Shark Tank Investor Destroys YouTuber's Products

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this is Logan Paul's Prime and this is

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Chamberlain coffee and this is a cyber

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truck what do these all have in common

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they were all built off the back of

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social media

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influencers that's very cheesy

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influencers everywhere are starting to

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launch their own products Kim Kardashian

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with skims skims is now worth $4 billion

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Mr Beast with febles ERA with pizy and

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the list goes on and on and on but the

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thing is although these guys have

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massive audiences some of them know

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absolutely nothing about business today

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I'm going to show you how I'd make five

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influencers hundreds of millions of

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dollars in just a few small tweaks to

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their businesses that's this money that

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they're leaving on the table and at the

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end I'm even going to confront one of

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these influencers and rip his business

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to shreds face to face let's go if you

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don't know me I'm sub subie I'm an

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investor on Shark Tank I've generated

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$7.8 billion for my clients you can

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actually grab a a lot of these

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influencers products at your local

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Walmart or Target so we're heading there

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now to grab the first

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product do you have a prime like all of

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it that we have all right thank you all

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of it that we have so this is the only

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flavor that they got you want to get one

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of these after I got Prime I wanted to

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search the aisles to see if there were

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any more influencer products available

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they're starting to occupy more and more

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shelf space I found feals I grabbed a

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bag of em Chin's coffee roasted with

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love in California and we're ready to

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put put the first product to the test

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these guys did

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$1.2 billion in Revenue in 2023 Logan

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Paul he has 27 million subscribers on

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Instagram KSI has 13.2 million their

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brand page has 2 million and these guys

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would send a [ __ ] load of volume online

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these are things where you can make an

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extra 100 million an extra 200 million

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and as I say every $100 million counts

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and before we tuck into the funnels I've

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never actually t tasted these products

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so let me see what this is about this is

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the meta

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Moon oh that is incredibly sweet it's

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like fairy

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piss tropical punch this is their energy

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drink yeah that tastes like an energy

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drink tastes like blue raspberry I would

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definitely not buy that product no it's

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it here's exactly how I would add $200

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million to Prime's bottom line all right

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so let's Dive In rink pretty

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self-explanatory all their products on

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here then we'll click through to the

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product page meta Moon hydration onetime

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purchase of $29.99 or they also have a

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5% save on the subscription which isn't

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a whole lot it's a big commitment for a

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very low win then we've got no product

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description but we've got the bullets

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here pretty basic product images and

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then you may also like this page leaves

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a lot to be desired there's not even

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like the caloric breakdown or any of the

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nutritional information that people will

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want it doesn't tell me exactly what are

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even the benefits of drinking it you

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definitely want to make this long form

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have a little bit more copy on there it

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doesn't need to be too crazy and too

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over the top at the end of the day it is

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a drink but the more you tell the more

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that you sell what these guys also have

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for them is they've got hundreds of

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thousands if not millions of customers

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and there's no reviews on the site

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they've got 2 million followers on

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Instagram if we look at their tagged

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photos this is where a lot of gold

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typically hides and there's lots of

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photos of people holding the bottle up

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they've got it in their hands all of

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these things haps into the herd

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mentality of people wanting to try it

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and when you're getting so much traffic

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like these influencers push these small

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little bumps can have small little

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tweaks in their conversion rate which

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can literally add up to hundreds of

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millions of dollars let's add this to

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car and check out we'll see what that

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process looks like we don't have

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anything that's pushing up the average

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order value and saying add another one

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to unlock free shipping there's no other

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the cross cells try this flavor it's our

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most popular and the checkout page is as

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basic as it gets there's no social proof

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selling propositions of like free

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shipping express shipping 30-day money

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back guarantee nothing NADA zil we are

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then charged a $5 flat rate shipping

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what we could be doing here is saying if

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you add another 12pack you'll unlock

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free shipping I will give it a one star

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out of five and the reason for it is

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that it just doesn't have anything on

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here all righty so now let's go

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full-blown internet marketer mode and

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see how much traffic that they're

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getting to their website we can take

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their website and we can go to a website

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called similar web where we can put in

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their URL and get an estimate of how

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much traffic that these guys are getting

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so they're getting

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558,000 visits to their website per

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month this is people that follow them on

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YouTube or know them to some degree on

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Instagram that they are going to have a

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4% conversion rate of the people that

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visit their website that actually buy

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something that would be

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22344 orders at an average basket size

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$29.99 that would be around $670,000 per

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month after making these changes to

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their funnel we're going to say they're

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going to get a moderate bump in

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conversion rate it's going to go up to

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5.1% so they get

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28,40 orders but because of all of these

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changes and increasing their average

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order value we're going to bump that up

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$59.99 and that would equate to $1.7

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million in revenue or an extra million

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per month in profit or $12 million to

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the bottom line now if we factor in the

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amount of people that this would drive

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to their inore purchases and the intent

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behind them this could easily add an

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extra $200 million in sales 200 million

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in sales that

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is66 Ferraris

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43 average homes in America 310

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rolls-royces or 10 private jets just by

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making these small

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tweaks we're going to Nordstroms next

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we're heading to Nordstrom to pick up

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some of Kim Kardashian's skims I think

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skims is probably the greatest

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influencer brand on the market right now

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she's entered into a market that's worth

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over $5 billion annually and the

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business has great margins and a very

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high lifetime value of a customer due to

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the nature of people buying multiple

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products skims will continue to crush it

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cuz they keep product Innovation they

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keep launching they launch the men's

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line like what I'm going to get wifey

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These are nice look look how small this

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fabric is this is $38 are you guys

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filming some YouTube stuff I can tell

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that you guys my J all right now let's

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see how we can make Kim K an extra $109

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million per year so skims is doing over

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$750 million in sales they've been going

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for 4 years and their company is valued

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at over $4 billion and so Kim K she has

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364 million followers on Instagram the

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brand page alone has over 5.8 million

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this is just a brand boohemoth the

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amount of traffic that these guys get

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would make the internet daddy weep with

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joy so we arrive on the homepage let's

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click through so this is the dress that

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has gone viral all over Tik Tok it's got

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3,818 reviews use it is $80 the first

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little cross cell that we get here is

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complete the look we can add the

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strapless bra on this we can add a thong

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increasing that average order value then

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we have some cross cells for similar

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Styles more in this color explore the

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collection what we think you'd like you

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see all of these different brakes where

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they're just constantly trying to add

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more and more value to that cart all

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righty so I have seen enough we're going

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to add this product to cart and see what

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Kim K does all righty congratulations

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you get free shipping these guys are

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Pros they know what they're doing cool

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we'll add this to the checkout cool

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nothing really special on here no USPS

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they could add these to the checkout

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page this would give them a nice little

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bump I'll give these guys a four star if

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we go internet marketing mode we can see

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that skims is getting 10 million visits

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to their website per month we're going

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to say 4% conversion rate giving them

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$16,000 orders per month $59 just to be

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conservative is their average order

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value that

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600400 orders we are going to increase

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their average order value without just

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saying complete the look we're going to

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say get the bundle and we're going to

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stack a whole Suite of products together

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and that's going to increase their

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average order value from 9 bucks up to

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$79 taking their monthly revenue from

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$24 million up to $33 million per month

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9 million per month or

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$109 million per year 19 Bugattis just

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from making these small tweaks next up

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Chamberlain coffee Emma Chamberlain has

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12 million Subs on YouTube she has a big

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Instagram and sells her coffee brand in

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every Target across the US let's see how

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much money that she's leaving on the

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table as always let's try this product

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brw a little cup

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here not bad here's the homepage it

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looks nice very very clean product

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photography we got a big video in the

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head up and then straight away we get

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into the social proof 4.8 stars out of

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21,980 reviews nice looking store a lot

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of e-commerce stores this is where they

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make their money it's in the bundle so

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it's a little bit interesting that she

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hasn't got a photo of herself all righty

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so this is the product page original

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family medium roasted coffee bag 427

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reviews 16 bucks onetime purchase of $1

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or subscribe and save wonderful free

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shipping prize gifts added periodically

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that is excellent they're giving us

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further incentive to subscribe you want

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to be in the reorder business you do not

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want to be in the order business you

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want to get them in keep them hooked to

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your product and get that reoccurring

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Revenue so they've done an incredible

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job in really selling the lifestyle of

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these coffee beans Booyah I like what I

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see buy it with and we've got three

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products here push up that average order

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value the geeky details we want to know

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what we get where the coffee beans are

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grown how they're roasted why we created

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the product then we're getting down to

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listing out all of the reviews then

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recommended products for the cross sale

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add this product as a onetime purchase

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to our cart and see if they yes my girl

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Emma for $30 we get this free Square

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mason jar then if we go up to 5050 bucks

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we get free shipping $75 we get a free

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chocolate match up they've also listed

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popular items right in the cart here and

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we've got Express checkouts we've got

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all the different payment options and

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we're borrowing their credibility in the

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funnel I'm going to give this one a five

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stars cuz the girl has pulled out all

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the stops to make sure that she's

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getting the highest day one average

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order value and that's how you justify a

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high customer acquisition cost we'll say

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that out of the 104,000 people that

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she's getting to her site because she's

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got d fans that follow her that she's

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going to get a 4% conversion rate that

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would give her

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4,160 orders there is a free shipping

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threshold of 50 bucks so we're going to

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say that a bunch of people are going to

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do that and give her a $50 average order

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value that's $28,000 per month her site

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is pretty tight however there's no fomo

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that's created with notifications of

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other people that are buying this or how

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many of the items in stock we are going

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to lift her conversion rate and we're

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going to lift her average order value as

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well it's giving her2 53,000 that is an

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$45,000 per month in revenue or

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$544,000 128 not a whole lot of money

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but hey it can buy US 19 Toyota

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Priuses now we are on the Mac Daddy of

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influencer funnels Elon Musk Tesla this

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is a behemoth here's how I would make

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Elon an extra $45 billion per year Tesla

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did 9

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$6.8 billion in Revenue now you might be

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thinking bro this is not an influencer

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funnel hell yes this is I have been

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driving around the Cyber truck for only

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the last 2 days and everywhere that I go

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I get stopped and everyone's talking

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about Elon like he is their neighbor

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like this dude is a mega influencer and

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he's such a boss that he doesn't have an

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Instagram account right he doesn't be on

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any other platform that he doesn't own

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17 7 million followers on X and the

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first thing that really stood out to me

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when this cyber truck was delivered to

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me was just how slick it is it's huge

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the scale of this thing is massive but

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the design is so clean it's so

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minimalistic and it truly doesn't look

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like anything that's on the road so we

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arrive on we go model y model

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X model S cyber truck baby let's take a

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look first of all unbelievable product

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photography the rear wheel drive starts

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57,59 buckss alth the all-wheel drive is

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$763 190 or the Cyber Beast even this

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homie knows get him in the upsell flow

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straight out of the great Kingpin over

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here he's got

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$96,000 average aov learn more here we

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are on the homies landing page cyber

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truck order now beautiful big bold

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imagery and then we arrive on a video

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and this thing is Gangster we have a

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saying in marketing show don't tell and

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that's exactly what he is doing

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everything is animated gif HT ml 5

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videos he's showing all the different

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use cases rather than just telling

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aesthetically this thing just looks

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beautiful like if you're going to sell a

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$96,000 pickup truck it's got to look

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good dopamine on tap boys even got copy

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chops you'll notice the difference

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between the mac daddy and the little

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ants is how long this product page is

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like I'm still scrolling all right so

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let's click order now the upsell man

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he's here who've got all the price

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breaks everything that you could

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possibly want and straight up he's

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taking the credit card here the mobile

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phone number for lead generation my man

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I'm going to give this funnel a five

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stars this thing is Gangster I'm buying

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one I'm buying a cyber truck it is truly

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unlike anything that I've ever seen or

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driven before is getting

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22.2 million monthly visits to his site

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because this is a very expensive product

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the site conversion rate for Tesla is

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going to be .5% at

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111,000 orders per month month the

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cheapest entry level for the Cyber truck

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$57,900 units in pre-orders showing a

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live counter of that going up

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notifications of people actually placing

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orders for their cyber truck because

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people want things that they can't have

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so it's going to give him

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133,00 orders per month but we're also

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going to increase his average order

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value it shows you the entry level at 57

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390 but then it has the all-wheel and

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the cyberbeast yeah there's bullet

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points of what is difference but there's

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not a lot we could have a full-blown

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comparison page with a little video for

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each one even just putting a most

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popular next to it you could increase

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the average order value to

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7639 and push more people to the

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all-wheel drive from $6 billion per

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month up to $10 billion per month or an

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additional $3.8 billion per month $45

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billion per year now it's finally time

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to surprise one of these influencers

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Live In the Flesh I scoured the web

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looking for whose business that I could

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tear aart once I found the target I shot

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him a DM and I asked him to come and

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grab lunch with me little did he know

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what was about to

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happen so you are in the car with a

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crazy Australian and sometimes I drive

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on the wrong side of the road I've been

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in the car with crazier Australians than

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you I think I don't think on the

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internet Dy bro I was with a guy named

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Trevor in Australia and he jumped out of

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the car and went face to face with a a

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kangaroo and I thought he was going to

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die did it fight him it was about to

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yeah it was about now Eric and I we're

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very chill we got along very very well

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but it's time to drop some bombs and

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tear apart his business all right ladies

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and gentlemen so the fifth and final

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funnel is pet IFI by famous YouTuber AR

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a bottle of sauce that tastes like pizza

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arach alone has over 15 million

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subscribers and 750,000 followers on

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Instagram that is a lot of eyeballs

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world's largest

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pizza there would be a lot of traffic

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that is driven through to these websites

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that right now is murdering money I have

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taken the initiative to step up and be a

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man of the people and make this man a

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funnel so first thing I like the

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packaging the audience needs to feel

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excited when they get it in the mail

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you've done a great job even the

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photography that you took with the

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actual product shots like you can see

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that you care yeah all right we're going

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to try it raw dog can put it on a chip

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at least yeah there you go I like that

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top too didn't have that top at first

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that was a chip from a taco

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place it is

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now Pizza all right give a [ __ ] to

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me I have to give it to it does taste

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like pizza it is pizza transformational

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liquid that makes anything turn anything

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into Pizza it does what it says it does

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on the bottle it turns anything into

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pizza pizza I want to get into the

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business like The Funnel of it oh no

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about to destroy me if he gives me a

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good idea I might give him percentage of

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the business but I might not it just

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depends all right let's dive into your

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finnal what we got first of all we

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arrive on your homepage you like that

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spinning bottle I do like it I came to

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your website and I tried to buy and I

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click on your buy now

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button what bro can you can can you hear

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that that's like the sound of money

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being murdered oh this is bad this is

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bad so then I was like please please if

Time: 1121.799

I click this will it allow me to buy

Time: 1125.64


Time: 1129.6

it God so then we arrive on this it just

Time: 1132.52

goes from this and then the page is over

Time: 1134.52

and then we're just selling merch yes

Time: 1136.72

I'm like bro like you got to whine me

Time: 1139.2

and dine me a little bit before like you

Time: 1141.24

want to be sold a little bit more I do

Time: 1143.12

right I get you and I get your brand but

Time: 1145.039

like if you want to go out to like

Time: 1146.039

colder traffic and there's like some

Time: 1147.48

random person that just finds you from

Time: 1149.039

YouTube video and they come here and

Time: 1150.64

they don't have a relationship with your

Time: 1152.2

brand we're just not doing enough

Time: 1154

selling okay understood so I know that I

Time: 1156.88

said that like I wouldn't do it yeah but

Time: 1159.96

I've gone ahead and I've made you a

Time: 1161.24

funnel what so let me just run you

Time: 1163.64

through it you wait wait wait wait wait

Time: 1165.2

wait wait you made me a funnel for this

Time: 1166.72

I made you a funnel oh this actually

Time: 1168.12

looks so good right immediately we

Time: 1169.96

arrive on the page we've got the reviews

Time: 1171.919

we need that social proof on there and

Time: 1173.52

then we want to immediately increase the

Time: 1175.28

average order value like we don't want

Time: 1176.96

people just buying like two bottles we

Time: 1179.32

want to sell more whoever can make the

Time: 1181.679

most from a customer is the one that

Time: 1182.88

wins so we're going to hit them with

Time: 1184.08

obviously the two pack $12.95 you don't

Time: 1186.28

have any like strike through pricing we

Time: 1188.2

want to show them the more that they buy

Time: 1189.76

like the cheaper that they get you don't

Time: 1191.159

have any subscription uhhuh you don't

Time: 1193.039

want to be in the order business you

Time: 1194.32

want to be in the reorder business you

Time: 1196.24

want people just subscribe this is how

Time: 1197.96

you increase like 30-day money back

Time: 1199.919

guarantee you need to offer that because

Time: 1202

you're going to have less than like 5%

Time: 1203.679

of people ever going to take you up on

Time: 1205.32

that and it will increase your sales by

Time: 1207.4

like 30% straight out of the game we

Time: 1209.2

need copy on here Pizza SAU so

Time: 1211.08

ludicrously delicious you'll want to

Time: 1212.48

call your mom and yell at her we want to

Time: 1214.32

sell a little bit right sell the story

Time: 1216.52

we got the basil leaves flying in here

Time: 1218.96

this is awesome all the ingredients that

Time: 1220.799

are in it we're visually showing it

Time: 1222.52

you've got to like create like a craze

Time: 1224.64

around it and you've got I got to your

Time: 1226.4

Instagram page and go to the tagged

Time: 1228

images and are like thousands of people

Time: 1230.08

taking photos with the productors but

Time: 1231.799

we're not showcasing that anywhere so we

Time: 1234.24

want to visually show like these are all

Time: 1235.76

the people that are buying it and then

Time: 1237.08

we want to like bring in all your

Time: 1238.6

reviews cuz people are very skeptical

Time: 1241.12

online the first thing that I saw is

Time: 1242.64

like is this stuff going to be good and

Time: 1244.24

if you have all the people telling them

Time: 1245.48

that it's good it's like okay awesome

Time: 1247.32

that will give us another little bump

Time: 1248.44

and conion then you're the video guy but

Time: 1251.36

there ain't no video on your whole

Time: 1253.039

product page there's no video on your

Time: 1254.64

website dude I never thought about like

Time: 1256.48

that yeah talk about the lengths that

Time: 1258.039

you've gone to through to make a good

Time: 1259.4

product cuz it's not like a cheap shitty

Time: 1261.28

product premium for sure boom we add

Time: 1263.159

this to car we want to hit them with

Time: 1265.36

further more things have a qualification

Time: 1267.4

to unlock free shipping ooh yeah this is

Time: 1270.36

interesting and then obviously on your

Time: 1271.72

check out and just further upsell

Time: 1273.24

sprinkled through this is crazy this

Time: 1275.2

little that's like a huge unlock cuz

Time: 1277.64

this is a funnel very elegant funnel

Time: 1279.679

it's not really what I think about when

Time: 1280.6

I think funnels cuz this is done in a

Time: 1282.4

tasteful way in any case you've gone

Time: 1284.24

through all the effort of building the

Time: 1285.84

product putting your name behind it

Time: 1287.679

don't sell us a measure like just go go

Time: 1289.88

for it okay lean into it all of these

Time: 1291.919

changes will at least double your

Time: 1293.24

Revenue if that's true that's nuts it

Time: 1296.24

will there's no way that it doesn't what

Time: 1297.88

are the main things that people put that

Time: 1299.679

on do I've SE on the website chicken

Time: 1301.76

tenders amazing okay you don't have that

Time: 1304.039

on the website fries you've got that

Time: 1306.36

it's like a ketchup think about it as

Time: 1307.48

like a ketchup replacement it's actually

Time: 1309.24

good for you too use these strategies in

Time: 1311.159

your own business to make a lot more

Time: 1313.679

cash like subscribe and I'll see you in

Time: 1315.96

the next one it's like fairy piss

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