Ido Portal: The Science & Practice of Movement | Huberman Lab Podcast #77

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science

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and science-based tools for everyday life.

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[upbeat music]

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, my guest is Ido Portal.

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Ido Portal is somebody who truly defies formal definition.

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He is, however, accredited by many

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to be the world expert in all things movement.

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Movement is one of the more fascinating

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and important aspects of our nervous system.

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In fact, it was the great Nobel Prize winner Sherrington

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that said, "Movement is the final common path."

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And what he was referring to is the fact

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that so much of our nervous system is dedicated to movement

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and, in particular, that the human nervous system

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can generate the greatest variety of forms of movement.

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We can run, we can jump, we can crawl,

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we can move at different speeds.

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Far more variation in movement

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and different types and speeds of movement

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than any other animal in the animal kingdom can perform.

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My interest in bringing Ido Portal onto this podcast

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stemmed from a discussion about just that,

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about Sherrington and the enormous range of movements

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that humans can engage in.

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Ido is both a practitioner and an intellectual.

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We all know what a practitioner is,

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it's somebody who walks the walk,

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who actually performs the thing

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that they are knowledgeable about.

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And indeed, Ido has studied capoeira,

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a number of other martial arts,

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dance, gymnastics, various forms of sport,

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he's trained top athletes like Conor McGregor,

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and he has many, many other credits to his name

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as a practitioner and teacher.

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However, he is also a true intellectual of movement.

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I define an intellectual as somebody

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who can both think about and talk about a subject

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at multiple levels of granularity

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that is with exquisite detail

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and with exquisite simplicity depending on their audience

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and depending on the topic at hand.

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And as you'll soon hear from my discussion with Ido,

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he is both a practitioner and a true intellectual

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of all things movement.

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Today, through our discussion,

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you will learn how the nervous system generates movement,

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and the different forms of movement,

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the different speeds of movement.

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You're also going to get an incredible insight

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through Ido's mind and eyes of how movement can serve us

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in the various context of life.

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Not just in sport, not just in exercise,

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but in every aspect of our lives

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from the time we get up in the morning

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until the time we go to sleep at night,

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how we engage with others, how we engage with ourselves,

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indeed, how movement even informs

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relationships of different kinds.

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I found our discussion to be one of the most enlightening

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and interesting discussions that I've ever had,

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not just about movement, but about the nervous system.

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I can assure you that by the end of this episode,

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you will not only learn a tremendous amount about movement

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through the eyes and mind of the one and only Ido Portal,

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but you also will learn a tremendous amount of neuroscience

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about how the cells, and circuits, and hormones,

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and neurotransmitters of your body

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assist in creating the various forms of movement

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that you can generate,

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that you're trying to learn and generate,

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and that perhaps you should think about

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trying to learn and generate.

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And indeed, you'll learn some protocols and tools

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for how to do that.

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In science, we have a phrase,

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actually it's a title,

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that's reserved for only the rarest of individuals,

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we say that somebody is an n-of-1,

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meaning a sample size of one.

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And as you'll soon learn,

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Ido Portal is truly an n-of-1.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero-cost to consumer information

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about science and science-related tools

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to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens.

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Athletic Greens is an all-in-one

Time: 226.74

vitamin, mineral, probiotic drink

Time: 228.63

that also has adaptogens and digestive enzymes.

Time: 231.54

I started taking Athletic Greens way back in 2012,

Time: 234.297

and so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

Time: 236.7

In fact, when people ask me,

Time: 237.547

"What's the one supplement they should take?"

Time: 239.79

I always say, "Athletic Greens

Time: 241.14

because it covers all of those essential nutritional bases

Time: 244.59

and the probiotics, adaptogens, and digestive enzymes

Time: 247.86

are vital for things like the gut microbiome."

Time: 249.99

Your gut microbiome is trillions of little microbacteria

Time: 253.44

that live in your gut, and that support your immune system,

Time: 255.66

your endocrine system, and the so-called gut-brain axis,

Time: 258.3

which is important for mood and neurotransmitter production,

Time: 260.97

a huge number of biological systems in your brain and body.

Time: 264.57

Athletic Greens also taste great.

Time: 266.01

I mix mine with water

Time: 267.33

and I like a little bit of lemon juice

Time: 268.59

or lime juice in there.

Time: 269.52

As I mentioned, I drink it twice a day,

Time: 271.29

usually once in the morning,

Time: 272.67

during the phase of the day in which typically I'm fasting

Time: 275.01

or around breakfast time,

Time: 276.09

and then again in the afternoon or even in the evening.

Time: 278.37

If you like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 279.66

you can go to

Time: 282.33

to claim a special offer.

Time: 283.8

They'll give you five free travel packs,

Time: 285.45

which make it very easy to mix up Athletic Greens

Time: 287.64

while you're on the road.

Time: 289.23

And they'll give you a year supply of vitamin D3, K2.

Time: 292.71

Vitamin D3 and K2 are important for endocrine health,

Time: 296.64

for cardiovascular health,

Time: 297.9

for calcium regulation, and so on.

Time: 300.24

Again, that's

Time: 302.82

to claim this special offer.

Time: 304.41

Today's episode is also brought to us by ROKA.

Time: 307.069

ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses,

Time: 308.91

they're the absolute highest quality and practicality.

Time: 312.54

I've spent a lifetime working on the visual system,

Time: 314.64

and I can tell you that your visual system

Time: 315.99

has to contend with an enormous number of challenges.

Time: 318.06

For instance, when you move from a shady area

Time: 319.98

to a bright area, your eyes have to adapt to that.

Time: 322.86

ROKA understands the various challenges

Time: 324.66

that the visual system has to face

Time: 326.01

and they've developed sunglasses and eyeglasses

Time: 328.41

with all of that biology in mind.

Time: 330.81

Their glasses were developed

Time: 331.89

by two All-American swimmers from Stanford.

Time: 334.14

And initially, ROKA sunglasses and eyeglasses

Time: 336.54

were for athletes.

Time: 338.25

They designed eyeglasses that then and still now

Time: 340.92

will stay on your face if you get sweaty.

Time: 342.45

You can wear them running,

Time: 343.47

you can wear them cycling, et cetera.

Time: 344.85

They're very lightweight,

Time: 345.78

so lightweight in fact that most of the time

Time: 347.13

you don't even remember that they're on your face.

Time: 349.11

But ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 350.76

also come in a terrific aesthetic

Time: 352.29

so you can wear them anywhere.

Time: 353.43

So, unlike a lot of so-called performance glasses out there

Time: 355.59

that make people look like cyborgs,

Time: 357.3

you can wear ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 359.34

when exercising, to dinner, to work.

Time: 361.86

Again, the aesthetics are really terrific

Time: 363.66

and really adaptable to all those different environments.

Time: 365.94

If you'd like to try ROKA glasses,

Time: 367.47

you can go to ROKA, that's,

Time: 370.17

and enter the code HUBERMAN to get 20% off your first order.

Time: 373.59

Again, that's,

Time: 375.51

enter the code HUBERMAN at checkout.

Time: 377.58

Today's episode is also brought to us by Helix Sleep.

Time: 380.25

Helix Sleep makes mattresses and pillows

Time: 382.38

that are customized to your sleep needs.

Time: 385.26

I've talked a lot on this podcast,

Time: 386.697

and on another podcast, and on social media

Time: 388.71

about the essential need for sleep.

Time: 390.78

Put simply, sleep is the foundation of all mental health,

Time: 393.75

physical health, and performance.

Time: 395.79

Just a few nights or even one night's poor sleep

Time: 397.86

can really hinder your mental health,

Time: 399.63

physical health, and performance in all aspects of life.

Time: 403.14

Helix has customized sleep products,

Time: 406.02

that is mattresses and pillows that are designed

Time: 408.27

to your sleep needs.

Time: 409.38

And you can figure out what those sleep needs

Time: 410.73

are very easily by going to the helix website,

Time: 413.1

they have a quiz, it takes just about two minutes,

Time: 415.08

and ask you questions like do you sleep on your back,

Time: 417.27

your side, or your stomach?

Time: 418.14

Do you tend to run hot or cold during sleep, et cetera?

Time: 420.57

Or maybe you don't even know the answers to those questions,

Time: 422.31

that's fine too,

Time: 423.143

that's an option that you can answer as well.

Time: 426.03

You take the brief two-minute quiz

Time: 427.53

and then Helix will match you

Time: 429.15

to the ideal mattress and pillow for you.

Time: 431.52

I matched to the so-called Dusk Mattress.

Time: 434.22

I started sleeping on that well over a year ago now,

Time: 436.41

and it's the best sleep I've ever had.

Time: 437.91

I'm sleeping much longer and much better

Time: 441.51

through the entire night.

Time: 442.59

And as a consequence, I'm feeling much better,

Time: 444.33

more clear, more physically alert, et cetera,

Time: 446.67

throughout the day.

Time: 447.81

If you're interested in upgrading your mattress,

Time: 449.4

go to

Time: 451.89

You can take that two-minute quiz

Time: 452.97

and they'll match you to a customized mattress for you,

Time: 454.92

and you'll get up to $200 off all mattress orders

Time: 457.92

and two free pillows.

Time: 459.39

Again, if you're interested,

Time: 460.223

you go to

Time: 462.48

for up to $200 off and two free pillows.

Time: 465.3

And now, for my discussion with Ido Portal.

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Ido, thank you for coming here today.

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I've been looking forward to sitting down with you

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to talk for a very long time.

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I was first exposed to your work

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from my post or a podcast I believe

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of you had a group of people walking down handrails,

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literally the handrails along stairwells.

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And as a, I don't want to say former skateboarder,

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once a skateboarder, always a skateboarder.

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As a skateboarder, handrails have a particular meaning,

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but I was really struck by, first of all,

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the incredible range of skill that people had

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and yet their willingness to do this.

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Right, I think of handrails and walking on handrails

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or skateboarding on handrails as a potential hazard,

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and yet some of the incredible proficiency

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that some of the people there including yourself had.

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So, like many people, I was drawn to your practice

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and your work initially through a wide-eyed, "Wow."

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You know, they're doing some incredible stuff

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on natural objects,

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much as skateboarders or parkour folks do.

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But over the years, we've been in communication

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and I've come to realize that you're a true intellectual

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of the topic of movement.

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And I define it intellectual

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as somebody who can understand a topic

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at multiple levels of granularity,

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detail, general, specific, connections, et cetera.

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So, to start off,

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could you share with us your conception

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of this idea of movement?

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You know, obviously movement

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involves translation through space,

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but when you talk about a movement practice,

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what are you really thinking about?

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What are we talking about

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when we talk about a movement practice?

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- It's a big question.

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I somehow left the definition,

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the very tight definition of it out for myself

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because I felt it was starting to constrict me

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and be around me

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and I let the practice itself really define it.

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But I think part of our sense of everything

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is actually a sense of movement

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and then the stillness in the background of that.

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So, for me, this is the entity that I refer to as movement,

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and using that perspective for self-evolution development,

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of course, the physical side,

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but also movement of emotions,

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movement of thoughts, and any other movement streams.

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And by switching these layers

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and examining it from different places,

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you get a better and better sense of it.

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I think the visuals nowadays and media

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are what defines for people in the beginning things.

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And then little by little with experience,

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they can dive deeper, which is good.

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There is some aspect, sexy aspect or not so sexy aspect,

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and then you pull on it and you start to examine

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and dive deeper, and then you receive the gift of it,

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finding out more.

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- I heard you say once

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that we are not just a brain with a body,

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but we are a body with a brain,

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which I absolutely love because as a student

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and a researcher of the nervous system,

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I never think about the brain as its own isolated thing,

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I think about the nervous system

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and the fact that the brain and the spinal cord

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are connected to the body,

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and the body is connected to this, to the brain.

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And in every direction,

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it's everything truly is connected

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at the physical level, physiological level.

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Could you just share for a moment

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how you think about this body-brain relationship

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in terms of you mentioned movement of emotions,

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movement of the body,

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that you can't really separate the two.

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And for the typical person who's listening to this,

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they might not immediately understand what that means.

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Maybe it's something that has to be experienced,

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but when we think about the body and the brain

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and the whole thing working as one cohesive whole,

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what does that mean to you?

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Or put simply,

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when you do a movement practice what are you focusing on?

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Are you focusing on the movement of your limbs?

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I have to imagine that's true,

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but are you also focusing on how that makes you feel

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or how your feelings make you move?

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- Okay, okay, so some thoughts,

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I will try not to answer any of your questions

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during this interview,

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but I will definitely give some thoughts

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and then we can play with it.

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I think these definitions

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and, in general, the limitation of words

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ends up creating

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some kind of a corruptive process.

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You know, words corrupt us and corrupt our understanding.

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So, I think the brain-body,

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this Cartesian state of mind and thinking

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brought a lot of good, but also brought a lot of problems.

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And movement, for me,

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is the entity that ties everything together.

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It's the magic, it's the thoughts anima,

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it's when the coin spins

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and you see both sides appear at the same time.

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It's a beautiful analogy

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from a friend of mine, Dr. Rasmus Olme.

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So, the mind and body are one of those pairs,

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and I call it the movement/body/mind system,

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so it's when it's integrated, it's in motion.

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There is also a stillness that appears there, of course,

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and without it there can be no motion,

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but maybe that is a very good way

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to start to think of things.

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There is no really pure mental processes,

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cognitive processes.

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There is no pure physical processes,

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everything touches everything,

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there is a wholeness, and that wholeness is in motion.

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Yeah, the movement practice takes these beats

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and examined them.

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And here is a pragmatic thing,

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the scientist, the cerebral thinking about movement,

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this is important.

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The emotional side coloring,

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feeling the colors and the textures of motion.

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A lot of people who are involved with a movement practice

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never end up feeling motions,

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really focusing on how it makes you feel

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or how it feels itself.

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And then the actual movement, the action,

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so, it's action, emotion, and thought.

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And those are three streams of movement

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and they interlay together

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into this kind of a braided experience

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and whole experience.

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And I try to bring all these aspects into my practice

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and the way that I live my life.

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- I think most people who embark on a movement practice

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will first want to know which movements to do, right?

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Squats, planks, push-ups,

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pirouettes, right?

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Pick your movement, it could be any movement.

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Are there any sort of just basic entry points

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that you believe everybody should walk through

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as they embrace a movement practice the first time

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and maybe even every time they do a movement practice?

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I mean, earlier today I had the great privilege

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of being guided through a long series of movement practices,

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and yet, the first practice we did involve,

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at first anyway, stillness not movement.

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So, if you would, could you inform us how people

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should think about approaching a movement practice?

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What is the first layer of any good movement practice?

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- So, you touched the word movement,

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and it's important for me to separate it

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from the word Movement with a capital M.

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Movements are the containers

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and movement is the content,

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and the content cannot be carried

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in any way without containers.

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So, the first entry point is to choose containers,

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and then the second thing to make sure

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is to put specific content into those containers

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and then enjoy them.

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I tell people that it's like a cup of water

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and you're being handed that cup of water.

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And nowadays very often people will start to chew on the cup

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instead of drinking the water,

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making it yours and discard the cup.

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And then, maybe later you want to have bone broth or soup

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so you use a different container, a bowl.

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So, a movement practice to start can start from anywhere,

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it's a rhizome, it's an open system,

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it has no center, it's decentralized,

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and it can be approached from anywhere,

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and that's its magic and that's the benefit of it.

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Some people find the body a good entry point,

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some people don't even enter from the body.

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Sometimes you can enter from other perspectives

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and then inside the body,

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for example, where should we enter?

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If we decided to take the body approach,

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the spine can be a nice decision,

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but some will choose just the pelvis.

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Any one of those points are valid.

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And then, playfulness can be an entry point,

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an attribute, and this is so open.

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So, I don't want to limit people and limit their minds

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in the way that they engage with the practice,

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but I also want to encourage the self-inquiry.

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Am I doing movements practice,

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or am I doing a movement practice?

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- So, could you help me distinguish the two

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a little bit further?

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I think I understand the difference

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between a sort of the noun versus the verbs.

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And in some ways here we are dealing with the challenge

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of the barriers that language present

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to something that's physical, right?

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I mean, indeed, there may not be a...

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I have to assume

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there is no perfect verbal language for movement.

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There are certain movements that defy language.

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I could say somebody jumped at a particular trajectory

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at a particular speed and moved this limb and that limb,

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but by fractionating it something is most definitely lost.

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So, if someone wanted to, let's say, get in better touch

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with their body, in quotes,

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in order to explore the infinite space that is movement,

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how might they begin to approach that?

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Is it does it begin with an awareness,

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with practice, or both?

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- It begins with education.

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You know, that's probably the most stable point of entry,

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awareness to some something as a concept

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that it is a concept, that there is validity,

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or because sometimes people look for that

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to looking at this entity, this open entity.

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And that's part of the reason why answering questions

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is not something I can do

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or even attempt to do.

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I believe in the power of the non-complete process,

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like making this table,

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but living something undone,

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not perfecting the product, why?

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Because it offers some kind of a dynamic nature of evolution

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that naturally unravels from it.

Time: 1156.74

Almost like sometimes I do it,

Time: 1159.74

I count reps and I'll only count to nine

Time: 1163.91

'cause it tends to leave people in the count

Time: 1166.88

and it keeps going instead of giving them the 10.

Time: 1169.79

- Everyone wants to end on 10. [laughs]

Time: 1171.44

- Yeah, which is because of the decimal system, et cetera.

Time: 1176

So, all kinds of things like that is also important

Time: 1180.14

with the movement idea is to discuss,

Time: 1182.78

to examine, to look, to taste, to try,

Time: 1186.05

but then also not to try to capture

Time: 1187.85

because if you like the invisible loop of Hoffstadt.

Time: 1191.6

If you look at it too closely, it's gone,

Time: 1194.51

but if you look away,

Time: 1196.19

it functions and exists just like us very powerfully

Time: 1199.67

and obviously gives us the experiences that we have.

Time: 1204.77

So, when people enter movement practice,

Time: 1207.83

it is about education,

Time: 1209.75

bringing some awareness to the fact that they are living

Time: 1213.62

in a body, that they are living in motion,

Time: 1216.59

that their mind is a type of movement,

Time: 1219.47

that their life is a type of movement.

Time: 1222.26

Bringing attention to the movement of the emotions as well.

Time: 1226.37

Bringing just attention to the fact

Time: 1228.32

that things are in motion.

Time: 1230.81

The Heraclitus panta rhei, all in flux,

Time: 1237.38

nothing stops besides something that is the background of it

Time: 1242.66

and allows it to express,

Time: 1244.16

and this is the beauty of things.

Time: 1246.23

And this for me is the movement practice

Time: 1248.953

is this examination and bringing this awareness into things.

Time: 1252.68

As we sit now here, I'm also aware of my body,

Time: 1258.53

I'm also aware of the way that things make me feel,

Time: 1261.14

the way that your face is communicating to me.

Time: 1263.48

And I'm not just in some limited

Time: 1268.7

and very verbal, overly verbal state

Time: 1271.37

because it misses a lot of the beautiful flux.

Time: 1275.39

- I'm going to inject some or project some ideas,

Time: 1278.96

and perhaps you would tell me if they're ridiculous,

Time: 1283.67

potentially useful, or useful.

Time: 1286.4

As I understand what we're talking about now

Time: 1289.13

and what we've discussed earlier is that movement

Time: 1292.1

can and should be incorporated into one's entire life.

Time: 1296.03

I've even heard you say

Time: 1296.863

that even before getting out of bed in the morning,

Time: 1298.73

one can experience movement,

Time: 1300.86

and it doesn't necessarily have to be of the intimate kind

Time: 1303.17

with somebody else, it's it can be paying attention

Time: 1306.53

to the rhythm of one's breath,

Time: 1307.91

or how you get out of the bed.

Time: 1309.29

Or actually, in anticipation of you arriving here today,

Time: 1312.41

I noticed that as I was going up and down the stairs

Time: 1314.454

in this house, that I was injecting

Time: 1318.92

a little bit of playfulness

Time: 1320.03

in the way that I might have many, many decades ago,

Time: 1322.46

but haven't for a very long time.

Time: 1324.83

And I asked myself whether or not

Time: 1327.5

that's what Ido is referring to

Time: 1329.72

when he talks about threading this body awareness

Time: 1332.75

throughout the day.

Time: 1333.98

As opposed to, but of course not exclusive

Time: 1336.68

from just saying I have 45 minutes,

Time: 1339.14

I'm going to do movement practice

Time: 1341.09

before I shower and have some dinner.

Time: 1342.92

Right, I have to imagine both are helpful,

Time: 1344.45

but in terms of moving through the day

Time: 1345.92

and having bodily awareness,

Time: 1348.86

clearly there are an infinite number of ways

Time: 1350.45

one could do that,

Time: 1351.283

maybe you could just share a few.

Time: 1352.58

You mentioned, I mean, one could pay attention

Time: 1355.07

to their breath, could pay attention to posture.

Time: 1357.92

And this notion of play is a very attractive

Time: 1360.62

or as we say in science, it's a sticky concept,

Time: 1363.11

a concept that kind of draws one in.

Time: 1365.54

Maybe if you would, could you share with us just some ideas

Time: 1368.36

to get people thinking about

Time: 1369.5

or maybe even incorporating

Time: 1371.15

movement practice into their day,

Time: 1373.43

and maybe even touch on the potential role

Time: 1376.64

of play or playfulness?

Time: 1378.32

- Okay.

Time: 1381.53

Yeah, those are some good directions.

Time: 1384.98

I think one thing is this what you call wordlessness.

Time: 1389.141

I have been recommending to people non-verbal experiences

Time: 1394.25

and the awareness of the body,

Time: 1396.89

which is not really the awareness of the body, as you know,

Time: 1400.73

not purely or not fully.

Time: 1403.37

The awareness of motion is a very good way to start

Time: 1408.45

to bring awareness to that layer.

Time: 1411.23

And that layer will start to get clarified

Time: 1413.36

more and more and more, the more you practice.

Time: 1415.157

And then, it will enable for most people,

Time: 1417.83

a safe haven away from many states and difficulties,

Time: 1422

and will unlock a lot of potential attributes,

Time: 1427.34

and strength, and freshness, and a lot of beautiful things.

Time: 1432.53

Really one of the really perspectives

Time: 1435.65

about who we are comes from a person

Time: 1438.98

who influenced my thinking a lot,

Time: 1440.33

Moshe Feldenkrais, the late Moshe Feldenkrais.

Time: 1443.03

And he talks about the body as the core three elements,

Time: 1447.08

the core nervous system,

Time: 1449.81

two is the mechanical system of muscle, skeleton, et cetera,

Time: 1455.12

and the third is the environment,

Time: 1457.28

which is a unique way to look at it.

Time: 1460.22

And he talks about how the nervous system

Time: 1462.11

is both receiving information from the outside

Time: 1466.31

and from the inside.

Time: 1467.27

And in the first years of life,

Time: 1469.13

you work a lot on differentiating those,

Time: 1473.42

what is me and what is not me?

Time: 1476.39

And I think movement, when you feel movement,

Time: 1479.48

you feel the movement of the outside

Time: 1482.24

that is, of course, arriving to you and receiving this,

Time: 1485.45

and also your own internal movement.

Time: 1487.337

And the same can be said for stillness.

Time: 1490.94

So, bringing the attention into those layers,

Time: 1494.39

it's a tricky thing.

Time: 1495.56

It's one of those elusive things to look at,

Time: 1498.83

but it's definitely of huge benefit to start to train it,

Time: 1502.76

start to practice it, to feel not our thoughts,

Time: 1507.59

not necessarily our body,

Time: 1510.47

but to start to recognize

Time: 1512.72

the dynamic nature, the flux, the motion,

Time: 1515.9

and it occurs in all these layers.

Time: 1518.57

So, you will need to find it in multiple locations

Time: 1522.86

before you start to more and more make it your own,

Time: 1527.24

make it really yours.

Time: 1529.64

How, for example,

Time: 1532.01

simple, pragmatic things I used to do this,

Time: 1534.266

I spent some time in Hong Kong,

Time: 1537.169

I would need to get my practice in,

Time: 1539.48

but I'm really turned off from commercial gyms

Time: 1543.68

and there is not a lot of nature accessible there

Time: 1546.74

so I would just strap on my bag

Time: 1548.9

and I would walk the streets of Hong Kong,

Time: 1550.91

which are very crowded

Time: 1552.29

and then I would try to avoid touching anyone.

Time: 1555.74

And it would be like two hours

Time: 1557.75

of just like moving, involved,

Time: 1559.85

fully involved, fully in my body,

Time: 1561.47

and experiencing beautiful things,

Time: 1564.38

and enjoying and developing myself as well

Time: 1566.99

in all kinds of scenarios,

Time: 1568.25

up and down in the escalators and off.

Time: 1571.55

So, this is an example of a way to practice.

Time: 1576.59

And then, the way that we are sitting

Time: 1579.35

like these chairs, for example,

Time: 1581.39

our chairs are not very dynamic,

Time: 1582.95

but there is rocking chairs, right?

Time: 1584.48

And this is something I recommend for a lot of kids

Time: 1587.81

like in schools, I used to rock on the chair,

Time: 1590.93

which is very common.

Time: 1592.294

I'm sure- - I used to put my skateboard

Time: 1593.36

underneath my chair and roll it back and forth,

Time: 1595.19

and the teacher would tell me to stop.

Time: 1597.59

And I would just slowly little by little

Time: 1599.09

trying to get the most subtle movement I could

Time: 1600.71

without them telling me

Time: 1602.36

they were going to take it away, or try.

Time: 1604.43

- Which is probably horrible, horrible advice

Time: 1607.25

and instruction just like sit up straight

Time: 1610.04

and chew with your mouth closed

Time: 1611.81

because they remove a lot of the self-education

Time: 1616.22

and a lot of the self-development

Time: 1617.78

and the practical discoveries that are necessary

Time: 1620.45

and even will damage focus

Time: 1623.42

and thinking processes in some ways.

Time: 1628.88

So, for example, I would make the chairs even more mobile

Time: 1634.187

and I would support more motion,

Time: 1636.74

and then I would be able to bring attention there,

Time: 1639.2

but I would also be able to bring attention away from it

Time: 1642.26

into other things.

Time: 1643.7

And it keeps refreshing me so I don't become stale,

Time: 1647.78

the water doesn't stand,

Time: 1649.22

this is the beauty of movement.

Time: 1650.957

So, you can focus for long periods of time

Time: 1653.36

and do incredible things with the mind,

Time: 1655.1

with focus, with awareness, attention.

Time: 1657.68

And it's like we're skin in the game,

Time: 1660.26

so I'm not talking as some meditator

Time: 1663.02

and he's describing the act of being very focused,

Time: 1666.65

but then I put a stick on the edge of his fingers

Time: 1669.32

and I tell him, "Balance it."

Time: 1670.52

And everyone can do it for 10 seconds

Time: 1672.86

and I tell him, "Okay, now hold it 10 minutes."

Time: 1675.53

And you see that the skill has, he has no skin in the game.

Time: 1679.85

It wasn't developed in various scenarios,

Time: 1682.88

but so there is a delusion that start to develop

Time: 1686.397

and that's how movement keeps me very honest

Time: 1691.19

and humble in the way that I view humility

Time: 1694.67

and in a way that protects me

Time: 1697.76

and keeps me, yeah, it keeps me fresh.

Time: 1704.51

- I loved the example of moving through the crowded street

Time: 1707.84

with a backpack because of the way

Time: 1709.13

in which it's completely adaptive

Time: 1710.78

to the situation you happened to be in

Time: 1712.91

and highlights the fact that one doesn't need a gym

Time: 1716.48

or any specific scenario,

Time: 1719.72

although we will certainly touch

Time: 1721.28

on ideal learning circumstances for movement

Time: 1723.83

and some of the work that you're doing, of course.

Time: 1727.64

- The less of your own personal practice,

Time: 1730.55

and understanding, and knowledge you've done,

Time: 1733.61

the more toys you need.

Time: 1736.13

The more you've really worked on yourself,

Time: 1740.06

the more high-tech you are.

Time: 1741.8

The more low-tech are your tools,

Time: 1743.81

the more high-tech you are.

Time: 1745.28

And this is the most advanced technology

Time: 1748.76

by far on this planet.

Time: 1750.68

With all the advancement, it doesn't even start to scratch,

Time: 1753.969

and you know it,

Time: 1754.82

from the way that we understand the eyes

Time: 1757.58

all the way to with all the respect to the Boston Robotics,

Time: 1763.1

a 5-year-old motion-

Time: 1764.78

- Yeah, yeah. - Movements.

Time: 1766.94

Or animal motion with very underdeveloped,

Time: 1770.21

still relatively to us as systems.

Time: 1773.09

So, important to remind ourselves.

Time: 1777.05

- A lot can be done with the body and gravity

Time: 1780.2

as I- - Floor, a piece of floor,

Time: 1781.46

a piece of wall, a corner of a room is a beautiful scenario,

Time: 1785.63

which you can become discover in and play in.

Time: 1790.34

And, but we are not so developed

Time: 1793.19

so we don't see those options.

Time: 1795.05

And this is something that I try to stimulate,

Time: 1796.97

and that's why I made it a point to avoid

Time: 1799.79

any of the big sponsorship

Time: 1802.73

and high-tech tools.

Time: 1805.04

And I on point brought a stick

Time: 1808.1

into big conventions

Time: 1810.62

and/or sometimes I use a shirt with holes in it

Time: 1815.633

that just like a used shirt as a point to make

Time: 1818.3

when I'm addressing a crowd to keep things

Time: 1822.535

where it's important and it's important,

Time: 1826.37

we are important, and our experience is important.

Time: 1830.12

And we have to be very careful,

Time: 1832.58

these habits and these directions,

Time: 1836.42

they come from many times good intention,

Time: 1838.76

but they are the devil many times,

Time: 1842.15

they turn into the devil,

Time: 1843.65

just like our technology nowadays

Time: 1846.2

and what is happening with people and with depression,

Time: 1848.99

with meaning, meaninglessness,

Time: 1853.16

also with the body in various perspectives,

Time: 1855.47

or even I will also flip it into high performance sports

Time: 1860.18

and their price.

Time: 1862.52

Because for me, this is not a movement practice,

Time: 1864.71

it erases the person in the center of it.

Time: 1867.83

And then came places like skateboarding or break dancing

Time: 1872.9

where somebody with a disability

Time: 1875.27

becomes the best in the world,

Time: 1877.01

turns it into the biggest advantage,

Time: 1879.2

but you would never be accepted into gymnastics class,

Time: 1882.38

and I love that.

Time: 1884.15

And that change

Time: 1885.83

to place change in the center, it's important.

Time: 1891.2

- You touched on mention of a few sports,

Time: 1894.95

maybe it was Charles Poliquin,

Time: 1896.18

or maybe it was another trainer that I heard once say

Time: 1900.23

that, "For kids, one of the worst things they can do

Time: 1904.34

is overspecialize in a particular sport."

Time: 1907.073

The idea being that it leads to improvements in performance

Time: 1911.57

in a very narrow domain,

Time: 1912.95

but they raised the idea

Time: 1916.34

that it could perhaps also constrains

Time: 1918.92

the development of the nervous system,

Time: 1920.21

such that certain emotional states,

Time: 1922.686

certain intellectual abilities will forever be shut off

Time: 1926.3

because of the intense plasticity that occurs early in life.

Time: 1930.14

The more I learn from you,

Time: 1931.7

the more I'm thinking that that statement

Time: 1933.29

really should be extended to all of life.

Time: 1935.39

And I love to remind people

Time: 1938.15

because I started off as a developmental neurobiologist,

Time: 1940.4

that development doesn't start and end,

Time: 1942.29

you don't have childhood and adulthood.

Time: 1944.18

Our life is one long developmental arc

Time: 1945.95

from birth until death, however long that might be.

Time: 1948.71

So, if one is going to be anti-specialist,

Time: 1952.82

maybe even we call that a generalist,

Time: 1955.7

what does that look like?

Time: 1956.69

What are the different domains of movement practice?

Time: 1959.63

And as I asked this, I realized I am in serious danger

Time: 1964.76

of fractionating movement into a list of words

Time: 1968.3

like strength, and speed, and explosiveness, and suppleness,

Time: 1972.083

a word that I've heard you use before.

Time: 1974.48

And yet, I think for most people

Time: 1975.53

because we think in words, often,

Time: 1979.85

some of those categories can be useful.

Time: 1981.56

So, let's say I was going to embark on a movement practice

Time: 1983.63

or a child was going to embark on a movement practice

Time: 1986.51

and either throughout the day

Time: 1988.4

or for a dedicated period of time,

Time: 1990.92

what are the sorts of categories of movement

Time: 1992.78

that I might want to think about,

Time: 1994.79

ballistic movement, smooth movement?

Time: 1997.1

Maybe you could just enrich us

Time: 1999.08

with some of the landscape around that.

Time: 2001.93

- Okay, first I'll address the first part

Time: 2004.96

that you mentioned.

Time: 2006.67

And I've learned from you about certain changes

Time: 2011.35

in the way that things develop later in life

Time: 2015.31

versus earlier in life.

Time: 2016.99

And you're right, it is something

Time: 2018.55

that Charles Poliquin also mentioned

Time: 2020.137

and I learned from back in the day as well from him,

Time: 2024.1

which can seem dark a bit and kind of hopeless,

Time: 2027.85

but then you should go beyond that.

Time: 2033.82

One thing that does seem to appear

Time: 2039.22

for me when I look around

Time: 2041.71

is these the concepts of unique postures.

Time: 2048.16

And I think this is true for postures of thought,

Time: 2052.27

emotional postures, and movement postures.

Time: 2056.14

Truly, earlier in life,

Time: 2058.78

we are creating these unique postures

Time: 2062.77

and they get into these drawers

Time: 2066.25

or like language letters.

Time: 2069.91

Later in life, the process moves more

Time: 2073.66

towards integration of these unique postures

Time: 2076.39

into all different organizations.

Time: 2079.18

The beauty of it is that you can use very few postures

Time: 2081.88

to create many possibilities,

Time: 2084.28

just like a lib needs a search for a language

Time: 2087.294

that contain one symbol only versus two,

Time: 2092.14

which he discovered.

Time: 2096.186

And this is something that is often seen,

Time: 2101.23

like you take someone who moves in a certain way

Time: 2104.95

and you teach them all these new sports or techniques,

Time: 2108.25

but essentially if you look deeply and you're sensitive,

Time: 2111.52

you see it's the same postures

Time: 2114.07

that he will have to work with till the end of his life,

Time: 2118.06

the same thinking postures.

Time: 2120.61

And this is really problematic,

Time: 2124.3

where we are not freeing

Time: 2128.05

the mind beyond this,

Time: 2133.99

how would I say, a scaffolding of thinking

Time: 2137.86

and we are actually letting go of the content.

Time: 2140.35

We get more and more focused

Time: 2143.26

on the way of thinking

Time: 2148.45

versus the thinking itself,

Time: 2150.34

or habitual ways and forms of thinking,

Time: 2154.63

associated thinking, et cetera.

Time: 2157.27

And emotionally the same,

Time: 2158.65

we are constructing these emotional postures

Time: 2161.14

and then we have to go through the rest of our lives

Time: 2163.36

working with that.

Time: 2165.04

So, this is the dark side, right?

Time: 2167.62

But of course, there are always possibilities,

Time: 2171.91

both I think invading this early system,

Time: 2176.59

to some extent, even if it's 5%, or 7%, or whatever percent,

Time: 2181.99

and also on the freeing yourself

Time: 2184.93

of going beyond all postures period.

Time: 2188.95

Working with the postures you have,

Time: 2190.96

but towards a postureless way of doing things.

Time: 2195.34

So, this is something interesting to work

Time: 2198.4

when people work with movements,

Time: 2200.47

but finally are able to go into movement

Time: 2204.52

and this magic starts to happen,

Time: 2206.26

and then the techniques fall apart and something appears,

Time: 2211.63

and it's a face change, it's a transformation,

Time: 2217.54

it's a binary moment.

Time: 2219.4

There is a jump there for sure,

Time: 2220.708

and it's very rare to see both in thinking, and emotionally,

Time: 2225.67

and other ways, we have many names for it.

Time: 2228.337

And some talk about enlightenment

Time: 2230.65

and some talk about all kinds of processes related to it.

Time: 2233.347

And I think most of them

Time: 2234.94

are shadows of the sun,

Time: 2238.69

but it's not the sun itself really.

Time: 2241.93

And then, talking about ways of thinking about movement,

Time: 2245.56

this is where I use something I called my slice and dice

Time: 2250

because of the problem of using words,

Time: 2252.28

and definitions, and categories,

Time: 2253.81

I try to create a lot of them

Time: 2256.69

and I write them on the paper and then I crumble them,

Time: 2260.77

throw them into the bin, and I keep doing it all my life.

Time: 2264.91

The writing them down and the geeking on it

Time: 2267.94

is very important, also very important to let it go.

Time: 2272.26

I tell people what you forgot is not the same,

Time: 2277.09

forgetting is not the same as never knowing it.

Time: 2279.97

The crumbling and throwing away is a form of forgetting,

Time: 2283.45

but it leaves some kind of a homeopathic

Time: 2288.4

trace behind.

Time: 2290.05

So, let's take some slice and dice,

Time: 2292.75

and try to look at it.

Time: 2294.49

Here is a physical one, contraction, relaxation.

Time: 2300.46

That's a spectrum,

Time: 2301.9

and pretty much everything falls on this spectrum.

Time: 2304.87

Also, in terms of analyzing a person or yourself,

Time: 2308.47

you can tell me if you feel closer to this side

Time: 2311.8

or closer to that side,

Time: 2313.93

and then it allows you to examine your practices.

Time: 2316.24

How many of the practices are moving you towards balance

Time: 2320.98

and how many are it's your addiction

Time: 2323.05

of just doing what you're good at versus what you need?

Time: 2327.91

Here is another example, physical culture.

Time: 2331.24

So, we have the dense realm

Time: 2333.94

working with internal concepts

Time: 2337.72

and expressing them, abstract concepts, expression.

Time: 2343.39

Second perspective, the Marshall concept,

Time: 2346

but not in the sense of just fighting,

Time: 2347.83

but also partnering, working with another person,

Time: 2351.803

a dynamic entity that is communicating with you.

Time: 2355.42

The third one is I call the elements,

Time: 2357.46

working with the environment.

Time: 2361.51

The next one is a somatic one, is the internal practice.

Time: 2365.86

And of course, there are all gray zones,

Time: 2367.93

and another one is object manipulatory,

Time: 2371.29

which you can think of it also as the environment,

Time: 2373.15

but it's more small objects,

Time: 2375.43

heavy objects, many objects, few objects.

Time: 2378.04

And then you can look at this way of thinking,

Time: 2380.71

and you can say, "Oh, I have many of my practices

Time: 2383.74

in this direction, but not,"

Time: 2385.39

and you can draw it for yourself.

Time: 2387.79

So, that's another perspective,

Time: 2389.41

and this way I use dozens of perspectives.

Time: 2393.1

And with the years,

Time: 2395.14

it gives people a sense of where they want to go,

Time: 2397.72

how they want to do it,

Time: 2398.95

and what they need to address

Time: 2400.48

versus what they like to address, et cetera.

Time: 2402.91

Is it helpful?

Time: 2403.743

- Very helpful, those different bins are very helpful.

Time: 2408.16

I really appreciate that you mentioned

Time: 2410.26

that people will often practice what they're good at

Time: 2412.93

as opposed to what they need.

Time: 2414.7

In gym culture, we refer to this

Time: 2418.45

as the guy that always skips leg day type of person, right?

Time: 2422.14

You know, big upper body, skinny legs,

Time: 2423.91

or you you'll see people

Time: 2425.35

that have these enormous thick torsos

Time: 2427.36

and they're bench pressing all day,

Time: 2428.65

but they clearly need to pull on an object

Time: 2431.56

every once in a while to create some balance,

Time: 2433.42

but they don't do it because they, for whatever reason,

Time: 2437.68

they have an obsession with moving

Time: 2439.54

greater and greater poundage or something like that,

Time: 2442.93

which in certain sports like power lifting

Time: 2445.81

or aesthetics aren't the goal,

Time: 2447.61

and it's simply to push more weight off one's chest

Time: 2449.86

that you could imagine

Time: 2450.693

that there's something beneficial there.

Time: 2452.26

However, I think that it's really important

Time: 2455.92

in intellectual endeavors and in movement endeavors,

Time: 2459.97

if I understand correctly,

Time: 2460.96

to bring oneself to a place of real challenge

Time: 2463.9

on a regular basis.

Time: 2465.52

In fact, earlier today,

Time: 2466.78

I was in a state of constant challenge

Time: 2468.25

'cause it was all new to me.

Time: 2469.96

And as much as I told myself, "Beginners' mind,

Time: 2472.48

beginners' mind, beginners' mind,"

Time: 2474.04

it's hard, I confess, to not want to do well,

Time: 2477.25

to perform well, right?

Time: 2478.51

And I think that's a natural and healthy thing.

Time: 2481.18

Yet- - Not only natural,

Time: 2482.95

it is necessary,

Time: 2484.87

but I want you to keep it on that side

Time: 2488.23

and to bring something to balance it.

Time: 2491.35

If there is not this challenge, the process will not work.

Time: 2495.88

It has to be this scale.

Time: 2497.47

And you're talking about scales of pain, pleasure,

Time: 2500.26

and this is another scale.

Time: 2502.93

And this discomfort again is necessary

Time: 2506.38

and should be recognized as, "I'm in the right place."

Time: 2509.92

When it becomes too high and I'm unable to resolve,

Time: 2514.63

to make any progress,

Time: 2517.81

I went overboard, but when it's not present,

Time: 2521.74

I don't do nothing here.

Time: 2523.42

Nothing that I'm truly interested in,

Time: 2525.34

I'm just gratifying myself, wankery.

Time: 2528.46

It's in essence,

Time: 2533.11

it's not about searching for the discomfort,

Time: 2536.68

but it's a marker.

Time: 2539.2

And I think the question

Time: 2543.76

should be who am I serving?

Time: 2546.64

'Cause people do not serve themselves, in essence,

Time: 2551.02

they serve part, parts of it,

Time: 2553.941

some kind of a fraction of themselves.

Time: 2557.83

And this separation of oneself from oneself,

Time: 2561.61

and this is also a result of the practice, a good practice.

Time: 2567.37

I think maybe the biggest gift I received

Time: 2570.58

from the practice is I can say

Time: 2574.21

although it will take maybe a certain context,

Time: 2578.17

I am not my friend.

Time: 2581.53

At times I am,

Time: 2582.91

but many times I am not my friend.

Time: 2585.13

And by creating this separation,

Time: 2587.2

I can assume a certain stability

Time: 2590.56

in the face of everything

Time: 2593.02

all the way up to our own mortality and death,

Time: 2596.35

which is, and maybe beyond, who knows?

Time: 2600.58

- Yeah, it was a striking moment for me earlier today

Time: 2604.21

when I was really challenged

Time: 2605.8

with one of the practices we were doing,

Time: 2608.98

and you said, "This is exactly what I experienced

Time: 2612.37

this morning, Andrew," that's what you said.

Time: 2615.19

And I couldn't imagine that you were having challenges

Time: 2617.44

doing what I was attempting to do.

Time: 2618.97

And of course, you were,

Time: 2619.803

and I believe what you were referring to

Time: 2621.25

is that you had put yourself at that edge

Time: 2623.77

earlier in the day in which you were making failures,

Time: 2626.89

you were failing to execute

Time: 2628.63

the way that you were attempting to execute movement.

Time: 2631.93

I should just to inject some neuroscience

Time: 2634.39

and neuroplasticity there, I can't help myself,

Time: 2636.76

it is what I do after all.

Time: 2639.07

There are beautiful data in animals and humans

Time: 2641.86

showing that in the seconds and minutes

Time: 2645.16

after a failed attempt at a motor execution of something,

Time: 2649.21

the forebrain is in a heightened state of focus.

Time: 2651.73

And when you hear it, suddenly makes perfect sense,

Time: 2654.46

of course, why would the nervous system change

Time: 2656.71

unless it got a cue to change?

Time: 2658.9

And the cue almost always comes in the form of frustration,

Time: 2663.31

the [imitates buzzer] or as we said earlier, nah,

Time: 2666.73

the nah signal [Ido laughing]

Time: 2668.35

is the one that preps you to extract more learning

Time: 2671.92

from the subsequent trials.

Time: 2673.69

And yet, for a lot of people,

Time: 2675.52

they feel that ugh, that failure to execute,

Time: 2678.46

or even to approximate execution

Time: 2682.12

and they feel and experience that ah negative signal,

Time: 2686.5

and they lean out of the practice,

Time: 2689.02

they start to depart either mentally or physically or both.

Time: 2692.59

And if there's anything I think that perhaps we can offer

Time: 2695.92

is this understanding that that edge

Time: 2697.51

as some people call it

Time: 2698.38

or that failures aren't just necessary,

Time: 2701.23

they are part of the learning process,

Time: 2703.75

they are the entry gate to neuroplasticity.

Time: 2707.71

- Yes, contextualizing or recontextualizing

Time: 2712.3

that sensation is something I work a lot with

Time: 2715.1

and I just remind people

Time: 2716.83

and I also reminded to myself,

Time: 2719.02

and if it wasn't difficult

Time: 2720.67

and we didn't need to redo it again and again,

Time: 2723.7

we wouldn't be again on this correct scale,

Time: 2727.27

which is dynamic and moving just like rolling downhill.

Time: 2731.41

So, there is definitely a necessity to succeed, to orient,

Time: 2735.7

there is certain aspects that you want to achieve,

Time: 2739.24

but then there is also the letting go of it

Time: 2743.68

and the deambitioning of it.

Time: 2745.94

And within that tension,

Time: 2749.32

the plus and the minus comes movement,

Time: 2751.48

and that that's how I did it.

Time: 2752.857

And again, if I stretch it too far away,

Time: 2755.14

or if I increase one of them too much,

Time: 2757.227

then I would have some issues,

Time: 2759.13

but you will with practice

Time: 2761.71

learn to recognize the optimal point of progression.

Time: 2767.14

Of course, it takes many years

Time: 2769.547

and a lot of play and exposure to get a sense of it,

Time: 2774.25

regardless of the layer in which it is applied.

Time: 2778.09

So, I'm sure in your field and in your pursuits,

Time: 2782.26

you are already aware of it and applying it in your life,

Time: 2786.19

talking about focus, talking about ways of thinking,

Time: 2789.13

creativity, et cetera.

Time: 2790.96

But then it's enough that I pull into another perspective

Time: 2794.08

and you will see that people are specialists,

Time: 2796.45

and then they don't have really the real essence

Time: 2800.562

of the concept.

Time: 2802.15

It's not theirs, it's applied specifically.

Time: 2805.78

The one who changes all the time

Time: 2808.15

gets the general component

Time: 2809.77

because what appears when everything changes?

Time: 2811.923

That is that new entity.

Time: 2814.45

Everything changes, something stays.

Time: 2818.11

That's what we want to get,

Time: 2819.19

this concept and this understanding.

Time: 2822.85

- I've heard the statement before,

Time: 2824.32

we are just a meat vehicle, right?

Time: 2826.36

We're just a sack of cells

Time: 2828.46

and it's I truly despise that statement

Time: 2831.52

because, first of all,

Time: 2832.9

it deprives us of all meaning in of our lives.

Time: 2836.68

And we can go down the route of philosophy

Time: 2840.13

as to whether or not there's meaning or not,

Time: 2842.26

but more importantly, it divorces us from the idea

Time: 2845.38

that the body and brain are interconnected

Time: 2847.15

and have at least equal value at any one moment

Time: 2850.99

that they're informing each other.

Time: 2852.19

Emotions inform movement, movement informs emotions.

Time: 2855.79

One thing that I've heard you say before,

Time: 2857.223

and I'd really love to hear you embellish on

Time: 2860.98

is this important principle

Time: 2863.23

that human beings are truly unique

Time: 2865.48

in terms of the enormous range of movements

Time: 2868.42

that we can perform.

Time: 2870.67

And yet, we are excellent,

Time: 2872.41

maybe superior to all other species

Time: 2874.72

at certain types of movement.

Time: 2877.39

The one that comes to mind is walking, strides, striding.

Time: 2880.81

So, maybe we could just explore that idea

Time: 2885.52

because obviously a cheetah is very fast,

Time: 2888.82

the gibbon seems to have a lot of proficiency

Time: 2891.01

at grabbing and swinging from branches,

Time: 2894.49

but human beings perform an enormous

Time: 2897.4

or can potentially perform an enormous array of movements.

Time: 2899.98

Do you think all human beings

Time: 2901.36

are potentially able to explore

Time: 2904.18

all the different types of movement?

Time: 2907.21

And if so, how does one approach that?

Time: 2909.7

So, basically what I'm doing is I'm tabling a concept,

Time: 2913.12

which is not range of motion,

Time: 2915.43

right, for the gym rats, discard with range of motion,

Time: 2918.61

I'm talking about the variety of movements.

Time: 2923.86

- First, it's not important what I think,

Time: 2927.37

if it's possible or not possible,

Time: 2929.53

or if it's even possible for you or not possible for you,

Time: 2933.52

what is important is what you truly want to do,

Time: 2938.59

what you truly are after.

Time: 2940.48

And it's important for me because many times,

Time: 2942.67

this way of thinking about things is already limited.

Time: 2947.89

I like to say

Time: 2950.71

a man doesn't go to the ocean to empty it with a spoon.

Time: 2955.36

A lot of the types of dressing up of the concepts nowadays

Time: 2960.64

is trying to fit an elephant

Time: 2962.41

into the hole in the needle, yeah?

Time: 2967

Like for example, the concept of practice,

Time: 2971.17

and then our lives, as if we have a life.

Time: 2976.84

We have some kind of a stream of behaviors,

Time: 2981.37

we have there is an argument of free will, et cetera.

Time: 2985.03

There is a multiplicity, definitely a man is a legion,

Time: 2989.44

that's the real meaning of that phrase.

Time: 2993.34

One day you wake up like this,

Time: 2995.83

I say, "Andrew, let's meet tomorrow at 7:00 am,"

Time: 2998.32

but I don't know who's going to wake up tomorrow.

Time: 3000.57

And then you send me a text message,

Time: 3003.307

"Oh, I'm feeling off,"

Time: 3006.36

right at 6:55 and go back to sleep.

Time: 3009.54

So, examining that and seeing that

Time: 3012.27

I think frees you up eventually

Time: 3014.19

and start to orient you in a better direction.

Time: 3019.26

So, what do you want to do and what,

Time: 3022.35

but in the orientation of also what you need to do,

Time: 3025.53

what you sense, and what you are developing

Time: 3029.01

as an evolutionary direction for you,

Time: 3032.85

this is the important bit.

Time: 3035.34

Is it possible for everyone to engage

Time: 3037.38

in certain specific physical movement?

Time: 3039.39

For example, in Scandinavian countries,

Time: 3041.88

the squat is not very approachable,

Time: 3047.25

it's very difficult.

Time: 3048.78

They're more built for dragging heavy things

Time: 3051.69

and also in this climate, I guess it,

Time: 3055.41

it makes less sense to squat

Time: 3057.33

and 'cause you're going to freeze there.

Time: 3059.43

So, this is and then you see the squat in warm climates

Time: 3063.87

and it's like so open and accessible.

Time: 3067.05

They're very good deadlifters usually,

Time: 3070.83

not good squatters and the-

Time: 3073.082

- They want to get away from the ground.

Time: 3074.65

- Yeah, the shallow hip socket, which allows one activity,

Time: 3078.81

but then the stability of the deep hip socket

Time: 3081.21

architecture of the hip,

Time: 3084.6

the femur heads, the Q angles, the shapes, et cetera.

Time: 3088.38

So, we are all unique and there are certain elements,

Time: 3091.29

which like, for example, my squat challenge

Time: 3093.45

is like for most people

Time: 3096.3

there is something there, but-

Time: 3097.15

- Could you remind people what the squat challenge is?

Time: 3099.72

- The squat was my attempt to bring

Time: 3103.59

a new, fresh state of mind into the word squat,

Time: 3109.08

not as a strength element,

Time: 3111.27

but it's a fundamental resting position really.

Time: 3115.59

Actually, should be one of the most abundant ones,

Time: 3118.05

we replaced it with sitting,

Time: 3120.93

which is not really doesn't work well

Time: 3122.58

if you're in a natural environment,

Time: 3124.53

it's not very comfortable

Time: 3125.7

actually to sit for long periods of time,

Time: 3127.5

rocks and different terrains

Time: 3129.12

so you end up lying down, standing, and squatting a lot.

Time: 3133.35

Also, when you're moving low and dynamic,

Time: 3135.63

like even collecting berries,

Time: 3137.46

the squat is much more dynamic and open.

Time: 3140.91

And then elimination is happening there,

Time: 3142.98

so it's like it's such a fundamental thing

Time: 3144.72

and we totally eliminated it.

Time: 3146.88

We eliminated many other things,

Time: 3148.53

overhead movements, behind the back,

Time: 3152.04

all kinds of back realm

Time: 3154.08

what I call the back realm is totally absent

Time: 3156.78

in people's awareness.

Time: 3159.21

So, that was my attempt to bring it back into people,

Time: 3161.43

and I recommended to in order

Time: 3164.34

to really get the transformation,

Time: 3167.37

going to accumulate 30 minutes a day in the squat position,

Time: 3172.11

unloaded, just resting down,

Time: 3173.76

not correct, not erect, many people make this mistake,

Time: 3176.7

they didn't read through the whole thing.

Time: 3178.74

It's just resting down there.

Time: 3180.45

And of course, you have to be mindful of dosages.

Time: 3183.27

Some people will get hurt if they try to do it too quickly

Time: 3186.69

so they might need a buildup process towards it.

Time: 3189.06

And also, I'm not talking about 30 minutes straight,

Time: 3193.11

but accumulation throughout the day.

Time: 3195.39

And this does a lot of good for digestive problems,

Time: 3198.69

for lower back pain, for hip pains, for knees,

Time: 3202.59

and generally for aging

Time: 3204.69

because it's basically folding your body

Time: 3208.74

in the most basic way.

Time: 3210

Are you folding your body?

Time: 3211.05

If you're not folding your body,

Time: 3212.82

you will lose the foldability of your body.

Time: 3215.13

And this is probably the easiest

Time: 3218.07

and the most abundant way to fold the body.

Time: 3221.34

So, but this is an example of something

Time: 3224.7

that can be very useful with many, many people,

Time: 3227.49

but there will always be unique individuals

Time: 3230.64

which needs something else.

Time: 3232.62

And there are benefits

Time: 3236.85

in examining things

Time: 3238.89

and also there are benefits in getting hurt,

Time: 3242.34

which is not often discussed, especially not in these parts.

Time: 3245.97

So, I'm one of the only ones as a teacher

Time: 3250.53

that says, "I injured many of my students."

Time: 3254.07

And if I did not do that,

Time: 3255.66

I would be totally useless for them as well.

Time: 3259.98

That totally safe system has nothing to offer,

Time: 3264.63

practically nothing is totally safe.

Time: 3266.67

And we can, of course, we don't approach it

Time: 3268.86

with a ballsy or machoistic thing,

Time: 3271.32

but we are aware that sometimes

Time: 3273.12

we have to go beyond the boundaries

Time: 3274.74

and hopefully those would be the small injuries

Time: 3277.44

that will help us avoid the big injuries.

Time: 3280.05

But if you try to avoid the small injuries,

Time: 3281.85

maybe you'll get those big injuries in there.

Time: 3284.73

So, examining which types and forms of movement,

Time: 3288.69

the location of the body, speed of execution,

Time: 3293.19

the type of organization of the body,

Time: 3295.65

which is a whole thing that we can discuss.

Time: 3299.55

All of this is up for the grabs

Time: 3301.65

and something that we have to create

Time: 3303.51

individual relationship with,

Time: 3306.42

hopefully with good guidance,

Time: 3308.25

where we can get the right scenarios,

Time: 3312.27

a facilitator of good scenarios for our learning,

Time: 3315.12

which is what I try to do.

Time: 3316.83

And less of a technical state of mind,

Time: 3318.69

do this ABC or, yeah, like chunking

Time: 3322.74

what I really dislike from a long time

Time: 3325.885

is like many people they tell me,

Time: 3328.747

"Have you met this guy?

Time: 3330.27

He's an amazing teacher

Time: 3331.53

because he chunked the process into these bits

Time: 3334.14

and not even in the correct places to chunk,"

Time: 3336.099

it was like and it doesn't offer,

Time: 3338.64

it locks us, this state of mind.

Time: 3340.95

I talk about the chemistry model,

Time: 3343.05

I call it my chemistry model where an atom,

Time: 3346.47

a molecule, and then a compound is conceptualized

Time: 3349.38

versus just chunking.

Time: 3350.97

So, there is an actual evolution

Time: 3353.13

like I call it also sketch learning.

Time: 3356.58

I'm not going to try to draw you,

Time: 3358.74

if I know anything about art and drawing,

Time: 3361.32

I'm going to start by capturing something very rough.

Time: 3364.32

And I need to practice that first, that dynamic entity,

Time: 3368.01

before I go into the rendering and the shading, et cetera.

Time: 3373.08

So, the same way to learn things,

Time: 3375.33

so big picture, the small details.

Time: 3378.63

And unlike many of my teachers in that I ran into,

Time: 3382.32

and I say, with the greatest respect

Time: 3385.14

because I don't know who taught me more,

Time: 3386.76

my good teachers or my worst teachers,

Time: 3390.15

but some of them just teach from the small details

Time: 3392.91

into a big picture that never arrives.

Time: 3395.67

- Given that humans can generate such a broad array

Time: 3399.45

of types of movement,

Time: 3400.47

run, jump, duck, squat, leap,

Time: 3403.05

and all these types of movements.

Time: 3405.75

Do you think there's value in observing the movements

Time: 3408.06

of other animal species?

Time: 3409.32

I know I certainly enjoy watching other animals move.

Time: 3414.87

I think the most,

Time: 3415.74

one of the more spectacular animal facts

Time: 3419.19

that was shared with me is when I was a graduate student,

Time: 3422.1

someone down the hall was working on the little pedals

Time: 3425.28

of the chameleon, which can walk up walls.

Time: 3429.36

And it was a great mystery

Time: 3430.77

as to whether or not they were suction,

Time: 3432.45

but turns out they can do it in a vacuum,

Time: 3433.89

so it's not suction.

Time: 3435.06

Whether or not there was some sticky substance

Time: 3436.65

and it turned out, I don't know,

Time: 3438.69

I feel compelled to share this with you

Time: 3440.04

so I'm going to do it because I have a feeling

Time: 3441.87

it will lead us to an insight of some sort,

Time: 3444.48

that those little tiny pedals are so thin

Time: 3447.33

and so close together that the chameleon

Time: 3450.81

actually sticks to the wall

Time: 3452.07

by what are called van der Waals forces,

Time: 3454.47

meaning it's a very weak molecular force,

Time: 3456.57

but strong enough to stick to the wall

Time: 3458.61

because they are actually exchanging molecules

Time: 3460.89

with the surface they're on.

Time: 3462.42

- Wow. - So, obviously

Time: 3464.31

we can't do that, and yet I spent hours,

Time: 3468.78

because they were in the lab next door,

Time: 3470.28

watching videos of these little chameleon walk

Time: 3473.13

and the articulation of these feet is incredible

Time: 3476.73

because they're literally rolling those little pedals along

Time: 3479.7

in a way that it kind of defies

Time: 3482.07

anything else I've ever seen.

Time: 3484.38

I told myself this was useful,

Time: 3486.63

A, because I thought it was interesting,

Time: 3487.95

but, B, because I never really thought about

Time: 3490.53

how I articulate my foot.

Time: 3492.09

I've thought about being a heel striker

Time: 3493.53

or a toe striker when I run

Time: 3494.91

and no one can tell me which one I'm supposed to be.

Time: 3497.157

And maybe you can tell me, [Ido laughing]

Time: 3498.72

but the point is, or I suppose the question is,

Time: 3503.73

do you think there's value in observing

Time: 3505.47

the extremes of animal kingdom movement

Time: 3508.53

as a way to inform the play space

Time: 3510.63

and the exploration space

Time: 3511.92

of our own human movement practice?

Time: 3515.7

- I think so.

Time: 3516.533

I think, first, it's inspiring,

Time: 3521.58

it opens up, but I will take it away

Time: 3524.19

from the romantic point of view.

Time: 3527.37

And I would offer another way

Time: 3528.87

to examine all these movements exist in us

Time: 3534.12

in ways, in certain ways.

Time: 3536.25

Like the work of Gracovetsky on the spine,

Time: 3539.407

"The Spinal Engine",

Time: 3541.26

and to see how these old ways

Time: 3546.48

of moving even all the way up to exoskeletons

Time: 3549.24

and like primary, very ancient

Time: 3553.68

or even single cell things are still within us

Time: 3557.04

to a certain extent.

Time: 3557.873

And then, of course, this gets developed

Time: 3562.41

like the Darwinian state of mind

Time: 3565.62

got stuck for many years on the survival of the fetus.

Time: 3570.36

But actually, I believe,

Time: 3572.22

I always believed and I saw some information

Time: 3575.46

about it lately that mutation is the heart of the model,

Time: 3579.39

not survival of the fittest.

Time: 3581.19

- Yeah, people often hear the word mutation

Time: 3583.26

and they think, "Oh, mutations are bad."

Time: 3585.33

There are maladaptive mutations

Time: 3587.94

and then there are adaptive mutations, for sure.

Time: 3590.67

- And then, this places the word change in the heart of it,

Time: 3594.51

what it wants to do, change.

Time: 3598.2

So, it does not want to become better,

Time: 3602.52

there is an inherent change in it.

Time: 3607.02

And then, of course, they become better at X, Y, Z,

Time: 3610.17

fittest is the secondary perspective

Time: 3613.77

that arrives in relation to certain things,

Time: 3615.81

but there is still a stronger,

Time: 3617.28

more ancient driving force into the process.

Time: 3620.85

So, for me, this is cool to see these animals

Time: 3624.48

take it all the way to this extreme,

Time: 3626.73

but it's also still reflecting within us.

Time: 3629.67

So, I love to do, like for example,

Time: 3631.56

I introduce with people spinal waves,

Time: 3634.5

and by bringing these waves into the body,

Time: 3637.53

sometimes you get weird experiences like emotional releases

Time: 3642.45

and sometimes, and other times

Time: 3645.3

it can become an incredible tool to help an athlete

Time: 3648.78

which specialized and reach the top of the top.

Time: 3651.81

And then, you defrag his system a little bit

Time: 3654.99

and offer him some freshness and some segmental movement.

Time: 3659.4

And first you fuck him up,

Time: 3661.71

that's usually the case.

Time: 3663.51

Technically he's off, his coordination is off,

Time: 3665.97

but later the growth will arrive.

Time: 3668.88

It's a form of playfulness,

Time: 3670.65

it's a form of examining things

Time: 3672.96

regardless of their success or failure.

Time: 3675.39

More understanding that change is important

Time: 3678.42

and then after that,

Time: 3679.74

we can also look at the more competitive state of mind

Time: 3684.39

and the more success and failure orientation,

Time: 3688.38

but there is no game without change.

Time: 3690.81

So, this is the primary one,

Time: 3693.586

and that's why I say, "Okay,

Time: 3695.16

you want to succeed in the tasks like we did earlier,

Time: 3698.13

but you stayed within the game, to sustain the game,

Time: 3700.68

the infinite versus finite game perspective."

Time: 3704.97

To sustain the game means to continue to change,

Time: 3709.2

continue to transform,

Time: 3711.78

and then to win the game sometimes mean game over.

Time: 3717.21

So, it's like, yeah, within that tension

Time: 3719.91

I think it's beautiful to play, and to exist, and to be.

Time: 3724.53

- You mentioned something that for me

Time: 3726.15

is an incredibly important concept

Time: 3728.76

for a couple of reasons,

Time: 3729.69

and you mentioned these spinal waves.

Time: 3731.64

Right, I have to assume that's taking the torso for us,

Time: 3735.03

you know, movement morons

Time: 3737.22

that I'll just refer to in coarse terms of thoracic spine.

Time: 3741

So, I mean, I will stay away from the technical anatomy

Time: 3743.4

and the torso and creating movement

Time: 3745.83

either side to side undulation

Time: 3748.95

or arching and extension of the spine.

Time: 3752.22

- Yeah, dorsal, ventral, side to side,

Time: 3754.65

or rotational as well as spiraling.

Time: 3759.96

- Have you ever had the experience that of yourself

Time: 3763.17

or other people engaging in those types of movements

Time: 3765.33

and experiencing particular categories of emotions?

Time: 3768.75

And I have a particular reason for asking this,

Time: 3770.46

there's no right or wrong answer, of course,

Time: 3771.93

but I'm just curious whether or not movement

Time: 3774.57

of let's call it the core of the body,

Time: 3776.64

things close to the midline

Time: 3777.96

as opposed to far away from the midline like the digits far.

Time: 3781.23

Is there any,

Time: 3782.672

do you have any evidence that that can evoke

Time: 3784.5

a certain category of emotional states?

Time: 3787.95

- Evidence, I have none,

Time: 3789.3

but I have experience and I have some thoughts about it.

Time: 3794.4

Ida Rolf is known to have created Rolfing

Time: 3798.99

or structural integration

Time: 3800.22

said, "The issues are in the tissues."

Time: 3803.07

And around the spine, the spine is us,

Time: 3807.18

as you know, it's like can take an arm off, a limb,

Time: 3810.12

but there's been attempts,

Time: 3813.66

but there is no brainy alone,

Time: 3816.72

this cerebral thing alone,

Time: 3818.61

the spine and the maybe more parts of n-systems

Time: 3822.24

inside the torso are important.

Time: 3824.01

So, that's why I like to start from that core entity.

Time: 3826.8

And then these little fluctuations they create,

Time: 3833.4

they unblock things, they start to move things.

Time: 3836.82

And you can avoid, funny enough,

Time: 3839.73

mobilizing those areas by doing big frame motions,

Time: 3844.62

and competitive motions, and techniques all your life.

Time: 3848.49

So, even most yogis, for example,

Time: 3851.22

they look extremely mobile,

Time: 3853.56

but then when you're actually going into the small,

Time: 3855.9

what I call the small frame,

Time: 3857.64

I borrowed this from Chinese martial arts,

Time: 3860.19

small frame, big frame.

Time: 3861.57

The big frame is this big changes

Time: 3864.63

of our total body in space posture.

Time: 3868.26

And then the small frame is barely moving,

Time: 3870.39

but mobilizing the little bits that comprise

Time: 3873.33

the same pretty much posture.

Time: 3875.79

So, these are very beneficial

Time: 3877.23

and it has totally disappeared from our physical culture.

Time: 3881.73

When you introduce it back,

Time: 3884.79

the small frame offers the big frame,

Time: 3887.19

but the big frame doesn't offer the small frame

Time: 3889.41

because, of course, the small detail come together

Time: 3892.2

into the big picture.

Time: 3893.43

So, if I want to place my body in a specific position

Time: 3896.13

and I have all these bits moving well,

Time: 3898.17

I can construct it in whatever way I want.

Time: 3900.84

But if I just work on the big one,

Time: 3903.9

most chances are I just mobilize certain areas

Time: 3907.44

while other areas are totally held or blocked

Time: 3911.07

and then I'm specialized one more time.

Time: 3914.58

Take me out of this realm and I'll have difficulties.

Time: 3917.91

What will sit there in this stagnation?

Time: 3920.34

Emotion, material, thoughts, traumas.

Time: 3925.14

That's why people get discharges.

Time: 3929.34

The body memory is not what we think it is,

Time: 3932.58

that's how I believe,

Time: 3933.413

it is stored in a lot everywhere,

Time: 3938.34

and I've had those experiences.

Time: 3940.68

A lot of people have the opposite.

Time: 3942.69

When a certain emotion is evoked,

Time: 3945.09

they start to undulate the spine.

Time: 3948.12

So, this can be worked from this direction

Time: 3950.37

or from this direction.

Time: 3951.33

And I believe by applying such a practice,

Time: 3957.28

it is wise, you basically turn over the lens

Time: 3961.59

and you are allowing things

Time: 3965.913

to shift, and to move, and to adapt.

Time: 3968.4

So, I highly recommend it

Time: 3969.99

and we teach it in a very elaborate and gradual way.

Time: 3973.615

And this is needed really

Time: 3977.16

because people, when they just go

Time: 3979.02

into like some general recommendation,

Time: 3980.91

they usually just get stuck into a new pattern,

Time: 3983.287

"Ah, that spinal wave,

Time: 3984.54

okay, that's it."

Time: 3985.89

So, I've been using,

Time: 3986.91

again, this slice and dice-like teaching

Time: 3988.95

dozens of systems of moving the torso

Time: 3991.74

until a person is freed to really move the torso

Time: 3995.07

like the language is created,

Time: 3996.93

the small enough units are created in your understanding

Time: 4000.77

from all these systems

Time: 4002.45

and then you improvise,

Time: 4003.65

you reach the highest level of the practice.

Time: 4006.8

- I love the answer.

Time: 4008.48

Let me tell you a bit of why I asked.

Time: 4012.56

So, there's a principle in neuroscience,

Time: 4016.49

but especially in neuroevolution,

Time: 4018.71

they call it evo-devo sometimes, evolution and development,

Time: 4021.59

how those link.

Time: 4022.58

If you look at, so we have motor neurons,

Time: 4024.59

as you know, but for the audience,

Time: 4026.09

that live in our spinal cord

Time: 4027.26

that cause transmission and contraction of the muscles,

Time: 4029.72

allows us to move our limbs.

Time: 4031.46

And then, we have motor neurons up here

Time: 4033.08

called upper motor neurons

Time: 4033.98

that control the motor lower ones.

Time: 4035.75

So, once something is reflexive or learned,

Time: 4038.39

we're not thinking about it, so to speak,

Time: 4039.74

we mainly use the lower motor neurons.

Time: 4041.42

We know this because you can do an experiment,

Time: 4043.22

it's a rather barbaric experiment,

Time: 4044.63

but it's been done many times

Time: 4046.64

called creating a decerebrate cat.

Time: 4048.92

You actually remove the neocortex

Time: 4051.05

and these cats will walk on a treadmill,

Time: 4053.03

it's called fictive motion, no problem at all.

Time: 4055.55

There are human beings who don't have a neocortex

Time: 4058.43

or much of their neocortex is missing,

Time: 4060.41

they generate perfectly fine movement.

Time: 4062.357

- The pattern has been download.

Time: 4064.28

- That's right, and it's truly downloaded into the spine

Time: 4067.88

and the connection between the spine and muscles.

Time: 4069.98

Now, the motor neurons

Time: 4071.36

that control the spinal waves, as you called them,

Time: 4075.65

are of a particular category.

Time: 4078.29

They have a molecular signature, a physiological signature,

Time: 4081.23

they were identified by, he's dead now,

Time: 4083.42

but a biologist at Columbia University named Tom Jessell,

Time: 4087.14

and many of his scientific offspring.

Time: 4089

Here's what's interesting,

Time: 4090.71

in fish or in animals that really only have the opportunity

Time: 4094.97

to undulate and flap their little fins.

Time: 4100.58

Though, motor neurons

Time: 4101.78

that control undulation in those animals

Time: 4104.6

are identical molecularly to the motor neurons that control

Time: 4108.14

the spinal undulation in humans.

Time: 4110.6

What's been added in human evolution are extra rows,

Time: 4114.56

literally categories, of molecularly distinct neurons

Time: 4117.35

so that as you move from the center of the body outward,

Time: 4120.68

unlike a fish, which can move its fins,

Time: 4123.47

but can't actually, it doesn't have digits.

Time: 4125.87

We have special motor neurons to move these little bits,

Time: 4129.02

these bits, these bits,

Time: 4131.24

and I can't do a spinal wave,

Time: 4133.04

but I can do the mudras thing,

Time: 4135.44

like the belly thing.

Time: 4136.807

- Ah-ha. - That comes from seeing

Time: 4138.32

the movie "E.T." when I was a kid

Time: 4139.85

and puffing out my stomach [Ido laughing]

Time: 4141.11

and then realizing that I could wave it,

Time: 4143.18

but only in one direction and-

Time: 4144.68

Okay. - apparently not up.

Time: 4145.82

Anyway, the yogis out there can chuckle at that, but.

Time: 4150.56

- The yogis actually do it to the side.

Time: 4152.45

- Oh, do they? - Yeah.

Time: 4153.56

- I don't know if I can do that.

Time: 4155.54

Anyway, my spinal wave is weak, but I'll work on it.

Time: 4159.53

But what I find so interesting about these layers

Time: 4162.86

of, I don't want to say sophistication,

Time: 4164.96

but these with evolution

Time: 4167.96

came the addition of more pools of opportunity.

Time: 4170.93

These motor neuron pools, as they're called,

Time: 4172.43

are opportunity to engage in new,

Time: 4175.16

more elaborate types of movement.

Time: 4176.99

But with each new pool became the opportunity

Time: 4179.75

to create combinations of new movement.

Time: 4182.75

And so, the reason I asked you why spinal waves

Time: 4185.3

create one category of movement

Time: 4186.98

is that if you touch a fish on one side of its body,

Time: 4190.22

it moves to the opposite side,

Time: 4191.87

it never moves toward it.

Time: 4193.55

But earlier we were doing a practice,

Time: 4195.02

somewhat similar of testing this similar reflex.

Time: 4198.2

And sometimes I or someone will move toward a touch,

Time: 4202.91

we don't deviate to the opposite side.

Time: 4205.52

So, I have this untested,

Time: 4210.53

at least formally tested hypothesis

Time: 4212.3

that movements of small digits

Time: 4215.03

and portions of our distal, as they're called,

Time: 4217.01

far from the midline body parts

Time: 4219.68

evoke different sensations,

Time: 4221.6

maybe even far more subtle sensations

Time: 4223.79

than movements of the core of our body

Time: 4225.644

and the stuff closer to the spine.

Time: 4229.16

Again, it's just a theory,

Time: 4230.57

but I'm grateful for your answer

Time: 4233.33

because it lands at least in the general vector direction

Time: 4236.15

of my idea here.

Time: 4239.54

- The central orientation is mostly gone from our culture,

Time: 4244.61

we don't even walk basically these days.

Time: 4247.94

If you look at traditional culture,

Time: 4249.8

the amount of walking you do on a rest day, it's huge.

Time: 4254.03

And so, we started to create technologies

Time: 4257.66

to bring everything into the periphery,

Time: 4260.54

controlling it with the fingertips, et cetera.

Time: 4262.7

So, we have incredible neurological development

Time: 4265.91

relating to this, but our central patterns,

Time: 4269.87

swimming, running, jumping, throwing,

Time: 4273.74

throwing is not pushing away,

Time: 4275.93

that's an example, right?

Time: 4277.01

- Like some people when you give them a ball to throw,

Time: 4279.053

that you can tell if they've never

Time: 4280.73

thrown a ball before. - Yeah,

Time: 4281.563

they throw like a girl. - Yeah, they don't just-

Time: 4282.938

- That is often said [Andrew laughing]

Time: 4284.571

here in the US.

Time: 4285.587

And it's, of course, unfair,

Time: 4286.79

but it relates to experience, right?

Time: 4289.52

That is less maybe promoted

Time: 4292.97

or offered for females,

Time: 4294.41

so you get this peripheral pattern

Time: 4297.89

instead of a central-generated pattern

Time: 4300.44

that progresses towards the extremities.

Time: 4304.58

One thing I wanted to ask you

Time: 4307.49

is I know an area that is not often mentioned

Time: 4311.54

is that some of these ancient patterns and systems

Time: 4315.68

are primary in many ways,

Time: 4317.81

hence those newer developments inside of us

Time: 4321.5

are constrained by using the connections

Time: 4324.71

running through these ancient systems.

Time: 4327.05

Hence, we are much more limited

Time: 4331.91

by the gene pool.

Time: 4335.51

We are hitchhikers on a piece of DNA, I like to say,

Time: 4339.92

and that gene pool is like is driving something so primary

Time: 4343.97

that even when you are in kind of the driver's seat

Time: 4348.77

in your eyes, you're actually not

Time: 4350.9

or you're being totally constrained by that.

Time: 4355.76

And I wanted to hear about this.

Time: 4357.83

- Yeah, recently we had a guest on the podcast

Time: 4361.52

named Erich Jarvis, he's a professor at Rockefeller,

Time: 4364.37

who was offered a position to dance

Time: 4367.4

with the Alvin Ailey dance company.

Time: 4369.08

So, an accomplished dancer

Time: 4370.55

and comes from a musical family

Time: 4371.84

chose to become a neuroscientist instead and study

Time: 4373.94

speech and language. - Wow.

Time: 4375.14

But he said something incredible,

Time: 4376.61

several incredible things,

Time: 4377.957

and really looking forward to getting your reflections on.

Time: 4381.95

First of all, he said that when you look at the species

Time: 4385.85

in the kingdom of animals, including us,

Time: 4389.15

that have elaborate language and true song,

Time: 4394.19

they all also have the capacity to dance.

Time: 4398.09

All the...

Time: 4398.923

It turns out hummingbirds

Time: 4399.89

actually have a dance and a song capacity.

Time: 4402.86

That perhaps, and this is the going idea

Time: 4406.31

now in neuroscience and evolution of the brain,

Time: 4409.64

that singing actually came before

Time: 4413.72

finally articulated speech and language,

Time: 4416.36

that voice involved first to sing, to communicate.

Time: 4419.57

I mean, to enunciate ugh, or uh, or mm.

Time: 4422.9

You know, but then song may have come first.

Time: 4426.26

Where you have song, you have dance

Time: 4429.05

and the capacity to dance,

Time: 4430.16

which of course is movement of the body.

Time: 4432.08

And where you have song and dance,

Time: 4434.33

you always find that those species

Time: 4436.7

can generate elaborate language.

Time: 4438.95

Now, the simple version of this is okay,

Time: 4441.53

sophisticated brains tend to create clusters

Time: 4443.84

of sophisticated capabilities,

Time: 4445.91

but the other possibility,

Time: 4447.11

and it's the one that Jarvis proposes

Time: 4448.73

and I think it's in line

Time: 4449.69

with what you're perhaps raising here

Time: 4451.58

is the idea that movement of the body

Time: 4454.46

and range and sophistication of movement of the body

Time: 4457.79

through all these different systems

Time: 4460.1

may have actually promoted or even driven the evolution

Time: 4464.21

of the things that we think of as speech and language

Time: 4469.1

and the ability to have multiple words for the same concept,

Time: 4473.24

or to have elaborate articulation of speech.

Time: 4476.27

I find this incredibly attractive as an idea

Time: 4479.54

because certainly from as a hierarchy of needs,

Time: 4483.26

we needed to move first to survive,

Time: 4485.15

and to mate, and to flee, and to attack.

Time: 4488.33

It makes perfect sense to me that the layers

Time: 4489.98

would be built up fundamentally from the body to the mind

Time: 4492.62

and not the other way around.

Time: 4495.2

So, that's one piece,

Time: 4496.25

and then the other piece,

Time: 4497.54

which I'll just share for any reflections you might have

Time: 4500.69

that just blew me away

Time: 4502.43

was Jarvis told me that when we read,

Time: 4508.22

if, and this has been done experimentally,

Time: 4510.53

if one records the EMG,

Time: 4512.51

the low level muscular activity in the larynx and pharynx,

Time: 4516.14

we are actually repeating the words that we read,

Time: 4519.59

but so subtly so that we don't actually speak them out,

Time: 4523.7

unless there's some sort of neurologic deficit,

Time: 4526.16

which some people have, some people mumble while they read.

Time: 4528.56

But what that tells me is that language is movement

Time: 4533.06

and movement is language.

Time: 4535.1

So, again, we have this convergence,

Time: 4537.23

but at a very basic level

Time: 4539.24

I'd love your reflections on those are all his ideas,

Time: 4542.06

I want to say, I'm just repeating what he said

Time: 4544.22

and not nearly as precisely as he did,

Time: 4547.58

but how do you think of movement

Time: 4551.18

as either the foundation of language or as its own language

Time: 4556.85

that perhaps even defies words?

Time: 4558.83

- Mm, [gasps].

Time: 4561.74

Wow, those are beautiful perspectives,

Time: 4564.89

and I definitely feel the same.

Time: 4568.49

There's a lot to say about singing and dancing

Time: 4570.77

as well as also as a form

Time: 4572.75

of ancient programs of transmission.

Time: 4580.52

Sometimes that there is this

Time: 4582.98

in some ancient practices, the mantras.

Time: 4587.21

And people don't realize

Time: 4590.51

that they are tantric practices,

Time: 4593.9

they contain a form of vibrating and breathing

Time: 4601.79

all tied together into very elaborate way

Time: 4605.6

to promote a certain effect.

Time: 4608.06

And how would you do something like this in ancient times?

Time: 4610.52

This is ingenious.

Time: 4612.17

We, even until today,

Time: 4613.55

we need a full book to describe something

Time: 4615.347

and it wouldn't work as well,

Time: 4617.48

so it's like a very ancient form of transmission.

Time: 4621.95

The more accurate we became with the language,

Time: 4626.45

the more dead it became,

Time: 4628.73

because it is less of a movement entity,

Time: 4632.6

it is less of a dynamic entity from its nature.

Time: 4635.93

And that's why Yukio Mishima says, "It's corrupting,

Time: 4639.74

it corrupts us."

Time: 4643.34

So, definitely, definitely

Time: 4644.6

the conducing force

Time: 4649.16

or the primary force for me is movement that is experienced.

Time: 4654.92

Every time we talk about movement,

Time: 4657.2

basically, even now we are spilling it into a container

Time: 4661.22

to call it what it is, but it is beyond that.

Time: 4665.87

So, then it is applied into dancing,

Time: 4669.02

into singing, into language.

Time: 4672.26

There is no other language that I see as a primary mode,

Time: 4676.49

and this is a nature of space, time, things moving.

Time: 4683.39

So, I think everything moves

Time: 4686.48

into the direction of understanding that more and more,

Time: 4689.45

and maybe it's not so popular to call it movement

Time: 4693.44

or people have some connotations,

Time: 4695.18

and it's okay, you can throw away this word

Time: 4697.04

and put another word, and we probably need to do that

Time: 4699.65

also like regularly,

Time: 4700.88

like I start to see the end of this word for me.

Time: 4705.5

Things get corrupted again, overused, abused,

Time: 4709.13

and then we need a new word.

Time: 4712.85

And that's even that word is only needed for communication

Time: 4716.75

and for specific processes of education exchange,

Time: 4721.49

it's important to stay within the experiences.

Time: 4724.34

It's important to continue to promote scenarios

Time: 4727.22

in which the experience is primary,

Time: 4730.79

more open experience, let's say,

Time: 4732.8

and not try to hold down

Time: 4735.98

and define overly accurately

Time: 4739.82

or if it's done throwing it away and starting again.

Time: 4744.38

So, there is no winning concept,

Time: 4745.91

you got to the winning concept, you got nothing.

Time: 4749.84

You were able to grab it, you were able to,

Time: 4752.72

this is very science, right?

Time: 4754.06

It's like, "We got it, we got it,"

Time: 4756.59

and then it turns out to be nothing.

Time: 4759.208

And like more and more time passes

Time: 4763.16

I feel science is becoming more humble

Time: 4766.76

and things are being discussed in this way.

Time: 4772.19

And because really what does science do?

Time: 4777.56

Report the sun came up

Time: 4779.45

a certain amount of billions of times

Time: 4782.87

and then tomorrow it will come up again.

Time: 4786.23

It's statistics. - Yeah, it's good prediction.

Time: 4788.51

- Yeah, yeah, but we can go beyond,

Time: 4791.48

there is something inside of us that can go beyond.

Time: 4794.72

Hard to communicate, I can't offer it right now here,

Time: 4798.02

but I have the experience and thankfully I have a practice

Time: 4801.56

and a way to sense it, to feel it, and to reexamine it,

Time: 4805.76

and then we can talk about it, and have something from that.

Time: 4810.523

- Edward Wilson, the great sociobiologist,

Time: 4813.23

he actually founded the field of sociobiology,

Time: 4815.03

E. O. Wilson, they call him, Edward Wilson,

Time: 4817.73

had this beautiful word and indeed named a book.

Time: 4820.34

Actually, the word was better than the book, sorry Wilson,

Time: 4822.53

but the book was a little bit meandering for my taste,

Time: 4825.62

but then, again, he's the Harvard professor, not me.

Time: 4829.1

Well, Stanford's pretty darn good.

Time: 4832.28

This word is consilience,

Time: 4833.72

this idea of a leaping together

Time: 4835.34

of divergent forms of knowledge

Time: 4837.08

to create a truly valuable concept, which I love.

Time: 4841.01

I love it because, of course, I'm formally trained

Time: 4843.26

as a scientist, I look at things

Time: 4844.49

mainly through the lens of neuroscience,

Time: 4845.9

but experience is real and observation is real.

Time: 4851.51

And even in the field of medicine,

Time: 4852.98

you have double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials

Time: 4856.31

and then you have case studies, n-of-1, right?

Time: 4861.14

Not often discussed,

Time: 4862.19

right, I mean, H.M.,

Time: 4863.27

the most famous example in neuroscience

Time: 4866.33

of a patient that had no hippocampus

Time: 4868.73

informed us more about the process of memory

Time: 4871.01

and indeed the function of the hippocampus

Time: 4873.35

than thousands of independent experiments that followed.

Time: 4877.46

So, you can't have one,

Time: 4879.53

you need all these different forms of exploration,

Time: 4881.57

which is I think we share the belief,

Time: 4885.29

if I may, that convergent forms of knowledge,

Time: 4888.59

eventually this process of consilience

Time: 4890.96

can eject a new concept.

Time: 4893.36

And yet, the challenge,

Time: 4894.44

again, is that if we don't have a language for it,

Time: 4897.35

it becomes hard to transmit.

Time: 4899.81

One of the things that I find incredibly,

Time: 4904.37

I'll use this word again, sticky

Time: 4906.05

is this notion of movement culture.

Time: 4908.63

I don't know who coined that phrase,

Time: 4910.28

or I've seen it in the circles

Time: 4912.59

and accounts around your Instagram account and others.

Time: 4916.22

I don't know if that's a phrase that you coined,

Time: 4918.89

but this idea of engaging in movement practice with others,

Time: 4922.01

whether or not it's dance or other movement practices

Time: 4925.43

because it's so dynamic, there's the unpredictability of it.

Time: 4929.09

Even to like today,

Time: 4930.71

two practitioners at vastly different levels of knowledge

Time: 4933.77

and experience in movement practice,

Time: 4935.57

there's information, I like to think, to be gained

Time: 4937.91

from both sides. [laughs]

Time: 4939.71

So- - 100%.

Time: 4941.6

So, one thing that I've heard you say before,

Time: 4945.56

which really resonated with me

Time: 4947.33

is this idea that people have maybe particularly in the US

Time: 4951.14

have this concept of, "Oh, I have my yoga friends

Time: 4955.1

or the people I dance with are distinct

Time: 4957.23

from my family friends, are distinct from."

Time: 4959.78

But as you pointed out, gathering around movement

Time: 4963.89

is an age-old tradition.

Time: 4966.98

And that perhaps we better off not thinking

Time: 4969.68

about people we exercise with or train with,

Time: 4972.23

but that friendship and connection made through movement

Time: 4976.91

is perhaps the most valuable form of connection.

Time: 4980.75

- Yeah, I think it's a product of those practices

Time: 4983.57

that are maybe not so aware

Time: 4987.26

or not so movement-oriented in the open sense

Time: 4990.35

and then you get this sensation with people,

Time: 4993.92

but alone, we do nothing,

Time: 4996.05

so much so that we're never alone

Time: 4999.26

also on the inside and we will manufacture

Time: 5002.59

and produce entities inside,

Time: 5007.99

so we're constantly

Time: 5009.1

in a dynamic exchange, cultural exchange.

Time: 5011.5

And practically, I learned this lesson in capoeira,

Time: 5017.2

it's a cultural manifestation.

Time: 5019.66

Things happen within this context,

Time: 5024.01

we rub against reality,

Time: 5025.99

we rub against each other

Time: 5028.99

and their movement occurs

Time: 5032.02

and their insight is to be gained and development happens

Time: 5040.21

and then comes other thoughts,

Time: 5043.06

collective knowledge versus self-knowledge.

Time: 5046.9

We are transmitting knowledge.

Time: 5048.85

If we go on top of some mountain,

Time: 5051.79

20 people, 20 normal individuals,

Time: 5057.862

and we spent 20 years

Time: 5060.58

just fighting four hours in the morning,

Time: 5063.97

four hours in the afternoon,

Time: 5066.85

and we do it for 20 years,

Time: 5069.25

but we're isolated from any other source of knowledge,

Time: 5072.43

we would still not reach anything

Time: 5075.01

that a very young fighter these days has.

Time: 5081.1

We will be unable to develop

Time: 5083.86

those techniques, those insights,

Time: 5086.02

that's where collective knowledge comes in

Time: 5087.73

and transmission jumps us forward,

Time: 5091.24

but what is the problem with that?

Time: 5093.11

Staying within just those technical constraints

Time: 5096.73

and never making it yours,

Time: 5098.29

that's the part of self-knowledge.

Time: 5101.95

The digestion of this collective information

Time: 5105.64

until it becomes digested and becomes part of yourselves,

Time: 5109.6

and then you are it versus you are doing it.

Time: 5114.19

And this is a clear separation that you can see in sports

Time: 5117.46

on a very high level and on a not so high level,

Time: 5121.12

even though I would be honest

Time: 5124.18

if I say that some people reach very far

Time: 5127.45

just with collective knowledge

Time: 5128.92

and a very technical approach,

Time: 5131.29

and others reach extremely far with very little of it.

Time: 5136.39

And there is always outliers,

Time: 5138.43

there are always the outliers in that case.

Time: 5141.07

Another thought I had when you mentioned evo-devo,

Time: 5145.93

evolution development is also the Greek concepts

Time: 5149.62

of poiesis and physis.

Time: 5155.05

The growing of the seed into the tree,

Time: 5161.05

and the other process

Time: 5162.1

of the manufacturing of the chair from the tree.

Time: 5167.89

Two processes of development evolution, very different.

Time: 5173.11

One from everything to something,

Time: 5175.87

the other from nothing to something.

Time: 5178.24

One is accumulation based, one is subtraction based.

Time: 5183.19

Both of these processes relate to collective knowledge,

Time: 5186.25

self-knowledge, but they're not exactly just that.

Time: 5189.64

And what should we do?

Time: 5191.53

This is a question that my friend Rasmus,

Time: 5194.23

he asks in his thesis and thoughts,

Time: 5198.31

what is the ultimate for us?

Time: 5200.65

Should we manufacture our chair

Time: 5203.53

or should we grow like into the tree?

Time: 5206.95

Civilize the mind, leave savage the body.

Time: 5209.38

Is it in this way or should the mind also be left wild?

Time: 5218.17

Wild and wise is a nice combination of words

Time: 5221.697

that I like to place together, wild, wise.

Time: 5225.13

So, this is something that I try to bring

Time: 5228.58

into the way that I live my life and my practice.

Time: 5230.98

And I try to bring the information,

Time: 5235.15

and the wisdom, and the collective knowledge,

Time: 5240.55

but I also try to let go of more and more

Time: 5244.15

until an essence is gleaned,

Time: 5245.92

until something is appearing

Time: 5248.44

and because everything was already there.

Time: 5251.08

For example, if I'm sitting here,

Time: 5255.73

all the movements are already occurring,

Time: 5261.73

all the possibilities are.

Time: 5264.91

So, it's just about, I need to open,

Time: 5267.61

I open this window, the air would come from here.

Time: 5269.89

If I open this window, the air would come.

Time: 5271.57

I don't need to drive my motion,

Time: 5273.58

I need to discover what is stopping it from happening.

Time: 5277.63

Something is constantly holding,

Time: 5279.7

and when we remove this immediately movement appears,

Time: 5283.18

this is real deep movement

Time: 5285.31

versus the driven movement

Time: 5288.76

that is a very wasteful of times like walking,

Time: 5291.4

you see people pushing through the walk

Time: 5293.29

instead of the controlled falling that it should be.

Time: 5298.36

Fighting, punching to manufacture the strength

Time: 5304.03

and then to have someone who knows

Time: 5307.03

how to facilitate the conditions

Time: 5309.88

in which you are knocked out.

Time: 5312.49

It doesn't knock you out,

Time: 5314.117

"It hits versus I hit," like Bruce Lee said.

Time: 5318.25

So, this is a beautiful thing to examine

Time: 5320.797

and to work within that,

Time: 5322.36

so it's to see am I skateboarding?

Time: 5326.53

Am I using this perspective?

Time: 5329.2

Or am I trying to, to control because of risk and danger,

Time: 5333.22

I'm trying to overly control something

Time: 5335.05

that actually can never be controlled.

Time: 5337.21

The way to control it is to let go of the control

Time: 5340.27

and then, okay, but what about all this collection

Time: 5343.81

of information, knowledge that I can bring in?

Time: 5346.85

Where do I want to play?

Time: 5348.88

I can play down here or I can play up here.

Time: 5352

The collective knowledge is maybe take you further in,

Time: 5355.27

and then you're still going need to do your individual work.

Time: 5358.09

A lot of people like to romanticize on that

Time: 5360.1

and it's you don't need teachers, we don't need nothing,

Time: 5364.3

we don't need information.

Time: 5365.89

It's not fully honest, you don't need,

Time: 5368.62

but depends on where you want to function

Time: 5371.14

and how you want to function.

Time: 5372.087

They shouldn't be demonized,

Time: 5373.84

but they shouldn't be overly glorified as well.

Time: 5377.02

- You mentioned about the opportunity for movement,

Time: 5379.57

perhaps even all forms of movement coming from deep within,

Time: 5382.6

it raises to mind in the neuroscience of motor systems

Time: 5386.8

we talk about motor neurons, as I described,

Time: 5389.11

the ones that actually evoke contraction of muscles.

Time: 5392.71

And then, there's this category of neurons

Time: 5395.02

that isn't often discussed, but certainly exist.

Time: 5399.19

Aren't often discussed

Time: 5400.24

in kind of popular nomenclature of neuroscience,

Time: 5402.1

which is the pre-motor system.

Time: 5404.5

Most of our movements are the reflection

Time: 5407.35

of certain patterns of transmission

Time: 5411.1

breaking through from the pre-motor to the actual motor.

Time: 5414.88

In other words, we are always

Time: 5416.89

in a anticipatory mode of movement.

Time: 5420.94

And as and I think you, the way you describe it,

Time: 5423.61

you clearly intuitively understand this,

Time: 5425.41

you feel it, and you recognize it.

Time: 5427.3

And think of it as it's like a layer of neurons

Time: 5430.12

that's constantly humming

Time: 5431.701

[hums] ready to go.

Time: 5433.39

And it's the release of these gates

Time: 5435.07

that allows movement to occur in a particular way,

Time: 5437.8

could be very smooth, could be very ballistic.

Time: 5440.35

- Which is DNA, the same,

Time: 5443.08

turning off and on, all the information is already there.

Time: 5446.56

- Right. - And then the possibilities

Time: 5447.847

are just allowed.

Time: 5449.5

So, I'm allowed,

Time: 5450.91

I don't do free will already,

Time: 5455.47

but I am allowed to do, I am.

Time: 5459.61

There are possibilities

Time: 5461.65

and I am dancing within that dance,

Time: 5467.53

but I am not the only dancer.

Time: 5470.35

So, that's, that's my sensation

Time: 5472.69

at least with most

Time: 5478.18

states of being, let's say.

Time: 5480.19

Maybe there is other states that could be reached,

Time: 5485.86

a stability that will arrive from the waters,

Time: 5488.98

from the movement of the waters,

Time: 5491.17

this humming, these potential possibilities

Time: 5495.67

to be in that state,

Time: 5497.44

to vibrate like this is very powerful for our lives.

Time: 5501.4

To wake up in the morning and feel that living thing

Time: 5505.18

is the feeling of movement,

Time: 5506.473

and, for me, it's a result of the practice.

Time: 5508.99

And so, then it's easy not to stagnate

Time: 5513.07

and then the mind can stay focused for hours

Time: 5515.44

like we've done today,

Time: 5516.79

and I can listen and tune in and I won't lose you.

Time: 5521.11

Which is very difficult,

Time: 5522.01

like I haven't had a good conversation

Time: 5523.84

here in the US it's very difficult,

Time: 5526.45

and I've had your attention and you're listening,

Time: 5529.09

but it's rare.

Time: 5530.32

It's rare that somebody can do that,

Time: 5531.85

and it's a struggle, always a struggle,

Time: 5534.61

but it's definitely my trick, my dirty trick.

Time: 5538.48

- In that you said you're allowed

Time: 5541.03

and, again, I'm taking some of the language

Time: 5542.98

and what you report about your experience

Time: 5545.32

and I'm trying to map it to some concepts

Time: 5547.96

that relate to neural circuits.

Time: 5549.67

In the principles of neuroscience,

Time: 5552.52

we talk about instructiveness versus permissiveness.

Time: 5556.81

There are instructive cues,

Time: 5558.16

like for instance, the ability to pick up this pen, right?

Time: 5561.19

There's an instruction, clearly there's a motor command,

Time: 5565

but that's just one way of looking at it.

Time: 5566.83

The way it actually works

Time: 5568

is that there's a pre-motor system

Time: 5569.77

that's already generating that movement,

Time: 5571.81

and what we've done is we've flung open the gate

Time: 5573.73

and allowed that movement to occur precisely.

Time: 5576.07

- Surfing it.

Time: 5577.78

- Right. - Surfing that current,

Time: 5578.793

or this current, or another current,

Time: 5581.14

or opening the window.

Time: 5582.58

- Exactly, and if you look at the formal study

Time: 5587.23

of movement and improvement of movement,

Time: 5590.74

the most basic example I can give is like a tennis serve.

Time: 5594.28

And they, if you just,

Time: 5595.117

and they've done this many times over.

Time: 5596.92

You map the trajectories,

Time: 5598.09

and in a novice the lines are all over the place,

Time: 5601.09

it ends up looking more like a tangle

Time: 5603.91

of rubber band ball, right?

Time: 5605.92

Whereas in the Federer or the expert,

Time: 5608.92

you almost wonder if it's just one line being drawn,

Time: 5611.62

but it's the trajectories are incredibly stereotyped.

Time: 5615.04

That's the reflection of one little narrow gate

Time: 5617.11

opening again, and again, and again.

Time: 5619.24

Of course- - Let me inject

Time: 5621.1

something here from an old neurologist, you can say,

Time: 5625.72

Bernstein, the Soviet.

Time: 5628.946

And he talked about degrees of freedom,

Time: 5631.57

and they did in order to increase productivity

Time: 5634.63

in Soviet Union.

Time: 5637.36

I don't know if you you've heard this story.

Time: 5639.267

- [Andrew] No.

Time: 5640.69

- He was brought in to examine the movement habits

Time: 5643.63

of the workers and he collected some information.

Time: 5649.39

He placed, he was one of the first kinetic,

Time: 5652.48

I don't know how it's called in English,

Time: 5654.4

the kinetic capturing of motion

Time: 5657.61

with moving pictures in that time.

Time: 5660.37

And so, he placed these dots and they took these photos,

Time: 5664.45

which became kind of moving.

Time: 5666.76

And what he discovered was something very interesting,

Time: 5670.21

the accuracy of the heat of the sledgehammer

Time: 5676.12

increased while the variants in the various points

Time: 5681.94

became more, not less.

Time: 5683.92

So, it wasn't a fixed pattern,

Time: 5686.05

it was a meta pattern.

Time: 5688.48

And this pattern is adjusted

Time: 5691.63

in this way to achieve the perfect execution.

Time: 5695.86

Those were very early findings,

Time: 5697.57

and I'm not sure how does that sit with everything,

Time: 5700.75

but I'm sure there is some truth to it from my experience.

Time: 5705.22

Basically, the self-adjusting dynamic nature of the system

Time: 5709.36

allows you to reach a very constant

Time: 5712.93

and stable end result by being so open

Time: 5717.88

and letting go of your control.

Time: 5719.32

- Mm-hmm, the example you give fits very well

Time: 5722.98

with the one that I described before

Time: 5724.75

because and I'm recalling the experiment.

Time: 5726.61

If people want to look this up, it's a paper,

Time: 5728.26

we'll put it in the show note caption,

Time: 5729.88

a guy also happens to be at Harvard

Time: 5732.19

named Bence Ölveczky, a Hungarian,

Time: 5734.41

I'm clearly pronouncing his name wrong,

Time: 5735.88

but I know Bence.

Time: 5736.99

And I remember the slide in my mind's eye,

Time: 5739.9

and the trajectory that was mapped

Time: 5741.25

was the movement of the tennis racket,

Time: 5742.66

not of the limbs themselves in the Federer case.

Time: 5745.66

So, that I think aligns well with what you're describing.

Time: 5748.69

Yeah, that exploration of degrees of freedom

Time: 5751.27

is where the opportunity

Time: 5752.77

for real advancement

Time: 5756.67

and expansion of skill shows up.

Time: 5758.23

As that I think the way it's been described to me

Time: 5759.94

is that we go from unskilled to skilled

Time: 5763.33

and then there's mastery,

Time: 5764.38

and then there's this top tier,

Time: 5765.76

which is this beautiful, thin layer

Time: 5767.98

that so few people occupy, which is virtuosity,

Time: 5770.68

in which the practitioner invites variability

Time: 5773.89

and chance back in as an opportunity to do truly new things.

Time: 5781.93

- It made me think many years ago,

Time: 5784.3

this kind of thinking about so what is that entity?

Time: 5788.38

Because obviously, it's not technique,

Time: 5790.72

and it wouldn't even be honest

Time: 5792.07

to say it's a movement pattern,

Time: 5794.38

there is too much diversity there.

Time: 5797.17

I started to talk about,

Time: 5798.55

I called it movement sleeves or meta technique,

Time: 5802.12

but the word technique is already misleading.

Time: 5807.79

So, there is some kind of a dynamic sleeve

Time: 5811.45

in which you can move in

Time: 5813.73

as long as you are not out of this sleeve,

Time: 5816.1

you are still within the boundaries

Time: 5818.26

of achieving the result that you're after.

Time: 5821.77

And then, the result is adaptation

Time: 5824.53

of all these elements inside to keep you in the sleeve.

Time: 5827.77

The sleeve is not constricted as we once thought,

Time: 5831.287

"Oh, beautiful technique."

Time: 5833.38

There are many ways to skin a cat,

Time: 5837.07

and that experience, and that variety, that diversity

Time: 5841.9

goes into virtuosity.

Time: 5843.46

It's true freedom because your focus is on the right thing.

Time: 5847.66

You don't point at the moon, look at your finger,

Time: 5850.51

and that's really in essence being a virtuoso,

Time: 5854.77

for me, like mastery, let's say if there is such a thing.

Time: 5859.09

- Oh, there's I do believe there is such a thing

Time: 5861.13

and I'll flatter and attempt to embarrass you

Time: 5864.13

by saying I think that I'm not alone

Time: 5865.6

in viewing you as a virtuoso of movement.

Time: 5867.67

I think that's what comes to mind

Time: 5870.28

because there's this notion

Time: 5871.66

that not everything is pre-planned,

Time: 5874.45

that even you might not know

Time: 5876.19

what you're going to do next until the moment of execution,

Time: 5879.04

but that here I'm projecting my own assumptions.

Time: 5885.37

I'd like to talk about mindsets

Time: 5887.95

in approaching practice a little bit more,

Time: 5890.95

but I want to wade into that territory

Time: 5893.74

by talking about vision in the eyes,

Time: 5896.8

something that we both share a deep interest in.

Time: 5899.35

I from the background of visual neuroscience,

Time: 5901.57

but also from the realization

Time: 5902.95

that we have this incredible ability

Time: 5905.53

to adjust the aperture of our visual window,

Time: 5907.72

we can focus very narrowly and we can focus very broadly.

Time: 5911.44

So, something I encountered, I think first as a child,

Time: 5913.63

realizing that I could spend all day

Time: 5915.64

watching ants play in a very fine domain

Time: 5918.61

and then look up and go inside

Time: 5919.93

and realize there's a whole world and realizing, "Wow,

Time: 5923.05

I'll never be able to consume

Time: 5924.94

the full range of experiences at any one moment."

Time: 5928.63

There are ants probably in the corner of this room

Time: 5930.79

doing their thing.

Time: 5932.83

And so too our approach to movement

Time: 5935.47

can be, as you mentioned, very big and dynamic

Time: 5938.14

in terms of the broad movements

Time: 5939.97

of our limbs or fine articulation.

Time: 5942.28

When you begin a practice

Time: 5944.38

and as you move through a practice,

Time: 5946.63

do you apply a regimented way of focusing your vision?

Time: 5952.84

Are you in panoramic vision?

Time: 5954.37

Are you in a very narrow field of view?

Time: 5956.68

Or does it entirely depend?

Time: 5958.51

And for the person who's a true beginner,

Time: 5960.52

a true novice, like myself,

Time: 5962.5

how should I show up to the practice with my eyes?

Time: 5967.24

- The eyes are a good starting point

Time: 5969.88

as you help a lot of people to understand.

Time: 5973.66

And when you encounter difficulties with other layers,

Time: 5977.32

it's very powerful to start with the eyes.

Time: 5979.99

Another thing important to understand

Time: 5983.05

and to experience, you can't believe me,

Time: 5986.26

or you've got to examine it for yourself,

Time: 5989.65

we do not move the eyes as well as we think we do.

Time: 5994.48

'Cause as long as you can see and move the eyes,

Time: 5997.66

people never think about it, that it can be trained,

Time: 6001.23

that it can be improved, et cetera,

Time: 6003.36

and the effects of it are far reaching.

Time: 6007.59

The eyes lead to the inner eye,

Time: 6009.99

you can think of it in a beautiful metaphorical way.

Time: 6015.48

And it's a representation of the way

Time: 6018.483

that we use various cognitive and mind processes

Time: 6024.06

and also, of course, affect the body.

Time: 6026.88

The eyes lead in many ways

Time: 6030.57

and the head is also a very because all of these inputs

Time: 6034.86

are coming in here.

Time: 6036.51

So, it's very easy to lead the body

Time: 6038.55

and if you look at it centrally from the head,

Time: 6041.58

it's a very powerful and easy thing.

Time: 6043.56

For example, when you teach boxers how to bob,

Time: 6049.17

usually it's not done

Time: 6050.25

in the way that I believe it should be done,

Time: 6053.91

you teach it with the periphery.

Time: 6056.34

They teach it from the feet

Time: 6058.59

because they have the idea, which is correct,

Time: 6060.57

that you need to do it in spatial conditions,

Time: 6064.47

in movement, in space.

Time: 6067.32

But in reality, the head will organize the feet for you.

Time: 6071.46

Instead, you are now putting two elements together

Time: 6074.1

and then with years of practice,

Time: 6075.63

you hope of tying them together well.

Time: 6078.15

I prefer to do something else

Time: 6079.5

because if I'll pull your head now to side,

Time: 6082.65

you will immediately start to organize your feet under you.

Time: 6085.98

So, I give you just one element

Time: 6087.54

to manipulate the system from,

Time: 6088.89

that's how I would teach someone something like this.

Time: 6092.16

Many animals hunt with the head,

Time: 6094.32

so you can see the body running forward

Time: 6096.45

while the head is turning to the side,

Time: 6098.22

the whole thing follows afterwards.

Time: 6100.29

So, it's a very powerful way to address movement,

Time: 6102.48

not the only one,

Time: 6104.46

there are many modes, thankfully,

Time: 6106.02

and we're very adaptable in that,

Time: 6107.67

but definitely a primary one.

Time: 6110.28

And then, the use of the eyes is, of course,

Time: 6112.59

maybe the most important element with that usually.

Time: 6118.95

Yeah, what else can I say about the eyes?

Time: 6121.5

So, how do you come in?

Time: 6123.03

Well, it depends on the practice,

Time: 6124.53

you need to start to have some kind of a checklist

Time: 6128.43

of what you're looking to do.

Time: 6131.22

And then by this,

Time: 6132.09

you can start to tailor the way that you use your eyes.

Time: 6135.9

The same thing I do for posture,

Time: 6138.3

the same thing I do for stance,

Time: 6140.16

the same thing eventually I do for state.

Time: 6143.61

And there is different flavors,

Time: 6145.05

there is no correct way to use the eyes.

Time: 6146.85

Sometimes it's very peripheral,

Time: 6148.53

soft, open awareness orientation,

Time: 6151.86

sometimes it's very focused.

Time: 6154.62

Notice that I'm pulling these two opposites,

Time: 6158.37

awareness and focus,

Time: 6159.84

which is often put together and fused,

Time: 6162.57

but and then the eyes

Time: 6166.02

are like the immediate

Time: 6167.88

and the easiest entry point into that.

Time: 6171.33

Another thing is the placement of the head and the eyes,

Time: 6175.95

like for example, when we lower our chin,

Time: 6179.13

we seem to see better.

Time: 6182.52

When we raise the eyebrows,

Time: 6184.89

there is too much exposure of top light sources

Time: 6188.31

and so people would usually when looking into the distance

Time: 6191.16

will tilt their chin in.

Time: 6193.38

And in many scenarios, tilting of the chin to the side,

Time: 6197.16

or placing just like listening with the ear,

Time: 6200.85

placing a certain eye or dominant eye,

Time: 6203.73

depending on various scenarios.

Time: 6206.49

And this is all like information

Time: 6208.2

that I can come in cerebrally,

Time: 6211.2

and think about, and jump my practice forward.

Time: 6214.71

Instead, of just letting the experience teach me that,

Time: 6218.52

I'm using some kind of a thinking process to improve.

Time: 6221.34

And this is not cheating, this is great.

Time: 6224.43

Will it work?

Time: 6225.45

We got to try, it's a process.

Time: 6228.69

And those are some thoughts and to start to play with.

Time: 6231.63

- Yeah, I love that you mentioned chin down

Time: 6236.07

because we all have a natural reflex

Time: 6237.75

when chin goes down, eyes goes up,

Time: 6239.4

and the opposite is true when head goes up, eyes go down.

Time: 6243.3

And there are two separate clusters of neurons

Time: 6245.58

in these cranial nerve nuclei that, as we call them,

Time: 6250.17

when eyes are up,

Time: 6252.45

it increases our level of alertness overall.

Time: 6254.949

This is not woo science,

Time: 6258.03

this is the function of these cranial nerve nuclei.

Time: 6262.11

When our eyes are down,

Time: 6264.54

we go into states of more calm and quiescence.

Time: 6267.3

And this makes perfect sense,

Time: 6268.38

you know, and then the eyelids usually go down

Time: 6270

and then people fall asleep.

Time: 6271.59

Eyes up does not mean head up

Time: 6273.69

'cause, as you said, there's a very dynamic control

Time: 6275.85

over the amount of luminance depending on the environment.

Time: 6278.43

So, that and then, as you mentioned,

Time: 6281.34

this difference between focus and awareness,

Time: 6283.89

I think is a really important one.

Time: 6286.17

When we are in this more panoramic, soft gaze

Time: 6289.77

and broad awareness, big swaths of visual field, as we say,

Time: 6293.85

the neurons that control that

Time: 6295.44

come through a pathway called magnocellular pathway.

Time: 6297.48

In any event, those neurons are much thicker,

Time: 6299.52

thicker cables, they transmit much faster,

Time: 6301.47

just like thick pipes can carry more water more quickly.

Time: 6305.58

And your reaction time is at least four times

Time: 6309.3

what it is in this awareness mode

Time: 6311.76

than it is when you're narrowly focused on something.

Time: 6314.13

And this is counterintuitive, I think, to a lot of people,

Time: 6316.47

but the person who is running to catch the ball

Time: 6318.27

is not tracking the ball in a smooth movement,

Time: 6321.232

most of their vision is in peripheral vision.

Time: 6323.52

When we drive we're in this peripheral vision

Time: 6325.77

and our reaction times are much, much faster.

Time: 6328.53

So, I don't know if I'm reluctant to encourage people

Time: 6332.73

to shift toward a particular type of practice

Time: 6334.98

toward a particular type of vision.

Time: 6336.15

I think what you and I,

Time: 6337.539

I hope agree on, correct me if I'm wrong,

Time: 6341.16

is that exploring these different extremes

Time: 6344.61

and everything in between is where the real value is.

Time: 6346.95

Panoramic focused,

Time: 6349.23

eyes, head up, eyes down,

Time: 6351.21

head down, eyes up,

Time: 6352.26

playing with it and exploring it

Time: 6354.6

and as opposed to for the first 10 minutes of practice

Time: 6358.86

being panoramic vision.

Time: 6360.06

You know, the sort of-

Time: 6360.893

- Yeah. - earlier today we were joking

Time: 6362.67

about and kind of lamenting the fact

Time: 6365.4

that this word biohacking exists

Time: 6367.47

or that the optimal performance,

Time: 6369.42

it's that they're unfortunate terms

Time: 6371.19

because they suggest that if you just plug it in,

Time: 6373.56

it's going to be like two plus two equals four

Time: 6375.15

and you're going to get it right every time.

Time: 6377.61

- Another pragmatic bit here, if I can offer,

Time: 6380.4

is since our culture

Time: 6385.74

has been more geared and pushing us towards focus,

Time: 6389.021

the focus use of the eyes,

Time: 6390.45

and primary language, reading, and other things,

Time: 6394.71

we have less opportunities

Time: 6396.6

to work with the more open panoramic one.

Time: 6399.63

So, it would be smart

Time: 6401.52

to start to balance things out a bit more.

Time: 6405.57

When you're in nature, you don't look at each leaf,

Time: 6408.81

everything is moving, and you are kind of immersed in that.

Time: 6412.32

And then, something attracts your attention,

Time: 6413.917

"Oh, it's a bird," and you focus,

Time: 6415.8

and you go back into the general state,

Time: 6419.19

the base state, which is open awareness.

Time: 6422.79

Here, we switch things around in our modern culture,

Time: 6425.82

we are mostly focused and then we sometimes daydream,

Time: 6430.11

which is maybe some kind

Time: 6431.914

of a balancing act

Time: 6436.02

that comes from deep within,

Time: 6437.52

I don't know, maybe you can share

Time: 6440.1

some information about that,

Time: 6441.3

but I see that many time people need to,

Time: 6444.45

the focus is overly done by far in our lives.

Time: 6449.49

- I couldn't agree more,

Time: 6450.84

and I think a lot of I'll even venture so far as to say

Time: 6453.39

that a lot of the visual deficits

Time: 6456.45

that we now see in young people,

Time: 6458.34

myopia, literally nearsightedness, occurs

Time: 6461.4

because if we look at things that are too close to us

Time: 6463.56

as children or as adults,

Time: 6464.82

the eyeball actually gets longer.

Time: 6466.83

The lens focuses the visual image in front

Time: 6470.82

of nearer to the lens, nearsighted,

Time: 6473.28

than in front of where it should land.

Time: 6476.76

And basically, it's a lack of panoramic vision

Time: 6481.17

that is or open awareness that's driving these changes.

Time: 6484.59

And nowadays, we are essentially,

Time: 6486.87

most people are 90% of the time in this narrow focus mode.

Time: 6491.04

You know, right before recording,

Time: 6492.09

we took a break and went up to look at a vista

Time: 6494.4

and to look off to the distance, incredibly useful,

Time: 6498.3

easy practice at some level,

Time: 6499.74

but I think most people are not doing this sort of thing.

Time: 6502.41

And the way that it shapes the mind

Time: 6503.97

and the perception of time,

Time: 6505.23

of course, is a whole other kingdom of ideas.

Time: 6508.35

But one thing I'd like to relate

Time: 6511.29

this element of vision to and open awareness

Time: 6513.69

is earlier you mentioned the cone of auditory attention,

Time: 6516.54

the other sense that we can play with

Time: 6518.88

in as in our practice and throughout the day.

Time: 6523.65

Do you see any value to both paying attention to things

Time: 6527.61

in a very narrow cone of auditory attention,

Time: 6529.62

but also just walking and listening

Time: 6531.9

to all the sounds at once?

Time: 6533.7

I could imagine that could be useful.

Time: 6535.38

And in terms of physical movement practices,

Time: 6538.65

I was going to say where are your ears?

Time: 6540.24

Your ears are always more or less in the same place,

Time: 6542.1

but where is your hearing when you approach your practice?

Time: 6546.238

- Another set of parameters to think about,

Time: 6549.66

and to play with, and to be aware of.

Time: 6553.53

Also, I have the experience that some people

Time: 6556.95

are better at using this system or that system.

Time: 6562.5

And you would be amazed how differently the same results

Time: 6567.69

seemingly outside results are done

Time: 6569.58

by different practitioners and different scenarios.

Time: 6575.1

This goes into this mutation and change idea

Time: 6577.62

is what really jumps us forward eventually

Time: 6580.89

some kind of a mutation.

Time: 6582.75

So, it's like all of our culture, and practices, and success

Time: 6587.34

puts us closer and closer to each other,

Time: 6590.16

so we have the same opinions everywhere around the world

Time: 6594.42

becoming more and more the same,

Time: 6596.94

less and less different,

Time: 6598.65

but the real hope comes from the different,

Time: 6602.49

so and we have a difficulty in promoting that.

Time: 6609.57

And so, this is another thing that can be promoted

Time: 6613.38

with the right practices,

Time: 6615.54

the right, for example, I work with corporates

Time: 6619.29

or even worked with governments before

Time: 6622.11

to bring in some of that freshness

Time: 6624.09

with simple habits in the workday,

Time: 6626.61

or in the education of children,

Time: 6628.89

or in companies increasing productivity.

Time: 6634.74

I don't really give a fuck,

Time: 6636.72

but I am there to give what I view is important

Time: 6641.34

and what is important maybe increases productivity,

Time: 6646.02

but it's more important to me

Time: 6647.22

that it improves people's lives who are involved

Time: 6650.43

and improves, yeah, being and becoming,

Time: 6656.1

being and becoming, these two entities.

Time: 6659.19

I'm not there, I'm on my way, I'm a process.

Time: 6662.91

So, thinking about hearing,

Time: 6666.75

the way that people use their ears,

Time: 6669.06

the way that people use listening.

Time: 6672.21

Again, we can talk about placement of the head and posture,

Time: 6677.01

sometimes angling as well, sharper angle, chin down,

Time: 6680.7

some people tend to use the shape of the ear,

Time: 6684.81

people with different ears closer or further out.

Time: 6688.89

This is it's if you're very sensitive

Time: 6691.5

and you're looking around,

Time: 6692.37

you would see this is affecting people's motion.

Time: 6697.26

Even the shape of our face,

Time: 6700.44

like the development of the vocal chords

Time: 6702.27

and speaking will totally change how we are, how we look,

Time: 6706.32

but how we listen also will do the same.

Time: 6711.24

I don't have any proof of it,

Time: 6712.56

but it is something I believe in.

Time: 6716.624

- Well, people will even make their ears bigger, right?

Time: 6719.16

We, we try and become like little fennec foxes or something

Time: 6722.34

by, I mean, a lot of people don't realize

Time: 6724.2

that's actually why we do this

Time: 6725.18

is to capture more sound waves, right?

Time: 6727.41

And the leaning is that the localization of sound

Time: 6729.722

is based on a simple brainstem calculation

Time: 6732.24

of interaural time differences,

Time: 6734.37

the time in which something,

Time: 6736.35

the brain intuitively, it just knows

Time: 6739.08

'cause it's a pretty hardwired circuit

Time: 6740.91

that if a sound arrives first to this ear then that ear,

Time: 6743.46

that it's likely coming from over here.

Time: 6746.55

Whereas, if it's dead center,

Time: 6748.23

arrives at the two at the same time,

Time: 6749.85

that it's almost ridiculously simple when one hears it,

Time: 6753.45

no pun intended,

Time: 6754.53

but it is an incredibly valuable way of thinking

Time: 6759.69

about how the architecture of the body

Time: 6762.57

changes our experience.

Time: 6765.3

Along those lines earlier, you mentioned something

Time: 6767.37

and it flagged an important question for me.

Time: 6771.93

When I see people walking

Time: 6775.192

sometimes I think, "Wow, they really move in a strange way."

Time: 6779.31

Occasionally you see somebody,

Time: 6780.33

they walk really, it's impressive for whatever reason,

Time: 6783.93

you know, and you just think, "Wow,

Time: 6784.95

they sort of glide along."

Time: 6787.53

People come in different shapes and sizes,

Time: 6789.33

short torsos, long arms, et cetera.

Time: 6793.11

Do you think that if people have a body type

Time: 6796.26

that facilitates certain kinds of movement and not others

Time: 6799.35

that they should intentionally try and move in the way

Time: 6802.86

that is right at the edge

Time: 6804.6

of the kind of friction and challenge

Time: 6807.81

in order to shape new possibilities,

Time: 6811.83

or do you think that they should lean

Time: 6813.15

into the smooth execution

Time: 6814.89

of what comes most naturally to them?

Time: 6817.71

- Yeah, I think a good practice is to have many walks

Time: 6825.9

because they're required.

Time: 6827.04

And, of course, there is a very efficient

Time: 6829.86

and endurance, stamina-oriented thing

Time: 6832.83

that if you have the experience,

Time: 6834.96

it will naturally develops and unravel.

Time: 6837.6

And if not,

Time: 6838.433

you can get some collective knowledge and improve.

Time: 6841.92

And then there is a lot of emotion,

Time: 6845.52

emotional things related to walk

Time: 6847.5

like how I'm walking into a business meeting

Time: 6851.94

and/or how I'm walking

Time: 6856.29

out of a bad situation.

Time: 6859.47

And there is a lot of beautiful things to research there

Time: 6864.27

practically with yourself,

Time: 6865.95

trying to approach someone with the chin slightly down,

Time: 6868.98

very linear, very efficient in the straightest line,

Time: 6872.1

or trying to approach someone a little bit more rounded

Time: 6874.89

from the side and tilting your head,

Time: 6877.71

and you will see totally different results,

Time: 6880.56

totally different communication that happens

Time: 6884.01

over people's heads.

Time: 6885.09

But if you're sensitive, you realize that, "Wow,

Time: 6887.91

this opened the door."

Time: 6889.62

Instead, many people you start on the minus.

Time: 6892.14

My sister, my big sister, Atali,

Time: 6893.82

she always says, "I started on the minus,

Time: 6896.7

why don't I start on zero with them?"

Time: 6899.13

You know, so, but it's part of the approach.

Time: 6902.61

You can affect that, and you can start even on the plus

Time: 6905.43

if you are the sly man as the practitioner needs to be.

Time: 6910.62

So, this is something to play with and to work with

Time: 6914.31

and then you have, of course, body proportions,

Time: 6916.56

and ways, and we have all these like technical invasions,

Time: 6920.52

mathematics, and trigonometry, and architecture,

Time: 6923.58

they invaded our bodies, they invaded our nervous system.

Time: 6927.27

And now, our walk and our physical practices,

Time: 6930.09

they look linear and efficient,

Time: 6932.7

the path between two points is a straight line,

Time: 6934.8

it's not, this is biomechanics,

Time: 6936.6

it's not mechanics, nothing there is a given,

Time: 6941.43

there's no gospel.

Time: 6943.26

So, the walkers is sometimes have to go around

Time: 6947.4

or sway from side to side,

Time: 6949.05

and there is coiling and coiling and there are moving bits.

Time: 6951.69

And what about the coordination

Time: 6953.76

of my breathing with my walk?

Time: 6955.2

Because if I walk too linearly,

Time: 6957.39

there is less pumping of the air naturally in and out

Time: 6960.36

so now I have to forcefully

Time: 6962.1

bring it in and out, I'm wasteful.

Time: 6964.92

And that's why you see in last years,

Time: 6967.77

these incredible runners, especially in long distance,

Time: 6972.03

doing things we never thought were possible

Time: 6976.399

in the worst possible way that we used to think,

Time: 6981.63

pronation and all kinds of things

Time: 6983.883

like our technical thoughts

Time: 6986.22

were totally misguided and wrong.

Time: 6990.99

And then, somebody comes in and does it in some way

Time: 6996.15

that is totally wrong

Time: 6997.08

and he gets results we could never get.

Time: 7000.62

And that's the beauty of playfulness,

Time: 7003.35

experimentation, change, being different.

Time: 7008.18

- As you're describing this I'm smiling

Time: 7009.5

because one of my favorite neuroscientists,

Time: 7012.32

he's out of the university of Chicago,

Time: 7014.99

was in a meeting and there was an argument

Time: 7016.79

about evolution of the nervous system

Time: 7018.26

and he said, "At the end,"

Time: 7020.87

and people were arguing about whether or not this gene

Time: 7023.12

in one animal was homologous

Time: 7024.71

to this gene in humans, et cetera,

Time: 7026.3

it can get very dicey.

Time: 7027.95

And he said very, very appropriately that,

Time: 7031.617

"One of the major jobs of evolution

Time: 7033.53

is to take existing cell types and circuits

Time: 7036.17

and give them new functions.

Time: 7037.76

But that can only be done through the playful exploration

Time: 7041.48

of new possibilities,"

Time: 7043.16

which I think maps very well to what you're saying,

Time: 7045.77

that at the extreme thresholds of technical execution,

Time: 7049.91

you know, mastery, mastery, mastery, you,

Time: 7052.28

your obviously performance is very high,

Time: 7054.95

but the opportunity for evolution of the sport,

Time: 7057.71

or the music, or the dance, or the intellectual endeavor

Time: 7060.65

is limited because you're not introducing variability.

Time: 7064.07

In the attempt to get proper execution,

Time: 7066.8

you're limiting oneself.

Time: 7069.02

- Hence, I want to offer something that is relating to you.

Time: 7075.17

We should be wary

Time: 7076.34

of defining the mechanisms

Time: 7083.54

and putting certain meaning with certain processes and ways

Time: 7088.97

because just history and experience shows

Time: 7091.55

it doesn't work well for us most times,

Time: 7095.167

or it becomes like this much more elaborate thing

Time: 7098.6

even if we were somewhat in the right direction

Time: 7102.53

because even thinking this way can offer a lot.

Time: 7106.13

Like for example, your advice

Time: 7108.26

about heat, dopamine, light,

Time: 7110.51

offers a lot of benefit, but also can create problems

Time: 7114.47

and it can enclose something

Time: 7118.4

which the improviser

Time: 7122.75

will find, the MacGyvers, right?

Time: 7124.7

Like take a pink, some paper clip,

Time: 7128.15

and you make it into something great.

Time: 7131.15

And this is really our,

Time: 7134.42

we are the biggest improvisers around

Time: 7136.37

like that's what made us who we are, I think,

Time: 7138.707

and this is incredible what we can do with it.

Time: 7142.46

You know, the Russian-American space exploration story

Time: 7147.47

with the space pen,

Time: 7148.91

famous story about the development of the space pen.

Time: 7152.42

- I don't know. - It's a-

Time: 7153.32

- A space pen? - Yeah.

Time: 7154.411

- No, I don't know about this.

Time: 7155.41

- I think it's an urban myth.

Time: 7157.78

I don't know if it's true, but I like it so I use it.

Time: 7161.15

Well, there was this, of course, a space competition

Time: 7165.71

and the Russians put the first animal in space

Time: 7169.566

and the first. - He was a macaque monkey

Time: 7171.07

or something like that, yeah. - Yeah.

Time: 7172.936

And then Laika, and they put the first Sputnik,

Time: 7177.68

the satellite, and men in space,

Time: 7180.23

but Americans took the man on the moon.

Time: 7183.89

And on the way a lot of technologies got developed

Time: 7186.347

and the Americans because of lack of gravity out there

Time: 7189.17

developed the space pen with a huge investment,

Time: 7191.93

the Russians used a pencil.

Time: 7193.801

[Andrew laughing]

Time: 7196.55

So, I don't know if it's true,

Time: 7198.77

I don't think it is,

Time: 7199.61

but it represents something in the state of mind.

Time: 7202.49

Like you look at, for example,

Time: 7203.63

the military equipment in Soviet equipment,

Time: 7206.72

it all can do multiple things

Time: 7209.57

and it means that it's heavier,

Time: 7211.1

it's less efficient, it's not as light,

Time: 7214.13

but even the Navy SEALs will still carry an AK

Time: 7219.32

with certain conditions, why?

Time: 7221.69

Because you can pour a whole bucket of sand

Time: 7223.76

into the mechanism and it will keep running

Time: 7226.13

while the most advanced German Heckler & Koch

Time: 7229.13

and accurate and light weapons,

Time: 7231.74

for every grain can get stuck and overly specialized.

Time: 7235.19

And there is something about this openness

Time: 7236.87

that we humans need to keep,

Time: 7239.42

and also maybe something for our leaders

Time: 7242.39

to be more of less specialists and more in this openness,

Time: 7245.99

less capable in this or that way,

Time: 7248.78

but more capable of doing the whole thing.

Time: 7253.67

- I love the story, whether or not it's a legend or not,

Time: 7257.3

it's legendary because it's fantastic.

Time: 7260.48

As you say, in the laboratory,

Time: 7261.56

whenever someone takes on a project in my lab,

Time: 7263.42

I always say, "You know, you have to ask yourself

Time: 7265.61

how much technical detail and challenge you want to take on

Time: 7269.09

because with more technology, advanced technology,

Time: 7272.18

yes, there's the opportunity for more discovery,

Time: 7273.98

but more downtime.

Time: 7275.33

Your PhD will literally take longer

Time: 7277.58

if you're going to use a microscope

Time: 7278.87

that's out of commission 30% of the time,

Time: 7281.72

and you just have to understand that."

Time: 7283.49

So, there's a dynamic interplay there.

Time: 7286.31

- By the way, I think that scientists get it right,

Time: 7289.01

it's where you transmit the knowledge

Time: 7290.917

out of the scientific field

Time: 7292.91

because science have debate and everything,

Time: 7295.46

you're not so connected,

Time: 7296.99

of course this can happen as well,

Time: 7298.31

but then when it goes out

Time: 7300.74

and the simple person without the experience

Time: 7305.51

takes it more as a gospel, as a fixed thing,

Time: 7308.12

and then it was just a report.

Time: 7309.95

- Right. - It was just reporting

Time: 7311

some functions here and play with it,

Time: 7313.25

see what it does for you.

Time: 7315.133

Because with all the greatest information that I can give,

Time: 7319.01

the person will examine it

Time: 7320.267

and it might be not useful at all for him.

Time: 7324.02

This is the practitioner, make it your own,

Time: 7326.75

go practice, try heat, cold, light,

Time: 7330.74

movement, awareness to this, awareness to this.

Time: 7334.196

And this is up to you to make it yours,

Time: 7336.44

but we don't like to have this responsibility.

Time: 7339.83

- No, people prefer to have

Time: 7341.42

that this will work the first time every time

Time: 7344.15

and will serve you best compared to everything else.

Time: 7347.69

And while there are more reliable tools than others,

Time: 7351.5

in my mind, the more reliable tools

Time: 7353.6

tend to be ones that are grounded in our innate physiology

Time: 7359.51

as opposed to some, I don't like the word hack,

Time: 7361.82

in fact, I loathe the word biohack,

Time: 7363.71

as we were talking about again earlier,

Time: 7365.93

because a hack in my mind is something

Time: 7368.36

that is designed for one purpose

Time: 7370.01

that's used for another,

Time: 7371.587

it's not the most efficient use of that tool,

Time: 7374.6

nor is it naturally the best solution.

Time: 7377.45

Whereas, biology has some very good solutions,

Time: 7379.91

but they don't always work, not every time.

Time: 7383.6

Earlier today, we did a practice

Time: 7385.04

in which involved a invasion,

Time: 7388.79

shall we say, of peripersonal space.

Time: 7391.34

We weren't standing super close for any particular reason,

Time: 7394.19

but there was God forbid- - God forbid.

Time: 7396.74

- But there was we were close enough together

Time: 7400.13

we could touch one torsos

Time: 7401.78

and we were doing that as part of this practice.

Time: 7404.15

And you encouraged me to pay attention

Time: 7406.13

to how does it feel

Time: 7407.78

to have someone in your peripersonal space?

Time: 7410.3

And then, this notion of reactivity.

Time: 7412.07

I find this an immensely interesting

Time: 7414.17

and potentially powerful practice

Time: 7416.72

because I think a lot of people,

Time: 7418.52

I know a lot of people suffer from anxiety

Time: 7421.79

just being in a face-to-face conversation.

Time: 7424.1

Some people have a lot of anxiety

Time: 7426.02

about being physically close to people,

Time: 7427.7

whether or not they know them or not.

Time: 7429.56

And many people are reactive,

Time: 7431.33

they are in that anticipatory state

Time: 7433.16

of something that is going to happen.

Time: 7434.57

And sometimes this relates to trauma

Time: 7436.25

and negative experience, but sometimes no,

Time: 7437.96

sometimes they're just not used to being in dynamic,

Time: 7441.23

excuse me, exchange with other beings.

Time: 7444.68

And so, one thing that I love about the movement practice

Time: 7448.16

and how dynamic is that one can explore that space.

Time: 7450.35

Maybe you could talk about that a little bit more.

Time: 7453.56

- Yeah.

Time: 7456.71

Touch, proximity, all these things,

Time: 7461.27

also taking very,

Time: 7465.26

it takes a very, I think, limited place in our lives.

Time: 7468.98

People are not touched and they don't touch enough.

Time: 7472.13

There is certain bubbles of peripersonal space

Time: 7475.55

according to culture, according to environment,

Time: 7477.92

what is right, what is wrong?

Time: 7479.21

And then came all the, of course, political correctness,

Time: 7482.54

and harassments, and all kinds.

Time: 7485.33

And this is a problem,

Time: 7486.71

it's a problem to navigate all this scenario.

Time: 7490.19

And I think we are,

Time: 7491.69

there is definitely this side which is suffering.

Time: 7495.41

People go to BJJ classes to touch,

Time: 7498.257

not to learn BJJ.

Time: 7500.96

Most of it, they're not even aware of it,

Time: 7503.15

before they would go to a prostitute, maybe.

Time: 7508.43

It would not be honest to say that,

Time: 7513.41

yeah, this is not required or necessary more in our lives.

Time: 7518.27

Children who are not touched,

Time: 7519.8

there is a lot of information about that and the problems,

Time: 7522.68

but adults who are not touched,

Time: 7524.54

there is not a lot of information.

Time: 7525.89

And I think it's no less of a problem

Time: 7528.02

because it's something that has to be constantly present.

Time: 7532.19

And then, proximity being able to, as you said,

Time: 7537.32

remove certain reactivity and to learn to control

Time: 7543.41

that volume control over how reactive I am,

Time: 7547.82

and in other scenarios,

Time: 7549.14

how do I remove this reactivity altogether

Time: 7551.3

is very important for performance

Time: 7553.07

and also for our lives for clear thinking, et cetera,

Time: 7556.37

because everything is moving through us

Time: 7558.59

and is being monitored by us

Time: 7561.14

so everything has the potential to detract us

Time: 7563.9

from a certain direction of exploration

Time: 7567.2

or and if you're reactive, you're a slave,

Time: 7571.048

and it becomes worse and worse and worse.

Time: 7574.52

Or as, for example, a fighter,

Time: 7576.56

or a football player, et cetera,

Time: 7578.6

has to know what to take, what not to take.

Time: 7581.09

The fact that you can sense more

Time: 7582.98

doesn't mean you should react to it.

Time: 7584.48

And the practice helps that

Time: 7586.88

by bringing people into these scenarios,

Time: 7589.19

but oftentimes disarming them.

Time: 7591.35

Like when we were working closely today,

Time: 7594.08

and because you have a certain background

Time: 7597.2

with boxing or fighting,

Time: 7599.33

I can tell you, you are missing some kind of a way

Time: 7603.65

to be in that space that is not marshaled.

Time: 7607.61

So, you carry a certain tone,

Time: 7610.34

although you're a very kind person,

Time: 7612.32

but oftentimes you held me

Time: 7614.81

without realizing you're holding me with a lot of strength,

Time: 7617.78

for example, and it just,

Time: 7622.61

it was clear to me you're not fully aware

Time: 7624.89

of what is unfolding

Time: 7625.723

and it's just, of course, a question of experience.

Time: 7629.42

So, to be able to be in this scenario,

Time: 7631.04

but do something else,

Time: 7632.93

which is not geared towards winning, losing competition,

Time: 7637.04

or just being able to play with another person.

Time: 7639.89

Like for example, contact improvisation took that

Time: 7642.95

and played with that,

Time: 7644.237

and the work of Steve Paxton

Time: 7646.04

for the ones who are not familiar.

Time: 7649.67

So, this is where I call it the hybrids

Time: 7654.05

become very useful,

Time: 7655.64

like we don't when you are practicing in this open way,

Time: 7661.04

you are not bound by specific rule set

Time: 7663.74

or ways of doing things.

Time: 7665

It can be a fight, but it can be a dance

Time: 7670.1

a moment after.

Time: 7671.03

Another thing that I learned from capoeira

Time: 7674.18

the situation's very tricky there

Time: 7675.92

'cause I've seen kids doing cartwheels in Brazil

Time: 7679.37

and scissors fall from their pocket.

Time: 7682.97

Why, why would you go to with a scissor in your pocket?

Time: 7686.96

Obviously, there is certain intentions

Time: 7689.48

and then at other times you see back flips

Time: 7691.25

and beautiful things, but people die in capoeira every year.

Time: 7696.95

- Neck breaks or something?

Time: 7698.69

- Kicks through the face from various violence.

Time: 7703.1

It's I've explored other martial arts and boxing,

Time: 7707.36

I was involved with MMA and BJJ,

Time: 7710.42

but I tell you the most violent arenas

Time: 7712.49

is that vibe 'cause it's unknown.

Time: 7714.92

One moment, it smiles,

Time: 7716.57

another moment, it's something else and it's uncontrolled.

Time: 7718.88

There is no categories, no weights,

Time: 7720.53

and it's a street phenomenon.

Time: 7722.69

So, you have musical instruments,

Time: 7724.58

sometimes they break it on your head.

Time: 7726.35

People don't see that,

Time: 7727.34

but you can look online on YouTube

Time: 7729.47

and see some of that side of capoeira,

Time: 7731.81

which is actually the day-to-day in Brazil

Time: 7736.34

and the reality and how things unfolded.

Time: 7739.55

So, it's very important to explore

Time: 7743.21

many ways of being within different distances and spaces

Time: 7747.23

from other people and touched in different ways

Time: 7750.38

and not contextualizing it always in the same way.

Time: 7754.76

I can touch your chest in one way,

Time: 7757.64

I can touch it with the exact same pressure and speed,

Time: 7760.67

but it will feel very different.

Time: 7762.95

The parameters, I'm not sure, certain intentions,

Time: 7766.22

certain combination of postures or ways,

Time: 7769.46

and this is beautiful exploration.

Time: 7771.191

And again, I would encourage you and others

Time: 7776.12

to explore the discomfort.

Time: 7778.16

For example, certain discomfort to be with a man

Time: 7782.213

in a certain scenario or with a woman

Time: 7784.31

and trying to see what is that?

Time: 7786.98

Because if we're truly strong,

Time: 7789.89

we are not afraid of anything.

Time: 7791.69

If we truly know who we are

Time: 7794.75

and we are in that exploration,

Time: 7796.97

we don't know the end result,

Time: 7798.47

but we are in a research

Time: 7800.15

and then we are not afraid of being in debt or this,

Time: 7803.18

and we don't come out of boundaries,

Time: 7805.28

and this will improve our culture tremendously.

Time: 7807.77

Of course, there must be agreement,

Time: 7809.87

you never force yourself,

Time: 7810.95

but you meet someone who is also interested

Time: 7813.23

in that exploration and then you do it.

Time: 7816.031

And there are many scenarios

Time: 7818.45

to do that with traditional practices,

Time: 7820.82

like learning to grapple

Time: 7822.62

or going to contact improvisation

Time: 7826.25

and studying there, or going to dance,

Time: 7828.86

to Latin dance class

Time: 7830.707

or and there is, of course, my favorite

Time: 7833.27

is to create and to come up with your own hybrids

Time: 7837.62

of that and scenarios.

Time: 7839.72

Communicating with your loved one through movement,

Time: 7842.51

not sitting around food and talking,

Time: 7846.17

moving together in all kinds of ways.

Time: 7848.09

Sometimes it's walking together,

Time: 7850.04

but sometimes it's all kinds of, it can be game,

Time: 7853.7

playful, it can be romantic.

Time: 7856.032

And there are many shades,

Time: 7858.23

sex doesn't start here and end here, right?

Time: 7861.68

It's like a continuum,

Time: 7863.09

and we don't even need to define it in that way.

Time: 7866.12

So, with time, I think it unlocks

Time: 7870.32

a lot of things.

Time: 7871.153

People become much stronger in a good sense,

Time: 7873.89

in sense of becoming, being,

Time: 7876.92

and we abuse less, and we can approach,

Time: 7882.38

yeah, other aspects to us.

Time: 7885.02

- I love the idea that through the exploration

Time: 7887.3

of a range of physical contacts

Time: 7890.84

provided one knows they can always return

Time: 7893.33

to their center, so to speak,

Time: 7895.52

then there's a lot of opportunity that opens up.

Time: 7898.7

I wish there was more of that encouraged in children's play,

Time: 7903.26

but also, as you mentioned, in adult environments.

Time: 7907.07

Because yeah, nowadays for all sorts of reasons

Time: 7911.06

that you've touched on,

Time: 7912.95

the idea of keeping at least in arms length distance

Time: 7915.26

has become critical.

Time: 7916.34

There are a lot of environments

Time: 7917.21

actually where hugging is not allowed.

Time: 7919.91

I don't know what it's like in Israel,

Time: 7921.5

but in the states many institutions you're not allowed

Time: 7924.41

to touch anyone else's body.

Time: 7926.93

There's actually a wonderful study

Time: 7928.04

that comes to mind from an Israeli laboratory,

Time: 7930.02

a guy named Noam Sobel, who's over there,

Time: 7933.92

who has shown that by recording people's first interactions

Time: 7938.51

that when people meet, if they shake hands,

Time: 7942.5

they almost always,

Time: 7944.3

I think it's greater than 85% of the time

Time: 7946.52

they will then wipe the chemicals

Time: 7948.05

from the other person onto their own eyes,

Time: 7950.24

typically their eyes or their face.

Time: 7952.4

This changed a little bit during the whole pandemic thing,

Time: 7955.82

but this is thought to be a carryover

Time: 7959.78

from what other animals do

Time: 7961.01

in terms of exchanging microbiome elements,

Time: 7963.56

exchanging chemicals that we're constantly feeding

Time: 7966.29

our subconscious with the chemical knowledge

Time: 7970.37

of the chemical constituents of other people, right?

Time: 7974.24

So, it goes way beyond how people smell,

Time: 7977.27

how they look, et cetera.

Time: 7978.83

More touch seems to me just, as you said,

Time: 7981.83

provided it's consensual,

Time: 7982.76

it seems like it's just a really good thing overall.

Time: 7985.79

- And I think maybe also important for discharging,

Time: 7989.87

discharging certain experiences, remodeling, reframing.

Time: 7993.5

So, it's like touches, it's very powerful in that.

Time: 7996.622

If you're touched and you're touching a lot,

Time: 7999.59

you're unpacking and you experience that touch

Time: 8002.56

that maybe has been traumatic and you're reframing it,

Time: 8006.1

you have the opportunity, which is something interesting.

Time: 8011.05

I've heard some story

Time: 8014.5

about some traditional culture

Time: 8016.66

in which when you were burned by mistake,

Time: 8019.69

they would immediately burn you again.

Time: 8023.079

And it made me think,

Time: 8024.127

and then there would not be any burn marks

Time: 8027.79

and there would not be the same side effects,

Time: 8030.94

that's the claim.

Time: 8033.01

It made me think it's like, "What's the source of this?"

Time: 8035.38

And I realized that maybe it allows

Time: 8038.26

a certain completion to happen

Time: 8041.05

that in the traumatic moment is not there.

Time: 8044.08

So, the re-exposure, while you're still open,

Time: 8047.02

the pores are still open,

Time: 8048.88

allows you to reframe the experience

Time: 8051.4

and then the unfolding of the rest of the event

Time: 8055.06

is very different.

Time: 8056.59

This is if you're touching

Time: 8058.21

in your practice in the day-to-day,

Time: 8059.8

and you're working with people, and you're being touched,

Time: 8061.72

and people come closer, further away, it happens naturally.

Time: 8067.39

Yeah, and if you pass a certain limit

Time: 8070.18

and it becomes too much,

Time: 8072.37

there is always, of course, communication

Time: 8074.44

that has to be present.

Time: 8076.54

Certain cultures make this communication pre,

Time: 8080.71

certain cultures post.

Time: 8083.35

The Israeli, for example, post,

Time: 8085.75

here pre.

Time: 8086.98

- Ah, so in Israel,

Time: 8087.813

they'll say, "That didn't feel good to me,"

Time: 8089.8

or, "That felt good," or, "That was fine."

Time: 8091.93

- Yeah, it would be more common.

Time: 8095.2

Here in the airport,

Time: 8096.73

the guys telling me, "I'm going to slide my hands

Time: 8099.04

up towards your crotch until I meet the hard stop,"

Time: 8103.951

and then he does this in a way that is supposed to show me,

Time: 8108.07

I have no enjoyment in that

Time: 8110.95

and for me it just feels aggressive.

Time: 8114.07

But his intention is good, showing me.

Time: 8117.16

But if it was a loving touch,

Time: 8119.11

it would be nicer for me actually,

Time: 8121.48

personally that's it would be gentle,

Time: 8124.6

but he goes up there and he shows me,

Time: 8126.947

"I have no enjoyment in this."

Time: 8129.927

[groans] That's my testicle right there,

Time: 8133.45

so it's different choices. [Andrew laughing]

Time: 8137.29

I don't think it's like worse,

Time: 8138.697

but this description can be a bit dissociated.

Time: 8142.39

And what does it make me think?

Time: 8144.01

Is it truly what he feels or not?

Time: 8146.277

'Cause it feels robotic, so it's not.

Time: 8149.5

So, sometimes I'd rather not say it

Time: 8151.6

and I'm going to touch your chest

Time: 8154.36

and just place my hand on the chest.

Time: 8157

And, of course I, we can't avoid a problem,

Time: 8161.02

I'm not suggesting that there is,

Time: 8162.52

but there is an examination.

Time: 8164.14

And because I moved around and around the world,

Time: 8166.84

I've seen many things

Time: 8167.77

and I've seen benefits here and benefits there.

Time: 8172.18

And in the practice, I think it's important to discuss this,

Time: 8175.18

to examine this, I don't have a solution,

Time: 8176.98

but it's something to talk about.

Time: 8179.65

- It is something to talk about,

Time: 8180.97

and I'm glad you raised it

Time: 8181.93

because I think that it's so clear to me

Time: 8184.54

that much of the value of a movement practice

Time: 8187.42

involves this dynamic interaction with somebody else.

Time: 8189.85

As you pointed out, it can be performed on one's own

Time: 8192.4

and practiced throughout one's day.

Time: 8194.47

But the unpredictability is a key element to all of it,

Time: 8199.09

and in bringing out all the potential

Time: 8202.18

that you've described.

Time: 8204.52

In reference to this notion of trauma

Time: 8206.65

and burn and re-burn.

Time: 8208.54

My colleague at Stanford, David Spiegel,

Time: 8210.49

he works on trauma

Time: 8212.56

and has actually on this podcast,

Time: 8215.23

he voiced that he's against things like trigger warnings

Time: 8218.11

because of the way that it puts the nervous system

Time: 8219.88

into this state of readiness and reactivity

Time: 8222.58

that can exacerbate problems.

Time: 8225.31

Whereas, it's very clear from the literature on trauma

Time: 8229.57

and trauma relief that the way to deal with that

Time: 8232.15

is through a controlled,

Time: 8234.07

but clearly a controlled re-exposure to the trauma

Time: 8237.7

in order to diminish the emotional response over time.

Time: 8240.61

I mean, it's very clear if we avoid the thing,

Time: 8243.28

obviously we don't want to re-injure ourselves

Time: 8245.14

or re-traumatize,

Time: 8246.16

but if one avoids the thing that makes them upset

Time: 8248.14

over and over, all it does is serve to create

Time: 8250.06

a heightened state of readiness, it primes more trauma.

Time: 8253.18

- Yeah. - So, I think

Time: 8254.05

it makes good sense.

Time: 8254.95

- I think impressions are very useful here

Time: 8257.98

also when stepping into an area in which trauma can occur.

Time: 8262.3

And then, by going through the impression

Time: 8266.2

that it already occurred,

Time: 8267.76

you create some kind of a thermal layer of protection,

Time: 8272.23

so I've already been hit when I'm entering that space,

Time: 8276.64

it's so beneficial.

Time: 8278.47

Or I've already been touched in a way that I didn't like

Time: 8281.53

if I go to a contact improvisation class,

Time: 8283.99

and just running this scenario in your head

Time: 8287.68

protects so well, yeah.

Time: 8291.16

- I'm glad you mentioned running scenarios in your head.

Time: 8293.14

I've been curious all day as to whether or not

Time: 8295.81

you do visualization

Time: 8297.67

or mental rehearsal of physical movement.

Time: 8301.12

This is it seems to be a popular idea in the states,

Time: 8304.6

people are always asking me, "You know,

Time: 8306.31

can you just imagine a movement

Time: 8308.5

and learn it better than where you to actually perform it?"

Time: 8312.43

My hunch based on and my understanding

Time: 8314.62

of the scientific literature is that visualization

Time: 8317.47

can be useful to some extent

Time: 8319.33

for people that are very good at visualization,

Time: 8321.79

but for many people, it doesn't help.

Time: 8323.92

And that there's nothing like real physical practice

Time: 8327.43

to improve physical practice.

Time: 8330.67

- Yeah, the word visualization's not good, obviously,

Time: 8334.63

it has to be experientialization

Time: 8339.19

in a very complete way, not just visually, of course.

Time: 8343.87

And unless you already developed

Time: 8349.09

certain experience, tangible experience

Time: 8351.513

that has benefited from feedback, from outside feedback.

Time: 8357.16

It is not a very useful thing to do,

Time: 8360.037

and it ends up being fabrications.

Time: 8364.42

But if you are very experienced

Time: 8365.89

and you already gained the benefit of being burnt here

Time: 8369.19

or overextended here,

Time: 8371.02

then you have a certain experience

Time: 8372.55

and then you can strengthen certain aspects of it,

Time: 8375.43

but you got to be careful because you do not have feedback.

Time: 8379.33

And because of the missing feedback,

Time: 8381.07

you might develop delusions.

Time: 8383.14

It might be that you develop stronger patterning,

Time: 8386.59

but ultimately this would lead you away

Time: 8389.68

from the aliveness of the movement itself.

Time: 8394.39

Drilling, for example, very useful to learn

Time: 8399.34

a general infrastructure of the movement sleeve

Time: 8403.15

or the technique, but then to dress it up,

Time: 8406.12

you need feedback, you need it to be alive,

Time: 8409.48

you need to receive something corrective.

Time: 8414.19

- I love it.

Time: 8415.81

For many people, they approach movement

Time: 8418.3

in the form of weight training, or yoga, or running.

Time: 8422.56

Yoga's a bit more dynamic,

Time: 8424.06

but it fairly linear types of exercise and movement,

Time: 8429.73

Peloton, rowing, those kinds of things.

Time: 8433.09

I think most people will probably not depart

Time: 8437.05

from those practices entirely because they like them.

Time: 8439.72

I'm speaking about myself,

Time: 8441.19

I like some of those very much, I enjoy them.

Time: 8444.31

But in terms of thinking about adding a movement practice

Time: 8447.73

to one's already existing exercise regime,

Time: 8452.8

I can imagine threading it throughout the day,

Time: 8454.39

I can imagine having a dedicated movement practice.

Time: 8456.79

One thing that I have started doing

Time: 8459.76

on the basis of some of your teachings,

Time: 8461.86

and I just sort of created this idea

Time: 8463.24

is rather than statically

Time: 8464.74

standing there and lifting weights,

Time: 8465.91

actually walking from, as I alternate repetitions,

Time: 8468.67

it occurred to me that I'd never done a curl,

Time: 8472.6

a bicep curl with one foot in front of the other,

Time: 8475.96

and then I'd never actually switched that up.

Time: 8478.84

And it's kind of an odd stance to be standing in parallel

Time: 8481.42

and curling one's arm,

Time: 8482.29

it's kind of a ridiculous movement when one thinks about it.

Time: 8484.84

So, I started incorporating some of that,

Time: 8486.13

you get some strange looks in the gym,

Time: 8487.57

but I just give them strange looks back.

Time: 8489.76

So, what are your thoughts [Ido laughing]

Time: 8492.34

about these very linear forms of exercise?

Time: 8494.522

And, do you encourage people

Time: 8497.8

to expand the play space, as it were,

Time: 8501.19

for these kinds of exercise?

Time: 8503.05

Or do you think that movement practice is just best explored

Time: 8507.13

through three dimensionality,

Time: 8510.07

gravity, and maybe a stick or a ball?

Time: 8513.085

- Hmm, it's definitely a problem,

Time: 8516.34

and it's approachable.

Time: 8518.17

People want a quick, people want a hack,

Time: 8520.93

people want the icing, there is no cake.

Time: 8524.95

There is no cake, and it's just like industries of icing,

Time: 8528.13

icing, icing on what?

Time: 8529.81

What are you putting it on?

Time: 8531.31

So, for me that, that's why I'm going towards this side,

Time: 8536.17

it's like I have my life,

Time: 8538.12

now tell me what movement practices I should pursue.

Time: 8542.32

You are movement,

Time: 8544.6

in essence, you are not thinking of yourself

Time: 8548.17

in any serious way through my eyes.

Time: 8553

There is a dynamic entity to you,

Time: 8556

the body is a huge part of it communicating,

Time: 8559.81

you have genetic layers,

Time: 8562.57

there is a personalities that got developed

Time: 8565.24

and built around various influences,

Time: 8567.46

but then there is also some kind of an essence,

Time: 8569.95

something that reeks from within the cells.

Time: 8573.7

And if you grew up in my family

Time: 8576.46

and I grew up in your family and it would still be the same,

Time: 8579.7

and that it's something that I always try to think about,

Time: 8582.52

what is that inside of me?

Time: 8586.48

So, I think these practices, they're very good,

Time: 8589.36

but they're not designed for the goal

Time: 8592.03

that we think they were designed to do it,

Time: 8595.81

it orients towards something else.

Time: 8597.4

For example, yoga,

Time: 8599.38

there is a good book called the "Yoga Body",

Time: 8602.14

which will destroy a lot of people's yoga practice.

Time: 8606.334

And it goes into how did we get to this yoga,

Time: 8609.61

the influence of Swedish gymnastics

Time: 8612.16

and Mongolian contortionists,

Time: 8615.94

and the Western, the West affecting it,

Time: 8620.59

and then the ancient practice,

Time: 8622.12

which was barely asana-related,

Time: 8626.23

posture, position.

Time: 8627.28

So, actually you said yoga is less linear,

Time: 8629.5

yoga is very linear, very linear these days, these lines.

Time: 8633.55

Look at all the traditional dances,

Time: 8635.47

they look like nothing like yoga.

Time: 8638.05

Look at tai dance, look at Chinese dances, martial arts,

Time: 8642.25

it's all rounded, it's all curved,

Time: 8643.66

it's like the like out nature,

Time: 8645.49

what you see in nature and the movement of the animals.

Time: 8649.33

So, where does it come from?

Time: 8651.82

These are things to understand

Time: 8653.23

because it designs you now, it shapes you.

Time: 8656.05

You're placing yourself in these forces of change

Time: 8659.62

and these streams of change,

Time: 8661.51

and you have a good intention,

Time: 8662.83

you just want this or that, but the joke is on us.

Time: 8667.09

And this is the movement practice for me is first education,

Time: 8672.01

let's start to think about this.

Time: 8673.6

I have nothing that I can just sprinkle now,

Time: 8677.83

some magic powder that will help resolve this

Time: 8681.04

because it's a start of a deep investigation.

Time: 8685.3

And then, some of the things, let's talk pragmatically,

Time: 8688.51

because what you described

Time: 8690.43

is not about you placing the foot in front

Time: 8692.83

when you're curling, it's about the examination,

Time: 8696.43

this is why it is a very good direction.

Time: 8700.21

And then, you will need another one, another one,

Time: 8702.46

don't get stuck on that foot in front of it

Time: 8704.8

and try to do with the eyes closed

Time: 8706.93

or with a different head posture,

Time: 8708.19

and you will see things arrive,

Time: 8710.83

unrelated things because the associative mind,

Time: 8713.98

the thinking, this relates,

Time: 8715.33

this doesn't get to the heart of it, never.

Time: 8718.6

So, just infusing

Time: 8723.22

these elements like in a cup

Time: 8726.07

will create endless combinations,

Time: 8729.43

possibilities, and a lot of discovery.

Time: 8731.95

And this for me is humility of the practitioner.

Time: 8734.53

I don't know, I try like today with you.,

Time: 8737.29

I tried various combinations

Time: 8739.72

and oh, I discover something,

Time: 8741.16

oh, there is, this is a playful approach,

Time: 8743.35

and this is a researcher approach.

Time: 8746.59

I don't try to fit my truth into something,

Time: 8749.377

I'm there to examine.

Time: 8751.87

I don't have a motive yet, why?

Time: 8755.05

Because I'm fine, I don't depend on that to define myself.

Time: 8759.37

I'm a human being,

Time: 8760.87

but if I don't have that sense of worth,

Time: 8762.602

I'm already like geared towards I need to do this,

Time: 8766.15

I need to prove this, I have this agenda.

Time: 8768.37

And this is how we get all the lies in the world

Time: 8770.92

and all the problems and difficulties.

Time: 8773.74

So, these practices, they are related to it

Time: 8777.58

to prove this, that, this way,

Time: 8780.94

why we need muscles for X, Y, Z.

Time: 8783.97

And a lot of the reported outcomes

Time: 8789.49

are often from my place is like funny.

Time: 8792.43

I hear about something like I heard you say

Time: 8794.98

about gratitude practice

Time: 8797.56

that actually experiencing from outside

Time: 8801.76

as somebody else,

Time: 8802.6

or you are receiving gratitude is actually more powerful.

Time: 8806.53

It's true, but I see why it's true,

Time: 8808.9

I'm not sure everybody sees.

Time: 8810.64

If somebody tries to feel gratitude,

Time: 8813.34

just sit with the eyes clothes

Time: 8815.56

or watch a movie and sense the gratitude there,

Time: 8819.16

it will be clear to you,

Time: 8820.48

one is very difficult to do and the other is very easy.

Time: 8823.84

Hence, if gratitude is achieved easier this way,

Time: 8826.48

that's why it works like that.

Time: 8828.43

Although all the traditional practices are about you

Time: 8832.36

and by challenging yourself

Time: 8833.92

to sense that gratitude yourself,

Time: 8836.44

they achieve much more powerful thing,

Time: 8837.85

but this is not the research people

Time: 8839.763

and the people in the research,

Time: 8841.54

we don't have a lot of those people.

Time: 8843.49

So, a lot of the things that can arrive to us,

Time: 8847.33

weight training, the benefits,

Time: 8849.55

or the way that the hormonal effect,

Time: 8854.05

the effect of cognition, et cetera.

Time: 8857.26

When you open a bit and you go far out,

Time: 8859.72

you see certain things, not the truth,

Time: 8862.42

but maybe less delusion.

Time: 8865.75

There is nothing definite,

Time: 8868

but there is something

Time: 8871.39

maybe more wholesome that appears.

Time: 8878.5

Yeah, I think this is so this is a state,

Time: 8882.833

a state of exploration.

Time: 8885.67

I don't want to have the same thought if I already had it,

Time: 8892.6

why would I want to have the same thought?

Time: 8894.37

I already had it.

Time: 8896.02

I don't want to have the same practice,

Time: 8898.636

I don't want to.

Time: 8900.13

I curled already in this way,

Time: 8902.29

I want to experience something else, I want to.

Time: 8905.08

There is a benefit to gain,

Time: 8906.67

No, but that was better.

Time: 8909.61

The better is better,

Time: 8913.72

is not more, is not faster.

Time: 8916.39

It's like better is better,

Time: 8918.58

and better isn't, we don't know what better is, right?

Time: 8921.343

So, it's like it's open.

Time: 8923.44

Oh, this is better, I don't know.

Time: 8925.72

It's just more weight, it's one more kilo,

Time: 8928.24

but maybe if I remove one kilo,

Time: 8931.81

I discover something like, for example, power development

Time: 8937.03

that has been shown to gain certain benefits

Time: 8940.09

when you lighten the load and you accelerated more

Time: 8942.97

in certain conditions, but who discovered it?

Time: 8945.01

A practitioner, a math person,

Time: 8948.7

not Verkhoshansky, Zatsiorsky,

Time: 8951.43

they reported something,

Time: 8955

but it was already within the grasp of the practitioners.

Time: 8959.177

And I think, and as a researcher, this is very powerful

Time: 8964.63

to remind yourself this and to work with that.

Time: 8967.357

And as a practitioner,

Time: 8968.41

as a living human being, for everyone,

Time: 8970.48

I think something very useful.

Time: 8972.64

And then, those plays that you're doing,

Time: 8977.29

people give you the weird looks,

Time: 8979.33

and it's like yeah, I tell people,

Time: 8981.767

"You don't want to be normal.

Time: 8985.03

If you don't get the weird looks,

Time: 8986.47

you're not moving in the right direction."

Time: 8989.23

You're moving in a very fixed

Time: 8992.98

and you already know the result of that direction,

Time: 8995.65

let's say at least that.

Time: 8997.48

So, continue to play with that, continue to play.

Time: 9000.99

Look elsewhere, look at places you didn't look at

Time: 9003.57

because this is still like within the same layer,

Time: 9005.52

one foot in front, one foot behind,

Time: 9007.89

what happens when you do it with a smile,

Time: 9010.95

the same workout, and when you do it with a frown?

Time: 9016.26

Or what happens, breath holding or blood restrictions,

Time: 9020.37

all this is great play,

Time: 9022.68

and I think very beneficial to do, to go through.

Time: 9028.069

- Love it, I think that's a wonderful message.

Time: 9031.11

And what I keep hearing from you over and over again

Time: 9033.33

is that people should explore, explore, explore.

Time: 9039.12

And listen, I want to thank you for your time today,

Time: 9044.13

first of all, for the incredible teachings

Time: 9047.13

here at this table,

Time: 9048.24

but also the introduction to a movement practice.

Time: 9052.14

Although, now I'm tempted to say

Time: 9053.22

that I've been moving my whole life,

Time: 9054.57

I just didn't know I was- - It's true.

Time: 9056.19

- that it was such a vast landscape.

Time: 9059.61

Also, that your willingness to tread out

Time: 9062.16

in this journey that is truly unique.

Time: 9065.82

You know, that the greatest compliment

Time: 9067.26

that one can give in science

Time: 9068.58

is the one that I'm going to tell you now

Time: 9070.53

because it's entirely appropriate,

Time: 9071.79

which is we say you're an n-of-1, right?

Time: 9074.458

That and you truly are,

Time: 9076.08

I don't think there's anyone

Time: 9078.12

that has been as willing to embrace existing practices,

Time: 9081.72

evolve them, create new practices,

Time: 9084.306

and to share so broadly

Time: 9088.05

to really be willing to give and teach so much knowledge.

Time: 9091.14

You know, earlier you made the mention of your goals

Time: 9093.66

of in part of being wild and wise,

Time: 9097.47

and I'm here to tell you that you are both wild and wise.

Time: 9101.067

And so, thank you so much.

Time: 9103.08

- Thank you very much, thank you.

Time: 9104.94

- Thank you for joining me today for my discussion

Time: 9106.92

about the science and practice of movement

Time: 9108.84

and movement culture with Ido Portal.

Time: 9111.51

If you'd like to learn more about Ido,

Time: 9113.37

and his workshops, and other aspects of what he does,

Time: 9116.52

please go to his social media.

Time: 9118.08

His Instagram handle is Portal, P-O-R-T-A-L.Ido, I-D-O.

Time: 9123.96

You can also go to,

Time: 9126.48

and there, there are a tremendous number of resources

Time: 9128.82

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Time: 9132.06

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Time: 9134.37

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Time: 9136.08

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Time: 9138.75

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Time: 9140.76

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Time: 9142.53

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Time: 9144.3

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Time: 9145.68

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Time: 9147.45

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Time: 9150.42

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Time: 9153.69

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Time: 9155.58

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Time: 9157.47

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Time: 9160.29

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Time: 9162.57

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Time: 9163.89

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Time: 9165.78

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Time: 9168.18

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Time: 9169.29

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Time: 9171.84

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Time: 9173.34

While supplements aren't necessary for everybody,

Time: 9175.47

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Time: 9177.54

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Time: 9180.3

For that reason, the Huberman Lab Podcast

Time: 9182.19

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Time: 9184.68

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Time: 9186.15

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Time: 9187.08

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Time: 9189

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Time: 9191.04

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Time: 9193.08

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Time: 9193.913

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Time: 9195.3

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Time: 9197.01

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Time: 9199.71

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Time: 9203.49

So, if you'd like to see the supplements that I take,

Time: 9205.47

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Time: 9207.42

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Time: 9210.33

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Time: 9212.88

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Time: 9215.25

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Time: 9218.73

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Time: 9221.1

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Time: 9222.3

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Time: 9223.89

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Time: 9225.18

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Time: 9227.04

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Time: 9229.14

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Time: 9230.73

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Time: 9232.56

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Time: 9235.23

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Time: 9237.27

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Time: 9239.31

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Time: 9240.87

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Time: 9241.98

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Time: 9243.78

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Time: 9246.69

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Time: 9249.27

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Time: 9251.25

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Time: 9254.13

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Time: 9256.71

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Time: 9259.05

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Time: 9261.3

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Time: 9263.64

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Time: 9265.38

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Time: 9268.56

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Time: 9270.69

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Time: 9272.371

[upbeat music]

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