ISRO's Aurora Masti

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If you have been to May 10, 11 on Twitter and Instagram

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then you must have seen that all these western people from

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America and Europe are posting pictures of Aurora that they

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saw Aurora, this and that

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Now of course, Indians will feel jealous

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It feels like these cool events like Eclipse or Aurora are

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being seen by them only

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This simulation guy of this world is very racist

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But anyways, even though we didn't get to experience it

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here in India we have 3 friends who definitely experienced

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it and they are Aditya L1, Chandrayaan 2 and XpoSat

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ISRO has published a very in-depth blog on how their

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satellites were affected and how some of them were badly

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affected and what all the spacecraft observed that day

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This Aurora happened because there was a huge solar storm

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The sun released a lot of energy towards us which affected

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the atmosphere

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This came from a few sunspots of the sun which were named

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AR means active region

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These sunspots

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CME came out from here

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CME means coronal mass ejection

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The literal part of corona is ejected towards you and when

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this happens chances of geomagnetic storm on earth increase

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because a lot of material comes towards earth interacts

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with our magnetic field and causes chaos in the upper

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Since our magnetic field is made it affects the poles more

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that's why it is seen more by Europeans and the upper

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regions of North America if something like this happens the

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simulation guy is not racist but when this happens the

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effect is on the whole

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world and our spacecraft our radios we are also getting

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I have made a video on how sun is predicted if you want to

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know more link will be in the description

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The video on your screen you can see the active region

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This video is from NASA's SDO

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Solar Dynamics Observatory

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You might ask why didn't I bring a video from Aditya

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I will address that topic in this video what is going on

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with Aditya

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Anyways our ground systems were on like Udaipur's Udaipur

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Solar Observatory or USO it observed and the peak on your

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screen is of USO

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I will link it in the description if you want to see the

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I have a bitter sweet mostly negative memory

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Udaipur Solar Observatory is very beautiful and unique

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because it is in the middle of a lake 6-7 years ago we went

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for a conference and I wanted to see this telescope because

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it is so unique and I took this picture it has a big

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advantage of being in the

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middle of water the atmosphere around it is less turbulent

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because water cools down the red air hence the telescope

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performance is improving

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I was trying to take a tour of this for a video

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I wanted to make a video

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I took a picture took mails, phone calls but it was not

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I felt bad that day

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I left the channel but negative memory associated with this

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telescope if you ever go to Udaipur do check this video it

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was not the only ground facility that was observing this

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event a lot was going on first of all NARL

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National Atmospheric Research Laboratory it is ISRO's own

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lab located in Andhra Pradesh it noticed changes in the

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ionosphere let me tell you about ionosphere ionosphere is a

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region in the earth's atmosphere it extends for 60-90 km

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ionosphere is called

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ionosphere because there are a lot of free ions and

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electrons these free ions and electrons are here because

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the strong radiation from the sun is stripping the gas and

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it is releasing ions and electrons so it becomes a dense

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region layers like DEF do

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not go in this region basically different layers reflect

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different types of radio that's all you need to know

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ionosphere is an important part of our communications a lot

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of antennas use ionosphere as a mirror they fire on it and

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it reflects and goes to

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the other side if there is no direct line of sight so it is

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important to monitor it but there is another reason and

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that is reverse the satellites above it send signals to the

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earth it will go through it what can happen since there are

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ions and radio

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they may interact and it may delay the signal if there is a

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TV signal it will not matter nano or microsecond difference

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but if there is a GPS signal or GNSS like GPS or NAVIC if

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there is a nano or microsecond difference in their signal

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the precision of

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your location will be affected or you cannot take the risk

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imagine you are in a wartime scenario you are firing a

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missile your missile is reliant on GPS it will hit

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somewhere else even if you are in peacetime and the

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submarine is trying to lock the location

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it will lock somewhere else and there are a lot of things

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that are dependent on GPS our devices correct the

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ionosphere but when there is a major event there can be

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major corrections hence it is important to monitor it it is

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important for civilization

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all major agencies do it

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ISRO does it they noticed that TEC total electron count is

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declining there are a lot of GNSS systems like NAVIC it

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sends signals in 2 frequencies each frequency is affected

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by the ionosphere you can find out the value of these 2

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frequencies to know what

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is going on in the ionosphere in Andhra Pradesh

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TEC is declining total electron count is declining and

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there are a lot of variations but just down south in Thumba

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which is the birthplace of ISRO

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ISRO noticed a 100% increase this is interesting because

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Thumba is a special location it is close to the geomagnetic

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equator one is physical equator and the other is

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geomagnetic equator which is around magnetic field lines

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around geomagnetic equator there

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is ionospheric ring current which is like a flow of ions so

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they noticed a huge increase in geomagnetic equator which

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is interesting these are the ground systems what did the

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space agency do? show the images there are 2 imaging

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instruments one is velci

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and the other is soot dedicated videos are made on both

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what happened? so far there is a PV phase performance

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validation phase every experiment is going through

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performance validation velci has nothing to show but if

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there was a video of velci it would

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look like this this is not velci, this is soho you can see

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a lot of material coming towards you this is called

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coronagraph when you block the sun normally when you see

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CME you will see fire coming out but when it comes towards

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you nothing will come your

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ring will suddenly become bright this is called halo and

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this is called halo CME the images of soot were also of

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initial light but they have recently uploaded a video you

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can see it is off center other experiments are being

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validated thats why they have

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oriented the spacecraft other experiments have also

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recorded this aspects of solar wind has seen rise of alpha

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particles and photons solexes is a soft x-ray measurement

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instrument has seen multiple x class flares these flares

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come from the sun they have

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different classes

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C class, M class, X class

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X is the highest energy but X class can be very dangerous

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for spacecrafts of course aditya was made for it but

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talking about earth there is a long stick on top of it you

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might have seen it on aditya its a magnetometer it has seen

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drastic changes you can

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see it in the graph when this event happened in the

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surrounding environment apart from aditya there is

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chandrayaan 2 chandrayaan 2 is orbiting around the moon

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there are some solar instruments like XSM

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Xray solar monitor its an interesting device that can

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measure x-ray flares they have made a dashboard on the

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website which is semi live one day old data if i change the

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date range from 9 to 12 you can see many x class flares on

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the right you can see xm

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is labelled if you watch my videos i have made a video on

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how ISRO mapped sodium on the moon in that case they were

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using x rays on chandrayaan 2 its a class instrument it

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also measured increase in x ray fluorescence what is x ray

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fluorescence i have

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explained it inspect payload also collected data i am

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working on a detailed video on how to understand exposet

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give me some time

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ISRO had some negative effects on some satellites cartosat

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2f it's decay which is 30-40m loss it lost 180m

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US 07 had the biggest effect it's orbit was 300m many

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satellites had minor effects like 100m you can see the graph

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ISRO also mentioned it did not affect the satellite services

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I hope you liked it

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I know it was technical but it was fun special thanks to

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Karthikeya Deewal

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Bhutla Chaitanya

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Jaim Sharma

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Rohit Chauran

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Taniya Nandini Nandini Nandini

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