LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman Question & Answer in Melbourne, AU

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine recently the hubman Lab podcast

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hosted a live event at the plenary

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theater in Melbourne Australia the event

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was called the brain body contract and

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featured a lecture followed by a

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question and answer session with the

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audience we wanted to make the question

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and answer session available to everyone

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regardless if you could attend so what

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follows is the question and answer

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session from the plenary theater in

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Melbourne Australia I also would like to

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thank the sponsors for the event they

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are eight sleep and ag1 eight sleep

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makes Smart mattress covers with cooling

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Heating and sleep tracking capacity now

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one of the key aspects to getting a

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great night's sleep is to control the

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temperature of your sleeping environment

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and that's because in order to fall and

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stay deeply asleep your body temperature

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actually has to drop by about 1 to 3°

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and in order to wake up in the morning

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feeling refreshed your body temperature

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actually has to increase by about 1 to

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3° eight sleep makes it extremely easy

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to control the temperature of your

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sleeping environment at the beginning

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middle and throughout the night and when

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you wake up in the morning I've been

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sleeping on an eight Sleep mattress

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cover for nearly 3 years now and it has

Time: 74

dramatically improved my sleep if you'd

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like to try eightsleep you can go to

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huberman to save $150 off their pod 3

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cover eights sleep currently ships to

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the USA Canada UK select countries in

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the EU and Australia again that's

Time: 89.079 / huberman the other live

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event sponsor ag1 is a vitamin mineral

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probiotic drink that also contains

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adaptogens and other critical

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micronutrients I've been taking ag1

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daily since 2012 so I'm delighted that

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they decided to sponsor the live event

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the reason I started taking it and the

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reason I still take it every day once or

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twice a day is that it ensures that I

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meet all of my quotas for vitamins and

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minerals and it ensures that I get

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enough Prebiotic and probiotic to

Time: 116.64

support gut health now of course I

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strive to consume healthy whole foods

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for the majority of my nutritional

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intake every single day but there are a

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number of things in ag1 including

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specific micronutrients that are hard to

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get from Whole Foods or at least in

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sufficient quantities so ag1 allows me

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to get the vitamins and minerals that I

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need probiotics prebiotics the

Time: 135.28

adaptogens and critical micronutrients

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to try ag1 go to drink huberman

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and you'll get a year supply of vitamin

Time: 143.72

D3 K2 and five free travel packs of ag1

Time: 147.28

again that's drink

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huberman and now for the question and

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answer session from Melbourne

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Australia hey Dr hman uh some some of

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your listeners are in or approaching our

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50s okay

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same um and are thinking of doing all we

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can to prevent dementia same do you have

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any additional thoughts or protocols or

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research we could focus on yes so

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um for the next two and a half hours no

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I'm kidding the uh I'm not known for

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succinct I didn't go over too much

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earlier so okay so uh ground truths so

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let's start with ground truths and then

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let's move to um emerging let's maybe

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get to a little bit of speculation let's

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avoid conjecture um ground

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truths um blood circulation is good for

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the brain perhaps most important for the

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brain so anything that is good for

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cardiovascular health is going to be

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good for brain health it's not the only

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thing but that's true we know this so

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you hear these days a lot about Zone 2

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cardio I don't know who gets credit for

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that petera talks a lot about it I talk

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a lot about it none of us invented the

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notion but you know 150 probably more

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like 180 to 200 minutes of so-called

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Zone 2 cardio per week is good numbers

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to shoot for some of us get more some of

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us less what is Zone 2 cardio Zone 2

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cardio is um cardiovascular exercise

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could be running could be swimming could

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be walking depending on your level of

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Fitness which you can just barely

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maintain a conversation were you to push

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any harder or faster you wouldn't be

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able to complete your sentences with

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much ease okay so is this zone two

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cardio for me no but if I were to jog

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and try and have a conversation at some

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point I would have a little bit of a

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hard time that's Zone 2 cardio um so we

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know that's true why uh well it seems to

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do a number of things at the level of

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release of growth factors brain dve

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neutrophic Factor at the level of um

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different let's call them I realize the

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immunologists are going to like roll

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their eyes but um anti-inflam flammatory

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cyto kindes and things of that sort you

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also have inflammatory cyto kindes um

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and things of that sort um it does seem

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that increasing blood flow in and

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through the brain is important for brain

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health which is not all that surprising

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there are species of animals that spend

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part of their life swimming about and

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then when they stop um a good port and

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stick to a rock or something good

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portion of the nervous system actually

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degenerates but neurod

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degeneration and dementia are not

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necessar neily the same thing and this

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is something that we don't often hear

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about um the age related decline in

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memory capacity in particular working

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memory can be related to reductions in

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dopamine Transmission in the brain so

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things that increase the catacol amines

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that we talked about earlier um this

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could be pharmacology of course but it

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doesn't have to be pharmacology it could

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be um anything that increases the

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camines um and we talk about this on the

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podcast we have zeroc cost protocols

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that you don't have have to sign up for

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you can just go to our website and go to

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dopamine regulation and it will list out

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ways to increase the catac colomines

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through zero cost and very lowc cost

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ways are known to improve working memory

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working memory of course the capacity to

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maintain a string of numbers or

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information for sake of kind of

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immediate goals but not information

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that's passed to longer term memory so

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that's that's different than neurod

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degeneration that's simply reductions in

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the amount of neuromodulators like

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dopamine being deployed as we get older

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so modul modulating dopamine through

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healthy ideally uh

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means but I do think we are going to see

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an increase in the use of selective

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pharmacology for this purpose and here

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I'm not recommending anyone do drugs or

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take drugs prescription or

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otherwise but it does seem that um

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certain compounds like nicotine believe

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it or not um even though it increases

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vasil constriction and blood pressure um

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Can offs set some of the age related

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reductions in dopaminergic and coleric

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aceto Coline coleric

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transmission um and you know you don't

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want to smoke Vape dip or snuff I'm not

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even recommending people take Zin

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patches but I think um there is some use

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cases for uh nicotine provided you're

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doing it with the you know a your

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physician knows and you're not getting

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into blood pressure dangerous blood

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pressure range or supplementation with

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choline donors and things of that sort

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to increase acetylcholine and dopamine

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some people are starting to take things

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like modafanil and adol in older age um

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but keep in mind these are not modaal

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but adderal liant Etc these are

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amphetamines they're amphetamines so I'm

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not recommending this but I think that's

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where we're headed I think you're going

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to see a number of different cognitive

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enhancers that are used to offset some

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age related um uh cognitive decline AKA

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dementia now in terms of um so we're

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going Zone 2 cardio to like prescription

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drugs we're kind of bracketing here and

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then behavioral protocols that can

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increase neuromodulators such as the

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catac colomines now in terms of um other

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things that can perhaps decrease the

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likelihood of Alzheimer's and other

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forms of dementia as it relates to

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degeneration um currently there are a

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lot of do not don't hit your head too

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hard if you hit it really hard don't hit

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it again hard um the so-call two hit

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model literally um you know and and we

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think of football or I guess rugby

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that's a sport you guys play down here

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where they use the head as a battering

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ram um I've seen this right some big

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necks on those kids and then it boom and

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they yeah but the problem is not

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necessarily just rugby or American

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football um or a I was told that someone

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told me I had to shout out an Australian

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football team and I know it's a setup so

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I'm not going to do it they're like when

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you're in Melbourne tomorrow you got to

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say that your favorite team is blank and

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I'm like this feels really dangerous um

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so I'm not going to do it um I'm not

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going to do it but what's

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that do it I can't remember the name of

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the team

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sorry um but I watched the document

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that um but I still don't understand the

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rugby thing they do they use the guy's

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head as or G's head as a battering

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ram cuz I they used to play you see

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outside the my lab we had this big field

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and my Bulldog loved watching he was

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like this this sport makes sense but um

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they were just like run and then the I I

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never understood it but anyway what's

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that got it I need a translator

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sorry so I need a translator um but I

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love the

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enthusiasm um yeah so we think about um

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head injuries and brain injuries mostly

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in the context of sport but that's not

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where most the head injuries occur most

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of them occur construction workers car

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accidents TBI things of that sort um

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there's some interesting data on

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hyperbaric chambers this is getting

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really into the you know kind of high

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level stuff here meaning most people

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don't have access to them I I look

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forward to learning more these are

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playing with different concentrations of

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oxygen in a little micro environment for

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traumatic brain injury um and neurod

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deener ation I mean do I think in 5

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years that everyone's going to be

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sitting in hyperbaric chambers order to

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offset neuron loss probably not I think

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it's not coste effective but um I will

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say that most of the things that are

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good for the body are good for the brain

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um keeping kind of anything that plaques

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the arteries capillaries and veins of

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the brain because it's so heavily

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vascularized um minimal and and minding

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neuromodulators um obviously drugs of

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abuse like methamphetamine can deplete

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dopamine neurons the data on MDMA by the

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way I don't know there's drug

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enforcement in the room um the data you

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know where they have most of the safety

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data or lack of safety data in some

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cases on MDMA keep in mind MDMA ecstasy

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is methylene dioxy methampetamine

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methamphetamine we know causes

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neurodegeneration no question it also

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causes bad teeth do you know how do you

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know how turns people into mouth

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breathers dry mouth and the teeth

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degenerate yeah we have an episode on

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oral health coming out this this is real

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that's actually why the teeth

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degenerates from excessive um dry and it

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limit saliva production saliva is very

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important for remineralization of the

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teeth they shout out to the dentist in

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the house

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so the

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the the thing about MDMA is interesting

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because it turns out that MDMA because

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it also it increases dopamine just as

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methamphetamine does remember MDMA

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methylene dioxy methamphetamine but also

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huge increases in serotonin seem to be

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most most of the effect of MDMA the kind

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of empathogenic effect um there was a

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study done of um people from the LDS

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latterday Saints sometimes referred to

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as Mormons um why was a study on MDMA

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done with people from the LDS community

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and I don't want to imply that everyone

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from the LDS Community does MDMA but why

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they're very interesting um test

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population because they don't do other

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drugs but for some reason dma is not on

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the no fly list so there's is it's a

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beautiful paper um in which they took

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people who had only done as any drug not

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even taking caffeine right either once

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or semi frequent or very frequent use of

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MDMA and they did a bunch of cognitive

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testing and there were some attention

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issues when people had taken over what

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was a couple hundred doses of of MDMA at

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the 80 milligram dose or more but

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doesn't seem to be much neurod

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degeneration which is not to say that

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it's all safe there is an abuse and

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addictive potential there the biggest

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issue seems to be contamination of

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batches if we have a feny issue in the

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US I I I don't know if it's happening

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down here as well very concerning okay

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so the point here is that I think very

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soon you're going to hear about drugs

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prescription drugs and supplements to

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augment the release of neuromodulators

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not for sake of empathogenic states or

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psychedelic States but to try and keep

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those dopaminergic neurons online to

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offset dementia because that's what the

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question is about in fact there's a

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Nobel prize winning neuroscientist at

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Columbia University whose name I won't

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tell you or maybe I will who when I went

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to visit his office chewed no fewer than

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five pieces of Nicorette in the course

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of a half an hour and I'm like what's

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going on he got a Nobel Prize but this

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looks kind of pathologic and I said why

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and he said well the nicotine is to

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offset age related loss of dopaminergic

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and coleric neurons I thought really

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he's like yeah when I quit smoking

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because I want lung cancer but this is

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him this is anic data I'm not sugesting

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you do this I think there are a number

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of things that we can do but protect

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those neuromodulators keep perfusion

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that is blood flow to the brain strong

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there's a a case for cardiovascular

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exercise and it does seem it really does

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seem that exercise that engages the

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neuromuscular connections more than

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cardiovascular exercise so not just

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resistance training but anything that

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invol involves coordinated bodily

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training learning new physical skills

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Dance Etc really does seem to offset

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some of the loss of cognitive fun

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functioning in adults so it's kind of

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interesting that physical exercise is

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great for cognition and probably

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cognition may or may not help physical

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ability but

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one probably can imagine why there's a

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bidirectional relationship there your

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nervous system doesn't really

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distinguish between physical and

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cognitive it's all working as a bunch of

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functional units I could go on and on

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about this but um hopefully that um at

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least gets your um the gears turning

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around some things that perhaps you've

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heard about and some things that you

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haven't and we'll do an episode on

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dementia and offsetting dementia in

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order to get into some of the fine

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okay can we increase our willpower just

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like training a muscle group with your

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research into the amcc O I'm so glad

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that you mentioned the amcc I think of

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all the new areas of Neuroscience

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research um that are out there I think

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the anterior mid singulate cortex is one

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of the most

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interesting um structures and and areas

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of research nowadays you know I think I

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if I have my way then not only will most

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people have heard of dopamine and the

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amydala I guess you need a Star Wars

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character named after your brain part um

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isn't there one right I only saw the

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first three I'm of that generation but

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isn't there a Amidala or something yeah

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right don't leave me hang in here is

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there or not if I'm wrong just say no

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okay anyway the amydala

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um thanks the um the amydala is a brain

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structure that is involved in threat

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detect ction and Novelty detection not

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just threats the anterior mid singulate

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cortex is an area of the brain that we

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know is activated well let me tell you

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the best experiment the best experiment

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was done in my opinion by a neurosurgeon

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at Stanford Joe pery uh he's probing

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around in people's brains they got a

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little piece of skull missing he's

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stimulating in the brain he's asking

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them questions how do you feel what's

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going on how do you feel what's going on

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and he's got this electrode in the

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anterior mid singulate cortex

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and the patient says I feel like

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something really bad's going to happen

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like a storm's coming it's like okay

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well we can stop stimulating he's like

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no I'm going into the storm like oh

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that's interesting stimulate a little

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bit further back just by a millimeter or

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so completely different subjective

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experience for the patient that's

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interesting get a different patient in

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there map to the enter mid singulate

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stimulate and the person says I like I'm

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going to get out of my chair and I'm

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going to do something hard wild right

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this is prior to any knowledge of what

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the interior mid singulate cortex is

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doing make a long story short people who

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successfully overcome a physical

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challenge a cognitive challenge that

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learn a new skill that um successful

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dieters I don't really like that term um

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their interor mid signate cortex grows

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or becomes more active under conditions

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that challenge the inter mid singulate

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cortex so this brain region seems to be

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the the brain region that puts us in a

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forward Center of mass physically and

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sort of cognitively and emotionally I

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often like to think that you know the

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nervous system as sophisticated as it is

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and psychology as sophisticated as it is

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as it is excuse me can be bined into

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kind of three categories things that we

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like to eat or don't like to eat or can

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kind of be bended into yum yuck or me

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that's kind of what the the nervous

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system has to do because ultimately you

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have to decide do I want to go toward it

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so-call repetitive Behavior do I want to

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get away from it do nothing people were

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either like yum or some cases

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yum yuck or in some cases like or like

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me right yum y me yum yum me this is the

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the sort of three tributaries that we

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have the option of moving down not

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moving down or moving away from so the

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enter mid singulate cortex because it

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has inputs from so many different areas

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and outputs to so many different areas

Time: 1115.88

it can access circuits related to

Time: 1118.039

dopamine norepinephrine it can access

Time: 1120.32

circuits related to memory and context

Time: 1122.679

it's a hub it's a hub that by All Views

Time: 1127.72

through all lenses of the existing

Time: 1129.88

research suggests that when we anytime

Time: 1132.52

we do something truly challenging in

Time: 1135.24

particular things that we do not enjoy

Time: 1137.6

this is key

Time: 1139.64

the an mid singulate cortex undergo some

Time: 1141.88

sort of

Time: 1142.96

plasticity everything's in the research

Time: 1145.84

data now point to the idea that the

Time: 1147.799

inter mid singulate cortex is the seat

Time: 1149.6

of so-called willpower which is linked

Time: 1151.96

to Concepts like tenacity or grit and

Time: 1154.919

Etc and what I love about this research

Time: 1157.52

is that it comes from a bunch of

Time: 1158.679

different areas human brain Imaging

Time: 1160.559


Time: 1161.48


Time: 1163.4

Etc here's what I don't like about the

Time: 1166.08

reality but that we all need to accept

Time: 1167.88

which is that the anterior mid singulate

Time: 1169.88

cortex is modifiable by experience by

Time: 1172.96

leaning into challenges at any stage of

Time: 1175.72

life that's great we talked about that

Time: 1177.24

earlier plasticity but lest we

Time: 1182.039

forget plasticity goes in the other

Time: 1184.28

direction too it seems that when we

Time: 1187.2

don't engage in challenges that the an

Time: 1191.32

mid singulate cortex it doesn't atrophy

Time: 1194

but it undergoes sort of a downshift in

Time: 1197.64


Time: 1199.24

now here's what's really really

Time: 1201.4

interesting in relates to the previous

Time: 1203.679

question the anter mid singulate cortex

Time: 1207.159

seems to be especially active at

Time: 1210.96

Baseline and available for plasticity in

Time: 1213.76

what are called superagers superagers

Time: 1216.799

you know we've all heard of blue zones

Time: 1218.44

the superagers are these people who they

Time: 1220.32

don't just exist in blue zones they're

Time: 1222.72

spread around the world these are people

Time: 1224

that seem at least by cognitive measures

Time: 1227.039

and other physiological measures of the

Time: 1229.32

body seem to age extremely slowly so

Time: 1233.76

they shouldn't really be called

Time: 1234.799

superagers right they should be called

Time: 1236.96

super non aers anyway the anid singulate

Time: 1240.919

cortex seems to be hyperactive in these

Time: 1244.48

superagers as they're called and so it

Time: 1247.44

seems that not only do they maintain

Time: 1250.48

cognitive function later in life but

Time: 1252.76

that seems to be related to their

Time: 1254.919

regular engagement in challenging things

Time: 1257.44

so remember for so many years years we

Time: 1258.88

heard okay like nuns don't get dementia

Time: 1260.799

and then there's all sorts of things you

Time: 1261.919

can imagine could be related to that and

Time: 1264

then we're thinking oh maybe it's

Time: 1265.96

crossword puzzles maybe it's crossword

Time: 1269.08

puzzles maybe it's hanging out with

Time: 1270.64

other people maybe and you know and then

Time: 1272.76

you know that person down the street and

Time: 1274.12

she cycling on the weekends like crazy

Time: 1276

and she's 90 and she looks like she's 50

Time: 1278.279

and she's sharp as attack it's probably

Time: 1280.679

leaning into Challenge on a regular

Time: 1282.72

basis leaning into Challenge on a

Time: 1284.76

regular basis as opposed to one specific

Time: 1287.159

cognitive or physical thing which means

Time: 1289.159

that if you love cycling or you love the

Time: 1291.44

cold plunge or you love a certain form

Time: 1293.2

of exercise it's probably not doing that

Time: 1295.72

much for your anterior mid singulate

Time: 1297.32

cortex but these super agers also live

Time: 1300.039

longer and so there is this notion that

Time: 1302.559

because the anterior mid singulate

Time: 1303.96

cortex has connectivity to a lot of

Time: 1306.279

areas of the brain and body that it is

Time: 1309.24

somehow linked to the will to live and

Time: 1312.48

this is being examined now in so-called

Time: 1315.24

terminal cancer patients

Time: 1317.279

so-called you you know terminal cases I

Time: 1319.84

don't like the language because there

Time: 1321.32

are these amazing instances and

Time: 1323.52

Physicians and oncologists have known

Time: 1325.159

this for a long time that when people

Time: 1326.64

decide they're going to fight cancer

Time: 1329.36

they don't always win that fight

Time: 1331.76

unfortunately but often times it's the

Time: 1334.559

people who insist on fighting it

Time: 1338.84

psychologically that they won't give in

Time: 1340.84

that end up still living more months

Time: 1343.919

more years and in some cases putting the

Time: 1347.279

cancer into remission with of course

Time: 1349.44

other tools right I'm not saying you

Time: 1351

shouldn't use other tools to combat

Time: 1352.6

cancer it's a very interesting structure

Time: 1354.559

relates to the question on dementia

Time: 1356.36

hopefully that was uh informative Julian

Time: 1359.36

thank you how would you recommend shift

Time: 1361.12

workers minimize the effects of

Time: 1362.32

disruption to their circadian rhythm oh

Time: 1364

this is so important you know why

Time: 1365.559

because like right now 92 uh 9:40 p.m.

Time: 1369.96

we're kind of doing shift work right now

Time: 1371.84

most people are on a shift work schedule

Time: 1373.679

now in the world this is true we think

Time: 1376.279

of shift workers as only the people who

Time: 1377.679

are up in the middle of the night

Time: 1378.6

sleeping during the day but most people

Time: 1380.279

are doing shift work the criteria for

Time: 1382.76

shift work is at least a 2hour varant at

Time: 1386.12

least in the US a two-hour variance in

Time: 1388.2

the sleep wake cycle more than three

Time: 1390.4

nights a week anyone here go to sleep

Time: 1392.96

every night same time wake up every

Time: 1394.64

morning the same time never stay up

Time: 1396.44

later than that more than two nights a

Time: 1398.039

week okay most people are doing shift

Time: 1400.76

work nowadays they're just on their

Time: 1402.2

phone or they're on their computer and

Time: 1404.44

I'm not going to argue that's NE you

Time: 1406.64

know you shouldn't uh and many times

Time: 1409.279

that's me as well so here's what we do

Time: 1412.48

know and I could we did whole episode on

Time: 1414.32

shift work but I'll try and summarize

Time: 1415.88

some of the key

Time: 1417.279

points you want to have your cortisol

Time: 1420.799

elevated early in the day and then

Time: 1423.039

subside across the day that's the ideal

Time: 1425.24

pattern of cortisol release cortisol is

Time: 1426.919

a great thing when it's high and then

Time: 1428.44

tapers off from early day into the later

Time: 1431.279

day it's a bad thing if that cortisol

Time: 1433.44

Peak is shifted late that cortisol Peak

Time: 1435.64

is coming every 24 hours you don't have

Time: 1437.64

a choice

Time: 1439.08

question is is it going to be early day

Time: 1440.32

or is it going to be late day late day

Time: 1442.12

cortisol is Peaks are associated with

Time: 1444.72

depression anxiety this was done by my

Time: 1446.76

colleague David Spiegel and the great

Time: 1448.4

Robert spolski at Stanford a study about

Time: 1452.6

that Robert another great

Time: 1457.159


Time: 1458.72

amazing and and and I I always thought

Time: 1461.559

it was to blend in with the species that

Time: 1463.4

he studies cuz he was like the baboon

Time: 1465.72

guy you know I haven't quite figured out

Time: 1467.919

how to master that one you know like the

Time: 1469.48

Cuttlefish look but the um working on it

Time: 1472.919

working on it maybe I just have to no

Time: 1474.72

never mind there's a there's a story

Time: 1476.24

about you heard remember the earlier

Time: 1478.279

story The the made anyway the cuttle

Time: 1479.919

fish anyway never mind

Time: 1482.32

um again this is why I don't like to

Time: 1484.96

speak too late in the day I get myself

Time: 1487.12

into trouble but um the point here um is

Time: 1492

that having that cortisol Peak early in

Time: 1494.36

the day sets you up for mood focus and

Time: 1496.64

alertness immune system function and

Time: 1498.72

really um in a really great way shift

Time: 1502.36

workers have a serious problem which is

Time: 1504.6

that late peaks in cortisol are kind of

Time: 1507.32

Paramount in all forms of shift work and

Time: 1510.12

so what you need to do is to put

Time: 1511.88

yourself ideally in lighting conditions

Time: 1513.96

that limit the amount of blue light

Time: 1515.72

coming in at night or when you're doing

Time: 1518.399

that shift work now you have to do your

Time: 1520.24

work and I think in the next two years

Time: 1523.48

if I have my way one one idea that I'd

Time: 1526.039

like to of embed in people's minds is

Time: 1528.12

you you know we hear a lot now about how

Time: 1529.72

hyper processed foods and highly

Time: 1531.44

processed foods are bad for us sort of

Time: 1533.159

empty calories what are empty calories

Time: 1534.88

it's foods that are very calorie dense

Time: 1536.84

but micronutrient poor right that's what

Time: 1539.08

it it really is it's also the quality of

Time: 1541.24

food issues and people get you know like

Time: 1543.08

let's please not have the seed oil

Time: 1544.6

debate it's like people get really into

Time: 1546.919

this and it's unclear to me still and

Time: 1549.08

okay but we we sort of think of empty

Time: 1552.48

calories like alcohol sugar Etc calorie

Time: 1555.919

dense micronutrient po

Time: 1558.88

light can be viewed in much the same way

Time: 1561.32

these days we live in a very blue light

Time: 1563.279

Rich World lot of blue light so short

Time: 1566.6

wavelength light blue light UV light and

Time: 1568.96

by the way in sunlight especially down

Time: 1570.64

here it's very UV Rich blue which is

Time: 1573.64

great during the day especially when

Time: 1575.399

it's offset or or sorry when it includes

Time: 1578.36

long wavelength light full spectrum

Time: 1580.72

light by the way for everyone that's

Time: 1582.36

obsessed with red light and I love red

Time: 1584.039

light and red light therapies remember

Time: 1585.559

the best source of red light is the sun

Time: 1590.12

it's full spectrum light it includes red

Time: 1592.96

it's just there's a bunch of other stuff

Time: 1594.08

in there too see it doesn't look like a

Time: 1595.48

Red Light Panel um that said if you are

Time: 1598.799

going to do shift work one of the best

Time: 1600.279

things you can do it's been shown to

Time: 1601.76

reduce cortisol levels at night while

Time: 1604.48

you're doing that shift

Time: 1605.84

work is to filter out some of the blue

Time: 1608.6

so that is a use case for blue blockers

Time: 1611.36

or even

Time: 1612.64

for glasses that put you into more

Time: 1616

reddish conditions provided you can

Time: 1617.76

still do the work work you need to do

Time: 1618.96

safely you will see a dramatic reduction

Time: 1621.64

in cortisol under those conditions this

Time: 1624.84

blue and UV pathway picked up by a

Time: 1627.799

certain set of neurons in the eye the

Time: 1630.279

intrinsically photosensitive melanops

Time: 1631.799

and cells Etc is a real thing and it and

Time: 1633.96

it's designed to activate you this is

Time: 1636.039

why so-called Seasonal effective

Time: 1637.36

disorder lamps sad lamps are basically

Time: 1640.039

bright blue whsh light so when you're

Time: 1644.679

doing that shift work if you can get

Time: 1646.559

into red or orange or light conditions

Time: 1649.159

if that's great you can do this very

Time: 1650.919

inexpensively by the way by just getting

Time: 1653.08

some party lights it doesn't have to be

Time: 1654.64

any fancy red light this is we're not

Time: 1656.36

talking about red light

Time: 1657.72

panels the other thing of course

Time: 1661.279

is when you get back to your nonwork

Time: 1664.799

environment you need to do some work to

Time: 1667.039

think about when is best to sleep when

Time: 1668.84

is not best to sleep you know is it best

Time: 1670.559

to sleep all day and be up all night or

Time: 1672.279

get that sunlight in the morning and I

Time: 1673.679

talk about that in the shift work

Time: 1675.159

episode and I'm tempted to go down that

Time: 1677.519

rabbit hole now but I would just

Time: 1678.88

encourage you to take a look at that

Time: 1680.88

episode and um I'll just cue you all to

Time: 1683.08

a resource the hubman webbsite

Time: 1685.96

allows you thanks to our wonderful

Time: 1688.039

Engineers to put in multiple topics so

Time: 1690.919

you could say shift work red light or

Time: 1694.72

shift work dopamine or shift work

Time: 1697.72

sunlight and it will take you to the

Time: 1699.279

exact time stamps across all the

Time: 1701.08

episodes where those specific topics

Time: 1703.039

occur is all zero cost as opposed to

Time: 1705.64

having to go and peruse all these

Time: 1707.32

different episodes you a lot of people

Time: 1709.399

have said why not shorter episodes it's

Time: 1711.96

like well the idea was to create a

Time: 1713.24

library of information that now

Time: 1716.279

ai is and better engineering of websites

Time: 1720.2

can allow you to just pull the relevant

Time: 1721.72

information just like you would a book I

Time: 1723.919

used to go with the library for those of

Time: 1725.279

you like me old enough to remember he

Time: 1726.519

actually took this thing called a book

Time: 1727.84

off a shelf he Xerox copied it in any

Time: 1730.519

event he very archaic and very expensive

Time: 1733.6

and you'd always get the margin of the

Time: 1734.88

book in the middle like the the spine it

Time: 1736.72

sucked now you can go to the website and

Time: 1738.919

just get that information and then we

Time: 1740.399

also just launched an ai. huberman

Time: 1742.519 webbsite again as all zero cost

Time: 1744.84

you can say hey what should I do for

Time: 1746.12

shift work but I wanted you here to come

Time: 1748.679

here tonight so I didn't tell you that

Time: 1750

until you got here no I'm just kidding

Time: 1751.679

I'm just kidding okay um and there are a

Time: 1754.559

few other tools about adjusting eating

Time: 1756.559

schedules for and what not for shift

Time: 1758.519

work but um hopefully that gets you

Time: 1761.519

going um Julia thank you what's the

Time: 1764.88

difference between nsdr and meditation

Time: 1767.6

um thank thank you for this question I

Time: 1769.6

am a huge huge huge believer and

Time: 1773.919

proponent and practitioner of nsdr

Time: 1775.88

nonsleep deep rest what is non-sleep

Time: 1777.84

deep rest well to be fair Yoga Nidra

Time: 1780.559

which translates to yoga sleep is a

Time: 1782.279


Time: 1783.799

practice um thousands of years little

Time: 1786.48

practice in which you lie completely

Time: 1789.2

still keep the Mind awake you're not

Time: 1792.279

thinking in a structured way it's more

Time: 1793.6

of a body scan directed relaxation Etc I

Time: 1796.36

discovered this in 2015 when I was doing

Time: 1798.679

some research for a book that I still

Time: 1800

can't manage to seem to

Time: 1801.799

finish on trauma and addiction and I

Time: 1805.48

went I have a friend very talented

Time: 1807.279

trauma therapist who's managed to help

Time: 1810.399

people with all sorts of addictions

Time: 1812.44

he'll be on the podcast in the not to

Time: 1814.24

distant future and I went down to this

Time: 1816

clinic in

Time: 1817.24

Florida and everyone there spent the

Time: 1819.96

first hour of the day doing Yoga Nidra

Time: 1822.799

this is pretty wacky I was still in my

Time: 1825.24

pure science quote unquote pure

Time: 1827.36

scientist naive scientist lens and I

Time: 1829.72

thought what is this about and he said

Time: 1831.039

well you know so much of addiction is

Time: 1832.399

about an inability to regulate impulses

Time: 1835.64

um to deal with agitation especially in

Time: 1837.48

the early days of trying to get sober or

Time: 1839.279

being sober and it just helps people

Time: 1842.36

learn to regul self-direct the their

Time: 1844.24

nervous system in terms of relax

Time: 1845.76

self-directed relaxation it also seems

Time: 1847.519

to help with their sleep it also has

Time: 1849.559

these components about time and and and

Time: 1852.08

sort of if you because he said you know

Time: 1853.72

it's kind of interesting if you take a

Time: 1855

step back you know if you can tolerate

Time: 1858.44

craving for a second you just did it so

Time: 1861.399

why couldn't you do it for another

Time: 1862.399

second why could you do it for another

Time: 1863.559

second another second it's not as if it

Time: 1866.44

necessarily increases linearly or over

Time: 1870.08

time so you know what's going on and so

Time: 1872.44

again sort of our ability to realize and

Time: 1875.279

regulate our states across time and to

Time: 1877.039

realize there's this funny thing where

Time: 1879.08

when we feel terrible we think it's

Time: 1880.559

going to go on forever and when we're

Time: 1882.12

happy we we were like certain it's going

Time: 1884.44

to stop there's a kind of asymmetry in

Time: 1886.6

our nervous system that we don't

Time: 1887.76

understand we showed he started talking

Time: 1889.48

about yoga NRA really seems to help

Time: 1891.08

addicts recover and stay sober if they

Time: 1893.24

do it regularly thought well this is

Time: 1894.559

cool what is it I'm a neuroscientist we

Time: 1896.72

started studying in my

Time: 1898.399

laboratory we discovered that the brain

Time: 1900.84

goes into these States during yoga NRA

Time: 1904.24

that are similar to

Time: 1906.559

sleep body still mind

Time: 1909.48

alert and that seems to be very

Time: 1911.559

beneficial maybe even accelerates

Time: 1913.08

neuroplasticity and learning and indeed

Time: 1914.639

there's evidence for that there's

Time: 1916.039

evidence that yoga at from a laboratory

Time: 1917.919

out of

Time: 1918.799

Scandinavia not my laboratory showing

Time: 1921.08

that it can increase dopamine levels in

Time: 1924.36

the striatum basil ganglia by up to 60%

Time: 1927.799

using human positron emission tomography

Time: 1930.24

Imaging so we're talking about how to

Time: 1931.48

increase dopamine through non

Time: 1933.639

pharmacologic means this something about

Time: 1936.039

body still brain active very very

Time: 1938.36

powerful way to do that I I made up this

Time: 1941.12

term This Acronym non-sleep deep rest

Time: 1943.44

because I have tremendous respect for

Time: 1945.84

Yoga Nidra and the the yoga Traditions

Time: 1949

but I was concerned for a lot of people

Time: 1951.519

un unfortunately when they hear Yoga

Time: 1954

Nidra the it sounds esoteric and they're

Time: 1956.44

not going to approach that practice also

Time: 1958.039

yoga NRA includes intentions and some

Time: 1960.24

things that are a little bit on the

Time: 1961.6

mystical side and I knew I was going to

Time: 1963.44

take some heat for it and I feel badly

Time: 1966.2

about it but that bad feeling is offset

Time: 1969.6

by I think when you call something

Time: 1970.84

non-sleep deep breast it tells you what

Time: 1972.399

it is and then more people are likely to

Time: 1974.72

come to the practice and I felt like it

Time: 1976.639

was worth you know kind of

Time: 1978.679

putting myself you know jumping on the

Time: 1980.24

grenade for that one so non-sleep deep

Time: 1983.919

rest is very effective at restoring

Time: 1986.519

cognitive and physical Vigor and can

Time: 1990.44

indeed offset some degree of sleep loss

Time: 1994.08

it also gets you better at falling and

Time: 1995.84

staying asleep and it's very simple and

Time: 1997.639

very easy to do and it's zero cost and

Time: 1999.399

if you want to try it you can go on to

Time: 2001.24

YouTube and put nsdr in my last name

Time: 2003.76

there's a woman named Kelly boy boys who

Time: 2006.159

has a much more pleasant voice than mine

Time: 2008.519

um who does them as well these are all

Time: 2010.12

zeroc cost protocols she's also in the

Time: 2011.639

waking up app um and there are many of

Time: 2014.919

them common toai as another person who

Time: 2017.039

has you know Wonderful Yoga Nidra

Time: 2019.399

scripts so you can find these things and

Time: 2021.72

they're really about 10 minutes to 20

Time: 2023.76

minutes sometimes 30 minutes long you

Time: 2025.6

can do it for an hour but most people

Time: 2027.12

won't do that consistently you don't

Time: 2028.279

have to do them every day and they're

Time: 2029.76

very very effective at restoring mental

Time: 2032.919

and physical Vigor when you're feeling

Time: 2034.679

depleted and it getting you to be a

Time: 2036.679

better sleeper

Time: 2039.159

so I figure that's a zeroc cost tool

Time: 2041.72

that is grounded in good mechanistic

Time: 2043.88

science and makes sense logically so why

Time: 2046.76

not meditation typically and if and

Time: 2049.96

there many different forms of meditation

Time: 2051.44

but if you're let's just say kind of um

Time: 2054.8

standard if there were such a thing um

Time: 2057.52

third eye meditation closing your eyes

Time: 2059.119

focusing your concentration on a point

Time: 2061.28

just sort of at your forehead

Time: 2062.44

concentrating on breathing redirecting

Time: 2064.079

your attention to your breathing if it

Time: 2065.72

if your attention drifts we know based

Time: 2067.919

on work from Wendy Suzuki's

Time: 2069.639

laboratory at New York University and

Time: 2072.04

some work out of the University of

Time: 2073.76

Wisconsin can improve

Time: 2077.24

memory can improve

Time: 2079.96

focus and does seem to have some stress

Time: 2083.76

offsetting effects but it's more of

Time: 2085.8

a focus exercise as opposed to an energy

Time: 2089.399

replenishing exercise now some people

Time: 2091.56

meditate and feel better afterwards they

Time: 2093

have more energy but then it's sort of

Time: 2094.879

like well compared to what um I don't

Time: 2097.04

think that's the maor effect of

Time: 2098.32

meditation and while we're on these

Time: 2100.28

topics I should just say that

Time: 2101.359

self-directed hypnosis of the sort that

Time: 2103.359

my colleague David Spiegel studies is

Time: 2105.44

more about solving a particular problem

Time: 2108.359

so hypnosis is more about engaging

Time: 2110.119

neuroplasticity remember earlier we said

Time: 2111.839

that neuroplasticity in adulthood can be

Time: 2114.2

activated by Focus followed by rest it

Time: 2117.119

seems that in the self-directed hypnotic

Time: 2119.839

States the brain enters kind of pattern

Time: 2122.96

of activity in which

Time: 2124.76

neuroplasticity can be accessed more

Time: 2126.92

quickly we think because the brain is

Time: 2129.56

both focused and relaxed in a particular

Time: 2131.839

way merging that focus and rest State

Time: 2134.92

and of course the hypnotic script is not

Time: 2137.16

about getting you to do crazy things on

Time: 2138.8

stage that's stage hypnosis but

Time: 2140.48

self-directed hypnosis is for instance

Time: 2142.72

smoking sensation by the way the the

Time: 2144.88

success with smoking Sensation from

Time: 2146.64

hypnosis is far greater than the

Time: 2148.24

cessation with smoking from pretty much

Time: 2150.48

any other protocol but unfortunately it

Time: 2153.4

has the name hypnosis which makes people

Time: 2155.319

think about stuff that people do on

Time: 2157.16

stage that's kind of wacky so we need a

Time: 2159.56

new name for it um because unfortunately

Time: 2162.319

names are a problem there there names

Time: 2164.92

can be differentiators as opposed to

Time: 2166.64

integrators they don't bring PE when

Time: 2168.319

people say I'm going to hypnotize you or

Time: 2169.76

you should try hypnosis people like like

Time: 2172.88

yum yuck me they're like yuck so um by

Time: 2176.44

the way does everyone here remember how

Time: 2178.28

you know if you're highly hypnotizable

Time: 2180.52

do you know that the Spiegel eye roll

Time: 2182.2

test it's not what teenagers do David

Time: 2184.88

Spiegel and his father psychiat

Time: 2188.8

discovered the clinical application of

Time: 2190.28

hypnosis it's a clinically approved tool

Time: 2193.2

there's brain stem neurons that cause

Time: 2196.839

elevations and alertness and focus and

Time: 2199.56

they're associated with moving the eyes

Time: 2200.96

up they're brain stem neurons that close

Time: 2203.119

the eyelids and push and essentially

Time: 2205.44

Drive the eyes down that are associated

Time: 2207.359

with parasympathetic states which why

Time: 2208.839

you like this when you're tired you're

Time: 2210.56

out there I'm

Time: 2211.64

sure if you are capable of keeping your

Time: 2214.56

ey your gaze upward and closing your

Time: 2216.92

eyelids you

Time: 2218.64

score on a particular end of the

Time: 2220.72

so-called Spiel eye roll test which

Time: 2222.24

makes you highly

Time: 2223.92

hypnotizable because that state of

Time: 2226.68

hypnosis is one in which you're what

Time: 2228.319

alert but very very relaxed so if you go

Time: 2231.8

to Spiegel's laboratory they're going to

Time: 2233.319

look at you and they say look up at the

Time: 2234.76

ceiling and then close your eyelids and

Time: 2236.56

if you can still see the whites of if

Time: 2239.2

they still see the whites of your eyes

Time: 2240.52

as your eyelids close well then you're

Time: 2242.68

in the highly hypnotizable realm kind of

Time: 2245.599

interesting right there's all nervous

Time: 2247.24

system related and you can see this

Time: 2248.599

stuff is this is like real clinical

Time: 2251.119

tools okay how do we stop ourselves from

Time: 2253.4

mindlessly scrolling on our

Time: 2255.319

phones hard questions um I didn't look

Time: 2258.44

at my watch because I'm bored I'm just

Time: 2259.76

thinking how much time do you have

Time: 2263.4

um well on the way here to Australia my

Time: 2267.52

Rob who you met earlier my friend and

Time: 2270.04

podcast producer he said okay

Time: 2273.16

guys everyone's deleting social media

Time: 2275.68

from your phones for the whole trip the

Time: 2278.839

whole trip and I'm like I don't know if

Time: 2281.72

I can go on this trip Rob no I'm kidding

Time: 2284.4

um uh we got one we have one guy who's

Time: 2286.96

kept it on his phone so that we can post

Time: 2288.76

things um and we continue

Time: 2291.48

to honestly I think that's what it

Time: 2294.24

takes um if it's social media that

Time: 2296.56

you're scrolling I think you should do a

Time: 2298.88

delete and

Time: 2300.079

reinstall if I'm honest a delete and

Time: 2302.4

reinstall every day uh because I think

Time: 2307.2

and then you have to limit the amount of

Time: 2308.52

time and one of the members of my

Time: 2310.8

podcast team experienced this he said I

Time: 2312.68

just picked up my phone a minute ago and

Time: 2314.04

I went to like hit the Instagram Tab and

Time: 2316.64

it wasn't there and I know it's not

Time: 2318.2

there and that's where I say yeah at

Time: 2320.28

some point it becomes more compulsive

Time: 2321.96

than addiction these are just reflexive

Time: 2324.16

behaviors it's like walking in the

Time: 2325.56

refrigerator like I did every day of my

Time: 2327.56

life all day I just I walk into people's

Time: 2329.839

homes and just look in the refrigerator

Time: 2332

I don't even know I get into people's

Time: 2333.24

cars I look in the glove box I just do

Time: 2336

this I'm kind of like looking around I'm

Time: 2337.48

not going to steal anything but it's

Time: 2340.2

like the teenage boy in me you know just

Time: 2342.52

kind walk in I'm going to open your

Time: 2344.2

refrigerator um so I think it's it gets

Time: 2347.319

to the point of

Time: 2348.56

reflexive and it's compulsive and it

Time: 2351.56

might be

Time: 2352.64

addictive but it can't be good when it's

Time: 2356.2

like that um but I think social media

Time: 2358.88

can be really useful so I think um if

Time: 2362.4

you're you can set timers you can try

Time: 2365

graying out the screen getting rid of

Time: 2366.44

the color thing there's all this stuff

Time: 2368.52

but I think if if there are particular

Time: 2370.16

apps that you're struggling with I would

Time: 2371.44

just delete them from your phone and and

Time: 2372.96

do a reinstall because that's enough of

Time: 2374.88

a of a behavioral barrier there are

Time: 2377.76

enough steps involved enough sequencing

Time: 2379.56

to put the thing back on there each day

Time: 2382.04

and each time maybe twice a day that

Time: 2384.16

you're going to vastly reduce your use

Time: 2386.56

to be honest I think that's probably the

Time: 2387.92

best way to do it and there are probably

Time: 2389.76

people in this audience that are

Time: 2390.76

thinking this seems crazy like just

Time: 2392.599

don't turn it on just don't just don't

Time: 2394.48

open it and look if I was 65 years old

Time: 2397.96

I'd say that too

Time: 2400.359

but it doesn't work that way for

Time: 2404.68

certainly the younger generation it

Time: 2406.52

doesn't I know this because I gave a

Time: 2407.96

talk at Santa Clara University a few

Time: 2409.599

years ago and I was talking about

Time: 2410.64

limiting social uh social media use and

Time: 2414.44

phones and this kid came up to me

Time: 2416.2

afterwards he said you don't get it he

Time: 2418.319

like you're like back then I was like 43

Time: 2420.48

he said you don't get it he said for you

Time: 2423.44

the phone was a thing that you like

Time: 2424.68

integrated into your like post 9s High

Time: 2427

School life like you watched The

Time: 2429

Breakfast Club or I don't know how he

Time: 2430.44

knew that movie I was like you're right

Time: 2432.16

I did watch The Breakfast Club a bunch

Time: 2433.68


Time: 2435.319

times and he said but for us it's like

Time: 2439.96

life I like I rolled my eyes and I

Time: 2442.72

thought wait no listen I'm going to

Time: 2443.92

listen because no one knows what it's

Time: 2445.56

like to be 16 years old or 24 years old

Time: 2448.2

in 2024 unless you're 16 or 24 like okay

Time: 2451.92

here we go listen he said when my phone

Time: 2454.72

he said when my phone Powers down

Time: 2458.359

I feel the energy drain out of me and

Time: 2461.44

when it comes back up I feel Life Energy

Time: 2464.079

come back into my body and I thought oh

Time: 2466.96

my goodness like we are hosed but that's

Time: 2470.839

but that's the reality and I'm of the

Time: 2473.079

mind you know I was a I was a camp

Time: 2474.839

counselor I worked with at risk kids I

Time: 2476.72

was a wild kid and you learn something

Time: 2478.839

especially when you work with kids like

Time: 2480.28

me when I was a teenager I was a Helen

Time: 2483.359

is be a channel not a damn you cannot

Time: 2488

block the system that's emerged this is

Time: 2490.64

here and it's here to stay so I think

Time: 2492.4

things like deleting the app is putting

Time: 2494.68

it back on there is the only way to go

Time: 2496.56

we have to listen I think we have to

Time: 2497.92

listen understand that you know we after

Time: 2500.079

all adults created these Technologies

Time: 2502.8

and these kids are using them and I

Time: 2504.72

don't think we're going to see a

Time: 2505.92

reversal I don't so we have to really I

Time: 2509.64

think that what he said to me as scary

Time: 2511.52

as it was to me I think reflects the

Time: 2513.119

reality it's part of their life energy

Time: 2515.359

it's part of their connectivity and we

Time: 2517.72

we're going to have to come up with

Time: 2518.76

better tools and I doubt those tools are

Time: 2521.119

going to be uh to the effect of

Time: 2523.4

eliminating it you could say

Time: 2525.319

unfortunately you know all the adult

Time: 2527.8

last I checked I'm an adult people in my

Time: 2529.96

life have argued differently but I think

Time: 2532.56

we're going to have to learn to be a

Time: 2534.079

channel not a dam with this uh I do if

Time: 2538.04

resources and ethics were not an issue

Time: 2539.68

what would your dream clinical trial to

Time: 2541.96

run oh my

Time: 2544.24

goodness this is a hard question

Time: 2551.44

okay um dream clinical

Time: 2555.119

trial what's

Time: 2557.96

that oh gosh the accent is killing

Time: 2561.319

me more cuddlefish yeah more cuddlefish

Time: 2564.52

like cuddlefish I like the idea of more

Time: 2566.76


Time: 2568.839

um physical contact so key

Time: 2573.079

um I think we're all still recovering

Time: 2575.44

from the years we had a few years of

Time: 2577.44

just like no physical like physical

Time: 2579.28

contact so minimal um I mean there's the

Time: 2582.52

classic harlo experiments right the wire

Time: 2584.48

monkey or versus the cloth monkey I mean

Time: 2587.119

primates go to the cloth monkey even if

Time: 2589.839

they don't get food there I mean it's

Time: 2591.2

such a critical component of you know

Time: 2594

how our nervous system forms um the I

Time: 2596.839

think this is a this is a you know what

Time: 2600.2

I'm going to do something I've never

Time: 2601.04

done before I'm going to turn the

Time: 2602.119

question around I actually would I

Time: 2604.48

seriously I'm not trying to avoid

Time: 2605.88

answering this but you know we've worked

Time: 2607.96

on all I've worked on cuttlefish we

Time: 2609.319

worked on respiration practices we

Time: 2611.079

worked on uh Vision we've worked on

Time: 2613.359

neuro regeneration you know I've enjoyed

Time: 2616.24

um working on a great number of

Time: 2618.52

different things I'm sort of curious

Time: 2621

what people like what do you think we

Time: 2622.8

need more of I've never done this but I

Time: 2624.96

really want to know um I don't know how

Time: 2626.52

we're going to do this in any kind of

Time: 2627.64

non-chaotic format but what the hell um

Time: 2631.079

it's late enough in the evening we just

Time: 2632.44

do it um like really I mean so now

Time: 2635.44

there's trials on psychedelics we do

Time: 2637.4

this by kind of like I'll throw out some

Time: 2639.119

options and then we'll do it so right

Time: 2640.88

now it seems that psychedelics are a big

Time: 2642.92

thing um do they increase plasticity

Time: 2646.8

yeah I'm excited about it I'm a convert

Time: 2649.079

but I do think that one has to be

Time: 2650.359

careful and there are certain people in

Time: 2652.44

populations like people who um suffer

Time: 2655.4

from certain types of manic bipolar or

Time: 2657.68

schizophrenia that really need to avoid

Time: 2659.24

these things kids I mean being a kid is

Time: 2661.64

basically being in a psychedelic State

Time: 2664.28

the you know lateral connectivity of the

Time: 2666.319

brain is extended ensive um and you know

Time: 2669.72

I don't encourage it I mean that the

Time: 2671.04

trials with MDMA and PTSD are incredible

Time: 2673.76

what's happening with maps is incredible

Time: 2675.4

you know 60 plus perc remission rates

Time: 2678.079

done with licensed Physicians of course

Time: 2680

I don't get Cavalier with this so okay

Time: 2682.24

so I'll just ask so I

Time: 2685

mean it's going to be hard to draw out

Time: 2687.119

the denters but more work on

Time: 2689

psychedelics psilocybin Etc as ways to

Time: 2691.76

amarate depression are people like more

Time: 2694.28

like yum yuck or meh is that like yum

Time: 2698.28

okay or like yuck don't be afraid to say

Time: 2700.48

yuck I like a good argument is anyone

Time: 2702.559

like yuck on psychedelics sorcery it's

Time: 2705.68

sorcery I heard that um meh okay all

Time: 2709.599

right interesting okay so psychedelics

Time: 2711.359

get a strong push I think we have enough

Time: 2713.319

evidence that changing patterns of

Time: 2715.559

respiration changes brain States but I

Time: 2718.28

think that that's an interesting area um

Time: 2721.76

I don't know you can you just shout it

Time: 2723.359

out just shout it out one all right

Time: 2726.28

first over here

Time: 2727.559

yes oh God the accent you guys are so

Time: 2730.599

good I love the accent listen I listen I

Time: 2733.92

I don't drink I don't drink anymore but

Time: 2735.68

when I used to when I used to go to bars

Time: 2737.52

I'll just say the Australian accent

Time: 2738.88

never fails um in the US

Time: 2743.4

yeah time

Time: 2745.48

Chambers time

Time: 2752.72

Chambers oh hyperbaric chambers yeah

Time: 2755.8

hyper that's an interesting one yeah I

Time: 2757.68

mean when I think of ways to modify

Time: 2759.599

physiology you think temperature light

Time: 2762.28


Time: 2763.319

modulators right you think by the way

Time: 2766.24

anytime you want to think about changing

Time: 2767.68

something in the body your brain you

Time: 2769.04

think mechanical and chemical so this is

Time: 2771.68

kind of this is changing the chemistry

Time: 2774.24

of the brain and body through hyperbaric

Time: 2775.88

chambers thank you appreciate it I think

Time: 2777.839

I re did we run into each other at the

Time: 2779.76

gym the other day no anyway um think I

Time: 2783.48

recognize you I um the

Time: 2788.319

okay one I'll get to you in one second

Time: 2791.4

yeah yeah love that okay so protocols

Time: 2794.079

for childhood trauma yeah so I mean I

Time: 2796.599

think we're finally at the place where

Time: 2798.04

we as a world where like this word

Time: 2800.92

trauma actually is Meaningful like

Time: 2803.4

because we knew it before but I think

Time: 2805.319

before people thought if like if you

Time: 2806.599

hadn't lived in a war zone which

Time: 2808.44

obviously is trauma um now I think

Time: 2811.599

people appreciate that trauma is

Time: 2813.559

inherent to a lot of Life by the way I

Time: 2816.04

love your shirt I that shirt it's like

Time: 2818.2

yeah a lawn stale shirt was Against

Time: 2820.04

Racism hey I love I love that shirt um

Time: 2822.68

you know the history of that shirt right

Time: 2824.319

it's like lawdale was co-opted by some

Time: 2826.64

Neo-Nazi groups as a brand so lawdale

Time: 2829.319

came out with an Against Racism and hate

Time: 2831.2

shirt which is like the best like to

Time: 2833.4

that which is yeah so anyway little side

Time: 2835.76

note there not sponsored by lawdale um

Time: 2839.68

but rad shirt yeah I think childhood

Time: 2841.76

trauma you know trauma can be best

Time: 2843.839

defined as an adverse event that changes

Time: 2847.28

the nervous system in a way that causes

Time: 2849.28

maladaptive functioning going forward

Time: 2850.96

it's not every bad thing right but it

Time: 2853.24

certainly happens and I think we need to

Time: 2854.64


Time: 2855.839

to rewire the nervous system let's let's

Time: 2858.68

face it whether not psychedelics or it's

Time: 2860.319

talk therapy or it's hyperbaric chambers

Time: 2862.599

or it's cold plunges what we're talking

Time: 2864.04

about is neuroplasticity we're trying to

Time: 2865.76

rewire the nervous system so I love that

Time: 2867.92

one um we need some very structured um

Time: 2871.44

tools there's all sorts of stuff about

Time: 2873.119

soaz release for trauma and you know

Time: 2875.24

there's little bits like little Sil of

Time: 2877.24

things that are all very interesting

Time: 2878.8

breath work you know release work but so

Time: 2881.559

far there isn't like a structured

Time: 2883.16

framework for for treating trauma

Time: 2885.079

different groups doing different things

Time: 2886.44

EMDR Etc I think they all have Merit

Time: 2889.2

okay there was that shouting out cons

Time: 2892.88

Consciousness The Big C yeah um in my

Time: 2897

house Costello was the big ca he would

Time: 2898.8

always remind me of that but

Time: 2900.319

Consciousness I think that um and now

Time: 2903.28

with AI we have to ask ourselves like

Time: 2905.319

what is what is conscious

Time: 2907.44

and I think we need a clear definition

Time: 2908.92

of what that is do you guys know this

Time: 2910.92

story of like they were going to solve

Time: 2912.48

Consciousness a few years ago and and

Time: 2914.839

they didn't do it there was this bet in

Time: 2916.839

Neuroscience that um it was going to be

Time: 2919.64

solved by 2015 or something like that so

Time: 2922.68

I think we need and it's not obviously

Time: 2924.24

so we need better definition of what

Time: 2925.72

that means but I think it's very

Time: 2927.599

important uh problem indeed so thank you

Time: 2930.839


Time: 2932.799

a free will yeah that's a tough one

Time: 2935.64

that's one I usually avoid

Time: 2937.52

um R Robert Robert slammed me on that

Time: 2940.68

one on the podcast what was it in the

Time: 2944.799

back I heard as an Adaptive technique

Time: 2948.599

but oh yeah you know we hear I yeah we

Time: 2952.559

hear so much I I'm agreeing with you the

Time: 2954.839

um we hear so much about ADHD these days

Time: 2957.2

without an understanding of like what it

Time: 2958.68

really reflects except in the extreme

Time: 2961.119

clinical cases so I think a better

Time: 2963.559

understanding I did two episodes of the

Time: 2965.72

podcast by the way on a attention in 88

Time: 2967.48

she one focused mainly on behavioral and

Time: 2969.4

nutritional tools it was positively

Time: 2972.88

received by about half of people and

Time: 2974.28

then the other half were like this is

Time: 2976.72

garbage what about all the drugs that

Time: 2978.44

are useful then I did one about all the

Time: 2979.96

drugs that can be useful and people said

Time: 2982.799

this is garbage you're putting kids on

Time: 2984.4

meth and I'm like wait a second hold on

Time: 2986.559

we try and cover it all so um because I

Time: 2991.559

I favor balance I heard a excellent

Time: 2994.359

things there was were all male voices we

Time: 2996.319

kind of got a sampling bias here unless

Time: 2998.359

I'm got a high frequency cut off thank

Time: 3002.68

you something negotiation

Time: 3007.24


Time: 3009.319

science of

Time: 3011.2

negotiation yeah so people being able to

Time: 3013.4


Time: 3014.72


Time: 3016.319

better Lord please

Time: 3020.559

yes oh my goodness I mean this is yes

Time: 3024.16

thank you um if ever there was a call to

Time: 3027.44

action it's like um you know this is a

Time: 3030.88

big question right I'm a neuroscientist

Time: 3032.92

not a historian not a not a futurist or

Time: 3035.44

a politician but um thank goodness can

Time: 3038.119

you imagine what a terrible job I would

Time: 3039.799

do I like being outdoors I hate meetings

Time: 3042.16

I like dressing like this and and I and

Time: 3044.88

I don't like the news um it'd be the

Time: 3048.16


Time: 3049.559

but yeah if ever there was a need and a

Time: 3053.079

question it's you know are we just going

Time: 3055.24

to continue in these like iterative

Time: 3057.48

cycles of like when the economy is good

Time: 3059.359

things seem mostly good and then a lot

Time: 3060.76

of people are still suffering and then

Time: 3062.28

like these cycles of and or are we going

Time: 3066.2

to finally just sit back and go okay

Time: 3068.64

what are we good at as a species what

Time: 3071.079

are we really bad at what are we like

Time: 3073.559

kind of good at and start coming up with

Time: 3075.44

some tools to try and function better on

Time: 3077.28

the whole with the understanding that

Time: 3078.799

there are Bad actors out there that are

Time: 3081.359

constantly trying to you know exploit

Time: 3083.799

and manipulate but there are also a lot

Time: 3085.16

of good actors too and by good actors I

Time: 3087.2

don't mean actors in the in the stage

Time: 3089.28

acting sense I mean I think that um look

Time: 3092.359

what we're we're we're a smart species

Time: 3095.839

we can think in past present and future

Time: 3097.64

terms we can look at mechanism we can

Time: 3100

communicate better with each other

Time: 3101.72

better than any species except maybe the

Time: 3103.72

cuddlefish and so I think the question

Time: 3106.559

is are we you know is there going to be

Time: 3108.68

some sort of sitting back and finally

Time: 3111

just saying like enough like let's just

Time: 3113.96

figure out a way to dialogue and I love

Time: 3117.4

that um you

Time: 3120.04

know it it's a it's a science we that

Time: 3123.2

there are problems and there are hard

Time: 3124.839

problems um and honestly I think it's

Time: 3128.68

going to come about if it comes about

Time: 3130.28

it's going to come about through groups

Time: 3132.319

not through individuals I don't think

Time: 3133.839

we're going to get like the world leader

Time: 3135.72

or world leaders of 12 people like let's

Time: 3138.28

get it done let's get it done right this

Time: 3140.76

time I think it's going to be a a more

Time: 3143.599

Collective Consciousness you know I'd

Time: 3145.64

like to see fewer individual leaders and

Time: 3148.119

more groups and panels leading things

Time: 3150.28

but anyway that's that's my bias and you

Time: 3152.92


Time: 3155.2


Time: 3162.16


Time: 3164.76


Time: 3166.799

genetics love

Time: 3169.24


Time: 3171.28

yeah okay well there's okay I'll say two

Time: 3173.64

things and then I think my team's going

Time: 3174.96

to make me close out

Time: 3181.24


Time: 3183.88

wait um rad okay awesome now it's

Time: 3188.079

turning into like a like a science punk

Time: 3189.64

rock show so um the um genetics well I

Time: 3194.559

think the big things is in genetics are

Time: 3196.24

we're soon going to be in the place

Time: 3197.48

where we can do genetic well right now

Time: 3200.079

you can take human embryos and Screen

Time: 3202.04

them for mutations by whole genome

Time: 3203.88

sequencing it's very inexpensive

Time: 3206.079

compared to a few years ago it's still

Time: 3207.52

expensive and you can do selection you

Time: 3209.72

can select out based on lack of

Time: 3211.799

mutations maybe even based on over

Time: 3214.599

representation of certain genes um

Time: 3218.16

that's interesting has some ethical

Time: 3220.359

considerations but there soon will be

Time: 3222.76

you can do crisper um you could in

Time: 3226.2

theory you could modify the Genome of of

Time: 3229.68

adults um and certainly babies and so

Time: 3232.44

that's where we're headed it's already

Time: 3233.88

being done in certain countries it was

Time: 3235.24

done in China um it was not looked upon

Time: 3238.88

kindly by the International Ethics

Time: 3240.839

committees um but it was done a mutation

Time: 3244.04

in the in the HIV receptor um so those

Time: 3248.839

babies exist so it's happening uh it's

Time: 3251.839

going to be interesting times uh the

Time: 3253.92

microbiome I think is really exciting

Time: 3255.92

here's my big call to action is that

Time: 3258.28

there's a microbiome in the gut but

Time: 3259.64

there's also microbiome on the skin and

Time: 3261.319

the nose and the mouth and the genitals

Time: 3263.88

like these all these little niches and

Time: 3266.44

well I guess it depends the little or

Time: 3267.839

not so little niches um depends um I was

Time: 3272.4

thinking about the nostrils um the

Time: 3275.319

night's getting long um there I go again

Time: 3278.04

um the

Time: 3279.799

uh they they are all important and and

Time: 3282.48

there's a lot more to understand I think

Time: 3283.96

the gut microbiome is just one of the

Time: 3286.359

microbiomes so and female hormones

Time: 3288.76

certainly important topic it's received

Time: 3291.16

far less sadly far less attention than

Time: 3293.92

male hormone therapy or um understanding

Time: 3297.079

and and things are starting to change

Time: 3300.2

there it's been slow yeah yeah there's

Time: 3303

been it's been can you believe it it was

Time: 3304.96

like four only like eight years ago that

Time: 3307.599

the National Institutes of Health in the

Time: 3309.04

United States was like hey maybe you

Time: 3310.559

should start studying female mice too

Time: 3312.72

it's like like this I mean we're modern

Time: 3315.96

science is very far behind we're very

Time: 3319.24

far behind and I think it's a it's a

Time: 3320.92

resource issue it's also uh you know

Time: 3324.28

there's a bunch of um sociological

Time: 3326

consider considerations in science

Time: 3328.2

anyway I'm trying to change the story

Time: 3330.96

there but I'm but one person and you

Time: 3333.599

know I hope to live a very long time but

Time: 3335.64

you know um should I get hit by a bullet

Time: 3337.92

to bus or cancer um tomorrow I want you

Time: 3340.359

to know that it's going to be or late

Time: 3342.68

long time from now I have natural causes

Time: 3344.92

sorry I have a morbid sense of humor I

Time: 3346.839

work I worked with the Physicians they

Time: 3348.92

all talk like that I hope to live a very

Time: 3350.76

long time um but it's a collective

Time: 3353.4

effort so I just want to um before we

Time: 3355.88

wrap want to say a couple of things we

Time: 3358.2

can get on with the rest of the night

Time: 3360.92

first of all um I it is a collective

Time: 3363.52

effort um you know I as I've mentioned

Time: 3365.839

several times this evening I I look no

Time: 3368.28

differently on the massage therapy

Time: 3371.92

versus Chiropractic versus uh whole

Time: 3374.96

genome sequencing it's just all

Time: 3376.599

different lenses to look at the same

Time: 3379.72

sort of set of goals through and yes

Time: 3382.079

there's a range of quality and rigor and

Time: 3384.52

communication Styles and personality but

Time: 3386.559

if you can maintain some level of

Time: 3388.559

curiosity and discernment about what

Time: 3390.64

works for you or doesn't work for you or

Time: 3392.2

where you think there's Merit um that's

Time: 3394.079

great but but it's going to be um a

Time: 3396.64

wonderful thing when we can all start to

Time: 3398.2

dialogue and see where the points of

Time: 3399.72

convergence are where we're you're

Time: 3401.2

basically talking about two different

Time: 3402.68

groups talking about the exact same

Time: 3404

thing through different language I think

Time: 3405.4

that's where things really can move

Time: 3406.76

forward um the discourse of public

Time: 3409.319

science and health communication

Time: 3411.52

obviously is something I'm very

Time: 3412.72

passionate about I would love to see

Time: 3414.88

more podcasts believe believe it or not

Time: 3416.76

not just my podcast but they more

Time: 3419.28

podcasts if you have something to say to

Time: 3420.72

the world please say it please put it

Time: 3422.72

out there on social media I do think

Time: 3424.4

that there's value there so I'm

Time: 3425.92

encouraging the every person not just

Time: 3428.48

usually they go the young people but

Time: 3429.92

like the every people to um you know get

Time: 3433.799

information out there and and to support

Time: 3436.319

the efforts and I also want to say thank

Time: 3438.44

you so much for coming out on a Saturday

Time: 3440.48

night here in Melbourne um and for

Time: 3443.4

listening to the podcast and for

Time: 3446.799

yeah it really means a lot to me thank

Time: 3448.48

you thank you thank you thank you thank

Time: 3451.839

you so

Time: 3453.039

much thank

Time: 3456.76

you thank

Time: 3459.559

you thank

Time: 3461.72

you I re I really appreciate it that the

Time: 3464.88

podcast is indeed a labor of love I feel

Time: 3467.64

oh so blessed to do it and um and my

Time: 3470.16

hope is that the tools protocols and

Time: 3472.28

information will radiate out as far and

Time: 3474.72

wide as possible I don't need or want

Time: 3477

credit I just want people to have the

Time: 3478.839

information I really mean that and to

Time: 3481.359

share it where you think it can be

Time: 3482.599

useful to people and last but certainly

Time: 3486.119

not least thank you for your interest in

Time: 3489.96


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