Ketamine: Benefits and Risks for Depression, PTSD & Neuroplasticity | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford school of medicine today we are

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discussing ketamine ketamine is a

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fascinating compound and it's one that

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nowadays is being used both clinically

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for the treatment of depression and

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suicidality and PTSD and it is also a

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drug that is commonly abused that is

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ketamine is often used recreationally

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and it has a high potential for abuse so

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today we are going to discuss both the

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research on the clinical benefits of

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ketamine as well as the risks of

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ketamine we're going to discuss the

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mechanisms of action by which ketamine

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produces what are called dissociative

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States I will Define for you what a

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so-called k-hole is in scientific terms

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I will talk about dosages of ketamine

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I'll talk about delivery routes of

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ketamine and throughout I will be

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emphasizing both the clinical benefits

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and the risks that is the potential

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harms of using ketamine out of the

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appropriate clinical context so by the

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end of today's episode you will

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understand thoroughly what ketamine is

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how it works in the brain and body to

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produce dissociative States and to

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relieve depression and you will

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understand how it can actually change

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neural circuitry this is an important

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thing to understand about ketamine the

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acute or immediate effects of ketamine

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while one is under the influence of

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ketamine are just part of the story of

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how ketamine modifies the brain for the

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treatment of depression suicidality and

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PTSD and by extension when people use

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ketamine recreationally there are those

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immediate acute effects of ketamine but

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there are also long-term changes in the

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brain that are important to understand

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during today's discussion we will also

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be talking a lot about neuroplasticity

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or your nervous system's ability to

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change in response to experience and we

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will be talking about neuroplasticity

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not just in the context of ketamine but

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as a general theme for how your nervous

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system changes anytime you learn

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anything and in that discussion you're

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going to hear a lot about bdnf or brain

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derived nootrophic Factor brain derived

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nootrophic factor is a critical molecule

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for all forms of learning and memory and

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changes to your nervous system so in

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addition to learning about ketamine and

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how it works clinically and its

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relevance to recreational use and abuse

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you will also learn a lot about

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neuroplasticity and bdnf and what it's

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doing in your brain right now as you

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learn before we begin I'd like to

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emphasize that this podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at

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Stanford it is however part of my desire

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and effort to bring zero cost to

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Consumer information about science and

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science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is Roca Roca

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makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are

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of the absolute highest quality the

Time: 173.22

company was founded by two All-American

Time: 174.84

swimmers from Stanford and everything

Time: 176.58

about Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 178.56

were designed with performance in mind

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I've spent a lifetime working on the

Time: 182.34

biology of the visual system and I can

Time: 183.84

tell you that your visual system has to

Time: 185.58

contend with an enormous number of

Time: 187.019

different challenges in order for you to

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be able to see clearly when for instance

Time: 190.56

you go from a shady area to a sunny area

Time: 192.78

when you look at something up close or

Time: 194.64

off in the distance

Time: 196.019

Roca understands all of that and have

Time: 198.36

designed their eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 200.099

so that regardless of conditions you

Time: 201.959

always see with perfect clarity their

Time: 204.36

glasses are also extremely lightweight

Time: 206.099

and they won't slip off your face if you

Time: 208.56

get sweaty in fact initially Roca

Time: 210.239

eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed

Time: 212.099

for use in sports things like running

Time: 213.72

and cycling Etc and they still can be

Time: 215.34

used for that but really their

Time: 216.72

eyeglasses and sunglasses are designed

Time: 218.28

to be worn anytime I wear readers at

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night or when I drive at night and I'll

Time: 222.06

sometimes wear sunglasses in the middle

Time: 223.379

of the day although of course I do not

Time: 225.659

wear sunglasses when I do my morning

Time: 227.64

sunlight exposure which everyone should

Time: 229.26

be doing to set their circadian rhythm

Time: 230.94

if you'd like to try Roca eyeglasses or

Time: 233.099

sunglasses simply go to Roka that's

Time: 235.76 and enter the code huberman to

Time: 238.68

save 20 off your first order again

Time: 240.54

that's and enter the code

Time: 243.12

huberman at checkout today's episode is

Time: 245.7

also brought To Us by eight sleep eight

Time: 247.62

sleep makes Smart mattress covers with

Time: 249.599

cooling Heating and sleep tracking

Time: 251.22

capacity now I've spoken many times

Time: 253.379

before on this podcast and elsewhere

Time: 255.12

about the fact that sleep is the

Time: 257.04

foundation of mental health physical

Time: 258.299

health and performance when we're

Time: 260.04

sleeping well and enough all of those

Time: 262.079

things are improved and when we are not

Time: 263.58

sleeping well or enough all of those

Time: 265.86

things mental health physical health and

Time: 267.24

performance all get worse now a key

Time: 269.639

component to getting a great night's

Time: 270.9

sleep is that the temperature of your

Time: 272.82

sleeping environment has to be such that

Time: 275.1

your body temperature drops by one to

Time: 277.139

three degrees in order to fall and stay

Time: 279.12

deeply asleep and that your body

Time: 281.52

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Time: 283.139

three degrees in order to wake up

Time: 284.58

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Time: 286.5

mattress covers you can customize the

Time: 288.419

temperature of your sleeping environment

Time: 289.68

such that you always get the best

Time: 291.36

possible night's sleep I've been

Time: 293.16

sleeping on a night sleep mattress cover

Time: 294.54

for about two years now and I must say

Time: 296.699

it has vastly improved my sleep if you'd

Time: 299.1

like to try eight sleep you can go to

Time: 300.479 huberman and save 150 off

Time: 304.08

off their pod 3 cover they currently

Time: 306

ship in the USA Canada UK select

Time: 308.16

countries in the EU and Australia again

Time: 310.5

that's huberman okay

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let's talk about ketamine I realize that

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many people have heard of ketamine but

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most people don't realize that ketamine

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is very similar to another drug called

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PCP or phen cycladine which goes by the

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street names angel dust or Sherm it has

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some other street names as well when I

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was growing up I heard a lot about PCP

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they taught us about it in school you'd

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hear about it on you know cop shows on

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television and the lore was that PCP

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would eliminate people's perception of

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pain and would make them violent you

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know you'd hear these stories in drug

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education classes that when people are

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on PCP they're punching light poles and

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breaking their hands you know they can

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fight off eight or ten police officers

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who are trying to handcuff them I don't

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know whether or not any of that is true

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or not but we heard a lot about PCP and

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it was associated with drugs of abuse

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things like cocaine methamphetamine it

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was lumped into that category nowadays

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when we hear about ketamine rarely do

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people mention that ketamine and PCP

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actually have the same mode of action

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more or less okay I'm not talking about

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the specifics I'm talking broadly they

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have the same mode of action in the

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brain that both of them are dissociative

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anesthetics and nowadays usually when we

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hear about ketamine we are hearing about

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its benefits we are hearing that it can

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help cure depression we are hearing that

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it can help reduce or cure suicide

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reality that it can be used to treat

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PTSD and indeed all of that is true in

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the appropriate clinical context at the

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appropriate dosages and given that the

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appropriate frequency ketamine has

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proven to be a miraculous drug for some

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people not all people for the treatment

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of depression suicidality and PTSD

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that said ketamine also has a very high

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potential for abuse and so it may come

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as no surprise that we often hear about

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ketamine nowadays also in the context of

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its use at parties you hear about people

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going into so-called k-holes which is a

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particular State associated with

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overdoing the dosage of ketamine a

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little or a lot we'll get back to that a

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little bit later what it is how

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dangerous it is ETC

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in any case ketamine is an incredible

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drug very similar to PCP phencyclidine

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and it is a drug that nowadays there is

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crossover between the clinical uses of

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ketamine for treatment of depression Etc

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and it's recreational use what do I mean

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by that what I'm referring to is people

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accessing ketamine legally for the

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purpose of treating depression but

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taking that ketamine out of the clinic

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out of the doctor's office which is a

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very different set of conditions than

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most of the studies that have been done

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on ketamine and its role in depression

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and not surprisingly if there is

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increased access to a drug like ketamine

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really any drug that has a potential for

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abuse then we also see an increase in

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the number of people that are using that

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drug recreationally and some of them do

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indeed get addicted to ketamine so I

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know many of you are probably wondering

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can you get addicted to ketamine indeed

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people can get addicted to ketamine

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there are some people who like its

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effects enough that they find themselves

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compelled to use ketamine even though

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the use of ketamine is degrading their

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overall life performance so work school

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relationships finances Etc

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that said ketamine does have these

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established clinical uses so nowadays

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the landscape around ketamine is oh so

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different than it was 10 or 20 years ago

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when it was lumped very closely with PCP

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phencyclidine and really just looked at

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as a drug of abuse there were some early

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cases in the 1970s of the use of

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ketamine in order to treat PTSD this was

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mainly in soldiers in Vietnam or people

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coming back from Vietnam but really the

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clinical use of ketamine for the

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treatment of depression suicidality and

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PTSD has really just taken off in the

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last five to ten years and that's what's

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brought us to this new landscape of

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interest and understanding and use of

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ketamine in the clinical and

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recreational context so how is it that a

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drug that at one time was really just

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viewed as a street drug that was bad bad

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bad is now being prescribed widely and

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has all this interest surrounding it and

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really this has to do with our

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understanding of what depression is and

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what depression isn't so I'd like to

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just take one or two minutes and explain

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to you a little bit about the history of

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depression and its treatment what we

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observe starting about the middle of the

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last century so around 1950 but really

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taking off in the early 1980s and 90s is

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the so-called monoamine hypothesis of

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depression monoamines as the name

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suggests are synthesized from amino

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acids that's a good way to remember

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monoamines monoamines include things

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like serotonin dopamine and

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norepinephrine although there are other

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monoamines as well

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monoamines are neurotransmitters or more

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specifically they are neuromodulators

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meaning they change the activity of

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neural circuits in the brain and body

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they can ramp up levels of activity in

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lots of different brain areas where they

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can reduce the activity of neural

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circuits in lots of different brain

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areas as well as within the body right

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your gut has serotonin and needs

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serotonin dopamine also plays important

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roles in the body

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etc etc the monoamine hypothesis of

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depression is really centered around the

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idea that it is deficiencies in these

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monoamines either serotonin or dopamine

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or norepinephrine or some combination of

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those that gives rise to depression now

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in reality there is very little if any

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evidence that there is a deficiency of

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monoamines in any form of depression

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however it is very clear that drugs that

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increase certain monoamines so drugs

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like Prozac or Zoloft that increase

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serotonin or drugs like bupren which is

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often called Wellbutrin which is its

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commercial name which increases dopamine

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and norepinephrine can often provide

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relief for certain symptoms of

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depression in some people however what

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we've learned over the last 30 or 40

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years is that drugs that are designed to

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increase certain monoamines in order to

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treat depression only work in about 40

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percent of depressed people that take

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them and they have a lot of side effects

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now some people are lucky enough that

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they can use a low enough dose or

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perhaps even a high enough dose that

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gives them relief from their depressive

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symptoms but does not give them side

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effects that make it so uncomfortable

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for them to use that drug that they

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would choose rather to not take that

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drug however a lot of people that do get

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depression relief from things like

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Zoloft or Paxil or from buprone find

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that the side effects which include

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things like dry mouth although more

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commonly reductions or increases in

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appetite or vast reductions in libido or

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changes in their sleep patterns Etc that

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those side effects really make it

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impossible or at least very

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uncomfortable for them to take those

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drugs and of course there are the 60

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percent of depressed people who do not

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respond to those drugs at all now I want

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to be very clear things like ssris

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things like Wellbutrin have helped a

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tremendous number of people get relief

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from depressive symptoms and in many

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cases have warded off suicidality as

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well however there are also a great

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number of people who have experienced a

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lot of side effects and problems from

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these drugs hence the desire to find

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other compounds that can treat

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depression without creating similar side

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effect profiles and that ideally can

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provide relief not just for 40 percent

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but for all people suffering from

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depression so that's where ketamine

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enters the picture prior to the 1990s

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they were mainly studied in neuroscience

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and pharmacology Laboratories for their

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abuse properties and for their

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anesthetic properties so ketamine is a

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dissociative anesthetic it's actually

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used to induce certain forms of

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anesthesia for surgery it's not always

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used but it's often used this is

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something that if you've ever had a

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surgery you might want to ask your

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anesthesiologist about you know what

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sorts of drugs are you giving me to go

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under what sorts of drugs are you

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keeping me to stay under and maybe even

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what sorts of drugs are you giving me to

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bring me out of anesthesia because it

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turns out that when you go into

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anesthesia your anesthesiologist is

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rarely giving you just one drug

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typically they're giving you one drug to

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you know kill off a little bit of

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anxiety and maybe eliminate a little bit

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of pain sometimes and then they'll give

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you another drug to drop you into a

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deeper plane of anesthesia and then

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nowadays there are sophisticated ways to

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monitor your plane of anesthesia and

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their sophisticated ways to if necessary

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get you out of a deep plane of

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anesthesia if that plane of anesthesia

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is too deep when I talk about a plane of

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anesthesia I'm just talking about going

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from Full wakefulness to you know a

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reduction in anxiety to falling asleep

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to a sleep to the point where even if

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someone were to pinch your toe or your

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arm like a really intense pinch that you

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wouldn't wake up from that okay so

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ketamine has the property of being an

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anesthetic it kills the response to pain

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and at certain doses it can bring you

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into deep planes of anesthesia at lesser

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dosages it can take you into transition

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points between awake and deeply

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anesthetized and it's really that

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transition point between awake and

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deeply anesthetize which we are going to

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call the dissociative State it's kind of

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this liminal State a little bit like

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dreaming it can have some dreamlike

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qualities to it that's the state that

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has most often been sought after or

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employed for the treatment of depression

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suicidality and PTSD which brings up a

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really important point which is that

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when people use ketamine recreationally

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it's not clear exactly what plane of

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anesthesia or dissociation they are

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actually seeking and this is why we hear

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about some of the desired effects of

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ketamine that are driving people to use

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it recreationally and while we also hear

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about people having some unpleasant or

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even very unpleasant or dangerous

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experiences when using ketamine

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recreationally because we're talking

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about a drug that has a lot of different

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effects depending on the dosages and as

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we'll soon talk about individuals vary

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tremendously in their response to

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different dosages of ketamine and the

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delivery route for ketamine whether or

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not it's delivered orally in the form of

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a pill or put sublingually in what's

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called atroche that dissolves under the

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tongue or it's injected and then it's

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injected into the vein or

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intramuscularly Etc each of those can

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produce very different effects in terms

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of this speed of onset of the drug and

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the type of effects that it produces in

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the brain and body so what happened in

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the early 90s is that Laboratories that

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were studying animal models what we call

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pre-clinical models of things like

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depression and learning and memory and

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to some extent ketamine but mainly

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focusing on learning and memory and

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depression made an interesting Discovery

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there's a certain pre-clinical model of

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depression that's pretty common in

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Laboratories that involves taking a rat

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or a mouse and putting it into a small

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container like it looks like a beaker or

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a jar sometimes it's a tray and it has

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water in it and you might be surprised

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to learn perhaps not that if you put a

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rat or a mouse into water it will swim

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okay so it's treading water in order to

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keep its head above water and not drown

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I realize for some of you this might be

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a bit of an aversive topic to hear about

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animal research but this is one of the

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common preclinical models of depression

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which is put a rat or a mouse into water

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let it swim and see at what point it

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gives up because what happens is if you

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put a rat or Mouse into water it will

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attempt to save its own life by swimming

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but at some point it will just give up

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and it will just start sinking and then

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of course the researcher needs to rescue

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the router Mouse put it back into its

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home cage dry it off give it some food

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Etc this preclinical model is called the

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model of learn helplessness and it's

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become a prominent pre-clinical model of

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depression because of course we can't

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ask mice or rats if they are depressed

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or happy I suppose you can ask them but

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they're not going to answer in any kind

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of meaningful way so we can only look at

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their behavior in order to understand

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whether or not they have a sense of

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happiness or a sense of depression and

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of course that's very hard to gauge in

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an animal model of any kind you could

Time: 1015.32

make guesses based on other behaviors

Time: 1017.12

like are they grooming regularly are

Time: 1018.68

they eating regularly you know things

Time: 1020.18

that more or less parallel what we think

Time: 1022.1

of as health or lack of Health in a

Time: 1023.899

human who's happy or depressed but in

Time: 1026.78

the context of trying to understand

Time: 1027.74

depression in these pre-clinical animal

Time: 1029.54

models having a behavior that you can

Time: 1031.52

really quantify carefully across a lot

Time: 1034.339

of different animals and conditions is

Time: 1036.26

really beneficial so this thing of

Time: 1038.54

putting a rat or Mouse into water and

Time: 1040.699

seeing how long it takes before they

Time: 1042.14

give up to save their own life is called

Time: 1044.72

the model of learned helplessness and

Time: 1047.299

what it allowed researchers to do was to

Time: 1049.94

take routes and mice put them into water

Time: 1051.559

see how long it took before they gave up

Time: 1053.419

and then to give them different drugs to

Time: 1055.94

see whether or not any of those drugs

Time: 1057.38

either hastened sped up or prolonged the

Time: 1061.88

duration over which the animal would

Time: 1063.32

attempt to save its own life this

Time: 1065.12

actually has some meaningful parallels

Time: 1066.559

to human depression you know one of the

Time: 1068.78

Hallmarks of depression is that people

Time: 1071

stop thinking positively about their

Time: 1073.22

future depression of course can include

Time: 1075.14

a lot of other symptoms you know one of

Time: 1077

the most prominent symptoms of

Time: 1078.2

depression for instance is consistently

Time: 1080.66

waking up around 2 30 or 3 30 in the

Time: 1083.36

morning and not being able to fall back

Time: 1084.679

asleep again now keep in mind

Time: 1086.6

it is not the case that if you're waking

Time: 1089

up at 2 30 or 3 30 in the morning and

Time: 1091.28

you can't fall back asleep that you are

Time: 1093.02

absolutely depressed that's simply not

Time: 1095.24

the case

Time: 1096.26

but that pattern of lack of sleep plus

Time: 1100.34

some other things like lack of

Time: 1102.02

anticipation of a positive future

Time: 1103.52

inability to imagine the future in any

Time: 1105.559

kind of meaningful or positive way

Time: 1108.08

Etc are part of the key features of what

Time: 1111.5

we call a major depressive episode so

Time: 1113.96

this pre-clinical model of learned

Time: 1115.34

helplessness allowed researchers to test

Time: 1117.44

a lot of different drugs and establish

Time: 1119.539

which drugs at which dosages allowed

Time: 1122.78

animals to fight for their life longer

Time: 1125

when placed into water it's really that

Time: 1126.98

simple as a model but it revealed some

Time: 1129.62

very interesting things at least one of

Time: 1131.72

which is that when animals were injected

Time: 1133.28

with ketamine this dissociative

Time: 1135.14

anesthetic but they were injected with

Time: 1137.12

dosages of ketamine that were below what

Time: 1139.82

would induce full anesthesia these

Time: 1142.88

animals would swim for their life for a

Time: 1144.919

lot longer now to some extent that ought

Time: 1147.62

to be surprising and in fact was

Time: 1149.78

surprising to researchers because

Time: 1151.16

ketamine is what's called an nmda

Time: 1154.039

receptor blocker now when I say blocker

Time: 1157.039

I'm not getting into the details of what

Time: 1159.02

specific form of blocker it is but I do

Time: 1161.179

want to mention that a blocker is

Time: 1163.4

sometimes referred to as an antagonist

Time: 1165.559

whereas something that promotes the

Time: 1167.24

activity of a receptor is called an

Time: 1170.179

Agonist okay so if you can just remember

Time: 1172.28

that ketamine is an nmda receptor

Time: 1175.76

antagonist or blocker then you should be

Time: 1178.22

fine for the rest of today's

Time: 1179.059

conversation now I haven't told you what

Time: 1181.82

nmda is nmda stands for n-methyl-d

Time: 1185.12

aspartate and you do not need to

Time: 1186.679

remember that but the surprise for

Time: 1188.96

researchers was that this drug ketamine

Time: 1191.539

is allowing animals to fight for their

Time: 1194.6

life for longer so it has this sort of

Time: 1196.46

property of overcoming what we call

Time: 1198.799

learned helplessness or a sense of

Time: 1200.299

helplessness AKA antidepressant effects

Time: 1204.26

and we also know that it's an nmda

Time: 1207.74

receptor antagonist or blocker and

Time: 1210.44

that's perplexing because we also know

Time: 1213.5

that the nmda receptor is critical for

Time: 1216.919

changing neural circuitry in the brain

Time: 1219.559

it's critical for neuroplasticity so put

Time: 1222.5

differently here's a drug that blocks

Time: 1225.14

the receptor that's critical for

Time: 1226.46

neuroplasticity for changes in the brain

Time: 1228.32

and yet somehow it's allowing these

Time: 1230.78

animals to fight for their life longer

Time: 1233

it's somehow giving them more of a sense

Time: 1235.16

of hope at least that's the subjective

Time: 1237.5

interpretation of what one observes when

Time: 1239.78

a mouse or rat is swimming for much

Time: 1241.52

longer when it would otherwise just give

Time: 1243.14

up and sink to the bottom of the vessel

Time: 1245.059

now in general there are two kinds of

Time: 1246.799

scientists there are scientists that

Time: 1248.72

take a look at a set of findings like

Time: 1250.34

that and say oh here's a drug that's

Time: 1251.96

supposed to be terrible for us it's an

Time: 1253.58

anesthetic and it blocks nmda receptors

Time: 1256.22

and nmda receptors are good for

Time: 1258.2

neuroplasticity and somehow it's also

Time: 1261.26

allowing these animals to swim longer

Time: 1262.88

and I would say one category of

Time: 1264.98

scientists would just look at that and

Time: 1266.299

just say wow that is a big ball or

Time: 1269.66

tangle of confused facts like how does

Time: 1272.059

one even reconcile that right brain

Time: 1273.98

change ought to be good and perhaps even

Time: 1276.26

lie at the heart of our ability to

Time: 1278

recover from depression this is drug

Time: 1279.74

that blocks neuroplasticity but somehow

Time: 1282.14

is relieving depression I'm going to

Time: 1283.94

walk away from that I'm going to work on

Time: 1285.2

something far simpler and then there's

Time: 1286.82

this other category of scientists which

Time: 1288.62

thank goodness exists who looks at that

Time: 1290.72

apparent contradiction of okay there's a

Time: 1293

drug which blocks plasticity plasticity

Time: 1295.159

is thought to be important for getting

Time: 1296.96

over depression and yet the drug can

Time: 1298.88

provide some relief from depression at

Time: 1300.98

least in these preclinical animal models

Time: 1302.72

and they say hmm I like a good puzzle

Time: 1305.6

right the more complex the puzzle the

Time: 1307.28

more interesting and they start digging

Time: 1309.38

in with pre-clinical studies and they

Time: 1311.179

start talking to clinicians who are

Time: 1313.039

treating patients for depression and

Time: 1315.32

like I said thank goodness these sorts

Time: 1317.299

of scientists exist and thank goodness

Time: 1318.919

they did that because it turned out that

Time: 1322.64

when clinicians tried ketamine in

Time: 1325.4

depressed patients as a means to relieve

Time: 1327.98

depression it had remarkable effects so

Time: 1330.98

it was about the year 2000 when the

Time: 1334.46

first sets of papers about the clinical

Time: 1336.62

use of ketamine for the treatment of

Time: 1338.179

Depression started to emerge now we have

Time: 1340.4

to remember the context in which all of

Time: 1342.08

this was happening you know in 2000

Time: 1344.179

drugs like Prozac and some of similar

Time: 1346.52

ssris selective serotonin reuptake

Time: 1348.919

Inhibitors things like Wellbutrin were

Time: 1351.5

really hitting the market in full force

Time: 1353.36

and as we talked about earlier some

Time: 1355.159

people were getting relief some people

Time: 1356.78

were getting relief with a lot of side

Time: 1358.52

effects and therefore deciding not to

Time: 1359.84

take those drugs and a lot of people the

Time: 1361.4

majority of people that were taking

Time: 1362.48

those drugs were not getting relief so

Time: 1364.82

there was a real urgent need to find

Time: 1366.679

other drugs for the treatment of

Time: 1368.12

depression and ketamine at least based

Time: 1370.7

on its apparent profile of being a

Time: 1373.52

dissociative anesthetic would seem like

Time: 1375.02

the last drug that you'd want to use to

Time: 1377.659

treat depression right it dissociates

Time: 1379.4

people even hear about dissociation as a

Time: 1381.679

symptom of depression and yet what

Time: 1384.08

happened was a small number very

Time: 1386

pioneering clinicians started to explore

Time: 1388.4

the use of ketamine in the clinic for

Time: 1390.26

the treatment of depression and in

Time: 1391.82

particular for depression that did not

Time: 1394.039

respond to any other treatment so there

Time: 1396.02

was a real critical need to find other

Time: 1398.059

compounds and a bit more motivation to

Time: 1400.159

test some of these let's call them

Time: 1401.6

atypical compounds for the treatment of

Time: 1403.28

depression so one of the first Landmark

Time: 1406.22

papers in the use of ketamine for the

Time: 1408.26

treatment of depression is entitled

Time: 1409.6

antidepressant effects of ketamine in

Time: 1411.74

depressed patients this is a paper that

Time: 1413.78

I've provided a link to in the show note

Time: 1415.1

captions it's a small study okay so it

Time: 1417.799

doesn't involve many subjects at all it

Time: 1419.48

really just has seven subjects all of

Time: 1421.4

whom had major depression and they did

Time: 1424.28

intravenous injections with half a

Time: 1427.039

milligram per kilogram of body weight of

Time: 1429.5

ketamine now that dosage half a

Time: 1431.9

milligram per kilogram of body weight

Time: 1433.22

turns out to be very important for

Time: 1434.6

today's discussion because it's going to

Time: 1436.34

serve as a reference point for later

Time: 1438.74

discussions when we get into other modes

Time: 1440.78

of delivery of ketamine such as oral

Time: 1442.82

pill form ketamine or sublingual

Time: 1444.559

ketamine and as it relates to things

Time: 1447.02

like the k-hole or the dissociative

Time: 1448.82

State or the various effects that

Time: 1451.34

ketamine can have depending on the

Time: 1453.2

dosage and the delivery route meanwhile

Time: 1455.299

going back to this study what they found

Time: 1456.799

is that when they injected patients with

Time: 1458.9

severe depression with ketamine the

Time: 1461.96

effects of ketamine took place within

Time: 1464.299

minutes within 10 or 15 minutes and that

Time: 1467.36

they experienced a sort of peak euphoric

Time: 1469.52

State okay so they're not inducing deep

Time: 1471.62

anesthesia right at this dosage they're

Time: 1473.419

getting people into a kind of euphoric

Time: 1475.46

dreamy semi-dissociative state that

Time: 1478.76

occurred within 15 minutes and really

Time: 1480.919

peaked about 45 minutes to an hour after

Time: 1484.4

they were injected with the drug and

Time: 1486.38

that the total effects of the drug in

Time: 1488.36

terms of euphoria

Time: 1489.88

were effectively over by about two hours

Time: 1493.22

or so and that time course of effects

Time: 1495.38

makes perfect sense if you look at say

Time: 1497.24

the half-life of ketamine which is how

Time: 1498.919

long it takes for half of the drug to be

Time: 1500.6

active in the system Etc but what was

Time: 1503.659

really interesting about this study and

Time: 1506.12

others like it is that the patients

Time: 1508.159

experienced relief from their depression

Time: 1509.96

almost immediately after taking the drug

Time: 1513.08

So within minutes to hours and that it

Time: 1516.5

persisted for several days after taking

Time: 1518.84

the ketamine okay so the dissociative

Time: 1521.72

euphoric dreamlike effects of ketamine

Time: 1524.12

take place very quickly they're very

Time: 1526.34

very Salient right the person basically

Time: 1528.62

is just lying there experiencing this

Time: 1531.44

euphoric dreamliked associative state

Time: 1533.659

and they get some relief from their

Time: 1535.58

depression immediately and yet there's

Time: 1538.279

persistent relief from that depression

Time: 1540.26

which lasted at least three days out

Time: 1542.24

from the treatment

Time: 1543.5

now a key theme of today's discussion is

Time: 1545.659

going to be that the antidepressant

Time: 1547.34

effects of ketamine appear to be fairly

Time: 1549.5

short-lived at least when one is

Time: 1551.96

exploring one or two treatments with

Time: 1554.059

ketamine in other words the typical

Time: 1556.159

Contour is that people will take

Time: 1557.96

ketamine get this euphoric dreamlike

Time: 1559.82

dissociative effect come out of that

Time: 1562.039

feeling some immediate relief from their

Time: 1564.02

depression this is one of the things

Time: 1565.159

that makes ketamine an incredibly

Time: 1566.84

attractive drug for the treatment of

Time: 1568.76

depression especially depression that

Time: 1570.74

hasn't responded to other forms of

Time: 1572.24

treatment which is that people get

Time: 1574.58

relief very very quickly indeed the same

Time: 1577.46

day that they initiate the treatment

Time: 1579.559

now this is especially important when

Time: 1581.36

you think about the fact that the

Time: 1583.82

monoamine hypothesis of depression which

Time: 1585.919

drove the discovery and development of

Time: 1588.14

all these drugs like ssris Wellbutrin

Time: 1590.779

etc those drugs often can provide

Time: 1593.179

support for people with depression again

Time: 1595.039

only 40 of people get true relief from

Time: 1598.1

their depression and again there are

Time: 1599.84

some side effect issues or major side

Time: 1601.34

effect issues in some cases that have to

Time: 1602.9

be dealt with but even the positive

Time: 1605.48

effects even under the best conditions

Time: 1607.22

oftentimes those effects don't kick in

Time: 1609.38

for weeks or months after somebody

Time: 1610.94

initiates taking the drug now that might

Time: 1614.179

not seem like a long time to wait for

Time: 1616.039

some of you but if you are somebody

Time: 1617.779

suffering from depression even another

Time: 1620.059

day even another hour with depression

Time: 1622.34

seems almost unmanageable and sadly many

Time: 1625.4

people who have these forms of

Time: 1626.72

depression will go on to commit suicide

Time: 1628.88

so it is ever so important that there be

Time: 1631.279

rapid treatments for depression even

Time: 1633.14

same day treatments for depression and

Time: 1635.299

based on the study it appeared that

Time: 1636.559

ketamine was and indeed Still Remains

Time: 1638.96

that drug

Time: 1639.919

now I certainly don't want to position

Time: 1641.36

ketamine in your mind as a miracle drug

Time: 1643.82

for depression in fact I don't actually

Time: 1646.039

believe in Miracle drugs I don't think

Time: 1648.44

that there is any compound that alone

Time: 1650.36

can produce all the desired effects that

Time: 1652.58

one wants without any negative effects

Time: 1654.86

in a way that could warrant calling it a

Time: 1658.1

miracle drug that's just not how biology

Time: 1659.9

works there's always an interplay

Time: 1661.46

between pharmacology between our

Time: 1663.74

behaviors and what we choose to do or

Time: 1665.36

not do this is a topic we'll get into a

Time: 1667.34

little bit later when we talk about

Time: 1668.36

anti-depressive behaviors and the role

Time: 1670.46

of ketamine in bringing about

Time: 1671.74

anti-depressive behaviors for the relief

Time: 1674.24

of depression now with that said the

Time: 1676.279

study that I just mentioned as well as

Time: 1678.159

many many other studies that followed

Time: 1681.039

emphasize that ketamine could provide

Time: 1683.539

significant decreases in not just

Time: 1686.179

depression and suicidality but also the

Time: 1689

feelings of helplessness and

Time: 1690.5

worthlessness that are associated with

Time: 1692.84

major depression and again it could do

Time: 1694.82

that in people that also were not

Time: 1697.039

responding to other forms of depression

Time: 1699.5

treatment such as ssris

Time: 1701.9


Time: 1702.679

so while we don't want to call it a

Time: 1705.02

miracle drug ketamine turned out to be

Time: 1707.36

and remains an incredible drug for the

Time: 1709.94

treatment of depression in certain cases

Time: 1711.799

now in addition to that ketamine has

Time: 1714.02

been shown in clinical studies to

Time: 1715.82

provide relief not just for treatment

Time: 1717.799

resistant depression of the major

Time: 1719.84

depression type right there's many

Time: 1721.88

different forms of depression but major

Time: 1723.32

depression is the one that we're

Time: 1725.299

normally thinking about or referring to

Time: 1727.34

when we talk about depression but

Time: 1729.32

ketamine has also been shown to be

Time: 1730.94

effective in treating bipolar depression

Time: 1733.4

sometimes called bipolar disorder

Time: 1735.26

although more commonly nowadays called

Time: 1736.88

bipolar depression I did an entire

Time: 1738.919

episode by the way on bipolar depression

Time: 1740.84

if you want to know what it is and what

Time: 1742.279

it isn't how it differs from borderline

Time: 1744.14

personality disorder Etc you can go to

Time: 1746.299 just put into the search

Time: 1748.22

function bipolar and it will take you to

Time: 1750.679

that episode ketamine has also been

Time: 1752.539

shown to be useful for the treatment of

Time: 1753.86

PTSD and for OCD obsessive-compulsive

Time: 1756.98

disorder and for anxiety and for various

Time: 1759.679

forms of substance addiction so ketamine

Time: 1762.559

is not a miracle drug but it does seem

Time: 1764.36

to have broad application and to be very

Time: 1767.179

successful for the treatment of a lot of

Time: 1769.279

major psychiatric challenges now just

Time: 1771.5

because ketamine has shown these

Time: 1772.82

incredible applications it also has some

Time: 1775.7

serious problems that are directly

Time: 1777.32

related to how it works in the brain or

Time: 1779.659

at least from what we understand of how

Time: 1781.22

it works in the brain what I'm referring

Time: 1783.26

to here is yes ketamine is very rapid

Time: 1785.96

acting it can often provide relief from

Time: 1788.24

depression almost immediately meaning

Time: 1790.22

same day

Time: 1791.539

however it is very short-lived after

Time: 1794.419

about three days or a week or so the

Time: 1797.96

antidepressant effects of ketamine often

Time: 1800.179

wear off

Time: 1801.26

so that creates a situation where people

Time: 1803.6

perhaps need to take ketamine every week

Time: 1805.76

and yet it creates enough of a

Time: 1807.919

dissociative State meaning it takes

Time: 1809.72

people enough out of their normal daily

Time: 1811.58

routine that the prospect of people

Time: 1813.679

taking ketamine every week is actually

Time: 1816.38

not that feasible and also because of

Time: 1818.48

some of the propensity for ketamine to

Time: 1820.039

become a drug of abuse that is for it to

Time: 1821.659

be habit-forming and or addicting

Time: 1824.779

one also worries that if people are

Time: 1826.279

doing ketamine every week to treat their

Time: 1827.779

depression that they can become

Time: 1829.64

so-called hooked on ketamine now

Time: 1832.039

fortunately there have been studies of

Time: 1833.659

ketamine and how it works not just in

Time: 1835.279

the short term but in the longer term

Time: 1837.2

that have led to some very important

Time: 1839.72

clinical studies that have explored for

Time: 1841.88

instance people taking ketamine twice

Time: 1844.22

per week for a duration of three weeks

Time: 1846.62


Time: 1847.52

and what they find is that yes after the

Time: 1850.279

first time they take it they get some

Time: 1851.539

relief from depression they take it a

Time: 1853.34

second time that week they get some

Time: 1854.36

relief from depression and they do the

Time: 1856.22

same thing the next week and the next

Time: 1858.2

week and when they do that they get

Time: 1860.059

relief from depression the whole way

Time: 1861.44

through that entire three weeks

Time: 1863.419

but it turns out that there's also some

Time: 1865.88

so-called durability to the effect such

Time: 1868.46

that if people do this twice a week

Time: 1870.74

dosing regimen so ketamine twice a week

Time: 1873.2

for three weeks total they find that

Time: 1875.299

when they end that three weeks they get

Time: 1877.52

some ongoing relief from their

Time: 1879.08

depressive symptoms which can extend

Time: 1881

months or more before they have to

Time: 1883.34

repeat that twice a week for three weeks

Time: 1886.1

regimen now certainly not all studies of

Time: 1888.74

using ketamine for the treatment of

Time: 1890.24

depression have used that exact dosage

Time: 1892.1

regimen twice a week for three weeks

Time: 1893.539

then take some time off repeat twice a

Time: 1895.399

week for three weeks take some time off

Time: 1896.72

repeat some have explored giving

Time: 1898.399

ketamine once per week or even three

Time: 1900.2

times per week or doing it once a week

Time: 1903.08

for five weeks and then taking an

Time: 1905.12

extended period of time off before

Time: 1906.5

repeating the treatment schedule there

Time: 1908.419

are a bunch of different studies out

Time: 1909.559

there but when one looks at all of those

Time: 1911.899

studies and mass together it's very

Time: 1915.02

clear that ketamine is providing relief

Time: 1917.419

from depressive symptoms immediately and

Time: 1920.059

in the days after the treatment but that

Time: 1922.46

when those treatments are act fairly

Time: 1924.2

closely together that there is some

Time: 1926.12

durability some ongoing relief from

Time: 1928.039

depression and what this tells us is

Time: 1930.08

very important in fact I hope everybody

Time: 1932.24

really highlight this in their minds as

Time: 1934.52

they're hearing it it's very likely that

Time: 1936.62

ketamine is acting by at least two and

Time: 1939.5

probably three different mechanisms in

Time: 1942.02

order to provide relief from depression

Time: 1943.88

one of those mechanisms induces relief

Time: 1946.399

from depression very quickly and seems

Time: 1948.799

to be associated with that euphoric

Time: 1950.36

dissociative dreamlike state that one

Time: 1952.22

experiences when they are under the

Time: 1954.26

influence of ketamine the second

Time: 1955.82

mechanism seems to provide relief from

Time: 1957.86

depression in the days and weeks that

Time: 1960.2

follow the ketamine treatment and there

Time: 1962.36

also appears to be a third mechanism by

Time: 1965

which ketamine can induce long lasting

Time: 1967.159

changes in the nervous system and it is

Time: 1969.08

those three mechanisms short medium and

Time: 1971.72

long-term mechanisms that produce the

Time: 1974.299

kinds of changes in neurochemistry and

Time: 1976.58

more importantly changes in actual

Time: 1978.559

neural circuit wiring that allows

Time: 1981.32

ketamine to provide this incredible

Time: 1982.82

relief from depression so next we're

Time: 1985.039

going to turn to what those mechanisms

Time: 1986.48

are because in understanding those

Time: 1988.34

mechanisms you will understand how

Time: 1990.62

ketamine provides this relief from

Time: 1992.179

depression but you'll also come to

Time: 1994.159

understand the more important broader

Time: 1995.899

theme of what depression is really all

Time: 1998.179

about at a neural circuit level and how

Time: 2000.88

relief from depression is all about

Time: 2002.919


Time: 2004.6

as many of you know I've been taking ag1

Time: 2006.82

daily since 2012. so I'm delighted that

Time: 2009.279

they're sponsoring the podcast ag1 is a

Time: 2011.799

vitamin mineral probiotic drink that's

Time: 2013.419

designed to meet all of your

Time: 2014.44

foundational nutrition needs now of

Time: 2016.539

course I try to get enough servings of

Time: 2017.98

vitamins and minerals through whole food

Time: 2019.659

sources that include vegetables and

Time: 2021.22

fruits every day but oftentimes I simply

Time: 2023.559

can't get enough servings but with ag1

Time: 2025.84

I'm sure to get enough vitamins and

Time: 2027.64

minerals and the probiotics that I need

Time: 2029.5

and it also contains adaptogens to help

Time: 2031.779

buffer stress simply put I always feel

Time: 2034.299

better when I take ag1 I have more focus

Time: 2036.76

and energy and I sleep better and it

Time: 2039.1

also happens to taste great for all

Time: 2040.899

these reasons whenever I'm asked if you

Time: 2042.7

could take Just One supplement what

Time: 2044.38

would it be I answer ag1 if you'd like

Time: 2047.26

to try ag1 go to huberman

Time: 2050.8

to claim a special offer from now until

Time: 2053.02

August 12 2023 ag1 is giving away 10

Time: 2056.32

free travel packs plus a year supply of

Time: 2058.599

vitamin D3 K2 again if you go to

Time: 2061.02 huberman you can claim the

Time: 2064.06

special offer of 10 free travel packs

Time: 2066.52

plus a year supply of vitamin D3 K2 so

Time: 2069.52

how is ketamine really working we

Time: 2071.74

already established that ketamine blocks

Time: 2073.659

the nmda receptor and that the nmda

Time: 2076.659

receptor is critical for many forms not

Time: 2079.179

all but many forms of neuroplasticity

Time: 2081.46

now I realize some of you might be

Time: 2082.96

familiar with so-called ligands and

Time: 2085.06

receptors but most of you probably are

Time: 2086.98

not a ligand is a chemical that binds to

Time: 2090.339

a receptor and a receptor is like a

Time: 2092.619

little parking spot on the outside of a

Time: 2094.72

cell there can also be receptors inside

Time: 2096.58

of cells but most of the time when we're

Time: 2098.92

talking about nerve cells neurons and

Time: 2101.02

you hear the word receptors you're

Time: 2102.7

hearing about receptors on the outside

Time: 2104.02

of the cell

Time: 2105.28

so the nmda receptor does not exist in

Time: 2108.46

our neurons in order to bind ketamine

Time: 2110.38

it's there actually to bind all sorts of

Time: 2113.02

other things that are endogenous that

Time: 2115.06

are naturally made by us but ketamine

Time: 2117.46

has a very high what's called Affinity

Time: 2119.02

it has a very high probability of

Time: 2121.3

binding to the nmda receptor if it's

Time: 2123.94

introduced to our bloodstream so when

Time: 2125.619

ketamine is taken in pill form

Time: 2127.619

sublingual form meaning under the tongue

Time: 2130.54

when it's injected into the muscle or

Time: 2132.64

the vein it gets into the bloodstream

Time: 2134.619

and then it's able to cross easily

Time: 2136.359

across the blood-brain barrier the

Time: 2138.82

so-called BBB blood-brain barrier the

Time: 2141.16

blood-brain barrier keeps a lot of

Time: 2142.54

things out of the brain but ketamine can

Time: 2144.579

very readily pass across the blood-brain

Time: 2146.68

barrier once it's in the brain it has a

Time: 2149.5

very high affinity for meaning it knows

Time: 2151.72

how to seek out and bind to those nmda

Time: 2154.24

receptors now the simplest way to

Time: 2155.92

explain how nmda receptors ordinarily

Time: 2158.02

contribute to neuroplasticity is that

Time: 2160.54

they represent what's called an and gate

Time: 2162.94

and an and gate as the name suggests is

Time: 2166.48

a function in a cell or in a system

Time: 2169

where two things have to be present in

Time: 2171.28

fact for those of you that have a bit of

Time: 2172.9

an engineering or computer programming

Time: 2174.76

background you'll be familiar with and

Time: 2176.2

gates for those of you that don't don't

Time: 2177.82

worry about it I'm going to explain what

Time: 2179.32

an and gate is right now an and gate in

Time: 2181.839

the context of nervous system function

Time: 2183.46

is when two things are present like

Time: 2185.859

chemical a and chemical B both have to

Time: 2188.2

be present in order for some process say

Time: 2190.5

neuroplasticity to occur the nmda

Time: 2193.18

receptor as I mentioned earlier is a

Time: 2194.859

receptor on the surface of neurons and

Time: 2196.72

it binds glutamate which is a molecule

Time: 2198.46

that we all make in our brain and it

Time: 2200.5

activates other neurons it's what's

Time: 2201.82

called an excitatory neurotransmitter

Time: 2204.04

now there are lots of different

Time: 2206.079

receptors for glutamate and those

Time: 2208.48

receptors are binding glutamate all the

Time: 2210.16

time however in order to activate the

Time: 2212.56

nmda receptor there has to be a lot of

Time: 2215.32

glutamate present and it has to happen

Time: 2217.06

over a very brief period of time so the

Time: 2219.52

nmda receptor is an and gate in the

Time: 2222.04

sense that glutamate has to be present

Time: 2224.38

and to bind it and it has to get a lot

Time: 2227.26

of electrical activity a lot of input in

Time: 2229.599

order for that to happen so it's a

Time: 2230.92

receptor that responds primarily to

Time: 2232.78

unusually high or frequent levels of

Time: 2236.02

electrical activity let's place this in

Time: 2238.18

real world context so that it makes a

Time: 2239.98

bit more sense I like most all of you

Time: 2242.02

and moving my arms around a lot

Time: 2243.52

throughout the day now as an adult my

Time: 2246.04

motor cortex the area of my brain that

Time: 2247.78

controls motor coordination of my limbs

Time: 2250

has connections from my brain to my

Time: 2252.4

spinal cord from my spinal cord to my

Time: 2253.72

muscles and that's what allows me to

Time: 2254.98

move my limbs

Time: 2256.48

under conditions of just moving my limbs

Time: 2258.52

and doing things throughout the day

Time: 2259.54

drinking a cup of coffee or yerba mate

Time: 2261.46

you know walking outside to view some

Time: 2264.16

sunlight in the morning doing the things

Time: 2265.42

that I do every single day and that I

Time: 2267.099

already know how to do

Time: 2268.839

glutamate is definitely involved in that

Time: 2271.48

process glutamate binding to its other

Time: 2274

receptor types which are called ampa

Time: 2275.619

receptors for those of you that want to

Time: 2277.06

know that's involved in that process

Time: 2278.74

it's typical levels of activity

Time: 2281.32

if however I were to sit down at this

Time: 2284.079

desk and be commanded to or decide to do

Time: 2287.92

some specific motor limb movement let's

Time: 2290.26

say move my hand in a three dot sequence

Time: 2292.839

for those of you watching you can see

Time: 2294.099

this for those of you that are listening

Time: 2295.3

don't worry about it it's not very

Time: 2296.38

interesting to watch the point is just

Time: 2298.3

that I'm going to put my finger down in

Time: 2300.4

one two three points on the desk in

Time: 2302.44

front of me and then three two one point

Time: 2304.3

coming back to me now that's obviously a

Time: 2306.099

motor sequence that I can perform I just

Time: 2307.78

did it so clearly I can perform it but

Time: 2309.94

if I were to do that for let's say an

Time: 2312.22


Time: 2313

what would happen is the neurons that

Time: 2315.52

are involved in generating that motor

Time: 2316.96

sequence of one two three three two one

Time: 2318.76

one two three three two one would be

Time: 2320.859

active over and over and over again and

Time: 2323.2

what would likely happen because of that

Time: 2325

unusual frankly motor behavior is that

Time: 2328.119

the neurons responsible for generating

Time: 2329.74

that motor Behavior would be able to

Time: 2332.079

detect it as unusually frequent

Time: 2334.06

unusually high levels of activity in the

Time: 2336.04

circuits that generate that behavior and

Time: 2338.38

the increase in glutamate that's

Time: 2340.18

impinging on the neurons in that circuit

Time: 2342.339

would bind the nmda receptor making it

Time: 2345.4

change several important things the

Time: 2347.079

first of which is that your nervous

Time: 2349.18

system is capable of changing but that's

Time: 2350.74

an energetically demanding process so

Time: 2353.14

the incredible thing about

Time: 2353.92

neuroplasticity is that when you

Time: 2356.02

generate an unusually high or just an

Time: 2358.54

unusual pattern of activity motor

Time: 2360.4

activity or you're hearing a new

Time: 2361.9

language you're trying to learn that or

Time: 2363.22

you're navigating a new city the neurons

Time: 2365.56

are firing in ways that are atypical for

Time: 2368.14

them and they are firing a lot more and

Time: 2371.079

so the neurons are going to bind

Time: 2372.46

glutamate they the nmda receptor is

Time: 2374.26

going to be activated and then

Time: 2376.24

Downstream of nmda receptor activation

Time: 2378.94

are a bunch of what we call

Time: 2381.04

intracellular processes a bunch of

Time: 2382.72

things that happen in the cells to try

Time: 2384.28

and make that behavior occur again and

Time: 2386.98

again if needed but without the huge

Time: 2389.38

energetic demand you've experienced this

Time: 2391.18

before when you're trying to learn

Time: 2392.32

something and it feels sluggish it feels

Time: 2394.599

hard it's frustrating and then

Time: 2395.8

eventually you learn it and it's very

Time: 2397.48

facile it's very easy

Time: 2399.4

one of the reasons for that is that when

Time: 2401.56

the nmda receptor is activated by these

Time: 2403.72

infrequent or unusual patterns of

Time: 2405.339

activity it can then recruit other

Time: 2408.28

glutamate receptors the more typical

Time: 2409.9

kind the ampa type receptors to the cell

Time: 2412.24

surface and then those receptors can

Time: 2414.04

simply bind the glutamate and allow that

Time: 2415.96

behavior to occur without this whole

Time: 2418.9

process that's involved in

Time: 2420.52

neuroplasticity having to engage and do

Time: 2423.099

things like build new proteins in the

Time: 2424.96

cell build new Machinery Etc so to just

Time: 2427.66

step back from this the way to think

Time: 2429.04

about the nmda receptor is that

Time: 2431.14

activation of the nmda receptor only

Time: 2433.48

occurs under conditions of unusually

Time: 2435.22

high or simply unusual patterns of

Time: 2437.859

activity that the nmda receptor yes

Time: 2440.619

controls neural activity in the

Time: 2442.54

immediate sense like when it's activated

Time: 2444.82

it's changing the patterns of activity

Time: 2446.38

in the neuron sure but it also can

Time: 2449.74

engage gene expression and introduce new

Time: 2452.8

receptors to the cell basically giving

Time: 2454.78

the cell the ability to then recreate

Time: 2457.119

the same patterns of activity without

Time: 2458.74

having to do it in such a metabolically

Time: 2460.9

demanding way in fact a good analogy for

Time: 2462.94

all of this is the way that muscles can

Time: 2465.04

hypertrophy right if you overload

Time: 2467.2

muscles properly through resistance

Time: 2469.359

training of any kind and then give them

Time: 2471.099

a period of rest there's recruitment of

Time: 2473.74

specific things to the muscle fibers as

Time: 2475.9

well as recruitment of changes in the

Time: 2478.3

nerves that innervate that control the

Time: 2480.28

contraction of those muscles and then

Time: 2482.38

those muscles grow they get stronger Etc

Time: 2485.02

and they are able to function and use

Time: 2487.48

that new strength and new growth and you

Time: 2489.7

don't have to damage those muscle fibers

Time: 2491.8

or trigger those adaptations over and

Time: 2493.72

over again to maintain them because you

Time: 2495.099

have this new capability now I realize

Time: 2497.38

that's a lot of details about nmda

Time: 2499

receptors and neuroplasticity but really

Time: 2501.16

if we needed to pick one biological

Time: 2502.839

mechanism that resides at the center of

Time: 2505.48

many many important forms of

Time: 2507.46

neuroplasticity it would be the nmda

Time: 2509.5

receptor and its functions that I just

Time: 2511.359

told you about so now that you have that

Time: 2513.22

in mind that these nmda receptors are

Time: 2515.38

critical at detecting unusual activity

Time: 2517.359

making changes to cells so the cells can

Time: 2519.16

then respect respond to that activity in

Time: 2520.66

the future you have in mind the

Time: 2522.64

conceptual basis for understanding how

Time: 2524.74

ketamine works because as I've mentioned

Time: 2527.02

several times already ketamine is an

Time: 2529.24

nmda receptor blocker antagonist and yet

Time: 2533.22

we know that a lot of the changes in the

Time: 2536.14

brain that underlie the transition from

Time: 2538.24

a depressed state to a non-depressed

Time: 2540.16

state involve neuroplasticity so what's

Time: 2543.16

going on there well what's going on

Time: 2545.38

there turns out to be extremely

Time: 2547

interesting and you can understand it

Time: 2548.74

very easily if you understand that there

Time: 2550.48

are essentially two major types of

Time: 2552.339

neurons in the brain you have those

Time: 2554.859

excitatory neurons meaning neurons that

Time: 2557.26

when they are activated electrically

Time: 2558.9

they activate or excite other neurons at

Time: 2563.079

least they try to they release

Time: 2564.28

neurotransmitter into the synapse which

Time: 2566.38

is the little gap between neurons the

Time: 2568.599

neurons on the other side have receptors

Time: 2570.099

they bind those neurotransmitters in

Time: 2572.2

this case glutamate which is the major

Time: 2573.52

excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain

Time: 2575.32

and then there's a high probability that

Time: 2577.78

those other neurons will be excited that

Time: 2579.339

they will be electrically active that's

Time: 2581.319

one major type of so-called

Time: 2583.06

neurotransmission in the brain the other

Time: 2585.28

major type of neurotransmission in the

Time: 2587.02

brain is called inhibitory

Time: 2588.64

neurotransmission inhibitory

Time: 2590.56

neurotransmission involves neurons that

Time: 2593.02

release the neurotransmitter Gaba or

Time: 2595.66

sometimes also another molecule called

Time: 2597.46

glycine but mostly Gaba when Gaba is

Time: 2600.7

released it has the property of reducing

Time: 2603.099

the probability that the next neuron

Time: 2605.14

will be electrically active in fact

Time: 2606.76

gaba's job is to bind to receptors on

Time: 2609.28

the next cell and to make it less

Time: 2611.44

electrically active so we've got

Time: 2613.54

excitatory neurotransmission and we have

Time: 2615.76

inhibitory neurotransmission and just to

Time: 2617.92

place inhibitory and excitatory

Time: 2619.72

neurotransmission into context if you

Time: 2622.3

think about a condition like epilepsy

Time: 2624.64

which involves seizures of either the

Time: 2627.579

smaller type called petit mal seizures

Time: 2629.319

or grand mal seizures which are the type

Time: 2631.24

in which people have body-wide

Time: 2633.339

convulsions they are often disengaged

Time: 2636.52

from whatever's going on around them in

Time: 2638.38

those moments they're shaking quite a

Time: 2639.88

lot Etc there are many causes of

Time: 2641.68

seizures but to get to the heart of what

Time: 2644.079

a seizure is it is essentially runaway

Time: 2646.54

excitation in the brain a small region

Time: 2649.48

of the brain becomes especially

Time: 2650.68

electrically active and then it spreads

Time: 2652.9

out from that Foci that focus of the

Time: 2655.78

excitation and it recruits a lot of

Time: 2658

neurons in a fairly non-specific way

Time: 2660.16

creating these seizure-like motor

Time: 2662.619

patterns in the body and patterns of

Time: 2665.319

activity in the brain that can involve

Time: 2667.06

disengagement from immediate experience

Time: 2668.8

and lack of perception sometimes there's

Time: 2670.599

Aura there's a whole discussion to be

Time: 2672.339

had about seizure and by the way seizure

Time: 2674.98

can occur in a lot of different contexts

Time: 2676.599

of course it can occur in epilepsy it

Time: 2678.579

can occur after a head injury

Time: 2680.38

Etc we'll cover seizure in a future

Time: 2681.94

episode of this podcast of course but

Time: 2684.22

one of the major causes of seizure and

Time: 2686.68

by extension lack of seizure is that

Time: 2689.02

ordinarily inhibitory neurons and

Time: 2691.18

excitatory neurons are in this kind of

Time: 2692.74

push-pull that for somebody that doesn't

Time: 2694.839

experience seizures puts the brain in

Time: 2697

Balance so they don't have seizures

Time: 2698.319

right the inhibitory neuron are

Time: 2699.76

suppressing the activity of many neurons

Time: 2701.8

so that those many neurons don't get

Time: 2704.98

runaway excitation you don't get

Time: 2707.079

seizures the excitatory neurons are

Time: 2709.359

feeding back onto the inhibitory neurons

Time: 2710.92

so everything is kept in Balance there

Time: 2712.78

isn't too much inhibition there isn't

Time: 2714.22

too much excitation everything's in

Time: 2715.839

Balance okay so now you understand that

Time: 2717.88

there are nmda receptors and these are

Time: 2720.339

critical for many forms of

Time: 2721.72

neuroplasticity you also understand that

Time: 2725.14

there are excitatory neurons which

Time: 2727.42

stimulate the electrical activity of

Time: 2729.64

other neurons

Time: 2730.78

and that there are inhibitory neurons in

Time: 2733.24

your brain that inhibit or suppress the

Time: 2735.28

activity of other neurons and that you

Time: 2737.44

need excitatory and inhibitory

Time: 2739.42

communication between neurons at all

Time: 2741.22

times and that it has to remain in

Time: 2742.839

balance and that the nmda receptor is

Time: 2745.72

normally just sort of sitting there not

Time: 2747.339

doing a whole lot unless levels of

Time: 2750.22

neural activity are elevated above their

Time: 2753.22

normal Baseline and then you can get

Time: 2756.46

changes in the neural circuits and those

Time: 2758.859

changes can be very long lasting and

Time: 2761.44

let's not forget the piece of

Time: 2762.4

information most pertinent to today's

Time: 2764.079

discussion which is about ketamine which

Time: 2766.359

is that ketamine blocks that nmda

Time: 2768.94

receptor and there's the conundrum I

Time: 2771.4

keep coming back to which is you need

Time: 2772.839

neuroplasticity in order to get relief

Time: 2775.48

from depression so what researchers have

Time: 2778.78

discovered is that yes ketamine blocks

Time: 2781.54

the nmda receptor it actually quiets

Time: 2784.42

down neurons it prevents neurons from

Time: 2787.3

being as active as they normally would

Time: 2789.28

be and yet somehow almost paradoxically

Time: 2792.099

it increases neuroplasticity in brain

Time: 2795.22

circuits that are involved in mood and

Time: 2797.319

reward in self-reflection we'll get into

Time: 2800.619

what those brain circuits are in a

Time: 2802.06

little bit

Time: 2803.2

the way it works is that ketamine binds

Time: 2806.44

to the nmda receptor present on

Time: 2808.72

inhibitory neurons and in doing so

Time: 2812.52

dramatically reduces the amount of

Time: 2815.02

inhibition coming from those inhibitory

Time: 2817.3

neurons onto excitatory neurons

Time: 2819.88

when that happens the excitatory neurons

Time: 2822.099

in specific circuits of the brain are

Time: 2824.319

allowed to increase their activity they

Time: 2826.119

do what's called bursting bursting is a

Time: 2828.339

pattern of electrical activity whereby

Time: 2830.319

normally one of these excitatory neurons

Time: 2832.24

is releasing glutamate in a pattern that

Time: 2834.4

might look or sound like this it

Time: 2836.619

actually doesn't make a sound in the

Time: 2838.06

brain but if you were to record from one

Time: 2840.7

of these neurons which people have done

Time: 2842.2

many times over and then you were to

Time: 2843.94

convert the electrical signal in those

Time: 2845.859

neurons to an audio monitor you would

Time: 2847.839

hear the firing the action potential of

Time: 2849.76

those neurons as a that's what it

Time: 2851.8

actually sounds like on the Audio

Time: 2852.819

Monitor it sounds like a little bit of

Time: 2854.079


Time: 2855.06

but if the normal firing of the neuron

Time: 2857.859


Time: 2859.38

which is the pretty typical Baseline

Time: 2862

firing of the neurons in the relevant

Time: 2863.859

circuits to mood that I'm going to be

Time: 2865.599

discussing under conditions where

Time: 2867.819

ketamine has been brought into the

Time: 2869.2

system binds that nmda receptor

Time: 2872.04

blocks the output of those inhibitory

Time: 2874.48

neurons onto the excitatory neuron now

Time: 2877.18

the excitatory neuron is firing in burst

Time: 2884.4

and those bursting patterns of

Time: 2886.54

electrical activity are the absolute

Time: 2889.24

perfect patterns of activity that induce

Time: 2891.64

not just short-term but long-term

Time: 2893.859

changes in the neural circuits

Time: 2895.3

associated with reward with dopamine

Time: 2897.4

release with disappointment and with

Time: 2899.859

mood in ways that are directly relevant

Time: 2902.5

to suppressing or providing relief from

Time: 2905.319

the symptoms of major depression now I

Time: 2907.48

realized what I just told you is a lot

Time: 2908.8

of information in fact what I just

Time: 2911.14

described represents essentially what I

Time: 2913.18

would teach to an advanced undergraduate

Time: 2915.22

graduate course Medical School course on

Time: 2918.3

neuroplasticity and how ketamine works

Time: 2920.68

so keep in mind that we're having a

Time: 2922.359

discussion here that is at a fairly high

Time: 2924.04

level and if you could understand even a

Time: 2926.74

tiny fraction even just one bit it what

Time: 2928.839

I just described you're doing great if

Time: 2930.52

you could understand more

Time: 2931.96


Time: 2933.52

just to make sure that everyone's on the

Time: 2935.26

same page as we move forward because I

Time: 2937.359

do want to make sure that everyone

Time: 2938.5

understands ketamine and how it works

Time: 2940.66

because it does have these sort of

Time: 2942.46

cryptic functions of engaging

Time: 2944.38

neuroplasticity in ways that aren't

Time: 2946.18

obvious if you just ask you know what

Time: 2948.76

does ketamine do when you inject it what

Time: 2950.56

does ketamine produce in terms of a

Time: 2952.78

feeling State and then you know how does

Time: 2954.339

somebody get relief from depression that

Time: 2956.26

can all start to get a little bit

Time: 2957.46

muddled unless you understand the

Time: 2959.2

following so I'm going to tell it to you

Time: 2960.579

again in just very top Contour terms

Time: 2963.04

somebody takes a pill or an injection or

Time: 2966.099

sublingual ketamine it makes its way

Time: 2967.839

into the bloodstream and then it makes

Time: 2969.4

its way into the brain once it's in the

Time: 2971.56

brain it binds to a particular category

Time: 2974.56

of receptors called the nmda receptor

Time: 2977.079

the nmda receptor is a receptor that

Time: 2979.599

normally is quiescent it's just kind of

Time: 2981.7

sitting there it doesn't tend to do a

Time: 2983.44

lot under normal conditions of everyday

Time: 2985.119

life however the nmda receptors typical

Time: 2987.7

function okay so when there's no

Time: 2989.079

ketamine in the body or brain is to to

Time: 2993.46

detect abnormal levels of neural

Time: 2996.099

activity and in doing so recruit changes

Time: 3000.359

to cells receptors Etc literally change

Time: 3003.48

the neurons in ways that allow them to

Time: 3006.06

respond to that activity in the future

Time: 3008.119

without having to be under such big

Time: 3011.579

metabolic demand and they do that by

Time: 3014.16

recruiting more receptors Etc much in

Time: 3016.2

the same way as when you overload a

Time: 3017.76

muscle in the gym it will eventually

Time: 3020.28

recover if you allow it to recover and

Time: 3022.44

it will get stronger through the

Time: 3023.88

addition of a bunch of new proteins the

Time: 3026.46

nerve communication of that muscle will

Time: 3028.14

change the muscle and the nerve to

Time: 3030

muscle connection change it gets

Time: 3031.619

stronger and sometimes it gets bigger

Time: 3033

and stronger in the same way a neuron

Time: 3034.859

can change the way it functions in

Time: 3036.839

response to experience and neurons don't

Time: 3039.54

know experience of life in any other way

Time: 3041.7

except the patterns of electrical

Time: 3043.44

activity and chemical activity that

Time: 3045.78

impinges on them okay now ketamine the

Time: 3048.42

drug binds to and blocks that nmda

Time: 3050.64

receptor so the obvious conclusion would

Time: 3053.28

be that ketamine prevents

Time: 3055.38

neuroplasticity and that's not what

Time: 3057.18

happens we know that ketamine actually

Time: 3058.92

induces neuroplasticity and it does so

Time: 3061.559

specifically in the brain circuits that

Time: 3063.66

control mood

Time: 3065.099

the net consequence being improvements

Time: 3067.44

in mood how does that happen it happens

Time: 3069.3

because ketamine binds to and blocks

Time: 3071.28

those nmda receptors on inhibitory

Time: 3074.099

neurons the inhibitory neurons are the

Time: 3076.319

neurons that normally suppress the

Time: 3078

activity of other neurons so when

Time: 3080.16

ketamine binds to the nmda receptor

Time: 3082.859

the activity of those inhibitory neurons

Time: 3085.14

is reduced and as a consequence

Time: 3087.38

excitatory communication between neurons

Time: 3090

in those mood-related circuits increases

Time: 3092.339

and it increases it in a way that

Time: 3094.38

recruits neuroplasticity that

Time: 3096.18

strengthens those connections and makes

Time: 3098.28

them more likely to be active in the

Time: 3100.5

future now it is not the case at least

Time: 3102.839

at clinical doses the ketamine induces

Time: 3104.94

seizures it certainly can at higher

Time: 3106.8

doses but at clinical doses when

Time: 3109.859

ketamine suppresses the activity of

Time: 3112.26

those inhibitory neurons and the

Time: 3113.7

excitatory neurons ramp up their

Time: 3115.26

activity they're ramping up their

Time: 3116.819

activity a lot and enough to create

Time: 3119.64

changes in those neural circuits

Time: 3121.8

associated with mood and the changes are

Time: 3123.599

in the direction of making those neural

Time: 3125.16

circuits more likely to generate

Time: 3126.96

positive mood and less likely to

Time: 3128.88

generate negative mood we'll get into

Time: 3130.44

the specifics of those circuits in a

Time: 3132.3

little bit

Time: 3133.079

but ketamine is not creating the kind of

Time: 3135.18

enormous increases in excitatory

Time: 3137.22

communication between neurons that leads

Time: 3138.9

to that runaway excitation now the point

Time: 3141.3

of the discussion we just had over the

Time: 3142.8

last 10 minutes or so was several fold

Time: 3144.66

first of all I do believe it's important

Time: 3146.64

to understand the key components of

Time: 3149.04

neuroplasticity which is this remarkable

Time: 3151.26

feature of our brain and nervous system

Time: 3152.819

that we all have right this ability to

Time: 3155.88

change our own brain circuits no other

Time: 3157.74

organ in the body as far as we know can

Time: 3159.54

direct its own changes but we can direct

Time: 3161.46

our own brain changes and the nmda

Time: 3163.74

receptor is absolutely critical for that

Time: 3165.54

I also think it's important to

Time: 3167.099

understand the difference between

Time: 3168

inhibitory and excitatory communication

Time: 3170.28

between neurons because that's just

Time: 3171.78

Central to understanding brain function

Time: 3173.52

brain function is a series of

Time: 3175.319

accelerators and breaks it's not all

Time: 3177.18

about neurons stimulating other neurons

Time: 3179.04

it's also about neurons preventing the

Time: 3180.9

activation of other neurons that's just

Time: 3182.64

Central to everything not just

Time: 3184.14

preventing seizures but it's Central to

Time: 3186.54

learning it's Central to vision is

Time: 3189.059

Central to hearing it's Central to

Time: 3190.5

creativity it is at the core of brain

Time: 3192.78

function and the other reason to have

Time: 3195

the discussion we just did is that

Time: 3196.859

ketamine has this incredible property it

Time: 3199.619

can literally change the neural circuits

Time: 3201.839

that generate mood that generate your

Time: 3204.42

feelings of well-being but it does so

Time: 3206.52

through a somewhat convoluted pathway

Time: 3208.559

right it blocks the receptor that

Time: 3210.359

everyone thinks is involved in

Time: 3211.38

neuroplasticity and in doing so it

Time: 3213.359

actually creates neuroplasticity now

Time: 3215.76

even though I just described all of that

Time: 3217.319

to you over the last 10 minutes or so

Time: 3219.54

keep in mind that what I just described

Time: 3222.9

to you as a process that actually occurs

Time: 3225.3

in the brain takes many many days it

Time: 3228.18

involves cells changing gene expression

Time: 3230.16

making new proteins new receptors

Time: 3232.16

anytime we say neuroplasticity even when

Time: 3235.14

you read about so-called short-term

Time: 3237.3

neuroplasticity it is happening over the

Time: 3239.579

course of at least many many hours and

Time: 3241.8

more likely many days or even weeks so

Time: 3244.5

the process I just described of how

Time: 3246

ketamine creates neuroplasticity through

Time: 3248.339

blockade of nmda receptors is very

Time: 3251.94

likely to be the process that explains

Time: 3253.98

the longer term changes in mood and

Time: 3257.099

affect that are associated with ketamine

Time: 3259.859

therapy for the treatment of depression

Time: 3262.2

now it is possible that ketamine

Time: 3263.76

blocking the nmda receptor is also

Time: 3266.099

responsible for some of the immediate

Time: 3268.319

effects of ketamine that people

Time: 3269.7

experience when they take the drug the

Time: 3272.16

dissociation the in some cases euphoria

Time: 3274.98

and that sort of dreamlike state that it

Time: 3277.319

can put people into that is possible but

Time: 3280.5

it's very clear that the nmda receptor

Time: 3282.18

blockade is critical for the

Time: 3284.64

neuroplastic changes that are going to

Time: 3286.319

occur over the days and weeks following

Time: 3288.3

ketamine treatment and if you think back

Time: 3290.28

to our earlier discussion when we were

Time: 3292.559

talking about the two time a week over

Time: 3294.78

three week type regimen of taking

Time: 3296.7

ketamine or some variant on that now it

Time: 3300.359

might start to make sense as to why yes

Time: 3303.059

there is immediate and short-term

Time: 3305.88

benefit of taking ketamine for

Time: 3307.38

depression in the clinically appropriate

Time: 3309.3

setting of course I'm not talking about

Time: 3310.619

recreational use right now but that also

Time: 3313.2

there's some durability of those effects

Time: 3315.839

that even after the three weeks of

Time: 3317.819

taking ketamine twice per week people

Time: 3320.04

often will experience weeks or months of

Time: 3322.859

relief from depression when they're not

Time: 3324.54

doing the weekly ketamine therapy

Time: 3326.7

sessions so that longer term relief that

Time: 3328.859

I'm referring to as durability of the

Time: 3330.72

treatment is very likely to be the

Time: 3332.88

consequence of actual neural circuit

Time: 3334.68

reward wiring now there's an additional

Time: 3336.839

and very important facet to this whole

Time: 3338.52

discussion about neuroplasticity in

Time: 3340.559

response to ketamine treatment for

Time: 3341.94

depression if you recall that the burst

Time: 3345.3

firing that induces that plasticity

Time: 3347.579

I told you it induces plasticity but I

Time: 3350.52

didn't tell you how now you already

Time: 3352.92

could imagine some of the mechanisms it

Time: 3354.54

could be insertion of those new

Time: 3355.92

glutamate receptors those ampa receptors

Time: 3358.02

that we talked about however even for

Time: 3360.42

that to happen a bunch of other things

Time: 3361.74

have to happen first but one of the key

Time: 3363.96

ones to understand is the thing I

Time: 3366.18

mentioned at the beginning of today's

Time: 3367.38

episode bdnf which stands for brain

Time: 3369.96

derived nootrophic Factor brain derived

Time: 3372.18

nootrophic factor is an incredible

Time: 3373.74

molecule I should mention that it's one

Time: 3376.02

of many growth factors in the brain

Time: 3378.359

and it has its own set of receptors it

Time: 3381.359

binds to something called the track B

Time: 3382.92

receptor trkb Trek B receptor when bdnf

Time: 3387.24

binds to track B receptors on neurons it

Time: 3389.7

does a lot of things it sets off a whole

Time: 3391.859

Cascade of things including

Time: 3393.9

the insertion of new glutamate receptors

Time: 3396.78

so that those neurons become extra

Time: 3398.94

sensitive to any input they get and so

Time: 3401.4

that's one form of change that bdnf can

Time: 3404.099

create bdnf can also alter the overall

Time: 3407.099

shape of neurons it can cause neurons to

Time: 3409.26

grow new branches so that it can receive

Time: 3412.02

new inputs from other neurons anytime

Time: 3414.72

bdnf is discussed in popular books or

Time: 3417.059

the popular press people will talk about

Time: 3418.92

it as quote unquote fertilizer for

Time: 3420.78

neurons I don't really like that term

Time: 3422.46

because it really undervalues the total

Time: 3425.94

number of things that bdnf can do bdnf

Time: 3428.28

actually can act as its own kind of

Time: 3430.26

neurotransmitter it can actually

Time: 3431.819

stimulate other neurons and it does a

Time: 3433.619

bunch of other things but for sake of

Time: 3435.24

this discussion about ketamine

Time: 3436.44

understand that that burst firing of

Time: 3438.78

neurons that very high frequency

Time: 3441.68

firing of neurons can invoke the release

Time: 3445.14

of bdnf in ways that make those circuits

Time: 3448.38

very plastic very quickly and in

Time: 3451.319

addition to that there's some evidence

Time: 3452.94

that can I mean itself may be able to

Time: 3456.66

cause release of bdnf directly without

Time: 3459.48

having to go through all of the

Time: 3460.8

mechanisms that I overwhelmed you with a

Time: 3463.619

few minutes ago or hopefully didn't

Time: 3464.7

overwhelm you with but that I talked to

Time: 3467.099

you a few minutes ago now what's

Time: 3468.66

especially exciting about bdnf in the

Time: 3470.7

context of ketamine therapy for

Time: 3472.2

depression is that it appears based on

Time: 3475.319

both pre-clinical and clinical studies

Time: 3477.3

that bdnf isn't just one of the ways in

Time: 3481.079

which ketamine can invoke

Time: 3482.339

neuroplasticity and these improvements

Time: 3484.2

in mood it may actually be required it

Time: 3487.079

may be the central process to all of

Time: 3489.24

that now it can still be Downstream of

Time: 3491.64

all that nmda receptor stuff that we

Time: 3493.44

talked about before but there are

Time: 3495.66

several lines of evidence that suggest

Time: 3497.04

that ketamine-induced release of bdnf is

Time: 3501.24

one of the core mechanisms by which

Time: 3503.22

ketamine can relieve depression now

Time: 3505.74

there are several lines of evidence to

Time: 3507.059

support what I just said about bdnf in

Time: 3509.16

the context of ketamine first of all

Time: 3511.44

in mice that lack bdnf they have no bdnf

Time: 3514.98

they can't make bdnf because they don't

Time: 3516.9

have the gene for bdnf we call those

Time: 3518.96

bdnf knockout mice in those mice if you

Time: 3523.02

give them ketamine and you put them into

Time: 3524.64

that learned helplessness task that we

Time: 3526.38

talked about a bit earlier where you put

Time: 3528.359

them into water and see how long they

Time: 3529.559

swim normally ketamine would allow a

Time: 3532.319

mouse to swim longer to fight for its

Time: 3534.54

life longer well it no longer does that

Time: 3536.46

in a bdnf knockout Mouse and the only

Time: 3539.579

thing that's different about that Mouse

Time: 3540.78

as far as we know is the lack of bdnf

Time: 3543.359

and there are ways to make sure that

Time: 3545.04

it's lack of bdnf in the specific

Time: 3547.079

neurons that are relevant to everything

Time: 3548.46

we're talking about not just that their

Time: 3550.02

limbs don't work as well Etc in other

Time: 3552

words all the appropriate control

Time: 3553.02

experiments have been done that's

Time: 3554.819

pre-clinical data because it comes from

Time: 3556.74

animal models in addition to that

Time: 3558.98

depressed people who have a mutant form

Time: 3562.44

of bdnf so these humans are not

Time: 3564.48

Knockouts for bdnf they can make bdnf

Time: 3567.299

but the bdnf doesn't function normally

Time: 3569.339

in those people

Time: 3571.319

they have a very reduced response to

Time: 3574.319

ketamine treatment for depression

Time: 3576.599

suggesting that bdnf action is at least

Time: 3580.26

one of the critical functions that

Time: 3581.76

allows ketamine to relieve depression

Time: 3583.859

and as I mentioned earlier ketamine can

Time: 3586.74

actually invoke the release of bdnf and

Time: 3589.079

get this there's some evidence that

Time: 3590.88

ketamine itself can bind to the track B

Time: 3593.64

receptor that is it can bind to the bdnf

Time: 3596.52

receptor it can mimic bdnf

Time: 3600.18

so this is an entirely different way of

Time: 3601.98

thinking about ketamine than we normally

Time: 3603.599

hear about nowadays we hear a lot about

Time: 3605.64

ketamine and ketamine therapy we also

Time: 3607.68

hear fortunately about some of the

Time: 3609.48

problems of ketamine abuse and we will

Time: 3611.16

talk about some of those concerns a

Time: 3613.079

little bit later

Time: 3614.099

and we hear about bdnf this so-called

Time: 3617.099

brain fertilizer but rarely if ever do

Time: 3619.5

we hear that ketamine itself can mimic

Time: 3621.96

the effects of bdnf in the brain but

Time: 3624.299

researchers and clinicians are

Time: 3625.619

definitely paying attention to this and

Time: 3627.48

it's starting to raise what I consider a

Time: 3629.099

very exciting model of how ketamine

Time: 3631.619

could provide relief for depression

Time: 3633.299

which is that it's acting as a growth

Time: 3635.819

factor in the brain or at least it's

Time: 3637.5

mimicking the action of growth factors

Time: 3639.42

allowing the specific neural circuits

Time: 3641.4

that control things like mood outlook on

Time: 3643.5

the future self-reflection Etc allowing

Time: 3645.9

those circuits to change in ways that

Time: 3647.4

provide significant relief for major

Time: 3649.44

depression and in doing so and this is a

Time: 3652.02

very important point it appears that

Time: 3653.88

ketamine is relieving depression in ways

Time: 3656.099

that are entirely different from any

Time: 3658.079

other kind of treatment now in an

Time: 3660.18

earlier episode about psilocybin and its

Time: 3662.64

potential role for the treatment of

Time: 3663.72

depression I went into a lot of depth

Time: 3666.18

about how psilocybin can induce

Time: 3667.68

neuroplasticity to provide relief for

Time: 3669.54

major depression in certain individuals

Time: 3671.22

under certain conditions I do want to

Time: 3673.68

highlight that because indeed it's

Time: 3675.059

another case where neuroplasticity is

Time: 3676.74

involved but in that situation as some

Time: 3679.14

of you may remember or if you don't

Time: 3680.819

don't worry I'll tell you right now it

Time: 3683.04

was a pretty straightforward model

Time: 3684.38

psilocybin looks a lot like serotonin

Time: 3686.7

chemically except that psilocybin binds

Time: 3688.559

a particular receptor when that receptor

Time: 3690.18

is bound it allows these brainwide

Time: 3691.92

changes those brain wide changes seem to

Time: 3694.02

change one's reflection on oneself

Time: 3695.94

so-called ego dissolution changes and

Time: 3697.74

mood that are stable over time

Time: 3699.72

etc etc it was all pretty

Time: 3701.099

straightforward with ketamine it's clear

Time: 3703.26

there are multiple mechanisms involved

Time: 3705.059

and perhaps most importantly with

Time: 3706.799

ketamine it's that immediate relief that

Time: 3708.599

occurs day of or close to day of

Time: 3710.52

treatment and in the days afterwards and

Time: 3712.559

it's that long-term relief that very

Time: 3714.9

likely is the consequence of nmda

Time: 3718.02

receptor suppression burst activity in

Time: 3721.26

neurons Within These mood related

Time: 3722.94

circuits bdnf being released and

Time: 3725.7

changing neural circuits strengthening

Time: 3727.319

them in order to give elevated mood as a

Time: 3730.74

consequence of that bursting activity

Time: 3732.24

and ketamine mimicking bdnf in other

Time: 3736.38

words ketamine acting more or less like

Time: 3738.54

a growth factor in the brain in order to

Time: 3740.46

make sure that whatever changes occur in

Time: 3742.619

those neural circuits to elevate mood

Time: 3744.42

are durable that they really are

Time: 3746.4

reinforced and last over time I'd like

Time: 3748.74

to just take a brief break and thank one

Time: 3750.72

of our sponsors which is element element

Time: 3753.059

is an electrolyte drink that has

Time: 3754.68

everything you need and nothing you

Time: 3756.18

don't that means plenty of salt sodium

Time: 3758.76

magnesium and potassium the so-called

Time: 3760.68

electrolytes and no sugar

Time: 3762.9

now salt magnesium and potassium are

Time: 3765.54

critical to the function of all the

Time: 3767.04

cells in your body in particular to the

Time: 3768.9

function of your nerve cells also called

Time: 3770.819

neurons and we now know that even slight

Time: 3773.64

reductions in electrolyte concentrations

Time: 3775.38

or dehydration of the body can lead to

Time: 3777.9

deficits and cognitive and physical

Time: 3779.94

performance element contains a

Time: 3781.859

science-backed electrolyte ratio of 1000

Time: 3784.319

milligrams that's one gram of sodium 200

Time: 3786.96

milligrams of potassium and 60

Time: 3788.46

milligrams of magnesium I typically

Time: 3790.559

drink element first thing in the morning

Time: 3792

when I wake up in order to hydrate my

Time: 3794.099

body and make sure I have enough

Time: 3795

electrolytes and while I do any kind of

Time: 3797.76

physical training and after physical

Time: 3799.14

training as well especially if I've been

Time: 3801.119

sweating a lot and certainly I drink

Time: 3803.04

element in my water when I'm in the

Time: 3805.26

sauna and after going in the sauna

Time: 3807.059

because that causes quite a lot of

Time: 3808.14

sweating if you'd like to try element

Time: 3809.52

you can go to drink element that's

Time: 3811.819 huberman to claim a free

Time: 3814.98

element sample pack with your purchase

Time: 3816.48

again that's drink element

Time: 3819.319

huberman so basically I've discussed two

Time: 3822.359

major mechanism for how ketamine can

Time: 3824.579

induce neuroplasticity leading to

Time: 3826.2

improvements in mood and affect that

Time: 3829.319

gives relief for depression

Time: 3831.119

those two mechanisms are linked or at

Time: 3833.579

the very least are happening in parallel

Time: 3835.079

they're happening at the same time in

Time: 3836.46

the brain now just to make matters more

Time: 3838.44

interesting there's an incredible twist

Time: 3840.9

into this whole thing of how ketamine

Time: 3843.299

works and when I say how ketamine works

Time: 3844.92

I'm not just talking about how ketamine

Time: 3846.42

provides relief for depression I'm also

Time: 3849.18

talking about why people use ketamine

Time: 3851.46

for recreational purposes and it is the

Time: 3853.92


Time: 3854.819

yes ketamine has all these impacts on

Time: 3858.24

excitatory neurons inhibitory neurons

Time: 3859.74

bdnf etc etc but ketamine can also bind

Time: 3863.22

receptors in the opioid pathway now what

Time: 3867.059

is the opioid pathway don't worry here

Time: 3868.859

I'm not going to hit you with a lot of

Time: 3870.119

details but we've all heard of the

Time: 3872.16

opioid crisis by now or at least most of

Time: 3874.079

you have

Time: 3875.04

the opioid crisis refers specifically to

Time: 3877.74

people taking exogenous opioids taking

Time: 3879.839

opioids right so taking pills that

Time: 3882.359

activate particular receptors in the

Time: 3883.799

brain that lead to

Time: 3886.04

analgesia in some cases so pain relief

Time: 3888.42

that lead to changes in mood there's a

Time: 3891.299

lot to be said about the opioid crisis

Time: 3893.28

it's called a crisis for a reason many

Time: 3896.339

many people are addicted to those

Time: 3898.44


Time: 3899.76

that's a discussion for another time

Time: 3901.38

keep in mind that The receptors those

Time: 3902.94

drugs bind to are opioid receptors and

Time: 3906.059

those receptors that you and I all have

Time: 3908.22

by the way do not exist in order to bind

Time: 3910.5

drugs that are made by pharmaceutical

Time: 3912.059

companies they exist in our brain and

Time: 3914.04

body to bind to the so-called endogenous

Time: 3916.799

naturally made opioids that we all make

Time: 3919.26

and those receptors have different names

Time: 3920.64

the MU opioid receptor the Kappa opioid

Time: 3923.4

receptor Etc they tend to have the names

Time: 3925.74

of Greek letters to differentiate them

Time: 3928.38

now ketamine can bind to various opioid

Time: 3933

receptors and when opioid receptors are

Time: 3936.299

bound we know that creates certain

Time: 3938.64

effects things like pain relief things

Time: 3941.52

like changes in psychic States

Time: 3943.52

dissociation for example if enough of

Time: 3946.38

them are bound you can get euphoric

Time: 3947.76

States under certain conditions of

Time: 3950.119

high-dose binding of ketamine to those

Time: 3952.5

opioid receptors you can start getting

Time: 3954.66

into planes of anesthesia where people

Time: 3957.299

lose Consciousness and actually have no

Time: 3959.28

response to pain whatsoever if you

Time: 3961.14

recall the clinical studies we talked

Time: 3962.52

about earlier where ketamine was used to

Time: 3965.579

relieve depression

Time: 3966.96

well the dosage used in that study as

Time: 3969.839

you recall was half a milligram per

Time: 3971.88

kilogram of body weight that is the

Time: 3974.22

dosage that will induce these

Time: 3975.72

dissociative mild euphoria

Time: 3978.599

those sorts of states of mind but where

Time: 3980.88

people are still conscious when you

Time: 3982.799

start getting to dosages of ketamine

Time: 3984.299

that are in the range of one to two

Time: 3986.039

milligrams per kilogram of body weight

Time: 3987.66

now you're talking about anesthetic

Time: 3989.88

Doses and when that happens you're going

Time: 3992.7

to get full parking full saturation of

Time: 3996.72

all the potential receptors that

Time: 3998.4

ketamine can bind to those nmda

Time: 4000.079

receptors it's going to block those it's

Time: 4001.94

also going to bind to the so-called mu

Time: 4003.74

opioid receptors and maybe this other

Time: 4005.839

type as well for those of you that want

Time: 4007.28

to know you Aficionado is also the Kappa

Time: 4009.44

type opioid receptors and so what we've

Time: 4012.26

got here is a drug ketamine that is

Time: 4014.839

hitting two different systems the

Time: 4016.039

glutamate-related system

Time: 4017.799

and the endogenous opioid system and

Time: 4021.92

researchers and clinicians have

Time: 4023.359

logically started to ask whether or not

Time: 4025.46

some or all of the effects of ketamine

Time: 4027.44

are due to the opioid system

Time: 4030.26

and they want to know which effects

Time: 4031.7

those are now this is where things start

Time: 4033.559

to get really interesting both in the

Time: 4035.119

context of clinical treatment of

Time: 4036.38

depression and recreational use

Time: 4039.02

first of all

Time: 4040.76

when people take ketamine

Time: 4042.799

again it enters the bloodstream and it

Time: 4045.14

goes into the brain but it is

Time: 4047

metabolized to something called hnk

Time: 4049.4

which is hydroxy nor ketamine now I

Time: 4052.7

don't expect you to know what hydroxy

Time: 4053.9

nor ketamine is and I don't expect you

Time: 4055.7

to care about it until I tell you what

Time: 4057.559

I'm about to tell you which is that

Time: 4059.539

hydroxy nor ketamine has an incredible

Time: 4062.359

specificity for the MU opioid receptor

Time: 4065.599

and maybe that Kappa opioid receptor as

Time: 4068.24

well in other words when we talk about

Time: 4069.799

ketamine that's the drug people take but

Time: 4072.38

when it goes into the body it's

Time: 4073.94

converted into yet another drug and that

Time: 4076.579

other drug hydroxine or ketamine is

Time: 4078.799

selectively activating the opioid system

Time: 4081.02

so this led researchers to ask at a very

Time: 4084.02

important question which is when a human

Time: 4086.48

being takes ketamine in order to treat

Time: 4088.4

their depression

Time: 4089.66

and they get some relief from depression

Time: 4091.4

is that the consequence of neuroplastic

Time: 4093.5

changes in all those nmda glutamate bdnf

Time: 4096.14

related circuits that we talked about

Time: 4097.339

before or is it the consequence of

Time: 4099.44

something happening in the opioid system

Time: 4101.239

okay you can't ignore the fact that

Time: 4103.819

ketamine has this property of binding to

Time: 4106.46

these opioid receptors because they have

Time: 4108.02

such a powerful effect on our thinking

Time: 4110.299

on our mood on our state of

Time: 4111.679


Time: 4113

it's entirely reasonable that the opioid

Time: 4115.1

system could be a major player if not

Time: 4117.259

the major player in this whole

Time: 4119.66

depression relief thing and maybe even

Time: 4121.4

in the creation of dissociative

Time: 4122.779

symptomology when people take ketamine

Time: 4124.94

recreationally so what researchers slash

Time: 4127.58

clinicians did is they undertook a

Time: 4130.04

series of experiments where they gave

Time: 4132.199

people ketamine for the relief of

Time: 4133.759

depression but they also blocked the

Time: 4136.279

opioid receptor system and they did that

Time: 4138.14

using a drug called Naltrexone so what

Time: 4141.02

I'm about to describe to you is a study

Time: 4142.46

done by my colleagues at Stanford School

Time: 4144.14

of Medicine namely Dr Nolan Williams and

Time: 4147.44

Alan schatzberg and colleagues entitled

Time: 4149.839

attenuation of antidepressant and

Time: 4152.299

anti-suicidal effects of ketamine by

Time: 4154.58

opioid receptor antagonism and as a

Time: 4157.279

consequence of me reading you that title

Time: 4158.6

a moment ago you now already have the

Time: 4161.6

conclusion of the study what they

Time: 4163.699

observed is that when people were given

Time: 4165.02

ketamine they got relief from depression

Time: 4166.64

that wasn't surprising again many

Time: 4168.259

studies had shown that before since the

Time: 4170.06

early 2000s

Time: 4171.62

if however individuals were given

Time: 4173.66

Naltrexone to block the opioid receptor

Time: 4176.42


Time: 4177.739

and they were given ketamine well then

Time: 4179.779

the antidepressant effects of ketamine

Time: 4181.58

were no longer observed now that

Time: 4183.859

suggests that it is the opioid receptor

Time: 4186.02

system that's responsible for the

Time: 4189.08

antidepressant effects of ketamine and

Time: 4191.42

perhaps this hnk this hydroxy nor

Time: 4193.4

ketamine which is the metabolite of

Time: 4195.32

ketamine is the way in which ketamine

Time: 4197.66

normally relieves depression

Time: 4199.82

now a lot of people took note of these

Time: 4202.699

studies because after all there are

Time: 4205.34

probably dozens if not hundreds of

Time: 4207.199

studies looking at the effects of

Time: 4208.34

ketamine on all that nmda receptor stuff

Time: 4210.38

and indeed neuroplasticity and mood

Time: 4213.08

related circuits can't be discounted as

Time: 4215.84

one way in which ketamine provides

Time: 4218.06

relief from depression

Time: 4219.98

but what was very interesting is that in

Time: 4222.98

people given ketamine and Naltrexone

Time: 4225.8

those people still experienced the

Time: 4228.08

immediate effects of ketamine the mild

Time: 4229.88

Euphoria the dissociation the feelings

Time: 4232.94

that one would normally expect when

Time: 4234.44

people were under the effects of

Time: 4235.76

ketamine but what they didn't get were

Time: 4239.36

the longer term changes in mood that we

Time: 4241.58

would call relief from depression now of

Time: 4244.52

course the goal of modern Psychiatry is

Time: 4246.44

to treat depression not to block the

Time: 4248.6

effects of these drugs that are capable

Time: 4249.98

of treating depression now what this

Time: 4251.78

study does and by the way there are

Time: 4252.92

several studies like it that support

Time: 4254.719

these General set of findings that part

Time: 4257.239

of the critical role of ketamine in

Time: 4259.1

providing relief from depression is to

Time: 4260.719

activate the opioid system but what this

Time: 4262.699

study does is it really points to the

Time: 4264.14

fact that when we say ketamine treatment

Time: 4265.88

or we talk about somebody taking

Time: 4267.5

ketamine recreationally for that matter

Time: 4269.3

we have to pay attention to what's

Time: 4271.04

happening while they are under the

Time: 4272.179

influence of the drug

Time: 4273.8

we also have to pay attention to what's

Time: 4275.42

happening in the days and weeks after

Time: 4277.1

they're under the influence of the drug

Time: 4278.48

and perhaps most importantly this calls

Time: 4281.48

to mind a really important idea which is

Time: 4283.64

that whether or not you're talking about

Time: 4284.719

ketamine-induced relief from depression

Time: 4286.52

or psilocybin induced relief for

Time: 4289.219

depression or MDMA induced relief for

Time: 4291.56

PTSD a topic that I covered on a

Time: 4293.42

previous episode of this podcast

Time: 4295.34

we have to step back and look at the

Time: 4298.4

idea that the effects of the drug that

Time: 4300.56

people experience whatever those may be

Time: 4302.9

because obviously it's going to depend

Time: 4304.64

on what particular drug they took

Time: 4307.04

those immediate effects may not actually

Time: 4309.8

be related to the long-term clinical

Time: 4311.96

benefit of those particular drugs now I

Time: 4314.78

realize that many people might not like

Time: 4316.1

that idea and frankly I don't actually

Time: 4318.02

think that's the way that it works I

Time: 4319.46

don't think it's going to be an either

Time: 4320.6

or situation however because drugs like

Time: 4323.659

ketamine psilocybin MDMA have such

Time: 4326.6

profound effects on people's psychic

Time: 4328.76

States when they are under the influence

Time: 4330.14

of them and because at least in the

Time: 4332.42

proper clinical setting and use they do

Time: 4334.699

seem to provide impressive relief from a

Time: 4337.04

lot of these psychiatric challenges like

Time: 4339.44

depression and PTSD

Time: 4341.3

people naturally correlate those two

Time: 4343.94

things they couple those two things in

Time: 4345.5

fact they collapse those two things and

Time: 4348.199

presume that their experience of what

Time: 4350.48

they saw what they heard how they felt

Time: 4352.34

while they were under the influence of

Time: 4353.659

the drug was actually the stimulus that

Time: 4356.36

created the relief from their clinical

Time: 4358.76

condition like depression but what these

Time: 4361.64

data on combined treatment with ketamine

Time: 4364.04

and Naltrexone to block the MU opioid

Time: 4366.26

receptor really show us is that that may

Time: 4369.679

not actually be the way that it works it

Time: 4371.78

may be that the effects of a drug like

Time: 4373.76

ketamine that one experiences while

Time: 4375.8

interesting perhaps even profound

Time: 4377.6

perhaps great Insight comes to one when

Time: 4380.06

they do that therapy in the proper

Time: 4382.159


Time: 4383.42

it is not clear at all that it is that

Time: 4386.48

experience and the effects of those

Time: 4387.86

drugs in those immediate minutes and

Time: 4389.84

hours that's actually what's causing the

Time: 4392.78

relief from depression now again I don't

Time: 4395.36

think it's an either or I like to view

Time: 4397.699

the whole situation more or less as a

Time: 4400.4

sort of wave front that the experience

Time: 4402.739

that one has subjectively while they are

Time: 4405.199

under the influence of a drug like

Time: 4406.46

ketamine or psilocybin or MDMA sets off

Time: 4409.159

a series and in fact multiple series is

Time: 4413.179

that a word multiple types of processes

Time: 4416.96

in the brain some of which rely on

Time: 4418.699

things like nmda receptor bdnf Etc type

Time: 4421.76

neuroplasticity others which rely on the

Time: 4424.52

opioid receptor pathway and that each of

Time: 4427.1

these have different time courses such

Time: 4429.38

that some provide immediate relief in

Time: 4431.719

the days and hours after treatment some

Time: 4433.76

in the weeks after treatment and some

Time: 4435.92

more durable long-lasting changes that

Time: 4438.32

can occur over months or maybe even

Time: 4440.12

years and a really important thing to

Time: 4442.28

underscore in the context of of all this

Time: 4444.08

is that throughout today's discussion

Time: 4446.42

we've been talking about drugs and

Time: 4447.86

receptors and relief from depression but

Time: 4450.62

what we're really talking about here are

Time: 4452.3

people who get relief from depression

Time: 4454.82

and almost with certainty when they get

Time: 4458.12

relief from depression they are also

Time: 4459.8

starting to do other things they are

Time: 4461.84

going back to work they are engaging in

Time: 4463.46

relationships again they are viewing

Time: 4464.9

themselves differently again hopefully

Time: 4466.58

they're getting morning sunlight and

Time: 4467.96

exercising and eating well and doing all

Time: 4470.6

the sorts of things that we would call

Time: 4473.02

anti-depressive behaviors and it is

Time: 4475.699

impossible to separate the positive

Time: 4478.04

behavioral consequences of a drug

Time: 4480.14

treatment for depression from the drug

Time: 4482.48

itself in a way that lets us say Okay

Time: 4484.4

ketamine relieved depression and then as

Time: 4487.159

a consequence people went and did a

Time: 4488.6

bunch of behaviors that were healthy for

Time: 4489.86

them or stopped engaging in behaviors

Time: 4491.3

that were unhealthy for them so we can

Time: 4492.98

think of behaviors as pro-depressive or

Time: 4495.32

antidepressive in fact we know that one

Time: 4497.42

particular behavior that is viewing blue

Time: 4500.239

light in the middle of the night between

Time: 4501.62

the hours of say 11 pm and 4 AM is known

Time: 4504.8

to invoke a pro-dopressive circuit it

Time: 4507.02

involves a structure called the habenula

Time: 4508.52

I've talked about this on previous

Time: 4509.719

podcasts it tends to lower dopamine and

Time: 4512.12

increase cortisol and the day is

Time: 4513.56

following that exposure to light

Time: 4516.32

Etc et cetera so there are

Time: 4517.52

pro-depressive behaviors and there are

Time: 4519.62

anti-depressive behaviors we know that

Time: 4521.3

viewing morning sunlight getting regular

Time: 4523.4

and sufficient amounts of quality sleep

Time: 4525.5

proper nutrition proper social

Time: 4527.179

engagement there is now a plethora of

Time: 4529.1

quality research pointing to the fact

Time: 4530.78

that those are true anti-depressive

Time: 4532.699

behaviors so we can never separate out

Time: 4534.92

the effects of a drug from the effects

Time: 4537.98

of a drug that feed back on and combine

Time: 4541.34

with the effects of the drug that one is

Time: 4542.84

hoping for in this case depression

Time: 4545.12

relief okay so I've been bookending this

Time: 4547.219

conversation about ketamine at two very

Time: 4549.8

Divergent levels meaning we've been

Time: 4552.739

talking about high level stuff relief

Time: 4555.38

from depressive symptoms right we

Time: 4556.88

haven't been going into a lot of detail

Time: 4558.32

about that but that's pretty high level

Time: 4559.34

we're talking about thought changes

Time: 4560.84

behavioral changes that we're calling

Time: 4562.699

anti-depressive right changes in mood

Time: 4564.8

and affect that are positive positive

Time: 4566.84

anticipation of the future etc etc and

Time: 4569.48

then we've also been talking a lot at

Time: 4570.98

this other end which is very

Time: 4572.42

reductionist down at the seller

Time: 4573.92

molecular level we're talking about

Time: 4575.12

receptors and binding of receptors and

Time: 4577.46

neuroplasticity and track B and all that

Time: 4579.679

stuff we've completely neglected meaning

Time: 4582.14

I've completely neglected until now

Time: 4585.14

what Bridges those two levels of

Time: 4587.179

understanding and what Bridges those two

Time: 4589.159

levels of understanding are the neural

Time: 4590.84

circuits that actually change when one

Time: 4592.94

takes ketamine whether or not those

Time: 4594.679

changes occur quickly whether or not

Time: 4596.179

they take a longer period of time

Time: 4597.8

whether or not they involve an MDA

Time: 4599.36

receptors or the opioid receptor systems

Time: 4601.34

or both

Time: 4602.6

we know that certain neural circuits

Time: 4604.52

change when people take ketamine in

Time: 4606.8

these patterns of dosage and frequency

Time: 4609.26

of about half a milligram per kilogram

Time: 4611.48

and again that's the injected form twice

Time: 4613.88

per week over three weeks and then they

Time: 4616.219

get some durable resistance to

Time: 4617.84

depression fortunately we can talk about

Time: 4619.94

those neural circuits without having to

Time: 4621.5

bring about a lot more nomenclature a

Time: 4623.42

lot of new language and I say

Time: 4625.219

fortunately because I realize today

Time: 4626.719

you've been hit with a lot of new terms

Time: 4628.64

now I've already mentioned one of the

Time: 4630.44

key brain structures and that's the

Time: 4632.3

habenula a few moments ago I talked

Time: 4634.04

about the habenula in the context of

Time: 4635.84

people who get too much bright the light

Time: 4638.06

exposure in the middle of the night that

Time: 4639.8

activates the habenula it's a sort of a

Time: 4641.78

disappointment circuit we can call it

Time: 4643.76

that because we know that it leads to

Time: 4645.44

pro-dopressive symptoms in animal models

Time: 4648.38

and very likely in humans as well and it

Time: 4650.659

does so we know by reducing dopamine and

Time: 4653.239

increasing cortisol there is evidence

Time: 4655.159

that when people undergo ketamine

Time: 4656.48

therapy connections between the habenula

Time: 4659.3

what we can broadly just talk about is a

Time: 4661.46

structure involved in gen generating a

Time: 4663.26

feeling of disappointment

Time: 4665.3

the connections between the habenula and

Time: 4667.76

the reward circuitry of the brain which

Time: 4669.739

I've talked about several times before

Time: 4671.179

on this podcast but for those of you

Time: 4672.739

that aren't familiar with it this is the

Time: 4674.239

so-called mesolimbic reward pathway it

Time: 4676.28

has areas like the ventral tegmental

Time: 4678.199

area the nucleus accumbens don't worry

Time: 4680.179

at all about those names just know that

Time: 4682.4

this is a brain area that is

Time: 4684.08

chock-a-block full of neurons that

Time: 4686.6

release dopamine which is a molecule

Time: 4688.88

that tends to increase mood increase

Time: 4691.699

motivation in many ways we can think

Time: 4693.98

about it at least for sake of this

Time: 4695.239

discussion as anti-depressive so what

Time: 4697.58

we've got is a structure the habenula

Time: 4700.219

that normally provides inhibitory and

Time: 4703.1

now you know what that means inhibitory

Time: 4704.84

input to this reward pathway that

Time: 4707.719

releases dopamine and when people take

Time: 4709.64

ketamine that inhibition is lessened

Time: 4712.64

such that the reward pathway is more

Time: 4714.679

available for engagement through daily

Time: 4716.6

life activities now I say available for

Time: 4719.3

engagement through daily life activities

Time: 4721.76

for a very specific purpose which is

Time: 4724.219

that all the changes in neural circuits

Time: 4726.92

that we're talking about that can come

Time: 4728.12

about from taking a drug well those

Time: 4730.94

changes don't actually do a whole lot

Time: 4733.76

unless those circuits are reinforced by

Time: 4736.4

particular behaviors so this relates

Time: 4737.96

back to what I said just a few minutes

Time: 4739.4

ago about

Time: 4741.1

pro-depressive and anti-depressive

Time: 4743.12

behaviors somebody can take ketamine and

Time: 4745.88

potentially get relief from depression

Time: 4747.38

but if they continue to engage in

Time: 4749.36

pro-dopressive behaviors

Time: 4750.98

they are not going to get much of any

Time: 4752.9

relief from depression conversely if

Time: 4755.239

somebody takes ketamine and they are

Time: 4757.699

reducing the amount of output from this

Time: 4759.26

disappointment circuit this habenula to

Time: 4761.84

the reward circuitry of the brain and

Time: 4764.239

they do engage in behaviors such as

Time: 4766.76

seeking out work that stimulates them

Time: 4768.8

seeking out social engagement taking

Time: 4771.02

good care of their body their mental

Time: 4772.46

health their physical health Etc well

Time: 4774.739

those circuits are not designed to

Time: 4777.02

respond to ketamine they are designed to

Time: 4778.64

respond to particular patterns of

Time: 4780.199

thinking and behavior so again we can't

Time: 4782.84

forget that when we hear that a drug

Time: 4785.659

causes plasticity in a given neural

Time: 4787.76

circuit what it's doing is it's biasing

Time: 4789.86

the balance or the probability that

Time: 4792.08

those neural circuits will be engaged by

Time: 4793.88

certain activities but one still has to

Time: 4796.1

engage in those activities now

Time: 4798.32

fortunately when people tend to have

Time: 4800.719

elevations in mood they tend to move

Time: 4802.88

around more when they tend to move

Time: 4804.02

around more they tend to engage in more

Time: 4806.239

things when they tend to engage in more

Time: 4807.679

things if they have a positive outlook

Time: 4810.14

on life presumably they are engaging in

Time: 4812.42

adaptive things things like social

Time: 4813.86

relationships job related School related

Time: 4815.78

goal-related Behavior so it's important

Time: 4818.239

to understand that a discussion of

Time: 4819.679

neural circuit changes in response to

Time: 4821.36

ketamine is really a discussion of

Time: 4823.46

neural circuit changes in response to

Time: 4825.44

ketamine that shift one's overall system

Time: 4828.14

toward having yet further neural circuit

Time: 4830.6

changes in response to daily activities

Time: 4832.699

and thereby bolstering health or in this

Time: 4835.159

case mental health now it's also

Time: 4837.14

important to understand that rarely if

Time: 4839.42

ever does a drug provide relief for some

Time: 4842.12

sort of clinical challenge in just a

Time: 4844.699

one-track kind of way the way to think

Time: 4846.199

about this is that most mental processes

Time: 4848.12

and certainly things like depression are

Time: 4850.159

a two-way Road you have pro-dopressive

Time: 4852.38

behaviors in circuits and you have

Time: 4853.94

anti-depressive behaviors in circuits

Time: 4856.28

and so perhaps it won't be surprising to

Time: 4858.32

you that there's evidence that ketamine

Time: 4860.3

treatment can reduce the output from the

Time: 4861.92

habenula to the reward pathway this

Time: 4863.6

disappointment to reward pathway

Time: 4865.04

weakening that making the reward pathway

Time: 4866.84

more available for engagement through

Time: 4869.06

thoughts and behaviors that are anti

Time: 4870.86

depressive and in addition to that it

Time: 4873.92

can further bolster the neuroplasticity

Time: 4876.38

within the reward pathway itself in

Time: 4879.08

particular with connections with the

Time: 4880.64

frontal cortex and for those of you that

Time: 4882.32

aren't familiar with the frontal cortex

Time: 4883.76

your frontal cortex does a lot of things

Time: 4885.62

but one of the things that your frontal

Time: 4887.12

cortex is absolutely critical for is for

Time: 4889.94


Time: 4891.34

context-dependent strategy meaning for

Time: 4894.199

allowing you to say okay in a given

Time: 4895.82

circumstance what should I do to get the

Time: 4897.739

results I want in another circumstance

Time: 4899.96

what should I do to get the results I

Time: 4901.64

want it's not strategizing of the

Time: 4903.92

manipulative type although I suppose it

Time: 4905.42

could be it's strategizing of how do I

Time: 4907.82

get what I need from this social

Time: 4909.86

connection how do I get what I need from

Time: 4911.719

my goals and exercise how do I get what

Time: 4915.02

I need from my goals in terms of work or

Time: 4918.199

school Etc your frontal cortex is that

Time: 4920.36

part of your cortex that's always

Time: 4921.62

churning ideas it's always wondering am

Time: 4923.48

I doing well am I not doing well and is

Time: 4925.1

adjusting your behavior accordingly so

Time: 4927.38

it's now established that ketamine can

Time: 4929.12

improve connectivity that is it can

Time: 4930.92

strengthen the connections between areas

Time: 4932.96

of the brain that are associated with

Time: 4934.659

context-dependent strategy building and

Time: 4937.28

these reward Pathways in other words it

Time: 4939.26

makes people more sensitive to whether

Time: 4941.12

or not they are getting the results they

Time: 4942.679

want from their efforts and to how to

Time: 4945.08

adjust their efforts so that they do get

Time: 4947.06

the results they want from those efforts

Time: 4949.1

and there's other evidence that nmda

Time: 4951.02

receptor blockade is not the way that

Time: 4953.36

ketamine provides relief from depression

Time: 4955.219

namely there's a drug called mementine

Time: 4958.04

it's used actually to treat Alzheimer's

Time: 4959.84

and it too is an nmda receptor blocker

Time: 4962.84

and it has no antidepressant effects now

Time: 4966.02

as you recall ketamine is a dissociative

Time: 4968

anesthetic and one of its primary

Time: 4969.8

effects is to create this feeling of

Time: 4971.719

dissociation for those those of you that

Time: 4973.58

aren't familiar with what dissociation

Time: 4975.02

is dissociation is where people feel

Time: 4977.719

separate from their body they can still

Time: 4979.88

think but it's as if they are observing

Time: 4982.34

themselves in fact in anticipation for

Time: 4984.5

this episode I consulted with several

Time: 4986.42

different colleagues in the department

Time: 4987.56

of Psychiatry at Stanford school of

Time: 4989.179

medicine and one of them described the

Time: 4990.86

effects of ketamine as described by a

Time: 4992.78

patient of theirs who had taken ketamine

Time: 4994.159

for the treatment of depression

Time: 4995.84

and that patient described it as

Time: 4998.54

observing themselves thinking observing

Time: 5001.54

themselves doing things even though they

Time: 5003.64

were lying completely still and perhaps

Time: 5006.34

most importantly describing themselves

Time: 5008.02

as being above their body and actually

Time: 5009.88

looking down on themselves from the

Time: 5012.04

third person perspective now that I

Time: 5014.5

realize is a foreign experience to most

Time: 5016.3

people but of course there are people

Time: 5017.44

who experienced dissociation even while

Time: 5019.12

not on ketamine and as many of you know

Time: 5021.659

dissociation is actually one of the

Time: 5023.56

primary symptoms of PTSD and Trauma so

Time: 5026.56

this raises a sort of conundrum you know

Time: 5028.3

why is it that a particular state of

Time: 5030.34

mind that's associated with PTSD and

Time: 5032.38

Trauma and in some cases depression

Time: 5034


Time: 5035.08

which is induced by a drug like ketamine

Time: 5037.42

can provide relief from depression and

Time: 5039.04

that all goes back to the neuroplastic

Time: 5040.54

changes that we talked about earlier and

Time: 5042.88

more likely the changes in the MU opioid

Time: 5045.64

receptor system that we talked about

Time: 5046.78

earlier but nonetheless the dissociative

Time: 5049.6

effects of ketamine are so profound for

Time: 5052.12

people that take them that I thought I'd

Time: 5053.92

spend a minute or two explaining what

Time: 5055.78

likely causes that dissociative third

Time: 5057.699

personing of self-effect and insofar as

Time: 5061

we know it has to do with an uncoupling

Time: 5063.82

of certain brain circuits in particular

Time: 5066.159

neocortical brain circuits the neocortex

Time: 5068.44

is the part of the brain the lumpy

Time: 5069.64

outside part of the brain that's

Time: 5071.199

associated with action planning it does

Time: 5073.12

a lot of things really it's involved in

Time: 5075.159

sensory perception it's involved in

Time: 5077.38

speech generation many many things but

Time: 5079.78

the neocortex has connections to other

Time: 5082.54

regions which are called subcortical

Time: 5084.219

regions and it seems that when people

Time: 5086.56

take ketamine or phen cycladine PCP

Time: 5088.9

there's an uncoupling of those networks

Time: 5090.82

acquiring of those networks that starts

Time: 5093.58

to create a different dominant rhythm in

Time: 5095.5

the brain some of you may be familiar

Time: 5097.6

with rhythms in the brain so-called

Time: 5099.28

Alpha rhythms or Alpha patterns of

Time: 5101.08

activity that's just dominant patterns

Time: 5103

of activity associated with particular

Time: 5104.92

brain States so for instance Alpha brain

Time: 5106.96

waves are associated with an alert but

Time: 5109

calm relaxed State of Mind where

Time: 5111.94

thoughts are sort of free-flowing it's a

Time: 5113.8

little bit dreamlike but it isn't really

Time: 5115.78

like a dream where anything can happen

Time: 5117.64

it has a structure to it when people

Time: 5120.219

take ketamine the alpha pattern of

Time: 5122.08

activity is completely abolished at

Time: 5123.94

least for the duration of time that

Time: 5125.08

they're under the influence of the drug

Time: 5126.28

which typically is about an hour to two

Time: 5128.56

hours or so and a different pattern of

Time: 5130.78

brain activity which is called the Theta

Time: 5132.4

pattern of brain activity starts to

Time: 5134.56

really emerge it's as if it gets

Time: 5136.36

unveiled and that Theta pattern of

Time: 5138.46

activity is the one that's associated

Time: 5139.78

with a dream-like state it's the one

Time: 5141.94

that resides more or less at that

Time: 5143.56

liminal border between wakefulness and

Time: 5146.44

sleep if you've ever been falling asleep

Time: 5148.36

and you were thinking something like you

Time: 5149.98

were running and you kicked your leg

Time: 5151.179

it's very likely that you were in a

Time: 5152.98

Theta pattern of activity in your brain

Time: 5154.659

at that moment

Time: 5156.159

just prior to when you woke up whereas

Time: 5158.44

when you're more alert you see patterns

Time: 5160.3

of activity that are higher frequency

Time: 5161.739

things like Alpha Beta rhythms and so

Time: 5163.84

forth so ketamine produces particular

Time: 5166.12

patterns of brain activity and this

Time: 5167.739

sense of dissociation when it's taken at

Time: 5170.38

sub anesthetic doses if you recall the

Time: 5173.139

clinical studies we talked about earlier

Time: 5174.58

they injected half a milligram per

Time: 5177.159

kilogram of body weight in order to

Time: 5179.199

provide depression relief for those

Time: 5180.76

patients when people take ketamine they

Time: 5183.76

will take it by different routes of

Time: 5185.26

delivery and now here we have to expand

Time: 5187.179

our conversation to include both the

Time: 5188.86

clinical context research studies and

Time: 5191.62

recreational use

Time: 5193.36

now I do that because typically when

Time: 5196.12

people take ketamine in a study in a

Time: 5198.46

clinical study they will get an

Time: 5199.78

intravenous into the vein or an

Time: 5201.76

intramuscular into the muscle injection

Time: 5203.739

of half a milligram per kilogram of body

Time: 5206.199

weight ketamine however when people are

Time: 5209.8

taking ketamine recreationally or when

Time: 5211.84

they are accessing ketamine legally by

Time: 5213.699

prescription and taking it at home which

Time: 5216.1

is becoming a more common practice they

Time: 5218.62

will often take it orally in pill form

Time: 5220.6

or they will take it sublingually by

Time: 5223

putting it under the tongue or in their

Time: 5224.44

cheek and then that so-called troche

Time: 5226.84

dissolves and the ketamine goes into

Time: 5228.46

their system now an important thing to

Time: 5230.44

understand is that when people take

Time: 5232.179

ketamine orally only 25 percent of the

Time: 5235.48

active form of ketamine makes it into

Time: 5237.28

the bloodstream and when they take it

Time: 5239.199

sublingually typically only about 35

Time: 5241.12

percent of the total amount of ketamine

Time: 5243.219

they take is converted into

Time: 5244.54

metabolically active ketamine that acts

Time: 5246.94

on the neurons in their brain so when

Time: 5248.92

you hear about the dosages used in

Time: 5250.3

studies they are going to generally

Time: 5252.4

involve injections of ketamine and far

Time: 5254.92

lower doses of ketamine than when you

Time: 5256.48

hear about people taking ketamine orally

Time: 5258.52

or sublingually so for instance I weigh

Time: 5260.8

220 pounds that's 100 kilograms so if I

Time: 5263.739

were to be in one of these studies which

Time: 5265.42

I have not been but if I were

Time: 5267.34

I would be given 50 milligrams of

Time: 5270.1

ketamine by way of injection however if

Time: 5272.26

I were going to try to achieve the same

Time: 5274.6

amount of active ketamine in my

Time: 5276.4

bloodstream and brain as I would through

Time: 5279.159

injection I would need to ingest three

Time: 5281.32

times as much ketamine by way of pill

Time: 5284.139

and perhaps a little bit more by way of

Time: 5287.38

sublingual ketamine if I wanted to get

Time: 5289.36

the same effects so if I were to take 50

Time: 5291.699

milligrams by way of injection in a

Time: 5293.8

study and I went to a different study

Time: 5296.02

and they said okay we want to recreate

Time: 5297.4

that effect we're going to give you a

Time: 5299.26

pill typically they're going to give me

Time: 5300.9

150 milligrams of ketamine in a pill

Time: 5304.06

form or 200 milligrams of ketamine in

Time: 5307.48

the troche sublingual form now it's

Time: 5309.52

really important to understand this dose

Time: 5311.38

dependence according to delivery

Time: 5312.88

business because I realize that nowadays

Time: 5316.239

especially a lot of people are taking

Time: 5317.92

ketamine through legal sources so

Time: 5320.92

they're accessing it legally but they're

Time: 5322.719

taking it outside the clinic and more

Time: 5324.34

typically they're taking it not by way

Time: 5325.719

of injection meaning they're taking

Time: 5327.46

higher dose ketamine and they're taking

Time: 5329.26

it sublingually or orally so it's very

Time: 5331.9

important to understand this dose

Time: 5333.82

dependence according to mode of delivery

Time: 5335.739

business now in anticipation of this

Time: 5338.02

episode I put out a request for

Time: 5339.34

questions about ketamine on Twitter and

Time: 5341.56

I got many many questions some X

Time: 5344.08

excellent ones they're in but one of the

Time: 5346.239

more common questions was what is a

Time: 5348.52

k-hole in scientific terms a k-hole is

Time: 5353.02

what's used to describe the subjective

Time: 5354.88

experience of when somebody takes

Time: 5356.679

ketamine typically recreationally and

Time: 5359.5

they end up in basically a

Time: 5361.32

pseudo-anesthetized state

Time: 5363.76

what that means is that they took a

Time: 5365.98

dosage that for them put them beyond the

Time: 5369.4

boundary of the sub anesthetic dose and

Time: 5371.679

has them transitioning into the

Time: 5373.48

anesthesia level dose of ketamine

Time: 5376.78

now I mentioned everything I did about

Time: 5379.06

dosages before because it's very

Time: 5381.219

important to know that different people

Time: 5383.02

even if they are of equivalent body

Time: 5385.54

weight are going to respond to ketamine

Time: 5387.699

differently depending on how quickly and

Time: 5390.159

how thoroughly they metabolize ketamine

Time: 5392.739


Time: 5394.12

in the clinical context injections of

Time: 5396.699

ketamine into the vein or into the

Time: 5398.739

muscle are done at this half a milligram

Time: 5400.54

per kilogram dose and they have

Time: 5403.12

clinicians there they have researchers

Time: 5404.5

there who are paying attention to

Time: 5405.639

whether or not the person is in a

Time: 5407.62

associative state if they're still

Time: 5409.179

conscious and to see whether or not the

Time: 5411.159

person is going into full-blown

Time: 5412.659

anesthesia now that's one of the values

Time: 5414.699

of doing ketamine in the context of a

Time: 5416.98

legal clinical setting however I'd be

Time: 5419.02

remiss if I didn't acknowledge that a

Time: 5420.639

lot of people are getting ketamine

Time: 5422.32

legally but then taking it at home

Time: 5424.6

hopefully not alone hopefully there's

Time: 5426.219

someone there to monitor them where

Time: 5428.139

they're in session with their physician

Time: 5430.06

over Zoom that's actually happening more

Time: 5431.92

and more these days through Telehealth

Time: 5433.84

but that itself also has certain risks

Time: 5435.94

right because if the person needs

Time: 5437.739

something and they don't have someone

Time: 5438.76

there immediately in the room to take

Time: 5440.38

care of it that could be a very

Time: 5441.82

problematic situation and of course

Time: 5443.739

there are situations where people are

Time: 5445.179

taking ketamine recreationally

Time: 5446.86

regardless of how they're acquiring it

Time: 5448.78

they're taking it and they are guessing

Time: 5450.82

how they are going to respond to it

Time: 5452.199

based on some crude understanding of

Time: 5454.42

dosages but when people talk about a

Time: 5456.4

k-hole what they're talking about is

Time: 5458.26

taking ketamine at a dose that for them

Time: 5460.54

takes them beyond the mild or perhaps

Time: 5462.52

even an extreme dissociation

Time: 5464.739

and starts placing them into full-blown

Time: 5467.08

anesthesia and that itself actually can

Time: 5469.3

be dangerous

Time: 5470.8

going into anesthesia like planes of

Time: 5472.84

Consciousness while not always deadly

Time: 5475.06

can be deadly and it certainly can be

Time: 5477.46

and has been deadly when people start to

Time: 5479.56

combine it with other drugs in

Time: 5481.6

particular drugs like barbiturates or

Time: 5483.4

alcohol so I want to be very clear that

Time: 5486.219

the dosage ranges that you hear about

Time: 5487.84

when hearing about ketamine are

Time: 5489.52

extremely Broad and so is the

Time: 5491.44

variability to any one given dose and so

Time: 5494.56

too is the response to a given dose in a

Time: 5498.219

given person depending on the route of

Time: 5500.56

delivery you need to be very careful

Time: 5502.659

about the ability of ketamine to take

Time: 5504.94

you into deep deep planes of

Time: 5506.98

unconsciousness and in some cases death

Time: 5509.62

and of course as with any sedative one

Time: 5512.56

needs to be extremely cautious about

Time: 5514.12

doing anything like driving or even

Time: 5516.28

walking in traffic or walking anywhere

Time: 5519.46

in some cases if one is under the

Time: 5521.56

influence of ketamine additionally for

Time: 5523.659

those of you that are seizure prone

Time: 5525.4

either due to epilepsy or prior head

Time: 5527.62

injury or maybe your seizure pronoun you

Time: 5529.659

don't know it can mean can induce

Time: 5531.52

seizures and it should be completely

Time: 5533.02

obvious to you now why that's the case

Time: 5535.08

ketamine blocks nmda receptors on

Time: 5538.36

inhibitory neurons and quiets their

Time: 5540.159

activity which of course can lead to

Time: 5541.719

Runaway excitation in the brain if you

Time: 5543.639

are seizure prone when I put out the

Time: 5545.56

request for questions about ketamine on

Time: 5547.36

social media I also got a lot of

Time: 5549.1

questions about the different forms of

Time: 5550.719

ketamine when I say different forms that

Time: 5553.179

included questions about whether or not

Time: 5554.44

intranasal was better than oral was

Time: 5557.08

better than sublingual etc etc

Time: 5559.84

to be fair with one exception the

Time: 5562

different modes of delivery probably

Time: 5563.98

relate more to dosage that actually gets

Time: 5566.56

metabolized than to anything else what I

Time: 5568.239

mean by that is most people don't know

Time: 5570.699

how to equate the clinical dose of half

Time: 5573.1

a milligram per kilogram of body weight

Time: 5575.139

into a dosage to take orally or

Time: 5577.659

sublingually or in some cases by the way

Time: 5580.12

people will take it rectally and the

Time: 5581.8

reason people take ketamine rectally is

Time: 5583.9

that rectal Administration bypasses the

Time: 5586

liver and indeed ketamine can be hard on

Time: 5588.94

the liver to metabolize it can

Time: 5590.56

dramatically increase liver enzymes so

Time: 5593.08

oftentimes people that are taking

Time: 5594.159

ketamine frequently and don't want to

Time: 5596.56

create damage to the liver they will opt

Time: 5598.6

for a rectal Administration now I

Time: 5600.82

realize that unless it's somehow related

Time: 5602.56

to your profession anytime somebody says

Time: 5604.3

intraectally it raises a few eyebrows

Time: 5606.58

and people you know kind of lean back a

Time: 5608.8

little bit and I get it in a future

Time: 5610.659

episode of the podcast I promise to

Time: 5612.58

distinguish between the different modes

Time: 5614.44

of drug metabolism depending on whether

Time: 5616.06

or not people take something orally

Time: 5617.86

sublingually by injection or rectally

Time: 5621.4

another common question I got when I

Time: 5623.44

solicited for questions about ketamine

Time: 5625.48

on social media was about the R versus S

Time: 5629.26

versus RS forms of ketamine and I must

Time: 5632.32

tell you that sent me down a deep deep

Time: 5634.659

Rabbit Hole of research in which I

Time: 5637.659

discovered very contradictory evidence

Time: 5639.88

for instance I could find papers I did

Time: 5642.88

find papers that said that the r form of

Time: 5645.52

ketamine had a much greater affinity for

Time: 5647.32

the nmda receptor than did the S form of

Time: 5650.08

ketamine I also found reviews that said

Time: 5653.139

the exact opposite okay and there I was

Time: 5656.32

sitting with the two reviews in front of

Time: 5657.76

one another wondering if there was

Time: 5659.139

something wrong with my visual system

Time: 5661.42

until I called a colleague Dr Nolan

Time: 5663.58

Williams who's a triple board certified

Time: 5665.08

neurologist psychiatrist at Stanford

Time: 5667

School of Medicine whose laboratory

Time: 5668.44

specializes in the use of ketamine for

Time: 5671.44

studies of treating depression and for

Time: 5673.179

treating depression in the clinical

Time: 5675.159

population so I asked him what's the

Time: 5677.679

deal here I'm getting very contradictory

Time: 5679.3

evidence and he spelled it all out for

Time: 5681.46


Time: 5682.42

it appears based on the clinical data in

Time: 5685.06

humans and on binding studies that the S

Time: 5688.6

form of ketamine is more potent that is

Time: 5691.9

it can more robustly bind to the nmda

Time: 5694.36

receptor and in addition to that the S

Time: 5697.42

form of ketamine tends to produce less

Time: 5700.179

dissociation at a given dosage than does

Time: 5704.26

the combined Sr form of ketamine or pure

Time: 5707.679

R ketamine

Time: 5709.48

he also added and sent me a study that

Time: 5711.88

I'll link in the show note captions that

Time: 5713.8

there was recently a clinical trial of

Time: 5716.199

r-ketamine so pure R ketamine alone

Time: 5719.38

and it failed to relieve depressive

Time: 5721.84


Time: 5722.8

so I said great thank you so much this

Time: 5724.84

is now all made very clear to me that s

Time: 5727.6

ketamine is the preferred form it

Time: 5729.46

produces less dissociation and it

Time: 5731.8

provides better depression relief and

Time: 5734.199

then he said no actually it's a little

Time: 5737.139

more complicated than that it appears

Time: 5739.54

the situation is the following the

Time: 5741.88

combined Sr form of ketamine seems to be

Time: 5744.88

the most potent for relieving depressive

Time: 5747.699


Time: 5749.199

the S form of ketamine

Time: 5751.6

is second best in terms of providing

Time: 5754.12

relief from depressive symptoms and is

Time: 5756.04

the one that's most commonly prescribed

Time: 5757.659


Time: 5758.86

by nasal spray by Oral dosing by

Time: 5762.58

sublingual dosing and it's what is

Time: 5764.32

typically given by way of injection in

Time: 5766.6

clinical studies where they do

Time: 5767.62


Time: 5769.12

and it appears that the r form of

Time: 5771.159

ketamine is the least potent and

Time: 5773.139

effective in treating depression now I

Time: 5775.659

realize that by putting this out into

Time: 5777.04

the larger world and assuming that there

Time: 5780.04

are experts in ketamine out there either

Time: 5781.54

by way of use or by clinical study of

Time: 5783.76

their own that I will get a lot of

Time: 5785.62

comments back saying no actually the r

Time: 5787.36

form was more effective for me than the

Time: 5788.98

S form versus the SR form Etc just to

Time: 5791.5

reiterate from the clinical trials that

Time: 5793.48

have been done we know that the combined

Time: 5795.04

Sr form is more potent and effective

Time: 5797.44

than the pure s form which is still more

Time: 5800.739

effective than the pure R form so that's

Time: 5802.96

what we know now based on the clinical

Time: 5804.88

studies but of course I acknowledge that

Time: 5806.86

anytime a drug is out there as a

Time: 5808.42

clinical tool and it's being used

Time: 5809.56

recreationally that people are going to

Time: 5811.84

explore and they're going to experiment

Time: 5814

and they're going to find what works

Time: 5815.32

best for them so I certainly invite

Time: 5816.88

feedback about what has worked best for

Time: 5818.92

you hopefully in the clinical context so

Time: 5821.02

whether or not people have used ketamine

Time: 5822.52

prescription from their doctor whether

Time: 5824.199

or not they participated in a clinical

Time: 5825.76

study or whether or not they're doing it

Time: 5826.96

recreationally I imagine that I will

Time: 5828.639

hear about those experiences and I will

Time: 5830.679

take note of them another commonly asked

Time: 5832.719

question I received was what about

Time: 5834.4

microdosing of ketamine there's a lot of

Time: 5836.62

interest in microdosing nowadays people

Time: 5838.3

are micro dosing psilocybin people are

Time: 5840.82

micro dosing all sorts of things hoping

Time: 5843.159

to get some of the same effects as the

Time: 5844.6

macro doses but by using dosages of

Time: 5847.719

compounds that are below what would

Time: 5850.3

induce say in the case of psilocybin

Time: 5852.159

hallucinations or in the case of

Time: 5854.199

ketamine below what would induce the

Time: 5856

kind of dissociation and euphoric

Time: 5858.159

effects that one would have to lie down

Time: 5860.199

for a few hours and disengage for the

Time: 5861.94

rest of the day I consulted with my

Time: 5863.92

clinician colleagues about this and they

Time: 5866.02

told me that at present meaning as of

Time: 5868

yesterday there is zero published

Time: 5871.12

clinical evidence that they are aware of

Time: 5873.219

and by way of extension that I am aware

Time: 5875.5

of in which microdosing ketamine has

Time: 5879.04

been effective for the treatment of

Time: 5880.179

depression all of the positive effects

Time: 5882.1

on depression that I've talked about

Time: 5883.239

during this episode are gleaned from

Time: 5885.58

studies where people used this half

Time: 5887.62

milligram per kilogram dosage of

Time: 5889.78

ketamine or its equivalent by way of

Time: 5891.82

some other route of administration not

Time: 5893.5

injected but oral or sublingual so are

Time: 5895.96

there any benefits to microdose and

Time: 5897.58

ketamine as far as the scientific and

Time: 5899.679

clinical literature that's published as

Time: 5901.659

of today is concerned the answer is no

Time: 5904.179

okay so today we covered a lot of

Time: 5905.98

information we talked about what

Time: 5907.6

ketamine is remember ketamine and PCP

Time: 5910.06

angel dust very similar compounds both

Time: 5913.239

block the nmda receptor we also talked

Time: 5915.699

about what sorts of subjective effects

Time: 5917.86

that produces dissociation and Mild

Time: 5920.199

Euphoria and third personing of self

Time: 5922.36

that's the dissociation when taken at

Time: 5924.82

low dosages and when taken at higher

Time: 5927.46

dosages it can induce full-blown

Time: 5929.32

anesthesia and put people into

Time: 5930.58

subconscious States and there's actually

Time: 5932.56

a potential even for seizure and death

Time: 5934.9

if the dosage is high enough for that

Time: 5937.36

person again I want to emphasize that

Time: 5939.82

people's dosage sensitivity varies

Time: 5941.8

tremendously route of delivery will

Time: 5943.3

impact that and on and on we also talked

Time: 5945.94

about how the nmda receptor itself

Time: 5948.34

and the activation of this incredible

Time: 5950.92

molecule bdnf brain derived nootrophic

Time: 5953.26

Factor seemed to be important for at

Time: 5955.9

least some of the antidepressant effects

Time: 5957.46

of ketamine both in the days and weeks

Time: 5959.98

following ketamine Administration and in

Time: 5962.739

addition to that I described how

Time: 5964.179

ketamine impacts the opioid receptor

Time: 5966.1

system and how we simply cannot Overlook

Time: 5968.199

the involvement of the opioid receptor

Time: 5970.239

system in producing the antidepressant

Time: 5972.58

effects of ketamine and we also talked

Time: 5974.38

about the brain circuits and the brain

Time: 5976

waves associated with dissociative

Time: 5977.44

States and the depression relief that

Time: 5979.96

seems to arrive for many people who take

Time: 5981.82

ketamine and I tried to highlight some

Time: 5983.56

of the unique features of ketamine first

Time: 5985.54

of all that it does seem to provide

Time: 5987.219

depression relief where other approaches

Time: 5989.32

have not but that the depression relief

Time: 5991.36

tends to be pretty short-lived unless

Time: 5993.52

it's applied in this multi-times per

Time: 5996.04

week over multiple weeks kind of fashion

Time: 5998.44

to produce what I call durable changes

Time: 6000.659

which almost certainly involve changes

Time: 6002.639

in neuroplasticity that is rewiring of

Time: 6005.28

brain circuits and another key point

Time: 6007.199

that I highlighted is is that we always

Time: 6009.54

have to remember that when thinking

Time: 6011.219

about how chemicals like ketamine or any

Time: 6013.38

other substance for that matter can

Time: 6015

modify brain circuits in order to change

Time: 6017.46

them and provide relief from depression

Time: 6019.86

or some other psychiatric challenge that

Time: 6022.56

always always always there is a

Time: 6024.78

requirement for engaging in

Time: 6026.94

anti-depressive behaviors as a way to

Time: 6029.219

further reinforce whatever positive

Time: 6030.78

changes have come about through the drug

Time: 6032.4

treatment as a friend and colleague of

Time: 6034.08

mine who's expert in this area once so

Time: 6036.36

aptly said Better Living Through

Time: 6038.28

Chemistry still requires Better Living

Time: 6040.56

thank you for joining me for today's

Time: 6042.239

discussion about ketamine if you're

Time: 6044.28

learning from and or enjoying this

Time: 6045.659

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Time: 6047.4

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Time: 6049.62

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Time: 6060.84

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Time: 6062.219

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Time: 6064.32

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Time: 6065.76

I do read all the comments please also

Time: 6068.219

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Time: 6070.08

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Time: 6071.34

that's the best way to support this

Time: 6073.32

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Time: 6075.42

any previous episodes of The huberman

Time: 6076.739

Lab podcast we discuss supplements while

Time: 6078.6

supplements aren't necessary for

Time: 6079.8

everybody many people derive tremendous

Time: 6081.78

benefit from them for things like sleep

Time: 6083.34

support hormone support and improving

Time: 6085.44

Focus the huberman Lab podcast has

Time: 6087.54

partnered with momentous supplements if

Time: 6089.219

you'd like to learn more about the

Time: 6090.239

supplements discussed on the huberman

Time: 6091.44

Lab podcast you can go to live momentous

Time: 6093.719

spelled ous so it's

Time: 6096.02

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Time: 6098.4

me on social media I am hubermanlab on

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Time: 6105.96

of those platforms I cover science and

Time: 6107.46

science-based tools some of which

Time: 6108.84

overlap with the content of the huberman

Time: 6110.219

Lab podcast but much of which is

Time: 6112.02

distinct from the content of the uberman

Time: 6113.52

Lab podcast so again it's huberman lab

Time: 6115.44

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Time: 6117.54

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Time: 6118.86

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Time: 6120.179

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Time: 6121.98

that includes podcast summaries and

Time: 6124.08

protocols in the form of brief one to

Time: 6125.94

three page PDFs those protocols include

Time: 6128.699

things like a tool kit to enhance the

Time: 6130.38

quality and duration of your sleep

Time: 6131.78

toolkits to improve learning and

Time: 6133.5

neuroplasticity toolkits for deliberate

Time: 6135.48

cold exposure exercise Focus dopamine

Time: 6137.94

and on and on to sign up for the neural

Time: 6139.98

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Time: 6146.699

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Time: 6148.5

thank you once again for joining me for

Time: 6150.54

today's discussion and last but

Time: 6152.52

certainly not least thank you for your

Time: 6154.38

interest in science

Time: 6155.53


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