LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman Question & Answer in New York, NY

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Recently, the Huberman Lab hosted a live event

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at the Beacon Theater in New York City.

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The event was entitled, "The Brain-Body Contract,"

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and it consisted of a lecture followed

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by a question and answer session with the audience.

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We wanted to make the recorded version of that question

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and answer session available to everybody,

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regardless of who could attend.

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So what follows is the question and answer

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period from the Brain-Body Contract live Huberman Lab

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Want to be sure to thank the sponsors from that event.

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They were Eight Sleep, which makes

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smart mattress covers with heating and cooling capacity.

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I started sleeping on an Eight Sleep mattress

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cover about eight months ago, and it has completely

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transformed my sleep.

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I sleep so much deeper.

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I wake up far less during the middle of the night, if at all,

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and I wake up feeling far better than I ever have,

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even after the same amount of sleep.

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In fact, I love my Eight Sleep so much that when I travel--

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now, I'm quite bothered that Airbnbs and hotels don't

Time: 68.98

have Eight Sleep mattress covers on them,

Time: 70.78

and I've even shipped my Eight Sleep mattress cover out

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to meet me in the location that I arrived to so that I

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get the best possible sleep.

Time: 77.34

If you want to try Eight Sleep, you can go

Time: 79.09

to to save up to $400 off their Sleep

Time: 83.59

Fit Holiday Bundle, which includes their new Pod 3 Cover.

Time: 86.98

Eight Sleep currently ships in the USA,

Time: 88.84

Canada, United Kingdom, select countries in the EU,

Time: 91.69

and Australia.

Time: 92.89

Again, that's

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I'd like to also thank our supplement partner, Momentous.

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They make the very highest quality supplements.

Time: 100.72

They ship internationally, and they formulated supplements

Time: 104.68

as single-ingredient formulations

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that match what is discussed on the Huberman Lab podcast.

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If you're interested in any of those supplements,

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please go to

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And now, without further ado, the question and answer session

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from the live event held at the Beacon Theater

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in New York City.

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And as always, thank you for your interest in science.

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You've said before that stress can be good for us,

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but how do we know when it's too much?

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That's a good question, and I should preface that

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by saying that there's some incredible work that

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was done by a colleague of mine, Dr. Alia Crum.

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Ali is how she goes by, Dr. Allie Crum.

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Who is a-- she was a Division I athlete.

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She's a tenured professor of psychology at Stanford.

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She's a licensed clinical psychologist, like everyone.

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So when I look around my colleague,

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I'm like, oh, my goodness.

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Who are these people?

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Very humbling place to be.

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But she's made some important discoveries,

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and I want to just highlight one, which

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is this notion of mindset.

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And no, these are not placebo effects,

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but let me just tell you.

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When you think about stress, how you think about stress

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is really important.

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First of all, you can't lie to yourself.

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But if for instance you watch a one or three-minute video,

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as she's given subjects in her lab about stress,

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and it tells you all the terrible things

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that stress does to your immune system and sleep,

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then you experience those things-- increases

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in blood pressure, et cetera.

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However, if you watch a one to three-minute video that's

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also true about the fact that stress can sharpen

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your decision making for certain kinds of things,

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actually, can accentuate your immune system.

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I wish someone had helped me get this narrative right out there.

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Stress does not deplete your immune system,

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unless it goes on a long, long time.

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We'll talk about what long means in a moment.

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Why would it?

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Think about it.

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If you had to fast and move with family

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or weather a storm of any kind, emotional or physical,

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and you got sick, that wouldn't make any sense.

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It's usually after you're stressed.

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If you've ever been go, go, go, or taking care of a loved one

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or studying or working hard, and then you finally go

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on vacation, you rest, you arrive, and you get sick,

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it's because your immune system shut down.

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It stopped.

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Your immune system is mobilized by that alertness side

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of your autonomic nervous system, but you do need sleep.

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You do need sleep, and it's actually,

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we think, the slowing of circulation.

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And this is why it's probably not a good idea

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to exercise if you're already sick,

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and if you're veering towards sick

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probably limit the intensity of any kind of interaction

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as best you can and just still yourself.

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Well, Ali's lab has clearly shown us over and over again

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that what we know, our knowledge base, really

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does shape the physiology over those outcomes.

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Now, you know that stress is both bad and good,

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so which one is it?

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Does it average to nothing?

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It turns out that you can bias this

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in one direction or the other, depending on which information

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you're listening to more often.

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I think this is really important.

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I still am trying to get my head and my mind

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around what's happened over the last few years

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and where it's placed us.

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Like where did it land us?

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Are we more resilient now, or are we just really beat up?

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I don't know.

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I really don't know, but I think how

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we interpret the last few years is

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going to make a big difference in terms of how it impacts us.

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How do we know if we are--

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thanks, yeah.

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What we're missing out there, I think,

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is a narrative from somebody that people listen to.

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And I'm not saying that person should be me.

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In fact, it shouldn't be me but somebody that can help us frame

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what's just happened to us, much like a good--

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I think the world needs a good therapist, basically.

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Needs a very good therapist.

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So I would call short-term stress, which

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is very beneficial for us, is the kind of stress that

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happens on the order of a day, two, or three days.

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Not a problem.

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Even if you feel torn apart, provided you can get

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rest afterwards.

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Long-term stress is the kind of stress

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that really starts to impede your sleep-wake cycle,

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make your dreams more stressful and more like nightmares,

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and they're not going away.

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And I can promise you that for those of you that

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have challenges with accumulation of stress

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from the past that's now compounded by what's happening

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now, et cetera, the solution does

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seem to be to get yourself into a supported environment

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of some kind that will allow you to go through a full catharsis.

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Again, it doesn't have to require psychedelics.

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That can take you through the full ride

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of autonomic intensity--

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catharsis of some sort-- and then relaxation.

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That does seem to be what snaps people out

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of what we would call longer term stress

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and historical stress.

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There's even the question of whether or not

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focusing directly on the trauma and the story is so critical.

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I think it is.

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Obviously that's something that should

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be done with a clinician, but stress

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that impedes your sleep for three nights or more, that

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shifts the pattern of dreams to more anxious dreams, that

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is more long-term stress.

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And for that, you need to take it seriously,

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and it's the kind of thing where if you don't take it seriously,

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it can start degrading things like your immune system,

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et cetera.

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And I would say that under those conditions,

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use sleep as a good marker.

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In fact, I'm sure there are some clinicians in the room.

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I mean, one of the questions that is used as a diagnostic

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for whether or not people are depressed

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or anxiously depressed is whether or not

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they are sleeping well or not.

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Again, language is not very good at parsing

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what's going on inside.

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We have to look to behaviors and regularity

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of sleep-wake cycles, et cetera.

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Hopefully that was at least a partial answer.

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I tried to be accurate, but if I were exhaustive,

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I might actually cure insomnia someday

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with these podcasts if nothing else.

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How has hypnosis been impacting my life?

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I'm in hypnosis.

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No, the-- I actually spent most of the afternoon in hypnosis.

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Before I do these, I spend a good hour in hypnosis.

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Again, self-directed hypnosis-- gosh, it's so unfortunate.

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I keep talking to David Spiegel about this.

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Again, his dad was one of the originators

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of hypnosis as a valid psychiatric treatment.

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There's even the idea that things

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like EMDR, the scanning of eyes back and forth

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while reporting a narrative, may actually

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be capturing some of the elements of hypnosis.

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Again-- and this is why, at least for me,

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I appreciate the opportunity to come together tonight

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to talk about principles.

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I would hope that after tonight, you

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could look at any practice, anything,

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any compound, any breathing exercise,

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and just be able to frame up which

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continuum, where on the continuum,

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what's it really designed to do.

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Move you up towards alertness or down towards calm.

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And in fact, because I can't help myself,

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I'll just tell you for all the breathing stuff,

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it can be made very simple.

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If your exhales are longer and more

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vigorous than your inhales, you're going to get calm down.

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If your inhales are longer and more

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vigorous than your exhales, you're

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going to become more alert.

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And if you hold your breath, just eventually

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just start breathing again.

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The physiology maps perfectly to that.

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That maps perfectly to the physiology.

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And if, for instance, you do box breathing-- inhale hold,

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exhale holding, and this kind of thing--

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well, you're going to stay right where you're at.

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You're going to be on an even plane more or less.

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So that hopefully captures all of breathwork in one sentence.

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Now, I'll answer the question you were asking me.

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Hypnosis, it's impact in my life in a couple of ways.

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One way is more from a practical scientific way, which

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is that my laboratory works on vision, and we work on stress.

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And in some ways, those might seem divorced.

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Although now with the cuttlefish and the fact

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that your eyes narrow their field of view

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when you're stressed, et cetera, it

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should become obvious why that is.

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But hypnosis also takes advantage

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of this really weird cool feature, which is--

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and it's always weird when you do a group exercise,

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but I can't really see you all that well.

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I certainly can't see your eyes well enough to know this.

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But David Spiegel, there's actually something in the--

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this is a valid thing called the Spiegel Eye Roll Test,

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and it's not the teenage eye roll.

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That when you look up while not moving your head-- when

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you look up, you actually are engaging

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circuits in your brainstem that are involved

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in generating alertness.

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And when you look down and your eyes close,

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the opposite is true.

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You're engaging circuits in the brain that are taking you

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into a calmer state.

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Now, wouldn't it be wonderful if all you had to do was look down

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and you'd be calm and look up and you'd be alert.

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That doesn't quite work that way.

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But to induce hypnosis, what they do

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is they have people look up, and then while looking up,

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close their eyes, which is actually hard to do.

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Some people can't do it.

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Their eyes roll forward, hence the Spiegel Eye Roll Test.

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Some people, their eyes get-- you

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see the whites of their eyes, and it looks really spooky,

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and they're looking up while their eyes closed.

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Those people are very prone to hypnosis.

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Well hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation

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with alertness and focus.

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It's a contextual narrowing-- excuse me.

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So it's like being in early stage sleep,

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and that's why stage hypnosis works with telling people

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to do certain things.

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It's not that they don't care or they're

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under the control of the hypnotist.

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It's that they forget what's around them.

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Because their mind is focused internally and on the dialogue

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with the hypnotist and is not paying attention to context.

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So it's a narrowing of context.

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But hypnosis for me has been very useful because A,

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it validated the relationship between vision and states

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of mind.

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It also checks off this box, again,

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which is that to access neuroplasticity,

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what do you need?

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You need focus plus you need a state of deep relaxation.

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Usually, first focus then sleep or non-sleep deep rest.

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But Spiegel and his daddy figured out

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because they're way smarter than I am that you can get people

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into that perfect state of neuroplasticity

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by combining them both in real time

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through this atypical thing we call hypnosis.

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So I do daily or maybe every other day hypnosis script

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that's about-- it's self-directed hypnosis

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script of about 5 to 15 minutes, usually,

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trying to get myself to be less pissed off about something

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that I'm really pissed off about, frankly.

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I imagine the stuff I'm really pissed off

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about in the screen on the left side.

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I think about all the things that make me feel good,

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and then I keep thinking about how angry I am.

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This is really how it goes.

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And then over time, I've noticed, well,

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you're coupling that bodily state of calm

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to the anger thing.

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This is all very hard to do in talk therapy.

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No disrespect to talk therapy.

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There's a tremendous advantage to talk therapy that I myself

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have benefited from it, although according

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to certain people in my life not enough.

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But hypnosis works because it's capturing

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neuroplasticity processes.

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Thank you for that question.

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What are the most effective protocols

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for boosting the microbiome?

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Well, here, I'm very fortunate because my upstairs

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neighbor at Stanford is the great Justin Sonnenburg,

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and he and his wife Erika run this amazing lab defining

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all the principles of the gut microbiome,

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and they have a really cool idea.

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I don't know if he's serious about this,

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but I can't help but chuckle when

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I think that this might actually be true.

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We all know-- this is definitely true--

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that we all carry around trillions

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of little micro-bacteria.

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Not just in our gut--

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that goes from one end of our throat

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to the other-- any mucosal lining.

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Eyes, genitalia, nose-- we have microbiomes

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in our nose, et cetera.

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This is why we're heading into the winter months

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being a nasal breather.

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That sounds like crazy new agey stuff-- be a nasal breather.

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There's actually a book written by Paul Ehrlich and Sandra Kahn

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at Stanford with a foreword by Jared Diamond and Robert

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The book, Jaws, so these are some heavy hitters.

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And there's very good evidence that people who mouth breathe

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are making themselves more prone to illness

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when nasal breathing because of the microbiome.

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It's just a better filter for germs.

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So this winter and always really try and be a nasal breather

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all the time.

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One of the best ways to do that if you're not into the mouth

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taping thing, which people do, is

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to try and do some of your exercise

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with just nasal breathing.

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It'll take a little while to get used to,

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but I'm not good at the nasal breathing thing

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because I'm always talking.

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The microbiome is all over us and in us.

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It's on our skin.

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We're actually exchanging it when we meet

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and we shake hands.

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Do you know what happens usually in the first 10, 15 seconds?

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Data from Noam Sobel's lab at the Weizmann

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has shown that we wipe our eyes.

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We wipe other people's molecules on us.

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We're really good at that.

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Just watch these interactions.

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Now, everyone's going be doing the germ free handshake.

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They're going to be fist bump.

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But there is this idea that maybe we are the house cats.

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Maybe we're not just transporting

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all these microbiota because it's good for us.

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What if we're just the vehicles, and they're running the planet?

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And they're like, oh, we're running out of some stuff.

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Like we should figure out somebody to take us to Mars,

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and then we'll take over Mars.

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I mean, maybe it's all them.

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And Justin was the one that told me that,

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and I was like, that's kind of eerie if you think about it.

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But there might be these other intelligences that

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are hijacking us, and that's scary

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because we like to think that we're in charge, and who knows.

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What's good for your microbiome, or what's good for them

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that is?

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Well, prebiotic fiber seems to be very important,

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but the studies of fiber, at least,

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as it relates to the microbiome are somewhat controversial.

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There was a study done on humans at Stanford

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by Chris Gardner and Justin Sonnenburg

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that showed that people who eat one to four--

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you have to ramp up--

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servings of low sugar fermented foods.

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This would be your kimchi, your natos, your sauerkraut,

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your kiefer's, your kombuchas, et cetera.

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Per day develop a very robust microbiome,

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and fiber did not do that.

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In fact, fiber increased the so-called inflammatory,

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which is the markers for inflammation,

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but that doesn't mean that fiber is bad.

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Fiber actually is-- getting enough fiber

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is correlated with a number of other things

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that are great, like reduced cardiovascular disease,

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for instance, cancers of the colon, for instance--

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so fiber and gut microbiota.

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Prebiotics, probiotics, probably only necessary

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if you have a dysbiosis-- if you've been taking antibiotics,

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or if for some reason you're depleted of the microbiome.

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One of the great ways to deplete your microbiome

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is to just eat highly processed foods,

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but hopefully most people aren't doing that.

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So prebiotic fiber and these low-sugar fermented foods,

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and then someone always says beer.

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So and always, yes.

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Yes, beer will support your microbiome,

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but it might do other things too.

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So in general, low-alcohol, low-sugar fermented foods

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reduce the number of inflammatory markers.

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That's very, very clear from the Sonnenburg data.

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And then there are other ways, of course.

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The microbiome, actually, interacts with temperature.

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So the cold exposure thing is actually

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good for your microbiome, but--

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and I want to really emphasize this.

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If you hear about studies that such and such improves

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such and such, keep in mind that anything

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that improves your sleep, your microbiome,

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or your social interactions will improve

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basically everything else.

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And those are what we call modulating-- excuse me--

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effects, not mediating effects.

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This is really important, and we teach first year graduate

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students and medical students about this.

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Like for instance, if there were a fire alarm pulled right now--

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God forbid-- it would modulate all of your attention,

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but would you say that fire alarms mediate Attention No.

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It's not directly in the line of mechanism,

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but it can adjust an existing mechanism.

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So great sleep is great for everything,

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but it doesn't control it directly.

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And so things like getting great sleep,

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keeping your microbiome healthy, getting enough sunlight,

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et cetera-- they provide a kind of buoyancy

Time: 1068.22

to all the organs and systems of your body,

Time: 1070.35

but they aren't necessarily the thing that cures ADHD.

Time: 1073.89

But of course, if you have ADHD or issues with focus,

Time: 1077.01

getting enough sleep will help.

Time: 1079.38

Is nutrition the way to cure your ADHD?

Time: 1081.81

No, but if you improve your gut microbiome,

Time: 1084.51

it's very likely that your neurotransmitter systems

Time: 1086.73

will improve.

Time: 1087.54

Limiting sugar will help, et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 1090.18

So there's reason to think that great sleep, solid nutrition,

Time: 1096.69

microbiome, social interactions, exercise--

Time: 1099.84

those are the big five.

Time: 1101.7

There are others too, of course.

Time: 1103.86

With those you set a good buoyancy

Time: 1107.55

to all the other systems, and then we

Time: 1109.402

get into the things of how to directly increase

Time: 1111.36

focus or modulate dopamine and so on and so forth.

Time: 1116.86


Time: 1117.904


Time: 1119.8

Well, I realize some people are afraid of dogs.

Time: 1123.79

We actually have a dog stimulus in our fear lab.

Time: 1125.89

We get people that are terrified of dogs.

Time: 1127.598

We hired this dog trainer guy who

Time: 1129.34

has these pit bulls that will attack you while you're in VR.

Time: 1132.67

By the end, people are a little more comfortable

Time: 1134.8

with dogs in general.

Time: 1138.19

For you and me, if you're not afraid of dogs,

Time: 1140.98

that's not terribly terrifying.

Time: 1143.41

But if you are, even the thought of that

Time: 1146.98

can be pretty terrifying.

Time: 1148.96

A couple of things-- people have thought about the eye contact

Time: 1151.72


Time: 1152.22

They make eye contact.

Time: 1153.25

We're big on eye contact.

Time: 1154.78

Humans too.

Time: 1156.79

Eye contact is meaningful in terms of oxytocin release.

Time: 1160.48

That's all real.

Time: 1161.23

Those data are-- the more and more data

Time: 1163.047

that come out from better studies-- eye contact is

Time: 1165.13

a big deal.

Time: 1165.92

I think it's also that just the dogs are always

Time: 1168.04

game to show up exactly where you want to meet them,

Time: 1170.98

and they always show up in their most loving possible state

Time: 1174.52

for them.

Time: 1175.81

It's a pretty simple equation if you get it right.

Time: 1178.33

They need proper care, but--

Time: 1180.94

I mean, Costello was unique because the bulldog also--

Time: 1184.645

you don't want to get me going on dog breeds,

Time: 1186.52

but the bulldog also looks disappointed all the time.

Time: 1190.66

And then you do something it likes,

Time: 1192.165

and then it looks delighted, and pretty soon you're

Time: 1194.29

working for their approval.

Time: 1197.235

And we were like the odd couple--

Time: 1198.61

me and him.

Time: 1199.3

And I realize he's got me trained really, really well

Time: 1201.85

to do my best to please him and delight him,

Time: 1205.03

which delighted me.

Time: 1206.27

And there I was on the hook.

Time: 1208.93

So that's one reason.

Time: 1209.89

I think there's also another reason, which

Time: 1211.9

is super nerdy, which is this C tactile fiber

Time: 1213.888

thing, which is you have these little nerve

Time: 1215.68

endings in your skin.

Time: 1217.28

And we know, of course, that oxytocin is

Time: 1220.24

released from parent and child.

Time: 1222.33

We know this from neuroimaging, et cetera.

Time: 1224.08

We know oxytocin is released from non-sexual romantic touch.

Time: 1228.73

One of the things that is very powerful for the release

Time: 1231.61

of oxytocin-- very powerful--

Time: 1233.77

is non-sexual grooming touch among members of a species

Time: 1238.99

or even across species.

Time: 1240.39

So those pictures of monkeys picking around in each other,

Time: 1244.3

or people who insist on popping things on one another,

Time: 1247.51

or people who go to the hairdresser or the barber

Time: 1250.24

and they like touch.

Time: 1251.17

It doesn't even have to be massage--

Time: 1252.67

massive oxytocin release.

Time: 1254.71

Those data don't get as much play

Time: 1256.45

as all the data on oxytocin and love.

Time: 1260.59

It's called the love hormone, but it's

Time: 1262.51

basically a neurochemical signaling system

Time: 1265.87

for this interaction, feels good, and is very much

Time: 1269.44

of the present.

Time: 1270.198

And I think that's an important distinction

Time: 1271.99

to make more broadly.

Time: 1272.98

Is that dopamine is really about the pursuit of all things

Time: 1278.29

beyond the confines of our skin.

Time: 1280.24

I'm going to get that thing.

Time: 1281.53

I want that because it's all about anticipation.

Time: 1284

And when you have some distance between yourself

Time: 1286

and the thing that you think will deliver,

Time: 1287.95

whatever it is you want, usually pleasure

Time: 1290.11

in some form or another, or excitement, whatever

Time: 1292.3

your pleasure is or combined, then you actually

Time: 1295.48

have to mobilize.

Time: 1296.29

And dopamine is the precursor to adrenaline.

Time: 1298.123

A lot of people don't know that.

Time: 1299.457

Adrenaline is made from dopamine.

Time: 1301.03

It gets you into motion.

Time: 1302.278

Then you have the reward systems that

Time: 1303.82

are more about what you have from your skin surface inward.

Time: 1307.16

So this is gentle touch, holding hands,

Time: 1309.97

and indeed stroking your dog.

Time: 1313.42

Probably does that for you.

Time: 1314.65

It activates these C fibers, as they're called,

Time: 1316.9

in your skin, which feed right into these serotonin

Time: 1320.44

and oxytocin system.

Time: 1321.62

So the brain-- sounds a little pop psychology-ish,

Time: 1324.01

but it's a real thing, and it exists in essentially all

Time: 1327.13

mammalian species.

Time: 1328.01

So I think a lot of us just like dogs because they'll

Time: 1330.218

let us just pet them all day.

Time: 1332.5

Some people like to be touched a little bit more or less,

Time: 1335.02

even when they trust is all--

Time: 1337.39

it's this consensual, age appropriate, context

Time: 1339.79

appropriate-- in this case, species appropriate.

Time: 1342.28

Those are the conditions, very important.

Time: 1345.04

When I was a kid, I had--

Time: 1347.2

I don't know why.

Time: 1347.982

My sister is in the audience.

Time: 1349.19

I don't why she decided to do this in the first place,

Time: 1351.44

but I loved having my face done--

Time: 1354.507

pet like that.

Time: 1355.09

I still like it, but don't try it

Time: 1356.59

because she's the only one-- she can't do it anymore even.

Time: 1359.11

So we all have these things that feel good,

Time: 1361.42

and I think it feels good because it

Time: 1362.92

releases these chemicals.

Time: 1364.66

And these are ancient systems--

Time: 1366.49

ancient, ancient systems that we all have, and I think dogs

Time: 1370.365

let us do that.

Time: 1370.99

And cats toy with us with this one.

Time: 1374.23

Because there are those cats that let you pet them,

Time: 1376.76

but most of the time they're doing it to you,

Time: 1378.7

and then they withdraw.

Time: 1380.14

And I don't know many dogs that do that.

Time: 1382.02

So I think people, I'm going to answer the question finally.

Time: 1384.52

I think dogs we love them so much because they let

Time: 1386.98

us pet them as much as we want.

Time: 1388.6

And cats play this very diabolical game

Time: 1391.48

that's a lot more like human relationships.

Time: 1393.33


Time: 1397.98

How can night owls best function in a society

Time: 1400.28

made for morning birds?

Time: 1403.01

Can you change your chronotype or do us night

Time: 1405.32

owls just have to suffer?

Time: 1406.76


Time: 1407.27

Well, as a former night owl, I used

Time: 1410.15

to work long hours in the lab.

Time: 1413.18

I still work long hours but less in the lab.

Time: 1415.43

Just so happens that's the way the career goes.

Time: 1418.13

I'd put tinfoil on the windows.

Time: 1420.022

I would lock the doors.

Time: 1420.98

I'd blast the music, and I would stay there over the holidays,

Time: 1423.59

until I had to go home just for the holiday events,

Time: 1427.16

and my clock would drift.

Time: 1428.6

So I became a night owl, and then my clock would flip,

Time: 1431.09

and everyone was gone.

Time: 1432.29

Your mind gets really tweaked when you're not

Time: 1434.75

interacting with anybody.

Time: 1435.8

By the way, seeing faces in the morning and seeing

Time: 1439.04

faces at some point during the day

Time: 1440.66

once you're ready to face the day, very important

Time: 1443.48

for mental health.

Time: 1444.68

This is something I wish more people knew about.

Time: 1446.87

It also-- and here, I'm not trying

Time: 1448.43

to evoke any sentimentality.

Time: 1450.92

But when you think about people who just are clearly

Time: 1453.71

not doing well, whether or not they have shelter

Time: 1457.4

or not-- it's how often do we actually make direct eye

Time: 1460.04

contact nowadays?

Time: 1461.12

It's not very often.

Time: 1463.67

So eye contact is important, but I've also shifted

Time: 1467.897

to being a morning person.

Time: 1468.98

So here's the thing-- if you are a true night owl, that

Time: 1472.82

means that your circadian clock, meaning the genes that control

Time: 1475.848

the area of your brain and your hypothalamus that

Time: 1477.89

controls wake-sleep cycles, is fundamentally different.

Time: 1482.57

Very unlikely you'll become a morning person

Time: 1486

without being a kind of angry morning person.

Time: 1489.99

So you can use that argument, and you can cite me.

Time: 1492.6

However, as we get older, it is true

Time: 1496.83

that the amount of slow wave sleep to REM sleep

Time: 1499.77

tends to change, and we can do better

Time: 1502.08

on shorter bouts of sleep, mostly

Time: 1504.24

because we're getting less rapid eye movement sleep.

Time: 1507.3

And even if we try, we can't.

Time: 1509.25

Those people would probably be better off

Time: 1511.38

sticking to a limited amount of sleep at night,

Time: 1514.23

and then getting a short nap.

Time: 1515.55

The rule of naps is nap if you want to.

Time: 1517.92

Don't if you don't want, but not if it interferes

Time: 1520.507

with your nighttime sleep.

Time: 1521.59

And if you can't nap, do some sort of non-sleep deep breaths

Time: 1524.09

or NSDRs.

Time: 1524.79

I refer to it as non-sleep depressed.

Time: 1526.83

So you can probably shift your clock by anywhere

Time: 1529.62

from two to eight hours, and that's true for lag as well.

Time: 1534.58

Light is going to be the best way,

Time: 1536.23

but if you really want to shift, you're

Time: 1537.855

going to have to stack the big three or four.

Time: 1539.94

Light-- so get light when you want to be awake.

Time: 1542.167

Temperature-- you have to increase your body temperature

Time: 1544.5

to wake up.

Time: 1545

You have to decrease body temperature to go to sleep.

Time: 1547.24

Keep in mind if you get into an ice bath or cold shower,

Time: 1549.24

you get very, very cold, but then

Time: 1550.615

what happens it's like putting an ice pack on the thermostat.

Time: 1554.68

Your body temperature goes up.

Time: 1555.93

Remember, thermogenesis-- that's the warming of the body

Time: 1558.54

in response to cold.

Time: 1559.377

Of course, if you stay in a long time, you'll get crispy cold.

Time: 1561.96

You'll turn into a popsicle.

Time: 1563.28

But the idea is that if you take a cold shower,

Time: 1565.885

and you get some bright light, and you get some exercise,

Time: 1568.26

and you drink some caffeine, you can train your system

Time: 1570.93

to expect that at a certain time of day--

Time: 1573.06

and you'll want to go to sleep a little bit earlier or much

Time: 1575.803

earlier, and you'll want to wake up when you stack those things.

Time: 1578.47

But that also means not taking caffeine and cold showers

Time: 1582.555

and doing exercise late at night,

Time: 1583.93

so it's going to take some work.

Time: 1584.89

But those are the big four.

Time: 1586.26

It's going to be light.

Time: 1587.37

It's the most powerful way to shift.

Time: 1589.11

More light, awake.

Time: 1590.37

Less light, asleep.

Time: 1592.02

Temperature increase, awake.

Time: 1593.79

Temperature decrease, asleep.

Time: 1596.19

Food is the other one.

Time: 1597.42

Eating-- you can force yourself to eat breakfast,

Time: 1599.67

even if you're not a breakfast eater.

Time: 1601.738

This works when you travel too.

Time: 1603.03

Just get on to the local meal schedule.

Time: 1604.655

Because you have a clock system in your gut, believe it or not.

Time: 1607.365

You want to synchronize that with your brain.

Time: 1609.24

And then activity-- getting some sort of exercise.

Time: 1611.91

But it takes a little bit of work, but you can do it.

Time: 1614.22

You can definitely do it.

Time: 1616.5

If you're nocturnal, that's weird,

Time: 1618.33

unless it's because of your work, in which case

Time: 1620.658

there are tools for shift work that we've put out there

Time: 1622.95

on the podcast.

Time: 1624.017

Your podcasts has been a wild success.

Time: 1625.6

How do you see it growing over the next few years?

Time: 1627.683

Honestly, I try in the tunnel of lack

Time: 1630.938

of understanding and awareness about what's

Time: 1632.73

happening with all this.

Time: 1635.11

I really do.

Time: 1636.87

Lex suggested we do the podcast.

Time: 1638.55

That's a true story of doing it.

Time: 1640.9

I still really do feel very much like I

Time: 1643.333

did when I was a little kid.

Time: 1644.5

I'm just going to keep trying to learn and share.

Time: 1646.95

I'd love for people to share the tools.

Time: 1648.772

I don't want credit for them.

Time: 1649.98

If people credit us, great.

Time: 1651.78

But if you think about it-- most of what we talk about

Time: 1654.66

are not things that you buy.

Time: 1656.33

These are tools that, again, work the first time every time.

Time: 1658.83

I always say behavioral tools first,

Time: 1661.26

then nutrition, supplementation.

Time: 1664.54

And then for some people, prescription drugs

Time: 1666.76

or some of these more experimental drugs make sense.

Time: 1669.175

For some people it doesn't.

Time: 1670.3

For instance, I don't think kids should be doing psychedelics.

Time: 1672.22

I mean, childhood is enough of a psychedelic experience

Time: 1674.74

in and of itself.

Time: 1676.72

But I had an amazing clinician-- he's actually a triple-board

Time: 1681.01

certified psychiatrist neurologist at Stanford Nolan

Time: 1683.83

Williams on the podcast--

Time: 1685.24

and he talked about even the use of ibogaine and MDMA,

Time: 1688.36

even in some younger populations but again,

Time: 1690.16

with therapeutic oversight.

Time: 1692.98

It blew my mind.

Time: 1694.37

I also didn't know this-- that MDMA I thought was toxic.

Time: 1696.852

Please don't just take it off the street,

Time: 1698.56

but if you're interested in clinical trials,

Time: 1700.27

there are great clinical trials happening through maps,

Time: 1702.562

and you can look at Nolan's website as well.

Time: 1705.37

Most of the knowledge about the effects of MDMA

Time: 1707.68

is from the LDS community because they volunteered

Time: 1712.96

for these studies because it's not on the banned substance

Time: 1716.56


Time: 1718.15

And so there's a lot of knowledge,

Time: 1720.16

and they don't tend to-- or they don't use other substances,

Time: 1724.54

like alcohol and marijuana and cocaine.

Time: 1727.4

So much of what we know about the effects of MDMA

Time: 1729.85

on the body and brain is from that community.

Time: 1732.52

Other communities too as well.

Time: 1734.15

So what are we going to do with the podcast?

Time: 1736.51

Well, every Monday I'm going to keep putting out episodes,

Time: 1740.56

until they put me in that grave with the thing.

Time: 1743.23

Thank you.

Time: 1744.88


Time: 1745.54

It is a labor of love, and it's a lot of fun.

Time: 1748.12

And we're just always trying to make them better, clearer.

Time: 1751.42

Somehow they're not getting shorter.

Time: 1753.01

I always tell Rob-- this one is going to be 90 minutes.

Time: 1755.02

And he's like, yeah.

Time: 1755.853

I'll believe it when I see it.

Time: 1758.26

I think for me one thing that has brought

Time: 1761.32

that's really wonderful is the opportunity

Time: 1764.05

to learn from people in other domains

Time: 1767.05

that are far better at putting information

Time: 1769.517

and things into the world.

Time: 1770.6

So I've been-- I hope he doesn't mind me saying this.

Time: 1773.77

I've been very blessed--

Time: 1775.16

I've become really good friends with Rick Rubin, who's

Time: 1777.88

been really helpful to me.

Time: 1779.53

He has an amazing book on creativity coming out

Time: 1781.6

that's not a plug for the book, although I guess

Time: 1783.19

I just accidentally did it.

Time: 1784.6

But Rick of course, is like producing.

Time: 1787.87

Created all this amazing music.

Time: 1790.81

Everything from like Run-DMC, Beastie Boys, Slayer,

Time: 1793.44

Johnny Cash, everything.

Time: 1794.44

Just amazing.

Time: 1795.38

And one of the things that he's been impressing on me

Time: 1798.22

is that it's very important to stay focused

Time: 1802.15

on the process of what you're doing

Time: 1804.52

and to really not get into too much of how that's landing.

Time: 1810.17

So I do like to hear when things are not clear.

Time: 1812.65

That's really helpful to me.

Time: 1814.09

I do like to hear suggestions about great people

Time: 1816.4

to bring on the podcast.

Time: 1817.42

I love criticism most of the time.

Time: 1822.83

I try my-- it's hard sometimes, but I really

Time: 1826.36

try and just absorb it for what it is.

Time: 1828.04

But I love that aspect of interacting in this,

Time: 1831.19

even though this is very fairly unidirectional.

Time: 1836.11

Hopefully, there'll be more opportunities for dialoguing

Time: 1838.55

and learning what's out there.

Time: 1839.8

My real hope is that practitioners will

Time: 1841.51

start to incorporate things.

Time: 1842.9

And again, it's not about me.

Time: 1844.69

I'm gleaning from fields and discoveries of other people

Time: 1848.65

and trying to thread across fields.

Time: 1850.42

So that's why I see the podcast going just more of the same,

Time: 1853.01

more of the same, more of the same but a lot more

Time: 1856.72

and more topics as best we can-- lots of guests.

Time: 1859.473

And we actually have an episode with Rick coming out

Time: 1861.64

at some point about creativity, which

Time: 1863.05

I think is one of the more interesting aspects

Time: 1865.06

of our being, so watch for that.

Time: 1871.15

What is a stress inoculation protocol for workplace anxiety

Time: 1874.76


Time: 1875.26

Does the principle of staying calm under high adrenaline

Time: 1877.135

state-- yeah, definitely.

Time: 1878.54

I think if you were to pick some sort of practice

Time: 1882.34

that you could do privately and safely--

Time: 1884.38

again, how cold should you make the water?

Time: 1886.23

Cold enough that it's really uncomfortable

Time: 1887.98

and you really, really want to get out

Time: 1889.15

but you can safely stay in.

Time: 1890.53

And that's why we never say 40 degrees because you can't

Time: 1894.02

kill yourself with cold water.

Time: 1895.27

It's just hard to do.

Time: 1897.86

You have to get really, really cold before you kill yourself.

Time: 1900.91

And open bodies of water aren't good.

Time: 1903.04

Actually, I told my friend Samer Hattar.

Time: 1904.72

He's the director of chronobiology unit

Time: 1906.637

at the National Institutes of mental health.

Time: 1908.47

He came on the podcast.

Time: 1909.722

Got him really-- he's great about all the stuff

Time: 1911.68

on light and sleep.

Time: 1912.665

Taught me a lot of that over the years.

Time: 1914.29

We're good friends.

Time: 1914.86

I told him about the cold water thing,

Time: 1916.443

and he got into some river in Bethesda and almost drowned.

Time: 1920.23

And Sam right now-- he has a story about how he almost

Time: 1922.48

drowned, and what he was-- and he thought about a paper

Time: 1924.88

he wanted to write while he was almost drowning.

Time: 1928.75

So just be careful-- open bodies of water, that kind of thing.

Time: 1931.99

But I think you can quickly see within about a week or so

Time: 1936.28

of doing some sort of deliberate adrenaline release.

Time: 1939.68

It could be cyclic hyperventilation,

Time: 1941.2

25 hyperventilated breaths with a short breath hold,

Time: 1943.78

repeat, done two or three times.

Time: 1945.55

We have good data to support that in the lab.

Time: 1947.83

You see massive shifts in people's baseline level.

Time: 1950.718

You become a little bit more like Costello.

Time: 1952.51

You really do.

Time: 1953.53

And the way to think about it is, if you are more on a seesaw

Time: 1957.64

then on the continuum, you get better at loosening that hinge

Time: 1962.23

and controlling that hinge.

Time: 1963.74

Or you can imagine moving up and down that seesaw

Time: 1967.34

a little bit more easily.

Time: 1968.753

And then of course, you have to place yourself

Time: 1970.67

into the environment.

Time: 1971.783

You have to test yourself in that environment,

Time: 1973.7

and some people will do Toastmasters and things

Time: 1975.658

like that, and it can work.

Time: 1977.46

My way-- I don't know if it works for everybody.

Time: 1980.322

My way is just start talking.

Time: 1981.53

Don't stop.

Time: 1982.93

I can't feel the stress.

Time: 1986.25

What do you think will be the next hot topic/new

Time: 1988.25

trend in the field of neuroscience behavioral

Time: 1989.84


Time: 1990.5

Ooh, I like that because I have a lot of opinions about that.

Time: 1995.46

First of all, I do not think it's going

Time: 1997.43

to be brain machine interface.

Time: 1999.155

My good friend, Eddie Chang, who I've known since we were nine,

Time: 2001.78

he came on the podcast.

Time: 2002.738

He works on epilepsy.

Time: 2003.7

He's a chair of neurosurgery.

Time: 2005.17

We had a bird club when we were kids at two members.

Time: 2010.51

You had to know the names of all the talking birds,

Time: 2014.518

and then you had to know which one was the best talker,

Time: 2016.81

and it's the minor bird.

Time: 2018.78

And of course, no one wanted to join.

Time: 2020.907

No one even took the test.

Time: 2021.99

But he became a neurosurgeon and does brain machine interface.

Time: 2025.8

He's doing truly incredible work getting people

Time: 2027.93

with locked in syndrome to speak through a device implanted

Time: 2031.32

under the skull.

Time: 2032.25

They just think what they want to say.

Time: 2034.17

These are people who haven't moved or shared

Time: 2036.24

a word with anybody, and they're now communicating,

Time: 2039

but here's what's really cool and--

Time: 2041.01

he has also realized that facial expression is a lot.

Time: 2044.23

It's one thing to see on a screen what

Time: 2046.29

somebody in a chair or a hospital bed is thinking.

Time: 2049.56

That's wonderful, but facial expression

Time: 2052.413

is such a rich part of this.

Time: 2053.58

So this is a really good use of AI.

Time: 2055.63

He's now created very realistic iPad images

Time: 2059.012

of that person's face, and so they're actually

Time: 2060.929

speaking the words.

Time: 2062.07

And people form a deep relationship

Time: 2064.05

to the person who's right next to their avatar,

Time: 2067.53

so that's a positive use, I think, of avatars,

Time: 2070.65

and Eddie is doing amazing work.

Time: 2072.12

That kind of work-- a brain machine interface neural link,

Time: 2075.78

et cetera, I think is going to be very useful and popular

Time: 2079.65

in the realm of therapeutics for Parkinson's, movement

Time: 2082.77

disorders, epilepsy, locked-in syndrome, et cetera.

Time: 2086.28

I think we are many, many, many decades from chip implantation

Time: 2090.929

into the brain for things like enhancing memory,

Time: 2093.84

and frankly I wouldn't want it.

Time: 2095.998

Not because I wouldn't want to enhance my memory,

Time: 2098.04

but because of what I said earlier.

Time: 2099.555

Is that the nervous system has a certain amount of real estate,

Time: 2102.18

and you don't want to make that real estate very lopsided.

Time: 2105.87

And so I think we're going to see something very different

Time: 2108.51

in the next 10, 20 years, and I hope, hope,

Time: 2113.14

hope this carries over to younger populations.

Time: 2116.07

I think we're going to hopefully start

Time: 2117.69

learning about our nervous system and what it can do.

Time: 2120.33

And the fact that we have these pre-existing circuits in us

Time: 2124.17

that we can learn to leverage that

Time: 2125.94

work first time every time.

Time: 2127.33

So I'm strongly biased in my answer,

Time: 2129.3

but I think that it still remains an open question,

Time: 2133.41

for instance, whether or not people could require less

Time: 2136.41

perhaps or no medication for certain things.

Time: 2139.47

And I say certain things because for conditions

Time: 2141.72

like schizophrenia, bipolar in particular medication,

Time: 2145.32

OCD has proved very effective.

Time: 2146.58

But then there are a whole other set

Time: 2148.08

of conditions like depression and anxiety

Time: 2150.66

for which behavioral tools really work,

Time: 2152.4

but most people just don't even know they exist.

Time: 2155.17

So that's my hope, and again, the therapeutic community

Time: 2160.38

could try and expand their toolkit.

Time: 2162.413

I also think we're starting to see

Time: 2163.83

a blurring of the lines between different fields of psychology,

Time: 2166.455

so it's no longer psychoanalytic versus

Time: 2169.05

cognitive behavioral versus dialectic

Time: 2170.76

versus EMDR versus hypnosis.

Time: 2172.733

That it's all going to be governed

Time: 2174.15

by some central principles.

Time: 2175.77

All those camps-- it's just silly frankly to me.

Time: 2179.07

It makes sense academically why those came to be,

Time: 2181.53

but in neuroscience we had the same thing.

Time: 2183.3

You used to have to pick.

Time: 2184.425

It was like a John Hughes film from the '80s.

Time: 2186.3

Are you going to be a jock or a punker or a popular kid.

Time: 2189.892

Now, it's not like that, and half this audience

Time: 2191.85

is looking at me like, what are you talking about?

Time: 2193.29

And that's exactly the point.

Time: 2194.732

Which is that I'll never forget I grew up

Time: 2196.44

in the skateboard thing.

Time: 2197.19

The first time I saw someone wearing skateboarding shoes,

Time: 2199.08

I was like, damn.

Time: 2199.86

They skateboard.

Time: 2200.43

And they're like, no.

Time: 2201.305

They just-- people are just wearing this stuff.

Time: 2204.06

So well, you start to realize it's all blended together,

Time: 2207.55

which is great.

Time: 2208.5

And in the field of neuroscience,

Time: 2209.888

you used to have to pick.

Time: 2210.93

Are you an anatomist or a physiologist?

Time: 2213.42

Are you into neural computation?

Time: 2215.1

Now, your lab has to do it all, or you collaborate with people.

Time: 2217.8

Those divisions have really melted

Time: 2219.39

because people are interested in questions,

Time: 2221.22

and they're interested in answers.

Time: 2222.96

And don't get me started, but the careerism

Time: 2226.08

of the requirement for everyone to have

Time: 2228.06

their own independent laboratory and say this

Time: 2230.43

is my mission, that is one of the worst things about science.

Time: 2234.4

Because everything we know says that collaboration

Time: 2238.59

collaboration, collaboration, leads to faster progress.

Time: 2242.22

And I'm not going to take on the whole academic system.

Time: 2244.95

It's been very good to me, but I'd

Time: 2247.14

like to see a blurring of the boundaries.

Time: 2249.48

It used to be that labs weren't-- here,

Time: 2251.31

I'm really guilty, Huberman lab.

Time: 2252.96

But it used to be that labs were named after the problem they

Time: 2255.84

worked on.

Time: 2256.74

Vision Lab, Stress Lab, Happiness Lab.

Time: 2260.25

I like that quite a bit more, but I

Time: 2262.117

screwed up and called this whole thing the Huberman Lab.

Time: 2264.45


Time: 2268.013

You have had a number of performance interests

Time: 2269.93

and fitness experts on your show.

Time: 2270.98

What changes have you made to your fitness protocol,

Time: 2273.147

including nutrition?

Time: 2274.07


Time: 2276.56


Time: 2277.58

Well, I'm an omnivore, so I like those things

Time: 2280.79

they call carbohydrates, and I eat them in moderation.

Time: 2284.9

And so I've never really been too extreme about any of this,

Time: 2288.77

or the fasting thing, although I do just--

Time: 2291.02

I'm not very hungry in the morning.

Time: 2292.49

That's also because I like to eat a lot at night.

Time: 2296.04

I wake up not that hungry.

Time: 2297.83

So what have I changed?

Time: 2299.27

Well, in terms of the fitness stuff,

Time: 2300.77

I've definitely started to incorporate

Time: 2303.05

more nasal breathing when I do cardiovascular work because it

Time: 2306.62

has eliminated any sleep apnea I had.

Time: 2310.1

And sleep apnea is very, very bad--

Time: 2312.5

very, very bad.

Time: 2314.93

I wish I could say snoring was no big deal,

Time: 2317.09

but we know based on work at the Stanford Sleep Lab, Penn Sleep

Time: 2321.02

Lab, other sleep labs that people who have sleep apnea

Time: 2323.96

are really in for trouble for a number of reasons.

Time: 2327.6

So you want to learn to be a nasal breather,

Time: 2329.45

and if-- some people will tape their mouth

Time: 2331.01

shut with medical tape when they go to sleep.

Time: 2332.94

Other people will just start doing cardiovascular work,

Time: 2335.78

keeping their mouth closed.

Time: 2337.13

And that requires that you not go too intensely,

Time: 2339.56

but it does create a dilation of the nasal passages.

Time: 2344.06

Those sinuses can dilate.

Time: 2345.23

So I've definitely done that.

Time: 2346.5

And at the end of training, I try and do

Time: 2348.26

a one-minute or three-minute decompress.

Time: 2350.06

Not immediately look at my phone to learn

Time: 2352.19

to shift from high intensity thinking

Time: 2355.46

and to lower intensity thinking and shift throughout the day.

Time: 2358.795

Task switching, I think, is going

Time: 2360.17

to be a big area of science and neuroscience in general.

Time: 2365.09

We still don't know how to task switch

Time: 2367.52

well-- how to shift the mind from focus to defocus

Time: 2370.19

and back again.

Time: 2371.21

That's something that-- by the way,

Time: 2372.83

this is, I think a rich opportunity for people

Time: 2376.16

to develop tools.

Time: 2376.908

We don't know a lot about that.

Time: 2378.2

We got too caught up on consciousness flow

Time: 2380.21

and free will.

Time: 2381.56

And that stuff is great, but as you can tell, I like tools.

Time: 2384.98

I like physiology.

Time: 2386.39

I like the things that work in my lifetime

Time: 2388.38

and that we can figure out and agree upon in my lifetime.

Time: 2393.41

Let's see.

Time: 2395.85

Got it.

Time: 2396.48

And I'm told that this final question--

Time: 2398.78

when they put the clock up here earlier too,

Time: 2400.613

they said we're going to run it for 60 minutes.

Time: 2402.572

My first question was, where's the snooze button?

Time: 2404.69

So I'm going to keep going, but I think

Time: 2406.37

they're going to hold me to it.

Time: 2407.24

And I know, people, this is New York after all.

Time: 2409.198

There are other fun things to do.

Time: 2410.9

For things that take a long time-- career,

Time: 2412.67

pursuing a degree--

Time: 2414.41

is there a right way to know that we're on the right path?

Time: 2417.89

Is there a way to know we're on the right path?

Time: 2420.17

Thank you for that question.

Time: 2421.94

I get asked this a lot, and gosh, there's

Time: 2427.92

so much information out there.

Time: 2430.44

So much information about this.

Time: 2432.72

We don't yet have a gauge of whether or not

Time: 2437.61

we're in too much stress or not, but there

Time: 2439.95

is one tool that's used in the free diving community

Time: 2443.49

and in other communities that you

Time: 2444.96

can use as a thermometer of how well you're functioning.

Time: 2448.715

And some of you may know it already, and if you do,

Time: 2450.84

forgive me.

Time: 2451.34

It's this carbon dioxide tolerance test.

Time: 2454.3

So why am I answering this question this way?

Time: 2456.51

Well, I like to start with actionable tools.

Time: 2459.06

If, for instance, you were to just take three or four breaths

Time: 2462.36

and then take a big deep breath and then

Time: 2464.97

do a very slow controlled exhale--

Time: 2467.098

could be through your nose or through your mouth.

Time: 2469.14

Ideally, through your nose.

Time: 2470.61

And you're trying to make that exhale as long as possible,

Time: 2473.1

until your lungs are empty, and you time that.

Time: 2475.38

That's called the carbon dioxide discard rate

Time: 2478.68

or the exhale discard rate.

Time: 2479.91

And it tells you how well you're controlling your diaphragm

Time: 2484.26

using something called the phrenic nerve.

Time: 2486.33

It also tells you how well you're managing carbon dioxide

Time: 2490.35

and how well you're managing stress.

Time: 2492.24

And if you're very stressed, that number

Time: 2494.288

will be very, very short.

Time: 2495.33

And I'm not talking about how long

Time: 2496.26

you can sit with lungs empty.

Time: 2497.468

I'm talking about an honest appraisal of how long

Time: 2501.56

you can control that exhale for.

Time: 2503.3

And if it's anywhere from 0 to 20 seconds,

Time: 2505.97

your stress level is high.

Time: 2508.7

And if it's from 20 to 40 seconds, it's moderate.

Time: 2512.6

And longer than 40 seconds means you

Time: 2514.4

have good control over your carbon dioxide system,

Time: 2519.71

more or less.

Time: 2520.46

Now, these are averages, and guess what?

Time: 2522.2

Has nothing to do with fitness, and also, it

Time: 2525.14

has nothing to do with you per se because if you do this when

Time: 2528.455

you first wake up after a good night's sleep,

Time: 2530.33

you'll have a long discard rate.

Time: 2531.77

If you do this after running, you'll

Time: 2533.93

have a short discard rate.

Time: 2535.37

You're not out of breath.

Time: 2536.66

You're just not managing the system very well.

Time: 2538.73

So you can touch into this every once in a while as a blood

Time: 2541.73

pressure reading type thing.

Time: 2543.51

This is very back of the envelope it's not perfect,

Time: 2545.82

but it works well enough that alongside things

Time: 2548.84

like resting heart rate, heart rate variability, et cetera,

Time: 2553.4

you can get a window into how well you're managing stress.

Time: 2556.46

Why am I answering this question this way?

Time: 2558.23

Well, this is something I recommend

Time: 2560.235

doing every once in a while, especially

Time: 2561.86

if you are in a period of a career or any kind of pursuit

Time: 2565.97

where you are feeling like you're grinding.

Time: 2569.21

I think once your carbon dioxide discard rate starts to really

Time: 2574.37

get shorter and shorter, you're having trouble sleeping,

Time: 2576.98

I think it's time to focus on re-establishing that buoyancy

Time: 2581.39

to your nervous system because then and only then can

Time: 2584.117

you make good judgments about whether or not

Time: 2585.95

you're in the right trajectory for you.

Time: 2588.29

Now, in terms of the larger psychological themes,

Time: 2590.36

are you doing something that brings you meaning or not?

Time: 2592.652

That gets into some complicated territory.

Time: 2594.56

We're very good at assigning meaning retrospectively,

Time: 2597.197

and saying, well, that was a good experience

Time: 2599.03

because we had it, and we learned from it, et cetera.

Time: 2601.25

But I think most people would like to avoid things

Time: 2603.5

that they can only look back on and say,

Time: 2606.32

it was useful because I learned something from it.

Time: 2608.85

And for that, I'll just give the default,

Time: 2612.74

but I think, at least to me, accurate answer,

Time: 2615

which is the more often that you can

Time: 2617.15

tap into that feeling of excitement and delight

Time: 2621.91

in your work, even if from small things

Time: 2624.43

or from surprising things, or from the social interactions

Time: 2627.4

that you're able to glean from that work,

Time: 2629.83

the longer and better you're going to be able to pursue

Time: 2634.24

that line of work.

Time: 2634.99

For me is in graduate school, I was very isolated.

Time: 2637.61

I worked alone in the lab.

Time: 2638.8

Maybe it was because of the tin foil

Time: 2640.3

I put on the walls or the windows.

Time: 2642.28

I don't know.

Time: 2643.06

In fact, my graduate advisor's one complaint

Time: 2645.07

was that I seemed unfriendly.

Time: 2646.937

I wasn't unfriendly.

Time: 2647.77

I was just busy, but I got to be very good friends

Time: 2649.997

with the janitorial staff because they

Time: 2651.58

were the only one around at the time I was working--

Time: 2654.16

were a few other people.

Time: 2655.39

And those small interactions actually became

Time: 2657.58

very significant to me and became sources of brief--

Time: 2662.16

but to me, at least, at the time,

Time: 2663.63

meaningful social exchange.

Time: 2665.162

And of course, eventually, I made friends

Time: 2666.87

and had relationships of other kinds and things

Time: 2669.93

that were healthy as well.

Time: 2672.4

But I think learning to tap into this love of what you're doing

Time: 2676.8

is sometimes hard, but you have to look for it.

Time: 2679.12

It's an active process, and I'll default

Time: 2681.12

to the work and the podcast that's coming with Rick Rubin.

Time: 2685.197

And he is a lot of what he talks about in terms of creativity.

Time: 2687.78

Is about accessing what he and others have

Time: 2690.42

talked about as the source.

Time: 2692.22

If that is an abstract, I don't know what is.

Time: 2694.24

But the source is this ability to see yourself

Time: 2697.89

as more of a portal for getting certain things done

Time: 2700.83

in the world than being so careerist

Time: 2704.1

and focused on whether or not outcomes are really

Time: 2706.44

matching what you need.

Time: 2707.97

It involves some mental flexibility,

Time: 2710.25

and of course, it's OK to pivot back and forth.

Time: 2713.2

But we can only access this feeling

Time: 2716.4

of delight and joy and this feeling

Time: 2718.05

that we're somehow connected to some larger theme, aka meaning,

Time: 2721.59

I think, when we are able to be calm enough and not so focused.

Time: 2725.1

But in order to get anything done,

Time: 2726.55

we have to be hyper focused, and that brings me back

Time: 2728.717

to the basic principle of today's whole discussion, which

Time: 2731.43

is that it's not about landing yourself

Time: 2733.8

in a state of focus motivation and drive

Time: 2735.9

or in a state of deep sleep.

Time: 2737.4

Certainly, not in a coma.

Time: 2738.72

It's about being able to move up and down the various continuums

Time: 2742.95

that allow you to access focus and real gas

Time: 2746.97

pedal down to the floor kind of thinking and action

Time: 2750.78

but then also deliberately back off transition

Time: 2753.93

to periods of rest.

Time: 2755.28

And the real key is for you to feel like you're

Time: 2757.975

in the driver's seat.

Time: 2758.85

If we know anything from the last 100-plus years

Time: 2762

of psychology and neuroscience literature,

Time: 2764.85

it's that if an animal or a person

Time: 2767.4

feels that they are in control of the physiological process

Time: 2770.91

within them, and they know they can get themselves

Time: 2773.52

out, some way somehow at some point and back into a state

Time: 2776.97

that they want somehow, some way, at some point,

Time: 2779.31

well, then, all the language around meaning and happiness

Time: 2784.29

and delight starts to emerge.

Time: 2786.22

So learn to move along those continuums.

Time: 2789.75

Learn to do it deliberately, and I wish you

Time: 2792.51

the very best of luck in it.

Time: 2793.68

I know it works.

Time: 2794.55


Time: 2796.174

Thank you.

Time: 2797.65

Thanks so much.

Time: 2799.126

Thank you.

Time: 2800.11


Time: 2802.09

Thank you.

Time: 2803.54

Thanks so much for coming out.

Time: 2804.91


Time: 2806.21

I really appreciate it and grateful

Time: 2811.12

to our sponsors, of course.

Time: 2812.47

Thank you and to all of you for your time.

Time: 2814.58

I know there's a lot to do in the city,

Time: 2816.64

and I hope everyone enjoys it.

Time: 2818.56

And of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't say,

Time: 2821.26

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 2823


Time: 2825.1


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