Mental Health Toolkit: Tools to Bolster Your Mood & Mental Health

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today we are discussing tools

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for mood and mental health I will

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include tools and resources taken from

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the guest episode that I did with Dr

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Lisa Feldman Barrett who is a

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psychologist and neuroscientist whose

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laboratory focuses on mood and emotion

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during that episode she mentioned

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several important tools that I do

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believe everybody should apply and that

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indeed I've been applying to my own life

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and have found to be extremely

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beneficial I will also highlight some of

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the specific research articles those

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tools are based on which were not

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covered in the podcast with Lisa I will

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also discuss tools glean from the four

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episode series that I did on Mental

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Health with Dr Paul kti who is a medical

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doctor specializing in Psychiatry and

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that episode as some of you may already

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know focused on mental health and the

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self as well as relationships and it

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included a deep discussion of what is

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the self we talked about the unconscious

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mind and the conscious mind and we also

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covered a lot of tools for understanding

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oneself both within the context of

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therapy but also within the context of

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things that one can do alone and that

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require zero cost in addition we talked

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about tools for improving relationships

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we talked about first principles of

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self-care so I will provide highlights

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and takeaways of those tools during

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today's episode and thirdly I will

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include tools what we often refer to as

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protocols gleaned from some recent

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Publications indeed Publications that

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came out as recently as two weeks ago

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which really emphasize specific things

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that we can all do that again are zero

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cost that have been shown in quality

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peer-reviewed research to significantly

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improve mood and mental health for

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instance if you're a regular listener of

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this podcast you are probably familiar

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with my nearly constant reminder that

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people should view morning sunlight and

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afternoon sunlight and if you can't to

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embrace some Alternatives like looking

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at bright artificial light although

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sunlight is best well there was a recent

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paper published in the journal Nature

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mental health an excellent Journal

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focusing on not just the positive

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effects of viewing light at those times

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of day and indeed throughout the day but

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also the independent and positive

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effects of being in darkness for 6 to 8

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hours every night that's right not only

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is light during the day correlated with

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significantly improved mental health

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outcomes but Darkness at night that is

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avoiding lights not just bright lights

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but lights for up to eight hours at

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certain periods of your 24-hour

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circadian cycle has been correlated with

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improved mental health outcomes and

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indeed has been shown to significantly

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offset certain negative mental health

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outcomes this is a spectacular study

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again it involved a enormous number of

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research subjects more than 85,000

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research subjects and it touches on a

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large number of actionable protocols

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that I've distilled down to just one or

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two things that all of us can easily do

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to improve our mood and mental health on

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a consistent basis before we begin I'd

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like to emphasize that this podcast is

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separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford it is however part of

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my desire and effort to bring zero cost

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to Consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is Plunge

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plunge makes what I believe is the most

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versatile at home self-cooling cold

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plunge for deliberate cold exposure I've

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covered the topic of deliberate cold

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exposure several times on this podcast

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indeed we did an entire episode about

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deliberate cold exposure and what's very

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clear from the research literature is

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that deliberate cold exposure can induce

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dramatic positive shifts in so-called

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catac colomines that is dopamine

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norepinephrine and epinephrine this is a

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small collection of molecules that are

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released in the brain and body body when

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we do deliberate cold exposure and that

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subjectively lead to greatly enhanced

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feelings of mood alertness and focus for

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many hours afterwards that's perhaps the

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best substantiated reason and the most

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popular reason why people who get into

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deliberate cold exposure no pun intended

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continue to do deliberate cold exposure

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on a consistent basis plunge uses a

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powerful and very easy to use cooling

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filtration and sanitation unit to give

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you access to deliberate cold exposure

Time: 266.759

in clean water whenever you want I've

Time: 268.88

used a plunge for several years now and

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I really like it because first of all it

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can use a standard outlet you don't have

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to modify the electricity in your home

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or yard and it's very easy to clean in

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fact it stays clean for long periods of

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time which makes it very easy to

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maintain as well plunge has several

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different models to select from

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including their new all-in cold plunge

Time: 288.96

which offers faster cooling smartphone

Time: 290.96

connectivity and more if you're

Time: 292.84

interested in getting a plunge you can

Time: 294.24

go to plunge spelled p l u n

Time: 297.8 huberman to to get $150 off your

Time: 300.88

cold plunge again that's plunge. comom

Time: 303.6

huberman to get $150 off today's episode

Time: 306.72

is also brought To Us by eight sleep

Time: 308.72

eight sleep makes Smart mattress covers

Time: 310.44

with cooling Heating and sleep tracking

Time: 312.28

capacity I've spoken many times before

Time: 314.44

in this podcast about the fact that

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sleep that is getting enough quality

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sleep on a consistent basis is the

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foundation of mental health physical

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health and performance now one of the

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key things to getting the best possible

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night sleep is to control the

Time: 326.36

temperature of your sleeping environment

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and that's because in order to fall and

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stay deeply asleep your body temperature

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needs to drop by about 1 to 3° and in

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order to wake up feeling refreshed and

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energized your body temperature actually

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has to increase by about 1 to 3° with

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eight sleep controlling the temperature

Time: 342.24

of your sleeping environment is made

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extremely easy eight Sleep mattress

Time: 345.72

covers allow you to program the

Time: 347.36

temperature of your sleeping environment

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at the beginning middle and end of your

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night it can even divide the temperature

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on the two sides of the bed for

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different people it also has sleep

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tracking capacity it will tell you how

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much slow wave sleep and rapid eye

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movement sleep you're getting and really

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help you you dial in the exact

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parameters so you can get the best

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possible night sleep I've been sleeping

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on an eight sleep mattress cover for

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well over 2 years now and it has

Time: 367.44

significantly improved my sleep and

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therefore my daytime mood focus and

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alertness if you'd like to try eight

Time: 373.16

sleep you can go to eights

Time: 375.039

huberman and save up to $150 off their

Time: 378.16

pod three covers eight sleep currently

Time: 380.12

ships in the USA Canada UK select

Time: 382.28

countries in the EU and Australia again

Time: 384.599


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huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by waking up waking up is a

Time: 391

meditation app that includes hundreds of

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meditation programs mindfulness

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trainings yoga NRA sessions and nsdr

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non-sleep deep rest protocols I started

Time: 400

using the waking up app a few years ago

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because even though I've been doing

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regular meditation since my teens and I

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started doing Yoga Nidra about a decade

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ago my dad mentioned to me that he had

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found an app turned out to be the waking

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up app which could teach you meditations

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of different durations and that had a

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lot of different types of meditations to

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play place the brain and body into

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different states and that he liked it

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very much so I gave the waking up app a

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try and I too found it to be extremely

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useful because sometimes I only have a

Time: 429.759

few minutes to meditate other times I

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have longer to meditate and indeed I

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love the fact that I can explore

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different types of meditation to bring

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about different levels of understanding

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about Consciousness but also to place my

Time: 440.199

brain and body into lots of different

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kinds of States depending on which

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meditation I do I also love that the

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waking up app has lots of different

Time: 447.039

types of Yoga Nidra sessions for those

Time: 449.039

of you don't know Yoga Nidra is a

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process of lying very still but keeping

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an active mind it's very different than

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most meditations and there's excellent

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scientific data to show that yoganidra

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and something similar to it called

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non-sleep deep rest or nstr can greatly

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restore levels of cognitive and physical

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energy even with just a short 10minute

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session if you'd like to try the waking

Time: 470.039

up app you can go to waking

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huberman and access a free 30-day trial

Time: 475.84

again that's waking huberman to

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access a free 30-day trial okay let's

Time: 481.52

talk about tools for improving mood and

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mental health I think it goes without

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saying that these are extremely

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important topics for everyone not just

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to know about but in my opinion also for

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people to implement and the reason is

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that we are currently in a worldwide

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Mental Health crisis and while we could

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debate the reason why we are in a

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worldwide Mental Health crisis it's very

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very clear that mood disorders and

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challenges with mental health about

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found and of course there are many

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different therapies for the treatment of

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mood disorders and mental health

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everything from talk therapy with a

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psychologist or psychiatrist or social

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worker prescription drug treatments

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there nutritional approaches sematic

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approaches and I want to be clear that I

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do believe that there's value in all of

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these approaches what tends to matter in

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terms of what sorts of tools and

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approaches one adopts includes both

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access so whether or not people have

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access to these type of therapies

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whether or not they can afford them on a

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consistent basis and also of course the

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severity of the mood or mental health

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disorder and I'd be remiss of course if

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I didn't make the statement and I don't

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say this just to protect me I also say

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this to protect all of you and those

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that you know that if you are concerned

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about yourself or somebody else having a

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serious mood or mental health disorder

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please do seek out help from a licensed

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clinical psychologist or psychiatrist or

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other healthc care professional who's

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qualified to help you in that regard

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with that said we can now have a

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discussion about tools and protocols for

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enhancing mood and mental health that

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truly appli to everybody regardless of

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age to start off I want to talk about a

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fundamental aspect of mood and mental

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health enhancement that was discussed

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both in the guest episode with Dr Lisa

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Feldman Barrett as well as in the guest

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series with Dr Paul Ki and that has to

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do with what Dr Paul Ki referred to as

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the first principles of self-care or

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mental health the first principles of

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self-care include but are not limited to

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taking excellent care of one's biology

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which of course includes both the mind

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and the body and in order to make this

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very simple and actionable I've

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distilled out what I refer to as the big

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six I've sometimes refer to these as the

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six major pillars of Health both mental

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health and physical health as well as

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performance for that matter but if we're

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going to talk about tools for mood and

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mental health we absolutely can't

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discard discussions about our biology

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that is we need to make sure that we're

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taking care of our normal biological

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function and indeed enhancing the

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production of specific neurotransmitters

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and neuromodulators that we are

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optimizing yes I use the word optimizing

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the function of our so-called autonomic

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nervous system that aspect of our

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nervous system that's humming in the

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background all the time it's operating

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unconsciously to regulate our sleep wake

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Cycles it's regulating how well or

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poorly we react to things it's

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regulating how much dopamine serotonin

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epinephrine acetylcholine we were

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producing all of this stuff is humming

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in the background and sets the stage for

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all the conscious work that we might put

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to for instance trying to understand

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what our life narrative is what our

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unconscious mind is doing what sorts of

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defenses it might producing all of the

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sort of high level and directed work

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that we're going to talk about a little

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bit later exists on a background of

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autonomic function of neurotransmitter

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production of hormone production not

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just testosterone and estrogen but

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things like cortisol prolactin and on

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and on so it's important to understand

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that if our goal is to be in the best

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possible mood given our life

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circumstances and to have the best

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possible mental health given our life

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circumstances and to improve our mood

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and mental health consistently over time

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that we have to pay attention to what

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I'm referring to here as the big six or

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the six pillars of mental health and

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those are just to list them off then

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I'll go into a little bit more detail

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sleep Sun sunlight although I'd like to

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modify sunlight because based on some

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new data that just came out a couple of

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weeks ago I'd like to now make that

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second pillar not sunlight but light SL

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dark so we could even just think about

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it as light when and how much light you

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get but what you'll soon learn is that

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how much dark you get is also extremely

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important so we've got sleep light

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movement is the third nutrition social

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connection and Stress Control now these

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are topics that I've spoken about

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extensively on previous huin Lab podcast

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episodes so I don't want to go into a

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deep dive of each of these six pillars

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right now but I am going to just give

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you a few highlights of each and then of

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course we will provide links in the show

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note captions for which you can go on

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the Deep dive if you like and I also

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would like to mention that if you ever

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have questions about specific protocols

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or tools and you're seeking those out or

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previous episodes or specific timestamps

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of previous episodes of this podcast you

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can go to our newly revamped hubman

Time: 779.399 webbsite and put any topic of

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Interest or even several topics of

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Interest into the search function and it

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will take you to the very specific

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timestamps and other resources that

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provide information on those topics so

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I'm going to go into a few of the key

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bullet points about each of the six

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pillars or what I also refer to as the

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big six of self-care and mental health

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again this is a necessary list but is

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not sufficient again necessary to do

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these things every 24 hours hours indeed

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every 24 hours if you want to have the

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best possible mood and mental health but

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it is not sufficient that means you

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still need to do some of the other

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things that we're going to talk about in

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terms of directed approaches at

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improving mood and mental health if you

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are to quote unquote optimize your mood

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and mental health or if you are let's

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just say trying to constantly improve

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your mood and mental health but these

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are the necessary but not sufficient

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pillars of mental health so Under The

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Heading of sleep it's safe to say that

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most people need between 6 to 8 hours of

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sleep per night some people can get away

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with five some people need as much as

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nine or 10 certainly Growing Kids babies

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teenagers and those that are suffering

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from some sort of illness are going to

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need more as much as 9 10 maybe even 12

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hours of sleep per night however most

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people do well to get somewhere between

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six and8 hours of sleep per night you're

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just going to have to experiment and

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figure out what's best for you now one

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thing I heard recently so I can't claim

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this as an original idea but that I

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think is a really good way to think

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about sleep is that sleep much like

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physical fitness is something that we

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have to constantly be working on it's

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not the sort of thing where you can get

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a great night's sleep one night and then

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the next night just kind of let all the

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protocols go and expect to get a great

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night's sleep you don't have to be

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neurotic about getting a great night's

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sleep indeed I do believe that we should

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strive to get enough quality sleep as

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many of the nights of our life as

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possible and if you can't do do that

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hopefully it's for good reasons but of

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course things happen in life raising

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kids you have emergencies all nighters

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to study so you can make sure you get

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that best possible grade on exam etc etc

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but we should all strive to get the best

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quality sleep that we can and as much of

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it most nights of our lives so it's

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important to look at sleep as a process

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that you're going to be working on for

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the rest of your life just like Fitness

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and I don't say that to overwhelm you I

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say that so that if On Any Given night

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you get a poor night's sleep you don't

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stress that too much you just get back

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on the wagon and you try and get the

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best possible night sleep the next night

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and the next night and the next night

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much like Fitness there's no 10-week

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program that's going to transform your

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physical fitness forever okay just like

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there's no sleep program that's going to

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transform your sleep forever it's a

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daily or rather I should say nightly

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investment although some of the things

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that are going to positively impact your

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sleep or perhaps damage your sleep are

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things that you do during the daytime

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right so avoid that caffeine too late in

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the day get that morning sunlight and on

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and on but if you sleep sleep is

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something that you're constantly

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investing in and it is a critical

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investment for your mood and mental

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health the other thing that's not often

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discussed and I really haven't talked

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about terribly much on this podcast is

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the importance of having a fairly

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consistent sleep routine now I realize

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that not everybody can get to sleep at

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the exact same time each night and wake

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up at the exact same time each morning

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and frankly that's not practical I

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certainly don't do that however what we

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know from the Circadian Health

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literature is that everybody strive

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again that strive nobody's perfect but

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strive to get to sleep at more or less

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the same time each night and wake up at

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more or less the same time each morning

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this turns out to be really important

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for regulating mood and mental health

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and indeed for improving your overall

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levels of sleep getting the optimal

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amounts of slow wave sleep AK deep sleep

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and rapid eye movement sleep and what we

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know is that ideally you're going to get

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to sleep within plus or minus 1 hour of

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your regular sleep time so if your

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regular to bed time is 10:00 you're used

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to getting in bed at 10:00 and falling

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asleep somewhere around 10:30 well then

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if the next night you fall asleep at

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9:30 great you're still within the plus

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or minus one hour and if the next night

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you go to sleep and you don't fall

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asleep till 11:30 don't sweat it in fact

Time: 1035.12

you're still within that plus or minus

Time: 1036.679

one hour however if you start getting

Time: 1038.88

into a habit of going to bed at vastly

Time: 1041.24

different times deviating more than or

Time: 1042.88

less than one hour from your normal to

Time: 1045.16

bedtime well then you're going to start

Time: 1047

to run into issues such as as waking up

Time: 1049.12

feeling groggy even if you got enough

Time: 1051.559

sleep so even if you slept the full

Time: 1053.36

eight hours that you're used to getting

Time: 1054.919

people who go to sleep much later than

Time: 1056.32

they normally do or much earlier than

Time: 1058

they normally do start getting into kind

Time: 1059.84

of issues of mood regulation energy

Time: 1062.2

regulation not just in the morning but

Time: 1063.679

in the afternoon likewise try and wake

Time: 1066.039

up at more or less the same time each

Time: 1067.559

morning plus or minus one hour that's

Time: 1069.799

really going to help you anchor your

Time: 1071.36

overall sleep schedule and it's really

Time: 1073.4

going to help lead to predictability of

Time: 1076.12

your overall levels of energy mood and

Time: 1078.72

focus throughout the day the second

Time: 1080.44

pillar in that big six is light and I

Time: 1083.039

used to refer to this as sunlight right

Time: 1085.44

I'd say and I'm going to say it again

Time: 1086.96

now although I've covered this in a lot

Time: 1088.28

more detail so again just hitting the

Time: 1090.12

top Contour critical

Time: 1091.919

elements try to view sunlight that is

Time: 1095.24

with your eyes view sunlight as early as

Time: 1098.28

possible after waking whenever I say

Time: 1100.28

that the most common question I get is

Time: 1101.679

what do I do if I wake up before the sun

Time: 1103.2

comes out well unless you have

Time: 1104.48

superpowers that I'm not aware of you

Time: 1106.679

can't make the sun come out any earlier

Time: 1108.44

so just flip on artificial lights as

Time: 1110.28

needed until the sun comes out and then

Time: 1113.32

get outside face East in the morning

Time: 1116.52

take off those sunglasses it's perfectly

Time: 1118.52

safe to look at low solar angle sunlight

Time: 1120.559

without sunglasses providing you're not

Time: 1122.28

you know driving into bright light and

Time: 1123.64

you crash this kind of thing get outside

Time: 1125.88

look at the sunlight definitely blink to

Time: 1128.72

protect your eyes as needed but get that

Time: 1131.24

sunlight in your eyes early in the day

Time: 1133.4

this has Myriad positive effects on mood

Time: 1136.12

focus and alertness and nighttime sleep

Time: 1138.32

later that night and it does so through

Time: 1140.6

a number of well-defined biological and

Time: 1142.679

endocrine hormonal Pathways that I've

Time: 1144.44

discussed on many previous podcast

Time: 1146.36

episodes and you want to do this for

Time: 1148.44

about 10 minutes on non- overcast days

Time: 1151.799

and as long as 20 or 30 minutes on

Time: 1153.799

overcast days and that highlights the

Time: 1156.24

second most common question I get which

Time: 1157.679

is what do I do if there's no sun where

Time: 1159.52

I live I live in an area where there's

Time: 1161.12

no sunlight look if you live on planet

Time: 1163.84

Earth there's always sunlight there

Time: 1165.64

might not be very much of it it might be

Time: 1167.36

very overcast where you live it might

Time: 1169

seem very dark but trust me there's far

Time: 1170.919

more photons light energy coming through

Time: 1173.159

that cloud cover even in the darkest

Time: 1175.12

mornings of winter than there are at

Time: 1178.4

night in those dark Winters so get that

Time: 1181.52

light in your eyes and do it as

Time: 1183.32

consistently as possible and also do

Time: 1185.4

that in the late afternoon and evening

Time: 1187

that's critical for regulating your

Time: 1188.32

circadian clock for reasons that I've

Time: 1190.64

talked about previously but I'll get

Time: 1192.039

into in a future podcast really

Time: 1193.559

explaining how those clock oscillators

Time: 1195.2

and mechanisms work but just to keep it

Time: 1197.24

really simple since this this is a

Time: 1198.48

toolkit episode for mood and mental

Time: 1200.4

health your mood and your mental health

Time: 1203.08

will benefit tremendously from getting

Time: 1205.36

morning sunlight in your eyes now if you

Time: 1207.64

need to get more light in your eyes

Time: 1209.48

because indeed there's just not enough

Time: 1211.12

sunlight or you don't have the

Time: 1212.48

opportunity to get outside and view

Time: 1214.84

sunlight in the morning for whatever

Time: 1216.28

reason you might invest in getting a

Time: 1219.32

bright light source that you can plug in

Time: 1221.6

you probably want one that's as bright

Time: 1223.4

as 10,000 lucks so that's pretty bright

Time: 1226.24

those fall under the category of

Time: 1227.44

so-called sad lamps sad Seasonal

Time: 1229.6

effective disorder lamps and you can

Time: 1231.799

purchase those they can be somewhat

Time: 1233.2

expensive you can also opt to get a 900

Time: 1236.039

Lu drawing tablet by the way I have no

Time: 1238.159

Financial relationship to any of these

Time: 1239.76

sorts of light sources but you can find

Time: 1241.76

them pretty easily and in the case of

Time: 1244.159

the 900 Lux light tablet um fairly

Time: 1246.72

inexpensively online and you can put

Time: 1248.44

that on your desk or where you have your

Time: 1250.4

morning coffee and try and enhance the

Time: 1252.48

total amount of light that you're

Time: 1253.559

getting in the morning but frankly

Time: 1255.84

nothing is as good as sunlight so if you

Time: 1258.159

can't get sunlight you might think about

Time: 1259.559

investing in one of those sad lamps and

Time: 1261.96

indeed those sad lamps aren't as good as

Time: 1263.6

sunlight but they are the next best

Time: 1265.12

thing if you really can't get sunlight

Time: 1266.76

on a consistent basis a few other fine

Time: 1269

points that I always get asked about

Time: 1270.679

first of all it is absolutely okay to

Time: 1273

wear eyeglasses or contact lenses those

Time: 1275.44

sorts of corrective lenses are actually

Time: 1276.84

going to focus the light to your retina

Time: 1278.32

which is where you want it however this

Time: 1280.48

whole process of viewing morning

Time: 1282.159

sunlight and afternoon light does not

Time: 1284.24

again does not work through a window or

Time: 1287.08

windshield because windows and

Time: 1288.52

windshields filter out the relevant

Time: 1290.36

wavelengths of light that you want to

Time: 1291.88

get directly onto your retina okay so

Time: 1294.24

that's the reality of it in addition

Time: 1296.559

please don't feel that you have to look

Time: 1298.12

directly at the Sun and certainly don't

Time: 1299.799

stare at the Sun never force yourself to

Time: 1302.12

look at any light sunlight or otherwise

Time: 1304.08

that's so bright that it's painful to

Time: 1305.48

look at so if it's comfortable for you

Time: 1307.44

to look directly at the Sun and just

Time: 1309.08

blink every once in a while and you can

Time: 1310.36

do that without any pain or discomfort

Time: 1312.159

or watering of the eyes please do that

Time: 1314.159

you're getting a lot of photons into

Time: 1316.2

your eyes and they're transmitting that

Time: 1317.6

to your brein brain and your brain to

Time: 1318.84

the rest of your body and on and on

Time: 1321

however if you find it uncomfortable to

Time: 1322.4

look directly at the sun in that case

Time: 1324.24

what you'll want to do is offset your

Time: 1326.12

gaze to you know 10 or 20 degrees which

Time: 1328

is nerd speak for just a little bit to

Time: 1329.679

the right or a little bit to the left

Time: 1331.559

and get the sunlight into your eyes

Time: 1334.08

indirectly okay and I often also get

Time: 1337.12

asked well can I stand in the shade

Time: 1338.48

while I do this what if I have an

Time: 1339.799

overhang in my apartment the best thing

Time: 1342.12

is of course going to be to face

Time: 1343.76

directly to the Sun and look either

Time: 1345.679

directly at it or slightly offset but if

Time: 1348.12

you can only get morning sunlight by

Time: 1349.64

going out onto your balcony and your

Time: 1351.32

balcony doesn't face East rather it

Time: 1353.159

faces West you'll still get a lot of

Time: 1354.84

photons from the Sun Reaching Your Eyes

Time: 1357.159

there but ideally you would find some

Time: 1359.559

way to look toward the sun first thing

Time: 1362.279

in the morning I realize that with kids

Time: 1363.799

and work and other obligations this can

Time: 1365.36

be challenging but it is a challenge

Time: 1367.84

worth meeting meaning don't lose your

Time: 1370.88

job or forget to take care of your kids

Time: 1372.559

to do this but you can bring your kids

Time: 1374.159

to do this and indeed you should it sets

Time: 1376.559

their circadian rhythms also so and

Time: 1378.36

people often will ask well does it work

Time: 1380.4

on dogs you know and indeed dogs and

Time: 1383.32

other animals have these exact same

Time: 1384.679

circuits and Pathways for setting their

Time: 1386.159

circadian rhythm so it's great for them

Time: 1388.2

too now there are also clear and

Time: 1390.2

documented benefits for mood and mental

Time: 1392.279

health to getting bright light in your

Time: 1393.64

eyes ideally from sunlight throughout

Time: 1396

the day as much as you safely can please

Time: 1397.679

don't get sunburned don't get cataracts

Time: 1400.84

by getting too much sunlight but getting

Time: 1402.919

outdoors and getting sunlight in your

Time: 1404.279

eyes during your lunch break or a walk

Time: 1406.08

here and there or if you have to remain

Time: 1408.36

indoors during the day getting the

Time: 1410.44

lights in that environment as bright as

Time: 1412.76

possible as safely possible I should say

Time: 1415.08

is known to improve mood and mental

Time: 1417.48

health why well because there's a

Time: 1419.32

special so-called opsin within the cells

Time: 1421.88

of your eyes it's called melanopsin that

Time: 1424

doesn't respond to the same differences

Time: 1426.88

in color that are present in sunlight in

Time: 1429.08

the morning and the evening but rather

Time: 1430.72

responds to the overall brightness of

Time: 1433

light so very bright lights either from

Time: 1435.24

artificial sources or ideally from

Time: 1436.799

sunlight activate these cells and these

Time: 1439.32

cells project these little wires we call

Time: 1441.44

axons into specific parts of the brain

Time: 1443.76

that improve your mood and feelings of

Time: 1446.12

well-being so I can't give you a

Time: 1448.36

specific number you know of five minutes

Time: 1451.36

a day or 10 minutes a day just get as

Time: 1453.159

much light in your eyes ideally from

Time: 1454.76

sunlight throughout the day as is safe

Time: 1457.2

for you meaning where you're not getting

Time: 1458.6

sunburned and you're not damaging your

Time: 1460.159

retina and if you want to know if you're

Time: 1462.159

damaging your retina well anytime you

Time: 1464.08

have to Blink or turn away from light

Time: 1465.72

because it's really bright that's a

Time: 1467.159

signal that the light is too bright so

Time: 1469.039

while you want to place yourself into

Time: 1470.48

bright environments you don't want to

Time: 1471.96

place yourself into any environment so

Time: 1473.76

bright that it's painful to be in okay

Time: 1475.72

so use that as a metric and you should

Time: 1477.559

be just fine and the last point about

Time: 1479.24

light for mood and mental health is a

Time: 1481.6

relatively recent theme that's emerging

Time: 1483.399

from the scientific literature and that

Time: 1485.159

really was driven home by a recent study

Time: 1487.52

that I mentioned a little bit earlier in

Time: 1488.679

the episode this is the study publish in

Time: 1490.2

nature mental health showing that

Time: 1492.36

Darkness during a particular stage of

Time: 1494.88

your 24-hour cycle your so-called

Time: 1496.799

circadian rhythm is also very beneficial

Time: 1500.559

for mood and mental health and it's

Time: 1502.88

beneficial for mood and mental health in

Time: 1504.72

a way that is independent from light and

Time: 1508.159

from sleep now what do I mean by that

Time: 1510.279

okay well there are a number of

Time: 1511.2

different ways that this can be examined

Time: 1513.159

but in this particular study which I

Time: 1515.08

like oh so much entitled day and night

Time: 1518.679

light exposure are associated with

Time: 1520.44

psychiatric disorders an objective light

Time: 1522.72

study in more than 85,000 people what

Time: 1526.24

the researchers did is they analyzed how

Time: 1528.52

much light and or dark people were

Time: 1531.679

getting across the 24-hour cycle and

Time: 1534.08

correlated that with mental health

Time: 1536.039

outcomes looking at a range of different

Time: 1538

mental health challenges including

Time: 1539.52

bipolar disorder schizophrenia

Time: 1541.2

depression PTSD and much more and I'll

Time: 1544.52

go into this study in a lot of detail in

Time: 1546.24

a future episode because it's such an

Time: 1547.84

important study with so many gems

Time: 1549.48

withinin it that we should all know

Time: 1550.52

about but one of the key things from

Time: 1553.08

this study is that the positive effects

Time: 1555.36

of daytime sunlight exposure and the

Time: 1558.88

positive effects of nighttime dark

Time: 1561.559

exposure that means of course the

Time: 1563.32

absence of light are independent of one

Time: 1566.679

another put differently making sure that

Time: 1569.12

you are in very dim to completely dark

Time: 1572.679

environments for a continuous 6 to8

Time: 1576.039

hours within every 24-hour circadian

Time: 1578.84

cycle is correlated with much better

Time: 1581.36

mental health outcomes in other words we

Time: 1584.559

shouldn't just think about the presence

Time: 1586.24

of light in the morning and throughout

Time: 1588.44

the day as positive for mental health

Time: 1590.039

that's all true it's absolutely true and

Time: 1592.2

this study further verifies that but

Time: 1593.88

that's been known for some time indeed

Time: 1595.72

decades from the scientific research and

Time: 1598.44

of course it's been known for thousands

Time: 1599.76

of years intuitively and subjectively

Time: 1602.08

without detailed scientific

Time: 1604.32

measurement but in addition to that this

Time: 1607

study shows that people who stay in very

Time: 1610.72

dim to dark environments for eight hours

Time: 1613.279

every 24 hours or I should say

Time: 1616.24

approximately eight hours in every

Time: 1618.2

24-hour cycle they benefit from improved

Time: 1621.2

mood and mental health outcomes in a way

Time: 1623.44

that's independent of how much light

Time: 1625.12

they're getting and independent of how

Time: 1627.44

much sleep they are getting the point is

Time: 1629.679

this the time when you wake up consider

Time: 1631.72

that time zero and then about again you

Time: 1634.64

don't have to be super strict about this

Time: 1636.44

about 16 to 24 hours after that wakeup

Time: 1640.159

time you should be in a very dim to dark

Time: 1642.48

environment for that 16-hour to 24-Hour

Time: 1646.6

period after wake up okay what do I mean

Time: 1649.08

by this I mean if you go to sleep at 10:

Time: 1651.039

p.m. and you wake up at 6:00 a.m. well

Time: 1654.24

that 10: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. phase of your

Time: 1656.279

circadian cycle you should be in very

Time: 1658.559

dim light or entirely dark environment

Time: 1662.12

this is a great opportunity to reference

Time: 1663.679

another study which is published in the

Time: 1665.519

proceeds of the National Academy of

Time: 1666.96

Sciences which shows that even having a

Time: 1669.039

small amount of light in the room which

Time: 1671.88

isn't even that bright while you're

Time: 1673.24

sleeping with eyes closed can disrupt

Time: 1675.6

morning glucose levels so in other words

Time: 1679.08

keep your sleeping environment dark keep

Time: 1681.72

your nighttime environment dim to the

Time: 1683.76

best of your abilities right certainly

Time: 1686.679

go out to dinner every once in a while

Time: 1687.919

go to the movies go out and have a party

Time: 1689.799

enjoy yourself if you have to go to the

Time: 1691.44

hospital God forbid or you have to tend

Time: 1693.12

to some emergency do that but to the

Time: 1695.88

extent that you can control it within

Time: 1697.36

the confines of life and its demands

Time: 1700.279

keep your nighttime environment dim or

Time: 1703.399

dark because that independently of any

Time: 1705.76

sunlight and other bright light that

Time: 1707.039

you're viewing during the daytime and

Time: 1708.6

afternoon is going to positively improve

Time: 1711.36

your mood and mental health now moving

Time: 1713.76

on to the other pillars and these I'm

Time: 1715.159

going to move through a bit more quickly

Time: 1717.159

than I have the previous two because

Time: 1718.64

we've done entire series on these or I

Time: 1721.039

should say serieses serieses is that how

Time: 1723.64

you pronounce it someone put the plural

Time: 1725.039

of serieses in the show in the comments

Time: 1728.039

on YouTube the third pillar is movement

Time: 1730.84

and when I say movement I mean exercise

Time: 1733.2

as you all know we should all strive to

Time: 1735.279

get anywhere from 180 to 220 minutes of

Time: 1739.559

Zone 2 cardio per week that's movement

Time: 1742.2

that allows you to hold a conversation

Time: 1744.44

but where you to do it more intensely or

Time: 1747.159

even a bit more intensely you wouldn't

Time: 1748.559

be able to hold that conversation in

Time: 1750.12

addition we should do some V2 Max work

Time: 1752.12

we should get our heart rate very high

Time: 1754.08

at least once a week doing some sort of

Time: 1755.84

movement that's safe for you so that

Time: 1757.039

could be running or cycling or swimming

Time: 1758.96

or Pilates whatever it is for you

Time: 1760.799

getting your heart rate way way up is

Time: 1763.279

also important and to do that at least

Time: 1764.919

once a week but daily movement either

Time: 1767.36

cardiovascular training or resistance

Time: 1769.039

training and it's very very clear that

Time: 1770.84

we need both maybe not on the same days

Time: 1773.08

in fact I split them to separate days

Time: 1775.36

resistance training done for anywhere

Time: 1777.32

from six to 10 sets per muscle group

Time: 1780.48

either close to or to failure this could

Time: 1782.44

be with weights it could be with bands

Time: 1783.919

it could be with machines all of that

Time: 1785.72

was covered in detail in the podcast

Time: 1788.24

series that I did with Dr Andy Galpin an

Time: 1790.24

exercise physiologist who's expert in

Time: 1792.44

all those areas I also did an episode on

Time: 1794.64

a foundational Fitness protocol that has

Time: 1797.679

been distilled into a very simple

Time: 1800.12

three-page PDF that you can get for

Time: 1802.32

completely zero cost by going to hu

Time: 1804.2 and just put foundational

Time: 1805.799

Fitness protocol PDF and you'll be taken

Time: 1807.519

to that toolkit so all of the details of

Time: 1809.88

a weekly exercise routine that involves

Time: 1812.64

daily movement but also certainly in my

Time: 1815.48

case includes at least one full day of

Time: 1817.44

rest per week because many people do

Time: 1819.32

indeed need one maybe even two full days

Time: 1821.519

of rest per week so that highlights the

Time: 1823.84

third pillar movement but we know that

Time: 1826.399

cardiovascular training and resistance

Time: 1827.84

training aren't just great for our body

Time: 1829.84

they also improve mood and mental health

Time: 1832.559

that's so very clear from the research

Time: 1834.6

literature so we can't Overlook those in

Time: 1837.44

a conversation about mood and mental

Time: 1839.08

health now the fourth pillar is

Time: 1841

nutrition and nutrition is a big topic

Time: 1843.44

it's a very barbed wire topic if you get

Time: 1845.72

involved in this stuff online you know

Time: 1847.519

you you've got your people who believe

Time: 1849.2

that you know carnivore is better than

Time: 1851.039

vegan you have the people who believe

Time: 1852.36

vegan is better than carnivore most

Time: 1853.799

people are omnivores you have your seed

Time: 1855.32

oil debates and on and on and on we're

Time: 1857.36

not going to touch any of that now

Time: 1859.159

indeed if you want to learn more about

Time: 1861.559

nutrition and what works and what

Time: 1863.159

doesn't work for sake of aesthetic

Time: 1864.84

changes weight loss muscle gain Etc I

Time: 1866.88

would refer you to the guest episode

Time: 1869.2

that we did with Dr Lane Norton you can

Time: 1871.44

find that again at huberman

Time: 1872.919

where we do a deep dive on all the

Time: 1874.6

variations in different nutritional

Time: 1876.519

protocols but suffice to say that

Time: 1879.159

regardless of whether or not you're

Time: 1880.36

vegan omnivore carnivore or keto or

Time: 1883

whatever everybody needs to consume

Time: 1885.679

sufficient amounts but not excess

Time: 1887.76

amounts of quality calories per day now

Time: 1890.399

you may do that by intermittent fasting

Time: 1891.919

you may do that by a more traditional

Time: 1893.399

meal scheduling but everybody's going to

Time: 1896.039

need to do that because your body and

Time: 1899.039

brain and indeed the parts of your body

Time: 1901.84

and brain that translate to mood and

Time: 1904.679

mental health require macronutrients

Time: 1907.76

proteins fats and carbohydrates as well

Time: 1909.44

as micronutrients so the key takeaway

Time: 1911.679

with nutrition is to make it quality

Time: 1913.399

nutrition within the bounds of whatever

Time: 1915.88

sort of nutritional program that you're

Time: 1917.399

following and that means getting most of

Time: 1919.88

your food sources from either

Time: 1922.799

nonprocessed or minimally processed

Time: 1924.72

foods so these would be foods that

Time: 1926

you're going to need to prepare or foods

Time: 1928.2

that would perish um over time these are

Time: 1930.88

not the sorts of foods that live in

Time: 1932.12

boxes and cans and other uh packages

Time: 1934.24

that would allow them to live on the

Time: 1935.36

shelves forever and ever okay and as I

Time: 1938.039

say that I know many people are shouting

Time: 1939.519

well what about rice you know rice can

Time: 1941.2

live on the shelf for a long time and

Time: 1942.76

yes okay I consider rice a minimally

Time: 1945.32

processed food because of course it can

Time: 1947.32

live on the shelf for a long period of

Time: 1948.72

time and here I'm just going to back out

Time: 1950.44

of the whole conversation about

Time: 1951.639

nutrition at this point because as you

Time: 1954.24

can probably tell it's a deep series of

Time: 1957.12

rabbit holes that we can fall into and

Time: 1958.799

really get distracted the point is make

Time: 1960.44

sure you're getting enough food don't

Time: 1962.519

overeat we know energy toxicity is a

Time: 1965.519

problem for not just body composition

Time: 1967.84

but for mental health so you want to get

Time: 1969.84

enough calories but not too few calories

Time: 1972.519

and you want to make sure that you're

Time: 1973.559

getting them from quality sources and I

Time: 1975.76

say that because of course food is not

Time: 1977.32

just the substrate for the cellular

Time: 1979.44

repair and indeed production of tissues

Time: 1981.679

in your body but it's also the substrate

Time: 1984.159

for all the sorts of neurotransmitters

Time: 1986.639

right which are derived from amino acid

Time: 1988.36

precursors that are derived from food

Time: 1990.6

right all of that dopamine stuff and

Time: 1992.6

serotonin stuff is derived from amino

Time: 1994.639

acids that come from food sources so the

Time: 1996.32

link between nutrition and mental health

Time: 1998.76

should now be an obvious one as we all

Time: 2000.76

know quality nutrition influences of

Time: 2003.039

course our physical health but also our

Time: 2004.799

mental health and our cognitive

Time: 2006.36

functioning our memory our ability to

Time: 2008

learn new things and to focus and we

Time: 2010

know that one of the most important

Time: 2011.24

features of highquality nutrition is

Time: 2013.399

making sure that we get enough vitamins

Time: 2015.32

and minerals from high quality

Time: 2016.88

unprocessed or minimally processed

Time: 2018.6

sources as well as enough probiotics and

Time: 2021

prebiotics and fiber to support

Time: 2023.44

basically all the cellular functions in

Time: 2025.039

our body including the gut microbiome

Time: 2027.6

now I like most everybody try to get

Time: 2030.399

optimal nutrition from Whole Foods

Time: 2032.72

ideally mostly from minimally processed

Time: 2035.399

or non-processed Foods however one of

Time: 2037.48

the challenges that I and so many other

Time: 2038.96

people face is getting enough servings

Time: 2040.84

of high quality fruits and vegetables

Time: 2042.519

per day as well as fiber and probiotics

Time: 2044.799

that often accompany those fruits and

Time: 2046.279

vegetables that's why way back in 2012

Time: 2049.079

long before I ever had a podcast I

Time: 2051.24

started drinking ag1 and so I'm

Time: 2053.44

delighted that ag1 is sponsoring the

Time: 2055.2

huberman Lab podcast the reason I

Time: 2057.159

started taking ag1 and the reason I

Time: 2059.04

still drink ag1 once or twice a day is

Time: 2061.879

that it provides all of my foundational

Time: 2063.72

nutritional needs that is it provides

Time: 2065.639

insurance that I get the proper amounts

Time: 2068.04

of those vitamins minerals probiotics

Time: 2069.96

and fiber to ensure optimal mental

Time: 2072.639

health physical health and performance

Time: 2075.119

if you'd like to try ag1 you can go to

Time: 2077.079

drink huberman to claim a special

Time: 2080.639

offer they're giving away five free

Time: 2082.399

travel packs plus a year supply of

Time: 2084.28

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink

Time: 2088.24

huberman to claim that special offer the

Time: 2091.28

fifth pillar in the big six is social

Time: 2093.159

connection and we're going to talk a

Time: 2094.599

little bit more about this later in the

Time: 2095.919

episode but let's let's just be very

Time: 2097.52

brief and specific about this we all

Time: 2099.599

need to strive to limit the number of

Time: 2102.76

social interactions that we feel tax or

Time: 2106.52

even Vex us that cause us stress this is

Time: 2109.24

something that was covered in depth in

Time: 2111.72

the episode with Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett

Time: 2113.48

where she talked about the fact that we

Time: 2115.48

don't just have a nervous system that

Time: 2116.72

regulates itself through experience and

Time: 2119.24

through our thoughts and our actions we

Time: 2121.92

are as a species interacting with other

Time: 2124.52

nervous systems both of our own species

Time: 2126.88

other humans as well as non-human

Time: 2128.92

species dogs and cats and if you have

Time: 2130.88

them horses and other animals so we need

Time: 2132.88

to think about our nervous system as

Time: 2134.359

being both regulated from the inside and

Time: 2136.32

through our own actions and choices and

Time: 2138.359

thoughts but also through interaction

Time: 2140.359

with other nervous systems and while we

Time: 2142.32

don't always have as much control over

Time: 2144.359

Which social interactions or work

Time: 2146.599

interactions we have to engage in we

Time: 2149.319

should really strive to understand and

Time: 2152.16

indeed pay some serious attention to

Time: 2154.44

whether or not certain types of social

Time: 2156.079


Time: 2157.319

are what she referred to as net savings

Time: 2161.4

neutral or taxing right certain types of

Time: 2164.76

social interactions with certain people

Time: 2166.359

or groups of people just make us feel

Time: 2168.28

taxed it makes us feel stressed it leads

Time: 2170.88

to negative affect that is not good

Time: 2175

feelings or emotions and often elevated

Time: 2178.04

levels of autonomic arousal that leave

Time: 2179.839

us ruminating and leave us having

Time: 2181.44

challenges with sleep we really should

Time: 2183.24

all strive to limit those interactions

Time: 2185.599

to the extent that we can on the reverse

Time: 2187.8

side of that as Lisa Felman Barrett so

Time: 2190.04

beautifully pointed out we also have the

Time: 2192.359

capability to regulate each other's

Time: 2194.04

nervous systems in ways that produce

Time: 2196.319

savings that is that allow us to feel

Time: 2199.28

and indeed cause physiological changes

Time: 2201.92

that make us feel not just happier not

Time: 2204.319

just relaxed not just happy because we

Time: 2207

enjoy interacting with somebody but or a

Time: 2209.64

group but that give us a savings that

Time: 2212.52

give us the kind of resources literally

Time: 2214.88

metabolic and neurochemical resources

Time: 2216.88

that make us feel more capable and give

Time: 2218.839

us a sense of elevated mood and improved

Time: 2220.92

mental health when we are not engaging

Time: 2223.04

with those people and this is highly

Time: 2224.76

subjective of course but you should be

Time: 2226.319

able to distinguish in fact I encourage

Time: 2228.119

you to spend a little bit of time maybe

Time: 2230

even just five or 10 minutes thinking

Time: 2231.68

about you know who are the individuals

Time: 2233.359

and groups that I interact with that

Time: 2235.599

leave me feeling taxed you know that

Time: 2238

really seem to drain my energy and have

Time: 2240.8

me ruminating and in a not good space

Time: 2242.88

when I leave whatever interaction I had

Time: 2244.92

with them this could be a real

Time: 2245.92

interaction or online interaction indeed

Time: 2248.4

I did this the other day based on Lisa's

Time: 2250.119

suggestion I found it to be tremendously

Time: 2251.96

useful what I did is I decided to and by

Time: 2255.92

the way this was happening on a run

Time: 2257.28

where I was thinking you know a lot of

Time: 2259

my mind is in a conversation with people

Time: 2261.48

that aren't even here I was sort of

Time: 2263.359

working through a conversation I was

Time: 2265.72

thinking about what I would say what I

Time: 2267.28

did say what they said in an interaction

Time: 2270.4

that unfortunately was pretty unpleasant

Time: 2272.359

it wasn't extremely unpleasant but it

Time: 2273.88

was pretty unpleasant and I realized

Time: 2275.48

okay that that is a sort of interaction

Time: 2277.92

that I would like to avoid in the future

Time: 2279.52

because it wasn't happening right then

Time: 2281.319

but it was carried forward into a

Time: 2283.599

portion of my day my morning run that

Time: 2285.16

for me is normally very pleasureful and

Time: 2288.319

quite sacred to me actually so paying

Time: 2290.839

some attention to how much of your

Time: 2292.24

internal dialogue is with yourself

Time: 2293.88

versus with others and how much of that

Time: 2295.319

is positive or negative is extremely

Time: 2297.839

beneficial and I'm not talking about

Time: 2299.48

always just thinking about oneself and

Time: 2300.92

not thinking about others to the

Time: 2302.24

contrary we also need to think as Lisa

Time: 2305.64

pointed out about who are the people

Time: 2308.44

with whom we interact with or observe

Time: 2311.359

that lead us to have ongoing dialogue

Time: 2313.88

with them in our mind or think about

Time: 2315.68

those interactions in ways that give us

Time: 2317.68

energy that lead to energetic savings

Time: 2320.2

literally metabolic savings that we can

Time: 2322.16

apply not just in those interactions but

Time: 2324.72

in our work Endeavors and our solo

Time: 2327.079

Endeavors whatever that we're doing when

Time: 2328.48

we are away from those people so while

Time: 2330.56

this concept of savings or neutral or

Time: 2335.2

taxation of our metabolic and our

Time: 2337.72

neurochemical systems might seem a

Time: 2339.28

little bit squishy it is not squishy

Time: 2341.359

this is a neurobiological concept it's

Time: 2343.92

also a psychological concept and it's

Time: 2345.92

one that I'm so glad that Lisa brought

Time: 2347.48

up because social connection social

Time: 2350

interaction is so vital to our mood and

Time: 2352.599

mental health but oftentimes we hear

Time: 2354.359

social connection we think oh that means

Time: 2356.2

we have to spend a lot of time with

Time: 2357.48

friends we have to organize dinner

Time: 2358.92

parties well sure that's all fine and

Time: 2361.119

good if you can do that and I do of

Time: 2363.2

course encourage people to spend time

Time: 2364.599

with those that they love but it's also

Time: 2366.96

important to take a step back and just

Time: 2368.92

think a bit maybe even write out a bit

Time: 2370.88

you know who are the groups and sorts of

Time: 2372.72

individuals and interactions that really

Time: 2374.16

tax you who are the people you find kind

Time: 2376

of neutral and what are the individuals

Time: 2377.839

and groups that really provide what Lisa

Time: 2380.16

referred to as savings that is they tap

Time: 2382.16

into the metabolic and neurochemical

Time: 2383.8

Pathways that lead us to have improved

Time: 2385.76

mood and mental health not just during

Time: 2387.52

those interactions but away from those

Time: 2389.72

interactions as well and often

Time: 2391.44

pervasively and extremely positively so

Time: 2394.359

so it this is no small de

Time: 2397

this is a really important aspect of our

Time: 2399.319

mental health now the sixth pillar in

Time: 2401.72

the big six is stress control and the

Time: 2404.839

reason it's included is that look stress

Time: 2408.8

is going to happen life is filled with

Time: 2411.119

so-called stressors and for a good

Time: 2413.8

number of years in fact the last 15

Time: 2415.44

years there's been a lot of debate in

Time: 2417.119

the field of Psychology and Neuroscience

Time: 2419

as well whether or not stress is good

Time: 2420.76

for us whether or not stress is bad for

Time: 2422.16

us whether or not we simply need to

Time: 2423.319

reframe stress as good or bad and to

Time: 2425.52

some extent all of that is true you know

Time: 2427.319

we know that chronic stress is not good

Time: 2428.88

for our memory our immune system or our

Time: 2430.72

health we also know that if you

Time: 2433.52

understand the reality which is that

Time: 2435.2

stress also allows us to harness our

Time: 2437.16

mental and physical resources to perform

Time: 2439.8

better than we would otherwise in

Time: 2441.2

certain circumstances and that provided

Time: 2443.359

we can get to sleep each night that

Time: 2445.319

perhaps stress isn't so bad and perhaps

Time: 2447.24

is even performance enhancing I talked

Time: 2449.4

about this in the guest episode with Dr

Time: 2452.119

Ali Crumb from the psychology department

Time: 2454.599

at Stanford and I've talked about this

Time: 2455.92

in other podcasts as well and I'm not

Time: 2459.119

here to tell you that stress is good for

Time: 2460.52

you I'm not here to tell you that stress

Time: 2462

is bad for you what I am going to tell

Time: 2463.4

you is that it is extremely important

Time: 2465.24

that we all have readily accessible

Time: 2468.079

Stress Management tools that work the

Time: 2469.92

first time and every time and these fall

Time: 2471.76

into two categories the first category

Time: 2473.839

are realtime tools so tools that you can

Time: 2475.8

use to reduce your level of stress in

Time: 2477.839

real time and the best way that I'm

Time: 2479.76

aware of that's grounded in excellent

Time: 2482.88

physiology and Neuroscience to reduce

Time: 2485.44

your stress in real time is the

Time: 2486.92

so-called physiological side I did not

Time: 2489.16

invent this pattern of breathing it's

Time: 2490.88

not breath work per se this is a pattern

Time: 2493.16

of breathing that we all naturally do in

Time: 2494.72

our sleep to restore carbon dioxide and

Time: 2496.92

oxygen levels to their proper ratios we

Time: 2499.28

also do it periodically throughout the

Time: 2500.72

day without noticing indeed we have a

Time: 2502.72

defined or specific neural circuit in

Time: 2505.24

our brain that extends to our diaphragm

Time: 2507.319

and communicates with aspects of our

Time: 2510.119

heart Etc that allow physiological size

Time: 2513.52

to calm us down faster at least in my

Time: 2515.8

knowledge than any other directed

Time: 2518.119

protocol and the physiological sigh as

Time: 2520.16

many of you know is very simple and

Time: 2521.599

straightforward anyone can do this you

Time: 2524.2

simply do a big inhale through your nose

Time: 2526.88

try and maximize the inflation of your

Time: 2528.8

lungs and then before you exhale sneak

Time: 2531.839

in another brief inhalation even if it's

Time: 2534.04

just a tiny micro inhalation to

Time: 2535.76

maximally inflate the lungs and that has

Time: 2538.599

an important effect on the little Sachs

Time: 2540.2

in the lungs called the avioli of the

Time: 2541.599

lungs it's going to open up whatever

Time: 2543.96

avioli we collapsed in there and then

Time: 2546.24

you're going to do a long extended

Time: 2548.599

exhale through the mouth and typically

Time: 2551.359

just one although sometimes it requires

Time: 2553.319

two or three but just one physiological

Time: 2555.839

sigh is effective in bringing down one's

Time: 2559

level of stress significantly enough

Time: 2561.319

that you don't need to do it again so

Time: 2562.96

this can be done essentially anywhere

Time: 2564.64

and by anyone I suppose probably

Time: 2566.72

couldn't do it if you were underwater or

Time: 2568.28

certainly don't do it if you're

Time: 2569.559

underwater but otherwise it's a very

Time: 2571.839

safe and very effective way to calm down

Time: 2574.319

and reduce your levels of stress in real

Time: 2576.359

time maybe before public speaking or in

Time: 2578.2

whatever circumstance you feel you need

Time: 2579.72

to calm down in real time so I'll

Time: 2581.92

demonstrate the physiological side for

Time: 2583.52

you here I've done this many times

Time: 2584.92

before in previous episodes but for

Time: 2587

those of you that haven't heard or seen

Time: 2588.48

those episodes I feel obligated to do it

Time: 2591.359

again now okay so it's a deep inhale

Time: 2593.319

through the nose followed by another

Time: 2594.68

brief inhale through the nose and then a

Time: 2596.04

long exhale through the mouth and before

Time: 2597.52

you start asking questions about what do

Time: 2599.319

I do if I have a deviated septum can it

Time: 2600.88

be just through the mouth do the first

Time: 2602.64

two through the nose do the third

Time: 2605

through the mouth so it's like

Time: 2616.079

this and indeed I feel calmer and indeed

Time: 2619.2

if you do it you will feel calmer you'll

Time: 2621.52

notice that second inhale through the

Time: 2622.839

nose was kind of sharp in the sense that

Time: 2625.119

I had to really push um put some

Time: 2627.319

physical effort into making it happen

Time: 2629.079

and you know my shoulders jolted upwards

Time: 2631.079

if you just listening to this and not

Time: 2632.839

watching my shoulders jolted upwards

Time: 2634.72

that second inhale through the nose is

Time: 2636.52

important for a variety of reasons I've

Time: 2638.52

talked about elsewhere so the

Time: 2639.64

physiological sigh is going to be the

Time: 2642

go-to protocol for you again not

Time: 2644.119

invented by me this is not huberman

Time: 2645.839

breathing this is a pattern of breathing

Time: 2647.88

discovered in the 1930s by physiologists

Time: 2650.559

it's hardwired into our nervous system

Time: 2652.319

and that's what makes it so great it

Time: 2653.559

works the first time and it works every

Time: 2655.92

time so that's to my knowledge the best

Time: 2658.599

way to control your stress in real time

Time: 2661.52

now why is that important for mood and

Time: 2663.599

mental health well as we'll talk about

Time: 2665.599


Time: 2666.52

if you want to access your so-called

Time: 2668.2

generative drive a theme that we're

Time: 2669.72

going to get into in a bit more detail

Time: 2671.44

this is something that came up during

Time: 2672.8

the series with Dr Paul kti you will

Time: 2675.16

learn that stress and anger and negative

Time: 2677.599

emotions while they can be very

Time: 2678.92

motivating very arousing they are not

Time: 2682.4

going to be good for your long-term mood

Time: 2685.359

and mental health period so having tools

Time: 2688.16

to regulate your stress and your levels

Time: 2690.319

of anger your levels of reactivity and

Time: 2692.559

also to elevate your feelings of agency

Time: 2694.68

and control over your life starting with

Time: 2696.599

agency and control over your physiology

Time: 2699.359

your internal state is going to be vital

Time: 2702.28

and what I love about the physiological

Time: 2703.92

sigh is that of course it's completely

Time: 2705.64

zero cost but also there's a dedicated

Time: 2708.559

circuit in your brain and body for this

Time: 2710.8

particular pattern of breathing we do it

Time: 2713.16

spontaneously but you can do it

Time: 2715.04

intentionally and it works just as well

Time: 2717

if not better to regulate your levels of

Time: 2719.4

stress that is to bring them down which

Time: 2721.76

has outsize positive effects on your

Time: 2723.8

mood and mental health not just in the

Time: 2725.319

moment but also should improve your

Time: 2728.28

confidence that when stress comes

Time: 2730.96

because the world is filled with

Time: 2732.04

stressors it's not if it's when when

Time: 2734.079

stress comes that you will have a

Time: 2736.119

physiologically scientifically supported

Time: 2738

tool to deal with and reduce that stress

Time: 2740.96

now in addition I do believe it's

Time: 2742.359

important for sake of mood and mental

Time: 2743.92

health to also have a tool or a protocol

Time: 2748.319

to raise your stress threshold that is

Time: 2750.8

to increase your capacity to deal with

Time: 2752.76

life stressors without them feeling so

Time: 2755.359

stressful and there are a number of

Time: 2756.76

different ways to do this but they all

Time: 2758.16

center around elevating your levels of

Time: 2760.28

adrenaline epinephrine and

Time: 2762.48

norepinephrine nor adrenaline those are

Time: 2764.68

the same thing just they have multiple

Time: 2766.079

names forgive me I didn't give the same

Time: 2767.72

two things four names so don't blame me

Time: 2769.76

blame the other scientists that did it

Time: 2772.28

the point is there are several ways that

Time: 2775.24

you can self-induce elevations of

Time: 2778.359

noradrenaline and adrenaline and then to

Time: 2782.4

learn to Anchor your mind and your

Time: 2784.28

thinking to stay calm in the elevated

Time: 2786.599

adrenaline States as a practice for when

Time: 2789.119

stressors hit you in the outside world

Time: 2791.24

and your adrenaline and noradrenaline

Time: 2793.04

Spike now one of the best ways to do

Time: 2795.839

this because it works the first time and

Time: 2798.28

every time and is also zero cost in fact

Time: 2800.76

it will save you money is to put

Time: 2803.92

yourself in a cold shower or other

Time: 2806.4

deliberate cold exposure environment but

Time: 2808.72

most everyone has access to a cold

Time: 2810.359

shower not everyone but most people and

Time: 2813.28

of course by turning off the heat you're

Time: 2814.76

going to reduce Heating cost right your

Time: 2816.76

water bill so getting into a cold shower

Time: 2819.64

for a minute or so to elevate your

Time: 2822.24

levels of adrenaline and learning to

Time: 2823.96

either use your breathing you could do

Time: 2825.319

physiological size or to distract

Time: 2828.04

yourself or whatever tools and

Time: 2829.8

approaches you need to be able to stay

Time: 2832.359

calm while you have elevated levels of

Time: 2835.359

adrenaline in your body and the reason

Time: 2837.079

deliberate cold exposure works so well

Time: 2838.92

to do this is that it is pretty

Time: 2841.8

non-negotiable even if you really love

Time: 2843.92

cold showers or cold plunges or things

Time: 2845.88

that sort you're still going to get that

Time: 2848.599

elevated adrenaline and noradrenaline

Time: 2851.28

it's pretty much non-negotiable you know

Time: 2853.92

for the first 10 or 15 seconds that you

Time: 2855.4

get into a cold plunge or a cold shower

Time: 2857.119

you should fully expect yourself to feel

Time: 2859.24

stress and for your breathing to

Time: 2860.76

accelerate and then your goal is to try

Time: 2862.52

and anchor or control your breathing in

Time: 2864.559

that stressful environment the reason

Time: 2866.24

for doing this is that it's a practice

Time: 2868.319

it's a practice that's going to

Time: 2869.48

translate to a better ability to manage

Time: 2872.24

your internal State and therefore your

Time: 2873.88

thinking your cognition and your ability

Time: 2876.24

to make good decisions under stress it's

Time: 2878.559

not about becoming Untouched by stress

Time: 2882.119

it's about being able to better navigate

Time: 2884.359

stress indeed I think of this as

Time: 2886.28

analogous to driving in fog something

Time: 2889

that I had to learn to do because I grew

Time: 2890.319

up in the Bay Area and it can be very

Time: 2891.76

foggy there sometimes and of course you

Time: 2893.92

don't learn to drive in fog the first

Time: 2895.52

day you learn how to drive but the first

Time: 2897.4

time you hit heavy fog driving where you

Time: 2899.44

can only see one reflector in front of

Time: 2901.079

you at a time it is truly stressful

Time: 2903.52

right you don't know if you're going to

Time: 2904.48

come up on another vehicle

Time: 2906.28

in an instant which of course can happen

Time: 2908.599

so you have to adjust a number of things

Time: 2910.24

you have to learn how to do that and

Time: 2911.72

while I would never elect to drive in

Time: 2913.8

fog learning to drive in fog teaches you

Time: 2916.64

how to be comfortable driving in

Time: 2918

different weather environments same

Time: 2919.2

thing with driving in a rain Stormer for

Time: 2920.64

you East Coasters from the Northeast

Time: 2922.68

learning how to drive in a snowstorm you

Time: 2924.44

would never elect to do that but once

Time: 2925.96

you do it a few times you feel more

Time: 2927.48

comfortable in those extreme conditions

Time: 2929.839

so that's really what raising your

Time: 2931.16

stress threshold is all about of course

Time: 2933.52

do it safely do it under conditions in

Time: 2935.88

which you're not going to get hurt or

Time: 2937.04

anyone else will get hurt but learning

Time: 2939.2

how to do this can be extremely

Time: 2940.48

beneficial and of course deliberate cold

Time: 2942.559

exposure isn't the only way but frankly

Time: 2944.72

it's the most reliable way and it's the

Time: 2946.68

most versatile way to do that because

Time: 2948.52

you can do it in your shower or in a

Time: 2949.96

cold Plunge at home so you can practice

Time: 2952.119

these things again Safety First always

Time: 2954.92

make sure you're not exposing yourself

Time: 2956.559

to cold to the extent that you're going

Time: 2957.88

to damage yourself mentally or

Time: 2959.24

physically but it's a great practice and

Time: 2961.72

you could probably think of other ways

Time: 2962.799

to spike your adrenaline that was safe

Time: 2965.28

and of course life will spike your

Time: 2967.4

adrenaline so you can also use real life

Time: 2970

as your uh you know your stress

Time: 2972.119

inoculation tool and we all have to do

Time: 2974.079

that anyway what I'm suggesting is that

Time: 2976.319

you adopt a real-time tool physiological

Time: 2978.839

size and that you adopt at least one

Time: 2980.88

offline tool that you do anywhere from

Time: 2982.72

one to three maybe seven days a week but

Time: 2985.119

at least one day a week that you put

Time: 2986.4

yourself into a cold shower deliberate

Time: 2988.28

cold exposure not for sake of increasing

Time: 2990.48

metabolism or anything else but really

Time: 2992.24

just to learn how to calm yourself and

Time: 2994.799

maintain clear cognition when stress

Time: 2997.76

hits because indeed stress is going to

Time: 2999.88

hit so that's the big six for improving

Time: 3002.64

mood and mental health and the big six

Time: 3005.04

apply that is they are the Cornerstone

Time: 3007.319

for mood and mental health regardless of

Time: 3009.52

who you are regardless of your age

Time: 3011.64

regardless of whether or not you're

Time: 3012.76

dealing with an acute or a severe mood

Time: 3015.079

or mental health disorder or you find

Time: 3017.119

yourself to be reasonably healthy with

Time: 3019.24

respect to mood and mental health and

Time: 3021.119

you simply want your mood and mental

Time: 3022.599

health to be stable and or improve over

Time: 3025.28

time time now the reason why the big six

Time: 3029.04

those six pillars are so important for

Time: 3030.96

mood and mental health and indeed form a

Time: 3033.04

critical component of what Dr Paul kti

Time: 3035.359

referred to as the first principles of

Time: 3038.319

self-care is that those six pillars

Time: 3041.64

establish a millu that is an environment

Time: 3044.64

of neurochemicals including

Time: 3046.52

neuromodulators such as dopamine

Time: 3048.319

serotonin epinephrine norepinephrine

Time: 3050.96

acetylcholine and other neurochemicals

Time: 3053.119

as well as well as hormones to

Time: 3055.44

testosterone estrogen prolactin cortisol

Time: 3058.319

and immune molecules and on and on that

Time: 3062

lead to a high degree of predictability

Time: 3065.359

in your brain and nervous system now

Time: 3067.359

what do I mean by that why would

Time: 3068.76

predictability be such a key component

Time: 3071.16

of mood and mental health is it really

Time: 3073

just about knowing that you're going to

Time: 3074.4

feel energized in the early part of the

Time: 3076.16

day and tired at the end of the day now

Time: 3078.119

that might be part of it but that's not

Time: 3079.72

the major takeaway the major takeaway is

Time: 3082.559

that as Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett so aptly

Time: 3085.16

point pointed out your brain and indeed

Time: 3087.52

your entire nervous system has a couple

Time: 3089.72

of major jobs you know it has the job of

Time: 3091.92

regulating your breathing and your heart

Time: 3093.4

rate Etc it also has the job of

Time: 3096.16

regulating your thinking and your

Time: 3097.44

planning and your memory those are the

Time: 3099.359

jobs of the brain and nervous system

Time: 3101.079

that we normally hear about but if we

Time: 3103.04

think about the more macro jobs that the

Time: 3105.04

brain has the key function of the brain

Time: 3108.359

certainly the parts of the brain that

Time: 3109.96

are more recently evolved the ones

Time: 3112.2

involved in thinking and planning Etc

Time: 3114.52

are really involved involved in

Time: 3115.88

generating predictions predictions about

Time: 3118.88

what's going to happen next and whether

Time: 3120.559

or not you're going to be prepared for

Time: 3122.319

what's going to happen next and indeed

Time: 3124.28

Dr Lisa Felman Barrett also beautifully

Time: 3126.88

Illustrated this model of the brain as

Time: 3129.64

regulating a brain body budget and moods

Time: 3133.4

and a related topic which she called

Time: 3135.92

affect okay I'll explain what affect is

Time: 3138.119

in a moment setting the stage for being

Time: 3141.2

able to better predict what's going to

Time: 3143.599

happen next and therefore

Time: 3146.52

regulating your mood in the moment let's

Time: 3148.799

just take a moment and explore that

Time: 3150.2

statement in a little bit more detail

Time: 3152.28

essentially what she was saying and what

Time: 3153.72

I'm now again saying is that your brain

Time: 3156.48

and body go through different states

Time: 3158.559

your state at a given moment can be

Time: 3160.64

labeled as your affect your affect

Time: 3162.64

includes a lot of different things

Time: 3164.119

including levels of autonomic arousal

Time: 3166.52

levels of hormones levels of

Time: 3167.68

transmitters all of that stuff but it

Time: 3170.28

falls under the umbrella of affect

Time: 3172.72

affect essentially sets the stage for

Time: 3176

particular emotions to be more likely or

Time: 3178.88

less likely to emerge so emotion and

Time: 3181.079

affect aren't the same thing affect is a

Time: 3183.44

bit more General and sort of undergirds

Time: 3186.24

the possibility of having certain moods

Time: 3188.4

like feeling elated happy or sad or

Time: 3191.44

depressed it really sets the general

Time: 3193.92

stage for different types of specific

Time: 3196.48

emotions even highly specific emotions

Time: 3199.359

so in that way when you're taking care

Time: 3201.72

of the big six when you're tending to

Time: 3204.2

these six pillars on a regular basis and

Time: 3206.96

I should point out that we really want

Time: 3208.319

to tend to those six pillars every

Time: 3210.28

single day or every single 24 hours we

Time: 3213.559

really need to make those a regular

Time: 3215.24

investment to the extent that we can

Time: 3217.92

when we do that we create a

Time: 3220.16

neurochemical and a neural milu that

Time: 3223.119

allows the brain to be in a better

Time: 3226.16

predictive state it allows the brain to

Time: 3228.52

give rise to a certain aex spelled

Time: 3232.319

a CS so affex

Time: 3235.68

that lead to certain emotions being more

Time: 3237.96

or less likely to occur put very simply

Time: 3241.2

when we're tending to those six pillars

Time: 3242.88

on a regular basis we feel better more

Time: 3245.799

generally and therefore the emotions

Time: 3248.44

that we tend to have under different

Time: 3250.64

conditions even conditions of a

Time: 3252.2

difficult interaction with a cooworker

Time: 3253.88

or with a family member tend to be more

Time: 3256.4

positive than if we are not tending to

Time: 3258.44

those six pillars now in some sense

Time: 3260.88

that's sort of a duh statement for

Time: 3262.599

instance if you're sleep deprived if

Time: 3264.079

you're not fed well like you haven't

Time: 3266.16

eaten in a few hours of course you're

Time: 3268.4

going to be more irritable you're going

Time: 3269.68

to be more reactive you are going to be

Time: 3271.72

more emotionally labile but sleep and

Time: 3273.96

nutrition are just two of those six core

Time: 3276.28

pillars when we talk about those core

Time: 3278.4

pillars and the necessity for tending to

Time: 3280.64

them on a regular every 24-hour basis

Time: 3283.48

what we're really talking about is

Time: 3285.2

creating a millu within our brain and

Time: 3286.88

nervous system that allows the nervous

Time: 3288.4

system to do what it does best and in

Time: 3290.96

fact what its main job is to do which is

Time: 3293.76

to predict what's going to happen next

Time: 3295.64

because as Lisa Feldman Barrett pointed

Time: 3297.28

out emotions are really context

Time: 3299.599

dependent states that allow us to

Time: 3302.68

navigate not just our present

Time: 3304.24

circumstances but they are our nervous

Time: 3306.92

system and brain's best guess about the

Time: 3309.04

circumstances that we are soon going to

Time: 3311.359

encounter now I don't offer you all of

Time: 3313.52

that as kind of a a bunch of you know

Time: 3316.079

Tangled mess of nerd speak to confuse

Time: 3317.92

you what I'm saying is that by tending

Time: 3319.319

to those six core pillars you are

Time: 3321.599

shifting the likely aects that you will

Time: 3324.76

EXP exp erience and therefore the likely

Time: 3326.64

emotions that you'll experience so

Time: 3328.079

you're biasing your whole system towards

Time: 3330

more positive affect and more positive

Time: 3332.599

emotions regardless of what your life

Time: 3334.92

circumstances happen to be and the

Time: 3336.88

stressors that you encounter and indeed

Time: 3339

you also are including that six pillar

Time: 3341.24

of stress control so when those

Time: 3343.24

stressors arrive you will be better able

Time: 3345.64

to navigate them now this view of

Time: 3348.359

emotion regulation of mood and mental

Time: 3350.28

health is certainly not a novel concept

Time: 3353.2

people have talked about the

Time: 3354.039

physiological regulation of mood from

Time: 3355.96

the time of William James and even

Time: 3357.559

earlier you know it's been a

Time: 3358.92

long-standing question for instance or

Time: 3360.599

debate in Psychology and philosophy you

Time: 3362.48

know do we feel anxiety in our body and

Time: 3364.68

then label it as anxiety or do we feel

Time: 3366.92

anxiety in our mind and then our body

Time: 3369.039

follows that's been a long-standing

Time: 3370.4

debate and frankly there's evidence on

Time: 3372.799

both sides which leads me to the

Time: 3374.2

conclusion I think most neurobiologists

Time: 3375.92

and psychologists to the conclusion that

Time: 3377.92

those things are interrelated in a way

Time: 3379.52

that we can't really dissociate them

Time: 3381.48

completely at any level right when your

Time: 3383.559

heart rate goes up and you start

Time: 3384.599

breathing thing faster you know if I

Time: 3386.24

were to induce that state in you you'd

Time: 3387.839

probably interpret that as feeling

Time: 3389.88

anxious in addition to that something

Time: 3391.72

can make you anxious before your heart

Time: 3393.559

rate and breathing increases and then

Time: 3394.799

your heart rate and breathing increases

Time: 3396.16

so no need to tease those apart but if

Time: 3398.72

you think about the brain in large part

Time: 3400.72

as a prediction machine and your brain

Time: 3403.079

as a metabolic regulator it's trying to

Time: 3405.079

decide which organs need resources how

Time: 3407.359

much resource can I dedicate to thinking

Time: 3409.72

to creativity to enjoying social

Time: 3412.72

interaction to paying attention to what

Time: 3414.2

somebody else is is saying as opposed to

Time: 3415.68

what's going on inside my body all of

Time: 3417.68

those major functions of the brain as

Time: 3419.16

they relate to affect and emotions are

Time: 3421.88

going to be best supported that is

Time: 3424.599

biased toward positive mood positive

Time: 3427.88

affect positive emotions and therefore

Time: 3431.319

positive mental health outcomes when

Time: 3433.319

we're tending to those six pillars Dr

Time: 3435.68

Lisa feldin Barrett referred to that

Time: 3437.2

whole process as the brain regulating a

Time: 3439.319

brain body budget and she had beautiful

Time: 3441.839

analogies for that budget and that's

Time: 3443.319

what led to the description of social

Time: 3445.24

interactions is either generating

Time: 3447.319

savings or being neutral or generating a

Time: 3449.92

taxed feeling literally taxing that

Time: 3452.16

brain body budget and I love that

Time: 3453.599

concept and it's one that you can keep

Time: 3455.079

in mind and indeed we can inject a lot

Time: 3457.599

of specificity into this whole process

Time: 3459.799

of improving mood and mental health

Time: 3461.68

through specific protocols if you simply

Time: 3463.92

remember if you make a daily investment

Time: 3466.92

in the six core pillars you are building

Time: 3469.92

up that brain body budget you will have

Time: 3472.559

more energetic resources to spend on

Time: 3475.92

whatever life circumstances come your

Time: 3477.92

way now before we move into a discussion

Time: 3480

about protocols for how to better

Time: 3482.559

understand your life narrative to

Time: 3484

enhance your sense of self and

Time: 3485.64

confidence and things of that theme I

Time: 3488.72

briefly want to mention that of course

Time: 3491.72

there are known tools out there in the

Time: 3494.039

medical community and psychological

Time: 3495.68

Community for improving mood and mental

Time: 3498

health and while there are a variety of

Time: 3501.2

tools one of the main tools of the

Time: 3503.72

psychiatrist is prescription drugs that

Time: 3507.079

Target specific neuromodulator systems

Time: 3509.559

in the brain and body for instance SSR

Time: 3512.48

selective serotonin reuptake Inhibitors

Time: 3515.079

or atypical anti-depressants that Target

Time: 3518.359

the dopamine and epinephrine system such

Time: 3520.64

as well Butrin bryone or other types of

Time: 3523.64

anti-depressants or for instance

Time: 3526.319

nowadays there's a lot of growing

Time: 3527.92

excitement about clinical trials using

Time: 3531.16

relatively High dosages of psilocybin

Time: 3534.119

which by the way way closely mimics the

Time: 3537.28

chemical serotonin that's right

Time: 3539.2

psilocybin which is converted to salicin

Time: 3541.88

in the brain if you look at it

Time: 3543.64

chemically it looks very much like

Time: 3545.44

serotonin although it has distinct

Time: 3547.24

effects from serotonin I talked about

Time: 3548.799

psilocybin and what's being done in

Time: 3550.28

terms of the clinical trials safety

Time: 3552.52

considerations I talked about the

Time: 3554.16

potential Hazard considerations and

Time: 3555.88

where the legality and all of that is

Time: 3557.44

going in that episode if you want to

Time: 3559.16

check that out but the reason I'm taking

Time: 3560.88

a moment to mention these drugs things

Time: 3563

like ssris prox lat talopram

Time: 3566.039

Wellbutrin cybin and so on is that all

Time: 3570.079

of them Target specific neuromodulator

Time: 3572.76

systems in the brain and body and at the

Time: 3575.559

same time it's fairly clear that mood

Time: 3578.839

disorders such as major depression are

Time: 3581.079

not necessarily deficits in things like

Time: 3583.839

serotonin or dopamine they can be but

Time: 3586.44

most often they are not so why are such

Time: 3589.76

drugs prescribed for mood disorders and

Time: 3592.24

for mental health disorders well because

Time: 3594.359

if specific neuromodulators like

Time: 3595.92

serotonin dopamine or epinephrine are

Time: 3598.76

dramatically increased above

Time: 3600.92

Baseline that affords the brain the

Time: 3603.319

ability to rewire itself really the way

Time: 3606

to think about ssris or atypical

Time: 3608.599

anti-depressants or psilocybin for the

Time: 3611.4

treatment of major

Time: 3613.079

depression is really to think about them

Time: 3616.319

as chemical tools to open or access

Time: 3620.24

neuroplasticity and that's why it's oh

Time: 3622.319

so important that those drugs be

Time: 3624

combined with talk therapy where people

Time: 3625.88

are actively working through the sources

Time: 3627.88

the real life sources and the historical

Time: 3629.64

sources maybe even the trauma based

Time: 3631.48

sources of their depression and I

Time: 3633.76

mention this because you know there's a

Time: 3635.559

lot of debate nowadays as to whether or

Time: 3637.2

not you know these drugs are useful

Time: 3639.039

whether or not the side effect profiles

Time: 3640.559

justify their use whether or not you

Time: 3642.96

know they are applicable to Young

Time: 3645.96

populations you know there's a lot of

Time: 3647.28

debate about this and certainly in the

Time: 3649.2

case of the psychedelics there's a lot a

Time: 3652.2

lot of debate because this is newly

Time: 3654.039

emerging area and there's still not a

Time: 3656.2

lot of data although it's starting to

Time: 3658.24

you know increase over time but the key

Time: 3660.92

Point here is that all of these drugs

Time: 3663.44

have the potential to work in some

Time: 3665.48

people not others some people you know

Time: 3667.44

they simply don't work for and they

Time: 3668.559

cause more problems than solutions they

Time: 3671.359

solve but they tend to work by

Time: 3675.64

increasing the propensity for

Time: 3677.48

neuroplasticity by changing the

Time: 3679.559

neuromodulator milu in the brain and

Time: 3682.64

this is an important point when thinking

Time: 3684

about tool tools for enhancing mood and

Time: 3685.559

mental health that when we think about

Time: 3688.28

tools for enhancing mood and mental

Time: 3690.4

health and next of course we are going

Time: 3692.52

to talk about the tools that are

Time: 3694.079

specifically designed to Target a

Time: 3696.76

specific aspect of one's life story or

Time: 3699.599

concept of self all of that is always

Time: 3702.72

operating on a backdrop of two things

Time: 3705.24

that overall neurochemical millu and

Time: 3707.4

autonomic function that the six pillars

Time: 3709.599

relate to and support if we're tending

Time: 3711.44

to those but any Improvement in mood and

Time: 3713.799

mental health that's it's going to be

Time: 3715.119

significant it's going to be noticeable

Time: 3717

and it's going to be stable it's going

Time: 3718.4

to be pervasive over time is going to

Time: 3720.76

require that some degree of neural

Time: 3722.72

plasticity some degree of neural

Time: 3724.279

rewiring occur so I'm not bringing up

Time: 3726.72

the topic of these particular drug tools

Time: 3728.359

to say that they are the best way to

Time: 3730.599

improve mood and mental health I'm

Time: 3731.799

certainly not saying that they are but

Time: 3733.68

one way to potentially improve mood and

Time: 3736

mental health and if they are going to

Time: 3737.88

work they always work best when done in

Time: 3741.079

concert with talk therapy because they

Time: 3742.599

are opening the opportunity for

Time: 3743.839

neuroplastic icity but then that

Time: 3745.16

neuroplasticity has to be directed

Time: 3747.52

toward a particular endpoint there has

Time: 3749.72

to be specific work that's being done by

Time: 3752.079

the individual or ideally the individual

Time: 3755.2

with an expert trained clinically

Time: 3758

certified therapist or psychologist or

Time: 3761.279

psychiatrist in order to make sure that

Time: 3763.52

the neuroplastic changes that occur lead

Time: 3765.92

to long-standing improvements in mood

Time: 3767.72

and mental health over time indeed the

Time: 3769.64

drugs that I just described were

Time: 3771.68

originally designed as tools to to allow

Time: 3774.88

people to access changes within their

Time: 3777.359

brain that would then allow them to

Time: 3779.24

enhance mood and mental health but not

Time: 3781.44

have to rely on the drugs themselves for

Time: 3784.079

improved mood and mental health and

Time: 3785.68

along those lines I'm sure some of you

Time: 3787.799

out there are thinking about the

Time: 3790

supplement based or nutrition-based

Time: 3791.48

approaches to enhancing these

Time: 3793.079

neuromodulators and indeed while they

Time: 3794.96

don't have the same potency as things

Time: 3796.88

like well Butrin and ssris at increasing

Time: 3799.16

things like dopamine and serotonin

Time: 3800.839

respectively there is a growing number

Time: 3802.559

of people out there that are relying on

Time: 3804.599

say daily supplementation with anywhere

Time: 3806.4

from 1 to three grams with of el

Time: 3808.359

tyrosine you know amino acid precursor

Time: 3810.279

to dopamine combined with often you know

Time: 3813.039

300 to 600 milligrams of alpha GPC as a

Time: 3816.4

way to enhance dopamine and

Time: 3818.559

acetylcholine and to set the stage for

Time: 3821.44

elevated levels of neuroplasticity but

Time: 3823.559

it's very important to point out that

Time: 3825.96

the amino acid precursors to the various

Time: 3828.319

neuromodulators like El tyrosine like El

Time: 3830.359

tryptophan so El tyrosine precursor to

Time: 3832.96

dopamine ELP toan precursor to serotonin

Time: 3836.559

and so on that those don't have the same

Time: 3839.359

degree of potency that is ability to

Time: 3841.68

enhance those neuromodulators and so the

Time: 3843.88

extent to which they enrich the

Time: 3845.68

possibility for neuroplasticity Still

Time: 3847.96

Remains somewhat obscure there haven't

Time: 3849.48

been clinical trials on that yet at

Time: 3851.64

least not clinical trials that I am

Time: 3853.4

aware of so I mention all of that stuff

Time: 3855.559

about drugs whether or not it's

Time: 3856.799

psychedelics or whether or not it's

Time: 3858

prescription anti-depressants or whether

Time: 3859.599

or not people are using a supplement

Time: 3861.839

based amino acid based protocol for

Time: 3865.44

increasing certain neurom modulators I

Time: 3867.559

feel was important to mention all of

Time: 3868.88

that because well first of all it's

Time: 3870.599

quite prominent out there certainly in

Time: 3872.4

the case of prescription

Time: 3873.319

anti-depressants and there's growing

Time: 3875.24

prominence and use of relatively high do

Time: 3878.599

psilocybin again always in done with

Time: 3882.119

support talk therapy this is done in the

Time: 3884.76

legal setting I said legal not illegal a

Time: 3888.279

legal setting with a board certified

Time: 3890.559

therapist this is being done on

Time: 3892.16

University campuses within research lab

Time: 3894.52

and of course I acknowledge that there

Time: 3895.76

are people who are using these compounds

Time: 3898.119

outside the realm of the University

Time: 3899.599

clinical study environment so I mention

Time: 3901.76

these chemicals not because I'm pointing

Time: 3903.44

to them as the path to improved mood and

Time: 3906.48

mental health they can be but they

Time: 3908.599

aren't always and as I mentioned before

Time: 3910.44

they can sometimes cause problems that

Time: 3912.319

lead people to wish that they hadn't

Time: 3913.64

taken them or to decide to not take them

Time: 3916.119

any further a decision that absolutely

Time: 3917.599

has to be made with a healthc care

Time: 3918.92

professional who's well certified to do

Time: 3920.64

that but I'm mentioning these tools

Time: 3922.92

because I want to understand if they

Time: 3926.2

work why they work and one key point

Time: 3928.92

that was really emphasized by Dr Paul

Time: 3930.88

kti who as I mentioned before is a

Time: 3933.4

psychiatrist so he uses pharmacology in

Time: 3935.359

his practice although he uses other

Time: 3936.92

non-pharmacologic tools as well is that

Time: 3939.559

these pharmacologic tools are never to

Time: 3941.72

be viewed as the Beall endall of

Time: 3944.039

enhancing mood and mental health they

Time: 3945.52

are but one path to improving mood and

Time: 3947.88

mental health and indeed should be

Time: 3949.799

viewed as a path to getting people who

Time: 3952.2

are otherwise unable to engage in those

Time: 3954.48

six core pillars those first principles

Time: 3956.72

of mental health to be able to do those

Time: 3958.559

things on a regular basis and then

Time: 3960.68

perhaps based on a discussion with their

Time: 3963.799

clinician these people could come off

Time: 3965.76

those pharmacologic agents maybe yes

Time: 3967.76

maybe no it depends on the individual it

Time: 3969.599

depends on the circumstances but those

Time: 3971.52

core six pillars those first principles

Time: 3974.24

of mental health that include but are

Time: 3976.319

not limited to those core six pillars

Time: 3979.44

are absolutely essential there's no drug

Time: 3982.599

that can replace those Cor six pillars

Time: 3985.319

I'd like to take a quick break and thank

Time: 3986.799

our sponsor insid tracker insid tracker

Time: 3989.559

is a personalized nutrition platform

Time: 3991.319

that analyzes data from your blood and

Time: 3993.16

DNA to help you better understand your

Time: 3995.279

body and help you reach your health

Time: 3996.68

goals I've long been a believer in

Time: 3998.68

getting regular blood work done for the

Time: 4000.4

simple reason that many of the factors

Time: 4002

that impact your immediate and long-term

Time: 4003.599

Health can only be analyzed from a

Time: 4005.76

quality blood test a major problem with

Time: 4008.039

a lot of blood tests out there however

Time: 4010.079

is that you get information back about

Time: 4011.799

metabolic factors lipids and hormones

Time: 4013.68

and so so forth but you don't know what

Time: 4015.039

to do with that information with insid

Time: 4017

tracker they make it very easy because

Time: 4018.839

they have a personalized platform that

Time: 4020.839

allows you to see the levels of all

Time: 4022.799

those things metabolic factors lipids

Time: 4024.44

hormones Etc but it gives you specific

Time: 4027.079

directives that you can follow that

Time: 4028.68

relate to nutrition behavioral

Time: 4030.279

modifications supplements Etc that can

Time: 4032.44

help you bring those numbers into the

Time: 4033.92

ranges that are optimal for you if you'd

Time: 4036.079

like to try inside tracker you can go to

Time: 4037.96


Time: 4039.44

docomo to get 20% off any of insid

Time: 4042.359

tracker's plans again that's inside s

Time: 4044.72 huberman okay so setting

Time: 4047.599

aside the core six pillars let's now

Time: 4049.279

talk about other tools for mood and

Time: 4050.96

mental health that center around really

Time: 4054.279

what we more typically think of when we

Time: 4056.599

think of mood and mental health which is

Time: 4058.96

emotions when Dr Lisa Felman Barrett was

Time: 4061.279

a guest on the podcast she said

Time: 4063.279

something that was really incredible and

Time: 4065.92

it's something that's strongly grounded

Time: 4067.88

in excellent scientific data which is

Time: 4070.48

the more specificity that we can put to

Time: 4073

labeling our emotions the better off

Time: 4076

we're going to be in terms of our

Time: 4077.559

overall mental health let me restate

Time: 4080.48

that the more specific language that we

Time: 4083.079

can put to our own internal emotions

Time: 4086.799

even if that language is just to

Time: 4088.24

ourselves in our own internal narrative

Time: 4090.2

we don't even have to speak out what

Time: 4092.24

those labels are the better that we're

Time: 4094.72

going to feel over time and indeed this

Time: 4098.239

effect can be quite rapid and indeed Dr

Time: 4101.08

Lisa Felman Barrett has done research on

Time: 4102.92

this very specific topic topic it's

Time: 4104.56

something that's referred to as

Time: 4105.839

emotional granularity so while some of

Time: 4109.08

us move through life with a sort of what

Time: 4112.64

I call emogif of emotions you know you

Time: 4115.44

got your happy face happy your sad face

Time: 4117.52

sad you you're angry depressed anxious

Time: 4121.12

you know those are labels for emotional

Time: 4123.799

states or you could think of them as AFF

Time: 4125.6

effects or emotions I think of them as

Time: 4127.04

emotions but they're not very specific

Time: 4128.96

they're pretty broad bins we say sad or

Time: 4131.96

depressed or super depressed or super

Time: 4134.279

sad anxious panic and we think of that

Time: 4136.96

as Nuance but it's not very nuanced and

Time: 4139.96

Lisa's laboratory and other Laboratories

Time: 4142.08

have explored two things first if people

Time: 4144.88

are asked to or encouraged to put more

Time: 4146.92

granularity more specificity on what

Time: 4149.12

they're feeling then it seems that their

Time: 4151.359

levels of emotional processing are

Time: 4153.279

better overall how does that translate

Time: 4155.199

to emotions well it translates to better

Time: 4158.319

overall feelings of well-being when one

Time: 4162.08

is placing more specificity on positive

Time: 4166.04

emotions and the flip side is also true

Time: 4169.04

so this is important to know if one

Time: 4171.04

places more specificity on negative

Time: 4173.159

emotions it also can enhance one's kind

Time: 4176.359

of experience of those negative emotions

Time: 4179.48

now that means that this is a two-sided

Time: 4181.96

blade all right this isn't always a good

Time: 4183.719

thing and if one is thinking about

Time: 4185.48

protocols for improving mood and mental

Time: 4187.239

health the data make very clear that

Time: 4190.719

adding more specificity to our positive

Time: 4193.4

emotion in terms of the language we use

Time: 4195.48

but also just the depth with which we

Time: 4197.52

process and think about those positive

Time: 4199.28

experiences can be very beneficial for

Time: 4201.4

us so there are two studies that I'd

Time: 4203.159

like to highlight that relate to this

Time: 4205.04

the first is entitled effective

Time: 4206.44

self-monitoring through experience

Time: 4208.12

sampling On Emotion differentiation in

Time: 4211.32

depression and the second study is

Time: 4213.8

entitled emotional granularity increases

Time: 4215.96

with intensive ambulatory assessment

Time: 4218.76

methodological and individual factors

Time: 4220.92

influence how much now each of these

Time: 4223.32

studies focus on something slightly

Time: 4224.8

different the first study was mainly

Time: 4226

focused on people who have depression

Time: 4228.159

and they were cued several if not many

Time: 4231.08

times per day to just think about and

Time: 4233.56

report on their emotional state and that

Time: 4236.8

was done in order to get people to place

Time: 4239.12

more granularity more specificity on

Time: 4241.32

what they're feeling but also simply to

Time: 4243.199

tap into how they're feeling on a more

Time: 4244.8

regular basis throughout the day the

Time: 4246.56

second study which is one that included

Time: 4248.44

Dr Lisa Felman bear as an author was

Time: 4251.04

slightly different because it focused on

Time: 4253.6

non- depressed individuals and it cued

Time: 4255.6

them to touch into their emotions more

Time: 4257.159

times per day and it also included some

Time: 4259.52

physiological measurements and one in

Time: 4262.04

particular that we're going to talk

Time: 4263.159

about in some detail now I don't have

Time: 4265.199

time to go into all the details of these

Time: 4267.36

studies I may do that in a future

Time: 4268.8

podcast episode but the key takeaways

Time: 4270.679

are very important for all of us to know

Time: 4272.32

which are first of

Time: 4274.36

all the more often that you can ask

Time: 4277.6

yourself you know what am I really

Time: 4279.4

feeling right now how do I feel and and

Time: 4282.84

this is so critical

Time: 4285.44

the more that you force yourself to not

Time: 4287.52

use broad labels or simply veilance

Time: 4291.6

labels veilance labels are good or okay

Time: 4294.199

or bad and instead understand that good

Time: 4298.199

is not an emotion okay is not an emotion

Time: 4301.88

bad is not an emotion but rather saying

Time: 4304.12

you know I feel you know curious but a

Time: 4306.84

little anxious if that happens to be the

Time: 4308.639

case or I feel you know bored um but you

Time: 4312.36

know also a little bit in positive

Time: 4315.239

anticipation about what's going to

Time: 4316.6

happen tomorrow things of that sort

Time: 4318.159

putting more nuance and specificity on

Time: 4320.76

your emotions but also touching into or

Time: 4323.8

thinking about your own emotional states

Time: 4325.44

more times per day clearly has positive

Time: 4328.96

outcomes for mood and mental health and

Time: 4331.239

the reasons for that are incredibly

Time: 4332.88

interesting and this is something

Time: 4334.12

everybody should understand why would it

Time: 4336.12

be that putting more specificity on what

Time: 4338.56

we're feeling so perhaps just in our own

Time: 4340.88

heads like thinking okay how do I feel

Time: 4342.36

right now like if I were to do that

Time: 4343.679

right now I'd say I feel

Time: 4346.44

energized and happy I do I really enjoy

Time: 4350.239

doing what I'm doing so I wouldn't say

Time: 4352.639

I'm like off the chart in awe or Elation

Time: 4355.76

but I'm very happy and I feel energized

Time: 4358.32

you know earlier today I was feeling a

Time: 4359.84

little bit fatigued and a little bit

Time: 4362.96

confused because I was trying to sort

Time: 4364.679

out something and it wasn't making sense

Time: 4366.56

to me um so assessments like that which

Time: 4370.44

can be told to somebody else or that we

Time: 4372.36

just hold internally

Time: 4374.04

done repeatedly throughout the day

Time: 4375.56

anywhere from three to six times

Time: 4377.32

throughout the day just periodically

Time: 4379

pinging ourselves maybe you set an alarm

Time: 4380.719

or maybe you just decide to every once

Time: 4382.4

in a while you know maybe every time you

Time: 4384.6

you go into an elevator or every time

Time: 4386.04

you go up a flight of stairs you just

Time: 4387.28

ask yourself yeah how do I feel right

Time: 4388.8

now and thinking about that for a moment

Time: 4391.52

and you don't have to write it down

Time: 4392.679

although I suppose you could it turns

Time: 4394.56

out that just that practice can really

Time: 4397.56

enhance our so-called emotional

Time: 4399.04

granularity that can enhance our

Time: 4401.44

positive emotions and affect and in

Time: 4403.92

addition it provides us a better

Time: 4405.92

sensitivity to better understand those

Time: 4408.76

negative emotions which sounds like it

Time: 4411.76

might be a bad thing but those negative

Time: 4413.239

emotions have information in them right

Time: 4415.679

this is one thing that's often lost in

Time: 4417.159

those broad categorizations of anxious

Time: 4420.239

or sad or depressed and keep in mind of

Time: 4422.36

course that some people are genuinely

Time: 4423.679

clinically depressed and that needs to

Time: 4424.96

be taken extremely seriously just like

Time: 4426.56

some people are genuinely clinically

Time: 4428.719

anxious and that needs to be taken

Time: 4430.28

seriously but most of us when we throw

Time: 4433.44

out the words depressed angry sad we're

Time: 4436.04

not using enough nuance and it doesn't

Time: 4437.92

really apply to our internal States or

Time: 4440.04

the circumstances that we're in and as a

Time: 4442.48

consequence we suffer it's not just

Time: 4444.36

about communicating our emotions we

Time: 4446.08

suffer because the data say that the

Time: 4448.44

more Nuance the more emotional

Time: 4450.44

granularity that we have the richer is

Time: 4453.32

our experience of the positive aspects

Time: 4455.679

of life and the more effectively we can

Time: 4459.84

navigate the negative aspects of life

Time: 4462.639

right again negative emotions perhaps

Time: 4465.32

isn't the best way to even describe

Time: 4467.56

negative emotions because that label

Time: 4469.199

negative implies that we should avoid it

Time: 4470.88

and in fact those negative emotions

Time: 4472.48

provide a lot of information about

Time: 4475

perhaps social interactions that we

Time: 4476.56

should seek to avoid in the future and

Time: 4478.36

so on and so forth now one of the most

Time: 4481.679

interesting things about this whole

Time: 4483.159

process of increasing emotional

Time: 4484.96

granularity and touching in several

Time: 4486.639

times per day into how we feel something

Time: 4488.76

that's completely zero cost takes just a

Time: 4490.92

moment to do that we can get much better

Time: 4492.92

at over over time that was clearly seen

Time: 4494.56

in these studies that people get much

Time: 4496

better at doing this it becomes more

Time: 4497.44

fasile for them very quickly is that it

Time: 4501.48

correlates with improvements in

Time: 4503.04

physiological metrics that relate to

Time: 4505.96

overall improvements in mood and mental

Time: 4508.28

health and the specific physiological

Time: 4510.12

metric that I'm referring to is

Time: 4512.639

so-called vagal tone some of you have

Time: 4514.92

perhaps heard of the vagus nerve it's

Time: 4517.48

the tenth cranial nerve it's an

Time: 4518.84

extensive peripheral nerve that it goes

Time: 4521.159

out of the brain kind at the level of

Time: 4523.679

the the neck uh it's one of the cranial

Time: 4525.96

nerves that extends um to essentially

Time: 4528.52

all the organs of the body the heart the

Time: 4530.199

lungs Etc but it's a two-way street it's

Time: 4532.199

a super highway of nerves out of the

Time: 4533.76

brain and into the body and it's a super

Time: 4535.76

highway of nerves back from the bodily

Time: 4538.92

organs to the brain and it's involved in

Time: 4542.239

regulating a lot of so-call autonomic

Time: 4544.36

function so how fast our heart rate is

Time: 4546.639

how fast our breathing is rates of

Time: 4548.199

digestion and all of that weaves

Time: 4550.32

together to create those things that we

Time: 4552.44

call aect our internal States so without

Time: 4555.76

going into a ton of detail about the

Time: 4557.56

Vagas nerve there's something that's

Time: 4559.48

called cardiac vagal control cardiac

Time: 4562.52

vagal control is the extent to which

Time: 4564.639

that vagus nerve can impact your heart

Time: 4567.48

rate and your overall feelings of calm

Time: 4570.4

or alertness now the simple way to think

Time: 4573.52

about this is more commonly referred to

Time: 4576.12

as heart rate variability heart rate

Time: 4578.199

variability is simply the distance

Time: 4579.88

between your heartbeats or rather the

Time: 4581.56

time between your Heartbeats which we

Time: 4584.08

know if those timings between your

Time: 4586.239

heartbeats are somewhat variable that is

Time: 4589.4

correlated with positive physical and

Time: 4592.199

mental health outcomes one of the ways

Time: 4594.239

that you can increase heart rate

Time: 4595.28

variability is to get regular

Time: 4597

cardiovascular exercise as well as doing

Time: 4599.84

resistance exercise and no surprise

Time: 4602.92

getting sufficient amounts of quality

Time: 4604.639

sleep each night is also going to be

Time: 4606.44

very beneficial for heart rate

Time: 4608.28

variability now exercise and sleep of

Time: 4611.04

course are wonderful but it turns out

Time: 4612.4

that there's also

Time: 4613.679

a very rapid way to increase heart rate

Time: 4616.08

variability by activating the vagal

Time: 4618.8

innervation of the heart and the way

Time: 4621.52

that the heart and some other circuits

Time: 4623.8

within the so-called brain stem interact

Time: 4626.04

and that's through something called

Time: 4627.52

respiratory sinus arhythmia respiratory

Time: 4630.679

sinus arhythmia can be summarized very

Time: 4633.199

simply by saying when you inhale you

Time: 4637.08

speed your heart rate up and when you

Time: 4639.76

exhale you slow your heart rate down and

Time: 4643.28

it's that exhale slowing your heart rate

Time: 4645.239

down that's mediated by the vagus nerve

Time: 4648.159

now there's a more thorough description

Time: 4649.52

of that which I'll just give you now and

Time: 4651.679

it's not that lengthy so here's how it

Time: 4654.159

goes when you inhale your diaphragm

Time: 4657.4

actually moves down and as a consequence

Time: 4661.56

your heart actually gets a little bigger

Time: 4663.4

it has a little more space as a

Time: 4665.32

consequence the fluid in your heart

Time: 4666.719

moves a little more slowly per unit

Time: 4668.639

volume and there's a neural signal to

Time: 4671.12

speed the heart up conversely when you

Time: 4674.12

exhale the diaphragm moves up that means

Time: 4676.32

there's a little less space for the

Time: 4677.8

heart in the general area where it's

Time: 4679.4

sitting so the heart gets a little bit

Time: 4680.679

smaller a little more compact that means

Time: 4682.36

that the fluid in your heart is moving

Time: 4684.12

more quickly through that smaller space

Time: 4686.76

and there's a neural signal mediated by

Time: 4688.48

the Vagas to slow the heart down so

Time: 4691.04

that's why inhal speed your heart up and

Time: 4693.36

exhales slow your heart down that is the

Time: 4696

basis of so-called RSA or respiratory

Time: 4699.12

sinus arhythmia now what does any of

Time: 4702.28

that have to do

Time: 4703.48

with the granularity of language that we

Time: 4705.76

place on our emotions turns out there's

Time: 4708.48

several studies showing that when

Time: 4711.239

people place more descriptive

Time: 4714.239

granularity on their emotions that is

Time: 4716.56

correlated with okay it's not causal but

Time: 4718.48

it's correlated with improvements in

Time: 4721.28

respiratory sinus arhythmia which we

Time: 4723.32

know correlate with improvements in

Time: 4725.08

heart rate variability indeed it's one

Time: 4727.4

of the major bases for heart rate

Time: 4729.36

variability which we know is correlated

Time: 4731.56

with not just positive physical health

Time: 4734.199

outcomes but positive mental health

Time: 4736.199

outcomes including lower levels of

Time: 4738.04

anxiety improved sleep and overall

Time: 4740.08

levels of mood this is a topic that I'm

Time: 4742.239

very familiar with because last year my

Time: 4744.92

laboratory at Stanford University School

Time: 4746.6

of Medicine in collaboration with a

Time: 4748.44

colleague of mine Dr David Spiegel our

Time: 4750.84

associate chair of Psychiatry also at

Time: 4753.12

Stanford University School of Medicine

Time: 4755

published a clinical trial and cell

Time: 4756.639

reports medicine showing that there's a

Time: 4758.96

particular pattern of breathing that

Time: 4761.8

people can do for just 5 minutes per day

Time: 4765.199

that is effective in significantly

Time: 4767.56

improving various metrics related to

Time: 4770.88

mood and reducing anxiety and also

Time: 4774.96

improving sleep although I should say

Time: 4776.44

the protocol I'm about to describe

Time: 4778.719

didn't uniformly improve all of those

Time: 4781.76

metrics it had a bigger effect on some

Time: 4783.639

versus others I'll provide a link to

Time: 4785.239

that study in the show note captions but

Time: 4787.32

if you're wondering what this protocol

Time: 4789.32

is that people did for 5 minutes a day

Time: 4791.199

that allowed them to by the way

Time: 4792.88

pervasively improve their mood so it

Time: 4794.679

wasn't just their mood while they were

Time: 4796.199

doing this five minute a day protocol it

Time: 4798.4

was improvements in mood Around the

Time: 4801.159

Clock essentially as well as

Time: 4802.639

improvements in other physiological

Time: 4804.12

metrics and other aspects of those six

Time: 4806.36

core pillars it was that physiological

Time: 4809.639

sigh that we talked about earlier

Time: 4811.52

although in this case we didn't have

Time: 4813.04

people do just one physiological sigh we

Time: 4815.4

had people set aside five minutes per

Time: 4817.28

day so set a timer for 5 minutes they

Time: 4819.36

could sit or lie down they could do it

Time: 4822.28

anytime of day and we just had them

Time: 4824.84

repeat that physiological sigh for a

Time: 4827.32

duration of 5 minutes total so that they

Time: 4829.719

would do two inhales through the nose

Time: 4832.32

and then a full exhale to lungs empty

Time: 4834.36

through the mouth then they would do it

Time: 4835.76

again and then they would do it again

Time: 4837.719

and again until those five minutes were

Time: 4839.32

completed again the outcome of that

Time: 4841.88

clinical trial was that that particular

Time: 4844.44

pattern of breathing which we called

Time: 4846.04

cyclic physiological sighing for five

Time: 4848.32

minutes per day again done any time of

Time: 4850.88

day had the most positive outcomes in

Time: 4854.239

terms of improving mood and mental

Time: 4856.159

health and autonomic function those

Time: 4857.719

things related to sleep and heart rate

Time: 4859.4

variability so that's a very simple very

Time: 4862.52

minimal time investment zero cost tool

Time: 4865.199

that anyone can use that again improves

Time: 4867.92

various metrics of physical health but

Time: 4870.32

also improves metrics of mental health

Time: 4872.52

and it ties right back in with what was

Time: 4875.239

observed in the work by Dr Lisa Feldman

Time: 4878.679

Barrett exploring how putting more word

Time: 4883.48

label emotional granularity on one's

Time: 4886.04

emotional states positively impact our

Time: 4888.6

physiological State and the fact that

Time: 4890.199

thinking about our emotions more

Time: 4891.52

frequently throughout the day and

Time: 4894.08

deliberately putting more label

Time: 4896.239

granularity on those emotions frequently

Time: 4899.159

throughout the day is correlated with

Time: 4901.6

this Improvement in respiratory sinus

Time: 4904.48

arhythmia and heart rate variability the

Time: 4906.48

fact that these things all relate to one

Time: 4907.92

another should not surprise us because

Time: 4909.76

indeed there's a previous paper this is

Time: 4912.36

a quite extensive review actually it's a

Time: 4914.76

very nice review it's one that I

Time: 4916.48

encourage anyone who's interested in

Time: 4917.8

these topics to explore especially

Time: 4919.679

psychologists who might have a interest

Time: 4921.76

in physiology or psychiatrists or simply

Time: 4924.04

people who are interested in mindbody

Time: 4926.12

stuff this is a review published in 2017

Time: 4929.159

in the journal biological psychology

Time: 4930.96

entitled cardiac vagal control as a

Time: 4933.36

marker of emotion regulation in healthy

Time: 4935.36

adults a review and again it's a really

Time: 4937.56

wonderful literature review of the

Time: 4940.04

peer-reviewed primary research which

Time: 4942.36

really establishes that this thing vagal

Time: 4945.6

tone our ability to kind of put the

Time: 4948.52

brakes on our autonomic nervous system

Time: 4950.28

and slow our heart rate down

Time: 4951.719

deliberately through our breathing and

Time: 4953.639

perhaps even just by stopping and

Time: 4955.48

reflecting on what our emotional states

Time: 4957.36

are is really beneficial for our overall

Time: 4960.4

mood and mental health and I want to

Time: 4962.28

highlight bold and underline that word

Time: 4964.96

overall because it's not just the case

Time: 4967.08

that people experience elevated mood and

Time: 4968.88

mental health in the moments where they

Time: 4970.4

stop and go oh how am I feeling oh you

Time: 4972.88

know am I feeling you know bored or

Time: 4975.12

agitated do I feel particularly excited

Time: 4978.199

sure that can have some impact on

Time: 4980.92

physiological metrics and mood and

Time: 4982.639

mental health but in all of these

Time: 4984.48

studies the outcome seems to be that

Time: 4986.52

people's overall levels of mood and

Time: 4988.719

mental health are enhanced not just

Time: 4990.36

while they're thinking about their

Time: 4991.48

emotions or doing this five minute a day

Time: 4993.52

cyclic sighing but Around the Clock

Time: 4995.92

which is really terrific because I think

Time: 4997.44

that's what most all of us want which is

Time: 4999.4

improve mood and mental health not just

Time: 5001.08

in the moments when we do a practice or

Time: 5003.32

in the few minutes afterwards but 24

Time: 5005.92

hours a day I suppose we might segment

Time: 5008.4

out sleep during which you know

Time: 5009.76

hopefully we're having great dreams as

Time: 5011.159

opposed to other kinds of dreams but the

Time: 5013.6

point is everyone I have to imagine

Time: 5017.159

would like to feel better and have

Time: 5018.88

elevated mood and mental health during

Time: 5020.88

the times when they're awake and indeed

Time: 5022.8

these sorts of protocols have been shown

Time: 5024.92

to do that or so say the scientific data

Time: 5027.84

now we are going to discuss the tools

Time: 5029.4

for enhancing mood and mental health

Time: 5031.48

gleaned from the four episode guest

Time: 5033.159

series with Dr Paul Ki who is a medical

Time: 5035.84

doctor specializing in Psychiatry he

Time: 5038.48

also has particular expertise in trauma

Time: 5041.28

however the four episode guest series

Time: 5042.719

that we did with Dr kti was really about

Time: 5045.12

exploring the self as well as tools and

Time: 5048

protocols for not just gaining a better

Time: 5050.76

understanding of oneself but also for

Time: 5052.56

gaining a better understanding and tools

Time: 5054.36

for relating to others AKA relationships

Time: 5058

thread through the series was a model of

Time: 5059.76

the mind and how it works to create

Time: 5062

everything from feelings thoughts to

Time: 5064.56

behaviors that Dr Paul Conti described

Time: 5067.08

as an iceberg model and I perhaps should

Time: 5069.88

refer you to the fact that he actually

Time: 5071.679

Drew out this model and we provided it

Time: 5074.04

as a zeroc cost PDF in the show note

Time: 5076.32

captions for every single one of those

Time: 5078.32

episodes in that four episode series we

Time: 5080.88

also provide a link to this model in the

Time: 5083.119

show note captions for this tools

Time: 5085.28

episode the model is called the iceberg

Time: 5087.44

model and as the name suggests it

Time: 5089.04

resembles an iceberg in which the vast

Time: 5091.96

majority of our mind's processing occurs

Time: 5095.04

below our conscious awareness in our

Time: 5097.04

unconscious mind so that's the portion

Time: 5098.6

of the iceberg that resides below the

Time: 5100.52

surface whereas the portion of our

Time: 5102.239

mental processing that we are aware of

Time: 5104.239

resides above the water surface the

Time: 5106.76

so-called conscious mind so a key aspect

Time: 5109

of the iceberg model is that the

Time: 5110.44

unconscious mind is responsible for the

Time: 5113.52

vast majority of our feelings thoughts

Time: 5115.76

and behaviors but that we are not aware

Time: 5118.119

of how this unconscious mind is doing

Time: 5120.199

that and by extension the tool and

Time: 5122.6

protocols that Dr Ki described largely

Time: 5125.239

deal with going into the unconscious and

Time: 5128

figuring out how the unconscious

Time: 5129.6

processing is influencing our conscious

Time: 5131.639

processing both in healthy and in

Time: 5133.8

unhealthy ways and when we say in

Time: 5135.76

healthy and unhealthy ways we're largely

Time: 5138.159

referring to the presence of defenses so

Time: 5141

some of you have perhaps heard of

Time: 5142.199

defenses before some defenses can indeed

Time: 5144.639

be healthy and others are unhealthy

Time: 5146.84

there are defenses such as projection

Time: 5149.92

sublimation denial and during the course

Time: 5152.48

of that four episode series Dr kti

Time: 5154.239

explains how projections are not always

Time: 5156.4

bad for us indeed they can protect us

Time: 5159

from Panic from severe trauma but they

Time: 5162.32

also can create difficulties in

Time: 5164.36

processing our own understanding of self

Time: 5166.639

and of our life experiences in ways that

Time: 5168.76

can actually be damaging to us so a key

Time: 5171.159

takeaway from that four episode series

Time: 5173.32

is to understand and acknowledge that

Time: 5175.56

your unconscious mind is driving much of

Time: 5177.84

what you feel think and do however by

Time: 5180.639

doing structured exploration of the self

Time: 5183.36

and we'll talk about how to do that one

Time: 5185.52

can gain better understanding of how

Time: 5187.4

that unconscious processing is

Time: 5189.04

influencing what you think feel believe

Time: 5192.119

and do so once you accept the important

Time: 5194.159

role of the unconscious mind and you

Time: 5196.36

make the decision that you want to

Time: 5197.639

better understand how your unconscious

Time: 5199.44

mind and conscious mind are in this

Time: 5201.08

constant dialogue and how you can have

Time: 5203

that dialogue better serve you there are

Time: 5205.28

a series of actionable tools that you

Time: 5207.04

can do that will allow you to better

Time: 5209.8

understand yourself and how you relate

Time: 5211.8

to others

Time: 5212.719

and the first of these tools is to

Time: 5214.4

really understand your self-concept now

Time: 5217.28

of course most all of us know our own

Time: 5219.52

name rarely do we ever forget that name

Time: 5222.04

we have some concept of where we're from

Time: 5223.84

who our parents are what our present and

Time: 5226.84

future goals might be where we've

Time: 5228.52

succeeded where we failed in life and on

Time: 5230.719

and on but the self-concept goes far

Time: 5233

beyond that sort of CV list or our

Time: 5236.239

biography of self indeed the

Time: 5238.159

self-concept has a lot to do with our

Time: 5240.6

self-confidence our feeling ings of

Time: 5242.92

ability both to overcome challenges but

Time: 5246.239

also our ability to serve the world that

Time: 5248.28

we're in and our ability to change

Time: 5250.32

ourselves over time now of course the

Time: 5252.639

degree to which somebody might have

Time: 5254.119

confidence or less confidence or the

Time: 5256.32

degree to which somebody feels that they

Time: 5257.719

can exert influence on their environment

Time: 5259.76

and their goals is of course going to

Time: 5262

vary based on their personal history but

Time: 5264.44

as Dr kti explained even independent of

Time: 5267.44

all that if one puts in some work to

Time: 5269.96

better understand their self-concept to

Time: 5272.119

to really get a clear picture of

Time: 5274.6

oneself from that one can develop more

Time: 5277.199

agency with which to pursue one's

Time: 5279.44

aspirations and to reach their goals and

Time: 5282.36

the key concept here is one that's

Time: 5284.32

particularly powerful for both exploring

Time: 5287

and building up one's concept of self

Time: 5289.639

and that's to consciously and

Time: 5290.96

deliberately build a life narrative now

Time: 5293.239

a simple way to do this that can be very

Time: 5294.92

effective is to create a series of

Time: 5298.08

folders or documents it could even be a

Time: 5300.04

stack of papers I prefer to do this in

Time: 5302.239

electronic form and I confess that even

Time: 5304.56

before learning about this tool from Dr

Time: 5306.36

Ki I had initiated doing this tool

Time: 5309.04

starting back in

Time: 5310.36

2015 and it's fairly straightforward but

Time: 5313.159

as I mentioned before it can be very

Time: 5314.84

powerful and it simply consists of

Time: 5317.239

building out separate folders or pieces

Time: 5319.679

of paper and this could be done

Time: 5320.96

electronically or on real world paper

Time: 5323.56

with paper and pen or paper and pencil

Time: 5325.76

and essentially what you do is you're

Time: 5326.96

going to divide your life history into

Time: 5330.159

some regular increments so for for me

Time: 5332.239

the way that I did this is I created a

Time: 5333.8

folder on my laptop that I actually

Time: 5336.48

called lifetime so that's the title of

Time: 5338.4

the main folder and then within that

Time: 5339.6

folder I have a series of folders Each

Time: 5341.6

of which spans a particular phase of my

Time: 5344.44

life so 0 to 5 years of age 6 to 10

Time: 5347.36

years of age 11 to 15 years of age and

Time: 5350.04

so on and so forth now I'm 48 years old

Time: 5352.44

so I have folders that extend to age 50

Time: 5355.199

currently although I will add folders

Time: 5357.48

going forward very soon and the idea

Time: 5359.76

here is that for each of those folders

Time: 5361.56

you're going to place a single word

Time: 5363.28

document into that folder and then on

Time: 5365.8

that word document you're not going to

Time: 5367.8

journal you're not going to do any sort

Time: 5370.28

of extensive writing rather You're

Time: 5371.96

simply going to put down bullet points

Time: 5375.56

with titles it could be one or two

Time: 5377.08

sentences but typically it's just a few

Time: 5378.8

words describing some of the key

Time: 5380.8

Milestone events that you remember from

Time: 5383.159

that particular phase of your life so

Time: 5385.119

just for sake of example I'll read off

Time: 5386.679

some of the things that are included in

Time: 5388.32

the folders for my particular lifetime

Time: 5390.92

narrative but of course this relates to

Time: 5393.159

my lifetime narrative you should of

Time: 5394.639

course put the milestones and key bullet

Time: 5396.639

points that relate to your lifetime

Time: 5398.36

narrative but again just to give you a

Time: 5399.719

sense of the sorts of things that made

Time: 5400.96

it into this folder in my six years old

Time: 5404.44

to 11 year-old folder um on that

Time: 5407.4

document I put where I was living at

Time: 5409.32

that time the city I was living the

Time: 5411

school that I went to I put a couple of

Time: 5413.159

teachers names uh teachers that had a

Time: 5415.28

particular influence on me um a

Time: 5417.239

particular summer camp experience um

Time: 5419.48

that was not a traumatic experience by

Time: 5421.239

the way it was a happy experience but

Time: 5423.08

for me it turned out to be a very

Time: 5424.56

transformative one and then there are a

Time: 5426.719

couple other things in there that are

Time: 5428.199

just Recollections of childhood's

Time: 5429.96

friends names okay so seemingly mundane

Time: 5432.76

information perhaps but it looks more or

Time: 5435.32

less like a biography and yet other

Time: 5437.44

folders so for instance uh the folder

Time: 5439.76

that spans from 25 to 30 years of age is

Time: 5444.159

the time that I was in graduate school

Time: 5445.56

so it includes a note about graduate

Time: 5447.679

school a note about particular hobbies

Time: 5449.239

that I was interested in in addition to

Time: 5451.08

my scientific search at the time a

Time: 5452.84

couple of key relationships a couple of

Time: 5454.639

key relationship challenges as well as

Time: 5457.04

some things that at that time I was

Time: 5458.8

processing about prior years in

Time: 5460.8

particular my teen years in high school

Time: 5463.239

now the key thing here is that whatever

Time: 5464.84

goes into these folders is what's

Time: 5466.4

important to you it could be positive

Time: 5468.56

events it could be negative events it

Time: 5470.6

could be events that for whatever reason

Time: 5472.52

you remember and keep surfacing in your

Time: 5474.8

mind that you think might be interesting

Time: 5476.92

or important at some later time or that

Time: 5478.639

you're concerned you might forget in

Time: 5480.4

fact that might be a really good me for

Time: 5482.199

whether or not you include something in

Time: 5483.719

these folders or not if there's

Time: 5485.159

something that you want to make sure

Time: 5486.48

that you never forget but that you think

Time: 5488.88

you might forget I would encourage you

Time: 5490.48

to put it onto that word document and

Time: 5492.04

put it into that particular folder again

Time: 5494.56

this isn't about creating a coherent

Time: 5496.56

life story this is about creating a

Time: 5498.96

series of segments of small collections

Time: 5501.76

of key life events positive negative

Time: 5504.36

neutral inspiring basically anything

Time: 5507.08

that was Salient for you at that

Time: 5508.92

particular time and of course if you

Time: 5511.36

want to put Reflections about those

Time: 5512.88

particular events into that word

Time: 5514.28

document you're more than welcome to do

Time: 5516.119

that but the basis of this self-concept

Time: 5519.52

developing exercise is just that it's to

Time: 5522

develop a historical sense of yourself

Time: 5525.32

of course bringing you up to present day

Time: 5527.44

where you will continue to add things to

Time: 5529.6

whatever Word document goes into that

Time: 5531.36

particular folder for the age you happen

Time: 5532.84

to be now now for some of you this kind

Time: 5534.96

of autobiographical bullet pointing

Time: 5537.6

might seem like it's just that some

Time: 5539.28

attempt to build or write an

Time: 5540.679

autobiography but it's very important to

Time: 5543.36

remember that these folders are for you

Time: 5546

these folders are not about writing a

Time: 5548

book about your life history although if

Time: 5549.48

you decide to do that with these folders

Time: 5551.52

at some point down the line you know

Time: 5553.48

that sounds great but that's not the

Time: 5555.8

goal here the goal is for you to build a

Time: 5558.199

structured narrative representation of

Time: 5561.119

events that were key in your life and as

Time: 5563.76

described in the series with Dr kti this

Time: 5565.88

goes Way Beyond just understanding your

Time: 5568.639

past this is really about understanding

Time: 5570.679

past it's about understanding yourself

Time: 5572.44

at present and indeed it threads into

Time: 5574.96

your goals and aspirations for the

Time: 5576.719

future an important thing to understand

Time: 5578.679

about this tool or protocol is that it

Time: 5581.84

also has a incredible ability to Anchor

Time: 5584.84

you in your perception of the passage of

Time: 5587.36

time you know some of us track the

Time: 5589.44

passage of time better than others both

Time: 5591.199

within the day and across days and years

Time: 5593.119

and so forth but this exercise in

Time: 5595.4

particular is very good at allowing you

Time: 5597.56

to see you know how much time you

Time: 5599.76

devoted at a given stage of your life to

Time: 5601.679

a given Endeavor whether or not you're

Time: 5603.159

stuck in patterns whereby you're still

Time: 5605.6

engaging in certain types of things

Time: 5607.199

professionally or relationship wise or

Time: 5610

in any other number of different ways

Time: 5612.56

that have you in a pattern that may or

Time: 5615.639

may not be serving you well I want to

Time: 5617.84

emphasize again that this exercise is

Time: 5619.84

not about goal setting it's about your

Time: 5622.48

ability to build a structured narrative

Time: 5625.08

pattern from which you can look at it

Time: 5628.119

and then make a determination as to

Time: 5630.04

whether or not you know you feel that

Time: 5631.56

you're currently on the right path for

Time: 5633.48

you but it's not about projecting

Time: 5635.44

forward as to what your goals are we'll

Time: 5637.679

soon talk about that we'll talk about

Time: 5639.119

goals and aspirations in a moment this

Time: 5641.159

is really about better understanding

Time: 5643.28

what led you up to the place that you

Time: 5645.159

are now and it really helps you pinpoint

Time: 5647.32

the keyw work that you need to do in

Time: 5649.04

terms of exploring your unconscious and

Time: 5650.92

conscious mind using some tools that

Time: 5652.88

we're going to get into subsequently so

Time: 5654.639

there's really no strict rules about how

Time: 5656.44

to do this exactly except that I do

Time: 5658.6

encourage you to make those increments

Time: 5660.159

across your lifespan manageable I

Time: 5662.36

wouldn't suggest doing it one for every

Time: 5664.32

year I wouldn't suggest a folder one for

Time: 5666.52

every 10 years I think a 3 to 5 year

Time: 5669.52

increments seem like a more reasonable

Time: 5671.199

and tractable way to go about this so

Time: 5673.199

that's one of the sorts of tools that Dr

Time: 5675

Ki referred to as to how to build up

Time: 5677.92

one's self-concept which directly

Time: 5680.04

relates to things such as our confidence

Time: 5682.04

our ability to track our own behavior

Time: 5685.119

understand some of our motivations both

Time: 5686.8

conscious and unconscious but of course

Time: 5688.639

that practice is mainly a conscious

Time: 5690.76

exercise it's it's really not tapping

Time: 5692.639

directly into the unconscious in any

Time: 5694.8

kind of direct way as far as we know now

Time: 5697.199

we can contrast that with the tools and

Time: 5698.76

protocols that are designed to tap into

Time: 5700.48

the unconscious mind and of course there

Time: 5702.4

are a number of different ways to do

Time: 5704.04

this that were discussed in that four

Time: 5705.719

episode series with Dr Ki but one of the

Time: 5708.119

most powerful ways to do this is by

Time: 5710.4

thinking about and indeed sometimes

Time: 5712.8

writing about or even analyzing one's

Time: 5715.04

dreams now dream analysis is something

Time: 5717.56

for which you can find a lot of books

Time: 5719.04

out there there are a lot of theories

Time: 5720.48

there's also a lot of AR arent that

Time: 5721.84

perhaps dream analysis which has roots

Time: 5723.48

in fraudi and psychology as well as

Time: 5725.56

other Traditions is perhaps not accurate

Time: 5728.96

I don't think we want to consider

Time: 5730.239

whether or not dream analysis is

Time: 5732.04

accurate rather I think we should just

Time: 5734.08

acknowledge that when we are dreaming in

Time: 5736.679

particular the dreams that we have

Time: 5738.159

toward the later part of our night which

Time: 5740.28

are the dreams associated with rapid eye

Time: 5742

movement sleep that tend to be very

Time: 5744.119

emotionally Laden dreams as compared to

Time: 5746.239

the dreams that we have earlier in the

Time: 5747.8

night well when we consider the content

Time: 5750.48

of those dreams even even if we're not

Time: 5751.8

trying to interpret them it's very clear

Time: 5753.92

that those dreams reflect the

Time: 5755.76

unconscious mind controlling more of our

Time: 5758.96

internal dialogue or what we are

Time: 5761

experiencing at that time whereas when

Time: 5763

we are awake our conscious mind tends to

Time: 5764.8

take over more of the narrative the

Time: 5766.8

internal narrative and the control of

Time: 5768.679

our feelings thoughts and behaviors but

Time: 5770.36

as I mentioned before the unconscious

Time: 5771.92

mind is always exerting an influence

Time: 5774.08

regardless of whether or not we are

Time: 5775.36

sleep or awake with that said one way to

Time: 5778

explore the unconscious mind and to

Time: 5779.639

begin to get a better understand about

Time: 5781.84

how it might be influencing our waking

Time: 5783.6

States and behaviors is to actually

Time: 5787.119

record and think about one's dreams now

Time: 5789.679

of course some people remember their

Time: 5790.96

dreams on a regular basis other people

Time: 5793.56

don't some people actually believe that

Time: 5795.36

they don't dream studies out of sleep

Time: 5798.32

Laboratories at Stanford University of

Time: 5799.96

Pennsylvania Harvard and elsewhere all

Time: 5801.88

generally agree that everybody dreams

Time: 5804

but not everybody remembers their dreams

Time: 5806.48

so if you're interested in tapping into

Time: 5809.199

an understanding of what your dreams are

Time: 5811.56

telling you which is basically a way of

Time: 5814.32

saying what your unconscious mind or

Time: 5817.119

dialogue consists of I highly recommend

Time: 5820.6

putting a journal so this would be any

Time: 5823.56

kind of paper and pen or paper and

Time: 5824.92

pencil type journal and the idea is this

Time: 5827.32

if you wake up and you can remember your

Time: 5831

dream write down a few key bullet points

Time: 5834

from that dream if you feel you can

Time: 5835.639

write out the dream in a very kind of

Time: 5837.56

linear narrative this happened then that

Time: 5839.239

happened then this happened then that

Time: 5840.28

happened great but most most people find

Time: 5842.28

that their memory of their dream is

Time: 5844.199

rather fragmentary other people can't

Time: 5847.639

remember their dream or at least they

Time: 5849.84

wake up they feel like they were having

Time: 5851.88

a dream but they can't remember all of

Time: 5853.6

it or key components of it and for that

Time: 5856.159

I suggest that you try keeping your body

Time: 5858.48

completely still and closing your eyes

Time: 5860.76

once again we don't quite understand why

Time: 5863.159

this is but when you look at the

Time: 5864.44

literature on dream recollection it

Time: 5867.48

seems that by keeping one's body

Time: 5869.32

completely still with eyes closed we

Time: 5872.48

have better access to whatever the

Time: 5874.88

contents of the dream that just occurred

Time: 5877.159

were okay so if you wake up and you

Time: 5879.159

can't remember your dreams try lying

Time: 5881.159

still for a few minutes and keeping your

Time: 5883.36

eyes closed and seeing whether or not

Time: 5885.56

that helps surface the content of that

Time: 5887.32

dream other people find that they get up

Time: 5889.28

they get out of bed and then sometime in

Time: 5891.239

the middle of the morning maybe even

Time: 5892.76

later in the day the contents of a dream

Time: 5894.679

will just come to them well if that

Time: 5896.199

happens great I also highly recommend

Time: 5898.159

that you have a way to write down the

Time: 5899.96

contents of the of that dream now what

Time: 5902.159

you're looking for when you do this sort

Time: 5903.8

of tool or protocol I encourage you to

Time: 5905.88

be wary of any immediate interpretation

Time: 5908.48

of for instance okay animals in a dream

Time: 5910.48

mean children although they could you

Time: 5912.76

know there's not a lot of science that

Time: 5914.32

really supports that as a firm statement

Time: 5916.599

and of course there are books out there

Time: 5917.92

and podcasts and a ton of information

Time: 5920.32

trying to help you interpret your dreams

Time: 5921.96

and while some of that can be fun and

Time: 5923.52

not all of it is entirely useless the

Time: 5925.639

goal here is not to interpret your

Time: 5927.199

dreams the goal here is to start

Time: 5929.159

recording some of the key takeaways

Time: 5930.92

Maybe maybe even the entire Narrative of

Time: 5932.8

the dreams that you have just prior to

Time: 5934.56

waking as a way to try and understand

Time: 5937

some of the themes that are occurring

Time: 5938.719

and recurring in the dialogue that

Time: 5942.199

exists within your unconscious mind so a

Time: 5944.28

key aspect of this tool is that you're

Time: 5946.239

not going to take any one dream as an

Time: 5949.36

enormously informative dream it might be

Time: 5952.04

but more important in this particular

Time: 5954.199

tool is to write down the themes of a

Time: 5956.52

particular dream and then see whether or

Time: 5958.08

not those particular themes resurface

Time: 5960.44

again and again across different nights

Time: 5963.48

or across different dreams the idea here

Time: 5966.08

is that things that are repeating

Time: 5968.32

thematically will show up as different

Time: 5971

components in different dreams but that

Time: 5973.239

by keeping a dream journal you can start

Time: 5976.159

to identify some of these patterns that

Time: 5978.239

are occurring from one dream to the next

Time: 5980.88

as opposed to having the same dream over

Time: 5982.679

and over but the point here is that you

Time: 5984.199

can explore the contents and the themes

Time: 5986.599

that's really the most important word

Time: 5987.96

here the themes of your unconscious mind

Time: 5990.4

that is a occurring if you start

Time: 5992.639

thinking about what's recurring during

Time: 5994.76

your dreams because dreams are a time

Time: 5996.32

when your unconscious mind is dominating

Time: 5998.52

The Narrative within your mind and brain

Time: 6001.199

now for those of you that dream a lot

Time: 6002.88

and remember your dreams as well as for

Time: 6004.88

those of you that do not I would also

Time: 6007.239

encourage you to explore the contents of

Time: 6010

your thinking that is thinking about

Time: 6012.32

your thinking during so-called Lial

Time: 6015.119

States and the Lial State during which

Time: 6016.88

this can be particularly useful is Right

Time: 6019.239

upon waking so this is different than

Time: 6021

thinking about what you were dreaming

Time: 6022.599

about this is about keeping your eyes

Time: 6025.159

closed and body still we do think that

Time: 6027.28

that's important for doing this well

Time: 6028.88

because once you start moving your body

Time: 6030.199

you open your eyes and you start

Time: 6031.239

bringing in sensory experience for that

Time: 6033.04

day your mind dramatically shifts

Time: 6035.239

towards conscious processing but in that

Time: 6037.28

Lial State between sleeping and awake

Time: 6040.119

when you wake up and you're a little

Time: 6041.36

sleepy maybe you don't want to get out

Time: 6042.8

of bed this happens to me all too often

Time: 6045.76

try closing your eyes and remaining

Time: 6047.28

perfectly still for maybe one to three

Time: 6049.32

minutes maybe five minutes and just pay

Time: 6052.719

attention to where your mind goes now

Time: 6054.4

you might fall back asleep be mindful of

Time: 6056.4

that depending on what you need to do

Time: 6057.679

that morning but a lot of people will

Time: 6061.119

find that their mind goes into this

Time: 6063.44

place that's neither sleep nor awake

Time: 6065.599

right this is a state that very much

Time: 6067

resembles the state people achieve in

Time: 6068.88

things like Yoga Nidra yoga sleep or in

Time: 6071.48

non-sleep deep rest although it tends to

Time: 6073.32

be more dominated by the unconscious

Time: 6075.8

mind a little bit more sleep-like now

Time: 6078.36

some people find this practice to be

Time: 6080.44

difficult because they're the sort of

Time: 6081.56

people that wake up and they're just

Time: 6082.84

immediately ready to go most people

Time: 6085.4

however myself included find that when

Time: 6087.04

they wake up you know the mind isn't

Time: 6089.08

completely alert yet and you can use

Time: 6091.04

that period again just maybe two or

Time: 6093.639

three minutes maybe five minutes to

Time: 6096.4

start to pay attention to the contents

Time: 6098.92

of your thinking see whether or not your

Time: 6100.76

thinking migrates from you know

Time: 6102.76

something related to work or to

Time: 6106

relationship or to self or to something

Time: 6108.8

you want to do or something that you're

Time: 6111

anxious about and so on and so on and

Time: 6113.8

here too you'll want to write this down

Time: 6115.4

so this is very much like the dream

Time: 6116.8

journaling we just talked about but it's

Time: 6119.119

slightly easier for most people to

Time: 6120.88

access especially people who have a hard

Time: 6122.8

time remembering their dreams and again

Time: 6125.4

it's an opportunity to access some of

Time: 6127.639

the contents of your unconscious mind to

Time: 6130.239

learn to look at and see what's going on

Time: 6133.199

in your unconscious mind in a way that's

Time: 6135.56

very difficult if not impossible to do

Time: 6137.96

unless you're working with somebody

Time: 6139.52

who's very good at accessing

Time: 6141.28

unconscious such as a skilled

Time: 6143.119

psychiatrist or psychoanalyst and in

Time: 6145.599

that way allowing you to do

Time: 6147.36

introspective work which is not

Time: 6150.04

structured in terms of thinking trying

Time: 6152.44

to think about like what do I want

Time: 6153.76

what's going on you know why did they do

Time: 6155.48

that why did I react that way nothing

Time: 6157.32

like that you're simply observing your

Time: 6159.76

mind and seeing what's geysering up from

Time: 6162.04

the unconscious that is you're getting a

Time: 6164.88

portal into that portion of the iceberg

Time: 6167.599

that resides below the surface of the

Time: 6169.76

water the next set of tools for

Time: 6171.36

exploring the self

Time: 6172.88

self-concept Etc from that four episode

Time: 6175.599

series with Dr Ki is journaling I'm

Time: 6178.159

going to do an entire episode of The

Time: 6179.52

hubman Lab podcast about journaling and

Time: 6181.52

there are a lot of different kinds of

Time: 6182.719

journaling and fortunately there are a

Time: 6185

lot of great peer-reviewed studies about

Time: 6186.8

the power of journaling for processing

Time: 6188.48

all sorts of things like emotional

Time: 6189.88

states trauma Etc they're basically two

Time: 6192.92

categories of journaling that are very

Time: 6195.04

useful to carry out on a consistent

Time: 6197

basis and when I say consistent basis

Time: 6199.159

that could mean every day or it could

Time: 6200.36

mean three times a week it could even be

Time: 6202.119

once a week there really no hard and

Time: 6204.28

fast rules about this but when we think

Time: 6205.76

about journaling there really two main

Time: 6207.92

styles of journaling one is going to be

Time: 6209.44

free associative journaling sometimes

Time: 6211.4

people talk about this as a data dump

Time: 6213.8

right typically people will talk about

Time: 6215.48

the data dump as the morning notes which

Time: 6218.28

is when you wake up in the morning you

Time: 6220.119

know you got a lot on your mind you

Time: 6221.36

can't organize your mind people who have

Time: 6223.239

a hard time structuring their thinking

Time: 6225.119

and behavior often find this very useful

Time: 6227.56

which is to you know take out a journal

Time: 6229.44

or a piece of paper again this is is

Time: 6230.88

just for you it's important that you

Time: 6232.28

realize and really make sure that you're

Time: 6235.84

the only person that's going to see

Time: 6237.199

these notes because a lot of people get

Time: 6238.679

into self-monitoring when they're doing

Time: 6240.52

their journaling they're thinking about

Time: 6241.88

well how's this going to look is my

Time: 6243.4

handwriting okay how's my punctuation

Time: 6245.04

what are people going to think is this

Time: 6246.48

going to be a good book or not a good

Time: 6248

book listen none of this journaling that

Time: 6249.88

we're referring to is about your book or

Time: 6252.599

your autobiography this is really just

Time: 6255.679

for you this is an exploration of

Time: 6257.32

yourself that's designed to help you

Time: 6258.92

enhance your concept that is your

Time: 6261.48

understanding of self and indeed

Time: 6263.28

translates to better confidence better

Time: 6266.599

understanding of your goals and

Time: 6267.52

aspirations better understanding of your

Time: 6269.48

unhealthy patterns and defenses and on

Time: 6271.92

and on and so again the two styles of

Time: 6274.679

journaling are free association so where

Time: 6276.679

you literally just write down any that

Time: 6279.04

comes to mind or that you feel like

Time: 6280.4

writing down within a given period of

Time: 6282.36

time for most people 10 minutes is ample

Time: 6285.28

time to do that for some people five

Time: 6287.04

will be enough and for some who have the

Time: 6289.44

time maybe 30 30 minutes but for me and

Time: 6292.4

I think for most people out there

Time: 6293.52

anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes of this

Time: 6295.599

data dump free association you know it

Time: 6297.56

could be your anxieties what you're

Time: 6298.679

thinking about what you're anxious about

Time: 6300.159

really could be about anything that

Time: 6302.239

comes to mind and this free association

Time: 6304.599

process can be very useful for clearing

Time: 6307.76

out the Clutter so to speak the other

Time: 6310.04

style of journaling that's equally

Time: 6311.76

useful but for different reasons is

Time: 6314.159

structure journaling to have a goal for

Time: 6317.52

a given entry on a given day and again

Time: 6319.56

this could be done in the morning

Time: 6320.679

afternoon or night and the idea would be

Time: 6322.92

that you would set an intention and by

Time: 6325.719

intention I mean a specific topic that

Time: 6327.96

you're going to restrict your writing to

Time: 6330.08

and that writing should be about self in

Time: 6332.679

particular goals and aspirations what

Time: 6335.599

you've wanted in the past yes but also

Time: 6339.119

what you want at present what you might

Time: 6341.52

want in the future for yourself these

Time: 6344.159

could of course be material things but

Time: 6346.119

in general this is more about

Time: 6348.36

aspirations of things that you would

Time: 6350.28

like like to accomplish or generate and

Time: 6352.56

the key word there is generate and if

Time: 6354.239

you listen to the four episode series

Time: 6356

with Dr kti he talked about three drives

Time: 6359.96

that exist in all of us these three

Time: 6361.84

drives are the aggressive Drive the

Time: 6364.36

pleasure drive and the generative drive

Time: 6367.08

and we don't need to go into a lengthy

Time: 6368.4

description about these drives right now

Time: 6370.32

if you're curious about them and what

Time: 6372

they represent and uh how they can be in

Time: 6375.04

balance or out of balance and how that

Time: 6376.56

serves us or doesn't serve us please

Time: 6378.36

check out that four episode series with

Time: 6380

Dr because he goes into that in a fair

Time: 6382.84

amount of detail and also in an

Time: 6385

actionable way but the key thing here is

Time: 6387.52

that we're generative you know one of

Time: 6389.32

the things that I asked Dr kti at the

Time: 6391.04

outset and throughout the entire series

Time: 6393.639

was you know what is mental health you

Time: 6395.96

know we talk about physical health and

Time: 6397.639

we have some idea of what that

Time: 6398.76

represents you know healthy blood

Time: 6400.08

pressure the ability to do certain forms

Time: 6402.119

of physical movement cognitive abilities

Time: 6404.44

you know I asked him how can we Define

Time: 6406.4

mental health and his answer was very

Time: 6408.48

straightforward and very powerful he

Time: 6410.199

said said what we all need to Aspire to

Time: 6413.08

is to be in states that is in the verb

Time: 6415.84

actions of agency and gratitude for as

Time: 6419.08

much of our Waking Life as possible now

Time: 6421.599

that sounds great right a sense of

Time: 6422.88

agency the ability to exert influence

Time: 6424.8

over our internal State and affect the

Time: 6427.239

world around us in positive ways

Time: 6428.8

positive relationships reach our goals

Time: 6430.88

as well as gratitude being grateful for

Time: 6432.639

the opportunities that we've been

Time: 6433.719

afforded even grateful perhaps for some

Time: 6435.719

of the challenges that we've been

Time: 6436.84

afforded or that uh were selected for us

Time: 6439.32

that we had no control over

Time: 6441.4

and carrying that agency and gratitude

Time: 6443.679

forward because it gives rise to a sense

Time: 6446.08

of Peace contentment and Delight so all

Time: 6448.56

of that sounds wonderful right be in

Time: 6450.76

agency and gratitude as a verb States

Time: 6453.119

experience peace contentment and Delight

Time: 6455.32

but Dr kti acknowledged and we spent a

Time: 6457.36

good amount of time discussing the fact

Time: 6459.159

that doesn't happen just because we

Time: 6460.52

decide we want to in fact agency and

Time: 6463.84

gratitude peace contentment and Delight

Time: 6466.08

geyser up from a whole set of other

Time: 6468.159

processes that we have to engage in on a

Time: 6469.92

regular basis and that really gets us

Time: 6472.88

back to those three drives he talked

Time: 6474.88

about how people tend to have more or

Time: 6476.96

less aggressive drive not just

Time: 6478.639

aggression in terms of violence although

Time: 6480.76

some people do have that but in terms of

Time: 6482.639

their determination and their sort of

Time: 6485.199

Leaning into friction even seeking out a

Time: 6487.239

friction people are on a Continuum with

Time: 6489.56

respect to the aggressive drive he also

Time: 6491.239

talked about the pleasure drive and the

Time: 6493.04

fact that people are on a Continuum of

Time: 6495.08

the desire for pleasure to either be a

Time: 6498.239

hedonist or somebody who really avoids

Time: 6500.4

pleasure and kind of restricts pleasure

Time: 6502.119

from oneself and again that these things

Time: 6504.04

can slide around depending on our life

Time: 6505.88

circumstances our age Etc but that it's

Time: 6509.32

very important that we have a sense of

Time: 6512

where we are on that Continuum of an

Time: 6514.04

aggressive drive and a pleasure drive

Time: 6516.639

and that and here's the most important

Time: 6519.28

thing that our aggressive drive and

Time: 6521.239

pleasure Drive never outsize our

Time: 6523.96

generative drive and that engaging our

Time: 6526.4

generative Drive is really the Hallmark

Time: 6528.8

of mental health that leads to that

Time: 6530.56

sense of agency and gratitude peace

Time: 6533

contentment and delight and he defined

Time: 6535.36

the generative Drive in the following

Time: 6536.96

way he said the generative Drive is our

Time: 6539.08

desire to create build and contribute to

Time: 6541.119

the world in meaningful ways and

Time: 6543.199

appreciate the process to get there it

Time: 6545.52

is the core feature of our mental health

Time: 6548.119

so if you want to learn more about the

Time: 6549.4

various drives and how they interact and

Time: 6551

how to access more generative drive

Time: 6553.8

again that's all contained in the four

Time: 6555.119

episode series with Dr Ki but taking us

Time: 6558.199

back to the tools and takeaways from

Time: 6559.76

that four episode series the process of

Time: 6562.28

journaling in free association mode or

Time: 6564.44

the process of journaling in a conscious

Time: 6566.84

structured way is really about trying to

Time: 6569.8

access the generative drive and to build

Time: 6572.36

up that generative drive and one of the

Time: 6575.159

key things about conscious journaling is

Time: 6577.239

that it affords us the opportunity in a

Time: 6579.44

way that's not going to be seen by

Time: 6581.239

anybody else to really think about what

Time: 6583.84

our goals and aspirations are now you

Time: 6586.28

might say you know I can't even think

Time: 6587.84

about my goals and aspirations I don't I

Time: 6589.76

don't know know what I want well that's

Time: 6591.08

fine then you should Journal about that

Time: 6593.119

however most people have some sense of

Time: 6595.28

what they would like but most people are

Time: 6598.36

simply not comfortable with writing

Time: 6600.56

those things out or even thinking about

Time: 6602.44

them and if you reflect on that how

Time: 6604.199

could it ever be that you would achieve

Time: 6606.08

those goals and aspirations if you're

Time: 6608.239

not even feeling comfortable enough to

Time: 6610.52

think about them or write about them and

Time: 6612.88

so the process of thinking about and

Time: 6614.76

writing about your goals and aspirations

Time: 6617.4

is perhaps one of the key first steps

Time: 6620.199

towards being able to actualize those

Time: 6622.159

goals and aspirations and for some

Time: 6624.36

people this might be very easy to do you

Time: 6626.32

can simply write down say I want to you

Time: 6627.84

know be married by this age and I want

Time: 6629.4

to you know make x amount of money and I

Time: 6631.119

want to live here or there and certainly

Time: 6633.159

those sorts of goals and aspirations are

Time: 6635.36

perfectly valid for this type of

Time: 6636.76

exercise but so are the sorts of goals

Time: 6639.119

and aspirations that relate to feeling

Time: 6640.96

States like yeah I would like to feel

Time: 6643.119

part of a community I would like to feel

Time: 6645.48

like an active contributor to a

Time: 6647.36

community and then the essential thing

Time: 6649.04

is to really flesh out out the detail

Time: 6650.92

around those goals and aspirations you

Time: 6652.679

know what size Community uh where do you

Time: 6654.88

see yourself fitting into this community

Time: 6656.44

are you doing this alongside other

Time: 6657.719

people or by yourself in other words to

Time: 6660.199

really get comfortable thinking about

Time: 6662.159

what your goals and aspirations are

Time: 6664

again completely from the perspective of

Time: 6666.599

self and that you are going to be the

Time: 6668.04

only person to see this particular

Time: 6670.159

document now I will be the first to

Time: 6672.199

admit that the exercise that I just

Time: 6674.04

described not the free association

Time: 6676.199

journaling but the structured journaling

Time: 6678

of goals and aspirations I and many

Time: 6680.8

people find to be difficult to initiate

Time: 6684.199

difficult to initiate because there

Time: 6685.32

seems to be a bit of internal anxiety

Time: 6687.44

and friction around doing it there seems

Time: 6689.4

to be something that keeps many not all

Time: 6692.079

but many people from feeling as if they

Time: 6694.32

are even allowed to think about their

Time: 6696.96

goals and aspirations because many

Time: 6698.88

people default to well then you know

Time: 6700.639

I'll just be disappointed because it's

Time: 6702

not going to work out I don't want to

Time: 6703.28

think about what I want because then

Time: 6705.199

I'll just be more disappointed and that

Time: 6707.159

particular frame of mind was actually

Time: 6708.48

discussed in the series with Dr Cony and

Time: 6711.44

he convinced me and he's the expert that

Time: 6715.679

the opposite is actually true when we

Time: 6717.52

are able to overcome some of our anxiety

Time: 6719.56

and really think about in a dedicated

Time: 6721.32

way what we would like to create for

Time: 6723.04

ourselves in our lives both present and

Time: 6724.96

future and keeping in mind our events of

Time: 6727.599

past because we always carry that life

Time: 6729.36

narrative forward then we are in a far

Time: 6732.32

better place to actualize those goals

Time: 6734.36

and aspirations and he explained a

Time: 6735.88

variety of reasons why that's the case

Time: 6737.719

and his clinical observations and some

Time: 6739.56

of the are observations that really

Time: 6741.32

support that statement so I highly

Time: 6742.88

encourage you to think about embracing a

Time: 6745.079

process of journaling again you don't

Time: 6746.4

have to do this every day the journaling

Time: 6748.199

and the dream analysis take a little bit

Time: 6749.719

more time but they are oh so valuable

Time: 6752.36

for better understanding one's

Time: 6753.88

self-concept and they really thread

Time: 6755.88

forward into real everyday actions that

Time: 6759.079

can positively enrich your mood and

Time: 6761.04

mental health now any description of

Time: 6763.199

science-based tools for mood and mental

Time: 6765

health would be incomplete without

Time: 6767.119

including some tools related to

Time: 6768.679

processing of traumas

Time: 6770.36

now the processing of traumas is

Time: 6772.239

something that especially in the case of

Time: 6774.28

major traumas or repeated traumas really

Time: 6777.04

should be carried out in concert with a

Time: 6779.88

expert trained clinician that is a

Time: 6781.96

psychologist or psychiatrist who's

Time: 6784.28

trained in helping people work through

Time: 6786.92

traumas however even if you're working

Time: 6789.079

with somebody who's expert in processing

Time: 6791.119

trauma there are specific tools that you

Time: 6793.36

can use on your own to accelerate that

Time: 6796.92

process and for people who are working

Time: 6798.92

through what are sometimes called more

Time: 6801.079

minor traumas these are sometimes called

Time: 6802.84

Big tea big traumas and little te little

Time: 6804.8

traumas however you know that

Time: 6806.639

nomenclature doesn't take into account

Time: 6808.32

the fact that you know most of us can

Time: 6810.719

probably tell what the big traumas are

Time: 6812.639

for ourselves and for others but

Time: 6814.52

sometimes it's hard to tell whether or

Time: 6815.56

not those small traumas the little tea

Time: 6817.599

traumas actually are big te traumas so

Time: 6820.199

you know this is one of the major

Time: 6821.44

reasons why working with a licensed

Time: 6823.079

professional is really going to be

Time: 6824.4

advantageous and in many cases necessary

Time: 6826.48

to work through trauma that said the

Time: 6829.4

self directed protocols for working

Time: 6831.84

through trauma have a lot to do with how

Time: 6834.639

we think about but more importantly at

Time: 6837.36

times how we talk about those traumas

Time: 6840.239

and Dr Paul kti talked about this not so

Time: 6842.32

much in the four episode series with us

Time: 6844.199

but in a particular podcast episode that

Time: 6846.719

he did with Dr Peter Atia who some of

Time: 6849.159

you are perhaps familiar with for his

Time: 6851.199

incredible podcast the drive but also

Time: 6853.4

for his excellent book outlive which

Time: 6855.4

deals with health span and lifespan or

Time: 6857.84

longevity now in that particular

Time: 6859.96

conversation with Dr Ki and Dr AA Dr kti

Time: 6864.04

emphasized the fact that one of the ways

Time: 6866.8

that we hold ourselves back and indeed

Time: 6869.239

can exacerbate the negative consequences

Time: 6871.76

of trauma are the ways in which we

Time: 6873.92

modify our language to describe those

Time: 6876.599

traumas and what he said which is so

Time: 6878.8

important is that often times we don't

Time: 6882.079

allow ourselves to use language that's

Time: 6885.199

as big as is necessary to explain that

Time: 6888.119

trauma and the impact of that that

Time: 6889.88

trauma on us and on others in fact many

Time: 6892.719

people start to you know relegate their

Time: 6895.679

language to more passible in a given

Time: 6898.52

sentence or passible in a given

Time: 6900.36

conversation now what we're not talking

Time: 6902.32

about here is the idea that okay you

Time: 6904.48

know screaming at somebody else about

Time: 6906.04

your trauma or using a lot of

Time: 6908

four-letter words is necessarily the

Time: 6909.8

best way to process that trauma verbally

Time: 6912.119

however we are talking about allowing

Time: 6914.199

oneself either in spoken form or in

Time: 6916.639

written form to really allow the

Time: 6919

magnitude of a given trauma to be

Time: 6920.8

expressed with a fair degree of

Time: 6923.719

intensity and language that can capture

Time: 6927.199

at least some of what that trauma

Time: 6929.079

represented for us or for others now as

Time: 6931.88

Dr kti pointed out all too often we do

Time: 6934.76

the opposite what ends up happening is

Time: 6937.679

people will experience some sort of

Time: 6939.28

trauma either major or minor maybe

Time: 6941.4

single or repeated trauma and rather

Time: 6944.239

than being comfortable talking about it

Time: 6946.52

rather than using language that captures

Time: 6948.48

at least some of the magnitude of that

Time: 6950.4

trauma for them people start to talk

Time: 6953.04

about that trauma less frequently they

Time: 6956.44

start to distract themselves to think

Time: 6958.719

about other things instead of talking

Time: 6960.36

about or thinking about that trauma and

Time: 6962.48

what happens is that trauma Roots into

Time: 6965.04

our unconscious mind and starts to

Time: 6967

impact Us in negative ways now those

Time: 6969.719

negative ways include increases in

Time: 6972.079

anxiety disruptions in sleep in fact one

Time: 6975.119

of the common ways in which trauma

Time: 6976.639

manifests in disruptions in sleep by way

Time: 6978.679

of rooting our unconscious is that

Time: 6981.44

people will wake up at 2:30 or 3:00 in

Time: 6984.28

the morning let's just say after several

Time: 6986.28

hours of being asleep and immediately

Time: 6988.44

they're thinking about that thing that

Time: 6990.36

happened and they're upset about it the

Time: 6992.239

idea is that when we push those traumas

Time: 6994.36

down when we don't talk about them with

Time: 6996.119

people that we trust when we don't have

Time: 6998.32

a way to consciously process those

Time: 7000.119

traumas using language that at least

Time: 7003.04

partially matches the magnitude of the

Time: 7006.079

impact of those traumas for us well then

Time: 7008.92

those traumas impact our unconscious

Time: 7010.88

mind in ways that lead our unconscious

Time: 7012.96

mind to literally wake us up in the

Time: 7014.56

middle of the night and remind us of

Time: 7016.4

that thing it's as if it's being thrown

Time: 7018.079

back in our face over and over also

Time: 7020.36

sometimes traumas will root their way

Time: 7021.88

down into our unconscious and then they

Time: 7024.079

will resurface in the mode of compulsive

Time: 7027.56

or obsessive thinking about that thing

Time: 7029.719

or perhaps other things again the

Time: 7031.599

unconscious mind has a interesting and

Time: 7034.88

complicated number of different ways

Time: 7036.76

that it defends us the ways that it you

Time: 7040.44

know can create denial distraction that

Time: 7042.599

we might get hyperfocused on work as a

Time: 7044.84

way to not think about the trauma or

Time: 7047.04

hyper focused on some details in our

Time: 7048.88

environment and just really trying to

Time: 7050.199

focus on that because it's much easier

Time: 7052.52

to process and handle that than these

Time: 7054.04

traumas you know again the processing of

Time: 7056.32

trauma is a whole landscape into itself

Time: 7059

that actually was um beautifully

Time: 7061.04

described in terms of how it arises

Time: 7063.88

within us and how to process traumas in

Time: 7066.4

a really structured way in a just

Time: 7069.44

fabulous book that was written by Dr Ki

Time: 7071.4

called The Invisible epidemic how trauma

Time: 7073.84

works and how we can heal from it and in

Time: 7076.04

that book Dr Ki explains a number of

Time: 7077.88

different ways that we can do

Time: 7078.88

self-directed work as well as work with

Time: 7081.44

licensed professionals to process

Time: 7083.119

traumas and help us move through those

Time: 7084.639

traumas so that they are not negatively

Time: 7086.88

impacting us going forward so I really

Time: 7089.04

encourage anyone that's trying to

Time: 7090.239

process traumas from the past and or

Time: 7092.04

present to check out Dr kti's book

Time: 7094.32

because it's a spectacular resource but

Time: 7096.36

in terms of the tools related to

Time: 7097.8

processing trauma that we're talking

Time: 7099.119

about right now I think this point about

Time: 7103.119

really making sure that we allow

Time: 7105.04

ourselves to verbally process and

Time: 7107.76

emotionally process that trauma in a way

Time: 7110.28

that there's room for using language

Time: 7113.28

that captures some of the magnitude of

Time: 7114.96

that trauma and how it impacted us and

Time: 7117.4

others is going to be very important

Time: 7120.36

because otherwise what ends up happening

Time: 7122.679

is that we tend to adopt feelings of

Time: 7125.159

guilt and shame around those traumas

Time: 7127.639

simply by not talking about them by

Time: 7129.92

having them go Inward and then they

Time: 7131.96

start to negatively impact our

Time: 7133.639

unconscious mind and then our

Time: 7134.88

unconscious mind tries to throw them up

Time: 7136.599

to the surface for our conscious mind to

Time: 7138.159

recognize by waking us up from sleep and

Time: 7140.8

in some cases by leveraging those

Time: 7142.4

unhealthy defenses things like denial

Time: 7145.159

things like you know the overindulgence

Time: 7147.599

in alcohol overindulgence of drugs ways

Time: 7149.96

to distract ourselves as well as

Time: 7152.44

projection and sublimation and the other

Time: 7154.76

types of defenses that Dr kti talked

Time: 7157

about in the four episode series again

Time: 7159.8

those defenses are not necessarily good

Time: 7162.04

or bad it depends on the circumstances

Time: 7164.44

the unconscious mind is not trying to

Time: 7166.4

harm us your unconscious mind is part of

Time: 7169.199

you it is you but of course it is you

Time: 7172.079

acting in concert with your conscious

Time: 7173.88

mind and so really the tools and

Time: 7175.36

protocols from the four episode series

Time: 7177.4

with Dr Ki are aimed at helping you feel

Time: 7181.32

and access more sense of agency and

Time: 7183.679

gratitude on a regular basis more peace

Time: 7186.079

contentment and delight and doing so by

Time: 7189.96

touching into those different drives

Time: 7192.199

understanding what they are the

Time: 7193.52

aggressive Drive the pleasure drive and

Time: 7195.56

really making sure that your generative

Time: 7197.36

drive again I love this description of

Time: 7199.159

the generative drive so much so that I'm

Time: 7200.719

going to read it again because this is

Time: 7202.199

really what it means to be mentally

Time: 7204.52

healthy again the generative Drive is

Time: 7207

our desire to create build and

Time: 7208.639

contribute to the world in a meaningful

Time: 7210.32

way and appreciate the process to get

Time: 7212.32

there it is the core feature of our

Time: 7214.48

mental health so being able to access

Time: 7216.8

that generative drive on a regular basis

Time: 7219

is is really what this thing that we

Time: 7220.56

call mental health is all about and the

Time: 7223.119

tools that I just described of course

Time: 7225.28

can be combined with in any number of

Time: 7227.199

different ways with the tools that I

Time: 7228.52

described glean largely from the episode

Time: 7230.84

with Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett and so what

Time: 7232.92

you now have is a kit of tools and

Time: 7235.92

protocols for improving mood and mental

Time: 7237.76

health some of which are grounded in

Time: 7239.48

that core six the you know first

Time: 7242.56

principles of self-care are always going

Time: 7244.32

to be getting your physiology right so

Time: 7246.44

that your psychology can be right as

Time: 7248.92

well well of course you want to

Time: 7250.48

emphasize tools and protocols that build

Time: 7252.96

up your psychological processes and

Time: 7254.96

concept of self that's what the tools

Time: 7257.079

from the Conti series that we just

Time: 7258.96

described are all about and then the

Time: 7260.719

tools from the episode with Dr Lisa

Time: 7263.159

Feldman Barrett sort of bridge the two

Time: 7265.159

because she talked about both the

Time: 7266.239

physiological and the psychological

Time: 7268.4

tools that really represent ways to

Time: 7271

enhance our mood and mental health and

Time: 7272.56

so by threading these three things

Time: 7274.56

together I believe it really arms us

Time: 7276.56

with the greatest degree of optimism and

Time: 7279.199

capacity to take control of this thing

Time: 7281.119

that we call our mood and emotions and

Time: 7283.159

to of course allow ourselves to feel the

Time: 7285.56

negative things we need to feel but then

Time: 7287.079

process them in healthy ways and to

Time: 7288.96

exist as much as is reasonably possible

Time: 7291.44

in generally optimistic upbeat states

Time: 7295.36

that allow us to engage our generative

Time: 7297.639

drive and although we covered a lot of

Time: 7299.639

tools during this episode again I want

Time: 7302.159

to emphasize that the idea isn't to

Time: 7304.239

necessarily do all of them all at once

Time: 7306.239

maybe just pick one or two and start to

Time: 7307.84

implement them on a regular basis basis

Time: 7309.84

and by implementing those there's no

Time: 7311.639

reason to think that you would be

Time: 7312.92

significantly eating into your other

Time: 7314.639

demands on your time because ultimately

Time: 7317.04

the whole purpose of having elevated

Time: 7318.8

mood and mental health is so that you

Time: 7320.52

can have better relationship to yourself

Time: 7322.36

and better relationship to others and to

Time: 7324.36

the world around you if you're learning

Time: 7326.239

from and or enjoying this podcast please

Time: 7328.48

subscribe to our YouTube channel that's

Time: 7330.159

a terrific zeroc cost way to support us

Time: 7332.52

in addition please subscribe to the

Time: 7334.119

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Time: 7336.76

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Time: 7338.44

up to a festar review please check out

Time: 7340.8

the sponsors mentioned at the beginning

Time: 7342.599

and throughout today's episode that's

Time: 7344.199

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Time: 7346.76

you have questions for me or comments

Time: 7348.159

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Time: 7350.119

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Time: 7351.32

hubman Lab podcast please put those in

Time: 7353.48

the comment section on YouTube I do read

Time: 7355.599

all the comments not so much on today's

Time: 7357.84

episode but on many previous episodes of

Time: 7360.04

The hubman Lab podcast we discussed

Time: 7361.719

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 7363.239

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 7364.76

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 7366.76

things like enhancing sleep hormone

Time: 7369.04

support and focus to learn more about

Time: 7370.92

the supplements discussed on the hubman

Time: 7372.44

Lab podcast you can go to live momentus

Time: 7375

spelled o us so that's live

Time: 7377.96

huberman if you're not already following

Time: 7380

me on social media I am huberman lab on

Time: 7382.119

all social media platforms so that's

Time: 7383.84

Instagram X formerly known as Twitter

Time: 7386.639

threads LinkedIn and Facebook and on all

Time: 7389.239

those platforms I discuss science and

Time: 7390.88

science related tools some of which

Time: 7392.52

overlaps with the content of the

Time: 7393.8

huberman Lab podcast but much of which

Time: 7395.56

is distinct from the content on the

Time: 7397.04

huberman Lab podcast so again it's

Time: 7398.96

hubman lab on all social media platforms

Time: 7401.48

if you haven't already subscribed to the

Time: 7402.76

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Time: 7404.8

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Time: 7406.639

newsletter is a completely zeroc cost

Time: 7408.36

newsletter that includes summaries of

Time: 7410.599

podcast episodes as well as toolkits

Time: 7412.84

toolkits are brief PDFs that describe in

Time: 7415.079

bullet point Form Tools for for instance

Time: 7417.76

enhancing sleep neuroplasticity

Time: 7420

deliberate cold exposure deliberate heat

Time: 7421.719

exposure Fitness dopamine regulation and

Time: 7424.079

much more to sign up for the hubman Lab

Time: 7426.199

podcast neural network newsletter simply

Time: 7427.92

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Time: 7429.36

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Time: 7430.96

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Time: 7433.559

not share your email with anybody thank

Time: 7435.92

you once again for joining me for

Time: 7437.159

today's discussion all about

Time: 7439.119

science-based tools for enhancing mood

Time: 7441.32

and mental health and last but certainly

Time: 7443.88

not least thank you for your interest in

Time: 7445.95


Time: 7450.199


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