LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the ICC Sydney Theatre

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine recently the hubman Lab podcast

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hosted a live event at the ICC theater

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in Sydney Australia the event was called

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the brain body contract and featured a

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lecture followed by a question and

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answer session with the audience we

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wanted to make the question and answer

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session available to every one

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regardless if you could attend I also

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would like to thank the sponsors for the

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event they are eight sleep and ag1 eight

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sleep makes Smart mattress covers with

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cooling Heating and sleep tracking

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capacity now I've spoken many times

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before on this podcast about the fact

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that sleep is the critical foundation

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for mental health physical health and

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performance now one of the key things to

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getting the best possible night sleep is

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to control the temperature of your

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sleeping environment and that's because

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in order to fall and stay deeply asleep

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your body temperature actually needs to

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drop by about 1 to 3° and in order order

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to wake up feeling refreshed and alert

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your body temperature actually has to

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increase by about 1 to 3° eight sleep

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mattress covers make it extremely easy

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to control the temperature of your

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sleeping environment and thereby to

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control your core body temperature so

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that you fall and stay deeply asleep and

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wake up feeling your absolute best I've

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been sleeping on an eights Sleep

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mattress cover for about 3 years now and

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it has completely transformed the

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quality of my sleep for the better eight

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sleep recently launched their newest

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generation of pod cover the Pod 4 ultra

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the Pod 4 cover has improved cooling and

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heating capacity higher Fidelity sleep

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tracking technology and the Pod 4 cover

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has snoring detection that will

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automatically lift your head a few

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degrees to improve airflow and stop your

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snoring if you'd like to try an eights

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Sleep mattress cover you can go to

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huberman to save $350 off their pod 4

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ultra eight sleep currently ships to the

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USA Canada UK select countries in the EU

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and Australia again that's

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huberman the other live event sponsor

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ag1 is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

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that also contains adaptogens and other

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critical micronutrients I've been taking

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ag1 daily since 2012 so I'm delighted

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that they decided to sponsor the live

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event I started taking ag1 and I still

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take ag1 once or twice a day because it

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gives me vitamins and minerals that I

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might not be getting enough of from

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Whole Foods that I eat as well as

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adaptogens and micronutrients those

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adaptogens and micronutrients are really

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critical because even though I strive to

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eat most of my foods from unprocessed or

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minimally processed Whole Foods it's

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it's often hard to do so especially when

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I'm traveling and especially when I'm

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busy so by drinking a packet of ag1 in

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the morning and often times also again

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in the afternoon or evening I'm ensuring

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that I'm getting everything I need I'm

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covering all of my foundational

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nutritional needs and I like so many

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other people that take ag1 regularly

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just report feeling better and that

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shouldn't be surprising because it

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supports gut health and of course gut

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health supports immune system health and

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brain health and it's supporting a ton

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of different cellular and organ

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processes that all interact with one

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another other so while certain

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supplements are really directed towards

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one specific outcome like sleeping

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better or being more alert ag1 really is

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foundational nutritional support it's

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really designed to support all of the

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systems of your brain and body that

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relate to mental health and physical

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health if you'd like to try ag1 you can

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go to drink huberman to claim a

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special offer they'll give you five free

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travel packs with your order plus a year

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supply of vitamin D3 K2 again that's

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drink huberman

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and now for the live event at the ICC

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theater in Sydney

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Australia does having an afternoon sleep

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affect your quality of sleep at night um

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great question I can keep this one

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pretty brief um we just recorded a six

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episode series that will be aired later

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this year uh with the one and only

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Mighty Matt Walker who wrote The

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Marvelous book why we sleep and uh we

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went into this topic in depth the

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business of naps is the following keep

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them shorter than 90 minutes so you

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don't disrupt your nighttime sleep don't

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do them at all if it disrupts your

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nighttime sleep so if you're somebody

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that for whom even 10 minutes of napping

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disrupts your nighttime sleep don't do

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if you're somebody who wakes up from

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naps feeling groggy that's what's called

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Sleep inertia this is what gave rise to

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the ever famous napino of having some

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coffee and then taking a nap or an

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espresso and then taking a nap again I

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get obsessed with gnomen clature why

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didn't they call it a Espress espresso

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nap I don't know

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naps are wonderful if they're shorter

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than 90 minutes don't interfere with

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nighttime sleep but I in particular am a

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big fan of as many of you know this

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business of non-sleep deep rest of

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putting the body into what body still

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mind awake and we know based on several

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studies from the University of

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Copenhagen that that actually

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replenishes levels of dopamine in

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certain key areas of the brain that

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restore mental and physical

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Vigor and do not disrupt nighttime sleep

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but rather enhance one's ability to fall

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and stay asleep or to fall back asleep

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so not only are these states of body

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still mind

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awake very beneficial it seems or I

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should say perhaps for creativity

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because that was all anak data but we

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know from real data from laboratory data

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on many subjects peer-reviewed Etc that

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body still mind alert is actually an

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effective means to improve one's sleep

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and perhaps even make up for sleep that

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one has lost so I encourage you if

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you're a napper great and if you have

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challenges with sleep in any way that

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you think might be related to your

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napping activity that you consider short

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10minute or maybe 20 minute non-sleep

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deep breast protocols by the way they're

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completely zero cost and very soon we

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will be releasing to our YouTube clips

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Channel a 10minute 20 minute and 30

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minute non-sleep deep rest protocol that

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I've narrated if you don't like my voice

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we can there are many out there of more

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pleasant voices but um what might be of

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particular interest to you is that the

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visual is of um the beautiful sunrise

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over Sydney so you know it'll bring you

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home as well um sunrises here absolutely

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spectacular do you believe in the

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placebo effect absolutely and there's

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probably a joke there but I can't come

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up with it on the Fly um how would I

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know if it's real that um something like

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that um so the placebo effect is real um

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our belief about what we've taken or

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what is happening to us has a powerful

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effect on our physiology it's not purely

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psychological the whole business of

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psychosomatic even that word is starting

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to fall away as we start to understand

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that our beliefs have a powerful effect

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on what happens to us physiologically so

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much so that for instance my colleague

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Crum a tenar professor at Stanford's

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Department of psychology who's been a

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guest on the podcast who studies

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mindsets has done beautiful experiments

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on stress showing that if you watch a

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short video about stress and you learn

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all the terrible things that stress can

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do to your cognition your sleep and your

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well-being well that indeed that happens

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and that if you watch a short video

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about how stress can be performance-

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enhancing by sharpening your mental

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acuity your access to

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particular memory stores Etc that indeed

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that happens so-called belief effects

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why belief effects not Placebo effects

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well Placebo effects tend to be more

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General belief effects tend to be around

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specific types of information but the

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placebo effect has recently been shown

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to extend to a dose dependent placebo

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effect one of the more remarkable papers

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I think published in the last few years

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most people are unaware of I talked

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about this in a journal Club episode of

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The hubman Lab podcast with the one and

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only Peter

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Atia described a paper where people took

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either zero I believe it was

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.25 milligrams half a milligram or a

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gram of nicotine which is known to be a

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cognitive enhancer please don't smoke

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dip Huff or snuff nicotine that's erous

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in those forms but and taking nicotine

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can increase blood pressure Vasa

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constriction Etc but nicotine is a

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cognitive enhancer it is a cognitive

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enhancer and I can't help but tell you

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one story about this before I get back

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to placebo effect don't worry I always

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make my way

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back you can see why living with me as a

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child was so challenging

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um nicotine I was told by a very very

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famous Nobel laurate member M of the

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Neuroscience Community because I visited

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his office I won't tell you who it is at

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Columbia University I met with him and

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he was telling me about what he studies

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but I noed he chewed no fewer than six

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pieces of Nicorette during the course of

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that conversation and I had to just stop

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him at one point and say why are you

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consuming all this nicotine and he said

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well it's what's going to allow me to

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Stave off Parkinson's and Alzheimer's of

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course and I don't want to smoke and I

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said really and he said yeah there's

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some evidence that keeping levels of

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neuromodulators like dopamine

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acetylcholine elevated despite the

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increases in blood pressure that are

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caused by consuming nicotine May indeed

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offset Parkinson's and Alzheimer's I'm

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not telling you this as a clinical trial

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I'm telling you this as anic data he is

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a Nobel Prize winner he's still very

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very sharp in his 80s the point here is

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that in a study of nicotine and

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cognition where people's cognition is

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indeed enhanced by nicotine everybody

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knows that and agrees upon that people

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who were told they had a higher dose of

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nicotine performed better in this

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cognitive task when in fact they

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zero and people who performed

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moderately who were then told that they

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had consumed a higher dose of nicotine

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performed better than those that simply

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consumed the moderate dose and were told

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they had a moderate dose in other words

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everyone gets the same dose either zero

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or moderate but depending on what you're

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told your performance changes

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accordingly and that's cool but what's

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really cool about the study is they

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actually recorded from brain centers of

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these individuals and the levels of

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activity in particular areas of the

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brain that are relevant for cognition

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changed according to what the people

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believe so there you go placebo effect

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is changing neural activity it's not all

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just through what you think is happening

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what you think is happening is the

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reflection of neural activity and then

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you go well of course but I think it's

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an important study so I believe in the

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placebo effect and it is dose dependent

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and that raises all sorts of scary

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concerns about the placebo effect but

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it's also pretty darn cool because what

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it means is that our belief system

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including our understanding of the

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mechanisms that are likely driving

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certain effects of drugs or protocols or

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what have you is going to play a

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powerful role in whether or not we get

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the effect that we want and perhaps

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that's the most important thing provided

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that you're going about it

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safely how do I enter the rest and

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digest State and exit my constant fight

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ORF flight State well the fastest way is

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going to be physiological size probably

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repeated two or three times in a row if

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you don't experience that the first time

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the second would be to combine that with

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panoramic Vision I must say and I don't

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want to sound like a like a repeating

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record here but there are certain things

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that if we're not doing on a regular

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basis our nervous system is just going

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to idle at a higher let's just call it

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autonomic RPM which is not you know real

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science language but if you've ever felt

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kind of wired and tired from lack of

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sleep you know what this is about the

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key thing is to get enough sleep each

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night you know so much so that I think

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we can safely say that stress is not bad

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for us provided you sleep well at night

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now the challenge is for most people

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including myself if you stress a lot

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sleep doesn't come easily or you wake

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from sleep in the middle of the night

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and here again is where zero cost

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behavioral protocols are truly in my

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opinion unless there's some dire

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need the most effective and best

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practice and this non-sleep deep rest

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which by the way is indeed a renaming or

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a partial renaming of Yoga Nidra which

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stands for yoga sleep and again I have

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tremendous reverence for the yogic

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Traditions it's just that I had to make

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a decision a few years ago when I'd been

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introduced to Yoga Nidra in 2015 I was

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down at a trauma Treatment Center an

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addiction treatment Center in Florida

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run by a friend of mine essentially

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observing what they were doing with

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these addicts That Couldn't recover no

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matter what their effort and they were

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able to recover to get sober and stay

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sober and people were getting over other

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sorts of traumas through the use of many

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Protocols of course talk therapy Etc but

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they would start their day with 30

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minutes to an hour of yoga NRA and I

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thought what's Yoga Nidra learned its

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yoga sleep you lie down you do a

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self-directed relaxation it also

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involves intentions Etc and I thought

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this is really powerful and I spent a

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lot of time in my laboratory working on

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it and understanding it and there are

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other studies as well that now explain

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how these states of keeping the Mind

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active while the body is still as a

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self-directed practice is immensely

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powerful for a number of reasons and the

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reason I decide to call it non-sleep

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deep rest

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nsdr was not to rob it of the official

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name of yoganidra but because

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unfortunately names like yoganidra

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or proprietary names or thing when we

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name protocols after

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people it acts as a separator it often

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deters people from trying things because

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it sounds esoteric so I went with a

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description of the

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thing that relates to what the thing is

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supposed to do non-sleep deep rest or

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what it's all about so um you know I

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actively avoided calling it huberman

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breathing um or something like that

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because that's not my interest my

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interest is in people using these tools

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and I have taken some heat for that one

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um I'm not interested it was not an

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attempt to appropriate something it was

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really an attempt to just try and

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distribute valuable tools because I see

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a lot of suffering and it seems like a

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useful thing to do so I would encourage

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anyone that feels like they enter a

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stressed State too much to learn

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self-directed relaxation first and

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foremost so do nsdr anywhere from three

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to five times a week 10 minutes a day as

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a zero cost tool as a way to be able to

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better access better sleep at night and

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then if the figh ORF flight State

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persists then of course things like

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physiological SI Etc um should be

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incorporated and then of course of

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course of course I believe in modern

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medicine there are excellent

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pharmaceutical tools prescription drugs

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that can be used for that but of course

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there's the intermediate stuff things

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like theanine and magnesium that you

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know for all the world can be useful in

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some context but they're not the be all

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end all you know as much as I might

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reference supplements on the podcast

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from time to time I don't think they're

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the place to start I think one should

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always use behavioral tools first and

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I've said this many times before um but

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I think it's worth saying again our

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muscles need rest days from the gym in

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order to grow back stronger yes

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definitely true um is the brain designed

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to be consistently learning and

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developing or does does it need periods

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of rest from consuming new information

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or is the rest when we sleep great

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questions thank you Timothy um yes

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indeed our

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muscles get stronger grow after a proper

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stimulus is applied to them in the time

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after we provide that stimulus which

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typically is resistance but since not

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everyone's interested in that it's also

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the case that an endurance

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occurs after we embark on the run the

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hike the swim Etc there's something kind

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of interesting and I just want to take a

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moment and just um mention that there's

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something kind of interesting about

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resistance training is that the one form

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of training that because of the enhanced

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blood flow to the muscles while we do it

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gives us a window into what the

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adaptation might look

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like once it occurs if we allow proper

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rest whereas with endurance training

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it's very different right you go further

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and or you run up a hill until your legs

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burn and you want to vomit up a and then

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the next time you do it you don't feel

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quite as bad right the adaptation occurs

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of course in a very similar way to

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resistance training different mechanisms

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but there's a delay and adaptation you

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get better it's just that with

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resistance training you can kind of

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sense the change before the change

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occurs because of the enhanced blood

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flow of the muscles with endurance

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training you sense the limit of your

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ability and then you exceed that limit

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subsequently now in terms of cognitive

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learning the same thing is basically

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true if you want to get really technical

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about it the computational biology the

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modeling of this says that if you want

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to learn something probably setting the

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difficulty of what you're trying to

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learn to about 85% correct trials 15%

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error trials is probably ideal what does

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that mean it means if you're trying to

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learn a new piano piece you know or

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you're trying to teach that to a child

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if they're not starting from scratch let

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them play something that they know

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pretty well and then introduce a small

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percentage maybe 10 to 15 maybe 20% you

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don't have to be exact about this of

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Novel material that's hard for them to

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learn but yes it is the focused

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deliberate attempt to learn something

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that creates that sense of underlying

Time: 1077.64

agitation that is the trigger the

Time: 1080.72

stimulus for

Time: 1083.08

neuroplasticity this makes sense if you

Time: 1085.6

could complete something if you could do

Time: 1088.4

something a scale on of Music a physical

Time: 1091.96

task speaking a new language if you

Time: 1093.64

could do that why would your nervous

Time: 1095.88

system ever change and how does your

Time: 1097.48

nervous system know if it's supposed to

Time: 1099.159

change right your nervous system doesn't

Time: 1101.12

know successful trial versus failure

Time: 1103.76

trial right I've tried many times to

Time: 1106.039

learn other languages and I'm you know

Time: 1107.72

modestly terrible at Spanish but if I

Time: 1109.919

were to try and get better my nervous

Time: 1112.4

system doesn't know when I'm failing has

Time: 1115.039

no idea what it knows is the release of

Time: 1117.559

certain neurom

Time: 1118.84

modulators namely adrenaline and

Time: 1121.64

norepinephrine and a few others as well

Time: 1124.52

that are associated with the underlying

Time: 1126.36

agitation of like I'm failing at this

Time: 1128.679

I'm not able to remember that Spanish

Time: 1130.64

class because I didn't attend in high

Time: 1132.2

school and this is really difficult and

Time: 1134.48

that agitation the frustration is the

Time: 1136.919

stimulus but when we say frustration

Time: 1138.52

it's the neurochemicals that when they

Time: 1140.52

bathe the surrounding neurons those

Time: 1143

neurons go oh something needs to change

Time: 1145.64

for next time and lo and behold the

Time: 1148.84

stimulus for neuroplasticity has

Time: 1150.4

occurred but the actual rewiring of the

Time: 1152.84

neurons either the Improvement or the

Time: 1156.24

reduction in the strength of synapsis of

Time: 1158.12

connections between neurons and in rare

Time: 1160.32

instances the addition of new neurons

Time: 1162.039

for neuroplasticity occurs yes when we

Time: 1165.159

sleep in states of deep rest or

Time: 1168.919

non-sleep deep rest although there's

Time: 1170.76

less data to support that but the actual

Time: 1173.44

rewiring occurs away from the stimulus

Time: 1176.039

so there's really two important

Time: 1177.679

principles here one is that agitation

Time: 1179.799

and stress and the neurochemicals that

Time: 1182.52

underly agitation and stress that is the

Time: 1185.44

stimulus for Learning and goodness do I

Time: 1189

wish they had taught me that in school I

Time: 1191.32

mean they taught me all sorts of things

Time: 1192.76

in school but they didn't teach me that

Time: 1194.08

they didn't teach me the physiological

Time: 1195.6

side Lord knows I would have done better

Time: 1197.36

in life if I had those tools instead

Time: 1199.64

they told me look you know if you drive

Time: 1203.08

drunk you could die that was good

Time: 1204.76

information but they didn't tell us

Time: 1206.44

about all the other stuff so I wish they

Time: 1207.799

told us about the stimulus and rest

Time: 1209.679

thing and somehow they have permission

Time: 1211.679

to talk about the rest all right what's

Time: 1213.52

my take on

Time: 1214.76

hallucinations goodness gracious my take

Time: 1217.679


Time: 1218.84

hallucinations is um I've taken them um

Time: 1224.36

clearly um well here's the the real

Time: 1227.799

story on Hallin first of all um I'm I'm

Time: 1230.679

very open about most everything I've

Time: 1232.88

done you know um trying to keep context

Time: 1235.2

appropriate but um I I had the

Time: 1238.039

unfortunate experience of taking LSD and

Time: 1240.72

Sil sibin when I was all too young and

Time: 1243.12

those were bad experiences some of them

Time: 1245.32

were bad in the moment some of them were

Time: 1247

bad after the moment it is something I

Time: 1249.159

do not recommend and I'm not saying that

Time: 1251.12

to be politically correct I'm not saying

Time: 1252.919

that because it's true the reality is

Time: 1255.12

that being a child an adolescent or a

Time: 1256.96

teenager is a psychedelic

Time: 1260

experience and your brain is still

Time: 1262.44

wiring up in all sorts of interesting

Time: 1265.4

ways and everything seems chaotic and

Time: 1268.52

even if you're one of those rare kids

Time: 1270.64

that seems to have everything roded up

Time: 1274.039

appropriately you don't want to throw

Time: 1276.48

massive amounts of neuromodulators in

Time: 1278.72

there haphazardly and start tampering

Time: 1281.48

with the wiring that's my deep belief

Time: 1284.2

okay you that's my deep

Time: 1286.76

belief however

Time: 1289.08

it does appear that at least for adults

Time: 1292.279

who are not suffering from particular

Time: 1295.76

psychiatric challenges namely forms of

Time: 1298.32

psychosis right this is real I mean one

Time: 1300.4

in 100 people experiences schizophrenic

Time: 1302.679

symptoms Etc it's a very high number if

Time: 1305.36

you think about it um certain forms of

Time: 1307.279

bipolar depression that the clinical

Time: 1310.48

trials on psychedelics and here I'm

Time: 1312.72

assuming when you say hallucinogens

Time: 1314.039

you're referring to psychedelics are

Time: 1316.559

very very compelling the psychiatric

Time: 1319.2

Community is now being forced to look at

Time: 1321.6

these data because the data are very

Time: 1323.12

compelling what do we know about these

Time: 1324.72

data and yes I've participated in two

Time: 1327.88

such clinical trials one on high do

Time: 1330.24

psilocybin high dose meaning more than

Time: 1332.24

two grams taken twice by the way this is

Time: 1335.44

with the support of medically trained

Time: 1339.12

therapists and the use of psychedelics

Time: 1343.279

such as psilocybin mostly psilocybin not

Time: 1345.919

so much LSD do you know why most of the

Time: 1347.48

trials are on psilocybin and not LSD I

Time: 1349.72

do but I'm curious if you know it's not

Time: 1352.24

to what's that LSD is too long that's

Time: 1356.279

right that people need to go

Time: 1358.48

home people need to go home the

Time: 1360.679

technicians need to go and LSD is a long

Time: 1365.24

ride it's a long ride so the the thing

Time: 1368.88

about cybin is that the you know the

Time: 1371.44

sort of Journey the trip is you know

Time: 1373.36

somewhere on the order of anywhere from

Time: 1375.279

you know 3 to 7 hours which can fit into

Time: 1378

a reason able work day for a technician

Time: 1380.44

clinician um and LSD can be many many

Time: 1383.4

hours longer the kind of um Mount

Time: 1386.4

Everest of psychedelics which is under

Time: 1389.159

investigation by a colleague of mine at

Time: 1390.76

Stanford School of Medicine Nolan

Time: 1392.12

Williams is ibigan iboga which is 22

Time: 1396.12

hours long it has cardiac effects this

Time: 1398.32

is not something to to get Cavalier with

Time: 1401.36

this is something only to be done in a

Time: 1402.84

clinical context with medical experts

Time: 1405.52

there and iboga is very interesting from

Time: 1408

what I'm told I have not participated in

Time: 1409.76

iboga trial iboga allows for or induces

Time: 1414.6

a state in which you do not hallucinate

Time: 1418.64

at all with eyes open but the moment you

Time: 1420.24

go eyes closed you get a

Time: 1422.919


Time: 1424.48

accurate picture of Prior events in your

Time: 1428.799

life but you have agency you have

Time: 1431.44

volition inside of those pictures and

Time: 1433.279

you're able to change your behavior and

Time: 1437.039

resculpt your Rel relationship to those

Time: 1439.48

experiences like wow and the state of

Time: 1441.52

Kentucky in California recently excuse

Time: 1444.039

me the state of Kentucky in the United

Time: 1445.96

States thank goodness Kentucky isn't

Time: 1447.84

inside of California that would be civil

Time: 1452.2

war the state of Kentucky recently took

Time: 1455.36

the $40 million settlement from the

Time: 1458.88

opioid thing right you've all heard

Time: 1462.12

about that the opioid crisis and applied

Time: 1464

that money to iboga trials so this stuff

Time: 1466.52

is happening this stuff is really

Time: 1468.72

happening now in the US in any event

Time: 1472.08

psilocybin these two

Time: 1474.24

sessions medically supported two

Time: 1476.52

sessions um has been shown to be pretty

Time: 1479.76

effective in the treatment of major

Time: 1482.559

depression not completely effective

Time: 1485.08

sometimes there's adverse outcomes but

Time: 1487.48

far more effective than the other

Time: 1490.32

pharmaceutical treatments that it's been

Time: 1492.279

compared to so that's interesting and

Time: 1494.44

psilocybin is serotonin if you look at

Time: 1497.32

the structure of psilocybin and it looks

Time: 1499

like serotonin so we're talking about is

Time: 1501.12

a massive dose of

Time: 1502.64

Serotonin and psilocybin appears to bind

Time: 1506.08

near selectively to a particular

Time: 1507.6

serotonin receptor and the outcome seems

Time: 1509.48

to be enhanced or more more broad

Time: 1513.559

connectivity between brain areas that

Time: 1515.84

normally are not communicating with one

Time: 1517.84

another probably not the growth of new

Time: 1520.32

connections but the let's say the

Time: 1523.44

unveiling of the ability for certain

Time: 1527.159

brain areas to communicate with with one

Time: 1528.64

another whereas they couldn't prior

Time: 1530.52

different ways of thinking about the

Time: 1532.919

same problems which is logically sound

Time: 1536.88

if you think about ways to deal with

Time: 1538.12

depression depression is characterized

Time: 1540.48

by a number of things of course but one

Time: 1541.64

of the Hallmark features of depression

Time: 1543.12

in addition to sleep challenges is a

Time: 1545.84

lack of positive anticipation of the

Time: 1547.72

future and it does seem that these macro

Time: 1551.76

do cocin trials are helpful for that

Time: 1554.08

turns out that the micro doing of

Time: 1556

psilocybin has not been shown to be

Time: 1557.96

Terri effective which is not to say it

Time: 1560.799

isn't but the trials don't support that

Time: 1563.48

although there aren't many Trials of

Time: 1564.76

that yet so it appears you know if you

Time: 1567.84

had to pick between micro and macro

Time: 1569.679

dosing go

Time: 1571.52

macro um but be careful um go be careful

Time: 1575.36

and and set in setting is important

Time: 1576.88

safety is important and certainly not

Time: 1578.44

for children and as long as and or

Time: 1581.399

adolescence or teenagers I really again

Time: 1583.559

want to want to reemphasize that the the

Time: 1586.6

other thing is as long as we're talking

Time: 1588.399

psychedelics and hallucinogens we should

Time: 1589.919

probably just touch on MDMA for a moment

Time: 1592.12

first of all MDMA ecstasy um has a

Time: 1595.159

number of challenges or potential

Time: 1597.559

problems that need to be highlighted

Time: 1598.919

first of all um contaminants you know we

Time: 1601.44

have a fentanyl crisis in the US so

Time: 1603.679

contaminants so Purity is essential

Time: 1606.12

second of all it is methylene dioxy

Time: 1608.32


Time: 1610.2

and the methamphetamine part often gets

Time: 1612.72

people thinking like whoa it seems

Time: 1614.919

however that the inclusion of the

Time: 1617.24

methylene dioxy component increases

Time: 1620.08

serotonin dramatically and it is the

Time: 1622.159

increase in

Time: 1624

serotonin perhaps or at least it's now

Time: 1628.12

thought in addition to the increase in

Time: 1630.279

dopamine caused by the methampetamine

Time: 1632

component combined that provides some

Time: 1634.32

sort of neuroprotective effect the early

Time: 1637.24

reports that MDMA ecstasy is neurotoxic

Time: 1640.76

quote unquote puts holes in your

Time: 1643.919

brain was flawed by and indeed that

Time: 1647.12

paper was retracted the researchers did

Time: 1649.76

that study in Earnest but then later

Time: 1651.96

discovered that when they reached for

Time: 1653.399

the MDMA on the Shelf they actually

Time: 1655.679

grabbed the

Time: 1657.559

methamphetamine but the news agencies

Time: 1659.799

didn't report that retraction now our

Time: 1663.6

best evidence that

Time: 1665.6

MDMA taken in the appropriate clinically

Time: 1668.08

supported context can act as an

Time: 1669.799

empathogen can help people develop

Time: 1671.76

empathy for themselves and help relieve

Time: 1675.12

trauma and indeed the clinical trials

Time: 1677.279

show that at the proper dosing and the

Time: 1678.88

proper frequency with the proper support

Time: 1680.76

there's up to 60% and as high as 67%

Time: 1684.44

remission of PTSD

Time: 1687.519

remarkable with support okay not just

Time: 1689.96

taking Molly and like dancing in the

Time: 1691.84

desert we're talking about we're talking

Time: 1694.48

about in the eye mask we're talking

Time: 1696.2

about going inward we're talking about

Time: 1697.48

relaying your experience we're talking

Time: 1698.88

about talking about the challenging

Time: 1700.279

experience or experiences with someone

Time: 1701.88

who's qualified to help you deal with

Time: 1703.44

all of that Etc and someone to drive you

Time: 1705.399

home because you feel like a puddle

Time: 1707.279

afterwards talking about all of that

Time: 1709.44

we're not talking about eye gazing with

Time: 1710.919

your partner telling them how much you

Time: 1712.799

love them you're talking about empathy

Time: 1714.32

for self love for self which is a

Time: 1715.919

concept that frankly I've often

Time: 1717.96

struggled with I thought you know people

Time: 1719.2

would say you got to love yourself I'm

Time: 1720.48

like what is that like what is that I

Time: 1723.12

love my Bulldog I love my friends I love

Time: 1725.12

cuttlefish but like what is that and I

Time: 1727.279

think through the use of MDMA you can

Time: 1730.12

there seems to be this ability to

Time: 1732.2

develop imp pathogenic states to

Time: 1733.76

yourself but of course the reason for

Time: 1735.799

the clinical trials insisting that

Time: 1737.2

people stay in the IM askk and

Time: 1738.519

communicate their experience maybe

Time: 1739.84

popping out of it every once in a while

Time: 1741.2

and talking with somebody in a trusted

Time: 1743.44

sort a trusted person in a way that can

Time: 1745.519

be helpful towards dealing with the

Time: 1746.799

trauma is that the problem with having

Time: 1749.519

that much serotonin and that much

Time: 1751.12

dopamine in your system is that you can

Time: 1754.24

become empathic toward anything so we've

Time: 1757.44

all known people that take MDMA listen

Time: 1760

to a particular soundtrack and they're

Time: 1761.399

like I'm going to become a musician I

Time: 1763.88

love music and again I'm not

Time: 1765.799

recommending anyone do MDMA but

Time: 1768.679

in recent years I've really changed my

Time: 1770.36

stance on psychedelics 5 years ago 10

Time: 1772.64

years ago I never would have had this

Time: 1774.279

discussion certainly not with a

Time: 1775.88

microphone in front of my face anything

Time: 1777.88

being recorded would have worried about

Time: 1780.679

losing my job at Stanford or elsewhere

Time: 1784.32

but we now have many Laboratories at

Time: 1786.76

Stanford and elsewhere that are doing

Time: 1788.799

work that is federally funded on these

Time: 1791.44

compounds and if you think about these

Time: 1792.88

compounds while they have been used

Time: 1794.72

recreationally are simply ways to adjust

Time: 1798.039

levels of neuromodulators in the brain

Time: 1799.6

serotonin dopamine Etc that's really all

Time: 1802.159

they are although they do it very

Time: 1803.679

potently and therefore caution needs to

Time: 1806.159


Time: 1806.919

applied and as long as we're on that

Time: 1809.2

topic I should mention that ketamine

Time: 1811.48

everyone's excited about ketamine when I

Time: 1814.039

was growing up I was taught that there's

Time: 1817.12

a compound that's really dangerous it's

Time: 1819.72

called PCP ven cycline they are the same

Time: 1824.08

compound they don't tell you this

Time: 1825.88

ketamine and PCP same thing and I

Time: 1828.039

learned about PCP as the compound that

Time: 1829.84

was going to make criminals like punch

Time: 1831.44

light poles and beat up 12 cops and yeah

Time: 1834.039

I watched too much chips when I was

Time: 1835.559

growing up for those of you old old

Time: 1837.039

enough to remember is like Ponch and

Time: 1838.159

John they the motorcycles with the

Time: 1839.72

shorts my sister watched it too but for

Time: 1841.159

completely different reasons so PCP was

Time: 1844.279

like this demonized drug but ketamine

Time: 1848.44

and all this stuff about ketamine is now

Time: 1851.159

legal in the US I don't know its status

Time: 1852.919

here in Sydney so I'll see if I get

Time: 1854.2

arrested on the way out but you know

Time: 1857.08

ketamine is potentially addictive people

Time: 1859.639

talk about the khole ETC weird name by

Time: 1862.159

the way um the whole business with

Time: 1865.039

ketamine is again it's a potent MDMA n

Time: 1868.2

methylaspartate blocker which blocks

Time: 1871.84

neuroplasticity in the short term

Time: 1873.76

expands it in the long term so the way

Time: 1875.679

to think about these compounds these

Time: 1877.2

drugs is by way of their mechanism and

Time: 1879.72

so it should be no surprise that they're

Time: 1881.159

able to induce neuroplasticity but the

Time: 1884.399

goal is not plasticity this is very very

Time: 1887.2

important the goal goal is not

Time: 1888.48

plasticity the goal is plasticity

Time: 1890.84

directed toward a particular positive

Time: 1893.32

outcome anytime you have plasticity you

Time: 1895.72

have the potential for maladaptive

Time: 1898.2

plasticity as well and so that's an

Time: 1900.72

additional cautionary note as I often

Time: 1902.6

say on the podcast I don't say that just

Time: 1904.12

to protect me although I am a little bit

Time: 1905.639

worried now about what I just said over

Time: 1907

the last five minutes I'm say that to

Time: 1909.519

protect you next question before I get

Time: 1911.399

myself in trouble what about

Time: 1914.639

what DMT

Time: 1917.96

yeah dimethyl trip to me the yeah it

Time: 1920.559

leads to less uh to um lower threshold

Time: 1924.08

for impulsivity like screaming out what

Time: 1926.039


Time: 1927.639

DMT just kidding I don't sorry um so I'm

Time: 1934

just joking I'm just joking you seem

Time: 1936.12

like you could take it so I got yeah so

Time: 1938.799

um so I've never done DMT but I've heard

Time: 1942.12

it's a highspeed freight train into your

Time: 1945.039

Consciousness behind the circuit board

Time: 1947.12

and Back Again

Time: 1948.679

um so there are a few great studies on

Time: 1952.48

DMT in iasa just as long as we're

Time: 1954.6

expanding into the the full trip down to

Time: 1956.6

the Jungle um and the the data are

Time: 1960.84

interesting it's it's harder to

Time: 1963.799

know what's going on in these very short

Time: 1968.159

trip massive neuromodulator release um

Time: 1972.36

uh type drug scenarios um Robin Card

Time: 1976.96

Harris at the University of California

Time: 1978.279

San Francisco is somebody who's looking

Time: 1980.159

at DMT um more extensively and and I I

Time: 1984.12

don't want to avoid giving you an answer

Time: 1986.039

but I I do want to avoid giving you a

Time: 1987.919

wrong answer that's not informed one

Time: 1989.679

thing I'll say and this is just rarely

Time: 1992.12

do I plug anything related to the

Time: 1993.44

podcast but we we are actually providing

Time: 1995.639

some support to Robin and others

Time: 1997.519

laboratory for the study of things like

Time: 1998.96

DMT one of the things that we do at the

Time: 2000.88

podcast and this is not a request for

Time: 2002.399

anything we do take a significant

Time: 2004.24

portion of the proceeds from our premium

Time: 2005.88

channel and we fund studies of exciting

Time: 2009.039

things like DMT we're supporting Robin's

Time: 2011.44

lab this coming year I've pulled

Time: 2013.279

together some other donors to provide

Time: 2015.36

support for all human studies no animal

Time: 2017.279

studies and the goal is really to fill

Time: 2019.48

in important blanks like the study of

Time: 2021.399

DMT um as well as other things we're

Time: 2024.12

we're currently funding the um Eating

Time: 2026.279

Disorders laboratory at the at Columbia

Time: 2028.2

University Eating Disorders by the way

Time: 2030.32

um anorexia nervosa in particular the

Time: 2032.44

most deadly of all psychiatric disorders

Time: 2034.84

a really um tragic challenge there um so

Time: 2038.32

I just mentioned that getting funding

Time: 2040.72

for science on really um kind of Next

Time: 2046.039

Level stuff is hard for reasons that are

Time: 2048.56

would take up the whole night so that's

Time: 2050.32

one thing that I'm really trying to do

Time: 2051.52

in the next few years and again this is

Time: 2052.839

not a request but to you know pull

Time: 2054.72

together donors and get them to give

Time: 2057.56

money to Laboratories to do the kind of

Time: 2059.24

stuff that's going to feed back to the

Time: 2060.52

general public very quickly because I

Time: 2062.56

think we're all getting a little tired

Time: 2063.8

of the like okay Mouse study which are

Time: 2065.76

great you know but in 10 years this

Time: 2067.32

might lead to a blank for Alzheimer's or

Time: 2069.72

blank for autism I think we're all

Time: 2071.159

getting a little tired of that narrative

Time: 2072.96

so we're trying to accelerate the

Time: 2074.32

process okay the yeah thank you the um

Time: 2078.359

and it's not a sole effort it's just I

Time: 2080.44

do happen to know a lot about the way

Time: 2081.839

that funding me mechanisms can get a

Time: 2084.359

little bit clogged and so just trying to

Time: 2086.04

you know clear some of those clogs um

Time: 2088.399

the brain and gut axis is this a thing

Time: 2090.32

it is most definitely a thing so I think

Time: 2093.8

one of the more exciting areas is the

Time: 2095.48

so-called gut brain axis we all now here

Time: 2098.2

about the gut microbiome I must say down

Time: 2100.72

here y'all are really evolved in this

Time: 2103.72

Dimension the other day I noticed

Time: 2105.4

probably from jet lag and travel and I

Time: 2108.04

don't know maybe I swam in some stuff

Time: 2109.92

that had too much chlorine or something

Time: 2111.04

I was getting like some little like skin

Time: 2112.68

thing on my face I was like all right

Time: 2114.16

I'll go go get some triple antibiotic

Time: 2115.839

ointment like I do back home clean it up

Time: 2118.359

because I forgot mine so I go to the

Time: 2121.52

pharmacy here what you call the chemist

Time: 2123.92

I go to the pharmacy

Time: 2126.4

and and

Time: 2128.56

the guy behind the counter says well you

Time: 2131.56

don't first of all you can't get triple

Time: 2133.16

antibiotic ointment here you need a

Time: 2134.8

prescription like all right well this is

Time: 2136.8

going to get tricky now I got to forge a

Time: 2138.2

prescription and and I'm just kidding

Time: 2141.16

don't do that don't do that um and he

Time: 2144.56

says but you know have you considered

Time: 2146.839

whether or not maybe your skin

Time: 2148.56

microbiome is struggling because of the

Time: 2150.72

lack of sleep the jetl and maybe you

Time: 2152.28

were exposed to some chlorine or

Time: 2153.56

something I thought you know that's a

Time: 2155.319

logical way to think about it cuz cuz we

Time: 2157.88

just did an episode on oral health where

Time: 2159.68

I'm telling everybody hey like avoid

Time: 2161.2

these like high alcohol astringent

Time: 2163.56

mouthwashes that kill your oral

Time: 2164.96

microbiome because all the dentists and

Time: 2166.319

periodontists are telling me yeah

Time: 2167.56

they'll make your breath fresh but

Time: 2168.839

actually it's Wrecking your gut

Time: 2170.76

microbiome and it's bad for so I take

Time: 2172.8

the probiotic you guys have amazing

Time: 2174.56

probiotics here and in a day boom it's

Time: 2176.64

done now I didn't do a control clinical

Time: 2179

trial I don't know whether or not that

Time: 2180.68

was really what did it but it's an

Time: 2182.599

interesting idea this I we know for

Time: 2184.88

instance that we have a distinct

Time: 2186.599

microbiome niches different bacteria

Time: 2188.96

that live in our nasal passages on the

Time: 2191.24

surface of our eyes on the surface of

Time: 2192.88

our skin in the urethra in essentially

Time: 2196.4

every orifice mucus membrane but

Time: 2198.28

everywhere in and around our body and

Time: 2200.64

that these little

Time: 2202.04

microbiota are provided they are

Time: 2205.359

supported they do many things but among

Time: 2207.92

them the gut microbiome which of course

Time: 2210.16

start in the mouth as the oral health

Time: 2212.76

episode um describes with a lot of

Time: 2215.72

protocols as well the the gut

Time: 2218.72

microbiome when it's well supported

Time: 2221.359

creates certain fatty acids that are the

Time: 2224

precursors or catalysts for the

Time: 2225.839

production of certain neurotransmitters

Time: 2228

in the brain and it is now oh so clear

Time: 2231.76

that enhancing the diversity of Flora of

Time: 2236.319

microbiota in the gut and

Time: 2239.92

mouth is great for the nervous system so

Time: 2245.72

much so that some of the studies on on

Time: 2248.28

relief from certain neuros psychiatric

Time: 2250.319

conditions are being achieved through

Time: 2252.079

and I know it's not pleasant but

Time: 2254.24

microbiota transfer between individuals

Time: 2256.319

socalled fecal transplants which always

Time: 2258.68

makes me a little bit uncomfortable to

Time: 2261.16

think about never had one but you know

Time: 2263.599

it's pretty interesting you know despite

Time: 2265.8

the discomfort of thinking about that

Time: 2267.56

process at least for me the the whole

Time: 2270.68

business of taking the gut microbiota

Time: 2272.839

from one individual that's not suffering

Time: 2274.56

from something and putting it into

Time: 2275.88

another individual and seeing Rel from

Time: 2277.88

certain symptoms of given conditions is

Time: 2280.48

really compelling so I think that we

Time: 2284.92

should all be thinking about ways to

Time: 2286.24

support our gut brain AIS it's very

Time: 2288.599

clear that the best lowcost no

Time: 2291.24

supplement way to do that is going to be

Time: 2294.28


Time: 2295.16

consume one to four servings of some

Time: 2297.72

fermented food no beer doesn't count low

Time: 2299.92

sugar fermented foods I suppose beer

Time: 2302.04

does count but it comes with some other

Time: 2303.44

issues um such as you know kimch or

Time: 2308

Sauer krauts or kefir or you know every

Time: 2310.359

culture seems to have its own uh

Time: 2312.839

probiotic Prebiotic foods and that's

Time: 2315.48

going to be the best way and it's clear

Time: 2318.2

that it has immense benefit and then

Time: 2319.72

when you don't have access to those

Time: 2320.96

Foods doing things like taking a pill

Time: 2324.079

probiotic now and again is probably not

Time: 2326.079

a bad idea if you're traveling or you're

Time: 2327.72

sleep deprived the the the challenge

Time: 2330.64

with that sort of thing is

Time: 2332.88

that it's a generalized effect of

Time: 2335.48

supporting multiple systems in the brain

Time: 2337.119

and body body so it's going to be a long

Time: 2339.4

time maybe never before you see a really

Time: 2344.44

nice clean study that says that okay

Time: 2346.48

increasing the amount of lactobacillus

Time: 2348.2

in the gut by taking you know X number

Time: 2350.28

of milligrams of lactobacillus improves

Time: 2352.24

your cognition you're not going to find

Time: 2354.079

that study why because in science it's

Time: 2357.52

important and in health to distinguish

Time: 2359.319

between moderating effects and mediating

Time: 2361.52

effects lots of things can moderate a

Time: 2364.64

given feature of your brain or health so

Time: 2367.4

for instance if uh you know God forbid a

Time: 2369.28

fire alarm went off tonight it would

Time: 2371.04

moderate our tension or excuse me

Time: 2373.359

modulate modulate Kies in California now

Time: 2376.359

I'm saying moderate

Time: 2378.599

modulate your attention but it doesn't

Time: 2380.88

mediate attention on a normal basis you

Time: 2382.76

know the fire alarm isn't involved in

Time: 2384.28

your attention whereas certain other

Time: 2386.52

things mediate those mechanisms of

Time: 2389.16

attention so when you improve sleep

Time: 2392.119

you're going to see positive effects on

Time: 2393.599

any number of things when you sleep

Time: 2395.319

deprive people you're going to see

Time: 2396.88

deficit in any number of things these

Time: 2398.599

are not Direct effects these are

Time: 2399.92

indirect effects likewise with the

Time: 2401.359

microbiome so I think gut microbiome

Time: 2403.48

sits in the various what I call pillars

Time: 2405.8

of mental health physical health and

Time: 2407.079

performance these are the things that we

Time: 2408.24

should try and tend to on a regular

Time: 2409.64

basis to give buoyancy to our mental

Time: 2412.8

health physical health and performance

Time: 2414.359

but I wouldn't get too caught up in

Time: 2416.56

wondering which exact microbiota are

Time: 2419.8

important I think diversity of the

Time: 2421.359

microbiome is key if you're taking

Time: 2423.04

antibiotics you want to do something to

Time: 2424.56

counter that through pill probiotics Etc

Time: 2427.2

and and certainly antibiotics aren't bad

Time: 2429.24

but the overuse of antibiotics um

Time: 2431.48

certainly can be and um good on you for

Time: 2434.16

having uh chemists that know better than

Time: 2437.24

to just hand me a bottle of triple

Time: 2439.839

antibiotic ointment quality of sleep

Time: 2442.24

going to bed early compared to sleeping

Time: 2443.76

late but still for eight hours depends

Time: 2446.04

depends on whether or not your

Time: 2448.68

chronotype which for a long time I did

Time: 2450.76

not think was real but based on newer

Time: 2452.319

data it's absolutely clear our real

Time: 2454.24

whether or not you feel best going to

Time: 2456

bed early waking up early

Time: 2457.92

we're going to bed at a more typical

Time: 2459.4

time of 10: p.m. to say wake up or 11:00

Time: 2462.599

p.m. and waking up at 7:00 a.m. I see

Time: 2464.72

that you know for any folks leaving they

Time: 2466.56

like early to bed right I get it I'm not

Time: 2468.68

offended it's fine the um I get it it

Time: 2471.8

would not be the first time that people

Time: 2473.839

uh I always say if nothing else the

Time: 2475.48

podcast will cure insomnia because the

Time: 2477.52

episodes are very very long um you know

Time: 2479.92

for some people they just feel

Time: 2481.64

spectacularly better going to sleep

Time: 2483.64

early and waking up early spectacularly

Time: 2487.359

better I'm one such person other people

Time: 2489.52

feel much better staying up late waking

Time: 2491.319

up late the total duration of sleep is

Time: 2494.16

important the regularity of sleep it

Time: 2496.48

turns out is becoming a very important

Time: 2499.48

variable or it has always been an

Time: 2500.76

important variable but the data are

Time: 2502

pointing to the fact that if you are

Time: 2504.76

somebody who feels best going to sleep

Time: 2506.48

around 11:00 p.m. and waking up at 7:00

Time: 2509.28

a.m. trying to keep that to bedtime

Time: 2511.4

within plus or minus 1 hour anytime you

Time: 2515.119

can except on a time and on night when

Time: 2517.4

there's a lecture at the ICC theater is

Time: 2519.359

a good idea but in general five nights

Time: 2522.24

out of the week you want to go to sleep

Time: 2523.76

within plus or minus an hour of the same

Time: 2525.48

bedtime that's kind of the general goal

Time: 2527.92

and in the Sleep series with Matt Walker

Time: 2529.72

he talks about the quality quantity

Time: 2532.16

regularity and timing qqr T quantity

Time: 2536.04

quality regularity and timing of your

Time: 2538.04

sleep being the four key features of

Time: 2539.96

your sleep to try and dial in but of

Time: 2542

course life isn't about optimizing

Time: 2544.24

everything it's good to get out and

Time: 2545.64

party every once in a while stay up all

Time: 2547.359

watch the sunrise and just live life

Time: 2549.72

also so I think sometimes people get the

Time: 2551.68

impression because I wear the same shirt

Time: 2553.319

all the time that I do everything in a

Time: 2555.559

hyper regimented way but actually it's

Time: 2557.599

quite the opposite I try and do things

Time: 2560.24

regularly and as consistently as

Time: 2562.359

possible so that deviations from those

Time: 2565

protocols don't impact me negatively

Time: 2567.2

much at all that's the idea I have ADHD

Time: 2570.8

and I'm struggling to focus what would

Time: 2572

be the best way to go about regaining my

Time: 2573.559

focus Nick okay so I think that nowadays

Time: 2576.48

many many people people struggle with um

Time: 2579.8

issues with Focus I think we have our

Time: 2582.96

dos and our do Nots and I'm obviously

Time: 2585.52

not a psychiatrist and I can't diagnose

Time: 2587.839

you Nick from a question on a on a slide

Time: 2590.44

but there I just want to start off by

Time: 2591.8

saying that there are indeed people who

Time: 2593.64

truly struggle with Focus to the extent

Time: 2597.64

that they have clinically diagnosable

Time: 2599.119

ADHD and I've did two episodes on ADHD

Time: 2602.079

and focus one that was mainly focused on

Time: 2604.2

behavioral tools and nutrition

Time: 2608.04

and to some extent supplementation and

Time: 2610.48

when I put out that episode about half

Time: 2612.079

of the comments out there were how could

Time: 2614.559

you you don't respect modern science you

Time: 2618.48

have no um Integrity how could you

Time: 2621.72

suggest that people use these tools it's

Time: 2624.28

all about prescription drugs and the

Time: 2625.88

other half were like yes finally some

Time: 2627.96

tools and some acknowledgement that

Time: 2629.359

these things actually matter and can

Time: 2631.079

help maybe even in conjunction with

Time: 2633.24

pharmaceutical AIDS and then we did a

Time: 2636.04

second episode which is about the

Time: 2637.4

prescription drugs and it was the exact

Time: 2639.24

reverse people writing to me in droves

Time: 2642.76

saying thank you so much I've been

Time: 2644.64

prescribing these drugs or I've been

Time: 2646.559

giving these prescription drugs to my

Time: 2648.04

child rather it's really been helping

Time: 2649.559

but I'm embarrassed to tell everybody

Time: 2651.599

because then people demonize me and tell

Time: 2653.76

me I'm poisoning my kid that they're on

Time: 2655.52

meth and then the other half saying how

Time: 2658.04

could you the pharmaceutical industry

Time: 2659.52

big Pharma is out to get us all I must

Time: 2661.88

say that um and I'm happy to be in this

Time: 2663.72

role um or not happy but I'm willing to

Time: 2666

be in the role of try and cover it all

Time: 2668

and give people options I don't tell

Time: 2669.48

people what to do I don't prescribe

Time: 2671.559

anything I profess many many things and

Time: 2674.359

you should do is you decide is best for

Time: 2676.96

you but just know what you're doing and

Time: 2678.319

here's the deal that drugs like adderal

Time: 2680.8

viant Etc are indeed amphetamines that's

Time: 2684.24

true um in the young brain they can help

Time: 2687.52

enhance some of the neurom modulators

Time: 2689.599

that allow

Time: 2691.079

for elevated activity in areas like the

Time: 2693.559

prefrontal cortex and elsewhere that

Time: 2694.96

allow for more focused attention and

Time: 2696.4

less impuls ity because the main

Time: 2697.92

function of the prefrontal cortex as you

Time: 2699.48

may all recall is to

Time: 2701.68

say to the particular areas of the brain

Time: 2704.16

that want to move or cause us to move or

Time: 2706.44

cause us to blurt things out like DMT or

Time: 2708.52

whatever it is and sorry I didn't mean

Time: 2711.359

to pick on you I we'll do DMT together

Time: 2713.72

we'll do some MDMA also and then we'll

Time: 2715.319

like be we like we heart heart medicine

Time: 2718.88


Time: 2720.92

so the reality is that there are

Time: 2724.88

neurochemical tools that can help help

Time: 2727.24

with ADHD but there are also behavioral

Time: 2730.079

tools and in countries outside of the US

Time: 2733.52

namely in China there are extensive

Time: 2737.28

efforts to train young people to focus

Time: 2741.079

for longer periods of time and believe

Time: 2742.599

it or not they're not doing that through

Time: 2743.96

any D at least in these experiments

Time: 2746.119

through any Draconian approach they

Time: 2748

actually have them do what they have

Time: 2749.8

them focus on visual targets the longer

Time: 2751.92

you focus on a visual Target we know the

Time: 2754.24

longer you bring about the activation of

Time: 2756.119

certain neural circuit in the brain that

Time: 2758.28

allow for better focus and while not

Time: 2760.72

everything is about Vision it is

Time: 2762.52

certainly the case based on those

Time: 2764.04

studies and the data I've looked at them

Time: 2766.16

quite extensively that even a short

Time: 2768.599

period of time of learning to entrain

Time: 2770.24

one's focus on a fixation points this

Time: 2772.04

would be the Virgin side movement this

Time: 2773.44

is the Cuttlefish ready to eat or mate

Time: 2775.16

not the Cuttlefish swimming around

Time: 2776.44

looking for potential predators in

Time: 2778.839

panoramic mode doing that for a short

Time: 2780.8

period of time of even a minute or 3

Time: 2783.079

minutes can allow one to bring online

Time: 2785.92

the neural circuits

Time: 2787.48

that allow for enhanced focus in the

Time: 2789.319

subsequent 10 to 20 minutes which is a

Time: 2791.2

pretty reasonable bout of work if you

Time: 2793.119

think about it and here's another

Time: 2795.079

important Point none of us none of us

Time: 2797.4

ADHD sufferers or otherwise should

Time: 2800.359

expect ourselves to be in perfect

Time: 2802.079

trenches deep trenches of focus all the

Time: 2804.92

time that's an unreasonable request for

Time: 2807.48

your nervous system you can build up a

Time: 2809.8

capacity to focus and of course we can

Time: 2812.72

all Focus best on things that we really

Time: 2814.44

enjoy in fact children and adults with

Time: 2816.24

ADHD are known to have tremendous

Time: 2818.48

focusing capacity if they're focusing on

Time: 2820.28

something they really enjoy this has

Time: 2822.28

been shown over and over again which

Time: 2823.68

means that the capacity to focus is

Time: 2825.28

there it's just that the threshold to

Time: 2826.68

focus is higher which means that it's

Time: 2828.48

harder to access and these visual

Time: 2830.92

fixation they're not even experiments

Time: 2832.92

you can literally just place a visual

Time: 2834.4

Target on the wall you know one to three

Time: 2836.599

feet away force yourself to stare at

Time: 2839.119

that visual Focus point and then move

Time: 2840.92

into your work and you'll notice that

Time: 2842.599

your mind will flit away from whatever

Time: 2845.119

it is you're trying to focus on but with

Time: 2847.119

some training you can build up an

Time: 2848.44

enhanced capacity to focus it does

Time: 2850.04

require you flip your phone over you

Time: 2851.68

turn it off you leave it in the other

Time: 2852.96

room you remove distractions some people

Time: 2855.24

even find children will find if they

Time: 2856.559

wear a brimmed hat and a hoodie which

Time: 2858.599

basically took me through most of high

Time: 2860.319

school for other reasons if you do that

Time: 2863.92

you can create a more narrow tunnel of

Time: 2866.079

vision this is the reason they put

Time: 2867.44

blinders on horses so it sounds somewhat

Time: 2871.44

um medieval it some sounds somewhat

Time: 2874

primitive or crude but once again again

Time: 2877

what we're really talking about is

Time: 2879.599

removing the expectation that focus is

Time: 2882.599

like a square wave function where you

Time: 2884.2

know you you sit down you open your book

Time: 2885.92

and boom you're focused I mean you

Time: 2887.599

wouldn't expect that of physical

Time: 2889.76

performance would you there's a warm-up

Time: 2891.24

there's some Dynamic stretching there's

Time: 2893.16

perhaps some just getting your mind in

Time: 2895.04

the groove you know this sort of thing

Time: 2897.44

neural circuits are not

Time: 2899.4

onof it's not a square wave function

Time: 2902.44

takes some time to ease into a motive

Time: 2904.4

focus and so um my suggest question Nick

Time: 2907.52

is that you and others that struggle

Time: 2909.559

with Focus think about the do Nots the

Time: 2911.44

distractions that clearly are

Time: 2914

intervening in our ability to focus

Time: 2915.72

nowadays but also as you think about the

Time: 2917.64

things to explore which may include

Time: 2919.319

these pharmaceutical tools of course

Time: 2921.119

prescribed by a licensed physician but

Time: 2923.64

that you consider that perhaps the

Time: 2926.64

expectations that you're placing on

Time: 2928.079

yourself to focus are too immediate and

Time: 2931.319

that you should train these up more

Time: 2933.079

gradually over time which is not to say

Time: 2936

that you should settle on having limited

Time: 2938.52

Focus but that this is a skill that you

Time: 2940.96

can develop like any other skill that

Time: 2942.64

your nervous system is capable of

Time: 2943.96

plasticity throughout the lifespan we

Time: 2945.799

absolutely know that and given that uh

Time: 2950.319

I'm presuming I don't know why I'm

Time: 2952.079

presuming that you're a young person but

Time: 2953.839

even if you're not that you can increase

Time: 2956.96

your ability to access these narrow

Time: 2959.72

trenches of focus even for things that

Time: 2962.64

don't Delight you but I hope you are you

Time: 2964.96

are also doing some things that Delight

Time: 2966.96

you so I was told that's the final

Time: 2969.359

question I'm going to take that very

Time: 2971.48

seriously um and somewhat unfortunately

Time: 2975.079

for me because I could go all night um

Time: 2978.48

really enjoyed tonight thank you very

Time: 2980.28

much thank you thank you so much

Time: 2985.64

I just thank you thanks so

Time: 2991.68

much thank

Time: 2994.16

you truly thank you I really uh

Time: 2997.16

appreciate this opportunity to connect

Time: 2998.839

with you all thanks for coming out the

Time: 3000.68

fact that people come out to listen to a

Time: 3002.599

bunch of Science and uh and uh Health

Time: 3005.44

discussion is greatly appreciated you

Time: 3008.04

know all the tools all the protocols all

Time: 3009.799

the mechanisms all the information while

Time: 3012.119

some of it a very very small fraction of

Time: 3014.24

it was was developed or discovered in my

Time: 3016.44

laboratory virtually everything that I

Time: 3018.359

cover on the podcast I've talked about

Time: 3019.96

tonight are the great discoveries of

Time: 3021.599

other people who deserve the credit and

Time: 3023.72

I've tried to give credit where where um

Time: 3026.119

where credit is due the most important

Time: 3028.2

thing to me of course is that um as you

Time: 3031

each learn and try these different tools

Time: 3033.04

and protocols as you see fit for you

Time: 3035.48

that it would be wonderful if you'd pass

Time: 3036.839

them on to other people um please please

Time: 3039.599

please remove my name from that passage

Time: 3041.52

this is not about me or the podcast it's

Time: 3044.119

really about um the one uh thing we know

Time: 3047.24

to certainly be true about our species

Time: 3049.119

is that we can communicate information

Time: 3051

to one another handoff tools and that um

Time: 3054.68

in the case where these tools can help

Time: 3055.96

relieve suffering wonderful in the case

Time: 3057.96

where these tools can help improve

Time: 3059.319

mental health physical health and

Time: 3060.88

performance we uh we need to I believe

Time: 3063.559

and and should do that for one another

Time: 3065.44

and last but certainly not least thank

Time: 3068

you for your interest in science

Time: 3070.41


Time: 3072.48


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