How to STUDY EFFECTIVELY | Andrew Huberman

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as we get older and especially as we get

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to our mid and late 20s it takes an

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immense amount of focus and energy in

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order to learn but that focus and energy

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feels almost like an agitation for

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people feels like something to back away

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from but if we can learn to approach

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that and understand that that agitation

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is actually the circulation of chemicals

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which is the the brain and nervous

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system telling itself aha now I need to

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pay attention and change we can start to

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actually modify the way that system

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works how do you think our relationship

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with learning has been formed over time

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hearing from your own as well I think it

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was the great physicist Max delbrook who

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said that you know when teaching assume

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zero knowledge and infinite intelligence

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I try and keep that in mind I think that

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we are all innate Learners by virtue of

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the fact that this thing this nervous

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system as it's called is really a map of

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our experience the nervous system is

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there essentially to educate itself so

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that it can operate better in a given

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environment and once one understands

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that you start to realize that the forms

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of learning are many anytime you're

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teaching or learning is you're trying to

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find a universal algorithm of how the

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brain works and what I mean by that is

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that you know all these nerve cells they

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only can communicate through chemicals

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and electricity you know it's really

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just meat in there uh believe it or not

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but there are algorithms that are

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Universal so whether or not one learns

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better verbally or visually or whether

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one has a propensity for math or for

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verbal subjects what is true for all of

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us is that the brain is there always

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asking questions and trying to make

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predictions about its environment and I

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think what happens is when we're

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children we are learning passively all

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the time as we get older and especially

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as we get to our mid and late 20s it

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takes an immense amount of focus and

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energy in order to learn but of course

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the nervous system can still shape

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itself well into adulthood almost

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certainly for the entire lifespan but

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that focus and energy feels almost like

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an agitation and I think that as

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children we don't necessarily experience

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that agitation because For Better or For

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Worse we can experience and change

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passively neuroplasty just happens by

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way of pure experience as we get older

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mid 20s early 30s and so on that

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threshold of agitation for people feels

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like something to back away from but if

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we can learn to approach that and

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understand that that agitation is

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actually the circulation of chemicals

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which is the the brain and nervous

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system telling itself aha now I need to

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pay attention and change we can start to

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actually modify the way that system

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works so that's a bit of a convoluted

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answer to your question but I I think

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that at the heart of our nervous system

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is this ability these algorithms by

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which it can change themselves and it's

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on all of us to understand that that bit

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of agitation and discomfort need not be

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interpreted as discomfort that's the

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Edge Where Learning is beginning how can

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someone start thinking about how they

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should approach learning terrific

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question and fortunately nowadays we can

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look to studies done in humans that

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Define some very key principles the

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first principle is that the whole

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process of neuroplasticity and learning

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is really a two-stage process first

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there must be focus and alertness that

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focus and alertness is associated with

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the release of neurochemicals so- called

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neuromodulators things like acetycholine

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in particular H which sort of acts as a

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highlighter pen if you will for certain

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Connections in the brain to later be

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reinforced and the neurochemical

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adrenaline which is also called

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epinephrine epinephrine also called

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adrenaline is associated with an

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increase in kind of agitation and

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alertness so you need alertness and

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focus and then the second stage is that

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it is only during periods of deep rest

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in particular sleep and something that I

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call non-sleep Deep breast which I've

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given an acronym because scientist like

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acronyms nsdr non-sleep de breast things

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like yoga Nedra things like shallow naps

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things like forms of meditation that

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don't involve a lot of focused

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concentration it is only periods of

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intense focus and alertness followed by

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periods of deep breast that allow the

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nervous system to change and there is an

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abundance of evidence for that so that's

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the first thing to understand the brain

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actually rewires during deep sleep and

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rest because during deep sleep and rest

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naps Yoga Nidra deep sleep there's a

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replay of the very same cells in the

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brain that were active during learning

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oftentimes in Reverse for reasons that

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are still not understood but at a much

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higher repetition rate so you're

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actually getting repetitions while you

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sleep this is why one will strain to

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learn a language or a motor skill or

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maths or something like that over and

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over and over doesn't happen you take a

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couple nights sleep take a break from

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and all of a sudden it's there it's

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because it happens in rest now there's

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some other things that one can do to

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enhance this process further that are

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arrived to us from good data first of

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all there's a so-called ultradian Rhythm

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which is the 90minut Cycles during which

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we can focus pretty well for a duration

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of about 90 minutes of course flickering

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in and out of focus nobody really

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focuses for 90 minutes straight unless

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they built up that capacity or they are

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very interested in what they're learning

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right they're just wrapped with

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attention usually people fck clicker in

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and out and of course nowadays there's a

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lot of literature and ideas about ways

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to maintain Focus put the phone away

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limit noise some people like background

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noise some people like music some don't

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it's very contextual highly

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individualized but 90 minutes is sort of

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the the batch of time that the brain can

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focus really hard on one thing before it

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needs a true rest of of an hour or two

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before you can go back to learning or

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working very hard the other thing is

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that there's some very interesting data

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showing that shallow naps or nsdr

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non-sleep deep rest done within 4 hours

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of one of these 90-minute learning bouts

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can be very beneficial for accelerating

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learning and then there are these

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incredible data on so-called Gap effects

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so there have been studies now of of

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skills that are physical skills mental

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skills where people will for instance

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try to learn scales on the piano or a

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math problem or a spatial problem or a

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physical skill and then at random every

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so often a buzzer will go off and the

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person will just be told to do nothing

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sit there eyes closed or eyes open and

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do nothing just stop the learning

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process from for about 10 seconds and

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then return to doing what they're doing

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these are these little micro rests turns

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out that during those micro rests the

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hippocampus the brain areas you know

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that's associated with learning in

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memory and the neocortex also associated

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with learning in memory under goes

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replay of the thing that the individual

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is trying to learn at 20 times the speed

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also in Reverse just as in sleep and

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that can lead and has been shown to lead

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to accelerations in learning so whether

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or not you're a child or an adult every

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so often when trying to learn something

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just pause for 10 seconds or so do your

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best to just clear your mind of course

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it's very hard to clear the mind and

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then go back to the learning task as as

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it were and that has been shown to very

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to significantly accelerate the learning

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process and the retention of newly

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