Supercharge Exercise Performance & Recovery with Cooling

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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- I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor of neurobiology

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and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine.

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This podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring you zero cost to consumer information

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about science and science related tools

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to the general public.

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And keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

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that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

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to help you better understand your body

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and help you reach your health goals.

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I've long been a believer in getting regular blood tests

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and the simple reason for that

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is that so many of the factors

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that impact our immediate and longterm health and wellbeing

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can only be analyzed from blood.

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And now with the advent of modern DNA tests,

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you can get additional layers of information

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that can really support your understanding

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about what's going on deep under the hood, so to speak

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inside your body and brain and what to do about it.

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And I think that's really where InsideTracker

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sets itself apart from other similar tests.

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What InsideTracker offers is, first of all,

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they make the tests very easy.

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They can come to your home to take your blood and DNA test

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or you can go to a testing center nearby you.

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Then you get the information back

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and rather than just getting information

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about whether or not the levels of various things

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are high or low,

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you also get to find out what to do about it.

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So it offers directives related to nutrition,

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to exercise and so forth.

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It's really allow you to be in control

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of your overall health, both where you are now

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and its long-term trajectory.

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With InsideTracker, they also have something which is

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it can give you a readout of your inner age.

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They have something called the inner age test

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that really compares your biological age

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to your chronological age,

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something that's of extreme importance and interest

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because it has to do with lifespan or predicted lifespan.

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If you'd like to try InsideTracker

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you can visit

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and if you do that, you'll get 25% off

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any of InsideTracker plans.

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Use the code Huberman at checkout.

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That's to get 25% off

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any of InsideTracker's plans

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and use the code Huberman at checkout.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep.

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Helix Sleep is a company that makes mattresses and pillows

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ideally suited to your sleep needs.

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I've been sleeping on a Helix mattress

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for the last six months, and I can honestly say

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it's the best sleep that I've ever gotten.

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Helix Sleep has a quiz that can match you

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to the ideal mattress and pillows for you.

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It's a quiz that takes just about two minutes,

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asks you questions like do you tend to sleep on your side

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or your back on your stomach?

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Or maybe you don't know,

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whether or not you tend to wake up

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feeling too warm or too cold?

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Various questions about your sleep habits.

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At the end of that quiz,

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it matches you to a specific mattress

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that's perfect for your sleep needs.

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For me, it matched me to the dusk, D-U-S-K

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because I wanted a mattress

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that wasn't too firm nor too soft

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and I really love the mattress.

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As I mentioned, I've been sleeping terrifically well

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ever since I got that mattress.

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If you're interested in upgrading your mattress

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you can go to,

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take their two minutes sleep quiz

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and they'll match you to a customized mattress

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and then you'll get up to $200 off all mattresses

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and you'll get two free pillows.

Time: 206.61

They have a 10 year warranty.

Time: 207.95

You get to try it out for a hundred nights, risk-free,

Time: 210.39

if you don't like it, they'll even pick it up for free,

Time: 212.47

take it away but I really think you will,

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I certainly love mine.

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Again, if you're interested,

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you can go to for up to $200 off

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and two free pillows.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by Theragun.

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Theragun is a handheld percussive therapy device

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that releases deep muscle tension.

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I first learned about Theragun on a lab expedition.

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We're actually headed out to ocean

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where we were doing diving with great white sharks,

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filming those for our VR fear experiments in the laboratory

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and it was very long days of carrying Pelican cases,

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those are cases these hard plastic cases with equipment,

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it was diving, we were all sore and tired all the time.

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And someone had brought along a Theragun.

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It was the first time I had seen one

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and pretty soon that thing was getting passed along

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and became one of the more coveted devices on board.

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Everyone wanted time with this thing because it was great,

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you could give yourself a really terrific massage

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and get deep into the tissue and relieve soreness.

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When I got back, I got a Theragun

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and so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

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Whether or not you want to treat your muscles

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because they're tense from working out

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or whether or not you just want to release stress,

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it's a terrific tool.

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Many of you are familiar probably with professional massages

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but Theragun is interesting because you can

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basically give yourself a deep tissue massage,

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anytime, anywhere, it's also very quiet.

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If you want to try Theragun, you can try it for 30 days.

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They start at only $199.

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You can go to right now

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and you can get your gen fourth Theragun today,

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that's the one that I use or another one of their models.

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That's to try Theragun.

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This episode marks the beginning of a new topic

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for the Huberman Lab Podcast.

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As many of you already know,

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we go deep into a particular topic over four,

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sometimes even five episodes.

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We just closed out the episodes on hormones.

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Now we are going to talk

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about how to optimize physical performance

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and skill learning.

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We're going to look deep at the science behind this

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as well as specific practices.

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In fact, today, you're going to hear about specific tools

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that you can use to improve endurance and strength by up to,

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I'm not making this up,

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three or four times your current capacity.

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This is based on studies that were done at Stanford

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and are currently in use

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by collegiate and professional teams.

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If you're not a professional athlete or a serious athlete,

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that's okay.

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The topics, this month

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and all the information we are going to cover

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are going to make you

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a better recreational exerciser as well.

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If you're not an exerciser

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and you're thinking about getting into that

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or if you live in the Northern hemisphere

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and you're just thinking about the beach this summer

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or fat loss, muscle building, that sort of thing,

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this month we're going to cover all of that as well.

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There's so much confusion out there

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about how to optimize fat loss, muscle building,

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improvements in flexibility, for instance,

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or skill learning.

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I know many of you, aren't so focused

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on the cosmetic aspects of physical exercise

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but are interested in actual skill learning,

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we're going to talk about that too.

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I want to just take a moment

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to reflect on something that came up last episode.

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If you didn't see that episode, that's quite all right.

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But last episode, we were talking

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about the hormones, adrenaline, and cortisol

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and how to leverage those towards attention and learning

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and there was a little bit of confusion

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that I want to clarify.

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I mentioned an optimal protocol for learning

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that involves leveraging adrenaline also called epinephrin

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and it involved four steps.

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The four steps that I spelled out

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were to be calm and focused

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while one is trying to acquire or learn the new skill,

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cognitive skill or motor skill,

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then to have a spike in adrenaline.

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I mentioned ways to do that,

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using cold or breathing or other tools,

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immediately after the learning episode

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then to incorporate what I call non sleep deep rest,

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a 20 minute episode of a shallow nap or some other protocol

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like NSDR, non sleep deep rest protocol

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of which we always provide links in the captions.

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And then to try and optimize sleep later that night

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and the subsequent night.

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Some of you heard this and it sunk in right away

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and it was straight forward.

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Others said, wait, I thought from a previous episode

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even before that, you said you're supposed

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to do non sleep deep rest immediately after learning, no.

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We added another step, the logic still follows

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that you want to be calm and focused during learning,

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then you want to spike adrenaline at the end.

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Most people get that backward,

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they're drinking too much coffee

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or even taking nootropics and things,

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trying to be really focused while learning.

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Some people are taking Adderall recreationally

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something I don't recommend,

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that's actually getting the whole process backwards

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if you look at the data in the physiology.

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You want to spike adrenaline at the end

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or immediately after a learning episode

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and then non sleep deep rest and then sleep itself, okay?

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Four steps, hope that clarifies things for you,

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if you have any additional questions

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please put them in the comment section below.

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Okay, so let's talk about physical performance.

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There are so many variables to physical performance

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and we can manage physical performance and skill learning

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from a variety of contexts.

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I made just a short list of some of the things

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that come to mind that can powerfully impact

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physical performance and skill learning.

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Some of them are what I would consider foundational.

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They allow you to show up your current ability

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and if you were to disrupt those,

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you would perform less well.

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So things like getting a good night's sleep,

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things like being properly hydrated,

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things like being well nourished,

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whatever that means to you.

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I know some of you like to exercise fasted,

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some of you prefer to have food in your stomach

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or have eaten a couple hours before.

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There are supplements, there are drugs,

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there are different ways to breathe,

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there are so many tools related to mindset, visualization,

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there are machines and devices, it's just a vast space,

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but it's not infinite.

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And there are a few things in the list of things

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that can impact and even optimize physical performance

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and skill learning that have an outsized effect

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that any of you can use.

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Many of them, most of them are low to zero costs.

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So today we are going to focus on what I believe to be

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one of the most powerful tools

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to improve physical performance

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and skill learning and recovery

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and we'll talk about why that's important

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and that's temperature.

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Now many of you might think, oh, well that's kind of boring,

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I want to know about the magic pill that I can take

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that's going to allow me to dunk a basketball

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if I currently can't or I want to know about the thing

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that's going to let me run further and faster

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is going to shed fat.

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Believe it or not, temperature is the most powerful variable

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for improving physical performance and for recovery.

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I would argue it's even more important than sleep

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because temperature itself is going to dictate how well

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and when you sleep and the depth of your total recovery.

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There are two aspects to temperature of course,

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there's heat and there's cold.

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We are mainly going to focus on cold

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as a way to buffer heat.

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In a previous podcast episode,

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I talked all about growth hormone.

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You can find that episode about fibroid and growth hormone

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and how heat can be a powerful stimulus

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for increasing growth hormone

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which is involved in tissue repair and et cetera

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and burn fat and improve metabolism in various ways.

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However, cold I would argue

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is even more powerful than heat as a tool

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and I'm not just talking about putting ice packs

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on sore muscles or slightly sprained limbs and ankles

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and things of that sort.

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We're going to talk about cold

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from the standpoint of thermal physiology.

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This is a literature that's rich in scientific information

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that goes back very deep into the last century

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where physiologists and neuroscientists figured out

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that there are different compartments in your body

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that heat and cool you differently

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and that you can leverage those in order to double

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and as I mentioned before

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even triple or quadruple your work output

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both strength, repetitions, and endurance.

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So this is not weak sauces that they say,

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this is the stuff that can

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really shift the needle quite a bit

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and it's not just about well once,

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it's about being able to perform well and recover

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from that performance so that you do even better

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when you're not incorporating these tools

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on days where for instance, you can't access cold

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or an ice pack or an ice bath or things of that sort, okay?

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So we're going to cover cold, we're going to talk a little bit

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about the physiology of cold and heat and how they work

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because as you've probably heard me say before

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if you can understand some mechanism,

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if you can just push yourself

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through a little bit of new knowledge,

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into understanding a little bit of mechanism

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about how you work, you'll be in a far better position

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to implement the tools in the best and most flexible ways

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for your needs.

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This is why at the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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I never ever do a just list of the things

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that you should do.

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I don't believe in that, just tell me what to do.

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First, I tell you why you should do something.

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What's the logical framework that it's grounded in

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and then we distill that down to specific protocols.

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For those of you that are too impatient for that,

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there are millions, if not billions

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of other resources out there that will take you

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into the cul-de-sac of one protocol that will work

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and then stop working or might work for you indefinitely,

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that's not how we work here.

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This is about really understanding the mechanism

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so that you can tweak things and modify things,

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adjust the timing and the dosage of things

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and really get the most out of these tools and protocols.

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Everything I'm going to talk about

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pertains to both endurance exercise

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and strength and speed type exercise.

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So sprints, weightlifting, endurance work

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and to some extent, flexibility

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but we're going to cover flexibility in depth

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as well as another feature that's not often talked about

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which is suppleness or smoothness of movement

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over different ranges of movement in a subsequent episode.

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Let's start by talking about temperature.

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What is temperature?

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How does temperature impact the body

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and its ability to perform, including learn new skills?

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So everyone probably remembers,

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or has at least heard of the word homeostasis, right?

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That the body wants to remain

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in a particular range of temperatures,

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that it doesn't like to be too hot or too cold.

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And I want to emphasize from the outset

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that there are many mechanisms that are installed into us

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by way of our evolutionary design and our genome

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meaning we were just born with this stuff ready

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to keep our body temperature in a particular narrow range.

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Heating up too much is just plain bad.

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It's not just bad for physical performance,

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it's bad for all tissue health.

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If your brain heats up too much, neurons start dying

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and those neurons don't come back, okay?

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You may have heard about neurogenesis,

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the ability for the brain to regenerate itself

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or generate new neurons and adulthood,

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there's very little neurogenesis excuse me, in adulthood,

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even after anytime after puberty really

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and you don't want to lose neurons

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in the central nervous system.

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If you get too hot, that'll happen.

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It's called hyperthermia, you want to avoid hyperthermia

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and you have many mechanisms

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that are built into you to avoid becoming hyperthermic.

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The other thing that happens when we get too warm

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is that we have in all of our cells,

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what are called enzymes.

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You generally know if something's an enzyme

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because it ends in the letters, A-S-E, right?

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So lipase is an enzyme that exists to digest fats.

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You have proteases that are there to digest proteins, right?

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So anytime you see A-S-E chances are it's an enzyme.

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Enzymes are proteins, and they have a particular structure

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and their structure becomes modified when heat increases

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and that's not good.

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You want their structure to be of a particular type.

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Imagine a car with four wheels,

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let's just say the car is the enzyme.

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If it gets too hot, it's like two of the wheels fall off

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and that thing can't function.

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So one of the reasons why the body and nature

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goes through so much effort to build in mechanisms

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to make sure that we don't become too warm

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is because when we get to warm,

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these enzymes don't function, cells stop functioning,

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they stop being able to generate energy,

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they stop being able to digest things,

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you stop being able to think

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and eventually those cells start dying off entirely.

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So keeping temperature in a particular range is really good,

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you don't want to get too hot.

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We have much more flexibility in terms of getting cold.

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Now you don't want to become hypothermic either.

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You can die from hypothermia

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just like you can die from hyperthermia.

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However that you have a lot more range to be cold

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than you do to be too warm, okay?

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And in general, the idea is to keep the body and brain

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in a particular range but anytime we do anything,

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our body temperature can shift.

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So for instance, if you were to stand next to a campfire

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or you were outside on a hot day,

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various things would happen to dump heat from your body.

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If you were outside on a cold day

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or you were to get into a cold shower or a cold lake,

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various things would happen

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to insulate heat within your body.

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This is all pretty straightforward and obvious I realize.

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Now, what are those things?

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Well, there are a huge category of them.

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When you get into cold water, you secrete adrenaline.

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On a hot day, if it's really hot or in a very hot sauna

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or in the hot desert,

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you will generate what are called heat shock proteins

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which will set off other sets of cascades,

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metabolic cascades, biological cascades.

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But the simplest way to think about this process is that

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when we get cold, we tend to vasoconstrict.

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Our blood vessels tend to constrict

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and we tend to push energy toward the core of our body

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to preserve our core organs, okay?

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So our periphery, our hands and our feet and our toes

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and our legs become colder

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and our core therefore can maintain blood to that area

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and we are insulating our core.

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Conversely, when we heat up our blood vessels vasodilate,

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they expand a bit and more blood flows to our periphery

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and more blood can move throughout the body generally

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and we will perspire, we will sweat, water will actually

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get pulled out of the blood to some extent,

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moved up through sweat glands

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and will be brought to the skin surface

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so that it can be dumped, we are dumping heat.

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Animals, as you know vary in their capacity to sweat.

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Some animals like camels won't start sweating at first

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if they heat up, what they'll do is they'll spit,

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they'll dump heat by spitting, okay?

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Dogs pant, Castilla is off to my left here,

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he pants when he gets too warm, he can't sweat

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or dogs can maybe sweat a little bit.

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But we can sweat and you've probably noticed

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that on a humid hot day, you'll feel much warmer

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just walking or running than you would

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with the equivalent exercise or movement

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than you would on a cold day.

Time: 1148.11

And some of you probably know this, but if you don't

Time: 1150.4

the reason is you sweat on a cold day,

Time: 1153.34

but because the air is dry typically,

Time: 1156.7

you will bring that sweat to the surface

Time: 1159.81

and provided you're wearing clothes

Time: 1161.81

that allow some air to get out away from the body,

Time: 1166.75

so you're not wearing, you know, really tight,

Time: 1168.17

you know spandex type clothing or something like that,

Time: 1170.253

or, you know seal type saran wrap type clothing

Time: 1173.7

that sweat will evaporate off into the dry atmosphere.

Time: 1177.47

Whereas on a humid day, the reason you see people

Time: 1180.18

in New York and Florida on a humid summer day

Time: 1182.69

and they're like moving their shirts off themselves

Time: 1184.41

and you see people with, you know

Time: 1185.28

big sweat stains and back sweat stains

Time: 1187.34

and all this kind of stuff is because they're sweating

Time: 1191.02

as they normally would, but it's humid

Time: 1193.34

and so there is the humidity, the air doesn't allow transfer

Time: 1197.32

of that sweat into the atmosphere as readily

Time: 1200.37

and so you're hot, okay?

Time: 1202.68

So without the evaporation, you're going to be warmer.

Time: 1206.52

So we evaporate off sweat, we sweat

Time: 1209.44

and we vasodilate when we want to dump heat.

Time: 1211.74

When we want to maintain heat, we vasoconstrict

Time: 1214.7

and we tend to not sweat.

Time: 1216.64

The other thing that happens is you'll get goosebumps.

Time: 1219.51

So-called goose pimples they're sometimes called.

Time: 1221.99

Those are a throwback to the time

Time: 1224.33

where we had fur over most, not all of our body.

Time: 1227.8

All mammals in the cold have a process

Time: 1231.84

whereby adrenaline is released at low levels

Time: 1234.93

typically into the body, that adrenaline activates

Time: 1239.16

what are called sympathetic fibers,

Time: 1240.65

they have nothing to do with sympathy,

Time: 1242.33

those little fibers, which are neurons,

Time: 1244.43

those fibers that what I'm saying are fibers are neurons,

Time: 1246.86

not clothing fibers, reach up into the skin

Time: 1249.47

so your whole body is covered with these little tiny neurons

Time: 1251.98

that reach up into the skin and when we are cold,

Time: 1254.83

they actually mechanically take the hair follicle

Time: 1257.9

and bend it up, it's a process called pilo erection,

Time: 1262.63

P-I-L-O erection, okay?

Time: 1265.36

So on a hot day, you want to dump heat, okay?

Time: 1269.56

So on a hot day, what would happen is

Time: 1271.96

you'd actually not see those goose pimples

Time: 1274.48

because you want the hairs lying down

Time: 1276.51

which actually you would think that might insulate you more

Time: 1278.86

but we'll actually let more heat dissipate out

Time: 1281.05

through the skin.

Time: 1282.38

On a cold day, you get these goose pimples or goosebumps

Time: 1285.66

which are really just an ancient carry over

Time: 1287.89

from the body's attempt to make hair stand up on end.

Time: 1292.06

And when hair step stand up on end

Time: 1294.23

and they're very close together

Time: 1295.17

that traps air in between them and actually creates

Time: 1297.81

a sort of insulated blanket of warm air.

Time: 1300.57

If you've ever seen an animal like a a Malamute or a Husky,

Time: 1305.85

you might think, oh that poor thing on a hot day,

Time: 1308.32

what does it do?

Time: 1309.3

You know, with all that hair?

Time: 1310.14

Well, it can be warm so the animal will typically pant

Time: 1312.96

and its hair will lay down, which you might think would act

Time: 1316.02

as more of a blanket, but on a cold day

Time: 1318.36

what'll happen is they'll become very puffy.

Time: 1321.44

Their hair will stand up on end

Time: 1323.33

and that's actually trapping heat between the hairs

Time: 1325.66

and they're actually quite well insulated.

Time: 1327.68

So it's very important that if you want to understand

Time: 1331.3

how you can leverage temperature for physical performance,

Time: 1335.55

you have to understand

Time: 1336.86

that you have vasoconstriction to conserve heat,

Time: 1338.91

vasodilation to dump heat,

Time: 1340.58

that you are sweating to dump heat,

Time: 1342.21

and you have conservation of fluids

Time: 1344.7

in order to preserve heat.

Time: 1347.9

That's the most important thing

Time: 1349.52

in terms of understanding the mechanisms

Time: 1351.5

of maintaining and dumping heat.

Time: 1353.4

And now the most important thing to understand is that

Time: 1356.48

if you get too hot, not only do those enzymes stop working

Time: 1360.53

but your ability to contract your muscles stops, okay?

Time: 1365.24

I'm going to repeat this because it's vitally important.

Time: 1369.24

ATP is involved in the process

Time: 1372.6

of generating muscle contractions,

Time: 1374.33

it doesn't matter if you're running a marathon,

Time: 1375.96

doesn't matter if you're doing a yoga class,

Time: 1377.52

doesn't matter if you're going for a 700 pound squat,

Time: 1381.23

the range of temperatures within which ATP can function

Time: 1384.97

and muscles can contract is very narrow.

Time: 1387.92

Somewhere around 39 or 40 degrees Celsius, it drops off

Time: 1392.54

and you will not be able to generate more contractions.

Time: 1396.3

Now that's pretty hot, but that temperature

Time: 1398.68

can be generated locally really fast.

Time: 1401.1

Now, if you're too cold,

Time: 1402.5

it's true it's hard to generate muscle contractions.

Time: 1404.65

I got into doing some cold water swimming a little while ago

Time: 1408.45

and we would joke that, you know, you come out of the water,

Time: 1410.5

we do no wetsuits,

Time: 1412.22

I'm not recommending people do this necessarily

Time: 1414.07

unless you're with certainly

Time: 1415.02

with somebody else who's skilled at doing it, which I was.

Time: 1417.15

And you come out

Time: 1418.23

and you feel like you have claws for hands.

Time: 1420.29

You can, you know, you could never text on a phone

Time: 1422.33

for the first few minutes,

Time: 1423.25

I mean, the water was very, very cold

Time: 1425.22

and you can't even move your face

Time: 1426.69

and so muscles will become rigid

Time: 1428.84

but heating up muscles causes them to fail to be able

Time: 1433.22

to generate more contractions.

Time: 1435.38

Put simply if you get too hot, you stop exercising.

Time: 1439.41

You may not even realize it

Time: 1440.76

but your will to exercise further,

Time: 1443.4

your ability to push harder

Time: 1445.93

is entirely dependent on the heat of the muscle

Time: 1448.9

both locally and your whole system.

Time: 1451.78

So let's talk about your whole system

Time: 1454.33

because I just described heat dumping and heat maintaining.

Time: 1458.13

I told you that increasing heat

Time: 1460.73

makes it hard for muscles to contract.

Time: 1462.77

It will stop you from being able to run further and faster,

Time: 1466.63

it will stop you from being able to lift more weights,

Time: 1469.49

more sets, more repetitions.

Time: 1471.53

If you can keep temperature in range however,

Time: 1474.81

in a proper range, you will be able to do more work,

Time: 1478.84

you will be able to create greater output,

Time: 1481.6

you'll be able to lift more weight, more sets, more reps

Time: 1485.17

and you'll be able to run further.

Time: 1487.59

Now, there are data that I'm going to talk

Time: 1489.441

about in a little bit that are absolutely striking

Time: 1491.91

that underscore that statement.

Time: 1493.21

There are data from my colleague Craig Heller's lab

Time: 1495.26

in the department of biology at Stanford

Time: 1497.28

and there are data that are now being implemented.

Time: 1499.87

They were first implemented in a grant funded by DARPA

Time: 1503.17

but now in professional sports teams.

Time: 1505.14

Many, if not all the NFL teams are now using this technology

Time: 1509.06

as well as military uses it

Time: 1510.74

and not just for sports performance, but also firefighters,

Time: 1514.22

construction workers, other professions

Time: 1517

where elevated heat becomes a barrier to performance

Time: 1520.67

and you can leverage this to really improve your workouts.

Time: 1523.91

And when I say really improve, it is striking.

Time: 1526.06

I'm going to give away a little hint of this now

Time: 1527.63

and then I'm going to tell you a little bit more

Time: 1528.79

of the data later after I tell you the protocols.

Time: 1532.24

Proper cooling of the body,

Time: 1535.69

which has to be done in a very specific way,

Time: 1538.55

has allowed recreational athletes,

Time: 1541.09

college students and typical adults

Time: 1543.09

as well as professional athletes

Time: 1545.13

to go from doing their usual output.

Time: 1548.3

In this case what comes to mind best

Time: 1550.39

would be a particular professional athletes

Time: 1552.64

that a member of the 49ers at the time

Time: 1555.12

was able to do 40 dips on his first set, 30, 20, 20,

Time: 1558.64

basically to 10 sets of dips unassisted with anything else.

Time: 1561.86

That's an impressive

Time: 1564.17

especially since he's a really large guy,

Time: 1566.92

40 dips is as a respectable,

Time: 1568.45

these are strict, full, full range dips.

Time: 1571.86

And then by the 10th set, there's a steep drop-off.

Time: 1574.16

Using proper cooling of particular body compartments,

Time: 1578.78

he was able to triple that within less than a week

Time: 1583.3

and maintain that performance

Time: 1585.38

even without the cooling approach.

Time: 1586.83

So it was actually a conditioning effect, all right?

Time: 1589.9

I'll get back to this in a little bit

Time: 1591.44

but there are other fantastic leaps of effort

Time: 1595.41

and leaps of performance that were demonstrated

Time: 1598.83

including endurance running.

Time: 1602.11

Before I continue any, I just want to underscore again

Time: 1605.12

that overheating is terrible.

Time: 1607.04

There's a famous example of this.

Time: 1610.5

This was about 10, 15 years ago

Time: 1612.5

when a number of dietary supplements

Time: 1614.65

that included things like epinephrin which is a stimulant,

Time: 1617.78

it's a beta adrenergic stimulant, drugs like Clenbuterol,

Time: 1622.39

which were then banned from the Olympics,

Time: 1624.38

which are still out there have been in recreational use

Time: 1626.42

which were beta adrenergic agonist so these are drugs

Time: 1629.91

that sort of mimic epinephrin adrenaline to some extent,

Time: 1633.82

I know I'm oversimplifying this here.

Time: 1635.4

They improve flat loss because of the effects on metabolism

Time: 1638.61

but they heat up the body.

Time: 1640.22

And what happened was, this hit the press very widely

Time: 1642.72

is high school football players

Time: 1644.61

and various professional athletes were dropping dead

Time: 1646.88

because they were overheating

Time: 1647.84

during practice or in competition.

Time: 1649.87

So much so that Clenbuterol was banned.

Time: 1652.76

Although every once in a while,

Time: 1653.7

somebody gets in trouble for using this,

Time: 1656.71

there was an incidence of this recently

Time: 1658.05

in professional boxing which was attributed to a bad meat

Time: 1661.21

that had contained the Clenbuterol.

Time: 1662.89

I don't know what the source was,

Time: 1666.05

I don't have any commentary about that,

Time: 1667.62

but it still is in use,

Time: 1668.88

but these drugs increased body temperature,

Time: 1671.79

increased fat loss, but carry is severe danger

Time: 1675.97

and that's the danger of hyperthermia.

Time: 1678.6

In fact, I would argue and I think in talking to some folks

Time: 1681.79

at in various professional fighting organizations

Time: 1683.97

it's very clear that a lot of the deaths that one sees

Time: 1686.42

in professional combat sports may have to do

Time: 1690.25

as much with dehydration and overheating

Time: 1693.09

as it does with getting hit in the head, which is also bad,

Time: 1696.5

but that things can compound

Time: 1697.84

that can have a synergistic effect.

Time: 1699.97

And just a note about that and hyperthermia

Time: 1702.68

and it's dangerous as well.

Time: 1704.53

My first project ever in science

Time: 1706.31

was to evaluate the thermogenic effects of MDMA or ecstasy.

Time: 1710.32

That was my senior thesis in college actually.

Time: 1713.66

And what we found was that indeed drugs

Time: 1717.67

that remove your understanding of how warm you are

Time: 1721.95

cause you to not take on the appropriate behaviors

Time: 1725.6

to cool yourself, right?

Time: 1727.28

So your vasoconstriction and you're sweating,

Time: 1730.72

those are autonomic,

Time: 1731.86

those are going to happen no matter what

Time: 1733.34

unless you happen to take something that blocks that effect.

Time: 1736.47

However, there are a lot of things

Time: 1737.7

that we as humans do to prevent ourselves from overheating

Time: 1741.1

and the main one is stop.

Time: 1744.12

When we are running in the desert

Time: 1746.01

or when we're running very hard and suddenly we stop,

Time: 1749.22

oftentimes that's because the muscles are overheating,

Time: 1752.07

it's a subconscious thing.

Time: 1753.49

We won't often think, oh, I'm really much too warm,

Time: 1755.95

it's just that we stop

Time: 1757.65

and it's a self-preservation mechanisms.

Time: 1759.8

Sometimes it kicks into early, sometimes it kicks into late.

Time: 1763.36

Kicks in too late, you can die.

Time: 1765.44

There's an instance in the 1984 Olympics

Time: 1767.42

where there was the first year I believe

Time: 1770.14

that there was a women's marathon,

Time: 1772.4

I think that's correct.

Time: 1773.61

And one of the front runners or top picks for winning

Time: 1777.03

was heading into the stadium

Time: 1778.49

and all of a sudden, it seemed as if she was lost,

Time: 1781.27

she was kind of wandering around

Time: 1782.66

not knowing where she should go

Time: 1784.15

and in fact, she was in a position to win

Time: 1786.19

or at least take second place, at least take silver,

Time: 1788.77

got totally disoriented and did miserably in the race

Time: 1792.06

and she was hyperthermic,

Time: 1793.74

she was running against that reflex to stop.

Time: 1796.71

So dumping heat is key.

Time: 1798.64

So how do you dump heat in order to perform longer safely?

Time: 1804.63

Well, in order to understand that you have to understand

Time: 1807.19

that the body has three main compartments

Time: 1809.7

for regulating temperature, okay?

Time: 1811.62

We don't just have a center and a periphery,

Time: 1813.72

we have three main compartments

Time: 1815.41

and there's one compartment in particular

Time: 1817.64

that all of you or most all of you, I have to assume have

Time: 1822.45

and if you can understand how that works,

Time: 1825.4

you can do tremendous things for your performance

Time: 1827.91

and for your recovery.

Time: 1829.66

So what I'm about to tell you

Time: 1830.9

will allow you to perform better in all forms of exercise

Time: 1834.77

and it is not commonly known,

Time: 1836.81

unfortunately, I'm here to try and change that.

Time: 1839.78

You have three compartments

Time: 1841.11

for increasing or dumping heat in your body.

Time: 1844.99

One is your core, we already talked about that.

Time: 1848.19

Your core organs, your heart,

Time: 1849.39

your lungs, your pancreas, your liver,

Time: 1851.97

this is the core of your body.

Time: 1854.05

The other is your periphery, which are obviously your arms

Time: 1858.12

and your legs and your feet and your hands.

Time: 1860.31

But then there's a third component

Time: 1862.82

which has their three locations on your body

Time: 1866.12

that are far better at passing heat out of the body

Time: 1869.93

and bringing cool into the body

Time: 1872.8

such that you can heat up

Time: 1874.95

or cool your body everywhere very quickly.

Time: 1879.3

Those three areas are your face, the palms of your hands

Time: 1884.44

and the bottoms of your feet.

Time: 1886.72

Now, the skin on your hands and on the bottoms of your feet

Time: 1889.81

and to some extent on your face are called glaborous skin.

Time: 1893.33

That's G-L-A-B-O-R-O-U-S glaborous skin.

Time: 1899.07

And what's special about those areas of your body

Time: 1902.35

and the glaborous skin is that the arrangement

Time: 1906.55

of vasculature, of blood vessels, capillaries and arteries

Time: 1910.74

that serve those regions is very different

Time: 1913.41

than it is elsewhere in your body.

Time: 1915.89

Now, this has ancient roots.

Time: 1919.38

Typically, if you were another mammal, like a bear

Time: 1922.72

or some sort of ape, you would have hair all over your body.

Time: 1926.97

Now we all know some pretty hairy people.

Time: 1928.85

I presume you've heard that there are these hairy people,

Time: 1931.1

I know a few excessively hairy people

Time: 1934.29

and Castilla is excessively hairy

Time: 1935.75

but he's not a person obviously

Time: 1937.93

but all mammals have hair on their bodies, too.

Time: 1941.93

Some people have very light hair or very fine hair.

Time: 1946.83

We don't have hair on these glaborous skin regions.

Time: 1949.91

Now, of course you can have beard or facial hair growth

Time: 1953.08

but there are still regions like the cheeks

Time: 1955.16

and other areas that maintain this special vasculature.

Time: 1958.51

Okay, so technically the hands and feet

Time: 1960.23

are real glaborous skin

Time: 1961.9

and the face is not always quite classified as glaborous

Time: 1965.86

but these three locations face, palms of hands

Time: 1969.09

not tops and bottoms of feet are very good at dumping heat

Time: 1974.4

and bringing in cool.

Time: 1976.28

And the reason is there's a rule in vascular biology

Time: 1981.34

that blood moves from arteries to capillaries

Time: 1984.9

and then to veins, and then back to the heart, okay?

Time: 1988.01

So arteries which are the big ones obviously,

Time: 1991.03

capillaries which are the little fine ones

Time: 1993.15

where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged

Time: 1996.44

and veins which then bring blood back to the heart

Time: 2000.94

and other tissues of course.

Time: 2004.18

In these three regions of your hands, your face

Time: 2007.96

and the bottoms of your feet,

Time: 2009.79

we have what are called AVAs.

Time: 2012.08

AVAs are a very special pattern of vasculature.

Time: 2016.45

AVAs are described in the medical textbooks.

Time: 2018.94

You can find them in Grey's anatomy

Time: 2020.41

not the television show

Time: 2021.77

but the actual Grey's anatomy textbook

Time: 2024.28

which is a real thing that exists

Time: 2026.19

and in all medical textbooks, okay?

Time: 2029.66

So let's talk about AVAs and what they are

Time: 2032.45

and why they allow these three regions of the body

Time: 2035.02

to heat or cool ourselves more readily.

Time: 2039.5

So what are AVAs?

Time: 2041.77

AVAs are arterio-venous anastomosis.

Time: 2045.6

So if you want to look that up

Time: 2047.18

you can just look up AVAs veins, capillaries,

Time: 2050.62

arteries if you like, but I'll spell it for you.

Time: 2054.87

A-R-T-E-R-I-O, arterio venous, V-E-N-O-U-S,

Time: 2062.54

arterio-venous anastomosis, A-N-A-S-T-O-M-O-S-E-S.

Time: 2070.13

Arterio-venous anastomosis, okay?

Time: 2072.57

You want to know about Arterio-venous anastomosis, trust me

Time: 2076.69

and you want to remember that they are in your hands,

Time: 2079.16

the bottoms of your feet and on your face,

Time: 2081.38

and in particular on the palms of your hands,

Time: 2083.37

not the tops of your hands.

Time: 2084.77

Now, before I said blood flows typically

Time: 2087.81

from arteries to capillaries, to veins,

Time: 2089.85

and then back to the heart.

Time: 2091.43

But AVAs are direct connections

Time: 2093.65

between the small arteries and the small veins.

Time: 2096.66

They bypass the capillaries to some extent.

Time: 2100.08

They are little short vessel segments,

Time: 2102.4

they have a big, large inner diameter

Time: 2105.14

and they have this very thick, muscular wall.

Time: 2108.29

And they get input from what are called adrenergic neurons.

Time: 2112.25

They get input from neurons

Time: 2113.86

that release norepinephrine and epinephrine,

Time: 2117.36

which allows them to contract or dilate.

Time: 2120.06

Now there's some rules of physics

Time: 2121.46

that talk about how the radius of a pipe

Time: 2124.53

and small changes in the radius of a pipe

Time: 2127.36

leads to massive increases in the rate and amount of stuff

Time: 2132.79

that can flow through that pipe, okay?

Time: 2134.823

There's a rule of physics that says essentially

Time: 2137.26

that the radius is proportional to the amount of stuff

Time: 2141.89

that can flow through something to the fourth power.

Time: 2144.47

We're not going to make this a physics class,

Time: 2145.97

but if you want to look that up, you can,

Time: 2148.02

you can just look up how does the radius of a tube

Time: 2150.47

or pipe relate to how quickly

Time: 2152.16

or how much stuff can flow through it?

Time: 2154.89

What you need to know,

Time: 2156.38

even if you don't want to know any of the underlying physics

Time: 2158.25

is that these AVAs allow more heat

Time: 2161.15

to leave the body more quickly

Time: 2163.97

and more cool to enter the body more quickly

Time: 2167.39

than other venous arterial capillary beds

Time: 2172.94

throughout the body.

Time: 2173.773

In other words, you can heat up best at the face, the palms

Time: 2177.63

and the bottoms of the feet, and you can cool down best

Time: 2180.82

at the face, the palms and the bottoms of the feet

Time: 2183.65

than you can anywhere else on your body.

Time: 2185.71

And when I say heat up or cool down,

Time: 2187.17

I mean actually heat or cool the core end your brain.

Time: 2191.25

Okay, so this is vitally important.

Time: 2193.21

I realize we're getting down

Time: 2194.22

into the mechanistic weeds here, but you need to know

Time: 2197.07

that these three compartments of your body,

Time: 2199.53

palms, bottoms of feet and face

Time: 2201.74

are your best leverage points for manipulating temperature

Time: 2206.15

to vastly improve physical performance, okay?

Time: 2210.34

I also want to point out

Time: 2212.11

that the work that I'm going to tell you about

Time: 2214.3

is not work from my laboratory.

Time: 2215.97

It's the work of, as I mentioned,

Time: 2217.47

my colleague Craig Heller's laboratory at Stanford

Time: 2220.22

and we're going to have Craig on as a guest

Time: 2222.4

to talk more about these discoveries,

Time: 2224.69

they are his and his colleagues discoveries

Time: 2228.45

and how you can leverage them.

Time: 2229.74

They're building out some amazing technology.

Time: 2232.193

I had a conversation with Craig yesterday

Time: 2234.53

as a prelude to this episode

Time: 2237.13

and to the future conversation with him

Time: 2239.28

so you're getting the very latest on this topic.

Time: 2242.76

So what Craig and his colleagues did

Time: 2244.7

really illustrates perfectly

Time: 2246.45

what these body surfaces can do and why.

Time: 2250.73

They were studying overheating in athletes and in military

Time: 2256.44

and in construction workers and trying to prevent it.

Time: 2260.02

And they did a bunch of experiments,

Time: 2261.7

I won't go into all of them now

Time: 2263.35

but what they essentially found was that cooling the palms,

Time: 2267.19

palmer cooling allowed people, athletes,

Time: 2271.96

and recreational athletes to run much further,

Time: 2276.03

to lift more weight and to do more sets and reps

Time: 2279.73

to a absolutely staggering degree.

Time: 2284.73

Let's talk for a second, a bit more about why we stop,

Time: 2289.21

why we shut off effort when we get too hot

Time: 2293.66

because in doing so, you'll really understand

Time: 2296.31

how and why the best protocols exist

Time: 2298.96

for being able to do more work,

Time: 2301.06

to be able to exercise longer

Time: 2303.8

and actually to feel good doing it.

Time: 2305.44

You actually can make a doubling of your dips

Time: 2308.11

or believe it or not a tripling or quadrupling or more

Time: 2310.92

of your pull-ups fairly straightforward.

Time: 2314.78

I mentioned before that when muscle heats up,

Time: 2319.25

enzymes start getting disrupted

Time: 2321.93

and ATP and muscles can't work so well

Time: 2324.88

and those muscles can't contract.

Time: 2326.68

Let's get a little more specific about that.

Time: 2328.47

The enzyme that's involved here

Time: 2330.51

is something called pyruvate kinase.

Time: 2332.71

You don't need to know about pyruvate kinase

Time: 2334.39

but what you do need to know is that it ends A-S-E

Time: 2336.7

which means it's an enzyme and pyruvate kinase

Time: 2341.41

is essentially a rate limiting step.

Time: 2344.93

It's a critical step that you can't bypass

Time: 2347.15

if you want muscles to contract

Time: 2348.53

and it's very temperature sensitive.

Time: 2352.52

Therefore, if you can keep temperature lower,

Time: 2356.32

you can do more work per unit time,

Time: 2359.13

you can do more pull-ups

Time: 2360.78

and that actually was done by Craig

Time: 2362.891

and his colleagues, excuse me.

Time: 2364.52

The pull-ups weren't actually done by Craig,

Time: 2366.03

I don't know how many pull-ups Craig can do,

Time: 2367.41

I'll ask him next time, both cooled and uncooled,

Time: 2369.99

how many pullups he can do.

Time: 2371.68

But what they essentially did

Time: 2373.33

is they brought someone into their laboratory

Time: 2376.08

who could do 10 pull ups on the first set

Time: 2379.43

and they were able to get 10,

Time: 2381.17

rest two or three minutes get another 10,

Time: 2383.1

rest or three minutes and if you've ever tried this,

Time: 2385.03

what you find is that you start dropping

Time: 2386.46

to eight, seven, six, et cetera.

Time: 2389.35

Now, the person might not necessarily feel

Time: 2391.92

like they're overheating, but the muscle is heating up.

Time: 2395.38

Then with their knowledge that these AVAs,

Time: 2399.29

that these that these portals in the palms are a great way

Time: 2404.32

to both heat the body, but also to dump heat from the body,

Time: 2408.41

they used the device

Time: 2410.12

and I'll talk about what you can do at home

Time: 2412.16

but a device where they had people hold on

Time: 2414.64

to what was essentially a cold tube.

Time: 2418.44

Now this is crucial, the tube can't be so cold

Time: 2422.35

that it causes vasoconstriction

Time: 2424.4

because then the cold won't pass from the tube

Time: 2427.31

to the hand and to the core.

Time: 2430.13

But if it's the right temperature,

Time: 2432.18

it's neither too hot nor too cold,

Time: 2434.85

that cool from the cold tube passes into the hand,

Time: 2440.06

these so-called palmer regions and then cools the core

Time: 2444.4

and in theory by lowering body temperature

Time: 2447.08

would allow the person or the athlete to do more work

Time: 2450.35

and indeed that's what they saw.

Time: 2453.14

The actual data, the specific data showed

Time: 2455.8

that subjects could do,

Time: 2457.21

at least the subjects they worked with,

Time: 2458.69

on their first day with no cooling about a hundred pull-ups

Time: 2462.31

across the timeframe that they had, okay?

Time: 2466.65

So it might've taken anywhere from 10 to 15

Time: 2470.04

or maybe more sets depending on how skilled that person was

Time: 2473.16

but in a fixed amount of time.

Time: 2475.9

Then they came back and did the cooling.

Time: 2478.33

They did it the very next day

Time: 2479.68

which if you've ever trained a muscle,

Time: 2481.92

the very next day typically

Time: 2483.74

you wouldn't do as well in its training

Time: 2486.01

if it took any damage from the previous session

Time: 2487.96

or you at least do as well,

Time: 2489.12

but you probably wouldn't do what they then observed,

Time: 2492.19

which was, they started after every other set,

Time: 2494.75

the person would just hold the cold tube,

Time: 2497.2

cool down the body after every other set,

Time: 2499.71

rest everything else was kept the same

Time: 2502.11

and they found that they went to 180 pull-ups,

Time: 2505.57

which is incredible, it's a near doubling.

Time: 2508.13

And by doing this repeatedly over several sessions,

Time: 2511.01

over several weeks, they quickly went in the cooling group

Time: 2515.07

from a maximum of somewhere between 180 and 200 as I recall,

Time: 2518.86

I'm sort of estimating now,

Time: 2520.24

to 600 pull-ups in the equivalent amount of time

Time: 2523.57

which is absolutely incredible.

Time: 2526.12

They then repeated this in a study on the bench press

Time: 2529.56

and actually the bench press study was pretty interesting

Time: 2531.72

because they actually had a control group

Time: 2533.67

that was admittedly taking specific amounts

Time: 2536.95

of anabolic steroids,

Time: 2537.99

the antibiotic steroid was testosterone cypionate

Time: 2540.63

which is essentially testosterone,

Time: 2543.43

and indeed the testosterone cypionate,

Time: 2545.43

the steroid group improved at a rate of about 1% per week.

Time: 2551.04

There were differences and the cooling group

Time: 2554.52

basically left all other groups in the dust,

Time: 2557.45

it was just remarkable.

Time: 2558.71

So cooling the core, I want to be very clear

Time: 2561.63

that it's not cooling the muscle,

Time: 2562.93

wasn't about cooling the chest alone

Time: 2564.76

or just cooling the palms,

Time: 2566.41

it was about allowing cold to pass through the palms

Time: 2569.74

because of the unique vasculature that's there, these AVAs

Time: 2574.44

allowed the subjects to do far more work per unit time.

Time: 2578.63

And the important thing is that

Time: 2581.32

if they were to come back after doing 600 pull-ups

Time: 2584.37

or 500 pull-ups, you might say,

Time: 2586.22

well, wow that's going to create a situation

Time: 2588.45

where recovery is going to be absolutely impossible.

Time: 2591.64

They could come back, not use the cooling

Time: 2593.68

and they still saw a highly significant increase

Time: 2596.22

in the amount or the number of pull-ups or dips

Time: 2599.08

or bench press weight that they could do, okay?

Time: 2601.9

So what that meant is that

Time: 2602.9

it was both an excellent performance

Time: 2605.167

and an excellent training stimulus

Time: 2607.15

that they were able to recover from, okay?

Time: 2609.86

I don't know if all of you are following this

Time: 2611.41

but these are the sorts of increases

Time: 2613.72

in exercise output that are absolutely staggering

Time: 2617.18

and that's why professional teams and the military

Time: 2619.94

and others capitalized on them very quickly and use these.

Time: 2624.35

Okay, now you may be asking what about endurance, right?

Time: 2629.73

Not everyone wants to be able to bench press a lot

Time: 2632.48

for multiple reps and sets.

Time: 2635.08

And I should just mention for the bench pressing,

Time: 2636.91

it was, I believe they were

Time: 2638.14

they found people that could bench press two 25,

Time: 2640.51

so that's two 45 pound plates

Time: 2641.87

on the 45 pound standard Olympic bar

Time: 2644

for repetitions of anywhere from six to 10

Time: 2645.94

and then they had them do the same thing.

Time: 2647.1

They did a set, they'd rest two or three minutes,

Time: 2649.41

sometimes up to four minutes,

Time: 2650.53

then do another set, repeat, repeat, repeat,

Time: 2652.58

and with cooling, they were able

Time: 2654.08

to increase the amount of work,

Time: 2656.45

the number of reps with the same weight.

Time: 2659.13

Sometimes they did have to increase sets

Time: 2661.38

to approximately double, so it was pretty fantastic.

Time: 2665.28

So with endurance, similar increases have been shown

Time: 2669.91

and the way that they do those tests

Time: 2672.32

are a little bit different

Time: 2673.43

and they also point to a really important mechanism

Time: 2676.19

of why we stopped doing work at all

Time: 2679.35

when we perceive that we are putting in too much effort.

Time: 2682.31

So it gets right to the heart of the relationship

Time: 2684.48

between temperature in muscle and your willpower,

Time: 2687.96

those are directly related.

Time: 2689.37

Your body heat and your willpower

Time: 2691.91

are linked in a physiological way.

Time: 2694.04

So I'm not talking about the kind of stuff

Time: 2695.32

that you see as kind of like clickbait on the internet,

Time: 2697.22

or like increase willpower now or become resilient now,

Time: 2700.76

or never do this again if you want to be mentally strong,

Time: 2703.06

I'm talking about a physiological mechanism

Time: 2705.61

that exists in the body and brain that causes you to stop

Time: 2709.03

or that will allow you to continue to go harder and further

Time: 2712.91

than you normally would.

Time: 2714.42

Okay, so let's talk about willpower and heat

Time: 2716.82

and how heat shuts you down.

Time: 2719.26

In other words, if you are cool,

Time: 2721.99

if your body temperature is in a particular range,

Time: 2724.61

not only can you go further,

Time: 2726.4

but you will go further if you want to.

Time: 2730.69

Said differently, if you heat up too much,

Time: 2734.44

you will stop or you will die.

Time: 2737.28

Typically people stop, there are individuals who will push

Time: 2739.81

to the point where they black out and die,

Time: 2741.32

in the same way that, and please don't do this experiment,

Time: 2745.79

there are people who can sit down face to face

Time: 2748.57

and say, let's hold our breath

Time: 2750.08

and whoever breathes first loses.

Time: 2753.53

Some people will just go until it's painful

Time: 2755.66

and then they'll gasp and take a big breath.

Time: 2758.17

There are always those individuals

Time: 2759.41

who can override that reflex

Time: 2761.2

and they will go until they pass out, okay?

Time: 2763.76

And if you do that in water, you can very easily die,

Time: 2766.56

so please don't do that experiment.

Time: 2769.12

But there's a reflex that relates the body to the brain

Time: 2774.45

and the brain to the body that shuts off our effort

Time: 2777.26

when we get too hot.

Time: 2778.97

So what Craig and his colleagues and now others have done

Time: 2781.96

is to do a test in the laboratory

Time: 2783.56

where rather than ask people to run outside

Time: 2786.51

until they absolutely don't want to run anymore,

Time: 2789.67

you put them on a treadmill and you set the speed, okay?

Time: 2792.66

So they have to keep up with the treadmill

Time: 2794.6

and at some point they quit.

Time: 2798.14

And you take groups and you do those

Time: 2801.24

in different temperature environments.

Time: 2804.3

So some people are running in a nice chilly laboratory,

Time: 2808.39

they get their heart rate up.

Time: 2809.44

So maybe their heart rate goes from,

Time: 2812

you know, 40 or 50 baseline heart rate,

Time: 2814.33

maybe it gets up to 80 or a hundred

Time: 2816.13

and then they keep the rate of the treadmill going the same

Time: 2819.81

and they'll just plateau.

Time: 2820.84

So they're getting into a steady state cadence or rhythm

Time: 2823.54

and their heart is beating it more or less a steady state.

Time: 2825.65

Eventually they'll probably stop

Time: 2827.27

'cause they have something else to do

Time: 2828.91

but people will continue at that temperature

Time: 2833.96

and at that heart rate,

Time: 2835.82

unless you start turning up the temperature in the room

Time: 2838.86

and at some point they will stop

Time: 2841

and they'll stop much earlier when it gets hot

Time: 2844.07

because of something called cardiac drift, okay?

Time: 2847.09

So let's say I'm running

Time: 2848.71

and I'm running at a steady cadence on this treadmill

Time: 2851.33

and my heart rate is 85 beats per minute

Time: 2853.25

or a hundred beats per minute, doesn't matter,

Time: 2854.72

let's say a hundred just for sake of example.

Time: 2857.48

Well, just making the room hotter

Time: 2859.68

is going to increase my heart rate further,

Time: 2862.43

even though I'm at the same output

Time: 2864.69

and the brain does a computation,

Time: 2868.23

it somehow figures out that there's a heat component

Time: 2871.64

that's increasing heart rate

Time: 2872.87

and there's an effort component from running

Time: 2875.19

that's driving heart rate.

Time: 2876.75

And if the heat component and the heart rate output

Time: 2880.15

from the effort, get to hit a certain threshold, I stop.

Time: 2884.5

Okay, ad some of you may think,

Time: 2886.01

well there are people who just run

Time: 2887.45

and run and run and never stop, eventually everyone stops.

Time: 2891.37

Maybe it's because of the race ended,

Time: 2892.65

maybe it's because, you know, everyone else quit.

Time: 2895.1

I actually saw some stuff online,

Time: 2896.9

there are these races where people

Time: 2898.01

just will continuously do the same loop

Time: 2899.84

until everyone else drops out

Time: 2901.29

and then one guy or girl keeps going past everybody.

Time: 2905.41

But typically it stops because the race is over

Time: 2907.54

or because people quit.

Time: 2909.19

Increasing temperature increases the rate of quitting

Time: 2913.61

in part, not entirely, but in part

Time: 2915.74

because of this thing called cardiac drift

Time: 2918.2

which you've probably experienced

Time: 2920.13

if you've been out on a hot day and you're walking uphill

Time: 2922.24

you might stop to take a breath.

Time: 2924.18

If you sit in a sauna, your heart rate will increase.

Time: 2926.75

Heat increases heart rate, effort increases heart rate.

Time: 2931.06

At a steady effort, you'll have a steady heart rate.

Time: 2933.3

If you increase the heat in the environment

Time: 2936.15

that you're engaging in that steady heart rate,

Time: 2938.91

your heart rate will now go up due to cardiac drift

Time: 2941.86

and you will quit, okay?

Time: 2944.03

So Heller and colleagues have done experiments

Time: 2947.23

where they do palmer cooling under these environments.

Time: 2950.96

And that's wonderful because not only does it enable people

Time: 2955.29

to go further and faster for much longer

Time: 2960.35

that's been shown statistically significant every time

Time: 2963.72

but it also protects the brain and body

Time: 2966.11

against hyperthermia, overheating, coma, nerve injury,

Time: 2969.66

nerve death, and actual death, okay?

Time: 2972.337

So you can see why this is such a valuable tool.

Time: 2975.73

So what are they doing?

Time: 2977.73

Well, in this case too they're having them cool their hands

Time: 2981.86

and they're cooling the palms.

Time: 2983.41

Cooling the bottoms of the feet is a little trickier

Time: 2985.7

but cooling the face could actually work as well.

Time: 2987.987

And we're going to talk about cooling the face

Time: 2989.68

and how to incorporate this.

Time: 2991.22

So at this point, I've just really wanted

Time: 2993.54

to impress upon you not impress you, but impress upon you

Time: 2998.61

the fact that you have these three surfaces of your body

Time: 3001.19

that are very good at passing cold into the body,

Time: 3004.31

such that it cools the core body temperature

Time: 3006.55

and that's a good thing for health and safety

Time: 3009.87

and in order to maintain work output

Time: 3013.3

over longer periods of time, or actually just do more work.

Time: 3016.09

I mean to me the result is just so staggering

Time: 3018.15

is the hundred to 180 pull-ups in the controls

Time: 3021.44

and then 600 pull-ups in the cooled individuals, right?

Time: 3026

They actually also feel mentally

Time: 3028.61

as if they can do more work.

Time: 3030.16

It's not just that they can,

Time: 3031.59

their willpower is adjusted somehow

Time: 3034.71

by these shifts in temperature.

Time: 3036.86

Now, before we continue and get to the exact ways

Time: 3040

that any number of us can start to use this information,

Time: 3043.57

I want to talk about the opposite thing, which is heating.

Time: 3047.15

And you have to remember that these surfaces,

Time: 3050.46

the palms and the bottoms of the feet and the face

Time: 3052.433

will not just a range with these AVAs,

Time: 3055.81

these special ways to pass blood from arteries to veins

Time: 3061.57

in order to cool us for better athletic performance

Time: 3064.36

or to heat us for on cold days but for both of those things.

Time: 3069.25

Now Heller and colleagues and others have also explored

Time: 3072.9

how these can be used to heat up the core.

Time: 3076.14

There are times when we want to heat up our core.

Time: 3079.28

Typically we hear that most of the heat

Time: 3081.95

escapes through our heads,

Time: 3083.25

so we'll put on a hat when we go outside,

Time: 3085.78

that's actually not true.

Time: 3087.91

Most of your heat escapes through your face,

Time: 3090.52

the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet.

Time: 3093.36

Now you should know why that's the case.

Time: 3096.44

What this means is that for post-surgery patients

Time: 3100.85

or for people that are hypothermic,

Time: 3103.28

indeed you want to heat the core, right?

Time: 3105.57

But actually I was on a swim recently

Time: 3107.85

where a friend became hypothermic.

Time: 3110.04

He was kind of slurring his words

Time: 3112.08

and kind of staggering around

Time: 3113.25

when we got him back on the beach,

Time: 3114.95

we brought him over to the lifeguard station,

Time: 3116.95

he turned out to be fine.

Time: 3117.93

Again, this is why cold water swims

Time: 3119.64

are something that you really need to do in groups,

Time: 3121.5

not alone and you really have to know what you're doing.

Time: 3124.16

There were reasons for why this happened that day,

Time: 3128.02

but, you know we were basically

Time: 3129.9

people thought we were a little strange

Time: 3131.02

until they realized what was happening.

Time: 3132.55

We were walking down the beach basically sandwiching him

Time: 3134.77

between at our chest because we were still warmer

Time: 3138.45

than the ambient environment, the environment around us.

Time: 3140.247

And we were pushing our chest against him

Time: 3143.16

to try and warm him up to warm up his core.

Time: 3145.54

In retrospect, that was the wrong thing to do.

Time: 3148.22

In talking with Craig and talking to other colleagues

Time: 3150.9

that work on thermogenesis.

Time: 3153.38

What we should have done was warm,

Time: 3155.28

hit the palms of his hands, the bottoms of his feet

Time: 3157.41

and his face because that would insulate the heat loss.

Time: 3161.68

Now he was very cold

Time: 3162.9

so presumably there was vasoconstriction

Time: 3165.42

of the veins at these locations.

Time: 3167.92

And so it's not clear

Time: 3169.73

that that would have been the only strategy to use

Time: 3171.81

but they have explored how to heat up post-surgery patients

Time: 3176.15

and one of the best ways to do that

Time: 3177.56

is to get warm socks on the bottoms of the feet,

Time: 3180.1

get gloves on the hands

Time: 3181.42

and if it can be done safely to warm the face.

Time: 3183.61

Now, of course you don't want to obstruct respiration

Time: 3185.54

and things of that sort.

Time: 3186.97

But again the ability to pass heat into the body

Time: 3191.39

or to remove heat to the body

Time: 3192.93

is best done through these three surfaces.

Time: 3195.44

I can't emphasize that enough.

Time: 3197.33

So I mentioned before that you want to cool the palms

Time: 3200.86

or the bottoms of the feet

Time: 3201.95

although that's a little harder to do or the face

Time: 3203.7

but not so much that the blood vessels constrict

Time: 3208.03

because then you won't be able to pass cool into the body

Time: 3210.42

because those pipes got smaller

Time: 3212.7

and therefore you can't pass cool into the body.

Time: 3215.79

So how can you start to incorporate this?

Time: 3217.7

Well, Craig and colleagues have a company

Time: 3220.42

that they've spun out through Stanford.

Time: 3223.13

We'll talk about that when we sit down with Craig

Time: 3225.22

that has made engineered devices that are optimal for this

Time: 3229.32

that are going to keep those passages open,

Time: 3232.68

keep the size of the, those veins correct to pass cool

Time: 3235.69

into the body quickly for sake of elite sports performance

Time: 3238.37

and even recreational sports performance

Time: 3240.21

but you can actually start to incorporate this.

Time: 3242.77

First of all, I always get asked

Time: 3245.77

how cold should the water be?

Time: 3247.18

Should it be ice water?

Time: 3248.61

Should it be very cold water?

Time: 3250.81

The answer is no.

Time: 3253.45

If you want to experience some of this effect

Time: 3255.77

without a device, one thing you could do

Time: 3257.71

would be for instance to do, I dunno,

Time: 3260.11

I'll use the, the, the gym or the treadmill as an example.

Time: 3262.83

You could do your maximum number of pull-ups, stop

Time: 3266.58

and then you could actually put your hands into

Time: 3269.98

or on the surface of a sink that is presumably stopped up

Time: 3274.97

with cool water.

Time: 3277.28

So not ice water, not freezing cold, but cool water,

Time: 3282.16

slightly cooler than body temperature

Time: 3285.44

before you started training would be a good place to start.

Time: 3289

You do that for 10 to 30 seconds.

Time: 3291.148

Then you could go back and do your next set.

Time: 3294.21

You would repeat the cooling,

Time: 3295.72

you would want to extend the amount of cooling somewhat

Time: 3298.03

so you might want to do that for 30 seconds to a minute.

Time: 3300.7

This is not going to be perfect,

Time: 3301.83

you're going to have to play with how cold to make it

Time: 3304.66

in order to get the optimal effect

Time: 3306.64

but you ought to see an effect nonetheless.

Time: 3309.49

The same is true if you're running and you're fatiguing,

Time: 3312.9

obviously you don't want to become hyperthermic,

Time: 3315.35

cooling the hands or the bottoms of your feet or the face

Time: 3318.88

would be the ideal way to dump heat

Time: 3320.67

in order to be able to generate more output.

Time: 3323.79

Now, the face is something

Time: 3325.26

that we haven't talked a lot about.

Time: 3327.65

Everything I've told you up until now also says

Time: 3329.66

that if you are somebody who tends to get cold

Time: 3331.87

when you are outside, say in the winter or even in the fall,

Time: 3335.17

you tend to run cold, warming your face

Time: 3338.18

is going to be the most important thing

Time: 3339.61

that you can do.

Time: 3340.87

Now, it's kind of hard to do that without looking strange

Time: 3343.28

like wearing a ski mask or something like that

Time: 3345.33

but that is going to be more effective

Time: 3347.35

than covering and warming any other part of your body

Time: 3350.53

although it'd be quite strange if you only had a ski mask on

Time: 3352.96

and you weren't wearing clothes anywhere else on your body,

Time: 3354.93

I don't recommend doing that outside,

Time: 3356.97

that will get you into all sorts of other kinds of trouble.

Time: 3359.25

That wouldn't be good for anybody.

Time: 3360.97

But now you understand the principle and the locations

Time: 3364.54

at which to deliver heat and cold.

Time: 3366.67

So let's say that you are out for a run

Time: 3369.75

and you want to incorporate this cooling mechanism,

Time: 3372.42

I talked to Craig about this,

Time: 3373.5

I said, what would be the kind of poor person's approach

Time: 3376.75

to this before this devices commercially available?

Time: 3379.23

And he said, well, you, you could take a frozen juice can,

Time: 3384.36

if you have one of those or a very cold can of soda

Time: 3387.04

and you would want to pass it back and forth

Time: 3390

between your two hands.

Time: 3391.68

The reason the passing back and forth is really important

Time: 3394.36

is because you, again you don't want it to be so cold

Time: 3396.43

that you constrict those veins portals

Time: 3400.28

that it will allow cold to go into the body.

Time: 3403.33

Now, there are certainly people

Time: 3405.63

that are working on bike handles,

Time: 3407.36

and that can actually cool the hands.

Time: 3409.77

You can expect with the Olympics coming up,

Time: 3411.4

people are aware of these data

Time: 3412.99

and are starting to incorporate it into a number of things.

Time: 3415.58

Here's what you don't want to do and there are sports teams

Time: 3418.49

that I won't mention by name or brand

Time: 3420.11

that have made this mistake and it costs them dearly.

Time: 3423.95

You don't want to cool the core

Time: 3426.35

if you want to cool the body, right?

Time: 3429.26

If it's very hot day and you're going to train,

Time: 3431.7

getting into an ice bath first, sure it will cool you down,

Time: 3436.51

but it's not going to be as effective as cooling the palms,

Time: 3440.08

the bottoms of the feet and the face.

Time: 3442.9

I have a friend who does some important work in this space

Time: 3446.47

with people in various, let's just say cultures

Time: 3449.17

where heat is generated quite a lot

Time: 3451.05

and they need to dump heat, ice packs delivered to the face

Time: 3454.47

are something that they actually use

Time: 3456.19

in order to dump heat quickly.

Time: 3458.05

Now, again, you don't want

Time: 3459.44

to keep the ice pack on your face.

Time: 3460.93

These are people that are very high work output, right?

Time: 3463.76

Firefighters and similar, at very high work output

Time: 3467.5

and then they'll put this essentially,

Time: 3469.77

it's like a cool face mask on their face.

Time: 3473.09

It allow their core body temperature come down

Time: 3474.717

and then they remove it,

Time: 3475.72

they're not keeping it on there so long

Time: 3477.12

that they're getting the vasoconstriction, okay?

Time: 3479.83

So there are a number of ways that you could do this.

Time: 3482.1

And again, I'm not giving specific temperatures

Time: 3484.77

because it depends on how hot that day

Time: 3486.26

and how hot your body temperature is.

Time: 3487.67

So you can see why there's a need to create more devices

Time: 3490.17

for this, but you can see a considerable improvement

Time: 3495.33

in endurance, in strength and in all kinds of explosive

Time: 3500.14

and sort of, you know, explosive power type output

Time: 3503.3

in athletics by using these surfaces of the hands

Time: 3507.25

and bottoms of the feet and face.

Time: 3510.04

The one that I've tried

Time: 3511.56

because in anticipation of this episode was the dips

Time: 3515.92

where then I would cool my hands,

Time: 3517.52

I actually decided to cool the bottoms of my feet as well,

Time: 3519.874

because it just feels good

Time: 3520.707

and it's particularly hot out lately,

Time: 3521.78

so no shoes or socks on,

Time: 3523.84

put my feet into the bottoms of my feet

Time: 3526.68

just kind of hovering about a centimeter or two

Time: 3529.15

below the surface of a bucket of water

Time: 3531.36

that was just slightly, it felt cool,

Time: 3533.33

slightly cooler than body temperature or so.

Time: 3536.84

It just basically what came out of the spigot

Time: 3538.64

after I let it run for a little bit.

Time: 3540.61

And indeed I saw a 60% increase

Time: 3543.78

in the number of dips I can do in a single session.

Time: 3546.01

So it's actually a quite significant effect

Time: 3548.56

and you don't have to be perfectly precise

Time: 3550.26

in order to do it.

Time: 3551.61

And of course, if you want to heat up for whatever reason,

Time: 3554.13

like you're camping or you're lost in the environment,

Time: 3557.61

remember these three surfaces

Time: 3559.32

are going to be the best way to heat your as well.

Time: 3562.4

So up until now, we've been talking about how to use cold

Time: 3565.4

during a workout in order to improve performance

Time: 3568.46

and indeed cold applied

Time: 3570.5

to the appropriate parts of the body, the appropriate times

Time: 3573.97

can vastly improve our performance

Time: 3576.547

and endurance and strength.

Time: 3579.1

Now, I want to talk about the use of temperature

Time: 3581.21

in particular cold to improve the speed

Time: 3584.642

and the depth of recovery.

Time: 3587.91

Recovery is obviously vital, right?

Time: 3590.48

During a weight training session

Time: 3591.91

or during an endurance session,

Time: 3593.61

that's just the stimulus for getting better the next time

Time: 3596.46

and if you don't recover, you not only won't get better,

Time: 3598.91

but you'll get worse.

Time: 3601.182

There's a lot of interest in the use of cold

Time: 3604.44

in order to improve recovery in the short term.

Time: 3608.43

We see this and probably the best example of this

Time: 3610.89

would be fighters in combat sports

Time: 3613.24

between rounds or athletes during

Time: 3617.25

in between quarters or halftime,

Time: 3619.23

that's one form of recovery.

Time: 3620.67

The ability to go back into the sport very soon

Time: 3623.73

on an order of minutes, anywhere from like one minute

Time: 3626.31

in between rounds and typical combat sports

Time: 3628.85

or several minutes and a half time, et cetera.

Time: 3633.13

Typically what we see is people cooling their core,

Time: 3637.41

cooling the back of their neck,

Time: 3639.03

cooling the top of their heads.

Time: 3640.07

So it might be, you know, a sponge with cold water

Time: 3642.91

over the top of the head

Time: 3644.05

or an ice pack on the back of the neck,

Time: 3646.01

or in some cases even wearing cold ice vests,

Time: 3649.527

that's actually been done.

Time: 3651.62

That's going to be a very inefficient way

Time: 3653.76

to improve recovery of that kind.

Time: 3656.12

Far better would be to cool the face,

Time: 3659.03

the palms of the hands or the bottoms the feet

Time: 3660.86

for the reasons that I described up until now.

Time: 3664.09

Submerging the body in an ice bath, or taking a cold shower,

Time: 3668.6

say up to the neck or up to the chest

Time: 3671.41

or getting under cold water or jumping in a cold lake

Time: 3674.06

or something of that sort, or in the locker room,

Time: 3676.22

getting under the cold shower also would be a terrible way

Time: 3679.92

to cool off the body quickly

Time: 3681.91

compared to the ways that I described

Time: 3684.44

through the palms of the hands, the bottoms of the feet

Time: 3686.53

or the face for the following reason.

Time: 3689.35

First of all, it's not optimizing those portals of the face,

Time: 3692.35

palms the hands and the feet

Time: 3694.13

and in addition, if it's very cold and you submerge

Time: 3698.02

or you cover a lot of the body with that cold,

Time: 3701.72

you're going to cause constriction

Time: 3703.7

of the very vessels and pathways

Time: 3706.12

that allow the body to efficiently dump heat.

Time: 3709.22

So again, the key thing is to cool these one

Time: 3713.76

or two or three of these surfaces

Time: 3715.81

but not so cold that you cause the vasoconstriction.

Time: 3719.899

So what does this mean for you?

Time: 3722.49

It means that getting in an ice bath or a cold shower

Time: 3724.99

or putting an ice pack on the back of your neck

Time: 3727.49

in most cases is not going to be as good

Time: 3729.77

as splashing cold water on your face

Time: 3731.58

or even just holding your face in a damp cool cloth

Time: 3735.13

or something of that sort.

Time: 3738.05

It seems kind of counterintuitive,

Time: 3739.41

you think, oh if I just jump into an ice bath,

Time: 3741.63

I'm going to cool down much faster than if I just cooled these,

Time: 3745.37

you know one or two or three

Time: 3747.07

of these select regions of the body

Time: 3748.41

but that's actually not the case.

Time: 3750.27

And then of course

Time: 3751.103

there's recovery that occurs from session to session.

Time: 3753.78

So outside of the game or the match or the exercise session

Time: 3759.47

and many people are now relying on things like cryotherapy

Time: 3763.77

which requires a lot of expensive equipment,

Time: 3765.52

big, you know liquid nitrogen driven machine.

Time: 3769.85

Those aren't so common for most people

Time: 3771.69

or accessible for most people, but a lot of people

Time: 3773.68

are using cold baths or ice baths or cold showers.

Time: 3776.84

And again, that's not going to optimize recovery.

Time: 3779.98

In fact, it's going to have an additional effect

Time: 3782.35

that is going to potentially block the training stimulus.

Time: 3786.24

When you get into an ice bath indeed, there are,

Time: 3789.49

provided it's not very, very cold,

Time: 3791.92

if you get into a cold shower,

Time: 3792.92

provided is not very, very cold,

Time: 3794.3

you are indeed blocking some of the inflammation

Time: 3797.74

that occurs because of the training session.

Time: 3800.29

But in doing so you also are blocking pathways,

Time: 3804.08

such as mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin,

Time: 3807.616

which are involved in the adaptation

Time: 3809.53

for a muscle to become stronger or bigger.

Time: 3812.1

Put simply, covering the body in cold

Time: 3815.27

or immersing the body in cold after training

Time: 3818.98

can short circuit or prevent the hypertrophy

Time: 3821.54

or muscle growth response.

Time: 3823.54

It has other effects that can be positive, right?

Time: 3826.04

It can induce thermogenesis, et cetera,

Time: 3828.36

it can reduce inflammation

Time: 3829.67

but it can prevent some of the positive effects of exercise.

Time: 3833.74

Now, it hasn't been examined so much for endurance work

Time: 3836.96

but let's say you come back from around of endurance work

Time: 3840.08

or run or a bike or a swim, getting into a cool bath

Time: 3845.69

or cooling the palms, the bottoms of the feet or the face,

Time: 3848.52

in my opinion, based on the science would be better

Time: 3851.44

than completely immersing the body in the ice bath

Time: 3855.25

or the cold shower.

Time: 3856.57

There is a time and a place

Time: 3858.21

for the use of the ice bath or the cold shower

Time: 3860.42

or the cold plunge, those tend to be

Time: 3863.41

when you want to deliberately

Time: 3864.66

increase brown fat thermogenesis

Time: 3867.18

or when you want to deliberately work on mental resilience.

Time: 3871.74

And in a subsequent episode on fat loss

Time: 3873.79

I'm going to talk about how to optimize the use of cold

Time: 3876.08

specifically for increasing metabolism and fat loss.

Time: 3880.09

But for now, since we're talking about the use of cold

Time: 3883.29

for improving performance and recovery,

Time: 3886.34

the suggestion that I'm going to provide is based on the work

Time: 3889.76

of Craig Heller and colleagues that I've been talking about

Time: 3891.88

as well as a excellent book I mainly rely on textbooks

Time: 3895.92

and special volume books which are collections of papers

Time: 3899.41

from experts in a particular area

Time: 3900.96

that go beyond standard kind of college level textbooks.

Time: 3903.88

The one that I've been relying on

Time: 3904.96

is called "Thermoregulation in Human Performance,

Time: 3907.52

Physiological and Biological Aspects" by Effie Marino.

Time: 3911.4

I don't know the publisher, I don't know the author.

Time: 3913.86

I do recognize some of the names

Time: 3915.18

of the particular papers there, but I just want to be clear

Time: 3917.56

there's no sort of business relationship or deal with them

Time: 3920.32

but it's an excellent text,

Time: 3921.41

it's called "Thermoregulation in Human Performance".

Time: 3923.39

You can find it online

Time: 3925.11

if you want to go really deep into this

Time: 3926.94

but basically what they show is that

Time: 3928.5

if you can cool the body back to its resting temperature,

Time: 3932.81

for and by resting temperature, I mean

Time: 3935.47

within the range that you would see

Time: 3937.07

at any time of waking day, but not in exercise.

Time: 3940.57

So just bringing that the body temperature down to baseline.

Time: 3944.67

If you can do that,

Time: 3945.68

the sooner you can do that after a workout,

Time: 3947.82

the sooner that the muscle will recover,

Time: 3950.49

that the tendons will recover

Time: 3951.79

and that the person you

Time: 3953.35

can get back into more endurance training,

Time: 3955.56

more weight training, et cetera.

Time: 3957.16

So cold actually can be a very powerful tool for recovery

Time: 3961.08

but to maximize return to baseline levels of temperature,

Time: 3965.77

it's my belief based on the studies

Time: 3968.35

that are published in this book

Time: 3969.8

as well as my discussions with my colleague, Craig Heller

Time: 3972.21

and in reviewing the literature overall

Time: 3974.98

that just simply cooling the entire body

Time: 3976.98

by jumping into an ice bath or a cold shower

Time: 3979.06

is not the best way to go.

Time: 3980.53

You really want to rely on one of these three

Time: 3983.14

glaborous skin portals of the palms,

Time: 3984.618

the bottoms of the feet or the face.

Time: 3987.05

So now you probably know more than you ever wanted to know

Time: 3990.43

about how we regulate body temperature

Time: 3992.27

and how it can be applied to exercise

Time: 3994.85

both during the exercise session

Time: 3997.15

and afterward to optimize recovery.

Time: 4001.29

Many of us, all of us, presumably

Time: 4003.68

are also eating and drinking things and taking things

Time: 4006.29

at various times that can impact this process.

Time: 4009.67

And so, because of that, we should ask

Time: 4013.07

whether or not those things are impacting body temperature.

Time: 4016.69

And when we do that, we find that there are certain things

Time: 4019.41

that many of us are doing

Time: 4020.4

that are actually impairing our performance.

Time: 4023.42

So for instance, if you are taking a pre-workout drink

Time: 4026.61

or you're ingesting a lot of caffeine or other substance

Time: 4029.99

to bring your body temperature up before exercise,

Time: 4033.64

you are limiting the amount of exercise that you can do.

Time: 4038.01

I can recall a time in college

Time: 4039.64

when I would drink a lot of espresso

Time: 4042.27

back then ephedrine was sold over the counter,

Time: 4045.89

I remember taking it,

Time: 4047

it will really energize you for workouts.

Time: 4050.34

You can generate a lot of energy

Time: 4053.09

and get extremely focused taking those things.

Time: 4055.21

They do increase heart rate, they can be quite dangerous,

Time: 4057.86

I don't recommend people take them.

Time: 4059.21

In fact, I think ephedrine is now off the shelves

Time: 4061.68

as a non prescription compound

Time: 4064.71

because various people died from taking it

Time: 4066.55

who were sensitive to it or exercised in heat.

Time: 4069.26

But looking back at that,

Time: 4070.76

I realized it was a foolish approach.

Time: 4073.14

It was increasing core thermogenesis.

Time: 4075.34

Sure I might've burned a few more calories

Time: 4077.86

but actually when I look at the data

Time: 4080.27

that are coming from specific cooling

Time: 4082.98

and how that can so increase in performance

Time: 4086.56

if done properly and then I compare that to the effects

Time: 4090.04

of taking some sort of thermogenic compound, whatever it is

Time: 4093.07

some pre-workout or some pill or high levels of caffeine,

Time: 4097.19

it's very clear that increasing body temperature

Time: 4100.37

prior to working out is the exact wrong thing

Time: 4102.96

that one would want to do.

Time: 4104.39

You don't want to stay so cold

Time: 4105.96

that you can't generate good muscle contractions.

Time: 4108.01

You don't want to be like I am coming out of the cold ocean,

Time: 4111.4

you know, with claws for hands

Time: 4113.14

but one wants to have your body temperature in a range

Time: 4116.62

that still allows you to work hard and perform well.

Time: 4121.33

Now, in terms of recovery, things like alcohol,

Time: 4125.43

we know our vasodilator.

Time: 4126.96

So those are going to cause people to drop body temperature.

Time: 4130.47

So you might think, oh, well that sounds great for recovery

Time: 4132.637

and I don't think people should be drinking who are

Time: 4135.09

you know, have problems with alcohol intake,

Time: 4137.27

you know, alcoholics

Time: 4138.42

or they're not of drinking age, et cetera.

Time: 4140.4

I'm not a drinker, but I do have a good friend

Time: 4142.35

who's a quite accomplished athlete

Time: 4144.2

who basically drinks a beer or two

Time: 4146.51

after his long runs or cycling and you know, his argument

Time: 4150.83

is well, I'm dumping body heat and I like a beer

Time: 4153.71

and he's probably right, it's probably a really good tool

Time: 4156.52

provided you don't have issues with alcohol

Time: 4158.45

that would preclude that as a tool

Time: 4160.16

or you're not of drinking age.

Time: 4162.89

But anything that you ingest after exercise

Time: 4166.34

that would increase body temperature

Time: 4168.08

is going to impede recovery.

Time: 4170.01

Anything that you do that lowers body temperature

Time: 4172.24

provides it's in safe ranges

Time: 4174.7

is going to accelerate recovery.

Time: 4177.12

And that brings us to the whole host of compounds

Time: 4179.9

that people take that can increase body temperature.

Time: 4184.34

And many people are taking these things

Time: 4185.95

in order to increase fat burning and increase metabolism

Time: 4189.22

but in my opinion

Time: 4190.45

it's impeding their ability to perform well.

Time: 4193.43

And especially if the performance

Time: 4195.64

is something that you're focused on

Time: 4197.42

aside from body recomposition, losing fat building muscle.

Time: 4201.66

But even if you're focused on losing fat, building muscle

Time: 4204.05

you have to ask yourself, is the body temperature increase

Time: 4207.16

that I'm getting from these compounds really worth it

Time: 4210.21

given that it can block or prevent my performance

Time: 4214.25

from being as good as it could?

Time: 4216.44

In other words, is it worth taking something

Time: 4218.37

that makes you feel very energized to go work out

Time: 4220.42

but then you now know that you are stopping earlier

Time: 4223.57

and you're performing less well, fewer reps,

Time: 4225.76

fewer steps overall, is it worth it?

Time: 4229.07

If you had not taken that thing

Time: 4230.66

then you could perform much longer

Time: 4233.73

and at much higher capacity.

Time: 4237.11

Some of you are probably saying, well, that's ridiculous

Time: 4239.29

because when I drink a quadruple espresso

Time: 4242.01

and I pop a whatever pre-workout or drink a pre-workout

Time: 4245.46

then I know I can go much further.

Time: 4247.7

Ah, that might be true but the increase in temperature

Time: 4251.39

is also costing you on the recovery side.

Time: 4254

And unless you're doing other things

Time: 4256.15

to improve your recovery and I know many people that are,

Time: 4258.73

I don't judge but many people who are doing those things

Time: 4260.93

are also augmenting their recovery

Time: 4262.38

through hormone augmentation

Time: 4263.88

and other performance enhancing tools,

Time: 4267.38

then for the typical person who's not doing that

Time: 4269.73

it's probably shooting yourself in the foot.

Time: 4271.74

So let's take a look at what some of those compounds are

Time: 4274.12

and what they and just briefly review

Time: 4276.66

whether or not they would be a good or a bad idea to include

Time: 4279.42

if your main goals are performance

Time: 4281.68

or your main goals are body recomposition or both.

Time: 4284.61

So let's just briefly discuss stimulants.

Time: 4286.63

This could be caffeine,

Time: 4287.66

this could be any other kind of stimulant

Time: 4290.26

that are typically in a pre-workout drink

Time: 4293.27

or anything that might get you revved up before exercising.

Time: 4296.4

This could even be very strong tea,

Time: 4298.15

I've mentioned I'm a big consumer of mate.

Time: 4300.2

I like a yerba mate, I love that stuff

Time: 4303.34

and I also drink caffeine.

Time: 4305.033

I drink love coffee of various kinds

Time: 4306.99

mushroom coffee, black coffee, espresso, et cetera.

Time: 4310.47

I'm a chronic caffeine user, I don't think I'm an addict

Time: 4314.38

but I'm a chronic caffeine user.

Time: 4317.04

Meaning when I drink caffeine

Time: 4318.86

my heart rate doesn't increase so much

Time: 4321.05

that it feels like a shock to my system.

Time: 4323.68

Some people are not caffeine adapted

Time: 4325.71

or they're very caffeine sensitive.

Time: 4327.76

Here's the straightforward rule.

Time: 4329.93

Caffeine for somebody who doesn't drink caffeine very much

Time: 4334.19

will constrict the blood vessels

Time: 4335.98

and will increase retention of body heat

Time: 4338.84

and it's probably a bad idea before exercise.

Time: 4341.76

For somebody who's caffeine adapted

Time: 4344.41

and is used to drinking caffeine,

Time: 4346.62

it won't have that vasoconstriction effect,

Time: 4348.64

that's what the data point too, because I'm adapted to it

Time: 4352.21

but it will cause vasodilation

Time: 4354.54

and will allow me to dump body heat.

Time: 4355.99

So for me, I use it before I train

Time: 4358.43

or do any kind of exercise

Time: 4359.84

because I tend to do that early in the day,

Time: 4361.24

it won't prevent me from sleeping

Time: 4362.74

and it causes vasodilation.

Time: 4364.86

And then afterwards I'm aware

Time: 4366.55

that it causes vasoconstriction

Time: 4368.24

after the caffeine wears off.

Time: 4370.06

So for somebody who drinks two or three

Time: 4372.49

or more cups of coffee a day or mate a day,

Time: 4375.38

so we're talking intake

Time: 4376.32

of anywhere from a hundred to 400 milligrams of caffeine,

Time: 4380.12

what you want to do is you want to make sure

Time: 4382.82

that you would do that before exercise

Time: 4386.15

and probably not after exercise,

Time: 4388.58

not just makes logical sense

Time: 4390.4

given what we know about thermal regulation.

Time: 4392.29

And if you're somebody who doesn't drink caffeine,

Time: 4394.7

drinking caffeine before a workout

Time: 4396.66

is going to be about the worst thing

Time: 4397.853

that you could possibly do

Time: 4399

because it's going to increase core body temperature

Time: 4401.13

through its thermogenic effects

Time: 4402.79

and it's going to constrict your blood vessels

Time: 4405.26

and make it even harder to dump heat.

Time: 4407.37

So I don't suggest that people drink caffeine or not,

Time: 4411.24

I just suggest that you think about

Time: 4413.23

whether or not your caffeine adapted or not,

Time: 4415.67

and decide whether or not you want to drink caffeine.

Time: 4417.93

In general, you're going to be better not drinking any caffeine

Time: 4421.32

than you are drinking caffeine

Time: 4423.43

unless you're a heavy caffeine user or abuser.

Time: 4425.93

In which case not drinking caffeine

Time: 4427.83

is going to give you vicious headaches

Time: 4429.43

and is going to make it very hard to get motivated

Time: 4431.85

because you're just not used to it.

Time: 4433.12

It takes about three weeks to get used to no caffeine.

Time: 4437.05

It's brutal, I've done it before, I've done caffeine fast,

Time: 4440

I don't know that I ever want to do it again,

Time: 4441.38

that's how painful it was.

Time: 4442.99

But you get headaches

Time: 4444.44

because of the effects on vasodilation and constriction.

Time: 4447.46

If you like caffeine use in moderate amounts

Time: 4450

and use it before your not after.

Time: 4452.02

If you don't like caffeine or you don't use it very often,

Time: 4454.26

stay away from it anywhere close to exercise

Time: 4456.46

before or after for that matter.

Time: 4458.87

One of the more commonly used compounds

Time: 4461.93

that's sold over the counter

Time: 4463.44

are non-steroid anti-inflammatories

Time: 4466.27

so things like Tylenol and Advil and other trade names

Time: 4469.03

and Neproxin sodium things of that sort,

Time: 4471.15

almost all of those drop body temperature to some extent.

Time: 4476.11

And that's why it's often recommended

Time: 4478.64

that people take them when they have a fever

Time: 4480.66

although the whole business

Time: 4482.5

of dropping body temperature artificially

Time: 4484.33

when you have a fever is itself an interesting discussion

Time: 4487.4

whether or not that's the most adaptive or best thing to do

Time: 4490.34

certainly you don't want fever to go too high,

Time: 4491.95

can be very dangerous, can kill you

Time: 4493.96

but artificially dropping body temperature

Time: 4497.19

with these compounds can be tricky.

Time: 4499.57

Now, a number of athletes especially endurance athletes

Time: 4502.81

will rely on these non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs

Time: 4506.24

specifically to keep body temperature lower

Time: 4509.29

during long bouts of exertion.

Time: 4511.58

This is a little bit of a pharmacologic version

Time: 4514.61

of dumping heat instead of using palmer cooling

Time: 4519.47

or you know, face ice pack cooling,

Time: 4522.67

they're relying on pharmacology

Time: 4524.15

to drop their core body temperature.

Time: 4526.44

That has certain obvious advantages,

Time: 4530

those advantages should be obvious

Time: 4532.04

and the reasons for them should be obvious

Time: 4533.84

based on everything we've talked about up until now

Time: 4535.76

lower temperature allows you to go further harder

Time: 4537.64

with more intensity.

Time: 4539.55

However, they do have effects on the liver

Time: 4542.5

and they can also have effects on the kidneys

Time: 4545.06

and during long bouts of exercise

Time: 4546.84

or even short bouts of exercise,

Time: 4548.07

water balance and salt balance are also going to be vital

Time: 4551.5

to maintain in order to perform well,

Time: 4555.4

generate the best muscle contraction, stay mentally alert

Time: 4558.15

and also to stay alive.

Time: 4559.5

We will do an episode on salt electrolytes and water

Time: 4563.24

and water balance but you probably want to think carefully

Time: 4567.12

about whether or not

Time: 4568.35

you want to use non-steroid anti-inflammatories

Time: 4570.5

before any training session

Time: 4572.45

just for the performance augmentation effect

Time: 4575.44

unless you're working carefully with a coach

Time: 4578.32

whether or not you've done that in practices

Time: 4580.49

and of course, whether or not you are in a situation

Time: 4584.32

where monitoring your body temperature carefully

Time: 4586.9

is going to be important.

Time: 4587.87

You might ask, well, when would that be?

Time: 4589.18

Well, desert races, summer training and races, winter rides,

Time: 4594.15

you certainly don't want to get too cool either.

Time: 4596.35

So alcohol, caffeine and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs

Time: 4601.29

because of their effects on temperature

Time: 4602.95

will impact performance and recovery

Time: 4605.23

but you want to be cautious about how you approach them.

Time: 4607.52

I personally am more a fan of using caffeine

Time: 4611.23

in moderate doses for the reasons I described before

Time: 4614.06

as well to use the cooling of the palms,

Time: 4616.7

cooling of the bottoms of my feet, right,

Time: 4620.14

by placing them into a bucket or into a cool bath

Time: 4623.92

after training or cooling the face after training

Time: 4627.23

or sometimes even during training.

Time: 4628.9

It just seems like there's more of a margin

Time: 4630.68

to play with the variables, to heat up the water

Time: 4632.73

or cool it down a little bit to include one palm

Time: 4637.08

or the other palm.

Time: 4638.25

There's all sorts of good parameter space

Time: 4641.9

as we call it in science that you can play with

Time: 4643.7

and work with to find what works for you

Time: 4645.84

whereas when you pop a pill, sure you can adjust the dose

Time: 4649.57

and you can adjust it next time

Time: 4651.03

but once it's in you, it's in you

Time: 4652.44

and there's going to be some period of time

Time: 4654.11

before you can modulate it.

Time: 4655.95

What I've offered today

Time: 4657.72

are ways in which you can use temperature

Time: 4659.97

to powerfully improve performance.

Time: 4662.76

And if you think about it,

Time: 4663.63

you can vary that from set to set,

Time: 4665.41

you could do your pull ups or your sprints

Time: 4668.02

and then cool your palms,

Time: 4669.75

and then try and go with colder water the next round

Time: 4672.71

or warmer water the next round

Time: 4674.38

or do both feet and palms and face.

Time: 4676.42

I mean, you can do all sorts of things moment to moment

Time: 4678.63

and see what works for you again

Time: 4680.8

essentially zero cost or no cost.

Time: 4682.92

Whereas when you pop something, you take a pill,

Time: 4686.28

you're basically in that regimen

Time: 4688.41

for the next hour or two or more.

Time: 4690.51

You can always take more, but you can't really take less.

Time: 4693.02

You can't really extract it from your body in real time

Time: 4695.2

so it doesn't give you a lot of opportunity

Time: 4697.12

to play scientists, which is what I like to do

Time: 4699.69

because what I'm always trying to do

Time: 4701.22

is trying to dial in the best protocols possible

Time: 4703.97

based on the mechanisms and data.

Time: 4705.57

And if you can do that moment to moment

Time: 4706.96

that places you in a position of power.

Time: 4709.26

Once again, we covered a lot of material.

Time: 4711.92

By now, after seeing this episode

Time: 4714.02

or listening to this episode, you should understand a lot

Time: 4717.21

about how your body heats and cools itself

Time: 4719.96

and the value of that for physical performance.

Time: 4723.27

I hope you'll also appreciate

Time: 4724.52

that you have tools at your disposal

Time: 4726.46

to vastly improve your physical performance.

Time: 4729.52

And should you try those, please let us know how it goes.

Time: 4733.23

If you decide to do palmer cooling during your runs

Time: 4735.7

or after your runs, during your weight workouts,

Time: 4738.78

during your yoga sessions, whatever it is, let us know,

Time: 4741.29

please place that in the comments.

Time: 4743.42

I've given you specific protocols and some direction,

Time: 4746.81

but I've also left it slightly vague

Time: 4749

because it, as I mentioned earlier

Time: 4751.03

I don't know all the environmental conditions,

Time: 4752.8

I don't know how hot your yoga studio is

Time: 4754.85

or how cool your gym happens to be

Time: 4756.55

or your body temperature or time of day.

Time: 4759.38

Remember your temperature will vary

Time: 4761.12

according to the time of day,

Time: 4762.27

we did a whole episode about that related to sleep.

Time: 4764.74

Typically your body temperature is rising early in the day

Time: 4767.84

and is coming down as you approach the late evening

Time: 4770.85

and late night hours for sleep, in the middle of the night

Time: 4773.15

your temperature is very low

Time: 4774.76

at its absolute lowest

Time: 4775.77

something we call the temperature minimum.

Time: 4777.46

So we don't know exactly where you're at.

Time: 4780.13

You need to take the information that you receive today

Time: 4782.89

and should you try and incorporate it

Time: 4785.13

try and do it intelligently.

Time: 4786.42

Don't cool yourself off so much that you know

Time: 4789.71

become cryogenic and please don't warm yourself up.

Time: 4792.55

In fact, we didn't talk at all about warming yourself up

Time: 4795.56

because warming yourself up too much can be quite dangerous.

Time: 4799.03

You never, ever, ever want to be hypothermic,

Time: 4801.55

that's what your body and your brain are trying to avoid.

Time: 4804.8

We talked a little bit about supplements

Time: 4807.72

but not the standard sorts of supplements

Time: 4809.59

I usually list off on these episodes.

Time: 4811.57

Rather, we talked about caffeine,

Time: 4814.05

non-steroid anti-inflammatories

Time: 4815.9

and how those can impact temperature,

Time: 4817.19

how alcohol can impact temperature.

Time: 4819.097

And I should just mention in closing

Time: 4821.12

that every time we eat, we also increased temperature.

Time: 4823.41

There's a eating induced thermogenic effect

Time: 4826.02

but that's a minor one, that's a small one.

Time: 4827.9

So you wouldn't worry about eating before training

Time: 4831.77

because of its effects on temperature

Time: 4833.26

because it tends to be really minor.

Time: 4836.01

Going forward, we're going to talk more about temperature

Time: 4838.47

and other ways to improve physical performance

Time: 4841.83

and skill learning.

Time: 4842.68

We're going to talk about specific ways

Time: 4844.66

to accelerate fat loss, to improve muscle growth,

Time: 4848.78

to improve suppleness and flexibility.

Time: 4852.42

These approaches and mechanisms are anchored deeply

Time: 4856.59

in neuroscience and physiology and the relationship

Time: 4859.34

between our peripheral organs, which include our skin

Time: 4862.62

and our brain and all the organs in between.

Time: 4865.67

So it's really a pleasure for me because I'm able to look

Time: 4868.73

to the textbook literature that exists

Time: 4871.12

and really came out over the last 50 to a hundred years

Time: 4874.45

and unlike a lot of areas of neuroscience

Time: 4876.42

which are still sort of mystical,

Time: 4878.37

like consciousness and dreaming,

Time: 4880.22

of which we understand a little bit

Time: 4881.41

about these core mechanisms of temperature and physiology

Time: 4884.62

which are so powerful, involve very concrete studies

Time: 4889.11

that as you learn today are very actionable.

Time: 4892.71

If you're enjoying this podcast

Time: 4894.26

and you like the information that you're receiving,

Time: 4897.23

if you're incorporating into your life in useful ways,

Time: 4899.96

please recommend the podcast to other people

Time: 4901.95

if you think they could benefit from it as well.

Time: 4904.64

Please subscribe to the podcast on YouTube,

Time: 4907.32

so you want to hit the subscribe button

Time: 4909.12

as well hit the notifications button.

Time: 4911.17

We come out with new episodes every Monday

Time: 4913.07

but from time to time, we also release shorter content

Time: 4916.33

and we will be releasing additional content

Time: 4918.61

in between episodes from time to time.

Time: 4921.53

If you don't already subscribe on Apple and or Spotify,

Time: 4924.12

please do so.

Time: 4925.09

Also on Apple, you have the opportunity to leave us

Time: 4927.39

up to a five star review

Time: 4928.76

if you think that we deserve a five star review

Time: 4930.92

and to leave us feedback.

Time: 4932.61

They have a comment section there,

Time: 4934.12

it's really a feedback section

Time: 4935.47

where you can rate and describe the podcast

Time: 4937.98

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Time: 4939.62

If you'd like to support the podcast in other ways,

Time: 4942.6

please check out our sponsors.

Time: 4943.9

That's a terrific way to support us.

Time: 4945.39

We also have a Patreon, you can find it

Time: 4947.43


Time: 4950.76

that allows you to support the podcast

Time: 4952.6

at any level that you like.

Time: 4954.68

Today we didn't focus so heavily on supplements,

Time: 4956.73

but in other episodes I have,

Time: 4958.31

and there are certainly supplements

Time: 4960.16

that are beneficial for sleep,

Time: 4961.79

for performance, for learning,

Time: 4964.04

immunity and so forth.

Time: 4965.89

We've partnered with Thorne,,

Time: 4970.95

because Thorne supplements

Time: 4972.93

we believe to be the most stringent

Time: 4974.95

in terms of what they put on the bottle

Time: 4977.87

is actually what's in the bottle, so the amounts are precise

Time: 4980.34

and the quality of the ingredients is very precise.

Time: 4982.57

They partner with the Mayo Clinic,

Time: 4984.17

all the major sports teams

Time: 4985.36

so we're delighted that we're partnered with Thorne.

Time: 4987.18

If you want to see the supplements that I take

Time: 4989.12

you can go to

Time: 4993.88

and you can see the supplements that I take,

Time: 4995.5

you could get 20% off any of those supplements

Time: 4998.18

should you choose to order them

Time: 4999.45

as well as 20% off any other supplements

Time: 5001.91

that Thorne happens to make.

Time: 5003.54

That's Thorne,

Time: 5009.48

to get 20% off any of the supplements that Thorne makes.

Time: 5013.26

And last but not least,

Time: 5014.48

I want to thank you for your time and attention.

Time: 5016.86

I realize this is a lot of information,

Time: 5018.99

I hope you'll find some of it to be actionable

Time: 5020.71

and useful for you and for people that you know

Time: 5023.13

and as always thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 5026.011

[upbeat music]

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