Reliance Masterplan for Indian Battery Sector?

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hello everyone lithium which was once

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considered as the new oil of the world

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the most efficient metal to make

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batteries which will run our future

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Automobiles and the metal which changed

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the very geopolitics of the world the

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metal whose growth was once considered

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as indisputable is crashing from the

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last few months and hear me out it's not

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a cyclic crash of 10 to 20% just give a

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thought how much it might have crashed

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I'll give a hint it's more than 50%

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lithium price crashed by more than 80%

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from its all-time high in November 2022

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almost losing all of its value check

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this lithium commodity graph this is the

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year AIS and this one is the price AIS

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now lithium is traded in Chinese yon so

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the values are in CNY y per turn from

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2017 to November 2022 lithium price sold

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to its all-time high of about 6 lakh

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Chinese yon per ton this is about 70

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lakh 80,000 rupes per turn but since the

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prime days of lithium today the price

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has crashed by 84% to Mere 1 lak 8,500

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Chinese yon this is around 12 80,000

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rupees per ton and so lithium prices

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have essentially collapsed unraveling on

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over Supply fears at the beginning of

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the year spot prices topped $70,000 per

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ton according to Benchmark but today

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they're trading under

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$166,000 a decline of nearly 80%

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probably lithium is down about 80% in

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just 12 months just a little bit over 12

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months so it's a huge fall for the price

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of lithium well lithium prices spiked

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back in 2021 before crashing back to

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Earth at the end of last year but it

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could just be the beginning of the

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Fallout so what happened last year that

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extracted all the value of this precious

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metal and how Reliance is involved in

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this whole picture so let me give you a

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structure or mind map we will be

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following in today's episode we will

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understand why lithium is crashing under

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two variables the supply side and the

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demand side we will evaluate the supply

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side by the production of the mining

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companies similarly we'll evaluate the

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demand side by two factors namely major

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EV markets and sodium ion batteries next

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we'll see how Reliance is taking a

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strategic position in the battery sector

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and lastly we'll see whether lithium

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will regain its value or not so let's

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begin now since we know that the lithium

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price has crash as a basic economics the

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supply side must be higher than the

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demand side right but how can Lithium be

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so Surplus that it crashed by 80% isn't

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lithium a scarse resour isn't everyone

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tussling to get lithium well there is a

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story behind it in the year 2022 the

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demand for electric cars were Rising

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rapidly Tesla was on their peak days and

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every major economy was promoting

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electric cars as a result the demand for

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battery grade lithium spiked up and

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during that time all the major Market

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analysts predicted that the demand for

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lithium will be higher than the supply

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till 2028 the same year S&P Global

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predicted that the lithium demand will

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reach 9ak 89,000 metric tons in the year

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2023 which will be more than the supply

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and it will double to over 2 million

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metric tons by 2028 this demand Supply

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mismatch will only go by 2027 so the

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entire EV Market was very optimistic

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towards the rise in the demand of

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lithium because the demand for electric

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cars were at its peak now to meet the

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rising demand and led by the high prices

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of lithium in the year 2022 the mining

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companies across the globe push their

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production to the record Heights look at

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this graph from the year 2022 to 2023

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the global lithium supply increased by

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31.3% similarly this year it increased

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25% so in 2 years the total supply of

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lithium increased by almost 50% pillur

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minerals is Australia's largest lithium

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minor they've got a lot of lithium mines

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and some of the smaller producers have

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already announced they're going to stop

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mining lithium and just mine the stock

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piles that their mines uh at the moment

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so there's a serious problem with the

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lithium Market because there been a

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massive oversupply of lithium but even

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this production was considered low

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compared to the demand what analysts had

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predicted so the mining companies

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thought they were at the least risk the

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stage was said the mining mafias were

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ready to roll up their SLE leaves and

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count some big cash but the plot takes a

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very unexpected twist the demand for

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electric cars did not perform as

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predicted now there are two major

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reasons for the poor demand firstly low

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demand in the biggest EV markets see USA

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and China consume 70% of the global EV

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batteries because they are the biggest

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EV sellers now these two markets did not

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perform as expected let's look at China

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first see China had a policy where they

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gave subsidies to the consumers on the

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purchase of electric cars now these

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subsidies were removed by the end of

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year 2022 increasing the price of

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electric cars in China and there is a

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very interesting strategy on how China

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dominated the global EV sector and I'll

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make a detailed video about it but for

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now since the price of these cars

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increased after the subsidies were

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removed the demand for EVS fell

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substantially and something similar

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happened in us as well just look at this

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graph this is the graph of US federal

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rate and as you see the federal bank

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rate in USA is at a 15year high right

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now this is the rate at which banks take

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loan from the Federal Bank similar to

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repo rate in our country but how Federal

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bank rate is affecting the ev's demand

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let's understand this through this

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animation Sam is a US citizen who wants

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a loan for his property he went to his

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bank named City Bank and as we saw the

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US federal rate is 5.5% right now this

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is the rate at which city bank took loan

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from the US Federal Bank since City Bank

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wants to make profit they gave property

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loan to Sam at 7% interest rate keeping

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a margin of

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1.5% now Sam was expecting it to be

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somewhere around 4 to 5% but since he

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must be 2 to 3% extra interest now he is

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left with lesser money to spend on other

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expenses like an electric car or a

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television or a vacation trip now the

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people like Sam and the companies of us

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were expecting that the US Federal Bank

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will lower the rates making the property

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loan much cheaper but it turned out that

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the federal bank is in a no hurry to

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lower the rates ultimately deteriorating

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the demand for electric vehicles the

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longer that interest rates uh stay at an

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elevated rate the cost of capital

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obviously is uh is higher um so until

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that uh EB demand comes back these

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companies are sort of in this bare

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Market the companies had planned massive

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investment on the pr of much faster

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adoption of EVS this is not playing out

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and that and now we're hearing from

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corporates that they're pulling back or

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canceling all together these investment

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just last week Ford basically said

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they're not going to spend 12 billion

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out of the 50 billion they they were

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going to spend in EVS GM has pushed out

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a second EV Factory by about a year now

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since the demand for EVS fell in these

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two major EV markets naturally the

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demand for lithium batteries fell

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drastically and as we saw the supply of

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lithium is at its alltime high so

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friends as smart as you are if the

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supply is too high and the demand is too

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low inevitably the price of lithium

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drawn by 80% but apart from low demand

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in these two countries there is one more

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major reason which is affecting the

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demand for lithium the rising demand of

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sodium ion batteries but how did sodium

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ion batteries become such a tough

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competition to the lithium ion batteries

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well there is a very major geopolitical

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reason behind this see right now around

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87% of total lithium produced is used

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only in EV batteries and guess what no

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major economy wants this much dependency

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on lithium for producing batteries why

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simply because there is a huge

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geopolitical consequence to it right now

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there are very few countries who produce

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lithium and lithium dependency means

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dependent on that country as well it

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will become similar to oil where the

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whole world is depend depent on the oil

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producing countries in this case the

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whole world will be dependent on the

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lithium producing countries and after

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the Russia Ukraine war when the entire

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Europe was dependent on Russia for oil

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but diplomatically fighting against them

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in the war got stuck in a g situation

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and no other country wants a similar

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situation in future with lithium but

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what's the solution how can we not be

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dependent on lithium well the solution

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was to innovate non- lithium based

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batteries well guess what there is one

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Innovation which proved very successful

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in this regard yes sodium ion batteries

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and the growing demand of sodium ion

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batteries is really affecting the demand

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of lithium ion batteries because sodium

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is salt and salt is abundant everywhere

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in the world it doesn't require mining

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so it's more environment friendly it's

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30% cheaper than lithium batteries it

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has higher overall lifespan than lithium

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batteries and it's highly non-flammable

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compared to lithium batteries so nobody

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will ask you to remove the power Banks

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from your luggage in the airport and

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most of all no country will be dependent

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on each other for creating batteries but

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there is one drawback to sodium ion

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batteries we'll talk about it but for

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now in summary since the supply of

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lithium shot up because of too much

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optimistic estimation of EV markets the

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demand fell in the major EV markets like

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USA and China and at the same time an

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alternative to lithium battery R is also

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gearing up inevitably the price of

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lithium crashed but now you must be

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wondering why was I talking about

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Reliance in the intro where does

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Reliance comes into picture well while

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everyone was only focused on the

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Glamorous Amani wedding Reliance already

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took a very strategic decision for our

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Indian battery Market in the year 2022

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Reliance acquired 100% shareholding in

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fadan limited for15 million fadan is a

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UK based company that produces sodium

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ion batteries Kate was really developed

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in the UK we're making the UK the the

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global Center of Excellence for sodium

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ion technology but at the same time we

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were acquired by Reliance Industries at

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the end of last year and Reliance is

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planning to open Giga factories to make

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sodium ion batteries using fadan

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technology so now not only we found

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lithium mines in jamu and Kashmir we

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also have a major company producing

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sodium ion batteries making India Future

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Ready but now the question that evolves

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here is since sodium ion batteries is

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better than lithium ion batteries in

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most of the aspects will it completely

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replace the lithium based batteries and

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will lithium ever regain its value well

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like I said there is one major drawback

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to sodium ion batteries sodium ion

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batteries are not as energy efficient as

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lithium ion batteries in simple words

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sodium ion batteries need to be 40%

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bigger than lithium ion batteries to

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produce the same am amount of energy

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it's not space efficient it can only be

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used in a places where space is not a

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big issue like heavy Vehicles charging

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stations data centers or renewable

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energy storage but EV cars require

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compact batteries which can fit without

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taking much space and there is no

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alternative to lithium ion batteries in

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that sense hence even though the price

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of lithium has crashed right now the

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demand for Ev cars will rise again

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ultimately pushing the demand for

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lithium as well lithium will regain its

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value and only time will tell when so

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viewers and subscribers that's the end

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of today's video and as usual I'll link

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down all the resources I used to make

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this video and if you found anything

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valuable please hit the like button and

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subscribe to the channel

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