Master Your Sleep & Be More Alert When Awake

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast

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where we discuss science

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and science-based tools for everyday life.

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(energetic music)

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I'm Andrew Huberman

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and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today's podcast episode is all about sleep,

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and we're also going to talk about

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the mirror image of sleep, which is wakefulness.

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Now, these two phases of our life,

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sleep and wakefulness,

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govern everything about our mental and physical health,

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and we're not just gonna talk about

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what's useful about sleep,

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we're also gonna talk about how to get better at sleeping,

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and that will include how to get better at falling asleep,

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timing your sleep, and accessing better sleep quality.

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In doing so, we're also gonna discuss

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how to get more focused and alert in wakefulness,

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so because sleep and wakefulness are related,

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we really can't have a conversation about one

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without the other.

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Now, in keeping with this theme,

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you may catch a few snores in the background.

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Unlike me, my bulldog, Costello,

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can fall asleep anywhere, anytime,

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and he happens to be sleeping over there in the corner,

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so if you hear snoring, that's what that's about.

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As always, I wanna just mention that this podcast

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is part of my effort to bring

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zero-cost-to-consumer public education

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about science and science-related tools,

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it is unrelated to my teaching and research roles

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today's podcast is brought to us by Helix mattresses,

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having the proper sleep environment,

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both the environment you're sleeping in

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and the object you're sleeping on,

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is critically important to getting a good night's sleep.

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Helix mattresses are a little different than most

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because they're matched to your specific sleep needs,

Time: 100.06

as well as whether or not you tend to run hot or cold

Time: 103.36

as you sleep through the night,

Time: 104.66

what position you sleep in, and so forth,

Time: 106.9

so if you go to their website,

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they have a quiz that you can take

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that matches you to the particular mattress

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that's gonna be best for your sleep needs.

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I've always had a lot of trouble sleeping,

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I'm one of these people that can fall asleep easily,

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but then I wake up

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and I have a hard time getting back to sleep,

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and once I switched to a Helix mattress

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that was precisely matched to my sleep needs,

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I found I could sleep through the night,

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which has made a tremendous difference for me.

Time: 129.06

If you wanna try Helix mattresses,

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you can go to,

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and that will give you up to $200 off on a mattress order,

Time: 137.5

as well as two pillows free with your mattress order,

Time: 140.78

and of course, having the proper pillows

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is just as important as having the proper mattress.

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Today's podcast is also brought to us by Headspace,

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Headspace is a meditation app

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that teaches you how to meditate.

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It's fair to say that now there's

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a ton of research out there in peer-reviewed journals

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supporting the fact that mindfulness meditation

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can support mental and physical health,

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but many people find it hard to meditate,

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in fact, I'm one of these people.

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I started meditating in my teens,

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but then I would drop it every few weeks or so

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and then I'd get back to it

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maybe the following week or every year,

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I just was not very regular about my meditation practice,

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and then a few years ago I was flying a lot for work

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and I was on JetBlue flights,

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and they have Headspace as part of the choice of things

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that you can watch on the TV screen,

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and as I started meditating more regularly,

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what I found is my sleep was better,

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I would arrive feeling more rested,

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it was just a tremendous effects

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on my work performance and other aspects of my life.

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If you wanna try Headspace,

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you can go to,

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if you do that, you'll get one month

Time: 204.34

of all of Headspace's meditations for free,

Time: 207.14

that's the best offer right now,

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so if interested, go to

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So let's talk about sleep,

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sleep is this incredible period of our lives

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where we are not conscious.

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We might dream, we might twitch, we might even wake up,

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but in sleep, we are only in relation

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to things that are happening within our brain and body.

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Outside sensory experience, in most cases,

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can't really impact us,

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and yet, sleep is this tremendously important period of life

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because it resets our ability

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to be focused, alert, and emotionally stable

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in the wakeful period,

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so we can't really talk about wakefulness, focus,

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motivation, mood, wellbeing

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without thinking about sleep,

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and that's why we're devoting this entire month

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to the discussion about sleep.

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Now, we also can't talk about sleep and think about sleep

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without thinking about wakefulness

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because it turns out that the period that we call sleep

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and the period we call wakefulness

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are tethered to one another.

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What we do in the waking state

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determines when we fall asleep,

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how quickly we fall asleep,

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whether or not we stay asleep,

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and how we feel when we wake up the next day,

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and today, we're going to talk mostly

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about how to get better at sleeping,

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and the reason for starting the conversation that way

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as opposed to just diving into a lot of biology about sleep,

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is because first of all,

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there's a lot of information out there already

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about the biology of sleep.

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We're gonna touch on a little bit of this,

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things like stages of sleep and sleep spindles,

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melatonin, and dreaming,

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but I think that by now, most people are aware

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that getting a really good night's sleep

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on a consistent basis is critically important,

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but most people don't know how to do that.

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In fact, I'm guessing that very few of you out there

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are consistently getting seven to nine hours

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of really terrific sleep, waking up feeling rested

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and like you're ready to attack the day,

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and being able to go through the day

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feeling focused and alert

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without dips in energy or focus,

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so if you're like most people, which includes me,

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you have some challenges with sleep

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at least every third or fifth night or so

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and maybe even more often,

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so we're really gonna go tool-heavy today

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and talk about tools that can help you fall asleep,

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sleep better, and emerge from sleep feeling more rested,

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and we're gonna do that by grounding our discussion of tools

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in peer-reviewed studies,

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mostly from the last 10 years,

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although some even more recent than that,

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and we're gonna start by discussing what is sleep

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and what governs the timing of the onset of sleep,

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in other words, what makes you get sleepy

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at a particular time of day.

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So what determines how well we sleep

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and the quality of our wakeful state?

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Turns out that's governed by two forces,

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the first force is a chemical force,

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it's called adenosine.

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Adenosine is a molecule in our nervous system and body

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that builds up the longer we are awake,

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so if you've just slept for 8, or 9,

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or 10 really deep, restful hours,

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adenosine is gonna be very low in your brain and body.

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If, however, you've been awake for 10, 15, or more hours,

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adenosine levels are going to be much higher.

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Adenosine creates a sort of sleep drive or a sleep hunger,

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and actually, hunger is the appropriate word here

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because for most of what we're gonna discuss today,

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we can think of it in an analogous way to nutrition.

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Your nutrition and how well you feel

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after you eat certain foods,

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your overall level of fitness

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and your cellular health and your heart health

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isn't governed by any one food item

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that you might eat or not eat,

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it's governed by a number of different factors,

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how often you eat, how much you eat,

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which items you eat, et cetera,

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and what works best for you.

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In the same way, your sleep and your wakefulness

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are the product of kind of the average

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of a number of different behaviors,

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how long you've been awake is a key one

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because of this molecule, adenosine.

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So the reason you get sleepy when you've been up for a while

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is because adenosine is creeping up steadily

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the longer you've been awake,

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and a good way to remember this and think about adenosine

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is to think about caffeine.

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Caffeine, for most people,

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except a very small percentage of people,

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wakes them up, it makes them feel more alert,

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in fact, some people are so sensitive to caffeine

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that they feel jittery if they drink it

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even in small amounts,

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other people can drink large amounts of caffeine

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and not feel jittery at all.

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Caffeine acts as an adenosine antagonist,

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what that means is that when you ingest caffeine,

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whether or not it's coffee or soda or tea,

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or in any other form,

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it binds to the adenosine receptor,

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it sort of parks there just like a car

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would park in a given parking slot,

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and therefore, adenosine can't park in that slot.

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Now, when caffeine parks in the adenosine receptor slot,

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nothing really happens downstream of that receptor,

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the receptor can't engage

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the normal cellular functions of making that cell

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and you feel sleepy.

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So the reason caffeine wakes you up

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is because it blocks the sleepiness receptor,

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it blocks the sleepy signal,

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and this is why when that caffeine wears off,

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adenosine will bind to that receptor,

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sometimes with even greater, what we call affinity,

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and you feel the crash, you feel especially tired.

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Now, I'm not here to demonize caffeine, I love caffeine,

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and I drink it in the morning

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and I drink it in the afternoon,

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but I'm one of these people

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that, either because of my tolerance

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or because of some genetic variations

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that exist among people

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in terms of their adenosine receptors,

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I can drink caffeine

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as late as 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. in the evening

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and still fall asleep just fine.

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Some people can't have any caffeine at all

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or can't have any caffeine past 11:00 a.m.

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or else their sleep is totally disrupted.

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All of this has to do with the relationship

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between adenosine and these adenosine receptors,

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genetic variation,

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things that are very hard to find out except experimentally,

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meaning each of you needs to decide

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and figure out for yourselves

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whether or not you can tolerate caffeine

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and at what times of day you can tolerate caffeine

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in order to still fall asleep easily and get good sleep,

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so rather than demonize caffeine,

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or say that everyone can drink caffeine until late,

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you need to figure out what's right for you.

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Caffeine has a lot of health benefits,

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it also, for some people,

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can be problematic for health,

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it can raise blood pressure, et cetera,

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caffeine increases this molecule

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that's a neuromodulator that we call dopamine,

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we discussed this in episode one,

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which tends to make us feel good, motivated,

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and give us energy

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because, as you may have learned in episode one,

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dopamine is related to another neuromodulator

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called epinephrine, which gives us energy,

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in fact, epinephrine is made from dopamine.

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So let's just take a step back

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and think about what we're talking about

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when we're talking about sleepiness,

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sleepiness is driven by increases in adenosine

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that happen naturally,

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caffeine prevents the adenosine

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from having its action of making us sleepy

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by blocking that receptor,

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so it gives us energy and it increases our dopamine levels,

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but some people can't tolerate caffeine very well,

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other people can tolerate it just fine,

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so you need to determine that experimentally.

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All the data say there's tremendous variation,

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and right now, the only way that I'm aware of

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for you to decide whether or not

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caffeine is a good or a bad thing for you,

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and whether or not you should ingest it

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at a given time of day or at all

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is really to figure that out on your own,

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in fact, there's a small subset of people

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that can drink caffeine until very late

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and they have no trouble falling asleep

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because they actually have a mutant form

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of the adenosine receptor,

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so in keeping with the theme

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of science and science-related tools,

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this is one of those cases

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where I can't give you a one-size-fits-all prescription

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except to say you need to experiment with caffeine

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in a way that's safe for you

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and explore that and figure out what works for you,

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and then stick with that.

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Okay, so adenosine is driving this sleep hunger,

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when adenosine is low,

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it's like we're well-fed, we're not very hungry,

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and when adenosine is high,

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it's like we're fasted for a long time

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and we tend to be very hungry,

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so that when adenosine is high,

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we really wanna fall asleep.

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If you want, I'm not suggesting you do this experiment,

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but you can do it,

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you can stay up for four more hours

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than you're used to staying up

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and you'll find that you're very, very sleepy.

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That's because adenosine is building up

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at levels higher and higher

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because you've been awake for those extra four hours.

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However, if you've ever pulled an all-nighter,

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you'll notice something interesting,

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as morning rolls around,

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you'll suddenly feel an increase

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in your energy and alertness again,

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even though adenosine has been building up

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for the entire night.

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Now, why is that?

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The reason that is is because there's a second force

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which is governing when you sleep and when you're awake,

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and that force is a so-called circadian force,

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circadian means about a day or about 24 hours,

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and inside all of us is a clock

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that exists in your brain and my brain,

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and the brain of every animal that we're aware of,

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that determines when we want to be sleepy

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and when we want to be awake.

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Just think about it,

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we don't go through the day

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wanting to fall asleep every 30 minutes

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and then feeling like we're wide awake,

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our sleep and our period of sleepiness

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tends to be condensed into one block,

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typically one 6- to 10-hour block,

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although there's also variation

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in terms of how much people want to sleep,

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and we're going to discuss

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how you can diagnose your absolute sleep need

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as well as how to recover sleep that you've lost.

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That block of sleep

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and when it falls within each 24-hour cycle

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is governed by a number of different things,

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but the most powerful thing

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that's governing when you want to be asleep

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and when you want to be awake is light,

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and in particular, it's governed by sunlight,

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and I can't emphasize enough

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how important and how actionable this relationship is

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between light and when you want to sleep.

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It's quite simple on the face of it

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and it's quite simple to resolve,

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but people tend to make a big mess

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of this whole circadian literature, frankly,

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so let's just break it down from the standpoint

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of what's going on in your brain and body

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as you go through one 24-hour day.

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Let's start with waking,

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so regardless of how well you slept at night

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or whether or not you were up all night,

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most people tend to wake up

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sometime around when the sun rises,

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maybe not right at sunrise,

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but within an hour or two or maybe three of sunrise.

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Now, I realize there are night-shift workers

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and there are people traveling and experiencing jet lag

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where this is not going to be the case,

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we are gonna deal with jet lag and shift work

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at the end of this podcast,

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but for most people, we tend to wake up

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about the time that the sun is rising or so,

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and as we do that,

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adenosine levels tend to be low if we've been asleep

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for reasons that you now understand,

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and our system generates an internal signal

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that is in the form of a hormone.

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Now, I've talked a lot about

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neuromodulators and neurotransmitters,

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I haven't talked a lot about hormones yet on this podcast.

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The definition of a hormone is it's a substance,

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a chemical that's released from one organ in your body

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that goes and acts on other organs elsewhere in your body,

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including your nervous system.

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When you wake up in the morning,

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you wake up because a particular hormone called cortisol

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is released from your adrenal glands,

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your adrenal glands sit right above your kidneys,

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and there's a little pulse of cortisol.

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There's also a pulse of some,

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and when I say a pulse,

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I just mean the release of a little bit,

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there's also a pulse of epinephrine, which is adrenaline,

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from your adrenals and also in your brain,

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and you feel awake.

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Now, that pulse of cortisol and adrenaline and epinephrine

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might come from your alarm clock,

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it might come from you naturally waking up,

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but it tends to alert your whole system in your body

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that it's time to increase your heart rate,

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it's time to start tensing your muscles,

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it's time to start moving about.

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It's very important that that cortisol pulse

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come early in the day,

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or at least, early in your period of wakefulness,

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I say that because some people are waking up at 8:00 p.m.

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and are sleeping all day,

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but it's very important that that pulse of cortisol

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occur early in the day and that it happens all at once,

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it sort of sets a rising tide of cortisol in your system.

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Now, many of you have probably heard about cortisol

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in relation to stress,

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and indeed, as we go through our day and our life,

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different stressors, different events happen in our life

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that make us feel more alert.

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Some of the more stressful ones

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might be looking at your credit card bill

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and seeing what seems to be a fraudulent charge,

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or looking at your phone

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and suddenly seeing a text that something

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you thought was gonna happen at a particular time

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is not gonna happen,

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or you're running late,

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those will tend to increase norepinephrine

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and epinephrine and adrenaline in your system,

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and if they're severe enough,

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you'll start getting some pulses of cortisol

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released from your adrenals throughout the day,

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but there's this normal, healthy rising tide of cortisol

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that happens early in the day,

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and I say healthy because it wakes you up,

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it makes you feel alert,

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and it makes you feel able to move and wanting to move

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and to go about your day for work, for exercise,

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for school, for social relations, et cetera.

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So when you wake up in the morning

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is when that cortisol pulse takes off,

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and something else important happens,

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a timer is set in your body and in your nervous system

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that dictates when a different hormone called melatonin,

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which makes you sleepy,

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will be secreted from a particular brain region,

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so let's talk about that.

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When you wake up in the morning

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and you experience that rise in cortisol,

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there's a timer that starts going,

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and these are cellular timers

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and they're dictated by the relation

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between different organs in your body,

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that says to your brain and body

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that in about 12 to 14 hours,

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a different hormone, this hormone we're calling melatonin,

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will be released from your pineal gland.

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So there's two mechanisms here,

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a wakefulness signal and a sleepiness signal,

Time: 1084.43

and the wakefulness signal triggers the onset of the timer

Time: 1088.23

for the sleepiness signal.

Time: 1090.34

Now, that sleepiness signal that we call melatonin

Time: 1092.61

that's released from the pineal

Time: 1094.49

comes only from the pineal.

Time: 1096.95

Unless you're taking exogenous melatonin,

Time: 1099.18

you're supplementing with melatonin,

Time: 1101.18

the only source of melatonin in your body

Time: 1103.91

is going to be this pineal gland,

Time: 1105.95

so let's talk about the pineal gland for a second.

Time: 1108.54

The pineal gland is a gland

Time: 1111.25

that sits kind of in the little structure near,

Time: 1114.74

for the aficionados out there,

Time: 1116.5

it's kind of near the fourth ventricle,

Time: 1118.59

it's about the size of a pea,

Time: 1120.43

Descartes, the philosopher,

Time: 1122.43

said that the pineal was the seat of the soul,

Time: 1125.33

he said that because it's

Time: 1126.68

one of the few structures in the human brain

Time: 1129.48

that there's only one of them,

Time: 1131.53

you know, most structures,

Time: 1132.363

there's one on either side of the brain,

Time: 1134.15

so-called bihemispheric,

Time: 1135.49

but the pineal, there's only one.

Time: 1137.42

I don't know anything about souls, really,

Time: 1140.1

certainly not the science of souls,

Time: 1141.83

but I think it's very unlikely

Time: 1143.34

that the pineal is the seat of the soul,

Time: 1145.89

but it is a very interesting organ

Time: 1148.22

because it's the only organ in our body

Time: 1150.55

that releases melatonin,

Time: 1153.4

and that melatonin makes us sleepy and lets us fall asleep.

Time: 1158.2

Now, I'm guessing that many of you are probably asking,

Time: 1161.317

"Should I take melatonin?"

Time: 1163.5

My personal bias on this is, except in rare cases, no,

Time: 1168.54

for the following reason,

Time: 1170.07

melatonin has a second function,

Time: 1172.24

which is that melatonin

Time: 1173.51

also suppresses the onset of puberty.

Time: 1176.94

In kids, and especially in babies,

Time: 1178.82

melatonin isn't just released in the evening

Time: 1181.43

12 to 16 hours after we wake,

Time: 1184.25

melatonin is released chronically, or tonically,

Time: 1187.86

throughout the day and night,

Time: 1189.65

and that chronic or tonic release of melatonin

Time: 1192.38

is known to suppress some of the other hormones

Time: 1194.75

in other regions of the brain

Time: 1196.17

that trigger the onset of puberty.

Time: 1198.28

Now, if you or your child has been taking melatonin,

Time: 1200.55

don't freak out,

Time: 1201.9

as always, any kind of supplement

Time: 1204.75

or anything that you're going to take or think about taking,

Time: 1207.94

you really need to consult with your doctor,

Time: 1209.97

I've said this many times on this podcast

Time: 1211.83

and it's in the show notes, et cetera,

Time: 1213.67

but before you remove anything

Time: 1216.39

or add anything to what you're already doing,

Time: 1219

please do consult with a healthcare professional.

Time: 1221.49

However, melatonin is known

Time: 1224.16

to suppress the onset of puberty,

Time: 1226.76

so much so that regular, cyclic,

Time: 1229.42

cycled periods of melatonin release from the pineal

Time: 1233.07

really correlate with the onset of puberty

Time: 1235.3

and early adulthood,

Time: 1237.05

meaning as we start secreting melatonin only at night,

Time: 1240.81

that's also when we tend to transition out of puberty.

Time: 1243.79

Now, there are a lot of things that correlate

Time: 1245.21

in our nervous system,

Time: 1246.09

so that doesn't necessarily mean it controls it,

Time: 1248.16

but in this case we know,

Time: 1249.75

based on lots of data, endocrinology and so forth,

Time: 1253.09

that melatonin suppresses the onset of puberty,

Time: 1256.2

so supplementing melatonin could be problematic

Time: 1258.81

for that reason,

Time: 1260.4

but if you've already gone through puberty,

Time: 1263.13

it could also have some impact

Time: 1265.43

on other hormone systems in your body,

Time: 1267.54

so that's why I personally

Time: 1268.97

don't like to use melatonin to fall asleep.

Time: 1272.08

There's another reason,

Time: 1272.913

which is that melatonin will help you fall asleep

Time: 1274.88

but it won't help you stay asleep,

Time: 1276.72

and many people who take melatonin

Time: 1278.23

find that they wake up three to five hours later

Time: 1280.77

unable to fall back asleep.

Time: 1282.78

Part of the reason for that might be

Time: 1285.18

that melatonin purchased at,

Time: 1287.79

you can buy it over the counter

Time: 1288.88

in most areas of the world even though it's a hormone,

Time: 1291.42

which is a little unusual,

Time: 1292.3

you can't just go into a pharmacy, at least in the US,

Time: 1294.67

and buy testosterone or cortisol or estrogen,

Time: 1297.42

you need a prescription,

Time: 1298.42

but you can go buy melatonin for whatever reason,

Time: 1300.58

I don't know the reasons for that legality,

Time: 1304.78

but it's been shown many times,

Time: 1306.95

and now I'm borrowing from some items

Time: 1309.44

that were in Matt Walker's book, "Why We Sleep,"

Time: 1312.12

where he stated there is evidence

Time: 1314.82

that, in commercially available melatonin,

Time: 1317.23

the amount of melatonin has been tested for various brands,

Time: 1321.52

it can range anywhere from being

Time: 1324.33

15% of what's listed on the bottle,

Time: 1327.61

okay, so if they list this as 100 milligrams,

Time: 1330.22

it would be a tremendously high dose,

Time: 1331.96

it turns out it's only 15 milligrams

Time: 1334.15

in that particular pill or capsule,

Time: 1336.47

or up to 400 times more than what's listed on the bottle,

Time: 1341.01

so it's completely unregulated,

Time: 1342.86

and so for those of you taking melatonin,

Time: 1345.05

I will discuss at the end of the podcast

Time: 1346.74

some other potential alternatives that are probably safer

Time: 1350.81

and don't have these issues.

Time: 1352.63

So should you take melatonin?

Time: 1354.99

My personal bias is no,

Time: 1357.41

but for many people, they find that it does help them,

Time: 1360.52

and so if you do find it helps you,

Time: 1362.04

then just consider what I'm saying

Time: 1363.8

in light of the other practices that you're doing

Time: 1367.21

and talk to your healthcare professional.

Time: 1369.15

Okay, so the rhythm of cortisol and melatonin

Time: 1373.49

is what we call endogenous,

Time: 1375.11

it's happening in us all the time

Time: 1377.19

without any external input,

Time: 1379.08

in fact, if we were in complete darkness,

Time: 1381.45

living in a cave with no artificial lights whatsoever,

Time: 1384.54

or we were in complete brightness

Time: 1387.26

where we never experienced any darkness,

Time: 1390.15

these rhythms of cortisol and melatonin would continue,

Time: 1394.27

you would have a bump in cortisol, or a pulse in cortisol,

Time: 1397.07

that would drop off with time,

Time: 1398.53

and then melatonin would come up about 12 to 14 hours later,

Time: 1403.3

but these endogenous systems of our body,

Time: 1407.39

which are both hormonal and neural,

Time: 1410.65

were set so that external things

Time: 1414.93

could govern when they happen.

Time: 1416.9

Now, this takes us back to episode one of the podcast

Time: 1420.14

that if you haven't listened to already,

Time: 1421.73

you might wanna listen to,

Time: 1422.74

where we talked about sensation and perception and all that,

Time: 1425.36

I'm not gonna review it again here,

Time: 1427.28

but there's one particular sensory event,

Time: 1431.09

one particular influence on your nervous system

Time: 1434

that determines when that cortisol

Time: 1435.74

is going to start to rise,

Time: 1438.36

so if you were in complete darkness,

Time: 1440.53

it would happen once per 24-hour cycle,

Time: 1443.64

but it would be somewhat later and later each day,

Time: 1448.32

whereas under normal circumstances,

Time: 1451.59

what happens is you wake up,

Time: 1453.87

and what happens when you wake up?

Time: 1455.69

You open your eyes.

Time: 1457.02

When your open your eyes, light comes into your eyes.

Time: 1460.44

Now, the way this system works

Time: 1462.19

is that you have a particular set of neurons in your eye,

Time: 1464.85

they're called retinal ganglion cells,

Time: 1466.49

you don't have to remember that if you don't want to,

Time: 1468.81

but these retinal ganglion cells are brain neurons,

Time: 1472.41

again, the retina is just the one piece of your brain,

Time: 1475.14

actually, two pieces because most of you have two retinas,

Time: 1477.89

that resides outside the skull, per se.

Time: 1481.93

When light comes into the eye,

Time: 1483.61

there's a particular group of retinal ganglion cells,

Time: 1486.63

or type of retinal ganglion cells,

Time: 1488.95

that perceives a particular type of light

Time: 1491.79

and communicates that to this clock

Time: 1494.22

that resides right above the roof of your mouth

Time: 1496.05

called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, okay?

Time: 1499.4

So I know this can get a little complicated,

Time: 1501

but these retinal ganglion cells,

Time: 1503.46

when you open your eyes, light comes in,

Time: 1505.447

and an electrical signal is sent to this central clock

Time: 1508.86

we call the suprachiasmatic nucleus,

Time: 1511.15

and the suprachiasmatic nucleus has connections

Time: 1515.23

with essentially every cell and organ of your body.

Time: 1518.85

Now, it's vitally important

Time: 1520.58

that we get light communicated to this central clock

Time: 1523.91

in order to time the cortisol and melatonin properly,

Time: 1527.32

and when I say properly, I can say that with confidence

Time: 1530.8

because we know based on a lot of evidence

Time: 1533.31

that if you don't get

Time: 1534.86

your cortisol and melatonin rhythms right,

Time: 1538.03

there are tremendously broad and bad effects

Time: 1543.1

on cardiovascular health, dementia, metabolic effects,

Time: 1546.84

learning, depression, dementia,

Time: 1549.55

in fact, there're so many negative effects

Time: 1551.25

associated with getting this wrong

Time: 1553.63

that I don't wanna get into it in too much detail,

Time: 1555.36

in fact, I feel like we've been bombarded

Time: 1558.26

with all this information about how we're not sleeping well,

Time: 1560.54

we're not sleeping at the right times,

Time: 1561.73

we're not sleeping enough,

Time: 1562.92

to the point where people now have sleep anxiety,

Time: 1565.78

if they can't sleep well for a night,

Time: 1567.7

they're feeling overwhelmed by that

Time: 1569.25

and it's sort of now they're stressed

Time: 1570.57

about not being able to sleep

Time: 1571.74

which is making it harder to sleep, et cetera.

Time: 1574.17

I really wanna focus on what we can do

Time: 1576.57

to anchor these systems properly,

Time: 1578.93

so let's think about what happens when we do this correctly

Time: 1582.19

and how to do it correctly.

Time: 1583.61

When we wake up, our eyes open,

Time: 1585.89

now, if we're in a dark room,

Time: 1588.28

there isn't enough light to trigger the correct timing

Time: 1592.35

of this cortisol-melatonin thing, these rhythms.

Time: 1597.23

You might say, "Well, why won't any light do it?"

Time: 1599.46

Well, it turns out that these neurons in our eye

Time: 1602.7

that set the circadian clock

Time: 1604.36

and then allow our circadian clock to set all the clocks

Time: 1607.34

of all the cells and organs and tissues of our body

Time: 1610.01

responds best to a particular quality of light

Time: 1614.47

and amount of light,

Time: 1616.9

and those are the qualities of light and amount of light

Time: 1620.26

that come from sunlight,

Time: 1622.42

so these neurons, what they're really looking for,

Time: 1627.11

although they don't have a mind of their own,

Time: 1629.08

is the sun at what we call low solar angle,

Time: 1632.51

the eye and the nervous system

Time: 1633.62

don't know anything about sunrises or sunsets,

Time: 1635.94

it only knows the quality of light

Time: 1638.36

that comes in when the sun is low in the sky,

Time: 1641

the system evolved so that when the sun is low in the sky,

Time: 1644.91

there's a particular contrast between yellows and blues

Time: 1649.01

that triggers the activation of these cells,

Time: 1651.51

so if you wake up and you look at your phone

Time: 1653.11

or your computer,

Time: 1653.943

or you flip on a bunch of artificial lights,

Time: 1657.07

will these cells be activated?

Time: 1658.99

And the answer is, sort of,

Time: 1660.65

they'll be activated but not in the optimal way.

Time: 1664

What you want to do is get sunlight in your eyes

Time: 1666.59

as close to waking as possible.

Time: 1668.96

Now, I wanna be really clear about this

Time: 1670.42

because I've talked about it

Time: 1671.3

on other podcasts when I was a guest

Time: 1673.77

and I talked about it on my Instagram feed,

Time: 1675.94

and there seemed to be the same questions

Time: 1677.35

coming up again and again,

Time: 1679.25

these neurons don't know sunlight, per se,

Time: 1682.14

they don't know sunrise or sunset, for that matter,

Time: 1685.45

they don't know artificial light from sunlight,

Time: 1688.58

what they respond best to,

Time: 1690.48

however, is the quality and amount of light

Time: 1693.59

that comes in when the sun is low in the sky,

Time: 1696.18

that means that if you can watch the sunrise, great,

Time: 1700.57

that's perfect for triggering activation of these cells,

Time: 1704.02

however, if you wake up a few hours after the sunrise,

Time: 1707.21

which I tend to most days, personally,

Time: 1710.15

you still wanna get outside and view sunlight,

Time: 1713.85

you don't need the sunlight

Time: 1715.13

beaming you directly in the eyes,

Time: 1716.82

there's a lot of photons, light energy,

Time: 1719.19

that's scattered from sunlight at this time,

Time: 1721.79

but the key is to get that light energy,

Time: 1725.52

from sunlight, ideally, into your eyes.

Time: 1728.09

Now, I know many of you are already asking,

Time: 1730.097

"Well, I live in Scandinavia,"

Time: 1731.74

or, "I can't get sunlight,

Time: 1732.937

"there's buildings around me," et cetera,

Time: 1734.69

we will get to all of that,

Time: 1736.74

but it's critically important

Time: 1738.05

that you get outside to get this light.

Time: 1740.51

I had a discussion with a colleague of mine,

Time: 1742.38

Dr. Jamie Zeitzer, who's in the Department of Psychiatry

Time: 1745.73

and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford,

Time: 1748.5

a world expert in this,

Time: 1750.53

and he tells me that it's 50 times less effective

Time: 1756.01

to view this sunlight through a window,

Time: 1759.57

through a car windshield,

Time: 1761.23

or through the side window of a car

Time: 1763.19

than it is to just get outside with no sunglasses

Time: 1766.21

and view light early in the day.

Time: 1768.78

Now, if you can't see the sunrise,

Time: 1770.76

like I said, you can see this

Time: 1771.92

within an hour or two of sunrise,

Time: 1773.53

but it has to be low solar angle,

Time: 1775.15

once the sun is overhead, the quality of light shifts

Time: 1778.59

so that you miss this opportunity

Time: 1780.66

to time the cortisol pulse,

Time: 1782.51

and that turns out to be a bad thing to do,

Time: 1786

you really wanna time that cortisol pulse properly

Time: 1789.18

because, we'll get into this a little bit more later,

Time: 1792.36

but a late-shifted cortisol pulse,

Time: 1795.51

in particular, a 9:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. increase in cortisol

Time: 1799.57

is one of the consequences, and maybe one of the causes,

Time: 1804.57

of a lot of anxiety disorders and depression,

Time: 1807.54

so it's kind of a chicken-egg thing,

Time: 1808.66

we don't know whether or not it's correlated with,

Time: 1810.64

it's the cause, or the effect,

Time: 1812.6

but it's a signature of depression and anxiety disorder.

Time: 1815.88

Bringing that cortisol pulse earlier in your wakeful period,

Time: 1819.72

earlier in your day,

Time: 1821.54

has positive benefits ranging from blood pressure

Time: 1824.36

to mental health, et cetera,

Time: 1826.53

not gonna list them all off

Time: 1827.56

because there's just so many of them,

Time: 1829.24

but many, many positive things happen

Time: 1831.45

when you are getting the cortisol early in the day

Time: 1834.63

far away from your melatonin pulse.

Time: 1837.4

Okay, so how long should you be outside?

Time: 1840.09

Well, this is gonna vary tremendously

Time: 1842.3

because some people live in environments

Time: 1843.87

where it's very bright,

Time: 1844.71

so let's say it's Colorado in the middle of winter,

Time: 1848.56

there's a snowfield, there's no cloud cover,

Time: 1850.327

and you walk outside,

Time: 1852.03

there's going to be so much photon light energy

Time: 1855.23

arriving on your retina

Time: 1856.7

that it probably only takes 30 to 60 seconds

Time: 1858.86

to trigger the central clock

Time: 1860.48

and set your cortisol and melatonin rhythms properly

Time: 1863.12

and get everything lined up nicely,

Time: 1867.21

whereas if you're in Scandinavia in the depths of winter

Time: 1870

and you wake up at 5:00 a.m.

Time: 1870.977

and the sun is just barely creeping across the horizon

Time: 1873.77

and then goes back down again a few hours later,

Time: 1876.21

you probably are not getting enough sunlight

Time: 1879.93

in order to set these rhythms,

Time: 1882.27

so many people find that they need to use

Time: 1885.54

sunlight simulators in the form of particular lights

Time: 1889.07

that were designed to simulate sunlight,

Time: 1890.84

however, and I'm not out to attack

Time: 1893.09

the companies that produce those,

Time: 1894.9

there's another solution to that,

Time: 1897.69

you can simply go outside for longer,

Time: 1900.1

even if there's a lot of dense cloud cover,

Time: 1902.27

you're probably getting anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 lux,

Time: 1907.48

L-U-X, which is just a measure of light energy,

Time: 1910.52

and that should be sufficient to set the circadian clock.

Time: 1915.58

You could say, "Well, the lights in my house or my phone

Time: 1918.377

"are really, really bright, right?

Time: 1919.887

"Everyone's telling us to stay off our phones at night

Time: 1921.657

"because they're really bright,"

Time: 1923.29

but guess what, it turns out that early in the day,

Time: 1926.37

your retina is not very sensitive,

Time: 1929.27

which means you need a lot of photons,

Time: 1932.16

ideally coming from sunlight,

Time: 1933.57

to set these clock mechanisms,

Time: 1935.32

so looking at your phone or artificial lights is fine

Time: 1937.6

if you wake up before sunrise,

Time: 1939.89

but it's not going to work to set these clock mechanisms,

Time: 1944.2

and this is supported by dozens, if not hundreds,

Time: 1946.7

of quality peer-reviewed studies,

Time: 1949.14

so you wanna use sunlight,

Time: 1950.71

if you can't see sunlight because of your environment,

Time: 1953.85

then you are going to have to opt for artificial light,

Time: 1957.15

and in that case, you're going to want an artificial light

Time: 1959.68

that either simulates sunlight or has a lot of blue light.

Time: 1964.09

Now, without going off course here,

Time: 1965.83

you might be saying,

Time: 1966.857

"Wait, I've heard blue light is bad for me."

Time: 1968.93

Actually, blue light is great for this mechanism

Time: 1971.85

during the day,

Time: 1973.72

we can talk about blue light and blue blockers,

Time: 1977.07

but you really want a lot of blue and yellow light

Time: 1980.16

arriving on the retina early in the day.

Time: 1982.04

Let me be clear about something,

Time: 1983.87

you never ever want to look at any light,

Time: 1986.32

sunlight or artificial light,

Time: 1988.27

that is painful to look at.

Time: 1990.03

If you find that your eyes are watering

Time: 1991.79

or you're having challenges maintaining,

Time: 1994.49

you know, looking at this thing for a while

Time: 1996.18

because it's painful,

Time: 1997.18

that light is too bright

Time: 1998.18

and you do not wanna damage your retina,

Time: 2000.05

so you don't wanna gaze at the sun refusing to blink

Time: 2004.09

and burn your retina, that's actually possible to do,

Time: 2007.11

you don't wanna do that.

Time: 2009.29

You have a proper blink reflex installed in you since birth,

Time: 2013.1

and if you feel like something's too bright

Time: 2014.787

and you need to blink,

Time: 2015.71

it means you need to blink, that it's too much light,

Time: 2018.83

so please don't beam your eyes with really bright light,

Time: 2021.87

but blue light,

Time: 2022.81

in particular, blue light and yellow light

Time: 2024.46

coming from sunlight is ideal,

Time: 2026.03

if you're going to get it from artificial light

Time: 2028.1

because you can't get enough sunlight,

Time: 2029.65

well, then, artificial lights

Time: 2032.18

that are rich in blue, blue wavelengths,

Time: 2035.71

are going to be ideal for setting this mechanism.

Time: 2037.87

A lot of people will say, "Oh, I should be

Time: 2039.447

"wearing blue blockers throughout the day."

Time: 2041.27

No, that's the exact wrong thing,

Time: 2044.02

if you're going to use blue blockers,

Time: 2045.71

we can talk about that,

Time: 2046.6

that should be reserved for late in the evening

Time: 2049.41

because light suppresses melatonin.

Time: 2053.58

I've been asked many times before about this pineal gland

Time: 2056.9

and there are a lot of ancient practices

Time: 2059.44

that map to some of the things that I'm saying,

Time: 2061.09

and people will always say, "Oh, I heard that sunlight

Time: 2062.817

"is great for the pineal."

Time: 2064.72

Well, perhaps, but we have to careful about that phrase,

Time: 2068.41

sunlight inhibits the pineal,

Time: 2071.18

it prevents it from releasing melatonin,

Time: 2074.3

darkness allows the pineal to release melatonin,

Time: 2078.21

so the pineal is not the gland or the organ of sunlight,

Time: 2081.99

it is the gland of darkness,

Time: 2083.9

in fact, melatonin can be thought of as a sleepiness signal

Time: 2087.23

that's correlated with darkness,

Time: 2088.98

so get up each morning, try and get outside,

Time: 2092.07

I know that can be challenging for people,

Time: 2093.72

but anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes of sunlight exposure

Time: 2098.12

is going to work well for most people,

Time: 2099.88

and you wanna do this on a regular basis

Time: 2101.74

and you don't have to do it exactly at sunrise,

Time: 2103.62

I realize I'm repeating myself,

Time: 2105.23

but somehow, despite barking at people about this

Time: 2108.36

for a couple years now,

Time: 2110

I keep getting the same questions,

Time: 2111.43

and somehow, it hasn't been sinking in,

Time: 2114.75

which could be related to some circadian disorder,

Time: 2116.86

I'm just kidding, if it's not sinking in,

Time: 2118.64

it's probably that I'm not being effective

Time: 2120.21

in communicating the information,

Time: 2122.68

but get that bright light early in the day from sunlight,

Time: 2125.64

and if you can't get it from sunlight,

Time: 2126.86

get it from artificial light.

Time: 2128.22

What kinds of artificial lights will work?

Time: 2130

Well, there are these sunrise simulators,

Time: 2133.15

but the ring lights that people use for selfies

Time: 2137.28

and this sort of thing, for posting on Instagram,

Time: 2139.8

those generate a lot of blue light.

Time: 2142.1

If wanna get experimental about this,

Time: 2144.09

there's a free app, I have no relationship to the app,

Time: 2146.69

but it's a great app called Light Meter

Time: 2148.84

that you can use your phone

Time: 2150.63

and you can measure the amount of photon energy

Time: 2153.07

in your environment,

Time: 2154

and it's kind of a fun experiment to do,

Time: 2155.4

you can go outside in the morning

Time: 2156.64

and you'll see that there's 10,000, 20,000 lux,

Time: 2159.19

even though it might seem like it's kinda dim

Time: 2161.1

or there's tree cover or cloud cover,

Time: 2162.74

you go inside and you shine an artificial light

Time: 2166.94

at your phone,

Time: 2167.773

press the button on Light Meter

Time: 2169.15

and you'll find that it's only 500 or 1,000 lux,

Time: 2171.99

and you realize that even though it seems really bright,

Time: 2175.35

the artificial light is very condensed,

Time: 2177.89

whereas the outside light is scattered in the atmosphere,

Time: 2182.41

and so you can think that you're not getting much sunlight

Time: 2184.45

but you're actually getting much more outside,

Time: 2186.08

so get outside, get that sunlight early in the day,

Time: 2188.3

and try and do it on a consistent basis.

Time: 2190.23

If you can't do it every day

Time: 2191.41

or you sleep through this period of the early day,

Time: 2193.78

low solar angle,

Time: 2194.74

don't worry about it,

Time: 2196.23

these systems in the body,

Time: 2197.61

these hormone systems and neurotransmitter systems

Time: 2200.14

that make you awake at certain periods of the day

Time: 2202.65

and sleepy at other times

Time: 2204.9

are operating by averaging

Time: 2207.61

when you view the brightest light.

Time: 2210.11

Now, that can immediately tell us

Time: 2212.9

that what most people are doing is terrible,

Time: 2214.7

they're waking up and they're looking at their phone,

Time: 2216.55

which isn't triggering activation of these cells in the eye

Time: 2219.32

and the central circadian clock,

Time: 2221.03

then a few hours later,

Time: 2222.11

they might get in their car with sunglasses and drive.

Time: 2224.5

Now, a note about sunglasses and prescription lenses,

Time: 2229.06

absolutely never, ever, ever compromise safety

Time: 2232.34

for the sorts of things I'm talking about,

Time: 2234

so if you need to wear sunglasses for safety reasons,

Time: 2236.3

wear them,

Time: 2237.34

absolutely, if you wear prescription lenses or contacts,

Time: 2240.19

wear them, they won't filter out the wavelengths of light

Time: 2243.76

that are necessary for setting these central clocks,

Time: 2246.13

so safety first, of course,

Time: 2248.2

if you have a retinal degenerative disorder,

Time: 2250.47

retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, or glaucoma,

Time: 2253.36

or those run in your family,

Time: 2255.41

you want to avoid excessively bright light all the time,

Time: 2258.7

you wanna be very cautious about that,

Time: 2260.34

you're going to wanna get your light exposure

Time: 2263.06

through seeing dimmer light, including sunlight,

Time: 2266.81

but for longer periods of time, perhaps.

Time: 2269.7

You might immediately ask,

Time: 2271.207

"What about low-vision or blind people,

Time: 2273.757

"how do they set these central clocks?"

Time: 2275.38

Well, turns out that low-vision and blind people,

Time: 2278.03

most of them, provided they still have eyes,

Time: 2280.3

that the eyes weren't removed

Time: 2281.3

because of a burn or a tumor or something like that,

Time: 2283.72

still maintain these neurons that set the circadian clock,

Time: 2287.8

which brings me to a really important point,

Time: 2290.31

it's not about seeing and perceiving the sun,

Time: 2293.76

this is a subconscious mechanism by which these neurons,

Time: 2297.62

which are called melanopsin ganglion cells,

Time: 2300.9

these neurons set your central clocks

Time: 2304.62

by getting activated by the particular wavelengths of light

Time: 2308.09

that are present in the atmosphere,

Time: 2309.57

even coming through cloud cover,

Time: 2312.06

and you don't need to see or perceive the sun

Time: 2315.21

in order to get this mechanism to start.

Time: 2317.61

Now, it's such a vitally important mechanism

Time: 2319.56

because it dictates how well

Time: 2322.91

and what time you will want to fall asleep later in the day,

Time: 2326.31

so for those of you that are night owls

Time: 2327.9

and you insist that you're a night owl

Time: 2329.157

and you have the genetic polymorphism

Time: 2331.11

that makes you a night owl,

Time: 2332.11

you may very well have that genetic polymorphism,

Time: 2334.85

those genes that make you want to stay up late

Time: 2336.93

and wake up late,

Time: 2338.71

but chances are, about half of you

Time: 2340.4

that think that you're night owls

Time: 2341.96

are just not getting enough sunlight early in the day.

Time: 2344.88

So viewing light early in the day, ideally sunlight,

Time: 2348.41

is key for establishing healthy sleep-wake rhythms

Time: 2352.53

and for allowing you to fall asleep easily at night.

Time: 2356.46

Now, it's not gonna make sure

Time: 2357.78

that all that happens every single time,

Time: 2359.69

but it is the foundation of proper sleep

Time: 2363.057

and what we call circadian health,

Time: 2365.46

it governs metabolism and so many other things

Time: 2368.64

that are supposed to exist on a regular 24-hour cycle.

Time: 2373.54

Some of you, many of you, might be asking,

Time: 2376.087

"What else can help set this rhythm?"

Time: 2377.98

Well, it turns out that light

Time: 2379.52

is what we call the primary zeitgeber, the time giver,

Time: 2383.99

but other things can help establish this rhythm of cortisol

Time: 2388.93

followed by melatonin 12 to 16 hours later as well.

Time: 2392.52

The other things besides light

Time: 2394.48

are timing of food intake, timing of exercise,

Time: 2398.96

as well as various drugs or chemicals that one might ingest,

Time: 2403.41

not illegal drugs,

Time: 2404.49

although those will impact circadian mechanisms as well,

Time: 2408.24

but the reason we focus so heavily on light

Time: 2410.56

is that light is the main way that this central clock,

Time: 2415.73

the suprachiasmatic nucleus, was supposed to be set,

Time: 2418.677

and we know that because it's the only direct input

Time: 2422.38

to the clock.

Time: 2423.48

These neurons in the eye that are also part of the brain

Time: 2425.59

that we call melanopsin ganglion cells

Time: 2427.76

that, not so incidentally, were discovered

Time: 2430.29

by my friend and colleague David Berson at Brown University,

Time: 2433.8

and others, Samer Hattar, King-Wai Yau, et cetera,

Time: 2437.38

worked out the mechanisms, the molecular mechanisms,

Time: 2439.53

but it was really David Berson

Time: 2441.56

that discovered these incredibly fascinating,

Time: 2446.27

you know, these are cells that aren't important for sight

Time: 2448.57

like pattern vision,

Time: 2449.5

but are for setting our clocks,

Time: 2451.98

David's really credited with making that discovery.

Time: 2455.09

Those cells are the main way

Time: 2458.64

and the only direct way to set the clock,

Time: 2461.5

in fact, it's fair to say

Time: 2463.07

that light viewed by these melanopsin cells,

Time: 2466.7

in particular, sunlight,

Time: 2468.63

is 1,000 to 10,000 times more effective

Time: 2472.5

than, say, getting up in darkness and just exercising.

Time: 2476.07

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't

Time: 2477.11

exercise early in the day in darkness

Time: 2478.8

if that's what you like to do,

Time: 2480.07

it will have somewhat an effect

Time: 2482.37

on raising your wakefulness early in the day

Time: 2485.13

and setting these rhythms,

Time: 2487.62

and this is because of some other pathways,

Time: 2489.5

for the aficionados out there

Time: 2490.82

who wanna know more neuroscience,

Time: 2493.09

here's how it goes, you've got this clock

Time: 2495.03

above the roof of your mouth

Time: 2495.93

that churns out this 24-hour rhythm

Time: 2497.72

and it's communicated to all the other organs

Time: 2499.63

and tissues of your body,

Time: 2501.16

but there's another structure,

Time: 2502.55

it has a cool name, it's called the intergeniculate leaflet,

Time: 2505.87

which sits a few millimeters away in the brain,

Time: 2508.35

and it's involved in regulating the clock output

Time: 2511.58

through what's called non-photic, non-light-type influences

Time: 2515.68

like exercise and feeding, et cetera.

Time: 2518.47

So if you are not feeling awake during the day

Time: 2522.42

and you're having trouble sleeping,

Time: 2524.21

get the sunlight exposure that we just talked about,

Time: 2527.17

but in addition to that,

Time: 2529.18

if you wanna become an early riser, for instance,

Time: 2531.54

and you wanna feel more awake

Time: 2532.66

during the early part of the day,

Time: 2535.2

by getting that light exposure

Time: 2536.5

and exercising early in the day,

Time: 2539

you will, after two or three days,

Time: 2541.25

you will naturally start to wake up earlier in the day,

Time: 2543.69

and that's because these clock mechanisms have shifted,

Time: 2546.13

it's like setting the clock earlier

Time: 2547.86

as opposed to delaying the clock,

Time: 2550.28

and that takes us to a somewhat complicated,

Time: 2553.53

but very important, aspect to all this,

Time: 2555.81

which is, what sets the clock and keeps it anchored?

Time: 2559.4

The main thing is that bright light early in the day,

Time: 2562.57

the other thing is sunset,

Time: 2564.5

when the sun is also at low solar angle,

Time: 2567.68

low, close to the horizon,

Time: 2570.29

by viewing sunlight at that time of day in the evening,

Time: 2573.52

or afternoon, depending on what time of year it is

Time: 2575.41

and where you are in the world,

Time: 2577.34

these melanopsin cells, these neurons in your eye,

Time: 2579.8

signal the central circadian clock

Time: 2581.97

that it's the end of the day,

Time: 2584.09

and there's a really nice study

Time: 2585.51

that was published last year,

Time: 2586.94

and I will put links to these references on a website

Time: 2589.77

not too long from now,

Time: 2591.86

there was a really nice study that showed

Time: 2594.78

that viewing sunlight around the time of the sunset,

Time: 2598.91

doesn't have to be just crossing the horizon,

Time: 2601.32

but circa sunset,

Time: 2603.47

within an hour or so of sunset,

Time: 2606.47

prevents some of the bad effects of light

Time: 2609.93

in preventing melatonin release later that same night,

Time: 2613.86

so let me repeat this,

Time: 2614.8

viewing light early in the day is key,

Time: 2616.33

viewing light later in the day

Time: 2618.26

when the sun is setting, or around that time,

Time: 2621.27

can help protect these mechanisms, your brain and body,

Time: 2625.29

against the negative effects of light later in the day,

Time: 2628.82

so let me talk about you would do that,

Time: 2631.29

you'd go view the sunset

Time: 2632.65

or you would go outside in the late afternoon or evening,

Time: 2635.92

again, if you safely can do that

Time: 2637.41

with sunglasses off, you will,

Time: 2639.41

if you need to wear sunglasses, fine,

Time: 2640.65

but it will take probably 100 to 1,000 times longer

Time: 2643.81

with dark sunglasses than if you take them off,

Time: 2647.81

again, if you wanna do this through a window at work,

Time: 2649.68

that's fine, but it'll take 50 times longer,

Time: 2652.08

so the best thing to do is

Time: 2653.04

just to get outside for a few minutes,

Time: 2655.02

anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes, also in the afternoon.

Time: 2657.78

Having those two signals arriving to your central clock

Time: 2661.14

that your body, your internal world,

Time: 2663.56

knows when it's morning and knows when it's evening,

Time: 2665.77

is tremendously powerful.

Time: 2668.02

Maybe think about it this way,

Time: 2670.03

every cell in your body needs glucose and energy,

Time: 2673.09

it needs, whether or not it gets that from meats

Time: 2675.23

or it gets it from ketones or it gets it from carbohydrates

Time: 2677.76

or fruit or vegetables, it doesn't matter,

Time: 2679.51

it is eventually converted into a certain form of energy

Time: 2682.33

that all your cells use,

Time: 2683.99

but you don't take glucose,

Time: 2685.76

you don't take bread or a steak or a nice orange

Time: 2689.07

and shove it in your ear,

Time: 2690.35

you put it in your mouth,

Time: 2691.3

it goes into your stomach, it's digested,

Time: 2693.15

and then that resource is distributed

Time: 2695.7

to all the cells of your body.

Time: 2697.53

Every cell in your body needs oxygen,

Time: 2699.91

and you don't put a hose

Time: 2701.65

you know, through your nostril or through your ear

Time: 2704.1

or through some other orifice in your body,

Time: 2706.19

you inhale air and it's then distributed via the lungs

Time: 2710.26

to the cells in your blood stream,

Time: 2712.35

and then it's distributed to all the organs of your body.

Time: 2715.38

Every cell and organ in your body needs light information,

Time: 2719.46

and the way to get that light information

Time: 2721.3

to all those cells,

Time: 2722.2

because you have a thick skull

Time: 2724.51

and the inside of you is dark inside your skin,

Time: 2729.23

there's no sunlight getting in there,

Time: 2730.81

is by viewing sunlight with your eyes

Time: 2732.76

at the two times of day that I'm referring to, okay?

Time: 2735.55

That's the only route.

Time: 2737.42

There was a study published in "Science,"

Time: 2739.05

an excellent journal,

Time: 2740.93

well over 10 years ago,

Time: 2743.23

that showed that light shone on the back of the knee

Time: 2746.24

could set these circadian rhythms,

Time: 2749.18

that study was retracted,

Time: 2750.67

and unfortunately, most people don't know

Time: 2752.12

that it was retracted,

Time: 2753.41

there were some experimental flaws,

Time: 2754.99

that people were actually viewing light

Time: 2756.45

through their eyes.

Time: 2757.51

That study was repeated,

Time: 2758.74

turns out, there is no

Time: 2760.25

extraocular photo reception in humans.

Time: 2763.45

Whatever somebody tells you

Time: 2764.69

that light to the skin or light to the wherever

Time: 2767.47

is beneficial for your health,

Time: 2769.5

we can talk about that,

Time: 2770.7

but there's no way that light information

Time: 2772.76

is setting your clocks,

Time: 2774.72

you need these cells in your eyes

Time: 2776.93

to perceive or to see light

Time: 2779.74

at the particular times of day that I'm referring to.

Time: 2782.06

Some animals, like snakes and other reptiles,

Time: 2785.1

actually have a hole in the top of their skull

Time: 2787.76

to get light information directly to their pineal

Time: 2791.35

to suppress melatonin.

Time: 2792.94

We don't have that hole,

Time: 2794

I mean, most of you don't have holes in your skull.

Time: 2797.16

These holes in your skull

Time: 2798.72

that we call the sockets for the eyes

Time: 2801.34

are actually there primarily to allow light information

Time: 2805.38

to this central clock,

Time: 2806.65

and then vision and pattern vision and color vision

Time: 2808.71

came much later in evolution,

Time: 2810.58

we know this on the basis of genetic studies

Time: 2812.36

we get to discuss in a future podcast.

Time: 2815.12

So get that light information

Time: 2816.93

to the cells of your brain and body

Time: 2819.9

by viewing sunlight at the two times of day

Time: 2821.45

that I referred to.

Time: 2824.02

There's always a lot of questions about,

Time: 2825.617

"How long, how much, how do I know if I've had enough?"

Time: 2827.88

You'll know because your rhythm

Time: 2829.9

will start to fall into some degree of normalcy,

Time: 2833.2

you'll start to wake up

Time: 2834.08

at more or less the same time each day,

Time: 2835.71

you'll fall asleep more easily at night,

Time: 2837.37

generally, it takes about two or three days

Time: 2839.07

for these systems to align,

Time: 2840.76

so if you've not been doing these behaviors,

Time: 2842.99

it's gonna take a few days,

Time: 2844.23

but they can have tremendous benefits,

Time: 2846.33

and sometimes rather quickly,

Time: 2847.55

on a number of different mental and physical aspects

Time: 2850.32

of your health.

Time: 2852.99

Now let's talk about the bad effects of light

Time: 2855.83

because light is not supposed to arrive in our system

Time: 2860.34

at any time,

Time: 2861.56

and nowadays, because of screens and artificial light,

Time: 2864.49

we have access to light at times of day and night

Time: 2868.58

that normally we wouldn't.

Time: 2870.61

Now, earlier I said that you need a lot of light,

Time: 2873.29

in particular, sunlight,

Time: 2874.123

to set these clock mechanisms,

Time: 2876.29

that's true, but there's a kind of diabolical feature

Time: 2879.11

to the way all of this works,

Time: 2880.23

which is the longer you've been awake,

Time: 2884

the more sensitive your retina and these cells are to light,

Time: 2888.07

so that if you've been awake for 10, 12, 14 hours,

Time: 2891.83

it becomes very easy for even a small amount of light

Time: 2894.76

coming from a screen or from an overhead light

Time: 2899.49

to trigger the activation of the clock

Time: 2901.8

and make you feel like you wanna stay up later,

Time: 2903.66

make it harder to fall asleep,

Time: 2904.92

and disrupt your sleep pattern, okay?

Time: 2907.35

So the simple way to think about this is

Time: 2909.62

you want as much light as is safely possible

Time: 2912.28

early in the day, morning and throughout the day,

Time: 2914.64

including blue light,

Time: 2915.84

so take those blue blockers off during the day

Time: 2917.86

unless you have a real issue with screen light sensitivity,

Time: 2920.87

and you want as little light coming into your eyes,

Time: 2923.86

artificial or sunlight,

Time: 2925.92

after, say, 8:00 p.m.,

Time: 2927.61

and certainly, you do not want to get

Time: 2929.69

bright light exposure to your eyes

Time: 2930.98

between 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m., and here's why,

Time: 2934.08

David Berson, who I mentioned before,

Time: 2936.16

and another and friend and colleague, Samer Hattar,

Time: 2938.32

who's director of the chronobiology unit

Time: 2940.05

at the National Institutes of Mental Health

Time: 2942.24

published a paper in "Cell," which is a journal,

Time: 2945.79

another excellent journal, very high stringency,

Time: 2947.95

showing that light that arrives to the eyes

Time: 2953.06

between 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m., approximately,

Time: 2956.88

suppresses the release of dopamine,

Time: 2960.34

this neuromodulator that makes us feel good,

Time: 2962.25

and it's sort of an endogenous antidepressant,

Time: 2965.8

and can inhibit learning

Time: 2967.04

and create all sorts of other detrimental effects,

Time: 2970.63

it does this through a mechanism,

Time: 2972.31

for those of you that wanna know the neural pathways,

Time: 2974.48

that involves light to the eyes

Time: 2975.9

that's then signaled to a structure called the habenula,

Time: 2978.856

the habenula looks like two little bat ears

Time: 2980.64

sitting right in the middle of a structure in your brain

Time: 2982.53

called the thalamus,

Time: 2983.55

don't worry about these names

Time: 2984.65

if you're not interested in this stuff,

Time: 2985.72

if you are, these are just avenues to explore,

Time: 2988.44

when that habenula gets activated

Time: 2990.36

it's actually called the disappointment nucleus

Time: 2993.13

because it actually makes us feel less happy

Time: 2997.09

and more disappointed,

Time: 2998.19

and can lead to certain forms of depression

Time: 3000.7

in the wakeful state.

Time: 3002.18

Now, if you wake up in the middle of the night

Time: 3003.46

and you need to use the bathroom

Time: 3004.46

or you're on an all-night flight

Time: 3005.77

and you're, you know, need to read or whatever it is, fine,

Time: 3011.38

every once in a while, it's not gonna be a problem

Time: 3013.34

to get bright light exposure to your eyes

Time: 3015.42

in the middle of the night,

Time: 3016.86

but if you think about our lifestyle nowadays

Time: 3019.53

and being up late looking at phones,

Time: 3021.14

even if you dim that screen,

Time: 3022.82

you're triggering this activation

Time: 3024.7

because your retinal sensitivity

Time: 3026.16

and the sensitivity of these neurons has gone up

Time: 3028.31

late in the day.

Time: 3029.72

Now, I'm not here to dictate

Time: 3030.75

what you should or shouldn't do,

Time: 3032.08

but for those of you that are

Time: 3033.08

experiencing challenges with mood,

Time: 3035.3

those of you that have anxiety,

Time: 3036.58

learning problems, issues focusing,

Time: 3039.21

the questions I usually get are, "How can I focus better?"

Time: 3041.35

Well, we will get to that,

Time: 3043.08

but one of the best ways you can support

Time: 3045.34

your mechanisms for good mood, mental health,

Time: 3047.98

learning, focus, metabolism, et cetera,

Time: 3050.8

is to take control of this light exposure behavior at night

Time: 3055.67

and not get much or any bright light exposure

Time: 3058.78

in the middle of the night.

Time: 3059.95

Red light won't trigger this pathway,

Time: 3062.61

but very few people have the kind of infrared lights

Time: 3065.23

that are set up, or floor lights,

Time: 3066.957

and that brings me to an important point,

Time: 3069.17

which is about the location of light,

Time: 3070.69

this hasn't been discussed much out there, I don't think,

Time: 3073.6

these cells in our eye,

Time: 3075.41

these neurons that signal the central clock,

Time: 3078.25

reside mostly, not exclusively, but mostly,

Time: 3081.1

in the bottom half of our retina,

Time: 3083.18

and because we have a lens in front of our retina,

Time: 3085.8

and because of the optics of lenses,

Time: 3087.87

that means that these cells

Time: 3089.63

are actually viewing our upper visual field,

Time: 3092

there's an inversion of the visual image, et cetera,

Time: 3094.52

you can look that up if you wanna learn more

Time: 3096.17

about retinal optics, it's fascinating,

Time: 3098.51

but not the topic for today.

Time: 3100.62

These cells are in the bottom half of your retina mostly,

Time: 3102.95

and so they're viewing the overhead visual space around you.

Time: 3108.26

This is probably not coincidental that these cells

Time: 3112.44

were essentially designed to detect sunlight,

Time: 3115.97

which is overhead, of course,

Time: 3118.12

so if you want to avoid

Time: 3121.63

improper activation of these neurons,

Time: 3125.66

it's better to place lights that you use in the evening

Time: 3128.97

low in your physical environment,

Time: 3130.83

so on desktops or even the floor, if you wanna go that way,

Time: 3135.64

as opposed to overhead lights,

Time: 3137.98

so overhead florescent lights would be the worst,

Time: 3140.95

that would be the worst case scenario,

Time: 3143.34

lights that are overhead that are a little bit softer,

Time: 3145.79

of the sort or yellow or reddish tints,

Time: 3148.04

would be slightly better,

Time: 3149.09

but dim lights that are set low in the room

Time: 3151.71

are going to be best

Time: 3152.73

because they aren't going to activate these neurons

Time: 3156.23

and therefore shift your circadian clock,

Time: 3159.16

so that's a goal.

Time: 3160.57

Some people, like Samer Hattar that I mentioned earlier,

Time: 3163.61

he turns his home basically into a cave in the evenings.

Time: 3166.7

Candlelight actually does not

Time: 3169.12

trigger activation of these cells,

Time: 3170.69

so candlelight and fireplaces and campfires are fine,

Time: 3176.32

dim lights, very dim lights are fine,

Time: 3178.3

and lights low in the physical environment,

Time: 3180.05

of course, the problem with candlelight and fireplaces

Time: 3182.72

is the fire hazard,

Time: 3183.65

but you're smart people, you know what to do about that.

Time: 3187.68

Don't burn down whatever structure you're in,

Time: 3190.85

including forests, please.

Time: 3193.26

So, keep the lights low in in your environment.

Time: 3196.88

What if you wake up in the middle of the night

Time: 3199.01

and you find yourself watching TV or on the computer?

Time: 3203.731

Well, in that case, you might wanna wear blue blockers,

Time: 3205.8

and you certainly would wanna dim the screen,

Time: 3208.11

but ideally, you're not doing that,

Time: 3209.63

it's remarkable the positive effects

Time: 3212.66

of getting that bit of sunlight early in the day,

Time: 3214.63

maybe even also around sunset,

Time: 3216.22

and avoiding bright lights,

Time: 3218.09

and especially overhead bright lights,

Time: 3220.56

between about 11:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m..

Time: 3222.73

Now, I'm not talking about shift work,

Time: 3224.47

I'm realizing that we're probably

Time: 3226.07

gonna have to have an entire discussion

Time: 3227.74

devoted just to shift workers

Time: 3229.41

because there's some good information there

Time: 3230.83

about how they can protect themselves

Time: 3232.74

against some of the very bad health effects of shift work,

Time: 3236.34

of getting light in the middle of the night,

Time: 3237.83

but we rely on shift workers

Time: 3239.21

and they're super important to culture

Time: 3241.44

and society and the economy,

Time: 3243.47

so I wanna acknowledge them

Time: 3245.05

and let you know that we will do a discussion

Time: 3248.01

about shift work and jet lag,

Time: 3251.06

but let's talk about what light can do

Time: 3254.35

in terms of shifting us in healthy ways.

Time: 3257.58

So the way to think about this whole system,

Time: 3260.24

again, is you've got adenosine building up

Time: 3261.98

depending on how long you've been awake

Time: 3264.09

and it's making you sleepy,

Time: 3265.15

and then you've got the circadian mechanisms

Time: 3266.82

that are timing your wakefulness

Time: 3268.49

and timing when you wanna be asleep,

Time: 3270.09

mainly through cortisol and melatonin,

Time: 3272.4

but there are a bunch of other things

Time: 3273.47

that are downstream of cortisol and melatonin,

Time: 3275.56

like, we tend to be hungrier during our wakeful period

Time: 3280.08

than late at night,

Time: 3281.03

some people like to eat late at night,

Time: 3282.8

but if you're finding that you

Time: 3284.39

can't become a day person or a morning person,

Time: 3286.82

shifting your light exposure, exercise,

Time: 3290.01

and food intake to the daytime will help.

Time: 3292.95

Some people like to stop eating around 6:00 or 8:00 p.m.

Time: 3296.75

because of metabolic reasons

Time: 3298.93

or they're trying to maintain their weight or lose weight,

Time: 3301.34

that's actually not supported so well by the literature,

Time: 3305.69

the literature around nutrition essentially says

Time: 3307.51

that it's best to restrict your feeding

Time: 3309.88

to a certain period of each 24-hour cycle

Time: 3312.12

to not be eating around the clock,

Time: 3314.18

and whether or not that's 4 hours or 8 hours or 16 hours

Time: 3318.23

is a much lengthier discussion than we have time for now,

Time: 3320.61

I would refer you to Satchin Panda's book,

Time: 3323.557

"The Circadian Code," which talks all about that,

Time: 3325.61

he's an expert, a former colleague of mine

Time: 3327.37

from the Salk Institute in San Diego,

Time: 3329.74

you can explore intermittent and circadian fasting,

Time: 3333.36

so to speak, through Satchin's literature,

Time: 3335.58

we'll talk about that,

Time: 3336.413

we might even get Satchin in here if we're lucky

Time: 3338.45

at some point in the future,

Time: 3339.86

but you can actually use light to wake up earlier.

Time: 3343.37

Jamie Zeitzer and colleagues did a beautiful study

Time: 3346.44

showing that, if you turn on the lights before waking up,

Time: 3351.68

so around 45 minutes to an hour before waking up,

Time: 3354.85

even if your eyelids are closed,

Time: 3356.4

provided you're not under the covers,

Time: 3359.9

after doing that for a few days,

Time: 3361.76

that increases your total sleep time

Time: 3364.45

and shifts forward the time at which you feel sleepy,

Time: 3367.42

it makes you want to go to bed earlier each night.

Time: 3370.73

Now, in a kind of diabolical way,

Time: 3373.21

they did this with teenagers

Time: 3374.53

who are notorious for wanting to wake up late

Time: 3376.78

and stay up late,

Time: 3377.613

and what they found was

Time: 3378.77

bright light flashes, just turning on the lights

Time: 3380.82

in their environment, overhead lights,

Time: 3382.17

because they're trying to activate this system

Time: 3384.09

and that's why they're using overhead lights,

Time: 3386.53

even through the eyelids, before these kids woke up,

Time: 3390.14

then made those kids naturally wanna go to bed earlier

Time: 3392.69

and they ended up sleeping longer,

Time: 3394.22

so that's something you could try,

Time: 3395.23

you could put your lights on a timer

Time: 3396.61

to go on early in the day before you wake up,

Time: 3401.02

you could open your blinds

Time: 3402.44

so that sunlight is coming through,

Time: 3404.28

and again, if you curl up under the covers,

Time: 3406.59

then it's not gonna reach these neurons,

Time: 3409.32

but it's remarkable that light

Time: 3410.56

can actually penetrate the eyelids,

Time: 3412.25

activate these neurons, and go to the central clock.

Time: 3415.47

That study illustrates a really important principle

Time: 3417.96

of how you're built,

Time: 3418.94

which is, you have the capacity

Time: 3421.09

for what are called phase advances and phase delays,

Time: 3425.05

and I don't wanna complicate this too much,

Time: 3427.19

so the simplest way to think about

Time: 3429.64

phase advances and phase delays

Time: 3432.09

is that if you see light late in the day,

Time: 3435.337

and in particular, in the middle of the night,

Time: 3437.91

your brain and body, for reasons that now you understand,

Time: 3442.34

will think that that's morning light

Time: 3444.43

even though it's not sunlight

Time: 3445.57

because you have this heightened sensitivity,

Time: 3447.15

and it will phase delay, it will delay your clock,

Time: 3449.91

it will essentially make you want to get up later

Time: 3452.05

and go to sleep later,

Time: 3453.78

so if you get light exposure too late in the evening

Time: 3456.55

or in the middle of the night,

Time: 3457.94

it's going to make it hard

Time: 3459.28

to want to wake up that next morning early

Time: 3461.54

and to go to bed early.

Time: 3464.37

The opposite is also true, if you wake up early,

Time: 3469.65

say, 6:00 a.m. or 7:00 a.m., and get light exposure,

Time: 3474.34

or even earlier, 4:00 a.m., and get light exposure,

Time: 3477.3

it will phase-advance your clock, okay?

Time: 3480.1

It's gonna make your clock think it's earlier

Time: 3482.62

and you'll wanna wake up earlier,

Time: 3484.4

so the simple way to think about this

Time: 3486.73

is if you're having trouble waking up early

Time: 3488.87

and feeling alert early in the day,

Time: 3491.69

you're going to wanna try and get bright light exposure

Time: 3494.3

even before waking up because it will advance your clock,

Time: 3498.07

it's sort of like turning the clock forward,

Time: 3500.22

whereas if you are having trouble waking up early,

Time: 3502.73

you definitely don't want to get

Time: 3504.86

too much light exposure or any light exposure

Time: 3507.11

to your eyes late in the evening

Time: 3509.41

and in the middle of the night

Time: 3510.26

because it's just gonna delay your clock more and more,

Time: 3513.16

so rather than get into the specifics

Time: 3515.46

of everybody's situation

Time: 3516.72

because there are many of you out there

Time: 3518.07

with different situations

Time: 3519.22

and lifestyle requirements, et cetera,

Time: 3522.39

the way to think about this

Time: 3524

is that you have these internal mechanisms

Time: 3526.27

of adenosine and circadian clocks,

Time: 3527.99

and they're always operating,

Time: 3529.6

and what you're trying to do is provide them anchors,

Time: 3532.45

you're trying to provide them consistent, powerful anchors

Time: 3535.91

so that your cortisol, your melatonin,

Time: 3539.28

and then everything that cascades down from that,

Time: 3542.45

like your metabolism and your ability to learn

Time: 3545.17

and your sense of alertness, your dopamine, your serotonin,

Time: 3548.26

all that stuff is timed regularly,

Time: 3551.62

one of the reasons why there's so much challenge out there

Time: 3556.88

with focus and anxiety and depression,

Time: 3560

there are a lot of reasons for that,

Time: 3561.31

but one of the reasons is that people's internal mechanisms

Time: 3565.42

aren't anchored to anything regular.

Time: 3567.68

Now, this doesn't require being neurotically attached

Time: 3570.67

to getting up at a very specific time, going outside,

Time: 3573.18

viewing the sunlight at the same time every day,

Time: 3575.27

these systems, again, will average,

Time: 3576.81

but if you can provide them consistent light anchors

Time: 3579.91

early in the day and in the evening,

Time: 3581.79

and avoiding light at night,

Time: 3583.37

you will be amazed at the tremendous number

Time: 3585.74

of positive effects that can come from that

Time: 3588.03

at the level of metabolic factors, hormones,

Time: 3591

and just general feelings of wellbeing,

Time: 3593.46

in fact, most of us are familiar

Time: 3596.33

with what it is to not sleep well

Time: 3598.38

and all the terrible effects that has,

Time: 3600

maybe one night you're fine, two nights even,

Time: 3602.37

for the new parents out there, I sympathize with you,

Time: 3606.15

but most people are not familiar with what it is

Time: 3609.57

to sleep really, really well on a consistent basis,

Time: 3613.42

and when you start doing that

Time: 3615.18

by controlling your sleep environment, right,

Time: 3617.04

get the proper sleep surface, get the proper pillow,

Time: 3619.83

get the temperature in the room right,

Time: 3621.84

get your light exposure right,

Time: 3623.8

start timing your exercise at normal periods or times

Time: 3626.75

throughout the day and week,

Time: 3628.82

it's amazing how many other biological systems

Time: 3631.37

just naturally fall in line,

Time: 3633.12

and this is why whenever people ask me,

Time: 3635.847

"What should I take?"

Time: 3636.8

which is one of the most common questions I get,

Time: 3638.427

"What supplement should I take?

Time: 3639.477

"What drug should I be taking?

Time: 3640.647

"What things should I be taking?"

Time: 3642.32

The first question I always ask them is, "How's your sleep?"

Time: 3647.52

and 90% of the time, they tell me

Time: 3649.61

they either have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

Time: 3651.81

or they don't feel rested throughout the day.

Time: 3654.42

A brief note about naps,

Time: 3656.64

naps, provided that they're less than one ultradian cycle,

Time: 3659.64

provided they're 20 minutes or 30 minutes or even an hour,

Time: 3662.58

can be very beneficial for a lot of people,

Time: 3664.65

you don't have to take them,

Time: 3666.29

but many people naturally feel a dip

Time: 3668.58

in energy and focus late in the afternoon,

Time: 3670.66

in fact, if we were gonna look at wakefulness,

Time: 3672.8

what we would find is that you get

Time: 3674.04

that morning light exposure, hopefully,

Time: 3675.48

your cortisol goes up, people will start feeling awake,

Time: 3677.55

and then around two, or three, or four in the afternoon,

Time: 3679.88

there's a spike in everything

Time: 3682.4

from alertness to ability to learn,

Time: 3684.89

some metabolic factors drop,

Time: 3686.46

and then it just naturally comes back up,

Time: 3688.59

and then it tapers off as the night goes on.

Time: 3691.24

So for some of you, naps are great,

Time: 3693.76

I love taking naps,

Time: 3695.35

some people, they wake up from naps feeling really groggy,

Time: 3698.45

that's probably because they're not sleeping

Time: 3700.35

as well as they should at night

Time: 3702.54

or as long as they should at night,

Time: 3703.74

and so they're dropping into REM sleep

Time: 3706.38

or deeper forms of sleep in the day time,

Time: 3709.06

and then they wake up and they feel kind of disoriented,

Time: 3711.29

other people feel great after a nap,

Time: 3712.9

so that's another case where, just like with caffeine,

Time: 3715.36

so sort of have to evaluate for yourself.

Time: 3718.01

As we discuss this, you're probably realizing

Time: 3719.61

this is a lot like nutrition where nowadays it's just crazy,

Time: 3722.7

I mean, if you go on social media,

Time: 3724.24

it's like you've got people who are pushing carnivore,

Time: 3726.37

you've got other people who are pushing vegan,

Time: 3728.31

other people who are pushing paleo,

Time: 3731.07

every variation of every diet,

Time: 3733.03

and there's a lot of data to support

Time: 3734.91

any and all of those and the arguments go on and on,

Time: 3737.34

and there's probably a lot of genetic variation

Time: 3739.5

and lifestyle variation

Time: 3741

that's going to dictate whether or not

Time: 3742.41

something is good for you, whether or not you like it,

Time: 3744.27

whether or not you'll stick to it.

Time: 3746.05

The same thing is true for circadian

Time: 3749.84

and sleep and wakefulness behaviors,

Time: 3752.68

except the light-viewing behavior

Time: 3754.39

that I talked about before, there's no way around that,

Time: 3756.37

that's hardwired into our system,

Time: 3757.87

the same way we could factually say

Time: 3761.23

that everybody needs some nutrition

Time: 3763.76

at some level from some source,

Time: 3765.58

everybody needs light information

Time: 3767.5

arriving in their system in some way at regular intervals,

Time: 3771.7

so that's really what this is about.

Time: 3774.08

Okay, so naps are gonna be good for some people,

Time: 3776

not for others,

Time: 3776.833

I have a colleague, a very accomplished neuroscientist,

Time: 3779.28

who likes to take naps just after lunch,

Time: 3782.83

I personally like to take a nap around 3:00 or 4:00 p.m.,

Time: 3786.13

but there's a practice

Time: 3787.39

that I've adopted in the last 5 years

Time: 3789.82

that I've found to be immensely beneficial

Time: 3792.37

that is sort of like napping but isn't napping,

Time: 3795.34

it's a thing that they call yoga nidra,

Time: 3798.74

yoga nidra actually means yoga sleep,

Time: 3801.01

and it's a sort of meditation that you listen to,

Time: 3803.8

there are number of scripts,

Time: 3804.81

I've talked about this on podcasts before

Time: 3806.45

but I'm going to post a link to the two that I like most,

Time: 3809.71

that allows you to consciously

Time: 3813.62

bring your entire body and mind

Time: 3816.29

into a state of deep relaxation,

Time: 3818.14

and sometimes you fall asleep and sometimes you don't,

Time: 3821.21

this is done for 10 to 30 or even 60 minutes at a time.

Time: 3826.16

The other thing that works really well is meditation,

Time: 3829.28

so I'm talking about naps,

Time: 3831.15

but I'm also talking about yoga nidra,

Time: 3832.7

which is sort of a form of meditation,

Time: 3834.51

and then more standard forms of meditation,

Time: 3837.49

all three of those do something powerful

Time: 3840.17

which is that they bring our mind

Time: 3842.24

into a state of less so-called

Time: 3844.06

sympathetic nervous system activation,

Time: 3846.03

go back and listen to episode one

Time: 3847.72

if that doesn't make any sense,

Time: 3848.88

which is what governs your alertness,

Time: 3850.62

and instead, it activates cells and circuits in your body

Time: 3854.48

that promote the parasympathetic nervous system,

Time: 3856.97

or the calming system.

Time: 3858.71

A lot of people are not good falling asleep

Time: 3860.92

because they're not good at calming down,

Time: 3863.83

so some people have no trouble falling asleep,

Time: 3866.2

but many people have a hard time falling asleep,

Time: 3868.62

or at least every once in a while

Time: 3870.31

experience challenges falling asleep.

Time: 3872.31

I don't have problems falling asleep most nights,

Time: 3875.08

but I've noticed that if I'm working very hard

Time: 3877.13

or if the world is particularly stressful,

Time: 3879.04

my mind gets into a bit of a kind of OCD loop

Time: 3881.41

where I tend to ruminate on things,

Time: 3882.85

and I'm not even thinking about anything in particular,

Time: 3884.513

it's just challenging for me to disengage and fall asleep.

Time: 3888.24

Meditation and yoga nidra scripts

Time: 3890.63

have been immensely helpful for me

Time: 3892.58

in terms of accelerating the transition to sleep,

Time: 3895.92

so they involve taking a few minutes,

Time: 3898.77

10 to 30 minutes or so,

Time: 3900.07

just like you would for a nap,

Time: 3901.51

and just listening to a script, almost passively,

Time: 3904.54

and it has you do some particular patterns of breathing

Time: 3907.73

and some other kind of body-scan-like things

Time: 3910.62

that can really help people learn to relax,

Time: 3913.15

not just in that moment,

Time: 3914.68

but get better at relaxing and turning off thinking

Time: 3917.52

in order to fall asleep when they wanna do that at night.

Time: 3920.72

There's another thing that's similar to this,

Time: 3922.36

which is certain forms of hypnosis for sleep,

Time: 3925.04

for that, I'll just refer you to the website

Time: 3926.87

of a colleague and collaborator of mine,

Time: 3928.96

David Spiegel, who's our associate chair

Time: 3932.27

of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford,

Time: 3935.58

he's developed a website,

Time: 3937.15

which is reverie, R-E-V-E-R-I-E,,

Time: 3941.87


Time: 3943.62

that has a lot of science-supported,

Time: 3946.31

clinically supported hypnosis scripts

Time: 3949.38

that essentially take the brain

Time: 3950.73

into states of deep relaxation

Time: 3953.15

for the sake of rewiring the brain and neuroplasticity,

Time: 3955.87

but one of those scripts that's there

Time: 3957.43

and is available free is for sleep,

Time: 3959.93

and we'll talk more about hypnosis at a later time

Time: 3961.97

because it has a ton of other effects

Time: 3964.32

that aren't just limited to sleep.

Time: 3967.16

So a period of time each day

Time: 3969.37

that you devote to getting better

Time: 3970.99

at falling and staying asleep

Time: 3972.45

is actually a really good practice to adopt.

Time: 3975.13

The other thing about these practices

Time: 3976.6

like meditation, yoga nidra, and hypnosis,

Time: 3979.8

is people would always say to me,

Time: 3981.167

"Well, when should I do them?"

Time: 3982.21

and I always say, "Well, the best time of day to do it

Time: 3984.077

"is when you first wake up in the morning,

Time: 3986.027

"provided you've gotten your sunlight already,

Time: 3988.407

"anytime you wake up in the middle of the night,

Time: 3990.017

"or any time of day."

Time: 3990.96

In other words, they're always good for you

Time: 3992.89

because it's a training mechanism

Time: 3994.51

by which you self-train your nervous system

Time: 3996.77

to go from a state of heightened alertness

Time: 3999.31

that you don't want

Time: 4000.27

to heightened relaxation that you do want,

Time: 4003.45

and so it's really teaching you to hit the brake,

Time: 4006.33

and that brings us to an even more important point, perhaps,

Time: 4008.99

which is, we've all experienced

Time: 4011.55

that we can stay up if we want to, right?

Time: 4014.42

If we wanna stay up late on New Year's

Time: 4016.92

or we wanna push an all-nighter,

Time: 4018.28

some people can do that more easily than others,

Time: 4020.83

but we're all capable of doing that,

Time: 4023.38

but it's very hard to make ourselves fall asleep,

Time: 4025.9

and so there's a sort of asymmetry

Time: 4027.72

to the way our autonomic nervous system,

Time: 4029.66

which governs this alertness-calmness thing,

Time: 4031.86

the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system,

Time: 4034.35

there's an asymmetry there

Time: 4035.61

where we are more easily able to engage wakefulness

Time: 4039.5

and drive wakefulness,

Time: 4040.52

we can force ourselves to stay awake,

Time: 4042.71

than we are able to force ourselves to fall asleep,

Time: 4046.37

and one of the things that I say over and over again,

Time: 4049.35

and I'm gonna continue to say over and over again,

Time: 4051.52

is it's very hard to control the mind with the mind,

Time: 4054.48

when you have trouble falling asleep,

Time: 4056.3

you need to look to some mechanism that involves the body,

Time: 4059.28

and all the things I described,

Time: 4060.67

meditation, hypnosis, yoga nidra,

Time: 4063.49

all involve exhale-emphasized breathing,

Time: 4066.76

certain ways of lying down and controlling the body,

Time: 4069.78

we're gonna get into breathing in real depth

Time: 4072.06

at another time,

Time: 4073.11

but all of those involve using the body to control the mind

Time: 4076.62

rather than trying to, you know,

Time: 4078.96

wrestle your mind into a certain pattern of relaxation,

Time: 4082.64

so earlier in episode one, I talked about the Mobius strip,

Time: 4087.86

this continuous loop that is the brain-body relationship,

Time: 4091.24

or the mind-body relationship,

Time: 4093.05

and when we're having trouble controlling the mind,

Time: 4095.15

I encourage people to look towards the body,

Time: 4097.66

look toward sunlight,

Time: 4099.02

avoid sunlight and bright light

Time: 4100.76

if that happens to be late at night,

Time: 4102.62

so there's a theme that's starting to emerge

Time: 4104.8

which is, in order to control this thing

Time: 4106.17

that we call the nervous system,

Time: 4107.55

we have to look back to

Time: 4109

some of the things we discussed earlier,

Time: 4110.66

like sensation, perception, et cetera,

Time: 4113

but we have to ask, what can we control?

Time: 4115.17

Well, I'm talking about controlling light exposure,

Time: 4117.8

controlling your breathing and body,

Time: 4120.04

I'm not going into details right now

Time: 4121.5

but you can see the yoga nidra script

Time: 4123.17

or the,

Time: 4125.2

or Headspace would be a great place

Time: 4126.93

to adopt a meditation practice,

Time: 4129.44

any of those are really teaching you

Time: 4131.05

to use your body to control your mind,

Time: 4133.32

and to allow you to explore the mind-body relationship

Time: 4136.21

in a way that gives you more control

Time: 4138.48

over your mind and the mind-body relationship, okay?

Time: 4142.36

So we talked about light,

Time: 4144.65

we talked about activity and timing of light,

Time: 4146.98

we talked about the usefulness of naps,

Time: 4149.2

and these things that I'm calling non-sleep deep rest,

Time: 4152.42

which include meditation, yoga nidra, and hypnosis,

Time: 4156.88

non-sleep deep rest,

Time: 4158.68

or what I, hereafter, we will refer to as NSDR,

Time: 4163.17

not to be confused with EMDR,

Time: 4165.01

I don't think I've ever heard NSDR,

Time: 4166.73

so I'm planting a flag for NSDR, non-sleep deep rest,

Time: 4172.08

as a way to reset one's ability to be awake

Time: 4176.33

after you emerge from NSDR,

Time: 4178.13

so to get some more wakefulness and ability to attend,

Time: 4180.62

some emotional stability, reset,

Time: 4183.56

as well as make it better and easier to fall asleep

Time: 4187.68

when you wanna go to sleep at night.

Time: 4189.49

Now, the non-sleep deep rest

Time: 4191.03

does have some research to support it,

Time: 4193.18

there's a beautiful study done

Time: 4194.97

out of a university in Denmark,

Time: 4196.97

I will later provide a link to that study,

Time: 4199.7

that showed that this meditation

Time: 4202.41

and yoga nidra-type meditation

Time: 4205.25

allows dopamine and other neuromodulators

Time: 4208.14

in an area of the brain called the striatum

Time: 4209.79

that's involved in motor planning and motor execution,

Time: 4213.04

to reset itself,

Time: 4214.41

in other words, this NSDR can reset our ability

Time: 4217.89

to engage in the world in a way that's very deliberate,

Time: 4221.58

and not to throw in another acronym,

Time: 4222.99

but NSDR resets your ability to engage in DPOs,

Time: 4226.24

duration, path, and outcome,

Time: 4227.85

so now you're probably rolling your eyes like,

Time: 4229.397

"Oh my goodness, the number of acronyms,"

Time: 4230.94

but just bear with me because NSDR is so powerful,

Time: 4236.17

because first of all, it doesn't require

Time: 4239.29

that you rig yourself to any device,

Time: 4241.38

it doesn't require that you take much time out of your day,

Time: 4244.45

it doesn't require that you ingest anything, except air,

Time: 4247.83

and it can have so many positive effects

Time: 4251.28

right down to the neuromodulator level,

Time: 4253.45

so I think in the years to come,

Time: 4254.91

my lab's exploring this

Time: 4256.27

in a collaboration with David Spiegel's lab,

Time: 4258.46

but other labs are looking at this as well,

Time: 4259.713

I think NSDR is going to start to play a more prominent role

Time: 4264.08

in what we call wellness and health,

Time: 4266.15

both mental health and physical health,

Time: 4267.57

so I encourage you to explore those practices.

Time: 4269.96

Okay, so what about things that we can

Time: 4272.41

and maybe should or should not take

Time: 4274.37

in order to control and access better sleep

Time: 4277.64

and better wakefulness?

Time: 4278.9

We've talked about things you can do or not do,

Time: 4282.87

we've talked about nutrition and the timing of nutrition,

Time: 4286.29

now let's talk about compounds,

Time: 4287.7

those could be prescription drugs,

Time: 4289.13

those could be supplements,

Time: 4290.86

there are a number of different things

Time: 4291.92

that will affect your circadian timing and behavior,

Time: 4296.1

in fact, almost everything that you could take

Time: 4301.41

will affect your circadian timing and behavior,

Time: 4304.06

that's right.

Time: 4304.893

So years ago when I was in graduate school,

Time: 4307.51

I had a professor, unfortunately, he passed away now,

Time: 4309.49

but his name was Ted Jones, the late Edward Jones,

Time: 4312.17

who was a world-class neuroanatomist,

Time: 4313.94

he wrote the book on the thalamus,

Time: 4315.17

in fact, it's called "The Thalamus,"

Time: 4317.64

and an expert on patterns of activation in the brain

Time: 4320.47

during sleep,

Time: 4321.52

and I'll never forget that during one of these lectures,

Time: 4324.02

someone asked Ted the question,

Time: 4326.237

"What is the effect of some drug

Time: 4328.247

"on these waves of activity in the thalamus?" or something,

Time: 4331.34

and his answer was incredible.

Time: 4333.43

Now, he was a pretty gruff guy,

Time: 4335.44

and so his answer was delivered

Time: 4337.23

in the form of a kind of aggressive direct statement,

Time: 4339.51

he said, "A drug is a substance

Time: 4342.407

"that when injected into a person,

Time: 4344.407

"produces a scientific publication,"

Time: 4346.96

and what he was saying is actually quite true,

Time: 4349.84

which is that most every compound

Time: 4352.89

will have some effect on some aspect of biology,

Time: 4356.21

this is why it's hard

Time: 4357.043

to sort through everything that's on PubMed,

Time: 4358.64

if you put any molecule or compound or drug into PubMed

Time: 4363.55

and then you put sleep next to it, or alertness next to it,

Time: 4367.16

you're likely to find a paper where there's an effect,

Time: 4369.94

but that's not necessarily telling you

Time: 4373.41

that that drug is helpful for that,

Time: 4375.85

what it's telling you is

Time: 4376.87

that anytime you change what you take

Time: 4380.56

or you stop taking something,

Time: 4382.74

say you're taking sleeping pills, Ambien or whatever it is,

Time: 4385.27

and you stop taking them,

Time: 4386.25

your sleep behavior will change.

Time: 4388.78

Let's stay you take an aspirin

Time: 4389.707

and you don't normally take aspirin,

Time: 4391.16

you will shift your circadian rhythm,

Time: 4393.32

now you might not shift it perceptibly,

Time: 4395.24

you might not create problems for yourself,

Time: 4397.14

but anytime you ingest a compound at high potency,

Time: 4400.85

you're going to provide some shift to your circadian rhythm.

Time: 4404.14

Now, that said, there are a couple things

Time: 4406.02

that are directly in line with the biology

Time: 4408.24

related to falling and staying asleep

Time: 4409.95

and directly in line with the biology of wakefulness,

Time: 4412.95

there's a whole category of things,

Time: 4414.79

like stimulants, cocaine, amphetamine,

Time: 4417.8

and prescription stimulants, that are,

Time: 4420.64

the prescription ones were designed

Time: 4422.1

for the treatment of narcolepsy,

Time: 4423.49

so things like modafinil or armodafinil

Time: 4426.77

that are designed to created wakefulness,

Time: 4428.18

they are all essentially chemical variants

Time: 4432.71

of things that increase epinephrine and dopamine.

Time: 4435.63

Now, of course, I'm of the standpoint

Time: 4438.13

that things like cocaine and amphetamine

Time: 4439.65

are just across the board bad,

Time: 4441.18

they have so many addictive and terrible effects,

Time: 4444.09

in the proper setting prescribed by the proper professional,

Time: 4448.1

things like modafinil for narcolepsy might be appropriate,

Time: 4452.34

I know that a lot of people out there take Adderall,

Time: 4455.61

even though they haven't been prescribed Adderall,

Time: 4458.1

in order to increase wakefulness,

Time: 4460.41

that is essentially, well, it's illegal for one,

Time: 4464.06

but also it's abusing the system

Time: 4466.15

in the sense that you're pushing back

Time: 4467.53

on the adenosine system slightly differently

Time: 4469.47

than you do caffeine,

Time: 4471.14

it will make you feel more alert,

Time: 4472.37

there tends to be a heavy rebound

Time: 4473.6

and they do have an addictive potential,

Time: 4475.37

there are also some other effects of those

Time: 4476.95

that could be quite bad,

Time: 4477.783

so we're gonna explore stimulants

Time: 4480.07

in a whole month related to drugs,

Time: 4482.87

but there are some supplements

Time: 4484.27

and some things that are safer, certainly safer,

Time: 4488.33

and that, in cases where you're

Time: 4490.92

doing all the right behaviors,

Time: 4492.25

you're exercising and eating correctly

Time: 4494.77

and you're still having trouble with sleep,

Time: 4496.47

that can be beneficial for falling and staying asleep.

Time: 4500.07

Now, I wanna be very clear, I am not pushing supplements,

Time: 4502.57

I am just pointing you toward some things

Time: 4504.8

that have been shown in peer-reviewed studies

Time: 4507.37

to have some benefit.

Time: 4509.49

The first one is magnesium,

Time: 4511.87

there are many forms of magnesium,

Time: 4513.39

but certain forms of magnesium

Time: 4514.77

can have positive effects on sleepiness

Time: 4517.61

and the ability to stay asleep,

Time: 4518.9

mainly by way of increasing neurotransmitters like GABA

Time: 4523.66

which help turn off the DPO,

Time: 4526.82

the kind of thinking about the future,

Time: 4528.29

duration-path-outcome analysis,

Time: 4529.91

and make one's mind kind of drift in space and time

Time: 4535.04

and make it easier to fall asleep,

Time: 4536.74

there are a lot of forms of magnesium out there,

Time: 4538.52

but in particular is magnesium threonate, T-H-R-E-O-N-A-T-E,

Time: 4544.03

which you have to check to see if this is right for you,

Time: 4547.32

check with your doctor,

Time: 4548.46

but magnesium threonate is

Time: 4550.01

associated with transporters in the body

Time: 4552.39

that bring more of it into cells

Time: 4554.53

that allow people to feel this kind of drowsiness

Time: 4557.37

and help them fall asleep,

Time: 4558.42

so I personally, I can only talk about what I personally do,

Time: 4561.14

I personally take 3 or 400 milligrams of magnesium threonate

Time: 4564.87

about 30 to 60 minutes before sleep,

Time: 4567.42

and it helps me fall asleep.

Time: 4568.87

The other thing is theanine, T-H-E-A,

Time: 4573.37

T-H-E-A-N-I-N-E, theanine,

Time: 4577.792

100 to 200 milligrams of theanine, for me,

Time: 4580.16

also helps me turn off my mind and fall asleep,

Time: 4583

I take it 30 to 60 minutes throughout the day.

Time: 4584.98

Interestingly, theanine is now being introduced

Time: 4587.38

to a lot of energy drinks

Time: 4589.35

in order to take away the jitters

Time: 4591.56

that are associated with drinking too much caffeine

Time: 4593.94

or with some other things that are in the energy drinks,

Time: 4596.15

energy drinks can be problematic,

Time: 4599.16

they can contain a lot of L-taurine,

Time: 4601.83

I'll just tell you an anecdote,

Time: 4602.82

when I was a postdoc,

Time: 4603.653

I was drinking a lot of a particular energy drink,

Time: 4605.67

it has a lot of taurine in it,

Time: 4607.87

and actually the whites of my eyes,

Time: 4611.13

the sclera, as it's called,

Time: 4612.21

of my eyes turned beet red,

Time: 4614.48

and I went to a friend who's an ophthalmologist,

Time: 4617.71

I said, "Look, I'm not a marijuana smoker,

Time: 4619.727

"I haven't been hit on the head,

Time: 4620.847

"I don't know what's going on,"

Time: 4622.07

and he looked and he said,

Time: 4623.017

"I think you've got some microvascular damage,"

Time: 4626.42

and we walked through what I was taking and doing,

Time: 4628.44

and he said, "Oh, it's probably the taurine,

Time: 4630.387

"excessive levels of taurine

Time: 4631.527

"can create some microvascular damage."

Time: 4633.93

So if you're having microvascular damage in your eye,

Time: 4635.96

you probably have microvascular damage

Time: 4637.44

deeper in your skull, so I stopped,

Time: 4639.77

that's the reason why I don't take energy drinks,

Time: 4641.76

so just a consideration,

Time: 4643.99

again, I'm not here to tell you what to do or not do,

Time: 4645.94

but just wanna arm you with information.

Time: 4651.067

The thing about theanine and magnesium

Time: 4653.03

is taken together, they do, for some people,

Time: 4655.44

they can make them so sleepy and sleep so deeply

Time: 4658.24

that they actually have trouble waking up in the morning,

Time: 4660.01

so you have to play with these things and titrate them

Time: 4662.17

if you decide to use them,

Time: 4663.27

again, if you decide to go this route,

Time: 4664.83

I would not start by taking supplements,

Time: 4667.11

I would start by getting your

Time: 4668.12

light-viewing behavior correct,

Time: 4670.47

and then think about your nutrition

Time: 4672.03

and then think about your activity

Time: 4673.33

and then think about whether or not you wanna supplement,

Time: 4675.8

we already talked about melatonin earlier.

Time: 4677.9

There's another supplement that could be quite useful,

Time: 4679.86

which is apigenin, A-P-I-G-E-N-I-N,

Time: 4683.74

which is a derivative of chamomile,

Time: 4685.71

50 milligrams of apigenin also can augment or support

Time: 4690.05

this kind of creation of a sleepiness

Time: 4693.2

to help fall asleep and stay asleep.

Time: 4695.44

A note about sleepwalkers and people with very vivid dreams,

Time: 4699.16

theanine can often make your dreams very vivid,

Time: 4701.74

sleepwalkers should be careful about taking theanine,

Time: 4704.46

everyone should be careful about taking anything,

Time: 4706.84

and don't take anything

Time: 4707.83

without consulting your board-certified M.D.

Time: 4710.24

or healthcare professional first, okay?

Time: 4713.15

Your health is your responsibility,

Time: 4714.76

I am not gonna take responsibility

Time: 4716.14

for what you decide to do experimentally in any case,

Time: 4718.78

but especially as it relates to supplementation and drugs.

Time: 4723.66

As a important point, apigenin

Time: 4725.9

is a fairly potent estrogen inhibitor,

Time: 4728.6

so women who want to keep their estrogen levels high,

Time: 4732.32

or at whatever levels they happen to be at,

Time: 4734.27

should probably avoid apigenin altogether,

Time: 4736.76

and men, take that into consideration as well,

Time: 4740.36

men need estrogen also,

Time: 4741.62

you don't wanna completely eliminate your estrogen,

Time: 4743.98

that it can create all sorts of bad effects

Time: 4745.68

on libido and cognition, et cetera,

Time: 4748.27

so apigenin in some people

Time: 4750.29

is gonna be a pretty strong estrogen inhibitor,

Time: 4752.12

so keep that in mind.

Time: 4754.63

There are other things you can take

Time: 4755.87

to help you sleep better,

Time: 4757.5

those are the legal ones that, at least I'm aware of,

Time: 4760.26

have pretty broad safety margins,

Time: 4761.79

but again, you need to explore

Time: 4763.08

your safety margins with any compound.

Time: 4766.6

I think a great website

Time: 4768.19

that I can refer you to is,

Time: 4770.82

examine, the word, just as it sounds, .com, is a website,

Time: 4773.67

I have no relation to them,

Time: 4775.1

but there, you can find links to peer-reviewed studies

Time: 4778.68

for any compound or supplement,

Time: 4780.19

as well as some important warnings

Time: 4781.85

related to the things I discussed,

Time: 4783.41

as well as any other thing

Time: 4784.9

that you might decide to supplement with

Time: 4786.55

or ingest to help improve your sleep.

Time: 4790.66

Okay, that was a lot of information

Time: 4793.15

about how to get better at sleeping,

Time: 4795.85

falling asleep, wakefulness, et cetera.

Time: 4799.82

An important feature of this podcast, as you know,

Time: 4801.79

is that we dive deep into topics

Time: 4803.35

for several episodes at a time,

Time: 4805.46

at least a month at a time,

Time: 4807.37

so by stopping here, I recognize

Time: 4810.11

that there are probably many more questions

Time: 4812.57

that you still have,

Time: 4813.82

and the great thing about that

Time: 4815.53

is that we have another episode coming up soon,

Time: 4818.09

I'm going to hold office hours where I'm going to answer

Time: 4821.27

your specific questions about episodes one and two,

Time: 4824.56

so if you have questions about this episode,

Time: 4826.83

you have questions about episode one,

Time: 4828.34

write them down, put them in the comments,

Time: 4830.97

I'll also do a post on Instagram

Time: 4832.48

where you can put them in the comments there,

Time: 4834.59

but put them in the comments to this episode as well,

Time: 4838.84

please recommend the podcast if you like it,

Time: 4841.97

please subscribe to it here on YouTube,

Time: 4844.35

please subscribe to it on Apple,

Time: 4846.47

we're now on Spotify as well,

Time: 4848.37

recommend it to a friend,

Time: 4849.9

the community that we're creating here

Time: 4852.09

around these topics of sleep and wakefulness

Time: 4854.14

and other neuroscience- and health-related themes

Time: 4856.54

is best supported by your involvement and your questions,

Time: 4860.05

and so I'm going to be reading all of your questions,

Time: 4862.18

distilling those into the most commonly asked questions

Time: 4865.62

and liked questions,

Time: 4866.8

so if you see something below

Time: 4867.88

that you are particularly interested in,

Time: 4869.77

you don't have to put that question in again,

Time: 4870.603

you can just give it a like, the little thumbs-up tab,

Time: 4873.81

and if you're listening to this on Spotify or Apple,

Time: 4877.81

please go to YouTube, subscribe,

Time: 4879.98

and put your question there,

Time: 4880.97

or check out the Huberman Lab Instagram

Time: 4883.08

and you can put your questions there

Time: 4884.65

so that next episode, I can answer those questions

Time: 4887.14

and then we can move forward

Time: 4888.6

even more deeply into these critical topics

Time: 4891.24

around sleep and wakefulness

Time: 4892.68

so that you can be armed with all the information

Time: 4894.85

and resources that you need.

Time: 4897.11

Last but not least, a number of you

Time: 4898.86

have very graciously asked how you can support the podcast,

Time: 4902.11

the best way to support the podcast

Time: 4903.56

is to subscribe on YouTube or one of the other platforms,

Time: 4906.85

we are now on Spotify and Apple,

Time: 4909.84

and the other way you can really support the podcast

Time: 4911.98

is to check out our sponsors,

Time: 4913.55

which were discussed at the beginning.

Time: 4915.25

So thank you so much for your time and attention,

Time: 4917.21

and above all, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 4919.853

(energetic music)

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