How to Stop Headaches Using Science-Based Approaches | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford school of medicine today we are

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discussing headaches headaches are

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something that everybody will suffer at

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some point in their lifetime of course

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some people suffer from headaches far

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more often than others and for many

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people headaches can be incredibly

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debilitating limiting their ability to

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work to socialize to sleep to exercise

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essentially to live life in any kind of

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normal way as we'll soon discuss there

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are many different kinds of headache we

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have migraine headaches tension

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headaches cluster headaches today I will

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review all the different types of

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headaches and what the underlying

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biology of each and every one of those

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types of headaches is as well as

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fortunately the many excellent

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treatments that exist for the different

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types of headache in fact what we'll

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soon discuss is that by understanding

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which type of headache you have and a

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little bit about the underlying biology

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of each different type of headache it

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becomes quite straightforward to select

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the best treatment options for you to

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for instance provide relief from

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frequent and recurring tension headaches

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cluster headaches even sinus headaches

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the sorts of headaches that are

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associated with sinus infections and

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colds where the sinuses get clogged up

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and you experience headache so while

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today's episode focuses on all aspects

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and types of headaches it will have

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tremendous relevance for everybody so

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for those of you that experience

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headache every once in a while where

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only when you're sick or have a sinus

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headache or for those of you that suffer

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from debilitating migraines today's

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conversation actually has a bit of

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optimism woven into it meaning there are

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excellent treatments for each and every

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one of the different types of headaches

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and I was quite impressed and excited to

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learn when researching this episode that

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the treatments for headache range from

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of course prescription drug treatments

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and over-the-counter medications of the

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sort of type that most of us have heard

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about ibuprofen acetaminophen and so

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forth so-called anti-inflammatory drugs

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but it turns out there are many natural

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treatments for headaches that when

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compared to those over-the-counter drugs

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and even some prescription drugs appear

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to be easily as effective and in many

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cases more effective than the typical

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drug treatments many of which can carry

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side effects that is the drug treatments

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carry side effects whereas the natural

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treatments appear to not carry side

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effects now of course anytime we have a

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discussion about natural treatments

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there are likely to be some eye rolls

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out there and people thinking oh you

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know this is going to be a bunch of woo

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science well far from it as you'll soon

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learn today each and every one of the

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treatments for each and every one of the

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different kinds of headaches is grounded

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in solid biological understanding of why

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that particular treatment ought to work

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and does work so for instance you'll

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learn that some headache arises because

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of muscular pain other headache arises

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because of excessive vasodilation the

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arteries and blood vessels get bigger

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and wider and so there's a pressure and

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a swelling within the cranium that

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people experience as a headache and it

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turns out that many of the more natural

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treatments out there can address either

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the muscular pain issue or the

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vasodilation issue or other issues and

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underlying mechanisms for headache so

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again while headaches are very intrusive

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irritating and in some cases

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debilitating there is certainly light at

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the end of this tunnel meaning by the

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end of today's episode each and every

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one of you will have an array of

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excellent treatment options that you can

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choose from in order to address and

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provide relief from any of the different

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types of headache before we begin I'd

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like to emphasize that this podcast is

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separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford it is however part of

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my desire and effort to bring zero cost

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to Consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is thesis

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thesis makes custom nootropics and as

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many of you know I'm not a fan of the

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word nootropics because nootropics means

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smart drugs and as a neuroscientist I

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can tell you there is no neural circuit

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in the brain for being smart thesis

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understands this and has designed

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different nootropics in order to bring

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your brain into specific States for

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specific types of work so for instance

Time: 253.739

for Creative work or to engage with more

Time: 256.68

Focus or to give you more energy for

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cognitive or physical work so with

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thesis they'll design custom nootropics

Time: 262.139

for you that will allow you more focus

Time: 264.24

better task switching more creativity

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and so on and they'll be sure to include

Time: 268.38

only the ingredients that you want and

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not the ingredients that you don't I've

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been using thesis for more than a year

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now and I can confidently say that their

Time: 275.58

neutropics have been a total game

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changer for me I like the clarity

Time: 279.06

formula prior to Long bouts of cognitive

Time: 281.1

work or the Energy Formula prior to

Time: 283.139

physical workouts if you'd like to try

Time: 285.3

your own personalized nootropic starter

Time: 287.04

kit go online to huberman

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you'll take a brief three-minute quiz

Time: 291.66

and thesis will send you four different

Time: 293.04

formulas to try on your first month

Time: 294.72

again that's huberman and

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use the code Huber minute checkout for

Time: 299.34

10 off your first box today's episode is

Time: 302.04

also brought To Us by element element is

Time: 304.259

an electrolyte drink that has everything

Time: 305.759

you need and nothing you don't that

Time: 307.5

means the exact ratios of electrolytes

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are an element and those are sodium

Time: 312

magnesium and potassium but it has no

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sugar I've talked many times before on

Time: 316.5

this podcast about the key role of

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hydration and electrolytes for nerve

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cell function neuron function as well as

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the function of all the cells and all

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the tissues and organ systems of the

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if we have sodium magnesium and

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potassium present in the proper ratios

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all of those cells function properly and

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all our bodily systems can be optimized

Time: 336.419

if the electrolytes are not present and

Time: 338.699

if hydration is low we simply can't

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think as well as we would otherwise our

Time: 343.68

mood is off hormone systems go off our

Time: 345.9

ability to get into physical action to

Time: 348.06

engage in endurance and strength and all

Time: 349.86

sorts of other things is diminished so

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with element you can make sure that

Time: 353.82

you're staying on top of your hydration

Time: 355.139

and that you're getting the proper

Time: 356.82

ratios of electrolytes if you'd like to

Time: 358.74

try element you can go to drink element

Time: 360.36

that's huberman and you'll get

Time: 363.539

a free element sample pack with your

Time: 365.16

purchase they're all delicious so again

Time: 366.78

if you want to try element you can go to

Time: 369.08 huberman today's episode is

Time: 372.539

also brought To Us by Maui Nui which I

Time: 374.639

can confidently say is the most nutrient

Time: 376.32

dense and delicious red meat available

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Maui Nui spent nearly a decade building

Time: 380.52

a USDA certified wild harvesting system

Time: 383.22

to help balance invasive deer

Time: 384.72

populations on the island of Maui I've

Time: 387.18

talked before more on this podcast and

Time: 388.979

we've had guests on this podcast that

Time: 390.72

have emphasized the critical role of

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getting quality protein not just for

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muscle repair and protein synthesis but

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also for repair of all tissues including

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brain tissue on a day-to-day basis and

Time: 402

the general rule of thumb for that is

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one gram of quality protein per pound of

Time: 406.139

body weight per day with Maui Nui meats

Time: 408.6

you can accomplish that very easily and

Time: 410.52

you can do that without ingesting in

Time: 412.319

excess of calories which is also

Time: 413.88

critical for immediate and long-term

Time: 415.62

health I should say that Maui Nui meats

Time: 417.539

are not only extremely high quality but

Time: 420.06

they are also delicious I particularly

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like they're jerky so they're venison

Time: 424.02

jerky I also have had Maui Nui venison

Time: 426.479

in various recipes including ground

Time: 429

venison some venison steaks and I love

Time: 431.94

the taste of the venison it's lean but

Time: 434.22

it doesn't taste overly lean or dry at

Time: 436.319

all it's incredibly delicious so if

Time: 438.539

you'd like to try Maui Nui venison go to

Time: 440.78 huberman to get 20

Time: 443.28

off your first order again that's Maui

Time: 445.44


Time: 447.599

to get 20 off your first order the

Time: 450.12

huberman Lab podcast is now partnered

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with momentous supplements to find the

Time: 453.419

supplements we discuss on the huberman

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Lab podcast you can go to live momentous

Time: 456.96

spelled ous live huberman

Time: 460.199

and I should just mention that the

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library of those supplements is

Time: 462.84

constantly expanding again that's

Time: 464.78 huberman let's talk

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about headaches and as we are soon going

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to learn there are different types of

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headaches and different types of

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headaches arise from changes in

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different types of tissues in the head

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area and indeed in the neck area as well

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now one of the key things to understand

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is that if you want relief from a

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headache you need to understand which

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tissue is mainly involved in creating

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that type of headache so for instance

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many people suffer from what are called

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tension headaches now tension headaches

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are a little bit of a misnomer because

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many people might think oh tension I'm

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under a lot of tension and stress and

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therefore I get tension headaches and

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indeed stress can cause tension

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headaches but tension headaches are

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really the sort of headache that you

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feel around the top part of the head not

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the very top but sort of where you would

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put a headband so above the eyes and

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around the head it doesn't have to be

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experienced all the way around the head

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but the main underlying reason that is

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the tissue system that mainly underlies

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tension headaches is the muscular system

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there are a lot of muscles on the skull

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Believe It or Not of course on the neck

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and they allow you to move your neck and

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there are a lot of muscles that lie

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parallel to the skull and oftentimes

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those muscles will undergo excessive

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amounts of constriction

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now there are of course muscles and the

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jaw that can also lead to headache and

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jaw ache and things of that sort and

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neck aches and headaches so what we're

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really pointing out here is that the

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muscles are a key player in the

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formation of different types of headache

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Tension Headache in particular but of

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course muscles and muscle tension can be

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evolved in the other types of headaches

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as well okay so I just want to highlight

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muscular issues as one particular source

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of the ache in headaches the other

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tissue that can be prominently involved

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in generating the ache of a headache or

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the so-called meninges now the meninges

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in addition to being a fun word to say

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or a bunch of tissues that line the

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outside of the brain and reside between

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the brain and the skull so you might

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think okay between the brain and the

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skull there's probably just a little bit

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of fluid and the brain is right up next

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to the skull but it turns out that's not

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the case the brain is actually encased

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in a very thick very durable Sac or

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casing that's wrapped around it tight

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like Saran wrap it actually has a name

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which is dura d-u-r-a and so you can

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remember Dura durable and having done

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some surgeries many surgeries before on

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brains of different types ranging from

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Human even though I'm not a neurosurgeon

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as a clinician ranging from Human to

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other types of species what you find is

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that the dura is exceedingly durable

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getting through this thing really

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requires an a very sharp razor blade so

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the brain is actually sitting in a very

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fibrous like Sac that you simply could

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not open up with your fingertips under

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any conditions it's really durable the

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meninges are in that general area and

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also encasing the brain and the meninges

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provide an additional buffer between the

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brain and the dura and the skull so

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again you don't want to think about the

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brain as just sitting right next to the

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skull it's close by but there are a

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bunch of other thin fibrous tissues many

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of which are very thin and fragile and

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others of which such as the dura that

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are very very strong because they're

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very fibrous almost like a uh if you've

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ever felt for instance the sale of a of

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a sailboat you might think oh it's just

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this big flapping sheet in the wind it

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is anything but a sheet in the Wind it

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is a very very strong and durable

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material now the proximity of the dura

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and the meninges to the brain and the

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fact that everything is wrapped very

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tightly together and the fact that

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there's a lot of vasculature so that

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would be arteries blood vessels and

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capillaries are all in that area on the

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top of the brain and throughout the

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brain the fact that all of that is in

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very close proximity and wrapped really

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tight in this very durable sac

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is one of the reasons why when blood

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vessels or arteries or both become

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dilated they open there creates a

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pressure between the brain and those

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tissues and because there isn't much

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distance between the tissues like the

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dura and the meninges and the skull

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there's also pressure that allows for

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the brain to literally sneak up or I

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should say give the impression that your

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brain is expanding up against your skull

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so the point here is that while muscular

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tension can give rise to headache the

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other thing that can give rise to

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headache is so-called vasodilation the

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expansion or the widening of the

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arteries blood vessels and capillaries

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and one of the reasons why that gives

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rise to headache is because there's

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simply not a lot of space for that

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expansion to go it doesn't allow

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anything except for the brain to push up

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against that very durable tissue and

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that very durable tissue to push up

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against the skull and even though the

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brain itself doesn't have pain receptors

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that's right the brain itself doesn't

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have pain receptors that is why a

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neurosurgeon can take off a piece of

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skull and can probe around in the brain

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with an electrode and the person is

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completely unaware and in order to get

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through the skull of course that little

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skin flap has to remove be removed from

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the skull and that requires a little bit

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of topical anesthetic but really you

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don't need any anesthetic to go into the

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brain itself because there aren't pain

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receptors on the brain itself however

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the tissues surrounding the brain such

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as the dura the meninges and the

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vasculature that then reaches up believe

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it or not into the skull the vasculature

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doesn't actually stop right beneath the

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skull it actually blood vessels it get

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into the skull and they're actually

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portals by which blood can move within

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the skull itself well what that means is

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that since all of the tissues are very

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close by and very compact

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with respect to one another any increase

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in the size of the portals that allow

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movement of blood there

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and the fact that there are what are

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called nociceptors noci nociceptors

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These are essentially pain receptors

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because of the presence of pain

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receptors in the tissues around the

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when there's an increase in the size of

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those vascular portals the arteries

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capillaries and vessels

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we experience that as intense pain and

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pressure and fortunately there are

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excellent treatments for dealing with

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that intense pain and pressure but keep

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in mind that the intense pain and

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pressure that is the consequence of

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vasodilation that is the widening of

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these different vascular portals

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is very different than the type of pain

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that arises from muscular tension as is

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the case with Tension Headache okay so

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now we have two sources of pain that is

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the ache in headache and there are two

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more that we need to think about in

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trying to better understand the

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different types of headaches that we'll

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discuss and in terms of trying to

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understand which are going to be the

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best treatments for the different types

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of headaches and those are neural and

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inflammatory responses so let's talk

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about the neural type first there is a

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type of headache that many people

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unfortunately suffer from we'll get into

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this in a bunch more detail in a moment

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but those are called cluster headaches

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cluster headaches are headaches that

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arise not from the surface people don't

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experience them as kind of a tightening

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of the forehead and the neck and the jaw

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but rather it feels as if the headache

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is coming from deep within the head and

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in particular from behind the orbit of

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one or the other eyes and sometimes both

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eyes for those of you that have ever

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experienced cluster headaches they are

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extremely painful even the more where I

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should say the relatively more minor

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cluster headaches are extremely painful

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and the severe ones are exceedingly

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cluster headaches arise from Deep where

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this we get the Sensation that they are

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rising from deep within our head as

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opposed from the surface inward because

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they are neural in origin and there's a

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particular nerve pathway called the

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trigeminal nerve that often is the

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origin of these cluster headaches that

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people experience behind the eye the

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trigeminal as the name suggests has

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three branches try Okay so there's a

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branch that essentially extends to the

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eye there's also a branch that extends

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to the mandible right to the uh to the

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lip and there's a branch that extends

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more or less to the to the nasal area

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and so this trigeminal nerve becomes

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inflamed or in other ways is hyper

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activated in some cases and that causes

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the Deep pain below the eye because it

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is that first branch of the trigeminal

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nerve which is the ophthalmic branch

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which tends to be activated first so

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people start feeling as if there's a

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pain behind their eye in particular on

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one side oftentimes there's lacrimation

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which is tearing up there can be some

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nasal discharge another common symptom

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of this type of headache that is the

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cluster headache is that the pupil

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sometimes will become very small the

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pupils of the eyes and they won't dilate

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even in darkness so there are a bunch of

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things that are going on on one or both

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sides of the face that seem to arise

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from deep within the head or it's almost

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as if it's coming from the brain outward

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and that's because it's neural in origin

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Okay so we've got muscular origins of

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headaches we've got meningeal

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origins of headaches that is the the

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stuff around the brain and as it relates

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to the vasculature and we have neural

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origins of headaches and of course

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there's inflammation origins of

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headaches now inflammation is a term

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that gets thrown around a lot these days

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people are talking about you know this

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reduces inflammation inflammation is bad

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and and I I suppose in some cases and

Time: 1013.459

when inflammation is really widespread

Time: 1015.38

across the brainer body it's bad but I

Time: 1017.54

don't think any of us should think about

Time: 1018.62

inflammation per se as bad what I mean

Time: 1021.68

is inflammation is just one form of

Time: 1024.38

signaling in the body which of course

Time: 1026.839

includes the brain

Time: 1028.16

inflammation of a tissue is one way in

Time: 1031.579

which a set of cells so these could be

Time: 1033.559

for instance uh cells of the immune

Time: 1035.959

system and we cover this in a detailed

Time: 1038

episode all about the immune system if

Time: 1039.5

you'd like to check that out you go to

Time: 1040.52 just put into our search

Time: 1042.319

function immune system and you can find

Time: 1044.12

that episode by the way all of our

Time: 1045.679

episodes are searchable by keyword

Time: 1047.12 and it'll take you to

Time: 1048.799

specific episodes and time stamps for

Time: 1051.2

the topics you're interested in so for

Time: 1053.48

sake of this discussion about headache

Time: 1056.539

inflammation is going to be the case

Time: 1059

when one particular tissue in and around

Time: 1061.34

the head area is releasing molecules

Time: 1064.6

cytokines which sometimes are called

Time: 1066.559

inflammatory cytokines but there are

Time: 1068.179

also non-inflammatory or

Time: 1069.44

anti-inflammatory cytokines but

Time: 1071.48

inflammatory molecules that are

Time: 1073.64

signaling to the rest of the body hey

Time: 1075.2

there's something going on here there's

Time: 1076.64

either some intrusive object and indeed

Time: 1079.16

if you were to get you know a bb or a

Time: 1081.26

splinter into a particular uh you know

Time: 1083.66

skin area there'd be a lot of

Time: 1084.74

inflammation so it could be the

Time: 1085.82

introduction of a foreign physical

Time: 1086.96

object into an area that will cause

Time: 1088.4

inflammation it can be the presence of

Time: 1090.559

some sort of local toxin in that area it

Time: 1093.74

could be a more systemic inflammation

Time: 1096.02

nonetheless inflammation in the neck and

Time: 1100.039

head area where frankly anywhere within

Time: 1103.039

the sinus area so this would include the

Time: 1104.72

mouth the nose around the eyes because

Time: 1106.76

the sinuses many of us think of sinuses

Time: 1108.679

as just our nose but actually if I were

Time: 1110.24

to show you a skull a human skull or any

Time: 1112.34

other kind of skull

Time: 1113.539

you'd be very hopefully intrigued to

Time: 1116.9

learn that the skull is just not one big

Time: 1119.48

piece of solid bone or a you know a top

Time: 1121.7

with a jaw below it it actually has all

Time: 1124.28

these small what are called

Time: 1125.059

fenestrations little holes and canals

Time: 1127.34

that run through the skull and through

Time: 1129.26

the depth of the skull like little tubes

Time: 1131.179

you've got them down here on your

Time: 1132.74

mandible you've got them above your lips

Time: 1135.08

you have them um on either sides of your

Time: 1137.059

nose those are the sinuses the sinuses

Time: 1139.16

allow the passage of different fluids

Time: 1140.96

through the skull because the skull even

Time: 1143.12

though it's bone it's not a dead tissue

Time: 1145.28

right in a live person or animal the

Time: 1147.74

skull is a very active

Time: 1149.96

living tissue indeed all bone is active

Time: 1152.96

living tissue and it needs to be

Time: 1154.52

nourished with blood it needs to be

Time: 1156.32

nourished with cerebral spinal fluid in

Time: 1158.179

the case of the skull it needs to be

Time: 1159.2

nourished with all sorts of important

Time: 1160.52

things so those sinuses oftentimes can

Time: 1163.039

become clogged as is in the case with

Time: 1164.78

sinus headache which we'll talk about in

Time: 1166.46

a little bit but more generally anytime

Time: 1169.039

there's inflammation of one given area

Time: 1171.559

of the body so it could be a shoulder it

Time: 1173.96

could be the neck it could be the mouth

Time: 1175.039

it could be the nose or in the case of

Time: 1176.78

the headache it could be any portion of

Time: 1180.02

the head or neck

Time: 1181.64

what happens is inflammation while it's

Time: 1184.34

a very efficient signal it's much like

Time: 1186.86

the siren on an ambulance or a police

Time: 1189.32

car and that it sends out a very broad

Time: 1190.94

signal that's very clear something is

Time: 1192.74

wrong here and needs to be dealt with

Time: 1194.419

it's not very specific so it's very

Time: 1198.02

robust but it's not very specific so for

Time: 1200.48

instance if there's a little bacterial

Time: 1202.16

infection or a little viral infection

Time: 1204.02

the inflammation response to that site

Time: 1206.66

of infection tends to be far more

Time: 1208.34

widespread than the actual site of

Time: 1211.34

infection it's a little bit different

Time: 1212.66

when you have a foreign object there

Time: 1214.1

like a splinter or some other foreign

Time: 1215.84

object that tends to be a bit more

Time: 1217.22

localized and the immune system is

Time: 1219.02

always trying to limit the the extent of

Time: 1221.72

inflammation by putting in different

Time: 1223.039

scar tissues indeed a lot of the things

Time: 1225.08

that we think of as kind of gross

Time: 1226.76

you know pustules and boils and things

Time: 1228.38

like that I know it's a gross topic are

Time: 1230.059

ways in which our body tries to restrict

Time: 1232.64

the amount of inflammation but the face

Time: 1235.88

area and the head itself are so heavily

Time: 1238.88

infused with blood vessels and there's a

Time: 1241.28

constant perfusion as we say of blood

Time: 1243.32

and cerebral spinal fluid and other

Time: 1244.82

things through this incredibly

Time: 1246.14

metabolically active tissue that we call

Time: 1247.82

our brain and our eyes those are by far

Time: 1250.46

the most metabolically active tissues in

Time: 1252.2

our entire body even if we're running

Time: 1253.82

hundreds of miles in Ultra marathons

Time: 1256.16

your brain is still far more

Time: 1258.02

metabolically demanding than all the

Time: 1259.58

muscles of your body combined no matter

Time: 1261.679

what the conditions because of that

Time: 1263.78

there tends to be a generalization or a

Time: 1265.58

spreading out of any inflammatory

Time: 1267.26

response and that inflammatory response

Time: 1269.72

then can trigger the pain mechanisms or

Time: 1273.2

what we've experience as pain mechanisms

Time: 1275.12

in the other three types of tissues that

Time: 1277.039

we talked about so for instance if you

Time: 1278.419

have a systemic infection or you're

Time: 1281.059

experiencing inflammation of any kind

Time: 1282.679

and it has anything to do with or

Time: 1284.72

encroaches on the face or head area that

Time: 1287.9

can easily and almost always

Time: 1290.179

spills over into activation of nerve

Time: 1292.82

cells can give rise to neural based

Time: 1294.86

headache or to the meninges and can give

Time: 1296.9

rise to meningeal headaches and of

Time: 1298.76

course to the muscles and to muscular

Time: 1300.679

type headaches so we've got muscular

Time: 1302.84

origins of the ache in headache we have

Time: 1305

meningeal origins of the achin headache

Time: 1307.58

we have neural origins of the aching

Time: 1309.919

headache and we have inflammation-based

Time: 1312.08

origins of the ache in headache and that

Time: 1314.659

pertains to all the different types of

Time: 1316.1

headaches that we're going to talk about

Time: 1317.24

and it's important to keep in mind that

Time: 1319.28

there are these different sources of the

Time: 1321.32

ache and headache and that sometimes

Time: 1323

they exist alone and sometimes they

Time: 1324.679

exist in combination however this isn't

Time: 1327.38

important however

Time: 1328.94

all pain

Time: 1330.86

or I should say all experience of pain

Time: 1333.26

as a perception

Time: 1334.88

is going to be neural in origin when we

Time: 1337.58

experience pain whether or not it's a

Time: 1339.14

pin prick or a cut stub our toe we trip

Time: 1342.32

and fall or a headache it is neural in

Time: 1345.38

origin it is the nervous system and

Time: 1347.24

nerve cells that are going to carry that

Time: 1349.94

signal that we perceive as pain so as we

Time: 1352.76

talk about the different sources of pain

Time: 1354.38

and different types of headache we will

Time: 1356.36

also talk about of course I think what

Time: 1358.34

most people are interested in today's

Time: 1359.659

discussion the different treatments for

Time: 1361.4

the different types of headache and why

Time: 1362.84

each of those different treatments work

Time: 1364.22

but by understanding a little bit about

Time: 1366.74

how pain arises in the nervous system

Time: 1368.6

and certainly by understanding the

Time: 1370.7

different types of headaches you know

Time: 1372.38

what is a tension headache I gave you

Time: 1373.82

some impression that it's running around

Time: 1375.26

your head like a headband in many cases

Time: 1377.48

versus cluster headache which starts

Time: 1380.059

deep below the eye often it feels as if

Time: 1382.4

it's emerging from deep in the brain

Time: 1383.6

versus migraine which we'll get into in

Time: 1385.7

a moment by understanding the different

Time: 1387.5

types of headaches you should be able to

Time: 1389.12

quickly pinpoint what type of headache

Time: 1391.76

you have what types of tissues are

Time: 1394.159

likely involved and therefore what types

Time: 1397.159

of treatments are going to most quickly

Time: 1398.9

and most completely relieve that type of

Time: 1401.36

headache okay so for the next three to

Time: 1403.039

five minutes and I promise no more I'm

Time: 1405.32

going to explain how pain arises at the

Time: 1407.78

level of nerve cells and I suppose this

Time: 1410.78

is one of those times when if I had a

Time: 1412.64

highlighter pen that could go out and

Time: 1414.2

across the the microphones and speakers

Time: 1417.26

leading to your ears

Time: 1419.48

I would use it here because what I'm

Time: 1421.34

about to tell you is perhaps one of the

Time: 1422.72

most important things to understand

Time: 1423.919

about your nervous system that is your

Time: 1425.84

brain and you which is that while you

Time: 1428.36

have trillions of neurons and we hear

Time: 1429.799

that you have trillions and different

Time: 1430.94

types of neurons in your brain and they

Time: 1432.32

come in different shapes and sizes and

Time: 1433.76

do different things and some make

Time: 1434.9

dopamine and some make serotonin and so

Time: 1437.36

make glutamate and on and on

Time: 1440.179

the key distinction among different

Time: 1442.28

types of neurons that is the three types

Time: 1445.039

of neurons that I believe everybody

Time: 1446.419

scientists are no everybody should

Time: 1448.76

understand exist are some neurons nerve

Time: 1452.12

cells are what we call motor neurons in

Time: 1454.58

the sense that they control the

Time: 1456.86

contraction of muscles sometimes for

Time: 1458.96

walking other neurons control the

Time: 1462.02

movements of your fingers scientists

Time: 1463.94

call those digits

Time: 1465.44

other ones your toes

Time: 1467.179

they also control the beating of your

Time: 1469.039


Time: 1469.94

although that's a slightly different

Time: 1471.38

mechanism and slightly different type of

Time: 1473.96

tissue than is involved in generating

Time: 1476.299

motor movements of your limbs

Time: 1478.52

these are neurons that we call motor

Time: 1480.62

neurons because their goal or their

Time: 1483.679

purpose I should say they don't really

Time: 1485.12

know what their their goal or purpose is

Time: 1486.62

but what they do is they make sure that

Time: 1488.78

muscles contract so that certain things

Time: 1491.12

happen in your body like your heart

Time: 1492.98

beats or you move your limbs you lift

Time: 1494.6

your eyelids or your eyebrows rather

Time: 1497.539

and so on and so forth

Time: 1499.7

other types of neurons are what we call

Time: 1501.44

Sensory neurons

Time: 1502.94

they communicate

Time: 1504.74

the same way that motor neurons do that

Time: 1506.78

is they fire what we call Action

Time: 1508.039

potentials which are just electrical

Time: 1509.419

signals they release neurotransmitters

Time: 1510.98

like any other neuron but they respond

Time: 1513.559

to certain events in the environment or

Time: 1517.039

the environment within the body

Time: 1519.26

but they are not responsible for

Time: 1521.36

generating muscular contractions so we

Time: 1523.46

call these Sensory neurons some Sensory

Time: 1525.08

neurons sense light touch other Sensory

Time: 1528.02

neurons sense firm touch other sensory

Time: 1530.72

neurons sense pain other Sensory neurons

Time: 1533.26

sense light brushing on the skin in fact

Time: 1536

you have Sensory neurons believe it or

Time: 1537.38

not that respond specifically to the

Time: 1540.08

light brushing of a hand across your

Time: 1542.539

skin any region of your body and if that

Time: 1545.24

particular region of your body happens

Time: 1546.679

to have hair on it and you stroke the

Time: 1549.74

skin in the direction that the hairs lay

Time: 1551.659


Time: 1552.559

we experience that as pleasurable

Time: 1554.179

whereas if you stroke in the direction

Time: 1555.799

opposite to the the way the hairs lay

Time: 1558.02

down we experience that as not

Time: 1559.64

pleasurable so these Sensory neurons

Time: 1561.62

respond in some cases for instance

Time: 1563.96

within the auditory system they respond

Time: 1566

to sound waves and your eye they respond

Time: 1567.5

to photons of light sometimes photons of

Time: 1569.72

light of particular wavelengths that we

Time: 1571.159

think of as red green blue and so on

Time: 1572.86

Sensory neurons don't move muscles they

Time: 1575.659

respond to things in the environment and

Time: 1577.46

they exist within us so we have Sensory

Time: 1579.919

neurons that sense for instance pressure

Time: 1581.539

within our head or pressure within our

Time: 1584.6

gut how full or empty our gut is

Time: 1587.299

pain within our tissues like our liver

Time: 1590

or or any kind of other internal organ

Time: 1592.94

so we've got motor neurons Sensory

Time: 1594.74

neurons and then the last kind of neuron

Time: 1596.96

is what we call modulatory neurons these

Time: 1599.779

are the ones that adjust the

Time: 1601.1

relationship between the sensory neurons

Time: 1603.02

and the motor neurons to determine

Time: 1604.94

whether or not we do anything in

Time: 1607.4

response to a sensory input that is

Time: 1610.159

whether or not if a sensory neuron fires

Time: 1612.86

sends it electrical potential whether or

Time: 1614.779

not it will generate a motor change let

Time: 1618.26

me give you a very simple example of

Time: 1619.7

this so for those of you listening I'll

Time: 1622.1

just explain what I'm doing and for

Time: 1623.419

those of you watching you'll be able to

Time: 1624.74

see I'm holding my hand out in front of

Time: 1626.12


Time: 1626.779

if I were to touch the top of my hand

Time: 1628.88

with my fingertip I can deliberately

Time: 1631.58

override that is I can modulate that

Time: 1635.179

more typical reflex which is that when

Time: 1636.799

something touches us if we're not aware

Time: 1638.36

of where it's coming from we typically

Time: 1639.86

move away from that thing that touches

Time: 1641.299

this is a very natural response but we

Time: 1643.22

can decide we're not going to move away

Time: 1644.299

we can decide to stay still or we can

Time: 1646.58

decide to move toward the thing that

Time: 1647.96

touches us but typically if you were to

Time: 1649.34

walk up to somebody and you were to

Time: 1650.72

touch them they'd either turn toward you

Time: 1652.22

on the side that you touch them or

Time: 1653.96

they'd step away it's rare that they're

Time: 1655.76

going to step into you but you could

Time: 1657.919

decide that you were not going to move

Time: 1659.12

away or you could step into the

Time: 1660.799

direction of touch and that's because

Time: 1662.299

you have modulatory neurons that can

Time: 1663.919

adjust the conversation in a very

Time: 1665.659

context-dependent way

Time: 1668.48

as to whether or not the sensory neuron

Time: 1670.94

will cause motor neurons to contract or

Time: 1674

not okay so we've got motor neuron

Time: 1676.64

Sensory neurons and modulatory neurons

Time: 1678.32

and you're probably thinking by now why

Time: 1679.58

are we talking about this I thought we

Time: 1680.6

were talking about headache I thought

Time: 1681.62

we're going to talk about treatments for

Time: 1682.46

headache but this turns out to be very

Time: 1683.96

important because you could imagine and

Time: 1686.48

in a moment I'll explain how let's say

Time: 1688.52

you have tension headaches you're

Time: 1689.84

somebody that has the classic symptoms

Time: 1691.76

of tension headache let me tell you what

Time: 1693.08

those are these are headaches again that

Time: 1696.26

occur more or less on on the in a kind

Time: 1698.419

of a headband like fashion or they tend

Time: 1700.159

to start there

Time: 1701.299

and exist around that these are very

Time: 1703.22

common they can arise from a number of

Time: 1705.2

different sources rise from sleep

Time: 1708.02

deprivation they can rise from excessive

Time: 1710.539

use of caffeine intake we'll talk about

Time: 1712.1

why that is they can arise from stress

Time: 1714.919

they can arise from very low level viral

Time: 1718.88

infections or bacterial infections but

Time: 1720.74

we experience these as just as headaches

Time: 1722.299

where you've been thinking too hard or

Time: 1724.159

working too hard or life has been

Time: 1725.6

stressful they're often also associated

Time: 1727.34

with jaw pain and jaw tightness and neck

Time: 1729.919

tightness so tension headaches

Time: 1731.059

everything you'd imagine muscular

Time: 1732.44

tension could cause well if you want to

Time: 1734.48

treat tension headache

Time: 1736.52

you can imagine that because all

Time: 1738.559

headache is neural that you'd want to go

Time: 1740.659

after some sort of neural mechanism to

Time: 1742.22

treat them but of course we now know

Time: 1744.919

that there are three types of neurons

Time: 1747.02

there are motor neurons Sensory neurons

Time: 1749

and modulatory neurons so we have

Time: 1751.52

choices we can say okay do we want to

Time: 1753.62

turn off the muscles in the head jaw and

Time: 1756.44

neck that are hyper contracted

Time: 1758.659

for instance you want to take a muscle

Time: 1760.52

relaxer or relaxedant

Time: 1763.46

or would you want to try and change the

Time: 1766.88

sensory input itself maybe don't change

Time: 1768.919

the way the muscles are behaving but

Time: 1770.48

shut off the sensory part of it your

Time: 1773.12

ability to sense it

Time: 1774.679

there are certainly ways you can do that

Time: 1777.02

or would you want to adjust the

Time: 1779.059

modulatory neurons would you want to

Time: 1780.98

make it such that you have the headache

Time: 1782.659

but you don't perceive the headache that

Time: 1784.64

is you cut off communication between the

Time: 1786.74

sensor and the motor so that the muscles

Time: 1788.72

relax turns out there are treatments and

Time: 1791.179

approaches for each and every one of

Time: 1792.559

those each and every one of those has

Time: 1794.299

different advantages and disadvantages

Time: 1796.46

but as you can quickly see we are going

Time: 1799.52

to have different types of headaches and

Time: 1800.899

different approaches to treating

Time: 1802.039

headache but if you keep in the back of

Time: 1803.36

your mind that you have neurons that

Time: 1804.799

contract muscles to create movement or

Time: 1807.02

tension of muscles remember you can turn

Time: 1809.779

off those neurons and allow those

Time: 1811.039

muscles to relax you have Sensory

Time: 1812.539

neurons that sense input and actually

Time: 1814.82

sense the pain and you have modulatory

Time: 1816.799

neurons which can allow you to adjust

Time: 1818.419

the relationship between the sensory

Time: 1820.58

neurons and the motor neurons and of

Time: 1822.2

course some of you are probably

Time: 1822.98

screaming at me by now saying wait why

Time: 1825.26

would you ever want to deal with the

Time: 1826.52

motor neurons or or the modulatory

Time: 1828.679

neurons once you want to just go

Time: 1829.7

straight to the source and just cut off

Time: 1831.08

the pain ah well the problem there is

Time: 1833.779

that many painkillers

Time: 1836.059

have other issues as well in particular

Time: 1838.64

they can be sedative many of them can be

Time: 1840.799

habit forming or even addictive and for

Time: 1843.5

many people not all but many people they

Time: 1845.539

don't want to take drugs whether or not

Time: 1846.86

they're over-the-counter or prescription

Time: 1848.059

drugs or even more natural supplement

Time: 1850.159

based type treatments

Time: 1852.559

and they would rather use for instance

Time: 1855.14

a behavioral approach in which they can

Time: 1857.84

modulate they can deliberately turn off

Time: 1859.82

the communication between Sensory

Time: 1861.38

neurons and motor neurons and turns out

Time: 1862.82

those approaches exist as well okay so

Time: 1865.399

at this point I promise you that I'm not

Time: 1867.62

going to give you any more of a biology

Time: 1869.12

lesson in terms of pain sensing and

Time: 1871.76

headaches as a more uh conceptual

Time: 1874.34

phenomenon instead what I'd like to do

Time: 1876.08

next is talk about the different types

Time: 1877.82

of headaches and I think this is

Time: 1879.62

something that's very important and not

Time: 1881.059

often discussed except for those people

Time: 1882.799

out there that unfortunately suffer

Time: 1884.779

repeatedly from certain kinds of

Time: 1886.34

headaches like migraine or cluster or

Time: 1888.2

tension headache but I think for most

Time: 1890.48

people out there who experience headache

Time: 1891.98

and again that is everybody at some

Time: 1893.899

point experiences headache rather than

Time: 1896.48

just think of headache as one thing

Time: 1898.299

understanding the major types of

Time: 1900.679

headache and how they differ from and

Time: 1903.08

are similar to one another will really

Time: 1905

help you identify what the best source

Time: 1906.86

of treatments for those are so I'd like

Time: 1908.779

to talk about what the different types

Time: 1909.919

of headache are now the first type of

Time: 1912.02

headache we're going to discuss is the

Time: 1913.52

tension type headache again tension type

Time: 1915.74

headaches tend to start off not always

Time: 1918.2

but tend to start off as more or less a

Time: 1921.08

Halo or a headband around the forehead

Time: 1923.36

in the area above the eyes often also

Time: 1926.299

include the jaw the neck muscles

Time: 1928.94

and can extend even into the upper back

Time: 1931.299

again this can be caused by some low

Time: 1934.34

level of infection but more often than

Time: 1936.26

not tension type headaches are going to

Time: 1937.7

come on because of some chronic

Time: 1940.7

psychological stress usually combined

Time: 1942.679

with lack of sleep usually combined with

Time: 1944.44

lifestyle issues and of course without

Time: 1947.84

getting into a long discussion about it

Time: 1949.22

anytime you have lack of sleep you're

Time: 1950.96

going to have excessive stress anytime

Time: 1952.399

you have excessive stress you're going

Time: 1954.14

to have to make sure you're offsetting

Time: 1956.299

that by getting proper sleep most people

Time: 1957.74

don't when they're under excessive

Time: 1959

stress by the way we have excellent

Time: 1960.38

tools we're grounded in excellent

Time: 1962.6

science available to you at zero cost if

Time: 1964.76

you are experienced chronic stress or

Time: 1966.62

even short-term stress we have a master

Time: 1968.179

stress episode of the human Lab podcast

Time: 1970.82

again just go to and all

Time: 1972.679

that's time stamped for you tension type

Time: 1974.659


Time: 1975.919

begin in a more or less a headband

Time: 1978.44

pattern but can really extend to other

Time: 1980

tissues as well not so often in the face

Time: 1982.7

but really the head and often will start

Time: 1985.46

to climb up toward the top of the head

Time: 1987.14

they are not always in this Halo pattern

Time: 1989.779

sometimes they can be localized to one

Time: 1991.82

area such as the you know the back of

Time: 1993.559

the head or the front of the head or one

Time: 1995.179

side of the head more than others and

Time: 1997.46

that's often the case because of tension

Time: 2000.159

within muscles of the neck that tend to

Time: 2002.62

bias the ache towards one side of the

Time: 2004.48

head I'd like to take a quick break and

Time: 2006.82

acknowledge one of our sponsors athletic

Time: 2008.799

greens athletic greens now called ag-1

Time: 2011.44

is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 2013.96

that covers all of your foundational

Time: 2015.7

nutritional needs I've been taking

Time: 2017.679

athletic green since 2012 so I'm

Time: 2020.2

delighted that they're sponsoring the

Time: 2021.46

podcast the reason I started taking

Time: 2022.96

athletic greens and the reason I still

Time: 2024.58

take athletic greens once or usually

Time: 2026.679

twice a day is that it gets to be the

Time: 2029.2

probiotics that I need for gut health

Time: 2030.94

our gut is very important it's populated

Time: 2033.1

by gut microbiota that communicate with

Time: 2035.62

the brain in the immune system and

Time: 2037.12

basically all the biological systems of

Time: 2038.919

our body to strongly impact our

Time: 2041.019

immediate and long-term health

Time: 2042.58

and those probiotics and athletic greens

Time: 2044.679

are optimal and vital for microbiotic

Time: 2047.679

health in addition athletic greens

Time: 2049.72

contains a number of adaptogens vitamins

Time: 2051.46

and minerals that make sure that all of

Time: 2053.08

my foundational nutritional needs are

Time: 2054.76

met and it tastes great if you'd like to

Time: 2057.879

try athletic greens you can go to

Time: 2059.46 huberman and they'll

Time: 2062.619

give you five free travel packs that

Time: 2064.3

make it really easy to mix up athletic

Time: 2065.919

greens while you're on the road in the

Time: 2067.54

car on the plane Etc and they'll give

Time: 2069.58

you a year's supply of vitamin d3k2

Time: 2072.22

again that's huberman

Time: 2074.8

to get the five free travel packs and

Time: 2076.659

the year supply of vitamin D3 K2 the

Time: 2079.54

other type of headache that

Time: 2080.5

unfortunately is very common is migraine

Time: 2083.379

headaches migraine headaches are defined

Time: 2085.96

generally as disorders of recurring

Time: 2088.119

attacks of headaches so people who get

Time: 2089.859

migraines often get them in a recurring

Time: 2092.379

fashion some people get them very often

Time: 2094.24

other people get them less often but

Time: 2096.58

migraines are very debilitating the

Time: 2099.76

numbers that is the prevalence of

Time: 2101.32

migraine is still pretty debated one

Time: 2104.92

thing that we know for sure is that

Time: 2106.8

females suffer from migraine headaches

Time: 2109.06

at a rate at least threefold higher than

Time: 2112.48

do males and surprisingly this does not

Time: 2115.66

seem to have any direct hormonal origin

Time: 2118.24

because we're also going to talk about

Time: 2119.579

hormonal headaches that is headaches

Time: 2122.38

that relate to a dip in estrogen and

Time: 2124.54

progesterone a particular phase of the

Time: 2126.099

menstrual cycle that is the ovulatory

Time: 2127.66

cycle so there's a bit of a mystery here

Time: 2129.52

and the Mystery is why is it that

Time: 2131.56

migraine headaches occur at such greater

Time: 2133.119

frequency in females even independently

Time: 2136.3

of the menstrual cycle so when you

Time: 2137.74

control for changes in hormones that

Time: 2139.9

still appears to be the case and overall

Time: 2141.52

migraines are very common now the

Time: 2143.14

numbers on migraine and just how common

Time: 2144.76

migraine is

Time: 2146.2

are extremely wide this was a little bit

Time: 2148.72

frustrating for me in researching this

Time: 2150.339


Time: 2151.3

you will find for instance that 17 of

Time: 2155.14

women suffer from migraines you will

Time: 2157.18

also hear that six percent of males

Time: 2158.68

suffer from migraines you will also hear

Time: 2160.54

that 43 43 percent of females suffer

Time: 2165.04

from migraine that is recurring

Time: 2167.2

headaches that qualify as migraine

Time: 2168.579

headaches and that

Time: 2170.74

17 percent of men suffer from migraine

Time: 2173.38

headaches on a recurring basis which is

Time: 2174.94

again the definition of a migraine

Time: 2176.32

headache or one of the key definitions

Time: 2177.64

so all we can say for sure is that many

Time: 2180.88

many millions of people maybe even

Time: 2183.46

billions of people suffer from migraine

Time: 2185.859

headaches it's kind of a staggering

Time: 2187.78

thing to contemplate but we know it's

Time: 2190.72

extremely common and we know that it's

Time: 2193.06

more prevalent in females in any of the

Time: 2195.88

studies that you will find in terms of

Time: 2197.32

that compare the overall prevalence of

Time: 2199.18

headache it's going to be higher

Time: 2201.4

substantially higher in females and

Time: 2202.599

males does not seem to be related to the

Time: 2204.52

ovulatory menstrual cycle

Time: 2206.26

there are some interesting facts related

Time: 2208.3

to that that I'll just you know touch on

Time: 2209.74

for a moment

Time: 2211.24

pregnancy for whatever reason seems to

Time: 2213.64

be protective against migraine headaches

Time: 2215.44

that is women who suffer from recurring

Time: 2217.119


Time: 2218.64

before they get pregnant when they get

Time: 2221.32

pregnant and often after they give birth

Time: 2224.68

they experience fewer migraine headaches

Time: 2226.54

so there may be something hormonal it

Time: 2228.52

may be something else what do we know

Time: 2230.32

for sure we know that headache that is

Time: 2233.5

the ache in headache is neural so

Time: 2235.48

whether or not the origins are hormonal

Time: 2237.16

or whether or not the origins are

Time: 2238.839

inflammation or gut microbiome or some

Time: 2241.119

other feature of the body brain axis

Time: 2244.359

at this point all we know is that

Time: 2247.66

neural pain or the experience of pain at

Time: 2250.3

the neural level is the final common

Time: 2251.98

pathway and it's more prevalent in

Time: 2253.54

females so as I mentioned migraines tend

Time: 2255.94

to be recurring so some people get them

Time: 2257.56

once a week some people get them once a

Time: 2258.88

month some people get them far more

Time: 2260.44

frequently that they can be extremely

Time: 2263.02

debilitating oftentimes people

Time: 2265

experience migraine because it is a

Time: 2266.74

recurring phenomenon will know when a

Time: 2268.72

migraine is coming on they'll say my

Time: 2270.579

migraine is coming on the kind of sense

Time: 2272.14

it coming

Time: 2273.46

there's this notion of Aura and we'll

Time: 2275.8

talk about Aura in a little bit some

Time: 2277.839

people think of Aura just as visual aura

Time: 2280.119

or the sense of kind of a haloing of

Time: 2281.98

light with the sense that there's

Time: 2283.96

something outside the body the actual

Time: 2286.599

definition of Aura is that

Time: 2289

it's the experience that something is

Time: 2290.92

about to happen it's this kind of

Time: 2292.9

feeling of anticipation it's not deja vu

Time: 2295.119

deja vu is different and very

Time: 2296.8

interesting in its own right but

Time: 2297.82

different it's this feeling that

Time: 2299.079

something's about to happen and the fact

Time: 2300.88

that aura is such a prominent feature of

Time: 2302.44

migraine headaches or at least that

Time: 2304.06

people feel that the headache is coming

Time: 2305.92

on long before they feel the actual ache

Time: 2308.32

of the headache and the other

Time: 2309.339

debilitating symptoms suggests that

Time: 2311.859

migraine has something of deep neural

Time: 2314.8

origin that it arises from deep within

Time: 2316.78

the nervous system spinal cord and brain

Time: 2318.52

and that it's not something like a

Time: 2320.2

tension headache that is going from

Time: 2322.359

outside in you know the constriction of

Time: 2324.04

the muscles in the jaw and head so

Time: 2325.359

migraine headaches are very different

Time: 2326.56

than tension headaches even in terms of

Time: 2328.72

how they come on or their onset the

Time: 2332.38

other feature of migraine headaches that

Time: 2333.82

I think is important to note is that

Time: 2335.92

dilation of the vessels remember the

Time: 2338.56

vasodilation so the widening of those

Time: 2341.2

pipes that we call arteries vessels and

Time: 2344.26

capillaries is a very prominent feature

Time: 2346.48

of migraine and fortunately that allows

Time: 2348.64

for very particular types of treatment

Time: 2350.5

and ways of dealing with this pain

Time: 2353.14

specific to migraine headaches the other

Time: 2356.32

feature that's common in migraine

Time: 2357.64

headaches is so-called photophobia many

Time: 2359.68

of you are probably familiar with

Time: 2361

photophobia if you've ever been sleep

Time: 2362.619


Time: 2363.94

simply if you're sleep deprived

Time: 2366.52

and you go outside in the morning the

Time: 2368.14

light is going to seem very very bright

Time: 2369.52

much brighter than were you to have had

Time: 2372.16

a really good night's sleep and that's

Time: 2373.24

because during sleep there are all sorts

Time: 2374.859

of reset mechanisms in the brain there's

Time: 2376.3

the washing out of metabolic debris and

Time: 2378.64

things in the brain the so-called

Time: 2379.72

lymphatic washout That's essential

Time: 2381.52

there's also an adjustment of the neural

Time: 2383.619

tissue of the eyes which as many of you

Time: 2385.42

have heard me say before actually two

Time: 2386.74

pieces of rain that have been extruded

Time: 2388.48

from the cranial Vault so your eyes yes

Time: 2389.92

indeed are two pieces of brain the only

Time: 2391.599

two pieces of brain outside the cranial

Time: 2392.98

Vault and within your eyes you have

Time: 2395.32

neurons and mechanisms that adjust the

Time: 2398.2

the sort of sensitivity of your eyes to

Time: 2401.5

light and of your brain to light and

Time: 2404.02

when you are sleep deprived or when you

Time: 2405.76

have a low-level viral infection or a

Time: 2407.74

cold or a flu of any kind

Time: 2409.96

you tend to experience light as brighter

Time: 2412.54

than it actually is when you're rested

Time: 2414.16

or you're in the healthy state so

Time: 2415.96

photophobia is something that's very

Time: 2417.82

very common in migraine and often the

Time: 2419.74

photophobia is a prominent feature of

Time: 2422.859

the experience that a migraine is coming

Time: 2424.599

on people will start saying oh you know

Time: 2426.099

it's just too bright in here and

Time: 2428.2

normally they'd be able to tolerate that

Time: 2429.7

level of sunlight or of indoor lighting

Time: 2432.28

with no problem

Time: 2433.66


Time: 2434.8

there are two aspects of migraine that I

Time: 2437.079

think are particularly important to

Time: 2438.28

understand for sake of of the treatment

Time: 2439.72

and that's the dilation of vessels so we

Time: 2442

if we want to treat migraine we're going

Time: 2443.44

to have to think about things that can

Time: 2445.06

constrict blood vessels in the brain

Time: 2447.4

area but we also need to think about

Time: 2448.72

photophobia not photophobia just as a

Time: 2451

symptom of migraine but that maybe by

Time: 2453.22

adjusting our sensitivity to light we

Time: 2455.859

can actually short-circuit some of the

Time: 2458.5

onset and subsequent pathology of the

Time: 2461.92

migraine that is if we can prevent

Time: 2463.599


Time: 2465.16

partially or completely can actually

Time: 2467.5

offset a lot of the ache of the migraine

Time: 2470.26

that would otherwise occur so that's an

Time: 2472.119

exciting Avenue for addressing migraine

Time: 2474.88

headaches we'll get into photophobia and

Time: 2476.74

how to deal with that we'll also talk

Time: 2477.94

about Aura a little bit more in a few

Time: 2480.28

minutes but for the time being we've

Time: 2481.78

talked about tension headaches we've now

Time: 2483.22

talked about migraine headaches again

Time: 2484.9

keep in mind knowing what kind of

Time: 2486.4

headache you have is essential it's I

Time: 2489.099

would say indispensable for selecting

Time: 2491.02

the best treatment many people out there

Time: 2493.599

will simply get a headache and decide oh

Time: 2496.78

I'm going to pop a couple of aspirin

Time: 2498.28

okay what does aspirin do aspirin's and

Time: 2500.32

anti-inflammatory it also has pronounced

Time: 2502.9

effects on the vasodilation and

Time: 2504.579

vasoconstriction system it actually

Time: 2506.14

allows more blood to flow through those

Time: 2509.14

arteries vessels and capillaries a lot

Time: 2510.88

of people actually use baby aspirin or

Time: 2512.859

small amounts of aspirin as a way to

Time: 2514.66

offset cardiovascular disease that's

Time: 2516.28

another discussion but what do we know

Time: 2518.079

we know that in migraine there's a hyper

Time: 2521.079

dilation of the blood vessels a hyper

Time: 2522.88

dilation of the very little portals that

Time: 2525.099

exist in the brain and around the brain

Time: 2527.2

and that are going to cause the pain

Time: 2528.94

you're going to activate those Sensory

Time: 2530.5

neurons those non-iceceptors that will

Time: 2532.54

then give us the experience of extreme

Time: 2534.16

headache and migraine so taking an

Time: 2536.14

aspirin or something like it for

Time: 2538.24

migraine in some cases the worst

Time: 2540.46

possible Choice again so knowing what

Time: 2542.32

kind of headache you are experiencing is

Time: 2544.24

going to be essential here the other

Time: 2545.619

thing that you'll sometimes hear is that

Time: 2546.82

drinking a cup of coffee or getting

Time: 2548.38

caffeine through tea is a great way to

Time: 2550.9

deal with headache

Time: 2552.22

why would that be well it turns out that

Time: 2555.099

coffee can cause either vasoconstriction

Time: 2557.2

or vasodilation depending on when you

Time: 2559.24

take it and we'll get into the use of

Time: 2560.98

caffeine as a treatment for headache

Time: 2563.5

because indeed it can be a very potent

Time: 2564.94

treatment for headache but you

Time: 2567.339

absolutely need to know what kind of

Time: 2568.78

headache you are experiencing because in

Time: 2571.48

some cases drinking caffeine whether

Time: 2573.46

it's in tea or coffee can absolutely

Time: 2576.4

alleviate the pain of a headache

Time: 2577.9

especially if you catch that onset of a

Time: 2580.3

migraine or attention type headache

Time: 2581.859

early on but in some cases it can make

Time: 2583.839

it far far worse again knowing which

Time: 2586.359

type of headache you're experiencing and

Time: 2587.92

how the different treatments work is key

Time: 2589.48

okay so we have tension type headaches

Time: 2591.339

migraine type headaches I think you're

Time: 2592.839

starting to get the picture they have

Time: 2593.92

different underlying biologies

Time: 2598.06

the next type of headache is cluster

Time: 2600.339

headaches cluster headaches are the ones

Time: 2601.96

I mentioned earlier that arise from deep

Time: 2603.64

within the head they feel as if they're

Time: 2605.8

coming from the inside out and they tend

Time: 2607.54

to be on one side or the other what

Time: 2609.64

scientists and clinicians call

Time: 2610.839

unilateral and tends to originate behind

Time: 2612.76

the eye and sometimes the nose region

Time: 2614.859

sometimes in the mouth region as well it

Time: 2616.839

feels kind of patchy but as if it's

Time: 2618.76

coming from the inside out and again

Time: 2620.74

that's because of that trigeminal nerve

Time: 2622.42

for those of you listening and not

Time: 2624.16

watching this on YouTube I've got three

Time: 2626.02

fingers as if I'm putting up three

Time: 2627.4

fingers and I'm I've got one pointed

Time: 2629.319

toward my eye one pointed towards my

Time: 2631.359

nose region and one towards my upper lip

Time: 2633.819

the trigeminal nerve is an easy one to

Time: 2636.64

remember and it will completely explain

Time: 2638.88

cluster headaches and what to do about

Time: 2640.78

cluster headaches in a moment if you

Time: 2642.04

remember that the herpes one virus and

Time: 2644.14

not herpes two not genital herpes but

Time: 2646.42

herpes one virus is the one that gives

Time: 2648.52

cold sores on the mouth

Time: 2650.319

herpes one virus by the way is

Time: 2652

exceedingly common up to 90 percent of

Time: 2653.859

people many children in fact have these

Time: 2655.42

again this is not a sexually transmitted

Time: 2657.099

herpes although it can be of course

Time: 2659.079

transmitted through kissing and sexual

Time: 2661.599

contact but that's not the only origin

Time: 2663.94

of it okay it can be passed by skin

Time: 2665.8

contact and mucosal contact

Time: 2668.319

um so mucosomucosal so that would be

Time: 2670.119

kissing mucosa lying or even skin to

Time: 2672.76

mucosal Linings that's why it's so

Time: 2674.319

common and the reason why cold sores

Time: 2676.78

develop on the mouth for people that

Time: 2678.819

have herpes one is because the virus

Time: 2681.579

actually lives on the trigeminal nerve

Time: 2684.099

and yes it is true that sometimes the

Time: 2687.22

virus will inflame the nerve and the

Time: 2689.319

inflammation will occur at the level of

Time: 2690.52

the eye so people do unfortunately

Time: 2691.78

sometimes get herpes of the eye it

Time: 2693.16

actually can be quite dangerous if you

Time: 2694.72

have an infection of the eye of a herpes

Time: 2696.339

infection in the eye you should see an

Time: 2697.54

ophthalmologist or the nose region they

Time: 2699.88

can experience pain in the mucosal

Time: 2701.26

tissue of the nose more often than not

Time: 2703.72

the most inflammation is occurring on

Time: 2705.88

the the branch that innervates the lip

Time: 2708.22

or the region close to the lip and

Time: 2709.66

that's why a cold sword develops there

Time: 2711.22

an immune response there signaling that

Time: 2714.16

there's inflammation due to the herpes

Time: 2715.9

virus which lives on that neuron for a

Time: 2718.18

very long time neurons don't turn over

Time: 2720.4

in the lifespan so it can live on there

Time: 2722.26

for the extent of of the person's life

Time: 2724.42

however most people

Time: 2727.06

hopefully treat their HSV-1 but if they

Time: 2729.64

don't the the sort of frequency and the

Time: 2733

severity of infections tends to taper

Time: 2734.859

off with time we'll have an entire

Time: 2736.78

discussion about viruses and herpes in

Time: 2738.52

particular in a future episode but the

Time: 2741.4

thing to keep in mind here is that this

Time: 2743.8

very nerve is the one that gets inflamed

Time: 2746.619

in these cluster type headaches now

Time: 2748.96

cluster type headaches are associated

Time: 2750.7

with a bunch of very uncomfortable

Time: 2752.5

symptoms again they tend to be

Time: 2754.42

unilateral they tend to begin very deep

Time: 2756.76

and they tend to be excruciatingly

Time: 2759.04

painful excruciatingly painful they can

Time: 2761.26

last anywhere from 30 minutes to three

Time: 2762.88

hours some people experience these in

Time: 2765.099

sleep in fact this is one of the cases

Time: 2767.02

where men experience a headache more

Time: 2769.599

than females

Time: 2770.98

men experience cluster type headaches

Time: 2773.079

that have a sudden onset during sleep at

Time: 2775.72

five times the frequency than do females

Time: 2777.52

the origins of that aren't exactly clear

Time: 2779.319

they do seem to have something to do

Time: 2780.88

with the biological clock mechanisms the

Time: 2782.74

so-called circadian mechanisms so if you

Time: 2785.8

are a man or woman for that matter and

Time: 2788.14

you're waking up in the middle of the

Time: 2789.099

night with a unilateral headache and it

Time: 2790.839

seems like it's deep within your

Time: 2792.94

um within your head or it's starting

Time: 2794.38

there and it's on one side and localized

Time: 2796.42

to the eye and maybe these other regions

Time: 2797.74

the trigeminal is involved in you may be

Time: 2799.839

suffering from cluster type headache and

Time: 2801.52

you should talk to your physician the

Time: 2802.96

other symptom that's quite common in

Time: 2804.4

cluster type headache is a droopy eyelid

Time: 2806.14

which should make sense because the

Time: 2807.099

trigeminal innervates the eye region and

Time: 2809.38

there are other nerves that control the

Time: 2810.52

eyelid but they're in that General

Time: 2812.14

region and they can be impacted the

Time: 2814.06

other thing is something called meiosis

Time: 2815.319

which is that you can't dilate the pupil

Time: 2817

I mentioned this before so those your

Time: 2818.14

pupils might get really really small and

Time: 2819.76

they won't dilate and the other thing is

Time: 2822.04

lacrimation tearing and then nasal

Time: 2824.2

discharge all because of a neural

Time: 2825.94

inflammation problem why do I tell you

Time: 2828.76

with such detail about cluster headaches

Time: 2830.44

well if you are somebody that's

Time: 2831.76

experiencing the kind of pain that is

Time: 2834.22

consistent with cluster headache taking

Time: 2836.44

a standard anti-inflammatory or doing

Time: 2839.619

something that is going to adjust the

Time: 2841.18

vial the excuse me the dilation or

Time: 2843.22

constriction of blood vessels may have

Time: 2845.02

an indirect impact on cluster headache

Time: 2847.3

but is unlikely to relieve cluster

Time: 2849.94

headache either acutely meaning right

Time: 2851.98

away or in preventing cluster headaches

Time: 2854.38

you have to deal with this as a neural

Time: 2856

issue and we'll talk about some of the

Time: 2858.04

main causes of inflammation and

Time: 2860.38

activation of these cluster type

Time: 2861.819

headaches at the level of the trigeminal

Time: 2863.68

nerve in a little bit because

Time: 2864.94

fortunately there are some excellent

Time: 2866.2

treatments the next type of headache

Time: 2867.94

that is quite common are hormonal

Time: 2870.46

headaches now the phrase hormonal

Time: 2872.5

headache should already cue you to the

Time: 2873.94

fact that it's far too General a term

Time: 2876.16

because there's so many different

Time: 2877.18

hormones testosterone estrogen thyroid

Time: 2879.579

hormone growth hormone and on and on and

Time: 2880.839


Time: 2881.5

and they all have many different

Time: 2883.06

functions in the brain and body every

Time: 2885.46

single hormone and in particular the

Time: 2887.56

so-called steroid hormones steroids

Time: 2889.72

again not just limited to things that

Time: 2892.54

people take for Sports in fact the

Time: 2893.859

steroid hormones refers to estrogen

Time: 2895.96

testosterone of the sort that we all

Time: 2898

make that men and women

Time: 2899.619

make naturally and those steroid

Time: 2903.22

hormones can impact gene expression they

Time: 2905.2

can are of course what turns on the

Time: 2907.06

growth of the of the breast tissue of

Time: 2909.099

the testicular tissue of the hair growth

Time: 2912.04

and on and on and that's all because of

Time: 2914.14

gene expression if you're really going

Time: 2915.7

to change the identity and function of a

Time: 2917.5

cell long term

Time: 2918.76

right you're going to literally change

Time: 2920.2

the breast tissue or change the penile

Time: 2921.94

tissue or change the ovarian tissue in

Time: 2924.28

some sort of consistent way across the

Time: 2925.72

lifespan you can bet that there are

Time: 2927.64

changes in gene expression and those

Time: 2928.96

changes in gene expression occur because

Time: 2930.4

these steroid hormones have this

Time: 2931.78

incredible ability sort of like the

Time: 2933.819

X-Men of hormones to pass through the

Time: 2936.22

outer membrane of a cell which we call

Time: 2938.02

the extracellular membrane and into the

Time: 2939.46

so-called nuclear membrane they can go

Time: 2941.02

into the area where genes are made and

Time: 2943.18

turn on and off different genes however

Time: 2945.64

they multitask in their life that is

Time: 2949.24

these steroid hormones like estrogen in

Time: 2951.46

particular and testosterone in

Time: 2952.72

particular can also bind to the surface

Time: 2954.819

of cells and impact all sorts of things

Time: 2956.56

at the level of the cells that have

Time: 2958.66

nothing to do with changes in gene

Time: 2959.8

expression and that second mechanism of

Time: 2962.079

binding to the surface of cells is one

Time: 2963.76

of the ways in which estrogen can

Time: 2965.74


Time: 2966.94

different aspects of headache now that

Time: 2970.06

doesn't necessarily mean the estrogen

Time: 2971.619

gives you headaches in fact it's just

Time: 2974.14

the opposite

Time: 2975.22

it turns out that low estrogen and

Time: 2977.74

another hormone low progesterone combine

Time: 2981.16

to give rise to headache because of the

Time: 2983.319

ways that low estrogen and low

Time: 2985.66

progesterone impact vasodilation

Time: 2988.96

and vasoconstriction and the

Time: 2991.3

inflammatory response we'll talk about

Time: 2992.92

how to deal with hormone-based headaches

Time: 2995.14

a particular hormone was headaches that

Time: 2997.18

occur because of low estrogen and

Time: 2998.56

progesterone in a moment but the key

Time: 3001.02

thing to know is something that we

Time: 3002.579

covered in the fertility episode I did a

Time: 3005.04

very long very detailed episode on

Time: 3006.72

fertility so I'm not going going to go

Time: 3008.46

into this in significant detail now you

Time: 3010.8

can refer to that episode for probably

Time: 3013.38

more detail than you ever wanted but

Time: 3014.94

also a lot of tools as it relates to

Time: 3016.319

fertility in both males and females but

Time: 3018.48

right now I'm just going to give you a

Time: 3019.68

course overview of that in about 60 to

Time: 3022.74

120 seconds so that you'll understand

Time: 3024.8

when hormonal headaches are most likely

Time: 3027.72

to take place keep in mind that hormonal

Time: 3030.599

headaches are most likely to take place

Time: 3032.04

when estrogen and progesterone are

Time: 3034.44


Time: 3035.46

so if you understand that during the

Time: 3037.8

follicular stage of the ovulatory slash

Time: 3041.339

menstrual cycle okay so menstrual cycle

Time: 3043.079

is about 28 days on average not in

Time: 3045.18

everyone but it's about 20 days on

Time: 3046.26

average and the first half of that

Time: 3047.54

estrogen starts creeping up up up up up

Time: 3050.04

up up up up up and as we learn in

Time: 3052.559

endocrinology estrogen primes

Time: 3054.3

progesterone so estrogen will then Peak

Time: 3056.339

and then start to fall

Time: 3058.4

pretty quickly right about the time that

Time: 3061.8

the egg ovulates an egg is released and

Time: 3065.52

will essentially be ready for

Time: 3067.319

fertilization if the egg is fertilized a

Time: 3070.2

whole bunch of other things happen as it

Time: 3071.94

relates to pregnancy if not what ends up

Time: 3074.339

happening is that during the ludial

Time: 3076.98

phase which is the second half of the

Time: 3078.42

menstrual cycle there's been a buildup

Time: 3080.22

of the lining of the uterus

Time: 3082.44

because of an increase in progesterone

Time: 3084.3

so estrogen goes up during the

Time: 3085.559

follicular phase then it goes down and

Time: 3088.26

then progesterone goes up up up up up

Time: 3090.24

which is important for generating that

Time: 3093.18

thick lining of the uterus to allow the

Time: 3096

fertilized egg if it's fertilized to

Time: 3097.8

implant and if it's not fertilized all

Time: 3099.66

of that gets released from the body in

Time: 3101.28

this bleeding process that we call

Time: 3102.9

menstruation if menstruation occurs and

Time: 3105.119

day one of the menstrual cycle is

Time: 3106.38

considered the first day in which

Time: 3107.339

bleeding occurs well then what that

Time: 3108.96

means is that estrogen is already low

Time: 3110.94

because remember estrogen was low at the

Time: 3113.46

start of the follicular phase and went

Time: 3114.66

up up up up up up then it comes down

Time: 3116.46

right at the time of ovulation and

Time: 3118.319

progesterone goes up up up up up during

Time: 3121.92

the luteal phase in fact it's more than

Time: 3123.78

a thousand fold increase in progesterone

Time: 3125.46

but if there's no fertilization of the

Time: 3127.44

egg progesterone starts coming down down

Time: 3129.42

down down down what does that mean that

Time: 3131.04

means that on the first to about the

Time: 3133.559

fourth or fifth day of the menstrual

Time: 3134.94

cycle first being the first day of

Time: 3136.44

bleeding until about the fourth or fifth

Time: 3139.02

day of the menstrual cycle both estrogen

Time: 3141.24

and progesterone are very very low and

Time: 3143.94

it is at that time at the very beginning

Time: 3146.28

of the menstrual cycle so about the

Time: 3148.02

first week of the menstrual cycle that

Time: 3149.7

many women are very prone to hormonal

Time: 3151.8

headaches hormonal headaches not because

Time: 3153.96

estrogens High that's a common

Time: 3155.4

misconception rather because estrogen

Time: 3157.92

and progesterone are both low and now

Time: 3160.74

that you understand the Contour or the

Time: 3163.079

under underlying reasons for hormonal

Time: 3165.18


Time: 3166.68

you can start to ask well what happens

Time: 3168.599

when estrogen is low well estrogen has a

Time: 3171.3

strong impact on the vasodilation

Time: 3173.04

vasoconstriction system as does

Time: 3174.72

progesterone we'll talk about that a

Time: 3176.339

little bit later but now that you know

Time: 3177.66

what hormonal headache is at least this

Time: 3179.579

one particular type of hormonal headache

Time: 3181.14

which is very very common given the

Time: 3183.059

number of women that are menstruating

Time: 3185.16

and the fact that low estrogen low

Time: 3186.96

progesterone is the cause of the

Time: 3189.54

hormonal headache and the fact that of

Time: 3192.3

course there are women who are no longer

Time: 3193.619

menstruating so they're either in

Time: 3195

perimenopause and menstruation is

Time: 3196.44

becoming more infrequent or they're in

Time: 3197.88

menopause and it deceased entirely well

Time: 3200.7

now you understand what the origin of

Time: 3202.8

the hormonal headache is and so all we

Time: 3204.96

need to know is what do estrogen and

Time: 3206.52

progesterone normally do in order to

Time: 3208.14

prevent headache and thereby you'll know

Time: 3210.9

exactly how to offset that is prevent or

Time: 3214.559

treat hormonal headache in that first

Time: 3216.54

week of the menstrual period the last

Time: 3218.22

type of headache that I'd like to

Time: 3219.3

discuss is headache associated with head

Time: 3221.88

hits that is traumatic brain injury

Time: 3223.859

although I definitely want to underscore

Time: 3225.96

the fact that even people who do not

Time: 3228.359

have traumatic brain injury can

Time: 3230.76

experience headaches as the consequence

Time: 3232.26

of hitting their head so the line

Time: 3234.54

between traumatic brain injury and lower

Time: 3236.94

level brain injury is one that still

Time: 3239.22

seeks definition in fact this is one of

Time: 3241.02

the major goals of the clinical field as

Time: 3244.079

it relates to concussion you know it's

Time: 3245.88

also what comes up a lot during the

Time: 3247.44

discussion about football you know these

Time: 3249.359

days you'll see players hit really hard

Time: 3251.28

and depending on whether or not they're

Time: 3253.2

laying there for five seconds 30 seconds

Time: 3255.599

or three minutes you know the crowd and

Time: 3258

the uh the people watching on television

Time: 3260.099

and everywhere else are all speculating

Time: 3261.66

as to whether or not the person should

Time: 3262.92

be allowed to play and to be quite

Time: 3264.66

direct there really is no way to assess

Time: 3267.24

the extent of brain damage after the

Time: 3269.22

consequence of hitting one's head or

Time: 3270.9

having one's head hit

Time: 3272.52


Time: 3274.02

first of all almost all of the best ways

Time: 3276.72

to detect traumatic brain injury except

Time: 3278.819

the most severe ones

Time: 3280.559

tend to require a lot of very large

Time: 3282.48

equipment like MRI and functional MRI

Time: 3284.88

and CT scans none of which are available

Time: 3287.28

on the side of the field or in the

Time: 3289.38

locker room but also because many many

Time: 3292.92

if not most of the effects of traumatic

Time: 3295.319

brain injury are going to occur not in

Time: 3297.78

the immediate minutes or even hours

Time: 3299.22

after the injury but several hours days

Time: 3301.98

or even weeks after that injury this is

Time: 3304.5

a discussion that we should hold off for

Time: 3306.72

a longer full episode on traumatic brain

Time: 3309.059

injury keeping in mind of course that

Time: 3310.98

football is this very Salient example

Time: 3313.619

of traumatic brain injury and concussion

Time: 3315.48

as is boxing as is even soccer with

Time: 3317.76

heading of the ball Believe It or Not

Time: 3318.9

repeated low level impact to the

Time: 3321.72

forehead and other parts of the head can

Time: 3324.119

give rise to over time traumatic brain

Time: 3326.4

injury without the need for any kind of

Time: 3328.319

full-blown concussion or being quote

Time: 3329.64

unquote knocked out but sports related

Time: 3332.64

concussion actually occupies just a tiny

Time: 3335.4

fraction of the majority of traumatic

Time: 3337.38

brain injury and concussion

Time: 3339.24

most traumatic brain injury and

Time: 3341.28

concussion and low-level brain injury

Time: 3343.14

that can accumulate over time to become

Time: 3345.059

traumatic for sake of daily living that

Time: 3347.579

is lowered cognition disruption and mood

Time: 3349.8

sleep Etc

Time: 3351.18

is actually the consequence of things

Time: 3353.04

other than Sports so for instance

Time: 3354.54

bicycle accidents playground accidents

Time: 3357.119

construction accidents and this is often

Time: 3359.819

forgotten for some reason all the sports

Time: 3361.92

in particular football tend to grab all

Time: 3364.38

the attention as it relates to

Time: 3365.52

concussion keep in mind that while for

Time: 3368.819

certain people is a path to a living for

Time: 3372.18

most people traumatic brain injury is

Time: 3374.52

going to occur in a car accident

Time: 3375.66

construction work or other types of work

Time: 3377.52

for which people generally don't have

Time: 3380.339

many options in terms of the type of

Time: 3381.839

work that they're doing so they are

Time: 3383.16

prone to concussions and head injuries

Time: 3384.9

simply by virtue of their work without

Time: 3387.24

any you know millions of dollars

Time: 3388.619

contracts or the opportunities

Time: 3390.359

necessarily some cases they do but

Time: 3392.579

necessarily to do other things and

Time: 3393.78

certainly car accidents or bike bicycle

Time: 3395.579

accidents are not voluntary events so

Time: 3398.88

the point being traumatic brain injury

Time: 3400.92

and headache related traumatic brain

Time: 3403.26

injury extends far beyond the realm of

Time: 3405.24

sports and in fact if you were to look

Time: 3406.68

at the numbers what you find is that

Time: 3408

more than 90 percent of traumatic brain

Time: 3409.74

injury so people coming into the

Time: 3411.3

hospital or clinic are people claiming

Time: 3413.16

that they've got consistent headaches

Time: 3414.66

they're not sleeping well their mood is

Time: 3416.7

off they're feeling more irritable after

Time: 3418.26

having hit their head even once

Time: 3420.599

is not the consequence of sports it's

Time: 3422.22

going to be the consequence of accidents

Time: 3423.839

either on at the workplace or in terms

Time: 3427.44

of a bicycle or other sorts of

Time: 3428.64

Transportation based accident like a car

Time: 3430.5

accident with that in mind any kind of

Time: 3433.319

head hit certainly involves a concussion

Time: 3436.079

or traumatic brain injury often leads to

Time: 3439.079

headaches either infrequent but severe

Time: 3442.079

headaches or chronic low-level headaches

Time: 3444.18

or a feeling there's kind of a

Time: 3445.2

stuffiness or a fullness to the head

Time: 3446.64

there can be a lot of different Origins

Time: 3448.5

to that

Time: 3449.579

a common origin is going to be actual

Time: 3451.8

swelling of the not necessarily the

Time: 3453.78

brain tissue directly but if you recall

Time: 3455.819

our discussion about the meninges which

Time: 3457.38

include the dura and the other tissues

Time: 3459.9

that surround the brain they're actually

Time: 3460.92

three layers that we call the meninges

Time: 3462.839

the durages being one of them and

Time: 3464.52

there's a very little space between

Time: 3465.96

those the brain the meninges that

Time: 3467.819

surround it and the skull it's called

Time: 3469.26

the subarachnoid space very cool right

Time: 3471.18

arachnoid like spider

Time: 3472.859

well if there's even a slight bit of

Time: 3475.079

swelling in the brain or even distant

Time: 3477.18

brain tissue so for instance even if the

Time: 3478.98

there's Whiplash so there's swelling of

Time: 3481.02

the tissue muscular tissue and neural

Time: 3483.3

tissue in the neck area that can

Time: 3485.76

constrict the flow of things like

Time: 3487.26

cerebral spinal fluid blood flow and

Time: 3489.66

indeed mucus and other other things that

Time: 3491.4

are essential we all hear mucus and we

Time: 3493.38

think Illness but mucus is a vital vital

Time: 3496.94

substance within the body for a lot of

Time: 3499.2

important reasons in health as well as

Time: 3501.9

in sickness well if there's less of that

Time: 3503.94

liquid and other fluids and mucus being

Time: 3506.52

delivered to that space well then it can

Time: 3508.619

clog up so sort of the plumbing is

Time: 3510.359

clogged up or that it's caught at the

Time: 3513.66

level of the site of hit or injury

Time: 3515.76

because there's some local swelling and

Time: 3517.38

inflammation there so there are many

Time: 3518.579

different mechanisms that can underlie

Time: 3520.079

headache associated with head hits or

Time: 3522.18

traumatic brain injury now fortunately

Time: 3523.92

there are some recent data pointing to

Time: 3526.44

some what I would call non-obvious

Time: 3528.599

treatments for headache in traumatic

Time: 3531.119

brain injury keeping in mind that

Time: 3534.119

anytime we're talking about injury or

Time: 3537.119

disease or health for that matter mental

Time: 3539.64

health or physical health we have to

Time: 3541.5


Time: 3542.76

a fact that's going to come up again and

Time: 3544.619

again in every single episode of this

Time: 3547.079

podcast and I think it's not being

Time: 3550.14

overly redundant to do so which is that

Time: 3553.14


Time: 3554.76

sufficient amounts of deep sleep each

Time: 3556.92

night are going to be important for all

Time: 3559.02

aspects of mental health physical health

Time: 3560.339

and performance and have been shown over

Time: 3562.619

and over again to reduce the frequency

Time: 3564.42

of headache and to reduce the time to

Time: 3566.819

repair after traumatic brain injury and

Time: 3569.099

can improve cognition and on and on and

Time: 3570.839

on so sleep is essential for all the

Time: 3572.94

normal things that encourage healthy

Time: 3575.099

activity of the different tissues that

Time: 3576.599

are involved in brain and body to occur

Time: 3579.599

so sleep deprivation of course is going

Time: 3581.22

to limit those but I do want to point

Time: 3582.72

out that sleep

Time: 3584.7

sunlight and I've talked about this

Time: 3586.68

almost ad nauseam on this podcast but

Time: 3589.2

regular circadian Cycles getting

Time: 3590.76

sunlight in your eyes early in the day

Time: 3592.2

and in the evening as well and as much

Time: 3593.88

as possible throughout the day without

Time: 3595.079

burning your skin and limiting your

Time: 3596.7

exposure to artificial lights at night

Time: 3598.799

and on and on all of which is covered in

Time: 3600.66

the light for health episode of The

Time: 3601.799

huberman Lab podcast the master sleep

Time: 3603.42

episode The huberman Lab podcast and in

Time: 3606

the perfect your sleep episode The

Time: 3607.92

huberman Lab podcast you can find all

Time: 3609.42

that at getting light

Time: 3612

and avoiding light at the proper times

Time: 3613.619

of the 24 hour cycle is also going to

Time: 3615.599

favor all the pathways ranging from gut

Time: 3618

brain access to the inflammatory

Time: 3619.76

anti-inflammatory Pathways neural

Time: 3621.78

Pathways Etc that of course if you do

Time: 3624.359

that you're going to improve and offset

Time: 3626.94

any kind of detriment caused by

Time: 3628.92

traumatic brain injury is it treating

Time: 3630.66

traumatic brain injury directly no but

Time: 3633.119

is not getting sufficient sleep not

Time: 3634.74

getting sunlight at the right times of

Time: 3636.119

day and getting too much artificial

Time: 3637.319

light at night going to make any impact

Time: 3639.78

of traumatic brain injury including

Time: 3641.22

headache far worse yes there are

Time: 3643.02

certainly a ton of data to support that

Time: 3644.46

state statement as well and then of

Time: 3646.02

course nutrition and exercise are also

Time: 3647.64

important so we can list out sleep Sun

Time: 3651

proper nutrition exercise and I would

Time: 3653.28

put a proper social connection whatever

Time: 3655.2

that means to you healthy social

Time: 3656.579

connections include romantic

Time: 3659.339

friendship familial and relationship to

Time: 3662.04

self those five things sleep exercise

Time: 3664.2

Sun nutrition and social connection are

Time: 3666.42

all critical for maintaining baselines

Time: 3668.52

of health and raising your baselines of

Time: 3669.96

health and I mentioned that I can

Time: 3671.819

segment this out now because I think

Time: 3673.859

that anytime we're about to start

Time: 3675.299

discussing pointed treatments that is

Time: 3678.119

things that you can take or do to reduce

Time: 3680.7

headache or things that you can take or

Time: 3682.44

do to improve anything within mental

Time: 3684.78

health physical health and performance

Time: 3685.92

we have to remember that the foundation

Time: 3687.48

of mental health physical health and

Time: 3688.74

performance is only set at its highest

Time: 3690.54

level by tending to those other things

Time: 3692.28

and that nothing really surpasses any of

Time: 3694.38

those things or put differently there's

Time: 3696.839

no replacement for any of those things

Time: 3698.4

in the form of a pill a powder even a

Time: 3701.04

behavioral practice there are things you

Time: 3702.24

can do to offset getting less than ideal

Time: 3705

sleep the things that you can use like

Time: 3707.04

bright artificial lights during the day

Time: 3708.54

to try and partially offset lack of

Time: 3710.4

sunlight but really there is no exercise

Time: 3712.74

pill there is no sunlight device

Time: 3715.619

although some bright lights are very

Time: 3717.42

bright there's no no replace basement

Time: 3719.579

for actual sunlight there's no

Time: 3720.96

replacement for actual sleep there's no

Time: 3722.339

replacement for actual nutrition and I

Time: 3723.9

do feel it's an important conversation

Time: 3725.22

to have as we head into the next segment

Time: 3727.02

which is what can you take or do to

Time: 3730.559

reduce headache and in order to address

Time: 3732.119

this we're going to start first with the

Time: 3733.92

headaches associated with head hits and

Time: 3735.599

traumatic brain injury because turns out

Time: 3738.359

there's a surprising and very useful

Time: 3740.7

approach to doing that but

Time: 3743.7

this same approach also can help offset

Time: 3746.64

and treat headache in other conditions

Time: 3748.74

as well meaning not just for headaches

Time: 3750.599

caused by traumatic brain injury but

Time: 3751.98

also headaches caused by sudden onset

Time: 3755.099

Tension Headache or migraine headache or

Time: 3757.2

even perhaps again perhaps cluster type

Time: 3759.9

headaches so the first substance that

Time: 3761.579

I'd like to highlight that has been

Time: 3763.38

shown to significantly reduce the

Time: 3765.72

intensity and or frequency of headaches

Time: 3768.2

is creatine now creatine as many of you

Time: 3771.9

know is something that people supplement

Time: 3774.059

and take

Time: 3776.04

most often creatine is discussed in the

Time: 3778.68

context of muscle performance not just

Time: 3780.18

for people who weightlift but for people

Time: 3781.5

who do endurance exercise and it's often

Time: 3783.96

been said that 5 to 10 grams per day of

Time: 3786.42

creatine monohydrate depending on how

Time: 3787.859

much you weigh 5 to 10 grams per day of

Time: 3789.42

creatine monohydrate can increase

Time: 3791.099

creatine phosphate stores in muscles can

Time: 3793.98

bring more water into muscles can make

Time: 3795.48

you stronger get increased power output

Time: 3796.98

and that is all true that is all

Time: 3799.14

completely true we discussed this in the

Time: 3800.579

huberman lab podcast with Dr Andy Galpin

Time: 3802.98

when he was a guest on the Hebrew and

Time: 3805.38

Lab podcast or standard series and we

Time: 3808.02

discussed this extensively in an

Time: 3809.46

upcoming episode from Dr Andy Galpin in

Time: 3812.52

his special

Time: 3814.02

six-part guest Series where he is a

Time: 3816.9

guest on the Hebrew Lab podcast but

Time: 3818.28

where really he's the one doing the

Time: 3819.599

majority of the teaching that series

Time: 3821.339

covers everything from strength

Time: 3822.54

hypertrophy endurance and there's an

Time: 3824.04

episode on supplementation where we go

Time: 3825.72

deep into the discussion about creatine

Time: 3827.339

now in that discussion and again now

Time: 3830.099

we highlight the fact that creatine

Time: 3832.559

While most often discussed online and in

Time: 3835.559

the media as a supplement for sports

Time: 3837.66

performance for the reasons I just

Time: 3839.28


Time: 3840.18

actually has far more data behind it

Time: 3842.819

that is laboratory studies exploring the

Time: 3844.92

role of creatine in the clinical setting

Time: 3847.2

so I'd like to highlight a paper from

Time: 3848.52

that literature now that will make very

Time: 3849.96

clear as to why creatine is interesting

Time: 3852.059

and in fact very effective for treating

Time: 3854.28

headache and particular headache caused

Time: 3855.72

by head hits or traumatic brain injury

Time: 3857.339

the title of the paper is prevention of

Time: 3859.74

traumatic headache dizziness and fatigue

Time: 3861.9

with creatine Administration now keep in

Time: 3863.88

mind this is a pilot study it was

Time: 3866.04

performed in humans so when you hear the

Time: 3867.839

words pre-clinical that is if you hear

Time: 3869.46

there was a pre-clinical study on blank

Time: 3871.319

that means almost always that the study

Time: 3873.54

was performed on animal models mice rats

Time: 3875.94

primates Etc

Time: 3877.5

a clinical trial is something that's

Time: 3879.119

carried out on humans and a pilot study

Time: 3881.579

means that the study was carried out on

Time: 3883.619

humans but on a fairly small cohort a

Time: 3886.079

very fairly small group uh or limited

Time: 3888.78

number of subjects nonetheless if the

Time: 3890.4

data are robust as it is in this case of

Time: 3892.799

this paper I think it's worth paying

Time: 3894.18

attention to so in this study what they

Time: 3896.04

looked at was creatine Administration so

Time: 3898.2

what they did is they had people ingest

Time: 3899.76

a certain amount of creatine I'll tell

Time: 3901.619

you in a moment

Time: 3902.7

in fluid so it could be taken in water

Time: 3904.44

milk with or without food doesn't really

Time: 3906.299

matter what time of day

Time: 3907.68

they had people take creatine why would

Time: 3909.9

they have people take creatine after

Time: 3911.099

traumatic brain injury and in particular

Time: 3913.98

for people that are suffering from

Time: 3915.18

headache dizziness fatigue Etc the

Time: 3918

reason is that

Time: 3919.5

neurons nerve cells rely very heavily on

Time: 3922.5

the regulation of calcium in order to

Time: 3925.319

generate those Action potentials to

Time: 3926.7

communicate with one another so it

Time: 3928.02

doesn't matter if it's a motor neuron a

Time: 3929.22

sensory neuron or a modulatory neuron

Time: 3930.78

they all generate Action potentials or

Time: 3932.28

something similar to it and calcium is

Time: 3934.619

important for that process calcium

Time: 3936.299

becomes dysregulated after traumatic

Time: 3939.299

brain injury in a number of different

Time: 3940.619


Time: 3941.94

in particular in ways that impact the

Time: 3944.339

energy production systems of cells that

Time: 3946.619

are related to ATP adenosine

Time: 3948.18

triphosphate for those facionados out

Time: 3950.4

there that want to look it up you can

Time: 3951.359

simply look up calcium ATP and neurons

Time: 3953.339

and you can learn about that cycle

Time: 3955.559


Time: 3957

can be stored in muscles as we talked

Time: 3958.68

about before but creatine and in

Time: 3960.24

particular the phosphorylated form of

Time: 3962.099

creatine which is the readily available

Time: 3964.819

fuel source

Time: 3967.079

form of creatine can also be stored in

Time: 3969.72

brain tissue and is actually quite

Time: 3971.579

prominently stored in the forebrain the

Time: 3973.38

area where the real estate of of your

Time: 3975.18

brain just behind the forehead which is

Time: 3976.619

involved in planning and action and

Time: 3978.96

understanding context so it's very

Time: 3980.4

important for cognition

Time: 3981.96

it's important for personality too but

Time: 3984.059

it's important for a number of different

Time: 3985.079

aspects of life that have to do with

Time: 3986.64

making plans being able to focus very

Time: 3988.68

intensely on your work etc or on

Time: 3990.9

anything for that matter all functions

Time: 3993.24

that become heavily disrupted in people

Time: 3994.98

who have traumatic brain injury and

Time: 3996.42


Time: 3998.24

creatine's ability to communicate with

Time: 4000.92

the calcium in the ATP system was the

Time: 4003.38

motivation behind the study that is the

Time: 4004.94

authors hypothesize on the basis of

Time: 4006.559

pre-clinical data in animals

Time: 4009.079

that by increasing creatine stores

Time: 4011.539

within the brain not just in the muscle

Time: 4013.339

but in particular within the brain

Time: 4015.92


Time: 4017.24

the availability of creatine would allow

Time: 4019.28

for better cognitive function in general

Time: 4021.38

now they didn't look at cognition

Time: 4022.76

specifically in this paper but they did

Time: 4024.68

look at the other aspects that is that

Time: 4026.539

the bad stuff associated with TBI and

Time: 4029.24

they had people supplement with creatine

Time: 4030.799

at a level that is much higher than the

Time: 4033.74

typical level that people supplement

Time: 4035.059

with creatine Simply for Sports

Time: 4037.099

Performance so as I mentioned before

Time: 4038.72

most people if they supplement with

Time: 4040.7

creatine for sports performance they

Time: 4042.2

take creatine monohydrate

Time: 4044.299

typically five grams per day sometimes

Time: 4046.4

10 grams per day if they're about 100

Time: 4048.079

kilograms or or greater in body weight

Time: 4050.66

100 kilograms is 200 approximately 220.

Time: 4053.96

pounds so the dosage that was used for

Time: 4056.96

supplementing creatine in this study

Time: 4059.359

to address the potential impact of

Time: 4061.94

creatine on headache dizziness and

Time: 4064.039

fatigue was quite a bit higher than the

Time: 4067.46

dosages used simply for muscle

Time: 4068.9

performance in this study they had

Time: 4070.7

people take a dose of 0.4 grams of

Time: 4074.839

creatine monohydrate per kilogram of

Time: 4077.78

body weight so for somebody that weighs

Time: 4079.28

100 kilograms or 220 pounds that would

Time: 4081.559

be 40 grams of creatine per day if

Time: 4085.22

someone weighs half that much they would

Time: 4086.839

take 20 grams of creatine per day and

Time: 4089.24

they did that over a period of six

Time: 4090.68

months and we know that when you take

Time: 4092.42

creatine over and over day to day that

Time: 4094.64

there's a buildup of creatine stores

Time: 4096.02

both in the muscles and within the brain

Time: 4097.88

tissue now what they found as a

Time: 4099.679

consequence of this creatine

Time: 4100.64

Administration was really striking and I

Time: 4102.56

think quite exciting they found a very

Time: 4105.259

significant decrease in the frequency of

Time: 4107.96

headache in people that were

Time: 4109.52

supplementing with creatine as opposed

Time: 4111.319

to the controls now keep in mind that

Time: 4113.179

this is a pilot study but the effects

Time: 4115.219

are very dramatic they found a very

Time: 4118.04

statistically significant decrease

Time: 4119.299

increase in the frequency of headache in

Time: 4122.06

people that were taking creatine in fact

Time: 4123.92

if you look at the controls and you see

Time: 4125.719

that they're basically getting headache

Time: 4127.46

at a frequency of 90 percent or more

Time: 4130.04

after TBI the reduction in headache

Time: 4132.44

frequency is down to about 10 or 12

Time: 4135.02

percent in the people taking creatine so

Time: 4137.299

that's quite quite a dramatic effect and

Time: 4139.04

if you look at the other measures they

Time: 4140.42


Time: 4141.38

keep in mind again this is a pilot study

Time: 4143.6

so a limited number of subjects but

Time: 4145.819

again the results are very impressive

Time: 4147.62

what they found is that the number of

Time: 4150.62

people experiencing dizziness was

Time: 4152.719

significantly reduced in people

Time: 4154.16

supplementing with creatine as was the

Time: 4156.259

number of people experiencing fatigue

Time: 4158.06

and acute fatigue and chronic fatigue

Time: 4160.4

again not chronic fatigue syndrome per

Time: 4162.319

se but chronic fatigue which was in this

Time: 4165.199

study defined as a general sense of

Time: 4166.699

bodily weakness and even mental weakness

Time: 4169.46

mental weakness is a little bit hard to

Time: 4171.199

quantify but they were very careful to

Time: 4173.96

distinguish between cognitive and mental

Time: 4175.88

fatigue versus physical and somatic

Time: 4177.62

fatigue they acknowledge that both of

Time: 4179.779

those occur in TBI or post-tbi the

Time: 4182.779

headache is quite frequent basically the

Time: 4184.819

takeaway of the study is that for people

Time: 4186.62

experiencing headache dizziness and

Time: 4188.359


Time: 4189.38

due to TBI and perhaps and I want to

Time: 4191.9

underline perhaps because it hasn't

Time: 4193.16

really been explored yet but perhaps

Time: 4194.78

headache dizziness and fatigue due to

Time: 4197.66

other conditions symptoms

Time: 4200.12

or causes of headache creatine

Time: 4202.64

monohydrate supplementation might be

Time: 4205.16

again might be an excellent candidate

Time: 4207.38

for people to try why do we say that

Time: 4208.82

well first of all creatine monohydrate

Time: 4211.28

is relatively inexpensive it's

Time: 4213.14

considered safe at the dosages used in

Time: 4215.719

this study and certainly for sports

Time: 4218.36

performance as well and

Time: 4221.12

there are very few other compounds that

Time: 4224.179

have been shown to have as significant

Time: 4225.98

an impact on headache over the long term

Time: 4228.92

as has creatine monohydrate in these

Time: 4231.56

studies of people with TBI it's also

Time: 4233.84

important to highlight the fact that

Time: 4235.64

many many people suffer from tbis I

Time: 4237.98

mentioned earlier and as now there are

Time: 4240.38

very few treatments for TBI you tend to

Time: 4243.86

get the basic advice coming back and

Time: 4245.6

again I think it's excellent advice you

Time: 4247.28

know get proper amounts of sleep get

Time: 4249.08

exercise but don't get another traumatic

Time: 4250.82

brain injury that's obvious but you'd be

Time: 4253.58

surprised how many people go right back

Time: 4254.84

to work because they have to and you

Time: 4257.179

know we have to be sympathetic to the

Time: 4258.98

fact that many people just can't stop

Time: 4260.54

working or go on disability

Time: 4262.52

so many people have to go back to work

Time: 4263.96

that could be sport or it could be other

Time: 4265.58

kind of work where they are then subject

Time: 4267.5

to perhaps getting more TBI maybe

Time: 4269.96

they're getting less rest as a

Time: 4271.1

consequence and stress obviously stress

Time: 4272.9

is a confounding issue for TBI but sleep

Time: 4276.26

exercise Sun nutrition

Time: 4278.719

all of those things proper social

Time: 4280.219

connection are what people are

Time: 4281.9

encouraged to do when they have TBI but

Time: 4284.06

there have been very few compounds in

Time: 4285.38

particular very few over-the-counter

Time: 4287.06

compounds that are known to be safe that

Time: 4289.46

have shown efficacy in dealing with TBI

Time: 4291.56

so I think that while this is a pilot

Time: 4294.02

study and we can consider it preliminary

Time: 4296.48

I think it's important enough and the

Time: 4298.52

effects were dramatic enough that people

Time: 4300.62

with headache and in particular people

Time: 4302.179

with TBI ought to consider supplementing

Time: 4304.88

with creatine in order to deal with

Time: 4306.679

their headaches and of course I eagerly

Time: 4308.36

await other studies exploring the role

Time: 4311.54

of this high dosage of creatine which is

Time: 4313.76

a relatively high dosage of creatine

Time: 4315.26

monohydrate for offsetting headache

Time: 4317.06

meanwhile I think there are a number of

Time: 4318.32

people out there

Time: 4319.46

suffering from headache who might

Time: 4322.34

consider using creatine monohydrate in

Time: 4324.5

an exploratory fashion and seeing

Time: 4326.3

whether or not it helps offset their

Time: 4327.8

headaches keep in mind of course anytime

Time: 4329.42

you're going to add or remove anything

Time: 4330.88

supplement or otherwise from your from

Time: 4333.38

your treatment your nutrition Etc I do

Time: 4335.239

suggest that you consult with your

Time: 4336.62

physician in particular if you have

Time: 4337.94

chronic headaches I don't say that to

Time: 4339.62

protect me I say that of course to

Time: 4341.12

protect you I'd like to take a brief

Time: 4343.28

break and thank our sponsor inside

Time: 4345.62

tracker inside tracker is a personalized

Time: 4348.38

nutrition platform that analyzes data

Time: 4350.3

from your blood and DNA to help you

Time: 4352.28

better understand your body and help you

Time: 4353.96

reach your health goals I've long been a

Time: 4356.12

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 4357.5

done for the simple reason that many of

Time: 4359.9

the factors that impact your immediate

Time: 4361.46

and long-term Health can only be

Time: 4363.199

analyzed from a quality blood test the

Time: 4365.179

problem with a lot of blood and DNA

Time: 4366.56

tests out there however is that you get

Time: 4368.48

data back about metabolic factors lipids

Time: 4371.239

and hormones and so forth but you don't

Time: 4372.5

know what to do with those data inside

Time: 4374.12

tracker solves that problem and makes it

Time: 4376.34

very easy for you to understand what

Time: 4378.38

sorts of nutritional

Time: 4379.9

behavioral maybe even supplementation

Time: 4382.34

based interventions you might want to

Time: 4384.62

take on in order to adjust the numbers

Time: 4386.3

of those metabolic factors hormones

Time: 4388.1

lipids and other things that impact your

Time: 4390.02

immediate and long-term Health to bring

Time: 4391.88

those numbers into the ranges that are

Time: 4393.98

appropriate and indeed optimal for you

Time: 4395.719

inside tracker's ultimate plan also now

Time: 4398.6

includes a measure of April lipoprotein

Time: 4400.64

b apolipoprotein b sometimes also called

Time: 4403.4

APO B has emerged in recent years as

Time: 4407.36

among the most important measures to

Time: 4409.64

evaluate your overall levels of

Time: 4411.26

cardiovascular health and health overall

Time: 4413.6

and that's because apolipoprotein B

Time: 4416

levels are predictive of cardiovascular

Time: 4418.76

function disease and things that

Time: 4421.219

cardiovascular function and disease can

Time: 4423.08

impinge on including brain Health and

Time: 4425

Longevity if you'd like to try inside

Time: 4426.8

tracker you can visit

Time: 4428.78

huberman and get 20 off any of inside

Time: 4431.42

tracker's plans that's inside

Time: 4432.92 huberman to get 20 off what

Time: 4436.58

I'd like to discuss next I find

Time: 4438.56

extremely exciting why well what I'm

Time: 4441.8

about to describe is a compound or I

Time: 4443.719

should say a set of compounds that are

Time: 4445.88

available over the counter that have

Time: 4448.1

been shown to be very effective in

Time: 4450.26

reducing the frequency and intensity of

Time: 4452.239

headaches and not just one kind of

Time: 4453.56

headache but multiple types of headaches

Time: 4455.239

so what I'll describe has been shown to

Time: 4457.58

have significant effects in reducing the

Time: 4459.92

intensity or frequency of tension type

Time: 4462.56

headaches migraine type headaches as

Time: 4465.14

well as hormone type headaches that are

Time: 4466.94

related to the menstrual cycles that I

Time: 4468.62

described earlier now there are a lot of

Time: 4470.36

data centered around this General topic

Time: 4472.82

but I'm going to focus on three main

Time: 4474.44

papers but I haven't told you yet of

Time: 4476.719

course is what is the compound that I'm

Time: 4478.46

referring to what is this

Time: 4479.3

over-the-counter compound well it turns

Time: 4481.34

out this over-the-counter compound is

Time: 4483.44

not just available over the counter it's

Time: 4485

also available in food so it turns out

Time: 4487.46

that nutrition can have a very strong

Time: 4489.38

impact on the frequency and intensity of

Time: 4491.54

headache although supplementation with

Time: 4493.64

this particular compound can accomplish

Time: 4495.5

the same thing as well what I'm

Time: 4497.12

referring to here are omega-3 fatty

Time: 4499.52

acids many of you are probably familiar

Time: 4501.44

with omega-3 fatty acids these are fatty

Time: 4504.26

acids that come in the form of so-called

Time: 4505.76

EPA and DHA and omega-3 fatty acids are

Time: 4509.3

commonly distinguished from the

Time: 4511.219

so-called omega-6 fatty acids omega-6

Time: 4513.98

fatty acids come in a bunch of different

Time: 4516.199

foods and they of course can be

Time: 4518.06

supplemented as well omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 4520.04

come in a bunch of different foods and

Time: 4521.239

can be supplemented as well Common forms

Time: 4523.28

of omega-3 fatty acids or I should say

Time: 4525.38

common sources of omega-3 fatty acids in

Time: 4528.08

Foods include fatty ocean fish including

Time: 4531.26

salmon salmon skins sardines anchovies

Time: 4534.02

things of that sort

Time: 4535.58

common sources in supplement form are

Time: 4538.28

so-called fish oil

Time: 4539.78

capsules or liquid fish oil again

Time: 4542.48

omega-3 fatty acids and almost always

Time: 4545.12

when we're talking about omega-3 fatty

Time: 4546.8

acids we're talking about a combination

Time: 4548.36

of EPA and DHA but really it is the

Time: 4552.08

quantity of EPA

Time: 4554.659

omega-3 fatty acids that seems to be the

Time: 4556.4

most impactful for the sorts of Health

Time: 4558.32

metrics that we're going to talk about

Time: 4559.46

in a few minutes

Time: 4560.96

now with respect to omega-6 fatty acids

Time: 4564.02

the most typical food sources of omega-6

Time: 4566.48

fatty acids are seed oils I know

Time: 4568.64

nowadays seed oils have become quite

Time: 4570.679


Time: 4571.88

I've given my stance on this in a prior

Time: 4574.4

podcast but I'll just repeat it for

Time: 4575.78

those of you that haven't heard it I am

Time: 4577.52

not of the belief that all seed oils are

Time: 4579.86

bad that they're all inflammatory that

Time: 4582.38

they are killing us or making us sick

Time: 4584.179

that they are the major cause of

Time: 4585.739

metabolic dysfunction Etc however I

Time: 4588.14

think it is very clear and I learned

Time: 4589.4

this from Dr Lane Norton when he was a

Time: 4591.08

guest on this podcast and taught us all

Time: 4592.46

about nutrition in great depth I highly

Time: 4595.699

recommend that episode if you're

Time: 4596.719

interested in nutrition that people are

Time: 4599.3

consuming a lot more oil generally and a

Time: 4601.82

lot of those oils that people are

Time: 4603.26

consuming more of nowadays include a lot

Time: 4606.26

of the so-called omega-6 fatty acids and

Time: 4609.26

a lot of those oils are seed oils the

Time: 4611.239

particular omega-6 fatty acid that's

Time: 4612.98

going to be relevant for today's

Time: 4614.06

discussion is linoleic acid and that is

Time: 4616.82

common in a lot of seed oils so again

Time: 4619.1

I'm not going to tell you that seed oils

Time: 4621.44

are bad however it does seem to be the

Time: 4623.36

case that many people are consuming far

Time: 4625.82

too many seed oils and in doing so are

Time: 4628.159

consuming far too many calories and

Time: 4629.78

perhaps are consuming too much of the

Time: 4631.64

Omega six fatty acids relative to the

Time: 4634.699

omega-3 fatty acids now with that said I

Time: 4637.159

think there is General agreement among

Time: 4639.4

nutritionists and health professionals

Time: 4641.48

that we could all stand to get more

Time: 4644.36

omega-3 fatty acids perhaps for

Time: 4646.34

cardiovascular health although that's a

Time: 4647.84

little bit debated but certainly for

Time: 4649.699

immune system function

Time: 4651.38

for mood and for functioning of the

Time: 4653

brain and for the potent

Time: 4655.6

anti-inflammatory effects of Omega-3 so

Time: 4657.8

again Omega-3s can be sourced from food

Time: 4659.719

both animal based and plant-based you

Time: 4661.88

can simply go online and look up the

Time: 4663.5

various food-based sources but

Time: 4666.56

in thinking about headache and different

Time: 4668.36

treatments for headache there are some

Time: 4669.62

recent studies exploring how

Time: 4671.12

supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 4673.219

and in one case how supplementing with

Time: 4675.44

omega-3 fatty acids and deliberately

Time: 4677.36

reducing the amount of linoleic acid the

Time: 4680.179

omega-6 fatty acids how that can impact

Time: 4682.52

headache so the first study I'd like to

Time: 4684.44

describe in reference to the role of

Time: 4685.94

omega-3 fatty acids and headache was

Time: 4688.1

published in 2018 and the title of the

Time: 4690.5

paper is long chain omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 4692.9

and headache in the U.S population there

Time: 4694.88

are a number of things that I really

Time: 4695.78

like about this study a few of those

Time: 4697.82

include the fact that they looked at an

Time: 4699.679

enormous number of people that is they

Time: 4702.5

included 12 317 men and women I like the

Time: 4705.98

fact that they included men and women in

Time: 4707.42

the study age 20 or older and that they

Time: 4710.06

broke down the population into

Time: 4712.239

categories that included age they

Time: 4715.159

certainly looked at race and ethnicity

Time: 4717.14

they looked at educational background

Time: 4719

they looked at body mass total energy

Time: 4721.219

intake which is really important if you

Time: 4722.96

think about it people are going to be

Time: 4724.28

eating and within the thing things that

Time: 4727.1

they eat they're going to be consuming

Time: 4728.239

some Omega-3s hopefully as well some

Time: 4731.06

omega-6s and if they're eating far more

Time: 4732.98

then they're going to get far more of

Time: 4735.32

likely going to get far more of both of

Time: 4737.12

those things than they would ordinarily

Time: 4738.56

if they were eating smaller amounts so

Time: 4740.06

they controlled for total caloric intake

Time: 4742.04

in a way that I find

Time: 4744.04

particularly useful for looking at these

Time: 4746.42

kind of data so the reason they explored

Time: 4748.46

Omega-3s is worth mentioning omega-3

Time: 4750.44

fatty acids are known to have an

Time: 4752.199

anti-inflammatory effect that

Time: 4755.06

anti-inflammatory effect is mediated

Time: 4756.8

through a couple of different Pathways

Time: 4758.12

we won't go into these in too much

Time: 4759.44

detail now but the omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 4761.84

keep in mind actually make up various

Time: 4764.96

parts of cells in the brain and body

Time: 4766.88

that's right the membrane that remember

Time: 4769.34

I talked before about how steroid

Time: 4770.78

hormones can go through the different

Time: 4771.8

membranes of the cells the outer

Time: 4773.12

membrane and the inner membrane a lot of

Time: 4774.92

those actual membranes the structural

Time: 4776.9

constituents of neurons and other cells

Time: 4779.48

are actually made up of or include

Time: 4781.4

certain fatty acid long-chain fatty

Time: 4783.86

acids and the omega-3 fatty acids are

Time: 4785.96

important for or the actual construction

Time: 4788.06

of those tissues as well as having

Time: 4790.3

anti-inflammatory effects through things

Time: 4792.02

like limiting prostaglandins and other

Time: 4793.88

things that can cause inflammation okay

Time: 4795.5

so there are a bunch of different ways

Time: 4796.64

that omega-3 fatty acids can be useful

Time: 4798.5

they refer in this study to an earlier

Time: 4801.32

study that looked at the so-called

Time: 4803

analgesic effect the pain relieving

Time: 4805.04

effect analgesic means pain relieving

Time: 4806.84

effect of omega-3 fatty acids in what

Time: 4810.62

had been a randomized controlled trial

Time: 4812.659

and in that previous paper what they

Time: 4814.64

found was that diets high in Omega-3s

Time: 4817.699

and low in omega-6s okay so high three

Time: 4820.58

low six and as compared to diets that

Time: 4824.42

were just reduced omega-6s they found a

Time: 4828.199

greater analgesic effect of increasing

Time: 4830.3

Omega-3s while also reducing omega-6

Time: 4832.4

fatty acids so in the context of the

Time: 4834.38

seed oil discussion although keeping in

Time: 4836

mind that omega-6s can come from other

Time: 4837.739

sources as well if omega-6s were just

Time: 4840.32

reduced on their own there wasn't as

Time: 4843.14

great in effect in terms of reducing

Time: 4845.06

pain and inflammation as there was when

Time: 4847.76

omega-3 fatty acids were deliberately

Time: 4849.38

increased and omega-6 fatty acids were

Time: 4851.84

reduced again in all of these studies

Time: 4854.42

because these are the ones in which they

Time: 4856.58

controlled things well as we should as

Time: 4858.92

we say they are holding constant the

Time: 4861.56

caloric intake so it's not just that

Time: 4862.88

you're removing fat eating less fat

Time: 4864.44

there's actually a removal of certain

Time: 4866.06

fats and fatty acids and a replacement

Time: 4868.04

of those with omega-3 fatty acids in one

Time: 4870.86

case in the other case it's just a

Time: 4872.54

reduction in omega-6s and you're using

Time: 4874.58

other food types and macronutrients to

Time: 4876.98

offset that that reduction in calories

Time: 4878.84

caused by reducing omega-6s the basic

Time: 4881.42

takeaway that they're relying on

Time: 4882.98

marching into the study is that

Time: 4884.54

increasing Omega-3s and reducing

Time: 4886.64

omega-6s seems to be beneficial for

Time: 4888.44

reducing pain and indeed in this study

Time: 4890.659

they find something quite similar which

Time: 4892.88

is that when you hold caloric intake

Time: 4895.46

constant and when you look at omega-6s

Time: 4898.4

whether or not you decrease omega-6

Time: 4899.9

fatty acids or not you find is that

Time: 4902.6

increasing omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 4905.42

in the diet so either consumed through

Time: 4908.36

food sources or by supplementation was

Time: 4910.64

associated with a lower prevalence of

Time: 4912.5

severe headache or migraine so severe

Time: 4914.84

tension type headache or migraine so

Time: 4917.179

this is promising and points to the fact

Time: 4919.159

that long chain omega-3 fatty acids are

Time: 4921.739

likely to have either a pain reducing

Time: 4924.44

and there's evidence for that and or an

Time: 4927.86

inflammation reducing effect that can

Time: 4929.78

significantly reduce the severity of

Time: 4931.88

headache in both tension type headache

Time: 4933.739

and in migraine so that's the first

Time: 4935.719

study the second study is a more recent

Time: 4938.6

study it was published in 2021 that used

Time: 4941.659

a I would say a more or less similar

Time: 4944.239

type of overall design is the one I'd

Time: 4945.86

refer to earlier the title of this paper

Time: 4948.02

is dietary alteration of what they call

Time: 4950.659

N3 but those are omega-3 and n6 omega-6

Time: 4953.9

sorry for this shift in nomenclature I

Time: 4955.76

didn't write the paper

Time: 4957.02

dietary alteration of

Time: 4960.02

omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for

Time: 4962.3

headache reductions in adults with

Time: 4963.86

migraine and this was a randomized

Time: 4965.42

control trial randomized control trials

Time: 4967.82

involve having people be in one

Time: 4969.08

condition where they do one thing and

Time: 4970.94

then they get swapped randomly into

Time: 4972.56

another condition so they serve as their

Time: 4974.6

own internal control and that controls

Time: 4977

for all sorts of things like differences

Time: 4979.159

in sex differences in age differences in

Time: 4981.739

health background in any number of other

Time: 4983.54

variables as best as one can

Time: 4985.94

in this study they had people either

Time: 4987.679

ingest a diet that had increased

Time: 4991.52

Omega-3s so increased EPA and DHA or

Time: 4995.719


Time: 4996.98

EPA and DHA and reduced amounts of

Time: 5000.04

linoleic acid okay so that's going to

Time: 5002.14

reduce omega-6s

Time: 5004.12

or a control diet in which they had

Time: 5007.6

people taking well it's essentially the

Time: 5009.46

average intake of Omega-3s and omega-6s

Time: 5011.92

and you can probably already guess what

Time: 5013.96

the general results of the study are

Time: 5015.34

going to be the general results were

Time: 5017.5

that there were reductions in headaches

Time: 5019.239

okay the really cool thing is it was a

Time: 5022.239

massive reduction in headache okay this

Time: 5023.86

was they refer to it as a robust

Time: 5025.719

reduction in headache in particular for

Time: 5028.9

the subjects that increase their

Time: 5030.58

Omega-3s and reduce the amount of

Time: 5032.199

linoleic acid that they took the other

Time: 5034

thing that I really like about this

Time: 5035.08

study is that while they don't know the

Time: 5037.06

exact underlying mechanism for the

Time: 5038.679

effect they did spend some time

Time: 5041.98

delineating what it is that the omega-3

Time: 5044.679

and omega-6 fatty acids are likely doing

Time: 5046.659

to either offset or exacerbate headache

Time: 5049.3

now I didn't say that omega-6 fatty

Time: 5051.04

acids exacerbate headache but it does

Time: 5053.26

seem that people who ingest more

Time: 5054.82

linoleic acid and omega-6 are

Time: 5057.159

experiencing more inflammation and that

Time: 5060.34

is evident in a bunch of different

Time: 5061.78

conditions one for instance is or

Time: 5063.88

increases in things like cgrp cgrp is a

Time: 5067.12

molecule that's associated with the

Time: 5068.56

calcium signaling pathway it's involved

Time: 5070.12

in vasodilation the expansion of the

Time: 5072.58

blood vessels and capillaries and that's

Time: 5074.44


Time: 5075.46

as I mentioned earlier to exacerbate

Time: 5077.92

certain forms of headache okay there are

Time: 5080.08

also forms of headache that can be

Time: 5081.219

caused by vasoconstriction we'll talk

Time: 5082.6

about one very dramatic example perhaps

Time: 5084.4

as we get toward the end it's a very

Time: 5086.199

uncommon example but um it's a it's

Time: 5088.659

called Thunderclap headache and trust me

Time: 5091

you do not want Thunderclap headache um

Time: 5093.34

and so we'll talk about Thunderclap

Time: 5094.42

headache a little bit later that

Time: 5095.26

involves constriction of the blood

Time: 5096.4

vessels in any case

Time: 5098.739

in this paper they they didn't study

Time: 5101.62

mechanism directly but they're resting

Time: 5103.84

on this known analgesic anti-pain as

Time: 5107.02

well as known anti-inflammatory Pathways

Time: 5109.179

related to increasing omega-3 intake and

Time: 5111.58

simultaneously resting on the idea where

Time: 5114.52

I think there's I think we now can say

Time: 5116.56

conclusion that omega-6 fatty acids in

Time: 5119.14

particular linoleic acid

Time: 5121.78

can increase inflammation by way of

Time: 5124.3

increasing things like cgrp vasodilation

Time: 5126.82

and some other Pathways related to the

Time: 5130

so-called inflammatory cytokine Pathways

Time: 5132.219

and there's a whole discussion nowadays

Time: 5134.26

of What's called the inflammatorium so

Time: 5136.06

the basic takeaway is that if you are

Time: 5138.699

interested in reducing headache it may

Time: 5141.28

be beneficial at least according to

Time: 5142.719

these two studies and another one I'll

Time: 5144.4

talk about in a moment to increase

Time: 5146.26

amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and that

Time: 5148.36

can be done again through the ingestions

Time: 5149.8

of foods although based on the dosages

Time: 5153.1

that we'll talk about in a moment

Time: 5155.14

increasing omega-3 fatty acids by taking

Time: 5157.36

liquid form fish oil which is perhaps

Time: 5159.159

the most cost effective way to

Time: 5161.38

supplement Omega-3s or capsules which is

Time: 5164.02

perhaps the most efficient way to

Time: 5165.699

supplement Omega-3s relate to a level of

Time: 5168.28

one gram or more of EPA per day again

Time: 5171.699

that's the EPA form in particular so if

Time: 5174.76

you're for instance taking supplemental

Time: 5176.32

fish oil or you're getting your Omega-3s

Time: 5178.12

from food and you're getting what you

Time: 5180.52

determine to be 2 000 milligrams or two

Time: 5183.4

grams per day of Omega-3s keep in mind

Time: 5186.1

that's going to include EPA ndha and it

Time: 5189.159

does seem that getting above one gram

Time: 5191.56

per day of EPA omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 5194.139

either through food or supplements or

Time: 5195.88

both is going to be the critical

Time: 5198.04

threshold for reductions in the

Time: 5200.139

frequency and intensity of headaches

Time: 5201.639

that include both tension headaches and

Time: 5203.62

migraine headaches now some people will

Time: 5205.84

find actually that ingesting far more

Time: 5208.96

omega-3 fatty acids generally through

Time: 5210.94

supplementation but again can be

Time: 5212.5

accomplished through Foods as well

Time: 5214.36

can also be beneficial for other things

Time: 5216.82

such as mood and indeed there's a whole

Time: 5218.62

literature related to effects of

Time: 5220.36

ingesting one to three grams again three

Time: 5223.96

grams per day of EPA so that's going to

Time: 5226.3


Time: 5227.26

quite a high intake of Omega-3s in

Time: 5229.659

whatever form or supplement you decide

Time: 5231.4

to take those into your body but that

Time: 5233.44

that can improve mood and so forth the

Time: 5235.96

basic range that I was able to find in

Time: 5238.179

the meta-analysis so meta-analyzes are

Time: 5240.159

where a researcher will look at the

Time: 5242.199

results of a bunch of different studies

Time: 5243.52

focused on the same thing look at the

Time: 5246.4

different strength of those studies

Time: 5247.48

they'll do all sorts of cool statistical

Time: 5249.76

gymnastics like remove the most potent

Time: 5252.4

study the one that had the greatest

Time: 5253.78

effect and see whether or not they're

Time: 5255.219

still an effect of some treatment or for

Time: 5257.92

instance they will swap in and out

Time: 5260.02

different studies and different

Time: 5261.58

combinations to see whether or not any

Time: 5263.56

one study is really leading to the

Time: 5265.12

conclusion that a given treatment does

Time: 5266.8

something in any case in the

Time: 5268.239

meta-analysis of omega-3 fatty acids for

Time: 5270.46

the treatment of headache and that

Time: 5271.42

includes all the different kinds of

Time: 5272.62


Time: 5273.639

they found

Time: 5275.08

in exploring a huge range of Omega-3

Time: 5277.659

supplementation ranging from 200

Time: 5279.34

milligrams all the way up to 2 000

Time: 5281.199

milligrams per day it really was at the

Time: 5283.36

one gram or higher dosage per day where

Time: 5287.08

the significant impact on reducing

Time: 5289.12

headache frequency and intensity was

Time: 5290.92

found and just very briefly earlier I

Time: 5293.08

mentioned that not only is omega-3 fatty

Time: 5295.719

acids supplementation been shown to be

Time: 5297.159

effective in reducing the frequency and

Time: 5299.32

intensity of headache in tension type

Time: 5301.239

and migraine type headache but it's also

Time: 5303.699

been shown to improve outcomes for

Time: 5306.76

premenstrual syndrome related headaches

Time: 5309.04

these are what we refer to earlier as

Time: 5311.08

hormone-based headaches again

Time: 5313.6

the low estrogen low progesterone

Time: 5316.06

associated with certain phases of the

Time: 5318.04

menstrual cycle as well as other phase

Time: 5319.42

of the menstrual cycle are often

Time: 5321.04

associated with headache in uh study

Time: 5323.199

entitled effective omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 5325.78

on premenstrual syndrome a systematic

Time: 5327.58

review and again meta-analysis what they

Time: 5330.219

found and here I'm paraphrasing the

Time: 5331.659

conclusion was that

Time: 5333.699

omega-3 fatty acids could yes

Time: 5335.679

effectively reduce the severity of PMS

Time: 5338.56

symptoms and one of the symptoms in

Time: 5340.78

particular that they found what that was

Time: 5342.4

reduced was the pain related symptoms

Time: 5344.739

associated with headache and they

Time: 5346.84

actually had some very nice hypotheses

Time: 5348.28

as to why that likely would be and in

Time: 5351.88

fact point out that in earlier studies

Time: 5354.52

omega-3 fatty acids have actually been

Time: 5356.32

considered as non-steroidal

Time: 5358.179

anti-inflammatory drugs in some cases

Time: 5360.4

and indeed there are prescription forms

Time: 5363.1

of omega-3 fatty acids and I highlight

Time: 5365.26

that not because I think people need to

Time: 5366.639

run out and get the prescription form of

Time: 5368.62

omega-3 fatty acids they're actually

Time: 5369.94

quite hard to obtain and quite expensive

Time: 5372.52

but because I think oftentimes when

Time: 5375.28

we're talking about something like

Time: 5376.42

omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 5378.4

the fact that they are available over

Time: 5380.199

the counter in a supplement or by liquid

Time: 5382.06

or available in food for that matter

Time: 5383.92

leads many people to conclude that oh

Time: 5386.08

you know this is supplementation this is

Time: 5387.94

something that

Time: 5389.08

um you know it's going to have

Time: 5390.58

relatively weak or minor impact on

Time: 5392.56

things like headache or other health

Time: 5393.88

metrics but let's just say that the fact

Time: 5397.659

that it exists as a prescription drug

Time: 5399.52

and its highest potency form at least in

Time: 5402.1

my opinion points to the potency of

Time: 5405.34

omega-3 fatty acids in dealing with

Time: 5408.36

analgesic effects that is reducing pain

Time: 5410.86

and anti-inflammation as well as some of

Time: 5412.84

the known cardiovascular improvements

Time: 5414.76

that are associated with increasing

Time: 5416.44

omega-3 fatty acid intake put simply

Time: 5419.199

Omega-3s are not just something that

Time: 5420.88

comes from food or supplements they are

Time: 5422.199

also being marketed as prescription

Time: 5423.58

drugs so I do think they need to be

Time: 5425.199

considered as quite potent and at least

Time: 5427.54

as far as these papers that again

Time: 5429.4

include meta-analyzes of many other

Time: 5431.32

papers and data sets indicate that

Time: 5434.56

supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 5436.54

to a point where you're getting above

Time: 5438.76

one gram per day of EPA is not just

Time: 5442

going to be beneficial for treating and

Time: 5443.92

reducing the frequency and intensity of

Time: 5445.84

one particular type of headache but many

Time: 5448.239

types of headaches and when you combine

Time: 5450.04

hormonal headaches tension headaches and

Time: 5451.84

migraine headaches you account for more

Time: 5453.639

than 70 percent of the total types of

Time: 5455.32

headaches that are out there the effects

Time: 5457.48

of Omega-3s on cluster headaches and

Time: 5459.1

some of the other types of headaches at

Time: 5460.36

least to my knowledge have not been

Time: 5461.62


Time: 5462.699

there's no reason to think that Omega-3s

Time: 5465.159

would not be beneficial for those types

Time: 5467.08

of headaches but at least as far as the

Time: 5469.659

data sets we talked about here are

Time: 5471.52

concerned it is clear omega-3 fatty

Time: 5473.98

acids are going to be a very potent way

Time: 5476.44

to reduce pain and to reduce

Time: 5478.9

inflammation in ways that can reduce the

Time: 5481.84

frequency and the intensity of different

Time: 5484

kinds of headache before we continue our

Time: 5485.92

discussion about many not commonly known

Time: 5488.679

and yet very potent treatments for

Time: 5490.54

different forms of headache I want to

Time: 5492.34

touch on a topic we mentioned a little

Time: 5494.02

bit earlier and also provide a treatment

Time: 5496.9

that is in a way to alleviate something

Time: 5499

and that's photophobia and Aura now keep

Time: 5502.239

in mind that earlier I referred to Aura

Time: 5503.98

as this sense that something's about to

Time: 5506.199

happen that is true and that meaning

Time: 5508.659

that is an accurate description of Aura

Time: 5510.699

but oftentimes people also come to

Time: 5513.159

understand Aura as the feeling that

Time: 5515.5

something surrounds a given object

Time: 5517.42

visually or even that people have a

Time: 5520.12

sense that something's around them so

Time: 5522.219

again this can be a little bit vague but

Time: 5524.199

this idea that aura is a sense of

Time: 5526.239

something about to happen or that

Time: 5527.679

visually or in an auditory way and or

Time: 5529.96

maybe even in kind of a sense that

Time: 5532.42

something is about to happen in a

Time: 5534.639

certain environment and the reason I'm

Time: 5536.5

making uh kind of Arc shapes with my

Time: 5538.54

hands for those of you that are just

Time: 5539.5

listening I'm making art shapes with my

Time: 5540.88

hands is that aura is often described as

Time: 5543.04

kind of a Halo or a um emanating out

Time: 5545.92

from from one's body or from something

Time: 5547.9

that they're looking at again nothing

Time: 5549.34

spiritual about this in the context of

Time: 5551.98

the discussion about migraine and

Time: 5553.659

headache but rather many people

Time: 5555.58

experience photophobia sometimes with

Time: 5557.5

aura sometimes no and I just want to

Time: 5560.44

touch on a couple of the mechanisms by

Time: 5562.84

which aurum photophobia occur and

Time: 5565

mentioned just briefly a pretty well

Time: 5567.76

established way that people can start to

Time: 5570.219

offset photophobia and again I mentioned

Time: 5572.5

that because many people experience

Time: 5573.639

photophobia in headache but there are

Time: 5575.8

also a number of people that experience

Time: 5577.179

photophobia even if they don't have

Time: 5578.8

intense headaches so photophobia is

Time: 5580.659

pretty common pretty debilitate it

Time: 5583.179

actually is one of the reasons why

Time: 5584.26

people feel not well and need to leave

Time: 5586.239

work or not go to school or or leave

Time: 5589.42

school these kinds of things or lay in

Time: 5591.159

bed all day or dim the lights not go

Time: 5592.78

outside again sunlight being so

Time: 5595.5

congruent with health you can imagine

Time: 5597.639

how photophobia can lead to all sorts of

Time: 5599.5

negative Downstream consequences okay so

Time: 5602.08

what is Aura and what is photophobia the

Time: 5604.9

exact origins of ARA aren't exactly

Time: 5608.08

clear but it is generally thought that

Time: 5611.139

what Aura represents is what's called

Time: 5613.179

spreading depression and this is not

Time: 5615.46

depression of one's mood although it can

Time: 5618.88

be associated with that this is

Time: 5620.8

depression of neuronal activity again

Time: 5623.38

neurons communicate with one another by

Time: 5625.239

generating electrical impulses that

Time: 5627.04

travel down the length of their of their

Time: 5629.199

so-called axons which are like little

Time: 5630.699

wires and then they dump

Time: 5632.199

neurotransmitter out at the so-called

Time: 5633.94

synapse and impact the electrical

Time: 5635.5

activity of other neurons

Time: 5637.62

depression is a electrical or I should

Time: 5640.78

say a chemical electrical

Time: 5642.9

chemoelectrical is the proper term

Time: 5645

phenomenon in which the excitability of

Time: 5648.219

neurons is reduced so again doesn't have

Time: 5650.26

anything to do with depression as a mood

Time: 5652.78

State per se rather it is a reduced

Time: 5655.78

excitability of neurons and it's been

Time: 5658.3

shown in some Imaging studies

Time: 5660.46

that aura is associated with a back to

Time: 5664.06

front so from the back of the brain to

Time: 5665.86

front spreading depression like a wave

Time: 5668.26

of lowering levels of electrical

Time: 5671.44

excitability and because this originates

Time: 5673.9

in the visual cortex which is in the

Time: 5675.639

back so that's the part of your brain

Time: 5677.02

that is making sense of visual images

Time: 5678.58

coming in through the eyes and relayed

Time: 5680.5

through other stations in the brain

Time: 5682.54

that people will start to see a kind of

Time: 5685.659

Halo of light or that they'll start to

Time: 5687.94

feel that the light around them is

Time: 5690.699

literally surrounding their body or some

Time: 5692.92

other object or body that they're

Time: 5694.3

looking at and then it spreads forward

Time: 5696.94

in the brain and that's when it tends to

Time: 5699.28

stretch over into other so-called

Time: 5701.139

sensory modalities sensory modalities

Time: 5703.42

being things like touch or hearing so

Time: 5706.42

people will get the sense that kind of

Time: 5708.34

seeing something in their periphery of

Time: 5710.139

their Vision then they'll start feeling

Time: 5711.88

something around them there's a sense

Time: 5713.38

that something's about to happen so is

Time: 5715.239

this spreading wave of depression goes

Time: 5718.06

from Back to Front people experience a

Time: 5720.159

number of these different semi-abstract

Time: 5722.08

sensory phenomena that we Call Aura okay

Time: 5724.9

so that's how Aura originates now

Time: 5726.699

photophobia is a little bit different

Time: 5728.8

photophobia We Now understand because of

Time: 5731.56

some beautiful work that was done at

Time: 5733.84

Cliff saper's Lab at Harvard Medical

Time: 5735.52

School and some other Laboratories

Time: 5737.62

showing that photophobia originates from

Time: 5740.44

a specific set of neurons in the eye we

Time: 5743.199

call these the intrinsically

Time: 5744.28

photosensitive melanops and ganglion

Time: 5746.08

cells which is really just a mouthful of

Time: 5748.239

nerd speak for neurons in the eye that

Time: 5750.82

connect to the brain these so-called

Time: 5752.739

ganglion cells

Time: 5754.12

that respond most robustly to bright

Time: 5758.32

blue light or other shortwavelength

Time: 5760.54

light so you've got short wavelength

Time: 5762.04

light that is blue and greens or short

Time: 5764.56

wavelengths and then long wavelet light

Time: 5766.719

which is red or you know it can even be

Time: 5768.94

out past red will be infrared we don't

Time: 5770.86

detect infrared consciously other

Time: 5772.3

species do like pit vipers can see in

Time: 5774.34

the infrared they can even heat sense so

Time: 5776.86

short wavelength light is going to be

Time: 5778.239

light that's that's bright

Time: 5780.239

blue green it's what's very common in

Time: 5783.52

fluorescent bulbs that are commonly used

Time: 5785.44

in household lighting and workplace

Time: 5788.139

lighting and other forms of artificial

Time: 5790.36

lighting it's also of course present in

Time: 5792.28

sunlight sunlight includes a huge range

Time: 5794.679

of wavelengths including long wavelength

Time: 5796.36

light of course you've seen that as the

Time: 5798.58

Reds and oranges in the sunset and so on

Time: 5801.639

those intrinsically photosensitive

Time: 5803.92

retinal ganglion cells in the eye

Time: 5805.78

respond best to bright green or blue

Time: 5808.84

light and they send connections to a

Time: 5811.06

bunch of different places in the brain

Time: 5812.199

including the so-called Central

Time: 5814.239

circadian clock superchiasmatic nucleus

Time: 5816.159

that sets your day night sleep wake

Time: 5818.26

rhythms this is why I encourage people

Time: 5819.94

to view sunlight in the morning to set

Time: 5821.38

this system in motion to avoid bright

Time: 5823.239

light exposure at night

Time: 5825.52

from artificial sources in order to not

Time: 5828.699

send wake-up signals from the eye to the

Time: 5830.56

brain and then on to the rest of the

Time: 5831.94

body but these intrinsically

Time: 5833.38

photosensitive retinal ganglion cells

Time: 5835.719

are also known to connect with other

Time: 5837.34

areas of the brain many other areas of

Time: 5839.62

the brain in fact and one of the

Time: 5841.239

important areas of the brain they

Time: 5842.56

connect to as it relates to photophobia

Time: 5844.6

is an area of a structure called the

Time: 5846.76

thalamus the thalamus is an egg-like

Time: 5848.38

structure that sits in the center of the

Time: 5849.76

brain and it serves as a kind of a

Time: 5851.86

switchboard like a sensory relay by

Time: 5854.86

which information coming from the eyes

Time: 5856.96

from the ears from The Touch system Etc

Time: 5858.94

are funneled into different compartments

Time: 5860.62

in the thalamus and then sent to

Time: 5861.94

different other areas of the brain so

Time: 5863.739

think of it kind of like an

Time: 5864.58

old-fashioned switchboard

Time: 5866.08


Time: 5867.28

um you could think of it uh sort of like

Time: 5869.5

a in an airport you go uh to a

Time: 5871.659


Time: 5872.86

um wing of the airport then you go to a

Time: 5874.659

particular gate and so on you're getting

Time: 5876.28

funneled progressively through uh

Time: 5878.199

narrower narrower channels until you

Time: 5879.52

arrive at your particular plane much in

Time: 5882.76

the same way the thalamus has a bunch of

Time: 5884.26

different entry points

Time: 5886

so it's sensory information coming in

Time: 5887.56

from a bunch of different sources and

Time: 5889.06

those sources get routed into

Time: 5890.739

progressively narrower and narrower

Time: 5892.9

funnels to eventually arrive at the

Time: 5894.639

accurate place for their function so

Time: 5897.28

these intrinsically photosensitive

Time: 5898.54

gangling cells send connections to a

Time: 5901.48

small but important area of the thalamus

Time: 5903.4

called LP it's denoted L the letter and

Time: 5906.76

P with lateral posterior thalamus or

Time: 5909.52

that I should say it's the lateral

Time: 5911.58

posterior nucleus of the thalamus for

Time: 5913.96

uficionados out there and then the

Time: 5916.3

neurons in that location are going to

Time: 5918.1

respond that is they're going to be

Time: 5919.48

activated by bright blue light green

Time: 5922.06

light or any kind of bright light

Time: 5924.46

originating from artificial sources or

Time: 5926.32

from sunlight and the neurons there that

Time: 5928.48

respond to that have a very interesting

Time: 5930.34

pattern of connections they send

Time: 5931.96

connections up to the so-called sensory

Time: 5934.48

cortex so a bunch of different layers

Time: 5936.94

throughout the cortex that are not

Time: 5938.56

associated with visual perception that

Time: 5940.719

is they're not associated with

Time: 5942.4

understanding that there are shapes and

Time: 5944.139

Contours in the environment but rather

Time: 5945.639

to neurons that are involved in the

Time: 5948.52

detection of pressure pain and other

Time: 5952.179

forms of sensory information at the

Time: 5954.219

level of what the meninges we talked

Time: 5956.86

about the meninges earlier so again

Time: 5958.9

while the brain itself does not have a

Time: 5961.9

sensory system to detect pain the

Time: 5965.32

tissues around it do and the tissues

Time: 5968.56

around those

Time: 5970.12

tissues that is the stuff around the

Time: 5971.92

meninges themselves can respond to pain

Time: 5974.32

and intracranial pressure is also

Time: 5976.96

relayed through the meninges to our

Time: 5979.3

conscious awareness that there's pain so

Time: 5980.679

what does this mean for photophobia it

Time: 5982.3

means that

Time: 5983.5

bright blue light and green light and of

Time: 5986.199

course light from sunlight

Time: 5987.88

we'll activate these neurons in the eye

Time: 5989.92

these intrinsically photosensitive

Time: 5991.36

ganglion cells which then activate the

Time: 5992.92

lateral posterior neurons LP neurons and

Time: 5995.5

those LP neurons communicate with areas

Time: 5997.12

of the brain that are specifically tuned

Time: 5999.34

to different sensory phenomena and in

Time: 6002.76

particular pain at the level of the

Time: 6004.98

meninges and intracranial pressure what

Time: 6007.739

this means is that when we have headache

Time: 6010.8

or if we simply have photophobia on its

Time: 6013.26

own that bright light is actually the

Time: 6015.659

trigger for pain sensing and even the

Time: 6019.08

creation of pain at the level of the

Time: 6020.699

meninges and intracranial pressure what

Time: 6022.86

does this mean in terms of dealing with

Time: 6024.3

or treating photophobia well most people

Time: 6026.219

deal with photophobia by deciding to

Time: 6028.38

turn off or dim all the lights and

Time: 6030.179

simply getting under the covers or

Time: 6031.5

wearing a very um low brim hat and

Time: 6034.26

putting on sunglasses and they want to

Time: 6036.179

lie down

Time: 6037.5

and sometimes because uh migraine can be

Time: 6040.02

associated with nausea or even vomiting

Time: 6041.699

and it's severe instances rather but one

Time: 6046.02

very simple way to avoid activation of

Time: 6048.36

these retinal ganglion cells that would

Time: 6049.98

trigger photophobia is that if you are

Time: 6052.679

starting to feel like you have a

Time: 6053.82

migraine coming on or you have

Time: 6054.9

photophobia coming on to shift to using

Time: 6057.36

patterns of light that are in the longer

Time: 6059.159

wavelength domain what that means

Time: 6062.4

practically is Shifting to using very

Time: 6065.4

orange ideally dim but very orange and

Time: 6068.82

red light now this is not a call for

Time: 6071.219

people to go out and invest in expensive

Time: 6073.8

red light therapies admittedly there are

Time: 6076.38

some excellent case uses for red light

Time: 6078.96

therapy particularly for acne wound

Time: 6081.239

healing even for improving Vision

Time: 6082.92

especially in people beyond the age of

Time: 6084.78

40 for some hormone augmentation we

Time: 6086.88

talked all about that in the episode

Time: 6088.32

that I did on light and health again you

Time: 6090.36

can find that at

Time: 6091.92

everything time stamped what I'm talking

Time: 6094.08

about here would be simply having some

Time: 6096.54

red light bulbs on hand for any time

Time: 6099.239

that you need to remain awake but you're

Time: 6101.52

starting to experience photophobia these

Time: 6103.44

red light bulbs can be purchased very in

Time: 6105.179


Time: 6106.699

you know as party lights you can buy

Time: 6109.199

these online so there is no specific

Time: 6111.3

need to get any uh I would say red light

Time: 6114.9

that's designed specifically for

Time: 6116.159

photophobia or anything that sort you

Time: 6117.719

can find the cheapest um red light

Time: 6120.6

available out there and those will

Time: 6122.4

simply work the idea being that for many

Time: 6124.98

people who are experiencing photophobia

Time: 6126.54

they want to reduce that feeling of pain

Time: 6128.699

and pressure in their head experience

Time: 6130.139

through photophobia they also might want

Time: 6131.46

to stay awake get some work done and do

Time: 6132.96

things so operating under red light or I

Time: 6135.659

should say living working Etc under red

Time: 6137.82

light would allow you to stay awake not

Time: 6139.38

have to hide under the covers if you're

Time: 6140.82

experiencing photophobia in addition and

Time: 6142.92

I mentioned this at the beginning of the

Time: 6144.119

episode but many people find photophobia

Time: 6146.52

to be a entry point or a trigger to

Time: 6150

headache so what happens is they start

Time: 6152.159

to experience some Aura some onset of

Time: 6154.44

photophobia and then the photophobia

Time: 6156.3

itself leads to this feeling of malaise

Time: 6158.58

that then converts into headache and so

Time: 6160.739

while there are not a lot of clinical

Time: 6162.179

data on this just yet an emerging idea

Time: 6165

in the realm of headache treatment is

Time: 6166.8

the idea that if you can offset some of

Time: 6168.78

the early signs you can offset some of

Time: 6170.58

that photophobia and aura

Time: 6173.159

perhaps to the use of dim red lights or

Time: 6175.679

red lights as I've described a moment

Time: 6177.239

ago then you might be able to reduce the

Time: 6179.94

probability that you're going to have a

Time: 6181.44

migraine or other type of headache

Time: 6183

entirely so again no need for expensive

Time: 6185.58

red lights but you can find red lights

Time: 6187.679

very easily online and simply have them

Time: 6190.38

on hand or replace the current lights

Time: 6191.94

that you have on your nightstand or in

Time: 6193.44

whatever room you happen to be in with

Time: 6195.06

these red lights these red lights are

Time: 6196.739

also I should mention very useful in

Time: 6198.42

limiting the amount of cortisol a stress

Time: 6200.219

hormone that is very healthy for us to

Time: 6202.32

release at high levels early in the day

Time: 6203.76

in fact viewing sunlight will increase

Time: 6205.679

cortisol levels it's another reason why

Time: 6208.739

what I'm about to say is relevant to

Time: 6210.36

photophobia but if you want to keep

Time: 6212.219

cortisol levels low in the evening and

Time: 6214.199

at night and indeed you do and improve

Time: 6216.3

the transition to sleep and indeed your

Time: 6217.86

sleep overall reducing cortisol at

Time: 6220.679

evening time and at night time is

Time: 6222.3

extremely beneficial and red lights will

Time: 6224.159

help you accomplish that I talked about

Time: 6225.54

that in the episode on light and health

Time: 6227.28

so the point here is that if you suffer

Time: 6229.44

from photophobia with or without aura

Time: 6231.78

using red lights and not simply dimming

Time: 6234.5

ordinary artificial lights or feeling

Time: 6236.639

that you have to turn off all lights

Time: 6237.96

entirely is going to be one relatively

Time: 6240.96

inexpensive or I should say a very

Time: 6243.48

inexpensive in some cases because these

Time: 6245.159

red lights can be found very

Time: 6246.48

inexpensively online way to be able to

Time: 6249.3

continue with your daily activities at

Time: 6251.1

least in an indoor environment

Time: 6252.84

if you are suffering from photophobia so

Time: 6255.179

shifting back to ways to reduce the

Time: 6256.98

intensity and frequency of different

Time: 6258.96

kinds of headaches we haven't talked so

Time: 6261.06

much about tension headaches

Time: 6262.619

specifically so that's what I'd like to

Time: 6263.88

do now is you recall tension headaches

Time: 6265.8

are going to be muscular in origin again

Time: 6268.08

keeping in mind that everything's neural

Time: 6269.82

when it comes to pain everything's

Time: 6271.32

normal when it comes to everything

Time: 6272.1

frankly because every organ and tissue

Time: 6274.139

system in our body is ultimately

Time: 6275.4

controlled by our nervous system but

Time: 6278.219

tension headaches are often associated

Time: 6280.26

with tension of the muscles that are on

Time: 6282.84

the skull of the jaw of the neck and can

Time: 6287.159

be quite painful for many people and

Time: 6289.199

debilitating and the most common

Time: 6290.58

treatment for this that most people rely

Time: 6292.5

on that is is to take non-steroid

Time: 6295.44

anti-inflammatory so things like

Time: 6297.06

acetaminophen ibuprofen sometimes

Time: 6299.639

aspirin and things of that sort and

Time: 6301.8

oftentimes those can be helpful there

Time: 6303.54

are a couple things to keep in mind

Time: 6304.5

however the NSAIDs non-steroid

Time: 6307.199

anti-inflammatory drugs oftentimes will

Time: 6309.9

work very well at first but people

Time: 6312.42

quickly develop a tolerance to them

Time: 6314.88

meaning they're going to have to take

Time: 6316.199

more and more in order to get the same

Time: 6317.94

effect and oftentimes they can't take

Time: 6320.1

more and more because some of them are

Time: 6321.78

very hard on the liver and in addition

Time: 6324.3

to that some of them can offset some

Time: 6326.1

other things that you really want so for

Time: 6327.6

instance it's now known that non-steroid

Time: 6329.46

anti-inflammatory drugs can offset some

Time: 6331.44

of the benefits of exercise and that

Time: 6332.88

makes sense because a lot of the

Time: 6333.78

Adaptive benefits of exercise actually

Time: 6335.34

come from experiencing a lot of

Time: 6337.32

inflammation acute that means you

Time: 6339.239

actually want inflammation during a

Time: 6340.679

resistance training workout or even your

Time: 6342.119

endurance workout but then that

Time: 6343.8

inflammation triggers an adaptation

Time: 6345.42

event or series of adaptation events

Time: 6347.639

that leads to Greater strength greater

Time: 6349.08

speed more muscle

Time: 6350.699

more endurance whatever it is that you

Time: 6352.199

happen to be training for so reducing

Time: 6354.42

pain can be good of course but not if

Time: 6356.34

you have to take more and more of a

Time: 6357.6

given drug that it has side effects on

Time: 6360.179

the liver and can offset the effects of

Time: 6362.219

exercise and so forth the other issue

Time: 6364.38

with non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs

Time: 6366.3

is that many of them simply do not work

Time: 6368.1

for many people or again they'll work

Time: 6370.26

the first time and the second time but

Time: 6371.699

then they stop working they also tend to

Time: 6373.32

lower body temperature I think most

Time: 6375.719

people are aware of this because many of

Time: 6377.699

these same drugs are used in order to

Time: 6380.1

reduce fever but if you are taking

Time: 6382.86

non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs

Time: 6384.6

simply to reduce your headache and your

Time: 6386.46

lowing core body temperature that can

Time: 6388.26

have all sorts of Downstream issues

Time: 6390.179

related to sleep wake Cycles to

Time: 6392.219

metabolism to immune system function

Time: 6394.08

more generally and on and on for that

Time: 6396.42


Time: 6397.44

there's been quite a lot of exploration

Time: 6399.48

of alternatives to non-steroid

Time: 6402.06

anti-inflammatory drugs for the

Time: 6404.28

treatment of headache and indeed pain

Time: 6406.98

generally but today we're talking about

Time: 6408.3

headache now as it relates to Tension

Time: 6410.639

Headache one of the more advanced kind

Time: 6413.219

of modern treatments that you sometimes

Time: 6414.54

hear about is Botox right Botox I think

Time: 6417.54

most people are familiar with as the

Time: 6419.28

thing that people get injected into

Time: 6420.6

their face around the eyes or around the

Time: 6423

lips or elsewhere in order to quote

Time: 6425.1

unquote reduce wrinkles it was

Time: 6426.9

discovered some years ago when Botox

Time: 6428.46

treatments were being done for cosmetic

Time: 6430.02

reasons that it could often be very

Time: 6432.719

effective for relieving headache if

Time: 6434.699

injected into the muscles and the way

Time: 6436.739

that it works is that of course Tension

Time: 6439.02

Headache involves a tension of the

Time: 6440.4


Time: 6441.239

a kind of a we'll call it clinching or

Time: 6443.76

cinching up with the muscles but we're

Time: 6444.84

really talking about is contraction of

Time: 6446.219

the muscles and that's controlled by

Time: 6448.619

neurons neurons which are neuromuscular

Time: 6451.38

so neuromuscular neurons that don't form

Time: 6454.26

synapses with or connections with other

Time: 6456.6

neurons they form synapses with muscle

Time: 6458.76

they release acetylcholine onto the

Time: 6460.739

muscle and that makes the muscle

Time: 6461.699

contract this is the way you move the

Time: 6463.199

limbs of your body this is also a way

Time: 6465.06

the muscles of your head contract and

Time: 6467.58

can give you tension type headaches

Time: 6469.8


Time: 6471.32

arises from or is rather botulinum

Time: 6475.44

neurotoxin botulinum neurotoxin is a

Time: 6477.659

toxin that's found in canned goods not

Time: 6479.82

all canned goods of course and what it

Time: 6481.679

does is it it prevents a certain step in

Time: 6484.92

the release of so-called

Time: 6486.96

neurotransmitter in the little packets

Time: 6489.48

that they live in which are called

Time: 6490.98

vesicles little little spheres of

Time: 6493.139

neurotransmitter live at the end of

Time: 6494.699

neuron nerve Terminals and are released

Time: 6496.26

onto the muscle make the muscle contract

Time: 6498.08

botulinum neurotoxin Cleaves a

Time: 6501.06

particular protein in there for you

Time: 6502.26

aficionados who want to look this up

Time: 6503.639

it's a really cool mechanism it Cleaves

Time: 6505.5

something called Snap 25. Snap 25 is

Time: 6508.56

involved in the fusion of those little

Time: 6510.54

spheres with the membrane of the neuron

Time: 6512.94

and releasing of the neurotransmitter so

Time: 6514.619

when botulinum neurotoxin is present at

Time: 6517.199

the nerve muscle interface those nerves

Time: 6519.96

cannot communicate with the muscle and

Time: 6521.52

as a consequence the muscles undergo

Time: 6523.8

kind of flaccid tone they just kind of

Time: 6526.38

relax there underneath the skin

Time: 6528.84

sure wrinkles are relieved but if Botox

Time: 6531.719

is injected into the muscles themselves

Time: 6533.699

it can provide long-lasting relief of

Time: 6536.219

certain types of headaches in particular

Time: 6538.02

tension type headaches so while it seems

Time: 6540.54

like a bit of an extreme treatment

Time: 6541.8

people who suffer very badly from

Time: 6543.659

tension type headaches due to hyper

Time: 6545.58

contraction of the muscles of the

Time: 6547.92

forehead or around the temples or around

Time: 6550.26

the Jaws or the or certain parts of the

Time: 6552.36

the neck and the MUSC muscles of the

Time: 6554.1

neck that encroach on the on the back of

Time: 6555.9

the skull

Time: 6556.8

or that actually connect to the back of

Time: 6558.54

the skull can achieve tremendous long

Time: 6561.179

lasting relief from these Botox

Time: 6562.56

injections sometimes for weeks or months

Time: 6565.02

or even longer people go in for periodic

Time: 6567.119

uh you know re-ups of Botox it actually

Time: 6570.179

is quite safe despite the fact that

Time: 6572.159

botulinum neurotoxin is quite dangerous

Time: 6574.02

it's given in very low Doses and given

Time: 6576.6

locally so those are the only muscles

Time: 6577.98

affected so that's how Botox is used to

Time: 6579.96

treat headaches and um it's a very

Time: 6582.179

effective treatment at that of course

Time: 6583.8

many people I imagine are interested in

Time: 6586.619

not just drug based treatments and not

Time: 6589.08

Botox type treatments

Time: 6591.239

for treating headache but other types of

Time: 6593.82

treatments for headache that are of the

Time: 6595.8

more so let's call them natural or um

Time: 6598.46

non-drug treatments and here we're

Time: 6600.719

starting to get into the realm of the

Time: 6602.34

kind of herbal and oil-based treatments

Time: 6605.04

for headache now I confess when I first

Time: 6606.719

started researching this area of

Time: 6608.46

headache and treatment for headaches

Time: 6610.32

that is

Time: 6611.699

um I found myself approaching it with a

Time: 6614.159

bit of trepidation because when I

Time: 6615.54

started to hear about essential oils and

Time: 6617.58

about herbal medications and things of

Time: 6620.46

that sort I thought okay well there'll

Time: 6622.38

probably be some effects I mean

Time: 6623.58

admittedly we've talked before on this

Time: 6625.08

podcast about things like apogenin

Time: 6627.179

epigenin is one of the core components

Time: 6630.119

of chamomile

Time: 6631.44

and chamomile is known to make people

Time: 6633.78

feel a little bit sleepy and can enhance

Time: 6635.94

sleep well apogenic and high

Time: 6637.56

concentration can indeed augment sleep

Time: 6639.78

we talk about this in our sleep tool kit

Time: 6642

by the way we don't just have episodes

Time: 6643.44

about sleep master or sleep perfect your

Time: 6645.119

sleep Etc but if you go to the

Time: 6646.679 website and you go to

Time: 6648.84

the menu and you click on newsletter you

Time: 6650.699

can scroll down you'll see that we have

Time: 6651.84

a tool kit for sleep this is completely

Time: 6653.28

zero cost to access you don't even have

Time: 6654.78

to sign up although if you'd like to

Time: 6656.28

sign up for future newsletters you can

Time: 6658.139

get those one of the key components of

Time: 6660.96

the toolkit for sleep in addition to

Time: 6663.06

behavioral tools and things that are not

Time: 6664.619

supplement based is apogenin which is

Time: 6667.02

this component from chamomile so the

Time: 6669.719

idea that certain herbal derivatives or

Time: 6672.48

herbs or Oils could be very useful for

Time: 6676.32

improving symptoms of whatever in this

Time: 6678.659


Time: 6679.38

improving sleep with apogenin is not

Time: 6681.78

unheard of and in fact the data

Time: 6683.4

continued to be released all the time

Time: 6685.139

that many of the things that we think of

Time: 6686.82

as herbal Etc can actually have quite

Time: 6689.1

potent effects and so

Time: 6691.199

um while I myself was approaching the

Time: 6693.3

discussion about essential oils and um

Time: 6695.46

or I should say oils right who's to say

Time: 6697.619

if they're essential or not oils and

Time: 6700.199

herbs in the treatment of headache I

Time: 6702.659

finished out my research on this

Time: 6704.639

literature feeling

Time: 6706.86

um quite I should say uh surprised and

Time: 6710.4

um and as if I need to really check

Time: 6711.96

myself a bit because what I found is

Time: 6714

that there are certain herbs and oils

Time: 6715.56

for instance that far outperform

Time: 6718.4

non-steroid and anti-inflammatory drugs

Time: 6721.08

for the treatment of headache that's

Time: 6722.52

right there are certain oils that are

Time: 6723.96

available over the counter that when

Time: 6725.699

looked at in many studies meta-analyzes

Time: 6729.179

and I'll tell you about one particular

Time: 6730.32

study and a meta-analysis in a moment

Time: 6733.02

they show that they can reduce the

Time: 6735

frequency and intensity of headache in a

Time: 6738

manner that far outpaces What You

Time: 6740.4

observe with non-steroid

Time: 6741.48

anti-inflammatory drugs with apparently

Time: 6743.28

none of the same issues associated with

Time: 6745.02

non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs so I

Time: 6747.719

think it's really worth paying attention

Time: 6749.04

to the first of those studies I'd like

Time: 6750.84

to describe to you is one that has now

Time: 6753.239

become kind of a classic in the

Time: 6754.619

literature I should say at least for

Time: 6756.179

those that are interested in the

Time: 6757.679

atypical treatments for headache and the

Time: 6759.719

title of this paper is effective

Time: 6761.52

peppermint and eucalyptus oil

Time: 6763.139

preparations on neurophysiological and

Time: 6765.6


Time: 6767.06

alge's metric headache parameters okay

Time: 6770.159

what does that mean well this is an

Time: 6772.139

interesting study because rather than

Time: 6773.52

look at the effectiveness of peppermint

Time: 6775.86

and eucalyptus oil and other oils on

Time: 6777.9

headache what they did is because they

Time: 6780.3

want to look at the mechanisms

Time: 6781.98

underlying headache which I confess I

Time: 6783.6

love the fact that they want to

Time: 6784.739

understand the neurophysiology and not

Time: 6787.02

just get subjective ratings of headache

Time: 6788.52

although they did that too but they

Time: 6789.6

really want to understand

Time: 6791.04

how these oils can impact things like

Time: 6793.139

muscular tension or perception of pain

Time: 6795.239

what they did is they recreated headache

Time: 6798.239

in human subjects by using tightening

Time: 6800.94

cuffs of the of the head they cut off

Time: 6803.52

blood supply to certain areas of the

Time: 6805.38

head they basically induced headache and

Time: 6807.659

then they measured things like the EMG

Time: 6809.82

the muscle response at the level of

Time: 6811.739

electrophysiology in the muscle and of

Time: 6814.32

course subjective measures of how much

Time: 6815.82

people perceive to be in pain or not in

Time: 6817.679

pain I'll give you the broad Contour of

Time: 6820.08

the study because I want to make sure

Time: 6821.1

that it's the conclusions that come

Time: 6822.659

through most clearly and we will provide

Time: 6824.04

a link to the study in our show note

Time: 6825.54

captions so what they did is they had

Time: 6828.3

people use one of four different

Time: 6831.239

preparations say preparation one which

Time: 6833.4

includes some peppermint oil and some

Time: 6836.04

eucalyptus oil and all the details about

Time: 6838.199

the amount and the relative percentages

Time: 6839.76

are in the paper for you to peruse

Time: 6841.139

online through the link I mentioned

Time: 6843.54

before so they had four different groups

Time: 6845.28

they had one group

Time: 6846.78

apply peppermint oil but that peppermint

Time: 6849.719

oil also contained eucalyptus oil they

Time: 6852.239

had another group used just peppermint

Time: 6853.86

oil they had another group use just tiny

Time: 6856.619

traces of peppermint oil and smaller

Time: 6859.26

doses of eucalyptus oil and then they

Time: 6861.78

had a fourth group which was just using

Time: 6864.36

Placebo when I say using what they were

Time: 6865.98

doing is they were sponge applying the

Time: 6868.619

oil to the temples and forehead of

Time: 6871.139

people and then what they did is they

Time: 6873.96

used these different approaches to

Time: 6876.119

measure the activation of muscles to

Time: 6879.42

measure pain and they then induced head

Time: 6883.08

pain they induced headache so and they

Time: 6885.119

looked at the temporal muscles on the

Time: 6886.679

side they looked at forehead muscles

Time: 6887.82

things of that sort so they used three

Time: 6889.5

different types of pain stimuli they

Time: 6891.719

looked at people's sensitivity to

Time: 6894.119

experimentally induced Pain by either

Time: 6896.94

providing pressure so this was kind of a

Time: 6900.06

cuff around the forehead

Time: 6901.98

or thermal pain so they actually had

Time: 6904.5

them basically heat heat it up at the

Time: 6907.38

level of the skin and actually they

Time: 6910.679

brought the heat up pretty high to the

Time: 6912.42

point where people were rating the pain

Time: 6914.04

almost to the to the point of um

Time: 6916.139

excessive pain and pain limits so they

Time: 6918.179

obviously couldn't take them to the

Time: 6919.32

point of extreme pain and they had a

Time: 6921.9

constriction type condition in which

Time: 6924.54

they cut off blood circulation to the

Time: 6926.46

pericranial muscles using an inflatable

Time: 6928.679

collar around the cranium and they

Time: 6930.6

inflated that to pretty high pressure so

Time: 6932.699

kind of a brutal experiment to be

Time: 6935.28

involved in but look they're trying to

Time: 6936.719

mimic headache and I think by using

Time: 6939.179

these different approaches they're able

Time: 6940.44

to mimic the different aspects of

Time: 6941.699

headache and make sure and here's the

Time: 6943.92

key point that every person in the study

Time: 6946.32

is not just getting the same treatment

Time: 6947.58

for headache but is getting the same

Time: 6949.199

headache and that's something that I

Time: 6950.82

think gives this study power it's not

Time: 6952.8

the only way to do a study like this but

Time: 6954.239

it gives it a lot of power in trying to

Time: 6955.98

understand which types of interventions

Time: 6957.9

are going to assist in headache and

Time: 6959.699

maybe even specific dimensions of the

Time: 6961.5

pain and headache and basically what

Time: 6963.48

they found in the study is that of all

Time: 6965.34

the treatments they used the essential

Time: 6967.56

plant oil preparations that contained

Time: 6969.9


Time: 6971.34

and I'll just mention as an aside and in

Time: 6973.86

other studies Menthol so these minty

Time: 6976.5

type uh essential minty type

Time: 6979.8

um what we think of as flavors but are

Time: 6982.02

really Aromas as well and as I'll point

Time: 6984.48

out the mechanism in a moment they have

Time: 6986.219

the effect of significantly reducing the

Time: 6988.199

intensity of the pain that is subjects

Time: 6990.179

could tolerate the pain far better and

Time: 6992.28

experienced less pain subjectively and

Time: 6995.219

the magnitude of the effects were really

Time: 6996.78

pretty impressive again I went into all

Time: 6998.52

this thinking essential oils okay that's

Time: 7000.139

like some really woo stuff

Time: 7002.6

um you know I don't know about that but

Time: 7004.219

it turns out that these essential oils

Time: 7007.34

at least the ones that contain

Time: 7008.48

peppermint oil with or without

Time: 7010.639

eucalyptus oil performed very well in

Time: 7013.28

reducing pain the key takeaway from the

Time: 7015.26

study is and here I'm paraphrasing from

Time: 7017

the study of that the combination of

Time: 7018.679

peppermint oil eucalyptus oil and these

Time: 7021.5

are basically in a ethanol suspension

Time: 7023.659

again people are not drinking these

Time: 7025.46

essential oils I want to be very clear

Time: 7026.659

they're applying these to the to the

Time: 7028.52


Time: 7029.3

around the area that's in pain and

Time: 7031.46

particularly the temple and the

Time: 7032.48


Time: 7033.98

increased cognitive performance I didn't

Time: 7035.9

talk about that but this is the ability

Time: 7037.34

to maintain cognitive functioning while

Time: 7039.26

in pain you know here we're talking

Time: 7040.88

about headache up until now just as kind

Time: 7043.94

of pain but that pain can be very

Time: 7045.92

debilitating for your ability to work

Time: 7047.42

and perform and do other things so this

Time: 7049.58

combination of peppermint oil and

Time: 7050.96

eucalyptus oil applied to the skin allow

Time: 7053.78

people to increase their cognitive

Time: 7055.28

performance while under pain and had a

Time: 7057.44

very muscle relaxing

Time: 7059.3

and mentally relaxing effect mental

Time: 7061.52

relaxation was of course measured

Time: 7063.38

subjectively but remember one of the

Time: 7064.88

things that led me to feature this study

Time: 7067.28

in this episode in particular is that

Time: 7069.619

they didn't just say oh my muscles feel

Time: 7071.42

more relaxed they actually saw that the

Time: 7073.46

muscles of the forehead and temples and

Time: 7076.58

some surrounding muscles were more

Time: 7078.139

relaxed when people had these oils on

Time: 7080.9

applied to their forehead and the

Time: 7082.82

temples not perhaps to the same degree

Time: 7085.4

that one would observe with botox or for

Time: 7087.739

the same extent or duration as one would

Time: 7089.659

experience with botox but much in the

Time: 7091.34

same way which then raises the question

Time: 7093.02

of what's going on here I mean is this

Time: 7094.94

all placebo effect well no because they

Time: 7096.5

compared to Placebo and they controlled

Time: 7098.36

for the odor of course of the oil that

Time: 7101.06

was applied so that everyone thought

Time: 7102.619

that they were getting

Time: 7103.88

essentially the same thing pun intended

Time: 7106.76

but in this case what they found is that

Time: 7109.82

if they applied the essential oil to the

Time: 7113.42

forehead and temples that people

Time: 7116.36

experience a more or less a cooling

Time: 7118.099

sensation or they could feel as if

Time: 7119.599

something was happening in the

Time: 7120.92

underlying muscle well what was

Time: 7122.48

happening we now know that Menthol

Time: 7125.36

peppermint and other things that smell

Time: 7128.3

that way and taste that way actually

Time: 7130.159

have an impact on the sensory neurons at

Time: 7132.199

the level of the skin and can actually

Time: 7134.659

inhibit certain Sensory neurons and can

Time: 7137.78

activate other Sensory neurons okay so

Time: 7140.659

in order to understand this we have to

Time: 7142.28

go back to what I said at the beginning

Time: 7143.36

of the episode which is that you have

Time: 7144.679

motor neurons these are neurons that

Time: 7146.06

constrict muscles or excuse me that

Time: 7148.099

cause contraction of muscles

Time: 7150.739

strict them they cause contraction of

Time: 7152.599

muscles you have Sensory neurons which

Time: 7154.219

sense different things light sound or

Time: 7156.32

touch and you have modulatory neurons

Time: 7158.86

Menthol and Eucalyptus are actually

Time: 7161

known to activate certain channels in

Time: 7163.82

the sensory neurons that respond not

Time: 7166.52

just a touch but also the sensation of

Time: 7168.679

cooling okay so when we think of Menthol

Time: 7170.9

and peppermint we think of kind of cool

Time: 7173.3

scents and flavors cool meaning cold

Time: 7176.42

and when we think of things like hot

Time: 7178.46

peppers capsaicin we think of anything

Time: 7181.46

that has a hot temperature we tend to

Time: 7183.44

think of spicy so spicy and hot go

Time: 7185.36

together and peppermint and menthol

Time: 7188.84

and cool go together much in the way

Time: 7191.42

that the gum commercials or the mint

Time: 7193.639

commercials would lead you to believe

Time: 7195.26

and in fact they're right so what's

Time: 7197.48

happening here is that the application

Time: 7198.92

of these oils is very likely activating

Time: 7200.719

channels in the sensory neurons

Time: 7202.099

including the trip channels but others

Time: 7203.54

as well that are leading to the analges

Time: 7205.88

effect by shutting down the heat and

Time: 7209.84

pain Pathways because heat and pain

Time: 7211.639

while they're not exactly the same in

Time: 7213.86

our nervous system they are funneled

Time: 7215.54

through common Pathways whereas Cooling

Time: 7218.3

and Pain Relief are funneled through

Time: 7220.82

alternate what we call parallel Pathways

Time: 7222.98

so the study on peppermint and

Time: 7225.199

eucalyptus oil preparations in reducing

Time: 7228.199

pain of headache and different aspects

Time: 7231.08

of pain due to headache I think are

Time: 7233

really important because they don't just

Time: 7234.739

illustrate the fact that yes indeed and

Time: 7236.9

you know going record saying it because

Time: 7238.28

that's what the data say and there are

Time: 7240.02

other papers to support this statement

Time: 7241.34

as well essential oils applied to the

Time: 7243.619

skin can reduce the symptoms of tension

Time: 7245.48

headache in a significant way and

Time: 7247.159

actually can lead to some offset of some

Time: 7249.5

of the cognitive

Time: 7250.699

defects seen with headaches so that's

Time: 7252.619

itself very impressive I must say

Time: 7255.02

surprising for me kind of put me in my

Time: 7256.94

place as somebody thought oh essential

Time: 7258.38

oils is going to be like okay but it's

Time: 7260.54

actually seemed to um really hold some

Time: 7262.46

Merit and when you compare the magnitude

Time: 7264.56

of the effect even though this was an

Time: 7266.06

enormous number of subjects you compare

Time: 7268.04

the magnet to the effect in a paper like

Time: 7270.32

this or similar papers on these

Time: 7272.239

essential oils to the impact of

Time: 7274.099

non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and

Time: 7276.44

they really hold their own and in some

Time: 7277.88

cases exceed the positive impact of

Time: 7280.82

anti-inflammatory drugs so for that

Time: 7282.8

reason I think we can look at peppermint

Time: 7284.599

oils and peppermint and Eucalyptus

Time: 7286.52

containing oils Menthol containing oils

Time: 7288.32

applied to the skin for the treatment of

Time: 7290.659

tension type headache as um among the

Time: 7293

more potent treatments available out

Time: 7294.619

there now another way to approach

Time: 7296.48

treatment of tension headache is

Time: 7298.159

something that many of you have probably

Time: 7299.3

heard about before

Time: 7300.8

and then I've talked a little bit about

Time: 7302.42

on this podcast in previous episodes and

Time: 7304.639

that's acupuncture we will do an entire

Time: 7306.739

episode all about acupuncture but much

Time: 7308.9

in the same way that essential oils I

Time: 7311

think for many people not all but for

Time: 7312.679

many people are considered kind of a woo

Time: 7314.9

biology or people think of it as a very

Time: 7316.82

alternative medicine keep in mind that

Time: 7319.52

as the underlying mechanisms of things

Time: 7321.5

like these peppermint oils are starting

Time: 7323.06

to be discovered or Omega-3s are

Time: 7324.739

starting to be discovered

Time: 7325.78

mechanistically they hold up very well

Time: 7328.04

there's a logic there there's an

Time: 7329.54

underlying understanding of not just why

Time: 7332.78

they should work but in many cases how

Time: 7334.4

they work in the same way acupuncture

Time: 7337.159

which of course has existed for

Time: 7338.719

thousands of years has been used very

Time: 7341.42

successfully to treat headache and other

Time: 7342.98

forms of pain so much so that many

Time: 7345.86

insurance companies will now pay for

Time: 7348.199

acupuncture as an insured practice not

Time: 7350.84

all but many will and in addition to

Time: 7353.179


Time: 7353.96

the scientific Community is starting to

Time: 7355.699

understand mechanistically how

Time: 7357.02

acupuncture works so I don't want to

Time: 7358.52

make this the major Focus for now

Time: 7360.739


Time: 7362.06

very briefly there's a laboratory at

Time: 7364.639

Harvard Medical School run by chufuma

Time: 7367.159

chufu is well known in the Neuroscience

Time: 7369.26

Community for doing excellent work in

Time: 7371.719

parsing the mechanisms of touch

Time: 7374.54

sensation and pain in particular so not

Time: 7377.119

just touch at the level of skin but pain

Time: 7378.739

and pain Pathways and in recent years

Time: 7380.78

his laboratory has started to do studies

Time: 7382.639

on how acupuncture works because indeed

Time: 7385.76

acupuncture has been known to work to

Time: 7387.38

alleviate pain for a long time but the

Time: 7388.94

underlying mechanisms haven't been clear

Time: 7391.099

what chufu's lab has published now in

Time: 7393.44

excellent journals like nature science

Time: 7396.139

and other journals is that the precise

Time: 7399.82

insertion sites of different needles

Time: 7402.92

lead to activation of sensory neurons

Time: 7405.5

and their Downstream Pathways in ways

Time: 7407.84

that can potently reduce inflammation

Time: 7409.58

and that can be used to potently reduce

Time: 7412.699

the activity of certain muscles

Time: 7415.46

for instance muscles in the forehead and

Time: 7417.98

temples so when you hear acupuncture can

Time: 7420.32

reduce pain I think some people think oh

Time: 7421.76

well if there's needles sticking out of

Time: 7423.139

your face first of all that must hurt

Time: 7424.4

and actually the needles are very fine

Time: 7425.659

needles and skilled acupuncturists can

Time: 7427.52

insert them without any pain or actually

Time: 7429.8

the person receiving it doesn't even

Time: 7431.719

usually recognize that the needles are

Time: 7433.46

in that's how quickly and efficiently

Time: 7436.219

they can put them in and people don't

Time: 7437.36

detect any pain but that has been shown

Time: 7440.659

to greatly reduce pain in particular

Time: 7443.599

headache related pain and back-related

Time: 7445.94

pain in some other forms of pain chufu's

Time: 7448.34

lab has shown that the specific needle

Time: 7450.92

insertion sites can activate the sensory

Time: 7453.199

Pathways and can deactivate the sensory

Time: 7456.98

motor pathways and now you're familiar

Time: 7459.44

with Sensory neurons motor neurons and

Time: 7461.06

modulatory neurons and can modulate the

Time: 7464.54

activity of the pain Pathways by way of

Time: 7467.239

impacting the activity of all sorts of

Time: 7469.34

different organs including organs that

Time: 7471.32

give rise to some of the inflammatory

Time: 7473

cytokines so basically what I'm saying

Time: 7475.159

here is that thanks to thousands of

Time: 7477.679

years of acupuncture and the maps of

Time: 7479.659

different insertion sites we now know or

Time: 7482.96

I should say people have long known and

Time: 7484.94

people in the west are starting to adopt

Time: 7487.219

the understanding that acupuncture yes

Time: 7489.5

indeed it really does work for relieving

Time: 7491.599

pain and Laboratories both in the United

Time: 7493.46

States such as chufus and elsewhere are

Time: 7496.88

starting to find the underlying

Time: 7498.139

mechanisms and those mechanisms include

Time: 7500.38

deactivation of the pain Pathways

Time: 7503.38

activation of some of the parallel

Time: 7505.46

Pathways that assist in shutting down

Time: 7507.679

pain or in relaxing the muscles that are

Time: 7510.08

causing tension type headache as well as

Time: 7513.159

activation of neural Pathways that

Time: 7515.719

impinge on organs that then cause or

Time: 7518.599

reduce the release of molecules into the

Time: 7520.76

body that give us the experience of pain

Time: 7522.44

so reduced inflammation and in many

Time: 7524.179

cases increasing anti-inflammatory

Time: 7526.699

Pathways so I just want to be sure to

Time: 7529.099

mention acupuncture and a little bit of

Time: 7531.38

mechanistic understanding of why

Time: 7532.88

acupuncture works because indeed

Time: 7534.5

acupuncture is shown to be quite

Time: 7536.179

effective for the treatment of tension

Time: 7537.739

type headache and to some extent

Time: 7539.239

migraine headache as well so we talked

Time: 7541.34

about omega-3 fatty acids we talked

Time: 7543.44

about essential oils we talked about

Time: 7545


Time: 7546.38

so this episode is starting to sound

Time: 7548.06

like alternative treatments to headache

Time: 7550.699

including migraine but I want to be very

Time: 7552.8

clear this is not about alternative

Time: 7555.26

treatments everything that I'm talking

Time: 7557

about here has a mechanistic basis and

Time: 7560.06

what we're talking about today are

Time: 7561.98

approaches to dealing with headache that

Time: 7564.619

yes are typically over-the-counter

Time: 7566.9

compounds or are grounded in nutrition

Time: 7569.659

or in the case of acupuncture behavioral

Time: 7571.76


Time: 7573.02

but that are not necessarily meant as

Time: 7576.02

replacements for things like non-steroid

Time: 7577.94

inflammatory drugs or prescription drugs

Time: 7579.98

of course those things can still be

Time: 7581.599

taken many people derive benefit from

Time: 7583.4

them but the goal is always I believe I

Time: 7586.88

should hope for people to find ways that

Time: 7589.34

they can control their health outcomes

Time: 7591.619

and reduce things like headache using a

Time: 7594.5

minimum number of things that have other

Time: 7596.42

side effects and that of course can also

Time: 7599.239

include the use of essential oils in

Time: 7601.04

conjunction with things like non-steroid

Time: 7602.719

anti-inflammatory drugs or the use of

Time: 7604.94

red light to offset photophobia in

Time: 7606.98

conjunction with any number of different

Time: 7608.96

treatments either prescription or

Time: 7610.76

otherwise so I do want to make that

Time: 7612.08

clear and I especially want to make that

Time: 7613.82

clear as I transition to the next

Time: 7615.86

segment where I'm going to tell you

Time: 7617.119

about herbal treatments for migraine and

Time: 7620

this is based on what I consider a very

Time: 7622.34

comprehensive review of many randomized

Time: 7625.94

control studies indeed the title of the

Time: 7627.739

paper is herbal treatments for migraine

Time: 7629.42

a systematic review of randomized

Time: 7631.159

controlled studies and this was

Time: 7632.719

published in 2020 and this contains an

Time: 7635

immense amount of information so we will

Time: 7637.28

provide a link to it for those of you

Time: 7638.96

that really want to dive deep on this in

Time: 7640.76

this paper they focus on a number of

Time: 7642.139

different reviews and Analysis of data

Time: 7644.48

focused on compounds for the treatment

Time: 7646.219

of migraine ranging from and including

Time: 7649.4

things like Menthol and peppermint oil

Time: 7651.44

so we already covered that so I won't

Time: 7653.06

cover that again in detail but in this

Time: 7655.04

review they highlight the results I

Time: 7657.32

refer to before plus other results that

Time: 7659.78

show that Menthol and peppermint oil can

Time: 7662.36

be quite effective in the treatment of

Time: 7664.52

tension type headache and in this case

Time: 7666.86

migraine headache as well so that's

Time: 7669.08

interesting that Menthol and peppermint

Time: 7670.88

oils can be used not just to treat

Time: 7673.099

tension type headaches but

Time: 7675.199

migraine headaches as well and they look

Time: 7677.48

at an enormous number of other types of

Time: 7680.239

herbal and essential oil type treatments

Time: 7682.639

everything from coriander to Citron to

Time: 7684.739

damask Rose chamomile lavender a bunch

Time: 7687.32

of things so I'm not going to go through

Time: 7689.179

each and every one of these in a lot of

Time: 7691.4

detail what I've tended to do today and

Time: 7693.619

I'm going to do now is to highlight the

Time: 7695.599

most potent

Time: 7696.98

of these different treatments again

Time: 7699.38

Menthol peppermint oil being among the

Time: 7701.42

most potent in addition to that there's

Time: 7704.119

a particular pathway that's associated

Time: 7705.92

with headache and when I say that I mean

Time: 7709.219

the different types of headache which

Time: 7711.08

includes the activation of this thing

Time: 7713.239

that we call cgrp cgrp again is involved

Time: 7716.06

in this calcium regulation pathway and

Time: 7717.98

leads to vasodilation

Time: 7720.139

of the vessels and arteries and

Time: 7723.199

capillaries in a way that can create

Time: 7724.52

pain and this feeling of pressure inside

Time: 7726.56

the head which can be very uncomfortable

Time: 7728.54

of course

Time: 7729.8

now earlier in the episode I mentioned

Time: 7732.44

that I was going to touch on caffeine

Time: 7734.54

and so I'm going to do that now now the

Time: 7736.699

reason I mention caffeine is that

Time: 7738.139

there's a sort of lore out there that if

Time: 7741.02

you have a headache drinking a cup of

Time: 7742.639

coffee can eliminate that headache a few

Time: 7745.46

things about that point first of all if

Time: 7747.619

you are somebody who ingests caffeine

Time: 7749.96

every day and you do not ingest caffeine

Time: 7752.78

you will indeed get a headache and

Time: 7755.42

drinking caffeine will relieve that

Time: 7757.76

particular headache so it's absolutely

Time: 7759.44

true that caffeine can relieve the lack

Time: 7762.02

of caffeine induced headache that's sort

Time: 7764.36

of a duh but that leads actually to a

Time: 7768.08

very important question which is why

Time: 7770.179

would that be the case well it turns out

Time: 7771.92

that caffeine is both a vasodilator and

Time: 7775.82

a vasoconstrictor

Time: 7777.92

how does it do that well one of the main

Time: 7780.139

ways in which caffeine makes us more

Time: 7781.88

alert is that it occupies The receptors

Time: 7784.4

for something called adenosine adenosine

Time: 7786.32

is a molecule that builds up in the

Time: 7788.06

brain and body more and more the longer

Time: 7790.04

we've been awake it's one of the things

Time: 7791.659

that makes us feel sleepy

Time: 7793.639

so when we drink caffeine that caffeine

Time: 7795.98

occupies the adenosine receptor and the

Time: 7798.26

adenosine cannot have its normal effect

Time: 7800

of making us sleepy when that caffeine

Time: 7802.099

wears off the adenosine combine and we

Time: 7803.96

feel sleepy adenosine is a vasodilator

Time: 7807.92

so when we drink caffeine because it

Time: 7810.679

blocks the effects of adenosine there is

Time: 7813.08

a vasoconstriction associated with

Time: 7815.719

drinking caffeine so if you have a

Time: 7818.239

headache that is associated with

Time: 7819.619

excessive vasodilation and pressure in

Time: 7821.9

the head indeed drinking some caffeine

Time: 7823.639

can cause some vasoconstriction by

Time: 7826.58

preventing that adenosine pathway that

Time: 7828.98

would normally lead to vasoconstriction

Time: 7830.3

and you can get some relief from that

Time: 7831.92

headache however caffeine is also a

Time: 7834.739

vasodilator caffeine has the ability to

Time: 7837.5

impinge on the so-called no pathway the

Time: 7839.48

nitric oxide pathway which is a nerve to

Time: 7843.08

blood pathway that involves a few

Time: 7844.76

different enzymes that we won't get into

Time: 7846.08

right now but maybe in a future episode

Time: 7848.239

that causes dilation of the blood

Time: 7850.4

vessels and as a consequence drinking

Time: 7852.56

caffeine can also increase vasodilation

Time: 7854.48

so it's sort of a two-pronged effect now

Time: 7856.699

one of the ways in which you might think

Time: 7858.619

about this and perhaps utilize this is

Time: 7860.9

that if you are well rested or if it's

Time: 7863.659

early in the day and you've had some

Time: 7865.639

sleep the previous night adenosine

Time: 7867.739

levels are very likely to be low

Time: 7869.42

especially if you slept very well the

Time: 7871.52

night before

Time: 7873.44

under those conditions when you ingest

Time: 7875.3

caffeine you are not going to experience

Time: 7877.94

the vasoconstriction effects of caffeine

Time: 7881.36

that would ordinarily be there by

Time: 7883.82

inhibiting adenosine why because

Time: 7885.619

adenosine is not present at all and

Time: 7888.02

under those conditions drinking coffee

Time: 7890.06

ought to lead to some vasodilation not a

Time: 7892.46

lot but nonetheless vasodilation if

Time: 7895.52

however you haven't slept well or it's

Time: 7897.44

late in the day and you've been up for a

Time: 7898.699

long time drinking caffeine is likely to

Time: 7900.56

have more of a vasoconstriction effect

Time: 7902.3

and this is important because some of

Time: 7904.58

the treatments that you hear about that

Time: 7905.9

involve using caffeine to treat headache

Time: 7907.94

are as Extreme as okay if you have a

Time: 7910.46

headache at night drink a cup of coffee

Time: 7911.719

and then go to sleep I actually saw that

Time: 7913.4

in the literature which I couldn't quite

Time: 7915.619

believe because yes indeed some people

Time: 7917.36

can fall asleep after drinking caffeine

Time: 7918.86

but we know very well thanks to the

Time: 7921.02

beautiful work and science

Time: 7922.4

Communications of people like Dr Matthew

Time: 7924.38

Walker from University of California

Time: 7925.76

Berkeley and who's been a guest on this

Time: 7927.56

and many other podcasts that even if you

Time: 7930.26

can fall asleep after drinking caffeine

Time: 7931.82

ingesting caffeine within the 10 to 12

Time: 7933.98

hours prior to bedtime is simply not a

Time: 7935.719

good idea because of the ways it

Time: 7936.86

disrupts the architecture of sleep so

Time: 7938.78

what's the takeaway about caffeine and

Time: 7940.28

headache and vasodil relation you need

Time: 7942.56

to be very clear on whether or not

Time: 7945.08

caffeine tends to remove your headache

Time: 7946.88

or exacerbate it now this is going to

Time: 7948.619

depend on time of day and the amount of

Time: 7950

adenosine in your system as I mentioned

Time: 7951.5

before but also there seems to be a kind

Time: 7953.84

of bimodal distribution whereby some

Time: 7955.52

people when they drink caffeine it

Time: 7957.38

really improves their headache and so in

Time: 7959.719

some cases a very significant effects

Time: 7961.28

whereas other people when they drink

Time: 7962.659

caffeine it really exacerbates their

Time: 7964.4

headache and as at least as far as I

Time: 7966.56

could tell from the literature it's not

Time: 7967.94

easy to predict who those people are

Time: 7969.679

going to be what is reassuring however

Time: 7972.079

is it does not seem to be the case that

Time: 7973.94

if you're somebody who experiences

Time: 7976.04

relief from headaches by drinking

Time: 7977.54

caffeine that suddenly

Time: 7978.92

one day to the next you're going to

Time: 7981.199

experience a worsening of your headache

Time: 7982.88

and vice versa is also true so if you're

Time: 7984.98

somebody that drinks caffeine and your

Time: 7986.78

headaches get worse I don't think

Time: 7988.159

there's any reason to think that

Time: 7989.119

caffeine one day or from one day to the

Time: 7991.28

next rather is going to somehow

Time: 7992.659

alleviate your headache so you have to

Time: 7993.98

determine for yourself whether or not

Time: 7995.179

headaches are relieved or exacerbated by

Time: 7997.46

drinking caffeine and if you're

Time: 7998.78

wondering why it's so confusing it's

Time: 7999.98

because caffeine hits both the

Time: 8001.179

vasodilation and the vasoconstriction

Time: 8002.92

Pathways and there's nothing you or I or

Time: 8005.139

anyone else can do about it now the last

Time: 8006.94

thing I'd like to talk about in terms of

Time: 8008.38

relief for headaches is something that

Time: 8010.659

I'm guessing about probably 25 percent

Time: 8013.06

of you are familiar with and 75 percent

Time: 8014.679

of you are not which is curcumin

Time: 8016.84

curcumin is often also referred to as

Time: 8019.239

turmeric and turmeric is a root and

Time: 8022.239

curcumin is one of the key components of

Time: 8024.04

that root curcumin is known to have very

Time: 8027.219

potent anti-inflammatory properties

Time: 8030.159

I don't think that's debated at all in

Time: 8032.32

fact it's so potent as an

Time: 8033.699

anti-inflammatory that some people have

Time: 8035.739

cautioned against taking high levels of

Time: 8038.02

curcumin prior to for instance

Time: 8039.82

resistance training workouts or even

Time: 8041.32

cardiovascular workouts because it so

Time: 8043.659

prevents inflammation that it also can

Time: 8046.119

prevent the adaptation response because

Time: 8048.699

remember the inflammation that occurs

Time: 8050.44

during exercise both resistance and

Time: 8052.3

cardiovascular exercise is at least in

Time: 8055.06


Time: 8056.38

the trigger for the adaptation that it's

Time: 8059.02

going to lead to enhanced endurance

Time: 8060.639

enhanced strength hypertrophy Etc

Time: 8062.219

nonetheless curcumin has been explored

Time: 8064.659

in the context of treatment of migraine

Time: 8066.34

and it's one of the compounds that was

Time: 8068.32

analyzed in extensive detail in this

Time: 8070.719

wonderful review that I mentioned a

Time: 8072.4

little bit earlier what I like about

Time: 8073.9

this study is that they were able to

Time: 8075.28

explore the effects of curcumin as

Time: 8078.04

explored in previous research studies

Time: 8080.02

and compare those across a large range

Time: 8083.5

of different dosages and a large range

Time: 8086.5

of combinations with other things like

Time: 8088.36

coenzyme Q10 which we've talked about on

Time: 8090.159

this podcast before but I think for sake

Time: 8092.38

of this discussion just really focusing

Time: 8094.42

on what curcumin does alone or in

Time: 8098.5

conjunction with the omega-3 fatty acids

Time: 8100.42

is what turns out to be the most

Time: 8101.739

interesting first of all curcumin has

Time: 8103.659

been shown to be generally safe for most

Time: 8105.88

people at dosages as high as 8 000

Time: 8109.3

milligrams per day or eight grams per

Time: 8111.099

day now I want to be very clear I do not

Time: 8113.199

recommend that anyone take dosages of

Time: 8116.02

curcumin an AKA turmeric that are that

Time: 8118.119

high why well

Time: 8120.34

curcumin and turmeric not only are

Time: 8123.219

anti-inflammatory but they also can

Time: 8124.9

impinge on other Pathways in particular

Time: 8126.579

hormonal Pathways and in fact curcumin

Time: 8129.46

AKA turmeric can alter the synthesis of

Time: 8134.8

something called dihydrotestosterone

Time: 8136.5

dihydrotestosterone is involved in an

Time: 8138.34

enormous range of different bodily

Time: 8139.719

functions it's involved in libido it's

Time: 8141.76

involved in Men in beard growth and in

Time: 8144.579

the regulation of a number of different

Time: 8146.56

tissues both in the reproductive axis

Time: 8148.36

and outside the reproductive axis and

Time: 8150.34

curcumin is a potent inhibitor of DHT so

Time: 8154.06

I do want to caution that people who

Time: 8155.679

take high doses of curcumin and some

Time: 8157.42

people who are very sensitive to

Time: 8158.679

curcumin will even at low doses

Time: 8161.139

experience reductions in DHT that lead

Time: 8164.199

to things that they would not like such

Time: 8165.88

as sufficient reductions in libido

Time: 8168.639

however curcumin has been shown to be

Time: 8171.04

effective as an anti-inflammatory and

Time: 8172.9

has been shown to be very effective in

Time: 8175.9

treating different types of headache and

Time: 8177.579

particular migraine headache one of the

Time: 8179.32

ways in which curcumin does that is to

Time: 8181.84

inhibit this thing that I talked about a

Time: 8183.4

few minutes ago which is nitric oxide or

Time: 8185.32

no which causes vasodilation and in

Time: 8188.98

doing that can reduce the feeling that

Time: 8191.5

one has a lot of intracranial pressure

Time: 8193.24

okay so curcumin dosages come in

Time: 8196.599

enormous range as I mentioned before

Time: 8198

dosages that range anywhere from 80

Time: 8200.439

milligrams taken

Time: 8202.24

80 milligrams per day that is taken for

Time: 8205.059

eight weeks time that's been examined

Time: 8206.8

it's been explored at 80 milligram

Time: 8208.24

dosages taken alongside two and a half

Time: 8211.32

grams of omega-3 fatty acids or omega-3

Time: 8215.2

fatty acids alone

Time: 8216.88

and against Placebo and the general

Time: 8219.7

conclusion of these studies is that

Time: 8221.38

curcumin when taken it at dosages of

Time: 8224.26

about 80 milligrams although for those

Time: 8226.359

of you very sensitive to curcumin

Time: 8227.979

probably as low as 25 or even 50

Time: 8230.019

milligrams per day in conjunction with

Time: 8232.479

although not necessarily at the same

Time: 8233.92

time but taken daily alongside

Time: 8237.82

omega-3 fatty acids at two and a half

Time: 8240.16

grams per day led to significant

Time: 8242.5

improvements in migraine and other forms

Time: 8246.219

of headache meaning both the frequency

Time: 8247.96

and the intensity of the headaches that

Time: 8249.82

occurred was greatly reduced one

Time: 8251.92

important point about curcumin to keep

Time: 8253.84

in mind is that curcumin is known to

Time: 8255.76

inhibit something called cytochrome p450

Time: 8258.78

that's associated with an enzymatic

Time: 8261.399

pathway and some other things that

Time: 8262.899

relate to blood coagulation so for

Time: 8265.359

people that are taking medications that

Time: 8267.16

are anticoagulants to prevent clotting

Time: 8269.38

you do need to be very cautious about

Time: 8271.66

using curcumin and of course with

Time: 8273.399

curcumin or any other supplement you

Time: 8275.019

should always talk to your doctor prior

Time: 8276.7

to including it or removing it from your

Time: 8279.219

supplement regimen so as you can see

Time: 8280.96

there are a number of different things

Time: 8282.28

that in addition to prescription drugs

Time: 8285.16

and over-the-counter pain medications

Time: 8287.019

things like non-steroid

Time: 8288.28

anti-inflammatory drugs can really

Time: 8290.62

impact the different aspects of headache

Time: 8293.32

and different types of headache in some

Time: 8295.66

cases differentially now today we talked

Time: 8298.179

mainly about tension type and migraine

Time: 8299.979

type headaches because those are the

Time: 8301.3

most common forms of headache there are

Time: 8303.34

of course the cluster type headaches

Time: 8304.84

that are of neural origin talked about

Time: 8306.639

hormonal headaches and indeed some

Time: 8308.5

treatments such as Omega-3s which have

Time: 8310.479

been shown to be beneficial for

Time: 8311.679

offsetting the menstrual related

Time: 8313.84

headaches now in the context of the

Time: 8315.82

discussion about Omega-3s keep in mind

Time: 8318.34

that Omega-3s can be obtained from

Time: 8320.32

supplementation or from nutrition so you

Time: 8322.96

don't necessarily have to take omega-3

Time: 8324.939

capsules or liquid form Omega-3s if you

Time: 8327.939

want to use Omega-3s to Target different

Time: 8329.979

symptoms of headache but that probably

Time: 8332.26

is going to be the most efficient way to

Time: 8333.76

do it given that many foods do contain

Time: 8336.76

Omega threes but it's hard to get above

Time: 8338.74

that one gram dosage and in fact most of

Time: 8342.46

the studies that we talked about today

Time: 8343.599

involved getting two or even two and a

Time: 8346.96

half or in some cases on this podcast

Time: 8348.399

with previous guests such as Dr Rhonda

Time: 8350.38

Patrick she talked about the advantages

Time: 8351.88

of getting as high as three grams of

Time: 8353.8

Omega-3s per day which almost with

Time: 8356.26

certainty is going to require some

Time: 8357.88

external form of supplementation even

Time: 8359.8

for those of you that are making a point

Time: 8361.54

to eat fatty ocean fish with the skin on

Time: 8364

so I just want to make sure that I

Time: 8365.8

highlight that before we wrap up I can't

Time: 8368.139

help myself but to talk about something

Time: 8370.179

that I heard about on the news several

Time: 8371.74

years ago and it sounded too outrageous

Time: 8373.3

to be true but then was confirmed as

Time: 8375.88

accurate by one of my neurologist

Time: 8377.26

colleagues that's the fact that eating

Time: 8379.479

certain very spicy peppers can induce

Time: 8382.96

headache and in some cases can induce

Time: 8385.84

brain damage and bear with me here I'm

Time: 8388.78

not talking about your traditional

Time: 8390.34

jalapeno and I'm acknowledging the fact

Time: 8392.68

that certain people can tolerate far

Time: 8395.5

more spicy taste case then do others

Time: 8398.62

some people are very sensitive to spicy

Time: 8400.3

some people can tolerate very spicy food

Time: 8402.04

and that one can build up a tolerance to

Time: 8404.08

spicy food by ingesting progressively

Time: 8406.18

your spicy or excuse me spicy or and

Time: 8408.7

spicier Foods over time

Time: 8410.68

nonetheless there are these Pepper

Time: 8412.54

eating contests out there that um while

Time: 8415.78

not very common do exist and people

Time: 8417.52

challenge each other to eat peppers of

Time: 8420.16

um extreme spiciness and there's one in

Time: 8422.02

particular that's referred to as the

Time: 8424.12

Carolina Reaper by the way that's not a

Time: 8425.74

person as far as I know that's a pepper

Time: 8428.14

the Carolina Reaper which is known to

Time: 8430.3

have the most potent spice of any pepper

Time: 8433

and here's why you would not want to eat

Time: 8434.8

the Carolina Reaper a few years ago at

Time: 8437.02

one of these Pepper eating contests man

Time: 8439.3

ate a Carolina Reaper as part of the

Time: 8442.06

competition and suddenly experience

Time: 8444.399

what's called Thunderclap headache

Time: 8445.899

Thunderclap headache is a unique type of

Time: 8448.42

headache very different from all the

Time: 8450.16

other types of headaches it is not from

Time: 8452.5

the surface in so it's not tension

Time: 8454.42

headache it's not even the cluster type

Time: 8456.819

headache of the nerve activation of the

Time: 8458.8

trigeminal it's actually a hyper

Time: 8461.979

constriction of the vasculature in the

Time: 8463.84

brain caused by the ingestion of the

Time: 8466.3

pepper and inflammatory response and

Time: 8468.76

remember that heat and spicy go together

Time: 8471.34

in these neural Pathways and a bunch of

Time: 8474.04

different heat related and spice related

Time: 8476.62

Pathways get activated simultaneously

Time: 8478.899

when one ingests something of extreme

Time: 8480.52

spice and the blood vessels and indeed

Time: 8483.88

some of the smaller arteries feeding

Time: 8486.34

neural tissue shut down and he

Time: 8488.439

experienced this Thunderclap headache

Time: 8489.88

which is a brutal headache and sadly in

Time: 8492.28

his case um permanent brain damage so

Time: 8494.38

loss of neuronal tissue because neuronal

Time: 8496.359

tissue is very metabolically active you

Time: 8497.859

cut off the blood supply to that tissue

Time: 8499.42

Not only would you feel miserable maybe

Time: 8502.479

even pass out but lose vision and

Time: 8505.54

certain brain areas will actually die

Time: 8506.859

off in the absence of blood flow to

Time: 8509.5

those areas we know this more commonly

Time: 8512.62

as stroke so I don't want to strike fear

Time: 8516.46

in anybody about eating a you know a

Time: 8518.5

jalapeno or even a very spicy meal from

Time: 8521.38

time to time but if you're not somebody

Time: 8522.88

who's familiar with eating very spicy

Time: 8525.1

foods you certainly don't want to enter

Time: 8526.96

one of these competitions and just

Time: 8529.18

realize that the pathways from Menthol

Time: 8532.359

and cool or spicy and hot those aren't

Time: 8535.12

just subjective Pathways these are

Time: 8536.979

actually neural Pathways that again

Time: 8538.84

originate in our so-called nerds call it

Time: 8541.42

the sensory epithelium so our skin our

Time: 8543.76

our hearing our eyes and that feed that

Time: 8547.66

information into the body to make use of

Time: 8550.66

that information some case motor

Time: 8551.92

movement so sensory motor in other cases

Time: 8554.22

the information can be fed through nerve

Time: 8556.96

Pathways that goes to the vasculature

Time: 8559.12

and causes the vasculature to either

Time: 8560.56

dilate or constrict these very spicy

Time: 8562.78

peppers causing as I just mentioned

Time: 8564.28

extreme cerebro of of the head of

Time: 8567.28

vasoconstriction and brain damage again

Time: 8569.439

that's not going to be a common thing

Time: 8571.66

out there but nonetheless I encourage

Time: 8574.42

people to be very cautious about the

Time: 8576.58

Carolina Reaper so today we talked about

Time: 8578.56

headaches and first we highlighted the

Time: 8581.26

different types of headache making it

Time: 8583.12

clear that understanding which headache

Time: 8585.1

you might be experiencing

Time: 8586.96

can be very beneficial for understanding

Time: 8588.939

which sorts of treatments ought to be

Time: 8591.04

best and perhaps also best avoided in

Time: 8594.22

trying to alleviate those headaches or

Time: 8596.26

prevent them from happening at all we

Time: 8598.18

talked about tension headaches migraine

Time: 8599.74

headaches hormone-based headaches

Time: 8601

cluster headaches and traumatic brain

Time: 8603.28

injury related headaches we talked about

Time: 8605.2

different types of treatments ranging

Time: 8606.939

from creatine to omega-3 fatty acid

Time: 8609.819

supplementation some herbal and indeed

Time: 8611.979

some essential oil treatments as well as

Time: 8614.02

acupuncture all of which have been shown

Time: 8616.42

to have significant impact in reducing

Time: 8618.7

the frequency and intensity of headaches

Time: 8620.439

and in many cases reductions in the

Time: 8622.78

frequency and intensity of headaches

Time: 8624.28

that are at least as great as the

Time: 8626.62

results they're seen with non-steroid

Time: 8628.12

anti-inflammatory drugs again I want to

Time: 8630.52

highlight that none of these approaches

Time: 8632.26

are necessarily designed to be done on

Time: 8634.72

their own or in replacement of

Time: 8636.399

prescription drugs from your physician

Time: 8637.78

there are excellent prescription drugs

Time: 8639.399

out there that your physician can

Time: 8640.66

prescribe for you for the treatment of

Time: 8642.28

headache nonetheless I think many people

Time: 8644.26

who are listeners of this podcast are

Time: 8646.24

interested in the things that they can

Time: 8647.56

do in order to inoculate themselves or

Time: 8650.74

at least reduce the likelihood of

Time: 8652.54

experiencing headache especially for

Time: 8654.04

people who are experiencing chronic

Time: 8656.56

recurring headaches such as migraine or

Time: 8659.02

the other forms of headache which can be

Time: 8660.399

so debilitating thank you for joining me

Time: 8662.38

for today's discussion if you're

Time: 8664.12

learning from and or enjoying this

Time: 8665.5

podcast please subscribe to our YouTube

Time: 8667.359

channel that's the best zero cost way to

Time: 8669.46

support us in addition please subscribe

Time: 8671.56

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Time: 8673.899

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Time: 8675.46

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Time: 8677.74

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Time: 8679.24

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Time: 8680.74

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Time: 8682.06

please put all of that in the comments

Time: 8684.22

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Time: 8686.2

comments in addition please check out

Time: 8687.819

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Time: 8689.14

and throughout today's episode that's

Time: 8690.76

the best way to support this podcast if

Time: 8693.22

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Time: 8694.42

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Time: 8696.399

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Time: 8698.319

and on both Instagram and Twitter I

Time: 8700.84

cover science and science related tools

Time: 8702.52

some of which overlap with the content

Time: 8704.26

of the huberman Lab podcast but much of

Time: 8705.819

which is distinct from the content of

Time: 8707.68

the huberman Lab podcast so again it's

Time: 8709.479

huberman lab on Instagram Twitter

Time: 8710.92

Facebook and Linkedin during today's

Time: 8712.84

episode and on many previous episodes of

Time: 8714.64

The huberman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 8716.439

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 8717.88

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 8719.68

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 8721.66

things like improving sleep hormone

Time: 8723.7

support and focus huberman Lab podcast

Time: 8725.979

has partnered with momentous supplements

Time: 8727.72

because momentous supplements are of the

Time: 8729.399

very highest quality and they include

Time: 8731.859

single ingredient formulations this is

Time: 8733.84

very important as I pointed out in the

Time: 8735.819

episode about a rational approach to

Time: 8737.38

supplementation single ingredient

Time: 8738.88

formulations allow you to develop the

Time: 8741.1

most biologically effective and

Time: 8742.6

cost-effective approach to

Time: 8743.859

supplementation in addition momentous

Time: 8746.08

ships internationally which is important

Time: 8747.819

because I realize that many of you

Time: 8749.439

reside outside of the United States if

Time: 8751.359

you'd like to see the supplements

Time: 8752.5

described on this and other episodes of

Time: 8753.939

The huberman Lab podcast you can go to

Time: 8755.74

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Time: 8757.54 huberman

Time: 8760

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Time: 8761.56

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Time: 8763.12

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Time: 8764.859

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Time: 8766.96

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Time: 8769.24

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Time: 8770.859

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Time: 8772.899

exposure and heat exposure for health

Time: 8774.46

and performance Focus dopamine

Time: 8776.859

regulation and much more in order to

Time: 8778.54

sign up for the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 8779.74

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Time: 8781.479

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Time: 8784.42

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Time: 8785.979

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Time: 8787.6

anybody and again it is completely zero

Time: 8789.939

cost thank you once again for joining me

Time: 8791.92

for today's discussion all about the

Time: 8793.66

science and treatment of headaches and

Time: 8795.7

last but certainly not least thank you

Time: 8797.92

for your interest in science

Time: 8799.39


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