Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Process

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is Rick Rubin

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Rick Rubin is a world-renowned music

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producer having worked with an enormous

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number of incredible artists producing

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for instance Red Hot Chili Peppers

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Beasty Boys Jay-Z John cash Adele Lady

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Gaga Tom Petty and of course Slayer this

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last year Rick also authored his first

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book which is a truly incredible

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exploration into the creative process

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his book is entitled the creative act a

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way of being Rick has appeared once

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before on the huberman Lab podcast and

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during that appearance he offered to

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answer listeners and viewers questions

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those questions were put in the comment

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section on YouTube and we received

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thousands of them so today Rick answers

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your questions about the creative

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process I also took note of the feedback

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that when Rick previously appeared on

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the hubman Lab podcast that perhaps I

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spoke a bit more than the audience would

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have preferred so today I refrain from

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speaking too much and try and give as

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much airtime as possible to Rick in

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order to directly answer your questions

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you'll notice that today's discussion

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gets really into the Practical aspects

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of the creative process the most

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frequent questions that I receive for

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Rick were ones in which people really

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want to understand what his specific

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process is each and every day as well as

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when he's producing music or other forms

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of Art and of course people want to know

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what they should do specifically from

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the time they wake up until the time

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they go to sleep even whether or not

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they should take note of their dreams

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Etc we get into all of that so today's

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discussion is very different from the

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one I held with Rick previously and at

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least to my knowledge from any of the

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other interviews or discussions that

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Rick has had publicly

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before we begin I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my

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teaching and research roles at Stanford

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it is however part of my desire and

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effort to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme I'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is Maui Nei venison

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Maui Nei venison is the most

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nutrient-dense and delicious red meat

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available I've spoken before on this

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podcast and there's General consensus

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that most people should strive to

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consume approximately at Le one gram of

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protein per pound of body weight now

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when one strives to do that it's

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important to maximize the quality of

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that protein intake to the calorie ratio

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because you don't want to consume an

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excess of calories when trying to get

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that one gram of protein per pound of

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body weight mauii venison has an

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extremely high quality protein to

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calorie ratio so it makes getting that

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one gram of protein per pound of body

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weight extremely easy it's also

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delicious personally I like the ground

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venison I also like the venison steaks

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and then for convenience when when I'm

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on the road I like the jerky the jerky

Time: 182.4

is a very high protein to calorie ratio

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so it has as much as 10 grams of protein

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per jerky stick and it has something

Time: 188.799

like only like 55 calories so again

Time: 191

making it very easy to get enough

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protein without consuming excess

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calories if you would like to try mauii

Time: 196.159

venison you can go to mauii venison

Time: 199.36

docomond to get 20% off your first order

Time: 202.319

again that's mauii venison

Time: 204.72

docomo to get 20% off today's episode is

Time: 208.12

also brought To Us by eight sleep eight

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sleep makes Smart mattress covers with

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cooling Heating and sleep tracking

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capacity I've spoken many times before

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in this podcast about the fact that

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sleep is the foundation of mental health

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physical health and performance now a

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key component of getting a great night's

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sleep is that in order to fall and stay

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deeply asleep your body temperature

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actually has to drop by about 1 to 3

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degrees and in order to wake up feeling

Time: 231.64

refreshed and energized your body

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temperature actually has to increase by

Time: 235.36

about 1 to 3° one of the best ways to

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make sure that those temperature changes

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occur at the appropriate times at the

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beginning and throughout and at the end

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of your night when you wake up is to

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control the temperature of your sleeping

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environment and that's what eight sleep

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allows you to do it allows you to

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program the temperature of your mattress

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and sleeping environment such that you

Time: 253.439

fall and stay deeply asleep easily and

Time: 256.16

wake up each morning feeling incredibly

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refreshed and energized I've been

Time: 259.88

sleeping on an eight- Sleep mattress

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cover for almost 3 years now and it has

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dramatically improve the quality of my

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sleep so much so that when I travel and

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I'm at a hotel or an Airbnb and I don't

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have access to my eight sleep I very

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much look forward to getting home

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because my sleep is always better when I

Time: 274.479

sleep on my eights sleep mattress cover

Time: 276.32

if you'd like to try eight sleep you can

Time: 277.919

go to 8sleep.com

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huberman to get $150 off their pod 3

Time: 282.68

mattress cover eights sleep currently

Time: 284.479

ships in the USA Canada UK select

Time: 287.08

countries in the EU and Australia again

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that's 8sleep.com

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huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by waking up waking up is a

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meditation app that offers hundreds of

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meditation programs mindfulness training

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and Yoga Nidra which is sometimes

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referred to as nsdr I'm a longtime fan

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of meditation I started meditating when

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I was back in my teens and I started

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doing a daily 10 or 20 minute meditation

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and I kept that up for a number of years

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but then it became more sporadic and

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then eventually I stopped and then I'd

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start again and then I'd stop what I

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found with the waking up app is that it

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makes it very easy to take on a

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meditation practice and to do meditation

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if not every day very close to every day

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and that we know based on a lot of

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research has an out size positive effect

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on everything from stress regulation to

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sleep you come up with better ideas so

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indeed meditation can make you more

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creative more focused and on and on and

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then about 10 years ago I got introduced

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to Yoga Nidra or nsdr non-sleep deep

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rest which is a practice of laying

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completely still while keeping the Mind

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very active so you're relaxing but

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keeping your mind active and I use nsdr

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essentially every single day I'll do it

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anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes and I

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find it to be incredibly restorative it

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really resets my ability to think and to

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engage in physical activity and with

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waking up I can select different lengths

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of meditations different lengths of yoga

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nras or ndrs so that I keep up my

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practice if you'd like to try waking up

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you can go to waking up.com huberman to

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try a completely free 30-day trial again

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that's waking up.com huberman to try a

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free 30-day trial and now for my

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discussion about protocols for

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creativity with Rick Rubin Rick Rubin

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welcome back

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thank you sir happy to be here we're

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going to answer or rather you are going

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to answer the questions of the listeners

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of our previous podcast

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episode before we do that however when

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we were out in the lobby you mentioned

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that you have a breathing exercise a

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coherence breathing exercise that you

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thought might be useful for us to do now

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and perhaps for some of the listeners to

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join in yeah let's do it and then if you

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want to talk about it after we can

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sounds good the reason I started Ed

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doing this is I have relatively low

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heart rate variability and you want to

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have a Higher One um so I looked at all

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the things that can raise your heart

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rate variability and I started doing

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this breathing technique specifically

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for heart rate variability then it went

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up awesome so it's great tested great

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let's do it together here play it'll say

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take a deep breath and then when you'll

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hear the sound of

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a if you follow me for the first inhale

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and exhale you'll know what sound means

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what and you do this eyes closed CL

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typically I do it eyes closed okay we'll

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Close Our Eyes thank

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that was five

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minutes I like that feels nice doesn't

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it yeah I notice

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I don't spontaneously breathe at that

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CAD I breathed quite a bit faster mhm so

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especially on the exhale mhm so once I

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got into a rhythm of it yeah the mind

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just goes pseudo random for me what

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about for you does your mind tend to go

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one place I do now I

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count um so the reason I knew it was 5

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minutes is because it's six breaths per

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minute and I counted five 1 1 1 2 1 3 3

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1 4 1 5 1 6 2 1 so I was occupied with a

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task how often do you do that at least

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once and sometimes twice a day I aim for

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10 minutes a day but if I get to 20

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minutes a day it it's uh noticeable in

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my heart rate variability results do you

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do the coherence breathing at a

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particular times of day or just whenever

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it occurs to you uh I think it depends

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on where I am and what else is going on

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in my life so it it there was I had a

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window of a very specific thing that I

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was doing I would do coherent breathing

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and I would do squats just air squats

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and um in one location where I didn't

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have any other equipment and uh and then

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I found a way

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like where I was doing treading water

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which you got to experience with me I

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would tread water and then after

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Treading Water I would get out of the

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pool sit in the Sun and do the coherent

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breathing great yeah we should probably

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mention what uh the treading water was

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about because people will wonder um very

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briefly I went and visited Rick overseas

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this summer and we spent a fair amount

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of the

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daytime um treading water while

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listening to podcasts from a speaker on

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the side of the pool and it was awesome

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um time together as friends is awesome

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time in the sun is

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awesome learning from podcasts and

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listening and being entertained by

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podcast is awesome and then treading

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water is awesome you're much better at

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treading water than I am I was fatiguing

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it's just as as I said when we were

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doing it it's it's um it's like doing

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stairs if you practice doing stairs it

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gets easier to do stairs but nobody's

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good at doing you know marathon runners

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can't run up the stairs it's a you know

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it's a particular thing and treading

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water if you just do it in even in the

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little bit of time that we were doing it

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every day by the end of your stay

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it was easier for you than when you

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started definitely yeah you acclimate

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quickly yeah I was able to adapt I was

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impressed at your endurance and Treading

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Water early on by the way I've continued

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the Treading Water practice because I'm

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fortunate to have a pool in my new place

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yeah um I listen to your podcast truly

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wow tetr grammaton love it uh love love

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love it uh I listen to a few other

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podcasts and I've started listening to

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more episodes of the podcast that you

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introduced me to which was history of

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rock music and 500 songs Andrew an

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English podcast great podcast real

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indepth information about music yeah

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yeah that was such a great trip thanks

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for having me over there thanks for

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coming it was fun Treading Water it was

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loved the time with you and your family

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so I'm going to I'll invite myself again

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you're always welcome on the topic of

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meditation uh one of the questions in

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this list of questions we'll talk about

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the list itself in a moment um was about

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this anecdote that you've told me and

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you've mentioned a few other places

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apparently that you've once meditated

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all the way from was it San Francisco to

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New York or at Los Angeles uh to New

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York flight it was either LA to New York

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or New York to LA I can't remember and I

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may have done it more than once the

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question specifically was which

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meditation did you do TM TM was the

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first meditation I learned

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Transcendental Meditation learned when I

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was 14 it's a it's pretty much a default

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uh setting for me now sometimes it'll

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evolve from TM into breathing like I

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might start by doing breathing before

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the TM piece starts and I and the

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breathing may just take the whole time

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or it may turn from breathing into a

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gratitude practice or a meta practice

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which is a four phrases may I be filled

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with loving kindness may I be well may I

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be peaceful and at ease may I be happy

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and you repeat those phrases over and

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over and it starts may I and then

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eventually if you've done it for a year

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or so you could start saying may we for

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your for your immediate family and then

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May and then as you build up the charge

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for your immediate family in another

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year or so you can spread it to your

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community and eventually after maybe

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five years you can do it for the planet

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so that's the Meta Meta

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MTA amazing loving kindness practice and

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are there any particular

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links maybe you could pass us later and

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we could put in the captions maybe one

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that You' used I learned it from Jack

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cornfield who's a Buddhist scholar and a

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a brilliant teacher terrific uh what do

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you think meditation has allowed you uh

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afforded you as well as what it's helped

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you avoid in terms of a daily practice

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or um maybe in just how doing it once in

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a while has Wicked out into areas of

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your life this is probably a long list

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of things but if you were to pick maybe

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like the top three where you go yeah

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when I'm meditating regularly blank

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happens and blank doesn't happen and

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when I'm

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not those things because I've been doing

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it for such a long time it's so um part

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and parcel of who I am that without I

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don't know who I would be without it

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that said I don't always do it but I

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don't have at this point I don't have to

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always do it to be in this Zone where

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I've been you know

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almost you know 45 years it's been a big

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part of my life

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so a great deal of the benefits have are

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in me now when I practice it get

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Amplified but um as Maharishi described

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it every time you meditate is like

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making a deposit in a bank so it's

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always there every time you do it it's

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you're building a base and the goal of

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the practice is less about the practice

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it's about the practice is to change the

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way you are in the

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world so it's a practice for

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life do do you know what I'm saying like

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the the changes that come in the

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meditation are to help your reactions in

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the real world in some ways not to

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trivialize it but it's like physical

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exercise you know during a good workout

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your blood pressure is really elevated

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you're secreting all sorts of

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inflammatory cyto kind you know if we

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were to draw your blood midw workout uh

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you'd say this person is in trouble yeah

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but then all these wonderful adaptations

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occur that allow you to sleep better

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better mood walk upstairs easily and on

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and on it's funny about sleeping better

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this morning I was walking on the

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beach and um had my headphones on wired

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headphones and I was listening to a

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podcast I can't remember what I was

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listening to but I was listening to a

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podcast and someone flagged me and

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interrupted me who I didn't know and I

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went over to talk to him and he said I

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heard you talking about Steve Martin on

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a podcast and uh and he told me a story

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about Steve Martin that he got to see

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him in 1979 I would say this person was

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probably mid mid to late

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60s and he was wearing all black he was

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wearing shoes on the beach uh tennis

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shoes he was wearing dark sunglasses and

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hat and

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um said uh just want to talk about

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comedy and things that he heard me say

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on a podcast and we talked about it for

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while and then he said something about

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he loves podcast and he listens to him

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at night cuz he's got terrible insomnia

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and he can't sleep and I'm looking at a

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guy in the sun wearing sunglasses and I

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said well you know the reason you can't

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sleep is because you're wearing

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sunglasses now like what are you talking

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about I said well the way the the human

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body works is we react to the sun the

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sun is what tells us we're awake and

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then at night when it's dark that's what

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tells us to go to sleep so you're mixing

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the signals to your body by wearing the

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sunglasses and he said well well I'm a

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dermatologist and you know I've been a

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do he said he was a dermatologist for

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the last 40

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years and my whole practice is about

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getting people to get out of the

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Sun and and I I we started talking about

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it and uh he he was all covered up I was

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wearing um my my board short and nothing

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else and and I said well I'm in the sun

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you know hours every day and and he's

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like aren't you worried about uh

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cancer and I said no I I feel pretty

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healthy I feel okay and then he said let

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me see your back and I turned around he

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looked at my back he's like you have

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Perfect Skin he like they should study

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you in a in a uh in an Institute I

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said this is what normal this is what

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normal healthy skin looks like if you're

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you expose it to the Sun and he said so

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you're saying everything I've been

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teaching in my in my uh medical practice

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for the last 40 years was wrong said yes

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everything it was funny funny

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conversation yeah it's interesting I

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mean we could go down a deep rabbit hole

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with this but you know listeners of this

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podcast will know that I'm you know very

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much a proponent of getting those

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sunlight signals to the eyes at least

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once a day in the morning but also in

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the in the evening this I'll just share

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with you um

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now I learned from a a guest whose

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episode we haven't um aired yet that the

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what is so special about that morning

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and evening sunlight are the contrasts

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between blues and oranges blues and reds

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blues and pinks that we can't always see

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if there's cloud cover but they come

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through and it's the mathematical

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difference in their presence a

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subtraction of a lot of blue and then

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next to it a lot of orange or a lot of

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blue and then next to it a lot of pink

Time: 1135.12


Time: 1135.799

triggers the body's understanding that

Time: 1138.679

this is morning and evening and that

Time: 1140.88

night is coming in the evening and that

Time: 1142.32

it's time to be awake in the morning and

Time: 1144.64

throughout the day in the middle of the

Time: 1147

day when the sun is out and it's

Time: 1148.2

overhead it looks like white light and

Time: 1150.64

white light includes the blues and the

Time: 1152.36

oranges and the pinks and the Reds but

Time: 1154.52

the they subtract to zero because

Time: 1157.28

they're all mixed together that's why it

Time: 1158.799

looks just blue and white and so while

Time: 1160.72

bright light is great throughout the day

Time: 1162.52

it's those morning signals now the I

Time: 1164.6

think the Dermatology Community is

Time: 1166.44

starting to come online with the idea

Time: 1168

that low solar angle sunlight early and

Time: 1170.799

later in the day sunrise sunrising and

Time: 1173.28

sun setting and I say that because

Time: 1175

people always go oh do you have to see

Time: 1176.24

across the Horizon that would be ideal

Time: 1177.76

But Rising and

Time: 1179.84

setting do not create the kind of skin

Time: 1182.84

damage or eye damage that they've been

Time: 1184.36

so concerned about and I think the next

Time: 1186

step for the field of Dermatology is

Time: 1188.08

going to be to start communicating with

Time: 1190.36

the neuroscientists and the Circadian

Time: 1192.2

biologists and and really uh learning

Time: 1194.64

that so thanks for bridging that gap on

Time: 1196.08

the beach this morning I I do think

Time: 1197.88

that's how starts and then it Wicks out

Time: 1199.919

headphones so um I made the choice a few

Time: 1202.6

years ago to stop using the Bluetooth

Time: 1204.96

headphones based on my personal

Time: 1207.559

experience which was I kept getting

Time: 1209.12

these cysts behind my ears which I was

Time: 1211.96

told were lymph swellings of lymph they

Time: 1213.919

would actually drain lymph if they got

Time: 1216

big enough it was it was really gross

Time: 1218.44

and kind of troubling I stopped using

Time: 1221.159

them I didn't get them I started using

Time: 1222.799

them again I started getting those lymph

Time: 1224.32

things and and there was some

Time: 1225.72

significant heat effects as well and

Time: 1229.28

I've interviewed a couple people

Time: 1230.48

including a neurosurgeon on the podcast

Time: 1233.96

about um the level of emfs that come

Time: 1236.4

from them and they were not concerned

Time: 1238.76

others I've spoken to are concerned I'm

Time: 1240.36

going to try and balance out the

Time: 1241.44

conversation over time but my feeling

Time: 1243.76

was look if there's any concern

Time: 1245.039

whatsoever why would I use them and I so

Time: 1247.6

I use the ones with wires yes but you

Time: 1249.799

use the ones with wires that are even

Time: 1252.52

one step further away from um Wi-Fi

Time: 1255.96

transmitters there are ones with air

Time: 1257.679


Time: 1258.919

that I use depending on what's going on

Time: 1261.799

um and those have no electrical um

Time: 1265.32

there's no electric near your head it's

Time: 1267.24

just an air tube where the sound is

Time: 1269.76

traveling this actual sound is traveling

Time: 1272.08

in the tube tiers I definitely sleep

Time: 1274.679

better with the phone out of the bedroom

Time: 1277.76

some people are now turning off their

Time: 1279.159

Wi-Fi at night I think you and I are

Time: 1281.799

both really aligned in the sense that

Time: 1283.6

we've seen enough things come and go in

Time: 1285.52

the health

Time: 1286.48

space like dis encouraging remarks about

Time: 1289.48

lifting weights like that's just for

Time: 1290.799

bodybuilders and it now everybody knows

Time: 1293.08

muscle bound you become muscle bound now

Time: 1295.039

men and women elderly and young are

Time: 1297.32

encouraged to do resistance training uh

Time: 1299.52

Yogo used to be cast in this kind of

Time: 1302.08

Magic Carpet realm breath work all this

Time: 1305.279

stuff has become over time mainstream

Time: 1307.48

but it's taken a very long time and the

Time: 1309.08

road has been choppy and sometimes in my

Time: 1311.4

opinion really unfair to the to the

Time: 1313.84

practices and and their value I mean

Time: 1316.279

these are zero cost practices in many

Time: 1318.08

many cases that can really help people

Time: 1319.799

and so when I look at something like

Time: 1320.919

sunscreen or or you know Bluetooth

Time: 1324.12

headphones or we're talking about some

Time: 1325.6

of these things I wish I had a portal

Time: 1328.2

into the future where we look back and

Time: 1330.039

go like of course of course so what are

Time: 1332.64

your thoughts on just kind of um health

Time: 1334.44

and wellness as you've observed it in

Time: 1337.039

the last 20 30 years I mean you've been

Time: 1339.4

in this for a while I mean you paid

Time: 1341.12

attention to mindfulness and mindbody

Time: 1343.559

stuff you know what are your thoughts I

Time: 1345.919

I try to live in as natural way as

Time: 1348.52

possible I try to eat as few processed

Time: 1351.44

foods as possible try to eat grass-fed

Time: 1354.799


Time: 1356.559

um and and I use hardly any products of

Time: 1360.76

any kind you know that that aren't just

Time: 1362.76

something that grows or lives on the

Time: 1365.039

planet there were a couple questions

Time: 1367.039

about this I'll ask now um you lost a

Time: 1371

tremendous amount of weight you look

Time: 1372.159

great by the way thank you look super

Time: 1373.6

fit every time I see you you're in

Time: 1374.88

better and better shape um and uh that's

Time: 1378.84

that's in that's your perception it's

Time: 1380.799

not in fact the case for I'll accept it

Time: 1383.96

I don't know when I see you each time

Time: 1385.72

you I mean you're extremely mobile you

Time: 1388.32

you're sleeping well you have a robust

Time: 1390.12

life like you know I mean all the marks

Time: 1392.12

of health and vitality

Time: 1395.32

um so I've heard you mention before that

Time: 1398.64

you lost a significant amount of weight

Time: 1400.24

how much weight and how did you do it

Time: 1402.24

135 lbs through a high

Time: 1406.88


Time: 1408.4

low calorie low carb diet and that went

Time: 1413.12

against the convention at the time uh

Time: 1416.52

well the person who suggested it was uh

Time: 1419.679

uh someone at UCLA so it was a

Time: 1422.799

mainstream Doctor Who helped me with my

Time: 1424.88

weight loss I had been a vegan at that

Time: 1427.6

time which was not mainstream then and

Time: 1431.08

it was very unhealthy but I did that for

Time: 1433.24

20 some hot years because I believed in

Time: 1435.2

the theory of it but it proved not not

Time: 1438

to be um healthy for me do you think

Time: 1440.559

that different diets likely work for

Time: 1443.279

different people

Time: 1444.88

yes so that not everyone necessarily

Time: 1447.559

should do what you did no yeah no but I

Time: 1450.88

I think most people would probably

Time: 1452.48

benefit from healthy red

Time: 1455.159

meat I'm saying that only because it's

Time: 1457.32

so vilified in our culture yeah I agree

Time: 1460.799

and I think the healthy piece is key

Time: 1462.44

there to non-factory farmed animals um

Time: 1465.36

which fortunately reasonably cost

Time: 1467.44

sources that are becoming more available

Time: 1469.44

M um well I'm going to start pulling

Time: 1473.279

from the list of questions uh by the way

Time: 1475.36

folks there were more than a thousand

Time: 1477.96

questions in just the one-third print

Time: 1480.559

out that I did um it's an intimidating

Time: 1483.48

stack in front of you it's the most

Time: 1484.919

notes I've ever put in front of me

Time: 1486.32

during a guest uh discussion here on the

Time: 1489.679

podcast and we are not going to ask you

Time: 1492.039

every question but I've organized them

Time: 1493.96

in a in a some sense of a coherent order

Time: 1498.6

um did you organize them or did AI

Time: 1500.6

organize them I organize them but that's

Time: 1502.48

a great opportunity to ask you one of

Time: 1503.96

the questions that came up several times

Time: 1506

which was um what are your thoughts on

Time: 1507.96

AI and its ability to um shape how music

Time: 1511.679

is made how Visual Arts are made are you

Time: 1514.64

one of these like scared of AI or do you

Time: 1517.2

Embrace new technology I don't know

Time: 1519.399

enough about it yet to to talk about it

Time: 1521.36

what I will say is what what I find

Time: 1525.279

interesting about art is the point of

Time: 1527.08

view of the person and making it and I

Time: 1529.12

don't know that AI has a point of view

Time: 1531

of its own so and I don't know how

Time: 1534.36

interesting it would be ai's point of

Time: 1537.919

view uh but I like people's points of

Time: 1540.32

view and what makes an artist a great

Time: 1542.84

artist to me is something about their

Time: 1545.12

point of view does something with to me

Time: 1548.799

childhood a question for Rick ruin was

Time: 1553.159

what activities did you find most

Time: 1554.799

enjoyable and easy to get lost in as a

Time: 1557.44


Time: 1558.24

I love this question for you in

Time: 1559.88

particular reading was a big part of my

Time: 1562.679

life listening to music was a big part

Time: 1564.36

of my life playing guitar along with

Time: 1566.44

music can't really play but the idea of

Time: 1569.399

playing along so it didn't have to

Time: 1572.12

actually be good enough to play along

Time: 1574.32

because I didn't have that skill set but

Time: 1575.88

I like the experience of doing my best

Time: 1578.799

to play along with something I was

Time: 1580.159

listening to and um also magic uh

Time: 1586.6

learning like shuffling cards in front

Time: 1589.52

of a mirror and

Time: 1591.679

um coin tricks and uh slide of hand was

Time: 1595.88

just interesting to me do you still do

Time: 1597.76

magic I don't okay at the time that

Time: 1600.64

music took over my life I had to choose

Time: 1602.679

between the two because both of them

Time: 1604

were full-time life

Time: 1606.919

Pursuits I went and saw a mentalist in

Time: 1609.32

New York this summer with my sister AI

Time: 1611.64

wind is his name ASI first name last

Time: 1615.36


Time: 1616.159

wind every time I I see a mentalist and

Time: 1619.52

especially when I see aie I've seen him

Time: 1621.72

twice it it blows my mind what are your

Time: 1626.799

thoughts on mentalists as it's my

Time: 1628.64

favorite form of magic it's the most

Time: 1630.799

interesting because it it doesn't rely

Time: 1633.679

on props it it's it's it's

Time: 1638.88


Time: 1642.12

um it feels like pure magic MH you know

Time: 1646.88

if if you have a box and you pull

Time: 1649.96

something out of the box there's

Time: 1652.679

probably something tricky about the box

Time: 1655.679

but when someone can look at you and

Time: 1657.24

tell you what you're

Time: 1658.76

thinking it's just wild it's really wild

Time: 1663.039

so I love

Time: 1664.64

that after aie did his his act um when

Time: 1669.64

we pseudo returned to reality cuz it

Time: 1671.84

really does change the way you look at

Time: 1673.24

things after that for quite a while

Time: 1675.44

maybe forever I asked him if he was was

Time: 1677.6

willing to share maybe just like one

Time: 1679.399

nugget of insight into how he does what

Time: 1682

he does with and of course I wasn't

Time: 1683.559

expecting he was going to give away the

Time: 1686.08

whole thing and he said um a lot of it

Time: 1689.6

has to do with forming and erasing

Time: 1691.96

memories in people quickly which sounds

Time: 1695.08

very kind of dark and mysterious really

Time: 1698

interesting yeah that maybe it's

Time: 1699.159

possible to to erase memories wow people

Time: 1702.36

like maybe what we thought we saw we

Time: 1704.12

really didn't see or hear wow so I dig

Time: 1706.799

that descrip yeah I'm going to bring him

Time: 1708.64

out here by the way so we should all get

Time: 1710.88

together I want to get him on the

Time: 1712.799

podcast okay a full 10% of the questions

Time: 1717.12

for you were around writer blocks

Time: 1720.88


Time: 1722.799

points this kind of thing like feeling

Time: 1725.799

stuck in the creative process now people

Time: 1728.76

didn't specify whether or not they were

Time: 1731.159

stuck at the beginning the middle of the

Time: 1732.6

end but based on my read of all of these

Time: 1736.399

questions I got the sense that people

Time: 1739.6

were feeling like there's something in

Time: 1741.96

them that they want access to they want

Time: 1744.6

to create but they don't know how to get

Time: 1746.799

past that initial stage as opposed to

Time: 1748.519

somebody who's like you know 90% done

Time: 1750.2

and they just can't finish the last

Time: 1753.559

10% what are your thoughts about these

Time: 1755.88

kinds of blocks and how to overcome them

Time: 1759.159

um any experience you've had with them

Time: 1761.36

yourself and perhaps with uh working

Time: 1764.159

with other artists the first thought is

Time: 1767.039

to go past the idea of the block and

Time: 1770.84

think about what what

Time: 1773.96

is what's the cause of the

Time: 1776.48

block and the block is usually something

Time: 1781.32

like it's either a personal I'm not good

Time: 1784.559

enough it's it can be a confidence

Time: 1787.76

issue I don't have anything to

Time: 1790.76

say or it could be a

Time: 1794.399

um thinking about someone else nobody's

Time: 1798.08

going to like what I

Time: 1799.919

make do do you know what I'm saying so

Time: 1802.08

it's either a A self-judgment or fear of

Time: 1805.96


Time: 1807.32

judgment so if you're making

Time: 1812.279

something with a with a freedom

Time: 1816.08

of this is something I'm making for

Time: 1819.2

myself for now that's all it

Time: 1822.399

is it's a diary

Time: 1825.039

entry everything I make is a diary

Time: 1828.799

entry the beauty of a diary entry is I

Time: 1832.679

can write my diary

Time: 1835.039

entry and you can't tell

Time: 1838.12

me my diary entry wasn't good enough or

Time: 1841.76

that's not what I that's not what I

Time: 1844.48

experienced of course it's what I

Time: 1845.88

experienced it's I'm writing a personal

Time: 1847.799

diary for myself no one else can judge

Time: 1850.399

it it is my experience of of my

Time: 1855.08

life everything we make can be that can

Time: 1861.12

be a

Time: 1863.919

personal reflection of who we are in

Time: 1867.519

that moment of time it doesn't have to

Time: 1870.36

be the greatest you could ever do it

Time: 1872.88

doesn't have to have any expectation

Time: 1875.44

that it's going to change the world it

Time: 1877.76

doesn't have to be this has to sell a

Time: 1880.36

certain number of copies for any reason

Time: 1882.559

it doesn't have any of those things all

Time: 1884.88

it is is I'm making this thing I'm

Time: 1887.76

making this thing for me and I I want to

Time: 1890.639

do it to the best of my ability to where

Time: 1892.48

I feel good about it and where it's

Time: 1893.919

honest it's honest of where I'm

Time: 1897.039

at and if you're living in this world of

Time: 1899.799

just being honest to where you're

Time: 1901.559

at there's nothing blocking that do you

Time: 1905.559

know what I'm saying there are no blocks

Time: 1907.2

the blocks are all based

Time: 1909.639

on dealing with a different force or a

Time: 1912.88


Time: 1914.24

perception that is made up you know you

Time: 1917.679

make up this story and you're living the

Time: 1919.799

story I'm in this block

Time: 1922.159

because I just can't do it the reason

Time: 1924.519

you can't do it is because you're afraid

Time: 1926.36

someone else is not going to like it or

Time: 1928

you're there are no blocks is there's

Time: 1931.559

infinite amount of information out there

Time: 1934.08

to work with because it doesn't it also

Time: 1936.44

doesn't stem from us so we're we're

Time: 1939.44

vehicles for this information and it's

Time: 1942.12

coming through us all the time so if you

Time: 1944.639

don't have an idea when you're sitting

Time: 1945.799

at your desk if you go for a walk

Time: 1947.6

chances are you'll see something that'll

Time: 1949.24

spark something in you as a as a seed to

Time: 1953.84

take off

Time: 1955.639

from that makes a lot of sense

Time: 1958.76

and I had a thought while you were

Time: 1961.519

saying that one of the challenges that I

Time: 1963.399

have in completing work and getting into

Time: 1966.159

a good work Groove is that um especially

Time: 1969.48

nowadays because of phones and so easy

Time: 1971.48

to communicate with other people it's

Time: 1973.72

not that they interrupt me it's that and

Time: 1977

and this happened the other day I set up

Time: 1978.519

my new office really nicely I'm living

Time: 1980.24

in a very quiet place now it's like

Time: 1982.36

almost completely

Time: 1984.519

silent unless I'm playing music it's

Time: 1986.76

really interesting or the coyotes

Time: 1988.48

sometimes come around and start doing

Time: 1990.039

their thing at night but completely

Time: 1992.279

silent and I realized I was having a

Time: 1994.679

hard time getting into a work Groove and

Time: 1997

I realized that I felt compelled to

Time: 1998.88

continue to reach out to people and then

Time: 2000.72

I realize as you just provided your

Time: 2003

answer to the last question that you

Time: 2006.399

know there's probably something in me

Time: 2008.32

that has a bit of a fear

Time: 2010.559

of separation or abandonment from People

Time: 2015.08

based on my own experience and I feel

Time: 2018.32

very well supported by my friends and

Time: 2020.12

co-workers these days very very well

Time: 2021.919

supported I'm in a kind of Pinch Me

Time: 2023.44

place around that and but I realize now

Time: 2026.72

that what's happening in my mind is it's

Time: 2028.639

not a challenge of getting into the work

Time: 2030.2

it's a fear that if I spend a couple

Time: 2031.88

hours really in that tight tunnel of

Time: 2035.72

creation that

Time: 2038.6

there might not be anyone there when I

Time: 2040.559

exit it which is a crazy thought that's

Time: 2042.559

a crazy thought but that's the anxiety

Time: 2044.399

and I only realize that now yeah so

Time: 2046.32

thank you great you know I trust that

Time: 2048.76

you guys will be there when I when I

Time: 2050.119

exit the tunnel and when there's a

Time: 2052.48

deadline I have no choice but to jump

Time: 2054.8

into that tunnel that that's actually uh

Time: 2057.359

what helps deadlines really help me do

Time: 2059

deadlines help you do you like deadlines

Time: 2061.24

uh deadlines don't help me at the

Time: 2062.919

beginning of a process they can help at

Time: 2065.159

the end once the code's been cracked

Time: 2068.879

usually when I start something I have no

Time: 2070.639

idea what it's going to be um so it's a

Time: 2073.679

very open process in the beginning and

Time: 2076.28

if there's any sense of uh required

Time: 2079.839

timing that would undermine the freedom

Time: 2083.159

needed for it to be all that it could be

Time: 2085.8

but once the codee's cracked and you

Time: 2087.28

know what it is and it's all there and

Time: 2089.2

you're just you know the you're dealing

Time: 2091.24

with the fine points then um it can be

Time: 2095.399

really helpful to have a deadline

Time: 2098.44

as many of you know I've been taking ag1

Time: 2100.4

daily since 2012 so I'm delighted that

Time: 2102.8

they're sponsoring the podcast ag1 is a

Time: 2105.24

vitamin mineral probiotic drink that's

Time: 2106.96

designed to meet all of your

Time: 2108.04

foundational nutrition needs now of

Time: 2110.079

course I try to get enough servings of

Time: 2111.599

vitamins and minerals through whole food

Time: 2113.32

sources that include vegetables and

Time: 2114.76

fruits every day but often times I

Time: 2116.88

simply can't get enough servings but

Time: 2118.8

with ag1 I'm sure to get enough vitamins

Time: 2121.079

and minerals and the probiotics that I

Time: 2122.92

need and it also contains adaptogens to

Time: 2125.24

help buffer stress simp L put I always

Time: 2127.72

feel better when I take ag1 I have more

Time: 2130.04

focus and energy and I sleep better and

Time: 2132.56

it also happens to taste great for all

Time: 2134.48

these reasons whenever I'm asked if you

Time: 2136.28

could take Just One supplement what

Time: 2137.92

would it be I answer ag1 if you'd like

Time: 2140.88

to try ag1 go to drink a1.com huberman

Time: 2144.96

to claim a special offer they'll give

Time: 2146.96

you five free travel packs plus a year

Time: 2148.96

supply of vitamin D3 K2 again that's

Time: 2151.92

drink a1.com

Time: 2154.2

huberman a number of questions were were

Time: 2156.92

sort of comments about what people

Time: 2159.8

believe your process is and one of the

Time: 2163.599

repeating themes there which I thought

Time: 2165.04

was interesting was it seems that Rick

Time: 2167.28

Rubin is comfortable with uncertainty

Time: 2170.48

and the unknown yes that is true yes and

Time: 2174.839

no yes I am comfortable with it because

Time: 2176.96

I accept that's the way things

Time: 2179.64

are that said when I start a new project

Time: 2183.16

I always have anxiety because I'm

Time: 2185.16

uncertain of what's going to happen

Time: 2187.4

and I want it to be good now I know it

Time: 2191.72

won't be done until I feel good about it

Time: 2194.92

so in that way there is no um there's no

Time: 2199.2

real pressure but I do still feel this

Time: 2202.48

anxiety of I wonder what's going to

Time: 2204.599

happen today I hope it's good you know

Time: 2208.079

when you've worked with musical artists

Time: 2210.319

let's say um how important is it to you

Time: 2214.04

to know what challenges maybe even what

Time: 2217.599

successes but certainly what challenges

Time: 2219.8

they happen to be going through at that

Time: 2221.2

period in

Time: 2222.319

time put differently do you end finding

Time: 2225.359

yourself playing therapist and guide and

Time: 2228.72

um psychological SL emotional mentor to

Time: 2231.88

artists you work with during the

Time: 2233.2


Time: 2234.24

process or is that

Time: 2236.319

separate uh if they're going through

Time: 2238.96

something that's interfering with the

Time: 2240.72

work anything that gets in the way of

Time: 2242.88

the work is something worth discussing

Time: 2245.88

our Focus they're together is to get the

Time: 2248.4


Time: 2249.24

done sometimes it ends up being more

Time: 2251.76

therapeutic to allow that to

Time: 2255.68

happen one of the questions that really

Time: 2257.88

stood out to me in this vast list of

Time: 2260.2

questions um involved a quote from your

Time: 2263.319

last discussion on this podcast our last

Time: 2265.72

discussion on this podcast um so I'm

Time: 2268

going to read a little bit of it because

Time: 2269.48

it's fairly long but um I found this to

Time: 2271.68

be a really important question that we

Time: 2273.839

should get into in a bit more depth um

Time: 2277

somebody I don't know who said If you

Time: 2278.4

happen to talk to Rick happen to be

Time: 2280.56

talking to you um ask him this for me in

Time: 2282.68


Time: 2283.68

book in the section on self-doubt Rick

Time: 2286.76

said quote one of the reasons so many

Time: 2288.599

great artists die of overdoses early in

Time: 2290.56

their lives is because they use drugs to

Time: 2292.28

numb a very painful existence the reason

Time: 2294.72

it is painful is the reason they became

Time: 2296.28

an artist in the first place their

Time: 2298.04


Time: 2299.119

sensitivity if you see tremendous beauty

Time: 2301.319

or tremendous pain where other people

Time: 2302.68

see little or nothing at all you're

Time: 2304.44

confronted with big feelings all the

Time: 2306.04


Time: 2307.48

these emotions can be confusing and

Time: 2308.96

overwhelm and overwhelming excuse me so

Time: 2312.76

this goes on for some pages and then

Time: 2316.2

this person says and I think they're

Time: 2318.2

speaking for many people when they said

Time: 2320.079

this resonated with me personally and I

Time: 2322.16

wonder whether or not this is something

Time: 2323.4

that maybe you've experienced yourself

Time: 2324.839

or that you just noticed about artists

Time: 2326.64

in similar situations and what sort of

Time: 2330.28

advice do you give the artists you work

Time: 2332.04

with in order to embrace

Time: 2334.16

those painful tones Within them and

Time: 2337.119

transmute them into great work I've

Time: 2340.359

definitely felt them myself I'm

Time: 2342.4

unusually sensitive in the world I'm

Time: 2345.56

wearing red glasses in here for a reason

Time: 2349.359

um I live a very um protected monk like

Time: 2354.4


Time: 2355.92

because simulation gets in the

Time: 2359.44

way uh of my ability to be where I want

Time: 2362.92

to be so I tend to stay away from things

Time: 2369.8

um and it it seems to be the case with

Time: 2373.839


Time: 2374.88


Time: 2378.359

um a desire

Time: 2381.119

for nurturing their internal

Time: 2384.48

life and if if the goal is to nurture

Time: 2387.599

our internal life it it um it invariably

Time: 2393.119

leads to

Time: 2395.119

sacrifices did you do you spend a lot of

Time: 2397.119

time alone as a kid I'm asking this

Time: 2398.88

question I did yeah I was the only child

Time: 2400.599

and I spent most of my time alone when

Time: 2403.079

you talk about controlling this amount

Time: 2405.48

and type of stimulation in your life to

Time: 2407.16

protect that inner landscape does that

Time: 2409.72

pertain to certain personality types

Time: 2412.2

even voice types i' I've found it

Time: 2414.359

various times in my life I love people

Time: 2417.04

but um there there's certain voices that

Time: 2420.28

just great on me and I can't be around

Time: 2423.079

them I just can't be around them they

Time: 2424.72

drive me it brings out but it just it's

Time: 2426.64

like a cacophony inside I just feel like

Time: 2429.28

I'm being asked to drink something that

Time: 2431.319

tastes awful um does it does that

Time: 2434.44

resonate uh I I try to curate the people

Time: 2437.44

around me to be people I want to have

Time: 2439.56

around me whatever that is whatever that

Time: 2442.92

well you said you protect the inner

Time: 2444.24

landscape but certainly you're not

Time: 2446.8

averse to high-intensity stimulation

Time: 2449.079

think last night we went to the aew and

Time: 2451.24

by the way thank you for taking me that

Time: 2452.52

was such an incredible experience it was

Time: 2454.359

really fun it was really fun it reminded

Time: 2455.88


Time: 2456.839

of early punk rock shows where like some

Time: 2459.839

of my first punk rock shows where I went

Time: 2461.28

and just was like oh my gosh this is

Time: 2463.76

exciting and scary and I love it yeah

Time: 2467.24

and it felt loving too yes which is also

Time: 2469.88

the community of punk rock that I

Time: 2472.56

observed and have been blessed to be a

Time: 2474.68

part of it's like I it's like there yeah

Time: 2476.44

there's aggression but there's also love

Time: 2478.2

and then there's romance and then

Time: 2479.56

there's also um betrayal and there's all

Time: 2482.2

the elements but there's still a sense

Time: 2484.119

of like everyone wants to be here and

Time: 2485.96

there's a sense of goodness behind it

Time: 2487.44

all even though some of it was bloody

Time: 2489.079

and violent yes so for you what what

Time: 2492.079

does wrestling allow you to feel in

Time: 2495.48

those high-intensity environments it

Time: 2497.48

completely relaxes me because there are

Time: 2499.359

no Stakes you know

Time: 2502.48

nobody everyone's working together in

Time: 2504.76

the show to protect each other no one's

Time: 2507.52

trying to hurt anybody regardless of

Time: 2509.16

what the story line is it's like a

Time: 2511.839

ballet where there's a fight in the

Time: 2513.92

ballet there's no um

Time: 2517.72

there's no actual aggression of people

Time: 2520.24

towards each other it's just the

Time: 2523.599

opposite but you get to experience this

Time: 2526.52

wildly Dynamic exciting

Time: 2529.24

surreal theater

Time: 2531.44

piece uh where people are doing these uh

Time: 2534.28

gymnastic and acrobatic things that are

Time: 2537.839

truly death

Time: 2539.4


Time: 2541.839

um and it's fun and the the story lines

Time: 2545.28

absorb you in a way where you know you

Time: 2548.119

never know what's true and what's not Mo

Time: 2551.119

you know we know wrestling's fake we're

Time: 2552.599

told wrestling's fake but there's

Time: 2555.119

something um legitimate about

Time: 2558.68

it that seems to me more legitimate than

Time: 2562.68

anything else the most

Time: 2565.2

legitimate because it's the closest to

Time: 2568.04

what the world's actually

Time: 2570.079

like people don't always tell you what

Time: 2572.359

they really think and when someone tells

Time: 2574.4

you a story it might not really be the

Time: 2576.319


Time: 2577.319

story they may even think they may be

Time: 2581.359

they may think they're telling you the

Time: 2582.68

real story and that might not be the

Time: 2585.28

real story we don't know we know so

Time: 2587.88

little you know we we we experience

Time: 2591.839

something and then we make up a story to

Time: 2594.079

understand it

Time: 2595.64

ourselves and then forever more when we

Time: 2597.8

tell that story it was our version of a

Time: 2600.44

of an experience but we don't know

Time: 2602.119

that's what happened that was our take

Time: 2604.079


Time: 2605.079

it um wrestling is like that's what the

Time: 2609.72

real world is

Time: 2611.48

like because we when you watch wrestling

Time: 2614.68

you never know what's true that's what

Time: 2617.72

if you watch the news like you watch

Time: 2619.559

wrestling and you never know what's true

Time: 2622.68

it's more it would be more accurate you

Time: 2625.119

you'd have a better sense of the world

Time: 2627.119

if you took it all in like it was pro

Time: 2628.76

wrestling I think we're in a place in

Time: 2631.28

human history where people are starting

Time: 2633.079

to feel that way about the media it's

Time: 2636.16

also why wrestling's so popular you know

Time: 2637.839

it's it's uh more popular than it's ever

Time: 2640.04

been yeah that's interesting things like

Time: 2641.52

UFC kind of gladiator like octagon

Time: 2644.24

fights and wrestling are increasing in

Time: 2647.48

popularity despite the fact that

Time: 2650.04

supposedly we're evolving so I think it

Time: 2652.8

reflects something both primitive and

Time: 2654.599

evolved about the human brain yes right

Time: 2656.839

primitive in the sense that yeah there's

Time: 2658.079

some violence it's physical that's down

Time: 2660.52

in the hypothalamus as we'd say no it

Time: 2662.72

scratches that

Time: 2665


Time: 2666.88

but they're actually protecting each

Time: 2669.8

other you know it scratches that itch of

Time: 2672.44

seeing the

Time: 2674.079

Gladiators but it's like watching a

Time: 2675.96

movie you know it's not they're not

Time: 2677.52

really it's they're not really hurting

Time: 2679.4

each other they get hurt but only

Time: 2681.359

because the things they're doing are so

Time: 2683.559

crazy I think in order to be able to

Time: 2686.119

thoroughly enjoy wrestling one has to be

Time: 2688

able to give up narrative distancing

Time: 2690.8

just a little bit right narrative

Time: 2692.88

distancing is this sense that this is a

Time: 2694.839

story it's a movie it's it's not real

Time: 2696.92

but there were moments like yesterday

Time: 2699.2

the the jump off the top rope onto the

Time: 2701

guy who SPL out on the ladder the ladder

Time: 2703.16

breaks this was right in front of us it

Time: 2705.76

couldn't have felt good no he walked

Time: 2708.64

away he seemed fine yeah uh is but that

Time: 2714.559

and then um there was a match between

Time: 2717.28

two women where a woman put a metal

Time: 2718.839

plate into her uh into the bottoms of

Time: 2722

her suit and then ran in then jumped

Time: 2723.64

onto the other woman and you know hit

Time: 2725.24

her with the metal and then the metal

Time: 2726.44

plate kind of slipped out and she was

Time: 2727.839

walking around and everyone knew she had

Time: 2729.68

cheated cuz you're not supposed to use

Time: 2731.28

the metal plate but so it was sort of

Time: 2733.839

exciting cuz she had done it exciting

Time: 2735.68

cuz she had gotten away with it and then

Time: 2737.96

at the same time exciting and upsetting

Time: 2740.8

that the referee saw it but then didn't

Time: 2742.839

call it this is like Twitter X this is

Time: 2746.44

like Instagram this is like politics

Time: 2748.76

this is like this is real life right

Time: 2751.2

like seeing people get away with things

Time: 2752.599

is so frustrating if you feel they

Time: 2754.48

shouldn't have yeah that's all part of

Time: 2756.119

it it's like uh it's a very uh accurate

Time: 2759.88

representation of the world love it I

Time: 2763.599

I'm it's it's weird because I never

Time: 2765.52

would have thought I'd be hooked I'm

Time: 2767.559

hooked it's like archery and

Time: 2769.76

professional wrestling now it's like I'm

Time: 2771.44

going to be busy guy in

Time: 2773.88

24 I'm going to come back to this very

Time: 2776.48

practical question and ask a different

Time: 2778.04


Time: 2780.319

first there are a few comments in here

Time: 2782.4

that are just Priceless by the way so

Time: 2785.92

wanted to point out that you're a Pisces

Time: 2787.92

and so is

Time: 2791.839

Einstein a couple of historical

Time: 2793.88

questions I know you're not big on

Time: 2795.559

answering historical questions um

Time: 2797.599

necessarily maybe you are but I can't

Time: 2800.48

help every time I see you asking a

Time: 2802.48

question about the Ramones or asking a

Time: 2804

question about Joe Strummer but I I like

Time: 2806.92

this question first of all it starts off

Time: 2809.64

I love Rick Rubin he's so fascinating

Time: 2812.599

there's so many questions that start

Time: 2813.839


Time: 2814.8


Time: 2816.359

on the podcast that you did with Joe

Time: 2818.96

Rogan uh you talked about your

Time: 2820.8

experience with Johnny Cash and seeing

Time: 2823.359

him in a new light after doing

Time: 2825.24

interviews for a book about Johnny or

Time: 2827.72

something like that um the question this

Time: 2830.8

person asked was from your present view

Time: 2833.559

what was the most impactful moment or

Time: 2835.52

moments from being with him and working

Time: 2837.68

with him or simply do you recall a

Time: 2839.76

moment working with Johnny Cash that you

Time: 2841.359


Time: 2843.64

enjoyed uh I enjoyed anytime I got to

Time: 2846.44

spend time with him he was a really

Time: 2849.559


Time: 2852


Time: 2854.72

shy quiet man incredibly knowledgeable

Time: 2858.24

he knew a great deal about history and a

Time: 2861.88

so much about music he knew every song

Time: 2864

he didn't he may not have known modern

Time: 2865.44

songs but he knew the history of

Time: 2867.44

Music um really

Time: 2870.96

well and there was just a a humble

Time: 2874.319

honesty about him

Time: 2877

that came through I think that the

Time: 2879.079

strength of him as an artist was when he

Time: 2882.839

said words even if he didn't write the

Time: 2885.16

words if he told a story in words you

Time: 2888.48

believed that

Time: 2890.319

story so he had a a credible

Time: 2895.88

gravitas and um he was great because of

Time: 2900.119

who he was it wasn't his ability as a

Time: 2902.319

singer it wasn't his ability as a

Time: 2904.44

songwriter or although he was a great

Time: 2906.8

songwriter and he was a great singer but

Time: 2908.4

that's not why he was Johnny Cash He was

Time: 2910.559

Johnny Cash because of the human

Time: 2912.839

being underneath and anything that that

Time: 2916.76

guy would have

Time: 2917.92

done we would be interested in because

Time: 2920.8

that's how much of a beam of light he

Time: 2923

was on the planet it just happened to be

Time: 2925.52

music just happened to be

Time: 2927.8

music I love

Time: 2930.359

that one question that came up a lot and

Time: 2934

I I think I can understand understand

Time: 2936.04

why which

Time: 2937.839

is how does one convince themselves that

Time: 2941.079

what they're doing and working on is

Time: 2943

worth it and I think here we have to

Time: 2944.799

Define worth it um and we can Define

Time: 2947.559

that a number of ways but I think this

Time: 2949.64

is a feeling that I hear people Express

Time: 2952.079

a lot like how do I know if I'm on the

Time: 2953.76

right path and I just want to remind

Time: 2957.68

your earlier answer that you're pretty

Time: 2959.24

comfortable with uncertainty yeah this

Time: 2962.079

and the unknown and I think that's a

Time: 2964.16

rare trait the question of worth it is

Time: 2967.359

reliant on an

Time: 2969.48

outcome we don't make these things for

Time: 2971.64


Time: 2972.359

outcome it's it's it's not the mindset

Time: 2976.2

to make something

Time: 2977.92

great the outcome happens you're making

Time: 2981.72

the best thing you can make it's a it's

Time: 2984.88

a devotional practice whatever happens

Time: 2987.96


Time: 2989.119

that happens and that part that happens

Time: 2993.2

after it is completely out of your

Time: 2994.799


Time: 2996.559

putting any energy into that part that's

Time: 2998.92

out of your control it's a waste of time

Time: 3001.52

all it is all it does is undermine your

Time: 3003.72

work your work is to make the best thing

Time: 3005.44

you can so any thought you have about

Time: 3008.799

outcome undermines the whole

Time: 3011.4

thing let that one sink in I think

Time: 3014.16

that's so important for people to hear

Time: 3016.319

and I'll say it's okay to think about

Time: 3018.4

outcome after you finished the thing

Time: 3020.599

you're making once you've made it then

Time: 3023.28

you can say hm what can I do to turn

Time: 3025.88

people on to this but in the making of

Time: 3029.04

it it's

Time: 3031.72

premature which brings my mind back to

Time: 3033.88

that diary entry like approach because

Time: 3036.44

when you do a diary entry if you lie to

Time: 3039.04

yourself you're going to get a lot less

Time: 3040.64

out of it it's it's a ridiculous idea

Time: 3043.52

lying in your diary entries it is well

Time: 3045.96

it's so interesting because when you

Time: 3047.68

learn how to do really good science and

Time: 3049.92

I was fortunate to work with someone who

Time: 3051.72

was truly committed to the truth and

Time: 3054.76

accuracy she used to just say whenever

Time: 3056.92

there was a scandal published like

Time: 3058.52

someone fabricated data she was like

Time: 3060.559

this is so crazy like like why would you

Time: 3062.44

get into science you'd be if you want to

Time: 3064.079

make you be better off going into

Time: 3066.119

something else so clearly they weren't

Time: 3067.559

those people who make up data were not

Time: 3070.04

in science for discovery of Truth as

Time: 3073.52

best we can understand it they were into

Time: 3074.96

it for something else but it's the same

Time: 3076.559

way you do you formulate a question then

Time: 3078.839

a hypothesis and then you just go see

Time: 3081

what is and what isn't and then

Time: 3083.04

afterwards you decide well is this a

Time: 3085

paper that's send to a top journal or a

Time: 3086.76

mediocre Journal but you can't control

Time: 3088.799

the outcome so it's very similar exactly

Time: 3090.92

the same and and it you'll see it in so

Time: 3094.48

many different aspects of Life Beyond

Time: 3097

art it's it's I think one of the things

Time: 3099.04

that was interesting that came up in

Time: 3100.44

writing the book is it

Time: 3103.04

started being about art and I came to

Time: 3106.359

realize as I was putting the ideas

Time: 3108.4

together that it seems like regardless

Time: 3111.24

of what you do in life if you follow

Time: 3113.64

these principles your life life will

Time: 3115.68

probably improve you'll probably be a

Time: 3117.44

better husband or a better father or a

Time: 3120.4

better whatever it is it's

Time: 3124.799

um it seems like the the art is an

Time: 3128.24

outgrowth of it's why the subtitle is a

Time: 3130.76

way of being it's like you

Time: 3133.44

create yourself in a way in the world

Time: 3136.52

where the things that you make are

Time: 3138.72

tapped into something

Time: 3141.119

deep but that comes from you being

Time: 3143.599

tapped into something deep that's how it

Time: 3145.119

work works so tapping into self

Time: 3148.799

grounding in self not thinking about

Time: 3152.319

outcome diary entry like approach to

Time: 3155.44


Time: 3157.119

stuff seems to be the and I I think one

Time: 3160.839

thing I'll I'll say to that because I

Time: 3162.16

say tapping into self it doesn't come

Time: 3165.64

from the self but you have to tap into

Time: 3169.16

yourself because you're the vessel to

Time: 3171.52

allow it to come

Time: 3173.28

out everything in the vessel is coming

Time: 3175.559

from somewhere

Time: 3177.839

else it's not it's not your

Time: 3181.839

creation you're the

Time: 3185.2

um it's like you're the sculptor or the

Time: 3190.839

you're the data an analyst where you're

Time: 3194.599

taking these things from different

Time: 3196.88

places that you've noticed some things

Time: 3199.52

that you've noticed some things that you

Time: 3200.68

don't know that you've noticed but you

Time: 3202.119

did you know that's how we learned you

Time: 3203.88

know we take in a lot of information

Time: 3205.599

that we don't even know we're taking

Time: 3207.839

in but the way we can take these data

Time: 3211.44

points that are inside of us that came

Time: 3213.24

from outside of us and create a

Time: 3217.599

constellation that's what that's what

Time: 3219.599

the artist job is but also that's what

Time: 3222.599

we all do all the time and to get better

Time: 3225.28

at it it's getting more in tune with

Time: 3228.839

yourself and opening yourself to things

Time: 3233.079

outside of um I'll say if you have a

Time: 3236.319

narrow belief

Time: 3238.319

system you'll have less information to

Time: 3241.24

to work with less data points so being

Time: 3244.559

open-minded and um allowing surprise to

Time: 3248.079


Time: 3250.24

surprised holding all of your beliefs

Time: 3253


Time: 3254.96

Loosely it's interesting because it the

Time: 3257.72

way you describe this and from knowing

Time: 3259.44

you as well it it seems that this whole

Time: 3262.52

process is best served by having really

Time: 3265.2

good boundaries like not

Time: 3267.16

getting um foggy about what's about you

Time: 3270.319

and what's about somebody else or about

Time: 3272.28

what other people want or the world

Time: 3274.2

wants but also having really good

Time: 3277.359

antenna and being able to see what's

Time: 3279.44

happening in the world you can't be

Time: 3281.24

cloistered and and like this no um but

Time: 3284.079

part of the creative process kind of

Time: 3286

feels and looks like you you're in

Time: 3288.359

you're in a tunnel but then you you have

Time: 3290.359

to bring in from the outside I mean that

Time: 3292.799

um so it seems like making these two two

Time: 3295.2

separate compartments that you can

Time: 3297

Bridge um seems important and healthy I

Time: 3300

mean here as you mentioned it's a way of

Time: 3301.44

being it's not just about creating

Time: 3302.839

things that's also a healthy way to be

Time: 3304.24

in the world because if you're

Time: 3305.359

constantly getting pulled around by

Time: 3306.839

everything emotionally and things are

Time: 3309.119

upsetting you that's not good but if

Time: 3310.76

you're just cut off from

Time: 3312.64

everything that's not good

Time: 3315.119

either do you cultivate that way of

Time: 3318.16

being through these practices um or do

Time: 3322.4

you think you've been there's something

Time: 3324.76

about the way you're wired that you

Time: 3326.72

started off that way it feels natural to

Time: 3328.44

me it feels natural to me and I'll tell

Time: 3330.64

you when I was younger I thought I would

Time: 3331.88

live in New York City my whole life and

Time: 3333.88

there was a time when I felt like having

Time: 3336.359

that energy and noise around me felt

Time: 3338.52

good now I feel best in the jungle or

Time: 3341.319


Time: 3342.64

forest I didn't decide that I didn't

Time: 3345.64

decide what feels good you know it it

Time: 3347.559

just happened so you're clearly willing

Time: 3350.44

to update and adapt change your

Time: 3352.559

nutrition change your city the way you

Time: 3355.64

feel get new information update love it

Time: 3359.44

you're a scientist AB well I don't know

Time: 3361.559

anything again we start with I know

Time: 3364.48

nothing we all know

Time: 3367.039

nothing so if something sounds

Time: 3370.039

interesting worth trying I'll try it see

Time: 3372.079

does it work does it not work you know I

Time: 3374.799

thought at one point in time I thought

Time: 3376.799

veganism was a good idea I was excited

Time: 3378.72


Time: 3379.599

it and I did it for a long time I didn't

Time: 3382.64

get the results I was hoping for I

Time: 3384.44

didn't have Better Health I had much

Time: 3386.359

worse health I had you know a tremendous

Time: 3389.2

amount of weight gain and um I was very

Time: 3392.039

ill through that diet but I didn't my

Time: 3395.319

intentions were good how do you approach

Time: 3399.28

resistance especially resistance in

Time: 3401.88

other artists you work with you know

Time: 3404.68

presumably people hire you they they

Time: 3406.559

want to work with you they they do want

Time: 3408.4

to work with you but I think what the

Time: 3410.28

person is asking here is if somebody

Time: 3412.24

you're working with is stuck like

Time: 3415.24

they're stuck do you ask them to think

Time: 3417.64

do you ask them to feel do you ask them

Time: 3419.359

to take a day off do you uh do a Dennis

Time: 3422.2

Rodman on them and send them to Vegas to

Time: 3424.079

party for a couple of days because

Time: 3425.48

that's what worked for

Time: 3427.64

Dennis do you leave them

Time: 3430.72

alone let them come to you I think

Time: 3433.16

people are very curious about what those

Time: 3434.88

sorts of interactions are like I think

Time: 3436.2

it's always a case-by case situation it

Time: 3438.119

really depends on the artist it depends

Time: 3439.76

on the situation and um and usually by

Time: 3443.44

the time that we're working together

Time: 3447.039

any resistance they had in the past has

Time: 3449.359

already been overcome usually we I'm

Time: 3452.68

together with someone who we we make a

Time: 3455.359

team with the idea of making the best

Time: 3457.599

thing we possibly can and we'll both do

Time: 3460.079

anything we can for that thing to be the

Time: 3461.76

best it can it can be we're past the

Time: 3465.68

resistance I noce you remain friends

Time: 3469.119

with a lot of the people you've worked

Time: 3470.4

with which is a great Testament to you

Time: 3473.039

and your work and who you are I just

Time: 3475.359

want to mention that that's not always

Time: 3477.359

the case folks with uh other producer

Time: 3479.799

artist relationships so it's worth

Time: 3481.599

pointing out a practical question but I

Time: 3484.2

think one that um is is worth asking is

Time: 3488.079

uh do you handle the finances around

Time: 3490.039

your work with artists do you have

Time: 3492.039

someone else do like negotiations and

Time: 3494.119

all of that kind of stuff I honestly

Time: 3495.2

have no idea how it

Time: 3496.76

works I have no

Time: 3499.119

clue it see everything seems to get done

Time: 3502.96

but I have no idea in the inner work of

Time: 3505.16

any of it I try to I try to stay out of

Time: 3507.64


Time: 3508.559


Time: 3510.16

um if it's not about making the

Time: 3513.88

beautiful thing in the moment I don't

Time: 3516.44

really want to think about it too much I

Time: 3518

don't want to be involved in that aspect

Time: 3520.48

there interesting when I was visiting

Time: 3521.68

you this summer we had a really

Time: 3523.44

delightful dinner conversation with one

Time: 3525.88

of your other guests and at one point

Time: 3528.88

probably due to me frankly the

Time: 3531.52

conversation veered a bit into the

Time: 3533.039

business realm and I'll never forget you

Time: 3535.76

said in a very polite way that didn't

Time: 3537.559

feel dismissive at all you

Time: 3540.28

said let's talk about art

Time: 3543.079

instead right like enough about business

Time: 3545.559

let's talk about art instead and and in

Time: 3547.96

that moment I don't remember that well I

Time: 3549.64

gleaned a lot of gems from that visit um

Time: 3552.4

I wasn't there to study you I was there

Time: 3553.76

to hang out with you but I gleaned so

Time: 3555.079

many gems treading water in the pool

Time: 3557.119

some of the other practices we'll talk

Time: 3558.48

about but I remember that and I think

Time: 3561.119

about that in myself a lot in the

Time: 3563.16

morning you know the emails and things

Time: 3565.119

coming in and then I

Time: 3567.119

think my purpose in life at this point

Time: 3570.039

in my life is to collect organize and

Time: 3573.079

disseminate health and science

Time: 3574.839

information yes so that for me is Art in

Time: 3577.48

this sense and anything else feels kind

Time: 3582.039

of someone else can do that right

Time: 3584.4

someone else can do you have a

Time: 3585.44

particular gift and that you can take

Time: 3588.68

complicated scientific ideas and explain

Time: 3591.359

them in a way that all of us who are not

Time: 3593.079

scientists or not um

Time: 3595.319

medical students can understand and it's

Time: 3599.16

really helpful and you do it in a kind

Time: 3602.24

and loving way

Time: 3605

where we get the sense that you care

Time: 3607.64

that we understand you explain it in a

Time: 3610.24

way that there's a a a care in it that

Time: 3613.88

really speaks to us so thank you for

Time: 3617.44

thank you for teaching us thank you and

Time: 3619.559

thanks for the words that means a lot to

Time: 3621.079

me that is indeed what it is for me I

Time: 3623.2

want people to know the information

Time: 3624.599

because I think it's so cool and so

Time: 3626.039

important and they need the information

Time: 3627.44

and it's not about me it's like I like

Time: 3630.4

they have to know and you did it this

Time: 3632.16

morning for this guy on the beach so I

Time: 3634.4

he'll he'll see the light pun intended

Time: 3637.799

I'd like to take a quick break and thank

Time: 3639.28

our sponsor inside tracker insid tracker

Time: 3642.039

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Time: 3643.76

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Time: 3645.599

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Time: 3647.76

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Time: 3649.16

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Time: 3651.16

getting regular blood work done for the

Time: 3652.88

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Time: 3654.4

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Time: 3655.599

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Time: 3657.92

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Time: 3660.079

problem with a lot of blood tests out

Time: 3661.52

there however is that you get

Time: 3663.2

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Time: 3665.24

lipids and hormones and so forth but you

Time: 3667.119

don't know what to do with that

Time: 3668.079

information with inside tracker they

Time: 3669.92

make it very easy because they have a

Time: 3671.64

personalized platform that allows you to

Time: 3674.28

see the levels of all those things

Time: 3675.64

metabolic factors lipids hormones Etc

Time: 3678.16

but it gives you specific directives

Time: 3680.039

that you can follow that relate to

Time: 3681.599

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Time: 3683.4

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Time: 3685.44

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Time: 3687.2

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Time: 3689

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Time: 3690.359


Time: 3691.92

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Time: 3694.839

tracker's plans again that's

Time: 3696.119

insidetracker tocom

Time: 3698.72

huberman do you prefer the WWE or the

Time: 3701.44

aew Rick I love them both I love pro

Time: 3704.16

wrestling pro wrestling is

Time: 3707.079

great how often do you abandon an idea

Time: 3711.039

or project like is there a is there a

Time: 3713.92

pile of of journals with crossed out

Time: 3716.64

ideas some place in Rick rubin's

Time: 3719.16

basement I would say there there are

Time: 3720.359

many ideas that have not yet come to

Time: 3722.24

fruition but I wouldn't say I've

Time: 3723.68


Time: 3725.079

any they it seems

Time: 3729

like the ideas have a time when they

Time: 3731.72

want to come to fruition and regardless

Time: 3734.279

of what I think I don't get to determine

Time: 3736.72


Time: 3737.52

calendar the ideas come I can get

Time: 3740.4

excited about it I can work on it and

Time: 3742.359

then hit a wall nothing else and nothing

Time: 3746.2

it just impenetrable and then there'll

Time: 3748.2

be another project that just sailing

Time: 3750.119

along easily and the universe is working

Time: 3752.72

to help support that idea so I tend to

Time: 3756.079

work where there's several balls in the

Time: 3758.319

air at once and I don't fight

Time: 3762.359


Time: 3763.41


Time: 3765

um if the universe is not helping a

Time: 3768.079

project I'm wey to fight with the

Time: 3772.16

universe how many projects are you

Time: 3774.039

working on right now or typically I it's

Time: 3777.839

impossible for me to even say there are

Time: 3779.48

so many there's so many ideas and some

Time: 3782.839

of them are

Time: 3784.96

in idea phase and some of them are in

Time: 3788.68

mid you know mid-ming stage and some of

Time: 3791.44

them are in the final you know final

Time: 3793.44

detail stage there's always something

Time: 3795.68

happening I'm always thinking about a

Time: 3796.96

lot of stuff and some of it

Time: 3799.16

is stuff that I get to share with the

Time: 3802.119

world but some of it might be you know

Time: 3804.72

remodeling a space or uh I'm always

Time: 3807.24

thinking about some creative uh

Time: 3810.92

puzzle I have to imagine that for you

Time: 3813.279

when the

Time: 3814.4

internet came to be that it must have

Time: 3817.079

been really exciting because like me you

Time: 3819.68

love foraging for information I used to

Time: 3821.76

go to the library and Xerox copy papers

Time: 3824.079

and I loved looking through the stacks

Time: 3825.68

but frankly it was physically exhausting

Time: 3828.319

and timec consuming and financially it

Time: 3830.119

was hard for me at the time and then

Time: 3831.48

you'd always get those copies where like

Time: 3833.039

the book creas you know obscured uh that

Time: 3836.44

the the text closer to the to the spine

Time: 3838.52

of the book and you know I love PubMed I

Time: 3840.559

mean like the world's at my fingertips

Time: 3843.16

the world of research is at my

Time: 3844.359

fingertips my goodness uh how do you

Time: 3846.76

feel about smartphones and the internet

Time: 3850.24

I mean to you does it feel like a like a

Time: 3852

giant gift for your creative process or

Time: 3854.2

is it an inhibitor it's it's both you

Time: 3856.68

know I love that all the information is

Time: 3858.4

at our

Time: 3860.24


Time: 3862.72

and sometimes have having so much

Time: 3864.96

information is

Time: 3868.48

um it's hard to sort I'll tell you a

Time: 3871.96

quick a quick story which was when the

Time: 3875.24

music streaming Revolution happened I

Time: 3878.16

was really excited the idea that all of

Time: 3881.119

music is in my pocket now and I can

Time: 3883.96

listen to any any song any album from

Time: 3887.039

any point in my life or I get to hear

Time: 3888.76

about something and it's all accessible

Time: 3890.559

right now in this moment and I was

Time: 3892.559

thinking at that time

Time: 3894.839

I'm just going to DJ all I'm going to do

Time: 3896.559

is DJ and I'm going to listen to

Time: 3898.119

anything I can think of that I'm excited

Time: 3899.68

about haven't heard the Talking Heads in

Time: 3900.92

a while let's listen to Talking Heads

Time: 3902.599

just how great that that freedom is to

Time: 3905.4

have everything at your fingertips and

Time: 3907.799

what I came to learn very quickly is I

Time: 3910.68

don't want to DJ all day I love that I

Time: 3913.68

have the ability to DJ all day I love

Time: 3916.839

that when there's something I want to

Time: 3918.16

here I can find it but I don't want to

Time: 3921.44

have to do the work of pick everything

Time: 3924.799

I'm going to listen to I like being

Time: 3926.88

programmed to and I like the discovery

Time: 3930.319

of somebody else playing something that

Time: 3933.359

I wasn't expecting and getting to enjoy

Time: 3935.599

that so now I do more listening to

Time: 3939.279

either somebody's curated playlists or

Time: 3943.16

uh online radio stations and I do less

Time: 3947.079

picking music to listen to but I never

Time: 3950.079

would have known that before because I

Time: 3952.279

always thought well if I could listen

Time: 3953.839

anything I want I want to listen to what

Time: 3955.319

I want to listen to I didn't know that I

Time: 3957.359

didn't want to have to pick it I love

Time: 3959.839

the rare lie versions and um bsides and

Time: 3965.48

whatever Z sides that one can find on

Time: 3967.4

YouTube like the other day you sent me

Time: 3969.359

just at random a a clip from I think it

Time: 3971.76

was a

Time: 3972.92

Japanese television show with the

Time: 3975.039

Ramones opening up um and Johnny opens

Time: 3978.44


Time: 3979.68

with you're loud mouth baby you better

Time: 3982.319

shut up and then they they

Time: 3985.16

yeah and I it's the song I could have

Time: 3987.72

heard anywhere else but it was the fact

Time: 3990.88

that it was shot from

Time: 3992.92

above that it was black and white and

Time: 3995.92

that he adds this little riff at the

Time: 3997.359

beginning you're a loud mouth baby you

Time: 3999

better shut up and then just dives into

Time: 4000.799

it that made it for me as a huge Ramon's

Time: 4002.72

fan I was like yeah like you know I

Time: 4005.359

think I did that in my kitchen yeah like

Time: 4007.359

I was so hyped because when you go and

Time: 4009.839

just listen to a

Time: 4011.2

song that's recorded as part of an album

Time: 4013.76

you're not not going to get those

Time: 4014.76


Time: 4015.92

pieces back in the day and still now if

Time: 4018.2

you went to a live show you might see

Time: 4020.039

that and hear that and never forget that

Time: 4022.319

but in that sense to me YouTube and and

Time: 4024.319

the internet is like wow like it's this

Time: 4026.559

AR Archive of gems that I I potentially

Time: 4030.319

have been there maybe it was 79 I would

Time: 4031.64

have been four years old yeah so you

Time: 4033.68

know um anyway thanks for sending me

Time: 4036.079

that clip loved it because you know how

Time: 4037.68

much I love the rones but um things like

Time: 4041.68

that I just think God the Internet is

Time: 4043.599


Time: 4044.44

amazing and so spectacular yeah and the

Time: 4047.279

amount of lectures you could find on

Time: 4048.88

YouTube are

Time: 4050.559

unbelievable the the greatest thinkers

Time: 4053.16

in the world I I don't want to say are

Time: 4055.44

on YouTube because they probably didn't

Time: 4056.88

post on YouTube but their material is on

Time: 4058.839

YouTube and it's unbelievable you know

Time: 4061.319

things from old films from the 50s and

Time: 4063.279

60s it's all on YouTube yeah I've been

Time: 4066.16

listening to Bible interpretation on

Time: 4067.68

YouTube wow and there's just it's

Time: 4069.92

interesting to hear different

Time: 4071.079

interpretations from different

Time: 4072.92

perspectives I would have never found

Time: 4075.079

these people most of them are links

Time: 4077.319

please yeah they're so good I'm I'm

Time: 4079.559

trying to work through the Old Testament

Time: 4081.279

start to finish now as a as a learning

Time: 4083.96

and a practice and wow okay so the

Time: 4087.24

question was are smartphones the chains

Time: 4089.88

that bind us and prevent our

Time: 4092.16

creativity um but I think you answered

Time: 4094.839

that it's both a um a rocket ship to

Time: 4099.359

creativity and a and a and chains to the

Time: 4101.56

ground yeah and it's like all of it

Time: 4103.92

tools it's like the tools don't make or

Time: 4105.799

break your art it's just it's another

Time: 4108.4

tool you can use it or misuse

Time: 4111.4

it someone wanted to know and I would

Time: 4114.04

like to know whether or not you have any

Time: 4115.679

recurring dreams and what are your

Time: 4117.4

thoughts on dreams and dreaming in

Time: 4119

general do you write down your dreams do

Time: 4120.759

you spend time thinking about them I've

Time: 4122.679

gone I've gone through phases of my life

Time: 4124.239

where I've written down dreams I'm not

Time: 4125.719

doing it right now

Time: 4128.359

um I think we can learn a lot from from

Time: 4131.799

writing our dreams I tend not to analyze

Time: 4134.04

in the moment but I've noticed when I've

Time: 4135.679

kept a dream journal and looked at it

Time: 4137.08


Time: 4138.08

later these surreal things that made no

Time: 4141.56

sense were all saying the same thing and

Time: 4143.88

they were all very clear based on my

Time: 4146.12

life experience at that time so it gives

Time: 4148.48

us Clues as

Time: 4150.319

to um what's actually going on the way

Time: 4153.92

our subconscious is experiencing Our

Time: 4156.88

Lives it's giving us a I don't know if I

Time: 4160.279

would call them pointers um

Time: 4166.239

Reflections would maybe be a better

Time: 4168.88

word our mutual friend Paul kti um

Time: 4172.64

believes that the unconscious or

Time: 4174.159

subconscious is uh both used

Time: 4177.92

interchangeably is the supercomputer of

Time: 4180.08

the human brain that the

Time: 4182.6

misconception is that the forbrain which

Time: 4184.759

is involved in planning and context and

Time: 4186.52

anticipation of outcomes Etc people

Time: 4189.56

think that's the supercomputer but that

Time: 4191.159

the supercomputer is the unconscious

Time: 4192.719

that's Paul's belief

Time: 4194.239

he's stated that very clearly on this

Time: 4196.12

podcast and elsewhere and he believes

Time: 4197.719

that in dreams the unconscious mind is

Time: 4199.719

controlling more of the dialogue which

Time: 4201.48

makes a lot of sense yeah but also that

Time: 4205.04

the unconscious mind is constantly

Time: 4206.92

trying to teach us things in the way

Time: 4209.679

that we learn best so like my dreams for

Time: 4212.64

instance are all analogies because

Time: 4214.76

that's pretty much if people listen to

Time: 4216.32

me talk on the podcast I often we use

Time: 4218.4

analogy um and I'm very visual so it

Time: 4221.48

will present things to me in visual

Time: 4223

symbols so Paul said in terms of dream

Time: 4226.6

interpretation that we would all be wise

Time: 4228.36

to think about how we learn best and our

Time: 4231.48

unconscious mind is trying to toss us

Time: 4233.8

things in dreams to um explain things in

Time: 4237.8

the way that we learn it makes sense and

Time: 4239.84

I would say also

Time: 4241.6

unconscious and our Instinct the way we

Time: 4244.239

Act instinctually is a reflection of our

Time: 4248.12

unconscious and as artists that's a

Time: 4250.64

tapping into

Time: 4251.96

that the instinct inct and the

Time: 4254.679

unconscious is where the great ideas are

Time: 4257.679

and then things that come from our um

Time: 4261.08

intellectual selves are are much less

Time: 4265.08

they have much less of a charge they're

Time: 4266.88

much smaller ideas yeah I think uh the

Time: 4269.8

the conscious mind and the intellectual

Time: 4271.56

mind as you you're calling it are bound

Time: 4275.08

to outcome in a big

Time: 4278

way I'm going to inject a question of my

Time: 4280.48


Time: 4281.88

um I'm fascinated by the way you've

Time: 4284.52

discussed people's real underlying

Time: 4286.96

motivations and how that shapes their

Time: 4289.4

creative process but also their career

Time: 4292

um if you would be willing to talk a

Time: 4294.52

little bit about the story of Andrew

Time: 4297.159

Dice Clay that's the story that to me

Time: 4299.88

captures it

Time: 4302.32

best um Andrew Dice Clay uh was a

Time: 4307.28

uh a comedian who told really offensive

Time: 4310.32

jokes and his audience loved him for it

Time: 4313.84

but the people who weren't his

Time: 4316.12

audience didn't really understand it and

Time: 4319.159

they vilified

Time: 4320.8

him and he became a comedian because he

Time: 4324.04

wanted people to love him he didn't

Time: 4325.56

become a comedian to hurt anybody he

Time: 4328.84

wanted to entertain people and while he

Time: 4331.88

was playing to you know sold out Madison

Time: 4334.639

Square Gardens full of

Time: 4336.8

people newspapers would write terrible

Time: 4339.32

things about

Time: 4340.96

him and it really got to him and he

Time: 4345.639

decided to change his artistic output to

Time: 4350.08

try to make the people who didn't like

Time: 4351.76

him like

Time: 4353.4

him and when he did that it undermined

Time: 4357.639

his whole

Time: 4359.08


Time: 4361.84

and it just it seemed like things fell

Time: 4365.239

apart I think he's in a better place now

Time: 4367

I haven't I haven't seen him in a while

Time: 4369

but I think he's in a better place now

Time: 4370.56

and he's back

Time: 4372.04

to uh caring less about the

Time: 4375.32

reaction and in turn getting a better

Time: 4378.92

reaction um because he's being pure

Time: 4382.36

in what he thinks is

Time: 4385.159

funny I liked him very much in fact I

Time: 4388.679

thought he did a spectacular job as

Time: 4391.56

playing um the female artist's father in

Time: 4395.12

A Star is Born had Le Gaga and um Brad

Time: 4398.6

Cooper he's a really good actor he's a

Time: 4400.44

great actor yeah well

Time: 4404.96

I really like the story about him

Time: 4407.36

because it encapsulates so much that if

Time: 4410.6

people can think about why they do what

Time: 4413.28

they do they're going to avoid

Time: 4416.84

pitfalls um

Time: 4418.84

potentially um but how much time do you

Time: 4421.159

think people should spend introspecting

Time: 4422.84

about what makes them tick and why they

Time: 4424.52

want to entertain or make jokes or um I

Time: 4427.159

don't think it's a one-sized fit I don't

Time: 4429.88

know that I could answer that

Time: 4431.88

question is it true that that ad Rock

Time: 4434.12

encourage you to give LL Cool J a chance

Time: 4437

yes that is true ad Rock heard the demo

Time: 4439.52

tape and insisted that I listen to

Time: 4443.44

it love

Time: 4446.04

that this is a kind of generic question

Time: 4449

but I think it's good to put these in

Time: 4450.32

every once in a while um what is your

Time: 4453.08

advice to a starting comedian you know

Time: 4454.8

these are the the sort of like I I

Time: 4457.4

always think of these like uh you know

Time: 4459.12

sophomore in high school kind of

Time: 4460.4

question but that doesn't necessarily

Time: 4461.679

mean they're bad in some sense that's

Time: 4463

what makes it's such a great question

Time: 4464.159

like what would your advice be to a

Time: 4465.44

starting comedian be true to yourself

Time: 4467.8

and not to listen to anyone there you go

Time: 4471.96

um it would be a great book except it'd

Time: 4474.36

be a very short book but you also make

Time: 4476.04

it a very great book um book could be a

Time: 4478.6

blank book could be you can just put all

Time: 4481.639

the things that you want to put in it oh

Time: 4483.239

man I'm working on a book now and I'll

Time: 4484.44

tell you it's hard by the way I asked

Time: 4486.12

Rick for advice about book writing um

Time: 4488.84

because I'm been trying to write this

Time: 4490.4

book for a while and he gave me this the

Time: 4492.159

following advice so I'm injecting my own

Time: 4494.6

question he said the sooner you can get

Time: 4496.28

to a complete draft that you're happy

Time: 4498.32

with or happyish with the better the

Time: 4502.159

process will go so I'm working on

Time: 4504.32

getting that complete draft yeah I would

Time: 4506.4

say don't Focus too much on any of the

Time: 4508.679

individual details until you have the

Time: 4511.36

whole thing down and then you can focus

Time: 4513.32

on all making everything better that you

Time: 4515.48

want to make better don't get bogged

Time: 4517.159

down in that at the expense of getting

Time: 4519.92

through the

Time: 4520.92

project your advice has really been

Time: 4522.8

helping me by the way great I'm doing it

Time: 4524.679

like diary entries great and I've kept a

Time: 4527.719

diary for many years so that's somewhat

Time: 4530.76

natural tell me a little bit about your

Time: 4532.719

diary entries how long how long is a

Time: 4534.48

diary entry sure yeah um a diary entry

Time: 4537.92

is anywhere from like one to eight

Time: 4541.32

handwritten pages single line spacing

Time: 4543.96

going back and forth between I usually

Time: 4545.36

start in all capitals and then switch

Time: 4548

over to cursive as I speed up uh I've

Time: 4550.679

been doing that since gosh since high

Time: 4553

school School I've got a drawer filled

Time: 4555.76

with them dated and everything and um

Time: 4559.92

it's usually a process of just trying to

Time: 4562.92

get something out of my system that I

Time: 4564.6

feel is is like clogging me some

Time: 4566.84

frustration with the outside world but

Time: 4569.88

sometimes like this morning I journaled

Time: 4572.6

uh in the room before you showed up and

Time: 4574.8

I just was like I think I was riding

Time: 4578

high off wrestling last night I was

Time: 4580.4

marveling at how similar the Great

Time: 4583.239

experiences of my life are now as they

Time: 4585.48

were to every other stage of my life in

Time: 4588.88

the sense that they give me this feeling

Time: 4590.639

of like okay like they're these gems and

Time: 4593.239

I'm of people you and others

Time: 4596.719

and experiences and I'm finding them

Time: 4599.28

like I'm experiencing them and reminding

Time: 4601

myself that there there are long periods

Time: 4602.84

in between those moments where things

Time: 4605.52

feel kind of

Time: 4606.76

like not empty certainly not empty but

Time: 4609.679

but kind of frustrating in the sense of

Time: 4611.12

like I'm busy and I'm dealing with a

Time: 4613.36

bunch of things and things don't feel

Time: 4615.199

smooth and um but I've been through

Time: 4618.199

enough of these cycles that I

Time: 4620.8

just I'm really learning to enjoy the

Time: 4623.199

cycles and that was it and uh I and I

Time: 4625.88

think the last line in my entry was

Time: 4627.44

something like you know and you know and

Time: 4629.04

I can't wait for more or something so

Time: 4630.96

this morning is just a very positive

Time: 4632.199

entry but sometimes you know I mean they

Time: 4634.239

definitely some tear stained entries and

Time: 4636.239

they definitely some entries where I'm

Time: 4637.48

just so pissed I can barely get the

Time: 4638.88

writing out but it's it's a process of

Time: 4640.44

like getting that stuff out so then I

Time: 4643.08

can lean into the day do you ever go

Time: 4645.639

back and look at them I did the other

Time: 4647.8

day because I recorded an episode on a

Time: 4650.08

very particular type of journaling

Time: 4651.76

that's supported by over 200

Time: 4653.36

peer-reviewed studies which is called

Time: 4654.84

expressive writing I can tell you about

Time: 4657.159

it it's a process that was developed by

Time: 4660

James pennebaker who is a professor at

Time: 4662.199

University of Texas Austin and he had

Time: 4664.44

his students

Time: 4666.04

right as part of an experiment for 15

Time: 4669.239

minutes a day for just four days

Time: 4674.12

either consecutive days or a week apart

Time: 4677.8

but about the same thing and the thing

Time: 4679.48

that they're supposed to write about is

Time: 4680.639

the most challenging upsetting or even

Time: 4682.719

traumatizing experience of their life

Time: 4684.36

and it shows that the data from over 200

Time: 4687.56

studies show incredible positive shifts

Time: 4690.36

in Psychology physiology immune system

Time: 4693.239

function and ability to combat

Time: 4695.04

infections I was so struck by the data

Time: 4698.159

from this work that I decided to

Time: 4700.08

dedicate a whole podcast episode to it

Time: 4702.239

it'll probably be out by time um this

Time: 4704.36

episode airs but um I haven't done that

Time: 4706.96

one yet I'm going to do it it's a little

Time: 4708.679

bit of a higher bar entry cuz it's like

Time: 4710.679

okay I'm going to I hear that the first

Time: 4712.159

day especially is pretty upsetting

Time: 4714.04

because you're purposely picking

Time: 4715.48

something really hard but

Time: 4717.8

um yeah but most of the journaling I do

Time: 4722.12

is just kind of diary like here's what

Time: 4724.639

happened here's what's going on and my

Time: 4726.719

biggest fear is that somebody would find

Time: 4728.12

them but in preparation for that episode

Time: 4730.76

about penne Baker I went and looked at

Time: 4732.32

my journals was like what do I write

Time: 4734.4

about and I realized they're pretty

Time: 4736.28

autobiographical um sometimes about

Time: 4737.88

troubling things but never before had I

Time: 4739.679

written four times in a row about the

Time: 4741.52

exact same thing interesting yeah yeah

Time: 4744.36

pennebaker I think deserves a Nobel

Time: 4746.199

Prize if you look at the data on this

Time: 4747.8

compared to and I'm not disparaging

Time: 4749.76

prescription drugs per se but like ssris

Time: 4752.04


Time: 4752.76

depression it's like at least as good a

Time: 4756.32

treatment it's like zero cost stuff but

Time: 4758.56

it you know and on and on you don't to

Time: 4761.6

be careful I'll start giving the podcast

Time: 4763.159

again now there were a number of

Time: 4765.639

questions about quote unquote

Time: 4767.96

entertainment and music

Time: 4770.199

industry none of which unfortunately

Time: 4772.719

were particularly complimentary of quote

Time: 4775.719

the industry and I think this is

Time: 4777.52

something that comes up a lot because

Time: 4779.48

people often focus on the marketing the

Time: 4783.32

personalities that may or may not be so

Time: 4786.12

pleasant at times I'm sure there are a

Time: 4787.679

ton of pleasant Personalities in the

Time: 4789.48

industry too but the question is this

Time: 4793.52

how do you deal with the and these are

Time: 4795.679

their words Soul crushing anti- creative

Time: 4799.639

aspects of the entertainment industry

Time: 4802.719

and hold on to that sense of creativity

Time: 4805.04

and love for the work I'm just focused

Time: 4807.88

on the work I don't think of myself as

Time: 4809.679

part of the um the entertainment

Time: 4812.88


Time: 4814.92

complex I just make the things I make

Time: 4817.52

and then there are other people who are

Time: 4820.44

good at figuring out how to sell them or

Time: 4822.84

get them into stores or get them onto

Time: 4826.239

services do you have a process of

Time: 4828.48

capturing ideas like do you write them

Time: 4831.239

down um and the reason this question

Time: 4834

came up so many times I think is that a

Time: 4835.719

lot of people feel like they get great

Time: 4837.679

ideas right upon waking or while driving

Time: 4840.159

or in the shower at random times and

Time: 4842.52

they were wondering whether or not you

Time: 4843.679

have any way of collecting and curating

Time: 4846.12

your ideas prior to embarking on quote

Time: 4848.84

unquote a

Time: 4850.239

project uh I I write them I make notes

Time: 4852.8

in my phone I do it all the time I don't

Time: 4855.92

have a great way of doing it and

Time: 4858.199

sometimes I'll make a note and then come

Time: 4860.88

back to it later and have no idea what

Time: 4862.92

it means do you make those notes uh by

Time: 4865.6

writing or by uh like voice memo writing

Time: 4870.639

that said voice memo might be a

Time: 4873.28

something worth trying I've never tried

Time: 4876.199

that how do you view money in

Time: 4878.8

relationship to your work meaning how do

Time: 4881.88

you place it in the constellation of

Time: 4883.6

things related to a project you

Time: 4886.04

mentioned earlier you let other people

Time: 4887.36

do the negotiations

Time: 4889.28

but money is just another form of energy

Time: 4893.08

um H how do you place it in the in the

Time: 4895.08

Contour of what you do I I don't I try

Time: 4897.28

not to think of it at all and I because

Time: 4899.48

I come from a punk rock background which

Time: 4901.12

was like a do-it-yourself

Time: 4902.76

background it was always more about the

Time: 4905.08

idea and the execution of the idea with

Time: 4907.76

whatever you could use to do it so if I

Time: 4911.48

didn't have uh enough to go to a

Time: 4914.4

professional recording studio then I

Time: 4916.12

would find a friend who had a home

Time: 4919.4

recording studio and recorded or

Time: 4921.199

whatever it was or borrowing a drum

Time: 4923.239

machine when I before I had a drum

Time: 4924.8

machine I would always find ways to make

Time: 4927.199

the things I wanted to make and

Time: 4930.239

um I I can't remember a time where a

Time: 4934.88

financial boundary got in the way of

Time: 4937.239

making something and I see it happening

Time: 4939.88

a lot around me and it um

Time: 4944.199

I think some people look at it as the

Time: 4946.639

money is what allows it to happen and I

Time: 4949.239

think I I just see it as the ideas what

Time: 4951.44

allows it to happen and then the

Time: 4953.76

Ingenuity is figuring out how to do it

Time: 4955.8

with you know by any means necessary

Time: 4957.679

just got to make it whatever the that

Time: 4960.4

version is it may not be the dream

Time: 4962.6

version but whatever version you can

Time: 4965.08

execute is the one for you to

Time: 4966.88

make I can attest to the fact that I

Time: 4968.96

launched my podcast in my closet in

Time: 4970.719

Tanga Canyon yeah which felt felt

Time: 4972.679

totally natural cuz I also come from the

Time: 4974.199

skateboarding punk rock thing where like

Time: 4977.28

wouldn't ever occur to me to like get a

Time: 4979.679

professional studio built like we're in

Time: 4981.76

now we had this one built for us but at

Time: 4983.8

the time like of course you use a closet

Time: 4985.639

because you just need a black backdrop

Time: 4987.08

and you know I think starting from there

Time: 4988.92

makes so much sense and you also realize

Time: 4991.239

in the minimalist approach you know

Time: 4994

anything added is just something added

Time: 4996

so you don't really know what you need

Time: 4997.44

if you start with a lot of stuff around

Time: 4998.92

you yeah it's it can just be a

Time: 5000.96

distraction I'm friends with Darren

Time: 5002.84

aronowski who's a great director and his

Time: 5005.28

first movie was called pie and he made

Time: 5007.159

it for practically no money and it was

Time: 5009.48

really well-loved and then the next

Time: 5012.04

movie he made was also wildly successful

Time: 5014.56

and he made it for very little money and

Time: 5016.56

then he made this huge hundred million

Time: 5018.639

movie and it wasn't it turned out not to

Time: 5022.44

be a success that movie and it was a

Time: 5024.679

case of where having more money didn't

Time: 5027.239

help him tell a

Time: 5029.48

story it's just one particular case

Time: 5033.199

um and it's no rule to follow uh but

Time: 5037.32

there is something about making the

Time: 5040.159

version that you can make with the means

Time: 5042.36

that you have that adds

Time: 5047.639

something real to the project that may

Time: 5051.28

be better than the one that has a lot of

Time: 5053.6

money thrown at it I'm L that sink in

Time: 5056.679

around a lot of online tutorials for

Time: 5059.08

science have a lot of visuals but we

Time: 5062.04

knew we wanted to do YouTube but also

Time: 5064.52

just pure audio and it there's nothing

Time: 5066.4

more frustrating than somebody talking

Time: 5067.8

about something or somebody that you

Time: 5069.88

can't see because you're just listening

Time: 5071.199

to it um and the visuals were really

Time: 5074.04

expensive to do right and in the end I

Time: 5075.92

think if PE I firmly believe in the

Time: 5078.719

classroom as well as via

Time: 5081.36

podcasting if people can hear something

Time: 5084.76

clearly enough and create an image in

Time: 5086.48

their own mind of how they would

Time: 5088.04

visualize it then it's in there for good

Time: 5091.119

whereas just having people look at a

Time: 5092.679

slide with with a bunch of beautiful

Time: 5094.84

illustrations on it that does nothing

Time: 5096.48

for retention of

Time: 5098.159

material um so I think the minimalist

Time: 5101.56

approach I think sometimes is really the

Time: 5103.679

best one maybe it's always the best one

Time: 5105.84

because it forces the better solution

Time: 5108.8

like the in any

Time: 5111.199

case I do realize I editorialized there

Time: 5114.04

folks I entered the answering portion of

Time: 5117.119

the not just the question asking

Time: 5120.84

portion have you ever felt that

Time: 5122.719

something was too obscure for mainstream

Time: 5124.84

audience appeal to the point where you

Time: 5126.32

did not release it never tell tell us

Time: 5129.28

more if I like something someone else

Time: 5131.6

maybe they'll like it I don't know how

Time: 5133.52

can I judge how can I judge every I've

Time: 5137.8


Time: 5138.76

told with every new thing that I've done

Time: 5142.32

it's a terrible idea and it won't work

Time: 5144.32

every single time really every single

Time: 5146.6

time Ghetto Boys LL Cool J beasty boy

Time: 5149.199

Slayer Adele every one of them Eminem

Time: 5152.56

every one of every time when I went from

Time: 5155.04

producing rap records to producing

Time: 5156.56

Slayer you can't do that you're you're a

Time: 5159.08

rap producer it's going to be terrible

Time: 5161.4

don't do it or then Johnny Cash you

Time: 5165.199

can't do that you're a metal rap

Time: 5166.92

producer you can't do that it's going to

Time: 5168.56

be terrible don't do

Time: 5170.719

it every single time still to this

Time: 5174.08

day still to this day I was so excited

Time: 5177.92

when you launched tetragramaton and it's

Time: 5179.76

going so well I listen to every episode

Time: 5182.84

I love the interviews I've been

Time: 5184.96

fortunate to be on there twice I think

Time: 5186.56

the second one is still hasn't been

Time: 5188

released yet but I mentioned tetr Graton

Time: 5190.44

because it just feels

Time: 5192.4

so you like the ad read which I talked

Time: 5198.159

about it during my intro but the ad

Time: 5200.32

reads are amazing like I listen to the

Time: 5202.04

ad reads over and over again because

Time: 5203.52

they're so clever and they I don't know

Time: 5205.88

they put me in a state I feel like I'm

Time: 5207.52

watching I'm like I'm transported to as

Time: 5209.92

if I was like born in the 1940s I'm

Time: 5213.04

listening to television for the first

Time: 5214.719

time mhm there's there's something there

Time: 5217.36

like there's really something there it

Time: 5219.119

it's it came out of solving a problem

Time: 5223.4

the problem was uh when I decided to do

Time: 5226.8

the podcast I had even recorded the

Time: 5228.56

first several

Time: 5230.04

episodes um a friend of mine said well

Time: 5232.36

you're going to have to uh if you want

Time: 5233.719

to have uh ads on the show to support

Time: 5236

being able to do the show then you're

Time: 5239.28

going to have to read the ads and I said

Time: 5241.44

I don't really feel comfortable reading

Time: 5242.8

as I don't think that's something I can

Time: 5244.119


Time: 5245.159

well I said I'm cool with the idea of

Time: 5247.639

only advertising products I believe in

Time: 5249.639

or that I use because that's if I get to

Time: 5252.88

essentially promote something I'll do

Time: 5254.88

that with things that I use but I don't

Time: 5256.8

feel comfortable reading

Time: 5258.48


Time: 5260.56

um and he's like well you have to it's

Time: 5263.4

going to be expected of you and it was

Time: 5266.679

just an opportunity it was like uh okay

Time: 5269.92

I understand it's expected of me what

Time: 5272.199

can I do that's true to me that adds

Time: 5276.159

something you know instead of it being

Time: 5278.719

less than how can I make it more than

Time: 5281.48

and it was just solving this problem of

Time: 5283.239

needing a way to have an advertisement

Time: 5286.88

that I didn't feel bad about and then

Time: 5289.96

got inspired and had this idea and

Time: 5291.92

started making them and now they're my

Time: 5293.76

favorite thing in the podcast when it

Time: 5295.159

when it in many podcasts honestly when

Time: 5298

the ads come up I forward through them

Time: 5300.199

when as a listener on tetr gramon when

Time: 5303.4

it when a commercial comes on I always

Time: 5305.88

listen to them it's so it's like a it's

Time: 5308.88

a highlight and they make me

Time: 5310.92

smile which is again and again I didn't

Time: 5313.8

set out to do that I I just was trying

Time: 5315.96

to solve a creative

Time: 5317.92

problem so sometimes the um the

Time: 5321.719

innovative ideas don't come when you're

Time: 5324

looking for an Innovative idea it's just

Time: 5327.28

there's this slot to fill this is the

Time: 5329.92

way it's normally done I'm not

Time: 5331.679

comfortable able doing it the normal way

Time: 5333.76

how else can we solve this problem and

Time: 5336.119

sometimes it doesn't just solve the

Time: 5338.08

problem but it becomes an actual

Time: 5340.159

feature yeah there's something about

Time: 5342.159

that like solution

Time: 5343.76


Time: 5345.6

that is part of or at least is aligned

Time: 5349.08

with the creative process right uh yeah

Time: 5351.88

the ads are are extraordinary we were

Time: 5354.88

listening to them in Italy I'm like play

Time: 5356.32

that one again I love the way the guy

Time: 5357.8

says the word he says or

Time: 5360.88

something like but in but I can't do the

Time: 5362.76

accent folks don't don't take what I

Time: 5364.159

just said as as uh evidence of what the

Time: 5366.239

like Australian accent that guy and the

Time: 5369.56

Chimes in the background say is so

Time: 5373.96

good you don't drink alcohol correct

Time: 5377.239

correct have you ever had a sip of

Time: 5379.679

alcohol uh I

Time: 5382.44

had I drank alcohol once as part of a

Time: 5386.36


Time: 5387.36

experiment and had to mix all these

Time: 5389.76

drinks and taste them and and um it was

Time: 5393.04

a terrible experience but it was a it

Time: 5396.92

was a requirement in the class I was

Time: 5398.76

taking wow school was different back

Time: 5400.56

then yeah or that school was different

Time: 5402.4

yeah I think school was different we

Time: 5403.719

used to prick our fingers and do our own

Time: 5405.4

blood tests and science class I never

Time: 5407.32

did it cuz I was always needle phobic

Time: 5409.119

but that was definitely something that

Time: 5410.76

was asked of us to do yeah you could

Time: 5412.719

never get away with that now in a high

Time: 5414.96


Time: 5415.84

classroom the reason I ask about alcohol

Time: 5418.04

is first of all I'm not the anti-alcohol

Time: 5420.04

Crusader even though I did an episode

Time: 5421.4

about alcohol which discouraged many

Time: 5422.96

people from drinking more of

Time: 5424.96


Time: 5426.48

but I think for a lot of people the idea

Time: 5429.76

of smoking cannabis drinking alcohol for

Time: 5434.08

them in their mind is synonymous with

Time: 5436.199

the creative process especially

Time: 5438.52

music um for a lot of reasons that

Time: 5441.76

people can

Time: 5443.4

imagine I think it's remarkable and

Time: 5446.119

impressive and worth spending a few

Time: 5448.28

moments with you sharing with us you

Time: 5450.239

know how is it that you were around all

Time: 5452

of that you're clearly part of the part

Time: 5455.36

of the

Time: 5456.28

crew uh meaning you're part of the the

Time: 5459.4

creative process presumably people

Time: 5461.84

offered you alcohol drugs Etc but

Time: 5464.56

something in you seems like resistant to

Time: 5467.28

any kind of peer pressure and and as an

Time: 5469.52

adult that impressive but to think like

Time: 5472.56

you know like when I was 15 16 sure you

Time: 5475.28

know I sort of regret it but yeah I

Time: 5477.52

drank I I had my experiences and then

Time: 5480.76

eventually stopped that but most people

Time: 5484.08

are not good at like not drinking if

Time: 5486.84

they don't want to drink ever or just

Time: 5489.04

once from a high school class what what

Time: 5492.08

was the internal narrative in your mind

Time: 5495.719

um when that stuff was

Time: 5497.639

around and what allowed you to just say

Time: 5501.239

no I'm GNA I belong here but I'm not

Time: 5504.08

going to do that it just was never

Time: 5506.239

interesting to me and I I think maybe it

Time: 5508.36

had to do with being an only child I I

Time: 5510.76

never being an only child I think made

Time: 5514.119

me less resistant to peer pressure

Time: 5516.159

because I felt

Time: 5518.48

more confident in who I was whatever

Time: 5521.639

that was um just from being with my

Time: 5526

being with myself and not with other

Time: 5528.08

siblings I'm guessing I don't know if

Time: 5530

that's right but that's my first my

Time: 5532.56

first inclination is to guess that would

Time: 5534.52

be the

Time: 5535.52

case also I've always known what I like

Time: 5538.639

and known what I don't like and know

Time: 5541.159

there are things I want to try there are

Time: 5542.52

things I don't want to try and I feel

Time: 5544.32

very good about not doing something I

Time: 5546.239

don't want to do I feel great about

Time: 5548.96

it have you ever been curious about

Time: 5551.08

psychedelics given that I'm very curious

Time: 5553.28

I've never done it but I'm very curious

Time: 5555.08

and I've been curious for a long time

Time: 5557.119

there may be a time when I experiment

Time: 5559.84

yeah there are two psychedelics in

Time: 5561.36

particular that I find really

Time: 5562.8

interesting one is uh macro dooc ibin

Time: 5565.239

which I've done as part of a clinical

Time: 5566.76

trial um and my understanding is it

Time: 5569.159

reveals in a very intense and experient

Time: 5571.6

itial way some component of the

Time: 5573.119

unconscious mind and it allows for

Time: 5575.4

plasticity and

Time: 5577

rewiring of the brain that's permanent

Time: 5579.76

if you come to some understanding

Time: 5581.92

through the so-called integration it's

Time: 5583.48

not without its risks the other one

Time: 5584.88

that's really interesting that I've been

Time: 5586.36

hearing more about and I have not tried

Time: 5589.119

um and it carries some dangers as ibigan

Time: 5591.52

which is 22 hours long and people

Time: 5595.08

experience the world as normal with

Time: 5597.679

their eyes open but when they close

Time: 5598.96

their eyes they get a like high

Time: 5601

resolution movie like version of Prior

Time: 5603.6

experiences but they have agency within

Time: 5605.96

those movies they can reshape their

Time: 5607.8

reactions this is being used to treat

Time: 5609.239

PTSD and

Time: 5610.52

Veterans uh to great success um it has

Time: 5614.92

some cardiac risk associated with it so

Time: 5617.76

and it's not legal in the United States

Time: 5619.84

it's not being explored in clinical

Time: 5621.199

trials yet but the state of

Time: 5624.04

Kentucky recently took I think it's $40

Time: 5626.92

million from the um oxyc conton

Time: 5630.32

settlement and it's is putting into iag

Time: 5632.32

gain research interesting yeah so those

Time: 5635

are the two that kind of spring to mind

Time: 5637.56

you know kind of the classic psychedelic

Time: 5639.36

experience I've also heard good things

Time: 5641.08

about MDMA but I've never done that yeah

Time: 5643.28

I have done MDMA uh as part again as

Time: 5645.719

part of a therapeutic trial it's a

Time: 5648.36


Time: 5649.4

empathogen um the danger with MDMA I

Time: 5653.08

think is that

Time: 5655.679

um if you don't stay in the eye

Time: 5659.119

mask or if you're listening to music or

Time: 5661.8

something you can easily get anchored to

Time: 5663.92

some external cue and like see a plant

Time: 5666.28

and be like I love plants and spend the

Time: 5667.92

whole four to six hours thinking about

Time: 5669.4

your love of plants which might be

Time: 5671

valuable but I think the strong

Time: 5672.84

introspective work um is best done with

Time: 5675.8

a therapist there and you and the ey

Time: 5677.76

mask and occasionally leaving the eye

Time: 5679.4

mask and writing things down so you know

Time: 5681.88

the reason I put that detail in there is

Time: 5684.28

that um the Psychedelic experience is

Time: 5687.92

very different with eyes open versus in

Time: 5690.48

the eye mask with a clinician there

Time: 5693.119


Time: 5694.04

recreationally and it's not just about

Time: 5696.52

dangers versus safety it's also about

Time: 5699.76

like it's a big investment and what one

Time: 5702.199

stands to get out of it I think depends

Time: 5704.28

on how much introspection you're willing

Time: 5705.679

to do we won't be doing it this

Time: 5709.119

afternoon there were at least a thousand

Time: 5712.52

questions about attention deficit and

Time: 5716.84

neuroticism people who feel like they

Time: 5720.92

can't organize themselves and I thought

Time: 5723.08

a lot about these questions and tried to

Time: 5724.6

distill them into a single question and

Time: 5726.32

eventually I did and it's this for many

Time: 5730

people they associate the creative

Time: 5733.04

process with

Time: 5734.719

disorganization I think what's so

Time: 5736.36

striking about you is that you embody

Time: 5739.719

both the creative process but also a

Time: 5742.56

strong sense of organization around

Time: 5746.639

it like nothing

Time: 5749.08

seems hairbrained or

Time: 5751.96

know like random or halfhazard about

Time: 5757.44

anything that you do and yet for a lot

Time: 5759.8

of people who call themselves creatives

Time: 5761.719

they'll say I'm a creative this that and

Time: 5763.56

you look at the space they're in and

Time: 5764.8

it's like chaos or they or their life is

Time: 5767.48

kind of chaos not all of them

Time: 5770.719

but is what I'm saying making sense

Time: 5772.96

because I think why people Orient toward

Time: 5774.8

you and one of the reasons for your

Time: 5777.76

success with the creative process is

Time: 5780.199

that you extremely organized but not to

Time: 5784.08

the point of being

Time: 5785.96

rigid are you willing to embellish a

Time: 5788.08

little bit on that perception whether or

Time: 5789.76

not it's accurate inaccurate I would say

Time: 5792.04

there's a part in the process early on

Time: 5794.719

where it is before it can get

Time: 5798.6

organized where it's free and it's

Time: 5802.56

playful and it can be

Time: 5806.159

chaotic um it's just not the it's a

Time: 5809.84

byproduct of whatever is happening it

Time: 5812.88

it's not it's good because it's chaotic

Time: 5814.96

and it's it it just happens to be

Time: 5817.36

sometimes chaotic in that in that

Time: 5819.36

experiment in the beginning where we're

Time: 5822.76

really playing with this idea of of

Time: 5825.239

having fun and creating stimulation and

Time: 5828.84

seeing how it makes us feel and we try a

Time: 5831.44

lot of we could try wacky things to get

Time: 5834.04

there um but then when it happens when

Time: 5836.719

you get that that feeling of like oh

Time: 5838.92

this is interesting I haven't seen this

Time: 5840.52


Time: 5843.159

then it gets more um

Time: 5846.199

controlled but it starts in a very free

Time: 5848.679

place and I I don't know if I would

Time: 5850.679

really use the word chaotic but it could

Time: 5853.88

be I it certainly wouldn't be wrong I

Time: 5856.52

would say more free would be the word

Time: 5859.8

free like no um no

Time: 5866.119

expectation and total immersion in like

Time: 5870.8


Time: 5871.84

improvisation that you're participating

Time: 5874.28

in that can go wherever it wants to go

Time: 5877.239

and you're cool allowing it to go

Time: 5879.159

wherever it wants to go and sometimes

Time: 5881.88

when it goes somewhere dangerous that's

Time: 5883.8

when it gets interesting so the the I

Time: 5886.48

can understand that that danger aspect

Time: 5888.599

maybe that's why I like pro wrestling I

Time: 5890.28

don't know but there's something about

Time: 5892.199

when you get to this these edges where

Time: 5895.56

this is not for

Time: 5897.599

everybody it can get very

Time: 5900.119

interesting speaking of

Time: 5903.199

um stuff that's not for everybody and

Time: 5905.8

that to some people might have been

Time: 5907.28

shocking I remember hearing Ghetto Boys

Time: 5908.88

for the first time and like whoa like

Time: 5912.36

they're taking certain things pretty far

Time: 5914.96

when you're working with an artist and

Time: 5916.56

they venture out into that place where

Time: 5920.28

things are like maybe even a little

Time: 5923.84

shocking what is that feeling for you

Time: 5926.96

internally like is it how do you

Time: 5929.28

distinguish between shock value for its

Time: 5931.679

own sake and something that's really

Time: 5933.96

opening up a new creative Avenue or

Time: 5936.28

Insight like like how do you do you

Time: 5938.92

recall the first time you you heard like

Time: 5941.199

Bushwick and those guys do their thing

Time: 5943.199

yeah what what was your internal

Time: 5945.239

narrative I can't believe it I can't

Time: 5947.56

believe what they're saying it's really

Time: 5949.76

um pushing the boundaries of what anyone

Time: 5952.92

has said in this music before it had

Time: 5955.36

switched because the the original in

Time: 5959

originally in rap there was a lot of

Time: 5960.44


Time: 5961.679

about themselves

Time: 5963.4

bragging and then we got to uh the

Time: 5967.56

message happened and there was some

Time: 5969.8


Time: 5971.28

commentary then there was gangster rap

Time: 5975.159

and then the Ghetto Boys took a version

Time: 5978.239

of gangster rap and turned it into

Time: 5981.599

horror rap which was much more graphic

Time: 5986.239

than gangster rap gangster rap was

Time: 5989.8

talking about a um

Time: 5992.28

um a real life

Time: 5995.48

situation whereas the Ghetto Boys took

Time: 5997.679

it into horror movie

Time: 6000.28

territory it was more

Time: 6003.32

fantasy um but it seemed really scary at

Time: 6006.36

the time in the way that you're scared

Time: 6008.76

at a great horror movie do you like

Time: 6011.36

horror movies I don't do you like

Time: 6014.04

monster movies where you know it's not

Time: 6016.159

real like it's

Time: 6017.44

impossible uh as opposed to horror

Time: 6019.92

movies where you know

Time: 6021.8

it's um you know people getting killed

Time: 6024.52

by another human like stuff that could

Time: 6026.04

happen in the world versus um you know

Time: 6029

monsters and zombies and that kind of

Time: 6032.199

thing I don't think I really like either

Time: 6034.679

of them very much I like things that

Time: 6036.599

make me feel good I don't really like

Time: 6038.44

adrenaline you know I don't like to be

Time: 6040.36

excited for some

Time: 6042.44

reason in

Time: 6044.4

audio I like something that makes me

Time: 6046.679

excited but in visuals I tend not to

Time: 6049.84

like things that make me excited

Time: 6051.8

M interesting and you're able to kind of

Time: 6055.52

clean yourself of experiences easily

Time: 6058

right like it seems like if you listen

Time: 6059.679

to something it's really shocking you

Time: 6061.36

don't carry that shock to your sleep or

Time: 6063.44

to the next day like it doesn't trouble

Time: 6065.719

you but a movie can can impact me like

Time: 6068.639

there was a movie called Melancholia

Time: 6070.8

that I saw years ago Lars vont Trier

Time: 6072.719

movie and I thought it was a very

Time: 6073.84

beautiful movie but I was in a bad mood

Time: 6076.56

I would say for 3 months from the time I

Time: 6079.52

watched that movie on it just like did

Time: 6082.36

something to my brain that didn't feel

Time: 6084.48

good and it couldn't snap out of it so

Time: 6087.76

interesting there there are a few movies

Time: 6090

that have done that to me the movie Blue

Time: 6091.719

Valentine which has done really well

Time: 6095.28

um which is with Ryan goling and someone

Time: 6098.56

else where um it's a relationship I

Time: 6101.4

won't explain what happens in The Arc of

Time: 6102.8

the relationship but it just like the

Time: 6105

movie Haunted me there's one scene where

Time: 6107.48

he's wearing a misfit shirt and I was

Time: 6109.28

like I like the and that's a

Time: 6110.84

particularly good scene where he's

Time: 6112.08

singing to her um but the rest of the

Time: 6114.719

movie just brings about such feelings of

Time: 6117.599

like just how hard life can be sometimes

Time: 6121.199

and how misguided people can be in

Time: 6122.84

relationship and it it's interesting how

Time: 6125.159

movies can just kind of embed in us it's

Time: 6128.28

not pleasant I don't want to talk about

Time: 6129.8


Time: 6131.639

anymore there were a number of questions

Time: 6133.84

asking about how you consume information

Time: 6137.04

in the world related to what's happening

Time: 6139.199

in the world like where do you get your

Time: 6141.199

news from you and I talk about this a

Time: 6143.639

lot how do how do we know what to trust

Time: 6145.28

these days um did should we have ever

Time: 6148.159

trusted the news or is is it less

Time: 6150.92

trustworthy now like where do you get

Time: 6152.8

your information about what's happening

Time: 6154.199

in the world and stay AB breast of like

Time: 6157.04

world affairs I I honestly I don't feel

Time: 6159.56

like I know anything about it you know I

Time: 6163.04

um I tend to look at it all like

Time: 6165.719

wrestling so if the story is good I

Time: 6169.92


Time: 6171.679

be more interested in the story but I

Time: 6174.639

still don't hold much uh belief that

Time: 6177.8

that story is

Time: 6179.04

true yeah I don't know what to believe

Time: 6181.28


Time: 6183.44

uh I was asked to comment on a

Time: 6186.4

particularly well-known person who's not

Time: 6188.56

considered very Savory by a couple

Time: 6191.679

news Avenues in the last couple of years

Time: 6195.199

and um I don't know how people had in

Time: 6197.88

mind that I would have knowledge about

Time: 6199.08

this person and and I gave zero

Time: 6201.36

information to these news outlets and um

Time: 6205.159

nonetheless they they they didn't

Time: 6207.44

publish quotes from me but they they

Time: 6209.04

publish things that I know to be

Time: 6210.599

completely false and they know to be

Time: 6212.8

completely false so I I was just struck

Time: 6214.48

by the fact that like in scientific

Time: 6215.84

publishing that would get you you'd lose

Time: 6217.36

your job forever well at one point in

Time: 6219.679

time you would have lost your job now I

Time: 6221.32

don't know if that's true if you lose

Time: 6222.76

your job cuz we see it happening a lot

Time: 6225.04

right yeah it's wild have you ever read

Time: 6229.08

anything about you that's not true oh

Time: 6232.28

yeah oh yeah okay so based on that

Time: 6235.159

absolutely I mean some of it is playful

Time: 6237.639

stuff like on Reddit and now they're

Time: 6239.52

flagged as as play they have a little

Time: 6241.8

flag that they can put as you know

Time: 6243.04

comedic or something but oh sure I mean

Time: 6245.84

things not just taken out of context but

Time: 6247.599

things like

Time: 6249.119

completely wrong like just like that I I

Time: 6251.76

don't even know where people get this

Time: 6252.84

stuff from I keep waiting for the thing

Time: 6254.52

I'm going to see that says that I'm dead

Time: 6256.4

yeah that'll be that'll be the moment so

Time: 6259.199

based on that experience why would you

Time: 6261.28

believe anything you read about anyone

Time: 6262.719

else you you you get to see

Time: 6265.08

firsthand that there are just stories

Time: 6267.56

just not true and presumably you've seen

Time: 6270.52

things written about you that are not

Time: 6271.719

true absolutely right absolutely right

Time: 6274.36

and artists I know friends of mine they

Time: 6276.28

write things about him I know it's not

Time: 6278.48


Time: 6280.52

wild what do you think about the state

Time: 6283.36

of play and is the experience of being a

Time: 6287.599

parent and having a young child has that

Time: 6289.56

allowed you more more opportunities for

Time: 6291.48

play and to see through the world

Time: 6293.32

through childlike lenses in uh greater

Time: 6297.96

capacity or is it you

Time: 6300.239

know just separate from your creative

Time: 6303.92

process I would say I'm fairly childlike

Time: 6306.76

all the time I try to

Time: 6308.96

stay as uh

Time: 6311.4

open the beauty of childhood is that you

Time: 6315.32

don't know you haven't been

Time: 6319.48

um indoctrinated

Time: 6323.36

yet so you you see things and you have

Time: 6326.92

wonder about them and it's a great

Time: 6328.88

feeling that feeling of

Time: 6330.639

Wonder and now when someone I I'll tell

Time: 6333.159

you a story this is a a true story my

Time: 6335.44

friend Owen came over one night in the

Time: 6337.04

middle of the night and he had just seen

Time: 6340.4

um luminescence in the water for the

Time: 6343.8

first time and he had didn't know what

Time: 6346.719

what it was and thought he was having

Time: 6348.08

mystical experience and he was so

Time: 6350.92

excited like you won't believe what

Time: 6352.32

happened the the waves were like there

Time: 6354.599

was light everywhere it was so cool i'

Time: 6357.239

never saw anything like it and I said oh

Time: 6359.199

yeah that's uh luminesence and I

Time: 6361.76

explained what it was and it destroyed

Time: 6364.679

the magic for

Time: 6366.56

him he was really having a childlike

Time: 6370.8

magical experience and I destroyed it by

Time: 6375.639

telling them the science behind

Time: 6377.719

it I try to live in a world where I can

Time: 6381.08

experience what he experiences and I

Time: 6383.36

don't let the story

Time: 6386.92

ruin what's I allow the

Time: 6389.639

possibility to go past what I'm told the

Time: 6392.52

story is that that things can be even

Time: 6396.96

wilder than the rational

Time: 6402.719

explanation for me learning the

Time: 6404.639

reductionist science behind something to

Time: 6406.88

me adds depth and Beauty but then again

Time: 6409.76

I realize I'm

Time: 6411.599

I've been indoctrinated into the the

Time: 6413.36

field of science so the Matrix they call

Time: 6415.679

it the

Time: 6416.76

Matrix this is one I didn't understand

Time: 6419.04

but I'm going to assume that you

Time: 6420.4

understand because it has to do with

Time: 6421.719

people you've worked with if Rick had

Time: 6423.639

casually dropped that the Ramones named

Time: 6425.44

themselves after the fake last name Paul

Time: 6427.239

McCartney used to check into hotels

Time: 6428.76

during Beetle Mania would that have

Time: 6431.04

blown Andrew's mind that's a kind of

Time: 6433.44

weird question I guess the question is

Time: 6435.599

is it true that the Ramones Nam

Time: 6437.159

themselves after the fake last name that

Time: 6438.92

Paul McCartney used to check into hotels

Time: 6440.719

during Beetle Mania um I don't know that

Time: 6443.679

I don't know if that's a true story I do

Time: 6445.84

know that Paul McCartney used the name

Time: 6449.36

Paul Ramone when checking into hotels

Time: 6451.92

but I don't know if that's where the

Time: 6453.4

Ramon's got the name got it and here is

Time: 6456.84

how rumors turn into quote unquote facts

Time: 6459.84

on the internet so we and also maybe the

Time: 6463.119

Paul raone story is not true either but

Time: 6465.119

that's story I've heard right that

Time: 6468.04

reminds me and and I think this is an

Time: 6469.92

important case in point that there's a

Time: 6472.44

what I consider a very famous photograph

Time: 6474.239

of you Johnny Cash Joe Strummer and

Time: 6476.719

Henry Rollins mhm you're wearing a dead

Time: 6479.239

Kennedy shirt the four of you are facing

Time: 6481.48

one another and I love that photograph

Time: 6484.36

because of who's in it um and I

Time: 6488.639

remember hearing a rare track from

Time: 6492.639

Strummer and the mescaleros called uh on

Time: 6494.84

the road to rock and

Time: 6496.52

roll um and then for some reason

Time: 6500.84

probably because my phone is tapped into

Time: 6503.36


Time: 6505.08

brain I was served up a video on social

Time: 6509.08

media of Henry Rollins telling the story

Time: 6511.08

of that Gathering of the four of you

Time: 6513.04

where Rollins is describing the story of

Time: 6516

of uh Joe Strummer leaning

Time: 6518.48

into Johnny Cash and saying hey I wrote

Time: 6521.04

a song for you it goes on the road to

Time: 6523.679

rock okay and I remember coming to you

Time: 6526.48

and saying Rick guess what remember that

Time: 6528.36

photo you're like I remember the photo I

Time: 6530.28

said yeah Rollins has the story of what

Time: 6532.32

was happening in that moment and I was

Time: 6533.92

so excited and you said you said yeah I

Time: 6538.159

don't remember that it might be true it

Time: 6540.76

might be true but it might be entirely

Time: 6542.239

made up also yeah and we're not calling

Time: 6544

Henry a liar but Henry I I I believe hry

Time: 6546.8

I believe Henry remembers that story and

Time: 6549.639

that was his experience that was not my

Time: 6551.52

experience or I don't remember it being

Time: 6552.92

my experience but who knows anything

Time: 6556

could have been

Time: 6558.04

said it's true anything could have been

Time: 6560.36

said like it it had as much to do the

Time: 6564.08

fact that I don't remember has as much

Time: 6565.679

to do with whatever I was thinking about

Time: 6567.44

when that happened and the story that

Time: 6569.76

Henry told had as much to do with what

Time: 6571.679

was going on in Henry's head when it

Time: 6573.639

happened we have no idea you know it's

Time: 6577.719

we have no idea do you remember somebody

Time: 6579.52

shooting the photograph I do not I'll

Time: 6581.52

put a link to that photograph on the

Time: 6582.92

Internet it's a really incredible

Time: 6584.36

Gathering of phot I've seen the photo

Time: 6585.639

but I don't remember it being shot I'm

Time: 6587.44

looking for a high resolution version of

Time: 6588.96

that photo if anyone can find me one

Time: 6590.48

I'll be happy to compensate you

Time: 6594.36

well there were a lot of questions about

Time: 6597.239

your daily routine people love this the

Time: 6600.08

morning routine the daily routine and

Time: 6602.4


Time: 6603.76

I have to believe that everybody's

Time: 6606.4

necessary routine is quite different

Time: 6608.44

from the next um if you wouldn't mind

Time: 6611

just giving us a sense of like the first

Time: 6613.04

couple hours of your day what that

Time: 6614.36

typically looks like when you're like

Time: 6616.8

not traveling and you're settled into to

Time: 6618.88

a place uh it's different depending on

Time: 6621.719

the place that I'm in but typically it

Time: 6624.8

involves waking up going out into the

Time: 6627.44

Sun as naked as possible to start the

Time: 6630.92

day um I try to take slowly um wake up

Time: 6638.239


Time: 6640.239

and probably within an hour of that I'll

Time: 6644.52

leave the house and go for as long of a

Time: 6647.079

beachwalk as possible or if I'm in a

Time: 6648.96

place where there's a the gym several

Time: 6650.76

days a week I'll go to the gym instead

Time: 6653.159

but some I'll do some

Time: 6654.96

activity I would say about an hour after

Time: 6657.44

waking up sometimes it's an hour and a

Time: 6659.119

half sometimes it's less depending on

Time: 6661.04

the place I'm at I also might do

Time: 6663.719

stretching before I go on the walk and

Time: 6666.199

do um just several stretches on yoga

Time: 6669.32

mats on the floor or uh with foam

Time: 6673.119

rollers or balls or some different

Time: 6677.56

things I don't start my day until those

Time: 6681.56

things are out of the way I try to avoid

Time: 6685.04

um any work related anything now that

Time: 6689.28

that said if a thought comes up that I'm

Time: 6691.52

excited about I'll note it I won't um

Time: 6694.92

avoid thoughts but I tend not to engage

Time: 6697.52


Time: 6698.52

any work until probably 11:00 11 a.m.

Time: 6704.28

would be the soonest and in and some

Time: 6706.92

days not until 1:00 and then I do f

Time: 6709.96

focused work

Time: 6712.4

until maybe

Time: 6715.4

6 and then I spend the rest of the

Time: 6719.84


Time: 6722.4

uh trying to wind down out of work mode

Time: 6727.76

so 1 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. are really the

Time: 6730.28

peak probably quote unquote work hours

Time: 6732.679

yeah could be 11 too like today we

Time: 6734.199

started here at 11:00 and that felt like

Time: 6736.159

I felt like I'd be good by 11:00 and I

Time: 6738.199

already did my my morning walk I had the

Time: 6740.639

argument on the beach I I was in the sun

Time: 6743.8

I was in the hot tub I had a whole whole

Time: 6745.8


Time: 6747.119

already and then what does your evening

Time: 6750

wind down look like in terms of the

Time: 6752.56

space that you're in uh or trying to

Time: 6754.92

create and your internal landscape well

Time: 6758.079

it's only red

Time: 6759.92

light um I'm usually wearing from the

Time: 6762.639

time sun sets I'm wearing red glasses

Time: 6765.199

I'm in a space with only red

Time: 6767.48

light I'm

Time: 6770.599


Time: 6771.76

99% of the time home with my

Time: 6774.96


Time: 6776.92

and we

Time: 6778.679

talk I might watch uh wrestling or a

Time: 6782.599

documentary with red glasses

Time: 6785.52

on um we eat dinner together or we eat

Time: 6790.48

dinner in shifts depending on how it's

Time: 6792.4

working but we're all we're all

Time: 6795.599

together and I find something to occupy

Time: 6799.079

my mind that

Time: 6800.599

gets me out of the workday that said

Time: 6803.679

sometimes the ideas still flow and I'll

Time: 6805.4

note them but I avoid I avoid any kind

Time: 6808.88

of a work phone call or um anything

Time: 6813.96

that's stimulating or that will get me

Time: 6816.719

thinking about

Time: 6820.8

it I aim for Sunset and then I'm usually

Time: 6824.56


Time: 6826.199

bed I'm usually in bed by

Time: 6828.76


Time: 6830.84

and um and fall asleep within 15

Time: 6834.639

minutes your relationship to light is

Time: 6837

fascinating the sunlight piece makes a

Time: 6838.88

lot of sense and will make sense to the

Time: 6840.719

listeners of this podcast we haven't

Time: 6842.679

done too many episodes but we will do

Time: 6844.92

more that covers the trying to avoid

Time: 6848.92

bright light exposure in the evening um

Time: 6851.36

you're wearing the red uh lens glasses

Time: 6854.719

now even though it's the middle of the

Time: 6856.159

day that's because we've got these

Time: 6857.199

bright lights around us correct and have

Time: 6859.88

you found that limiting your bright

Time: 6862.639

artificial light exposure in the evening

Time: 6864.159

has benefited you and in what ways

Time: 6865.719

absolutely and and once you've done it

Time: 6867.96

once you've changed and avoid like

Time: 6870.88

looking at screens or my you know my

Time: 6873.199

phone turns red at

Time: 6874.84

night when I see someone else's phone if

Time: 6878.04

someone comes to

Time: 6879.32


Time: 6881.28

and their phone lights up at night it's

Time: 6886.719

blinding and it's so disturbing

Time: 6890.199

and for them that's normal they're in

Time: 6892.28


Time: 6893.4

heightened blown out place all the time

Time: 6897.159

I'm staying at neutral I'm staying at at

Time: 6900.4

the the the more

Time: 6903.48

natural how how the world would be if

Time: 6906.52

man didn't create all of these uh these

Time: 6910

loud things loud loud um loud devices

Time: 6916.04

yeah I've switched my phone thanks to

Time: 6917.92

your input and we will have released a

Time: 6920.56

clip on this um by the time this episode

Time: 6923.4

airs on the triple click approach to the

Time: 6925.679

phone that you can put in very easily um

Time: 6928.28

to allow it to go from regular screen to

Time: 6930.88

red screen at night so that you don't

Time: 6933

have to go into the settings each time

Time: 6934.32

you just triple click U we'll provide a

Time: 6936.28

link to that um explanation and Rick

Time: 6939.76

taught me that when I was over in Italy

Time: 6941.679

everyone would in his home turned to me

Time: 6943.84

and uh said wait your phone is so bright

Time: 6946.04

you got to do the red light thing I said

Time: 6947.36

I don't know how and it taught me that

Time: 6949.8

so it's a very useful trick um have you

Time: 6952.079

noticed a difference since looking at

Time: 6954.04

huge positive difference I sleep better

Time: 6957.4

there are great data now because of

Time: 6958.599

course I go then and find the data that

Time: 6960.32

um you know for shift workers people

Time: 6961.639

that have to be up at night working if

Time: 6963.04

they put them under red light the amount

Time: 6965.28

of cortisol at that time is suppressed

Time: 6969

which is great um as compared to when

Time: 6971.28

they're under bright artificial lights

Time: 6973.56

without red lens glasses or if they're

Time: 6976.84

in red lights it's far far more

Time: 6978.719

beneficial less cortisol you want

Time: 6980.199

cortisol High early in the day viewing

Time: 6981.8

sunlight early in the day increases it

Time: 6983.96

by at least 50% then you want it to

Time: 6985.84

taper off uh and on and on I heard

Time: 6989.679

something recently which is going to

Time: 6992.32

make a lot of sense one thing that's

Time: 6993.92

happened in the last 30 years which may

Time: 6995.76

at least partially explain the Obesity

Time: 6997.56

crisis is

Time: 7000.04

that calories which are depleted of

Time: 7003.88

nutrients micronutrients are very cheap

Time: 7007.199

now see they're very cheap cheap to get

Time: 7010.599

calories but they aren't nutritious

Time: 7012.88

calories in addition there's been a

Time: 7014.679

change in lighting technology so that

Time: 7017.079

blue light photons are very cheap like

Time: 7020.599

when I was a kid they my parents would

Time: 7022.199

say turn off the lights it's costing us

Time: 7024.04

all this money now it's very cheap to

Time: 7025.719

keep the lights on in a home the heat is

Time: 7028.199

a different story but with respect so we

Time: 7030.36

have a lot of cheap photons so I think

Time: 7032.679

of blue light as cheap photons not the

Time: 7036.48

good for you photons not nourishing

Time: 7038.36

photons that's great and consuming

Time: 7040.4

calories too often or at the wrong times

Time: 7041.96

of day we know is bad for you consuming

Time: 7043.96

photons in the wrong form at the wrong

Time: 7046.079

time of day bad for you and I think

Time: 7047.639

those two things combined plus all the

Time: 7049.96

downstream negative Cascades can largely

Time: 7052.599

explain the Obesity and in some sense

Time: 7054.36

Mental Health crisis interesting yeah so

Time: 7056.8

just a there I editorialized again I

Time: 7059

realized that we're trying to shift the

Time: 7060.32

ratio to more Rick less Andrew but he

Time: 7062.44

can't help himself he can't help himself

Time: 7064.4

and Rick indulges me so actually there

Time: 7066.36

were a number of questions in here that

Time: 7067.719

asked me you know how has Rick helped

Time: 7069.28

you you and I I'm refraining from

Time: 7071.199

answering those because this is people

Time: 7072.44

want your answers for them but I I do

Time: 7074.719

all the things that Rick's referring to

Time: 7076.199

I'm not wearing red lens glasses now but

Time: 7077.92

I have changed a lot of my health

Time: 7079.76

practices Andor sought out science to

Time: 7083.92

test whether or not some of the things

Time: 7085.36

that you've been doing for a while make

Time: 7086.719

sense and indeed in every case they've

Time: 7088.4

made sense I'm not just saying that

Time: 7089.639

because because you're here but you and

Time: 7091.04

I do a lot of the same things yeah we're

Time: 7093.079

we're interested and if it didn't work

Time: 7095.239

we'd probably stop doing it eventually

Time: 7097.679

right it's like we're testing things

Time: 7099.599

right and I do believe that what starts

Time: 7102.199

out is crazy like Mike mener stuff of

Time: 7104.92

low volume weight training with heavy

Time: 7107.44

weights it works so much better than the

Time: 7109.079

high volumes all that stuff is being

Time: 7110.84

shown to be true in these peer- reviewed

Time: 7112.639

trials so you know that's the nature of

Time: 7115.199

science it often comes science often

Time: 7117.92

follows the practitioners by many

Time: 7121


Time: 7122.36

MH you know it doesn't get there first

Time: 7124.84

because it's a slower more iterative

Time: 7126.88

process but some people need to see

Time: 7128.76

those Clin iCal trials to feel

Time: 7130.239

comfortable doing something I think the

Time: 7131.8

creative process is uniquely separated

Time: 7134.679

from academic science and academic

Time: 7137.76

scholarship in a way that I think has

Time: 7139.4

really benefited it I mean can you

Time: 7140.679

imagine if the Ghetto Boys had to get a

Time: 7142.679

degree in music theory in order to do

Time: 7144.88

what they do they wouldn't be the Ghetto

Time: 7146.48

boys right or Slayer they would not be

Time: 7148.599

Slayer yeah or Public Enemy yes or Adele

Time: 7153.119

yes or Eminem right it's it's almost by

Time: 7155.8

virtue of the fact that there is no

Time: 7157.4

degree for that yeah per se that allowed

Time: 7161

them to do what they did right yeah

Time: 7164.88

absolutely so what are your thoughts on

Time: 7166.88

schooling and higher education or just

Time: 7168.679

education I mean you were at NYU when

Time: 7170.48

you launched your record label you

Time: 7172.119

graduated NYU I um what are your

Time: 7176.04

thoughts on getting a a quote unquote

Time: 7178


Time: 7179.199

education uh it seems like an obsolete

Time: 7182.56

idea I think maybe there was a time

Time: 7184.76

where it would have been helpful and

Time: 7186.84

maybe depending on the if the thing that

Time: 7188.679

you want to

Time: 7190.56

study um can only be learned in an

Time: 7195.119

institution maybe it would make sense

Time: 7198.239

but I think the real world um getting an

Time: 7201.44

internship or a um finding the right

Time: 7205.599

mentor and going into the whatever the

Time: 7209.159

thing is that you're interested in

Time: 7210.28

learning about learning from people who

Time: 7212.76

do it as opposed to uh the the system I

Time: 7218.159


Time: 7220.079

I think might be more a better use of

Time: 7221.84


Time: 7223.599

time the creative process doesn't exist

Time: 7226.4

in a

Time: 7227.4

vacuum and relationships are a huge part

Time: 7230.44

of life one thing that I've heard you

Time: 7232.32

say and that certainly I've been working

Time: 7234.119

to internalize is this idea

Time: 7237.119

that whatever relationships one has in

Time: 7240.04

their life romantic relationships or not

Time: 7241.8

married or not kids or not

Time: 7245.239

that the ideal circumstance is where

Time: 7248.719

one's work is the most stressful part of

Time: 7251.239

their life yes can you tell us more

Time: 7253.48

about that yeah the the home is the um

Time: 7259.32

the safe place from which you can go out

Time: 7262.56

and be a warrior and do all these great

Time: 7264.84

things and these crazy things you know I

Time: 7267.36


Time: 7269.28

um I'm fearless when it comes to Art I'm

Time: 7273.079

not Fearless when it comes to

Time: 7275.159

life life is my relationships

Time: 7280.079

art is where we can do these crazy

Time: 7283.159

things and have fun and um

Time: 7288.079

try extreme things and see what happens

Time: 7292.719

and it's a say that's a safe place to do

Time: 7295.32

that because it's it's just expression

Time: 7298.52

it's not

Time: 7300.88

um the things we make don't have to

Time: 7303.32

represent who we are they're just the

Time: 7306.199

things we make and that's a point of you

Time: 7309.199

it's like this is interesting to me in

Time: 7310.48

this moment check it out that's all it

Time: 7312.639

is may have a completely different

Time: 7314.84

feeling tomorrow was in a

Time: 7317.639

relationship it's it's longterm

Time: 7321.079

hopefully and it's it's as long term as

Time: 7324.04

it's a productive relationship where

Time: 7326.199

everybody's getting what they want from

Time: 7327.92

that relationship everybody's needs are

Time: 7329.96

being met and everybody cares enough to

Time: 7333.079

meet each other's

Time: 7334.96

needs I've always admired how rational

Time: 7337.44

you are about relation ships and this

Time: 7340.28

notion that like if everybody isn't

Time: 7343.159

being honest there's no relationship

Time: 7345.56

actually not it's a bad relationship but

Time: 7347.88

there's actually no relationship no

Time: 7349.679

because if you if

Time: 7351.52

you if someone's not telling the truth

Time: 7357.76

then each person is experiencing a

Time: 7360.96

different understanding of the

Time: 7362.96

world they're living in two different

Time: 7366.079

worlds so they're not they're never Act

Time: 7369


Time: 7370.239

together when you're experiencing a

Time: 7372.32

different world so unless you can you

Time: 7375.239

don't have to agree I'm not saying you

Time: 7377.679

have to agree on everything but you have

Time: 7380.159

to be truthful in saying this is how I

Time: 7382.239

see it and your partner is clear

Time: 7386.4

in yes this is how I see it or no this

Time: 7389.079

is how I see

Time: 7390.76

it you're on the same you're on the same

Time: 7393.76

page even even in disagreement but it's

Time: 7396.48

real it's you're you're being who each

Time: 7399.28

of you are being who you are for and

Time: 7402.4

with the

Time: 7403.8

other but if you're not opening yourself

Time: 7407.119

up in that way to your

Time: 7409.239

partner you're in a different world they

Time: 7412.719

have an idea of what's Happening that's

Time: 7414.36

completely different than what you have

Time: 7416.119

an idea of what's Happening that's not

Time: 7418.32

that's not being together no

Time: 7421.199


Time: 7424.239

no no it's the it's the same as what

Time: 7427.719

when you said earlier about lying in

Time: 7430.76


Time: 7432.36

diary you'd only be doing a diservice to

Time: 7435.96

yourself lying in a relationship would

Time: 7438.32

only be doing a disservice to

Time: 7441.04

yourself Mike Ness of Social Distortion

Time: 7444.52

as a song called cheating at solitire

Time: 7447.4

which seems like an appropriate title to

Time: 7449.48

mention right now lying in the diary

Time: 7451.36

cheating at solitire yeah it's

Time: 7453.239

ridiculous doesn't make any sense no

Time: 7455.76

you're not you're not actually playing

Time: 7457.4

the game do you know what I mean if

Time: 7459.639

you're cheating at it you're not

Time: 7460.76

actually playing the game the whole

Time: 7462.159

point of the game is the game if you

Time: 7464.679

cheat at it you're not playing the

Time: 7468.48

game do you have any mustre books for

Time: 7471.8

people I'll I'll throw one out Rick's

Time: 7473.92

book on the creative act um a way of

Time: 7477.639

being uh but in addition to that

Time: 7482.48

book what are some books that you

Time: 7485.76

recommend to people for stimulating

Time: 7487.96

thought or for or um I don't know Health

Time: 7491.079

purposes or things that you found

Time: 7492.559

particularly beneficial in book form my

Time: 7494.92

favorite book about meditation is called

Time: 7497.079

wherever you go there you are I love it

Time: 7499.079

and I just got sent the 30th Anniversary

Time: 7502.76

Edition which is completely Rewritten I

Time: 7505.079

have not yet read the re the Rewritten

Time: 7507.28

version but I love the original version

Time: 7509.76

and I know the Rewritten version I'm

Time: 7512.079

guessing the the Rewritten version is

Time: 7513.88

just more refined and even better such a

Time: 7516.159

great book that book was given to me

Time: 7517.599

when I was about 14 and a half uh when I

Time: 7521

was um released from a particularly

Time: 7523.96

uncomfortable nonv voluntary um uh State

Time: 7528.52

of Affairs and one of the things that I

Time: 7531.36

remember about that book that helped me

Time: 7532.88

through so many years of life and I have

Time: 7534.719

to go back to is this mountain

Time: 7536.32


Time: 7538.28

meditation being a mountain MH I don't

Time: 7541.199

know why it was so helpful but goodness

Time: 7544.36

was it helpful for me it's a beautiful

Time: 7545.92

idea it's a beautiful

Time: 7547.679

idea yeah I don't know why I thought of

Time: 7550.04

that just now but I'm going to go back

Time: 7551.119

and read

Time: 7553.679

it do you think that

Time: 7556.079

there's genetic epigenetic family

Time: 7560.599

lineage stuff unrelated to genetics that

Time: 7564.159

leads us to create things that are

Time: 7567.36

really about like our ancestors you know

Time: 7571.599

the for instance um is it possible that

Time: 7576.04

uh let's take let's take Johnny Cash for

Time: 7579.76

instance or an artist that you worked

Time: 7581.96

with more recently Chili Peppers that

Time: 7584.76

when they got together to make

Time: 7587.36

music that something from Anthony's

Time: 7591.239

Family line was being transmuted through

Time: 7593.44

him into into the songs uh is that

Time: 7598.119

happening do you think that we can work

Time: 7599.52

out and and include things that are

Time: 7603.04

Generations far back enough that we

Time: 7604.76

don't we don't even really know what

Time: 7605.92

happened to them I mean it's coming

Time: 7607.079

through in our genes I think it's

Time: 7608.32

certainly possible but I I don't think

Time: 7610.119

we can know and I don't think it's

Time: 7613.28

necessarily even helpful to know it just

Time: 7616.719

is one of those mysterious things I

Time: 7620.36

don't think we know why we do many of

Time: 7622.719

the things we do and it's just another

Time: 7625.599

example of that and that's a possible

Time: 7628.159

Theory to explain why we do the things

Time: 7629.76

we do maybe but there may be another one

Time: 7632.199

it maybe uh UFOs are controlling us I

Time: 7634.599

don't know do you know what I'm saying

Time: 7635.96

it's it could be anything

Time: 7639.239

there are people on the internet that

Time: 7640.48

think it's UFOs that are controlling us

Time: 7642.4

could be I don't I wouldn't um I

Time: 7644.52

wouldn't disagree with that more and

Time: 7646

more evidence is coming out that you

Time: 7648.28

know that uh unidentified flying objects

Time: 7651.239

might might actually be a documented

Time: 7653.76

phenomenon by the US government I I

Time: 7656.88

haven't looked into it yet but I

Time: 7658.84

wouldn't be

Time: 7659.76

surprised when you were on this podcast

Time: 7662.639

before and on several other podcasts you

Time: 7665.199

mentioned that you don't play music at

Time: 7668.36

least at least not routinely you don't

Time: 7669.84

play an instrument um that you have

Time: 7672.199

limited knowledge of how a soundboard

Time: 7674.36

works so when you're listening to

Time: 7678.04

artists are you listening for something

Time: 7680.559

or you're staying open for something

Time: 7682.639

that you might hear like that that will

Time: 7684.88

trigger a certain state in you that you

Time: 7686.88

recognize I'm open to just see what's

Time: 7689.599

happening like I I feel what's I I

Time: 7693.079

listen and recognize is this making me

Time: 7697.079

Lean Forward am I curious to see what's

Time: 7699.96

going to happen next is the thing that

Time: 7702.119

happens next different than what I

Time: 7703.48

thought was going to happen next that

Time: 7705.04

could be interesting you know I listen

Time: 7706.52

to a lot of music when it doesn't do

Time: 7708.639

what's expected that's really

Time: 7709.96

interesting especially if it sounds good

Time: 7712.04

if it

Time: 7713

works um so I'm just open to

Time: 7718.44

experiencing what it is and I'll say

Time: 7721.239

something funny about it which is this

Time: 7723.199

this will sound um mystical I don't

Time: 7725.52

understand it but often you can tell a

Time: 7727.84

lot about the piece of music you're

Time: 7729.48

going to listen to based on the first

Time: 7732.28

sound you hear like the first

Time: 7737.639

moment it's not about what node it is

Time: 7741.719

it's not about what instrument it is

Time: 7745


Time: 7748.599


Time: 7750.719

intention in the performance and that

Time: 7753.48

performance could even be a

Time: 7756.559

machine the way

Time: 7759.119

when something

Time: 7760.88

starts sometimes there's this feeling of

Time: 7763.079

oh this is going to be good just out of

Time: 7764.88

the B the

Time: 7767.199

downbeat can't explain

Time: 7769.76

it reminds me of

Time: 7772.4

dating uh and you know

Time: 7775.52

within half a nanc like this is going to

Time: 7778.76

be a fun night this be interesting night

Time: 7782.079

this person's

Time: 7783.599

interesting or okay this is not a night

Time: 7787.88

to continue continue right I don't know

Time: 7790.119

there's something and and it's not

Time: 7791.639

what's said necessarily or even how it

Time: 7793.52

said just it's a it's a feeling I know

Time: 7798

that depending on how I'm feeling I'll

Time: 7801.239

avoid listening critically to something

Time: 7804.079

if I'm not feeling well if I'm if I

Time: 7807.159

don't feel like I can be completely

Time: 7809.48

there and

Time: 7811.28

open I'll not

Time: 7814.52

listen I I

Time: 7817.079

know I I know I want to really be there

Time: 7820.88

for the thing that I'm uh listening to

Time: 7824.679

do you inform people if like hey I'm not

Time: 7827.36

here today like I'm I can't sometimes

Time: 7829.48


Time: 7830.88

sometimes as somebody who has never been

Time: 7833.119

part of the music production process how

Time: 7836.32

long does it take like for an album like

Time: 7840.119

let's throw out an artist you've worked

Time: 7841.36

with like you worked with Eminem how

Time: 7844.199

long did that you did some songs on that

Time: 7846

album or the whole album I did some

Time: 7847.32

songs so

Time: 7849.119

did he come in with those written and

Time: 7851.199

then you guys work together on those

Time: 7853.559

songs how long was that a week a month a

Time: 7857.239

day I think we were together for several

Time: 7860.88

weeks it's been long enough now that I

Time: 7863.079

can't remember the specifics but there

Time: 7864.92

there is no rule of how that works and

Time: 7868.079

sometimes things come together very

Time: 7870.4

quickly an album can be made in the

Time: 7872.599

weekend and some albums are years in the

Time: 7875.52

making when it's years in the making

Time: 7877.28

it's rarely

Time: 7878.8

every day for years in the

Time: 7881.199

making it's usually more episodic but

Time: 7884.76

there is

Time: 7885.96

something both versions are very

Time: 7888

interesting and it's something that

Time: 7889.44

comes out almost fully formed very

Time: 7891.159

quickly has particular energy and then

Time: 7895.76

something that's made over

Time: 7897.46


Time: 7898.8

time can have all of those individual

Time: 7902.96

moments all the changes that happen

Time: 7905.4

within you over that period of time

Time: 7907.719

those can all be reflected and be the

Time: 7910.719

difference between a daily diary journal

Time: 7915.559

and reading three months it's different

Time: 7919.76

they're two different things can't say

Time: 7921.84

one's better than the other they're just

Time: 7923.719

two different things so some projects

Time: 7926.76

are more like a Year's diary and some

Time: 7930.32

are more like a

Time: 7931.96

weekend and same you know you watch a

Time: 7934.36

movie some movies the movie story takes

Time: 7937.079

place in 24 hours

Time: 7938.599

and sometimes it's a person's lifetime

Time: 7941.199

one's not better than the one's not a

Time: 7942.92

better method than the other it's

Time: 7944.199

whatever suits the

Time: 7946.8

work speaking of your work with Eminem

Time: 7949.159

but also with Jay-Z and with BC boys and

Time: 7953.28

others you are featured in a number of

Time: 7956.639

the videos you show up in those videos

Time: 7959.079

whose decision was that and um what are

Time: 7961.559

your thoughts on music videos I remember

Time: 7963.32

when music videos first came out the

Time: 7965.28

whole MTV era and just think like this

Time: 7967.239

is so cool I can see the artists see how

Time: 7970.119

they're dressed I love the like the

Time: 7972

crazy Styles and all of that that

Time: 7974

accompany the music two questions one

Time: 7977.8

whose decision was it to be in the

Time: 7980.4

videos because producers often are not

Time: 7982.92

included in the videos it would always

Time: 7984.96

be if the artists asked that' be the

Time: 7986.559

only reason I would be there and two

Time: 7988.639

what are your thoughts on music videos

Time: 7991.599

and the idea that then it puts a very

Time: 7993.239

strong visual to the the song whereas

Time: 7996

were there not to be a video people just

Time: 7998.32

imagine something based on what they're

Time: 8000.04

hearing and hearing

Time: 8002.079

alone they're two different they're two

Time: 8004.199

different things there's not a better or

Time: 8006.079

worse there's sometimes where the video

Time: 8007.76

makes the song better and

Time: 8010.679

there's often the case where the Poetry

Time: 8015.44

of the

Time: 8016.84

words um if you close your eyes and

Time: 8019.719

listen to what the words

Time: 8021.52

are as a listener you get to participate

Time: 8025.44

in that in creating that world in your

Time: 8028.8


Time: 8030.36

so sometimes photographs can tell us too

Time: 8033.599

much information it's too leading it

Time: 8036.8

limits the story to just this Photograph

Time: 8040.36

the photograph tells you much more than

Time: 8042.239

the words the words can be interpreted

Time: 8045.84

in many ways and then we each get to

Time: 8047.8

have that experience it's something in

Time: 8050.079

the book that I was uh cognizant of in

Time: 8055.76

picking the words was never to be

Time: 8059

specific to the point of where the

Time: 8060.76

reader doesn't get to participate in

Time: 8063.639

this act so it doesn't tell you what to

Time: 8067.119

think it's an invitation to think it's

Time: 8070.88

an invitation to say Where am I in

Time: 8075.32

this what's my version of this it's not

Time: 8079.079

about anyone else it's about the reader

Time: 8081.8

and that was

Time: 8083.76

um it was from the beginning that was

Time: 8086.4

always part of the

Time: 8089.76

um my understanding of what I thought

Time: 8092.04

would be the most

Time: 8094.04

helpful the cover certainly embodies

Time: 8096.52

that that it it's not clear exactly what

Time: 8098.84

the cover design is quote unquote

Time: 8100.84

supposed to be it's open to

Time: 8102.92

interpretation interpreted as you wish

Time: 8105.119

and different people see different

Time: 8107.92

things let's get current what what are

Time: 8111.079

you working on now that you're excited

Time: 8112.84

about if you can share let me see what I

Time: 8115.76

can and can't share be broad categories

Time: 8118.96

of things too but okay uh I'm working on

Time: 8122.159

a couple of um documentary projects that

Time: 8125.559

I'm excited

Time: 8127.159

about and some albums that I've been

Time: 8130.32

working on over time are are coming out

Time: 8132.8

um one is a incredible singer guitar

Time: 8135.8

player named Marcus King his album's

Time: 8138.04

about to come out uh the gossip is a

Time: 8140.8

band that I made an album with 10 years

Time: 8142.76

ago and we just made a new album or we

Time: 8145.76

made an album Maybe 18 months ago and

Time: 8148.32

that's coming out now

Time: 8151.559

um those are the first ones that come to

Time: 8155.119

mind is the documentary process fun for

Time: 8158.119

you and how how do you approach

Time: 8161.079

that uh I watch a lot of documentaries

Time: 8164.32

to learn what I don't want to

Time: 8166.4

do I don't think I've been inspired well

Time: 8170.04

maybe some cases where I get inspired by

Time: 8171.92

what I'm seeing but more often I see

Time: 8173.719

things and I say okay these

Time: 8175.76

documentaries all have this format so I

Time: 8177.92

know I don't want it to be this

Time: 8180.04

format um it's more of a ruling

Time: 8183.8

out and it's fun to find new

Time: 8188.199

ways that

Time: 8190.079

reveal different

Time: 8192.439

information than the standard format

Time: 8195.559

allows it's interesting to me I we'll

Time: 8198.359

see if anyone else cares you have a

Time: 8200.8

unique approach to podcasting uh first

Time: 8203.08

of all what are your criteria for who

Time: 8205.439

you invite on as a guest

Time: 8208.88

and second um what do you have in mind

Time: 8211.479

when you sit down and

Time: 8213.359

podcast um I have some ideas about how

Time: 8216.719

you're going to answer but I think it's

Time: 8217.96

important that uh I not inject and that

Time: 8220.639

uh I think people are interested in this

Time: 8222.8

even if they don't want to podcast

Time: 8224.12

because I think it it gets to the

Time: 8225.319

process of something that you're doing

Time: 8226.719

now and how you're doing it now yeah um

Time: 8230.8

I didn't set out to do what I'm about to

Time: 8234.16

tell you I didn't set out to do this but

Time: 8236

it's something that after I started

Time: 8237.319

doing it I came to realize it it's an

Time: 8240.28

interesting thing and I actually learned

Time: 8242.28

this from listening to your podcast it

Time: 8247.439

was actually Lex's podcast with you and

Time: 8250.439

I was listening to the podcast and I

Time: 8251.96

know you know Lex and I know you guys

Time: 8253.399

are friends

Time: 8255.8

and both of

Time: 8258.359

you in addition to you talking to Lex

Time: 8261.2

you're talking to the audience and Lex

Time: 8263.12

in addition to talking to you talks to

Time: 8264.719


Time: 8265.399

audience and the a audience was a

Time: 8268.359

participant in your

Time: 8271.399

conversation and I realized that in at

Time: 8274.559

the tetraman

Time: 8276.559

podcast it's different than that it's

Time: 8279.719

more of an

Time: 8281.2

intimate personal like the interview

Time: 8283.92

with you that hasn't come out yet that

Time: 8287.12

was me talking to

Time: 8289.2

you with

Time: 8291.24

no I certainly didn't have any idea that

Time: 8294.76

anybody else was going to hear it other

Time: 8296.359

than yes someone else is hear it but

Time: 8298.12

that's not what this is this is I was

Time: 8300.679

asking you the questions I was

Time: 8302.04

interested in and I wanted to learn as

Time: 8304.08

much as I could and if you said

Time: 8305.96

something either that I didn't

Time: 8307.24

understand I'd ask you to explain it or

Time: 8309.12

if you told me a story about something

Time: 8310.76

that sent me on a tangent that would I

Time: 8313.84

want to know more about this left side

Time: 8315.88

of what you said or the right side of

Time: 8317.519

what you said I would ask but only

Time: 8319.88

following my own

Time: 8321.479

interests so it has a an intimacy it's

Time: 8325.359

turned into when I if if I listen to a

Time: 8328.16

tetr gramon podcast it sounds like I'm

Time: 8330.88

overhearing a

Time: 8333

conversation a personal

Time: 8335.719


Time: 8337.8

and it it has turned into parts of

Time: 8341.399

certain decisions we' made like having

Time: 8344.96

there's music at the beginning and then

Time: 8347.519

you hear the guest more often than not

Time: 8351.84

is in the middle of a story and it's

Time: 8353.599

almost as if you've walked into a room

Time: 8357.719

and people are in this deep conversation

Time: 8359.96

and you're just sitting on the side

Time: 8361.28

quietly and hearing this conversation

Time: 8363.439

and it's a a real moment that's

Time: 8365.24

happening there and it's just different

Time: 8369.04

I can't say it's better I can't say it's

Time: 8370.639

worse can't say I don't know what what's

Time: 8372.599

interesting about it but something about

Time: 8374.479

it's interesting to me and when I listen

Time: 8376.8

to it I feel a different kind of an

Time: 8380.8


Time: 8382.679

um and again it wasn't premeditated this

Time: 8385.679

is after the fact I'm looking back and

Time: 8387.92

understanding oh this is what it is this

Time: 8389.359

is why this is

Time: 8391.8

different yeah the podcast that I did

Time: 8395.68

with you on your podcast when I was

Time: 8397.76

featured as I guess the second time I I

Time: 8399.64

completely forgot that we were

Time: 8400.8

podcasting it was also good we'd had a

Time: 8402.72


Time: 8403.479

days together overseas there we're in a

Time: 8406.92

very kind of isolated environment that

Time: 8409.64

helped me get out of the mode of there

Time: 8412

are listeners yeah there's no there's no

Time: 8414.84

sense of performance involved it's it

Time: 8418.72

couldn't be more casual and the reason I

Time: 8422.439

chose not to film it is because the

Time: 8425.359

nature of lights and

Time: 8429.2

cameras make it harder to forget that

Time: 8432.399

you're doing it

Time: 8435

so I aim for it to be as natural an

Time: 8440.439

experience so that you can have the

Time: 8442.52

conversation that you really would have

Time: 8444.6

if there were no lights and cameras not

Time: 8446.439

that not that we want to reveal anything

Time: 8448.359

it's just it's a level of comfort and

Time: 8452.16

openness where you're talking to

Time: 8454.12

somebody you like and it's you're

Time: 8455.92

enjoying the conversation and that's so

Time: 8458.6

you I just have to share that you know

Time: 8460.24

the first time we met in person you and

Time: 8461.6

I had facetimed a number of times

Time: 8463.6

previous to that but the first time we

Time: 8466.04

met in person came over to your house we

Time: 8468.28

ended up doing sauna and cold and I was

Time: 8471.399

going through a particularly challenging

Time: 8473.359

time in my life I mean it had really

Time: 8475.68

just hit me square in the face and I

Time: 8477.52

remember saying Hey listen I I don't

Time: 8479.88

know if we could talk about this but I

Time: 8481.52

just opened up about all of it and

Time: 8483.399

that's the moment when like we would

Time: 8485.92

have become friends anyway but that's

Time: 8487.28

where things really took off because I

Time: 8489.56

kept apologizing at the end I I'm so

Time: 8491.52

sorry and you said no no this is

Time: 8494.12

actually what we're supposed to do yeah

Time: 8496.12

and you know I'm feel very grateful that

Time: 8498.479

we've remained close friends ever since

Time: 8500.64

and that catalyzed a lot but I think

Time: 8504.64

that one of the things I love about

Time: 8507.8

podcasts not just podcasting but

Time: 8510.04

podcasts is that the really effective

Time: 8513

podcasts like yours like Lex's like

Time: 8514.92

Rogan like Rich

Time: 8516.68

R Tim Ferris they really reflect the

Time: 8519.88

love and passion that the person has for

Time: 8522.92

that kind of conversation I mean I can

Time: 8524.84

certainly say this about my podcast I

Time: 8527.04

I've been learning organizing and

Time: 8529.479

distributing information since I was you

Time: 8532.12

know you know six years old MH so my

Time: 8536.12

podcast is just that you you like real

Time: 8538.68

conversation and real things that are

Time: 8540.52

unb barriered by like the idea that

Time: 8542.24

maybe someone's going to listen and how

Time: 8543.56

will it work out just like we talked

Time: 8545.24

about earlier and you answered the

Time: 8546.96

questions that way and I think Lex likes

Time: 8550.439

Lex's form of thing and Joe is doing his

Time: 8553.08

form of thing and I think that's to me

Time: 8554.8

one of the great gifts of podcasting if

Time: 8556.6

anyone wants to know how to create a

Time: 8558.2

successful podcast quote unquote

Time: 8560.04

successful it's have the kind of

Time: 8561.96

conversations and talk about the kinds

Time: 8563.359

of things you really love like Cameron

Time: 8564.96

Haynes has this lifr run shoot podcast

Time: 8567.2

where you go to his house you do a

Time: 8569.319

workout then you go for a run and then

Time: 8571.12

he teaches you archery and the reason

Time: 8573.399

it's so effective is that he loves

Time: 8576.72

lifting running and shooting and then he

Time: 8579.319

and he loves teaching people that so at

Time: 8580.88

the end of the day you're sitting down

Time: 8581.92

talking about a great day that embodies

Time: 8584.8

everything that he's about and and the

Time: 8586.2

person learned and like I couldn't do

Time: 8588.319

that podcast I can go on as a guest and

Time: 8590.24

I loved being a guest but I think that's

Time: 8592.76

the message and it brings us back to

Time: 8594.12

what you were talking about earlier and

Time: 8595.84

throughout today's discussion

Time: 8598.479

is that if you're thinking about how

Time: 8600.319

it's going to land how the hell could it

Time: 8602.439

ever work yeah it's just a different

Time: 8604.2

thing I had a conversation yesterday uh

Time: 8606.8

for the podcast with Daniel kuuya who

Time: 8609.8

I've never met before incredible actor

Time: 8612.479

and beautiful human being and we

Time: 8615.479

probably talked for about 3 hours and it

Time: 8617.479

was a deep conversation and I feel like

Time: 8620.479

I might have a new best friend like he's

Time: 8622.279

unbelievable the coolest guy if I wasn't

Time: 8624.479

doing the podcast I don't know if I

Time: 8625.84

would have met him if it just worked out

Time: 8628.16

it worked out that I got to meet this

Time: 8630.96


Time: 8633.64

person well Rick we covered most of the

Time: 8637.12

most frequently asked questions and

Time: 8639.24

you've been extremely gracious with your

Time: 8642

time and thoughtfulness in answering

Time: 8644.12

them and um I don't know what to say

Time: 8647.92

except thank you for taking the time to

Time: 8650.16

do yet another podcast to answer the

Time: 8652.439

audience's questions they were here in

Time: 8654.96

this podcast in the form of this very

Time: 8657.04

large stack of of questions

Time: 8660.64

and of course your book includes a lot

Time: 8664.08

of information that encapsulates this

Time: 8666.76

but I think this really fleshes out some

Time: 8668.52

of the the details of like how you go

Time: 8671.12

about things how certain things can't be

Time: 8674.2

the same for everybody and um I think in

Time: 8678.2

answering these questions you provided a

Time: 8680.6

great service to people who are perhaps

Time: 8682.56

still struggling with getting the

Time: 8683.84

creative process going or flowing um I'm

Time: 8686.6

certain that it's going to change the

Time: 8689

way that I focus and lean into my day

Time: 8691.2

I've got a number of different notes

Time: 8692.399

here and maybe I'll be willing to share

Time: 8693.96

them with people but then that would go

Time: 8695.12

against the principle of this is for me

Time: 8697.04

and everyone's going to work it out

Time: 8698.64

their own way so we'll provide links to

Time: 8701.6

everything that was mentioned where

Time: 8703.12

there's a link that's relevant and yeah

Time: 8706.359

man I want just want to say thank you so

Time: 8707.88

much for being such an incredible

Time: 8709.72

educator and such an incredible friend

Time: 8712.16

as well thank you it's a funny idea of

Time: 8714.64

being an educator I can't imagine that

Time: 8716.439

but I appreciate the uh I appreciate

Time: 8719.52

those words well you are indeed an

Time: 8721.8

educator we're learning so much from you

Time: 8723.479

and and if you just step back for a

Time: 8725.56

second and think about all the creative

Time: 8727.24

works that have stemmed and are going to

Time: 8729.96

stem from the learnings that people have

Time: 8732.399

achieved from hearing your experience in

Time: 8735.439

wisdom it's um incalculable wow I'll

Time: 8739.72

take it thank you sir thank you for

Time: 8742.399

joining me for today's discussion about

Time: 8744.08

protocols for creativity with the one

Time: 8746.16

and only Rick Rubin please also be sure

Time: 8748.92

to check out the links in the show note

Time: 8750.439

captions in particular to Rick's

Time: 8752.479

incredible book all about the creative

Time: 8754.52

process entitled the creative act a way

Time: 8757.52

of being if you're learning from and or

Time: 8759.64

enjoying this podcast please subscribe

Time: 8761.56

to our YouTube channel that's a terrific

Time: 8763.56

zeroc cost way to support us in addition

Time: 8766.08

please subscribe to the podcast on both

Time: 8767.92

Spotify and apple and on both Spotify

Time: 8770.359

and apple you can leave us up to a fstar

Time: 8772.399

review if you have questions for me or

Time: 8774.439

comments about the podcast or guess

Time: 8775.92

you'd like me to consider on the hubman

Time: 8777.52

Lab podcast please put those in the

Time: 8779.359

comment section on YouTube I do read all

Time: 8781.72

the comments please also check out the

Time: 8783.52

sponsors mentioned at the beginning and

Time: 8785.04

throughout today's episode that's the

Time: 8786.8

best way to support this podcast not so

Time: 8789.16

much on today's episode but on many

Time: 8790.76

previous episodes of The huberman Lab

Time: 8792.359

podcast we discuss supplements while

Time: 8794.8

supplements aren't necessary for

Time: 8796.04

everybody many people derive tremendous

Time: 8798.12

benefit from them for things like

Time: 8799.68

improving sleep for hormone support and

Time: 8801.76

for improving Focus to learn more about

Time: 8803.68

the supplements discussed on the

Time: 8804.72

huberman Lab podcast go to live momentus

Time: 8807.399

spelled o so Liv mous.com

Time: 8810.76

huberman if you're not already following

Time: 8812.76

me on social media I am huberman lab on

Time: 8815.479

Instagram X formerly called Twitter

Time: 8818.16

LinkedIn Facebook and threads and at all

Time: 8820.68

of those places I discuss science and

Time: 8822.439

science related tools some of which

Time: 8824.2

overlaps with the content of the

Time: 8825.319

huberman Lab podcast but much of which

Time: 8827.319

is distinct from the content covered on

Time: 8828.76

the hubman Lab podcast so again it's

Time: 8830.6

huberman lab on all social media

Time: 8832.56

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Time: 8834.279

subscribed to our neural network

Time: 8835.56

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Time: 8837.68

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Time: 8839.319

out every month it includes podcast

Time: 8841.6

summaries as well as protocols in the

Time: 8843.6

form of short PDFs of maybe just one to

Time: 8846

three pages where I list out the

Time: 8847.88

specific protocols for instance for

Time: 8850.52

improving dopamine functioning or for

Time: 8852.72

improving your sleep or for deliberate

Time: 8855.12

cold exposure deliberate heat exposure

Time: 8856.96

or Fitness protocols and on and on all

Time: 8859.72

of which are presented in brief fashion

Time: 8862.359

very direct just the protocols listed

Time: 8864.319

out again completely zero cost to sign

Time: 8866.56

up you simply go to huberman lab.com go

Time: 8869.12

to the menu function scroll down to

Time: 8870.72

newsletter and enter your email and I

Time: 8872.88

should point out that we do not share

Time: 8874.479

your email with anybody thank you once

Time: 8876.76

again for joining me for today's

Time: 8878.24

discussion with Rick Rubin and last but

Time: 8881

certainly not least thank you for your

Time: 8883

interest in

Time: 8883.53


Time: 8887.8


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