How to Improve Oral Health & Its Critical Role in Brain & Body Health

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today we are discussing oral

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health now when most people hear oral

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health they immediately think tooth

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health and appearance and presumably

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fresh breath or lack of bad breath as

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well and while of course two and breath

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freshness whiteness and health is a

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critical component of oral health today

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you will learn that oral health

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including the oral microbiome the health

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of your pallet your tonsils indeed the

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entire oral cavity is an extremely

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important component of General bodily

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health so much so that today we are

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going to add a seventh pillar to the

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so-called six pillars of mental health

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physical health and performance this is

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not a trivial step to add a seventh

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pillar to these six pillars if some of

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you have been listeners of this podcast

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for a while you may recall that the six

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pillars of mental health physical health

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and performance that is the six things

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that everyone needs to invest specific

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protocols into each day are in no

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particular order by the way

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sleep sunlight and light exposure

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generally which by extension also

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includes dark exposure

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nutrition exercise which we could also

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call movement both cardiovascular

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exercise and resistance training stress

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management and relationships and social

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engagement including relationship to

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self and today we are going to add oral

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health and microbiome health and I

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suppose we could generally call this

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oral and gut health because as you know

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if you think about it your mouth your

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oral cavity and your gut are contiguous

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with one another we are going to add

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oral and gut health as the seventh

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pillar of mental health physical health

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and performance because as you will

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learn today there are so many aspects of

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oral health and daily protocols for oral

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health that extend to cardiovascular

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health to metabolic health and indeed to

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brain health and to staving off diseases

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in all of those bodily compartments I

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cannot overemphasize enough how much

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oral health influences your general

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bodily health so today you will learn

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about Oral B biology and health we won't

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go tooo deep into the biology but we

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will go deep enough into the biology

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that you will learn some incredible

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things such as your teeth have the

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ability to literally fill back in

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cavities that have formed provided those

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cavities haven't gone too deep into the

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teeth layers yet you will learn that

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saliva While most people think of it as

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just spit is an incredible substance

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fluid that contains all sorts of

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interesting and important things that

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allow you to rebuild the strength of

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your teeth and indeed to support the

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health of your oral cavity and gut

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microbiome and body generally so saliva

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is super interesting and important and

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today you're going to learn many many

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protocols including zeroc cost protocols

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protocols that will actually save you

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money as well as some lowcost protocols

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to both restore improve and maintain

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oral health and in doing so maintain and

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improve your overall bodily Health

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before we begin I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my

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teaching and research roles at Stanford

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it is however part of my desire and

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effort to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme I'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is matina matina makes

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loose leaf and ready to drink yerba mate

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I often discuss ybba mate's benefits

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such as regulating blood sugar it's high

Time: 234.599

antioxidant content the ways that it can

Time: 237.239

improve digestion and possible Minal

Time: 239.959

protective effects I also drink yamate

Time: 242.2

because I love the taste while there are

Time: 243.879

a lot of different choices of yamate

Time: 245.68

drinks out there I love matina because

Time: 248.72

again they have the no sugar variety as

Time: 251.4

well as the fact that both their loose

Time: 253

leaf and their canned varieties are of

Time: 255.319

the absolute best quality so much so

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that I decided to become a partial owner

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in the company although I must say even

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if they hadn't allowed me to do that I

Time: 265.04

would be drinking matina is the cleanest

Time: 267.28

tasting and best yeram mate you can find

Time: 270.08

I love the taste of brewed loose leaf

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matina yerbamate and I particularly love

Time: 274.28

the taste of maa's new canned cold brew

Time: 277.32

zero sugar yerbamate which I personally

Time: 279.96

help them develop if you'd like to try

Time: 281.759

matina go to drink

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huberman right now matina is offering a

Time: 287.44

free one PB bag of loose leaf yerbamate

Time: 290.039

tea and free shipping with the purchase

Time: 292.24

of two cases of their cold brew

Time: 294.08

yerbamate again that's drink

Time: 297.36

huberman to get the free bag of y brate

Time: 300.12

loose leaf tea and free shipping today's

Time: 302.88

episode is also brought To Us by Roa Roa

Time: 306.16

makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are

Time: 308.16

of the absolute highest quality I've

Time: 310.68

spent a lifetime working on the biology

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of the visual system and I can tell you

Time: 314

that your visual system has to contend

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with an enormous number of challenges in

Time: 317.68

order for you to be able to see clearly

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under different conditions Roa

Time: 321.319

understands this and designed all of

Time: 322.72

their eyeglasses and sunglasses with the

Time: 324.759

biology of the visual system in mind now

Time: 326.84

Roa eyeglasses and sunglasses were

Time: 328.479

initially developed for in sport and as

Time: 330.52

a consequence you can wear them without

Time: 332.68

them slipping off your face while

Time: 334.08

running or cycling and they're extremely

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lightweight Roa eyeglasses and

Time: 337.639

sunglasses are also designed with a new

Time: 339.56

technology called float fit which I

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really like because it makes their

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eyeglasses and sunglasses fit perfectly

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and they don't move around even when I'm

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active so if I'm running and I'm wearing

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my glasses they stay on my face most of

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the time I don't even remember they're

Time: 351.759

on my face because they're so

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lightweight you can also use them while

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cycling or for other activities so if

Time: 356.52

you'd like to try Roa glasses go to Roa

Time: 358.96

that's r and enter the code

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huberman to save 20% off your first

Time: 364.08

order again that's and enter

Time: 367.28

the code huberman at checkout today's

Time: 369.68

episode is also brought To Us by Helix

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sleep Helix sleep makes mattresses and

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pillows that are of the absolute highest

Time: 376.039

quality I've spoken many times before on

Time: 378.479

this and other podcast about the fact

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that sleep is the foundation of mental

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health physical health and performance

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one of the key things to getting a great

Time: 385.319

night's sleep is to make sure that your

Time: 386.72

mattress matches your sleep requirements

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the Helix website has a brief two-minute

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quiz that if you go to it will ask you

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questions such as do you sleep on your

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back your side or your stomach do you

Time: 396.479

tend to run hot or cold during the

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middle of the night as well as some

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other questions that allow you to

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determine the optimal mattress for you

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when I took the quiz I personally

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matched to their dusk mattress dsk which

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has allowed me to significantly improve

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my sleep so if you're interested in

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significantly improving your sleep go to

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huberman take their brief two-minute

Time: 417.4

quiz and they'll match you to a

Time: 418.639

customized match mat and you'll get up

Time: 420.96

to $350 off any mattress order and two

Time: 423.84

free pillows so again if you're

Time: 425.56

interested in trying Helix go to

Time: 427.56

Time: 428.759

huberman for up to $350 off and two free

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pillows okay let's talk about oral

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health this absolutely critical aspect

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of not just having fresh bright teeth

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and no cavities and fresh breath or at

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least lack of bad breath one would hope

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but also total body Health as I

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mentioned a little bit earlier oral

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health is inextricably linked to all

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aspects of brain and bodily Health both

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in the short term and in the long term

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and it is perhaps the most overlooked

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aspect of mental health and physical

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health so today I'd like to start off

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with a quiz I'm going to ask you which

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of the following three categories you

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believe you best fall into okay the

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first category is those of you out there

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who brush and floss every day probably

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twice a day and who make some effort to

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try and keep your teeth clean who like

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the feeling of your teeth being clean

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and who pay a fair amount of attention

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to whether or not your teeth are getting

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whiter or not getting whiter maybe

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whether or not your breath is fresh or

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not fresh maybe okay these aren't

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requirements for being in this category

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but maybe you're somebody who also uses

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a mouthwash or uses mints or gums in

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order to try and keep your mouth

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smelling and looking fresh and your

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mouth clean okay so this first category

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uh does not require that you do all of

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those things but let's just make a basic

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requirement of participation in this

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category that you routinely brush at

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least twice a day and that you floss at

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least once a day okay if you fall into

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that category you are in category one

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and by the way if you're in category one

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and you do those things and you do a

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bunch of other things like tooth

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whitening and maybe you go to the

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dentist especially often more than the

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recommended twice per year that still

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puts you in category one okay second

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category are those of you out there who

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are let's say a bit more blasé about

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your oral and tooth care those of you

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that perhaps just brush your teeth in

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the morning so that your breath is fresh

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you clean out that kind of sticky

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feeling in your mouth that's accumulated

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overnight that sometimes brush and maybe

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floss at night but you know a lot of

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times you fall asleep without doing that

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or you don't feel like doing it or

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perhaps that don't really floss at all

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okay that perhaps go to the dentist once

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every 6 months maybe a little less maybe

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once a year once every couple years so

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while there's a bunch of different

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things that could put you into Category

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2 let's make a basic requirement for

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belonging to Category 2 that you brush

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your teeth once a day but not twice a

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day on a regular basis or that you brush

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twice a day but that you rarely floss

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okay that would put you into what I'm

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calling category to and then of course

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there's the third category that maybe

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some of you out there fall into and this

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is the CATE ategory of people who are

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extremely diligent not just about tooth

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care but also about oral health

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generally about maintaining the

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microbiome of your mouth about making

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sure that your gums are very healthy

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about making sure that your soft pallet

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and hard palet is very healthy about

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making sure that yes your teeth are

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clean that they're devoid of as much

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bacterial buildup and other stuff in

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there that can cause cavities but also

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that you're paying careful attention to

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your oral micro probiome and the overall

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milu of your health in the mouth and the

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fact that your mouth is linked to all

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these different aspects of brain and

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cardiac and metabolic Health okay if you

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fall into that third category great but

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let's be honest most people I would

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argue 95 maybe even 98% of people or

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more fall into either category one or

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category two so as you're hearing this

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you're probably thinking okay well if

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I'm in category one I'm good right I go

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to the dentist twice a year I brush in

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floss use some mouthwash I even brighten

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my teeth I you know I make sure that if

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I had a sugary meal I'll rinse out my

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mouth I try not to drink acidic Foods

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things that we'll discuss today as to

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whether or not they actually have

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relevance for cavity formation or

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not but guess what if you are in

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category one as I described it or

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two chances are you are doing things to

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really deplete and disrupt your oral

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health that's right even if you're

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paying a lot of attention to tooth

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Health chances are if you're like most

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people out there simply because you

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don't have the latest information on

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what oral health really is and how to

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best support it chances are you are

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doing things that yes might be keeping

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your teeth white and clean and you're

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not getting cavities or you're not being

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told you have cavities that need to be

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filled when you go to the dentist twice

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a year or more but that you are

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disrupting your oral health in ways that

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are depleting other aspects of your

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brain and bodily health and I'm not here

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to scare you I'm just here to tell you

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that if you're in category one okay

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you're clearly doing some things that

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are beneficial for you but that there's

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some additional things that you can do

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and a few things to avoid doing that

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very likely will improve your overall

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bily health very quickly and the good

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news is those things are also zero or

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low cost or in some cases can save you

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substantial cost now if you're in

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category two chances are you are

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depleting both your oral health and your

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overall bodily Health but here's what's

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interesting some of the folks in

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Category 2 that are not doing as much

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for the let's say hygiene and freshening

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and whitening of their teeth actually

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have a healthier overall oral microbiome

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that's not always the case but often it

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can be the case so what you're going to

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discover today is whether you're in

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category 1 or Category 2 there are some

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wonderful and easily accessible

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practices that are well backed by

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science and by the way in preparation

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for this episode I also consulted with

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no fewer than five dentists including a

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pediatric dentist I talked to a

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periodontist I talked to people who fall

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into the functional dentist category I

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talk to people with a bunch of different

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orientations who are all heavily

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qualified to talk about and to make

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recommendations about oral health and

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tooth Health Etc and what I'm going to

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deliver today is essentially the overlap

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in the vend diagram of what they all

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agreed on I'll highlight a few

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differences that they each had and that

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several of them they do fall into

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different camps but I was positively

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surprised how much overlap or consensus

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there was in terms of best protocols for

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tooth and oral health and by the way if

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you're in that third category of the

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person that's doing a lot for their

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tooth health and appearance and breath

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Etc but also oral health and microbiome

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I'm sure that today you'll also learn

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some new health practices and some

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things that will allow you to expand on

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your already terrific practices for oral

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health so let's get into the material

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about oral health focusing first on two

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tooth anatomy and health and some a

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little bit about mouth Anatomy I promise

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to not go into this in too much depth

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but we really need to have a firm basis

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a foundation of understanding of what

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the mouth cavity really consists of and

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I'm not just going to throw a bunch of

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names out there for sake of nomenclature

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I don't need to Cloud your hippocampus

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with that sort of information unless

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it's functional information but it is

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critical functional information for the

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rest of our discussion where we'll talk

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about ways that you can really build up

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the strength of your teeth even if

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cavities have already started to form

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and how to really get your saliva to be

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the best healthiest saliva for your

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overall mouth and for your gut and for

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your brain your heart Etc okay so let's

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talk just briefly I promise briefly

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about the anatomy and a little bit of

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the physiology of the this stuff okay

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the teeth we're all familiar with what

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teeth are and the tongue the tonsils in

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the back of the mouth we have our soft

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pallette hard pallet gums let's talk a

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little bit about how all that fits

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together centering around the thing that

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most people think about when they think

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about oral health and that's the teeth

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it's just a good jumping off point for

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us your teeth are layered structures

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like pretty much every structure in your

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body is a layered structure it's just

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the way those structures form cells are

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born at one location they migrate out

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and form Stacks or layers those

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different layers have different cell

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types and your teeth are no exception so

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while there are different kinds of teeth

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in your

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mouth teeth have an outer layer which is

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the enamel the enamel believe it or not

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is not white it is translucent light can

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make it through but it's not transparent

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it's not like a clear window it's

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translucent light can make it through

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but it's a bit opaque okay beneath the

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enamel is a structure called Dentin

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Dentin is important for today's

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discussion because as it turns out

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cavities form not surprisingly from the

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outside of teeth Inward and Cavities as

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the name suggests are holes that

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bacteria burrow down through the enamal

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and if you're unlucky make it down to

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the Dentin our goal meaning your goal

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goal is to engage in Daily protocols

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that's right daily protocols that are

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simple and fast and zero or very low

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cost that allow you to avoid the

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formation of those cavities yes but also

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that can allow you to fill in those

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cavities this is one of the most

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important things to understand about

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oral health that frankly I didn't know

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until I started researching this episode

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and talking to all these experts in the

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field which is that you can repair

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cavities that have started to form

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that's right your mouth environment

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based on its chemistry and some things

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that are mechanical but mostly based on

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its chemistry in particular how acidic

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it is or how basic it is is always in a

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state of what's called either

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demineralization or

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remineralization now those words are

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hard to say and they're especially hard

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to say fast so demineralization

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remineralization it's a little bit of a

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tongue twister today I'm going to use a

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shorthand that's a convention in the

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Dentistry field which is De Min or remin

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to refer to demineralization or

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remineralization remineralization is

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good it is the process by which within

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the enamel and to some extent in the

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deeper Dentin layer of the tooth but

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especially within the enamel there can

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be the addition of new minerals that

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form very robust

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essentially chains of crystals okay if

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you've ever looked at a crystal of any

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kind under a microscope or you've seen a

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picture of it they are incredibly well

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organized they form a lattice of very

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strong often although they're weaker

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crystals too very strong bonds and

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structure it's like the structure of a

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really well-formed building okay

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remineralization is the process of

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putting minerals back into that crystal

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structure and it's actually possible to

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fill back in those cavities that

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bacteria have started to form especially

Time: 1075.72

when those cavities have burrowed down

Time: 1078.96

into the enamel but have not yet made it

Time: 1081.32

into the Dentin layer of the tooth or

Time: 1083.919

teeth okay this is very important to

Time: 1086.52

understand it's especially important to

Time: 1087.96

understand the context of the fact that

Time: 1090.76

typically not always but typically if

Time: 1092.559

you have a cavity formed at one tooth

Time: 1095.28

and let's say it's just halfway or 3/4

Time: 1097.6

of the way through the enamel layer that

Time: 1100.08

if you have cavities elsewhere in your

Time: 1101.679

mouth chances are that they are at the

Time: 1104

same depth or level not always but

Time: 1106.4

chances are and that's great news if

Time: 1109.36

those cavities have not yet made it into

Time: 1111.159

the dtin layer why is it great news well

Time: 1112.84

I don't know about you but I don't like

Time: 1114.44

having my teeth drilled I don't like

Time: 1116.72

having cavities drilled and filled I had

Time: 1119.919

a very traumatic childhood with respect

Time: 1123.52

to dentistry and oral health I'll talk

Time: 1126.52

about it a little bit later in the

Time: 1127.559

episode it's not that I had tons and

Time: 1130

tons of cavities I actually had this

Time: 1131.36

other issue where my adult teeth came in

Time: 1133.08

behind my baby teeth I had have all my

Time: 1134.679

baby teeth pulled I had to get a bunch

Time: 1137.44

of injections of Novacane in my mouth I

Time: 1139.28

didn't like getting injections into my

Time: 1141.039

mouth so I opted to have any cavities I

Time: 1142.88

had drilled without Novacane it's not

Time: 1144.44

cuz I was a tough little kid although

Time: 1146.48

that definitely toughened me up it was

Time: 1148.159

because I hated having syringes in my

Time: 1149.64

mouth I might have even bitten a dentist

Time: 1151.76

or two or three I don't bite the dentist

Time: 1154.52

anymore I thank the dentist by the way I

Time: 1156.919

think dentists are wonderful regular

Time: 1158.48

cleanings are wonderful we'll talk about

Time: 1159.919

frequency of cleanings but here's the

Time: 1161.72

point if you are somebody who enjoys

Time: 1164.96

getting your teeth drilled well then I

Time: 1167

don't know what to say but if like most

Time: 1169.24

people out there with proper wiring of

Time: 1172.24

your neurology well then you don't like

Time: 1173.84

getting your teeth drilled and you can

Time: 1177.36

avoid it in many cases by remineralizing

Time: 1181

that enamel layer of your teeth now if

Time: 1183.919

there's a demineralization down to the

Time: 1186.2

deeper Dentin layers of the tooth then

Time: 1188.679

most often you're going to need it to be

Time: 1191.52

drilled drilled and filled as they say

Time: 1193.36

or as some people say which is a bit

Time: 1195

more cynical drill fill and build

Time: 1198.48

because you get charged for that or your

Time: 1200

insurance gets charged for that okay

Time: 1202.32

back to some tooth anatomy and mouth

Time: 1203.919

Anatomy we talked about the enamel layer

Time: 1205.96

of the tooth on the outside I told you

Time: 1207.4

that it either can demineralize demmin

Time: 1209.72

or remineralize remin this is a key

Time: 1212.36

Point your teeth are always in a state

Time: 1215.039

of either demon or remen that's right

Time: 1218.799

either demon or remen it's not both at

Time: 1221.76

the same time it's one or the other and

Time: 1224.24

it is largely dependent on the p that is

Time: 1228.84

the acidity of your mouth which is

Time: 1230.48

largely dependent on how much saliva

Time: 1232.52

you're producing and the mineral content

Time: 1235.159

of that saliva keep that in mind I think

Time: 1237.32

it's a very important point now another

Time: 1239.44

key point is that next to your teeth

Time: 1241.559

right you have your gums the gingiva as

Time: 1243.76

it's called now the gingiva provides a

Time: 1247.24

really important role in keeping the

Time: 1249.12

teeth stable we don't often think of it

Time: 1250.96

like that but even though that stuff

Time: 1252.52

seems gummy and soft it is soft tissue

Time: 1255.4

it is very important for fixing the

Time: 1257.039

teeth to the Bone it's not just about

Time: 1258.52

the roots that extend down into the

Time: 1259.96

Jawbone below the gums are very

Time: 1262.32

important for keeping the teeth where

Time: 1264.32

they are there's actually a little

Time: 1265.96

ligament too between gums and the teeth

Time: 1268.24

that resides a little bit deeper but the

Time: 1270.279

gums form a critical barrier between the

Time: 1273.88

oral cavity and the deeper layers of

Time: 1277.32

what eventually is bone and into the

Time: 1280.2

general blood flow or bloodstream of the

Time: 1282.48

body now this is so important to

Time: 1285.76

understand that the gums are a seal

Time: 1287.32

around the tooth this is why when you go

Time: 1288.72

to the dentist they're paying attention

Time: 1290.36

with that little pick they're paying

Time: 1291.88

attention to how high or hopefully low

Time: 1295.72

the tenting is the the the little

Time: 1298.24

recesses or pockets of gums along the

Time: 1301.76


Time: 1303.279

here in my mouth yes I'll try not to do

Time: 1305.64

that during today's episode point to my

Time: 1307.039

teeth so much so that I'm then you know

Time: 1308.559

you can't understand what I'm saying

Time: 1310.279

that the gums are providing a seal

Time: 1313.48

between the oral cavity and essentially

Time: 1316.24

the bone and the general bloodstream now

Time: 1319.84

this is so critical because let's just

Time: 1321.48

take a step back and think about the

Time: 1323.32

oral cavity and what a remarkable place

Time: 1325.4

it is think about it this is a gaping

Time: 1327.96

hole in our body okay we have some other

Time: 1330.799

gaping holes in our body but those tend

Time: 1332.52

to be sphincter based holes yes I

Time: 1334.24

realize there probably some Chuckles as

Time: 1335.52

soon as you say sphincter like yes the

Time: 1337.36

anal sphincter okay we're anatomists

Time: 1338.799

we're biologists we can talk about that

Time: 1340.4

stay shut stuff is generally not going

Time: 1342.76

up there and if it is not very often

Time: 1346.08

okay your nasal passages yeah those are

Time: 1349.48

holes but you know there's a lot of

Time: 1351.6

stuff there there's mucus to catch stuff

Time: 1353.88

there's a CRI form plate there's a bone

Time: 1355.88

there's a bunch of things that act as

Time: 1357.72

barriers between the nasal cavities and

Time: 1360.559

the Brain which sits right behind it the

Time: 1362.08

olfactory bulb and yes we have eyes and

Time: 1364.32

then you know we have the outside of the

Time: 1365.559

eyes and there's a you know a

Time: 1367.12

susceptibility there but we have our

Time: 1368.48

blink reflex there's a also an ocular

Time: 1370.84

microbiome there's a bunch of things

Time: 1372.279

there but think about the just this

Time: 1374.159

gaping hole in the front of our face

Time: 1375.72

that we use to eat and speak and breathe

Time: 1378.919

okay it's a huge hole and as a

Time: 1381.039

consequence it's filled with bacteria

Time: 1383.919

from our outside environment all day

Time: 1385.64

long all day long sometimes at night

Time: 1387.88

although we're going to talk later about

Time: 1389.76

the critical critical need to be a nasal

Time: 1392.44

breather at night and not a mouth

Time: 1395.12

breather not just for sake of staving

Time: 1396.76

off sleep apnea but also because turns

Time: 1398.88

out the dryness of the mouth is one of

Time: 1400.44

the ways that you really can throw off

Time: 1402.08

your oral health in major ways in fact

Time: 1404.799

it's one of the leading causes of tooth

Time: 1406.52

decay in people like methamp addicts or

Time: 1409

if you see people that are mouth

Time: 1410

breathers their oral health and their

Time: 1412.36

teeth generally but certainly their oral

Time: 1414.72

health is severely depleted so you've

Time: 1416.799

got this big hole in your front of your

Time: 1418.52

face and you're talking and eating and

Time: 1419.919

moving about during the day even if

Time: 1421.12

you're a nasal breather when you're not

Time: 1422.36

talking or eating and all this bacteria

Time: 1424.279

is getting in and it's a really moist

Time: 1426.64

environment and it's really warm so the

Time: 1429.039

combination of bacteria moist and warm

Time: 1431.039

means that this thing is like a petri

Time: 1432.4

dish for growing stuff that could

Time: 1435.279

potentially be really bad for us but but

Time: 1438.44

it has this incredible feature which is

Time: 1441.039

that if the pH is right then the bad

Time: 1444.559

stuff is killed off doesn't make it into

Time: 1446.84

our system doesn't disrupt our oral

Time: 1448.32

health or our bodily Health it also has

Time: 1450.559

a critical feature which is that the

Time: 1451.84

bacteria that are good for us

Time: 1453.08

proliferate and supports the sealing

Time: 1456.039

process of the gums against the teeth

Time: 1458.36

and tooth health and tongue health and

Time: 1460.2

pallet Health Etc okay so the oral

Time: 1463.12

cavity is Amazing by virtue of how

Time: 1465.36

vulnerable it is but also how robust it

Time: 1467.399

is and the way it stays robust is by

Time: 1469.559

keeping the saliva healthy now there are

Time: 1472.279

other ways too but that's one of the

Time: 1473.6

main ones and it's a huge portal into

Time: 1475.799

the rest of the body and if the oral

Time: 1477.76

cavity isn't amazing to you already

Time: 1480

based on what you've heard thus far

Time: 1481.799

think about this if you get a cut on

Time: 1483.559

your arm or your hand or your shin

Time: 1486.36

unless you're one of these remarkable

Time: 1487.6

people that always heals up without a

Time: 1489.24

scar as long as you're about 25 years or

Time: 1493.399

older typically you'll form a little bit

Time: 1495.72

scar there'll be something noticeable

Time: 1497.279

there the oral cavity also can take cuts

Time: 1500.72

and burns and things like that

Time: 1502.12

unfortunately those things occur but

Time: 1504.559

with rare exception heals up with nearly

Time: 1507.44

zero scarring sometimes there's a scar

Time: 1509.36

but nearly zero scarring which is

Time: 1511.64

remarkable why well it's basically an

Time: 1513.559

open wound with a bunch of bacteria in

Time: 1515.24

it and it's warm and it's moist so

Time: 1518.279

clearly there's something special going

Time: 1519.919

on in this thing that we call the oral

Time: 1521.399

cavity indeed there is and it's anchored

Time: 1524.64

in the fact that if we treat it right

Time: 1526.96

you can encourage

Time: 1528.559

remineralization how do you do that by

Time: 1530.36

keeping the saliva healthy how do you do

Time: 1532.08

that by supporting the proper bacteria

Time: 1534.52

within the mouth and making sure that

Time: 1536.6

you're eliminating the bacteria that you

Time: 1538.36

don't want or at least limiting those

Time: 1540

bacteria and today we're going to talk

Time: 1541.2

about how to do that and by virtue of

Time: 1544.039

doing all the things that support tooth

Time: 1545.44

Health you're also going to support gum

Time: 1547.559

health okay those gums are critical

Time: 1549.44

because they form that barrier that if

Time: 1551.88

it gets too big if those Pockets those

Time: 1553.559

recesses get too big and you're not

Time: 1555.679

taking care of the bacteria in your

Time: 1557.32

mouth when you're not getting rid of the

Time: 1558.64

bad bacteria those bacteria worm their

Time: 1562.08

way down into the deeper recesses near

Time: 1563.919

the roots of the tooth sometimes into

Time: 1565.72

the tooth we'll talk about that and can

Time: 1567.96

get down into the bone and then can

Time: 1570.2

cause serious serious issues this is

Time: 1572.32

so-called perodontal disease and

Time: 1574.76

perodontal disease is associated with

Time: 1576.76

all sorts of really bad stuff including

Time: 1578.96

Alzheimer's okay this is not just some

Time: 1581.159

Wellness culture woo science leap to

Time: 1583.559

alzheimer's there's literally evidence

Time: 1585.72

that the specific bacterias that cause

Time: 1587.279

recession of the gums can cross the

Time: 1589.84

blood brain barrier if they make it into

Time: 1591.84

the general circulation and potentially

Time: 1595.76

cause Plax and Tangles some of the

Time: 1597.919

Hallmark features of neural degeneration

Time: 1599.96

in Alzheimer's okay probably not the

Time: 1601.96

only cause of Alzheimers but potentially

Time: 1604.96

one of the major causes this is a new

Time: 1607.2

Theory but it's one that a lot of people

Time: 1608.559

are starting to pay attention to and

Time: 1610

it's also very clear that bacteria make

Time: 1611.559

it down into these deeper recesses near

Time: 1613.24

the roots and into the bone that you can

Time: 1615.76

end up with issues related to cardiac

Time: 1617.64

health and certainly metabolic Health

Time: 1619.039

okay so again the goal today is not to

Time: 1620.52

scare you it's not to spend too much

Time: 1622.44

time um on all the terrible things that

Time: 1624.12

can happen but rather to emphasize the

Time: 1626.12

positive which is that if you do the

Time: 1627.24

right things at the right times

Time: 1629.159

especially if you do them on a regular

Time: 1630.559

basis that you can really improve the

Time: 1633.32

health of your total oral cavity and

Time: 1635.72

your teeth and your breath and all the

Time: 1637.6

other stuff that people care about for

Time: 1639.159

Aesthetics and interpersonal

Time: 1640.64

interactions will flourish as well I'd

Time: 1643.399

like to take a brief moment and thank

Time: 1645.039

one of our sponsors and that's ag1 ag1

Time: 1648.2

is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 1650.279

that also contains adaptogens I started

Time: 1652.96

taking ag1 way back in 2012 the reason I

Time: 1656.2

started taking it and the reason I still

Time: 1657.679

take it every day is that it ensures

Time: 1659.6

that I meet all of my quotas for

Time: 1661.32

vitamins and minerals and it ensures

Time: 1663.679

that I get enough Prebiotic and

Time: 1665.12

probiotic to support gut health now gut

Time: 1667.679

health is something that over the last

Time: 1668.96

10 years we realized is not just

Time: 1671.2

important for the health of our gut but

Time: 1673.64

also for our immune system and for the

Time: 1676.279

production of neurotransmitters and

Time: 1677.76

neuromodulators things like dopamine and

Time: 1679.6

serotonin in other words gut health is

Time: 1681.64

critical for proper brain functioning

Time: 1684.08

now of course I strive to consume

Time: 1685.76

healthy Whole Foods for the majority of

Time: 1687.48

my nutritional intake every single day

Time: 1690.24

but there are a number of things in ag1

Time: 1692.12

including specific micronutrients that

Time: 1693.919

are hard to get from Whole Foods or at

Time: 1695.559

least in sufficient quantities so ag1

Time: 1697.96

allows me to get the vitamins and

Time: 1699.279

minerals that I need probiotics

Time: 1700.84

prebiotics the adaptogens and critical

Time: 1703.48

micronutrients so anytime somebody asks

Time: 1705.76

me if they were to take just one

Time: 1707.48

supplement what that supplement should

Time: 1709.2

be I tell them ag1 because ag1 supports

Time: 1712.48

so many different systems within the

Time: 1713.96

body that are involved in mental health

Time: 1715.799

physical health and performance to try

Time: 1717.76

ag1 go to drink huberman and

Time: 1721.36

you'll get a year supply of vitamin D3

Time: 1723.64

K2 and five free travel packs of ag1

Time: 1726.64

again that's drink

Time: 1729.6

huberman okay let's talk about how

Time: 1732.08

cavities form because I think this is

Time: 1733.799

the major question that people ask when

Time: 1736.72

asking about or thinking about oral

Time: 1738.44

health as I mentioned before cavities

Time: 1740.32

are literally holes they're

Time: 1742.279

fenestrations as the uh nerds call them

Time: 1745.12

nerds like me call them little

Time: 1746.919

fenestrations little holes down into the

Time: 1748.64

enamel that if they make it down to the

Time: 1750.32

Dentin layer of the tooth most likely do

Time: 1752.24

need to be drilled and filled and

Time: 1756.559

presumably build okay but your goal I

Time: 1759.76

think all of our goal is to try and keep

Time: 1761.88

our teeth in a state of remineralization

Time: 1764.919

by keeping the pH that is the relative

Time: 1768.96

acid alkaline balance of the mouth such

Time: 1771.88

that the saliva supports

Time: 1774.24

remineralization now let's think about

Time: 1777.039

how a cavity actually forms turns out

Time: 1780.12

that no specific food not even sugar

Time: 1783.559

causes cavities cavities are not caused

Time: 1786.559

by sugar cavities are caused by bacteria

Time: 1789.88

that feed on sugar and now that's not

Time: 1792.76

just a little bit of a Twist in the

Time: 1794.519

mechanism that's a critical point

Time: 1797

there's no specific food not even pure

Time: 1799.919

sugar not even like a hard candy like a

Time: 1802.36

delicious Jolly Rancher I used to like

Time: 1804.039

those when I was a kid they get stuck in

Time: 1805.799

your tooth that causes cavities no it's

Time: 1808.279

the bacteria that feed on sugar that

Time: 1811.44

then produce acid that burrows down

Time: 1815.039

through that degrades that demineralizes

Time: 1818.12

the tooth in this very focal area that

Time: 1821.039

we call a cavity okay now if that isn't

Time: 1824.48

surprising enough get this the bacteria

Time: 1829.159

that causes cavities by eating sugar and

Time: 1831.72

releasing this acid while there are

Time: 1833.84

several of them the major one is called

Time: 1835.399

streptococus mutans or what I'll call

Time: 1837.32

strep mutans for short strep mutans is

Time: 1841.559

not something you're born with it's

Time: 1843.039

actually a

Time: 1844.519

communicable bacteria that's right you

Time: 1847.36

give it to one another through how

Time: 1849.679

sharing of glasses sharing of bottles

Time: 1852.919

kissing on the mouth Etc now I am not

Time: 1856.2

here to tell you not not to do any of

Time: 1858.08

those things I'm certainly not here to

Time: 1859.679

tell you that however and by the way in

Time: 1862.36

researching this episode I did learn

Time: 1864.48

that there is a specific category of

Time: 1866.08

person out there typically they are a

Time: 1867.799

dentist or married to a dentist that

Time: 1870.12

have opted believe it or not to never

Time: 1872.84

kiss their children near or on the mouth

Time: 1875.48

so as to help their children not get

Time: 1878.799

streptococus mutans because almost all

Time: 1880.96

adults carry it not all but it's

Time: 1883

communicable like a STI or like a flu or

Time: 1886.76

like a it's communicated between

Time: 1888.519

individuals we are not born with it now

Time: 1890.919

that's a whole area of U let's just call

Time: 1893.08


Time: 1894.44

biosocial ethics decision-making that I

Time: 1897.2

think most people are not going to be

Time: 1899.32

too concerned with or at least act on

Time: 1902.279

because let's face it most people are

Time: 1904.32

not going to change their overall

Time: 1906.559

behavior of kissing or usage of bottles

Time: 1911.08

or glasses in order to avoid getting

Time: 1912.88

strep mutans most people in the world

Time: 1915.039

have strep mutans or will get strep

Time: 1917.399

mutans and it lives in the mouth okay it

Time: 1920.2

just resides there strep mutans is there

Time: 1923.72

and it's hungry what's it hungry for

Time: 1926.279

sugar when there's sugar present it eats

Time: 1929.76

it it produces acid the acid produces

Time: 1932.44

cavities taking teeth from a state of

Time: 1935.639

remineralization to demineralization or

Time: 1938.559

and by the way this is really important

Time: 1939.88

if your mouth is already in a state

Time: 1942.36

that's more

Time: 1944.6

demineralization mode so to speak well

Time: 1947.76

then it will capitalize on that and it

Time: 1950.88

will cause cavities much faster okay so

Time: 1955.159

keep in mind that acidity is bad for the

Time: 1957.96

mouth does that mean that you should

Time: 1958.96

never consume a lemon or and by the way

Time: 1962.039

yes I'm guilty of everyone a while chew

Time: 1963.559

a lemon slice or drinking water with

Time: 1965.519

lemon in it or carbonated drinks or

Time: 1968.039

sodas or tea or anything that has acidic

Time: 1971.12

flavor no likewise should you completely

Time: 1974.88

avoid ingesting any kind of sugar

Time: 1976.799

because strep mutans love sugar no turns

Time: 1980.12

out strep mutans like sugars in the form

Time: 1982

of complex carbohydrate sugars too so if

Time: 1984.639

you eat pasta or rice or oatmeal and

Time: 1987.32

some bread every once in a while as I do

Time: 1989.159

I'm an omnivore I eat meat and fish and

Time: 1991.279

eggs and also starches and vegetables

Time: 1993.36

and fruits I'm an omnivore as most

Time: 1996.12

people are well then strep mutans has an

Time: 1998.72

opportunity to eat the sugars that come

Time: 2000.72

from those other carbohydrates does that

Time: 2002.44

mean that if you were to have a zero

Time: 2004.08

carbohydrate diet no sugars no starches

Time: 2006.36

Etc you would reduce the opportunity for

Time: 2009.32

strep mutans to consume sugar and

Time: 2012.679

release acid maybe maybe however most

Time: 2016.32

people won't do that and strep mutans is

Time: 2019.08

a very clever maybe even diabolical

Time: 2021.279

bacteria and if you are on a zero

Time: 2022.88

carbohydrate zero sugar diet there's

Time: 2024.32

some evidence that strep mutans will

Time: 2026.08

figure out ways to feed on other

Time: 2028.32

components of food in order to create

Time: 2031.32

this acid to then create cavities in

Time: 2033.679

your teeth so the key thing to

Time: 2035.76

understand here is that cavities form

Time: 2036.96

form not from foods not from sugars per

Time: 2039.919

se but from strep mutans and other

Time: 2042.48

bacteria that eat those sugars and

Time: 2043.919

create acid hence the critical need to

Time: 2046.88

keep your mouth as alkaline as possible

Time: 2049.119

which does not mean that you can never

Time: 2050.96

drink some lemon water or coffee or tea

Time: 2053.28

here's the key point that everyone needs

Time: 2055.079

to remember because this dovetails

Time: 2056.76

beautifully into how often you should

Time: 2058.159

brush and floss and when you should

Time: 2060.2

brush and floss specifically the key

Time: 2062.599

point is the degree to which your mouth

Time: 2065.44

is in a demon state or a remin state and

Time: 2068.52

the degree to which cavities have the

Time: 2071.04

opportunity to form is dependent on the

Time: 2073.159

amount of time the amount of time in

Time: 2076

which your mouth is net acidic or net

Time: 2079.96

alkaline the amount of time that you are

Time: 2082.079

in a

Time: 2083.04

demineralization mode or

Time: 2085.159

remineralization mode okay so it's the

Time: 2087.919

amount of time no one no one can avoid

Time: 2092.079

having their mouth be acidic every once

Time: 2093.76

in a while or ingesting a sugar or a

Time: 2095.72

food that strep mut mutans can feed on

Time: 2098.04

and produce acid the key is to try and

Time: 2100.52

reduce the amount of strep mutans and

Time: 2102.76

reduce the amount of acid in the mouth

Time: 2105.48

that's the best way to reduce cavities

Time: 2107.52

and even reverse cavities that have

Time: 2109.359

started to form now in a moment I'm

Time: 2111.079

going to tell you about fluoride because

Time: 2112.599

I know there are a lot of questions

Time: 2113.56

about fluoride but in order for you to

Time: 2115.839

understand what I say about fluoride and

Time: 2117.32

to make the best decision about fluoride

Time: 2119.2

both in drinking water and toothpaste

Time: 2120.72

etc for you you have to understand the

Time: 2123.72

remineralization process just a little

Time: 2125.88

bit just a little bit so a little bit of

Time: 2127.64

chemistry here a little bit of

Time: 2128.48

structural biology and this will be fun

Time: 2130

I promise even if you know no biology no

Time: 2132.64

structural biology no chemistry you're

Time: 2134.72

going to like this part and it's very

Time: 2137.44

simple those minerals that form the

Time: 2139.64

crystals within the enamel and some of

Time: 2141.16

the deeper layers of your tooth or teeth

Time: 2144.2

rather those crystals form through a

Time: 2146.4

specific type of bond and those bonds

Time: 2148.24

are very strong think of them like Lego

Time: 2149.88

chains but these are not you know just

Time: 2151.76

conventional Lego chains these are Lego

Time: 2153.319

chains that when they stick when two

Time: 2155.64

pieces come together things are tough to

Time: 2158.56

pull apart they're not indestructible

Time: 2161.16

but they're tough to pull apart and

Time: 2162.839

they're also special because unlike a

Time: 2164.4

string of Legos like a single string of

Time: 2166.76

Legos these bonds that form during

Time: 2169.68

remineralization of the teeth are

Time: 2172.4

interdigitated with one another or

Time: 2174.16

rather are at angles with one another

Time: 2176.319

that make those bonds especially strong

Time: 2178.72

any architect or somebody that

Time: 2180.319

understands structural biology will

Time: 2181.64

understand that bonds can be weak or

Time: 2183.04

strong depending on whether or not

Time: 2184.319

they're linear whether or not they're

Time: 2185.599

crossed whether or not and lates there's

Time: 2187.599

a whole bunch of interesting you know

Time: 2189.4

angled forces stuff that the Architects

Time: 2191.4

will understand and the the construction

Time: 2193.119

workers will understand at a very

Time: 2194.8

intuitive and and concrete level no pun

Time: 2197

intended and on and on but just think

Time: 2199.28

about it a bond is only as strong as the

Time: 2203.44

number of different points at which it

Time: 2205.359

can resist shearing and pressure so the

Time: 2208.4

way that these re remineralization bonds

Time: 2210.72

form is through the addition of specific

Time: 2213.68

minerals at specific angles and the

Time: 2215.76

naturally occurring mineral mineral

Time: 2217.16

that's responsible for the majority of

Time: 2218.68

these Bonds in the enamel and teeth is

Time: 2220.8

called hydroxy appetite what a great

Time: 2223.4

name if you're talking about oral health

Time: 2225.079

right because we use the mouth for a lot

Time: 2226.599

of things you can think of the small

Time: 2228.119

list or long list of those things there

Time: 2229.48

are many of them you know depending on

Time: 2231.48

who you are and what you like to do with

Time: 2232.8

your mouth but the point being that we

Time: 2235.44

do indeed eat with our mouth appetite is

Time: 2237.56

part of eating so you just remember

Time: 2238.72

hydroxy appetite bonds and they are very

Time: 2241.8

strong but they're not indestructible

Time: 2243.599

acid can actually break those bonds okay

Time: 2246.16

that's the mineralization process now

Time: 2249

fluoride is a substance that is not a

Time: 2252.2

vitamin it's not a mineral it is not an

Time: 2254.839

essential nutrient but that in the last

Time: 2257.48

century it was discovered can actually

Time: 2260.44

replace some of the hydroxyapatite bonds

Time: 2263.4

in teeth and actually make those bonds

Time: 2266.119

hyper strong super physiologically

Time: 2268.48

strong now we'll talk about the safety

Time: 2270.68

considerations with fluoride in a little

Time: 2272.16

bit because there are some safety

Time: 2273.56

considerations but it was decided in

Time: 2276.24

Mass in the United States and Europe

Time: 2278.76

that the addition of fluoride to the

Time: 2280.599

drinking water and to many toothpastes

Time: 2283.16

or tooth powders would be useful because

Time: 2286.359

it creates these super physiologically

Time: 2288.92

strong bonds within the minerals of the

Time: 2291.8

teeth and indeed it does it does

Time: 2295.04

fluoride gets between those Lego pieces

Time: 2298

and makes them extra extra strong and

Time: 2300.2

this is why fluoride is added to the

Time: 2302

drinking water but and this is very

Time: 2304.52

important to emphasize but nowadays

Time: 2307.52

there's a really polarized debate about

Time: 2311.16

fluoride because some people out there

Time: 2313.64

believe that fluoride can disrupt

Time: 2315.68

thyroid Health might be disruptive for

Time: 2318.839

brain health certainly if fluoride

Time: 2320.8

levels are too high in drinking water or

Time: 2322.8

any substance it can be very dangerous

Time: 2325.16

it can be a poison but of course the

Time: 2326.64

dose makes the poison right fluoride

Time: 2328.48

itself may not be poisonous at very low

Time: 2330.8

levels but there really two camps now

Time: 2332.92

that have formed and I'll just

Time: 2334.16

illustrate those two camps by virtue of

Time: 2335.72

what's happening right now right now in

Time: 2337.96

the state of California there is a major

Time: 2340.04

lawsuit against the government because

Time: 2342.64

people want fluoride removed from the

Time: 2344.48

drinking water because of the long list

Time: 2346.88

of bad things that excessive I want to

Time: 2349.359

highlight excessive fluoride can do for

Time: 2351.56

bodily and brain health especially in

Time: 2352.96

kids but also in adults at the very same

Time: 2355.48

time meaning right now there is also a

Time: 2357.24

major lawsuit this one in Buffalo New

Time: 2359.119

York from Mostly parents who are suing

Time: 2361.8

the City of Buffalo saying that there

Time: 2363.56

was not enough maybe even zero fluoride

Time: 2365.96

in the drinking water for some period of

Time: 2367.4

time and as a consequence their

Time: 2368.88

children's teeth or oral health or both

Time: 2372.119

is depleted and they are suing for

Time: 2374.96

damages okay so there this is a really

Time: 2376.88

polarized camp now I did a full episode

Time: 2379.359

of The hubman Lab podcast all about

Time: 2381.04

water and I talked about fluoride levels

Time: 2383.56

which levels are thought by the CDC to

Time: 2385.079

be safe which levels are not thought to

Time: 2388.079

be safe I talked about some of the

Time: 2389.599

theories as to how fluoride might

Time: 2391.76

disrupt function of the thyroid and some

Time: 2393.76

considerations there please check out

Time: 2395.8

the time stamp in that episode I link to

Time: 2397.44

that time stamp in the caption for this

Time: 2399.76

episode but the important Point here is

Time: 2401.44

that if you are at all concerned about

Time: 2403

fluoride in the drinking water the

Time: 2404.76

simple answer is to just filter the

Time: 2407.28

water that comes out of the tap if

Time: 2408.56

you're concerned about fluoride then I

Time: 2409.839

suppose you'd probably want to avoid

Time: 2411.359

toothpastes that have fluoride indeed

Time: 2413

there are some I will provide links to

Time: 2415.079

some of those in the show note captions

Time: 2416.319

for this episode there are a variety of

Time: 2418.48

these zero fluoride toothpaste that have

Time: 2420.44

started to accumulate but keep in mind

Time: 2423.16

that when fluoride is introduced into

Time: 2425.24

the bonds of the mineral of the teeth

Time: 2427.079

they do make the teeth really really

Time: 2429

strong but and all the dentists I spoke

Time: 2431.079

to emphasize this point the bonds that

Time: 2433.2

form are not the natural bonds now the

Time: 2435.4

fact that they're not the natural bonds

Time: 2436.76

doesn't necessarily mean that they

Time: 2438.04

aren't good for us or that they're bad

Time: 2439.839

for us but the bonds that form when

Time: 2441.68

viewed under what's called electron

Time: 2442.96

microscopy look different they look wavy

Time: 2445.599

they're not smooth bonds and they do

Time: 2448.28

increase the so resistance to different

Time: 2451.52

forces including cavities or acid that

Time: 2454.24

would create cavities to be specific

Time: 2456.48

they make the teeth stronger

Time: 2457.839

structurally so resistance to chipping

Time: 2460

Etc but there is a growing concern about

Time: 2464.079

excessive fluoride which by the way if

Time: 2466.72

you drink a lot of tap water you're

Time: 2468.839

going to be exposed to more fluoride

Time: 2470.28

than if you drink less tap water that's

Time: 2471.76

just kind of stands to reason but people

Time: 2473.24

don't really talk about this right when

Time: 2474.8

you talk about x amount of fluoride by

Time: 2476.64

concentration in a given liter of water

Time: 2478.319

or gallon of water you also have to ask

Time: 2480.2

well how much tap water are you drinking

Time: 2481.56

every day okay you have to ask that

Time: 2483.119

question right it's not simply the

Time: 2484.76

concentration it's how much you're Ines

Time: 2486.599

overall and that's something that's much

Time: 2488.28

harder to control for again in the water

Time: 2490.96

episode I talk about ways to eliminate

Time: 2492.359

or reduce fluoride in the drinking water

Time: 2493.96

if that's a concern of yours but if you

Time: 2495.64

want to know why there's fluoride in

Time: 2497.16

drinking water it's because government's

Time: 2499.04

figured out hey well if we want to

Time: 2500.56

reduce tooth decay what's the simplest

Time: 2503.119

lowcost method to do that well it's to

Time: 2506.359

put fluoride in the drinking water and

Time: 2508.24

you now also now know why there's

Time: 2510.88

fluoride in a lot of toothpaste but

Time: 2513.24

given the concerns about thyroid Health

Time: 2514.92

potential concerns about brain health

Time: 2517.16

now you also know why many people

Time: 2520

including some dentists that I spoke to

Time: 2522

are not big fans of fluoride both for

Time: 2525.079

children and for adults so you just have

Time: 2526.8

to make a decision for you I'm not here

Time: 2528.16

to tell you what to do you just have to

Time: 2529.8

decide are you Pro neutral or against

Time: 2532.319

fluoride in you're drinking water and if

Time: 2533.8

so are you going to filter are you going

Time: 2535.52

to completely avoid drinking any water

Time: 2537.68

maybe even cooking with any water from

Time: 2538.92

the T and on and on but now you know why

Time: 2540.72

fluoride is in drinking water and

Time: 2542.24

fluoride is in toothpaste if you're

Time: 2544.599

somebody who's concerned about fluoride

Time: 2546.76

in either or both of those sources well

Time: 2549.119

then what you really want to think about

Time: 2550.359

and what most of us probably should be

Time: 2552.04

thinking about anyway is trying to

Time: 2554.44

increase the remineralization state of

Time: 2556.839

our teeth and mouth in ways that don't

Time: 2560.8

create the opportunity for any other

Time: 2562.64

health hazard and I will say this as

Time: 2564.359

well which is that there's some data not

Time: 2567.599

a lot but some data that fluoride might

Time: 2569.8

not be so great for our oral microbiome

Time: 2571.92

and as we'll soon learn the oral

Time: 2573.48

microbiome is critical for our oral and

Time: 2575.8

overall all Health I'd like to take a

Time: 2577.92

quick break and thank our sponsor insid

Time: 2579.96

tracker insid tracker is a personalized

Time: 2582.359

nutrition platform that analyzes data

Time: 2584.24

from your blood and DNA to help you

Time: 2586.4

better understand your body and help you

Time: 2588

reach your health goals now I've long

Time: 2589.76

been a believer in getting regular blood

Time: 2591.48

work done for the simple reason that

Time: 2593.16

many of the factors that impact your

Time: 2594.599

immediate and long-term Health can only

Time: 2596.72

be analyzed from a quality blood test a

Time: 2599.2

major problem with a lot of blood tests

Time: 2600.839

out there however is that you get

Time: 2602.68

information back about metabolic factors

Time: 2604.76

lipids and hormones and so forth but you

Time: 2606.64

don't know what to do with that

Time: 2607.599

information with insid tracker they make

Time: 2609.599

it very easy because they have a

Time: 2611.16

personalized platform that allows you to

Time: 2613.76

see the levels of all those things

Time: 2615.16

metabolic factors lipids hormones Etc

Time: 2617.64

but it gives you specific directives

Time: 2619.559

that you can follow that relate to

Time: 2621.119

nutrition behavioral modifications

Time: 2622.92

supplements Etc that can help you bring

Time: 2624.96

those numbers into the ranges that are

Time: 2626.68

optimal for you if you'd like to try

Time: 2628.48

inside tracker you can go to insid

Time: 2630.64 huberman to get 20% off any

Time: 2633.8

of insid tracker's plans again that's

Time: 2635.599


Time: 2636.68 huberman so in a moment we

Time: 2639.28

are going to get into what to do the

Time: 2641.559

to-dos the behavioral to-dos and some of

Time: 2643.559

the other to-dos for trying to keep your

Time: 2646.44

mouth in the best possible

Time: 2648.76

remineralization State the best pH for

Time: 2651.48

tooth health for gum health for avoiding

Time: 2653.599

periodontal disease maybe even for

Time: 2655.079

reversing some aspects of tooth and

Time: 2658.24

periodontal sickness because indeed you

Time: 2660.8

can do that if you shift your mouth to

Time: 2662.48

the correct pH if you're putting it into

Time: 2665.079

that remineralization mode okay however

Time: 2668.4

before we get into the todos I think

Time: 2670.28

it's very important to discuss the do

Time: 2672.24

Nots that every dentist and periodontist

Time: 2674.92

I spoke to agreed

Time: 2676.72

on the Quick List as I'll call it of bad

Time: 2680.72

for your teeth bad for your mouth and

Time: 2682.68

therefore bad for your brain and body

Time: 2686.68

are not surprisingly perhaps alcohol

Time: 2690.559

which by the way I did an entire episode

Time: 2692.319

about alcohol it's one of our more

Time: 2693.599

popular episodes I'm not here to tell

Time: 2695.68

you to never drink if you're an adult

Time: 2697.4

who's not- alcoholic but the cut off

Time: 2699.319

seems to be two alcohol based drinks per

Time: 2702.68

week Beyond which you run into trouble

Time: 2705.119

and yes zero is better than any but here

Time: 2707.76

when we say alcohol is not good for oral

Time: 2710

health and for tooth Health what we're

Time: 2712.04

talking about is the disruption that

Time: 2714.119

alcohol creates to the microbiome and

Time: 2716.4

the way that it Alters the pH of your

Time: 2719.319

saliva and places the mouth and the

Time: 2722.24

teeth into a demineralization state

Time: 2725.119

that's very clear it also kills certain

Time: 2727.559

cells of the mouth some people I

Time: 2729.68

remember this in college would say oh

Time: 2731.16

you know if you've got a you know you've

Time: 2732.599

got a like scratch in the back of your

Time: 2733.92

throat you're getting sick you know you

Time: 2735

should drink and that's what they said

Time: 2736.76

you should drink it's going to kill that

Time: 2738.119

thing off well guess what it does the

Time: 2740.04

exact opposite it kills off a bunch of

Time: 2742.359

things that you want like the cells in

Time: 2744.72

and around the mucosal layer of the

Time: 2746.16

mouth that are actually going to provide

Time: 2747.4

immune support and eliminate those

Time: 2749.04

bacteria or viruses uh that are making

Time: 2751.119

you sick Etc so alcohol is bad I'm not

Time: 2753.96

saying you shouldn't drink at all if

Time: 2755.079

you're a non-alcohol adult you have to

Time: 2757.64

decide for you but just understand that

Time: 2759.559

if you're drinking alcohol that you want

Time: 2761.72

to pay extra attention to your oral

Time: 2764.44

health and your tooth care practices

Time: 2766.319

especially on the days around that

Time: 2767.92

alcohol consumption and if you're

Time: 2769.2

somebody who doesn't want to drink

Time: 2770.16

alcohol now you have yet another reason

Time: 2771.88

to not drink

Time: 2773.24

alcohol the second thing on the no fly

Time: 2776.76

list or the not good for us list for

Time: 2778.8

sake of oral health are stimulants now

Time: 2781.92

of course things like methamphetamine

Time: 2783.48

which are you know severely dilus

Time: 2786.88

addictive drugs for all sorts of reasons

Time: 2789.04

they kill dopaminergic and other brain

Time: 2791.72

neurons they are highly addictive um and

Time: 2794.319

on and on but also stimulants like

Time: 2796.64

adderal viance etc those stimulants

Time: 2800.24

basically any drug that increases

Time: 2802.559

epinephrine and norepinephrine so called

Time: 2804.92

adrenaline and noradrenaline are the

Time: 2806.44

other names for those are going to have

Time: 2808.68

a negative effect on oral health does

Time: 2810.96

that mean you should stop those

Time: 2811.88

medications if you've been prescribed

Time: 2813.28

them no it means that you should do some

Time: 2814.96

other things to try and offset the

Time: 2816.48

negative consequence of stimulants why

Time: 2818.88

would stimulants cause such disruption

Time: 2821

in oral health well there are really two

Time: 2822.4

reasons there's a chemical reason and

Time: 2824.24

there's a mechanical

Time: 2825.76

reason the chemical reason is that

Time: 2828.839

stimulants change the pH of your saliva

Time: 2832.64

making the mouth more acidic which makes

Time: 2834.44

strep mutans and other bacteria more

Time: 2837.52

capable of creating cavities down into

Time: 2840.359

the teeth they take your mouth and your

Time: 2842

teeth from that remineralization state

Time: 2845.319

or I've been referring to it mode to

Time: 2847.04

that demineralization demon mode demon

Time: 2850.599

mode that's a way to remember it's bad

Time: 2852.319

demon mode demon mode not good maybe in

Time: 2854.92

a video game demon mode is good Demon

Time: 2856.559

mode not good for the mouth demon mode

Time: 2859

demineralization mode so there's a

Time: 2861.24

chemical reason why stimulants disrupt

Time: 2864.119

the oral health milu and cause

Time: 2867.16

disruption in tooth health and

Time: 2868.92

degradation demon of the enamel of the

Time: 2871

teeth and deeper layers of the teeth and

Time: 2872.92

this is profoundly evident in meth

Time: 2876.4

but the other reason and this was a

Time: 2877.68

reason that was shared with me by a

Time: 2879.24

physician an MD from University of

Time: 2881.079

California San Francisco who interacts

Time: 2883.2

by virtue of his profession with a lot

Time: 2885.2

of Methamphetamine

Time: 2886.68

addicts who have terrible teeth is that

Time: 2889.52

stimulants encourage mouth breathing

Time: 2892.48

watch a meth addict or watch somebody

Time: 2895.079

who's on a high dose of stimulant and

Time: 2897.72

they tend to mouth breathe because of

Time: 2899.119

the shifts in autonomic nervous system

Time: 2900.72

function they tend to be mouth breathers

Time: 2902.64

so it's the drying of the mouth that

Time: 2905.16

also shifts the mouth from that

Time: 2908.119

remineralization mode to

Time: 2909.64

demineralization mode so if you do take

Time: 2911.8

stimulants by prescription I would hope

Time: 2913.8

not methamphetamine or elicit drugs but

Time: 2915.4

if you take prescription stimulants and

Time: 2917.04

by the way things like Wellbutrin

Time: 2919.04

modafanil they do qualify as stimulants

Time: 2921.16

even though modaal is a little bit of a

Time: 2923.48

special case any drug that increases

Time: 2925.92

norepinephrine epinephrine any stimulant

Time: 2928.2

and yes indeed coffee we'll talk about

Time: 2929.76

coffee as well and tea will make the

Time: 2932.04

saliva more acidic and make your oral

Time: 2934.64

health po potentially less good mouth

Time: 2938.2

breathing bad for oral health bad for

Time: 2940.76

teeth bad bad bad there's just no

Time: 2942.44

question about it so today's discussion

Time: 2944.04

I'm calling oral health but that

Time: 2945.76

includes oral Airway health and I've

Time: 2948.359

talked before on this podcast about the

Time: 2950.28

fact that if you can be a nasal breather

Time: 2951.839

be a nasal breather please as long as

Time: 2953.52

you're not speaking as long as you're

Time: 2955.079

not eating try and breathe through your

Time: 2956.599

nose if you're exercising and exercising

Time: 2958.28

really hard like you're running really

Time: 2959.559

hard fine mouth breathe I don't think

Time: 2961.559

there's any evidence that staying in

Time: 2962.839

nasal breathing mode all the time while

Time: 2964.76

exercising is best for performance in

Time: 2966.559

fact to the contrary there are times

Time: 2967.92

when you need to mouth breathe and

Time: 2969.16

there's Sports where you need to Exhale

Time: 2970.88

through the mouth specifically certain

Time: 2972.2

martial arts for instance so not saying

Time: 2974.4

don't ever breathe through your mouth

Time: 2975.839

but as much as possible try and keep the

Time: 2978.64

oral cavity moist and closed okay this

Time: 2981.76

is critical so stimulants dry out the

Time: 2983.4

mouth they increase the acidity of the

Time: 2984.72

saliva that's bad smoking cigarettes and

Time: 2988.04

yes also cannabis and yes vaping does

Time: 2991.079

this too it's so funny anytime I talk

Time: 2992.44

about smoking being bad people like well

Time: 2993.839

what about cannabis well I didn't

Time: 2995.559

episode about cannabis cannabis does

Time: 2997.96

have certain medical uses that are very

Time: 3000.28

interesting and um there's good evidence

Time: 3002

for those but for many people cannabis

Time: 3004.88

is not a good idea you can check out

Time: 3006.44

that episode to decide for you then

Time: 3008.4

people ask what about vaping vaping is

Time: 3010.24

not as bad as smoking right that's what

Time: 3011.799

they say where they're sort of asking

Time: 3013.76

saying hoping wishing fantasizing and

Time: 3016.559

the truth is that vaping is terrible for

Time: 3018.68

your oral health as well is it as bad as

Time: 3020.599

smoking probably not but it's bad for a

Time: 3023.28

bunch of other reasons that offset any

Time: 3024.839

gain or gains you would get from vaping

Time: 3026.799

instead of smoking so just know that if

Time: 3029.04

you're a smoker or a vapor or if you

Time: 3031.64

vape rather that you're going to want to

Time: 3034.04

pay extra attention to some of the other

Time: 3035.76

protocols discussed and that we will

Time: 3037.2

discuss going forward in order to try

Time: 3039.4

and support your oral and therefore your

Time: 3041.599

whole body Health Okay so we've got

Time: 3044.2

alcohol stimulant smoking SL vaping and

Time: 3047.16

by extension dipping tobacco frankly not

Time: 3050.28

good for oral health or tooth Health in

Time: 3052.52

fact they can be proc cancerous to the

Time: 3054.48

gum tissue it's well established and

Time: 3058.04

they can also cause degradation of the

Time: 3060.04

gum tissue and even some of the

Time: 3061.799

underlying bone if you tend to do it on

Time: 3063.88

the same side all the time or often at

Time: 3066.16

all so that's not good we already

Time: 3068.52

discussed that sugar is not good for

Time: 3070.76

oral health does that mean you can never

Time: 3072.64

ingest sugar no of course not enjoy the

Time: 3075.28

sweets you enjoy every once in a while

Time: 3076.92

enjoy a nice pastry um you know do as

Time: 3079.16

you will um if you're somebody who never

Time: 3080.72

eats those things great but then

Time: 3082.24

understand that any carbohydrate any

Time: 3084.52

starch provides a sugar that strep

Time: 3086.52

mutans can eat and create acid and

Time: 3088.44

demineralize your teeth create cavities

Time: 3090.52

that is so avoid sugar in excess and if

Time: 3093.319

you eat sugar try and rinse your mouth

Time: 3095.559

after and ideally you would brush maybe

Time: 3098.319

even floss after okay I do know those

Time: 3100.44

people that after every meal they run

Time: 3101.96

even in the middle of the day they run

Time: 3102.92

to the bathroom and brush their teeth

Time: 3104.28

and floss and that's great but most

Time: 3106.16

people don't do that so swishing water

Time: 3109.119

rinsing your mouth out again plain water

Time: 3111.88

maybe with a little bit of salt in it is

Time: 3113.839

going to be beneficial we'll talk about

Time: 3114.92

mouthwash es later just to give you a

Time: 3116.44

little window into where we're headed

Time: 3117.64

with that most

Time: 3119.2

mouthwashes terrible terrible for your

Time: 3122.24

oral health especially alcohol-based or

Time: 3124.2

antiseptic based mouthwashes except

Time: 3125.839

under certain conditions prescribed or

Time: 3127.599

otherwise okay so if you eat any sugar

Time: 3130

and frankly after you eat anything it's

Time: 3133.559

a good idea to try and clear as much of

Time: 3136

that food product from your mouth you

Time: 3137.799

may not think you still have food in

Time: 3139.04

your mouth and teeth but trying to you

Time: 3140.319

know swish some water maybe spit it out

Time: 3142.16

maybe swallow it that's up to you are

Time: 3143.319

you a spit or swallow not my business

Time: 3144.839

don't want to don't tell me don't put it

Time: 3146.2

in the comments just decide for

Time: 3149.559

you but sugar and other food products

Time: 3152.76

residing in the mouth for long periods

Time: 3154.48

of time not good and similarly acidity

Time: 3158.4

foods that are acidic so certain things

Time: 3160.52

like citrus fruits which I love I love

Time: 3162.28

oranges I have an orange tree in my

Time: 3163.599

backyard now and I absolutely love it I

Time: 3165.2

love oranges grapefruit I just I love

Time: 3167.319

the peel I even eat the peel sometimes

Time: 3168.839

it's so

Time: 3170.119

delicious and no one's telling you not

Time: 3172.079

to eat acidic Foods or to avoid atic

Time: 3176.559

drinks like lemon water or carbonated

Time: 3178.2

lemon water some people are really

Time: 3180.04

extreme and they decide to just use a

Time: 3181.48

straw when they drink those things in

Time: 3183.04

fact the dentist I spoke to said yes

Time: 3184.559

could you ask people please if they're

Time: 3185.96

going to drink acidic drinks to try and

Time: 3187.72

use a straw but then I said well you

Time: 3189.68

know a lot of straws they disrupt the

Time: 3191.119

environment most people aren't carrying

Time: 3192.72

around metal straws or you know and what

Time: 3194.44

about the turtles this kind of thing and

Time: 3196.079

they said well okay here's the real

Time: 3197.52

truth the real truth is it's the amount

Time: 3199.2

of time that the mouth is exposed to

Time: 3202.079

that acid so if they're going to drink

Time: 3203.72

it drink it over the course of 10 15

Time: 3206

maybe 20 30 minutes and then be done

Time: 3208.2

with it rinse out the mouth with a

Time: 3209.319

little bit of water and try and clear

Time: 3210.92

out that acidity it's not about

Time: 3212.64

completely avoiding acid foods or sugary

Time: 3215.359

Foods or acidic drinks it's about again

Time: 3218.24

limiting the amount of time that the

Time: 3220.559

overall milu of the mouth is acidic

Time: 3223.319

because of this whole demon remen thing

Time: 3225.359

strep mutans and the acid created by

Time: 3228.88

strep mutans that can derode the teeth

Time: 3230.559

and the fact that if your mouth is kept

Time: 3232.24

acidic for long periods of time you're

Time: 3234.04

going to provide the opportunity for

Time: 3235.68

faster and deeper development of those

Time: 3238.04

cavities and keep this in mind again

Time: 3240.799

anytime we talk about demineralization

Time: 3242.76

the formation of cavities remember it's

Time: 3244.44

like a seesaw it's either demon or reman

Time: 3247.16

but not both so anytime you're

Time: 3248.48

demineralizing your teeth you're also

Time: 3250.04

not remineralizing your teeth okay so

Time: 3252.799

really avoid alcohol stimulants smoking

Time: 3257.28

vaping sugar mouth breathing acidic

Time: 3260.839

Foods acidic drinks but many of us most

Time: 3264.44

of us can't avoid any sugars any acidic

Time: 3267.4

Foods the other things can be avoided

Time: 3269

but some of us are prescribed these

Time: 3270.2

drugs and need these drugs some people

Time: 3272.2

like a drink with alcohol in it every

Time: 3273.839

once in a while and it's perfectly fine

Time: 3275.2

for them or they've deemed it perfectly

Time: 3276.839

fine for them in that case try and rinse

Time: 3279.48

the mouth try and keep the milu of the

Time: 3281.559

mouth as moist and as basic or alkaline

Time: 3285.72

rather less acidic as possible so to

Time: 3288.799

translate this a bit more to the real

Time: 3290.2

world if you're somebody like me who

Time: 3292.359

loves tea I drink cold brew zero sugar y

Time: 3295.28

bate that's my favorite source of

Time: 3296.88

caffeine I also like a nice black double

Time: 3299.2

espresso or coffee every once in a while

Time: 3302.319

it's fine to drink that but you don't

Time: 3304.2

want to sip on those sorts of things all

Time: 3305.88

day and you don't want to sip on them

Time: 3307.04

for hours and hours and if you're going

Time: 3309.119

to combine those things with some acidic

Time: 3310.599

Foods or with any kind of food you know

Time: 3312.48

try and get your meals done wrap them up

Time: 3314.04

and rinse your mouth and move to the

Time: 3315.52

next part of your day and that actually

Time: 3317.28

Segways into a really important point

Time: 3319.319

that came about when researching this

Time: 3320.76

episode that if I had to highlight bold

Time: 3323.52

face underline and light up one

Time: 3325.88

particular protocol that I think most

Time: 3327.799

everybody is not thinking about is that

Time: 3331.839

there are certain times in the 24-hour

Time: 3333.96

circadian period in which your mouth

Time: 3336.079

makes the maximum amount of

Time: 3338.72

saliva okay and that the saliva has an

Time: 3341.96

opportunity to be the optimal pH that is

Time: 3346.28

chemistry for encouraging

Time: 3349.599

remineralization of your teeth and

Time: 3352.119

that's during the daytime and especially

Time: 3353.72

through the middle of the day now there

Time: 3355.52

are a couple things that can disrupt

Time: 3357.079

that for instance eating anything I

Time: 3360.52

don't care if you're carnivore or vegan

Time: 3362.44

whatever omnivore when you eat you

Time: 3365.2

change the pH of your saliva and you're

Time: 3367.2

introducing those sugars that the

Time: 3369.4

bacteria can feed on so one thing that

Time: 3372.16

became very clear to me when researching

Time: 3373.92

this episode talking to experts reading

Time: 3376.079

manuscripts and also reading some really

Time: 3378.16

interesting books about

Time: 3381

remineralization opportunities for the

Time: 3383

teeth is that having a stretch of time

Time: 3386.16

of maybe two four six hours or more

Time: 3389.48

where you're not eating anything or

Time: 3391.68

ingesting anything that's acidic in

Time: 3393.4

terms of liquids can be very beneficial

Time: 3397.039

now this is a vote in support of

Time: 3399.16

so-called intermittent fasting this is

Time: 3400.92

something that I practice typically by

Time: 3402.4

eating my first meal somewhere around

Time: 3403.64

11:00 a.m. every morning sometimes

Time: 3405.359

earlier sometimes have a little

Time: 3407.079

breakfast at 9:00 if I particularly

Time: 3408.92

hungry but typically I eat my first meal

Time: 3410.72

around 11:00 a.m. or noon and then I eat

Time: 3412.52

my last bite of food by about 8:00 p.m.

Time: 3414.52

not Everyone likes to do intermittent

Time: 3416.76

fasting and I realize for sake of weight

Time: 3418.72

loss it's probably interchangeable with

Time: 3420.72

caloric restriction generally and

Time: 3422.44

there's a lot of debate as to whether or

Time: 3423.64

not intermittent fasting is going to

Time: 3424.88

extend lifespan whether or not it's

Time: 3426.599

better for metabolic Health than simple

Time: 3428.079

caloric restriction I don't want to get

Time: 3429.319

into that debate frankly it's a barbed

Time: 3430.72

wire debate that's been carried out on

Time: 3432.359

this podcast and elsewhere before and I

Time: 3434

think this is ongoing I think it's the

Time: 3437.319

the best way to couch that debate but in

Time: 3440.119

researching this episode it became very

Time: 3441.799

clear that we have an amazing

Time: 3443.359

opportunity during the day especially in

Time: 3445.24

the morning and throughout the day to

Time: 3447.359

create a lot of saliva that's the right

Time: 3449.24

pH to support remineralization of the

Time: 3451.2

teeth provided that there isn't a lot of

Time: 3453.52

food or acidic liquids in the mouth at

Time: 3455.44

that time so at least to my mind this is

Time: 3458.28

an interesting opportunity to place

Time: 3460.24

intermittent fasting which again or even

Time: 3462.319

just gaps between meals not constantly

Time: 3464.64

snacking or sipping on acidic beverages

Time: 3466.68

throughout the day as an opportunity to

Time: 3468.839

create that healthy milu during which

Time: 3471.28

the teeth can remineralize and the

Time: 3473.039

overall oral health can improve

Time: 3475.68

now does that mean you should never eat

Time: 3476.839

or drink anything during the middle of

Time: 3477.96

the day no I'm not saying that I'm

Time: 3479.88

saying that if you're going to do those

Time: 3481.079

things try and clear them from your

Time: 3482.44

mouth as I described

Time: 3484.48

before now many of you will probably say

Time: 3487.039

hey during the middle of the night I'm

Time: 3489.64

not eating or drinking anything for some

Time: 3491.119

of you that might be the only time that

Time: 3492.76

you're not eating or drinking anything

Time: 3494.079

because you're asleep one would hope

Time: 3496


Time: 3496.92

asleep but here's the interesting thing

Time: 3499.88

every cell tissue and organ in our body

Time: 3502.039

is on a 24-hour circadian clock I think

Time: 3504.16

many of you have heard heard me say that

Time: 3505.359

in the context of viewing morning

Time: 3506.44

sunlight and other protocols that I you

Time: 3508.559

know suggest on the huberman loud

Time: 3510.68

podcast but here's the interesting and

Time: 3513.16

important point in the middle of the

Time: 3514.599

night indeed you're not ingesting any

Time: 3517.119

food or fluids presumably but your

Time: 3519.799

saliva production is dramatically

Time: 3522.28

reduced again dramatically reduced and

Time: 3525.4

as a consequence if there's food or

Time: 3528.079

rather food opportunity for strep mutans

Time: 3532.559

and other bacteria to feed on and create

Time: 3534.48

a to erode your teeth the saliva

Time: 3537.4

necessary to offset that to combat that

Time: 3540.88

is simply not present or at least not

Time: 3542.839

present at the same levels that it is

Time: 3544.359

during the day so this is a sort of

Time: 3546.48

two-prong protocol on the one hand I'm

Time: 3548.92

saying you might consider trying to

Time: 3552

introduce maybe an hour or two hour or

Time: 3554.44

longer stretches during the day in which

Time: 3556.44

you're not ingesting any food and if

Time: 3559.24

you're drinking anything it's not acidic

Time: 3560.96

or if you are to try and rinse away that

Time: 3562.72

acid as much as possible so PL water

Time: 3565.039

would be great avoiding carbonated lemon

Time: 3567

water would be great but if you like

Time: 3568.52

those things and indeed I love those

Time: 3569.92

things I love carbonated lemon water I

Time: 3571.44

love things like yamat indeed the yate I

Time: 3574.44

like is cobw zero sugar but has some

Time: 3577.319

lemon and ginger in it okay that's

Time: 3580.28

fairly acidic but then drinking it down

Time: 3582.28

either pretty quickly or if you're going

Time: 3583.48

to sip on it then rinsing it away with

Time: 3584.839

some water and not doing that throughout

Time: 3586.599

the entire day and indeed I tend to

Time: 3587.88

drink my caffeine early in the day and

Time: 3589.359

not so much throughout the day maybe a

Time: 3591.4

little bit of mate in the afternoon

Time: 3593.4

sometimes okay so that's one aspect of

Time: 3597

maintaining or encouraging the correct

Time: 3600.039

pH of saliva to remineralize your teeth

Time: 3602.64

right create these windows of

Time: 3603.599

opportunity where there's a lot of

Time: 3604.599

saliva for long stretches of time during

Time: 3606.319

the day as long as possible while still

Time: 3608.559

making it compatible with your nutrition

Time: 3610.079

needs and your hydration needs of course

Time: 3612.2

the other prong or the other aspect of

Time: 3614.72

this protocol is that at night when you

Time: 3617.72

go to sleep you need to know you're not

Time: 3619.119

producing very much saliva and that's

Time: 3621.44

the critical time to make sure that

Time: 3623.559

there is as little opportunity is

Time: 3625.599

possible for strep mutans and other

Time: 3628.039

bacteria to feed on sugars or other food

Time: 3630.4

products and thereby to create acid that

Time: 3632.68

creates cavities and so this is a very

Time: 3634.96

important protocol that every single

Time: 3637.68

dental and oral health care professional

Time: 3639.599

I spoke to supported and indeed

Time: 3642.72

Champions which is if there is a most

Time: 3645.799

critical time of day or night to brush

Time: 3648.559

your teeth and floss and clean your

Time: 3650

teeth it's at nighttime it's at

Time: 3653.24

nighttime why am I saying this with such

Time: 3655.16

whispered importance well I think there

Time: 3657.76

are many people out there in particular

Time: 3659.52

people that fall into that second

Time: 3661.119

category that I mentioned at the

Time: 3662.28

beginning of today's episode that wake

Time: 3664.44

up in the morning and brush their teeth

Time: 3667.039

maybe even use

Time: 3668.28

mouthwash maybe floss and do a bunch of

Time: 3671.52

things to try and get their mouth clean

Time: 3673.079

and fresh especially if they're going to

Time: 3674.52

interact with other people during the

Time: 3675.799

day and to get rid of all the kind of

Time: 3677.96

stickiness and you know mouth you know

Time: 3679.4

morning breath that kind of thing but

Time: 3681.64

that at night they're finishing dinner

Time: 3684.16

maybe having some dessert doing some

Time: 3686.079

work and passing out without brushing

Time: 3687.68

their teeth or flossing or simply

Time: 3689.599

getting too lazy to brush or floss and

Time: 3691.52

by the way I'm going to raise my hand

Time: 3693.16

and just say for many years I was in

Time: 3695.92

that category I know ew gross but I was

Time: 3698.559

in that category I had high motivation

Time: 3700.52

to brush in floss or at least a brush in

Time: 3702.48

the morning very little motivation to do

Time: 3704.52

it in the evening every professional

Time: 3706.68

said if you're going to brush and floss

Time: 3709.44

just once per 24 hours and that is not

Time: 3711.76

what they recommend by the way but if

Time: 3713.2

you were going to do it just once the

Time: 3715.44

critical time the most essential time to

Time: 3718.16

brush and floss and clean the mouth and

Time: 3719.64

get the millu of the mouth correct for

Time: 3721.72

tooth care and mouth overall oral health

Time: 3724.96

is at night before you go to sleep

Time: 3727.119

because you already know the mechanistic

Time: 3729

backbone for this argument because at

Time: 3731.52

night you're producing far less saliva

Time: 3733.359

and if there's any food product there

Time: 3735.4

that the bacteria can feed on the saliva

Time: 3737.76

isn't there to combat that because it's

Time: 3739.52

a constant battle between acidity and

Time: 3741.279

alkalinity your saliva is coming in

Time: 3743.279

trying to save everything and the strep

Time: 3744.799

mutans is trying to destroy your teeth

Time: 3747.799

and the acid is the Weaponry they use

Time: 3749.68

and what fuels that Weaponry what

Time: 3751.359

provides them more ammo to destroy your

Time: 3753.16

teeth are sugars and acidity so if you

Time: 3757.72

were going to brush your floss and

Time: 3759.52

ideally you do both only once per 24

Time: 3761.68

hours it would be at night before going

Time: 3764

to sleep indeed so much so that I would

Time: 3765.88

say that nighttime brushing and flossing

Time: 3768.599

is perhaps one of the most important

Time: 3770.039

things that we could do for overall oral

Time: 3772

health care we'll talk about what to do

Time: 3774.48

what to use for brushing and flossing in

Time: 3776.4

a few minutes but that's absolutely

Time: 3778.839

essential I do not want that to be

Time: 3781

translated into you only need to brush

Time: 3785.119

or brush and floss once per 24 hours

Time: 3788.119

every professional I spoke to and all of

Time: 3790.16

the data point to the fact that doing it

Time: 3791.839

twice per 24 hours is best or perhaps

Time: 3795.559

even three times per 24 hours but let's

Time: 3797.44

be honest most people are not going to

Time: 3798.839

brush and floss three times every 24

Time: 3801.599

hours some will but most won't and now

Time: 3803.88

of course I've been saying brushing and

Time: 3805.2

flossing but I haven't talked about the

Time: 3807.839

incredibly extensive landscape of how to

Time: 3811.16

brush and floss so now let's take

Time: 3814.24

ourselves back to being little kids

Time: 3816.24

right when we were taught to brush our

Time: 3818.319

teeth in a particular way you know

Time: 3819.559

you're supposed to spend a certain

Time: 3820.52

number of minutes set a timer supposed

Time: 3822.4

to floss in a certain way every time we

Time: 3823.76

go to the dentist they tell us to floss

Time: 3825.279

in a certain way do this not this what

Time: 3827.599

do the data really say what are the

Time: 3829.72

modern health professionals in dental

Time: 3831.92

and oral health really suggest in we do

Time: 3835.119

when it comes to brushing and flossing

Time: 3836.72

and fortunately here there's a near

Time: 3839.559

uniform consensus there's always that

Time: 3841.119

outlier that person that says to do

Time: 3842.559

things a little bit differently or no

Time: 3844.44

there's in fact one person very

Time: 3845.88

prominent in the dental health space

Time: 3847.92

that is not a fan of flossing but they

Time: 3849.88

are really the outlier the vast majority

Time: 3852.48

of dentists out there all say the same

Time: 3855.72

thing you need to brush you need to

Time: 3857.72

floss you need to do it twice a day or

Time: 3860.2

more and you need to do it correctly so

Time: 3862.839

now let's talk about what Cor correct

Time: 3864.52

brushing and flossing really is okay so

Time: 3867.119

I'm not going to demonstrate how to

Time: 3868.52

brush your teeth but one very actionable

Time: 3870.839

protocol that was told to me by all the

Time: 3873.839

dental professionals I spoke to was use

Time: 3876.839

a soft toothbrush now this one hurts or

Time: 3880.52

I suppose hurts less anyway it hurts my

Time: 3883.599

heart a little bit because I enjoy very

Time: 3886.92

much using a medium or hard toothbrush

Time: 3889

and really like scrubbing back there

Time: 3890.839

especially in the teeth in the back it

Time: 3892.119

just feels good I feel like I'm doing

Time: 3893.72

something good I get into the backs of

Time: 3895.16

the teeth the fronts of the teeth I know

Time: 3896.76

I actually enjoy brushing my teeth

Time: 3898.48

especially lately don't ask me why but I

Time: 3902.359

do but every single one of them said

Time: 3904.76

that that very vigorous brushing with

Time: 3907.16

medium or hard as they're called

Time: 3910.359

bristles really disrupts the interface

Time: 3913.079

between the teeth and the gums in ways

Time: 3914.68

That's not healthy for the gums and

Time: 3916.079

actually makes tenting of the gums and

Time: 3917.559

those Pockets those recesses as they're

Time: 3919.359

called far more likely to form and every

Time: 3921.48

single one of them said if you are

Time: 3923.279

regular with your brushing and

Time: 3926.079

especially if you're brushing and

Time: 3927.319

flossing regularly that a soft

Time: 3929.319

toothbrush that is one that's moved in a

Time: 3931.48

circular motion on the fronts and backs

Time: 3933.839

of your teeth for all your teeth and

Time: 3936.44

that is gentle you're not providing a

Time: 3938.599

lot of pressure is going to be the best

Time: 3940.72

way to break up that bofilm layer each

Time: 3943.4

and every time and promote the best

Time: 3946

tooth and overall oral health so I

Time: 3949.48

suppose um manufacturers who are making

Time: 3951.839

medium and hard toothbrushes maybe give

Time: 3953.319

us some w rationale for that um you know

Time: 3956.079

because the dental professionals that I

Time: 3957.44

spoke to and again I spoke to a fair

Time: 3959.079

number of them all said the same thing

Time: 3960.88

soft toothbrush Notch just better soft

Time: 3963.599

toothbrush best likewise if you use an

Time: 3966.359

electric toothbrush which I now do

Time: 3969.079

sometimes I switch back and forth but if

Time: 3970.48

you use an electric toothbrush it was

Time: 3972.24

recommended that you not provide too

Time: 3973.839

much pressure that you really try and

Time: 3975.599

keep the tips of the bristles on the the

Time: 3978.72

teeth and gums and yes it was also

Time: 3980.88

suggested that people brush their gums

Time: 3982.76

this is interesting for people out there

Time: 3984.88

who have tooth sensitivity one of the

Time: 3987.4

major suggestions from people in the

Time: 3989.2

dental and perodontal field at least the

Time: 3991.119

ones I spoke to was to actually brush

Time: 3994

your gums lightly to increase

Time: 3995.68

circulation of blood and other nutrients

Time: 3998.119

to the deeper portions of the tooth that

Time: 4000.839

actually extend into the bone now there

Time: 4003.16

is a tremendous amount of blood flow to

Time: 4005.96

the gums anyone who's um you know sort

Time: 4008.52

of nicked their uh gum with a while

Time: 4011.4

while flossing or with a toothpick can

Time: 4013.359

tell you bleeds very readily and that's

Time: 4015.52

not a good thing right you don't want to

Time: 4016.96

create bleeding of the gums we'll talk

Time: 4018.24

about bleeding of the gums during

Time: 4019.319

flossing in a moment by the way so don't

Time: 4020.839

jump the gun just yet I said jump the

Time: 4023.079

gun not jump the gum by the way if you

Time: 4026.64

are brushing your gums make sure you're

Time: 4029.599

using a soft toothbrush if you're using

Time: 4031.799

electric toothbrush make sure you're

Time: 4033.039

going very lightly on the gums and

Time: 4035

because there's so much blood flow to

Time: 4036.599

the gums it does encourage a lot of

Time: 4038.279

circulation to some of the deeper

Time: 4041.079

cavities of the tooth as it turns out I

Time: 4043.359

don't want to reverse to tooth anatomy

Time: 4044.88

in any kind of detailed way now but of

Time: 4047.039

course within the tooth you have again

Time: 4050.4

enamel you have the Dentin you've got

Time: 4052.279

What's called the the pulp or the center

Time: 4054

there's a lot of nerves inating the

Time: 4055.799

center of the tooth there's a bunch of

Time: 4058.319

other tissues and and the bone around it

Time: 4060.4

and layers Etc and when you massage or

Time: 4063.52

lightly brush the gums around there

Time: 4064.88

you're encouraging a lot of blood flow

Time: 4066.76

to those deeper components of the tooth

Time: 4068.64

which are really the live and active

Time: 4070.44

components of the tooth that require

Time: 4071.96

blood flow and nutrients so this is a

Time: 4073.52

good thing in fact it's probably such a

Time: 4075.4

good thing that most people perhaps all

Time: 4077.4

of us should do it but most people

Time: 4079.079

probably won't take the time to also

Time: 4080.559

brush their gums but if you have a

Time: 4082.2

little bit of time it can be beneficial

Time: 4084.039

especially if you have sensitive teeth

Time: 4086.319

the idea that's of emerging now in the

Time: 4088.039

dental field is that it can help promote

Time: 4090.48

resilience or less sensitivity of the

Time: 4093.16

teeth to things like hot and cold and

Time: 4094.92

maybe even to pressure so before we talk

Time: 4097.159

about flossing I just want to

Time: 4098.679

reemphasize that the reason to brush

Time: 4100.52

your teeth and the reason to brush your

Time: 4101.839

teeth lightly or without too much

Time: 4104.08

pressure that is is that if you're

Time: 4106.12

regular with your toothbrushing and

Time: 4107.64

flossing the main goal of brushing is to

Time: 4110.279

break up the biofilm layer that provides

Time: 4112.239

a substrate for strep mutans and other

Time: 4115.279

bacteria to layer on thicker layers of

Time: 4117.719

bacteria so-called plaque that will

Time: 4119.52

eventually turn to Tarter okay if we

Time: 4122.279

really want to gross ourselves out and

Time: 4124.239

really motivate brushing and flossing

Time: 4125.92

maybe we should describe that what

Time: 4127.239

happens with strep mutans is it forms

Time: 4129.52

these strand-like bacteria so these are

Time: 4132.12

like little Celia so they're attached to

Time: 4134.12

the tooth is the bofilm layer so like

Time: 4135.679

little strands of strings but if enough

Time: 4137.88

of it accumulates and it gets thicker

Time: 4139.52

and kind of Mossy it's kind of like you

Time: 4142.04

know thicker it looks kind of sponge

Time: 4143.88

form and that's the plaque and then if

Time: 4145.759

enough of it forms and there's enough

Time: 4147.279

acidity in the mouth then it forms

Time: 4149.759

tartter which is the hard caked on stuff

Time: 4151.92

that requires scraping off by the

Time: 4153.96

dentist you know and some people get a

Time: 4155.719

lot of tartar some people have less

Time: 4156.92

Tarter buildup depending on how diligent

Time: 4159.239

they are at removing the bofilm with

Time: 4161.92

brushing now you can remove biofilm and

Time: 4164.719

plaque with brushing but once it starts

Time: 4166.6

to form tarar that is once it's layered

Time: 4169.08

on sometimes it has a yellowish tint to

Time: 4170.96

it then you really start to run into

Time: 4172.88

trouble because brushing and flossing

Time: 4174.96

will not remove that tarar and that's

Time: 4176.96

why the dentist needs to get in there

Time: 4178.319

and scrape it away so it's ideal to be

Time: 4180.759

diligent about removing the bacteria

Time: 4182.679

while it's still in that strand or

Time: 4184.04

plaque form ideally within this when

Time: 4185.96

it's still in that strand form removing

Time: 4188.12

that bofilm if you've ever been to the

Time: 4190.48

dentist you may recall they'll do this

Time: 4191.88

tooth polishing you know they'll do that

Time: 4193.48

thing the kind of gritty stuff on your

Time: 4195.719

teeth and you wonder um you know is this

Time: 4198.44

to make my teeth whiter and indeed it

Time: 4200

can create a bit more shine or Sheen to

Time: 4202.719

uh your teeth but the main reason for

Time: 4204.84

doing that it turns out is to make the

Time: 4206.56

surfaces of your teeth smooth after all

Time: 4208.6

they do it on your backs your your teeth

Time: 4210.199

too right if they're good dentist they

Time: 4212.159

do on the backs of your teeth as well

Time: 4213.96

why would they do it there it can't be

Time: 4215.239

for cosmetic purposes well they do that

Time: 4217.12

because the smooth surface makes it

Time: 4218.44

harder for those strands that bofilm to

Time: 4221.159

stick and form and certainly for the

Time: 4223.76

more dense plaque and Tarter layers to

Time: 4226.44

build up on top of it so they're making

Time: 4227.84

your teeth smooth so that the the

Time: 4229.36

bacteria can't adhere to it as readily

Time: 4231.52

but it's the daily Protocols of tooth

Time: 4234.92

and oral health that are really critical

Time: 4237.32

we'll talk about dental visits and

Time: 4238.719

frequency of dental visits and what a

Time: 4240.239

dental visit is really about is it

Time: 4241.8

always about cleaning or filling Etc but

Time: 4244.32

in the

Time: 4245.32

meantime brushing and brushing often

Time: 4248.6

enough such that you don't get any

Time: 4250.48

buildup of bofilm for very long periods

Time: 4252.36

of time a eliminating or reducing the

Time: 4255.08

amount of plaque and tartter that builds

Time: 4257

up is going to be your best strategy for

Time: 4260.36

improving tooth Health now what about

Time: 4263.56

flossing there's a little bit of debate

Time: 4265.64

about flossing in the Dentistry field

Time: 4268.04

some people say if your gums bleed when

Time: 4271.6

you floss you need to floss more in fact

Time: 4274.92

most dentists I spoke to said that but

Time: 4277.28

they also emphasize that you need to

Time: 4279.12

floss correctly you can't just pull the

Time: 4281.52

floss down onto the gum in between the

Time: 4284

tooth you need to Glide down the side of

Time: 4286.8

the tooth get a little bit underneath

Time: 4288.84

the gum and use a circular motion and

Time: 4291.6

then lift up from between the two teeth

Time: 4294.76

which frankly is a lot easier if your

Time: 4297

teeth aren't very very close together

Time: 4299

right some of us have teeth that are

Time: 4300.4

very close together and when you try and

Time: 4302.199

bring it up through the teeth it's more

Time: 4303.639

of an effort okay but they really all

Time: 4306.199

emphasize trying to not drop this you

Time: 4309.12

know rather sharp floss and the you know

Time: 4312.12

here we could also be talking about the

Time: 4313.239

tooth pick based floss where there's a

Time: 4314.6

little Arc with a with a a little bit of

Time: 4316.8

floss across from it the ones that you

Time: 4318.48

can buy some people actually use

Time: 4320.199

toothpicks they're old fashion method um

Time: 4323.76

frankly most dentists I spoke to don't

Time: 4325.44

want people jabbing their mouth and gums

Time: 4327.6

with toothpicks you can decide for

Time: 4329.88

yourself but almost all of them except

Time: 4332.199

for one felt that flossing is a great

Time: 4335.6

idea for tooth health and that if your

Time: 4337.159

gums bleed when you floss correctly as I

Time: 4339.88

just described what correct flossing is

Time: 4342.08

that you

Time: 4344

best strategy is to floss at least twice

Time: 4345.88

a day between all of your teeth and if

Time: 4348.159

you're not going to floss twice a day

Time: 4349.28

for whatever reason in protest or for

Time: 4351.239

lack of time at least once a day and

Time: 4353.08

when would that once a day be it would

Time: 4354.48

be at night before going to sleep for

Time: 4355.88

the reasons we talked about earlier and

Time: 4358

several dentists I spoke to said that

Time: 4359.32

using a water pick is going to be better

Time: 4362.719

than using more typical floss or for or

Time: 4365.92

using those toothpick based floss

Time: 4367.679

approaches because it's gentler on the

Time: 4369.56

teeth I personally have not used a water

Time: 4371.719

pick but I'm sort of intrigued by the

Time: 4373.48

the concept because it sounds like it's

Time: 4375.199

um much harder to damage the gums and

Time: 4376.84

teeth by doing it and that it is at

Time: 4378.6

least as efficient as standard flossing

Time: 4381.84

so for those of you that have the

Time: 4383.56

disposable income and the interest in

Time: 4385.159

using a water pick sounds like it could

Time: 4386.48

be a really good idea for the vast

Time: 4388.88

majority of us like me just getting some

Time: 4391.8

traditional uh floss and using dental

Time: 4393.96

floss um at least once a day at night

Time: 4396.6

and ideally also in the morning after

Time: 4399.36

brushing that seems like the most direct

Time: 4401.84

and lowcost strategy I should just

Time: 4404.32

mention that the pediatric dentist that

Time: 4406.639

I spoke to mentioned that flossing is

Time: 4409.4

really about removing food product from

Time: 4411.679

between the teeth and therefore children

Time: 4414.199

younger than six who typically have big

Time: 4416.8

spaces between their baby teeth and

Time: 4418.92

their adult teeth have not yet come in

Time: 4420.48

in fact that's what those spaces are

Time: 4421.719

about by the way unless you're me and

Time: 4423.8

when you were a kid your teeth were too

Time: 4425.32

close together and all your adult teeth

Time: 4426.92

came in behind those teeth it was really

Time: 4429.08

miserable experience for me most kids

Time: 4431.04

their baby teeth are spaced out a bit

Time: 4433.12

and in order to allow the adult teeth to

Time: 4434.96

come in to erupt as it's called such a

Time: 4437.12

dramatic word I love reading this

Time: 4439.48

literature you know when the molers

Time: 4441.36

erupt it's like whoa no it just come up

Time: 4443.92

through the gums those spaces are really

Time: 4446.08

there for the adult teeth to come up

Time: 4448.28

through the gums and so it was suggested

Time: 4451.239

that children who have those spaces

Time: 4452.92

between their teeth and the spaces are

Time: 4455

big don't need to floss between those

Time: 4458.4

teeth because it could cause some damage

Time: 4459.92

to the gums rather they should just

Time: 4461.639

focus on their brushing now let's talk

Time: 4464.04

about some protocols that involve

Time: 4465.44

changing the chemistry of your mouth not

Time: 4468.32

just immediately after meals or during

Time: 4470.32

brushing or flossing but really around

Time: 4473.28

the clock and one of the key protocols

Time: 4475.6

that I'd like to discuss is the use of

Time: 4477.76

an artificial sugar called Xylitol

Time: 4480.56

xylitol is a very low calorie sweetener

Time: 4484.239

I can place it among the other low

Time: 4485.76

calorie sweeteners like aspartame

Time: 4487.6

sucrose Stevia Etc but what's unique

Time: 4490.92

about xylitol is that very much like

Time: 4494.32

standard sugar or any kind of

Time: 4496.56


Time: 4497.92

sugar the bacteria streptococus mutans

Time: 4501.52

loves to eat Xylitol but when

Time: 4504.8

streptococus mutans eats Xylitol it

Time: 4508.12

doesn't meaning it cannot produce the

Time: 4510.719

acid that normally would demineralize

Time: 4513.52

the teeth and create cavities in

Time: 4515.8

addition to that when streptococus

Time: 4517.28

mutans eats Xylitol it kills

Time: 4519.96

streptococus mutans so what this means

Time: 4522.239

is that if xylol is present in the oral

Time: 4524.44

cavity after a meal say in the minutes

Time: 4526.28

and hours after a meal then any strep

Time: 4528.84

mutans that happens to be there is going

Time: 4531.12

to preferentially feed on the Xylitol

Time: 4533.44

not other sugars and it won't be able to

Time: 4536

release acid and because Xylitol can

Time: 4538.8

actually inhibit the growth and that is

Time: 4541.04

the proliferation of more strep mutans

Time: 4543.32

we've got a twofer we've got a situation

Time: 4545.28

where strep mutans can't release acid to

Time: 4548.52

demineralize the teeth and potentially

Time: 4550.32

cause cavities and the total amount of

Time: 4552.32

strep mutans that can grow that can

Time: 4554.199

proliferate in what are called colonies

Time: 4556.239

literally the bacteria colonizes on the

Time: 4558.239

teeth in that forming that bofilm well

Time: 4560.6

then that can't happen so xylitol is a

Time: 4563.159

very potent tool for improving oral

Time: 4564.96

health in this way in addition Xylitol

Time: 4568.159

reduces inflammation of the gum tissue

Time: 4570.56

and other soft tissues of the mouth and

Time: 4572.84

so xylitol is providing an array of

Time: 4574.88

positive benefits especially when it's

Time: 4576.96

present to the mouth immediately after

Time: 4578.76

meals and for that reason there are a

Time: 4580.639

number of different dentists that have

Time: 4581.88

created Xylitol products

Time: 4583.8

in the form of gums or in the form of

Time: 4585.96

mints specifically to be used after

Time: 4588.36

meals so by chewing a few of these

Time: 4590.199

Xylitol mints or by chewing a Xylitol

Time: 4592.56

based gum immediately after a meal

Time: 4594.679

you're taking substantial steps towards

Time: 4596.679

improving the chemical milu of your

Time: 4598.719

mouth and inhibiting the proliferation

Time: 4601.04

of cavity forming streptococus mutants

Time: 4603.88

now you can also find some literature on

Time: 4606.199

other proposed benefits of Xylitol such

Time: 4608.76

as you know improving overall

Time: 4611.28

microbiome uh such as reducing

Time: 4613.4

inflammation in other tissues besides

Time: 4615.48

the gums and within the mouth there is

Time: 4617.719

some evidence that it can support the

Time: 4619.32

gut microbiome because of course the

Time: 4621.159

oral microbiome and the gut microbiome

Time: 4622.92

are contiguous they have different

Time: 4624.32

compartments I mean you might even be

Time: 4625.639

surprised to learn that within your

Time: 4627.8

mouth there are different niches as

Time: 4629.36

they're called for instance there's

Time: 4631.36

different microbiota that live on the

Time: 4632.84

gums versus the hard pallet versus the

Time: 4634.88

soft pallet back in the throat and then

Time: 4637.199

as you descend into the gut Etc and it

Time: 4639.8

does appear that Xylitol has certain

Time: 4642.04

positive benefits for all of those

Time: 4643.56

different gut microbiome niches but the

Time: 4645.96

literature on that is less well

Time: 4647.32

substantiated than for instance the

Time: 4649.239

literature showing that if xylitol is

Time: 4651.92

put in as a surrogate sugar substrate

Time: 4655.04

for strep mutans that it disables strep

Time: 4657.28

mutans and can prevent the formation of

Time: 4659.6

cavities now as far as I know when

Time: 4661.32

consumed in mint form or gum form I'm

Time: 4664.28

not aware of any specific side effects

Time: 4666.6

or bad effects of Xylitol provided that

Time: 4669.08

it's not consumed in excess but as with

Time: 4671.28

everything dosage matters so if you're

Time: 4673.719

somebody who wants to explore the use of

Time: 4675.44

xylol gum or xylol mins after a meal I

Time: 4678.36

wouldn't suggest going from consuming

Time: 4679.84

zero Xylitol mins to consuming 50 a day

Time: 4682.48

or something like that or even 10 a day

Time: 4684.36

you might start off slowly and just

Time: 4685.76

consume one or two after a meal maybe

Time: 4687.8

just your morning meal maybe just your

Time: 4689.239

evening meal something of that sort

Time: 4691.88

rather than chewing Xylitol gum all day

Time: 4694.28

long etc etc I'll just mention one other

Time: 4696.679

positive benefit of Xylitol gum which is

Time: 4699.52

if you use Xylitol gum after say your

Time: 4701.96

noon meal or your early Day meal it

Time: 4704.6

further increases the production of

Time: 4706.28

saliva which as we talked about before

Time: 4708.4

is a great thing because one of the best

Time: 4711.4

ways to support oral health and tooth

Time: 4713.159

health is to have a long stretch of time

Time: 4715.08

in the middle of the day where you're

Time: 4716.52

producing a lot of healthy saliva in

Time: 4718.52

large amounts because again saliva is

Time: 4720.199

this incredible stuff that's supporting

Time: 4721.88

remineralization of the teeth so lots

Time: 4724

and lots of reasons to think about maybe

Time: 4725.76

consider using xotl gum or xotl mins

Time: 4728.92

there are a number of different ones

Time: 4730

available out there I have zero again

Time: 4732.6

zero Z Financial relationship to any of

Time: 4734.84

those Mint or gum companies I'll provide

Time: 4737.12

a link in the show note captions to One

Time: 4739.6

Source the company and the products were

Time: 4741.32

developed by a dentist Dr Ellie Phillips

Time: 4743.76

who is quite prominent in the public

Time: 4745.56

health education space around dental

Time: 4747.199

health some of her views are a little

Time: 4749

bit controversial like her views on

Time: 4750.32

flossing other of her views I find

Time: 4752.96

frankly quite ahead of their time in

Time: 4754.48

that she's been talking about a number

Time: 4755.679

of these things like promoting the

Time: 4757.04

health of the oral microbiome and the

Time: 4760.56

potential value of Xylitol gums and etc

Time: 4763.76

for some period of time I think most of

Time: 4766.12

the information that she puts out there

Time: 4767.56

is supported by other dentists and she

Time: 4769.44

still suggests regular Dental visit so

Time: 4771.8

um you know nothing Renegade out there

Time: 4773.679

or heretical uh again there are other

Time: 4775.92

sources of xotl gums and mints that you

Time: 4778.52

could consider I'm simply putting a link

Time: 4780.719

to the one that I use because I happen

Time: 4782.199

to use them and like them so I'd like to

Time: 4784.28

use the discussion about Xylitol as a

Time: 4786.159

segue into a discussion about toothpaste

Time: 4788.56

because there is a lot of controversy

Time: 4790.84

out there about which tooth space are

Time: 4793.4

better for us maybe even bad for us and

Time: 4795.84

best for us I think it's fair to say

Time: 4798.6

based on what we all now know about

Time: 4800.639

xylol that if you can find a toothpaste

Time: 4803.159

that contains Xylitol as a sweetener

Time: 4805.32

that can only be a good thing and indeed

Time: 4807.56

there are a number of them out there

Time: 4808.92

we'll talk about specific sources in a

Time: 4810.56

little bit but let's just put Xylitol on

Time: 4813.199

the um short to not so short list of

Time: 4815.52

things that would be great to have in a

Time: 4817.12

toothpaste for all the reasons that you

Time: 4818.88

now understand the real big question

Time: 4821.48

with toothpaste is always should I use a

Time: 4823.96

toothpaste that has fluoride or avoid

Time: 4826.48

toothpastes that have fluoride and in

Time: 4828.12

order to answer that we have to go back

Time: 4829.719

to our earlier discussion about fluoride

Time: 4831.4

it really depends on whether or not

Time: 4832.8

you're somebody that thinks that

Time: 4833.96

fluoride is great because it creates

Time: 4835.6

these super physiologically strong bonds

Time: 4838.28

within our teeth the crystal structures

Time: 4839.8

are that much stronger than when formed

Time: 4841.84

by hydroxy appetite or whether or not

Time: 4843.719

you're somebody who is wary of fluoride

Time: 4846.76

that you're concerned about potential

Time: 4848.8

brain health issues or thyroid issues

Time: 4851.12

and you know here I think people really

Time: 4852.88

do fall into either camp or the camp

Time: 4854.76

frankly of I don't know should I be

Time: 4856.679

worried I don't know if I should be

Time: 4857.679

worried I personally grew up using

Time: 4860.32

fluide toothpaste we had the kind of

Time: 4862.52

standard name brand fluoride toothpaste

Time: 4865

um in our bathroom I brushed my teeth

Time: 4866.88

with those for years whether or not that

Time: 4868.76

negatively impacted my health or not I

Time: 4870.6

don't know uh get my blood work done my

Time: 4873.239

thyroid hormones are normal um my brain

Time: 4876.32

works at least you know reasonably well

Time: 4878.199

but I do realize that some people are

Time: 4879.52

very concerned about fluoride and they

Time: 4881.199

just don't want it anywhere near their

Time: 4883.08

kids they don't want it anywhere near

Time: 4885.08

themselves so if you're somebody who's

Time: 4886.36

going to air on the side of caution with

Time: 4888.04

fluoride and you are seeking a non

Time: 4890.48

floride containing toothpaste there are

Time: 4892.92

such toothpaste out there and most of

Time: 4895.88

those if not all of them contain you

Time: 4898.44

guest it hydroxy appetite they contain

Time: 4900.719

the minerals that naturally form the

Time: 4902.32

bonds that create that additional enamel

Time: 4905.44

that can potentially fill in cavities

Time: 4907.44

and by remineralization of the enamel

Time: 4910.159

and some of the deeper layers of the

Time: 4911.6

tooth so if one is seeking toothpaste

Time: 4913.84

and you want to avoid fluoride you'd

Time: 4915.76

want to find something that ideally had

Time: 4917.32

hydroxy appetite and something that had

Time: 4920.199

Xylitol and they often also contain some

Time: 4923.08

sort of mild abrasive okay not a not a

Time: 4926.239

really scratchy abrasive substance um

Time: 4929

but a mild abrasive that can really

Time: 4930.96

allow for breaking up of the bofilm that

Time: 4932.84

we talked about earlier now I've

Time: 4934.679

provided links to a couple of sources

Time: 4936.36

for such toothpaste and also for these

Time: 4938.96

little toothpaste tablets um that I've

Time: 4940.84

been using lately as well sometimes

Time: 4942.639

switch back and forth between the two

Time: 4944.04

these are tablets that you chew up and

Time: 4946.04

then you uh brush your teeth immediately

Time: 4947.639

after you with your wet toothbrush both

Time: 4949.719

of them work quite well again I want to

Time: 4951.679

be clear that the companies that I've

Time: 4953.12

provided links to in the show note

Time: 4954.44

captions are companies for which I have

Time: 4956.28

absolutely zero Financial relationship I

Time: 4958.679

do know some of the people that started

Time: 4961.6

these companies I actually discovered

Time: 4963.04

these companies because these people are

Time: 4964.6

dentists or periodontists or other

Time: 4966.96

people in the oral health field uh but I

Time: 4969.679

also want to be very clear that there

Time: 4970.84

was no exchange of promo of their

Time: 4973

products for information or otherwise I

Time: 4975.28

simply tried and like the products and I

Time: 4978

just so happen to have learned some

Time: 4979.28

things about Oral healthc Care from

Time: 4981.12

these people separate and away from

Time: 4983.28

anything about toothpaste or Xylitol Etc

Time: 4986.52

okay so want to be very clear that I do

Time: 4988.84

believe these are quality sources these

Time: 4990.36

are the toothpaste and tooth tablets

Time: 4991.92

that I happen to use gums and mints that

Time: 4993.52

I happen to use large part as a

Time: 4996.32

consequence of researching this episode

Time: 4998.4

but I pay full price for them I'm

Time: 5000.719

certainly not suggesting that anyone

Time: 5002.6

else has to use them they just represent

Time: 5005.32

one option if you're looking for non-

Time: 5007.32

fluoride containing toothpaste and some

Time: 5009.84

other things to promote oral health and

Time: 5011.88

I'm sure there are other sources out

Time: 5013.28

there and if you'd like to refer the

Time: 5015.44

various viewers and listeners of this

Time: 5016.88

podcast to those sources because you

Time: 5018.12

feel very strongly about those other

Time: 5019.44

sources just put those in the comment

Time: 5021.6

section on YouTube okay let's talk about

Time: 5023.88

mouthwash or mouthwashes plural at the

Time: 5027.28

beginning of today's episode I said

Time: 5029.159

let's determine what category of oral

Time: 5031.52

health you are in are you somebody who

Time: 5034.159

pays a lot of attention to oral health

Time: 5035.639

you brush and floss at least twice a day

Time: 5037.76

you're using mouthwashes tooth whiteners

Time: 5039.679

perhaps as well or are you in category

Time: 5042.48

two or three well here's the deal most

Time: 5046.88

all most all not all but most all

Time: 5049.6

mouthwashes especially those containing

Time: 5053.36

alcohol are terrible for oral health

Time: 5057.88

simply put they deplete certain

Time: 5061.6

components of the mucosal lining of the

Time: 5063.4

mouth and they disrupt the healthy

Time: 5065.719

components of the oral microbiome so for

Time: 5068.52

those of you that rely on such

Time: 5070.6

mouthwashes I would really encourage you

Time: 5072.8

to learn more about them you're about to

Time: 5074.639

do that now you're already doing that

Time: 5076.08

now and to really consider whether or

Time: 5077.639

not they are helping or harming your

Time: 5079.32

oral health now I'm not suggesting that

Time: 5081.48

you create a scenario where your breath

Time: 5083.8

is causing other people to dissolve into

Time: 5085.719

a puddle of Tears or back away from you

Time: 5088.639

quickly that's not what you want that's

Time: 5090.52

not what I want that's not what anyone

Time: 5091.8

wants but I think it's important to

Time: 5094

realize that these alcohol-based

Time: 5096

mouthwashes are not good for us in

Time: 5099.159

addition they're antiseptic mouthwashes

Time: 5101.36

some of which contain alcohol some of

Time: 5102.96

which don't which sometimes are

Time: 5105.28

prescribed for very serious bacterial

Time: 5107.56

overgrowth and infections of the oral

Time: 5109.32

cavity if your dentist or physician or

Time: 5112.08

periodontist prescribes those I

Time: 5114.119

certainly am not going to try and get in

Time: 5115.6

the way of that prescription that's

Time: 5117.32

between you and your healthc care

Time: 5118.44

professional but you would be wise to

Time: 5120.28

ask them whether or not these

Time: 5122.32

chlorohexidine type mouthwashes Etc are

Time: 5125.679

potentially bad for other components of

Time: 5127.56

oral health or microbiota in the gut

Time: 5131.639

generally because in some cases they

Time: 5133.4

have been shown to be not good for us at

Time: 5135.719

the same time we don't want

Time: 5137.08

overproliferation of really bad bacteria

Time: 5139.52

in the mouth so we don't want infections

Time: 5140.84

to run wild either most people however

Time: 5143.56

are using mouthwashes to freshen their

Time: 5145.6

breath and to kill off additional

Time: 5147.96

bacteria in the mouth that they might

Time: 5149.44

believe they couldn't get with brushing

Time: 5150.8

or flossing if if you are somebody who

Time: 5153.4

really wants to use a mouthwash for that

Time: 5155.119

reason I encourage you to try and find a

Time: 5158.239

mouthwash that is not alcohol-based and

Time: 5161.44

that is not a strong antiseptic or that

Time: 5164.639

if it is an antiseptic that it's not

Time: 5166.6

alcohol based okay and such mouthwashes

Time: 5169.36

exist out there they're a little bit

Time: 5170.96

hard to find I'll provide a link to at

Time: 5172.76

least a couple of them in the show note

Time: 5174.76

captions here I have to say I have not

Time: 5176.8

tried those mouthwashes yet they do come

Time: 5179.159

from sources in which they were

Time: 5180.44

developed by licensed mental healthare

Time: 5182.96

professionals but this is always the

Time: 5184.8

case when somebody's selling something

Time: 5186.84

it's worthwhile to do diligence now as

Time: 5189.6

we talk about toothpaste and mints and

Time: 5191.6

gums and mouthwashes I think it's worth

Time: 5194.44

taking a step back and also asking the

Time: 5196.52

question are there any zero or very very

Time: 5199.32

lowc cost or even cost-saving

Time: 5200.96

alternatives to any of this and the

Time: 5202.8

great answer is yes there are actually a

Time: 5205.44

number of things that you can do with

Time: 5207.52

basic over-the-counter stuff from the

Time: 5209.08

grocery store that all the dentists I

Time: 5211.36

spoke to said yeah that's a pretty good

Time: 5213.639

option it's not the best option

Time: 5215.239

available perhaps but it's a pretty good

Time: 5217

option and in many cases it's better

Time: 5219.04

than the typical commercially available

Time: 5221.119

toothpaste or mouthwash for

Time: 5223.52

instance I would imagine based on

Time: 5226.239

everything I now know about the

Time: 5228.28

structure of teeth that using something

Time: 5230.159

like baking soda to brush the teeth

Time: 5232.4

would indeed scrape off the bofilm

Time: 5234.28

perhaps even whiten the teeth a little

Time: 5236.04

bit although as we talked about earlier

Time: 5237.32

you're not really whitening the teeth

Time: 5238.52

you're actually just changing the um

Time: 5240.96

reflectiveness uh and some of the

Time: 5243.119

composition of that enamel which is

Time: 5244.88

translucent so that you can see the

Time: 5246.6

underlying components better well I

Time: 5249.6

talked to several dentists and they told

Time: 5251.88

me that baking soda actually is fairly

Time: 5254

low on the abrasiveness rating scale

Time: 5256.76

they have a specific rating scale for

Time: 5258.08

this that we don't have to go into but

Time: 5259.76

it's actually considered quite safe for

Time: 5261.32

the enamel of the teeth especially if

Time: 5262.76

you're brushing with a soft toothbrush

Time: 5264.48

and you're not like really grinding the

Time: 5265.96

stuff against your teeth at maximum

Time: 5267.96

intensity or even near maximum intensity

Time: 5270.28

so it turns out that baking soda and

Time: 5271.719

water is actually a pretty good

Time: 5273.52

toothpaste if you're not going to go buy

Time: 5275.48

a toothpaste so that's good news now you

Time: 5277.92

may have heard that you can make a sort

Time: 5279.48

of mouth wash or mouth rinse with baking

Time: 5282.199

soda water and a little bit of hydrogen

Time: 5285

peroxide I want to emphasize a little

Time: 5287.239

bit but I'm also going to emphasize I

Time: 5289.4

don't think this is a good idea at all

Time: 5291.679

why is it not a good idea at all well

Time: 5293.4

first of all when we were kids we used

Time: 5294.679

to take baking soda and hydrogen

Time: 5296.119

peroxide and put them together to

Time: 5297.36

simulate volcanoes so um that tells you

Time: 5300.08

right there the kind of chemical

Time: 5301.4

reaction that you're going to get but in

Time: 5303.44

addition to that it's pretty clear that

Time: 5305.8


Time: 5306.8

peroxide unless there's a specific

Time: 5309.159

medical recommendation to do so is not

Time: 5311.04

something you want to introduce to the

Time: 5312.28

oral cavity now this is something that

Time: 5314.44

I'm very familiar with because when I

Time: 5316.04

was a postto so this is in the 2005 to

Time: 5319.119

2010 stretch I started to get some

Time: 5323.04

pretty bad caners saurus I don't know

Time: 5325.239

about you but krur feel awful to me I

Time: 5328.92

hate them when you eat they hurt when

Time: 5330.96

you swallow they hurt when do anything

Time: 5332.52

they pretty much hurt and someone gave

Time: 5334.199

me the recommendation to use a little

Time: 5336.56

bit of baking soda dissolved in some

Time: 5338.28

water and a little bit of hydrogen

Time: 5340.36

peroxide to use that as a oral rinse and

Time: 5343.4

of course then to spit it out and I did

Time: 5345.28

that and actually what happened to me is

Time: 5347.04

I got almost quarter siiz ulcers on the

Time: 5350.48

roof of my mouth and on the sides of my

Time: 5352.6

mouth it took those little canr saurs

Time: 5354.52

which were annoying and kind of painful

Time: 5356.159

and turn them into full-blown ulcers I

Time: 5357.96

know this because when I stopped using

Time: 5359.28

it those healed up almost immediately

Time: 5361.679

and then when I spoke to some dentists

Time: 5363

and peridontist they said oh yeah yeah

Time: 5365.04

hydrogen peroxide is just far too

Time: 5366.8

abrasive for the mouth cavity and the

Time: 5368.36

reason I raised this is because I don't

Time: 5370.239

think I'm alone in that if you kind of

Time: 5372.639

venture into some of the um let's call

Time: 5374.76

it alternative recommendation space for

Time: 5377.679

oral health um you may hear that things

Time: 5380.76

like hydrogen peroxide can be useful for

Time: 5383.52

gargling with or swishing with if you

Time: 5385.4

are starting to get a little bit of a

Time: 5386.56

throat tickle maybe an infection it

Time: 5388.36

turns out it's a really bad idea now if

Time: 5392.119

there are Physicians or oral health

Time: 5393.52

experts out there that strongly believe

Time: 5395.52

in the use of hydrogen peroxide rinses

Time: 5397.88

or gargling with it to promote oral

Time: 5399.52

health for any reason let me know in the

Time: 5401.4

show note captions I don't want to go

Time: 5402.76

against any of those recommendations but

Time: 5404.92

this now considered kind of old school

Time: 5407.199

recommendation of creating one's own

Time: 5409.44

mouthwash with a little bit of baking

Time: 5411.159

soda some hydrogen peroxide and water

Time: 5413.719

does not seem like a good idea not just

Time: 5415.48

based on my experience but every one of

Time: 5417.04

the dental professionals that I spoke to

Time: 5419.48

that said it does seem that creating a

Time: 5422.6

high salt solution okay so taking some

Time: 5425.119

salt putting in water dissolving it and

Time: 5427.239

then finding the point at which it won't

Time: 5429

quite dissolve because the concentration

Time: 5431.08

of sodium is just high enough and using

Time: 5433.719

that as of course not something to

Time: 5435.56

swallow but rather as a dental rinse so

Time: 5437.719

putting your mouth and swishing it

Time: 5439

around and then spitting it out and it's

Time: 5441.159

going to taste very salty and then

Time: 5442.76

taking a swig of water you know just

Time: 5444.719

plain water and then swishing it around

Time: 5446.56

and then spitting it out that actually

Time: 5448.8

provides a really nice milu for the

Time: 5451.56

produ production of healthy mouth

Time: 5454.44

bacteria it's near zero cost suppose you

Time: 5457.639

need a little bit of salt low water and

Time: 5458.84

a glass to put it in but it's basically

Time: 5461.8

zero cost and if you think about it that

Time: 5465.119

high saline or high salinity solution is

Time: 5468.08

a lot like the sort of brins and the

Time: 5471.639

liquid that comes from these low sugar

Time: 5474.44

Probiotic foods that earlier I was

Time: 5476.6

suggesting and in other episodes I've

Time: 5478.159

suggested could be really healthy for

Time: 5479.84

swallowing for the gut microbiota but

Time: 5481.84

again I want to be very clear do not do

Time: 5484.08

not swallow high

Time: 5486.52

salt concentration fluid we're talking

Time: 5489

about a Swish and then a spitting it out

Time: 5491.32

as a way to improve the overall milu of

Time: 5494.679

the mouth to get the pH right to promote

Time: 5497.119

the proliferation of healthy microbiota

Time: 5499.96

components Okay so we've talked about

Time: 5501.8

some commercially available gums and

Time: 5503.44

mints containing Xylitol we've talked

Time: 5505.88

about some commercially available

Time: 5507.96

toothpastes indeed some toothpaste that

Time: 5510.36

you know almost fall into the very

Time: 5511.76

Boutique category because they have all

Time: 5513.48

these things that are known by dentists

Time: 5515.159

and uh peridontist to be great for oral

Time: 5517.44

health but those can run some cost right

Time: 5520.56

and so I do think it's important that we

Time: 5522.44

also talked about the use of just baking

Time: 5524.56

soda with a soft toothbrush and some

Time: 5526.28

water and gently brushing the teeth as a

Time: 5528.44

great way to disrupt the bofilm and

Time: 5530.199

clean your teeth and a high salt

Time: 5532.32

solution as a Swish and spit followed by

Time: 5534.92

you know uh Swish and spit with clear

Time: 5537.84

water clean water no salt in it as a

Time: 5541.32


Time: 5542.44

very low cost or zeroc cost mouthwash

Time: 5545.44

Far and Away different from the heavily

Time: 5548.28

scented alcohol-based antiseptic mouth

Time: 5550.719

washes that are commercially available

Time: 5552.28

and that we know are basically not good

Time: 5554.92

for our oral microbiome in addition I'd

Time: 5557.32

like to point out that those

Time: 5558.32

alcohol-based mouthwashes that many

Time: 5560.52

people in the world use are also known

Time: 5562.8

to reduce the amount of nitric oxide

Time: 5565.08

that's produced in the oral cavity and

Time: 5567.84

that's very important for the production

Time: 5569.88

of nitric oxide elsewhere in the body

Time: 5572.84

why is that important well nitric oxide

Time: 5574.6


Time: 5575.56

vasodilation not just within the blood

Time: 5578.92

vessels that line and feed the oral

Time: 5581.119

cavity but also the throat also in the

Time: 5583.44

nose also in the brain also in the heart

Time: 5585.639

so what we're talking about here is a

Time: 5586.88

substance that is indeed increased when

Time: 5590.159

we for instance nasal breathe we know

Time: 5592.56

that dramatically increases nitric oxide

Time: 5595.8

we're talking about a substance that

Time: 5597.08

when the oral microbiome is preserved in

Time: 5599.4

its healthy State tends to increase in

Time: 5602.52

production and we're talking about a

Time: 5604.36

substance that's really good for small

Time: 5606.36

capillary vein and arterial health

Time: 5609.159

because it allows for the passage of

Time: 5611.28

blood both for the delivery of oxygen

Time: 5613.32

and other nutrients to tissues but also

Time: 5615.32

the removal of waste products from

Time: 5616.76

tissues so we don't want to do anything

Time: 5619.28

that reduces nitric oxide unless there's

Time: 5621.6

some specific medical condition that

Time: 5623.4

leads us to want to do that so for most

Time: 5625.92

people increasing nitric oxide or

Time: 5627.679

keeping nitric oxide levels stable is

Time: 5630.88

the state that we want to seek and these

Time: 5633.639

alcohol-based mouthwashes are known to

Time: 5635.44

deplete the production of nitric oxide

Time: 5637.6

so there's yet another reason to avoid

Time: 5639.28

the use of these alcohol-based more

Time: 5641.239

typical over-the-counter

Time: 5642.84

mouthwashes by the way this is not a

Time: 5645.56

scare tactic against mouthwashes I'm

Time: 5647.719

sure that if you use mouthwashes you're

Time: 5649.679

still producing some nitric oxide but I

Time: 5652.239

think nowadays many hopefully all of you

Time: 5655.56

are interested in doing whatever you can

Time: 5657.28

to improve your mental health physical

Time: 5659.199

health and performance and if there are

Time: 5660.76

things that you are doing that are

Time: 5662

inhibiting those in any way that you'd

Time: 5664.44

potentially want to at least think about

Time: 5665.96

those maybe remove them from your

Time: 5667.32

protocols especially if there's a cost

Time: 5668.76

to them that you can remove in other

Time: 5670.52

words you can save on costs so again

Time: 5673.56

lots of reasons to move away from the

Time: 5675

alcohol-based standard antiseptic

Time: 5677.08

mouthwashes aside from the Improvement

Time: 5679.48

in your breath that by the way can be

Time: 5681.639

better achieved by supporting the oral

Time: 5683.28

microbiome other ways that we've

Time: 5684.679

discussed there's really no clear

Time: 5686.88

Advantage as to why one would use one

Time: 5689.04

and there apparently are a number of

Time: 5690.96

disadvantages anes now earlier we talked

Time: 5693

briefly about canker sours they are

Time: 5695.159

really uncomfortable there are a lot of

Time: 5697.04

theories as to why canker form and

Time: 5699.36

they're a lot of products and theories

Time: 5701.08

as to how to get rid of canker sorus

Time: 5703.32

well indeed there are some ways that we

Time: 5705.239

can prevent the formation of canker

Time: 5706.679

sorus and accelerate their healing and

Time: 5709.8

that actually has to do with promoting

Time: 5711.28

the health of the gut microbiome so

Time: 5713.6

there's a clear link between gut

Time: 5715

microbiome and oral microbiome in a way

Time: 5718.44

that can either promote or reduce the

Time: 5721.6

formation of canker sores and can

Time: 5723.32

actually help heal canker sores and to

Time: 5726.199

my knowledge the best way to support a

Time: 5728.32

quote unquote healthy gut microbiome is

Time: 5731.28

to consume at least one to four servings

Time: 5733.88

of low sugar fermented foods per day I

Time: 5736.119

mentioned what some of those are a

Time: 5737.76

little bit earlier I also did an entire

Time: 5740

episode about gut microbiome we've

Time: 5741.48

hosted expert guests on the microbiome

Time: 5743.36

including Justin sonenberg from Stanford

Time: 5745.08

school of medicine and for sake of time

Time: 5746.88

I can just briefly list off the things

Time: 5748.44

that are known to promote a healthy gut

Time: 5750

microbiome and that would indirectly

Time: 5752.04

support the healing and prevention of

Time: 5754.84

canker sorce and those are consuming one

Time: 5758.239

to four servings of low sugar fermented

Time: 5760.96

foods per day for instance consuming

Time: 5764.239

enough Prebiotic fiber so consuming

Time: 5766.76

enough fiber in the diet through fruits

Time: 5768.32

and vegetables or perhaps supplementing

Time: 5771.28

Prebiotic or probiotic fiber and in some

Time: 5773.6

cases if somebody is really dis biotic

Time: 5775.8

or if you've been taking antibiotics

Time: 5777.76

actually taking a pill form or capsule

Time: 5780.28

form probiotic but it's not something

Time: 5782.36

that I recommend people take

Time: 5783.76

consistently and I certainly don't I

Time: 5785.84

think by ingesting those low sugar

Time: 5787.84

fermented foods on a regular basis by

Time: 5790.48

trying to make sure that you're getting

Time: 5791.6

enough sleep each night this is key

Time: 5793.76

probably should have mentioned this

Time: 5794.679

earlier in the episode uh but you know

Time: 5797.08

one of the folks who I have great

Time: 5798.84

respect for in the public health

Time: 5801.159

discussion around dental health is Dr

Time: 5803.44

Mark bheen he goes by ask the dentist on

Time: 5806.4

Instagram he's actually a retired

Time: 5808.8

dentist uh but he's been deeply involved

Time: 5811.4

D in the kind of evaluation of the

Time: 5813.04

consumer product space as it relates to

Time: 5814.96

dental and oral healthare for a number

Time: 5816.56

of years um and Mark Beren in addition

Time: 5820.36

to discussing all the various topics

Time: 5822.4

that we've talked about today such as

Time: 5824.159

Xylitol and fluoride yes or fluoride no

Time: 5826.56

etc etc has also been a big proponent of

Time: 5829.36

people paying attention to that first

Time: 5831.119

pillar of mental health physical health

Time: 5833.159

and performance which is sleep and

Time: 5834.92

pointing out that when people get fewer

Time: 5836.719

than their necessary allotment of sleep

Time: 5839.56

each night so typically most people need

Time: 5841.4

6 to 8 hours some people need more some

Time: 5843.119

people need a little less but getting at

Time: 5844.719

least 6 to8 hours of quality sleep per

Time: 5847.28

night which supports the health of the

Time: 5848.96

gut microbiome and oral microbiome and

Time: 5852.639

thereby indirectly supports the health

Time: 5854.719

of the entire brain and body so um Dr

Time: 5857.639

burin and others have talked about this

Time: 5859.4

but I really appreciate that he's

Time: 5860.96

championed the importance of sleep among

Time: 5863.239

other things but certainly sleep as a

Time: 5865.52

way to support the oral microbiome so

Time: 5868.199

we've talked quite a bit about teeth and

Time: 5870.159

gums a little little bit about mucosal

Time: 5873.04

lining and throat one thing that we

Time: 5875.36

haven't talked very much about is a hung

Time: 5877.84


Time: 5878.599

tongue your tongue is obviously a very

Time: 5882.32

important component of your mouth and as

Time: 5884.48

I mentioned earlier different niches

Time: 5886.92

different locations within the mouth

Time: 5888.44

have different microbiota living on them

Time: 5891.48

both good and quote unquote bad meaning

Time: 5894.159

ones that we'd like to promote the

Time: 5895.76

proliferation of because they reduce bad

Time: 5898.04

breath and promote oral health and all

Time: 5899.92

that good stuff and

Time: 5901.679

quote unquote bad bacteria because they

Time: 5903.84

make our breath smell bad and because

Time: 5905.4

they deteriorate the various tissues of

Time: 5907.28

the mouth I looked pretty extensively

Time: 5909.28

into this issue of tongue scraping and

Time: 5912.56

it's an interesting one and every

Time: 5914.639

licensed dental health care professional

Time: 5916.32

I spoke to in preparing for this episode

Time: 5919

agreed that yes it can be a good idea to

Time: 5923.199

scrape the tongue and each one of them

Time: 5924.88

cited the fact that a number of

Time: 5926.76

unhealthy bacteria can build up on the

Time: 5928.52

tongue across the course of the day and

Time: 5930.36

throughout the night much in the same

Time: 5931.96

way that biofilm can build up on teeth

Time: 5934.199

although through a different process

Time: 5935.44

different bacteria and that scraping the

Time: 5937.96

tongue or brushing the tongue can be

Time: 5940.28

advantageous for removing that bacteria

Time: 5942.8

what was interesting is that several of

Time: 5944.239

them pointed out that lightly brushing

Time: 5946.96

the tongue may in fact be better than

Time: 5950

scraping the tongue because they argue

Time: 5952.52

that especially when people use those

Time: 5954.199

steel tongue scrapers that few people

Time: 5957.84

know how to use them with sufficient

Time: 5959.639

Force to remove the bacteria but not so

Time: 5962.48

much force that they don't damage the

Time: 5964.48

tongue tissue and the tongue is a very

Time: 5966.04

fragile soft tissue so the

Time: 5967.96

recommendation that they relayed to me

Time: 5970.639

was to suggest once or twice a day

Time: 5974.56

brushing of the tongue but here's an

Time: 5976.199

important point they all suggested that

Time: 5979.159

you use a separate toothbrush to brush

Time: 5982.28

your tongue than you would to brush your

Time: 5985.159

teeth okay so if things weren't

Time: 5986.88

complicated enough already about using a

Time: 5989.119

separate toothbrush why well they gave

Time: 5991.119

two reasons one is they want to prevent

Time: 5993.8

crossover of the bacteria between those

Time: 5995.76

two different tissues especially if one

Time: 5998.08

is brushing the tongue too vigorously

Time: 5999.8

you don't want to introduce bacteria

Time: 6001.239

from your toothbrushing onto your tongue

Time: 6003.88

of course you can rinse it in between

Time: 6005.32

but the ideal situation is to use a

Time: 6007.04

separate toothbrush for the purpose of

Time: 6008.719

brushing the tongue now that opened up a

Time: 6010.52

whole exploration and discussion about

Time: 6012.599

toothbrush care we can probably do a

Time: 6014.239

whole episode all about toothbrush care

Time: 6015.679

but we won't suffice to say that when

Time: 6017.52

you brush bacteria off your teeth or

Time: 6020.56


Time: 6021.639

and presumably the toothbrush gets moist

Time: 6024.56

if by no other means certainly by means

Time: 6028.719

of your saliva being on it then you

Time: 6030.44

rinse it off and then even if you were

Time: 6032.28

to dry it off with a clean um some sort

Time: 6034.84

of clean towel or something like that

Time: 6036.52

and you set it out a lot of bacteria are

Time: 6038.96

going to proliferate on that toothbrush

Time: 6041.08

so this opened up a whole discussion

Time: 6042.56

about you know should you cover your

Time: 6044.04

toothbrush or let it dry out in the air

Time: 6045.84

should you use UV irradiation uh to

Time: 6049.36

sterilize your toothbrush and frankly it

Time: 6051.159

took us me down the rabbit hole of

Time: 6054.56

toothbrush care so far that at one point

Time: 6056.239

I just I just screamed like Uncle like

Time: 6058.679

enough I I think um one has to decide

Time: 6062.44

how much bacteria they are willing to

Time: 6064.48

tolerate living on their toothbrush in

Time: 6066.199

between toothbrushing um anywhere from

Time: 6069.159

zero where you use a new toothbrush or

Time: 6070.639

toothbrush head every single time you

Time: 6072.119

brush that seems unreasonable or at

Time: 6073.599

least economically unreasonable for most

Time: 6075.239

people versus replacing it once a week

Time: 6077.32

versus once every two weeks really

Time: 6079.159

there's no specific recommendation I can

Time: 6081.4

make all I can say is be aware that

Time: 6083.84

bacteria are growing on the toothbrush

Time: 6085.28

head try and avoid contact between the

Time: 6087.52

toothbrush head and any um unsanitary

Time: 6089.84

surfaces try and rinse and dry off the

Time: 6092.76

toothbrush head all these things are

Time: 6094.04

recommendations that were relayed to me

Time: 6095.8

and that just make good common sense now

Time: 6098.239

prior to this episode I put the call out

Time: 6100.679

on social media for questions about oral

Time: 6103.679

health and one of the questions that

Time: 6105.28

came back from many hundreds of people

Time: 6107.84

was what about fillings what about Metal

Time: 6110.48

fillings what about sealant are they

Time: 6112.719

safe well most dentists will tell you

Time: 6114.84

that sealant are safe they are now made

Time: 6116.639

from compounds that are generally not

Time: 6118.56

thought to cause any major issues to be

Time: 6121.599

honest I did not do a deep dive into the

Time: 6123.36

chemical composition of different

Time: 6124.599

sealants because it turns out that

Time: 6126.04

different Dental practices use different

Time: 6128.52

sealants I'm sure that if I looked hard

Time: 6130.639

enough I could find um some really bad

Time: 6132.719

stuff in sealants I'm sure I could also

Time: 6135.239

find some reassurance that at the

Time: 6136.599

concentrations and conditions that

Time: 6138.32

they're introduced to teeth that they

Time: 6139.44

are better alternative to having deep

Time: 6141.08

cavities into the teeth and that

Time: 6143.199

actually gives me an opportunity to

Time: 6144.48

raise something that I perhaps said

Time: 6146.719

earlier but I want to reemphasize which

Time: 6148.56

is I've been talking about how you can

Time: 6150.32

remineralize the teeth and how that's

Time: 6152.719

critical if you want to maintain and

Time: 6154.76

build up your tooth and oral health but

Time: 6157.56

it's very clear that if the cavities get

Time: 6160.36

down into the denting layers of the

Time: 6162.36

tooth that in most cases there is no

Time: 6166.48

remaining opportunity to remineralize

Time: 6169.88

the teeth you using the sorts of

Time: 6171.4

practices we're talking about today and

Time: 6173.4

that indeed it's very likely that those

Time: 6176.08

cavities need to be drilled and filled

Time: 6178.88

okay now that's not always the case and

Time: 6180.52

this is one reason why I highly

Time: 6182.44

recommend that if you've listened to

Time: 6184.48

this episode and if you're here at this

Time: 6186.08

point in the episode and you've listened

Time: 6187.52

to the episode that you talk to your

Time: 6189.719

dentist ask them if they say you have a

Time: 6192.159

cavity how deep are these cavities do

Time: 6193.52

you think there's an opportunity for me

Time: 6195

to remineralize the teeth if I do the

Time: 6197.32

following things and if they tell you

Time: 6198.88

look you have a cavity or cavities and

Time: 6201.56

they're simply too deep into the tooth

Time: 6204.239

that you can't remineralize your teeth

Time: 6206.56

and fill those in well then you know you

Time: 6208.48

should trust them they're the dental

Time: 6209.92

professional if you don't you should

Time: 6211

find a different dentist however they

Time: 6213.239

may be surprised and who knows

Time: 6214.92

pleasantly surprised for you to uh say

Time: 6217.56

Hey you know I heard that you can

Time: 6218.48

actually remineralize teeth and if I've

Time: 6220.08

got a cavity but it's still not through

Time: 6221.32

the enamel layer you know if I'm really

Time: 6223.199

diligent and you know use some zotol and

Time: 6225.56

maybe some hydroxy appetite and avoid

Time: 6228

certain things and do certain things

Time: 6229.04

discussed in this episode that I could

Time: 6230.4


Time: 6231.28

uh remineralize and fill in those

Time: 6233.52

cavities that said there of course will

Time: 6235.8

be situations where you need to get

Time: 6237.76

those cavities drilled and filled

Time: 6239.76

especially if they make it into the deep

Time: 6240.96

deep layers of the tooth and you do not

Time: 6242.8

want those cavities to persist and for

Time: 6246.239

bacteria to proliferate in those deeper

Time: 6247.76

layers of the teeth and down into the

Time: 6249.679

bone that is oh so bad for reasons we

Time: 6251.8

talked about earlier not just for your

Time: 6253.119

mouth and your teeth but for your

Time: 6255.52

General Health and brain health included

Time: 6258.199

so for that reason and also because you

Time: 6261.679

know the history of Dentistry was such

Time: 6263.88

that you know in the early part of the

Time: 6265.639

last century if you had a toothache in a

Time: 6267.76

cavity what did they do they pulled the

Time: 6270

teeth they extracted the teeth then at

Time: 6271.76

some point this business of filling

Time: 6273.76

teeth became industry standard so people

Time: 6276.8

would get metal fillings now the types

Time: 6278.639

of metal fillings that people had and

Time: 6280.639

have depend on when they got those

Time: 6282.199

fillings there were were believe it or

Time: 6284.28

not lead fillings this is not good you

Time: 6286.599

don't want lead in your body for all

Time: 6288.52

sorts of reasons it is terrible for

Time: 6290.04

brain health that's why it's now illegal

Time: 6292.119

to contain in paints and many household

Time: 6293.96

goods you don't want lead fillings but

Time: 6296.08

some people had lead fillings or silver

Time: 6298.08

fillings or a combination of lead silver

Time: 6300.56

and other things and many metal fillings

Time: 6303.84

that were given and sometimes are still

Time: 6306.56

given depending on where you live in the

Time: 6308

world and Country and the kind of Health

Time: 6311.36

Care and costs that you have available

Time: 6312.8

to you contain mercury now I asked

Time: 6316.8

several dentists about this and said

Time: 6319.239

well if somebody has a metal filling

Time: 6320.96

that likely has mercury in it do they

Time: 6323.36

need to have that metal filling removed

Time: 6325.239

and all of the dentists I spoke to said

Time: 6327.56

it depends but generally the practice is

Time: 6329.679

to leave those fillings in and try not

Time: 6332.119

to disrupt them now they also provided a

Time: 6335.52

important recommendation which is if you

Time: 6337.679

have metal fillings that contain mercury

Time: 6339.76

or that you think might contain mercury

Time: 6341.8

to avoid disrupting those fillings

Time: 6343.36

through the use of things like Mastic

Time: 6345.239

Gum we haven't talked too much about

Time: 6346.48

mastic gum um I've used mastic gum

Time: 6349.48

before not for long periods of time it's

Time: 6351.679

a very thick gum uh you know the

Time: 6354.52

original use of mastic gum and the the

Time: 6356.48

kind of origins of Mastic Gum are like a

Time: 6358.239

treap kind of substance that you chew on

Time: 6360.88

supposed to strengthen your jaw Etc um I

Time: 6363.119

don't use it any longer I use it for a

Time: 6365.08

short while doesn't taste like much of

Time: 6366.76

anything some people believe there are

Time: 6368.44

certain anti-inflammatory and other

Time: 6370.04

health benefits of Mastic Gum I haven't

Time: 6372.159

really explored mastic gum in enough

Time: 6373.76

depth or detail to comment on any of

Time: 6375.84

that but a number of dentists said well

Time: 6378.04

if you have metal fillings chewing on

Time: 6380.239

the like Mastic Gum or you know hard

Time: 6383.48

candies where you're really chewing on

Time: 6385.48

on that hard candy which by the way

Time: 6386.96

you're supposed to suck the hard candy

Time: 6388.199

the Jolly ranch you're not supposed to

Time: 6389.32

chew on them but that some people will

Time: 6390.84

do that they'll just naturally chew on

Time: 6392.36

those can actually disrupt and liberate

Time: 6395.679

some of that mercury and that would be

Time: 6397.36

bad and keep in mind also that when

Time: 6399

Mercury is contained in a metal filling

Time: 6401.159

it's not really bioactive in that mode

Time: 6403.599

but if it's liberated then it can get

Time: 6405.159

into the bloodstream and potentially

Time: 6406.52

cause other issues so this is a somewhat

Time: 6408.679

controversial topic so much so that in

Time: 6410.4

certain countries and I believe in the

Time: 6412.599

EU somebody checked me on this but I

Time: 6414.159

believe that in the not too distant

Time: 6415.88

future metal fillings will no longer be

Time: 6417.719

used in the European Union perhaps

Time: 6420.04

elsewhere in the world they're sometimes

Time: 6421.96

still used in the United States there's

Time: 6423.679

a lot that's changing in this landscape

Time: 6425.56

around fluoride around metal fillings

Time: 6427.76

Etc so it's very Dynamic landscape right

Time: 6430.199

now I think suffice to say that if you

Time: 6432.04

have metal fillings currently try not to

Time: 6434.08

disrupt them in a way that could

Time: 6435.239

liberate that mercury however if you

Time: 6437.4

have them and you're really concerned

Time: 6438.4

about them talk to your dentist ask what

Time: 6439.92

the various options are see whether or

Time: 6441.76

not they could be replaced with

Time: 6442.8

something safer and if the process for

Time: 6445.199

replacing them is really worth the

Time: 6446.679

trouble and again to just go back to the

Time: 6448.639

larger point of whether or not you

Time: 6450.48

should get cavities filled whether or

Time: 6451.96

not you need that root canal that was a

Time: 6453.52

very common question a lot of people

Time: 6454.719

said do we really need root canals do we

Time: 6456.56

really need to drill cavities you know

Time: 6458.599

my observation based on now having

Time: 6460.4

talked to a number of different

Time: 6461.639

practitioners in this space who really

Time: 6463.119

pay a lot of attention to the peer

Time: 6464.4

reviewed research the old school

Time: 6466.199

practices the new practices and where

Time: 6468.239

everything is headed is that you know

Time: 6470.639

there are indeed instances where people

Time: 6472.48

need root canals there are many cavities

Time: 6474.36

that are just too deep into the teeth

Time: 6476.32

that remineralization of the teeth

Time: 6478.28

through the sorts of protocols that

Time: 6479.36

we're talking about today is not going

Time: 6481.36

to cut it that they really need to be

Time: 6483.48

drilled and filled and of course we hope

Time: 6486.4

those dentists are doing that as little

Time: 6489.48

as is required to maintain dental health

Time: 6491.52

I also would hope that dentists are

Time: 6493.199

talking to their patients about ways

Time: 6495.92

that they can improve their oral health

Time: 6497.44

and indeed there are a lot of cases

Time: 6498.639

reported online where people will go in

Time: 6500.76

get X-rays and an exam they'll talk

Time: 6503.599

about all these cavities that they have

Time: 6504.92

and then they go home and they do a

Time: 6506.04

bunch of practices and they are able to

Time: 6507.599

remineralize their teeth and to

Time: 6509.119

essentially reverse those cavities and I

Time: 6511.199

certainly don't doubt those stories but

Time: 6513.56

it's simply not always the case that we

Time: 6516.08

can remineralize our teeth and fill back

Time: 6517.84

in our cavities if those cavity recesses

Time: 6520.28

are too deep into the teeth they need to

Time: 6522.04

be drilled and filled now that raises a

Time: 6524.32

final set of questions and points which

Time: 6525.76

is do we really need to go to the

Time: 6527.92

dentist twice a year every six months

Time: 6530.44

that's the general recommendation and

Time: 6532.88

this was a tricky one to ask dentists

Time: 6534.52

because of course dentists are highly

Time: 6536.52

incentivized to see their patients and

Time: 6538.56

I'm not somebody that believes that

Time: 6539.76

everything is a you know is an attempt

Time: 6541.599

to make money but look when money is

Time: 6543.159

involved things can get complicated now

Time: 6545.199

what was really great is that the

Time: 6547.159

feedback I got from dentists was very

Time: 6549.159

balanced I mean I must say that the

Time: 6550.92

community of dentists um seems like a

Time: 6553.92

really wonderful Community I don't know

Time: 6555.32

how they treat each other but they were

Time: 6556.639

very kind very generous with information

Time: 6558.92

with me and at the end of this episode

Time: 6560.719

just before wrapping I'll refer you to a

Time: 6562.28

couple um online oral health and dentist

Time: 6566.159

Educators that I think are providing

Time: 6567.96

some really useful content on a

Time: 6569.52

consistent basis and I'll provide links

Time: 6570.96

to those in the show note captions but

Time: 6573.88

here's what the consensus was this

Time: 6576.52

business of going to the dentist twice a

Time: 6578.159

year makes sense it makes sense from the

Time: 6581.639

perspective of quote unquote routine

Time: 6583.199

cleanings but everyone acknowledged that

Time: 6585.199

those routine cleanings while they can

Time: 6586.88

remove tarar that's built up that would

Time: 6589

be very very difficult for people to

Time: 6590.88

reverse or eliminate at home and while

Time: 6593.48

they can identify cavities and tell you

Time: 6595.8

how far a cavity has developed into the

Time: 6597.48

tooth Etc every one of those dentists

Time: 6599.639

agreed that those routine cleanings are

Time: 6601.88

not actually going to help remineralize

Time: 6604.28

your teeth except to the extent that

Time: 6606.639

they remove existing bacteria plaque and

Time: 6609.76

tartar and so all of them said that they

Time: 6613.239

wish for and that they really strive in

Time: 6614.76

their own practices to promote more oral

Time: 6617.04

health daily Protocols of the sort that

Time: 6619.119

we've talked about today which I think

Time: 6620.48

is just great I think obviously I

Time: 6622.679

believe in medical professionals

Time: 6624.239

providing routine care I also believe in

Time: 6626.96

each and all of us doing things for our

Time: 6629.32

health not just oral health but sleep

Time: 6631.119

Health mental health physical health Etc

Time: 6633.119

to try and not just maintain but really

Time: 6635.56

bolster our brain and body against

Time: 6638.679

disease and also to bolster our Vitality

Time: 6641.199

to feel really great energetic focused

Time: 6643.44

sleeping better Etc so it was refreshing

Time: 6645.639

to hear that they feel that way as well

Time: 6648

and in addition to that all the dentist

Time: 6650.44

I spoke to said that you know setting

Time: 6653.4

aside situations of like

Time: 6655.239

reconstructive uh surgery for the mouth

Time: 6658.199

or perodontal surgery which often is

Time: 6660.56

needed if that those recesses into the

Time: 6662.52

gums and gingivitis and and worse have

Time: 6665

started to really develop and

Time: 6666.4

proliferate all of them emphasize that

Time: 6669.48

the twice a year Dental visit is not

Time: 6672.119

just about getting the cleaning it's

Time: 6674.04

really the checkup to evaluate how those

Time: 6675.96

daily practices are emerging so it's

Time: 6678

sort of like going to the doctor for a

Time: 6679.76

check up on your BMI on your blood

Time: 6682.199

pressure but also things like blood

Time: 6684.239

tests things that typically we don't do

Time: 6686

at home unless we're accessing those

Time: 6687.599

through um particular sources but all of

Time: 6690.04

them emphasize that going to the dentist

Time: 6691.48

twice a year is not just about those

Time: 6693.44

cleanings it's also about establishing

Time: 6696.719

what the Baseline level of health is in

Time: 6698.92

one's mouth and teeth and having that on

Time: 6702.079

record and in a very detailed way so

Time: 6704.44

that one can check back routinely twice

Time: 6706.76

a year and discover whether or not in

Time: 6708.96

fact they could get away with perhaps

Time: 6711.159

one cleaning a year because you're so

Time: 6712.84

diligent about your brushing flossing

Time: 6714.639

Xylitol uh not being a mouth breather

Time: 6717.119

and on and on or perhaps if you're not

Time: 6720.36

being very good about those protocols or

Time: 6722.52

and this is important if you have some

Time: 6724.199

of the genetic variants that create an

Time: 6727.04

over proliferation of certain bacteria

Time: 6729.44

that predispose you to gingivitis or

Time: 6731.199

that predispose you to excessive buildup

Time: 6733.239

of tartar this is the reality that some

Time: 6735.719

people have genetic variations that

Time: 6737.52

create a susceptibility to certain

Time: 6740.679

things both bacteria and other

Time: 6742.56

conditions in the mouth that make it

Time: 6743.96

such that those people perhaps need to

Time: 6745.639

go to the dentist not just twice a year

Time: 6747.639

but perhaps four times a year or six

Time: 6749.719

times a year indeed there are some

Time: 6751.159

individuals for whom either because of

Time: 6753.52

lack of diligence to protocol and or

Time: 6756.4

genetic issues actually need to go to

Time: 6759.159

the dentist every single month for major

Time: 6762

cleanings but fortunately if we are

Time: 6765.56

diligent about these daily protocols

Time: 6768

nighttime protocols and we really are

Time: 6769.84

are paying attention to the components

Time: 6771.639

that can create healthy saliva and

Time: 6773.28

remineralize the teeth and that can fill

Time: 6776.159

in any cavities that begin to form and

Time: 6778

we're staving off the production of

Time: 6780.04

mutants and we're scraping away that

Time: 6781.719

bofilm on a regular basis that we are

Time: 6784.32

going to prevent the need for so many

Time: 6787.32

routine cleanings and even if we are

Time: 6789.56

still getting those two-year routine

Time: 6791.199

cleanings you know for those out there

Time: 6793

that are fortunate enough to have that

Time: 6794.199

covered by insurance or can afford it

Time: 6797.52

well then all the better because as I

Time: 6800.239

mentioned at the beginning of today's

Time: 6801.44

episode oral health is not just about

Time: 6804.28

having clean straight white teeth and

Time: 6806.4

fresh breath it's not just about that

Time: 6808.92

all of those things are great to have

Time: 6810.76

but oral health is about all of that and

Time: 6813.48

it's also about reducing cardiovascular

Time: 6815.92

disease it's about reducing irritable

Time: 6818.119

bowel syndrome yes I know that we

Time: 6820.159

haven't done an episode about this yet

Time: 6821.679

but I get oh so many requests to do

Time: 6824.48

episodes about irritable bowel syndrome

Time: 6826.48

and other colitis type uh you know

Time: 6829.199

boweling gut issues that people have and

Time: 6831.36

it's so clear that oral health and

Time: 6832.88

promoting oral health has been linked to

Time: 6834.719

promoting positive gut health as well

Time: 6837.079

maybe even reducing and possibly

Time: 6839.159

eliminating some of the symptoms of

Time: 6840.56

irritable bowel disease because again

Time: 6842.32

the mouth and the gut are contiguous

Time: 6844.52

with one another they're related and a

Time: 6846.36

lot of the bacteria that can cause

Time: 6847.88

things like gut issues are making their

Time: 6850.76

way into the body not directly through

Time: 6852.76

the gut but through the oral cavity

Time: 6855

because of the richness of blood flow to

Time: 6856.639

that region so again today we've talked

Time: 6858.56

about a lot of different protocols

Time: 6860.239

ranging from cost saving to zero cost to

Time: 6863

low cost to let's just be frank higher

Time: 6865.599

cost products and protocols such as

Time: 6867.719

water picks Etc the point of today's

Time: 6870.44

discussion was essentially three-fold

Time: 6872.96

first of all to really Tamp down in our

Time: 6875.96

minds the importance of oral health not

Time: 6878.76

just tooth Health but oral health on the

Time: 6880.84

whole because of its relationship to

Time: 6883.159

brain and body Health on the whole so

Time: 6885.079

much so that I'm placing it right up

Time: 6886.599

there next to the other six pillars of

Time: 6888.159

sleep nutrition MO movement stress

Time: 6890.199

modulation relationships and light as

Time: 6892.599

the seventh pillar of critical to attend

Time: 6895.88

to on a daily basis in order to promote

Time: 6898.8

our mental health physical health and

Time: 6900.639

performance the second point is that

Time: 6902.96

there are many things that we are

Time: 6904.48

probably doing currently that we could

Time: 6906.96

do differently either by doing them more

Time: 6909.52

or perhaps less or eliminating them all

Time: 6911.4

together things like considering whether

Time: 6913.04

or not these antiseptic alcohol-based

Time: 6915.76

mouthwashes are good for you or not

Time: 6918.199

they're not they're bad for you in my my

Time: 6919.84

opinion but you can decide for you how

Time: 6922.679

often you brush when you brush whether

Time: 6924.56

or not you decide to use Xylitol Etc as

Time: 6928.48

ways to improve your oral health and of

Time: 6931.84

course in doing so the strength of your

Time: 6934.04

teeth the brightness of your teeth the

Time: 6935.76

freshness of your breath Etc but through

Time: 6937.92

some means that I think for most people

Time: 6940.239

they weren't aware of I certainly wasn't

Time: 6942.159

aware that we could remineralize our

Time: 6943.8

teeth at any moment by changing the

Time: 6946.199

acidity the chemical millu of our mouth

Time: 6948.32

and that they're very straightforward

Time: 6950.44

cost saving zero cost and low cost ways

Time: 6952.119

to do that and then the third point is

Time: 6954.679

that today's discussion by no means was

Time: 6957.239

exhaustive right you may be exhausted

Time: 6960

but it was by no mean exhaustive meaning

Time: 6963

we simply don't have time to go down the

Time: 6964.52

rabbit hole of all these other promoted

Time: 6966.96

Health practices such as for instance

Time: 6969.44

oil pulling a lot of people out there

Time: 6971.28

believe that if you take olive oil and

Time: 6972.639

swish it around your mouth and spit it

Time: 6973.96

out that that's good for your mouth and

Time: 6975.28

indeed some Dental healthc Care

Time: 6977.239

Professionals I should say licensed

Time: 6978.8

Dental Healthcare professional said yeah

Time: 6980.159

I think there's some benefit to that

Time: 6981.639

there's the whole story about vitamin D

Time: 6983.76

and whether or not we're getting enough

Time: 6985.28

vitamin D can indeed impact our tooth

Time: 6987.079

health so make sure your vitamin D

Time: 6988.52

levels are sufficient make sure you're

Time: 6990.48

getting some sunlight again this ties

Time: 6991.8

into some of the other six

Time: 6993.719

pillars am I suggesting that everyone do

Time: 6996.04

oil pulling no I don't think the

Time: 6998.239

peer-reviewed evidence on oil pulling is

Time: 7000.48

sufficient to suggest that people do

Time: 7003.679

that but as a practice considering that

Time: 7006.119

it's you know essentially near zero cost

Time: 7009.239

you know taking a little bit of olive

Time: 7010.28

oil and swishing around your mouth and

Time: 7011.44

spitting it out couple cents maybe um

Time: 7014.119

you know if that's something that you

Time: 7015

feel benefits you great if you are aware

Time: 7017.04

of some terrific peer reviewed research

Time: 7018.84

on that and you want to put a link to

Time: 7020.4

that in the comments on YouTube great

Time: 7022.76

please send them my way I'd love to

Time: 7024.079

review them but my point is that there

Time: 7025.48

are a lot of different practices that

Time: 7026.92

have been promoted including oil pulling

Time: 7029.32

and a bunch of other things that start

Time: 7030.599

to get pretty far into the esoteric

Time: 7032.48

which doesn't necessarily mean that they

Time: 7033.88

don't have Merit but today I've really

Time: 7035.96

tried to focus on the major ones the

Time: 7038.719

ones that relate to what most everybody

Time: 7041.719

could and should be doing like brushing

Time: 7043.56

and flossing rinsing getting the oral

Time: 7046.76

microbiome healthy reducing the amount

Time: 7049.119

of strep mutants and the opportunity of

Time: 7050.96

strep mutants to create that acid that's

Time: 7052.92

going to deplete the enamel of your

Time: 7054.199

teeth and lead to tooth

Time: 7056.239

decay trying to limit the amount of

Time: 7059.32

recessing of the gums and perodontal

Time: 7061.92

disease and for all the reasons that we

Time: 7064.4

talked about

Time: 7065.44

before keeping a healthy mouth including

Time: 7068.48

healthy teeth healthy tongue healthy

Time: 7070.04

gums healthy pallet and all the rest is

Time: 7073

oh so important not just for your mouth

Time: 7075.88

not just for speaking and smiling and

Time: 7077.639

looking the way you want to look but

Time: 7080.639

also for your heart also for your gut

Time: 7085.04

also for your believe it or not your

Time: 7086.96

skin didn't have time to go into this

Time: 7089

but it directly relates to skin health

Time: 7090.96

and for your brain health so I strongly

Time: 7093.52

suggest that all of us take a look at

Time: 7095.28

what we are currently doing for our

Time: 7096.599

tooth and oral health and consider what

Time: 7098.8


Time: 7099.84

are best for us if you're learning from

Time: 7102.28

Andor enjoying this podcast please

Time: 7104.32

subscribe to our YouTube channel that's

Time: 7106.199

a terrific zero cost way to support us

Time: 7108.639

in addition please subscribe to the

Time: 7110.4

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Time: 7113.04

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Time: 7114.599

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Time: 7117.079

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Time: 7118.639

and throughout today's episode that's

Time: 7120.4

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Time: 7122.8

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Time: 7124.44

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Time: 7126.36

like to suggest for the hubman Lab

Time: 7127.88

podcast please put those in the comment

Time: 7130.04

section on YouTube I do read all the

Time: 7132.32

comments not so much on today's episode

Time: 7134.44

but on many previous episodes of The

Time: 7135.88

huberman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 7137.639

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 7139.36

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 7141.199

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 7143.119

things like improving sleep for

Time: 7144.76

improving hormone function and for

Time: 7146.32

improving Focus to learn more about the

Time: 7148.36

supplements discussed on the hubman Lab

Time: 7149.96

podcast visit live momentus spelled o us

Time: 7153

so that's Liv

Time: 7155.04

huberman if you're not already following

Time: 7157.079

me on social media I am huberman lab on

Time: 7159.679

all social media platforms so that's

Time: 7161.679

Instagram Twitter now called X LinkedIn

Time: 7164

Facebook and threads and on all those

Time: 7166.599

platforms I discuss science and science

Time: 7168.239

related tools some of which overlaps

Time: 7170.159

with the content of the hubman Lab

Time: 7171.44

podcast but much of which is distinct

Time: 7173.28

from the content covered on the hubman

Time: 7174.84

Lab podcast again that's hubman lab on

Time: 7177.52

all social media platforms if you

Time: 7179.56

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Time: 7180.84

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Time: 7182.88

neural network newsletter is a zeroc

Time: 7184.719

cost newsletter that includes podcast

Time: 7186.8

summaries and protocols as short 1 to

Time: 7189.52

three page PDFs for instance we have

Time: 7191.639

zeroc cost protocols for improving sleep

Time: 7194.4

for improving dopamine function for

Time: 7196.44

deliberate cold exposure for Fitness for

Time: 7198.44

Learning and neuroplasticity and much

Time: 7200.599

more to sign up for the newsletter

Time: 7202.32

simply go to hubman go to the

Time: 7204.88

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Time: 7207.119

Supply your email again the newsletter

Time: 7209.4

is completely zero cost and I want to

Time: 7210.88

emphasize that we do not share your

Time: 7212.4

email with anybody thank you once again

Time: 7214.56

for joining me for today's discussion

Time: 7216.239

all about oral health and last but

Time: 7218.679

certainly not least thank you for your

Time: 7220.679

interest in

Time: 7221.31


Time: 7225.4


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