic.

Time: 6784.38

Everything is of the mind and body.

Time: 6786.46

But the point is that enough medical attention has been placed on post-

Time: 6790.11

finasteride syndrome and trying to unravel exactly what that is.

Time: 6793.95

Where there are now a few general conclusions about what might be going on.

Time: 6798.55

First of all, it seems that younger males

Time: 6801.67

taking finasteride in particular high dosages to improve hair growth or offset

Time: 6805.95

hair loss seems to be one of the key variables.

Time: 6808.91

We're not seeing this post-finasteride syndrome as much in older males.

Time: 6813.07

In fact, it seems to occur more in males

Time: 6815.91

in their 20s and 30s than males in their 40s and older.

Time: 6819.15

One thing and it may relate to the ways in which Dihydrotestosterone, we know,

Time: 6823.91

has a very key role in early embryonic development.

Time: 6827.27

It's actually what's responsible for the male genitalia.

Time: 6830.04

It's also responsible for certain things

Time: 6831.91

in female development, but mainly in utero,

Time: 6834.2

it's responsible for male development and development of the penis in particular.

Time: 6837.71

Then around the time of puberty,

Time: 6839.87

Dihydrotestosterone acts again, in what's called its activating effects

Time: 6845.45

to further increase growth of the genitalia, increase the musculature

Time: 6849.92

bone growth, et cetera, and increase libido and a number of other things.

Time: 6853.28

It's probably also involved in the activation of puberty.

Time: 6856.04

It's certainly not the only hormone involved in the activation of male

Time: 6859.44

puberty but it's certainly one of the key players.

Time: 6861.88

Dihydrotestosterone has these known early roles in embryonic development

Time: 6866.34

and in puberty, but what post-finasteride syndrome seems to indicate is

Time: 6870.46

that Dihydrotestosterone is likely having further effects on male maturation,

Time: 6875.38

in particular, maturation of the hypothalamus in areas

Time: 6878.46

of the brain that continue well into one's 20s and maybe even one's 30s.

Time: 6883.27

Here I just want everyone to keep in mind

Time: 6885.5

that we tend to think about development as childhood, teenage years, young adulthood,

Time: 6891.95

adulthood, but really development never stops.

Time: 6894.32

Development is something that starts

Time: 6895.79

at conception and birth, of course, and then extends all the way out

Time: 6899.48

until the point when we die, so even if we live to be in our late 90s

Time: 6902.79

or achieve 100 years of age, development is occurring that entire time,

Time: 6906.72

and these different hormones such as Dihydrotestosterone are having different

Time: 6909.91

impact for across the lifespan and in different ways across the lifespan.

Time: 6914.87

There isn't a clear conclusion about what post-finasteride syndrome is really all

Time: 6919.55

about, but it points to the fact that DHT is likely to be involved

Time: 6922.91

in development of the brain and the brain to genital axis,

Time: 6927.56

because I mentioned that because so many of the side effects

Time: 6930.28

that are associated with this post-finasteride syndrome seem to center

Time: 6933.32

on sexual side effects, although there are also the depressive side effects.

Time: 6936.56

Of course, those can be related to one another in either direction.

Time: 6939.5

While I do understand that loss of one's

Time: 6942.27

hair, or potential loss of one's hair can be particularly troubling and anxiety-

Time: 6946.83

provoking, even cause depression in some cases, I am sensitive to that.

Time: 6950.48

You also want to be sensitive to the fact that some of these treatments,

Time: 6953.91

such as finasteride, can carry very serious side effects even

Time: 6957.19

if you come off them AKA post-finasteride syndrome.

Time: 6960.77

As long as we're talking about finasteride and this general pathway of 5α-Reductase

Time: 6965.03

inhibition and thereby DHT inhibition and on and on topics and themes

Time: 6969.46

and nomenclature you are now very familiar with, we have to talk about dutasteride.

Time: 6975.57

Dutasteride is yet another molecule similar to finasteride,

Time: 6979.59

but remember those three isoforms of the 5α-Reductase enzyme?

Time: 6983.61

Well, it inhibits all three,

Time: 6985.83

mainly type one and type two, but also type three, and it does it very potently.

Time: 6990.84

As a consequence, the typical dosage of oral d utasteride,

Time: 6995.73

get this, 0.5mg to 2.5mg taken orally, works 2-5 times faster than typical

Time: 7004.23

finasteride at inducing hair regrowth and reduces DHT by, get this, 95%.

Time: 7012.23

It's just near flatlines DHT, and that can occur at concentrations as

Time: 7017.15

low as 0.5mg, although you will see prescriptions and people taking d

Time: 7022.13

utasteride anywhere from 0.5 mg all the way to 2.5mg orally.

Time: 7026.19

Now, not surprisingly,

Time: 7028

dutasteride is associated with a lot of side effects related to the DHT pathway.

Time: 7032.27

Things like reduction in sex drive,

Time: 7034.34

reduction in overall drive, it also tends to impact other hormone

Time: 7039.44

pathways, so it increases in estrogen prolactin.

Time: 7041.75

That's why gynecomastia,

Time: 7043.88

growth of male breast tissue sometimes occurs when people take dutasteride and so

Time: 7047.48

you're probably asking, why would anyone take dutasteride?

Time: 7050.27

Why not just take finasteride and wait for that hair growth?

Time: 7053.48


Time: 7054.53

the answer is that people are often very impatient, and it turns out that d

Time: 7058.33

utasteride works, about 2-5 times faster than finasteride.

Time: 7062.63

Some people don't want to wait a full 30

Time: 7065.27

weeks or 40 weeks or 50 weeks or more in order to grow their hair back,

Time: 7069

and they're very concerned about the hair loss that's occurring.

Time: 7071.34

They will take what I hope would be a very low dose of dutasteride.

Time: 7076.57

I realize that there are ways

Time: 7078.19

to take dutasteride that can be safer, off set some of these side effects.

Time: 7082.19

But by my read of the literature, if one is going to try to mildly inhibit

Time: 7087.07

the DHT pathway, things like saw palmetto, things like topical caffeine,

Time: 7091.92

which has some effect on the androgen pathway, but as we talked about earlier,

Time: 7095.67

tickles other pathways, things like ketoconazole,

Time: 7099.07

mild reduction in androgen receptor pathways in the follicle and very direct

Time: 7103.16

because it's applied directly to the scalp.

Time: 7104.64

Things like that are going to be the best

Time: 7106.23

route for mild reductions in DHT as an attempt to maintain hair or grow hair.

Time: 7111.59

Whereas if one really wants a potent stimulus for increasing hair growth,

Time: 7116.03

that's very likely going to be finasteride, and hopefully low enough

Time: 7120.15

dosages of finasteride and hopefully a patient enough patient person that they

Time: 7126.6

are willing to wait the duration of time required for that hair growth to come back

Time: 7130.42

because they understand that their antigen phase takes some time.

Time: 7133.68

Now the holy grail of all this hair stuff

Time: 7135.63

is in understanding that no one specific treatment is magic, and in fact,

Time: 7140.5

there are now a number of good meta- analysis comparing the various

Time: 7144.2

treatments we've talked about today alone or in combination.

Time: 7146.99

We can summarize that pretty easily by saying that combination treatments

Time: 7151.27

that involve a mechanical stimulus and a chemical stimulus are always going

Time: 7156.68

to be better than either one alone, and within the mechanical category,

Time: 7159.95

the stimulus that seems to work best is microneedling.

Time: 7163.59

The combination of microneedling and finasteride, can lead to some pretty

Time: 7167.63

robust and impressive hair regrowth, so much so that people that were...

Time: 7171.69

I would only describe them as pretty bald

Time: 7174.11

or bald, can regrow significant amounts of hair.

Time: 7177.02

I've never seen examples of people

Time: 7178.75

who were completely bald, meaning lacking all scalp hair to grow

Time: 7182.56

back a full head of hair, but the combination of microneedling

Time: 7185.63

and finasteride is probably the most effective way to go.

Time: 7189

If you're going to do that, there's no reason why you couldn't also

Time: 7191.75

use ketoconazole shampoo, could also use saw palmetto.

Time: 7195.56

There's no reason to think that these things collide with one another,

Time: 7198.23

although anytime you're inhibiting a DHT pathway, or whether or not you're

Time: 7202.04

increasing or decreasing any hormone pathway for that matter,

Time: 7204.76

you want to be careful about layering in too many different treatments because

Time: 7207.87

you don't want your DHT level to go too low.

Time: 7210.08

Let's keep in mind that even if you take a very low dose of finasteride and reduce

Time: 7214.07

your DHT and don't have side effects, maybe just the mere addition of

Time: 7217.55

saw palmetto, which leads to a slight reduction in DHT combined with some

Time: 7222.24

caffeine ointment, would be sufficient enough to start

Time: 7224.38

inducing some of the low DHT associated side effects.

Time: 7227.59

You really have to see for you,

Time: 7229.36

and that's one of the major issues in this whole field of hair growth

Time: 7232.67

and regrowth is that people are highly individual in their response,

Time: 7236.99

and in their side effect profile to these various treatments.

Time: 7240

There's an enormous range there

Time: 7241.23

and unfortunately, there's no way to know a priori before doing these treatments

Time: 7245.86

what your response is going to be in terms of side effects.

Time: 7248.76

You're simply going to have to explore, and I would hope that you would explore

Time: 7251.38

starting with minimal, possible effective dosages,

Time: 7254.56

and to do that in coordination with a medical professional so you could

Time: 7257.32

really evaluate these things that the level of blood, and cosmetic changes.

Time: 7260.95

In fact, that's a pretty good motivator

Time: 7263.04

for thinking about the different treatments that we talked about today.

Time: 7265.67

Everything from mechanical treatments,

Time: 7268.28

as simple as massage, which we've all heard about,

Time: 7270.44

but for which there really aren't a lot of data for supporting hair growth.

Time: 7273.71

But certainly things like microneedling, which is a mechanical stimulus

Time: 7277.71

for which there are pretty good data that it can improve hair growth.

Time: 7281.49

Also things like saw palmetto, a weak DHT antagonist.

Time: 7285.8

Also things like ketoconazole shampoo, which again is a weak DHT antagonist

Time: 7290.46

and operates through some other pathways as well to stimulate hair growth.

Time: 7294.23

My suggestion is that anyone young, old,

Time: 7296.63

male, female, who's thinking about embarking on various treatments for

Time: 7300.88

offsetting hair loss and stimulating hair growth, consider both mechanical

Time: 7304.38

approaches, and the approaches that attack the chemical pathways,

Time: 7307.99

that can stimulate hair growth, and can inhibit the inhibitors of hair growth.

Time: 7313.36

In fact, that's the reason why we spend so much time on the biology of hair growth

Time: 7317.11

and what shuts down hair growth early on in today's episode,

Time: 7320.83

and then systematically went through each of the various treatments that relies

Time: 7325.5

on and in some cases hinges entirely on either a mechanical stimulus or

Time: 7329.95

a chemical stimulus in order to exert its effects.

Time: 7332.77

My goal today was not to overwhelm you with a ton of biology about hair,

Time: 7336.67

although we did cover a lot of biology of hair and stem cells and hair growth.

Time: 7340.61

My goal in describing all that was really for you to be able to hear about various

Time: 7344.75

treatments, whether or not it's lasers or PRP or finasteride, dutasteride,

Time: 7349.61

or whatever is coming next that we're sure to hear about soon online

Time: 7353.34

and from the medical community, and to be able to place those into bins

Time: 7356.99

related to their known or potential mechanisms and then to be able to step

Time: 7361.5

back and evaluate, which, if any, of those treatments might be right for you.

Time: 7366.24

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Time: 7368.04

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Time: 7370.67

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Time: 7372.99

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Time: 7373.87

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Time: 7376.88

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Time: 7380.44

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Time: 7382.2

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Time: 7385.56

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Time: 7387.87

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Time: 7389.6

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Time: 7391.28

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Time: 7393.75

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Time: 7396.33

During today's podcast and on many previous episodes of the

Time: 7399.4

Huberman Lab podcast, we discuss supplements.

Time: 7401.08

While supplements aren't necessary

Time: 7402.28

for everybody, many people derive tremendous benefit

Time: 7404.79

from them, for things like enhancing sleep, hormone support, focus and more.

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If you'd like to see the supplements

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discussed on the Huberman Lab podcast, you can go to live momentous spelled ous

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live If you're not already following me on social media,

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I am Huberman Lab on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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Especially on Instagram,

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I cover science and science- related tools, some of which overlaps

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with the content of the Huberman Lab podcast,

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but much of which is distinct from the content of the Huberman Lab podcast.

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Again, it's Huberman Lab on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

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If you haven't already subscribed to our Huberman Lab podcast Neural Network

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newsletter, this is a zero-cost newsletter that we send out each month.

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It includes summaries of podcast episodes and we have what are called tool kits.

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Those tool kits range from how

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to optimize your sleep to how to optimize neuroplasticity.

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We have toolkits for dopamine, we have toolkits for deliberate cold

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exposure, heat exposure, exercise and much more.

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Again, it's totally zero cost to sign up.

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You simply go to,

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go to the menu tab, scroll down to newsletter and supply us your email.

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We do not share your email with anybody.

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Thank you for joining me for today's discussion.

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All about the biology of hair and hair

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growth, how to hold on to the hair you have and to stimulate new hair growth.

Time: 7478.59

Last but certainly not least, thank you for your interest in science.

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