Nicotine’s Effects on the Brain & Body & How to Quit Smoking or Vaping | Huberman Lab Podcast #90

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science and science based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today we are discussing nicotine.

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Nicotine is one of the most commonly consumed substances

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on the entire planet.

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There are literally billions of people

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that ingest nicotine on a daily basis.

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Most of those people consume nicotine via smoking,

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and in particular smoking tobacco.

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Tobacco contains nicotine and it

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contains a bunch of other things as well,

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which we will talk about.

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And the burning of tobacco liberates nicotine and makes it

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accessible to the various cells and tissues of the body.

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But of course, there are other sources of nicotine as well.

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Some people consume nicotine through dip,

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that is placing tobacco on the inside

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of the lip or in the cheek.

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Some people consume nicotine via snuff,

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which is literally the shoving of tobacco leaves

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up the nostrils and allowing the tobacco

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to access the nervous system and other areas

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of the body by permeating into the

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mucosal membranes, that is the lining,

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the soft lining of the nasal passages.

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And of course there are nicotine patches, nicotine gum,

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there's nicotine in pill form,

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there are toothpicks dipped in nicotine, et cetera.

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Today we are going to separate our discussion of nicotine

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from a discussion of smoking and vaping

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and the other forms of delivery for nicotine.

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We will be talking about smoking and vaping

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and other routes of nicotine administration,

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both for sake of highlighting their detriments to health

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and, believe it or not, in certain cases,

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keep in mind very specific certain cases,

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the possible health benefits of delivering nicotine

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through specific modalities.

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Turns out those modalities do not

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include smoking cigarettes or vaping.

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And we are going to pay particular attention to vaping today

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because vaping use is on the rise,

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in particular in young people, and vaping use,

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and the fact that most tobacco that's consumed

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through vaping includes quite amount of nicotine

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has created a scenario where nicotine

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because of its ability to change

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certain chemicals in the brain can actually lead to

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addiction for a number of other substances related to vaping

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and vaping associated behaviors.

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If all of that seems like a lot to get your arms

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and your mind around right here at the outset, don't worry,

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I'll walk you through this,

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regardless of whether or not you have a background

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in biology or not.

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I promise that you'll come through at the end of this

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episode with a deep understanding of how nicotine works

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in the brain and body, some of its benefits,

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some of its potential drawbacks,

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and you'll have clear optics as to why smoking and vaping

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and other forms of nicotine delivery have the effects

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that they do on your biology and psychology.

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I'm pleased to announce that the Huberman Lab Podcast

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is now partnered with Momentous supplements.

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We partnered with Momentous for several important reasons.

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First of all,

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they ship internationally because we know that many of you

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are located outside of the United States.

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Second of all, and perhaps most important,

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the quality of their supplements is second to none,

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both in terms of purity and precision

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of the amounts of the ingredients.

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Third, we've really emphasized supplements

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that are single ingredient supplements,

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and that are supplied in dosages that allow you

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to build a supplementation protocol

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that's optimized for cost,

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that's optimized for effectiveness,

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and that you can add things and remove things from your

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protocol in a way that's really systematic and scientific.

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If you'd like to see the supplements

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that we've partnered with Momentous on,

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you can go to

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There you'll see those supplements.

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And just keep in mind that we are constantly expanding

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the library of supplements available through Momentous

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on a regular basis.

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Again, that's

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Before we go any further,

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I just want to highlight a key takeaway

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from a previous episode, which is our episode on focus.

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And in fact was a toolkit for focus.

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So during the toolkit for focus episode,

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we talked about a large number of behavioral, pharmacologic,

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and another interventions that you can use to increase

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your level of concentration and focus for whatever purpose,

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cognitive endeavors, learning languages,

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focusing in school, on work, et cetera,

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or physical pursuits.

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Now one of the key takeaways is that

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there are really two key

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protocols that I believe everyone should understand

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and know about and why they work

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because they are so effective,

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and also because they dovetail nicely with some of the

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information that we're going to talk about today,

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which will explain why nicotine

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is so effective in increasing focus.

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And these two protocols are as follows.

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Data based on studies done in Wendy Suzuki's lab

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at New York University.

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And of course, Wendy was a guest on this podcast.

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So you can check out that episode if you like,

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but studies done in her laboratory point

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to the fact that a daily, very brief, in fact,

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only 13 minute meditation can vastly increase

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focus and focus ability,

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not just immediately after the meditation practice,

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but at all other times as well.

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So again,

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this is a meditation practice done daily

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for just 13 minutes.

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It's a very simple meditation practice

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where one sits or lies down,

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closes your eyes and directs your attention

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to a place just between your two eyes and right above it.

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So on your forehead.

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But just inside of that,

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and please understand that your brain

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does not have sensory receptors.

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So unlike focusing on your fingertips

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and the sensations there, if you focus on your brain,

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you can't actually sense anything

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in your brain except your thoughts.

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So the idea then is that you continually bring your focus

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back to that location just about an inch

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behind your forehead over and over again.

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And it's the refocusing of your attention

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to that location after it drifts

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that succeeds in increasing your focus ability, again,

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not just during the meditation and afterward,

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but at other times as well.

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So this 13 minute a day meditation is exceedingly simple

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and exceedingly effective.

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It should be performed every day,

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but if you miss a day, just go back to doing it.

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Don't despair too much.

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And you will see these positive effects, say the data.

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Also increase effects on mood and other

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positive aspects of mental health and performance.

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So that's the first tool in protocol.

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The second tool in protocol relates to the general

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what I called arrow model of focus.

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This was a model that I created in order to simplify the

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vast amounts of data on focus and concentration

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and how they are created

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by the various chemical systems within your brain.

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We're going to hear a lot about these chemical systems again

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today in the context of nicotine and they are as follows.

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You can think about focus

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on any goal or any endeavor as an arrow.

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So just imagine an arrow which has an arrow head

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and a shaft, and we'll add a third component

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to it in a moment.

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The head of the arrow,

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meaning the direction of your focus,

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is largely set by acetylcholine,

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which is a chemical in the brain.

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The shaft of the arrow is set by a chemical

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called adrenaline, also called epinephrine.

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Those are the same thing.

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In the brain typically it's referred to as epinephrine,

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and in the body,

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it's more commonly referred to as adrenaline,

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but those are the same neurochemical.

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Epinephrine slash adrenaline represents the shaft

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of the arrow and it's providing the energy

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for which to focus.

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And then we can put behind that arrow

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a little propeller or a motor, if you like,

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and the propeller or motor in the context

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of this neurochemistry model is dopamine,

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which provides ongoing motivation.

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It pushes that arrow forward continually

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as you strive to focus on a particular thing.

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This particular arrow model,

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that is your ability to increase your focus,

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can be enhanced therefore by increasing acetylcholine,

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epinephrine, and dopamine simultaneously.

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And there are a lot of different ways to do that.

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But one of the more effective ways to do

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that via supplement protocols is so-called Alpha GPC.

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Alpha GPC taken in 300 milligram form 10 to 30 minutes

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before a about of cognitive work or a about of physical work

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will increase your focus by way of increasing acetylcholine,

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and to some extent, increasing epinephrine as well.

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The dopamine increase will have to be achieved either

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through cognitive processing,

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that is telling yourself you're doing a good job

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and moving forward because thoughts really

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do impact your levels of dopamine,

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or some other sort of pro dopamine or dopamine

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increasing protocol also discussed in the toolkit for focus

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and our episode on dopamine for motivation and drive.

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So the key thing here to understand is that the 13 minute

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a day meditation is a very effective way

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to increase focus capacity.

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And then in the short term,

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if you want to provide a boost now and again to focus,

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300 milligrams of Alpha GPC can be very effective.

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There are various sources for that

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that we'll link to one of them in the show note captions.

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By no means am I saying that you need to take alpha GPC.

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A number of people will certainly opt not to.

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And a number of people might be saying, well,

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I've heard that Alpha GPC can increase focus by way of

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increasing acetylcholine and norepinephrine or epinephrine,

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but it can also increase TMAO,

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which is a kind of a negative marker of cardiac health

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and cardiovascular health.

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For that reason, I and many others will take 600 milligrams

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of a garlic capsule, which can offset that TMAO increase.

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It remains uncertain as to how much

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Alpha GPC one needs to take before increasing TMAO

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levels to a point where it's of concern

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that you would even need to take the garlic capsule.

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But I just mention it in any case,

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because it's a pretty simple fix.

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Garlic has other health benefits too, of course,

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and for most people,

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300 milligrams of Alpha GPC taken every once in a while.

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I certainly don't encourage people

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to take Alpha GPC every time they want to focus.

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I always emphasize behavioral tools first,

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then focusing on nutritional tools and on occasion using

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supplement based tools to encourage

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increased levels of focus.

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And then of course there are a various

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number of different prescription compounds

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that if you're working with a board certified physician,

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they could prescribe you

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if you need additional tools for focus, things like Ritalin,

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Adderall, Modafinil, Armodafinil, Vyvanse, et cetera,

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for many people are going to be important and maybe even

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necessary for people with ADHD, et cetera,

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but that's a category into itself.

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And as I always say,

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I'm not a physician, so I don't prescribe anything.

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I'm a professor, so I profess many things.

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And today I just wanted to pass along or redirect your

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attention to that episode on focus

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and highlight those two tools,

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the 13 minute a day meditation,

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and 300 milligram Alpha GPC for increasing focus capacity

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and for acutely,

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that is temporarily giving an additional boost

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for a about of focus.

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And of course, if you choose not to use those protocols,

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that's perfectly fine too, there's certainly no obligation.

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They are simply available to you

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should you choose to try them.

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And if nothing else you now have in mind

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the neurochemistry of acetylcholine,

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epinephrine slash adrenaline, and dopamine,

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and that will really set the stage for understanding just

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how effective and why nicotine

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is so effective at increasing focus, motivation,

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and even as you'll soon hear,

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working memory and cognitive capacity.

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Before we begin,

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I'd like to emphasize that this podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is however part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information

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about science and science related tools

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to the general public, and keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Thesis.

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Thesis makes custom nootropics, and to be quite direct,

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I do not like the word nootropics because it translates

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to smart drugs, and to be direct again,

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there is no such thing as a smart drug.

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That is there's no such thing as a drug

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that can make you smarter because there is no circuit

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in the brain for being smart.

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There are circuits in the brain for focus.

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There are circuits in the brain for task switching.

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There are circuits in the brain related to creativity

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and so on and so forth.

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So the idea that there would be a single smart drug

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or nootropic is simply foolish.

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And fortunately Thesis understands this and therefore has

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created custom notropics that are designed to get you into

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the states of mind and body that are optimal for your goals.

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I've been taking Thesis nootropics for quite a while now,

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and I've been extremely pleased with the results.

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I take a clarity formula that's specifically designed

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for me prior to long bouts of cognitive work.

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And I take an energy formula prior to particularly

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challenging physical workouts.

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To get your own personalized nootropic starter kit,

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you can go online to

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Take a three minute quiz and Thesis will send you four

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different formulas to try in your first month.

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Again, that's

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and use the code Huberman at checkout

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to get 10% off your first box.

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Today's episode is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform that

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analyzes data from your blood and DNA to help you better

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reach your health goals.

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I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

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for the simple reason that many of the factors

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that impact your immediate and long-term health

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can only be analyzed with a quality blood test.

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One of the major issues

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with blood tests or DNA tests, however,

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is that typically you'll get your data back

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and you won't know what to do with those data.

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InsideTracker has solved this problem by creating a

Time: 763.14

personalized platform where when you get numbers back

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about your hormones, metabolic factors, et cetera,

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it will direct you to specific protocols

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in the realms of nutrition, exercise, supplementation.

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And that includes things to do, things to consider,

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and things not to do in order to bring those numbers

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into the ranges that are optimal for your immediate

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and long-term goals.

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If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

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you can visit

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to get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 789.39

Again, that's to get 20% off.

Time: 793.74

Today's episode is also brought to us by ROKA.

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ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses

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that are the absolute highest quality.

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The company was founded by two all American swimmers

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from Stanford, and everything about ROKA

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eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed

Time: 805.95

with performance in mind.

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I've spent a lifetime working on the biology

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of the visual system.

Time: 809.73

And I can tell you that your visual system has to contend

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with a number of important challenges in order for you

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to be able to see clearly.

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Now ROKA understands this and everything

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about their eyeglasses were designed in order for you

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to see with optimal clarity regardless of activities.

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ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses are superb

Time: 824.76

for wearing while you run or cycle.

Time: 826.86

In fact, they were originally designed for that purpose.

Time: 828.9

They're extremely lightweight.

Time: 830.1

In fact, most of the time,

Time: 830.933

I can't even remember that they're on my face,

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and they won't fall off if you get sweaty.

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In addition, ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

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have a terrific aesthetic.

Time: 840.36

So while a lot of so-called performance eyeglasses out there

Time: 842.82

will make you look like a cyborg if you want to,

Time: 844.65

and they do have those varieties,

Time: 846.03

they also have varieties of aesthetic choices that you would

Time: 849.51

be very comfortable wearing to work or to school

Time: 851.94

or just out and about.

Time: 853.674

And that's one of the reasons I like them.

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I don't really have to think about having

Time: 855.39

too many pairs of sunglasses or eyeglasses.

Time: 857.55

I can just have one or two of each pair and I'm good to go

Time: 860.34

no matter where I go.

Time: 861.6

If you'd like to try ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses,

Time: 864.21

you can go to ROKA, that's,

Time: 866.7

and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off

Time: 869.16

on your first order.

Time: 870.06

Again, that's and enter the code Huberman

Time: 874.02

at checkout.

Time: 874.86

Let's talk about nicotine and how nicotine impacts

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our brains, our bodies, our mental performance,

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our mental health, our physical performance,

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and our physical health.

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Now once again,

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I want to remind everybody that we really need to separate out

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a discussion about nicotine from the discussion

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about the delivery device for nicotine.

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In other words, when we're talking about nicotine,

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we are not necessarily talking about smoking.

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Although we might be.

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There are things associated with smoking and with vaping and

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other means of getting nicotine into our system

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that have their own effects, both negative,

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and in some cases positive.

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Indeed later,

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we will talk about how you can actually use nicotine

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to get over smoking addiction.

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This won't come as a surprise to many people,

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but what perhaps will come as a surprise is the fact that

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many people actually use nicotine-like substances or

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nicotine itself in order to relieve nicotine addiction.

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So we'll talk about that and what that looks like

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and offer various protocols for you later in the episode.

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I also want to mention here at the outset that I have

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a long standing interest in nicotine.

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In fact, early in my scientific career,

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I did research on nicotine

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and its role in brain development.

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And I've had a long standing interest in neuroplasticity,

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the brain's ability to change in response to experience.

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And so experiments that have been done by close colleagues

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and friends of mine have really emphasized

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the fact that acetylcholine, and in particular,

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when acetylcholine activates so-called

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nicotinic receptors,

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something you'll learn more about in a little bit,

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that can actually serve as a gateway or a trigger

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for directed rewiring of the brain.

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So this is fascinating.

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We think of nicotine as something that we take,

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but actually we have receptors that is locations

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in the brain to which nicotine binds

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and can exert its effects.

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And those receptors did not come about because of the

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existence of tobacco or the existence of vaping pens,

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or because of the existence of anything

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in the outside world.

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The fact that there are nicotinic receptors in our brain

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and body tells you that acetylcholine

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and nicotine themselves have very important roles

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in normal brain and body function,

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so much so that I often like to point to an anecdote

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of a very well known Nobel prize winning neuroscientist.

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I won't reveal who they are.

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They're not a faculty member at Stanford,

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but many neuroscientists know of this person

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and many people in the outside world know of this person.

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And they are also well known for their love of nicotine.

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I once sat in this person's office, and he,

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I will reveal it as a he,

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consumed no fewer than three pieces of nicotine gum

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during that relatively short conversation

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of about 45 minutes.

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And that was surprising to me.

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And I asked him why he was taking so much nicotine

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through nicotine gum.

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And he replied that for years,

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he had been a chronic smoker,

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which on the one hand had greatly impaired

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his cardiovascular health and his fitness,

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no surprise there.

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And we'll talk a little bit more about

Time: 1050.03

what the underlying reasons are, but most everyone,

Time: 1053

if not everyone knows that smoking cigarettes

Time: 1055.64

or smoking in general really impairs lung health.

Time: 1058.91

There's just simply no question about it.

Time: 1060.71

There are some more or less unhealthy ways to smoke,

Time: 1064.91

but the quite honest message is that smoking

Time: 1067.91

of any kind is going to disrupt lung endothelial function,

Time: 1071.27

lung function, blood vessels, and so forth.

Time: 1073.67

It's going to make it harder to breathe with vigor,

Time: 1075.56

take deep breaths, deliver oxygen to tissues, et cetera.

Time: 1078.89

That said,

Time: 1080

he also pointed out that the data on nicotine

Time: 1083.3

specifically are pointing to the fact that nicotine

Time: 1087.14

can be, can be protective against certain forms

Time: 1091.04

of cognitive impairment.

Time: 1092.66

And that is why he continued

Time: 1094.01

to chew nicotine containing gum.

Time: 1096.35

And he swore by the focus enhancing and motivation enhancing

Time: 1099.71

effects of nicotine containing gum.

Time: 1102.29

Now that is not a call to arms for you to run out

Time: 1104.75

and start chewing or consuming nicotine containing products.

Time: 1108.56

We will talk about those products later in the episode,

Time: 1110.78

some of their potential advantages,

Time: 1112.25

some of their potential disadvantages.

Time: 1114.17

Now I share this anecdote because it nicely separates

Time: 1117.44

nicotine from the delivery device

Time: 1119.27

through which nicotine arrives.

Time: 1121.37

Now I haven't talked to this individual

Time: 1123.14

in a few years to see whether not the nicotine is working

Time: 1126.77

to stave off any kind of Alzheimer's or neurodegenerative

Time: 1129.65

or cognitive impairment that would come with age.

Time: 1132.23

This gentleman is getting up in the years

Time: 1135.11

and seems quite sharp nonetheless,

Time: 1137.24

but then again was always exceedingly sharp.

Time: 1140.18

The point is nicotine is a substance that can both promote

Time: 1145.19

cognitive function, and under some conditions,

Time: 1148.82

if taken to inappropriate,

Time: 1150.86

or I should say to extreme dosages,

Time: 1152.72

can also impair cognitive function.

Time: 1154.79

So today we really need to have a nuanced conversation

Time: 1157.28

about nicotine, one that includes some of the benefits,

Time: 1160.1

some of the drawbacks, in particular for children,

Time: 1163.4

certainly for people that are pregnant,

Time: 1165.71

for people that have addictive tendencies,

Time: 1167.9

and for people that have depression

Time: 1169.82

and any other kind of mood disorders.

Time: 1172.37

What I will tell you soon is that nicotine can be very

Time: 1176.42

powerful as a mood modulator and many people who have tried

Time: 1180.26

to quit nicotine mainly through the form of smoking

Time: 1183.47

will find that their mood can drop substantially.

Time: 1186.41

So nicotine does a lot of things in the brain and body.

Time: 1189.05

And so I'd like to begin by talking about what exactly

Time: 1191.96

nicotine is and how it impacts your brain and body.

Time: 1195.38

So what is nicotine and where is it found?

Time: 1197.57

Now obviously nicotine is found in the tobacco plant,

Time: 1200.45

but nicotine is also found in nightshades.

Time: 1203.72

That is tomatoes, eggplant, and sweet peppers.

Time: 1207.23

Although the concentrations of nicotine in tomatoes,

Time: 1209.99

eggplants, and sweet peppers is vastly lower

Time: 1212.87

than it is in the tobacco plant.

Time: 1215.09

You actually can also find nicotine in potatoes.

Time: 1218.18

Now why is nicotine present in potatoes and tomatoes

Time: 1221.84

and in the tobacco plant at all?

Time: 1224.15

Well, nicotine is a plant alkaloid.

Time: 1226.49

We'll get into alkaloids a little bit later,

Time: 1228.38

but it is thought that these alkaloids evolved in plants

Time: 1231.95

as a way to prevent insects from eating them.

Time: 1235.97

And without going into a lot of insect biology,

Time: 1238.25

the reason or the rationale behind this explanation is that

Time: 1241.49

nicotine is not only a substance in tobacco that people use

Time: 1245.24

or in the various medications that people use,

Time: 1247.13

but it's also used as a pesticide because it can

Time: 1250.37

dramatically disrupt the nervous system of insects.

Time: 1254.03

It can render them infertile,

Time: 1255.77

which is not to say that it renders humans infertile.

Time: 1258.41

We want to say, again,

Time: 1259.243

it is not the case that nicotine renders humans infertile,

Time: 1262.34

but it can make certain insects infertile.

Time: 1264.68

It can actually disrupt their motor function

Time: 1266.567

and their brain function,

Time: 1267.98

and the reasons that it has such different effects

Time: 1270.5

on insects, in other words,

Time: 1271.94

it can kill them or prevent them from reproducing,

Time: 1275.81

and therefore explains why plants probably evolved to have

Time: 1278.75

this plant alkaloid, nicotine.

Time: 1281.43

In humans,

Time: 1282.263

because of the differences in receptors for nicotine,

Time: 1286.01

where they're located, and the types of receptors,

Time: 1289.276

the effects of nicotine on humans is quite a bit different.

Time: 1291.38

And again, it does not cause infertility in humans.

Time: 1294.02

Although I will talk a little bit later about some

Time: 1296.09

double blind peer-reviewed studies conducted in humans

Time: 1299.15

that indicate that for instance,

Time: 1301.64

nicotine can reduce penile girth,

Time: 1304.28

that is the girth of the penis,

Time: 1305.48

and can lead to certain forms of sexual dysfunction.

Time: 1308.72

And those changes are largely downstream of changes

Time: 1311.9

in blood flow and endothelial cell function.

Time: 1315.02

Endothelial cells are the cells that make up blood vessels

Time: 1317.75

and other vascular type tissues within the brain and body.

Time: 1320.96

So nicotine is found in these plants.

Time: 1323

And what we can know for sure is

Time: 1325.46

that at some point in human evolution,

Time: 1327.98

somebody or some group of people,

Time: 1329.96

either, and here, I'm completely guessing,

Time: 1332.36

it's a just so story,

Time: 1334.49

but someone or some group must have inhaled the smoke from

Time: 1339.2

the tobacco plant or put the dried leaves

Time: 1342.71

of the tobacco plant against some mucosal tissue,

Time: 1346.04

and you know the different mucosal linings of their body

Time: 1347.93

by which substances can pass through, that's right.

Time: 1351.17

Any of the mucosal soft lining tissues of the body

Time: 1354.5

will allow certain substances,

Time: 1356.21

not all certain substances to pass in.

Time: 1358.01

That's why people can put tobacco in their mouth

Time: 1360.356

and a certain amount of nicotine makes it

Time: 1361.189

into the bloodstream,

Time: 1362.022

put tobacco up their nose,

Time: 1363.334

certain amount of nicotine gets into the bloodstream.

Time: 1365.42

I haven't heard of people putting tobacco in other orifices

Time: 1368.15

of their body containing mucosal tissue.

Time: 1369.71

And I'm certainly not suggesting people do that,

Time: 1371.75

but you get the idea

Time: 1372.8

and how nicotine gets from these plants,

Time: 1374.87

these dried leaves into the bloodstream.

Time: 1378.44

Burning tobacco leads to a heat induced change

Time: 1382.31

in the availability of nicotine.

Time: 1384.05

And this is why smoking tobacco

Time: 1386.39

or vaping tobacco, simply by heating it up,

Time: 1390.67

allows the nicotine to be liberated and go into the

Time: 1392.99

bloodstream simply by inhaling it into the lungs.

Time: 1395.36

We will get back to smoking of various kinds later.

Time: 1398.15

But right now let's just keep our attention on how nicotine

Time: 1402.41

is pulled from these plants and into the human body.

Time: 1405.89

Now whether by inhalation or whether or not by placing

Time: 1409.52

in contact with the mucosal tissue of the mouth

Time: 1411.77

or other mucosal containing orifice of the body,

Time: 1416.06

the nicotine then gets into the bloodstream.

Time: 1418.34

And once it's in the bloodstream,

Time: 1420.32

it only exerts its effects because it binds

Time: 1422.84

to certain so-called nicotinic receptors.

Time: 1427.56

So the nicotinic receptors

Time: 1429.05

are of the acetylcholinergic variety.

Time: 1431.84

I know this is a lot to think about and a lot to hear if you

Time: 1434.12

haven't heard about this, but it's actually quite simple.

Time: 1436.1

Anyone can understand this.

Time: 1437.72

Acetylcholine is a molecule,

Time: 1441.17

a chemical that is that's released in the brain and body.

Time: 1445.76

And when it binds to receptors,

Time: 1447.68

that is little parking spots on cells,

Time: 1449.69

it changes the way those cells behave.

Time: 1451.91

Those cells can increase their activity

Time: 1453.89

and release other chemicals.

Time: 1454.94

They can become electrically active,

Time: 1456.26

they can do any number of different things.

Time: 1459.14

When we ingest nicotine,

Time: 1461.69

it gets into the bloodstream and eventually some of that

Time: 1463.583

will get into the brain and some of it gets into the body.

Time: 1466.13

And in both of the brain and body,

Time: 1467.66

there are the so-called nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Time: 1470.72

Now the so-called family, and indeed they are a family,

Time: 1474.29

this is how we refer to groups of receptors

Time: 1476.87

of related design and genetic background just like humans.

Time: 1480.8

You have a family of these acetylcholine receptors

Time: 1483.62

that are of the nicotinic variety.

Time: 1484.94

So maybe on one street in your neighborhood,

Time: 1486.92

you know the Joneses and another street,

Time: 1488.48

you know the Chows and another street, well in your body,

Time: 1491

you have the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors,

Time: 1493.16

and then you have the so-called

Time: 1493.993

muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.

Time: 1496.16

Today it's really simple.

Time: 1497.21

Nicotine only binds to the nicotinic acetylcholine

Time: 1499.55

receptors and there are a bunch of different ones

Time: 1501.68

on a bunch of different tissues.

Time: 1503.21

And the differences in those receptors dictate what sorts of

Time: 1507.35

effects the nicotine will have on those tissues.

Time: 1511.43

So let's talk about what those effects are,

Time: 1513.05

and let's do that by dividing the effects of nicotine

Time: 1515.54

into effects on the brain,

Time: 1517.13

so everything from the neck up, and on the body,

Time: 1519.65

the so-called central nervous system and the periphery.

Time: 1522.14

Although I want to point out that your spinal cord

Time: 1523.55

is part of the central nervous system.

Time: 1524.78

So in fairness to the reality,

Time: 1527.36

your brain and spinal cord are all central nervous system.

Time: 1530.42

Everything else is considered the periphery.

Time: 1532.91

Now there are a lot of different nicotinic

Time: 1534.41

acetylcholine receptors,

Time: 1535.73

but for those of you that want to know, you aficionados,

Time: 1538.34

or if you're ultra curious about this,

Time: 1540.77

the main effects of nicotine in the brain are mediated

Time: 1544.52

by nicotine binding to the so-called

Time: 1547.01

alpha four beta two receptor.

Time: 1549.77

Alpha four beta two receptor.

Time: 1552.14

Even if you don't care about receptor subtypes,

Time: 1554.57

that's going to come up later when we discuss

Time: 1556.43

why nicotine suppresses appetite.

Time: 1559.37

In fact, one of the major reasons why people don't want

Time: 1562.13

to quit smoking, or they quit smoking

Time: 1564.77

or another form of ingesting nicotine,

Time: 1566.57

and then they relapse,

Time: 1568.13

they go back to smoking or ingesting nicotine in some other

Time: 1571.55

way is because indeed nicotine will increase metabolism

Time: 1575.84

and reduce hunger in large part

Time: 1578.24

by binding to this alpha four beta two receptor

Time: 1580.88

in a particular area of the brain.

Time: 1581.96

We're going to return to that in a little bit,

Time: 1583.1

but if you've ever heard that nicotine kills the appetite,

Time: 1586.07

indeed it does.

Time: 1587.45

It's not the behavior of smoking itself.

Time: 1589.629

It's not because you always have a cigarette

Time: 1590.462

in your mouth that you're not eating more food.

Time: 1592.07

Although I suppose that might be a minor effect.

Time: 1594.26

There are direct effects of nicotine on both appetite,

Time: 1597.53

that is, it reduces appetite and direct effects

Time: 1599.96

on metabolism, that is,

Time: 1600.97

it increases metabolism through its effects

Time: 1603.02

on some other areas of the brain and body

Time: 1604.61

we'll talk about in a moment.

Time: 1605.687

Now within the brain,

Time: 1607.25

nicotine binds to this alpha four beta two receptor

Time: 1611.27

in various locations in the brain.

Time: 1612.92

And there are three and maybe a fourth that we'll talk about

Time: 1616.07

neurochemical effects of nicotine after you ingest it.

Time: 1619.58

First things first,

Time: 1620.66

when you ingest nicotine

Time: 1621.95

by smoking nicotine containing tobacco,

Time: 1625.4

or if you place tobacco in contact with the mucosal lining

Time: 1629.87

of the nasal passages of the mouth,

Time: 1632.18

takes about two to 15 minutes for that nicotine

Time: 1636.17

to enter the bloodstream.

Time: 1637.003

Smoking hits the bloodstream faster, vaping even faster,

Time: 1640.49

I should mention for a variety of reasons and placing

Time: 1644.42

tobacco directly in contact with the mucosal lining

Time: 1647.42

is going to be the slowest.

Time: 1648.8

Now as I mentioned before,

Time: 1649.97

nicotine gets into the bloodstream and then because nicotine

Time: 1652.85

can pass through the so-called blood brain barrier, the BBB,

Time: 1656.69

which is basically a fence around the brain,

Time: 1659.09

because it can pass through the blood brain barrier,

Time: 1661.34

it's going to have very rapid effects on the brain

Time: 1663.56

in these four major categories

Time: 1665.66

of neurochemicals and neural circuits.

Time: 1668.87

The first of those categories, this is a very important one,

Time: 1672.11

this is one that was brought up in the episode on dopamine,

Time: 1674.21

motivation, and drive.

Time: 1675.92

And I think not just all scientists,

Time: 1677.24

but all human beings should know that within their brain,

Time: 1680.24

they have what is called the mesolimbic reward pathway.

Time: 1685.34

The mesolimbic reward pathway if you just want to call it,

Time: 1687.5

the dopamine reward pathway is, as the name suggests,

Time: 1691.07

a set of connections between a brain area

Time: 1692.99

called the ventral tegmental area.

Time: 1694.52

You don't have to remember the names of these things,

Time: 1696.5

of course, but if you want to, that's fine too.

Time: 1698.78

The ventral tegmental area

Time: 1700.13

or VTA connects to another area called

Time: 1702.86

the nucleus accumbens.

Time: 1704.9

Now here's what's very important.

Time: 1706.46

Nicotine triggers the release of dopamine

Time: 1710.45

from the nucleus accumbens.

Time: 1711.68

This is what gives nicotine its rewarding properties.

Time: 1714.77

It increases motivation.

Time: 1716.15

It tends to give a not so subtle,

Time: 1719.27

but very transient increase in feelings

Time: 1721.64

of wellbeing and alertness and motivation.

Time: 1724.76

And that's because of the increase in dopamine

Time: 1726.8

caused by nicotine directly within the nucleus accumbens.

Time: 1732.05

Nicotine also triggers the release of certain neurochemicals

Time: 1735.32

from the ventral tegmental area itself.

Time: 1737.51

And those impinge on nucleus accumbens

Time: 1739.85

and increase dopamine levels further.

Time: 1742.22

This is what makes the rewarding properties or sometimes

Time: 1745.1

referred to as the reinforcing properties of nicotine

Time: 1747.83

so powerful.

Time: 1748.73

This is why so many billions of people ingest nicotine

Time: 1753.11

in one form or another.

Time: 1754.13

It's also why nicotine is so hard to quit

Time: 1758.12

because there's a potent increase in dopamine

Time: 1760.85

from multiple neural circuit pathways

Time: 1763.1

within this mesolimbic reward circuitry.

Time: 1766.34

Now within the mesolimbic reward circuitry,

Time: 1769.07

there's an interesting feature.

Time: 1769.97

There are accelerators that essentially push out

Time: 1772.7

more dopamine, get more dopamine released,

Time: 1774.92

and there are breaks of the so-called GABAergic variety.

Time: 1777.83

GABA's an inhibitory neurotransmitter.

Time: 1779.96

You don't need to know too much about it to just understand

Time: 1782.36

that nicotine both increases dopamine,

Time: 1785.66

but also decreases the activity of GABA.

Time: 1789.38

And so this is like pushing on the accelerator

Time: 1791.48

for dopamine, but also removing the brake.

Time: 1794.69

So there's a two pronged effect of nicotine

Time: 1797.96

on reinforcement reward dopamine related pathways,

Time: 1801.32

the feel good motivation pathways.

Time: 1803.99

And that is an increase in dopamine and a decrease in GABA.

Time: 1808.52

And again,

Time: 1809.353

that's all mediated through this mesolimbic reward pathway,

Time: 1811.37

involving the ventral tegmental area

Time: 1813.29

and the nucleus accumbens.

Time: 1814.7

So if you can conceptualize

Time: 1815.9

even just 5% of what I just told you,

Time: 1818.3

or even if you can just remember nicotine increases dopamine

Time: 1821.3

and that's why it feels so good,

Time: 1822.52

it makes you want more of it,

Time: 1824.69

you will have everything you need to know in mind in order

Time: 1827.69

to understand both why nicotine is so highly used,

Time: 1832.76

and indeed abused, why it's so hard to quit,

Time: 1835.22

and that will point to avenues

Time: 1836.78

as to how to quit or reduce intake.

Time: 1839.12

And it also points to how nicotine can actually

Time: 1841.7

be used in an antidepressant way should you choose.

Time: 1845.69

And we will talk about what the various criteria

Time: 1848.15

are for choosing that,

Time: 1849.38

but just to understand nicotine increases motivation,

Time: 1853.07

it decreases negative feelings of mood,

Time: 1855.71

it increases positive feelings of mood and motivation.

Time: 1858.47

Before we continue with today's discussion,

Time: 1860.69

I'd like to just briefly acknowledge our sponsor

Time: 1862.79

Athletic Greens, now called AG1.

Time: 1866

Athletic Greens, AKA AG1,

Time: 1868.25

is an all in one vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 1870.71

that also has adaptogens and digestive enzymes.

Time: 1873.77

I've been taking Athletic Greens since way back in 2012.

Time: 1876.5

So I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

Time: 1878.93

The reason I started taking Athletic Greens and the reason I

Time: 1880.94

still drink Athletic Greens twice a day is that it supplies

Time: 1884.72

total foundational coverage of my vitamin and mineral needs.

Time: 1887.78

And it supplies important nutrients that I need to support

Time: 1891.17

my gut microbiome, the gut microbiome, as many of you know,

Time: 1893.99

supports the immune system.

Time: 1895.1

It also supports the so-called gut brain access,

Time: 1897.14

which is vital for mood, for energy levels,

Time: 1899.51

for regulating focus,

Time: 1900.77

and many other features of our mental health

Time: 1902.63

and physical health that impact our daily performance

Time: 1904.94

and high performance

Time: 1905.84

in any endeavors we might be involved in.

Time: 1907.97

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 1909.35

you can go to

Time: 1912.02

and claim a special offer.

Time: 1913.61

They're giving away five free travel packs plus

Time: 1915.5

a year's supply of vitamin D3K2 with every order.

Time: 1919.19

And of course,

Time: 1920.023

vitamin D3K2 are vital for all sorts of things like

Time: 1922.79

hormone health and metabolic health and K2

Time: 1924.83

for cardiovascular health and calcium regulation.

Time: 1927.08

Again, you can go to

Time: 1930.29

to claim that special offer.

Time: 1931.82

The second major effect that nicotine has in the brain

Time: 1934.49

is that it increases acetylcholine.

Time: 1937.13

Acetylcholine is a neuromodulator that exists in you

Time: 1939.92

and me, it is released from multiple sites in the brain.

Time: 1943.58

And the two major sites are the nucleus basalis,

Time: 1947.45

so these are a collection of neurons in the front

Time: 1950.69

and base of your brain, and from some brain stem areas.

Time: 1954.02

And there are a bunch of different ones

Time: 1955.49

back there in your brain stem,

Time: 1956.69

which is indeed in the back that release acetylcholine

Time: 1960.818

that include the locus coeruleus as kind of a minor site,

Time: 1962.45

the pedunculopontine nucleus.

Time: 1964.34

There are a bunch of these different areas,

Time: 1966.77

that parabigeminal nucleus.

Time: 1968.27

There are a bunch of these things back there.

Time: 1969.83

We don't have to go into all the names,

Time: 1971.3

but just understand that they're little pockets of neurons,

Time: 1973.76

nerve cells located in the front and the back

Time: 1975.98

and some extent in the middle of your brain,

Time: 1977.54

but really in the front and the back of your brain,

Time: 1979.46

that can serve two major role, here they are.

Time: 1983.99

Acetylcholine released from nucleus basalis leads to

Time: 1987.2

a sort of spotlighting or highlighting

Time: 1989.63

of particular neural circuits in the brain.

Time: 1991.82

What do I mean by this?

Time: 1992.653

Well let's say you're working on a puzzle.

Time: 1994.85

Let's say it's a cognitive puzzle.

Time: 1995.96

Maybe you're doing a word puzzle,

Time: 1997.58

or nowadays I've heard of this Wordle thing.

Time: 1999.56

I'm on Twitter and people are always posting

Time: 2001.03

their Wordle thing and I have no idea what it is,

Time: 2002.92

but I'm guessing it's some sort of puzzle.

Time: 2004.6

I'm guessing it's like a crossword puzzle,

Time: 2006.07

and here, if I'm wrong, I don't know, educate me.

Time: 2007.81

Tell me what Wordle is.

Time: 2008.68

Somebody put it in the comments

Time: 2009.94

and tell me if I should play it or not.

Time: 2012.22

Here's the deal.

Time: 2014.29

When acetylcholine is released from nucleus basalis,

Time: 2016.9

the neurons are there in the base of the brain,

Time: 2019.45

but they extend axons,

Time: 2021.04

which are like little wires elsewhere in the brain.

Time: 2023.11

And when acetylcholine is released,

Time: 2025.06

it tends to be released at particular locations in the brain

Time: 2027.73

that are associated with whatever activity

Time: 2029.62

we happen to be doing.

Time: 2030.52

So if I'm doing Wordle,

Time: 2032.38

here I'm talking about it as if I've ever done it,

Time: 2034.24

doing a crossword puzzle or Wordle,

Time: 2036.04

well the neurons that were involved in trying to figure out

Time: 2038.08

the solution to that Wordle or crossword puzzle are active,

Time: 2040.93

and then acetylcholine is released from the little wires,

Time: 2043.66

the little endings of these cells in nucleus basalis.

Time: 2046.54

And all of a sudden those neural circuits get a boost.

Time: 2049.51

They become more active, and believe it or not,

Time: 2052.117

our ability to perform that crossword puzzle

Time: 2054.67

or at least focus on that Wordle

Time: 2056.16

or crossword puzzle gets enhanced.

Time: 2059.08

It literally increases our attention for that

Time: 2061.78

and not anything else is enhanced.

Time: 2063.82

So it's literally like a neurochemical

Time: 2066.01

attentional spotlight.

Time: 2067.84

Nicotine increases acetylcholine and thereby focus

Time: 2071.5

and concentration and mental performance,

Time: 2073.48

not by changing the neural circuits

Time: 2076.06

that are activated per se,

Time: 2077.8

but rather by making more acetylcholine

Time: 2080.98

available at those release sites.

Time: 2083.62

So it's as if the spotlight got more intense,

Time: 2086.38

the highlighter is more intense than it would be otherwise.

Time: 2089.38

And I should also mention because

Time: 2091.18

of the so-called pharmacokinetics,

Time: 2092.83

the time course in which nicotine has its effects,

Time: 2095.98

which are pretty short lived,

Time: 2097.27

we'll talk about those in a moment,

Time: 2098.77

this enhancement in cognitive performance

Time: 2101.08

and attention, it's going to be very transient,

Time: 2103.42

probably on the order of about 30, maybe 45 minutes,

Time: 2106.87

the half life of nicotine,

Time: 2108.01

depending on how it's ingested and whether

Time: 2109.23

or not you have food in the gut

Time: 2110.41

and what else is in the bloodstream, et cetera,

Time: 2112.12

it's going to be anywhere from one to two hours,

Time: 2114.49

but typically the effects of nicotine will come on

Time: 2116.38

in about two to 15 minutes as I mentioned before,

Time: 2118.96

and then will last anywhere from about 30 to 45 minutes.

Time: 2122.47

This is why in the old days,

Time: 2124.03

and still to some extent in certain areas of the world,

Time: 2126.46

but less so in the United States

Time: 2128.26

and certainly in Europe as well,

Time: 2130.12

we don't see quite as many people smoking cigarettes,

Time: 2132.7

for reasons we can discuss later.

Time: 2134.89

But you would see these chain smokers

Time: 2137.17

who are trying to maintain constant levels

Time: 2139.81

of nicotine in their brain and bloodstream.

Time: 2142.03

Now perhaps they didn't know that nicotine

Time: 2144.82

has this one to two hour half life,

Time: 2146.35

but they could sense no doubt the cognitive

Time: 2149.71

and the physical effects of nicotine,

Time: 2151

including this cognitive enhancement effect

Time: 2152.89

and highlighting of neural circuits effect.

Time: 2155.29

And they would notice they would smoke a cigarette

Time: 2157.63

and then for the next five to 45 minutes have heightened

Time: 2160.75

focus and then they would start to drop off.

Time: 2162.13

So they smoke another cigarette.

Time: 2163.18

So in other words,

Time: 2164.013

they're trying to maintain a constant level of nicotine

Time: 2167.35

for whatever activities they needed to perform.

Time: 2169.33

Obviously chain smoking

Time: 2170.8

because of the terrible effects of smoking,

Time: 2173.59

I'll talk about those terrible effects,

Time: 2174.547

but I'm sure you've heard of them before, cancer,

Time: 2177.94

depletion of just about every organ and body tissue

Time: 2180.67

to the point that it can actually be measured

Time: 2182.83

how many years of your life you're peeling off

Time: 2184.72

in terms of lifespan and health span by smoking.

Time: 2187.36

Well the terrible effects of smoking are indisputable,

Time: 2191.41

but the positive effects of nicotine on this circuitry,

Time: 2195.46

part of the reason why people would chain smoke

Time: 2197.83

in the first place rather than get one big peak

Time: 2200.5

of concentration and focus and then just let it disappear

Time: 2202.75

after 45 minutes.

Time: 2205.18

So what we have is a scenario where dopamine

Time: 2207.46

is going up in the mesolimbic pathway.

Time: 2209.59

That's why smoking or ingesting nicotine in any other way

Time: 2212.41

feels good and makes us feel motivated.

Time: 2214.69

And then the increase in acetylcholine,

Time: 2216.28

especially from nucleus basalis in the front of the brain,

Time: 2218.62

is the reason why it can increase our ability

Time: 2221.38

to focus on particular types of endeavors,

Time: 2224.26

particular mental work that we're doing,

Time: 2225.85

or maybe even particular physical work.

Time: 2227.71

Although I should mention anytime I'm pairing the words

Time: 2230.2

nicotine and physical work,

Time: 2231.82

it's obvious that because of the ways

Time: 2233.74

that smoking impairs lung function,

Time: 2236.26

those two things really run counter to one another.

Time: 2238.41

In other words,

Time: 2239.243

if you are thinking about ingesting nicotine through smoking

Time: 2241.99

or vaping in order to improve physical performance,

Time: 2244.713

that's a terrible idea.

Time: 2246.46

The logic isn't there and the health detriments

Time: 2248.44

are certainly there.

Time: 2249.273

The third neurochemical pathway that's strongly activated

Time: 2252.67

when nicotine is brought into the central nervous system

Time: 2256.05

into the brain is epinephrine,

Time: 2258.01

or in particular norepinephrine,

Time: 2259.33

which is related to epinephrine.

Time: 2260.62

Now, earlier I said epinephrine is the same as adrenaline.

Time: 2263.23

That's still true.

Time: 2264.31

Norepinephrine is closely related to epinephrine,

Time: 2266.32

and for today's discussion,

Time: 2267.46

we're going to use them interchangeably.

Time: 2268.9

Although I realize as I say that

Time: 2271.21

that the medical students and some biology students are

Time: 2273.25

probably going to have a minor seizure

Time: 2274.9

when I lump norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Time: 2277.12

I don't do that to be too much of a lumper,

Time: 2280

in science, we talk about lumpers and splitters.

Time: 2281.86

Lumpers are people that like to oversimplify a little bit,

Time: 2284.08

splitters are people that really like to detail.

Time: 2285.97

You'll see a lot of splitters on social media

Time: 2287.89

from time to time, they'll say, wait,

Time: 2289.39

you didn't mention the alpha two beta six receptor yet.

Time: 2293.14

Okay look, I get it.

Time: 2294.61

And I am all for having splitters in the room,

Time: 2297.13

but for sake of today's discussion

Time: 2298.93

and for ease of digestibility of some of this,

Time: 2302.02

just want to point out that norepinephrine,

Time: 2303.58

epinephrine, and adrenaline,

Time: 2304.84

I'm going to treat as a common pool of similar, in fact,

Time: 2307.99

very similar molecules that all have the same net effect,

Time: 2311.74

at least in the context of this discussion

Time: 2313.24

and that's to increase levels

Time: 2314.65

of alertness, energy, and arousal.

Time: 2317.05

And the way that nicotine accomplishes those increases in

Time: 2319.72

alertness and arousal and energy within the brain is by

Time: 2323.17

triggering the release of no epinephrine from a little

Time: 2325.03

cluster of neurons in the back of the brain

Time: 2326.44

called locus coeruleus,

Time: 2328.48

tiny cluster of neurons that offers up, or I should say has,

Time: 2332.62

because they're always there from birth

Time: 2335.02

has these little wires, these axons that extend many,

Time: 2338.08

many places in the brain, not every place,

Time: 2339.82

but virtually every place

Time: 2341.05

and can sprinkler the brain with norepinephrine,

Time: 2343.48

essentially serve as a wake up signal,

Time: 2345.52

elevating levels of energy.

Time: 2347.32

And when that combines with the acetylcholine

Time: 2349.728

from nucleus basalis, which causes attentional spotlighting,

Time: 2354.07

increases in concentration and focus,

Time: 2356.53

and with the feel good properties of dopamine

Time: 2359.137

and the motivating properties of dopamine released

Time: 2361.63

from the mesolimbic reward pathway.

Time: 2363.76

Now you can start to get a picture of why nicotine

Time: 2367.42

is such a powerful molecule.

Time: 2370.18

It's making people feel motivated and good.

Time: 2372.07

It's making people feel focused and it makes people feel

Time: 2375.82

alert when they would otherwise feel a little bit sleepy.

Time: 2378.49

So this is a really powerful compound, in fact,

Time: 2381.67

going back to our earlier discussion about focus

Time: 2383.98

and some tools for focus,

Time: 2385.15

and I encourage you if you're interested

Time: 2386.53

to please check out the episode on focus,

Time: 2388.09

there are a number of different tools

Time: 2389.77

and protocols there to increase focus.

Time: 2391.69

But here we are talking about one molecule, nicotine,

Time: 2396.58

found in plants like tomatoes and potatoes

Time: 2399.22

and the tobacco plant.

Time: 2400.81

And it can be synthesized in a laboratory and ingested

Time: 2403.87

through a patch or a gum or even a pill

Time: 2407.35

or a toothpick dipped in nicotine.

Time: 2409.48

One molecule that can trigger activation of all the circuits

Time: 2414.97

for focus and motivation in one fell swoop.

Time: 2419.14

That is remarkable. That is absolutely remarkable.

Time: 2422.17

And here we haven't even touched on

Time: 2423.19

some of the psychological components of focus, right?

Time: 2425.2

Whether or not we're interested in something,

Time: 2426.64

whether or not we're excited about it or not.

Time: 2428.92

This is a very, very powerful system.

Time: 2431.38

So powerful in fact,

Time: 2433.03

that I think we can really place nicotine

Time: 2434.89

right up there at the top,

Time: 2437.02

right next to caffeine as the molecule

Time: 2440.08

that has fundamentally changed human evolution,

Time: 2444.28

human consciousness, and human experience.

Time: 2446.77

Even if you're somebody who's never ingested nicotine,

Time: 2449.38

this absolutely has to be true

Time: 2450.82

because you have these nicotinic receptors,

Time: 2452.74

which is to say that acetylcholine that's naturally released

Time: 2455.56

without any external trigger within your brain and body,

Time: 2458.92

or I should say

Time: 2459.753

without any trigger from nicotine in particular

Time: 2462.34

is binding these nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

Time: 2465.52

and is creating these effects in your brain and body,

Time: 2467.83

just absolutely staggering.

Time: 2469.48

Now earlier I mentioned the appetite suppressing and indeed

Time: 2472.75

metabolism increasing effects of nicotine.

Time: 2475.63

And while that's a fairly niche component

Time: 2478.21

of what nicotine does, I mean, it's an important one,

Time: 2480.58

but it's not the major reason

Time: 2482.32

why most people consume nicotine.

Time: 2483.937

I'd like to take a moment and talk about that now,

Time: 2485.98

because we are in the brain and we're talking

Time: 2487.96

about the effects of nicotine in the brain.

Time: 2489.277

And so it seems to me the appropriate time

Time: 2491.26

to talk about this.

Time: 2492.16

Now we can have this conversation about nicotine

Time: 2494.53

and appetite and metabolism in a very simple

Time: 2496.57

and straightforward way.

Time: 2498.07

If you'd like to learn more about the biology of metabolism

Time: 2502.24

and appetite and how those things

Time: 2503.95

are mediated by neural components,

Time: 2506.23

so not just stuff like your liver, et cetera,

Time: 2508.24

we have episodes on that,

Time: 2509.26

but really the neural components of hunger and appetite.

Time: 2512.2

I encourage you to check out our episode

Time: 2513.55

on hunger and appetite.

Time: 2515.29

But in that episode, we had a discussion.

Time: 2518.23

And it's one that I'll just briefly summarize now that you

Time: 2521.29

have a collection of neurons that sits right above the roof

Time: 2523.33

of your mouth or so called the hypothalamus.

Time: 2526.856

Hypo means below and thalamus is right above it,

Time: 2528.58


Time: 2529.54

So the small collection of neurons in the hypothalamus

Time: 2533.22

to a number of different things related to sex behavior,

Time: 2535.6

aggression, mediating the temperature of your body,

Time: 2538.66

et cetera, but also appetite and suppressing appetite.

Time: 2542.14

And within the hypothalamus,

Time: 2543.25

there's a compact collection of these little neurons,

Time: 2546.16

which we referred to as the POMC, P-O-M-C neurons.

Time: 2549.01

And the name comes from the fact

Time: 2550

that they express certain peptides.

Time: 2551.23

And we won't get into that now,

Time: 2552.76

but the POMC neurons have a very profound impact on

Time: 2557.23

whether or not you feel hungry

Time: 2558.67

or whether or not you do not feel hungry,

Time: 2561.04

whether or not your appetite is suppressed.

Time: 2563.41

It turns out that when nicotine gets into the bloodstream

Time: 2565.57

and then into the brain,

Time: 2566.86

some of that nicotine binds to nicotinic

Time: 2570.64

alpha four beta two containing nicotinic receptors.

Time: 2573.85

Again, these sub units of receptors,

Time: 2575.2

but basically the nicotine binds some

Time: 2576.49

of those parking spots, parks there.

Time: 2578.08

And as a consequence,

Time: 2579.07

these POMC neurons increase their electrical activity

Time: 2583.45

and appetite is suppressed.

Time: 2585.73

And that's because the POMC neurons have outputs to various

Time: 2589.09

areas of the brain and body controlling everything

Time: 2591.67

from how full we feel to whether or not

Time: 2595.21

our blood sugar goes up or down,

Time: 2597.4

which can impact our hunger, and believe it or not,

Time: 2600.16

whether or not we have a tendency to want to move the jaw

Time: 2602.65

of our mouth in order to chew food.

Time: 2604.75

Yes, believe it or not,

Time: 2605.83

the neural circuitry associated with appetite and

Time: 2608.29

suppression of appetite actually dictates

Time: 2610.75

whether or not you prefer to,

Time: 2612.7

or I should say are more biased or less biased

Time: 2615.46

to moving your mouth, that is chewing.

Time: 2618.46

Which makes perfect sense when you hear it.

Time: 2620.68

One way to suppress appetite

Time: 2621.76

is to sew the jaw shut neurally,

Time: 2624.85

or at least make it less likely

Time: 2626.35

to open your mouth and put food in it.

Time: 2628.72

Actually that reminded me of a story.

Time: 2630.22

I'll just interrupt myself to tell a brief story that

Time: 2632.62

there's a famous Nobel Laureate who won the Nobel Prize

Time: 2635.23

for something totally distant from appetite.

Time: 2637.908

But once turned to a friend of mine at a meeting and said,

Time: 2640.57

I discovered the biological mechanism for losing weight.

Time: 2646.48

And my friend said, well of course,

Time: 2649.75

ingest fewer calories than you burn.

Time: 2651.37

Calories in, calories out,

Time: 2652.3

fundamental rule of thermodynamics.

Time: 2653.972

And basically the fundamental rule of weight loss,

Time: 2656.23

weight gain, or weight maintenance.

Time: 2658.12

And he said, no,

Time: 2659.59

it's actually the gene

Time: 2661.48

that controls whether or not you open your mouth.

Time: 2663.94

Now he was making a very nerdy joke.

Time: 2665.83

So if you didn't register that as a joke,

Time: 2667.57

that's about as funny as neuroscience or biology jokes get.

Time: 2670.93

There are a couple funnier ones,

Time: 2671.83

but that one's kind of considered on the funnier side.

Time: 2673.66

So this is why we're not considered comedians.

Time: 2676.51

But the point of the matter is that whether or not you crave

Time: 2681.76

or desire or impulsively want to put things

Time: 2684.58

in your mouth and chew it,

Time: 2685.51

will actually dictate how many calories that you eat.

Time: 2687.76

And so I find it remarkable and indeed important to know

Time: 2690.49

that these POMC neurons are actually inhibiting

Time: 2692.89

the opening and the movement of the mouth for chewing.

Time: 2695.17

So when we smoke or when we ingest nicotine

Time: 2697.27

in any other way,

Time: 2698.47

you activate these POMC neurons, you suppress appetite,

Time: 2700.75

but in part you do that by actually limiting

Time: 2702.88

the impulse to chew.

Time: 2704.32

Incredible, at least to me.

Time: 2705.94

Now in addition to limiting appetite

Time: 2708.13

by changing one's desire to ingest food and chew it

Time: 2711.37

and actual craving of food by regulation

Time: 2714.1

of blood sugar, et cetera,

Time: 2715.42

there do seem to be some quite direct effects of nicotine

Time: 2719.53

on metabolism,

Time: 2720.97

and the effects on metabolism aren't enormous.

Time: 2723.34

These are increases in metabolism

Time: 2725.11

that are about 2% up to about 5%,

Time: 2728.83

but I want to emphasize that those

Time: 2730.75

are transient increases in metabolism.

Time: 2733.93

Nonetheless, people that quit smoking often find

Time: 2737.44

that their appetite goes up, they sometimes gain weight.

Time: 2739.81

They sometimes do not depending on whether or not they

Time: 2741.94

offset that increase in appetite with increased physical

Time: 2744.37

exercise or with decrease food intake in other ways.

Time: 2747.31

But there does seem to be this direct effect

Time: 2749.08

of ingesting nicotine on metabolism,

Time: 2751.09

which I find is interesting

Time: 2752.47

because if you look in the literature,

Time: 2753.94

one of the reasons why people are reluctant

Time: 2757.09

to quit ingesting nicotine, if for instance,

Time: 2760.54

they want to quit using the delivery device to nicotine

Time: 2764.65

that's causing such problems for their health like smoking

Time: 2766.87

or vaping or whether or not they find themselves

Time: 2770.74

quote unquote addicted to,

Time: 2772.36

or have the habit of ingesting nicotine.

Time: 2775.48

In part, that's likely due to be the dopamine effects,

Time: 2779.08

because dopamine is highly reinforcing and rewarding.

Time: 2781.18

It feels good, so people want to do more of it.

Time: 2783.4

But it's also that for many people and here the data really

Time: 2786.55

point to the fact that a lot of the younger female smokers

Time: 2789.64

or younger female vapers, or when I say that,

Time: 2793.93

of course I mean younger females that vape,

Time: 2798.04

are doing that because they like

Time: 2799.75

the appetite suppressing effects,

Time: 2801.28

which of course opens up an entire conversation

Time: 2803.35

about the sociology of body imagery, et cetera,

Time: 2806.29

a topic for a future podcast.

Time: 2808.21

So nicotine has certain effects on the brain by virtue of

Time: 2812.53

the fact that nicotine binds

Time: 2814.39

these nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Time: 2816.4

And those receptors are found on some,

Time: 2818.11

but not all neural circuits within the brain.

Time: 2820.24

And we talked about some of them already, mesolimbic,

Time: 2822.55

the POMC neurons, et cetera.

Time: 2824.38

Now when we ingest nicotine,

Time: 2825.91

it goes from the bloodstream to all the tissues

Time: 2829.69

and organs of the body.

Time: 2830.77

How does it do that? I mean, amazing.

Time: 2832.75

It can pass to everything, the brain, the body,

Time: 2835.63

it does that because nicotine is fat soluble.

Time: 2839.05

And now when anytime people hear the word fat,

Time: 2840.91

they tend to think about body fat, subcutaneous fat,

Time: 2843.7

or maybe they think about dietary fat.

Time: 2845.86

What I mean by fat soluble in the context of nicotine being

Time: 2848.65

fat soluble is that the cells of your body

Time: 2852.28

have an outer layer, so-called outer membrane.

Time: 2855.67

And it's made up of lipid, of fat,

Time: 2857.8

very particular types of lipids in fact.

Time: 2860.8

Nicotine has this remarkable ability to move through

Time: 2864.85

that fatty tissue.

Time: 2866.68

Not all molecules have that ability, but nicotine does.

Time: 2870.37

So it can move relatively freely through the brain

Time: 2872.83

and body and relatively freely from outside of cells,

Time: 2876.25

extracellular space to intracellular space.

Time: 2879.28

So it can get into cells, it can do that within the brain.

Time: 2881.29

We talked about those effects

Time: 2882.34

and it can do that within the body.

Time: 2884.23

Now anytime we're talking about the body,

Time: 2886.3

we can be talking about any number of things,

Time: 2887.83

but today I'm going to refer to the periphery

Time: 2890.11

and the body in more or less the same way,

Time: 2891.88

but keep in mind in the back of your head, pun intended,

Time: 2896.62

you have your brain, your eyes, and the spinal cord.

Time: 2900.13

And those three things make up your central nervous system.

Time: 2902.77

The peripheral nervous system and the periphery,

Time: 2904.72

which is the rest of your body,

Time: 2906.13

the contain your organs and so forth outside

Time: 2908.29

of the nervous system,

Time: 2909.58

things like your liver and your stomach, et cetera,

Time: 2911.74

that's what we're going to talk about now because nicotine

Time: 2914.59

has profound effects on the organs of the body

Time: 2917.41

that are separate from,

Time: 2918.82

but that occur in parallel at the same time

Time: 2921.58

as the effects of nicotine on the brain.

Time: 2924.13

So let's talk about what some of those effects are.

Time: 2926.08

When nicotine makes it into the bloodstream, again,

Time: 2928.03

within two to 15 minutes of ingesting it,

Time: 2930.13

depending on the delivery device,

Time: 2933.16

your heart rate will increase,

Time: 2935.65

blood pressure will increase,

Time: 2937.293

and the contractibility of the heart tissue

Time: 2940.12

will actually increase.

Time: 2941.92

So what that essentially speaks to is an increase

Time: 2945.58

in so-called sympathetic tone.

Time: 2947.23

And when I say that,

Time: 2948.063

I don't mean an increase in sympathy

Time: 2949.69

for others of the emotional sort.

Time: 2952.45

What I mean is an increase in the sympathetic activity

Time: 2955.75

of the sympathetic arm of the autonomic nervous system,

Time: 2958.06

which is real mouthful and mindful of ideas.

Time: 2961.6

But all you need to know is that it's a generalized system

Time: 2964.81

that increases levels of alertness and physical readiness.

Time: 2968.65

So it makes you ready for action,

Time: 2969.85

makes you ready for thought.

Time: 2971.56

It's balanced by a whole other system called

Time: 2973.51

the parasympathetic nervous system,

Time: 2975.22

which is basically the so-called rest and digest system,

Time: 2978.07

which is a system of neurons and organs, et cetera,

Time: 2980.65

that put your body and your brain into a state of not being

Time: 2983.92

able to think clearly, to digest, and to fall asleep.

Time: 2987.25

So nicotine increases heart rate,

Time: 2989.65

blood pressure, and contractibility of the heart.

Time: 2991.6

So it's going to cause more blood flow in theory,

Time: 2994.6

although it also tends to constrict blood vessels

Time: 2998.08

in many locations in the body.

Time: 2999.67

This explains the decrease in penile girth effect

Time: 3003.12

of nicotine, in particular

Time: 3004.56

nicotine ingested by smoking or vaping.

Time: 3007.35

That's right, smoking and vaping reduces penis size

Time: 3011.58

and also will have damaging effects

Time: 3014.76

on the blood lining endothelial tissue.

Time: 3018.18

So over time it actually is impairing blood's ability to get

Time: 3021.12

to the penis chronically

Time: 3023.28

as well as to other organs of the body.

Time: 3025.2

But when people ingest nicotine acutely,

Time: 3027.84

and let's say they do that by Nicorette patch

Time: 3030.3

or by toothpick dipped in nicotine,

Time: 3032.46

it will have some of these same effects,

Time: 3034.5

but when not smoking tobacco,

Time: 3037.44

when bringing nicotine into the bloodstream

Time: 3039.33

through other mechanisms,

Time: 3040.83

many, if not all of the disruption of the endothelial cell

Time: 3043.5

function can be bypassed, but the effects on penile girth,

Time: 3049.38

the effects on reducing blood flow to various tissues

Time: 3052.08

is still present during the effects of nicotine,

Time: 3055.38

which as I mentioned last about one to two hours.

Time: 3057.54

The half life is about one to two hours,

Time: 3059.25

depending on a number of factors,

Time: 3060.81

not interesting for today's discussion.

Time: 3063.18

So when nicotine gets into the bloodstream,

Time: 3065.49

it's making us more alert,

Time: 3066.536

it's preparing our body for readiness.

Time: 3068.82

The heart is pumping harder.

Time: 3071.4

Epinephrine, that is adrenaline,

Time: 3073.11

is released from the adrenal glands,

Time: 3074.79

which right atop our kidneys.

Time: 3076.86

So everything is pointed toward creating more readiness

Time: 3080.73

to move, more readiness to think.

Time: 3082.92

And again,

Time: 3083.753

this is happening in parallel with all the effects of

Time: 3085.56

neurochemistry that are happening with the brain

Time: 3087.21

that we talked about a few minutes ago.

Time: 3089.73

Now what's interesting about nicotine is that while it

Time: 3092.31

causes this global increase in readiness

Time: 3094.5

and alertness and attention and mood, et cetera,

Time: 3097.23

it also has the effect of somewhat relaxing skeletal muscle.

Time: 3102.06

Now that might seem counterintuitive to those of you out

Time: 3104.31

there that already know what I'm about

Time: 3106.11

to tell the rest of you who didn't know it previously,

Time: 3109.56

that your muscles are able to

Time: 3111.87

contract because of the effects of acetylcholine released

Time: 3117.03

from neurons in your spinal cord that spit out acetylcholine

Time: 3121.62

onto the muscle and bind to what?

Time: 3124.89

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Time: 3126.21

Put into plain English,

Time: 3127.498

nicotinic receptors are also the ways

Time: 3130.53

in which your muscles can get activated.

Time: 3132.75

So therefore,

Time: 3133.583

why would it be that increasing nicotine

Time: 3135.33

would cause relaxation of the muscles?

Time: 3137.79

And that has to do with some of the neural circuits that are

Time: 3140.16

upstream of the muscles and has to do with a little bit

Time: 3142.53

of how the autonomic nervous system is a range

Time: 3144.84

in terms of which receptors go where,

Time: 3146.52

a topic and kind of rabbit hole of a conversation

Time: 3149.55

far too deep for right now,

Time: 3151.38

at least in the context of this already somewhat detailed

Time: 3153.99

discussion of the effects of nicotine.

Time: 3155.94

But if we were to zoom out and just think

Time: 3158.4

about the effects of nicotine,

Time: 3159.81

we now have a very clear picture.

Time: 3163.05

Reward pathways are turned on.

Time: 3164.55

Attention is turned on. Alertness is turned on.

Time: 3167.61

You feel better than you felt a few minutes ago.

Time: 3169.98

Your blood pressure is up. Your heart rate is up.

Time: 3174.6

Your preparedness for thinking is elevated as well.

Time: 3179.49

And yet your body is somewhat relaxed.

Time: 3182.61

That's a very interesting state of mind and body.

Time: 3186.06

Interesting because it's somewhat ideal for cognitive work.

Time: 3191.4

Like if you were going to sit down and work on a book or you're

Time: 3193.8

going to sit down and try and figure out a hard math problem,

Time: 3196.35

or you're going to write a letter that's been really

Time: 3197.91

challenging for you to write,

Time: 3199.14

or maybe that you're really excited to write,

Time: 3201.75

but that you've been

Time: 3202.77

slow to get out the door for whatever reason.

Time: 3204.87

I'm talking about my own habits of procrastination.

Time: 3207.54

Well that state of being very alert,

Time: 3209.52

but your body being relaxed is almost,

Time: 3212.4

if not the optimal state for getting mental work done,

Time: 3216.33

because if you're feeling agitated in your body

Time: 3218.28

and you want to physically move your body,

Time: 3219.48

it's very hard to do cognitive work.

Time: 3220.8

At least the sorts of cognitive work that involve typing

Time: 3223.26

or writing or these sorts of things.

Time: 3225.24

It's also the exact opposite of the optimal state

Time: 3228.001

for physical performance,

Time: 3229.68

which is one of yes, also alertness,

Time: 3234.375

yes, also motivation and elevated mood.

Time: 3235.74

That's all wonderful stuff to have in mind,

Time: 3238.74

literally when you are exercising or competing

Time: 3241.38

in sport or something of that sort.

Time: 3243.48

But under those conditions,

Time: 3244.65

you really also want to have a fast reaction time,

Time: 3248.19

a low latency for muscle activation so that you can make

Time: 3250.5

coordinated muscle movements in the ways that you need to,

Time: 3252.96

which is of course what's required of physical endeavors.

Time: 3255.72

That tells us a few things, first of all,

Time: 3257.01

it tells us that nicotine is going to be generally a bad

Time: 3260.22

idea for a pre-workout tool

Time: 3264.93

or for enhancing physical performance,

Time: 3268.38

however, it's apt to be,

Time: 3270.51

and in fact is an excellent tool

Time: 3272.49

for enhancing cognitive ability.

Time: 3274.44

And of course,

Time: 3275.273

that triggers my mind to return to the anecdote about

Time: 3277.83

my Nobel prize winning colleague who ingests nicotine

Time: 3281.07

by way of nicotine containing gum in order

Time: 3283.35

to increase levels of cognitive focus.

Time: 3285.45

Certainly not for going out and playing sport.

Time: 3287.55

In fact, despite the fact that he is very, very tall,

Time: 3291

he often points to himself

Time: 3294.557

in an appropriately funny way that

Time: 3297.561

despite being on the basketball team of his high school,

Time: 3298.77

he is probably the worst player that ever existed.

Time: 3300.99

And they only positioned him there because of his height.

Time: 3302.85

And I guess his head was designed to prevent balls

Time: 3306.09

from entering the basket.

Time: 3307.35

In any event,

Time: 3309.03

nicotine does seem to be very good

Time: 3311.01

at enhancing cognitive function, at least in the short term,

Time: 3314.49

which is not to say that it isn't without its side effects,

Time: 3316.74

which we will talk about.

Time: 3317.97

And again,

Time: 3318.803

those are side effects that are independent of smoking

Time: 3320.27

or vaping or other forms of ingesting nicotine.

Time: 3323.52

For instance,

Time: 3324.78

dipping or chewing tobacco is known to cause a 50 fold,

Time: 3329.58

yes, 50 fold increase in mouth cancers,

Time: 3333.15

things like leukoplakia and just generally

Time: 3336.36

is terrible for your health.

Time: 3337.47

I'm sorry to break it to you,

Time: 3338.49

but if you're dipping or you're using snuff

Time: 3341.31

or things of that sort,

Time: 3342.51

certainly I'm not going to tell people what to do.

Time: 3344.37

That's not my role in life,

Time: 3347.326

but you are dramatically increasing the probability of an

Time: 3350.58

oral cancer or of a mucosal lining cancer of some sort.

Time: 3354.15

So it's not just that smoking

Time: 3355.197

and vaping are bad for your health.

Time: 3356.91

These other forms of delivery for nicotine

Time: 3358.71

can be bad for your health as well.

Time: 3359.907

Now whether or not ingesting nicotine by way of nicotine

Time: 3362.64

containing gum or patch or toothpick or other method

Time: 3366.15

is dangerous,

Time: 3367.86

for other reasons is a discussion

Time: 3369.72

that's important, right now,

Time: 3371.22

it appears that provided the dosages are kept reasonable.

Time: 3376.77

We'll talk about what reasonable means a little later,

Time: 3378.87

and the frequency is kept relatively low.

Time: 3381.66

So not relying on these things constantly.

Time: 3384.39

There may in fact

Time: 3385.223

be some benefit to ingesting nicotine from time to time,

Time: 3387.75

provided that you are not still developing your brain.

Time: 3392.4

Now in reality,

Time: 3393.42

neuroplasticity goes on throughout the lifetime.

Time: 3396

Your life is actually one long developmental arc.

Time: 3397.92

It's not like development occurs and then stops,

Time: 3400.29

but certainly for people before puberty, during puberty,

Time: 3403.2

and probably for the next 15 to 20 years after puberty,

Time: 3407.22

avoiding nicotine is probably a good idea.

Time: 3409.83

Now of course, development is your entire life.

Time: 3412.26

It's not like development starts and then ends,

Time: 3413.82

but certainly for people that are 25 years old or younger,

Time: 3418.14

ingesting nicotine as a way to enhance cognitive function

Time: 3420.84

is probably not the best idea.

Time: 3422.43

And certainly, please,

Time: 3423.99

for those of you that are 15 years old or younger,

Time: 3427.41

ingesting nicotine in any form,

Time: 3429.15

unless it's prescribed by your doctor

Time: 3430.59

for a very specific clinical reason,

Time: 3433.2

to me seems just like a terrible idea

Time: 3435.3

based on all the data that I've read.

Time: 3437.04

And the reason for that is it's going to create a scenario

Time: 3439.74

of nicotine dependence in order to achieve heightened levels

Time: 3442.32

of mood and alertness, et cetera, and that's bad.

Time: 3445.26

And what we're effectively talking about

Time: 3446.42

is an addiction for nicotine directly,

Time: 3448.47

not necessarily the delivery device method

Time: 3450.75

like smoking or vaping,

Time: 3451.74

although it could pull that in as an addictive

Time: 3453.84

or habit forming behavior as well,

Time: 3455.82

but you want to let your neural circuits develop

Time: 3457.83

to the point where again,

Time: 3459.93

unless there's a clinical need for a prescribed drug

Time: 3462.808

from a licensed physician or psychiatrist, et cetera,

Time: 3464.7

that you're not relying on chemical enhancement

Time: 3467.64

of these circuits.

Time: 3469.098

For people who are 25 years or older, and again,

Time: 3473.91

that's not a strict cutoff, but roughly 25 years or older,

Time: 3476.7

but for those of you that are thinking about using nicotine

Time: 3480.15

to enhance cognitive function as adults

Time: 3483.06

and your brain development is slowing down, right.

Time: 3486.06

Never ceases,

Time: 3486.893

but is slowing down or has slowed down to the point

Time: 3489.9

where we would say developmental plasticity is largely over

Time: 3493.05

and you're now operating

Time: 3494.67

in the context of adult neuroplasticity.

Time: 3497.91

Well, in that case,

Time: 3498.99

there may be instances in which increasing

Time: 3502.59

acetylcholine, dopamine, et cetera,

Time: 3504.06

by way of nicotine ingestion might be a good idea,

Time: 3506.97

but certainly not by smoking, vaping,

Time: 3508.92

or by direct contact of tobacco to the mucosal lining tissue

Time: 3512.91

of the mouth or nose, so called dipping or snuffing.

Time: 3515.7

For the last 20 minutes or so,

Time: 3517.05

we've been talking about the biology of nicotine

Time: 3518.91

specifically, how it impacts the brain,

Time: 3520.83

how it impacts the body, why it feels so good,

Time: 3522.99

why it can enhance focus.

Time: 3524.49

And we've largely set aside smoking, vaping,

Time: 3528.87

dipping tobacco, and snuffing,

Time: 3531.03

and the negative effects that those all have

Time: 3533.64

on mental and physical health.

Time: 3535.59

Working down from the top of the head

Time: 3536.91

to the bottom of the feet, we can say that smoking, vaping,

Time: 3541.02

dipping, and snuffing negatively impact every organ and

Time: 3544.8

tissue system and cell of the body by virtue of the fact

Time: 3548.22

that they all damage the endothelial cells.

Time: 3551.4

Again, the endothelial cells are the cells

Time: 3553.14

that make up the vasculature,

Time: 3554.7

which delivers blood and other nutrients

Time: 3558.15

to all the cells and organs and tissues of the body.

Time: 3561.06

And those endothelial cells are strongly and negatively

Time: 3564.6

impacted by all of the practices that I just described.

Time: 3568.557

Now the way that that happens

Time: 3569.39

varies a little bit from each one to the next, for instance,

Time: 3572.67

it has been estimated that cigarettes contain

Time: 3575.16

anywhere from 4,000 to 7,000 toxins.

Time: 3578.43

Now the word toxins is a real buzzword these days,

Time: 3580.44

you hear about detoxes and toxins, but more specifically,

Time: 3584.55

we know that it contains carcinogens.

Time: 3586.92

These are cancer promoting compounds.

Time: 3589.41

For instance,

Time: 3590.46

we know that the tar in cigarettes, even low tar cigarettes,

Time: 3593.79

as well as the ammonia within cigarettes,

Time: 3595.74

as well as the formaldehyde contained within cigarettes,

Time: 3598.83

as well as the carbon dioxide that's generated

Time: 3600.87

from smoking those cigarettes are all carcinogens.

Time: 3604.02

Carbon dioxide also has the negative effect of depleting

Time: 3607.29

the amount of oxygen that's delivered to any and all

Time: 3609.6

of our tissues by way of the impact of

Time: 3612.54

carbon dioxide binding hemoglobin and preventing hemoglobin

Time: 3616.68

from delivering oxygen to the tissues of the body.

Time: 3619.47

So while there may be 4,000 or 4,500 or 7,000 toxins,

Time: 3623.49

depending on which cigarette,

Time: 3624.66

which papers they happen to be rolled in,

Time: 3626.55

whether or not they're filtered or non-filtered,

Time: 3628.38

the type of tobacco, et cetera, et cetera,

Time: 3631.83

there are a tremendous number of toxins.

Time: 3633.48

And there are some very potent carcinogens

Time: 3635.85

within that long list of toxins.

Time: 3637.89

Again, ammonia, tar, formaldehyde,

Time: 3640.29

and carbon dioxide being the most potent

Time: 3642.36

of those carcinogens.

Time: 3643.71

Now the fact that there are carcinogens in cigarettes

Time: 3645.69

sometimes lead cigarette smokers and particularly the

Time: 3648.27

cigarette smokers that have the hardest time quitting or

Time: 3650.49

that enjoy their cigarettes the most from saying, well,

Time: 3653.01

listen, everything is a carcinogen or everything kills you.

Time: 3655.14

Well certainly that's not a true statement.

Time: 3658.8

And while there are other carcinogens in the environment,

Time: 3661.5

so it environmental hazards like solvents.

Time: 3664.38

And even if you work in a laboratory, for instance,

Time: 3667.14

we use in the laboratory, DNA intercalating dyes,

Time: 3669.9

these are literally dyes that allow us to see the DNA

Time: 3672.27

structure of cells and see the proteins

Time: 3674.07

they make and see the RNAs they make.

Time: 3676.2

And it's very important to wear gloves

Time: 3677.52

when you work with those things,

Time: 3678.42

because as the name suggests, they intercalate,

Time: 3681.229

they actually get in between the strands of DNA

Time: 3682.59

and separate them.

Time: 3683.7

They are mutagens, they mutate DNA.

Time: 3686.22

They are often carcinogens as well.

Time: 3687.87

So we have them in our laboratory,

Time: 3689.16

but we take certain precautions to not have them negatively

Time: 3691.71

impact our health, safety protocols and so on.

Time: 3695.13

We hear that there are carcinogens in car exhaust

Time: 3698.16

and bus exhaust and in all sorts of things

Time: 3700.29

like pesticides and that's all true.

Time: 3702.3

So in the argument of probabilities,

Time: 3704.55

one would say, well,

Time: 3705.48

if there are all these other carcinogens in the environment,

Time: 3708.09

why would you compound their carcinogenic effect

Time: 3711.39

by smoking or vaping or dipping or snuffing?

Time: 3714.51

But that usually doesn't get people to quit smoking or doing

Time: 3716.64

those things because of the powerful reinforcing

Time: 3718.5

effects of nicotine itself.

Time: 3720.18

So again,

Time: 3721.013

nicotine is the reinforcing element by way

Time: 3723.3

of triggering that dopamine reinforcement pathway,

Time: 3726.03

the mesolimbic reward pathway.

Time: 3727.74

And of course there are all the other additional effects

Time: 3731.4

of increased focus,

Time: 3733.11

such as increased ability to pay attention

Time: 3735.21

to work or to others that lead to other rewards.

Time: 3737.337

And so then it becomes a situation of compounding rewards.

Time: 3740.01

So it's not really about the cigarette,

Time: 3741.51

it's about the nicotine,

Time: 3742.343

and it's not really about the nicotine,

Time: 3743.61

it's about the dopamine that the nicotine evokes.

Time: 3745.62

And then it's not really about the dopamine

Time: 3747.21

that the nicotine evokes directly per se,

Time: 3750.03

but also about all the positive effects that

Time: 3751.95

that increased dopamine results in.

Time: 3754.53

So we can easily circle back to the negative effects of

Time: 3757.65

smoking, vaping, dipping, and snuffing,

Time: 3760.23

and say the endothelial cells are disrupted.

Time: 3763.56

The endothelial cells are involved in delivery of blood

Time: 3766.11

and other nutrients to every tissue

Time: 3767.43

of the body and smoking vaping, dipping, and snuffing

Time: 3771.06

contain carcinogens, which are cancer promoting.

Time: 3773.58

And because the epidemiological studies are out there,

Time: 3775.8

we can actually arrive at some very clear numbers as to how

Time: 3778.95

much life one will lose from ingesting nicotine

Time: 3783.84

by way of those four delivery devices,

Time: 3786.21

or I should say any one of those four delivery devices.

Time: 3789.42

Although I should also mention that many people who are

Time: 3791.43

vaping are also smoking cigarettes

Time: 3793.32

is becoming increasingly common.

Time: 3794.76

A lot of people are using vaping in one context

Time: 3796.86

and cigarettes in another,

Time: 3798.03

dipping in one context, vaping in another.

Time: 3800.1

But even for those that only smoke or only vape

Time: 3803.19

or only dip or only snuff,

Time: 3805.47

the negative effects are dramatic and calculable.

Time: 3810.06

So it is thought that for every pack

Time: 3812.01

of cigarettes consumed per day,

Time: 3814.56

so you could average that out if you're a two a day

Time: 3817.08

cigarette smoker or a pack a day cigarette smoker,

Time: 3820.44

two pack a day.

Time: 3821.52

For every pack of cigarettes smoked per day,

Time: 3825.75

we can reliably estimate a 14 year reduction in lifespan.

Time: 3831.45

So cigarettes are literally peeling years off your life.

Time: 3835.17

Now because of the way that the brain works and the way that

Time: 3838.08

human beings anticipate the future and can be grounded both

Time: 3842.4

in the present and the future or the present and the past,

Time: 3844.95

that's just how the mind works, right?

Time: 3846.21

That's why we can think about the future,

Time: 3847.56

but also realize where we are in time and space today.

Time: 3850.53

Because of that, many people will say, well,

Time: 3852.84

I enjoy cigarettes or I enjoy vaping.

Time: 3854.817

And so at least while I'm here, I'm enjoying it.

Time: 3856.59

And that's because the dopamine system

Time: 3858.54

is not very good at understanding opportunity costs.

Time: 3862.77

That is what we would be doing in those 14 years

Time: 3865.53

and what we would be enjoying and the enrichment

Time: 3867.45

that we would get if we were to live into those 14 years.

Time: 3870.72

So at some level the smoker or vaper

Time: 3872.79

is being rational when they say, yeah, but I enjoy this.

Time: 3875.79

And so the years lost,

Time: 3877.95

I can't really register that because it's hard to register

Time: 3880.38

what you don't have and what you've never had.

Time: 3883.08

On the other hand,

Time: 3884.61

we can also point to the statistic that there is

Time: 3887.64

this 50 fold increase in mouth cancers from dipping.

Time: 3891.27

And there are nasal cancers as well

Time: 3893.43

that are greatly increased by snuffing and from smoking,

Time: 3898.05

and now we know based on data from vaping that the

Time: 3902.04

endothelial cell damage and the direct effects

Time: 3905.58

of damage to the lungs from tars,

Time: 3907.38

and even if people are vaping,

Time: 3908.76

which tends to have lower tars than do cigarettes,

Time: 3911.97

even for people that are vaping,

Time: 3913.65

greatly increased probability of stroke,

Time: 3917.13

of peripheral vascular disease.

Time: 3919.892

So this is peripheral pain because remember,

Time: 3922.051

blood is delivering, not just blood,

Time: 3922.98

but other nutrients and it's clearing things

Time: 3925.11

out from tissues.

Time: 3926.34

So there's an accumulation of literally toxins and debris

Time: 3929.46

that cells generate all the time, which is healthy,

Time: 3931.71

but then the normally is cleared away

Time: 3934.14

by the endothelial cells

Time: 3935.34

and by other cell types of the immune system,

Time: 3938.16

that's all increased in people that engage

Time: 3941.22

in these nicotine delivery device behaviors.

Time: 3944.97

Rates of heart attack, rates of stroke,

Time: 3947.13

rates of cognitive decline are all increased.

Time: 3949.95

Now you might say cognitive decline,

Time: 3951.06

I thought that nicotine increases the likelihood that we can

Time: 3954.72

maintain healthy neural function and cognitive capacity.

Time: 3957.51

It might even increase cognitive capacity

Time: 3959.313

in a potent way in the short term, and indeed it does.

Time: 3961.92


Time: 3963.39

cigarette smoking and vaping are now known

Time: 3966.21

to dramatically decrease cognitive function

Time: 3970.14

because one of the key things about the brain

Time: 3972.36

is that it is the most metabolically demanding organ,

Time: 3975.09

which means it consumes a lot of glucose.

Time: 3976.68

Or even if you're ketogenic, you need ketones,

Time: 3978.84

you need nutrients getting to the neurons in other cell

Time: 3981.15

types of the brain and nervous system

Time: 3982.8

in order for it to function properly.

Time: 3984.57

And when you disrupt a vasculature through this endothelial

Time: 3987.48

cell dysfunction, you get things like interstitial,

Time: 3990.24

which just means in the spaces between dysfunction.

Time: 3992.46

So it's not just beating up

Time: 3994.17

the endothelial cells themselves,

Time: 3995.61

but the spaces between the cells is being disrupted.

Time: 3998.16

There's a lot of debris that accumulates there.

Time: 3999.93

And as a consequence,

Time: 4001.55

the brain just simply will not function as well.

Time: 4004.4

So you start getting short term memory lapses,

Time: 4006.32

you start getting working memory lapses,

Time: 4007.82

working memory is the sort of memory

Time: 4009.32

if someone tells you their seven digit phone number,

Time: 4012.56

typically nowadays people just share their info,

Time: 4014.48

but seven digit phone number or a sequence

Time: 4016.28

of numbers or an address

Time: 4017.33

and your inability to remember that.

Time: 4018.74

So you're walking back to the kitchen sink and you can't

Time: 4020.57

remember what you were trying to remember

Time: 4022.49

just a short moment ago, that's working memory.

Time: 4024.56

Working memory suffers, long term memory,

Time: 4027.41

projective or intergrade memories into the future.

Time: 4030.53

How can you remember things in the future

Time: 4033.59

that haven't occurred yet?

Time: 4034.46

Well this is more of a memory for future plans or ideas

Time: 4038.66

and planning for things that are to come.

Time: 4040.73

So what we can very reliably say is that currently

Time: 4043.28

more than 1 billion, billion,

Time: 4045.8

more than 1 billion people consume tobacco

Time: 4049.25

in order to get their nicotine

Time: 4050.99

because that's really the reinforcing element

Time: 4053.18

within tobacco,

Time: 4055.13

more than 1 billion people consume tobacco in the form

Time: 4057.83

of cigarettes every day.

Time: 4061.04

A growing number of people,

Time: 4062.75

more than half a billion people now are starting to vape.

Time: 4066.95

The estimates range from 200 million to 500 million.

Time: 4070.55

And there's a lot of debate about this because

Time: 4072.29

a lot of people are hybrid smokers and vapers,

Time: 4074.96

meaning they do one or both

Time: 4077.03

depending on time of day and location,

Time: 4078.56

as I mentioned before,

Time: 4079.91

but now you start to see how you can get to the number

Time: 4084.17

that billions of people are consuming tobacco.

Time: 4086.54

Because of course you also have your people

Time: 4088.28

that are dipping and your people that are snuffing.

Time: 4090.41

And as I mentioned before,

Time: 4091.34

you have people that are engaging in multiple

Time: 4093.86

of these behaviors.

Time: 4095.57

So billions of people on planet Earth,

Time: 4098.6

anywhere from one eighth to a quarter of human beings,

Time: 4102.53

incredible right?

Time: 4104

Anywhere from one eighth to a quarter of

Time: 4105.62

human beings are consuming tobacco in one form or another

Time: 4108.86

in order to get their nicotine one way or another.

Time: 4112.79

And as a consequence,

Time: 4114.41

are peeling years off their life,

Time: 4116.068

dramatically increasing the probability of cancer,

Time: 4119.33

stroke, heart attack,

Time: 4121.61

peripheral neuropathies, brain dysfunction,

Time: 4125.39

meaning cognitive dysfunction, memory impairment,

Time: 4128.18

sexual dysfunction.

Time: 4129.89

There are a number of studies

Time: 4131.069

that have looked at increases in cortisol.

Time: 4132.71

And while minor, those increases do exist.

Time: 4135.71

Decreases in growth hormone, and while minor,

Time: 4137.81

those decreases exist,

Time: 4140.33

but even setting aside the negative impact on endocrine,

Time: 4145.07

on hormone factors,

Time: 4146.81

it's very, very clear that smoking, vaping,

Time: 4151.19

dipping, and snuffing are among the worst things

Time: 4154.64

that we can do for our health.

Time: 4156.5

They are among the leading causes of preventable death

Time: 4159.77

and debilitating life conditions,

Time: 4163.31

which may lead you to the question as

Time: 4165.14

to why in the world would people do this?

Time: 4169.04

Well it turns out most of them don't want to.

Time: 4173.03

In the best surveys that one can find of

Time: 4176.665

if you could quit smoking,

Time: 4177.59

if you could quit vaping, would you,

Time: 4179.99

what you find is that at least for cigarette smokers,

Time: 4183.26

70% want to quit.

Time: 4187.58

They would love to quit.

Time: 4189.23

And yet they find that to be exceedingly difficult.

Time: 4191.99

And the reason they find it to be exceedingly difficult is

Time: 4194.72

because of all the brain neurochemistry

Time: 4196.64

that we talked about before.

Time: 4197.57

The reason I spent close to 20 minutes talking about

Time: 4200.48

dopamine and the mesolimbic pathway,

Time: 4202.01

acetylcholine and nucleus basalis, and epinephrine,

Time: 4206.57

and the relaxation of muscles in the periphery and the

Time: 4208.88

increase in readiness in the body and brain is

Time: 4212.42

that all of those combine to make nicotine one

Time: 4214.88

of the most powerful and potent cognitive enhancers

Time: 4217.67

and to some extent physical enhancer,

Time: 4219.83

although, as I mentioned before,

Time: 4221.57

the total number of physical exercise or physical

Time: 4225.59

sport promoting effects of nicotine is very, very small,

Time: 4230.03

if not zero.

Time: 4231.77

There are certain conditions under which one might imagine

Time: 4234.92

using nicotine specifically for cognitive enhancement where

Time: 4239.21

performance of complex motor skills would sort of outweigh

Time: 4242.51

the negative effects on the neuromuscular system,

Time: 4245.09

our ability to generate coordinated movements.

Time: 4247.76

There was actually an excellent study looking at the effects

Time: 4250.1

of nicotine, not by smoking delivery,

Time: 4252.62

but by different delivery mechanism in which they looked at

Time: 4256.46

performance of hitters in baseball.

Time: 4259.49

The experiment was kind of an interesting one,

Time: 4261.23

even though these were fairly skilled baseball players,

Time: 4263.39

what they had them do was hit a ball off a tee,

Time: 4265.88

as I recall growing up and I admittedly

Time: 4268.67

I didn't play much baseball,

Time: 4269.69

but you start off on tee-ball and then

Time: 4271.67

you would go, I think it was to pitching machine.

Time: 4273.32

Then they would use actual pitchers who throw the ball.

Time: 4275.017

But in this case it was a couple

Time: 4277.49

of different baseball related tasks.

Time: 4279.23

They'd have people hit the ball off a tee,

Time: 4281.81

but they had to direct that hit

Time: 4283.55

toward a ball atop another tee.

Time: 4285.83

So it's fairly precise targeting that's

Time: 4287.66

required in order to knock that ball off the other tee.

Time: 4290.06

So this is an activity that involves not just motor output,

Time: 4292.7

but coordinated motor output,

Time: 4294.47

and not just coordinated motor output,

Time: 4296.72

but directed, coordinated output

Time: 4299.36

that requires some, as we would say, top down processing.

Time: 4302.54

This isn't the kind of thing that can be done reflexively.

Time: 4304.85

This is the kind of thing where the forebrain,

Time: 4307.34

the prefrontal cortex in particular has to be heavily

Time: 4309.35

involved in order to suppress certain actions

Time: 4311.69

and then create other actions.

Time: 4313.25

So the basic takeaway of the study is that nicotine

Time: 4315.53

delivered by way of nicotine gum,

Time: 4318.02

not by smoking, dipping, or snuffing was able

Time: 4321.95

to increase cognitive performance and motor output.

Time: 4324.32

So a rare circumstance where a specific set of demands that

Time: 4329.18

involved both cognitive engagement and physical engagement

Time: 4332.9

showed a slight but significant improvement.

Time: 4335.6

But again, in most cases,

Time: 4337.67

nicotine is just simply not going to improve physical output

Time: 4341.3

if it's delivered through a smoked cigarette,

Time: 4344.96

through vaping, through dipping, or through snuffing.

Time: 4347.81

So if all these behaviors are terrible for essentially

Time: 4350.78

every aspect of our health, frankly, I mean,

Time: 4352.7

when you look at the literature,

Time: 4353.533

it's terrible for pregnant women, it's terrible for kids,

Time: 4355.7

it's terrible for older people,

Time: 4357.38

it's terrible for younger people.

Time: 4358.91

You really cannot find a scenario in which smoking, vaping,

Time: 4362.96

dipping, or snuffing are good for us.

Time: 4364.94

And yet people like the effects on the brain and they feel

Time: 4368.39

quite addicted to them, even if they say they're not,

Time: 4370.97

most of those people would be unwilling to give up their

Time: 4374.39

practice of nicotine delivery for more than a few hours.

Time: 4378.14

In fact,

Time: 4379.514

if you look at the effects of withdrawal and we are going

Time: 4380.69

to talk about what withdrawal of nicotine looks like,

Time: 4383.423

what you find is that as soon as four hours

Time: 4387.59

after the last ingestion of nicotine

Time: 4389.93

by way of cigarette or vaping or dipping or snuffing,

Time: 4393.47

what people start to experience

Time: 4394.99

is some agitation, craving for nicotine, of course.

Time: 4398.27

And while craving is kind of a vague concept,

Time: 4400.85

it's actually a very specific biological mechanism.

Time: 4403.4

It's the drop in dopamine that's starting to occur

Time: 4406.88

so much so that there's a drop in dopamine below baseline.

Time: 4410.03

That is the increase in dopamine that would normally

Time: 4412.58

be experienced from smoking, vaping, dipping,

Time: 4415.67

or snuffing is now not happening.

Time: 4418.1

And in fact, the levels of dopamine are dropping below

Time: 4420.59

where they would've been even

Time: 4422.15

without performing that behavior.

Time: 4424.55

So that's what craving is.

Time: 4426.8

And withdrawal is an increased sense of that craving as well

Time: 4430.52

as a lot of negative stuff like stomach aches or nausea

Time: 4434.03

or irritability, and often collections of all of those.

Time: 4437

So because these nicotine delivery approaches

Time: 4438.92

are so terrible for our health,

Time: 4441.14

and also because as many as 70% of people

Time: 4445.07

who smoke would like to quit,

Time: 4447.05

but either feel they can't because they've tried

Time: 4449.27

and failed repeatedly often, or because it's just too scary,

Time: 4453.23

meaning the reinforcing properties are too strong and

Time: 4455.51

therefore they can't imagine living without them

Time: 4458.3

or the withdrawal effects are too strong

Time: 4461

and they can't imagine living with those.

Time: 4463.76

Well then is there hope for quitting smoking,

Time: 4466.733

vaping, snuffing, or dipping?

Time: 4469.34

And the short answer, fortunately is yes,

Time: 4471.92

there are excellent ways to do that.

Time: 4473.36

And some of them are single event treatments.

Time: 4476.93

And we're going to talk about those shortly,

Time: 4479.54

but before we do that,

Time: 4480.38

I want to highlight one very brief point,

Time: 4482.48

which is that nicotine is not the cause of cancer.

Time: 4486.62

Nicotine is not the carcinogen,

Time: 4488.72

it's the other things in tobacco or associated

Time: 4493.43

with the nicotine delivery device that are causing cancer.

Time: 4497.39

And I should mention the other negative impacts

Time: 4500.57

on our health in particular

Time: 4501.654

by way of disrupted endothelial blood vessel function.

Time: 4506.09

Now that leads us to this issue of vaping,

Time: 4507.95

because as many of you know,

Time: 4509.63

and probably are thinking as I've been delivering

Time: 4512

this information, people don't vape tobacco.

Time: 4516.77

The way that vaping pens are designed is that

Time: 4519.98

it includes some liquid, it involves heat,

Time: 4522.8

and it does not involve the burning off of tobacco.

Time: 4525.65

In fact, there's a constant updating of the engineering

Time: 4529.7

of these vape pens so that they can be very low heat.

Time: 4533.02

In some cases they use even non heating approaches to

Time: 4537.62

vaporize the nicotine and allow it

Time: 4539.69

to enter the bloodstream very quickly.

Time: 4542.63

I must say in a lot of ways, vaping resembles crack cocaine.

Time: 4547.76

The reason why vaping and crack cocaine are so similar

Time: 4551.18

is the speed of entry of nicotine into the bloodstream.

Time: 4555.17

This isn't an episode about cocaine,

Time: 4557.42

but I just want to very briefly touch on some of the delivery

Time: 4560.18

routes for cocaine because they parallel

Time: 4562.58

a lot of the delivery routes for nicotine.

Time: 4565.16

And we can learn a lot about

Time: 4566.9

drug pharmacokinetics and dopamine

Time: 4569.63

if we look at the parallels between cocaine and nicotine.

Time: 4574.25

I'll preface this by saying cocaine is a terrible drug.

Time: 4578.36

It is actually a schedule two drug in the United States,

Time: 4581.18

which means that it has a very,

Time: 4582.77

very limited yet still present medical application,

Time: 4586.01

mainly as an anesthetic in certain laboratory

Time: 4589.7

and hospital conditions.

Time: 4591.56

But aside from that,

Time: 4592.94

it's very clear that cocaine is one of the most debilitating

Time: 4595.49

drugs that humans can use because of the way

Time: 4597.86

that it impacts the dopamine system.

Time: 4599.63

And it basically creates a loop whereby the only thing

Time: 4603.17

that can really trigger dopamine release is cocaine.

Time: 4606.89

And as I've said before,

Time: 4608.48

the way that I define addiction is it's a progressive

Time: 4611.21

narrowing of the things that bring people pleasure.

Time: 4613.37

Cocaine certainly falls into the category

Time: 4615.44

of addictive drugs, strongly addictive drugs.

Time: 4618.77

And in fact,

Time: 4619.603

it has the additionally pernicious feature

Time: 4621.56

that after using cocaine for some period of time,

Time: 4624.89

the amount of dopamine that's released becomes progressively

Time: 4627.5

lower and lower and lower so that people can never get back

Time: 4630.44

to a state in which dopamine release is ever as great

Time: 4633.89

as it was the first time they did cocaine

Time: 4635.63

or prior to doing cocaine.

Time: 4637.345

Now with a long period of no cocaine use whatsoever

Time: 4643.13

and protecting the dopamine system

Time: 4645.86

in a number of different ways,

Time: 4647.42

people can often, not always but often

Time: 4650.42

recover their dopamine system,

Time: 4652.73

if not completely then near completely.

Time: 4656.285

So by all means, if you have a problem with cocaine, quit,

Time: 4659.03

find a way to quit, get treatment,

Time: 4661.13

get over that one way or another.

Time: 4662.81

We have an episode with an expert guest,

Time: 4664.94

Dr. Anna Lembke,

Time: 4666.35

who's a physician and the chief

Time: 4667.91

of the Stanford School of Medicine

Time: 4669.59

dual diagnosis addiction clinic,

Time: 4671.81

a world expert in dopamine and addictive substances

Time: 4674.81

and addictions of all kinds.

Time: 4676.22

You can find that episode at

Time: 4678.724

It's filled with information about how to get over different

Time: 4681.32

types of addictions, including cocaine addiction.

Time: 4683.15

Also check out her absolutely phenomenal

Time: 4685.37

and indeed important book "Dopamine Nation",

Time: 4687.26

which touches on some of this as well.

Time: 4689.72

And in the show note captions for the episode

Time: 4692

where Dr. Lembke was my guest,

Time: 4694.16

you can also find some additional resources related to that.

Time: 4696.59

So cocaine is terrible. That needs to be acknowledged.

Time: 4699.35

It should be avoided and you should find a way to quit it

Time: 4701.81

if you are currently using.

Time: 4704.42

With that said,

Time: 4705.77

the delivery mechanism for cocaine strongly parallels

Time: 4709.04

the delivery mechanisms for nicotine.

Time: 4710.93

That is people will snort cocaine,

Time: 4712.64

which is a lot like snuffing or dipping.

Time: 4714.74

That is when people snort cocaine,

Time: 4716.3

they're bringing cocaine into proximity or into contact,

Time: 4718.82

really with the mucosal lining of the nasal passages,

Time: 4721.88

which then allows the psychoactive substances

Time: 4724.67

to permeate into the bloodstream.

Time: 4727.01

Very seldom do people eat it,

Time: 4729.14

although that does happen from time to time,

Time: 4732.14

people will inject it, as so-called mainlining,

Time: 4735.11

which is a very rapid entry into the bloodstream because

Time: 4737.72

it's direct application to the bloodstream

Time: 4739.73

by way of injection.

Time: 4741.59

And then there's crack cocaine,

Time: 4742.423

which is essentially like a vaporizing of the cocaine

Time: 4745.61

from a so-called cocaine rock,

Time: 4747.71

that somewhat resembles vaping of nicotine.

Time: 4752.69

So while the vape pen involves a liquid that's sold,

Time: 4755.87

a cartridge that contains nicotine

Time: 4757.76

and often other flavors as well, flavorings I should say,

Time: 4763.37

both crack cocaine and vaping cause very rapid

Time: 4767.24

increases in the relative substances

Time: 4769.13

that are psychoactive, in the case of cocaine,

Time: 4770.81

that would be cocaine and the increase in dopamine

Time: 4773.51

in the brain and body I should mention.

Time: 4775.55

And in the case of vaping,

Time: 4777.08

there's a very rapid increase

Time: 4778.73

in blood concentrations of nicotine,

Time: 4780.32

much faster than occur with cigarette smoking

Time: 4783.38

or other modes of nicotine delivery.

Time: 4785.84

So that speed of onset turns out to be a critical parameter

Time: 4789.8

because the speed of onset of nicotine is going to also

Time: 4793.79

determine the speed of release of dopamine

Time: 4796

in the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area,

Time: 4798.23

that mesolimbic reward pathway.

Time: 4800.57

And with the mesolimbic reward pathway,

Time: 4802.22

it's not just about the peak,

Time: 4804.47

meaning the maximal amount of dopamine that's released,

Time: 4808.25

but it's the time course, how steep the curve is,

Time: 4811.07

how quickly that dopamine increases

Time: 4812.72

that's going to determine how reinforcing,

Time: 4815.24

how habit forming and indeed how addictive

Time: 4817.58

a particular substance is.

Time: 4819.95

One of the major important differences between vaping and

Time: 4822.47

cigarette smoking is that the onset

Time: 4824.42

of dopamine release from vaping is faster.

Time: 4827.66

And even a subtle increase in the rate at which dopamine

Time: 4831.23

increases in the mesolimbic reward pathway can make a given

Time: 4836.06

amount of nicotine much more habit forming and addictive.

Time: 4840.8

Now this probably explains the fact that many,

Time: 4843.83

many more people, in particular,

Time: 4845.12

young people age 25 and younger

Time: 4847.37

are vaping at phenomenal rates.

Time: 4850.34

People are starting to vape in just about everywhere.

Time: 4852.83

You see this in restaurants, you see it on the street,

Time: 4854.78

indeed you even see it in the classroom.

Time: 4857.27

This has actually become sort of sport of sorts.

Time: 4860.36

Certainly not something I encourage.

Time: 4862.04

In fact, when I learned about this from

Time: 4865.465

a new college student is telling me

Time: 4866.75

that many college students are actually bringing vape pens

Time: 4869.27

into the classroom.

Time: 4870.103

I think this is also happening in high schools

Time: 4871.88

and even junior high schools.

Time: 4873.86

This is a really concerning practice.

Time: 4876.56

And here I'm not trying to come across as

Time: 4878.81

the anti vaping crusader,

Time: 4880.1

but I must say given the negative effects

Time: 4882.56

on one's health in the long term,

Time: 4884.3

but also given these exceedingly powerful reward properties

Time: 4888.08

of nicotine entering the bloodstream quickly,

Time: 4890.81

and dopamine being released very quickly

Time: 4893.36

from the mesolimbic reward pathway,

Time: 4895.7

what we're seeing out there makes total sense.

Time: 4898.34

Young people's brains are essentially getting wired

Time: 4902.03

to the expectation that dopamine is going to be increased

Time: 4905.24

dramatically and quickly under their control,

Time: 4908.24

except it's under their control

Time: 4910.16

only in a very narrow set of circumstances.

Time: 4912.5

Recall the definition of addiction,

Time: 4914.36

a progressive narrowing of the things

Time: 4916.37

that bring you pleasure.

Time: 4917.203

We can change that statement to also say a progressive

Time: 4921.8

narrowing and specific kinetics,

Time: 4925.13

that is specific time course of the things

Time: 4928.01

that bring you pleasure.

Time: 4929.21

Now that's a bit of a nerdier statement than

Time: 4930.95

a progressive narrowing of the things

Time: 4932.09

that bring you pleasure.

Time: 4932.923

But what we are going to see in the next few years,

Time: 4935.57

I believe is an entire generation of young people

Time: 4939.02

for which a very large percentage of them are going to be

Time: 4942.77

seeking out a pattern or feeling

Time: 4945.56

because to the person taking it,

Time: 4946.7

they're not looking at their dopamine levels

Time: 4948.23

rising in their blood.

Time: 4949.31

They're experiencing this as an increase in focus,

Time: 4951.22

an increase in alertness,

Time: 4952.27

an increase in mood and wellbeing that is very rapid,

Time: 4956.3

very dramatic,

Time: 4957.59

and that simply cannot be recreated by any other substance.

Time: 4961.97

And that's a very concerning scenario,

Time: 4964.58

concerning because that mesolimbic reward pathway

Time: 4967.64

is the only pathway,

Time: 4969.47

the only pathway by which you can achieve the rewarding

Time: 4973.19

properties of any kind of endeavor,

Time: 4975.56

not just vaping of course.

Time: 4977.93

It is the way in which people achieve satisfaction from

Time: 4980.93

reaching a relationship goal or an athletic goal

Time: 4984.05

or an educational goal,

Time: 4985.85

any kind of goal or sense of satisfaction.

Time: 4988.22

And so it comes as no surprise that vaping is strongly

Time: 4991.64

associated with increased levels of depression,

Time: 4994.46

especially when vaping use drops off.

Time: 4996.59

Why would that be?

Time: 4997.49

If people are getting so much more dopamine

Time: 4999.29

so much more quickly from vaping,

Time: 5000.7

shouldn't they be feeling better?

Time: 5002.023

That brings us back to the critical, and I should say,

Time: 5005.47

defining feature of the dopamine reward pathway

Time: 5008.11

for motivation and wellbeing,

Time: 5009.91

which is that initially a given substance will cause,

Time: 5013.12

let's say an eight out of 10, again, arbitrary units,

Time: 5015.94

but eight out of 10 increase in dopamine.

Time: 5019.15

But with repeated use,

Time: 5020.56

what ends up happening is that even at similar

Time: 5023.53

or higher levels of ingestion,

Time: 5025.33

so not just one inhalation a minute,

Time: 5027.4

but maybe two inhalations a minute

Time: 5028.7

or an inhalation every 30 seconds.

Time: 5031.57

Now it's level four out of 10 activation

Time: 5034.18

of dopamine and then three and then two.

Time: 5035.8

And eventually it drops below baseline.

Time: 5038.08

Now the whole system can be recovered

Time: 5039.37

by abstinence from nicotine consumption,

Time: 5042.79

but the dopamine system is applied to everything,

Time: 5045.01

all sense of wellbeing, all sense of motivation.

Time: 5047.62

So during the period in which one is abstaining

Time: 5050.35

from nicotine and vaping in particular,

Time: 5053.77

people do not feel good.

Time: 5055.12

They feel miserable. That's why it's called withdrawal.

Time: 5057.16

It's associated with a bunch of psychological and

Time: 5060.61

physiological symptoms that all lead back

Time: 5064.06

to trying to get to the same levels of dopamine release

Time: 5067.6

in the same patterns that were experienced

Time: 5069.94

when one initially started vaping.

Time: 5072.16

So I'm not trying to paint a dark picture here, but frankly,

Time: 5074.65

the picture is very dark.

Time: 5076.63

I'm very concerned about a practice of ingesting something

Time: 5080.35

that powerfully modulates the dopamine system with the sorts

Time: 5083.35

of kinetics that one sees from ingestion of crack cocaine

Time: 5085.99

in young people that has all these other negative health

Time: 5088.3

effects that in the short term is very powerfully rewarding,

Time: 5091.3

increased focus, wellbeing, et cetera,

Time: 5093.49

but that over a very brief period of time leads to a state

Time: 5097.12

in which the entire dopamine reward system is impaired and

Time: 5101.92

can become permanently impaired

Time: 5103.84

unless one intervenes in a very deliberate way.

Time: 5106.87

So people are directly controlling the rate of dopamine

Time: 5109.99

and the frequency of dopamine release by the duration

Time: 5112.96

and frequency of inhalations off the vape pen.

Time: 5116.8

And that's an incredible thing because what it does is it

Time: 5120.34

sets up the mesolimbic reward pathway for an expectation

Time: 5123.43

that dopamine will be delivered on that schedule.

Time: 5126.61

So that's one of the things

Time: 5128.29

that makes vaping in particular so hard to quit.

Time: 5132.569

Vaping is actually harder to quit

Time: 5134.86

than cigarette smoking for most people.

Time: 5137.335

Now does that mean that cigarette smoking

Time: 5139.57

is fairly easy to quit for most people?

Time: 5141.94


Time: 5143.29

70% of people who smoke cigarettes report

Time: 5145.36

that they would like to quit if they thought they could.

Time: 5148.9

The success rate of quitting smoking

Time: 5151.15

when people try to go just cold turkey,

Time: 5153.16

just quit with no assistance whatsoever.

Time: 5154.93

They might tell their family and friends,

Time: 5156.25

hey, I'm quitting, that's it,

Time: 5158.602

is exceedingly low, it's 5%.

Time: 5161.41

So 5% of the people that say, that's it,

Time: 5164.86

I'm not smoking again.

Time: 5166.03

Despite cancer diagnosis, I'm not smoking again.

Time: 5168.97

Despite the fear of the negative health effects,

Time: 5170.71

I'm not going to ever smoke again.

Time: 5172.69

Despite the financial cost, the health cost.

Time: 5176.898

I could list off a huge number of things that it does

Time: 5178.793

that are negative,

Time: 5179.626

but you already know these or you've heard them,

Time: 5181.84

it makes your skin worse, as I mentioned it lowers libido,

Time: 5185.77

it disrupts hormones,

Time: 5186.88

it disrupts vascular function, brain function.

Time: 5190.63

It does all these terrible things.

Time: 5191.83

And yet most people who try and quit simply can't.

Time: 5194.29

And of the 5% that succeed in quitting,

Time: 5196.99

a full 65% of them relapse within a year.

Time: 5200.59

So that's a very depressing picture,

Time: 5202.9

but it's not to say that people cannot quit.

Time: 5204.787

And in fact, they can.

Time: 5205.99

There are a couple of methods

Time: 5207.01

that have been shown to help people quit.

Time: 5209.44

Some are behavioral and some are pharmacologic.

Time: 5213.07

I just want to touch on the behavioral ones first because it

Time: 5215.71

turns out that there's a quite powerful method

Time: 5218.86

for quitting nicotine ingestion by way of cigarette smoking,

Time: 5222.79

which also carries over to vaping.

Time: 5224.77

This is beautiful work that's been done by my colleague,

Time: 5227.53

in fact, close collaborator,

Time: 5228.76

although I was not involved in the research

Time: 5230.26

that I'm about to describe at Stanford.

Time: 5232.21

And his name is Dr. David Spiegel.

Time: 5233.88

He is our associate chair of psychiatry.

Time: 5236.59

He's been a guest on the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 5238.57

and he is a world expert,

Time: 5240.16

if not the world expert

Time: 5241.84

in the clinical applications of hypnosis.

Time: 5244.18

Now when I say hypnosis,

Time: 5245.29

a lot of people think stage hypnosis,

Time: 5247

which is the hypnotist

Time: 5247.9

trying to get people to do certain things

Time: 5249.73

and say certain things,

Time: 5250.96

not necessarily against their will

Time: 5252.94

because they actually have to agree.

Time: 5254.17

But the hypnotist is dictating

Time: 5256.03

what the person thinks, says, and does.

Time: 5258.88

Clinical hypnosis is vastly different from that.

Time: 5261.91

Clinical hypnosis is where the person,

Time: 5264.46

the patient actually directs their own brain changes toward

Time: 5268.33

a specific emotional or behavioral goal.

Time: 5271.15

Work from Dr. David Spiegel's laboratory done in 1993,

Time: 5275.38

but that now has been repeated many,

Time: 5277.03

many times that has carried over into some more modern

Time: 5279.16

studies and I will provide links to those studies

Time: 5281.95

in the show note captions so that you can access them.

Time: 5284.77

Those studies have shown that

Time: 5286.24

using a specific form of hypnosis,

Time: 5289.84

people can achieve complete

Time: 5292.63

and total cessation of cigarette smoking.

Time: 5295.72

And there's no reason to believe this doesn't also carry

Time: 5297.91

over to vaping through one single hypnosis session.

Time: 5301.78

And the success rates are incredibly high when one considers

Time: 5305.23

that normally it would be only a 5% success rate.

Time: 5308.29

The success rate with this particular hypnosis developed

Time: 5311.17

at Stanford School of Medicine

Time: 5312.31

by Dr. David Spiegel is 23%

Time: 5315.58

of people who do this hypnosis one time

Time: 5318.01

succeed in quitting smoking.

Time: 5319.63

Now in the old days,

Time: 5321.82

which actually wasn't that long ago,

Time: 5323.62

before the advent of smartphones

Time: 5325.72

and before the internet took off

Time: 5327.79

to the extent that it has now,

Time: 5330.37

this was done by having someone come into the clinic

Time: 5333.633

and Dr. Spiegel himself

Time: 5334.466

or one of his colleagues would take somebody

Time: 5336.13

through the hypnosis.

Time: 5338.29

Nowadays, you can access this hypnosis.

Time: 5340.6

There's a wonderful app that was developed

Time: 5342.97

by Dr. David Spiegel and others.

Time: 5345.28

It's called Reveri, R-E-V-E-R-I.

Time: 5347.86

I've talked about this app a few times

Time: 5349.09

on the podcast before,

Time: 5350.05

because there are hypnosis scripts within the app for

Time: 5352.48

enhancing sleep, for improving ability of fall asleep

Time: 5354.94

if you wake up in the middle of the night, for focus,

Time: 5357.19

and a number of other behavioral and emotional changes.

Time: 5360.55

There's also a function in the Reveri app

Time: 5363.04

for smoking cessation,

Time: 5364.69

which exactly parallels the sort of in laboratory

Time: 5368.92

and in clinic approaches that Dr. Spiegel would use

Time: 5371.98

were you to show up at his clinic or his laboratory.

Time: 5374.47

And since that's not possible

Time: 5375.94

for the large number of people out there,

Time: 5377.89

if you or somebody else is trying to quit smoking

Time: 5380.74

or vaping or dipping or snuffing for that matter,

Time: 5385.18

I strongly encourage you to check out the Reveri app.

Time: 5387.88

You can find it easily by going to

Time: 5390.82

It's available in various formats.

Time: 5393.508

Some of it is available free,

Time: 5394.341

some of it is behind a paywall,

Time: 5395.62

but given the tremendously negative impact

Time: 5397.93

of smoking, vaping, dipping, and snuffing,

Time: 5401.29

the hypnosis for smoking cessation that Reveri has seems

Time: 5405.79

at least to me as a very powerful and worthwhile resource.

Time: 5409.63

So please check that out

Time: 5410.62

if you're somebody who's trying to quit ingesting nicotine

Time: 5413.89

by any of the four methods that I just described.

Time: 5416.62

Now of course,

Time: 5417.453

there are other methods that people have used to

Time: 5418.48

successfully quit smoking or vaping

Time: 5420.28

or other forms of nicotine delivery.

Time: 5423.01

And there's actually an excellent review on this topic.

Time: 5425.41

So before diving into a few of the specifics about some of

Time: 5427.78

the pharmacology of using nicotine itself

Time: 5431.26

to quit smoking or nicotine itself to quit vaping,

Time: 5434.08

or the use of various things, even SSRIs,

Time: 5436.69

antidepressants to quit smoking or vaping.

Time: 5440.41

I just want to point you to a review article that if you'd

Time: 5442.51

like to get a complete survey of all the options

Time: 5445

that are available, there's an excellent review on this.

Time: 5447.73

It was published just a couple of years ago in 2020.

Time: 5449.857

And the title of the article is

Time: 5451.157

"Pharmacologic Approach to Smoking Cessation:

Time: 5453.91

An Updated Review for Daily Clinical Practice".

Time: 5456.58

And even though this is mainly focused on smoking cessation,

Time: 5459.88

it carries over quite nicely to vaping.

Time: 5462.43

And it details a number of statistics,

Time: 5464.29

the fact that every year,

Time: 5465.7

700,000 or more people die

Time: 5467.5

because of smoking related diseases.

Time: 5468.97

So there again you have

Time: 5469.803

the negative health effects that younger people are smoking,

Time: 5473.38

that women are smoking more nowadays.

Time: 5474.97

And that even though you see less smoking,

Time: 5476.41

typically in the US and Canada, and even in Northern Europe,

Time: 5479.14

some places, there are still many many people are smoking

Time: 5481.45

who would like to quit, but that 75% of people,

Time: 5484.84

at least according to this review earlier, I said 70%,

Time: 5487.03

but estimates are as high as 75% of people who try to quit

Time: 5490.18

smoking relapse within the first week.

Time: 5492.76

The first week, they just go right back to it.

Time: 5494.29

That's how powerfully reinforcing the nicotine is.

Time: 5496.81

Remember, it's the nicotine in the cigarette that's

Time: 5498.88

powerfully reinforcing, but it's also the oral habit,

Time: 5504.01

the motor habit.

Time: 5505.36

There is this thing about density

Time: 5506.83

of sensory receptors in the lips.

Time: 5508.24

People like bringing things to their lips,

Time: 5511.48

food, cigarettes, other lips in some cases, et cetera,

Time: 5516.61

there is a reinforcement pathway related to that

Time: 5519.01

for sort of obvious adaptive reasons.

Time: 5521.47

And as a consequence, there is a reinforcement,

Time: 5525.49

both from the behavior and from the dopamine

Time: 5527.59

released from the nicotine itself.

Time: 5529.18

And as I mentioned earlier,

Time: 5530.56

from the positive reinforcement

Time: 5532.72

that comes from increased focus.

Time: 5533.95

So the money that you make through work

Time: 5535.3

or your attentional ability

Time: 5536.68

or the fact that you're alert and people feel you present,

Time: 5538.63

all of that funnels back into positive reinforcement,

Time: 5541.9

behavioral reinforcement,

Time: 5543.79

and then what we would call addiction.

Time: 5546.28

So this review covers all of that and then steps beautifully

Time: 5550.24

through nicotine replacement therapy and various compounds,

Time: 5553.84

several of which I'm going to talk about now,

Time: 5555.76

which have been shown to increase that number that we talked

Time: 5558.43

about earlier of only 5% of people who try to quit

Time: 5561.49

with no other support pharmacologic or hypnosis

Time: 5564.43

or otherwise just say that's it, I'm not going to smoke again,

Time: 5567.07

or I'm not going to vape again,

Time: 5568.69

only 5% of people succeed in doing that.

Time: 5570.94

And even among those, many end up relapsing later,

Time: 5573.79

there are a couple pharmacologic approaches.

Time: 5575.89

One of the main ones that's received a lot of attention in

Time: 5577.93

recent years is Bupropion,

Time: 5580.12

sometimes referred to by its commercial name Wellbutrin.

Time: 5584.11

Now Bupropion is a compound that increases the release of

Time: 5589.27

dopamine and to a lesser extent epinephrine

Time: 5591.94

and some other neurochemicals as well.

Time: 5593.62

It's used for the treatment of depression

Time: 5595.66

and for smoking cessation.

Time: 5597.73

Now I want to point out again, I'm not a psychiatrist,

Time: 5599.98

so I'm not telling you to take Bupropion, AKA Wellbutrin,

Time: 5603.49

but I'm going to give you a little bit of the contour of what's

Time: 5605.5

typically done in terms of Bupropion administration

Time: 5608.5

to help people get relief from some of the withdrawal

Time: 5611.41

symptoms of trying to quit smoking or vaping

Time: 5613.93

or other forms of nicotine ingestion.

Time: 5616.57

Typically Bupropion is taken in 300 milligram per day

Time: 5621.01

doses divided into two dosages of 150 milligrams each,

Time: 5624.19

or sometimes there's a slow release formula.

Time: 5627.25

The dosages will vary from person to person.

Time: 5629.95

I want to really emphasize that there

Time: 5631.98

is an increased seizure risk with Bupropion.

Time: 5634.69

It only occurs in a small fraction of the population,

Time: 5636.97

but nonetheless is a real concern

Time: 5638.98

for those members of the population.

Time: 5640.42

So for those of you with seizure risk,

Time: 5642.22

whether you know it or not,

Time: 5643.66

that's going to be a valid concern

Time: 5646.18

in terms of potential side effects.

Time: 5648.01

The other thing about Bupropion is that it has to be used

Time: 5651.76

with caution in patients that have liver disease or renal

Time: 5654.16

disease that can impact the amount

Time: 5656.62

that anyone can take meaning sometimes people have to take

Time: 5658.72

a much lower dose if they have renal disease

Time: 5660.79

or liver disease.

Time: 5662.23

And sometimes they can't take it at all.

Time: 5663.94

Sometimes if people are taking benzodiazepines for whatever

Time: 5666.67

reason or other sedatives,

Time: 5668.994

there are contraindications there, so Bupropion isn't a

Time: 5672.169

kind of one size fits all or magic bullet

Time: 5674.38

for quitting smoking, nonetheless,

Time: 5676.42

for people that can take it safely,

Time: 5678.07

and again, this is a prescription drug,

Time: 5679.9

a board certified psychiatrist or other physician is going

Time: 5682.51

to have to prescribe it for you if it's appropriate for you.

Time: 5684.64

And it moves that number of 5% success rate to about what

Time: 5688.24

one sees with the clinical hypnosis to about 20% of people

Time: 5693.37

will successfully overcome their nicotine,

Time: 5696.79

or I should say their smoking or vaping addiction.

Time: 5700.3

Now it's important to ask why this would work, right?

Time: 5703.54

It's not as if Bupropion is increasing nicotine per se.

Time: 5708.25

What it's doing is it's tapping

Time: 5709.6

on that mesolimbic reward pathway, increasing dopamine,

Time: 5712.33

or at least allowing dopamine levels to say substantially

Time: 5715.18

elevated enough that people don't experience some of the

Time: 5718.99

drop in dopamine that leads to the withdrawal symptoms,

Time: 5721.42

the lessening of mood, et cetera.

Time: 5722.86

And it's no coincidence that Bupropion

Time: 5724.66

is also an antidepressant.

Time: 5726.43

It's a common antidepressant for people that experience

Time: 5728.95

negative side effects with the so-called SSRIs,

Time: 5731.29

the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that prevent

Time: 5734.5

them from taking those things like lessen libido

Time: 5736.51

or appetite,

Time: 5737.343

or in some cases increased appetite or any number

Time: 5739.9

of other side effects that some people, not all,

Time: 5742.06

but some people experience with SSRIs.

Time: 5743.83

They'll be prescribed Wellbutrin,

Time: 5745.27

Bupropion is the generic name.

Time: 5748.18

So Wellbutrin being the commercial name again,

Time: 5750.19

Bupropion is what they'll be prescribed instead with the

Time: 5754.51

caveats of seizure risk, renal disease,

Time: 5757.6

liver disease, et cetera.

Time: 5759.76

The outcomes with Wellbutrin for smoking cessation

Time: 5762.46

are pretty good if you think about an increase

Time: 5764.02

from 5% to 20%, that's pretty dramatic.

Time: 5767.11

And yet I also want to refer back to the incredible success

Time: 5770.38

of the clinical hypnosis approach.

Time: 5772.12

Again, you can find that at,

Time: 5774.73

the clinical hypnosis approach has a success rate of 23%.

Time: 5780.126

So it's very closely aligned with,

Time: 5780.959

if not exceeding the success rate with Bupropion.

Time: 5784.42

Of course there are other pharmacologic approaches

Time: 5786.58

to quitting smoking or vaping.

Time: 5789.61

All of them generally circle back to increasing dopamine

Time: 5793.06

and/or norepinephrine in order to offset

Time: 5795.25

some of the withdrawal symptoms of smoking cessation

Time: 5798.46

or vaping cessation.

Time: 5799.72

A very common approach for people to try and quit smoking or

Time: 5802.9

vaping is to use nicotine itself to try and prevent people

Time: 5808.45

from seeking nicotine through a cigarette or a vape pen.

Time: 5812.29

What I mean by that is people using a nicotine patch or

Time: 5815.44

nicotine gum or other nicotine delivery device

Time: 5819.07

that is not cigarettes and not vaping

Time: 5822.01

in order to maintain levels of nicotine

Time: 5825.25

in their bloodstream,

Time: 5827.11

which of course means maintain levels of nicotine in their

Time: 5829.51

brain and body to the same extent

Time: 5832.18

that they would if they were smoking or vaping,

Time: 5835.03

maybe even gradually taking down the total amount of

Time: 5838.57

nicotine in their brain and body by reducing

Time: 5841.63

the number or size of nicotine gum pieces

Time: 5844.96

that they ingest each day,

Time: 5846.43

or keeping the patch on for a shorter amount of time

Time: 5849.04

or getting a lower dose patch that releases less nicotine

Time: 5851.77

total or over time.

Time: 5855.49

All of those approaches have been shown

Time: 5857.23

to be reasonably successful,

Time: 5859.12

I'll get to the numbers in a few minutes,

Time: 5860.23

but reasonably successful in allowing people

Time: 5863.35

to quit smoking or vaping.

Time: 5866.75

Again, most of the data is on cigarette smoking

Time: 5869.77

because vaping is a relatively new phenomenon.

Time: 5872.23

Although quite troublingly,

Time: 5874.48

it's a very rapidly increasing behavior,

Time: 5877.81

especially in the young population.

Time: 5879.34

So that's why I'm kind of lumping these two things together

Time: 5881.47

because I think very soon we are going to need an all out

Time: 5886.21

campaign for how to counter vaping addiction.

Time: 5889.6

So what do we know about smoking cessation

Time: 5891.94

using nicotine itself?

Time: 5893.56

Is the patch best? Is nicotine gum best?

Time: 5896.53

Turns out that a combination of approaches

Time: 5899.68

is best, so somewhat surprising,

Time: 5901.66

but it was very clear from the literature that I was able to

Time: 5903.49

find that using nicotine patches for some period of time

Time: 5907.39

and then switching to a gum

Time: 5909.25

and then perhaps switching to a nasal spray,

Time: 5913.15

that's going to be the most effective.

Time: 5914.98

Then the question is how long to continue each of those

Time: 5918.13

and whether or not to overlap them.

Time: 5919.6

It seems as if doing one for about a week and then switching

Time: 5922.6

to another for about a week and then switching to another is

Time: 5925.33

one rationable and reasonable approach

Time: 5927.82

that many people have used successfully.

Time: 5930.19

Why would that be?

Time: 5931.09

It all has to do with the different rates of absorption

Time: 5933.88

of nicotine into the bloodstream,

Time: 5935.53

and then the downstream consequences

Time: 5937.15

of that on the dopamine, acetylcholine, epinephrine,

Time: 5940.48

and other systems of the brain and body.

Time: 5942.64

And while there hasn't been an extremely detailed study

Time: 5945.97

of the exact kinetics of

Time: 5947.86

how the nasal sprays versus the transdermal patches

Time: 5950.26

versus the gums, et cetera, work,

Time: 5952.09

there's a logical structure to it

Time: 5953.56

that will immediately make sense to you.

Time: 5954.88

First of all,

Time: 5956.323

the transdermal patches provide a fairly steady state

Time: 5958.93

dopamine release across the day.

Time: 5961.45

And oftentimes people are wearing them at night as well.

Time: 5963.79

This is relevant because if people are ingesting nicotine

Time: 5966.85

by way of smoking and vaping,

Time: 5970.36

hopefully they're not waking up in the middle of the night

Time: 5971.95

just to smoke or vape.

Time: 5972.91

Believe or not, some people do that,

Time: 5974.2

but of course, while people are asleep,

Time: 5976.39

they are not smoking or vaping.

Time: 5978.55

They always tell you don't fall asleep

Time: 5979.48

with a cigarette in your mouth,

Time: 5980.313

you'll burn the whole house down,

Time: 5982.33

but exceedingly rare to have people

Time: 5985.51

are smoking in their sleep.

Time: 5987.04

So people wake up in the morning and because the half life

Time: 5990.1

of nicotine from smoking or vaping is very short,

Time: 5992.11

anywhere from one to two hours,

Time: 5994.03

they're essentially in a state of withdrawal at the point

Time: 5995.98

where they wake up in the morning.

Time: 5997.03

How can I say that?

Time: 5997.9

Remember, withdrawal sets in about four hours after the last

Time: 6001.32

ingestion of nicotine by cigarette

Time: 6003.21

or by inhalation from the vape pen.

Time: 6005.1

So people are waking up in nicotine withdrawal and then

Time: 6008.1

immediately going into the behavior of ingesting nicotine,

Time: 6010.95

or very soon after waking for most people.

Time: 6013.62

So nicotine patch is going to be

Time: 6015.66

very effective for a week or so, again,

Time: 6017.91

talk to your physician about the best approach for this,

Time: 6020.52

but then switching to a nasal spray

Time: 6023.94

or switching to nicotine gum for about a week,

Time: 6026.16

which is going to change the kinetics of that nicotine

Time: 6028.53

absorption into the bloodstream and change the release

Time: 6031.59

of dopamine and other neurochemicals within the brain.

Time: 6033.81

That's going to keep the system intentionally off balance

Time: 6037.23

so that it never comes to expect one single pattern

Time: 6040.89

or amplitude of dopamine release.

Time: 6044.04

And that is a very powerful way for a,

Time: 6048.57

let's just call it a quitting method to work.

Time: 6051.75

Because as I've always said,

Time: 6053.37

the most powerful schedule of dopamine

Time: 6056.28

is going to be this random intermittent reward.

Time: 6059.19

This is what's used in the casinos

Time: 6060.9

in order to take your money.

Time: 6062.1

And generally they do, on average,

Time: 6063.78

they take your money more than you take theirs,

Time: 6066.36

and they take more of it.

Time: 6068.1

Not just more often because

Time: 6069.66

they use this random intermittent schedule.

Time: 6071.85

The random intermittent schedule is one in which you don't

Time: 6074.19

really know when the peaks in dopamine are going to arrive.

Time: 6077.34

And so there isn't this expectation and craving.

Time: 6079.83

And then all of a sudden when dopamine is released,

Time: 6081.51

it's extremely high.

Time: 6082.41

That's how they get you to continue playing,

Time: 6083.79

even though basically you're losing money

Time: 6085.38

and your dopamine is dropping,

Time: 6086.37

they elevate it every once in a while.

Time: 6089.25

Nicotine replacement can be used in a similar way,

Time: 6091.77

but in a benevolent way,

Time: 6092.91

in order to help you get over smoking or vaping

Time: 6096.3

by keeping the total amounts of dopamine variable

Time: 6099.09

around the clock

Time: 6100.74

and by changing the amount of dopamine that's released,

Time: 6103.59

it seems to help people behaviorally and psychologically

Time: 6107.01

because they don't come to expect having a particular amount

Time: 6109.41

of dopamine in their brain and blood at any given time.

Time: 6111.78

And this is an important point

Time: 6113.7

because it brings us to this notion of homeostasis.

Time: 6116.85

Homeostasis is this tendency for biological systems

Time: 6119.52

to try and reach equilibrium.

Time: 6121.14

What goes up, goes down, et cetera.

Time: 6122.61

And to some extent to the same degree.

Time: 6124.532

So I'll talk about this right now

Time: 6125.85

in the context of nicotine use withdrawal,

Time: 6129.9

and then the period in which people

Time: 6132.3

no longer crave nicotine.

Time: 6134.55

So you can imagine that

Time: 6136.29

if we were to measure your heart rate,

Time: 6137.76

your blood pressure, and your overall levels of alertness

Time: 6140.04

and wellbeing and mood, let's just give that some value.

Time: 6143.1

Let's say it runs from zero to 10, again, arbitrary units.

Time: 6145.8

Let's just take all those physiological measures

Time: 6148.02

and the subjected measure of your mood.

Time: 6149.397

And let's measure it

Time: 6151.53

four times an hour across the day, across the waking hours.

Time: 6155.01

What we would find is a line that would kind of

Time: 6156.96

squiggle a bit,

Time: 6157.793

maybe a nice text comes in that you really like,

Time: 6159.9

maybe you get not so good news and your kind of

Time: 6162.93

autonomic arousal is all over the place,

Time: 6165.36

but on average is kind of a squiggly line

Time: 6167.55

where it increases in the morning

Time: 6168.84

because that's typically when body temperature

Time: 6170.76

and autonomic arousal increase.

Time: 6172.2

And then towards the afternoon,

Time: 6173.28

it's going to come sloping down.

Time: 6174.3

And then right before sleep,

Time: 6175.14

there'll be an increase again,

Time: 6176.34

if you've ever felt that you kind of run around a lot before

Time: 6178.11

sleep and then it goes down,

Time: 6179.31

that's kind of the typical contour of autonomic arousal, mood,

Time: 6183.57

et cetera, across the day,

Time: 6185.76

removing of course life events and things like psychiatric

Time: 6189.66

illness and depression and et cetera.

Time: 6192.18

That's the typical arc of that.

Time: 6193.95

Now let's superimpose on whatever

Time: 6195.81

that contour is for you, nicotine.

Time: 6198.84

So you get a little bolus as we say,

Time: 6201.78

a little bit of nicotine from smoking a cigarette

Time: 6203.97

or from taking an inhalation on a vape pen,

Time: 6205.68

what ends up happening is there's

Time: 6206.69

an increase in blood pressure, increase in heart rate,

Time: 6208.83

increase in mood, increase in alertness,

Time: 6210.39

all the things we talked about earlier.

Time: 6213.48

Over time,

Time: 6215.28

the body starts to adjust so that the baseline upon which

Time: 6220.83

that nicotine induced increase in arousal would occur

Time: 6225.36

is actually reduced, right?

Time: 6227.79

Why would that be?

Time: 6228.623

Well, the body and the brain,

Time: 6231.18

your physiology seeks homeostasis.

Time: 6233.07

So if there's a big increase in all those things

Time: 6236.07

like blood pressure and mood, et cetera,

Time: 6237.96

typically your baseline will drop a little bit

Time: 6240.75

to compensate for that over time,

Time: 6242.22

after a couple days or even weeks of ingesting nicotine.

Time: 6245.07

So let's say you wake up,

Time: 6246.18

you're typically take an inhalation off your vape,

Time: 6248.88

or you have a cigarette around

Time: 6250.26

nine or 10:00 AM and you do that daily.

Time: 6253.32

You get used to a certain level of mood and alertness

Time: 6255.75

and wellbeing for that time of day.

Time: 6257.46

And then if you smoke again in the afternoon,

Time: 6259.14

let's say you also get accustomed to a certain level of mood

Time: 6262.35

and alertness and wellbeing for that time of day.

Time: 6265.08

Again, it'll vary depending on life events,

Time: 6266.85

but your system sort of gets used to it and your baseline

Time: 6269.16

will drop to compensate for those peaks

Time: 6271.02

so that the peaks aren't quite as high as they were

Time: 6273.21

when you first started using nicotine.

Time: 6275.34

Now you decide to quit.

Time: 6276.48

So now what we're talking about is transitioning from the

Time: 6279.57

consumption to what we're going to call the withdrawal phase.

Time: 6282.27

So now what happens is you say,

Time: 6284.19

that's it, I'm going cold turkey.

Time: 6286.14

I know there's only a 5% success rate,

Time: 6287.82

but I'm going to just go cold turkey or somebody will say,

Time: 6290.61

no, I'm going to use the Reveri app.

Time: 6292.02

Or somebody says, no,

Time: 6293.76

I'm going to use Bupropion or another method or nicotine patch

Time: 6296.97

or something of that sort.

Time: 6298.26

Setting aside the nicotine patch

Time: 6299.7

or the nicotine delivery device

Time: 6301.53

and only focusing on approaches for getting through

Time: 6304.92

withdrawal that have no direct effects on nicotine.

Time: 6309.3

So not using the nicotine patch,

Time: 6310.65

but say the hypnosis or Bupropion,

Time: 6314.16

which can increase dopamine,

Time: 6315.6

but it doesn't increase nicotine directly.

Time: 6318.42

What happens?

Time: 6319.47

The day that you quit,

Time: 6322.2

that homeostatic mechanism in your brain and body

Time: 6325.14

that sets your level of mood and arousal, et cetera,

Time: 6327.93

does not know and hasn't adjusted to the fact

Time: 6330.96

that you're not bringing in nicotine.

Time: 6332.4

You're not having that cigarette.

Time: 6333.45

You're not having that inhalation on the vape pen.

Time: 6335.88

So what ends up happening is that baseline,

Time: 6338.13

which has been adjusted down to offset the increases

Time: 6341.61

in mood and alertness, et cetera,

Time: 6343.71

when you smoke or vape is lower than it normally would be.

Time: 6348.3

So that 9:00 AM cigarette time or vape inhalation time

Time: 6352.95

no longer feels above baseline,

Time: 6355.47

it actually feels below baseline because what you're seeing

Time: 6358.38

is the lower amplitude of arousal that was there

Time: 6363.69

to offset the increase you were getting

Time: 6365.94

from vaping or smoking.

Time: 6367.32

And then in the afternoon,

Time: 6368.37

if normally you have a kind of phase of your afternoon

Time: 6370.53

you really enjoy, you go outside,

Time: 6371.76

you have a vape or a cigarette,

Time: 6373.5

you normally are feeling relaxed or you go out at night

Time: 6375.706

and you like to vape and you say, nope,

Time: 6376.56

I'm not going to do that anymore,

Time: 6378.06

you're going to feel much,

Time: 6379.35

much worse than you would've had you never started

Time: 6382.44

smoking or vaping.

Time: 6383.43

Now that's not much help to anyone

Time: 6385.434

who's already started smoking or vaping.

Time: 6387.81

But I say this because it's very important to understand

Time: 6390.9

that the reason why relapse rates

Time: 6392.55

are so high within the first week,

Time: 6394.02

75% of people relapse within one week and overall failure

Time: 6397.98

rates are 95% is because people don't expect

Time: 6401.34

to feel even worse than they did prior

Time: 6404.34

to ever smoking or vaping.

Time: 6406.08

So that first week is absolutely critical.

Time: 6408.78

And the beauty of understanding this

Time: 6410.25

is that if you can get through that first week,

Time: 6412.62

either by sheer grit or by finding other methods

Time: 6415.89

to increase dopamine, healthy methods I would hope,

Time: 6418.83

and certainly cold showers,

Time: 6420.54

ice baths have been shown to do that by the way.

Time: 6423.237

And this was described in Dr. Anna Lembke's book,

Time: 6425.377

"Dopamine Nation", cold showers can increase dopamine,

Time: 6428.94

exercise, positive social interactions.

Time: 6431.4

It's very likely that people will need to use

Time: 6433.83

other healthy methods to offset that reduction in dopamine

Time: 6437.19

if ever they stand to get through that first week.

Time: 6439.83

And again, if you can get through that first week,

Time: 6442.38

chances are quite a bit higher that you'll be able to

Time: 6445.05

maintain the cessation of smoking or vaping.

Time: 6449.13

And of course, hypnosis, things like Bupropion,

Time: 6452.04

can also assist in that,

Time: 6453.3

Bupropion by way of increasing dopamine pharmacologically,

Time: 6456.27

hypnosis through changes in neural circuitry

Time: 6459.12

that aren't completely understood,

Time: 6460.38

but seem to involve a remapping of some of the so-called

Time: 6463.8

default networks and some of the networks that are involved

Time: 6466.41

in kind of understanding of your own internal state.

Time: 6468.93

This stuff gets a little bit complicated and we're going to

Time: 6470.34

return to this in a upcoming episode

Time: 6472.98

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6474.18

but there are indeed legitimate changes in neural circuitry

Time: 6477.78

caused by clinical hypnosis that can at least partially

Time: 6480.78

explain why it is so effective in helping treat

Time: 6484.38

or allow people to stop smoking and vaping.

Time: 6487.05

So for those of you out there

Time: 6489.232

that, either here or are saying yourselves,

Time: 6491.79

I just can't seem to quit smoking or vaping

Time: 6495.24

or dipping or snuffing,

Time: 6497.31

hopefully an understanding of how that homeostasis process

Time: 6500.94

works and the time course of nicotine,

Time: 6503.49

depending on the delivery device,

Time: 6505.2

hopefully understanding that

Time: 6506.73

will allow you to develop a protocol.

Time: 6509.91

Maybe it involves hypnosis.

Time: 6510.99

Maybe it involves just understanding that the typical times

Time: 6513.87

in which you ingested nicotine through any of the different

Time: 6517.92

approaches of bringing it into your system

Time: 6520.05

are going to be particularly hard.

Time: 6521.34

But I don't just mean particularly hard.

Time: 6523.2

I mean, particularly hard,

Time: 6524.033

and you're going to need to do something specific to offset

Time: 6527.22

that decrease in overall autonomic arousal

Time: 6530.58

and dopamine, et cetera.

Time: 6532.2

Hopefully an understanding of that will allow you

Time: 6533.94

to get through that first week.

Time: 6535.05

And if you can make it past that first week,

Time: 6536.91

you stand a very good chance of never going back.

Time: 6539.73

However, I did consult with Dr. David Spiegel

Time: 6542.43

in anticipation of this episode,

Time: 6544.38

regardless of the method that you used to quit smoking

Time: 6548.52

or vaping, snuffing, or dipping,

Time: 6552.15

there's good evidence that a routine maybe once a month

Time: 6556.62

or even once a week hypnosis type approach to replenish

Time: 6561.99

or even enhance the neural circuits that are allowing you to

Time: 6564.66

stay away from nicotine is going to be a very good idea.

Time: 6567.18

And given that it's a purely behavioral intervention,

Time: 6571.44

I can see no reason as to why people wouldn't want

Time: 6573.69

to do that, go in and reinforce, you know,

Time: 6575.01

tighten the bolts on that circuitry that are allowing you to

Time: 6578.25

not feel the impulse to smoke, not feel the impulse to vape.

Time: 6581.58

And just a very brief mention,

Time: 6583.86

there is a vast literature on the fact that when people have

Time: 6587.58

quit smoking or vaping or other form of consuming nicotine,

Time: 6591.42

that when they consume alcohol,

Time: 6592.74

there's a much higher probability of relapse.

Time: 6593.98

There are interactions between alcohol and nicotine

Time: 6596.22

that we'll cover in future episodes.

Time: 6597.87

But for those of you that want to quit,

Time: 6599.43

I want to assure you,

Time: 6600.78

despite the fact that 95% of people fail,

Time: 6603.45

with the appropriate tools,

Time: 6605.04

and I like to think within an additional understanding of

Time: 6607.8

the underlying biology and psychology and what you can

Time: 6610.11

expect and when to really dig your heels and when to

Time: 6612.27

reinforce your system with more dopamine

Time: 6614.13

through any of the number of the different protocols

Time: 6616.2

and tools that we've offered here

Time: 6617.64

and that you can find elsewhere

Time: 6618.72

in other episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6621.21

I have a high degree of confidence that you can quit smoking

Time: 6625.43

or vaping, dipping or snuffing.

Time: 6627.69

So today, typical of frankly

Time: 6629.31

all episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6630.9

we've covered a lot about the biology

Time: 6633.124

of a particular system.

Time: 6634.74

We talked about the biology of nicotine in particular,

Time: 6638.04

we talked about vaping and smoking, dipping and snuffing

Time: 6642.18

and the negative health consequences associated with those.

Time: 6645.832

I want to reemphasize that nicotine

Time: 6647.76

is not what causes cancer.

Time: 6648.87

It is the delivery device that causes cancer

Time: 6651.45

and the other negative health effects.

Time: 6653.49

That is not to say that people should be ingesting nicotine

Time: 6656.49

through any different methods

Time: 6657.39

simply to get a cognitive boost.

Time: 6658.89

There are certain circumstances where that might

Time: 6660.72

be appropriate for the occasional work about,

Time: 6663.48

certainly not for physical exercise,

Time: 6666.03

given what we talked about earlier,

Time: 6667.65

but of course there are more and more approaches

Time: 6669.9

to increasing, not just nicotine,

Time: 6672.09

but acetylcholine generally in order to achieve

Time: 6674.58

cognitive enhancement or physical enhancement,

Time: 6676.56

or I should say physical performance enhancement.

Time: 6679.35

Some of those we talked about earlier,

Time: 6680.49

such as Alpha GPC.

Time: 6682.05

In any event, nicotine,

Time: 6684.72

it should now be clear, is an immensely powerful substance.

Time: 6687.84

One of the most commonly ingested substances

Time: 6690

on the face of the earth and has been for a very long time.

Time: 6692.82

And now that you understand the underlying biology and the

Time: 6695.34

way in which this changes your psychology and physiology,

Time: 6698.16

that should come as no surprise.

Time: 6699.78

If you're learning from and are enjoying this podcast,

Time: 6701.97

please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Time: 6703.53

That's a terrific zero cost way to support us.

Time: 6705.69

In addition,

Time: 6706.523

please subscribe to the podcast on Apple and Spotify,

Time: 6709.29

and on both Apple and Spotify,

Time: 6711.3

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Time: 6713.46

If you have questions or comments or suggestions of topics

Time: 6715.95

you'd like us to cover or guests

Time: 6717.42

you'd like us to invite onto the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6720.45

please put those in the comment section on YouTube.

Time: 6722.67

We do read all the comments.

Time: 6724.35

Please also check out the sponsors

Time: 6725.58

mentioned at the beginning of today's episode.

Time: 6727.23

That is the best way to support this podcast.

Time: 6729.9

During today's episode and on various previous episodes

Time: 6732.45

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6733.62

we talk about supplements,

Time: 6734.58

while supplements aren't necessary for everybody,

Time: 6736.56

many people derive tremendous benefit from them

Time: 6738.54

for things like enhancing sleep, hormone function,

Time: 6741.66

focus, and so on.

Time: 6742.92

The Huberman Lab Podcast is partnered

Time: 6744.33

with Momentous Supplements, spelled momentous, O-U-S.

Time: 6748.17

You can find those supplements

Time: 6749.49


Time: 6752.4

If you haven't already subscribed

Time: 6753.57

to the Huberman Lab Podcast Neural Network Newsletter,

Time: 6755.91

it's a monthly newsletter.

Time: 6757.23

We provide summaries of different podcasts and we provide

Time: 6760.47

summaries of specific tools that you can use

Time: 6762.42

to enhance sleep for instance, or enhance dopamine.

Time: 6765.3

We talk about deliberate cold exposure,

Time: 6766.86

deliberate heat exposure.

Time: 6767.91

It's very easy to sign up for,

Time: 6769.23

and it's completely zero cost.

Time: 6770.97

You go to,

Time: 6772.17

go to the menu, click on newsletter, provide us your email.

Time: 6774.87

We do not share it with anybody else.

Time: 6776.64

And you'll receive that monthly newsletter, and there,

Time: 6778.65

you can also find PDFs of previous newsletters that you can

Time: 6781.56

immediate download without even having to sign up.

Time: 6784.2

If you're not already following us on social media,

Time: 6786.06

we are hubermanlab on Twitter,

Time: 6787.86

hubermanlab on Instagram, and hubermanlab on Facebook.

Time: 6791.22

And at all of those locations,

Time: 6792.75

I describe science and science related tools.

Time: 6794.64

Some of which overlap with the content

Time: 6796.35

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6797.73

much of which is distinct

Time: 6799.02

from the content covered on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 6801.66

So once again,

Time: 6802.493

I'd like to thank you for joining me today for a discussion

Time: 6804.69

about the biology and psychological effects of nicotine,

Time: 6807.51

this incredibly powerful substance.

Time: 6809.4

And as always, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 6811.953

[upbeat music]

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