Journal Club with Dr. Peter Attia | Effects of Light & Dark on Mental Health & Treatments for Cancer

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today marks the second episode

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in our Journal Club series with myself

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and Dr Peter AA Dr Peter AA as many of

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you know is a medical doctor who is a

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world expert in all things Health span

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and lifespan he is the author of the

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bestselling book outlive as well as the

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host of his own terrific podcast the

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drive for today's episode Peter and I

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each select a different paper to share

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with you we selected these papers

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because we feel they are both extremely

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interesting and extremely actionable

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first I present a paper that is about

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how light exposure during the morning

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and daytime as well as dark exposure at

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night each have independent and positive

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effects on Mental Health as well as the

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ability to reduce the symptoms of many

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different mental health disorders now

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I've talked before on this podcast and

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elsewhere about the key importance of

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seeing morning sunlight as well as

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trying to be in dim light at night

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however the data presented in the paper

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today really expands on that by

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identifying the key importance of not

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just morning sunlight but getting bright

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light in one's eyes as much as is safely

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possible throughout the entire day and a

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separate additive effect of being in as

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much Darkness at night as POS possible I

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describe the data in a lot of detail

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although you do not need a background in

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biology in order to understand that

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discussion and there's a key takeaway

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which is that if you can't get enough

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light in your eyes during the daytime

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you would be well advised to get as much

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Darkness exposure at night in other

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words light and dark have independent

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and additive effects on mental health

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and during today's discussion you'll

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learn exactly how to apply light

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exposure and dark exposure in order to

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get those benefits then then Peter

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presents a paper about novel treatments

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for cancer I must say it's an extremely

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important conversation that everybody

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regardless of whether or not you may

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have had cancer or know somebody who's

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had cancer ought to listen to he

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highlights the current technology of

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cancer treatments as well as the future

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technology of cancer treatments and the

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key role that the immune system and the

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autoimmune system play in treatments for

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cancer I assure you that by the end of

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today's Journal Club episode you will

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have learned

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a ton of new information about light and

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dark and mental health as well as cancer

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and the immune system and treatments for

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curing cancer before we begin I'd like

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to emphasize that this podcast is

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separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford it is however part of

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my desire and effort to bring zero cost

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to Consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is eight sleep

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eight sleep makes Smart mattress covers

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with cooling Heating and sleep tracking

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capacity I've spoken many times before

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in this podcast about the fact that

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sleep is the foundation of mental health

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physical health and performance now a

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key component of getting a great night's

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sleep is that in order to fall and stay

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deeply asleep your body temperature

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actually has to drop by about 1 to 3

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degrees and in order to wake up feeling

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refreshed and energized your body

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temperature actually has to increase by

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about 1 to 3° one of the best ways to

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make sure that those temperature changes

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occur at the appropriate times at the

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beginning and throughout and at the end

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of your night when you wake up is to

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control the temperature of your sleeping

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environment and that's what eight sleep

Time: 216.48

allows you to do it allows you to

Time: 218.36

program the temperature of your mattress

Time: 219.92

and sleeping environment such that you

Time: 221.72

fall and stay deeply asleep easily and

Time: 224.439

wake up each morning feeling incredibly

Time: 226.439

refreshed and energized I've been

Time: 228.159

sleeping on an eights Sleep mattress

Time: 229.439

cover for almost 3 years now and it has

Time: 231.76

dramatically improved the quality of my

Time: 233.519

sleep so much so that when I travel and

Time: 235.76

I'm at a hotel or an Airbnb and I don't

Time: 237.76

have access to my eight sleep I very

Time: 239.48

much look forward to getting home

Time: 240.76

because my sleep is always better when I

Time: 242.76

sleep on my eight Sleep mattress cover

Time: 244.64

if you'd like to try eightsleep you can

Time: 246.2

go to

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huberman to get $150 off their pod three

Time: 251

mattress cover eight sleep currently

Time: 252.76

ships in the USA Canada UK select

Time: 255.36

countries in the EU and Australia again

Time: 257.84


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huberman today's episode is also brought

Time: 261.959

To Us by better help better help offers

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Professional Therapy with a licensed

Time: 266.199

therapist carried out online now I've

Time: 268.72

been going to therapy for well over 30

Time: 270.479

years initially I didn't have a choice

Time: 272.52

it was a condition of being allowed to

Time: 273.8

stay in school but pretty soon I

Time: 276.199

realized that therapy is extremely

Time: 278.039

valuable in fact I consider doing

Time: 279.96

regular therapy just as important as

Time: 282.12

getting regular exercise including

Time: 283.84

cardiovascular exercise and resistance

Time: 285.44

training which of course I also do every

Time: 287.32

week the reason I know therapy is so

Time: 289.24

valuable is that if you can find a

Time: 291.16

therapist with whom you can develop a

Time: 292.919

really good report you not only get

Time: 295.479

terrific support for some of the

Time: 297.12

challenges in your life but you also can

Time: 299.28

drive tremendous insights from that

Time: 301.52

therapy insights that can allow you to

Time: 303.68

better not just your emotional life and

Time: 305.199

your relationship life but of course

Time: 307.44

also the relationship to yourself and to

Time: 309.52

your professional life to all sorts of

Time: 311.32

career goals in fact IC therapy is one

Time: 313.56

of the key components for meshing

Time: 315.16

together all aspects of one's life and

Time: 317.4

being able to really direct one's focus

Time: 319.24

and attention toward what really matters

Time: 321.759

if you'd like to try better help go to

Time: 323.319 huberman to get 10% off

Time: 326.479

your first month again that's

Time: 327.639

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uberman today's episode is also brought

Time: 331.44

To Us by ju ju makes medical grade red

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light therapy devices now if there's one

Time: 336.88

thing I've consistantly emphasized on

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this podcast is the incredible role that

Time: 340.96

light can have on our biology and of

Time: 343.16

course I'm always telling people that

Time: 344.68

they should get sunlight in their eyes

Time: 346.12

as soon as possible after waking on as

Time: 347.96

many days of their life as possible for

Time: 350.16

sake of setting circadian rhythm daytime

Time: 351.84

mood focus and alertness and improve

Time: 353.72

sleep now in addition to sunlight red

Time: 356.759

light and near infrared light has been

Time: 358.479

shown to have positive effect effects on

Time: 359.84

improving numerous aspects of Cellar and

Time: 361.96

organ Health including faster Muscle

Time: 364.6

Recovery improved skin health and wound

Time: 367.12

healing even improvements in acne or

Time: 369.319

that is removal of acne reducing pain

Time: 371.919

and inflammation improving mitochondrial

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function and even improving Vision

Time: 376.8

itself what sets juv apart and why it's

Time: 379.16

my preferred red light therapy device is

Time: 381.039

that it has clinically proven

Time: 382.759

wavelengths meaning it uses specific

Time: 385.36

wavelengths of red light and near

Time: 386.8

infrared light in combination that

Time: 388.88

trigger the optimal seller adaptations

Time: 391.56

personally I use the handheld ju every

Time: 393.52

day the handheld ju is about the size of

Time: 395.039

a thick piece of toast and I also own a

Time: 397.44

ju panel that allows for full body

Time: 399

exposure and I use that one

Time: 400.72

approximately five times per week for

Time: 402.84

about 10 to 15 minutes per session if

Time: 405.039

you'd like to try ju you can go to juv

Time: 407.199


Time: 409.039 huberman again that's

Time: 412.72

huberman for this month only January

Time: 415.72

2024 juv is offering exclusive discounts

Time: 418.919

to Huber lab listeners with up to $500

Time: 421.8

off select ju products again that's ju

Time: 424.44


Time: 425.319 huberman to get up to $500 off

Time: 429.16

select ju products and now for my

Time: 431.319

discussion with Dr Peter Atia Andrew

Time: 434.4

great to have you here for Journal Club

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number two I'm already confident this is

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going to become a regular for us I'm

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excited I really enjoy this because I

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get to pick papers I'm really excited

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about I get to hear papers that you're

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excited about and

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we get to um sharpen our skills at

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reading and sharing data and people

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listening can do that as well so last

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time I went first so uh I think I'm

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going to put you on the hot seat first

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and have uh have you go first and I'll

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follow you okay well I'm really excited

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about this paper um for a number of

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reasons first of all it at least by my

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read is a very powerful paper in the

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sense that it

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examined light exposure Behavior as well

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as dark exposure behavior and that's

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going to be an important point in more

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than 85,000 people as part of this um

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cohort in the UK um I'll just mention a

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couple of things to give people

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background and I'll keep this relatively

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brief first of all there's a

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longstanding interest in the

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relationship between light and mental

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health and physical health and we can

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throw up

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some very well agreed upon bullet points

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first of all there is such a thing as

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seasonal effect itive disorder it

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doesn't just impact people living at

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really Northern locations but basically

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there's a correlation between day length

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and mood and mental health such that for

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many people not all but for many people

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when days are longer in the spring and

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summer they feel better they report

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fewer depressive

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symptoms and conversely when days are

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shorter significantly more people report

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feeling lower mood and affect Okay so

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there's a long-standing treatment for

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Seasonal effective disorder which is to

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give people exposure to very bright

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light especially in the

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morning the way that that's normally

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accomplished is with these sad lamps

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Seasonal effective disorder lamps and

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those lamps are basically bright meaning

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more than 10,000 Lux lights that they

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place on their kitchen counter or at

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their table in the morning or in their

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office so they're getting a lot of

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bright light that is proven to be fairly

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effective for the treatment of Seasonal

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effective disorder what's less

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understood is how light exposure in the

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middle of the night can negatively

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impact mood and health and so where we

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are headed with this is that there seems

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to be based on the conclusions of this

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new study a powerful and

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independent role of both daytime light

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exposure and nighttime dark exposure for

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mental health now a couple of other key

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points the biological mechanisms for all

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this are really well established there's

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a set of cells in the neural retina

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which aligns the back of your eye

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they're sometimes called intrinsically

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photosensitive retinal gangan cells

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they're sometimes called melanopsin

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retinal gangion cells we'll talk about

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those in a bit of detail in a moment

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it's well known that those cells are the

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ones that respond to two different types

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of light input not one but two different

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types of light input and send

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information to the hypothalamus where

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your master circadian clock resides and

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then your master circadian clock sends

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out secretory signals so peptides

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hormones but also neural signals to the

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brain and body and say hey now it's

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daytime now it's nighttime be awake be

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asleep but it goes way beyond that these

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melanops and intrinsically

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photosensitive retinal gangling cells we

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know also project areas of the brain

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like the habenula which can trigger

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negative affect negative mood they can

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trigger the release of dopamine or the

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suppression of dopamine the release of

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serot in the suppression of do of

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Serotonin and so they're not just cells

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for setting your circadian clock they

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also have a direct line literally one

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synapse away into the structures of the

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brain that we know powerfully control

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mood so so the mechanistic basis for all

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this is there so there's just a couple

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of other key points to understand for

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people to really be able to digest the

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data in this paper

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fully there are basically two types of

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stimula that these cells respond to one

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is very bright light as we just talked

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about that's why getting a lot of

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daytime sunlight is correlated with

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elevated mood that's why looking at a

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10,000 Lux artificial lamp can offset

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Seasonal effective disorder by the way

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just a couple questions on that um how

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many Lux does the sun provide on a sunny

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day at noon okay great question so if

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you're out in the sun with no cloud

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cover or minimal cloud cover in the

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middle of the day at noon chances are

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it's over 100,000

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luck on a really bright day could be

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300,000 Lux okay most indoor

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environments even though they might seem

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very bright I like to think of your

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you're kind of like uh department store

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with the bright lights believe it or not

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that's probably only closer to 6,000 Lux

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maximum and probably more like 4,000 Lux

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most brightly lit indoor environments

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are not that bright when it comes down

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to Total Photon energy now here's the

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interesting thing on a cloudy day when

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outside it can be as bright as or an

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average of a 100,000 Lux but it won't

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seem that bright because you don't quote

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unquote see the Sun but it's also

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because when there's cloud cover a lot

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of those long wavelength of light such

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as orange and red light aren't coming

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through however and this is so important

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the circadian clock the supermatic

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nucleus it sums photons it's a photon

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summing system so basically if you're

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outside in 8,000 Lux very overcast UK

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winter day and you're walking around

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hopefully without sunglasses because

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sunglasses are going to filter a lot of

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those photons out your circadian clock

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is summing the photons so it's an

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integration mechanism it's not triggered

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in a moment and actually the the

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experiments of recording from these

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cells first done by David buron at Brown

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were you know historic in the field of

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visual Neuroscience when shown bro

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bright light on these intrinsically

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photosensitive cells you could crank up

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the intensity of the light and the

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neurons would ramp up their membrane

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potential and then start spiking firing

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action potential long trains of action

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potentials that have been shown to go on

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for hours and so that's this signal

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that's propagating into the whole brain

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and body

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okay so the the important thing to

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understand is this is not a quick switch

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that's why I suggest on non cloudy days

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we'll call them that people get 10

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minutes or so of sunlight in their eyes

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in the early part of the day another 10

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minimum in the later part of the day as

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much sunlight in their eyes as they

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safely can throughout the day but since

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you're a physician I should just um and

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you had a guest on talking about this

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recently when the sun is low in the Sky

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low solar angle sunlight that's really

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the key time for we'll talk about in a

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moment and when the sun is low in the

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sky you run very very little risk of

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inducing cataract by looking in the

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general direction of the sun you should

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still blink as needed to protect the

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eyes it's when the sun is overhead and

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there's all those photons coming in

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quickly in one in a short period of time

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that you do have to be concerned about

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cataract and um macular degeneration if

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you're getting too much daytime sunlight

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so the idea is sunglasses in the middle

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of the day are fine but you really

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should avoid using them in the early and

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later part of the day unless you're

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driving into the Sun and you need you

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know for safety reasons another question

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Andrew if if a person is indoors but

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they have large windows so they're

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they're getting tons of sunlight into

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their space they don't even need ambient

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indoor light how much of the photons are

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making it through the glass and how does

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that compare to this effect yeah in

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general unless the light is coming

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directly through the

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window most of the relevant wavelengths

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are filtered out in other words if you

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can't see the sun through the window

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even if sufficient light is being

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provided that's insufficient to trigger

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this phenomenon that's right however if

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you have um you know windows on your

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roof which some people do skylights that

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makes the situation much much better in

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fact the neurons that in the eye that

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signal to the circadian clock and these

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mood centers in the brain reside mainly

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in the bottom twoth thirs of the neural

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retina and are responsible for looking

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up basically they're Gathering light

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from above

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these cells are also very low resolution

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so think of them as big pixels uh

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they're not interested in patterns and

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edges and movement they're interested in

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how much ambient light there happens to

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be now keep in mind that this mechanism

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is perhaps the most well-conserved

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mechanism in cellular organisms so there

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and I'll use that as a way to frame up

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the four types of light that one needs

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to see every 24 hours for Optimal Health

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and and when I say Optimal Health I

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really mean mental health and physical

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health but we're going to talk about

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mental health mainly today in this

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paper there's an absolutely beautiful

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evolutionary story whereby single cell

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organisms all the way to humans dogs

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rabbits and everything in between have

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at least two cone opson one that

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responds to short wavelength light AKA

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blue light and another one that responds

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to longer wavelength light orange and

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red so your dogs have this we have this

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and it's a comparison mechanism in these

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cells of the eye these neurons of the

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eye they compare contrast between blues

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and orange or sometimes blues and reds

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and pinks which are also all long

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light there are two times of day when

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the sky is enriched with Blues oranges

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pinks and reds and that's low solar

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angle sunlight at Sunrise and in the

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evening these cells are uniquely

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available to trigger the ex existence of

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those wavelengths of light early in the

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day and in the evening not in the middle

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of the day so these cells have these two

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cone photo pigments and they say how

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much blue light is there how much red

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light is there or orange light and the

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subtraction between those two triggers

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the signal for them to fire the signal

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off to the circadian clock of the brain

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and that's why I say look at low solar

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angle sunlight early in the day what

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that does is it what call it as phase

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advances the clock this can get a little

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Technical and we don't want to get too

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technical here but think about pushing

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your kid on a

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swing the period of That Swing the

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duration of That Swing is a little bit

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longer than 12 hours okay so when you

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stand closer to the kid so your kid

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swings back and you give it a push

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you're shortening the period right

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you're not allowing the swing to come

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all the way up that's what happens when

Time: 1100.44

you look at morning sunlight you're

Time: 1101.88

advancing your circadian clock translate

Time: 1103.96

to English or non- nerd speake you're

Time: 1107.159

making it such that you will want to go

Time: 1109

to bed a little bit earlier and wake up

Time: 1111.159

a little bit earlier the next

Time: 1113.32

day in the evening when you view low

Time: 1116.12

solar angle sunlight so in the a the

Time: 1118.08

afternoon Setting Sun or evening Setting

Time: 1120.919

Sun you do the exact opposite you're

Time: 1123.559

phase delaying in the clock it's the

Time: 1125.2

equivalent of your kid being at the very

Time: 1126.799

top of the of the Ark and so it's gone

Time: 1129.76

you know maybe 12 and a half hour uh 12

Time: 1132.4

let's say 12 and a half hours is the

Time: 1133.799

duration of that swing and you run up

Time: 1136.72

and you push them from behind and give

Time: 1138

them a little more push that's the

Time: 1139.679

equivalent of making yourself stay up a

Time: 1141.4

little later and wake up a little later

Time: 1143.6

these two signals average so that your

Time: 1146.76

clock stays stable You Don't Drift

Time: 1148.6

meaning you're not waking up earlier

Time: 1150.48

every single day or going to sleep later

Time: 1152.76

every single day this is why it's

Time: 1154.12

important to view low solar angle

Time: 1156.88

sunlight in the morning and again in the

Time: 1158.799

evening as often as possible and it's

Time: 1161.88

done by that readout of those two photo

Time: 1164.159

pigments now midday

Time: 1166.84

sun which contains its bright light but

Time: 1170.52

you see it as white light contains all

Time: 1172.32

of those wavelengths at equal intensity

Time: 1174.64

so the middle of the day is the

Time: 1175.919

so-called circadian Dead Zone in the

Time: 1178.48

middle of the day bright light triggers

Time: 1180.72

the activation of the of the other opson

Time: 1183.28

the melanopsin which increases mood

Time: 1186.72

increases feelings of well-being has

Time: 1188.32

some other consequences but you can't

Time: 1189.72

shift your circadian clock by viewing

Time: 1191.4

the sun in the middle of the day because

Time: 1193.039

it's in the Circadian Dead Zone it's the

Time: 1194.799

equivalent of pushing your kid on the

Time: 1196.4

swing when they're at the bottom of the

Time: 1198.28

Arc you can get a little bit more but

Time: 1200.84

not much and in biological terms you get

Time: 1204.12

nothing so this is why looking at

Time: 1205.72

sunlight in the middle of the day is

Time: 1206.88

great but it's not going to help anchor

Time: 1208.36

your sleep wake cycle and if you think

Time: 1211.08

about this is incredible right every

Time: 1213.88

organism from single cells to us has

Time: 1216.559

this mechanism to know when the sun is

Time: 1218.24

rising and when the Sun is setting and

Time: 1219.76

it's a color comparison mechanism which

Time: 1223.28

tells us that actually color vision

Time: 1225.039

Evolved first not for pattern Vision not

Time: 1227.48

for seeing beautiful sunsets and

Time: 1229.24

recognizing that's beautiful or

Time: 1230.64

paintings or things of that sort but

Time: 1232.559

rather for setting the circadian clock

Time: 1234.52

now what if you only do one of these

Time: 1235.64

Enders so what if you've got constant

Time: 1238.039

exposure to low Morning Light but your

Time: 1241.32

job prevents you from doing the same in

Time: 1243.72

the evening or vice versa yeah a great

Time: 1246.2

question better to get the Morning Light

Time: 1248.919

because if if you have to pick between

Time: 1250.919

low solar angle light earlier later in

Time: 1252.919

the day and keep in mind if you miss a

Time: 1254.84

day no big deal it's a slow integrative

Time: 1257.2

mechanism average ing across the

Time: 1258.84

previous two or 3 days but if you miss a

Time: 1261.24

day you'll want to get twice as much

Time: 1262.44

light in your eyes that next morning the

Time: 1265.84

reason it's better to do in the morning

Time: 1267.48

as opposed to the evening although both

Time: 1269.4

would be to do uh best would be to do

Time: 1272.039

both excuse me is that most people are

Time: 1275

getting some artificial light exposure

Time: 1276.799

in the evening anyway and here's the

Time: 1278.48

Diabolical thing your retina is very

Time: 1281.84

insensitive to light early in the day

Time: 1283.76

you need a lot of photons to trigger

Time: 1285.559

this mechanism early in the day as the

Time: 1287.4

day goes on retinal sensitivity

Time: 1289.08

increases and it takes very little light

Time: 1290.919

to shift your circadian clock late in

Time: 1292.96

the day keep in mind also that if you do

Time: 1295.279

see afternoon and evening sunlight

Time: 1297.559

there's a beautiful study published in

Time: 1299.48

science science reports yes science

Time: 1302.36

reports two years ago showing that that

Time: 1304.96

can partially offset the negative

Time: 1307.159

effects of artificial light exposure at

Time: 1309.08

night I think of this as your Netflix

Time: 1310.84

inoculation and the amount of melatonin

Time: 1313.32

suppression from Nighttime light

Time: 1314.919

exposure is haved by viewing even

Time: 1318.279

Setting Sun now keep in mind you don't

Time: 1320.279

need to see The Sun Cross The Horizon it

Time: 1322.039

can just be when it's low solar angle so

Time: 1323.84

you're looking for those yellow blue or

Time: 1326

blue pink blue red contrast and on

Time: 1328.44

cloudy days believe it or not they're

Time: 1330.6

still there just you don't perceive as

Time: 1332.6

much of it coming through so there

Time: 1334.6

really so that's three things that we

Time: 1336.279

should all strive to do view low solar

Time: 1339.36

angle sunlight early in the day view

Time: 1340.919

solar angle sunlight later in the day

Time: 1342.919

and get as much bright light in our eyes

Time: 1344.96

as we safely can ideally from sunlight

Time: 1347.12

throughout the day

Time: 1348.919

and if you can't do that get perhaps

Time: 1351.679

invest in one of these uh sad lights

Time: 1353.76

although they can be a bit expensive U

Time: 1355.52

there are a couple companies that are

Time: 1356.48

starting to design Sunrise simulators

Time: 1359.039

and evening simulators that are actually

Time: 1360.84

good that actually work um but right now

Time: 1364.36

my read is that aside from one company

Time: 1366.679

out there which by the way I have no

Time: 1367.799

relationship to it's called the 20 light

Time: 1370.799

tuo and that light bulb was developed by

Time: 1374.52

the biologist at the University of

Time: 1375.96

Washington who basically discover

Time: 1377.96

covered these color opponent mechanisms

Time: 1380.679

um those lights are not particularly

Time: 1383

expensive but they're

Time: 1385.48

um they do seem to work in fact they

Time: 1388.2

they're the study that is emerging again

Time: 1391

unpublished data seems to indicate that

Time: 1392.76

if you look at it for more than five or

Time: 1394.679

six minutes it can induce a mild

Time: 1396.279

Euphoria that's how powerful this

Time: 1398.64

contrast is and what they did there in

Time: 1400.2

that light I'll just tell you the

Time: 1401.279

mechanism is they figured out that when

Time: 1403.4

most people look at low solar angle

Time: 1404.799

sunlight in the morning they're getting

Time: 1406.6

19 reversals of blue orange per second

Time: 1409.72

so when you look at this light it looks

Time: 1411.12

like a a barely flashing white light but

Time: 1414.4

it's reversals of orange and blue orange

Time: 1416.72

and um and you know red and blue and

Time: 1419.48

it's happening so what what does the

Time: 1420.76

person looking at it perceive um well

Time: 1423.039

I've used one of these um it just looks

Time: 1425

like a a flickering light and of course

Time: 1427.4

there's the always the potential of a

Time: 1428.6

placebo effect but well that's what I

Time: 1429.96

was going to say is there a way to

Time: 1431.84

control for that by having something

Time: 1433.76

that looks the same to the user but of

Time: 1436.799

course is not producing the same photo

Time: 1438.919

effect yeah well they've done that with

Time: 1440.48

the 10,000 Lux sad lamps and you and

Time: 1444.2

which most people use to try and IND do

Time: 1446.4

Sunrise simulation in their home but

Time: 1448.84

keep in in mind that Sunrise is gives

Time: 1451.72

you this comparison of short and long

Time: 1454.12

wavelength light just a bright 10,000

Time: 1456.76

Lux light triggers one of the options

Time: 1459.159

that that but it won't set your

Time: 1460.76

circadian clock so most of the sad lamps

Time: 1463.12

that are out there are activating only

Time: 1465.72

one of the mechanisms in these cells

Time: 1467.96

that's relevant and not the one that's

Time: 1470

most relevant so I'm excited about what

Time: 1472

20 is doing I think that um and again I

Time: 1474.36

have no relation to them except I know

Time: 1476.039

the biologists who did the work that

Time: 1477.52

that provide the mechanistic logic for

Time: 1479.88

the that engineering I still think um

Time: 1482.84

we're in the like the really like early

Time: 1486.559

days of this stuff what should be done

Time: 1488.919

is to have this stuff built into your

Time: 1490.52

laptop right it should be built into

Time: 1492.72

your phone and hopefully it will be now

Time: 1495.36

I mentioned this color contrast thing in

Time: 1497.84

sunrise and sunset I mentioned the

Time: 1499.52

bright light throughout the day but

Time: 1501.039

there's a fourth light stimulus that

Time: 1503.12

turns out to be really important and

Time: 1504.44

this will provide the segue into the

Time: 1507

paper turns out that dark exposure at

Time: 1510.52

night independent of light exposure

Time: 1512.84

during the day is important for mental

Time: 1514.679

health outcomes now most people think

Time: 1517.159

dark exposure how do I think about that

Time: 1518.88

well it is dark absence of light it's

Time: 1520.96

the absence of light but what this paper

Time: 1523.559

really drives home is that people who

Time: 1526.36

make it a point to get dark exposure at

Time: 1528.559

night aka the absence of light at night

Time: 1530.799

actually benefit even if they're not

Time: 1532.2

getting enough sunlight during the day

Time: 1533.96

and this is especially true for people

Time: 1535.44

with certain mental health issues so I

Time: 1538.559

don't think we can overstate the value

Time: 1540.44

of PR of accurately timed light exposure

Time: 1544.279

to the eyes in the context of mental

Time: 1546.799

health I think you know there's so much

Time: 1549.279

data by now I will say however that some

Time: 1552.6

people seem more resilient to these

Time: 1555

light effects than others meaning some

Time: 1557.32

people you know also don't suffer from

Time: 1559.24

jet lag too much some people can stay up

Time: 1561.2

late get a lot of bright light exposure

Time: 1562.919

in the middle of the night and during

Time: 1563.799

the day they got their sunglasses on all

Time: 1565.88

day and they're in a great mood all the

Time: 1567.2

time other people are more susceptible

Time: 1569.44

these sorts of things and we don't know

Time: 1570.64

whether or not gen polymorphisms underly

Time: 1572.96

that I personally am very sensitive to

Time: 1576.2

sunlight in the sense that if I don't

Time: 1578.24

get enough sunlight I don't feel well

Time: 1580.279

after a couple of days um but I'm less

Time: 1583.12

sensitive to light exposure at night for

Time: 1585.08

instance but I think it is

Time: 1588.2

perhaps this is a big statement but is

Time: 1590.48

perhaps the most

Time: 1592.2

fundamental environmental stimulus for

Time: 1595.84

levels of arousal and alertness which

Time: 1597.6

correlate with all sorts of you know

Time: 1599.399

neuromodulator and hormone outputs and

Time: 1602.12

um so none of this should come as any

Time: 1603.88

surprise I will mention one last thing

Time: 1605.919

there was a study published gosh over 10

Time: 1607.64

years ago now from Chuck iser Lab at

Time: 1610

Harvard Medical School is a phenomenal

Time: 1611.96

lab exploring circadian human health

Time: 1615.52

behavior he's just considered a no pun a

Time: 1618.36

luminary in the field but there wasn't a

Time: 1621.88

study that was in error where they had

Time: 1624

published in Science magazine that light

Time: 1625.72

shown behind the knee could shift

Time: 1627.76

circadian rhythms and that paper was

Time: 1630.039

retracted um and a lot of people don't

Time: 1632.039

know that it was retracted light

Time: 1633.36

exposure to the eyes is what's relevant

Time: 1635.48

here and as far as we know the color of

Time: 1637.32

one's eyes like Darkness or lightness of

Time: 1639.24

one's eyes Bears no relevance on their

Time: 1641.36

sensitivity to these types of mechanisms

Time: 1644.2

and on and on so so one question one

Time: 1646.2

comment the question again is going back

Time: 1647.96

to the morning evening light and I spend

Time: 1649.88

a lot of time looking at those types of

Time: 1652.48

skies for example just because of the

Time: 1654.84

nature of my hobbies great right because

Time: 1656.36

I'm always doing archery in the morning

Time: 1657.88

and rucking in the afternoon so it's not

Time: 1660.2

uncommon that I'm seeing both of those

Time: 1662.519

how relevant is it that the Sun be above

Time: 1665.039

the Horizon so for example um it begins

Time: 1668.72

to get light about in 30 minutes before

Time: 1671.88

sunrise and then you know right at so if

Time: 1674.279

sunrises at

Time: 1675.88

7:30 first light is is 7 and then you

Time: 1678.64

know sort of 7:15 to 7 uh 30 is actually

Time: 1682.519

quite bright I mean you can see anything

Time: 1684.36

and everything and the same as true at

Time: 1685.919

Sunset so does does that 30 minutes pre

Time: 1690

or when sun is Beneath The Horizon

Time: 1692.32

constitute part of that 10 minutes it

Time: 1694

does I mean in an ideal circumstance

Time: 1696.44

you'd get outside and see the sunrise

Time: 1698.48

every day and you'd see the sunset every

Time: 1700.36

day even on cloudy days some people like

Time: 1703

myself wake up before the sun comes up

Time: 1705

in which and I get this question all the

Time: 1706.76

time well in the absence of powers to

Time: 1709.039

make the sunrise faster which I'm not

Time: 1710.96

aware anyone has certainly not me I

Time: 1712.84

think the best thing to do is simply to

Time: 1714.399

turn on as many Bright Lights as you can

Time: 1716.399

indoors to trigger that melanopsin

Time: 1718.96

mechanism if you want to be awake if you

Time: 1721.12

want to stay asleep or sleepy then keep

Time: 1722.88

them dim and then get outside once the

Time: 1725.48

sun is starting to come out some people

Time: 1727.48

wake up after the sun has risen right in

Time: 1730.2

which case get what you can and some

Time: 1732.44

people wake up 10 a.m. or noon in which

Time: 1735.559

case you can still get the bright light

Time: 1736.88

exposure but but you won't shift your

Time: 1738.159

circadian clock now in the evening

Time: 1741.96

especially in the winter months it's

Time: 1743.519

important to look West and try and get

Time: 1745.6

some sunlight in your eyes in the

Time: 1746.76

evening if you've ever gone into the

Time: 1748.96

clinic for instance at 2 o'clock in the

Time: 1750.799

afternoon after lunch you know and then

Time: 1754.039

in the winter and then come out and it's

Time: 1756

dark when you're walk into your car it's

Time: 1758.36

a kind of eerie feeling that sort of

Time: 1761.44

eerie feeling May correlate with the

Time: 1763.24

fact that you missed a signal your your

Time: 1765.12

brain is trying to orient your brain and

Time: 1766.88

body in time and that's what all of this

Time: 1768.919

is right it's trying to orient in time

Time: 1771.279

and again some people are more

Time: 1772.24

susceptible to that than others some

Time: 1773.6

people might like that um feeling of oh

Time: 1776.039

I went in when it was bright and I come

Time: 1777.6

out when it's dark but the vast majority

Time: 1780.399

of people feel better when they're

Time: 1782.679

getting this morning and evening

Time: 1783.919

sunlight exposure and this is especially

Time: 1785.679

important in kids all right this is one

Time: 1787.6

of the things that you know this paper

Time: 1789.159

points out and their good data that

Time: 1790.88

people are spending approximately 90% of

Time: 1793.72

their time indoors nowadays daytime time

Time: 1797.36

time indoors and those indoor

Time: 1799.64

environments are simply not bright

Time: 1801.36

enough you think oh there's all these

Time: 1802.48

bright lights and some people are

Time: 1803.64

putting blue blockers on in the middle

Time: 1805.399

of the day which is the worst thing you

Time: 1807.799

could possibly do if you're going to

Time: 1809.399

wear blue blockers and I don't think

Time: 1810.64

they're necessary but if you're going to

Time: 1811.919

wear them you'd want to wear them at

Time: 1813.519

night and in the evening you don't need

Time: 1815.64

to wear blue blockers you just simply

Time: 1817.12

should dim the lights and ideally have

Time: 1819.84

lights that are set a little bit lower

Time: 1821.32

in your environment which the

Time: 1822.88

Scandinavians have been doing for a long

Time: 1824.72

time so you know kill the overhead

Time: 1826.399

lights and don't obsess about bright

Time: 1829.559

light exposure in the middle of the

Time: 1830.84

night in fact for a long time I and some

Time: 1833.12

other people were saying oh you know

Time: 1834.6

even just a brief flash of light in the

Time: 1836.24

middle of the night can you quash your

Time: 1837.96

melatonin that's true but the other time

Time: 1840.84

in which you're in the quote unquote

Time: 1843.12

circadian dead zone is in the middle of

Time: 1845.039

the night you can't shift your circadian

Time: 1846.799

clock in the middle of the night but you

Time: 1849.279

know all of this gets down to inter

Time: 1851.519

weaving rhythms of light sensitivity

Time: 1855.24

temperature hormone output cortisol it I

Time: 1857.919

mean there's a whole landscape of

Time: 1859.12

circadian biology this paper um which

Time: 1863.24

was published in a new Journal I'm

Time: 1864.88

really excited about called nature

Time: 1866.679

mental health this journal was just

Time: 1868.12

launched recently uh is entitled day and

Time: 1871.799

night light exposure are associated with

Time: 1874.159

psychiatric disorders and objective

Time: 1876.44

light study in more than 85,000 people

Time: 1879

now I have to say that I think the title

Time: 1881.039

of this paper is terrible sorry folks at

Time: 1883.84

nature mental health because if one just

Time: 1885.519

read the title it sounds like day and

Time: 1887.76

night light exposure associated with

Time: 1889.44

psychiatric disorders right if this were

Time: 1892.08

If This Were a newspaper headline You'

Time: 1893.44

be like oh my goodness well what are you

Time: 1894.519

supposed to do right but that's not the

Time: 1896.6

conclusion the conclusion is that

Time: 1899.36

getting a lot of sunlight exposure

Time: 1901.919

during the day and getting a lot of dark

Time: 1904.279

exposure at night is immensely

Time: 1906.679

beneficial for psychiatric health and in

Time: 1910.159

a number of ways now I'm not one to

Time: 1911.799

bring up another paper unannounced but I

Time: 1913.84

will say that this paper built off a

Time: 1915.559

previous study entitled time spent in

Time: 1918.48

outdoor light is associated with mood

Time: 1920.159

sleep and circadian rhythm related

Time: 1922.559

outcomes and that was a cross-sectional

Time: 1924.48

longitudinal study in

Time: 1926.679

400,000 biobank participants so this UK

Time: 1929.72

biobank is an incredibly valuable

Time: 1932

resource and there are now multiple

Time: 1933.32

studies establishing that one's pattern

Time: 1936.76

of light exposure is extremely important

Time: 1939

now the previous study in

Time: 1940.88

400,000 participants basically nailed

Time: 1943.799

home the idea that the more time you

Time: 1945.639

spend Outdoors

Time: 1947.6

the better your is your mood the better

Time: 1949.679

is your sleep the better is the

Time: 1951.639

rhythmicity of your sleep wake cycles

Time: 1953.76

and on and on something that I think

Time: 1956.279

even though people will say we've known

Time: 1957.44

that for thousands of years needed

Time: 1959.519


Time: 1960.799

substantiation this new study

Time: 1963.519

essentially looked at the relative

Time: 1965.559

contributions of daytime light exposure

Time: 1968.519

and nighttime dark exposure and they did

Time: 1970.84

that on a background of it looking in

Time: 1973.519

particular at people who had major

Time: 1974.679

depressive disorder generalized anxiety

Time: 1976.679

PT SD bipolar

Time: 1978.559

disorder he here's the the basic

Time: 1982.039

takeaway and I'll I'll quote them here

Time: 1984.48

and then I'll I'll tell you my

Time: 1985.679

interpretation that here I'm quoting

Time: 1987.6

avoiding night at light and seeking

Time: 1989.24

light during the day I love that word

Time: 1991.72

seeking may be a simple and effective

Time: 1994.519

non-pharmacologic means for broadly

Time: 1996.279

improving mental health so that's a

Time: 1997.84

pretty bold statement right and I love

Time: 2000.639

that they say seeking because it implies

Time: 2002.32

that people aren't reflexively getting

Time: 2004.6

the light exposure that they need that

Time: 2006.12

this needs to be a practice ice much

Time: 2007.679

like Zone 2 cardio or resistance

Time: 2009.6

training okay so so what did they do in

Time: 2011.72

this study so basically they gathered up

Time: 2015.919

100,000 people or so it eventually was

Time: 2018

paired down to about 86,000 participants

Time: 2022.159

because some just didn't qualify or

Time: 2023.84

didn't report their data back they

Time: 2026.039

equipped them with accelerometers on

Time: 2028.279

their wrist and those wrist devices also

Time: 2031.76

could measure ambient light now that's

Time: 2033.88

not a perfect tool because what you'd

Time: 2035.44

love to do is measure ambient light at

Time: 2036.72

the level the Eyes by the way will

Time: 2039

somebody design an eyeglass frame that

Time: 2041.48

changes color when you've gotten

Time: 2043.08

sufficient light from sunlight during

Time: 2045.24

the day and then and then at night is a

Time: 2047.559

different color and then if you're

Time: 2048.56

getting too much light exposure will go

Time: 2050.079

to a different color frame this has to

Time: 2052.32

be possible so that you don't have to

Time: 2053.96

wonder if you got enough light during

Time: 2055.28


Time: 2056.359

day and of course if it's at the level

Time: 2058.48

of the eyes then you know that's what's

Time: 2060.28

landing at the eyes yeah and it's l i

Time: 2061.919

mean that's what I was going to ask you

Time: 2062.879

about that do these wrist based devices

Time: 2066.359

potentially get covered by clothing and

Time: 2068.24

some like turned you have your sleeves

Time: 2070

down I have my sleeves up they had it on

Time: 2071.919

the outside of the sleeve but they asked

Time: 2073.24

that people just keep it on their

Time: 2074.399

dominant hand it's not perfect but in

Time: 2077.079

some ways it's kind of nice that it's

Time: 2078.679

not perfect we could turn that

Time: 2079.839

disadvantage into an advantage by

Time: 2081.399

thinking you know when the person is out

Time: 2083.44

and about they're not often looking

Time: 2085.48

right at the sun you know if you're

Time: 2087.679

talking to a colleague under an overhang

Time: 2089.839

for instance so it's it's not perfect

Time: 2092.8

directionally it's directionally right

Time: 2094.96

okay and then they had two hypotheses

Time: 2097.16

two primary hypotheses one that greater

Time: 2098.76

light exposure in the day is associated

Time: 2100.32

with lower risk for psychiatric

Time: 2101.599

disorders and two second hypotheses

Time: 2104.119

greater light exposure at night is

Time: 2105.839

associated with higher risk for

Time: 2107.359

psychiatric disorders and poorer mood

Time: 2109.599

this is oh so relevant for the way we

Time: 2111.52

live now people on screens and tablets

Time: 2113.28

in the middle of the night okay then

Time: 2115.68

they collected information about how

Time: 2117.24

much light exposure people were getting

Time: 2119.76

as well as their sleep and their

Time: 2120.96

activity and so on I should mention this

Time: 2122.88

was done in males and females it was a

Time: 2125.24

slightly older cohort than one is used

Time: 2127.16

to seeing people in their 50s and 60s

Time: 2129.839

they had psychiatric diagnosis

Time: 2131.44

information and then they divided people

Time: 2133.72

into essentially two groups but they had

Time: 2135.76

a lower so a q1 and a Q2 a lower cortile

Time: 2139.4

that meant people that were getting less

Time: 2141.88

daytime light as opposed to the third

Time: 2144.2

and fourth quartile more daytime light

Time: 2146.56

they also had a nighttime light

Time: 2149.52

exposure evaluation and they had people

Time: 2152.04

were in the low q1 and Q2 so these

Time: 2154.52

people are getting less nighttime life

Time: 2156.839

light versus Q3 Q4 more nighttime light

Time: 2160.64

nicely they also looked at sleep

Time: 2163

duration and they looked at photo period

Time: 2166.16

meaning how long the days were for those

Time: 2168.44

individuals how active they were what 10

Time: 2170.76

hours a day 14 hours a day because the

Time: 2172.44

more active you are the more opportunity

Time: 2174.68

for light exposure you have during the

Time: 2176.359

day or night for instance okay so it

Time: 2181.96

they had I would say fairly complete

Time: 2185.4

data sets then and I'm just going to

Time: 2187.88

kind hit the top Contour of what they

Time: 2189.599

did in each and sorry sleep duration

Time: 2191.52

sleep efficiency Etc was determined off

Time: 2193.76

the accelerometer that's right as well

Time: 2195.48

as self-report yeah not not ideal right

Time: 2198.359

you'd love for people to be wearing a

Time: 2199.72

woop bander or or a ring or something of

Time: 2201.72

that sort but this was initiated some

Time: 2204.2

time ago so um they either didn't have

Time: 2206.599

access to that technology or for

Time: 2208.4

whatever reason didn't select

Time: 2210.16

it I'd like to take a brief moment and

Time: 2212.72

thank one of our sponsors and that's ag1

Time: 2215.48

ag1 is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 2218.16

that also contains adaptogens I started

Time: 2220.839

taking ag1 way back in 2012 the reason I

Time: 2224.04

started taking it and the reason I still

Time: 2225.56

take it every day is that it ensures

Time: 2227.48

that I meet all of my quotas for

Time: 2229.2

vitamins and minerals and it ensures

Time: 2231.56

that I get enough Prebiotic and

Time: 2233

probiotic to support gut health now gut

Time: 2235.56

health is something that over the last

Time: 2236.839

10 years we realized is not just

Time: 2239.119

important for the health of our gut but

Time: 2241.52

also for our immune system and for the

Time: 2244.16

production of neurotransmitters and

Time: 2245.599

neuromodulators like dopamine and

Time: 2247.48

serotonin in other words gut health is

Time: 2249.52

critical for proper brain functioning

Time: 2251.96

now of course I strive to consume

Time: 2253.64

healthy Whole Foods for the majority of

Time: 2255.359

my nutritional intake every single day

Time: 2258.119

but there are a number of things in ag1

Time: 2260

including specific micronutrients that

Time: 2261.8

are hard to get from Whole Foods or at

Time: 2263.44

least in sufficient quantities so ag1

Time: 2265.839

allows me to get the vitamins and

Time: 2267.16

minerals that I need probiotics

Time: 2268.72

prebiotics the adaptogens and critical

Time: 2271.359

micronutrients so anytime somebody asks

Time: 2273.64

me if they were to take Just One

Time: 2275.319

supplement what that supplement should

Time: 2277.16

be I tell them ag1 because ag1 supports

Time: 2280.359

so many different systems within the

Time: 2281.88

body that are involved in mental health

Time: 2283.72

physical health and performance to try

Time: 2285.68

ag1 go to drink huberman and

Time: 2289.28

you'll get a year supply of vitamin D3

Time: 2291.52

K2 and five free travel packs of ag1

Time: 2294.56

again that's drink

Time: 2298.52

huberman then what they did is they got

Time: 2302

they have information on who has major

Time: 2303.52

depressive disorder who has PTSD

Time: 2305.8

generalized bipolar psychosis Etc and

Time: 2310.04

then they ran three models and you can

Time: 2313.48

tell me what you think about the power

Time: 2314.76

of these models but you know as somebody

Time: 2317.359

who thinks about the mechanistic aspect

Time: 2319.359

of all of this a lot but not somebody

Time: 2321.16

who's ever run this type of study I'd be

Time: 2323.359

really curious model one examined the

Time: 2326.28

unadjusted association between day and

Time: 2328.839

nighttime light exposure and psychiatric

Time: 2331.52

outcome so just basically asking is

Time: 2334.119

there a relationship between how much

Time: 2335.48

light you get it during during the day

Time: 2336.92

and how much light you get at night and

Time: 2340.079

how bad your or your depression is or

Time: 2342.8

anxiety is ETC looking at you know just

Time: 2345.96

a standard ratio of the probability that

Time: 2348.64

you have a certain symptom or set of

Time: 2351.68

symptoms versus you don't given a

Time: 2354.04

certain amount of light exposure model

Time: 2356.04

two adjusted for the age of the person

Time: 2359.28

their sex and

Time: 2361

ethnicity and photo period so they

Time: 2363.4

looked at you know how long the days

Time: 2364.68

were in that given person's region of

Time: 2366.839


Time: 2367.96

world and then model three these people

Time: 2371.16

were all in the UK or were they around

Time: 2372.44

the world they were all in the UK as far

Time: 2374.079

as I know and then model three adjusted

Time: 2377.359

for employment so employed versus

Time: 2379.24

unemployed which if you think about it

Time: 2380.72

is pretty important like you say well an

Time: 2382.2

unemployed person has a lot more time to

Time: 2383.8

control these variables but an employed

Time: 2386.2

person who's doing shift work does not

Time: 2388.88

right and they they Incorporated

Time: 2390.88

information about employed versus

Time: 2393.2

unemployed physical activity which turns

Time: 2395.88

out to be very important and then things

Time: 2397.92

like shift work etc and so these what

Time: 2401.16

what we can say very safely is that the

Time: 2404

outcomes with each of these models the

Time: 2406.44

results were very similar so we don't

Time: 2409.64

want to discard the differences between

Time: 2412.079

those models entirely but in my read is

Time: 2415

in every figure of the paper it doesn't

Time: 2416.76

seem like model one two or three differ

Time: 2420

from one another in terms of total

Time: 2421.64

outcome yeah that's an unusual aspect of

Time: 2424.28

this paper so so these adjustments are

Time: 2426.48

very standard right so that's this is a

Time: 2429.04

a classic uh tool that's used in most

Time: 2432.72

epidemiology um because you don't have

Time: 2434.52

randomization so once randomization is

Time: 2436.319

out the window you know you you're like

Time: 2438.28

so for example the paper I'm going to

Time: 2439.52

present is based on an RCT there will be

Time: 2441.68

no models it's just he the data right

Time: 2444.119

yeah here they're asking people what

Time: 2445.4

what do you do report back to us we're

Time: 2447.4

going to measure your light exposure but

Time: 2449

no one was assigned to any groups they

Time: 2450.64

swapped there the the whatever quote

Time: 2453.68

unquote controls are

Time: 2455.319

there they're really not there it's just

Time: 2457.319

comparisons between groups so what is

Time: 2459.68

interesting to me uh is that as it's

Time: 2463.119

exactly as you said and we'll make all

Time: 2464.68

these figures available in addition to

Time: 2466.4

the papers but um I mean there it's very

Time: 2470.359

unusual that there's no difference

Time: 2472.359

between the unadjusted and the adjusted

Time: 2474.88

models and as you say there's probably

Time: 2478.56

two places out of you know 30 when you

Time: 2482.2

look at all the different quartile

Time: 2484.16

comparisons where you might Creep from

Time: 2488.04

you know statistically significant just

Time: 2489.96

out of it or just into it but yeah you

Time: 2492.44

could simplify this figure two

Time: 2494.599

completely by just showing one of the

Time: 2496.52

models and you would be you know getting

Time: 2499.04

95% of the information which is you know

Time: 2502.56

I mean I think in one way that

Time: 2506.599

suggests that there's less dependency on

Time: 2511.04


Time: 2511.92

variables of course it still doesn't

Time: 2514.4

address probably the greatest question

Time: 2516.24

question I have here which I'm sure

Time: 2517.839

we'll get to at some point as as you

Time: 2520.079

continue yeah so I'm very curious what

Time: 2522.48

that question is but I'll I'll I'll

Time: 2524.4

suppress my curiosity for the moment you

Time: 2526.48

know so if we look at figure two of this

Time: 2527.96

paper and I realize a lot of people are

Time: 2529.28

listening and and they're not able to

Time: 2530.8

look at this although we have posted the

Time: 2532.56

figures on the YouTube versions of this

Time: 2535.76

uh just want to make clear what's going

Time: 2538.599

on just for those that are listening

Time: 2540.319

essentially what they're looking at is

Time: 2542.359

what they call the odds ratio which is

Time: 2544.88

the probability of something happening

Time: 2547.16

in one group vers divided by the

Time: 2549.28

probability of something happening in

Time: 2550.52

another group I guess would it by way of

Time: 2553

example be you know if you're going to

Time: 2554.24

look at the odds ratio of you know the

Time: 2557.04

probability of somebody getting lung

Time: 2558.2

cancer if they smoke versus probability

Time: 2560.16

somebody getting lung cancer if they

Time: 2561.48

don't smoke so odds ratios and Hazard

Time: 2564.079

ratios are often confused they're very

Time: 2566.96

similar and odds ratios generally refer

Time: 2569.48

to a lifetime exposure whereas a hazard

Time: 2572

ratio is um defined over a specific

Time: 2574.72

period of time but the MTH is still

Time: 2576.72

effectively the same and uh using the

Time: 2579.119

example you gave if you took the odds

Time: 2581.72

ratio of um you know death so let's talk

Time: 2585.44

all cause mortality for a smoker versus

Time: 2587.2

a nonsmoker and the answer were 1.78 I'm

Time: 2589.96

making that up but that's directionally

Time: 2591.559

correct 1.78 as an odds ratio means

Time: 2594.96

there's a

Time: 2596.079

78% chance greater of the outcome of

Time: 2600.119

interest in this case death by any cause

Time: 2602.24

in the affected Group which would be the

Time: 2603.44

smokers so odds ratio of two is 100% and

Time: 2607.2

odds ratio of three is 200% so the math

Time: 2610.079

is take the number subtract one and

Time: 2612.04

that's the percent you know figure two

Time: 2614.24

of this paper is one of the key

Time: 2616.599

take-homes they essentially look at the

Time: 2618.48

odds ratio of people who are in the

Time: 2621.839

let's say that let's just look at the

Time: 2624.839

nighttime light exposure and just remind

Time: 2627.64

me Andrew CU and and everybody else

Time: 2629.48

watching the every one of these is

Time: 2631.559

showing second third fourth as your

Time: 2633.599

x-axis meaning they're all being

Time: 2635.64

compared to the first quartile that's

Time: 2637.8

right and the first quartile is lowest

Time: 2641.359

light exposure or highest light exposure

Time: 2643.2

low well or well we have to um

Time: 2645.72

differentiate between day and night

Time: 2646.92

that's right okay so restate it sure so

Time: 2650.04

uh if we look at you know what is your

Time: 2652.599

risk of a psychiatric challenge broadly

Time: 2656.319

speaking well panel a is is major

Time: 2658.4

depressive disorder if you are in the

Time: 2660.64

second quartile third quartile or fourth

Time: 2663.359

quartile of nighttime light exposure so

Time: 2666.559

second being the least amount of

Time: 2667.96

nighttime light exposure third being

Time: 2670.319

more nighttime light exposure and fourth

Time: 2673.24

the most nighttime light exposure

Time: 2674.96

relative to the first quartile this is

Time: 2676.8

just a stupid thing like if I were doing

Time: 2679.72

this figure if you were doing this in a

Time: 2681.359

lecture you know what you would do to

Time: 2682.8

make it so easy you would draw arrows on

Time: 2685.04

it that say increasing light exposure at

Time: 2687.2

night decreasing light exposure in the

Time: 2689.44

day it's the same information it just

Time: 2691.44

makes it easier for the reader to

Time: 2693.04

understand absolutely but and maybe the

Time: 2695

teaching point I think is is for people

Time: 2696.68

when they review articles like don't be

Time: 2698.88

afraid to do that and just kind of like

Time: 2701.599

oh I've got all over this exactly so

Time: 2703.68

it's like I I draw the arrow that's

Time: 2705.44

increasing light that's decreasing light

Time: 2707.04

and that's how I can pay attention to

Time: 2708.319

what's actually happening right and I'm

Time: 2709.68

actually in touch with the editorial

Time: 2711.559

staff at nature at nature mental health

Time: 2713.76

although they don't know that I'm

Time: 2715

covering this paper until after this

Time: 2716.52

comes out you know I think one thing

Time: 2717.839

that scientific journals really really

Time: 2719.68

need to do is start making the

Time: 2721.88

readability of the Articles better for

Time: 2725.319

nonex experts I mean chances are if you

Time: 2727.64

can't understand a graph and this is

Time: 2729.24

true for everybody chances are there's a

Time: 2732.8

problem with the way it's presented yeah

Time: 2734.8

put it on them but then of course try

Time: 2737

and parse it because um you know rarely

Time: 2739.76

if ever is it all spelled out clearly

Time: 2741.4

but anyway that's what we're trying to

Time: 2742.44

do here so yeah the way I would have

Time: 2744.04

done is say second quartiles low amounts

Time: 2746.16

of nighttime light exposure and Define

Time: 2747.96

what that is you

Time: 2749.88

know third quartile is more light

Time: 2752.359

exposure and then fourth maximum amount

Time: 2754.16

of light exposure at night and basically

Time: 2756.119

what you see is that the probability of

Time: 2760.64

having worse major depressive symptoms

Time: 2764.079

linearly increases as you go from the

Time: 2766.599

second to third to Fourth quartile so

Time: 2769

more nighttime light exposure worse for

Time: 2772.559

you and there's a dose response if you

Time: 2776.52

will of the effect now we can March

Time: 2779.839

through or describe figure two pretty

Time: 2782.8

quickly by saying the same thing is true

Time: 2785.559

now just talking about nighttime light

Time: 2787.48

exposure for generalized anxiety

Time: 2789.8

disorder so that's panel C bipolar

Time: 2792.72

disorder although the difference between

Time: 2794.24

the second and the third quartile in

Time: 2795.88

bipolar disorder isn't as traumatic once

Time: 2797.599

you get up to the fourth quartile

Time: 2800.24

bipolar symptoms get much worse when

Time: 2802.44

people are getting nighttime light

Time: 2804.68

exposure I really want to emphasize that

Time: 2806.8

point because they go on in the

Time: 2809.2

discussion of this paper to reemphasize

Time: 2811.559

that point several times in fact they

Time: 2813.2

say that while light EXP exposure during

Time: 2816.359

the day of course we will go into the

Time: 2818.96

data is beneficial for mental health for

Time: 2821.72

people with bipolar disorder it seems

Time: 2823.599

that light exposure at night is

Time: 2826.24

especially problematic independent of

Time: 2828.319

how much sunlight they're getting during

Time: 2829.52

the day so your bipolar um in the person

Time: 2832.359

with bipolar disorder who's struggling

Time: 2834.2

with either a manic or a depressive

Time: 2835.68

episode who's making a point to get

Time: 2837.76

sunlight during the day who's also

Time: 2839.44

getting light exposure at night is

Time: 2841.839

making their symptoms worse and keep in

Time: 2843.52

mind they they couldn't completely

Time: 2845

control this but is largely independent

Time: 2847.96

of things like sleep duration so that

Time: 2851.319

doesn't necessarily mean that the

Time: 2852.52

person's sleeping less although in a in

Time: 2854.079

a manic episode presumably they are it's

Time: 2856.839

independent of exercise it's independent

Time: 2859.04

of a bunch of other things because any

Time: 2861.04

any logical person will hear this and

Time: 2863.2

say okay well they're they G more light

Time: 2864.48

at night because they're doing a bunch

Time: 2865.599

of other things but it's largely

Time: 2867.44

independent of those other things

Time: 2870

likewise the symptomology of PTSD gets

Time: 2872.8

far worse with increasing light exposure

Time: 2875.24

at night

Time: 2876.4

self harm really takes a a leap from

Time: 2879.76

being fairly I don't want to say minimal

Time: 2882.68

at the second and third quartile so low

Time: 2885

and let's say medium I'm using some I'm

Time: 2887.48

taking some Liberties here but low in

Time: 2888.8

medium amounts of of artificial light

Time: 2890.599

exposure at night than for people who

Time: 2892.4

get quite a lot of nighttime light

Time: 2894.839

exposure self harm goes up and

Time: 2898.28

probability of Psych psychotic episodes

Time: 2900.92

goes up or psychotic symptoms now what's

Time: 2903.72

nice is that the

Time: 2906.48

what's nice about the data is that the

Time: 2908.16

exact inverse is basically true for

Time: 2910.24

daytime light exposure although not

Time: 2912.76

across the board we can generally say

Time: 2914.48

that for major depressive disorder

Time: 2916.839

generalized anxiety bipolar symptoms

Time: 2919.359

there it's a little more scattered PTSD

Time: 2921.839

and self harm the more daytime light

Time: 2924.839

exposure ideally from sunlight because

Time: 2927.119

that's actually what's being measured in

Time: 2928.44

most cases we could talk about how we

Time: 2931.28


Time: 2932.2

that is going to approximately linearly

Time: 2936.839

drop the probability or the severity of

Time: 2939.559

these symptoms and we could just explain

Time: 2941.319

again that the odds ratios now seem to

Time: 2943.359

be going down so an odds ratio of 7 now

Time: 2946.839

refers to a 30% reduction in the

Time: 2949.559

variable of interest here exactly now

Time: 2952.28

the The psychosis panel F which uh

Time: 2954.76

focuses on psychosis I think is also

Time: 2956.799


Time: 2957.64

mentioning in in a bit more detail

Time: 2960.44

there's a fairly dramatic reduction in

Time: 2962.44

psychotic symptoms as one gets more

Time: 2964.72

daytime light exposure independent of

Time: 2967.76

nighttime light

Time: 2969.88

exposure there's a well-known phenomenon

Time: 2972.16

called ICU psychosis which is that

Time: 2974.24

people come into the hospital for a

Time: 2976.88

broken leg or a car accident maybe they

Time: 2978.839

were getting surgery from from Peter

Time: 2981.24

back when for something totally

Time: 2982.52

independent they're they're housed in

Time: 2984.4

the hospital and as anyone who's ever

Time: 2986.079

been in a hospital as a patient or

Time: 2987.559

visitor knows the light in the lighting

Time: 2990

environment of the hospital is

Time: 2991.16

absolutely dreadful for health just

Time: 2993.319

Dreadful I mean people often complain

Time: 2995.28

about the food in the cafeteria as being

Time: 2997.28

unhealthy that's often not always

Time: 3000.4

true not always true but the lighting

Time: 3003.76

environments in hospitals is absolutely

Time: 3005.68

counter especially especially in the

Time: 3007.48

Intensive Care Unit yeah right I think

Time: 3010.4

the the Intensive Care Unit at Hopkins

Time: 3012.119

the main one the the main sucku didn't

Time: 3014.839

have Windows people who who go into the

Time: 3017.559

hospital with with a brain injury or or

Time: 3020.28

with a stroke or something I get

Time: 3021.559

contacted all the time even though I'm

Time: 3022.88

not a clinician what should I do for my

Time: 3024.319

kid my parent my I say get them near a

Time: 3026.4

window and start to the best of your

Time: 3028.44

abilities controlling their sleep wake

Time: 3030

cycle now often times there's there you

Time: 3032.28

know nurses coming in and taking blood

Time: 3034.319

tests and measuring pulses in the middle

Time: 3035.799

of the night that's disruptive there

Time: 3037.72

there's bright light not just blue light

Time: 3039.44

that's disruptive it's noisy that's

Time: 3041.48

disruptive ICU psychosis is when non

Time: 3044.44

psychotic individuals start having

Time: 3045.92

psychotic episodes in the hospital

Time: 3048.559

because of nighttime light exposure and

Time: 3050.799

in some cases lack of daytime

Time: 3053.88

sunlight we can can say that with some

Time: 3056.28

degree of confidence because when those

Time: 3057.64

people go home even though sometimes

Time: 3059.88

their symptoms for what brought them to

Time: 3061.72

the hospital in the first place get

Time: 3063.4

worse their psychosis goes away now and

Time: 3067.359

it's independent of medication so let's

Time: 3070.319

just be really

Time: 3074.48

direct there is a possibility that we

Time: 3077.24

are all socially jetlagged that we are

Time: 3080.2

all disrupting these mood regulation

Time: 3083

symptoms systems excuse me by not

Time: 3085.88

getting enough daytime light and by

Time: 3087.48

getting too much nighttime light if we

Time: 3089.88

want to look at just some of the bullet

Time: 3091.319

points of the takeaways and then Peter

Time: 3093.079

thank you you highlighted a few of these

Time: 3094.799

but can we just go back to this figure

Time: 3096.359

two for a second there's a handful of

Time: 3098.079

things that really was going to want to

Time: 3100.04

want to dig in the DAT just um and and

Time: 3102.48

again I normally wouldn't make so much

Time: 3104.04

hay out of this except for the fact that

Time: 3105.72

they're so tight um but the there are a

Time: 3109.4

few that really stand out um and again I

Time: 3111.76

love this figure um I would have labeled

Time: 3113.839

it a little differently to make it

Time: 3115.359

completely userfriendly but nevertheless

Time: 3118.079

the increasing light at night and the

Time: 3121.48

impact on

Time: 3123.2

depression let let me be really

Time: 3125.28

technical in what I say and the

Time: 3126.559

relationship or correlation to

Time: 3128.04

depression is very strong um the

Time: 3132.04

relationship to light and self harm in

Time: 3134.799

the upper cortile so when you take those

Time: 3137.88

25% of people with the most nighttime

Time: 3141.079

light that relationship to self harm is

Time: 3143.4

interesting and completely uncoupled

Time: 3145.319

from the other 75% that's interesting

Time: 3148.16

but uncoupled you mean that at the lower

Time: 3150.04

levels of light exposure at night you're

Time: 3151.48

not seeing an increase in self harm not

Time: 3153.599

what and then once you get to that

Time: 3155.04

fourth quartile it's a big step it's

Time: 3157.079

like a 30% greater risk of self yeah so

Time: 3159.92

it's totally flat the first second third

Time: 3161.72

quartile no different and then fourth

Time: 3163.799

big jump um and then the the the inverse

Time: 3167.319

relationship right as light increases

Time: 3169

during the daytime you see this

Time: 3171.04

reduction in self harm interesting the

Time: 3173.599

PTSD relationship based on nighttime

Time: 3176.599

light and The psychosis relationship

Time: 3179.48

based on daytime light those are the

Time: 3181.28

ones that really jumped out to me uh I

Time: 3183.52

think anxiety

Time: 3185.68

relatively the you know less impressive

Time: 3188

here and and bipolar disorder didn't

Time: 3190.559

seem as strong right as well so I think

Time: 3193.44

those those are the big ones that that

Time: 3195.44

jumped out to me yeah I agree there's

Time: 3197.48

AIT there's a bit more scatter on

Time: 3199.2

generalized anxiety and and the degree

Time: 3200.839

of the sign the degree of significant

Time: 3203.76

change is not is not as robust in other

Time: 3205.92

words getting a lot of daytime light

Time: 3208.44

ideally from sunlight is not necessarily

Time: 3210.359

going to reduce your levels of anxiety

Time: 3213.04

getting a lot of nighttime light

Time: 3214.76

exposure is not increasing nighttime

Time: 3217.24

anxiety that much although 20% you know

Time: 3220.52

is is not nothing um for nighttime light

Time: 3223.96

exposure but yeah where the psychosis

Time: 3227.079

major major depression and self harm are

Time: 3230.64

really you know they leap out actually

Time: 3232.4

we maybe we even just drill a little bit

Time: 3234

deeper on major depression basically

Time: 3235.52

when you go from the second to third

Time: 3236.68

quartile of nighttime light exposure so

Time: 3238.64

more than nighttime light exposure you

Time: 3240.4

basically go from no significant

Time: 3243.119

increase to almost almost a 20% increase

Time: 3246.28

and then as you get up to the fourth

Time: 3248.72

quartile so the most nighttime light

Time: 3251.319

exposure you're at about

Time: 3253.799

25% increase in major depressive

Time: 3256.88

symptoms not that's no joke um and you

Time: 3260.28

know and I think that I think that we

Time: 3263

you know if we were to uh know we don't

Time: 3265.559

have the data right here but if we were

Time: 3266.76

to look at like standard SSRI treatment

Time: 3268.92

for major depression you know um people

Time: 3271.68

debate this pretty actively but um light

Time: 3275.2

is is a very potent stimulus and the

Time: 3277.76

timing of light is critical because on

Time: 3279.799

the the inverse is also true as you get

Time: 3281.52

to the fourth quartile of daytime light

Time: 3283.2

exposure you get about a 20% reduction

Time: 3286.48

in major depressive disorder what I like

Time: 3288.88

about a study like this is that it puts

Time: 3291.559

the error bars so easy to see on the

Time: 3294.359

data and why is that interesting well um

Time: 3299.68

there's there's um there's a there's a

Time: 3302.52

belief that bigger is always better in

Time: 3305

sample size and we often talk about that

Time: 3308.04

through the lens of power analysis right

Time: 3310.079

so how many subjects do we need to um to

Time: 3314.16

to reach a conclusion that is powered to

Time: 3317.2

you know this level and that's that's

Time: 3319.88

true but what I don't think gets

Time: 3321.4

discussed as often is the opposite of

Time: 3324.76

that which is what if you overpower a

Time: 3326.839

study in other words what if the power

Time: 3328.48

analysis says to be uh to have a level

Time: 3331.92

of power at 90% you need a th000

Time: 3334.92

subjects and you Sayre we're going to do

Time: 3336.92

10,000 subjects well you're clearly

Time: 3339.72

powered for it but you might be

Time: 3341.24

overpowered and people might say well

Time: 3342.76

why would that be a bad thing it could

Time: 3344.559

be a bad thing because it means you are

Time: 3346.559

very likely to reach statistical

Time: 3348.839

significance in things that might not be

Time: 3351.48

actually significant and so one thing

Time: 3355.28

about this study that is just a quick

Time: 3357.4

back like kind of a quick and dirty way

Time: 3359.24

to tell that it's probably not

Time: 3361.24

overpowered is that you have varying

Time: 3364.4

lengths of error bars and what that

Time: 3367.2

tells me is that and again this is not

Time: 3370.559

like a formal statistical analysis it's

Time: 3372.76

just kind of like a back of the envelope

Time: 3374.48

statistical analysis if you look for

Time: 3376.48

example at self harm in the top quartile

Time: 3378.599

you actually have pretty big error bars

Time: 3379.92

in fact all the self harm have sort of

Time: 3381.88

slightly bigger error bars and yet when

Time: 3383.96

you look at for example the depression

Time: 3385.799

even though the a bars aren't all the

Time: 3387.079

same size they're tighter in fact when

Time: 3389.24

you look at the relationship between

Time: 3390.319

depression and daytime light the air

Time: 3392.52

bars are really really small so that

Time: 3395.44

just gives me confidence that there is

Time: 3397.44

variability in this which paradoxically

Time: 3399.359

you kind of want to see because it tells

Time: 3401.4

me that this wasn't just done you know

Time: 3404.119

there was I think you said 8,000

Time: 3405.599

subjects were in this and I realized 8

Time: 3407.839

more than 86,000 86,000 sorry yeah you

Time: 3410.44

realize that it wasn't that oh this

Time: 3412.76

should have been done with a tenth of

Time: 3414.24

that or a half of that and we're picking

Time: 3415.92

up um signal that is statistically

Time: 3418.799

relevant but clinically irrelevant yeah

Time: 3421.359

thanks for for that point that I didn't

Time: 3424.76

pay attention to that um I mean I paid

Time: 3426.64

attention to the air bars but I didn't

Time: 3428.079

know that um so thank you I'm learning

Time: 3431

too and I I suppose for people that are

Time: 3433.24

listening we can just give them a sense

Time: 3434.4

of what the error bar ranges are for

Time: 3436.64

self harm you know they're running you

Time: 3439

know as much as 20% either side of the

Time: 3442.079

the mean the average and for major

Time: 3443.839

depression it looks like it's more like

Time: 3445.839

let's say 8 to 10% if if that if that

Time: 3449.28

maybe like five right so um yeah I see

Time: 3452.92

what you're saying so when you get a a a

Time: 3456.4

very large sample size you're going to

Time: 3458.839

have some outliers in there and you can

Time: 3461.88

mask those outliers just by having so

Time: 3464.64

many data points right yeah because

Time: 3466.16

these error bars directly tell you

Time: 3467.88

whether or not your statistically

Time: 3469.24

significant so what's really nice about

Time: 3471.76

this type of graph and you see these in

Time: 3474.359

there's going to be a graph in my paper

Time: 3475.839

where you see the same analysis um

Time: 3478.4

they're always drawing the 95%

Time: 3480.68

confidence interval on the on the data

Time: 3482.96

point and if the 95% confidence interval

Time: 3486.68

does not touch the the line of unity

Time: 3489.72

which in this case is the the the the

Time: 3491.52

hods ratio of 1.0 or the x-axis then you

Time: 3494.319

know it's statistically significant to

Time: 3496.16

the confidence interval they've defined

Time: 3497.68

which is almost assuredly 95% sometimes

Time: 3499.96

they'll make it tighter at 99 and so

Time: 3502.039

that's why you can just look right at

Time: 3503.28

these and go oh look you know in

Time: 3505.119

depression the second quartile didn't

Time: 3507.76

reach statistical significance because

Time: 3509.4

the error bars are touching the line

Time: 3511.44

just as the case for the second and

Time: 3513.079

third quartile for self harm but when

Time: 3516.28

you look at the fourth quartile you can

Time: 3518

see that the lower tip of the error bars

Time: 3520.319

isn't anywhere near Unity and so we know

Time: 3523.119

without having to look up the P value

Time: 3525.079

that it's uh smaller than either 05 or

Time: 3528.039

0.1 however they've defined it and it's

Time: 3530.359

really amazing when you see these you

Time: 3532.28

know overpowered studies which are

Time: 3534.119

easier to do epidemiologically where you

Time: 3536.359

know the P value ends up being

Time: 3538.88

microscopic you know they can they can

Time: 3540.76

drive their P values down to anything

Time: 3542.76

low because sample size can be infinite

Time: 3544.799

but you know you can see that it's just

Time: 3547.359

like the the error bar is just skimming

Time: 3549.88

above the uh the the unity line but it's

Time: 3553.48

so so so tight I'd like to take a quick

Time: 3556.64

break to acknowledge our sponsor element

Time: 3559.48

element is an electrolyte drink that has

Time: 3561.4

everything you need and nothing you

Time: 3562.799

don't that means zero sugar and the

Time: 3565

appropriate ratios of the electrolytes

Time: 3566.92

sodium magnesium and potassium and that

Time: 3569.44

correct ratio of electrolytes is

Time: 3571.079

extremely important because every cell

Time: 3573.119

in your body but especially your nerve

Time: 3575.16

cells your neurons relies on

Time: 3577.039

electrolytes in order to function

Time: 3578.64

properly so when you're well hydrated

Time: 3580.96

and you have the appropriate amount of

Time: 3582.28

electrolytes in your system your mental

Time: 3584.119

functioning and your physical

Time: 3585.359

functioning is improved I drink one

Time: 3587.319

packet of element dissolved in about 16

Time: 3589.319

to 32 ounces of water when I wake up in

Time: 3591.72

the morning as well as while I exercise

Time: 3594.44

and and if I've sweat a lot during that

Time: 3596.039

exercise I often will drink a third

Time: 3597.72

element packet dissolved in about 32

Time: 3599.76

ounces of water after I exercise element

Time: 3602.359

comes in a variety of different flavors

Time: 3604.2

all of which I find really tasty I like

Time: 3606.359

the Citrus I like the watermelon I like

Time: 3608

the raspberry frankly I can't pick just

Time: 3609.92

one it also comes in chocolate and

Time: 3612.16

chocolate mint which I find tastes best

Time: 3614.079

if they are put into water dissolved and

Time: 3615.839

then heated up I tend to do that in the

Time: 3617.92

winter months because of course you

Time: 3619.64

don't just need hydration on hot days

Time: 3622.16

and in the summer and spring months but

Time: 3623.799

also in the winter when the temperatures

Time: 3625.92

are cold and the environment tends to be

Time: 3628

dry if you'd like to try element you can

Time: 3630.119

go to drink element spelled

Time: 3633

huberman to try a free sample pack again

Time: 3635.599

that's drink

Time: 3638.52

huberman one thing that I hope people

Time: 3641.16

are taking away from this study is that

Time: 3644.119

imagine you're somebody who has a very

Time: 3646.839

sensitive circadian mood system well

Time: 3651.559

that would mean you need less daytime

Time: 3653.24

light exposure to feel good or less bad

Time: 3657.96

but it also means that you might need

Time: 3660.16

very little light at night in order to

Time: 3663.76

negatively impact your mood systems and

Time: 3667

in fact they make this argument in the

Time: 3669.359

discussion as an interesting point that

Time: 3672.48

I think is worth mentioning what because

Time: 3674.4

here what I again what I like about the

Time: 3675.799

study is that they've separated day and

Time: 3677.559

nighttime light

Time: 3679.319

exposure turns out that many of the

Time: 3681.839

drugs that are used to treat bipolar

Time: 3683.64

disorder reduce the Sens are are

Time: 3686.92

effective perhaps in part because they

Time: 3689.24

reduce the sensitivity of the light

Time: 3691.88

sensing circadian apparati now that's

Time: 3695.72

interesting right if if you think about

Time: 3697.76

this okay so these are drugs that can

Time: 3699.16

ameliorate some of the symptoms of

Time: 3701.24

bipolar perhaps in part by reducing the

Time: 3704.2

extent to which nighttime light exposure

Time: 3706.52

can relieve bipolar symptoms can excuse

Time: 3709.039

me can exacerbate bipolar

Time: 3711.039

symptoms conversely there's evidence

Time: 3713.68

that people who take take certain

Time: 3715.64

anti-depressants May suppress the

Time: 3717.839

ability for daytime light to positively

Time: 3720.96

impact the mood systems of the brain now

Time: 3722.92

of course we don't want people halting

Time: 3724.599

their medication on the basis of that

Time: 3726.48

statement alone please don't you know

Time: 3728.64

talk to your psychiatrist but if we know

Time: 3731.839

one thing for sure it's that if you want

Time: 3734.279

a significant outcome and a paper as a

Time: 3739.16

scientist give a drug any drug and look

Time: 3743.319

at the amount of rapid eye movement

Time: 3745.4

sleep or the Circadian cycle pretty much

Time: 3747.72

any drug Alters the Circadian

Time: 3749.96

rhythm for better or worse but if we

Time: 3753.279

start to think about which medications

Time: 3754.88

might adjust our overall sensitivity to

Time: 3756.799

light sometimes this could be a good

Time: 3758.52

thing you think less sensitivity to

Time: 3759.88

light well for people who have bipolar

Time: 3762.079

disorder the amount of daytime light

Time: 3764

exposure isn't that important for their

Time: 3766.119

overall mood regulation but the amount

Time: 3767.76

of nighttime light exposure really is in

Time: 3769.48

other words Darkness for eight hours

Time: 3771.52

every night should be viewed in my

Time: 3773.64

opinion as a treatment for bipolar

Time: 3775.599

disorder not the only treatment but it's

Time: 3778.64

also clear that we should all be

Time: 3781

avoiding really bright extensive really

Time: 3783.839

bright nighttime light exposure I mean

Time: 3785.44

if if anything you know my take away

Time: 3788.119

from this study is that Darkness at

Time: 3789.92

night is the fourth key light stimulus

Time: 3792.559

now a couple of things very bright

Time: 3794.599

Moonlight very bright candle light is

Time: 3798.039

probably only

Time: 3799.52

like gosh three to 50 lucks what when

Time: 3805.16

you go outside on a brightly lit full

Time: 3808.359

moon night I encourage people to

Time: 3810.599

download this free app I have no

Time: 3812

relationship to it called light meter

Time: 3813.839

and it gives you a pretty good read of

Time: 3815.48

what the lucks are in that environment

Time: 3817.48

by the way a lot of people don't realize

Time: 3818.96

this they think you just tap the button

Time: 3820.44

and then it tells you how many lucks you

Time: 3821.64

hold it down it's kind of fun you can

Time: 3823.24

scan around the room and see how many

Time: 3824.839

lucks are on average coming from that

Time: 3826.599

location or outside go out on a really

Time: 3829.079

bright moonl night I mean we we should

Time: 3831.119

have a full moon tonight yeah let's do

Time: 3833.48

it you're not going to get above a 100

Time: 3835.16

Lux that's incredible you're sitting at

Time: 3836.96

a candlelight dinner with your spouse or

Time: 3839.319

with friends and it's clearly bright

Time: 3840.88

enough to see them put that lux meter

Time: 3844.039

right up not too close to the flame 50

Time: 3847.119

to 200 Lux i i 4 interesting experience

Time: 3851.16

a couple of months ago on an elk hunt

Time: 3852.92

where it was a full moon which actually

Time: 3855.72

makes the hunting not so great but it

Time: 3858.24

was the first time I've ever noticed my

Time: 3861.359

shadow in relation to the Moon uh that's

Time: 3864.359

how bright it seemed the light was this

Time: 3866.76

is Halloween appropriate since we're

Time: 3868.52

coming out we we're recording this close

Time: 3870

to Halloween it's remarkable super

Time: 3872.119

interesting to think it could be that

Time: 3873.559

dim campfire you know and Fire Light you

Time: 3876.68

think okay gathering around a campfire

Time: 3878.4

then okay you know everyone circadian

Time: 3880.2

rhythm must have been disrupted for ages

Time: 3882

before the development of of electric

Time: 3883.96

electricity no no that th those

Time: 3886.48

campfires are extremely bright but

Time: 3887.96

they're they're they're not they're not

Time: 3890.559

that bright compared to a very densely

Time: 3892.839

overcast day and what is is your phone

Time: 3894.96

if you don't use any sort of uh light

Time: 3897.599

mitigating uh Tech on it well distance

Time: 3901.4

matters um at the distance we're holding

Time: 3903.96

it yeah with so with all the the

Time: 3906.68

wavelengths cranked up so no uh there is

Time: 3909.039

a nice feature intrinsic to the phone

Time: 3911.24

where you can eliminate the blues at

Time: 3912.559

night or you know this kind of thing but

Time: 3914.319

if you crank it up to maximum light

Time: 3915.76

intensity probably something like you

Time: 3917.72

know 500 to 1,000 Lux now keep in mind

Time: 3921.119

though it's additive right so it's over

Time: 3924.359

time so Lux is a measure of I think I

Time: 3927.76

think it relates back to Candelas it's

Time: 3930.119

the amount of light um shown at I think

Time: 3932.4

it's like the the one meter away and

Time: 3935.119

there's a squaring and a falling off of

Time: 3936.88

distance we can look it up um these are

Time: 3938.76

old measurement old school measurements

Time: 3940.599

converted to Lux but keep in mind that

Time: 3942.68

if you're looking at your phone or

Time: 3943.88

tablet at 800 Lux or 500 Lux in the

Time: 3947.079

evening you do that for 2 hours well

Time: 3949.079

you're summing quite a lot of photons

Time: 3950.88

now it is true and I I I I do want to be

Time: 3953.4

fair to the biology uh and it'd be

Time: 3956.44

dishonest to say anything different you

Time: 3958.2

know we we've hammered on people about

Time: 3959.96

not shifting their circadian rhythm with

Time: 3961.839

light at night but we know that the

Time: 3963.599

middle of the day and the middle of the

Time: 3964.599

night are circadian dead zones you can't

Time: 3966.279

shift your circadian rhythm that well in

Time: 3969

the middle of the day and the middle of

Time: 3970.079

the night but you can provide a wakeup

Time: 3972.76

signal for for your body and brain it's

Time: 3975.559

really that sunrise and sunset that are

Time: 3977.24

critical that's why I said there are

Time: 3978.2

four things see sunrise or sunrising you

Time: 3981.16

don't need to see across the Horizon

Time: 3982.52

Sunset bright light during the day

Time: 3985.2

minimize light exposure at night and you

Time: 3987.48

don't need Pitch Black in fact pitch

Time: 3989.76

black probably just increases the

Time: 3991.079

frequency of injury you know I get up in

Time: 3992.599

the middle of the night to use the

Time: 3993.52

bathroom probably once I think it's

Time: 3994.96

normal I go back to sleep you know if it

Time: 3997.76

were pitch black I'd probably injure

Time: 3999.599

myself so just just dim it down some

Time: 4001.96

people use red lights you know our

Time: 4003.839

friend Rick Ruben yeah Rick ruin is uh

Time: 4006.68

can we tell a funny story about Rick

Time: 4008.279

yeah of course of course you know this

Time: 4010

story but just I just in casee Rick's

Time: 4012

listening he'll appreciate this you know

Time: 4013.72

when Rick was uh here staying last

Time: 4016.279

summer um he's up in our guest house and

Time: 4019.64

he came down after the first night and

Time: 4021.16

he was like unacceptable you know what

Time: 4023.48

I'm talking about unacceptable

Time: 4024.72

accommodations what did he do he removed

Time: 4027.64

all the lighting that existed in that

Time: 4029.96

room and replaced it with red light

Time: 4031.559

bulbs which I later used when I stayed

Time: 4034.16

here and then later stole when I

Time: 4037

left the teenage me I took them I took

Time: 4040.039

him that's why Derek when he stayed here

Time: 4041.839

lane or anyone else when he stayed here

Time: 4044.319

Cony or anyone else didn't have those I

Time: 4046

took them I love them so funny Jill is

Time: 4048.839

like you know Rick changed every light

Time: 4051.68

in the guest house to Red I'm like yeah

Time: 4054.359

no I didn't know that but I'm not

Time: 4055.76

surprised yeah well in his place he has

Time: 4058.279

mostly either no lighting or red

Time: 4060.48

lighting so during the day he just goes

Time: 4061.76

by ambient light um and then red light

Time: 4064.52

in the evening and or candle light and

Time: 4067.16

it's great and you know people hear red

Time: 4068.72

lights and they think they have to buy

Time: 4069.96

these expensive red light units that's

Time: 4071.799

not what we're talking about that you

Time: 4073.359

can literally buy red party lights or

Time: 4075.319

just a red bulb some people say well can

Time: 4077.599

I just use a red film or can I put a

Time: 4079.4

t-shirt over the lamp I worry about

Time: 4080.839

people putting t-shirts over lamp

Time: 4082.319

because of the fire hazard um but I'll

Time: 4085.079

be honest I dim the lights in my home at

Time: 4086.799

night um when I travel sometimes I will

Time: 4089.4

bring one of the the stolen from Rick

Time: 4091.52

Rubin red lights the red the Rick rubben

Time: 4093.76

stash here's something where I've I've

Time: 4095.52

sort of softened my tune so I used to be

Time: 4097.6

kind of a hard liner no blue light in

Time: 4100.359

the evening guy um you know had the you

Time: 4103.52

know everything was red light at night

Time: 4105.88

as far as my phone using flux on the

Time: 4109

computer you know whatever it was

Time: 4112.199

um I suspect that that matters somewhat

Time: 4116

but I think what matters more is the

Time: 4117.96

stimulation that may come from those

Time: 4119.88

things and what I've come to realize at

Time: 4123.6

least in me which means it probably is

Time: 4125.96

true in others as well and at least some

Time: 4127.96

others is that what I'm doing on my

Time: 4131.799

phone matters more than how how bright

Time: 4134.239

my phone is in other words if I've got

Time: 4136.759

the best blue light filter in the world

Time: 4138.839

on my phone but I'm doom scrolling

Time: 4141.08

social media and getting lit up on email

Time: 4144.839

that's way worse for me than if I've got

Time: 4147.679

my phone on maximum light and I'm like

Time: 4152.96

watching YouTube videos of F1 cars and

Time: 4156.04

driving around having fun like it's a

Time: 4158.44

totally different experience so so so

Time: 4160.4

the context matters and um I think I

Time: 4164.04

think for that reason I I I would want

Time: 4165.44

people to be mindful of the whole

Time: 4167.08

picture um you know going to bed under a

Time: 4170.08

period of you know intense duress

Time: 4172.759

brought on by something you know that's

Time: 4175.6

an equally dangerous component to all of

Time: 4178.12

this that's that's distinct from what

Time: 4179.4

we're talking about but but you know you

Time: 4181

just want i' like I want people to be

Time: 4182.159

able to think of this in the context of

Time: 4183.4

everything yeah I it's a really

Time: 4185.04

important point you know one thing I'll

Time: 4187.96

say is that if you're going to stay up

Time: 4190.56

past your normal bedtime if you're going

Time: 4192.239

to get a lot of light in your eyes I

Time: 4194

would hope that it would be for fun

Time: 4195.32

reasons and for reasons you enjoy you

Time: 4197.12

should definitely spend some nights out

Time: 4198.52

you should definitely do some all

Time: 4199.44

nighters studying if you really you know

Time: 4201.679

if you if it's going to help you get the

Time: 4203.32

grade that's permanent right I'd

Time: 4204.88

certainly have done all nighter studying

Time: 4206.64

and grant writing for years um you know

Time: 4209.679

there are going to be the inevitable

Time: 4211.08

allnighters due to God forbid a Hos trip

Time: 4213.64

to the hospital or you heard something

Time: 4215.8

on the news that really amped you up or

Time: 4217.52

you just simply can't sleep that stuff

Time: 4219.199

is going to happen so I think the goal

Time: 4221.56

should be to minimize light exposure at

Time: 4223.199

night and I think what you just said is

Time: 4225.36

especially true because we don't know

Time: 4228

for instance people talk about the

Time: 4229.04

negative impact of social media is it

Time: 4231.08

the fact that people are looking at this

Time: 4232.56

little box for so many hours per day is

Time: 4234.56

it all the things they're not doing is

Time: 4236.48

it what they're looking at per se all of

Time: 4239.32

those things interact and are really

Time: 4240.84

important I we know based on studies

Time: 4242.88

from the Stanford sleep lab that if you

Time: 4245.32

wake up in the middle of the night

Time: 4246.76

looking at what time it is can be very

Time: 4249.12

disruptive to your ability to fall back

Time: 4251.36

asleep and to your sense the next day

Time: 4253.76

it's just a placebo effect but it's a

Time: 4255.32

powerful one of how tired you are the

Time: 4257.4

next day they've done this where they

Time: 4259.88

wake people up in the middle of the

Time: 4260.88

night and then they say it's you know

Time: 4262.719

4:00 a.m. versus 2: a.m. versus 6:00

Time: 4265.159

a.m. and people's perceived levels of

Time: 4267.159

energy during the day in some ways

Time: 4269.36

correlate with what they think how much

Time: 4271.12

sleep they think they got likewise and

Time: 4273.56

this is one of the concerns potential

Time: 4275.239

concerns with sleep trackers yep Ali

Time: 4277.6

Crum talked about this when she came on

Time: 4279.719

our podcast you know if people see a

Time: 4282

poor sleep score they often feel worse

Time: 4284.44

than if they see a good sleep score now

Time: 4286.32

of course physiology matters you can't

Time: 4288.44

lie to yourself and say you you know got

Time: 4290.6

a great night of sleep simply by virtue

Time: 4292.04

of a sleep score but I worry more about

Time: 4294.239

the the

Time: 4295.52

false well I if it's a false negative

Time: 4298.08

that we don't want to put veilance on

Time: 4299.4

this seeing a bad sleep score and then

Time: 4301.28

deciding that you're going to have a

Time: 4302.239

terrible day you know I think a bad

Time: 4304.36

sleep score is an indication that you

Time: 4305.8

might need to dial some things in a bit

Time: 4307.679

better getting a great sleep score is an

Time: 4309.84

indication that you might be doing a

Time: 4311.08

number of things right and start looking

Time: 4312.56

at these things as averaging wouldn't

Time: 4314.159

would you agree yeah completely I I I I

Time: 4316.12

don't think it's that different from CGM

Time: 4318.04

right like I think that CGM is an

Time: 4319.96

amazing tool to provide insight and you

Time: 4322.88

pretty much know the insights after a

Time: 4324.4

relatively short period of time 30 days

Time: 4327.4

maybe at the outside 90 for for a really

Time: 4329.8

per for a person with a very complicated

Time: 4331.32

life um and you know all you need to

Time: 4333.719

know about how the inputs affect the

Time: 4336

output thereafter if you choose to use

Time: 4338.52

it it's a behavioral tool in other words

Time: 4340.36

you're using this to build in a Hawthorn

Time: 4342.719

effect I think the same is largely true

Time: 4344.639

with sleep trackers um most people have

Time: 4347.56

this profound sense of learning when

Time: 4349.88

they first encounter one of these things

Time: 4352.159

and and it's again you've heard it all

Time: 4353.32

100 times oh my God I can't believe what

Time: 4355.44

alcohol does to my sleep right or

Time: 4357.159

caloric trackers exactly like I think a

Time: 4359.199

lane Norton's app carbon I have no

Time: 4361.56

Financial relationship to it I use it or

Time: 4364.96

and it's taught me wow like I consume a

Time: 4368.12

lot of calories in the form of certain

Time: 4369.76

things at certain times of day and

Time: 4371.199

there's just a lot of good learning in

Time: 4372.56

that but it's the Act of tracking that

Time: 4374.56

helps you manage it and similarly I

Time: 4376.44

think it's the act of knowing you're

Time: 4379.08

going to be looking at that score that

Time: 4380.679

gamifies it that kind of helps people do

Time: 4382.88

the right things oh you know what I'm

Time: 4384.12

not going to have that drink tonight or

Time: 4385.36

I'm not going to eat that snack before

Time: 4387.239

bed because I've now been conditioned to

Time: 4389

see how that impact score that said I

Time: 4391.56

think that um you know recovery scores

Time: 4394.56

and things like that are just

Time: 4397.12

notoriously poor at predicting

Time: 4399.32

performance and I think there's a reason

Time: 4401.76

that serious athletes would never use

Time: 4403.88

things like that um they would tend to

Time: 4405.639

rely on the more tried and true methods

Time: 4407.8

of predicting Behavior such as heart

Time: 4410.08

rate uh maybe heart rate variability but

Time: 4412.52

morning resting heart rate probably more

Time: 4414.52

predictive than anything else and then

Time: 4416

you know inw workout things such as

Time: 4418.04

heart rate heart rate recovery lactate

Time: 4419.56

threshold things like that so yeah I

Time: 4422.04

agree I think we have to and I say this

Time: 4424

as a guy who's generally perceived to be

Time: 4426.52

the most Pro device guy in the world

Time: 4428.76

people would be surprised how sparingly

Time: 4432.12

I use things like that

Time: 4434.239

I mean I do some Tracking not as much as

Time: 4436.639

you uh I

Time: 4438.92

love things that seem to work the first

Time: 4442.32

time and every time in terms of our

Time: 4444.239

natural biology based on a couple of

Time: 4447.159

criteria there's an established

Time: 4448.96

mechanism um it's been explored in the

Time: 4451.32

context of pathology like mental health

Time: 4453.199

disorders as well as pro- health in

Time: 4455.52

healthy individuals um that it make

Time: 4458.48

really good sense at the level of kind

Time: 4460.4

of um uh Wellness uh uh and let's just

Time: 4464.96

say ancient Health you know when you're

Time: 4467.04

talking about getting a lot of sunlight

Time: 4468.28

during the day like a lot of people say

Time: 4470.04

well of course get outside and play not

Time: 4472.44

getting too much light at night of

Time: 4474.08

course this is just good old quote

Time: 4475.4

unquote good oldfashioned advice people

Time: 4477.96

spend 90% of their time indoors now

Time: 4480.679

their daytime environments are too dim

Time: 4483.32

their nighttime environments are too

Time: 4484.96

bright and this kind of misleading

Time: 4489.04

aspect of artificial light that when you

Time: 4491.28

see a bright bulb you think I'm getting

Time: 4493.04

a a lot of photons is part of the

Time: 4496.28

problem and the fact that when you're

Time: 4497.84

out on a overcast day and it you know

Time: 4500.28

you think there Sun quote unquote isn't

Time: 4502.08

out well it's hidden by cloud cover but

Time: 4505.36

just think about how well you can

Time: 4506.92

navigate that environment without a

Time: 4509.159

flashlight yeah versus at night where

Time: 4512.04

you would require a flashlight we

Time: 4514.04

evolved under this tramatic difference

Time: 4516.32

in day night availability of photons

Time: 4520

independent of whether or not you can

Time: 4521.84

quote see the sun and it's just very

Time: 4524.36

clear that our the all the mechanisms in

Time: 4527.52

our brain and body that regulate mood

Time: 4529.28

are just powerfully regulated by this

Time: 4531.28

stuff so I've made it a point to really

Time: 4533.6

reduce the amount of nighttime light

Time: 4535.08

that I'm getting but I am less concerned

Time: 4537.44

about flipping on the light switch to

Time: 4539.12

use the bathroom as I used to be I used

Time: 4541.36

to think oh I'm like quashing all my

Time: 4542.719

melatonin this is terrible I know I

Time: 4545.28

can't shift my circadian clock then I

Time: 4547

know that that light yes while it's

Time: 4548.639

bright if it's brief I'm not going to

Time: 4550.8

worry about it too much would it be

Time: 4552.159

better to have a you you know a dim

Time: 4554.52

light on as opposed to a bright light

Time: 4555.84

sure but I'm not going to stress it in a

Time: 4557.44

hotel bathroom or something I'm not

Time: 4558.679

going to walk around you know shielding

Time: 4559.92

my eyes people sometimes ask me by the

Time: 4562.32

way is it different to look at the phone

Time: 4564.32

directly versus if you tilt the phone

Time: 4566.36

away well it absolutely is I mean think

Time: 4568.639

about a flashl shown on the ground in

Time: 4570.639

front of you very few photons getting in

Time: 4572.96

your eyes versus shown directly into

Time: 4575

your eyes think about the ambient light

Time: 4576.679

from the Sun going everywhere versus

Time: 4578.36

looking in the general direction of the

Time: 4580.04

Sun so East in the morning West in the

Time: 4582

afternoon of course

Time: 4583.8

the directionality of the light matters

Time: 4585.96

so I'm not saying it you know that you

Time: 4588.76

need to like peek at your phone as if

Time: 4590.56

you're looking you know over the edge of

Time: 4592.4

a bowl or something into it but my

Time: 4594.719

friend Samar hataru is head of the

Time: 4596.52

chronobiology unit at the National

Time: 4598.199

Institutes of mental health we used to

Time: 4600.12

room together at meetings we stopped

Time: 4601.719

because he's a terrible snorer so I just

Time: 4603.96

could I there were a few times when I

Time: 4605.159

considered suffocating him in the middle

Time: 4606.52

of the night since he was already

Time: 4608

suffocating himself now we just we don't

Time: 4610.56

stay in the same rooms anymore we're no

Time: 4612.159

longer postt talk

Time: 4613.96

but I caught him looking at his phone in

Time: 4616.52

the middle of the night and he would

Time: 4618.159

tilt it like away like he's holding a

Time: 4620.159

platter for those are just listening and

Time: 4621.92

and kind of like looking over at the

Time: 4623.28

screen there I'm like what are you doing

Time: 4624.52

this is ridiculous he said I'm trying

Time: 4625.8

not to get so much light in my eyes

Time: 4627.28

that's a little extreme but I think it

Time: 4628.6

illustrates the point which is how much

Time: 4630.56

direct light exposure you get at night

Time: 4632.4

matters how much direct sunlight

Time: 4634.92

exposure you get especially early in

Time: 4637.159

late early morning late afternoon and

Time: 4639

throughout the day it really matters now

Time: 4641.08

remind me Andrew what is the wavelength

Time: 4643.6

of sunlight great so sunlight is going

Time: 4645.679

to include all visible visible which

Time: 4648.32

runs from how many yeah so well let's

Time: 4650.76

let's we can answer two questions there

Time: 4652.28

this wrist sensor detected 470 degree 70

Time: 4656.84

nanometer to 650 nanometer light so

Time: 4659.48

that's going to be blue and UltraViolet

Time: 4662.36

ultraviolet is kind of kind of like blue

Time: 4664.28

to Orange yeah blue blue to Orange

Time: 4666.56

that's what this was measuring so red

Time: 4668.36

light is going to be more like 680 um

Time: 4671.32

far red is getting out to 7 720 and up

Time: 4674.48

upwards of that blue light is going to

Time: 4676.08

fall somewhere in the you know low fours

Time: 4678.84

ultraviolet is getting down into the

Time: 4680.4

high 3es and and lower um and so these

Time: 4683.719

these Spectra of light so during the day

Time: 4685.6

you know midday light you're get what

Time: 4687.12

looks like white light you'll see oh the

Time: 4688.52

sky is blue in the Sun is bright white

Time: 4690.44

light it's not even yellow to your eye

Time: 4693.36

and of course don't stare at it

Time: 4694.52

especially in the middle of the

Time: 4696.199

day you're getting all visible Spectra

Time: 4698.76

so you're getting everything from UV all

Time: 4700.56

the way out to Red Light it's just

Time: 4702.239

coming in at equ intensities so is that

Time: 4704.52

a potential limitation of this study in

Time: 4706.36

that it didn't have a sensor that could

Time: 4708.159

pick up the full spectrum of light

Time: 4711.56

potentially especially since they're you

Time: 4714.12

know we don't think of humans as UV uh

Time: 4716.679

capable like we can't perceive UV light

Time: 4719.239

um like a a ground squirrel for instance

Time: 4721.92

can has UV sensors in its eyes turns out

Time: 4724.36

you know why they use this it's crazy

Time: 4726.08

they actually you know when the ground

Time: 4727.199

squirrels sit up on their hunches

Time: 4729.239

they're actually signaling one another

Time: 4730.679

they rub urine on their belly and it

Time: 4732.48

reflects UV um the the New York Times

Time: 4735.88

for some reason has been running a

Time: 4737.28

series of papers uh or articles rather

Time: 4740.56

about uh naturally occurring fluoresence

Time: 4743.56

at night in all sorts of scorpions and

Time: 4746.199

uh monotes like the Platypus no one

Time: 4748.639

really knows the reason for these odd

Time: 4750.92

odd wavelength of light emissions for

Time: 4752.76

for all these animals but you know we

Time: 4754.679

view things in the blue violet and up to

Time: 4758.52

red and you know we're not pit vipers we

Time: 4760.88

can't see far red but we can see lower

Time: 4763.84

than 470 nimet and we can see higher

Time: 4766.4

than uh 7 650 is there a technology

Time: 4770.36

reason why they had such a narrow band

Time: 4772.28

in these sensors is it not possible that

Time: 4774

they could have used a wrist sensor that

Time: 4775.4

was wider this study was initiated in

Time: 4778.52

2013 the tech was probably far worse

Time: 4781.12

than it is now again I would love for

Time: 4783.84

somebody to design an eyeglass where

Time: 4786.88

it's measuring how many photons you're

Time: 4788.88

getting across the day I'm not a big fan

Time: 4791.52

of having everything be app IED so I

Time: 4793.88

would love it if the frame would just

Time: 4795.159

shift color across the morning like you

Time: 4797.04

go outside on a cloudy day you know you

Time: 4798.76

wear these glasses and um and by the way

Time: 4801.199

it's fine to where eyeglasses or

Time: 4802.48

contacts for sunlight viewing for

Time: 4803.96

setting your circadian rhythm um people

Time: 4806.28

always say well why is it that okay and

Time: 4808.04

a window is not well corrective lenses

Time: 4809.84

are actually focusing the light onto

Time: 4811.199

your retina the windows and and

Time: 4813.32

windshields are scattering the light and

Time: 4815.08

filtering and how much are sunglasses

Time: 4817.199

filtering this out way too much we can

Time: 4820

safely say way too much probably causing

Time: 4822.159


Time: 4823.48

tfold decrement in the total Lux count

Time: 4826.56

that's landing on your retina but of

Time: 4828.239

course I you know sunglasses are

Time: 4829.76

important driving into into sun and um

Time: 4832.56

and some people have very sensitive eyes

Time: 4834.159

I can't sit at a cafe with a bright

Time: 4836.679

brightly reflective table in the

Time: 4838.76

afternoon I just I just squint like

Time: 4840.719

crazy I can't do it my dad who's you

Time: 4842.52

know darker eyed you know he's South

Time: 4844.44

South American descent he um you know he

Time: 4847.199

can just sit there just fine my mom

Time: 4849.04

who's got light eyes like me and you

Time: 4850.6

know we're like oh it's really tough

Time: 4853.12

just have a terrible time um you know

Time: 4856

people differ in their light

Time: 4857.88

sensitivity so there's one other macro

Time: 4860.44

question I have here and it's not

Time: 4863.239

answerable because without randomization

Time: 4865.76

we can't know it but it's the question

Time: 4869.92

of how much reverse causality can exist

Time: 4872.96

in these observations so again these

Time: 4875.96

observations um demonstrate very tight

Time: 4878.679

correlations very strong associations

Time: 4881.12

especially in the five areas that we

Time: 4883.32

highlighted um

Time: 4886.52

but it's possible that part of what

Time: 4889.32


Time: 4890.04

seeing um is reverse causality brought

Time: 4893

on by both the treatments which you've

Time: 4895.48

already kind of alluded to and also the

Time: 4897.52

condition itself do you want to explain

Time: 4899.159

reverse causality for people and maybe

Time: 4900.88

could you mention um for those that

Time: 4902.6

missed uh the Hawthorne effect just yeah

Time: 4905.719

yeah the the Hawthorne effect uh is is

Time: 4908.84

is an effect that is named after you

Time: 4912.199

know an observation of what took place

Time: 4913.96

in a factory where they were actually

Time: 4915.88

studying worker productivity with light

Time: 4918.08

of all things um but what refers to is

Time: 4921.679

the idea that people will change their

Time: 4923.44

behavior when they are observed so if um

Time: 4927.36

if I said well I really want to know

Time: 4929.44

what a day in the life is like for

Time: 4931.08

Andrew huberman I'm going to follow him

Time: 4933

around for a day it's very unlikely that

Time: 4936.679

his behavior that day will be exactly as

Time: 4938.48

it was if I wasn't there re why you

Time: 4941.28

probably will never see a day in the

Time: 4942.4

life of Andrew huberman although it's

Time: 4944.92

pretty it's pretty scripted unless I'm

Time: 4946.6

traveling it's a it's a you know it's

Time: 4948.76

morning sunlight hydration and you know

Time: 4951.159

some cardio or weight training and then

Time: 4953.12

a lot of time reading papers it'd be the

Time: 4954.679

most boring video in the world because

Time: 4956.04

mostly me reading and underlining things

Time: 4959

but it's why um gamifying things can be

Time: 4963.08

beneficial right it's why a CGM can can

Time: 4966.719

be beneficial because it's sort of like

Time: 4968.32

somebody's watching you and you're going

Time: 4970.159

to modify what you eat in response to it

Time: 4972.04

or why tracking can really be an

Time: 4974.36

effective way to reduce input because

Time: 4977.199

you there's a sense of being monitored

Time: 4979

by doing that especially if someone

Time: 4980.159

literally monitors it in other words you

Time: 4982

can set up an accountability partner

Time: 4983.719

where your health coach or someone is

Time: 4985.44

actually seeing the data so that's what

Time: 4988

it is now as far as reverse causality

Time: 4990.44

when you look at variables so

Time: 4994.6

um let's just pick u a common one that's

Time: 4997.36

unrelated to this so there there's an

Time: 4999.6

association that more diet soda

Time: 5002.6

consumption is associated with greater

Time: 5005.239

obesity it's a bit paradoxical right um

Time: 5008.719

is that true it is yeah it's it's been

Time: 5010.76

demonstrated in many series that the the

Time: 5013.8

the greater the consumption of diet soda

Time: 5016.159

the greater the prevalence of obesity

Time: 5019.44

and that has been postulated by some to

Time: 5022.04

suggest that non-nutritive sweeteners

Time: 5024.88

such as aspartame or sucrose or things

Time: 5026.8

like that are actually part of what's

Time: 5029.12


Time: 5030.239

obesity um and while while there are

Time: 5033.08

probably some arguments you could make

Time: 5034.6

around the impact that those things

Time: 5036

might have on the gut microbiome and

Time: 5037.6

maybe there's some way and that's

Time: 5038.8

happening it's also equally likely if

Time: 5041.08

not probably more likely that there's

Time: 5042.52

reverse causality there that a person

Time: 5044.88

who is obese is therefore contemplating

Time: 5048.56

how much they're eating or thinking hey

Time: 5050.639

what's an easy way that I can reduce

Time: 5052.52

calories how about instead of drinking a

Time: 5054.6

Coke I drink a Diet Coke and so there

Time: 5058.44

the causality which you would impute to

Time: 5060.28

mean the drink is causing the Obesity it

Time: 5063.28

might be no the Obesity is causing the

Time: 5065.08

choice of drink so here the question is

Time: 5069.199

um how much of the effect we're seeing

Time: 5072.239

is a result of the condition that's

Time: 5074.52

being studied right how much of the

Time: 5077.32

disruption in both day and night ex uh

Time: 5080.92

light exposure is the result of the

Time: 5083.32

depression it's disregulated the sleep

Time: 5085.84

maybe they sleeping more during the day

Time: 5087.719

and more awake at night because of

Time: 5089.36

depression again these are you can't

Time: 5091.84

know this this is where epidemiology

Time: 5094.32

never allows us to determine this and

Time: 5097.239

sadly these questions can only be

Time: 5099.32

answered through either direct

Time: 5101.04

randomization or mandelian randomization

Time: 5103.6

which by the way I was going to also ask

Time: 5105.199

you do you know if anyone has examined

Time: 5107.159

this from a mandelian standpoint that

Time: 5110

would be that would be very interesting

Time: 5112.04

because I have to

Time: 5114

believe well it would be interesting I

Time: 5115.92

don't know enough about the biology to

Time: 5117.48

know what Snips would be studi but that

Time: 5120.8

would be interesting what Peter is

Time: 5122.8

saying is you know if you knew something

Time: 5125.08

about the genomes of these

Time: 5126.92

people um you would be in a great

Time: 5130.04

position to perhaps even link up light

Time: 5132.76

susceptibility genes or light light

Time: 5135.159

sensitivity genes with genes for you

Time: 5138.239

know Pathways involved in major

Time: 5139.52

depression bipolar I mean get getting to

Time: 5141.8

this issue of reverse causality I mean I

Time: 5143.719

think it's very straightforward to

Time: 5145.08

imagine that the person who's

Time: 5146.84

experiencing a manic episode is going to

Time: 5148.44

be up for two weeks at a time um sadly

Time: 5152.719

and getting a lot of nighttime light

Time: 5154.96

exposure you know now dark nighttime

Time: 5158.36

dark exposure as a treatment for bipolar

Time: 5160.239

is something that people are starting to

Time: 5161.679

talk about so making sure that even

Time: 5163.36

those people are awake that they're at

Time: 5164.76

least blue blocking at night um reducing

Time: 5167.4

their online activities but people with

Time: 5169.04

severe manic episodes have a hard time

Time: 5170.8

regulating their own behavior of course

Time: 5173.719

and it's not one or the other like I

Time: 5175.04

don't want the question to come across

Time: 5176.8

to the listener that it has to be one or

Time: 5179.159

the other it's only a can cause b or B

Time: 5181.96

can cause a no it's actually a lot of

Time: 5184.56

times these things feed off each other

Time: 5186.08

going back to the soda example I

Time: 5188.28

actually think there's a bit of both

Time: 5190.119

right I I actually think there's a real

Time: 5191.88

clear um body habitus dictates beverage

Time: 5195.199

choice but I also am starting to think

Time: 5198.52

that um ins susceptible individuals

Time: 5201.639

non-nutritive sweeteners will alter the

Time: 5203.48

gut biome and that alters metabolism

Time: 5206.32

what about just hunger I I remember Lane

Time: 5210.199

telling me and I I've seen at least at

Time: 5212.239

least one of the studies that you know

Time: 5214.679

water is probably better for us than

Time: 5216.84

diet soda but that for some people diet

Time: 5219.639

soda is a great tool for reducing

Time: 5222.28

caloric intake I also know some

Time: 5224.679

individuals not me who drink diet soda I

Time: 5228.159

I drink diet soda from time to time

Time: 5229.76

mainly Stevia sweeten sodas but but what

Time: 5232.4

I'm referring to here are people besides

Time: 5234.719

myself who drink diet soda and it seems

Time: 5237.32

to stimulate their appetite there's

Time: 5238.679

something about the the the perception

Time: 5240.679

of sweet as driving hunger whereas not

Time: 5245.239

eating uh or drinking anything with

Time: 5247.44

calor with any sweetness doesn't seem to

Time: 5249.719

this is one of the things I I wonder um

Time: 5252.28

if it impacts why some people like

Time: 5253.96

intermittent fasting because for some

Time: 5256.08

people you know just even the the

Time: 5258.159

perception I wonder if the perception of

Time: 5260.96

sweetness or this even just the smell of

Time: 5263.56

food we know can stimulate appetite so

Time: 5265.32

you can imagine the perception of

Time: 5266.719

Sweetness in the mouth even if there's

Time: 5268.04

no calories there um I don't think it

Time: 5270.84

necessarily makes people hypo glycemic

Time: 5272.719

but perhaps it makes them think about M

Time: 5275.08

like sweet means food for instance for

Time: 5277.76

years I love the combination of a Diet

Time: 5279.92

Coke and a slice of pizza whenever I was

Time: 5281.76

in New York ideally two slices of pizza

Time: 5285.04

so now every time I have a Diet Coke

Time: 5286.96

which isn't that often but I like Diet

Time: 5288.48

Coke especially with a little bit of

Time: 5289.679

lemon in it I just think about a slice

Time: 5292.32

of cheese or mushroom or pepperoni pizza

Time: 5294.719

it's like I want it I crave it more so

Time: 5296.48

there's a parot Association there that I

Time: 5298.119

think is real and we know based on Dana

Time: 5300.239

Small's Lab at Yale that there's this

Time: 5302.76

paired association between the uh

Time: 5305.119

sweetness from sucralose and there's an

Time: 5307.6

insulin response they actually had to

Time: 5309.239

Cease the study in kids because they

Time: 5311

were they were becoming pre-diabetic you

Time: 5313.639

know which unfortunately meant the study

Time: 5315.08

was never published have you talked to

Time: 5316.719

Dana on this podcast no we we wrote a

Time: 5319.4

premium newsletter on this um several

Time: 5322.04

months ago it it's got to be like I

Time: 5325.679

don't know 10 to 20,000 words on all

Time: 5328.8

things related to sugar substitutes I'll

Time: 5331.239

read that so yeah folks who are

Time: 5333.239

interested in this topic um I would

Time: 5335.04

refer them to the premium newsletter on

Time: 5336.719

sugar substitutes I think it was our

Time: 5338.119

September Edition um the short of it is

Time: 5341.679

the data are a little bit noisy um but

Time: 5344.88

but there is indeed some some sweeteners

Time: 5347.639

in some studies do do result in that

Time: 5350.199

phenomenon you described the calic

Time: 5351.76

insulin response

Time: 5353.96

um and I came away from the research

Time: 5357

that went into that which was Herculean

Time: 5359.84

effort um on the part of the team

Time: 5363.04

uh a little bit more confused than when

Time: 5365.52

I went in

Time: 5367.28

but um being even more cautious around

Time: 5371

artificial sweeteners than I was going

Time: 5372.8

in and not for the

Time: 5374.96

reasons that I don't necessarily I don't

Time: 5378.08

I didn't find any evidence that these

Time: 5379.6

things are cancer-causing right so

Time: 5381.08

that's the headline stuff people worry

Time: 5382.48

about oh as like like 10 gr crazy I came

Time: 5387.04

away more confident that from a from a

Time: 5389.88

long-term safety perspective in terms of

Time: 5392.119

met in terms of you know cancer and

Time: 5393.8

catastrophic outcomes like that that

Time: 5395

wasn't the issue but I came away much

Time: 5397.04

more cautious around these things can

Time: 5399.56

really be mucking around with both your

Time: 5401.44

brain chemistry and your gut chemistry

Time: 5404.28

which can pertain to your metabolism and

Time: 5408.08

therefore my takeaway was buy or beware

Time: 5411.119

use limited amounts only the one by the

Time: 5414.76

way that still emerged to me is a

Time: 5416.639

reasonable one it's the only one that I

Time: 5418.679

use and I've talked about it a lot is

Time: 5420.84

Xylitol xylitol is the pardon me I

Time: 5424.159

shouldn't say that Xylitol for chewing

Time: 5426.639

so for gum um and allulose as an

Time: 5430.28

additive so those were the safer you're

Time: 5432.719

saying yes those are those are basically

Time: 5434

the only two I will consume yeah I'll

Time: 5437.04

I'll drink a Diet Coke every now and

Time: 5438.36

again if I'm on a plane or something you

Time: 5440.32

know this law that got passed a few

Time: 5441.76

years ago you couldn't bring liquids in

Time: 5444.04

of your own into the airport and onto

Time: 5445.76

the plane like what a great few years

Time: 5447.52

ago what a great scheme what a great

Time: 5450.119

scheme to get people to buy over

Time: 5451.84

overpriced fluids in the airport like I

Time: 5455.36

mean there are more important issues in

Time: 5456.48

the world but like this one really gets

Time: 5458.119

me um but yeah I I use a little bit I

Time: 5462.4

drink things with a little bit of stevia

Time: 5463.84

in it the occasional um Diet Coke um and

Time: 5468.04

I I generally avoid sucrose I don't like

Time: 5470.28

the way it tastes monk fruit is too

Time: 5471.56

sweet but yeah we could we maybe we'll

Time: 5473.84

do a a podcast on that in the future

Time: 5475.719

okay so I think we can wrap this paper

Time: 5477.84

because I really well but tell me what

Time: 5479.119

you think about that point Andrew like

Time: 5480.92

how I mean you know you you know more

Time: 5483.679

about this stuff than I do but if if you

Time: 5486.8

had to just lay on your judgment right

Time: 5490.04

so so if it were if it were 100 to zero

Time: 5492.92

you would say the light is 100% causal

Time: 5497.8

in the effects we're seeing if it were

Time: 5500.08

zero to 100 you'd say nope the behavior

Time: 5502.96

is 100% causal of the exposure to light

Time: 5507.04

where do you again you can't know it but

Time: 5509.639

what does your intuition tell you okay

Time: 5511.119

there's my intuition and then there's my

Time: 5512.639

recognition of my own bias um because

Time: 5515.04

you know I started working on these

Time: 5517.88

circadian Pathways origin in the eye

Time: 5520.84

back in year in 98 as a graduate student

Time: 5524.199

at Berkeley the the cells these melanops

Time: 5526.159

and intrinsically sensive retinal

Time: 5527.639

gangling cells were discovered in the

Time: 5528.92

early 2000s by a guy named Iggy

Time: 5530.6

provencio Dave Bon Sam hatar sain panta

Time: 5534.04

and others but and it was like one of

Time: 5535.36

the most important discoveries in all of

Time: 5537.119

biology clearly um so I've been very

Time: 5541

excited about systems but if I set that

Time: 5543.159

aside so um bias disclosure

Time: 5548.36

made I think 65 to

Time: 5551.44

75% of the effects are likely due to

Time: 5554.52

light directly now it's impossible to

Time: 5557.04

tease those apart as you mentioned but

Time: 5560.199

to play Devil's Advocate against myself

Time: 5563.04

you know you could imagine that the

Time: 5564.84

depressed individual is laying around

Time: 5566.76

indoors with the curtains drawn they

Time: 5569.32

didn't sleep well the night before which

Time: 5570.96

gives you a photo sensitivity that isn't

Time: 5572.96

Pleasant like it sucks to have bright

Time: 5574.6

light in your eyes first thing in the

Time: 5575.84

morning if you especially if especially

Time: 5577.76

if you didn't sleep well and then

Time: 5579.92

they're you know making their coffee in

Time: 5581.6

a dimly lit what they think is brightly

Time: 5583.48

lit environment and then they're you

Time: 5585

know looking at their phone and the the

Time: 5586.56

state of the world sucks and their state

Time: 5588.4

of their internal landscape is rough and

Time: 5592.8

they're maybe they're dealing with a

Time: 5595.239

pain or or you know injury or something

Time: 5598.48

and their likelihood of getting outside

Time: 5600.199

is is low and when they do get outside

Time: 5602.08

they're going to shuffle and not you

Time: 5603.44

know so I could see how the behaviors

Time: 5605.36

could really limit the amount of of

Time: 5607.119

light exposure and then evening rolls

Time: 5608.96

around they've been tired all day and a

Time: 5611.08

common symptom of depression you fall

Time: 5612.56

asleep and then 2 or three in the

Time: 5613.679

morning they're wide awake what are you

Time: 5615.6

going to do at two or three when you're

Time: 5616.679

Wide Awake sit in the dark no you're

Time: 5619.36

going to get online you're going to

Time: 5621.159

listen to things you might have I'm not

Time: 5623.48

recommending this but a alcoholic drink

Time: 5625.719

in order to try and fall asleep I mean

Time: 5627.119

this is the pattern and so you know

Time: 5629.679

shaking up that pattern is really what

Time: 5631.639

what what so much of my public

Time: 5633.84

health work these days is about and

Time: 5636.36

trying to get people onto a more natural

Time: 5638.199

daylight night uh night dark Rhythm uh

Time: 5641.56

but yeah it's impossible to tease apart

Time: 5643.04

we do know this and this is uh really

Time: 5645.239

serious we know that in almost every

Time: 5648.199

instance EV almost every Psychopathology

Time: 5651.159

report of

Time: 5652.32

suicide in the weeks but especially in

Time: 5655.199

the days preceding suicide that person's

Time: 5658.32

circadian rhythms looked almost inverted

Time: 5661.119

from the normal

Time: 5663.4

patterns and that's true of nonbipolar

Time: 5666.44

individuals as well you know circadian

Time: 5669.119

disruption and disruption in psychiatric

Time: 5671.239

Health are

Time: 5673.6

inextricable conversely positive mood

Time: 5676.48

and affect and and circadian Behavior

Time: 5678.88

seem very correlated I mean I think um

Time: 5683.159

it's clear that if you want to become an

Time: 5685

early riser get light in your eyes and

Time: 5686.56

get activity in your body early in the

Time: 5688.56

day you you built that you entrained to

Time: 5690.639

those rhythms so that you start to

Time: 5691.8

anticipate that morning workout you

Time: 5693.28

start to anticipate the morning sunlight

Time: 5695.52

just one um more scientific point we

Time: 5698.32

know that when you view bright bright

Time: 5700.6

sunlight in the morning or just sunlight

Time: 5702.28

that's illuminating your environment as

Time: 5703.76

you said you don't even have to see the

Time: 5704.88

sun itself that there's a 55 z% increase

Time: 5709.4

in the amplitude of the morning cortisol

Time: 5711.36

Spike which is a good thing right that's

Time: 5713.28

when you want it because it's inversely

Time: 5715.6

the amplitude of the morning cortisol

Time: 5717.04

spike is inversely related to the

Time: 5718.6

amplitude of the evening cortisol Spike

Time: 5720.4

and high evening cour is law is

Time: 5722.04

associated with middle of the night

Time: 5723.679

waking and on and on so um you know I'm

Time: 5727.8

very bullish on these mechanisms I also

Time: 5729.88

love that they're so deeply woven into

Time: 5732.48

our evolutionary history you know that

Time: 5734

we share with single cell organisms it's

Time: 5735.92

so wild um but of course there's going

Time: 5740.119

to be a bidirectionality there and it's

Time: 5741.96

it's impossible to see where one thing

Time: 5743.92

starts and the other one stops I mean

Time: 5746.56

here's my take Andrew first of all I I

Time: 5748.48

actually with far less Authority than

Time: 5750.719

you um agree with your assessment and

Time: 5753.76

might even be a little bit more bullish

Time: 5755.36

might even put it at 8020 and and here

Time: 5757.96

I'll I'll give you my explanations which

Time: 5761.679

uh stem more from my fastidious battles

Time: 5765.679

with epidemiology in general right like

Time: 5768.28

because so much of the world that I live

Time: 5770.04

in still has to rely on epidemiologic

Time: 5772.8

data and so how do you make sense of it

Time: 5775.32

and the truth of it is most of it is

Time: 5777.04

really pretty bad um but I I tend to

Time: 5780.52

find myself looking at the Austin

Time: 5782.199

Bradford Hill criteria all the time and

Time: 5784.84

for folks who don't know um he was a

Time: 5787.48

statistician who basically proposed a

Time: 5790

set of criteria U believe there are

Time: 5792.4

eight of them and I can't believe I

Time: 5793.48

don't know every one of them off by

Time: 5794.96

heart I certainly used to um but the

Time: 5798.56

more of these criteria that are met

Time: 5800.76

within your correlations the more

Time: 5803.56

likelihood uh you will find causality so

Time: 5806.88

when I think of your data here the data

Time: 5808.96

in this paper I'll tell you what makes

Time: 5811.679

these correlations seem to have

Time: 5814.639

causality within them in the direction

Time: 5816.199

that's being

Time: 5817.48

proposed um look at the dose effect so

Time: 5821.36

dose effect matters and this is done in

Time: 5823.639

quartiles and that's a very elegant

Time: 5825.48

thing if they just did it as on off it

Time: 5828.28

would be harder high low that's right

Time: 5829.96

but the fact that they done in quartiles

Time: 5831.28

allows you to see that every example in

Time: 5833.76

figure two I don't believe there is an

Time: 5835.44

exception to this no and I think also in

Time: 5838.199

the in the other there's only one

Time: 5840.04

exception to what I'm about to say sorry

Time: 5841.96

two out of like God knows how many

Time: 5844.159

they're all monotonically increasing and

Time: 5846.28

decreasing in other words the dose

Time: 5848.239

effect is always present another thing

Time: 5851

is biologic plausibility you've spoken

Time: 5853.96

at length about that today so in other

Time: 5856.4

words sometimes you have to look at

Time: 5857.719

epidemiology and ask is there a biologic

Time: 5860.159

explanation and here there is you've

Time: 5861.96

added another one which is evolutionary

Time: 5863.84

conservation to the biologic

Time: 5865.48

plausibility then you can talk about

Time: 5867.32

animal models or experiments in humans

Time: 5869.84

over short durations

Time: 5871.719

that generally support these findings

Time: 5874.159

and and so those are just a couple of

Time: 5875.599

the the Bradford Hill criteria that that

Time: 5878.239

lead to um you know my belief that yeah

Time: 5883.36

there's reverse causality here but um

Time: 5887

it's not the full explanation and that

Time: 5889.08

more of the explanation is probably the

Time: 5890.84

direction that's being proposed um and

Time: 5893.679

if that's true because then at the end

Time: 5895.08

of the day like what's the purpose of

Time: 5896.08

the discussion the purpose of the

Time: 5897.36

discussion is if you are under the

Time: 5900.679

influence of any of these psychiatric

Time: 5903.199

conditions in addition to the treatments

Time: 5905.32

you're doing now what else can you do

Time: 5907.639

and to me the takeaway is follow these

Time: 5910.52

light behaviors I mean it's it's it's a

Time: 5913.28

that's a relatively low lift when you

Time: 5915.28

consider some of the other things like

Time: 5916.84

I'm over here asking people to do Zone 2

Time: 5918.639

for three hours a week and VO2 max

Time: 5920.719

workouts and all this other stuff and

Time: 5923.239

like I think all those things matter for

Time: 5925.08

mental health as much as physical health

Time: 5927

but this strikes me as on the spectrum

Time: 5929.679

of low

Time: 5931.719

asks if it shows if it's only even 30%

Time: 5936.04

causality 70% reverse causality like

Time: 5938.48

I'll take those I I would still instate

Time: 5940.719

that yeah and it's you know it's taking

Time: 5942.199

your coffee on the balcony it's and

Time: 5944.36

people will often say well how do you do

Time: 5946.48

this with kids the kids should be doing

Time: 5948.679

it too right you know it means popping

Time: 5950.96

your sunglasses off it means getting out

Time: 5952.679

for just a few minutes and the fact that

Time: 5954.44

it's additive that these you know these

Time: 5956.88

Photon uh mechanis Photon counting

Time: 5959.96

mechanisms they some is great and look

Time: 5963.199

this paper also says and I should have

Time: 5964.92

stated this earlier if you missed your

Time: 5966.52

daytime light ration get your nighttime

Time: 5969.84

dark ration they are independent and

Time: 5972.76

additive so that's I mean that's a

Time: 5974.96

really something um but of course

Time: 5976.52

ideally you get both but I appreciate

Time: 5978.239

your take on it and um you know and

Time: 5981.28

thanks for for your uh expertise in

Time: 5984.119

parsing epidemiology I look at fewer

Time: 5986.52

studies of that of that sort but I

Time: 5988.239

learned from you and um that's one of

Time: 5990.32

the reasons I love doing these Journal

Time: 5991.679

clubs as I learn so along those lines uh

Time: 5995.92

tell us about the paper you selected I'm

Time: 5998.239

really eager to learn more well I I

Time: 6001

wanted to pick a paper that was you know

Time: 6003.96

kind of interesting as a paper and and

Time: 6005.76

this this paper I think is um

Time: 6008

interesting in that it is kind of the

Time: 6011.159

landmark study of a class of drugs but

Time: 6015.56

in the same way that you kind of picked

Time: 6016.96

a paper that I think has a much broader

Time: 6019.48

overarching um importance the reason I

Time: 6022.84

picked this paper which is um from the

Time: 6025.199

New England Journal of Medicine it's

Time: 6026.84

about 10 years old no correction 13

Time: 6029.36


Time: 6030.199

old is because it is kind of the

Time: 6032.92

landmark study in a class of drugs that

Time: 6035.719

I believe are the most relevant class of

Time: 6039

drugs we've seen so far in cancer

Time: 6041.56

therapy and even though the net effect

Time: 6044.56

of these drugs has only served to reduce

Time: 6048.36

mortality by maybe 8 to 10 per which is

Time: 6051.88

not a huge amount um it's the manner in

Time: 6055.08

which they've done it that gives me

Time: 6057.04

great hope for the future even if it's

Time: 6059.84

through other means so um I'll take a

Time: 6062.679

step back before we go into the paper

Time: 6064.199

for again just the context and

Time: 6066.48


Time: 6068.119

um so the human immune system is kind of

Time: 6072.84

a remarkable thing uh it it's it's hard

Time: 6076.04

when you're sort of trying to imagine

Time: 6078.04

what's the most amazing part of the

Time: 6079.679

human system and maybe it's my bias as

Time: 6082.159

well because just as you spent you know

Time: 6084.04

your time in the in the light system and

Time: 6085.679

the in the photos sensing system I spent

Time: 6087.159

my time in the Immunology world but it

Time: 6090.199

is remarkable to me how our immune

Time: 6092.04

systems evolved and they have this

Time: 6094.76

really brutal task which is how can they

Time: 6099.08


Time: 6100.08

tuned to detect any foreign pathogen

Time: 6105.48

that is harmful without knowing a

Time: 6108.92

priority what that could be while at the

Time: 6111.76

same so in other words how can you tune

Time: 6113.4

a system to be so aggressive that it can

Time: 6117.119

eradicate any virus or

Time: 6119.52

bacteria billions of years into the

Time: 6121.48

future without knowing what it's going

Time: 6123.159


Time: 6123.96

be but at the same time it has to be so

Time: 6127.239

forgiving of the self that it doesn't

Time: 6130

turn around and attack the self it's

Time: 6133.119

remarkable and of course we can always

Time: 6135.119

think of the Exceptions there are things

Time: 6136.599

called autoimmune conditions so clearly

Time: 6138.84

the system fails fails and the immune

Time: 6141.239

system turns around and attacks the self

Time: 6143.719

if you see a person with Vitiligo I have

Time: 6145.56

a little bit of V Vitiligo on my back a

Time: 6147.679

couple of spots clearly the immune

Time: 6150.04

system is attacking something there and

Time: 6152.44

destroying some of the pigment I didn't

Time: 6154.199

realize viigo was autoimmune yeah um if

Time: 6157.56

you know so there are lots of you know

Time: 6159.28

more serious autoimmune conditions of

Time: 6161.199

course you know somebody that has lupus

Time: 6162.639

or you know where the immune system can

Time: 6164.36

be attacking the kidney the immune

Time: 6165.84

system can be attacking any autoimmune

Time: 6167.639

conditions can be deadly but fortunately

Time: 6170.04

they are very rare R and for the most

Time: 6171.88

part this immune system works remarkably

Time: 6174.8

well so how does it work and why is it

Time: 6179

that cancer seems to evade it virtually

Time: 6183.32

all of the time this is the question now

Time: 6186.48

let's first of all talk about how it

Time: 6187.92

works and then when I tell you how it

Time: 6190.52

works you'll say that sounds amazing

Time: 6193

clearly it should be able to destroy

Time: 6195.36

cancer um I'm going to simplify it by

Time: 6198.719

only talking about one system which is

Time: 6201.32

how te- cells recognize and get

Time: 6204.679

activated how te- cells recognize

Time: 6206.599


Time: 6207.84

so we have something called uh an

Time: 6210.52

antigen so an antigen is an antibody

Time: 6214.48

generating peptide so it's a it's a it's

Time: 6217.239

a protein almost always a protein they

Time: 6219.4

can be carbohydrates but they're almost

Time: 6221.08

always proteins and they're very very

Time: 6222.84

small peptides like we're talking as

Time: 6225.239

little as nine amino acids maybe up to

Time: 6227.599

20 amino acids so teeny tiny little

Time: 6230.28


Time: 6231.92

but it's amazing that in such a short

Time: 6234.36

peptide the body can recognize if that's

Time: 6237.76

Andrew or not Andrew I mean me again

Time: 6240.719

think think about like we talk about

Time: 6242.239

proteins in Kil adans right we're

Time: 6244.639

talking about proteins in terms of

Time: 6246.88

thousands of amino acids that make up

Time: 6248.84

every protein in your body and yet if it

Time: 6251.719

samples a protein and sees that hey this

Time: 6254.36

little 9 10 15 peptide amino acid is not

Time: 6258.8

part of you I know it's

Time: 6261.28

and therefore I'm going to generate an

Time: 6263.36

immune response to it so we have what

Time: 6266.88

are called antigen presenting cells you

Time: 6269.119

have cells that go around sampling

Time: 6272.84

peptides and they will on these things

Time: 6276.08

called MHC class receptors bring the

Time: 6279.08

peptide up to the surface and serve it

Time: 6281.8

up to the t- cell there are two types of

Time: 6284.52

these there's MHC class one and MHC

Time: 6287.56

Class 2 I only this is Major histo

Time: 6289.88

compatibility comple that's

Time: 6292.4

correct and um we refer to them that way

Time: 6296.239

because they DET because of the context

Time: 6298.599

in which they were discovered which was

Time: 6300.04

for organ rejection so not surprisingly

Time: 6303.76

when you need to put a kidney into

Time: 6306

another person if that kidney is deemed

Time: 6309.04

foreign it will not last long in the

Time: 6311.04

early days of organ transplantation were

Time: 6313.4

Rife with immediate rejections and by

Time: 6316.119

not not I mean the immediates are the

Time: 6318.08

incompatibilities but you know the

Time: 6320.92

the sort of next layer of

Time: 6322.36

incompatibility was MHC incompatibility

Time: 6325.04

which would lead to you know within

Time: 6326.56

within weeks the organ is gone as

Time: 6328.08

opposed to within hours so you have

Time: 6332

these two classes of MHC you have class

Time: 6334.56

one and class two class one is what we

Time: 6336.639


Time: 6337.88

endogenous so this is basically what

Time: 6340.92

happens when a protein or an antigen is

Time: 6344.32

coming from inside the cell so let's

Time: 6346.599

consider the flu so if you get the flu

Time: 6349.88

the influen a virus infects the

Time: 6352.159

respiratory epithelium of your uh you

Time: 6354.44

know your larynx and that virus as you

Time: 6358.599

know folks listening might remember from

Time: 6360.36

our days of talking about covid viruses

Time: 6362.92

can't replicate on their own what they

Time: 6364.44

do is they hijack the replication um

Time: 6368.08

Machinery of the host and they use that

Time: 6371.199

either to insert their RNA or DNA to

Time: 6373.4

replicate and in the process proteins

Time: 6375.52

are being made well those proteins are

Time: 6377.199

the proteins of the virus not of us so

Time: 6380.76

some of those peptides get launched onto

Time: 6383.199

these MH class MHC class one uh glove

Time: 6387.199

basically the glove comes up to the

Time: 6388.84

surface and a te- cell comes along and

Time: 6391.44

in the case of MHC class one it's a cd8

Time: 6394.8

t- cell these are what are called the

Time: 6396.719

killer te- cells right and so this cell

Time: 6400.239

comes along and with its t- cell

Time: 6402.08

receptor the te- cell receptor meets the

Time: 6405.56

MHC class one receptor with the antigen

Time: 6407.96

in it and if that's a lock it realizes

Time: 6411.28

that's my Target and it begins to

Time: 6413.599

replicate and proliferate and Target

Time: 6416.32

those and that creates the immune

Time: 6417.96

response and by the way that's how it

Time: 6419.719

works when you vaccinate somebody you're

Time: 6421.28

basically pre-building that thing up so

Time: 6424.159

would this fall under the Adaptive

Time: 6425.84

immune response or the innate immune

Time: 6428

response though this is adaptive yep

Time: 6430.48

innate is just the pure antibody

Time: 6432.44

response in the on the B cell side I

Time: 6434

won't get into that for for for the

Time: 6435.679

purpose of this discussion the other

Time: 6438

example is MHC class two and that's also

Time: 6442.719

part of the Adaptive system or the

Time: 6444.88

innate system which uh is more what we

Time: 6447.36

call the um exogenous form so these are

Time: 6450.28

peptides that are usually coming from

Time: 6451.599

outside the cell so we're going to focus

Time: 6453.76

more on the MHC class one because this

Time: 6456.92

is peptides that come from inside the

Time: 6459.04

cell okay so just keep in the back of

Time: 6461.28

your mind if a foreign protein gets

Time: 6463.92

presented from inside a cell to outside

Time: 6465.719

a cell the te- cells recognize that and

Time: 6468.48

they will mount a foreign response and

Time: 6470.04

by the way that's why we basically can

Time: 6472.56

beat any virus like if you consider how

Time: 6475.28

many viruses are around us the fact that

Time: 6477.84

we almost never die from a viral

Time: 6479.96

infection is a remarkable achievement of

Time: 6482.8

how well this immune system works we're

Time: 6484.639

constantly combating these viruses

Time: 6486.199

constantly and by the way we don't

Time: 6487.8

really have very effective antiviral

Time: 6489.84

agents it's not like antibiotics like we

Time: 6492.119

have antibiotics up to Wazoo I mean

Time: 6494.76

we're way better at fighting viruses

Time: 6496.76

than bacteria can I just one question

Time: 6498.84

I've always wondered about this to what

Time: 6500.52

is our ability to ward off viruses on a

Time: 6503.239

day-to basis as an

Time: 6505.599

adult reliant on us having been exposed

Time: 6508.8

to that virus during development like

Time: 6511.239

like as I walk around today maybe I'll

Time: 6512.76

be exposed to 100, different viruses

Time: 6515.679

would you say that half of those I've

Time: 6517.679

already got antibodies too because I I

Time: 6519.679

was exposed to them at some prior

Time: 6521.239

portion of my life yeah hard quantify

Time: 6523.599

and the other ones I'm just building up

Time: 6525.199

antibodies like I was on I was on a

Time: 6526.84

plane last night someone was coughing so

Time: 6528.599

I was hiding I had Co a little while ago

Time: 6530.96

so I wasn't too worried about that and I

Time: 6532.639

feel great today but you

Time: 6535.04

know I just assume that on that plane

Time: 6539.48

I'm in a swamp of viruses no matter what

Time: 6543.44

and that most of them I've already been

Time: 6545.08

exposed to since I was a little kid so

Time: 6547.28

I've got all the antibodies and they're

Time: 6548.52

just fighting it back binding up those

Time: 6550.159

viruses and and and destroying them yeah

Time: 6552.679

I think it's part that and I also think

Time: 6554.32

it's part of them that our body can

Time: 6556.04

destroy without mounting much of an

Time: 6557.719

immune response so therefore your immune

Time: 6559.56

system is doing work and it's yet it's

Time: 6561.199

not mounting a systemic inflammatory

Time: 6562.96

response that you're not sensing so is

Time: 6565

it also a physical trapping in you know

Time: 6567.199

in my nasal epithelium it's a virus yeah

Time: 6569.52

so so yeah let like there you have huge

Time: 6571.159

barriers right so the skin you know the

Time: 6573.44

hairs in your nose all of these things

Time: 6575.639

are huge barriers but assuming that

Time: 6578.199

still a bunch of them are getting in at

Time: 6579.96

least the respiratory ones that's the

Time: 6581.199

other thing to keep in mind right there

Time: 6582.44

are certain viruses that are totally

Time: 6583.88

useless floating around the air right

Time: 6586.159

there are certain viruses you know the

Time: 6587.84

viruses that most people are really

Time: 6589.119

afraid of you know Hep C hepb HIV well

Time: 6592.76

you know if they're sitting on a table

Time: 6594.88

or floating around the air they're of no

Time: 6596.639

threat to you they have to be you know

Time: 6598.56

sort of transmitted through the barrier

Time: 6601.32

um but again some of these viruses

Time: 6603.28

you're going to defeat without an

Time: 6604.8

enormous response and then some of them

Time: 6606.96

you know like why is influenza quote

Time: 6609.04

unquote such a bad virus whereas the

Time: 6611.28

common respiratory cold kind of

Time: 6613.4

Sidelines you for a day it's the immune

Time: 6615.76

response that you're feeling the worse

Time: 6617.76

the bigger the immune response to the

Time: 6620.159

virus the more you're feeling that you

Time: 6622.08

feel your immune system going crazy

Time: 6625.36

right you know the in lucans that are

Time: 6627.239

spiking the third spacing that occurs to

Time: 6629.84

get more and more of the immune cells

Time: 6631.52

there the spike of your temperature as

Time: 6633.639

your body basically tries to cook the

Time: 6635.28

virus all of that stuff is your body

Time: 6638.32

yeah yeah you're being drained and all

Time: 6639.96

this happening

Time: 6641.599

so um one more point I'll mention just

Time: 6644.28

but just to close the loop on the

Time: 6645.76

autoimmunity um how is it that we learn

Time: 6648.96

not to attack ourselves that's something

Time: 6650.8

called thymic selection that occurs in

Time: 6653.48

infancy so you and I have a no good for

Time: 6657.56

nothing tiny little thymus that would be

Time: 6659.52

it's almost impossible to see these

Time: 6661.119

things you know when we used to operate

Time: 6662.96

on people you know the thymus is barely

Time: 6666.8

visible in an adult in a healthy adult

Time: 6668.719

outside of thymic tumors but as a CH in

Time: 6671.159

a child the thymus is quite large and

Time: 6672.84

the purpose of the thymus is to educate

Time: 6675.36

te- cells and basically show the te-

Time: 6678.88

cells what self is

Time: 6680.56

and any te- cell that doesn't

Time: 6683.04

immediately recognize it gets killed so

Time: 6685.92

it's it's a really clever system where

Time: 6688

we basically teach you to recognize self

Time: 6691.639

at a very early age and if you can't do

Time: 6693.52

that you're weeded out and then the

Time: 6696.159

thymus involutes thereafter because it's

Time: 6697.96

sort of served its purpose okay now

Time: 6700.76

let's talk about cancer so what do we

Time: 6703.04

know about cancer so we know that again

Time: 6705.52

you know cancer is a genetic disease in

Time: 6708.079

the sense that every Cancer has genetic

Time: 6711.199

mutations um most of those mutations are

Time: 6714.76

sematic which means most of those

Time: 6716.639

mutations are mutations that occur

Time: 6719.84

during the course of our life they're

Time: 6721.239

not germline mutations the germline

Time: 6723.56

being the uh eggs and sperm right so

Time: 6727.159

it's all other cells and I love that you

Time: 6729.079

pointed out that you know there can be

Time: 6732.04

gen that cancer can be genetic but isn't

Time: 6734.76

necessarily inherited right people

Time: 6737.56

genetic and they think inherited right

Time: 6739.44

but inherited is always genetic to some

Time: 6741.96

extent but um genetic isn't always

Time: 6744.639

inherited yeah so there are a handful of

Time: 6746.8

cancers that are uh derived from

Time: 6750.679

inherited mutations so Lynch syndrome is

Time: 6753.719

an example of that uh hereditary

Time: 6756.52

polyposis is an example of that where

Time: 6759.92

you have a gene that gets passed through

Time: 6762.32

the germ line and that Gene codes for a

Time: 6766

protein like all genes do and it's

Time: 6767.719

either you have too much of a gene or

Time: 6769.32

too little of of a gene so it's either a

Time: 6770.96

gene that promotes cancer or and you

Time: 6773.199

have too much of that or it's a gene

Time: 6774.679

that prevents cancer and you have too

Time: 6776.8

little of it or a dysfunctional version

Time: 6778.48

of it right so braa is an example of

Time: 6780.48

that braa is hereditary braa codes for a

Time: 6784.4

protein and the the women and men but

Time: 6787.639

mostly the women that we think about who

Time: 6789.28

have a braa mutation that all in some

Time: 6792.4

cases almost guarantees breast cancer

Time: 6794.52

it's because of a defective copy so it's

Time: 6797.84

like they don't get the protein that

Time: 6799.4

they need to protect them from breast

Time: 6801.639

cancer so what do we know well we know

Time: 6804.719

that and this is probably one of the

Time: 6806.76

most remarkable things I've ever learned

Time: 6810.96

and it still blows my mind every time um

Time: 6814.239

well actually before I get to that point

Time: 6815.48

I want to make I want to make another

Time: 6816.639

Point okay so so you might think so

Time: 6819.8

cancer we we you know our cells become

Time: 6822.36

cancerous but they're clearly hijacked

Time: 6825.079

because they have these mutations and as

Time: 6826.8

a result of these mutations they make

Time: 6829.4

protein prots that allow cancers to

Time: 6831.719

behave differently and Cancers behave

Time: 6834.44

differently from non-cancer in two very

Time: 6836.88

critical ways the first way is that they

Time: 6839.84

do not respond to cell cycle signaling

Time: 6843.239

so if you cut your skin it heals but how

Time: 6848.04

does it know to heal just right and not

Time: 6850.32

to keep growing and growing and growing

Time: 6852.199

and growing and growing well it knows

Time: 6853.84

that because there are cell cycle

Time: 6855.599

signals that tell it time to grow time

Time: 6857.48

to stop if believe it or not this is an

Time: 6860.92

extreme example if you donated to me

Time: 6863.44

half of your liver which I know you

Time: 6865.159

would absolutely i' give you more than

Time: 6868.079

half my you give if it meant that we

Time: 6870.079

could keep doing these dral clubs right

Time: 6871.96

um within months you would regenerate a

Time: 6875.36

full liver that's so isn't that amazing

Time: 6877.48

that's so wow it's like a salamander you

Time: 6878.8

cut off a salamander Limb and please

Time: 6880.199

don't do that experiment because other

Time: 6881.56

people are doing it anyway and it grows

Time: 6884.119

back and it knows how much to grow back

Time: 6887.079

it's so wild so so when a cell is

Time: 6889.679

perfectly functioning it knows how much

Time: 6891.28

to grow and and it's well cancer loses

Time: 6893.56

that ability that is one of the

Time: 6894.96

Hallmarks of cancer it just keeps

Time: 6897.239

growing it doesn't grow faster by the

Time: 6898.88

way that's a misnomer people think

Time: 6900.199

cancers grow faster than non-cancer

Time: 6902.239

there's no real evidence that that's the

Time: 6903.48

case they just don't stop growing the

Time: 6905.8

second property of cancer is the

Time: 6908.88

capacity to leave the site of origin go

Time: 6912.92

someplace else and take up residence so

Time: 6914.8

that's metastasis that's the metastasis

Time: 6916.52

component so if you think about it for a

Time: 6918.599

minute a cell that never stops

Time: 6921.92

replicating and has the capacity to up

Time: 6924.4

and leave and move and take up residence

Time: 6926.76

is clearly different from the cell

Time: 6928.28

itself right so if I have a cell of

Time: 6930.599

colonic epithelium the cell that lines

Time: 6932.8

the inside of my colon it's clearly got

Time: 6934.76

a set of proteins in it but if all of a

Time: 6936.8

sudden that thing can grow grow grow

Time: 6939.84

grow grow not stop not stop not not

Time: 6942.199

listen to the signal and then somehow

Time: 6944

wind its way into the liver and just

Time: 6945.52

keep growing and growing and growing it

Time: 6947.199

must have different proteins so the

Time: 6949.32

question question then becomes why does

Time: 6951.4

cancer even exist how has our immune

Time: 6954.56

system not figured out a way to just

Time: 6957.4

silence this and eradicate it the way it

Time: 6959.56

does to virtually every virus you

Time: 6962.639

encounter and to me this is one of the

Time: 6964.56

most interesting questions in all of

Time: 6966.079

biology and it really comes down to how

Time: 6968.679

clever cancer is unfortunately how

Time: 6972.04

evolutionarily clever it is it basically

Time: 6975.719

does a lot of things to trick the immune

Time: 6978.92

system so it has its own secretory

Time: 6981.639

factors that Tamp down the immune system

Time: 6985.04

it grows in an environment because of

Time: 6988.239

its nature so one of the things that's

Time: 6990.04

long understood about cancer is it's

Time: 6992.199

heavily glycolytic and when something is

Time: 6994.76

heavily glycolytic it's going glucose to

Time: 6997.599

pyruvate to lactate nonstop there are

Time: 7000

lots of reasons for that um I think

Time: 7003.36

there's more than one the what does that

Time: 7005.84

afford it ises that a does that afford

Time: 7008.159

it a migratory potential no so it's

Time: 7010.04

super interesting so so that's the

Time: 7011.32

effect what I just described is called

Time: 7012.56

the warberg effect and when warberg

Time: 7015.639

proposed this uh which God was probably

Time: 7018.32

in the

Time: 7019.599

1920s it was before World War I before

Time: 7022.239

World War II um he proposed it be he

Time: 7025.56

thought the mitochondria of cancer cells

Time: 7027.56

were defective so he proposed that the

Time: 7030.36

you know cancer cells mitochondria don't

Time: 7032.52

work hence they have to undergo

Time: 7034.8

glycolysis they can't undergo uh aerobic

Time: 7038.04

um uh metabolism

Time: 7040.8

um we now know that that's not the case

Time: 7043.639

so we now know that the the the warberg

Time: 7045.92

effect or the varberg effect if I'll

Time: 7047.599

refer to him correctly by his name um

Time: 7050.4

almost assuredly does not have to do

Time: 7051.8

with defective mitochondria others have

Time: 7053.92

proposed several mechanisms I think

Time: 7056.119

there's probably more than one thing

Time: 7057.199

going on so so so a paper that came out

Time: 7059.04

in 2009 very influential paper um by a

Time: 7062.56

guy named Matt vanderheiden and um Craig

Time: 7065.32

Thompson and uh Luke kley proposed that

Time: 7069.679

the reason that cancer cells do the

Time: 7071.48

warberg effect is that they're not

Time: 7073.48

optimizing for energy they're optimizing

Time: 7075.119

for cellular building blocks and if you

Time: 7076.92

do the mass balance it completely makes

Time: 7078.88

sense like dividing cells need building

Time: 7082.48

blocks more than energy and glycolysis

Time: 7085.36

while very inefficient for generating

Time: 7087.199

ATP is much more efficient at generating

Time: 7089.28

substrate to make more cells but another

Time: 7091.84

proposed mechanism is exactly at this

Time: 7093.76

one glycolysis lowers the surrounding pH

Time: 7096.84

because of lactate lactate attracts

Time: 7098.48

hydrogen pH goes down and guess what

Time: 7100.4

that does to the immune system detracts

Time: 7102.639

the immune system so it's also a way to

Time: 7105.159

hide from the immune system so there's a

Time: 7107.4

like a pH cloaking use leveraging pH to

Time: 7110.679

cloak the the signal that the immune

Time: 7113

system would otherwise see yep and then

Time: 7115.4

when you layer on top of that that it

Time: 7117.159

knows how to secrete things like il10

Time: 7119.119

TGF beta all of these other secretory

Time: 7121.599

factors that also inhibit the immune

Time: 7123.28

system basically it's figured out a way

Time: 7126.36

to kind of hide itself from the immune

Time: 7127.679

system the way you describe it can

Time: 7129.56

sounds like a virus yes I mean it sounds

Time: 7132.04

a lot like a virus and that leads me to

Time: 7134.44

ask are there any examples of contagious

Time: 7137.36

cancers I recall seeing some studies

Time: 7139.32

about these little critters down in uh

Time: 7142.239

uh Australia Tasmanian devils that like

Time: 7144.4

they would uh they scratch each other in

Time: 7147.32

fight as Tasmanian devils do they're

Time: 7149.32

actually quite cute um and they would

Time: 7151.599

get cancers and tumors growing on their

Time: 7154.119

faces yes so so it and so it was it was

Time: 7157.239

like it was like a literal physical

Time: 7159.639

interaction that could transmit cancer

Time: 7161.32

from one animal to the next so it's less

Time: 7163.52

that there are viruses that cause cancer

Time: 7166.76

so in that sense you could argue yes

Time: 7168.92

there are contagious cancers well HPV

Time: 7171.84

sure yeah HPV hepb uh hepc uh but but

Time: 7176.32

there are even cancers like cutaneous

Time: 7178

cancers that arise from viruses but um I

Time: 7182.239

don't know if that's quite the same as

Time: 7183.719

what you're saying like no no it's

Time: 7185.36

they're both it what you're saying is an

Time: 7186.76

important point I mean uh we don't want

Time: 7188.36

to go down the the round a whole of of

Time: 7190

HPV but right that's increasing

Time: 7192.4

susceptibility to cervical cancer um now

Time: 7195.4

there's a vaccine against HPV right

Time: 7197.199

there wasn't when we were in college as

Time: 7198.56

we all knew um there was no vaccine but

Time: 7201.639

the um okay so but yeah direct

Time: 7203.96

transmission of cancers from one one

Time: 7206.239

organism to the next more rare yes okay

Time: 7209.32

so now here a moment ago I said there's

Time: 7212

this really incredible thing about

Time: 7214.199

cancer that blows my mind and about our

Time: 7215.719

immune system which is that at least 80%

Time: 7219.96

of solid organ tumors and we're going to

Time: 7221.96

mostly talk about solid organ tumors

Time: 7223.84

because that's where the field of

Time: 7225.88

oncology has made very little progress

Time: 7228.28

so if you go back 50 years where has

Time: 7230.36

oncology made huge progress it's made

Time: 7232.4

great progress in uh blood tumors

Time: 7236.159

leukemias and some kinds of lymphomas in

Time: 7238.92

fact there's two kinds of lymphomas

Time: 7240.32

where the progress has been remarkable

Time: 7241.92

one has been in uh Hodgkins lymphoma and

Time: 7245.32

the other has also been in immunotherapy

Time: 7247.92

has been in a type of B cell lymphoma um

Time: 7250.599

where that B cell demonstrates uh or

Time: 7253

presents something called a cd19

Time: 7254.96

receptor so in in in B cell lymphomas

Time: 7257.4

with cd19 imuno there's a very unique

Time: 7260.679

Niche immunotherapy we won't talk about

Time: 7262.52

that today called car therapy that has

Time: 7264.76

got rid of those guys and then leukemias

Time: 7267.56

have also been pretty good but in solid

Time: 7269.4


Time: 7270.32

tumors there have been only two real

Time: 7273.44

breakthroughs in the last 50 years one

Time: 7275.679

has been the therapy for a certain type

Time: 7278.76

of IC cancer um and it's really just a

Time: 7282.32

chemotherapy cocktail that has been

Time: 7283.84

found to work really well and the other

Time: 7285.639

has been in this really rare kind of

Time: 7287.48

gastric cancer called The Gist stromal

Time: 7289.4

tumor which happens to result from one

Time: 7291.92

mutation in a kise pathway and there's

Time: 7294.44

one drug that can now Target that and it

Time: 7296.84

works it's kind of amazing cures that

Time: 7298.8

cancer cures that what I'm talking about

Time: 7301.52

are the cancers that kill virtually

Time: 7303.92

everybody else this is what when you

Time: 7306

sort of line up what are the big causes

Time: 7308.199

of cancer death

Time: 7309.639

let's start at the top it's lung it's

Time: 7312.239

then breast and prostate in men and

Time: 7314.239

women it's coloral it's pancreas those

Time: 7317.199

are the big five they kill more than 50%

Time: 7319.8

of Americans it cancer- wise not sorry

Time: 7322.48

let me restate that more than 50% of

Time: 7325.199

cancer deaths in Americans come from

Time: 7326.76

those five these are what we call the

Time: 7329.28

solid epithelial tumors and you can

Time: 7331.079

March down the list and most cancers

Time: 7333

that most people are thinking of are

Time: 7334

those cancers well here's the thing more

Time: 7335.56

than 80% of those

Time: 7337.48

cancers have antigens that are

Time: 7340.159

recognized by the host's immune system I

Time: 7343.239

will state it again because it is so

Time: 7345.159

profound 80% at least of those cancers

Time: 7349.32

actually generate an antigen meaning a

Time: 7352.76

little peptide in that cell gets

Time: 7356.159

presented to the te- cell and it is

Time: 7360.199

recognizable and now the question is why

Time: 7363.04

is that not sufficient to induce

Time: 7366.44

remission and the short answer is

Time: 7369.639

there are not enough te- cells that are

Time: 7372.92

able to act and or they are being

Time: 7375.84

sufficiently inhibited from acting which

Time: 7378.719

gets me to the point of this paper one

Time: 7381.239

of the ways in which the body inhibits

Time: 7384.92

the immune system which we should remind

Time: 7387.239

ourselves is an important thing right is

Time: 7390.639

something called the checkpoint

Time: 7392.48

inhibitor okay so go back to that idea

Time: 7395.96

that I talked about before you have an

Time: 7397.36

antigen presenting cell it brings up an

Time: 7400.88

MHC receptor with a peptide on it and

Time: 7404.8

there is a t- cell that is coming and I

Time: 7407.04

actually brought a diagram which we're

Time: 7408.56

going to I'm going to link to this CU I

Time: 7410.04

I don't want to make this too

Time: 7411.119

complicated but I really think that this

Time: 7413.8

figure is helpful to understand how

Time: 7415.639

these papers uh how these drugs work so

Time: 7418.119

the MHC receptor with the peptide is

Time: 7420.48

sitting there and it binds to the T t-

Time: 7423.8

Cell receptor on the t- cell but there

Time: 7425.92

is another receptor on the t- cell a

Time: 7429.44


Time: 7431.32

receptor and that binds to a receptor

Time: 7434.92

that I won't bother naming now because

Time: 7436.36

it's the the the names don't matter but

Time: 7438.159

there's another receptor on the antigen

Time: 7440.4

presenting cell that binds to that and

Time: 7443.52

that acts as the breaks in the reaction

Time: 7447.4


Time: 7448.88

ctla4 which is on the t- cell binds to

Time: 7452.52

another CD receptor on the antigen

Time: 7454.4

presenting cell and it says Tamp down

Time: 7456.92


Time: 7457.8

response and the reason for that is we

Time: 7461.88

want to keep our immune system in check

Time: 7463.48

this basically is a way of asking the

Time: 7465.32

immune system because remember when the

Time: 7467.4

immune system sees that antigen it wants

Time: 7470.28

to go nuts it wants to start replicating

Time: 7472.52

and killing that this is a cd8 cell it

Time: 7474.8

is a targeted killer t- cell the

Time: 7477.88

checkpoint says let's double check that

Time: 7481.199

let's be sure let's Tamp down the

Time: 7482.88

response and as a result of that a

Time: 7486.119

thought experiment emerged which was

Time: 7488.36

what if we block

Time: 7490.8

ctla4 what if we block the checkpoint

Time: 7494.44

could we unleash the immune system a

Time: 7497.079

little bit more and I will say this at

Time: 7501.719

the time it was proposed it seemed a bit

Time: 7505.079


Time: 7506.679

um because of the complexity of the

Time: 7509.159

immune system it seemed a little

Time: 7510.92

far-fetched that simply blocking the

Time: 7513.48

checkpoint would have any

Time: 7515.559

effect it's also worth noting that prior

Time: 7519.559

to this one immunotherapy had found some

Time: 7523.639

efficacy which was trying the exact

Time: 7526

opposite strategy rather than blocking

Time: 7528.88

the inhibitor it was throwing more

Time: 7532

accelerant at the fire which was giving

Time: 7533.84

something called inter Lucin 2 so

Time: 7535.679

interlukin 2 is for lack of a better

Time: 7538.92

word candy and fuel for te- cells so the

Time: 7543

idea was if we have te- cells that

Time: 7545.28

innately recognize a cancer antigen can

Time: 7548.8

we just give high doses of interlukin 2

Time: 7552

and have them undergo proliferation and

Time: 7555.48

response and the answer turned out to be

Time: 7557.679

yes but only in two cancers melanoma and

Time: 7560.559

kidney cancer and only at very small

Time: 7562.92

levels about 10% of the population would

Time: 7565.199

respond to these things now look that's

Time: 7567.4

10% of people who were going to be dead

Time: 7569.04

within 6 months because these are

Time: 7570.84

devastating Cancers and once they spread

Time: 7573.4

there are no treatments that have any

Time: 7575.8

efficacy whatsoever in fact I think

Time: 7577.239

media and survival for metast melanom at

Time: 7579.28

the time was probably 4 months so this

Time: 7581.32

was a very Grim death sentence um but

Time: 7585.639

the idea now was what about doing the

Time: 7588.199

exact opposite approach instead of

Time: 7590.32

trying to throw more uh fire at the t-

Time: 7593.76

cell what if we can take its breaks down

Time: 7595.76

less gas pardon me instead of giving

Time: 7597.88

more gas let's give less

Time: 7599.88

breaks and um there were some phase two

Time: 7603.559

some phase one studies that demonstrated

Time: 7605.04

efficacy phase two and the paper I'm

Time: 7606.4

going to talk about today is the is the

Time: 7609.28

phase three uh uh U study that compared

Time: 7614.199

um the first version of these so so the

Time: 7617.36

the drug we're going to talk about today

Time: 7618.599

is an anti-la 4 drug called um

Time: 7623.239

iolab um there is another drug out there

Time: 7627

that came came along shortly thereafter

Time: 7629.159

that is um an anti- pd1 drug so

Time: 7633.44

pd1 uh turns out to be another one of

Time: 7636.36

these checkpoints on te- cells and the

Time: 7640.8

Nobel Prize by the way I think it was

Time: 7642.559

2018 or 2019 in medicine or physiology

Time: 7645.639

was actually awarded to The two

Time: 7647.679

scientists who discovered ctla4 and pd1

Time: 7651.88

so you know this I believe this is the

Time: 7654.239

only Nobel Prize in medicine for

Time: 7656

immunotherapy it's a very big

Time: 7658.199

deal so this study um sought to compare

Time: 7664.96

the effect of antict 4 to a placebo and

Time: 7670.48

the placebo in this case was not a real

Time: 7672.159

Placebo it was a peptide vaccine called

Time: 7677.119

GP100 um to ask the question in patients

Time: 7680.199

with metastatic melanoma what would be

Time: 7683.48

the impact on median survival and

Time: 7686.559

overall survival so um let's talk a

Time: 7690.84

little bit about the paper so again one

Time: 7693.719

of the funny things about this is um I

Time: 7696.04

used to read these papers a lot Andrew

Time: 7697.76

these these used to be these used to be

Time: 7699.4

my bread and butter papers so I I mean

Time: 7702.719

you know be you know reading these like

Time: 7704.719

I'm you

Time: 7705.8

know it's my hobby and and I don't read

Time: 7708.679

them that much anymore so it was kind of

Time: 7710.52

amazing how long it took me to remind

Time: 7713.36

myself of stuff I used to remember but

Time: 7715.76

you do have to kind of go back and read

Time: 7717.32

the methods and figure out who were the

Time: 7719.079

patients in this what was the

Time: 7720.76

eligibility criteria why did they do it

Time: 7723.199

this way and of course it all kind of

Time: 7725

came back to me but um it it took a

Time: 7727.48

minute so so so the first thing is these

Time: 7730.44

are all patients who um had progressed

Time: 7734.04

through every standard therapy so these

Time: 7736.48

are patients for whom there were no

Time: 7738.159

other options um these patients either

Time: 7741.92

had very Advanced stage three melanoma

Time: 7745.32

which means it was local Regional

Time: 7747.639

melanoma but it couldn't be reected so

Time: 7750.239

an example of that would be um a cancer

Time: 7755.079

that was you know completely engulfing

Time: 7758.48

like where let's say the primary site

Time: 7760.079

was the cheek and it had completely

Time: 7762.119

grown into all of the surrounding soft

Time: 7765.48

tissue it hadn't spread anywhere but it

Time: 7767.559

was you know all the lymph nodes of the

Time: 7769.639

neck um and and I've seen patients like

Time: 7772.079

this and it's you know it's just

Time: 7773.079


Time: 7774.32

disfiguring um and they'd already been

Time: 7776.639

through the standard chemotherapy and

Time: 7778.119

nothing was working and the thing was

Time: 7779.4

growing and then it was mostly made up

Time: 7782.199

of patients with stage four cancer now

Time: 7784.119

melanoma has a very funny staging system

Time: 7787.079

so in cancer we typically talk about

Time: 7789.4

something called the tnm staging system

Time: 7792.239

it is the standard way that cancers are

Time: 7793.96

staged T refers to the tumor size n

Time: 7797.4

refers to the lymph node status and M

Time: 7800.28

refers to the presence or absence of

Time: 7802.52

metastases and for most cancers it is a

Time: 7805.28

very simple system it is you know T is

Time: 7809.52

typically a number one two sometimes up

Time: 7811.679

to three and four n is typically 0 1 or

Time: 7814.719

two and M is z or 1 either there's no

Time: 7817.159

Mets or there are Mets so for example in

Time: 7819.239

coloral cancer um the T staging

Time: 7822.719

determines the depth in the colon wall

Time: 7825.4

that it went n is did it go to Mets and

Time: 7828.28

I think in Colon I'm a little rusty on

Time: 7830.199

this I think colon has n01 or two

Time: 7832.559

depending on how many lymph nodes and

Time: 7834.44

then m0 did it go to anything beyond

Time: 7837.239

that like to the liver lung Etc or not

Time: 7840.079

melanoma is a bit more complicated it

Time: 7841.92

has m0 meaning no Mets but it also has

Time: 7845.44

M1 a m1b m1c C and

Time: 7849.4

m1d and within each of those it has a

Time: 7853.04

threshold for high and low lactate

Time: 7855.639

dehydrogenase or LDH so it's both a

Time: 7858.84

staging based on Imaging and biochemical

Time: 7861.4

and the reason for that is LDH level is

Time: 7863.52

such a strong prognostic indicator of

Time: 7866.04

survival in addition to M staging uh

Time: 7868.76

higher LDH levels tend to reflect more

Time: 7871.28

acidity which we talked about why that's

Time: 7873.28

problematic tends to reflect faster

Time: 7875.239

growing tumors higher turnover higher

Time: 7877.639


Time: 7879.32

activity M1A let me see if I can

Time: 7882.28

remember this

Time: 7883.559

m1as are Cancers that have

Time: 7887.199


Time: 7889.079

to um surrounding soft tissue or soft

Time: 7893.04

tissue anywhere in the body so anywhere

Time: 7894.36

else on the skin and you might think

Time: 7896.199

well that's kind of crazy like how does

Time: 7897.8

that happen and it's really bizarre you

Time: 7899.48

can have a patient who had a melanoma

Time: 7901.599

that showed up in one part of their body

Time: 7903.199

and then they have metastases on other

Time: 7905.119

parts of their skin m1b B is uh and I

Time: 7910.48

always get B and C confused I think B is

Time: 7913.599

the lung so m1b is to the lung m1c is to

Time: 7918.28

any internal organ so liver Etc and m1d

Time: 7921.36

is to the CNS and as those numbers

Time: 7923.92

increase as those letters increase the

Time: 7925.4

prognosis gets lower and lower and lower

Time: 7927.8

so one of the first things I always look

Time: 7929.079

at when I look at a paper like this is

Time: 7930.76

tell me about the patient population

Time: 7932.96

like what what was the um you know what

Time: 7935.52

was the breakdown of patients and in

Time: 7938.159

table one so that's again in clinical

Time: 7940.599

papers like this table one is always

Time: 7943.159

always always Baseline

Time: 7944.96

characteristics um oh I should mention

Time: 7946.92

one other thing Andrew this was done as

Time: 7949.599

a 3: one: one

Time: 7952.88

randomization so again in the simplest

Time: 7955.36

form a study would have two groups right

Time: 7958.28

you would have um we're going to just

Time: 7961.28

have a treatment group and a placebo

Time: 7962.88

group but in this arm you had three

Time: 7966.079

groups with one of them being the place

Time: 7968.04

Placebo the placebo got just GP 100

Time: 7971.719

which is just a cancer vaccine by the

Time: 7974.119

way this is a cancer vaccine that never

Time: 7976.679

showed any efficacy so it was a cancer

Time: 7979.559

vaccine that had been tested both with

Time: 7981.84

interlukin 2 directly and um as an adant

Time: 7986.079

for patients who had metastatic melanoma

Time: 7988.76

or had sorry not metastatic melanoma who

Time: 7990.36

had melanoma reected who were tumor free

Time: 7993.239

and then given the vaccine as adant to

Time: 7996.32

see did that have an effect on outcomes

Time: 7998.079

and it didn't so it's kind of a known

Time: 8000.32

Placebo so you had that group then you

Time: 8003.36

had the antict 4 group and then you had

Time: 8006.599

antict 4 plus GP 100 yeah what's the

Time: 8010.559

rationale for the 3:1: one it's

Time: 8013.52

basically it increases statistical power

Time: 8017.159

right so you know this total study was a

Time: 8020.32

little under 700 people they put 400 in

Time: 8024.079

the anti-la 4 plus gp1 100 group and

Time: 8027.48

then you you know little over 130 in

Time: 8030.28

each of the other two groups so you're

Time: 8032.28

always going to be able to make these

Time: 8033.44

two comparisons right what you can check

Time: 8035.76

by doing this is is there any effective

Time: 8038.559

GP 100 in this setting which had never

Time: 8041.28

been done before so again GP 100 is a

Time: 8044.76

known protein expressed by

Time: 8048.159

melanoma and all of these people were

Time: 8050.44

haplotyped to make sure that their

Time: 8052.04

immune system would recognize it and the

Time: 8054.96

question was would giving people

Time: 8058.84

anti C4 I.E taking the breaks off their

Time: 8061.32

immune system with or without gp00 make

Time: 8063.559

a difference so kind of going through

Time: 8065.92

this you can see it sort of skews about

Time: 8067.8

60% to 40% male to female they talk

Time: 8071.079

about something called the ecog

Time: 8072.4

performance status that refers to how

Time: 8074.32

healthy a patient is coming in so ecog

Time: 8077

zero is no limitations whatsoever which

Time: 8080.04

is kind of amazing when you really

Time: 8081.4

consider something I think this speaks

Time: 8082.88

to just how devastating this disease is

Time: 8085.52

um these are patients who all have like

Time: 8087.92

6 months to live right you know a year

Time: 8090.599

Max and yet look at this 58 to 60% of

Time: 8094.719

them have no limitation on their quality

Time: 8097.04

of life at this very moment that's going

Time: 8098.76

to change dramatically um you know

Time: 8102.28

absent a cure here and then ecog 1 has

Time: 8104.88

some limitation and you can see that EOG

Time: 8106.92

1 plus ecog 0 is basically 98% of the

Time: 8110.639

population you can see the staging there

Time: 8113.36

so again very very few of these patients

Time: 8115.84

are the m0 category zeros are people who

Time: 8119.4

have stage three disease that is so

Time: 8121.119

aggressive it can't be reected that's

Time: 8122.92

about 1% but the majority of these

Time: 8125.559

people are the m1as M1 BS M1 C's so

Time: 8129.36

these are people with very aggressive

Time: 8131.8

cancers you can also see that about 10

Time: 8134.36

to 15% of these people also have CNS

Time: 8137.8

metastases again the poorest prognosis

Time: 8140.44

of the poor and then you can see the uh

Time: 8143.84

about 40% of them have the LDH level

Time: 8147.559

above above cut off all of this is to

Time: 8150.119

say we're talking about a group of

Time: 8152.679

patients who have um you know a very

Time: 8156

high likelihood of not

Time: 8158.48

surviving more than you know a year it

Time: 8162.239

would be very you know unlikely that

Time: 8163.92

that many of these patients would

Time: 8164.84

survive more than a year so so basically

Time: 8166.92

More than 70% of these people have

Time: 8168.84

visceral metastasis uh a third have high

Time: 8172.32

LDH and 10 more than 10% have brain Mets

Time: 8176.28

they've also all progressed through

Time: 8178.159

standard therapy so um radiation chemo

Time: 8183.559

yeah and the chemo for for for melanoma

Time: 8186.199

can be you know kind of a toxic chemo

Time: 8188.76

that that really just doesn't really do

Time: 8192.24

anything so is it common place to use a

Time: 8195.96

treatment that failed in clinical trials

Time: 8199.479

as a placebo in these sorts of studies

Time: 8202.28

yeah it's interesting I I think you're

Time: 8203.84

referring obviously to the GP 100 and I

Time: 8207

think the thing thinking

Time: 8209.16

was okay it hasn't been effective in

Time: 8212.76

other treatments for example when

Time: 8214.639

combined with I2 or as an adant but

Time: 8218.2

never before has it been tried with a

Time: 8220.8

checkpoint inhibitor which is the

Time: 8222.559

technical term for this type of

Time: 8224.8

drug um I think there was also some

Time: 8228.92

belief that it would be easier to enroll

Time: 8231.28

patients I don't think they stated this

Time: 8233.16

but that's often the case it would be

Time: 8234.719

easier to enroll patients if they would

Time: 8236.479

know that even in the placebo arm

Time: 8238.639

they're still getting an active agent

Time: 8240.84

got it and I suppose there's always the

Time: 8242.76

possibility that the combination of the

Time: 8245.319

uh failed drug with a new drug would

Time: 8247.88

work and then so you're increasing the

Time: 8249.639

probability for novel Discovery for sure

Time: 8252.28

and again if you go back to the

Time: 8253.479

randomization of 3 to one: one it's

Time: 8257.439

really only 1 or 20% of the participants

Time: 8262.08

that would get just the GP 100 so in

Time: 8264.559

other words you're basically telling

Time: 8265.96

people when they come into this study

Time: 8267.96

there's an 80% chance you're going to

Time: 8270.639

get antict 4 that's a much better set of

Time: 8274.28

odds than you know your typical study

Time: 8276.2

where you're going to be 50% likely to

Time: 8278

get the uh agent of Interest right and

Time: 8281.16

people who are

Time: 8282.639

literally dying of cancer that they W

Time: 8285.599

they don't want to be in the control

Time: 8286.719

group right that's right so the primary

Time: 8290.84

outcome for this study actually changed

Time: 8293.28

in the study now they have to get

Time: 8295.88

permission to do that um but the so the

Time: 8299.88

original primary end point was the best

Time: 8302.96

overall response rate so I have to

Time: 8305.16

explain how response rates are measured

Time: 8307.08

this is this is a bit complicated

Time: 8309.599

remember all of these patients by

Time: 8311

definition have measurable visible

Time: 8313.8

cancer by visible either on the surface

Time: 8315.439

of their body but more likely on an MRI

Time: 8317.639

or CT scan so all of these patients had

Time: 8320.439

to be scanned head totoe within 12 weeks

Time: 8322.639

of enrollment um again there's another

Time: 8324.719

thing I should point out here which I

Time: 8325.88

know you understand but it's always

Time: 8327.04

worth finding people when a study like

Time: 8329.639

this takes place it usually takes place

Time: 8331.719

over many years and so it's not the case

Time: 8334.88

that all 700 of these patients were

Time: 8336.719

enrolled on the same day and finished

Time: 8338.519

you know we finished observing them on

Time: 8340.28

the same day no no no this took place

Time: 8342.12

for a very long period of time this took

Time: 8344.24

place across tens of centers uh I can't

Time: 8347.76

remember if this was just globally or

Time: 8349.12

across the world it might have been

Time: 8350.28

across the world um and so every Center

Time: 8353.719

really needs to adhere to a very strict

Time: 8355.8

protocol and you have a central organiz

Time: 8357.639

ation that is running this so you have a

Time: 8360.719

drug company I think this is brist

Time: 8362.399

Bristol Meers squib that makes the drug

Time: 8364.28

they provide the drug and then you have

Time: 8366.359

a cro a clinical research organization

Time: 8368.8

that that is basically managing the

Time: 8371.88

trial and the trial is being done at

Time: 8374.519

Cancer Centers all over the world or all

Time: 8376.639

over the country and you know enrollment

Time: 8379.679

I think began in 2008 for this no no I

Time: 8382.319

think it completed in 2008 it probably

Time: 8384.16

started in about 2004 2005 and and

Time: 8388

therefore you had to kind of have real

Time: 8389.319

clear protocols around this so a

Time: 8390.56

complete response is the easier of these

Time: 8392.8

to understand a complete response is

Time: 8395.96

everything vanishes

Time: 8398.479

completely that's very rare in cancer

Time: 8402.2

therapy so instead what we kind of look

Time: 8404.479

for is a partial response a partial

Time: 8407.12

response and there is really different

Time: 8408.84

ways to Define this there are different

Time: 8410.64

criteria but this is the most common way

Time: 8412.68

you define a partial response a partial

Time: 8415.08

response is at least a

Time: 8418.24

50% reduction by diameter because

Time: 8421.68

remember in this type Imaging you're

Time: 8424.04

looking at 2D versus 3D so if you're

Time: 8427

looking at a lung lesion and it's this

Time: 8429.08

big it you know if it's 2 centimeters

Time: 8430.88

long it has to go to at least 1

Time: 8432.68

centimeter in diameter so it's a 50%

Time: 8435.319

reduction at least of every single

Time: 8437.88

lesion with no new lesions appearing and

Time: 8440.72

no lesions growing so it's very strict

Time: 8444.24

criteria right again CR means everything

Time: 8447.399

vanishes PR means at least a 50% by

Time: 8451.479

diameter which by the way is a much

Time: 8453.52

bigger diameter much bigger reduction in

Time: 8455.479

terms of tumor volume when you consider

Time: 8457.52

the linear versus the third power

Time: 8459.479

relationship of length and volume of

Time: 8461.96

every single lesion with nothing new

Time: 8464.319

appearing regardless of how small and no

Time: 8466.56

lesion growing so that's a PR so you

Time: 8469.96

basically have no

Time: 8471.72


Time: 8473.319

progression we talk about those together

Time: 8475.84

and then partial response and complete

Time: 8477.92

response so initially the the authors of

Time: 8481.68

this study were going to the primary end

Time: 8483.88

point of this was going to be the best

Time: 8485.399

overall response rate so what was the

Time: 8487.88

proportion of patients that hit PR what

Time: 8490

was the proportion that hit a CR um

Time: 8492.52

that's very common in this type of paper

Time: 8495.96

where the outcomes are typically so dire

Time: 8498.8

um however uh oh I think I said I think

Time: 8501.52

I said that the study was um I I don't

Time: 8504.359

remember when the study ended but the

Time: 8507.319

amendment was made to change the primary

Time: 8509.8

endpoint to overall

Time: 8512.08


Time: 8513.96

um at some point during the study so and

Time: 8518.2

by the way that tends to be the metric

Time: 8519.72

everybody cares most about so the

Time: 8522.28

overall survival for metastatic melanoma

Time: 8525.28

is zero um with the exception of people

Time: 8529.319

who respond to interlukin 2 high do

Time: 8531.479

interlukin 2 and that will boost the

Time: 8534.08

overall survival rate to somewhere

Time: 8536.6

between 8 and

Time: 8539.2

10% very very low these patients many of

Time: 8543.68

whom had already taken and progressed

Time: 8547

through interlukin 2 Let me refresh my

Time: 8550.2

memory on what percentage of those

Time: 8554.12

patients about a quarter of these

Time: 8556.399

patients had already taken high dose

Time: 8558.88

interlukin 2 and by definition the fact

Time: 8562.52

that they're in this study means they

Time: 8563.68

had already progressed through that that

Time: 8565.479

treatment had failed just reiterate um

Time: 8569.16

just kind of the state these patients

Time: 8570.56

are in so now let's look at figure one

Time: 8575.6

so again I'll describe it because I

Time: 8577.28

realize many people are just listening

Time: 8578.68

to us all of this will be available both

Time: 8581

in the video and then we'll link to the

Time: 8582.84

paper so figure one is a a figure that

Time: 8586.08

probably looks really familiar to people

Time: 8588

who look at you know any data that deal

Time: 8590.72

with survival it's called a Kaplan Meyer

Time: 8592.76

survival curve so on the xaxis for this

Time: 8595.8

curve is time

Time: 8597.72

and time here is shown in months and on

Time: 8600.64

the Y AIS is the overall survival at the

Time: 8603.92

very top 100% at the bottom

Time: 8606.88

0% and it has three graphs or three

Time: 8610.68

curves that are superimposed on one

Time: 8612.96

another for each of the three groups

Time: 8614.88

again the control group which is the GP

Time: 8617.279

100 the um anti-la 4 Group by itself and

Time: 8621.04

the ntla 4 plus GP 100 and one of the

Time: 8626.16

characteristics of a Kaplan Meyer curve

Time: 8628.04

is by definition they have to be

Time: 8629.92

decreasing in a monotonic fashion

Time: 8632.319

because it's cumulative overall survival

Time: 8634.319

that just means it can't like come down

Time: 8636.76

and go back up nobody comes back to life

Time: 8639.04

so once a person dies they are censored

Time: 8642.16

from the study and the curve drops and

Time: 8645.08

drops and drops and you can see that

Time: 8646.72

they kind of highlight and I actually

Time: 8648.12

think it makes the graph a little harder

Time: 8650.24

to read when they when they put some of

Time: 8651.76

those marks on there but what really

Time: 8654.72

becomes clear when you look at this is

Time: 8657.08

is that there's a key there's a clear

Time: 8659.96

distinction between the curve for the

Time: 8663.64

placebo group the gp00 group and the

Time: 8666.319

other two the two treatment groups now

Time: 8671.04

you'll note at the very end that the two

Time: 8673.24

treatment groups appear to separate a

Time: 8674.96

little bit I'll talk about that in a

Time: 8676.72

second so when I look at these Andrew I

Time: 8679.6

the first thing I always turned my

Time: 8680.92

attention to I can't resist I have to

Time: 8682.92

look at the right hand side of the graph

Time: 8685.08

cuz what is that really telling me right

Time: 8686.8

that the tale of this is showing me the

Time: 8688.72

true overall

Time: 8690.16

survival and I want to sort of figure

Time: 8692.319

out what is going on so in the GP 100

Time: 8695.279

Group which is the placebo group it is

Time: 8698.24

kind of amazing to think that there is

Time: 8699.92

still one person who is alive at 44

Time: 8703.92

months it's it's amazing I mean it's

Time: 8706.2

both sobering and amazing that like one

Time: 8708.52

person made it to 44 months um the next

Time: 8712.319

thing I ask myself is well how long did

Time: 8714.56

half of the people make it that's called

Time: 8716.24

median survival and to do that you go up

Time: 8719.56

to the Y AIS and you draw a little line

Time: 8722.96

from the 50 over and then you bring that

Time: 8726.04

down and and that's you know that's

Time: 8728.399

that's that's awfully low that's about

Time: 8731.12

yeah in fact the table will tell us

Time: 8733.52

exactly what that is because I think

Time: 8734.8

it's really hard to eyeball that stuff

Time: 8737

so let's go to so there's always a table

Time: 8739.64

that will accompany these things and

Time: 8742.2

let's pull up that table I've got this

Time: 8744.68

paper spread out over so many things

Time: 8746.64

let's Adverse Events where's our

Time: 8749.279

survival table here figure two subgroup

Time: 8751.8

analysis of overall

Time: 8757.76

survival it would probably be helpful if

Time: 8759.76

I stapled these things together because

Time: 8761.279

it would be EAS well this is always a

Time: 8762.479

trade-off actually for since this is a

Time: 8764.6

journal Club episode I I will say that

Time: 8766.8

stapling helps but it also prevents one

Time: 8769.72

from separating things out writing in

Time: 8771.279

the margin I like these little mini

Time: 8773.04

clips no Financial relationship to the

Time: 8775.52

mini clips either um just have to state

Time: 8778.6

that cuz I always get if you don't say

Time: 8780.52

that people go oh you must have a steak

Time: 8782

in these mini clips I like these little

Time: 8783.84

mini clips in fact I'm such a nerd I

Time: 8785.92

always have one of these uh pilot V5 v7s

Time: 8788.88

in my Pock on my pocket of my hip and

Time: 8791.479

then my pockets are always filled with

Time: 8794.04

um with these little mini clips and um

Time: 8796.72

but then again I have a friend who's a

Time: 8797.84

musician he's and he's always reigning

Time: 8799.399

guitar picks so you know it's an as far

Time: 8801.399

as occupational hazards go of being a

Time: 8804.08

nerd I'm a big fan of the mini clip as

Time: 8806.52

well but I I went without it today all

Time: 8808.88

right so thank you yes table two all

Time: 8811.08

right so so let's look at table two

Time: 8813.6

while looking at the Kaplan Meer curve

Time: 8815.88

because now this allows us to see a

Time: 8816.96

couple things by the way remember how I

Time: 8818.88

said there's like that one person who

Time: 8821.2

kind of is still alive in the treatment

Time: 8823.399

group well you can tell that he's not a

Time: 8827.04

complete responder he or she is not a

Time: 8828.84

complete responder because um under

Time: 8832.479

evaluation of therapy in table two it

Time: 8834.8

says best overall response and it says

Time: 8837.319

complete responders zero so there was

Time: 8840.08

Zero complete responders in the placebo

Time: 8842.279

there were two partial responders again

Time: 8845.08

a partial responder is um some lesions

Time: 8849

got smaller some got bigger stable

Time: 8851.96

disease is it didn't really change that

Time: 8855

much and Progressive disease is

Time: 8857.76

obviously it went beyond not when you

Time: 8860.68

say partial response like lesions got

Time: 8862.88

smaller are they literally just tracing

Time: 8865.319

the the circumference of one of these

Time: 8868.319

you know skin lesions and saying okay

Time: 8870

got bigger smaller you literally we' had

Time: 8871.96

rulers iny yep yep feels this feels so

Time: 8875.84

crude in terms of like like I mean it

Time: 8877.6

makes total sense but like in terms of

Time: 8879.2

like modern medicine oh like your lesion

Time: 8880.92

Grew From like 3 millimeters to 6 millim

Time: 8883.88

and that we literally like drawing

Time: 8885.399

little boundaries around little blotches

Time: 8887.2

on the skin yeah you're you're putting a

Time: 8889.52

little measuring tape on them now again

Time: 8891.2

most of these are happening in the

Time: 8892.68

Radiology Suite because most of the

Time: 8894.76

disease for these patients is inside the

Time: 8896.439

body body remember More than 70% of

Time: 8898.56

these patients had visceral metastases

Time: 8901.279

so liver soft tissue uh lung brain you

Time: 8905.72

know these are in fact if you include

Time: 8907.84

lung liver brain and viscera it's it's

Time: 8911.2

all the pretty much all the patients so

Time: 8913.479

most of this is looking at a CT scan or

Time: 8915.04

an MRI for the brain got it um okay so

Time: 8918.92

that's that's kind of the first thing

Time: 8919.92

that comes up the median response rate

Time: 8923.16

should should be shown pretty

Time: 8924.84

prominently here so I'm looking through

Time: 8926.6

through this

Time: 8929.279

and where is median

Time: 8932.399

response maybe it's shown in a different

Time: 8936.16

table uh let's

Time: 8939.439

see not Disease Control rate time to

Time: 8943.28


Time: 8945.319

progression I remember it's about 10

Time: 8947.64

months but maybe that's just in the

Time: 8949.96

text yeah here it is so I thought this

Time: 8953

would be in a table but it's uh it's on

Time: 8955.479

page 75 of the paper it just reports it

Time: 8958.96

so and I'm sorry I misspoke um the 10

Time: 8963.2

months was for the antict 4 plus

Time: 8967.24

gp00 and 6.4 months for the GP100 alone

Time: 8971.56

that's the control and then 10.1 for the

Time: 8975.8

ntla 4 alone okay so again I always and

Time: 8979.84

again I'm just always doing this I'm

Time: 8981.08

kind of going back to the paper to be

Time: 8982.479

like does that make sense and yeah you

Time: 8984.319

kind of called it right you said median

Time: 8986

survival was about eight well it turns

Time: 8987.92

out it's actually like six and change

Time: 8990.439

because cuz it has that little ding in

Time: 8992.16

it and it's out to a little past 10 on

Time: 8994.52

the two others so the net takeaway here

Time: 8996.359

is again just to put that in English

Time: 8998.96

because it's so

Time: 9000.479

profound 50% of the patients in the

Time: 9003.12

control group were dead in 6

Time: 9006.359

months 50% of the patients in the

Time: 9009.319

treatment group both treatment groups

Time: 9011.319

were dead in 10 months so what that

Time: 9014.16

means in cancer speak is

Time: 9016.96

these drugs extended median Survival by

Time: 9020.08


Time: 9021.279

months now that's a that's an important

Time: 9024.56

concept you know when we think about how

Time: 9028

has cancer therapy changed over the past

Time: 9030.72

50 years median survival for metastatic

Time: 9034

cancer has increased across the board so

Time: 9036.92

a person today with metastatic coloral

Time: 9039.56

cancer or woman today with metastatic

Time: 9042.72

breast cancer or a person with

Time: 9044.04

metastatic lung cancer these people will

Time: 9047.64

live longer with those diseases today

Time: 9050.8

thanks mostly to treatments this is not

Time: 9053.88

an early detection lead time bias issue

Time: 9056.88

this is treatments are allowing people

Time: 9059.52

to live longer and that's an important

Time: 9062.52

part of the story but it's only half of

Time: 9065.399

the story yet it often gets touted as

Time: 9067.72

the story the other half of the story

Time: 9070.08

and frankly the story that I think is

Time: 9071.6

more important is what is overall

Time: 9073.479

survival doing and if you go back to

Time: 9075.96

those answers the answer is

Time: 9079.08

zero so overall survival hasn't changed

Time: 9083.2

for solid epithelial tumors it is it was

Time: 9086.479

0% in 1970 and it's 0% today everyone

Time: 9091.76

dies everyone dies from metastatic solid

Time: 9094.96

organ tumors now again there's those

Time: 9096.72

there's those Niche examples I gave you

Time: 9098.2

testicular cancer is now an exception um

Time: 9101.479

gomal tumors would be an exception and

Time: 9104.08

I'm not including leukemia and lymph FAS

Time: 9106.68

where now there are exceptions okay

Time: 9108.72

within not to try and be overly

Time: 9112.24

optimistic but if I look at the graph in

Time: 9116.279

figure one and I look out at the tail of

Time: 9118.479

the graph that's right um and for those

Time: 9120.84

that are just listening what I see and

Time: 9122.92

and I'm far less far less familiar with

Time: 9127.439

this type of work and this analyzing

Time: 9129.399

these type of data but what I see is

Time: 9130.68

that people in the placebo group They're

Time: 9132.8

All Dead except that one Yep they're

Time: 9135.24

basically all dead at 44 months y but

Time: 9138.16

when I look at the number how long it

Time: 9141

takes for everyone to be dead in the

Time: 9143.279

true treatment groups it's like 50 looks

Time: 9146.84

like 53 54 months or so well and they're

Time: 9149.96

and they're not dead that's the point

Time: 9151.64

they're hanging in there right so

Time: 9153.2

because you know an extra somebody who

Time: 9156.359

um lost both of my uh scientific

Time: 9159.88

advisers two of the three the other one

Time: 9161.84

to Suicide we've talked about this

Time: 9163.359

before but the other uh two to different

Time: 9165.8

cancer both had the bracka 2 mutation by

Time: 9167.96

the way um you know an extra 8 to 10

Time: 9171.88

months with your kids or with your

Time: 9174.2

spouse or to quote unquote get your

Time: 9177

Affairs in order is is a big deal I mean

Time: 9179.56

it's still depressing in the sense that

Time: 9180.88

nobody survives long term but um you

Time: 9184.56

know an extra 10 months as long as one

Time: 9186.68

is not miserable in that time completely

Time: 9189.04

miserable um I mean that's e extra 10

Time: 9191.68

months of living right well and and

Time: 9193.72

what's interesting here is you know the

Time: 9196.359

observation period stops and some of

Time: 9198.2

these patients are still going so what

Time: 9201.2

you're highlighting is kind of the point

Time: 9202.64

I want to make which is overall survival

Time: 9206.08

is the most important metric and it's

Time: 9208.92

the highest bar make no mistake about it

Time: 9211.439

and it's certainly not the bar any drug

Time: 9214.6

company is ever going to want to talk

Time: 9216.24

about for a cancer drug but why not

Time: 9218.68

because because they don't none of them

Time: 9220.04

work right like we don't have you know

Time: 9222.279

like drug they only want to talk about

Time: 9223.64

cures they don't want to talk they only

Time: 9224.8

want to talk about media and survival

Time: 9226.16

they want they only want to talk about

Time: 9227.359

extending media in survival and you know

Time: 9230.2

there are you know lots of people out

Time: 9232.2

there that are on this on this platform

Time: 9234.04

I don't need to get on to it but who

Time: 9236.12

will say like look it's a real racket in

Time: 9238.2

in oncology today where drugs that are

Time: 9240.68

extending median Survival by four weeks

Time: 9243.96

are being put on the market at a tune of

Time: 9246.72

you know $50 to $100,000 per treatment

Time: 9249.56

that's not uncommon in oncology uh there

Time: 9252

was one drug that was approved for

Time: 9253.399

pancreatic cancer I believe it extended

Time: 9255.08

median Survival by days and it cost

Time: 9257.8

$40,000 and it's being advertised as

Time: 9261.08

significant extens because it was that

Time: 9263.04

was a statistical significant

Time: 9264.24

Improvement in media and survival I'm

Time: 9265.88

just yeah so it's look it's really

Time: 9268.72

understandable why people are very

Time: 9269.92

skeptical of the Pharma industry and and

Time: 9272.2

I think you know a much more nuanced

Time: 9274.16

view is necessary clearly I don't think

Time: 9276.08

Pharma is all bad um but I really

Time: 9278.64

understand why people lose faith in

Time: 9280.279

Pharma when when you know these types of

Time: 9283.359

products somehow make regulatory

Time: 9285.2

approval does insurance cover these

Time: 9287.72

kinds of drugs uh it can in fact it

Time: 9290.399

often does it depends on the FDA

Time: 9292.16

approval of course and the indication um

Time: 9294.96

but a lot of times they do right so yeah

Time: 9297.6

there's a societal cost to these things

Time: 9300.12

um but but there's also a patient cost

Time: 9302.479

right so a lot of times insurance

Time: 9303.92

doesn't fully cover it and a patient has

Time: 9305.68

to Bear the the cost difference and on

Time: 9307.96

top of that you alluded to this a second

Time: 9309.52

ago which is what if your quality of

Time: 9311.359

life is dramatically compromised as a

Time: 9313.56

result of this treatment and yes

Time: 9315.399

statistically you're going to live 9

Time: 9316.88

days longer or 3 weeks longer but at

Time: 9320.08

what cost to your health in those final

Time: 9322.92

remaining days and by the way you're

Time: 9325

potentially straddling your loved ones

Time: 9327.439

with enormous debt uh in your absence so

Time: 9330.439

it's it's a super complicated topic yeah

Time: 9332.359

there's a dignity component too I mean

Time: 9334.88

I've seen this in people dying you know

Time: 9336.64

at some point they become such a a

Time: 9339.68

diminished version of their former

Time: 9341.24

selves that they don't want to be seen

Time: 9343.68

by people that way so what is exciting

Time: 9348.12

about this drug although it's this paper

Time: 9351.72

is not the one that shows it the reason

Time: 9353.399

I chose this paper Andrew is because it

Time: 9356.24

was the first approval a second drug

Time: 9359.52

came along that is an anti- pd1 drug

Time: 9362.96

that drug is called Kuda that drug

Time: 9365.04

turned out to be even better and had has

Time: 9368.08

even a greater response rate both in

Time: 9370.439

terms of median survival and overall

Time: 9372.399

survival but this was the landmark paper

Time: 9375.399

I also have slight bias here and I'll

Time: 9378.8

disclose in a moment why um but I but I

Time: 9381.64

think it just talks about very

Time: 9382.84

interesting biology so let's talk about

Time: 9385.04

a couple things that stuck stuck out to

Time: 9386.479

me in this paper um the first thing that

Time: 9389.52

stuck out to me and the authors didn't

Time: 9391.64

comment on it unless they did and I

Time: 9393.52

missed it is look at figure two so

Time: 9397.52

figure two is the um subgroup analyses

Time: 9404

where you're sort of showing a similar

Time: 9406.68

graph to the one you showed earlier

Time: 9409.08

right where you you show the response

Time: 9411.52

rate or the change in response between

Time: 9414.08

the groups and then you put the error

Time: 9416

bars on it and this is where we talk

Time: 9418.279

about how well it's a 95% confidence

Time: 9420.72

interval so does it touch the unity line

Time: 9423

so these are called like tornado plots

Time: 9426

typically and um what you'll notice is

Time: 9429.439

that in the top you're looking at um um

Time: 9435.08

sort of uh it's it's comparing the

Time: 9437.56

antict 4 with GP100 versus the gp1 100

Time: 9441.279

and in the bottom you're looking at the

Time: 9442.72

anti ca4 versus the GP 100 so at a

Time: 9445.479

glance you can see GP 100 is not doing

Time: 9448.08

anything I mean that's the that's the

Time: 9449.84

first takeaway of comparing A to B um

Time: 9452.84

what I find most interesting is look at

Time: 9455.359

the subgroup analysis of

Time: 9457.52

females notice that in females while

Time: 9460.16

there's a trend towards risk reduction

Time: 9463.68

and this is risk reduction for overall

Time: 9466.04

mortality so again I just want to

Time: 9467.359

restate that the primary outcome of this

Time: 9469.359

trial was changed to overall survival

Time: 9471.479

which I think is the better outcome by

Time: 9472.96

the way and overall for all patients in

Time: 9477.479

when you compare antict 4 plus Placebo

Time: 9481.56

versus placebo there was a

Time: 9484.88

31% risk reduction in overall mortality

Time: 9488.68

that's what that's that's the

Time: 9491.08

mathematical interpretation of what

Time: 9492.6

you're seeing at the tail end of that

Time: 9494.319

Kaplan Meyer curve longer living longer

Time: 9497.439

and it's a it sounds like a big

Time: 9498.68

difference and in some some sense it is

Time: 9500.84

a big difference it is for those people

Time: 9502.88

because you're really looking at

Time: 9504.279

basically 0% surviving in the placebo

Time: 9508.76

group versus 20% of people are still

Time: 9512.76

alive at 56 months in the treatment

Time: 9515.92

group but look that means 80% have died

Time: 9519.24

right um but notice that and and and and

Time: 9523.6

sori when you just look at the antict a

Time: 9525.84

4 plus GP 100 in the subgroup B that

Time: 9528.88

Hazard ratio is even showing more

Time: 9531

compression it's a 36% reduction in risk

Time: 9535.64

of death um but notice that the females

Time: 9539.439

did not reach significance so in the in

Time: 9542.479

the first group they barely do and you

Time: 9545.359

can see that because the confidence

Time: 9546.84

interval runs from 0.55 to 0.92 and

Time: 9549.88

notice the error bar almost touches the

Time: 9552.08

line and in the second one it does not

Time: 9554.319

reach significance at all

Time: 9556.6

so I actually went and kind of did a

Time: 9558.56

little reading on this after and I said

Time: 9560.479

hey you know how much did this study was

Time: 9562.96

this an outlier study and it turned out

Time: 9565.319

it wasn't um and that about half the

Time: 9568.319

studies of antict 4 did indeed find that

Time: 9573.12

the drug was less effective in women

Time: 9574.64

than men which I found interesting now I

Time: 9577.64

couldn't find any great explanation for

Time: 9580.16

it but the most plausible explanations

Time: 9583.24

fit into two categories the first are

Time: 9585.68

maybe there are differences in the

Time: 9587.439

immune response to the drug if you're a

Time: 9589.56

man or a woman the second uh comes down

Time: 9593.04

to dosing I should have said this at the

Time: 9594.84

outset but of course these drugs are not

Time: 9596.6

like a pill where it's like everybody

Time: 9598.2

gets you know 50 milligrams of this

Time: 9600

they're all dosed based on weight so

Time: 9602.64

this study is dosed I believe at 3

Time: 9604.68

milligrams per kilogram and because most

Time: 9607.68

men are heavier than women men are

Time: 9610.52

getting a higher dose than

Time: 9612.439

women and weight and body surface area

Time: 9616.359

an immune system like these things are

Time: 9618.279

not all perfectly linear so I I I kind

Time: 9621.52

of wonder if this difference is simply

Time: 9624.96

explained by men on average getting a

Time: 9627.52

higher dose than women

Time: 9631.16

interesting last thing I want to talk

Time: 9633.04

about here is in table

Time: 9638.08

three so Table Three always an important

Time: 9641.279

table to look at in any paper is what

Time: 9642.96

are the

Time: 9643.8

adverse outcomes right what are the

Time: 9646

adverse effects of the drug yeah I spent

Time: 9647.92

some I spent a little bit of time with

Time: 9649.399

this and I I confess it it you know I

Time: 9651.88

definitely don't want cancer to the

Time: 9653.399

extent that I can avoid it but this

Time: 9656.24

table made me wonder whether or not I

Time: 9657.8

would also want to just avoid cancer

Time: 9659.72

treatment given the life extension

Time: 9662.64

provided I mean these Adverse Events are

Time: 9665.52

pretty uncomfortable they sound just to

Time: 9668.479

put just to put in perspective um and

Time: 9670.84

you always have to kind of you know be

Time: 9672.359

mindful of how many of these adverse

Time: 9674.359

events are occurring in people just

Time: 9676.479

because their disease is progressing so

Time: 9678.319

the first thing I always want to look at

Time: 9679.52

is total Adverse Events in all three

Time: 9683.24

groups not just grade so grade three and

Time: 9685.399

grade four are real toxicities right

Time: 9688.24

grade four toxicity is life-threatening

Time: 9689.92

toxicity by the way uh grade three is

Time: 9692.279

pretty significant toxicity grade one

Time: 9694

and two we typically just you know

Time: 9696.08

that's not that severe right the little

Time: 9697.56

rash put some cortico steroids on it it

Time: 9699.16

went away kind of thing okay so in the

Time: 9702.52

uh treatment plus GP 100 group 98 8.4%

Time: 9706.56

of people reported some event so all but

Time: 9710.399

1.6% in the ntct 4 group alone it was

Time: 9714.88

96.7% so only 3.1% did not but in the

Time: 9718.84

placebo group it's 97% so it's important

Time: 9721.2

to keep in mind like you know

Time: 9723.6

everybody's having some adverse effect

Time: 9725.319

okay well what if you say well let's

Time: 9726.68

just limit it to the most severe events

Time: 9730.52

well let's just talk about grade four

Time: 9732.479

toxicities there were 6.1% of those in

Time: 9735.64

the placebo group

Time: 9737.52

8.4% in the anti ca4 group and

Time: 9741.08

6.8% in the combined group so not a huge

Time: 9744.04

difference in grade four toxicity

Time: 9746.84

meaning that whatever adverse events are

Time: 9749.88

occurring may not be related to they may

Time: 9752.2

not be related to the treatment the

Time: 9753.76

again these are if you if you think

Time: 9755.279

about it and it's a very awful sad

Time: 9757.319

morbid thought to imagine these are

Time: 9759.84

you're looking at the adverse responses

Time: 9761.76

of people more than 80% of whom died

Time: 9764.52

during the course of a very very short

Time: 9766.6

study and so you know it's very

Time: 9770.2

difficult to disentangle what effects or

Time: 9772.24

what side effects a person is having

Time: 9774.04

just from that process uh as they are

Time: 9776.319

from the actual treatment but if there

Time: 9778.76

is an area where there's a really clear

Time: 9781.439

difference it's down in the autoimmune

Time: 9784.359

category so if you look at any immune

Time: 9787.68

related events you can see that in the

Time: 9790.92

anti C4 plus gp1 100 group it's about

Time: 9794.279


Time: 9795.8

in both of those treatment groups versus

Time: 9798.52

30% and if you look at the grade three

Time: 9801.2

and four toxicities it's 10% in the uh

Time: 9805.84

antict 4

Time: 9807.72

15% in the um antict 4 alone group and

Time: 9812.16

only 3% in the treatment so that's a

Time: 9814.96

real difference well it makes sense that

Time: 9817.8

people getting this

Time: 9819.439

drug plus Placebo or just the drug would

Time: 9822.84

have autoimmune issues because this is

Time: 9825

an immunotherapy it's an immunomodulator

Time: 9827.279

in fact what is it doing it is taking

Time: 9829.12

the breakes off the immune system but

Time: 9831.8

then again the things that they list

Time: 9834.24

out puitis is that a irritation of the

Time: 9837.399

skin yeah irritation of the skin I'm not

Time: 9839.399

a physician but I know that any itis is

Time: 9841.439

going to be like an inflammation and

Time: 9844

unfortunately likely a cancer or cell

Time: 9846.24

replication look at the difference in

Time: 9848.439

viigo I mean

Time: 9851.24

um wow yeah so very or sorry sorry look

Time: 9854.64

at the gastro intestinal differences

Time: 9856.68

yeah and the Vitiligo right so 3.7% 2.3%

Time: 9860.64

8% the GI stuff is the most common stuff

Time: 9863.76

you're going to see there those are

Time: 9865.399

those are the really big ones now and of

Time: 9866.64

course there's diarrhea and there's

Time: 9867.8

diarrhea oh like there's traveler

Time: 9870.24


Time: 9871.479

there's overly spicy large me4 diarrhea

Time: 9875.24

and then there's like can't really do

Time: 9877.64

anything besides make trips back and

Time: 9879.04

forth to the bathroom di well there's

Time: 9880.56

there's there's put it this way there's

Time: 9881.8

you know colitis here is diarrhea so

Time: 9883.88

significant these patients require ire

Time: 9885.68

IV fluids now what what you don't see

Time: 9887.96

here is how many of these patients

Time: 9889.12

actually required corticosteroids to

Time: 9890.92

reverse the autoimmunity so a lot of

Time: 9893.24

times what will happen here in these

Time: 9894.399

studies or with these drugs is the

Time: 9896.2

autoimmunity becomes so significant that

Time: 9899.2

you have to stop the drug and give

Time: 9900.6

cortico steroids do the exact opposite

Time: 9902.92

you now have to shut the immune system

Time: 9904.68

down so you just took the brakes off it

Time: 9906.56

with the drug and now you need to shut

Time: 9908.52

it down with

Time: 9909.88


Time: 9911.399

um when I was was I in med school no

Time: 9914.64

when I was in my uh Fellowship um I

Time: 9919.16

wrote a paper about um autoimmunity

Time: 9923.88

correlating with response rate in ncta 4

Time: 9928.479

uh early on this was during the phase

Time: 9930.12

two work so you so the NCI was a very

Time: 9934.88

early um uh uh adopter of U

Time: 9938.88

participating in these trials and um you

Time: 9943.24

know it was observed that or at least

Time: 9945.6

hypothesize this is what the paper

Time: 9947.04

basically wrote about which was is there

Time: 9949.399

any correlation between autoimmunity and

Time: 9953

response um and it turned out the answer

Time: 9954.96

was yes there was a very strong

Time: 9956

correlation so there was no difference

Time: 9959.8

in autoimmunity between the doses and

Time: 9963.359

the so the paper we wrote was two dosing

Time: 9966.479

schedules so it was basically the full

Time: 9968.12

dose the three milligrams per kilogram

Time: 9969.92

versus a low dose 1 milligram per

Time: 9971.319

kilogram this is a phase two trial those

Time: 9972.96

are your two arms they're turned out to

Time: 9975.279

no difference in autoimmunity between

Time: 9977.08

them but there was a big difference

Time: 9979.96

between um uh the response rate that

Time: 9984.399

tied to autoimmunity in other words

Time: 9987.08

autoimmunity predicted response now I

Time: 9991.04

think over time these U investigators

Time: 9994.56

the doctors who administer these

Time: 9995.6

treatments are getting better and better

Time: 9996.96

at catching these things earlier because

Time: 9998.92

these autoimmune conditions uh can

Time: 10001

actually be devastating so on a very

Time: 10003.12

personal note when k truda uh came out I

Time: 10008.24

want to say it was around

Time: 10010.479

200 11 no no no gosh it must have been

Time: 10013.399

2013 2014 thereabouts um again it was

Time: 10018.04

for treatment of metastatic melanoma I

Time: 10020.52

want to come back and explain why

Time: 10021.8

melanoma gets all of the attention in

Time: 10023.76

autoimmune condition in in um um

Time: 10025.96

immunotherapy conditions I'll state that

Time: 10027.72

but um but anyway a friend of mine got

Time: 10032.2

pancreatic cancer and he got um the bad

Time: 10036.2

type of pancreatic cancer so this is uh

Time: 10038.92

an like the um um adenocarcinoma in the

Time: 10042.279

pancreas right so this this is a a

Time: 10044.279

non-survivable type of cancer

Time: 10045.96

furthermore his was

Time: 10047.439

unresectable so can you explain what

Time: 10049.72

that is yeah so the only so about 20% of

Time: 10053.64

people who have pancreatic cancer

Time: 10056.2

technically have it in a way where you

Time: 10058.24

could still take out the head of the

Time: 10059.56

pancreas right the Whipple procedure the

Time: 10061.279

Whipple procedure um now tragically most

Time: 10064.279

of those patients will still recur my

Time: 10066.6

understanding it is that pancreatic

Time: 10069.399

cancer progresses from anterior to

Time: 10071.88

posterior in the pancreas and that the

Time: 10074.08

Whipple is a removal of the front end

Time: 10076.04

the anterior that's the Whipple

Time: 10077.56

procedure so if the cancer has

Time: 10080.08

progressed far enough coddle into the

Time: 10082.64

posterior uh pancreas then there's

Time: 10085.24

nothing left to cut out basically um can

Time: 10088.279

we survive without a pancreas for any

Time: 10089.84

amount of time oh yeah absolutely so why

Time: 10091.6

don't they just remove the whole

Time: 10092.56

pancreas oh that's my point it's already

Time: 10095.08

microm metastized so it's not the the

Time: 10097.56

surgical procedure is not the challenge

Time: 10099.56

anymore it used to be so you know at

Time: 10102.319

John's Hopkins which is one of the

Time: 10103.479

hospitals where this was pioneered like

Time: 10105.68

the the 30-day mortality for a Whipple

Time: 10108.479

procedure was I don't know

Time: 10112

80% and the reason was to figure out how

Time: 10116.24

to suture a pancreas to the bowel

Time: 10119.24

without the so so the pancreas is such

Time: 10121.72

an awful organ to operate on because its

Time: 10124.359

enzyme are designed to digest anything

Time: 10127.04

and everything so imagine now you have

Time: 10130.08

to cut the pancreas in half take out the

Time: 10132.399

head of the pancreas with the duodenum

Time: 10134.72

and then somehow sew that open half of a

Time: 10137.88

raw pancreas to the end of the junam and

Time: 10141.479

not let it digest itself someone at

Time: 10144.16

Hopkins figure this out um now the first

Time: 10146.64

one was actually done by AO Whipple but

Time: 10149.439

yes at Hopkins is where they figured out

Time: 10152.96

the way to put drains in the surgical

Time: 10156.279

technique how to do it in two layers

Time: 10158.12

what type of stitches to use like all of

Time: 10160.68

the nuances of this were worked out in a

Time: 10163.2

few places but I would say Hopkins more

Time: 10164.96

than any place else and are there

Time: 10167.359

Physicians who like try this on

Time: 10169.08

non-human primates or something or is

Time: 10170.8

this always just done on patients and

Time: 10172.479

you well nowadays I mean put it this way

Time: 10174.359

even 25 years ago at a at a at a major

Time: 10178.319

Center like Hopkins the the mortality of

Time: 10181.12

that procedure was less than 1% amazing

Time: 10183.359

yeah have been some vict

Time: 10185.359

well yes but here's my point it that

Time: 10187.399

that's no longer the bottleneck right

Time: 10189.279

taking out the pancreas safely as

Time: 10191.16

complicated and challenging as that is

Time: 10192.72

and if you need a whip procedure you

Time: 10194.52

only want to have it done by someone who

Time: 10196.2

just does that night and day because

Time: 10197.96

it's you don't want Weekend Warriors

Time: 10199.399

doing it um that's not why people are

Time: 10202.64

living or dying they're dying because

Time: 10204.68

the pan the cancer just comes back it

Time: 10206.76

was already spread to the liver by the

Time: 10208.92

time you did it you just didn't realize

Time: 10210.479

it yet so whether you took out the whole

Time: 10212.8

pancreas or the head of the pancreas or

Time: 10214.239

the tail of the pancreas the location of

Time: 10216.84


Time: 10218

tumor is predictive of survival only in

Time: 10221.84

the extent that it basically is a window

Time: 10225.16

into how soon did symptoms occur so

Time: 10228.399

pancreatic cancers in the tail tend to

Time: 10230.96

be more fatal even though they're way

Time: 10233.72

easier surgically to take out because by

Time: 10237.2

the time you develop symptoms of a tail

Time: 10240.279

pancreas cancer it's it's a big cancer

Time: 10243.479

so I was going to ask this question lat

Time: 10244.64

later but I'll just ask it now given the

Time: 10247.319

link between the immune system and these

Time: 10249.56

cancers is there an idea in mind that

Time: 10253.64

people who are let's say 40 and older or

Time: 10257.52

50 and older who don't yet they're not

Time: 10261.479

diagnosed with any cancer would

Time: 10263.439

periodically just stimulate their immune

Time: 10265.72

system to wipe out whatever early

Time: 10268.76

cancers might be cropping up you know

Time: 10270.8

just take a drug to just ramp up the

Time: 10272.96

immune system even to the point where

Time: 10274.239

you're start having a little diarrhea

Time: 10275.68

maybe a few skin rashes and then come

Time: 10278.64

off the drug you know just basically to

Time: 10280.8

to fight back whatever little cell

Time: 10283.52

growths are starting to take place in

Time: 10285.12

skin or liver you know maybe for you

Time: 10288.92

know three weeks out of each year I mean

Time: 10291.359

why not yeah that's an interesting

Time: 10293.16

question um I've never thought of it

Time: 10295.6

through that lens I suppose the question

Time: 10298.279

is what can we do to keep our immune

Time: 10300.84

systems as healthy as possible as we age

Time: 10303.64

because stay on a normal circadian

Time: 10305.319

schedule there's evidence for that sure

Time: 10307.359

no there's evidence that certainly if it

Time: 10309.56

promotes sleep anything that promotes

Time: 10311.399

better rest is going to promote immune

Time: 10313.399

Health um because if you ask the macro

Time: 10316.92

question which is like why does the

Time: 10318.359

prevalence of cancer increase so

Time: 10320.72

dramatically with age um there are

Time: 10323.8

certain diseases where it's really

Time: 10325.64

obvious why the prevalence of the

Time: 10327.439

disease increases with age yeah like mac

Time: 10329.56

like uh age related macular degeneration

Time: 10331.72

sure or cardiovascular disease is by far

Time: 10334.239

the most obvious because it's an area

Time: 10335.88

under the curve exposure problem the

Time: 10337.76

more exposure to lipoproteins and the

Time: 10339.6

more the endothelium gets damaged the

Time: 10341.72

more likely you are to accumulate plaque

Time: 10343.279

and again it totally makes sense why

Time: 10345.68

10year olds don't have heart attacks and

Time: 10347.56

80y olds

Time: 10349.239

do but when you sort of acknowledge that

Time: 10353.08

well hey you know can't you know

Time: 10355.239

anybody's Accu accumulating genetic

Time: 10357.12

mutations we're always surrounded and

Time: 10359.12

being bombarded by things that are

Time: 10361

altering the Genome of our cell is it

Time: 10363.439

simply a stochastic process where the

Time: 10365.84

longer you live the more of these

Time: 10367.399

mutations are going to occur until at

Time: 10369

some point one of them just wins I I I

Time: 10372.12

think that's got to be a big part of it

Time: 10373.92

but I think another part of it and I

Time: 10376.08

clearly I'm not alone in thinking this

Time: 10377.88

is that our immune system is getting

Time: 10379.16

weaker and weaker as we age right I mean

Time: 10381.479

you know we you know people become more

Time: 10383.68

susceptible to infections as they get

Time: 10385.439

older uh and I think that that's equally

Time: 10388.8

playing a role in our susceptibility to

Time: 10390.84

cancer so yeah I think the question is

Time: 10392.76

how do you modulate immunity

Time: 10395.359

um as you age and to me that's one of

Time: 10398.16

the most interesting things about rapy

Time: 10399.88

potentially is that when taken the right

Time: 10402.239

way it seems to enhance um cellular

Time: 10405.84

immunity which again that that's

Time: 10407.84

potentially a really big deal again at

Time: 10409.479

least in in short-term human experiments

Time: 10412.12

in response to vaccination it's

Time: 10413.96

enhancing vaccine response so the

Time: 10415.88

question is would that translate into

Time: 10417.92

cancer nobody knows could that be one of

Time: 10420.56

the reasons why animals treated with rap

Time: 10423.239

ayin live longer and get less cancer

Time: 10425.84

don't know you know it could also be

Time: 10427.399

that it's it's at a fundamental level

Time: 10429.04

that's targeting nutrient sensing um

Time: 10431.68

where I was going with that story was

Time: 10435.279

that and maybe I'll back up for a moment

Time: 10437.96


Time: 10439.04

melanoma so we didn't really know this

Time: 10443

like 30 40 years ago in the early days

Time: 10445.88


Time: 10447

immunotherapy but what we know now is

Time: 10450.359

that most cancers probably have about 40

Time: 10453.12

mutations in them

Time: 10454.84

that's like ballpark 4050 mutations is

Time: 10457.239

standard fair for a cancer but melanoma

Time: 10461.64

happens to be one of the cancers that

Time: 10463.12

has many many more

Time: 10464.84

mutations and the more mutations a

Time: 10467.08

cancer has the more likelihood that it

Time: 10470.16

will produce an antigen that's

Time: 10471.56

recognized as

Time: 10473.04

non-self and that's why in the early

Time: 10475.64

days of immunotherapy the only things

Time: 10478.319

that worked were I2 against metastatic

Time: 10480.88

melanoma and kidney cancer because

Time: 10482.64

kidney cancer turned out to also be one

Time: 10484.359

of those cancers that for reasons that

Time: 10486.16

are not clear produced hundreds of

Time: 10490.08

mutations and so it's no surprise that

Time: 10492.76

the early studies of checkpoint

Time: 10494.12

Inhibitors were also done in metastatic

Time: 10496.399

melanoma where you basically have more

Time: 10498.92

shots on goal again if I'm going to take

Time: 10500.8

the breaks off my immune system I might

Time: 10503.359

as well do it in an environment where

Time: 10505.6

there are more chances for my tea cells

Time: 10508.04

to find something to go nuts

Time: 10510.84

against so it's 2013 2014 and this

Time: 10515.479

friend of mine who has something called

Time: 10517.88

Lynch syndrome um which is a one of

Time: 10520.92

those few hereditary or germline

Time: 10523.92

mutations that results in a huge

Time: 10525.6

increase in the risk of cancer he had

Time: 10527.56

already had colon cancer at about the

Time: 10529.6

age of 40 um and had survived that it

Time: 10533.08

was a stage three cancer but he had

Time: 10534.439

survived it well now five years later

Time: 10537.76

had developed uh pancreatic cancer and

Time: 10541.239

when he went to see the surgeon um they

Time: 10544

said said yeah we there's nothing we can

Time: 10545.439

do like it's too advanced so that's you

Time: 10549.12

know to put that in perspective that is

Time: 10550.84

a death sentence and that's not uh that

Time: 10553.64

that's a that's a six-month

Time: 10556.359

survival and at around that time there

Time: 10559.04

was a study that had come out in the New

Time: 10560.72

England Journal of Medicine that had

Time: 10562

talked about how patients with Lynch

Time: 10563.92

syndrome had lots of

Time: 10566.479

mutations and so we you know talked with

Time: 10570.6

his doctors about the possibility of

Time: 10572.64

enrolling him in one of the Kuda trials

Time: 10575.6

there was one going on I think at

Time: 10576.92

Stanford and you know the thinking being

Time: 10580.439

well you know you would want to Target a

Time: 10582.479

checkpoint inhibitor against somebody

Time: 10584.399

who has a lot of mutations and even

Time: 10585.88

though typically we don't see that in

Time: 10587.16

pancreatic cancer his is a unique

Time: 10589.88

variant of it because it's based on this

Time: 10592.279

and so sure enough he was tested for

Time: 10594.72

these mismatch repair genes he had them

Time: 10597.2

enrolled in the trial and amazingly had

Time: 10600.16

not only a complete regression of his

Time: 10602.399

cancer and he's still alive in cancer

Time: 10604.16

free today 10 years later but this the

Time: 10608.239

the the treatment worked so well at

Time: 10610.479

activating his immune system that his

Time: 10612.319

immune system completely destroyed his

Time: 10615.2

pancreas so now he is effectively had a

Time: 10619.04

pancreatectomy based on his immune

Time: 10620.84

system so now he actually has Type 1

Time: 10622.72

diabetes he has no pancreas he injects

Time: 10625.68

insulin to deal with that or no he no no

Time: 10628.96

he has to use insulin just like someone

Time: 10630.56

with type di he had to pick being alive

Time: 10632.56

with type one diabetes yeah of course no

Time: 10634.84

comparison but it's just an interesting

Time: 10636.88

example of how you know remarkable this

Time: 10639.8

treatment was able to work when you were

Time: 10642.52

you know you could completely unleash

Time: 10644.359

the immune system of a person and you

Time: 10647.88

eradicate the cancer and the rest of the

Time: 10649.84

cells around it and and you know there

Time: 10652.84

are many organs we could live without um

Time: 10656.319

you know there are certain organs you

Time: 10657.76

can't live without you can't live

Time: 10658.68

without your heart lungs liver kidneys

Time: 10661.239

um but but many things that kill people

Time: 10663.6

arise from organs the breast you could

Time: 10666.8

live without all breast tissue prostate

Time: 10668.56

prostate you could live without all

Time: 10669.56

prostate tiue would choose to do to live

Time: 10672.04

without these but right but I'm saying

Time: 10673.439

if you if if you had metastatic cancer

Time: 10675.52

and you had a bullet that could

Time: 10678.2

selectively Target a tissue you would

Time: 10680.479

take it and right now the only tissue we

Time: 10683.08

can do that against is a cd19 B cell and

Time: 10685.96

that's what those car T cells are so

Time: 10688.16

right now these are not tissue specific

Time: 10689.68

treatments but they're mutation specific

Time: 10692.8

what the last thing I'll say about this

Time: 10693.72

paper that I found interesting and I I

Time: 10695.84

was looking for it and I was surprised

Time: 10697.6

they didn't at all comment on if there

Time: 10699.84

was any correlation between autoimmunity

Time: 10701.76


Time: 10703.08

response um so they obviously

Time: 10704.96

acknowledge the autoimmunity in in table

Time: 10707.279

three but I would have loved to have

Time: 10709.239

seen a statistical analysis that said

Time: 10711.56

hey is there any correlation between

Time: 10713.92

response rate and autoimmunity but um

Time: 10716.72

they they didn't comment to that effect

Time: 10718.52

so we're left kind of wondering what the

Time: 10720.8

current state of that is and I guess in

Time: 10724.479

summary I'll say that the reason I

Time: 10726.479

thought this was an interesting paper to

Time: 10728.12

present is that I still believe that

Time: 10731.479

immuno theapy is probably the most

Time: 10735

important hope we have for treating

Time: 10738.399

cancer and well I think we're still only

Time: 10740.8

scratching the surface of it so

Time: 10743.239

collectively the overall survival

Time: 10745.72

increase for patients with metastatic

Time: 10747.88

solid organ tumors is about 8% better

Time: 10751.279

than it was 50 years ago and virtu all

Time: 10754.239

of that has come from some form of

Time: 10756.72

immunotherapy um I think is promising

Time: 10759.84

and I think the Holy Grail is the

Time: 10763

meaning the next step if you go back to

Time: 10764.88

where we started the

Time: 10766.239

discussion is coming up with ways to

Time: 10771.12

engineer te- cells to be even better

Time: 10774.72

recognizers of antigens and there's many

Time: 10777.479

ways to do that one is to directly

Time: 10779.52

engineer them another is to find te-

Time: 10782.399

cells that have already migrated into

Time: 10784.279

tumors those are called tumor

Time: 10785.8

infiltrating lymphocytes or

Time: 10787.76

till and expanding those and Engineering

Time: 10792.04

them to be better and younger is it

Time: 10794.16

possible to engineer our own te- cells

Time: 10796.72

to be more

Time: 10798

pH variant tolerant meaning um since

Time: 10802.239

this you know cloaking of the of a local

Time: 10804.6

area by changing the pH can could we you

Time: 10807.52

know pull some te- cells I'm I'm always

Time: 10809.8

thinking about the inoculation stuff

Time: 10811.279

like pull some te- cells as part of our

Time: 10813.84

standard exam when we're 30 and um you

Time: 10817.279

know and grow some up in an environment

Time: 10819.08

that the pH is is slightly more acidic

Time: 10822.319

than um than normal and then reintroduce

Time: 10825.479

them to the body I mean after all they

Time: 10826.88

are our tea cells um in other words give

Time: 10830.279

them a little opportunity to

Time: 10832.399

evolve the the conditions they can

Time: 10834.72

thrive in right or even just keep them

Time: 10836.84

in the freezer in case we need them yes

Time: 10838.92

so so the interesting thing is I don't

Time: 10840.56

know that if you just got them to be

Time: 10842.72

comfortable in a lower p pH it would be

Time: 10844.56

sufficient because there are still so

Time: 10847.52

many other things that the uh cancer is

Time: 10851.16

doing as far as using other secreting

Time: 10854.72

factors um it seems that by far the most

Time: 10858.279

potent thing comes down to expanding the

Time: 10862.279

number of te- cells that recognize the

Time: 10865

antigen and making sure that you can get

Time: 10868.479

that number big enough without aging

Time: 10870.359

them too much so in some senses it has

Time: 10873

become a long longevity problem of te-

Time: 10875.04

cells the way to think about it

Time: 10877.359

is you want an army of soldiers who are

Time: 10881.88

wise enough to recognize the bad guys

Time: 10884.399

which comes with age but young enough to

Time: 10887.76

go and kill and right now both extremes

Time: 10891.52

seem to be unhelpful right when you go

Time: 10894.359

and find tumor infiltrating lymphocytes

Time: 10896.279

in a tumor they're very wise they know

Time: 10898.76

which one they've demonstrated that they

Time: 10900.68

can do everything they can outmaneuver

Time: 10902.6

the cancer but they're too old to do

Time: 10905.04

anything about it and when you take them

Time: 10906.72

out to try to expand them by three logs

Time: 10909.16

which is typically what you need to do

Time: 10910.319

expand them by a thousandfold they can't

Time: 10912.52

do anything got it and what about

Time: 10914.16

avoiding melanoma altogether I mean

Time: 10915.88

obviously avoiding sunburn you know I

Time: 10918.399

somehow I got couched as anti-s

Time: 10920.239

sunscreen and that is absolutely not

Time: 10922.319

true I I said some sunscreens contain

Time: 10925.319

things that are clearly immune disrupt

Time: 10927.52

uh endocrine excuse me disruptors and

Time: 10929.72

we're going to do a whole episode on

Time: 10930.96

sunscreen maybe we could do some Journal

Time: 10933.68

I'm actually planning something on that

Time: 10935.08

as well I want and some dermatologists

Time: 10937.319

reached out um some very very skilled

Time: 10940.08

dermatologists reached out and said that

Time: 10941.92

indeed some sunscreens are are downright

Time: 10944.12

dangerous but of course melanoma is

Time: 10945.72

super dangerous um physical barrier no

Time: 10948.04

one disputes physical barriers for

Time: 10949.76

sunscreen like everyone everyone agrees

Time: 10951.84

that that is unlikely to have endrine

Time: 10954.12

disruption um so physical barriers are

Time: 10956.76

Undisputed but aside from limiting U

Time: 10960.6

sunlight exposure to the skin um

Time: 10964.12

what are some other risks for melanoma I

Time: 10966.12

mean I think that's the biggest one I do

Time: 10967.52

not believe that smoking poses a risk

Time: 10969.479

for melanoma and if it does it's going

Time: 10971.279

to be very small um there are hereditary

Time: 10974.279

cases so one needs to be pretty mindful

Time: 10976.68

when taking a family history and by the

Time: 10978.439

way there are really weird genetic um

Time: 10982

conditions that link melanoma to other

Time: 10984.279

cancers such as pancreatic cancer by the

Time: 10986.08

way so whenever I'm taking somebody's

Time: 10988.08

family history and I hear about somebody

Time: 10990.2

that had melanoma and someone that had

Time: 10991.56

pancreatic cancer I'm there's a couple

Time: 10994.399

genetics genetic tests we'll look at to

Time: 10997.12

to see if that's a person that's

Time: 10998.359

particularly sensitive just and a from a

Time: 11001

genetic predisposition um but I do think

Time: 11003.84

that first and foremost it's and by the

Time: 11006

way I think with melanoma the although

Time: 11008.6

it's not completely agreed upon I think

Time: 11011.8

it's less about sun exposure and more

Time: 11014.439


Time: 11015.399

sunburn right so so and again I'm sure

Time: 11018.16

there's somebody listening to this who

Time: 11019.16

will chime in and apply a more nuanced

Time: 11022.16

response to that um but but I think

Time: 11024.479

there's a there's a fundamental

Time: 11025.56

difference between I'm out in the sun

Time: 11027.359

getting Sun making some vitamin D versus

Time: 11030.52

I'm getting scorched and un you know

Time: 11033.16

undergoing significant UV damage there

Time: 11035.76

might also be something to be said for

Time: 11037.6

the time in one's life and i' I've

Time: 11039.8

certainly seen things that suggest that

Time: 11041.359

early you know early repeated sunburns

Time: 11044.16

would be more of a risk um so look I I

Time: 11048.239

think that's not a controversial point

Time: 11050.6

in the sense that like who wants to be

Time: 11052.12

sunburned right so it's like whatever

Time: 11054.16

one needs to do to be sunburned whether

Time: 11056.12

it's you know you know being mindful of

Time: 11058.359

what the UV index is wearing the

Time: 11060.56

appropriate cover wearing the

Time: 11061.72

appropriate sunscreen um I also find the

Time: 11064.319

whole uh kind of anti-s sunscreen

Time: 11067.359

establishment to be a little bit odd

Time: 11069.56

well the anti sunscreen establishment is

Time: 11071.6

odd you know I'm trying to open the door

Time: 11073.64

for a Nuance discussion about you know

Time: 11075.439

the fact that some sunscreens really do

Time: 11077.479

contain things like oxy benzines and

Time: 11079.76

things that are real and you're spraying

Time: 11082.04

them on kids you just look at the

Time: 11084.16

straight you know the good oldfashioned

Time: 11085.92

mineral sunscreens um perfectly safe

Time: 11088.52

yeah yeah as far as we know I mean I I

Time: 11090.96

also uh dare we uh cross the seed oil

Time: 11094.72

debate into this some of the folks who

Time: 11096.359

are really anti- seed oil also claim

Time: 11098.319

that seed oils increase risk for

Time: 11099.96

sunscreen uh Peter and I are smiling

Time: 11102.64

because we we have teed up uh a debate

Time: 11107.399

soon with some you know anti-ed oil and

Time: 11110.399

less anti-ed oil um experts so that

Time: 11113.68

that's forthcoming that's going to be a

Time: 11115.08

fun one we'll be doing all of that with

Time: 11116.84

our shirts

Time: 11118.56

on I really appreciate you um walking us

Time: 11121.76

through this paper Peter I've never

Time: 11123.279

looked at a paper on cancer um and

Time: 11126.16

certainly not one like this um I learned

Time: 11128.399

a lot and um it's such an interesting

Time: 11132.08

field obviously because of the

Time: 11133.88

importance of getting people with cancer

Time: 11135.319

to survive longer and Lead better lives

Time: 11137.72

but also um because of the the

Time: 11139.88

interaction with the immune system so we

Time: 11141.6

learned some really important immun ol

Time: 11143.84

yeah and this was this was great I uh I

Time: 11147.359

I feel much more confident now in the uh

Time: 11150.239

belief that the the exposure to light

Time: 11153.12

early and late in the day can actually

Time: 11155.239

have have benefits and I and as I said I

Time: 11157.2

think that there's I think there's

Time: 11159.56

there's some causality here and I think

Time: 11160.92

it shouldn't be ignored cool well this

Time: 11163.84

was our second Journal Club I look

Time: 11165.72

forward to our third next time you'll go

Time: 11167.96

first we'll just keep alternating and

Time: 11169.76

we've also switched venues but um we

Time: 11172

both wore the the correct shirt uh and

Time: 11175.359

um I hope uh people are learning um and

Time: 11179.92

not just learning the information but

Time: 11181.319

learning how to parse and think about

Time: 11182.72

papers and I certainly learned from you

Time: 11184.6

Peter thank you so much yeah thanks

Time: 11186.279

Andrew this is great thank you for

Time: 11187.64

joining me for today's Journal Club

Time: 11189.279

discussion with Dr Peter AA if you're

Time: 11191.8

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Time: 11193.319

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Time: 11195.239

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Time: 11197.319

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Time: 11212.2

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Time: 11214.319

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Time: 11215.76

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Time: 11217.92

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Time: 11219.76

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Time: 11222.08

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Time: 11223.88

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Time: 11225.72

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Time: 11227.399

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Time: 11229.279

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Time: 11231.08

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Time: 11233.239

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Time: 11235.359

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Time: 11236.92

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Time: 11238.88

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Time: 11242.2

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Time: 11244.2

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Time: 11248.76

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Time: 11251.12

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Time: 11253.52

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Time: 11255.239

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Time: 11257

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Time: 11258.52

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Time: 11260.16

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Time: 11261.84

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Time: 11264

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Time: 11265.92

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Time: 11274.52

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Time: 11277

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Time: 11279.16

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Time: 11281.319

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Time: 11283.279

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Time: 11286

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Time: 11288.52

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Time: 11290.96

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Time: 11292.479

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Time: 11293.84

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Time: 11295.479

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Time: 11297.72

you once again for joining me for

Time: 11299.08

today's Journal Club discussion with Dr

Time: 11301.319

Peter Atia and last but certainly not

Time: 11304.12

least thank you for your interest in

Time: 11310.2


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