How to Enhance Performance & Learning by Applying a Growth Mindset

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford school of medicine today we're

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discussing growth mindset growth mindset

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is one of the most interesting and

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Powerful Concepts in all of psychology

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growth mindset is essentially a way of

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embracing Challenge and thinking about

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your bodily and brain's response to

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challenge in a way that allows you to

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optimize your performance growth mindset

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consists of many things which we will

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discuss today and of course we will

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discuss how to implement growth mindset

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but some of the key features of growth

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mindset are developing an ability to

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distance your identity from The

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Challenge you happen to be embracing now

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that might come as a bit of a surprise

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to many of you for instance we grow up

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hearing we hope from time to time that

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we are smart that we are talented that

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we are a good athlete that we are a good

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artist you know we like to think that we

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are good at something or perhaps many

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things but it turns out that the kind of

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Praise or feedback that we receive that

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attaches our identity to Performance can

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actually undermine our performance and

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believe it or not this is especially

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problematic for people that perform well

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in their Endeavors that's right if you

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are somebody who performs well in school

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or Athletics or music and you are told

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that you are very smart that you're an

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excellent student that you're an

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excellent athlete or that you're an

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excellent musician you have much to lose

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if you at any moment do not perform well

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and that's because your identity has

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been integrated with your performance

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somewhat counter-intuitively growth

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mindset is the process of distancing

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your identity from performance and

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rather attaching your identity and your

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efforts and your sense of motivation to

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effort itself and to the process of

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enjoying learning and getting better at

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learning anything so today we are going

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to discuss what growth mindset is and

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what it isn't because it's often

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discussed in terms that frankly are not

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accurate to the science we will also

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talk about another mindset which is the

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stress is enhancing mindset that it

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turns out can act synergistically with

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growth mindset such that when you

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combine growth mindset with the stresses

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enhancing mindset you and anyone it's

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been shown can vastly improve your

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performance in essentially anything so

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today's discussion will of course

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explore the classic work of Carol dweck

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who was really the founder of the growth

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mindset field as well as some of the

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newer research from people like David

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Yeager Ali Crum and others who have

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explored how growth mindset and stress

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as enhancing mindsets can be applied

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both in and out of the classroom in

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children and adults and really in people

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of all backgrounds by the end of today's

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episode you will have a rich

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understanding of the science as well as

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many tools that you can apply in

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everyday life in essentially any

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Endeavor before we begin I'd like to

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emphasize that this podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at

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Stanford it is however part of my desire

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and effort to bring zero cost to

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Consumer information about science and

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science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is eight sleep

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eight sleep makes Smart mattress covers

Time: 195.72

with cooling Heating and sleep tracking

Time: 197.58

capacity there's absolutely no question

Time: 199.86

that sleep is the foundation of mental

Time: 202.2

health physical health and performance

Time: 203.58

when we're sleeping well and we're

Time: 205.019

sleeping long enough everything in our

Time: 206.94

daily life goes that much better now a

Time: 209.04

key component to getting a great night's

Time: 210.599

sleep is the temperature of your

Time: 212.459

sleeping environment and that's because

Time: 214.14

in order to fall and stay deeply asleep

Time: 216.3

your core body temperature actually has

Time: 218.159

to drop by about one to three degrees

Time: 219.78

con conversely in order to wake up

Time: 221.819

feeling refreshed your core body

Time: 223.14

temperature has to increase by about one

Time: 225.18

to three degrees with eight sleep

Time: 226.92

mattress covers you can cool or heat

Time: 228.959

your mattress at the beginning middle

Time: 230.7

and end of your night in order to

Time: 232.62

optimize your night's sleep I started

Time: 234.239

sleeping on an eight-sleep mattress

Time: 235.44

cover about two years ago and it has

Time: 237.48

dramatically improved the sleep that I

Time: 239.22

get each and every night if you'd like

Time: 240.72

to try eight sleep you can go to

Time: 242.04 huberman and save up to

Time: 245.159

150 off their pod 3 cover eight sleep

Time: 248.22

currently ships in the USA Canada UK

Time: 250.68

select countries in the EU and Australia

Time: 252.84

again that's huberman

Time: 255.659

today's episode is also brought To Us by

Time: 257.94

Roca Rocco makes eyeglasses and

Time: 260.1

sunglasses that are the absolute highest

Time: 262.079

quality I've spent a lifetime working on

Time: 264.12

the biology of the visual system and I

Time: 265.5

can tell you that your visual system has

Time: 266.759

to contend with an enormous number of

Time: 268.199

different challenges in order for you to

Time: 269.94

be able to see clearly Roca understands

Time: 272.22

all of those challenges at the level of

Time: 273.66

the eye and the visual system within the

Time: 275.46

brain and they've designed their

Time: 276.78

eyeglasses and sunglasses so that no

Time: 278.4

matter what environment you're in you

Time: 280.08

can always see with Crystal Clarity

Time: 281.699

originally their glasses were designed

Time: 283.56

for sports and as a consequence all of

Time: 285.66

their glasses are extremely lightweight

Time: 287.699

and as well they won't slip off your

Time: 289.56

face even if you get sweaty however

Time: 291.84

despite being designed initially for

Time: 293.639

performance Roca eyeglasses and

Time: 295.56

sunglasses include a lot of different

Time: 296.94

styles that are designed for you to wear

Time: 298.86

to work or out to dinner as well as the

Time: 301.62

what I call the cyborg style they're

Time: 303.12

designed for cycling Etc if you'd like

Time: 305.28

to try Roca eyeglasses or sunglasses go

Time: 307.56

to Roka that's and enter the

Time: 310.259

code huberman to save 20 off your first

Time: 312.66

order again that's Roca and

Time: 315.72

enter the code huberman at checkout

Time: 317.58

let's talk about growth mindset growth

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mindset as the name suggests is the idea

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that we can get better at things that is

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that our abilities are not fixed but

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rather that our abilities are malleable

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and at the core of growth mindset is the

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idea that our brains can change and

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indeed they can we refer to that ability

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as neuroplasticity or the the nervous

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system's ability to change in response

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to experience now I've done several

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episodes about neuroplasticity so that's

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a topic unto itself but suffice to say

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that neuroplasticity Brain Change can

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occur throughout the entire lifespan it

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is far more robust early in life from

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birth until about age 25

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neuroplasticity is sort of the default

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process our brain is being shaped by our

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everyday experiences but certainly from

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age 25 and onward and certainly well

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into people's 90s even it's been shown

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the brain can change if we want it to it

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can change for the worse of course

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through injury or disease things of that

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sort but it also can change for the

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better through deliberate focused bouts

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of learning we can learn new languages

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we can learn art we can learn music we

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can get smarter we can get better at

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essentially anything if we devote our

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attentional resources to learning those

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things so really any discussion about

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growth mindset has as a subtext a

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discussion about neural elasticity

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although today we aren't going to focus

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so much on neuroplasticity meaning we

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aren't going to focus so much on the

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neural circuit and neurochemical changes

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that underlie neuroplasticity because

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I've covered those on previous episodes

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we'll talk about them a little bit today

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but we are mainly going to talk about

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the data the studies from the field of

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psychology applying growth mindset in

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and out of the classroom in children and

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adults and we are going to talk about

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tools everyday tools that you can use to

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enhance growth mindset for yourself and

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perhaps for those around you if you care

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to teach growth mindset which is you'll

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learn later turns out to be an excellent

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way to reinforce your own growth mindset

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and we're going to talk about how to

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apply those tools in a bunch of

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different domains musical athletic

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intellectual and on and on no discussion

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of growth mindset would be complete

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without mentioning that growth mindset

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is the brainchild of my colleague Carol

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dweck in the department of psychology at

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Stanford University

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today you'll learn how she discovered

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growth mindset and you will learn how

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others have taken that Discovery and

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expanded upon it and especially its

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application in and out of the classroom

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to start off our discussion about growth

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mindset however we need to Define what a

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mindset is I think most of us think we

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know what a mindset is we think oh it's

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kind of a a mental stance where you know

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we are positive or we are negative or we

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believe something or we don't believe

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something but a mindset actually has a

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very specific definition and here I'm

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referring to the definition provided by

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Dr Ali Crum Ali Crum is also a professor

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of psychology at Stanford she runs her

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own laboratory working on stress-related

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mindsets and other mindsets she's

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actually been a guest on this podcast

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previously highly recommend you listen

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to that episode if you haven't already

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Dr Crum defines a mindset as quote a

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mental frame or lens that selectively

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organizes and encodes information

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and I think the key thing to highlight

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there is organizes information because

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as you all well know we are constantly

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being bombarded with information from

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the outside world sensory information

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about what's going on with our visual

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system what we're hearing what we're

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seeing what we're feeling we are also

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bombarded with internal sensations of

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how full or empty our gut feels are we

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hungry are we tired are we anxious are

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we calm Etc so tons and tons of

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information funneling into our brain and

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mindsets really help us organize that

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information such that we pay attention

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to certain things and not others and we

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respond to certain things and not others

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okay so here I'm not trying to put

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additional language on something simple

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in order to make it complex I'm trying

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to put a little bit of language that is

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that a mindset does many things but it

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mainly organizes information I'll add to

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that for specific actions or inactions

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in a way that allows us to simplify our

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world in a way that allows us to make

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certain choices and do away with

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thinking about and acting on other types

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of information the other thing about

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mindsets is that they include entire

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narratives and most of the time we

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aren't even aware of how those

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narratives are operating

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meaning we don't walk around looking at

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opportunities in the world like the

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opportunity to get better at Fitness or

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a sport or music or arithmetic or

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languages or anything for that matter

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thinking okay what is my mental frame or

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lens that selectively organizes and

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encodes information we don't do that

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instead what we have are stories and

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those stories are usually attached to

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our sense of identity like I'll just use

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myself for instance I do not think of

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myself as a good musician in fact I

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can't read music I'm terrible at playing

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instruments I like listening to music

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but I consider myself a terrible

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musician right I've really assigned a

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value or I've assigned my value to music

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and my relationship to music right we

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tend to do that we can also do it in the

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opposite direction right I'm running a

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laboratory for a long time been in

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science for you know close to three

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decades so if you ask me you know do I

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feel proficient at science I'd say yeah

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I'm proficient at science I know how to

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do experiment setup experiments write

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research papers write grants Etc I'm

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pretty good at it right we tend to

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decide if we are good or bad at things

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and we tend to integrate those with our

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identity somewhat or a lot to depending

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on whether or not you know we're a

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professional or amateur how much we

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engage in an activity the point being

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that mindsets include all of these

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narratives and often those narratives

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are visible to us if we think about them

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but most of the time we are moving

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through the world meaning school work

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relationships and all our endeavors

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without a lot of careful thought about

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the narratives we carry and the beauty

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of growth mindset is that it forces us

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to step back and ask ourselves some

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simple questions these are questions

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that you could ask yourself right now

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and in fact I highly recommend you do

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you could ask yourself for instance what

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have I been told I'm really good at you

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should also ask yourself what have I

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been told I'm really poor at that I'm

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just not good at what have I told myself

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I'm really good at and what have I told

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myself I'm really bad at and then a

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second set of questions is what am I

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good at and why did it come naturally to

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me did I apply myself for many years

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meaning did I apply a lot of effort to

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learning that thing or perhaps both

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right and then it's also important to

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ask yourself why am I not good at other

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things is it simply because you've never

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applied yourself with those things or is

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it because you tried and had an early

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failure or perhaps you tried and tried

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and tried for many years and you

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continue to fail at that thing or you

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just didn't reach a level of proficiency

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that made you want to pursue it further

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in asking yourselves those questions you

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are asking yourself not just what you're

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good at and bad at and why you should

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also be thinking about where the

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messages of being good at something or

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being bad at something arrived from did

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they arrive from outside you meaning

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from your parents from your coaches from

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your teachers or was it the case that

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despite a lot of positive feedback you

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just sort of decided you weren't good at

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something or conversely was it the case

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that despite a lot of negative feedback

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that you would never be good at

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something or that you weren't good at

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something that you continue to persist

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because there are certainly people like

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that the more negative feedback they get

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the more they dig their heels in to

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prove themselves as capable of becoming

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good at something so I do recommend as

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we March forward in this conversation

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you think about those questions what am

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I good at what am I bad at why am I good

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at those things why am I bad at those

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things and ask yourself to what extent

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your labels that is your identity is

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attached to the things that you are good

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at or bad at and the reason I'd like you

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to ask yourself those questions is that

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next we're going to talk about some

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research from Dr Carol dweck's

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laboratory that was really the seed of

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the entire field of growth mindset it

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relates to a specific set of experiments

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that really show that the specific

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feedback we get meaning whether or not

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we get feedback that is attached to our

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identity like a label like smart or

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great athlete or talented sends us down

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a very different path of performance in

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the short and long run

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as compared to whether or not we receive

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feedback that's based on effort meaning

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you tried really hard or you really seem

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to apply yourself under conditions where

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you're getting the right answer over

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time because you simply refuse to quit

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those are two very Divergent sets of

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feedback and as you'll learn in a moment

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the sorts of feedback that we get

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especially early in life or early in an

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Endeavor so this doesn't just apply to

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young kids this applies to adults too

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who are taking on a new skill or trying

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to expand on an existing skill those two

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Divergent forms of feedback get

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integrated into our core beliefs about

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what we think is possible for us in a

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given Endeavor and the great news is we

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can also modify those core beliefs

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simply by changing the feedback that we

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give ourselves the research paper I'd

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like to discuss briefly that beautifully

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embodies the runway that led to the

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discovery of growth mindset is paper

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from Dr Carol dweck as well as her

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colleague Claudia Mueller and the title

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of the paper essentially says it all the

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title is praise for intelligence can

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undermine children's motivation and

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right that should be surprising that

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praise for intelligence can undermine

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motivation and performance I would have

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thought and I think many people probably

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believe that if you tell a child or an

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adult that they're really good at

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something and you're genuine about that

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feedback meaning they're performing well

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and you say great you're doing really

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well you're so smart you're so talented

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that their performance would continue to

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improve that it would bolster their

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motivation to engage in that activity

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which hopefully they enjoy but

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regardless provided that it's a safe

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activity it's educational or what have

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you that it would serve to encourage

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them right the kid thinks not only am I

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engaging in this activity but I'm

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getting positive feedback presumably

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from people that I care about or whose

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opinion I care about wouldn't that serve

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to elevate performance

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it does not in fact the exact opposite

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happens so I'll just give you a few of

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the key takeaways from this study

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the way it was done is very interesting

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they essentially gave feedback about

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performance that was linked up with a

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child's intelligence telling kid they're

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smart they're talented that they can

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learn things really easily or that

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they're very good at learning this sort

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of thing and they call that intelligence

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or they gave them what was called effort

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feedback the simple way to think about

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effort feedback is that it's more

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attached to verbs as opposed to labels

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so effort feedback consists of things

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you tried really hard on that problem it

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was great the way that you applied

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effort it was great the way that you

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persisted it was great the way that even

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when you got the wrong answer you spent

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10 minutes thinking about it and then

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you tried again and again or in some

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cases even if they didn't get the right

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answer telling them well even though you

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didn't get the right answer it's really

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terrific that you continue to try Okay

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so intelligence feedback was the sort of

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feedback that was tied to labels of

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identity things like smart talented Etc

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whereas effort feedback was tied to

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verbs choices behavioral and cognitive

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choices that children made in an effort

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to learn or get better at something so

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in this study which included over 100

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children they either got the

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intelligence type feedback or the effort

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type feedback or there was a control

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group that didn't get either the

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intelligence or the effort type feedback

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and then they looked at a number of

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different outcomes so I'll just

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highlight a few examples of what they

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found first of all the kids that got the

Time: 1037.819

intelligence-based feedback when they

Time: 1040.22

were then later offered problem sets

Time: 1042.5

that were either challenging or were of

Time: 1045.86

the sort that they knew they could

Time: 1047

perform well on they tended to select

Time: 1049.16

problems that they knew they could

Time: 1050.48

perform well on these are what were

Time: 1052.22

referred to as performance goals in

Time: 1054.14

other words they picked problems that

Time: 1055.94

allowed them to continue to get the

Time: 1057.919

praise that they had received previously

Time: 1059.78

about being smart or talented whereas

Time: 1062.6

the kids that got feedback about their

Time: 1065.12

strong effort when later presented with

Time: 1067.88

problems that were either easy or hard

Time: 1070.58

more often than not they picked the

Time: 1072.679

harder problems that stood to teach them

Time: 1074.9

more so that's striking it says that if

Time: 1077.419

you tell a kid that they're smart or

Time: 1078.799

talented and that's the reason why they

Time: 1080.36

perform well

Time: 1081.559

when they encounter challenges they are

Time: 1083.72

likely to go with the least amount of

Time: 1085.76

challenge so that they can continue to

Time: 1087.679

receive that praise or feedback whereas

Time: 1090.02

if you receive praise and feedback for

Time: 1092.419

your strong effort then later you tend

Time: 1095.36

to pick environments problem sets Etc

Time: 1098.059

that allow you to exert the very effort

Time: 1100.22

that got you the praise in the first

Time: 1101.96

place so in both cases these children

Time: 1104.48

are essentially attached to the praise

Time: 1106.82

right in some sense I mean we like to

Time: 1108.74

think that they enjoy these activities

Time: 1110

and they're benefiting from them as well

Time: 1111.74

but in both cases the praise really

Time: 1114.62

serves to reinforce a certain pattern of

Time: 1116.66

behavior but in the case of giving

Time: 1118.58

intelligence feedback the kids are

Time: 1120.559

really just trying to reinforce being

Time: 1122

told that they're smarter talented as

Time: 1123.919

opposed to reinforcing the engagement in

Time: 1126.74

the activity that got them the praise in

Time: 1128.48

the first place

Time: 1129.62

and the converse is also true when kids

Time: 1131.78

are told hey you really tried hard and

Time: 1134.179

that's great or I like how you persisted

Time: 1136.22

or you're so persistent I can really see

Time: 1138.32

how persistent you are in trying to get

Time: 1140.419

the right answer even if you don't get

Time: 1142.16

the right answer well then when you

Time: 1143.72

present those kids with additional

Time: 1145.1

challenges they work very hard to stay

Time: 1147.679

in Challenge and guess what no surprise

Time: 1150.26

the kids that are rewarded for effort

Time: 1152.66

and that continue to pick harder

Time: 1154.34

problems outperform the kids that are

Time: 1156.74

given the intelligence praise and

Time: 1158.179

feedback by a large margin so what does

Time: 1161.419

this tell us this tells us that the

Time: 1162.799

narratives that we hear from others of

Time: 1164.66

course reinforce certain patterns of

Time: 1167.419

behavior what else does this tell us

Time: 1169.22

this tells us that if you're a parent or

Time: 1170.9

teacher you have to be very careful

Time: 1173.299

about giving feedback to a child that is

Time: 1176.419

attached to their identity around an

Time: 1178.88


Time: 1180.02

especially if they're performing well at

Time: 1182.539

that endeavor right now of course if a

Time: 1185

child is not performing well at

Time: 1186.5

something you also don't want to tell

Time: 1188.179

them that they're stupid right you don't

Time: 1190.039

want to tell them that they're deficient

Time: 1191.9

right but that's a rare occurrence in

Time: 1194.36

the classroom one would hope that's a

Time: 1196.22

rare occurrence on the field one would

Time: 1197.84

hope but what's very common very very

Time: 1201.5

common is that when we see children or

Time: 1203.9

adults performing well we tend to give

Time: 1205.7

them identity labels as a way to try and

Time: 1207.679

reinforce whatever Behavior we observe

Time: 1210.08

and we like now the other thing they

Time: 1211.76

looked at in the study besides whether

Time: 1213.38

or not these kids would pick hard or

Time: 1215.539

easier challenges down the line where

Time: 1218.24

the actual raw performance on cognitive

Time: 1221.96

problems and these data I must say are

Time: 1224.419

just so interesting

Time: 1226.64

they took the kids and they gave them

Time: 1228.44

all the same problem sets and all the

Time: 1231.2

kids across the board whether or not

Time: 1232.46

they were getting intelligence praise or

Time: 1234.679

effort praise or they were in the

Time: 1235.88

control group we're performing more or

Time: 1238.22

less the same way they were getting some

Time: 1239.66

of these questions right some of these

Time: 1241.039

questions wrong

Time: 1242.24

then they gave them praise after

Time: 1245.66

they completed those problems they

Time: 1247.58

either got intelligence praise you're so

Time: 1249.559

smart you're so talented or they got

Time: 1250.94

effort praise you tried so hard you

Time: 1252.62

really persisted that's fantastic then

Time: 1254.84

later they gave them another set of

Time: 1256.34

problems and they looked at performance

Time: 1257.84

now remember the first time around all

Time: 1259.88

the kids got some of the questions right

Time: 1261.38

and some of the questions wrong so

Time: 1263

there's room for improvement for

Time: 1264.32


Time: 1265.34

what they found was absolutely striking

Time: 1267.74

the kids that were in the control group

Time: 1269.96

so they didn't get any specific form of

Time: 1271.94

Praise they perform more or less the

Time: 1273.98

same way as they did before so if they

Time: 1276.32

were getting 75 percent of the answers

Time: 1278.36

right the first time they got 75 percent

Time: 1280.22

of the answers right the second time 25

Time: 1282.44

wrong in both cases

Time: 1285.26

the kids that were in the intelligence

Time: 1286.64

praise group that you're so smart you're

Time: 1288.2

so talented praise group their

Time: 1290.48

performance went down significantly

Time: 1293.659

whereas the kids that were in the effort

Time: 1295.88

praise group their performance increased

Time: 1298.94

significantly okay so this is a

Time: 1301.22

bi-directional effect where giving

Time: 1303.08

intelligence praise reduces performance

Time: 1306.02

and giving effort praise improves

Time: 1308.179

performance which is absolutely striking

Time: 1311.059

and tells you everything you need to

Time: 1312.74

know which is if you're a parent you're

Time: 1314.659

a teacher and of course as we all give

Time: 1317.84

ourselves feedback

Time: 1319.96

rewarding yourself for effort is the

Time: 1323.48

best way to improve performance

Time: 1324.86

rewarding yourself based on identity

Time: 1326.96

labels so smart so talented you're a

Time: 1329

great athlete Etc all that stare in the

Time: 1331.46

mirror and do self-affirmation stuff can

Time: 1333.86

actually undermine performance and in

Time: 1335.9

fact it does undermine performance it

Time: 1338.059

may not do it right away but eventually

Time: 1339.919

it does and in a moment I'll explain why

Time: 1342.2

the other thing this study looked at

Time: 1343.76

that I just have to mention is this

Time: 1345.74

notion of persistence so remember

Time: 1347.539

earlier I said that the kids that got

Time: 1349.159

intelligence praise tended to pick

Time: 1350.78

easier problems down the line whereas

Time: 1352.4

the kids that got effort praise tended

Time: 1354.26

to pick harder problems it turns out

Time: 1356.299

that the kids that got intelligence

Time: 1358.28

praise also tended to take on fewer

Time: 1361.34

problems overall they tended to limit

Time: 1364.039

the total number of challenges that they

Time: 1366.02

engaged in whereas the kids that got the

Time: 1367.94

effort praise that you worked so hard

Time: 1369.74

you're so determined that was so

Time: 1371.059

impressive how you just kept going even

Time: 1373.159

when you got some answers wrong those

Time: 1375.02

kids not only opted for harder

Time: 1376.64

challenges they not only performed

Time: 1378.44

better but they also took on many more

Time: 1381.44

challenges so these data really made

Time: 1383.539

clear that the effort praise is the way

Time: 1385.58

to go now I know many people have heard

Time: 1387.44

this whole thing about don't reward the

Time: 1389.48

person reward the effort reward the

Time: 1391.4

verbs as I'm referring to it but it's

Time: 1393.98

actually pretty rare that we hear effort

Time: 1395.6

rewarded in everyday settings and it is

Time: 1397.76

very common for us to overhear

Time: 1399.26

intelligence praise or Talent praise you

Time: 1402.98

know a kid comes home with a trophy and

Time: 1404.299

we tell them you're a great athlete

Time: 1405.74

right a kid comes home with a great

Time: 1407.12

report card you know you're so smart

Time: 1408.44

congratulations a kid comes home with

Time: 1411.38

some sort of win in their world and we

Time: 1414.2

tend to give them a label because we

Time: 1416.12

like to think that that label will get

Time: 1417.98

internalized and they'll start to view

Time: 1419.48

themselves as a winner we tell them you

Time: 1421.159

can do anything you're a winner you're a

Time: 1422.72

winner and of course you don't want to

Time: 1424.46

tell children or yourself or any other

Time: 1426.679

adult you're a loser right we do not

Time: 1429.14

want to do that you don't want to

Time: 1430.58

undermine performance that way but it's

Time: 1433.46

very clear based on This research and a

Time: 1435.74

lot of other papers similar to it that

Time: 1438.44

we all have a giant blind spot sitting

Time: 1441.14

in our psychological field when we are

Time: 1443.419

getting and receiving praise that really

Time: 1445.28

it is the sort of praise that's attached

Time: 1447.559

to the very efforts that led to the

Time: 1449.48

results that will lead to even improved

Time: 1452

results over time okay so this paper is

Time: 1454.58

really truly important it's a landmark

Time: 1456.38

paper in the field of psychology

Time: 1457.64

motivation learning and performance and

Time: 1459.86

that's why I'm discussing it in such

Time: 1461.36

detail here but it actually includes one

Time: 1464.72

additional piece of information that I

Time: 1466.94

also think everyone should know about

Time: 1468.46

and that is the tendency for children

Time: 1471.38

who get intelligence praise

Time: 1473.72

to misrepresent their performance on

Time: 1476.84

subsequent efforts

Time: 1478.4

what do I mean by that basically what

Time: 1480.26

I'm saying is in this paper they had the

Time: 1483.38

children perform on a given task and

Time: 1486.2

then they either got intelligence praise

Time: 1488

you're so smart you're so talented or

Time: 1489.38

effort praise you worked so hard you're

Time: 1491.059

so diligent you kept going even when you

Time: 1493.52

were faced with results you didn't like

Time: 1494.98

and then they had them do a series of

Time: 1497.48

other tasks and then report their

Time: 1499.7

results to other kids and what they

Time: 1502.22

found is that children who get

Time: 1503.419

intelligence praise when they need to

Time: 1505.7

report their scores either by walking up

Time: 1507.98

to the board and putting a little Mark

Time: 1509.419

where their particular score is or

Time: 1511.46

telling another student what their score

Time: 1513.38

was or even writing it down on a piece

Time: 1515.12

of paper covertly so that's not visibly

Time: 1517.58

being compared to all the other scores

Time: 1518.96

the kids that got intelligence praise

Time: 1521.78

tend to lie about their score

Time: 1525.2

and as you could imagine they tend to

Time: 1528.02

lie in the direction of making

Time: 1529.279

themselves appear as having performed

Time: 1531.919

better than they actually did so this is

Time: 1534.86

a pretty Sinister aspect of intelligence

Time: 1537.799

praise that we don't often hear about

Time: 1539.659

even if you've heard telling a person

Time: 1541.52

that they are smart or talented can

Time: 1543.5

ultimately undermine performance rarely

Time: 1545.9

if ever do we hear that telling someone

Time: 1547.22

that they're smart or talented

Time: 1549.02

can increase the probability that that

Time: 1551.24

person is going to misrepresent their

Time: 1553.58

performance in the future and that's

Time: 1555.679

true regardless of whether or not they

Time: 1557.059

perform pretty well or not in the past I

Time: 1558.919

mean you could imagine that the kids

Time: 1560.12

that were told that they were

Time: 1561.2

intelligent that they're talented that

Time: 1563.72

those kids you know if they were doing

Time: 1565.7

well and then suddenly did poorly that

Time: 1567.86

they Slide the score up a little bit we

Time: 1570.02

don't want anyone to do that but you can

Time: 1571.76

imagine how a young kid might do that to

Time: 1573.38

kind of preserve their ego but no in

Time: 1576.02

some cases these kids are already

Time: 1577.1

performing pretty well they're not

Time: 1578.48

getting 100 but they're performing in

Time: 1580.64

the top bracket and yet if they received

Time: 1583.4

intelligence praise they're still more

Time: 1585.2

likely to lie about their performance

Time: 1587

increasing it further still whereas the

Time: 1589.52

kids that receive the effort praise do

Time: 1591.2

no such thing they Faithfully represent

Time: 1593.419

their performance and as I mentioned

Time: 1595.52

before for many reasons that we'll talk

Time: 1597.559

about in a few minutes meaning the

Time: 1599.299

mechanisms and what's really going on in

Time: 1601.34

the heads of these kids that get effort

Time: 1602.72

praise they're performing better than

Time: 1604.279

everybody else so just to illustrate how

Time: 1606.44

important the findings in the study

Time: 1607.64

really are the paper was Paul published

Time: 1609.559

in 1998 but just two years prior in 1996

Time: 1612.799

there was a survey of parents asking to

Time: 1615.08

what extent do you believe that

Time: 1616.159

intelligence is fixed and 85 percent

Time: 1619.179

answered that they thought that

Time: 1621.08

intelligence was fixed that means they

Time: 1624.26

believe that the brain was sort of a

Time: 1625.7

vessel of fixed size that of course when

Time: 1628.22

we're born into the world it's kind of

Time: 1630.14

empty we don't have any knowledge but

Time: 1631.76

that the job of schooling was to teach

Time: 1633.74

kids things and reveal an intelligence

Time: 1636.62

capacity that was innate and that

Time: 1639.02

couldn't be increased upon whereas

Time: 1641.24

nowadays we really understand mainly

Time: 1643.039

through our deeper understanding of

Time: 1644.84

neuroplasticity and how the brain learns

Time: 1646.58

that indeed the brain can learn and that

Time: 1648.98

intelligence is not fixed however in

Time: 1651.62

1998 when these studies were done most

Time: 1654.74

people were of the core belief that

Time: 1656.24

intelligence is fixed that it cannot be

Time: 1658.7

improved upon and these results really

Time: 1660.799

drive home the fact that the type of

Time: 1663.38

feedback we get about our performance

Time: 1665.24

even when our performance is good can

Time: 1668.539

undermine our future performance or if

Time: 1671.059

we receive feedback of the effort praise

Time: 1673.279

type the you tried so hard you're so

Time: 1675.5

persistent type that our abilities can

Time: 1678.799

indeed improve and when you look at any

Time: 1681.32

intelligence test if you look at

Time: 1682.94

standard IQ test or you you know go way

Time: 1685.4

out onto the other end of the Continuum

Time: 1686.9

in terms of intelligence testing you

Time: 1688.159

look at emotional intelligence it is

Time: 1690.32

very clear that anyone and everyone can

Time: 1693.44

improve their scores on those exams and

Time: 1696.08

in fact can improve the various aspects

Time: 1698.36

of intelligence because in fact there

Time: 1699.679

are many different forms of intelligence

Time: 1701.059

through dedicated effort so this paper

Time: 1703.76

was really ahead of its time and it's

Time: 1705.86

really what seeded the entire field of

Time: 1707.96

growth mindset and the understanding of

Time: 1709.94

what that is so now I'd like to shift

Time: 1711.74

our attention to not just how getting

Time: 1713.419

one form of Praise or another form of

Time: 1715.52

Praise can diminish or enhance

Time: 1716.84

performance but really to ask why that

Time: 1719.84

would be how that is because in that

Time: 1722.059

understanding there's a very simple set

Time: 1724.159

of tools of narratives that you can tell

Time: 1726.2

yourself or that you can tell a child as

Time: 1728.779

they are attempting to learn that can

Time: 1730.46

greatly enhance your or their ability to

Time: 1733.279

learn before we go any further however I

Time: 1735.62

know many of you are listening to this

Time: 1737

with an eye toward the tools meaning you

Time: 1739.64

want to know what the tools are that you

Time: 1740.96

can Implement well earlier I had you ask

Time: 1742.52

some questions what are you good at what

Time: 1744.38

have you been told you're good at and

Time: 1746.6

how did you arrive at being good at

Time: 1748.58

those things I also encourage you to

Time: 1750.2

think about what you've been told you're

Time: 1751.7

bad at

Time: 1752.72

or less good at and what you tell

Time: 1754.7

yourself you're bad at and less good at

Time: 1756.44

and how you arrived at that conclusion

Time: 1758

right now I'd like you to ask yourself

Time: 1760.299

what is your typical narrative when you

Time: 1763.399

are engaging in things that you believe

Time: 1765.32

you are good at and what is your typical

Time: 1768.2

narrative meaning your internal dialogue

Time: 1770.24

in your head when you're engaging in

Time: 1772.82

things that you are not good at or if

Time: 1774.98

you're not engaging in those things when

Time: 1776.299

you think about engaging in those things

Time: 1777.799

and the tool that's very effective to

Time: 1780.74

apply even just in your own mind is to

Time: 1783.62

start shifting your narrative from those

Time: 1785.299

performance narratives of being really

Time: 1787.279

good at something or bad at something

Time: 1788.84

which are In fairness are the labels I'm

Time: 1791

using here but that's for sake of

Time: 1792.26

discussion and Clarity and to start to

Time: 1794.659

shift those narratives towards effort

Time: 1797.12

related narratives so I'll use myself as

Time: 1799.279

an example I'm pretty good at learning

Time: 1801.44

and remembering things cognitive

Time: 1802.88


Time: 1804.2

I'm pretty terrible at playing music in

Time: 1806.72

fact I'm downright terrible if I were to

Time: 1809

step back from those two statements

Time: 1811.46

I could take an intelligence type praise

Time: 1815.059

narrative and tell myself okay I'm

Time: 1817.76

um I have a great memory right that's

Time: 1820.039

that's a intelligence praise type

Time: 1822.2

narrative or I could tell myself the

Time: 1824.72

truth which is I tend to spend a lot of

Time: 1827.659

time with information in different forms

Time: 1829.7

I listen to it I read it I write it down

Time: 1831.98

I highlight it I put it up on a

Time: 1833.659

whiteboard I tell myself that

Time: 1835.7

information again in my head I think

Time: 1837.32

about it in different contexts I tell

Time: 1838.82

other people about it that's how I

Time: 1841.22

developed a good memory for certain

Time: 1842.72

types of information and that's still

Time: 1844.58

how I continue to build my memory and my

Time: 1847.64

information Bank in my head to this day

Time: 1849.5

it's not because I have a quote unquote

Time: 1851.48

great memory it's because I engage in

Time: 1853.58

certain verb processes to build up that

Time: 1856.159

memory okay I can also take a look at

Time: 1858.679

the let's call it the negative statement

Time: 1860.36

I am abysmal at music which frankly is a

Time: 1863.659

fair statement and I could say okay I'm

Time: 1866.059

just a terrible musician I have no

Time: 1868.46

musical sense I have no musical ability

Time: 1870.32

those are labels of the intelligence

Time: 1873.02

type labels

Time: 1874.52

or I could look at the verbs

Time: 1877.159

this is also true

Time: 1879.02

I have never really spent a lot of time

Time: 1881.419

trying to learn an instrument I failed

Time: 1883.82

early on at least in my mind I failed to

Time: 1886.94

get the results I wanted and so I

Time: 1888.38

stopped playing

Time: 1889.58

I made the dog next door Howell which by

Time: 1892.58

the way I did so I stopped playing

Time: 1895.179

I ceased the effort process and so in

Time: 1899

looking at it through that lens yes I'm

Time: 1901.279

a terrible musician but I'm a terrible

Time: 1903.14

musician as a consequence of having

Time: 1905.24

never really engaged in the types of

Time: 1907.1

behaviors and effort over time that

Time: 1909.44

would have allowed me to be anything but

Time: 1911.12

a terrible musician now I'm not asking

Time: 1913.64

you to do this exercise simply as a way

Time: 1915.74

to Puff yourself up about the things

Time: 1918.14

you're good at and reward yourself for

Time: 1920

all the effort that went into it nor am

Time: 1921.919

I asking you to look at the things that

Time: 1923.36

you're not good at and trying to take

Time: 1925.1

away some of the shame and blame

Time: 1926.299

although that would be a good thing as

Time: 1927.559


Time: 1928.399

that led to the fact that you're not

Time: 1930.08

good at these things the reason I'm

Time: 1931.88

requesting that you ask those questions

Time: 1933.14

of yourself is that they can start to

Time: 1935.6

give you a sense of the actual tools and

Time: 1938.12

how those tools are implemented in order

Time: 1940.159

to get better at the things that you

Time: 1941.84

want to get better at and and this is a

Time: 1944.24

very important and to not set yourself

Time: 1946.76

up for getting worse at the things that

Time: 1949.159

you already think you're good at because

Time: 1950.84

as we'll soon talk about when we attach

Time: 1953.779

performance labels to things that we are

Time: 1955.76

really good at we internalize that sense

Time: 1958.279

of self oh I'm good at this particular

Time: 1960.14

thing in my case if I gave a performance

Time: 1962

label or an intelligence label it would

Time: 1964.159

be of the sort okay I have a great

Time: 1966.08

memory but what happens when someone

Time: 1969.5

gives themselves or hears a performance

Time: 1971.539

or intelligence label around something

Time: 1973.64

that they're good at and then has an

Time: 1976.399

error or has a period where they're not

Time: 1978.08

that good at something well if you

Time: 1979.82

internalized a sense of identity around

Time: 1981.98

performing well at that thing and then

Time: 1984.08

at some point you don't perform well you

Time: 1986.48

will also attach your identity to that

Time: 1989

diminished performance whereas if you

Time: 1991.46

attach effort verbs to why you got good

Time: 1995

at something as well as why you are not

Time: 1997.22

good at something well then there's only

Time: 1999.62

room for improvement why do I say that

Time: 2002.019

well when we're talking about effort

Time: 2004.179

we're talking about verbs that is

Time: 2006.22

inherent to you if you did it in one

Time: 2007.96

context you can do it in another whereas

Time: 2010.419

ability and performance it's not the

Time: 2013.12

case that if you have a good memory You

Time: 2014.559

Are by default a good musician that

Time: 2016.299

might be the case but in my case

Time: 2018.039

certainly it's not the point being that

Time: 2020.679

when you think about the effort

Time: 2022.48

processes that you've engaged before and

Time: 2025.059

over and over again that allows you to

Time: 2027.7

continue to get better in a given domain

Time: 2029.98

even when or perhaps we should say

Time: 2032.14

especially when you stop getting the

Time: 2034.72

results you want or you start getting

Time: 2035.98

poor results and that effort process of

Time: 2039.22

practicing a lot many repetitions

Time: 2041.019

analyzing why you didn't get something

Time: 2042.76

right that can be engaged in a lot of

Time: 2045.279

different Endeavors across domains as we

Time: 2047.799

say so when we talk about verbs like

Time: 2049.839

effort or persistence or practicing a

Time: 2053.08

lot or analyzing errors and why you did

Time: 2055.78

something incorrectly and then getting

Time: 2056.98

back to the drawing board as it's called

Time: 2058.72

when you start to think about your

Time: 2061

successes and your failures through

Time: 2062.619

those lenses through the lens of verbs

Time: 2065.619

then you're really talking about

Time: 2066.94

something that's Central to who you are

Time: 2068.919

it's how you're wired it's Machinery

Time: 2071.26

that exists in your brain and nervous

Time: 2072.82

system and body that you can engage that

Time: 2075.339

time and anytime as many of you know

Time: 2077.859

I've been taking ag1 daily since 2012.

Time: 2080.56

so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring

Time: 2082.06

the podcast eg1 is a vitamin mineral

Time: 2084.58

probiotic drink that's designed to meet

Time: 2086.2

all of your foundational nutrition needs

Time: 2088.06

now of course I try to get enough

Time: 2089.679

servings of vitamins and minerals

Time: 2091.119

through whole food sources that include

Time: 2092.859

vegetables and fruits every day but

Time: 2094.899

oftentimes I simply can't get enough

Time: 2096.46

servings but with ag1 I'm sure to get

Time: 2099.16

enough vitamins and minerals and the

Time: 2100.72

probiotics that I need and it also

Time: 2102.7

contains adaptogens to help buffer

Time: 2104.44

stress simply put I always feel better

Time: 2106.78

when I take ag1 I have more focus and

Time: 2109.359

energy and I sleep better and it also

Time: 2111.64

happens to taste great for all these

Time: 2113.38

reasons whenever I'm asked if you could

Time: 2115.119

take Just One supplement what would it

Time: 2116.92

be I answer ag1 if you'd like to try ag1

Time: 2120.28

go to huberman to claim a

Time: 2123.64

special offer from now until August 12

Time: 2126.04

2023 ag-1 is giving away 10 free travel

Time: 2129.099

packs plus a year supply of vitamin D3

Time: 2131.56

K2 again if you go to

Time: 2134.26

huberman you can claim the special offer

Time: 2136.96

of 10 free travel packs plus a year

Time: 2139.119

supply of vitamin D3 K2 okay so I've

Time: 2141.94

been talking about cognitive or

Time: 2143.859

psychological processes and the basic

Time: 2146.32

take home is that labels of intelligence

Time: 2148.96

labels of identity undermine performance

Time: 2151.54

and a striking aspect of that by the way

Time: 2154.119

which I failed to mention earlier but I

Time: 2155.98

should have is that if we receive those

Time: 2158.56

labels of being a high performer smart

Time: 2160.48

talented Etc either before or after

Time: 2164.619

a given task or game or exam

Time: 2168.579

it still has a detrimental effect in

Time: 2171.22

both cases meaning you tell someone

Time: 2173.26

heading into something you're a great

Time: 2175.06

athlete you are so smart you're going to

Time: 2176.74

do so well on this exam you undermine

Time: 2178.96

their performance or if they take the

Time: 2181.66

exam and afterwards before you see their

Time: 2184.599

scores or even after they score let's

Time: 2186.94

say they get an A plus they get

Time: 2188.56

everything perfect and you say you are

Time: 2190.06

so smart you are so talented you are

Time: 2193.359

undermining the performance on the next

Time: 2195.16

exam that's how striking these results

Time: 2197.14

are and again they've been shown again

Time: 2198.88

and again in different populations of

Time: 2200.859

students and adults conversely it's

Time: 2203.8

striking how powerful the effort labels

Time: 2206.14

can be at improving performance

Time: 2207.72

conversely and fortunately the same is

Time: 2210.64

true for effort-based praise so if

Time: 2213.22

before a kid or adult heads into a

Time: 2215.26

competition or exam or preparation for a

Time: 2217.72

competition and exam you say you know

Time: 2219.94

what I know you to be a really dedicated

Time: 2222.7

worker you really persist you know how

Time: 2225.579

to do hard things you really dig your

Time: 2228.339

heels when it gets hard and you overcome

Time: 2230.38

challenges if you do that before that

Time: 2232.96

child or adult heads into challenge they

Time: 2235.18

will perform better and if after an exam

Time: 2237.88

or performance or practice whatever the

Time: 2239.8

effort happens to be you tell them you

Time: 2242.32

really worked hard I love the way that

Time: 2244.48

even when you know you got kicked in the

Time: 2247.119

shin and you're limping along there and

Time: 2248.56

you're hurt you continue to play or even

Time: 2251.02

when you know everyone else went to

Time: 2252.88

sleep and you continue to study although

Time: 2255.04

by the way I do encourage people to get

Time: 2256.599

enough sleep there are times in which

Time: 2258.46

let's face it the person who stays up

Time: 2260.32

latest studying provides they get enough

Time: 2261.7


Time: 2262.599

they're getting the extra hours in right

Time: 2264.4

I might have been that kid in college or

Time: 2266.56

tried to be that kid in college

Time: 2268.48

if you reward effort after the effort

Time: 2272.26

you also set the mind the brain of that

Time: 2276.099

child or adult up to provide more effort

Time: 2279.46

to future endeavors so it's very clear

Time: 2281.74

it doesn't matter if the timing of the

Time: 2283.24

praise comes before or after a given

Time: 2286.24

bout of effort or performance you give

Time: 2288.88

identity praise before performance

Time: 2291.04

diminishes you give identity praise

Time: 2293.26


Time: 2294.28

subsequent performance diminishes you

Time: 2297.28

give effort praise before performance

Time: 2299.38

goes up you give effort praise after

Time: 2302.04

performance goes up so I know I sound a

Time: 2305.32

little bit like a broken record but we

Time: 2307.24

hear so often about growth mindset about

Time: 2309.4

giving the right form of Praise but it's

Time: 2311.68

not often that we are told when to give

Time: 2313.72

that praise and the short answer of

Time: 2315.76

course is doesn't matter in fact we

Time: 2319

should always be striving to give others

Time: 2321.4

and ourselves praise that is correctly

Time: 2324.22

attached to genuine effort and that word

Time: 2326.68

correctly is important here I'm not

Time: 2328.54

saying you know take a kid who performed

Time: 2330.339

poorly on an exam because they kind of

Time: 2331.96

loafed or the kid that was just

Time: 2333.28

shuffling their feet out on the soccer

Time: 2334.48

field and say hey great you know you you

Time: 2336.28

worked so hard when they didn't you know

Time: 2338.02

we know when we're being lied to or when

Time: 2340.18

we're lying to ourselves

Time: 2341.74

but that should give you a sense of

Time: 2343.96

control not a sense of lack of control

Time: 2346.42

because ultimately effort is something

Time: 2348.94

that we can control in fact whenever I

Time: 2351.22

hear the term control what you can

Time: 2352.78

control I get a little bit nauseated and

Time: 2355.839

a little bit irritated too because it's

Time: 2357.579

never clear what people are referring to

Time: 2359.14

when they say control what you can

Time: 2360.339

control focus on what you can control

Time: 2361.839

what's the thing that we all really can

Time: 2364.48

control it's our level of persistence

Time: 2366.82

and our level of effort and of course we

Time: 2368.859

all have different circumstances such

Time: 2370.599

that persistence and effort can be

Time: 2372.22

harder in certain circumstances and for

Time: 2374.619

certain people certainly but at the end

Time: 2377.44

of the day at the end of the year and at

Time: 2379.42

the end of our life really the only

Time: 2380.98

thing that you really truly can control

Time: 2382.599

is where you place your attention and

Time: 2385.78

where you place your effort those are

Time: 2388.119

the two things that are really inherent

Time: 2389.74

to you and your nervous system no one

Time: 2391.48

can do the effort for us no one can

Time: 2393.88

direct our attention for us

Time: 2395.74

things and people can try and divert or

Time: 2398.619

distract our attention and our effort

Time: 2400.54

but ultimately effort and attention that

Time: 2403.06

is intrinsic motivation come as the name

Time: 2406.3

suggests directly from us okay so it's

Time: 2408.94

clear that we have a striking set of

Time: 2410.56

results in the literature and again

Time: 2413.079

major hat tip to Carol dweck and her

Time: 2415.359

colleagues for making this discovery

Time: 2417.099

right it is what eventually led to the

Time: 2419.2

discovery of growth mindset and it's

Time: 2420.579

what we're really building up to here

Time: 2422.02

okay so this early work from dweck and

Time: 2424.24

colleagues and by early I mean late 90s

Time: 2426.28


Time: 2427.48

is really spectacular it really

Time: 2429.52

transformed the way that we think about

Time: 2430.96

education and learning in general and in

Time: 2433.3

fact neuroplasticity but what it didn't

Time: 2436.06

answer is why you know why is it that

Time: 2439.42

effort praise leads to better

Time: 2440.98

performance and intelligence praise

Time: 2442.839

identity praise leads to diminished

Time: 2444.7

performance and it turns out that the

Time: 2447.099

answer resides in how people respond to

Time: 2450.339

errors how they respond to feedback that

Time: 2452.44

they did not want and there's a really

Time: 2454.3

nice study that looked at this

Time: 2455.5

mechanistically in the brain to ask

Time: 2457.42

what's going on under the hood meaning

Time: 2459.88

within the brain when people who have

Time: 2462.52

one mindset or another

Time: 2464.22

adopt a growth mindset that is the idea

Time: 2467.859

that if they engage in effort that they

Time: 2469.599

can get better at things or if they have

Time: 2471.16

what's called a fixed mindset this idea

Time: 2472.78

that if they're not performing well it

Time: 2474.339

must be because they just simply can't

Time: 2476.74

perform well they don't have the

Time: 2478

capacity or the ability to perform well

Time: 2479.98

so the study I'm referring to is a study

Time: 2483.099

first author mangles last author no

Time: 2485.74

surprise Carol dweck and it's entitled

Time: 2487.72

why do beliefs about intelligence

Time: 2489.7

influence learning success a social

Time: 2491.8

cognitive Neuroscience model

Time: 2494.14

I'm not going to go into all the details

Time: 2495.82

of the study but the study used what's

Time: 2497.68

called erps event related potentials

Time: 2499.72

event related potentials

Time: 2501.46

are measured by putting a cap on the

Time: 2504.099

skull that has a bunch of electrodes but

Time: 2505.78

they don't penetrate the skull they're

Time: 2507.28

picking up electrical potentials that

Time: 2509.68

correlate with shifts in brain activity

Time: 2511.78

now an advantage of erps is that it's

Time: 2515.14

pretty non-invasive you can even do it

Time: 2516.88

on babies you don't have to cut into the

Time: 2518.38

skull you don't have to remove any skin

Time: 2519.7

as you would if you were going to you

Time: 2521.92

know put electrodes down into the brain

Time: 2524.16

which essentially is neurosurgery and

Time: 2526.9

it's not as disruptive as being put into

Time: 2529.3

a functional magnetic Imaging machine

Time: 2531.4

where you're put into a tube and you

Time: 2533.14

have to lie motionless for an hour or

Time: 2534.64

more actually it was in an MRI machine

Time: 2536.859

not for any clinical reason but just as

Time: 2538.96

a diagnostic scan recently and nowadays

Time: 2542.02

they allow you to watch Netflix in there

Time: 2543.52

or do something but you have to stay

Time: 2544.9

very very still so it's hard for a lot

Time: 2547.24

of people to do that but it can be done

Time: 2549.099

if you need it to be done you do it but

Time: 2551.74

erps are great because people can come

Time: 2553.96

into the laboratory put on this skull

Time: 2555.88

cap it's got this funny thing or it

Time: 2557.74

looks funny with all these little wires

Time: 2559.119

coming out of it and you can get a

Time: 2561.339

fairly good measure of

Time: 2563.32

Global levels of activity across the

Time: 2565.42

brain you can't really pinpoint fine

Time: 2567.339

structures and you can't look at brain

Time: 2569.2

activity deep in the brain that's

Time: 2570.579

probably the major drawback of looking

Time: 2572.38

at these erps but you can see global

Time: 2575.98

shifts in activity across the brain and

Time: 2578.079

the other Advantage is you can do that

Time: 2579.7

while people are engaging a lot of

Time: 2581.56

different types of tasks you can move

Time: 2583.06

around a lot whereas when you're in an

Time: 2585.16

MRI machine you're in that little tube

Time: 2586.66

you can't really do much so this study

Time: 2589.66

had people equipped with these skull

Time: 2591.819

caps looks like a kind of like a hoodie

Time: 2593.619

with a bunch of wires coming out of it

Time: 2595.54

and they had them

Time: 2597.819

play a game basically what they did is

Time: 2600.7

they were asked questions these are

Time: 2602.5

trivia type questions like what's the

Time: 2604.48

capital of Australia Australians you're

Time: 2606.04

not allowed to answer that question but

Time: 2607.18

everyone else should try and then here

Time: 2609.22

I'm paraphrasing people indicate their

Time: 2611.619

confidence in how accurate they were

Time: 2613.72

with the response okay so they ask them

Time: 2616

a question like what's the capital of

Time: 2617.079

Australia the person would answer and

Time: 2618.46

then they say how confident are you on a

Time: 2620.98

scale of say one to ten

Time: 2623.619

that you got the answer correct and then

Time: 2626.079

they were given two pieces of feedback

Time: 2628.9

and the first piece of feedback provided

Time: 2631.48

information only about their response

Time: 2633.52

accuracy were they right or were they

Time: 2635.26

not right

Time: 2636.28

and then the second feedback was they

Time: 2638.98

got the correct answer so this is a

Time: 2640.9

pretty clever experimental design

Time: 2642.16

because it allowed the researchers to

Time: 2644.8

look at people's thinking as they're

Time: 2647.92

trying to get the right answer then

Time: 2649.3

compare that to how confident they were

Time: 2651.04

that they had the right answer right you

Time: 2652.78

could imagine that if someone was really

Time: 2654.46

confident like if you ask me what's your

Time: 2656.56

name and I say Andrew what's my

Time: 2658.119

confidence that my name is Andrew 75

Time: 2661.119

just kidding 100 okay 100 whereas if you

Time: 2665.44

asked me

Time: 2666.7

um I was confronted this the other day

Time: 2668.22

uh in your physics class when they

Time: 2671.319

talked about the right hand rule which

Time: 2673.599

is if you're listening don't don't worry

Time: 2675.64

about it it's just when you put out your

Time: 2677.02

index finger your middle finger and your

Time: 2678.88

thumb with your right hand in the right

Time: 2681.04

hand rule is the magnetic field the the

Time: 2685.06

middle finger the index finger the thumb

Time: 2686.92

and I'm pretty sure that it's pretty

Time: 2689.26

sure that it's the the magnetic field is

Time: 2691.72

the the middle finger that's the vector

Time: 2693.4

of the middle finger but how confident

Time: 2695.68

am I in this result I don't know maybe

Time: 2697.72

50 because it's been a while since I've

Time: 2699.94

looked at this stuff and I should know

Time: 2701.859

this but I haven't looked at so 50 when

Time: 2704.319

you give people these kinds of questions

Time: 2705.819

while recording brain activity you're

Time: 2707.859

getting a lot of information you're

Time: 2709.72

looking at accuracy you're also looking

Time: 2711.339

at confidence you're looking at lack of

Time: 2713.079

confidence and you can correlate that

Time: 2714.46

with different patterns of brain

Time: 2715.48

activity now they had essentially two

Time: 2717.22

groups of people in the study one group

Time: 2719.38

had an intelligence mindset they

Time: 2722.38

believed intelligence was more or less

Time: 2723.76

fixed the other had what we call a

Time: 2725.8

growth mindset they believed that

Time: 2727.06

through effort that intelligence was

Time: 2728.5

malleable that people could learn new

Time: 2729.819

information including themselves they

Time: 2731.619

could learn new information

Time: 2733.359

and you wouldn't necessarily think that

Time: 2736

these two groups would show different

Time: 2737.26

patterns of brain activity in response

Time: 2739.06

to getting things right or wrong while

Time: 2741.52

their brain was being imaged but in fact

Time: 2743.02

that's exactly what happened there's a

Time: 2745.42

certain waveform of activity the name

Time: 2747.52

isn't really important you call it the

Time: 2748.9

P3 wave in these Erp experiments P3 wave

Time: 2753.52

is a certain pattern of activity that

Time: 2756.04

emerged during the presentation to the

Time: 2759.22

subject that they gotten something wrong

Time: 2760.96

so the P3 wave it's just a little

Time: 2763.839

blippin neural activity in the brain

Time: 2765.76

correlated with when people were told

Time: 2768.339

nope you got that one wrong okay and

Time: 2771.88

what was really interesting is that the

Time: 2774.28

height of the P3 this let's just call it

Time: 2776.8

an error signal because it correlated

Time: 2778.119

with the error signal this nope you got

Time: 2780.46

it wrong signal in the brain that signal

Time: 2783.28

was larger in people with a fixed

Time: 2785.2

mindset as opposed to in people with the

Time: 2787.24

growth mindset

Time: 2788.56

now what was especially interesting is

Time: 2791.44

that the location of that activity was

Time: 2794.26

above a brain area called the interior

Time: 2797.14

cingulate cortex the ACC the anterior

Time: 2800.14

cingulate cortex is a structure involved

Time: 2801.88

in many different functions in the brain

Time: 2803.8

but one of its primary functions is that

Time: 2807.099

in the front of the ACC what we call the

Time: 2809.38

rostral or anterior ACC

Time: 2812.26

ivity there tends to correlate with

Time: 2815.079

emotional responses it tends to

Time: 2817.24

correlate with our internal sense

Time: 2819.4

so-called enteroception whereas in the

Time: 2822.099

dorsal ACC meaning the top of the ACC

Time: 2825.819

activity there tends to correlate with

Time: 2828.28

cognitive information and cognitive

Time: 2830.319

appraisal meaning this structure has a

Time: 2832.599

lot of different functions but it's got

Time: 2833.859

a little area within it that tends to be

Time: 2835.599

more related to our emotional or somatic

Time: 2837.579

responses to things and it's got another

Time: 2839.8

area inside of it the tends to be more

Time: 2842.619

related to our thinking our cognition

Time: 2845.14

and what was really interesting is that

Time: 2847

in the group that had the fixed mindset

Time: 2848.92

when they were told that they got

Time: 2850.9

something wrong there tended to be a

Time: 2853.3

greater signal in that rostral or

Time: 2855.579

anterior ACC meaning they had a bigger

Time: 2857.619

emotional response to it or at least the

Time: 2859.66

neural activity suggested that whereas

Time: 2861.88

people with a growth mindset when

Time: 2863.68

presented with ah you got something

Time: 2865.96

wrong the error signal the error signal

Time: 2869.14

within their brain tended to reside or

Time: 2871.599

even to shift toward areas that are

Time: 2873.94

associated with cognitive appraisal and

Time: 2876.04

so the conclusion of this study as well

Time: 2877.72

as other studies using functional

Time: 2879.88

magnetic resonance imaging that have

Time: 2881.68

looked at similar tasks is that when

Time: 2884.68

people have a growth mindset and they

Time: 2887.02

are presented with the information that

Time: 2889.599

they got something wrong rather than

Time: 2892.18

just feel it as a somatic response or an

Time: 2895.3

emotional response they tend to appraise

Time: 2897.94

it they tend to direct their attentional

Time: 2899.619

resources toward trying to understand

Time: 2901.8

what the error was and why they got that

Time: 2904.72

error and this I believe is absolutely

Time: 2907.119

fundamental to understanding the

Time: 2908.859

distinction between a fixed mindset and

Time: 2910.9

a growth mindset because perhaps you've

Time: 2913.119

seen these lists these you know

Time: 2914.38

side-by-side lists that you know a fixed

Time: 2916.359

mindset versus a growth mindset you know

Time: 2919.48

a fixed mindset is one in which you're

Time: 2922.42

trying to look smart that you're not so

Time: 2924.4

focused on effort that your response to

Time: 2927.16

setbacks is to give up you know and your

Time: 2930.099

academic and other forms of performance

Time: 2931.72

tends to be low whereas in a growth

Time: 2933.579

mindset your goal tends to be to learn

Time: 2935.92

you tend to Value effort more you tend

Time: 2938.619

to respond to setbacks by working harder

Time: 2940.96

and your performance is higher and I'm

Time: 2943.54

not trying to make light of these lists

Time: 2945.22

these lists are important because they

Time: 2946.42

help us organize our information and

Time: 2947.98

differentiate between a fixed versus

Time: 2949.42

growth mindset but they don't tell us

Time: 2951.76

why focusing on effort and engaging more

Time: 2954.04

effort would actually translate into

Time: 2955.96

higher performance for instance you

Time: 2957.819

could imagine a scenario where the exact

Time: 2959.859

opposite is true right we can make up a

Time: 2962.68

just so story where if your identity is

Time: 2965.02

so rigidly fixed to high performance

Time: 2966.7

you're likely to outwork everybody right

Time: 2968.98

that seems like a logical conclusion as

Time: 2971.14

well but that's not the way it plays out

Time: 2973.599

it's when your identity is attached to

Time: 2976.72

yourself sense of ability to engage in

Time: 2979.48

ongoing effort especially when you

Time: 2982.78

receive signals that you're getting

Time: 2984.04

things wrong or not performing well that

Time: 2986.74

is tied to elevated performance in the

Time: 2989.5

study using erps tells us that's likely

Time: 2991.48

to be the case because of how people who

Time: 2994.119

have a growth mindset Focus their

Time: 2996.04

attention when they're told nope you got

Time: 2998.44

that wrong or when people think they got

Time: 3000.599

something right right they give an

Time: 3002.94

answer and they say what's your

Time: 3003.96

confidence level and they say 90 maybe

Time: 3006.119

99 maybe even 100 percent it's wrong

Time: 3009.66

people who have a fixed mindset

Time: 3012.359

focus on the emotional response to that

Time: 3014.76

more of their brain resources are

Time: 3016.38

devoted to I got it wrong I thought I

Time: 3018.9

got it right then the people who have a

Time: 3021.06

growth mindset who are thinking wait

Time: 3022.859

okay then what was that answer and how

Time: 3024.9

could I possibly get that answer wrong

Time: 3026.28

I'm going to figure that out okay now as

Time: 3029.22

you're hearing this you're probably

Time: 3030.78

thinking oh no I'm somebody who

Time: 3032.579

reflexively gets disappointed when I get

Time: 3034.56

something wrong well fortunately this is

Time: 3036.54

not just about that 100 milliseconds to

Time: 3039

five seconds after you're told something

Time: 3040.38

is wrong you can shift from a fixed

Time: 3043.26

mindset to a growth mindset response in

Time: 3045.66

fact that's an important tool that we

Time: 3047.4

all need to learn how to implement we

Time: 3049.559

all suffer from fixed mindset all suffer

Time: 3052.5

from fixed mindset in certain Endeavors

Time: 3054.599

and when we get things wrong especially

Time: 3056.46

when there's some embarrassment or shame

Time: 3058.38

which often accompanies when we think we

Time: 3060.839

were very right we're convinced we're

Time: 3062.28

right that fixed mindset can really

Time: 3065.099

hijack our emotional response

Time: 3067.619


Time: 3068.819

there are a lot of data that point to

Time: 3070.619

the fact that at those moments if we

Time: 3072.359

think okay I'm going to step back from

Time: 3073.8

that and I'm going to just think about

Time: 3075.059

the error I'm going to think about what

Time: 3076.38

led to the error and I'm going to start

Time: 3077.7

devoting my intentional resources to

Time: 3079.8

that process

Time: 3081.3

that process itself can be built up over

Time: 3083.64

time such that we start to outweigh the

Time: 3087.18

fixed mindset with growth mindset simply

Time: 3089.4

by devoting our attentional resources to

Time: 3091.619

the error acknowledging it happened

Time: 3094.02

maybe feeling something about it maybe

Time: 3095.7

not it's really hard to control our

Time: 3097.38

feelings what we can control as I

Time: 3098.819

mentioned before is our effort and our

Time: 3100.559

attention so focusing our attention on

Time: 3102.3

why we got something wrong and really

Time: 3105

digging into that that's growth mindset

Time: 3107.4

in action so you'll notice as we have

Time: 3109.5

this discussion about the more

Time: 3110.64

mechanistic underpinnings of growth

Time: 3112.319

mindset is that we're not talking about

Time: 3114.96

psychological terms as much we're not

Time: 3117.3

talking about ego protection we're not

Time: 3119.52

talking about identity now all of those

Time: 3121.92

things are extremely important but the

Time: 3124.38

problem with things like ego protection

Time: 3126

and identity is that when we are faced

Time: 3128.339

with results that we don't want and we

Time: 3130.8

are faced with those results in a real

Time: 3132.24

world context like we're not getting the

Time: 3134.46

results we want in school in work in

Time: 3136.92

athletics in relationships Etc

Time: 3140.099

we hear these messages and we try to for

Time: 3142.859

instance you know set our ego aside or

Time: 3145.319

you know not attach our identity so much

Time: 3147.42

to what is happening but it's really

Time: 3149.339

really hard and it's really really hard

Time: 3151.92


Time: 3153.119

statements like set your ego aside or

Time: 3155.339

don't attach yourself to it so much are

Time: 3157.859

wonderful aspirations but there's no

Time: 3160.92

actual process that one can go through

Time: 3163.619

by oneself that allows you to

Time: 3165.839

immediately disentangle yourself from

Time: 3167.64

your ego right I mean there's this whole

Time: 3169.859

process of ego dissolution that we

Time: 3171.72

talked about in the episode with Robin

Time: 3173.04

cardard Harris but none of that was

Time: 3175.559

directed at specific challenges that one

Time: 3178.2

is undertaking in real time right so

Time: 3180.839

when you're faced with results that you

Time: 3182.52

don't like you can't simply step back

Time: 3184.44

nor should you expect yourself to be

Time: 3185.76

able to step back and say oh I'm not

Time: 3187.26

going to get upset about this error

Time: 3188.46

right it makes perfect sense why you

Time: 3189.839

would get upset about not getting the

Time: 3191.52

results that you want however once you

Time: 3193.859

start to understand some of the

Time: 3195

mechanistic underpinnings of what will

Time: 3197.099

allow you to rescue your performance

Time: 3199.319

that is to start focusing on those

Time: 3201.96

errors from a more cognitive and a

Time: 3204.18

slightly less emotional stance or even a

Time: 3206.7

combination of emotional and cognitive

Time: 3208.859

right because it's very hard to suppress

Time: 3210.599

our emotional response to something but

Time: 3212.22

oftentimes we can enhance our

Time: 3213.9

attentional or cognitive response to

Time: 3216.18

Something in parallel with that and in

Time: 3218.099

doing so we can kind of Rob some of the

Time: 3219.96

emotional response

Time: 3221.4

and when we do that sort of thing it's

Time: 3223.859

hard and anytime we do hard things we

Time: 3226.319

generally want to know that the doing of

Time: 3228.66

those hard things is working that it's

Time: 3230.579

in service to something and the study I

Time: 3232.8

just reviewed as well as what I'm going

Time: 3234.18

to talk about next really points to the

Time: 3236.52

fact that building up a practice a

Time: 3239.28

capacity of focusing on one's effort on

Time: 3242.28

focusing on the errors one made from a

Time: 3245.579

cognitive standpoint and really trying

Time: 3247.619

to understand what led to those errors

Time: 3249.42

is the basis it's the Cornerstone of

Time: 3252.24

building up growth mindset it does

Time: 3254.099

however require that we don't just tell

Time: 3255.96

ourselves to focus on effort and the

Time: 3258.059

errors and analyzing those errors it

Time: 3260.28

also requires an additional piece which

Time: 3262.26

is what we're going to talk about now

Time: 3263.46

I'd like to take a quick break and

Time: 3265.44

acknowledge our sponsor inside tracker

Time: 3267.42

inside tracker is a personalized

Time: 3269.339

nutrition platform that analyzes data

Time: 3271.2

from your blood and DNA to help you

Time: 3273.18

better understand your body and help you

Time: 3274.68

meet your health goals I'm a big

Time: 3276.72

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 3278.22

done for the simple reason that many of

Time: 3280.319

the factors that impact your immediate

Time: 3282.359

and long-term Health can only be

Time: 3283.92

analyzed from a quality blood test

Time: 3285.48

however with a lot of blood tests out

Time: 3287.16

there you get information back about

Time: 3288.96

blood lipids about hormones and so on

Time: 3290.7

but you don't know what to do with that

Time: 3291.839

information with inside tracker they

Time: 3293.819

have a personalized platform that makes

Time: 3295.319

it very easy to understand your data

Time: 3297.72

that is to understand what those lipids

Time: 3299.46

what those hormone levels etc mean and

Time: 3302.22

behavioral supplement nutrition and

Time: 3304.14

other protocols to adjust those numbers

Time: 3305.88

to bring them into the ranges that are

Time: 3307.98

ideal for your immediate and long-term

Time: 3309.54

Health inside tracker's ultimate plan

Time: 3311.22

now includes measures of both apob and

Time: 3313.44

of insulin which are key indicators of

Time: 3316.079

cardiovascular health and energy

Time: 3317.64

regulation if you'd like to try inside

Time: 3319.619

tracker you can visit

Time: 3321.66

huberman to get 20 off any of inside

Time: 3324.599

tracker's plans again that's inside

Time: 3326.579 huberman to get 20 off okay

Time: 3330.54

so by now I like to think that we all

Time: 3332.4

understand what growth mindset is and

Time: 3335.16

what differentiates it from a fixed

Time: 3337.02

mindset however just understanding what

Time: 3339.66

growth mindset is and how having a

Time: 3342.059

desire to implement it and a bit of

Time: 3344.339

understanding of how to implement it

Time: 3345.96

turns out to be necessary but not

Time: 3348.48

sufficient there's an additional piece

Time: 3350.22

that we need to accomplish the good news

Time: 3352.14

is that additional piece is very

Time: 3353.64

straightforward to understand if we zoom

Time: 3356.7

out and we start to really understand

Time: 3358.74

that growth mindset is really a way of

Time: 3362.099

connecting motivation to cognition it's

Time: 3366.3

taking this thing that we call

Time: 3367.38

motivation which is of course what we

Time: 3369.3

all want we all want to be motivated we

Time: 3370.8

all want to be effort driven Etc

Time: 3373.5

and we take motivation and we tie it to

Time: 3375.839

a set of specific thoughts or thought

Time: 3377.88

processes that we can control

Time: 3380.099

that is Far and Away different than

Time: 3382.319

looking at motivation simply as an

Time: 3384.359

emotional or an internal state of quote

Time: 3386.339

unquote feeling motivated and in fact

Time: 3388.74

that's what most people including myself

Time: 3390.3

default to we want to feel motivated so

Time: 3392.7

fortunately we try and get good sleep

Time: 3394.92

which is essential that really helps for

Time: 3396.9

daytime mood focus and alertness and

Time: 3398.94

thereby motivation we hydrate we

Time: 3401.94

exercise we might even drink caffeine as

Time: 3404.579

a way to increase our level of alertness

Time: 3406.559

and motivation and all of that is

Time: 3408.119

finding good in fact all of that is

Time: 3410.16

encouraged although I would say that the

Time: 3412.02

caffeine part is optional but all those

Time: 3414.599

other things are encouraged toward

Time: 3415.98

mental health physical health and

Time: 3417.119

performance and motivation but what

Time: 3420.9

growth mindset is really about is it's

Time: 3423

taking this thing that we call

Time: 3424.14

motivation and it's saying okay what are

Time: 3426.599

the specific types of thoughts and

Time: 3428.76

actually the specific thoughts the

Time: 3430.559

specific cognitive processes that will

Time: 3433.02

allow us to feel more motivated

Time: 3434.52

especially under conditions where we

Time: 3436.319

feel something is hard where we are not

Time: 3438.54

getting the results we want and in order

Time: 3440.76

to master that process we need to

Time: 3442.8

embrace another mindset that's right in

Time: 3446.64

order to access growth mindset it's very

Time: 3449.04

clear that we need to be able to think

Time: 3450.72

about errors and we need to overcome

Time: 3452.7

errors and we need to devote our

Time: 3454.26

attention to errors and we need to

Time: 3456

devote our attention to reframing what's

Time: 3458.28

going on in our head when we're feeling

Time: 3460.38

not motivated Etc and all of that is

Time: 3462.78

really hard to do from a purely

Time: 3464.04

psychological standpoint but there's

Time: 3466.619

this additional mindset which has to do

Time: 3469.02

with our mindset around stress and

Time: 3471.66

frustration itself that can allow us to

Time: 3474.54

access growth mindset far more easily

Time: 3477.48

and this mindset around stress actually

Time: 3479.64

has a name it's called the stress is

Time: 3481.98

enhancing mindset and there's a very

Time: 3483.9

straightforward way to increase your

Time: 3486.3

stress is enhancing mindset so first I

Time: 3488.579

want to step back and acknowledge the

Time: 3489.9

person who really made some of the key

Time: 3492.059

fundamental discoveries in this area

Time: 3493.44

that we call stresses enhancing mindsets

Time: 3495.599

and that's Dr Alia sometimes referred to

Time: 3498.359

as Dr Ali Crum she's a tenured professor

Time: 3501.599

of psychology at Stanford she also is a

Time: 3504.24

former division one athlete and a

Time: 3506.4

licensed clinical psychologist she's an

Time: 3508.079

absolute Phenom and I promise you that

Time: 3511.14

she is so successful in all those

Time: 3512.94

categories by way of immense amounts of

Time: 3515.46

effort in addition to that she also

Time: 3517.5

happens to be an incredibly kind person

Time: 3519.54

and generous person she was a guest on

Time: 3521.22

this podcast previously you can find

Time: 3523.2

that episode in the show note captions

Time: 3524.64

or by going to and

Time: 3526.44

simply searching for mindset crumb

Time: 3528.839


Time: 3530.339

her personal story and her work and the

Time: 3533.04

tool she offers are absolutely

Time: 3534.359

spectacular however you don't need to go

Time: 3536.46

to that episode just yet I'm going to

Time: 3538.26

talk about some of those tools now and

Time: 3540.119

I'm going to talk about how using those

Time: 3541.619

tools can allow you to access growth

Time: 3543.359

mindset and then I'm going to talk about

Time: 3545.099

how the combination of applying a stress

Time: 3548.4

is enhancing mindset with a growth

Time: 3550.38

mindset acts synergistically to even

Time: 3553.079

further improve performance in the short

Time: 3555.119

and long run the stresses enhancing

Time: 3556.98

mindset is the outgrowth of many

Time: 3558.839

different studies and not just from Dr

Time: 3561.18

Ali Crum but from others as well but for

Time: 3564.48

the time being I want to focus on one

Time: 3565.92

paper in which Dr Crum was the first

Time: 3568.14

author so this work was done before she

Time: 3570.18

arrived at Stanford the paper is

Time: 3572.099

entitled rethinking stress the role of

Time: 3574.44

mindsets in determining the stress

Time: 3576.24

response and the key takeaway from this

Time: 3578.64

paper is that how we think about stress

Time: 3581.48

impacts how we react to stress so much

Time: 3584.7

so in fact that what this paper

Time: 3587.46

illustrates is that if people are given

Time: 3589.859

even just a short tutorial about some of

Time: 3592.68

the negative consequences of stress on

Time: 3595.319

learning and performance and their

Time: 3597

physiology and their health they

Time: 3599.46

experience a lot of negative

Time: 3600.9

consequences of stress when they are put

Time: 3603

into a stressful circumstance

Time: 3604.859

conversely if people are taught about

Time: 3606.54

the performance enhancing aspects of

Time: 3608.579

stress then those people will experience

Time: 3611.4

performance enhancement when they are

Time: 3613.92

confronted with stress in a learning or

Time: 3615.9

other performance type environment so

Time: 3617.819

what we are talking about here is not

Time: 3619.5

the placebo effect I want to be very

Time: 3621.42

clear about that

Time: 3622.74

we are also not talking about lying to

Time: 3625.079

people in order to shift their response

Time: 3627.18

to stress what we're talking about here

Time: 3629.099

is two different conditions one

Time: 3631.68

condition where people are exposed to

Time: 3633.66

information that is true about how

Time: 3636

stress can diminish performance and

Time: 3638.099

another condition in which people are

Time: 3639.42

exposed to information that is also true

Time: 3641.64

about how stress can enhance performance

Time: 3644.88

now you might be saying how can it be

Time: 3646.619

true that stress is both performance

Time: 3648.78

diminishing and stress is performance

Time: 3650.76

enhancing and ah therein lies the key

Time: 3653.76

takeaway from this paper it depends on

Time: 3656.099

what you believe about stress in fact a

Time: 3658.74

different way to umbrella this whole

Time: 3660

discussion is to say that how you think

Time: 3662.28

about stress impacts the stress response

Time: 3665.28

in profound ways so this paper

Time: 3667.74

rethinking stress the role of mindsets

Time: 3669.48

and determining stress

Time: 3671.04

did a very simple set of manipulations

Time: 3673.619

they had people in one group listen to a

Time: 3676.44

lecture that effectively was titled

Time: 3678.119

quote the effects of stress are negative

Time: 3680.04

and should be avoided and that lecture

Time: 3682.5

included information about how stress

Time: 3684.48

diminishes performance and how it can

Time: 3687

diminish health and vitality learning

Time: 3689.579

and performance productivity it

Time: 3691.619

increases uncertainty Etc okay and all

Time: 3694.14

of that information is true

Time: 3696.48

a separate group listened to a lecture

Time: 3698.64

entitled quote experiencing stress

Time: 3700.74

improves health and vitality and again

Time: 3703.7

that information is true now I realize

Time: 3706.68

that some of you are probably still

Time: 3707.76

asking how can it be that stress

Time: 3709.859

diminishes health and performance and

Time: 3711.48

stress also enhances health and

Time: 3713.22

performance and the answer lies in two

Time: 3716.099

things one the level of stress and

Time: 3718.74

therefore the level of hormones that are

Time: 3720.72

released in response to that stress the

Time: 3722.64

duration over which the stress response

Time: 3724.799

occurs but the key variable here is that

Time: 3727.859

our cognitive understanding about what

Time: 3730.38

stress does impacts whether or not our

Time: 3733.5

physiology goes down the direction of

Time: 3735.72

debilitating or enhancing effects of

Time: 3737.819

stress Okay so we've got a condition

Time: 3739.5

here where people are being informed

Time: 3741.24

very differently about what stress does

Time: 3743.339

in one case it's the stresses bad

Time: 3745.079

message in the other case it's the

Time: 3746.4

stress is good message and there are

Time: 3748.559

many different experiments within this

Time: 3749.94

paper but one of the more interesting

Time: 3751.92

ones I believe

Time: 3753.119

is where they looked at work performance

Time: 3755.099

both in terms of performance of what

Time: 3757.619

they call soft tasks so these are

Time: 3759.78

somewhat easier tasks as well as hard

Time: 3761.52

tasks and when you look at the group

Time: 3764.579

that was given information about how

Time: 3766.74

stress diminishes performance in the

Time: 3769.68

soft tasks okay so the somewhat easy

Time: 3772.02

task You Don't See Much change in their

Time: 3774.599


Time: 3776.04

as you compare the before the learning

Time: 3778.619

about stress is diminishing to after the

Time: 3780.78

learning whereas the people who learn

Time: 3782.7

that stress is enhancing actually

Time: 3784.799

experience some improvement in work

Time: 3786.9

performance even though the challenge

Time: 3788.94

that they're facing isn't that great so

Time: 3791.099

again what this means is that learning

Time: 3792.66

that stress can enhance performance by

Time: 3795.48

providing people true information about

Time: 3797.579

how stress can enhance performance can

Time: 3799.619

increase performance even in the context

Time: 3802.2

of stuff that's not that hard not that

Time: 3803.94

stressful even more interesting is that

Time: 3805.92

when you look at performance on tasks

Time: 3807.599

that are considered hard and you compare

Time: 3809.64

the stresses diminishing group meaning

Time: 3811.14

the group that was taught that stress is

Time: 3812.94


Time: 3814.5

and compare that to the stresses

Time: 3816.119

enhancing group you see a really

Time: 3817.619

Divergent response the people that learn

Time: 3819.839

that stress diminishes performance did

Time: 3821.52

not improve at all whereas the people

Time: 3823.5

that learn that stress can enhance

Time: 3824.88

performance enhance their performance

Time: 3826.74

significantly now keep in mind all they

Time: 3829.26

are doing is learning that stress can

Time: 3831.42

enhance their performance and then

Time: 3832.799

they're given the task and they're

Time: 3834.359

performing better so that's pretty

Time: 3836.7

spectacular right there's no training

Time: 3839.339

session that they went and did they

Time: 3840.78

didn't practice these items that they

Time: 3842.22

were being tested on in between they

Time: 3844.26

weren't given a bunch of you know drills

Time: 3846.18

to do and they didn't take a lot of time

Time: 3847.559

to do it they just heard a tutorial

Time: 3849.72

about how stress can enhance performance

Time: 3851.76

and that I believe is remarkable because

Time: 3854.7

what it says is that our cognitive

Time: 3856.559

appraisal about stress which we all are

Time: 3859.14

going to experience in life right

Time: 3860.579

elevated heart rate narrowing a visual

Time: 3862.38

Focus you know shifting of blood away

Time: 3864.9

from the periphery all of these things

Time: 3866.28

are characteristic features of the

Time: 3867.839

stress response that we learn especially

Time: 3870.54

in this day and age because it's talked

Time: 3871.74

about a lot in popular culture that oh

Time: 3873.9

you know all of the these mechanisms

Time: 3875.46

were put into us in order for us to get

Time: 3877.92

away from the saber-toothed tiger or the

Time: 3879.78

or the line that's trying to eat us

Time: 3881.46

let's be fair the stress response is

Time: 3884.04

there for a lot of reasons not just

Time: 3885.72

because of saber-toothed tigers and

Time: 3887.22

lions I mean that's kind of a story that

Time: 3888.839

we make up the stress response is

Time: 3891.42

inherent not just to us but to other

Time: 3892.98

species as a way to mobilize us either

Time: 3895.5

away from things or toward things right

Time: 3897.48

we need to have somewhat of a stress

Time: 3898.859

response in order to engage in adaptive

Time: 3901.74

challenge yes it's true that hundreds

Time: 3904.38

and thousands of years ago those

Time: 3905.46

adaptive challenges probably involved

Time: 3906.9

hunting but they probably involved

Time: 3908.46

Social Challenges as well do you think

Time: 3910.26

it was you know easy for cavemen and

Time: 3912.42

women to engage socially and you know

Time: 3914.339

kind of settle out their romantic

Time: 3915.839

interactions Etc do you think it was

Time: 3917.579

easy for them to raise children no of

Time: 3919.2

course not the stress response is there

Time: 3921.059

for a variety of reasons not just to get

Time: 3922.799

away from predators the really exciting

Time: 3925.319

thing that's been discovered in the

Time: 3927.18

course of Ali krum's work and other work

Time: 3929.52

in the last couple of decades is that

Time: 3931.44

the stress response is neither good nor

Time: 3933.66

bad the stress response depends on

Time: 3937.079

whether or not you believe the

Time: 3938.64

sensations that you're experiencing

Time: 3939.9

elevated heart rate narrowing a visual

Time: 3941.819

Focus Etc are serving to enhance your

Time: 3943.92

performance or diminish your performance

Time: 3945.96

and this study really points to the fact

Time: 3947.94

that just learning that it can enhance

Time: 3949.799


Time: 3951.119

can enhance performance now I know a

Time: 3953.819

number of you are probably saying wait

Time: 3955.079

but stress doesn't feel good right and

Time: 3957.48

oftentimes we experience stress under

Time: 3959.46

conditions where we're trying to learn

Time: 3960.78

or get good at something or listen

Time: 3962.46

better or do something and it actually

Time: 3964.02

is diminishing performance I think it's

Time: 3966.059

important to acknowledge that

Time: 3967.799

this study and studies like it are not

Time: 3969.96

saying that stress becomes pleasant as a

Time: 3972.54

sensation in the body nor is it saying

Time: 3974.819

that it always leads to improved

Time: 3976.559

performance I don't want you to think

Time: 3978.299

that's the take-home message sometimes

Time: 3979.74

it does it can as was demonstrated in

Time: 3982.44

this research paper but oftentimes as we

Time: 3985.26

know stress diminishes our performance

Time: 3987.359

it takes us away from the landmarks we

Time: 3990.059

want to hit it takes us away from the

Time: 3991.859

grades we want to get it takes us away

Time: 3993.299

from quote unquote showing up how we

Time: 3995.28

want to right no one wants to have the

Time: 3996.96

blotchy skin and the sweating and the

Time: 3998.64

quaking of voice when we're trying to do

Time: 4000.2

public speaking and things of that sort

Time: 4001.7

no one wants any of that what's

Time: 4004.22

important to understand is that learning

Time: 4006.5

that stress is a way of mobilizing

Time: 4008.539

resources in the body does two things

Time: 4010.579

first of all it allows us to dampen or

Time: 4014.839

adjust the stress response in real time

Time: 4016.96

and it allows us to understand that that

Time: 4019.46

stress response heightens our level of

Time: 4021.68

focus in a way that allows us to pay

Time: 4024.14

attention to the things that are going

Time: 4026

wrong in a way that allows us us to make

Time: 4028.7

correction to those errors in the future

Time: 4030.619

so if you think back to that study that

Time: 4032.48

Erp study where they measured brain

Time: 4034.039

activity and they looked at people who

Time: 4035.18

had a fixed mindset versus people who

Time: 4036.92

had a growth mindset and the people who

Time: 4038.9

had a growth mindset were paying more

Time: 4041

cognitive attention to what was

Time: 4042.619

happening during errors and after errors

Time: 4045.799

well this stress is enhancing mindset is

Time: 4048.859

very powerful because what it does is it

Time: 4051.44

shifts one's attention away from the

Time: 4054.319

kind of somatic experience of oh my

Time: 4055.88

goodness my heart rate is elevated I'm

Time: 4057.14

sweating I'm quaking I'm just I sound

Time: 4059.18

terrible I feel terrible I look terrible

Time: 4060.98

Etc to a mode of allocating more of our

Time: 4063.44

thinking toward analyzing why things

Time: 4065.839

might be going wrong and something else

Time: 4068.059

powerful happens when we Embrace a

Time: 4069.559

stresses-enhancing mindset as well when

Time: 4072.02

we Embrace a stress is enhancing mindset

Time: 4074.18

it turns out that some of the very

Time: 4076.579

physiological processes that we call

Time: 4078.559

quote unquote stress shift in important

Time: 4081.799

ways some of those include the duration

Time: 4084.619

over which the stress hormone cortisol

Time: 4087.02

is released and in fact I don't even

Time: 4088.339

really want to call it a stress hormone

Time: 4089.9

because cortisol does so many other

Time: 4091.339

things as well and it's not bad you need

Time: 4093.619

cortisol believe me you want cortisol

Time: 4095.66

especially released early in the day and

Time: 4097.339

in response to acute stressors what you

Time: 4099.44

don't want is for cortisol to stay

Time: 4101.12

elevated for long long periods of time

Time: 4103.16

and you especially don't want it to

Time: 4105.259

interfere with your sleep okay so much

Time: 4107.6

so that I think at times I wonder

Time: 4110

whether or not our philosophy on stress

Time: 4111.62

should be that stress is fantastic for

Time: 4114.259


Time: 4115.219

except when it interferes with our sleep

Time: 4117.14

right and when stress becomes terrible

Time: 4119.54

for us is when it starts to be

Time: 4121.1

chronically elevated and especially when

Time: 4122.839

it starts to inhibit our ability to

Time: 4124.94

sleep well enough and long enough okay

Time: 4127.16

so the point here is that when we

Time: 4130.46

Embrace a stressous enhancing mindset we

Time: 4133.58

are able to have shorter duration

Time: 4135.92

release of cortisol we are also able to

Time: 4138.679

engage what's called increased stroke

Time: 4141.319

volume under conditions of stress this

Time: 4143.12

gets a little bit technical but the

Time: 4144.98

amount of blood that your heart can pump

Time: 4146.6

with each beat turns out to be a key

Time: 4148.46

metric of stress when we are very

Time: 4150.14

stressed even though we need to mobilize

Time: 4151.699

a lot of resources somewhat

Time: 4153.199

paradoxically our total stroke volume

Time: 4155.66

can actually be reduced and we tend to

Time: 4158.779

shuttle blood and other resources

Time: 4160.759

towards the core of our body and towards

Time: 4162.799

major Limbs and away from things like

Time: 4165.14

our brain and our periphery so one of

Time: 4167.179

the key measures of how a stress

Time: 4169.1

response quote-unquote is going is how

Time: 4171.859

much peripheral blood flow there is and

Time: 4173.719

when we are more relaxed under

Time: 4175.16

conditions of stress there tends to be

Time: 4176.9

more peripheral blood flow when we are

Time: 4178.58

more anxious more panicked under

Time: 4181.1

conditions of stress peripheral blood

Time: 4182.9

flow is lower and in a remarkable set of

Time: 4185.719


Time: 4186.859

Ali Crum and colleagues have shown that

Time: 4189.56

when we are just taught that stress can

Time: 4191.42

be enhancing and then we are placed into

Time: 4193.04

a stressful environment either because

Time: 4194.96

we are imagining stress or we are

Time: 4196.82

experiencing real stress and then our

Time: 4199.04

physiology is measured

Time: 4200.84

what is observed is that the total

Time: 4204.199

amount of blood that the heart can pump

Time: 4206.12

with each beat is actually increase

Time: 4207.62

peripheral blood flow increases and our

Time: 4210.56

ability to maintain cognition to think

Time: 4212.42

clearly under conditions of stress

Time: 4214.04

increases and again the only

Time: 4216.02

manipulation here is a tutorial about

Time: 4218.78

how stress can be enhancing which is

Time: 4220.52

essentially what I'm telling you right

Time: 4221.96

now in fact for those of you that

Time: 4223.76

perhaps have heard stress reduces

Time: 4225.5

testosterone levels stress reduces

Time: 4227.3

estrogen levels Etc that's true it is

Time: 4230.42

also True by the way that when you are

Time: 4232.4

informed about how stress can be

Time: 4233.84

enhancing of performance it becomes

Time: 4236.3

anabolic that's right it actually can

Time: 4238.699

lead to deployment of androgens and

Time: 4240.8

estrogens things that many not all

Time: 4243.26

people desire to have increased or

Time: 4244.94

certainly desire to not have diminished

Time: 4246.92

below their normal Baseline so there's a

Time: 4249.14

lot of false stories out there about

Time: 4250.76

stress not false because what you're

Time: 4252.739

hearing is wrong

Time: 4254.12

because indeed chronic stress

Time: 4256.159

chronically elevated cortisol can reduce

Time: 4258.08

testosterone reduce estrogen diminish

Time: 4259.88

sleep diminish immunity Etc

Time: 4262.46

but it is also true that stress under

Time: 4266.06

conditions where one believes that

Time: 4267.92

stress can be enhancing can be anabolic

Time: 4270.38

it can be pro-testosterone pro-estrogen

Time: 4273.38

it can be

Time: 4274.78

pro-cortisol regulation in ways that

Time: 4276.86

allow you to focus your cognition and so

Time: 4279.26

on and so forth now that's exciting but

Time: 4281.6

I do realize that for some people it

Time: 4283.28

might be sufficiently vague to make you

Time: 4285.679

wonder well how do I know if I'm getting

Time: 4288.32

the right response from stress or the

Time: 4290.179

wrong response and the simple answer

Time: 4292.04

there is the more that you can learn

Time: 4293.659

about how stress can enhance performance

Time: 4296.179

and the more that you place yourself

Time: 4298.219

into safe I want to underscore it safe

Time: 4300.679

yet stressful adaptive circumstances

Time: 4303.14

these are going to be circumstances

Time: 4304.4

where you stand to learn or grow in some

Time: 4306.56

positive way not circumstances where you

Time: 4308.6

stand to hurt yourself or others of

Time: 4310.58


Time: 4311.36

the more that you can place yourself

Time: 4312.8

into conditions of stress and then to

Time: 4315.38

cognitively just tell yourself ah this

Time: 4317.179

elevated heart rate this um quaking of

Time: 4319.58

my hands this you know sweating Etc this

Time: 4322.04

is my body mobilizing resources and the

Time: 4324.38

more that you can tell yourself that

Time: 4325.58

that's actually affording you an

Time: 4327.14

advantage in being able to allocate your

Time: 4329.659

attention to specific things maybe why

Time: 4332.48

you made an error and analyzing that or

Time: 4334.46

maybe why you succeeded at something and

Time: 4336.32

thinking about the steps that led to

Time: 4337.52

that success the more that you can link

Time: 4339.14

that back to the processes that are

Time: 4341.96

taking you in the directions that you do

Time: 4343.28

and don't want to go and thinking about

Time: 4344.78

them because indeed that's what stress

Time: 4346.88

can allow you to do

Time: 4348.62

the more that you are shifting your mind

Time: 4350.48

away from thinking about just the raw

Time: 4353.36

uncomfortable sensations of stress

Time: 4355.28

you're putting a cognitive appraisal on

Time: 4357.5

a physiological process you are thinking

Time: 4360.08

about stress in a way that is changing

Time: 4362.3

what that stress is doing and you're

Time: 4364.1

taking your brain and body from a

Time: 4365.659

negative State just to put a little bit

Time: 4367.58

of subjective valence on it negative

Time: 4369.5

right nobody wants to have the bad

Time: 4371.719

stress response to a positive State and

Time: 4374.48

when you develop a stresses enhancing

Time: 4376.219

mindset you not only are going to feel

Time: 4378.32

more comfortable under conditions of

Time: 4379.76

stress but you're also developing the

Time: 4382.4

perfect tool to plug into the whole

Time: 4384.62

process of building up your growth

Time: 4386.3

mindset in a way that allows those two

Time: 4389.12

things growth mindset and stress is

Time: 4390.92

enhancing mindset to synergize and to

Time: 4393.44

dramatically improve performance in the

Time: 4395.42

short and long term and that's not just

Time: 4397.159

a statement that I'm making that's what

Time: 4398.9

the research tells us so let's take a

Time: 4400.82

look at that research so now I'd like to

Time: 4402.62

shift our discussion to some very recent

Time: 4404.36

findings about growth mindset and how

Time: 4407.3

growth mindset combined with the

Time: 4409.58

stresses enhancing mindset can

Time: 4411.62

powerfully change outcomes for the

Time: 4413.36

better and can do so in a huge variety

Time: 4416.3

of real world contexts and the work that

Time: 4419.12

I'm referring to is the work of a person

Time: 4421.04

named David Yeager Dr David Yeager is a

Time: 4423.62

professor at the University of Texas

Time: 4424.699

Austin he did his graduate work with

Time: 4427.159

Carol dweck at Stanford and he now has

Time: 4428.84

his own laboratory in Austin and both

Time: 4431.3

when he was a graduate student with

Time: 4432.98

Carol and in his own laboratory he's

Time: 4435.199

been doing very impressive large-scale

Time: 4437.84

studies meaning many thousands of

Time: 4439.52

subjects so that itself is important and

Time: 4442.94

using subjects from diverse areas rural

Time: 4445.28

urban Etc different levels of affluence

Time: 4448.34

lack of affluence and finding

Time: 4450.739

essentially that when students are

Time: 4452.84

taught about a growth mindset what it is

Time: 4455.36

how it's different than a fixed mindset

Time: 4457.9

and when those same students are also

Time: 4460.82

taught about what a stress is enhancing

Time: 4463.4

mindset is and cultivating that again

Time: 4466.34

simply through information tutorial

Time: 4469.34

watching a video about growth mindset

Time: 4470.9

watching a video about stress is

Time: 4472.28


Time: 4473.36

mindsets and then

Time: 4476

confronted with stress

Time: 4478.219

confronted with Tess confronted with

Time: 4481.159

opportunities to embrace hard challenges

Time: 4483.86

or easier paths across the board the

Time: 4487.46

results show up again and again as

Time: 4489.98

students who are taught about a growth

Time: 4491.84

mindset and are taught that stress is

Time: 4493.58

enhancing perform better now jaegering

Time: 4496.94

colleagues have shown that across a huge

Time: 4498.8

number of different experiments in fact

Time: 4500.659

there's a paper published quite recently

Time: 4502.88

this was about a year ago in July of

Time: 4505.1

2022 in the journal Nature so Apex

Time: 4508.1

Journal published as a full article in

Time: 4510.739

Nature and Science and elsewhere they

Time: 4512.659

have letters and shorter formats like

Time: 4515.12

reports and then there are the Articles

Time: 4516.56

which correspond to major major findings

Time: 4518.54

so they published The Following results

Time: 4521.06

as an article in nature in July of 2022

Time: 4523.64

the title of the paper is a synergistic

Time: 4526.58

mindsets intervention protects

Time: 4528.44

adolescents from stress and what I

Time: 4531.26

absolutely love about this paper is that

Time: 4533.42

it includes a lot of different kinds of

Time: 4535.219

experiments so for instance

Time: 4537.5

they looked at high school students who

Time: 4540.739

simply anticipated a stressful event and

Time: 4544.699

had been instructed on growth mindset or

Time: 4548.06

stress's enhancing mindset or both or

Time: 4551.12


Time: 4552.679

conditions where they weren't informed

Time: 4554.659

of those mindsets right It's always

Time: 4555.92

important to have control experiments

Time: 4557.3

where you're getting the same amount of

Time: 4558.38

information but it's not the same

Time: 4560.239

information and what they found was that

Time: 4563.739

anticipatory stress right the stress

Time: 4566.659

that we feel in anticipation of

Time: 4568.88

something that we think is going to

Time: 4570.38

happen is reduced when we are educated

Time: 4573.02

about growth mindset and we are educated

Time: 4575.54

about a stress's enhancing mindset and

Time: 4577.88

the basic takeaway from that experiment

Time: 4579.32

was yes indeed being educated on what a

Time: 4581.78

growth mindset is and how it differs

Time: 4583.28

from a fixed mindset which you now have

Time: 4586.219

been educated on

Time: 4588.02

definitely buffers you against stress in

Time: 4591.14

addition being educated on how stress

Time: 4592.82

can enhance performance can buffer you

Time: 4594.32

against anticipatory stress

Time: 4596.3

but it is clearly the case that when one

Time: 4598.82

is educated on both of those things

Time: 4600.739

growth mindset and stresses enhancing

Time: 4602.719

mindsets that one observes the greatest

Time: 4605.36

buffering or offset of the stress

Time: 4607.219

response in ways that can improve

Time: 4609.38

performance now that is but one

Time: 4611.78

experiment of the six yes six

Time: 4614.239

experiments included in this single

Time: 4616.219

Paper now I'm not going to go through

Time: 4617.9

each of those six experiments in detail

Time: 4619.52

and just as a side note I've invited Dr

Time: 4621.44

David Yeager to be a guest on this

Time: 4622.82

podcast and he has agreed so when he's a

Time: 4624.739

guest on this podcast I'm sure he will

Time: 4626.84

detail all the intricacies of those

Time: 4628.34

experiments in order to inform us about

Time: 4630.62

exactly what was done and how so that we

Time: 4632.42

can benefit from that information but

Time: 4634.34

just by way of example another

Time: 4635.54

experiment in this paper

Time: 4637.34

use what was called the trigger social

Time: 4639.44

stress test and the reason I'm going to

Time: 4641.3

highlight this a little bit is because I

Time: 4642.92

think it relates to a lot of things that

Time: 4644.84

many of us have experienced and that

Time: 4646.219

will experience that are considered

Time: 4648.199

stressful and of course we would all

Time: 4649.88

like ways to buffer ourselves against

Time: 4652.159

stress and or leverage that stress to

Time: 4655.4

improve our performance

Time: 4657.199

as well as adopt a growth mindset so the

Time: 4659.84

try our social stress test is a kind of

Time: 4662

standard mode of stressing people out in

Time: 4664.699

the laboratory or in the classroom where

Time: 4666.62

basically a subject comes in you tell

Time: 4668.84

them to wait a little bit of time then

Time: 4671.6

you measure their stress response at

Time: 4674.48

rest you're looking at their heart rate

Time: 4676.04

their blood pressure you might have them

Time: 4678.199

spit into a little tube and use that

Time: 4679.94

saliva to measure cortisol because

Time: 4682.4

that's how you measure cortisol

Time: 4684.62

then you're going to tell them that

Time: 4685.88

they're going to prepare a speech for

Time: 4687.32

presentation in front of a small group

Time: 4689.12

of actual people then they actually have

Time: 4691.46

to deliver that speech in front of that

Time: 4693.92

audience during that speech sometimes

Time: 4697.1

the people who are observing it are

Time: 4698.6

giving feedback like frowns crossed arms

Time: 4701.36


Time: 4702.199

then there's a pop quiz where they get a

Time: 4704.42

hard arithmetic test in front of that

Time: 4707

audience and when they get answer is

Time: 4708.739

wrong they're told they're wrong in

Time: 4710.12

front of that audience this all might

Time: 4711.44

seem kind of playful and silly to you

Time: 4712.94

but most people do not experience this

Time: 4714.5

as playful and silly almost everybody

Time: 4716.54

who goes into one of these experiments

Time: 4718.699

as a subject

Time: 4719.84

feel some level of stress especially

Time: 4722.42

those that don't like public speaking

Time: 4724.64

especially those that don't see

Time: 4726.44

themselves as very proficient in

Time: 4728.179

arithmetic or that don't like to work

Time: 4730.34

out problems in real time in front of

Time: 4731.96

people you can see how this would be

Time: 4733.34

stressful and all the while measures of

Time: 4735.98

psychological and physiological

Time: 4737.719

reactivity are being measured peripheral

Time: 4740.3

blood flow the thing we talked about

Time: 4741.5

earlier among those what I just

Time: 4743.719

described is pretty extensive but I

Time: 4745.46

provide all that as a backdrop

Time: 4747.679

so that you can understand what happened

Time: 4750.02

before which was people were simply

Time: 4752.36

educated on growth mindset how it

Time: 4754.699

differs from fixed mindset and or stress

Time: 4757.64

enhances performance mindset or not

Time: 4760.52

so basically what we have here is a

Time: 4762.14

condition in which people are just

Time: 4763.699

getting information right there's no

Time: 4765.92

pill there's no treadmill there's no

Time: 4768.8

going home and doing a bunch of problem

Time: 4770.36

sets and what they observe in this

Time: 4772.219

experiment and all the other experiments

Time: 4774.26

contained within this quite massive

Time: 4776.179


Time: 4777.8

is that the mere learning about growth

Time: 4781.04

mindset and stresses enhancing mindsets

Time: 4783.159

allows these students to shift their

Time: 4785.84


Time: 4787.04

so enhance peripheral blood flow changes

Time: 4790.04

in hormone secretion like cortisol n

Time: 4794

shifts in their psychology such that

Time: 4795.62

when they feel stressed they start to

Time: 4797.96

see that and experience that as an

Time: 4800.3

opportunity for Challenge and to lean

Time: 4802.46

into that challenge and where they are

Time: 4804.32

told that they got the wrong answer

Time: 4805.94

where they are told that they are not

Time: 4807.92

performing well they are able to think

Time: 4809.78

about that and to allocate their mental

Time: 4812.3

resources such that they do start to

Time: 4814.219

perform better and the major takeaway

Time: 4816.8

from the study is that across the board

Time: 4819.44

in all six experiments in Imagine stress

Time: 4822.08

in real stress laboratory stress actual

Time: 4824.179

classroom stress and in embracing future

Time: 4827.239


Time: 4828.56

just the learning about what stress can

Time: 4831.199

enhance your performance mindset is

Time: 4833.26

allowed students to do just that now

Time: 4836.239

another really interesting feature of

Time: 4837.739

this study put out by Jager and

Time: 4839.3

colleagues was that the interventions

Time: 4840.679

were one time and relatively brief or we

Time: 4844.04

could even say extremely brief whereas a

Time: 4846.44

lot of previous experiments had looked

Time: 4848.78

at growth mindset interventions that

Time: 4851.12

were on the order of you know four to

Time: 4853.28

six to eight tutorials lasting anywhere

Time: 4855.98

from 30 minutes to an hour each this

Time: 4858.5

experiment employed just one 30-minute

Time: 4860.719


Time: 4861.86

so when I heard about these results and

Time: 4863.54

read the paper I got very excited I

Time: 4865.64

wanted to know what is this magic

Time: 4867.02

intervention exactly and I'm sure you're

Time: 4869.96

thinking the same so I contacted Dr

Time: 4872.179

Yeager and he was gracious enough to

Time: 4874.28

provide me some examples of what's

Time: 4876.44

contained within this tutorial so that I

Time: 4878.719

could give you those examples in real

Time: 4880.699

time during this episode so basically

Time: 4882.86

the tutorial starts off with a question

Time: 4884.659

about stress it actually has a little

Time: 4886.82

field where you can fill in an answer to

Time: 4889.28

the following question

Time: 4890.96

can you recall a time when you

Time: 4892.58

experienced stress and what was that

Time: 4894.199

stress related to and here I'm

Time: 4895.64

paraphrasing so what I put in response

Time: 4898.46

to this because I actually filled out

Time: 4899.96

the form itself was when I was a postdoc

Time: 4903.26

which by the way is the four to six year

Time: 4905.659

period of time that comes after your PhD

Time: 4907.82


Time: 4909.14

I wrote when I was a postdoc

Time: 4911.54

I was under a lot of competitive

Time: 4914.36

pressure to try and finish my projects I

Time: 4917

was working under a diminished income

Time: 4919.34

meaning I wasn't getting paid very much

Time: 4921.08

relative to the cost of living in the

Time: 4922.88

area I lived at the time and I was also

Time: 4926.12

socially isolated from a lot of my

Time: 4928.28

friends that previously I had lived very

Time: 4930.5

close to that was a stressful time that

Time: 4932.54

I could recall in fact no other time in

Time: 4934.34

my life as I recall was as stressful as

Time: 4937.159

being a postdoc which is not to say that

Time: 4939.26

I didn't enjoy being a postdoc I

Time: 4940.88

delighted in doing the science I did and

Time: 4942.739

being surrounded by the people I was

Time: 4944.48

surrounded by but it was very very

Time: 4946.219

stressful for those and additional

Time: 4948.32

reasons so that's how this tutorial

Time: 4950.84

starts off and I believe that the reason

Time: 4953.9

that they asked that question at the

Time: 4955.1

beginning of the tutorial is to kind of

Time: 4956.54

cue up cognitive mechanisms that

Time: 4958.94

surround one's own understanding of

Time: 4960.8

stress and then as you click through the

Time: 4963.199


Time: 4964.46

it starts to explain of all things

Time: 4966.699

neuroscience and neuroplasticity it says

Time: 4969.86

research from Neuroscience tells us that

Time: 4972.26

through effort our brain can change it

Time: 4975.199

can form new connections that we call

Time: 4976.52

synapses so of course I was delighted to

Time: 4978.44

see all that information I'm very

Time: 4979.64

familiar with that type of information

Time: 4981.679

It also says things like and here I'm

Time: 4983.78

reading directly from the tutorial

Time: 4985.159

difficulty struggle and frustration when

Time: 4987.08

you're learning something are not signs

Time: 4988.88

that you've reached your limits they're

Time: 4990.44

signs that you're expanding your limits

Time: 4992.48

okay then you go to the next field and

Time: 4994.28

it says

Time: 4995.42

let's hear from a scientist Urie

Time: 4997.88

triceman is one of the top calculus

Time: 4999.5

professors here's what he tells us

Time: 5001

students on the first day of class

Time: 5002.98

quote everyone in this class will

Time: 5004.78

struggle no matter who you are questions

Time: 5006.58

are going to be flying at you that you

Time: 5008.38

cannot answer and when that happens

Time: 5009.76

you're going to experience stress and if

Time: 5012.52

you don't understand that stress you'll

Time: 5013.9

think it means oh no I don't belong here

Time: 5015.64

but in fact that stress is an indicator

Time: 5017.62

that your understanding is deepening

Time: 5019.78

it's not a sign that you're not learning

Time: 5021.94

it's a sign that you are learning okay

Time: 5024.64

so I could read this entire tutorial for

Time: 5026.739

you but that would take up far too much

Time: 5028.239

of our time but I think you get the

Time: 5029.5

essence of it which is that with each

Time: 5031.3

slide within the tutorial you're being

Time: 5033.34

told that the thing that you're

Time: 5035.199

experiencing that could potentially feel

Time: 5038.32

negative because it means negative

Time: 5040.719

things you're not learning you're

Time: 5043.06

suffering you're suffering health-wise

Time: 5045.4

you're suffering performance wise

Time: 5047.38

is reappraised it's telling you no the

Time: 5050.739

frustration the agitation the thought

Time: 5053.32

that you're not capable and you're not

Time: 5055.719

capable of getting better it's actually

Time: 5058.06

the opposite so what this tutorial

Time: 5060.34

really is is it's an information based

Time: 5063.28

tutorial it tells you something about

Time: 5064.54

the brain's capacity to change it gives

Time: 5066.1

you some True by the way mechanistic

Time: 5068.38

information about how synapses can

Time: 5070.06

change and brain circuits can change

Time: 5071.739

because indeed they can

Time: 5073.3

and it's telling you that the negative

Time: 5076.48

somatic bodily and cognitive

Time: 5079.38

thought-based experiences of stress that

Time: 5082.84

those represent you getting better

Time: 5085.26

that's simply what it is and despite it

Time: 5088.96

being simple in its specific message

Time: 5091.719

that message turns out to be incredibly

Time: 5094.36

powerful how can we say that it's truly

Time: 5096.46

powerful well we could turn to

Time: 5098.199

essentially any page in this study that

Time: 5100

Jaeger and colleagues did and see that

Time: 5102.219

for instance the intervention again this

Time: 5104.38

is the combination of learning about

Time: 5105.699

growth mindset and learning that stress

Time: 5108.1

can be performance enhancing

Time: 5110.32

led to 40 Improvement in self-regard so

Time: 5116.159

self-regard is something that can be

Time: 5117.88

measured we can have very negative or

Time: 5119.56

very positive self-regard 40

Time: 5121

improvements in self-regard there was a

Time: 5123.58

14 Improvement in passing of courses

Time: 5127.659

that were of the particularly

Time: 5129.46

challenging type and there was also a

Time: 5131.62

significant Improvement in passing of

Time: 5133.48

courses that were less challenging in

Time: 5135.58

addition to that people who watched and

Time: 5137.14

engaged in this 30 minute tutorial also

Time: 5139.96

took on additional hard challenges in

Time: 5142.6

the future long after the intervention

Time: 5144.34

had ceased now there are a number of

Time: 5146.26

other features of the David Yeager work

Time: 5148.179

that I think are especially important to

Time: 5149.98

consider but rather than go into the

Time: 5151.96

specifics of those experiments

Time: 5154.06

I'm going to frame them in the context

Time: 5155.8

of some very specific tools that I've

Time: 5158.38

spelled out for sake of this episode

Time: 5160.3

based on the scientific literature that

Time: 5163.12

you can use in order to build a growth

Time: 5165.82

mindset and in order to build the stress

Time: 5168.58

enhances performance mindset now in some

Time: 5170.739

sense all of our discussion during this

Time: 5172.42

episode up until now has served as a

Time: 5174.639

tutorial about growth mindset and about

Time: 5177.04

stress enhances performance and how

Time: 5179.5

those two things can be combined in

Time: 5181.179

order to get a synergistic positive

Time: 5183.1

effect nonetheless I do think that it's

Time: 5185.5

useful especially when thinking about

Time: 5187.06

cognitive tools which are often less

Time: 5190.78

concrete and clear to people how they

Time: 5193.719

can Implement them compared to say

Time: 5195.159

exercise tools like you know get two 100

Time: 5197.56

minutes of Zone 2 cardio per week or get

Time: 5199.78

six sets of resistance exercise per

Time: 5201.94

major muscle group per week Etc all of

Time: 5204.52

that stuff in the physical domain is

Time: 5206.199

very concrete whereas stuff that relates

Time: 5209.02

to tools in the cognitive domain

Time: 5211

sometimes can feel a little bit abstract

Time: 5212.92

so for that we reason I'm just going to

Time: 5215.44

take a couple of minutes and list off

Time: 5216.88

some of the key elements to building up

Time: 5219.159

a growth mindset and a stress enhances

Time: 5221.56

performance mindset that are gleaned

Time: 5223.12

from the literature that I've talked

Time: 5224.38

about now and related literature the

Time: 5227.199

first tool is that whenever possible if

Time: 5230.5

both the teacher and the student can

Time: 5232.78

adopt a growth mindset and a stress

Time: 5234.639

enhances performance mindset that's the

Time: 5236.8

best case scenario this has been shown

Time: 5238.9

in the classroom and it's been shown in

Time: 5240.34

other contexts as well and again it

Time: 5242.56

simply means learning about what growth

Time: 5244.96

mindset is and how it differs from fixed

Time: 5247.84

mindset it also ideally means learning

Time: 5251.26

how stress can enhance performance now

Time: 5253.36

if that means

Time: 5254.86

spending some time with the discussion

Time: 5256.6

that we had around Dr Alia crum's data

Time: 5258.639

that would be great if it also means

Time: 5261.4

just thinking about the stress response

Time: 5263.139

and understanding that that stress

Time: 5264.82

response indeed is mobilizing resources

Time: 5267.58

it's focusing your vision more narrowly

Time: 5269.8

right you sort of lose the forest

Time: 5271.3

through the trees and yet that allows

Time: 5273.46

you to really analyze carefully whatever

Time: 5276.1

it is that you choose to focus your

Time: 5277.84

attention on well then that's going to

Time: 5280.179

be performance enhancing again these

Time: 5282.28

tools are purely cognitive but they are

Time: 5284.199

well supported by the data and the data

Time: 5286.12

also tell us that when teachers and

Time: 5287.98

students both adopt this mindset the

Time: 5290.139

teachers are viewing the students as

Time: 5291.82

less fixed in their abilities and the

Time: 5293.92

students are viewing themselves as less

Time: 5295.659

fixed in their abilities the next tool

Time: 5297.76

which is a really fundamental one to

Time: 5299.38

everything we're talking about was

Time: 5300.699

actually mentioned at the beginning of

Time: 5301.96

the episode which is whenever giving

Time: 5304.659

praise or giving feedback of any kind to

Time: 5308.02

others or to yourself perhaps even

Time: 5310.36

especially to yourself

Time: 5312.34

make the effort to make that feedback

Time: 5315.52

about verbs not labels okay to really

Time: 5319.48

think about

Time: 5321.04

praising or in some cases maybe giving

Time: 5323.92

feedback about how effort could have

Time: 5326.139

been better but ideally you're saying

Time: 5328.84

great effort it was great that when you

Time: 5331.42

missed that shot on goal that you ran

Time: 5333.88

back to your side of the field it was

Time: 5335.8

great that when you didn't perform well

Time: 5338.8

on that math exam

Time: 5340.3

that you went back to those problem sets

Time: 5342.94

and that you conversed with other

Time: 5344.679

students about why they had performed a

Time: 5346.9

certain way and you really dug through

Time: 5348.46

it and figured out why you got things

Time: 5350.44

wrong now a key aspect of this tool of

Time: 5352.9

focusing on verbs not labels is that it

Time: 5355.719

is especially important to do this when

Time: 5357.76

you've performed well I talked about the

Time: 5359.739

reasons a little bit earlier but I

Time: 5362.139

cannot emphasize this enough when you've

Time: 5364

performed well if you tell yourself or

Time: 5366.34

you tell somebody else that they're just

Time: 5368.44

a great athlete they're just a great

Time: 5369.88

student they're talented they're

Time: 5371.199

brilliant I promise you you are

Time: 5373.3

undermining their future performance

Time: 5374.8

when they inevitably encounter challenge

Time: 5378.4

if however you give yourself or the

Time: 5380.139

other person feedback that's really

Time: 5381.46

grounded in effort and persistence in

Time: 5383.92

problem solving you are absolutely going

Time: 5386.26

the right direction now if you are going

Time: 5389.139

to give feedback about errors either to

Time: 5391.659

yourself or to somebody else

Time: 5393.82

the question really is do you paint that

Time: 5395.98

with rose-colored glasses do you try and

Time: 5397.96

make it seem like the errors weren't

Time: 5399.94

that bad that's not actually what we're

Time: 5401.86

talking about we're not talking about

Time: 5403.12

what do they say putting lipstick on a

Time: 5404.92

pig what we're talking about is

Time: 5407.8

looking at those errors and thinking

Time: 5410.199

about what led up to those errors and

Time: 5412.96

trying to put more of our cognitive

Time: 5414.82

attention on the verbs the things that

Time: 5416.92

led to those errors and less of our

Time: 5419.199

attention on the emotions related to

Time: 5421.78

those errors we really need to be

Time: 5423.46

analytic about those errors and

Time: 5425.62


Time: 5426.76

we often need to take a day or two or

Time: 5429.4

maybe even longer before we can do that

Time: 5431.32

process effectively right nothing that

Time: 5433.78

I've said thus far has said that we have

Time: 5435.82

to do all of this immediately after an

Time: 5437.739

error or immediately after a poor

Time: 5439.719

performance sometimes we are so caught

Time: 5441.52

up in the emotional experience of having

Time: 5443.02

performed not as well as we would have

Time: 5444.76

liked that there's simply no way that we

Time: 5447.1

can allocate our mental resources toward

Time: 5449.199

error analysis ideally we can but

Time: 5451.36

oftentimes we can so we have to be how

Time: 5453.46

do they say gentle with ourselves and

Time: 5455.56

allow ourselves to move through that

Time: 5456.88

process and then get back to error

Time: 5459.04

analysis that's absolutely key but we

Time: 5461.5

really want to focus on the verbs

Time: 5462.94

leading to those errors not putting

Time: 5466.12

labels on the stupid ridiculous silly

Time: 5470.92

fill in your blank with whatever

Time: 5472.3

negative label you might happen to come

Time: 5474.219

up with okay so verbs verbs verbs for

Time: 5478.12

analyzing why we did well and verbs

Time: 5481.12

verbs verbs for analyzing why we did

Time: 5483.58

poorly now you may have noticed that a

Time: 5485.44

few minutes ago I mentioned that

Time: 5487.12

oftentimes it's beneficial that when we

Time: 5489.28

make errors that we seek out others who

Time: 5491.8

either performed well

Time: 5493.659

ideally but also those who performed

Time: 5496.179

poorly in order to get some

Time: 5497.92

understanding as to why we did not

Time: 5499.48

perform as well as we wanted and that

Time: 5501.94

raises another key tool there are a lot

Time: 5504.28

of data now to support the fact that one

Time: 5506.44

of the key ways to analyze our errors is

Time: 5509.199

to get help and this is one of the

Time: 5511.659

things that really differentiates the

Time: 5513.4

high performers from the low performers

Time: 5515.02

over time and yes there I just used a

Time: 5517.659

label well I guess I could have said the

Time: 5519.58

high effort which leads to Performance

Time: 5521.32

people versus the low effort which leads

Time: 5523.42

to low performance people but in any

Time: 5524.98

case you get the idea people who perform

Time: 5527.26

well over time

Time: 5528.94

regardless of labels that we place on

Time: 5531.04

them tend to be people who seek help in

Time: 5534.04

order to understand why they didn't

Time: 5535.78

perform well so this is a core component

Time: 5538.12

of not just trying and building a growth

Time: 5541.06

mindset but really solidifying a growth

Time: 5543.34

mindset and a stress can enhance

Time: 5545.08

performance mindset so seek help from

Time: 5547.239

others in understanding where you didn't

Time: 5548.8

perform as well as you like and I would

Time: 5551.02

say Seek input from others as to what

Time: 5554.56

were the verbs that you think might have

Time: 5556.36

led to your heightened performance

Time: 5557.86

because we like to think that we have

Time: 5559.06

really good Optics on why we did well oh

Time: 5561.219

yeah it was because I spent X number of

Time: 5562.78

hours practicing but oftentimes those

Time: 5564.94

around us have additional perspectives

Time: 5566.739

that we can't access and learning about

Time: 5568.78

those perspectives of why we've

Time: 5570.639

performed poorly but also why we

Time: 5572.32

performed well

Time: 5574

in the context of these verbs not labels

Time: 5576.58

is also tremendously beneficial the

Time: 5578.86

other thing that's clear from the

Time: 5579.88

literature on growth mindset and stress

Time: 5581.5

can enhance performance mindset

Time: 5583.54

is that

Time: 5584.92

all of that stuff all those tutorials

Time: 5587.26

are most effective when both teachers

Time: 5589.78

and students Embrace those mindsets now

Time: 5593.38

that's a wonderful situation if teachers

Time: 5595.659

and students are both available and

Time: 5598.06

willing to learn those mindsets however

Time: 5599.62

for many of us we don't have a teacher

Time: 5601.96

we don't have a mentor we're doing all

Time: 5603.28

of this on our own

Time: 5604.719

and so what's fortunate is that there

Time: 5607.3

are also data in the literature showing

Time: 5608.86

that under conditions where either the

Time: 5610.54

teacher or the mentor is not there or is

Time: 5613.239

not embracing a growth mindset or stress

Time: 5615.219

enhances performance mindset we actually

Time: 5617.86

can serve as our own teacher

Time: 5619.96

by using a simple tool and the simple

Time: 5622.42

tool that was actually the same tool

Time: 5625.3

that was used in one of the Jaeger

Time: 5626.8

studies is to take maybe a three by five

Time: 5630.159

card or an eight and a half by eleven

Time: 5632.08

sheet of paper and write out a letter

Time: 5635.56

as if you're writing a letter to the

Time: 5637.6

next person coming along trying to get

Time: 5639.639

good at the thing that you're trying to

Time: 5640.84

get good at and explain to them what

Time: 5643

growth mindset is and how it differs

Time: 5644.8

from a fixed mindset explain to them

Time: 5647.5

what the stress enhances performance

Time: 5649.36

mindset is how to adopt it and how it

Time: 5652.06

can amplify performance

Time: 5653.92

that simple exercise of writing a letter

Time: 5657.1

which is essentially to oneself but

Time: 5659.02

you're sort of pretending that the

Time: 5660.4

letter is for somebody else although I

Time: 5661.6

suppose you could and perhaps should

Time: 5663.04

give it to somebody else so they can

Time: 5664.3

benefit that simple exercise has been

Time: 5666.52

shown to improve one's own performance

Time: 5668.5

and to do so in dramatic ways not just

Time: 5671.5

in the immediate term but also in the

Time: 5674.739

future now the final tool I'd like to

Time: 5676.54

share is one that I've come up with but

Time: 5678.82

it's one that's really grounded in the

Time: 5681.1

Neuroscience of neuroplasticity

Time: 5683.26

and believe it or not that's grounded in

Time: 5685.6

our understanding of exercise physiology

Time: 5687.54

and that is to reframe this idea that

Time: 5690.699

the mind is like a muscle I know we hear

Time: 5693.1

that over and over again the mind is

Time: 5694.6

like a muscle you know you exercise a

Time: 5696.4

muscle it gets stronger

Time: 5697.96

you exercise your mind you put it

Time: 5699.639

through some strain and you can learn

Time: 5701.139

those statements are absolutely true but

Time: 5703.96

this statement that the mind is like a

Time: 5705.88

muscle that analogy falls short I

Time: 5708.46

believe in an important way that can

Time: 5710.739

lead a lot of people astray when they

Time: 5712.719

try and embrace growth mindset and the

Time: 5714.94

stress enhances performance mindset and

Time: 5717.4

the reason I say that is the following

Time: 5720.4

exercise with weights or resistance

Time: 5723.219

training of any kind whether or not it's

Time: 5724.96

body weight or machines or free weights

Time: 5726.94

has an incredible property to it in that

Time: 5730.179

it increases blood flow to the muscles

Time: 5732.58

that we're training right this is

Time: 5734.08

something that really distinguishes

Time: 5735.34

resistance training from other forms of

Time: 5737.38

training like long distance running

Time: 5739.719

when we train our muscles with

Time: 5741.46

resistance the blood flow into that

Time: 5744.58

muscle the so-called pump gives us a

Time: 5747.219

sort of a hint or a window of the growth

Time: 5750.04

of that muscle that is likely to occur

Time: 5752.139

if we allow that muscle to recover after

Time: 5755.199

that resistance training in other words

Time: 5756.58

resistance training provides us a kind

Time: 5759.04

of hint of the results we are likely to

Time: 5761.199

get so when we hear the analogy that the

Time: 5763.42

mind is like a muscle I think it falls

Time: 5766.179

short because when we strain to learn

Time: 5769

something with our mind we don't

Time: 5771.1

actually get to feel what it is to

Time: 5773.08

perform much better

Time: 5774.82

as we are trying to learn that thing

Time: 5776.62

actually quite the contrary in fact much

Time: 5779.199

of what we've been talking about today

Time: 5780.28

is the fact that the stress and strain

Time: 5782.5

and the disappointment that is so

Time: 5784.54

reflexively felt when we look at our

Time: 5786.52

diminished performances we're trying to

Time: 5788.08

learn is actually the trigger for

Time: 5790.239

invoking the learning itself so what I'm

Time: 5793.78

saying here is that it is not the case

Time: 5795.88

that when we go in to learn a language

Time: 5797.32

or a new skill or

Time: 5799.92

mathematics or something new that for a

Time: 5803.08

moment we are fluent or partially fluent

Time: 5805.06

and then we lose that ability when we

Time: 5806.8

walk out of the classroom or the

Time: 5808.12


Time: 5809.5

that's what makes it different than the

Time: 5811.48

gym where you go and you lift weights or

Time: 5814

you use a resistance training of any

Time: 5815.92

kind and you get this sort of window

Time: 5817.54

into oh this is what the muscle will

Time: 5819.159

feel like and look like when it's larger

Time: 5820.84

so the mind is like a muscle analogy

Time: 5822.76

sort of works in the sense that if you

Time: 5824.98

properly stress a muscle using

Time: 5826.719

resistance training and then you give it

Time: 5828.46

an adequate amount of time to recover it

Time: 5830.92

indeed will get bigger and stronger

Time: 5833.8

and it is true that when you go in to

Time: 5835.78

try and learn something if you provide

Time: 5837.52

the adequate stress which is hitting

Time: 5839.98

that point where you're not

Time: 5841

understanding the information it's not

Time: 5842.5

sinking in and you give yourself some

Time: 5844.6

time to recover which requires sleep by

Time: 5847.54

the way

Time: 5848.5

then you'll learn that new information

Time: 5850.6

over time but where the mind is like a

Time: 5853.42

muscle analogy really Falls away I

Time: 5854.98

believe is that the mind is not like a

Time: 5857.739

muscle because you don't actually get to

Time: 5859.179

experience the good growth that you're

Time: 5861.639

seeking as you're trying to learn it

Time: 5863.56

rather everything we've been talking

Time: 5865.179

about today is about learning how to

Time: 5867.699

experience the strain of trying to learn

Time: 5869.56

the agitation of trying to learn as the

Time: 5872.38

learning process itself and

Time: 5874.239

understanding that while you might feel

Time: 5875.98

back on your heels a little or a lot

Time: 5878.08

during that process that you might and

Time: 5880.719

in fact very likely are going to

Time: 5882.159

experience all the category of things

Time: 5884.98

that go along with stress elevated heart

Time: 5887.38

rate frustration you know maybe even a

Time: 5889.659

little headache or strain difficulty

Time: 5892.179

maintaining Focus Etc that if you

Time: 5894.58

understand that all of those things are

Time: 5896.62

actually creating the specific

Time: 5899.04

neurochemical and neural circuit

Time: 5901.78

conditions to invoke learning well then

Time: 5904.239

that learning will occur so in some ways

Time: 5906.699

a better analogy would be if it were the

Time: 5909.159

case that when you do resistance

Time: 5910.78

training that your muscles actually got

Time: 5912.219

smaller during the training and then

Time: 5913.659

rebounded to being even bigger than they

Time: 5915.58

were prior to the training that would be

Time: 5917.56

the appropriate analogy for the mind is

Time: 5919.239

like a muscle I say all this because yes

Time: 5921.82

adopting a growth mindset is incredibly

Time: 5924.219

valuable adopting a stress can enhance

Time: 5926.679

performance mindset is incredibly

Time: 5928.36

valuable and even more valuable is

Time: 5930.04

combining those two mindsets because

Time: 5932.199

they do indeed improve performance

Time: 5934.06

synergistically however none of this

Time: 5937.179

process is expected to be reflexive for

Time: 5939.699

most people perhaps for anybody and the

Time: 5942.4

process of building up these mindsets

Time: 5943.84

involves another mindset which is the

Time: 5946.239

one that umbrellas them all or gathers

Time: 5948.639

them all together and makes them really

Time: 5950.02

work which is the idea that mindsets are

Time: 5953.08

indeed powerful that they can have a

Time: 5955.06

real effect and that while they do take

Time: 5957.28

time to cultivate they can be cultivated

Time: 5959.86

thank you for joining me today for our

Time: 5961.78

discussion about growth mindset what it

Time: 5963.88

is and how to cultivate a growth mindset

Time: 5966.159

as well as the related stress can dance

Time: 5968.8

performance mindset which can also be

Time: 5971.139


Time: 5972.159

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Time: 5973.9

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Time: 5975.58

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Time: 5977.5

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Time: 5979.239

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Time: 5981.46

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Time: 5983.199

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Time: 5985.06

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Time: 5987.159

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Time: 5988.96

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Time: 5990.1

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Time: 5992.32

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Time: 5994.239

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Time: 5996.639

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Time: 5998.26

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Time: 5999.52

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Time: 6001.38

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Time: 6003.36

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Time: 6005.04

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Time: 6006.96

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Time: 6008.699

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Time: 6010.38

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Time: 6012.12

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Time: 6013.98

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Time: 6015.78

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Time: 6017.28

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Time: 6018.54

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Time: 6019.92

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Time: 6021.54

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Time: 6024.02 huberman if you're not

Time: 6026.82

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Time: 6028.8

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Time: 6030.659

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Time: 6032.159

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Time: 6034.38

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Time: 6036.239

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Time: 6038.4

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Time: 6039.719

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Time: 6041.28

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Time: 6042.719

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Time: 6044.28

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Time: 6046.199

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Time: 6047.639

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Time: 6048.78

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Time: 6052.62

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Time: 6054.54

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Time: 6057.239

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Time: 6059.159

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Time: 6063.12

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Time: 6064.62

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Time: 6066.78

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Time: 6068.4

thank you once again for joining me for

Time: 6070.139

today's discussion all about growth

Time: 6072.239

mindset and related mindsets for

Time: 6073.98

improving performance and last but

Time: 6076.139

certainly not least thank you for your

Time: 6078.12

interest in science

Time: 6081.66


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