How to Prevent & Treat Colds & Flu

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today we are discussing colds

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and flu we will talk about what a cold

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really is and what a flu really is in

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terms of how they impact your brain and

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body and of course we will discuss how

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to avoid getting colds and flu there are

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indeed some excellent science supported

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techniques to avoid getting colds and

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flu but of course it is impossible to

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completely avoid ever getting a colder

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flu in your lifetime so we also discuss

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how to more quickly get over a colder

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flu should you happen to catch one so

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during today's discussion I'll talk

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about the immune system I'll give you

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some mechanistic understanding of how

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your immune system works and I promise

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to make that discussion accessible to

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everybody regardless of whether or not

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you have a background in biology and

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with that understanding of how your

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immune system works you will be in in a

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much better position to understand which

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tools that is which protocols to

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implement should you be exposed to a

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colder flu or if you are trying to get

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over a cold or flu more quickly than you

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would otherwise you'll learn about some

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potent behavioral tools for bolstering

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your immune system and we will also

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discuss various compounds that you might

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consider taking to enhance the function

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of your immune system to ward off or

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treat colds and flu I will also be

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dispelling a number of common myths

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about treatments for the common cold C

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and for the flu there are oh so many

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ideas out there about what one could

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take or do in order to avoid getting the

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colder flu or more quickly get relief

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from a colder flu however many of those

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are pure myth there's just no sence to

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support them and indeed there's some

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science that counters those ideas but

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the good news is there are indeed

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science suppored behavioral protocols

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and compounds that one could consider in

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order to avoid and treat colds and flu

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before we begin I'd like to emphas ize

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that this podcast is separate from my

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teaching and research roles at Stanford

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it is however part of my desire and

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effort to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme I'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is ju ju makes medical

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grade red light therapy devices now if

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there's one thing I've consistently

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emphasized on this podcast is the

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incredible role that light can have on

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our biology and of course I'm always

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telling people that they should get some

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sunlight in their eyes as soon as

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possible after waking on as many days of

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their life as possible for sake of

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setting circadian rhythm daytime mood

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focus and alertness and improve sleep

Time: 159.12

now in addition to sunlight red light

Time: 161.44

and nearin red light has been shown to

Time: 163.28

have positive effects on improving

Time: 164.72

numerous aspects of cellular and organ

Time: 166.76

Health including faster Muscle Recovery

Time: 169.84

improved skin health and wound healing

Time: 171.959

even improvements in acne or that is

Time: 174.12

removal of acne reducing pain and

Time: 176.519

inflammation improving mitochondrial

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function and even improving Vision

Time: 181.239

itself what sets ju apart and why it's

Time: 183.56

my preferred red light therapy device is

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that it has clinically proven

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wavelengths meaning it uses specific

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wavelengths of red light and near

Time: 191.2

infrared light in combination that

Time: 193.319

trigger the optimal seller adaptations

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personally I use the handheld ju every

Time: 197.92

day the handheld ju is about the size of

Time: 199.44

a thick piece of toast and I also own a

Time: 201.799

ju panel that allows for full body

Time: 203.4

exposure and I use that one

Time: 205.159

approximately five times per week for

Time: 207.28

about 10 to 15 minutes per session if

Time: 209.36

you'd like to try ju you can go to ju

Time: 211.56


Time: 213.4 huberman again that's

Time: 217.08

huberman for this month only January

Time: 220.08

2024 juv is offering exclusive discounts

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to huberman lab listeners with up to

Time: 225.239

$500 off select ju products again that's

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ju spell

Time: 229.68 huberman to get up to $500 off

Time: 233.48

select ju products today's episode is

Time: 235.879

also brought To Us by Helix sleep Helix

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sleep makes mattresses and pillows CL

Time: 239.92

that are tailored to your unique sleep

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needs now sleep is the foundation of

Time: 244.439

mental health physical health and

Time: 245.72

performance when we are sleeping well

Time: 247.72

and enough mental health physical health

Time: 249.68

and performance all stand to be at their

Time: 251.799

best one of the key things to getting a

Time: 253.319

great night's sleep is to make sure that

Time: 254.68

your mattress is tailored to your unique

Time: 256.959

sleep needs Helix sleep has a brief

Time: 259.199

two-minute quiz that if you go to their

Time: 260.759

website you take that quiz and answer

Time: 262.639

questions such as do you tend to sleep

Time: 264.44

on your back your side or your stomach

Time: 265.8

do you tend to run hot or cold in the

Time: 267.72

middle of the night maybe you don't know

Time: 268.919

the answers to those questions and

Time: 270.44

that's fine at the end of that

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two-minute quiz they will match you to a

Time: 273.88

mattress that's ideal for your sleep

Time: 275.6

needs I sleep on the dusk D mattress and

Time: 279.12

when I started sleeping on a dusk

Time: 280.36

mattress about 2 years ago my sleep

Time: 282.479

immediately improved so if you're

Time: 283.84

interested in upgrading your mattress go

Time: 285.479


Time: 286.759

huberman take their two-minute sleep

Time: 288.72

quiz and they'll match you to a

Time: 289.759

customized mattress for you and you'll

Time: 291.639

get up to $350 off any mattress order

Time: 294.36

and two free pillows again if interested

Time: 297.039

go to huberman for up to

Time: 299.56

$350 off and two free pillows today's

Time: 302.639

episode is also brought To Us by Roa Roa

Time: 305.36

makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are

Time: 307.32

the absolute highest quality I've spent

Time: 309.56

a lifetime working on the biology the

Time: 311.12

visual system and I can tell you that

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your visual system has to contend with

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an enormous number of challenges in

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order for you to be able to see clearly

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Roa understands those challenges and has

Time: 320

designed their eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 321.8

accordingly so that you always see with

Time: 323.919

Crystal Clarity Roa eyeglasses and

Time: 325.88

sunglasses are designed with a new

Time: 327.52

technology called float fit which allows

Time: 329.88

them to fit perfectly and not move

Time: 331.72

around even when you're active in fact

Time: 333.84

whenever I'm wearing my Roa eyeglasses

Time: 335.319

or sunglasses I usually forget that I'm

Time: 337

wearing them I happen to wear Roa

Time: 338.72

eyeglasses at night when I drive or if

Time: 340.6

I'm reading at night and I wear Roa

Time: 342.6

sunglasses during the daytime if it's

Time: 344.56

very bright especially if I'm driving

Time: 346

into sunlight if you'd like to try Roa

Time: 347.759

eyeglasses or sunglasses you can go to

Time: 349.639 that's

Time: 351.6 and enter the code huberman for

Time: 354.24

20% off your first order again that's

Time: 357.16 and enter the code huberman at

Time: 359.8

checkout okay let's talk about the

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common cold first off no unfortunately

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today I cannot tell you the cure for the

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common cold because indeed there isn't

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one one interesting question however is

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why don't we have a cur for the common

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cold and the reason is that the cold

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virus as it's referred to is actually a

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bunch of different viruses some colds

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are caused by one what's called serotype

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of the virus other colds are caused by a

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different serotype of the virus there

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are over 160 different types of what

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people call the cold virus now cold

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viruses fall under an umbrella of a

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general category of viruses called Rhino

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viruses you can remember that easily

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because rhino sounds like Rhino horn the

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rhinoceros horn which is of course in

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the center of the Rhino's face which is

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where your nose is and the cold almost

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always causes some degree of nasal

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symptoms in humans it's either runny

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nose or sneezing or stuffed up nose or

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sometimes unfortunately all three now

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the reason we don't have a cure for the

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common cold is that all of those

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different serotypes of the cold virus

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mean that the virus itself has a

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different shape on its outside and as a

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consequence even if you've been exposed

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to a cold and you've developed

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antibodies against that cold virus the

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next cold that comes along very likely

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has a different shape and therefore your

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body's antibodies to the cold virus it

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combed successfully before can't latch

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onto and defeat that next different

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serotype of the cold virus now a little

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later I'll talk about the immune system

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and how those different antibodies are

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generated but for the time being

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understanding that there are a lot of

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different types of cold viruses explains

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first of all why we don't have a cure

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for the common cold but also why you can

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get multiple colds within a given year

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or even within a given season because

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even if you develop antibodies against

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one serotype of the cold virus a

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different serotype can come along and

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you can get sick again with that new

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serotype of the cold virus so how do you

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catch a cold now one of the problems

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with the cold virus being called the

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cold virus and the fact that indeed

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there are more cold viruses present and

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transmitted between humans in the cold

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winter months of the year is that people

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generally assume that it is the cold

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temperatures outside that actually give

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you a cold virus and that is simply not

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true however what you heard as a kid if

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your mom most likely but maybe your dad

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said hey don't go outside without a

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sweater or jacket on you're going to

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catch a cold or you're going to catch

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cold you know has ated this uh this myth

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that the cold temperatures themselves

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are the cause of catching a cold virus

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and that's simply not true the virus

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that we call the cold virus is spread by

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breathing or by sneezing or by people

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sneezing or coughing or breathing onto

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their hands and then touching surfaces

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and then other people touching those

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surfaces and then touching most likely

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their eyes in order to self- infect now

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we're going to get into the details of

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how far the virus can spread with a

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sneeze how long it can survive on the

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hands Etc but for the time being know

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this the cold virus is a pretty stable

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virus in that it can survive on surfaces

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nonhuman or human surfaces meaning skin

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or on a table or on a glass or on a door

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handle for up to 24 hours so for all you

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hypochondriacs out there I probably just

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gave you a little spike in cortisol and

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for you non- hypochondriacs I hope what

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I just said cues you to the fact that

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just avoiding people who are sneezing

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and coughing is not sufficient to avoid

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getting colds and flu However the fact

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that a cold virus is Alive and Well on a

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given surface let's say on a door handle

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does not mean that if you touch that

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door handle that you will necessarily be

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infected with that cold virus and that's

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because your skin actually provides an

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excellent barrier against most viruses

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and bacteria your skin also includes a

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lot of antiviral substances on it even

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if you haven't put any of that you know

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alcohol stuff or the hand sanitizer

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stuff on your skin is a very important

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barrier component of your immune system

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we're going to talk about that a little

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bit later but if somebody has a cold and

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they happen to perhaps you know wipe

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their nose or sneeze into a tissue

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hopefully into a tissue and then discard

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tissue the cold virus particles are

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extremely small how small well most of

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us are familiar with thinking about

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centimeters or inches if you think about

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a millimeter being 1/ 100th of a cmet

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well you can take a millimeter and you

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can divide that up into a bunch of

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little slices also such that you get the

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Micron the Micron is 1

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1,000th of a centimeter and if you want

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to get a sense of how thick or thin that

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is the side of a credit card the little

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thin side of a credit card is about 200

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microns thick so if you set your credit

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card flat on a table and then you look

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at it from the side that tiny tiny thin

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little Edge that's about 200 microns the

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cold virus is made up of particles that

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are probably in the range of about five

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microns or so so it's extremely small I

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mean the cold virus therefore with a

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good sneeze or even a light sneeze can

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spread really far now the good news is

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those particles are relatively heavy

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they don't tend to mist about in the air

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for very long they tend to fall down

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onto the ground or onto surfaces but as

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I mentioned before they can survive for

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a very long time on those surfaces so

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should you touch your hand to a door

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handle or table or shake the hand of

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somebody that has cold virus on their

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hands either because they themselves

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have a cold or they contacted somebody

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else had cold virus and it somehow

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landed on their hands just cu the other

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person sneeze all these scenarios are

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realistic that cold virus will not

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infect you unless it can get inside of

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your body and one of the primary entry

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points of it getting inside your body is

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via the Eyes by wiping that cold virus

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on your eyes now you may think okay I'm

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just not going to touch my eyes but a

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little bit later we're going to talk

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about a study that shows that almost

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always indeed almost always when you

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meet somebody new you touch your eyes

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and the frequency of people touching

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their face that is the region of the

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face around the eyes and their eyes

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throughout the day is extremely high so

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this is one of the primary routes by

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which the cold virus is transmitted from

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one person to the next but of course

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there's also the route that we're all

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familiar with which is the person that

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is sneezing or coughing or blowing their

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nose into tissues and then throwing them

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in the trash and not washing their hands

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after each and every time they do that

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so an important aspect of today's

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discussion that we will get into once I

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also present to you what a flu is and

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how it differs from the cold is that

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we're going to need to talk about what

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stage of infection people are actually

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contagious with the colder flu and

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there's actually a lot of Mythology

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about this in fact there's a lot of just

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lying about this people will be coughing

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or sneezing and they'll say oh yeah I'm

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not contagious any longer or people make

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up these things like oh you know if you

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had the flu for 2 days then you're no

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longer contagious or that you can't be

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contagious until you have symptoms so

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we're going to go through all the

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aspects of contagion and how coughing or

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sneezing or how long you've had a cold

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or flu actually relates to whether or

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not you're contagious in a little bit

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but for the time being know that the

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cold virus is very very small it can be

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transmitted through the air it can be

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transmitted via contact from skin to-

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skinin contact and it can survive on

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surfaces for up to 24 hours and when you

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touch those surfaces or a person with

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the cold virus most often the way it's

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going to get into your body and infect

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you such that you get a cold is by

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touching your eye region although

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touching other regions of your body can

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also pass the cold virus into you for

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instance the mouth and lips but that's

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actually far less common so we'll get

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into that in just a little bit now

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different serotypes that is different

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types of cold virus tend to create a

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different array of overall symptoms such

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that you know one cold might be a really

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quote unquote bad cold others are more

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mild some tend to induce more runny nose

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others more stuffy head and a little bit

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of a fever or in some cases a lot of

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fever one thing that's important to

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understand is that if people are going

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to be infected by the cold virus they

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tend to develop symptoms one to two days

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after they were exposed to the virus now

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the good news is if you are exposed to

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the cold virus that doesn't necessarily

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mean that you are going to catch that

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cold virus that is if your immune system

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can fight off that cold even if you've

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never been exposed to that serotype

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before then you won't actually have that

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cold and you won't transmit it so put

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differently it is is possible to avoid

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getting a cold virus even if you've

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never been exposed to that serotype of

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cold virus and you happen to come into

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contact with somebody who has that

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serotype of cold virus or you touch a

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surface of some object door handle Etc

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that has particular serotype of the cold

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virus on it and God forbid you then wipe

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your eyes that doesn't necessarily mean

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that you're going to get sick and a good

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portion of today's episode is going to

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focus on tools that are supported by

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science that allow you to bolster your

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immune system and greatly increase the

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probability that even if you're exposed

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to a novel serotype of the cold virus

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that is one that's new to you that your

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body's never seen before that you won't

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get sick another thing to understand

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about the cold virus is that you're

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generally most contagious to other

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people when you feel at your worst that

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is when you're coughing and sneezing and

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you got the stuffy head watery eyes and

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so on but you can also be contagious to

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other people when you are starting to

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feel better that said most of the data

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point to the fact that about 5 to 6 days

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after you hit your peak of worst

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symptoms or I guess we should say your

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Nader the dip of worst symptoms because

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it's such an awful state to be in you

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are probably exiting the phase in which

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you're contagious now I want to be very

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clear that does not mean that if you've

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had a cold for five or six days that you

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are no longer contagious if you continue

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to experience sneezing and coughing

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watery eyes in the evening you're

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feeling much worse first thing in the

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morning you're feeling especially groggy

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Etc well then you are still contagious

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another way to frame this is you know

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those people that continue to show up at

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the gym and show up at work and they

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tell you yeah I got this cold but I've

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had it for a few days I'm no longer

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contagious and they're wiping their eyes

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and they're blowing their nose frankly

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they don't know what they're talking

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about they are basically a walking

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talking breathing sneezing coughing cold

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virus Vector a vector is a route for

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passage of a virus so please if you are

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sneezing if you are coughing if you are

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still experiencing the symptoms of a

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cold stay home stay away from other

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people as much as possible and I realize

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that some people simply cannot avoid

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going to work or cannot avoid

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interacting with other family members or

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other people if they have the cold virus

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but this mythology that if we've had a

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cold for a few days and we're starting

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to feel better but we're still

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exhibiting symptoms that we're not

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contagious that is pure myth it's simply

Time: 1011.04

not grounded in fact now there's nothing

Time: 1013.72

that could be done about that first day

Time: 1015.68

or two after which we're exposed to a

Time: 1017.24

cold virus where we are not not

Time: 1018.72

experiencing symptoms and it's quite

Time: 1021.6

possible to pass the cold virus on to

Time: 1023.24

other people but I think that every

Time: 1025.36

workplace every home environment every

Time: 1027.199

gym every society would benefit greatly

Time: 1030.079

if people who were sick with the cold

Time: 1032.28

did not expose other people to that cold

Time: 1034.72

virus as much as possible and indeed

Time: 1036.919

this is a serious issue it's not just

Time: 1038.36

about a few sniffles and watery eyes

Time: 1040.36

there's an enormous financial and mental

Time: 1042.72

health cost and physical health cost to

Time: 1044.88

people getting the cold and it's not

Time: 1046.64

just about people who are immune

Time: 1047.72

compromised or elderly people what we're

Time: 1049.84

generally referring to as the cold today

Time: 1052.44

can be mild it can be moderate it can

Time: 1054.6

also be very severe and it can

Time: 1056.24

exacerbate other health issues that

Time: 1058.039

people have and we'll talk about that a

Time: 1059.28

little bit later and how to offset some

Time: 1061.4

of those health issues okay so now let's

Time: 1063.52

talk about the flu virus the flu virus

Time: 1065.44

is as I mentioned a virus and just like

Time: 1068.64

with the cold there are different

Time: 1070.16

serotypes of the flu virus there are

Time: 1072.24

also different General categories of flu

Time: 1074.4

virus so you've got your a type flu

Time: 1077.159

viruses your B type type flu viruses and

Time: 1079.36

your C type flu viruses and by the way

Time: 1081.559

I'm saying flu viruses but of course I'm

Time: 1083.4

referring to influenza but it's just

Time: 1086.44

kind of Common Place nowadays to refer

Time: 1088.32

to influenza as the flu similar to cold

Time: 1091.679

viruses the different types of flu

Time: 1093.76

viruses exist based on the different

Time: 1096.44

types of proteins that they express on

Time: 1098.12

their surface in fact in the news over

Time: 1100.24

the last few years there have been a

Time: 1102.08

number of different flu virus strains

Time: 1104.159

that have been described according to

Time: 1106.76

their surface protein character istics

Time: 1109.08

things like the H1N1 virus what is H1N1

Time: 1113.559

H1N1 describes the different types of

Time: 1115.919

proteins that are expressed on the

Time: 1117.48

surface of that particular flu virus now

Time: 1120.159

the most common type of flu viruses are

Time: 1121.799

in that a category of flu this is the

Time: 1124.6

type of flu that caused the Spanish flu

Time: 1126.84

now the Spanish Flu which by the way did

Time: 1128.919

not originate in Spain people think it

Time: 1130.799

probably originated in New York or

Time: 1132.799

perhaps elsewhere but certainly not in

Time: 1134.96

Spain killed anywhere from 17 to 50

Time: 1138

million people depending on which

Time: 1140.159

literature you read that's an enormous

Time: 1142.24

number of people and it occurred in four

Time: 1144.52

different waves of infection that

Time: 1147.28

occurred between the years 1918 and 1920

Time: 1150.72

the Spanish Flu was a type A H1N1 virus

Time: 1154.36

and actually it's worth noting that this

Time: 1156.44

winter season there have been some cases

Time: 1158.12

of H1N1 already reported in the United

Time: 1160.64

States and elsewhere now of course the

Time: 1162.76

goal is always to contain the

Time: 1164.96

propagation of those flu viruses and

Time: 1167.64

that is done through a number of

Time: 1168.919

different approaches the best and most

Time: 1171.36

reliable approach of course is to not

Time: 1173.4

come into contact with somebody that is

Time: 1175.36

carrying the H1N1 or any other type of

Time: 1177.96

flu virus however based on the way that

Time: 1181.4

the flu virus infects the body the way

Time: 1183.28

that the symptoms emerge and the ways

Time: 1185.2

that viruses propagate that can't always

Time: 1187.88

be avoided one thing to know and I

Time: 1190.039

consider this a fortunate aspect of flu

Time: 1192

virus biology is that the flu virus

Time: 1194.52

unlike the cold virus can only exist on

Time: 1197.4

surfaces for for about 2 hours after

Time: 1200.08

about 2 hours it tends to die off so the

Time: 1202.36

flu virus is most typically passed by

Time: 1204.52

human human contact or coming into

Time: 1206.6

contact that is walking into a cloud of

Time: 1208.64

somebody's sneeze that contains flu

Time: 1210.48

virus or somebody's cough that contains

Time: 1212.679

flu virus and yes it is possible that

Time: 1215.76

shaking someone's hand could actually

Time: 1217.84

introduce flu virus to your hand and

Time: 1219.799

then if you wipe your eyes or I'll talk

Time: 1222.2

about a few other portals of entry for

Time: 1223.84

the flu virus and cold virus in a few

Time: 1225.36

minutes can get into your body and

Time: 1227.28

infect you and yet you can pick up the

Time: 1229.12

flu virus from surfaces however that is

Time: 1231.32

far less common than the flu virus

Time: 1233.36

passing from human human contact now

Time: 1235.72

there aren't as many different types of

Time: 1237.44

flu virus as there are types of cold

Time: 1239.44

virus and that's why there have been

Time: 1241.28

attempts at making flu vaccines or

Time: 1243.48

so-called flu shots I think most people

Time: 1246.039

are familiar with the signs and

Time: 1247.28

advertisements online and in the

Time: 1248.76

workplace and school saying you know get

Time: 1250.6

your flu shot this season the reason

Time: 1252.679

that flu shots can exist at all is

Time: 1254.64

because there are limited enough types

Time: 1257.039

of flu virus present in a given year

Time: 1260.12

that specific vaccines that is flu shots

Time: 1263.28

can be generated against that particular

Time: 1265.72

strain of the flu virus so how effective

Time: 1268.32

is the flu shot and I want to be very

Time: 1270.6

specific here when we say the flu shot

Time: 1273

singular it sort of implies that there's

Time: 1274.88

one flu shot that can combat all the

Time: 1277.2

different types of flu and as you just

Time: 1278.799

learned that is not the case so we

Time: 1281.2

probably should be saying the flu shots

Time: 1283.52

but just for sake of Simplicity when I

Time: 1285.279

say the flu shot I mean the flu shot

Time: 1287.76

that's given in a given flu season that

Time: 1290.32

is directed at specific strains of the

Time: 1292.679

flu because researchers have determined

Time: 1294.799

that that particular strain of flu or

Time: 1297.2

strains of flu are the ones that are

Time: 1299.48

most abundant for that particular flu

Time: 1301.64

season Studies have shown that getting

Time: 1303.44

the flu shot reduces one's risk of

Time: 1305.76

Contracting the particular flu that is

Time: 1307.96

most abundant That season by about 40 to

Time: 1310.96

60% but of course the flu shot is

Time: 1313.24

completely ineffective at combating any

Time: 1315.76

other forms of the flu virus and of

Time: 1317.52

course colds or other types of upper

Time: 1319.48

respiratory infections Studies have also

Time: 1321.52

shown that taking the flu shot can

Time: 1323.4

reduce the severity of one's symptoms if

Time: 1325.64

they in fact get the flu anyway now

Time: 1328.24

personally I don't typically get the flu

Time: 1330.48

shot and the reason for that is that I

Time: 1332.48

don't tend to go into environments where

Time: 1334.4

I am particularly susceptible to getting

Time: 1336.32

the flu I don't work in a hospital or

Time: 1338.44

clinic I don't tend to interact with

Time: 1340.24

large numbers of people on a daily basis

Time: 1342.6

so for me I've opted not to get the flu

Time: 1344.88

shot now that doesn't mean that I've

Time: 1346.279

never contracted the flu as I mentioned

Time: 1348.64

earlier I tend to get sick with a cold

Time: 1350.919

or flu about once every 18 to 24 months

Time: 1354.24

and the severity of that cold or flu has

Time: 1356.32

ranged from you know at one point a very

Time: 1358.48

high fever in one case but typically a

Time: 1360.84

moderate fever and the usual symptoms of

Time: 1363.039

malaise that we've been discussing and

Time: 1365.039

I've managed to get over those without

Time: 1366.72

having taken the flu shop pretty easily

Time: 1368.799

now of course we also don't know that

Time: 1370.919

those were actually flu despite the

Time: 1373.08

distinct differences between the

Time: 1374.2

symptoms of Cold and Flu most people

Time: 1376.799

don't really know whether or not they

Time: 1378.159

have a cold or flu so this is another

Time: 1380.36

thing to think about when considering

Time: 1381.84

whether or not to get the flu shot

Time: 1383.559

ultimately because at least to my

Time: 1385.559

knowledge most workplaces do not mandate

Time: 1387.799

that people get the flu shot I could be

Time: 1389.36

wrong about certain workplaces but my

Time: 1391.76

experience is that most workplaces do

Time: 1393.36

not mandate that people get the flu shot

Time: 1395.84

when you take the flu shot you're really

Time: 1397.24

hedging a bet you're hedging a bet

Time: 1398.88

against the fact that you will be or not

Time: 1400.88

be exposed to that particular strain of

Time: 1403.919

flu virus that's most abundant That

Time: 1405.6

season or strains of flu virus that are

Time: 1408

most abundant That season and that the

Time: 1409.799

flu shot that you're taking is directed

Time: 1412

at those particular strains so again in

Time: 1414.72

my case I don't tend to take the flu

Time: 1416.12

shot but of course you need to make the

Time: 1417.64

decision that's right for you for

Time: 1419.52

instance if you have family members that

Time: 1421.2

are immune compromised or you work in a

Time: 1423.48

school or you think that you are exposed

Time: 1425.679

to a lot of flu or you're concerned

Time: 1427.72

about transmitting flu to any one

Time: 1429.799

individual or group of individuals those

Time: 1431.72

are all things that need to be taken

Time: 1433.08

into consideration and of course speak

Time: 1435.24

to your physician I will also say this

Time: 1437.48

which is that I mentioned that I've

Time: 1438.919

tended to catch colds or flu at a rate

Time: 1440.96

of about once every 18 to 24 months and

Time: 1443.96

when I say a cold or flu I mean a

Time: 1445.84

serious one one that keeps me in bed

Time: 1447.4

where I have a fever and I'm sweating

Time: 1449

what I have done and I continue to do is

Time: 1451.279

because I pay pretty close attention to

Time: 1454.4

how well I'm sleeping or different life

Time: 1456.039

events my different workouts Etc and I

Time: 1458.24

put those into my calendar and I have a

Time: 1459.64

short hand to do that so it only takes

Time: 1461.2

about 30 seconds each day okay did this

Time: 1463.12

work out it was kind of level seven out

Time: 1464.6

of 10 intensity got good sleep last

Time: 1466.84

night or poor sleep in know what good in

Time: 1468.72

poor sleep is for me I mean that's about

Time: 1470.6

the level that I'm charting these things

Time: 1472.32

I have been able to go back and look at

Time: 1474.559

the events preceding when I've come down

Time: 1476.64

with a cold or flu again I don't know

Time: 1478.24

whether or not it was a cold or a flu

Time: 1479.559

but before I got sick and I have seen

Time: 1482.32

for instance if I've ever done two hard

Time: 1484.88

workouts in a day something I never do

Time: 1486.679

any longer I've tended to get sick after

Time: 1489.12

that if I've tended to do hard workouts

Time: 1492.08

and then expose myself to cold

Time: 1493.84

temperatures while traveling especially

Time: 1496.159

traveling overseas that tended to

Time: 1498.08

precede those colds or flu which again

Time: 1499.76

for me are very seldom so it's a limited

Time: 1501.72

data set this is entirely anic data

Time: 1504.08

meaning related to my own history of

Time: 1506.88

getting colds and flu but it's something

Time: 1508.799

that I actually recommend people do

Time: 1510.44

which is you know to pay attention to

Time: 1512.88

when you first started getting symptoms

Time: 1515.159

pay attention to when you got over a

Time: 1516.76

given what you think is a colder flu and

Time: 1519.08

then to look at what was happening in

Time: 1520.279

the days before in that day I don't

Time: 1522.2

think it's possible to do hyper precise

Time: 1524.679

forensics on a colder flu right I mean

Time: 1526.84

you could have gone into to the gas

Time: 1528.64

station put your credit card in the

Time: 1531.159

machine to you know grab a drink out of

Time: 1532.919

the refrigerator and picked up a colder

Time: 1534.279

flu from the handle of the refrigerator

Time: 1536.24

or from the credit card machine or even

Time: 1538.12

from the gas pump you simply don't know

Time: 1540.559

however if you look at the pattern of

Time: 1542.679

behavior travel sleep exercise sorts of

Time: 1545.72

interactions you were having prior to

Time: 1547.24

getting a bad cold or flu chances are

Time: 1549.52

you're going to learn something

Time: 1550.44

interesting and be able to avoid getting

Time: 1552.36

a serious cold or flu at least to some

Time: 1554.679

extent going forward and I've done that

Time: 1556.72

I think fairly successful y because I

Time: 1558.399

can tell you that the frequency or colds

Time: 1560.399

or flu that I've come down with has

Time: 1562.52

indeed been dropping from year to year

Time: 1565.039

so where're as a decade ago I tended to

Time: 1566.64

get colds or flu probably about once a

Time: 1569

year and in some cases even twice a year

Time: 1571.039

although that was pretty rare that

Time: 1573.32

really expanded to about once every 18

Time: 1575.48

months and then in the last five years I

Time: 1577.52

think I've gotten sick uh two times

Time: 1579.72

pretty badly with a colder flu and then

Time: 1582.039

once with a kind of mild colder flu so I

Time: 1584.76

tell you all that just as an example of

Time: 1586.44

how you can start to think about how

Time: 1587.799

your immune system interacts with

Time: 1589.32

different types of behaviors different

Time: 1591.36

types of situations such that you can

Time: 1593.52

learn something about your immune system

Time: 1595.399

and what's going to best protect you

Time: 1597.159

against getting colds and flu going

Time: 1598.72

forward which of course is a great thing

Time: 1600.48

to do because we all think that we can

Time: 1602.52

get out there be around people that are

Time: 1603.88

coughing and sneezing we can go to the

Time: 1605.24

gym when it's crowded and winter oh that

Time: 1606.88

person over there is you know coughing

Time: 1608.559

but I'm going to just you know stay a

Time: 1609.6

few feet away no big deal and while I

Time: 1611.72

don't want to turn anyone into

Time: 1613

hypochondriacs that's how you get

Time: 1614.919

infected that's how you get a colder

Time: 1616.24

fluid and at the same time I don't think

Time: 1617.96

anyone should you know get to the point

Time: 1619.76

where they're afraid to go into a gym or

Time: 1621.64

afraid to go to the workplace but I will

Time: 1623.48

say once again if you're sick with a

Time: 1625.159

colder flu if you are coughing sneezing

Time: 1627

blowing your nose runny eyes and you're

Time: 1629.24

walking into work or the gym or onto

Time: 1631.96

public transportation and you're telling

Time: 1633.36

people I'm not contagious you're lying

Time: 1636.48

I'd like to take a brief moment and

Time: 1638.039

thank one of our sponsors and that's ag1

Time: 1640.799

ag1 is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 1643.52

that also contains adaptogens I started

Time: 1646.159

taking ag1 way back in 2012 the reason I

Time: 1649.399

started taking it and the reason I still

Time: 1650.919

take it every day is that it ensures

Time: 1652.84

that I meet all of my quotas for

Time: 1654.52

vitamins and minerals and it ensures

Time: 1656.88

that I get enough Prebiotic and

Time: 1658.32

probiotic to support gut health now gut

Time: 1660.88

health is something that over the last

Time: 1662.2

10 years we realized is not just

Time: 1664.48

important for the health of our gut but

Time: 1666.88

also for our immune system and for the

Time: 1669.519

production of neurotransmitters and

Time: 1670.96

neuromodulators things like dopamine and

Time: 1672.799

serotonin in other words gut health is

Time: 1674.88

critical for proper brain functioning

Time: 1677.2

now of course I strive to consume

Time: 1678.96

healthy Whole Foods for the majority of

Time: 1680.679

my nutritional intake every single day

Time: 1683.48

but there are a number of things in ag1

Time: 1685.32

including specific micronutrients that

Time: 1687.159

are hard to get from Whole Foods or at

Time: 1688.76

least in sufficient quantities so ag1

Time: 1691.2

allows me to get the vitamins and

Time: 1692.519

minerals that I need probiotics

Time: 1694.08

prebiotics the adaptogens and critical

Time: 1696.72

micronutrients so anytime somebody asks

Time: 1698.96

me if they were to take Just One

Time: 1700.64

supplement what that supplement should

Time: 1702.48

be I tell them ag1 because ag1 supports

Time: 1705.72

so many different systems within the

Time: 1707.159

body that are involved in mental health

Time: 1709.039

physical health and performance to try

Time: 1711

ag1 go to drink huberman and

Time: 1714.6

you'll get a year supply of vitamin D3

Time: 1716.84

K2 and five free travel packs of ag1

Time: 1719.88

again that's drink

Time: 1722.64

huberman now the Diabolical thing about

Time: 1724.84

the flu virus is that just like the

Time: 1727.399

Diabolical thing about the cold virus

Time: 1729.799

you start shedding virus that is you are

Time: 1732.399

contagious about 24 hours prior to the

Time: 1735.679

onset of first symptoms for you so that

Time: 1738.159

means that you can be a flu viral Vector

Time: 1741.24

even when you aren't having symptoms

Time: 1743.679

that's just the unfortunate aspect of

Time: 1745.799

these viruses they're very clever they

Time: 1747.2

don't have brains but these viruses have

Time: 1749.08

adapted to propagate from host to host

Time: 1752

to host they have a drive to continue to

Time: 1755.399

stay alive and to infect more host so

Time: 1758.44

even though they don't have a brain they

Time: 1759.84

have a sort of uh let's call it viral

Time: 1762.08

intelligence and as I've said several

Time: 1764

times now if you are still exhibiting

Time: 1765.799

symptoms of the colder flu you are

Time: 1768.279

contagious however with respect to the

Time: 1770.84

flu you are most contagious during the

Time: 1774.12

three days when you feel the absolute

Time: 1776.08

worst when your fever is at its worst

Time: 1778.36

we'll talk about how to deal with fever

Time: 1779.48

a little bit later when you are coughing

Time: 1781.519

and sneezing headache all of that when

Time: 1783.36

that is at its peak that is when you are

Time: 1786

most contagious so again I realize that

Time: 1789.159

people can't always avoid contact with

Time: 1790.88

other people you know you live under the

Time: 1792.08

same roof sometimes caretaker is

Time: 1794.32

interacting with the person that has the

Time: 1796.679

cold or flu and I do want to remind you

Time: 1798.919

something I said earlier which is just

Time: 1800.6

because you come into contact with a

Time: 1801.919

colder flu does not necessarily mean

Time: 1803.96

that you will come down with that is be

Time: 1806.12

infected by a colder flu whether or not

Time: 1808.48

you come down with a colder flu is of

Time: 1811.08

course dependent on whether or not you

Time: 1814

come into contact with it you can't

Time: 1815.399

catch a cold or flu that you've never

Time: 1816.64

come into contact with just like you

Time: 1817.919

can't get eaten by a shark if you never

Time: 1819.32

go in the ocean however the probability

Time: 1822.2

of coming down with that cold or flu of

Time: 1824.2

it getting past your immune system

Time: 1826.679

barriers and infecting you is going to

Time: 1829.12

be strongly dictated by the different

Time: 1831.919

aspects of your immune system for which

Time: 1833.84

there are three major aspects which

Time: 1835.88

we'll talk about next and of course the

Time: 1838.279

things that you do to bolster those

Time: 1840.399

three aspects of your immune system okay

Time: 1842.44

let's talk about your immune system and

Time: 1844.399

I have to confess that even though I've

Time: 1845.72

spent well over three decades being a

Time: 1847.88

student of and a researcher of the

Time: 1849.72

nervous system the immune system is oh

Time: 1852.399

so cool and I say that because it has

Time: 1855.2

this incredible elegance and logic to it

Time: 1857.72

it basically consists of three major

Time: 1859.84

lines of Defense there's a physical

Time: 1862

barrier or rather a set of physical

Time: 1864.279

barriers that exist between the organs

Time: 1866.44

of your body and the outside world and

Time: 1868.519

you're probably immediately thinking

Time: 1869.84

skin and yes indeed it includes your

Time: 1872.279

skin but also some interesting things

Time: 1874.279

like the mucosal lining of your nose and

Time: 1876.399

mouth and even some of the liquids that

Time: 1878.519

are on the surface of your eyes we'll

Time: 1880.08

talk about those in a moment then

Time: 1881.639

there's a second line of defense which

Time: 1883.88

is for any virus or bacteria or fungus

Time: 1887.279

for that matter but today we're talking

Time: 1888.44

about viruses colds and flu viruses any

Time: 1891.24

viruses that get past the physical

Time: 1893.039

barrier of your skin and the mucosal

Time: 1894.88

lining of particular regions of your

Time: 1896.559

body well then you have What's called

Time: 1898.6

the innate immune system the innate

Time: 1900.399

immune system is this very generalized

Time: 1902.76

response system it's General in the

Time: 1904.88

sense that it deploys a basic set of

Time: 1906.84

neurochemicals that are not specific to

Time: 1909.48

the particular virus that's made it into

Time: 1911.88

your body so not only is it not specific

Time: 1914.48

to a particular serotype of the cold or

Time: 1916.76

a different type of flu virus but it's

Time: 1919.2

not even discriminating between cold or

Time: 1921.159

flu virus this thing we call the innate

Time: 1922.96

immune system is a generalized response

Time: 1925.559

system to go and combat viruses so it

Time: 1928.32

could be a cold it could be a flu it

Time: 1929.679

could be a bacteria it could be a fungus

Time: 1931.559

it could even be a physical object and

Time: 1933.24

your innate immune system responds by

Time: 1935.12

saying okay let's go deal with this now

Time: 1937.84

the third component of your immune

Time: 1939.12

system is What's called the Adaptive

Time: 1940.76

immune system and I alluded to this

Time: 1942.36

aspect of your immune system a little

Time: 1943.639

bit earlier the Adaptive immune system

Time: 1945.919

is the aspect of your immune system that

Time: 1948.48

recognizes because the innate immune

Time: 1950.399

system told it that something has

Time: 1952.76

infected the body at some level at some

Time: 1955.559

organ or set of organs and there's an

Time: 1957.76

emergency and the Adaptive immune system

Time: 1960.48

goes in and in a very targeted way

Time: 1962.639

figures out what sorts of proteins it

Time: 1964.799

needs to produce that is antibodies to

Time: 1967.6

combat that specific serotype of virus

Time: 1971.32

okay so the immune system has a physical

Time: 1973.12

barrier component and it's not just skin

Time: 1975.84

some other things as well you've got

Time: 1977.639

your innate immune system which is this

Time: 1979.639

generalized response system and then

Time: 1981.159

there's the Adaptive immune system let's

Time: 1983.12

talk about the physical barrier

Time: 1984.48

component first and this is actually a

Time: 1986.159

good opportunity for us to just take a

Time: 1987.639

brief step back and realize that anytime

Time: 1990.159

we're talking about our physiology

Time: 1992.399

there's going to be a mechanical set of

Time: 1994.44

features and there's going to be a

Time: 1995.88

chemical set of features so right now

Time: 1998.08

we're talking about the immune system

Time: 1999.399

and the mechanical feature or the

Time: 2001.08

physical feature of the immune system is

Time: 2003.279

this barrier between the organs of our

Time: 2005.159

body and the outside world and the most

Time: 2007.08

obvious of those is the skin you are

Time: 2009.76

contained in this bag of stuff that we

Time: 2011.6

call skin the skin isn't just for

Time: 2013.159

putting clothing on and for adorning

Time: 2015.84

with jewelry or tattoos if that's your

Time: 2017.919

thing watches Etc your skin is a living

Time: 2021.519

organ in and of itself I think we're

Time: 2023.48

most accustomed to think about the heart

Time: 2024.72

and the lungs and the liver and the

Time: 2025.72

Brain as organs of the body but the skin

Time: 2027.48

is an organ of the body as well it has a

Time: 2029.639

bunch of different layers of cells from

Time: 2032.12

the outside to the inside actually the

Time: 2034.32

skin cells themselves are made in the

Time: 2036.399

deeper layers of the skin and they

Time: 2037.639

migrate out towards the surface of the

Time: 2039.12

skin and at the surface of the skin on

Time: 2041.72

top of those cells and made by those

Time: 2043.679

cells are different types of chemicals

Time: 2046.24

that actually serve as antibacterial and

Time: 2048.56

antiviral agents meaning if a cold virus

Time: 2051.24

or flu virus or other type of virus

Time: 2052.919

lands on the skin it can neutralize and

Time: 2055

kill that virus so your skin is a very

Time: 2057.8

important physical barrier against

Time: 2060

viruses such as the cold or flu virus

Time: 2061.72

getting into your body and infecting

Time: 2063.599

other cells and tissues now your skin is

Time: 2066.24

not contigous meaning there are holes in

Time: 2068.44

it so let's think about those holes for

Time: 2070.159

a second as we go from head to foot it's

Time: 2073.8

pretty obvious that your eyes have these

Time: 2075.96

two openings and those are openings in

Time: 2079.72

your skin right as you open your eyelids

Time: 2083.079

beneath there are your corneas the shiny

Time: 2085.399

part of your eyes and a little bit

Time: 2086.76

further back at the back inner lining of

Time: 2088.679

your eyeball you have a very thin three

Time: 2091.32

cell layer thick piece of tissue that we

Time: 2093.48

call the neural retina and I say this

Time: 2095.159

because the neural retina is actually a

Time: 2097.119

piece of your brain so you have two

Time: 2098.2

pieces of brain that line the back of

Time: 2099.88

your eyes and that's the light sensing

Time: 2101.28

tissue in the back of your eyes now I

Time: 2102.72

say this because what this means is that

Time: 2105.079

it's a very short distance between the

Time: 2107.28

opening of your skin that we call your

Time: 2108.68

eyelids and your brain now most of the

Time: 2110.839

brain of course is contained in the

Time: 2111.96

cranial Vault within what most people

Time: 2113.92

call the skull but your brain isn't far

Time: 2116.48

away from those openings that we call

Time: 2118.48

your eyelids so as a consequence on the

Time: 2121

surface of your eyes those corneas the

Time: 2123.04

shiny part of your eyes on the outside

Time: 2125.48

there are a bunch of different chemical

Time: 2127.2

features there are tears that are made

Time: 2129.72

by your lacrimal glands but there also a

Time: 2131.72

lot of antibacterial agents that

Time: 2134.16

actively kill off stuff that could

Time: 2136.32

potentially infect your body could make

Time: 2137.92

it into your body maybe even into your

Time: 2139.56

brain if you've ever woken up in the

Time: 2141.4

morning and you have some crust on your

Time: 2142.96

eyes and you look at that crust that

Time: 2144.8

kind of yellowy stuff sometimes it's

Time: 2146.2

yellow I know this is kind of gross

Time: 2147.32

that's actually dead bacteria that your

Time: 2149

eyes have successfully defeated during

Time: 2152.04

your night's sleep so when you wipe

Time: 2153.52

those away you're taking the casualties

Time: 2155.079

of a war that you won during your

Time: 2157.56

night's sleep and you're whisking those

Time: 2159.68

away now as we descend a little bit

Time: 2161.92

further down the face they're of course

Time: 2163.52

the nostril openings and the nostril

Time: 2165.44

openings tend to be kind of sticky right

Time: 2167.2

they're moist sticky and warm right you

Time: 2169.04

don't have to put your fingers up them

Time: 2170.16

right now you just know they're moist

Time: 2171.24

sticky and warm get your fingers out of

Time: 2172.92

your nose please the mucosal lining of

Time: 2175.079

your nose is actually a very important

Time: 2177

substance that is sticky in order to

Time: 2179.2

trap viruses such as colds and flu

Time: 2181.119

viruses and then chemical components

Time: 2183.079

within the mucosa lining can neutralize

Time: 2185.04

them that's the best case scenario there

Time: 2186.8

are of course scenarios in which the

Time: 2188.4

cold or flu virus takes residence in

Time: 2190.16

your mucosal lining and can make its way

Time: 2192.56

back into your sinus passages and can

Time: 2195

then infect other cells and tissues of

Time: 2196.92

your body because the virus replicates

Time: 2198.48

and spreads throughout the body and then

Time: 2200.44

going a a little bit further down I

Time: 2202.04

realize this is obvious you have your

Time: 2203.359

mouth and what's really interesting is

Time: 2205.04

that your mouth also has mucosal lining

Time: 2207.16

which is sticky and it has chemical

Time: 2208.8

components to neutralize incoming

Time: 2211.2

viruses but we know that the type of

Time: 2214.72

mucus and the type of bacteria that live

Time: 2217.079

in your nose and mouth that by the way

Time: 2218.8

are very healthy for you and encourage

Time: 2221

healthy immune system function that is

Time: 2223.16

act as ways to neutralize viruses within

Time: 2225.48

your nose and mouth are very different

Time: 2227.64

so your nose and your mouth may seem

Time: 2230.04

similar at the level of okay well it's

Time: 2231.64

warm and sticky in there there's mucus

Time: 2233.44

but they are very very different tissues

Time: 2235.52

in fact if you think about your mouth

Time: 2237.359

it's this incredible structure that not

Time: 2239.119

only lets you eat and breathe in and out

Time: 2241.599

through although I suggest most people

Time: 2243.079

be nasal breathers for most of the time

Time: 2245.04

of their day and night if you can of

Time: 2246.88

course sometimes you have to mouth

Time: 2247.8

breathe but keep this in mind that you

Time: 2249.88

have this big opening in the front of

Time: 2251.599

your face and bacteria are getting in

Time: 2253.359

there all day long viruses are getting

Time: 2256.119

in there all day long and in most cases

Time: 2258.68

you are successfully combating those

Time: 2261.319

viruses and bacteria because the mucosal

Time: 2263.92

lining of your mouth and your nose for

Time: 2265.88

that matter and the microbiota those

Time: 2269.8

little micro organisms that have taken

Time: 2271.92

resonance in your nose and mouth are

Time: 2273.64

helping to contribute to fight off

Time: 2275.48

bacteria and viruses provided the

Time: 2277.2

microbiota there are diverse and are of

Time: 2280.04

the type you want which we'll talk a

Time: 2281.359

little bit more about later and then

Time: 2283.52

descending further down the body of

Time: 2284.92

course there are other openings Into

Time: 2287.119

Your Skin Barrier namely the urethra of

Time: 2291.2

the penis or vagina and of course the

Time: 2293.68

vaginal Canal so the genitals of course

Time: 2296.48

have their own mucosal lining and as you

Time: 2298.44

can imagine it is distinct in terms of

Time: 2301.16

its physical makeup and its chemical

Time: 2303.839

makeup from the mucosal lining of your

Time: 2306.16

nasal passages and mouth and then of

Time: 2308.72

course we have the rectum and anus which

Time: 2310.52

is the outflow pathway of your

Time: 2312.52

intestines which are

Time: 2335.52

post-design and frankly there need to be

Time: 2338.04

more data in order to really resolve

Time: 2340

this but it seems like the primary entry

Time: 2342.48

site for viruses to get into the body

Time: 2345.2

tends to be the eyes or the mouth and we

Time: 2348.28

can get into some of the reasons why

Time: 2349.68

that would be so but if you think back

Time: 2351.359

to our conversation about the way that

Time: 2352.76

colds and flu exist in the world either

Time: 2355.2

as aerosols or on surfaces of objects or

Time: 2358.92

on surfaces of skin well then what I'm

Time: 2361

about to tell you next will make it oh

Time: 2362.8

so obvious why the eyes and the mouth

Time: 2365.4

are the primary sites of for colds and

Time: 2367.319

flu and if you keep that in mind there's

Time: 2369.52

a good chance you can avoid a lot of

Time: 2371.28

colds or flu that you would otherwise

Time: 2373.319

catch okay so before I talk about the

Time: 2375.2

important roles of the innate and the

Time: 2376.839

Adaptive immune system in keeping colds

Time: 2379.28

and flu at Bay I'll tell you that you

Time: 2381.839

have a problem and that problem is that

Time: 2385.16

you tend to touch your eyes very often

Time: 2388.64

in fact you tend to touch your eyes most

Time: 2391.359

often after you shook somebody else's

Time: 2393.839

hand now why am I picking on you well in

Time: 2396.839

fact I'm not I'm picking on all of you

Time: 2399

and I'm picking on myself included

Time: 2400.72

because there have been several studies

Time: 2403.2

now primarily from Noam soel Lab at The

Time: 2406.359

whitesman Institute showing that when

Time: 2408.8

people encounter another person and they

Time: 2410.8

shake their hand they either touch their

Time: 2413.04

eyes or touch another region of their

Time: 2415.319

face very close to the eyes or that they

Time: 2418.52

touched their hand to their mouth now

Time: 2420.88

there are a bunch of theories as to why

Time: 2422.64

people do this there's the idea that

Time: 2424.44

people are actually sniffing their own

Time: 2426.079


Time: 2427.24

and in particular sniffing their own

Time: 2428.8

hand more often after they Shake someone

Time: 2431.68

else's hand as a way to detect what

Time: 2433.72

chemo signals exist on the other person

Time: 2436.16

not necessarily conscious smelling of

Time: 2438.4

the other person's smell but rather some

Time: 2441

sort of unconscious mechanism by which

Time: 2443.16

we take the chemicals of the person we

Time: 2444.72

come into contact with and we bring them

Time: 2446.96

to our nose our eyes or in some cases

Time: 2449.119

our upper lip and that our olfactory

Time: 2451.44

system that is the neurons that exist

Time: 2453.319

just behind the back of our nose are

Time: 2455.88

processing that information and getting

Time: 2458.119

all sorts of important information about

Time: 2460.599

how stressed the other person is their

Time: 2462.68

hormones uh whether or not we recognize

Time: 2465.079

them the fact that they are different

Time: 2467.24

from us that's right we are also

Time: 2469.72

smelling ourselves all day long noom's

Time: 2471.76

lab has shown this that people are kind

Time: 2473.92

of walking around in their own odor

Time: 2475.839

Cloud we tend to touch our armpits we

Time: 2478.079

tend to touch different aspects of our

Time: 2479.64

body yes and smell ourselves multiple

Time: 2482.44

times throughout the day this is all

Time: 2483.8

being done unconsciously I suppose some

Time: 2485.76

people are doing it consciously and that

Time: 2487.64

there's a lot of information about our

Time: 2489.599

physiology and health and when we do

Time: 2492

this after shaking somebody's hand that

Time: 2493.52

there's a lot of information about the

Time: 2495.599

other person's physiology and health

Time: 2497.8

that our nervous system our factory

Time: 2499.72

system and deep parts of our brain that

Time: 2501.88

are involved in primitive type behaviors

Time: 2503.48

but also some pretty sophisticated

Time: 2504.92

behaviors are taking into account now

Time: 2506.8

Noom soel was a guest on the hubin Lab

Time: 2508.68

podcast I encourage you to check out

Time: 2510.04

that episode if you have time it's a

Time: 2511.96

fascinating Voyage into the olfactory

Time: 2514.359

system and not just conscious smelling

Time: 2516.319

or sniffing of things so we go oh that

Time: 2518.599

smells good or that smells bad or that

Time: 2520.28

person you know is somebody I want to

Time: 2522.079

mate with or hang out with or avoid it's

Time: 2524.359

also unconscious processing of so-called

Time: 2526.359

chemo signals chemical signals but the

Time: 2529

reason I'm bring up these studies now in

Time: 2530.56

the context of colds and flu and how to

Time: 2532.2

avoid getting colds and flu is as a

Time: 2534.68

reminder that we are pretty much wired

Time: 2538.839

to contact our own face with our own

Time: 2541.8

hands at the level of our eyes nose and

Time: 2544.079

upper lip and around the eyes very

Time: 2547.76

shortly after we touch somebody else's

Time: 2550.359

skin and if you are mindful of it you

Time: 2553.24

can actually avoid bringing colds or flu

Time: 2556.28

to your face now in doing so are you're

Time: 2558.72

going to shortcircuit a bunch of other

Time: 2560.24

important biological processes involved

Time: 2562.119

in understanding what's going on in your

Time: 2564.119

environment because you're not bringing

Time: 2565.52

in those smells I suppose that's

Time: 2567.4

possible but with respect to avoiding

Time: 2569.319

colds and flu it seems like a pretty

Time: 2571.319

good trade-off to me so the point that

Time: 2573.24

I'm trying to make here is that in order

Time: 2574.4

for you to catch a cold or flu that cold

Time: 2577.119

or flu virus the little particles of

Time: 2578.76

cold and flu virus need to make it into

Time: 2580.839

your body and the primary entry sites

Time: 2582.64

are eyes nose mouth and the primary

Time: 2585.359

actions by which we bring colds and flu

Time: 2587.599

viruses to our eyes nose mouth are by

Time: 2590.92

touching other people or by touching

Time: 2592.76

other surfaces that have colder flu

Time: 2595.52

virus just to remind you cold virus can

Time: 2597.599

exist up to 24 hours on a given surface

Time: 2600.44

flu virus tends to die off after about 2

Time: 2603.52

hours on a given surface and we're

Time: 2605.559

bringing to our face we are literally

Time: 2607.48

bringing the virus to ourselves so a

Time: 2609.76

little bit more conscious awareness

Time: 2612.04

about that fact means that you can

Time: 2614.16

probably avoid colds and flu to some

Time: 2616.16

extent how much well it's unclear it's

Time: 2619.319

unclear because as you recall some

Time: 2621.8

people have and are passing along cold

Time: 2623.8

or flu virus prior to any symptoms and

Time: 2626.76

of course it's possible that you can

Time: 2628.8

walk into an aerosol cloud of cold or

Time: 2630.839

flu virus even if a person isn't there

Time: 2632.68

and you don't come into contact with

Time: 2633.92

them but some conscious awareness of

Time: 2635.359

these routes of path passage for the

Time: 2636.44

colder flu virus I do believe can reduce

Time: 2639.52

the probability that you will catch a

Time: 2641.119

colder flu and of course I'm not

Time: 2642.64

encouraging people to never touch touch

Time: 2644.599

is an important part of social

Time: 2646.079

connection and social bonding but if you

Time: 2648.48

start to think about these portals of

Time: 2649.8

entry for the cold and flu virus into

Time: 2651.359

your body well then you you know perhaps

Time: 2654.04

might think twice before you know

Time: 2655.64

hugging someone kissing them on the

Time: 2656.88

cheek during a time in which you're

Time: 2658.16

trying to actively avoid getting the

Time: 2660.04

cold or flu now I feel a little bit

Time: 2662.68

funny about sharing this information

Time: 2664.359

because again I don't want to encourage

Time: 2666.04

will always be at you know arms distance

Time: 2667.68

you know uh you know fake fist bumping

Time: 2669.599

you know keeping a gap between them

Time: 2671.2

again touch is an important component of

Time: 2673.119

social connection but since today's

Time: 2674.88

topic is colds and flu and how to avoid

Time: 2676.52

getting colds and flu just like you

Time: 2678.68

can't get eaten by a shark if you don't

Time: 2680.599

go in the ocean there's a much lower

Time: 2682.88

probability that you're going to get a

Time: 2684.24

colder flu if you're not touching a lot

Time: 2686.68

of hands and bringing those hands to

Time: 2688.48

your eyes nose or mouth I suppose one

Time: 2691.96

way around the sort of do I hug do I

Time: 2693.96

shake hands thing is to just be

Time: 2696.079

conscious of the fact that when you

Time: 2697.119

shake somebody's hand that you're very

Time: 2698.68

likely to touch your eyes or face within

Time: 2700.92

the next 30 seconds or so and maybe you

Time: 2703.2

end up being that person who puts some

Time: 2704.559

hand sanitizer on your hands sometimes

Time: 2706.68

that can feel a little awkward to do

Time: 2707.8

that right in front of somebody you know

Time: 2708.92

it's kind of sending a signal like hey I

Time: 2710.16

don't want you to infect me but guess

Time: 2711.48

what you don't want them to infect you

Time: 2713.559

okay let's imagine that a cold or flu

Time: 2715.76

virus makes it into your system it

Time: 2717.559

breaches the physical barrier of your

Time: 2719.28

skin and mucosal lining now you have in

Time: 2722.88

mind all the different ways that could

Time: 2724.599

happen and all the different ways that

Time: 2725.72

could be prevented but we are starting

Time: 2727.319

at a point here a hypothetical point

Time: 2729.319

whereby that colder flu virus has made

Time: 2731.48

it into your body your immune system has

Time: 2734.76

an absolutely exquisitely sophisticated

Time: 2737.76

way of knowing you versus other meaning

Time: 2741.319

cells within your body that are of you

Time: 2744.319

and cells of your body that are from

Time: 2747.119

other organisms or viruses from the

Time: 2749.68

outside world and when viruses such as a

Time: 2752.319

cold or flu virus are detected in your

Time: 2755.119

body your body might not even recognize

Time: 2757.559

that it's a cold or flu virus it might

Time: 2759.44

not even recognize that it's a virus at

Time: 2760.92

all it just knows that this thing that's

Time: 2764.119

in me is of other it's not me I've never

Time: 2767.2

seen it before this is not me these are

Time: 2769.119

not my cells these are not the chemicals

Time: 2770.88

that I'm producing and your immune

Time: 2772.559

system is amazing in that way and when

Time: 2774.92

it occurs your innate immune system

Time: 2778.52

launches a response what is that

Time: 2781.079

response well first of all the response

Time: 2783.64

is very rapid right colder flu makes it

Time: 2786.24

into your body and your innate immune

Time: 2787.8

system immediately or near immediately

Time: 2791.079

launches an attack on that Invader or

Time: 2795.119

Invaders because as soon as the virus

Time: 2796.8

gets into your body it's going to start

Time: 2798.2

replicating as quickly as it

Time: 2800.28

can what

Time: 2802.48

happens white blood

Time: 2804.559

cells that your body produces will go to

Time: 2807.24

the sites where those viruses are and

Time: 2809.72

the by the way those viruses are

Time: 2812.079

basically getting into cells of your

Time: 2813.72

body and then hijacking the genetic

Time: 2815.76

Machinery of those cells in order to

Time: 2817.64

replicate within those cells and then

Time: 2820.64

exit those cells and then go infect more

Time: 2822.52

cells that's how these viruses work your

Time: 2825.2

body's making white blood cells things

Time: 2826.96

like neutrophils natural killer cells

Time: 2830.04

macras these are what we call affector

Time: 2832.319

cells that act as a kind of ambulance

Time: 2834.68

system and go to the sites that those

Time: 2836.319

viruses exist and the cells that they've

Time: 2838.52

infected and start trying to physically

Time: 2841.64

barrier them in and also use specific

Time: 2845.359

chemical mechanisms to neutralize and

Time: 2847.319

kill those viruses again anytime you're

Time: 2849.44

think about biology think mechanical

Time: 2851.599

features and chemical features of a

Time: 2853.64

response now a key component of the

Time: 2855.839

innate immune system is What's called

Time: 2857.319

the complement system not complement

Time: 2859.2

like oh you look very nice today but

Time: 2860.68

complement okay the complement system

Time: 2863.44

which exists in the plasma within your

Time: 2865.359

blood these are chemicals in your

Time: 2867.319

bloodstream that go and Mark specific

Time: 2869.48

cells that have been infected or viruses

Time: 2872.599

with a signal a chemical signal that

Time: 2874.72

essentially looks like an eat me signal

Time: 2878.04

to these other cell types of your immune

Time: 2879.96

system such that those natural killer

Time: 2881.96

cells go through the body and go looking

Time: 2885.2

for the cells that have this eat me

Time: 2886.48

signal on them and try and destroy those

Time: 2888.52

particular cells the other thing that

Time: 2890.24

urinate immune system does is that the

Time: 2892.96

cells that have been infected and that

Time: 2894.88

are undergoing damage remember they have

Time: 2896.839

colder flu virus within them and they're

Time: 2898.839

hijacking the cell or Machinery of those

Time: 2900.839

cells and using it to produce their own

Time: 2903.88

virus more of the virus and as a

Time: 2905.839

consequence the genetic Machinery of

Time: 2907.359

those cells is not able to do a bunch of

Time: 2909.4

other things that it normally can do or

Time: 2911.48

at least not as well well those cells

Time: 2913.64

that are really hurting release a help

Time: 2916

me signal and then in response to that

Time: 2919

help me signal your immune system

Time: 2920.44

releases what are called cyto kindes

Time: 2922

things like interlukin 1 interlan 6

Time: 2924.64

tumor necrosis Factor Alpha just fancy

Time: 2927.04

nerd names for different types of

Time: 2930

molecules that go to the site of

Time: 2932.559

infection and try to help or assist to

Time: 2935.799

remove that infection and they also Tred

Time: 2937.96

to assist the repair of the cells that

Time: 2940.079

have been infected by those viruses now

Time: 2942.48

one of the mechanical or physical

Time: 2944.2

consequences of these chemical signals

Time: 2946.88

like Incan 1 Incan 6 tnf Alpha again

Time: 2950

those are all cyto kindes being drawn to

Time: 2952.68

a particular cell or region of cells

Time: 2954.88

that have been infected is that it

Time: 2957.4

creates some physical swelling of the

Time: 2959.24

area it impacts the vasculature the

Time: 2962

veins and capillaries that feed that

Time: 2964.319

area and in response to they put more

Time: 2966.24

blood there so you get some swelling or

Time: 2969.4

you'll get in some cases the release of

Time: 2971.44

histamines right we think of

Time: 2973.119

anti-histamine drugs well histamines are

Time: 2975.16

an aspect of your immune system they

Time: 2976.68

move around in your body in these really

Time: 2978.04

cool cells called masted cells Mas mass

Time: 2980.96

cells and when the histamines are

Time: 2982.04

released that area becomes kind of hot

Time: 2984.16

and swelling it's what we call edema and

Time: 2986.28

that whole area is marked as really a

Time: 2988.559

sight just like a crash site on the side

Time: 2990.319

of the road it's like hey we've got eat

Time: 2992.2

me signals to get the debris and the bad

Time: 2994.2

stuff out of here try to get those

Time: 2995.52

viruses out of here we've got help me

Time: 2997.319

signals to try and help the injured

Time: 2998.64

cells just like you would try and help

Time: 2999.76

people at a car crash and there's a

Time: 3001.48

bunch of swelling so there's additional

Time: 3003

blood flow sometimes there's some other

Time: 3004.799

physical features as well now the

Time: 3006.799

important thing to know is that the

Time: 3007.799

innate immune system is very fast and it

Time: 3010.2

is agnostic to the type of infection in

Time: 3013.359

fact it doesn't even matter if it's a

Time: 3014.799

bacterial physical fungal or viral

Time: 3017.4

infection but it certainly isn't paying

Time: 3018.839

attention to the exact serotype of cold

Time: 3021.16

virus or whether or not it's an H1

Time: 3023.079

influenza or another type of influenza

Time: 3025.119

so way to think about the innate immune

Time: 3026.64

system is that it is a very fast and

Time: 3028.68

non-specific response to a viral or

Time: 3031.599

other type of Invader now that's all a

Time: 3033.68

bunch of biology but if you think about

Time: 3035.52

it let's imagine a scenario where you go

Time: 3038.48

to a party hang out the party you don't

Time: 3040.72

see anyone coughing or sneezing but

Time: 3042.599

maybe one person there has a cold virus

Time: 3045.359

or they have a flu virus and they aren't

Time: 3046.76

even aware of it they're not going to

Time: 3048.2

come down with symptoms for another day

Time: 3049.359

or so you talk to that person you shake

Time: 3051.2

hands maybe touch your eyes maybe you

Time: 3053.119

don't but you're exposed to that colder

Time: 3055.4

flue virus you go home you go to sleep

Time: 3058.4

you wake up the next morning you feel

Time: 3059.64

fine and then sometime in the next

Time: 3061.2

afternoon you know you start to feel a

Time: 3063

little tickle in your throat or you

Time: 3064.319

start to feel just a little bit of

Time: 3065.68

fatigue or

Time: 3066.76

malaise do you have that colder flu well

Time: 3070.119

possibly okay we don't know for sure but

Time: 3072.16

assuming that that cold or flu virus did

Time: 3074.079

indeed make it into your system then

Time: 3076.599

your immune system is starting to create

Time: 3079.559

a set of responses that we talked about

Time: 3081.24

a moment ago but it also tends to impact

Time: 3085.119

things at the level of your brain such

Time: 3087.28

that you kind of feel like you know I

Time: 3088.72

don't feel quite right I feel like a

Time: 3090.52

little bit I don't feel great and there

Time: 3093.48

are a lot of reasons why you would feel

Time: 3094.96

that way and we'll talk about those

Time: 3095.96

reasons a little bit later but does that

Time: 3097.839

mean that you're necessarily coming down

Time: 3099.64

with a colder flu well technically yes

Time: 3102.92

your inate immune system is deployed to

Time: 3104.88

fight this foreign viral Invader but

Time: 3108.119

whether or not you actually get a

Time: 3109.4

full-blown cold or flu or put

Time: 3111.799

differently how severe that cold or flu

Time: 3114.319

infection is depends depends on whether

Time: 3115.72

or not your innate immune system can

Time: 3117.119

fight off that colder flu at the outset

Time: 3119.52

and indeed there are many cases we

Time: 3121.839

believe where you get exposed to a

Time: 3123.72

colder flu it makes it into your body

Time: 3125.48

but your innate immune system is

Time: 3127.079

sufficient to beat it to fight it back

Time: 3130.48

this is one of the reasons why it's so

Time: 3132.119

important that if you're starting to

Time: 3133.359

feel a bit under the weather and you

Time: 3135.4

think you're coming down with a colder

Time: 3136.72

flu that you do certain things in order

Time: 3139.44

to make sure that your innate immune

Time: 3140.92

system is both ready and that it can

Time: 3143.64

launch a fullscale attack on that colder

Time: 3145.92

flu virus we're going to talk about how

Time: 3147.599

to do that a little bit later I'm not

Time: 3149

trying to withhold it's just it's

Time: 3150.559

important to understand that just

Time: 3151.88

because the virus makes it into your

Time: 3153.16

body doesn't necessarily mean that

Time: 3155.24

you're going to get a full-blown cold or

Time: 3156.88

flu and in fact that inate immune system

Time: 3159.4

sometimes is sufficient to prevent that

Time: 3161.44

colder flu from replicating enough that

Time: 3163.96

you get the full-blown set of symptoms

Time: 3166.359

and that's kind of an ideal scenario so

Time: 3167.96

we're definitely going to talk today

Time: 3169.319

about what to do if you start to feel a

Time: 3172.72

little bit of malaise what to do if you

Time: 3175.04

just discover that oh you know that

Time: 3176.359

person I was hanging out with at the

Time: 3177.48

party the night before they're really

Time: 3179.559

sick with a colder flu because there are

Time: 3181.2

things you can do to increase the

Time: 3182.559

probability that your innate immune

Time: 3184.64

system can handle the battle

Time: 3186.559

sufficiently such that you never have to

Time: 3188.28

get to the next component of the immune

Time: 3190.079

response which is the Adaptive immune

Time: 3192.319

response I'd like to take a quick break

Time: 3194.48

and thank our sponsor insid tracker

Time: 3196.88

insid tracker is a personalized

Time: 3198.4

nutrition platform that analyzes data

Time: 3200.28

from your blood and DNA to help you

Time: 3202.44

better understand your body and help you

Time: 3204.079

reach your health goals now I've long

Time: 3205.799

been a believer in getting regular blood

Time: 3207.559

work done for the simple reason that

Time: 3209.2

many of the factors that impact your

Time: 3210.64

immediate and long-term Health can only

Time: 3212.76

be analyzed from a quality blood test

Time: 3215.04

now a major problem with a lot of blood

Time: 3216.64

tests out there however is that you get

Time: 3218.76

information back about metabolic factors

Time: 3220.799

lipids and hormones and so forth but you

Time: 3222.68

don't know what to do with that

Time: 3223.64

information with inside tracker they

Time: 3225.52

make it very easy because they have a

Time: 3227.2

personalized platform that allows you to

Time: 3229.839

see the levels of all those things

Time: 3231.24

metabolic factors lipids hormones Etc

Time: 3233.72

but it gives you specific directives

Time: 3235.64

that you can follow that relate to

Time: 3237.16

nutrition behavioral modifications

Time: 3238.96

supplements Etc that can help you bring

Time: 3241

those numbers into the ranges that are

Time: 3242.72

optimal for you if you'd like to try

Time: 3244.559

insid tracker you can go to insid

Time: 3246.68 huberman to get 20% off any

Time: 3249.839

of insid tracker's plans again that's

Time: 3251.68


Time: 3253.64

tocomin okay so the third layer of your

Time: 3256.119

immune system is your adaptive immune

Time: 3258.88

system and this is an amazing aspect of

Time: 3262

you okay the stuff we talked about up

Time: 3264.319

until now the physical barrier the

Time: 3266.48

innate immune system so so cool but the

Time: 3269.16

Adaptive immune system is really a

Time: 3271.799

mindblower the most important thing to

Time: 3273.88

understand about your adaptive immune

Time: 3275.28

system is that as the name suggests its

Time: 3278.599

job is to create antibodies specific to

Time: 3282.24

the very Intruder that made it into you

Time: 3284.799

and infected your cells the very

Time: 3286.96

specific serotype of cold virus the very

Time: 3289.48

specific type of influenza such that you

Time: 3294

defeat that virus but then in an amazing

Time: 3297.079

way your adaptive immune system also

Time: 3299.599

maintains a memory of that battle and

Time: 3302.839

keeps within your body believe it or not

Time: 3305.28

within a population of stem cells which

Time: 3307.4

are cells that can rise to more cells

Time: 3310.4

such that if you ever encounter that

Time: 3313.28

same serotype of cold virus or same

Time: 3316.52

strain of influenza again that your

Time: 3319.16

antibodies can immediately neutralize

Time: 3322.079

that colder flu virus the Adaptive

Time: 3323.96

immune system has the ability to make

Time: 3325.839

proteins that have a particular shape on

Time: 3328.359

their surface that matches the shape of

Time: 3331.68

the thing that your immune system is

Time: 3333.559

trying to kill now the Adaptive immune

Time: 3337.319

system has two basic phases in the first

Time: 3340.119

phase the Adaptive immune system makes

Time: 3342.039

these things called

Time: 3343.52

immunoglobulins IGS and the

Time: 3345.599

immunoglobulins come in different forms

Time: 3347.2

there's IGG there's IGM there are other

Time: 3349.72

types of IGS as well for sake of today's

Time: 3353

discussion know that the initial

Time: 3356

wave of antibodies that the Adaptive

Time: 3358.24

immune system makes or of the IGM

Time: 3360.799

variety and the IG antibodies can travel

Time: 3363.2

to and latch on to the surface of the

Time: 3366.48

colder flu virus and it matches it

Time: 3368.96

pretty well it's not perfect but it

Time: 3371.119

matches it pretty well think about uh

Time: 3373.28

for instance a particular serotype of

Time: 3374.839

cold virus or the H1N1 flu virus having

Time: 3377.799

you know very particular Contour on its

Time: 3380.68

surface the M approximates that Contour

Time: 3384.24

such that it's better at fighting that

Time: 3386.599

colder flu virus than is the innate

Time: 3388.76

immune system but it's not a perfect fit

Time: 3392.24

however the Adaptive immune system

Time: 3393.64

doesn't stop with the production of

Time: 3394.96

those igms the Adaptive immune system

Time: 3397.64

takes that information about how precise

Time: 3400.28

or imprecise that fit is between the IGM

Time: 3403.079

antibodies and the surface of that

Time: 3404.76

particular cold or flu virus and then in

Time: 3407.48

an amazing way send signals back to the

Time: 3410.799

stem cell populations in the bone marrow

Time: 3412.559

and other tissues and then more

Time: 3415.799

antibodies come out of the IGG variety

Time: 3418.68

and the IG proteins are very specific to

Time: 3421.72

the shape of that particular cold virus

Time: 3425

or flu virus such that the Iggs then can

Time: 3429.92

Define to and neutralize those viral

Time: 3432.799

particles okay so when we talk about the

Time: 3434.799

immune system we're talking about a

Time: 3436.16

physical barrier that if it is

Time: 3438.599

breached a cold or flu virus takes

Time: 3442.119

residence and starts to replicate the

Time: 3443.88

innate immune system launches a

Time: 3445.559

generalized attack on that colder flu

Time: 3447.72

virus and then the Adaptive immune

Time: 3449.839

system kicks in usually a couple days

Time: 3452.039

later first with the production of

Time: 3454.64

antibodies that are pretty specific to

Time: 3457.76

the particular virus that happened to

Time: 3459.44

make it into the body and infect cells

Time: 3461.839

but then there's a second wave of

Time: 3463.799

production of antibodies and those

Time: 3465.319

antibodies are incredibly specific for

Time: 3467.44

that particular cold or flu virus and as

Time: 3469.4

I mentioned earlier the Adaptive immune

Time: 3471.72

system then acquires a memory of the

Time: 3475.48

specific fit between a given antibody

Time: 3478.64

that it made and the viral Invader and

Time: 3480.68

the successful battle that those

Time: 3482.559

antibodies waged on that Viral Invader

Time: 3485.52

and that memory is maintained such that

Time: 3487.44

if the next week or the next season you

Time: 3490.359

encounter the exact same serotype of

Time: 3492.079

cold virus or same type of flu virus

Time: 3495.319

well then you already have antibodies

Time: 3497.2

ready to be deployed sometimes the

Time: 3499.119

antibodies continue to circulate in your

Time: 3501.44

system sometimes you need to generate

Time: 3503.64

more of them and the immune system is

Time: 3505.559

that amazing it can actually send a

Time: 3507.559

message back to that stem cell

Time: 3509.079

population in the bone marrow or

Time: 3510.359

elsewhere say Hey listen this virus that

Time: 3512.92

we beat a few weeks or months or years

Time: 3515.2

back it's back we need more antibodies

Time: 3517.359

and boom your adaptive immune system

Time: 3519.72

churns those antibodies out and kills

Time: 3521.64

the virus now as a final point about the

Time: 3523.48

immune system I've been talking a lot

Time: 3525

today about cells traveling to and

Time: 3526.839

killing viruses and sending signals eat

Time: 3528.88

me help me Etc it's important to

Time: 3531.64

understand that while cells can migrate

Time: 3534.44

through the the body a lot of what we're

Time: 3535.96

talking about here is the movement of

Time: 3537.319

proteins through the vascular through

Time: 3539

the blood system of the body but there's

Time: 3541.319

another system that's very important for

Time: 3542.92

all of this that's collaborating with

Time: 3544.359

the vascular system and that's the

Time: 3545.64

lymphatic system we don't have time to

Time: 3547.68

go into a whole lecture about the

Time: 3549.24

lymphatic system but suffice to say the

Time: 3551.68

lymphatic system can pull stuff from the

Time: 3555.16

blood such as viruses but also cells

Time: 3558.96

that have been beaten up or cells that

Time: 3562.28

have been eaten and are contained within

Time: 3564.2

other cells such as macrofagos and it

Time: 3566.24

can do some filtering of those different

Time: 3568.359

cell types and it can produce its own

Time: 3570

useful chemicals that then can be

Time: 3571.48

reintroduced to the bloodstream in order

Time: 3573.44

to help combat the infection now this

Time: 3575.68

becomes very important when later we

Time: 3577.16

talk about how specific forms

Time: 3579.72

intensities and durations of exercise

Time: 3582.319

can increase the ability for your innate

Time: 3585.16

immune system to combat infections so

Time: 3587.799

that your adaptive immune system perhaps

Time: 3589.48

doesn't even have to get involved in the

Time: 3590.96

battle because your innate system

Time: 3592.16

handled it there are data to show the

Time: 3594.24

exercise of sufficient intensity and

Time: 3596.4

duration but not excessive intensity and

Time: 3599.2

duration can recruit the lymphatic

Time: 3601.44

system and recruit or increase the

Time: 3603.88

activity of the innate immune system

Time: 3605.88

even in the absence of an infection such

Time: 3608.119

that if you go to that party and you

Time: 3609.72

encounter that person with a colder flu

Time: 3611.799

you can defeat that colder flu virus at

Time: 3614

the outset and never have to deal with

Time: 3615.559

making antibodies to that colder flu

Time: 3617.119

virus at all okay so now you have a

Time: 3619.079

fairly sophisticated biological

Time: 3620.96

understanding of what colds are what flu

Time: 3623.359

are and the way that immune system works

Time: 3625.92

to fight off viruses like colds and flu

Time: 3628.64

so with that in mind I think now is the

Time: 3630.52

appropriate time to start talking about

Time: 3632.72

what the scientific peer-reviewed

Time: 3634.359

research says about how to allow your

Time: 3637.2

immune system to function at its best

Time: 3639.599

such that you can combat colds and flu

Time: 3641.92

meaning if you are exposed to a cold or

Time: 3644.119

flu that is if it breaches that physical

Time: 3645.96

barrier of your skin and the mucosal

Time: 3647.76

lining of your nose your mouth or it

Time: 3649.72

gets into your eyes that you stand the

Time: 3651.559

greatest chance of defeating that colder

Time: 3653.96

flu at the the level of your innate

Time: 3655.72

immune system such that your adaptive

Time: 3657.319

immune system never even has to respond

Time: 3659.4

to it by creating all those specific

Time: 3660.88

antibodies now fortunately there are a

Time: 3663.119

lot of different things we can do to

Time: 3664.599

improve the function of our immune

Time: 3666

system in fact I feel like anytime the

Time: 3667.839

winter months roll around we start to

Time: 3669.319

see the same list of things surface

Time: 3671.64

online and in the press and I don't want

Time: 3673.44

to diminish these things they are in

Time: 3675

fact the Bedrock of maintaining and

Time: 3677.28

enhancing the function of your innate

Time: 3679.16

immune system so what are those well

Time: 3681.72

some of these will be pretty obvious

Time: 3683.24

things like getting enough

Time: 3685.319

quality sleep each night we know for

Time: 3687.28

instance that if you're sleep deprived

Time: 3689.559

so especially if you stay up all night

Time: 3691.68

but certainly even if you only get 50%

Time: 3695.44

or 75% of your sleep requirement that

Time: 3698

your innate immune system is going to

Time: 3699.559

suffer it's not going to be as effective

Time: 3701.599

at combating flu or colds in addition to

Time: 3705.079

that we know that exercise of specific

Time: 3708.48

type and specific duration and specific

Time: 3710.72

intensity can serve to bolster the

Time: 3713.039

innate immune system and we'll talk

Time: 3714.52

about the specific exercise protocols

Time: 3716.359

that can best achieve that we also hear

Time: 3718.92

and it's absolutely true that we need

Time: 3720.799

adequate nutrition if we are in a

Time: 3722.96

caloric deficit for instance if we're

Time: 3724.68

trying to diet through the winter months

Time: 3726.16

which many people try to do that can

Time: 3728.52

place our innate immune system in a bit

Time: 3730.52

of a compromised state that said things

Time: 3733.44

like intermittent fasting or even longer

Time: 3735.92

duration fast have been implicated and

Time: 3738.839

here I really want to underscore

Time: 3740.119

implicated in brief improvements in the

Time: 3743.64

function of the immune system however

Time: 3746.119

extended fast or not eating enough

Time: 3748.119

calories to maintain body weight for

Time: 3749.96

many many days in a row can actually

Time: 3752.68

compromise the function of the innate

Time: 3754.2

immune system I'll go into this a bit

Time: 3755.96

deeper in a moment and then of course we

Time: 3758.4

hear about stress that we're all

Time: 3759.599

supposed to regulate our levels of

Time: 3761

stress not get too stressed and here I

Time: 3763.44

have to put an asterisk next to those

Time: 3765.319

statements because yes indeed chronic

Time: 3768

stress meaning stress that continues day

Time: 3769.839

after day after day or even short

Time: 3772.96

periods of stress that impede our

Time: 3774.68

ability to sleep at night can indeed

Time: 3777.52

reduce the functioning of our innate

Time: 3779.119

immune system however it's also clear

Time: 3781.839

that short bouts of stress provided that

Time: 3784.799

they don't inhibit our ability to sleep

Time: 3786.72

that night can actually enhance the

Time: 3788.839

function of the immune system and this

Time: 3790.4

is something that I don't think is

Time: 3791.839

talked about enough you know we hear so

Time: 3793.96

often that quote unquote cortisol is bad

Time: 3796.2

it's a stress hormone listen cortisol is

Time: 3798.76

fantastic provided that it is elevated

Time: 3801.2

early in the day and not late in the day

Time: 3804.48

or evening also cortisol does have

Time: 3807.4

thresholds Beyond which if it's too high

Time: 3809.52

can be bad for us but it's also the case

Time: 3811.88

that if cortisol levels are too low

Time: 3814.079

that's bad for us and it's especially

Time: 3816.24

bad for the functioning of our immune

Time: 3817.64

system because glucocorticoids of which

Time: 3819.88

cortisol is have an important role in

Time: 3822.64

activating those natural killer cells of

Time: 3825

the innate immune system they are one of

Time: 3826.799

the primary signals by which those inter

Time: 3829.079

lucans like interlan 1 and interlan 6

Time: 3831.64

are deployed in our body and so very

Time: 3834.4

often we'll hear stress increases

Time: 3835.839

inflammation and indeed interlukin 1

Time: 3838.48

interlan 6 are pro-inflammatory you

Time: 3840.96

might think oh my goodness I don't want

Time: 3842.039

that I don't want cortisol I don't want

Time: 3843.319

these Incans elevated but guess what the

Time: 3845.88

inflammation response is also an

Time: 3847.799

important component of that innate

Time: 3850.64

immune system that allows us to combat

Time: 3852.64

infections so in trying to keep our

Time: 3854.839

innate immune system tuned up I realize

Time: 3856.72

that's not a biological statement tuned

Time: 3858.359

up but keep our immune system

Time: 3859.799

functioning at its best we want

Time: 3862.16

inflammation available as a tool to

Time: 3864.799

combat infection we want cortisol

Time: 3867.92

available as a way to activate that

Time: 3869.96

inflammation and other aspects of our

Time: 3871.64

immune system we just don't want so much

Time: 3874

cortisol and so much inflammation that

Time: 3876.64

we can't sleep and that our gut

Time: 3878.16

microbiome suffers and that brings me to

Time: 3880.079

the other component that's important for

Time: 3882.44

the basic functioning of your immune

Time: 3884.16

system so that you can be at your

Time: 3885.52

strongest when you inevitably encounter

Time: 3888.039

those cold and flu viruses why do I say

Time: 3889.72

inevitably look if you exist in the

Time: 3892.52

world that is if you live live on planet

Time: 3894.76

Earth you are going to be bombarded with

Time: 3896.799

different viruses and bacteria and

Time: 3898.88

funguses and all this stuff throughout

Time: 3900.4

your days and yes in those winter months

Time: 3902.359

because people are spending more time

Time: 3903.559

indoors and they're touching each other

Time: 3906.039

and surfaces more breathing on each

Time: 3907.52

other more sneezing on each other more

Time: 3909.079

and so on and so forth there is more

Time: 3910.88

propagation of colds and flu so if we

Time: 3913.44

take a step back and we ask how can I

Time: 3915.279

have my immune system as strong and

Time: 3917.559

ready as possible to combat cold and flu

Time: 3919.52

viruses we get to those Basics it's make

Time: 3922.079

sure you're getting enough quality sleep

Time: 3924.359

each night how much is enough however

Time: 3927.839

much you need in order to not feel

Time: 3930.52

sleepy during the day except maybe the

Time: 3932.44

requirement for a short nap of anywhere

Time: 3934.2

from 10 to 30 minutes not everyone

Time: 3936.039

requires that but that's perfectly

Time: 3937.24

normal to have an afternoon dip in

Time: 3938.68

energy that can be restored with a short

Time: 3942.24

nap or non-sleep deep bre we'll provide

Time: 3944.16

links to non-sleep deep breast and other

Time: 3946.52

tools in the show note captions that you

Time: 3948.359

know are zero cost tools to allow you to

Time: 3950.119

recover your energy some people just

Time: 3951.52

simply take a nap and that sort of thing

Time: 3953.44

if you want tools for improving your

Time: 3956.039

sleep and making sure that you're

Time: 3957.24

getting enough quality sleep each night

Time: 3959.4

we will also provide a link to our zeroc

Time: 3961.079

cost sleep tool kit that details that in

Time: 3963.359

PDF form it just lists out the things

Time: 3965.24

that you can do or take if that's your

Time: 3966.799

choice and so on and so forth and of

Time: 3968.92

course we've done episodes on quality

Time: 3970.68

nutrition and what that means we've done

Time: 3972.2

episodes on stress and how to combat

Time: 3974.559

stress and we've done episodes on the

Time: 3976.64

so-called gut microbiome but right now I

Time: 3979.599

just want to mention that the gut

Time: 3981.279

microbiome which are the trillions of

Time: 3984.44

little microbacteria that interact

Time: 3986.24

heavily with the immune system and help

Time: 3987.599

support the immune system you want to

Time: 3988.88

keep the gut microbiome healthy so

Time: 3990.52

you'll notice that we include some tools

Time: 3992.039

related to the gut microbiome here in a

Time: 3993.68

moment and and this is very important

Time: 3996.52

keep in mind that the microbiome doesn't

Time: 3998.76

just exist in the gut so often these

Time: 4001.24

days we hear about the gut microbiome

Time: 4002.799

and I'm oh so happy that the gut

Time: 4004.319

microbiome is getting the attention that

Time: 4005.76

it deserves in the context of mental

Time: 4007.24

health physical health and performance

Time: 4009

but we can't forget that the microbiome

Time: 4011.799

also exists on the surface of the eye

Time: 4014.92

and in the nasal passages and indeed the

Time: 4017.92

microbiome that's specific to the nasal

Time: 4019.72

passages as I mentioned before is very

Time: 4022.64

different from the microbiome that

Time: 4024.52

exists within the mouth and the

Time: 4026.359

microbiome that exists within the mucosa

Time: 4028.2

of the nasal passages seems to be the

Time: 4030.76

most effective at combating any viruses

Time: 4033.559

that we encounter especially cold and

Time: 4035.52

flu viruses so while ideally you would

Time: 4037.52

never encounter a colder flu virus we

Time: 4039.599

know that if the colder flu viruses go

Time: 4041.119

in through the nasal passages you stand

Time: 4043.279

the greatest chance of combating that

Time: 4045.64

particular cold or flu so what does that

Time: 4048.68

mean this is where I get to make a

Time: 4050.559

strong push for being a nasal breather

Time: 4053.88

certainly in sleep you want to be a

Time: 4055.279

nasal breather but also throughout the

Time: 4057.76

day unless you're speaking or unless

Time: 4059.44

you're exercising hard enough that you

Time: 4060.96

need to breathe through your mouth or

Time: 4063.079

unless you're eating being a nasal

Time: 4065.72

breather is known to provide the right

Time: 4068.44

millu the right environment to keep that

Time: 4070.599

nasal microbiome at its healthiest and

Time: 4072.88

to promote the diversity of microbiota

Time: 4074.96

in the nasal passages that can best

Time: 4076.839

protect you against colds and flu and

Time: 4079.799

there are a growing number of studies

Time: 4080.88

that point to this fact I'll provide a

Time: 4082.88

link to one that I like very much which

Time: 4084.44

is entitled alterations in oral nasal

Time: 4086.48

Fingal microbiota and salivary proteins

Time: 4088.839

in mouth breathing children this is but

Time: 4090.839

one study pointing to the fact that

Time: 4093.92

being a nasal breather is a good thing

Time: 4096.6

mouth breathing children and mouth

Time: 4098.04

breathing adults meaning children and

Time: 4100.12

adults that default to mouth breathing

Time: 4102.56

tend to get more in C of of the upper

Time: 4105.279

respiratory tract including colds and

Time: 4106.92

flu consciously focusing on nasal

Time: 4108.96

breathing is one of the best things that

Time: 4110.56

we can all do to combat any colds or flu

Time: 4114.12

that we might encounter so earlier we

Time: 4116.359

talked about trying to avoid touching

Time: 4118.04

your eyes at least without washing your

Time: 4120

hands first or sanitizing your hands

Time: 4122.279

first after you meet somebody keeping in

Time: 4124.359

mind that most people do that

Time: 4126.44

unconsciously here we are also saying

Time: 4129.159

when you enter a room you're hanging out

Time: 4130.679

with peoplebe you're waiting for public

Time: 4132.759

transportation or you're at work work or

Time: 4134.12

walking down the hallway unless you are

Time: 4137.799

exercising hard unless you are talking

Time: 4141.12

try to focus on being a nasal breather

Time: 4142.92

there are a bunch of other reasons to be

Time: 4144.199

a nasal breather as well but this is one

Time: 4146.08

of the primary ones and I'll provide a

Time: 4147.6

link to another reference which is the

Time: 4149.44

book Jaws by my colleagues at Stanford

Time: 4152.04

which talks about nasal breathing and

Time: 4153.839

the importance of nasal breathing but

Time: 4155.6

also the degree to which children and

Time: 4158.44

adults open themselves up to increased

Time: 4161.279

levels of viral infections as well as

Time: 4163.88

bacterial infections but viral

Time: 4165.319

infections in particular when they rely

Time: 4167.839

on mouth breathing and the incredible

Time: 4169.52

benefits of doing this very simple zeroc

Time: 4172.4

cost thing of whenever you can

Time: 4174.96

consciously remember to breathing

Time: 4177.199

through your nose as opposed to

Time: 4179.319

breathing through your mouth and just as

Time: 4181.319

an additional point about nasal

Time: 4182.56

breathing because I can't resist telling

Time: 4183.759

you this I just think it's so cool such

Time: 4185.799

an interesting

Time: 4187.279

adaptation when we breathe through our

Time: 4189.279

nose we heat the air in a way that's

Time: 4191.96

very different from the way we heat the

Time: 4194.36

air when we mouth breathe and by heating

Time: 4196.48

the air that's coming into the nasal

Time: 4197.8

passages it shifts the probability that

Time: 4201.239

colder flu viruses will successfully

Time: 4203.28

embed in the mucosal lining and infect

Time: 4206.08

the underlying cells and get into the

Time: 4207.88

other cells and tissues of our body so

Time: 4210.36

this whole thing about nasal breathing

Time: 4212.92

is important and effective at the level

Time: 4215.239

of temperature regulation of the millu

Time: 4217.719

within the nose and therefore the

Time: 4219.36

viruses that end up in the nose as well

Time: 4221.199

as the mucosal line and the chemicals

Time: 4222.679

made by the mucosal line

Time: 4224.239

and again the nose is a very different

Time: 4227.239

place than the mouth in fact I'll

Time: 4228.96

provide a link to yet another paper uh

Time: 4231.719

which is entitled human nasal microbiota

Time: 4235.159

it's a really interesting paper it's

Time: 4236.44

actually an interview with a scientist

Time: 4237.84

who's expert in the nasal microbiome

Time: 4241.28

talking about how this structure within

Time: 4243.52

our nose really is the primary defense

Time: 4246.32

site by which we destroy potentially

Time: 4248.96

incoming viruses so if it sounds overly

Time: 4251.92

simple just breathe through your nose it

Time: 4254.12

is very simple but it's also very

Time: 4256.64

effective now it's also clearly the case

Time: 4258.679

that keeping your gut microbiome is

Time: 4260.48

advantageous for keeping your innate

Time: 4262.36

immune system at its most robust level

Time: 4264.84

of functioning and I should mention that

Time: 4267.52

your gut microbiome isn't just about

Time: 4269.679

your stomach you know we hear the word

Time: 4271.08

gut and we think stomach but it's

Time: 4272.8

actually the entire length of your

Time: 4275.84

digestive tract from your mouth out the

Time: 4277.88

other end and different microbiota exist

Time: 4280.8

at different locations along that tract

Time: 4284.36

of mucosa and there are a couple things

Time: 4286.679

that one can do in order to make sure

Time: 4288.4

that the gut microbiome is best

Time: 4290

supported along that entire length the

Time: 4292.52

first one is that and this was covered

Time: 4295.6

on the episode that we did with my

Time: 4297.199

colleague Justin sonenberg who is a

Time: 4299.199

world expert in the gut microbiome and

Time: 4301.52

that is to consume anywhere from two to

Time: 4303.199

four servings of low sugar fermented

Time: 4305.32

foods per day so things like sourkraut

Time: 4307.92

things like kimchi things like kefir

Time: 4310.96

things like kombucha it can be a little

Time: 4313.08

bit of work to figure out which of these

Time: 4315.44

you like and which ones you're willing

Time: 4317.199

to consume on a regular basis but it's

Time: 4319.52

very clear that the brine you know that

Time: 4321.239

kind of uh salty solution around the

Time: 4324.239

sauerkraut and by the way when I say

Time: 4325.84

sauerkraut what we're talking about here

Time: 4327.159

is the type that has to be refrigerated

Time: 4328.92

it contains what are called live

Time: 4330.84

cultures as opposed to the sauerkraut

Time: 4333

that can exist in the non-refrigerated

Time: 4334.28

portion of the store or pickles that

Time: 4337.92

also have that Brine and that have to be

Time: 4340.04

kept in the refrigerator even before

Time: 4341.8

they're opened and of course like yogurt

Time: 4344.48

which have active live cultures those

Time: 4347.84

are the sorts of things that are going

Time: 4349.04

to best support the diversity of

Time: 4350.679

microbiota along the entire length of

Time: 4353.36

the gut microbiome such that your gut

Time: 4355.6

microbiome can do its job in supporting

Time: 4358.36

your nervous system but here especially

Time: 4361.04

in the context of today's discussion

Time: 4362.639

your immune system now the low sugar

Time: 4367.52

component of low sugar fermented foods

Time: 4369.32

is important because what we know is

Time: 4371.12

that if you're consuming yogurts with a

Time: 4373.159

lot of sugar or you're consuming

Time: 4374.679

kombucha with high levels of sugar or

Time: 4376.44

you're consuming pickles or sauerkraut

Time: 4379.199

that have a lot of sugar in them you're

Time: 4380.96

probably going to start to create some

Time: 4382.28

other issues related to the sugar what

Time: 4383.76

you're really looking for are these low

Time: 4385

sugar fermented foods and they can be a

Time: 4386.719

little bit tricky to seek out in the

Time: 4388.12

store but they're usually there and once

Time: 4390.32

you identify the ones that you like you

Time: 4391.719

should really aim to get two to four

Time: 4393.08

servings of those per day you can also

Time: 4395.199

consume a Prebiotic or probiotic in the

Time: 4397.04

form of capsule form things like ag1

Time: 4399.6

athletic greens also contain Prebiotic

Time: 4402.679

probiotic but it's very clear that

Time: 4406.159

consuming two to four servings of low

Time: 4407.76

sugar fermented foods per day is among

Time: 4410.08

the best ways to promote health of the

Time: 4411.76

gut microbiome and that the gut

Time: 4413.199

microbiome is so so important for

Time: 4416

keeping the innate immune system

Time: 4417.679

thriving such that it can combat the

Time: 4419.679

colds or flu that are trying to bombard

Time: 4421.44

your system now there's another tool

Time: 4423.239

that you can use to enhance your gut

Time: 4424.6

microbiome I have to warn you this one

Time: 4426.6

might make a few of you um cringe a

Time: 4429.04

little bit but this is one that I

Time: 4430.12

actually started doing about four months

Time: 4431.76

ago um it's an interesting one it kind

Time: 4434.4

of dates back to some older quote

Time: 4436.32

unquote traditional medicine practices

Time: 4438.28

but it makes really good logical sense

Time: 4440.84

to be fair I'm not aware of any

Time: 4442.48

randomized control trial exploring the

Time: 4444.159

use of this protocol but it's so simple

Time: 4446.08

and completely cost-free and it stands

Time: 4448.48

so strongly on the logic of how the gut

Time: 4450.44

and oral microbiome work that frankly I

Time: 4452.8

started doing it and you know whether or

Time: 4454.679

not it's placebo effect or not I don't

Time: 4456.48

know but I feel better and it's so easy

Time: 4459.44

to do and it stands to potentially

Time: 4462.639

improve the fun of your gut microbiome

Time: 4464.92

enough that I figured I would at least

Time: 4467

share it with you and then you can

Time: 4468.04

decide so what this protocol essentially

Time: 4470.199

consists of is before you go to sleep at

Time: 4471.88

night or in the morning you pour

Time: 4474.56

yourself a little bit of water whatever

Time: 4476.84

water you happen to consume just clean

Time: 4478.52

clear water and then you take a sip of

Time: 4481

that water when you wake up in the

Time: 4482.04

morning and you swish it around in your

Time: 4485.04

mouth and then you swallow it now for

Time: 4487.88

those of you that are like oh gross

Time: 4490.12

let's think about this is it really

Time: 4491.679

gross to swish a little bit of water

Time: 4494.12

around in your mouth and then swallow

Time: 4495.639

that water when you first wake up prior

Time: 4497.639

to brushing your teeth of course well it

Time: 4500.44

might seem gross to you but throughout

Time: 4502.44

the night when you're sleeping

Time: 4503.84

especially if you are a nasal breather

Time: 4506.88

while you sleep the environment within

Time: 4510

your mouth is such that you're breeding

Time: 4512.04

a lot of bacteria you are creating all

Time: 4514.4

those little

Time: 4515.52

microbacteria that potentially can

Time: 4518.6

inhabit your digestive tract and provide

Time: 4521.84

at least some of the substrate for the

Time: 4523.48

microbiota in your digestive tract to

Time: 4525.44

thrive and if that seems gross to you

Time: 4527.44

keep in mind that's what having a

Time: 4529.04

healthy gut microbiome really is all

Time: 4531.04

about so the protocol is very simple at

Time: 4533.76

zero cost you take a swig of water swish

Time: 4536.239

it around and swallow it oddly it

Time: 4539.719

doesn't taste bad um in fact it'll just

Time: 4541.92

taste like swallowing um and in fact it

Time: 4545.239

tastes like swallowing a little bit of

Time: 4546.4

water it's not as if it tastes like um

Time: 4549.36

bad breath or something like that it's a

Time: 4551.52

very simple protocol that again no

Time: 4553.76

randomized control trials but really

Time: 4555.6

stands on the logic of how the oral

Time: 4557.32

microbiome and the gut microbiome

Time: 4559.56

interact and because what we're talking

Time: 4561.52

about here is supporting the function of

Time: 4563.199

your gut microbiome such that it

Time: 4564.88

supports the function of your inate

Time: 4566.08

immune system such that you can avoid

Time: 4567.44

colds and flu at least to me it seems

Time: 4569.679

like a pretty low bar yes okay so to

Time: 4573.04

bolster your inade immune system you

Time: 4574.639

want to get that quality sleep as often

Time: 4576.76

as you possibly can you want to support

Time: 4578.679

the gut microbiome in the ways that we

Time: 4580.28

just described what about exercise we

Time: 4582.56

hear it all the time time exercise is so

Time: 4584.56

good for us it enhances the immune

Time: 4586.159

system and on and on and listen I'm a

Time: 4588.92

huge believer in exercise I personally

Time: 4591.56

like to do three bouts of cardiovascular

Time: 4594.12

exercise per week one long one medium

Time: 4596.36

one short and I do three bouts of

Time: 4598.76

resistance training each week all of

Time: 4600.679

that and specifically what I do is

Time: 4602.6

available to you as a zeroc cross

Time: 4604.32

protocol in the form of a PDF we have a

Time: 4606.4

link to that in the show note captions I

Time: 4607.96

also have a whole episode about

Time: 4609.159

foundational Fitness and so on and so on

Time: 4611.92

the discussion we're going to have now

Time: 4613.12

now is about what general forms of

Time: 4615.719

exercise actually do support the innate

Time: 4618.199

immune system and and this is really

Time: 4620.639

important what forms of exercise

Time: 4622.76

actually deplete your innate immune

Time: 4624.8

system this isn't talked about enough I

Time: 4626.88

think there are certain intensities and

Time: 4629.88

durations of exercise that make us more

Time: 4632.08

vulnerable to colds and flu so we're

Time: 4634.48

going to discuss that before we do that

Time: 4636.32

I want to just briefly touch into

Time: 4637.76

something that I hear a lot which is the

Time: 4640.08

question if I'm feeling a little bit

Time: 4642.04

rundown should I exercise or not and to

Time: 4644.84

be honest there isn't a straightforward

Time: 4646.239

answer to that question it's impossible

Time: 4648.719

for me or for you to know whether or not

Time: 4651.32

you were indeed exposed to a cold or flu

Time: 4653.08

and you're starting to combat it at the

Time: 4654.52

level of your Nate immune system or

Time: 4656.96

whether or not you're just you know

Time: 4658.04

feeling a little bit

Time: 4659.44

sluggish however what we do know is that

Time: 4662.88

if you are feeling malaise at the level

Time: 4665

of the body like your body is feeling

Time: 4667.239

different it's feeling heavier you're

Time: 4668.679

feeling tired you're feeling tired at a

Time: 4671

time of day that doesn't make sense

Time: 4673.6

given your usual patterns of being tired

Time: 4675.56

you're feeling tired in a way that

Time: 4677.199

doesn't make sense given how much sleep

Time: 4678.679

you got the night before right I mean

Time: 4680.239

here what we're talking about is ruling

Time: 4681.44

out any possible you know life stressor

Time: 4683.639

you were up too late or you drank

Time: 4685.08

caffeine at the wrong time or something

Time: 4686.76

like that what we know is that you're if

Time: 4688.48

you're feeling that General malaise

Time: 4690.08

across your whole body it is fairly

Time: 4692.92

likely that you're coming down with

Time: 4694.44

something and that your best response to

Time: 4697.12

that would be to go home take a hot

Time: 4699.28

shower or bath I'll explain why you

Time: 4700.639

would want to do that in a few minutes

Time: 4701.8

and then get into bed early and even if

Time: 4703.639

you can't fall asleep to just be as

Time: 4706.159

still and as relaxed as possible we know

Time: 4709.4

that if you push into bouts of intense

Time: 4712.56

activity or even just push yourself to

Time: 4714.56

engage in activity when you're feeling

Time: 4715.92

run down at that sort of whole body

Time: 4717.56

level maybe a little tickle in your

Time: 4719.199

throat you are going to compromise the

Time: 4721.199

function of your innate immune system

Time: 4723.04

and it's very likely that you're going

Time: 4724.36

to get more sick than you would

Time: 4726.239

otherwise so here's my suggestion if

Time: 4729.08

you're starting to feel rundown at the

Time: 4730.48

level of whole body malaise or you just

Time: 4732.08

don't feel right

Time: 4733.52

you're best off taking a hot shower bath

Time: 4736.239

and getting into bed or just getting

Time: 4737.76

into bed and trying to rest and get as

Time: 4739.44

much sleep probably even a little bit of

Time: 4741.08

extra sleep and here's why that whole

Time: 4743.92

body malaise that extra fatigue that's

Time: 4746

not easily explained by other factors in

Time: 4748.48


Time: 4749.28

life have to do with the fact that when

Time: 4751.56

your innate immune system is activated

Time: 4753.76

meaning it's already combating a cold or

Time: 4755.6

flu interlukin 1 and interlukin 6 have a

Time: 4760.04

way of interacting with a particular

Time: 4761.88

brain area called the dorsal rafay

Time: 4763.639

nucleus which is choa block full of

Time: 4765.44

neurons that release serotonin and

Time: 4767.48

serotonin from the dorsal rafay nucleus

Time: 4769.679

acts on specific regions of your

Time: 4771.239

hypothalamus areas like the preoptic

Time: 4773.44

region for those of you that want to

Time: 4774.84

know and other areas of the hypothalamus

Time: 4777.12

that generate a state of sleepiness in

Time: 4779.92

addition when we are getting sick our

Time: 4782.679

sleep patterns change we feel like we

Time: 4784.679

need to sleep more but we don't feel as

Time: 4786.4

rested from that sleep and that has to

Time: 4788.12

do with the ways that serotonin

Time: 4789.88

interacts with some of the components of

Time: 4791.92

the brain circuitry involved in sleep

Time: 4793.679

that controls slow wave or deep sleep

Time: 4795.8

and this is a whole discussion unto

Time: 4797.04

itself I actually covered a lot of the

Time: 4798.56

mechanistic aspects of this business of

Time: 4801

immune induced sleepiness and Malay is

Time: 4803.76

associated with feeling sick in an

Time: 4805.679

episode about interactions between the

Time: 4807.679

neural and immune system that I will

Time: 4809.52

also provide a link to in the show note

Time: 4811.199

captions but suffice to say if you're

Time: 4812.56

feeling that whole body Mala is and

Time: 4814

especially if you also have a little bit

Time: 4815.04

of a throat tickle you're just not

Time: 4816.239

feeling right for you you're not

Time: 4818.28

accustomed to feeling that way at that

Time: 4819.88

time of day or night well then I

Time: 4821.719

encourage you to get rest because

Time: 4823.12

chances are you're already combating an

Time: 4825.4

infection however if you are out and

Time: 4828.92

about a lot during the winter months or

Time: 4830.56

you're interacting with a lot of people

Time: 4833.639

by virtue of work or public

Time: 4835

transportation or whatever the gym Etc

Time: 4838.08

you're a school teacher maybe your kids

Time: 4839.32

are coming home with colds and flu and

Time: 4841.719

you're not yet feeling that malaise

Time: 4844.199

you're not feeling any throat tickle

Time: 4846.04

you're not getting that kind of um kind

Time: 4848.12

of burning or tickle within your nasal

Time: 4849.88

passages when you breathe you know we're

Time: 4851.32

all familiar with these things the

Time: 4852.28

watering the eyes that kind of precedes

Time: 4854.4

the getting the full-blown cold or flu

Time: 4857.159

well if you're not experiencing that

Time: 4858.92

stuff and you want to keep your inate

Time: 4860.48

immune system strong and able to combat

Time: 4862.44

off colds and flu then we know that

Time: 4864.52

exercise can be an excellent way to

Time: 4867.96

increase the output of that innate

Time: 4869.96

immune system what I mean by that is the

Time: 4872.48

appropriate intensity and duration of

Time: 4874.199

exercise can act as a stressor that

Time: 4877.159

promotes a bit of inflammation yes the

Time: 4879.84

release of cyto kindes and a bit of

Time: 4882.76

activation of the innate immune system

Time: 4884.639

including the production of more white

Time: 4886.04

blood cells natural killer cells such

Time: 4888.199

that you're sort of prompting the innate

Time: 4890.32

immune system to almost think that

Time: 4891.88

there's something to battle such that if

Time: 4893.679

you ever encounter an infection you can

Time: 4896.4

defeat it right off the bat so we're

Time: 4898.96

going to get granular here about what we

Time: 4900.52

mean by proper intensity and duration of

Time: 4902.92

exercise there's a wonderful review that

Time: 4904.8

was published in 2019 in the Journal of

Time: 4907.28

Sport and Health Science entitled The

Time: 4909.36

compelling link between physical

Time: 4910.84

activity and the body's defense system

Time: 4912.84

and there's a lot to this review article

Time: 4914.52

but I'll just highlight a few of the

Time: 4916

critical features that are going to

Time: 4917.28

directly relate to protocols that I

Time: 4919

think all of you are going to be

Time: 4919.96

interested in first of all we know that

Time: 4923.56

exercise that's of 60 Minutes in

Time: 4927.56

duration or less and that is intense but

Time: 4930.84

not allout effort okay here we're not

Time: 4933.56

talking about percentage of single

Time: 4935.88

repetition max weight here we're not

Time: 4938.04

talking about 70 to 85% of one's VO2 max

Time: 4941.96

what we're talking about is you

Time: 4944.159

subjectively gauging what is a 10 out of

Time: 4946.8

10 effort like you could not do any more

Time: 4948.96

you could not contribute any more effort

Time: 4951.159

to that exercise bout and that's true

Time: 4953.239

whether or not we're talking about

Time: 4954

resistance training exercise or

Time: 4955.239

cardiovascular exercise like running or

Time: 4957.239

rowing or things of that sort what we

Time: 4959.32

know is that if you do that sort of

Time: 4961

exercise for about 60 Minutes or

Time: 4963.8

Less you promote the exchange of

Time: 4966.44

components between the blood and the

Time: 4968.159

lymphatic system that increase the

Time: 4971.56

circulation of those cells and chemicals

Time: 4974.6

within the innate immune system such

Time: 4976.32

that not just during exercise but for

Time: 4978.56

many many hours afterwards maybe even as

Time: 4980.8

much as 24 hours afterwards your innate

Time: 4983.239

immune system level of Baseline activity

Time: 4985.88

is ramped up allowing you to better

Time: 4987.96

combat infections such as colds and flu

Time: 4991.56

okay so this is an incentive for getting

Time: 4993.12

a regular exercise of 60 Minutes or Less

Time: 4996.159


Time: 4997.08

day making it of sufficient intensity

Time: 5000.92

for your anate immune system to deploy

Time: 5003.8

more of those chemicals and for your

Time: 5005.56

lymphatic and blood circulation to

Time: 5008.6

increase their exchange of materials

Time: 5011

enough that your Nate immune system is

Time: 5012.84

bolstered however it is absolutely not

Time: 5015.12

the case that more is better in fact

Time: 5017.28

it's probably the case that less is

Time: 5019.52

better here's what we know for sure and

Time: 5021.6

this review covers sort of the extreme

Time: 5023.6

of these examples but for instance

Time: 5026.28

people that do bouts of walking each day

Time: 5028.92

for about 60 Minutes brisk walking

Time: 5031.6


Time: 5033.08

increased te- cell function so that's an

Time: 5034.8

immune cell that goes out and combats

Time: 5036.92

cold and flu viruses and natural killer

Time: 5039.159

cell activity so those increase increase

Time: 5041.84

macras function you are now familiar

Time: 5043.56

with these cells if you don't know

Time: 5044.6

exactly what they do just keep in mind

Time: 5046.04

that you heard about these in the

Time: 5047

context of what the innate immune system

Time: 5049

does to go out and fight colds and

Time: 5052.719

flu cyto coses increase but not

Time: 5056.199

dramatically okay so this is a mild

Time: 5058.08

inflammation response stress hormones

Time: 5060.04

such as cortisol epinephrine norep

Time: 5062.44

nephrine also called adrenaline and

Time: 5064.12

noradrenaline those are deployed as well

Time: 5066.199

so 60 minutes or less of this moderate

Time: 5070.48

to high-intensity exercise creates this

Time: 5073.04

mild stress response and an increase in

Time: 5075.32

the function of the inate immune system

Time: 5077.8

however people that run a marathon and

Time: 5080.159

as I recall a marathon is 26.2 miles if

Time: 5083.239

I'm not

Time: 5084.679

mistaken they experience a very

Time: 5087.52

different pattern of immune response to

Time: 5090.239

that long bout of exercise so here we're

Time: 5092.8

comparing one hour of exercise to 3

Time: 5095.76

hours is that what it takes to run a

Time: 5096.96

marathon I have some friends that are

Time: 5098.119

marathoners I'm guessing about three

Time: 5099.52

maybe four hours if you're really slow

Time: 5101.56

but somewhere between you know I don't

Time: 5103.239

know two and a half and three hours if

Time: 5104.8

you're trained up and you're doing it

Time: 5106.6

and you're doing them regularly well

Time: 5108.44

here's the point people who just ran a

Time: 5111.239

marathon and people who have been

Time: 5113

training for a marathon and are

Time: 5114.36

approaching that Marathon are severely

Time: 5116.96

immune compromised the levels of their

Time: 5120.119

te- cell function are way below Baseline

Time: 5123.28

meaning their inate immune system is not

Time: 5124.719

functioning nearly as well as it would

Time: 5126.48

if they were to not exercise at all

Time: 5128.44

their natural killer cell activity is

Time: 5130

also greatly diminished these are huge

Time: 5132.159

huge reductions in these cells that is

Time: 5134.28

in the function of the inate immune

Time: 5135.4

system and their stress hormones and

Time: 5137.56

their inflammatory molecules such as

Time: 5139.679

cyto circulating in their blood are

Time: 5142.52

extremely high now again we're

Time: 5144.76

representing opposite ends of the

Time: 5146.159

spectrum here with 1 hour or less of

Time: 5148.92

exercise daily versus 26.2 mile marathon

Time: 5153.239

exercise or half marathons as the case

Time: 5155.239

may be and let me be very direct I'm not

Time: 5157.199

discouraging people from running or

Time: 5159.32

training for marathons or half marathons

Time: 5161.08

I think that's great just understand

Time: 5162.28

what you're doing to your immune system

Time: 5163.6

when you do that and take the necessary

Time: 5165.159

precautions but I think most people

Time: 5166.96

listening to this are trying to think

Time: 5168.639

about ways that they can avoid getting

Time: 5169.84

colds and flu and certainly running

Time: 5172.239

marathons is not going to be the way to

Time: 5173.719

do that quite the contrary the way to do

Time: 5175.84

that is in addition to the other things

Time: 5177.48

we've been talking about to get regular

Time: 5179.56

exercise maybe not every single day I'm

Time: 5181.76

actually aan of taking one day per week

Time: 5183.8

completely off from exercise usually on

Time: 5186.119

that day I'll do some sauna and cold if

Time: 5187.719

I have it available to me but the point

Time: 5190.239

is this you don't have to exercise for

Time: 5193.04

an hour a day in order to get this

Time: 5195.56

Improvement in the inate immune response

Time: 5197.8

data show that you can get this

Time: 5199.76

Improvement in anate immune response

Time: 5202.119

with as little as 20 minutes per day and

Time: 5204.92

probably even as little as 12 minutes

Time: 5206.96

per day however if you're going to try

Time: 5208.4

and accomplish this increase in the

Time: 5209.96

innate immune system function or output

Time: 5213

with a shorter bout of exercise such as

Time: 5215

12 minutes it better be 12 minutes of

Time: 5217.04

very high-intensity training in fact

Time: 5218.679

that's what lands on my uh for me it's

Time: 5220.52

Friday but it doesn't really matter

Time: 5221.76

which day of the week there is one day

Time: 5223.08

of the week where I do a very short bout

Time: 5224.92

of cardiovascular exercise but I'm

Time: 5226.6

sprinting hard for anywhere from 20

Time: 5228.96

seconds to a minute and then I'm taking

Time: 5230.239

a brief period of rest and then

Time: 5231.32

repeating that for a total of 12 minutes

Time: 5234.239

now some people here oh only 12 minutes

Time: 5237

of exercise required and they default to

Time: 5239.199

12 minutes every single time they train

Time: 5240.88

I don't think that's a good idea I think

Time: 5242.32

we can take the law of averages here and

Time: 5244.639

say the following I do believe everyone

Time: 5246.719

should do a combination of

Time: 5247.76

cardiovascular training and resistance

Time: 5249.6

training perhaps I think in general not

Time: 5252.44

on the same days but if you're going to

Time: 5255.04

do that and you want to maintain healthy

Time: 5256.8

immune system function my suggestion

Time: 5259.08

what I do is unless it's the long bout

Time: 5261.52

of cardiovascular training that I do

Time: 5263.08

once a week and long for me means 60 to

Time: 5265.28

90 minutes and sometimes longer if it's

Time: 5267.6

a hike which certainly doesn't require

Time: 5270.52

that much intensity

Time: 5273.28

I suggest warming up for about 5 to 10

Time: 5276.08

minutes and then limiting your total

Time: 5277.76

workout duration to about 50 minutes

Time: 5280.239

maybe 60 minutes if that's what's

Time: 5281.84

required to complete what you need to do

Time: 5283.6

in order to keep with your exercise

Time: 5285.52

goals but to be very careful about

Time: 5288.199

exceeding 75 minutes of exercise in any

Time: 5291.159

one single exercise bout and if you

Time: 5293.28

remember back to the beginning of the

Time: 5294.52

episode when I said that I track what I

Time: 5297

do on a day-to-day basis and I don't do

Time: 5298.84

it in a very detailed way but I do take

Time: 5301.679

note of when I've gotten a bad flu or

Time: 5303.48

cold I can tell you that in almost every

Time: 5306.679

single case where I've gotten a bad flu

Time: 5308.28

or cold there are two things that have

Time: 5310.52

preceded that bad flu or cold one is

Time: 5314.44

sleep deprivation typically it would be

Time: 5317.52

nights where I got two hours of sleep or

Time: 5320.08

less for more than one night okay the

Time: 5323.199

second thing is anytime that I really

Time: 5326.239

pushed it with exercise and went all out

Time: 5328.76

and I went for 75 minutes and then I

Time: 5331.119

continued to 90 minutes and then maybe

Time: 5333.199

later that day because somebody invited

Time: 5334.84

me on a run or something like that I

Time: 5336.4

also did that second run or that second

Time: 5338.96

workout of some kind could be running in

Time: 5340.4

the morning and weight training in the

Time: 5341.679

afternoon some people can do that kind

Time: 5343.92

of training on a regular basis even and

Time: 5346.239

not get sick I am not such a person I've

Time: 5349.679

managed to maintain fairly consistent

Time: 5351.96

Fitness output meaning the three

Time: 5353.4

cardiovascular and the three weight

Time: 5354.56

training sessions per week for more than

Time: 5356.4

several decades now and part of the

Time: 5357.88

reason I think I've been able to do that

Time: 5359.28

is because I don't ever push too hard

Time: 5362

for too long within a given workout so

Time: 5364.44

this is really a call for moderation in

Time: 5366.199

terms of the duration and intensity of

Time: 5367.88

the exercise that you're doing but we're

Time: 5369.639

not talking about really being laidback

Time: 5372.199

we're not talking about easy workouts

Time: 5373.96

what we're talking about is an hour or

Time: 5375.36

less of moderate intensity to

Time: 5377.32

high-intensity exercise depending on the

Time: 5379

duration of that exercise and keeping in

Time: 5381.36

mind that when you're doing that you are

Time: 5383.32

activating that innate immune system you

Time: 5385.28

are literally creating an immune

Time: 5387.4

response you're increasing inflammation

Time: 5389.159

you're increasing those cyto kindes

Time: 5390.92

you're increasing stress stress hormones

Time: 5393.04

we have to start to think about exercise

Time: 5394.8

for what it is which is a form of stress

Time: 5396.679

that induces adaptations Dr Andy Galpin

Time: 5398.96

talked a lot about this in the series

Time: 5401.159

that he did on exercise physiology it's

Time: 5403.239

an excellent series that covers

Time: 5404.92

everything from strength to hypertrophy

Time: 5406.28

to speed to endurance nutrition

Time: 5408.119

supplementation you can find all that at

Time: 5409.84

hubman very

Time: 5412.6

easily exercise is a very potent tool we

Time: 5417.44

know that we know that in the context of

Time: 5419.159

changing Aesthetics like body mass

Time: 5421.08

composition you know increasing muscle

Time: 5422.6

reducing fat we know that in the context

Time: 5424.08

of reducing resting heart rate reducing

Time: 5425.92

resting blood pressure we know that in

Time: 5428.32

the context of all these other health

Time: 5429.639

metrics here we're talking about using

Time: 5432.04

exercise as a very potent tool to

Time: 5434.6

increase the function of the Nate immune

Time: 5436.28

system to keep you healthy not just

Time: 5438.04

through the winter months but around the

Time: 5440.44

year and especially if you're getting

Time: 5443.28

less sleep if you're interacting with

Time: 5445.52

kids or adults that are carrying

Time: 5446.96

infections home from school or work on a

Time: 5448.56

regular basis or maybe you even work in

Time: 5450.119

an environment like a hospital or a

Time: 5452.08

clinic where you're regularly

Time: 5453.159

interacting with patients that have

Time: 5454.48

these issues one thing that I often get

Time: 5456.639

asked is if I am sleep deprived should I

Time: 5458.84

exercise and that's a little bit of a

Time: 5460.239

tricky one my initial response for many

Time: 5463.56

years was no no if you're sleep deprived

Time: 5466.52

you're better off not

Time: 5468.199

exercising however I now need to qualify

Time: 5470.52

that answer because there are data

Time: 5471.8

showing that if you're sleep deprived

Time: 5474.76

and you exercise especially if you

Time: 5476.679

exercise early in the day and it doesn't

Time: 5479.28

disrupt your sleep schedule so it's not

Time: 5481

making you go to sleep even later the

Time: 5482.639

next night that it actually can cause

Time: 5485.119

some adjustments in the function of your

Time: 5486.76

immune system and in the way that you

Time: 5488.84

regulate your blood sugar that offset

Time: 5490.88

some of the negative effects of sleep

Time: 5492.36

deprivation that said you should never

Time: 5494.84

ever compromise the amount of sleep you

Time: 5497.28

could get in order to get exercise such

Time: 5499.679

that you run yourself down so what I'm

Time: 5501

really saying here is if you get one bad

Time: 5502.36

night's sleep should you skip your

Time: 5503.56

workout and you feel like ah you know

Time: 5505.88

I'm not feeling sick and should I work

Time: 5507.88

out or should I go back to sleep

Time: 5509.92

probably going back to sleep is the

Time: 5511.119

better idea but if you don't have the

Time: 5512.48

option to go back to sleep for whatever

Time: 5513.92

reason you can't fall back asleep then

Time: 5515.44

you would be wise to do a bout of

Time: 5518.08

exercise but I would suggest reducing

Time: 5519.92

the intensity and duration of that

Time: 5521.719

exercise by about 25% maybe even 50% and

Time: 5525.4

that should allow you to offset any of

Time: 5526.92

the negative effects of sleep

Time: 5528

deprivation for that one night keep in

Time: 5529.8

mind exercise is not a replacement for

Time: 5532.199

sleep and then to allow you to get to

Time: 5535.08

sleep at the appropriate time later that

Time: 5536.719

night and back onto a regular schedule

Time: 5538.44

keeping your innate immune system tuned

Time: 5540.119

up and ready to combat any colds or flu

Time: 5543.159

now one more point about exercise and

Time: 5544.88

here we're also going to dovetail in an

Time: 5546.679

important point about nutrition in the

Time: 5548.92

review that I mentioned a few moments

Time: 5550.92

ago they cover some of the data from

Time: 5553.32

studies exploring the post exercise

Time: 5556.76

stress response so this is the post

Time: 5559.08

exercise induced increase in things like

Time: 5561.44

cortisol those natural killer cells the

Time: 5564.239

production of white blood cells and so

Time: 5566.48

on it's very clear that if you are in a

Time: 5570.119

state of chronic stress because you're

Time: 5571.639

you're exercising a lot Andor because

Time: 5574

you're not sleeping enough or for

Time: 5575.679

whatever reason maybe you have a lot of

Time: 5577

Life stress it's very clear that

Time: 5579.199


Time: 5580.52

carbohydrates after exercise can help

Time: 5583.44

attenuate some of the inflammation that

Time: 5585.239


Time: 5586.52

induces when we talk about carbohydrates

Time: 5588.719

we're talking about rice oatmeal pasta

Time: 5591.44

those sorts of things soal complex

Time: 5593.76

carbohydrates and fruit post exercise

Time: 5596.56

has been shown to attenuate to reduce

Time: 5599.199

some of the markers of inflammation by

Time: 5602.04

about 30 to

Time: 5603.48

40% when contrasted with water only

Time: 5606.36

intake especially if you're training

Time: 5608.28

fasted so for those of you like me that

Time: 5610.119

like to wake up in the morning and just

Time: 5611.32

drink fluids you know for me it's water

Time: 5613.48

y bate coffee and by the way I've said

Time: 5617.08

before that people should delay their

Time: 5618.76

caffeine intake 90 minutes if and only

Time: 5620.84

if they're experiencing an afternoon

Time: 5622.159

crash but that if you are exercising

Time: 5625.239

first thing in the morning it's

Time: 5626.239

perfectly fine to ingest your caffeine

Time: 5627.76

right away so that gives you increase in

Time: 5630.44

energy for that exercise that's

Time: 5631.679

certainly what I do on days that I

Time: 5633.159

exercise but if you fast and then you're

Time: 5635.52

drinking caffeine and then you're

Time: 5636.92

exercising and that exercise goes longer

Time: 5639

than 60 Minutes certainly if it goes

Time: 5641.199

longer than 75 minutes you would do well

Time: 5643.76

to ingest some complex carbohydrates

Time: 5645.6

maybe also some fruit perhaps not

Time: 5647.92

immediately after exercise but within

Time: 5649.719

the 45 minutes or so or hour or so after

Time: 5652.239

exercise so that you're not ramping up

Time: 5654.36

those inflammatory molecules and leaving

Time: 5656.239

them ramped up for many hours into the

Time: 5659.199

morning and throughout the day because

Time: 5661.08

of course this episode is not about

Time: 5662.84

exercise and nutrition but here we're

Time: 5664.32

talking about the role that exercise and

Time: 5666.159

nutrition play in helping us combat

Time: 5668.239

colds and flu by increasing the function

Time: 5669.8

of that innate immune system and the

Time: 5672.44

reasons why carbohydrates can have this

Time: 5674.32

effect on cortisol Etc is an interesting

Time: 5676.6

and important discussion into itself

Time: 5678.08

we'll leave it for another episode but

Time: 5680.04

keep that in mind also I don't know

Time: 5681.32

about you but a nice bowl of oatmeal

Time: 5682.84

some fruit and a protein drink or some

Time: 5684.36

eggs after an hour or so of exercise in

Time: 5687.36

the morning when I haven't eaten

Time: 5688.679

anything since the night before tastes

Time: 5690.76

really really good so continuing with

Time: 5692.6

the theme of things that we can do at

Time: 5694.679

the level of behaviors to improve the

Time: 5696.719

function of our innate immune system and

Time: 5698.48

combat colds and flu perhaps even

Time: 5701.08

prevent us from getting colds and flu at

Time: 5702.88

all but certainly help combat them if

Time: 5705.639

they've initially made their way into

Time: 5707.159

our system but we haven't developed

Time: 5708.6

full-blown symptoms and we want to

Time: 5710.32

prevent those full-blown symptoms is the

Time: 5713.119

use of deliberate heat exposure in

Time: 5715

particular sauna there's a nice study on

Time: 5717.719

this that was published very recently

Time: 5720

2023 the title of the study is the

Time: 5722.32

effects of a single and series of

Time: 5723.96

finished sauna sessions on the immune

Time: 5726.36

system response and heat shock protein

Time: 5728.239

70 levels in trained and untrained men

Time: 5730.76

it's a very interesting study they

Time: 5732.119

compared athletically trained and

Time: 5733.88

non-athletic trained men as most of you

Time: 5736.56

probably know when you get into a hot

Time: 5738

sauna heart rate increases there's vasod

Time: 5740.44

dilation there's the increase in the

Time: 5742.92

release of heat shock proteins there's

Time: 5744.48

the increase in things like dorphin

Time: 5747.28

which if it's sufficiently hot are

Time: 5749.76

increased to levels that make us feel

Time: 5751.199

kind kind of agitated and not so good we

Time: 5753.4

have to actively calm ourselves in the

Time: 5755.48

sauna so we're not talking about an easy

Time: 5757

cruise at 150° fenhe we're talking about

Time: 5759.4

getting up into the you know 180 degree

Time: 5762.239

Fahrenheit or 210 degree Fahrenheit

Time: 5764.88

range maybe even higher if you're heat

Time: 5768.08

adapted and that the dorphin makes you

Time: 5770.92

feel lousy in the short term but that it

Time: 5772.48

upregulates a bunch of different

Time: 5773.84

biological mechanisms that give you kind

Time: 5776.04

of low-level Euphoria and actually the

Time: 5778.44

capacity to experience more feelings of

Time: 5781.56

well-being from the endorphins that you

Time: 5783.639

make after you get out of the sauna this

Time: 5785.48

is oh so important to understand whether

Time: 5787.199

or not we're talking about exercise or

Time: 5788.36

deliberate cold exposure or deliberate

Time: 5789.719

heat exposure what happens during the

Time: 5792.719

heat exposure cold exposure exercise is

Time: 5795.8

more often than not just the trigger for

Time: 5798.679

the long-term adaptation that we're

Time: 5800.28

seeking just like exercise increases

Time: 5802.52

your heart rate and blood pressure but

Time: 5804.639

then leads to reductions in resting

Time: 5806.32

heart rate and blood pressure and so on

Time: 5807.639

and so forth this study is interesting

Time: 5809.119

and there are a lot of different

Time: 5810.04

takeaways from this study because they

Time: 5811.4

compare these two different

Time: 5813

populations I'll just give you the top

Time: 5816

Contour of what the protocol entailed

Time: 5817.639

there were 10 sauna sessions each of

Time: 5819.48

those sauna sessions were three rounds

Time: 5823.119

of 15 minutes of sauna so one session

Time: 5825.96

meant going into the sauna the sauna was

Time: 5829.199

of a given temperature but I think for

Time: 5830.52

most people what's going to work in

Time: 5832.08

terms of what parallels the study is

Time: 5833.639

going to be somewhere between 176 and

Time: 5835.84

210 degrees Fahrenheit depending on how

Time: 5837.679

heat adapted you are always be safe

Time: 5839.4

don't do this if you're pregnant don't

Time: 5841.36

this if you're a child Etc so they're

Time: 5844.239

doing three rounds of 15 minutes each

Time: 5846.56

separated by 2 minutes during that 2

Time: 5848.48

minutes they take a cool shower where

Time: 5850.4

they cool off in some way they're not

Time: 5852.36

going into a cold plunge but they're

Time: 5853.679

cooling off with a cool

Time: 5855.639

shower and they're doing that three

Time: 5858

times that's one

Time: 5859.76

session they do 10 sessions those sauna

Time: 5862.76

sessions were spaced apart by at least a

Time: 5864.639

few days and the entire experiment

Time: 5867.719

meaning all 10 sessions were completed

Time: 5869.8

within a 3-we period and then a bunch of

Time: 5871.84

things were measured like the amount of

Time: 5874.04

white blood cells and immune cells that

Time: 5875.92

were deployed after the first session

Time: 5878.08

versus the third versus the eth versus

Time: 5880.159

the 10th and so on as well as the levels

Time: 5882.76

of cortisol and inflammatory markers

Time: 5884.639

there are a lot of different things

Time: 5885.88

measured in this study here's what we

Time: 5888.239

know sauna baths as they're calling them

Time: 5891.28

resulted in a statistically significant

Time: 5893.199

increase in cortisol concentration after

Time: 5895.28

the first and the 10th sauna session

Time: 5898.48

okay so every time you go into the sauna

Time: 5901.159

you're getting an increase in cortisol

Time: 5902.56

we know that because the heat is a

Time: 5903.88

stressor again don't think about heat as

Time: 5906.92

oh you're just kind of relaxing in the

Time: 5908.159

onet so nice you're getting a cortisol

Time: 5910.159

response cortisol is a glucocorticoid

Time: 5913.8

stress hormone as it's sometimes called

Time: 5915.92

which can be a good thing if it sets in

Time: 5917.56

motion a number of other things such as

Time: 5919.639

the increase in the activity of the

Time: 5920.88

anate immune system and indeed that is

Time: 5922.88

what they observed after and here I'm

Time: 5925.48

paraphrasing after the first and 10th

Time: 5927.239

Saab baths they witnessed an increase in

Time: 5931.08

lucite count lucaites are a particular

Time: 5932.8

type of cell of the inate immune system

Time: 5935.199

however only after the last sauna

Time: 5936.84

session did this change reach

Time: 5939.08

statistical significance in the trained

Time: 5941

group so what they observed was that

Time: 5943.599

athletes who are trained are used to

Time: 5945.84

being in high heat conditions because of

Time: 5947.48

their athletic training people who are

Time: 5949.8

not trained in athletics are not used to

Time: 5952.119

that there are a lot of different ways

Time: 5954

to look at these data but the simplest

Time: 5956.119

takeaway is that if you are already very

Time: 5958.52

heat adapted because you do sauna

Time: 5960.599

regularly or you exercise regularly well

Time: 5963.48

then it's going to take a stronger

Time: 5965.199

stimulus or more sauna either longer or

Time: 5968.36

hotter or more frequent to get the sorts

Time: 5971.119

of increases in innate immune response

Time: 5974.719

as compared to someone who's never done

Time: 5976.52

sauna who's not exercising regularly and

Time: 5979.239

that just makes sense if something isn't

Time: 5981.04

stressful to you you're not going to get

Time: 5982.84

the stimulation of that innate immune

Time: 5984.56

response and the overall takeaway from

Time: 5986.599

this study was that I do believe that if

Time: 5989.32

you're feeling run down a little bit bit

Time: 5992.08

or if you're just trying to keep colds

Time: 5995

and flu at Bay having some regular is

Time: 5998.239

practice of getting into the sauna for

Time: 6000.4

three rounds of 15 minutes separated by

Time: 6002.44

two-minute cool off you don't

Time: 6003.52

necessarily have to do a cold shower or

Time: 6005.119

a cold Plunge in between although I

Time: 6007

don't see why you couldn't or wouldn't

Time: 6009.639

you could also just get out of the sauna

Time: 6011

and be in the cool air and then get back

Time: 6012.56

in or perhaps you do something more akin

Time: 6015.76

to what's been shown in other studies

Time: 6017.239

that explore the relationship between

Time: 6018.719

heat exposure and immune response which

Time: 6020.52

is to do two rounds of 20 minutes or one

Time: 6023.599

round of 30 minutes in the sauna

Time: 6025.119

whatever you can do safely and

Time: 6026.28

comfortably keep in mind safety is Key

Time: 6028.04

Don't harm yourself I say that not to

Time: 6029.639

protect me but to protect

Time: 6031.56

you that sauna is an effective way of

Time: 6035.76

increasing the activity of the inate

Time: 6037.44

immune system it increases Lucy levels

Time: 6040.76

yes it increases cortisol levels but in

Time: 6042.44

a way that promote the activity of the

Time: 6045.04

inate immune system however and here we

Time: 6047.44

are back to exactly the same thing we

Time: 6049

said about exercise if you're already

Time: 6051.239

feeling really rund down feeling kind of

Time: 6053.48

heaviness in the body you don't feel

Time: 6055.199

well you're starting to get some

Time: 6056.679

sniffles don't get in a very hot sauna

Time: 6060.28

but for sake of keeping colds and flu at

Time: 6063.32

Bay sure do three rounds of 15 minutes

Time: 6066.04

in the sauna between 176 degrees 210

Time: 6068.92

degrees whatever you can safely tolerate

Time: 6071

take those two-minute breaks in between

Time: 6072.44

maybe do a cold shower or coolish shower

Time: 6074.8

maybe just stand outside the sauna in

Time: 6076.199

between if you're feeling really strong

Time: 6078.52

do a coal plunge for a minut two minutes

Time: 6081.32

in between you don't have to but you

Time: 6082.96

certainly could and then get back in and

Time: 6085.159

then repeat or just do one 20 minute

Time: 6087.08

session or 30 minute session all of

Time: 6089.4

which have been shown to promote the

Time: 6090.639

activity of the Nate immune system

Time: 6092.8

however and I realize I said this before

Time: 6094.44

but I feel like I need to say it again

Time: 6095.92

especially For You hardcore exercisers

Time: 6098

or people that really feel like oh I can

Time: 6099.719

push through if you're already sick and

Time: 6102.92

you have the symptoms of a colder flu

Time: 6104.96

you want to limit the amount of stress

Time: 6106.639

to your body you want to get into bed

Time: 6108.44

and sleep if you can't sleep you want to

Time: 6110.28

relax you do not want to exercise you

Time: 6113.08

should not exercise not only do you

Time: 6114.88

stand to get other people ill by going

Time: 6117.04

places where you exercise but even if

Time: 6118.52

you exercise at home or in total

Time: 6120.239

isolation you're going to prolong the

Time: 6122.4

duration of that illness because there

Time: 6123.92

are many many reasons why being still

Time: 6127.08

slowing your circulation and allowing

Time: 6128.8

your innate and then in that case your

Time: 6130.44

adaptive immune system to kick in and

Time: 6132.239

combat those infections is going to get

Time: 6133.76

you back into a regular exercise and

Time: 6135.56

work regimen much much faster than would

Time: 6137.48

be the case if you were to push through

Time: 6140.159

okay so now we get to the portion of the

Time: 6141.719

discussion that I think probably many

Time: 6144.08

people are anticipating which is what

Time: 6147

can you take to reduce the probability

Time: 6150.599

of getting a colder flu or shorten the

Time: 6153.199

duration of a colder flu and I actually

Time: 6155.719

put out a call on social media I asked

Time: 6158.28

the question on Instagram and on X

Time: 6160.639

formerly called Twitter you know what do

Time: 6162.679

you do for a colder flu and what are you

Time: 6164.56

curious about in terms of what one can

Time: 6166.199

take for cold or flu and I got thousands

Time: 6169.28

upon thousands of answers

Time: 6171.4

however many of those answers converged

Time: 6173.04

on some common things things like taking

Time: 6175.719

garlic I heard for instance that some

Time: 6177.159

people are chewing a raw clove of garlic

Time: 6178.92

every day during the winter um I heard

Time: 6181.36

about people who take fermented garlic

Time: 6183.76

some people swear by eonia some people

Time: 6186.48

swear by eonia vitamin C and Zinc now

Time: 6189.639

there are far too many compounds that

Time: 6191.44

exist in the wellness and indeed in the

Time: 6193.92

medical literature to cover all of them

Time: 6195.76

so I'm going to highlight a few that I

Time: 6197.4

think are especially interesting and

Time: 6199.199

that have been shown in p reviewed

Time: 6201.119

science to be potentially useful some of

Time: 6204.08

these you've heard of before and some of

Time: 6206.4

them I think are going to be surprising

Time: 6207.96

or at least new to you first let's

Time: 6210.28

consider what most people believe to be

Time: 6212.599

a very effective way to hasten colds or

Time: 6215.44

flu that is to make them last shorter

Time: 6218.28

duration of time than they would

Time: 6220.159

otherwise maybe even prevent colds or

Time: 6222.239

flu the big one there is vitamin C we

Time: 6224.599

hear all the time vitamin C antioxidant

Time: 6227.32

I grew up in an area where the Noel

Time: 6229.599

prize winning chemist lonus Pauling who

Time: 6232.28

was a fanatic about vitamin C he took

Time: 6234

many many grams of vitamin C each day

Time: 6236.8

used to tout the benefits of vitamin

Time: 6239.32

C here's the deal there is some evidence

Time: 6243.56

and it's not great frankly that points

Time: 6246.8

to the fact that taking 6 to8 grams

Time: 6250.48

grams so that's 6,000 to 8,000

Time: 6252.96

milligrams of Vitamin C per day that is

Time: 6255.4

a lot of vitamin

Time: 6256.96

C each day can

Time: 6261.48

perhaps delay the onset of a cold or

Time: 6263.679

shorten the duration of a cold so here

Time: 6267.199

we're talking about very high doses and

Time: 6269.159

not a very robust effect I should

Time: 6271.719

mention that for most people who aren't

Time: 6273.96

accustomed to taking much vitamin C if

Time: 6276.28

you were to take 6 to eight grams of

Time: 6278.28

vitamin C in capsule or powder or pill

Time: 6280.28

form chances are you're going to

Time: 6281.8

experience some significant gastric

Time: 6283.76

distress some people can build up to

Time: 6285.92

that level or take it with food in a way

Time: 6288.36

that doesn't cause that gastric distress

Time: 6290.8

but many people will experience gastric

Time: 6293.08

distress there's been a lot said about

Time: 6295.159

vitamin C and its other potential roles

Time: 6296.92

in our physiology and I don't want to

Time: 6298.52

touch on those now because it may have

Time: 6300.04

some interesting roles in other aspects

Time: 6301.56

of our physiology but I have to say that

Time: 6304.679

in scouring the literature on vitamin C

Time: 6308.44

I encountered a recent paper so this was

Time: 6311.04

published in 2023 and the title of this

Time: 6314.159

paper is retraction extra dose of

Time: 6318.04

vitamin C based on a daily

Time: 6319.48

supplementation shorten the common cold

Time: 6321.32

a metaanalysis of nine randomized

Time: 6323.239


Time: 6324.32

trials what is this paper that was

Time: 6326.239

recently published why is retraction the

Time: 6328.639

first word in the title Well turns out

Time: 6332.32

that the metaanalysis of nine randomized

Time: 6334.52

control trials showing a small but

Time: 6338.08

significant Improvement in the outcomes

Time: 6340.639

for colds and flu or reduction in

Time: 6342.719

probability of getting colds and flu

Time: 6344.8

that study was retracted and it was

Time: 6346.92

retracted on the basis of multiple

Time: 6350.679

instances of an error in which the

Time: 6352.84

placebo groups had been double counted

Time: 6354.599

in Trials more than the two intervention

Time: 6356.199

arms so there were some serious data

Time: 6358.08

analysis flaws in that metaanalysis now

Time: 6361.44

that is not to say that vitamin C is of

Time: 6363.639

zero benefit for reducing the

Time: 6366.52

probability of colds and flu but must

Time: 6368.92

say provided that you're getting

Time: 6370.679

sufficient amounts of vitamin C from

Time: 6372.08

your food intake maybe you're also get a

Time: 6374.04

little bit in your vitamin mineral

Time: 6375.88

supplement or if you take a foundational

Time: 6377.88

supplement like ag1 or something similar

Time: 6381.239

almost certainly you're getting enough

Time: 6382.36

vitamin C it does not seem that taking

Time: 6385.48

high doses of vitamin C and I would

Time: 6387.679

Place 6 to8 grams of vitamin C in the

Time: 6389.84

high dose range is going to be effective

Time: 6392.76

for treating or preventing colds and flu

Time: 6395.92

so more data may arrive in the near

Time: 6397.8

future but vitamin C is probably not a

Time: 6399.84

very good investment if you're taking it

Time: 6401.44

solely for the purpose of enhancing your

Time: 6403.52

immune system function and staving off

Time: 6406.599

colds and flu now what about vitamin D

Time: 6408.599

we hear a lot these days about the

Time: 6409.8

importance of having sufficient vitamin

Time: 6411.199

D levels and ideally everyone would get

Time: 6413.119

their vitamin D levels measured by

Time: 6415.159

regular blood test I do get my blood

Time: 6416.84

work done every 6 months I find it be

Time: 6418.56

incredibly informative tells me what's

Time: 6420.52

going on below the hood in ways that I

Time: 6422.639

never could be aware of where I not to

Time: 6425

get that test but I realize that there's

Time: 6426.239

a cost to those tests and not everyone

Time: 6428.76

can afford

Time: 6429.88

them I think most Physicians would agree

Time: 6433.119

that supplementing with anywhere from a

Time: 6435.159

th000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day

Time: 6438.28

is probably safe for most people and

Time: 6440.599

will buffer that level of vitamin D in

Time: 6443.04

their system such that they're unlikely

Time: 6445.04

to be deficient and unlikely to far

Time: 6448.599

exceed what's safe in the

Time: 6450.56

body however there are people who need

Time: 6453.639

higher levels of vitamin D

Time: 6454.8

supplementation in order to achieve

Time: 6456.52

sufficient amounts of vitamin D for

Time: 6457.96

their mental health and physical health

Time: 6459.52

I mean vitamin D is involved in a lot of

Time: 6461.48

different processes in the brain and

Time: 6463.76

body now it is clear that people who are

Time: 6467.48

vitamin D deficient so these are people

Time: 6469.48

whose vitamin D level levels have been

Time: 6471.48

measured oftentimes have diminished

Time: 6474.08

immune system function and are more

Time: 6476.4

prone to acute respiratory tract

Time: 6478.84

infections there's a very lengthy and

Time: 6481.28

very interesting review entitled vitamin

Time: 6483.04

D supplementation to prevent acute

Time: 6485.08

respiratory tract infections systematic

Time: 6486.96

review and metaanalysis of individual

Time: 6488.8

participant data this is a beast of a

Time: 6491.199

thing um I did read it all very very

Time: 6493.92

interesting many many

Time: 6495.599

studies the exact takeaways from a large

Time: 6498.36

review like this of 20 randomized

Time: 6501.04

control trials is a little bit tricky I

Time: 6504.239

mean they did conclude that vitamin D

Time: 6505.76

supplementation did reduce the risk of

Time: 6507.56

acute respiratory tract infection among

Time: 6509.32

all the participants however the degree

Time: 6512.96

of prevention was small to moderate in

Time: 6516.599

some cases they did point out however

Time: 6519

that just because people with low levels

Time: 6520.88

of vitamin D tend to get colds and flu

Time: 6523.639

more often than people that don't does

Time: 6526.08

not necessarily mean that vitamin D

Time: 6529.119

deficiencies are the reason for that for

Time: 6531.28

instance we know that people that get

Time: 6533.52

regular sunlight exposure and as

Time: 6535.599

everyone knows I'm a big big proponent

Time: 6538

of getting sunlight in your eyes as

Time: 6540.56

early as possible in the day after

Time: 6541.88

waking up and if it's cloudy out to get

Time: 6543.599

even more time outside if you can and if

Time: 6545.88

you can't get access to sunlight for

Time: 6547.32

whatever reason to perhaps invest in a

Time: 6549.56

10,000 Lux light tablet you can find

Time: 6551.8

these online at reasonable cost you know

Time: 6553.599

$100 to $200 in some

Time: 6557.639

cases getting sunlight sets in motion a

Time: 6560.92

huge number of different things

Time: 6562.599

including increasing the amount of

Time: 6564.239

vitamin D in your system but a bunch of

Time: 6567.239

other things as well increases in

Time: 6568.52

cortisol increases in dopamine increases

Time: 6570.36

in serotonin that Cascade toward and

Time: 6573.8

relate to improved immune system

Time: 6575.88

function so what is the takeaway here I

Time: 6578.96

think that for most people supplementing

Time: 6580.639

with a th to 2,000 international units

Time: 6583.4

of vitamin D it's probably safe however

Time: 6586.44

if you need more vitamin D you won't

Time: 6588.44

know that unless you take a vitamin D

Time: 6590.4

test that is you measure the amount of

Time: 6591.92

vitamin D in your bloodstream and some

Time: 6594.04

people indeed need 5,000 to 10,000 IU of

Time: 6596.48

vitamin D per day but you don't want to

Time: 6599

overdose yourself on vitamin D that is

Time: 6600.76

if you already have sufficiently high

Time: 6602.159

levels of vitamin D in your system and

Time: 6604.28

you're getting sufficient sunlight well

Time: 6606.56

then taking 10,000 or more international

Time: 6610.239

units of vitamin D could possibly be

Time: 6613.08

detrimental I think it's fair to say

Time: 6615.04

based on the metaanalysis and review

Time: 6617.639

that I mentioned a moment ago and the

Time: 6619.719

other papers that I was able to glean

Time: 6622.04

that vitamin D itself is unlikely to be

Time: 6625.679

the sole protectant against colds and

Time: 6627.44

flu but it's probably a good thing to

Time: 6629.04

include in your general kit of nutrition

Time: 6631.8

and supplementation tools if your goal

Time: 6633.36

is to keep your innate immune system

Time: 6635.52

fighting off colds and flu sufficiently

Time: 6638.08

other things that perhaps support the

Time: 6639.56

innate immune system are going to be as

Time: 6641.079

I mentioned earlier the things that

Time: 6642.239

support the gut microbiome so those low

Time: 6643.8

sugar fermented foods maybe a Prebiotic

Time: 6645.92

probiotic capsule maybe something like

Time: 6648.239

athletic greens ag1 although certainly

Time: 6651.079

you could achieve sufficient microbiome

Time: 6653.32

support from Foods if you're careful and

Time: 6655.96

intentional about the foods that you

Time: 6657.199

select now the other compound or

Time: 6659.239

substance that we often hear about in

Time: 6660.76

the context of colds or flu is eonia

Time: 6664.159

eonia is a compound that has been

Time: 6666.599

proposed to improve immune system

Time: 6668.199

function now when you go into the data

Time: 6669.76

and you explore what does taking eonia

Time: 6672.719

tinctures or other forms of eonia really

Time: 6674.76

do to avoid colds and flu the answer

Time: 6677.679

that comes back is not much if anything

Time: 6680.48

now is taking eonia dangerous probably

Time: 6683.44

not however it has been shown in a few

Time: 6685.88

studies that people that take eonia

Time: 6687.84

regularly at high

Time: 6689.76

doses can potentially impede the

Time: 6692.599

function of their innate immune system

Time: 6694.199

that is reductions in white blood cell

Time: 6695.88

count reductions in those natural killer

Time: 6697.639

cells so my suggestion would be if you

Time: 6700.719

absolutely love e eona for whatever

Time: 6702.599

reason you're convinced that it helps

Time: 6703.84

you that you reserve to taking it when

Time: 6705.48

you're starting to feel a little bit

Time: 6706.48

rund down or perhaps just in the winter

Time: 6708.239

month not months plural but month when

Time: 6711.199

you're most prone to those cold and flu

Time: 6712.88

infections but then not taking it

Time: 6714.719

continuously throughout the year and

Time: 6716

certainly not for more than four weeks

Time: 6717.639

at a time but again if you're doing that

Time: 6720.32

just know that there aren't really any

Time: 6722.679

strong scientific data to support the

Time: 6724.04

use of eona by contrast there are pretty

Time: 6727

darn good data that support

Time: 6729

supplementing with zinc as a way to

Time: 6731.119

combat colds and flu in particular

Time: 6734.119

colds now here the dosages really matter

Time: 6737.48

it's been shown that if you take less

Time: 6739.119

than 75 milligrams of zinc in supplement

Time: 6742.4

form to try and impact the probability

Time: 6745.36

of getting or shortening a common cold

Time: 6748.679

it's not going to work you need to take

Time: 6750.48

100 milligrams or more and now 100

Time: 6752.48

milligrams or more of zinc for some

Time: 6753.92

people it's going to cause some gastric

Time: 6755.52

distress if you take it on an empty

Time: 6757.599

stomach I've actually made the mistake

Time: 6759.32

of taking I think it was 50 milligrams

Time: 6761.36

of zinc on an empty stomach and I felt

Time: 6763.36

really nauseous did not feel well so

Time: 6765.56

don't take zinc on an empty stomach and

Time: 6767.159

if you're trying to shorten a colder flu

Time: 6770.119

that you think you've already contracted

Time: 6771.56

or you're trying to keep a cold or flu

Time: 6773

at Bay because you were around people

Time: 6774.36

with cold or flu or you're just worried

Time: 6775.76

about it taking 100 milligrams of zinc

Time: 6778

perhaps divide it up into two doses of

Time: 6779.719

50 milligrams each or maybe 100

Time: 6782.4

milligrams all at once but making sure

Time: 6783.8

that you take that with at least a

Time: 6785.8

moderately sized or full meal certainly

Time: 6788.239

could be advantageous keep in mind that

Time: 6790.079

people that are older than 65 are

Time: 6792.32

perhaps the ones that need to supplement

Time: 6794.079

zinc the most also keep in mind that

Time: 6796.639

children meaning people younger than 15

Time: 6801.119

should probably not supplement with too

Time: 6803.04

much zinc it can be problematic and

Time: 6804.639

certainly pregnant women should have

Time: 6806

talked to their doctor before

Time: 6807.199

supplementing with zinc indeed anytime

Time: 6809.36

you're going to take anything whether or

Time: 6810.679

not you're young old pregnant or not you

Time: 6813.119

should consult your physician before you

Time: 6814.719

take anything or remove anything from

Time: 6816.36

your health protocols one of the more

Time: 6817.96

interesting aspects of supplementing

Time: 6819.52

with zinc that I was able to find in the

Time: 6821.079

literature is a three times faster

Time: 6823.96

recovery rate for people that already

Time: 6826.52

contracted a cold so in this study

Time: 6829.04

people weren't taking 100 milligram but

Time: 6830.96

the dosage came pretty close they were

Time: 6832.28

taking 90 milligram per day of zinc

Time: 6835.639

acetate and they experienced a three

Time: 6838.719

times faster recovery rate from that

Time: 6840.44

cold compared to people who were not

Time: 6842.48

taking the zinc now of course there

Time: 6843.8

could be other factors as well but the

Time: 6845.199

study was fairly convincing so given

Time: 6847.92

that zinc is fairly low cost given that

Time: 6849.88

it's generally safe for most

Time: 6852

people and the fact that if you take it

Time: 6854.079

with food it doesn't cause any

Time: 6856.119

discomfort supplementing with Inc at a

Time: 6858.28

level of anywhere from 90 to 100

Time: 6860.96

milligrams per day probably no more than

Time: 6862.84

120 per day seems like a logical way to

Time: 6866.56

Stave off colds and flu and reduce the

Time: 6868.96

duration of a cold or flu should you

Time: 6870.8

contract one now I want to be very clear

Time: 6872.84

that I've been talking about colds and

Time: 6874.04

flu kind of in uh in concert kind of

Time: 6876.599

treating them more or less as the same

Time: 6877.96

thing some of that is for sake of time

Time: 6879.92

and simplicity most all the studies

Time: 6882.159

showing a benefit of zinc are studies

Time: 6884

showing the benefit of zinc for the

Time: 6885.88

treatment or the hastening of colds not

Time: 6889.04

for flu specifically however I consulted

Time: 6892.28

with a few Physicians one of whom is

Time: 6894.88

expert in this area and he said I didn't

Time: 6896.48

see any reason why you wouldn't take

Time: 6897.84

zinc if you had a flu there's no reason

Time: 6900.48

to think that it would introduce any

Time: 6901.719

kind of increased risk but again consult

Time: 6903.92

with your physician before taking or

Time: 6905.28

removing anything from your supplement

Time: 6906.92

regimen now a lot of the compounds that

Time: 6908.639

we're discussing are sort of

Time: 6910.119

conventional in the sense that I think

Time: 6911.52

most people have probably heard of them

Time: 6912.88

already perhaps the most esoteric

Time: 6914.639

sounding one thus far is eona which we

Time: 6916.92

established probably not very helpful

Time: 6919.76

for colds or flu but we've been talking

Time: 6922

about vitamin C we've been talking about

Time: 6923.36

zinc vitamin D making sure you're

Time: 6925.32

getting your sunlight supporting your

Time: 6926.76

microbiome and so on and so on one

Time: 6929.199

compound that I'm guessing most people

Time: 6931.119

perhaps have not heard of but that is

Time: 6933.159

very interesting that in fact I've taken

Time: 6935.04

before and that I stock in my supplement

Time: 6937.56

cabinet in case I feel like I'm coming

Time: 6939.88

down with something is an acetylcysteine

Time: 6942.4

or Knack what is Knack Knack is a

Time: 6945.48

precursor to glutathione what is

Time: 6948

glutathione glutathione is the master

Time: 6950.719

antioxidant it's involved in reducing

Time: 6952.96

what are called reactive oxygen species

Time: 6955.44

which build up in cells that are very

Time: 6956.96

metabolically active reactive oxygen

Time: 6959.88

species build up even more in cells that

Time: 6961.84

are under stress or a body that's under

Time: 6963.719

stress and it also has the property of

Time: 6966.56

reducing reactive nitrogen species

Time: 6969.239

reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen

Time: 6971.159

species significantly increase under

Time: 6973.44

conditions of infection and having

Time: 6975.199

sufficient levels of glutathione is a

Time: 6977.079

good thing now netal is used in certain

Time: 6980.96

clinics overseas and in the US as a way

Time: 6983.52

to treat cystic fibrosis because it's

Time: 6985.679

also a mucolytic and cystic fibrosis is

Time: 6988.119

the buildup of fluid in the lungs and a

Time: 6990.199

mucolytic substance is something that

Time: 6992.4

loosens up the mucus and allows it to

Time: 6994.719

flow more readily out of different

Time: 6996.48

cavities of the body including the lungs

Time: 6998.76

the nasal passages and sinuses and

Time: 7001.079

indeed last winter I did unfortunately

Time: 7003.8

get a cold I told you about once every

Time: 7005.96

18 to 24 months I get a cold and it was

Time: 7008.56

a pretty nasty 1 I was feeling super

Time: 7010.599

congested at first I thought it was an

Time: 7011.92

ear infection pretty quickly I realized

Time: 7014

I had a cold and I was feeling so

Time: 7016.079

congested I wasn't sleeping well and it

Time: 7017.84

was suggested to me to take an

Time: 7019.199

acetylcysteine I ended up doing that at

Time: 7021.199

a dosage of anywhere from 600 to 900

Time: 7023.44

milligrams three times per day so it was

Time: 7025.719

a 600 to 900 milligram capsule depending

Time: 7028.199

on which brand I purchased a lot of

Time: 7030.36

different versions of this out there on

Time: 7031.56

the market I took it morning late

Time: 7033.599

morning and afternoon and indeed it is a

Time: 7035.44

powerful mucolytic the mucus just starts

Time: 7037.84

flowing out of you you better have an

Time: 7038.96

extra box of tissues handy and that

Time: 7040.96

greatly relieved the pressure in my

Time: 7042.4

sinuses and the reason I liked using

Time: 7045.679

Knack is because I've actively avoided

Time: 7048.04

using decongestants that one can

Time: 7050

purchase over the counter most

Time: 7051.159

decongestants are of the Alpha One

Time: 7053.119

Agonist variety what's an alpha 1

Time: 7055.84

Agonist it causes Vaso constriction that

Time: 7058.239

Vaso constriction can be beneficial in

Time: 7060.239

preventing some of the intense

Time: 7061.92

congestion that one gets when you have a

Time: 7064.239

sinus infection or a cold or a flu but

Time: 7067

then when those decongestants wear off

Time: 7069.44

off one tends to get a rebound increase

Time: 7072.44

in congestion and it's really painful

Time: 7074.199

headache Etc in addition some

Time: 7075.96

over-the-counter decongestants can be

Time: 7078.079

habit forming not necessarily addictive

Time: 7080.079

but habit forming and they don't seem to

Time: 7081.88

have any other positive health benefits

Time: 7083.92

so I prefer not to take decongestant if

Time: 7086.28

I can avoid it I had a very good

Time: 7088.32

experience with Knack and the use of

Time: 7091.28

knack and acetal cysteine as a

Time: 7093.8

decongestant and also as a way to

Time: 7096.04

prevent getting colds and flu is not an

Time: 7098.52

entirely new idea in fact there's a

Time: 7100.159

paper dating back to 1997 entitled

Time: 7103.44

attenuation of influenza-like

Time: 7105.56

symptomology and Improvement of

Time: 7107.56

cellmediated immunity with long-term

Time: 7110

anical cinee treatment now in this study

Time: 7112.8

they looked at people who were taking

Time: 7113.96

600 milligrams of anal cysteine twice

Time: 7116.48

per day for 6 months and what they

Time: 7119.56

observed is that the people who took

Time: 7121.119

anical cysteine had a significantly

Time: 7123.079

lower probability of Contracting

Time: 7125.88

influenza now this is but one study

Time: 7128.48

there have been a few other studies and

Time: 7130

unfortunately there isn't a large body

Time: 7131.56

of research looking at Knack as a

Time: 7133.199

preventive for colds and flu but the

Time: 7135.119

data in this paper are interesting

Time: 7136.52

enough and I was compelled by them

Time: 7138.44

enough to seek out a physician who I

Time: 7141.8

noce it was answering my prompts on

Time: 7144.04

social media about what do you use for

Time: 7145.88

colds and flu and when I put that out

Time: 7147.639

there as I mentioned I got thousands of

Time: 7149.599

responses on both Twitter X and on

Time: 7152.159

Instagram and one particular physician

Time: 7154.239

who happens to have a YouTube account

Time: 7155.76

his name is Dr schwell he's a medical

Time: 7158.239

doctor he works in an INT Ive care unit

Time: 7160.52

and he deals with a lot of patients who

Time: 7162.28

have different strains of flu in fact he

Time: 7164.119

was the one that cued me to the fact

Time: 7166.239

that this year there seems to be a fair

Time: 7169.04

number of H1N1 flu virus going around

Time: 7171.28

and remember the H1N1 flu virus while

Time: 7173.32

it's not you know deadly to everyone it

Time: 7175.639

can be quite severe in some people so we

Time: 7177.36

do want to be on the lookout for and

Time: 7179.4

trying to avoid getting H1N1 if we

Time: 7182.4

can I spoke to Dr schel he was very

Time: 7185

generous with his knowledge about anical

Time: 7187.239

cysteine he did acknowledge and I'll

Time: 7189.239

acknowledge again here that it would be

Time: 7191

great to get more randomized control

Time: 7192.88

trial data on netal cine but we did talk

Time: 7195.76

about this paper this 1997 paper and he

Time: 7199.28

did mention that he and other clinicians

Time: 7201.88

that are forced to be in the hospital

Time: 7204.04

dealing with patients all through the

Time: 7205.4

winter and all year long they're getting

Time: 7207.119

bombarded with cold and flu exposure all

Time: 7209.159

the time that they meaning he and some

Time: 7212.56

of his colleagues deliberately take

Time: 7214.4

anical cysteine as a preventative to try

Time: 7216.52

and reduce the probability of getting

Time: 7218.199

colds and flu and while we don't want to

Time: 7220

make too much of any one study or anic

Time: 7222.239

data which is what we're describing when

Time: 7224.239

I tell you about a physician who told me

Time: 7225.84

this or what I did and experien that I

Time: 7228.48

think it is worth paraphrasing the study

Time: 7230.4

that I mentioned before NAC prevented

Time: 7233.56

the symptomatic forms caused by here

Time: 7235.719

they're talking about the ah1n1

Time: 7237.32

influenza virus quite efficiently since

Time: 7239.56

the large majority of infected subjects

Time: 7241.4

in the placebo group 79% developed

Time: 7244.52

clinically apparent disease versus only

Time: 7247

25% in the knat group in other other

Time: 7249.239

words Approximately 80% of people in the

Time: 7251.52

study who did not take an acetylcysteine

Time: 7254.36

got influenza whereas only 25% of the

Time: 7258.44

people who were taking anical cysteine

Time: 7260.56

contracted influenza so that's a fairly

Time: 7262.52

dramatic difference and certainly the

Time: 7264.52

fact that anal cysteine has been shown

Time: 7266.599

to increase glutathione that's its

Time: 7268.96

primary mechanism of action as far as we

Time: 7271.84

know and the fact that increases in

Time: 7274.28

glutathione are generally healthy and

Time: 7275.96

good for us and the fact that anical

Time: 7278.52

cysteine is still available legally over

Time: 7280.599

the counter in the US at least currently

Time: 7282.92

it is some years back as you may have

Time: 7285.719

heard the FDA called for removal of

Time: 7287.92

netal cysteine from over-the-counter

Time: 7289.96

sales that I should point out was based

Time: 7292.159

on the fact that certain supplement

Time: 7294.199

companies were making claims about netal

Time: 7296.4

cine as a treatment for hangover and

Time: 7298.36

making a bunch of other claims for which

Time: 7299.8

there was no real data but either

Time: 7302.32

because the FDA was effective in getting

Time: 7303.92

those companies to cease those claims

Time: 7305.96

Andor because of advocacy groups which

Time: 7309.04

worked very hard to try and keep netline

Time: 7311.76

available for over-the-counter sales as

Time: 7313.719

far as I know at least right up until

Time: 7316

prior to recording this episode netal

Time: 7317.719

cysteine is available for sale over the

Time: 7320

counter so whether or not you decide to

Time: 7322.04

use netal cysteine as a preventative and

Time: 7324.679

there again the dosage is about 1,200

Time: 7326.56

milligrams per day divided into two

Time: 7328.28

different dosages of 600 milligrams each

Time: 7330.239

or if you decide to take anal cysteine

Time: 7332.719

in the manner that I did which was not

Time: 7334.639

as a preventative but once I had a cold

Time: 7338.079

couldn't fight it off apparently got the

Time: 7339.84

cold decided to take 900 Mig three times

Time: 7342.4

per day avoiding that intake close to

Time: 7344.079

sleep because it did disrupt my sleep if

Time: 7346.159

I took it too close to sleep because of

Time: 7347.8

the way that the mucus would flow so

Time: 7349.159

readily you know essentially I know it

Time: 7351.36

sounds gross but I felt like it was

Time: 7352.32

filling up the back of my throat

Time: 7353.48

so-called postnasal drip but it felt

Time: 7355

like post naal waterfall and I decided

Time: 7357.28

to restrict my intake of anical cysteine

Time: 7359.28

to earlier in the day only and of course

Time: 7361.84

there's the third option which is that

Time: 7363.44

you opt to not take anical cysteine

Time: 7365.44

until more randomized control trials are

Time: 7367.44

published or not take an Cal cysteine at

Time: 7369.56

all because you're of the sort that

Time: 7371.32

thinks okay with some sleep a hot shower

Time: 7373.76

a good meal some chicken soup maybe a

Time: 7375.679

little garlic who knows maybe you have

Time: 7377.84

some other tools and techniques that you

Time: 7379.8

like you like that ginger tea lemon Etc

Time: 7381.8

maybe that's all you need and if that's

Time: 7383.84

all you need and that's all you want in

Time: 7385.719

order to deal with a cold or flu be my

Time: 7388.599

guest I certainly am not here to

Time: 7390.52

convince anyone that you have to take a

Time: 7392

certain supplement but I did feel like I

Time: 7394.199

would be remiss if I didn't cover what

Time: 7396.48

are generally referred to as the

Time: 7398.36

so-called preventatives and treatments

Time: 7400.239

for colds and flu things like zinc

Time: 7402.32

vitamin D vitamin C we now know that

Time: 7404.159

unfortunately vitamin C gets a you know

Time: 7406.199

probably a D minus or an F at least as

Time: 7408

the data stand now but there are these

Time: 7409.52

other things like zinc and potentially

Time: 7411.639

an acetal cysteine that can be

Time: 7413.96

beneficial in shortening the duration of

Time: 7416.92

colds or flu and perhaps even helping us

Time: 7419.56

avoid getting colds or flu all together

Time: 7422.4

if you're learning from and or enjoying

Time: 7424.04

this podcast please subscribe to our

Time: 7426.119

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Time: 7428.04

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Time: 7430.239

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Time: 7432.04

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Time: 7434.239

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Time: 7435.76

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Time: 7437.599

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Time: 7439.199

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Time: 7440.88

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Time: 7443.239

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Time: 7444.599

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Time: 7446.639

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Time: 7447.8

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Time: 7449.92

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Time: 7452.199

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Time: 7454.44

and on many previous episodes of The

Time: 7455.92

hubman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 7457.599

supplements while Ms aren't necessary

Time: 7459.679

for everybody many people derive

Time: 7461.559

tremendous benefit from them for things

Time: 7463.119

like improving sleep for hormone support

Time: 7465.119

and for Focus to learn more about the

Time: 7466.8

supplements discussed on the hubman Lab

Time: 7468.36

podcast please go to live momentus

Time: 7470.199

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Time: 7473.239

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Time: 7475.4

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Time: 7478.119

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Time: 7480.119

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Time: 7482.8

and threads and on all of those social

Time: 7484.88

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Time: 7486.719

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Time: 7488.719

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Time: 7490.079

Lab podcast much of which however is

Time: 7492.199

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Time: 7493.76

Lab podcast so again it's huberman lab

Time: 7495.679

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Time: 7497.92

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Time: 7499.4

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Time: 7501.199

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Time: 7503.079

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Time: 7505.119

podcast summaries and what we call

Time: 7506.8

toolkits those toolkits are brief PDFs

Time: 7509.36

that describe protocols for everything

Time: 7511.239

from exercise to deliberate cold

Time: 7513.36

exposure regulating dopamine optimizing

Time: 7515.76

sleep and on and on all the newsletters

Time: 7518.04

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Time: 7520.719

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Time: 7523.48 go to the menu tab scroll down

Time: 7525.52

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Time: 7527.52

want to emphasize that we do not share

Time: 7528.92

your email with anybody I'd like to

Time: 7530.92

thank you for today's discussion about

Time: 7532.679

the biology of colds and flu about the

Time: 7535.28

biology of the immune system and how to

Time: 7537.639

avoid and treat colds and flu and last

Time: 7540.4

but certainly not least thank you for

Time: 7542.52

your interest in

Time: 7547.4


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