I tried Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine FOR 100 DAYS and became LIMITLESS...

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all right Dr huberman how do I become

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Limitless I'm stressed I'm overworked

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everyone wants to say what's the pill

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that's gonna make me Limitless what's

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the technology we actually have the

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chemicals take 300 milligrams that will

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reduce brain fog blast your system and

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if you don't do this enough you are

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messing yourself up in a number of ways

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at first these were just habits

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but then

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things started changing

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I was blind but now I see

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the pursuit of productivity and

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well-being is a common goal but hitting

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the right balance between the two can be

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a challenge often I find myself

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completely sacrificing one for the other

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on one hand my productivity is through

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the roof but my health and well-being

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suffer or I'm completely zenned out

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checking all the holistic boxes in my

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life and productivity dies I tried many

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different morning routines and really

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struggled to find one to strike that

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perfect balance until I found Andrew

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huberman's morning routine

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Andrew huberman is brilliant and has

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documented hundreds of hours on this

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topic but finding one clear and concise

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regimen with all the videos and

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conflicting information was very

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difficult to do the routine can easily

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be understood by breaking it down into

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three sections morning linear and

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non-linear additionally there are four

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major pillars throughout this morning

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routine that I'll share throughout the

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video that have truly changed and

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impacted my life for the better when it

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comes to productivity and how I feel

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throughout the day if you clicked on

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this video you probably already know who

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Andrew huberman is but for the five of

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you that don't know who he is yet Andrew

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huberman is a neuroscientist and a

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tenured professor at Stanford University

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in neurobiology and he's well known for

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his widely popular podcast the huberman

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lab I think there's a lot of brilliant

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academic leaders out there on podcasts

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and writing books and research papers

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but what really makes Andrew stand out

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to me personally is he not only talks

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the talk but he walks the talk Andrew

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looks like he takes his own advice he's

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smart he's productive and it shows so

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let's cover phase one the morning the

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morning phase is all about setting the

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tone and it generally goes from 6am to

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10 a.m in the morning the first step is

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almost immediately getting light into

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your eyes and drinking salt water I take

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some mineral drops in my water in the

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morning trust me it doesn't taste great

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but this really helped helps get the

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neurons firing in your brain right away

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in the morning and the light actually

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helps set the tone for your circadian

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rhythm so this is going to allow you to

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not crash in the afternoon and actually

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be able to go to sleep and be tired when

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the Sun goes down and you're trying to

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go to bed early plus it just feels good

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to be in the Sun so it definitely helps

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to do this next he recommends the

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dreaded cold shower or a cold plunge if

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you have one now this is going to give

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you sustained dopamine levels all day

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long and they've done a lot of research

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on this chocolate sex and cocaine raise

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your dopamine levels temporarily in the

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short term about two times over Baseline

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cold plunges or cold showers actually

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increase your dopamine level 2.5 x over

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Baseline so even more than hardcore

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drugs cold plunges motivate you and keep

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you sharp and focus and the beautiful

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thing is it's a slow rise over time so

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when you do the cold Plunge in the

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morning you're going to be more focused

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and more are sharp when doing tasks

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throughout the day so he also recommends

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that you delay your caffeine intake to

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at least an hour after you wake up and

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this is really going to help you offset

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your cortisol levels in the beginning of

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the day and I believe the term is called

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adenosine this builds up when you sleep

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and if you immediately drink caffeine it

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temporarily suppresses it but it all

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comes roaring back in the afternoon many

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people find that if they delay their

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caffeine intake to 90 to 120 minutes

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after waking up that they feel more

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alert in the morning and they completely

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avoid that afternoon crash just this tip

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alone has been huge for me like I

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noticeably experience the difference

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when I just wake up immediately go to

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the coffee pot drink it down versus

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waiting maybe having some tea that's not

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really caffeinated getting some light in

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my eyes it makes all the difference in

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the world next he recommends to do some

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light exercise in the morning this could

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be walking this could be running weight

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lifting I Jiu Jitsu in the evening which

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is pretty intense and taxing on my

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nervous system and my muscles and my

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body so I don't want to overdo it in the

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morning so I go a little bit lighter at

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this part of the routine if you're doing

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some kind of exercise in the morning

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that's also going to support dopamine

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levels throughout the day which is going

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to help you stay motivated and focused

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and sharp next up is the linear phase

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the linear phase really lasts from about

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10 a.m until 2 pm in the afternoon this

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phase is where you can focus on your

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deep work you're going to tackle most of

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the day-to-day tasks that you need to

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get done here he recommends doing a

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90-minute work session followed by a 20

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minute rest period you can also do the

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Pomodoro Technique which is 25 minutes

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on five minutes off on a simple timer to

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keep you focused and knocking out tasks

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so this is where I'm getting the

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majority of my work done I'm meeting

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with clients team members strategizing

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and knocking out projects for my agency

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one thing I'll do is I'll take short

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breaks to maybe step outside side get

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some sunlight in my face reset and then

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jump back on to zoom land and while

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you're working this phase I find it

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really beneficial to put my phone on do

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not disturb maybe Set It Off to the desk

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because it's very very easy to go down

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the rabbit hole of scrolling on social

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media if you have it immediately at your

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fingertips now lastly is the non-linear

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phase the non-linear phase starts seven

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to eight hours after waking up it

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usually lasts about 2 p.m till 10 pm at

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night this is my favorite time of the

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day to be honest this phase is all about

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focusing on the creative work so you're

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doing all the analytical tasks in the

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linear phase and in the non-linear phase

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this is where you can be flexible and

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creative with your work so I've actually

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blocked out my calendar from 3 P.M to 5

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PM so I can focus on my creative work

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and not have to take meetings if it's

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been an especially draining day I'll

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engage in some non-sleep rest this is

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very much recommended by huberman as

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well yes so non-sleep deep rest nsdr is

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an acronym that I coined because it

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encompasses a lot of practices that are

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not meditation per se but that bring the

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brain and body into a state of

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relaxation and focus this is where you

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simply lay down for 10 to 15 minutes and

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you don't actually go to sleep so you

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can do some kind of mindful meditation

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there's apps like headspace I personally

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like to listen to the Dr Joe dispenza

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meditation just to reset your mind

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recharge yourself and give your body

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some rest to go and tackle the project

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you're working on he also recommends

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getting outside at the end of the day

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this is where you can have some social

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interactions go to dinner meet with some

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friends and family I typically get my

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social interaction from Jiu Jitsu which

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I do in the evening time about four

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times a week and it's a big part of my

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life so while training Jiu Jitsu isn't

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part of the Andrew huberman routine or

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protocol it's important to adopt some of

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these science-backed routines and really

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incorporate them and integrate them into

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your lifestyle whatever that looks like

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for you so just because you see your

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favorite influence start waking up at

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4am every day doesn't mean you need to

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beat yourself up because you're not

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doing the same it's about sustainability

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it's about feeling good and Longevity so

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I've been incorporating his teachings

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into my morning routine for about four

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months now and I can tell you it really

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makes a difference just small things

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even if you pick up one of these habits

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delaying caffeine getting some sunlight

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in your eyes maybe doing an ice bath

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just one of these things you're gonna

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feel a major impact and when you start

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stacking them that's when you start to

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get really crazy results and if you're

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on the path for personal development I

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just did a video on one of my favorite

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books that actually helped me acquire

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fifty thousand dollars by simply reading

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this book check it out here

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