Neuroscientist: How To Boost Your Focus PERMANENTLY in Minutes

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if ever there was a tool that stood to

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rewire our attentional circuitry in a

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powerful way this seems to be it a

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simple practice taking 17 minutes can

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forever rewire your brain to be able to

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attend better and offset some of that

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attentional drift regardless of whether

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or not you're a child or you're an adult

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whether or not you have ADHD or not the

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effects are significant they are long

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lasting and they appear to exist after

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just one session of this quiet 17-minute

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so let's take a step back and think

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how we focus and how to get better at

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focus and I'm going to share with you a

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tool for which there are terrific

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research data that will allow you in a

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single session to enhance your ability

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to focus in theory forever and no I'm

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not going to try and convince you to

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meditate what we're about to talk about

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is when attention works and when

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attention falters and what we are

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specifically going to talk about are

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what are called attentional blinks we do

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this all the time and people with ADHD

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tend to have many more attentional

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blinks than people that don't and this

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is true for children and for adults

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if you see something that you're looking

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for or you're very interested in

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something you are definitely missing

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other information in part because you're

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over focusing on something and this

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leads to a very interesting hypothesis

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about what might go wrong in ADHD where

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we've always thought that they cannot

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focus and yet we know they can focus on

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things they care very much about well

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maybe just maybe they are experiencing

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more attentional blinks than people who

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do not have ADHD and indeed there are

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data now to support the possibility that

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that's actually what's happening and

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that should be exciting to anyone that

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has ADHD it should also be exciting to

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anyone that cares about increasing their

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focus and their ability to attend what

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this is saying is that these circuits

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that underlie focus on our ability to

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attend and our ability to eliminate

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distraction they aren't just failing to

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focus that's just a semantic way of

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describing the outcome they are over

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focusing on certain things and thereby

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missing other things and so our

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distractibility or the extractability of

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somebody with ADHD

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could exist because they are over

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focusing on certain elements and they

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are therefore missing other elements

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that they should be attending to so what

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they really need is this property that

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we call open monitoring now open

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monitoring is something typically is

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associated with people who have done a

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lot of meditation so-called vipassana

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meditation or have spent a lot of time

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learning how to do what's called open

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gaze visual analysis and open gaze

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thinking but there's a simpler version

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of this that allows us to bypass all

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that your visual system has two modes of

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processing if you're very excited about

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something you're that soda straw view of

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the world and you're missing other

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things okay that's high levels of

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attention however there's also a

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property of your visual system that

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allows you to dilate your gaze to be in

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so-called panoramic vision

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panoramic vision is something you can do

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right now no matter where you are and I

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can do it right now you won't know that

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I'm doing it but even though I'm still

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looking directly at you I'm consciously

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dilating my gaze so that I can see the

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ceiling the floor and the walls all

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around me that panoramic vision is

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actually mediated by a separate stream

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or set of neural circuits going from the

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eye into the brain and it's a stream or

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set of circuits that isn't just wide

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angle view it also is better at

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processing things in time its frame rate

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is higher so this is something that can

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be trained up and people can practice

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whether or not they have ADHD or not

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what it involves is learning how to

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dilate your gaze consciously that's

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actually quite easy for most people

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whether or not you wear corrective

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lenses or contacts or not you can

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consciously go into open gaze and then

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you can contract your field of view as

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well there are now published accounts in

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the literature of a simple practice done

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for about 15 minutes where subjects were

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asked to just sit quietly eyes closed

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and do what is sort of akin to

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meditation but to not direct their mind

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into any particular state or place but

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simply to think about their breathing

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and to focus on their so-called

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interception focus on how their body

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feels their mind drifted to bring it

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back for about 15 minutes

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that might not seem like a significant

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or unusual practice or that it would

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have any impact at all but remarkably

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just doing that once for 17 minutes

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significantly reduce the number of

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attentional blinks that people would

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carry out in other words their focus got

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better in a near permanent way without

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any additional training

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there's something about that practice of

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reducing the amount of visual

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information coming in and learning to

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pay attention to one's internal State

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what we call interoception that allow

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them an awareness such that when they

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needed to look for visual targets when

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they need to focus on multiple things in

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sequence they didn't experience the same

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number of attentional blinks and I

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should mention not incidentally as

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people age and their working memory gets

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worse and their ability to focus gets

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worse the number of attentional blinks

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that they carry out goes up and there

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are now studies exploring whether or not

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this simple meditation-like practice of

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15 to 20 minutes or so of sitting and

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just quietly resting and paying

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attention to one's breathing and

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internal State can also offset some of

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that age-related what is called

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cognitive decline so what these data

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tell me is that regardless of whether or

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not you're a child or you're an adult

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whether or not you have ADHD or not

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whether or not you're experiencing

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age-related cognitive decline or you

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would simply like to avoid age-related

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cognitive decline

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simple practice of taking 17 minutes

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sitting and paying attention to your

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internal State just intercepting

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registering your breathing registering

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the contact of your skin with whatever

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surface you're on

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can forever rewire your brain to be able

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to attend better and possibly even

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offset some of that age-related

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attentional drift

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now I don't expect anyone to start

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meditating regularly

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I don't expect anyone to do anything

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they don't want to do but I think most

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of us could handle one meditation's

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session of 17 minutes or so and so if

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ever there was a tool that stood to

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rewire our attentional circuitry in a

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powerful way

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this seems to be it and

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in addition the ability to engage in

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panoramic Vision to dilate our gaze the

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so-called open monitoring that allows

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the brain to function in a way that it

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can detect more information faster

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that's a powerful tool as well and the

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beauty of that tool is that it works the

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first time and it works every time now

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how exactly it works is a little bit

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unclear nonetheless the effects are

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significant they are long lasting and

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they appear to exist after just one

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session of this quiet 17-minute

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interoception which to me makes it seem

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like a very worthwhile thing to do for

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