Science-Based Tools for Increasing Happiness | Huberman Lab Podcast #98

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today we are discussing happiness.

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We're going to discuss the science of happiness,

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because indeed, there are excellent laboratories that

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have worked for many decades to try and understand

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what is this thing that we call happiness

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and what brings us happiness in the short and long term.

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In fact, we could probably point to happiness

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as one of the most sought-after states or commodities,

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or emotions.

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Whatever you want to call it, happiness

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is what many people are seeking in work, in relationships,

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and in general.

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And yet most of us can't really define exactly what

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happiness is or means for us.

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We can point to certain experiences,

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we can try and describe our states of mind and body,

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but most people recognize the feeling when we have it,

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and we certainly recognize the feeling of not being happy.

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Whether or not that means simply not being happy

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as the absence of happiness or all-out depression.

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Now one of the key problems in trying to understand happiness

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and, indeed, the science and psychology of happiness

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is that it does indeed involve other similar things.

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Things like joy, and gratitude, and meaning.

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And indeed, many scientists and psychologists

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have argued for many, many decades

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about what happiness really is.

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Now we can come up with so-called operational

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definitions of happiness.

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Operational definitions are basically agreed-upon terms

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or agreed-upon definitions and conditions

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that will define something such as happiness.

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Much in the same way that we can all probably

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come up with an operational definition of milk.

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But of course, milk can be cow's milk, it can be oat milk,

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it can be soy milk, et cetera, et cetera.

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So too, something like happiness can

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be micro-divided and sliced and diced into as many things

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as we decide.

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Today we are really going to focus on three main things.

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First, we are going to define happiness as a brain state

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and as a state of mind and body.

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We're going to take a look at what the science says about all

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of that.

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Second, we are going to talk about tools and practices

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for placing ourselves into states of happiness.

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And while for most of us, we think of happiness

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as something that only arrives through the acquisition

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of some goal or some thing external to us, and of course,

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that is true.

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There is also something called synthetic happiness

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or synthesized happiness which turns out

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to be at least as powerful and perhaps even more powerful.

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Now I'll just say right off the bat

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that I'm not going to tell you that all you have to do

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is sit in a chair and imagine being happy

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in order to feel happy.

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Synthesize happiness actually involves some very concrete

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steps that have been defined by excellent labs in psychology,

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so we're going to talk about synthesize happiness

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as it relates to what you can do to obtain happy states more

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readily or more frequently.

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And then, third, we're going to talk about some

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of the misconceptions or what I would call the contradictions

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of happiness research.

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And what I mean by that is most of you

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have probably heard about the general conditions

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for obtaining happiness.

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And they always seem to circle back

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to some of the same basic features of get great sleep,

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have great social connection, pursue meaning, don't focus

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to any overextend on things like pursuing money

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because there are indeed these studies that

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show that the amount of money that people make

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does not necessarily scale directly with happiness.

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We'll talk about those studies in some detail a little bit

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And while all of that literature is

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very powerful and informative, there

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is what I see as a contradiction.

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Which is for instance, that for many of us, including myself,

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especially in the years when I was

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in graduate school and a postdoc,

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there were times in which pursuing and being involved

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in work and pursuing degrees and finding

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meaning in my vocation actually separated me

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from the opportunity to have quite

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as many social connections, or quite as much sleep,

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or quite as much exercise, or even quite as much sunshine,

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for that matter.

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So all of the things that we're told that we need in order

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to access happiness on a regular basis

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oftentimes contradict with the pressures

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and the requirements of not just daily life

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but in building a life that allows

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us to have the kind of resources that we need in order

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to have things like quality social connection, and the time

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and opportunity to get regular exercise and great nutrition,

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et cetera, et cetera.

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So, again, while this isn't necessarily

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a complaint with any of the research out

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of the fields of psychology on happiness,

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it is important that we acknowledge

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these contradictions that exist in the discussion

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around happiness.

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In particular, the popular discussions

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around the science of happiness.

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So today, what we are going to arrive at,

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what you will finish this episode,

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with is a set of tools and a framework for understanding

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the pursuit of happiness in the short and long-term

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as it relates to the research from psychology

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but also the neuroscience.

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And my goal today is really to try and place that all

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into a structured framework so that you

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can know where you are in your journey or the landscape

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around happiness in your pursuit of happiness.

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And what I won't tell you is that you

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need to abandon all goals in terms

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of pursuing money, career, et cetera,

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and simply focus on relationships.

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But we will talk about what constitutes

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an excellent social bond or even in excellent conversation.

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There's excellent research that points to the fact

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that even rather shallow connections, that

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is, connections between people that you happen to just see

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in the hallway on a regular basis,

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not even requiring close bonds of any kind,

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can be built into close bonds that can deliver

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a tremendous amount of feeling and genuine social connection

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provided certain conditions are met.

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So today, again, it's really about understanding

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the science of happiness, understanding the mechanisms

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underlying what we call happiness.

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And providing you a framework by which

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you can pursue and achieve happiness not just

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as a long-term goal and not just as a day-to-day goal

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of little micro exercises of gratitude, et cetera,

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but rather as a way to think about happiness

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as a state that you have control over, at least

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in terms of your ability to access

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what I would call the algorithms that

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enable us or open the opportunity to experience

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Now before we begin today's episode,

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I'd like to talk about a very specific tool that applies yes

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to our pursuit of happiness but actually

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to our pursuit of everything, including quality sleep

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and ongoing motivation, et cetera.

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I've talked many, many times before on this podcast

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and on other podcasts, and on social media

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about the critical value of getting

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regular bright light, ideally sunlight, in your eyes

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within the first hour of waking.

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Or if the sun isn't out when you wake up in the morning,

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to turn on a lot of bright artificial lights

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and then get sunlight in your eyes

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for anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes,

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depending on how cloudy it is in the early part of the day.

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Absolutely outsized effects mood and focus

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during the day and quality of sleep at night.

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Now there's another sort of central tenet

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of getting great sleep and improving mood

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and focus throughout the day.

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And that's to avoid bright artificial light

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exposure to your eyes between the hours of about 10 PM

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to 4:00 AM.

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Now leaving shift workers aside, and we have an entire episode

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devoted to shift work, most people are asleep at night

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and awake during the day.

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And you would be wise to avoid exposure of your eyes

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to bright artificial light between the hours of 10:00

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PM and 4:00 AM.

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If you're going to use screens or artificial lights,

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dim them down as far as you can.

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Now there are several studies that point to the fact

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that one of the major issues with getting

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bright light in your eyes between the hours of 10:00

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PM and 4:00 AM is that it has a negative impact

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on the so-called dopaminergic or dopamine circuits of the brain

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and body, which can enhance depression.

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That is lead to ongoing lower mood and affect.

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So that's a reason to dim the lights

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or avoid bright lights between 10:00 PM and 4:00 AM.

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However, I and many others need to use artificial light

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and screens sometimes, even between the hours of 10:00

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PM and midnight or even midnight to 3:00 AM,

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depending on what's going on in my life or your life.

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That may include you as well.

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Now it turns out that there are powerful ways

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to offset some, not all, but some of the negative effects

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of viewing artificial lights between the hours of 10:00

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PM and 4:00 AM.

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And one of the most powerful ways to do that

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is to simply adjust the overall brightness

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of your artificial lighting throughout the day

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and in the evening.

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So one of the issues nowadays that we're really facing

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is that people are simply not getting enough bright light

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in their eyes from sunlight or from other sources

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during the daytime, and they're getting

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far too much bright light in their eyes

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largely from artificial sources, of course, in the evening

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and at night.

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Not just from 10 PM to 4:00 AM, but also

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in the evening hours from 6 to 10 PM and so on and so forth.

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So a very simple yet powerful solution

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that supported by peer-reviewed research in humans

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is to try and make your indoor working and/or home

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environment during the day as bright as possible.

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Now, if you can achieve that through direct sunlight,

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If you can get outside a lot during the daytime, terrific.

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But many people simply cannot.

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But most people do have some windows in their environment.

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I realize some don't but, most people do.

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And as a consequence, most people

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are using rather dim artificial lighting indoors during the day

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and then very bright artificial lighting

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indoors in the evening, and at night, that's a problem.

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And if you think about it, logically, you

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want to do the exact reverse.

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So it's been shown that if you simply

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increase the amount of bright artificial light

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that you were exposed to during the day, and remember

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this is not an excuse to not get your morning sunlight viewing,

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but in addition to that, to make your indoor artificial lights

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very bright, bright, bright, bright, bright

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throughout the day.

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And then much dimmer from the hours of 6:00 PM until bedtime.

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Or if you can't do that, then maybe as soon

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as you get home from about 8:00 PM until bedtime.

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And then dim them way, way down between 10:00

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PM and 4:00 AM or off entirely.

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That's going to be a far better pattern

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for your sleep-wake cycles, focus, mood, et

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cetera than what most people do, which

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is to have a few windows in their indoor working

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environment during the day and keep the indoor lights rather

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dim at a time when they need more photons, more

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light energy.

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And then in the evening, when they get home

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because it's dark outside, they tend

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to turn the lights much brighter.

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You actually want to do the reverse.

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Now there's an even simpler solution,

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which is to get some bright sunlight in your eyes

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right around the time of sunset.

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It doesn't have to be exactly at sunset,

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it could be in the late afternoon and evening.

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But it's been shown now in studies on humans,

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and I'll provide a link to at least one

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of those studies, that by getting

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some bright light in your eyes, ideally from sunlight,

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in the late afternoon and evening.

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And, of course, the timing will vary depending on time of year

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and where you are located on the planet.

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But facing the sun around sunset,

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you don't actually have to see the sun cross down

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below the horizon, but facing the sun

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around that time for anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes or even

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less, even two to five minutes, can

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adjust the sensitivity of neurons

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in your retina that communicate light information to the brain

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and make it such that in the evening when you use

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artificial lights, they aren't going to have as much

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of a detrimental effect on your dopamine system

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and for impairing your sleep.

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So the idea is as much bright light, ideally from sunlight

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but also from artificial sources, from the time

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you wake up in the morning until the evening.

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Maybe around 6:00 or 7:00.

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Maybe in the summer months, a little bit later.

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And then really try and get as little bright light

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in your eyes as you can in the evening and nighttime hours.

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And ideally, you would also get some sunlight exposure right

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around the time of sunset or in the late afternoon.

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Go outside, take your sunglasses off.

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Don't try and do this through a windshield or through a window.

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It will not work.

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You have to get outside.

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If you're under an overhang, at least

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try and get some direct sunlight in your eyes at that time.

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And that will adjust the sensitivity

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of your retina such that bright artificial lights

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or artificial lights of any kind that you're

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exposed to in the evening and in the late hours of the night

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won't have as much of a detrimental effect.

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That said, if you go to the bathroom

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in the middle of the night, try and keep the lights dim.

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Many people have asked whether or not, for instance,

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a nightlight or a flashlight is going to have as much

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of a negative effect.

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This is very straightforward.

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If you think about it, if you shine a light at something,

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you can see into your environment.

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If you've ever been camping or you've

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walked with a flashlight, you can see things around you

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that you wouldn't otherwise, of course.

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But if you were to shine that light in your eyes,

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it would be far brighter.

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So yes, of course, if you get up in the middle of the night

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and you can use your phone flashlight to illuminate

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the environment that you're in so that you can safely

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go to where you need to go and then back to bed,

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that's going to be far better than turning on the lights

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or, of course, shining light in your eyes, right.

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So the idea is bright, bright, bright in the morning

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and throughout the day.

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And as dim and dark as possible at night.

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And that afternoon light viewing provides, sort of,

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what I call a Netflix inoculation that

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will allow you to adjust your retinal sensitivity

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and give you a little bit more flexibility in terms

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of allowing some nighttime light exposure

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without the detrimental effects.

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Now I realize today's episode is about happiness,

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it's not about sunlight or dopamine.

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And yet, as we'll talk about more

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in just a moment, if you're not optimizing your sleep

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and if you are using or being exposed to light rather

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at the wrong times of the day/night cycle,

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that is going to make it very hard for the other sorts

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of practices that relate to happiness

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to have their full impact.

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So the backdrop, where I would say the kind of landscape

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of your chemicals and your hormones,

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is powerfully controlled by not just the brightness of light

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but the timing of light and your exposure to light.

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In particular, your exposure to light to your eyes

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is something that you have a lot of control over.

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You don't have absolute control, but you have a lot of control

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And it's been proven that even these small steps, which

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are completely cost-free.

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They require just a few minutes of time,

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but no purchase a product or anything else

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can allow you to greatly adjust your neurochemistry

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and your hormones in the direction of better mood,

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better sleep, and happiness.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science-related tools for the general public.

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In keeping with that theme, I'd like

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to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Thesis.

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Thesis makes custom nootropics.

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And as I've said many times before on this podcast,

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I am not a fan of the word nootropics

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because it means smart drugs.

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And frankly, there are no specific neural circuits

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in the brain or body for being quote-unquote smart.

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Thesis understands this, and they've

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developed custom nootropics that are designed

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to bring your brain and body into the state that's

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ideal for what you need to accomplish.

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They use the highest quality ingredients,

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things like phosphatidylserine, alpha GPC,

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many ingredients that I've talked

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about before on this podcast and that I happen to use myself.

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I've been using Thesis for over a year now,

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and I can confidently say that their nootropics have

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been a game changer.

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For me, I like their nootropic for clarity.

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I used that before cognitive work often.

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And I like their nootropic for energy.

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And I often used that before workouts.

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In particular, workouts that are especially intense.

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To get your own personalized nootropic starter kit,

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go online to

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Take their 3-minute quiz, and these

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will send you four different formulas

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to try in your first month.

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Again that's

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And use the code Huberman at checkout

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to get 10% off your first box.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

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that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

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to help me better understand your body

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and help you meet your health goals.

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I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

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for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact

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your immediate and long-term health

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can only be analyzed with a quality blood test.

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One of the problems with a lot of blood tests and DNA

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tests out there, however, is that you get information

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back about lipids and levels of hormones

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and levels of metabolic factors and so on,

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but you don't know what to do with that information.

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InsideTracker has a very easy-to-use online site where

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you can monitor your levels.

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And you can click on any specific marker,

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any specific hormone, or metabolic factor,

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and it will tell you the behavioral tools, for instance,

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exercise, the nutrition tools, and the supplementation-based

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tools that you can use in order to bring

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those numbers into the appropriate ranges

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for your immediate and long-term health goals.

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If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

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you can visit

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to get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plan.

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Again that's

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to get 20% off.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep.

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Helix makes mattresses and pillows

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that are of the absolute highest quality.

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I started sleeping on a Helix mattress well over a year ago,

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and it's been the best sleep that I've ever had.

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One of the things that makes Helix mattresses so unique

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is that they match the design of the mattress

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to your unique sleep needs.

Time: 1023.71

So, for instance, if you go on to their website,

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you can take a brief quiz.

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It's only takes about two or three minutes.

Time: 1028.76

And you'll answer questions like do

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you tend to run hot or cold throughout the night.

Time: 1031.94

Or whether or not you sleep on your back, your side,

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or your stomach, or maybe you don't know.

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Regardless, they will match you to the custom mattress that's

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ideal for your sleep needs.

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For me that was the dusk D-U-S-K mattress.

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Which, for me, was not too firm, not too soft,

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and was ideal for my sleep patterns.

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You take the quiz, and you'll find out

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what mattress is ideal for your sleep patterns.

Time: 1051.18

So if you're interested in upgrading your mattress,

Time: 1053.305

go to, take their brief sleep quiz,

Time: 1056.232

and they'll match you to a customized mattress.

Time: 1058.19

And you'll get up to $200 off any mattress order and two

Time: 1061.25

free pillows.

Time: 1062.15

They have a 10-year warranty.

Time: 1063.48

And you get to try out the mattress

Time: 1064.938

for 100 nights risk-free.

Time: 1066.195

Again, if you're interested, you can go

Time: 1067.82

to for up to $200 off and two free

Time: 1071.9


Time: 1072.44

Let's talk about happiness.

Time: 1073.91

This thing that everybody seems to want, and yet not everybody

Time: 1077.39

can agree on what exactly it is or how to get it.

Time: 1082.53

Now I want to start by quoting a previous guest on the Huberman

Time: 1086.57

Lab podcast.

Time: 1087.71

And that is a colleague of mine at Stanford School of Medicine,

Time: 1090.5

Dr. Karl Deisseroth, who's both a bioengineer and a clinician.

Time: 1095.72

That is, he's a psychiatrist who spends a lot of his time

Time: 1099.11

both running a laboratory and seeing patients,

Time: 1102.38

human patients, of course.

Time: 1103.79

And I once was at a meeting where

Time: 1106.01

I heard Karl say something to the extent of we

Time: 1109.88

don't know what other people feel.

Time: 1111.873

In fact, most of the time, we don't even

Time: 1113.54

really know how we feel.

Time: 1115.22

And while that statement was meant

Time: 1117.32

to report several different things about the way

Time: 1119.9

that the brain works and emotions,

Time: 1121.4

et cetera, one of the things that he was emphasizing,

Time: 1124.412

and I know he was emphasizing it because he confirmed

Time: 1126.62

this for me, was the fact that language.

Time: 1132.17

Things like the word happiness, or joy, or meaning,

Time: 1135.95

or pleasure, or delight, are actually not

Time: 1139.46

very precise when it comes to describing our brain and body

Time: 1142.61


Time: 1143.37

So, for instance, if I tell you I'm feeling pretty happy.

Time: 1147.2

I know what that means for me, at least in this moment,

Time: 1151.4

but you don't really know whether or not

Time: 1153.29

it means the same thing as what pretty happy means for you.

Time: 1156.86

If I say I'm extremely happy and I have a big grin.

Time: 1160.19

I have a grin on my face that I can't seem to wipe off my face.

Time: 1163.1

Well, then, you might get a sense of how much happier I

Time: 1166.34

am than pretty happy.

Time: 1168.54

But it's still hard to calibrate my level of internal state

Time: 1172.16

or happiness, and the same is true for you

Time: 1174.23

and for everybody else.

Time: 1175.55

And it's important for us to acknowledge this

Time: 1177.59

because at this point in human history, 2022,

Time: 1181.85

we don't really have a measurement

Time: 1184.67

like body temperature or heart rate or heart rate

Time: 1187.64

variability or even a way to measure neurochemicals

Time: 1191.33

in the brain and body that give us anything

Time: 1194.06

better than a crude correlate or an estimate, at best,

Time: 1198.35

of what happiness is.

Time: 1200.15

So that's really important to understand and to keep in mind

Time: 1202.66

throughout this episode.

Time: 1203.66

It doesn't mean that we cannot have a strong data-driven

Time: 1208.91

conversation about happiness and what brings us to a state

Time: 1211.398

of happiness.

Time: 1211.94

But it's very important to understand that language is not

Time: 1215.36

an ideal and maybe even a deficient tool in terms

Time: 1218.78

of describing our emotions and our states of mind and body.

Time: 1222.38

Now equally important is to understand

Time: 1224.99

that while we do have neurotransmitters,

Time: 1227.93

that is, the chemicals that are released between

Time: 1230.66

neurons, nerve cells that allow neurons

Time: 1232.73

to communicate, things like glutamate and gaba,

Time: 1236.36

for instance.

Time: 1237.38

And we have what are called modulators.

Time: 1239.78

These are chemicals also released

Time: 1241.4

by neurons that impact the electrical firing and chemical

Time: 1246.02

release of other neurons.

Time: 1247.1

Things like serotonin, and dopamine, and acetylcholine,

Time: 1251.51

and epinephrine.

Time: 1252.95

Neuromodulators and neurotransmitters

Time: 1255.8

are always present in a cocktail in our brain and body.

Time: 1260.12

That is, they are present in different ratios

Time: 1262.43

and at different levels.

Time: 1263.67

So we need to completely discard with the idea

Time: 1266

that any one neurotransmitter or any one neuromodulator

Time: 1270.29

is solely responsible for a state of happiness

Time: 1273.92

or for a lack of state of happiness, for that matter.

Time: 1277.62

That said, it is true that for people that

Time: 1281.34

tend to have lower baseline levels of, for instance,

Time: 1284.64

dopamine, their levels of happiness,

Time: 1287.88

or we should say their self-reported levels

Time: 1289.74

of happiness, tend to be lower than for those

Time: 1292.89

that have greatly elevated baseline levels of dopamine.

Time: 1296.34

Now, this can be best appreciated

Time: 1298.35

at the extremes where, for instance,

Time: 1301.44

in conditions like Parkinson's disease

Time: 1303.69

or other conditions where people's levels of dopamine

Time: 1306.33

in their brain is severely depleted.

Time: 1309.46

Mind you, we also see this in drug-addicted individuals

Time: 1312.76

that are in a withdrawal state because they're trying to quit

Time: 1315.31

or they don't have access to the drug that normally stimulates

Time: 1317.68

release of dopamine.

Time: 1318.513

Think the cocaine addict who can't get cocaine.

Time: 1321.28

Or the methamphetamine addict that

Time: 1322.72

can't or is trying to avoid taking methamphetamine.

Time: 1326.67

Or the Parkinson's patient who has fewer dopamine

Time: 1329.64

neurons because they degenerated.

Time: 1331.62

Those individuals do tend to be more depressed.

Time: 1334.44

They tend to have lower affect.

Time: 1335.88

They are less happy.

Time: 1337.5

At least, that's how they report themselves to be emotionally.

Time: 1340.86

And that's what we observe when we look at them behaviorally

Time: 1343.59

in terms of the amount of smiling, the amount of energy

Time: 1346.71

they seem to have.

Time: 1348.24

At the opposite extreme.

Time: 1350.01

And while still focusing on the kind of pathology

Time: 1353.16

of neurotransmitter and neuromodulator systems,

Time: 1355.53

an individual who is in a manic phase of bipolar

Time: 1359.91

will tend to have very elevated levels of dopamine.

Time: 1363.3

And those people will talk a mile a minute,

Time: 1365.1

and they won't require sleep.

Time: 1366.36

And at least to them, every idea is an exciting idea and one

Time: 1369.458

that they want to pursue.

Time: 1370.5

We did an entire episode about bipolar depression, A.K.A.

Time: 1374.79

Bipolar disorder.

Time: 1375.498

So if you'd like to learn more about that, please

Time: 1377.54

check out that episode.

Time: 1378.69

That and all other episodes of the podcast,

Time: 1380.68

of course, you can find it in all formats.

Time: 1383.79

But the point here is that very low levels

Time: 1386.52

are very high levels of dopamine are correlated

Time: 1389.64

with certain states of, for instance, low happiness

Time: 1393.72

or the absence of happiness.

Time: 1395.722

We could even call it depression in some cases.

Time: 1397.68

Or extreme happiness or even euphoria.

Time: 1400.5

Sometimes even inappropriate euphoria,

Time: 1402.15

as is the case with bipolar depression

Time: 1405.3

or sometimes called bipolar mania or bipolar disorder.

Time: 1410.57

Now, of course, there's a range in between depressed and manic.

Time: 1414.61

And most people, fortunately reside somewhere in that range.

Time: 1418.67

And it is indeed a continuum.

Time: 1420.35

And I think it's safe to say that levels of dopamine

Time: 1423.07

probably do correlate with levels of happiness.

Time: 1425.26

But there is no one single chemical

Time: 1428.32

nor chemical signature, that is, no specific recipe of two parts

Time: 1434.92

dopamine, to one part serotonin, to one part

Time: 1437.29

acetylcholine that we can say equates to happiness.

Time: 1441.58

Indeed there's now tremendous controversy

Time: 1443.41

as to whether or not, for instance, having

Time: 1445.54

lower levels of serotonin is actually

Time: 1448.06

the cause of depression or merely correlates

Time: 1450.242

with depression or maybe doesn't even correlate

Time: 1452.2

with depression, at all.

Time: 1453.2

This became especially controversial

Time: 1454.78

because, in the last year, the so-called serotonin

Time: 1457.45

hypothesis of depression has been called into question.

Time: 1460.51

And indeed, it does seem to be the case that for individuals

Time: 1464.26

that are depressed, their levels of serotonin

Time: 1466.81

can sometimes be normal.

Time: 1468.65

However, and this is an important however,

Time: 1471.44

that does not mean that administering drugs

Time: 1473.62

that increase levels of serotonin in depressed people

Time: 1476.11

does not sometimes and indeed often help

Time: 1479.05

ameliorate some of their symptoms.

Time: 1480.515

And I should mention that many of the selective serotonin

Time: 1482.89

reuptake inhibitors.

Time: 1483.89

So-called SSRIs such as Prozac and Zoloft,

Time: 1486.94

et cetera, are still considered excellent treatments

Time: 1489.91

for conditions like OCD and so on and so forth.

Time: 1492.95

But what I'm trying to do is make two important points.

Time: 1495.41

First of all, that language is not a great indicator

Time: 1500.65

of internal state.

Time: 1501.89

Especially when trying to understand other people's

Time: 1504.465

internal state.

Time: 1505.09

And that is especially true for things like happiness.

Time: 1508.21

And that there is no one chemical

Time: 1510.67

signature of happiness.

Time: 1513.61

There's no one neural modulator or combinations

Time: 1515.91

of neuromodulators that we can say

Time: 1517.56

is the cocktail for happiness.

Time: 1519.69

But, and it's a very important, but when

Time: 1524.14

levels of dopamine and serotonin tend

Time: 1526.57

to be chronically low for an individual

Time: 1529.42

below their typical baseline, they

Time: 1531.79

will, yes, tend to be lower in affect

Time: 1534.52

and have lower mood and less episodes of happiness per day,

Time: 1537.8

per week, per month, per year, et cetera.

Time: 1540.38

Conversely, when an individual has elevations

Time: 1543.47

in dopamine and serotonin levels,

Time: 1544.91

in particular dopamine levels and the other so-called

Time: 1547.55

catecholamines, which include epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Time: 1550.77

So the catecholamines are dopamine, epinephrine,

Time: 1553.94

and norepinephrine.

Time: 1554.87

They're all very similar biochemically.

Time: 1556.58

They all lead to states of elevated motivation, energy,

Time: 1560.6

and so on.

Time: 1561.92

When those chemicals are elevated above baseline,

Time: 1564.83

people do tend to have elevated sense of mood and well-being,

Time: 1568.4

and in particular sense of possibility

Time: 1570.86

about what they can do in the world

Time: 1572.78

and what the world can offer them.

Time: 1574.95

So we need to acknowledge those two features of language

Time: 1577.79

and neurochemistry as we wade into the discussion

Time: 1581.12

about the psychology of happiness.

Time: 1583.58

And, in particular, about the controlled experiments

Time: 1586.91

that have been done in excellent laboratories focused

Time: 1589.55

on the psychology of happiness and what brings happiness

Time: 1592.46

and what does not.

Time: 1593.51

There have been some excellent studies on happiness.

Time: 1596.01

And these come in two forms generally.

Time: 1598.85

One form of these studies is individuals

Time: 1602.15

come into a laboratory.

Time: 1603.32

They participate in an experiment over the course

Time: 1605.63

of a day or months.

Time: 1607.13

And then, data are collected analyzed,

Time: 1609.54

and the papers are submitted, and published, and discussed.

Time: 1613.43

The other form is so-called longitudinal study.

Time: 1616.04

Where individuals come into the laboratory,

Time: 1618.05

and they are studied over a very long period of time.

Time: 1620.93

Ranging from months to years and sometimes even decades.

Time: 1626.98

And then, the variables of age, life circumstances,

Time: 1632.26

and other factors can be incorporated into the data.

Time: 1635.59

And typically, there are multiple papers,

Time: 1639.07

there's data published throughout the longitudinal

Time: 1642.34

study, or sometimes it's just one paper

Time: 1644.05

at the end of the longitudinal study.

Time: 1646.51

Let's talk about one of the more famous and perhaps

Time: 1649.33

the longest-running longitudinal study on happiness.

Time: 1653.2

This is a study that was initiated or conceived

Time: 1656.41

in 1938 at Harvard University.

Time: 1658.87

The so-called Harvard Happiness Project.

Time: 1660.91

Some of you probably heard about this.

Time: 1662.66

It involved Harvard College sophomores

Time: 1665.86

and other individuals who were incorporated into this study

Time: 1669.4

as well.

Time: 1670.72

It's a study that initially had more than a couple

Time: 1674.23

of hundred subjects.

Time: 1675.82

But because some have either dropped out and not

Time: 1678.88

been able to be contacted and monitored over time or died,

Time: 1682.66

or for whatever reason, are no longer participating

Time: 1685.39

in the study, they're very few of these individuals left.

Time: 1688.22

And yet there's tremendous power to a study like this.

Time: 1690.557

It's such an impressive study, and we're all so grateful

Time: 1692.89

that laboratories at Harvard decided

Time: 1694.96

to initiate and continue this study because it

Time: 1698.56

is one of the few studies, perhaps the study that

Time: 1701.29

has allowed us to understand happiness in our species

Time: 1705.01

over a very long period of time.

Time: 1707.41

Like any study, it's not perfect.

Time: 1708.91

It didn't include a lot of matching by sex

Time: 1712.6

or matching by vocation, or matching

Time: 1714.37

by income and background.

Time: 1715.78

And back then, there was also a lot less discussion

Time: 1718.42

about trauma and histories around trauma,

Time: 1720.56

as well as positive episodes in people's lives.

Time: 1722.89

Nonetheless, there's a lot of power in a study like this.

Time: 1726.58

And there are some very basic takeaways,

Time: 1728.863

some of which you may have heard before but some of which may be

Time: 1731.53

surprising those of you who haven't.

Time: 1734.78

So one of the key things about the study

Time: 1737.68

is people in the study, at least those

Time: 1740.83

who still have intact memory, which many of them do,

Time: 1743.95

are able to think back on not just

Time: 1746.68

their previous year or week but 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 50

Time: 1750.37

years ago and compare what makes them happy

Time: 1753.7

at one age versus another age.

Time: 1755.86

A number of things have emerged from that conversation.

Time: 1758.48

So I just want to discuss some of the highlight points

Time: 1760.798

then we'll get into a little bit more

Time: 1762.34

of the nitty-gritty of the data.

Time: 1763.91

First of all, it's been discussed many, many times

Time: 1767.05

that the total amount of income that an individual makes

Time: 1771.67

or has, and again, this could be income from work,

Time: 1774.55

or it could be money that they inherited,

Time: 1777.28

does not seem to directly relate to their level of happiness.

Time: 1782.33

Now a lot of people take that point and think,

Time: 1785.98

oh, money doesn't matter.

Time: 1787.72

Other people hear that point and think to themselves,

Time: 1791.5

yeah, right, easy to say if you have a lot of money.

Time: 1794.528

We'll talk about the interpretation of those data

Time: 1796.57

in just a few minutes.

Time: 1798.08

But I do want to earmark that finding.

Time: 1800.83

Because I agree that while money or total resources itself

Time: 1807.76

does not predict happiness in any kind of direct way,

Time: 1811.69

that is not the same thing as saying

Time: 1813.4

having very few resources will make you happier, of course.

Time: 1816.55

I don't think anyone would imagine that.

Time: 1818.53

But it also tends to overlook an important point, which

Time: 1822.34

is something that I certainly have learned to appreciate

Time: 1824.71

in my life and something that I especially appreciated

Time: 1827.65

when I was a student and post-doc, which

Time: 1830.482

is the following.

Time: 1831.19

People will say money can't buy happiness.

Time: 1833.53

And we'll talk about the buy aspect of that in a moment.

Time: 1836.87

And indeed, that's true.

Time: 1838.15

If you look at this longitudinal study or you

Time: 1840.682

look at other studies that are done

Time: 1842.14

on a more short-term basis.

Time: 1844.27

Once people get past a certain level of income

Time: 1846.82

relative to their cost of living, the amount of happiness

Time: 1851

does not scale with that income.

Time: 1852.62

That is, for every additional $1,000 or $10,000

Time: 1855.8

that they earn, they don't report

Time: 1857.33

being that much happier on a daily basis.

Time: 1860.27

Now that said, I venture the argument that while money truly

Time: 1866.66

cannot buy happiness, it absolutely can buffer stress.

Time: 1870.89

And in particular, it can buffer stress

Time: 1872.75

in the form of the ability to purchase or pay

Time: 1876.11

for goods and services, and in particular services.

Time: 1880.34

You're not going to tell me that having children

Time: 1884.21

doesn't involve some increase in the demands

Time: 1886.34

on your life, less sleep, and more demands.

Time: 1888.35

And it certainly is the case that if you

Time: 1890.36

can hire help to clean.

Time: 1892.74

You can hire nannies if that's your thing.

Time: 1895.55

You can hire help to assist with babysitting or even night

Time: 1898.28

nurses if you're having trouble sleeping that will literally

Time: 1901.07

allow you to sleep while they take care of your child

Time: 1903.35

in the middle of the night.

Time: 1904.77

Often give excellent care.

Time: 1906.29

One hopes excellent care.

Time: 1907.55

That that won't offset some of the stress

Time: 1909.5

associated with lack of sleep.

Time: 1910.97

So there are a million different examples

Time: 1913.29

one could give of this, but I certainly experienced this

Time: 1916.34

during graduate school.

Time: 1917.34

In fact, I experience both sides of the equation here.

Time: 1919.82

I made very little money as a graduate student.

Time: 1922.47

I had essentially no savings when I started graduate school,

Time: 1925.34

and I made very little money.

Time: 1926.57

The amount doesn't matter at this point,

Time: 1928.237

but I could just barely afford rent and my food.

Time: 1930.95

I actually opted to live in the laboratory a lot of the time.

Time: 1934.95

And by doing that, I had more money

Time: 1937.255

to spend on other things that were important to me.

Time: 1939.38

Now I did not have a family at the time,

Time: 1941.64

and so I was able to do that.

Time: 1943.22

Something that not everyone can do.

Time: 1944.75

But I made very little money, but at the same time,

Time: 1948.44

I was in laboratory all the time,

Time: 1950.01

and that's where I wanted to be.

Time: 1951.63

And so my level of stress was actually

Time: 1953.45

pretty low because I was investing

Time: 1955.01

all my time and energy into the very thing

Time: 1957.11

that I knew would eventually help bring me more resources.

Time: 1961.42

When I moved from being a graduate student to a postdoc,

Time: 1964.36

for instance.

Time: 1965.35

A postdoc is generally a three to five-year period.

Time: 1968.72

It's sort of like residency in medicine,

Time: 1970.57

where you're no longer taking courses,

Time: 1971.89

but you continue to do research.

Time: 1973.24

In fact, entire new lines of research

Time: 1975.7

and prior to getting a professorship.

Time: 1978.1

My income went up slightly, went up by about 30% to 40%.

Time: 1983.77

But because of where I moved and because of the times,

Time: 1987.88

my cost of living went way, way up and I was extremely

Time: 1990.79


Time: 1991.79

So it wasn't my absolute income, it

Time: 1994.87

was my absolute income relative to my cost of living.

Time: 1998.29

The other thing that one needs to consider

Time: 2000.33

when considering income versus cost of living is there's

Time: 2004.41

also this notion of peer group.

Time: 2005.702

And we're going to talk more about social bonds

Time: 2007.66

and connections later.

Time: 2008.675

But one thing that I noticed when

Time: 2010.05

I moved from being a graduate student to a postdoc

Time: 2012.18

was I was a graduate student in a small town where I had access

Time: 2016.95

if I chose to participate in most, if not all,

Time: 2020.28

of the social gatherings because they were all very low cost.

Time: 2023.28

People tended to aggregate at the farmer's market

Time: 2025.47

on Saturday.

Time: 2025.975

Most people wouldn't even purchase anything, at least not

Time: 2028.35

the graduate students wouldn't purchase anything.

Time: 2030.06

It was just a place to aggregate.

Time: 2031.435

People sometimes play pickup games of soccer

Time: 2033.36

or just hang out have a cup of coffee.

Time: 2035.58

There was a volleyball game on Fridays.

Time: 2037.56

Sometimes people would go out to eat that evening,

Time: 2040.03

which of course, costs money, et cetera,

Time: 2042.18

but it was relatively low cost of living.

Time: 2043.95

And social connections and peer group interactions

Time: 2048.12

were all generated around the same fairly low-cost

Time: 2051.27


Time: 2052.26

When I transitioned to being a postdoc, I made more money,

Time: 2056.55

but cost of living went up.

Time: 2058.71

But in addition to that, my peer group

Time: 2061.38

tended to want to engage in the same kinds of activities

Time: 2064.98

that people in that larger city were engaged in.

Time: 2068.25

So peer group has a tremendously powerful influence on

Time: 2071.489

whether or not we gauge the amount of money

Time: 2074.1

that we have as bringing us happiness or not.

Time: 2077.637

And that really speaks to the critical importance

Time: 2079.679

of social interactions and certain kinds

Time: 2082.139

of social interactions, in particular.

Time: 2084.188

Now, if any of that was unclear, what I'm basically saying is

Time: 2086.73

it's not just about being able to pay your rent.

Time: 2089.07

It's also about being able to access

Time: 2091.44

the kinds of social interactions that you deem are quote-unquote

Time: 2096.239

correct for you at that stage of life

Time: 2098.76

and in the place where you happen to be living.

Time: 2100.86

Because if you can meet all the demands of costs of rent

Time: 2104.88

and paying your power bill and food, et cetera,

Time: 2107.61

but you are socially isolated because your peer

Time: 2110.58

group, or those around you that you want to engage with,

Time: 2113.88

are engaging in activities that you either don't have time for,

Time: 2117.6

literally, because you're doing other things

Time: 2119.94

or that you don't have the financial resources for,

Time: 2123.15

then that can actually severely impact this rating

Time: 2127.53

of what we call happiness.

Time: 2129.36

Why am I parsing this so finally?

Time: 2131.07

Well, I'm parsing and finally because I think that most of us

Time: 2133.74

have heard the outcome of this study from Harvard

Time: 2136.95

or the more short-term studies, also many of which

Time: 2141.072

are from Harvard.

Time: 2141.78

We'll talk about the just phenomenal work

Time: 2143.55

from Dan Gilbert's laboratory and other laboratories who have

Time: 2146.092

focused on issues like these.

Time: 2147.48

And I certainly don't want to take anything away

Time: 2149.1

from those results.

Time: 2149.892

They're very powerful and important results

Time: 2151.95

that really point over and over to the fact

Time: 2153.87

that people's happiness does not necessarily scale with income.

Time: 2157.99

In fact, it tends not to past a certain level,

Time: 2161.61

and yet I think we'd be remiss, I

Time: 2164.173

think actually it would be inappropriate

Time: 2165.84

for me to say that the amount of income that one makes

Time: 2168.87

is not important.

Time: 2169.89

Because if the amount of money that you happen to have

Time: 2173.43

or are making does not allow you to meet

Time: 2176.88

your basic needs of shelter, health care, et cetera.

Time: 2181.56

And/or doesn't allow you to access

Time: 2183.81

the kind of social interactions that can renew and reset

Time: 2188.31

or, I would say, directly enhance

Time: 2190.62

the kind of neurotransmitter systems and hormones

Time: 2193.02

that lead us to feel that we are happy in our life

Time: 2195.78

and we're having quality social connections, well then

Time: 2198.87

that's very stressful.

Time: 2200.057

And this brings me back to the statement I made earlier,

Time: 2202.39

which is, indeed, money cannot buy happiness,

Time: 2205.39

but it certainly can buffer stress.

Time: 2207.52

And one of the ways that it buffers stress

Time: 2209.4

is by allowing options of different kinds

Time: 2212.16

of social interactions.

Time: 2213.69

Options of different types of recreation

Time: 2216.63

that one can engage in to access new forms of social interaction

Time: 2220.2

and so on and so on.

Time: 2221.59

So we need to be a little bit careful or at least nuanced

Time: 2224.435

about this statement that money can't buy happiness

Time: 2226.56

and that the data support the fact that wealth

Time: 2228.477

doesn't determine happiness.

Time: 2230.19

I think there is a truth to that but there's

Time: 2232.44

another side to that, I think is less often acknowledged

Time: 2236.13

and that certainly I've experienced

Time: 2237.833

and that I think many of you out there have probably

Time: 2240

experienced as well.

Time: 2241.24

One other major finding of the Harvard longitudinal

Time: 2243.39

study on happiness, as well as shorter-term studies

Time: 2246.21

on happiness, is that much as you've

Time: 2249.27

heard, perhaps that no one on their deathbed

Time: 2252.63

says they wish they had worked more, well indeed,

Time: 2256.05

the total amount of time that one spends working

Time: 2258.51

does not seem to determine one's happiness.

Time: 2262.36

And yet I also want to earmark that result as one that we need

Time: 2265.8

to parse a bit more carefully.

Time: 2267.84

Because work, last time I checked

Time: 2271.08

and certainly for me, is the way typically

Time: 2273.54

that people earn an income.

Time: 2275.02

And as we just talked about a moment ago,

Time: 2277.38

income is often a way that people have access

Time: 2280.89

to or provide access for their family

Time: 2283.59

to things like recreation that opens up

Time: 2286.92

the opportunity for more social connection, right.

Time: 2289.56

So we have to be careful with how we interpret these blanket

Time: 2292.89

statements that have become very popular that money doesn't

Time: 2296.22

determine happiness and that the amount that you work

Time: 2299.19

isn't going to determine happiness.

Time: 2301.35

It certainly is the case that if you earn more money

Time: 2304.65

from working more and that money is devoted

Time: 2308.37

to things that bring more opportunities

Time: 2310.17

for social connection or for buffering stress

Time: 2312.63

in other areas of your life, including health care,

Time: 2315.89

care for your children, care for yourself,

Time: 2317.64

recreation, other things that you enjoy, well then

Time: 2321.21

I think it's a little bit naive to assume that work itself is

Time: 2325.68

somehow counter to happiness.

Time: 2328.21

Which, of course, it isn't.

Time: 2329.91

And it especially isn't if we combine that feature of work

Time: 2334.71

with another important feature of the human psyche, which

Time: 2337.5

is this notion of meaning.

Time: 2339.13

Now in the not-too-distant future,

Time: 2340.6

we will do an episode of this podcast on meaning

Time: 2343.47

and what constitutes meaning in a given endeavor, work

Time: 2346.08

or otherwise.

Time: 2347.22

But much of the psychology of the last century, and still

Time: 2351.78

today, focuses on this feature of meaning

Time: 2354.36

as a critical one in terms of what makes us happy

Time: 2357.69

and what doesn't make us happy, certainly in the long term.

Time: 2361.48

And I can certainly say for myself

Time: 2363.24

that learning and teaching, and doing research in my laboratory

Time: 2366.3

brings me tremendous feeling of meaning and happiness.

Time: 2371.19

Some people consider their work simply

Time: 2373.68

a way to gain a paycheck, and other people

Time: 2377.23

find that they would do the very work they do regardless of

Time: 2379.89

whether or not they were paid.

Time: 2381.14

In fact, many people will do volunteer work and other forms

Time: 2383.68

of work for zero money.

Time: 2385.67

So this idea that money isn't important

Time: 2388.24

or that work is not as important as we deem it to be,

Time: 2392.02

that also needs to be considered from a number

Time: 2394.36

of different perspectives.

Time: 2395.6

And again, by no means am I trying

Time: 2397.15

to undermine the data of these impressive studies, both

Time: 2399.67

the longitudinal and short-term studies,

Time: 2401.41

but I think we do have to be cautious in our discussion

Time: 2404.77

of results like these because the internet is

Time: 2408.34

replete with conversations about the big factors that

Time: 2413.08

determine happiness.

Time: 2413.98

It's going to be social connection, not income.

Time: 2416.35

It's going to be the amount of time

Time: 2419.14

that you are able to have open thinking and creativity, which

Time: 2423.37

I think is an essential feature of happiness, by the way.

Time: 2425.77

Physical health.

Time: 2427.18

In particular, one's ability to stay mobile

Time: 2431.05

and to be able to access the kind of daily activities

Time: 2433.87

that one needs to accomplish unassisted

Time: 2436.45

is a strong correlate of happiness and so on and so on.

Time: 2441.11

And, of course, there are the basic physiology factors.

Time: 2444.13

The things that feed back onto our overall feelings

Time: 2447.01

of well-being.

Time: 2447.7

And I've talked about these before,

Time: 2449.56

and we'll just put these quickly into a bin.

Time: 2451.78

You can think of this as a toolkit of things

Time: 2453.97

that you and everyone really should be constantly trying

Time: 2456.82

to access, if not optimize, on a regular basis because they

Time: 2460.45

raise the tide or what I would call

Time: 2462.16

the buoyancy of your overall system,

Time: 2464.623

meaning your brain and body.

Time: 2465.79

And that would be getting sufficient deep sleep at least

Time: 2469.48

80% of the nights of your life.

Time: 2471.01

And ideally, the remaining 20% you're not getting deep

Time: 2473.35

sleep or as much of it because of positive events.

Time: 2477.34

Quality nutrition.

Time: 2479.17

Quality social interactions.

Time: 2480.76

And we will define that a little bit better.

Time: 2482.602

In fact, we will define that in a lot of detail later

Time: 2484.81

in this episode and actually how to get better

Time: 2486.94

at creating quality social interactions,

Time: 2488.83

even very brief social interactions.

Time: 2491.84

So we have sleep, we have nutrition,

Time: 2495.19

we have social interactions.

Time: 2496.81

We have purposeful work, whether or not

Time: 2498.73

it's paid work or non-paid work.

Time: 2500.65

And, of course, there are things like exercise

Time: 2503.98

and maybe relationships to pets and things of that sort.

Time: 2507.07

And there are a few others as well.

Time: 2509.06

All of those are known to increase your overall state

Time: 2511.66

of well-being, that puts you in a position

Time: 2514.12

to access more meaning and happiness, et cetera.

Time: 2516.91

But for most people, I think it's

Time: 2518.98

fair to say that earning a living.

Time: 2521.2

And earning a living by working is the typical way in which

Time: 2525.49

we spend most of our time.

Time: 2527.12

So I think we need to put a special bracket

Time: 2529.48

around those activities.

Time: 2530.56

And it's something we will return to a little bit

Time: 2532.602

later in terms of trying to understand how periods of life

Time: 2535.45

in which there are big or extensive work demands

Time: 2539.2

or extensive family demands on us

Time: 2541.45

are indeed compatible with states of happiness

Time: 2544.03

or frequent states of happiness and how better to access those.

Time: 2547.09

Rather than simply say money isn't important

Time: 2550.27

or the amount of time at work really isn't important.

Time: 2552.952

That's not what people are going to pay attention to.

Time: 2555.16

In fact, I don't know how I will feel on my deathbed.

Time: 2557.77

How could I?

Time: 2559.18

Human beings are pretty good about understanding

Time: 2561.73

how they feel in the present.

Time: 2563.05

If not describing it, they are pretty good at feeling it

Time: 2566.32

if they have any sense of internal state.

Time: 2569.2

That is interception.

Time: 2570.28

And you could have some idea of how you feel in a moment.

Time: 2573.43

We're pretty good about describing our past feelings,

Time: 2577.18

at least in broad contour, but we are not

Time: 2580.27

very good at projecting how we will feel in the future.

Time: 2582.89

And in fact, that's a theme that's

Time: 2584.307

going to come up again and again today.

Time: 2586.54

Nonetheless, what we do know on the basis of really solid data

Time: 2591.58

are that certain aspects of our well-being

Time: 2594.7

tend to change across our lifespan.

Time: 2597.04

Now lifespan is something that we

Time: 2600.13

need to consider from also a bit of nuance

Time: 2602.83

because humans are indeed living longer and longer.

Time: 2605.87

And if we look at the data on happiness

Time: 2607.84

across the lifespan dated maybe 30 or 40 years back or even

Time: 2612.43

20 years ago, it is consistently described

Time: 2615.79

in that literature as a so-called u-shaped function.

Time: 2618.64

Where people in their 20s report being very, very happy,

Time: 2625.09

but as time goes on and they acquire more responsibility.

Time: 2629.21

So typically, getting married and having

Time: 2631.15

children in their mid to late 20s and 30s and into their 40s.

Time: 2635.92

Having more work demands, et cetera,

Time: 2638.02

happiness tends to be rated lower and lower,

Time: 2640.37

at least in those previous studies.

Time: 2641.83

And then happiness tended to increase as people

Time: 2645.79

approach their 50s and 60s.

Time: 2647.5

And they tended to retire, and their work demands

Time: 2649.653

were shed from them, and they were

Time: 2651.07

able to enjoy the small things of life despite the fact

Time: 2653.8

that, in general, I would say almost always

Time: 2657.28

people's health is not as vigorous when they're 70

Time: 2660.16

as it is when they're 20.

Time: 2661.75

There are exceptions to that, of course.

Time: 2663.7

Of course, you can adjust the rate of cognitive and physical

Time: 2666.65


Time: 2667.15

But in general, people in their 20s

Time: 2668.85

feel more physically and mentally vigorous

Time: 2670.6

than they do in their 60s and 70s, in general.

Time: 2673.39

That u-shaped function that I just described still

Time: 2676.78

holds true today, but of course, there

Time: 2678.91

have been some major shifts to the general life stages

Time: 2683.74

and when people undergo those life stages.

Time: 2685.985

For instance, many people are getting married much later.

Time: 2688.36

Many people are opting to not have children.

Time: 2690.62

In fact, if you look at the data on whether or not people have

Time: 2694.12

children or not and how that relates to happiness,

Time: 2697.115

everyone will tell you that their kids are their greatest

Time: 2699.49

source of joy, at least most people will tell you that

Time: 2701.8

and are a tremendous source of happiness.

Time: 2705.04

It's obvious.

Time: 2705.64

Kids are delightful, and raising kids while hard

Time: 2708.7

is a wonderful experience.

Time: 2710.93

If you look at the ratings of happiness

Time: 2713.62

among people that elected to not have children versus those that

Time: 2718.6

had, most people who have children

Time: 2721.3

report their overall levels of happiness

Time: 2723.25

as lower than that of people who opt not to have children.

Time: 2728.17

Now there are a lot of ways to interpret those findings.

Time: 2731.08

And by no means am I encouraging people to not have children.

Time: 2734.8

That's a issue that you have to resolve for yourself,

Time: 2737.92

of course.

Time: 2739

But we could imagine, for instance,

Time: 2741.71

that people who opt not to have children

Time: 2744.16

have more income to devote to things more focused

Time: 2746.89

on themselves or their partner or other aspects of their life.

Time: 2750.5

We don't know if that's the underlying reason.

Time: 2752.65

We could perhaps conclude that people

Time: 2755.2

who opt not to have children are getting more sleep

Time: 2757.9

on a regular basis or have more time for exercise

Time: 2761.26

or the other sorts of things that elevate

Time: 2763.3

states of mood and well-being.

Time: 2765.25

Again we do not know what the underlying

Time: 2767.38

reasons are for this finding.

Time: 2768.76

But it does seem that despite most every parent

Time: 2772.54

reporting that their kids are their greatest source of joy

Time: 2775.03

and quote-unquote happiness in life

Time: 2776.92

that people who opt not to have children are at least as happy

Time: 2780.43

or report being at least as happy or even happier

Time: 2784

than those that opt to have children.

Time: 2787

And, of course, I want to be very clear

Time: 2789.22

that I'm not trying to settle any arguments about

Time: 2792.087

whether or not people should have children or not.

Time: 2794.17

I happen to find children and animals delightful.

Time: 2797.17

And I'm always happy when people opt to have children

Time: 2800.83

provided they are taking good care of their children

Time: 2803.278

or doing their very best to take good care of their children.

Time: 2805.82

So that's my stance.

Time: 2807.34

But of course, you're all entitled

Time: 2809.08

to your own stance on this.

Time: 2810.68

There are also the general arguments

Time: 2812.275

that people like to have about whether or not

Time: 2814.15

the population of the Earth will be sustained or not sustained

Time: 2817.073

based on current birth rates, et cetera.

Time: 2818.74

Indeed many areas of the world, birth rates are going down.

Time: 2822.04

It is actually something that just

Time: 2824.26

as a perhaps point of interest has

Time: 2825.82

been studied from the somewhat unusual but logical perspective

Time: 2831.28

of whether or not child diapers are selling at the same rate

Time: 2835.42

as they were some years ago and whether or not adult diapers

Time: 2838.96

for the elderly are being sold at the same rate or greater.

Time: 2843.38

If you think about it is one indirect measure of whether

Time: 2846.82

or not people are living longer and/or opting to have children.

Time: 2849.84

Definitely in discussion for another time,

Time: 2851.59

probably for another podcast entirely.

Time: 2853.87

I'd like to take a quick break and acknowledge

Time: 2856.09

one of our sponsors Athletic Greens.

Time: 2858.25

Athletic Greens, now called AG1, is

Time: 2861.04

a vitamin-mineral probiotic drink

Time: 2863.11

that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs.

Time: 2865.9

I've been taking Athletic Greens since 2012,

Time: 2868.69

so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

Time: 2870.97

The reason I started taking Athletic Greens,

Time: 2872.803

and the reason I still take Athletic Greens once or usually

Time: 2875.53

twice a day, is that it gets me the probiotics

Time: 2878.56

that I need for gut health.

Time: 2880.18

Our gut is very important.

Time: 2881.32

It's populated by gut microbiota that

Time: 2883.83

communicate with the brain, the immune system, and basically

Time: 2886.33

all the biological systems of our body

Time: 2888.07

to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health.

Time: 2891.61

And those probiotics and Athletic Greens

Time: 2893.53

are optimal and vital for microbiotic health.

Time: 2897.313

In addition, Athletic Greens contains a number

Time: 2899.23

of adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals

Time: 2900.85

that make sure that all of my foundational nutritional needs

Time: 2903.49

are met.

Time: 2904.12

And it tastes great.

Time: 2906.088

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 2907.63

you can go to,

Time: 2910.84

and they'll give you five free travel packs that make it

Time: 2913.39

really easy to mix up Athletic Greens while

Time: 2915.377

you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera.

Time: 2917.71

And they'll give you a year supply of vitamin D3K2.

Time: 2921.31

Again that's

Time: 2923.92

to get the five free travel packs and the year supply

Time: 2926.49

of vitamin D3K2.

Time: 2928.2

So this u-shaped function of people being happier

Time: 2932.31

earlier in life and then reporting

Time: 2934.74

feeling far less happy and then happiness

Time: 2936.63

returning to them, that is, the rising of the u again

Time: 2939.48

in their later years, is something that I do believe

Time: 2942.39

should be repeated in modern times.

Time: 2945.18

And repeated in a way that takes into account that you

Time: 2948.6

might be shifted to the right.

Time: 2950.82

That is, I am certainly aware that people are

Time: 2954.14

tending to get married later.

Time: 2955.85

Many are opting to not have children.

Time: 2957.57

So, for instance, the question arises whether or not

Time: 2960.98

that u-shaped curve should have a bump down

Time: 2963.17

at the bottom of the u among those

Time: 2964.86

that opt not to have children.

Time: 2966.11

Because the argument was made in the discussion of those papers

Time: 2969.77

that the reason why happiness is lower

Time: 2972.26

when people are in their 30s, 40s, and 50s

Time: 2974.39

is because they're devoting more time to raising their children

Time: 2977.33

and devoting more time to work.

Time: 2980.008

I would hope people would enjoy their work,

Time: 2981.8

but not everybody really enjoys their work.

Time: 2983.6

And many people, even if they do enjoy their work

Time: 2986.083

and they find meaning in it, still

Time: 2987.5

find it stressful, which certainly

Time: 2989.57

can run counter to happiness.

Time: 2992.99

Nowadays, you could imagine that because a number of people

Time: 2996.41

are opting perhaps to work less or to not have children

Time: 2999.26

or both, where they find tremendous meaning

Time: 3001.312

from their work that there would be

Time: 3002.77

a bump at the bottom of that u among those that decided to

Time: 3007.42

simply not take on these additional responsibilities.

Time: 3010.113

That would be an interesting test,

Time: 3011.53

I think, of whether or not the total load of responsibility

Time: 3016.03

is really what's correlating with reported happiness or not.

Time: 3020.44

Now one very consistent finding that has absolutely

Time: 3023.38

stood the test of time, and it's kind of an interesting one.

Time: 3025.88

It's a little bit of a pop psychology finding,

Time: 3027.49

but I think it points to something interesting that we

Time: 3029.98

will return to again and again is

Time: 3031.36

that people tend to report feeling

Time: 3034.66

lower levels of happiness, believe it or not,

Time: 3037.13

on their birthday.

Time: 3038.71

And the argument for why this is the following.

Time: 3043.33

That typically, we go through our year

Time: 3046.87

not comparing ourselves to our peers terribly much.

Time: 3050.5

We might do that a little bit more

Time: 3052.257

when we're in elementary school, high school, et cetera.

Time: 3054.59

We're sort of age match, maybe even college as well.

Time: 3056.95

But an evaluation of ourselves to our age-match peers

Time: 3060.31

is not typically something that we do on a daily basis.

Time: 3064.03

Whereas on our birthday, we get a snapshot

Time: 3066.91

of where we are in the arc of time, or at least in our life.

Time: 3070.51

And many people report feeling rather low on their birthday

Time: 3074.35

because they use that as a benchmark or a window

Time: 3077.98

into the things that they have not accomplished.

Time: 3080.53

The things that, despite being age blank,

Time: 3083.71

they still haven't accomplished.

Time: 3085.48

And so that's interesting because what it really

Time: 3087.61

points to is two things.

Time: 3088.91

One the extent to which much of our feelings of happiness

Time: 3092.17

are relative, in particular, relative to our peers.

Time: 3094.91

So there's that social aspect again.

Time: 3097.57

And the fact that most of the time, we

Time: 3100.66

are not very good at orienting ourselves

Time: 3103.15

in the longer arc of time.

Time: 3104.253

We're pretty good at knowing where

Time: 3105.67

we are in the arc of a day, or the arc of a week,

Time: 3107.712

or the arc of a month, or even a year, but that most of us

Time: 3110.68

are not very good at reflecting on where

Time: 3112.51

we are in our life arc.

Time: 3113.968

And, of course, most of us don't know

Time: 3115.51

how long we will live anyway, but we

Time: 3117.55

do have some general sense.

Time: 3118.96

I mean, very few people live past the age of 100.

Time: 3122.29

Many people live to be 70 or 80.

Time: 3125.02

And again, life span is extending as far

Time: 3128.95

as we know from year to year.

Time: 3131.08

But, in general, people report that on their birthdays.

Time: 3134.44

And I should say these are for birthdays

Time: 3136.21

aged 25 or later, at least in the studies

Time: 3140.05

I was able to access.

Time: 3141.798

I don't think that a lot of three-year-olds

Time: 3143.59

sit around comparing themselves to other three-year-olds

Time: 3145.923

and how well they're doing or 12-year-olds.

Time: 3147.82

You can imagine some people might do that at 18, et cetera.

Time: 3150.55

But it's really by the mid-20s that people

Time: 3152.89

start evaluating themselves to their peers

Time: 3155.05

in terms of life progression and so-called milestones.

Time: 3158.05

It's been argued that that's one of the reasons why people

Time: 3160.66

report lower affect, lower levels of happiness

Time: 3162.79

on their birthday.

Time: 3163.54

Something that's a little bit counterintuitive.

Time: 3165.498

And, of course, there are things that are

Time: 3167.207

anti-correlated with happiness.

Time: 3168.73

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a few of these.

Time: 3171.04

That's longitudinal study, the Harvard happiness project

Time: 3174.85

has reported, for instance, that people that

Time: 3177.82

are chronic smokers of nicotine and chronic

Time: 3180.94

consumers of alcohol, in particular alcoholics.

Time: 3183.85

That is, people who suffer from alcoholism

Time: 3185.62

or what sometimes is called alcohol use disorder that

Time: 3188.95

is strongly anti-correlated with happiness.

Time: 3191.26

And I should also mention that the family members,

Time: 3193.39

and in particular, the romantic partners

Time: 3195.13

of people who are chronic smokers and the partners

Time: 3199.72

of people who are chronic alcohol users, often

Time: 3203.2

will report lower levels of happiness.

Time: 3204.79

Especially if they themselves are not

Time: 3206.83

chronic smokers or regular consumers of alcohol.

Time: 3211.3

So we've done episodes on nicotine in particular,

Time: 3215.02

and that touched on smoking, of course.

Time: 3216.73

And we've done an episode on alcohol

Time: 3219.37

and the effects of alcohol on health.

Time: 3221.74

Again, you can find those at

Time: 3223.81

This study from the Harvard happiness project

Time: 3226.99

really has strong data supporting

Time: 3229.69

the fact that avoiding being a nicotine smoker.

Time: 3232.81

There are positive health effects of nicotine

Time: 3234.888

that are discussed in the episode nicotine.

Time: 3236.68

But being a-- but smoking nicotine, in particular,

Time: 3239.44

is counterproductive for people's at least self-reported

Time: 3243.46

happiness and certainly overall health.

Time: 3245.53

I think there's zero question that smoking increases

Time: 3248.14

cancers of different kinds.

Time: 3249.73

And that alcohol consumption.

Time: 3251.65

And in particular, alcohol consumption beyond two

Time: 3254.44

drinks per week.

Time: 3256.39

Two drinks being the typical volume of a beer,

Time: 3258.85

a glass of wine or cocktail, et cetera,

Time: 3260.92

is detrimental for various aspects of health.

Time: 3263.087

And, of course, there are other things

Time: 3264.67

that you could imagine would relate to a lack of happiness.

Time: 3268.15

For instance, a major trauma.

Time: 3270.23

Physical or emotional trauma.

Time: 3272.5

That could include the loss of a major relationship,

Time: 3274.69

a death of a close one.

Time: 3277

Being the victim of a violent crime and things of that sort.

Time: 3280.21

And yet it's been argued, in fact, strongly argued that when

Time: 3285.07

you look at people's levels of happiness after a trauma,

Time: 3289.42

that if you wait about a year or so,

Time: 3294.07

sometimes is even as short as three months

Time: 3296.23

after a trauma, that people self-reported levels

Time: 3299.38

of happiness are not significantly lower than they

Time: 3302.83

were prior to the trauma.

Time: 3304.36

Now I very much want to highlight, underline, and bold

Time: 3308.83

and asterisks that statement as one

Time: 3311.322

that we really need to explore carefully.

Time: 3313.03

Because there are other data that strongly point to the fact

Time: 3317.23

that major life traumas can severely

Time: 3320.08

disrupt one sense of happiness and well-being.

Time: 3322.27

And I think as long as we're going to have this discussion,

Time: 3324.728

we should point to a useful definition of trauma.

Time: 3327.79

And the definition that I'll paraphrase

Time: 3329.83

is one that was supplied by a former guest on the Huberman

Time: 3333.94

Lab podcast, Dr. Paul Conti, who's a psychiatrist who's

Time: 3337.33

written a book called Trauma.

Time: 3338.71

I personally think it's the best book on trauma and tools

Time: 3342.492

for alleviating trauma.

Time: 3343.45

It's incredibly thorough, easy to read, and well-informed.

Time: 3347.35

And here again, I'm paraphrasing,

Time: 3349.897

but Dr. Conti describes trauma as something that fundamentally

Time: 3352.48

changes the way that our brain and body function

Time: 3356.44

in a way that makes other aspects of living

Time: 3358.99

more challenging.

Time: 3360.58

Again, an event, either emotional or physical,

Time: 3363.52

or both, that fundamentally changes the way

Time: 3365.56

that our brain and/or body, our nervous system,

Time: 3370

and other organs function in a way that prevents us

Time: 3373.42

from enjoying daily activities.

Time: 3375.91

And that could even be ongoing distraction.

Time: 3377.83

Traumas can create rumination, or they

Time: 3380.11

can create obsessive thought, or they can create dissociation.

Time: 3382.87

Any number of different things.

Time: 3384.2

Again check out that episode with Dr. Paul Conti

Time: 3386.83

if you'd like to learn more about trauma

Time: 3388.57

and how it manifests.

Time: 3389.47

But the idea that's been put forth

Time: 3392.02

by a number of researchers in the field of happiness

Time: 3394.75

that three months after a major trauma, people

Time: 3397.45

aren't reported that they are feeling any less happy

Time: 3400.87

than before the trauma, that was surprising to me.

Time: 3403.27

So I went into this literature a bit more deeply.

Time: 3406.22

One of the basis of that general line of thinking

Time: 3409.48

is a-- what I consider a now classic and very important

Time: 3413.29

and frankly excellent talk that was

Time: 3415.27

given by Professor Dan Gilbert on the science of happiness.

Time: 3418.75

You can find this on YouTube.

Time: 3421.78

I say a classic one because it was done some years ago.

Time: 3424.84

It's received millions of views.

Time: 3426.85

And one of the points that he makes in that talk which

Time: 3429.1

is grounded in research carried out

Time: 3431.14

by his laboratory and other laboratories is that--

Time: 3434.53

he poses a question.

Time: 3436.25

He says you know, let's do a quiz.

Time: 3438.79

Would you rather be someone who wins the lottery

Time: 3441.26

and he shows a picture of somebody who just won,

Time: 3443.26

I think it was several hundreds of millions of dollars

Time: 3445.51

in the lottery, or was recently made paraplegic lost

Time: 3449.14

use of their legs?

Time: 3450.95

And then goes on to state that one year

Time: 3454.28

after people have won the lottery,

Time: 3456.21

this major monetary windfall versus have become paraplegic

Time: 3459.86

is that their self-reported levels of happiness

Time: 3462.68

are the same.

Time: 3463.77

Which I think is incredibly surprising.

Time: 3467.03

I heard this, and I immediately thought of an experience

Time: 3470.9

that I've had where I teach a course at Stanford

Time: 3474.56

School of Medicine on neural regeneration.

Time: 3477.02

And it's actually a course that I attended some years

Time: 3479.51

ago when I was a post-doc at Stanford,

Time: 3481.17

so well over a decade ago.

Time: 3483

And we had-- excuse me.

Time: 3485.63

We had an individual come into the course.

Time: 3489.18

This was an older gentleman.

Time: 3491.03

So older meaning he was in his early 70s.

Time: 3493.55

And he had become paraplegic fairly late in life

Time: 3496.37

from a cycling accident.

Time: 3498.02

And he was and is an expert in what

Time: 3503.61

it is to become a paraplegic, of course,

Time: 3505.41

because he had that experience, but also because he spends

Time: 3507.827

a lot of his time doing volunteer work with people who

Time: 3510.12

have become paraplegic and have become paraplegic

Time: 3512.67

at different ages.

Time: 3513.54

And what he described to me was that the overall outcomes

Time: 3517.47

for people that are rendered paraplegic

Time: 3519.99

in terms of their mental health and their physical well-being

Time: 3523.76

and their management of general life skills

Time: 3526.11

scales with how early they had that injury

Time: 3530.4

and how long they had the use of their limbs.

Time: 3532.57

So it's not straightforward.

Time: 3535.3

When I heard this result described by Dr. Dan Gilbert,

Time: 3540.19

that winning the lottery and becoming paraplegic

Time: 3542.44

basically don't impact your levels of happiness

Time: 3545.23

to any different degree when people look back a year later,

Time: 3550.22

I was pretty surprised given my experience

Time: 3553.15

of hearing this lecture at Stanford.

Time: 3555.17

So I thought, wow, from what I understand.

Time: 3557.14

Indeed, there are people who are rendered paraplegic

Time: 3559.36

and manage that transition very easily.

Time: 3562

It doesn't seem to disrupt their feelings of well-being,

Time: 3564.592

et cetera, but for other people, it

Time: 3566.05

can be severely disrupting to their sense of well-being

Time: 3570.61

and so on and so forth.

Time: 3572.23

I went back and examined these data.

Time: 3575.29

And in fact, a subsequent talk, it's

Time: 3577.69

actually a podcast that was given by Dr. Dan

Time: 3580.39

Gilbert some years later.

Time: 3582.167

So this would be just a few years ago.

Time: 3583.75

I think in 2019-- there is a specific date

Time: 3586.18

in which it was recorded but just a few years ago.

Time: 3589.43

And indeed, he corrects himself in that podcast.

Time: 3593.05

What he says is that he misspoke in that earlier talk.

Time: 3597.04

That the difference in self-reported levels

Time: 3600.55

of happiness for those that have been rendered paraplegic

Time: 3603.76

for versus those who've won the lottery is not as great as one

Time: 3608.86

would expect.

Time: 3609.445

I think most people would expect that being rendered paraplegic

Time: 3612.07

would make people far less happy.

Time: 3614.2

That's the expectation, I think, anyway.

Time: 3616.21

And that people would win the lottery,

Time: 3617.89

at least for some period of time,

Time: 3619.36

would be far happier than they were

Time: 3621.19

prior to winning the lottery.

Time: 3623.77

And especially given the tremendous amount of money.

Time: 3626.51

And again, the fact that money can't buy happiness,

Time: 3629.6

but that money does indeed enable the ability

Time: 3632.41

to buffer stress provided people were

Time: 3634.99

responsible with that money and just

Time: 3636.49

didn't blow it or spend it all right away.

Time: 3638.32

That they could start to afford things

Time: 3640.12

that they couldn't afford, not just in terms of luxury items

Time: 3642.73

but also the ability to hire help

Time: 3644.7

that would free up time that would allow them to do anything

Time: 3647.2

from travel that they couldn't access before to meditate

Time: 3649.997

if that was something that they didn't have time to do before.

Time: 3652.58

And so on and so forth.

Time: 3654.02

So the result quote unquote that winners

Time: 3658.12

of the lottery and recent paraplegics

Time: 3659.71

have the same levels of happiness is actually not true.

Time: 3662.35

At least according to the author of the original study.

Time: 3665.44

Now what he did not point to is the degree to which that is not

Time: 3668.95

true, but he did point to the direction of the result.

Time: 3671.377

And the fact that people who are rendered paraplegic, in fact,

Time: 3673.96

are reporting themselves as less happy

Time: 3677.85

than they were prior to their injury.

Time: 3679.56

And certainly that their levels of happiness

Time: 3682.2

are lower than those that simply won the lottery

Time: 3684.753

hundreds of millions of dollars, which I think

Time: 3686.67

is the more intuitive result.

Time: 3688.96

And so I think it's important to be aware of that discrepancy

Time: 3691.83

because it's something that was lost

Time: 3693.33

in the communication around those results

Time: 3696.27

the first time around.

Time: 3697.39

And indeed, Dan Gilbert is an excellent scientist

Time: 3700.53

and was quite good about trying to correct the narrative.

Time: 3704.28

I myself, as a podcaster who puts information

Time: 3707.178

on the internet, know that the challenges of correcting

Time: 3709.47

narratives, especially of things that came out some time ago,

Time: 3712.945

we always attempt to do this as best we

Time: 3714.57

can, but not everyone that saw that first video will

Time: 3717.09

necessarily hear the discussion that has happened subsequently.

Time: 3720.24

So my hope is that Dr. Gilbert will interpret me communicating

Time: 3725.28

this now not as an attempt to criticize him

Time: 3727.26

but rather as an attempt to praise his willingness

Time: 3729.51

to try and correct the narrative to be more accurate.

Time: 3732.1

So to be very clear about what this study did and didn't show.

Time: 3735.09

And here, I'm going to combine these results

Time: 3738.72

with other studies that I was able to find

Time: 3741.03

that explored similar phenomenon.

Time: 3742.89

So major trauma, for instance.

Time: 3745.05

Not necessarily becoming paraplegic but traumas

Time: 3748.05

of a different sort, emotional traumas.

Time: 3750.63

When you look at the whole of those data, at least,

Time: 3753.06

my read is that when people win the lottery or acquire wealth

Time: 3758.34

through inheritance, some form of wealth acquisition

Time: 3761.22

that is sudden and that wasn't preceded by a specific effort

Time: 3764.67

to gain that wealth, right.

Time: 3765.9

Buying a lottery ticket is a pretty quick thing.

Time: 3768.33

Inheritance is something that you simply

Time: 3770.64

get by virtue of who you are, not necessarily by effort.

Time: 3774.39

Well, that led to increases in self-reported happiness

Time: 3779.46

compared to prior to the inheritance of the lottery win,

Time: 3782.43

but it wasn't as substantial as you

Time: 3784.8

might imagine if you are approaching

Time: 3787.44

the notion of happiness simply from,

Time: 3789.9

well, more money equals more happiness.

Time: 3792

And while it is true that people who are rendered paraplegic

Time: 3796.29

or who undergo psychological traumas or physical traumas

Time: 3800.94

of any various kind are, and frankly,

Time: 3805.69

are remarkably resilient in many cases.

Time: 3808.2

They can still manage to go about life and work

Time: 3811.38

and engage in relationships, et cetera.

Time: 3813.87

There is a visible decrease in overall levels of happiness

Time: 3818.1

and well-being, in particular, if

Time: 3820.47

the psychological and physical trauma

Time: 3822.69

renders their nervous system different in a way that

Time: 3827.58

impacts other major areas of life and enjoyment for them.

Time: 3831.81

And that's certainly true one year out from the trauma.

Time: 3834.85

So the point is that we do need to reframe

Time: 3837.118

this idea that whether or not you win the lottery

Time: 3839.16

or become paraplegic or suffer some major trauma,

Time: 3841.463

your levels of happiness are going

Time: 3842.88

to be the same three months or a year later.

Time: 3845.13

I don't think that's accurate.

Time: 3846.91

And in fact, Dr. Dan Gilbert emphasized

Time: 3849.51

that that's not accurate even in that initial study.

Time: 3853.26

And I think it's an important thing

Time: 3855.06

to frame because that's such a popular notion.

Time: 3857.73

Or that that idea combined with the idea

Time: 3859.98

that increased earnings don't make us happy

Time: 3862.53

combined with the idea that we are happy early in life

Time: 3866.91

but then as more demands arise in life, we become less happy,

Time: 3870.27

and then we become happy again.

Time: 3871.77

And that idea is we already explored

Time: 3873.75

is not necessarily true.

Time: 3874.785

Frankly, I knew a lot of teenagers and people

Time: 3876.66

in their early 20s that are pretty unhappy who

Time: 3879.235

then become happier later as they acquire more resources.

Time: 3881.61

Sometimes distance, let's be honest,

Time: 3883.74

sometimes distance from our family of origin

Time: 3886.26

makes us more happy, sometimes less so.

Time: 3888.51

It's highly individual.

Time: 3889.99

So I think those general themes that we've heard over and over,

Time: 3893.4

while they have merit and they certainly stand up

Time: 3895.5

in some of the more powerful longitudinal

Time: 3897.87

and short-term studies, there is nuance, and in some cases,

Time: 3901.35

there are now additional data that are causing us

Time: 3903.42

to revise those understandings.

Time: 3905.43

Now there is an important point, or I

Time: 3906.99

should say the important point, that we can really

Time: 3910.74

credit Dan Gilbert and others in the field of psychology with

Time: 3914.64

and that we owe them a great debt of gratitude

Time: 3916.95

for is that we do have far more control

Time: 3921.39

over our levels of happiness than we might think.

Time: 3924.18

And many of the things that reside

Time: 3927.42

at that level of control.

Time: 3929.07

That is, the things that we can do and think and say and access

Time: 3933.87

don't come from external things.

Time: 3936.87

They don't come necessarily from the acquisition of material

Time: 3940.38

goods, but rather there are things

Time: 3942.9

that we can do that can allow us to so-called synthesize

Time: 3947.4


Time: 3948.04

And I think this is one of the great gifts

Time: 3950.01

of modern psychology is that--

Time: 3952.95

Dan Gilbert and others, the Harvard happiness project,

Time: 3955.62

work at Yale and elsewhere.

Time: 3957.69

There are excellent labs working on happiness all over the US

Time: 3961.38

and all over the world, frankly.

Time: 3963.58

One of the great gifts that they've supplied us

Time: 3965.55

in the form of data is that there really

Time: 3967.92

are things that we can all do and think and access

Time: 3971.07

to allow ourselves to so-called synthesize happiness.

Time: 3974.4

Now, this notion of synthesizing happiness,

Time: 3977.19

or synthetic happiness as it's sometimes called,

Time: 3980.07

can sometimes ruffle people's feathers a bit.

Time: 3982.2

Because people immediately flip to the idea

Time: 3985.62

that, oh, you're just going to tell

Time: 3987.27

me to be grateful for what I have or to just navel

Time: 3990.72

gaze or just to imagine that I'm happy.

Time: 3992.763

But that's really not what synthetic happiness

Time: 3994.68

is about at all.

Time: 3995.587

Synthetic happiness actually has to do

Time: 3997.17

with some really important larger principles about the way

Time: 4001.25

that our emotional system and the way

Time: 4003.98

that the reward systems of our brain really function.

Time: 4008.33

And they point to important concepts

Time: 4010.55

that we're going to now discuss.

Time: 4012.26

Things like the hedonic set point, for instance.

Time: 4015.27

Or the dopamine system of anticipation

Time: 4017.96

of rewards versus receiving words just as a brief insight

Time: 4021.35

into that.

Time: 4022.55

Our anticipation of something positive

Time: 4025.19

oftentimes leads to greater increases

Time: 4028.1

in the sorts of neurochemicals that

Time: 4029.87

support a state of happiness and well-being

Time: 4032.39

then the actual acquisition of the thing

Time: 4035.78

that we're trying to obtain.

Time: 4037.04

And this goes back to a theme I've

Time: 4038.457

discussed a few times before in this podcast,

Time: 4041.04

in particular with my colleague at Stanford School of Medicine,

Time: 4043.82

Dr. Anna Lembke, who wrote the fabulous book Dopamine Nation.

Time: 4046.94

If you're interested in dopamine and addiction,

Time: 4049.16

in particular, that's a wonderful clear,

Time: 4052.1

and extremely informative read.

Time: 4054.83

And if you're interested in dopamine more

Time: 4056.75

generally, not just in the states of addiction

Time: 4059.58

but in everyday life and in pursuit and motivation,

Time: 4062.39

The Molecule of More is an excellent book related to that.

Time: 4065.432

And as I mentioned earlier, we have

Time: 4066.89

this episode on dopamine motivation and drive.

Time: 4069.68

The notion of synthetic happiness

Time: 4073.7

is not simply about imagining happiness,

Time: 4076.76

or thinking about happiness or anticipating happiness.

Time: 4079.31

To some extent, it is, but it relates to a number

Time: 4081.95

of other important themes.

Time: 4083.33

But it is grounded very thoroughly

Time: 4085.67

in the neurobiology of dopamine rewards.

Time: 4089.03

And I'll talk about some of that neurobiology in a few moments.

Time: 4092.07

But I want to take a couple of minutes

Time: 4094.7

and talk about what synthetic happiness is

Time: 4096.92

and what some of the conditions are

Time: 4098.66

for allowing us to access the state

Time: 4100.729

of so-called synthetic happiness.

Time: 4102.479

And I want to point out at the outset

Time: 4104.6

that synthetic happiness, while it might sound synthetic A.K.A.

Time: 4108.979

false, it's anything but.

Time: 4111.08

It actually turns out to be among the more and perhaps

Time: 4113.99

the more potent form of happiness

Time: 4115.85

that we can all access.

Time: 4117.109

And this is where themes related to our control

Time: 4121.069

over our own internal state really

Time: 4123.17

become not only valid but very powerful.

Time: 4126.01

So, for instance, Dr. Dan Gilbert and others

Time: 4130.38

have explored how opportunity and choice, that is, freedom

Time: 4135.42

can and can't lead to states of happiness.

Time: 4137.729

And the results of those studies are very solid and, frankly,

Time: 4141.64

very surprising.

Time: 4142.95

Until you understand the results, and once you do,

Time: 4145.83

I think you will immediately see areas of your own life

Time: 4148.8

that you can start to access more happiness, again

Time: 4151.8

genuine happiness, simply by framing

Time: 4154.62

certain choices in a particular way

Time: 4156.359

and maybe even by eliminating choices.

Time: 4158.729

Now I'd like to focus on the research aimed

Time: 4160.649

at understanding what increases our levels of happiness.

Time: 4164.25

And I'd like to frame this under the umbrella of two

Time: 4167.01

major themes.

Time: 4167.83

The first theme is so-called natural happiness.

Time: 4170.729

Natural happiness is the sort of happiness that most of us

Time: 4173.43

are familiar with.

Time: 4174.76

So the kind of happiness that we expect

Time: 4176.7

to have if we, for instance, complete a degree.

Time: 4180.479

Hopefully, a degree in a topic meaningful and interesting

Time: 4183.149

to us but a degree nonetheless.

Time: 4185.43

Or we find a mate.

Time: 4187.59

Hopefully, a mate that we enjoy spending time with.

Time: 4189.99

Or, for instance, making a certain income or finding

Time: 4193.02

work that we enjoy on a regular basis.

Time: 4195.45

All of those are forms of happiness

Time: 4196.98

that, from a very early time in development,

Time: 4199.44

we are taught exist.

Time: 4201.83

For instance, even when we are very young,

Time: 4203.58

we are told that our birthday is coming

Time: 4205.23

and that we are going to get presents,

Time: 4206.55

and those presents are going to be

Time: 4207.967

focused on knowledge of things that we already enjoy.

Time: 4211.012

So if you're a little kid, and you like trucks,

Time: 4212.97

or you're a little kid and you like dolls,

Time: 4215.1

you can sort of expect that those gifts will bring you

Time: 4217.92

some level of joy or happiness.

Time: 4219.69

And while that's a small child example,

Time: 4222.54

that general notion of natural happiness

Time: 4224.85

is, of course, one that persists into adolescence,

Time: 4228.96

into young adulthood, and into adulthood.

Time: 4231.58

And we quite understandably come to associate

Time: 4235.02

this feeling of joy or happiness with the receiving of things

Time: 4239.28

or the acquisition of things, whether by effort,

Time: 4241.83

by gift, by inheritance, or some other form.

Time: 4244.39

So that's natural happiness.

Time: 4245.68

And yet, as I mentioned a little bit earlier,

Time: 4248.52

there's also this notion of synthetic happiness.

Time: 4251.25

And some of the more interesting and exciting research

Time: 4253.8

in the fields of psychology and, in fact, neuroscience

Time: 4256.47

point to this idea of synthetic happiness

Time: 4259.8

as at least as powerful a source of happiness

Time: 4263.7

as natural happiness.

Time: 4265.38

Again, at least as powerful and perhaps even more powerful.

Time: 4269.25

And of course, one has to take a slightly different view of what

Time: 4272.34

happiness is in order to accept this idea that we can create

Time: 4275.43

happiness for ourselves, but that doesn't mean

Time: 4279.09

that the whole notion of synthetic happiness

Time: 4281.37

is merely a passive one where all we

Time: 4283.23

do is sit back and imagine being happy and then we are happy.

Time: 4286.71

For better or for worse, our nervous systems

Time: 4288.93

and our neurochemistry simply don't work that way.

Time: 4292.21

In fact, synthetic happiness has almost always

Time: 4294.6

been understood as something that we

Time: 4296.43

have to put some effort toward achieving.

Time: 4298.98

But, and this is an important thing to point out,

Time: 4302.28

synthetic happiness also requires

Time: 4304.71

that certain situational or environmental conditions

Time: 4308.52

be met.

Time: 4309.99

A good example of this is some of the work by Gillian Mandich,

Time: 4313.59

or I should say Dr. Gillian Mandich, who's

Time: 4315.93

done some interesting work on the conditions for creating

Time: 4319.23

happiness within our mind and in our overall state of being.

Time: 4323.37

And she's been involved in a number of different studies.

Time: 4326.25

But one of the ones that I found particularly interesting

Time: 4328.89

is one in which they explored different types of music

Time: 4333.03

and other aspects of environmental settings.

Time: 4335.43

So you bring subjects to the laboratory

Time: 4337.26

play them different types of music.

Time: 4338.85

There are, in fact, certain aspects of music

Time: 4342.12

that can create different states of mind sadness,

Time: 4344.95

happiness, anticipation.

Time: 4346.83

In fact, there are certain patterns of music

Time: 4348.93

that can reliably induce anticipation of the fear

Time: 4352.77

and anxiety base type.

Time: 4354.36

So, for instance, think the movie Jaws.

Time: 4357.12

If you recall, for those of you who have seen Jaws,

Time: 4359.46

there's this ongoing theme music any time

Time: 4362.79

the shark might be present in the water or in a given scene.

Time: 4366.69

That essentially goes [HUMMING]

Time: 4369.3

Now for the musicians out there, this

Time: 4371.1

has basis in things like tritones and things

Time: 4373.35

that are understood from the mathematics

Time: 4375.42

and the musical side.

Time: 4377.1

And from the neuroscience side, are

Time: 4378.81

known to create a neural state of anticipation.

Time: 4382.86

Yeah, a neural state of anticipation

Time: 4384.84

and not necessarily a positive one.

Time: 4386.88

And indeed, there are other patterns of music

Time: 4390.12

that involve up tones.

Time: 4392.67

Think some of the music that's typically been used

Time: 4396.75

in cartoons of various sorts.

Time: 4399.21

There's a long history of this.

Time: 4400.59

Indeed there's a whole literature

Time: 4402.18

of psychological and now even a smaller but still interesting

Time: 4406.41

literature on the neuroscience of how

Time: 4408.57

certain patterns of music can induce

Time: 4410.82

a state of joy and joyful anticipation, in particular.

Time: 4414.21

A lot of those patterns of music are incorporated

Time: 4416.76

into so-called happy cartoons and Disney movies

Time: 4419.76

and things of that sort.

Time: 4421.23

In any case, Dr. Mandich and others have explored how music,

Time: 4426.29

in particular, but other features of the environment can

Time: 4429.59

or cannot induce states of happiness.

Time: 4431.21

And the basic takeaway from those studies

Time: 4433.16

is that while having a certain environmental sound,

Time: 4438.89

musical tone, or visual feature to a given space, a room,

Time: 4445.13

is necessary for a state of happiness,

Time: 4448.08

it is not alone sufficient.

Time: 4449.75

What is required is that individuals not only

Time: 4453.5

be placed into an environment that

Time: 4455.3

contains music or visual items or a combination of music

Time: 4460.22

and visual items that can induce states

Time: 4462.62

of joy or happiness or positive anticipation,

Time: 4465.56

but that they also are given some sort of instruction

Time: 4469.55

or instruction manual as how to synthesize happiness

Time: 4473.18

inside of that environment.

Time: 4475.65

This is important because what this

Time: 4477.53

says is that our ability to create states of happiness

Time: 4480.95

is dependent on our environment but also requires effort

Time: 4484.61

from us.

Time: 4486.08

That also makes sense as to why when we are under conditions

Time: 4489.32

of deprivation.

Time: 4490.315

So it could be social deprivation

Time: 4491.69

or financial deprivation.

Time: 4493.28

Or even for people that are very sensitive to whether.

Time: 4496.31

There are a certain number of individuals, about 30%

Time: 4499.55

of people, who report feeling very, very low under conditions

Time: 4503.3

where the sky is overcast.

Time: 4505.55

Especially if it's been overcast for a number of days.

Time: 4507.89

The so-called seasonal affective depression.

Time: 4510.77

Those individuals, by the way, can often

Time: 4512.96

receive tremendous benefits in terms

Time: 4514.82

of elevating their mood if they make an effort to get sunlight.

Time: 4517.47

And if they can't get sunlight, artificial light of the sort

Time: 4519.97

that we talked about earlier.

Time: 4521.49

But in any case, there are a number

Time: 4524.36

of people that are profoundly negatively influenced

Time: 4528.38

by the lack of positive visual and auditory cues

Time: 4533.06

in their environment.

Time: 4534.05

But for most people, we are in what

Time: 4537.38

I would call a dynamic relationship

Time: 4539.27

with our environment.

Time: 4540.4

Our environment has an effect on our mood.

Time: 4542.15

But the research indicates that we also

Time: 4544.13

need to make some sort of effort toward being happy.

Time: 4547.46

Now effort toward being happy is a very vague term.

Time: 4550.89

So let's better define what that is.

Time: 4553.01

In the case of Dr. Mandich's work,

Time: 4555.53

this took the form of doing so-called happiness

Time: 4558.29

inventories, right.

Time: 4560

That can be focusing on things that one is grateful for,

Time: 4563.27

things that they particularly enjoy.

Time: 4565.85

This is somewhat of a gratitude-type practice

Time: 4569.39

but includes some other features as well

Time: 4571.22

that are more focused on the things that

Time: 4572.93

bring you meaning and actually engaging in the things

Time: 4575.372

that bring you meaning.

Time: 4576.33

So if you're trying to think about how

Time: 4577.913

to improve your levels of happiness, what

Time: 4580.37

this research essentially says is that you would

Time: 4583.34

be smart to try and adjust your home environment,

Time: 4586.64

adjust your work environment so that it is cheerful to you.

Time: 4589.288

Maybe that means a plant.

Time: 4590.33

For me, in my laboratory, one of the things

Time: 4593.18

that was really critical that I had as a postdoc

Time: 4595.4

and in my own laboratory when I first started my lab was I

Time: 4600.11

love aquaria.

Time: 4600.95

So I had multiple fish tanks.

Time: 4602.36

In fact, people in my laboratory were always rolling their eyes.

Time: 4604.37

Why do we have to have all these fish tanks with all these--

Time: 4606.87

I like freshwater tanks, not saltwater tanks,

Time: 4610.022

for reasons that aren't interesting

Time: 4611.48

for this discussion.

Time: 4612.313

But freshwater tanks with discus fish, for instance, to me,

Time: 4616.268

are just beautiful.

Time: 4617.06

They make me happy.

Time: 4617.91

I just enjoy them.

Time: 4619.37

Music is a complicated thing in laboratories

Time: 4621.26

because it's a shared space.

Time: 4622.56

So headphones are the general requirement.

Time: 4625.04

But having either silence if you love silence.

Time: 4627.945

And I happen to like working in silence

Time: 4629.57

or listening to certain forms of music.

Time: 4631.195

I do also use the 40 Hertz binaural beats.

Time: 4634.58

Or I particularly like listening to Glenn Gould while I work

Time: 4639.32

or listening to whale song, believe it or not,

Time: 4641.34

while I work because it doesn't have any structure that I

Time: 4643.04

can follow.

Time: 4643.74

I don't speak whale, and so I can't follow.

Time: 4645.92

But it sort of fills the space in a way that I find pleasant.

Time: 4648.53

And I've put substantial amounts of effort

Time: 4650.78

into making my laboratory spaces and my office

Time: 4653.69

spaces, my workspaces, nice places to be.

Time: 4657.2

Now I had no knowledge of this work

Time: 4659.18

from Dr. Mandich and others at the time when I did that.

Time: 4662.092

But what I found was that over the years,

Time: 4663.8

I was challenged in maintaining a kind of elevated mood

Time: 4668.117

while working in a laboratory, not because I didn't thoroughly

Time: 4670.7

enjoy the work, I love doing experiments with my hands,

Time: 4672.992

and I loved being in lab, but at least the labs that I was

Time: 4675.988

in as a graduate student and post-doc there

Time: 4677.78

were no windows so I wasn't getting adequate sunshine.

Time: 4680.39

The windows that we didn't open, so I

Time: 4682.91

wasn't getting a lot of fresh air, and so on and so forth.

Time: 4685.59

So I've personally found it very valuable

Time: 4687.68

to create an environment both at work and at home

Time: 4690.77

that I find aesthetically pleasant, at least in some way

Time: 4694.66

or another.

Time: 4695.16

And I realize people have varying levels

Time: 4696.827

of control over their aesthetic environment.

Time: 4699.74

Certainly, the auditory environment

Time: 4701.457

can be controlled nowadays through the use of headphones

Time: 4703.79

if you're allowed to use those.

Time: 4705.082

So, for instance, using music or using background sound

Time: 4708.38

that you find very pleasant combined

Time: 4710.93

with a concerted effort on your part

Time: 4713.45

to create states of happiness by hopefully doing work that's

Time: 4718.94

meaningful to you or at least is leading to meaningful outcomes.

Time: 4722.34

We'll talk a little bit more about that.

Time: 4724.38

But these happiness inventories also

Time: 4726.53

turn out to be interesting and important sources of creating

Time: 4729.74

so-called synthetic happiness.

Time: 4731.3

And we'll also talk about other ways

Time: 4732.8

that one can create elevated levels of synthetic happiness.

Time: 4735.83

And I realize the word synthetic probably

Time: 4737.6

draws up connotations of false happiness

Time: 4740.42

or contrived happiness.

Time: 4741.77

I wish instead of calling it synthetic happiness.

Time: 4743.9

They had called it self-created or self-directed

Time: 4746.665

happiness or something of that sort because then it

Time: 4748.79

wouldn't sound as false.

Time: 4750.56

Because it's simply not false.

Time: 4753.05

It leads to the same, as far as we

Time: 4755.48

know, identical neurochemical and psychological states

Time: 4757.73

of happiness as natural happiness.

Time: 4759.147

And might even be more persistent

Time: 4761.09

than natural happiness.

Time: 4762.44

It certainly, is more under our control.

Time: 4764.63

But the key point is that environment

Time: 4766.43

and self-directed work at being happy are both important,

Time: 4771.56

and they interact with one another.

Time: 4773.4

So if you're somebody who has a hard time synthesizing

Time: 4776

happiness through any of the methods

Time: 4778.16

that we talk about today, don't consider yourself deficient.

Time: 4782.353

It could very well be that the environment that you're in,

Time: 4784.77

social environment or physical environment,

Time: 4786.562

or auditory environment, is simply not

Time: 4788.25

conducive to synthesizing happiness.

Time: 4791.118

And for that reason, I think the work

Time: 4792.66

of Gillian Mandich and colleagues and others

Time: 4795.12

in the field is tremendously important because it removes us

Time: 4797.91

from this pressure to just synthesize happiness

Time: 4801.12

from within despite our circumstances.

Time: 4803.34

I think many of us have heard of the incredible stories

Time: 4806.82

of people like Viktor Frankl or Nelson Mandela who

Time: 4810.12

were stripped of their freedom and yet

Time: 4812.28

managed to maintain some sense of positive anticipation

Time: 4815.16

or at least some sense of identity

Time: 4818.46

that allowed them to still access forms of happiness.

Time: 4821.49

Those are highly unique situations, of course.

Time: 4823.62

And they speak to the power of the human psyche

Time: 4826.92

for synthesizing happiness and certainly for synthesizing

Time: 4829.86

a sense that there might be a future and to live

Time: 4832.62

into that future.

Time: 4833.67

In their cases, incredibly impressive ways.

Time: 4836.228

But I think for most everybody, the environment that we're in

Time: 4838.77

has a powerful impact on our mood.

Time: 4840.93

And some people more than others.

Time: 4843.337

I know people that are perfectly happy with blank walls.

Time: 4845.67

No pictures on the walls.

Time: 4846.712

Other people benefit tremendously

Time: 4848.46

from having photos or plants in their environment and so on.

Time: 4851.8

You really have to determine what's needed for you

Time: 4854.16

and do your best to try and place

Time: 4855.552

those things into your environment,

Time: 4857.01

or rather, place yourself into an environment that

Time: 4859.26

is conducive to you synthesizing your happiness.

Time: 4862.42

In fact, the powerful interaction

Time: 4864.18

between our environment and our own ability

Time: 4866.82

to generate certain kinds of emotions

Time: 4869.85

is well established not just for happiness

Time: 4871.81

but for things like gratitude.

Time: 4873.06

So, for instance, there's a classic study from AMES A-M-E-S

Time: 4876.45

in 2004 that was focused on gratitude.

Time: 4880.59

And we've had an episode on gratitude before.

Time: 4883.23

The basic takeaway of that episode

Time: 4884.82

is that it turns out receiving gratitude

Time: 4888.27

is a more powerful stimulus for the release

Time: 4893.01

of neurochemicals and activation of brain areas associated

Time: 4895.68

with so-called prosocial behaviors

Time: 4897.24

and feelings of well-being, including happiness.

Time: 4900.3

But also observing stories in the form of movies or books

Time: 4904.86

or other narratives of other people receiving help

Time: 4907.14

is also a very powerful stimulus for gratitude.

Time: 4909.57

Also, giving gratitude is very powerful but not

Time: 4912.93

as powerful as receiving gratitude, at least

Time: 4915.06

that's what the research says, or observing

Time: 4917.01

powerful exchanges of gratitude between other individuals.

Time: 4920.37

What the study from AMES showed is

Time: 4922.26

that gratitude as a state of mind and as an emotion

Time: 4926.55

does not exist in a vacuum.

Time: 4928.39

It's not independent of our surroundings.

Time: 4931.602

So, for instance, just writing down

Time: 4933.06

all the things you're grateful for while it

Time: 4934.852

has some positive impact, the impact of that

Time: 4937.44

or receiving gratitude or observing gratitude

Time: 4939.96

is far more potent, right.

Time: 4942.42

Bigger increases in happiness and feelings

Time: 4944.94

of well-being and indeed neurochemicals and activation

Time: 4947.19

of brain areas associated with happiness and well-being

Time: 4950.16

when there's a reciprocity.

Time: 4952.02

When the person receiving understands something

Time: 4955.147

about the person that's giving to them

Time: 4956.73

and understands that the person is giving genuinely,

Time: 4958.897

for instance.

Time: 4959.439

So there's an environmental interaction.

Time: 4961.105

It's not just about receiving, it's

Time: 4962.7

receiving from somebody that you know genuinely wants to give.

Time: 4966.21

And likewise, for the giver in that equation,

Time: 4969.45

the feelings of well-being are far greater

Time: 4971.97

when the person receiving whatever

Time: 4974.55

it is money, food, assistance in some form or another.

Time: 4978.39

Could be physical assistance, et cetera.

Time: 4980.97

When the giver has knowledge that the person receiving it

Time: 4984.03

genuinely needed the thing that they are receiving.

Time: 4986.187

So the important finding within the research, again and again,

Time: 4988.77

is that happiness doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Time: 4992.02

It's partially our own responsibility

Time: 4993.99

to synthesize happiness.

Time: 4994.99

You know, I was told that many times you're like happiness

Time: 4997.407

is in your head.

Time: 4998.1

Well, yes, indeed, it's in your head,

Time: 5000.08

but it's also dependent on interactions

Time: 5003.5

with your environment.

Time: 5004.44

Physical environment and social environment, and so on.

Time: 5007.14

Likewise, gratitude is something that we can create inside of us

Time: 5011.21

right through gratitude lists and appreciation,

Time: 5013.28

or we can give both powerful sources

Time: 5016.19

of evoking neurochemical changes associated with gratitude

Time: 5020.36

and happiness and well-being.

Time: 5022.34

But it, too, doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Time: 5025.23

There's a much greater positive effect

Time: 5027.56

when we have knowledge about why the giver is giving us

Time: 5031.557

something or that the person receiving

Time: 5033.14

something is going to benefit tremendously from receiving it.

Time: 5036.21

So I'm highlighting this because I

Time: 5038.66

think that when we hear about synthetic happiness,

Time: 5041.57

there's a kind of automatic erasing of context

Time: 5045.65

that tends to occur.

Time: 5046.85

And in fact, if you were to peruse the various videos

Time: 5050.6

online or papers that exist on PubMed around happiness

Time: 5054.68

and synthetic happiness, in particular,

Time: 5056.45

you would come away with the impression

Time: 5058.33

that synthetic happiness is just something

Time: 5060.08

that we're supposed to snap our fingers in access

Time: 5062.21

or perhaps do very specific things in access.

Time: 5064.88

But while that is true, context really matters.

Time: 5068.76

And I think that's an important point.

Time: 5070.37

Much in the same way that the point needs

Time: 5073.16

to be made that while money doesn't buy happiness,

Time: 5076.28

money can buffer stress and certainly offer

Time: 5078.35

opportunities that can provide opportunities

Time: 5081.09

for more happiness.

Time: 5082.18

So I think we are starting to arrive at a general theme here,

Time: 5085.15

which is that nothing related to our mood exists in isolation.

Time: 5089.13

And in fact, that leads me to a discussion

Time: 5091.35

of one of the major scientific findings

Time: 5094.77

in the realm of what sorts of mindsets and behaviors

Time: 5098.31

can, in fact, lead to happiness.

Time: 5100.11

And this is a paper that was published in 2008.

Time: 5102.705

Even though that might seem like a while ago,

Time: 5104.58

it forms the basis for a large amount of literature

Time: 5107.1

that followed.

Time: 5107.892

It's a very interesting literature.

Time: 5109.35

This is work from Elizabeth Dunn and colleagues

Time: 5113.04

and was published in the Journal Science.

Time: 5114.97

Which, again, is one of the sort of three apex journals, Nature,

Time: 5118.11

Science, Cell, I always say is sort of the Super Bowl, NBA

Time: 5121.735

championships, and Stanley Cup of scientific publishing--

Time: 5124.11

very, very stringent in terms of the number of papers

Time: 5127.32

they let in.

Time: 5128.01

Very few, that is.

Time: 5129

And the title of this paper makes fairly obvious

Time: 5132

what the paper is about.

Time: 5133.21

The title of the paper is "spending money

Time: 5135.54

on others promotes happiness".

Time: 5137.49

And I know a number of you probably hear that title

Time: 5140.01

and think, oh boy, here we go.

Time: 5141.39

He's going to tell us that giving away all our money

Time: 5144

is going to make us happier than receiving money.

Time: 5146.443

And I promise you, that is not what I'm going to tell you.

Time: 5148.86

But nonetheless, this is a very interesting study,

Time: 5151.08

and it's one that I think that we really

Time: 5152.747

ought to pay attention to.

Time: 5154.41

Because what the study is based on

Time: 5156.78

is the fact that income, provided one's income

Time: 5161.04

meets a certain level of basic needs,

Time: 5163.47

indeed has been shown to have only a weak effect

Time: 5167.76

on overall happiness.

Time: 5170.11


Time: 5170.61

So quoting from the paper in the first paragraph,

Time: 5173.04

quote "income has a reliable but surprisingly weak

Time: 5175.89

effect on happiness within nations".

Time: 5178.14

Within nations just mean they looked

Time: 5179.64

at this in not just the United States,

Time: 5181.44

but a number of other places, as well.

Time: 5184.09

"Particularly once basic needs are met."

Time: 5186.3

OK, so if that's the case, then what aspects

Time: 5189.63

of money and having money are related to happiness?

Time: 5192.048

Certainly, there are people who have a lot of money who

Time: 5194.34

are very happy.

Time: 5195.21

Certainly, there are people who have very little money

Time: 5196.89

who are very happy.

Time: 5197.76

And of course, the reverse is also true.

Time: 5199.645

There are plenty of people who don't have very much money

Time: 5202.02

who are unhappy, and in fact, there

Time: 5204.06

are people who have a lot of money who are very unhappy.

Time: 5207.36

A point that whenever it's made often

Time: 5210.33

leads those with less money to kind of roll their eyes,

Time: 5213.72

because the assumption is more money does increase happiness.

Time: 5217.16

And in fact, it doesn't.

Time: 5218.16

And later, we'll get back to this idea of whether or how one

Time: 5223.98

acquired their money has any impact on whether

Time: 5228.6

or not that money increases their happiness or not.

Time: 5232.17

Let's kind of earmark that for later.

Time: 5233.745

In the meantime, let's talk a little bit more

Time: 5235.62

about the findings in this paper.

Time: 5237.3

This paper is interesting, because what

Time: 5239.94

it did is it explored something called prosocial spending.

Time: 5243.57

Prosocial spending is a phenomenon

Time: 5246.39

where people are taking a certain portion

Time: 5248.67

of their income, and they are giving it to others.

Time: 5252.15

Often for causes or for things that they think

Time: 5255.87

are important to see happen in the world

Time: 5257.762

or change in the world.

Time: 5258.72

That could be a hungry individual having access

Time: 5261.51

to food or medical care.

Time: 5263.58

It could be for environmental causes.

Time: 5265.35

It could be for animal wellness.

Time: 5266.942

It could be for any number of different things.

Time: 5268.9

It could even be giving somebody money

Time: 5270.84

so that they can buy themselves a gift or giving somebody money

Time: 5273.78

and not having any understanding or expectation of what they're

Time: 5277.62

going to do with the money.

Time: 5279.27

Again, one of the central themes around gratitude

Time: 5282.24

is that while receiving is great,

Time: 5286.68

giving is also great in terms of increasing sense of well-being.

Time: 5290.7

And one of the more important features to that

Time: 5293.79

is when we give, either in the form of words

Time: 5297.72

or in the form of resources, knowledge

Time: 5300.89

that the person receiving benefits

Time: 5304.32

from that in some real way, greatly

Time: 5306.45

increases the chance that there's

Time: 5309.03

an increase in happiness for the giver, as well as the receiver.

Time: 5313.098

Again, that's a note about gratitude,

Time: 5314.64

but not an insignificant one as it relates to the study.

Time: 5317.53

So what the study found was that higher prosocial spending

Time: 5320.85

was associated with significantly

Time: 5322.5

greater happiness.

Time: 5323.34

This was a very statistically significant effect.

Time: 5326.16

And they found that the effects of income and prosocial

Time: 5329.43

spending were independent and similar in magnitude.

Time: 5334.398

Independent and similar in magnitude.

Time: 5335.94

I'll explain what that means for those

Time: 5337.523

of you that might be confused by that statement in just

Time: 5340.02

a moment.

Time: 5340.71

Whereas, quote, "personal spending remained

Time: 5343.56

unrelated to happiness".

Time: 5345.22

So what this study basically found

Time: 5346.77

was if people are allotted a certain amount of money

Time: 5351.24

to give away, and one adjusts for overall income,

Time: 5356.483

and this is important, because you

Time: 5357.9

could imagine that for some individual giving away $2,000

Time: 5362.43

might represent a significant portion

Time: 5364.62

of their yearly or monthly income.

Time: 5366.63

And for another individual it might represent a tiny fraction

Time: 5370.11

of their income.

Time: 5371.19

But when you adjust for income level, what you find

Time: 5375.54

is that people who gave away money

Time: 5379.46

benefited tremendously in terms of their own increase

Time: 5382.97

in happiness.

Time: 5384.48

In fact, quote, "employees who devoted more of their bonuses

Time: 5387.89

to prosocial spending, that is giving way

Time: 5389.81

more money, experience greater happiness after receiving

Time: 5392.54

the bonus, and the manner in which they spent that bonus was

Time: 5395.75

a more important predictor of their happiness

Time: 5397.64

than the size of the bonus itself".

Time: 5399.77

This was an actual experiment they ran

Time: 5401.36

with real income, real money.

Time: 5404.065

I'm going to read that again just

Time: 5405.44

to make sure it hits home, because I found

Time: 5407.19

this to be really impactful.

Time: 5410.13

"Employees who devoted a greater fraction of their bonus

Time: 5414

to prosocial spending, that is giving away money to others,

Time: 5418.56

experienced greater happiness after receiving the bonus.

Time: 5421.8

And the manner in which they spent

Time: 5423.39

that bonus was a more important predictor of their happiness

Time: 5426.15

than the size of the bonus itself."

Time: 5427.87

So the actual bonus, the receiving of the money,

Time: 5430.74

led to greater increases in happiness if they gave it away.

Time: 5435.63

And the act of giving it away itself,

Time: 5439.08

led to greater increases in happiness

Time: 5441.36

than receiving the bonus.

Time: 5443.44

So it's a twofer, as you might say.

Time: 5445.62

So the takeaway from this study and studies like it,

Time: 5448.65

I think is pretty obvious that to the extent that we can.

Time: 5451.78

And again, when I say to the extent that we can,

Time: 5453.99

this means whatever percentage of our own income

Time: 5457.59

that we can afford to give away, or if we don't have income,

Time: 5460.96

the percentage of our effort.

Time: 5462.99

I mean this is about money, but it's also about effort.

Time: 5465.39

We can help others, right?

Time: 5466.74

You can serve in food kitchens, you can do community gardening,

Time: 5471.99

you can pick up trash, you can do any number of things.

Time: 5475.2

You can assist a neighbor with child care

Time: 5477.54

or you can assist a neighbor who is physically less

Time: 5480.36

able to retrieve their paper, et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 5482.91

The point is that giving resources,

Time: 5486.66

certainly in the form of money, but also in the form of effort

Time: 5490.68

and time, is immensely beneficial for synthesizing

Time: 5494.91

our own happiness.

Time: 5496.23

That is for the giver, us, to increase

Time: 5498.99

our levels of happiness.

Time: 5500.25

But the degree of increase in our own happiness

Time: 5503.67

is proportional in some way to the extent

Time: 5507.36

to which the person receiving actually needed that help

Time: 5511.08

and registers that help.

Time: 5512.67

Excellent research also points to the fact

Time: 5515.22

that another potent way to synthesize

Time: 5518.13

happiness, that is to create genuine states of happiness

Time: 5521.25

in ourselves, is to leverage the so-called focus system.

Time: 5525.66

Or rather, I should say to de-emphasize the tendency

Time: 5529.32

of our minds to wander.

Time: 5531.107

There's an excellent paper on this, also published

Time: 5533.19

in the Journal Science.

Time: 5534.148

This is now a classic paper.

Time: 5535.38

I talked a little bit about it in the episode on meditation,

Time: 5537.88

but for those of you that did or perhaps

Time: 5539.91

didn't hear that episode, I just want to briefly touch

Time: 5542.82

on a few aspects of the paper.

Time: 5545.31

And in particular, a few aspects of the paper that I didn't talk

Time: 5549.102

about previously.

Time: 5549.81

And the title of this paper, again,

Time: 5551.64

is a very straightforward in terms

Time: 5553.14

of telling you what it's about.

Time: 5554.55

And that is, "A wandering mind is an unhappy mind"

Time: 5558.57

by Killingsworth and Gilbert.

Time: 5560.64

This paper was published in Science in 2010,

Time: 5562.663

and we will provide a link to the paper.

Time: 5564.33

This is frankly, a very interesting paper.

Time: 5566.55

This paper involved several subjects,

Time: 5568.92

or I should say, 2,250 adult subjects.

Time: 5572.34

And what they were able to do was

Time: 5574.23

to contact these subjects while they

Time: 5575.73

were going about living their daily lives

Time: 5578.07

and ask them both what they were doing

Time: 5580.17

and what they were feeling.

Time: 5581.602

Some additional questions that they asked them,

Time: 5583.56

but they were able to establish whether or not

Time: 5586.5

people were watching television or doing housework or working

Time: 5590.55

on a home computer or resting or listening to music, et cetera,

Time: 5594.6

in their natural environment.

Time: 5595.93

So this is outside the laboratory.

Time: 5597.51

And they were able to assess to what extent

Time: 5601.08

those people were happy or unhappy or neutral,

Time: 5605.49

or had some other emotional state at the time

Time: 5607.977

when they were engaging in any number of different activities.

Time: 5610.56

And they assessed whether or not those individuals were also

Time: 5614.88

focused on or focused away from whatever activity they

Time: 5618

were engaging in.

Time: 5618.96

And the takeaways from this study are many,

Time: 5621.03

but for sake of today's discussion, what

Time: 5624.18

I think is especially interesting

Time: 5626.34

is that regardless of whether or not

Time: 5629.28

people were engaging in activities that they enjoyed

Time: 5632.46

or not, the tendency for their mind to wander from an activity

Time: 5637.77

predicted lower levels of happiness

Time: 5639.99

than if they tended to be focused on the activity

Time: 5642.18

they were engaged in.

Time: 5643.71

Now that itself should be surprising.

Time: 5646.48

I mean, what that says is that even if somebody

Time: 5649.2

was engaged in activity like cleaning their house

Time: 5651.6

or doing homework or reading something that they weren't

Time: 5654.6

enjoying, if they were focused on what they were doing,

Time: 5658.09

they tended to report as happier than if their mind was drifting

Time: 5662.73


Time: 5663.61

Now this also points to the idea that perhaps our minds

Time: 5666.57

drift to unpleasant thoughts more than pleasant thoughts.

Time: 5669.09

But they also addressed that in the study.

Time: 5671.43

Point I'd like to make here is quote

Time: 5672.93

"although people's minds were more

Time: 5674.43

likely to wander to pleasant topics

Time: 5677.43

than to unpleasant topics" and there the difference

Time: 5679.753

is pretty significant.

Time: 5680.67

People's minds tended to wander to pleasant topics

Time: 5684.18

about 43% of the time as opposed to unpleasant topics

Time: 5688.08

about 27% of the time.

Time: 5689.91

Or to neutral topics and the remaining 31% of samples.

Time: 5694.02

"People were no happier when thinking

Time: 5696.3

about pleasant topics than about their current activity".

Time: 5700.6

Think about that.

Time: 5701.62

"People were no happier than when

Time: 5703.18

thinking about pleasant things then their current activity".

Time: 5706.25

In fact, the mere focus on what they were doing

Time: 5709.6

was more powerful than anything else,

Time: 5712.97

even if they didn't enjoy what they were doing.

Time: 5715.31

So they go on here to say, quote "although negative moods are

Time: 5717.97

known to cause mind wandering, I now

Time: 5720.4

see strongly suggested that mind wandering was generally

Time: 5723.28

the cause, the cause, and not merely

Time: 5725.92

the consequence of unhappiness."

Time: 5728.09

So there are a lot of aspects of this study that

Time: 5730.09

are worth going into.

Time: 5731.32

But the major takeaway, or the one that perhaps we should all

Time: 5735.1

be most concerned with, is that when we are not

Time: 5737.98

focused on what we are doing, we tend

Time: 5739.66

to be far less happy than when we are

Time: 5741.88

focused on what we are doing.

Time: 5743.237

Even if what we are doing is something

Time: 5744.82

that we don't deem very pleasant.

Time: 5746.395

And certainly, if we are engaged in something

Time: 5748.27

that we consider very pleasant and we are very focused on,

Time: 5750.837

well then our levels of happiness are the highest.

Time: 5752.92

That's sort of obvious.

Time: 5754.12

But what this really speaks to is the tremendous power

Time: 5757.63

of building our ability to focus on what we're doing.

Time: 5761.62

And to stay present to what we are doing.

Time: 5763.493

Now this whole notion of staying present

Time: 5765.16

is one that itself is a little bit complicated.

Time: 5767.39

And in the episode on meditation I talked a little bit about

Time: 5769.93

whether or not it's beneficial to be

Time: 5771.85

present to our internal state, or that

Time: 5775.18

is our inter receptive state.

Time: 5777.34

Our feelings of our heart rate and how full or empty

Time: 5781.6

our gut feels or our state of being from our skin inward,

Time: 5785.35

or whether or not we should focus

Time: 5786.965

on being present to things in our immediate surroundings.

Time: 5789.34

Both our versions of being quote,

Time: 5790.75

unquote "present" as you can imagine.

Time: 5793.1

But in the one case, we're focused internally,

Time: 5795.94

in the other we're focused externally,

Time: 5797.71

and of course, most of the time it's

Time: 5799.21

some combination of the two.

Time: 5800.493

But what this study really says is

Time: 5801.91

that any practice that can powerfully impact our ability

Time: 5805.63

to remain present in the activity we are engaged in,

Time: 5809.955

could even be a phone call, could

Time: 5811.33

be texting for that matter, could be social media

Time: 5814.032

for that matter, right?

Time: 5814.99

We're not placing judgment on the activity here.

Time: 5817.1

In fact, what we're really talking about

Time: 5818.767

is the enormous happiness increasing value

Time: 5822.04

of being present to what we're doing regardless

Time: 5824.68

of what we are doing.

Time: 5825.88

And a practice that's known to be beneficial for increasing

Time: 5828.94

our ability to focus is, among other things,

Time: 5832.76

a short meditation practice.

Time: 5835.31

In fact, work from Wendy Suzuki's lab at NYU,

Time: 5838.12

again, Wendy's been a guest on this podcast.

Time: 5840.13

Her laboratory has shown that even

Time: 5842.02

a very brief meditation of about 13 minutes,

Time: 5845.11

and this would be the sort of quote unquote

Time: 5846.97

"classic" type of meditation of eyes

Time: 5849.07

closed, focusing on one's breathing.

Time: 5851.02

Even a very brief meditation of just 13 minutes

Time: 5853.75

or so done consistently, so ideally, every day.

Time: 5858.31

But I have to imagine that even if you skip a day,

Time: 5860.9

there are still benefits.

Time: 5862.12

That sort of meditation can greatly

Time: 5864.37

enhance one's ability to focus.

Time: 5865.99

In her studies, that was also shown

Time: 5868.06

that sort of brief meditation could also greatly enhance

Time: 5872.02

mood and sleep and various aspects

Time: 5874.698

of cognitive performance.

Time: 5875.74

And work from my laboratory, in collaboration with Dr. David

Time: 5878.5

Spiegel at Stanford, department of psychiatry

Time: 5880.99

has shown that even briefer meditations of even just five

Time: 5884.21

minutes per day can have fairly outsized positive effects

Time: 5887.62

on a number of different parameters, as well.

Time: 5889.66

Those very brief types of meditations,

Time: 5892.36

because they really are focusing and more accurately,

Time: 5895.96

I should say, refocusing exercises.

Time: 5898.24

When you do that sort of activity of closing your eyes

Time: 5901.09

and forcing yourself to focus and refocus

Time: 5903.61

on your breath and internal state,

Time: 5905.56

that is directing your perception inward.

Time: 5907.36

Or if you choose, you could deliberately

Time: 5910.39

focus your perception on some external object

Time: 5912.79

or sound, for that matter.

Time: 5916.06

When one does that, the circuits of the brain involved in focus

Time: 5919.72

dramatically improve.

Time: 5921.49

That is they rewire and increase their ability for you

Time: 5925.3

to achieve focus.

Time: 5927.37

Many of us have heard about meditation, many of us

Time: 5929.77

think about meditation as a "mindfulness" exercise.

Time: 5933.13

Mindfulness in quotes, because that itself needs definition.

Time: 5935.71

But I prefer to view meditations of the sort

Time: 5939.55

that I just described as perceptual or focus

Time: 5942.7

based training, which is really what the data point to.

Time: 5946.48

Notions around consciousness and states of mind

Time: 5948.46

are very hard to define, but it's very clear that even

Time: 5952.03

a 5 minute a day or ideally, an up to a 13 minute a day

Time: 5955.3

meditation can greatly increase our ability to focus.

Time: 5958.6

And based on the findings in this paper,

Time: 5961.09

"A wandering mind is an unhappy mind" also make it very clear

Time: 5964.72

that the ability to refocus again and again

Time: 5968.26

and again on what we're doing throughout our day,

Time: 5971.26

regardless of what we're doing, can

Time: 5973.24

have a very dramatic, in fact, a statistically significant

Time: 5977.53

increase on our levels of overall happiness.

Time: 5980.057

So what else does the research tell us

Time: 5981.64

we can do to increase our levels of genuine happiness?

Time: 5985.36

Well, it's very clear based on the longitudinal study

Time: 5988.66

from Harvard, as well as the Yale happiness

Time: 5991.78

project and the work of numerous laboratories in the US

Time: 5995.23

and elsewhere, that quality social connection

Time: 5999.41

is extremely powerful in terms of its ability

Time: 6002.86

to increase our levels of happiness.

Time: 6005.56

What is quality social connection?

Time: 6007.78

Quality social connection falls into a number

Time: 6010.75

of different bins.

Time: 6011.74

This can be romantic connection, this can be friendship,

Time: 6014.77

this can even be coworker or just

Time: 6016.99

daily superficial interaction type connections.

Time: 6020.47

That's surprising to a lot of people,

Time: 6022.447

because I think a lot of people hear quality social connection

Time: 6025.03

and they think deep conversation.

Time: 6027.1

But it's very clear from the research

Time: 6029.5

that oftentimes our conversations with people

Time: 6033.04

that we are closest to are actually quite shallow.

Time: 6036.163

If you think about it, if you've been in a romantic relationship

Time: 6038.83

or a friendship for a long period of time,

Time: 6040.67

or maybe even a sibling relationship or other family

Time: 6042.88

relationship, much of what you talk about

Time: 6045.79

is fairly superficial or fairly trivial.

Time: 6049.73

In fact, it's often a sharing of the trivial day

Time: 6052.33

to day things between two people or through groups

Time: 6055.78

of people that leads to the feeling

Time: 6058.3

that people are really connected to one another.

Time: 6060.46

In particular, if it's involving shared experiences of any kind,

Time: 6063.82

good or bad.

Time: 6065.48

So there's an extensive literature on social connection

Time: 6068.32

and how to build social connection.

Time: 6069.91

This certainly should be the topic

Time: 6071.53

of a full episode of this podcast

Time: 6073.52

in the not too distant future.

Time: 6075.05

But because social connection can have such a powerful impact

Time: 6078.34

on our states of happiness and overall well-being,

Time: 6081.79

I want to emphasize a few features of social connection

Time: 6085.15

that I think most people might not appreciate.

Time: 6087.4

Once again, when we hear quality social connection,

Time: 6090.14

I think most of us tend to think about deep, meaningful

Time: 6092.86

conversation or long walks on the beach or camping trips

Time: 6096.16

together or travel together.

Time: 6097.52

And while all of those certainly qualify

Time: 6099.46

as wonderful opportunities for social connection,

Time: 6103.24

opportunities for quality social connection

Time: 6105.49

are certainly not limited to those kinds of interactions.

Time: 6108.53

In fact, I can recall times in my graduate career,

Time: 6112.25

so this would be times when I was living in the laboratory.

Time: 6114.88

Because that was a significant portion of my graduate years.

Time: 6117.79

And one of the more important social connections for me

Time: 6121.03

was the staff that worked there in the wee hours of the night

Time: 6124.96

and that came in very early in the morning.

Time: 6126.89

So one of the more regular social connections I had is I

Time: 6129.94

would brush my teeth in the hallway bathroom.

Time: 6133.18

And there was no one else really around at that time,

Time: 6136.04

except for the janitors that tended

Time: 6137.83

to leave early in the morning.

Time: 6139.48

They had worked a good portion of the night.

Time: 6141.37

Or that were arriving very early in the day.

Time: 6143.662

And the fact that I would see them on a regular basis

Time: 6145.87

and maybe exchange a few words about their work

Time: 6147.67

or their families or the holidays, actually for me,

Time: 6149.92

became very meaningful.

Time: 6151.42

In part, because my social connections at the time

Time: 6153.82

were really limited to only social connections

Time: 6156.16

that I had in the context of work.

Time: 6158.38

Now some people might look at my schedule at that time

Time: 6161.29

and look at my life at that time and say, well,

Time: 6163.31

that was very unhealthy.

Time: 6164.68

You were lacking in certain number of ways.

Time: 6167.35

But frankly, looking back, and at the time,

Time: 6169.87

and I know this because I journaled at the time,

Time: 6172.03

I was exceedingly happy, at least

Time: 6173.86

for that stage of my life.

Time: 6175.27

At that stage of my life, I wanted

Time: 6176.86

to be focused primarily on doing experiments and immersing

Time: 6181.6

myself in my scientific training.

Time: 6183.94

And for me, the even seemingly insignificant interactions

Time: 6187.93

of talking to the janitor in the morning

Time: 6191.03

or some of the other regular staff was not insignificant.

Time: 6193.85

In fact, for me it was very significant.

Time: 6195.68

And over the holidays when their hours were reduced,

Time: 6197.99

I actually missed them quite a lot.

Time: 6199.58

And even as I talk about this, I can

Time: 6201.08

recall the feelings of well-being

Time: 6202.7

of just seeing familiar faces.

Time: 6204.377

And that brings up an important point, which

Time: 6206.21

is there's quite extensive literature pointing to the fact

Time: 6210.2

that when we see faces, especially faces in the morning

Time: 6214.37

and in the late afternoon, there is a positive impact

Time: 6218.75

on the emotional circuitry.

Time: 6220.29

Or I should say, the circuitry of the brain that

Time: 6222.29

underlies emotional well-being.

Time: 6224.39

And that shouldn't come as surprising.

Time: 6226.43

We as old world primates, much like other primates,

Time: 6230.15

are very dependent on faces and facial expressions

Time: 6233.81

in terms of registering our own place in life

Time: 6237.33

and our emotional state.

Time: 6239.21

Now the origins of this are many.

Time: 6240.95

In particular, we have a brain area,

Time: 6243.44

it's actually called the fusiform face gyrus.

Time: 6245.425

This is an area of the brain that

Time: 6246.8

was largely discovered by a woman

Time: 6249.38

by Nancy Kanwisher at MIT.

Time: 6251.51

And the Kanwisher lab has done extensive work

Time: 6254.36

showing that this brain area that's

Time: 6256.76

dedicated to the processing of faces, and not just faces

Time: 6261.41

in real life, but faces on computer screens

Time: 6264.47

and elsewhere, are intimately tied

Time: 6267.2

to areas of the brain that are associated with emotionality.

Time: 6269.78

That's actually a work from another laboratory,

Time: 6271.738

Dorsal's laboratory at Caltech, now at Uc Berkeley,

Time: 6274.19

has shown that this face processing

Time: 6276.38

area in the brain in both non-human primates and primates

Time: 6281.24

is directly linked to the areas of our brain

Time: 6284.66

that associate with anxiety and fear.

Time: 6287.18

But also, areas of the brain that

Time: 6288.59

are associated with well-being.

Time: 6290.03

So it comes as no surprise that when

Time: 6291.77

we see faces, in particular, friendly faces,

Time: 6293.99

even if we have just brief interactions with those faces,

Time: 6296.78

and even if no words are exchanged,

Time: 6298.97

that creates the sense of social bond.

Time: 6301.43

And it creates a sense of predictability.

Time: 6303.65

And I raise this again because I think a lot of people

Time: 6305.9

think that social connection always

Time: 6307.61

has to come in the form of close friendships, which

Time: 6310.63

of course are wonderful.

Time: 6311.63

Or close romantic relationships, which of course, are wonderful.

Time: 6314.03

Or close family relationships, which of course, are wonderful.

Time: 6316.77

But as we'll soon discuss in our model of happiness,

Time: 6320.48

or how to achieve happiness based

Time: 6322.07

on the scientific literature in a few minutes,

Time: 6325.79

social connection can and should come in various forms.

Time: 6329.72

And when I say various forms, I mean

Time: 6331.64

forms of brief interaction, more superficial interaction,

Time: 6335.48

and forms of deeper interaction.

Time: 6338.06

All of those are relevant to our states of happiness.

Time: 6340.52

And there's research to support that daily interactions

Time: 6343.85

with somebody at a cafe or just a brief hello or a smile.

Time: 6347.9

Provided that we are both present,

Time: 6350.06

or we make the effort to be present to those interactions,

Time: 6353.07

however brief they are, can have a positive effect

Time: 6355.94

on people's overall well-being.

Time: 6357.26

And not just in that moment, but consistently.

Time: 6360.47

Evidenced by the fact, I think, that

Time: 6362.21

when I look back on those years of working

Time: 6364.34

long hours in the laboratory and essentially restricting myself

Time: 6368.27

either to exercising, sleeping, eating or working.

Time: 6372.68

Again, that's what I wanted at that stage of my life.

Time: 6375.17

Certainly, not the way I live my life now.

Time: 6376.92

But that's what I wanted that stage of my life.

Time: 6379.08

That even those seemingly insignificant

Time: 6381.41

social interactions were important to me

Time: 6384.23

and had a potent impact on increasing

Time: 6386.69

my level of happiness.

Time: 6387.62

And frankly, still do.

Time: 6388.77

And I feel that right now.

Time: 6390.38

That said, I think all of us can appreciate the immense value

Time: 6393.98

of social connection that is of the more long lasting, and for

Time: 6398.09

lack of a better word, richer type,

Time: 6399.93

whether or not that is with siblings or with parents

Time: 6403.25

or with friends or with romantic partners.

Time: 6405.92

For that reason, I want to emphasize a little bit

Time: 6408.32

about what constitutes connection

Time: 6410.78

and what constitutes social connection.

Time: 6412.43

There are basically two forms of social connection

Time: 6414.56

that have been studied and I'll review both,

Time: 6417.11

as it relates to increasing our levels of happiness.

Time: 6419.6

And the first one is presence and eye contact,

Time: 6422.48

and the second is physical contact.

Time: 6424.68

So in terms of presence and eye contact

Time: 6426.71

there's been a lot of studies about

Time: 6428.84

whether or not people exchange direct eye contact

Time: 6431.9

during conversation or not, dictating whether or not

Time: 6435.23

each individual in that interaction

Time: 6438.38

feels as if they had a connection.

Time: 6441.05

Now again, keep in mind that while we think of connection

Time: 6444.23

as relating to some deep or meaningful conversation,

Time: 6446.87

and oftentimes that can be the case.

Time: 6448.37

Think for instance, an excellent therapist patient relationship.

Time: 6452.99

Or an excellent romantic relationship.

Time: 6455.18

Or an excellent friendship where you really feel

Time: 6458.3

heard and understood, or at least to the extent

Time: 6460.46

that people are willing to explore

Time: 6462.19

certain topics with you.

Time: 6463.19

You're willing to hear them and listen really

Time: 6465.065

carefully for what they're saying,

Time: 6466.482

and they're willing to hear and listen to what you're saying

Time: 6469.04

in an attempt to understand.

Time: 6470.57

That certainly can enhance the sense of social connection

Time: 6473.06

leading to what people would call social bonds leading

Time: 6475.94

to increased happiness.

Time: 6477.41

But eye contact is also known to be an important feature.

Time: 6482.03

The thing about eye contact is that most people

Time: 6484.13

assume that a lot of eye contact,

Time: 6486.44

and in fact, ongoing eye contact,

Time: 6488.42

is critical to a sense of connection.

Time: 6491.57

And in fact, that's not the case.

Time: 6493.25

There's a recent paper that I find really interesting that

Time: 6496.577

was published in Proceedings of the National

Time: 6498.41

Academy of Sciences in 2021.

Time: 6501.14

The title of this paper is "Eye contact

Time: 6503.33

marks the rise and fall of shared attention

Time: 6505.64

in conversation".

Time: 6506.67

I find this paper interesting for a number of reasons.

Time: 6508.92

First of all, my laboratory works on internal states

Time: 6511.79

and vision, so it relates directly

Time: 6513.38

to the work that my laboratory does.

Time: 6515.21

But also, that it violates what I thought

Time: 6517.97

was a general rule of social connection, which

Time: 6520.49

is this idea that two people needed to be focused on one

Time: 6522.98

another, that is looking at one another

Time: 6525.23

directly and fairly consistently throughout a conversation

Time: 6528.74

in order for the feeling of connection to emerge.

Time: 6531.17

But it turns out that's not the case.

Time: 6533.335

And in fact, just to give you the takeaway and then

Time: 6535.46

I'll flesh it out a little bit with some data, eye contact,

Time: 6540.29

or I should say mutual eye contact, so two people

Time: 6543.448

registering the presence of the other person looking at them.

Time: 6545.99

You're looking at me and I'm looking at you.

Time: 6547.64

If you're watching this on YouTube,

Time: 6549.098

then perhaps we are actually doing this at that moment.

Time: 6552.223

And if you're listening, just know

Time: 6553.64

that I'm looking directly into the camera

Time: 6555.05

as I'm saying this at this moment.

Time: 6556.467

If we were to be looking directly at one another,

Time: 6559.82

that, it turns out, signals the next step,

Time: 6563.64

which is that it's very likely that we will each both look

Time: 6567.29


Time: 6568.35

And that turns out to be a way in which we set

Time: 6571.49

and reset attention continually during conversation.

Time: 6575.083

So again, I really like this study

Time: 6576.5

because of the high fidelity.

Time: 6578.73

The high temporal precision.

Time: 6580.52

That is, the precision over time at which they

Time: 6582.77

looked at eye contact and engagement of attention

Time: 6588.02

between individuals.

Time: 6589.34

And they did this by looking at things like pupil size

Time: 6591.955

and of course where the eyes were

Time: 6593.33

looking and so on and so forth.

Time: 6594.665

The basic takeaway of this study was the following.

Time: 6596.79

And here I'm quoting from the study.

Time: 6598.29

Quote "Rather than maximizing shared attention,

Time: 6601.49

good conversation may require shifts

Time: 6603.77

in and out of shared states accompanied by eye contact".

Time: 6607.52

So what this basically says is that when

Time: 6610.61

two people are involved in a very,

Time: 6613.125

let's call it an intimate conversation,

Time: 6614.75

but the word intimate should not be misconstrued

Time: 6617.69

to mean something about intimacy or sexual intimacy

Time: 6620.33

or physical intimacy.

Time: 6621.71

Just a conversation in which both people

Time: 6623.99

feel present to the conversation and focused

Time: 6627.32

on that conversation and that conversation and its contents

Time: 6630.02


Time: 6630.95

The tendency is for people to take turns talking,

Time: 6633.84

although sometimes, depending on the individuals

Time: 6635.84

they might interrupt more or less.

Time: 6637.58

Again, interrupting can be a sign of interest,

Time: 6640.37

it doesn't always have to be rude, by the way.

Time: 6642.63

But they're sharing information.

Time: 6645.29

Hopefully, about a common topic or set of topics.

Time: 6648.5

They will at some moment look at one another.

Time: 6651.503

That's what the study shows.

Time: 6652.67

And that after briefly gazing directly at one

Time: 6655.7

another, attention peaks, and then they will look away,

Time: 6659.81

and attention will get reduced.

Time: 6661.67

And then the conversation consists

Time: 6663.74

of a series of focusing back on one another with their eyes,

Time: 6668.51

and then focusing off, focusing on and focusing off.

Time: 6670.94

And those mutual eye contact moments

Time: 6673.94

actually predict the breaking of attention.

Time: 6676.73

So it's this ramping up of attention and braking

Time: 6678.858

of attention.

Time: 6679.4

Ramping of attention and braking of attention.

Time: 6681.56

I think these are important results because they violate

Time: 6683.96

this stereotype or assumption that deep social connection

Time: 6687.68

of the sort leading to happiness always

Time: 6691.04

involves ongoing eye contact or ongoing focus.

Time: 6695.18

Just as with meditation, just as with any activity, frankly,

Time: 6699.65

we undergo shifts in attention and focus.

Time: 6703.58

That is focus ramps up and then it breaks, and then

Time: 6706.55

it re-engages.

Time: 6707.24

It ramps up it breaks, and then it re-engages.

Time: 6709.88

And that, it turns out, is the basis

Time: 6712.28

of in-depth connected conversation.

Time: 6715.17

So for those of you that are interested in creating

Time: 6717.65

social connection in any context,

Time: 6721.11

and in particular for sake of increasing happiness,

Time: 6724.02

because it's very clear that social connections,

Time: 6726.75

even if they are fairly superficial social connections,

Time: 6729.39

can increase our sense of happiness.

Time: 6731.34

Seeing faces is important.

Time: 6733.29

Ideally, faces in person, although I suppose these days,

Time: 6736.08

over Zoom or over other screen type medium

Time: 6739.53

would be a close second.

Time: 6741.61

But the point is that if you want to increase happiness

Time: 6745.47

you need to have quality social connections.

Time: 6747.303

And if you want to have quality social connections

Time: 6749.387

you need to be present and engage

Time: 6751.053

in those social connections.

Time: 6752.22

And that requires a viewing of each other's faces,

Time: 6756.33

ideally, which is not to say that a phone call or text

Time: 6759.42

exchange can't be meaningful.

Time: 6761.14

But that faces are really the most powerful way

Time: 6764.07

to engage in social contact.

Time: 6765.99

And that eye contact, not consistent eye contact,

Time: 6769.56

but eye contact of the sort that builds up and then breaks

Time: 6772.08

and builds up and breaks across the interaction

Time: 6774.09

is going to be the best way that we are aware of to feel

Time: 6779.46

that one had a real connection.

Time: 6781.41

This should also remove any pressure

Time: 6782.91

that you might feel to constantly look at somebody

Time: 6785.58

or to be completely eyes open staring at them

Time: 6788.095

without blinking or diverting your attention at any point

Time: 6790.47

during a conversation.

Time: 6791.85

This also frankly, is an opportunity

Time: 6794.07

where if somebody says, hey, you're not paying attention

Time: 6797.61

because you look away, that you may actually

Time: 6800.67

be engaging in what is the more typical form

Time: 6802.86

of healthy connection.

Time: 6803.91

I talked about this long ago on an episode about focus.

Time: 6806.693

It turns out when we are listening

Time: 6808.11

very intently to somebody and trying

Time: 6809.872

to remember the information they're telling us,

Time: 6811.83

we will often close our eyes.

Time: 6813.332

And that's not a form of lack of attention, that's actually

Time: 6815.79

a form of attending in.

Time: 6817.05

Because we have so much of our brain devoted to vision.

Time: 6820.41

When 40% of our brain is devoted to vision

Time: 6822.87

in some way or another, when we close our eyes,

Time: 6824.89

we can actually devote more attentional resources

Time: 6827.28

to remembering the specifics of what people are telling us.

Time: 6830.25

But again, please don't go through conversations

Time: 6832.62

with your eyes closed the entire time.

Time: 6834.31

I think that would certainly not be conducive to building

Time: 6837.39

social connection.

Time: 6838.33

So we know that faces are important for social connection

Time: 6841.71

as it relates to synthetic happiness.

Time: 6844.29

And we know that eye contact is really important for building

Time: 6847.32

social connection.

Time: 6849.67

Physical contact is also important

Time: 6852.52

for social connection.

Time: 6853.54

And not just romantic or sexual type connection.

Time: 6857

In fact, there is a form of physical connection

Time: 6859.48

that is present in other primates.

Time: 6862.84

In fact, it's present as far as we know, in all mammals.

Time: 6865.96

And is also very much a feature of the human nervous system.

Time: 6871.06

And that's something called allogrooming.

Time: 6872.868

I have to imagine that most people probably

Time: 6874.66

haven't heard of allogrooming.

Time: 6876.077

The reason I'm bringing up alogrooming

Time: 6877.66

is that it stems from a fairly extensive literature

Time: 6881.08

about the prosocial, pro happiness

Time: 6885.31

effects of pets on humans.

Time: 6887.783

In fact, if you want to read up on this,

Time: 6889.45

there is a paper out of Yale University on this topic

Time: 6892.81

that was published in 2018.

Time: 6893.98

The title of the paper is "The influence of interactions

Time: 6896.313

with dogs on affect", OK emotion, "anxety and arousal

Time: 6900.368

in children".

Time: 6900.91

And it references some other studies

Time: 6902.57

that were performed on humans.

Time: 6903.82

And the basic takeaway is that these so-called AAAs,

Time: 6907.27

animal assisted activities, represent a really potent way

Time: 6912.01

to increase people, including children's feelings

Time: 6915.43

of well-being.

Time: 6916.21

Now what's interesting about this to me

Time: 6918.58

is that dogs themselves don't really

Time: 6922

have to do much except be present in the room in order

Time: 6925.99

for these positive effects, that is, the reductions in anxiety,

Time: 6929.86

increases in happiness, et cetera, to occur.

Time: 6932.2

And in fact, they can be very, very brief.

Time: 6934.317

As they describe in the paper, "brief unstructured

Time: 6936.4

interactions with an unfamiliar dog",

Time: 6938.14

so you don't even need to know this dog,

Time: 6940.03

"after exposure to a moderate stressor showed higher positive

Time: 6943.3

affect relevant to participants who received a soothing object

Time: 6946.69

or waited for the same amount of time."

Time: 6948.53

So just even seeing a dog for a brief amount of time

Time: 6952.24

has been shown to reduce stress and improve happiness,

Time: 6956.26

or I should say, increase feelings

Time: 6957.91

of happiness overall then a child

Time: 6961.66

receiving a soothing object.

Time: 6963.293

Which was, at least for me, a little bit counterintuitive.

Time: 6965.71

I would have thought that children receiving

Time: 6967.03

a soothing object would have been

Time: 6968.405

the more powerful stimulus.

Time: 6970.76

But in fact, it wasn't, at least not in this study.

Time: 6973.198

The real question I think we should be asking ourselves

Time: 6975.49

is, what is it about interactions with others

Time: 6978.52

and with other animals that could potentially

Time: 6981.22

have this prosocial happiness enhancing effect?

Time: 6984.95

And the reason I raise this is also

Time: 6987.1

because I think many people are interested in either owning

Time: 6991.66

or having interactions with pets as a way to improve

Time: 6993.992

their feelings of well-being.

Time: 6995.2

And I say having interactions with because I

Time: 6998.35

myself am a good example of somebody who wasn't

Time: 7000.84

always able to have pets.

Time: 7003.183

So when I was a graduate student in a postdoc,

Time: 7005.1

I very much wanted a dog.

Time: 7006.672

Very, very, very much wanted a dog.

Time: 7008.13

In fact, there was a rule in my family at some point

Time: 7010.297

that I wasn't allowed to talk about dogs anymore because I

Time: 7013.172

was talking about all the breeds of dogs.

Time: 7014.88

Going to dog breeders, examining different breeds,

Time: 7018.27

going to the pound, et cetera.

Time: 7020.31

The point was that I was obsessed with getting a dog,

Time: 7023.43

but I knew I wasn't in a good position to own a dog yet.

Time: 7025.8

I didn't have the finances, I didn't have the correct living

Time: 7028.3

situation and so on.

Time: 7030.27

Eventually, I did own a dog, of course.

Time: 7032.335

But at the time I couldn't.

Time: 7033.46

So what I would do is every Sunday I would go to a place

Time: 7035.952

where they fostered dogs and they needed dog walkers.

Time: 7038.16

And I would walk their dog.

Time: 7039.285

I would also walk my neighbor's dogs.

Time: 7042.33

I didn't charge them for it.

Time: 7043.54

In fact, I felt like I was being paid by getting time

Time: 7046.14

with those dogs.

Time: 7047.04

And in fact, I put an ad at that time on Craigslist

Time: 7049.5

that I would walk people's dogs for free,

Time: 7051.57

and only a few people took that seriously.

Time: 7053.49

But of the ones that did, I had a great little cadre

Time: 7056.4

of dog owners that would allow me to take their dogs out

Time: 7058.92

and I was super happy.

Time: 7060.03

It just made me very, very happy.

Time: 7061.93

And I really enjoyed it.

Time: 7064.17

And frankly, it was a great opportunity for me

Time: 7067.23

to also get to the various dog breeds and the different dog

Time: 7070.08

temperaments and to learn a bit about my ability to interact

Time: 7072.99

with dogs in a certain way.

Time: 7074.613

I actually got to be a pretty good dog walker.

Time: 7076.53

Unfortunately, later I got a bulldog.

Time: 7077.91

And it turns out no matter how good

Time: 7078.96

a dog walker you are, Bulldogs just simply don't like to walk.

Time: 7081.94

In fact, if you've ever walked up to a bulldog

Time: 7084

and you've offered to scratch or pet that dog,

Time: 7086.55

you'll notice that Bulldogs love that.

Time: 7088.6

And I would argue, having been a bulldog owner,

Time: 7091.8

that they like it because it's an opportunity for them to stop

Time: 7094.41


Time: 7094.988

But that's more about the bulldog than what

Time: 7096.78

I'm about to tell you next, which

Time: 7098.155

is this principle of so-called allogrooming.

Time: 7101.19

Allogrooming is a pattern of behavior

Time: 7103.14

that's observed in essentially all mammals but very strongly

Time: 7106.98

in nonhuman primates and primates,

Time: 7109.98

where individuals within a species touch one another.

Time: 7116.26

And this is non-sexual touch.

Time: 7117.93

So this would be someone brushing somebody else's hair

Time: 7122.25

or combing their hair or even using a lint roller on them,

Time: 7125.68

for instance.

Time: 7126.58

Or someone grooming somebody else.

Time: 7129.66

Now typically, one needs to have an established

Time: 7132.33

relationship with this person.

Time: 7133.66

So it could be a professional type relationship

Time: 7135.42

where this is a barber cutting somebody's

Time: 7137.128

hair or a hairdresser cutting or styling somebody's hair.

Time: 7141.612

It could be somebody giving someone

Time: 7143.07

a manicure or a pedicure.

Time: 7144.51

Could be somebody doing skin care or massage for somebody

Time: 7146.94

in a professional context.

Time: 7148.44

Or it could be two people who have agreed

Time: 7150.81

that it is appropriate for the context

Time: 7153.205

and for the relationship for one person

Time: 7154.83

to be grooming somebody else.

Time: 7157.11

Can even, believe it or not there's literature on this,

Time: 7159.6

can even extend into the realm of people

Time: 7162.93

sort of cleaning and picking off other people.

Time: 7165.21

Now when we see this in primates,

Time: 7167.58

it seems like a very cute and sort of almost understandable

Time: 7171.82


Time: 7172.32

We can see these pictures online.

Time: 7173.85

If you look them up, you can just look up allogrooming

Time: 7176.1

and you'll see vast number of pictures

Time: 7178.38

of for instance, baboons picking little things out

Time: 7180.66

of each other's hair.

Time: 7182.52

Or grooming and kind of perusing one another,

Time: 7186.61

to find things, presumably parasites

Time: 7189.53

or like little bits of plants or something

Time: 7191.28

like that they want to remove from them.

Time: 7192.947

Allogrooming is known to stimulate

Time: 7195.87

a certain category of neurons called the C tactile fibers.

Time: 7199.51

These are a particular category of so-called sensory neurons

Time: 7202.62

that innervate our skin.

Time: 7203.89

So these are literally like little endings of neurons,

Time: 7206.88

little wires that end up in the skin,

Time: 7209.01

that when they are touched lightly

Time: 7211.47

tend to create a feeling of well-being

Time: 7214.302

in the person that's being touched.

Time: 7215.76

Again, this is consensual touch that's

Time: 7217.71

very context appropriate.

Time: 7219.3

But it's known to increase levels

Time: 7222.36

of oxytocin, a kind of hormone slash neurotransmitter.

Time: 7226.21

It's both, really.

Time: 7227.46

That is known to evoke feelings of bond.

Time: 7231.06

Or of feeling bonded to somebody or something.

Time: 7234.24

And for many people we hear about oxytocin

Time: 7236.61

and we think about the bond between parent and child,

Time: 7240.05

in particular mother and infant where it's

Time: 7241.8

been most extensively studied.

Time: 7243.06

Or between two members of a romantic couple.

Time: 7245.58

But if you look at the literature on allogrooming,

Time: 7247.84

what you find is that when humans groom one another,

Time: 7250.95

the increases in oxytocin that are experienced

Time: 7254.43

are at least on par with and in fact, more often, more dramatic

Time: 7260.43

in response to allogrooming than in response

Time: 7262.92

to other forms of touch.

Time: 7264.7

So the point here is that allogrooming

Time: 7267.69

is a prosocial behavior that tends

Time: 7270.24

to associate with and promote feelings

Time: 7273.3

of well-being and happiness.

Time: 7275.28

And this is not a trivial effect.

Time: 7277.15

If you look at the brain imaging data or other forms of data

Time: 7280.17

on this, allogrooming is a very powerful form

Time: 7283.17

of bonding between individuals that's completely nonverbal.

Time: 7286.59

In fact, most often it doesn't involve eye contact.

Time: 7288.833

I suppose two people could be looking at one another

Time: 7291

grooming one another, but typically, this

Time: 7292.8

is done from the side or from behind.

Time: 7296.01

Why did I bring up the paper on pets?

Time: 7298.83

Well it turns out that when humans stroke dogs,

Time: 7303.15

or brush their dogs or stroke cats

Time: 7305.61

or brush their cats, et cetera, that

Time: 7308.49

is a form of human to animal allogrooming.

Time: 7310.8

And it's one in which both the pet and the human

Time: 7315.67

receive huge increases in oxytocin

Time: 7318.79

and other related neurochemicals that make us feel bonded.

Time: 7321.91

I bring this up because the Harvard longitudinal

Time: 7324.49

study on happiness, and many, many others,

Time: 7326.92

if not hundreds of other studies on happiness,

Time: 7329.11

point to the importance of quality social connection.

Time: 7332.163

You hear this over and over again.

Time: 7333.58

People on their deathbeds don't say

Time: 7335.11

they wish they had worked more.

Time: 7336.49

People on their deathbeds talk about the richness

Time: 7339.07

of social connections or the wish

Time: 7340.75

that they had invested more in social connections.

Time: 7343.27

I think a lot of people think of social connections

Time: 7345.61

only in terms of travel with or conversation with others.

Time: 7350.68

But much of what we perceive as deep social connections

Time: 7355.09

also involves physical contact.

Time: 7358.06

And that's something that's deeply rooted

Time: 7360.52

in our evolutionary biology.

Time: 7361.99

And it's present both in us and in non-human primates.

Time: 7364.69

And it's clear that we can engage

Time: 7368.2

in these kinds of pro-social, non verbal, non eye contact

Time: 7372.49

type behaviors through things like non-sexual tactile

Time: 7376.15

touch, a.k.a.

Time: 7377.5


Time: 7378.22

So we've been talking about a number of the different things

Time: 7380.72

that one can do in order to increase levels of happiness.

Time: 7383.53

And certainly, before we conclude

Time: 7385.48

today, I'm going to touch back into not just

Time: 7388.27

synthetic happiness and the various things we can do,

Time: 7390.74

such as prosocial spending, allogrooming,

Time: 7393.64

social connection, et cetera.

Time: 7396.25

But also things related to happiness

Time: 7399.04

that involve focus on vocation and work and pursuit of goals.

Time: 7404.65

Because as I mentioned at the beginning,

Time: 7406.45

those are also critical to increasing

Time: 7409.348

our state of happiness, and certainly

Time: 7410.89

our state of security and the feeling

Time: 7412.69

that we can provide for ourselves and perhaps

Time: 7414.79

for others, as well.

Time: 7415.94

So we will talk about that.

Time: 7418.01

But I think it's also important to talk

Time: 7420.37

about this notion of choice and choices,

Time: 7423.46

and whether or not having a lot of freedom to choose

Time: 7426.73

or limited freedom in choosing what we do and what we get,

Time: 7430.9

and what we are able to pursue in life,

Time: 7433.16

how that relates to both natural happiness

Time: 7436.42

and synthetic happiness.

Time: 7438.13

Dan Gilbert and others have explored

Time: 7440.71

this issue of freedom of choice and how

Time: 7443.14

it relates to happiness.

Time: 7444.98

And there I must say, the findings

Time: 7447.52

are incredibly counterintuitive.

Time: 7450.7

But very, very well supported by all of their data.

Time: 7455.21

I'm going to summarize a large amount of those studies at once

Time: 7458.72

by saying the following.

Time: 7460.64

Dan's laboratory and other laboratories

Time: 7462.557

have done experiments where they give people

Time: 7464.39

a series of options.

Time: 7466.08

And one of the more classic examples, they

Time: 7468.2

give people the opportunity to rate a number

Time: 7470.54

of different paintings or pictures

Time: 7472.49

in ascending or descending order of preference.

Time: 7476.427

In other words, they're deciding which

Time: 7478.01

ones they like most which ones they like least.

Time: 7480.68

Then what's interesting is the experimenter

Time: 7483.44

will vary the extent to which they

Time: 7485.36

have to stick to that choice.

Time: 7487.08

So this could be sticking to the choice

Time: 7488.81

by receiving that painting to take home.

Time: 7491.15

Or in another experiment, it was having

Time: 7493.79

to make a choice between giving up

Time: 7495.38

one photograph that they, the research subject took,

Time: 7498.8

or another photograph that they took.

Time: 7500.48

One of the photographs was going to go off

Time: 7502.31

to a publication, another one they could keep for themselves.

Time: 7505.25

And the conditions in that experiment

Time: 7507.59

were either that you had to make the decision

Time: 7510.93

and it was final, that is, you could keep one and rate

Time: 7513.98

your decision, or you could keep one

Time: 7516.47

and then you had the opportunity to swap out

Time: 7518.87

that picture for the other one at some later time.

Time: 7521.34

In other words, these experiments really

Time: 7523.46

weren't about rating pictures, they were really about

Time: 7525.92

whether or not constraining your choice, meaning

Time: 7529.76

forcing somebody to make a choice

Time: 7531.5

and stick to that choice, led to greater levels or lesser

Time: 7534.83

levels of happiness and satisfaction with that choice.

Time: 7538.04

And what they find consistently is

Time: 7541.01

that when people have an ongoing set of choices

Time: 7545.84

it leads to reduced levels of happiness.

Time: 7548.418

Now that might come as surprising to many of you,

Time: 7550.46

but I want to be clear about what this means.

Time: 7552.41

This is not to say that having a lot of choices of what you like

Time: 7556.46

most leads to lesser happiness.

Time: 7559.79

And that having fewer choices about things

Time: 7562.85

you do, or objects you acquire, et cetera,

Time: 7566.27

leads to greater happiness.

Time: 7568.91

What this set of experiments really points to

Time: 7571.82

is that when we make a choice, if we are forced

Time: 7575.51

to stick to that choice we tend to be

Time: 7578.06

far happier with that choice than if we maintain

Time: 7581.06

the option to change our mind.

Time: 7583.71

The results of these experiments are extremely informative,

Time: 7586.43

I believe, in terms of understanding our real life

Time: 7590.13


Time: 7590.63

That is, happiness outside the laboratory.

Time: 7593.24

But I think they are often misunderstood

Time: 7595.55

as meaning that if we have a lot of choices

Time: 7597.59

we tend to be less happy than if we have fewer choices.

Time: 7600.26

That is not the case.

Time: 7601.34

Having freedom of choice is terrific.

Time: 7604.31

And actually, correlates with elevated levels of happiness.

Time: 7607.94

But once we make our choice, it's

Time: 7610.91

clearly the case that killing all other choices

Time: 7613.91

or having all other options killed

Time: 7615.74

for us increases our satisfaction with the choice

Time: 7619.01

that we've made.

Time: 7619.97

Whereas, leaving doors open, leaving options open greatly

Time: 7623.96

diminishes our sense of satisfaction.

Time: 7627.11

This has been exported to any number of different domains.

Time: 7630.57

So this has been exported to the domain of making choices

Time: 7634.43

about what college to go to or what partner to select in life.

Time: 7639.8

In every one of those instances, we

Time: 7641.99

see that our happiness with our choice

Time: 7643.76

is very much related to that choice

Time: 7645.68

being either the only one or one of very few other options.

Time: 7650.558

There are a number of different ways to interpret this.

Time: 7652.85

Through the lens of neuroscience we

Time: 7654.92

might say that the prefrontal cortex,

Time: 7658.4

the area of the brain that's involved in decision making

Time: 7661.85

and evaluating different options,

Time: 7664.7

is an area of the brain that's vital, frankly,

Time: 7668.42

to our evolution as human beings and to our daily life

Time: 7671.24

and to our whole life.

Time: 7672.915

It is, of course, the thing that allows

Time: 7674.54

us to evaluate different rule sets, to change rule sets,

Time: 7677.78

to switch contexts and to create meaning, et cetera.

Time: 7680.78

To interpret what's good what's bad.

Time: 7682.73

But it's also a fairly costly process,

Time: 7684.99

meaning it's very metabolically demanding.

Time: 7686.9

And there's an entire literature related

Time: 7689.3

to what's called ego depletion.

Time: 7690.83

This is certainly a topic for a future podcast.

Time: 7692.99

But ego depletion essentially says that if I have you

Time: 7695.51

attend very intensely to a given task, for instance,

Time: 7701.22

asking you to count backwards from 1,000 to 0

Time: 7703.58

in increments of 13.

Time: 7705.47

And then have you switch about halfway

Time: 7708.23

through, that's hard for a lot of people.

Time: 7710.51

If I have you do that, then your ability

Time: 7712.58

to suppress impulsive behavior and to do a hard cognitive

Time: 7717.68

or physical task immediately after that is actually

Time: 7720.41


Time: 7720.92

This so-called ego depletion.

Time: 7722.09

It relates to a number of different things,

Time: 7723.882

but it certainly relates to engagement

Time: 7726.77

of the prefrontal cortex, which is

Time: 7728.24

very metabolically demanding.

Time: 7729.83

So evaluating choices and doing computation of numbers

Time: 7733.91

or attending to things with your mind

Time: 7736.16

and forcing yourself to focus intensely

Time: 7738.2

is metabolically demanding.

Time: 7740.36

And that's a limited resource that

Time: 7742.28

can be reset by things like sleep and non sleep deep rest

Time: 7745.01

or idle time or letting your mind wander.

Time: 7746.9

In that case a positive mind wandering

Time: 7748.73

to allow your brain to reset its ability to focus.

Time: 7751.92

But the other thing that it does is

Time: 7755.25

it impacts the reward circuitry of the brain,

Time: 7758.52

the so-called dopamine reward circuitry and other reward

Time: 7760.98

circuitry of the brain.

Time: 7763.262

And here I'm painting with a broad brush.

Time: 7764.97

But it essentially divides them such that for instance,

Time: 7769.06

if a given choice of a let's say a partner

Time: 7772.26

or maybe buying ourselves an article of clothing,

Time: 7774.9

not that I want to compare selection of a life partner

Time: 7777.535

to selection of an article of clothing.

Time: 7779.16

But just to give multiple examples.

Time: 7780.81

Might give us, and here it's arbitrary units, x

Time: 7784.98

units of dopamine increase.

Time: 7787.95

Well, if we buy that article of clothing or we

Time: 7790.47

select that life partner, and then

Time: 7792.3

we emerge from the store or the wedding

Time: 7795.24

and we are focused on what we purchased for ourselves,

Time: 7798.97

our choice, or our life partner choice, and only that, well

Time: 7803.61

then there's a certain amount of neurochemical reward associated

Time: 7807.37

with that.

Time: 7807.87

And happiness and well-being.

Time: 7809.46

But it's also very clear that if we

Time: 7813.97

leave those choices, the store or our wedding for instance,

Time: 7818.3

or a life with somebody for a moment, even just mentally,

Time: 7820.96

and start thinking about the other options

Time: 7823.15

that we might entertain as possible.

Time: 7825.67

If those are still open to us in reality or in our mind,

Time: 7828.79

well then our reward circuitry becomes fractured in a way.

Time: 7832.63

Not physically fractured, but less attention

Time: 7835.42

is devoted to the reward circuitry associated

Time: 7838.42

with our choice.

Time: 7840.1

And as a consequence, instead of it being x units of dopamine,

Time: 7843.82

it's x divided by however many other choices

Time: 7848.32

we might have available to us in our mind or in reality.

Time: 7851.5

So instead of, and again, these are arbitrary units,

Time: 7853.84

but instead of a certain amount of reward,

Time: 7855.905

it's a certain amount of reward divided

Time: 7857.53

by the number of other options that we

Time: 7859.48

might be considering as alternatives to what we chose.

Time: 7863.99

And I think this is a very important aspect

Time: 7866.95

of understanding how limiting our choices after we've

Time: 7871.51

made them is a vital part of what

Time: 7874.69

we call synthetic happiness.

Time: 7876.32

In fact, we could even go so far as

Time: 7878.08

to say that focusing on the choices we've made

Time: 7880.72

and really investing in those choices as good ones,

Time: 7884.47

or great ones, and really trying to limit

Time: 7886.847

our thinking to the choices that we've

Time: 7888.43

made once we've made them is perhaps

Time: 7891.49

also important to our natural happiness.

Time: 7894.34

Because it's so inextricably entwined with what

Time: 7898.81

we think of as a good life.

Time: 7901.07

And what I mean by that is if we are constantly

Time: 7904.15

in a mode of evaluative decision making,

Time: 7906.35

even after we've made a decision,

Time: 7908.08

we are not neurochemically nor psychologically able

Time: 7912.07

to extract the feelings of happiness associated

Time: 7914.762

with the choice that we made.

Time: 7915.97

So we've talked about a number of different dimensions

Time: 7917.68

of happiness, both in synthetic and natural happiness.

Time: 7920.23

And some of the more counterintuitive aspects

Time: 7922.9

of happiness.

Time: 7924.49

For instance, that people tend to adjust

Time: 7926.47

their levels of happiness not regardless but often in spite

Time: 7931.62

of their life circumstances.

Time: 7933.7

But as we emphasized earlier in the episode, that is not

Time: 7937.14

to say, at least the research does not directly

Time: 7940.02

support the idea that a major trauma or loss

Time: 7943.71

won't impact our happiness.

Time: 7945.34

In fact, it tends to.

Time: 7946.95

And that's why it's important that people access

Time: 7949.32

resources and work devoted to overcoming trauma, which

Time: 7951.99

certainly exists out there.

Time: 7954.43

And of course, there are the longitudinal studies

Time: 7957.54

in short term studies showing that income level and material

Time: 7961.65

things don't necessarily scale with happiness, and vise versa.

Time: 7966.03

And yet, we also acknowledged early in the episode

Time: 7969.24

that while indeed money can't buy happiness,

Time: 7971.76

it can buffer stress.

Time: 7973.11

And while work doesn't necessarily bring happiness,

Time: 7976.47

per se, work can bring a tremendous feeling

Time: 7980.19

of meaning and resources which can then put you

Time: 7983.4

into context in which things like prosocial contact

Time: 7987.03

and enhanced bonds and caretaking of others and of you

Time: 7992.16

can be enhanced.

Time: 7993.21

So it would be unfair and in fact, inaccurate,

Time: 7996.39

to simply view happiness through the lens of money

Time: 7999.45

doesn't matter, it's all about social connection.

Time: 8001.98

And so on and so forth.

Time: 8003.89

Absolutely, social connection is important,

Time: 8006.6

which is why we spent some minutes talking about some

Time: 8009.093

of the ways to enhance social connection

Time: 8010.76

both with other human beings and other animals,

Time: 8013.01

and them with us.

Time: 8015.68

I think there's a opportunity here to take the research

Time: 8019.28

on happiness, the research on the neuroscience of what

Time: 8023.15

happiness and gratitude and prosocial connection tells us,

Time: 8027.44

and to combine it into a bit of a model or a toolkit,

Time: 8030.87

if you will.

Time: 8031.47

And I think indeed, this will be a toolkit in one

Time: 8033.86

of our future toolkit episodes, likely merged with the toolkit

Time: 8036.65

on gratitude, which we haven't done yet.

Time: 8039.45

And perhaps even we will do an entire episode on social bonds

Time: 8044.39

and how to enhance or build social bonds.

Time: 8046.79

Or at least what the science tells us about that.

Time: 8050.413

If we take a step back and we look

Time: 8051.83

at the concept of happiness, we can make a couple

Time: 8055.25

of absolute statements.

Time: 8057.05

That is, statements that I think very few people, if any,

Time: 8059.49

would contest.

Time: 8060.11

First of all, there's no single molecule or chemical

Time: 8062.69

associated with happiness, but that the chemical milieu

Time: 8065.33

of the brain and body is important for setting

Time: 8069.65

the stage or the opportunity for happiness.

Time: 8073.47

Hence, why there are treatments aimed at alleviating depression

Time: 8077.16

or mania that target certain neurochemical systems

Time: 8080.28

and hormone systems.

Time: 8081.99

Happiness, at least the way I'm framing it today,

Time: 8085.38

has essentially two components.

Time: 8086.83

One is meaning.

Time: 8089.19

That is, what sort of meaning do certain types of interactions

Time: 8094.47

or behaviors, could be work, could be social interactions,

Time: 8098.31

et cetera, carry for us?

Time: 8101.28

And nested in that is this concept of connection.

Time: 8104.035

And we talked a bit about tools for enhancing connection.

Time: 8106.41

Things like eye contact, but not constant eye contact.

Time: 8108.93

Things like being very present to a conversation

Time: 8112.5

or an activity that you're engaging in.

Time: 8115.05

Remember, we talked about the paper,

Time: 8116.85

"A Distracted Mind is an Unhappy Mind"?

Time: 8119.218

The paper published in Science.

Time: 8120.51

And we talked about the study, also published in Science

Time: 8122.843

in which giving money, but also knowing how that money has

Time: 8128.38

positively impacted others, leads

Time: 8130.57

to this feeling of pro-social connection and happiness

Time: 8133.09

in the giver and in the receiver.

Time: 8135.43

And I should mention again that it's not

Time: 8137.68

just the giving of money but also the giving of effort

Time: 8140.56

and time and attention that can have similar effects.

Time: 8144.17

So we have meaning and connection,

Time: 8145.84

and a number of different ways to access those.

Time: 8148.31

And then we have this access that I'm

Time: 8150.64

referring to as performance and resources.

Time: 8152.99

And I'm talking about performance and resources

Time: 8156.13

as it relates to natural happiness, not

Time: 8159.708

synthetic happiness, but natural happiness.

Time: 8161.5

Because we would be wrong, I believe,

Time: 8165.34

if we were to say that income doesn't matter.

Time: 8168.25

I think it's fair to say, based on the research,

Time: 8171.19

that income matters.

Time: 8173.29

And income that can cover costs of living plus that

Time: 8176.62

includes some buffer.

Time: 8178.702

And what do I mean by buffer?

Time: 8179.91

I mean buffer to the anxiety that circumstances might change

Time: 8183.87

is important.

Time: 8184.95

Now that's going to vary from person to person.

Time: 8188.52

Meaning some people will be perfectly happy

Time: 8191.19

making $1 more than their absolute cost of living

Time: 8197.61

every month.

Time: 8198.9

Other people will require a more substantial buffer

Time: 8201.809

in order to protect them against the negative psychological

Time: 8205.889

effects of worrying about for instance, inflation.

Time: 8208.448

Or worrying that they might lose their job.

Time: 8210.24

And this is why I think most people recommend

Time: 8212.459

having, if possible, some buffer in their bank account

Time: 8216.209

that could cover two or three or maybe even six

Time: 8219.92

or maybe even 12 months of living expenses

Time: 8222.65

were they to lose their job or something

Time: 8224.389

catastrophic happened to them.

Time: 8226.32

So if we're going to talk about happiness,

Time: 8228.95

I think it's only fair, only accurate, and frankly, only

Time: 8232.309

respectful to talk about living requirements and cost

Time: 8237.44

of living requirements.

Time: 8238.459

That includes this sort of buffer.

Time: 8240.35

And that buffer to anxiety is going

Time: 8242.18

to vary depending on how anxious somebody gets

Time: 8245.03

about the possibility of catastrophic things

Time: 8247.309

happening to them, like losing their job or their rent

Time: 8249.559

going up or doubling.

Time: 8250.57

And here, I'm talking about hypotheticals.

Time: 8252.32

But I think we all know people and perhaps ourselves

Time: 8254.9

have experienced those kinds of circumstances.

Time: 8257.459

So when we talk about happiness we absolutely

Time: 8259.76

need to think about resources.

Time: 8261.23

And we also need to think about performance.

Time: 8263.209

I think we would be completely inaccurate if we simply

Time: 8266.78

said, oh, any work leading to any outcomes.

Time: 8271.219

Any effort, regardless of whether or not

Time: 8273.379

it gets you an A in school or an F in school

Time: 8276.02

isn't going to impact your happiness.

Time: 8278.42

I don't think anyone would agree with that.

Time: 8280.709

And yet if you look at the major takeaways,

Time: 8282.95

at least as they are communicated typically

Time: 8286.459

in the public sphere around the longitudinal and short term

Time: 8290.809

studies of happiness, the takeaway generally

Time: 8294.02

is more focused on social connection

Time: 8297.53

and how money is not important.

Time: 8299.299

I don't think anyone that's saying that actually means

Time: 8302.42

that income that can cover your expenses plus some buffer

Time: 8306.86

isn't important.

Time: 8307.58

But it's often not stated.

Time: 8309.27

So if we were to come up with a general model of happiness that

Time: 8312.02

includes various tools for how to increase

Time: 8314.57

our levels of happiness, I think it's only

Time: 8316.79

fair to include both natural and synthetic forms of happiness

Time: 8320.389

and to pursue both natural and synthetic happiness.

Time: 8323.9

Just to remind you, natural happiness

Time: 8326.059

is the kind of happiness that we associate

Time: 8328.37

with obtaining something, either by effort

Time: 8330.98

or because it was given to us.

Time: 8332.33

Although, I definitely want to highlight the fact that

Time: 8334.85

receiving things that don't require much reward in order

Time: 8339.889

to receive them over time can be detrimental

Time: 8342.44

to our dopamine system.

Time: 8343.639

That's an important aside.

Time: 8344.959

The other form of happiness is the form of happiness

Time: 8348.29

that we call synthetic happiness.

Time: 8350.03

Which is, for instance, focusing on social connection.

Time: 8353.57

And we talked about ways to do that as a means

Time: 8356.27

to enhance your happiness.

Time: 8357.77

Again, the language, the name synthetic happiness

Time: 8360.998

implies something kind of artificial.

Time: 8362.54

But frankly, genuine social connection is genuine.

Time: 8365.942

There's nothing artificial about it

Time: 8367.4

or synthetic about it, is that you can synthesize it

Time: 8369.74

through action, through deliberate action.

Time: 8371.99

Likewise, being focused or encouraging yourself.

Time: 8376.4

Working on being focused on whatever activities you happen

Time: 8379.129

to be engaged in, positive or negative,

Time: 8381.26

is known to increase your levels of happiness.

Time: 8383.629

Again, this is a form of synthetic happiness.

Time: 8386.24

You're not obtaining anything new or additional

Time: 8389.48

as a consequence of this.

Time: 8390.71

It's entirely internal.

Time: 8392.93

There's no external reward.

Time: 8394.4

There isn't more money that arrives

Time: 8396.26

with this or a better grade.

Time: 8397.82

Although, I would make the argument

Time: 8399.41

that if you are present to the work

Time: 8401.36

you're doing in any context, physical or mental work,

Time: 8405.14

it's very likely that you are going

Time: 8406.97

to perform better at that work.

Time: 8408.71

So we have natural happiness and synthetic happiness.

Time: 8411.62

And both of them require our attention and effort.

Time: 8415.1

And in fact, if we were to draw a link

Time: 8418.49

between natural and synthetic happiness,

Time: 8420.74

it really is this concept of presence,

Time: 8422.81

of really being focused on what we're doing,

Time: 8424.91

that's most likely to lead to the outcomes that we want.

Time: 8428.6

Both externally, in terms of receiving monetary rewards

Time: 8431.84

or grades, or praise, or whatever

Time: 8433.662

it is that you happen to be pursuing out there,

Time: 8435.62

resources of some kind.

Time: 8437.18

And presence, and striving to be present

Time: 8441.02

when in the pursuit of so-called synthetic happiness in the form

Time: 8444.68

of social connection or in the form of really focusing

Time: 8448.492

on the choice that you've made and making

Time: 8450.2

the best of that choice, especially since you

Time: 8452.3

made that choice in a way that you deemed best at the time.

Time: 8456.53

Well, that also is known to increase your overall levels

Time: 8460.4

of happiness.

Time: 8461.28

So if an ability to focus and attend to things deeply

Time: 8464.3

is really what's most important, and really acts as the greatest

Time: 8468.29

lever for both natural and synthetic happiness,

Time: 8470.75

well then, tools like a 5 minute daily meditation or a 13 minute

Time: 8474.86

day meditation, as well as tools that

Time: 8478.07

allow us to get excellent sleep every night.

Time: 8480.98

Which, of course, sets the basis for attention during the day.

Time: 8484.247

If you've ever had a poor night's sleep then

Time: 8486.08

you are very familiar with how hard it

Time: 8488.48

is to focus the following day.

Time: 8491.09

At least for long periods of time.

Time: 8493.11

But building our capacity to focus

Time: 8495.5

through a focusing exercise, which again, is often

Time: 8498.14

called meditation, but is really simply just

Time: 8500.39

a focusing and perceptual exercise.

Time: 8503.15

That's going to create an outsized effect

Time: 8505.37

on all the aspects, all the behaviors

Time: 8507.92

that we know feed into creating natural and synthetic

Time: 8510.59


Time: 8511.43

And so it's really fair to say that our ability

Time: 8513.8

to attend and focus really equates to happiness.

Time: 8517.78

So as is often typical of this podcast,

Time: 8519.81

today we've talked a lot about the various aspects

Time: 8522.403

of the science of happiness, including the different forms

Time: 8524.82

of happiness and tools to access those different forms

Time: 8527.79

of happiness.

Time: 8528.72

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Time: 8531.37

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Time: 8533.35

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Time: 8535.56

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Time: 8537.63

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Time: 8539.31

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Time: 8541.17

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Time: 8543.87

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Time: 8545.4

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Time: 8546.817

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Time: 8549

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Time: 8551.31

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Time: 8553.12

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Time: 8554.97

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Time: 8556.89

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Time: 8559.32

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Time: 8561.75

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Time: 8562.8

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Time: 8565.23

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Time: 8567.09

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Time: 8569.393

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Time: 8570.81

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Time: 8573.48

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Time: 8576.333

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Time: 8578.25

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Time: 8580.008

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Time: 8581.55

Again, go to and sign up for the Neural Network

Time: 8584.67


Time: 8585.3

And if you're not already following us on social media,

Time: 8587.83

we are Huberman Lab on Instagram,

Time: 8589.86

Huberman Lab on Twitter and Huberman Lab on Facebook.

Time: 8592.65

And at all of those sites I provide science and science

Time: 8595.65

related tools for mental health, physical health

Time: 8597.87

and performance.

Time: 8598.56

Some of which overlap with information

Time: 8600.51

covered on the Huberman Lab podcast.

Time: 8602.19

But often, which is distinct from information covered

Time: 8604.95

on the Huberman Lab podcast.

Time: 8606.15

So again, that's Huberman Lab on Instagram, Twitter,

Time: 8608.5

and Facebook.

Time: 8609.33

Once again, thank you for joining me

Time: 8610.86

for today's discussion about the science of happiness and tools

Time: 8614.31

for increasing your happiness.

Time: 8615.93

And as always, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 8619.02


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