How to Increase Your Willpower & Tenacity | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today we are discussing how to

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build tenacity and willpower previous

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episodes of The hman Lab podcast have

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focused on the topic of motivation and

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while motivation and willpower are

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linked thematically and mechanistically

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today we are going to discuss tenac

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that is the willingness to persist under

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pressure and resistance of different

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kinds and willpower which has to do with

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both the motivation to do things and the

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motivation to resist certain things

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today you will learn about the

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Psychology and Neuroscience of tenacity

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and willpower and I must tell you this

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is a fascinating literature in fact you

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will learn about a brain structure that

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at least to my knowledge most

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neuroscientists are not even aware of

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and yet in researching this episode I

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absolutely fell in love with this brain

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structure because of its incredible

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ability to integrate the very sorts of

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information from within and from outside

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of you to harness and build tenacity and

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willpower and indeed today you will

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learn research supported tools for how

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to enhance your level of tenacity and

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willpower in any circumstance before we

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begin I'd like to emphasize that this

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podcast is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost to Consumer information about

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science and science related tools to the

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general public in keeping with that

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theme I'd like to thank the sponsors of

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today's podcast our first sponsor is

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Maui Nei venison Maui Nei venison is the

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most nutrient-dense and delicious red

Time: 101.88

meat available I've spoken before on

Time: 103.88

this podcast in Solo episodes and with

Time: 106.2

guests about the need to get

Time: 108.399

approximately one gram of highquality

Time: 110.64

protein per pound of body weight each

Time: 112.92

day for optimal nutrition now there are

Time: 115.32

many different ways that one can do that

Time: 117.439

but a key thing is to make sure that

Time: 119.32

you're not doing that by ingesting

Time: 120.84

excessive calories Maui Nei venison has

Time: 123.52

the highest density of quality protein

Time: 125.6

per calorie and it achieves that in

Time: 128.36

delicious things like ground Meats

Time: 130.2

venison steaks jerky and bone broth I

Time: 133.72

particularly like the ground venison I

Time: 135.44

make those into venison burgers probably

Time: 138.28

five times a week or more I also like

Time: 140.319

the jerky for its convenience especially

Time: 142.56

when I'm traveling or I'm especially

Time: 144.28

busy with work and know that I'm getting

Time: 146.239

an extremely nutrient-dense high quality

Time: 148.319

source of protein if you'd like to try

Time: 150.08

Maui Nei venison you can go to mauii

Time: 152.72


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docomo and get 20% off your first order

Time: 157.2

again that's Maui venison

Time: 159.44

docomond to get 20% off today's episode

Time: 162.879

is also brought To Us by Helix sleep

Time: 165.08

Helix sleep makes mattresses and pillows

Time: 167.04

that are tailored to your unique sleep

Time: 169.08

needs now sleep is the foundation of

Time: 171.56

mental health physical health and

Time: 172.879

performance when we are sleeping well

Time: 174.879

and enough mental health physical health

Time: 176.84

and performance all stand to be at their

Time: 178.959

best one of the key things to getting a

Time: 180.48

great night's sleep is to make sure that

Time: 181.84

your mattress is tailored to your unique

Time: 184.12

sleep needs Helix sleep has a brief

Time: 186.36

two-minute quiz that if you go to their

Time: 187.92

website you take that quiz and answer

Time: 189.799

questions such as do you tend to sleep

Time: 191.56

on your back your side or your stomach

Time: 192.959

do you tend to run hot or cold in the

Time: 194.879

middle of the night maybe you don't know

Time: 196.08

the answers to those questions and

Time: 197.599

that's fine at the end of that

Time: 199

two-minute quiz they will match you to a

Time: 201.04

mattress that's ideal for your sleep

Time: 202.76

needs I sleep on the dusk DUS us

Time: 205.28

mattress and when I started sleeping on

Time: 207.159

a dusk mattress about 2 years ago my

Time: 209.2

sleep immediately improved so if you're

Time: 211.04

interested in upgrading your mattress go

Time: 212.68


Time: 213.959

huberman take their 2-minute sleep quiz

Time: 216.159

and they'll match you to a customized

Time: 217.4

mattress for you and you'll get up to

Time: 219.2

$350 off any mattress order and two free

Time: 222.239

pillows again if interested go to

Time: 224.519 huberman for up to $350

Time: 227.76

off and two free pillows okay let's talk

Time: 230.48

about tenacity and willpower and how to

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enhance your level of tenacity and

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willpower I will also mention certain

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cases we're having too much tenacity and

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willpower can be problematic for mental

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health and physical health but for most

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people I believe that enhancing one's

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level of tenacity and willpower would be

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advantageous now you'll be relieved to

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know that while there are a near

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infinite number of different

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circumstances where one would need to

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draw on tenacity and willpower in order

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to succeed there is one major mechanism

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within the brain indeed one major

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mechanism by which tenacity and willower

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are generated and it arrives through the

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activation of a particular brain center

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that is a hub but that is it lies at the

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interface of many other neural circuits

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and has input from all the critical

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neural circuits that one would need in

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order to generate tenacity and willpower

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now we are going to return to that

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particular neural circuit a little bit

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later after we talk about the psychology

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of willpower because in talking about

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the psychology of willpower it will

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frame up as to why understanding this

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one particular brain Center or Hub of

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inputs and outputs from different neural

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structures in the brain and body will

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indeed allow you to get the most out of

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the tools that have been shown in

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scientific research to enhance your

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level of tenacity and willpower in other

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words understanding the psychology of

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tenacity and willpower while valuable if

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it's coupled with an understanding of

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the underlying neural mechanism and

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notice I use the singular neural

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mechanism not mechanisms for generating

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tenacity and willpower will allow you to

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use and to tailor the specific protocols

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for enhancing tenacity and willpower to

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your unique circumstan es so this is yet

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another case where certainly life

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circumstances vary from one person to

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the next the need for tenacity and

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willpower varies tremendously for

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instance some people may need more

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tenacity and willpower in order to

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engage in certain behaviors others of us

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might need more tenacity and willpower

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in order to resist certain types of

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behaviors today you will learn about the

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brain Center that governs all of that

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and then you can frame it within the

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psychological understanding of tenacity

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and willpower so that you can get get

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the most out of the protocols that we

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will discuss let's start by talking

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about what tenacity and willpower

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clearly are and separating tenacity and

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willpower from some other psychological

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constructs that they often get confused

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with because this will be important in

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understanding exactly what we are trying

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to build when we say we want to build

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tenacity and willpower so tenacity and

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willpower can be distinguished from

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habit execution habit execution is what

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you do anytime you wake up in the

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morning maybe you lie there for a bit

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maybe get out of bed immediately

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hopefully you get outside and get some

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sunlight in your eyes especially on

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cloudy days go brush your teeth use the

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restroom engage with others in your home

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if you live with others Etc all of those

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sorts of behaviors while on some days

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can be a bit more challenging especially

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the get out of bed part maybe you didn't

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get a great night's sleep the night

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before for instance but all of those

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sorts of behaviors are behaviors that

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you have the neural circuit to generate

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and that typically you can generate

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without a lot of willpower

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required now willpower sometimes also

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referred to as tenacity grit or

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persistence is a distinctly different

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phenomenon than habit execution because

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willpower and tenacity require that we

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intervene in our own default neural

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processes such as habits or particular

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patterns of thinking and essentially

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govern ourselves to do or not do some

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particular thing and that process

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requires effort it requires energy and I

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think all of us are familiar with that

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feeling of effort or energy that's

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required in order to engage in a

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behavior that we really don't feel like

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engaging in or avoiding a behavior or a

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thought that by default we would

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naturally just engage in and when I talk

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about energy in this context I mainly

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talking about neural energy remember

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that neurons nerve cells in your brain

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and body use chemical and electrical

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signaling to communicate with one

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another that's what allows you and all

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of us to do all the things that we do

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think feel move Etc

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now of course that chemical and

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electrical communication requires fuel

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sources that indeed come from things

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like glucose ketones the creatine

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phosphate system multiple fuel systems

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feed the energetics of the brain But

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ultimately when I talk about energy in

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today's discussion I'm talking about the

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energy required to engage in or to

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resist in a particular behavior and that

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level of energy can be quite High

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depending on how much resistance we are

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feeling internally or externally right

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somebody can be telling us you're not

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going to be able to do this you can't do

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it and you can say no I have a ton of

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resolve I have a ton of tenacity

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willpower and I'm going to push past all

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the barriers that you are setting up for

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me on the outside often times all too

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often I should say we experience

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resistance from the inside where we are

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feeling like we don't want to do

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something or we really want to do

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something and we are having trouble

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either engaging in the thing that we

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don't want to do or that we know we

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should do but we just don't feel that

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level of motivation for or we are having

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a hard time resisting the thing that's

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pulling us toward it so in that context

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it's important for us not to just

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distinguish tenacity and willpower from

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habit execution but also draw out a

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Continuum with tenacity and willpower at

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their most extreme on one end of that

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Continuum and apathy and yes depression

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on the other end of that Continuum and

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we will return to the topic of

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depression a little bit later but I can

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just ceue it up right now by saying that

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one of the Hallmark features of major

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depression is a lack of positive

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anticipation about the future that leads

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to this is important there's a verb

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tense here that leads to a much lower

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tendency to engage in the specific types

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of behavior that would allow one to

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arrive at a particular new different and

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positive future so I'm deliberately

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putting apathy and depression next to

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one another at one end of the Continuum

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and I'm putting grit persistence

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tenacity and willpower at the other end

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of the Continuum and a little bit later

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it will be become very clear to you why

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I put those particular items on the

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Continuum as opposed to other

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psychological constructs such as

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motivation because it turns out that

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motivation is what allows you to move up

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and down that Continuum but motivation

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itself as a verb is distinct from what

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we call tenacity and willpower and

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motivation itself is distinct from what

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we call apathy and depression but

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motivation is the engine or the motor

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the verb that allows you to move up and

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down that Continuum and today you will

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learn multiple tools that will allow you

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to move toward the tenacity and

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willpower end of that Continuum by

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engaging a very specific neural circuit

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before we get into the discussion of

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neural circuits I'd like to talk about

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the psychology of willpower and this is

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something that really has been

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considered by psychologist for well over

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a hundred years William James wrote

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about this the ancient Greeks wrote

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about this the topic of willpower is

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certainly not a new one and yet the

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formal study of willpower power in the

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laboratory context that is bringing

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human subjects into the laboratory and

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examining what sorts of conditions allow

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them to engage their willpower and

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tenacity what sorts of conditions really

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sap or drain their willpower and

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tenacity and of course parallel

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experiments done in what we call

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preclinical models which are animal

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Studies have revealed to us a lot about

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the sorts of conditions that allow us to

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generate willpower and the sorts of

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conditions that drain our willpower now

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if we are to throw our arms around that

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entire literature there is a big batch

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of that literature not the whole batch

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but there's a big batch of that

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literature that believed and still

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believes that willpower is a limited

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resource much like fuel in the body or

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fuel in a car now the idea of willpower

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as a limited resource is certainly not a

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new idea but again the formal study of

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willpower and willpower as a limited

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resource really dates back a little over

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20 25 years when Roy bister and

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colleagues started to explore the idea

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that of course had been kicked around

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for years that with each additional

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decision that we have to engage across

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the day and with each additional bout of

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willpower that we have to draw on as a

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resource that we would drain this

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reservoir of willpower that we all have

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within us now bow meister and colleagues

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refer to that process as ego depletion

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now when people hear the word ego some

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people think Freud ego super ego id and

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so forth most people think ego like

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somebody having a big personality where

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they think a lot of themselves when Bal

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Meister referred to Ego depletion he was

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defining ego depletion as a concept of

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oneself and a concept of outside

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challenges and the degree of effort

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required to bridge one's concept of self

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and those challenges and so ego

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depletion is really a operational

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construct within the field of psychology

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so we don't want to get too distracted

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by that word ego there's a tendency

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anytime people hear ego if they hear

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narcissism or if they hear gaslighting

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to immediately assume that they know

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what that means when in fact the formal

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definitions of those quite often differ

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from the way that they're kicked around

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on social media the internet and even in

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a lot of popular writing about

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psychology okay so let's just note that

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ego depletion is the term that Bal

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Meister used to describe the ability for

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our willpower to be depleted with each

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successive attempt to engage willpower

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and by extension our ability to

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replenish our degree of willpower if we

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take a break from making decisions and

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engaging our willpower but ego depletion

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itself isn't the Focus right now the

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Focus right now is whether or not indeed

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willpower is a limited resource and

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whether or not with each decision that

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we make and each effort to either engage

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in an activity that we prefer not to at

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least in that moment and with each

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attempt to resist a behavior thought Etc

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that is pulling on us or that we feel

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that we want to engage in by default

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either you know eating the cookie or

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thinking the thought or engaging in a

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particular type of behavior of any kind

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and we need to resist that that it is

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draining that willpower resource now

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before I go any further I know that some

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of you out there are probably aware that

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ego depletion and the bow Meister theory

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of willpower as a limited resource has

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been very contentious especially in

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recent years and so today what I'm going

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to do is I'm going to first present

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present the Bal meister and colleagues

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work about willpower as a limited

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resource and then I'm going to present

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some of the conflicting evidence that

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Carol D my colleague at Stanford school

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of medicine and researchers elsewhere

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have carried out metaanalyses and

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entirely new experiments which indeed in

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some cases contradict the findings of

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Bal Meister but more often than not

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contradict the conclusions that Bal

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Meister Drew about willpower so if we

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are to understand the psychology of

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willpower and tenacity it's important

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that we understand and the concepts of

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ego depletion and willpower as a limited

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resource even if after hearing all the

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evidence you decide that willower is not

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a limited resource and in fact I'm quite

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confident that once you hear about the

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bow Meister work and then you hear about

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the work of DW and others which in some

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ways counters the conclusions of bow

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Meister that you'll have a much firmer

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and certainly much more complete

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understanding about what tenacity and

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willpower are and perhaps and here I'm

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revealing my own leanings when having

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examined the totality of the data that

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tenac and willpower in some cases is a

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limited resource that can be replenished

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by engaging particular processes within

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the body that's right within the body

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but that willpower and tenacity and most

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importantly how to engage tenacity and

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willpower especially when you have a lot

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of challenges in front of you not just

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one challenge but multiple challenges

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that need to be carried out throughout

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the day over weeks over months Etc that

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tenacity and willpower can be drawn upon

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repeatedly without them being depleted

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if you are clear on your beliefs about

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tenacity and willpower so I realized

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that what I just brought up was a

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controversy about something that I

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haven't even discussed yet so it might

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seem like a bit of a swirl of

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information for which there's really no

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context but the reason I bring up the

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controversy at this stage of our

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conversation is that the moment that the

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words ego depletion or willpower is a

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limited resource falls out of my mouth I

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can hear those voices out there saying

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wait a second I thought that was all

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debunked and I want to make very clear

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willpower is a limited resource and ego

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depletion have not been debunked it's

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simply a controversial area of

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psychological research and more

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importantly for today's discussion we

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have to understand the theory of

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willpower as a limited resource if we

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are to understand the controversy that

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is the counterargument of what willpower

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really is that comes from other groups

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so I really want to give you both sides

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of the story so that when we get to the

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underlying neural mechanisms for

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tenacity and willpower and we get to the

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tools and protocols for increasing your

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level of tenacity and willpower and your

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flexibility of willpower in different

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contexts that you'll be able to get the

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most out of those tools and protocols

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okay so let's take a look at the

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evidence that willpower is a limited

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resource I think most of us are familiar

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with what willpower feels like that is

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what it feels like to be tenacious and

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again there are two sides to this coin

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there's willpower and tenacity of the

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sort of trying to engage in a behavior

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when we really don't want to or when our

Time: 1045.6

impulse is not to engage in that

Time: 1048.039

behavior and I say when our impulse is

Time: 1050.6

not to engage in that behavior because

Time: 1052.16

often times we want to engage in the

Time: 1054.4

behavior we want to study we want to

Time: 1056.6

learn the instrument we want to perform

Time: 1058.36

well we want to exercise we want the

Time: 1060.24

benefits of all those things so it's not

Time: 1062.12

that we don't want the outcomes or the

Time: 1064.32

rewards of those things and in many

Time: 1065.88

cases it's not that we don't enjoy those

Time: 1068.919

activities but that for whatever reason

Time: 1071.2

we are feeling a lack of motivation

Time: 1073.2

we're drifting down that Continuum

Time: 1075.08

toward the more apathetic end of things

Time: 1077.24

hopefully not all the way to deep

Time: 1078.88

depression and apathy but we're drifting

Time: 1081

that way or we're not far enough up the

Time: 1082.96

Continuum and we're not engaging enough

Time: 1085.44

motivation to feel like the desire to do

Time: 1088.919

something either for its own sake or for

Time: 1091.36

the rewards and outcomes of that thing

Time: 1093.2

are sufficient to allow us to just do

Time: 1095.64

that thing hence the Nike slogan just do

Time: 1098.28

it which is a wonderful slogan except

Time: 1100.36

that in the absence of any understanding

Time: 1101.88

about the mechanisms of how we can get

Time: 1104.08

ourselves to just do something

Time: 1106.2

oftentimes it falls short and to be

Time: 1108.64

honest anytime I hear about people

Time: 1110.559

saying well just eliminate the thinking

Time: 1112.039

and just do it that is valuable advice

Time: 1115.44

until it doesn't work because when it

Time: 1117.24

doesn't work it simply doesn't work and

Time: 1119.64

then you need to rely on other tools and

Time: 1121.4

mechanisms which are the sort that we

Time: 1122.679

will talk about today so while I have

Time: 1124.6

great respect for the just doit Mantra

Time: 1126.919

when it doesn't work it doesn't offer

Time: 1129.4

any alternative solutions to engage

Time: 1132

tenacity and willpower and I do not know

Time: 1134.32

anyone on this planet I don't care if

Time: 1136.28

you're David Goggins or Courtney dwalter

Time: 1138.4

there will be days when telling yourself

Time: 1140.6

just do this or just don't do that is

Time: 1143.799

not going to be sufficient for you to

Time: 1145.4

engage in the behaviors or resist the

Time: 1148.32

behaviors or thoughts that you need to

Time: 1151.08

engage in or resist that's just reality

Time: 1154.039

and we should ask ourselves why is that

Time: 1156

reality and this is a very important

Time: 1157.76

point and in fact really illustrates the

Time: 1159.72

first bucket of tools and protocols for

Time: 1162.159

increasing tenacity and willpower and

Time: 1164.48

these are the tools and protocols that I

Time: 1166.28

would categorize under the rubric of

Time: 1168.96

modulators I've talked before on this

Time: 1170.88

podcast about the important distinction

Time: 1172.4

between mediators and modulators

Time: 1174.559

mediators are things either

Time: 1176.679

psychological or biological Etc that are

Time: 1179.64

directly in the mechanisms that generate

Time: 1182.2

some sort of action or emotion this

Time: 1184.48

could be neurochemicals like dopamine or

Time: 1186.12

serotonin and so on modulators are

Time: 1189.64

things that can modulate that is can

Time: 1191.6

change our probability of doing

Time: 1193.88

something or not doing something but

Time: 1195.36

they do so indirectly and in the context

Time: 1198

of tools and protocols to increase our

Time: 1200.24

level of tenacity and willpower I would

Time: 1203.08

be completely remiss if one of the sets

Time: 1205.08

of tools that is the protocols for

Time: 1207.88

increasing the probability that we can

Time: 1209.84

access high levels of tenacity and

Time: 1212.039

willpower didn't include at least some

Time: 1213.84

of these modulators so I'm just going to

Time: 1215.36

spend about three minutes on these

Time: 1217.2

modulators because what we know for

Time: 1219.32

certain is that the regions of the brain

Time: 1222.679

that generate tenacity and again there

Time: 1224.919

is literally a brainhub for generating

Time: 1227.84

will power and tenacity gets strong

Time: 1230.2

input from the so-called autonomic

Time: 1232.159

nervous system the autonomic nervous

Time: 1233.559

system has two major components they are

Time: 1235.4

referred to as the sympathetic nervous

Time: 1236.84

system and the parasympathetic nervous

Time: 1238.48

system keep in mind because when most

Time: 1240.76

people hear the word sympathetic they

Time: 1242.679

think sympathy they think emotion it has

Time: 1244.6

nothing to do with that simpa means

Time: 1246.559

together and the sympathetic arm of the

Time: 1249

autonomic nervous system I know that's a

Time: 1250.64

mouthful is responsible for generating

Time: 1253.44

states of alertness in our brain and

Time: 1255.4

body everything from Panic to being

Time: 1257.48

alert and calm our tendency to move or

Time: 1260.48

our likelihood of moving under pressure

Time: 1264

it is also responsible for our ability

Time: 1266.32

to resist movement when we need to

Time: 1269.44

resist movement and therefore it's an

Time: 1272.039

active process so the sympathetic

Time: 1273.84

nervous system is all the things of

Time: 1275.96

action and when it is involved in

Time: 1278.88


Time: 1279.919

inaction those are cases where inaction

Time: 1282.48

requires energy okay I want to be very

Time: 1285.6

clear about this the sympathetic nervous

Time: 1286.96

system isn't just about moving our body

Time: 1289.279

although it has a lot to do with that it

Time: 1290.84

is also responsible for our ability to

Time: 1293.24

resist movement or thought or emotion

Time: 1295.76

when we need to do that clamp down on

Time: 1297.679

ourselves the parasympathetic aspect of

Time: 1300.159

our autonomic nervous system is the one

Time: 1302.12

that sometimes referred to as the rest

Time: 1303.919

and digest neural circuits and chemicals

Time: 1307.159

and that's true but there's a lot more

Time: 1309.559

to the parasympathetic component of the

Time: 1311.64

autonomic nervous system it's also

Time: 1313.48

responsible for falling asleep it's

Time: 1316.4

responsible for us feeling relaxed

Time: 1319

it is responsible for most of the states

Time: 1321.72

of Mind and Body in which we are

Time: 1324.48

quiescent where we don't feel an Impulse

Time: 1327.12

to move or when we have a difficult time

Time: 1330.279

getting into action so the sympathetic

Time: 1333.36

and the parasympathetic aspect of the

Time: 1335.08

autonomic nervous system are always in a

Time: 1337.159

push pull with one another think of them

Time: 1339.039

more less on a teeter totter when one

Time: 1340.919

end goes up the other end goes down

Time: 1343

they're really in competition with one

Time: 1344.88

another and it's their balance that

Time: 1346.76

reflects how alert or how sleepy we

Time: 1348.96

happen to be now the reason I'm giving

Time: 1351.039

you this rather geeky nerd nomenclature

Time: 1353.679

filled discussion about the autonomic

Time: 1355.799

nervous system in the context of

Time: 1357.64

willpower is that regardless of whether

Time: 1360.679

or not you believe willpower is a

Time: 1362.32

limited or an unlimited resource we know

Time: 1365.88

one thing for sure and that's that

Time: 1367.84

willpower and tenacity ride on our

Time: 1371.6

current autonomic function we can

Time: 1374.159

translate that to Everyday Language by

Time: 1376.52

saying that when we we are well rested

Time: 1378.96

for instance when we've been getting

Time: 1380.32

great sleep of sufficient duration the

Time: 1383.52

previous night and the night before that

Time: 1386.159

our level of tenacity and willpower to

Time: 1388.279

engage in things that we would not

Time: 1390.12

ordinarily engage in by default and our

Time: 1392.6

ability to resist behaviors and thought

Time: 1394.6

patterns that would otherwise be our

Time: 1396.96

default behaviors and thought patterns

Time: 1399.72

is much higher conversely when we are

Time: 1402.52

not getting enough quality sleep on a

Time: 1404.08

regular basis our ability to call on

Time: 1406.84

tenacity and willpower is diminished now

Time: 1409.36

that series of statements I just made is

Time: 1411.36

clearly going to be a duh for most

Time: 1413.36

people but it is very important to

Time: 1415.64

understand that when we are sleep

Time: 1417.64

deprived when we are in physical pain

Time: 1420.96

when we are in emotional pain and or

Time: 1424.48

when we are

Time: 1425.84

distracted when we are thinking about

Time: 1428.64

something else aside from what we are

Time: 1430.2

trying to engage tenacity and willpower

Time: 1431.919

in order to do or not do tenacity and

Time: 1434.679

willpower will be diminished now all of

Time: 1437.279

those things together are just a bigger

Time: 1439.6

duh we all know this if you got a

Time: 1441.679

splinter in your foot it's really hard

Time: 1443.48

to think about not thinking about

Time: 1445.32

something else if you are extremely

Time: 1447.6

hungry or if you had an argument with

Time: 1449.52

somebody that you really care about and

Time: 1450.679

they said something that was

Time: 1451.679

particularly vexing to you and it's

Time: 1453.64

looping around in your head it's going

Time: 1455.4

to be very hard to engage in something

Time: 1457.4

else that you need to do because you're

Time: 1459.64

going to be distracted likewise if

Time: 1461.44

you're sleep deprived likewise if you

Time: 1463.48

are a bit sick or run down or if you're

Time: 1465.76

in any kind of physical or emotional

Time: 1467.44

pain your ability to draw on tenacity

Time: 1470.36

and willpower will be diminished so it's

Time: 1473.6

an absolute truth that your ability to

Time: 1477.039

generate tenacity and willpower rides on

Time: 1479.88

a reservoir of autonomic function and

Time: 1482.72

today we don't really have a way of

Time: 1484.32

quantifying the level of autonomic

Time: 1486.84

function or dysfunction in a very simple

Time: 1488.96

way it's not like resting heart rate

Time: 1491

although resting heart rate is involved

Time: 1492.96

for instance if you haven't slept well

Time: 1494.399

for a few nights or if you're

Time: 1495.44

particularly stressed overtrained you

Time: 1497.84

wake up in the morning with a

Time: 1499

significantly elevated heart

Time: 1501.44

rate however there is no simple metric

Time: 1504.919

like heart rate or blood pressure or

Time: 1506.76

even cortisol level that can tell you

Time: 1508.679

whether or not your autonomic function

Time: 1510.559

is imbalance that is the sympathetic and

Time: 1512.96

parasympathetic systems of your

Time: 1514.72

autonomic nervous system are in the best

Time: 1517.08

possible balance to generate tenacity

Time: 1518.72

and willpower we don't yet have such a

Time: 1520.799

metric although there are companies that

Time: 1522.2

are starting to develop devices that

Time: 1524.36

hopefully will give us indices of

Time: 1526.76

autonomic function or dysfunction but it

Time: 1529.6

is important that we acknowledge that if

Time: 1531.039

you're not taking care of the

Time: 1533.039

foundational modulators of tenacity and

Time: 1536.12

willpower none of the subsequent tools

Time: 1538.44

and protocols that we will discuss are

Time: 1540.44

going to help you that much over time

Time: 1542.36

you might get tenacity and willpower to

Time: 1544.52

engage one day when you're very sleep

Time: 1546.24

deprived but it's going to be very

Time: 1547.679

difficult to consistently engage

Time: 1549.399

tenacity and willpower for that reason

Time: 1552.08

if you have any struggles with sleep

Time: 1554.84

that is getting enough quality sleep on

Time: 1556.24

a regular basis please see the zero cost

Time: 1558.559

toolkit for sleep that we've put at

Time: 1560

hubman please also see the

Time: 1562.12

perfecty Sleep Mastery sleep episodes

Time: 1564.679

also at huberman and please also

Time: 1566.84

see the episode with expert guest Dr

Time: 1569.36

Matthew Walker professor of sleep

Time: 1571.64

neuroscience and psychology at

Time: 1573.44

University of California Berkeley we

Time: 1575.44

just revamped the huberman lab website

Time: 1577.64

so if you go to hubman and you

Time: 1579.559

put something like sleep into the search

Time: 1582

function it will take you not just to

Time: 1583.44

the toolkit for sleep but to the exact

Time: 1585.72

time stamps that will queue up

Time: 1587.64

particular topics and protocols around

Time: 1589.039

sleep so if you were to put sleep and

Time: 1590.52

light it would take you to those

Time: 1591.76

particular protocols if you were to put

Time: 1593.679

sleep and magnesium 3 and8 it would take

Time: 1595.48

you to those particular protocols and so

Time: 1597.08

on and so forth okay I don't want to get

Time: 1598.64

too far off topic here during today's

Time: 1600.799

discussion but if you're not sleeping

Time: 1602.399

well and if you're not managing your

Time: 1604.48

stress levels well it's going to be much

Time: 1607.08

harder for you to engage tenacity and

Time: 1608.96

willpower regardless of the tools you

Time: 1611.2

happen to use and those tools could be

Time: 1612.84

everything from behavioral tools to

Time: 1614.159

supplements to prescription drugs you

Time: 1616

need to get those foundational mod ators

Time: 1618.12

in check and there are a lot of zeroc

Time: 1620.039

cost ways to do that that are all

Time: 1621.44

spelled out very clearly at the

Time: 1622.919

resources I just described likewise for

Time: 1626.039

stress if you're experiencing challenges

Time: 1628.08

with stress both short-term medium-term

Time: 1630.32

or long-term stress if you think you

Time: 1631.799

have elevated cortisol levels which by

Time: 1633.44

the way may not be the case there are a

Time: 1635.52

lot of tools for modulating stress in

Time: 1637.12

real time increasing your stress

Time: 1638.76

threshold Etc simply go to the hubon

Time: 1640.6 website and put in stress

Time: 1642.64

threshold tools or stress realtime tools

Time: 1645.399

and you'll get a bunch of zero cost

Time: 1647

tools will allow you to do that it's

Time: 1649.2

also worth mentioning that when we get

Time: 1650.52

to our discussion about the Neuroscience

Time: 1652.76

of tenacity and willpower that you will

Time: 1655.52

understand why autonomic health and

Time: 1658.2

autonomic function is so important for

Time: 1660.76

our ability to engage tenacity and

Time: 1662.919

willpower I'll just tell you right now

Time: 1664.76

it's because the neural circuits of the

Time: 1666.32

autonomic nervous system provide direct

Time: 1668.64

and robust input to this Hub in the

Time: 1671.72

brain this brain location that governs

Time: 1674.64

our ability to allocate our mind and

Time: 1677.279

body toward particular activities or to

Time: 1679.919

resist particular activities as many of

Time: 1682.96

you know I've been taking ag1 daily

Time: 1684.799

since 2012 so I'm delighted that they're

Time: 1686.96

sponsoring the podcast ag1 is a vitamin

Time: 1689.6

mineral probiotic drink that's designed

Time: 1691.279

to meet all of your foundational

Time: 1692.6

nutrition needs now of course I try to

Time: 1694.72

get enough servings of vitamins and

Time: 1696.08

minerals through whole food sources that

Time: 1697.919

include vegetables and fruits every day

Time: 1700.08

but often times I simply can't get

Time: 1701.64

enough servings but with ag1 I'm sure to

Time: 1704.36

get enough vitamins and minerals and the

Time: 1706.08

probiotics that I need and it also

Time: 1708

contains adaptogens to help buffer

Time: 1709.799

stress simply put I always feel better

Time: 1712.2

when I take ag1 I have more focus and

Time: 1714.6

energy and I sleep better and it also

Time: 1716.919

happens to taste great for all these

Time: 1718.679

reasons whenever I'm asked if you could

Time: 1720.44

take Just One supplement what would it

Time: 1722.2

be I answer ag1 if you'd like to try ag1

Time: 1726.12

go to drink huberman to claim a

Time: 1729.44

special offer they'll give you five free

Time: 1731.72

travel packs plus a year supply of

Time: 1733.559

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink

Time: 1737.559

/ huberman okay so let's think about the

Time: 1740.12

bow Meister data on Willpower as a

Time: 1742.36

limited resource I'm going to briefly

Time: 1744.88

describe one of the first studies that

Time: 1747.159

really said to the field willpower is a

Time: 1749.799

limited resource but I want to be clear

Time: 1752.159

that there are other studies like it and

Time: 1754.36

they all generally follow the same

Time: 1756.399

contour and that General Contour is as

Time: 1759.279

follows bow meister and colleagues and

Time: 1761.559

now many other Laboratories have done

Time: 1763.159

experiments where they bring human

Time: 1764.88

subjects into the laboratory and those

Time: 1767.76

human subjects have to do something that

Time: 1770.2

requires mental effort or energy AKA

Time: 1773.76

willpower the classic example of this is

Time: 1776.559

you bring people into the laboratory

Time: 1778.559

some of them might actually be dieting

Time: 1780.36

or fasted although not always and there

Time: 1783.48

are two platters set out for them one

Time: 1785.72

platter contains radishes just plain

Time: 1788.24

radishes by the way I hate radishes

Time: 1790.559

unless they're pickled radishes I don't

Time: 1792.08

know why that is so these experiments

Time: 1793.72

picked my least favorite vegetable I

Time: 1796

love many other vegetables

Time: 1798.159

I disdain the

Time: 1800.279

radish that was just a personal

Time: 1802.039

editorial in any case the radishes are

Time: 1804.519

set out and next to them are freshly

Time: 1806.559

baked cookies and in the room is the

Time: 1809.08

wafting Aromas of freshly baked cookies

Time: 1812.44

so I think it's fair to say that most

Time: 1814.279

people because of a hardwired tendency

Time: 1817.519

to like sugar and fat especially when

Time: 1820.12

they are combined would prefer to eat

Time: 1823.48

the cookies versus the radishes I know

Time: 1825.6

that there are some mutant out there

Time: 1827.88

they're saying I like radishes more than

Time: 1829.399

cookies but look most people like

Time: 1831.32

cookies more than radishes the subjects

Time: 1833.519

in these studies are divided into two

Time: 1835.12

groups one group is told you have to

Time: 1837.679

resist eating the radishes the other

Time: 1840.279

group is told you have to resist eating

Time: 1842.44

the cookies and then the subjects are

Time: 1845.519

observed during this time typically but

Time: 1848.84

this is really not what the experiment

Time: 1850.24

is about per se this stage of the

Time: 1852.519

experiment is really designed to get

Time: 1853.96

people to resist a certain kind of

Time: 1855.96

behavior and the assump assion again

Time: 1858.08

this is an assumption because there's no

Time: 1859.36

brain recordings here no one's in an MRI

Time: 1861.639

machine looking at what brain areas are

Time: 1863.84

activated or not activated there's no

Time: 1865.24

cortisol being measured at least not in

Time: 1866.84

these early

Time: 1868.399

experiments these people are either

Time: 1871.08

resisting something that's pretty easy

Time: 1873

to resist radishes or they are being

Time: 1875.84

asked to resist something that for most

Time: 1877.559

people is going to be harder to resist

Time: 1879.84

than resisting radishes which is

Time: 1881.919

resisting freshly baked cookies and that

Time: 1885.6

challenge has been made even more

Time: 1887.519

Difficult by the wafting Aromas of

Time: 1890

freshly baked cookies in the room and in

Time: 1892.279

some cases has been made even more

Time: 1894.12

difficult because these people are

Time: 1895.88

dieting and keep in mind that when you

Time: 1898.559

calorie restrict or when you put

Time: 1900.919

yourself on a diet of any kind there is

Time: 1903.519

a wellestablished mechanism in the brain

Time: 1906.039

by which the neurons that engage hunger

Time: 1907.96

especially hunger for fat and sugar and

Time: 1910.519

that respond to things like Aromas and

Time: 1912.399

taste are heightened that is their

Time: 1914.6

activity levels are heightened which

Time: 1917.36

means that things that smell really good

Time: 1920.279

smell really really good when you're

Time: 1922.519

hungry things that ordinarily would

Time: 1924.919

taste really good taste really really

Time: 1927.72

really good when you finally eat them so

Time: 1930.12

the key component of this stage of the

Time: 1931.559

experiment is to engage people's

Time: 1933.679

willpower the second part of the

Time: 1935.519

experiment has all of the subjects

Time: 1938.08

separately engage in another challenging

Time: 1941.36

task and the challenging task that they

Time: 1943.559

are asked to engage in is to solve a

Time: 1946.159

particular puzzle and again different

Time: 1947.639

experiments used different puzzles

Time: 1949.279

different experiments use different

Time: 1950.559

contexts but the original experiments

Time: 1953.48

that b meister and colleagues did had

Time: 1955.399

people try and solve a puzzle that could

Time: 1958.039

not be solved so it's very very

Time: 1960.36

difficult in fact it's impossible but

Time: 1962.32

the subjects weren't aware of that and

Time: 1964.159

then what was measured was how long

Time: 1967

subjects persisted in trying to solve

Time: 1969.2

this impossible to solve puzzle

Time: 1972.039

depending on whether or not previously

Time: 1974.44

they had to resist the radishes which is

Time: 1977.08

pretty easy to resist or resist the

Time: 1979.159

cookies which is at least harder to

Time: 1981.519

resist and for some people would be very

Time: 1983.96

very hard to resist now you can probably

Time: 1986.519

already guess what the outcome of this

Time: 1987.919

and similar studies was because it

Time: 1990.559

birthed this entire belief Camp within

Time: 1993.08

the field of psychology that willpower

Time: 1995.36

is a limited resource the outcome was

Time: 1997.84

that if people had to resist the cookies

Time: 2000.08

which is harder to do than resisting the

Time: 2002.639

radishes that they would persist for

Time: 2005.84

less time

Time: 2007.559

when they had to try and solve a puzzle

Time: 2009.799

that unbeknownst to them could not be

Time: 2011.72

solved conversely if people had to

Time: 2015

resist something that was pretty easy to

Time: 2017.12

resist such as resisting eating radishes

Time: 2020.32

something that for me would be very very

Time: 2022.08

easy to resist well when they were

Time: 2025.76

subsequently faced with trying to solve

Time: 2028.399

a very difficult indeed impossible to

Time: 2031

solve puzzle they persisted much longer

Time: 2034.919

okay so put very simply the study

Time: 2036.36

concluded that if you have to resist one

Time: 2038.96

thing and it's a hard thing to resist

Time: 2041.36

well then you have less air quotes here

Time: 2044.039

resistance in you willpower to engage in

Time: 2047.12

another difficult task subsequently

Time: 2049.159

whereas if you had an easy challenge

Time: 2050.76

just prior or no challenge just prior to

Time: 2053.24

being faced with a challenge such as a

Time: 2055.679

very difficult puzzle well then you had

Time: 2057.8

more resource more willpower to apply to

Time: 2060.52

the solving of that puzzle so the

Time: 2062.359

conclusion that b meister and colleagues

Time: 2064.04

Drew from those results was that

Time: 2065.639

willpower is a limited resource but it

Time: 2068.52

didn't specify nor did they specify

Time: 2071.599

exactly what that limited resource is

Time: 2074.52

and this was quite an attractive Theory

Time: 2076.159

because it jived well with most people's

Time: 2078.52

perception of what willpower and

Time: 2080.359

tenacity was for them this idea that yes

Time: 2084.119

there are things that challenge us both

Time: 2086.48

to do and to resist but that we can do

Time: 2088.839

that but when we are asked to do that

Time: 2090.599

again and again and again while we may

Time: 2093.44

build up some capacity to engage our

Time: 2095.96

willpower and tenacity it and of course

Time: 2098

there are those rare individuals that

Time: 2099.64

we've heard about and some of us know

Time: 2101.64

that seem to have just a kind of

Time: 2103.52

bottomless reservoir of willpower and

Time: 2105.64

tenacity most of us have an intuitive

Time: 2109.079

understanding of how hard it is to

Time: 2111.32

constantly be in friction with life to

Time: 2114.28

constantly have to push ourselves to do

Time: 2116.839

things and to resist things and that

Time: 2118.72

while that capacity can expand and grow

Time: 2121.24

and we can get better at it that there

Time: 2123.16

does seem to be something here just

Time: 2124.96

subjectively speaking there does seem to

Time: 2127.04

be something about engaging tenacity and

Time: 2129.76

willpower that yeah it can feel good but

Time: 2132.96

it also requires effort this neural

Time: 2135.2

energy that we were talking about so

Time: 2136.8

that raised the question of okay if

Time: 2138.64

willpower is a limited resource what

Time: 2140.88

exactly is that resource at a

Time: 2142.599

physiological level so balme and

Time: 2145.2

colleagues subsequently went on to

Time: 2146.72

explore what I think is a really

Time: 2148.2

interesting and clever idea frankly I

Time: 2150.599

can't confess that I would have thought

Time: 2152.56

of this but they did they said okay you

Time: 2154.92

know in some cases people are are eating

Time: 2157.68

the cookie and then they're engaging in

Time: 2159.839

this very difficult puzzle in other

Time: 2162.04

cases they're eating the radish and

Time: 2163.72

engaging in this difficult puzzle and of

Time: 2165.079

course other experiments used non-food

Time: 2167.079

challenging choices but they came up

Time: 2169.44

with an idea which was the brain as one

Time: 2173.079

of the most metabolically active organs

Time: 2174.8

in our entire body if not the most

Time: 2177.28

metabolically active organ in our entire

Time: 2179.56

body requires a lot of fuel it requires

Time: 2182.44

a lot of glucose now of course the brain

Time: 2185.839

mainly runs on GL glucose but if you're

Time: 2188.16

following a ketogenic diet your brain

Time: 2189.64

will mainly run on ketones but for most

Time: 2192.68

people who are omnivores or eating

Time: 2194.96

carbohydrates glucose is the main and

Time: 2197.16

preferred fuel source for neurons for

Time: 2199.16

nerve cells in your brain and body for

Time: 2201

that matter Bal moister and colleagues

Time: 2203.359

raised the hypothesis that perhaps

Time: 2205.72

glucose availability itself is the

Time: 2208.68

resource that's limiting willpower and

Time: 2211.64

in a whole set of experiments they

Time: 2213.72

really showed that if people are asked

Time: 2216.96

to do a difficult task to engage their

Time: 2218.839

willpower and this could be done by

Time: 2220.52

resisting a particular Behavior or by

Time: 2222.48

engaging in a particular Behavior I'll

Time: 2224.28

just give you an example of engaging in

Time: 2226.16

a particular behavior that requires

Time: 2228.96

willpower or at least focus and mental

Time: 2231.28

energy to contrast it with the resisting

Time: 2233.92

radishes versus resisting cookies

Time: 2236.44

example that I gave earlier one common

Time: 2239.92

practice within experiments like this is

Time: 2241.52

to give people a very long passage of

Time: 2244

words so it's a story and then to give

Time: 2246.2

them some sort of rule about how to edit

Time: 2248.079

that passage maybe they have to cross

Time: 2249.48

out every third e or the E that arrive

Time: 2252.8

in the middle of sentences next to

Time: 2254.68

consonants but not other vowels you know

Time: 2257

stuff that takes a lot of energy so

Time: 2258.96

these are DOs as opposed to resisting

Time: 2262

behaviors like we were talking about

Time: 2263.72

earlier resisting the radish resisting

Time: 2265.2

the cookies although in many of these

Time: 2266.56

experiments there's a command to do

Time: 2267.96

something you know cross out certain

Time: 2269.319

letter E in this passage but also to

Time: 2272.44

resist the reflex to cross out other

Time: 2275.16

ease and of course all this is is under

Time: 2277

time pressure and often times it's being

Time: 2279.04

rewarded or scored this is the way that

Time: 2281.119

psychology researchers get people to

Time: 2282.92

engage in particular uh experiments and

Time: 2285.359

behaviors and resist certain things in

Time: 2287.88

the context of a laboratory environment

Time: 2289.4

when those things frankly are kind of

Time: 2290.599

boring and meaningless they'll pay you

Time: 2293.119

more if you do well at the task um

Time: 2295.44

they'll give you money and then subtract

Time: 2297.8

the money that you're going to get at

Time: 2299.16

the end of the experiment if you make

Time: 2301

errors and things like that and they'll

Time: 2302.8

do it under time constraint as I

Time: 2303.96

mentioned earlier so there were lots of

Time: 2305.4

different conditions were again here air

Time: 2308.52

quotes draining people's willpower and

Time: 2310.839

tenacity and certainly draining their

Time: 2312.96

mental attention and then they would

Time: 2315.64

have them do another subsequent task so

Time: 2318.24

in many ways this just mirrors the first

Time: 2320.8

cookie radish experiment done by Bal

Time: 2322.599

meister and colleagues but there was an

Time: 2325.16

important intervention put between the

Time: 2328.16

first and the second hard task and that

Time: 2331.96

intervention was to give one group a

Time: 2335

glucose beverage of about 150 calories

Time: 2337.48

or so so they would drink a glucose

Time: 2339.72

beverage to increase levels of blood

Time: 2342.16

glucose the preferred fuel source for

Time: 2344.24

the brain versus giving them an

Time: 2346.119

artificially flavored drink or just

Time: 2348.119

water or something that was of course

Time: 2350.079

matched for flavor but that did not

Time: 2351.92

contain any glucose or calories now this

Time: 2355.4

is a clever experimental design if you

Time: 2357.119

think about it because at least at a

Time: 2359.2

first glance the only thing that really

Time: 2360.48

seems to be different is the

Time: 2362.599

availability of glucose for the brain

Time: 2364.64

and you can probably guess what the

Time: 2365.839

outcome of these studies was the outcome

Time: 2367.52

of these studies was that when subjects

Time: 2369.92

are given glucose in between a first

Time: 2372.44

hard task that required willpower and a

Time: 2374.44

second hard task that required willpower

Time: 2376.2

and in some experiments a third hard

Time: 2378.44

task that required willpower that their

Time: 2380.44

levels of willpower were maintained

Time: 2382.599

consistently from one task to the next

Time: 2385.04

and in some cases increased from one

Time: 2387.319

task to the next if they had more

Time: 2389.359

glucose available because they drank

Time: 2391.28

this glucose drink so what's really

Time: 2393.16

interesting and frankly really nice

Time: 2394.68

about these studies is that they attemp

Time: 2396.44

tempted to bridge a psychological

Time: 2398.24

construct like tenacity and willpower

Time: 2400.839

and to test the argument that willpower

Time: 2403.76

is an Expendable resource and yet it's

Time: 2406.68

an Expendable resource that is

Time: 2408.44

replenishable by linking that to a

Time: 2410.48

physiological variable and the

Time: 2411.839

physiological variable they linked it to

Time: 2413.72

was glucose availability in the brain

Time: 2416.599

now this set the field of psychology and

Time: 2419.72

in fact the field of pop psychology that

Time: 2421.96

is the discussion about formal findings

Time: 2424.28

in the field of formal psychological

Time: 2426.079

research Ablaze people were so excited

Time: 2428.72

about this I mean this set of findings

Time: 2430.319

really pointed to the argument that if

Time: 2432.24

you could just keep levels of brain

Time: 2434.599

glucose elevated across your day or at

Time: 2438

least stable across the day that you

Time: 2440.44

would have more willpower and tenacity

Time: 2442.359

this thing that humans have been seeking

Time: 2444.119

more of since the beginning of time now

Time: 2446.48

all of that seemed fine and good and in

Time: 2448.56

fact a lot of products and courses were

Time: 2451.48

born out of that literature people were

Time: 2454.04

arguing that you should sip on glucose

Time: 2456.44

drink while doing any kind of hard task

Time: 2458.72

that you should sip on glucose drinks

Time: 2460.2

between tasks that you should be

Time: 2462.44

thinking about literally fuel that you

Time: 2465.28

ingest into your body as fuel for

Time: 2467.52

psychological processes within your

Time: 2469.28

brain that would allow you to perform

Time: 2470.72

better in work in school in athletics

Time: 2472.56

and relationships and all of the domains

Time: 2475.2

of life but of course anytime there is a

Time: 2478.599

prominence or a real excitement about a

Time: 2480.96

particular finding in any field of

Time: 2482.76

science but in particular in Psychology

Time: 2484.68

where it feels so applicable

Time: 2486.88

as did the Bal Meister results you are

Time: 2489.44

going to get other groups that are going

Time: 2491.079

to try and replicate those findings and

Time: 2493.319

that are going to dig into the findings

Time: 2495.599

themselves and look at the statistics

Time: 2498

look at how well or poorly powered those

Time: 2500.839

studies were we don't want to get into a

Time: 2502.76

full discussion about powering studies

Time: 2504.72

right now but powering studies has a lot

Time: 2506.52

to do with addressing the question of

Time: 2509

whether or not there were enough

Time: 2510.04

subjects in the study to really draw the

Time: 2511.92

conclusion that one Drew or whether or

Time: 2514.48

not the statistics fell out out as yes

Time: 2517.28

there was a significant effect of

Time: 2518.48

glucose ingestion on Willpower and

Time: 2520.24

tenacity but if there weren't enough

Time: 2522.319

subjects well then there are other

Time: 2524

variables that could potentially explain

Time: 2526.52

those results so there were a lot of

Time: 2528.24

metaanalyses and other studies trying to

Time: 2530.24

replicate the work of Bal meister and

Time: 2532.28

that's where things got controversial

Time: 2534.28

now we can take a step back from all of

Time: 2535.76

that controversy after all we don't want

Time: 2537.079

to spend too much time on the

Time: 2538.64

controversy itself rather we want to

Time: 2540.44

know what the counter interpretation of

Time: 2542.319

the bow Meister results was and I want

Time: 2544.68

to be very clear there was no real

Time: 2546.839

dispute as to whether or not bow Meister

Time: 2548.72

got the results that he and his

Time: 2550.76

colleagues claimed to have obtained they

Time: 2552.76

did get those results the question

Time: 2554.88

really was about the interpretation is

Time: 2557.079

willpower a limited resource and if it

Time: 2558.96

is is the physiological resource itself

Time: 2562.64

glucose availability to the brain so in

Time: 2565.839

2013 a colleague of mine at Stanford Dr

Time: 2568.48

Carol D and our department of psychology

Time: 2571.04

did a study in which she examined this

Time: 2573

idea that willpower is a limited

Time: 2574.52

resource and the idea that the resource

Time: 2577

that's limited is glucose availability

Time: 2579.839

for the brain so D and colleagues did an

Time: 2582

experiment that in many ways mirrored

Time: 2583.839

the overall organization of the

Time: 2585.359

experiments done by Bow meister and

Time: 2586.88

colleagues there was a difficult task

Time: 2589.44

some cases the difficult task was that

Time: 2591.04

Crossing out of particular ease within a

Time: 2592.8

passage task followed by another

Time: 2595.48

difficult task and the difficult task

Time: 2597.119

that came second was the Stroop task

Time: 2600.04

this is a task I've talked about before

Time: 2601.44

on this podcast although some episodes

Time: 2603.559

ago so those of you that are not

Time: 2605.079

familiar with the STP task the STP task

Time: 2607.04

is where subjects are presented with

Time: 2609.079

words in different colors and they are

Time: 2611.44

instructed to either read the word so to

Time: 2614.28

pay attention to the content of the word

Time: 2616.44

or to the color in which the font of the

Time: 2619.24

word is written this might seem pretty

Time: 2621.24

easy to most of you right if I put up a

Time: 2624.599

card that says apple on it and apple is

Time: 2627.04

written in green you probably wouldn't

Time: 2629.319

have a hard time if you had been

Time: 2630.839

instructed to tell me what color is the

Time: 2633.079

word written in for you to say green

Time: 2635.44

okay but if I I were to hold up a card

Time: 2636.8

that said red but the font is actually

Time: 2639.48

in the color green it's a little bit

Time: 2640.96

harder and if I were to then do that for

Time: 2644.119

a 100 cards or 300 cards and put you

Time: 2646.44

under time pressure where you're losing

Time: 2648.44

money that you're sure to get if you

Time: 2651.079

make mistakes or you will earn money at

Time: 2654.4

the end of the experiment if you get

Time: 2656

answers correctly well then you start

Time: 2658.16

making more mistakes that's just the way

Time: 2659.76

these experiments work so they did a

Time: 2662.04

variation on the strep task that isn't

Time: 2664.76

exactly the way I just described it and

Time: 2666.359

the stoop task by the way is one that's

Time: 2668.28

used to probe prefrontal cortex function

Time: 2670.8

this area of our brain right behind our

Time: 2672.359

foreheads that is responsible for many

Time: 2674.52

things but in part is responsible for

Time: 2677.44

context and strategy setting given a

Time: 2681.52

particular set of rules so if you get

Time: 2684.04

onto the bus or get onto the subway

Time: 2686.28

versus walk into a black tie dinner the

Time: 2688.92

context and rules are very very

Time: 2690.359

different as to what you would say or

Time: 2692.04

not say how you would behave how you

Time: 2693.48

would dress your prefrontal cortex is

Time: 2695.28

largely although Al though not entirely

Time: 2697.04

is largely responsible for a lot of the

Time: 2698.96

context setting and Rule setting from

Time: 2700.96

one situation to the next and if you

Time: 2702.559

think about the stre task it's really

Time: 2704.8

just a context dependent strategy task

Time: 2708.2

you either have to pay attention to the

Time: 2709.559

meaning of the words or the colors in

Time: 2711.68

which those words are written and the

Time: 2713.72

number of mistakes that you'll make

Time: 2714.88

depends on how much time pressure you're

Time: 2716.319

under what sorts of neurologic or

Time: 2718.599

psychiatric challenges you might be

Time: 2720

facing or not facing so on and so forth

Time: 2721.88

but it's a very robust task that's

Time: 2723.44

existed in the scientific literature for

Time: 2725.24

a long period of time so the D

Time: 2726.72

experiment and by the way there were

Time: 2727.76

actually three experiments in this paper

Time: 2729.28

I won't go through all of them in detail

Time: 2730.64

for sake of time but I will provide a

Time: 2732.04

link to the paper in the show note

Time: 2733.52

captions but the major focus of the

Time: 2735

study was to have people engage in one

Time: 2737.119

hard task and then in another hard task

Time: 2739.4

both of which draw on Willpower testing

Time: 2741.079

the idea that willpower is a limited

Time: 2742.559

resource and then providing some of

Time: 2745.559

those subjects with a glucose-rich drink

Time: 2749.839

or other subjects with a drink that was

Time: 2752.96

artificially sweetened so it had no

Time: 2755.079

glucose no calor calories but tasted yes

Time: 2757.68

they match them for taste I know some of

Time: 2759.28

you don't like artificial sweeteners are

Time: 2761.28

saying those don't taste exactly like

Time: 2763.52

real sugar but they managed to match

Time: 2765.04

these drinks for Taste but in one case

Time: 2766.72

the drink would clearly increase blood

Time: 2768.119

glucose in the other case the drink

Time: 2769.76

would not raise blood glucose so the

Time: 2771.52

results of this study are really

Time: 2773.24

spectacular in my mind because what this

Time: 2775.92

study found was that yes indeed

Time: 2779.359

ingesting glucose can improve

Time: 2781.24

performance on these multiple

Time: 2784

challenging willpower requiring tasks

Time: 2787.8

however the degree to which the glucose

Time: 2789.319

containing drink could improve

Time: 2791.359

performance depended on whether or not

Time: 2794.119

you believed that willpower was a

Time: 2796.24

limited resource and whether or not you

Time: 2798.119

believed that resource was glucose in

Time: 2801.04

other words if you hear and believe that

Time: 2803.68

willpower is a limited resource well

Time: 2806.28

then indeed with each subsequent task

Time: 2809.079

that you engage in or life event of any

Time: 2811.2

kind that you engage in that requires

Time: 2812.72

willpower and tenacity you will have

Time: 2815.96

less willpower and tenacity to draw on

Time: 2818.76

whereas if you believe that willpower

Time: 2820.68

and tenacity are unlimited and in fact

Time: 2823.4

are divorced from blood glucose as the

Time: 2826.16

physiological source of willpower and

Time: 2829.079

tenacity well then you can engage in one

Time: 2831.52

challenging task and another challenging

Time: 2833.359

task and another challenging task

Time: 2835.24

without any diminishment in performance

Time: 2837.96

now that of course leaves us all in a

Time: 2839.4

very tough position because how are we

Time: 2841.559

to decide what to believe if we know

Time: 2843.4

that willpower can be a limited resource

Time: 2845.44

or willpower cannot be a limited

Time: 2847.64

resource ah well the results of the

Time: 2850.04

direct study and by the way I should

Time: 2851.64

share with you the title of the study

Time: 2853.04

the title of the study not surprisingly

Time: 2855.48

is beliefs about willpower determine the

Time: 2858

impact of glucose on self-control and

Time: 2860.839

this was a study published in the

Time: 2861.839

proceedings of the National Academy of

Time: 2863.119

Sciences again I'll provide a link to

Time: 2865.28

this study in the show note captions

Time: 2866.8

there are three major experiments in

Time: 2868.72

this study as I mentioned before I just

Time: 2870.76

gave you the major conclusion of all of

Time: 2872.64

them sort of woven together and if it

Time: 2876.119

wasn't clear already the major

Time: 2877.839

conclusions are that yes ingesting

Time: 2879.64

glucose can improve your ability to

Time: 2882.52

engage tenacity and willpower AKA

Time: 2885.28

self-control from one task to the next

Time: 2888.079

provided that you believe that glucose

Time: 2890.92

is the limiting resource for engaging

Time: 2893

tenacity and willpower if you don't

Time: 2894.48

believe that well then you can engage

Time: 2897.119

tenacity and willpower without ingesting

Time: 2899.68

glucose and that's where the

Time: 2900.92

artificially flavored drink comes in

Time: 2902.88

I'll leave it to you to kind of unpack

Time: 2904.599

what that means experimentally but it's

Time: 2906.359

a very clever experimental design that

Time: 2908.359

DW and colleagues came up with because

Time: 2910

it argues that yes indeed it's hard to

Time: 2912.119

do a challenging thing right after

Time: 2913.359

another challenging thing but there's no

Time: 2916.359

reason to think that you can't do both

Time: 2918

of those things while engaging the

Time: 2920

utmost tenacity and willpower if you

Time: 2923

believe that tenacity and willpower

Time: 2924.96

exist within you as a single mechanism

Time: 2927.72

that can be harnessed and that it's not

Time: 2929.44

a single mechanism that has a reservoir

Time: 2932.44

that runs down as you engage in one hard

Time: 2935.44

thing thing to the next now this is very

Time: 2938.359

important because we are about to

Time: 2939.92

transition into our discussion of the

Time: 2941.76

physiological that is the neural

Time: 2943.76

underpinnings of tenacity and willpower

Time: 2946.64

which as it turns out is one major set

Time: 2950

of brain circuits now there could be

Time: 2951.76

others that are yet to be discovered but

Time: 2954

we know that there is one major set of

Time: 2956

brain circuits in particular one brain

Time: 2958.48

area believe it or not that an entire

Time: 2960.96

collection of more than two dozen

Time: 2962.44

studies really points to as the seat the

Time: 2965.2

or of what we call tenacity and

Time: 2967.48

willpower but before we transition to

Time: 2969.48

that and the tools and protocols that

Time: 2971.599

that physiological neural understanding

Time: 2973.96

set forth for us to all use and apply

Time: 2977.04

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that

Time: 2979.079

bow Meister wasn't about to hear these

Time: 2981.92

results from dwen colleagues and just

Time: 2983.839

say Okay willpower is not a limited

Time: 2986.52

resource it's not blood glucose it's all

Time: 2988.2

what you believe about willpower it's

Time: 2989.799

all what you believe about blood

Time: 2991.559

glucose rather BME himself went back to

Time: 2995.28

the lab and did subsequent experiments

Time: 2998.599

that in some ways not all counter the d

Time: 3001.44

results so I'm not trying to confuse

Time: 3002.92

anybody but I wouldn't be doing my job

Time: 3004.559

if I didn't give you both sides of the

Time: 3005.96

story now the good news is that the

Time: 3007.599

tools and protocols that we are going to

Time: 3009.119

arrive at work regardless of which

Time: 3011.799

psychological Camp you happen to be in

Time: 3013.72

the bow Meister camp or the D camp now I

Time: 3016.04

don't want to give the impression that

Time: 3017

these are Waring camps and I also don't

Time: 3019

want to give the impression that these

Time: 3020.079

are the only two camps of thought and

Time: 3022.24

experimentation within the field of

Time: 3024.2

tenacity and willpower there are many

Time: 3026.559

groups working on these subjects indeed

Time: 3029.28

there have been metaanalyses that have

Time: 3031.359

confirmed the major theories of Bal

Time: 3032.92

meister and there are metaanalyses that

Time: 3035.079

have refuted the major findings of Bal

Time: 3038.28

Meister I will provide links in the show

Time: 3040.559

note captions to a couple examples of

Time: 3042.4

each so that you have those to peruse if

Time: 3043.96

you like but let's discuss for a moment

Time: 3045.559

what B Meister found when they went back

Time: 3047.92

and re- researched I think that's a word

Time: 3050.24

re researched the idea that willpower is

Time: 3052.92

a limited resource and that glucose is

Time: 3055.28

the that limiting

Time: 3056.72

resource balme and colleagues looked at

Time: 3059.28

the D data and said okay fine the data

Time: 3061.359

looked great except for the fact that in

Time: 3063.88

real life and in many previous

Time: 3065.799

experiments that they and others had

Time: 3067.4

done it wasn't just two hard challenges

Time: 3070.839

back toback but often two or three or

Time: 3073.96

four and what Bal meister and others

Time: 3076.319

found was that when subjects are

Time: 3078.04

presented not with just two challenges

Time: 3080.599

back to back but three or more

Time: 3082.92

challenges so back to back to back to

Time: 3084.64

back challenge is that have to engage a

Time: 3086.72

lot of neural energy a lot of willpower

Time: 3089

tenacity resistance to do certain things

Time: 3091.599

and effort to engage in certain kinds of

Time: 3094.319

behaviors and cognitive processes that

Time: 3097.4

when subjects had glucose available to

Time: 3100.48

them in the brain by way of ingesting

Time: 3102.24

these glucose drinks sipping those in

Time: 3104.2

between the tasks sometimes even during

Time: 3106.28

the tasks that their performance that is

Time: 3108.559

their willpower and tenacity to engage

Time: 3111.079

in challenges was maintained across

Time: 3114.319

those multiple challenges

Time: 3116.079

and they conceded that one's belief

Time: 3117.599

about willpower could indeed dictate

Time: 3120.16

whether or not willpower was or was not

Time: 3122.44

a limited resource and whether glucose

Time: 3125.04

would or would not enhance one's ability

Time: 3127.28

to engage willpower but they argued that

Time: 3131.4

if one confronts multiple challenging

Time: 3133.92

circumstances as is very naturalistic as

Time: 3136.76

we say it's very typical of everyday

Time: 3139.319

real life then the availability of

Time: 3142

glucose during and between tasks the

Time: 3144.44

ability for the brain to engage in its

Time: 3147.24

external environment and take reads of

Time: 3149.68

its internal environment how we feel

Time: 3152.559

inside relative to what's expected of us

Time: 3156

was very valuable in allowing people to

Time: 3158.48

engage this thing that psychologically

Time: 3160.48

we describe as tenacity and willpower

Time: 3163.24

I'd like to just take a brief break and

Time: 3165.119

thank one of our sponsors which is

Time: 3166.799

element element is an electrolyte drink

Time: 3169.119

that has everything you need and nothing

Time: 3170.799

you don't that means plenty of salt

Time: 3173.24

sodium magnesium and potassium the so so

Time: 3175.4

called electrolytes and no sugar now

Time: 3178.4

salt magnesium and potassium are

Time: 3180.28

critical to the function of all the

Time: 3181.72

cells in your body in particular to the

Time: 3183.68

function of your nerve cells also called

Time: 3185.76

neurons now people of course have

Time: 3187.359

varying levels of requirements for

Time: 3188.96

sodium so people with hypertension or

Time: 3190.96

prehypertension probably shouldn't

Time: 3192.559

increase their sodium however many

Time: 3194.319

people are surprised to find that by

Time: 3196

increasing their sodium intake they are

Time: 3197.88

able to function better cognitively and

Time: 3199.92

physically and that's because a lot of

Time: 3201.04

people especially people who are

Time: 3201.92

following low carbohydrate or even

Time: 3203.72

moderate carbohydrate and really clean

Time: 3205.52

diets often times they're excreting a

Time: 3207.24

lot of water and electrolytes along with

Time: 3208.799

it and simply by increasing their

Time: 3210.359

electrolyte intake using element they

Time: 3212.16

just feel better and function better I

Time: 3214.16

typically drink element first thing in

Time: 3215.64

the morning when I wake up in order to

Time: 3217.44

hydrate my body and make sure I have

Time: 3218.76

enough electrolytes and while I do any

Time: 3221.4

kind of physical training and certainly

Time: 3223.16

I drink element in my water when I'm in

Time: 3225.64

the sauna and after going in the sauna

Time: 3227.559

because that causes quite a lot of

Time: 3228.68

sweating if you'd like to try element

Time: 3230.319

you can go to drink element that's

Time: 3232.44 huberman to claim a free element

Time: 3235.88

sample pack with your purchase again

Time: 3237.44

that's drink element

Time: 3240.359

huberman let's talk about the physiology

Time: 3242.72

of tenasity and willpower and I assure

Time: 3245.52

you that the conversation we are about

Time: 3247

to have is not going to be just a bunch

Time: 3248.96

of nomenclature and mechanistic

Time: 3250.88

understanding of the origins of tenacity

Time: 3252.96

and willpower rather it argues that

Time: 3256.359

tenacity and willpower have a unified

Time: 3258.839

source that is a specific set of brain

Time: 3261.64

areas that when active engage that

Time: 3264.52

feeling of tenacity and willpower

Time: 3266.839

regardless of what we are confronted

Time: 3269.04

with regardless of whether or not we are

Time: 3270.799

trying to engage in something that

Time: 3272.319

reflexively we wouldn't otherwise want

Time: 3274.88

to engage in and regardless of whether

Time: 3277

or not we are confronted with something

Time: 3278.68

that we have to resist and to me that's

Time: 3280.599

extremely reassuring because whether or

Time: 3282.88

not you believe that blood glucose is

Time: 3284.28

the limiting resource for willpower

Time: 3286.599

whether or not you believe that your

Time: 3288

beliefs about willpower and blood

Time: 3289.88

glucose impact your level of willpower

Time: 3292.64

what we know for sure is that there's a

Time: 3294.64

single set of brain circuits indeed

Time: 3297

there's a single brain area that seems

Time: 3299.68

to be able to largely if not entirely

Time: 3302.28

explain this phenomenon that we call

Time: 3304.359

tenacity and willpower and that should

Time: 3306.92

be reassuring because what it means is

Time: 3308.96

that tenacity and willpower is the

Time: 3311.68

reflection of a neural circuit function

Time: 3315

that is a skill it's an expression of

Time: 3317.799

something that we all have within us we

Time: 3319.68

all have this particular brain area and

Time: 3322.76

quite excitingly this is the third point

Time: 3325.119

this brain area is highly subject to

Time: 3327.28

plasticity there are specific things

Time: 3329.079

that we can do and there are specific

Time: 3331.28

mindsets that we can adopt that allow us

Time: 3334.039

to increase the activity of this

Time: 3335.799

particular brain area indeed to increase

Time: 3337.92

the size of this particular brain area

Time: 3340

so that we can call on tenacity and

Time: 3341.799

willpower not just in one circumstance

Time: 3344.4

like school or musical learning or

Time: 3347.599

athletic Endeavors or relationship

Time: 3349.64

Endeavors but rather that we can call on

Time: 3351.88

this brain area in the context of any

Time: 3354.16

and all circumstan ances where willpower

Time: 3356.72

and tenacity are required now we talk

Time: 3358.799

about Neuroscience a lot on this podcast

Time: 3361.119

but it's not often that I point to a

Time: 3362.92

particular brain area and can

Time: 3365.039

confidently say this particular brain

Time: 3367.359

area has an absolutely integral role in

Time: 3371.52

something as kind of highlevel

Time: 3373.72

psychological as tenacity and willpower

Time: 3376.24

but today we can do that and that's

Time: 3378.24

because there's a collection of more

Time: 3379.599

than two dozen studies that point to one

Time: 3382.28

particular brain area and of course its

Time: 3384.28

connections with other brain areas

Time: 3386.079

because no single brain area operates in

Time: 3388.16

isolation every brain area is operating

Time: 3390.559

in the context of neural circuits other

Time: 3392.4

brain areas that it receives inputs from

Time: 3394.799

and gives inputs to and so on but this

Time: 3398

one particular brain area really does

Time: 3400.4

seem to underly what we call tenacity

Time: 3403.359

and willpower and we know that through

Time: 3404.96

several lines of evidence first of all

Time: 3407.119

I'll tell you the name of the brain area

Time: 3408.68

although the name itself isn't going to

Time: 3410.24

tell you much unless you're a

Time: 3411.16

neuroscientist or anatomist so I'll give

Time: 3413

a little bit of background about it the

Time: 3415.48

name of the brain area is the anterior

Time: 3418.039

mid singulate cortex the anterior mid

Time: 3421.039

singulate cortex is part of a larger

Time: 3423.2

brain area called the singulate cortex

Time: 3426.16

and in humans versus animals it goes by

Time: 3428.44

slightly different names unfortunately

Time: 3430.48

it's just one of the consequences of

Time: 3432.4

different researchers and different Labs

Time: 3433.88

calling the same thing different things

Time: 3435.359

it could be really frustrating but we'll

Time: 3436.96

make it very simple because today we

Time: 3439.44

were referred to this area as the

Time: 3441.72

anterior mid singulate cortex which is a

Time: 3444.4

sub div vision of a larger brain area

Time: 3447.079

simply called the singulate cortex the

Time: 3449.2

anterior mid singulate cortex resides in

Time: 3451.599

the frontal loes so it's behind your

Time: 3453.48

forehead although that doesn't tell you

Time: 3455

anything because all of your brain is

Time: 3456.2

behind your forehead if you think about

Time: 3457.52

it and it's about a third of the way

Time: 3460.96

back toward the back of your head and

Time: 3463.48

you actually have two of these

Time: 3464.72

structures two anterior mid singulate

Time: 3467.72

cortices one on each side of the brain

Time: 3470.4

and they receive a lot of inputs from a

Time: 3472.48

lot of different areas and we'll talk

Time: 3474.039

about what those areas are because this

Time: 3475.319

is extremely important when thinking

Time: 3477.079

about the different psychological and

Time: 3479.4

physiological resources that you can

Time: 3481.2

draw upon to engage tenacity and

Time: 3483.359

willpower but for the time being let me

Time: 3485.92

just go through the evidence in kind of

Time: 3487.72

list format of why we feel so confident

Time: 3491.559

that the anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 3493.799

is such a vital hub for engaging

Time: 3496.039

tenacity and

Time: 3498

willpower for each of these points that

Time: 3500.599

I'm about to make there is indeed at

Time: 3502.4

least one if not several quality

Time: 3504.839

reviewed studies in humans so there's a

Time: 3507.079

lot of data from animals both rodents

Time: 3509.68

and primate models Etc that we're not

Time: 3512.119

talking about today but I should mention

Time: 3514.44

all of which supports the human data and

Time: 3516.76

vice versa the data I'm going to

Time: 3519.319

describe now come from humans and from a

Time: 3521.96

variety of different types of studies so

Time: 3524.079

there are a lot of different ways that

Time: 3525.24

one can consider if a brain area is

Time: 3527.64

implicated in a given psychological or

Time: 3529.839

physiological phenomenon like motivation

Time: 3531.92

or sadness or visual perception

Time: 3535.319

and those include for instance if a

Time: 3537.52

brain area is active during a given

Time: 3540.48

phenomenon so one way to explore this is

Time: 3542.68

to put literally wire electrodes down

Time: 3544.64

below the skull record the electric

Time: 3546.44

activity of neurons and assess whether

Time: 3547.92

or not the electrical activity of those

Time: 3549.28

neurons changes when a person is say

Time: 3552

viewing faces or feeling a particular

Time: 3554.44

way like feeling tenacious or feeling

Time: 3556.319

bored or feeling aggressive and so on

Time: 3558.96

another way of assessing a particular

Time: 3560.4

brain area's role in a given

Time: 3562.2

physiological or psychological

Time: 3563.88

phenomenon is in individuals where that

Time: 3566.28

particular brain area is injured you

Time: 3568.4

might expect that a particular

Time: 3570.16

phenomenon like willpower like the

Time: 3573.4

ability to perceive faces is present or

Time: 3576.599

absent whether not it's exacerbated or

Time: 3578.76

whether or not it's diminished other

Time: 3580.799

ways of assessing whether or not a given

Time: 3582.119

brain area is involved in a given

Time: 3583.48

phenomenon is whether or not that brain

Time: 3585.599

area literally changes size whether or

Time: 3587.64

not changes in volume over the course of

Time: 3590.72

some sort of training so for instance if

Time: 3592.68

somebody is not able to play a musical

Time: 3595.2

instrument such as myself and then I or

Time: 3598.359

a subject in one of these experiments

Time: 3600.24

learns a musical instrument and the

Time: 3603.16

volume the size of the particular brain

Time: 3605.64

area is assessed across the learning or

Time: 3608.24

simply before and after that musical

Time: 3610.16

learning and it grows or perhaps even if

Time: 3612.52

it shrinks or changes shape one might

Time: 3615.16

determine that it is somehow somehow

Time: 3617.319

involved in the process of learning a

Time: 3619.319

musical instrument you couldn't

Time: 3620.319

unequivocally conclude that but along

Time: 3622.72

with other types of evidence one could

Time: 3625

perhaps conclude that so that's just a

Time: 3627.4

partial list of ways to assess brain

Time: 3628.92

area function other ways include

Time: 3631.64

assessing what other areas a given brain

Time: 3634.079

area gets input from so for instance in

Time: 3635.88

the case of the anterior mid singulate

Time: 3637.52

cortex we will soon discuss the fact

Time: 3639.359

that it gets robust input from the

Time: 3641.28

autonomic nervous system which you

Time: 3642.96

already learned about it gets robust

Time: 3645.4

input from reward systems of the brain

Time: 3647.48

such as the dopamine and serotonin based

Time: 3649.799

reward systems of the brain and it gets

Time: 3652.24

robust input from the context and

Time: 3654.64

strategy setting areas of the brain as

Time: 3657.039

well and many other different brain

Time: 3659.28

areas so there's a structural logic as

Time: 3662

to why the anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 3664.4

would be involved in tenacity and

Time: 3665.92

willpower but no single anatomical or

Time: 3668.359

physiological or lesion-based finding is

Time: 3671.839

as compelling as when we consider all of

Time: 3673.64

the results about the anterior mid

Time: 3675.48

singulate cortex together and side by

Time: 3677.96

side so for

Time: 3679.64

instance recordings by neural Imaging of

Time: 3683.2

the anterior mid singul cortex in an

Time: 3685.76

unbiased way meaning people are put into

Time: 3687.48

a brain scanner and brain activity is

Time: 3689.599

examined and mass all of the brain areas

Time: 3692

are looked at and people are presented

Time: 3694.599

with either a hard task or an easy task

Time: 3698.119

revealed that the anterior mid singulate

Time: 3700

cortex shows elevated levels of activity

Time: 3702.88

in the hard versus the easy task and

Time: 3706.319

again I want to point out that the

Time: 3707.4

researchers were not looking for that

Time: 3708.96

result they simply observed that result

Time: 3711.359

in addition if people who exhibit high

Time: 3713.24

levels of academic performance

Time: 3715

across many different subjects are put

Time: 3716.92

into a brain scanner that evaluates

Time: 3719.039

so-called resting state connectivity so

Time: 3721.119

no task but simply levels of activity in

Time: 3723.72

different brain areas that occur

Time: 3724.92

spontaneously so they're just sitting in

Time: 3726.48

the scanner looking at a blank screen

Time: 3729.2

the resting or spontaneous levels of

Time: 3731.2

activity in the anterior mid singulate

Time: 3733.599

cortex of high achieving individuals is

Time: 3736.799

higher relative to those of lower

Time: 3739.799

achieving individuals in addition people

Time: 3742.72

that have lesions or disruptions of

Time: 3745.76

anterior mid singulate cortical function

Time: 3748.359

show increased apathy and depression and

Time: 3751

reduced levels of tenacity and

Time: 3752.52

motivation across the board regardless

Time: 3755.279

of what domain of life one is asking

Time: 3757.48

about whether or not it's athletic or

Time: 3758.799

academic Etc indeed successful dieters

Time: 3763.079

show elevated spontaneous and what's

Time: 3765.92

called evoked levels of activity in the

Time: 3767.72

anterior mid singulate cortex so

Time: 3769.599

spontaneous again just at rest they have

Time: 3771.4

higher levels of activity in the

Time: 3773.24

anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 3775.16

and for those that are presented with

Time: 3777.799

food and they have to resist that food

Time: 3780.76

and they have to resist the smell of

Time: 3782.079

that food and the potential taste of

Time: 3783.64

that food the activity of the anterior

Time: 3785.359

mid singulate cortex goes up even

Time: 3786.92

further especially in those individuals

Time: 3789.319

who can resist that is who can engage

Time: 3792.319

willpower to not eat the delicious food

Time: 3795.4

item conversely individuals that have

Time: 3798

failed to exert sufficient willpower to

Time: 3800.319

lose their desired weight and this was

Time: 3802.48

for medical reasons related to trying to

Time: 3805.279

achieve Medical

Time: 3806.88

Health as well as people who are obese

Time: 3809.88

seem to have diminished levels of

Time: 3811.799

activity in the anterior mid singulate

Time: 3814.88

cortex in addition people who are

Time: 3817.24

depressed who Express a lot of apathy

Time: 3820.48

and here we're talking about clinically

Time: 3822.079

diagnosed major depression show reduced

Time: 3824.279

levels of activity in the anterior mid

Time: 3826

singulate cortex humans that Express a

Time: 3828.4

lot of what's called learned

Time: 3829.319

helplessness that is they've adopted the

Time: 3831.359

belief and the actions associated with

Time: 3832.92

the belief that no matter what they do

Time: 3834.64

the outcomes are not going to be what

Time: 3836.039

they desire Express lower levels of

Time: 3837.76

neural activity in the anterior mid

Time: 3839.4

singulate cortex so you can see this

Time: 3841.2

list goes on and on but it in fact gets

Time: 3844.039

even more interesting remember earlier I

Time: 3846.359

mentioned that successful dieters have

Time: 3848.839

elevated levels of neural activity in

Time: 3850.64

the anterior mid singulate cortex now

Time: 3853.039

that might seem like a good thing and

Time: 3854.599

indeed it can be a good thing but

Time: 3856.48

there's a pathologic condition

Time: 3857.76

associated with dieting and one's

Time: 3859.72

ability to engage willpower and resist

Time: 3862

food and that's in the case of eating

Time: 3863.799

disord such as anorexia nervosa now I've

Time: 3866.799

done a hubman Lab podcast solo episode

Time: 3868.92

about anorexia nervosa and on that

Time: 3871.039

podcast I made the point that I'll make

Time: 3872.44

again now which is that anorexia nervosa

Time: 3875.079

is the most deadly of all the

Time: 3876.839

psychiatric conditions leading to death

Time: 3879

in a very large percentage of people

Time: 3881.359

that have it now fortunately there are

Time: 3882.92

treatments and more emerging all the

Time: 3884.44

time but it's a very serious

Time: 3886.799

psychological and physiological

Time: 3889.039

condition that is extremely deadly

Time: 3891.76

individuals with anorexia nervosa

Time: 3894.2

exhibit heightened levels of activity in

Time: 3896.4

their anterior mid singulate cortex both

Time: 3898.279

at rest and when presented with food and

Time: 3900.799

I don't want to go on a full tangent

Time: 3902.16

about anorexia because we covered

Time: 3903.88

anorexia on the previous podcast episode

Time: 3906.76

about anorexia which by the way you can

Time: 3908.079

find at hubman simply search

Time: 3910.24

anorexia or eating disorders within the

Time: 3912.44

search function but one of the clear

Time: 3915.76

symptoms of anorexia nervosa is that the

Time: 3919.4

reward Pathways of the brain which we

Time: 3921.64

know feed into that is direct

Time: 3924.52

connections to the anterior mid

Time: 3926.72

singulate cortex seem to be activated

Time: 3929.88

under conditions in which people with

Time: 3932.72

anorexia avoid food as opposed to eat

Time: 3935.48

food and then there's a very interesting

Time: 3937.359

and positive literature about so-called

Time: 3939.559

super aers so what we know for sure is

Time: 3942.68

that as people age in particular between

Time: 3944.559

the ages of 60 and 90 there's a

Time: 3947.88

reduction in the size of many brain

Time: 3949.599

areas but the anterior mid singulate

Time: 3951.92

cortex in particular unless certain

Time: 3954.2

things are done to offset that we are

Time: 3955.48

going to talk about what those

Time: 3956.799

particular things are in just a few

Time: 3958.44

minutes but there's a particular

Time: 3960.76

category of humans that's alive now and

Time: 3964.119

that live a very long time these are the

Time: 3965.68

people that stand the greatest chance of

Time: 3967.24

becoming centenarians and many of them

Time: 3968.96

are centenarians so-called superagers

Time: 3971.599

but also within the category of

Time: 3974.24

superagers are people who are 60 years

Time: 3977.119

old or more because not all of them have

Time: 3979.88

reached 80 90 yet and have the cognition

Time: 3983.119

of 40 olds 30y olds and often even of

Time: 3986.599

people in their mid 20s now there are a

Time: 3989.119

lot of things that are different about

Time: 3990.44

these super agers super aers in the

Time: 3992.88

sense that they are maintaining very

Time: 3995.079

youthful levels of cognition but one of

Time: 3997.48

the things that's become very apparent

Time: 3999.279

from the neuroimaging data is that super

Time: 4001.839

agers maintain a volume a size of the

Time: 4005.359

anterior mid singulate cortex that is

Time: 4007.559

significantly greater than their ag-

Time: 4009.319

matched cohorts so the exciting thing is

Time: 4011.96

that there are many many lines of

Time: 4013.4

evidence pointing to the fact that the

Time: 4015.24

anterior mid singulate cortex at least

Time: 4017.88

has something to do with our ability to

Time: 4020.96

generate tenacity and willpower and that

Time: 4023.319

it when active moves us up that

Time: 4026.72

Continuum away from apathy and

Time: 4028.96

depression toward states of being able

Time: 4031.88

to engage in or resist particular types

Time: 4034.359

of behaviors so what I just described as

Time: 4036.319

a bunch of neuroimaging structural

Time: 4038.319

volume data blood uptake data lesion

Time: 4042.72

studies and so on and so forth but we

Time: 4045.48

can simplify all of that and in fact

Time: 4048.52

address something that perhaps I should

Time: 4049.839

have said earlier which is that when

Time: 4051.88

we're talking about tenacity and

Time: 4053.24

willpower we're really talking about one

Time: 4055.48

of two things we are either talking

Time: 4057.359

about that sense within us that has us

Time: 4061.88

saying I will no matter what you tell me

Time: 4064.839

no matter what you put in front of me no

Time: 4066.72

matter what is rolled my way I will

Time: 4070.96

blank now the other expression of

Time: 4073.039

tenacity and willpower

Time: 4074.799

is that within us within you within me

Time: 4079.2

when tenacity and willpower are active

Time: 4082.24

we have that sense within us that

Time: 4084.279

feeling in our body and that thought

Time: 4087.16

pattern AKA feeling in our brain that no

Time: 4091.68

matter what you say no matter what you

Time: 4093.76

do no matter what you put in front of me

Time: 4096.64

I won't so really willpower is either an

Time: 4099.359

expression of I will or I absolutely

Time: 4102.6

will is perhaps a better way to State it

Time: 4105.08

or I absolutely won't now that might

Time: 4108.08

seem like just a simple subjective

Time: 4110.04

reordering of a bunch of physiological

Time: 4111.92

data and psychology studies but it's not

Time: 4114.92

it's actually far more important for us

Time: 4116.359

to understand this I absolutely will and

Time: 4118.799

I absolutely

Time: 4120

won't aspect of willpower because if

Time: 4124.279

indeed there is a single brain area that

Time: 4127.4

can govern willpower and willpower is

Time: 4130.64

not one but is at least two things the

Time: 4134.239

sense of I absolutely will no matter

Time: 4136.199

what you say do Etc or I absolutely

Time: 4138.56

won't no matter what you say do Etc well

Time: 4141.44

then this brain area can't be a simple

Time: 4144.04

switch it can't be willpower on Willow

Time: 4147

off willpower on Willow off it can't be

Time: 4151.04

absolute as we say it must be graded it

Time: 4153.719

must have levels so it's more like a

Time: 4155.56

slider on a light switch than an on

Time: 4158.4

versus off light switch in addition to

Time: 4161.359

that if there is truly one brain area

Time: 4164.48

that plays a critical role in generating

Time: 4166.88

tenacity and

Time: 4168.4

willpower and tenacity and willpower is

Time: 4171.199

something that it's required from us in

Time: 4173.4

a lot of different contexts where we

Time: 4175.759

have to say I absolutely will yes this I

Time: 4178.44

absolutely won't know that I absolutely

Time: 4180.279

will also yes this etc etc right because

Time: 4183.759

life is complex even just the simple

Time: 4185.44

thing of say dieting or trying to get a

Time: 4188.44

particular degree or trying to navigate

Time: 4191.64

even a simple illness like I'm going to

Time: 4193.239

get through this weak despite feeling

Time: 4195.08

lousy I'm going to take good care of

Time: 4197.08

myself you know all of these things in

Time: 4198.719

some sense require tenacity and

Time: 4200.56

willpower and the behaviors we need to

Time: 4202.239

engage in and avoid engaging in is very

Time: 4204.679

Dynamic depending not just on who we are

Time: 4207.44

and what we're trying to do or not do

Time: 4208.96

but also where we are that day that

Time: 4212.52

moment well that means that the anterior

Time: 4214.88

mid singulate cortex also needs access

Time: 4218.08

to information about context it needs to

Time: 4220.679

understand what's rewarding or

Time: 4222.32

non-rewarding in the cont of what we're

Time: 4224.159

trying to accomplish not just what feels

Time: 4226.08

good in the

Time: 4227.08

moment now fortunately there have been a

Time: 4229.76

number of studies exploring not just the

Time: 4231.52

activity levels of the anterior mid

Time: 4233.04

singulate cortex or the size of the

Time: 4234.679

anterior mid singulate cortex in the

Time: 4236.56

various conditions we talked about

Time: 4237.719

before depression obesity successful

Time: 4240.12

dieters successful students successful

Time: 4242.199

athletes Etc but a lot of anatomical

Time: 4244.679

tracing studies both from fixed that is

Time: 4247.44

from Dead brain tissue so postmortem

Time: 4249.52

brain tissue in humans but also nowadays

Time: 4253.12

they're certain types of neuroimaging

Time: 4256

particular something called diffusion

Time: 4258.04

tensor Imaging that allows one to

Time: 4260

examine the flow of information in and

Time: 4262.04

out of different brain areas through

Time: 4263.52

so-called white matter tracks tracks

Time: 4266.4

meaning TR r a CTS track so these are

Time: 4270.199

the wires that connect neurons are

Time: 4271.6


Time: 4272.64

axons and those axons are in sheathed

Time: 4275.4

with a fatty substance called myelin and

Time: 4277.4

that enement with milin allows them to

Time: 4279.48

transmit information very quickly you'll

Time: 4281.88

see where I'm going with all this in

Time: 4282.96

just a moment

Time: 4284.239

and what we know is that the anterior

Time: 4286.6

mid singulate cortex again of which you

Time: 4288.719

have one on each side of the brain about

Time: 4290.44

a third of the way back from your

Time: 4291.8

forehead to the back of your brain

Time: 4293.199

approximately right above the so-call

Time: 4295.199

Corpus colossum this very robust

Time: 4299.08

collection of white matter tracks that

Time: 4300.48

connects the two sides of the brain well

Time: 4302.6

it gets input and sends input to a

Time: 4305.36

number of different brain areas

Time: 4306.76

including but not limited to the

Time: 4309.04

following autonomic centers that control

Time: 4311.56

for instance cardiovascular f function

Time: 4314.08

increases or decreases in heart rate

Time: 4316.4

respiration how fast and how deeply you

Time: 4318.96

breathe or how shallowly and slowly you

Time: 4321

breathe immune system inputs and outputs

Time: 4324.679

with the

Time: 4325.6

spleen not directly but through a couple

Time: 4328.28

of different stations with the very

Time: 4330.239

organs in your body that can release B

Time: 4332.32

cells and t- cells and immune molecules

Time: 4334.84

that can combat bacterial viral and

Time: 4336.719

fungal infections and that can repair

Time: 4338.6

physical wounds and it communicates with

Time: 4341.8

the endocrine system with the systems of

Time: 4343.8

the brain and body that release for

Time: 4345.679

instance estrogen and testosterone which

Time: 4348.239

by the way are present in both males and

Time: 4350.08

females and on a previous episode of The

Time: 4352.04

hubman Lab podcast with Robert spolski

Time: 4354.639

as my guest we talked about for instance

Time: 4357.12

the role of testosterone and many people

Time: 4359.719

think oh testosterone is all about

Time: 4361.199

aggression testosterone is all about

Time: 4363.48

attack testosterone is all about mating

Time: 4365.56

that is completely false while it can be

Time: 4367.36

involved in those different

Time: 4369.48

processes what Dr spolski and I

Time: 4371.639

discussed is that one of the major

Time: 4373.08

functions of testosterone in the brain

Time: 4376.08

is to make effort feel good and you can

Time: 4379.199

see and we'll talk a little bit more

Time: 4380.84

about how that links up very directly

Time: 4382.56

with this concept of tenacity and

Time: 4384.12

willpower so the first point is that the

Time: 4385.96

anterior mid singulate cortex is in

Time: 4388.239

direct communication with all of the

Time: 4390.719

areas of the brain and through a couple

Time: 4394.159

of other stations the body that modulate

Time: 4397.84

our sense of tenacity and willpower

Time: 4399.4

which we talked about earlier the need

Time: 4400.679

for Sleep the need for pain pain or lack

Time: 4404.639

of pain or emotional Comfort or

Time: 4408.36

discomfort to modulate our level of

Time: 4410.8

tenacity and willpower the interior mid

Time: 4412.84

singulate cortex is also directly linked

Time: 4415.44

up with premotor centers these are the

Time: 4417.679

centers of the brain that organize

Time: 4419.56

particular patterns of behavior and

Time: 4421.96

indeed that can suppress particular

Time: 4423.92

patterns of behavior as I tell you that

Time: 4425.96

you're probably filling in the blanks

Time: 4427.199

this is engaging in a behavior or

Time: 4429.32

resisting a behavior the interior mid

Time: 4431.44

singulate cortex is also directly wired

Time: 4433.44

in with the reward Pathways of the brain

Time: 4435.8

it can trigger the release of dopamine

Time: 4438.32

it can also respond to the release of

Time: 4440.4

dopamine and that dopamine release could

Time: 4442.36

be generated behaviorally it could be

Time: 4444.04

generated through some sort of food

Time: 4446.6

reward it could be pharmacologic there

Time: 4448.84

are a number of different ways that the

Time: 4450.12

dopamine system can communicate with the

Time: 4451.719

anterior mid singulate cortex the point

Time: 4453.96

here is that it is in direct

Time: 4455.639

communication with the anterior mid

Time: 4457.36

singulate cortex and the anterior mid

Time: 4458.96

singulate cortex is in direct

Time: 4460.44

communication with the dopamine system

Time: 4462.56

and what I just gave you was frankly

Time: 4464.239

just a partial list of the different

Time: 4466.159

areas of the brain that are

Time: 4467.12

communicating robustly with the anterior

Time: 4468.8

mid singulate cortex it gets information

Time: 4470.96

about interoception our readout of how

Time: 4472.92

we feel in our body it also has robust

Time: 4475.8

inputs and outputs with the areas of the

Time: 4477.44

brain that are associated with

Time: 4478.84

exteroception our perception of what is

Time: 4480.84

out around us so all of that provides a

Time: 4483

logical basis for the neuroimaging data

Time: 4485.56

the lesion data the volumetric data that

Time: 4487.4

we talked about a few minutes ago in the

Time: 4489.08

context of depression anxiety high

Time: 4491

performance anorexia and so on

Time: 4494.08

but one of the most important arguments

Time: 4496.48

that's ever been made in favor of the

Time: 4498.08

anterior mid singulate cortex being a

Time: 4500.36

major seat for tenacity and willpower

Time: 4504.56

comes from Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett who

Time: 4506.96

is soon to be a guest on the hubman Lab

Time: 4508.8

podcast we've actually recorded that

Time: 4510.32

episode already and it should be out

Time: 4512

very soon Lisa's laboratory is well

Time: 4514.199

known for pioneering research on emotion

Time: 4517.04

and affect I strongly encourage you to

Time: 4519.04

listen to that episode once it comes out

Time: 4521.44

and it was actually Lisa herself that

Time: 4523.4

cued me to the importance of the

Time: 4525.48

anterior mid singulate cortex and Lisa

Time: 4527.639

and colleagues have written several

Time: 4529.08

spectacular reviews about the anterior

Time: 4531.639

mid singulate cortex and its role in

Time: 4533.6

tenacity and motivation I will provide

Time: 4535.28

links to a few of those in the show note

Time: 4537.679

captions the one that I'm particularly

Time: 4539.679

excited about the one that I've spent

Time: 4541.84

now an immense amount of time with is

Time: 4544.36

entitled The tenacious brain how the

Time: 4546.199

enter mid singulate cortex contributes

Time: 4548.159

to achieving goals so if you have a

Time: 4550.28

background in biology even if you don't

Time: 4552.36

I think you'll find that review view to

Time: 4553.48

be very interesting and it further

Time: 4555.4

substantiates a lot of the points that I

Time: 4557.08

made a few moments ago about the

Time: 4558.6

different scenarios and types of

Time: 4560.32

individuals that seem to be able to

Time: 4561.76

engage their anterior mid singulate

Time: 4563.199

cortex under different conditions and to

Time: 4565.44

a greater or lesser extent than others

Time: 4567.8

so hats off to Lisa for queuing me to

Time: 4570.44

this incredibly interesting brain

Time: 4571.719

structure I had known that it existed

Time: 4574

after all I teach neur Anatomy to

Time: 4575.639

medical students at Stanford and I

Time: 4577.679

taught neuron Anatomy for many many

Time: 4579.04

years but I don't think enough people

Time: 4580.8

and indeed very few professional

Time: 4582.04

neuroscientists could tell you what the

Time: 4583.44

anterior mid singulate cortex does but

Time: 4585.159

it has this apparently incredible

Time: 4586.84

function in generating tenacity and

Time: 4589.04

motivation along those lines one of the

Time: 4591.04

most incredible and important studies

Time: 4593.48

about the anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 4595.28

and its capacity to generate feelings of

Time: 4597.48

tenacity and willpower comes from one of

Time: 4600.04

my colleagues at Stanford Joe

Time: 4602.12

parvy who essentially went into human

Time: 4605.8

beings who needed brain surgery for

Time: 4608.04

other reasons and stimulated particular

Time: 4611.96

brain areas with a very high degree of

Time: 4614.48

precision the title of the paper that

Time: 4616.4

I'm referring to was published in 2013

Time: 4618.4

in the journal neuron cell Press Journal

Time: 4620.199

excellent journal and it's entitled the

Time: 4622.84

will to persevere induced by electrical

Time: 4624.92

stimulation of the human singulate gyrus

Time: 4627.44

now you'll notice the title said human

Time: 4629.12

singulate gyrus not anterior mid

Time: 4630.92

singulate gyrus but because they had

Time: 4633.6

electrodes and a stimulation technique

Time: 4635.76

that would allow them to stimulate in

Time: 4637.8

very small regions extending as little

Time: 4641.48

as 5 mm but no more away from the

Time: 4644.159

stimulation site they were able to march

Time: 4646.6

their stimulation around different sub

Time: 4649.8

regions of the singulate gyus of humans

Time: 4652.239

while those people were awake and then

Time: 4655.04

asked those people how do you feel what

Time: 4657.32

are you experiencing In This Moment In

Time: 4659.199

addition to that they were recording

Time: 4660.92

various autonomic parameters from those

Time: 4662.679

people so heart rate breathing in

Time: 4665

addition to brain wave activity so what

Time: 4667.44

the subjects report when their anterior

Time: 4669.32

mid singulate cortex was stimulated is

Time: 4671.84

that in their words

Time: 4673.679

something was about to happen they felt

Time: 4675.96

as if there was some sort of pressure

Time: 4678.159

upon them from the outside not physical

Time: 4679.96

pressure but that something was about to

Time: 4681.76

happen in fact one of the subjects

Time: 4683.12

described the sensation as it's as if

Time: 4685.6

there's a storm off in the distance but

Time: 4688.96

I know I need to go into the storm and I

Time: 4690.76

know I can make it through the storm

Time: 4693.12

okay another subject described the

Time: 4695.239

experience of having their anterior mid

Time: 4696.88

singulate cortex stimulated as okay

Time: 4700.84

something not necessarily good as going

Time: 4703.199

to happen but I know that I need to

Time: 4704.84

Marshall resources and resist and I'm

Time: 4708.04

confident that I can push through now

Time: 4711.04

because Parisian colleagues are

Time: 4712.92

excellent scientists they of course did

Time: 4714.84

control experiments where they would

Time: 4716.12

tell the person okay we're stimulating

Time: 4717.88

that same brain area that a moment ago

Time: 4719.84

you told me created this feeling of some

Time: 4723.12

pressure upon you that you have to

Time: 4724.32

resist some sense of fight or urgency to

Time: 4726.56

push back but in reality During certain

Time: 4728.84

control conditions they were not

Time: 4730.08

stimulating those brain areas and the

Time: 4732.679

sub objects then reported I don't feel

Time: 4735.159

like anything's about to happen yeah I

Time: 4737.96

don't feel anything at all in other

Time: 4739.88

words it was the stimulation of the

Time: 4741.84

anterior mid singulate cortex and only

Time: 4744.12

the anterior mid singulate cortex that

Time: 4746.4

created the sensation within people that

Time: 4749.239

there was something to resist that there

Time: 4750.719

was something putting pressure on them

Time: 4752.56

again not physical pressure but

Time: 4753.719

psychological pressure and that they

Time: 4755.44

were going to have to Marshall resources

Time: 4757.4

in order to push back upon in fact they

Time: 4759.239

reported feeling as if their body was

Time: 4761.639

getting ready to do something one

Time: 4763.4

subject said something along the lines

Time: 4765.28

of yeah I feel like I'm about to do

Time: 4766.84

something I'm about to go someplace or

Time: 4768.4

do something to resist this foreoing

Time: 4770.32

sense that's now coming over me so this

Time: 4773.199

is very interesting and of course is in

Time: 4774.92

line with all of the data that we

Time: 4776.639

discussed before about neural activity

Time: 4779.52

patterns both spontaneous and evoked

Time: 4781.719

about brain volume changes in the

Time: 4783.44

anterior mid singulate cortex so on and

Time: 4785.48

so forth and it really points to the

Time: 4787.84

idea that the anterior mid singulate

Time: 4789.84

cortex is a hub a hub Hub that receives

Time: 4793.6

information from A diversity of brain

Time: 4795.719

areas that we talked about a few minutes

Time: 4797.08

ago and that generates a particular

Time: 4799.239

sense within us that we are going to be

Time: 4801.84

forward Center of mass that we are going

Time: 4803.88

to resist something and that perhaps we

Time: 4806.96

are going to move or act in some

Time: 4809.12

particular way or as we've been

Time: 4811.08

discussing all along resist action in

Time: 4813.52

some particular way but that it requires

Time: 4815.96

that we Marshall resources which takes

Time: 4817.88

us back of course to the studies of bow

Time: 4820.48

meister and indeed of dck where they

Time: 4823.96

explored willpower as a limited resource

Time: 4826.28

perhaps glucose perhaps as that limited

Time: 4828.8

resource beliefs about willpower and

Time: 4831.76

glucose probably with a high degree of

Time: 4834.44

certainty are going to be involved there

Time: 4835.88

too but regardless of that controversy

Time: 4838.44

it's clear that there's an energy

Time: 4840.4

required there's an activation state of

Time: 4843.679

Engagement or

Time: 4845.88

resistance to a particular Behavior or

Time: 4848.36

thought pattern that we all associate

Time: 4851.199

with this phenomenon of tenacity and

Time: 4852.84

willpower and in a kind of miraculous

Time: 4855.36

way you know as a neuroscientist we're

Time: 4857.32

generally taught nowadays that

Time: 4859.48

individual brain areas don't really

Time: 4861.4

trigger individual functions and

Time: 4863.48

perceptions of the brain there are a few

Time: 4864.8

exceptions to that you know you have a

Time: 4865.96

fusiform face area that really does seem

Time: 4868.199

to be involved in the perception of

Time: 4869.679

faces and when lesion you can't

Time: 4871.04

recognize faces but outside of just a

Time: 4874

few limited contexts it's very rare that

Time: 4876.92

one comes across a literature that

Time: 4880.52

across all of the studies involved

Time: 4883.159

point to a single brain structure and

Time: 4885.08

its networks as giving rise to something

Time: 4887.52

as complex and flexible as tenacity and

Time: 4890.4

willpower but in the case of the

Time: 4892.08

anterior mid singulate cortex it really

Time: 4894.48

does seem to meet those criteria as the

Time: 4896.76

brain Hub responsible for tenasity and

Time: 4899.32

willpower now a key idea that Dr Feldman

Time: 4901.76

Barrett has contributed to studies of

Time: 4903.88

the an mid singulate cortex as a

Time: 4906.199

structure that helps us generate what we

Time: 4909.08

call tenacity and willpower to help us

Time: 4910.92

achieve different types of goals

Time: 4913.52

is this idea of

Time: 4914.96

allostasis most of you have perhaps

Time: 4916.96

heard of homeostasis which is the idea

Time: 4919.639

that all of our cells all of our organs

Time: 4921.639

indeed our entire body and psychology

Time: 4924.32

are always seeking homeostasis the

Time: 4926.28

perfect balance of sleep and activity of

Time: 4930.159

food and burning fuels of oxygen and

Time: 4933.96

carbon dioxide and so on and so forth

Time: 4935.96

and while homeostasis certainly exists

Time: 4938.08

and is a valid phenomenon there's also a

Time: 4939.8

concept that we hear far less about but

Time: 4942.08

that is equally important which is the

Time: 4943.639

concept of allostasis allostasis is the

Time: 4946.88

idea that much of what our brain and

Time: 4949.199

body need to do but especially our brain

Time: 4951.88

is to allocate right allostasis to

Time: 4954.44

allocate resources to particular

Time: 4956.76

functions depending on our motivational

Time: 4958.6

goals and the challenges upon us and in

Time: 4961.36

every way what we understand about the

Time: 4963.239

structure and function of the anterior

Time: 4965.159

mid singulate cortex is that it is doing

Time: 4967.6

just that it is deciding how much

Time: 4970.52

glucose should a given brain area

Time: 4972.8

consume perhaps a brain area that's

Time: 4974.84

involved in visual perception because

Time: 4976.719

you're involved in a motivational task

Time: 4978.719

where in order to succeed you need to

Time: 4980.6

pay careful visual attention to

Time: 4982.32

particular things or you're involved in

Time: 4984.44

a task where you have to listen to

Time: 4985.76

particular things or perhaps you are

Time: 4988.6

involved in a physical foot race where

Time: 4991.32

you don't want to allocate a lot of

Time: 4993

energy towards thinking about your

Time: 4994.56

stride or your step unless that's

Time: 4995.92

necessary and you actually want to shut

Time: 4997.639

down your brain activity as much as

Time: 4999.159

possible except for the brain areas that

Time: 5001.199

are required to get you to continue run

Time: 5004.28

in that sense the interior mid singulate

Time: 5006.48

cortex as a sort of a dial on how much

Time: 5010.56

fuel is consumed not by the brain and

Time: 5013.28

body as a whole but by individual brain

Time: 5015.719

and body parts meets all the criteria of

Time: 5018.76

what you would want for a brain area

Time: 5020.84

that controls things like tenacity and

Time: 5022.44

willpower because even for those

Time: 5024.84

individuals who seem to just have an

Time: 5026.679

endless supply of tenacity and willpower

Time: 5029.679

they too have to go into habitual

Time: 5031.239

Behavior they can't simply lean into

Time: 5034.48

every aspect of life with the kind of

Time: 5036.719

resistance from outside and the

Time: 5038.8

resistance against those outside forces

Time: 5040.92

or even resistance to internal forces

Time: 5043.08

voices in their head Etc on a constant

Time: 5045.719

basis they still need to sleep they

Time: 5047.56

still need to be functional in that

Time: 5050.28

expression of tenacity and willpower

Time: 5051.8

they need to be able to strategy switch

Time: 5054.04

and they need to be able to come off the

Time: 5056.199

gas as we say not because tenacity and

Time: 5058.76

willpower are necessarily a limited

Time: 5060.48

resource but because for so many aspects

Time: 5063.199

of Life engaging tenacity and willpower

Time: 5065.88

is not advantageous hence the example I

Time: 5068.44

gave earlier about eating disorders

Time: 5070.56

where an apparently hardwired function

Time: 5073.6

of our brain to be able to generate some

Time: 5075.639

sort of reward for resisting a given

Time: 5078.199

Behavior goes too far and then can

Time: 5081

actually threaten one's own health or

Time: 5082.52

even life so the concept of allostatic

Time: 5084.76

load allostatic balance and alistic

Time: 5087.719

function is something that we get into

Time: 5088.96

in a fair amount of detail in the

Time: 5090.199

discussion with Dr Feldman Barrett in

Time: 5091.719

that episode which is coming out soon

Time: 5093.88

but in the meantime if you are to think

Time: 5095.88

about the anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 5097.639

as having a single function the function

Time: 5099.96

that Dr Feldman Barrett has ascribed to

Time: 5101.88

it as controlling how much energy

Time: 5104.159

different brain and body areas should

Time: 5105.76

get in a given context well that makes a

Time: 5108.52

lot of sense to me and I think it's the

Time: 5110

one that best describes all of the

Time: 5112.4

functional data indeed includes or jibes

Time: 5115.08

with all the anatomical data about the

Time: 5117.32

anterior mid singulate cortex as well

Time: 5119.48

one of the really important twists in

Time: 5121.119

all of this is that

Time: 5123

the anterior mid singulate cortex is not

Time: 5125.8

just sitting there to allocate and Dole

Time: 5129

out different amounts of energy and

Time: 5130.639

activation to different brain areas it

Time: 5132.76

is also receiving input from both the

Time: 5135.159

brain and body and in sort of a

Time: 5137.679

beautiful Twist on the whole story of

Time: 5139.84

what the anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 5142.199

does we know that when we move our body

Time: 5145.36

we are activating the anterior mid

Time: 5147.36

singulate cortex and we know that when

Time: 5149.6

we move our body because we in some way

Time: 5152.96

forced ourselves or encouraged ourselves

Time: 5154.96

to do it we activate the anterior mid

Time: 5157.04

singulate cortex more similarly and

Time: 5159.84

because the Anor mid singulate cortex is

Time: 5161.6

so flexible in the different context in

Time: 5163.56

which it can be

Time: 5164.96

activated if we are simply reading or we

Time: 5168.719

are listening to something that we're

Time: 5169.96

supposed to learn or trying to learn a

Time: 5171.719

piece of music or trying to do anything

Time: 5173.92

for that matter the anterior mid

Time: 5175.88

singulate cortex yes will be activated

Time: 5178.639

but that its levels of activation are

Time: 5180.28

far greater when we experience a lot of

Time: 5183.199

resistance that we have to overcome

Time: 5185.199

remember the earlier result and by the

Time: 5186.679

way I'll provide a link in the show note

Time: 5188.639

captions to this particular study or set

Time: 5190.4

of studies there are about two one

Time: 5192.36

really spectacular one and a couple of

Time: 5193.92

others that um tangentially point to the

Time: 5197.119

same finding that when people engage in

Time: 5198.92

a hard task not an easy task but a hard

Time: 5201.92

task that the anterior mid singulate

Time: 5203.639

cortex activity is elevated so the way

Time: 5206.239

to think about the anterior mid singul

Time: 5208.199

cortex is that it's not just sitting

Time: 5211.04

there as a hub that you have to reach

Time: 5212.92

into and activate it's also receiving

Time: 5215.92

inputs that can activate it and that's

Time: 5219.44

what allows us to now talk about the

Time: 5220.96

tools and protocols that don't just

Time: 5223.04

allow us to engage our anterior mid

Time: 5224.76

singulate cortex and access more

Time: 5227.199

tenacity and willpower but that allow us

Time: 5229.88

to exercise not in necessarily in the

Time: 5232.719

context of physical exercise although it

Time: 5234.159

could be that too but to exercise our

Time: 5237.08

anterior mid singulate cortices ability

Time: 5239.52

to engage not just in that challenging

Time: 5241.6

context but in other challenging

Time: 5243.32

contexts as well in fact I'll just tell

Time: 5245.8

you right now that studies in non-human

Time: 5248.159

primates and to a limited extent in

Time: 5250.159

humans but here we think there's a

Time: 5251.56

strong analog between the non-human

Time: 5253.119

primate data and the human data the

Time: 5255.32

anterior mid singulate cortex is choa

Time: 5257.76

block full of the expression of

Time: 5259.679

molecules such as cyas 2 receptors to

Time: 5263.04


Time: 5264.04

neurotropins particular types of nmda

Time: 5267.52

and methylaspartate receptors all of

Time: 5270.08

which if none of those names mean

Time: 5271.36

anything to you just know that all of

Time: 5273.4

them refer to different aspects of and a

Time: 5276.92

capacity for synaptic plasticity which

Time: 5279.56

is the ability for Connections in the

Time: 5281.04

brain to change they can get stronger

Time: 5283.159

you can actually grow new Connections in

Time: 5285.119

other words the anterior mid singulate

Time: 5286.56

cortex can be built up as a structure to

Time: 5290.199

engage tenacity and willpower by

Time: 5292.159

activating it through one or a limited

Time: 5294.88

number of different types of behaviors

Time: 5296.6

meaning engagement in behaviors that

Time: 5298.52

frankly we would rather not engage in as

Time: 5302.04

as well as not engaging in behaviors

Time: 5304.119

that reflexively we really want to that

Time: 5306

we're sort of drawn to engage in both of

Time: 5308.44

those contexts the I absolutely will

Time: 5310.96

even though frankly I don't want to or

Time: 5312.76

you're telling me I can't as well as

Time: 5314.4

that I absolutely won't even though

Time: 5316.6

you're tempting me to do that or that's

Time: 5318.119

tempting me to do that or even I'm

Time: 5319.8

tempted to do that that buildup of the

Time: 5322.32

anterior mid singulate cortex has

Time: 5324.8

extensive carryover into other domains

Time: 5326.88

of life because it's the same structure

Time: 5329.32

that is then used for other types of

Time: 5332

behaviors and learning that require

Time: 5333.76

tenacity and willpower so that's

Time: 5335.76

incredibly reassuring in fact it's

Time: 5337.639

downright exciting because as I

Time: 5340.8

mentioned earlier while there are a near

Time: 5342.719

infinite number of different

Time: 5343.76

circumstances where we each and all need

Time: 5345.96

tenacity and willpower it seems that

Time: 5347.84

there's a very generic mechanism for

Time: 5350.48

generating tenacity and willpower and

Time: 5353.199

that means that if we can build up our

Time: 5355.639

capacity for tenacity and willpower by

Time: 5357.44

engaging particular types of behaviors

Time: 5359.28

and resisting particular types of

Time: 5361.159

behaviors will then it's going to carry

Time: 5362.92

over in a very functional way to the

Time: 5365.679

other aspects of life that we find

Time: 5367.48

challenging and that we may find

Time: 5369.08

challenging in the future okay so by now

Time: 5371.719

I like to think that I've convinced you

Time: 5373.8

because frankly the data are very

Time: 5375.44

convincing that the anterior mid

Time: 5376.88

singulate cortex is a vital Hub within

Time: 5378.96

your brain for allocating energy and

Time: 5381.44

resources to generating tenacity and

Time: 5384.08

willpower and perhaps it's taking you a

Time: 5386.52

lot of tenacity and willpower to get

Time: 5388

this far through the episode waiting

Time: 5389.96

with baited breath presumably to to

Time: 5392

learn how exactly you can improve the

Time: 5394.92

functioning of your anterior mid

Time: 5396.119

singulate cortex now fortunately there

Time: 5398.32

are published peer- rreview data that

Time: 5400.32

explain how to do that in fact there's a

Time: 5402.56

study that was published in 2006 by

Time: 5405.159

colum and colleagues entitled aerobic

Time: 5408.639

exercise training increases brain volume

Time: 5410.96

in aging humans and before you go runoff

Time: 5413.8

literally and engage in cardiovascular

Time: 5416.119

exercise I'm just going to describe to

Time: 5417.84

you the Contour of this study and what

Time: 5420.44

specifically was done so that you can

Time: 5422.48

best implement the best protocols for

Time: 5424.84

your particular

Time: 5426.04

circumstances this was a study

Time: 5429.199

exploring why and how certain brain

Time: 5432.679

areas and brain volume generally

Time: 5435.119

decreases as we age it's well known as I

Time: 5437.52

mentioned earlier that individuals aged

Time: 5440.08

really 50 and older and maybe even as

Time: 5442.36

early as 30 and older experience a

Time: 5445.239

decrease in brain volume with particular

Time: 5447.04

brain areas shrinking faster than others

Time: 5449.44

but of course there are other people

Time: 5451.36

that include include the superagers that

Time: 5452.92

we talked about earlier and many many

Time: 5454.8

other people who are not superagers who

Time: 5456.639

don't experience the same decrease in

Time: 5458.08

brain volume so why is it that they

Time: 5460.28

maintain the same brain size that they

Time: 5462.4

did when they were younger or undergo

Time: 5464.239

less decrease in brain size that's what

Time: 5467

the researchers for this study were

Time: 5468.84

initially interested in understanding

Time: 5471.32

and they did come to some really

Time: 5472.48

interesting conclusions about that but

Time: 5474.48

they also came to some interesting

Time: 5475.88

conclusions that relate to today's

Time: 5477.28

discussion on tenacity and

Time: 5479.08

willpower this study involved having

Time: 5481.4

individ ual who were 60 to 79 years old

Time: 5484.639

divided into one of two groups one group

Time: 5487.28

did cardiovascular exercise the other

Time: 5489.639

group did more calisthenics SL

Time: 5492.52

stretching type exercise both groups did

Time: 5495.36

one hour of exercise three times per

Time: 5497.92

week the group that did cardiovascular

Time: 5500.679

training initially started off by doing

Time: 5503.32

and by the way they just simply called

Time: 5504.6

it aerobic training but this could be

Time: 5507.92

rowing on the rower this could be

Time: 5510.36

running this could be cycling I think

Time: 5512.48

for sake of understanding application of

Time: 5514.679

tools and protocols you would want to

Time: 5516.56

pick any kind of activity that you could

Time: 5518.52

do consistently without injuring

Time: 5520.159

yourself that's what's really important

Time: 5521.88

and that gets your heart rate elevated

Time: 5524.32

they started off these

Time: 5525.8

individuals with relatively low

Time: 5528.159

intensity cardiovascular exercise for

Time: 5530.44

that hour getting their heart rate up to

Time: 5532.8

about 50% of their maximum heart rate

Time: 5536.04

but very quickly had those individuals

Time: 5537.52

increase the intensity of those

Time: 5538.84

cardiovascular training sessions so they

Time: 5540.28

were doing again three 1 hour sessions

Time: 5542.88

per week getting their heart rate up to

Time: 5545.04


Time: 5545.84

75% of their maximum heart rate

Time: 5548.239

sometimes a little less 60% sometimes a

Time: 5550.28

little bit more but in that General

Time: 5551.96

range so for those of you that think

Time: 5553.96

about different zones of cardio this is

Time: 5556.719

probably in the area of zone three not

Time: 5559.28

quite Zone 2 cardio maybe zone three

Time: 5561.36

cardio so where one can not carry out a

Time: 5564.48

conversation very easily but where one

Time: 5566.36

is not completely gasping for air as one

Time: 5569.199

would if they went to their maximum

Time: 5571.32

heart rate or near maximum heart rate

Time: 5572.92

okay so three 1hour episodes of

Time: 5575.159

cardiovascular training per week at a

Time: 5577.199

moderately high intensity the other

Time: 5579.6

group simply doing calisthenics and

Time: 5581.639

stretching for the equivalent amount of

Time: 5583.4

time and they had another group within

Time: 5585.56

the study that were much younger that

Time: 5588.639

did similar activities or no activity

Time: 5591.48

simply as a control for the brain

Time: 5593.44

Imaging data now I'm summarizing the

Time: 5595.239

study with a fairly broad brush both for

Time: 5597.32

sake of time and of course I'll provide

Time: 5598.96

a link to the study in the show note

Time: 5601

caption so you can access it and impres

Time: 5602.6

in more detail if you like but I

Time: 5605.08

wouldn't be talking about this study if

Time: 5606.52

it were simply a study about

Time: 5608

cardiovascular training and brain volume

Time: 5610.52

I'm talking about this study because the

Time: 5612.6

specific brain areas that maintained or

Time: 5615.44

in some cases increased in volume as a

Time: 5618

consequence of doing these three hours

Time: 5619.679

per week of moderate intensity

Time: 5622.08

cardiovascular training included of

Time: 5625.36

course the anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 5627.88

that was actually the primary location

Time: 5629.56

in which the maintenance of brain brain

Time: 5631.76

volume was observed and in some cases

Time: 5634

increases in brain volume were observed

Time: 5636.159

right this is a group of people who

Time: 5638.159

normally would be

Time: 5639.56

losing volume size of their anterior mid

Time: 5642.56

singulate cortex but for which 3 hours a

Time: 5645.48

week of moderate intensity

Time: 5646.96

cardiovascular training maintained the

Time: 5649.4

volume the size of that anterior mid

Time: 5651.199

singulate cortex and in some cases

Time: 5653

increased the volume the size of

Time: 5655.08

anterior mid singulate cortex and they

Time: 5657.56

also observed a maintenance or increase

Time: 5659.6

in the size of the anterior white m

Time: 5661.56

matter tracks remember t r a c TS I

Time: 5664.48

didn't spell that out before just to

Time: 5666.08

spell it out for fun although that is

Time: 5667.639

the sort of thing that I would probably

Time: 5669.159

do those white matter tracks are the

Time: 5672.679

communication routes by which different

Time: 5675.199

brain areas communicate and this

Time: 5677.119

anterior white matter tract that

Time: 5679.239

maintained size in the people that did

Time: 5681.4

cardiovascular training as compared to

Time: 5684.159

those that simply did the calisthenics

Time: 5685.88

training and stretching is the very

Time: 5688.239

white matter tracks that connects the

Time: 5689.719

two sides of the brain the frontal l

Time: 5692.4

that allows the anterior mid singulate

Time: 5694.719

cortex on one side of the brain and the

Time: 5696.04

anterior mid singulate cortex on the

Time: 5697.32

other side of the brain as well as other

Time: 5698.6

brain structures to communicate with one

Time: 5700.28

another so this is really spectacular I

Time: 5702.32

mean the authors of the study didn't

Time: 5704.679

embark on the study to find or even look

Time: 5706.96

for increases or maintenance in the

Time: 5709.92

volume of the anterior mid singulate

Time: 5711.44

cortex and the communication routes in

Time: 5714.239

and out of the anterior M singulate

Time: 5715.719

cortex it just so happened that

Time: 5717.52

cardiovascular training done three times

Time: 5719.119

per week for an hour at a time at modern

Time: 5721.48

intensity increased the size of the

Time: 5723.76

anterior mid singulate cortex and as I

Time: 5726.119

mentioned the white matter tracks which

Time: 5728.04

allow information to go in and out of

Time: 5729.76

the an mid singulate cortex now we

Time: 5732.199

should all be asking ourselves why would

Time: 5733.96

that be the case I mean somebody gets on

Time: 5736.159

a stationary bike and pedals or goes out

Time: 5737.76

on a road bike or runs is there

Time: 5739.92

something inherent to running or cycling

Time: 5743.04

or rowing or swimming or an aerobics

Time: 5745.28

class dancing Etc that gets the heart

Time: 5747.719

rate up that directly feeds into the ENT

Time: 5750.52

mid singulate cortex after all is the

Time: 5752.28

anter mid singul cortex responsible for

Time: 5754.56

generating the activity of running or

Time: 5756.32

cycling or swimming no rather the

Time: 5759

interpretation is that in order to

Time: 5761.119

engage in this one hour three times per

Time: 5764.239

week set of sessions of cardiovascular

Time: 5766.76

training they had to allocate resources

Time: 5769.28

they had to get up out of a chair they

Time: 5770.88

had to get off the couch they had to say

Time: 5773.92

no to other potential obligations social

Time: 5777.199

engagements meals Etc and get to these

Time: 5779.52

exercise classes or sessions that they

Time: 5781.88

did with others or alone now an

Time: 5783.88

interesting and in fact important aspect

Time: 5785.719

of the study is that the compliance with

Time: 5788

this three hours per week of

Time: 5789.32

cardiovascular training was very high

Time: 5790.84

85% of individuals engaged in these

Time: 5793.56

sessions across the six-month period of

Time: 5796.119

the study I should have mentioned that

Time: 5797.159

earlier the study was carried out over

Time: 5799.52

the course of six months they did not

Time: 5802.36

have the opportunity to do neuroimaging

Time: 5804.239

after say a week or two weeks so they

Time: 5806.36

image these people's brains before and

Time: 5808

they image these people's brains after

Time: 5809.8

this six-month period it's anybody's

Time: 5812.32

guess as to whether or not they would

Time: 5813.4

have observed the same or maybe even

Time: 5814.8

greater increases at the one month

Time: 5816.719

interval Etc we simply don't know

Time: 5819.08

there's a great cost both energetic and

Time: 5821.08

financial to doing these kinds of

Time: 5822.28

studies so they looked at a six-month

Time: 5824.159

period but setting all of that aside

Time: 5827.96

this is a very important study in the

Time: 5829.56

context of today's discussion because

Time: 5831.239

what it means is that if we acknowledge

Time: 5833.76

that the anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 5835.44

and the volume of an mid singulate

Time: 5837.4

cortex is related to one's ability to

Time: 5839.92

generate tenacity and will power for any

Time: 5842.32

number of different

Time: 5843.76

Endeavors well then having access to a

Time: 5846.88

tool or a protocol that can increase the

Time: 5849.52

size of one's anterior mid singulate

Time: 5851.48

cortex is going to be extremely valuable

Time: 5854.119

so what's the takeaway from this study

Time: 5855.76

the takeaway from the study is not

Time: 5857.36

necessarily that you should be doing

Time: 5859.28

three one-hour bouts of cardiovascular

Time: 5861.32

training per week for six months to

Time: 5863.84

maintain or increase the size of your

Time: 5865.36

anterior mid singulate cortex I do think

Time: 5868.28

that's the case if you're not already

Time: 5870.4

doing sufficient amounts of

Time: 5871.639

cardiovascular training and what

Time: 5873.56

constitutes sufficient amounts well I

Time: 5875.52

think there's General agreement now both

Time: 5877.04

between the material that I've covered

Time: 5879.04

in our foundational Fitness protocol and

Time: 5880.719

in the series on exercise physiology

Time: 5882.4

with Dr Andy Galpin and in various

Time: 5884.719

discussions with Dr Peter AA the general

Time: 5887.44

agreement is that everyone should be

Time: 5888.76

getting somewhere between 150 to 200

Time: 5890.84

minutes of so-called Zone 2 low

Time: 5892.84

intensity cardiovascular exercise per

Time: 5894.96

week but the results of this study

Time: 5897.119

really point to the idea that we should

Time: 5899.199

all be doing perhaps hours but certainly

Time: 5902.679

we should all be doing some form of

Time: 5904.84

physical exercise but for any of us that

Time: 5907.599

are interested in increasing tenacity

Time: 5909.36

and willpower across domains both for

Time: 5912.36

cognitive and physical Endeavors

Time: 5914.04

emotional Endeavors too for that matter

Time: 5917.159

that we should be engaging in some

Time: 5918.679

exercise and again we're going to talk

Time: 5920.96

about cognitive exercise in a moment but

Time: 5922.96

that we should be engaging in some

Time: 5924.44

exercise that we are not already doing

Time: 5927.599

now that of course will lead many people

Time: 5929.52

to think wait I'm already doing two 100

Time: 5931.36

minutes per week of Zone 2 cardio how

Time: 5933.04

can I add 3 hours more of cardio that's

Time: 5935.32

not what I'm saying what's important to

Time: 5937.08

understand about this whole discussion

Time: 5938.8

about tenacity and willpower is that the

Time: 5941.08

ability to engage the anterior mid

Time: 5943.159

singulate cortex and to build up its

Time: 5945.36

volume literally and increase its

Time: 5947.119

activity relies on one critical feature

Time: 5950.719

which is that you have to be in some

Time: 5952.639

degree of resistance some lack of Desire

Time: 5956.76

or I should say lack of reflexive desire

Time: 5959.239

or ability to engage in that behavior

Time: 5961.8

okay this is super important if you're

Time: 5963.679

thinking about tools and protocols to

Time: 5965.159

increase your level of tenacity and

Time: 5966.599

willpower if for instance you love cold

Time: 5969.639

showers and Ice baths well then it's

Time: 5973.08

very unlikely that taking cold showers

Time: 5975.96

or getting into an ice bath is going to

Time: 5977.48

increase your level of tenacity and

Time: 5979.199

willpower further it might reinforce the

Time: 5980.92

tenacity and willpower that you've

Time: 5982.04

already built but it's not going to

Time: 5983.84

increase it further you need to add

Time: 5985.719

something or subtract something that

Time: 5987

makes it harder not easier to engage in

Time: 5989.48

or resist a behavior okay I want to be

Time: 5991.199

really clear about this in the study

Time: 5992.76

that I just described from col and

Time: 5994.119

colleagues they took individuals that

Time: 5995.96

were not exercising prior to the study

Time: 5999.159

and those people had to therefore

Time: 6000.76

generate significant amounts of

Time: 6002.96

motivation in order to regularly engage

Time: 6006.04

in these three one hour per week

Time: 6008.119

episodes of cardiovascular training okay

Time: 6011

now the fact that there was no

Time: 6013.639

comparable increase in the volume of the

Time: 6016.52

anterior mid singulate cortex or

Time: 6018.239

anterior white matter tracks in the

Time: 6019.84

group that did the calisthenics and

Time: 6021.92

stretching is also important because it

Time: 6023.679

implies that activities that are easier

Time: 6025.32

to carry out that don't get the heart

Time: 6026.679

rate elevated as much are not going to

Time: 6029.599

create changes in this brain structure

Time: 6032.28

that is associated with tenacity and

Time: 6034.52

willpower and there's a nice

Time: 6036.4

confirmation of that in the study in

Time: 6037.88

fact because they observed as one would

Time: 6040.119

expect a significant increase in V2 Max

Time: 6043.32

in the individuals that were assigned to

Time: 6045

the group that did cardiovascular

Time: 6046.159

training but they did not observe a

Time: 6047.84

significant increase in V2 Max in the

Time: 6050.04

individuals that did three 1 hour per

Time: 6051.96

week sessions of calisthetics and

Time: 6054.199

stretching across the six-month period

Time: 6056.719

okay so the important Point here is if

Time: 6059.679

you're already doing let's say an hour a

Time: 6062.8

week of moderate to high-intensity

Time: 6065.04

cardiovascular training or resistance

Time: 6066.599

training for that matter you're going to

Time: 6068.08

need to add something in order to get

Time: 6070.76

further activation of this brain hub for

Time: 6073.599

tenacity and willpower and of course the

Time: 6076.28

idea here or else we wouldn't be talking

Time: 6078

about it is that that activation and

Time: 6079.36

that increase in volume in the an mid

Time: 6081

singulate cortex would then be

Time: 6083.119

applicable to other endeavors for

Time: 6085.36

instance academics or some aspect of

Time: 6088.4

your professional life or relationship

Time: 6090.4

life that you can build up tenacity and

Time: 6092.719

willpower as a capacity within you or we

Time: 6096

should say within your anterior mid

Time: 6097.48

singulate cortices but that the route to

Time: 6100.84

activating and increasing the robustness

Time: 6102.84

of your anterior mid singulate cortex

Time: 6104.36

requires that you engage in something

Time: 6106.32

that you don't really want to do and

Time: 6107.639

certainly not something that you're

Time: 6108.679

regularly engaging in already remember

Time: 6111.44

way back at the beginning of today's

Time: 6112.76

episode we compared willpower and

Time: 6114.4

tenacity to Habit execution right well

Time: 6118.119

this is a simple case where if you're

Time: 6119.4

already doing something simply

Time: 6121.28

continuing to do it might maintain what

Time: 6122.76

you've already got but it's not going to

Time: 6124.28

further build up your tenacity and

Time: 6126.159

willpower so along those lines I don't

Time: 6128.719

want you to Simply take the three 1hour

Time: 6131.32

cardiovascular sessions per week

Time: 6133.44

protocol that they use within the study

Time: 6135.599

and expect it to increase your levels of

Time: 6137.44

tenacity and willpower unless of course

Time: 6140.36

your Curr only doing 1 hour of

Time: 6142.48

cardiovascular training at moderate to

Time: 6144.28

high intensity per week in which case

Time: 6146.56

increasing to two hours may very well

Time: 6148.32

increase your interior mid singlet

Time: 6149.96

cortex and overall level of tenacity and

Time: 6152.159

willpower and certainly doing three

Time: 6154.52

hours per week would be expected to do

Time: 6156.119

it even further and I should mention

Time: 6158.639

that we can extrapolate from this study

Time: 6160.8

in a meaningful way I think in a

Time: 6162.4

grounded way that's related to mechanism

Time: 6164.84

and say well if you for instance like me

Time: 6168.96

can't play a musical instrument or are

Time: 6170.88

not bilingual in language that taking on

Time: 6175.36

the challenge if indeed it's a challenge

Time: 6178.239

and for me it would be a challenge

Time: 6179.28

perhaps for you as well to learn an

Time: 6180.76

instrument as an adult or to learn a

Time: 6182.84

second or maybe a third language if

Time: 6184.76

that's challenging and in fact that's

Time: 6186.08

something that you're resisting doing

Time: 6187.599

well then great it's going to provide an

Time: 6189.48

even greater opportunity to engage the

Time: 6192.08

activity of the anterior mid singulate

Time: 6194.08

cortex remember that study that showed

Time: 6195.92

that hard tasks hard challenges are what

Time: 6198.679

activate the entor mid singulate cortex

Time: 6200.76

easy challenges don't okay habits that

Time: 6204

are reflexive simply do not so you have

Time: 6206.28

to pick something hard you have to pick

Time: 6208.08

something that's either physically and

Time: 6210.08

or psychologically hard and of course we

Time: 6211.639

want to highlight the fact that you

Time: 6212.56

never want to engage in anything

Time: 6213.88

physical or cognitive emotional or

Time: 6215.48

otherwise that is psychologically or

Time: 6217.8

physically damaging to you right because

Time: 6219.4

this is something that you're going to

Time: 6220.32

want to maintain or carry out for some

Time: 6222.719

period of time now alone those lines we

Time: 6226.32

could imagine a huge number of different

Time: 6230.08

protocols that one could engage in but I

Time: 6232.36

think there are a couple of key things

Time: 6234.32

that extend across all of those

Time: 6235.92

opportunities first of all it's clear

Time: 6237.92

now based on our understanding of the

Time: 6240.599

anatomical inputs to the anterior mid

Time: 6242.719

singulate cortex that while exercise is

Time: 6245.32

great and certainly movement of the body

Time: 6248.119

when we don't want to move our body AKA

Time: 6251.28

running AKA weightlifting AKA learning a

Time: 6255

new skill like dancing or gymnastics or

Time: 6258

something of that sort is going to

Time: 6259.8

engage this hub for tenacity and

Time: 6261.96

willpower the an mid singulate cortex

Time: 6264.48

but there are a number of other

Time: 6265.96

opportunities to do that and we can

Time: 6267.96

think of those in a kind of playful

Time: 6269.36

context but one that is both playful and

Time: 6271.639

highly functional and applicable so for

Time: 6274.04

instance if you already resistance train

Time: 6277.36

and you're doing what we now generally

Time: 6279.96

agree as a field is the minimum of six

Time: 6282.599

hard working sets per muscle group per

Time: 6284.44

week in order to maintain or build

Time: 6286.199

muscle size and strength some of you

Time: 6288.52

don't want to build muscle size but

Time: 6289.96

everyone should be trying to maintain

Time: 6291.119

muscle strength there's a very high

Time: 6292.52

correlation we now know between muscle

Time: 6295.4

strength and cognitive function

Time: 6297.44

especially as one gets past 40 years of

Time: 6299.52

age but even younger so maintaining

Time: 6303.159

neuromuscular function and strength is

Time: 6304.96

very very important even if you don't

Time: 6306.119

want to increased muscle size you can

Time: 6307.32

learn how to do that by the way we have

Time: 6309.52

zeroc cost protocols they're all listed

Time: 6311.159

out by going to hubin check out

Time: 6313.119

the series I did with Dr Andy Galpin

Time: 6314.76

check out the key toolkit takeaways from

Time: 6317.159

that series also available at hubn

Time: 6319.159 just put exerc

Time: 6321.08

protocols into the search function but

Time: 6324.52

let's say you're already resistance

Time: 6325.639

training you're already doing

Time: 6326.599

cardiovascular training what can you do

Time: 6328.599

to build up your tenacity and willpower

Time: 6330.8

for application in not just that

Time: 6332.88

endeavor but other endeavors well pick

Time: 6335.28

something that you don't want to do

Time: 6337.04

these are what I call in a very

Time: 6338.36

non-scientific way micro sucks these

Time: 6341.199

things suck but they suck a little bit

Time: 6343.92

and they're safe right you have to pick

Time: 6345.84

things that are safe for you but they

Time: 6348.719

suck enough that they require some

Time: 6351.08

effort they require getting over some

Time: 6352.96

friction engaging in something that you

Time: 6355.08

don't reflexively want to do so for

Time: 6356.52

instance that might be one extra set at

Time: 6359.04

the end of a round of three to five sets

Time: 6361.4

of a given

Time: 6362.44

exercise or it could be for instance 100

Time: 6365.48

jumping jacks at the end of what you

Time: 6367.4

consider a hard run it could be for

Time: 6369.76

instance finishing out that language

Time: 6371.56

lesson and then deciding to do five

Time: 6373.96

minutes of sitting still thinking about

Time: 6376.719

the material that you learned when you

Time: 6378.48

so desperately want to just jump on your

Time: 6380

phone right pick circumstances where the

Time: 6382.92

degree of resistance is very high where

Time: 6385.199

the degree of impulse to do something

Time: 6387

else than the thing that you know you

Time: 6389

need to do is very high and then start

Time: 6391.56

applying those on a regular basis it

Time: 6393.76

could be after every workout it could be

Time: 6395.32

in the middle of the workout for

Time: 6396.36

instance some people have a really hard

Time: 6397.92

time not looking at their phone during a

Time: 6399.76

workout I like to listen to podcasts or

Time: 6401.639

music during a workout but I really try

Time: 6403.44

and resist text messaging and reading

Time: 6405.52

email and things of that sort while

Time: 6407.199

working out so the harder that becomes

Time: 6410.56

the more I think about it and the more I

Time: 6412.04

resist it the more presumably activation

Time: 6416.119

of the anid singulate cortex I'm getting

Time: 6418

and that you would get as well so these

Time: 6419.599

little micro sucks like ah it sucks not

Time: 6421.44

to look at the phone right now it sucks

Time: 6422.8

to do 100 jumping jacks at the end of a

Time: 6424.44

run of course if you're excited to to

Time: 6426.56

the 100 jumping jacks at the end of The

Time: 6428.04

Run that's not going to be a good Avenue

Time: 6430

into activating and increasing the

Time: 6432.08

volume of your anterior mid singulate

Time: 6433.56

cortex everything we've talked about up

Time: 6435.28

until now supports the statement I just

Time: 6436.92

made easy tasks desirable tasks don't do

Time: 6439.639

it it's the thing you don't want to do

Time: 6441.88

so imparting these little micro sucks

Time: 6443.76

can be very useful you'll have to think

Time: 6445.08

about what particular micro sucks you

Time: 6447.48

incorporate into your exercise routines

Time: 6449.159

your cognitive routines and your daily

Time: 6450.52

routines and how often I don't think you

Time: 6452.36

need to go completely berserk on this

Time: 6453.92

doing them all day long but keep in mind

Time: 6456.36

that these are the sorts of behaviors

Time: 6459.119

and resistance of behaviors because

Time: 6461.88

again certain micro sucks might be you

Time: 6464.159

know if you're somebody who practices

Time: 6465.96

intermittent fasting you know we don't

Time: 6467.44

want to send you into the realm of

Time: 6469.28

eating disorder but you know maybe you

Time: 6471

really do wait an extra 15 minutes

Time: 6473.28

before your usual first meal time which

Time: 6475.04

for me would really suck that might even

Time: 6477.159

move from micro suck into macro suck

Time: 6479.28

because I like to eat when I'm hungry

Time: 6480.96

but waiting a few extra minutes for no

Time: 6483.239

other reason than allowing oneself to

Time: 6486.159

activate that anterior mid singulate

Time: 6488.119


Time: 6489.28

circuitry would be one way to try and

Time: 6492.159

build up one's tenacity and willpower so

Time: 6494

at some level they should all seem

Time: 6495.92

pretty logical it actually doesn't even

Time: 6498.239

require a firm understanding of the L

Time: 6500.48

Neuroscience for it to of make sense

Time: 6503.32

right you want to do something you

Time: 6504.639

resist doing it that's building up

Time: 6506.08

tenacity and willpower you don't really

Time: 6507.8

want to do something you do it that's

Time: 6509.04

building up tenacity and willpower well

Time: 6511.76

I do believe in fact there a lot of data

Time: 6514.4

to support the fact that our

Time: 6515.96

understanding of the mechanisms

Time: 6517.92

underneath things like tenacity and

Time: 6519.4

willpower can be very advantageous when

Time: 6523.08

trying to carry out these different

Time: 6525.119

types of behaviors to increase tenacity

Time: 6527.52

and willpower why well today we learned

Time: 6530.08

that that there's a huge variety of

Time: 6531.8

contexts in which one can activate the

Time: 6534

ENT mid singulate cortex which means

Time: 6536.159

that it's not cardiovascular exercise

Time: 6538.599

per se it's not resisting the cookie per

Time: 6541.36

se right it's not waiting 15 more

Time: 6544.28

minutes to eat or making sure that you

Time: 6547.04

sit still and don't look at your phone

Time: 6548.76

at the end of a learning bout and really

Time: 6550.199

think about what you learned a little

Time: 6551.28

bit more even though it really really

Time: 6552.96

sucks to do that it's really hard it

Time: 6555.08

creates a lot of agitation it's not

Time: 6556.88

about any one of those protocols if you

Time: 6559.56

will per se rather it's about deliberate

Time: 6562.36

engagement in the behaviors that we

Time: 6564.04

least want to do in a given moment or if

Time: 6567.36

you're trying to build up willpower and

Time: 6570.04

tenacity to not engage in certain types

Time: 6572.96

of behaviors it's about our ability to

Time: 6576.239

suppress behavioral action now I do want

Time: 6579.159

to highlight the potential hazards of

Time: 6581.32

this type of approach to building up

Time: 6583.36

tenacity and willpower and indeed to

Time: 6584.88

life and we can call on the earlier

Time: 6586.88

example of Eating Disorders as a very

Time: 6589.84

safe alient one right there is a way in

Time: 6592.08

which all of this can run a muck and we

Time: 6594.44

can get so heavily into stoicism we can

Time: 6596.599

get so heavily into the idea of building

Time: 6598.199

up tenacity and willpower that it takes

Time: 6600.679

us into Realms that are unhealthy for us

Time: 6603.199

psychologically emotionally Andor

Time: 6605.679

physically and that's certainly not the

Time: 6607.639

goal here and I certainly don't want to

Time: 6610.32

motivate that type of behavior or

Time: 6612.44

resistance of behavior we should all be

Time: 6614.08

seeking a relationship with life and

Time: 6615.88

with goals Etc that involves yes I

Time: 6619.159

believe some degree of activating

Time: 6620.96

tenacity and willpower really finding

Time: 6623

that fight within us that Parisian

Time: 6625.4

colleagues found when they stimulated

Time: 6626.84

the anterior mid singulate cortex of

Time: 6628.28

people right all of a sudden they're

Time: 6629.36

like yep I'm driving into a storm or

Time: 6631.44

there's something about to happen and

Time: 6633

I'm going to have to resist I'm either

Time: 6634.32

going to have to do something or resist

Time: 6635.56

doing something but there's something

Time: 6636.679

activated inside of me I think it's very

Time: 6638.159

important that we are all able to Garner

Time: 6640.92

those resources and to activate those

Time: 6642.52

States within us voluntarily but I also

Time: 6644.639

know from experience and from observing

Time: 6646.88

others and indeed from the literature on

Time: 6648.8

the anterior mid singulate cortex as it

Time: 6650.36

relates to eating disorders and other

Time: 6652.639

aspects of neurologic and psychiatric

Time: 6654.679

challenges is that we also need to learn

Time: 6657.28

how to turn that off with that said the

Time: 6659.88

little micro sucks that we discussed you

Time: 6661.84

know the addition of 100 jumping jacks

Time: 6663.28

at the end of a cardiovascular training

Time: 6664.84

session when you would much rather just

Time: 6666.56

shower up and go home getting into the

Time: 6669.44

cold shower or cold plunge when you

Time: 6672.119

absolutely don't want to do it well

Time: 6674.199

provided you can do it safely that's

Time: 6675.8

going to be the best time to do it if

Time: 6677.36

your goal is to build up tenacity and

Time: 6679.119

willpower to say nothing else of the

Time: 6680.48

known benefits of things like deliberate

Time: 6681.92

cold exposure and exercise like jumping

Time: 6683.679

jacks Etc there are also entire

Time: 6686.4

Landscapes of life and academics and

Time: 6688.639

sport that afford US the opportunity to

Time: 6690.76

build up tenacity and willpower I for

Time: 6692.56

instance can recall taking my so-called

Time: 6694.119

qualifying exams in graduate school

Time: 6695.8

where they ask you questions until you

Time: 6698.48

say I don't know until you don't know

Time: 6700.28

the answer it's just like that puzzle in

Time: 6701.96

the bow Meister study they're taking you

Time: 6703.76

to the point where you basically can't

Time: 6705.96

win and that turns out to be a very

Time: 6707.96

important lesson that extends beyond the

Time: 6710.4

information that they're asking you

Time: 6711.84

about and of course every student at the

Time: 6713.28

end of their qualifying exam runs off

Time: 6714.719

and figures out the answer to the

Time: 6715.92

question that they couldn't get the

Time: 6717.92

right answer to sometimes there is a

Time: 6719.639

right answer sometimes they not if the

Time: 6721.04

committee is pretty diabolical they'll

Time: 6722.48

give you an impossible to answer

Time: 6724

question because there's no answer but

Time: 6727.32

the point being that whether or not it's

Time: 6729

in martial arts whether or not it's in

Time: 6730.32

sports whether or not it's in music

Time: 6731.56

whether or not it's in academics whether

Time: 6732.719

or not it's in relating to others there

Time: 6735.28

is some value to getting to that point

Time: 6737.719

where you can't solve the puzzle and I

Time: 6740.119

think that's an important message for us

Time: 6741.48

to understand and maybe to incorporate

Time: 6742.88

into our tools and protocols that there

Time: 6745.159

are some Endeavors that have no end

Time: 6747.599

point right there's no winning there's

Time: 6749.32

no Finish Line and those type of

Time: 6750.92

Endeavors are extremely important

Time: 6754.28

extremely important for continually

Time: 6757.079

building up our tenacity and willpower

Time: 6760.8

so much so that we can even take a

Time: 6763.52

somewhat 3,000 mile view from the top

Time: 6767.56

down onto everything we've talked about

Time: 6768.96

today and think about those

Time: 6771.56

superagers those superagers that somehow

Time: 6774.159

are able to maintain the cognitive

Time: 6775.84

function of a much younger person and if

Time: 6778.719

you look at the Daton super agers and

Time: 6780.92

people similar to them you'll find are

Time: 6783.239

always engaged in some activity that's

Time: 6785.36

hard for them they're always trying to

Time: 6786.56

learn something and they have a sort of

Time: 6787.8

playfulness about it but they seek out

Time: 6790.56

those friction points both resistance of

Time: 6792.56

certain behaviors right trying to not do

Time: 6795.679

certain things but perhaps more often

Time: 6798.52

doing certain things learning learning a

Time: 6800.159

new skill learning Pottery learning

Time: 6803.52

music placing themselves into novel

Time: 6805.719

environments that are a little

Time: 6806.84

uncomfortable or a lot uncomfortable

Time: 6808.44

provided that it's safe so from that

Time: 6810.719

standpoint one could even entertain the

Time: 6812.52

idea that because these people are

Time: 6814.8

living much longer than everybody else

Time: 6816.4

in addition to maintaining the cognitive

Time: 6818.36

function of much younger individuals

Time: 6820.84

that perhaps the inter mid singulate

Time: 6822.92

cortex in its ability to allocate

Time: 6826.04

resources to different parts of our

Time: 6828.28

brain and body to meet C certain

Time: 6829.96

motivational goals is actually

Time: 6832.32

associated with this thing that we call

Time: 6834

the will to live now the concept of the

Time: 6836.239

will to live is certainly getting a

Time: 6838.48

little bit squishy for scientists like

Time: 6840.88

me who yes I'm happy to entertain

Time: 6843.88

discussions that relate to psychological

Time: 6845.92

constructs such as tenacity and

Time: 6847.44

willpower but as you've probably noticed

Time: 6849.679

I'm very comfortable with and very

Time: 6851.56

excited about the idea that okay maybe

Time: 6853.239

it's relate somehow to brain energetics

Time: 6855.88

and glucose maybe not certainly I'm on

Time: 6858.52

board the idea that belief impact our

Time: 6860.199

physiology and Physiology impacts our

Time: 6861.84

beliefs I'll Dr Ali Crum who was a guest

Time: 6864.8

on this podcast previously talked about

Time: 6866.639

belief and mindset effects which are

Time: 6868.199

very powerful they change our physiology

Time: 6870.04

literally and the D data that we talked

Time: 6871.88

about today but of course also that

Time: 6875

there are brain areas and circuits that

Time: 6876.8

underly these things that we call

Time: 6878

tenacity and willpower so when we get

Time: 6880.199

into a discussion about tenacity and

Time: 6881.679

willpower and then find ourselves as we

Time: 6883.44

are now talking about the will to live I

Time: 6886.52

don't think it's going too far to say

Time: 6888.92

that when one looks looks at the data on

Time: 6890.76

longevity both physical and

Time: 6893.36

psychological longevity it's very clear

Time: 6895.48

that there are underlying physiological

Time: 6897.48

explanations not the least of which is

Time: 6900

likely to be the maintenance if not

Time: 6902.159

growth over the lifespan of this

Time: 6904.079

anterior mid singulate cortex but also

Time: 6906.76

that the people that are achieving that

Time: 6908.679

are continually forging in their

Time: 6910.92

environment they're continually looking

Time: 6913.199

for new environments they're continually

Time: 6915.32

exploring they are not becoming

Time: 6917.239

complacent they are not becoming

Time: 6918.56

sedentary they not existing down at that

Time: 6920.96

end of the Continuum that we call apathy

Time: 6923.04

and depression but that they're not

Time: 6924.76

existing down there and they are

Time: 6926.92

existing up toward the end of the

Time: 6928.8

Continuum that we call tenacity and

Time: 6931.679

willpower and engaging motivation to get

Time: 6934.52

there okay motivation again as a verb

Time: 6937.28

but in doing that that they're

Time: 6938.88

reinforcing the very circuits that give

Time: 6941.04

rise to tenacity and willpower this is

Time: 6943.36

what in engineering terms is referred to

Time: 6945.199

as a closed loop it's like you do a

Time: 6947.76

which leads to B which leads to C which

Time: 6951.079

feeds back onto a and makes a that much

Time: 6953.36

more likely to occur it's like turning

Time: 6954.84

the little a into a capital A and then

Time: 6956.84

turning into a bold face Capital

Time: 6958.599

underline a you know the buildup of

Time: 6960.44

neural circuits so while today we

Time: 6962.119

focused a lot on an individual brain

Time: 6963.88

area anterior mid singulate cortex and

Time: 6966.48

in many ways I presented it as if it's

Time: 6968.76

the Beall end all of tenacity and

Time: 6971.079

willpower it is not the Beall end all of

Time: 6973.32

tenacity and willpower it's our ability

Time: 6975.48

to engage the anterior mid singulate

Time: 6977.88

cortex that allows us to express

Time: 6980.8

tenacity and willpower but in this

Time: 6983.44

closed loop fashion it's our ability to

Time: 6986.36

express tenacity and willpower that then

Time: 6988

feeds back onto that circuit and makes

Time: 6990.119

it more robust and more likely to be

Time: 6992.28

accessible in the future when we

Time: 6993.52

encounter something that we don't want

Time: 6995.239

to do or that we have to resist very

Time: 6997.239

strongly in order to not engage in some

Time: 6999.36

sort of behavior or thought pattern so

Time: 7001.4

the big takeaway is that if you want to

Time: 7002.88

increase your tenacity and willpower you

Time: 7005

absolutely can you can do that by

Time: 7007.56

triggering activation of this incred

Time: 7009.44

inedible Hub within the brain the

Time: 7011.239

anterior mid singulate cortex for which

Time: 7013.4

there is now a very large amount of

Time: 7015.719

evidence is at least Central to the

Time: 7018.159

whole process of generating tenacity and

Time: 7020.199

willpower the I absolutely will do that

Time: 7023.119

and the no I absolutely won't do that

Time: 7025.719

it's the resistance Hub it's the thing

Time: 7028

that's allocating resources to do the

Time: 7031.04

thing that we don't want to do or that

Time: 7033.28

someone's trying to prevent us from

Time: 7034.719

doing it's also the brain area that's

Time: 7037.079

allowing us to resist doing the thing

Time: 7039.04

that we want to do or that someone else

Time: 7040.48

wants to do when we decide that's not

Time: 7043

good for us we can really be certain

Time: 7045.079

based on the psychology literature based

Time: 7047.239

on the Neuroscience literature and

Time: 7049

really based on this beautiful

Time: 7050.4

literature that's now emerging that

Time: 7052

includes the colum study but some other

Time: 7054.48

studies as well that perhaps we'll talk

Time: 7056.04

about in a future episode that we really

Time: 7058.4

can build up our capacity for tenacity

Time: 7060.599

and willpower it's a real thing and as a

Time: 7063.119

final point to this and indeed as a

Time: 7065.599

final protocol I was very excited to

Time: 7068.84

look into the early release of

Time: 7070.719

peer-reviewed papers out from neuron

Time: 7073.079

just this last week and to see that

Time: 7075.44

there was a study albeit in a

Time: 7077.119

pre-clinical model in an animal model

Time: 7080.04

that explored what is called stress

Time: 7082.8

relief as a natural resilience mechanism

Time: 7085.639

and I won't go into the study in full

Time: 7087

detail especially not now laid into a

Time: 7089.599

slightly long episode such as this one

Time: 7091.8

but what the study showed is that when

Time: 7093.76

an animal is in a state of despair or

Time: 7096.4

aidonia lack of pleasure when it's under

Time: 7098.96


Time: 7100.079

and then that stress is removed there's

Time: 7103.32

a sense of reward there's a sense of of

Time: 7106.159

well-being that accompanies that release

Time: 7108.32

of stress and that's pretty obvious

Time: 7111.159

that's something that we've known about

Time: 7112.079

for a very long time but what's

Time: 7113.84

interesting about this study and they

Time: 7115.04

actually talk about this in terms of its

Time: 7117.119

applicability potentially to humans is

Time: 7119.76

that when we are able to withstand a

Time: 7122.44

stress maybe that stresses school maybe

Time: 7124.36

that stresses a particular relationship

Time: 7125.88

again you never want to do these things

Time: 7127.199

in a way that's unhealthy or dangerous

Time: 7129.8

but when we are able to do that the

Time: 7131.92

relief that we feel afterwards is its

Time: 7133.92

own form of reward that serves to

Time: 7136.92

reinforce that whole process of tenacity

Time: 7139.079

and willpower that got us through the

Time: 7140.96

stressor and an interesting thing about

Time: 7143

this study is that they went on to

Time: 7145.4

compound that reward they showed that

Time: 7147.639

rewarding oneself for having gotten

Time: 7149.32

through a stressful episode actually

Time: 7152.4

serves to increase the capacity to get

Time: 7155.119

through stressful episodes in the future

Time: 7157.28

in other words if you decide to develop

Time: 7158.719

certain tools and protocols to increase

Time: 7160.4

your levels of tenacity and willpower

Time: 7162.28

which frankly I hope that you will at

Time: 7164.28

least consider again provided you do it

Time: 7166.84

safely this seems like a very good thing

Time: 7168.96

to do for all of us especially as we age

Time: 7171.36

and guess what we're all aging from the

Time: 7173.199

time we're

Time: 7174.679

born if you decide to do that pick

Time: 7178.04

something that's challenging overcome

Time: 7180.28

that challenge again this could be the

Time: 7181.599

requirement to engage in a particular

Time: 7182.96

behavior when you don't want to or to

Time: 7184.44

resist a particular behavior that you

Time: 7186.239

would otherwise want to engage in but

Time: 7188.76

also when you've successfully completed

Time: 7191.719

that resistance when you've engaged that

Time: 7193.719

tenacity and willpower and you've

Time: 7195

activated that anterior mid singulate

Time: 7196.719

cortex well then occasionally not always

Time: 7199.88

but occasionally providing yourself with

Time: 7201.48

a reward of something that you like and

Time: 7203.84

here it's highly subjective you'll just

Time: 7205.199

have to pick something that you like

Time: 7206.36

again something that's hopefully Health

Time: 7208.199

promoting not Health diminishing can

Time: 7210.719

serve to further reinforce the behavior

Time: 7213.52

that you just engaged in which was to

Time: 7215.48

increase your tenacity and willpower and

Time: 7218.48

if you listen to the episodes that I've

Time: 7219.96

done on dopamine motivation and drive or

Time: 7222.36

on dopamine more generally you will know

Time: 7225.48

that I am not a fan of rewarding oneself

Time: 7229.52

for wins or for engaging tenacity or

Time: 7231.92

willpower for that matter on a regular

Time: 7233.92

basis or certainly every time this is

Time: 7235.44

the sort of thing that just randomly

Time: 7236.96

every once in a while when you've done

Time: 7238.599

the hard thing or if you've resisted the

Time: 7240.52

thing that was pulling on you that you

Time: 7243.159

should reward yourself but of course

Time: 7244.8

reward yourself in healthy and safe ways

Time: 7247.52

for those of you that are interested in

Time: 7248.719

learning more about how to reward the

Time: 7251.239

actions of tenacity and willpower I'll

Time: 7253.159

provide a link to the recently published

Time: 7255.4

paper in neuron in the show note

Time: 7256.76

captions I will also be doing a toolkit

Time: 7259.8

episode that relates to what we covered

Time: 7261.639

today as well as some additional tools

Time: 7263.84

gleaned from other papers and resources

Time: 7265.96

in the not too dist future thank you for

Time: 7268

joining me for today's discussion all

Time: 7269.84

about tenacity and willpower we talked

Time: 7272.52

about the idea gleaned from research in

Time: 7275.599

the field of psychology that tenacity

Time: 7277.599

and willpower are limited resources and

Time: 7280.119

that perhaps again perhaps they relate

Time: 7282.8

to this concept of ego depletion that

Time: 7285.4

relates to this idea that what is

Time: 7288.119

depleted or what's limited in our

Time: 7290.719

ability to engage tenacity and willpower

Time: 7292.92

somehow relates to brain energetics and

Time: 7295.159

fuel consumption namely glucose I also

Time: 7297.8

talked about the conflicting data that

Time: 7300.04

argues that if we believe tenacity and

Time: 7302.88

willp power are limited and that glucose

Time: 7306.32

is the thing that limits them well then

Time: 7309.079

that's exactly what happens so I talked

Time: 7310.8

about that controversy and some of the

Time: 7312.599

data that actually reconcile a bit of

Time: 7314.4

the differences there so in the absence

Time: 7316.119

of new data you'll have to decide for

Time: 7317.8

yourself what you believe about tenacity

Time: 7319.679

and willpower however it's very

Time: 7321.719

important to acknowledge the universal

Time: 7323.4

truth which is that our tenacity and

Time: 7325.639

willpower rides on the tide of autonomic

Time: 7328.92

function that is when we are sleep

Time: 7330.92

deprived when we are in pain when we are

Time: 7333.44

in emotional pain or when we are

Time: 7335.28

distracted our tenacity and willpower is

Time: 7337.84

diminished which

Time: 7339.84

calls upon all of us to make sure that

Time: 7341.239

we're taking care of our autonomic

Time: 7342.52

functions through viewing morning

Time: 7343.719

sunlight getting sufficient sleep

Time: 7345.199

adequate nutrition social connections

Time: 7346.84

things that I've covered extensively on

Time: 7348.36

previous episodes then we talked about

Time: 7349.96

the neural underpinnings of tenacity and

Time: 7352.199

willpower and this absolutely incredible

Time: 7354.32

brain structure that we'll call a hub

Time: 7356.239

because it's not operating in isolation

Time: 7358.28

but rather it's getting inputs from lots

Time: 7359.679

of different brain areas related to

Time: 7361.04

reward executive function autonomic

Time: 7363.32

function motor planning goal seeking Etc

Time: 7367.599

that we call the anterior mid singular

Time: 7369.159

cortex this phenomenally interesting

Time: 7371.36

brain area that seems to be able to

Time: 7374.119

generate this thing that we call

Time: 7375.28

tenacity and willpower and that when we

Time: 7377.56

engage or Express tenacity and willpower

Time: 7380.48

by doing the thing that we least want to

Time: 7382.079

do by not doing the thing that we most

Time: 7384.76

want to do in a given moment that we

Time: 7386.92

actually can build up our anterior mid

Time: 7389.96

singulate cortex and thereby build up

Time: 7392.599

our future capacity to engage the enter

Time: 7395.8

mid singulate cortex when we need to

Time: 7397.44

call on tenacity and will power and then

Time: 7399.92

we talked about some of the peer- review

Time: 7401.239

data that shows how that actually can be

Time: 7403.719

done where these individuals who were

Time: 7405.719

not previously exercising did a

Time: 7408.28

challenging three 1hour sessions per

Time: 7411.32

week of cardiovascular training and

Time: 7412.679

indeed their anterior mid singulate

Time: 7414.159

cortex and the connections two and away

Time: 7415.719

from it increased in a way that set them

Time: 7418.56

apart from their age related cohorts

Time: 7421.36

that is their brains stayed younger

Time: 7423.84

maybe even got younger whereas those

Time: 7425.84

that did not do the hard thing right

Time: 7427.679

that didn't engage tenacity and

Time: 7428.92

willpower did not experience the same

Time: 7430.8

effect and then we talked about how

Time: 7432.28

those data could be extended into a

Time: 7433.559

number of different Realms such as

Time: 7435.88

cognitive learning learning languages

Time: 7437.32

learning math learning art learning any

Time: 7439.52

number of different things or in the

Time: 7442.04

Physical Realm engaging in certain types

Time: 7444.76

of exercise that one is not already

Time: 7447.04

engaging in adding in a little bit of

Time: 7448.84

additional exercise specifically at a

Time: 7450.76

time in which you least want to do that

Time: 7453.44

or extending your fasting period if

Time: 7457.119

that's something that you're doing and

Time: 7458.32

that you can do

Time: 7459.48

healthfully simply because it allows you

Time: 7461.599

to exercise your anterior mid singulate

Time: 7463.92

cortex AKA tenacity and willpower and of

Time: 7466.8

course we highlighted that all of that

Time: 7468.239

needs to be done in the context of

Time: 7469.559

psychological and physical safety we

Time: 7471.599

don't want anyone to do things that are

Time: 7472.8

going to be physically damaging to

Time: 7474.159

themselves but if one simply takes the

Time: 7476.119

stance of okay what's something that I

Time: 7477.599

can do in a moment that will allow me to

Time: 7480.04

build up tenacity and willpower well

Time: 7481.719

it's going to be the thing that I least

Time: 7483.079

want to do in that moment or the thing

Time: 7484.599

that I least want to resist doing in

Time: 7485.92

that moment to periodically add in those

Time: 7488.119

little what I referred to as micros

Time: 7489.679

sucks a very um non-scientific frankly

Time: 7492.92

non- psychological term but I think we

Time: 7494.52

all understand what it means little

Time: 7496.079

things that we don't want to do but that

Time: 7497.48

if we do them you can be sure that you

Time: 7500.119

are activating the interent mid

Time: 7501.44

singulate cortex and thereby increasing

Time: 7504.159

the probability the likelihood that you

Time: 7506.599

can access tenacity and willpower more

Time: 7509.48

readily in the future so what I've done

Time: 7511.32

today is explain the scientific studies

Time: 7513.639

in the realm of Psychology and

Time: 7515.599

Neuroscience that explain what tenacity

Time: 7518.04

and willpower are and what allows us to

Time: 7520.199

build up our tenacity and willpower over

Time: 7522.559

time and then it's really up to all of

Time: 7525.28

us to you and to me and everybody else

Time: 7527.679

to figure out in which particular

Time: 7529.48

domains and with which frequency we're

Time: 7531.76

going to decide to build up our tenacity

Time: 7534.719

and willpower so it's clear that

Time: 7536.119

tenacity and willpower are not just

Time: 7538.199

resources that we need to call upon from

Time: 7540.04

time to time in order to overcome things

Time: 7542.719

but then indeed calling on our ability

Time: 7545

and building up our ability for tenacity

Time: 7546.8

and willpower can allow us much richer

Time: 7549.28

enjoyment of life and perhaps can even

Time: 7551.8

extend our life by engaging the will to

Time: 7554.4

live thank you for joining me for

Time: 7555.84

today's discussion about the science of

Time: 7557.679

tenacity and willpower and tools and

Time: 7559.599

protocols to increase one's ability to

Time: 7562.079

access tenacity and willpower if you're

Time: 7564.639

learning from and or enjoying this

Time: 7566.079

podcast please subscribe to our YouTube

Time: 7568

channel that's a terrific zeroc cost way

Time: 7569.88

to support us in addition please

Time: 7571.88

subscribe to the podcast on both Spotify

Time: 7574.04

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Time: 7576.28

you can leave us up to a five-star

Time: 7577.76

review if you have questions for me or

Time: 7579.84

comments about the podcast or topics or

Time: 7581.679

guests that you'd like me to cover on

Time: 7582.76

the hubman Lab podcast please put those

Time: 7584.88

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Time: 7586.679

read all the comments in addition please

Time: 7588.88

check out the sponsors mentioned at the

Time: 7590.48

beginning and throughout today's episode

Time: 7592.32

that's the best way to support this

Time: 7593.92

podcast not on today's episode but on

Time: 7596.32

many previous episodes of The hubbin Lab

Time: 7598.199

podcast we discuss supplements while

Time: 7600.44

supplements aren't necessary for

Time: 7601.639

everybody many people derive tremendous

Time: 7603.639

benefit from them for things like

Time: 7605.079

improving sleep for hormone support and

Time: 7607.04

for Focus to see this supplements

Time: 7609.04

discussed on the hubman Lab podcast go

Time: 7610.92

to live momentus spelled o us so it's

Time: 7613.52


Time: 7615.199

huberman if you're not already following

Time: 7617.36

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Time: 7619.44

going to huberman lab on all social

Time: 7621.4

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Time: 7623.32

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Time: 7626.48

and threads on all of those platforms I

Time: 7629

cover science and science related tools

Time: 7630.8

some of which overlaps with the content

Time: 7632.199

of the hubman Lab podcast but much of

Time: 7634.199

which is distinct from the content

Time: 7635.76

covered on the hubman Lab podcast again

Time: 7637.719

that's hubman lab on all social media

Time: 7639.88

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Time: 7641.52

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Time: 7642.719

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Time: 7644.44

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Time: 7646.159

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Time: 7648.239

toolkits so toolkits for sleep toolkits

Time: 7650.92

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Time: 7652.599

related to dopamine regulation and much

Time: 7655.04

more again it's all zero cost you simply

Time: 7657.079

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Time: 7659.8

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Time: 7661.92

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Time: 7663.599

your email with anybody thank you once

Time: 7665.8

again for joining me for today's

Time: 7667.159

discussion about tenacity and willpower

Time: 7670.04

and last but certainly not least thank

Time: 7672.28

you for your interest in

Time: 7673.38


Time: 7677.44


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