How To Build A Tech Startup With No Technical Skills

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you're offering Adventure you're

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offering the unknown and Adventure isn't

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here's my idea for a social network for

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dogs will you build my website no let's

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build a company together together

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yes welcome to Doon plus Michael today

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we're going to talk

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about why business folks need great

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co-founders so who's this video for

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Let's talk about the business folks

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we're talking to yeah I think to set

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this up um Michael and I both talk to a

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lot of aspiring Founders in any number

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of different venues on the street at

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conferences in interviews wherever like

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they find us they find us and one of the

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more common opening lines is something

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like well I'm a really good business

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person with a great idea I have the best

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ideas yes you know how do I need a

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technical co-founder or how do I find a

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technical co-founder or I can't find any

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good technical co-founders like this is

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one of the number one opening questions

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we get when we meet people in the real

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world yes and so this video is aimed at

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all of those people that ask all these

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questions that we have met and all the

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people that haven't met us that might be

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thinking these questions and what we

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want to do is give you the key secret to

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actually being the best business

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co-founder and we're not going to hide

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it we're going to put it right up front

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the best business

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Founders recruit amazing Technical

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co-founders and that is how they

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distinguish themselves that is the

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number one distinction so it's not

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what's on your resume where you worked

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the fact that you were some fancy

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executive that you're tall people like

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to go and have drinks with you you've

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got Amazing Ideas

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unfortunately there are a lot of folks

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like that yeah imagine the set of people

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imagine the intersection there's the set

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of people that are great business

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Founders yes and there's the set of

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people that can recruit amazing

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technical co-founders yes you want to be

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in the intersection of those two sets

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and there's not many people no that puts

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you in a very special class well and I

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would I would argue it it is so

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distinguishing that you're given amazing

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opportunities um but what's tricky is

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not only to people not see this um or to

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people try and not get a Tech Co or they

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just dismiss it out of hand it's too

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hard like they'll just kind of like shut

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this line that's what's even more common

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it's just that like well I I can't find

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this person so I'm just going along yeah

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I don't know anyone okay you know and

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this is the crazy thing because like a

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lot of people will pitch this to me as

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like but this is the true Spirit of an

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entrepreneurism like no barrier can

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prevent me from getting my product to

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market right like I couldn't find

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technical co-founder so I just moved to

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the next challenge I hired some

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Engineers or I got a Dev shop and like

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nothing will keep

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me will hold me back back and what's so

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sad about that way of thinking about it

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is that like one the percentage chances

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of death just went through the roof

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right like you've just

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completely reduced your chances of

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success but

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two I bet if you would put the same

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amount of effort you put into getting a

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product to Market without a great

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technical founder into finding a great

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technical founder at least half people

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would be able to do it yeah and so it's

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just like it's a shame because it's so

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much wasted Talent yeah I I like to

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think about it this way again we are

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what we're talking about implicitly

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let's make it explicit we're talking

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about a company that uses software as a

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deep part of it so Teck software startup

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if we're talking about a software

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startup yes and you somehow don't have a

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technical co-founder this would be like

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I'm going to build a rocket to the moon

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yes but no one here knows anything about

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physics we can my I have such a big

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heart we can just like like I have such

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Hustle I'm Johnny hustle I'm going to

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the Moon Michael like do you see how

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absurd that is but and the as is okay if

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you want to start a new clothing brand

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or a liquor brand okay you don't need

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this doesn't OB but if you're if you're

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saying yeah I'm going to build a

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software company and you don't have a

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software co-founder it just you're not

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even in the in the ball game you're not

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even in the stadium well what's so sad

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for me is like when I say that to people

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sometimes they think I'm trying to

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discourage them but if you go back to

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that I'm going to prove you wrong

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Michael I'm going to learn physics yeah

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and I'm like I am not trying to like I

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am trying to tell you the number or like

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I came to you for advice about my

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product but you're telling me I need a

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co- you're insulting me Michael yeah

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yeah and it's just like no I'm trying to

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give you the most important thing I can

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tell you and you know what interesting

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is that like this is advice is informed

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by my personal experience right like I

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was the single non-technical person on a

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forers co-founding team at Justin TV and

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twitch and like uh I'll just make it

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plain without my three other co-founders

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none of that happens like ideas are

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a dime a dozen and so um I think that

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more business people need to embrace the

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idea that great software companies are

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built by great software Engineers yep a

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common retort out here is like d we're

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not building a software business

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software is in there but it's not that

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it's a tech enabled yeah we're just

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building a simple marketplace right like

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we can just use jedit Marketplace

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software it's just a copy of door Dash

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with a little twist why do we need a

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great software engineer what's your

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response you know it's hard to win that

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debate in theory like it's hard to

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convince someone just in the debate

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they'll be like well we're just going to

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agree to disagree yes but I think if you

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just look at the facts of the companies

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we funded like literally door Dash or

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literally Airbnb or any of these folks

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yes they lived and died by their speed

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of shipping software and if they what

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they did was buy white label software or

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have some Dev shop in a foreign country

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making edits to the website there's a 0%

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chance those companies would have worked

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yeah and so again who am I to say there

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won't be some future company that maybe

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uses one of these things yes but the

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more that the more that we're exposed to

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seeing what these companies look like at

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the earliest stages even if they don't

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look like strictly Tech

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businesses man there's no way these

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things would have gotten off the ground

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without having a really great person who

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cared as much as a co-founder cares yes

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building this thing day in and day out

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versus someone ripping you off charging

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you $500 an hour to change some words on

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the website and you don't even know

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you're not even ball game like it's not

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even well what what pisses me off is

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that like I think in other areas um that

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are equally as hard as being successful

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Tech founder let's say Athletics I think

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more people are realistic about it

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strangely like the equivalent is you

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know a 5'4 person who doesn't

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jump can't run yeah and like got a lot

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of heart mangles yeah they're not that

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many of those people who are saying to

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the world I want to be in the NBA right

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whereas we see the equivalent of that in

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startups all the time and it's like it's

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one thing if you're 66 and like you're

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like a great high school basketball

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player you probably won't make the NBA

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but like all right at least you you're

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in the stadium in the stadium you're

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amongst the million people who could

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yeah and I think that people are not

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honest with themselves and I think what

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we're trying to do is give you this

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secret which is that

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like you can almost get a ticket to

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being in the game and it requires

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recruiting one person yep how cool is

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that like this shouldn't be seen as a

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negative it like an extreme positive

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it's like a golden what is it Willy

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Wonka ticket and and even if you are

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technical yourself or sometimes people

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are medium technical like so I I was a

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technical CEO but I still tremendously

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benefited by having an additional

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technical co-founder and so this is also

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a thing where you're not like okay well

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I you know I can kind of I can kind of

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okay that doesn't

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count there's actually tremendous

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benefits from having someone again who

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cares as much as a Founder who's commit

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as much as a founder and who's at you

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know at the top of the game like a 10x

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engineer on a Founder level you're

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unstoppable and what's weird is

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sometimes we had competitors in in my

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startups whose teams were constructed

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this way horrible Tech talent

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and it was funny in hindsight because we

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never had to be worried they could raise

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more money they could have nicer office

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they could have more

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employees they could have cooler people

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using their it didn't matter like having

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better engineering is the gift that

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gives you more shots every day even if

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you need to Pivot no matter what no

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matter what happens good or bad you're

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in a better position a better position

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to react to these changes yes and I

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think the even scarier thing about this

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is that like when you start with a team

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of business people assessing engineers

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and they are naturally going to start by

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hiring worse Engineers all of your

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future Engineers

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are exactly it compounds bad so okay so

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all right Michael all right you guys

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convinced me I guess whatever but I

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don't you know

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sure guy you know I guess that's a point

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you can make I don't know but Michael I

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don't know anyone where do I find these

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people yeah how again that's what we

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always say in these conversations so how

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what is your response when they tell you

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that so the first thing is that like who

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are you disqualifying and why I can't

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tell you how many business people told

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me well I obviously need a CTO with 10

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years of experience and who've managed

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teams of at least 50 to 100 and I'm like

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you're 23 years old with no years of

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experience why do you need that and

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they're like well because you know when

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we launch this thing's going to get big

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just like come on so first you might be

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disqualifying great people don't do that

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and so let's say you don't know them

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sometimes the number one thing to do if

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you're in this position is to not start

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the company right now is to go get a job

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at a startup is to go change the people

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you know and what's so interesting is

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that like sometimes taking that step

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sideways is the easiest and best path to

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starting Journey with the highest

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likelihood of success well here's the

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thought experiment I encourage people to

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do visualize the best person you have

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ever worked with either in school or in

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your job the best engineer that everyone

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knows is the best person yes can you

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visualize someone okay can you get that

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person to be your co-founder and often

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people are like oh yeah no they would

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never they would never work with me what

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do you mean man or like they're making

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lots of money yeah and again I would

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just stop right there and be like well

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why have you talked to them and they're

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like no they would like basically folks

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put up the barriers yes to negotiate

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against themselves yes right out of the

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gate and again if we Zoom all the way

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out yes so you want to start a company

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you want to do something big but you

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won't actually even bother to try to

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recruit the most obvious person that's a

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candidate that you know but what if they

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say no or you talk to them and they're

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like no I don't think so um what often

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happens again to go deep on this is that

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the way they'll pitch the person is

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they'll pitch them their idea they be

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like I'm an idea guy I've got a great

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idea do you want to be my like worker be

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to go do all my ideas and of course the

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person that's the best person you've

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ever worked with does not want to sit in

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a cage no and do all of the work that

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you give them no and instead I'm like

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well have you asked them what if they

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have startup ideas yeah and then you

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sell yourself where you can come

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together come up with the idea together

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yeah as co-owners and it's shocking how

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often that appears to have never

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occurred to someone like they think the

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idea of finding a tech co-founder is to

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find someone who will basically submit

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to their whims and be like their like

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assistant to find an employee yeah and

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that's not the move man trying to find a

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partner you know it's funny because my

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dad would say this to me about my

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co-founder Justin Khan he was like you

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know Michael Justin's an amazing

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recruiter and I always thought I was

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like what's weird is like I think if

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you're recruited by a good recruiter you

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don't even realize they're a good

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recruiter right but like in hindsight

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I'm like all right so we got me Emmit

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and Kyle to work for him well not work

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for him but to be his co-founders in a

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startup where he was wearing a camera on

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his side streaming his live 247 named

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after him yes named after named

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startup yes it's me yes and and

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and he had raised 50,000

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seems like a great deal Michael yeah

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right and so it's like okay well like

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how did he build that team like you know

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it comes back to like you want to sting

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yourself as a business person go do

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that like that's people should be

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impressed I'm

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impressed you're a great business and

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hey they're working on your idea let's

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even I promise you I have no idea well I

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you know I'll tell you what he promise

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me it wasn't that the idea was going to

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work like

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it was the adventure okay it was the

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adventure and like I think what's so

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interesting when people like don't ask

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friend and they assume oh but they work

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at this company they're never going to

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do it da D it's like they don't realize

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you're offering Adventure you're

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offering the unknown an adventure isn't

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here's my idea for a social network for

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dogs will you build my website no let's

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build a company together together yes

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that's Adventure yes and um what's crazy

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is like when you're pitching Adventure

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there aren't a lot of there aren't a lot

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of Alternatives most people don't have

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six Adventures on the play how often

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does any one person get pitched

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Adventure yeah I know it's usually

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Adventure or

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like so you know it's a good pitch it's

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a good pitch so anyways right I think

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that um we're trying you know I think

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that there's like I'll say this right

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I'm a business guy right I think YC has

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a lot of messaging that's like yeah our

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business guy is important D like you

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don't need them I agree you don't need

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them but I will say this um there are a

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lot of very successful non-technical

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people in our Network that do amazing

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work and I think one of the things that

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if you want to learn from them we're

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trying to give you one of the most

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important patterns we see from those

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folks they're great recruiters and they

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they do this thought experiment of who's

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the best person in the world and they

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find a way to get that person to work

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with them that's bending the universe to

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your will is what that is so you should

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hold yourself to their standard and

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maybe you'll get their success

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all right thanks D

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