LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman Question & Answer in Seattle, WA

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- Welcome to The Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science

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and science based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Recently, I had the pleasure of hosting two live events:

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one in Seattle, Washington and one in Portland, Oregon,

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both entitled, "The Brain Body Contract,"

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where I discussed science and science related tools

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for mental health, physical health, and performance.

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My favorite part of each evening, however, was the

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question and answer period that followed the lecture.

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I love the question and answer period

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because it gives me an opportunity

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to hear directly from the audience

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to what they want to know most,

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and indeed to get into a bit of dialogue

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so we really clarify

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what are the underlying mechanisms of particular tools,

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how best to use the tools for things like focus and sleep,

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we also touched on some things related to

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mental health and physical health.

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It was a delight for me

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and I like to think that the audience learned a lot.

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I know that many of you weren't able to attend those events,

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but we wanted to make the information available to you.

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So what follows this

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is a recording of the question and answer period,

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from the lecture in Seattle, Washington.

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I hope you'll find it

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to be both interesting and informative.

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I'd also like to thank our sponsors of these live events.

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The first is Momentous supplements,

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which is our partner with The Huberman Lab Podcast,

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providing supplements that are the very highest quality,

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that ship international, and that are arranged

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in dosages and single ingredient formulations

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that make it possible for you

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to develop the optimal supplement strategy for you.

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And I'd also like to thank our other sponsor,

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which is InsideTracker,

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which provides blood tests and DNA tests

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so you can monitor

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your immediate and long-term health progress.

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I'd also like to announce

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that there are two, new live events scheduled.

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The first one is going to take place Sunday,

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October 16th at The Wiltern theater in Los Angeles.

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The other live event will take place Wednesday,

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November 9th at the Beacon Theatre in New York City.

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Tickets to both of those events are now available

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online at;

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I do hope that you learn from an enjoy

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the recording of the question and answer period

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that follows this, and last, but certainly not least,

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thank you for your interest in science.

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[upbeat music plays]

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"What is your most used protocol?"

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I'm assuming that you mean the protocol that I use the most.

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I genuinely do the morning sunlight viewing.

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And this evening I went and looked at the sunset,

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every single evening,

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and I absolutely do 10 to 30 minutes

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of some Non-Sleep Deep Rest protocol, every single day,

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every single day!

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The reason I called it Non-Sleep Deep Rest

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is because while I love the classic traditions of,

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and things like Yoga Nidra,

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my fear was that if I called things Yoga Nidra,

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that people would get spooked.

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But I also have to say that I rather loathe

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the fact that scientists use so many fancy terms,

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that it also vaults information

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from the very people that fund the work.

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So I have a kind of an ax to grind

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with the scientific community too.

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So Non-Sleep Deep Rest was my attempt

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to kind of put my arms around a number of different things

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like Yoga Nidra, which I have great reverence for,

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and other tools like that.

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I do that usually in the early afternoon,

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or if I wake up first thing in the morning

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and I haven't slept enough, or not that well,

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I'll do 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra

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and I feel terrific after that.

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I'll just mention a brief anecdote.

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I learned about Yoga Nidra while researching a book

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that I never wrote, that may or may not ever be published.

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I went and spent a week

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in a trauma center and addiction treatment center in Florida

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and saw some amazing work, of some amazing people,

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and some amazing transformations

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and it was a big part of their daily routine,

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for these people to do Yoga Nidra and Non-Sleep Deep Rest

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and I thought they're really onto something here.

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So almost religiously for me, every day, 10 to 30 minutes.

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Not that it matters,

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but the CEO of Google's really into NSDR.

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I don't know him,

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but he's written about that a number of times.

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"In Seattle, sunrise varies from 4:30 AM to 9:00 AM,

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depending on season,

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are you recommending to vary

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your wake-up/outside time with the seasons?"

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You know, you don't need to see the sun cross the horizon.

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That would be great,

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but not everyone can wake up with the sun.

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You want to get so-called low solar angle sunlight.

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'Cause of that yellow-blue contrast

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that we talked about before.

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Many people wake up before the sun is out.

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If that case, if you want to be awake,

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turn on as many bright lights as you can.

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Up here, I don't know, does anyone here,

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you don't have to admit this if you don't want to,

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but maybe nod or raise your hand

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if you're comfortable with doing that.

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In the winter you feel less well,

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or typically in the transition, yeah, it's huge up here.

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[audience laughing]

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It's really, it's amazing.

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And then when you're on campus

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or that's where I've spent time

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and you see Rainier and it's like,

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the blossoms are out and you feel almost high

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because that's dopamine, you know,

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animals that have white pelage in the winter,

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and then it turns dark in the summer and spring months

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that pathway, the melanin pathway, is from tyrosine,

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which is the precursor to dopamine

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and also to melanin production in the fur.

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So the whole system is linked. It's not rigged, it's linked.

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So what do I suggest?

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I suggest in the winter months,

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getting 30 minutes of sunlight viewing.

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I know it's a lot,

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but it's much better than feeling lousy all day.

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And then the real key in the winter

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is to try and catch some sunlight before it goes down.

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If you're indoors and it goes down

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and then you go outside and it's dark,

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your brain and body

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don't really know where they are in time.

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And then you flip on "Ozark" and you're watching "Ozark",

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and then you really don't know where you are in time.

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I have one more episode. Don't tell me what happened.

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That show is, when I was a postdoc,

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I used to recommend, "The Wire," to my competitors.

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[audience laughing]

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"I go to sleep fired up,

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ready and excited to do whatever it takes.

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When I wake up, that drive is depleted.

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Why, and what can I do?"

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Have not heard that one before,

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but if I were to venture a guess, you know,

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we didn't spend much time tonight

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talking about the autonomic nervous system,

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this kind of seesaw that takes us from very alert,

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potentially panicked, but to very, very deep sleep;

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even, you know, God forbid we go into a coma.

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It's 'cause the parasympathetic nervous system

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is overactive relative to the sympathetic nervous system;

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the seesaw of autonomic function.

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You may be sleeping very, very deeply.

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And when you are in deep, deep rest,

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the last thing you want to do

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is get into that forward center of mass

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thinking, planning, predicting, right?

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In, you know, again in Yoga Nidra again,

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Non-Sleep Deep Rest,

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there's this common theme in the script

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of going from thinking and doing and predicting

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to being and feeling, they say.

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And I'm not making fun of them as the moment I hear that,

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I go, "Oh, just I want to be and feel."

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What are you doing?

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You're actually just

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moving into sensation, but no planning, right?

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There's nothing mysterious about it.

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Sensation, but no planning.

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Now in sleep,

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a very deeply parasympathetic sleep state, what's happening?

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You actually, that visual aperture

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is actually so big, you're not in panoramic vision,

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your eyes are actually closed.

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Space and time are from past, present, and future

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are invited into your thinking.

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You're in a deep, deep state of relaxation

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and it may be, Dustin, that when you're waking up,

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you're having a hard time transitioning out of that

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because you're sleeping so deeply.

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You may be waking up mid-sleep cycle.

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Many people find it useful to set an alarm

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so that they wake up

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at the end of a 90 minute so-called ultradian cycle.

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There's some sleep apps that do this on the phone.

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I can't recall their names,

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but so rather than sleeping seven hours,

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you might be better off sleeping six

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or seven and a half hours, right?

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Waking up at the end of one of these 90 minute cycles.

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Try that.

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That would be consistent

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with what we know about the biology.

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But I think it's common to, if you sleep very deeply,

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to wake up and not necessarily want to spring out of bed.

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I've heard of these people

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that just want to spring out of bed and attack the day;

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Jocko Willink, 4:30 in the morning,

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his Casio phone, and his watch.

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I'm seeing his watch when, and it's like eight for me.

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I'm like, "Wow," like again,

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these people are amazing.

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I must be doing something wrong.

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But these are, you know, I don't wake up that way.

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You know?

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Like Tiger, I'm like, I want water, I want sunlight,

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90 minutes later I want caffeine.

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"What are some of your favorite books

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that have had the biggest impact on you?"

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Kyle G, thank you, Kyle.

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Gosh, so many!

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You know, for non-fiction, well,

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Oliver Sack's autobiography, "On the Move,"

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had a profound impact on me.

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You know, people hated him?

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The scientific community tried to kick him out.

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They said horrible things about him;

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created all sorts of scandals.

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It wasn't until "Awakenings" became a blockbuster movie

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that suddenly he got appointments at NYU and Columbia.

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Then now they wanted him back; the revered neurologist.

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Like incredible, right?

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But he was also a real seeker in the cuttlefish thing.

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And he had a lot of internal struggles too,

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some of which I relate to, some of which I don't.

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Actually, I've been in touch with his former partner

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because I actually moved to Topanga Canyon for a short while

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just 'cause Oliver lived there.

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I thought, "If I go there, I'll actually finish this book."

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Guess what?

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Just moving someplace doesn't allow you to finish a book.

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He lived in Topanga so I was like, "That's the key."

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It didn't work.

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And people were wondering why

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I was hanging around their house all the time

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'cause it was Oliver's former home.

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So that's an amazing book,

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and tells you my obsessive nature.

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The other books that have had a profound influence on me,

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I would say in the non-fiction realm,

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well I learned how to make a decent steak

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and a few other simple recipes, not well,

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from Tim Ferris's book, "The Four Hour Chef,"

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'cause I really needed help.

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That was a fun one.

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I like Robert Greene's book, "Mastery,"

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because I've had amazing mentors

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and that book is all about finding mentors

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and assigning mentors to you, even if you don't know them.

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And as you can tell from my stories about Oliver,

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who I never met, and a few other folks,

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that I've just decided that they don't know it,

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but I'm mentoring them,

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that they're mentoring me, excuse me,

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that book was really important for me.

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And that mentor-mentee relationships

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always involve a breakup,

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either by death, or by decision, or by consequence,

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to your circumstance rather.

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There's, something happens, and they're supposed to break.

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You're not supposed to apprentice with somebody forever.

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That was an interesting book for me.

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I would say in the fiction realm,

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[Andrew sighs]

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I would say in the fiction realm, it's all childhood books

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'cause it's been a long time since I've read fiction.

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I read a lot of poetry. I'm a big Wendell Berry fan.

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I like poetry because poetry to me is,

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is like the subconscious, it,

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the structure is all messed up

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and you think you understand what they're talking about

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but you don't really know.

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And so it always feels important and consequential,

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even though, you know, it's your own interpretation.

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And then I love the psychologists. I love Jung.

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I love Erikson.

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I love the psychologists and could read endlessly

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about the early days of attachment theory

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and things like that

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because I find that stuff to be fascinating.

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So those books have been a lot of fun

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and I love picture books with animals.

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[audience laughing]

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And so if you can get a hold of

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Joel Sartore's Instagram account, the "Photo Ark,"

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he decided to take pictures of every animal on the planet,

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especially the ones that are endangered.

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He's a amazing photographer, but his books are even better

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so if you like animal books.

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"What excites you most

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about the future research of mental health treatment,

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particularly anxiety and depression?"

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Oi! Michael, thank you, Michael.

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Well there, I think that we're in an exciting time.

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I am, I'll just reveal my biases,

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I'm quite pessimistic at the idea

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that we're going to have

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better medication soon for most things.

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What I do think we are starting to approach

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is a time in which we understand

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how broad categories of drugs

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impact broad categories of chemicals,

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which kind of shift our mind

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in broad categories of directions.

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What does all that mean?

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I think we're starting to realize that because there are

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different receptors for all these chemicals

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all over the brain and body,

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that that side effect-less drug

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is unlikely to exist for mental health,

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but that the combination of,

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maybe some pharmacology,

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but especially behavioral tools, people actually learning

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how to drive this thing that we call our nervous system

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is potentially helpful, maybe very helpful.

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Now in cases like schizophrenia, autism,

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and I didn't put those next to one another for any reason

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by the way, OCD,

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eating disorders,

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and I'm very mindful of the fact that,

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you know, anorexia is

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the most lethal of all the psychiatric disorders, right?

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Amazing and sad fact.

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I think for those conditions,

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we are soon going to enter a time

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in which it's going to be combination behavioral,

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drug therapy, and yes, brain-machine interface.

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I don't mean putting chips down below the skull.

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I think there's going to be,

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and there are things happening now

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of people using devices like virtual reality,

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as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation,

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placing a magnet on a particular location on the head

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combined with a particular, maybe drugs, maybe psychedelics,

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maybe not, to enhance plasticity.

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I urge a vote for psychedelics

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and I want to make a serious point about psychedelics.

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Five years ago, when I, well, four years ago

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when I started doing a bit of public-facing stuff,

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I was absolutely terrified to say that word; terrified.

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I thought I'd lose my job.

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I really did. I thought, "Don't say psychedelics."

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And I'll be very honest, you know,

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I, for me,

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I think that the clinical data

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on MDMA and on psilocybin

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are very interesting, very interesting.

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I don't think they are the first and only pass

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at rewiring the brain,

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but it is clear that the brain

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can enter a state of heightened learning capacity,

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but it needs to be directed towards something.

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The goal of opening plasticity, just, it opens plasticity.

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That's not the goal.

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It's like running; the goal isn't running.

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The goal is to run in a particular direction.

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So what I think is really needed

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is to drive that plasticity in particular directions.

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And I would love to see more directed use of those in,

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of course, the safe clinical setting where it's appropriate.

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And a guest on the podcast, Matthew Johnson,

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who's at Johns Hopkins,

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I asked him, "What's the deal with the microdosing?"

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And you know what his answer was? I was very surprised.

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He said, "Macrodose."

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And I thought, okay, I'm not a guy who, you know,

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I'm not into, I'm not, I'm not a pushing this.

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I'm not a proponent. I said,

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"You're kidding me. Why?

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Why would you say this?"

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This guy runs an NIH funded lab

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at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

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I thought, "Why?"

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And he said,

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"Because the one session with a trained professional

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that's triggering rewiring plasticity,

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that's guided, is," as far as they know from the data,

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you can go back and listen to, these are his words,

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not mine, but he's the expert in this area,

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"are encouraging plasticity in a particular direction."

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And he thinks that that's far more useful

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than just kind of nudging the system a little bit

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without any particular goal or outcome.

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Very interesting, and very surprising.

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And again, a trained academic

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at one of the most elite institutions in the world.

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I think we're in very exciting times, for those compounds.

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And they're like,

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there are studies at Stanford and elsewhere

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on ketamine and other things, but it's early days.

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Young people should be very cautious,

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young, young people,

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and adults should be cautious,

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especially people with preexisting psychiatric issues

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and people who have a propensity for addiction

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although some of those compounds

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are being used to treat addiction.

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So I'd be an idiot and I would be lying,

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if I didn't say

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that it is a very exciting time for psychedelic therapies.

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[audience cheering and applauding]

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"Where do you see the biggest area?"

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and I've done only one clinical trial.

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True. I was a part I took part in one clinical trial.

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So I don't speak from a lot of experience there,

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just a little bit.

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I was a subject in that trial.

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"Where do you see the biggest area

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for performance enhancement

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within the elite athletes and operators

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that already hit marks of proper sleep and nutrition?"

Time: 1053.03

Meg Young, thanks for your question, Meg.

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Yeah, I think that, well, first of all,

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very few of them hit marks for proper sleep.

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But for those that do, so once you have your sleep dialed in

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and you got your nutrition dialed in,

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and the motivational component is there,

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I think where there's a lot of work still to be done

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and where people can really get outsized effects,

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is in this weird little cavern of human existence

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that we call creativity.

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And I didn't have time to talk about it tonight, but

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there's a very unique brain state that we call creativity,

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which is taking preexisting neural maps

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and starting to combine them in unique ways

Time: 1092.96

to create new ways of performance.

Time: 1096.2

Performance can be basically summarized in any domain

Time: 1098.63

as essentially four stages.

Time: 1100.1

You have unskilled, skilled, mastery,

Time: 1103.46

which is when the brain can generate movements

Time: 1106.28

or cognitive computations that are,

Time: 1109.67

create very predictable outcomes

Time: 1111.53

and then there's this fourth tier, this fourth layer,

Time: 1114.86

which is virtuosity.

Time: 1116.3

And virtuosity, by definition,

Time: 1118.67

means inviting back in a component of uncertainty.

Time: 1122.75

What this looks like in terms of operators

Time: 1125.27

or this looks like in terms of athletes,

Time: 1128.51

or even we can say musicians,

Time: 1131.63

or people who are in the cognitive fields,

Time: 1133.7

or poets, or writers,

Time: 1136.22

is what it means is introducing that

Time: 1139.46

uncertainty about what's going to happen next

Time: 1141.83

and the way to do that is to destabilize the system.

Time: 1145.31

In other words, to create states of mind

Time: 1147.53

in which there are literally sensory disruptions.

Time: 1150.77

It's like, like what I would like to see is more training

Time: 1153.8

in a kind of "funhouse of mirrors" type environment.

Time: 1157.97

That's when you start to see incredible performances emerge.

Time: 1161.69

And virtuosos invite in uncertainty,

Time: 1165.5

they actually don't know what they're going to do next.

Time: 1169.19

And so this becomes a little bit of a vague concept

Time: 1171.32

and what I'm about to tell you next

Time: 1172.73

might seem a little silly,

Time: 1173.69

but one of the best ways to access creative states

Time: 1176.09

is to, no surprise, use your visual system

Time: 1180.35

to view things that are highly unstable and uncertain.

Time: 1185.24

I don't just love fish tanks;

Time: 1186.59

I love staring at videos of aquariums in Tokyo,

Time: 1192.32

and actually watching the fish

Time: 1194.84

because it's completely unpredictable.

Time: 1196.97

There's some evidence that doing things like that

Time: 1199.85

or people would say,

Time: 1200.877

"Oh, I was in the shower,"

Time: 1201.98

or, "I took a walk in nature

Time: 1203.12

and then I had this idea."

Time: 1204.2

I actually don't think it was the walk or the shower,

Time: 1206.96

it's that nature is filled with unpredictable

Time: 1209.9

visual stimuli, auditory stimuli.

Time: 1213.02

When you can predict what's going to happen next,

Time: 1215.18

you have very little opportunity

Time: 1217.13

to uplevel your game so to speak.

Time: 1219.95

It's only by way of unpredictable sensory input

Time: 1224.27

that you can do that.

Time: 1225.103

So if you're a coach,

Time: 1226.73

or you're working with people

Time: 1228.41

who are very high level performers,

Time: 1230.33

do you want them to stand on one leg and spin around

Time: 1232.67

and then do what they're doing?

Time: 1233.503

Not necessarily.

Time: 1234.89

What you want to do

Time: 1235.85

is try and get them into brain states

Time: 1237.432

that are different than the brain states that they're in

Time: 1240.512

when they normally enter their practice.

Time: 1243.08

The liminal state between sleep and waking, excuse me,

Time: 1246.89

the liminal state between sleep and waking

Time: 1248.63

is a very powerful one for accessing creativity.

Time: 1250.91

Many people access ideas

Time: 1252.41

as they're waking up in the morning,

Time: 1254.48

they have great insights,

Time: 1255.5

other people while strolling in nature.

Time: 1257.57

I don't think it's the strolling or the waking up.

Time: 1260.09

I think it's the lack of,

Time: 1262.91

as we call it top-down regulation on rules.

Time: 1265.52

You are able to access combinations of neural maps

Time: 1270.38

that are unusual.

Time: 1271.91

So you can play with this a little bit.

Time: 1273.26

A lot of people throughout history

Time: 1275.15

have used compounds, drugs, to do this, right?

Time: 1278.66

Great writers would get drunk and then try and write

Time: 1280.82

or wake up and they would, the amount of self-abuse

Time: 1284.63

that people including athletes and creatives

Time: 1286.76

put themselves through to try and capture

Time: 1288.44

these windows of cognitive ability is pretty intense.

Time: 1292.01

And I don't think that's a good idea.

Time: 1294.47

I think one should be an explorer

Time: 1297.38

and try and find these cognitive states

Time: 1299.48

in ways that are non-destructive.

Time: 1301.97

I'm starting to sound like my mother, with all this.

Time: 1304.43

[audience laughing]

Time: 1307.46

Heel flips on lock. No kick flips.

Time: 1309.35

Next question.

Time: 1310.933

[audience laughing]

Time: 1312.878

[scattered applause]

Time: 1313.85

There's some skateboarders in the audience;

Time: 1315.17

my first non-biologic family.

Time: 1317.06

There's some amazing skateboarders in this audience

Time: 1319.31

and I'm not going to be the one doing a kick flip anytime soon,

Time: 1321.59

but they're great to have.

Time: 1322.67

One of the reasons we built the podcast

Time: 1324.598

with the help of the great Mike Blabac

Time: 1327.11

is because I learned a long time ago

Time: 1329.72

that if you want things done right,

Time: 1331.55

and you want to do them outside the lane lines,

Time: 1334.01

and you want to have control over how things come across,

Time: 1337.263

you do it with skateboarders,

Time: 1338.66

'cause I didn't come from a community where, you know,

Time: 1342.831

I didn't have parents at my sports games

Time: 1345.83

and things like that

Time: 1346.663

so, thanks to the skateboarders and the misfits

Time: 1349.85

and the those folks.

Time: 1351.897

"Do you have any tips on how to improve memory?"

Time: 1353.75

Yes, Ron Vered. Yes!

Time: 1355.67


Time: 1356.503

This is a wild literature and I love it

Time: 1357.8

and it's changing the way that I do things.

Time: 1359.21

I thought that to remember things

Time: 1361.64

you're supposed to get really, really excited,

Time: 1363.41

really focused, and remember them.

Time: 1366.02

Guess what? That's not how you do it.

Time: 1370.481

There are data,

Time: 1373.19

and there are stories going back to medieval times

Time: 1377.45

that they used to teach kids things

Time: 1379.73

and then throw them in the river.

Time: 1382.471

There's a beautiful Annual Review of Neuroscience

Time: 1385.73

written by the late James McGaugh,

Time: 1387.56

a brilliant researcher who taught me that, in this review.

Time: 1392.33

And it turns out that if you want to remember something

Time: 1394.76

you want to spike adrenaline

Time: 1396.74

after you acquired that information, after!

Time: 1401.03

That means the double espresso and the ice bath

Time: 1404.63

after you study for math, immediately after.

Time: 1408.89

And you think about this, you know,

Time: 1410.09

that makes perfect sense, right?

Time: 1412.04

Think about the one trial learning

Time: 1413.9

that nobody wants to experience,

Time: 1415.37

which is a car accident or some traumatic thing.

Time: 1418.76

You didn't get the spike of adrenaline first.

Time: 1421.19

You got the spike of adrenaline after.

Time: 1424.52

So again, you know,

Time: 1426.92

I discourage the use of excessive stimulants

Time: 1429.47

or you know, anything like that.

Time: 1431.72

But if you're going to try and remember information,

Time: 1435.53

you need to get your brain and body

Time: 1437.3

into a high autonomic arousal state.

Time: 1439.67

Literally you need to deploy adrenaline into your system

Time: 1442.85

after you have made the attempt to learn some information.

Time: 1447.98

So much so that if you give people a beta blocker

Time: 1451.46

after learning emotional information,

Time: 1453.83

they don't learn it as well.

Time: 1455.93

Incredible, just incredible data in animals and humans.

Time: 1458.453

This is the beautiful work of Larry Cahill at UC Irvine

Time: 1461.81

and James McGaugh.

Time: 1462.95

So that's how I would focus on remembering things better.

Time: 1465.68

And it's also true that if you tell yourself

Time: 1467.69

that something's really important to you,

Time: 1468.864

you'll be able to learn it better.

Time: 1470.81

If you meet people and they tell you their name

Time: 1472.46

and you forget it two seconds later, well,

Time: 1474.95

you should probably be thinking, and now I do this,

Time: 1477.2

I meet people and I think,

Time: 1478.317

"Okay, what terrible thing did this person do?"

Time: 1480.68

Just try and spike my adrenaline or something like that.

Time: 1483.59

It's a terrible trick, but haven't figured out a better way,

Time: 1485.69

but that's actually one data-supported way to do that.

Time: 1490.64

Easily a dozen or more studies in humans on that very topic.

Time: 1494.127

"How do you manage social media addiction?"

Time: 1496.19


Time: 1497.57

Oi, well we should be careful

Time: 1501.47

with the use of the word addiction

Time: 1503.24

because here, I think it's entirely appropriate.

Time: 1506.15

When you are engaging in

Time: 1507.2

a behavior over, and over. and over again,

Time: 1508.91

and you're thinking to yourself,

Time: 1510.525

"This isn't even that interesting,"

Time: 1513.05

you're officially addicted.

Time: 1515.15

That's the litmus test for addiction.

Time: 1517.82

Not, "This feels so good."

Time: 1519.14

People talk about the dopamine hits of social media.

Time: 1522.11

Those only come at the beginning,

Time: 1524.33

but then when you find yourself scrolling,

Time: 1526.88

you're like, "What am I doing?"

Time: 1528.53

Maybe it's that narrow visual aperture;

Time: 1530.48

you're a hypnotized chicken,

Time: 1533.75

but maybe also you are seeking more dopamine hits

Time: 1537.71

because guess what?

Time: 1538.7

That dopamine wave pool is depleted,

Time: 1541.16

at least for that activity.

Time: 1543.14

It is true that dopamine,

Time: 1544.34

you have a baseline and then you have peaks on,

Time: 1546.68

on that ride on that baseline.

Time: 1548.09

I do think that we can have dopamine for one behavior,

Time: 1550.37

and not for another,

Time: 1551.203

but it's a generalized phenomenon.

Time: 1553.7

So how do you manage it?

Time: 1555.26

You have to stop seeking within social media.

Time: 1559.7

And so I've taken on the practice of turning off my phone

Time: 1563.24

for a couple hours each day.

Time: 1564.56

It's incredibly hard.

Time: 1565.76

People get really upset too, by the way,

Time: 1568.205

cause if you haven't noticed

Time: 1569.51

these tethers that people expect.

Time: 1571.85

We recorded a podcast recently and it, so I,

Time: 1574.686

I don't want to go into too much depth now,

Time: 1577.94

about attachment and grief.

Time: 1580.07

And, you know, we all have a map now,

Time: 1582.367

you know, you understand what the maps are,

Time: 1584.475

of space, time, and a dimension called

Time: 1587.45

closeness to everyone that we know

Time: 1589.94

space, where they are,

Time: 1591.41

time, when they are,

Time: 1593.27

dead, alive, when will I see them again et cetera,

Time: 1596.09

and closeness.

Time: 1597.08

And the phone has allowed us to tap into

Time: 1600.32

space, time, and this closeness map,

Time: 1602.21

which define all our attachments, on a very regular basis.

Time: 1606.44

So you can understand why it's so valuable to people.

Time: 1609.56

You know, the plane lands and everyone's texting.

Time: 1611.69

The planes, take off, everyone's texting.

Time: 1613.1

It's like, "Where are you?"

Time: 1613.933

Well, the plane's in the air,

Time: 1614.766

there's this thing called flight tracker.

Time: 1615.92

No one cares about that anymore.

Time: 1617.63

You want to hear from the person.

Time: 1618.92

So I do think that,

Time: 1619.888

I used to do an every odd hour of the day

Time: 1622.07

my phone was off,

Time: 1623.21

and like half the relationships in my life disappeared.

Time: 1626.21

They couldn't talk, they couldn't tolerate it.

Time: 1629.12

I loved it, but I loved them too.

Time: 1632.09

So I would say take breaks.

Time: 1633.65

And I would say at least an hour.

Time: 1636.44

And if you find yourself excited to get back on the phone,

Time: 1639.14

that excitement, that is the dopamine system.

Time: 1642.5

So you can kind of learn where it is for you.

Time: 1644.57

But if you find yourself scrolling mindlessly

Time: 1647.3

and it's not doing anything for you,

Time: 1649.16

you are driving that wave pool

Time: 1651.424

down, down, down, down, down,

Time: 1653.57

so hopefully that analogy will help.

Time: 1656.84

It's weird to call myself Dr. Huberman.

Time: 1658.79

In my business if you refer to yourself in the third person,

Time: 1661.1

it means you're officially a narcissist.

Time: 1663.059

[audience laughing]

Time: 1663.977

So I'm just going to start with,

Time: 1665.127

"Were you nervous tonight and if so,

Time: 1666.56

what did you do to prepare?"

Time: 1667.85

Brianne, you saw my nervousness, didn't you?

Time: 1670.82

No, the, I asked myself that question.

Time: 1676.011

I was excited, and I think I'm good at lying to myself

Time: 1678.5

and telling myself that autonomic arousal

Time: 1681.32

that might be nervousness is excitement.

Time: 1683.27

But in truth, I wasn't, I was and am really excited

Time: 1689.36

to tell you all these stories and about biology.

Time: 1691.82

I know this might sound like a little bit of a line,

Time: 1693.89

but I actually don't feel myself as a,

Time: 1698.99

like a person when I do the podcast or I do this stuff.

Time: 1701.87

I took a walk before I got here and I have to be careful.

Time: 1705.47

There are only two topics that make me cry.

Time: 1707.12

One is talking about my bulldog.

Time: 1708.38

The other is talking about my graduate advisor.

Time: 1710.06

So I have to be very careful,

Time: 1711.32

but I took a walk and I imagined that they were here

Time: 1714.86

and, I know, and don't make me cry.

Time: 1717.44

Lex Friedman made me cry on a podcast

Time: 1719.42

and it was really unfair.

Time: 1720.92

And he was like digging and digging and

Time: 1722.87

there are a few people in the audience that know Costello.

Time: 1724.91

And it's like, you know,

Time: 1726.513

and I just kept thinking to myself before coming in here,

Time: 1729.92

like, you know, I love them and miss them and I,

Time: 1733.19

Costello would be entirely bored with this whole thing.

Time: 1735.83

So I distracted myself a bit and not so nervous.

Time: 1739.13

I do get nervous about things, sure, I'm human.

Time: 1742.85

But when it comes to biology,

Time: 1744.41

I think I still feel like that little kid

Time: 1745.97

who just wants to tell you all this stuff, you know, so,

Time: 1749.506

you know, I can't help it.

Time: 1750.927

"Is learning from failure equal to learning from success?

Time: 1754.1

Is one more efficient than the other?"

Time: 1755.69

Rachel, thanks for your question.

Time: 1757.25

Well, on a trial-by-trial basis,

Time: 1759.11

we know that when you fail at an attempt,

Time: 1763.28

on the next attempt,

Time: 1764.84

your forebrain is in a position to engage better.

Time: 1768.05

And this makes total sense, right?

Time: 1769.55

You feel that frustration [alarm buzzer]

Time: 1771.62

and you want to get the next one, right?

Time: 1773.09

Well, you're harboring,

Time: 1775.19

or I should say funneling more neural resources,

Time: 1778.76

your focus, that aperture tightens.

Time: 1781.37

Now you have to be mindful of that too,

Time: 1783.71

because when you have a failure and then you're like,

Time: 1786.14

you're going to hit the bulls.

Time: 1787.04

I'm thinking about a dart board,

Time: 1788

'cause I'm terrible at darts, you know,

Time: 1790.4

sober I'm terrible at darts.

Time: 1793.1

I don't even drink.

Time: 1794.27

So that next trial, part of the problem is,

Time: 1797.3

is that focus can narrow so much that you can start

Time: 1800.81

to lose access to information that might help you.

Time: 1803.42

If you were just to relax a little bit

Time: 1805.28

and dilate that focus a little bit, but in general,

Time: 1807.2

on a trial-by-trial basis focus is the cue

Time: 1809.84

that your nervous system is going to be positioned

Time: 1811.73

to learn better on the next trial.

Time: 1813.86

Now in terms of life experiences, gosh,

Time: 1817.04

I wish for everyone fewer failures and more successes,

Time: 1820.4

but you know, failures keep you humble.

Time: 1822.77

And I've had a lot of 'em.

Time: 1824.3

I mean, if people ever wanted and they, you know,

Time: 1827.3

I'd be happy to tell you about, I mean,

Time: 1829.34

I've made a ton of mistakes in life, a ton of mistakes.

Time: 1832.1

Some of those were mistakes of persistence,

Time: 1834.44

like dumb decisions.

Time: 1835.64

I kept like, "It's going to change. It's going to change."

Time: 1837.257

And it's clearly never going to change.

Time: 1839.45

And then some were failures of misjudgment

Time: 1843.59

about other people or situations.

Time: 1845.93

And a lot of them were just plain failures

Time: 1848.33

like the experiment didn't work,

Time: 1850.64

or the, it just wasn't the right thing.

Time: 1856.08

And you try and reframe those.

Time: 1857.12

I do think that we owe it to ourselves

Time: 1859.52

and to the people that we know

Time: 1860.78

to try and generate some wins here and there

Time: 1863.18

and try and help other people generate wins.

Time: 1866.27

You know, in running a lab over the years

Time: 1868.58

and I still do,

Time: 1870.5

you realize that you want your students to publish a paper

Time: 1874.19

and feel that success pretty early

Time: 1876.23

so that they can experience, A, how much work it is

Time: 1879.56

so they pick problems wisely,

Time: 1881.15

but, B, so they can feel that, like, "Oh, I can do this."

Time: 1884.3

And I think that, you know,

Time: 1887

this gets into the psychological as well.

Time: 1890

I think that yes, failures help, but successes help.

Time: 1893.3

And there, I think, you know, I function best in a team.

Time: 1898.4

And I think that for those of you that are

Time: 1900.23

feel like you're fighting some challenge alone,

Time: 1902.99

I do think that there are great resources to be had

Time: 1905.63

in trying to access other, you know,

Time: 1909.35

other people as sources of support.

Time: 1911.9

I think that that's a great tool.

Time: 1914.42

There's this whole literature, scientific literature,

Time: 1917.18

around social connection

Time: 1918.86

and how that can help us reframe motivation and goals.

Time: 1922.52

Anyway, maybe that's a topic to expand on another time.

Time: 1925.52

But failure is important on a trial, trial by basis.

Time: 1931.13

People who

Time: 1931.963

don't experience enough wins for a long period of time,

Time: 1933.95

the brain is a prediction machine after all

Time: 1936.89

and they start to predict failure

Time: 1938.21

so takes a bit more work to wedge oneself out of that.

Time: 1943.617

"When are you going to start training jiu-jitsu?

Time: 1945.38

Lex made me ask."

Time: 1946.28

Ryan Flores.

Time: 1947.113

Okay. Here's the story with that.

Time: 1949.16

Lex said, "Do you want to try jiu-jitsu?"

Time: 1951.35

I said, "Sure."

Time: 1953.6

Lex said,

Time: 1954.433

"Okay, it'll be great to show people beginner's mind."

Time: 1959.036

I said, "Sure."

Time: 1959.99

We went and did a jiu-jitsu class.

Time: 1961.61

He was very nice; nice, nice, Russian, nice.

Time: 1965.66

Like, "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah."

Time: 1967.19

Then he puts it on the internet with me in a rear naked,

Time: 1970.73

him putting me in a rear naked choke,

Time: 1972.98

it was actually Lex Friedman choking out Andrew Huberman,

Time: 1976.28

There, I just talked about myself in the third person,

Time: 1979.711

dammit, edit that one.

Time: 1982.43

I have not had the time for jiu-jitsu.

Time: 1984.23

I like my ears the way they are, you know.

Time: 1986.72

Have you ever seen these people that do jiu-jitsu?

Time: 1988.97

Their ears literally look like stumps. No, I should do it.

Time: 1992.99

It looks like a great sport.

Time: 1994.46

And unlike the other sports I've been involved in my life,

Time: 1997.04

boxing, please don't do it.

Time: 1998.54

It's not healthy.

Time: 2000.13

Skateboarding and all this,

Time: 2001.21

you don't really damage your head doing jiu-jitsu.

Time: 2004.6

So no.

Time: 2006.28

I'm going to get you back for that one Lex.

Time: 2007.99


Time: 2009.377

"Can you go through," oh wow, John Edwards.

Time: 2012.34

There's a joke that my friends used to tell

Time: 2014.47

about the supplements I take.

Time: 2015.88

They used to say, someone would say,

Time: 2017.807

"What supplements do you take?"

Time: 2018.94

And they would just go, "All of them."

Time: 2022.36

I don't take all of them, but I have been very systematic.

Time: 2025.72

For about 30 years, I've been interested in

Time: 2028.42

compounds that change the nervous system.

Time: 2030.49

And I do think that the,

Time: 2032.92

the events of the last few years

Time: 2034.18

have changed the way that people view supplements.

Time: 2036.19

I think that more people are starting to think about

Time: 2038.56

how to take better care of their health.

Time: 2041.92

And they, people are realizing that

Time: 2043.863

obviously, great sleep, mindsets,

Time: 2047.38

social connection, exercise, nutrition and so forth

Time: 2052.69

are very important.

Time: 2053.89

But I, I actually don't know anybody,

Time: 2055.71

granted, I run with a strange crowd,

Time: 2057.82

but I don't know anybody

Time: 2059.41

that doesn't take something nowadays.

Time: 2062.29

You know, I could go through the whole list,

Time: 2064.42

but I would say the most fundamental things

Time: 2067.36

and there's no product pitch here,

Time: 2068.65

the most fundamental things are

Time: 2070.66

the things that are going to support

Time: 2072.13

your kind of foundational health.

Time: 2074.2

So for that's going to mean mainly

Time: 2076.27

getting either by food sources or supplements

Time: 2078.73

is going to be getting

Time: 2079.789

sufficient amounts of these essential fatty acids.

Time: 2083.44

So important.

Time: 2085.33

For some people that's taking liquid fish oil,

Time: 2087.07

for some people it's a capsule,

Time: 2087.97

for somebody that's eating fish.

Time: 2089.08

I don't like the way fish tastes unless I'm in Seattle,

Time: 2091.06

by the way, the seafood here is amazing,

Time: 2091.984

not so much in California.

Time: 2096.04

So I think the essential fatty acids,

Time: 2100.12

and then I'm big on the data, dare I say, out of Stanford,

Time: 2104.14

Justin Sonnenburg's lab and Chris Gardner's lab

Time: 2107.44

that these fermented foods of which all these cultures

Time: 2109.84

have interesting fermented foods,

Time: 2111.85

kefir, and sauerkraut, and kimchi, and,

Time: 2114.76

you know, pick your fermented food.

Time: 2117.04

That those seem to really encourage

Time: 2119.26

health of the gut microbiome.

Time: 2120.61

So I started eating a lot of those

Time: 2121.96

and taking no probiotics except in, you know,

Time: 2125.8

a few of the supplements that I was already taking.

Time: 2128.14

So I'm not trying to dodge the question,

Time: 2130.45

but I think, by and large, if you're eating well

Time: 2133.66

and doing the other foundational behaviors as well,

Time: 2137.181

you can get it way with a minimum of supplements.

Time: 2139.63

D3, it seems to be a lot of people deficient in D3,

Time: 2142.39

but not everybody.

Time: 2143.62

So I think that those are the main ones.

Time: 2147.16

However, I do think that nutrition

Time: 2149.2

should be the primary entry point.

Time: 2150.82

Again, it should be behaviors first, then nutrition,

Time: 2152.8

then supplements, then prescription drugs,

Time: 2154.42

only if you need them.

Time: 2155.44

And then, you know, for some people,

Time: 2158.86

their brain-machine interface

Time: 2160.45

like TMS and things like that are going to be useful,

Time: 2162.49

but behaviors change your nervous system,

Time: 2165.16

no supplement actually rewires you

Time: 2167.59

or changes your nervous system: behaviors do that.

Time: 2169.99

I hope I didn't dodge that question entirely.

Time: 2172.45

I do take some of the things

Time: 2174.04

that we talk about on the podcast to do some focused work,

Time: 2177.22

sometimes alpha-GPC,

Time: 2178.51

but lately I've been doing this whole thing

Time: 2180.19

of cold water exposure to spike my adrenaline,

Time: 2182.68

'cause I hate it,

Time: 2183.52

and it spikes my adrenaline after learning

Time: 2185.98

based on the McGaugh and Cahill data.

Time: 2189.557

"What would be your best one or two pieces of advice

Time: 2191.35

or recommended protocol for improving learning and retention

Time: 2193.48

for graduate students in science and medicine?

Time: 2195.1

We try to sleep sometimes."

Time: 2196.87

Thank you, JD.

Time: 2197.86

Oh great. You're at UW, JD.

Time: 2200.62

So, you know,

Time: 2202.95

I used to teach this course at Cold Spring Harbor

Time: 2205.72

on career development for scientists

Time: 2208.27

and the there's a lot in there,

Time: 2209.71

but the two things that are most important are,

Time: 2213.91

I, for sake of answering this question, I would say, are,

Time: 2220.02

find non-destructive ways to reset your dopamine

Time: 2224.74

and your energy levels

Time: 2226.54

and do those at least every three days.

Time: 2229.3

So for me, it was kind of a,

Time: 2231.953

a tough thing to take a long walk, or to spend,

Time: 2235.96

I used to work really hard on Mondays,

Time: 2237.76

really hard on Tuesdays,

Time: 2238.75

and I would not go in until the afternoon on Wednesdays

Time: 2241.45

and sometimes not at all.

Time: 2243.37

And then I go in Thursday, Friday,

Time: 2244.84

and work really, really hard

Time: 2246.31

and then not at all on Saturday

Time: 2247.66

and then maybe do a little bit of work from home on Sunday.

Time: 2249.64

And I was very productive that way.

Time: 2252.997

But those breaks are absolutely key

Time: 2255.31

and it's not encouraged so much in academic or tech

Time: 2259.27

or maybe anything now.

Time: 2260.89

I hear about so much stress and overwork.

Time: 2263.02

I say, you just do it and define the culture

Time: 2265.9

and let the results and your focus

Time: 2267.67

be the thing that defines you,

Time: 2270.22

not how many hours you're in there.

Time: 2272.02

But I realize there's a huge cognitive load

Time: 2274.42

and energetic load and for that,

Time: 2276.52

I do think these Non-Sleep Deep Rest protocols

Time: 2278.68

are where it comes in really handy.

Time: 2280.09

There are at least two faculty I know at Stanford.

Time: 2282.19

One whose a so-called Howard Hughes investigator,

Time: 2284.71

who is big, those are big deal appointments.

Time: 2288.13

They get tons of money, et cetera, et cetera,

Time: 2290.5

and they do amazing science most of the time.

Time: 2294.04

These individuals certainly do.

Time: 2295.15

And they take two 20 minute naps, per day, in their office.

Time: 2298.84

When this guy came and visited me,

Time: 2300.34

years ago when I was at a different university,

Time: 2302.08

he took the time that we were supposed to meet in my office

Time: 2304.06

and talk about data, he asked if he could take a nap.

Time: 2306.7

[audience laughs]

Time: 2307.78

And he gave a great talk that afternoon.

Time: 2310.97

So there you go.

Time: 2311.803

I do think you have to take control of your schedule

Time: 2314.47

and do those things.

Time: 2315.367

And I hope that helps.

Time: 2316.72

And then of course,

Time: 2317.553

for some people, exercise and so on is the way they reset.

Time: 2321.767

"What research or work are you doing

Time: 2323.05

or that your colleagues are doing

Time: 2323.92

that you're most excited about lately?"

Time: 2325.09

Glen, yeah.

Time: 2326.023

One project in particular,

Time: 2327.94

I hope this paper gets accepted soon,

Time: 2329.83

it's been out for review forever

Time: 2330.94

and so if the reviewers are in the audience,

Time: 2332.41

please just tell us one way or the other, you know?

Time: 2339.13

We did a very large scale study during the pandemic,

Time: 2341.59

we meaning David Spiegel and I,

Time: 2344.08

and an amazing PhD named Melis

Time: 2349.21

she now has two last names, excuse me,

Time: 2350.77

Balban, Yilmaz Balban.

Time: 2352.48

And Melis

Time: 2353.56

we essentially equipped people

Time: 2354.94

with remote monitoring devices

Time: 2356.47

and measured sleep and heart rate variability

Time: 2358.27

and a bunch of stress and bunch of other things.

Time: 2361.3

And we gave them

Time: 2362.5

a very brief set of breathing protocols

Time: 2365.77

and it turns out

Time: 2366.61

that this thing that I'm talking about a lot on the podcast,

Time: 2370.24

these days of this double inhale, long exhale,

Time: 2372.43

the so-called, "physiological sigh,"

Time: 2375.52

was the most effective breathing practice

Time: 2377.59

for allowing people to control their heart rate variability,

Time: 2380.14

reduce overall heart rate, access better sleep,

Time: 2382.57

and these were extremely short protocols.

Time: 2385.09

So I'm very excited about this.

Time: 2386.47

I didn't discover physiological sighs.

Time: 2388.51

I love the idea

Time: 2389.44

that people can do a very brief protocol, once a day,

Time: 2393.34

maybe even just while walking down the street

Time: 2395.2

or in the moment

Time: 2396.82

and actually learn to control that autonomic seesaw better.

Time: 2400.24

So I'm very excited about that.

Time: 2402.01

And then we are gearing up to do some studies

Time: 2404.518

on people who have more severe forms of anxiety

Time: 2407.2

and panic attack, using mainly respiration,

Time: 2412.72

but also looking at some of these eye,

Time: 2416.05

vision-related ways of controlling the nervous system.

Time: 2418.9

I love that stuff.

Time: 2419.733

If I keep talking about it,

Time: 2420.58

I'm going to give you a data presentation

Time: 2422.02

so I'm going to turn around.

Time: 2423.317

"How does dopamine

Time: 2424.15

factor into neuroplasticity if at all?"

Time: 2426.01

Colin, great question.

Time: 2427.57

It's a very strong trigger of plasticity,

Time: 2429.55

so much so in fact that there's some work that shows

Time: 2434.26

if you stimulate with an electrode,

Time: 2436

the brain area that releases dopamine,

Time: 2437.65

and you pair that with anything,

Time: 2440.83

anything, even just like an eight kilohertz tone,

Time: 2444.362

[vocalizes a high tone]

Time: 2445.27

the brain remaps and it's like,

Time: 2447.227

"Oh, I love that eight kilohertz tone."

Time: 2450.04

Remember dopamine is dumb, and is just dumb.

Time: 2454.27

And it is just, you know, it's like Costello

Time: 2456.94

when he sits this dog,

Time: 2458.59

I could hang a rope from a tree.

Time: 2460.57

This dog was so lazy he wouldn't cross a room for a steak.

Time: 2463.87

You had to give the steak to him,

Time: 2465.621

[audience laughing]

Time: 2466.454

but it would run across a field.

Time: 2467.56

He would run and jump on and hold onto that rope,

Time: 2469.665

and he would sometimes bite through his lip

Time: 2472.63

with like blood dripping down.

Time: 2473.74

And I was like, "Oh my gosh,"

Time: 2474.863

it was like breaking my heart.

Time: 2476.02

He loved every sit, that's dopamine; turns us into idiots.

Time: 2482.38

He was as smart about what he needed to be smart about.

Time: 2485.02


Time: 2486.37

So if you trigger dopamine release with Ritalin, Adderall,

Time: 2489.629

to a lesser extent L-Tyrosine,

Time: 2492.4

and certainly please don't do this,

Time: 2493.72

but cocaine, amphetamine,

Time: 2495.58

whatever you're doing seems super interesting.

Time: 2498.85

It's true. And that's why it's such a slippery slope.

Time: 2501.7

It makes anything you're doing

Time: 2503.08

seem interesting and important.

Time: 2504.76

And actually I'll use this as an opportunity to say

Time: 2506.74

something about the psychedelic thing earlier.

Time: 2508.96

One of the issues with MDMA,

Time: 2510.67

it's a very unusual brain state: it's high dopamine,

Time: 2514.09

high serotonin, completely synthetic compound.

Time: 2517.45

There are other things in there that it does as well.

Time: 2520

One of the problems with people I see

Time: 2521.92

with the problem with people just taking MDMA,

Time: 2526.261

just at a basic level,

Time: 2527.92

is that if you're not pushing that

Time: 2530.38

towards some therapeutic outcome, music sounds amazing.

Time: 2536.05

Everything feels and sounds amazing,

Time: 2538.18

but it's a very neurochemically, you know, severe state.

Time: 2542.17

So that's why I think

Time: 2543.13

if people are going to explore those things,

Time: 2544.69

do it as part of

Time: 2545.523

one of the university-supported clinical trials.

Time: 2548.95

One of the reas-

Time: 2549.783

those drugs make everything seem interesting,

Time: 2552.43

even stuff that's not terribly interesting.

Time: 2554.83

Now they also have

Time: 2555.663

the potential for trauma healing capacity.

Time: 2559.33

These are the MAPS studies and so on.

Time: 2560.77

So you have to be very careful

Time: 2562.54

with what you pair with dopamine

Time: 2563.89

and what you pair dopamine with.

Time: 2566.62

And for those of you

Time: 2567.453

that are high sensation seeking, novelty seeking,

Time: 2570.43

and everything's interesting to you,

Time: 2571.93

and you want more, and more, and more, experiences,

Time: 2574.33

I, you basically have a eight cylinder car in you

Time: 2579.4

and you need to be very careful how you drive that thing.

Time: 2581.53

Like any high performance automobile,

Time: 2583.42

it's going to spend more time in the shop,

Time: 2586.027

[audience laughing]

Time: 2587.785

so learn to drive appropriately.

Time: 2592.877

"What advice can you offer to future scientists

Time: 2594.61

who want to make an impact like you have?"

Time: 2595.99

Ryan O'Boyle, get tenure first.

Time: 2598.42

No, I'm kidding.

Time: 2602.02

So I have this weird history in science

Time: 2604.72

and I'm not looking for sympathy here,

Time: 2607.187

but my undergraduate advisor, who I adored,

Time: 2610.6

he's like a father to me,

Time: 2611.5

my graduate advisor, and my postdoc advisor,

Time: 2614.17

who I also adored, all three of them died:

Time: 2616.69

suicide, cancer, cancer, really young.

Time: 2619.39

So the joke in my field is

Time: 2620.56

you don't want me to work for you.

Time: 2623.14

But in all seriousness,

Time: 2624.25

all three of them had a really morbid sense of humor,

Time: 2626.05

all amazing people,

Time: 2627.55

but it is this kind of weird curse that I've had.

Time: 2630.52

So what scientists, you know, what advice, you know,

Time: 2634.648

well, Ben Barres,

Time: 2636.19

the late Ben Barres died of pancreatic cancer,

Time: 2638.23

an amazing individual.

Time: 2639.22

They're actually making a documentary about Ben's life.

Time: 2641.68

He's transgendered. He was a totally irreverent.

Time: 2644.35

He said whatever he thought. He offended everybody.

Time: 2647.32

He was awesome. Brilliant too.

Time: 2652.27

Ben and I had a conversation as he was dying.

Time: 2655.12

I recorded a lot of conversations with him

Time: 2658.925

and I told him I was interested in doing

Time: 2660.34

public-facing education.

Time: 2661.96

And he said,

Time: 2662.793

"Well, you're tenured now and, people are going to be upset,

Time: 2666.1

and they're not going to like it,

Time: 2667.3

and your colleagues are probably going to hate it

Time: 2668.95

so whatever you do and you better make it good."

Time: 2671.11

And I was like, "Wow, that doesn't really help much, Ben."

Time: 2674.56

And he said,

Time: 2675.393

"You know, you seem to have a compulsion for it."

Time: 2679.228

So, he was right.

Time: 2680.061

I think that if you are excited about science,

Time: 2684.46

and sharing what you know, then do that.

Time: 2687.49

And even if it seems super nerdy,

Time: 2688.477

I mean, there are these ento-

Time: 2690.85

I think they call themselves entomologists,

Time: 2692.255

the insect people,

Time: 2693.97

they, I mean they make insects seem really, really cool.

Time: 2698.281

And if you are excited about spindle kinetics or whatever,

Time: 2703.21

you know, tell people about it, I really mean it.

Time: 2706.6

I think that the one caveat is that

Time: 2708.959

I do think it's important

Time: 2710.59

to get a formal, rigorous training in it first.

Time: 2713.74

I think that you'll go further and faster in the long run.

Time: 2718.06

And there's some amazing people out there.

Time: 2719.5

There's a postdoc at Stanford.

Time: 2720.76

I think his name is Ben Rein,

Time: 2722.05

I think if you shorten it up on Instagram,

Time: 2723.52

it's actually brain, brein, 'cause he works out

Time: 2726.46

he talks about brain science so that's why it's weird:

Time: 2728.53

B B R E I N.

Time: 2730.87

He does a great job.

Time: 2732.04

And he's a really good example of someone

Time: 2733.36

who's still on the ascent with his career,

Time: 2735.4

doing serious science, and doing science communication.

Time: 2738.13

But you have to be careful, it's time consuming.

Time: 2740.95

Look, you, people will dislike you for whatever.

Time: 2744.91

I made the mistake once of saying that I eat butter.

Time: 2748.24

Apparently that's a sin on the internet.

Time: 2749.89

I like little bits of actually like a lot of butter,

Time: 2751.481

but try and eat little bits of butter.

Time: 2753.94

But somehow it's like,

Time: 2754.87

there's this idea that I eat sticks of butter.

Time: 2756.7

So you have to be careful.

Time: 2757.82

[audience laughing]

Time: 2758.814

Like, I mean, the things I've heard, I heard I was dead.

Time: 2761.05

That was cool.

Time: 2763.42

So you have to be careful

Time: 2764.83

and remember everything is stamped into the,

Time: 2767.107

the cloud now and the metaverse or whatever it's called.

Time: 2770.62

So I would say, here are the rules that we have

Time: 2775.15

at the podcast and on

Time: 2776.71

here's the rules that I created for myself.

Time: 2779.08

I truly don't do it for me.

Time: 2781.03

I do it 'cause I think people want to hear about it,

Time: 2783.07

but I've been telling myself that since I was six years old.

Time: 2786.97

The other thing is never, ever, ever do it

Time: 2790.45

just for your own gratification.

Time: 2793.33

You should really try and think,

Time: 2794.357

"Is anyone going to get anything useful out of this,

Time: 2796.27


Time: 2797.103

That's the goal.

Time: 2797.936

If you're doing that, it'll work out for you.

Time: 2799.6

If you are thinking about

Time: 2800.95

how to get followers or something like that,

Time: 2802.9

it ain't going to work out.

Time: 2805.24

That's my advice.

Time: 2807.047

"Is age 66 too old for neuroplasticity?"

Time: 2808.96

No, no, I'll cut myself off,

Time: 2811.247

"to begin learning again?"

Time: 2812.08

Sandra Trazzare, no!

Time: 2814

Did I pronounce that right?

Time: 2815.05

Thank you, Sandra.

Time: 2817.27

No, Richard Feynman, the great Richard Feynman,

Time: 2821.74

taught himself to draw later in life.

Time: 2824.41

He was also really into flotation tanks.

Time: 2826.12

Did you know that?

Time: 2827.29

Yeah, he was also into bongo drumming

Time: 2829.03

naked on the roof at Caltech.

Time: 2831.01

Richard Feynman, you know, did so many things

Time: 2833.56

that would get most people fired nowadays.

Time: 2835.6

He's just lucky he was alive when he was.

Time: 2837.874

You can absolutely learn at 66 and way beyond.

Time: 2841.54

There's an amazing study

Time: 2843.13

from Rusty Gage's lab at the Salk Institute years ago,

Time: 2846.25

showing that even people who are very late in life,

Time: 2850

terminally ill in fact,

Time: 2852.16

are still producing new neurons

Time: 2853.54

in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus.

Time: 2855.7

These people that were gracious enough

Time: 2857.32

to allow researchers to inject them with dyes

Time: 2859.99

that would label these neurons

Time: 2861.1

for analysis postmortem, after they died.

Time: 2863.641

Absolutely you can learn. What's harder is focus.

Time: 2868.12

Oftentimes what's harder is sleep as well,

Time: 2870.13

but the same mechanisms apply.

Time: 2871.72

There's no evidence whatsoever

Time: 2873.023

that neuroplasticity disappears at any stage

Time: 2877.78

despite what Hubel and Wiesel told the BBC.

Time: 2880.517

"How do you tackle reading research papers?

Time: 2882.97

Do you have a specific strategy?"

Time: 2884.32

Anne Hun, yes I do.

Time: 2888.13

I do. I take notes on everything.

Time: 2891.67

I try and so I there's four questions that we teach students

Time: 2894.97

and that I think that I use.

Time: 2896.62

The first one is:

Time: 2897.453

"What's the question they're asking,

Time: 2898.51

major and more specific?"

Time: 2900.76

Second is: "What did they do?

Time: 2902.625

What are they, like methods-wise, what did they do?"

Time: 2903.94

You don't have to know all the details in the methods

Time: 2905.65

necessarily, but be versed in those methods,

Time: 2909.31

but you have to kind of understand like,

Time: 2910.51

are they looking at mice?

Time: 2912.13

Are they looking at humans?

Time: 2913.18

Is this a, you know, did they have people

Time: 2915.505

in two different conditions or just one?

Time: 2918.22

You have to understand what did they do,

Time: 2919.27

then you ask, "What did they find?"

Time: 2920.41

And then the last question is the most important one

Time: 2922.6

and you should write down the answer to this is:

Time: 2924.287

"What did they conclude?"

Time: 2927.13

And then you look back at the first question

Time: 2928.674

and you go,

Time: 2929.507

"Did they actually answer that question,

Time: 2931.66

or is it something unrelated?"

Time: 2933.01

And those four questions

Time: 2934.18

are essentially the way that I parse each paper.

Time: 2937.09

Learning to parse papers is tricky for the podcast.

Time: 2939.28

I use the telephone.

Time: 2941.02

I call people and I badger them and I ask them, you know,

Time: 2943.937

"Like who's doing the really good work in this area?"

Time: 2946.18

And I spend a lot of hours doing it.

Time: 2947.68

And then the best way to remember science

Time: 2951.22

is to tell someone about it.

Time: 2952.54

So before each podcast I'll call someone and be like,

Time: 2954.497

"Hey, did you know

Time: 2955.33

that they used to throw kids in the river?"

Time: 2957.76

After, I do this, and my sister, my poor sister,

Time: 2960.34

and she's like, "Yeah."

Time: 2961.48

My sister, by the way, does not watch the podcast.

Time: 2963.94

I, she's a therapist.

Time: 2965.65

And she's like,

Time: 2966.483

"Hey, I learned this amazing breathing technique."

Time: 2968.95

I was like,

Time: 2969.783

"Oh yeah, really? Tell me about it."

Time: 2970.616

And it's like, someone else is there.

Time: 2971.449

I'm like, "You know, I have a podcast."

Time: 2972.58

She's like, "I don't like your podcast."

Time: 2974.358

You know, it's older sister, it's older sister.

Time: 2979.09

It's, she's not lying.

Time: 2981.497

"What is your favorite sauce, condiment, seasoning?

Time: 2984.13


Time: 2987.28

There's one in every audience.

Time: 2990.52

I like the spicy stuff.

Time: 2991.72

We've been fermenting our own food at home.

Time: 2994.96

It's kind of cool.

Time: 2995.793

You put the cabbage and the stuff

Time: 2997.51

in the little ceramic thing outside,

Time: 2999.43

and then it, it goes

Time: 3000.371


Time: 3001.204

It makes this amazing sound.

Time: 3002.28

And then you can like

Time: 3003.113

make your own sauerkraut and you know,

Time: 3004.38

with peppers and like fermenting that stuff,

Time: 3006.45

it's really good.

Time: 3007.352


Time: 3008.185

They're telling me one more question so we'll do two.

Time: 3010.357

"What's most important from your ADH, ah."

Time: 3013.62

Gabriel, a lot of questions about ADHD,

Time: 3021.24

for people on medication or not on medication,

Time: 3023.52

so I'll answer both.

Time: 3025.83

For people on medication,

Time: 3028.227

I think work with somebody really good

Time: 3031.47

who's willing to work with you

Time: 3035.22

to allow you to find that minimal effective dose,

Time: 3038.49

and also timing that dose.

Time: 3040.29

One of the key things that we know now

Time: 3042.93

is that from that waking up point in your morning

Time: 3046.8

until about eight or nine hours later,

Time: 3049.11

we've sort of named that phase one of the day

Time: 3051.21

for lack of a better naming protocol.

Time: 3053.82

The systems that release cortisol,

Time: 3056.7

dopamine, and epinephrine,

Time: 3058.74

are essentially more effective at producing those

Time: 3062.85

than they are in the later periods of the day.

Time: 3064.41

Which makes sense if you think about

Time: 3065.584

the way that the autonomic nervous system works, et cetera.

Time: 3069.12

So there's an important question

Time: 3070.38

that I can't answer for you, but you can answer for you,

Time: 3072.93

which is if you're using Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse,

Time: 3077.67

these things that enhance dopaminergic transmission,

Time: 3080.91

Modafinil, Armodafinil, by the way,

Time: 3083.49

for the people in the audience like me,

Time: 3085.62

who didn't go to college when these things were all in use,

Time: 3088.71

the numbers of people that use these compounds,

Time: 3091.71

on and off prescription, is astronomical.

Time: 3095.67

It's incredible.

Time: 3097.17

I didn't realize it.

Time: 3098.34

I think something like

Time: 3099.173

80% of college students use these at some point.

Time: 3103.05

Incredible, 'cause they put you

Time: 3104.31

into a narrow aperture tunnel of concentration.

Time: 3107.22

So you want to, with a physician's support of course,

Time: 3111.21

to help, get permission or not,

Time: 3115.28

to figure out what time of day to take your medication.

Time: 3120.03

Now for people who are not on medication,

Time: 3122.28

I'll just go right back to what I said earlier,

Time: 3124.02

which is that you can train focus,

Time: 3126.03

but it feels terrible to train it.

Time: 3128.25

It is hard.

Time: 3129.72

Again there are these large scale studies in China

Time: 3132.63

and elsewhere of people literally teaching themselves,

Time: 3137.43

and yes, they blink, although less often,

Time: 3139.5

to focus their vision on a narrow aperture

Time: 3142.29

and to really battle through that agitation,

Time: 3146.25

stress, and learn how to keep their focus.

Time: 3148.92

Now focus will drift, right?

Time: 3150.54

Focus is not a constant; focus will drift,

Time: 3153.15

and you pop out of focused states

Time: 3154.65

and then refocus, and pop out, and refocus.

Time: 3156.39

That's something that you can train up.

Time: 3158.1

I've heard from many people

Time: 3158.933

who have managed to train themselves off medication

Time: 3160.98

or to lower doses of medication,

Time: 3162.6

and look, some people can't do that.

Time: 3164.04

They absolutely have to maintain

Time: 3165.99

their standard medication protocols.

Time: 3169.32

This is a larger discussion, obviously,

Time: 3171.3

as it relates to ADHD.

Time: 3172.56

We're going to do another episode on ADHD

Time: 3174.66

because the data are coming out so so fast.

Time: 3178.687

"What future episodes are in the pipeline?"

Time: 3180.39

David Nguyen. Okay, thank you for that question.

Time: 3182.52

We have one on grief.

Time: 3183.57

We have an amazing episode with

Time: 3186

a guy from the Rockefeller University

Time: 3188.16

on the, this is,

Time: 3189.53

am I allowed to say it's going to be my favorite episode?

Time: 3191.79

I love all the guests,

Time: 3192.63

but this episode just blew me away.

Time: 3194.61

It's on the relationship

Time: 3196.53

between language, speech, dance, and music.

Time: 3200.79

And I have no musical talent and I'm not a very good dancer.

Time: 3203.52

So that's being generous.

Time: 3205.26

Amazing interplay between those things,

Time: 3208.757

exercise in the brain, OCD, bulimia, binge-eating disorder,

Time: 3216.779

Peter Attia's coming on.

Time: 3218.58

He'll teach us about everything medicine, and longevity.

Time: 3224.25

And I'm kind of blanking at the moment.

Time: 3226.65

David Anderson from Caltech

Time: 3227.97

on aggression and emotional states.

Time: 3230.07


Time: 3231.12

And then there are a number of people,

Time: 3233.91

Lisa Feldman Barrett, or Barrett Feldman.

Time: 3235.95

I always get it backwards.

Time: 3236.79

Sorry, Lisa, on emotions in the brain.

Time: 3238.83

And really we do take suggestions

Time: 3240.93

about who to bring on the podcast very seriously.

Time: 3242.85

What we're mostly looking for

Time: 3244.53

are the people that no one else has heard,

Time: 3249.36

that people haven't heard of,

Time: 3252.259

who are not going on podcasts every week

Time: 3254.31

and that people should absolutely hear from.

Time: 3257.22

And then I will tell you,

Time: 3258.48

they're going to kill me for saying this,

Time: 3259.68

but I'm going to do it anyway,

Time: 3261.6

we have some short series coming up

Time: 3263.73

with expert professionals.

Time: 3265.71

I'm going to do a short series on trauma.

Time: 3268.62

And my hope for this series

Time: 3270.6

is that you'll actually get to

Time: 3271.68

see an exquisitely skilled trauma therapist,

Time: 3274.59

take someone through, excuse me,

Time: 3277.08

I seem so excited I'm spitting on the audience, excuse me.

Time: 3281.07

So it, to take someone through actual trauma therapy.

Time: 3284.97

This isn't staged.

Time: 3286.02

This is somebody who's actually

Time: 3287.19

in a point of near suicidal grief and trauma,

Time: 3290.28

taking them through it in the course of the podcast,

Time: 3292.5

as people can see what this process actually entails.

Time: 3296.1

That's a very meaningful project to me

Time: 3298.2

for a number of reasons

Time: 3300.13

so we're really excited about that.

Time: 3302.43

And you know, to be honest, I feel like there's

Time: 3304.71

just such a treasure trove of information out there

Time: 3306.823

I just want to grab it all, and tell you all about it,

Time: 3309.87

until, I always say, "If nothing else, I'll cure insomnia."

Time: 3314.13

So, the, yeah.

Time: 3316.271

[audience applauding vigorously]

Time: 3334.56

Thank you. Appreciate it.

Time: 3337.212

[applause continuing]

Time: 3346.2

Thank you so much for your time.

Time: 3347.94

I really appreciate everyone coming out on a weekday

Time: 3350.01

and I'd be remiss if I didn't say,

Time: 3352.477

Thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 3354.883

[audience cheering and applauding]

Time: 3359.635

[upbeat music playing]

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