How Indians treat Foreigner in INDIA | Local Indian STREET FOOD spot!

Time: 0.28

hey guys and welcome back to our Channel

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we are in Mumbai India guys and I am so

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excited this is day two of our Mumbai

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food tour guys and we are in the middle

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of this city called poya I can't I'm not

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pronouncing it right but really really

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interesting it's on the outside of a

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lake guys and if you haven't seen our

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last video we had the biggest tally in

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Mumbai ever 45 dishes guys go check that

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out we are just walking in the middle of

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the city we came across this interesting

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looking Market they have tons of food

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vegetarian North Indian guys I cannot

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wait to try it I don't know what to

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expect but I'm going to take you to this

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restaurant guys it's like a kind of a

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fast food style let's go check it out

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y okay guys take a look at this place

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it's called K3 fast food snacks and

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sweets so we can have some sweets we're

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going to have some snacks looks very

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very popular guys some people had

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already left this guy's bringing out

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fresh samosas come with

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hello guys fresh hand rolled samosas I

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have made samosas before they are they

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are a process okay take a look at this

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tremendous menu they have so many things

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on the

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menu guys they have cheese

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sorry guys they have cheese pav vaji

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they have the Samosa chat they have the

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Belle Purry Guys these are super famous

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ooh they have a mango Malai sandwich

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things I've never seen before guys we're

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going to order some of the most like

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delicious things guys and uh we're going

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to try it okay guys the other side of

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this place has desserts and snacks so

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tons and tons of snacks all the snacks

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you can think of and all of these

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desserts guys oh my gosh we are going to

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have to try some because there are some

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things on there that I've never seen

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before they got the

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lassis O they got the

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gab wow guys

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and ooh they got the

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vegetarian so guys I might even just ask

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what is the best thing to order here at

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this fast food joint it looks super cool

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these are the kind of things you don't

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see in America it's so

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interesting okay guys so we just asked a

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local who is enjoying the food here what

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should we get at this restaurant what is

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the most authentic thing in Mumbai so

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we're going to have the cheese pav Bashi

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guys this looks so good we haven't have

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paji yet in India so this is exciting

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then we are going to have the jalabi or

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jalabi Jal how do I say how do I say

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that jalabi the last one you tell me d d

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over there D oh there it is thank you

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okay there it is it's called d d we're

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going to get that too

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and then the last one is the cheese B

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pop guy mumbai's famous burger I cannot

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wait I've been looking for like the best

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Vada po or sorry the PFF no now I'm

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getting them all confused I've been

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looking for the best V pop guys so we're

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going to place our order over here and

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we're going to get the

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food hello could I get could I get one

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VAV V okay yes one of the cheese half

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baji okay and one of the delli delli yes

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with cheese without cheese with

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cheese and then we want to get a dessert

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do you want to order order the dessert

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now or after what do you recommend for

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dessert I want I want something very

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authentic like famous Mumbai juice

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juice which which one m p which m p yeah

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Mumbai is very is okay let's get

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that that's what he

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recommended how much 345

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whoops don't put it in my face okay hold

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on I

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this one yeah all all all of them

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yeah ooh okay guys we got our receipts I

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guess you give them thank you so much so

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we give you all different different

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counter okay is last opposite is

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opposite and then CH D is the chart

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counter okay got it got it thank you so

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much okay guys this is interesting so

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you go to the counter

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with the receipt okay so we have the

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cheese delli we're going to go to that

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counter over here follow me let's go

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Alonso so over here you can see them

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already like making the

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sandwiches house yeah

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I don't really know if this is the guy

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to get the the belly but okay it was

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this guy wait is there anything from you

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that I can

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get what about this one get okay

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whatever that one is that that's

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his uh for here

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watch out it's hot oil over

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there thank you wo that looks

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tremendous okay guys this looks so good

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check out over here too guys they are

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cooking the samosas

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hello okay guys I am placing myself at

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this table here wow all their food looks

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really good too look at this cheesy

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deliciousness oh the bun is so soft

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let's get extra cheese on

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there ooh that looks so good okay oh it

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looks like inside there's some chutneys

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too oh

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m oh my

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God this is so

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good it's so soft flavorful the potato

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is perfect the bun is even better but

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the cheese just tops it off this is so

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good I have a bite M say you want a bite

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yes right here you

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go I want a

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nice that is delicious guys so this is

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the cheese bada po Mumbai burger and

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insane double thumbs up from

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M the

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Chutney It's a combination it is better

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in India all right that's my like whole

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thing he said this food is better in

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India guys so good so the fun thing

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about this restaurant is that you have

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the receipts you have to go up to the

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counters it's starting to get busy guys

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we're going to polish off this PO of Pop

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I'm going to show you the other dishes

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that we got

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okay guys it is so delicious we're

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moving on to the next dish this is the

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cheese P bash guys this is

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170 rupees the V was

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55 who cooking up some Indo

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Chinese I don't if it's this

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one yeah for

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here okay guys we're getting our

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cheese I'm getting them

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confused oh it's over there okay come

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baby huh huh

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no uh for

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here this looks interesting

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it's almost ready what's this

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mom oo that was great thank

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you wow guys this looks delicious oh my

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gosh the cheese pav vaji

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you oh that looks so good oh my gosh

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guys I love it pav Bashi guys I love

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this dish but it was so cool to see it

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all being cooked right in front of you

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from scratch guys this actually took a

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process I thought because it's a fast

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food place they're just going to they

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already had it pre-made but no this guy

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went detailed look at this soft bread

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here Alonso you want some soft bread

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here you

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go yes please the bread is so good here

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okay now how you eat this you're going

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to dive it

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in some cheesy

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M that is

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tremendous the amount of flavor out of

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papaji but with the

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cheese is another level I love this this

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this was totally

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worth everything coming

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here there's some onions

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here let's put some

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onion put some

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ooh now we're talking now we are

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talking it's kind of fun to eat amongst

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um the locals guys so you just sit in

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these little seats or chairs tables and

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just go at

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it so much better with the

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onion I love raw onion

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guys and

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lime hey you how's the

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breading cuz this one might be a little

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too spicy for Alonso so I'm like kind of

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just giving him the bread but this is

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amazing vegetarian we saw all the spices

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go in it we saw the potato we saw the

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peas he mush it up really good this is

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excellent so good guys okay let me show

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you what we got so far

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okay now the next is the cheese b d

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and some Mis P I actually don't know

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what that is but we are going to try it

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stay tuned and let me know what you

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think about this food this is

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amazing okay guys we're moving on we're

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going to the next counter this is called

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the cheese

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deel even though there's an i at the end

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I always want to say the b but theel

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let's go uh let's go see what this is I

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don't even know what this is

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that looks good guys everything that I

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see everyone else order just looks so

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good I'm like that looks so good which

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one is that one that's the penny F right

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this shave FY shave so there are two

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types of fies this is shave this is the

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flat one and there is the big one so I

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asked for a big one the earlier one was

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a flat one okay in two types oh okay

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cool so you can have them in two types

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one is shaved and one is

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bigger wow yeah another the lady that

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actually kind of helped us get what we

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ordered today she did say that the

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puries are very good so if I work at oh

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we got another dish after

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this guys look at that that looks

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delicious oh my gosh I've been craving

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cheese so this just worked out perfectly

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for me looks like there's some toasted

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nuts and some more of that crispy bits

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that was on that guy's Curry let's see

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inside oh I think there's potato inside

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or maybe yes potato I wonder if you put

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these noodles inside I'm going to say

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yes and some of these

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nuts I don't know you guys can let me

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know if I actually do put the nuts

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inside or maybe it's just on the side

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woo this looks

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oh it's

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sweet Alonso it's

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M oh my gosh

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what is

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that hold

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on I don't even know what that is that

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is so good what was it called again Dell

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this is insane this is like a sweet and

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savory sandwich with cheese crunchiness

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it's got like so much texture on here

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Alonso you need to try this right

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now okay ready it's a sweet sandwich wa

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I don't get n any oh go on that side

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this has no nuts on that

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side it's got think sugar on top of the

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cheese isn't that

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good oh my gosh I think you do put the

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nuts do you put the nuts on here I guess

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guess okay let's crunchier with yeah it

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has more

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m m

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I love it

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wow is this my new

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favorite you want another

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bite wants another bite watch out baby

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back bite you got face that

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way any nuts go no

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nuts I think there's if you see there's

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like some sugar on top of the bread

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possibly on the cheese but it's not

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overly sweet it's like

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just like wow it's really

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good M amazing we're going to move on

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what do we have one last one last

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Mel have guys I think someone was

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telling said it was kind of spicy so

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we'll see what

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happens okay guys we got the last

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M I'm still eating the sweet

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one okay

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guys this

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m h I just finished off I just finished

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off that one that one was delicious um

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Sal path looks spicy there's some

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noodles in here oh not noodles crackers

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crackers and

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nuts um I think one of my friends over

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here was saying that yes it is spicy we

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got a bun over here oh we got some

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onions I love the fresh onions so I'm

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going to throw some

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Lemon oh no lime sorry my

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bad there we

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go okay okay let's

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rip okay and let's

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try hold on let's get a

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good good doll up

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here how spicy I don't

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M oo it's good it is good it is very

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good you can see that the gravy is a

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little bit like more watered down the

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noodle cracker things are

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Pleasant M there's some there's some

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peanuts in there wow really good guys I

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thought it was going to be too spicy for

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me it is not bad it is good maybe cuz I

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just had like that sweet like bread and

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now this is just the other aspect of it

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M yes if it goes down the wrong hole he

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going to get

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you that is really good guys missal

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p m

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okay so

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guys we just stumbled upon in this place

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it is packed everybody's eating

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everyone's having a good time I love

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this restaurant guys well it's not even

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a restaurant do you like this place

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too he likes it too so guys don't forget

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to hit that subscribe button we are

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taking you on some more Food Tours guys

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I cannot wait for tomorrow's

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video he he's ate too much three plates

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you know EA

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eating I ate a you had that b and the

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P two three

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yes okay guys we're going to polish this

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off this is so delicious guys you got to

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come here this is good very good okay

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guys we're trying to pick a dessert um I

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think it's the I think he should try the

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chocolate barfy Alonso I don't know if

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I'm saying that right he likes the kaju

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catti should we get one of

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each oh there's a Rose Bar okay one one

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one piece yeah and then uh and then

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huh no we'll leave it here and then and

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then one chocolate

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barie one one piece only yeah one piece

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yeah oh guys they have so many different

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desserts they even have this interesting

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Bary Rose how do you say that

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barfy uh the chocolate barf

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thank you thank

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you how much got

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it okay guys we got our desserts Alonso

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oop sorry here you

Time: 1455.84

go thank

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you okay he's going to tell us his

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professional opinion that is the

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kaju catly I know you know yeah

Time: 1469

is it

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TR is it

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good 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 can I try

Time: 1483.08

it with the silver on it 10 out of 10 he

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said 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 he says

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good oh try this one that's a chocolate

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one I'm excited about the chocolate one

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chocolate Sil chocolate silver and I

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think it's made with

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cashew it's got to go figure out

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which how is it that looks so good it

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tastes like this but one I like this one

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better M it's soft I like this one

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better oh good now we can have you can

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have that and I can have this okay guys

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you want it okay I want both he wants

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both guys this is such an interesting

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store fast

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food I feel like it might be open for 24

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hours we'll see I want to ask

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everybody's eating so good guys yeah all

Time: 1544.84

right guys that wraps up our second day

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in M VI it okay Al is like don't eat it

Time: 1551.399

okay take it take it for me before I

Time: 1552.72

atat it you did eat it you I did I took

Time: 1555.08

a bite guys my fault it was so good guys

Time: 1558.72

this place is awesome we're just going

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to walk down this road and see what else

Time: 1562.52

we find guys like this video subscribe

Time: 1565

and on that note Just Keep on Dancing

Time: 1568.08

Keep on Dancing

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