Science-Based Mental Training & Visualization for Improved Learning | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford school of medicine today we are

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discussing mental training and

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mental training and visualization is a

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fascinating process that has been shown

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over and over again in now hundreds of

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studies to improve our ability to learn

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anything when I say anything I mean the

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ability to learn music the ability to

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learn and perform mathematics the

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ability to learn and perform motor

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skills in sport in dance across

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essentially all domains the other

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incredible thing about mental training

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and visualization is that as you'll soon

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see when you go into the literature that

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is the scientific studies on mental

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training and visualization you quickly

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realize that it does not take a lot of

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mental training and visualization in

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order to get better at anything however

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that mental training and visualization

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has to be performed in a very specific

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way and today we will discuss exactly

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how to do mental training and

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visualization in the specific ways that

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allow it to complement the actual

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performance of a motor or cognitive

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skill to allow you to learn more quickly

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and to consolidate that is to keep that

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information in mind and body so that you

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can perform those cognitive tasks music

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tasks motor tasks etc for long periods

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of time without ever forgetting how to

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do them all of mental training and

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visualization relies on what I consider

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really the Holy Grail of our brain and

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nervous system and that's

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neuroplasticity neuroplasticity is our

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nervous system which of course includes

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the brain the spinal cord and all the

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connections between the brain and spinal

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cord and the organs and tissues of the

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body and then all the neural connections

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back from the organs and tissues of the

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body to the brain and spinal cord so the

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whole thing in both directions

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has the ability to change in response to

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experience in ways that are adaptive

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that is that allows us to do things that

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we could not do before and by doing

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those things or by being able to perform

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those mental operations we can do better

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in the world that we live in we can

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perform new tasks we can think new

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thoughts we can come up with novel

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solutions to pre-existing problems that

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before really vexed us and that we

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couldn't overcome all of that is

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considered neuroplasticity so today what

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I'm going to cover is a brief summary of

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what neuroplasticity is that is how it

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occurs in the brain and body this is

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extremely important to understand if

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you're going to use Mental training and

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visualization then I'm going to talk

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about what happens in our brain and body

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when we do mental visualization in a

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dedicated way many people have heard

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perhaps that when you imagine something

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happening that your brain doesn't know

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the difference between that imagination

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of the thing happening and the real

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thing happening turns out that is not

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true it is simply not true however there

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is somewhat of an equivalence between a

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real experience and an imagined

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experience and we'll talk about the

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difference between those and how that

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can be leveraged in order to get the

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most out of mental training and

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visualization then I will cover exactly

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which types of mental training and

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visualization work best across all

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domains meaning for Music Learning

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solving puzzles motor learning Sports

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etc etc to really allow you a template

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in which you can plug in or designate

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what you're going to do each day for a

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brief period of time in order to

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accelerate your learning in whatever you

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choose and then I'm going to go into a

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bit of what happens in the brains of

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different types of people these

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different types of people that I'm

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referring to are people who have more or

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less of a natural ability to imagine

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things and visualize them because it

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turns out that we vary tremendously from

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one individual to the next in terms of

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our ability to mentally visualize and

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imagine things and our ability to get

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better at that over time and the good

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news is anyone can get better at mental

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training and visualization in ways that

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can serve them well I'll also briefly

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touch on the fact that certain people in

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particular people on the autism spectrum

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as well as people with synesthesias

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which is the combining of different

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perceptual experiences so you may be one

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of these people or you may have heard of

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people that for instance when they think

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of a number they also just naturally

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spontaneously think of a color and vice

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versa we'll talk about how that relates

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to mental imagery and visualization and

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the creative process and problem solving

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in general

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and then finally what I'll do is I'll

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recap mental training and visualization

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from the standpoint of how best to apply

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mental training and visualization

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according to specific challenges things

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like challenges with public speaking or

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challenges with sports performance or

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challenges with test taking Performance

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challenges with essentially anything

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that will allow you to build specific

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mental training and visualization

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practices that are brief that are

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supported by Neuroscience studies and

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that are highly effective before we

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begin I'd like to emphasize that this

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podcast is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost to Consumer information about

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science and science related tools to the

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general public in keeping with that

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theme I'd like to thank the sponsors of

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today's podcast our first sponsor is

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element element is an electrolyte drink

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that has everything you need meaning

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sodium magnesium and potassium but

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nothing that you don't meaning no sugar

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and it has the sodium magnesium

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potassium in the ideal ratios for

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hydrating and providing electrolytes to

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the cells and tissues of your body so I

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use element in my water when I wake up I

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like to hydrate right away so I'll have

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an element packet in about 16 to 32

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ounces of water when I wake up I tend to

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do the same while I exercise which I

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typically do in the morning sometimes in

Time: 330.24

the afternoon and I'll drink another one

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throughout the day the great thing about

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element is also tastes terrific

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I particularly like the watermelon

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flavor but frankly I like all the

Time: 338.759

flavors just mixed into again about 16

Time: 341.46

to 32 ounces of water if you'd like to

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try element you can go to drink element

Time: 345.5 huberman to claim a free

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element sample pack with your purchase

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again that's drink element

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huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by Maui Nui venison which I can

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confidently say is the most nutrient

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dense and delicious red meat available

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Maui Nui spent nearly a decade building

Time: 363.18

a USDA certified wild harvesting system

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to help balance deer populations on the

Time: 367.8

island of Maui the solution they built

Time: 369.96

is extremely powerful because it turns

Time: 371.88

the proliferation of an invasive species

Time: 373.979

into a wide range of nutrient dense

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products from butcher Cuts so venison

Time: 379.38

steaks and ground venison Etc to organ

Time: 382.199

Meats bone broth and jerky I really love

Time: 384.6

all of their products so I love the

Time: 386.34

venison steaks and the ground venison

Time: 388.259

and their bone broth is fantastic it has

Time: 390.96

an unmatched 25 grams of protein per 100

Time: 393.3

calories so it's very high density High

Time: 395.16

high quality protein per calorie so if

Time: 397.919

you'd like to try Maui Nui venison go to

Time: 399.84

Maui Nui huberman to get 20

Time: 403.139

off your first order again that's Maui

Time: 405.419

News huberman to get 20 off

Time: 408.539

your first order today's episode is also

Time: 410.639

brought To Us by eight sleep eight sleep

Time: 412.68

makes Smart mattress covers with cooling

Time: 414.479

Heating and sleep tracking capacity I've

Time: 417.06

talked many times before on this podcast

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about the fact that sleep is the

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foundation of mental health physical

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health and performance now one of the

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key features to getting a good night's

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sleep is making sure that you get the

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temperature of the environment you sleep

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in right

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that's because in order to fall asleep

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and stay deeply asleep throughout the

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night your core body temperature needs

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to drop by about one to three degrees

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conversely in order to wake up in the

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morning feeling refreshed and ready to

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go your core body temperature needs to

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go up by about one to three degrees of

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course you can adjust the temperature of

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the room that you sleep in I do hope

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that people are doing that but adjusting

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the temperature of your mattress and

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your direct sleeping environment is also

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key and with the eight sleep it makes it

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very easy to program the temperature of

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that mattress in a sleep environment not

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just throughout the night but for

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specific phases of the night I start

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sleeping on an eight-sleep mattress

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cover well over a year ago and it's the

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best sleep that I've ever had if you'd

Time: 467.22

like to try eight sleep you can go do

Time: 468.66 huberman and check out

Time: 471.06

the Pod Pro cover and save 150 at

Time: 473.699

checkout eight sleep currently ships in

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the USA Canada UK select countries in

Time: 477.84

the EU and Australia again that's

Time: 479.699 huberman to save 150 at

Time: 483.24

checkout let's talk about mental

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training and visualization

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now perhaps surprisingly mental training

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visualization has been studied since the

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late 1800s it's actually a paper

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published in 1880 by Galton called the

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statistics of mental imagery so long ago

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people were quantifying and trying to

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understand how is it that people come up

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with mental images and how they can

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apply that to learning things more

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quickly and more stably over time

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now as I mentioned earlier mental

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training and visualization relies on a

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process that we call neuroplasticity

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neuroplasticity is a term that many

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people have heard and encompasses many

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different things so broadly speaking

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neuroplasticity includes developmental

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plasticity which is the sort of

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plasticity that occurs between about

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birth and age 25 and that can be

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summarized very easily as passive

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plasticity in other words the sorts of

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changes that happen in one's nervous

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system simply by engaging in the world

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and experiencing Life as a child as a

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young adult as an adolescent and as a 22

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23 24 year old Etc now of course of

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course of course it is not the case that

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on your 25th birthday you close out

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passive developmental plasticity and

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start engaging in the other type of

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neuroplasticity which is adult

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neuroplasticity it's a gradual tapering

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off of Developmental plasticity that

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occurs between age zero and 25 and for

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some people might occur somewhere around

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26 for other people around 23

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when we say 25 we're really just talking

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about the average age in which passive

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plasticity tapers off however starting

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fairly early in adolescence and

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extending all the way out into one's 80s

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or 90s or hundreds should one live that

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long is the other form of

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neuroplasticity which is adult

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adult neuroplasticity is very different

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than developmental plasticity because it

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is the sort of plasticity that one can

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direct towards one's own specific

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desired learning so if we wanted to get

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a little bit technical here for sake of

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clarity not for sake of confusion we

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would say adult plasticity is really

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about self-directed adaptive plasticity

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and the reason we call it that as

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opposed to something else where simply

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adult plasticity is that there are many

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different forms of neuroplasticy there

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is for instance maladaptive

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neuroplasticity that occurs if one gets

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a really hard head hit and concussion

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there will be changes to the brain and

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nervous system but those changes to the

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brain and nervous system do not allow it

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to perform better in fact it often

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impairs the brain and nervous system's

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ability to function and therefore is

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maladaptive so I don't want to get

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overly wordy with a number of different

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terms here but I do think it's important

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to understand that we have developmental

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plasticity again in which the brain and

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nervous system changes simply in

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response to experiencing specific things

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for better or worse and there's adult

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self-directed adaptive plasticity in

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which one can direct specific changes in

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terms of learning things cognitively or

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learning things in terms of motor

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function so sport Dance Etc or a

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combination of the two now just to

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really clarify what I mean by

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developmental versus self-directed

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adaptive plasticity I mentioned that

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self-directed adaptive plasticity

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actually can start in adolescence right

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even though there's ongoing

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developmental plasticity I mean let's be

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really direct the brain of a 14 year old

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is very different than the brain of that

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same individual when that person is 21.

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because there's ongoing developmental

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plasticy however starting at about

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adolescence we can all start to decide

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what it is that we want to learn and

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engage in self-directed adaptive

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plasticity now the way to engage

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self-directed adaptive plasticity

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regardless of whether or not you're a 13

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year old 14 year old or you're a 90 year

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old or anywhere in between is that it

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requires two things

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the first thing it requires is focused

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dedicated attention to the thing that

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you're trying to learn that's the first

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step and that actually triggers a number

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of different chemical and electrical

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prostheses in the brain that are often

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associated with agitation and

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frustration believe it or not the

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agitation and frustration is a

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reflection of the release of specific

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chemicals in particular norepinephrine

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and epinephrine also called

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noradrenaline and adrenaline in the

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brain and body that creates this

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discomfort and this heightened level of

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alertness and attention that many of us

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don't like and tend to back away from

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but it is exactly that chemical or I

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should say neurochemical milieu which

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signals to the neurons the nerve cells

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in the brain and elsewhere in the body

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that something needs to change because

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if you think about it if you can do

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something perfectly or if you try and do

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something and it doesn't cause any

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neurochemical change in your brain and

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body well then there's no reason for

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your brain and its connections with the

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body to change in any particular way

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okay so you need focused dedicated

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attention to the thing that you're

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trying to learn it's off often

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accompanied by agitation frustration Etc

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so that's perfectly normal in fact

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that's a signal that things are going

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right meaning they're headed towards

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learning but there's a second component

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that's really required for self-directed

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adaptive plasticity and that's periods

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of deep rest in particular a good

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night's sleep in particular on the night

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that follows that focused attention to

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the thing you're trying to learn there

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are now hundreds of studies in both

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animal models and in humans showing that

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it is really during sleep and other

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states of deep relaxation things like

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meditation and non-sleep deep rest which

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I've talked about before on this podcast

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but really during our main night of

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sleep that the rewiring of neural

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connections that is the actual

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neuroplasticity takes place so the verb

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neuroplasticity the rearrangement of

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connections between neurons really

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occurs during sleep in particular on the

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first night following an attempt to

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learn something through this focused

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attention now developmental plasticity

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which is passive also requires good

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sleep sleep it's slightly different or

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frankly it's a lot different in terms of

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the underlying mechanisms than

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self-directed adaptive plasticity but

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because today we're mainly talking about

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how to learn faster through mental

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training and visualization and that

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really Maps more closely onto

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self-directed adaptive plasticity I just

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really want to emphasize this two-step

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process there has to be focused

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dedicated attention and then there needs

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to be sleep and in particular sleep on

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the first night following that training

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now should you have the unfortunate

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experience of getting woken up in the

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middle of the night following trying to

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learn something or should you simply not

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be able to sleep for whatever reason on

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the night following a bout of learning

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or an attempt to learn do not despair

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because it turns out that there are what

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are called second and third night

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effects also once you sleep you will

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learn those neuroplastic events the

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reordering of connections that we call

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synapses and the changes that occur in

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neural circuits that reflects what we

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call self-directed adaptive plasticity

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that still will occur her but ideally

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you got a great night's sleep on the

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first night following trying to learn

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and the second night and the third and

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so on and so on now there are a few

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other things that are critical to

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understand about self-directed adaptive

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plasticity that will become especially

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important when thinking about protocols

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for developing the ideal mental training

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and visualization process for you and

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that is that there are different forms

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of plasticity that occur between neurons

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although the two main forms are what are

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called long-term potentiation and

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long-term depression I just want to cue

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up right now that the word depression is

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a very loaded word because the moment

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people hear the word depression they

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think oh no that's bad

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but in the case of neuroplasticity

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long-term depression is simply a change

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in the connections between neurons and

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the excitability between neurons that in

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many ways can be excellent for learning

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things in particular motor skills and

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we'll get into this in more detail in a

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little bit but it turns out that a lot

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of our ability to get better at some

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sort of motor skill involves this thing

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that we call long-term depression and

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that's because much of what is happening

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when we learn a new motor skill is that

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we are depressing or suppressing

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specific actions in order to generate a

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very specific coordinated action

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some of the best examples of long-term

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depression can actually be borrowed from

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developmental plasticity so for instance

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if you've ever sat across from an infant

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who is trying to eat their meal so

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imagine a one and a half year old or a

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two-year-old trying to eat some noodles

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or some soup or any kind of baby

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suitable food with a spoon and they're

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holding the spoon or they're trying to

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hold the spoon what you'll notice is

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that their motor movements are terribly

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they often will take that spoon to their

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cheek or to their eye to their head

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we've all seen these very amusing photos

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of babies with bowls of food on their

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head or with food all over their face or

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just everywhere it's appears that

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they're basically getting the food

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everywhere except where it's supposed to

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go which is in their mouth and that's

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because their motor movements are not

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very well coordinated at that age and

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they're not very well coordinated not

Time: 1017.72

because they lack sufficient numbers of

Time: 1019.94

neural connection synapses between

Time: 1021.5

neurons but rather because they have too

Time: 1024.26

many connections between too many

Time: 1025.64

different neurons the neural circuits

Time: 1027.919

that control very dedicated coordinated

Time: 1030.679

movement are not there yet instead too

Time: 1034.939

many neurons are connected to too many

Time: 1036.559

other neurons and so they can't generate

Time: 1038.6

the precise movements that are required

Time: 1040.459

in order to get that spoon to their

Time: 1042.14

mouth now over time they get better at

Time: 1045.26

moving the utensil to their mouth

Time: 1048.26

such that hopefully by about age five or

Time: 1051.62

six they are eating you know in a

Time: 1053.66

relatively cleaner way and hopefully by

Time: 1055.58

time they're 10 or 11 or 12 they're

Time: 1057.32

getting the food into their mouth and

Time: 1058.46

not all over their face people learn

Time: 1060.44

this to varying degrees all you have to

Time: 1061.76

do is go to a restaurant and watch how

Time: 1063.2

people eat

Time: 1064.64

um and you will see a vast variation in

Time: 1067.64

people's coordinated movements with

Time: 1069.2

utensils but in general there's a theme

Time: 1071.179

the younger the person the more

Time: 1073.76

uncoordinated their movement of utensils

Time: 1076.4

and as they get older the more

Time: 1077.539

coordinated now of course in people that

Time: 1078.74

are very old they have challenges moving

Time: 1080.539


Time: 1082.46

and their limbs in very smooth ways and

Time: 1085.22

that has to do with a topic that we'll

Time: 1086.9

get into when we talk about age-related

Time: 1088.28

cognitive decline and motor related

Time: 1090.559

dementias but for sake of today's

Time: 1092.78

discussion if you just want to think

Time: 1094.16

about what happens with long-term

Time: 1096.32

depression and the development of a

Time: 1098.6

motor skill both as a baby as an

Time: 1101.12

adolescent and as an adult when you're

Time: 1103.039

trying to learn a new motor skill is

Time: 1105.559

that you are eliminating incorrect

Time: 1108.38

movements and when you are eliminating

Time: 1110.72

incorrect movements to arrive at only

Time: 1113.179

the correct movements in a very

Time: 1115.22

reflexive and repeated way so think your

Time: 1117.62

golf swing your tennis serve I think

Time: 1120.2

serving a volleyball think a child

Time: 1122.6

learning to crawl and then walk think a

Time: 1125.9

child learning to eat with utensils an

Time: 1127.52

example I gave before what's happening

Time: 1129.2

in all of those cases is that yes

Time: 1131.179

certain Connections in the brain are

Time: 1133.039

being strengthened or what we call

Time: 1134.48

potentiated they are undergoing

Time: 1136.28

long-term potentiation the so-called

Time: 1138.38

quote unquote fire together wired

Time: 1140.059

together Mantra that was popularized by

Time: 1142.1

the great neurobiologist Dr Carla Schatz

Time: 1144.74

my colleague at Stanford

Time: 1146.48

but in addition to that long-term

Time: 1149.12

depression the quieting or the silencing

Time: 1152

of specific synapses that is connections

Time: 1154.4

between neurons is absolutely critical

Time: 1156.86

for motor skill learning so we have ltp

Time: 1160.16

long-term potentiation and LTD long-term

Time: 1163.28

depression is every bit as important as

Time: 1166.039

ltp long-term potentiation for getting

Time: 1168.74

better at some sort of motor skill and

Time: 1170.419

indeed it getting better at some sort of

Time: 1172.1

cognitive skill now as we hear this this

Time: 1174.679

should be intuitive to all of us if you

Time: 1177.08

look at somebody's attempt to learn a

Time: 1179.419

particular dance step or at somebody's

Time: 1182.299

attempt to do a tennis serve the first

Time: 1183.98

time it's all over the place now it's

Time: 1186.679

not perhaps all over the place in that

Time: 1188.24

they're doing a jumping jack while

Time: 1189.38

trying to serve the tennis ball but

Time: 1191.299

they're generally arcing the racket too

Time: 1194.66

widely on one trial and then they're

Time: 1197.6

arcing it too close to their body on the

Time: 1199.22

next trial so if we were to draw a line

Time: 1201.08

over each one of those trials we would

Time: 1202.76

see that there were lines everywhere

Time: 1204.38

over time whereas once they quote

Time: 1206

unquote affect the tennis serve it's

Time: 1208.16

going to be line drawn directly over

Time: 1210.559

line draw and directly over line meaning

Time: 1213.08

the Arc of that tennis serve is going to

Time: 1215.36

be very restricted and that without

Time: 1217.76

question has reflected the removal or

Time: 1220.58

the quieting of particular synapses

Time: 1222.86

connections between neurons in the brain

Time: 1224.48

and body to allow that very narrow

Time: 1227.36

coordinated and directed movement the

Time: 1230.24

same is true for learning anything in

Time: 1231.919

the cognitive domain meaning if you are

Time: 1233.6

to learn a language

Time: 1235.1

it is not of course the case that you

Time: 1237.02

know every word in that language and

Time: 1238.34

then you simply remove certain words and

Time: 1240.26

arrive at the correct sentence structure

Time: 1241.82

that you're trying to achieve but rather

Time: 1244.039

you have to suppress your native

Time: 1246.08

language or if you're a young child you

Time: 1248.72

have to suppress the generation of just

Time: 1250.7

kind of random babbling sounds turns out

Time: 1252.62

babbling isn't random at all but the

Time: 1254.48

point is that you have to suppress

Time: 1256.46

the enunciation of particular sounds and

Time: 1259.1

direct the pronunciation of other sounds

Time: 1261.2

in order to generate that new language

Time: 1264.2

or your ability to speak at all okay so

Time: 1267.02

we can really think about

Time: 1267.86

neuroplasticity as both a building up

Time: 1270.08

process in which you increase connection

Time: 1272.179

so-called long-term potentiation and a

Time: 1275.12

sculpting down or a removal of

Time: 1277.58

connections process that we're going to

Time: 1279.32

call long-term depression now I have to

Time: 1282.32

acknowledge that of course there are

Time: 1283.82

other forms of neuroplasticity too I

Time: 1286.16

know there are probably some aficionados

Time: 1287.6

listening to this

Time: 1288.86

who will be perhaps shouting back at uh

Time: 1292.1

whatever device my voice is coming out

Time: 1294.32

of wait what about Spike timing

Time: 1296.059

dependent plasticity or what about

Time: 1297.38

paired pulse facilitation yes yes and

Time: 1299.84

yes there are multiple forms of

Time: 1301.4

communication between neurons that can

Time: 1303.08

strengthen those connections or weaken

Time: 1304.46

those connections but for today's

Time: 1305.9

discussion we just broadly want to think

Time: 1307.64

about long-term potentiation and

Time: 1309.799

long-term depression because it captures

Time: 1311.72

the two most important themes related to

Time: 1314.24

mental training and visualization which

Time: 1316.28

is that when we perform a given

Time: 1319.46

cognitive or physical task in the real

Time: 1321.08

world so we actually try the dance step

Time: 1322.76

or the tennis serve or when we actually

Time: 1324.5

try a math problem or we try and learn

Time: 1326.299

some specific knowledge and write it

Time: 1327.919

down and remember it

Time: 1329.86

that is engaging particular neurons

Time: 1332.48

right they're firing they're releasing

Time: 1334.039


Time: 1335.059

but it is also actively suppressing the

Time: 1338.059

activity of other neurons and we are

Time: 1340.4

always completely unaware of the ways in

Time: 1342.919

which our brain is suppressing certain

Time: 1344.6

activity okay so today we have to keep

Time: 1346.88

in mind that where there is

Time: 1348.08

strengthening of connections there is

Time: 1349.58

also weakening of connections and when

Time: 1351.38

it comes to mental training and

Time: 1352.64

visualization and here's the really key

Time: 1354.44

point with mental training and

Time: 1356.24

visualization you are capturing both

Time: 1358.64

processes both the potentiation that is

Time: 1361.46

the building up and strengthening of

Time: 1362.96

connections and the weakening of the

Time: 1365.179

connections that are inappropriate for

Time: 1366.919

the thing you're trying to learn and

Time: 1368.659

there are different aspects of mental

Time: 1370.52

training and visualization protocols

Time: 1372.08

that really harness the potentiation

Time: 1375.44

versus the depression aspect and today

Time: 1377.78

we will cover mental training and

Time: 1379.039

visualization protocols that capture

Time: 1381.08

both the potentiation and the depression

Time: 1382.88

aspect of neuroplasticity and in that

Time: 1386.059

way serve as an augment that is a

Time: 1388.7

complement to the actual real world

Time: 1390.74

cognitive and physical training that

Time: 1392.6

you're doing because I'll just give this

Time: 1394.1

away right now turns out that mental

Time: 1396.2

training and visualization is not a

Time: 1398.539

replacement for real-world cognitive or

Time: 1401.78

motor Behavior

Time: 1403.52

again mental training and visualization

Time: 1405.679

cannot replace

Time: 1407.659

real world execution of cognitive tasks

Time: 1411.02

or of motor tasks if you want to learn

Time: 1412.64

however mental training and

Time: 1414.2

visualization can and has been shown to

Time: 1416.48

be effective for greatly enhancing the

Time: 1419.299

speed at which you learn and the

Time: 1420.679

stability of that learning over time

Time: 1422.299

okay so let's take a second and really

Time: 1425.12

think about what's happening in the

Time: 1426.679

brain and body when we do mental

Time: 1429.559

training or visualization in fact we can

Time: 1431.84

do a little experiment right now that is

Time: 1433.82

not unlike many of the classic

Time: 1435.2

experiments looking at what's happening

Time: 1437

in the brain and body through mental

Time: 1438.74

training and visualization in which I

Time: 1441.14

just ask you to close your eyes and

Time: 1443.659

imagine a yellow Cube okay and next to

Time: 1447.679

that yellow cube is a red rose

Time: 1450.62

and perhaps I also ask you to

Time: 1454.64

float or fly up above the cube and the

Time: 1457.039

rows and look at them from the top

Time: 1459.2


Time: 1460.34

and then I tell you to fly back around

Time: 1463.1

and land behind those and look at them

Time: 1464.84

from the perspective of behind that

Time: 1466.4

yellow Cube and that red rose okay now

Time: 1469.64

what the data tell us is that most

Time: 1472.1

people will be able to do that most of

Time: 1474.2

you will be able to do that to some

Time: 1475.4

degree or another regardless of your

Time: 1477.2

attention span whether or not you have

Time: 1479.179

ADHD or not most of you will be able to

Time: 1481.4

do that to some degree or another we

Time: 1484.1

also know from neuroimaging studies in

Time: 1485.84

which people are placed into a

Time: 1487.28

functional magnetic resonance imaging

Time: 1489.2

scanner that during the sort of

Time: 1491.84

visualization you just did or that I

Time: 1493.34

described that your visual cortex and

Time: 1496.039

Associated areas quote unquote light up

Time: 1498.38

they become very active in similar but

Time: 1501.26

not identical ways to how they would

Time: 1503.48

light up and be activated were you to

Time: 1505.58

actually look at a yellow cube and a red

Time: 1507.44

rose on a screen and perhaps Fly Above

Time: 1510.799

them virtually of course and land behind

Time: 1513.32

them virtually of course or if you were

Time: 1515.299

to actually look at a yellow Cube and

Time: 1516.919

red rose in the real world right in

Time: 1518.78

front of you on a table then you know

Time: 1520.76

get up on your tippy toes and look down

Time: 1522.14

on them from the top and then walk

Time: 1523.34

around the table and look at them from

Time: 1524.36

the other side so there is some degree

Time: 1527.059

of what we call perceptual equivalence

Time: 1528.919

between real world experiences digital

Time: 1531.26

experiences and imagined meaning with

Time: 1533.72

our eyes closed just in our Mind's Eye

Time: 1535.52


Time: 1537.08

this is true not just of vision and what

Time: 1539.96

we call the visual domain but also the

Time: 1541.82

auditory domain okay so for instance I

Time: 1543.559

could play for you a short motif of a

Time: 1545.48

song Let's just pick something that I

Time: 1547.039

think most people know goodness I'm a

Time: 1548.659

terrible musician and even worse um

Time: 1550.34

singer but let's just take the the

Time: 1551.779

opening to AC DC's Back in Black right I

Time: 1554.36

think I can do that when it's like

Time: 1556.3


Time: 1557.559

okay got it

Time: 1559.58

that's the actual sound although

Time: 1561.82

admittedly a dreadful version of of the

Time: 1564.559

great AC DC song Back in Black but now I

Time: 1566.9

ask you to close your eyes or we could

Time: 1568.7

keep them open and just imagine that

Time: 1570.74


Time: 1573.679

or for instance I

Time: 1576.02

place you in a quiet room so you close

Time: 1578.72

your eyes and ask you to imagine the

Time: 1582.26

opening to AC DC's black and black but

Time: 1584.96

ask you to pause it halfway through what

Time: 1587.059

you would find again is that most people

Time: 1588.62

somewhere between 90 and 95 of people

Time: 1591.38

would be able to do all the sorts of

Time: 1593.059

things I described right Cube and Rose

Time: 1595.779

ACD Back in Black

Time: 1598.52

even a somatosensory task I imagine you

Time: 1600.5

need to imagine what it's like to touch

Time: 1602.419

felt or to touch chinchilla hair or

Time: 1605.299

something like that H Chinchilla's hair

Time: 1607.159

ideally a live chinchilla sitting still

Time: 1609.74

those little critters move really really

Time: 1611.059

fast but they have very very soft hair

Time: 1612.62

High hair density so soft

Time: 1614.84

okay most people can do that

Time: 1617.9

about five to fifteen percent of people

Time: 1620.559

are less able to do that and there's a

Time: 1623.779

small percentage of people in that five

Time: 1625.76

to fifteen percent

Time: 1627.26

that simply cannot do it at all that

Time: 1629.48

just cannot visualize well we'll talk

Time: 1631.76

later about these people they have

Time: 1633.38

what's called aphantasia an inability to

Time: 1636.5

mentally visualize but most people are

Time: 1638.6

actually pretty good at visualizing

Time: 1640.4

things when they are told what to

Time: 1641.6

visualize and and this is a really key

Time: 1644.299

point and if what they are told to

Time: 1646.94

visualize is very simple and the whole

Time: 1649.279

visualization is quite brief lasting on

Time: 1652.159

the order of about 15 seconds to

Time: 1653.84

generate the visualization in the

Time: 1655.76

auditory or in the visual aspect of

Time: 1657.679

one's Minds I or ear if you will

Time: 1661.82

and if it's repeated over and over

Time: 1663.58

what's far harder for everybody to do

Time: 1666.559

and in fact what most people simply

Time: 1668.659

cannot do is Imagine long extended

Time: 1672.08

scenes and stories in their mind that go

Time: 1674.779

on for minutes and minutes that involve

Time: 1676.94

a lot of different sensory stimuli this

Time: 1679.1

is a really key point in fact as we

Time: 1681.32

start to hone in on ideal mental

Time: 1683.24

training and visualization protocols I'd

Time: 1685.279

like to establish this as the first

Time: 1687.02

principle of mental training and

Time: 1688.4

visualization which is that if you are

Time: 1691.46

going to use Mental training and

Time: 1692.72

visualization to its best effect in

Time: 1695.36

order to engage in neuroplasticity and

Time: 1696.919

learning you need to keep those

Time: 1698.6

visualizations quite brief really on the

Time: 1701.179

order of about 15 to 20 seconds or so

Time: 1704.679

and pretty darn sparse meaning not

Time: 1708.5

including a lot of elaborate

Time: 1711.2

visualization not including a lot of

Time: 1713.84

sequences of motor steps what I mean are

Time: 1716.36

motor sequences if you're trying to

Time: 1718.4

learn something in terms of physical

Time: 1719.72


Time: 1720.799

or visual sequences or auditory

Time: 1723.14

sequences if you're trying to learn

Time: 1724.4

things in terms of music or Dance Etc

Time: 1726.919

that can be completed and repeated in 15

Time: 1731.419

seconds or less

Time: 1733.279

now later I'll give you a couple of

Time: 1734.96

specific examples but if you want to use

Time: 1737.779

Mental training and visualization

Time: 1739.039

understand this is the key first

Time: 1741.08

principle they have to be very short

Time: 1742.64

visualizations that you can repeat over

Time: 1744.559

and over and over again with a high

Time: 1746.299

degree of accuracy so you don't want to

Time: 1748.82

embark on a mental training and

Time: 1750.38

visualization Paradigm in which it

Time: 1752.6

involves a lot of elaborate stimuli and

Time: 1754.64

you have to think really hard and work

Time: 1756.14

really hard even if you're in that

Time: 1758

category of people who can do mental

Time: 1760.399

visualization pretty naturally and

Time: 1762.32

easily now if you're somebody who can't

Time: 1764.299

do mental visualization in fact if

Time: 1766.279

you're somebody who has full-blown

Time: 1767.72

aphantasia or the inability to mentally

Time: 1770.299

visualize well then it's especially

Time: 1771.799

important that you make those mental

Time: 1773.299

trainings and visualizations really

Time: 1775.159

brief and very very simple I'd like to

Time: 1777.62

take a quick break and acknowledge one

Time: 1779.539

of our sponsors athletic greens athletic

Time: 1782.12

greens now called ag1 is a vitamin

Time: 1784.88

mineral probiotic drink that covers all

Time: 1787.159

of your foundational nutritional needs

Time: 1788.84

I've been taking athletic greens since

Time: 1790.82

2012 so I'm delighted that they're

Time: 1792.919

sponsoring podcast the reason I started

Time: 1794.96

taking athletic greens and the reason I

Time: 1796.52

still take athletic greens once are

Time: 1798.5

usually twice a day is that it gets to

Time: 1800.899

be the probiotics that I need for gut

Time: 1802.82

health our gut is very important it's

Time: 1804.74

populated by gut microbiota that

Time: 1807.32

communicate with the brain the immune

Time: 1808.58

system and basically all the biological

Time: 1810.38

systems of our body to strongly impact

Time: 1812.36

our immediate and long-term health

Time: 1814.7

and those probiotics and athletic greens

Time: 1816.919

are optimal and vital for microbiotic

Time: 1819.86

health in addition athletic greens

Time: 1821.899

contains a number of adaptogens vitamins

Time: 1823.58

and minerals that make sure that all of

Time: 1825.26

my foundational nutritional needs are

Time: 1826.88

met and it tastes great if you'd like to

Time: 1829.94

try athletic greens you can go to

Time: 1831.58 huberman and they'll

Time: 1834.74

give you five free travel packs that

Time: 1836.419

make it really easy to mix up athletic

Time: 1838.039

greens while you're on the road in the

Time: 1839.659

car on the plane Etc and they'll give

Time: 1841.7

you a year's supply of vitamin d3k2

Time: 1844.279

again that's huberman

Time: 1846.919

to get the five free travel packs and

Time: 1848.779

the year supply of vitamin D3 K2 now in

Time: 1851.84

order to develop the best mental

Time: 1853.279

training and visualization protocols for

Time: 1854.96

you let's go a little bit deeper into

Time: 1856.7

what the research says about mental

Time: 1859.039

visualization now the classic work on

Time: 1861.02

mental visualization really hinges on a

Time: 1863.84

number of different researchers and

Time: 1865.399

their work but in particular Roger

Time: 1867.08

Shepard who did this work at Stanford

Time: 1869.36

and Stephen coslin who's now at Harvard

Time: 1871.94

of course others in the field but it's

Time: 1873.86

really the work of Shepherd the lay the

Time: 1876.44

foundation for our understanding of what

Time: 1878.6

happens in the brain when we mentally

Time: 1880.52

visualize something

Time: 1883.7

Shepard did these incredible experiments

Time: 1885.679

in which he had students mentally

Time: 1888.02

visualize simple objects like a square

Time: 1890.12

like a triangle and he measured how long

Time: 1892.94

it took them to do that now of course at

Time: 1895.279

the time when he did these experiments

Time: 1896.679

there were no sophisticated brain

Time: 1899.059

Imaging devices and machines like fmri

Time: 1902.779

however everything I'm about to describe

Time: 1904.82

has been later confirmed using things

Time: 1908.12

like fmri what Shepard did and what he

Time: 1911.179

found is that if people were told to

Time: 1914.779

visualize very simple objects they did

Time: 1917.419

it pretty quickly however if they were

Time: 1919.52

told to visualize more complex objects

Time: 1921.58

or importantly to rotate those objects

Time: 1924.98

in their Mind's Eye well then it took

Time: 1927.32

longer for them to perform those mental

Time: 1929.48

visualizations now many of you might

Time: 1931.399

think duh if I have to just imagine a

Time: 1933.679

triangle or a cube that's going to be

Time: 1935

very easy and very fast whereas if I

Time: 1936.919

have to rotate that triangular cube in

Time: 1938.659

my mind's eye that's going to take more

Time: 1940.34

time and indeed that is somewhat of a

Time: 1942.919

duh except and this is so very important

Time: 1945.98

except that what Shepard and his

Time: 1948.26

colleagues found is that how long it

Time: 1950.96

takes somebody to generate and rotate a

Time: 1953.72

given visual image

Time: 1955.46

scales directly with the complexity of

Time: 1958.64

that image in fact causalin did some

Time: 1961.1

experiments I think illustrate this even

Time: 1963.08

better and here's the experiment I love

Time: 1964.76

this experiment I think you'll love it

Time: 1966.2

too because

Time: 1967.159

it illustrates something so

Time: 1968.659

fundamentally important about how our

Time: 1970.46

brains work not just for sake of mental

Time: 1972.38

training and visualization which is how

Time: 1974.059

our brains work at all

Time: 1976.88

he showed people a picture of a map so a

Time: 1980.419

map drawn on a piece of paper

Time: 1982.52

this was a map of an island

Time: 1984.2

it included things like a loading dock

Time: 1986.419

for some boats it had a location for

Time: 1988.279

getting food on the island at some trees

Time: 1990.74

add some other small landmarks drawn out

Time: 1993.559

and people looked at this

Time: 1995.059

and memorized it or in other experiments

Time: 1997.64

they just had people imagine this island

Time: 1999.74

and the location of these different

Time: 2001.12

landmarks on the island so it didn't

Time: 2003.22

really matter which but then he had

Time: 2005.919

people imagine moving or walking from

Time: 2009.58

one location on the island to another so

Time: 2011.559

they'd say okay you're at the loading

Time: 2012.88

dock now move to the restaurant okay

Time: 2016.299

you're at the restaurant now move to the

Time: 2017.98

palm tree you're on the North Shore of

Time: 2019.779

the island now go around the side of the

Time: 2022.179

island clockwise to arrive at the bay on

Time: 2026.26

the southwest corner this sort of thing

Time: 2028.779

what causlin found was absolutely

Time: 2031

incredible what he found was that the

Time: 2034

amount of time that it takes people to

Time: 2036.76

move from one location on the map to

Time: 2039.039


Time: 2040.24

scaled linearly directly with the actual

Time: 2044.08

physical location between those objects

Time: 2046.659

on the map so for those of you that can

Time: 2049.48

understand or into the importance of

Time: 2051.46

what Shepard and causlin showed great

Time: 2053.8

I'm guessing however that for most

Time: 2055.419

people out there you're still grasping

Time: 2057.339

like okay interesting you know how

Time: 2060.099

things happen in the real world dictates

Time: 2062.379

how they happen in our mind's eye but I

Time: 2065.5

want to make sure that I really nail

Time: 2066.7

home the importance of this for

Time: 2068.02


Time: 2068.98

the importance of this is that when we

Time: 2071.379

look at something in the real world so

Time: 2073.119

if I look at the pen in front of me I'm

Time: 2074.919

holding up my pen for those of you that

Time: 2076.119

are listening just holding up my pen in

Time: 2077.44

front of me I move it to the right and

Time: 2079.54

back and forth what's happening is I'm

Time: 2081.76

activating or I'm triggering the

Time: 2083.619

electrical activity of neurons which we

Time: 2086.26

can think of kind of as pixels in my eye

Time: 2088.419

okay so it's leftward to right word

Time: 2090.46

motion for me and back and forth and

Time: 2093.099

those are getting activated and they're

Time: 2094.24

sending signals up to my visual cortex

Time: 2096.3

and that information is processed at a

Time: 2099.4

given speed

Time: 2101.08

what the visualization experiments that

Time: 2103.42

Shepard and koslin and others did show

Time: 2106

is that the processing speed of imagined

Time: 2110.099

experiences is exactly the same as the

Time: 2113.26

processing speed of real experiences and

Time: 2116.2

the spatial relationship between

Time: 2117.46

imagined and real experiences

Time: 2119.859

is exactly the same as well put simply

Time: 2122.98

when we imagine something in our mind's

Time: 2125.26

eye or mind's ear

Time: 2127.18

we are Imagining the real thing

Time: 2129.339

happening and when I say the real thing

Time: 2131.32

it's not the obvious real thing of

Time: 2133.599

course if you're imagining something

Time: 2134.44

that's the thing you're imagining what I

Time: 2136.24

mean is that your brain at the level of

Time: 2138.94

neurons is behaving exactly the same way

Time: 2142.359

and this needn't have been the case okay

Time: 2145.24

there could have been a result for

Time: 2147.04

instance that if people were asked to

Time: 2149.5

visualize a cube and rotate it

Time: 2152.38

from you know flip it from top to bottom

Time: 2155.02

okay so put the top that's upward on a

Time: 2157.24

table now down on the table and so forth

Time: 2159.099

or to migrate around the island you know

Time: 2161.98

counterclockwise going from you know the

Time: 2164.14

northern coast all the way down to the

Time: 2166.18

southern coast clockwise and then back

Time: 2168.16

up to the northern coast that they could

Time: 2170.02

have just done it really quickly like

Time: 2171.28

all in one second but that's not what

Time: 2173.98

happens they always match the speed at

Time: 2176.98

which they do things in their Mind's Eye

Time: 2179.02

to the same speed that they do them in

Time: 2181.48

the real world so in telling you this

Time: 2183.46

what I'm saying is that mental

Time: 2184.839

visualization at the neural level is

Time: 2187.66

identical to real world events so when

Time: 2191.38

you've heard that when we imagine

Time: 2193.119

something it's identical in terms of our

Time: 2195.579

brain's experience of it and our bodies

Time: 2197.98

experience of it as when we actually

Time: 2200.26

experience something that is true at the

Time: 2202.9

neural level however when it comes to

Time: 2205.3

learning and improving performance in

Time: 2207.4

the cognitive or physical domain they

Time: 2209.32

are not equivalent so this is the second

Time: 2211.54

principle of of mental training and

Time: 2213.4

visualization as you recall the first

Time: 2215.2

principle of mental training and

Time: 2216.28

visualization was that in order to make

Time: 2218.079

it effective it needs to be very brief

Time: 2219.88

and very simple and repeated over and

Time: 2222.52

over again the second principle of

Time: 2224.56

mental training and visualization is

Time: 2226.72

that while yes mental training and

Time: 2229.3

visualization recaptures the same

Time: 2231.82

patterns of neural firing in the exact

Time: 2234.16

same ways as real world behavior and

Time: 2236.5


Time: 2237.7

it is not as effective as real world

Time: 2240.339

behavior and thinking in other words if

Time: 2243.16

you want to learn something the ideal

Time: 2245.32

situation is to combine real training in

Time: 2248.8

the physical world with mental training

Time: 2251.02

and I'll talk about exactly how to do

Time: 2253.3

that and in what ratios a little bit

Time: 2255.22

later now there's a really incredible

Time: 2256.78

set of experiments that illustrate why

Time: 2259.18

it is that mental training and

Time: 2260.92

visualization can be extremely effective

Time: 2263.38

but that it's always going to be most

Time: 2265.24

effective when combined with real world

Time: 2267.599

training and experiences the experiments

Time: 2270.28

that I'm talking about involve the use

Time: 2271.48

of what are called bistable images or

Time: 2274.3

impossible figures now some of you are

Time: 2276.579

probably familiar with impossible

Time: 2277.96

figures these are figures or objects

Time: 2280.18

that when you look at them

Time: 2281.68

they have these odd features like you're

Time: 2283.359

not sure where they stop and where they

Time: 2285.28

start where they end one good example

Time: 2287.859

would be the so-called Mobius strip the

Time: 2290.26

Mobius strip is literally a strip or a

Time: 2293.32

line that is contiguous it goes up and

Time: 2295.96

it loops around and then it curves

Time: 2297.339

around and then it goes back and and it

Time: 2299.38

just continues and continues and when

Time: 2301.06

you look at it you can never really tell

Time: 2302.619

where it starts and where it stops

Time: 2304.599

because it doesn't have any of the

Time: 2306.7

features that allow you to see what's

Time: 2308.38

the front and what's the back in any

Time: 2310.359

kind of stable way another example of an

Time: 2312.4

impossible figure would be you know a

Time: 2314.32

little set of Cubes that look like

Time: 2316.9

they're coming out toward you maybe with

Time: 2319

a little Bend in them going up at a

Time: 2320.98

right angle perhaps but then if you look

Time: 2322.78

at it a little bit longer that little

Time: 2324.28

piece that's facing up looks like it's

Time: 2326.02

in front and you can't really tell

Time: 2327.64

what's in front and what's in back and

Time: 2329.5

so it's called an impossible figure

Time: 2331.48

because you don't really know how to

Time: 2333.52

frame it in your mind to tell what's

Time: 2335.619

closer to you and what's further apart

Time: 2337.5

bi-stable images are somewhat similar

Time: 2339.94

although different in the sense that

Time: 2342.52

they typically are simple Silhouettes so

Time: 2345.339

for instance the faces vases by stable

Time: 2347.5

image is perhaps the most famous of

Time: 2348.88

these where you look at this image it's

Time: 2350.859

very simple and it looks like two vases

Time: 2352.9

but then you look at it a little bit

Time: 2354.4

longer and you realize that you're

Time: 2355.72

looking at the side angle or the profile

Time: 2358.06

of two faces looking at one another and

Time: 2360.88

when you see those two faces looking at

Time: 2362.74

one another you can't see the vases at

Time: 2365.02

the same time but then if you decide to

Time: 2366.82

see the vases again you can see the

Time: 2368.26

vases again but the faces disappear so

Time: 2370.599

it's bi-stable meaning that you can't

Time: 2371.92

see the faces and bases at the same time

Time: 2374.02

and impossible figures and bi-stable

Time: 2376.48


Time: 2378.04

are capturing the fact that your visual

Time: 2380.68

cortex and some of the associated areas

Time: 2382.599

that compute visual scenes in your world

Time: 2386.079

are essentially trying to recreate

Time: 2388.3

whatever it is that's out in front of

Time: 2389.74

them and that's effectively what your

Time: 2391.72

visual system does it's very good at

Time: 2393.4

recreating visual images in your brain

Time: 2395.44

in your mind's eye because if you think

Time: 2397.06

about it even with your eyes open your

Time: 2398.8

brain is just creating an abstract

Time: 2400.42

representation of what it thinks is out

Time: 2402.579


Time: 2403.48

but that when it comes to assigning an

Time: 2405.76

identity to something like oh that's a

Time: 2407.56

face or oh that's a vase

Time: 2409.3

that is constrained by different neural

Time: 2412.06

circuits by different areas of the brain

Time: 2414.16

and somehow those circuits can't be

Time: 2417.46

co-active we cannot see the faces and

Time: 2420.099

the vases at exactly the same time we

Time: 2422.02

can switch back and forth really quickly

Time: 2423.52

just as we can switch back and forth

Time: 2425.2

really quickly when we're looking at the

Time: 2426.94

impossible figure and think okay that's

Time: 2428.68

the front of it that's the back no wait

Time: 2430.24

that's the back that's the front end

Time: 2431.56

it's going back and forth but we can't

Time: 2432.88

see them both at the same time no one

Time: 2434.92

can see them both at the same time

Time: 2437.02

okay we know this from brain Imaging

Time: 2438.82

studies now impossible figures in

Time: 2441.46

bi-stable images can be seen right you

Time: 2444.099

could look them up right now on your

Time: 2445.18

phone or computer

Time: 2446.26

or I could show you pictures of them on

Time: 2448.06

paper right in front of you and you can

Time: 2449.92

do these sorts of perceptual experiments

Time: 2451.78

of telling people look at the face look

Time: 2453.46

at the vase look at the front of the

Time: 2455.14

cube and I'll make it at the back of the

Time: 2456.7

cube and they can do this somewhat

Time: 2457.72


Time: 2459.099

however and this is I think so very

Time: 2462.339

interesting to understanding how mental

Time: 2464.02

training and visualization does and does

Time: 2465.94

not support Real World Learning

Time: 2469.06

if you try to imagine a bi-stable image

Time: 2473.079

you can't do it

Time: 2475.24

in fact no one can do it until they do

Time: 2478.78

something else okay so for those of you

Time: 2480.64

saying wait I can do it I can do faces

Time: 2482.26

faces in my mind's eye I promise you

Time: 2484.24

that the neuroimaging

Time: 2485.98

disputes your belief okay and supports

Time: 2489.28

the idea that we can see real world by

Time: 2491.56

stable images we can see real world

Time: 2493.599

impossible figures but when we try and

Time: 2495.64

imagine those in our Mind's Eye we

Time: 2497.619

simply can't do it we can't do the

Time: 2499.42

perceptual shift in our Mind's Eye we

Time: 2501.4

can't switch back and forth between

Time: 2502.66

faces and vases however and I just have

Time: 2506.619

to chuckle because I think these

Time: 2507.64

experiments are so clever if I have you

Time: 2510.339

trace or Draw

Time: 2513.28

with a pen

Time: 2514.9

on a piece of paper an impossible figure

Time: 2518.04

or the faces vases by stable image and

Time: 2522.22

then I ask you to imagine that bi-stable

Time: 2525.16

image or impossible figure and to switch

Time: 2527.14

back and forth

Time: 2528.46

you were able to do it so what that

Time: 2530.859

illustrates is that it's the combination

Time: 2532.839

of imagined and real world experiences

Time: 2535.66

real motor movements real perceptual

Time: 2538.06

experiences combined with motor

Time: 2539.44

movements combined with what you imagine

Time: 2541.599

in your mind's eye that really gives you

Time: 2544.24

the most depth and flexibility over your

Time: 2548.38

mental visualization

Time: 2550.18

and in doing so we can really stamp down

Time: 2552.94

a third principle of mental training and

Time: 2554.92

visualization which is that your mental

Time: 2557.02

training and visualization will be far

Time: 2559.3

more effective if you are performing the

Time: 2562.18

exact same or very similar mental and

Time: 2566.2

physical tasks in the real world okay so

Time: 2568.96

first principle is mental training and

Time: 2570.76

visualization needs to be simple and

Time: 2572.56

brief and repeated second is that mental

Time: 2575.859

training and visualization is not a

Time: 2577.9

replacement for real world

Time: 2580.42

motor training or cognitive training

Time: 2582.46

it's an augment it's an addition that

Time: 2584.56

can really help and the third principle

Time: 2586.24

of mental training and visualization is

Time: 2588.819

that you need to combine mental training

Time: 2591.099

and visualization with real world

Time: 2593.14

behaviors and experiences that are very

Time: 2596.14

very similar now as a brief but I think

Time: 2599.02

really relevant aside

Time: 2600.88

one of the things that also makes mental

Time: 2602.859

training and visualization more

Time: 2604.72

effective is when we assign cognitive

Time: 2607.42

labels to what's going on when we

Time: 2609.88

visualize so what I mean is that people

Time: 2611.68

are much better at manipulating faces

Time: 2613.78

and bases in their Mind's Eye of course

Time: 2615.76

only once they've drawn them out

Time: 2616.9

physically with their hand as I

Time: 2618.22

mentioned before then they are

Time: 2620.2

manipulating abstract objects like

Time: 2623.44

impossible figures

Time: 2625

in part because

Time: 2626.74

by labeling them faces and vases

Time: 2630.099

people are able to capture a lot of

Time: 2631.96

other neural Machinery that's related to

Time: 2634.06

faces and bases in fact we have entire

Time: 2635.74

brain areas on both sides of the brain

Time: 2637.24

devoted to the processing of faces

Time: 2638.8

they're called fusiform face area

Time: 2640.599

we have other areas in our brain that

Time: 2642.52

are involved in processing of 3D objects

Time: 2644.74

but faces are of particular value

Time: 2647.38

there's a there's a value to

Time: 2649.119

understanding what a face is as opposed

Time: 2650.74

to a non-face and there's a value to

Time: 2652.54

understanding what a particular face is

Time: 2653.92

in fact the simplest way to put this is

Time: 2656.02

that the human brain is in many ways a

Time: 2659.26

face recognition and expression of faces

Time: 2662.38

recognition machine it of course does

Time: 2664.359

other things but it is exceptionally

Time: 2665.859

good at that unless you're in a

Time: 2667.48

profession in which the relationships

Time: 2669.76

between 3D objects and your ability to

Time: 2671.44

manipulate them is exceedingly important

Time: 2673.26

you're not going to have a lot of neural

Time: 2675.579

real estate specifically devoted to that

Time: 2677.619

some people will be better at it some

Time: 2679.54

people will be worse but when it comes

Time: 2681.52

to faces unless you have a condition

Time: 2683.2

like prophetsagnosia which is an

Time: 2685

inability to recognize say famous faces

Time: 2687.819

and distinguish them from non-famous

Time: 2689.44

phases or if you have some sort of face

Time: 2691.66

recognition deficit which about anywhere

Time: 2694.3

from one perhaps to three percent of

Time: 2696.52

people out there have yeah they're just

Time: 2698.5

terrible recognizing faces and by the

Time: 2700.3

way there's about half a percent of

Time: 2702.22

people out there that are what are

Time: 2703.3

called super recognizers that can

Time: 2705.28

recognize faces in a large crowd they

Time: 2708.16

can recognize specific faces even from

Time: 2709.96

just partial profiles by the way these

Time: 2711.7

people are extremely valuable to

Time: 2712.96

security agencies and security agencies

Time: 2715.3

are very good at finding these people

Time: 2718.06

um machines are quickly getting

Time: 2721.66

better or at least as good as super

Time: 2723.76

recognizers but the best super

Time: 2725.02

recognizers are still better than the

Time: 2726.94

best AI and machine algorithms out there

Time: 2729.28

but the point is that in your mind's eye

Time: 2732.839

you are better able to manipulate

Time: 2736.24

specific objects or to see things more

Time: 2739.54

clearly and with more specificity when

Time: 2742.3

it has a label that you recognize from

Time: 2744.64

your real world experience as opposed to

Time: 2746.619

abstract or fictional labels okay again

Time: 2749.44

stamping home the idea that what you

Time: 2752.319

experience in the real world really

Time: 2753.94

serves to support your mental imagery

Time: 2756.16

and therefore the key importance of

Time: 2758.44

experiencing and doing things in the

Time: 2759.94

real world and supporting that with

Time: 2762.64

mental training and visualization and

Time: 2764.2

not just relying on mental training and

Time: 2765.64

visualization and the tangent here

Time: 2767.319

that's a little bit of fun

Time: 2768.76

and I don't think we've ever talked

Time: 2770.14

about before on this podcast is that of

Time: 2772.119

UFOs unidentified flying objects you

Time: 2774.46

know there's a lot of people out there

Time: 2776.26

who think that they've seen UFOs I guess

Time: 2778.3

technically they have because a UFOs and

Time: 2780.339

identified flying object and if it's

Time: 2781.72

unidentified at least to them then it is

Time: 2783.94

indeed a UFO I guess the question is

Time: 2785.44

whether or not uh or the dispute rather

Time: 2787.48

is whether or not those UFOs are

Time: 2789.16

actually flown by aliens or controlled

Time: 2790.66

by aliens I think that's where the

Time: 2792.04

dispute lies but you can imagine how if

Time: 2795.099

somebody sees an object in their

Time: 2796.72

environment and decides Ah that's a UFO

Time: 2799.54

okay remember these faces faces or these

Time: 2802.359

impossible figures if they say oh that

Time: 2804.22

thing is a UFO as opposed to something

Time: 2805.839

else they see in other words the face

Time: 2807.88

not the vase well that stamps it down as

Time: 2811.42

a memory in their visual system and

Time: 2813.22

related systems and then in their Mind's

Time: 2815.859

Eye they are seeing the UFO they're not

Time: 2819.4

seeing the other thing that it could

Time: 2821.319

possibly be okay so it's stamped down a

Time: 2823.359

very specific memory so the point here

Time: 2825.76

is that mental training and

Time: 2827.14

visualization relies on not just the

Time: 2830.079

physical Contours and the exact spatial

Time: 2832.42

profiles and the speed of movement of

Time: 2834.339

particular things that we experience in

Time: 2835.54

the real world it also heavily depends

Time: 2838

on the cognitive labels and the

Time: 2839.98

decisions we make about the things that

Time: 2841.72

we see and this will become very

Time: 2843.28

important as we build up toward our

Time: 2845.8

fourth principle of mental training and

Time: 2847.48

visualization which is that our

Time: 2849.4

cognitive labels that is what we decide

Time: 2852.099

is happening when we do mental training

Time: 2853.66

and visualization turns out to be very

Time: 2855.28

important now this is not simply to say

Time: 2857.44

that you can decide okay I want to learn

Time: 2860.14

how to play piano and so I'm going to

Time: 2862.66

tell myself that a particular chord I

Time: 2864.76

imagine in my mind's eye is identical to

Time: 2867.7

the real world chord just because I

Time: 2868.96

decide it is the brain doesn't work that

Time: 2870.76

way it's not possible to just lie to

Time: 2873.339

yourself and learn better as a

Time: 2875.5

consequence of the lies you tell

Time: 2876.579

yourself however

Time: 2878.319

what this tells us is that it is very

Time: 2880.54

very important that your mental training

Time: 2882.52

and visualization accurately

Time: 2884.64

recapitulate the real world training

Time: 2886.9

that you're doing so if we are going to

Time: 2888.64

stamp down a fourth principle of

Time: 2890.92

effective mental training and

Time: 2892.06

visualization based on what we know from

Time: 2894.339

the scientific literature

Time: 2895.9

is that your mental training and

Time: 2898.3

visualization should assign labels to

Time: 2901.18

what you're doing that can be matched to

Time: 2903.7

real world training and experiences now

Time: 2906.339

these can be somewhat abstract so for

Time: 2908.319

instance if you're trying to learn

Time: 2910.359

a particular aspect of the golf swing

Time: 2913.54

okay so let's say that you're working on

Time: 2915.52

your golf swing seems to be there are a

Time: 2917.2

lot of people out there working on their

Time: 2918.16

golf swing and you're going to do some

Time: 2920.98

mental training and visualization in

Time: 2922.54

order to improve your golf swing we

Time: 2924.22

already know again let's just March

Time: 2925.9

through them that your mental training

Time: 2927.28

and visualization needs to be brief and

Time: 2928.599

simple it needs to be the same or in

Time: 2931.599

fact it will be we can say the same as

Time: 2934.06

your real world golf swing in other

Time: 2935.38

words it will take you exactly the same

Time: 2936.76

amount of time to perform that golf

Time: 2938.44

swing in your mind's eye as it would in

Time: 2940.119

the real world incredible right again

Time: 2942.28

something that maybe is taking a little

Time: 2943.66

bit of time to sink in but once it does

Time: 2945.04

you're gonna be like wow the brain is

Time: 2946.839

really an incredible machine

Time: 2948.339

and that third principle that you still

Time: 2951.579

have to do golf swings in the real world

Time: 2953.319

in addition to the mental training of

Time: 2955.599

golf swings and fourth that if you want

Time: 2958.359

that mental training and visualization

Time: 2959.64

to really improve your golf swing you're

Time: 2962.079

going to have to name or apply an

Time: 2964.66

identity to the specific golf swing or

Time: 2967.96

aspect of the golf swing that you're

Time: 2969.579

practicing so this could be abstract you

Time: 2971.56

could call it mental training and

Time: 2973

visualization of golf swing 1A and you

Time: 2975.7

can imagine your mind's eye you know the

Time: 2977.319

perfect golf swing over and over and

Time: 2979.18

over and over but then when you're in

Time: 2981.16

the real world you're also going to have

Time: 2982.78

to call that

Time: 2984.16

either out loud or just to yourself golf

Time: 2986.92

swing 1A okay as opposed to a putt which

Time: 2989.68

might be 1B so naming and giving an

Time: 2992.68


Time: 2993.76

to a real world skill and applying the

Time: 2998.68

same name or identity to the mental

Time: 3001.619

version of that the visualization of

Time: 3003.359

that can enhance the mental training and

Time: 3005.64

visualization in significant ways so

Time: 3007.98

when we apply identities or names to

Time: 3010.26

these mental trainings and

Time: 3011.22

visualizations and again provide that

Time: 3013.92

they are brief and repeated and so on

Time: 3016.26

we greatly enhance the amount of neural

Time: 3018.48

Machinery in the brain and body that we

Time: 3020.46

are able to recruit when we go to

Time: 3022.5

perform those

Time: 3023.94

real world golf swings and golf putts

Time: 3027.18

and here just replace golf swing and

Time: 3029.16

golf butt with anything that you're

Time: 3030.18

trying to learn

Time: 3031.26

you're able to recruit a lot more neural

Time: 3033.48

machinery and greatly increase the

Time: 3035.16

probability of proper execution so

Time: 3037.56

before we go any further I want to share

Time: 3039.119

with you a couple of incredible aspects

Time: 3041.04

of mental visualization that really can

Time: 3043.98

be harnessed and applied toward mental

Time: 3046.26

training and visualization some of these

Time: 3048.66

were done by Roger Shepard and his

Time: 3050.579

graduate students in postdocs some were

Time: 3052.38

done by Steve costlin and by others what

Time: 3055.2

these experiments really show is that

Time: 3057.359

mental training and visualization is

Time: 3059.4

capturing many many of the exact same

Time: 3061.74

features of real world behavior and

Time: 3064.319

perceptions not all of them but many of

Time: 3066.42

them so for instance if I tell you to

Time: 3069.42

close your eyes

Time: 3070.74

and imagine

Time: 3073.38

a ceiling that has tiles that are black

Time: 3076.559

and white checkered tiles you know one

Time: 3078.3

black tile one white tile for instance

Time: 3080.52

we know based on experiments where we

Time: 3082.68

measure eye movements Behind Closed

Time: 3084.54

eyelids is that people tend to move

Time: 3086.339

their eyes up when they are imagining

Time: 3088.14

things above them such as the ceiling

Time: 3090.18

whereas if I tell you to imagine things

Time: 3091.92

down on the floor like you're taking a

Time: 3093.3

hike and you're looking for rattlesnakes

Time: 3096

actually just recently I experienced

Time: 3097.559

because it's spring here in California

Time: 3098.839

rattlesnake along a hiking trail it's

Time: 3100.98

really quite beautiful although I have

Time: 3103.38

to confess I enjoyed keeping my distance

Time: 3105

I don't like snakes uh very much I don't

Time: 3108.42

dislike snakes but I prefer not to

Time: 3110.04

interact with them unless I have to if I

Time: 3112.38

have you imagine that rattlesnake

Time: 3113.7

depending on your relationship or

Time: 3115.26

thoughts about rattlesnakes number of

Time: 3116.7

things will happen in your brain of

Time: 3117.839

course activation in the limbic system

Time: 3119.52

or not for instance

Time: 3121.98

but what I know is that regardless of

Time: 3124.5

how you feel about snakes

Time: 3126.66

most of you will move your eyes down

Time: 3129.42

when imagining a snake okay it might be

Time: 3132.78

subtle it might be fast but

Time: 3134.46

statistically that result shows up as

Time: 3137.52

opposed to when I imagine or I ask you

Time: 3139.68

to imagine something above you you tend

Time: 3141.48

to move your eyes up in addition to that

Time: 3143.52

if I tell you for instance to imagine an

Time: 3146.04

elephant and a mouse next to one another

Time: 3147.859

you presumably have some real world

Time: 3149.94

understanding about the relative sizes

Time: 3151.74

of elephants versus mice elephants

Time: 3153.599

generally are bigger than mice thank

Time: 3155.88


Time: 3157.68

mice are smaller than elephants if I ask

Time: 3160.5

you to tell me about the details of that

Time: 3162.9

Mouse's face so for instance can you see

Time: 3165.359

its whiskers

Time: 3166.74

the processing time required for you to

Time: 3169.74

do that is much longer than the

Time: 3172.02

processing time required if I say

Time: 3174.839

tell me what the position of that

Time: 3176.579

elephant's trunk is now why would that

Time: 3178.68

be so okay the position of the

Time: 3180.96

elephant's trunk wasn't something that I

Time: 3182.76

told you it wasn't dictated by me it's

Time: 3184.26

in your mind's eye maybe you don't even

Time: 3185.819

know and you have to go searching for it

Time: 3188.04

but what we do know is that if I tell

Time: 3190.619

you to look at a small object in your

Time: 3192.48

mind's eye versus a larger object so for

Time: 3194.76

instance the mouse versus the elephant

Time: 3196.2

it takes longer for you to do that in

Time: 3198.72

other words just as with the map

Time: 3200.22

experiment the distance between things

Time: 3202.38

on a map is conserved in your mind's eye

Time: 3205.619

as a linear relationship takes longer to

Time: 3208.319

go far distances between things on a map

Time: 3210.48

in your mind

Time: 3212.16

than it does to go shorter distances

Time: 3216.359

it's also the case that it takes you

Time: 3218.339

longer to look at the details of a small

Time: 3221.16

object versus a large object because why

Time: 3223.44

because you are zooming in in your

Time: 3226.2

mind's eye again all of which speaks to

Time: 3229.079

the equivalence of mental imagery with

Time: 3231.72

real world imagery and perception and as

Time: 3235.5

I mentioned earlier and as we'll see in

Time: 3237

a moment this also extends into the

Time: 3238.74

motor domain it takes you longer to

Time: 3241.619

perform Complex Motor sequences in your

Time: 3243.599

mind's eye than it does simple motor

Time: 3245.28

sequences just as it would in the real

Time: 3247.5

world and if you're saying of course of

Time: 3249.839

course of course well then great then

Time: 3251.94

we've really underscored the point which

Time: 3254.099

is that when you imagine things it is

Time: 3256.68

not exactly the same but it is very very

Time: 3259.38

much the same as actually doing or

Time: 3262.14

perceiving those things in the real

Time: 3263.46

world and the fifth principle of

Time: 3265.02

effective mental training and

Time: 3265.98

visualization is this notion of

Time: 3268.38

equivalence of mental imagery versus

Time: 3271.14

Real World perception and behavior

Time: 3273.9

these are the experiments as you recall

Time: 3275.7

where if people are told to look for

Time: 3279

clouds in their mental visualization

Time: 3280.74

they tend to look up or if they're

Time: 3282.18

looking for something on the floor they

Time: 3283.92

tend to look down even Behind Closed

Time: 3285.48

eyelids now this can be applied toward

Time: 3288.059

building an especially effective mental

Time: 3289.74

training and visualization protocol if

Time: 3292.02

you deliberately move your eyes in the

Time: 3294.48

direction of the thing or things that

Time: 3297.96

you are trying to recapitulate in your

Time: 3299.7

mind in your visualization that is you

Time: 3302.4

don't necessarily have to include this

Time: 3303.72

step but mental training and

Time: 3305.099

visualization is going to be more

Time: 3306.48

effective if you do because with

Time: 3309.42

consciously generated eye movements

Time: 3311.339

again even Behind Closed eyelids you are

Time: 3314.28

bringing about more of the neural

Time: 3315.66

circuitry that one would experience if

Time: 3318.24

you were to perform that particular

Time: 3319.38

cognitive task or motor task in the real

Time: 3322.319

world which as I mentioned before in

Time: 3324.359

principle number three you need to be

Time: 3325.5

doing anyway separately from your rental

Time: 3327.3

training and visualization so what we're

Time: 3329.28

talking about here is thus far five

Time: 3331.559

principles of mental training and

Time: 3333.24

visualization that are well established

Time: 3335.099

from the scientific research literature

Time: 3336.54

in fact I haven't mentioned this quite

Time: 3338.28

yet and I'll refer to some other

Time: 3339.48

references but there's a wonderful

Time: 3341.839

systematic review of a large number of

Time: 3345.18

studies that have looked at mental

Time: 3346.68

training and visualization what's

Time: 3347.7

effective what's less effective across a

Time: 3350.46

bunch of different disciplines that

Time: 3351.599

include education medicine music

Time: 3353.16

psychology and sports we will provide a

Time: 3355.559

link to this paper in the show note

Time: 3356.52

captions but the title of the paper is

Time: 3358.02

best practice for motor imagery a

Time: 3359.88

systematic literature view on motor

Time: 3361.8

imagery training elements in five

Time: 3363.54

different disciplines as the title

Time: 3365.28

suggests it's mainly for

Time: 3366.96

motor imagery training but it extends

Time: 3369.839

into music which of course involves

Time: 3371.94

motor training and execution but as well

Time: 3374.94

as education this review establishes a

Time: 3377.46

number of different important things I'm

Time: 3378.66

going to read off some of the key or

Time: 3381.24

highlight takeaways for instance I

Time: 3383.52

described principle one of effective

Time: 3386.28

mental training and visualization which

Time: 3387.839

is that the visualization be brief and

Time: 3390.24

it be simple and it be repeated you may

Time: 3392.22

ask how many times that very brief 5 to

Time: 3395.099

15 second exercise of going through some

Time: 3397.98


Time: 3399.059

should be repeated

Time: 3400.5

well different Studies have used

Time: 3402.119

different ranges of let's call them

Time: 3404.16

repetitions in a given training session

Time: 3406.26

but the number that seems to be most

Time: 3408.96

effective is somewhere between 50 and 75

Time: 3411.96

repeats per session

Time: 3414.24

that brings about the question of how

Time: 3416.04

long one should rest between each repeat

Time: 3419.339

this gets a little tricky depending on

Time: 3420.96

what you're trying to do remember that

Time: 3423.3

we have this threshold of about 15

Time: 3425.52

seconds for completion of the entire

Time: 3427.319

motor sequence let's say what you're

Time: 3428.94

trying to do like a golf swing takes you

Time: 3430.8

five seconds to imagine in your mind's

Time: 3433.02


Time: 3434.099

from the point where you let's just say

Time: 3435.9

have the ball on the tee you bring the

Time: 3437.579

the golf club up you might reposition

Time: 3439.74

your your feet just a little bit you

Time: 3441.78

know that kind of a little wiggle that

Time: 3443.16

golf golfers do and then the swing if

Time: 3445.079

that whole thing takes five seconds in

Time: 3446.94

your mind's eye and roughly five seconds

Time: 3449.16

in the real world well then you'd be

Time: 3450.839

able to repeat it of course three times

Time: 3452.46

in 15 seconds that would be one

Time: 3455.52

repetition even though you're doing it

Time: 3457.38

three times so it's one 15 second Epoch

Time: 3460.2

as it's sometimes called Epoch Epoch and

Time: 3463.559

then you would rest for an approximately

Time: 3466.319

equivalent amount of time 15 seconds or

Time: 3468.78

so and then repeat

Time: 3470.7

and the rest 15 seconds or so and then

Time: 3473.46


Time: 3474.42

rest 15 seconds and then repeat again

Time: 3476.88

three golf swings within that 15 seconds

Time: 3478.92

rest 15 seconds three golf swings within

Time: 3481.02

that 15 seconds rest 15 seconds truth

Time: 3483.599

told these epochs and these rest periods

Time: 3486.42

do not need to be exact you could

Time: 3489.18

imagine for instance that you get three

Time: 3492.3

repetitions of the Swing within 14

Time: 3494.64

seconds well then do you do another one

Time: 3496.319

or do you wait until the end of that 15

Time: 3497.76

seconds I encourage you not to obsess

Time: 3499.5

too much about those sorts of points

Time: 3502.079

rather you want to do as many repeats as

Time: 3504.3

you can in about a 15 second

Time: 3507.78

Epoch and then rest for about 15 seconds

Time: 3510.66

and then repeat for a total of 50 to 75

Time: 3513.599

repetitions which might not sound like a

Time: 3516.599

lot to some of you might sound like an

Time: 3518.46

awful lot to others of you to me it

Time: 3521.099

sounds like a lot you know 50

Time: 3522.299

repetitions of something and where

Time: 3523.799

you're trying to concentrate in your

Time: 3525.119

mind's eye on getting something

Time: 3526.46

accomplished over and over over again in

Time: 3529.14

exactly the same way might seem like a

Time: 3530.76

lot we know based on the learning

Time: 3532.74

literature that your ability to

Time: 3535.02

successfully perform something in the

Time: 3537.359

real world will lend itself to better

Time: 3539.16

performance of that thing in the

Time: 3541.559

imagined world within your mind's eye

Time: 3543.18

that's also one of these sort of does

Time: 3545.22

but if you're trying to get better at

Time: 3547.859

something that you've never performed

Time: 3549.72

before you really should know that the

Time: 3551.339

mental training visualization is

Time: 3553.14

probably not the best augment

Time: 3555.24

to that real world training until you're

Time: 3557.28

able to perform it successfully in the

Time: 3559.92

real world at least some of the time

Time: 3562.079

mental training and visualization can be

Time: 3565.079

effective however at increasing the

Time: 3568.14

accuracy or the frequency at which you

Time: 3570.24

can do that real world Behavior

Time: 3572.76

so if normally you're only getting the

Time: 3574.559

correct swing or you're only hitting the

Time: 3575.94

the golf ball correctly

Time: 3578.16

say 10 of the time mental training and

Time: 3579.96

visualization can really help bring that

Time: 3581.7

number up but it is important that you

Time: 3583.68

are able to successfully complete that

Time: 3585.42

motor task in the real world similarly

Time: 3587.52

for performance of cognitive tasks so

Time: 3589.619

say for instance um speaking a new

Time: 3592.74

language you might ask well gosh what

Time: 3595.02

what in the landscape of speaking a new

Time: 3597

language can be restricted to 5 to 15

Time: 3599.4

seconds where I could repeat it anywhere

Time: 3601.02

from you know through one to three times

Time: 3602.94

in a given Epoch and then rest and then

Time: 3605.16

keep repeating 50 to 75 times Well there

Time: 3607.799

I would encourage you to pick something

Time: 3609.54

that you are able to do perhaps very

Time: 3611.64

slowly so to speak a particular sentence

Time: 3614.94

but with some challenge in getting the

Time: 3617.339

accent and the enunciation right but

Time: 3619.14

you've completed it successfully before

Time: 3621.18

and you want to get more smooth or more

Time: 3623.28

fluid with it likewise for you know

Time: 3625.44

playing piano or guitar again you have

Time: 3627.66

to translate to the specific cognitive

Time: 3629.339

and or motor activity that you are

Time: 3632.4

seeking to improve at but

Time: 3635.16

those epochs lasting 5 to 15 seconds are

Time: 3638.04

really the Cornerstone of an effective

Time: 3639.839

mental training and visualization

Time: 3640.98

practice and the repeated nature of it

Time: 3643.44

50 to 75 repetitions in a given session

Time: 3645.9

is also another Cornerstone of an

Time: 3648.42

effective mental training and

Time: 3649.38

visualization practice so says this

Time: 3652.14

review and some of the other papers that

Time: 3653.7

I'm going to get to in a few moments

Time: 3655.74

now one of the other key components of a

Time: 3659.16

successful mental training and

Time: 3660.24

visualization practice is how often you

Time: 3663.24

perform that mental training and

Time: 3664.44

visualization practice and again a

Time: 3667.38

number of different Studies have looked

Time: 3669

at this through a number of different

Time: 3670.559

lenses meaning anywhere from two to

Time: 3673.68

eight times per week

Time: 3675.42

it does appear that performing these

Time: 3678.299

sessions anywhere from three to five

Time: 3680.28

times per week is going to be effective

Time: 3682.619

we could perhaps even say most effective

Time: 3684.48

because most of the uh let's just call

Time: 3687.24

it the strongest data really point to

Time: 3689.22

repeating these 50 to 75 Trials of the

Time: 3692.28

same thing three to five times per week

Time: 3694.14

so you can come up with a number that's

Time: 3696.54

reasonable for you to do consistently

Time: 3698.22

and you might ask do you have to

Time: 3700.92

continue to perform the mental training

Time: 3703.5

and visualization forever and the good

Time: 3705.96

news is the answer to that question is

Time: 3707.94

no it does seem that once you have

Time: 3710.76

what's called Consolidated the Motor

Time: 3713.52

Performance or the cognitive performance

Time: 3715.14

of something it can be further supported

Time: 3717.24

or reinforced that is Consolidated in

Time: 3720.839

the neural circuits that are responsible

Time: 3722.22

for performing that mental or physical

Time: 3724.44

task so in other words once you are

Time: 3726.599

performing that cognitive or motor task

Time: 3729.119

in a way that's satisfactory or perhaps

Time: 3732.359

just improved perhaps you're not a

Time: 3733.92

hundred percent but it's improved in the

Time: 3735.48

real world you don't need to continue to

Time: 3737.7

do mental training and visualization to

Time: 3739.799

to maintain that real world performance

Time: 3742.38

so that's a good thing in fact

Time: 3744.42

the ideal situation would be then to

Time: 3746.64

pick a different sequence or thing that

Time: 3749.16

you're trying to learn and do mental

Time: 3750.299

training and visualization for that I

Time: 3752.88

perhaps might have misspoke there

Time: 3754.5

although I don't want to edit this out I

Time: 3756.72

misspoke in the sense that again I said

Time: 3759.9

for the thing that you're trying to

Time: 3761.4

learn remember mental training and

Time: 3763.02

visualization is going to be most

Time: 3764.46

effective for building up the number of

Time: 3768.18

accurate trials or that your ability to

Time: 3770.579

do something with a greater frequency of

Time: 3772.92

something that you're already

Time: 3774.78

capable of doing or have done at least

Time: 3777.059

once in the real world okay this is not

Time: 3779.819

to say that mental training and

Time: 3780.9

visualization can't be used to acquire

Time: 3783.24

new skills it can in principle but it

Time: 3786.66

has been shown to be most effective for

Time: 3788.64

enhancing the speed and the accuracy of

Time: 3790.92

skills that one has already demonstrated

Time: 3793.02

some degree of proficiency at in the

Time: 3795.42

real world I think that's important to

Time: 3797.7

point out because we often hear mental

Time: 3799.859

training visualization and this

Time: 3801.119

equivalence of perceptual and motor

Time: 3802.68

experiences in our Mind's Eye to the

Time: 3804.359

real world and we think oh all we have

Time: 3805.859

to do is Imagine doing something and we

Time: 3808.14

will get better at it and unfortunately

Time: 3809.7

that's not the case the good news is

Time: 3811.38

however if you can do something once

Time: 3813.42

even very slowly in the real world and

Time: 3815.579

then you bring it to the mental imagery

Time: 3818.46

and visualization domain you can get

Time: 3820.2

much faster at it in a way that really

Time: 3821.52

does translate back to the real world

Time: 3823.14

I'd like to just take a brief moment and

Time: 3825.48

thank one of our podcast sponsors which

Time: 3827.16

is inside tracker inside tracker is a

Time: 3829.2

personalized nutrition platform that

Time: 3831

analyzes data from your blood and DNA to

Time: 3833.579

help you better understand your body and

Time: 3835.319

help you reach your health goals I've

Time: 3837.059

long been a believer in getting regular

Time: 3838.559

blood work done for the simple reason

Time: 3839.88

that blood work is the only way that you

Time: 3842.46

can monitor the markers such as hormone

Time: 3844.14

markers lipids metabolic factors Etc the

Time: 3846.78

impact your immediate and long-term

Time: 3848.52

Health one major challenge with blood

Time: 3850.44

work however is that most of the time it

Time: 3853.2

does not come back with any information

Time: 3854.579

about what to do in order to move the

Time: 3856.799

values for hormones metabolic factors

Time: 3858.599

lipids Etc into the ranges that you want

Time: 3861.119

with inside tracker changing those

Time: 3863.28

values becomes very straightforward

Time: 3864.72

because it has a personalized dashboard

Time: 3866.52

that you can use to address the

Time: 3868.619

nutrition-based behavior-based

Time: 3870.78

supplement-based approaches that you can

Time: 3873.119

use in order to move those values into

Time: 3875.22

the ranges that are optimal for you Your

Time: 3877.02

vitality and your longevity inside

Time: 3878.94

tracker now includes a measurement of

Time: 3880.619

APO lipoprotein B so-called APO B in

Time: 3883.14

their ultimate plan apob is a key marker

Time: 3885.299

of cardiovascular health and therefore

Time: 3887.22

there's extreme value to knowing your

Time: 3889.14

apob levels if you'd like to try inside

Time: 3891.42

tracker you can go to

Time: 3893.46

huberman to get 20 off any of inside

Time: 3896.22

trackers plans again that's inside

Time: 3897.9 huberman to get 20 off now

Time: 3901.559

if you recall principle number three or

Time: 3903.66

what I'm calling principle number three

Time: 3905.16

of effective mental training and

Time: 3907.74

visualization which was that you have to

Time: 3909.54

be able to perform

Time: 3911.22

the thing that you're trying to get

Time: 3912.359

better at through visualization and

Time: 3914.16

imagery in the real world

Time: 3916.859

that should raise the question of what

Time: 3919.319

is the ratio of real world training

Time: 3921.66

versus mental training that's going to

Time: 3922.98

be most effective well here there's some

Time: 3925.319

really interesting data not just in the

Time: 3927.48

review that I mentioned but in a couple

Time: 3928.98

of the other papers that we're going to

Time: 3930.24

talk about in a few minutes but what

Time: 3932.04

I've done is I've synthesized the

Time: 3933.359

information across those papers and they

Time: 3935.76

really all point to the fact that

Time: 3937.859

real world training is more effective

Time: 3939.96

than mental training and mental training

Time: 3942.119

is more effective than no training now

Time: 3944.339

the mental training more effective than

Time: 3945.66

no training is kind of a duh except that

Time: 3949.02

there are people for instance people who

Time: 3950.88

are injured

Time: 3952.2

who are trying to maintain or replenish

Time: 3955.859

some motor skill or ability to move in a

Time: 3958.079

particular way or who have had traumatic

Time: 3961.02

brain injury and are trying to recreate

Time: 3963.48

experiences in a way that's safe for

Time: 3965.94

them while in a somewhat restricted

Time: 3968.04

format so for instance if you've damaged

Time: 3970.2

a limb or you're experiencing chronic

Time: 3972.72

pain and you need to take a layoff from

Time: 3975

some physical activity there are now

Time: 3977.22

many studies looking at stroke patients

Time: 3979.92

at patients that have been in accidents

Time: 3982.02

TBI also people who are suffering from

Time: 3984.72

more conventional limb and connective

Time: 3986.7

tissue injuries that if they do mental

Time: 3989.16

training it obviously is not going to

Time: 3991.44

put them at risk of doing those same

Time: 3994.079


Time: 3995.28

as it would in the real world right but

Time: 3998.46

that it can actually accelerate or at

Time: 4001.039

least maintain skill performance so this

Time: 4003.799

is pretty exciting if you think about it

Time: 4005.299

what this means and the reason it

Time: 4007.46

underscores this mental training is

Time: 4008.839

better than no training is that should

Time: 4010.76

you find yourself in the unfortunate

Time: 4012.14

circumstance of being injured or unable

Time: 4014.48

to perform a given Behavior Imagining

Time: 4016.94

the sequence of behavior that you'd like

Time: 4018.619

to maintain or even build up over time

Time: 4020.299

provided you've done that motor sequence

Time: 4022.22

before in the real world well the mental

Time: 4024.38

training and visualization can really

Time: 4025.64

help keep that online or even help you

Time: 4027.559

improve over time in fact I have a

Time: 4029.96

colleague in the psychology department

Time: 4031.78

at Stanford who told me an anecdote and

Time: 4034.88

admittedly it's just an anecdote of a

Time: 4037.099

student who was recruited to Stanford

Time: 4039.319

both for their academic prowess but also

Time: 4041.72

for their abilities in tennis and was

Time: 4044.18

injured in their first year and at first

Time: 4045.799

thought this was devastating but did a

Time: 4048.44

cognitive reframe around the idea that

Time: 4051.44

that let's call it extended layoff from

Time: 4054.079

actual tennis was going to afford them

Time: 4055.819

the ability to do more mental training

Time: 4057.92

than they would otherwise even though

Time: 4059.24

they were quite sad to not be able to do

Time: 4062

actual physical training for tennis and

Time: 4064.28

when they came back from that injury

Time: 4065.78

they did indeed manage to improve beyond

Time: 4068.92

the initial non-injured state that we're

Time: 4072.5

in before the injury which is pretty

Time: 4074.48

remarkable but

Time: 4075.859

as Kelly pointed out to me they were

Time: 4077.72

very careful to include a lot of mental

Time: 4080

training and visualization during that

Time: 4081.319

quote-unquote layoff period so again

Time: 4083.119

mental training better than no training

Time: 4084.799

physical training better than mental

Time: 4086.599


Time: 4087.74

but when we say physical training better

Time: 4089.539

than mental training what we're really

Time: 4091.4

talking about is when you allocate a

Time: 4094.099

certain amount of training hours for a

Time: 4096.259

given skill per week okay so how would

Time: 4098.719

this look what these Studies have done

Time: 4100.1

is they've said okay if people have the

Time: 4102.319

option of doing the real world training

Time: 4104.42

for 10 hours a week versus mental

Time: 4106.339

training for 10 hours a week

Time: 4108.259

which group performs better it turns out

Time: 4110.239

it's the ones that do the physical

Time: 4111.5

training for 10 hours per week however

Time: 4113.719

we also know that combinations of

Time: 4116.54

physical training and mental training

Time: 4118.46

can bring about results that are greater

Time: 4120.739

than either one of those alone

Time: 4123.56

how would that work well I wish I could

Time: 4125.779

tell you that if you did nine hours of

Time: 4127.94

physical training per week plus one hour

Time: 4129.679

of mental training

Time: 4131.12

that your performance would be better

Time: 4132.739

than if you did 10 hours of physical

Time: 4134.779

training and that's not the case

Time: 4137.54

okay this is why we can reliably say

Time: 4139.58

physical Real World Training

Time: 4141.62

and again this could be in the cognitive

Time: 4143

domain is always going to be more

Time: 4144.38

effective on an hour by hour basis

Time: 4146.9

compared to mental training so if you

Time: 4148.759

can do real world training and perhaps

Time: 4150.679

we should be calling it real world as

Time: 4152.179

opposed to physical but

Time: 4153.799

if you can do real world training

Time: 4155.719

compared to purely mental training

Time: 4158.359

that's going to be the best use of your

Time: 4160.04

time this is really important it doesn't

Time: 4162.14

underscore everything that we're talking

Time: 4163.339

about because

Time: 4165.199

here's the really cool thing if you do

Time: 4167.779

10 hours per week of real world physical

Time: 4169.46

training again could be running could be

Time: 4171.08

music could be math could be whatever it

Time: 4173

is you're trying to learn shooting

Time: 4174.199

basketball's hitting golf balls and you

Time: 4177.14


Time: 4178.16

one hour or even half an hour of mental

Time: 4182.42

training to that real world training

Time: 4185.42

well then the results are significantly

Time: 4187.699

greater than you would experience with

Time: 4189.44

physical training alone and of course

Time: 4191.239

that would be greater than you could

Time: 4192.14

achieve with mental training alone

Time: 4193.1

because we already established that real

Time: 4194.84

world training is more powerful in

Time: 4197.179

learning skills and retaining skills

Time: 4198.62

than is mental training okay if any of

Time: 4201.739

that was confusing let me just say it

Time: 4203.179

one more time just to be ultra clear

Time: 4205.94

if you have the option to do real world

Time: 4208.76

training for a cognitive indoor motor

Time: 4211.04

skill versus mental training always go

Time: 4213.56

with real world training however if you

Time: 4216.26

can add to a maximum amount of real

Time: 4220.82

world training

Time: 4222.32

by doing some mental training and you

Time: 4224.06

follow the principles that we've been

Time: 4225.62

discussing here which are gleaned from

Time: 4227.6

the scientific literature

Time: 4229.64

well then you are going to get

Time: 4231.92

significantly greater results in terms

Time: 4234.5

of speed accuracy and consistency of

Time: 4238.159

performance of those real world

Time: 4240.44

behaviors and cognitive abilities

Time: 4243.62

and of course if you are unable to do

Time: 4246.02

physical training for whatever reason

Time: 4247.94


Time: 4249.5

travel whatever the case may be well

Time: 4252.5

then doing mental training is still

Time: 4254.96

four significantly greater than doing no

Time: 4258.26

training at all okay so total layoffs it

Time: 4261.02

turns out are a bad thing if you want to

Time: 4263.239

get better at something and indeed if

Time: 4265.4

you want to retain certain skills both

Time: 4267.739

cognitive and motor now a couple of

Time: 4269.78

other things to keep in mind as you're

Time: 4272.179

thinking about how to build up skills

Time: 4274.04

through a combination of physical and

Time: 4276.32

mental training

Time: 4277.76

well remember back to the beginning of

Time: 4279.32

the episode where we talked about

Time: 4280.34

neuroplasticity and the fact that

Time: 4282.38

self-directed adaptive plasticity which

Time: 4284.36

is really what we're talking about here

Time: 4285.679

in this entire episode things that

Time: 4288.08

you're trying to learn in a deliberate

Time: 4289.699

way that is as you recall a two-part

Time: 4292.4

process requires focused attention both

Time: 4296.06

when you're doing it in the real world

Time: 4297.32

and when you're doing mental training

Time: 4300.02

and it requires rest and sleep and in

Time: 4302.42


Time: 4303.56

you would be very wise to try and get a

Time: 4306.38

good night's sleep both on the days when

Time: 4308.84

you do physical training again also

Time: 4311.719

called real world training and mental

Time: 4313.64

training you may also be asking can you

Time: 4316.04

do them on the same day and this gets

Time: 4318.679

into some Nuance in the literature but

Time: 4321.14

by my read of the literature

Time: 4323.239

here's the takeaway if you are doing the

Time: 4326.6

maximum amount of physical training that

Time: 4328.1

you can do according to your schedule

Time: 4329.239

preventing injury and all those sorts of

Time: 4331.52

important constraints and you're going

Time: 4333.56

to add mental training and imagery it

Time: 4335.84

doesn't really matter when you do it you

Time: 4337.88

could do it immediately after your

Time: 4339.02

physical training you could do it on a

Time: 4340.52

separate day but you do want to place it

Time: 4343.1

at a time in which you can try and get

Time: 4345.62

good sleep that night so for instance

Time: 4348.02

Believe It or Not Studies have been done

Time: 4349.64

where people are doing mental training

Time: 4351.02

at times when they should be sleeping

Time: 4352.4

that is going to offset some of the

Time: 4354.8

degradation and performance that you

Time: 4356.12

would normally see but it's generally a

Time: 4358.88

bad idea you should do your real world

Time: 4360.86

training and your mental training

Time: 4363.14

whenever it is that you can and then you

Time: 4365.84

should try and get as much quality sleep

Time: 4367.82

as you possibly can on the night

Time: 4369.8

following that physical and or mental

Time: 4371.96

training okay this is true of pretty

Time: 4373.82

much every night of your life right if I

Time: 4375.38

had my way that is if I had a magic wand

Time: 4377.36

which obviously I don't I would ensure

Time: 4379.52

that I and everyone else in the world

Time: 4380.78

get sufficient amounts of quality sleep

Time: 4382.699

every single night but that's just not

Time: 4383.9

realistic there are going to be times

Time: 4385.64

where that's simply not going to happen

Time: 4387.44

for whatever reason and I always say if

Time: 4389.12

you're not going to get sufficient

Time: 4390.199

amounts of quality sleep for whatever

Time: 4392.12

reason trying to make it for a fund

Time: 4393.8

reason or a good reason but I think

Time: 4395.42

getting sufficient amounts of quality

Time: 4396.98

sleep 80 percent of the nights of your

Time: 4398.54


Time: 4399.32

is a reasonable goal and one that's

Time: 4401.719

worth driving toward and we have lots of

Time: 4403.1

episodes now or three really on

Time: 4405.5

mastering sleep on perfecting your sleep

Time: 4407.719

and uh episode guest episode with the

Time: 4410.3

great Matthew Walker who wrote the book

Time: 4412.64

why you why we sleep

Time: 4414.86

incredibly important book all of those

Time: 4417.199

as well as our toolkit for Sleep

Time: 4418.4

describe ways to improve your sleep so

Time: 4420.32

you can refer to those episodes if

Time: 4421.699

you're having challenges with sleep and

Time: 4423.14

want to improve on sleep

Time: 4424.699

and things like non-sleep depressed

Time: 4426.32

which can support your ability of sleep

Time: 4427.58

and your ability to learn so sleep is

Time: 4429.44

still vitally important not just for

Time: 4430.82

ensuring neuroplasticity occurs

Time: 4432.38

following real world training but also

Time: 4434.78

following mental training and again when

Time: 4436.76

you place that mental training is not so

Time: 4438.86

critical or at least it doesn't appear

Time: 4440.12

to be based on the literature so if

Time: 4442.82

anyone out there has knowledge of any

Time: 4444.739

peer-reviewed studies stating that

Time: 4446.42

mental training should be done either

Time: 4448.159

before or after or some hours away from

Time: 4450.199

Real World Training please send that to

Time: 4452.12

me or put in the excuse me put it in the

Time: 4454.46

comments on YouTube and I'll see it

Time: 4455.9

there because I do read all the comments

Time: 4457.58

but I'm not aware of any any such data

Time: 4460.04

or analysis and by the way if you are

Time: 4461.719

interested in understanding the

Time: 4462.8

relationship between motor skill

Time: 4464.54

acquisition and retention and this first

Time: 4467.42

night phenomenon of sleep the first

Time: 4469.4

night after training versus sleep on the

Time: 4471.56

second eye Etc there's a really

Time: 4472.699

wonderful paper that was published by

Time: 4474.5

none other than the great Matthew Walker

Time: 4476.48

when I believe he was a graduate student

Time: 4478.4

maybe he was a postdoc when he did this

Time: 4479.78

in Robert's stick Gold's Lab at Harvard

Time: 4482.06

the title of the paper is sleep and time

Time: 4484.04

course of motor skill learning this is a

Time: 4486.679

paper published in 2003 still an

Time: 4489.08

incredibly important paper I will

Time: 4490.58

provide a link to it in the show note

Time: 4491.78

captions it really highlights some of

Time: 4494.12

the key aspects of when people sleep and

Time: 4497.12

how critical sleep is on the night

Time: 4498.679

following and the nights following that

Time: 4501.44

training in order to really consolidate

Time: 4504.5

certain types of learning and what

Time: 4506.36

phases of sleep relate to the

Time: 4508.159

consolidation of motor learning Etc a

Time: 4510.02

really wonderful paper and of course but

Time: 4512.179

just one of Matthew and Robert stick

Time: 4515.239

Gold's incredible papers on sleep and

Time: 4517.1

learning remember at the beginning of

Time: 4518.719

the episode when I mentioned that many

Time: 4521.12

people are good at mental training and

Time: 4523.58

visualization but some people are not

Time: 4525.8

well sex differences have been explored

Time: 4528.679

and age-related differences have been

Time: 4530.659

explored in terms of people's ability to

Time: 4533.36

mentally visualize and train up specific

Time: 4536.179

skills and while initially there were

Time: 4539.12

some sex differences identified really

Time: 4541.58

the bulk of the subsequent literature

Time: 4543.86

that is the majority of quality

Time: 4545.659

peer-reviewed studies on this aspect of

Time: 4548.239

mental training visualization point to

Time: 4550.04

the fact that there are no significant

Time: 4551.6

differences between males and females in

Time: 4553.64

terms of their ability to mentally

Time: 4554.9

visualize nor their ability to use that

Time: 4557.42

mental visualization toward improving

Time: 4559.64

cognitive or motor skills that point was

Time: 4562.34

covered in some detail in the review I

Time: 4564.8

mentioned earlier best practice for

Time: 4566.179

motor imagery a systematic literature

Time: 4567.8

view on motor imagery training elements

Time: 4569.42

in five different disciplines this

Time: 4571.1

review also looked at age-related

Time: 4572.78

effects and perhaps the only thing that

Time: 4574.58

really popped out from this literature

Time: 4576.08

review in terms of age-dependent

Time: 4578.54

differences that point to changes in

Time: 4580.34

protocols that you might make is that

Time: 4582.26

for individuals 65 or older a

Time: 4584.96

combination of physical and mental

Time: 4586.219

training may actually allow them

Time: 4589

to gain and consolidate skills better

Time: 4592.94

than were they to do physical training

Time: 4594.739

alone now whether or not that's due to

Time: 4596.179


Time: 4597.199

lower upper limit of physical training

Time: 4599.719

that they can do because of their age or

Time: 4601.46

whether or not that's something specific

Time: 4602.659

to do with older versus younger neural

Time: 4605

circuits isn't clear

Time: 4606.5

but what this review also makes clear is

Time: 4608.84

that for the vast majority of people out

Time: 4610.64

there so teens people in their 20s

Time: 4613.219

in their 40s and so on physical training

Time: 4615.739

more effective than mental training we

Time: 4617

said that before combination of physical

Time: 4618.679

and mental training more effective

Time: 4620.84

than physical training alone provided

Time: 4623.06

the mental training is on top of the

Time: 4624.679

maximum amount of physical training that

Time: 4626.12

one could do and of course mental

Time: 4627.8

training more effective than no training

Time: 4629.84

at all okay so we talked about sets and

Time: 4631.94

Reps we talked about you know five to

Time: 4633.8

Fifteen second epochs with about 15

Time: 4636.199

second breaks in between

Time: 4638.3

or rest between sets if you will repeat

Time: 4640.46

it for 50 to 75 trials done three to

Time: 4643.219

five times per week

Time: 4645.02

some of the conditions of keeping it

Time: 4646.46

really simple The Importance of Being

Time: 4648.44

able to actually perform those sequences

Time: 4650.12

in the real world and so on what we

Time: 4652.699

haven't discussed is first person versus

Time: 4654.5

third person and eyes open versus eyes

Time: 4657.92

closed so what are we really talking

Time: 4659.12

about here well first person mental

Time: 4661.88

training and visualization would be

Time: 4663.739

where you are imagining doing something

Time: 4666.44

and you are seeing yourself doing

Time: 4669.199

something from the inside out as opposed

Time: 4671.659

from the outside in Imagine for instance

Time: 4674.3

wearing a headcam okay or a body Cam and

Time: 4676.82

doing something with your hands

Time: 4678.44

or being in virtual reality and having

Time: 4680.54

the sense that whatever you see in front

Time: 4682.4

of you and that's moving and that you're

Time: 4684.199

doing that's you so what I mean by this

Time: 4686.36

is a mental training or visualization

Time: 4687.92

protocol for instance if you were at the

Time: 4689.48

piano or at a guitar where you're

Time: 4691.34

actually looking down at or sensing the

Time: 4695.06

feeling of your hands but you're not

Time: 4696.98

actually moving your hands okay as

Time: 4699.44

opposed to seeing yourself from outside

Time: 4702.679

of your body so looking at yourself say

Time: 4704.96

standing next to you or from across the

Time: 4707

room you're looking at yourself playing

Time: 4708.56

the piano or playing guitar or swinging

Time: 4710.96

a golf club or doing a tennis serve okay

Time: 4713.719

first person versus third person

Time: 4716.06

and what the data tell us is that first

Time: 4718.4

person mental training and visualization

Time: 4720.32

is generally more effective than third

Time: 4723.08

person mental training and visualization

Time: 4724.94

which perhaps raises another course of

Time: 4727.46

does out there but it needn't have been

Time: 4730.4

the case right I mean you could imagine

Time: 4732.199

that seeing yourself doing something and

Time: 4734.84

doing it perfectly because you've done

Time: 4736.58

it perfectly once before hopefully would

Time: 4738.92

allow you to build up that skill more

Time: 4741.02

quickly because you have that third

Time: 4742.28

person perspective where you can really

Time: 4743.9

see every aspect in every element of

Time: 4746.659

what you're trying to perform

Time: 4748.64

Well turns out that the first person

Time: 4750.8

mental training and visualization is

Time: 4753.14

significantly more effective than that

Time: 4755

third person mental training and

Time: 4756.62

visualization so if what you're trying

Time: 4758.659

to learn lends itself well to this first

Time: 4761.12

person mental experiencing of self as

Time: 4764.3

you perform the cognitive and or motor

Time: 4765.98

skill I suggest you do that as opposed

Time: 4768.199

to the third person version

Time: 4769.88

now what if what you're trying to learn

Time: 4771.32

doesn't lend itself well to first person

Time: 4773.98

visualization for instance what if

Time: 4775.82

you're trying to learn uh specific

Time: 4777.98

cognitive skill that doesn't involve any

Time: 4780.199

overt motor Behavior to be observed well

Time: 4783.38

in that case it's very clear that

Time: 4786.44

closing your eyes ideally and trying to

Time: 4789.5

perform that specific cognitive task or

Time: 4792.08

the statement or the you know uttering

Time: 4795.26

of a particular sentence in another

Time: 4796.82

language or doing some sort of

Time: 4799.36

computation or problem solving of some

Time: 4802.34

sort in your head well that itself of

Time: 4804.679

course is first person because it's

Time: 4806.06

inside your own body as opposed to and I

Time: 4808.34

don't know that anyone would actually do

Time: 4809.48

this but looking at yourself from a

Time: 4811.58

third person perspective in your mind's

Time: 4813.14

eye and seeing yourself perform that

Time: 4815.659


Time: 4816.739

challenge whatever that challenge may

Time: 4818.659

happen to be okay now we have to address

Time: 4821.3

eyes open versus eyes closed and this is

Time: 4823.34

where the literature gets pretty

Time: 4824.659

interesting I always thought for some

Time: 4826.76

reason I don't know why but I presumed

Time: 4828.98

that mental training and visualization

Time: 4831.14

should always be done eyes closed but it

Time: 4834.32

turns out that's not how a lot of

Time: 4835.52

studies of mental training and

Time: 4836.54

visualization have been done in fact

Time: 4837.86

many of them have arrived at really

Time: 4839.54

impressive protocols which are

Time: 4841.58

essentially the protocols that I've

Time: 4842.84

distilled out and I'm listing out during

Time: 4844.76

today's episode

Time: 4846.02

having people either watch videos of

Time: 4848.6

themselves performing a given skill and

Time: 4852.26

imagining themselves in that role and

Time: 4856.4

again it's them so again during the

Time: 4859.04

mental training visualization they're

Time: 4860.42

watching a movie of themselves so

Time: 4861.679

they're somewhat in the third person

Time: 4863.3

perspective I guess we could technically

Time: 4865.1

say they are in the third person

Time: 4866.42

perspective but they're watching

Time: 4867.679

themself so in doing that we know based

Time: 4870.5

on neuroimaging studies that when we

Time: 4872.239

watch videos of ourselves doing things

Time: 4874.219

we experience that more from a

Time: 4876.679

first-person perspective than if we

Time: 4878

watch videos of other people doing

Time: 4879.38

things use your imagination here folks

Time: 4882.08


Time: 4883.34

if you're somebody for instance who's

Time: 4884.9

trying to get better at a particular

Time: 4886.34

skill this could be not just sport but

Time: 4888.86

also public speaking watching videos of

Time: 4890.96

yourself doing that can be very

Time: 4893

effective but of course we have to come

Time: 4894.739

back to the first principle of effective

Time: 4896.3

mental training and visualization which

Time: 4898.46

is that whatever it is that we're trying

Time: 4900.98

to build up or consolidate as a skill

Time: 4903.199

needs to be brief and repeated so what

Time: 4905.239

we're really talking about here is

Time: 4906.14

watching a video of ourselves on Loop or

Time: 4909.56

listening to a audio or audio video

Time: 4912.92

recording of ourselves on Loop for

Time: 4914.78

whatever aspect that we're trying to

Time: 4916.94

build up or improve upon now for people

Time: 4919.04

that for instance are trying to get

Time: 4920.239

better at dealing with public speaking

Time: 4922.94

and there isn't a particular skill or

Time: 4926.12

utterance of particular sentences or

Time: 4928.82

words that they're trying to accomplish

Time: 4930.02

but rather they're trying to learn to be

Time: 4931.699

more relaxed or to articulate better in

Time: 4934.88

the public speaking scenario there would

Time: 4937.76

be one of the few instances in which I

Time: 4939.5

suggest more General theme and not exact

Time: 4942.02

recapitulation of some specific words

Time: 4944.239

that you're going to say perhaps it

Time: 4946.34

could be a sequence of you walking out

Time: 4948.38

onto stage

Time: 4949.94

toward the podium or out from the podium

Time: 4952.159

and facing the audience and looking in

Time: 4954.199

multiple directions up and down to see

Time: 4956.54

people in every corner of the room and

Time: 4958.159

just repeating that on Loop in your

Time: 4960.08

mind's eye or watching yourself do that

Time: 4962.48

on video and making yourself calm in

Time: 4964.88

your internal State as you're doing that

Time: 4966.44

this is more of mental autonomic

Time: 4969.38

training because what you're really

Time: 4970.52

trying to do is control your autonomic

Time: 4972.38

nervous system the nervous system aspect

Time: 4974.36

that controls how alert or calm you are

Time: 4976.159

as opposed to a specific skill however

Time: 4979.159

you could also translate this to you

Time: 4981.08

know dance steps or to motor sequences

Time: 4983.54

for playing an instrument

Time: 4984.98

and so on so the point here is that it's

Time: 4988.58

not as if there is zero utility to third

Time: 4992.54

person mental training and visualization

Time: 4994.34

there can be but

Time: 4996.92

first person mental training

Time: 4998.659

visualization is going to be more

Time: 5000.46

effective as I mentioned before and if

Time: 5002.86

you're going to use the third person

Time: 5004.44

mental training visualization ideally

Time: 5007.179

you would be looking at yourself either

Time: 5009.58

on video or listening to yourself in

Time: 5012.34

audio and or video

Time: 5014.5

that is going to be more effective than

Time: 5016.48

closing your eyes and trying to imagine

Time: 5018.64

yourself from a third person perspective

Time: 5020.5

in your mind's eye okay so just to make

Time: 5022.659

it really simple first person better

Time: 5023.8

than third person visualization if

Time: 5025.239

you're going to go with third person

Time: 5026.14

visualization try and go with real third

Time: 5028.9

person visualization where you're

Time: 5030.159

actually seeing and or hearing yourself

Time: 5031.659

on a screen and again this was somewhat

Time: 5034.12

of a surprise to me I always thought

Time: 5035.5

that mental training and visualization

Time: 5036.699

was done with eyes closed I thought okay

Time: 5038.44

could you close your eyes you imagine

Time: 5039.58

this you imagine that that's actually

Time: 5041.56

not the case for many many studies some

Time: 5044.08

of which are considered real Hallmark

Time: 5046

studies within the field of mental

Time: 5048.159

training and visualization and the

Time: 5049.54

different neural circuits that it

Time: 5050.739

recruits and along those lines there's a

Time: 5053.86

really interesting study it came out not

Time: 5055.9

that long ago this was just a summer of

Time: 5057.58

2022. like to discuss in a little bit of

Time: 5060.28

detail because it really hammers home a

Time: 5062.98

number of the principles that we talked

Time: 5064.06

about the title of the article is mental

Time: 5066.04

practice modulates functional

Time: 5067.42

connectivity between the cerebellum and

Time: 5069.28

the primary motor cortex

Time: 5071.679

I'm going to tell you the essential

Time: 5072.76

features of this study first of all

Time: 5074.26

primary motor cortex

Time: 5076.659

sometimes called M1 is a relatively

Time: 5079.78

small but vitally important strip of

Time: 5081.94

neurons in or near the front of your

Time: 5084.04


Time: 5085.78

the neurons there are called upper motor

Time: 5087.88

neurons they communicate through a set

Time: 5090.219

of neural connections with what are

Time: 5091.36

called lower motor neurons the lower

Time: 5092.92

motor neurons sit in What's called the

Time: 5094.659

ventral Horn of the spinal cord so along

Time: 5097.239

the spinal cord you have sensory inputs

Time: 5098.98

coming from skin and muscle and what's

Time: 5100.659

called proprioceptive feedback that

Time: 5102.28

tells you where your limbs are in

Time: 5103.48

relation to each other and to yourself

Time: 5105.4

and so on you also have motor neurons

Time: 5107.26

that live in the spinal cord they're

Time: 5108.46

actually the ones that send little wires

Time: 5109.96

that we call axons out to the muscles

Time: 5111.34

release acetylcholine onto those muscles

Time: 5112.84

and allow those muscles to contract

Time: 5114.28

lower motor neurons are the ones that

Time: 5116.199

actually generate movement however

Time: 5119.92

they are largely responsible for

Time: 5121.54

reflexive movements are already learned

Time: 5123.58

movements and they require some input

Time: 5126.4

from things like Central pattern

Time: 5127.659

generators and some other circuits

Time: 5128.98

within the spinal cord and brain stem

Time: 5130.42

but it's those M1 primary motor cortex

Time: 5133.42

neurons that are called upper motor

Time: 5134.92

neurons because they control lower motor

Time: 5137.56


Time: 5138.58

through directed action okay

Time: 5141.76

so when I say primary motor cortex I'm

Time: 5144.219

really talking about those upper motor

Time: 5145.3

neurons M1 the cerebellum is an area in

Time: 5148.239

the back of your brain if you were to

Time: 5149.44

look at a brain you'd see two little

Time: 5150.52

lobes back there that are highly

Time: 5151.719

foliated foliated means that lots of

Time: 5153.52

lots of folds and lots of bumps and

Time: 5155.8

grooves back there and actually means

Time: 5157.239

mini brain it looks like a kind of a

Time: 5158.5

mini brain stuffed in the back of the

Time: 5160.12


Time: 5160.96

in certain animals the cerebellum is

Time: 5163.3

much larger than the rest of the brain

Time: 5165.639

in humans the cerebellum is relatively

Time: 5167.44

small compared to the rest of the

Time: 5169.06

so-called neocortex the outer shell the

Time: 5170.86

human brain the cerebellum is involved

Time: 5172.719

in Balance it's also involved in eye

Time: 5174.34

movements it's also involved in timing

Time: 5177.04

and motor learning and the key thing to

Time: 5178.6

understand is that the cerebellum

Time: 5180.94

communicates with the primary motor

Time: 5182.199

cortex and it can do so through what's

Time: 5185.44

called inhibition it has outputs that

Time: 5187.84

inhibit the activity of neurons in the

Time: 5191.02

motor cortex and elsewhere and that has

Time: 5193.179

a profound influence on the execution of

Time: 5195.28

motor Behavior and the learning of

Time: 5196.9

particular motor behaviors now I don't

Time: 5199.12

want to get into too much detail around

Time: 5200.92

all this but what you need to know is

Time: 5203.5

that the cerebellum communicates with M1

Time: 5205.84

primary motor cortex M1 is primary motor

Time: 5208.42

cortex so the upper motor neurons that

Time: 5209.98

are going to control that lower murder

Time: 5211.6

neurons and are going to control

Time: 5213.04

physical behavior and execution of

Time: 5215.38

physical movements

Time: 5218.32

the communication between cerebellum and

Time: 5220.179

primary motor cortex

Time: 5221.679

is inhibitory although it can activate

Time: 5224.86

motor cortex too and this gets into a

Time: 5227.32

little bit of technical detail but there

Time: 5228.82

can be inhibition of inhibition so if

Time: 5230.56

you take something that's a break and

Time: 5232.06

you inhibit that break what you end up

Time: 5233.44

with is more excitation okay so the

Time: 5235.84

takeaway here that's key and everyone

Time: 5237.76

should be able to understand even though

Time: 5239.139

you may or may not be following this

Time: 5240.88

whole cerebellum primary motor cortex

Time: 5242.5

thing is that when we gain a new skill

Time: 5245.739

or we get more proficient at a skill so

Time: 5248.5

faster and more accurate there tends to

Time: 5251.08

be more net excitation of the cerebellum

Time: 5255.46

to motor cortex communication and that

Time: 5259.54

is accomplished by reducing inhibition

Time: 5261.82

so that's where it gets a little bit

Time: 5263.139

confusing to some but in this paper what

Time: 5266.199

they did is they explored people's

Time: 5268.239

ability to improve on a very specific

Time: 5270.46

but very simple motor sequence it's one

Time: 5272.199

that you're already familiar with it's

Time: 5273.76

that tapping sequence that I talked

Time: 5275.139

about before where the thumb is digit

Time: 5276.94

one index finger number two middle

Time: 5278.5

finger number three

Time: 5279.94

ring finger number four and pinky finger

Time: 5282.04

number five and it's a one two one three

Time: 5284.98

one four one five one two one three one

Time: 5287.199

four one five and they had people

Time: 5288.639

actually perform this and they measured

Time: 5290.92

their speed and accuracy and then they

Time: 5293.739

had them do a practice session that was

Time: 5297.58

either an intentional task so one group

Time: 5299.38

just looked at an intentional cue and

Time: 5301.54

had to maintain uh focus on that

Time: 5303.699

attentional cue and another group did

Time: 5305.32

mental practice they basically did 50

Time: 5307.3

imagined trials so just in their Mind's

Time: 5310

Eye of this one two one three one four

Time: 5311.92

one five on repeat okay 50 trials much

Time: 5315.58

in the same way as what I referenced as

Time: 5318.1

the ideal protocol earlier okay 50

Time: 5320.739

rounds of that then they got tested

Time: 5322.42

again on the motor task in the real

Time: 5324.94


Time: 5325.9

and there were also recordings of the

Time: 5328.48

cerebellar to primary motor cortex

Time: 5330.58

communication so there were a bunch of

Time: 5332.5

different results in this study I think

Time: 5334

are interesting but the ones that are

Time: 5335.56

most important are that quote we found

Time: 5337.78

that mental practice enhanced both the

Time: 5339.94

speed and accuracy of this one two one

Time: 5343.659

three one four one five performance in

Time: 5345.82

the real world when people did these 50

Time: 5347.56

imagine trials there are many results

Time: 5350.26

out there different papers that

Time: 5353.199

parallel and essentially say the same

Time: 5355.9

thing as what is said in this paper and

Time: 5357.46

remember there have been studies of

Time: 5358.78

mental training dating back to the 1880s

Time: 5361.78

but what this paper really does it looks

Time: 5363.82

at the neural machinery and the changes

Time: 5365.32

in the neural machinery and what they

Time: 5367.36

found using transcranial magnetic

Time: 5369.699

stimulation both in the context of

Time: 5372.52

stimulating but also recording activity

Time: 5374.26

and connectivity between cerebellum and

Time: 5375.82

primary motor cortex is that mental

Time: 5378.159

training enhanced the net excitation of

Time: 5383.139

cerebellum to motor cortex communication

Time: 5385.659

that is it reduced the inhibition in a

Time: 5388.12

way that allowed motor cortex to

Time: 5390.82

generate these movements with more

Time: 5392.26

accuracy and more speed what's also

Time: 5394.179

interesting about this paper is that it

Time: 5395.56

showed that the Improvement in

Time: 5397.12

performance of this task was not related

Time: 5399.82

to activation of the motor pathways

Time: 5402.52

themselves so it's not the case that the

Time: 5404.38

cerebellum activation or inhibition

Time: 5406.199

changed the patterns of excitation going

Time: 5409.3

directly to the spinal cord

Time: 5411.82

because those Pathways actually exist

Time: 5413.739

through a couple of intermediate

Time: 5415.06

stations what it really showed is that

Time: 5417.699

when people do mental training and here

Time: 5420.219

you could say Okay 50 trials that's a

Time: 5421.78

lot of Trials but it's not actually that

Time: 5423.639

many trials it's pretty fast learning if

Time: 5425.679

you think about do a task in the real

Time: 5427.78

world do 50 Trials of the Imagine task

Time: 5429.94

do the trial in the real world again

Time: 5432.219

significant Improvement in speed and

Time: 5434.08

accuracy through now what are becoming

Time: 5437.08

to be established neural circuit

Time: 5439.3

connections between cerebellum and

Time: 5440.739

primary motor cortex okay so this study

Time: 5443.32

is one of several but not a tremendous

Time: 5445.239

number of studies out there that are

Time: 5446.62

starting to really pinpoint the

Time: 5448.12

underlying neural circuits that allow

Time: 5449.8

mental training and visualization to

Time: 5451.54

really improve motor skill performance

Time: 5453.219

but again and please hear me on this

Time: 5455.98

in this study and in the vast majority

Time: 5458.56

of other studies that have shown

Time: 5460.06

significant Improvement in Motor

Time: 5462.159

Performance in the real world by use of

Time: 5464.5

mental training visualization there was

Time: 5466.48

an ability of each and everyone in the

Time: 5468.28

study to perform the specific motor

Time: 5470.62

sequence in the real world that then

Time: 5472.42

they were able to enhance with mental

Time: 5474.219

training and visualization now thus far

Time: 5476.02

we've been talking mostly about

Time: 5477.34

performance of motor sequences and one

Time: 5479.199

of the things to really understand about

Time: 5480.699

performance of motor sequences both in

Time: 5483.34

the real world and in the Imagine

Time: 5484.48

context is that it involves the doing

Time: 5487.12

that's what we call a go

Time: 5489.52

action and not doing certain things what

Time: 5492.94

I mean by not doing well for many tasks

Time: 5494.92

out there even ones as simple as the one

Time: 5496.9

two one three one four one five task

Time: 5498.34

that we talked about a moment ago

Time: 5500.62

there is the need not just to tap those

Time: 5503.139

fingers in the correct sequence as

Time: 5504.94

quickly as possible but also to be

Time: 5506.86

accurate about it to not do one three

Time: 5508.659

one four or one three and four at the

Time: 5510.34

same time so there's both a go component

Time: 5512.38

an action component and a withhold

Time: 5514.78

action component and the ability to

Time: 5517.3

withhold action is strongly constrained

Time: 5519.639

by the time domain in other words the

Time: 5521.26

faster that we need to perform a given

Time: 5523.48

motor sequence the more likely we are to

Time: 5526.12

perform incorrect components of the

Time: 5528.52

motor sequence as well okay so one of

Time: 5531.88

the key things about mental training and

Time: 5533.44

visualization that's really remarkable

Time: 5535.36

is that it can also be used and has been

Time: 5538.3

shown to improve not just go aspects of

Time: 5541.78

Motor Performance and cognitive

Time: 5543.04

performance but also no go

Time: 5545.32

aspects of Motor Performance and skill

Time: 5547.719

learning now the go no go thing is

Time: 5551.26

something I've discussed before on this

Time: 5553.06

podcast in reference to the so-called

Time: 5554.44

basal ganglia basal ganglia are

Time: 5557.199

subcortical so they're below that bumpy

Time: 5559.48

surface of the human brain that we're

Time: 5561.4

most accustomed to seeing when we look

Time: 5563.38

at it from the outside

Time: 5565.06

and the basal ganglia are strongly

Time: 5567.28

involved in Go versus no go type tasks

Time: 5570.52

and learning now

Time: 5572.92

there are only a few studies that have

Time: 5575.02

really looked at the learning and the

Time: 5577.3

Improvement of no go components of motor

Time: 5580.239

learning but these no-go components are

Time: 5582.94

really really important in fact if we

Time: 5585.88

were to look at what's involved at

Time: 5588.159

Improvement in a golf swing or shooting

Time: 5590.56

free throws or getting better at piano

Time: 5592.12

or getting better at math or language

Time: 5593.92


Time: 5595.3

I think it's fair to say that at least

Time: 5597.1

half and probably as much as 75 percent

Time: 5599.86

of motor learning is about restricting

Time: 5602.92

inappropriate movements or utterances or

Time: 5606.88

thoughts if what you're trying to learn

Time: 5608.56

is purely cognitive okay I think that's

Time: 5611.199

an important point that brings us back

Time: 5614.38

to our initial learning when we come

Time: 5615.94

into this world that developmental

Time: 5617.26

plasticity which as you recall we have a

Time: 5620.08

lot of interconnected aspects of our

Time: 5622.78

brain and nervous system early in life

Time: 5624.219

remember the example of the kid trying

Time: 5625.84

to eat and getting the spoon of food and

Time: 5627.52

Bowl on their head Etc

Time: 5629.26

and then over time getting more accurate

Time: 5630.94

at bringing food to their mouth and

Time: 5632.44

eating in a clean way things that most

Time: 5634.179

but not all people accomplish in at some

Time: 5636.52

point in the course of their lifetime

Time: 5637.659

well there haven't been many but there

Time: 5639.52

have been a few very interesting studies

Time: 5641.139

looking at how mental training and

Time: 5643.06

visualization can improve the no-go

Time: 5645.219

aspect of motor learning and I think

Time: 5647.199

this is important to highlight because

Time: 5648.9

it really mirrors What's Done in the

Time: 5652

real world as opposed to just the finger

Time: 5654.4

tapping type things which are mostly go

Time: 5656.139

tasks again there's a little bit of a

Time: 5657.58

no-go component there but there are

Time: 5659.32

specific tasks that people have

Time: 5660.82

developed for the laboratory that really

Time: 5662.739

closely mimic action learning and

Time: 5665.199

cognitive learning in the real world and

Time: 5667.06

one of the more

Time: 5668.52

important of those is What's called the

Time: 5671.26

stop signal task now the stop signal

Time: 5673.659

task is something that I'll explain to

Time: 5675.46

you I'll also provide a link in the show

Time: 5677.86

note caption so you can try it it's

Time: 5679.239

actually a lot of fun to try this

Time: 5681.219

because it really gives you a sense of

Time: 5682.48

just how challenging some of these

Time: 5683.679

laboratory tasks are let me just

Time: 5685.9

describe it for a moment the stop signal

Time: 5688.12

task was really developed and

Time: 5689.86

popularized by Gordon Logan and William

Time: 5692.5

Cowan Gordon Logan is at Vanderbilt

Time: 5694.659

University and has done a lot of really

Time: 5696.699

important work but one of the important

Time: 5699.219

aspects of his work is looking at Motor

Time: 5701.62

Performance and skill acquisition and

Time: 5703.48

the development of the stop signal task

Time: 5705.159

I'll describe the stop signal task for

Time: 5707.199

you now in Broad Contour you or another

Time: 5710.5

research subject would sit in front of a

Time: 5712.179

screen there are two keys on that

Time: 5714.4

keyboard or two keys among the other

Time: 5716.199

keys on that keyboard one which is

Time: 5718.42

designated left the other which is

Time: 5720.34

designated right and then on the screen

Time: 5722.8

you'll be presented for instance with a

Time: 5725.739

left-facing or a right-facing arrow so

Time: 5728.56

in the initial trial what would happen

Time: 5730.12

is that Arrow would pop up on the screen

Time: 5731.5

and your job is to press the left key

Time: 5734.32

when the right facing arrow is presented

Time: 5736.78

you press the right key okay pretty

Time: 5738.1

straightforward but there's a limited

Time: 5740.08

amount of time in which you can do this

Time: 5741.36

and the idea is that you're going to

Time: 5743.5

need to do this within approximately 500

Time: 5746.02

milliseconds of the presentation of that

Time: 5747.94

Arrow or else it's going to tell you

Time: 5749.8

that you missed that trial now of course

Time: 5751.6

if you press the wrong key so if the

Time: 5753.52

arrow goes left and you press the right

Time: 5755.5

key then you would be told you got that

Time: 5757.3

one wrong okay so this is a reaction

Time: 5759.82

time test and not one that's

Time: 5761.86

particularly novel what's novel and what

Time: 5765.04

Logan and Cowan developed was that in

Time: 5767.8

the stop signal task

Time: 5769.54

every once in a while not every trial

Time: 5771.4

but every once in a while that arrow is

Time: 5774.219

presented and then with some delay

Time: 5776.08

ranging from anywhere from 100

Time: 5778.12

milliseconds to maybe 350 milliseconds

Time: 5780.52

there will be a red circle or a red X

Time: 5783.76

also presented which is a stop signal

Time: 5785.8

and your job is to not press the key

Time: 5789.82

that corresponds to the direction of

Time: 5791.38

arrow in fact not press any key at all

Time: 5793.6

now you can imagine how if the stop

Time: 5796.12

signal shows up with a longer delay

Time: 5799.179

after the presentation of the arrow

Time: 5800.8

there's a higher probability that you

Time: 5802.42

will have already generated the key

Time: 5804.699

pressing movement okay so at the link

Time: 5807.52

that we provide in the show note caption

Time: 5809.5

you can actually do these two tasks and

Time: 5811.239

what you'll find is that you and most

Time: 5814.36

people will be able to do this Arrow to

Time: 5817.42

Reaction Time pressing of the left to

Time: 5819.1

right key somewhere in the neighborhood

Time: 5820.96

between 300 milliseconds and maybe as

Time: 5822.88

long as 500 millisecond delay you'll get

Time: 5824.5

an average of how quickly you respond

Time: 5825.94

and then of course if you choose to and

Time: 5829.6

I would hope you would choose to go on

Time: 5831.04

and do the stop signal task

Time: 5832.9

you will be told trial by trial whether

Time: 5835.659

or not you are hitting the right keys

Time: 5837.28

because if you are you'll be allowed to

Time: 5838.9

progress to the next trial or if you are

Time: 5842.02

told to stop

Time: 5843.699

that is you get the stop signal and you

Time: 5845.44

press the key anyway you'll be told that

Time: 5846.76

you made an error because you did not

Time: 5848.5

stop now again with very short delays

Time: 5850.78

between the presentation of the arrow

Time: 5852.1

and the stop signal you are going to be

Time: 5853.96

much better at inhibiting or preventing

Time: 5856.239

yourself from the behavior at the no go

Time: 5858.699

aspect of motor execution that is what

Time: 5862.48

you will find is that if the stop signal

Time: 5864.94

is presented very shortly after let's

Time: 5867.04

say 100 milliseconds which is very very

Time: 5869.08

brief amount of time after the

Time: 5870.76

presentation of the arrow there's a good

Time: 5872.32

chance that you're going to be able to

Time: 5874.12

withhold the

Time: 5875.44

key pressing behavior however if the

Time: 5877.78

delay is anywhere from 200 to 350

Time: 5880.239

milliseconds after the presentation of

Time: 5882.1

the arrow chances are that you're going

Time: 5884.139

to press the button even when you

Time: 5886.3

shouldn't have on at least some of those

Time: 5888.04

trials okay and if you try and game the

Time: 5890.98

system and wait a certain amount of time

Time: 5893.62

after the presentation of each Arrow

Time: 5895.3

there will also be times in which the

Time: 5897.28

stop signal does not appear and you fail

Time: 5898.96

to hit the button in the appropriate

Time: 5900.82

amount of time so it's a fun little task

Time: 5902.38

it doesn't cost anything or except maybe

Time: 5904.96

a couple of minutes of your time and if

Time: 5906.58

you do have time to go to it I think um

Time: 5908.5

it will give you a much deeper flavor

Time: 5910.54

for the sorts of experiments that we're

Time: 5912.52

talking about here and that you find

Time: 5914.56

that these stop signals are actually

Time: 5917.26

pretty hard to generate when you're

Time: 5918.4

trying to learn some new motor behavior

Time: 5919.9

and that actually illustrates a bigger

Time: 5922.12

Point here if today you sense that we've

Time: 5924.4

been talking about studies of you know

Time: 5925.719

tapping fingers and you know stopping

Time: 5927.639

button presses and that those examples

Time: 5930.88

are highly artificial and don't really

Time: 5932.5

translate to the real world well keep in

Time: 5935.26

mind that the tasks that are used in

Time: 5937.12

these studies really Target the specific

Time: 5939.34

neural circuits that is the same neural

Time: 5941.5

circuit that you would use for the

Time: 5942.76

performance of essentially any motor

Time: 5944.739

task now of course other motor tasks

Time: 5947.38

like ones where you involve your feet or

Time: 5948.88

cognitive tasks where you have to think

Time: 5950.199

really hard about specific information

Time: 5952.3

and search for that information assemble

Time: 5954.28

it in particular ways of course involve

Time: 5955.96

other neurons and neural circuits that

Time: 5957.699

we haven't discussed today but the core

Time: 5960.04

components of these go and no-go tasks

Time: 5961.96

are the stop signal tasks really capture

Time: 5963.76

the core elements of most all of

Time: 5966.639

cognitive and or motor learning in some

Time: 5968.739

way that's fundamentally important okay

Time: 5970.6

so they have real world relevance

Time: 5973.659

the paper that I'd like to just briefly

Time: 5975.34

describe to you is entitled motor

Time: 5976.719

imagery combined with physical training

Time: 5978.34

improves response inhibition in the stop

Time: 5980.38

signal task okay so that title is a

Time: 5982.659

little bit wordy but now you know what

Time: 5984.34

the stop signal task is

Time: 5986.08

and what this paper essentially found

Time: 5988.26

was that if people did physical training

Time: 5991.96

so the sort of experiment that I just

Time: 5993.76

described versus mental training where

Time: 5996.159

they sat eyes open and imagined their

Time: 5998.38

responses to those arrows and stop

Time: 6000.48

signals but they didn't actually

Time: 6001.92

generate any key presses versus a

Time: 6004.56

combination of the physical training so

Time: 6007.92

the actual pressing of the buttons or

Time: 6009.6

withholding pressing of the buttons as

Time: 6011.159

the case may be plus mental training

Time: 6014.699

over the course of about five days using

Time: 6018.42

the Contour described of the key

Time: 6021.12

principles of mental training

Time: 6022.98

performance we've talked about I'll get

Time: 6024.3

to the specifics in a moment but it

Time: 6025.38

really obeyed most all of what we've

Time: 6027.42

talked about if not all of it so

Time: 6028.8

repetition simple repeated over about

Time: 6031.32

five days and so on and so forth what

Time: 6033.36

they found was that the mental training

Time: 6035.04

and physical training group so mental

Time: 6037.08

and real world training groups

Time: 6038.82

performed significantly better in the

Time: 6041.58

stop signal reaction time that is they

Time: 6043.679

were able to withhold action when they

Time: 6046.38

needed to withhold action

Time: 6048.6

more frequently and with more accuracy

Time: 6050.94

than did either the physical training or

Time: 6052.98

mental training groups alone so this

Time: 6054.659


Time: 6056.28

fits in the face of what we said earlier

Time: 6057.9

which is that physical training is

Time: 6059.34

always better than mental training and

Time: 6060.84

mental training is always better than no

Time: 6062.46

training and it's important to point out

Time: 6064.199

here that both the physical training and

Time: 6066.78

the mental training groups experience

Time: 6068.639

significant improvements in their

Time: 6071.28

reaction time and accuracy at the stop

Time: 6073.199

signal task but in the case of this

Time: 6075.42

study which is exploring the withholding

Time: 6077.82

of inappropriate behaviors

Time: 6080.88

the combination of mental training and

Time: 6082.8

physical training outperformed either

Time: 6084.78

physical or mental training alone so

Time: 6087.3

while earlier we said that if you have a

Time: 6090.06

certain amount of time in order to train

Time: 6092.1

something up physical training is always

Time: 6094.26

going to be better than mental training

Time: 6095.46

well here we have somewhat of an

Time: 6096.84

exception where if the thing you're

Time: 6099.239

trying to learn involves withholding

Time: 6102.06


Time: 6103.32

as opposed to trying to generate the

Time: 6105.6

right behaviors per se well then

Time: 6108.3

you are probably better off doing a

Time: 6110.76

combination of mental training and

Time: 6112.199

physical training let me state that a

Time: 6113.82

little bit differently if you're finding

Time: 6115.38

that you're screwing up

Time: 6117

something not because you can't initiate

Time: 6119.58

that particular motor Behavior but

Time: 6121.38

you're doing the wrong thing at the

Time: 6122.82

wrong time you're not able to withhold a

Time: 6125.76

particular action well then in that case

Time: 6128.34

mental training in combination with

Time: 6130.199

physical training becomes especially

Time: 6131.94

important so for you coaches for you

Time: 6134.159

students out there keep that in mind

Time: 6135.96

when trying to learn how to withhold

Time: 6138.179

particular action sequences because

Time: 6140.1

they're not serving you well in the real

Time: 6141.36


Time: 6142.199

using a combination of

Time: 6144.48

real world training and physical

Time: 6146.04

training is actually better for you on

Time: 6147.84

an hour per hour basis than is physical

Time: 6150.719

training alone a couple of key details

Time: 6152.88

about this study should you decide to

Time: 6154.56

implement these protocols in this study

Time: 6156.78

they did approximately 30 Trials of the

Time: 6160.38

thing that they were trying to get

Time: 6161.4

better at now they did those in the real

Time: 6163.619

world so in this case the stop signal

Time: 6165.719

task involved actually pressing those

Time: 6167.4

buttons and then they had a test phase

Time: 6170.159

of about

Time: 6172.28

144 go trials and about 48 stop trials

Time: 6176.699

okay so this is important if you are a

Time: 6179.219

coach or you're a student or you're just

Time: 6180.6

going to self-direct this kind of

Time: 6181.86

learning in your self-directed adaptive

Time: 6183.96

plasticity it's important that you mix

Time: 6185.94

in both go and no go trials okay it

Time: 6188.34

wasn't always the case that there was a

Time: 6189.9

stop signal generated

Time: 6192.36

the other thing that was really

Time: 6193.739

impressive about the study is that the

Time: 6195.239

changes occurred very quickly so the

Time: 6197.88

training was performed five times over

Time: 6200.46

five days so once a day for five days

Time: 6202.44

again back to this three to five times

Time: 6204.179

per week principle and

Time: 6207

the improvements were really significant

Time: 6209.159

in some cases in fact if you decide to

Time: 6211.679

peruse this paper you can go to

Time: 6214.44

um you know table two you can see you

Time: 6217.139

know in some cases a near doubling in

Time: 6219.42

the reduction in reaction time through a

Time: 6222.42

combination of mental and physical

Time: 6223.56

training compared to physical training

Time: 6225.42

alone or mental training alone again

Time: 6227.34


Time: 6228.48

both physical training and mental

Time: 6230.639

training groups alone saw significant

Time: 6233.58

improvements but the combination of

Time: 6235.02

mental training and physical training

Time: 6236.28

was far greater than you saw with either

Time: 6238.56

one of those alone so that's all nicely

Time: 6240.179

Quantified for you in this paper so

Time: 6241.8

again I really like this paper despite

Time: 6243.54

it not involving a huge number of

Time: 6245.159

subjects I think it is a key paper

Time: 6247.44

because it really points to

Time: 6249.42

such an important element of motor

Time: 6252.119

learning and training which is this

Time: 6254.159

action withholding component this no-go

Time: 6256.56

component that here is captured so

Time: 6258.36

nicely in the stop signal task so before

Time: 6260.34

we round up our discussion about motor

Time: 6262.619

training and visualization I want to

Time: 6264.719

just briefly touch on some of the

Time: 6265.92

studies that have explored why certain

Time: 6267.9

individuals are better or worse at motor

Time: 6271.32

training and visualization and what that

Time: 6272.82

might correlate with at the beginning of

Time: 6274.92

today's episode I briefly mentioned

Time: 6276.44

affantasia which is this phenomenon

Time: 6279.36

where some people just simply

Time: 6281.699

can't or seem to have extreme Challenge

Time: 6283.679

generating visual imagery there's been a

Time: 6286.679

number of studies exploring how

Time: 6288.179

aphantasics as they're sometimes called

Time: 6289.86


Time: 6290.82

nowadays it's um not considered polite

Time: 6293.639

if you will to refer to people according

Time: 6297.6

to their condition so for instance

Time: 6299.48

propasagnosia is a condition in which

Time: 6302.639

people are unable to recognize

Time: 6304.44

particular faces

Time: 6306.36

and in the past these people were

Time: 6308.46

referred to as pro-pastagnosis okay as

Time: 6311.34

if their condition defined them uh right

Time: 6314.76

um nowadays it's not considered polite

Time: 6316.98

to do that rather we say the person has

Time: 6319.26

professed agnosia or suffers from

Time: 6321.06

proposed signosia although the words

Time: 6322.8

suffer then also has become a little bit

Time: 6324.719

touchy I'm going to do my best to just

Time: 6326.58

try and be as clear as possible here and

Time: 6328.44

explain that people who have aphantasia

Time: 6331.32

can have a Fantasia to varying degrees

Time: 6333.06

so they can either have a complete

Time: 6335.34

absence of ability to generate mental

Time: 6337.8

imagery or they have a poor or kind of

Time: 6341.58

rudimentary ability to generate visual

Time: 6343.619

imagery in their Mind's Eye

Time: 6346.139

it was thought that people who have

Time: 6348.119

aphantasia are not capable of what's

Time: 6351.06

called synesthesia synesthesias or when

Time: 6353.94

people have perceptual blending and this

Time: 6356.94

is not well under the influence of any

Time: 6358.92

kind of psychedelic or other kind of

Time: 6360.719


Time: 6361.619

perceptual blending of an atypical kind

Time: 6363.659

or rare kind I actually have some

Time: 6365.76

friends I have two friends that have

Time: 6367.5

different forms of synesthesia One

Time: 6369.199

Associates different keys on the piano

Time: 6371.58

or musical notes with specific colors in

Time: 6374.46

a very very one-to-one specific way so

Time: 6376.92

they'll tell you that E flat on the

Time: 6379.199

piano is a particular tone in their mind

Time: 6382.08

of of Amber Hugh okay and that

Time: 6386.58

I forget what other key is associated

Time: 6388.44

with a particular shade of red and so on

Time: 6390.84

and so forth are these people better at

Time: 6393.659

piano are they more perceptive of colors

Time: 6396.48

in their environment not necessarily so

Time: 6398.34

this is just a perceptual blending it

Time: 6400.08

doesn't necessarily lend itself to any

Time: 6402.36

improved ability now you could imagine

Time: 6404.34

why people would hypothesize that people

Time: 6406.619

have aphantasia especially it's extreme

Time: 6409.02

form would not be capable

Time: 6411.78

of or have synesthesias but it turns out

Time: 6415.08

that's not the case there are a couple

Time: 6416.52

of really interesting papers again we

Time: 6419.04

will link these in the show note

Time: 6420.6


Time: 6421.86

um one is entitled what is the

Time: 6423.719

relationship between aphantasia

Time: 6425.1

synesthesia and autism

Time: 6427.139

and the other one is aphantasia the

Time: 6429.239

science of visual imagery extremes and I

Time: 6432

really like the review at Fantasia the

Time: 6433.679

science of visual imagery extremes for

Time: 6435.239

those of you that are interested in

Time: 6436.32

understanding aphantasia with more depth

Time: 6438.659

the study addressing the relationship

Time: 6440.52

between aphantasia synesthesia and

Time: 6442.08

autism found that

Time: 6444.32

aphantasia is indeed linked to weak

Time: 6446.639

visual imagery but

Time: 6448.8

that advantages can also be synesthetics

Time: 6452.159

and vice versa

Time: 6454.739

what was also interesting about this

Time: 6456.179

study is they addressed the question of

Time: 6457.5

whether or not people who have

Time: 6459.119

aphantasia that is a challenge or

Time: 6462.119

inability to generate mental or visual

Time: 6464.34

imagery tend to have features associated

Time: 6466.8

with autism or residing somewhere on the

Time: 6469.56

autism spectrum and I'm not trying to

Time: 6472.199

use ambiguous language here but the

Time: 6474.06

whole set of language in nomenclature

Time: 6476.04

around autism and autism spectrum is

Time: 6478.02

also undergoing revision now because we

Time: 6480.78

are now coming to understand that

Time: 6483.06


Time: 6484.92

and nowadays it's generally not

Time: 6486.9

considered correct to call people

Time: 6488.219

autistics in that sense but autism is

Time: 6491.94

considered one set of positions along a

Time: 6495.78

spectrum that includes things like

Time: 6497.82

Asperger's Etc but that may also include

Time: 6500.82

other aspects of cognition and even

Time: 6502.8

personality so these are starting to be

Time: 6504.9

viewed not just as a spectrum or one

Time: 6506.699

Continuum ranging from you know

Time: 6509.1

non-autistic to autistic but a lot of

Time: 6511.739

variation in subtlety in between and

Time: 6513.6

even crossing over with other aspects of

Time: 6516.239

Personality Psychology and Neuroscience

Time: 6518.52

okay so I'm not trying to be vague here

Time: 6520.02

I'm trying to be accurate rather by

Time: 6522.36

saying the whole description and

Time: 6524.52

categorization of autistic non-autistic

Time: 6526.8

Etc is undergoing vast revision right

Time: 6528.42

now but the important point I think from

Time: 6530.76

this paper is that indeed it was found

Time: 6533.82

that people who have a Fantasia tend to

Time: 6537.119

exhibit more of the features that are

Time: 6538.8

associated with the autism spectrum now

Time: 6541.86

how those things relate to one another

Time: 6543

in terms of their clinical relevance

Time: 6544.679

isn't clear and of course it is entirely

Time: 6547.199

unclear as to what's the chicken and

Time: 6548.88

what's the egg there so you could

Time: 6550.199

imagine no pun intended for instance

Time: 6552.239

that people that are on the autism

Time: 6553.92

spectrum might be less proficient at

Time: 6558.78

generating visual imagery because they

Time: 6562.199

are exceedingly proficient at other

Time: 6564.06

things you could also imagine that

Time: 6566.04

people are placed onto the autism

Time: 6567.96

spectrum as it's sometimes referred to

Time: 6569.78

or are associated with particular

Time: 6572.159

features on the autism spectrum because

Time: 6574.5

in a causal way of the aphantasia and of

Time: 6577.56

course it's extremely important to

Time: 6578.94

highlight that not all people that

Time: 6582.36

consider themselves or that people

Time: 6583.8

consider Autistic or that are on the

Time: 6586.38

autism spectrum or Asperger's or any

Time: 6588.06

variation thereof necessarily have a

Time: 6590.46

Fantasia just as it is that not all

Time: 6594

people that are on the autism spectrum

Time: 6596.159

completely lack or even lack what's

Time: 6598.139

called theory of mind which is the

Time: 6599.46

ability to sort of empathize And

Time: 6601.8


Time: 6603.54

feelings and motivations of others when

Time: 6606

viewing the actions and perceived

Time: 6608.699

feelings of others okay so what I just

Time: 6610.92

described hopefully doesn't come across

Time: 6612.3

as just a bunch of word soup what I'm

Time: 6614.46

trying to pinpoint is that there does

Time: 6615.9

seem to be a relationship between one's

Time: 6618.179

ability to generate visual imagery and

Time: 6620.34

certain constellations of cognitive and

Time: 6622.98

emotional perception and behavior and

Time: 6625.98

vice versa okay

Time: 6627.96

in a future episode I promise to cover

Time: 6630.9

synesthesia and autism and some of the

Time: 6634.139


Time: 6635.1

cognitive and motor aspects of autism

Time: 6637.56

and things like Asperger's I'm going to

Time: 6639.719

feature an expert guess or actually

Time: 6641.219

several expert guests in this area

Time: 6642.96

because it is a rapidly evolving and

Time: 6645.42

somewhat controversial field meanwhile I

Time: 6647.52

think it's important to at least

Time: 6648.6

consider how mental training and

Time: 6650.88

visualization might relate to certain

Time: 6652.98

aspects of cognition and our ability to

Time: 6655.38

visualize things not just in terms of

Time: 6657.3

other people's behavior which is one of

Time: 6658.92

the common ways that people probe for

Time: 6660.9

autism and Asperger's versus

Time: 6662.659

non-autistic and non-aspergers and so on

Time: 6665.28

the so-called theory of Mind task in

Time: 6667.32

effect asking whether or not children or

Time: 6669.179

adults can really get in the mind of

Time: 6671.76

others that's a typical task developed

Time: 6674.04

by Simon Baron Cohen

Time: 6676.08

but also whether or not children and

Time: 6679.619

adults are capable of generating mental

Time: 6682.8

imagery in a really Vivid way or whether

Time: 6684.719

or not they have minor or even extreme

Time: 6687.9

Challenge in doing so and perhaps the

Time: 6689.699

most direct way to explain why I

Time: 6691.08

included this aspect of the discussion

Time: 6692.88

of mental training and visualization as

Time: 6695.1

it relates to different cognitive

Time: 6696.78

phenotypes or neurocognitive phenotypes

Time: 6699.42

such as autism Asperger's Etc is because

Time: 6702.54

if you think about motor skill execution

Time: 6704.94

or cognitive skill execution and the

Time: 6706.98

relationship between mental training and

Time: 6708.36

visualization and motor skills or

Time: 6710.04

cognitive skills that's all pretty

Time: 6711.96

straightforward when you're talking

Time: 6712.86

about finger tapping and go no-go tasks

Time: 6715.08

and learning piano and things of that

Time: 6716.82

sort but in many many ways our learning

Time: 6720.36

of social cognition our learning of how

Time: 6722.52

to behave in certain circumstances

Time: 6723.84

what's considered normal or atypical

Time: 6726.739

neurotypical and neuroatypical if you

Time: 6729

will a lot of that is not just generated

Time: 6732.06

from the inside out but it also involves

Time: 6734.28

observation and visualization of what

Time: 6736.86

are considered appropriate and

Time: 6738.84

inappropriate definitely placed in

Time: 6740.4

quotes by the way folks I'm not placing

Time: 6742.44

judgment I'm just saying appropriate and

Time: 6744

inappropriate for a given context

Time: 6745.739

behavior in other words social learning

Time: 6748.44

and social cognition is every bit as

Time: 6750.719

much a learned behavior and pattern of

Time: 6753.119

cognitive and motor patterns as is

Time: 6755.76

tapping fingers or withholding key

Time: 6758.46

presses in a go no-go task it's just

Time: 6760.679

that it transmits into a domain that

Time: 6762.78

involves smiling versus frowning versus

Time: 6765.179

asking a question versus staying silent

Time: 6767.34

versus sitting still versus fidgeting

Time: 6769.139

what's appropriate and when what's

Time: 6771.3

inappropriate and when all of that is

Time: 6773.52

what we call social cognition and has

Time: 6775.26

direct parallels to everything we've

Time: 6777

been talking about up until this point

Time: 6778.44

so today we did a deep dive which is

Time: 6780.42

often the case on this podcast into

Time: 6782.52

mental training and visualization

Time: 6785.04

during the course of the episode I tried

Time: 6787.199

to lay down one by one the key

Time: 6789.54

components of an effective mental

Time: 6791.159

training and visualization practice

Time: 6792.3

everything ranging from making sure that

Time: 6794.52

the practice involves brief epochs

Time: 6797.46

repeats of specific sequences of motor

Time: 6799.5

and or cognitive behavior that those be

Time: 6801.719

relatively simple so that you can

Time: 6803.04

imagine them even if you're somebody

Time: 6804.719

who's not good at doing mental training

Time: 6806.52

and visualization and I should mention

Time: 6807.96

that if you do mental training and

Time: 6809.58

visualization repeatedly over time you

Time: 6812.34

get better at mental training and

Time: 6813.719

visualization there's a what's called

Time: 6815.699

metaplasticity here so it's not just

Time: 6817.44

about engaging neuroplasticity of

Time: 6819.119

particular circuits it's also about

Time: 6820.679

getting better at engaging plasticity so

Time: 6823.139

plasticity of plasticity

Time: 6826.02

I also describe the key Importance of

Time: 6828.179

Being able to actually execute specific

Time: 6830.76

movements and cognitive tasks in the

Time: 6832.92

real world if you want the mental

Time: 6834.659

training and visualization to be

Time: 6836.28

especially effective and we talked about

Time: 6838.26

the importance of naming things we

Time: 6839.699

talked about the importance of creating

Time: 6842.219

not just one but many parallels between

Time: 6844.8

real world training and mental training

Time: 6847.38

and visualization and really on the

Time: 6849.06

whole what we established was that

Time: 6851.1

cognitive and or motor learning really

Time: 6853.679

is something that you should do in the

Time: 6854.88

real world as much as possible but if

Time: 6857.04

you can't due to injury or whatever

Time: 6858.719


Time: 6859.86

using mental training is a reasonable

Time: 6862.02

substitute but not a complete substitute

Time: 6863.82

and if you can't do real world training

Time: 6865.679

for whatever reason injury or otherwise

Time: 6868.219

that mental training is going to be

Time: 6870.54

better than no training at all

Time: 6872.94

and of course we established that at

Time: 6874.92

least four withholding action in order

Time: 6878.1

to get better at a skill a combination

Time: 6879.9

of physical training and mental training

Time: 6881.28

is going to be best but that if you're

Time: 6883.8

trying to learn a new skill and you're

Time: 6885.96

having challenges with performing that

Time: 6887.76

skill because of an inability to do the

Time: 6889.679

skill in the first place or on a

Time: 6891.239

consistent basis well then on an

Time: 6893.88

hour-by-hour basis you're best off

Time: 6896.1

investing your time into the physical

Time: 6897.9

training only incorporating mental

Time: 6900.179

training and visualization if you are

Time: 6902.52

able to do that on top of the maximum

Time: 6904.679

amount of real world training that

Time: 6906.36

you're capable of doing and of course we

Time: 6907.92

talked about the actual neural circuits

Time: 6909.54

and a bit about how the actual

Time: 6910.98

neuroplasticity occurs early in the

Time: 6913.02

episode I mentioned long-term depression

Time: 6914.639

well in describing the improvements in

Time: 6917.699

no-go tasks those stop signal tasks a

Time: 6920.46

lot of what's observed during those

Time: 6921.719

tasks is an improvement or rather an

Time: 6924

increase in long-term depression of

Time: 6926.04

specific neural connections so my hope

Time: 6928.26

is that in learning about those basic

Time: 6929.58

neural circuits and plasticity

Time: 6930.96


Time: 6932.159

and in learning about the critical

Time: 6934.08

importance of focus and attention during

Time: 6936.3

learning both real world and imagined as

Time: 6939.42

well as the importance of sleep and deep

Time: 6941.82

rest for really consolidating learning

Time: 6943.679

and the different tools the various

Time: 6946.98

steps or principles of effective mental

Time: 6949.139

training and visualization that you now

Time: 6951.119

have a fairly coherent or maybe even a

Time: 6953.34

very coherent picture of how to develop

Time: 6955.619

the best mental training and

Time: 6956.699

visualization protocols for you I

Time: 6958.92

realize that everyone has different

Time: 6959.94

goals everyone has different time

Time: 6961.26

constraints if you are somebody that's

Time: 6963.3

interested in developing a mental

Time: 6964.739

training and visualization protocol so

Time: 6966.42

if you're a coach or teacher or simply a

Time: 6968.82

learner or you're trying to self-direct

Time: 6970.56

your own adaptive plasticity I want to

Time: 6973.26

emphasize that the key components that

Time: 6975.119

we discussed today are essential to

Time: 6976.98

include but I wouldn't obsess about

Time: 6978.9

whether or not a given Epoch is 15 or 20

Time: 6981.719

seconds or even 25 seconds I wouldn't

Time: 6983.76

obsess over whether or not you got 30

Time: 6985.139

repetitions in and then your mind

Time: 6987

drifted or whether or not you could do

Time: 6988.139

the full 50 to 75 or whether or not even

Time: 6990.6

in your mind's eye you made some errors

Time: 6992.88

what's been shown over and over again in

Time: 6994.679

this literature is that performing

Time: 6997.199

mental training and visualization

Time: 6998.28

repeatedly and in a very restricted way

Time: 7000.739

that makes it easier to perform those

Time: 7003.5

trials over and over and over again and

Time: 7006.139

with a high degree of accuracy

Time: 7008.179

almost always

Time: 7009.76

really we can fairly say and essentially

Time: 7012.619

every study where it's been explored has

Time: 7014.719

led to improvements in real world

Time: 7016.219

performance of both cognitive and or

Time: 7018.02

physical tasks so if you're trying to

Time: 7020.179

learn anything at all I do encourage you

Time: 7021.92

to explore motor training and

Time: 7023.48

visualization because basically all the

Time: 7026.719

studies out there

Time: 7028.04

in fact I couldn't find one exception

Time: 7029.6

where some degree of improvement wasn't

Time: 7032.36

observed when people use motor training

Time: 7034.82

and visualization on a consistent basis

Time: 7036.44

even just the three to five times per

Time: 7038.239

week these simple repeats over and over

Time: 7039.92

so I don't want to over complicate or

Time: 7041.96

make it sound like mental training and

Time: 7043.34

visualization has to be performed in a

Time: 7045.38

very precise way or that it has to be

Time: 7047.599

done perfectly each and every time quite

Time: 7049.639

to the contrary what is clear is that

Time: 7051.679

mental training and visualization is a

Time: 7053.659

very effective way to improve real world

Time: 7055.52

performance if you're learning from and

Time: 7057.32

or enjoying this podcast please

Time: 7059

subscribe to our YouTube channel that's

Time: 7060.56

a terrific zero cost way to support us

Time: 7062.36

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Time: 7064.639

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Time: 7066.8

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Time: 7068.3

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Time: 7069.98

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Time: 7071.96

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Time: 7073.46

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Time: 7074.78

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Time: 7076.82

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Time: 7079.04

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Time: 7080.78

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Time: 7081.86

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Time: 7083.42

best way to support the huberman Lab

Time: 7085.04

podcast not so much on today's episode

Time: 7087.02

but on many previous episodes of The

Time: 7089.119

uberman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 7090.619

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 7092.179

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 7093.679

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 7096.08

things like improving sleep for hormone

Time: 7098.3

augmentation and for improving Focus the

Time: 7100.94

huberman Lab podcast is proud to have

Time: 7102.5

partnered with momentous supplements if

Time: 7104.239

you'd like to learn more about the

Time: 7105.26

supplements discussed on the huberman

Time: 7106.4

Lab podcast please go to live momentous

Time: 7109.239 slash huberman again

Time: 7111.32

that's huberman if you're

Time: 7114.139

not already following huberman lab on

Time: 7115.82

social media I am huberman lab on

Time: 7118.219

LinkedIn Facebook Twitter and Instagram

Time: 7120.44

and at all those places I cover content

Time: 7122.54

some of which overlaps with the content

Time: 7124.34

of the huberman Lab podcast but much of

Time: 7125.9

which is distinct from content on the

Time: 7127.46

huberman Lab podcast so again it's

Time: 7129.199

huberman lab all social media platforms

Time: 7131.599

also I know many of you are interested

Time: 7133.28

in summaries of podcasts and what we

Time: 7135.619

call tool kits which describe ideal

Time: 7138.32

toolkits and protocols for sleep or

Time: 7140.239

ideal toolkit and protocols for

Time: 7142.159

neuroplasticity for deliberate cold

Time: 7143.659

exposure etc for that reason we've

Time: 7145.94

established What's called the neural

Time: 7147.139

network newsletter this is a completely

Time: 7148.76

zero cost newsletter that you can sign

Time: 7150.38

up for by going to go to

Time: 7152.84

the menu

Time: 7154.159

scroll down to newsletter and you sign

Time: 7156.08

up by providing your email we do not

Time: 7157.58

share your email with anybody and there

Time: 7159.56

are also some sample PDFs of existing

Time: 7161.599

huberman Lab podcast protocols again

Time: 7163.94

ranging from neuroplasticity to sleep

Time: 7165.8

and other topics that we've covered in

Time: 7168.02

brief one to three page summaries thank

Time: 7169.94

you once again for joining me for

Time: 7171.199

today's discussion all about the science

Time: 7173.3

and effective implementation of mental

Time: 7176.119

training and visualization and last but

Time: 7178.699

certainly not least thank you for your

Time: 7180.679

interest in science

Time: 7184.43


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