Optimize & Control Your Brain Chemistry to Improve Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #80

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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[upbeat music]

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, we are going to discuss your brain chemistry

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and how to control and optimize your brain chemistry

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for all aspects of mental health,

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physical health, and performance.

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Many times before on the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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and frankly, every time I'm a guest on another podcast,

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I get questions about science and science-based tools

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for things like enhancing sleep,

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enhancing focus,

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enhancing creativity,

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improving relationships,

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getting over grief and on and on,

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all of which are valid questions

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and for which there are protocols that are based in science

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and that work the first time and every time.

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However far more important than knowing a protocol

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is understanding why a given protocol works.

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That's why I'm always hammering on mechanism

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and explaining the cells and circuits and chemicals,

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at least to some detail,

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so that people can understand not just what to do,

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but why it works and therefore,

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how to change a protocol

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as their life circumstances change,

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or as goals change.

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Now today we are going to go even a layer deeper.

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We're going to explore the foundations

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of your biology in your brain and body

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that allow any protocol to work

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because as it turns out,

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all of the protocols out there,

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whether or not it's a breathing protocol

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or a supplement or a prescription drug

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or an exercise routine,

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they all tap into and leverage

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a core set of just a few biological mechanisms.

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That's right,

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beneath everything you are able to do and feel

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and indeed beneath every protocol that allows you

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to change for the better

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and optimize your mental health,

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physical health, and performance,

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there's just a small subset of chemicals

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that you're leveraging toward that change.

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So today we are going to talk

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about the four major pillars of neurochemistry

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that allow you to, for instance,

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be focused when you want to focus,

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that allow you to relax

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when you need to relax and de-stress,

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that allow you to optimize your sleep,

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that allow you to optimize your exercise routine

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or to work through a pain point in relationship

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or in career or in your relationship to yourself.

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So what I can say for sure

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is that by the end of this episode,

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you will have a much richer understanding

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about how your brain and nervous system

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and indeed your entire body work.

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And you'll have a much firmer understanding

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as to which protocols and tools to reach for

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given your particular goals in the moment,

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in the day, across the week, across the month,

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across the year, and indeed across your entire lifespan.

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So what we're really going for today are principles,

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deeper understanding of why any given protocol works

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and we are also going to discuss specific protocols.

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Some of those protocols I've discussed

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on previous episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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but I must say,

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many of the protocols and tools that I will discuss

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are brand new and based on research

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that I have not discussed at all,

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simply because the research papers came out only recently,

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or these are papers that I only recently unearthed.

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In fact, I'm going to share with you two recent studies

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in a moment that are exceedingly important

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for optimizing your sleep

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and these are studies that, again,

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I've never discussed in any episode on sleep

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or on any other podcast.

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So by the end of today's episode,

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you're going to have far more knowledge

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about your biology and psychology than you did at the start

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and you'll be armed with many more tools

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and most importantly,

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principles so that you can navigate

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not just the tools presented on this podcast,

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but in the vast landscape of tools that are out there

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for mental health, physical health and performance.

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The Huberman Lab Podcast is proud to announce

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that we've partnered with Momentous supplements.

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We've done that for several reasons.

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First of all,

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the quality of their supplements is exceedingly high.

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Second of all,

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we wanted to have a location where you could find

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all of the supplements discussed on the Huberman Lab Podcast

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in one easy to find place.

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You can now find that place at livemomentous.com/huberman.

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In addition, Momentous supplements ship internationally,

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something that a lot of other supplement companies

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simply do not do.

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So that's terrific whether or not you live in the US

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or you live abroad.

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Right now, not all of the supplements

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that we discuss on the Huberman Lab Podcast are listed,

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but that catalog of supplements

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is being expanded very rapidly

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and a good number of them that we've talked about,

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some of the more prominent ones for sleep and focus

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and other aspects of mental and physical health

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are already there.

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Again, you can find them at livemomentous.com/huberman.

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Every so often, I come across a study or set of studies

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that I get so excited about

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that I start telling everybody in my immediate life

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and I insist on also sharing it with you,

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the listeners of this podcast,

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because I find the information

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to be so incredibly interesting and actionable.

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The two studies that I'm going to discuss

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both relate to sleep and sleep states

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and how to access better sleep.

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The first one was published in the journal Cell Reports,

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Cell Press journal, excellent journal.

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And the title of this paper is

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"Rapid and Reversible Control of Human Metabolism

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"by Individual Sleep States".

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We will provide a link to this study in the show captions.

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The first author is Nora Nowak, N-O-W-A-K.

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And basically what they did is they measured

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the different forms of metabolism that occur

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while humans sleep.

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As far as I know,

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this is one of the first studies of this kind.

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There are many studies of metabolism.

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There are many studies of sleep.

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This study focused on how different states of sleep

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such as rapid eye movement sleep,

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which is associated with dreaming

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and high emotional content dreams

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versus slow wave sleep,

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which tends to be more focused on physical repair

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of the body, more mundane dreams,

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how those different states of mind during sleep

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relate to different aspects of metabolism

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and what they found was absolutely fascinating.

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First of all,

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they found that sleep states regulate more than 50%,

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half of all the metabolite features detected

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in human breath.

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What does that mean?

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Well, it turns out that you can figure out

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what humans are metabolizing in particular,

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more lipids or more carbohydrate,

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whether or not they're relying more on glucose metabolism

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based on the contents of their breath.

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This is true during waking and during sleep.

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And this is what allowed them

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to do these incredible measurements

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of what's being metabolized during sleep.

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They measured close to 2000 metabolites in breath,

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every 10 seconds across the entire night's sleep.

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And what they found was that

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there are major pathways related to lipid metabolism,

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fat metabolism,

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or to carbohydrate metabolism

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or other forms of metabolism

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that are up or down regulated as human beings transition

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between slow wave sleep,

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rapid eye movement sleep

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and waking.

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And you might say waking?

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Well, yes, they also looked as people fell asleep

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and as they emerged from sleep.

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And believe it or not every so often during sleep,

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you wake up, you didn't know this,

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but you wake up in the middle of the night,

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you look around and you go back to sleep.

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You're not aware of it because you're still

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in a rather sleep like state, although you are awake.

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What they found was that sleep

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and the various states of sleep

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regulated individual metabolic pathways.

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They found for instance,

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that the switch from sleep to wakefulness

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reduces fatty acid oxidation.

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So that means while you're asleep,

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you're oxidating more fatty acids.

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And as you wake up, that becomes less the case.

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And there's a switch in slow wave sleep

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that increases fatty acid oxidation.

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And there's this transition from rapid eye movement sleep

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to other aspects of sleep

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that brings about things like the so-called TCA cycle.

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Some of you familiar with metabolism

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will be familiar with the TCA cycle,

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the so-called tricarboxylic acid cycle,

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intermediates, that's fancy nerd speak

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for specific aspects of metabolism being regulated

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during this rapid eye movement sleep transition.

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What does all this mean?

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And how is this actionable?

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Well, on many episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast

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such as the master sleep episode

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and the episode that we're going

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into in further depth today,

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we're going to talk about sleep and how to optimize sleep.

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It's been thought of,

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but not really tamped down

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that quality and depth of sleep and duration of sleep

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is important for metabolism during the daytime.

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And indeed that's the case.

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If people are sleep deprived or they're not sleeping enough,

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things like glucose metabolism, et cetera,

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get really disrupted during the daytime.

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But what this current study shows

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is that the metabolism that you experience during sleep,

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or to be more specific,

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the range of different types of metabolism

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that you experience during sleep

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may serve to tune up

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or to ensure that the specific aspects of metabolism

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that you require during wakefulness are working properly.

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In addition to that,

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this study clearly shows that getting enough sleep

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allows you to transition

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through all the various forms of metabolism

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and use all those different forms

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of metabolites during sleep

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in a way that's immensely beneficial

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for the systems of your brain and body.

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So the take home message here is that,

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as the author state,

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sleep and experiencing the different states of sleep,

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slow wave sleep early in the night, predominantly,

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plus rapid eye movement sleep toward the end of the night

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is extremely important for optimizing metabolic circuits

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for human performance and health.

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In other words, by not getting sufficient duration sleep,

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you're not allowing your body

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and brain to transition through all the different aspects

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of fuel utilization

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and you're not teaching your brain and body

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how to use similar types of fuels during wakefulness.

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So again, all of this points to the fact

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that we need to be getting sufficient quality

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and duration of sleep.

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So if you're sleep deprived, even by an hour or so,

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you're going to get far less rapid eye movement sleep

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because rapid eye movement sleep is what occurs

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toward the end of a sleep night.

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During the early part of the night,

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far more slow wave sleep.

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In getting less rapid eye movement sleep,

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we know it makes you more emotionally labile,

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but now we know it's also going to alter certain forms

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of glucose metabolism

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during the night

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and during wakefulness.

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So that all underscores the need to get sleep.

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But then the question is how to get enough sleep

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and how to make sure you get

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into all these different sleep states.

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And this is particularly important

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for you so-called night owls.

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There's a lot of controversy out there

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as to whether or not different so-called chronotypes exist,

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that is people who just naturally or genetically

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want to be an early bird,

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wake up early and go to bed early.

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So these people that wake up at 4:00 AM

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and would be most comfortable going to bed

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by seven or 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM.

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Then they are so called night owls,

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people that would feel best or tend to feel best

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when they go to sleep at 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM, even 3:00 AM,

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and like to wake up later 8:00, 9:00, 10:00,

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or even 11:00 AM or noon.

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And then of course,

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most people go to sleep somewhere

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between 10:00 PM and midnight

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and wake up somewhere between 5:00 AM and 7:00 AM,

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or I suppose more typically 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM.

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Now whether or not real chronotypes exist

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or whether or not people simply select schedules

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for sleep and wakefulness that they like

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because of their social schedules

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or the activities they enjoy.

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For instance, some people like to really go out,

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they like to go out dancing or hear music,

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or spend time in venues that are only open late at night,

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and don't even open until noon or after.

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Other people like myself rarely go out at night

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but I like to get up early.

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I like to exercise.

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I like to see the sunrise, et cetera.

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So I don't know if I'm a morning person

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or an evening person.

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I just know the things I enjoy

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tend to happen in the early part of the day.

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And the things that I don't enjoy quite as much

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tend to happen late at night.

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Regardless of whether or not

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there are real genetic propensities

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to be a night owl or an early bird

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or a sort of typical person right there in the middle,

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it's very important that people

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have some control over their sleep schedule

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and even more important,

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that people are able to get sufficient amount

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of REM sleep and slow wave sleep,

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for many reasons,

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but including the reasons I discussed

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in the previous study related to metabolism.

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I'm very excited, therefore,

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about a study that came out in sleep medicine.

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This was a few years ago, but somehow I missed this one.

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It was published in 2019.

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And the title of this article is

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"Resetting the Late Timing of 'Night Owls'

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"Has a Positive Impact on Mental Health,

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"Physical Health and Performance".

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This is a study done in humans,

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focusing specifically on people

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that like to stay up late and sleep in,

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but who desire to be able to get up and feel alert

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in order to go to work or study

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and they want to go to sleep a bit earlier.

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And so there are a lot of questions

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embedded in this study in particular,

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whether or not people can actually shift their schedule

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by a few hours or more.

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Some people out there contend that if you're a night owl,

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that's just going to be impossible

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or very, very challenging to do.

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Turns out it's not impossible

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and it's not even that challenging to do

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provided you do the right things.

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Just a brief overview of the study

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and then I'll give you the key takeaways.

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It was a randomized control trial.

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It involved a number of different people,

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both male and female.

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And what they did was they used non-pharmacological,

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practical interventions in a real world setting,

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here I'm paraphrasing.

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They used targeted light exposure.

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They used consistent sleep, wake times.

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They used fixed meal times,

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caffeine intake and exercise.

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And this is one of the reasons I love this study so much

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because I've done episodes

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where I've talked about temperature,

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exercise, feeding, and most importantly,

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light exposure as a way to control

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and shift your sleep wake cycles,

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your so-called circadian timing and entrainment.

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What did they find?

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Well, they found "Significant improvements

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"in terms of mood so far less depression and stress",

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subjectively measured,

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"as well as improved cognitive performance",

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that was objectively measured.

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So improved reaction times,

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improved physical grip strength,

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which is actually a measure not just of strength per se,

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but also of nervous system function

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and a number of things that people could do

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in order to optimize their morning hours,

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even though they were night owls previously.

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What did they have people do?

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Well, I'm going to just going to list this off

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sort of rapid fire succession.

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Then we'll provide a link to the study

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if you want to learn more.

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First of all, they told participants

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to try and wake up two to three hours

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before their typical wake up time,

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two to three hours.

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That seems brutal to me

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and probably seems brutal to you

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if you're somebody who typically wakes up at 10:00 AM

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to try and get up at eight or even 7:00 AM consistently,

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but they were also asked to maximize

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outdoor light exposure during the mornings

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for reasons that if you've listened to this podcast before,

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if you've heard me talk about before,

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you know, that I'm constantly talking about,

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I'll probably go into the grave shouting,

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please get as much light exposure

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from sunlight early in the day as possible

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because it sets in motion

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a huge number of things that are beneficial

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for your mental health and physical health,

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including dopamine production,

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timing melatonin production correctly,

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reducing cortisol peaks late in the day,

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et cetera, et cetera.

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So they asked them to get a lot of outdoor light exposure.

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They didn't give them a specific amount.

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What they said,

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maximize outdoor light exposure during the mornings,

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the time before noon.

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And again, they had them waking up two to three hours

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before their habitual wake up time.

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They were also told,

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and this is very important

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if you're going to shift your schedule earlier,

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to try and keep sleep wake times fixed

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between their work days and their weekends.

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So not sleeping in on the weekends

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or not having any sleep in days,

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regardless of how well they slept the night before.

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How fixed?

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Within 15 to 30 minutes of their pre-designated time.

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So if they were waking up at seven o'clock one day,

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they set their alarm and they made sure they got out of bed

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at seven o'clock every day plus or minus 30 minutes,

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but never later than 7:30,

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never earlier than 6:30.

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Participants were also asked to try and go to sleep

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two to three hours before their habitual bedtime.

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So again, these are people that want to stay up late,

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like 11:00 PM, perhaps,

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but even as late as 1:00 AM or 2:00 AM.

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And now they are asked to go to sleep

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two to three hours before their habitual bedtime

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and to wake up two to three hours earlier,

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as I mentioned earlier.

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They were also told,

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and I love this because it fits with many of the things

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we've talked about on this podcast before,

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to try and limit light exposure during the evenings,

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dim the lights or limit altogether artificial lights.

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Lot of reasons for that,

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I covered that in the Master Sleep episode,

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I covered that in the Optimized Health Using Light episode.

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You can find those at HubermanLab.com.

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They're asking them to do that here.

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And they asked participants to keep a regular schedule

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for their daily meals,

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not eating on the hour consistently,

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you know, at 9:00 AM, noon, 3:00 PM, exactly.

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But within again, about 15 to 30 minutes,

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they're always eating at the same times.

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That was also important.

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And again, that's because we have these so-called

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food in trained circadian clocks.

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When you eat, tells your body when to be alert

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and when you're not eating, when to be asleep.

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And they were told to not drink any caffeine

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after 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

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Another theme that we've talked about on this podcast.

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They were also told not to take naps after 4:00 PM.

Time: 1001.88

Naps are an interesting feature of the sleep wake cycle.

Time: 1005.18

To be very brief about this

Time: 1007.01

and to pull from the episode

Time: 1008.33

that I did with world sleep expert

Time: 1010.13

from the University of California Berkeley, Matt Walker,

Time: 1013.01

naps are great for many people,

Time: 1015.17

but don't nap if it interferes with your nighttime sleep.

Time: 1018.02

And in this study, they told them don't nap after 4:00 PM.

Time: 1021.59

And if you are a napper, don't nap for more than 90 minutes.

Time: 1024.98

10 minute naps are fine.

Time: 1025.94

20 minute naps are fine.

Time: 1027.17

Zero minute naps are fine,

Time: 1028.85

but don't nap for more than 90 minutes.

Time: 1030.74

And don't nap after 4:00 PM.

Time: 1032.18

And to exercise during the morning.

Time: 1035.87

Now this one can be a bit controversial

Time: 1037.46

because I know a lot of the PTs out there

Time: 1039.29

and a lot of the online, you know,

Time: 1042.41

gym rats and people who,

Time: 1043.94

and runners too, for that matter,

Time: 1045.71

will say, well according to body temperature and research,

Time: 1049.31

it's best to exercise in the afternoon.

Time: 1051.14

Look, it's better to exercise sometime

Time: 1052.88

as opposed to no time,

Time: 1054.2

but if you're focused on how to shift your schedule earlier,

Time: 1057.44

meaning get up earlier and go to sleep earlier,

Time: 1059.27

this study had people exercise in the early part of the day,

Time: 1062.81

certainly before 2:00 PM and ideally before noon.

Time: 1065.72

So again, this is a really important study

Time: 1068.24

because it combines a lot of different variables

Time: 1071.42

to arrive at this very impressive shift

Time: 1073.64

where people can get up two to three hours earlier

Time: 1075.92

and then pretty consistently and reflexively

Time: 1077.72

start going to bed two to three hours earlier,

Time: 1079.49

feeling more alert during the day,

Time: 1080.81

again, improvements in cognitive performance,

Time: 1082.49

mood and physical performance, grip, strength, et cetera.

Time: 1086.09

Very few studies are able to

Time: 1088.55

or are willing to tackle so many variables

Time: 1091.1

and combine them in one study.

Time: 1092.96

This paper, I think, does a marvelous job of doing this

Time: 1095.57

and is incorporating things that individually,

Time: 1098

each have some support for them

Time: 1099.71

in animal studies and previous human studies.

Time: 1102.05

But as far as I know,

Time: 1102.883

this is one of the few studies

Time: 1104.27

that really combines all these different features

Time: 1107.12

in one place,

Time: 1108.92

eating times, keeping those consistent,

Time: 1111.26

getting maximal sunlight exposure earlier in the day,

Time: 1115.22

getting up at a consistent time,

Time: 1116.66

going to sleep at a consistent time and on and on.

Time: 1120.2

It's a really marvelous study for that reason.

Time: 1121.91

And I think for any of you that are night owls

Time: 1124.31

and any of you that want to reinforce your early waking

Time: 1127.76

and early to bed times,

Time: 1129.5

and I think for most all of you

Time: 1131.36

who fall into that general middle category

Time: 1133.55

of tend to go to sleep somewhere

Time: 1134.93

between 10:00 PM and midnight,

Time: 1136.25

'cause that's most people

Time: 1137.12

and tend to wake up sometime between 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM,

Time: 1140.63

well, maybe you want to become more of an early riser

Time: 1142.58

or maybe you're going to travel

Time: 1144.2

or the seasons are changing and you want to shift your time

Time: 1147.17

or you have a new job, et cetera,

Time: 1148.94

or something that's actually very common

Time: 1150.8

in terms of relationship struggle.

Time: 1152.03

You want to match your wake sleep times,

Time: 1154.58

or maybe you want to offset your wake sleep times

Time: 1157.07

from a significant other,

Time: 1159.14

these sorts of approaches that I described here

Time: 1161.3

and that are supported by the data in this paper

Time: 1163.94

are absolutely powerful and science supported.

Time: 1166.73

And I'm certain that if you were to apply them,

Time: 1168.23

that you would see essentially the same effects

Time: 1170.27

that were observed here.

Time: 1171.23

Before we begin,

Time: 1172.07

I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

Time: 1173.78

is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

Time: 1176.3

It is however, part of my desire and effort

Time: 1178.4

to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

Time: 1180.95

and science related tools to the general public.

Time: 1183.53

In keeping with that theme,

Time: 1184.58

I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

Time: 1187.1

Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens now called AG1.

Time: 1190.58

AG1 is an all-in-one vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 1194.33

that also includes adaptogens

Time: 1195.83

and digestive enzymes for health.

Time: 1197.6

Now the probiotics are particularly important to me

Time: 1199.61

because there is now a wealth of data

Time: 1201.41

showing that our gut microbiome,

Time: 1202.94

that is trillions of little microbacteria

Time: 1204.74

that are good for us,

Time: 1205.97

impact our immune system, our hormones,

Time: 1208.67

and the so-called gut brain access,

Time: 1210.56

the connections between our gut and our brain

Time: 1212.6

that go in both directions,

Time: 1213.74

gut to brain and brain to gut,

Time: 1215.78

that control things like our mood,

Time: 1217.79

our ability to think clearly

Time: 1219.32

and focus and overall brain health.

Time: 1221.93

And with AG1, I'm able to optimize that gut brain access

Time: 1225.89

through the probiotics and the vitamins, minerals,

Time: 1228.35

adaptogens and digestive enzymes,

Time: 1230.3

support a number of other things

Time: 1231.89

that relate to immediate and long-term health.

Time: 1233.48

In fact, anytime people ask me,

Time: 1235.04

what's the one supplement they should take,

Time: 1236.96

I say AG1 Athletic Greens,

Time: 1239.27

because it's going to cover all of your bases

Time: 1241.7

to the greatest degree.

Time: 1243.59

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 1244.97

you can go to athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 1247.61

to claim a special offer.

Time: 1248.75

They'll give you five free travel packs

Time: 1250.52

that make it easy to mix up AG1 while you're on the road.

Time: 1253.55

And they'll give you a year supply of vitamin D3 K2.

Time: 1256.67

Vitamin D3 and K2 are important

Time: 1258.59

for cardiovascular function and calcium regulation,

Time: 1261.23

and a number of other important aspects of health.

Time: 1263.63

Again, go to athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 1266.96

to claim that special offer

Time: 1268.28

of the five free travel packs

Time: 1269.54

and the year supply of vitamin D3 K2.

Time: 1272.45

Today's episode is also brought to us by Thesis.

Time: 1274.97

Thesis makes custom nootropics.

Time: 1277.25

And frankly, I'm not a big fan of the word nootropics.

Time: 1280.43

I've said that on various podcasts and on social media posts

Time: 1283.01

and the reason I'm not a fan of the word nootropics

Time: 1284.75

is it means smart drugs,

Time: 1286.58

but as a neuroscientist,

Time: 1288.17

I know that we don't have circuits in the brain

Time: 1290.75

or chemicals in the brain for being smart.

Time: 1292.85

We have circuits in the brain for focus

Time: 1295.01

and for task switching and for creativity.

Time: 1297.02

And oftentimes, those circuits differ from one another,

Time: 1299.39

although they collaborate to create things

Time: 1301.1

that we think of as intelligence

Time: 1302.81

or focus or creativity, et cetera.

Time: 1305.06

Thesis understands this and for that reason

Time: 1307.19

has developed custom nootropics

Time: 1308.93

that are matched to your particular goals

Time: 1310.85

and to your particular biology.

Time: 1313.25

They give you the opportunity

Time: 1314.12

to try several different blends over the course of a month

Time: 1316.31

and discover which ones work best for you

Time: 1318.02

and which ones don't.

Time: 1319.58

In addition to that personalization,

Time: 1321.08

they take it a step further

Time: 1322.01

by offering free consultations with a coach

Time: 1324.35

to help you optimize your experience

Time: 1325.85

and dial in your perfect formulas.

Time: 1328.25

I've be using Thesis for about eight months now

Time: 1330.56

and I can confidently say that their nootropics

Time: 1332.9

are the best that I've ever used.

Time: 1334.7

My go-to formula is the Clarity formula

Time: 1336.98

or the Motivation formula

Time: 1338.24

when I'm going to work or work out,

Time: 1340.01

meaning I'm going to do focus cognitive work,

Time: 1342.14

or I'm going to exercise.

Time: 1343.19

I also like their Energy formula prior to exercise.

Time: 1345.89

To get your own personalized nootropic starter kit,

Time: 1347.87

go online to takethesis.com/huberman.

Time: 1351.05

You can take a three minute quiz that will help match you

Time: 1353.6

to the best custom nootropics to start with.

Time: 1355.82

And Thesis will send you four different formulas

Time: 1357.95

to try in that first month.

Time: 1359.33

Again, that's takethesis.com/huberman

Time: 1362

and use the code Huberman at checkout

Time: 1363.53

to get 10% off your first order.

Time: 1365.72

Today's episode is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

Time: 1368.33

InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

Time: 1370.97

that analyzes data from your blood and your DNA

Time: 1373.67

to help you better understand your body

Time: 1375.2

and help you reach your health goals.

Time: 1377.12

I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

Time: 1379.94

for the simple reason that many of the things

Time: 1381.92

that impact your immediate and long-term health

Time: 1384.11

can only be measured from a quality blood test.

Time: 1387.11

And nowadays with the advent of modern DNA test,

Time: 1389.6

you can also get insight into, for instance,

Time: 1391.97

what is your biological age

Time: 1393.35

and how does that compare to your chronological age?

Time: 1395.45

And of course, your biological age

Time: 1396.95

is really the one that matters.

Time: 1399.5

With InsideTracker, there's an additional advantage

Time: 1401.6

over other blood tests and DNA tests.

Time: 1403.4

And that is with many blood tests and DNA tests out there,

Time: 1406.22

you get information back about hormones, lipids, et cetera,

Time: 1409.55

but you don't know what to do with that information.

Time: 1411.32

With InsideTracker, they have a very simple,

Time: 1413.48

easy to use personalized platform

Time: 1416.63

that tells you what sorts of changes

Time: 1418.82

to make in your nutrition,

Time: 1420.32

possible changes to supplementation,

Time: 1422.15

behavioral changes, et cetera,

Time: 1423.71

that will allow you to bring the numbers

Time: 1425.78

related to your hormones and your lipids, et cetera,

Time: 1428.06

into the ranges that are optimal for your mental health,

Time: 1430.49

physical health and performance goals.

Time: 1432.32

If you'd like to try InsideTracker

Time: 1433.253

you can go to insidetracker.com/huberman

Time: 1436.85

to get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 1439.88

That's insidetracker.com/huberman to get 20% off.

Time: 1443.72

Let's talk about how to optimize

Time: 1445.31

and indeed how to control your brain chemistry

Time: 1448.4

for a sake of health and performance.

Time: 1450.86

Now in order to do that,

Time: 1452.66

we all need to be on the same page

Time: 1454.13

about some basic facts.

Time: 1456.05

Some of those basic facts

Time: 1457.19

involve learning some basic biology.

Time: 1459.467

And I promise that even if you don't have a biology

Time: 1461.96

or chemistry background,

Time: 1463.34

everything I'm about to say should be accessible

Time: 1465.5

and clear to you.

Time: 1467.75

The important thing to know

Time: 1468.74

is that your brain and your spinal cord

Time: 1471.83

and the rest of your so-called nervous system

Time: 1475.16

control all the organs of your body

Time: 1477.23

and that all the organs of your body feed back,

Time: 1480.17

meaning they communicate through chemicals and other means,

Time: 1483.14

to your nervous system.

Time: 1484.91

Now your nervous system plays a particularly important role

Time: 1488.15

in generating everything from sleep

Time: 1490.13

to wakefulness, creativity,

Time: 1492.02

stress, calm, et cetera,

Time: 1494.69

by way of a particular type of cell-cell interaction.

Time: 1499.43

And that's called synaptic communication.

Time: 1502.88

What is synaptic communication?

Time: 1504.59

Well, in order to understand that

Time: 1506.81

let's dial back a little bit further

Time: 1508.67

and try and understand for a moment

Time: 1510.83

what makes up your nervous system.

Time: 1513.26

In its simplest form,

Time: 1514.22

your nervous system is made of nerve cells

Time: 1516.65

that we call neurons.

Time: 1518.6

Neurons communicate with one another through chemicals.

Time: 1521.84

They release certain chemicals that make other neurons

Time: 1525.29

more or less likely to be electrically active.

Time: 1528.53

What do we mean by electrically active?

Time: 1530.27

We mean,

Time: 1531.83

as it sounds,

Time: 1532.85

electricity passing down through cells

Time: 1536.33

and then literally causing electricity in other cells.

Time: 1540.32

The simplest way to think about this

Time: 1541.85

is maybe when you were a kid or maybe even still now,

Time: 1544.34

you would wear socks and you'd shuffle along the floor

Time: 1546.83

to generate some static electricity,

Time: 1547.91

and then you'd touch someone [playful whirring]

Time: 1549.68

and you'd shock them with your finger.

Time: 1551.84

I'm a younger brother

Time: 1552.68

so I'd occasionally do that to my sister.

Time: 1554.72

I had friends, we would do that to one another.

Time: 1556.4

I know it's kind of silly and childish,

Time: 1558.62

yet, it illustrates the principle

Time: 1560.24

that we can generate electricity and pass electricity

Time: 1563.87

to other beings or in the case of neurons,

Time: 1566.54

from one neuron to the next.

Time: 1568.13

The way neurons do that,

Time: 1569.57

is that in between the neurons,

Time: 1571.58

they're little spaces,

Time: 1572.45

those little spaces are called synapses

Time: 1575.03

and neurons literally vomit,

Time: 1578.06

well, they don't literally vomit,

Time: 1579.38

but they release little packets

Time: 1581.63

of so-called transmitter chemical

Time: 1584.66

into that space we call a synapse.

Time: 1586.67

It travels across the synapse.

Time: 1588.71

It attaches to the cell on the other side,

Time: 1591.29

the other neuron.

Time: 1592.123

And then depending on what that chemical is,

Time: 1594.22

it either makes that next neuron more electrically active

Time: 1597.86

or less electrically active,

Time: 1599.15

so called excitation,

Time: 1600.77

it either excites the next neuron

Time: 1602.69

to be electrically active also,

Time: 1604.88

or it inhibits, it prevents the next neuron

Time: 1608.24

from being electrically active.

Time: 1610.43

So again, very simply,

Time: 1611.39

we have nerve cells that communicate with one another

Time: 1613.49

through electricity and chemicals

Time: 1615.62

that inspire that electricity

Time: 1617.57

and the little gaps between neurons are called synapses.

Time: 1621.59

If you can understand that,

Time: 1622.79

I'm certain you can make it through the rest of the episode

Time: 1624.77

and that you'll get all the depth and important detail

Time: 1627.86

that you need to know.

Time: 1629.51

But I want to go just a little bit further

Time: 1631.58

and explain that neurons don't just talk one-to-one.

Time: 1635.21

There are trillions of neurons in your nervous system

Time: 1637.94

that allow you to be happy, to be in love,

Time: 1640.31

to be sad, to be in grief,

Time: 1642.14

to remember things and so on.

Time: 1644.93

And what you do at any moment,

Time: 1647.78

what you feel and what you think

Time: 1650.18

relates to which so-called neural circuits are active.

Time: 1654.89

So a lot of times we think about brain areas

Time: 1656.78

and we've all seen these pictures of the brain

Time: 1658.28

where, you know, someone was in a fMRI scanner,

Time: 1662.15

or they were in a brain scanner of some sort,

Time: 1664.43

and they saw a picture of something

Time: 1666.38

and a certain area of the brain lights up as it's called.

Time: 1669.62

That lighting up of the brain really reflects

Time: 1671.48

the activity of hundreds, if not thousands,

Time: 1673.58

maybe even millions of neurons in that region.

Time: 1677.09

Those images of brain areas lighting up

Time: 1679.43

and indeed talking about brain areas lighting up,

Time: 1681.74

can be a little bit or a lot misleading

Time: 1683.54

because in fact, no single brain area

Time: 1685.85

controls any one single perception

Time: 1688.58

or behavior or feeling state.

Time: 1690.56

Rather, we have so-called neuro circuits,

Time: 1693.02

chains of neurons,

Time: 1694.76

chains of specific neurons that is,

Time: 1697.76

that create different states of mind

Time: 1700.19

that lead to specific behaviors

Time: 1702.38

that lead to specific emotional states.

Time: 1705.2

And those neural circuits are made up

Time: 1706.97

of lots of different brain areas that light up

Time: 1709.13

in particular sequences.

Time: 1710.36

And when I say light up, excuse me,

Time: 1712.76

what I mean is that particular brain areas either excite

Time: 1717.05

or prevent the excitation,

Time: 1718.79

that is they inhibit other brain areas

Time: 1720.95

in a particular sequence.

Time: 1722.57

Much like keys on a piano played in a particular sequence,

Time: 1726.26

makes up a particular song,

Time: 1728.15

particular brain areas activated or made silent

Time: 1732.08

in a particular sequence

Time: 1733.43

leads to a particular behavior

Time: 1735.98

like getting up out of a chair

Time: 1737.66

or a particular feeling state

Time: 1739.52

like being particularly happy one day when you wake up

Time: 1742.22

or particularly depressed,

Time: 1743.96

whether or not that depression is caused by a life event

Time: 1747.08

or whether not it arises spontaneously.

Time: 1749.6

So we have neurons, we have synapses

Time: 1751.55

and we have neural circuits.

Time: 1754.16

And vitally important is the fact that

Time: 1757.13

which neural circuits are active

Time: 1759.95

and which neural circuits are likely to be less active

Time: 1763.19

at any given moment,

Time: 1764.9

depends on two major categories of chemicals.

Time: 1768.74

It depends on hormones

Time: 1770.72

and it depends on so-called neuromodulators.

Time: 1774.44

Now we're mainly going to focus on neuromodulators today

Time: 1776.87

because those are the things

Time: 1778.31

that if you can learn to control them,

Time: 1780.2

and indeed there are tools to control them,

Time: 1782.51

then you can control which neural circuits

Time: 1785.96

are more likely or less likely to be active

Time: 1788.33

in you at any given moment.

Time: 1790.1

And in doing so,

Time: 1791.877

you can control whether or not

Time: 1793.481

you are going to be alert and focused or deeply asleep.

Time: 1797.192

You can control whether or not

Time: 1798.603

you are going to be in a creative state

Time: 1800.404

or whether or not you're going to be in a state of mind

Time: 1802.58

more fit, more capable that is

Time: 1805.43

of doing focused work or math

Time: 1807.95

or more so-called linear types of work

Time: 1809.75

where there's a correct answer.

Time: 1810.95

There's a specific thing to follow

Time: 1813.14

and you're simply going to plug and chug as it were

Time: 1815.81

through a particular set of steps

Time: 1818.18

in order to accomplish something.

Time: 1819.41

Or for instance,

Time: 1820.64

whether or not you're going to be in a more relaxed

Time: 1822.74

and creative state where you're thinking about new ideas

Time: 1825.74

or new ideas just seem to be spontaneously coming to mind.

Time: 1829.82

All of that can be controlled

Time: 1832.73

to a considerable extent

Time: 1834.86

by leveraging these so-called neuromodulators.

Time: 1838.13

What are neuromodulators?

Time: 1839.87

Neuromodulators are particular chemicals

Time: 1844.1

that make it likely

Time: 1845.72

that certain neuro circuits will be active and not others.

Time: 1848.78

And the four neuromodulators

Time: 1850.52

that we're going to talk about today

Time: 1851.84

that are of the utmost importance for your goals

Time: 1855.59

are dopamine,

Time: 1857.96

epinephrine also called adrenaline,

Time: 1860.39

serotonin and acetylcholine.

Time: 1863.36

That's dopamine, epinephrine,

Time: 1865.28

serotonin and acetylcholine.

Time: 1868.07

Today, I'm going to teach you

Time: 1869.27

how each of those different categories

Time: 1871.16

of neuromodulators work

Time: 1873.41

and the things that you can do

Time: 1875.3

to control those neuromodulators,

Time: 1878.24

that is increase them or decrease them

Time: 1881.39

through behavioral tools and supplementation,

Time: 1884.63

in ways that allow you to access

Time: 1886.85

the brain and body states that you want

Time: 1889.04

at the times that you want.

Time: 1890.75

Just very quickly.

Time: 1891.71

I want to talk about how neuromodulators are able to work,

Time: 1895.1

regardless of whether or not it's dopamine

Time: 1896.81

or serotonin or epinephrine, et cetera.

Time: 1900.59

There are many features of how neuromodulators work,

Time: 1903.38

but for sake of today's discussion,

Time: 1905.6

we only need to focus on two of those features.

Time: 1908.09

And those are fast-acting features

Time: 1910.52

and longer slower features

Time: 1912.38

or what we call baseline features.

Time: 1915.02

What am I talking about when I say faster or baseline?

Time: 1918.74

Well, consider that at any given moment,

Time: 1921.8

whether or not you're asleep or awake,

Time: 1923.42

whether or not it's morning or afternoon or night,

Time: 1925.91

you have some amount of dopamine

Time: 1928.46

being released in your brain and body,

Time: 1930.5

some amount of serotonin,

Time: 1932.09

some amount of epinephrine

Time: 1933.68

and some amount of acetylcholine.

Time: 1936.59

It is rarely, if ever the case,

Time: 1939.29

that you have zero dopamine or zero serotonin.

Time: 1942.833

You know, so often we hear about someone

Time: 1944.09

being dopamine depleted

Time: 1945.47

or these days, you hear a lot about that anyways.

Time: 1947.72

Or you'll hear that people's serotonin is bottomed out.

Time: 1951.68

In reality, none of these neuromodulators

Time: 1953.87

ever disappear completely,

Time: 1956.21

but they tend to be present at different levels

Time: 1959.09

or different relative levels.

Time: 1960.95

Another important thing to point out

Time: 1962.66

is that they don't work alone.

Time: 1965.09

In fact, as you'll soon learn,

Time: 1966.71

dopamine and epinephrine are close cousins

Time: 1970.04

that collaborate in terms of creating states

Time: 1973.1

of focus and motivation, for instance,

Time: 1975.41

or in creating states of energy

Time: 1978.08

and the pursuit of particular goals.

Time: 1979.913

When I say they're close cousins,

Time: 1981.38

what I mean is that they tend to impact

Time: 1984.83

some of the same neural circuits.

Time: 1987.17

And believe it or not,

Time: 1988.31

dopamine and epinephrine are chemically related, too.

Time: 1991.79

I'll just tell you right now

Time: 1992.69

that epinephrine is actually derived from dopamine,

Time: 1996.2

chemically epinephrine, that is adrenaline,

Time: 1999.89

is made from the molecule dopamine.

Time: 2002.74

Now dopamine and serotonin can also work together

Time: 2006.28

to impact certain circuits in the brain.

Time: 2008.29

But in large part,

Time: 2009.85

they operate on separate circuits.

Time: 2012.1

And acetylcholine,

Time: 2014.44

which you'll soon learn is involved

Time: 2015.79

in states of focus and can actually open up,

Time: 2018.21

it can literally create states in the mind

Time: 2021.52

in which your brain is more plastic

Time: 2023.74

and able to change and learn more quickly.

Time: 2026.35

Well, acetylcholine can do that on its own,

Time: 2028.75

but rarely does it do it on its own.

Time: 2031.21

More typically, it gets assistance

Time: 2033.4

from some of the other neuromodulators.

Time: 2035.29

Now that might seem like it complicates the picture,

Time: 2037.06

but it actually makes the picture far simpler

Time: 2039.34

because what we can say for sure

Time: 2041.41

is that the fast actions of dopamine

Time: 2044.86

or the fast actions of epinephrine,

Time: 2046.6

serotonin or acetylcholine

Time: 2048.46

are actions that occur on the order of seconds or minutes

Time: 2051.97

or up to about an hour or so.

Time: 2054.01

Whereas the slower actions of those neuromodulators

Time: 2057.25

tend to occur on the order of hours, days, or even weeks.

Time: 2061.33

Now perhaps surprisingly,

Time: 2062.65

I'd like to focus on the slow actions

Time: 2064.51

of the neuromodulators first,

Time: 2066.4

because those slow actions of the neuromodulators

Time: 2069.31

are happening in you and in me and in everyone right now,

Time: 2073.24

and they set the backdrop,

Time: 2074.86

the context in which the various tools

Time: 2077.89

to manipulate dopamine, epinephrine, serotonin,

Time: 2080.71

or acetylcholine will work.

Time: 2083.68

What do I mean by the context

Time: 2085.03

or the backdrop or the baseline?

Time: 2087.07

Well, it's fair to say that most people

Time: 2090.55

are awake during the daytime and asleep at night.

Time: 2092.71

I do realize that there are people

Time: 2094.33

who are going to be doing shift work

Time: 2097.36

or they're raising young children,

Time: 2099.22

or that might have a sick person at home

Time: 2101.95

that they're tending to, et cetera,

Time: 2103.24

or even have insomnia, they're tending to them.

Time: 2105.82

So schedules of sleep and wakefulness will vary,

Time: 2109.12

but in general, everybody,

Time: 2111.13

regardless of whether or not you're nocturnal

Time: 2113.29

or you're, so-called, diurnal, your awake during the day,

Time: 2116.53

pretty much everybody follows a schedule in which

Time: 2119.5

from zero to nine hours after waking,

Time: 2123.73

that is from the time you wake up

Time: 2125.08

until about nine hours later,

Time: 2128.29

the neuromodulators,

Time: 2130.12

dopamine and epinephrine,

Time: 2132.4

tend to be at their highest levels that they will be

Time: 2135.28

at any point in the 24-hour period,

Time: 2139.09

in any period of the day.

Time: 2141.07

So we can call this zero to nine hour period

Time: 2143.98

phase one of the day, just for simplicity.

Time: 2146.62

And I've referred to this before in a previous episode,

Time: 2149.8

but not in this exact context.

Time: 2153.49

From nine to about 16 hours is what we would call phase two.

Time: 2157.06

And that's when dopamine and epinephrine levels

Time: 2160.33

tend to subside a bit

Time: 2161.65

compared to the earlier phase one part of the day

Time: 2165.4

and serotonin levels start to increase.

Time: 2168.85

And then phase three of the 24-hour cycle,

Time: 2171.94

which is from about,

Time: 2173.2

and again about the zero approximates,

Time: 2175.42

from about 17 hours after waking

Time: 2177.43

until about 24 hours after waking

Time: 2180.04

is phase three of the day.

Time: 2182.44

And during that time,

Time: 2184.51

there is chaos in terms of which

Time: 2187.99

neuromodulators are most present in the brain.

Time: 2190.33

And by chaos, what I mean is that during sleep,

Time: 2193.57

you have incredible peaks in acetylcholine

Time: 2195.88

and drops in acetylcholine.

Time: 2197.92

You have incredible peaks in dopamine

Time: 2199.66

and drops in dopamine.

Time: 2201.55

You have incredible peaks in serotonin

Time: 2203.26

and drops in serotonin.

Time: 2205.15

Most often, you are not going to see

Time: 2207.73

much if any release of epinephrine, adrenaline,

Time: 2211.39

and that's because epinephrine,

Time: 2213.28

also called adrenaline,

Time: 2214.87

tends to wake us up and put us into action mode behaviors

Time: 2219.1

and that's simply not happening during sleep.

Time: 2221.2

But for the other three neuromodulators,

Time: 2223.51

across the night,

Time: 2225.07

it's sort of chaos.

Time: 2226.63

You've got peaks and drops and peaks and drops

Time: 2228.61

in different combinations

Time: 2229.72

than you would ever see in wakefulness.

Time: 2231.4

And this plays important roles in dreaming,

Time: 2233.29

important roles

Time: 2234.123

in some of the reparative functions of sleep.

Time: 2236.83

The point is that during that phase three,

Time: 2240.19

the levels of neuromodulators are all over the place,

Time: 2242.59

but it's not random, right?

Time: 2244.81

I say it's chaos, but it's organized

Time: 2246.94

according to the specific reparative goals of sleep,

Time: 2249.67

the specific metabolic roles of sleep, et cetera.

Time: 2252.61

We're not going to focus too much on phase three today

Time: 2255.52

because phase three of the 24-hour cycle,

Time: 2258.67

that 17 to 24-hour period,

Time: 2260.53

is one in which you ought to be deeply asleep,

Time: 2262.9

whether or not you're nocturnal or diurnal, right?

Time: 2264.88

17 hours after waking, you ought to be asleep.

Time: 2267.94

And there are a lot of episodes of this podcast.

Time: 2270.43

And indeed, today, I started talking about

Time: 2272.74

two particular studies related to sleep,

Time: 2275.074

and there are a lot of tools to enhance sleep, et cetera.

Time: 2277.81

And of course there are things that you can do

Time: 2279.34

in the late portion of phase two of the day

Time: 2283.03

in order to enhance your transition time

Time: 2285.73

into and depth of sleep.

Time: 2287.47

But you can't really do much during sleep, right?

Time: 2290.11

You're not taking supplements.

Time: 2291.25

You're not doing breathing practices.

Time: 2293.26

There are things to fall back asleep,

Time: 2294.247

but you're not really doing much during sleep.

Time: 2295.96

So we're mainly going to focus

Time: 2297.58

on what we're calling phase one and phase two.

Time: 2300.61

Phase one, being this dopamine

Time: 2302.5

epinephrine dominated phase of our day.

Time: 2304.72

And phase two being this more serotonergic

Time: 2307.75

or serotonin dominated portion of the day.

Time: 2310.03

And then you might say,

Time: 2310.87

well, what about acetylcholine?

Time: 2313.03

You forgot about acetylcholine?

Time: 2314.14

Well, we didn't forget about acetylcholine.

Time: 2315.73

Acetylcholine is under control

Time: 2318.73

more in terms of what we happen to be doing

Time: 2322.06

at any given moment,

Time: 2322.93

whether or not we're focusing or not focusing,

Time: 2324.76

whether or not we're learning or not learning.

Time: 2327.19

And here I'm referring to acetylcholine

Time: 2328.72

specifically in the context of the brain and thinking,

Time: 2331.75

because as some of you

Time: 2332.89

are probably shouting out there, right,

Time: 2334.9

if you're an exercise physiologist

Time: 2336.64

or you know anything about how the brain controls movement,

Time: 2340.27

acetylcholine is used at the nerve to muscle synapse, right?

Time: 2343.9

So neurons don't just control other neurons electrically.

Time: 2347.41

The way you are able to move in fact

Time: 2349.03

is because neurons are controlling

Time: 2350.26

the electric activity of muscles,

Time: 2353.47

literally the contraction of muscle fibers,

Time: 2355.27

and that control is exerted

Time: 2358.36

through the release of acetylcholine.

Time: 2359.71

So acetylcholine is working at muscles, as well,

Time: 2361.72

but we're not focused on that today.

Time: 2363.52

We're focused on what we can do

Time: 2366.52

during phase one of the day

Time: 2367.81

and what we can do during phase two of the day

Time: 2370.09

to control the specific neuromodulators,

Time: 2373.24

dopamine, epinephrine, serotonin, and acetylcholine,

Time: 2376.06

toward particular end goals.

Time: 2377.95

And as I've been harping on for the last five

Time: 2380.92

or 10 minutes or so,

Time: 2382.72

it is important to understand

Time: 2384.19

that in the early phase one part of the day,

Time: 2386.44

again, zero to nine hours,

Time: 2388.45

dopamine and epinephrine already

Time: 2391.42

dominate the neuromodulator landscape.

Time: 2394.78

That is they are already elevated

Time: 2396.76

and then they will taper off in phase two.

Time: 2398.71

Whereas in phase two of the day,

Time: 2400.39

serotonin tends to dominate

Time: 2402.46

more than dopamine and epinephrine.

Time: 2405.61

And so if you think about that,

Time: 2408.04

what it means is that if your goal

Time: 2409.72

is to increase serotonin

Time: 2411.67

in order to get some particular effect

Time: 2414.49

on your mental performance

Time: 2416.56

or physical performance or health,

Time: 2419.11

or if your goal is to increase your dopamine or epinephrine,

Time: 2422.92

to get some particular effect on your mental health,

Time: 2426.07

physical performance, et cetera,

Time: 2428.59

well, then you need to consider

Time: 2430.27

what the background level of dopamine

Time: 2433.18

or epinephrine or serotonin happens to be

Time: 2436

because in doing so,

Time: 2437.35

you will know which tool to select

Time: 2439.9

and how hard you need to push on that tool, right?

Time: 2444.01

If your levels of dopamine are already riding pretty high,

Time: 2447.19

because it's the early part of the day,

Time: 2449.08

well then it doesn't take a whole lot more

Time: 2451.99

to get dopamine to a level in which it can,

Time: 2454.87

for instance, change your level of motivation.

Time: 2457.12

Whereas if you are in the late part of the day,

Time: 2459.37

let's say eight or 9:00 PM,

Time: 2461.5

and you have a lot of serotonin

Time: 2463.66

swimming around in your system

Time: 2465.64

and you really need to be focused and alert,

Time: 2468.34

well, you can do that by leveraging the dopamine

Time: 2471.82

and epinephrine system

Time: 2472.81

and indeed the acetylcholine system too,

Time: 2475.06

but you're going to have to resort to tools

Time: 2477.85

that can do that far more potently

Time: 2480.25

and that can do that in a much more sustained way

Time: 2483.55

if you're going to access the state that you want.

Time: 2486.1

So again, it's really important to understand

Time: 2489.4

what the backdrop of these neuromodulators is,

Time: 2492.85

the so-called baseline

Time: 2494.32

and that they vary across the day

Time: 2496.48

if you are going to be able to leverage tools

Time: 2498.79

to optimize your brain chemistry.

Time: 2500.62

Anyone that tells you do this protocol

Time: 2502.93

in order to increase your dopamine,

Time: 2504.52

do this protocol,

Time: 2505.87

or take this supplement to increase your serotonin,

Time: 2508.6

they can be telling you the absolute truth,

Time: 2510.97

but if you don't consider the backdrop

Time: 2513.19

over which that supplement

Time: 2514.96

or behavior is going to have its effect,

Time: 2517.27

well, then you can't really predict the effect it will have.

Time: 2519.85

But if you can understand these backdrop baseline elements

Time: 2523.6

to how neuromodulators work,

Time: 2525.28

well, then you're in a terrific position

Time: 2526.93

to leverage the best tools

Time: 2528.82

in the immediate and short-term

Time: 2529.897

and that is on the order of seconds, minutes and hours.

Time: 2532.99

Before we dive into the more pointed,

Time: 2535.18

directed effects of specific tools on neuromodulators,

Time: 2539.11

I'd like to just briefly mention hormones

Time: 2541.21

because they are also important

Time: 2542.65

for understanding the background and the context

Time: 2546.49

and these baseline levels of neuromodulators.

Time: 2549.684

Now here, I'm going to paint with a bit of a broad brush,

Time: 2552.49

but what I will say is accurate,

Time: 2554.08

even though it might not be exhaustive.

Time: 2556.12

What I mean by that is everything I'm about to say is true,

Time: 2558.97

but it doesn't cover every example in detail

Time: 2561.34

and nuanced possibility out there.

Time: 2563.83

Hormones have many different effects on the brain and body

Time: 2568.03

and not unlike neuromodulators,

Time: 2569.59

some of those effects are very fast.

Time: 2571.66

Some of them are very slow.

Time: 2573.1

In fact, certain hormones,

Time: 2575.56

for instance, the steroid hormones,

Time: 2577.78

like estrogen and like testosterone

Time: 2581.35

and corticosteroids

Time: 2583.96

and here, of course,

Time: 2584.793

I'm referring to the steroid hormones for what they are.

Time: 2587.17

They are indeed steroid hormones,

Time: 2588.94

but I'm not talking about steroids

Time: 2591.1

that people inject for sports performance

Time: 2593.14

or for physical augmentation.

Time: 2594.31

I'm talking about the steroid hormones

Time: 2596.05

that you make naturally

Time: 2597.07

because indeed you make these naturally.

Time: 2599.44

Well, the steroid hormones

Time: 2601.42

can actually control gene expression.

Time: 2603.58

They can change the identity of cells

Time: 2605.38

and the genes and proteins that cells express.

Time: 2608.29

This is why during puberty, for instance,

Time: 2610.54

testosterone and estrogen are released into the body,

Time: 2613.15

growth hormone is released into the body

Time: 2614.95

and bodies and voices and personalities

Time: 2618.01

and brains change tremendously

Time: 2620.08

because literally there is a transformation

Time: 2622.57

of the breast tissue,

Time: 2624.82

of the testicular tissue,

Time: 2626.32

of the ovarian tissue, of the bones, of the muscles,

Time: 2629.92

of the tissues and cells that control hair growth.

Time: 2634.54

Gene expression changes in all those cell types.

Time: 2637.75

And the child becomes an adolescent,

Time: 2640.27

becomes a young adult, right?

Time: 2642.16

That's what puberty really is.

Time: 2643.78

In fact, puberty is perhaps

Time: 2645.31

the most dramatic transformation that we go through

Time: 2648.34

in our entire lifespan in terms of our aging,

Time: 2651.97

'cause indeed it reflects a very rapid,

Time: 2655.21

I should mention, period of aging

Time: 2657.01

and transformation of the identity of cells.

Time: 2659.83

So steroid hormones and other hormones

Time: 2661.48

can have very slow long-lasting actions in that way.

Time: 2666.13

They can also have very fast actions.

Time: 2668.29

So for instance,

Time: 2669.123

adrenaline, epinephrine, released from the adrenal glands

Time: 2672.52

can immediately make your heart beat faster,

Time: 2674.71

can immediately change the circumference

Time: 2677.65

of your blood vessels and arteries and capillaries

Time: 2681.04

and change the way blood flows.

Time: 2682.57

It can change the way you see the world, literally.

Time: 2685

It does change the way you see the world

Time: 2686.65

through your visual system.

Time: 2687.727

And that all happens on the order

Time: 2689.44

of hundreds of milliseconds or seconds,

Time: 2692.17

these are extremely fast actions.

Time: 2694.48

Corticosteroid also can have fast actions and slow actions.

Time: 2698.47

But since this isn't a discussion about hormones per se,

Time: 2703

and we've done entire episodes

Time: 2704.26

like the Optimize Testosterone and Estrogen episode.

Time: 2707.02

You can find that at HubermanLab.com.

Time: 2708.73

Or the interview with the incredibly knowledgeable

Time: 2712.06

and clear and

Time: 2714.76

really wonderful tutor of actionable information,

Time: 2718.6

Dr. Kyle Gillette, who is also on this podcast,

Time: 2720.49

you can learn a lot about hormones there.

Time: 2722.32

Today, we want to think about hormones

Time: 2723.67

as they relate to these neuromodulators,

Time: 2725.737

the dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine and acetylcholine,

Time: 2728.95

and in general,

Time: 2731.44

testosterone tends to collaborate with

Time: 2734.47

and increase the action of dopamine.

Time: 2737.23

That's not always the case, but in general,

Time: 2739.6

when testosterone goes up, dopamine goes up

Time: 2742.75

and sometimes even vice versa.

Time: 2744.49

When dopamine goes up, testosterone go up.

Time: 2746.56

And this is true for both males and for females.

Time: 2750.79

In general, when corticosteroids

Time: 2753.82

like cortisol and some related steroid hormones increase,

Time: 2758.47

epinephrine levels go up.

Time: 2760.42

And in general, when hormones like oxytocin

Time: 2763.54

or prolactin are increased,

Time: 2766.57

levels of serotonin go up.

Time: 2768.73

We can't draw a direct link

Time: 2770.44

between any one hormone system and acetylcholine.

Time: 2773.08

Acetylcholine kind of sits off

Time: 2774.34

in a category of its own in that way.

Time: 2776.5

But again, in general, testosterone and dopamine

Time: 2778.93

tend to collaborate in the same direction.

Time: 2781.63

Cortisol and epinephrine tend to collaborate

Time: 2784.66

in the same direction.

Time: 2787.18

Oxytocin and prolactin, which are hormones,

Time: 2790.3

and serotonin tend to collaborate in the same direction.

Time: 2793.75

And then we have poor old, lonely acetylcholine

Time: 2797.05

off on its own, but it's not poor and lonely.

Time: 2798.76

It actually has incredibly potent effects on its own.

Time: 2800.8

So it's really that it just doesn't mean much help

Time: 2802.96

from the hormone systems

Time: 2805.06

or at least not the steroid hormone systems

Time: 2806.77

in order to have its tremendous effects.

Time: 2809.2

Now a lot of what people think about

Time: 2810.49

and will do when trying to improve mental health

Time: 2813.37

and physical health

Time: 2814.42

is they will try and increase

Time: 2816.4

or decrease certain categories of hormones

Time: 2818.85

of the sort that I mentioned,

Time: 2819.88

testosterone, estrogen, oxytocin, and prolactin, so on.

Time: 2823.78

But oftentimes, the effects of those manipulations

Time: 2828.49

in hormones that are going to be most salient

Time: 2831.1

are not going to be due to the direct effects

Time: 2833.05

of those hormones.

Time: 2834.1

Sometimes it could be.

Time: 2835.48

But oftentimes it's going to be due to their effects

Time: 2838.18

on the brain and nervous system

Time: 2839.92

by way of how those hormones impact neuromodulators.

Time: 2844.09

So for instance,

Time: 2845.86

there are various things that people can do,

Time: 2847.42

both men and women,

Time: 2848.29

to increase their testosterone and estrogen

Time: 2850.75

in the appropriate ratios.

Time: 2852.55

I talked about one such approach in a previous episode,

Time: 2856.51

and that is to get sunlight

Time: 2858.88

onto a large portion of one's skin each day.

Time: 2863.74

Believe it or not, this actually works.

Time: 2865.84

And it works because your skin

Time: 2868.15

is actually an endocrine organ,

Time: 2869.59

a hormone secreting organ.

Time: 2871.93

It's a beautiful study.

Time: 2872.77

I've covered it on this podcast before.

Time: 2874.36

We will provide a link to this study again,

Time: 2876.1

but it had people spend at least 20 minutes or so,

Time: 2881.08

closer to 30 minutes, each day,

Time: 2882.61

trying to maximize sunlight exposure

Time: 2884.53

to as much of their skin as they could

Time: 2886.18

in terms of still maintaining decent exposure,

Time: 2889.45

meaning not over exposing themselves in a cultural way,

Time: 2891.97

meaning wearing enough clothes that they were decent,

Time: 2894.07

but still getting a lot of sun exposure,

Time: 2896.59

a couple of times per week or more.

Time: 2899.32

What they found was that people's testosterone

Time: 2901.27

and estrogen levels went up.

Time: 2902.71

Feelings of well-being went up.

Time: 2904.18

Feelings of well, or I should say increases in libido

Time: 2907.69

were observed, as well.

Time: 2909.46

They subjectively reported more passion, et cetera,

Time: 2912.34

testosterone and estrogen did indeed both go up.

Time: 2915.43

And again, I want to highlight that increases in estrogen,

Time: 2918.46

not just testosterone,

Time: 2919.51

are related to increases in libido in both men and women.

Time: 2923.23

This is why you never want

Time: 2924.07

to crush your estrogen down to zero,

Time: 2925.75

whether or not you're male or female,

Time: 2927.43

if you want to maintain some sort of healthy libido

Time: 2930.91

and general feelings of well-being, unrelated to libido.

Time: 2934

Well, many of those effects

Time: 2936.79

we know are not due to direct effects

Time: 2938.89

of testosterone and estrogen,

Time: 2940.66

but rather are due to the effects

Time: 2942.34

of testosterone and estrogen on the neuromodulators,

Time: 2945.01

dopamine and serotonin,

Time: 2947.17

because much of libido and feelings of well-being

Time: 2950.5

and feelings of relaxation,

Time: 2952.78

but also desire, motivation, et cetera,

Time: 2955.45

originate because of the activation of neural circuits

Time: 2959.56

that dopamine controls and promotes

Time: 2962.23

and that serotonin promote and control.

Time: 2965.59

So this is very important to understand

Time: 2968.59

as we move toward more specific discussion

Time: 2971.08

of the chemicals that we call neuromodulators,

Time: 2974.41

because hormones are controlling those neuromodulators

Time: 2978.31

in a very slow modulatory way.

Time: 2981.07

So yes, I said it,

Time: 2983.02

hormones modulate neuromodulators.

Time: 2985.57

I sort of said it twice on purpose.

Time: 2989.14

And this is a dramatic and potent effect.

Time: 2992.23

So I'll just give you one more example.

Time: 2993.88

The hormone prolactin tends to be antagonistic.

Time: 2997.12

It tends to reduce amounts of dopamine

Time: 2999.31

or at least when prolactin levels are high,

Time: 3002.16

dopamine levels tend to be lower.

Time: 3004.56

You observe this after the birth of a new child,

Time: 3007.17

you observe this post coitally after mating,

Time: 3009.93

in all species, humans and animals.

Time: 3013.56

When prolactin is elevated,

Time: 3015.93

serotonin tends to be elevated.

Time: 3017.79

And when prolactin is elevated,

Time: 3019.68

levels of dopamine and the effects of dopamine

Time: 3023.76

tend to subside.

Time: 3026.1

Now as I move toward explaining

Time: 3027.99

what each of the four categories of neuromodulators do,

Time: 3031.17

this will start to make more and more sense

Time: 3032.7

as to why this would be.

Time: 3034.38

I always say I wasn't consulted in the design phase,

Time: 3037.29

meaning I didn't design these circuits.

Time: 3039.54

And if anyone tells you that they did,

Time: 3040.92

you should back away quickly

Time: 3042.33

because none of us design these circuits.

Time: 3044.22

This is the way that evolution

Time: 3045.6

and nature created these systems.

Time: 3048.84

And they tend to work in a bit of a seesaw fashion,

Time: 3051.15

prolactin up, dopamine down, right?

Time: 3054.03

Dopamine up, prolactin down.

Time: 3055.68

In general, that is the way they work.

Time: 3058.23

So if we are to take a look at how each of these

Time: 3061.32

neuromodulator systems functions on its own,

Time: 3065.1

while understanding that

Time: 3066.24

they never truly function on their own,

Time: 3068.37

we can start to really make sense

Time: 3070.38

of the landscape of tools that are available to us

Time: 3072.66

and which tools are going to be most powerful to select

Time: 3075.75

if our goal is for instance, to be focused

Time: 3078.36

or if our goal is to be less stressed

Time: 3081.03

or if our goal is to be highly motivated

Time: 3084.78

and highly focused for sake of learning.

Time: 3086.7

All of that is indeed possible

Time: 3088.71

if you understand these four neuromodulators

Time: 3091.74

and you understand that while there are many tools

Time: 3094.35

ranging from pharmacologic to behavioral

Time: 3096.27

that can tap into these neuromodulator systems,

Time: 3098.22

that can kind of press on the gas of dopamine,

Time: 3100.65

pull back on serotonin and so on,

Time: 3104.37

but that there are particular tools,

Time: 3106.74

both behavioral and supplementation-based,

Time: 3108.227

and to some extent,

Time: 3110.31

prescription drug based, too,

Time: 3111.51

and we'll touch on a few of those.

Time: 3113.52

If you understand that and why they work,

Time: 3116.07

well, then you can create a sort of kit,

Time: 3119.88

a grab bag of things that you can use in any context

Time: 3123.03

or I should say that you can look to

Time: 3125.58

depending on the context you're in

Time: 3127.5

and create the states of body and mind that you want.

Time: 3130.38

Now once again, painting with a somewhat broad brush,

Time: 3133.41

but nonetheless, an accurate brush,

Time: 3135.81

we can say that dopamine,

Time: 3138.36

when elevated above baseline,

Time: 3141.96

tends to increase states of motivation,

Time: 3145.11

both mental and physical motivation,

Time: 3148.14

drive and to some extent focus.

Time: 3151.98

I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again,

Time: 3154.2

there's a lot of misconception about dopamine.

Time: 3156.9

Many people out there think that dopamine

Time: 3159.03

is all about pleasure.

Time: 3160.32

You hear about dopamine hits or people chasing dopamine

Time: 3163.47

or the need to have a dopamine fast, et cetera.

Time: 3166.56

Dopamine is not about pleasure.

Time: 3167.91

Dopamine is about motivation, craving and pursuit

Time: 3172.26

for goals or for things that are outside

Time: 3175.74

our immediate possession and experience.

Time: 3178.38

The motivation and pursuit of a mate.

Time: 3180.93

The motivation and pursuit to mate.

Time: 3183.33

The motivation and pursuit of food.

Time: 3185.19

The motivation and pursuit of a career goal,

Time: 3187.56

et cetera, et cetera,

Time: 3188.94

things we do not yet have, but that we want

Time: 3192.81

and we get into sort of a forward center of mass

Time: 3196.02

and a pursuit of, and that pursuit can be physical.

Time: 3198.12

That pursuit can be cognitive.

Time: 3199.59

It can be both cognitive and physical.

Time: 3202.5

And it can involve talking about something, right?

Time: 3205.26

Because in some professions,

Time: 3206.34

pursuit of things involves talking.

Time: 3207.84

I think about lawyers,

Time: 3208.98

they talk a lot in pursuit of winning cases

Time: 3212.13

and money, et cetera,

Time: 3213.3

putting people in jail or keeping people out of jail,

Time: 3215.31

et cetera, that's done with their mouths,

Time: 3216.81

not with their bodies.

Time: 3218.22

Athletes in a state of motivated training

Time: 3220.98

or in motivated competition use their bodies.

Time: 3224.01

All this is obvious of course,

Time: 3225.45

but perhaps what is not so obvious

Time: 3227.61

is that one molecule not working alone,

Time: 3230.91

but predominantly one molecule, dopamine,

Time: 3233.49

is responsible for all of those motivated states,

Time: 3235.98

which again, underscores the power of these neuromodulators.

Time: 3239.79

So dopamine, we can think of

Time: 3241.14

at least in the context of today's discussion

Time: 3243.42

as controlling and indeed promoting motivation,

Time: 3247.02

drive and pursuit

Time: 3249.12

and to some extent, focus.

Time: 3252.18

Epinephrine and a closely related molecule

Time: 3255.06

called norepinephrine

Time: 3257.52

and again, I want to emphasize

Time: 3258.87

that epinephrine is adrenaline

Time: 3260.85

and adrenaline is epinephrine.

Time: 3262.95

Norepinephrine is noradrenaline

Time: 3265.14

and noradrenaline is norepinephrine,

Time: 3267.12

but today we're going to just simply talk about

Time: 3268.98

epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Time: 3271.89

That category of neuromodulator

Time: 3273.99

is mainly responsible for generating our energy,

Time: 3278.67

our level of fuel

Time: 3281.1

and baseline level of

Time: 3283.68

forward center of mass, as I like to call it.

Time: 3286.35

You can also think of it as how high your RPM are.

Time: 3289.44

Now we're not a car

Time: 3290.91

and the car analogy sort of falls apart

Time: 3293.19

as we go further into the biology,

Time: 3295.5

but it's a decent one for now.

Time: 3297.42

When epinephrine levels are high,

Time: 3298.89

we tend to feel agitated,

Time: 3300.39

we tend to feel like we want to move,

Time: 3301.86

we tend to feel like we can't shut down our thinking

Time: 3304.59

and our anticipation of what's going to happen next.

Time: 3307.08

And when epinephrine levels are very, very low,

Time: 3309.66

we actually have less physical energy.

Time: 3311.67

We tend to have less mental energy

Time: 3313.98

in terms of generating thoughts very quickly

Time: 3316.83

and so on and so forth.

Time: 3317.88

And as I mentioned before,

Time: 3319.44

dopamine and epinephrine are closely related

Time: 3322.14

so much so that we know for a fact

Time: 3325.23

that epinephrine is actually manufactured

Time: 3327.72

from the molecule dopamine.

Time: 3329.34

So that's why I'm talking about these two neuromodulators

Time: 3331.23

in very close juxtaposition

Time: 3332.88

because they do indeed collaborate with one another.

Time: 3335.79

But for sake of today's discussion,

Time: 3338.04

we can just think of epinephrine as increasing energy,

Time: 3341.22

adrenaline increases energy in our state of readiness.

Time: 3344.37

It also, I should mention, activates our immune system.

Time: 3348.15

Contrary to popular belief

Time: 3349.83

that stress inhibits our immune system,

Time: 3352.05

epinephrine is deployed,

Time: 3353.52

it's released at great levels in our brain and body

Time: 3356.25

when we are stressed.

Time: 3357.18

And that actually protects us

Time: 3358.98

against infections of multiple kinds,

Time: 3362.1

at least in the short-term.

Time: 3364.5

That and all the details of that

Time: 3366.39

and tools related to that

Time: 3368.28

were covered in our episode on the immune system,

Time: 3370.56

if you want to check that out.

Time: 3372.27

Now the neuromodulator serotonin

Time: 3375

creates a number of different states in the brain and body,

Time: 3377.85

but for sake of today's discussion,

Time: 3379.98

we're going to think about the predominant states

Time: 3382.47

that it creates

Time: 3383.303

and those are states of contentness,

Time: 3386.4

being happy, feeling fairly relaxed,

Time: 3389.07

feeling soothed and to some extent,

Time: 3391.47

even some relief from pain or lack of pain.

Time: 3396.27

Serotonin is associated with a feeling of satiety

Time: 3399.24

of having enough of what we already have.

Time: 3402.69

Now when serotonin is very, very high,

Time: 3406.77

people can even be sedate.

Time: 3408.78

They can be completely amotivated,

Time: 3411.66

no motivation to seek out things

Time: 3413.7

like food or sex or work or et cetera.

Time: 3416.91

Whereas when serotonin levels are very low,

Time: 3419.34

people can actually exhibit agitation

Time: 3421.5

and high levels of stress.

Time: 3423.48

So the levels matter here,

Time: 3425.16

but again, for sake of today's conversation,

Time: 3428.82

when we leverage serotonin,

Time: 3430.23

we are really leveraging a neuromodulator

Time: 3432.81

that tends to increase the activity

Time: 3434.85

of neural circuits in the brain and body

Time: 3436.59

that make us feel relaxed and happy.

Time: 3439.26

And it tends to decrease the activity of neural circuits

Time: 3443.13

that make us rabidly in pursuit of things

Time: 3445.26

that we don't have, right.

Time: 3447.21

The opposite of content and sated

Time: 3450.48

is motivation, desire and hunger and thirst

Time: 3453.51

for things that we don't have.

Time: 3455.04

So serotonin is the molecule of peace.

Time: 3459.06

It is the molecule of contentness.

Time: 3460.95

It is the molecule of having enough,

Time: 3463.8

at least for the time being

Time: 3465.6

or the feeling that we have enough for the time being.

Time: 3468.09

Now acetylcholine is a fourth category of neuromodulator

Time: 3471.21

that as I mentioned earlier, is somewhat not totally,

Time: 3473.43

but somewhat distinct from any direct control

Time: 3476.07

by the major hormone systems of the body,

Time: 3478.23

or at least the major steroid hormone systems.

Time: 3481.35

And acetylcholine we can say

Time: 3483.39

is mainly associated with states of focus.

Time: 3488.85

And we can go a step further and say

Time: 3490.47

that it's mainly associated with steps of focus

Time: 3493.14

as they relate to learning and encoding new information,

Time: 3496.29

so called neuroplasticity.

Time: 3498.6

Now neuroplasticity,

Time: 3500.28

or the brain and nervous system's ability to change

Time: 3502.5

in response to experience

Time: 3503.55

can be impacted by an enormous number

Time: 3505.71

of different chemicals, not just acetylcholine,

Time: 3508.2

but acetylcholine has a particularly potent ability

Time: 3512.52

to open up the thing that we call neuroplasticity

Time: 3516.6

to allow plasticity to happen in one moment

Time: 3518.91

whereas in a previous moment,

Time: 3520.44

it could not occur

Time: 3521.73

because acetylcholine had not been released in the brain

Time: 3525.63

or in the spinal cord.

Time: 3527.85

So acetylcholine is involved in focus and in learning,

Time: 3531.42

but it is not necessarily always associated

Time: 3535.14

with learning in the context of highly motivated,

Time: 3538.59

really ramped up states.

Time: 3540.45

It can be,

Time: 3541.65

but acetylcholine can also be released

Time: 3544.77

and can encourage the learning

Time: 3546.51

and neuroplasticity associated with calm states.

Time: 3550.44

For instance, if somebody has a newborn child,

Time: 3554.04

we know that they are flooded with oxytocin,

Time: 3558.51

which has actually even been called the love hormone

Time: 3560.52

or it does many things in addition to control feelings

Time: 3563.73

of romantic attachment

Time: 3565.38

and attachment to children, et cetera.

Time: 3567.54

It does all of that, but it does a lot more, as well.

Time: 3570.15

But when people have a new child,

Time: 3572.7

they also tend to be hyper-focused on that child,

Time: 3575.01

not just its well-being,

Time: 3576.03

but they narrow all their thinking,

Time: 3578.43

all their vision,

Time: 3579.96

all their hearing to that child

Time: 3581.64

and there are obvious adaptive reasons

Time: 3584.22

for wanting to do that.

Time: 3585.48

I recall a family dinner we had.

Time: 3587.64

Gosh, this was over 10 years ago.

Time: 3589.53

We had a couple over.

Time: 3591.63

My mom was in the habit of inviting people over

Time: 3593.88

who didn't have places to go on the holidays,

Time: 3595.77

'cause that's just who she is

Time: 3596.97

and I think it's quite nice.

Time: 3598.8

So she brought over this couple, they had a newborn,

Time: 3601.2

I think this baby had been born

Time: 3602.13

maybe two or three weeks before

Time: 3603.42

and it was seated or not seated [laughs].

Time: 3606.48

It was lying down.

Time: 3607.74

I couldn't see it.

Time: 3608.573

It was like a potato bug.

Time: 3609.406

It could barely hold its head up.

Time: 3610.32

But it was lying in a little bassinet on the floor

Time: 3613.29

as we ate dinner.

Time: 3614.19

And it was almost hilarious, it actually was hilarious.

Time: 3617.43

We laughed a lot about this,

Time: 3618.63

that the entire meal,

Time: 3620.25

they were basically staring at this baby.

Time: 3622.53

They were so clearly in love with the baby

Time: 3625.02

and so flooded with oxytocin and also prolactin

Time: 3628.83

that they couldn't take their focus off this baby.

Time: 3631.35

It was actually really wonderful and endearing to see.

Time: 3634.08

But in addition to that,

Time: 3636.36

I'd be willing to bet

Time: 3637.41

had I been able to do a little bit of microdialysis,

Time: 3639.63

which is a ability to

Time: 3641.79

measure the amounts of neuromodulator

Time: 3644.61

given location in the brain,

Time: 3645.78

had I been able to do that experiment on them

Time: 3649.05

in that moment, I would've found that levels

Time: 3650.82

of acetylcholine were exceedingly high

Time: 3652.92

because they were so hyper-focused on this child,

Time: 3656.19

not just in love with, but focused on that child.

Time: 3659.28

And without a doubt,

Time: 3661.5

the neural circuits related to focus

Time: 3663.21

and plasticity were heavily engaged

Time: 3665.25

again for obvious adaptive reasons related to child rearing

Time: 3668.94

and learning the coos and cries

Time: 3671.46

and pain signals and pleasure signals of one's offspring.

Time: 3674.58

So we have dopamine associated with motivation,

Time: 3677.25

drive and pursuit and to some extent, focus.

Time: 3680.31

We have epinephrine and norepinephrine associated

Time: 3682.53

with energy of having a forward center of mass,

Time: 3686.19

mentally and or physically.

Time: 3687.96

We have serotonin,

Time: 3689.04

which is associated with a peaceful,

Time: 3691.47

content, sated state of being.

Time: 3694.47

And we have acetylcholine,

Time: 3695.97

which is associated with focus

Time: 3698.97

and in particular focus as it relates to learning

Time: 3701.34

and encoding new information.

Time: 3703.53

So let's say you want to be more motivated.

Time: 3705.18

You want to be more in pursuit of goals.

Time: 3707.82

And you want to have more energy and to be more focused.

Time: 3710.79

There are many ways to go about that.

Time: 3712.41

In fact, there's a near infinite cloud of opportunities,

Time: 3716.07

everything from prescription drugs to illicit drugs,

Time: 3719.13

which I certainly do not recommend,

Time: 3721.92

supplements, nutrition.

Time: 3723.99

You can listen to particular music.

Time: 3725.79

You can do all sorts of cognitive behavioral,

Time: 3728.67

nutritional supplementation tricks.

Time: 3730.74

Or you can just understand

Time: 3733.74

that what you're really after are increases in dopamine

Time: 3736.89

above baseline that you control

Time: 3739.77

and there are ways to control them that are quite potent

Time: 3742.83

and science tells us which tools

Time: 3745.68

are going to be the most potent

Time: 3747.21

and the most versatile for you.

Time: 3749.82

So I'm going to share those tools with you now

Time: 3751.77

with the caveat that each one of those tools

Time: 3755.25

could be its own entire podcast episode,

Time: 3757.887

and that we've done near entire episodes

Time: 3760.62

on each of these tools or small collections of these tools.

Time: 3763.26

So I'm going to cover these in somewhat superficial manner.

Time: 3765.96

We can provide links to previous episodes

Time: 3768.18

that relate to each of these tools in detail,

Time: 3770.46

but I'll give you enough detail about them

Time: 3772.8

that would allow you to incorporate them into your routine

Time: 3774.99

should you choose.

Time: 3776.19

Let's say you want to increase dopamine

Time: 3777.63

for sake of increasing motivation.

Time: 3780.51

The first thing to do is

Time: 3782.16

to understand what the natural behavioral tools are

Time: 3785.04

for increasing dopamine

Time: 3786.24

and to do those as consistently as possible.

Time: 3789.18

Again, these are tools that you'll want to do

Time: 3791.16

nearly every day, if not every day.

Time: 3794.52

And I know I'm sounding like a broken record on this one,

Time: 3797.43

but here again, we come to sunlight

Time: 3801

and I should say,

Time: 3802.77

not just the desire to,

Time: 3805.11

but really the need

Time: 3806.49

for viewing the maximum amount of sunlight

Time: 3809.1

that one can reasonably get

Time: 3810.6

given schedules and locations in the world,

Time: 3812.73

time of year, et cetera,

Time: 3814.11

in the early part of the day,

Time: 3816.75

within the first hour of waking, ideally,

Time: 3819.69

but certainly in the first three hours of your day,

Time: 3822.06

you are going to want to maximize sunlight exposure

Time: 3824.61

to your eyes.

Time: 3825.443

Never look at the sun or any other light so bright

Time: 3828.48

that it's painful to look at.

Time: 3829.53

And yes, of course blinking is fine,

Time: 3830.94

but no, take sunglasses off,

Time: 3832.38

go outside once the sun is out

Time: 3833.97

and get some natural light in your eyes.

Time: 3835.59

And if it's appropriate

Time: 3837.81

or I should say in a way that's appropriate,

Time: 3840.12

maximize the amount of sunlight exposure to your skin,

Time: 3842.55

but please don't get burned.

Time: 3844.77

Please do wear sunscreen if you're prone to getting burned.

Time: 3847.83

Typically early day sunlight is not going to burn you,

Time: 3850.41

at least not most people,

Time: 3851.76

unless you're extremely fair-skinned.

Time: 3854.07

So don't get burned.

Time: 3854.903

Do what you need to in order to protect yourself from burn.

Time: 3857.37

There's some emerging controversy about sunscreen

Time: 3860.16

and which ones are safe and which ones aren't safe.

Time: 3861.81

We have not done an episode on that yet,

Time: 3863.49

but I find it to be an important and interesting topic.

Time: 3866.37

Darya Rose, Dr. Darya Rose, I should say,

Time: 3868.8

has a podcast called The Darya Rose Podcast

Time: 3870.99

and did an episode all about sunscreens,

Time: 3873.6

which are safe, which are not safe,

Time: 3875.34

by interviewing an expert on that

Time: 3876.81

so I refer you to that podcast as it relates to sunscreen.

Time: 3879.3

But get some natural light exposure in your eyes.

Time: 3882.12

And if you wake up before the sun comes out,

Time: 3884.52

turn on as many bright lights inside

Time: 3886.14

as you can turn on reasonably

Time: 3888.6

given your electric bill, et cetera.

Time: 3889.92

Get a lot of bright sunlight exposure early in the day

Time: 3892.65

and get a lot of sunlight exposure to your skin

Time: 3895.41

in the early part of the day,

Time: 3896.85

in a way that doesn't burn you,

Time: 3899.31

meaning burn your skin or blind you, please.

Time: 3901.41

Please don't do anything that harms your vision

Time: 3903.66

like stare into a bright light, that's painful.

Time: 3906.78

What does that do?

Time: 3907.86

Well, it sets in motion a number

Time: 3909.93

of different biological cascades.

Time: 3911.49

Some are very fast.

Time: 3912.96

There are fast actions of sunlight

Time: 3914.43

that will trigger for instance,

Time: 3915.6

dopamine release from different parts of your brain

Time: 3918.09

and your endocrine system.

Time: 3919.71

And we now know that it increases levels of genes

Time: 3923.73

related to thyroid hormone

Time: 3925.2

and actually increases certain dopamine receptors.

Time: 3928.74

So there's a wonderful paper.

Time: 3929.79

We will provide a link to this paper

Time: 3931.74

that shows that sunlight exposure

Time: 3933.39

can actually increase the amount of so-called DRD4.

Time: 3937.02

This is a particular type of dopamine receptor,

Time: 3938.697

the dopamine receptor four.

Time: 3941.04

The genes for dopamine receptor four

Time: 3942.69

are actually under photic control.

Time: 3944.52

So if you get sunlight exposure to your eyes

Time: 3946.35

and it does have to be to your eyes

Time: 3947.183

in the early part of the day,

Time: 3948.78

you increase the amount of dopamine receptor that you have,

Time: 3951.45

which allows whatever circulating dopamine

Time: 3953.55

happens to be there

Time: 3954.69

to have a greater effect on motivation

Time: 3957.33

and I should say also on mood and feelings

Time: 3959.52

of being in pursuit and generally,

Time: 3962.37

in craving and pursuit of things in life.

Time: 3965.25

Now there's another way to increase the effect

Time: 3967.56

of whatever dopamine happens to be circulating

Time: 3969.75

in your brain and body.

Time: 3971.4

And this again, relates to increasing the number

Time: 3974.55

or the efficacy of the receptors for dopamine.

Time: 3978.39

Now here we're not talking about the dopamine receptor four,

Time: 3981.06

but a different category of dopamine receptors,

Time: 3983.28

the D2 and D3 receptors,

Time: 3985.26

which are expressed multiple places in your brain and body

Time: 3988.14

and bind dopamine,

Time: 3989.58

meaning dopamine parks in them like a parking spot

Time: 3992.04

and allows dopamine

Time: 3993.87

to generally increase the activity of the neurons

Time: 3997.38

and cells that express those dopamine receptors.

Time: 3999.93

How do you do that?

Time: 4001.1

Well, turns out that regular ingestion of caffeine

Time: 4005.3

at safe and appropriate levels,

Time: 4007.1

about a hundred to 250 milligrams

Time: 4010.1

is going to increase the number of D2

Time: 4012.544

and D3 dopamine receptors.

Time: 4014.09

I talked a little bit about this on a previous episode.

Time: 4017.03

Again, we'll provide links to these studies,

Time: 4018.95

but this is an important finding,

Time: 4020.24

I believe, because this is not about the acute,

Time: 4023.3

the immediate effects of caffeine on alertness,

Time: 4025.46

although those occur, too.

Time: 4026.84

When you drink caffeine,

Time: 4028.22

it's going to increase your levels of adrenaline

Time: 4030.98

and so-called epinephrine,

Time: 4032.36

which will increase your energy levels.

Time: 4033.74

It's going to decrease levels of something called adenosine,

Time: 4036.53

which builds up while you're sleepy.

Time: 4037.88

It's going to make you feel less sleepy, more alert,

Time: 4039.74

more energetic.

Time: 4040.82

That's sort of obvious.

Time: 4042.2

But what's less obvious is that it's increasing the number

Time: 4044.78

and efficacy of dopamine receptors

Time: 4046.85

so that whatever dopamine happens to be around

Time: 4048.86

in your system is going to have more of a potent effect.

Time: 4052.82

So how much caffeine should you drink?

Time: 4054.5

That's going to vary from person to person.

Time: 4055.97

Some people are very sensitive to caffeine, others are not.

Time: 4059.21

I tend to be fairly insensitive to caffeine,

Time: 4062.12

'cause I've been drinking it for a long period of time.

Time: 4064.31

But you know, after one or two cups of espresso or coffee,

Time: 4067.76

I feel like I've had enough.

Time: 4068.93

I tend to drink my caffeine early in the day,

Time: 4070.67

which is what I'm going to recommend that you do,

Time: 4072.23

not drinking caffeine past two and certainly not 4:00 PM,

Time: 4075.26

if you're on a typical schedule

Time: 4076.4

and you want to be able to sleep that night,

Time: 4078.08

even if you can fall asleep.

Time: 4079.88

Having too much caffeine in your system is not good

Time: 4081.77

because it disrupts the architecture of sleep.

Time: 4083.69

And now knowing about all the metabolic variability

Time: 4086.72

across the night, according to different stages of sleep,

Time: 4089.42

it should be even more obvious

Time: 4091.85

as to why disrupting the architecture of sleep

Time: 4093.59

would be bad for you.

Time: 4094.64

So limit that caffeine intake to early in the day

Time: 4096.71

and don't go ballistic.

Time: 4098.72

Certainly don't go ballistic in any case,

Time: 4100.16

but for most people anywhere

Time: 4101.57

from 100 to 400 milligrams of caffeine

Time: 4104.54

is going to have this effect.

Time: 4106.25

And this effect again is a slow accumulating effect

Time: 4109.25

by drinking caffeine consistently day-to-day.

Time: 4111.17

I get my caffeine mainly from Yerba Mate tea.

Time: 4113.69

I want to emphasize that it's probably a good idea

Time: 4115.19

to stay away from the smoked mates.

Time: 4116.93

There's some evidence those can be carcinogenic,

Time: 4119

but I brew my own Yerba Mate tea,

Time: 4121.19

or sometimes I'll drink coffee or espresso,

Time: 4123.08

or sometimes both frankly,

Time: 4124.34

as long as I'm hydrating enough and I'm getting enough salt,

Time: 4126.41

then I tend to feel fine with that much caffeine.

Time: 4128.84

The other way to increase dopamine

Time: 4130.73

and to make sure that your baseline levels of dopamine

Time: 4132.8

are high enough is to make sure

Time: 4133.97

that you're eating sufficient numbers

Time: 4135.17

of tyrosine-rich foods.

Time: 4136.85

You can look up which foods include tyrosine.

Time: 4138.983

Tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine.

Time: 4141.65

It's an amino acid that is in direct pathway

Time: 4144.8

to dopamine synthesis

Time: 4146.24

and tyrosine foods include things like

Time: 4148.94

certain meats, Parmesan cheese,

Time: 4151.64

very high in tyrosine, for instance.

Time: 4153.86

In fact, there's something called the cheese effect,

Time: 4155.81

believe it or not.

Time: 4156.643

I don't want to go too far off topic,

Time: 4157.85

but the cheese effect is kind of interesting

Time: 4159.35

because certain people will take antidepressants

Time: 4163.01

that are so called MAO inhibitors,

Time: 4165.68

monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Time: 4168.05

Anytime you hear ASE, that's an enzyme.

Time: 4170.06

They will take these inhibitors

Time: 4171.56

that prevent the breakdown of dopamine

Time: 4175.34

and other so-called catacholamines,

Time: 4177.32

which allow more dopamine to be in circulation.

Time: 4179.87

But if these people eat certain cheeses,

Time: 4182.48

including Parmesan cheese, and there are other foods,

Time: 4185.06

of course that include not just tyrosine,

Time: 4187.16

but one of the derivatives of tyrosine,

Time: 4190.43

called tyramine,

Time: 4191.75

that generates what's called the cheese effect,

Time: 4194.66

which is people get potent migraines,

Time: 4196.58

headaches, blood pressure goes up.

Time: 4198.35

Why, well, because they've got a lot of tyrosine

Time: 4200.54

in their system and dopamine in their system.

Time: 4202.58

And they've got less of the enzyme

Time: 4204.74

that removes that dopamine or limits its action

Time: 4207.8

and so they have an excess of dopamine

Time: 4209.81

and dopamine has effects on blood pressure, et cetera.

Time: 4213.02

So the cheese effect is something to avoid

Time: 4214.79

if you are somebody who's taking drugs

Time: 4216.8

that tap into or manipulate the dopamine pathway,

Time: 4220.19

either for Parkinson's or depressions,

Time: 4221.75

obviously you're going to want to be careful

Time: 4223.07

about adjusting up or down levels of dopamine too potently.

Time: 4227.81

So mind the cheese effect

Time: 4229.07

if you're taking an MAO inhibitor.

Time: 4231.26

There's a lot of information about this online.

Time: 4233.06

For most people, eating foods like Parmesan cheese,

Time: 4235.82

eating foods like certain meats and certain vegetables

Time: 4239.54

also can increase tyrosine levels,

Time: 4241.46

which will increase dopamine synthesis.

Time: 4243.8

So these are ways of modulating, more or less,

Time: 4246.02

the baseline of dopamine that you are able to produce

Time: 4248.93

and the ways that dopamine can have its action

Time: 4251.87

by way of binding to receptors more potently.

Time: 4255.62

Now there are other ways to increase dopamine

Time: 4258.29

in a more acute or directed way,

Time: 4260.54

ways to spike your dopamine,

Time: 4262.79

to enhance your state of motivation, mood, focus and so on.

Time: 4269.03

And in thinking about the vast landscape of tools

Time: 4271.76

that can do that,

Time: 4272.593

we have one category of tools,

Time: 4274.43

which are the really, really bad things

Time: 4275.87

that I don't recommend anybody do.

Time: 4277.28

In fact, I recommend nobody do ever,

Time: 4279.59

which are things like cocaine, methamphetamine, et cetera.

Time: 4282.89

They are incredibly destructive for lives

Time: 4285.86

because of the way that they so potently increase dopamine

Time: 4288.53

and then the crash in dopamine that occurs later.

Time: 4290.99

I mean, they can indeed and often do ruin lives.

Time: 4293.51

So we're leaving those off the table.

Time: 4295.7

There are of course, prescription drugs that many people,

Time: 4299.27

especially people who have clinically diagnosed ADHD,

Time: 4303.23

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,

Time: 4305.21

rely on and in fact benefit from in many cases,

Time: 4308.51

things like Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse.

Time: 4312.08

Nowadays, there's also a lot of interest in use

Time: 4314.93

of things like Modafinil, Armodafinil.

Time: 4316.82

I covered all of those in the episode on ADHD.

Time: 4319.64

And you can find that on HubermanLab.com

Time: 4321.38

and the other places this podcast is found.

Time: 4324.53

Prescription drugs aside because they require a prescription

Time: 4327.35

and a discussion that's in-depth

Time: 4329.21

and appropriate with your physician, healthcare provider.

Time: 4332.33

There are supplements that can very potently

Time: 4335.45

increase dopamine as well,

Time: 4337.16

perhaps not to the extent

Time: 4338.33

that some of those other prescription drugs can,

Time: 4340.85

but certainly to a degree that will impact

Time: 4342.95

and increase dopamine and motivation

Time: 4345.02

and the other states dopamine is associated with.

Time: 4346.82

And the two main categories of supplements

Time: 4349.73

that are very effective in raising dopamine

Time: 4351.83

and here I should provide the caveat

Time: 4353.33

that anytime you're going to add or remove anything

Time: 4355.22

from your supplementation protocols,

Time: 4358.04

please talk to a physician

Time: 4359.54

who is knowledgeable on these topics.

Time: 4361.34

If you're somebody who has,

Time: 4363.32

or is taking drugs for depression or mania,

Time: 4366.35

please be very cautious about manipulating your dopamine

Time: 4369.08

in any case.

Time: 4370.04

I don't just say that to protect us,

Time: 4371.42

I say that to protect you.

Time: 4373.76

But if we were to look at the supplement landscape

Time: 4376.16

and ask which supplement increased dopamine,

Time: 4378.14

there are a vast number of them,

Time: 4380.27

but the three main ones,

Time: 4382.76

the most effective ones that are readily available out there

Time: 4385.19

without a prescription are mucuna pruriens.

Time: 4387.68

This is actually the outside of a velvety bean

Time: 4390.32

that has been extracted and put into a supplement.

Time: 4392.377

Mucuna pruriens is actual L-dopa.

Time: 4395.51

It's 99% L-dopa, which is a prescription drug

Time: 4398.99

that is given for Parkinson's and for other purposes

Time: 4402.23

where increasing dopamine is important.

Time: 4405.71

I don't recommend mucuna pruriens.

Time: 4407.72

I'm not saying that no one should take it,

Time: 4409.25

but I don't take it.

Time: 4410.45

And I don't recommend it

Time: 4411.41

because it tends to so potently

Time: 4413.78

and acutely increase dopamine,

Time: 4415.25

that there's a pretty substantial crash afterwards.

Time: 4418.04

So I avoid it and I don't generally suggest

Time: 4420.65

that anyone take it unless there's really a clinical need,

Time: 4424.43

or they're working very closely with somebody

Time: 4426.29

that can really monitor that.

Time: 4428.48

The other two supplements that can increase dopamine

Time: 4432.08

in a short-term way,

Time: 4433.73

but in a significant way,

Time: 4436.07

are L-tyrosine

Time: 4437.05

so you can buy that as a supplement amino acid.

Time: 4439.73

I sometimes take this.

Time: 4440.75

I would say, I probably take it about once a week maximum

Time: 4444.38

for work bouts or workouts.

Time: 4447.14

I'll take it in dosages of anywhere

Time: 4448.94

from 500 milligrams to a thousand milligrams.

Time: 4451.25

People vary tremendously in their sensitivity

Time: 4453.74

to supplementing L-tyrosine.

Time: 4455.24

I know people that can take two grams.

Time: 4457.25

I know people that can barely take a hundred milligrams.

Time: 4460.1

I know people that the best dose for them

Time: 4461.72

is zero milligrams.

Time: 4462.86

So there's a lot of variation there depending on sensitivity

Time: 4465.38

and they're natural baseline levels of dopamine

Time: 4468.59

and whether or not they're doing a lot of other things

Time: 4470.09

to support dopamine,

Time: 4471.83

but nonetheless, taking L-tyrosine will lead

Time: 4473.84

to fairly substantial increases in dopamine

Time: 4476.6

within about 15 to 45 minutes

Time: 4478.67

and it lasts for about 30 minutes to two hours

Time: 4481.94

and then there's kind of a tapering off.

Time: 4483.71

Some people experience a little bit of an emotional

Time: 4485.78

and or I should say energetic crash, some people don't.

Time: 4489.62

And then the other supplement that I certainly use,

Time: 4492.41

and that I know a number of other people use

Time: 4493.79

is more fast-acting, but more potent,

Time: 4495.38

which is phenylethylamine.

Time: 4497.21

This relates to the so-called PEA molecule,

Time: 4500.54


Time: 4502.37

and phenylethylamine increases dopamine

Time: 4505.67

and some metabolites related to dopamine

Time: 4507.68

in ways that really increase energy

Time: 4509.39

and feelings of well-being and motivation.

Time: 4511.07

And again, it's fast-acting.

Time: 4512.75

So my particular protocol,

Time: 4514.01

the one I use is I'll take phenylethylamine

Time: 4517.19

at dosages of about 300 to 600 milligrams

Time: 4519.83

along with some L-tyrosine,

Time: 4522.62

or I'll take it on its own with a molecule,

Time: 4525.71

or I should say a compound

Time: 4526.7

that we'll talk about a little bit later

Time: 4527.78

as it relates to acetylcholine, Alpha-GPC,

Time: 4530.33

but tyrosine and phenylethylamine taken alone or together

Time: 4533.27

will make you feel more motivated and more alert,

Time: 4536.06

more willing and able to lean into

Time: 4538.94

particular motivated behaviors,

Time: 4540.29

whether or not they're physical or cognitive.

Time: 4542.42

If you'd like to learn more about these compounds

Time: 4544.82

and their supplementation and their effects,

Time: 4546.89

I encourage you to check out

Time: 4548.42

the ever valuable website, examine.com.

Time: 4551.27

It's zero cost to access,

Time: 4552.86

and they provide references and some more details

Time: 4555.5

about these sorts of compounds and other related compounds.

Time: 4558.77

Now if we are going to look at behavioral tools

Time: 4560.87

for potently increasing dopamine,

Time: 4563.12

that too is a vast landscape.

Time: 4565.46

And we know based on hundreds, if not thousands of studies

Time: 4569.69

that things like winning at some sort of competition

Time: 4573.65

or succeeding in reaching a goal

Time: 4575.81

can certainly increase dopamine.

Time: 4577.4

We talk a lot about this in the episode

Time: 4579.02

on dopamine, motivation and drive,

Time: 4581.51

but leaving that aside,

Time: 4583.22

there are certain behavioral protocols

Time: 4585.44

that are unrelated to your overall goals and motivations

Time: 4589.46

that can increase dopamine in a very sustained way.

Time: 4592.04

And without question,

Time: 4593.78

the most potent behavioral tool for doing that

Time: 4596.36

is going to be deliberate, cold exposure.

Time: 4599.57

Deliberate cold exposure has been talked about a lot here

Time: 4603.23

and elsewhere in terms of its

Time: 4606.41

ability to do things like reduce inflammation

Time: 4609.77

as a way to test and improve resilience

Time: 4612.62

because uncomfortable cold,

Time: 4614.84

provided its applied safely

Time: 4616.58

is a great way to learn to be more resilient

Time: 4618.74

because you're essentially staying or forcing yourself

Time: 4621.08

to stay in a circumstance

Time: 4622.43

where your system is flooded with adrenaline.

Time: 4625.01

But one lesser known aspect of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4630.14

is one that's been demonstrated

Time: 4631.58

quite convincingly in humans,

Time: 4633.08

comes from a study published in the year 2000.

Time: 4635.06

I'll link to this study.

Time: 4636.11

I love this study by the way.

Time: 4638.63

Covered it many times on this podcast

Time: 4640.16

because I love it so much and I think it's truly important.

Time: 4643.43

And that's the study from Srámek et al,

Time: 4646.49

entitled, "Human physiological responses

Time: 4648.207

"to immersion into water of different temperatures".

Time: 4650.42

I'm not going to go into this into a ton of detail

Time: 4652.25

for sake of time,

Time: 4653.42

but basically what they show is that

Time: 4655.52

putting people into cold water,

Time: 4656.69

and I should mention the water that they used

Time: 4658.79

in this study wasn't that cold.

Time: 4660.2

They had a bunch of different conditions,

Time: 4661.4

but they had people that got into, for instance,

Time: 4663.53

60 degree Fahrenheit water for up to two hours,

Time: 4666.47

had them sitting there,

Time: 4668.044

had them in a lawn chair up to their neck,

Time: 4669.47

had very long sustained increases in dopamine transmission

Time: 4674.42

and dopamine circulation in their brain and body.

Time: 4677.93

And also some of the other catacholamines,

Time: 4680.84

as I mentioned before,

Time: 4681.673

dopamine tends to collaborate with epinephrine

Time: 4683.54

and vice versa.

Time: 4685.25

Now you don't need to put yourself

Time: 4687.11

into 60 degree Fahrenheit water

Time: 4688.94

to get these kind of sustained increases.

Time: 4691.1

And you certainly don't need to do it for two hours.

Time: 4694.64

We have a strong reason to believe

Time: 4696.14

based on subsequent studies,

Time: 4697.82

in fact, published just this last year,

Time: 4699.8

that getting into much colder water

Time: 4702.8

of say 50 degrees or 55 degrees

Time: 4704.81

or even 45 degrees Fahrenheit

Time: 4707.45

can potently increase dopamine and epinephrine, as well.

Time: 4710.6

And that you don't need to expose yourself

Time: 4712.16

to that cold water for nearly as long.

Time: 4714.59

So perhaps even as short as one minute or even 30 seconds

Time: 4718.94

exposure to really cold water,

Time: 4720.68

can lead to these potent long-lasting increases in dopamine.

Time: 4724.52

Many people will ask which protocols to follow.

Time: 4727.01

For instance, will a cold shower suffice?

Time: 4729.35

Very likely, yes, if your shower gets cold enough.

Time: 4731.63

Do you need ice floating in the bath?

Time: 4733.49

No, it's all about the temperature

Time: 4735.08

not whether or not there's ice present or not.

Time: 4737.15

How long to stay in there?

Time: 4738.35

There are a lot of details

Time: 4739.7

that we don't have time to go into this episode.

Time: 4741.59

Please see the episode on the Use of Deliberate Cold

Time: 4745.07

for Health and Performance.

Time: 4746.39

You'll find that at HubermanLab.com.

Time: 4748.1

We have a newsletter related to this.

Time: 4749.69

It gets into a lot of detailed protocols,

Time: 4751.85

but in general, we can say

Time: 4754.43

that the way to evoke dopamine and epinephrine release

Time: 4757.61

using cold water is to

Time: 4760.04

ideally you would do cold water immersion.

Time: 4762.02

If you can't, you'd use cold shower,

Time: 4764.12

but you want to use a temperature that is safe,

Time: 4766.88

meaning you're not going to have a heart attack,

Time: 4768.53

but that is uncomfortable

Time: 4769.7

such that you really want to get out

Time: 4771.17

and then staying in for anywhere from one minute

Time: 4773.96

to 10 minutes, depending on how cold adapted you are,

Time: 4776.63

and then getting out

Time: 4778.13

and drying off and going about your day,

Time: 4779.78

unless you have some other protocol

Time: 4781.01

that you're trying to extract from the cold.

Time: 4782.84

So this is a cold exposure protocol

Time: 4785.18

specifically aimed at increasing dopamine.

Time: 4788.57

For some people out there, you might think

Time: 4790.49

this is kind of silly using cold water to increase dopamine.

Time: 4793.37

But when you look at the data in humans

Time: 4796.13

on the effect of cold water exposure

Time: 4798.08

to stimulate long-lasting, very significant increases

Time: 4801.29

in dopamine and epinephrine,

Time: 4802.88

I think you'll agree that this is a really potent tool

Time: 4806.33

that provided its given safely and gone about safely,

Time: 4809.87

is giving you the kinds of increases in dopamine

Time: 4812.09

that you would seek using prescription pharmacology.

Time: 4814.94

Now it shouldn't be used as a replacement

Time: 4816.77

for prescription pharmacology,

Time: 4818.54

although people have done that to success.

Time: 4820.79

One of the previous guest on the Huberman Lab Podcast

Time: 4823.67

was Dr. Anna Lembke, our director

Time: 4825.32

of the Dual Diagnosis Addiction Clinic at Stanford.

Time: 4827.57

She has an amazing book called "Dopamine Nation",

Time: 4829.73

all about dopamine and both its uses, healthy,

Time: 4832.94

and its perils in things like addiction.

Time: 4835.43

And she describes a patient of hers

Time: 4838.07

that used deliberate cold exposure

Time: 4839.78

to try and maintain dopamine levels

Time: 4841.73

while coming off of drugs

Time: 4843.32

that were increasing dopamine so potently

Time: 4845.99

that they were putting him down the path of addiction.

Time: 4848.09

So the use of cold water for increasing dopamine

Time: 4851.63

is a real tool.

Time: 4852.86

It's, I would say, a power tool.

Time: 4854.9

In fact, it's the kind of thing that if you want

Time: 4857.265

to increase dopamine for sake of motivation,

Time: 4859.7

it might be your first go-to

Time: 4861.23

provided you're also doing the things

Time: 4862.73

to maintain dopamine baseline

Time: 4864.41

like sunlight exposure in particular,

Time: 4866.48

making sure you're getting sufficient amounts

Time: 4868.13

of tyrosine-containing foods and so on.

Time: 4870.62

And now just very briefly,

Time: 4871.79

I want to point to a few quick tools

Time: 4874.1

that good peer review data tell us

Time: 4877.85

can be leveraged in order to make sure

Time: 4880.07

that you have sufficient dopamine when you want it

Time: 4882.59

or that it's available for it to be released

Time: 4884.93

by any number of the tools I provided thus far.

Time: 4887.96

And those are sufficient number of B vitamins.

Time: 4891.26

So it turns out that B vitamins,

Time: 4894.14

in particular B6 or vitamin B6,

Time: 4897.17

can potently reduce prolactin levels.

Time: 4900.05

And again, prolactin and dopamine tend to work

Time: 4902.39

in kind of push pull fashion.

Time: 4904.07

That said you should be cautious

Time: 4905.99

about taking excessive levels of B6.

Time: 4908.93

It is a vitamin that if you take too much,

Time: 4910.97

you'll likely excrete it through your urine,

Time: 4912.83

but there is evidence that having

Time: 4914.75

excessively high levels of B6

Time: 4916.91

or supplementing with excessively high levels of B6

Time: 4919.49

can cause some peripheral neuropathy,

Time: 4921.35

some death of nerves in the periphery.

Time: 4923.63

If you want to know what dosage levels are relevant there

Time: 4925.58

just simply look it up online.

Time: 4926.72

There's a lot of information about this.

Time: 4928.25

But you do want to make sure

Time: 4929.083

that you're getting enough B6, B12, et cetera,

Time: 4932.36

such that you can keep prolactin levels in check.

Time: 4935.48

And if you suspect that you have a dopamine deficiency,

Time: 4938.9

please talk to your doctor

Time: 4939.83

and talk to them about ways you might adjust

Time: 4941.93

that prolactin down and thereby dopamine up.

Time: 4945.2

The other way to ensure that dopamine levels stay high

Time: 4948.71

or put differently,

Time: 4950.21

that you don't quash whatever dopamine

Time: 4952.4

you have in your system

Time: 4953.81

is to really avoid bright light exposure to your eyes

Time: 4956.69

between the hours of 10:00 PM and 4:00 AM

Time: 4958.82

or another way of putting this

Time: 4960.05

because I realize people sleep

Time: 4961.16

at different times, et cetera,

Time: 4962.54

is to avoid bright light exposure to your eyes,

Time: 4965.09

not just blue light, but all colors of light

Time: 4967.67

in phase three, that is 17 to 24 hours after waking up

Time: 4972.65

because that's really when you should be asleep

Time: 4974.45

or trying to get asleep, if you're having trouble sleeping.

Time: 4977.69

Work from Samer Hattar's lab,

Time: 4979.4

the director of the chronobiology unit

Time: 4980.87

at the National Institutes of Mental Health,

Time: 4983

again, a previous Huberman Lab Podcast guest,

Time: 4987.02

tell us that bright light exposure

Time: 4989.63

in phase three of your circadian cycle,

Time: 4993.23

17 to 24 hours after waking,

Time: 4995.57

can have dramatic effects in reducing dopamine levels

Time: 4998.54

by way of activating a neural circuit

Time: 5000.4

involving something called the habenula.

Time: 5002.407

I don't want to get into too many details right now,

Time: 5004.3

but really try and keep the lights dim

Time: 5006.1

in the middle of the night or off,

Time: 5007.24

if you can do that safely.

Time: 5009.16

It's really going to help

Time: 5010.48

if you're turning on your phone brightly,

Time: 5012.85

if you are turning on bright lights,

Time: 5014.8

it's not just going to negatively impact melatonin,

Time: 5017.35

the hormone that helps you fall and stay asleep.

Time: 5019.09

It's also going to negatively impact dopamine levels,

Time: 5023.2

not just that night, but the subsequent day.

Time: 5026.47

So that more or less summarizes our coverage

Time: 5029.05

of ways to use behavior and supplementation and nutrition

Time: 5032.68

to increase dopamine

Time: 5033.91

and dopamine receptor efficacy and number,

Time: 5036.49

and to keep sufficient amounts of dopamine

Time: 5038.59

in your system day-to-day for motivation, mood and focus.

Time: 5042.85

And of course, keep in mind those things

Time: 5044.47

that can suppress dopamine,

Time: 5045.85

the bright light exposure,

Time: 5047.98

elevated prolactin, and so on.

Time: 5050.11

My hope is that by understanding those tools

Time: 5051.757

and how they work

Time: 5052.69

and understanding that dopamine does certain things

Time: 5055.48

and not others

Time: 5056.56

that you can assemble a versatile kit of behaviors

Time: 5060.37

and other things that you can do

Time: 5061.72

in order to adjust your dopamine levels

Time: 5063.82

according to your particular goals.

Time: 5066.4

I want to just briefly return to the fact, however,

Time: 5069.91

that all of that is riding on that phase one,

Time: 5073.24

phase two background,

Time: 5074.59

meaning, it's probably going to take less cold water exposure,

Time: 5078.31

or I should say less time doing cold water exposure

Time: 5081.19

early in the day

Time: 5082.15

to get a big increase in dopamine

Time: 5083.92

than it would later in the day.

Time: 5085.63

Because later in the day, your baseline levels of dopamine

Time: 5088.27

are lower and you've got more serotonin circulating.

Time: 5091.63

That should make sense to you now as to why that's the case.

Time: 5094.33

And does that mean

Time: 5095.89

that you should really modify your protocols dramatically?

Time: 5098.47

Probably not, but you might keep that in mind

Time: 5101.26

that if, for instance, you need to be in a highly motivated,

Time: 5103.69

focused state in the late part of the day,

Time: 5105.49

for whatever reason,

Time: 5106.57

it might take a few or more of these tools

Time: 5109.27

in combination in order to accomplish that.

Time: 5111.49

Whereas if you're somebody who feels pretty good

Time: 5112.99

during the day, but you're kind of lacking motivation

Time: 5115.278

and you want to increase dopamine levels

Time: 5116.53

and you don't yet need to,

Time: 5118.27

or want to resort to prescription drugs or supplementation,

Time: 5120.97

well, then you might layer in a couple behavioral protocols

Time: 5123.31

paying attention to of course,

Time: 5124.75

the things that you might be doing

Time: 5125.8

that would also potentially suppress dopamine.

Time: 5128.62

So again, that kit of tools is designed

Time: 5130.81

for you to play with, if you choose,

Time: 5133.6

if it's safe for you to apply them, then do that.

Time: 5137.02

Consider doing them individually,

Time: 5138.79

not trying to hit all the tools all at once, right?

Time: 5142.24

I mean, why throw all those tools

Time: 5144.43

at your dopamine system at once?

Time: 5146.41

Better would be to have those tools in your kit

Time: 5148.72

and be able to deploy them depending on

Time: 5150.34

whether or not you're on travel,

Time: 5151.45

whether or not you're eating well or less well,

Time: 5153.91

whether or not you're sleeping well or less well.

Time: 5156.1

That's highly individual

Time: 5157.36

and I'd like to think that in having those tools in hand,

Time: 5160.09

you'll be able to adjust them and apply them in the ways

Time: 5162.52

that allow you to access the dopamine increases

Time: 5166.09

that you're after.

Time: 5166.923

So next I'd like to talk about epinephrine,

Time: 5168.85

also called adrenaline.

Time: 5170.74

I want to point out that epinephrine

Time: 5172.84

is released both in the brain and the body.

Time: 5175.6

In fact, there's a barrier between brain and body

Time: 5177.73

that prevents the epinephrine that's released

Time: 5179.68

from your adrenal glands,

Time: 5181.39

from crossing the blood brain barrier.

Time: 5183.37

So your brain has a separate site

Time: 5185.32

called the locus coeruleus.

Time: 5187.15

This is a collection of neurons in the back of the brain

Time: 5189.28

that kind of sprinkler the rest of the brain

Time: 5190.81

with epinephrine

Time: 5192.7

and essentially wakes up

Time: 5195.04

whatever neural circuits happen to see, or I should say,

Time: 5199.3

wake up any circuits where that epinephrine

Time: 5201.79

happens to arrive, right,

Time: 5203.95

and generally increase the excitability of those networks.

Time: 5206.62

That's why we say epinephrine increases energy.

Time: 5210.04

I'm not talking about caloric energy,

Time: 5211.69

although that's distantly related to this,

Time: 5213.73

but really energy and the desire to move,

Time: 5217.21

the feeling that we can think,

Time: 5218.89

the feeling that we can be alert.

Time: 5220.54

In fact, if you look at somebody

Time: 5221.947

and their eyelids are wide open,

Time: 5224.32

in large part,

Time: 5225.153

that's because of a lot of adrenaline in their system.

Time: 5227.14

If their pupils are really big

Time: 5228.64

and their eyes are really wide open,

Time: 5230.56

in general, that means they have

Time: 5231.67

a lot of epinephrine circulating there,

Time: 5233.41

whereas when we're tired and we're kind of hood-eyed

Time: 5235.48

and we're sort of sleepy,

Time: 5236.62

or our pupils are really small,

Time: 5238.27

in general, that's because levels of epinephrine

Time: 5240.97

and also dopamine, remember they work together,

Time: 5243.37

levels of epinephrine and dopamine tend to be lower.

Time: 5246.34

This is also why when people take any drug,

Time: 5248.59

like again, not recommending this,

Time: 5250.48

amphetamine or cocaine or any stimulant,

Time: 5252.85

their pupils tend to be huge.

Time: 5254.38

Their eyes tend to be wide open.

Time: 5256.78

They don't blink very often.

Time: 5258.76

And the opposite is true when people take sedatives.

Time: 5262.3

So it all starts to make sense

Time: 5263.68

when you think about the basic actions of these things.

Time: 5266.71

For many people, increasing adrenaline or epinephrine

Time: 5271.27

might seem like a crazy idea.

Time: 5272.56

Most people probably associate this molecule with stress

Time: 5275.32

and then would like to be less stressed.

Time: 5276.91

And we've done entire episodes about stress,

Time: 5278.77

how to master stress, how to leverage stress,

Time: 5280.84

how to conquer stress.

Time: 5281.83

There are a lot of great tools to do that

Time: 5283.69

that are behavioral, supplementation-based.

Time: 5285.61

Please see the episode on Mastering Stress for those tools,

Time: 5288.79

but there are people, including me,

Time: 5291.88

that want to increase our levels of epinephrine

Time: 5294.43

at least early in the day.

Time: 5296.2

I'm somebody who wakes up rather slowly.

Time: 5297.94

In fact, right after waking up,

Time: 5299.2

I rarely want to bounce out of bed.

Time: 5301.09

I try and push myself to do that.

Time: 5302.71

I'm always impressed by these chakra-willy types

Time: 5305.26

that are up at 4:30 or up at five and already into action.

Time: 5309.07

I tend to be kind of thinking about

Time: 5311.23

thinking about maybe being in action early in the day,

Time: 5314.71

but I try and push myself to get into action,

Time: 5317.92

which itself can increase epinephrine.

Time: 5320.47

I should mention that any physical activity,

Time: 5323.02

any physical activity,

Time: 5324.4

walking, running, weight lifting, swimming,

Time: 5327.58

even talking for that matter

Time: 5328.93

is going to increase levels of epinephrine.

Time: 5331.24

Locus coeruleus is a brain structure

Time: 5334.21

that is tightly coupled with behaviors

Time: 5336.97

in a bidirectional way.

Time: 5338.53

That is, when you are in action,

Time: 5341.2

you increase the amount of epinephrine released

Time: 5343.36

from locus coeruleus.

Time: 5344.23

You wake up the brain.

Time: 5346.36

And conversely, when locus coeruleus is active,

Time: 5349.72

the brain wakes up, so it's reciprocal.

Time: 5351.58

It goes both directions.

Time: 5353.29

So I saw a funny tweet actually earlier today,

Time: 5356.26

it was something like

Time: 5358.27

going to the gym gives you energy,

Time: 5360.28

but you need energy to go to the gym.

Time: 5361.99

Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me,

Time: 5364.15

which made me chuckle.

Time: 5365.59

But of course overlooks the fact that,

Time: 5368.26

indeed, if you have energy,

Time: 5369.91

you are more likely to be willing

Time: 5371.56

to get into physical movement

Time: 5373.18

or cognitive movement and thinking hard

Time: 5375.82

or thinking a lot about something.

Time: 5377.92

But also it is absolutely scientifically proven

Time: 5382.21

that being in action

Time: 5384.28

increases levels of epinephrine.

Time: 5386.23

This is why exercising early in the day

Time: 5389.05

gives you more energy for rest of day.

Time: 5391.69

You still might experience a little bit of a crash

Time: 5393.58

in the afternoon,

Time: 5394.63

especially if you're getting up extra early,

Time: 5396.85

or if you're drinking caffeine too close to waking.

Time: 5399.16

I've talked about this before.

Time: 5400.36

If you drink too much caffeine close to waking,

Time: 5403.27

you're going to have an afternoon crash.

Time: 5404.77

Better to push that caffeine intake out

Time: 5406.9

about 90 to 120 minutes after waking.

Time: 5409.15

I know this is really painful for certain people,

Time: 5411.31

but caffeine does increase epinephrine.

Time: 5415.18

Caffeine does other things to limit sleepiness.

Time: 5417.79

And by pushing it out 90 to 120 minutes after waking,

Time: 5420.97

you will avoid the afternoon crash to a large degree.

Time: 5425.47

And if you get up and you exercise

Time: 5427.87

or even do any movement of any kind,

Time: 5429.73

a hundred jumping jacks or a walk, if you can't do that,

Time: 5432.85

anything like that will increase

Time: 5435.01

the total amount of epinephrine that you secrete

Time: 5437.53

into your bloodstream and in your brain

Time: 5439.06

and will get you more energy,

Time: 5442.03

not just in that moment, but throughout the day.

Time: 5443.8

So keep that in mind.

Time: 5444.73

Exercise does indeed give you energy.

Time: 5447.61

It burns caloric energy,

Time: 5448.99

but it gives you neural energy

Time: 5450.79

by way of increasing epinephrine transmission

Time: 5453.22

from locus coeruleus.

Time: 5454.72

And presumably if the exercise is intense enough,

Time: 5458.44

adrenaline, epinephrine release,

Time: 5460.51

from the adrenals within your body, as well.

Time: 5462.91

So we have exercise and we have caffeine

Time: 5465.16

as potent tools for increasing epinephrine

Time: 5467.23

and thereby, energy.

Time: 5469.15

Another potent tool that's purely behavioral,

Time: 5471.58

but is known to work,

Time: 5472.87

based on excellent studies in humans.

Time: 5474.85

And actually my laboratory has been doing

Time: 5476.74

similar types of studies

Time: 5477.76

that are soon to be published, we hope,

Time: 5480.1

is so-called cyclic hyperventilation.

Time: 5482.86

Some of you may be familiar with Wim Hof breathing.

Time: 5485.32

There's also Tummo breathing, which is very similar,

Time: 5488.17

Kundalini breathing.

Time: 5489.94

All of those styles of breathing

Time: 5491.47

involve cyclic hyperventilation,

Time: 5493.81

deep inhales, and either passive exhales or active exhales,

Time: 5498.22

but repeating, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale,

Time: 5500.32

in a very deep and repetitive way.

Time: 5502.69

If you were to do that right now,

Time: 5504.64

doesn't matter if you do it through your nose or mouth,

Time: 5506.59

although ideally you would do the inhale through your nose

Time: 5508.9

and the exhale through your mouth,

Time: 5509.86

if you did that for 25 repetitions,

Time: 5512.92

25 inhales and exhales, you would feel more alert.

Time: 5516.01

You'd also feel more warm, why?

Time: 5517.72

Because you increased epinephrine, adrenaline release

Time: 5520.93

in the brain and body.

Time: 5522.04

It works the first time and it works every time

Time: 5524.56

to increase epinephrine and thereby energy.

Time: 5527.41

And in fact, there are protocols

Time: 5530.2

and great scientific studies

Time: 5531.28

of using cyclic hyperventilation

Time: 5533.53

for periods of minutes, if not longer,

Time: 5536.89

where for instance, you would do 25 big inhales and exhales

Time: 5540.61

followed by a brief breath hold with your lungs empty,

Time: 5542.95

then repeat 25, then brief breath hold,

Time: 5545.95

excuse me, exhale, hold your lungs empty.

Time: 5548.26

And then repeat again for a third round, if you like.

Time: 5550.81

If you do that over and over, you're going to be very alert.

Time: 5553.24

You're going to have more energy.

Time: 5554.26

You're going to feel like

Time: 5555.093

you want to move around a lot more.

Time: 5556.57

In fact, you might even feel agitated.

Time: 5558.31

So people with a lot of anxiety

Time: 5560.2

or prone to panic attack might want to be cautious

Time: 5562.18

in how they train and embark on that type of breathing,

Time: 5565.27

might want to approach it a little more carefully

Time: 5566.83

or avoid it altogether.

Time: 5568.06

But for most people,

Time: 5568.99

cyclic hyperventilation is simply going to

Time: 5570.7

get you more energized and feeling like you want to move,

Time: 5573.7

feeling like you can think more clearly,

Time: 5575.44

and you'll be more wide-eyed and alert

Time: 5577.15

because you are releasing adrenaline.

Time: 5579.85

And the cold water exposure protocol

Time: 5581.44

that I talked about earlier

Time: 5582.43

and that's covered in our episode on cold

Time: 5584.59

and in the newsletter on cold.

Time: 5586.66

Well that, as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 5588.61

potently increases dopamine, but also epinephrine.

Time: 5591.94

So that's another terrific tool,

Time: 5593.23

whether or not it's applied by cold shower or cold immersion

Time: 5596.74

or some other thing like cryo,

Time: 5599.11

that is going to make you more alert

Time: 5600.85

because it releases adrenaline.

Time: 5603.1

Now we can't really say that there are foods

Time: 5605.56

to increase epinephrine.

Time: 5607.27

Rather, there are foods that include a lot of tyrosine

Time: 5610.78

that will increase dopamine.

Time: 5612.7

And remember, dopamine is the molecule

Time: 5614.53

from which epinephrine is synthesized.

Time: 5617.23

So we can't really point to a particular food

Time: 5620.11

or categories of food for increasing epinephrine.

Time: 5622.12

I think caffeine and things like it

Time: 5624.52

will increase epinephrine.

Time: 5626.26

There are of course prescription drugs

Time: 5628.27

that will increase epinephrine.

Time: 5630.28

And of course,

Time: 5631.113

there are all sorts of so-called beta blockers

Time: 5633.58

that will block the receptors for epinephrine

Time: 5635.95

to make you feel calm for public speaking

Time: 5638.32

or for various heart conditions, et cetera.

Time: 5640.33

That's really the domain of physicians

Time: 5642.28

and should really be worked out with your cardiologist,

Time: 5645.52

with a physician et cetera.

Time: 5646.9

I think the tools of exercise

Time: 5649.72

and should you want very potent increases in adrenaline,

Time: 5653.95

high intensity exercise,

Time: 5655.72

as well as the tools of caffeine, cyclic hyperventilation

Time: 5659.26

and deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 5660.82

really combine to give you a nice little kit,

Time: 5664.63

I would say a versatile kit,

Time: 5666.43

of ways to increase epinephrine

Time: 5668.14

for sake of having more physical and mental energy.

Time: 5670.84

So next is the neuromodulator acetylcholine.

Time: 5673.57

And as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 5675.25

acetylcholine is associated with states of focus

Time: 5678.97

and those states of focus

Time: 5680.17

can be high energy states of focus.

Time: 5682.48

So the ones that are accompanied by

Time: 5685.45

high levels of dopamine and epinephrine

Time: 5687.88

and where we're really excited about

Time: 5689.98

and really lasered in on something,

Time: 5691.96

or they can be the calmer, more relaxed states of focus

Time: 5696.07

like reading a book or practicing music

Time: 5698.86

or listening very carefully to somebody

Time: 5701.14

in a way that's relaxed and calm.

Time: 5703.39

And yet nonetheless,

Time: 5704.38

where we have a narrow cognitive

Time: 5707.02

and typically a narrow visual aperture,

Time: 5710.17

and typically also a narrow auditory aperture.

Time: 5712.9

That is our auditory system and our visual system

Time: 5715.72

and our thinking can be very broad.

Time: 5717.88

It can be all over the place.

Time: 5719.59

Or it can be very narrow.

Time: 5721.6

And it can be very focused.

Time: 5723.79

Acetylcholine is released from two major sites in the brain,

Time: 5727

nucleus basalis, which is in the forebrain

Time: 5729.55

and extends connections out to many different brain areas

Time: 5732.52

to offer the opportunity to release acetylcholine locally

Time: 5736.66

and more or less in a chemical way,

Time: 5739.18

highlight those particular neurons and synapses

Time: 5742.69

for strengthening, for plasticity later.

Time: 5745.69

And it is released from sites in the back of the brain

Time: 5748.99

in a way that can increase

Time: 5751.33

the so-called fidelity of information coming in

Time: 5754.93

through our eyes, our ears, our nose, et cetera.

Time: 5757.18

What do I mean by fidelity?

Time: 5758.26

Well, we are constantly being bombarded

Time: 5759.97

with sensory information through all of our various senses

Time: 5763.42

and acetylcholine released from this area

Time: 5765.76

in the back of the brain,

Time: 5766.93

has the ability to increase the extent to which

Time: 5770.86

say, visual information

Time: 5772.48

or just visual and auditory information

Time: 5775.33

would make it through to our consciousness

Time: 5777.34

whereas all the other types of sensory information

Time: 5779.68

that are coming in are filtered out.

Time: 5782.71

So your brain, because it's taking in all this information

Time: 5785.92

needs to decide what to pay attention to.

Time: 5787.84

And in this way, we can say that acetylcholine

Time: 5789.79

has a lot to do, not just with "focus", in air quotes,

Time: 5792.76

but literally attention,

Time: 5794.38

which neural signals become relevant to our consciousness.

Time: 5798.46

There's a whole discussion to be had there

Time: 5800.08

and we don't have time for that.

Time: 5801.46

Rather, I'd like to focus on what are the tools

Time: 5803.86

that one can use

Time: 5805.09

to maintain healthy baselines of acetylcholine

Time: 5808.6

and increase acetylcholine for sake of learning

Time: 5812.56

any type of information, physical, cognitive, or otherwise.

Time: 5815.56

Now it turns out there have been a lot of studies,

Time: 5817.36

including many quality peer reviewed studies

Time: 5819.13

carried out in humans,

Time: 5820.21

looking at what happens

Time: 5821.68

when you increase acetylcholine levels in the brain

Time: 5825.4

and you accompany that with the attempt to learn.

Time: 5828.01

And what you find almost always

Time: 5830.44

is that people experience increased focus,

Time: 5833.68

that when measured the neuronal responses

Time: 5836.71

become more specific,

Time: 5838.27

so less broad scale activity in the brain

Time: 5840.28

and more specific neural circuit activity

Time: 5843.19

and that this triggers immediate and long-lasting changes

Time: 5847.54

in the way those circuits work,

Time: 5848.95

even when acetylcholine is not being deployed,

Time: 5851.23

so-called neuroplasticity, the circuits literally change.

Time: 5854.38

So this is great.

Time: 5855.37

The work of Michael Silver at Berkeley,

Time: 5857.77

the work of Mike Merzenich at UCSF,

Time: 5860.38

the work of Michael Kilgard down in Texas,

Time: 5862.39

all of those laboratories

Time: 5863.47

see this again and again, and again.

Time: 5864.88

Increase acetylcholine before and during learning.

Time: 5867.55

And there's a much higher probability

Time: 5869.5

that the learning will quote, unquote,

Time: 5870.827

"sink in", that the information will be retained

Time: 5873.13

because those neural circuits change.

Time: 5875.41

Now ways to increase acetylcholine in a potent way

Time: 5879.1

include again, nutrition and supplementation.

Time: 5883.48

It is important to have baseline levels of acetylcholine

Time: 5887.02

be sufficiently high, as well.

Time: 5888.67

And for that really the ideal situation

Time: 5890.65

is to regularly ingest foods that provide enough

Time: 5893.44

of the precursors for acetylcholine to be made.

Time: 5896.41

If you go online and you were to do a search

Time: 5898.93

of which foods contain a lot of choline,

Time: 5901.9

which is related to the synthesis of acetylcholine,

Time: 5905.23

you would get some interesting information back.

Time: 5907.21

For instance, beef liver

Time: 5909.16

is the most potent source of choline.

Time: 5911.8

I know nowadays there's kind of a growing micro trend

Time: 5914.62

if you will, of ingesting beef liver,

Time: 5916.42

even raw liver, which to be honest,

Time: 5918.37

the thought of ingesting raw liver of any kind

Time: 5920.89

activates my area postrema,

Time: 5922.42

which is the area of the brain that triggers nausea.

Time: 5924.64

In fact, I'm starting to salivate a bit,

Time: 5926.26

not because I'm hungry,

Time: 5927.093

but I think the whole concept makes me ill.

Time: 5930.01

Nonetheless, cooked liver

Time: 5932.92

or raw liver for that matter,

Time: 5934.6

or liver of any kind seems to contain a lot of choline.

Time: 5937.96

I realize most people,

Time: 5939.94

most people are not going to be running out

Time: 5942.25

and ingesting large amounts of beef liver.

Time: 5944.83

Eggs contain a lot of choline.

Time: 5946.57

Beef contains choline.

Time: 5947.59

Soybeans contain choline.

Time: 5948.76

So there are vegan or non-meat sources,

Time: 5951.31

chicken, fish, mushrooms, kidney beans,

Time: 5953.89

these sorts of things contain a lot of choline

Time: 5955.897

and there are other vegetables that contain choline.

Time: 5957.85

So depending on your dietary preferences and needs,

Time: 5960.22

you can select certain foods to ingest,

Time: 5963.34

to get enough choline to synthesize

Time: 5964.78

enough baseline acetyl choline.

Time: 5968.32

In the realm of supplementation,

Time: 5969.94

there are some excellent tools

Time: 5971.89

for increasing acetylcholine

Time: 5973.99

in the acute short-term,

Time: 5975.73

meaning over the course of about 30 minutes

Time: 5978.61

out to about two hours or maybe even four hours.

Time: 5981.01

And the number of different molecules that can do that,

Time: 5984.07

that are available without a prescription,

Time: 5985.66

at least in the US, is pretty vast.

Time: 5988.36

The most common of those molecules is actually nicotine.

Time: 5991.12

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

Time: 5993.55

are abundant throughout the body and brain.

Time: 5995.83

They're in various brain circuits.

Time: 5997.81

They are on muscle and yes,

Time: 6001.23

smoking nicotine either by vaping or cigarette

Time: 6003.75

will activate those nicotinic receptors.

Time: 6007.74

But of course, smoking is a terrible thing.

Time: 6010.23

It will also activate things like lung cancer.

Time: 6012.75

So I definitely don't recommend that.

Time: 6014.19

It also activates addiction because of the ways

Time: 6017.04

that it triggers activation of the dopamine circuit.

Time: 6020.1

So I think that triggering activation

Time: 6024.12

of acetylcholine-related pathways by ingesting nicotine

Time: 6027.27

by way of inhalants is generally a bad idea.

Time: 6031.32

However, some people will chew Nicorette

Time: 6034.77

or other nicotine type gums.

Time: 6037.8

I've never done that,

Time: 6038.633

but I have friends who actually rely on that.

Time: 6040.53

These are typically former smokers

Time: 6042.78

that are trying not to smoke,

Time: 6044.19

but still want to get some of the focus enhancement

Time: 6047.49

that they experience from nicotine.

Time: 6049.38

Some people are very sensitive to nicotine,

Time: 6051.33

and this is important.

Time: 6052.32

Some people are very sensitive to ingested nicotine.

Time: 6054.99

So nowadays there are nicotine-dipped toothpicks,

Time: 6058.35

there of course, is nicotine gum

Time: 6059.76

and other sources of nicotine.

Time: 6060.99

Some people can take that and feel fine.

Time: 6062.76

Some people take it and feel absolutely terrible.

Time: 6065.76

I confess, I've never actually tried nicotine

Time: 6068.76

in any of those forms so I don't know how they work for me,

Time: 6072.06

but some people do use them as cognitive enhancers.

Time: 6074.52

In fact, I know one Nobel prize winning neuroscientist,

Time: 6077.91

who's quite well known in our field

Time: 6079.59

for chewing Nicorette all day long.

Time: 6081.6

He insists that it really helps him with his focus

Time: 6083.7

and he is exceedingly smart and productive,

Time: 6085.92

although I'm sure there are other reasons for that.

Time: 6088.08

Supplements that I have used and do use

Time: 6091.14

for increasing acetylcholine

Time: 6093.45

are things like Alpha GPC or Huperzinene.

Time: 6098.01

Alpha GPC

Time: 6099.81

is in the choline pathway,

Time: 6102.36

such that more acetylcholine is synthesized

Time: 6105.03

after you ingest it.

Time: 6106.17

That's the general logic or framework of how it works.

Time: 6108.87

Whereas Huperzinene is mainly in the enzymatic pathway.

Time: 6112.44

It tends to adjust how much acetylcholine is broken down

Time: 6115.74

and lead to net increases in acetylcholine.

Time: 6119.64

I will often take 300 milligrams of Alpha GPC

Time: 6122.73

prior to workouts or prior to cognitive work bouts.

Time: 6126.42

But when I say often, I tend to do this anywhere

Time: 6129.45

from three to four times a week, typically not every day.

Time: 6133.53

Although there are people

Time: 6134.67

including people who are trying

Time: 6135.63

to offset age-related cognitive decline,

Time: 6137.85

that will take 300 milligrams of Alpha GPC

Time: 6140.73

three times a day, every day,

Time: 6142.68

which closely mimic some of the studies

Time: 6144.66

that have been done on humans,

Time: 6145.89

looking at offsetting age-related cognitive decline,

Time: 6148.8

using things like Alpha GPC.

Time: 6151.47

I should point out that there have been a few studies,

Time: 6154.26

a few, not many,

Time: 6155.64

but these studies emphasize that people

Time: 6158.49

who take a lot of Alpha GPC chronically over time

Time: 6161.52

may be at increased risk for stroke.

Time: 6164.07

I think the data are still out on that

Time: 6166.41

and we need more data.

Time: 6168

But for me, in terms of thinking

Time: 6169.68

about the risk benefit profiles,

Time: 6171.42

taking 300 milligrams of Alpha GPC,

Time: 6173.91

most certainly does increase my ability to focus.

Time: 6176.04

I've noticed that.

Time: 6176.873

I tend to take it alongside caffeine

Time: 6178.587

and phenylethylamine.

Time: 6180.15

So I take that in combination

Time: 6181.8

either before workouts or workbouts,

Time: 6183.48

really sharpens my focus.

Time: 6184.83

And again, I'm doing that three, maybe four times per week.

Time: 6187.47

And I'm careful to do that in the early part of the day

Time: 6190.02

so that it does not disrupt my sleep.

Time: 6192.3

Although I have taken Alpha GPC

Time: 6193.89

in the second half of the day,

Time: 6195.21

and I had no trouble sleeping at all.

Time: 6197.34

I don't know what the exact half life is of the given form

Time: 6200.82

that's typically in supplementation.

Time: 6202.5

It's actually hard to get that information.

Time: 6204.54

But typically the focus effects wear off after

Time: 6207.96

about two, maybe four hours maximum.

Time: 6210.36

Now one thing that I don't think

Time: 6211.68

has ever been discussed before,

Time: 6213.18

certainly not on this podcast

Time: 6214.83

is that if you take Alpha GPC,

Time: 6218.28

even semi-regularly,

Time: 6219.6

you may notice that a particular feature

Time: 6222.57

of your blood work will increase and that's TMAO,

Time: 6225.69

which is sometimes associated

Time: 6227.52

with increased cardiovascular risk.

Time: 6230.25

This may, again, may relate to some of the potential risk

Time: 6233.91

of very high levels of Alpha GPC ingestion over many years,

Time: 6238.02

increasing stroke risk.

Time: 6239.73

Again, those studies looked at people

Time: 6241.132

who've been taking it for up to a decade,

Time: 6243.06

but in any case,

Time: 6244.68

one way to prevent the increase in TMAO,

Time: 6247.77

if you're taking Alpha GPC at all

Time: 6250.44

is to take 600 milligrams of garlic

Time: 6253.32

because it contains something called allicin.

Time: 6255.87

This was a trick that was handed off to me

Time: 6258.36

by Dr. Kyle Gillette,

Time: 6259.83

who again, was a guest on this podcast some time ago,

Time: 6261.99

talking about hormones and hormone health.

Time: 6263.88

Turns out that ingestion of 600 milligrams of allicin

Time: 6267.24

alongside or even just same day as Alpha GPC

Time: 6270.33

can really clamp those TMAO levels

Time: 6273.06

that would otherwise increase if you're taking Alpha GPC.

Time: 6275.52

And indeed I've done the blood work

Time: 6277.17

and that turns out to be the case.

Time: 6278.97

I saw a spike in TMAO.

Time: 6280.32

I started taking 600 milligrams of garlic

Time: 6283.23

and those TMAO levels came down.

Time: 6285.24

And last as it relates to acetylcholine,

Time: 6287.16

but certainly not least,

Time: 6289.11

just as acetylcholine can increase focus,

Time: 6291.75

focus can increase acetylcholine.

Time: 6294.48

I talked a lot about this in the episode on focus,

Time: 6297.42

but there are behavioral tools

Time: 6298.86

that you can use to enhance focus.

Time: 6300.57

Things like staring at a particular visual target

Time: 6303.63

at the same distance at

Time: 6305.04

which you're going to perform some work

Time: 6306.57

and doing that for 30 to 60 seconds,

Time: 6309.51

narrowing in a very deliberate way, your visual field,

Time: 6311.91

and then moving into a focused work about.

Time: 6314.79

That behavioral practice of narrowing your visual aperture

Time: 6319.8

will increase the amount of acetylcholine transmission

Time: 6322.44

in particular neural circuits

Time: 6324.18

that will then make it easier to focus.

Time: 6325.98

How do we know that?

Time: 6326.82

Well, I covered in that episode,

Time: 6329.16

some of the peer reviewed studies

Time: 6330.66

that relate to protocols

Time: 6331.89

that are now actively being deployed

Time: 6333.9

in schools in China and elsewhere,

Time: 6336.36

where kids are doing deliberate visual focus exercises

Time: 6340.11

in order to increase their mental focus.

Time: 6341.94

And while they're not doing microdialysis

Time: 6343.68

or brain imaging on those kids in real time,

Time: 6346.17

the cognitive effects and indeed the performance effects

Time: 6349.95

in terms of academic ability and output

Time: 6352.35

are pretty impressive.

Time: 6353.52

So acetylcholine increases focus.

Time: 6355.74

We talked about some dietary

Time: 6358.2

and some supplementation-based ways

Time: 6360.18

to improve acetylcholine,

Time: 6362.07

or I should say increase acetylcholine.

Time: 6364.05

And that does in fact lead to increases

Time: 6367.02

in one's ability to focus.

Time: 6368.91

This is why a lot of the prescription drugs

Time: 6371.28

for the treatment

Time: 6372.113

of Alzheimer's age-related cognitive decline

Time: 6374.43

and indeed, even some of the drugs

Time: 6375.87

that tap into treatments for ADHD

Time: 6379.2

also involve the acetylcholine system.

Time: 6381.6

So there's nothing surprising or heretical here,

Time: 6385.08

but it is important to point out

Time: 6386.4

that your behavioral ability to focus

Time: 6388.59

is also related to your ability to access

Time: 6390.99

and deploy acetylcholine.

Time: 6392.52

So never do we want purely pharmacologic treatments

Time: 6397.08

to be the only way that people are increasing

Time: 6400.23

a given neuromodulator.

Time: 6401.43

I always say behaviors first,

Time: 6403.89

then nutrition,

Time: 6405.45

then supplementation.

Time: 6406.62

And then if there's a need,

Time: 6408.27

certainly a clinical need, then prescription drugs,

Time: 6410.88

et cetera, of course administered through a physician.

Time: 6413.82

So let's discuss serotonin.

Time: 6415.71

Serotonin, as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 6417.24

is associated with brain and body states of well-being,

Time: 6421.32

of comfort, of satiety,

Time: 6423.06

and therefore should come as no surprise

Time: 6424.83

that a lot of the prescription drug treatments

Time: 6426.6

for things like depression

Time: 6428.04

involve increasing levels of serotonin

Time: 6430.56

in the brain and body.

Time: 6432.36

That said, anytime you talk about

Time: 6434.37

prescription drugs for serotonin,

Time: 6436.5

we also want to acknowledge that

Time: 6438.09

there are often side effects associated

Time: 6440.01

with increasing serotonin,

Time: 6441.27

in particular, if serotonin levels go too high,

Time: 6443.82

that is if the dosages of those treatments go too high,

Time: 6446.61

people will, for instance,

Time: 6448.32

feel reduced appetite, reduced libido,

Time: 6450.6

increased lethargy, et cetera.

Time: 6452.52

And there's a so-called serotonergic syndrome.

Time: 6455.1

All of that can and should be considered

Time: 6457.86

with a well-trained physician,

Time: 6460.29

so because they're prescription drugs,

Time: 6462.03

controlling the dosage,

Time: 6463.74

deciding what dosage to take,

Time: 6465.66

deciding which SSRI to take

Time: 6468.57

and whether or not to come off those drugs,

Time: 6470.22

how to come off those drugs.

Time: 6471.24

Again, all of that should be handled

Time: 6472.77

with a licensed physician.

Time: 6476.1

That said, there are behavioral tools, nutritional tools,

Time: 6479.457

and supplementation tools

Time: 6481.11

that can tap into the serotonin system,

Time: 6483.15

not to the same degree in potency,

Time: 6484.77

but nonetheless, in ways that can still impact

Time: 6487.74

our feelings of well-being in positive ways.

Time: 6491.19

So let's focus first on the behavioral tools

Time: 6494.19

and some of these might make people chuckle a little bit,

Time: 6496.68

but I want to point out that a lot of these tools

Time: 6499.23

are quite potent.

Time: 6500.37

In fact, they are power tools for modulating serotonin.

Time: 6504.09

And we know that based on human neuro imaging studies,

Time: 6507.06

human and animal microdialysis studies

Time: 6510.27

and other studies that really have evaluated

Time: 6512.67

circulating levels of serotonin

Time: 6514.38

and the particular brain circuits that release serotonin

Time: 6517.26

when people do certain things.

Time: 6519.15

What sorts of things?

Time: 6520.41

Well, for instance, physical contact,

Time: 6523.38

in particular with loved ones,

Time: 6524.58

this can be romantic love.

Time: 6525.84

This can be children, so your own children

Time: 6529.62

or your spouse, even if it's not sexual contact,

Time: 6533.43

friend to friend contact,

Time: 6535.86

even friend to animal contact, you know,

Time: 6538.32

as a former dog owner,

Time: 6540.42

I hope to have another dog soon

Time: 6541.62

'cause unfortunately Costello passed away,

Time: 6543.39

but there is something really comforting

Time: 6544.74

and wonderful about petting your dog.

Time: 6546.72

And certainly, given that many of the studies on serotonin

Time: 6550.62

and these other neuromodulators were done on animal models,

Time: 6554.31

we also know that serotonin is being evoked in the dog

Time: 6557.67

and of course in the child

Time: 6559.05

and in the significant other, et cetera.

Time: 6560.88

So things like holding hands, believe it or not,

Time: 6563.49

hugs, cuddling, et cetera,

Time: 6566.28

can increase serotonin transmission

Time: 6568.41

and they make people feel good.

Time: 6570.27

This shouldn't really come as a surprise.

Time: 6572.22

There's also gratitude.

Time: 6573.45

And we did an entire episode about gratitude.

Time: 6575.67

There's a lot of misunderstanding about gratitude.

Time: 6578.13

Oftentimes when people hear gratitude, they think,

Time: 6580.35

oh, gratitude, this is just being thankful

Time: 6582.09

for what you have and it's kind of a weak sauce effect,

Time: 6584.94

meaning, you know, it's kind of like,

Time: 6586.56

maybe a little serotonin goes up

Time: 6588.81

or maybe there's a little bit

Time: 6589.643

of increased feelings of well-being.

Time: 6591.93

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Time: 6593.46

It turns out, first of all,

Time: 6595.17

that receiving not giving gratitude

Time: 6597.99

is what has the most potent effects

Time: 6599.64

on increasing serotonin and activity of the brain circuits

Time: 6602.79

that involve serotonin

Time: 6603.93

and that lead to increases in feelings of well-being.

Time: 6606.75

So this is interesting.

Time: 6608.16

Receiving much more than giving gratitude

Time: 6612.33

is what activates those serotonergic pathways.

Time: 6614.82

So the takeaway from that is

Time: 6616.86

both give and receive gratitude

Time: 6618.78

and of course, do it in an authentic way.

Time: 6620.73

The other thing about gratitude

Time: 6621.9

that's somewhat counterintuitive is that

Time: 6624.18

observing others giving and receiving gratitude

Time: 6627.27

is immensely powerful for evoking serotonin

Time: 6630.51

and the activity of serotonergic circuits in you,

Time: 6633.63

the observer.

Time: 6634.5

So receiving and observing gratitude

Time: 6636.96

turns out to be the most potent way to increase serotonin

Time: 6640.35

in the brain and body.

Time: 6641.7

And these again are dramatic effects

Time: 6643.44

that are quite long-lasting

Time: 6644.88

and not the sorts of effects

Time: 6646.29

that are going to lead to side effects,

Time: 6647.52

at least there's no reason to think they would.

Time: 6649.89

Now what about nutritional approaches

Time: 6652.77

to increasing serotonin?

Time: 6654.12

Well, just as we have tyrosine as an amino acid precursor

Time: 6657.63

upstream of dopamine synthesis,

Time: 6660.84

we have the amino acid tryptophan,

Time: 6664.38

which is upstream of serotonin synthesis.

Time: 6667.41

And one simply has to go online

Time: 6669.6

and put in tryptophan containing foods

Time: 6672.03

and you will discover that there are a lot of foods

Time: 6673.77

that are enriched in tryptophan

Time: 6675.39

that can lead to net increases in the amount of serotonin

Time: 6678.99

available in the brain and body.

Time: 6680.61

The most kind of famous or infamous of these

Time: 6683.07

is white meat turkey,

Time: 6684.6

the so-called tryptophan effect where people get very sleepy

Time: 6687.12

after eating white meat turkey.

Time: 6688.097

And it is indeed highly enriched in tryptophan

Time: 6691.44

although typically the getting sleepy after eating turkey

Time: 6693.69

is most often associated with the Thanksgiving meal

Time: 6696.78

and the Thanksgiving meal, at least in the US,

Time: 6698.52

is often associated with people vastly overeating.

Time: 6700.92

And so I do want to point out

Time: 6702.24

that if you fill your gut with food,

Time: 6704.25

no matter what that food is,

Time: 6706.14

there's going to be a diversion of blood to your gut

Time: 6707.94

that's going to make you feel sleepy

Time: 6709.11

because there's a diversion of blood

Time: 6710.4

away from other tissues.

Time: 6711.87

So if you eat a lot, you're going to get sleepy, period,

Time: 6713.76

whether or not you eat turkey or some other substance.

Time: 6716.22

Nonetheless, there are a number of foods

Time: 6717.96

that contain a lot of tryptophan

Time: 6720.24

and that some people will leverage

Time: 6722.79

in order to try and increase the total amount

Time: 6725.52

of circulating serotonin available to them

Time: 6727.56

in order to have a modest increase

Time: 6730.53

in overall mood and well-being.

Time: 6732.24

So what are some of these foods?

Time: 6733.56

These are things like milk, in particular, whole milk,

Time: 6736.77

so full fat milk.

Time: 6738.27

I know a number of people choose not to drink milk

Time: 6740.7

'cause they're lactose intolerant.

Time: 6742.56

I'm raising my hand 'cause I'm one such person,

Time: 6744.51

although when I was a kid, I did enjoy milk.

Time: 6748.29

Canned tuna.

Time: 6749.73

Turkey, as we mentioned before, high in tryptophan.

Time: 6752.13

Oats, I am a consumer of oatmeal so that resonates with me.

Time: 6756

Cheese and here I read,

Time: 6758.04

although not as high in tryptophan as meat

Time: 6759.84

and other dairy sources,

Time: 6762.15

certain cheeses like cheddar cheeses

Time: 6763.53

can be rich in tryptophan.

Time: 6765.21

Certain nuts and seeds, certain breads.

Time: 6768.27

Chocolate, I know a number of people

Time: 6770.13

will be relieved to hear that.

Time: 6771.48

I know chocolate lovers are always looking

Time: 6773.55

for an excuse to eat chocolate.

Time: 6775.05

I confess I've never really liked chocolate,

Time: 6776.7

except dare I say,

Time: 6777.84

I like the smooth 100% percent chocolates.

Time: 6780.39

I know many people gag when they hear a hundred percent,

Time: 6782.05

but I actually really like them.

Time: 6783.54

And some fruits can be highly enriched in tryptophan,

Time: 6786.06

things like bananas and apples and things of that sort,

Time: 6789.39

although not nearly to the degree of things

Time: 6792.36

like turkey, canned tuna and milk.

Time: 6794.85

I'm sure there are other excellent sources of tryptophan

Time: 6797.67

from the diet, including vegan sources

Time: 6800.28

so please peruse the internet to try

Time: 6802.14

and find the sources that are compatible

Time: 6803.79

with your nutritional program,

Time: 6805.8

if indeed your goal is to increase tryptophan.

Time: 6808.74

Now there are supplements that can increase tryptophan

Time: 6811.08

and can do so quite potently.

Time: 6813.6

One of the ones that has received increasing attention

Time: 6817.17

as of lately is cissus quadrangularis,

Time: 6820.41

complicated name,

Time: 6821.94

when taken in dosages of about 300 to 600 milligrams

Time: 6825.72

can pretty dramatically increase serotonin levels.

Time: 6829.59

In fact, anywhere from 30% to 39% increases

Time: 6833.79

in circulating serotonin.

Time: 6835.68

That's a big increase

Time: 6837.81

and I can provide a link to that study.

Time: 6839.82

The study was focused, not so much on serotonin,

Time: 6842.76

but was focused mainly on treatment of obesity

Time: 6846.12

and appetite and weight loss.

Time: 6847.92

And it should come as no surprise that serotonin,

Time: 6851.37

if increased, might lead to decreases in appetite.

Time: 6855.09

A cautionary note,

Time: 6857.13

cissus quadrangularis may need to be cycled.

Time: 6861.03

How quickly to cycle it,

Time: 6862.41

meaning do you do two weeks on, two weeks off?

Time: 6865.17

Whether or not you need to do more rapid cycling

Time: 6867.6

like two days on, two days off, is a matter of debate.

Time: 6870.48

There are not a lot of data on this just yet.

Time: 6873.21

There are a lot of opinions about this on the internet,

Time: 6875.28

but again, not a lot of quality peer review data.

Time: 6877.92

Nonetheless cissus quadrangularis has been shown

Time: 6880.29

to increase serotonin in humans

Time: 6882.84

and for people that are seeking to increase serotonin

Time: 6885.6

maybe in particular,

Time: 6886.92

for sake of appetite and weight control,

Time: 6889.23

that might be a useful compound.

Time: 6891.12

I know many people also take 5-HTP,

Time: 6893.52

one of the precursors to serotonin

Time: 6896.07

in dosages of anywhere from 300 to 500 milligrams.

Time: 6899.01

Typically people are doing this in anticipation of sleep,

Time: 6902.28

meaning in the final hour of wakefulness

Time: 6904.44

before going to sleep.

Time: 6906.24

I myself have tried 5-HTP prior to sleep

Time: 6909

and all I can tell you is that it led to very deep sleep

Time: 6911.55

for about one to three hours.

Time: 6912.78

And then I woke up and I could not fall back asleep.

Time: 6915.12

I ran that experiment twice

Time: 6916.92

before I decided to abandon 5-HTP as a sleep aid.

Time: 6919.74

And that's why I've never put it into our sleep kit

Time: 6922.74

or at least my sleep kit.

Time: 6924.9

And when I refer to the sleep kit,

Time: 6926.76

that's something you can find at HubermanLab.com.

Time: 6928.77

This is zero cost resource

Time: 6930.18

where you can see behavioral tools

Time: 6932.04

and also supplementation tools

Time: 6934.59

that can improve the transition time

Time: 6936.54

into and the depth of sleep.

Time: 6938.07

And none of those rely on 5-HTP supplementation.

Time: 6941.61

That said,

Time: 6942.443

I know a number of people use 5-HTP supplementation

Time: 6945.84

outside of sleep,

Time: 6947.22

or I should say during the daytime

Time: 6948.51

to try and increase serotonin

Time: 6950.04

and it will indeed increase circulating serotonin.

Time: 6952.98

But again, people vary in their sensitivity

Time: 6955.56

to these sorts of things.

Time: 6957.09

Some people might find for instance,

Time: 6958.263

that 300 milligrams of 5-HTP is just far too much.

Time: 6961.8

It blunts their appetite, might even reduce libido.

Time: 6964.86

There aren't a lot of very well controlled studies

Time: 6966.81

looking at this

Time: 6967.71

and so it has to be figured out on an individual basis,

Time: 6970.26

if you decide to approach it at all.

Time: 6972.42

Now one molecule that I've found

Time: 6973.89

to be particularly interesting and useful

Time: 6976.2

and this is one that I haven't talked about yet

Time: 6978.24

on this podcast

Time: 6979.35

is inositol, in particular myo-inositol.

Time: 6983.13

Myo-inositol can have the effect of increasing serotonin

Time: 6987.21

and other neurochemicals,

Time: 6989.82

but primarily at least in terms

Time: 6991.62

of the neuromodulators discussed today, serotonin.

Time: 6994.65

I've been taking 900 milligrams of myo-inositol

Time: 6998.04

every third night or so

Time: 6999.42

as a test of its ability to improve sleep.

Time: 7001.61

And I have to say,

Time: 7002.93

the depth and quality of sleep that I've been obtaining

Time: 7006.17

on myo-inositol is pretty remarkable.

Time: 7009.29

In fact, I've used it alone

Time: 7010.97

and in combination

Time: 7012.11

with the magnesium threonate, apigenin, theanine sleep kit

Time: 7015.41

that I've talked about and that's included in that,

Time: 7017.81

again, zero cost kit that's available

Time: 7019.79

as a PDF on our website.

Time: 7021.38

So myo-inositol is known

Time: 7022.91

to increase circulating levels of serotonin.

Time: 7025.43

It has been explored extensively

Time: 7028.07

in both animal models and in humans

Time: 7030.23

for its daytime use for treating anxiety.

Time: 7033.35

It does seem to reduce anxiety.

Time: 7035.42

And for all sorts of things.

Time: 7037.31

It's been explored for bipolar disorder.

Time: 7039.5

We're going to do an episode about bipolar disorder coming up.

Time: 7042.92

It's been explored for the treatment of migraine.

Time: 7045.14

It's been explored for ADHD.

Time: 7047.03

It's been explored for a huge number

Time: 7049.13

of different conditions of brain and body.

Time: 7051.35

Again, I've been using the 900 milligrams

Time: 7053.39

of myo-inositol in the 30 to 60 minutes before sleep

Time: 7057.08

to improve my sleep

Time: 7058.16

and it has been doing that very dramatically,

Time: 7060.2

especially when I take it alongside

Time: 7062.6

the rest of those sleep kit supplements.

Time: 7065.33

A quick note about myo-inositol

Time: 7067.07

for sake of increasing serotonin.

Time: 7069.41

if you look at the human studies on myo-inositol

Time: 7072.08

that are out there

Time: 7073.1

and in particular focus on the human studies,

Time: 7075.44

what you'll find is that the dosages that are often used

Time: 7078.14

are tremendously high,

Time: 7079.34

things like five grams,

Time: 7080.72

eight grams, 18 grams of myo-inositol

Time: 7083.57

taken throughout the day.

Time: 7085.34

I don't know how people stomach that.

Time: 7086.96

And in fact, many people drop out of those studies

Time: 7089.12

because of gastric discomfort.

Time: 7091.91

And yet I also wonder how people tolerate it

Time: 7094.49

because it has somewhat of a sedative effect

Time: 7096.17

and this kind of anti-anxiety effect.

Time: 7098.57

And I can't even imagine

Time: 7100.31

given my experience with 900 milligrams,

Time: 7102.47

what one would experience taking multiple

Time: 7105.29

or many more grams per day.

Time: 7107.57

So I certainly am not encouraging that.

Time: 7110.48

And the only reason I mention myo-inositol

Time: 7112.88

is that it has a known effect of increasing serotonin.

Time: 7116.51

At least in my experience,

Time: 7118.1

it does not lead to this falling deeply asleep

Time: 7120.41

and waking back up.

Time: 7121.43

Actually to the contrary,

Time: 7122.45

if I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom,

Time: 7124.43

or I wake up at the middle of the night,

Time: 7125.54

for whatever other reason,

Time: 7127.04

I find it far easier to fall back asleep

Time: 7129.8

if I've taken 900 milligrams myo-inositol prior to sleep.

Time: 7133.97

So for me, it's proving to be a quite useful compound.

Time: 7137

I'm not aware of having any serotonergic deficiency overall.

Time: 7140.75

I don't consider myself depressed.

Time: 7142.58

And of course I should mention that no supplement

Time: 7145.58

either added or withdrawn from your protocol

Time: 7148.25

should ever be used as a direct replacement

Time: 7151.34

for prescription drug treatments

Time: 7152.66

that your physician has given you.

Time: 7153.493

You should always talk to your physician

Time: 7155.03

anytime you remove or add something to your drug protocol

Time: 7158.81

or prescription protocol, of course.

Time: 7160.73

So we've got behavioral protocols

Time: 7162.83

that as silly as it feels to say,

Time: 7165.8

have been shown to potently increase serotonin,

Time: 7167.87

things like physical contact, cuddling,

Time: 7169.64

holding hands with people that you love, of course, right?

Time: 7172.91

I think if they were people that you despise,

Time: 7175.43

it would have the opposite effect for obvious reasons.

Time: 7178.43

But also receiving gratitude and observing gratitude,

Time: 7182.15

very potent increases in serotonin

Time: 7184.28

and things like cissus quadrangularis,

Time: 7187.22

things like 5-HGP may have their uses, right?

Time: 7190.1

They're very potent at increasing serotonin,

Time: 7193.25

but they do seem to have the need to cycle them

Time: 7196.19

and they are nuanced.

Time: 7197.6

Some people respond well to them,

Time: 7198.89

others like myself don't

Time: 7200.87

and of course, always be on the lookout for dramatic

Time: 7203.87

or even subtle decreases in appetite

Time: 7205.79

or libido or things that you might not want

Time: 7208.31

if you are going to be tinkering

Time: 7210.11

with your serotonergic levels and pathways.

Time: 7213.29

And then myo-inositol actually

Time: 7215.24

is proving to be quite useful to me

Time: 7217.7

and whether or not that's

Time: 7219.2

because of its effects on serotonin

Time: 7221.12

or through some of its other effects on

Time: 7223.58

maybe reducing anxiety,

Time: 7224.78

which certainly I experience

Time: 7225.86

if I wake up in the middle of the night,

Time: 7226.693

I don't like waking up in the middle of the night,

Time: 7228.38

but on myo-inositol,

Time: 7229.213

I sort of seem to not really care that I woke up

Time: 7231.38

and I fall right back asleep.

Time: 7232.52

So the direct source of the positive effects

Time: 7234.68

that I'm getting aren't clear, but nonetheless,

Time: 7236.72

I thought I'd pass it along as a useful tool

Time: 7239.15

because it is out there

Time: 7240.53

and it is available over the counter

Time: 7242.72

and provided you're taking the appropriate safety steps

Time: 7245.21

in considering whether or not to use it or not,

Time: 7247.85

I think it might be a useful tool.

Time: 7249.92

And of course,

Time: 7250.753

as with all the other neuromodulators we discussed,

Time: 7253.58

you have both a baseline of serotonin

Time: 7256.79

and the ability to give

Time: 7258.41

or provide yourself peaks of serotonin

Time: 7260.66

through these various protocols.

Time: 7262.22

The dietary interventions of the sort that I mentioned,

Time: 7265.64

meaning eating foods that are enriched in tryptophan,

Time: 7268.49

those are mainly going to

Time: 7269.69

adjust your baseline levels of tryptophan.

Time: 7272.84

For instance, if you really want to be sleepy,

Time: 7275.24

sure you could eat some white meat turkey

Time: 7277.16

in hopes that that tryptophan will convert to serotonin

Time: 7280.19

and make you sleepy, et cetera.

Time: 7281.84

But in general,

Time: 7282.673

those are going to be pretty long-lasting effects,

Time: 7284.96

especially given the fact that not all

Time: 7286.45

of the tryptophan you will ingest

Time: 7288.23

is going to be converted into serotonin in your brain.

Time: 7291.59

It's going to have other effects

Time: 7292.79

on other tissues and organs of your body.

Time: 7295.04

Nonetheless, if you want to increase serotonin,

Time: 7297.47

providing the appropriate baseline context

Time: 7300.32

is going to be useful.

Time: 7301.52

And again, this is a general theme

Time: 7303.29

of all four of these neuromodulators,

Time: 7305.54

dopamine, epinephrine, acetylcholine and serotonin.

Time: 7308.39

You want to make sure that you have

Time: 7310.04

sufficient baseline levels of those things

Time: 7312.98

through things like diet, regular behaviors,

Time: 7315.95

and then you have the opportunity to use supplementation

Time: 7319.43

and if it's appropriate for you, prescription drugs,

Time: 7321.77

and certain behavioral protocols

Time: 7323.36

to try and get these potent increases,

Time: 7325.16

these acute increases in whichever the neuromodulators

Time: 7328.46

you happen to want to leverage for your particular goals.

Time: 7331.91

So that brings us to the end of at least this exploration

Time: 7334.91

of the neuromodulators,

Time: 7336.53

dopamine, epinephrine,

Time: 7338.33

acetylcholine and serotonin.

Time: 7340.16

Some of you who are regular listeners of this podcast

Time: 7342.35

might be saying, well, we've heard all this before, right?

Time: 7344.6

You had an episode on dopamine.

Time: 7345.83

You had an episode on anxiety.

Time: 7347.21

You had an episode on sleep.

Time: 7348.5

And indeed that's true.

Time: 7350.48

But what I've tried to provide today

Time: 7352.25

is a framework that cuts through all those episodes

Time: 7356.3

and at the same time builds out a new

Time: 7358.79

and what I believe to be

Time: 7359.69

a really important theme and principle,

Time: 7362.21

which is that whether or not you're using nutritional tools

Time: 7366.26

or supplementation or prescription drugs

Time: 7368.96

or any other sort of protocol

Time: 7371.39

to try and create a desired effect of focus

Time: 7374.72

or energy, motivation, relaxation,

Time: 7377.69

you are playing with the same neurochemical ingredients,

Time: 7381.95

just as in the realm of nutrition,

Time: 7384.26

you have macronutrients,

Time: 7385.58

you have proteins, carbohydrates, and fats

Time: 7388.07

that can be adjusted in different ratios

Time: 7389.9

and arranged at different times

Time: 7391.94

in order to achieve certain desired effects.

Time: 7394.73

Well, when it comes to your neurochemistry

Time: 7397.16

and your ability to perform mentally, to perform physically,

Time: 7400.76

and your overall well-being,

Time: 7403.91

you are dealing with a small handful

Time: 7406.34

of especially potent molecules.

Time: 7408.5

And I acknowledge that there are many neuromodulators.

Time: 7411.92

There are indeed many neurotransmitters,

Time: 7413.84

glutamine, glycine, GABA, et cetera.

Time: 7416.3

But today we focused on the main four,

Time: 7418.64

meaning the most potent

Time: 7420.47

and most widespread neuromodulators in the brain and body

Time: 7424.82

that give you access to particular brain states

Time: 7428

and body states of the sort that most people desire.

Time: 7431.93

So what I'm hoping is that

Time: 7433.97

rather than decide that any one tool is the most useful

Time: 7437.03

or that any one neurochemical

Time: 7439.34

is most useful for that matter,

Time: 7441.56

that the information that I've provided today

Time: 7443.75

allows you a kit of versatile tools

Time: 7447.17

that allows you to figure out

Time: 7449.15

what levels of dopamine and augmentation of dopamine

Time: 7453.02

are appropriate and necessary for you.

Time: 7455

What levels of acetylcholine

Time: 7457.67

and tools for manipulating acetylcholine

Time: 7460.13

are going to be most useful for you

Time: 7461.6

and so on and so forth

Time: 7463.19

because at least at this stage in time,

Time: 7466.73

that is June, 2022,

Time: 7470.12

there is no simple at home test.

Time: 7472.22

In fact, there is no simple laboratory test

Time: 7474.86

that allows us to know whether or not

Time: 7476.39

our dopamine levels are high

Time: 7477.377

and our serotonin levels are low.

Time: 7479.27

We can look at somebody and their behavior.

Time: 7481.22

We can look at ourselves and our own mood and behavior.

Time: 7484.07

And we can infer what those levels may or may not be.

Time: 7488.78

But unfortunately, we don't have a really good test

Time: 7493.07

of dopamine levels or serotonin levels

Time: 7495.23

that would allow us to say,

Time: 7497.36

okay, this person, or I need to increase dopamine two-fold

Time: 7501.89

in order to achieve the kind of motivation that we want.

Time: 7504.86

Unfortunately, that doesn't exist.

Time: 7506.24

Rather, we are confronted with a situation

Time: 7509.06

where we understand

Time: 7510.92

generally what these different neuromodulators do,

Time: 7512.99

the different mental states and physical states

Time: 7514.97

that they tend to put us into.

Time: 7516.71

And we reviewed those.

Time: 7517.88

And we know that there are really potent tools

Time: 7521.75

to adjust those neuromodulators,

Time: 7523.82

if not alone, but in certain combinations,

Time: 7526.91

that is ingestion of caffeine will tap into

Time: 7530.36

and support dopamine and epinephrine.

Time: 7533.75

Increasing dopamine and epinephrine

Time: 7536.21

alongside increasing acetylcholine

Time: 7539.39

will allow us to access certain brain states,

Time: 7541.55

that is focused, alert, energized, brain states,

Time: 7544.73

great for learning and plasticity of all kinds.

Time: 7547.82

Whereas augmenting serotonin is going to put us

Time: 7550.61

into a more relaxed state and so on and so forth.

Time: 7552.95

And I'd like you to keep in mind

Time: 7554.66

that there is no negotiating

Time: 7557.3

the fact that we all have different phases

Time: 7559.7

of our 24-hour cycle

Time: 7561.05

during which those very same neuromodulators

Time: 7563.3

tend to be naturally higher or naturally lower

Time: 7565.88

and I reviewed that at the beginning of the episode.

Time: 7568.19

So my wish for you is that you will take this information,

Time: 7571.1

experiment with it as you see fit for you and in a safe way.

Time: 7575.42

And as you go forward,

Time: 7577.43

to really try and gain intuition and understanding

Time: 7580.46

as to not just how these protocols work,

Time: 7583.43

but how any protocol that you might encounter,

Time: 7586.19

supplement-based, drug-based,

Time: 7588.62


Time: 7589.7

how those might tap into these different

Time: 7591.29

major neuromodulator systems.

Time: 7592.85

And from that, to be able to better predict

Time: 7595.37

and evaluate whether or not

Time: 7596.6

they're going to be useful to you,

Time: 7597.95

detrimental to you,

Time: 7599.09

or whether or not they should be used in combinations

Time: 7601.28

that would be more useful to you.

Time: 7602.84

If you're learning from and are enjoying this podcast,

Time: 7605.18

please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Time: 7606.83

That's a terrific zero cost way to support us.

Time: 7609.23

In addition, please subscribe to the podcast

Time: 7611.21

on Spotify and Apple

Time: 7613.1

and on both Spotify and Apple,

Time: 7614.9

you can leave us up to a five star review.

Time: 7617.45

If you have feedback for us

Time: 7619.01

or you have topics or guests that you'd like us to cover

Time: 7621.59

on the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 7623.09

please put that in the comment section on YouTube.

Time: 7625.13

We do eventually read all those comments

Time: 7627.2

and that's the best place to give us that sort of feedback.

Time: 7630.56

In addition, please check out the sponsors

Time: 7632.33

mentioned at the beginning of today's episode.

Time: 7634.19

That's the best way to support this podcast.

Time: 7637.1

During today's episode,

Time: 7638.09

we talked a lot about supplements.

Time: 7639.77

While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,

Time: 7642.02

many people derive tremendous benefit from them.

Time: 7644.51

As mentioned at the beginning of today's episode,

Time: 7646.34

we partnered with Momentous supplements

Time: 7648.44

because they're extremely high quality,

Time: 7649.94

they ship internationally,

Time: 7651.74

they are available in the dosages

Time: 7653.6

and single ingredient formulations

Time: 7655.94

that are ideal for building a supplementation protocol.

Time: 7658.25

You can find all those at liveMomentous.com/huberman.

Time: 7661.85

If you're not already following us on social media,

Time: 7664.07

we are @hubermanlab on Twitter

Time: 7666.26

and @hubermanlab on Instagram.

Time: 7668.48

There, I cover science and science-based tools,

Time: 7670.85

some of which overlap with the content

Time: 7672.5

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 7674.15

but much of which is distinct

Time: 7675.44

from the content of the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 7677.84

And if you're not already subscribing to our newsletter,

Time: 7680.03

we have a Neural Network Newsletter as it's called.

Time: 7682.55

It comes out about once a month.

Time: 7684.62

We provide summaries.

Time: 7686.3

We provide protocols based on podcast episodes.

Time: 7689.48

All of that is zero cost to access.

Time: 7691.19

You just go to Hubermanlab.com, go to the menu,

Time: 7693.89

click on newsletter, and you can sign up.

Time: 7695.63

We do not share your email with anybody

Time: 7697.67

and our privacy policy is there.

Time: 7699.77

In fact, if you want to see previous newsletters,

Time: 7702.11

they are available without having to sign up

Time: 7704.42

in PDF form also at HubermanLab.com

Time: 7707.12

under the newsletter tabs,

Time: 7708.59

things like a toolkit for sleep

Time: 7710.27

and a neuroplasticity super protocol,

Time: 7712.31

all available as immediately downloadable PDFs.

Time: 7715.22

So I'd like to thank you once again for joining me today

Time: 7718.04

in our discussion about these incredibly powerful molecules

Time: 7721.07

we call neuromodulators

Time: 7723.2

and the things we can do and take

Time: 7726.29

in order to control them

Time: 7728

so that we can enhance our mental health, physical health

Time: 7730.34

and performance.

Time: 7731.54

And last, but certainly not least,

Time: 7733.94

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 7735.862

[upbeat music]

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