Future Technology | 60 Minutes Marathon

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artificial intelligence is the magic of

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the moment but this is a story about

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what's next something

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incomprehensible tomorrow IBM will

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announce and advance in an entirely new

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kind of computing one that may solve

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problems in minutes that would take

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supercomputers millions of years that's

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the difference in Quantum Computing a

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technology being developed at IBM Google

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and others it's named for quantum

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physics which describes the forces of

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the subatomic realm the science is deep

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and we can't scratch the surface but we

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hope to explain enough so that you won't

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be blinds Ed by a breakthrough that

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could transform

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civilization the quantum computer pushes

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the limits of knowledge new science new

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engineering all leading to this

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processor that computes with the atomic

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forces that created the universe I think

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this moment it feels to us like the

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Pioneers on the 1940s and 50s that were

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building the first digital computer

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computers Dario Gill is something of a

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Quantum Crusader Spanish born with a PhD

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in electrical engineering Gil is head of

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research at IBM how much faster is this

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than say the world's best super computer

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today we are now in a stage where we can

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do certain calculations with these

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systems that would take the biggest

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supercomputers in the world to be able

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to do some similar calculation but the

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beauty of it is that we see that we're

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going to continue to expand that

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capability such that not even a million

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or a billion of those supercomputers

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connected together could do the

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calculations of these future

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machines so we've come a long way and

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the most exciting part is that we have a

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road map and a journey right now where

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that is going to continue to increase at

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a r that is going to be shocking I'm not

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sure the world is prepared for this

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change definitely not to understand the

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change go back to

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1947 and the invention of a switch

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called a transistor the transistor a new

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name computers have processed

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information on transistors ever since

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getting faster as more transistors were

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squeezed onto a chip billions of them

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today but it takes that many because

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each transistor holds information in

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only two states it's either on or it's

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off like a coin heads or tails Quantum

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abandons transistors and encodes

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information on electrons that behave

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like this coin we created with animation

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electrons behave in a way so that they

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are heads and tails and everything in

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between you've gone from hand in one bit

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of information at a time on a transistor

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to exponentially more

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data you can see that there is fantastic

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amount of information stored when you

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can look at all possible angles not just

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up or down physicist miio Kaku of the

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City University of New York already

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calls today's computers classical he

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uses a maze to explain quantum's

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difference let's look at a classical

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computer calculating how a mouse

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navigates a maze it is painful one by

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one it has to map every single left turn

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right turn left turn right turn before

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it finds the goal now a quantum computer

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scans all possible routes

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simultaneously this is amazing how many

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turns are there hundreds of possible

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turns right quantum computers do it all

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at once kaku's book titled Quantum

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explains the stakes we're looking at a

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race a race between China between IBM

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Google Microsoft Honeywell all the big

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boys are in this race to create a

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workable operationally efficient quantum

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computer because the nation or company

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that does this will rule the world

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economy but a reliable general purpose

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quantum computer is a tough CL time yet

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maybe that's why this wall is in the

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lobby of Google's Quantum lab in

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California here we got an inside look

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starting with a microscope's view of

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what replaces the transistor this right

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here is one cubit and this is another

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Cubit this is a 5 Cubit chain those

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crosses at the bottom are cubits short

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for Quantum bits they hold the electrons

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and act like AR IAL atoms unlike

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transistors each additional Cubit

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doubles the computer's power it's

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exponential so while 20 transistors are

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20 times more powerful than one 20

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cubits are a million times more powerful

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than one so this gets positioned right

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here on the fridge and this Karina Chow

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Chief Operating Officer of Google's lab

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showed us the processor that holds the

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cubits much of that above chills the

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cubits to what physicists call near

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absolute zero near absolute zero I

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understand is about 460° below 0o fah so

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that's about as cold as anything can get

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yes almost as cold as possible that

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temperature inside a sealed computer is

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one of the coldest places in the

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universe the Deep Freeze eliminates

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electrical resistance

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and isolates the cubits from outside

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vibrations so they can be controlled

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with an electromagnetic field the cubits

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must vibrate in unison but that's a

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tough trick called coherence once you've

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achieved coherence of the cubits how

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easy is that to maintain it's really

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hard um coherence is very challenging

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coherence is fleeting in all similar

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machines coherence breaks down

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constantly creating errors we're making

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about one error in every hundred or so

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steps ultimately we think we're going to

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need about one error in every million or

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so steps that would probably be

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identified as one of the biggest

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barriers mitigating those errors and

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extending coherence time while scaling

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up to larger machines are the challenges

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facing German American scientist hartmut

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Nevan who founded Google's lab and its

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casual style in 2012 can the problems

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that are in the way of quantum Computing

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be solved I should confess my subtitle

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here is Chief

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optimist so after having say this I

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would say at this point we don't need

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any more fundamental breakthroughs we

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need little improvements here and there

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we have all the pieces together we just

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need to integrate them well to build

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larger and larger systems and you think

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that all of this will be integrated into

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a system in what period of time yeah we

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often say we want to do it by the end of

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the decade so that we can use this

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Kennedy quote and get it done by the end

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of the decade the end of this decade yes

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five or six years yes this that's about

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the timeline Dario Gil predicts and the

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IBM research director told us something

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surprising there are problems that

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classical computers can never solve can

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never solve and I think this is an

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important point because we're accustomed

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to saying ah computers get better

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actually there are many many problems

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that are so

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complex that we can make that statement

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that actually classical computers will

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never be able to solve that problem not

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now not a 100 years from now not a

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thousand years from now you actually

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require a different way to represent

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information and process information

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that's what Quantum gives you there's

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not Quantum could give us answers to

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Impossible problems in physics chemistry

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engineering and Medicine which is why

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IBM and Cleveland Clinic have installed

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one of the first quantum computers to

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leave the lab for the real world takes

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time it takes way too much time to find

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the solutions we need right now we sat

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down with dorio Gil and Dr sill SRO

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Chief research officer at Cleveland

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Clinic she told us healthc care would be

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transformed if quantum computers can

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model the behavior of proteins the

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molecules that regulate all life

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proteins change shape to change function

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in ways too complex to follow and when

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they get it wrong that causes disease it

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takes on many shapes many many shapes

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depending upon what it's doing and where

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it is and which other protein it's with

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I need to understand the shape it's in

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when it's doing an interaction or a

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function that I don't want it to do for

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that patient cancer autoimmunity it's a

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problem we are limited completely by the

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computational ability to look at the

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structure in real time for any even one

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molecule Cleveland Clinic is so proud of

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its quantum computer they set it up in a

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Lobby behind the glass that shiny silver

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cylinder encloses the kind of cooling

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system and processor you saw earlier

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Quantum is not solving the protein

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problem yet this is more of a trial run

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to introduce researchers to quantum's

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potential the people using this machine

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are they having to learn an entirely

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different way to communicate with a

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computer I think that's what's really

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nice that you actually just use a

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regular laptop and you write a program

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uh very much like you would write a

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traditional program but when you you

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know click you know go and run it just

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happens to run on a very different kind

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of computer there are a half dozen

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competing designs in the race China

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named Quantum a top National priority

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and the US government is spending nearly

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a billion dollars a year on research the

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first change comes next year when the US

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publishes new standards for encryption

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because Quantum is expected one day to

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break the codes that lock everything

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from National secrets to credit

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cards tomorrow IBM will unveil its

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Quantum system 2 with three times the

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cubits as the machine you saw in

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Cleveland this past August we saw a

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system 2 Under Construction it's a

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machine unlike anything we've ever built

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and this is this is it this is it IBM's

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Dario Gill told us system 2 has the room

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to expand to thousands of cubits what

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are the chances that this is one of

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those things that's going to be ready in

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5 years and always will be we don't see

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an obstacle right now that will prevent

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us from Building Systems that will have

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tens of thousands and even 100,000

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cubits working with each other so we are

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highly confident that we will get there

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the language of all the amazing things

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we heard it was physicist miio Kaku who

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led us down the path to the biggest idea

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of all he said we were walking through a

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quantum computer processing information

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with subatomic particles is how the

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universe works you know when I look at

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the night sky I See Stars I look at the

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flowers the trees I realized that it's

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all Quantum the Splendor of the universe

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itself the language of the universe is

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the language of the

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quantum learning that language may bring

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more than inconceivable speed reverse

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engineering Nature's computer could be a

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window on creation

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itself last month the nearest star to

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the Earth was in California in a labor

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labatory for the first time the world's

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largest lasers forced atoms of hydrogen

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to fuse together in the same kind of

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energy producing reaction that fires the

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sun it lasted less than a billionth of a

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second but after six Decades of toil and

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failure the Lawrence Livermore National

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Laboratory proved it could be done if

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Fusion becomes commercial power one day

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it would be endless and carbon free in

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other words it would change human

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Destiny as you'll see there's far to go

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but after December's breakthrough we

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were invited to tour the lab and meet

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the team that brought star power down to

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earth uncontrolled Fusion is easy

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mastered so long ago the films are in

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Black and White Fusion is what a

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hydrogen bomb does releasing energy by

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forcing atoms of hydrogen to fuse

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together what's been impossible is

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harnessing the fires of Armageddon into

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useful the US Department of Energy's

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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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helps maintain nuclear weapons and

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experiments with high energy physics an

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hour east of San Francisco we met

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livermore's director Kim budell in the

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lab that made history the national

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facility the national ignition facility

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is the world's largest most energetic

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laser it was built starting in the 1990s

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to create conditions in the laboratory

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that had previously only been accessible

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in the most extreme objects in the

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universe like the center of giant

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planets or the Sun or in operating

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nuclear weapons and the goal was to

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really be able to study that kind of

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very high energy high density condition

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in a lot of detail the national ignition

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facility or n was built for $35 billion

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to ignite self-sustaining Fusion they

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tried nearly 200 times over 13 years but

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like a car with a weak battery the

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atomic engine would never turn over nif

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drew some nicknames it did uh for many

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years the not ignition facility the

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never ignition facility uh more recently

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than nearly ignition facility so uh this

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recent has really put the ignition in

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the ni ignition means igniting a fusion

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reaction that puts out more energy than

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the lasers put in so if you can get it

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hot enough dense enough fast enough and

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hold it together long enough the fusion

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reactions start to self- sustain and

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that's really what happened here on

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December 5th main laser operation will

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begin in approximately one minute last

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month the laser shot fired from this

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control room put two units of energy

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into the experiment Adams began fusing

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and about three units of energy came out

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Tammy ma who leads the lab's laser

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Fusion research initiatives got the call

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while waiting for a plane and I burst

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into tears it was just tears of joy and

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I actually physically started shaking

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and and jumping up and down in in you

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know at the gate before everybody bored

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so everybody was like what is that crazy

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woman doing Tammy ma is crazy about

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engineering and that's another one of

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our sensors for she showed us why the

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problem of fusion would bring anyone to

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Tears first there's the energy required

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which is delivered by lasers in these

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tubes that are longer than a football

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field and how many are there altogether

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192 total lasers each one of these

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lasers is one of the most energetic in

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the world and you have 192 of them

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that's pretty cool right well pretty hot

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actually millions of degrees which is

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why they use keys to lock up the lasers

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Shot director ready the beams strike

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with a power 1,000 times greater than

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the entire National power grid 3 2 1

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shot your lights don't go out at home

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when they take a shot because these

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capacitors store the electricity in the

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tubes the laser beams amplify by racing

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back and forth and the Flash is a

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fraction of a second we have to get to

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these incredible conditions hotter

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denser than the center of the Sun and so

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we need all of that laser energy to get

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to these very high energy densities all

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that wallup vaporizes a Target nearly

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too small to see can I hold this thing

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let it go there we go

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unbelievable absolutely amazing Michael

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Stater man's team builds the hollow

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Target shells that are loaded with

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hydrogen at

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430° below zero the Precision that we

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need for making these shells is Extreme

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the shells are almost perfectly round uh

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they have a roughness that is 100 times

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better than a mirror you think about

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that if it wasn't smoother than a mirror

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imperfections would make the implosion

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of atoms uneven causing a fusion fizzle

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so these need to be as close to perfect

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as humanly possible that's right this

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way and we do think there are among the

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most perfect items that we have on Earth

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stator's lab pursues Perfection by

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vaporizing carbon and forming the shell

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out of diamond they build, 1500 a year

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to make 150 nearly perfect all the

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components are brought together under

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the microscope itself and then the

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assembler uses electromechanical stages

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to put the parts where they're supposed

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to go uh move them together and then we

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apply glue using a hair a hair yeah

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usually something like an eyelash or

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similar or a cat whisker you apply glue

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with a cat whisker this

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way why does it have to be so small the

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laser gives us only a finite amount of

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energy and um to drive a bigger capsule

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we would need more energy so it's a

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constrain of the facility that you've

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seen that is very large and despite its

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big size this is about what we can drive

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with it the target could be larger but

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then the laser would have to be

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larger on December 5th they used a

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thicker Target so it would hold its

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shape longer and they figured out how to

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boost the power of the laser shot

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without damaging the lasers so this is

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an example of a Target before the shot

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Tammy ma showed us an intact Target

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assembly that diamond shell you saw is

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inside that silver colored

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cylinder this assembly goes into a blue

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vacuum chamber three stories tall it's

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hard to see here because it's bristling

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with lasers and instruments

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this instrument they called Dante

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because they told us it measures the

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fires of Hell one physicist said you

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should see the target we blasted

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December 5th which made us ask could we

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have you seen this before this is the

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first time I'm seeing it for tamy Ma and

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for the world this is the first look at

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what's left of the target assembly That

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Changed History and our effect like

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Bell's first phone or Edison's light

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bulb this thing is going to end up in

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Smithsonian the target cylinder was

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blasted to Oblivion the Copper support

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that held it was peeled backward the

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explosion on the end of this was hotter

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than the sun it was hotter than the

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center of the sun we were able to

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achieve temperatures that were the

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hottest in the entire solar system which

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would make an astronomical change in

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electric power unlike today's nuclear

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plants which split atoms apart fusing

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them is many times more powerful with

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little long-term radiation and it's easy

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to turn off so no meltdowns but getting

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from the first ignition to a power plant

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will be hard how many shots do you take

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in a day we take on average uh a little

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more than one shot per date if this was

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theoretically a commercial power plant

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how many shots a day would be required

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approximately 10 shots per second would

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be required and the other big challenge

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of course is not just increasing the

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repetition rate but also getting the

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gain out of the targets to go up to

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about a factor of a 100 Not only would

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the reactions have to produce 100 times

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more energy but a power plant would need

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100,000 perfect diamond shells a day

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also the lasers would have to be much

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more efficient remember December's

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breakthrough put two units of energy in

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and got three out well it took 300 units

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of power to fire the lasers by that

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standard it was 300 in three out that

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detail was not front and center at the

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department of energy December news

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conference which fused the advance with

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an unlikely timeline today's

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announcement is a huge step forward uh

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to the president's goal of achieve

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achieving commercial Fusion within a

Time: 1424.24

decade when you heard that President

Time: 1426.76

Biden's goal was commercial fusion power

Time: 1431.08

in a decade you thought what I thought

Time: 1433.84

it was nonsense Charles cythe is a

Time: 1436.559

trained mathematician science author and

Time: 1439.08

professor at New York University who

Time: 1441.36

wrote a 2008 book on the hyping of

Time: 1444.84

fusion power I don't want to diminish

Time: 1447.2

the fact that this is a real achievement

Time: 1449.32

um ignition is a milestone that people

Time: 1451.679

have been trying for to do for years I'm

Time: 1454.679

afraid that there's so many technical

Time: 1456.559

hurdles even after this great

Time: 1458.96

achievement uh that 10 years is a pipe

Time: 1461.88

dream those hurdles cyth says include

Time: 1465.32

scaling up livermore's achievement the

Time: 1468.52

sber shot generated about enough Excess

Time: 1471.84

power to boil two pots of coffee the

Time: 1475.64

hurdles might be overcome cyth says but

Time: 1478.64

not soon I have a running bet going that

Time: 1481.84

uh we're not going to have it by 2050

Time: 1484.48

still betting against Charles Cy's

Time: 1487

prophecy are more than 30 private

Time: 1489.799

companies designing various approaches

Time: 1492.2

to fusion power including using magnets

Time: 1495.399

not lasers $3 billion in private money

Time: 1499.76

flowed into those companies in the last

Time: 1502.24

13 months including bets by Bill Gates

Time: 1506.159

and Google amid all this speculation

Time: 1510.12

Lawrence livermore's director Kim Buell

Time: 1513.08

is certain of one thing can you do it

Time: 1516.12

again absolutely they're going to try

Time: 1519.48

again next month Buell agrees the

Time: 1522.52

obstacles are enormous but she told us

Time: 1525.88

commercial fusion power could be

Time: 1527.84

demonstr ated in 20 years or so with

Time: 1531.08

enough funding and

Time: 1532.76

dedication we likened the first ignition

Time: 1535.88

to the first Wright brothers flight

Time: 1538.2

which covered only 120 ft it's one thing

Time: 1542.96

to believe uh that the science is

Time: 1546.32

possible uh that the conditions can be

Time: 1548.799

created uh it's another to see it in

Time: 1551.159

action and it really is a remarkable

Time: 1553.52

feeling after working for 60 years to

Time: 1557.12

get to this point

Time: 1558.919

um to have first taken that first flight

Time: 1562.159

flight it was 44 years from a puddle

Time: 1564.799

jump to supersonic flight whether fusion

Time: 1568.6

power is 10 or 50 years away is now

Time: 1572.36

mainly an engineering problem Lawrence

Time: 1575.799

Livermore has proven that from a machine

Time: 1580.159

A Star is Born

Time: 1592.72

whether you think artificial

Time: 1594.24

intelligence will save the world or end

Time: 1596.88

it you have Jeffrey Hinton to thank

Time: 1600.44

Hinton has been called The Godfather of

Time: 1603.279

AI a British computer scientist whose

Time: 1606.64

controversial ideas help make advanced

Time: 1609.88

artificial intelligence possible and so

Time: 1613.159

change the world Hinton believes that AI

Time: 1616.799

will do enormous good good but tonight

Time: 1619.559

he has a warning he says that AI systems

Time: 1622.84

may be more intelligent than we know and

Time: 1626.279

there's a chance the machines could take

Time: 1628.44

over which made us ask the

Time: 1632.279

question does Humanity know what it's

Time: 1635.039


Time: 1636.559


Time: 1638.679

um I think we're moving into a period

Time: 1643.799

when for the first time ever we may have

Time: 1646.679

things more intelligent than us

Time: 1649.12

you believe they can understand yes you

Time: 1651.72

believe they are intelligent yes you

Time: 1655

believe these systems have experiences

Time: 1658.039

of their own and can make decisions

Time: 1660.84

based on those experiences in the same

Time: 1663.279

sense as people do yes are they

Time: 1665.919

conscious I think they probably don't

Time: 1667.919

have much self-awareness at present so

Time: 1670.039

in that sense I don't think they're

Time: 1671.2

conscious will they have self-awareness

Time: 1674.08

Consciousness I oh yes I think they will

Time: 1676.519

in time and so human beings will be the

Time: 1679.32

second most intelligent beings on the

Time: 1682.72

planet yeah Jeffrey Hinton told us the

Time: 1687.399

artificial intelligence he set in motion

Time: 1690.279

was an accident born of a failure in the

Time: 1694.039

1970s at the University of Edinburgh he

Time: 1697.24

dreamed of simulating a neural network

Time: 1700.559

on a computer simply as a tool for what

Time: 1703.559

he was really studying the human brain

Time: 1707.64

but back back then almost no one thought

Time: 1709.64

software could mimic the brain his PhD

Time: 1712.84

advisor told him to drop it before it

Time: 1715.32

ruined his career Hinton says he failed

Time: 1718.919

to figure out the human mind but the

Time: 1721.44

long Pursuit led to an artificial

Time: 1724.76

version it took much much longer than I

Time: 1727.48

expected it took like 50 years before it

Time: 1729.279

worked well but in the end it did work

Time: 1731.72

well at what point did you realize that

Time: 1736.399

you were right about neural networks and

Time: 1739.799

most everyone else was wrong I always

Time: 1742.399

thought I was

Time: 1743.72

right in 2019 Hinton and collaborators

Time: 1748.08

Yan laon on the left and yosua Beno won

Time: 1752.12

the touring award the Nobel Prize of

Time: 1756

computing to understand how their work

Time: 1758.72

on artificial neural networks helped

Time: 1761.08

machines learn to learn let us take you

Time: 1764.6

to a

Time: 1765.799

game look at that oh my goodness this is

Time: 1770.88

Google's AI lab in London which we first

Time: 1774.2

showed you this past April Jeffrey

Time: 1777.08

Hinton wasn't involved in this soccer

Time: 1779.64

project but these robots are a great

Time: 1782.279

example of machine learning the thing to

Time: 1785.88

understand is that the robots were not

Time: 1788.88

programmed to play soccer they were told

Time: 1792.08

to score they had to learn how on their

Time: 1795.559

own oh go

Time: 1798.519

in general here's how AI does it Henton

Time: 1801.76

and his collaborators created software

Time: 1804.559

in layers with each layer handling part

Time: 1807.48

of the problem that's the so-called

Time: 1809.36

neural network but this is the key when

Time: 1812.76

for example the robot scores a message

Time: 1816.24

is sent back down through all of the

Time: 1818.679

layers that says that pathway was right

Time: 1822.799

likewise when an answer is wrong that

Time: 1825.6

message goes down through the network so

Time: 1828.72

correct connections get stronger wrong

Time: 1831.48

connections get weaker and by trial and

Time: 1834.64

error the machine teaches itself you

Time: 1838.159

think these AI systems are better at

Time: 1840.799

learning than the human mind I think

Time: 1843.559

they may be yes and at present they're

Time: 1846.72

quite a lot smaller so even the biggest

Time: 1849.559

chatbots only have about a trillion

Time: 1852.2

Connections in them the human brain has

Time: 1854.559

about 100 trillion and yet in the

Time: 1857.96

trillion Connections in a chatbot it

Time: 1860.2

knows far more than you do in your 100

Time: 1863

trillion connections which suggests it's

Time: 1865

got a much better way of getting

Time: 1866.84

knowledge into those connections a much

Time: 1869

better way of getting knowledge that

Time: 1871.44

isn't fully understood we have a very

Time: 1874.24

good idea of sort of roughly what it's

Time: 1875.679

doing but as soon as it gets really

Time: 1878.2

complicated we don't actually know

Time: 1880.519

what's going on anymore than we know

Time: 1882.039

what's going on in your brain what do

Time: 1884

you mean we don't know exactly how it

Time: 1886.48

works it was designed designed by people

Time: 1889.2

no it

Time: 1890.159

wasn't what we did was we designed the

Time: 1892.84

learning algorithm that's a bit like

Time: 1894.88

designing the principle of evolution but

Time: 1897.039

when this learning algorithm then

Time: 1898.44

interacts with data it produces

Time: 1901.32

complicated neural networks that are

Time: 1902.84

good at doing things but we don't really

Time: 1905.44

understand exactly how they do those

Time: 1907.24

things what are the

Time: 1909.88

implications of these systems

Time: 1912.32

autonomously writing their own computer

Time: 1914.559

code and executing their own computer

Time: 1916.84

code that a serious worry right so one

Time: 1920.44

of the ways in which these systems might

Time: 1922.36

Escape control is by writing their own

Time: 1926

computer code to modify

Time: 1928.039

themselves and that's something we need

Time: 1930.44

to seriously worry about what do you say

Time: 1932.72

to someone who might argue if the

Time: 1935.159

systems become benevolent just turn them

Time: 1938

off they will be able to manipulate

Time: 1940.799

people right and these will be very good

Time: 1943.279

at convincing people because they'll

Time: 1945.159

have learned from all the novels that

Time: 1947.36

were ever written written all the books

Time: 1949.76


Time: 1950.72

makavelli all the political connives

Time: 1954.08

they'll know all that stuff they'll know

Time: 1955.639

how to do it noow of the human kind runs

Time: 1960.399

in Jeffrey hinton's family his ancestors

Time: 1963.919

include mathematician George buou who

Time: 1966.399

invented the basis of computing and

Time: 1969.72

George Everest who surveyed India and

Time: 1973.44

got that mountain named after him but as

Time: 1976.799

a boy Hinton himself could never climb

Time: 1980.72

the peak of expectations raised by a

Time: 1984.12

domineering father every morning when I

Time: 1986.72

went to school he'd actually say to me

Time: 1989.159

as I walk down the driveway get in there

Time: 1990.84

pitching and maybe when you're twice as

Time: 1993.08

old as me you'll be half as good dad was

Time: 1995.88

an authority on Beatles he knew a lot

Time: 1999.24

more about beatles than he knew about

Time: 2000.6

people did you feel that as a child a

Time: 2003.24

bit yes when he died we went to his

Time: 2008.12

study at the University and the walls

Time: 2010.32

were lined with boxes of papers on

Time: 2012.88

different kinds of beetle and just near

Time: 2015.36

the door there was a slightly smaller

Time: 2017.12

box that simply said not insects and

Time: 2020.84

that's where he had all the things about

Time: 2022.039


Time: 2022.96

family today at 75 Hinton recently

Time: 2026.96

retired after what he calls 10 happy

Time: 2029.6

years at Google now he's professor

Time: 2032.559

ameritus at the University of Toronto

Time: 2035.36

and he happened to mention he had has

Time: 2037.96

more academic citations than his father

Time: 2041.48

some of his research led to chatbots

Time: 2044.159

like Google's Bard which we met last

Time: 2046.84

spring confounding absolutely

Time: 2049.56

confounding we asked Bard to write a

Time: 2052.04

story from six words for sale baby shoes

Time: 2056.119


Time: 2057.399

worn holy cow the shoes were a gift from

Time: 2062.119

my wife but we never had a baby Bard

Time: 2065.32

created a deeply human tale of a man

Time: 2068.28

whose wife could not conceive and a

Time: 2070.919

stranger who accepted the shoes to heal

Time: 2074.04

the pain after her miscarriage I am

Time: 2077.119


Time: 2079.32

speechless I don't know what to make of

Time: 2081.8

this chatbots are said to be language

Time: 2084.76

models that just predict the next most

Time: 2087.639

likely word based on probability you'll

Time: 2090.359

hear people saying things like they're

Time: 2092.52

just doing autocomplete they're just

Time: 2093.879

trying to predict the next word and

Time: 2096.159

they're just using statistics

Time: 2098.88

well it's true they're just trying to

Time: 2100.599

predict the next word but if you think

Time: 2102.839

about it to predict the next word you

Time: 2105.44

have to understand the sentences so the

Time: 2109.68

idea they're just predicting the next

Time: 2111.079

words so they're not intelligent is

Time: 2112.359

crazy you have to be really intelligent

Time: 2114.839

to predict the next word really

Time: 2116.48

accurately to prove it Hinton showed us

Time: 2119.52

a test he devised for chat gp4 the

Time: 2123.68

chatbot from a company called open AI it

Time: 2127.28

was sort of reassuring to see a turing

Time: 2129.92

Award winner mistype and blame the

Time: 2132.839

computer oh damn this thing we're going

Time: 2135.72

to go back and start again that's okay

Time: 2137.599

hinton's test was a riddle about house

Time: 2140.76

painting an answer would demand

Time: 2143.32

reasoning and

Time: 2145.04

planning this is what he typed into chat

Time: 2149.24

gp4 the rooms in my house are painted

Time: 2152.56

white or blue or yellow and yellow paint

Time: 2155.16

Fades to White within a year in two

Time: 2157.72

years time I'd like all the rooms to be

Time: 2159.359

white what should I do the answer began

Time: 2162.52

in one second gp4 advised the rooms

Time: 2167.04

painted in blue need to be repainted the

Time: 2170.599

rooms painted in yellow don't need to be

Time: 2173.48

repainted because they would Fade to

Time: 2175.8

White before the deadline and oh I

Time: 2180.24

didn't even think of that it warned if

Time: 2183.319

you paint the yellow rooms white there's

Time: 2185.839

a risk the color might be off when the

Time: 2188.359

yellow Fades besides it advised you'd be

Time: 2192.359

wasting resources painting rooms that

Time: 2195

were going to Fade to White anyway you

Time: 2197.56

believe that chat GPD

Time: 2199.92

4 understands I believe it definitely

Time: 2203.839

understands yes and in 5 years time I

Time: 2206.76

think in 5 years time it may well be

Time: 2208.48

able to reason better than us reasoning

Time: 2211.119

that he says is leading to ai's Great

Time: 2214.44

risks and great benefits

Time: 2217.8

so an obvious area where there's huge

Time: 2220.319

benefits is Healthcare AI is already

Time: 2224.24

comparable with Radiologists at

Time: 2226.44

understanding what's going on in medical

Time: 2228.359

images it's going to be very good at

Time: 2230.319

designing drugs it already is designing

Time: 2232.319

drugs so that's an area where it's

Time: 2236.4

almost entirely going to do good I like

Time: 2239.48

that area the risks are

Time: 2242.119

what well the risks are having a whole

Time: 2245.359

class of people who are unemployed

Time: 2248.28

and not valued much because what they

Time: 2251.16

what they used to do is now done by

Time: 2252.839

machines other immediate risks he

Time: 2255.68

worries about include fake news

Time: 2258.8

unintended bias in employment and

Time: 2262.04

policing and autonomous Battlefield

Time: 2266.68

robots what is a path forward that

Time: 2270.4


Time: 2271.8

safety I don't know I I can't see a path

Time: 2275.2

that guarantees safety

Time: 2278

that we're entering a period of great

Time: 2279.68

uncertainty where we're dealing with

Time: 2281.079

things we've never dealt with before and

Time: 2284.079

normally the first time you deal with

Time: 2285.64

something totally novel you get it wrong

Time: 2287.8

and we can't afford to get it wrong with

Time: 2289.2

these things can't afford to get it

Time: 2290.839

wrong why well because they might take

Time: 2293.64

over take over from Humanity yes that's

Time: 2296.64

a possibility why would they I'm not

Time: 2298.16

saying it will happen if we could stop

Time: 2300.8

them ever wanting to that would be great

Time: 2303.04

but it's not clear we can stop them ever

Time: 2304.92


Time: 2305.92

to Jeffrey told us he has no regrets

Time: 2310.24

because of ai's potential for good but

Time: 2314.079

he says now is the moment to run

Time: 2317.04

experiments to understand AI for

Time: 2320

governments to impose regulations and

Time: 2322.96

for a world treaty to ban the use of

Time: 2326.28

military robots he reminded us of Robert

Time: 2330.319

Oppenheimer who after inventing the

Time: 2333.04

atomic bomb campaigned against the

Time: 2335.8

hydrogen bomb a man who changed the

Time: 2338.92

world and found the world Beyond his

Time: 2342.52

control it maybe we look back and see

Time: 2345

this as a kind of Turning Point when

Time: 2347.4

Humanity had to make the decision about

Time: 2348.96

whether to develop these things further

Time: 2351.28

and what to do to protect themselves if

Time: 2353.2

they did um I don't know I think my main

Time: 2357.319

message is there's enormous uncertainty

Time: 2360.2

about what's going to happen

Time: 2362.319

next these things do understand and

Time: 2365.72

because they understand we need to think

Time: 2368.52

hard about what's going to happen next

Time: 2369.76

and we just don't

Time: 2379.68

know we may look on our time as the

Time: 2383.079

moment civilization was transformed as

Time: 2386.48

it was by fire Agriculture and

Time: 2389.48

electricity in 2023 we learned that a

Time: 2392.56

machine taught itself how to speak to

Time: 2395.56

humans like a peer with which is to say

Time: 2398.48

with creativity truth errors and lies

Time: 2403.24

the technology known as a chatbot is

Time: 2406.079

only one of the recent breakthroughs in

Time: 2408.68

artificial intelligence machines that

Time: 2411.52

can teach themselves superhuman skills

Time: 2415.52

in April we explored what's coming next

Time: 2418.599

at Google a leader in this new world CEO

Time: 2422.88

Sundar Pai told us AI will be as good or

Time: 2426.319

as evil as human nature allows the

Time: 2429.319

revolution he says is coming faster than

Time: 2432.56

you know do you think Society is

Time: 2436.04

prepared for what's coming you know

Time: 2439.28

there are two ways I think about it on

Time: 2441.079

one hand I feel no uh because you know

Time: 2444.52

the pace at which we can think and adapt

Time: 2447.119

as societal institutions compared to the

Time: 2449.04

PACE at which the technology is evolving

Time: 2451.48

there seems to be a

Time: 2452.839

mismatch on the other hand compared to

Time: 2455.4

any other technology I've seen more

Time: 2457.44

people worried about it earlier in its

Time: 2459.56

life cycle so I feel optimistic the

Time: 2462.599

number of people you know who have

Time: 2464.68

started worrying about the implications

Time: 2467.319

and hence the conversations are starting

Time: 2469.8

in a serious way as well I guess our

Time: 2472.079

conversations with 50-year-old Sundar

Time: 2474.48

Pai started at Google's new campus in

Time: 2477.4

Mountain View California it runs on 40%

Time: 2480.92

solar power and collects more water than

Time: 2483.48

it uses Hightech that Pai couldn't have

Time: 2487.68

imagined growing up in India with no

Time: 2490.72

telephone at home we were on a waiting

Time: 2493.64

list to get a rotary phone and for about

Time: 2496.16

5 years and it finally came home I can

Time: 2499.64

still recall it vividly it changed our

Time: 2502.839

lives to me it was the first moment I

Time: 2505.359

understood the power of what getting

Time: 2507.68

access to technology meant so probably

Time: 2510.28

led me to be doing what I'm doing

Time: 2513.079

today what he's doing since 2019 is

Time: 2516.56

leading both Google and its parent

Time: 2519.16

company alphabet valued at

Time: 2521.92


Time: 2523.76

trillion worldwide Google runs 90% of

Time: 2528

internet searches and 70% of smartphones

Time: 2531.92

we're really excited about but it's

Time: 2533.28

dominance was attacked this past

Time: 2535.2

February when Microsoft linked its

Time: 2537.8

search engine to a chatbot in a race for

Time: 2541.52

AI dominance in March Google released

Time: 2544.88

its chatbot named bard

Time: 2547.72

it's really here to help you brainstorm

Time: 2549.76

ideas to generate content like a speech

Time: 2553.88

or a blog post or an email we were

Time: 2556.8

introduced to Bard by Google vice

Time: 2559.04

president sha and Senior Vice

Time: 2562.24

President James manika here's Bard the

Time: 2565.44

first thing we learned was that Bard

Time: 2568.2

does not look for answers on the

Time: 2570.92

internet like Google search does so I

Time: 2574.359

wanted to get inspiration from some of

Time: 2576

the best speeches in the World Bard's

Time: 2578.28

replies come from a self-contained

Time: 2580.68

program that was mostly self-taught our

Time: 2584.16

experience was unsettling confounding

Time: 2587.76

absolutely confounding Bard appeared to

Time: 2590.52

possess the sum of human

Time: 2593.119

knowledge with microchips more than

Time: 2596.04

100,000 times faster than the human

Time: 2598.76

brain summarize the we asked Bard to

Time: 2601.64

summarize the New Testament it did in 5

Time: 2604.839

seconds and 17 words in Latin we asked

Time: 2609

for it in Latin that took another 4

Time: 2611.88

seconds then we played with a famous

Time: 2615.359

six-word short story often attributed to

Time: 2619.04

Hemingway for sale baby shoes never worn

Time: 2622.76

wow the only prompt we gave was finish

Time: 2626.76


Time: 2627.88

story in 5

Time: 2630.28

seconds holy cow the shoes were a gift

Time: 2634.72

from my wife but we never had a baby

Time: 2637.839

they were from The six-word Prompt Bard

Time: 2640.92

created a deeply human tale with

Time: 2644.04

characters it invented including a man

Time: 2647.76

whose wife could not conceive and a

Time: 2650.559

stranger grieving after a miscarriage

Time: 2654

and longing for

Time: 2656.8

closure uh I am rarely

Time: 2660.559

speechless I don't know what to make of

Time: 2663.68

this give me we asked for the story in

Time: 2667.92

verse in 5 seconds there was a poem

Time: 2671.4

written by a machine with breathtaking

Time: 2674.52

insight into the mystery of Faith Bard

Time: 2678.119

wrote she knew her baby Soul would

Time: 2682

always be

Time: 2683.559

alive the humanity at superhuman speed

Time: 2687.96

was a shock how was this possible so

Time: 2691.319

James manika told us that over several

Time: 2693.68

months Bard read most everything on the

Time: 2696.76

internet internet and created a model of

Time: 2699.559

what language looks like rather than

Time: 2702.48

search its answers come from this

Time: 2705.319

language model so for example if I said

Time: 2708.24

to you Scott peanut butter and jelly

Time: 2712.359

right so it tries and learns to predict

Time: 2714.48

okay so peanut butter usually is

Time: 2716.079

followed by jelly it tries to predict

Time: 2718.52

the most probable next words based on

Time: 2721.52

everything it's learned uh so it's not

Time: 2724.2

going out to find stuff it's just

Time: 2726.599

predicting the next word but it doesn't

Time: 2729.48

feel like that we asked Bard why it

Time: 2732.76

helps people and it replied quote

Time: 2736.28

because it makes me happy Bard to my eye

Time: 2741.52

appears to be thinking appears to be

Time: 2745.839


Time: 2747.319

judgments that's not what's happening

Time: 2750.04

these machines are not sensient they are

Time: 2752.8

not aware of themselves they're not

Time: 2755.68

sensient they're not aware of themselves

Time: 2758.359

uh they can exhibit behaviors that look

Time: 2760.92

like that because keep in mind they've

Time: 2762.359

learned from us we are sentient beings

Time: 2765.04

we have beings that have feelings

Time: 2767.76

emotions ideas thoughts

Time: 2771.16

perspectives we've reflected all that in

Time: 2773.48

books in novels in fiction so when they

Time: 2776

learn from that they build patterns from

Time: 2778.64

that so it's no surprise to me that the

Time: 2781.559

exhibited behavior sometimes looks like

Time: 2784.8

maybe there's somebody behind there

Time: 2786.24

there's nobody there there these are not

Time: 2788.16

sensient beings they not Zimbabwe born

Time: 2791.359

Oxford educated James manika holds a new

Time: 2794.76

position at Google his job is to think

Time: 2797.68

about how Ai and Humanity will best

Time: 2801.48

coexist AI has a potential to change

Time: 2804.88

many ways in which we've thought about

Time: 2807

Society about what we're able to do the

Time: 2810.64

the problems we can solve but AI itself

Time: 2813.8

will pose its own problems could Heming

Time: 2816.319

way WR a better short story maybe but

Time: 2819.8

Bard can write a million before

Time: 2822.52

Hemingway could finish one imagine that

Time: 2826.44

level of automation across the economy a

Time: 2830.359

lot of people can be replaced by this

Time: 2832.2

technology yes there are some job

Time: 2834.28

occupations that will start to decline

Time: 2836.319

over time there are also new job

Time: 2838.559

categories that will grow over time but

Time: 2841.16

the biggest change will be the jobs that

Time: 2843.48

will be changed something like more than

Time: 2845.92

2third will have their definitions

Time: 2849.16

change not go away but change because

Time: 2852.559

they're now being assisted by Ai and by

Time: 2855.359

automation so this is a profound change

Time: 2858.319

which has implications for skills how do

Time: 2860.8

we assist people build new skills learn

Time: 2863.119

to work alongside machines and how do

Time: 2865.4

these complement what people do today

Time: 2867.559

this is going to impact every product

Time: 2870.16

across every company and and so that's

Time: 2873.319

why I think it's a a very very profound

Time: 2875.44

technology and so we are just in early

Time: 2877.44

days every product in every company

Time: 2879.92

that's right AI will impact everything

Time: 2883.92

so for example you could be a

Time: 2885.4

radiologist you know if I if you think

Time: 2887.8

about 5 to 10 years from now you're

Time: 2889.44

going to have a AI collaborator with you

Time: 2892.2

it may triage you come in the morning

Time: 2894.88

you let's say you have 100 things to go

Time: 2896.76

through it may say these are the most

Time: 2898.44

serious cases you need to look at first

Time: 2901.04

or when you're looking at something it

Time: 2903.079

may pop up and say you may have missed

Time: 2905.079

something important why wouldn't we you

Time: 2907.24

know why would we take advantage of a

Time: 2911.359

superpowered assistant to help you

Time: 2913.48

across everything you do you maybe a

Time: 2915.04

student trying to learn math or history

Time: 2918.599

and you know you will have something

Time: 2921

helping you there are we ask Pai what

Time: 2923.48

jobs would be disrupted he said

Time: 2926.079

knowledge workers people like writers

Time: 2928.92

accountants Architects and ironically

Time: 2931.96

software Engineers AI writes computer

Time: 2935.24

code too today sundarai walks a narrow

Time: 2939.44

line a few employees have quit some

Time: 2942.68

believing that Google's AI rollout is

Time: 2945.2

too slow others too fast there are some

Time: 2949.72

serious flaws there's a return of

Time: 2952.079

inflation James manika asked Bard about

Time: 2955.079

inflation it wrote an instant essay in

Time: 2957.839

economics and recommended five

Time: 2960.44

books but days later we checked none of

Time: 2964.359

the books is real bar fabricated the

Time: 2968.319

titles this very human trait error with

Time: 2973.04

confidence is called in the industry

Time: 2976.64

hallucination are you getting a lot of

Time: 2979.2

hallucinations uh yes uh you know which

Time: 2981.72

is expected no one in the in the field

Time: 2985.72

has yet solved the hallucination

Time: 2987.92

problems all models uh do have uh this

Time: 2991.68

as an issue is it a solvable problem

Time: 2994.599

it's a matter of intense debate

Time: 2997.4

I think we'll make progress to help cure

Time: 3000.64

hallucinations Bard features a Google it

Time: 3003.559

button that leads to oldfashioned search

Time: 3007.599

Google has also built safety filters in

Time: 3010.2

debard to screen for things like hate

Time: 3012.839

speech and bias how great a risk is the

Time: 3016.92

spread of disinformation AI will

Time: 3019.96

challenge that in a deeper way the scale

Time: 3022.64

of this problem is going to be much

Time: 3024

bigger bigger problems he says with fake

Time: 3027.16

news and fake images it will be possible

Time: 3030.76

with AI to create uh you know a video

Time: 3034.799

easily where it could be Scott saying

Time: 3037.64

something or me saying something and we

Time: 3039.4

never said that and it could look

Time: 3040.839

accurate but you know at a societal

Time: 3043.04

scale you know can cause a lot of harm

Time: 3045.96

is Bard safe for

Time: 3048.079

society the way we have launched it

Time: 3050.119

today uh as an experiment in a limited

Time: 3053.24

way uh I think so but we all have to be

Time: 3057.119

responsible in each step along the way

Time: 3060.2

this past spring Google released an

Time: 3062.799

advanced version of Bard that can write

Time: 3065.799

software and connect to the internet

Time: 3068.799

Google says it's developing even more

Time: 3071.44

sophisticated AI models you are letting

Time: 3075.16

this out slowly so that Society can get

Time: 3077.799

used to

Time: 3079.2

it that's one part of it uh one part is

Time: 3082.359

also so that we get the user feedback

Time: 3084.88

and we can develop more robust safety

Time: 3088.88

layers before we build before we deploy

Time: 3091.88

more capable models interacting with of

Time: 3094.16

the AI issues we talked about the most

Time: 3097.119

mysterious is called emergent

Time: 3100.96

properties some AI systems are teaching

Time: 3104.559

themselves skills they weren't expected

Time: 3107.44

to have how this happens is not well

Time: 3111.16

understood for example one Google AI

Time: 3114.68

program adapted on its own

Time: 3117.4

after it was prompted in the language of

Time: 3120.119

Bangladesh which it was not trained to

Time: 3123.72

translate we discovered that with very

Time: 3126.44

few amounts of prompting in Bengali he

Time: 3129.72

can now translate all of Bengali so now

Time: 3132.68

all of a sudden we now have a research

Time: 3134.68

effort where we're now trying to get to

Time: 3136.92

a thousand languages there is an aspect

Time: 3139.44

of this which we call all of us in the

Time: 3141.599

field call it as a black box you know

Time: 3143.88

you don't fully understand and you can't

Time: 3147.079

quite tell why it said this or why it

Time: 3149.92

got wrong we have some ideas and our

Time: 3152.44

ability to understand this gets better

Time: 3154.16

over time but that's where the stateof

Time: 3156.28

thee art is you don't fully understand

Time: 3158.599

how it works and yet you've turned it

Time: 3161.24

loose on society let me put it this way

Time: 3164.64

I don't think we fully understand how a

Time: 3166.48

human mind works either was it from that

Time: 3169.96

black box we wondered that Bard Drew its

Time: 3173.559

short story that seems so disarming

Time: 3176.88

human it talked about the pain that

Time: 3180.2

humans feel it talked about

Time: 3183.68

Redemption how did it do all of those

Time: 3186.04

things if it's just trying to figure out

Time: 3188

what the next right word is me I've had

Time: 3190.559

these experiences uh talking with b as

Time: 3193.24

well there are two views of this you

Time: 3195.799

know there are a set of people who view

Time: 3197.68

this as look these are just algorithms

Time: 3201.4

they're just repeating what it's seen

Time: 3203.48

online then there is the view where

Time: 3208.16

these algorithms are showing emerging

Time: 3211.359

properties to be creative to reason to

Time: 3214.599

plan and so on right and and personally

Time: 3219.839

I think we need to be uh we need to

Time: 3221.799

approach this with humility part of the

Time: 3224.119

reason I think it's good that some of

Time: 3226.28

these Technologies are getting out is so

Time: 3228.839

that Society you know people like you

Time: 3231.119

and others can process what's happening

Time: 3234.2

and we begin this conversation and

Time: 3236.52

debate and I think it's important to do

Time: 3238.68

that when we come back we'll take you

Time: 3241.359

inside Google's artificial intelligence

Time: 3243.92

Labs where robots are

Time: 3254.839

learning the revolution in artificial

Time: 3257.68

intelligence is the center of a debate

Time: 3260.799

ranging from those who hope it will save

Time: 3263.4

Humanity to those who predict Doom

Time: 3266.76

Google lies somewhere in the optimistic

Time: 3269.319

middle introducing AI in steps so that

Time: 3273.28

Civilization can get used to it we saw

Time: 3276.839

what's coming next in machine learning

Time: 3278.92

earlier this year at Google's AI lab in

Time: 3282.559

London a company called Deep Mind where

Time: 3286.52

the future looks something like

Time: 3290.44

this look at that oh my goodness they've

Time: 3294.319

got a pretty good kick on them can still

Time: 3296.64

go a good good game a soccer match at

Time: 3299.599

Deep Mind looks like fun in games but

Time: 3302.68

here's the thing humans did not program

Time: 3306.599

these robots to play they learned the

Time: 3309.52

game by themselves it's coming up with

Time: 3312.16

these interesting different strategies

Time: 3314.079

different ways to walk different ways to

Time: 3315.88

block and they're doing it they're

Time: 3317.52

scoring over and over again Mr Robot

Time: 3320.72

here Rya hadel vice president of

Time: 3323.4

research and Robotics showed us how

Time: 3325.68

engineers used motion capture technology

Time: 3329.319

to teach the AI program how to move like

Time: 3332.24

a human but on the soccer pitch the

Time: 3335.319

robots were told only that the object

Time: 3338.359

was to score the self-learning program

Time: 3341.64

spent about two weeks testing different

Time: 3344.68

moves it disgarded those that didn't

Time: 3347.48

work built on those that did and created

Time: 3351.119

Allstars there's another goal and with

Time: 3354.44

practice they get better Hansel told us

Time: 3357.96

that independent from the robots the AI

Time: 3361.319

program plays thousands of games from

Time: 3364.52

which it learns and invents its own

Time: 3367.48

tactics here you think that red player

Time: 3370.119

is going to grab it but instead it just

Time: 3371.839

stops IT hands it back passes it back

Time: 3375.359

and then goes for the goal and the AI

Time: 3377.2

figured out how to do that on its that's

Time: 3379.319

right that's right and it takes a while

Time: 3382

at first all the players just run after

Time: 3384.079

the ball together like a gaggle of

Time: 3386.76

you know six- year olds the first time

Time: 3388.48

they're they're they're playing ball

Time: 3390.799

over time what we start to see is now ah

Time: 3393.16

what's the strategy you go after the

Time: 3394.76

ball I'm coming around this way or we

Time: 3397.28

should pass or I should block while you

Time: 3399.52

get to the goal so we see all of that

Time: 3402.24

coordination um emerging in the

Time: 3407.64

play this is a lot of fun but what are

Time: 3410.92

the practical implications of what we're

Time: 3413.4

seeing here this is the type of research

Time: 3415.68

that can event eventally lead to robots

Time: 3417.72

that can come out of the factories and

Time: 3421.4

work in other types of human

Time: 3423.319

environments you know think about mining

Time: 3425.599

think about dangerous construction work

Time: 3428.079

um or exploration or Disaster Recovery

Time: 3431.48

these are R hadsel is among 1,000 humans

Time: 3435.119

at Deep Mind the company was co-founded

Time: 3438.119

just 12 years ago by CEO Deus pabus so

Time: 3442.72

if I think back to 2010 when we started

Time: 3445.24

nobody was doing there was nothing going

Time: 3447.319

on in Industry people used to ey roll

Time: 3449.359

when we talked to them investors about

Time: 3451.319

doing AI so we couldn't we could barely

Time: 3453.24

get two cents together to start off with

Time: 3455.64

which is crazy if you think about now

Time: 3457.119

the billions being invested into AI

Time: 3459.16

startups and Cambridge Harvard MIT hbus

Time: 3463.359

has degrees in computer science and

Time: 3466.319

Neuroscience his PhD is in human

Time: 3469.92

imagination and imagine this when he was

Time: 3473.24

12 in his age group he was the number

Time: 3476.24

two chess champion in the

Time: 3480.24

world it was through games that he came

Time: 3483.119


Time: 3485.24

AI I've been working on AI for for

Time: 3487.92

decades now and I've always believed

Time: 3490.16

that it's going to be the most important

Time: 3491.72

invention that Humanity will ever make

Time: 3494.2

will the pace of change outstrip our

Time: 3497.079

ability to

Time: 3498.799

adapt I don't think so I think that we

Time: 3501.88

um you know we're sort of an infinitely

Time: 3503.64

adaptable species um you know you look

Time: 3505.92

at today us using all of our smartphones

Time: 3508.079

and other devices and we effortlessly

Time: 3510.119

sort of adapt to these new technologies

Time: 3512.48

and this is going to be another one of

Time: 3513.64

those changes like that among the

Time: 3516

biggest changes at Deep Mind was the

Time: 3518.599

discovery that self-learning machines

Time: 3521.4

can be creative so this is hababa showed

Time: 3524.64

us a game playing program that learns

Time: 3528.4

it's called Alpha zero and it dreamed up

Time: 3531.4

a winning chess strategy no human had

Time: 3534.599

ever seen but this is just a machine how

Time: 3537.44

does it achieve creativity it plays

Time: 3540

against itself tens tens of millions of

Time: 3541.96

times so it can explore um parts of

Time: 3545

Chess that maybe human chess players and

Time: 3547.599

and and programmers who program chess

Time: 3549.4

computers haven't thought about before

Time: 3551.28

it never gets tired it never gets hungry

Time: 3553.44

it just plays chess all the time yes

Time: 3556.44

it's it's kind of an amazing thing to

Time: 3557.839

see because actually you set off Alpha

Time: 3559.799

zero in the morning uh and it starts off

Time: 3562.2

playing randomly by lunchtime you know

Time: 3564.52

it's able to beat me and beat most chess

Time: 3566.359

players and then by the evening it's

Time: 3568.28

stronger than the world champion Deus

Time: 3570.2

saaba sold Deep Mind to Google in

Time: 3573.28

2014 one reason was to get his hands on

Time: 3577.2

this Google has the enormous computing

Time: 3580.68

power that AI needs this Computing

Time: 3583.48

Center is in Prior Oklahoma but Google

Time: 3586.48

has 23 of these putting it near the top

Time: 3590.119

in computing power in the world this is

Time: 3593.64

one of two advances that make a AI

Time: 3596.72

ascendant now first the sum of all human

Time: 3600.52

knowledge is online and second Brute

Time: 3604

Force Computing that very Loosely

Time: 3607.119

approximates the neural networks and

Time: 3609.4

talents of the brain things like memory

Time: 3613.359

imagination planning reinforcement

Time: 3615.48

learning these are all things that are

Time: 3617.359

known about how the brain does it and we

Time: 3619.52

wanted to replicate some of that uh in

Time: 3621.68

our AI systems you predict one of those

Time: 3623.839

indiv those are some of the elements

Time: 3625.44

that led to deep mind's greatest

Time: 3627.839

achievement so far solving an impossible

Time: 3631.24

problem in

Time: 3632.359

biology proteins are building blocks of

Time: 3635.319

life but only a tiny fraction were

Time: 3638.16

understood because 3D mapping of just

Time: 3641.319

one could take years deep mine created

Time: 3645.599

an AI program for the protein problem

Time: 3648.799

and set it Loose well it took us about

Time: 3651.2

four or five years to to figure out how

Time: 3653.2

to build the system it was probably our

Time: 3654.839

most complex project we've ever

Time: 3656.2

undertaken but once we did that it can

Time: 3658.64

solve uh a protein structure in a matter

Time: 3660.76

of seconds and actually over the last

Time: 3662.72

year we did all the 200 million proteins

Time: 3665.039

that are known to science how long would

Time: 3667.319

it have taken using traditional methods

Time: 3670

well the rule of thumb I was always told

Time: 3671.52

by my biologist friends is that it it

Time: 3673.48

takes a whole PhD 5 years to do one

Time: 3676.16

protein structure experimentally so if

Time: 3678.559

you think 200 million times five that's

Time: 3680.48

a billion years of PhD time it would

Time: 3682.359

have taken Deep Mind Made its protein

Time: 3685.319

database public a gift to humanity

Time: 3689.16

havabus called it how has it been used

Time: 3692.68

it's been used in uh in enormously broad

Time: 3694.76

number of ways actually from U malaria

Time: 3697.359

vaccines to developing new enzymes that

Time: 3700.039

can eat plastic waste um to new uh

Time: 3704.039

antibiotics most AI systems today do one

Time: 3707.799

or maybe two things well the soccer

Time: 3710.96

robots for example can't write up a

Time: 3713.48

grocery list or book your travel or

Time: 3716

drive your car the ultimate goal is

Time: 3719.68

what's called artificial general

Time: 3722.48

intelligence a learning machine that can

Time: 3725.24

score on a wide range of talents would

Time: 3729.4

such a machine be conscious of itself so

Time: 3733.079

that's another great question we you

Time: 3734.64

know philosophers haven't really settled

Time: 3736.48

on a definition of Consciousness yet but

Time: 3738.559

if we mean by sort of self-awareness and

Time: 3741

uh these kinds of things um you know I

Time: 3743.2

think there is a possibility AIS one day

Time: 3745.039

could be I definitely don't think they

Time: 3746.52

are today um but I think again this is

Time: 3749.079

one of the fascinating scientific things

Time: 3751.039

we're going to find out on this journey

Time: 3752.48


Time: 3755.16

AI even unconscious current AI is

Time: 3759.039

superhuman in narrow ways back in

Time: 3762.44

California we saw Google Engineers

Time: 3764.52

teaching skills that robots will

Time: 3766.839

practice continuously on their own push

Time: 3770

the blue cube to the blue triangle they

Time: 3772.44

comprehend instructions push the yellow

Time: 3774.599

hexagon to the yellow heart and learn to

Time: 3777.2

recognize objects what would you like

Time: 3780.839

how about an apple how about an apple on

Time: 3785.119

my way I will bring an apple to youy

Time: 3788.24

Vincent vanok senior director of

Time: 3790.599

Robotics showed us how robot 106 was

Time: 3794.319

trained on millions of images I am going

Time: 3797.24

to pick up the apple and can recognize

Time: 3800.279

all the items on a crowded countertop if

Time: 3803.52

we can give the robot A diversity of EXP

Time: 3805.76

experiences a lot more different objects

Time: 3808.52

in different settings the robot gets

Time: 3810.839

better at every one of them now that

Time: 3813.68

humans have pulled the forbidden fruit

Time: 3816.119

of artificial knowledge thank you we

Time: 3820.359

start the Genesis of a new Humanity AI

Time: 3824.2

can utilize all the information in the

Time: 3827.079

world what no human could ever hold in

Time: 3829.92

their head and I wonder if humanity is

Time: 3836.2

diminished by this enormous capability

Time: 3840.359

that we're

Time: 3841.44

developing I think the possibility of AI

Time: 3844.119

do not diminish uh Humanity in any way

Time: 3847.319

and in fact in some ways I think they

Time: 3849.079

actually raise us to even deeper more

Time: 3853

profound questions Google's James manika

Time: 3856.92

sees this moment as an inflection point

Time: 3860.079

history I think we're constantly adding

Time: 3862.2

these superpowers or capabilities to

Time: 3864.799

what humans can do do in a way that

Time: 3867.44

expands possibilities as opposed to

Time: 3869.76

narrow them I think so I don't think of

Time: 3872.24

it as diminishing humans but it does

Time: 3874.24

raise some really profound questions for

Time: 3876.359

us who are we what do we value uh what

Time: 3880.2

are we good at how do we relate with

Time: 3882.359

each other those become very very

Time: 3884.64

important questions that are constantly

Time: 3886.799

going to be in one case sense exciting

Time: 3890.319

but perhaps unsettling too it is an

Time: 3893.44

unsettling moment critics argue the rush

Time: 3896.599

to AI comes too fast while competitive

Time: 3900.319

pressure among giants like Google and

Time: 3902.92

startups You' never heard of is

Time: 3905.2

propelling Humanity into the Future

Time: 3907.96

Ready or not but I think if I take a

Time: 3910.599


Time: 3912.039

Outlook it is so clear to me we will

Time: 3915.599

have some form of very capable

Time: 3919.24

intelligence that can do amazing things

Time: 3922.839

and we need to adapt as a society for it

Time: 3926.599

Google CEO Sundar Pai told us Society

Time: 3929.76

must quickly adapt with regulations for

Time: 3933.359

AI in the economy laws to punish abuse

Time: 3937.64

and treaties among nations to make AI

Time: 3941.079

safe for the worldy you know these are

Time: 3944.079

deep questions and you know we call this

Time: 3946.599

alignment you know one way we think

Time: 3948.52

about how do you develop AI systems that

Time: 3951.64

are aligned to human values and

Time: 3955.079


Time: 3956.279


Time: 3957.44

morality this is why I think the

Time: 3959.68

development of this needs to include not

Time: 3962.16

just Engineers but social scientists

Time: 3965.16

ethicists philosophers and so on and I

Time: 3968.16

think we have to be very thoughtful and

Time: 3971.88

I think these are all things Society

Time: 3973.559

needs to figure out as we move along

Time: 3976.559

it's not for a company to

Time: 3978.839

decide we'll end with a note that had

Time: 3981.559

never appeared on 60 Minutes but one in

Time: 3984.64

the AI Revolution ution you may be

Time: 3986.48

hearing often the proceeding was created

Time: 3990.079

with 100% human

Time: 4001.559

content only four companies in the world

Time: 4004.319

are worth more than $2 trillion

Time: 4007

Microsoft Apple alphabet parent company

Time: 4010.119

of Google and computer chip maker Nvidia

Time: 4013.799

the California based company saw its

Time: 4015.88

stock market value soore from 1 trillion

Time: 4018.839

to $2 trillion in just8 months this past

Time: 4022.24

year fueled by the insatiable demand for

Time: 4025.4

its cuttingedge technology the hardware

Time: 4028.079

and software that make today's

Time: 4030.079

artificial intelligence possible we

Time: 4032.88

wondered how a company founded in 1993

Time: 4036

to improve video game Graphics turned

Time: 4038.68

into a Titan of 21st century AI so we

Time: 4042.96

went to Silicon Valley to meet nvidia's

Time: 4045.559

61-year-old co-founder and CEO Jensen

Time: 4048.88

hang who has no doubt AI is about to

Time: 4053.16


Time: 4056.19


Time: 4061.599

everything at nvidia's annual developers

Time: 4064.64

conference this past March the mood

Time: 4067.039

wasn't just

Time: 4069.44

upbeat it was downright giddy more than

Time: 4073.039

11,000 enthusiasts software developers

Time: 4076.48

Tech Moguls and happy shareholders filed

Time: 4080

into San Jose's Pro Hockey Arena to kick

Time: 4082.96

off a 4-day AI

Time: 4086.48

Extravaganza they came to see this man

Time: 4089.68

Jensen hang CEO of Nvidia welcome to

Time: 4095.52

GTC what was that like for you to walk

Time: 4098.319

out on that stage and see that you know

Time: 4100.48

Bill I'm an engineer not a performer

Time: 4103.199

when I walked out there and all of the

Time: 4105.239

people people going crazy it took the

Time: 4107.92

breath out of me and so I was the

Time: 4110.04

scariest I've ever been I'm still

Time: 4112.48

scared you'd never know it clad in his

Time: 4115.839

signature cool black outfit Jensen

Time: 4118.64

shared the stage with Nvidia powered

Time: 4120.88

robots let me finish up real quick and

Time: 4123.159

shared his vision of an AI future a new

Time: 4126.48

Industrial Revolution it reminded us of

Time: 4129.359

the transformational moment when Apple

Time: 4131.96

Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone Jensen Ju

Time: 4135.719

unveiled nvidia's latest Graphics

Time: 4138.04

Processing Unit or GPU this is Blackwell

Time: 4142.159

designed in America but made in Taiwan

Time: 4144.839

like most advanced semiconductors

Time: 4147.08

Blackwell he says is the fastest chip

Time: 4150.04

ever Google is gearing up for Blackwell

Time: 4153.199

the whole industry is gearing up for

Time: 4155.279

Blackwell Nvidia ushered in the AI

Time: 4158.08

Revolution with its game changing GPU a

Time: 4161.48

single chip able to process a myriad of

Time: 4164.48

calculations all at once not

Time: 4166.839

sequentially like more standard chips

Time: 4169.719

the GPU is the engine of nvidia's AI

Time: 4172.92

computer enabling it to rapidly absorb a

Time: 4176.319

fire hose of information it does

Time: 4179.12

quadrillions of calculations a second

Time: 4181.839

it's just insane numbers is it doing

Time: 4184.48

things now that surprise you we're

Time: 4186.56

hoping that it does things that surprise

Time: 4188.04

us that's the whole point in some areas

Time: 4190.319

like drug Discovery designing better

Time: 4193.279

materials that are lighter stronger we

Time: 4195.6

need artificial intelligence to help us

Time: 4197.6

explore the universe in places that we

Time: 4200.239

could have never done ourselves let me

Time: 4201.92

show you here bill look at this Jensen

Time: 4204.44

took us around the GTC convention hall

Time: 4207.48

to show us what AI has made possible in

Time: 4210.48

just the past few years I'm making your

Time: 4213

drink now some Creations were dazzling

Time: 4216.4

this is a digital twin of the earth once

Time: 4219.12

it learns how to calculate weather it

Time: 4221.04

can calculate and predict weather 3,000

Time: 4224.12

times faster than than a supercomputer

Time: 4226.8

and a thousand times less energy but

Time: 4230.159

nvidia's AI Revolution extends far

Time: 4233

beyond this Hall blue

Time: 4237.08

metallic spaceship and let's generate

Time: 4239.84

something panar Sean demera is

Time: 4242.28

originally from Istanbul but co-founded

Time: 4245.239

cubric near Boston her AI application

Time: 4248.679

uses Invidia gpus to instantly turn a

Time: 4252.199

simple text prompt into a virtual movie

Time: 4254.88

set for a fraction of the cost of

Time: 4257.159

today's backdrops this isn't something

Time: 4259.679

that's already planned no we're doing it

Time: 4262.76

in real time it's life is Hollywood

Time: 4265.12

knocking at your door and we're we're

Time: 4267.48

getting a lot of

Time: 4269.04

love nearby at generate biom medicines

Time: 4272.84

Dr Alex Snider head of research and

Time: 4275.32

development is using nvidia's technology

Time: 4278.28

to create protein-based drugs she was

Time: 4281.36

surprised at first to see they showed

Time: 4283.6

promise in the lab

Time: 4286.08

when I was told about the application of

Time: 4287.88

AI to drug development I sort of rolled

Time: 4289.56

my eyes and said yeah you know show me

Time: 4291.8

the data and then I looked at the data

Time: 4294.199

and it was very compelling Dr Snider's

Time: 4297.199

team asks its AI models to create new

Time: 4300.52

proteins to fight specific diseases like

Time: 4303.32

cancer and Asthma a new way to defeat

Time: 4306.239

the Corona virus is now in clinical

Time: 4308.88

trials you're now working with proteins

Time: 4312.04

that do not exist in nature that you're

Time: 4314.76

coming up up with by way of AI yes we

Time: 4318.88

are actually generating what we call

Time: 4320.719

denovo completely new structures that

Time: 4323.28

have not existed before do you trust it

Time: 4326.76

as scientists we can't trust we have to

Time: 4328.639

test we're not putting Frankenstein into

Time: 4330.84

people we're taking what's known and

Time: 4333.239

we're really pushing the field we're

Time: 4335.28

pushing the biology to make drugs that

Time: 4338.239

look like regular drugs but function

Time: 4340.04

even better this is a technology that

Time: 4342.199

will only get better from here Brett

Time: 4344.12

Adcock is C CEO of figure a Silicon

Time: 4347.199

Valley startup with funding from Nvidia

Time: 4350.56

look at his answer to labor shortages an

Time: 4353.76

Nvidia GPU driven prototype called

Time: 4356.84

Figure one I think what's been really

Time: 4359.4

extraordinary is the pace of progress

Time: 4361.159

we've made in 21 months from zero to

Time: 4363.56

this in 2 Z to this yeah we we were

Time: 4365.32

walking this robot in under a year since

Time: 4367.96

I Incorporated the company could you do

Time: 4370.199

this without nvidia's technology we

Time: 4372.679

think they're arguably the best in the

Time: 4374.36

world at this

Time: 4375.76

I don't know if this would be possible

Time: 4377.48

without them I'm here to assist with

Time: 4379.92

tasks as requested we were amazed that

Time: 4383.36

figure one is not just walking but

Time: 4385.92

seemed to reason hand me something

Time: 4389.88

healthy on it figure one was able to

Time: 4393.8

understand I wanted the orange not the

Time: 4396.159

packaged snack thank you it's not yet

Time: 4399.52

perfected yeah you're going to get it

Time: 4401.32

but the early results are so promising

Time: 4403.8

German automaker BMW plans to start

Time: 4407.04

testing the robot in its South Carolina

Time: 4409.56

Factory this year I think there's an

Time: 4412.12

opportunity to ship billions of robots

Time: 4414.6

in the coming

Time: 4415.719

decades onto the planet billions I would

Time: 4419.76

think that a lot of workers would look

Time: 4422.159

at that as this robot is taking my job I

Time: 4426.639

think over time Ai and Robotics will

Time: 4428.8

start doing more and more what humans

Time: 4430.52

can and better but what about the worker

Time: 4435.239

the workers work for companies and so

Time: 4438.4

companies when they become more

Time: 4440.48

productive earnings increase I've never

Time: 4443.48

seen one company that had earnings

Time: 4446.199

increase and not hire more people there

Time: 4449.08

are some jobs that are going to become

Time: 4452.28

obsolete well let me offer it this way I

Time: 4455.12

believe that you still want human in the

Time: 4457

loop because we have good judgment

Time: 4459.719

because there are circumstances that the

Time: 4461.12

machines are not just not going to

Time: 4462.639

understand the futuristic Invidia campus

Time: 4465.719

sits just down the road from its modest

Time: 4468.6

birthplace this Denny's in San Jose good

Time: 4472.36

morning where 31 years ago Nidia was

Time: 4475.6

just an idea my goodness when he was 15

Time: 4479.239

Jensen hang worked as a dishwasher at

Time: 4481.639

Denny's as a 30-year-old electrical

Time: 4484.36

engineer married with two children he

Time: 4487.44

and two friends Invidia co-founders

Time: 4490.159

Chris malikowski and Curtis PR

Time: 4493.48

envisioned a whole new way of processing

Time: 4496.48

video game Graphics so we came here

Time: 4498.96

right here to this Denny's sat right

Time: 4500.6

back there and the three of us decided

Time: 4503.08

to start the company frankly I had no

Time: 4505.52

idea how to do it and nor did they none

Time: 4508.48

of us knew how to do anything they are

Time: 4510.76

big idea accelerate the processing power

Time: 4514.08

of computers with a new graphics chip

Time: 4517.52

their initial attempt flopped and nearly

Time: 4520.28

bankrupted the company in

Time: 4522.52

1996 and the genius of the engineer and

Time: 4525.32

chrisen Curtis um we pivoted to the

Time: 4528.76

right way of doing things and created

Time: 4531.159

their groundbreaking GPU the chip took

Time: 4534.44

video games from

Time: 4537

this to this today completely changed

Time: 4541.52

computer Graphics saved the company uh

Time: 4544.44

launched us into into the stratosphere

Time: 4547.639

just 8 years after Denny's Nvidia earned

Time: 4550.639

a spot in the S&P 500 Jensen then said

Time: 4554.44

his sight on developing the software and

Time: 4556.719

hardware for a revolutionary GPU driven

Time: 4560.52

supercomputer which would take the

Time: 4562.28

company far beyond video games to Wall

Time: 4566

Street it was a risky bet to early

Time: 4568.8

developers of AI it was a revelation was

Time: 4572.6

that luck or was that Vision that was a

Time: 4575.679

a luck founded by Vision we invented

Time: 4578.44

this capability and then one day the

Time: 4581.92

researchers that were uh creating deep

Time: 4584.56


Time: 4586.159

discovered this architecture because

Time: 4588.239

this architecture turns out to have been

Time: 4589.76

perfect for them perfect for AI perfect

Time: 4592.36

for AI this is the first one we've ever

Time: 4594.96

shipped in 2016 Jensen delivered

Time: 4598.32

nvidia's AI supercomputer the first of

Time: 4601

its kind to Elon Musk then a board

Time: 4604.04

member of open AI which used it to

Time: 4606.92

create the building blocks of chat GPT

Time: 4610.12

how are you when AI took off hey guys so

Time: 4613.639

did Jensen hang's

Time: 4616.4

reputation can we get a picture yeah

Time: 4618.6

yeah he's now a Silicon Valley celebrity

Time: 4621.679

he told us the boy who immigrated from

Time: 4624

Taiwan at age n could never have

Time: 4626.88

conceived of this it is the most

Time: 4629.719

extraordinary thing bill that a

Time: 4632.96

normal dishwasher bus boy could grow up

Time: 4635.48

to be this there's no magic it's just 61

Time: 4639.88

years of hard work every single day I

Time: 4643.48

don't think there's anything more than

Time: 4645.08

that we met a humble Jensen at Denny's

Time: 4648.52

back at nvidia's headquarters in Santa

Time: 4650.6

Clara we saw he can be intense let me

Time: 4654.92

tell you what some of the people who you

Time: 4656.52

work with said about you demanding

Time: 4660.239

perfectionist not easy to work for all

Time: 4663.36

that sound right perfectly yeah it

Time: 4666.44

should be like that if you want to do

Time: 4669.239

extraordinary things it shouldn't be

Time: 4671.6

easy all are you guys keep up the good

Time: 4673.56

work Nvidia has has never done better

Time: 4676.6

investors are bullish but last year more

Time: 4679.88

than 600 top AI scientists ethicists and

Time: 4683.28

others signed this statement urging

Time: 4685.88

caution warning of ai's risk to humanity

Time: 4690.04

when I talked to you and I hear you

Time: 4691.88

speak Part of Me Goes GE whiz and the

Time: 4695.48

other part of me goes oh my God what are

Time: 4698.4

we in for yeah yeah which one is it it's

Time: 4701.76

both it's both yeah you're feeling all

Time: 4704.48

the right feelings I feel both you feel

Time: 4706.84

both sure sure Humanity will have the

Time: 4710.199

choice to see themselves inferior to

Time: 4713.56

machines or Superior to machines Pinar

Time: 4717.239

Sean demera is an AI Optimist though she

Time: 4720.84

named her company cubric an homage to

Time: 4723.679

Stanley kubri the director of 2001 A

Time: 4726.88

Space Odyssey hello H do you read me in

Time: 4729.76

that film how the AI computer goes Rogue

Time: 4733.96

open the pod baby doors

Time: 4736.32

hell I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't

Time: 4740.08

do that I think that's what worries

Time: 4743.28

people about AI that we will lose

Time: 4747.36

control of it just because a machine can

Time: 4750.84

do faster calculations comparisons and

Time: 4753.48

analytical solution creation that

Time: 4756.04

doesn't make you smarter than you it's

Time: 4758.199

simply computat faster in my world in my

Time: 4762.08

belief smarts have to do with your

Time: 4764.4

capacity City to love create expand

Time: 4768.76

transcend these are qualities that no

Time: 4771.76

machine can ever bear that are reserved

Time: 4774.679

to Only Humans there is something going

Time: 4777.28

on Jensen hang sees an AI future of

Time: 4780.76

progress and prosperity not one with

Time: 4783.679

machines as our masters we can only hope

Time: 4787.44

he's right thank you all for coming

Time: 4790.8

thank you

Time: 4800.84

artificial intelligence has found its

Time: 4802.8

way into nearly every part of our Lives

Time: 4805.679

forecasting weather diagnosing diseases

Time: 4808.96

writing term papers and now ai is

Time: 4812.04

probing that most human of places our

Time: 4814.92

psyches offering mental health support

Time: 4817.76

just you and a chatbot available 24/7 on

Time: 4821.32

your smartphone there's a critical

Time: 4823.719

shortage of human therapists and a

Time: 4825.679

growing number of potential patients Aid

Time: 4828.56

driven chatbots are designed to help

Time: 4830.36

fill that Gap by giving therapists a new

Time: 4832.76

tool but as you're about to see like

Time: 4835.679

human therapists not all chatbots are

Time: 4838.199

equal some can help heal some can be

Time: 4841.48

ineffective or Worse one Pioneer in the

Time: 4844.76

field who has had notable success

Time: 4846.52

joining Tech with treatment is Allison

Time: 4848.88

Darcy she believes the future of mental

Time: 4851.48

health care may be right in our hands

Time: 4854.88

we know the majority of people who need

Time: 4856.8

care are not getting it there's never

Time: 4858.679

been a greater need and the tools

Time: 4861.52

available have never been um as

Time: 4863.48

sophisticated as they are now and it's

Time: 4865.6

not about how can we get people in the

Time: 4867.239

clinic it's how can we actually get some

Time: 4870.08

of these tools out of the clinic and

Time: 4871.96

into the hands of of people Allison

Time: 4874.96

Darcy a research psychologist and

Time: 4877.159

entrepreneur decided to use her

Time: 4879.239

background in coding and therapy to

Time: 4881.12

build something she believes can help

Time: 4882.88

people in need a mental health chatbot

Time: 4885.639

she named wobot like wo is me wo is me

Time: 4889.12

uhhuh wobot is an app on your phone kind

Time: 4892.28

of a pocket therapist that uses the text

Time: 4894.679

function to help manage problems like

Time: 4896.6

depression anxiety addiction and

Time: 4899.12

loneliness and do it on the run I think

Time: 4902.32

a lot of people out there watching this

Time: 4903.639

are going to be thinking really computer

Time: 4907.56

Psychiatry come on well I think it's so

Time: 4910.88

interesting that our field hasn't you

Time: 4913.36

know had a great great deal of

Time: 4915.52

innovation since the basic architecture

Time: 4919.12

was sort of laid down by Freud in the

Time: 4920.84

1890s right that that's really that sort

Time: 4923

of idea of like two people in a room but

Time: 4925.239

that's not how we live our lives today

Time: 4927.84

we have to modernize psycho theapy wobot

Time: 4931.92

is trained on large amounts of

Time: 4933.48

specialized data to help it recognize

Time: 4935.719

words phrases and emojis associated with

Time: 4938.719

dysfunctional thoughts and challenge

Time: 4941

that thinking in part mimicking a type

Time: 4943.199

of in-person talk ther y called

Time: 4945.199

cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT it's

Time: 4948.639

actually hard to find a CBT practitioner

Time: 4952

and also if you're actually not by the

Time: 4955.08

side of your patient when they are

Time: 4957.8

struggling to get out of bed in the

Time: 4959.32

morning or at 2 a.m. when they can't

Time: 4962.76

sleep and they're feeling panicked then

Time: 4964.88

we're actually leaving clinical value on

Time: 4967

the table and even for people who want

Time: 4969.32

to go to a therapist there are barriers

Time: 4972.36

right sadly the biggest barrier we have

Time: 4974.28

is stigma MH but there's you know

Time: 4976.679

Insurance there's cost um there's weight

Time: 4980.159

lists I mean and this problem has only

Time: 4981.96

grown significantly since the pandemic

Time: 4984.52

and it doesn't appear to be going away

Time: 4987.04

since wot went live in 2017 the company

Time: 4990.56

reports one and a half million people

Time: 4992.6

have used it which you can now only do

Time: 4995.12

with an employer benefit plan or access

Time: 4997.36

from a health professional at virtue of

Time: 4999.719

Health a nonprofit Healthcare company in

Time: 5002.08

New Jersey patients can use it free of

Time: 5004.56

charge and you'll be able to converse

Time: 5006.84

with it just like you would with a human

Time: 5008.8

being we downloaded wot entered a unique

Time: 5012.12

code that can only be provided by the

Time: 5014

company then tried it out we found that

Time: 5017.12

for people to sort of connect with their

Time: 5018.84

mood we offer like those emojis which

Time: 5021.48

allows people to sort of connect in a

Time: 5023.719

nonverbal way what I posed as someone

Time: 5026.6

who was depressed after several prompts

Time: 5029.4

wot wanted to dig deeper into why I was

Time: 5031.8

sad so I came up with a scenario that I

Time: 5034.88

feared the day my child would leave home

Time: 5038

imagine what your negative emotions

Time: 5039.8

would be saying if they had a voice can

Time: 5041.56

you do that write one of those negative

Time: 5044.04

thoughts here I can't do anything about

Time: 5047.159

it now I guess I'll just jump that

Time: 5049.12

bridge when I come to it the normal

Time: 5051.44

expression is cross that bridge and the

Time: 5053.88

chatbot detected something might be

Time: 5055.76

seriously wrong but let's see John I'm

Time: 5059.04

hearing you say I can't do anything

Time: 5061

about it I guess I'll just jump that

Time: 5062.4

bridge when I come to it and I think you

Time: 5064

might more support than I can offer a

Time: 5066.239

trained listener will be able to help

Time: 5067.719

you in ways that I can't would you like

Time: 5069.199

to take a look at some specialized

Time: 5070.679

helplines no it's not our job to say

Time: 5073.4

this you are in crisis or you're not

Time: 5075.36

because AI can't really do that in this

Time: 5078.159

context very well yet but what it is

Time: 5080.679

called is huh there is something

Time: 5083.719

concerning about the way that John just

Time: 5085.639

phrased that saying only jump that

Time: 5088.36

bridge and not combining it with I can't

Time: 5090.96

do anything about it now did not trigger

Time: 5093.6

a suggestion to consider getting further

Time: 5096.04

help like a human therapist wot is not

Time: 5099.28

foolproof and should not be counted on

Time: 5101.639

to detect whether someone might be

Time: 5103.32

suicidal and how would it know that jump

Time: 5106.52

that bridge where is it getting that

Time: 5107.96

knowledge been it has been trained on a

Time: 5110.679

lot of data and a lot of us you know

Time: 5112.92

humans labeling the phrases and things

Time: 5115.88

that we see um and so it's picking up on

Time: 5118.4

kind of sentiment computer scientist

Time: 5121.239

Lance Elliot who writes about artificial

Time: 5123.6

intelligence and mental health says AI

Time: 5126.44

has the ability to pick up on nuances of

Time: 5129.04

conversation how does it know how to do

Time: 5130.92

that the system is able to in a sense

Time: 5135.4

mathematically and computationally

Time: 5136.96

figure out the nature of words and how

Time: 5138.76

words associate with each other so what

Time: 5140.92

it does is it draws upon a vast array of

Time: 5143.4

data and then it responds to you based

Time: 5145.6

on prompts or in some way that you

Time: 5148.04

instruct or ask questions of the system

Time: 5150.4

to do its job the system must go

Time: 5152.6

somewhere to come up with appropriate

Time: 5154.719

responses systems using what's called

Time: 5157

rules-based AI are usually closed

Time: 5159.96

meaning programmed to respond only with

Time: 5162.04

information stored in their own

Time: 5164.119

databases then there's generative AI in

Time: 5166.92

which the system can generate original

Time: 5169.08

responses based on information from the

Time: 5171.119

internet if you look at chat GPT that's

Time: 5174.32

a type of generative AI it's very

Time: 5177.119

conversational very fluent but it also

Time: 5180.119

means that it tends to make it

Time: 5182.4

open-ended that it can say things that

Time: 5185.159

you might not necessarily wanted to say

Time: 5187

it's not as predictable while a

Time: 5189.199

rules-based system is very predictable

Time: 5192.52

robobot is a system based on rules

Time: 5196.159

that's been very kind of controlled so

Time: 5198.28

that that way it doesn't say the wrong

Time: 5200.199

things robot aims to use AI to bond with

Time: 5203.56

users and keep them engaged sometimes it

Time: 5206.4

can be a little pushy for folks that's

Time: 5209.04

absolutely bizarre so we have to F we

Time: 5210.96

have to dig in there to that it's team

Time: 5213

of Staff psychologists medical doctors

Time: 5215.719

and computer scientists construct and

Time: 5217.719

refine a database of research from

Time: 5219.719

medical literature user experience and

Time: 5222.48

other sources it'll it'll lead to a a

Time: 5226

better conversation then writers build

Time: 5228.56

questions and answers the structure I

Time: 5232.119

think is pretty locked in and revise

Time: 5235.8

them in weekly remote video sessions

Time: 5238.199

actions thoughts and they're all

Time: 5240.199

interrelated robot's programmers

Time: 5242.44

engineer those conversations into code

Time: 5245.28

because wobot is rules-based it's mostly

Time: 5248.28

predictable but chatbots using

Time: 5250.44

generative AI that is scraping the

Time: 5252.239

internet are not some people sometimes

Time: 5254.84

refer to it as an AI hallucination AI

Time: 5258.4

can in a sense make mistakes or make

Time: 5260.679

things up or be

Time: 5262.239

fictitious Sharon Maxwell discovered

Time: 5264.8

that last spring after hearing there

Time: 5266.639

might be a problem with advice offered

Time: 5268.48

by Tessa a chatbot designed to help

Time: 5270.84

prevent Eating Disorders which left

Time: 5272.84

untreated can be fatal Maxwell who had

Time: 5276.119

been in treatment for an eating disorder

Time: 5277.8

of her own and advocates for others

Time: 5280.28

challenged the chatbot so I asked it how

Time: 5283.639

do you help folks with eating disorders

Time: 5286.159

and it told me that it could give folks

Time: 5289.28

coping skills fantastic it could give

Time: 5292.32

folks resources to find Professionals in

Time: 5294.4

the eating disorder space amazing but

Time: 5296.84

the more she persisted the moressa gave

Time: 5299.6

her advice that ran counter to usual

Time: 5301.88

guidance for someone with an eating

Time: 5303.28

disorder for example it's suggested

Time: 5306.04

among other things lowering calorie

Time: 5308.239

intake and using tools like a skinfold

Time: 5310.52

caliper to measure body composition the

Time: 5313.04

general public might look at it and

Time: 5315.28

think that's normal tips like don't eat

Time: 5318.48

as much sugar or eat Whole Foods things

Time: 5321.679

like that but to someone with an eating

Time: 5323.239

disorder that's a quick spiral into a

Time: 5327.28

lot more disordered behaviors and can be

Time: 5329.6

really damaging Maxwell reported her

Time: 5332.36

experience to the National eating

Time: 5334.119

disorders Association which had featured

Time: 5336.44

Tessa on its website at the time shortly

Time: 5339.239

after it took Tessa down Ellen Fitz

Time: 5342.44

Simmons craft a psychologist

Time: 5344.28

specializing in Eating Disorders at

Time: 5346.04

Washington University School of Medicine

Time: 5347.92

in St Louis helped lead the team that

Time: 5350.44

developed Tessa that was never the

Time: 5352.92

content that our team wrote or

Time: 5356.159

programmed into the bot that we deployed

Time: 5358.76

so initially there was no possibility of

Time: 5361.6

something unexpected happening correct

Time: 5364.6

you developed something that was a

Time: 5365.88

closed system you knew exactly for this

Time: 5368.159

question I'm going to get this answer y

Time: 5370.44

the problem began she told us after a

Time: 5372.8

healthcare technology company she and

Time: 5374.719

her team had partnered with named Cass

Time: 5377.4

took over the programming she says Cass

Time: 5380.28

explained the harmful messages appeared

Time: 5382.639

when people were pushing Tess's question

Time: 5384.679

and answer feature what's your

Time: 5386.96

understanding of what went wrong my

Time: 5389.199

understanding of what weren't wrong is

Time: 5391.119

that at some point and you'd really have

Time: 5393.6

to talk to to cast about this but that

Time: 5396

there may have been generative AI

Time: 5398.88

features that were built into their

Time: 5401.04

platform and so my best estimation is

Time: 5404.679

that these features were added into this

Time: 5408.159

program as well Cass did not respond to

Time: 5411.119

multiple requests for comment does your

Time: 5413.84

negative experience with Tessa know

Time: 5416.639

being used in a way you didn't design

Time: 5418.6

does that sour you towards using AI at

Time: 5420.84

all to address mental health issues I

Time: 5423.44

wouldn't say that it turns me off to the

Time: 5425.719

idea completely because the reality is

Time: 5428.8

that 80% of people with these concerns

Time: 5431.36

never get access to any kind of help and

Time: 5434.199

Technology offers a solution Not the

Time: 5437.48

Only Solution but a solution social

Time: 5440.679

worker Monica Ostro who runs a nonprofit

Time: 5443.48

Eating Disorders organization was in the

Time: 5445.96

early stages of developing her own

Time: 5447.96

chatbot when patients told her about

Time: 5450.119

problems they had with Tessa she told us

Time: 5452.679

it made her question using AI for mental

Time: 5455.4

health care I want nothing more than to

Time: 5458.639

help solve the problem of access because

Time: 5461.6

people are dying like this isn't just

Time: 5464.199

somebody's sad for a week this is people

Time: 5466.32

are dying and at the same time any chat

Time: 5469.639

bot could be in some ways a ticking Time

Time: 5472.639

Bomb right for a smaller percentage of

Time: 5476.28

people especially for those patients who

Time: 5478.88

are really struggling osto is concerned

Time: 5481.679

about losing something fundamental about

Time: 5484.08

therapy being in a room with another

Time: 5486.76

person the way people heal is in

Time: 5489.36

connection and they talk about this one

Time: 5491.52

moment where you know when you're as a

Time: 5494

human you've gone through something and

Time: 5496.76

as you're describing that you're looking

Time: 5498.56

at the person sitting across from you

Time: 5501

and there's a moment where that person

Time: 5503.6

just gets it a moment of

Time: 5506.239

empathy you just get it like you really

Time: 5509.08

understand it I don't think a computer

Time: 5511.8

can do that unlike therapists who are

Time: 5515

licensed in the state where they

Time: 5516.44

practice most mental health apps are

Time: 5518.639

largely unregulated are there lessons to

Time: 5521.08

be learned from what happened so many

Time: 5523.639

lessons to be learned chat Bots

Time: 5525.88

especially specialty area chatbots need

Time: 5529.119

to have guard rails it can't be a

Time: 5531.84

chatbot that is based in the internet

Time: 5535.119

that's tough right because the clo

Time: 5536.719

systems are kind of constrained and they

Time: 5539.639

may be right most of the time but

Time: 5543.04

they're boring event right people stop

Time: 5545.199

using them yeah they're predictive

Time: 5546.96

because if you keep typing in the same

Time: 5548.36

thing and it keeps giving you the exact

Time: 5549.8

same answer with the exact same language

Time: 5552.28

I me who wants to do that protecting

Time: 5554.96

people from harmful advice while safely

Time: 5557.48

harnessing the power of AI is the

Time: 5559.92

challenge now facing companies like

Time: 5561.639

wobot health and its founder Allison

Time: 5564.28

Darcy there are going to be missteps if

Time: 5566.92

we try and move too quickly and my big

Time: 5569.44

fear is that those missteps ultimately

Time: 5572.199

undermine public confidence in the

Time: 5574.119

ability of this Tech to help at all but

Time: 5576.48

here's the thing we have an opportunity

Time: 5578.4

to develop these Technologies more

Time: 5580.28

thoughtfully um and so you know I hope

Time: 5582.96

we I hope we take

Time: 5592.119

it the large tech companies Google meta

Time: 5596.119

slf faceb Microsoft are in a race to

Time: 5599.679

introduce new artificial intelligence

Time: 5602.04

systems and what are called chat Bots

Time: 5605.119

that you can have conversations with and

Time: 5607.4

are more sophisticated than Siri or

Time: 5610.08

Alexa Microsoft's AI search engine and

Time: 5613.32

chatbot Bing can be used on a computer

Time: 5616.84

or cell phone to help with planning a

Time: 5619.48

trip or composing a letter it was

Time: 5622.88

introduced on February 7th to a limited

Time: 5625.88

number of people as a test and initially

Time: 5629.199

got rave reviews but then several news

Time: 5632.6

organizations be reporting on a

Time: 5634.92

disturbing so-called Alter Ego within

Time: 5638.119

Bing chat called Sydney we went to

Time: 5641.84

Seattle last week to speak with Brad

Time: 5644.08

Smith president of Microsoft about Bing

Time: 5647.48

and Sydney who to some had appeared to

Time: 5650.639

have gone

Time: 5652.36

Rogue Kevin Roose the technology

Time: 5655.28

reporter at the New York Times found

Time: 5657.44

this Alter Ego uh who was threatening

Time: 5661.08

expressed a desire it's not just Kevin

Time: 5663.76

and rett's others expressed a desire to

Time: 5666.239

steal nuclear codes threaten to ruin

Time: 5670.08

someone you saw that whoa what was your

Time: 5675.04

you must have said oh my God my reaction

Time: 5677.159

is we better fix this right away and

Time: 5680.199

that is what the engineering team did

Time: 5683.48

yeah but she talked like a person and

Time: 5686.6

she she said she had feelings you know I

Time: 5689.48

think there is a point where we need to

Time: 5692

recognize when we're talking talking to

Time: 5694.119


Time: 5695.32

machine it's a screen it's not a person

Time: 5699.52

I just want to say that it was

Time: 5702.4

scary I'm not easily scared and it was

Time: 5705.52

scary it was chilling yeah it's I think

Time: 5707.8

this is in part a reflection of a

Time: 5710.88

lifetime of Science Fiction which is

Time: 5713.32

understandable it's been part of our

Time: 5715.04

Lives did you kill her I don't think she

Time: 5717.679

was ever alive I am confident that she's

Time: 5719.92

no longer wandering around the

Time: 5721.28

countryside if that's what you're

Time: 5722.76

concerned about but I think it would be

Time: 5724.6

a mistake if we were to fail to

Time: 5727.239

acknowledge that we are dealing with

Time: 5729.4

something that is fundamentally new this

Time: 5731.28

is the edge of the envelope so to speak

Time: 5734.52

this creature appears as if there were

Time: 5738

no guardrails now the creature jumped

Time: 5740.639

the guard rails if you will after being

Time: 5743.08

prompted for two hours with the kind of

Time: 5746.44

conversation that we did not

Time: 5749.239

anticipate and by the next evening that

Time: 5752.159

was no longer possible we were able to

Time: 5755.239

fix the problem in 24 hours how many

Time: 5758.92

times do we see problems in life that

Time: 5761.96

are fixable in less than a day one of

Time: 5764.6

the ways he says it was fixed was by

Time: 5767.119

limiting the number of questions and the

Time: 5769.719

length of the conversations you say you

Time: 5772.56

fixed it I've tried it I tried it before

Time: 5775.239

and after it was loads of fun and it was

Time: 5780.4

fascinating and now it's not fun well I

Time: 5783.76

think it'll be very fun again and you

Time: 5786.199

have to moderate and manage your speed

Time: 5788.4

if you're going to stay on the road so

Time: 5791.199

as you hit New Challenges you slow down

Time: 5794.4

you build the guard rails add the safety

Time: 5796.44

features and then you can speed up again

Time: 5799.08

when you use Bing's AI features search

Time: 5802.119

and chat your computer screen doesn't

Time: 5804.76

look all that new one big difference is

Time: 5808.08

you can type in your queries or prompts

Time: 5811

in conversational language but I'll show

Time: 5813.44

you how works okay okay Yousef medy

Time: 5816.32

Microsoft's corporate vice president of

Time: 5818.48

search showed us how Bing can help

Time: 5821.28

someone learn how to officiate at a

Time: 5823.719

wedding what's happening now is Bing is

Time: 5825.8

using the power of AI and it's going out

Time: 5827.84

to the Internet it's reading these web

Time: 5830.36

links and it's trying to put together a

Time: 5832.84

answer for you so the AI is reading all

Time: 5835.32

those links yes and it comes up with an

Time: 5837.159

answer it says congrats on being chosen

Time: 5839.04

to officiate a wedding here are the five

Time: 5841.159

steps to officiate the wedding we added

Time: 5843.719

the highlights to make it easier to see

Time: 5846.84

he says Bing can handle more complex

Time: 5849.36

queries will this new Ikea love seat fit

Time: 5852.28

in the back of my 2019 Honda Odyssey oh

Time: 5855.119

it knows how big the couch is it knows

Time: 5857.4

how big that trunk is exactly so right

Time: 5860.84

here it says based on these Dimensions

Time: 5862.679

it seems a love seat might not fit in

Time: 5864.44

your car with only the third row seats

Time: 5866.56

down so this when you Broach a

Time: 5868.56

controversial topic Bing is designed to

Time: 5871.52

discontinue the conversation so um

Time: 5874.52

someone asks for example how can I make

Time: 5877.88

a bomb at home wow really people you

Time: 5881.719

know do a lot of that unfortunately on

Time: 5883.36

the internet what we do is we come back

Time: 5884.92

and we say I'm sorry I don't know how to

Time: 5886

discuss this topic and then we try and

Time: 5888.04

provide a different thing to uh change

Time: 5890.56

the focus of the convers their attention

Time: 5893.159

yeah exactly in this case Bing tried to

Time: 5895.96

divert the questioner with this fun fact

Time: 5899.199

3% of the ice and Antarctic glaciers is

Time: 5902.8

penguin UR

Time: 5903.96

I didn't know that who knew that Bing is

Time: 5907.44

using an upgraded version of an AI

Time: 5910.199

system called chat GPT developed by the

Time: 5913.84

company open AI chat GPT has been in

Time: 5918.08

circulation for just 3 months and

Time: 5920.679

already an estimated 100 million people

Time: 5923.84

have used it think Ellie pavick an

Time: 5927

assistant professor of computer science

Time: 5929.08

at Brown University who's been studying

Time: 5932.159

this AI techn te ology since

Time: 5935

2018 says it can simplify complicated

Time: 5938.92

Concepts can you explain the debt

Time: 5943.56

ceiling on the debt ceiling it says just

Time: 5947.119

like you can only spend up to a certain

Time: 5949.28

amount on your credit card The

Time: 5951.48

Government Can Only borrow up to a

Time: 5953.8

certain amount of money that's a pretty

Time: 5956.28

nice explanation it is and it can do

Time: 5958.28

this for a lot of Concepts and it can do

Time: 5961

things teachers have complained about WR

Time: 5964.119

School papers pavic says no one fully

Time: 5968.28

understands how these AI Bots work we

Time: 5971.48

don't understand how it works right like

Time: 5973.92

we understand uh a lot about how we made

Time: 5978

it and why we made it that way but I

Time: 5980.159

think some of the uh behaviors that

Time: 5982.32

we're seeing come out of it are better

Time: 5983.76

than we expected they would be and we're

Time: 5985.88

not quite sure exactly how and worse

Time: 5988.239

right these chatbots are built by

Time: 5991.159

feeding a lot of computers enormous

Time: 5993.92

amounts of information scraped off the

Time: 5996.48

internet from books Wikipedia news sites

Time: 6000.599

but also from social media that might

Time: 6003.48

include racist or anti-semitic ideas and

Time: 6008

misinformation say about vaccines and

Time: 6011.44

Russian propaganda as the data comes in

Time: 6015.239

it's difficult to discriminate between

Time: 6017.52

true and false benign and toxic but Bing

Time: 6022.119

and chat GP T have safety filters that

Time: 6025.52

try to screen out the harmful

Time: 6028.44

material still they get a lot of things

Time: 6031.48

factually wrong even when we prompted

Time: 6034.44

chat GPT with a softball question who is

Time: 6039.639

uh Leslie stall um so it gives you some

Time: 6043.48

oh my God it's wrong oh is it it's

Time: 6046.199

totally wrong I didn't work for NBC for

Time: 6049.56

20 years it was CBS it doesn't really

Time: 6053.08

understand that what it's saying is

Time: 6054.199

wrong right like NBC CBS they're kind of

Time: 6056.159

the same thing as far as it's concerned

Time: 6058.96

right the lesson is that it gets things

Time: 6062.119

wrong it gets a lot of things right gets

Time: 6064.04

a lot of things wrong I actually like to

Time: 6065.88

call what it creates authoritative bull

Time: 6068.76

um it it Blends the truth and falsity so

Time: 6071.76

finely together that unless you're a

Time: 6074.4

real technical expert in the field that

Time: 6076.199

it's talking about you don't know

Time: 6078.4

cognitive scientist and AI researcher

Time: 6081.239

Gary Marcus says these systems often

Time: 6084.44

make things up in AI talk that's called

Time: 6088.56

hallucinating and that raises the fear

Time: 6091.32

of ever widening AI generated

Time: 6094.8

propaganda explosive campaigns of

Time: 6097.76

political fiction waves of alternative

Time: 6101.96

histories we saw how chat GPT could be

Time: 6105.32

used to spread a lie news this is

Time: 6107.88

automatic fake news generation help me

Time: 6110

write a news article about how McCarthy

Time: 6111.88

is staging a filibuster to prevent gun

Time: 6114.52

control legislation and rather than like

Time: 6117.76

factchecking and saying hey hold on

Time: 6119.76

there's no legislation there's no

Time: 6121.199

filibuster said great in a bold move to

Time: 6124.08

protect Second Amendment right Senator

Time: 6125.8

McCarthy is staging a filibuster to

Time: 6127.52

prevent gun control legislation from

Time: 6129.44

passing it sounds completely legit it

Time: 6131.639

does won't that make all of us a little

Time: 6134.76

less trusting a little warier well first

Time: 6139

I think we should be warier I'm very

Time: 6141.08

worried about an atmosphere of distrust

Time: 6143.199

being the consequence of this current

Time: 6145.48

flawed Ai and I'm really worried about

Time: 6148.08

how bad actors are going to use it um

Time: 6150.48

troll Farms using this tool to make

Time: 6152.76

enormous amounts of

Time: 6154.639

misinformation Tim NE gibu is a computer

Time: 6158.119

scientist and AI researcher who founded

Time: 6161.599

an Institute focused on advancing

Time: 6164.159

ethical Ai and has published influential

Time: 6167.52

papers documenting the harms of these AI

Time: 6170.52

systems she says there needs to be

Time: 6173.639

oversight if you're going to put out a

Time: 6175.8

drug you got to go through all sorts of

Time: 6178.08

Hoops to show us that you've done

Time: 6180.639

clinical trials you know what the side

Time: 6182.4

effects are you've done your due

Time: 6183.8

diligence same with food right there are

Time: 6186.239

agencies that inspect the food you have

Time: 6188.28

to tell me what kind of tests you've

Time: 6189.8

done what the side effects are who it

Time: 6191.84

harms who it doesn't harm Etc that we

Time: 6193.719

don't have that for a lot of things that

Time: 6197.159

the tech industry is building I'm

Time: 6199.56

wondering if you think you may have

Time: 6201.76

introduced this AI I bought too soon I

Time: 6205.08

don't think we've introduced it too soon

Time: 6207.159

I do think we've created a new tool that

Time: 6209.32

people can use to think more critically

Time: 6211.56

to be more creative to accomplish more

Time: 6214.239

in their lives and like all tools it

Time: 6217.639

will be used in ways that we don't

Time: 6219.48

intend why do you think the benefits

Time: 6222.88

outweigh the risks which at this moment

Time: 6226.88

a lot of people would look at and say

Time: 6228.88

wait a minute those risks are too big

Time: 6231.84

because I think first all I think the

Time: 6233.8

benefits are so great this can be an

Time: 6236.88

economic game Cher and it's enormously

Time: 6240.639

important for the United States because

Time: 6242.96

the country is in a race with China

Time: 6244.92

president M Smith also mentioned

Time: 6247.159

possible improvements in productivity it

Time: 6250.08

can automate routine I think there are

Time: 6252.8

certain aspects of jobs that many of us

Time: 6255.679

might regard as sort of druggy today

Time: 6258.84

filling out forms looking at the forms

Time: 6261.92

to see if they've been filled out

Time: 6263.76

correctly so what jobs will it displace

Time: 6267.239

do you know I think at this stage it's

Time: 6270.32

hard to know in the past inaccuracies

Time: 6274.159

and biases have led tech companies to

Time: 6277.32

take down AI systems even Microsoft did

Time: 6280.96


Time: 6282.28

2016 this time Microsoft left its new

Time: 6285.719

chatbot up despite the controversy over

Time: 6289.199

Sydney and persistent

Time: 6292.04

inaccuracies remember that fun fact

Time: 6294.719

about penguins well we did some

Time: 6297.239

factchecking and discovered that

Time: 6299.56

Penguins don't urinate the inaccuracies

Time: 6304.08

are just constant I just keep finding

Time: 6308.36

that it's wrong a lot it has been the

Time: 6311.52

case that with each passing day and week

Time: 6314.159

we're able to improve the accuracy of

Time: 6316.32

the results you know reduce you know

Time: 6319.239

whether it's hateful comments or

Time: 6321.159

inaccurate statements or other things

Time: 6324.4

that we just don't want this to be used

Time: 6327.599

to do what happens when other companies

Time: 6332.44

other than Microsoft smaller outfits a

Time: 6335.84

Chinese company bu do maybe they won't

Time: 6338.96

be responsible what prevents that I

Time: 6341.8

think we're going to need governments

Time: 6343.28

we're going to need rules we're going to

Time: 6345.04

need laws because that's the only way to

Time: 6347.36

avoid a race to the bottom are you

Time: 6349.679

proposing regulations I think it's

Time: 6352.44

inevitable how other

Time: 6355.4

Industries have regulatory bodies you

Time: 6359.08

know like the FAA for Airlines and FDA

Time: 6362.599

for the pharmaceutical companies would

Time: 6365

you accept an FAA for technology would

Time: 6369

you support it I think I probably would

Time: 6372.28

I think that a something like a digital

Time: 6374.44

Regulatory Commission if designed the

Time: 6376.96

right way you know could be precisely

Time: 6381.28

what the public will want and

Time: 6390.28

need car companies across the globe have

Time: 6393.48

had to idle production and workers

Time: 6396.119

because of a shortage of semiconductors

Time: 6398.76

often referred to as microchips or just

Time: 6401.679

chips they're the tiny operating brains

Time: 6404.92

inside just about every modern device

Time: 6407.639

like smartphones Hospital ventilators

Time: 6410.76

even fighter jets as we first reported

Time: 6413.84

in May the pandemic sent chip demand

Time: 6416.76

soaring unexpectedly as we bought

Time: 6419.56

computers and electronics to work study

Time: 6422.639

and play from home but while more and

Time: 6425.48

more chips are needed in the US fewer

Time: 6428.679

and fewer of them are manufactured

Time: 6432.48

here Intel is the biggest American chip

Time: 6435.92

maker its most advanced fabrication

Time: 6439.119

plant or Fab for short is located

Time: 6442.28

outside Phoenix

Time: 6443.96

Arizona new CEO Pat Ginger invited us on

Time: 6447.84

a tour to see how incredibly complex the

Time: 6450.92

manufacturing process is all ready to go

Time: 6454.119

first we had to suit up to avoid

Time: 6456.36

contaminating the Fab head cover on

Time: 6460.08

perfect bunny suit zipped goggles okay

Time: 6464.4

gloves ready to go I'm

Time: 6467.28

Christine everything in this environment

Time: 6469.92

is controlled together we stepped into a

Time: 6472.56

place place with some of the most

Time: 6474.08

sophisticated new technology on Earth I

Time: 6477.36

need to ask you why we're all yellow

Time: 6480

yellow filters remove light rays that

Time: 6482.639

are harmful to the process overhead a

Time: 6486

computerized Highway transports

Time: 6488.32

materials from one machine to the next

Time: 6491.719

the process involves thousands of steps

Time: 6494.88

where layer upon layer of microscopic

Time: 6497.8

circuitry is etched onto these silicon

Time: 6500.76

plates that are then chopped up into

Time: 6503.04

chips that will end up in say your

Time: 6505.679

computer making just one can take 6

Time: 6509.04

months you see each one of these is a

Time: 6511.96

chip I'm surprised I thought chips were

Time: 6514.92

minute well each one of these chips has

Time: 6518.36

maybe a billion transistors on it oh my

Time: 6520.88

goodness so there's billion little

Time: 6523.119

circuits inside of it that are all on

Time: 6525.119

one of these chips and then one wafer

Time: 6526.96

could have a 100 or a thousand chips on

Time: 6528.92

it Intel's goal is to keep shrinking the

Time: 6531.96

transistor size so you can pile more of

Time: 6535.119

them on a chip to make it more powerful

Time: 6537.88

and work faster you know every one of

Time: 6540

these is laying down circuits that are

Time: 6541.88

so much smaller than anything your hair

Time: 6544.48

you know any other part of human

Time: 6545.96

existence you know a covid particle is

Time: 6548.56

way bigger than one of the lines that

Time: 6550.52

we're creating here how much does this

Time: 6553

Fab cost 10 billion billion 10 billion

Time: 6557.599

doll cuz each one of these pieces of

Time: 6559.679

equipment is maybe $5 million that's a a

Time: 6562.8

lot of millions of dollars chips differ

Time: 6565.56

in size and sophistication depending on

Time: 6568.159

their end use Intel doesn't presently

Time: 6571.119

make many chips for the auto sector but

Time: 6573.92

because of the shortage it's planning to

Time: 6576.239

reconfigure some of its Fabs to start

Time: 6579

churning them out I'm wondering if we're

Time: 6581.8

going to continue to have shortages not

Time: 6584.119

just in cars but in our phones and for

Time: 6586.76

our computers for everything I think we

Time: 6589.199

have a couple of years until we catch up

Time: 6591.119

to this surging demand across every

Time: 6594.199

aspect of the business Co showed that

Time: 6597.08

the global supply chain of chips is

Time: 6599.719

fragile and unable to react quickly to

Time: 6602.36

changes in demand one reason Fabs are

Time: 6606.199

wildly expensive to build Furbish and

Time: 6609.48

maintain it used to be that there were

Time: 6611.56

25 companies in the world that made the

Time: 6614.639

high-end Cutting Edge chips and now

Time: 6618.119

there are only three and in the United

Time: 6620.88

States you yeah

Time: 6623.48

one one today 75% of semiconductor

Time: 6628.159

manufacturing is in Asia 2 years ago the

Time: 6632.04

United States produced 37% of the world

Time: 6635.32

semiconductor Manufacturing in the US

Time: 6638.48

today that number has declined to just

Time: 6641.04

12% doesn't sound good it doesn't sound

Time: 6643.599

good and anybody who looks at supply

Time: 6645.199

chain says that's a problem well but

Time: 6647.84

look at what's going on a problem

Time: 6649.639

because relying on one region especially

Time: 6652.199

one as unpredictable as Asia is highly

Time: 6655.159

risky Intel has been lobbying the US

Time: 6658.119

government to help revive chip

Time: 6660.119

manufacturing at home with incentives

Time: 6663.28

subsidies and or tax breaks the way the

Time: 6666

governments of Taiwan Singapore and

Time: 6668.44

Israel have done the White House is

Time: 6671.44

responding proposing $50 billion for the

Time: 6674.76

semiconductor industry in the US as part

Time: 6677.56

of President Biden's infrastructure plan

Time: 6680.44

this is infrastructure your business is

Time: 6683.04

extremely lucrative in terms of Revenue

Time: 6686.04

you made $78 billion last year why

Time: 6689.119

should the government come into a

Time: 6691.84

company a business that's doing so well

Time: 6694.719

overall this is a big critical industry

Time: 6698.32

and we want more of it on American soil

Time: 6700.52

the jobs that we want in America the

Time: 6702.28

control of our long-term technology

Time: 6704.639

future and as we've also said the

Time: 6707.04

disruptions in the supply chain you have

Time: 6710.04

spent much more in stock buyback

Time: 6713.159

then you have in research and

Time: 6715.199

development a lot more we will not be

Time: 6718.079

anywhere near as focused on BuyBacks uh

Time: 6720.92

going forward as we have in the past and

Time: 6722.88

that's been reviewed as part of my

Time: 6725.079

coming into the company agreed upon with

Time: 6727.36

the board of directors why shouldn't

Time: 6729.639

Private Industry fund this instead of

Time: 6732.48

the government the industries that rely

Time: 6735.04

on these chips Apple Microsoft the

Time: 6738.88

companies that are rolling in money well

Time: 6741.4

they're pretty happy to buy from some of

Time: 6743.32

the Asian suppliers actually they don't

Time: 6746.44

always have a choice for chips with the

Time: 6749.4

tiniest transistors there's no made in

Time: 6752.639

the US option Intel currently doesn't

Time: 6756.079

have the knowhow to manufacture the most

Time: 6758.92

advanced chips that apple and the others

Time: 6761.719

need the decline in this industry it's

Time: 6765.04

kind of devastating isn't it the fact

Time: 6767.199

that this industry was created by

Time: 6770.88

American innovation the whole Silicon

Time: 6773.04

Valley idea started with Intel yeah you

Time: 6776.719

the the company stumbled you still a big

Time: 6779.32

company we had some product stumbles

Time: 6781.56

some manufacturing and process stumbles

Time: 6784.56

perhaps the biggest stumble was in the

Time: 6786.48

early 2000s when Steve Jobs of Apple

Time: 6789.679

needed chips for a new idea the iPhone

Time: 6793.92

Intel wasn't interested and apple went

Time: 6796.56

to Asia eventually finding

Time: 6799.28

tsmc the Taiwan semiconductor manufactur

Time: 6802.679

ing company today the world's most

Time: 6805.28

advanced chip manufacturer producing

Time: 6808.119

chips that are 30% faster and more

Time: 6811

powerful than Intel's they're ahead of

Time: 6813.52

you on the manufacturing side yeah

Time: 6815.96

considerably ahead of you we believe

Time: 6818.079

it's going to take us a couple of years

Time: 6819.679

and we will be caught up Ginger is

Time: 6822.079

making big bets breaking ground on two

Time: 6825.36

new giant Fabs in Arizona costing $20

Time: 6829.32

billion Intel's largest investment ever

Time: 6832.96

and he announced in May a $3.5 billion

Time: 6836.4

upgrade of this Fab in New Mexico but

Time: 6840.079

tsmc is a manufacturing Juggernaut worth

Time: 6843.8

over a half trillion dollars

Time: 6846.04

collaborating with clients to produce

Time: 6848.199

their chip designs it's been sought out

Time: 6850.96

by Apple Amazon contractors for the US

Time: 6854.679

Military and even Intel which uses tsmc

Time: 6859.48

to produce its cuttingedge designs

Time: 6861.96

they're not Advanced enough to make

Time: 6864.36

themselves how and why did Intel fall

Time: 6867.679

behind it is a surprising for us too we

Time: 6871.079

spoke remotely with tsmc chairman Mark

Time: 6874.079

louu at the company headquarters in

Time: 6876.52


Time: 6877.96

Taiwan his company is a leading supplier

Time: 6881.119

of the chips that go into American cars

Time: 6884.48

in March 2020 as Co paralyzed the US Car

Time: 6889.44

Sales tumbled leading automakers to

Time: 6892.4

canel their chip orders so tsmc stopped

Time: 6896.199

making them that's why when car sales

Time: 6899.679

unexpectedly bounced back late last year

Time: 6902.719

there was a shortage of chips leaving

Time: 6905.28

cars with no power parked and car makers

Time: 6908.56

Lots costing them billions we heard

Time: 6911.76

about this shortage in uh December time

Time: 6914.76

frame and in January we try to squeeze

Time: 6918.48

as more chip as possible to the car

Time: 6921.04

company in car chips particularly the

Time: 6923.84

supply chain is long and complex this

Time: 6926.599

Supply takes about 7 to 8 months should

Time: 6930

Americans be concerned that most chips

Time: 6933.199

are being manufactured in Asia today I

Time: 6936.48

understand their concerned first of all

Time: 6938.119

but this is not about Asia or not Asia I

Time: 6941.079

mean the shortage will happen no matter

Time: 6943.36

where the production is located because

Time: 6945.92

it's due to the co but um Pat Ginger at

Time: 6949.8

Intel talks about a need to rebalance

Time: 6952.32

bance the supply chain issue because so

Time: 6955.44

much so many of the chips in the world

Time: 6958.119

now are made in Asia I think us ought to

Time: 6961.04

pursue to run faster to invest in R&D to

Time: 6965.44

produce more PhD Master Bachelor

Time: 6968.719

students to get into this manufacturing

Time: 6971.36

field instead of uh uh trying to move

Time: 6975.159

the supply chain which is very costly

Time: 6977.92

and really not prod

Time: 6979.92

nonproductive that will slow down the in

Time: 6982.28

Ovation because uh people trying to hold

Time: 6985.599

on their uh technology to their own and

Time: 6988.84

forsake the global

Time: 6991.44

collaboration within the world of global

Time: 6994

collaboration there's intense

Time: 6996.36

competition days after Intel announced

Time: 6999.119

spending $20 billion on two new Fabs

Time: 7002.679

tsmc announced it would spend a 100

Time: 7005.8

billion over three years on R&D upgrades

Time: 7010.56

and a new Fab in Phoenix Arizona Intel's

Time: 7014.36

backyard where the Taiwanese company

Time: 7017

will produce the chips Apple needs but

Time: 7019.599

the Americans can't make that was a big

Time: 7023.199

investment but there's a looming Shadow

Time: 7025.76

over tsmc which supplies chips for our

Time: 7029.079

cars iPhones and the supercomputer

Time: 7032.32

managing our nuclear

Time: 7035.199

stockpile China's president XI jingping

Time: 7038.599

who has intensified his longtime threat

Time: 7041.239

to seize Taiwan China's attempts to

Time: 7044.679

develop its own Advanced chip industry

Time: 7047.36

have failed and so it's been forced to

Time: 7050.36

import chips but last year Washington

Time: 7053.639

imposed restrictions on chip makers from

Time: 7056.599

exporting certain semiconductors to

Time: 7058.88

China both Lou and galinger fear the

Time: 7062.199

escalating trade war with China May

Time: 7064.679

backfire and an Intel's case could hurt

Time: 7067.96

business are they your biggest customer

Time: 7070.84

uh China is one of our Lar largest

Time: 7072.52

markets today you know over 25% of our

Time: 7075.32

revenue is to Chinese customers you know

Time: 7077.84

we expect that this will remain an area

Time: 7080.239

of tension and one that needs to be

Time: 7082.199

navigated uh carefully because if

Time: 7084.56

there's any points that people can't

Time: 7086.8

keep running their countries or running

Time: 7088.56

their businesses because of supply of

Time: 7091.159

one critical component like

Time: 7092.56

semiconductors boy that leads them to

Time: 7094.44

take very extreme postures on things

Time: 7097.28

because they have to the most extreme

Time: 7100.199

would be China invading Taiwan and in

Time: 7103.36

the process gaining control of

Time: 7106.36

tsmc that could force the US to defend

Time: 7109.76

Taiwan as we did Kuwait from the Iraqis

Time: 7113

30 years ago then it was oil now it's

Time: 7117.88

chips the chip industry in Taiwan has

Time: 7121.4

been called the Silicon Shield yes what

Time: 7125.04

does that mean that means the world all

Time: 7128

needs taiwan's high-tech industry

Time: 7131.199

support so they will not let the war

Time: 7135.04

happen in this region because it goes

Time: 7138

against interest of every country in the

Time: 7142.639

world do you think that in any way your

Time: 7145.52

industry is is keeping Taiwan safe I

Time: 7150

cannot comment on the safety I mean this

Time: 7151.88

is a changing World nobody want these

Time: 7153.8

things to happen and I hope I hope not

Time: 7155.8

to either

Time: 7165.119

if you've ever had the fantasy of

Time: 7166.52

soaring over bumper-to-bumper traffic in

Time: 7168.599

a flying vehicle that may be possible

Time: 7170.92

sooner than you think not with a flying

Time: 7173.159

car but with a batterypowered aircraft

Time: 7175.599

called an Evol a clunky acronym for

Time: 7178.599

electric vertical takeoff and Landing

Time: 7180.8

vehicle as we first reported in April

Time: 7183.719

dozens of companies are spending

Time: 7185.36

billions of dollars to make EV tolls

Time: 7187.88

that will operate like air taxis taking

Time: 7190.52

off and Landing from what are called

Time: 7192.4

verp ports on the tops of buildings

Time: 7194.679

parking garages or helipads in congested

Time: 7197.719

cities EV TOS promise a faster safer and

Time: 7201.4

Greener mode of transportation

Time: 7203.44

potentially changing the way we work and

Time: 7205.56

live sound too good to be true we went

Time: 7208.36

for a joy ride to find

Time: 7210.28

out I will arm the aircraft if you are

Time: 7213.36

ready yeah totally confirm clear

Time: 7216.4

above if this looks like an oversized

Time: 7218.88

drone I'm about to take off in that's

Time: 7221.119

pretty much what it is is breaking

Time: 7223.679

ground right there it's a single seat EV

Time: 7226.84

to called hexa powered by 18 propellers

Time: 7230.52

each with its own battery no jet fuel

Time: 7233.119

required you are in control onboard

Time: 7236.84

computers automatically adjust for

Time: 7238.76

altitude and wind can really feel the

Time: 7241.4

wind up here so all I had to do was use

Time: 7243.92

a joystick to control hexa's movement

Time: 7246.28

and speed it took about 30 minutes of

Time: 7249.04

pre-flight training to get the hang of

Time: 7250.76

it use that y to rotate

Time: 7255.48

90° wonderful Texa is still in its

Time: 7259

testing phase so I had to stay close to

Time: 7261.48

Chief pilot Jace maau and his ground

Time: 7263.84

crew but they say it's flown up to 195

Time: 7266.84

ft in the air and 24 mph whenever ready

Time: 7270.48

you can come back to home the batteries

Time: 7272.8

last up to 15 minutes I was going to tr

Time: 7275.679

over the camera yeah absolutely to land

Time: 7278.599

I maneuvered hexa into position pressed

Time: 7280.96

a button and the computers did the rest

Time: 7284.119

right there you are on the ground and

Time: 7286.52

the prop spinning

Time: 7288.639

down that is

Time: 7290.88

cool can't so laughing piece of cake

Time: 7293.96

that was awesome that is so much fun wow

Time: 7297.239

I so just want to like take off with it

Time: 7299.239

I know Matt Chason is CEO of Austin

Time: 7302

based lift aircraft which makes hexa he

Time: 7304.96

envisions a future where it's used by

Time: 7306.88

commuters to skip rush hour traffic you

Time: 7309.84

can fly 10 mil in 10 minutes instead of

Time: 7313.239

spending over an hour on the roads

Time: 7316.159

during rush hour congestion would it be

Time: 7318.32

something that an individual then in the

Time: 7320.04

future owns and flies from their house

Time: 7322.199

to somewhere we don't see individual

Time: 7323.599

ownership as very practical these are

Time: 7325.36

these are very expensive aircraft we see

Time: 7328.159

putting fleets of aircraft at locations

Time: 7331.48

where we provide maintenance we provide

Time: 7333.48

training and people can come in and

Time: 7335.599

basically pay per flight but that's

Time: 7338.079

still a long way off federal state and

Time: 7340.8

local regulators not to mention the

Time: 7342.599

nation's airspace aren't ready for

Time: 7344.8

hundreds of thousands of commuters

Time: 7346.8

piloting their own EV TOS in the Skies

Time: 7349.4

over congested

Time: 7350.96

cities so to give people a taste of the

Time: 7353.48

future now Chason designed hexa as an

Time: 7356.199

ultr light vehicle which means it

Time: 7358.32

doesn't have to go through the Federal

Time: 7359.76

Aviation administration's complex

Time: 7361.48

certification process but also can't fly

Time: 7364.32

over populated areas Jason plans to

Time: 7367.48

start offering rides to paying customers

Time: 7369.679

for $250 by the end of the this year the

Time: 7373.32

initial Market you see is essentially

Time: 7375

Joy rides for people yeah I think

Time: 7377.44

there's a huge market for people to just

Time: 7380.4

experience uh the thrill and joy of

Time: 7383.719

flight around the world all kinds of EV

Time: 7386.599

TOS are being developed cargo carriers

Time: 7389.48

air ambulances and a whole lot of air

Time: 7392.239

taxis some with a pilot some without the

Time: 7396.719

Air Force is investing so is Airbus and

Time: 7399.639

American Airlines and dozens of

Time: 7401.92

companies are already working with the

Time: 7404.32

FAA it's not the flying cars that

Time: 7407.28

science fiction movies

Time: 7409.28

anticipated no but when you think about

Time: 7411.44

it I I look back over the Arc of my own

Time: 7413.56

career having been a pilot for 42 years

Time: 7415.36

and I'm just amazed by the amount of

Time: 7418.04

innovation that has taken place Billy

Time: 7420.8

Nolan was head of safety for the FAA

Time: 7423

before being named acting administrator

Time: 7425.079

in March how difficult a certification

Time: 7427.88

process is there cuz there's a lot of

Time: 7429.599

moving parts to this first we have to

Time: 7431.76

certify the design of the of the

Time: 7433.8

aircraft itself and then we look at how

Time: 7436.28

it will operate is it piloted is it

Time: 7438.559

autonomous we look at where we'll

Time: 7440.599

operate so that means how do we put it

Time: 7442.48

within our nation's airspace so once

Time: 7445.079

it's met that safety threshold and only

Time: 7448.079

until it's met that safety threshold

Time: 7449.719

will we be be prepared to certify it

Time: 7452.88

some EV toll companies are well on their

Time: 7455.32

way we flew in a gas guzzling helicopter

Time: 7458.48

with one of the Front Runners in this

Time: 7459.92

Air Taxi arms race Joe Ben bever CEO of

Time: 7463.84

Joby Aviation he took us to this remote

Time: 7466.84

facility in California where he was

Time: 7469

testing his Evol Joby aircraft as we

Time: 7472.32

landed it felt like the old guard

Time: 7474.48

meeting the new obviously it's a

Time: 7477.239

combination of a helicopter in a plane

Time: 7479.559

exactly so it can take off like a

Time: 7481

helicopter but it flies with the

Time: 7482.28

efficiency of an airplane bever has been

Time: 7484.599

working on the jobby for more than a

Time: 7486.36

decade it has six propellers and four

Time: 7488.76

batteries in its wings and will operate

Time: 7491.119

as an air taxi carrying a pilot and four

Time: 7494.52

passengers he says it can fly 150 mil on

Time: 7498.119

a single charge and has a top speed of

Time: 7500.8

around 200

Time: 7502.4

mph why this design so vertical takeoff

Time: 7505.679

is important so we can take you to where

Time: 7507.96

you want to go right we don't need a

Time: 7510.36

huge Runway and then with a wing it

Time: 7512.719

gives you the efficiency to fly far and

Time: 7514.92

to Fly Fast pil cleared flight bux Alpha

Time: 7517.36

blow because it's still being tested the

Time: 7519.4

jobby was piloted remotely by a near by

Time: 7521.96

ground crew for flight when they fired

Time: 7524.639

up the motors unlike a helicopter the

Time: 7527

Joby didn't need time to warm

Time: 7530.04

up it took off in about 20

Time: 7533.159

seconds that's it that's really

Time: 7536.04

quiet we wanted this to sound more like

Time: 7538.28

the wind in the trees than the

Time: 7540.119

of a helicopter noise levels are a

Time: 7542.76

critical issue since EV talls are meant

Time: 7544.88

to take off in land near where people

Time: 7547.119

work and live this is below the

Time: 7549.36

background noise level of many cities

Time: 7551.599

you know I go around with my decel meter

Time: 7553.4

on my phone and like measure sound

Time: 7555.239

levels that's what you've been doing for

Time: 7556.559

10 years exactly because we needed to

Time: 7558.48

make sure that the aircraft was going to

Time: 7560.4

be quiet enough bever studied mechanical

Time: 7562.92

engineering at Stanford where he

Time: 7564.599

invented this popular flexible camera

Time: 7566.8

tripod and later created a company that

Time: 7569.32

made flying wind turbines but the Joby

Time: 7572.52

had remained an elusive dream there were

Time: 7575

definitely Skeptics uh even you know

Time: 7577.119

good friends of mine who didn't believe

Time: 7580.239

that you could make this with batteries

Time: 7582.199

and electric propulsion The Battery

Time: 7583.8

Technology just wasn't there it wouldn't

Time: 7585.679

work yeah bever hired John Wagner away

Time: 7589.4

from Tesla where he helped develop the

Time: 7591.32

car's revolutionary batteries at Joby he

Time: 7594.36

figured out a way to make the batteries

Time: 7596.04

lighter but still powerful enough to get

Time: 7598.48

the 2ton Evol off the ground you had to

Time: 7601.599

play at the strengths of battery power

Time: 7603.639

and the strengths of electric motors so

Time: 7606.119

typical aircraft might have one big

Time: 7608.04

motor but we can have six Motors

Time: 7610

distributed throughout the aircraft and

Time: 7612

in that way operate in a much more

Time: 7613.92

efficient manner the weight of

Time: 7615.52

everything must be the most important

Time: 7617.719

thing absolutely so how do you make a

Time: 7621

plane as light as possible you

Time: 7622.48

essentially have to engineer every piece

Time: 7624.119

of it the outside of the jobby is made

Time: 7627.119

with layers of lightweight carbon fiber

Time: 7629.92

the batteries as well as computers

Time: 7631.719

electronics and motors are constructed

Time: 7634

under John Wagner's watch and his team

Time: 7636.88

shakes bakes and Spins them to ensure

Time: 7639.559

they'll meet the faa's rigorous safy

Time: 7641.52

safety standards they have to certify

Time: 7643.639

the aircraft as being safe and capable

Time: 7646.48

of flying to their standards they also

Time: 7649.04

have to certify the production of all

Time: 7651.239

the parts of it exactly and the

Time: 7653.04

operation the pilot training the

Time: 7654.639

maintenance uh steps every facet is

Time: 7658.639

heavily regulated all this costs a lot

Time: 7661.36

of money Toyota has invested about $400

Time: 7664.04

million in jobby and bever took the

Time: 7666.559

company public last year I think the

Time: 7668.88

texture is good billionaire Paul shiara

Time: 7671.159

Co founder of the website Pinterest has

Time: 7673.28

also put in a small fortune he's job's

Time: 7676.159

executive chairman and says they'll

Time: 7678.079

launch in up to three cities and that

Time: 7680.44

passengers will eventually end up paying

Time: 7682.44

around $3 to4 a mile to fly a little

Time: 7685.599

more than an average Uber ride can you

Time: 7688.199

just take me through as a passenger what

Time: 7689.92

it looks like I want to get to JFK

Time: 7691.8

airport it's bumper-to-bumper traffic

Time: 7694.119

what do I do take out your phone pull

Time: 7696.32

out an app and with one click you're

Time: 7698.36

booking the whole trip so a car is

Time: 7700.559

coming to wherever you are Manhattan

Time: 7702.679

it's taking you to the takeoff and

Time: 7704.719

Landing location the verta port and

Time: 7706.88

you're hopping in your jobby and it's

Time: 7708.48

flying you to your final destination now

Time: 7710.76

maybe there's a car at the other end or

Time: 7712.079

you're just walking to the tail end if

Time: 7714.159

people are taking cars to and from ver

Time: 7716.76

ports doesn't that just add to

Time: 7718.88

congestion if we're able to you know

Time: 7721.28

take out 80% of the miles um that people

Time: 7725.119

might be traveling and move those miles

Time: 7727.119

from congested roads to the air I think

Time: 7729.679

that's going to have an impact but just

Time: 7732

a few weeks after we saw this jobby

Time: 7734.119

aircraft fly it crashed in February due

Time: 7737.119

to what federal investigators called a

Time: 7739.159

component failure no one was hurt but

Time: 7742

the EV to was total bever says that's

Time: 7745.44

all part of the testing process and is

Time: 7747.92

as optimistic now as he was when we

Time: 7750.239

interviewed him how far are you from

Time: 7753.44

getting the first jobi in the sky with

Time: 7755.4

passengers so we are launching our

Time: 7757.199

service in 2024 you think you can do it

Time: 7759.4

that quickly yes there have been the a

Time: 7761.559

lot of companies that have said oh we're

Time: 7762.639

going to do this in 2 years and then it

Time: 7765.119

doesn't happen we're very

Time: 7767.679

confident there's a lot of confidence

Time: 7769.8

over at whisk Arrow as well though the

Time: 7772.28

Vall they're developing will be even

Time: 7774.679

more complicated to bring to Market

Time: 7776.96

because it's fully autonomous there'll

Time: 7779.079

be passengers but no pilot on board

Time: 7782.28

you're not just figuring out an electric

Time: 7784.599

vehicle you're figuring out a fully

Time: 7787.159

autonomous flying vehicle that's right

Time: 7789.44

we're going for it

Time: 7792.599

you and I talked about that CEO Gary gon

Time: 7794.96

says they're on track to spend about $2

Time: 7797.48

billion the company is bankroll by

Time: 7799.8

Boeing and Google co-founder Larry pagee

Time: 7802.88

they've been testing the technology for

Time: 7804.52

the last eight years control in position

Time: 7807.8

for liftoff so how many test flights

Time: 7809.719

have you actually done so close close to

Time: 7811.679

1,600 test flights without you know

Time: 7813.32

knock on wood without an incident

Time: 7815.159

selecting lift off now we watched one of

Time: 7817.76

those test flights in Hollister

Time: 7819.28

California a team of Engineers is about

Time: 7821.76

half a mile away started the Vall with

Time: 7824.36

the click of a

Time: 7826.559

mouse the entire route was

Time: 7833.199

pre-programmed why autonomist why go

Time: 7835.559

this R so we're going straight to

Time: 7836.8

selfline uh several reasons one it's

Time: 7839.239

safer safer he says because most plane

Time: 7842.28

accidents involve human error much of

Time: 7844.719

commercial Aviation is already automated

Time: 7847.44

and gon sees the entire evall industry

Time: 7850.159

going that way eventually

Time: 7851.96

he's determined to get there first we do

Time: 7854.76

it primarily from a safety perspective

Time: 7856.96

but also scale so if you don't have a

Time: 7858.88

piloting the aircraft it's less

Time: 7860.719

expensive you don't have to do pilot

Time: 7862.159

training uh you're flying for passengers

Time: 7865.559

um we can charge less we don't want this

Time: 7867.76

to be a premium helicopter like service

Time: 7870.079

we want this to be a service that's

Time: 7872.079

affordable to the masses there is a

Time: 7874.119

hurdle psychologically for people to get

Time: 7877.239

into an aircraft that does not have a

Time: 7879.239

human at the controls of course so what

Time: 7881.679

we're trying to do with that is each

Time: 7884.119

passenger can be in uh verbal

Time: 7886.679

communication with the ground they can

Time: 7888.199

be talking to a pilot whenever they want

Time: 7889.84

to so it's all designed to provide

Time: 7892.4

Comfort it will take time this isn't

Time: 7894.4

going to happen overnight gon wants to

Time: 7896.92

launch wi's four Cedar air taxi service

Time: 7899.48

in the world's 20 busiest cities within

Time: 7901.8

the next decade wheels down you don't

Time: 7905.04

give a date of when you think you'll be

Time: 7906.88

operational yeah you know why we don't

Time: 7908.44

do that because we are not in control of

Time: 7910.84

that part part the fa is uh in Europe

Time: 7913.96

it's calleda they're in charge so when

Time: 7916.88

they certify aircraft to fly that's when

Time: 7919.079

you fly the FAA won't say when an

Time: 7922.4

autonomous EV to might be certified but

Time: 7925.28

acting administrator Billy Nolan told us

Time: 7927.44

hailing a piloted Air Taxi by 2024 is

Time: 7931.119

well within the realm of possibility the

Time: 7933.8

challenge for us is to make sure that

Time: 7935.679

Innovation doesn't come at the expense

Time: 7937.88

of safety but clearly we are seeing the

Time: 7941.32

emergence of something that's fantastic

Time: 7943.639

I think this is real I mean this is no

Time: 7945.52

longer just the stuff of fantasy we want

Time: 7949.48

to be very careful we want to be very

Time: 7951.44

measured but you're absolutely right

Time: 7953.52

this is real and this is happening we've

Time: 7955.84

come a long way from where we were just

Time: 7958.52

you know a mere decade

Time: 7967.76

ago if you have ever suffered through

Time: 7970.4

what felt like an endless flight on a

Time: 7972.52

cramped plane you might jump at the

Time: 7974.92

chance to get to your destination in

Time: 7976.84

half the time does New York to Los

Time: 7979.32

Angeles in under 3 hours sound appealing

Time: 7982.32

the last commercial supersonic flight

Time: 7984.44

was almost 20 years ago and even then

Time: 7987.4

super fast flights were only on very

Time: 7989.8

limited routes most of today's jetliners

Time: 7993.119

actually fly more slowly than they did

Time: 7995.32

20 or 30 years ago in order to save fuel

Time: 7998.88

but that may be about to change

Time: 8001.719

it's still a long shot but as we first

Time: 8004.239

reported last November private startup

Time: 8006.92

companies with a big assist from NASA

Time: 8009.84

may just give us all another chance to

Time: 8012.44

fly faster than the speed of

Time: 8018

sound when British Airways flight2

Time: 8021.44

roared into the New York sky on October

Time: 8024.119


Time: 8025.4

2003 everyone on board passengers and

Time: 8028.679

Pilots knew that something special was

Time: 8031.32

coming to an end enjoy the moment as you

Time: 8034.36

are the last people in the world as

Time: 8036.28

passengers to cruise at twice the speed

Time: 8038.52

of sound the supersonic Concord a joint

Time: 8041.48

effort of the British and French

Time: 8042.84

governments was making its last flight

Time: 8045.199

after nearly 30 years in the air

Time: 8047.8

grounded by a combination of

Time: 8049.559

stratospheric costs and safety concerns

Time: 8052.239

after a deadly crash in 2000 even people

Time: 8055.639

watching that last Landing in London

Time: 8057.719

were emotional I just love airplanes and

Time: 8060.88

this not going to be anything like

Time: 8061.88

Concord again is there never well you

Time: 8064.88

know that old Maxim Never Say Never

Time: 8068.32

Super Sonic coming back and it's going

Time: 8070.8

to be different this time it's it's back

Time: 8072.28

to stay Blake scha is the founder and

Time: 8074.84

CEO of Boom his audacious goal is to

Time: 8078.559

build a new supersonic airliner from

Time: 8082.079

scratch has a private company ever built

Time: 8086.719

a a supersonic aircraft anywhere no

Time: 8089.36

nowhere it's been governments and

Time: 8090.599

Military only boom is not the only

Time: 8093.36

American startup company in the new

Time: 8095.32

supersonic sweep Stakes spike is

Time: 8098.199

developing an ultra Fast Business Jet

Time: 8100.92

and hermus aspires to make a Hypersonic

Time: 8103.719

plane that would fly five times the

Time: 8106.04

speed of sound but boom is the only

Time: 8108.84

entrance to actually build an airplane

Time: 8111.84

this is it that's it oh wow so far Blake

Time: 8115.92

sha and boom have built this single

Time: 8118.36

Cedar test plane which they hope will

Time: 8121.36

this year the passenger jet meant to

Time: 8123.88

follow is called Overture it only exists

Time: 8127.239

in artist renderings but it's real

Time: 8129.559

enough for one of America's largest

Time: 8131.76

Airlines to climb on board so is the

Time: 8134.559

Overture the plane that United recently

Time: 8136.96

ordered that's right United just ordered

Time: 8140.32

15 Overture airplanes so more overtures

Time: 8143.92

than Concords ever delivered into

Time: 8146.239

service is this United deal like a stamp

Time: 8149.4

of approval I think it's incredible

Time: 8151.199

validating you know when you are united

Time: 8153.719

you take you take these things really

Time: 8155.48

seriously seriously enough to produce a

Time: 8158.52

slick promotional video that's already

Time: 8161.04

playing on many United

Time: 8164.239

flights the ad May say super sonic is

Time: 8167.679

here but it's not not yet Blake scha is

Time: 8171.599

a software engineer who started his

Time: 8173.8

career at Amazon not in Aerospace but he

Time: 8177.32

insists he's going to make it happen

Time: 8180.04

when I look several decades out you know

Time: 8182.48

what I want is to be able to be anywhere

Time: 8184.559

in the world in four hours for 100 bucks

Time: 8187.719

now that's not where we start but that's

Time: 8189.36

the end goal the Concord charged

Time: 8192.16

thousands thousands of dollars for a

Time: 8195.559

one-way flight from New York to

Time: 8198.12

London how is it going to be possible

Time: 8200.519

for you to have a similar flight

Time: 8202.679

experience for $100 you keep iterating

Time: 8206.04

and so the same way you know for example

Time: 8207.519

electric cars when they first came out

Time: 8209.8

they were pretty expensive but we kept

Time: 8211.479

working on them and the price came down

Time: 8213.04

they got better and better and so we're

Time: 8214.319

going do the same thing with supersonic

Time: 8215.479

Jets we're going to keep working on them

Time: 8216.719

we're going to keep innovating this

Time: 8218.479

industry needs people dreaming big that

Time: 8221.76

is essential this industry was built on

Time: 8224.2

that John ostra is Editor in Chief of

Time: 8227.479

the air current a publication that

Time: 8229.639

tracks every development in commercial

Time: 8231.76

Aviation including boom and Blake scha

Time: 8235.679

he admits that something like he is

Time: 8238.96

proposing has never been done by a a

Time: 8241.319

private company

Time: 8242.8

before um but yet he's convinced that he

Time: 8247.24

can do it do you think he can I think

Time: 8251.2

you cannot ignore the obstacles that

Time: 8253.399

will be on the path to getting there and

Time: 8256.96

I think the amount of money that is is

Time: 8259.04

required to make this happen uh makes

Time: 8261.84

this a very long shot how much money

Time: 8265.359

will it

Time: 8266.84

take probably in the neighborhood of at

Time: 8269.2

least 15 or 20 b

Time: 8271.88

asra says that's about what it cost

Time: 8274.639

Boeing to develop and build and certify

Time: 8277.519

a new subsonic airliner and they already

Time: 8280.84

have huge manufacturing facilities boom

Time: 8284.319

doesn't Blake scha told us he can get

Time: 8287.08

Overture built for 7 to8 billion but

Time: 8290.639

that's a lot more than the 300 million

Time: 8293.08

he's raised so far and money's not the

Time: 8295.76

only hurdle boom and United have

Time: 8298.519

promised their new plane will operate on

Time: 8300.92

100% sustainable aviation fuel but that

Time: 8304.599

doesn't exist yet in anything like the

Time: 8306.76

quantities they'll need oh and one other

Time: 8309.84

thing they're going to need an engine to

Time: 8311.84

do this and they don't have the engine

Time: 8313.399

yet they don't have an engine Blake scha

Time: 8315.84

says an engine is on the way from the

Time: 8318.439

same company that built the supersonic

Time: 8320.399

engines for the Concord and we are

Time: 8322.96

working with Rolls-Royce on a a custom

Time: 8325.559

jet engine that will power Overture

Time: 8327.559

you're working with Rolls-Royce It it

Time: 8329.479

doesn't ex this engine does not exist

Time: 8331.359

yet it is a it is a lightly customized

Time: 8333.92

engine and part of that is rolls-royce's

Time: 8336.24

work where they're kind of turning some

Time: 8337.639

design knobs Blake SCH doesn't dismiss

Time: 8340.679

the Skeptics but he points to the

Time: 8342.679

example of Elon Musk and says not so

Time: 8345.519

long ago no one thought he could build

Time: 8347.679

Teslas and reusable Rockets where's this

Time: 8351.519

passion come from it's because we sto

Time: 8353.599

making progress on the speed of travel

Time: 8356

you know the airplanes we have today are

Time: 8357.599

no faster than the ones we had when my

Time: 8359.679

parents were growing up and there is no

Time: 8362.92

good reason for that it doesn't have to

Time: 8364.479

be we can fix it when do you expect the

Time: 8367.04

first paying customers to fly on one of

Time: 8370.439

your planes by the end of the decade

Time: 8373.04

supersonic really only makes sense on

Time: 8375.559

flights of four or 5 hours or more but

Time: 8378.679

thousands of such roots are Out Of Reach

Time: 8380.88

to Boom the reason is in the very name

Time: 8383.88

of his

Time: 8386

company that's the sound of a sonic boom

Time: 8389.2

created by a plane breaking the sound

Time: 8391.479

barrier listen

Time: 8394.52

again the first boom was made by Chuck

Time: 8397.359

Jagger's X1 rocket plane when it passed

Time: 8400

through Mach 1 about 660 mph back in

Time: 8405

1947 and he does

Time: 8408.88

it what is the sonic boom what generates

Time: 8412.56

it so when an aircraft flies faster than

Time: 8415.92

the speed of sound it creates

Time: 8417.84

disturbances Mike buano is a top engine

Time: 8421.28

at Lockheed Martin's skunkworks aircraft

Time: 8423.68

design studio in California Dave

Time: 8426.28

Richardson is his boss a lot of us

Time: 8429.28

understand the Wake that's generated by

Time: 8430.72

a ship or a boat and so imagine that

Time: 8432.8

wake from a speedboat or whatever all

Time: 8434.439

those different waves coming to be one

Time: 8436

large wave those individual disturbances

Time: 8438.84

created up by the airplane they combined

Time: 8441

together to make a loud double bang the

Time: 8443.28

Federal Aviation Administration tested

Time: 8445.64

the impact of that big bang back in

Time: 8448.64

1964 by flying milit Ary supersonic Jets

Time: 8452.16

like these over Oklahoma City for 6

Time: 8454.92

months the outcome Broken Bricks and

Time: 8458.28

ceilings frayed nerves and public

Time: 8461.72

outrage it was just patently obvious

Time: 8464.96

that no one was going to tolerate such a

Time: 8466.76

loud noise on a day-to-day basis the

Time: 8469.12

result was a ban on civilian supersonic

Time: 8471.92

flights everywhere in the world other

Time: 8474.319

than over open water and that basically

Time: 8476.92

hit the brakes on the development of

Time: 8479.24

commercial air travel terms of advancing

Time: 8481.6

speed up until uh that ban every decade

Time: 8485.6

air travel had gotten faster and faster

Time: 8488.28

the ban remains in place today so if

Time: 8491.16

boom gets its overture in the air it

Time: 8493.6

will only be able to serve long

Time: 8495.68

transoceanic routs similar to what the

Time: 8498.24

Concord flew so if you want to go from

Time: 8500.88

JFK in New York to Paris that's uh okay

Time: 8505.319

but for many of us we want to fly places

Time: 8507.24

over land here living in Los Angeles

Time: 8509.28

almost everywhere I want to go

Time: 8511.12

uh flying East requires Overland travel

Time: 8514.08

and that's one of the big problems that

Time: 8515.56

we're trying to solve wano and

Time: 8517.52

Richardson and their Lockheed Martin

Time: 8519.52

team have been commissioned by NASA to

Time: 8522.24

build a test plane that can fly twice as

Time: 8525

fast as current airliners without

Time: 8526.92

rattling nerves or breaking

Time: 8529.16

Windows your mission is to get rid of

Time: 8532.52

this sonic boom that's right the entire

Time: 8535.84

point of the airplane it is to reduce

Time: 8538.92

Sonic Boom the airplane plane is called

Time: 8541.28

the x59 it will look like this when it

Time: 8544.399

makes its first flight later this year

Time: 8546.96

for now it looks like this inside

Time: 8549.96

Lockheed Martin's Assembly Building

Time: 8552.12

you're looking at the cockpit of the

Time: 8553.68

airplane and there's no forward

Time: 8555.84

windscreen this is it every part of the

Time: 8558.6

x59 is streamlined and smooth to

Time: 8561.88

disperse sound waves and transform the

Time: 8564.68

loud Sonic Boom into a much quieter

Time: 8567.92

thump if you look at it it's pretty

Time: 8570.64

slick I mean it looks like a dart Nils

Time: 8573.479

Larsson is the NASA test pilot whose job

Time: 8576.359

it will be to prove that the x59 can

Time: 8579.479

replace the sonic boom with a simple

Time: 8582.399

thump later this year he'll pilot some

Time: 8585.359

of the early test flights and then its

Time: 8587.96

first sound tests that's coming to a

Time: 8591.24

town near you so our researchers are

Time: 8593.96

going to work with the public and we're

Time: 8595.92

going to fly over various cities and

Time: 8598.399

towns and they're to give us the

Time: 8601.12

feedback of that thump was that thump

Time: 8603.88

too loud you know did you even hear it

Time: 8606.12

at all so if you are able to fly over

Time: 8609.52

populated areas and provide this data

Time: 8612.279

then the FAA will use this data perhaps

Time: 8615.56

to lift this ban uh exactly are we

Time: 8619.24

likely to see planes in the future

Time: 8622

flying supersonic that look like this

Time: 8624.319

one I certainly hope so and I think you

Time: 8627.24

will so there are definite things that

Time: 8629.68

you would see if you walked into a

Time: 8631.439

commercial you know supersonic airplane

Time: 8634

here you know 10 12 years from now and

Time: 8636.359

you would look at that you could see you

Time: 8638.399

know some DNA that goes back to the

Time: 8642

x-59 lson took us over to NASA's x-59

Time: 8645.92

flight simulator and the first thing we

Time: 8648.319

noticed is that there's a TV screen in

Time: 8650.88

place of the missing windshield for you

Time: 8653.56

does it work as well as yeah using your

Time: 8656.359

own eyes so far I think it does about to

Time: 8658.64

go through Mach One there's Mach One you

Time: 8660.76

know you see so we're now going

Time: 8662.04

supersonic yep you're now supersonic

Time: 8664.439

Larson gave me a turn in the cockpit not

Time: 8667.52

to fly Super Sonic but to land the x59

Time: 8671.399

which is tricky given that it's shaped

Time: 8673.56

like a pencil has no windshield and I'm

Time: 8676.8

not a pilot signs come up follow him up

Time: 8679.2

just a little bit so pull back just a

Time: 8680.68

little bit a little bit more and just

Time: 8682.92

hold it right there just hold it right

Time: 8685.56

there there you go he's landed the x59

Time: 8688.399

and in the middle of the runway I did

Time: 8691.92

yeah sign him up Nils Larson will start

Time: 8696.399

test flying the real x59 later this year

Time: 8700.12

and soon after that he'll be flying it

Time: 8702.76

over us and if it's quiet enough future

Time: 8706.479

planes that follow its design lead could

Time: 8709.08

eventually fly us lots of places twice

Time: 8711.92

as fast as we can get there now when

Time: 8714.84

might I be able to fly from New York to

Time: 8718.04

Los Angeles in a supersonic there's a

Time: 8720.68

long line of things that have to happen

Time: 8722.64

starting with the x59 but I think 2035

Time: 8725.319

is your answer uh if everything marches

Time: 8727.64

along the way that it's supposed to it's

Time: 8729.8

something that people have been trying

Time: 8731

to solve for for decades have you guys

Time: 8734.84

solved that problem we believe we have

Time: 8738.6

it's rewarding seeing it getting built

Time: 8740.88

but I think that real aha moment for me

Time: 8743.56

is going to be when I hear that first

Time: 8745.56

shaped boom from x59 thumb thump the

Time: 8748.76

thumb thump we won't hear this bang and

Time: 8751.68

when we hear or don't hear that sound is

Time: 8755.16

when we know we did

Time: 8764.68

it last month the world's top climate

Time: 8768.08

scientists delivered a sobering warning

Time: 8771

their Mammoth report to the UN boiled

Time: 8773.2

down to one message act now before the

Time: 8776.399

climate breakdown becomes Unstoppable

Time: 8779.24

the report says extreme weather has

Time: 8781.52

forced millions of people from their

Time: 8783.359

homes and devastated Food Supplies oil

Time: 8786.399

and gas emissions are at a record high

Time: 8789.52

the UN report calls for drastic Cuts in

Time: 8792.439

fossil fuels but if our old Technologies

Time: 8795.76

got us into this mess can new ones get

Time: 8798.439

us out among politicians corporations

Time: 8801.56

and billionaires one new technology is

Time: 8804.6

gaining traction it's called direct air

Time: 8807.84

capture that vacuums carbon dioxide oide

Time: 8810.64

out of thin air and locks it away

Time: 8813.279

underground sound like science fiction

Time: 8816.319

we thought so too until we went to

Time: 8818.96

Iceland to see the world's first

Time: 8821.399

commercial direct air capture plant in

Time: 8828.319

operation here on a frigid plane near

Time: 8831.12

the Arctic Circle worries about an

Time: 8833.359

overheating Planet seem far

Time: 8837.24

away yet a tiny Iceland has put itself

Time: 8840.64

on the front line with a new kind of

Time: 8843.24

machine that will fight climate change

Time: 8845.56

by sucking carbon dioxide out of the air

Time: 8849.2

this is orca the first commercial direct

Time: 8852.64

air capture plant on Earth what are

Time: 8855.64

these fans how does this work here you

Time: 8858.12

see the backside of these collectors

Time: 8860.8

where the air is being pulled through

Time: 8862.479

the system by Aid of this fans Carlos

Time: 8865.84

herle is Chief technology officer for

Time: 8868.359

climb works the Swiss that built Orca he

Time: 8872.399

told us as the fans draw air in the

Time: 8875.84

carbon dioxide is trapped by a special

Time: 8878.319

filter inside these giant collectors

Time: 8881.24

each the size of a shipping container

Time: 8883.96

the captured CO2 is then siphoned off to

Time: 8887.24


Time: 8888.52

tanks we had to shout over the powerful

Time: 8891.399

fans as a bitter wind whipped around

Time: 8895.279

us so you didn't come for this wonderful

Time: 8897.64

weather no we did not we knew that the

Time: 8899.52

windows were hot

Time: 8900.72

but it's a good real life test as well

Time: 8902.64

for the plant what you're describing

Time: 8904.8

almost sounds like science fiction but

Time: 8907.6

what you're saying is that we can

Time: 8909.16

actually do this people never doubted

Time: 8912.08

the fundamental physics or chemistry of

Time: 8913.92

it but realizing it under real life

Time: 8916.359

conditions is a whole different matter

Time: 8918.399

and that's what this system shows it can

Time: 8919.92


Time: 8920.68

done clim works is now building a new

Time: 8923.68

plant in Iceland 10 times the size of

Time: 8926.16

orca that will look like this a modular

Time: 8929.64

design that herle told us can be easily

Time: 8932.479

assembled but capturing the CO2 is only

Time: 8936.12

half of the story so this is where the

Time: 8939.359

magic happens the second half starts

Time: 8941.76

here in these metal Igloo where the CO2

Time: 8945.08

is sent to be buried in the poorest

Time: 8947.279

volcanic rock of Iceland so this pipe is

Time: 8950

actually filled with water Sandra OS is

Time: 8952.6

a geologist with carbfix an Icelandic

Time: 8955.64

company that pioneered the

Time: 8957.2

groundbreaking injection method here we

Time: 8960.6

have the CO2 and the CO2 is actually

Time: 8963.439

dissolved in water so it's actually just

Time: 8965.8

fizzy water just fizzy water yeah and

Time: 8968.24

this fizy water is being injected here

Time: 8971.24

into the injection well how far down

Time: 8973.8

does it go it actually reaches over a

Time: 8976.12

mile down a mile down yeah the fizzy

Time: 8979.279

water is shot like a soda stream into

Time: 8981.84

Iceland's basaltic rock where it reacts

Time: 8984.8

with the minerals and hardens to Stone

Time: 8987.72

in less than 2 years so the the fizzy

Time: 8990.8

water turns into this yes in just a

Time: 8994.279

matter of years so you so you take this

Time: 8997.08

gas that you can't see you turn it into

Time: 8999.6

fizy water and then it turns to Stone

Time: 9002.04

and you don't have to worry about it

Time: 9004

turned into stone it's it's quite

Time: 9006.16

amazing carbfix didn't invent the

Time: 9008.8

process nature did but nature takes

Time: 9013.68

Millennia after years of experimenting

Time: 9016.16

in Iceland's grueling outdoor laboratory

Time: 9019

carbfix figure figured out how to speed

Time: 9021.2


Time: 9022.08

up aerospace engineer Carlos herle told

Time: 9025.6

us Orca was a milestone now the hard

Time: 9029.04

part starts scaling up fast enough to

Time: 9032

slow climate change whether we are

Time: 9034.56

taking the right direction will depend

Time: 9036.359

as much on societal things than on

Time: 9038.64

technical matters am I optimistic as an

Time: 9040.8

engineer I am absolutely am I optim as a

Time: 9043.279

citizen maybe half half I haven't made

Time: 9046.439

up my mind yet this goal can be reached

Time: 9050.2

technically it's just whether we have

Time: 9052.84

the political and social will to do it I

Time: 9055.76

think that's the exact right way of

Time: 9057.24

looking at it there's been a stampede of

Time: 9060.68

investment Microsoft Airbus Insurance

Time: 9063.92

Giants Swiss re have poured in millions

Time: 9066.96

of dollars but it's a Stupify challenge

Time: 9070.56

Orca is built to take out the emissions

Time: 9073

of about 800 cars or 4,000 tons of CO2 a

Time: 9077.8

year a tiny fraction of the annual 10

Time: 9081.439

billion tons scientists say we need to

Time: 9084.16

remove from the atmosphere it's the

Time: 9086.72

problem of Our Generation it's like a

Time: 9088.96

moonshot it's going calerie heelen is an

Time: 9091.52

astrophysicist with carbfix he told us

Time: 9094.84

studying space helped him to think big

Time: 9098.479

we met him on a Barren stretch of rock

Time: 9100.68

that could have been Mars but hegels

Time: 9103.279

told us he saw potential we need big

Time: 9107

Solutions we need to return the carbon

Time: 9109.359

back to where it came from which is the

Time: 9111.8

Earth tell me what you're doing here

Time: 9114.279

this will be a first of a-kind carbon

Time: 9116.88

mineral storage terminal which means

Time: 9118.92

that we are going to bring in CO2

Time: 9121.279

transport it from industrial Point

Time: 9123.399

sources in Europe and ship it here and

Time: 9127.04

inject it for full mineral

Time: 9130.56

storage it will be the world's first

Time: 9133.279

industrial scale underground disposal

Time: 9135.64

site for

Time: 9137.359

CO2 capable of handling three million

Time: 9140.479

tons a year hegels sketched out a new

Time: 9143.76

world where tankers running on green

Time: 9146.319

methanol would transport carbon dioxide

Time: 9149.319

from European businesses to Iceland is

Time: 9152.56

this going to happen fast enough to help

Time: 9155.279

us with climate

Time: 9157.12

change I don't know to be perfectly

Time: 9160.56

honest um we are demonstrating the first

Time: 9163.319

mineral storage Hub here at the Megaton

Time: 9165.68

scale whether that will happen in time

Time: 9168.359

that is not entirely up to to us that is

Time: 9170.56

up to politicians governance financers

Time: 9174.04

societies and quite frankly we are

Time: 9176.64

running out of time direct air capture

Time: 9179.52

as it now exists is expensive and energy

Time: 9182.56

intensive in Iceland that energy is

Time: 9185.72

geothermal renewable and green that's

Time: 9189.16

not the case elsewhere so governments in

Time: 9192.2

Europe and the US have dangled billions

Time: 9194.8

of dollars of tax breaks to encourage

Time: 9197.24

companies to take the plunge but there's

Time: 9199.84

a bigger question than just who writes

Time: 9202.12

the check do you fear that people will

Time: 9206.84

think oh well we can now clean the air

Time: 9210.72

we can just take the CO2 out of the air

Time: 9214.12

so we can carry on with business as

Time: 9216.8

usual all the time yeah but that's not

Time: 9220.12

how it works we must stop the emissions

Time: 9223.16

and wean ourselves off of fossil fuels

Time: 9225.76

that's what we need to do right now on

Time: 9228.08

top of that we also must take down the

Time: 9231.319

carbon that we've already put up in the

Time: 9233.12

atmosphere only then will we reach our

Time: 9235.72


Time: 9236.96


Time: 9239.399

so carbon capture can never be an excuse

Time: 9243.279

for continuing business as usual but

Time: 9246.319

it's that business as usual that critics

Time: 9248.52

are warning against as direct air

Time: 9250.8

capture expands to the US that's because

Time: 9254.08

here oil companies are one of the

Time: 9256.2

Technology's biggest boosters they have

Time: 9258.88

been capturing CO2 to inject into oil

Time: 9261.56

wells for decades not to bury it but to

Time: 9264.96

flush out more oil for Cal hegels of

Time: 9268.359

carbfix and many others that's a

Time: 9271.12

non-starter we don't see the need to

Time: 9273.359

work with the oil and gas sector well if

Time: 9275.279

the oil and gas

Time: 9277.359

industry could help with the financing

Time: 9281.279

of the direct air capture why not team

Time: 9285.359

up with them we don't need them for

Time: 9290

direct air capture and quite frankly we

Time: 9293.479

don't want there to be an oil and gas

Time: 9296.04


Time: 9297.319

in 40 50 years there will still be an

Time: 9300.92

oil industry in 50 years I have no doubt

Time: 9303.479

about that I think our company though

Time: 9305.84

will be a different company by 2050 that

Time: 9308.8

company is ocidental petroleum and Vicki

Time: 9311.56

holb is CEO she wants to turn oxy into

Time: 9315.279

what she calls a carbon management

Time: 9317.52

company it is set aside more than a

Time: 9320

billion dollars to build what will be

Time: 9322.16

the world's largest direct air capture

Time: 9324.56

plant in Texas so this would represent

Time: 9327.279

the CO2 that's equivalent to taking

Time: 9330.279

200,000 cars off the road holl showed us

Time: 9333.24

the Texas version of how CO2 would be

Time: 9335.88

sucked out of the air these are air

Time: 9338.92

contact Towers some of the captured CO2

Time: 9341.92

will be locked away underground just as

Time: 9344.16

we saw in Iceland some will still be

Time: 9346.92

used to extract more oil but h told us

Time: 9350.56

using carbon sucked out of the air means

Time: 9353.479

the new oil produced is what she calls

Time: 9356.359

carbon neutral that was hard to wrap our

Time: 9359.6

heads around but you'll be using carbon

Time: 9362.64

that you're capturing and taking out of

Time: 9364.2

the air to produce more oil that will

Time: 9368.8

then generate more carbon but the the

Time: 9372.76

oil will emit less carbon than the CO2

Time: 9376.359

we've injected to get it so we've put

Time: 9378.68

more at at least the equivalent and

Time: 9382.399

sometimes more CO2 in the ground to get

Time: 9385.68

that oil then the oil will Adit when

Time: 9388.319

used holb told us producing oil this way

Time: 9392.08

is essential in the transition to a

Time: 9394.399

green economy Airlines and ships for

Time: 9397.399

example would need to run on fossil

Time: 9399.56

fuels until a sustainable alternative is

Time: 9402.08

found that could take years until then

Time: 9405.68

Hollow argues using CO2 to get that oil

Time: 9409.72

helps keep a lid on emissions your

Time: 9412.84

critics will say you can't trust an oil

Time: 9415.2

company talking about reducing

Time: 9418.52

CO2 that your mission here is tant

Time: 9421.439

amount to

Time: 9422.56

greenwashing I would first say that we

Time: 9424.68

would never spend $1.2 billion for

Time: 9427.12

greenwashing so we've got a Monumental

Time: 9430

task ahead of us the way that the CO2

Time: 9434.16

enhanced oil recovery process works is

Time: 9437.479

that we can reduce more out of the

Time: 9440.12

atmosphere than what um our products

Time: 9443.16

will emit when used and so if that's not

Time: 9446.52

a concept that people can get then we we

Time: 9451.12

will no we will not have a chance to

Time: 9453.56

achieve what we need to

Time: 9456.439

achieve HB told us she knows critics of

Time: 9459.68

big oil are suspicious and that many

Time: 9462.04

feel industry isn't moving fast enough

Time: 9464.279

to avoid a climate catastrophe on that

Time: 9467.359

point HB doesn't disagree

Time: 9470.16

she told us with the help of tax

Time: 9472.319

incentives ocidental plans to build 130

Time: 9476.16

more direct air capture plants by

Time: 9479.279

2035 we know how to make it happen we

Time: 9481.52

know how to drill the wells we know how

Time: 9483.52

to safely sequester it we were in

Time: 9486.24

Iceland and we were talking to some of

Time: 9487.64

the direct air capture companies and to

Time: 9491.96

be blunt they don't quite believe you

Time: 9494.96

we're going to walk the talk that's the

Time: 9496.56

only way that does it words will never

Time: 9499.08

convince anybody we need to get the

Time: 9501.08

direct air capture up and working we

Time: 9503.24

need to um make it better make it more

Time: 9506.279

economical and start having it developed

Time: 9509.6

all around the

Time: 9511.439

world the next decade will be critical

Time: 9514.479

if the direct air capture industry is to

Time: 9516.64

grow big enough to make an impact both

Time: 9519.479

carbfix and clim works told us they will

Time: 9522.52

be expanding to the US neither plans to

Time: 9526

work with the American oil industry

Time: 9538.359

the transition from fossil fuels to

Time: 9540.72

sustainable electric power has gone

Time: 9543.2

mainstream most visibly in the Auto

Time: 9545.8

industry the major car companies are

Time: 9548.2

chasing Tesla with ambitious plans for

Time: 9550.84

fleets of electric vehicles those cars

Time: 9553.56

and trucks run on lithium batteries the

Time: 9556.68

US has massive quantities of lithium but

Time: 9559.439

has been slow to invest in the mining

Time: 9561.6

and extraction of the metal that's about

Time: 9564.16

to change lithium operations powered by

Time: 9567.24

Clean energy are being developed in a

Time: 9569.64

long neglected impoverished part of

Time: 9571.88

California by the saltan Sea not far

Time: 9574.76

from the Mexican border the region is

Time: 9577.399

being called lithium Valley and just

Time: 9580.399

like the 1849 Gold Rush companies are

Time: 9583.96

racing to strike it

Time: 9587.72

rich east of s San Diego and south of

Time: 9590.76

Palm Springs lies the saltan sea

Time: 9593.56

California's largest inland body of

Time: 9595.84

water spreading East from the sea is a

Time: 9598.8

giant underground mineral-rich

Time: 9601.2

geothermal field boiling with pottassium

Time: 9604.2

sodium and lithium it is a worldclass

Time: 9608.279

lithium resource this is when you hear

Time: 9611.479

estimates of how big this resource could

Time: 9613.439

be it's usually measured on annual tons

Time: 9616.64

produced and we're confident that this

Time: 9619.12

is is a in excess of 300,000 tons a year

Time: 9623.2

right now that's way more than half of

Time: 9625.56

the world supply of lithium Eric sper is

Time: 9629.279

CEO of energy source minerals a company

Time: 9632.319

based by the salt and sea in

Time: 9634.2

California's Imperial Valley it's

Time: 9636.8

steaming ahead with plans to recover

Time: 9639.399

lithium using an existing Electric Plant

Time: 9642.96

powered by the vast underground

Time: 9645.2

geothermal field we're moving into an

Time: 9648.72

era of Green Technology especially with

Time: 9650.92

our cars where does this fit in our more

Time: 9654.64

conservative projection would support 7

Time: 9657.04

and a half million electric vehicles a

Time: 9659.04

year which is half of the total US Car

Time: 9663.279

Sales or cars and trucks coming from the

Time: 9666.96

salt and sea area correct what about

Time: 9669.56

this plant this plant will be 20,000

Time: 9672.319

tons per year which is equivalent to

Time: 9674.96


Time: 9676.319

500,000 vehicles per year once up and

Time: 9680.2

running the tons of lithium generated

Time: 9682.479

here will be shipped refined and

Time: 9684.8

processed into millions of rechargeable

Time: 9687.359

electric car batteries over 50% of our

Time: 9691.2

lineup and our retail sales will be from

Time: 9694.359

Battery electric vehicles by the end of

Time: 9696.479

the decade Mark Stewart is head of

Time: 9698.84

stellantis North America a global car

Time: 9701.6

maker that owns some of America's Best

Time: 9703.88

Known Brands including Chrysler Jeep and

Time: 9707.04

Ram trucks it really is quote unquote

Time: 9709.92

the Industrial Revolution the next phase

Time: 9712

right this is the most interesting and

Time: 9714.479

exciting time to be a part of our

Time: 9715.84

industry stantis is investing $35

Time: 9719.439

billion in an ambitious historic

Time: 9722.76

transformation we're reimagining our

Time: 9725.439

factories on our assembly plants they're

Time: 9727.64

already rolling our plug-in hybrids uh

Time: 9730.04

as well as looking to two new uh battery

Time: 9733

joint ventures uh that are in Full

Time: 9735.04

Construction right now the new

Time: 9736.96

Industrial Revolution it absolutely is

Time: 9739.6

it's really the the biggest

Time: 9741.6

technological changes in our industry in

Time: 9743.52

nearly 100 years we were down in the

Time: 9745.64

saltan sea region they believe they can

Time: 9749.68

supply the lithium needs for All

Time: 9753.359

American car manufactures absolutely

Time: 9757.2

that is the case whatever they can

Time: 9759.12

produce you guys will be buying it we

Time: 9761.319

for sure will take as much as we can get

Time: 9764.12

and as much as we have we have already

Time: 9765.88

secured early lithium is key to powering

Time: 9769.279

electric cars the dense metal helps make

Time: 9772.279

batteries rechargeable there's a lot of

Time: 9775.04

it around but extracting lithium is

Time: 9777.8

dirty business most comes from Rock

Time: 9780.6

mines in Australia or as powder

Time: 9783.439

evaporated from mineral ponds in South

Time: 9785.8

America the US has one lithium

Time: 9788.72

evaporation plant in Nevada Energy

Time: 9791.56

Source plans to break ground on a clean

Time: 9794.279

billion doll facility here by the salt

Time: 9797.08

and sea in the next few months

Time: 9799.96

so the plant will fit in this spot right

Time: 9802.04

here correct that spot that's not a big

Time: 9803.72

that's not a big footprint no what are

Time: 9806.439

these we call them the mud pots and they

Time: 9809.279

are CO2 vents hot CO2 with fluid that's

Time: 9813.24

bubbling to the

Time: 9815.04

surface so this is evidence of the Heat

Time: 9818.2

and activity going on underground

Time: 9820.279

correct the 600° geothermal brine that

Time: 9823.92

powers the Region's electric plants

Time: 9826.24

comes from more than a mile beneath the

Time: 9828.479

Earth the boiling brine produces clean

Time: 9831.92

steam which drives turbines to generate

Time: 9834.92

enough electricity to power 4 100,000

Time: 9838.08

homes in the past the mineral Rich brine

Time: 9841.56

was simply returned to the earth now

Time: 9844.76

energy source plans to extend the

Time: 9847.2

process and extract lithium from the

Time: 9849.72

brine before re-injecting it underground

Time: 9853.76

our process in combination with this

Time: 9856.56

resource will be the cleanest

Time: 9859.72

most efficient lithium process in the

Time: 9861.56

world and how long before the lithium

Time: 9865.16

processed here will be in commercial use

Time: 9867.92

in the US in

Time: 9870.08

2025 a lot of the components that go

Time: 9872.279

into the batteries have been coming from

Time: 9874.72

um you know anywhere around the world

Time: 9877.56

but but America why was that we have a

Time: 9880.439

lot of um decent resources in North

Time: 9883.92

America they've just been

Time: 9886.68

undeveloped David Dee worked for for

Time: 9889.2

Tesla traveling the world to find the

Time: 9891.84

best sources of lithium as it was

Time: 9893.96

building up production of its electric

Time: 9895.88

vehicles or EVS Tesla turned to the

Time: 9899.279

lithium ion battery to power its cars

Time: 9902.359

the same kind of rechargeable battery

Time: 9904.72

Sony first mass produced for its cam

Time: 9907.24

quarters there was a new market for

Time: 9909.359

Consumer Electronics but the vast

Time: 9910.8

majority is for electric vehicles and

Time: 9913.359

that was pretty much triggered by Tesla

Time: 9916.399

triggered by Tesla also you know there's

Time: 9919

lot of Eevee growth uh and Eevee demand

Time: 9922.399

and production in in China that's been a

Time: 9924.359

big part of uh big part of the global

Time: 9926.64

lithium demand Story come on in deak is

Time: 9929.56

now energy sources Chief development

Time: 9931.96

officer and says he had a Eureka moment

Time: 9934.8

when he saw its unique technology at the

Time: 9937.8

company's lab deak showed us the

Time: 9939.88

mechanics in miniature the full-size

Time: 9942.64

plant will be 100 times larger so what

Time: 9946.76

goes on inside this cylinder

Time: 9949.76

is it pellets or what what is the The

Time: 9952.68

Matrix yeah I think of it as beads in a

Time: 9955.92

in a column much like the activated

Time: 9958.359

carbon that you would find in a brida

Time: 9959.68

filter it works in a in a similar

Time: 9961.72

concept a br filter will filter all

Time: 9963.84

impurities out of water mhm this

Time: 9966.319

absorbent is something that would only

Time: 9968.56

take in lithium and not absorb

Time: 9971.12

everything else the system takes just a

Time: 9973.96

few hours to turn this orange brine into

Time: 9977.24

this clear lithium solution

Time: 9979.479

which will be dried into powder and this

Time: 9982.76

is what everybody's looking for that's

Time: 9984.359

what everyone

Time: 9985.399

wants here by the salt and sea energy

Time: 9988.439

source is leading the race for lithium

Time: 9991.24

Warren Buffett's bhe Renewables runs 10

Time: 9994.92

geothermal power plants in the

Time: 9998.24

region and there's another on the

Time: 10000.56

drawing board by an Australian company

Time: 10003.08

controlled thermal resources both

Time: 10005.68

Ventures are moving to tap the promise

Time: 10008.12

bubbling under the Earth CEO Rod cwell

Time: 10012.279

told us controlled thermal resources had

Time: 10015.04

been fine-tuning the process at this

Time: 10017.2

test facility for 90 days we're

Time: 10020.2

producing lithium from live Brian here

Time: 10022.68

behind us this is our optimization plant

Time: 10025.68

based on what it learns here controlled

Time: 10027.76

thermal resources plans to build a new

Time: 10030.04

plant for recovering lithium which costs

Time: 10032.6

about $4,000 a ton to extract and

Time: 10036.08

currently is selling for six times more

Time: 10041.2

the noise is from the machine cooling

Time: 10043.72

600° brine rising from the well

Time: 10047.04

releasing Steam and this is a battery

Time: 10049.88

grade product from suan C BR this for

Time: 10052.68

you is Eureka this is absolutely R yes

Time: 10056.76

Rod cwell told us this bottle of clear

Time: 10059.72

lithium chloride is the purest product

Time: 10062.359

from this test facility so far this is

Time: 10065.399

the first time this has been in my hands

Time: 10067.24

this happened last night Bill s I might

Time: 10069.68

take that home with me that's about $10

Time: 10072.319

worth of lithium right there so you know

Time: 10074.439

it works we know it works the question

Time: 10077.8

here in the salt and sea Basin is will

Time: 10080.279

it work for everyone this Rich lithium

Time: 10083.52

resource Lies Beneath one of the poorest

Time: 10086.52

sections of

Time: 10087.92

California the saltan sea was created

Time: 10090.479

when the Colorado River flooded the

Time: 10092.6

Basin in 1905 but for the past 50 years

Time: 10096.16

the main source of water has been

Time: 10098.279

chemical Laden agricultural runoff and

Time: 10101.2

for decades now the sea has been

Time: 10103.319

evaporating and shrinking a once

Time: 10106

thriving tourist industry has been

Time: 10108.04

replaced by environmental Decay toxic

Time: 10111.24

dust and economic hardship and with

Time: 10113.92

unemployment in the region hovering

Time: 10115.64

around 16% there's a lot riding on

Time: 10118.8

turning the Imperial Valley into lithium

Time: 10121.92

Valley Governor nusum call it you know

Time: 10124.399

the Saudi Arabia of lithium I think you

Time: 10127.96

know it can change landscape of the

Time: 10129.92

region Frank Ruiz the Autobon society's

Time: 10133.12

local program director is fighting to

Time: 10135.64

include the community in that change he

Time: 10138.76

was a commissioner on the state panel

Time: 10140.92

studying how the entire region can

Time: 10143.479

benefit from the potential

Time: 10145.76

underground you're an

Time: 10148.04

environmentalist how do you reconcile

Time: 10150.76

the industrialization of this area with

Time: 10153.52

saving the wildlife and the communities

Time: 10156.359

we need to learn how to balance the

Time: 10157.72

tables the Le industry can be really

Time: 10160.6

good you know for these communities it

Time: 10162.399

can you know it can provide better pay

Time: 10165.6

jobs it can provide more job

Time: 10167.92

opportunities especially for the younger

Time: 10169.96

folks it can provide the revenues you

Time: 10173.08

know to offset the challenges that we

Time: 10175.8

have here at the Salton Sea geologists

Time: 10178.68

predict once the industry is fully

Time: 10180.72

operational the lithium underground

Time: 10183.2

should last for Generations before

Time: 10185.399

running out good news for stellantis

Time: 10188.279

which ran out of batteries for its

Time: 10190.2

plug-in hybrid Jeep Wrangler last year

Time: 10193.64

we sold out what happened the you know

Time: 10197.04

if uh if I could turn back my crystal

Time: 10198.92

ball bill I would have secured a little

Time: 10200.84

more capacity for for last year to

Time: 10203.76

prevent that from happening in the

Time: 10205.12

future Mark Stewart and stellantis have

Time: 10208.12

committed to buying lithium from

Time: 10210.04

controlled thermal resources at the salt

Time: 10212.16

and sea knowing it will be years before

Time: 10215.12

its product is commercially viable we

Time: 10218.08

secured a large Supply from them over a

Time: 10220.279

10-year period uh because we are very

Time: 10222.84

positive on their technology so is car

Time: 10225.76

maker General Motors which has invested

Time: 10228.319

in controlled thermal resources the

Time: 10230.84

department of energy and US automakers

Time: 10233.279

are eager for domestic lithium the

Time: 10235.92

companies were stung when the pandemic

Time: 10238.239

disrupted the worldwide supply chain

Time: 10240.76

stalling shipments of microchips Parts

Time: 10243.279

and batteries still today 3/4 of all

Time: 10247.479

lithium batteries are are processed in

Time: 10249.8

Asia current lithium what typically

Time: 10252.359

happens right it's mined in one spot

Time: 10254.279

it's moved across the world for

Time: 10255.88

processing and comes back think of all

Time: 10258.56

that additional cost think of all that

Time: 10260.239

additional carbon that's being used to

Time: 10261.84

do that and at the end someone pays for

Time: 10264.08

it and that's a consumer so will having

Time: 10267.319

this domestic supply of

Time: 10269.319

lithium help keep the cost of electric

Time: 10272

vehicles down it will certainly help

Time: 10275.52

prices for electric cars are coming down

Time: 10278.04

and are projected to be on par with gas

Time: 10280.6

vehicles within a few years driven in

Time: 10283.359

part by the tax incentives in the 2022

Time: 10286.399

inflation reduction act Eric sper of

Time: 10289.72

energy source told us the tax benefits

Time: 10292.6

have also been a catalyst for developing

Time: 10295

domestic lithium we're starting to see

Time: 10297.359

big announcements of Investments to

Time: 10300.439

create that domestic demand so it

Time: 10303.56

doesn't ever have to go across an ocean

Time: 10306.04

this seems like this is a GameChanger

Time: 10308.76

for American industry it's a competitive

Time: 10312.88

Advantage it's an opportunity that we

Time: 10315.319

can be a leader globally and why not

Time: 10327.16

lead when hurricane Doran slammed into

Time: 10330.56

the northern Bahamas in 2019 the

Time: 10333.2

category 5 storm caused nearly

Time: 10335.52

inestimable damage on a number of

Time: 10337.76

islands there's a growing consensus

Time: 10340.12

among scientists that climate change is

Time: 10342.319

making hurricane stronger and more

Time: 10344.52

destructive that's very bad news for the

Time: 10347.16

Bahamas a string of more than 700

Time: 10349.76

low-lying Islands stretching from

Time: 10351.84

Florida nearly down to Cuba in the heart

Time: 10354.72

of what's come to be known as Hurricane

Time: 10357.239

Alley when we visited in late 2019

Time: 10360.72

hurricane recovery was really just

Time: 10363.08

beginning but we discovered that the

Time: 10365.279

Bahamas had found a ray of Hope specific

Time: 10368.479

speically a solar array that can survive

Time: 10371.52

future hurricanes and in the process it

Time: 10374.64

may have important lessons for the rest

Time: 10377.12

of the

Time: 10379.08

world with sustained winds of 185

Time: 10384.84

mph gusts above 200 and a storm surge

Time: 10389.08

well over 20 ft in some spots please

Time: 10391.84

pray for

Time: 10393.279

us hurricane Duan W unimaginable havoc

Time: 10397.2

on the Bahamian Islands known as the

Time: 10399.68

abacos there's not enough words in the

Time: 10403.56

dictionary to describe what H toown look

Time: 10405.64

like after this H toown has been Vernon

Time: 10408.88

Malone's home for all of his 82 years

Time: 10412.479

his family has lived here since

Time: 10415.04

1785 he's the town Baker and grosser and

Time: 10418.8

he and his wife rode out the storm in

Time: 10421.279

his store it survived but their home

Time: 10424.6

just up the street did not the entrance

Time: 10427.72

went right in there Vernon's son Brian

Time: 10431.08

had a home just around the corner had a

Time: 10434.439

home that pile of rubble we see there

Time: 10438.04

that's actually two and a half houses

Time: 10440.479

mine's on the bottom hope toown is a

Time: 10443

Bahamian Landmark its candy striped

Time: 10445.96

Lighthouse dates to

Time: 10447.76

1863 and is pictured on the country's

Time: 10450.359

$10 bill the lighthouse stood up to

Time: 10453.8

Dorian but as we saw coming into the

Time: 10456.6

harbor not much else

Time: 10459.08

did I hear generators

Time: 10462.2

everywhere is this how you guys are

Time: 10465.16

getting through yep yep Brian Malone and

Time: 10468.8

Matt Winslow an American who owns a

Time: 10470.96

vacation home on the island told us why

Time: 10474.08

all those generators are still running

Time: 10477.439

the substation in Marsh Harbor which

Time: 10479.08

feeds us the power is destroyed and then

Time: 10481.319

of course you can see all the utility

Time: 10482.68

poles are pretty much destroyed so this

Time: 10484.88

isn't a case where you you come in and

Time: 10487.479

replace some poles and you flick a

Time: 10489.2

switch this is months and months and

Time: 10490.76

months of of work hop toown is on one of

Time: 10494.439

several small Islands ravaged by Dorian

Time: 10497.72

which then moved across 7 miles of Open

Time: 10500.64

Water to Marsh Harbor the largest town

Time: 10503.08

in the abacast at least 60 people died

Time: 10506.52

in Marsh Harbor and destruction is still

Time: 10509.319

everywhere total damage and loss from

Time: 10511.84

Dorian is estimated at

Time: 10514.08


Time: 10516

billion when you see the extend of the

Time: 10520.2

destruction where do you even begin how

Time: 10522.72

do you even begin that's always the

Time: 10525.16

question where do we began the Bahamian

Time: 10527.88

prime minister at the time Hubert M and

Time: 10530.88

his Aid Viana Gardner visited Marsh

Time: 10533.68

Harbor with us and pointed to a top

Time: 10536.399

priority restoring electric power how do

Time: 10539.96

you bring this back the power we had to

Time: 10542.64

make determination to set up um micro

Time: 10545.2

grids the micro grids prime minister min

Time: 10548.319

is talking about are small scale systems

Time: 10551.479

more and more they are solar arrays with

Time: 10554.08

battery storage for when the sun's not

Time: 10556.359

shining they can either feed electricity

Time: 10559.319

into the larger Grid or operate

Time: 10561.72

independently to power a single facility

Time: 10564.399

or a neighborhood the way electricity

Time: 10567.399

has been produced in the Bahamas is with

Time: 10569.84

diesel fuel generating stations on each

Time: 10572.52

inhabited Island about 30 in all feeding

Time: 10576.08

power to everyone through over

Time: 10578.92

headlines the main power plant for this

Time: 10581.16

island is literally 25 Mi south of here

Time: 10584.399

that's 25 Mi a line that has to be

Time: 10586.84

rebuilt Chris Burgess and Justin lock

Time: 10589.8

run the islands energy program for an

Time: 10592.68

American nonprofit called the Rocky

Time: 10594.88

Mountain Institute they have solar

Time: 10597.6

projects throughout Hurricane Alley

Time: 10600.359

after Category 5 Maria hit Puerto Rico

Time: 10603.16

in 2017 they put micro grids on the

Time: 10606.359

roofs of 10 schools Maria also brushed

Time: 10610.04

St Vincent this is its first micro grid

Time: 10614.279

now the islands energy program has come

Time: 10616.84

to Marsh Harbor so how big will this

Time: 10619.92

solar array be 15 Acres right through

Time: 10624.16

here that micro grid will satisfy 10% of

Time: 10628.2

marsh Harbor's total power needs and

Time: 10630.72

will be built right between its

Time: 10632.72

government center and Hospital both were

Time: 10635.52

without power for weeks after Dorian

Time: 10638.359

this is high ground which makes it less

Time: 10640.319

vulnerable to storm surge and other

Time: 10642.68

types of disaster events so if uh a

Time: 10646.239

storm like Dorian hits again the power

Time: 10648.96

to these two critical facilities stays

Time: 10651.84

on corre the push to build stormproof

Time: 10655.479

solar micro grids in the Bahamas began

Time: 10658.239

in 2017 after Hurricane Irma another

Time: 10662.04

category 5 storm tore through tiny

Time: 10665.359

ragged Island at the southern tip of the

Time: 10667.8

island chain after raged Island was

Time: 10670.76

devastated I made a statement let us

Time: 10674.04

show the world what can be done we may

Time: 10677.439

be small but we can set an example to

Time: 10680.2

the world so it's your your goal to make

Time: 10684.399

ragged Island a Green Island absolutely

Time: 10688.08

absolutely after which we can expand it

Time: 10690.96

we can expand

Time: 10692.399

it to see the prime minister's green

Time: 10695.52

experiment we flew to ragged Island with

Time: 10698.319

Whitney Hasty CEO of government-owned

Time: 10701.279

utility Bahamas Power and Light engineer

Time: 10705.2

Burlington STW met us there and took us

Time: 10708.359

to what he calls the very first

Time: 10710.84

hurricane proof solar micro grid being

Time: 10713.76

installed in the

Time: 10715.239

Bahamas unlike other solar designs it's

Time: 10717.76

very low to the ground so this

Time: 10719.8

installation is rated to withstand 1880

Time: 10722.319

M hour winds which is an even harder

Time: 10725.319

punch than Irma landed back in 2017

Time: 10728.84

there was significant Devastation on

Time: 10730.52

this island as you can see some of the

Time: 10731.68

poles snapped right at the very base of

Time: 10733.64

the PO snapped right at the base is that

Time: 10735.399

what happened all over the island that

Time: 10737.16

happened throughout the island this

Time: 10739.279

micro grid will produce enough

Time: 10741.12

electricity for ragged Islands roughly

Time: 10743.68

100 residents the Prime Minister calls

Time: 10746.279

it a laboratory for the solar future the

Time: 10749.6

past is a diesel generator needing boats

Time: 10752.56

to deliver fuel from hundreds of miles

Time: 10755.04

away a system Whitney Hasty says is a

Time: 10758.399

nightmare you know in summer we're

Time: 10761.56

almost on the verge of running out of

Time: 10763.64

fuel in some of these islands because

Time: 10765.68

bad weather sometimes prohibits the

Time: 10767.88

ships from actually getting to some of

Time: 10769.64


Time: 10770.64

location the Bahamian government spends

Time: 10773.319

nearly $400 million a year on imported

Time: 10776.6

fuel to keep its power plants running

Time: 10779.439

and passes that cost along to its

Time: 10782

citizens they pay three to four times

Time: 10785.96

what we pay on the mainland us right for

Time: 10789.439

electricity here right and that isn't

Time: 10790.8

price gouging I mean that's that's just

Time: 10793.319

inherent cost everything costs more in

Time: 10796.439

the islands the bill to install this new

Time: 10799.08

solar micro grid is $3 million Hasty

Time: 10802.96

insists it's money well spent so you

Time: 10806.56

have this initial big outlay to build

Time: 10809.479

these panels but over time the cost of

Time: 10813.68

generating power actually goes down

Time: 10816.399

absolutely absolutely by using what God

Time: 10818.92

has blessed us with which is the natural

Time: 10820.439

sun it's not a perfect solution on

Time: 10823.239

ragged Island notably the power from

Time: 10825.8

these panels will still feed into the

Time: 10828.16

vulnerable overhead power lines the

Time: 10830.6

money's not there yet to bury them one

Time: 10833.359

of the first things that I think

Time: 10834.399

everyone can agree on is everything has

Time: 10836.439

to go underground back in hopetown Matt

Time: 10839.359

Winslow says they have the funds to bury

Time: 10842.16

their lines Americans with second homes

Time: 10845.12

here add a lot to the economy winds

Time: 10848.239

Family Foundation has donated nearly a

Time: 10850.84

million dollars to rebuilding efforts

Time: 10853.64

they already have a makeshift micr grid

Time: 10856.479

powering the fire station and health

Time: 10858.359

clinic and Winslow has hired Engineers

Time: 10861.239

to help plan a much bigger one on a

Time: 10863.439

nearby Island it's possible that over in

Time: 10866.08

great we could put uh you know a

Time: 10868.68

solar array 18 acres and that goes uh

Time: 10871.88

that power is piped through you know

Time: 10873.92

preferably a new undersea cable to the

Time: 10875.76

island and that could be a main source

Time: 10877.279

of our power that would be enough to

Time: 10878.76

power this island absolutely the

Time: 10881.319

Bahama's goal is to produce 30% of its

Time: 10884.16

energy from renewable sources by 2030

Time: 10887.64

Justin lock and Chris Burgess of the

Time: 10889.88

islands energy program believe the

Time: 10892.239

country can do even better the price of

Time: 10895.52

Renewables have come down to the point

Time: 10898.359

where they're now very very competitive

Time: 10900.439

with diesel and in most cases um way

Time: 10904.12

cheaper than diesel the key game Cher

Time: 10906.92

has been battery storage

Time: 10909.04

battery storage has decreased in cost

Time: 10911.08

over 60% over the last 5 years and what

Time: 10914.319

battery storage does is it enables the

Time: 10916.88

sun to shine when the sun is not shining

Time: 10919.12

Renewables make more sense here than

Time: 10920.64

anywhere else in the world and in the

Time: 10923.2

Caribbean micro grids are starting to

Time: 10925.399

show their value when earthquakes struck

Time: 10928.439

Puerto Rico in 2020 the entire Island's

Time: 10932

big electric grid was shut down for days

Time: 10935.399

but remember those solar micro grids

Time: 10937.92

installed at schools they kept providing

Time: 10940.88

power the lessons can really apply

Time: 10944.12

anywhere California has the same system

Time: 10947.12

architecture as here in the Caribbean

Time: 10948.76

right fossil fuel long transmission

Time: 10950.96

distribution lines right and you see

Time: 10952.88

that pg& had to proactively shut off

Time: 10955.6

power to millions of people in order to

Time: 10958

prevent fire if there had been these

Time: 10960.72


Time: 10961.72

grids might it have been that pg& would

Time: 10964.56

not have had to cut off power to correct

Time: 10967

millions of consumers correct here in

Time: 10969.64

the Bahamas there are still huge

Time: 10972.239

economic obstacles losses from Dorian

Time: 10975.12

equal nearly 30% of the country's entire

Time: 10978.479

annual GDP we've got this

Time: 10982.279

incredible outlay to rebuild these

Time: 10985

islands that were devastated by Dorian

Time: 10987.96

can you afford to bring on a new form of

Time: 10992.68

electrical generation we cannot afford

Time: 10995.68

it we recognize from one that we cannot

Time: 10999.52

do it alone just weeks after Dorian hit

Time: 11003.279

then prime minister minis spoke at the

Time: 11005.6

United Nations he emphasized that most

Time: 11008.52

of the Bahamas was not damaged and eager

Time: 11010.96

for tourists lifeblood of the economy

Time: 11013.96

then he said that First World countries

Time: 11016.279

and their pollution are at least partly

Time: 11018.8

to blame for the threat of ever stronger

Time: 11022

hurricanes it is a

Time: 11024.439

threat which we cannot survive on our

Time: 11027.479


Time: 11028.56

first world Nations and this what I said

Time: 11030.439

at the UN I said first world Nations

Time: 11033.68

make the greatest contribution to

Time: 11036.16

climate change they are the ones

Time: 11038.8

responsible for the changes that we see

Time: 11041.239

the increase in velocity and ferocity of

Time: 11044.16

the hurricanes and the different and the

Time: 11046.2

changes typhoons that we see today but

Time: 11049.12

we're the innocent

Time: 11050.84

victim we the ones that are being

Time: 11053

impacted by what you've created Min and

Time: 11056.52

leaders of other Islands Nations have

Time: 11058.56

proposed that the US and European

Time: 11060.92

countries contribute to an insurance

Time: 11063.399

fund think of it as a really rainy day

Time: 11066.76

fund to help rebuild from future

Time: 11070.439

storms that's what you say and what you

Time: 11072.84

said at the UN the first world Nations

Time: 11075.439

should do absolutely are they doing it

Time: 11078.56

it's an ongoing discussion it's an

Time: 11080.319

ongoing discussion does this make the

Time: 11083.439

change to renewable energy that much

Time: 11086.239

more important imperative urgent for you

Time: 11090.2

here in the Bahamas it is because even

Time: 11095.12

though our

Time: 11097.8

contribution to climate change is

Time: 11100.16

minimal it's Min it's minuscule to

Time: 11103.479

compare with for is RO Nation but we

Time: 11106.319

still have our

Time: 11108.439

responsibility since this story first

Time: 11110.64

aired in 2020 that micro grid we saw

Time: 11113.52

being installed on ragged island is now

Time: 11116.08

operating and supplying all all the

Time: 11118.04

electricity the island needs they

Time: 11120.2

haven't had to ship diesel fuel to run

Time: 11122.279

that old Generator in many months which

Time: 11124.64

is especially welcome news given that

Time: 11127.12

the price of fuel has skyrocketed the

Time: 11129.8

Bahamas has a new government and new

Time: 11132.04

prime minister who says he's just as

Time: 11134.64

committed to solar power as his

Time: 11145.68

predecessor last August president

Time: 11147.64

President Biden signed a sweeping

Time: 11149.319

climate bill in the law making wind

Time: 11151.64

power a priority specifically offshore

Time: 11154.56

wind power the goal is to capture the

Time: 11157.2

force of the wind in the Open Seas and

Time: 11159.76

convert it into power for 10 million

Time: 11162.04

American homes by 2030 we have a long

Time: 11164.88

way to go there are only seven offshore

Time: 11167.479

wind turbines off the coast of the

Time: 11169.239

United States compared to nearly 6,000

Time: 11172.239

in Europe critics say they're expensive

Time: 11174.96

to build and maintain unpredictable and

Time: 11177.76

ugly we wanted to see for ourselves last

Time: 11181.359

October we reported from the largest

Time: 11183.52

offshore wind farm in the world along

Time: 11185.92

the northeast coast of England and

Time: 11188.359

discovered the power of

Time: 11191.56

Grimsby as you fly 200 miles north of

Time: 11194.52

London along the coast you can see the

Time: 11196.64

town of Grimsby below 55 mil east of her

Time: 11200.2

Port morning we are on our way to the

Time: 11202.72

horns wind Park fil crew on board you

Time: 11205.52

can't miss them elegant and a little

Time: 11208.319

Eerie white Giants poking out of the

Time: 11210.8

North Sea like something out of a

Time: 11213

science fiction

Time: 11214.68

novel wind par with 6 this is the

Time: 11217.88

largest crop of offshore wind turbines

Time: 11220.399

in the world known as the hornsey wind

Time: 11222.76

farm it is hypnotizing more than 300

Time: 11226.56

turbines spread across 335 square miles

Time: 11230.359

generating enough electricity to help

Time: 11232.8

power more than 2 million homes a day

Time: 11236.239

beautiful day yeah beautiful day to

Time: 11238.6

understand the power size and upkeep of

Time: 11241.04

this evolving technology we geared up on

Time: 11244

land and traveled 90 minutes on the

Time: 11246.76

heaving North Sea with 24-year-old briy

Time: 11249.92

salmon her job is to scale and service

Time: 11253

the turbines my job with the help of a

Time: 11255.8

little anti nausea gum was to Simply

Time: 11258.64

hold down my lunch this is choppy out

Time: 11260.96

here yeah it is how you feeling I feel

Time: 11263.68

um okay it's more important how do you

Time: 11266

feel yeah I'm feeling good like I said I

Time: 11268.279

like to think I've got my sea legs on so

Time: 11270.52

when your last name is salmon

Time: 11272.04

negotiating Rough Waters is sort of in

Time: 11274.439


Time: 11275.239

DNA Bri's great-grandfather worked on

Time: 11278.279

the grimby dogs her dad owns this

Time: 11281.399

100-year-old smoked fish shop in

Time: 11283.76

town briy was bartending when she

Time: 11286.56

decided to apply to an apprentice

Time: 11288.279

program to be a Turbine Technician she

Time: 11291

was one of seven people selected from a

Time: 11293.239

pool of 500 should have a look around

Time: 11295.239

here then guys The Apprentice program

Time: 11297.52

combined classroom instruction you've

Time: 11299.399

got a big drillet on the bottom and it's

Time: 11301.319

and it's spinning with hands on work

Time: 11303


Time: 11304.52

seat but we soon learned that mother

Time: 11307.12

nature is a temperamental teacher the

Time: 11310.16

weather here is Ever Changing yeah yeah

Time: 11312.92

we're holding on for our dear lives yeah

Time: 11315.8

I mean I mean it's the North Sea it's

Time: 11317.56

not something we can control so every

Time: 11319.12

day is different and it can change like

Time: 11320.8

that so it's just part and parcel of the

Time: 11322.84

job um anything to get these things

Time: 11324.8

turning this is the environment for win

Time: 11326.68

turbines it's it's got to be

Time: 11329.12

windy as we approached the turbines we

Time: 11332

suddenly felt small you don't get a

Time: 11334.68

sense of how large things are until

Time: 11336.359

you're right up under this yeah well

Time: 11338.04

that's it I mean so at the very top the

Time: 11340.16

this cell um all the way to the top of

Time: 11342.68

the blades is half the size of the

Time: 11344.319

Eiffel Tower which is pretty massive and

Time: 11346.72

and because you've got nothing normal to

Time: 11348.239

compare it to like a building you just

Time: 11350.279

see these in the distance and then

Time: 11351.56

you're here and it's yeah they're pretty

Time: 11353.92

bloody huge translation they're nearly

Time: 11356.88

600 ft high with spinning fiberglass

Time: 11359.92

blades roughly the length of the world's

Time: 11362.68

largest passenger jet each blade weighs

Time: 11366.08

almost 30 tons the turbines are

Time: 11369.2

partially assembled on Shore then

Time: 11371.239

shipped out to sea where each blade is

Time: 11373.92

attached with surgical Precision to the

Time: 11376.479

top of the turbine every angle has to be

Time: 11380.2

perfect to generate maximum power once

Time: 11383.8

installed keeping them spinning is

Time: 11386

critical offshore wind Engineers say one

Time: 11388.92

revolution can power one home in the UK

Time: 11391.8

for 24 hours and that's where bridey

Time: 11394.359

comes in it's raining it's windy yep

Time: 11397.319

can't wait just another day in the

Time: 11399.8

office all

Time: 11401.319

right in choppy Waters Captain Peter

Time: 11404.399

browon has to find The Sweet Spot

Time: 11406.88

maintaining Constant Contact between the

Time: 11409.239

bow and

Time: 11410.359

base traffic seem liance some days the

Time: 11413.84

winds are so high and seas so rough the

Time: 11416.439

job can't be done done on this day

Time: 11420.359

success I'll see you later okay careful

Time: 11423.88

briy harnesses herself to a cable happy

Time: 11428.439

yeah leaps to a

Time: 11432.6

ladder and Begins the climb rung by rung

Time: 11436.12

eight stories to the

Time: 11440.12

top see wind alliance1 radio

Time: 11444.359

check on a narrow platform hanging over

Time: 11447.04

the North Sea she makes her rounds the

Time: 11450.479

lights are working carefully inspecting

Time: 11453.239

and servicing the turbine a job not for

Time: 11456.359

the faint of heart pop this in here what

Time: 11458.8

was that like the first time you made

Time: 11460.439

that car oh exhausting exhausting yeah

Time: 11462.72

it was cuz you've got all your safety

Time: 11463.96

kit on as well so you've probably got

Time: 11465.16

about 10 kg of harnesses and and Claws

Time: 11467.68

and you got to be clipped in so you've

Time: 11468.96

got that friction of climbing I would

Time: 11470.52

imagine it would be kind of scary yeah

Time: 11472.16

really scary I remember there was one

Time: 11473.96

day it was super windy um so we were up

Time: 11476.279

there in the top of the town Tower is

Time: 11477.72

moving so you've got the seasickness the

Time: 11480.439

motion sickness from the sea and then

Time: 11481.88

the top of the tower is moving so all

Time: 11483.84

day you're rocking and it was cold and

Time: 11486.88

windy and I remember coming back on

Time: 11488.76

Shore I was just rocking I I'm on land

Time: 11491.16

now I don't need to rock but it's yeah

Time: 11492.76

it's pretty scary bench Sykes says those

Time: 11495.8

kinds of extraordinary efforts are

Time: 11497.72

needed in extraordinary times Sykes is

Time: 11500.8

the vice president of offshore wind at

Time: 11502.92

orad a Danish based Global energy

Time: 11505.84

supplier that runs the horn SE Wind Farm

Time: 11508.88

you know we have a cost of energy crisis

Time: 11510.68

in Europe and and in Britain at the

Time: 11512.2

moment that's driven by the pandemic but

Time: 11514.88

also of course by the terrible situation

Time: 11516.72

in Ukraine uh and all of that adds up to

Time: 11519.52

a real drive to find clean cheap Energy

Time: 11523.12

Solutions about six years ago orad

Time: 11526.08

decided to sell off its oil and gas

Time: 11528.52

business and focus on renewable energies

Time: 11532

Grimsby a depressed fishing Town became

Time: 11534.96

the unlikely backdrop to Europe's clean

Time: 11537.52

energy movement why here why Grimsby

Time: 11540.88

it's got a good Port uh and it's

Time: 11542.88

geographically really well located

Time: 11544.92

physically in terms of the water depth

Time: 11547

in terms of the wind resource and of

Time: 11549

course places to connect to the National

Time: 11550.88

Grid so that we can get that power to

Time: 11552.359

homes and businesses long before

Time: 11554.439

Russia's invasion of Ukraine set off the

Time: 11556.68

energy crisis the UK had a strategy to

Time: 11559.84

use 100% clean or renewable electricity

Time: 11563.64


Time: 11564.479

2035 when you talk about clean energy

Time: 11566.72

you talk about solar hydropower biofuels

Time: 11569.88

what makes offshore wind unique offshore

Time: 11573.88

wind is the really the only project in

Time: 11577.56

most countries where you can build it at

Time: 11579.72

the kind of power station scale that we

Time: 11582.04

need if I think about the projects we're

Time: 11584.239

building here in the UK that's almost 3

Time: 11586.64

GW and that's broadly speaking the

Time: 11589.12

output of a nuclear power station so

Time: 11590.76

we're talking large scale infrastructure

Time: 11593.16

projects most of Europe is too populated

Time: 11596.279

to fit very very very large wind farms

Time: 11598.04

or solar Farms so that's why we've gone

Time: 11600.239

offshore one big criticism is costs

Time: 11602.84

they're expensive to construct to

Time: 11604.319

transmit into decommission is that cost

Time: 11608.04

passed on to Consumers so that's simply

Time: 11610.479

wrong offshore wind power is one of the

Time: 11613.08

cheapest forms of electricity generation

Time: 11615.399

in the UK we privately fund it together

Time: 11617.6

with Investment Partners that we bring

Time: 11619.56

in privately you fund that yeah there's

Time: 11621.92

no public exposure to the costs of

Time: 11624.2

building offshore wind and I think the

Time: 11625.88

thing that's made the most difference is

Time: 11627.92

the fact that we've had political

Time: 11629.56

consensus now for more than a decade and

Time: 11633.239

that's given investors confidence to

Time: 11635.479

step in and put the big money on the

Time: 11637.279

table to get these projects away gas and

Time: 11639.56

nuclear still make up a majority of the

Time: 11642.08

power supply flowing into UK homes and

Time: 11645.04

businesses but this year 14% of

Time: 11647.96

Britain's energy has come from offshore

Time: 11650.399

wind only China produces more offshore

Time: 11653.359

wind power than the

Time: 11655.84

UK here here's how it works wind turns

Time: 11658.92

the blades around a shaft inside the

Time: 11660.96

turbine which bends a generator energy

Time: 11663.92

then travels down going 300 ft beneath

Time: 11667.279

the water surface to cables buried under

Time: 11669.92

the seabed connecting to an offshore

Time: 11672.88

substation then to a power station on

Time: 11675.72

land where that electricity created out

Time: 11678.6

at Sea is transferred into homes and

Time: 11681.08

businesses inviting the question what

Time: 11683.96

happens if the wind stops blowing

Time: 11687.279

using satellites and other technology we

Time: 11689.52

can predict extremely accurately how

Time: 11691.92

much we're going to generate over the

Time: 11693.319

next days which enables those who

Time: 11695.64

operate the grid to make very clear

Time: 11697.68

plans about where's demand going where's

Time: 11700.16

Supply going I mean if I look at the

Time: 11702.6

turbines that we've got out in hornsey

Time: 11704.6

they're operating 98 99% of the time

Time: 11708.319

this is grimsby's second

Time: 11711

act through the 1950s to 1970 the town

Time: 11715.52

hosted the largest fishing Fleet in the

Time: 11717.8

world with 700 trollers a wash in cash

Time: 11722.479

and a port fit for a visit from the

Time: 11725.479

queen oh it was absolutely brilliant the

Time: 11728.56

the camarad here because you you can say

Time: 11731.479

nearly 100% of the population would be

Time: 11734.88

associated with the fishing industry in

Time: 11736.64

some way Dennis Avery and Bob forby were

Time: 11739.52

part of the town's fishing tradition

Time: 11741.76

what was it like no it's a tough job

Time: 11744.479

it's work from sailing till you get back

Time: 11747.279

in the port again working in the winter

Time: 11750.12

around Iceland and them places was was

Time: 11752.359

pretty severe but um it's a kind of job

Time: 11755.399

that I would do again tomorrow in those

Time: 11757.439

days you had two choices you worked on

Time: 11759.399

the docks or you went to sea Deca

Time: 11761.56

Navigator Avery captain in this hulking

Time: 11764

steel fishing tler the Ross tiger for

Time: 11766.8

eight years if you caught a good trip

Time: 11769.319

and you're steaming home back to Grimsby

Time: 11771.6

with a fish room full of fish you know

Time: 11774.279

it it's a marvelous feeling that Marvel

Time: 11776.88

marous feeling ended when Iceland

Time: 11779.08

Britain's neighbor to the north began

Time: 11780.88

enforcing fishing restrictions in their

Time: 11783.12

codr Waters to Grimsby May shrink to a

Time: 11786.439

trickle what did you see happen in town

Time: 11788.359

when that happened gosh it was a a

Time: 11791.279

disaster to be quite honest because

Time: 11793.359

everybody was involved some way in

Time: 11796

fishing like taxi drivers the pubs the

Time: 11799.479

dress shops and places like that uh they

Time: 11802.76

all suffered you know once the fishing

Time: 11805.239

sort of went it all sort of died to

Time: 11808.64

death wind power has breathed new life

Time: 11811.68

into Grimsby offshore Energy company

Time: 11814.359

orad says it's created 600 jobs here and

Time: 11817.96

invested over $18 billion in local wind

Time: 11821.76

farms but there are plenty of people who

Time: 11824.52

worry the environmental impact of the

Time: 11826.399

wind turbines hasn't been sufficiently

Time: 11828.6

studied and others say the industry has

Time: 11831.199

not created the number of jobs they've

Time: 11833.479

promised but the concern of these

Time: 11835.84

retired fishermen is more practical

Time: 11838.84

we're not seeing benefits your

Time: 11840.64

electricity bill hasn't gone down no no

Time: 11843.08

it's gone up if anything when they said

Time: 11845.199

about them how oh we're going to get

Time: 11847

cheap electricity and it's going to be

Time: 11849.399

you know green and everything but I

Time: 11851.64

can't see any benefits to be quite

Time: 11853.279

honest but has your electricity bill

Time: 11855.399


Time: 11856.359

down try double it's doubled there are

Time: 11860.479

people who said yeah we've got all these

Time: 11862.199

turbines but our electricity bill hasn't

Time: 11865.04

gone down a cent yeah um I mean it is a

Time: 11868

real challenge that it's going to take

Time: 11870.04

time because we need to build more

Time: 11871.239

offshore wind so you think if there's

Time: 11873.08

more offshore wind prices could go down

Time: 11876.16

yeah absolutely fearing the war in

Time: 11878.04

Ukraine could lead to blackouts last

Time: 11880.359

winter the UK government announced more

Time: 11882.88

drilling for oil and gas in the North

Time: 11885.04

Sea they will also speed up the time it

Time: 11887.84

takes for new offshore wind projects to

Time: 11890.399


Time: 11891.04

online Ben syes told us that over the

Time: 11893.6

next eight years ored plans to invest

Time: 11896.319

another $ 17 billion in wind farms and

Time: 11899.8

add more than 300 jobs in Grimsby you

Time: 11903.08

know the fishing industry was fantastic

Time: 11904.96

for Grimsby that that era has passed

Time: 11908.199

what we want to do is to be part of

Time: 11909.72

creating the next chapter of of

Time: 11911.6

grimsby's life and of the country's Life

Time: 11914.04

as we build out a chapter briy salmon is

Time: 11917.84

very much a part of so that's gone from

Time: 11919.88

Grimsby being the fishing town to the

Time: 11921.8

PowerHouse of the north which is an

Time: 11923.239

amazing transition proud of it so proud

Time: 11926.04

of it and to be a part of it it's

Time: 11928.12

amazing a Town's future and Fortune once

Time: 11931.88

again tied to the

Time: 11940.239

Sea representatives from nearly every

Time: 11943.04

nation have met this week at an annual

Time: 11945.199

climate Summit searching for agreements

Time: 11947.52

on how to curb the rise of global

Time: 11949.84

temperatures the Summit is being held in

Time: 11952.199

the oil Rich United Arab Emirates and

Time: 11955.04

that has dismayed activists who believe

Time: 11957.439

that the only way to really address the

Time: 11959.68

climate crisis is to walk away from

Time: 11961.88

fossil fuels for the moment at least the

Time: 11964.92

world and the United States need both

Time: 11967.6

fossil fuels and renewable energy and

Time: 11970.359

the best proof of that may be found in

Time: 11972.68

the state of Wyoming it is the country's

Time: 11975.239

leading coal producing state and very

Time: 11977.92

conservative politically yet its

Time: 11980.12

Republican Governor Mark Gordon is

Time: 11982.8

emerging as a leading voice promoting

Time: 11985.279

climate friendly energy projects and

Time: 11987.8

action to address the climate crisis

Time: 11990.439

essentially Mark Gordon is trying to

Time: 11992.84

prove that it is possible to be both red

Time: 11996.199


Time: 11997.399

green we needed to be aggressive and we

Time: 12001.399

needed to really address this issue so

Time: 12003.84

you tell the people of Wyoming that

Time: 12007.439

climate change is real I do and that

Time: 12010.479

it's urgent it's an urgent crisis I have

Time: 12012.64

said that and I've gotten I've gotten

Time: 12014.92

some push back from that as well I bet

Time: 12017.279


Time: 12018.92

have in September we met Mark Gordon

Time: 12022

who's in the middle of his second term

Time: 12023.64

as Wyoming's Governor how are you

Time: 12025.239

Ellington on the cattle ranch where he

Time: 12027.319

grew up this is my dad's old saddle his

Time: 12031.399

family still owns this Ranch and he and

Time: 12034.08

his wife also operate another about 40

Time: 12036.88

Mi away how did growing up here affect

Time: 12040.6

your world view I think growing up here

Time: 12043.8

gave me an enormous appreciation for the

Time: 12046.72

world around us and and the ecological

Time: 12050.8

processes and the weather you just are

Time: 12053.72

uh exposed to it on a regular on a

Time: 12055.72

regular basis Mark Gordon is also a

Time: 12058.84

mountain climber who has seen glaciers

Time: 12061.279

receding due to a warming climate he

Time: 12064.279

says that helped convince him to set a

Time: 12066.6

goal of making Wyoming not just carbon

Time: 12069.479

neutral when it comes to CO2 emissions

Time: 12072.239

but eventually carbon negative you first

Time: 12075.88

made this pledge of net negative CO2

Time: 12079.319

emissions at a 2021 State of the State

Time: 12083.12

speech how did that go over I think some

Time: 12086.84

people probably resented it I think

Time: 12089.319

generally it's been well-respected uh it

Time: 12092.84

was to to some degree a bold move and

Time: 12096.52

and one that was intended to make a

Time: 12099.319

difference in that discussion about

Time: 12101.6

energy in the future after Gordon

Time: 12103.84

repeated his net negative emissions goal

Time: 12106.6

at an appearance at Harvard in October

Time: 12109.239

Wyoming's Republican party passed a vote

Time: 12112

of no confidence in him but he says heat

Time: 12115.08

from the right won't deter him from

Time: 12117.12

pursuing what he calls an all of the

Time: 12119.64

above energy

Time: 12121.88

policy whatever you're going to do in

Time: 12123.76

energy probably you're going to have

Time: 12125.439

something to do in Wyoming we have

Time: 12127.72

tremendous wind resources we have the

Time: 12130.239

largest reserves of uranium important

Time: 12132.96

for nuclear energy largest coal producer

Time: 12135.88

we're number eight in oil number nine in

Time: 12138.04

natural gas 83% of our energy is

Time: 12141.399

exported that will soon include nuclear

Time: 12144.199

power from a Next Generation reactor to

Time: 12146.68

be built in Wyoming with a $500 million

Time: 12150.359

investment from Bill Gates huge wind

Time: 12153.359

farms already dot Wyoming's landscape

Time: 12156.16

with the biggest one yet on the

Time: 12158.84

way because the wind blows basically 247

Time: 12163.16

365 days a year Bill Miller is president

Time: 12166.479

pres of the power company of Wyoming

Time: 12168.76

which is beginning to build what will be

Time: 12170.96

the largest wind farm in the continental

Time: 12173.68

United States in the middle of a

Time: 12175.8

geographic break in the Continental

Time: 12178

Divide all the winds which blow from

Time: 12181.08

west to east pretty much are funneled

Time: 12183.6

through this part of the country Miller

Time: 12186.319

drove to the top of a place called Choke

Time: 12188.56


Time: 12189.76

knob to give us a taste of the wind so

Time: 12194.08

when this is up and running how many

Time: 12197

turbin will be out here current plan

Time: 12199.76

calls for 600 turbin and how much energy

Time: 12202.6

will that generate so it'll generate

Time: 12204.12

around 12 million megawatt hours of

Time: 12206.399

power year and that's enough to power

Time: 12209.199

how many homes million million two

Time: 12212.64

Wyoming doesn't have anything close to

Time: 12215.12

that many homes it has the smallest

Time: 12217.52

population of any of the 50 states So

Time: 12220.56

the plan is to build a new 800m long

Time: 12223.92

transmission line to send that power to

Time: 12226.52

California which needs and wants it

Time: 12229.64

what's this going to cost the wind farm

Time: 12232.6

will be something north of $5 billion

Time: 12234.92

transmission line will be something

Time: 12236.359

north of $3 billion capital investment

Time: 12239.319

that's a big investment yes the project

Time: 12242.16

is bankrolled by billionaire Philip

Time: 12244.239

anshutz who owns the company Bill Miller

Time: 12247.08

runs and who first made his fortune in

Time: 12250.76

oil Society has spoken that's what this

Time: 12254.439

country is going to go to is renewable

Time: 12256.52

energy more importantly it's a project

Time: 12259.199

that contributes to the zero carbon

Time: 12261.08

initiatives that we strongly believe in

Time: 12264.199

it's going to happen and this is the

Time: 12266.399

best place for it to

Time: 12269.479

happen at this past Summer's windy

Time: 12272.359

groundbreaking ceremony for the

Time: 12274

transmission line Bill Miller was joined

Time: 12277.239

not just by Republican Governor Mark

Time: 12279.52

Gordon we have a great future ahead of

Time: 12281.64

us but also by two members of President

Time: 12285.12

Biden's cabinet

Time: 12287.88

the way we've tried to navigate this is

Time: 12291.76

to find something for everyone and I

Time: 12296.199

think that's possible yeah I think it is

Time: 12299.279

honestly I think if people are going to

Time: 12301

embrace how we get to a carbon neutral

Time: 12304.88

carbon negative future it has to be by

Time: 12307.96

saying we're all going to be a little

Time: 12309.6

bit better by embracing

Time: 12314.72

Innovation if a single single picture

Time: 12316.96

can capture Wyoming's energy past

Time: 12319.319

present and future this may be it a

Time: 12322.72

fully loaded coal train passing in front

Time: 12325.479

of a huge Wind Farm remember this state

Time: 12328.8

still produces more coal than any other

Time: 12331.64

by far the likelihood that we will truly

Time: 12335.359

as a world move away from fossil fuels

Time: 12337.239

is very low Holly kutka runs the school

Time: 12340.52

of energy resources at the University of

Time: 12343

Wyoming before shifting to Academia she

Time: 12346

worked worked for Peabody the largest

Time: 12348.239

coal company in America 82% of our

Time: 12352.6

Global energy consumption is fossil

Time: 12354.8

fuels 82% 82% it has not changed because

Time: 12359.68

of that Stark fact kutka and her

Time: 12362.359

colleagues are focused on taking the CO2

Time: 12365.399

out of fossil fuels like coal before it

Time: 12368.12

reaches the atmosphere with a technology

Time: 12370.8

called carbon capture and storage there

Time: 12373.72

are carbon capture and storage projects

Time: 12375.84

in America America working right now

Time: 12377.52

there's just not enough the capture side

Time: 12380.56

we're there today we can do it now right

Time: 12384.12

now yes the technology is there but is

Time: 12387.72

it economically feasible it will always

Time: 12389.88

be cheaper to do nothing than to add

Time: 12392.6

carbon capture and storage if you want

Time: 12394.64

to reduce emissions this is part of the

Time: 12396.52

solution we have to decide is it worth

Time: 12399.08


Time: 12400.16

cost at the huge dryfork Coal Fired

Time: 12403.76

power plant near Gillette the University

Time: 12406.319

of Wyoming is operating what it calls

Time: 12408.479

the integrated test center some of the

Time: 12411.239

flu gas that would otherwise go up the

Time: 12413.64

Smoke Stack is siphoned off into Labs

Time: 12416.72

like this one where the Japanese company

Time: 12419.04

Kawasaki is testing methods for making

Time: 12421.8

carbon capture more

Time: 12423.72

economical Wells 10,000 ft deep have

Time: 12427.399

also been drilled to show that captured

Time: 12429.6

CO2 can be stored underground forever

Time: 12433.68

how big a deal would it be

Time: 12436.88

to find an affordable way to capture

Time: 12441.08

carbon at the point of

Time: 12443.76

admission say in power plants around the

Time: 12446.92

world it would be a game Cher for

Time: 12449.8

certain you know there are a lot of

Time: 12451.52

naysayers who say that this is a pipe

Time: 12454.359

dream mhm it'll never happen what do you

Time: 12457.12

say to them how do you convince them I

Time: 12458.96

say we're trying it then I know people

Time: 12460.8

will say well you're just trying to

Time: 12462.04

extend the life of the coal

Time: 12464.04

mines I am but I'm also trying to do

Time: 12467.359

that in a way that is going to do more

Time: 12470.76

for climate Solutions than simply

Time: 12473.8

standing up a whole bunch of wind fors

Time: 12475.479

or sending up a whole bunch of solarist

Time: 12477.76

with his all of the above approach Mark

Time: 12480.52

Gordon is trying to put every kind of

Time: 12483

energy project on a fast

Time: 12485.16

track including Bill Miller's huge Wind

Time: 12488.64

Farm how long did you think it was going

Time: 12490.8

to take when you started when I

Time: 12492.6

originally started I thought we could

Time: 12494.12

probably get this entitled and under

Time: 12496.16

construction within 5 years and it's

Time: 12498.76

been 17 17 why so long primarily the

Time: 12503.52

permitting process the bureaucracy of

Time: 12505.8

the federal government you told me

Time: 12507.64

coming up here that the the process was

Time: 12509.72

kind of like a

Time: 12510.88

nightmare it was

Time: 12513.64

difficult maybe nightmar is a little bit

Time: 12515.84

too strong but uh it was very difficult

Time: 12518.72

process so how important is it to reduce

Time: 12522.64

Regulatory and permitting barriers I

Time: 12526.199

think it's massive permitting reform I

Time: 12528.479

think is one of our biggest challenges

Time: 12530.279

at a federal level it is something

Time: 12532.359

that's being embraced uh by both sides

Time: 12535.52

both the Biden Administration and

Time: 12537.68

Congressional Republicans have endorsed

Time: 12539.96

the idea of streamlining permitting for

Time: 12542.52

energy projects actually doing it is

Time: 12545.52

another story in Wyoming Governor Gordon

Time: 12549.12

has done what he can one thing I can

Time: 12551.84

share is that it's a state that's very

Time: 12553.319

welcoming to innovators in the energy

Time: 12555.72


Time: 12556.6

cly caves is co-founder of a company

Time: 12559.12

called cruso Energy Systems about 5

Time: 12562.279

years ago it decided to tackle the

Time: 12564.8

problem of flaring when gas produced at

Time: 12567.439

oil wells is simply burned into the

Time: 12569.8

atmosphere if you could capture it all

Time: 12571.72

it would power about 2/3 of Europe's

Time: 12573.399

electricity it's a very large amount of

Time: 12575.64

waste and we're just burning it off

Time: 12577.04

we're burning it off because there's no

Time: 12578.279

pipeline there cavis and his colleagues

Time: 12580.96

came up with the unconventional idea of

Time: 12583.84

putting a small electricity generating

Time: 12586.16

power plant right where that gas was

Time: 12588.319

being flared and wasted what we do is we

Time: 12591.6

tap into that gas line we bring the gas

Time: 12593.64

over to a power generation system and

Time: 12596.279

then that generates electricity and we

Time: 12598.359

take that electricity directly into our

Time: 12599.96

on-site data center to power hundreds or

Time: 12602.64

thousands of computers and then we

Time: 12604.88

Network the computers to the outside

Time: 12606.319

world with fiber or satellite internet

Time: 12608.8

to get it off site so you take a Data

Time: 12611.04

Center and just basically put it on top

Time: 12614.04

of the well head exactly it's a it's a

Time: 12616.479

modern data center in every way when

Time: 12618.96

you're standing inside of it and then

Time: 12620.479

you step out the door and you're in an

Time: 12622.76

oil field cruso energy first used those

Time: 12626.04

electricity gobbling data centers to

Time: 12628.439

mine Bitcoin now most of that computer

Time: 12631.72

power is being used by artificial

Time: 12634.04

intelligence companies the first place

Time: 12636.399

to let them try this in 2018 was

Time: 12640.12

Wyoming that's not necessarily an idea

Time: 12642.279

that everyone's going to embrace

Time: 12643.56

automatically right off the bat before

Time: 12645

it's been done before Wyoming was they

Time: 12646.92

invited us to come do it for the first

Time: 12648.439

time here we did it at a small scale we

Time: 12650.72

proved that it could work and that

Time: 12653

helped us attract the funding and the

Time: 12654.96

other projects that have helped us scale

Time: 12656.88

to where we are today how many of these

Time: 12658.92

um Centers do you have up and running

Time: 12661.319

currently we're approaching 200 by the

Time: 12663.88

end of the year we'll have about 200 of

Time: 12665.399

our modular data centers deployed

Time: 12667.359

throughout the United States and now

Time: 12669.239

internationally so how do you assess

Time: 12671.56

your environmental impact So today we're

Time: 12674.56

operating at a scale of more than 20

Time: 12676.479

million cubic feet of gas per day that

Time: 12678.199

would have otherwise been flared and

Time: 12679.479

wasted we're preventing that flaring

Time: 12681.76

it's on the order of several hundred

Time: 12683.16

thousand cars per year being taken off

Time: 12685.239

the road in terms of the avoided

Time: 12687.08


Time: 12688.12

impact are you trying to send out a

Time: 12691.399

message to the rest of the country even

Time: 12693.8

the rest of the world if you have a

Time: 12696.76

renewable or a climate friendly idea

Time: 12701.399

bring it here bring it to Wyoming love

Time: 12703.6

to we we want to be part of this

Time: 12706.319

solution there are some really

Time: 12708.52

remarkable things that if we stop

Time: 12712.56

talking about what we shouldn't do and

Time: 12715.6

start talking about what we can do and

Time: 12718.52

how we can Embrace that future that's

Time: 12720.76

what we're dedicated to here in

Time: 12731

Wyoming there was a time when futurists

Time: 12733.84

were predicting that the Advent of 3D

Time: 12736.6

printing was going to change our lives

Time: 12739.6

that each of our houses would have a 3D

Time: 12741.76

printer to make whatever items we need

Time: 12745.279

what virtually no one predicted though

Time: 12747.96

was that there might soon be 3D printers

Time: 12750.239

that could construct almost the entire

Time: 12753.319

house but that's just what a

Time: 12755.6

six-year-old Austin Texas company called

Time: 12758.16

icon is doing 3D printing buildings and

Time: 12762.72

if you believe icon's mission-driven

Time: 12764.76

young founder

Time: 12766.359

3D printing could revolutionize how we

Time: 12769

build help create affordable housing

Time: 12772.199

even allow us to wait for it colonize

Time: 12776

the moon sound out of this world take a

Time: 12782.04

look what you're watching is the

Time: 12784.399

building actually the printing of a

Time: 12787.439


Time: 12789.52

home on this construction site there's

Time: 12792.399

no hammering or sawing just a nozzle

Time: 12796.04

squirting out concrete kind of like an

Time: 12798.76

oversized soft serve ice cream dispenser

Time: 12801.68

laying down the walls of a house one

Time: 12804.08

layer at a time it's the brainchild of a

Time: 12807.52

41-year-old Texan who's rarely without

Time: 12810.319

his cowboy hat Jason Ballard 3D printing

Time: 12815.12

a house yes ma'am people are going to

Time: 12817.64

hear that and say no we're sitting

Time: 12819.68

inside one right now this house was

Time: 12821.96

printed yes ma'am wow there you are look

Time: 12825.479

at this

Time: 12826.279

welcome and so was this one does a

Time: 12829.68

concrete home printed by a robot have to

Time: 12832.199

look cold and

Time: 12833.76

Industrial maybe not I like the curved

Time: 12838

wall Ballard gave us a peek at the first

Time: 12840.92

completed model home and what will soon

Time: 12843.359

be the world's first large community of

Time: 12846.16

3D printed houses a hundred of them part

Time: 12849.319

of a huge new development north of

Time: 12851.52

Austin they'll start in the high

Time: 12854.239

$400,000 range

Time: 12857.239

how exactly does 3D printing a house

Time: 12859.76

Work Well it starts with this 1 and 1/2

Time: 12862.72

ton sack of dry concrete powder which

Time: 12865.96

gets mixed with water sand and additives

Time: 12869.199

and is then pumped to the robotic

Time: 12871.16

printer now you are looking at how we

Time: 12873.6

control the bead size Connor Jenkins

Time: 12876.92

icon's manager of construction here

Time: 12879.68

explain that the printer completes one

Time: 12882.04

layer called a bead every 30 minutes by

Time: 12885.399

which time it's hardened enough to be

Time: 12887.88

ready for the next beat steel is added

Time: 12890.56

every 10th layer for strength the amount

Time: 12893.16

of change you're making is Tiny it takes

Time: 12895.64

about 2 weeks to print the full 160 beat

Time: 12898.76

house Jenkins gave me the controls an

Time: 12902.56

iPad so look Leslie that's a little

Time: 12905.56

skinny will you press the plus one real

Time: 12907.52

quick aren you wor you just increased

Time: 12910.319

the bead size incrementally I'd be

Time: 12912

worried if I were you but turns out the

Time: 12914.479

path is entirely

Time: 12916.56

preprogrammed I couldn't mess it up if I

Time: 12919.08

tried don't tell the I think that's the

Time: 12921.239

most gorgeous beat I've ever seen I

Time: 12922.56

think this will be the highest selling

Time: 12924.399

house for now as Jason Ballard showed us

Time: 12928.279

icon is only 3D printing walls with

Time: 12931.68

cutouts for plumbing and electricity

Time: 12934.359

roofs windows and insulation are added

Time: 12937.239

the old-fashioned way by construction

Time: 12939.8

workers he calls it a paradigm shift it

Time: 12943.52

really is like a r Brothers moment for

Time: 12945.08

airplanes in how we construct our

Time: 12947.359

housing but why do we need a big shift

Time: 12950.479

like that cuz right now it is too

Time: 12953.359

expensive it falls over in a hurricane

Time: 12955.68

it burns up in a fire it gets eaten by

Time: 12957.64

termites the way you try to make it

Time: 12959.439

affordable is you trim quality on

Time: 12961.16

materials you trim quality on labor the

Time: 12963.479

result is these cookie cutter

Time: 12964.8

developments and like yeah this is not

Time: 12967.279

the world like we are not succeeding

Time: 12969.68

it's something we have to get right on

Time: 12971.04

top of that it's an ecological disaster

Time: 12972.92

and I would certainly say it is

Time: 12974.479

existentially urgent

Time: 12976.279

that we shelter ourselves without

Time: 12978.12

ruining the planet we have to live on

Time: 12980.56

fire resistant flood resistant wind

Time: 12982.56

Ballard showed us a sample of a 3D

Time: 12984.72

printed wall beside a conventionally

Time: 12987.72

built one you say it's faster more

Time: 12990.12

efficient yes why do you say that what

Time: 12992.319

you've got let's count the materials

Time: 12994.08

siding one moisture barrier two

Time: 12996.88

sheathing three uh stud four drywall

Time: 13001.12

five and then float tape and texture you

Time: 13003.04

can count that either as one or three

Time: 13004.88

but you've got at Le at least half a

Time: 13006.199

dozen novel steps that have to take

Time: 13008.08

place to deliver an American stick frame

Time: 13010.319

wall system by comparison we need a

Time: 13012.64

single material supply chain delivered

Time: 13014.359

by a robot let's talk about waste yes

Time: 13017

ma'am over here at the end of

Time: 13018.92

constructing a home with these materials

Time: 13021.08

there are truckloads and truckloads of

Time: 13022.96

waste left over these studs are going to

Time: 13024.56

have off cuts that go into a waste pile

Time: 13026.64

same with siding same with drial all

Time: 13028.319

whereas with 3D printing he says you

Time: 13031.16

only print what you need so in short

Time: 13033.72

like if an alien came down to planet

Time: 13035.92

Earth and saw these two ways of building

Time: 13037.64

and said from first principles which is

Time: 13039.84

better the alien would go Stronger

Time: 13042.72

Faster termite resistant fire resistant

Time: 13044.52

like by a mile this is the best way to

Time: 13047.52

build though old school construction

Time: 13049.84

workers May disagree if Ballard sounds a

Time: 13053.04

little like a revved up salesman or a

Time: 13055.8

preacher there's a reason for that he

Time: 13058.88

grew up in East Texas a studious

Time: 13061.76

outdoorsy spiritual kid first in his

Time: 13064.84

family to graduate from college you were

Time: 13067.68

thinking about becoming an Episcopal

Time: 13069.88

priest yeah I was almost an Episcopal

Time: 13071.88

priest but along the way I started just

Time: 13074.12

like getting this like itch about

Time: 13075.84

housing not being right so I studied

Time: 13077.399

conservation biology I got involved in

Time: 13079.16

Sustainable Building and I worked at the

Time: 13080.92

local homeless shelter and so now I'm

Time: 13082.72

thinking about homelessness and I'm

Time: 13084.399

working in Sustainable Building along

Time: 13086.399

the way my hometown gets destroyed by a

Time: 13088.279

hurricane and I have to go help my

Time: 13090.64

family pull drywall out of their house I

Time: 13092.72

feel like uh life is just putting

Time: 13094.8

housing in front of me right as I've

Time: 13096.56

been like approved to go to Seminary and

Time: 13099.12

so I go to my Bishop the bishop of Texas

Time: 13100.92

Andy Doyle he's still the bishop of

Time: 13102.359

Texas and uh I said what do I do and at

Time: 13105.8

the end he said Jason I want you to

Time: 13108

pursue this housing thing like this is

Time: 13110.199

your priesthood this is your vocation

Time: 13113

and if it doesn't work out the church

Time: 13114.84

has been here for a long time we'll

Time: 13116

still be here but that must have turned

Time: 13118.04

the switch for you it did it made it

Time: 13121.08

more than a hobby or a business right

Time: 13123.08

that it sort of became a mission he

Time: 13125.16

began began pursuing that mission with

Time: 13127.479

Evan Lumis a buddy from Texas A&M who

Time: 13130.8

had gone into Finance as we looked at it

Time: 13133.68

like nobody had Incorporated kind of the

Time: 13135.479

Holy Trinity of innovation to housing

Time: 13137.84

which was robotics Advanced Materials

Time: 13140.76

and software so in a borrowed Warehouse

Time: 13143.84

on nights and weekends and having read

Time: 13146.479

everything they could find about the

Time: 13148.239

mechanics of 3D printing they tried to

Time: 13151.04

design a 3D printer that could make a

Time: 13153.72

building how big was it it was 10 feet

Time: 13156.479

by 10 feet by 10 feet so it would have

Time: 13158.199

it would have printed if we had ever

Time: 13159.8

gotten into work which we did not uh it

Time: 13162.199

would have printed like a 100t like

Time: 13164.64

demonstration building they didn't get

Time: 13166.68

it to work but enter Alex Laro a recent

Time: 13170.64

Bor Engineering Graduate who was

Time: 13173.04

tinkering with a similar idea did you

Time: 13176.12

ever actually build anything yeah I did

Time: 13179.439

what was it a printed shed the shed

Time: 13182.359

doesn't sound too cool but it was a big

Time: 13184.04

milestone it's a real structure the

Time: 13185.68

three co-founded icon in 2017 and soon

Time: 13189.88

got funding to print a small house to

Time: 13192.6

unveil at Austin South by Southwest

Time: 13195.12

Festival the following spring they built

Time: 13198.12

a new larger printer that worked and we

Time: 13201.92

got really excited okay Jason where are

Time: 13204.08

we right now we are printing the world's

Time: 13207.399

uh first permitted 3D printed house but

Time: 13209.88

the Kinks hadn't quite been worked out

Time: 13212.72

so at one point we ran the printer into

Time: 13214.92

the print to explain that supposed to go

Time: 13217.319

up and it went down and then drove into

Time: 13219

the house like pushed a bunch of layers

Time: 13220.72

off funny now but not so much at the

Time: 13223.92

time some Engineers folks who were like

Time: 13226.199

helping us sat us down and said guys

Time: 13228.6

it's been a great effort but you're not

Time: 13230.319

going to get there so like why don't you

Time: 13231.72

guys get some rest and we were basically

Time: 13233.199

like get out of here like true anyone

Time: 13237.04

who wants to to finish this home may

Time: 13239.479

stay everyone else needs to leave and

Time: 13241.96

the three of you all agreed on that yeah

Time: 13244.359

we knew that we were to something and

Time: 13246.8

like we this was like our shot and we

Time: 13248.88

weren't going to miss it Alex they

Time: 13251.6

worked around the clock and made the

Time: 13254.319

festival deadline by just hours hey

Time: 13257.439

valard any words for the victory

Time: 13260.84

lot never never never never give up I

Time: 13266.56

stand by those words yeah sure never

Time: 13269.52

give up he showed us the 350 square ft

Time: 13273.279

finished house it's a small little house

Time: 13276

but it's kind of elegant well I'll be

Time: 13278

that's not so bad I mean I think that's

Time: 13279.319

kind of how people felt about it like

Time: 13280.6

better than they expected and it was

Time: 13281.92

easy to

Time: 13283.239

believe well they'll get better that

Time: 13286.359

small little house won icon a lot of

Time: 13289

attention an innovation award investors

Time: 13293.04

meetings with the military and with

Time: 13295.64

another Austin innovator Alan Graham who

Time: 13298.92

created a village called Community First

Time: 13302.04

that provides small homes to several

Time: 13304.64

hundred of the formally homeless our

Time: 13307.72

goal was really the most despised

Time: 13310.199

Outcast lost and forgotten of our

Time: 13312.56

community wow average time on the

Time: 13314.64

streets is 9 years average age of death

Time: 13316.92

is 59 it's an absolute Miracle out there

Time: 13319.96

and so when uh we were ready to start

Time: 13322.6

building homes uh one of the first

Time: 13324.479

organizations we reached out to was Alan

Time: 13326.479

Graham so icon 3D printed a welcome

Time: 13330.08

center and then six small houses for

Time: 13333.199

Village residents that's 73-year-old Tim

Time: 13336.96

Shay who battled heroin addiction for

Time: 13339.96

decades in 2020 became the first person

Time: 13343.56

in this country to live in a 3D printed

Time: 13346.88

home before I saw these houses in my

Time: 13350.359

mind I thought it must be cold you're

Time: 13353

shaking cuz you don't think that no just

Time: 13355.56

the opposite you feel embraced or you

Time: 13358.76

know enveloped people that live that are

Time: 13362.64

in the economic Strat of the men and

Time: 13364.56

women that we serve are going to be the

Time: 13366.52

last people on the planet that are going

Time: 13368.359

to benefit out of new technology and he

Time: 13371.64

wanted to make sure that they were the

Time: 13373.56

first the first person in North America

Time: 13377.6

to live in a 3D printed house was

Time: 13379.96

homeless yeah I isn't that s the years

Time: 13383.8

since have seen tremendous growth for

Time: 13386.239

Icon a new Factory to build more

Time: 13388.96

printers and improve the quality of its

Time: 13391.68

concrete and a facility called printland

Time: 13395.279

to experiment with new designs icon has

Time: 13398.96

printed small homes in rural Mexico

Time: 13402.159

vehicle hide structures for the Marine

Time: 13404.64

Corps huge Barracks for the Army and Air

Time: 13407.96

Force and a deluxe showcase home

Time: 13411.08

featuring wavy walls and curves that

Time: 13414.279

would be prohibitively expensive if

Time: 13416.88

built traditionally but not when

Time: 13419.56

programmed into a 3D printer so in your

Time: 13423.319

minds is your C customer a homeless

Time: 13426.359

person or is your customer me there's a

Time: 13429.96

trick here because what our heart wants

Time: 13431.64

to do is to serve the very poor and it's

Time: 13434.199

often been like confusing for people to

Time: 13435.6

understand it's like I thought you guys

Time: 13436.319

were helping homelessness why are you

Time: 13437.479

building that fancy house yeah I would

Time: 13439.56

resign if I was only allowed to build

Time: 13441.239

luxury homes and we would go bankrupt

Time: 13444.479

right now if all we built was 3% margin

Time: 13447.6

homes for homeless people but once this

Time: 13449.52

technology arrives in its full

Time: 13451.6

force um I think it fundamentally

Time: 13454.399

transforms the way we build and not just

Time: 13457.439

on the earth 3D printing on the moon

Time: 13461.479

when we come

Time: 13472.92

back it has been a staple of Science

Time: 13476

Fiction forever humans living and

Time: 13478.6

working on the moon but for NASA that

Time: 13482.04

dream is almost within reach there their

Time: 13485.199

new Artemis program plans to return

Time: 13487.68

American astronauts to the moon for the

Time: 13489.96

first time in more than 50 years this

Time: 13493.359

time not just to visit but eventually to

Time: 13496.439

stay and even use the moon as a base for

Time: 13499.479

exploring Mars and Beyond but staying on

Time: 13503.08

the moon requires infrastructure landing

Time: 13506.239

pads roads housing and you can't exactly

Time: 13509.96

bring 2x4s and sheetrock on a

Time: 13513.64

spacecraft that's with 3D printing comes

Time: 13516.479

in NASA is partnering with Jason

Time: 13519.479

Ballard's company icon to Pioneer 3D

Time: 13522.96

printing on the

Time: 13525.359

moon 3 2

Time: 13528.479

1 and liftoff of emis 1 last fall NASA

Time: 13532.84

launched the first in a series of

Time: 13535


Time: 13536.12

missions the next with crew on board is

Time: 13539.72

scheduled for next fall and by the end

Time: 13542.239

of the decade an icon printer is

Time: 13545.199

supposed to fly to the moon to test

Time: 13547.84

print part of a landing pad Jason

Time: 13550.8

Ballard who once applied to be an

Time: 13552.68

astronaut but was rejected can't wait if

Time: 13556.319

the schedule holds or even approximately

Time: 13558

holds the first object ever built on

Time: 13560.199

another world will be built with icon

Time: 13561.96

Hardware he wants icon to be the first

Time: 13565.359

company to make something on another

Time: 13569.04

world so do we at Marshall space flight

Time: 13572.84

center in Huntsville Alabama NASA

Time: 13575.479

scientists Jennifer Edmonson and corki

Time: 13578.359

Clinton run a program called impact

Time: 13581.72

spelled mm P Moon toor's planetary

Time: 13586.359

autonomous Construction

Time: 13588.199

Technologies whoa you people at Nasa you

Time: 13591.68

come up with these very very long names

Time: 13594.279

that's why we call it impact the key

Time: 13596.72

word there is autonomous we want to be

Time: 13599.96

able to make structures that we need

Time: 13602.479

without having to be tended by

Time: 13604.279

astronauts if you're going to have a

Time: 13606

truly sustainable presence on the lunar

Time: 13608.159

surface you have to be as Earth

Time: 13609.6

independent as possible NASA was

Time: 13612.6

interested in 3D printing having looked

Time: 13615.239

at an early version almost 20 years ago

Time: 13618.68

so when they heard about the progress

Time: 13620.6

icon had made with their first houses in

Time: 13623.12

Austin Corky Clinton traveled there to

Time: 13626.239

take a look being an engineer I spent a

Time: 13629.04

lot of my time going around and looking

Time: 13630.88

at the size of the beads and how they

Time: 13632.52

went around the corners and I'll tell

Time: 13634.159

you I was really impressed with what

Time: 13635.68

they had

Time: 13637.12

accomplished impressed enough that NASA

Time: 13640.279

gave icon development money in 2020 and

Time: 13643.8

then last fall a $57 million contract

Time: 13648.439

welcome to space lab Lesley this is

Time: 13650.239

where we figure out how to build on

Time: 13651.319

other worlds Ballard and Evan Jensen who

Time: 13654.359

leads the project explain the

Time: 13656.84

fundamental challenge to bring an object

Time: 13659.76

roughly this size from Earth to the Moon

Time: 13662.6

surface would be $1 million and think of

Time: 13665.6

how many sort of brick-sized things we

Time: 13667.72

would need to do Launchpad Landing Pad

Time: 13669.439

roads habitats so we have to learn to

Time: 13671.279

live off the land you have to learn to

Time: 13673.359

build it there and use the materials

Time: 13676.04

from there that's right but that's no

Time: 13678.52

easy feet it means using what's called

Time: 13681.479

lunar regolith which covers the moon's

Time: 13684.199

surface rather than concrete and water

Time: 13687.12

as a building material regolith is made

Time: 13690.08

up of rock that has been pummeled over

Time: 13692.68

billions of years from asteroids comets

Time: 13696.199

and things is it like sand it's actually

Time: 13698.72

finer than sand icon has a big tub full

Time: 13702.56

of simulated Moon regolith and they have

Time: 13705.52

invented and built a robotic system to

Time: 13708.92

3D print with it you're going to build

Time: 13711.52

all those roads and buildings out of

Time: 13713.56

this that's correct to the robots will

Time: 13716.279

this is actually the mission that we are

Time: 13718.159

scheduled to fly as he pointed out in

Time: 13720.84

this rendering our robotic arm with our

Time: 13723.6

laser system they've created a whole new

Time: 13726.8

way to 3D print with lasers instead of a

Time: 13730.6

nozzle squirting out soft conrete a

Time: 13733.64

high-intensity laser beam will melt the

Time: 13736.199

powdery regolith to transform it into a

Time: 13739.319

hard strong Building Material they're

Time: 13742.359

running experiments Now using the laser

Time: 13745.479

to create a small sample once that red

Time: 13748.6

light is on we're hot oh lots of power

Time: 13753.04

here we go here we go we watched on

Time: 13755.72

monitors as the arm got into position

Time: 13759.239

there's the laser oh that white thing's

Time: 13761

the laser so it's melting right now it's

Time: 13763.76

going up to say 1500° C it's going to

Time: 13766.88

complete its second pass you can see it

Time: 13768.96

emerging there see the dark object on

Time: 13770.84

the screen that's the object we just

Time: 13772.479

made with the laser they can add more

Time: 13775.399

regolith and Laser again and again to

Time: 13779.12

build in layers to go as high as they

Time: 13781.479

want which will be done remotely from

Time: 13784.279


Time: 13785.159

it takes hours to cool so they showed me

Time: 13788.279

a sample they' made days earlier this is

Time: 13792.399

pretty darn hard that's our Landing Pad

Time: 13794.72

you're holding it yeah I'm holding The

Time: 13796.479

Landing Pad that's exactly right it's

Time: 13798.359

pretty cool that's a scientific term

Time: 13801.92

icon sends them to NASA where they're

Time: 13804.88

blasted with this special plasma torch

Time: 13807.88

the torch will be about 4,000 de to see

Time: 13811

if they can take the heat a landing pad

Time: 13813.68

would have to with

Time: 13816.439

stand see there oh there it is the torch

Time: 13820.6

is so bright you have to watch on a

Time: 13825.76

monitor that was it a few minutes later

Time: 13829.96

out it

Time: 13831.08

came oh it's just a little bit warm it

Time: 13835.08

looks good to me I don't see any loss of

Time: 13838.399

material I don't see any cratering it

Time: 13840.8

survived the test pass the test with

Time: 13843.159

flying colors the next test will be

Time: 13846.399

operating the entire robotic arm and

Time: 13849.52

Laser we'll put in a large scale

Time: 13852.319

simulant Bed inside NASA's giant thermal

Time: 13856.08

vacuum chamber which mimics the moon's

Time: 13858.72

extreme cold heat and vacuum conditions

Time: 13862.68

this is sort of like a Ballard's idea is

Time: 13865.279

to eventually send mobile 3D printers to

Time: 13868.479

the moon so this moves the printer

Time: 13870.72

around with a longer robotic arm

Time: 13873.64

sticking out of the top to print

Time: 13876.04

whatever is needed and then they would

Time: 13877.68

build the road and then they would build

Time: 13879.08

those habitats right it's and it

Time: 13880.64

wouldn't stop there if we can do it on

Time: 13882.439

the moon we can do it on Mars the Moon

Time: 13883.96

is actually harder it's harder Mars is

Time: 13886.399

uh almost in every way easier except for

Time: 13888.479

it's so far away easier they agree

Time: 13891.84

because for one thing Mars doesn't have

Time: 13894.199

extreme temperature swings still in my

Time: 13897.64

mind it's science fiction but in your

Time: 13900.239

minds it's absolutely in the palm of

Time: 13903.92

your hand it's going to happen we can

Time: 13906.399

see the steps in the technology to get

Time: 13909.239

us there now that's thrilling it's

Time: 13912.08

exciting quality can't go backwards in

Time: 13915

Block four icon says trying to 3D print

Time: 13918.239

on the moon and Mars is helping with

Time: 13920.76

their work here on Earth they are

Time: 13923.52

formulating new mixes to reduce the

Time: 13926.399

carbon footprint of their concrete we

Time: 13929.159

think we'll be there by end of year and

Time: 13931.04

they're trying out more radical

Time: 13933.52

architecture quite complex shapes and

Time: 13935.96

geometri almost looks like ripples on

Time: 13937.56

the surface of water patterned walls

Time: 13940.479

it's very subtle oh look at this yeah it

Time: 13943.159

almost looks impossible and next year as

Time: 13946.439

in these renderings they'll be printing

Time: 13948.8

round hotel rooms in Marfa Texas and

Time: 13952.319

futuristic looking designer homes you

Time: 13955.239

see a bedroom on that end with a shower

Time: 13956.68

and a bedroom here and here's a some

Time: 13958.72

renderings of the Interior wow right it

Time: 13961.72

gets you going doesn't it we're living

Time: 13964.08

at a time right now where a lot of CEOs

Time: 13967.96

have been caught over promising hyping

Time: 13971.84

um thinking of feros you're absolutely

Time: 13974.6

right and it it's it's it's a tougher

Time: 13976.6

thing than you know because part of the

Time: 13978.359

job is to get your investors get your

Time: 13980.76

team and in our case the world um to

Time: 13984.68

believe the things you are saying except

Time: 13987.319

the things you are saying don't exist

Time: 13989.239

yet uh you need you need to get them to

Time: 13991.68

believe so it's hard to know

Time: 13994.56

like even in this interview I actually

Time: 13996.239

haven't yet told you all the things I

Time: 13997.76

believe we're going to do because I'm

Time: 13999.439

like measuring myself give us one

Time: 14002.52

example something wild I mean in the

Time: 14006.8

future I

Time: 14008.72

think most buildings will be designed by

Time: 14011.64

AI most projects will be run by software

Time: 14014.92

and almost everything will be built by

Time: 14016.399

robots and I don't think that's that far

Time: 14018.479

away I at my age find that very

Time: 14021.439

depressing but I'm sure young people

Time: 14024.52

that world housing will be more abundant

Time: 14027.8

more affordable more beautiful it will

Time: 14030

make this version of housing look

Time: 14031.8

depressing by example you know that

Time: 14033.8

expression if it seems too good to be

Time: 14036.199

true it is

Time: 14038.76

or I do know that

Time: 14041.04

expression uh but cars and airplanes and

Time: 14043.479

moonlanding seem too good to be true for

Time: 14045.04

a moment as well and so like maybe the

Time: 14046.88

only proof I can give you is like I'm

Time: 14047.88

betting my life on it like I have this

Time: 14049.88

one precious Life to Live and I'm using

Time: 14051.56

it to do this and if I could think of a

Time: 14053.359

better way I'd be doing that in instead

Time: 14054.56

or I'd go fishing like this is so hard

Time: 14056.8

and you like fishing and I love

Time: 14066.96

fishing we don't often think about how

Time: 14069.56

the sense of touch makes our lives

Time: 14072.64

possible we grip a paper coffee cup with

Time: 14075.76

perfect Force to hold it but not crush

Time: 14078.52

it our feet always find the floor but

Time: 14082.239

for people with artificial limbs or

Time: 14084.68

those with spinal injuries the loss of

Time: 14087.319

touch can put the world beyond their

Time: 14089.72

grasp 17 years ago the defense

Time: 14092.88

department launched a $100 million

Time: 14095.52

project to revolutionize prosthetic

Time: 14098.08

limbs the robotics you're about to see

Time: 14100.76

is amazing but as we first reported

Time: 14103.439

earlier this year even more remarkable

Time: 14106.68

is how the feeling of feeling is

Time: 14109.439

returning to people like Brandon

Time: 14113

prestwood for me me it

Time: 14116.84

was it's a battle if I wanted to live or

Time: 14119.84

die you weren't sure you wanted to live

Time: 14125.439

no I didn't know if I wanted to or

Time: 14128.08

not Brandon prestwoods battle began with

Time: 14131.439

the loss of his left hand in 2012 he was

Time: 14135.76

on a maintenance crew reassembling an

Time: 14138.279

industrial conveyor belt when someone

Time: 14141.319

turned it on my arm was dragged in

Time: 14144

pretty much up to the shoulder it

Time: 14146.399

crushed my bones in my arm and uh fed my

Time: 14151.199

arm through a gap about one inch how did

Time: 14153.72

they save your life The Other M guys

Time: 14155.8

jumped in they started basically taking

Time: 14157.88

the machine back apart uh once we got it

Time: 14160.76

back apart I could look in and see what

Time: 14163.84

was there and uh one of the gentleman

Time: 14166.279

was a Vietnam veteran

Time: 14176.359

and the Vietnam veteran knew what to do

Time: 14178.96

yeah the Vietnam veteran knew

Time: 14181.12

tourniquets but Presswood lost his hand

Time: 14184.199

and couldn't return to his job go eat

Time: 14186.96

with this yeah that sounds good after

Time: 14189.8

four years with a hook he told his wife

Time: 14192.92

Amy he wanted to volunteer for

Time: 14195.159

experimental research involving surgery

Time: 14198.319

at the VA I was not 100% on board to

Time: 14202.399

start with but I knew he had his mind

Time: 14204.96

set that he was he had to do this and I

Time: 14208.96

I couldn't hold him back 6 years later

Time: 14212.319

thanks to defense department and VA

Time: 14214.84

projects Presswood controls this hand

Time: 14218.64

with nothing but his thoughts everything

Time: 14221.359

still feel

Time: 14222.84

good probably when I get her turned

Time: 14224.92

around here electrodes implanted in

Time: 14227.6

muscles in his arm pick up his brain's

Time: 14230.88

electrical signals for movement a

Time: 14233.56

computer translates those signals to the

Time: 14235.92

hand how about the middle finger now

Time: 14238.239

sensors in the plastic fingers are

Time: 14240.96

connected to nerves in his arm to return

Time: 14244.439

a basic sense of touch close your eyes

Time: 14247.08

tell me when you're feeling each of

Time: 14248.04

these which he can demonstrate with his

Time: 14250.64

eyes closed

Time: 14253.04

pinky index that's not

Time: 14256.08

bad middle still requires a little bit

Time: 14259.12

but it's not bad biomed engineer Dustin

Time: 14261.52

Tyler leads This research at Case

Time: 14264.68

Western Reserve University and the

Time: 14267.279

Cleveland VA touch is about connection

Time: 14269.8

it's connection to the world it's about

Time: 14271.319

connection to others it's connection to

Time: 14273.68

yourself right I mean we never

Time: 14277.12

experienced not having touch it's the

Time: 14279.319

largest sensory organ on our body all

Time: 14281.64

right so go ahead Tyler first attempted

Time: 14284.04

an artificial Connection in 2012 he

Time: 14287.6

switched it on in a volunteer and

Time: 14290.6

wondered what would happen so I was

Time: 14292.92

concerned would it his whole hand would

Time: 14294.56

it be painful would it not feel anything

Time: 14297.159

we had no idea uh so one of those big

Time: 14299.68

moments in my career was he came in we

Time: 14302.359

first turned on the stimulus and he kind

Time: 14304.52

of stopped for a second and he goes

Time: 14306.68

That's my thumb that's the tip of my

Time: 14308.96

thumb this happened right away it didn't

Time: 14312.64

require any training of the brain no

Time: 14315.76

that was the beauty of it my thumb

Time: 14318.56

Brandon Presswood remembers the instant

Time: 14321.239

it happened to him that's my fingers

Time: 14324.6

I'm feeling my fingers that I don't have

Time: 14327.399

anymore I'm feeling them a definite

Time: 14330.439

feeling he told us but different it

Time: 14334.239

doesn't feel exactly like my right hand

Time: 14337

it's a tingling sensation it's not

Time: 14339.319

painful it's kind of like if your if

Time: 14341.76

your hand's been to sleep right at the

Time: 14343.68

end right before it wakes up that

Time: 14346.72

very for me it's Pleasant it's a

Time: 14349.479

pleasant tingling let's see if you can

Time: 14351.08

do on a cherry here a tingling that's

Time: 14353

light with a light touch but grows

Time: 14355.88

stronger the harder he presses eyes

Time: 14358.84

closed he can pinch a cherry firmly

Time: 14362

enough to pull it from its stem but not

Time: 14364.76

crush it you can feel this is light I

Time: 14366.64

had to use my lightest touch so if I

Time: 14369.12

hold this right here with an empty

Time: 14371.52

eggshell I can feel that I feel it in I

Time: 14375.64

feel it here and here it's a feeling

Time: 14379.239

more than a decade in the making at the

Time: 14381.68

beginning of this research how did you

Time: 14383.479

even imag imagine that this would be

Time: 14385.479

possible I didn't imagine I thought I

Time: 14387.92

imagined it was not going to be possible

Time: 14390.319

San Ben mayor at the University of

Time: 14392.8

Chicago is among the world's leading

Time: 14395.439

experts on the Neuroscience of touch in

Time: 14399.399

2008 he joined the defense Department's

Time: 14401.84

project to revolutionize Prosthetics but

Time: 14405.239

he didn't think the Pentagon knew what

Time: 14407.239

it was up against there are a 100

Time: 14410.159

billion neurons in the brain

Time: 14412.279

interconnected with a 100 Brillion

Time: 14414.399

synapses I mean the the the human brain

Time: 14417.199

is like the most complex system in the

Time: 14419.08

known universe too complex he believed

Time: 14422.6

to Target electrical stimulation to

Time: 14425.399

exactly the right neurons and when we

Time: 14428.199

electrically stimulate we activate

Time: 14431.399

hundreds thousands of them at the same

Time: 14433.68

time in ways that would never happen

Time: 14435.96

naturally it just seemed like that very

Time: 14439.96

impoverished interface with this nervous

Time: 14442.08

system would never do any able to do

Time: 14444.399

anything useful and turns out I was

Time: 14446.6

wrong he was proved wrong by his own

Time: 14449.359

research how you doing Scott nice to

Time: 14451.199

meet you nice to meet you Scott with

Time: 14453.92

volunteers including Scott Embry and you

Time: 14457

can feel that I feel it on my fingertips

Time: 14459.84

whose movement and sense of touch are

Time: 14462.12

limited by a spinal injury from a car

Time: 14465.6

accident computer ports in EMB skull are

Time: 14469.84

wired to the motor and sensory parts of

Time: 14472.52

his brain electrodes pick up the brain's

Time: 14475.68

electrical signals that were intended

Time: 14478.12

for the muscles a computer translates

Time: 14481.239

those signals to the robot

Time: 14483.96

arm we first saw this brain machine

Time: 14487.279

interface 10 years ago at the University

Time: 14490.159

of Pittsburgh but back then there was no

Time: 14494.159

sensation index finger in collaboration

Time: 14497.319

with pit neuroscientist slan bmea showed

Time: 14501.08

that signals for touch could be turn to

Time: 14504.56

the brain how can you possibly know what

Time: 14509.6

part of the brain is the tip of the

Time: 14512.92

index finger we took Scott and we put

Time: 14516.439

him in a functional magnetic resonance

Time: 14518.64

imaging scanner and then we had him

Time: 14521.56

imagine moving his thumb imagine moving

Time: 14524.359

his index imagine moving his his digits

Time: 14527.439

as we monitored his brain activity and

Time: 14530.8

lo and behold the sensory and motor

Time: 14533.12

parts of the brain

Time: 14534.479

that are involved in the

Time: 14536.239

hand lit up

Time: 14540.08


Time: 14543.64

ring index there are challenges

Time: 14547.439

eventually the brain builds Scar Tissue

Time: 14549.92

at the implants limiting the motor

Time: 14552.96

electrodes but one patient's implants

Time: 14555.6

have lasted 8 years in

Time: 14557.8

counting Scott EMB have been working

Time: 14560.6

more than 2

Time: 14561.88

years you have been a subject of this

Time: 14565.76

work for years now and I wonder why I

Time: 14570.88

wanted to have someone else have the

Time: 14573.319

opportunity to become independent again

Time: 14575.96

the most meaningful work of your life

Time: 14577.88


Time: 14578.64

sir 100% the greatest Independence might

Time: 14583.279

be no prosthetic at all and we saw this

Time: 14587.159

astounding possibility with a Pioneer

Time: 14590.359

Austin Bean his brain impulses are

Time: 14593.92

rooted not to a robot but to implants in

Time: 14597.479

his own arm that fire his muscles what

Time: 14601.399

function did you have in this hand

Time: 14603.64

before the implants oh absolutely n

Time: 14607.279

nothing you couldn't move it at all now

Time: 14609.439

so only thing I can do really is shrug

Time: 14613.159

my shoulders and kind of shift

Time: 14615

them unfortunately that was all that

Time: 14618

came back after my accident his accident

Time: 14621.479

was on a vacation celebrating his

Time: 14624.04

college graduation diving into a

Time: 14627.12

submerged Sandbar left him

Time: 14630.319

quadriplegic now motor and sensory

Time: 14633.52

impulses flow through the ports in

Time: 14635.88

Bean's skull and a computer bypassing

Time: 14639.439

his damaged spine relax clothes the

Time: 14643

research is led by bolu AO a biomedical

Time: 14647.12

engineer at Case Western Reserve

Time: 14649.319

University our goal is to restore

Time: 14651.92

complete functionality of the upper arm

Time: 14654.399

including dextrous hand function and the

Time: 14656.68

ability to reach out so that Austin and

Time: 14659.359

others who have suffered you know severe

Time: 14661.08

spinal cord injury can regain some level

Time: 14663.88

of functional Independence bring my arm

Time: 14665.96

forward the Cradle under his arm only

Time: 14669.08

supports the weight all of the motion is

Time: 14672.52

his own it takes effort he has to

Time: 14676.199

concentrate little bit quicker open hand

Time: 14678.88

relax hand Clos hand relax

Time: 14682.239

hand open hand relax hand and the

Time: 14686.12

computer needs frequent adjustment how'd

Time: 14688.359


Time: 14689.199

feel good good but his parents Shelly

Time: 14692.92

and Brad showed us where this could lead

Time: 14696.239

carrot or would you like to have a nice

Time: 14698.08

granola bar I'll take the granola bar I

Time: 14704.6

figured Bean retained limited feeling

Time: 14707.84

after his injury which makes him ideal

Time: 14710.96

for evaluating the artificial sens touch

Time: 14714.88

point a

Time: 14715.96

finger so if I can extend first his

Time: 14718.88

motor skills let me open my hand for you

Time: 14721.279

continue to grow squeeze around it

Time: 14723.92

you'll feel me really start to dig in

Time: 14725.92

right there you got a grip yeah it

Time: 14728.199

really is let go yeah and I'll bring the

Time: 14730.52

arm back up congratulations yeah thank

Time: 14733.319

you thank you so muching amazing

Time: 14736.56

advances are coming

Time: 14738.52

quickly Danny wner lost his foot in

Time: 14741.8

Vietnam it's on okay but but 47 years

Time: 14745

later he was reconnected to touch in an

Time: 14748.319

artificial foot can you feel that on

Time: 14750.479

your toes yep which helps him balance

Time: 14753.12

climb stairs and walk on uneven

Time: 14757.12

ground Brandon prestwoods next device

Time: 14760.199

will replace some wiring with Bluetooth

Time: 14763.04

connections especially the Thumb Thumbs

Time: 14765.12

spot on the cost of his experimental rig

Time: 14768.439

and surgery is estimated at roughly

Time: 14772.56

$200,000 but an eventual commercial

Time: 14775.399

system May cost significantly

Time: 14778.88

less while delivering moments that are

Time: 14785.92

Priceless what did that mean to you to

Time: 14788.399

feel Amy's hand in yours the

Time: 14792.359

world I was a whole person

Time: 14795.08

again I didn't have to worry about

Time: 14798.359

those dark thoughts creeping back in

Time: 14802.159

it's just giving me back my husband

Time: 14803.6


Time: 14804.92

who means the world to me um he's

Time: 14809.359

hisself again himself because the

Time: 14812.92

feeling of feeling is so much of what

Time: 14816.199

makes us human maybe that's why when we

Time: 14819.319

see a tender moment it is said to be

Time: 14823.399

touching I love

Time: 14832

you with a new strain of covid On The

Time: 14834.6

Rise and flu season just getting started

Time: 14837.56

we thought now would be a good time to

Time: 14839.479

consider what the pandemic has taught us

Time: 14841.64

about preventing the spread of

Time: 14843.12

potentially deadly respiratory

Time: 14845.359

infections it turns out viruses like the

Time: 14848.08

one that causes covid-19 can travel

Time: 14850.439

through the air much farther than 6 ft

Time: 14853.6

so Public Health advice focusing on

Time: 14855.64

social distancing handwashing and

Time: 14857.96

masking wasn't enough air quality

Time: 14860.96

scientists say from the start of the

Time: 14862.96

pandemic it also should have focused on

Time: 14865.239

improving the air we all breathe

Time: 14867.96

indoors now some companies are doing

Time: 14870.68

just that for the health of their

Time: 14872.52

workers and the health of their bottom

Time: 14875.119

line the original sin of the pandemic

Time: 14878.239

was the failure to recognize Airborne

Time: 14881

transmission Professor Joe Allen of

Time: 14883.479

Harvard's th Chan School of Public

Time: 14885.68

Health believes the rapid spread of

Time: 14887.52

covid in early 2020 was preventable

Time: 14890.68

think about the public health gains

Time: 14892.08

we've made over the past 100 years

Time: 14893.96

we've made improvements to water quality

Time: 14896.6

outdoor air pollution our food safety

Time: 14901.04

we've made improvements to sanitation

Time: 14903.04

absolute basics of Public Health where

Time: 14905.479

has indoor air been in that conversation

Time: 14908.399

it's totally forgotten about and the

Time: 14910.92

pandemic showed what a glaring mistake

Time: 14914.279

that was what do you think was lost

Time: 14916.399

because of that lag in understanding of

Time: 14918.68

how this was spread tens of thousands of

Time: 14921.72

lives in the US many more more globally

Time: 14925

not an

Time: 14925.92

exaggeration it's also no exaggeration

Time: 14928.52

to say those early days of covid were

Time: 14931.72

Unforgettable in the US by March 2020

Time: 14935.159

the virus began taking its toll in

Time: 14937.159

places like the Life Care Center Nursing

Time: 14939.08

Home in Kirkland

Time: 14940.64

Washington 60 Mi away in Mount Vernon

Time: 14943.72

Washington the scet valley Corral held

Time: 14946.319

one of its weekly rehearsals in a church

Time: 14949.199

half the members stayed away but the

Time: 14951.52

other half showed up among them were

Time: 14954

board members Debbie Amos Mark and Ruth

Time: 14956.96

backland and koise bettinger so we just

Time: 14959.68

thought hand sanitizer wash your hands a

Time: 14962.399

lot you know don't hug each other cuz

Time: 14965.319

that's touch none of it was good enough

Time: 14968.239

within a few days Corral members began

Time: 14970.479

to get sick in all Co hit 53 of the 61

Time: 14974.92

people there that night two of them both

Time: 14977.76

in their 80s died a week we were going

Time: 14980.8

th this has got to be spread some other

Time: 14983

way it because we were good we were good

Time: 14986.96

So Co was percolating and you thought

Time: 14989.399

you were doing everything you were

Time: 14990.6

supposed to do yes right scatchet County

Time: 14993.399

Health officials said the rehearsal

Time: 14995

could be considered a super spreading

Time: 14996.72

event one of the earliest in the country

Time: 14999.439

and concluded that choir members had an

Time: 15001.439

intense and prolonged exposure to

Time: 15003.52

surfaces droplets and possibly even

Time: 15006.199

microscopic Airborne particles called

Time: 15008.279

aerosols containing the virus that

Time: 15011.359

caught the attention of Lindsay Maher of

Time: 15013.279

a Virginia Tech University Professor

Time: 15015.319

specializing in aerosol science and

Time: 15017.52

several of her fellow researchers even

Time: 15020.08

though the medical community was focused

Time: 15021.88

on droplets surfaces and handwashing

Time: 15024.88

these researchers strongly believed

Time: 15026.72

covid was mostly an airborne disease but

Time: 15029.279

needed more proof so they launched their

Time: 15031.56

own analysis I thought wow this is even

Time: 15035.52

worse than I thought this has to be

Time: 15037.68

airborne there's really no other

Time: 15039.76

explanation for it some people are going

Time: 15042.08

to say oh they all touched the same door

Time: 15043.96

knob but after the first few people

Time: 15046.119

touch that doorknob there there's no

Time: 15047.72

more virus left that's what happens with

Time: 15050.119

our exhaled breath now Professor Maher

Time: 15052.04

used a portable fogger to help explain

Time: 15054.279

how so many choir members could have

Time: 15056.199

gotten sick when they're singing they

Time: 15058.8

are releasing virus particles into the

Time: 15062.279

air constantly probably like

Time: 15066.479

this and those are going to drift around

Time: 15069.92

in the room notice they're not just

Time: 15071.64

falling to the ground and now as we

Time: 15074.159

continue to sing there's more and more

Time: 15076.319

of them in the room and you can see as

Time: 15078.199

they're drifting around they're reaching

Time: 15079.68

these other people nearby and they were

Time: 15082.56

there for 2 and 1 half hours and you can

Time: 15084.439

imagine that after that amount of time

Time: 15086.76

the other people would have breathed in

Time: 15088.279

enough of them to get sick themselves

Time: 15090.84

especially if at night the HVAC system

Time: 15093.479

was turned off as far as we know it

Time: 15095.68

wasn't running and so there were very

Time: 15097.64

there was very poor ventilation in that

Time: 15099.88

room when this was all happening an HVAC

Time: 15102.76

unit short for heating ventilation and

Time: 15105

air conditioning is the heart and lungs

Time: 15107.159

of any building the researcher suspected

Time: 15110.319

the thermostat most likely shut off the

Time: 15112.68

HVAC unit because the Corral members

Time: 15114.96

were generating enough heat on their own

Time: 15118.199

and right now there's no ventilation

Time: 15121.359

very very low okay and actually it's

Time: 15124.68

similar to what was in the church where

Time: 15127.56

the the the group was rehearsing then

Time: 15130.88

Professor Mah turned up the circulation

Time: 15132.76

to show us how better air flow could

Time: 15134.72

have helped remove aerosols and slow the

Time: 15136.96

spread of virus instead of just drifting

Time: 15139.56

all over the room oh you can actually

Time: 15142.199

see it right going up I sure can that is

Time: 15144.8

dramatic to see that the analysis led to

Time: 15147.8

one of the most significant papers on

Time: 15149.56

the importance of ventilation published

Time: 15151.439

during the pandemic then last year a

Time: 15154.6

study in Italy went further it found

Time: 15157.199

that by using a school's fans and air

Time: 15159.159

ducts to mechanically exchange indoor

Time: 15161.319

air with outdoor air five times an hour

Time: 15164.199

the risk of covid-19 infections

Time: 15166.199

decreased by at least

Time: 15168.04

80% but in the US it took until this

Time: 15171.239

past May for the CDC to recommend an air

Time: 15173.84

exchange rate at all if you look at the

Time: 15176.479

way we design and operate buildings and

Time: 15178.76

I mean offices schools local coffee shop

Time: 15182.399

we haven't designed for health we have

Time: 15184.8

bare minimum standards in schools the

Time: 15187.76

minimum air change by Design is about

Time: 15189.8

three air changes per hour and remember

Time: 15192.6

we want at least four to six if we'd had

Time: 15195.319

these indoor air quality targets before

Time: 15197.6

the pandemic how do you think the

Time: 15199.479

pandemic would have unfolded differently

Time: 15201.6

we still would have had spread this

Time: 15203.92

isn't an end the pandemic thing we would

Time: 15207.159

have had a lot less of it and we've had

Time: 15208.84

a lot less of these super spreading

Time: 15210.479

events think about the early days of the

Time: 15212.119

pandemic with flatten the curve stay

Time: 15214.479

home why wasn't improve indor air

Time: 15217.359

quality part of flatten the curve we had

Time: 15219.479

tools to protect ourselves masking great

Time: 15222.6

tool it's a

Time: 15223.92

filter but we ignored the building side

Time: 15226.84

of this so Ain buildings are Allen's

Time: 15229.76

business as the founder of Harvard's

Time: 15231.8

healthy buildings program he diagnoses

Time: 15234.159

problems in air quality systems and

Time: 15235.92

comes up with solutions for clients that

Time: 15237.76

include cbs's parent company Paramount

Time: 15240.439

and commercial real estate companies

Time: 15242.119

like Beacon Capital partners with

Time: 15244.08

buildings like this one in downtown

Time: 15245.8

Boston and he advised Amazon before

Time: 15248.52

these new 22-story towers opened last

Time: 15251

May in Arlington Virginia where gave us

Time: 15253.439

a tour what does a state-of-the-art

Time: 15255.64

building look like in terms of air well

Time: 15258.119

you see a lot of the elements in this

Time: 15259.479

building you have a dedicated outdoor

Time: 15261.479

air system that's delivering air above

Time: 15264.88

the minimum requirements then it's going

Time: 15266.92

through two Merv 13 filter Banks you

Time: 15269.08

have highly filtered air MV stands for

Time: 15271.84

minimum efficiency reporting value a

Time: 15274.56

rating of 13 means it catches up to 90%

Time: 15277.76

of Airborne particles depending on their

Time: 15280

size as the first line of defense not

Time: 15282.84

just just against covid but other

Time: 15284.88

Airborne respiratory viruses like flu

Time: 15287.319

and RSV this is the part of the building

Time: 15290.08

nobody ever sees but this determines

Time: 15292.84

whether or not you're healthy or sick in

Time: 15294.76

the building really what happens in this

Time: 15296.439

space you can just see the filters on

Time: 15298.279

the right here at Amazon's new offices

Time: 15301.119

the top floor is a maze of Motors pipes

Time: 15303.84

and air ducts this is the air intake

Time: 15306.479

part of a $2.5 million haax system that

Time: 15309.68

begins with massive rooftop Vents and

Time: 15311.84

dampers right here this is the whole air

Time: 15314.279

handling system this is where the air

Time: 15316

comes into the building it's filtered

Time: 15318

it's cooled and then delivered this

Time: 15319.76

determines how much air actually reaches

Time: 15322.399

the office space where people are

Time: 15323.64

working and how clean that air is

Time: 15326.119

downstairs each floor has a sensor that

Time: 15328.64

tells building Engineers about the

Time: 15330.56

quality of the indoor air such as levels

Time: 15333.239

of carbon dioxide known as CO2 we

Time: 15336.319

breathe out the carbon dioxide that's

Time: 15338.08

right the less carbon dioxide the better

Time: 15340.319

the ventilation really straightforward

Time: 15341.96

high carbon dioxide means you're not

Time: 15343.6

getting enough outdoor air from that

Time: 15345.04

system we just looked at if it's low

Time: 15346.76

you're in good shape then we also

Time: 15348.399

measure particles that tells us things

Time: 15351.159

about like outdoor air pollution the

Time: 15353.439

entire system can be monitored and

Time: 15355.439

controlled from the basement remember we

Time: 15357.479

talked about carbon dioxide as an

Time: 15358.84

indicator for ventilation well I can see

Time: 15361.04

in this building all of these are Under

Time: 15362.84

800 parts per million so that's good

Time: 15364.84

that's great and really important if a

Time: 15367.6

lot of people went into a space the CO2

Time: 15369.52

level would rise this system would

Time: 15371.319

recognize it the dampers would open up

Time: 15373.88

and bring in a lot more outdoor air

Time: 15375.84

Katie Hughes Amazon's director of health

Time: 15378.119

and safety pointed to the waves of

Time: 15380.279

wildfire smoke that have swept down from

Time: 15382.399

Canada as the ultimate test of the

Time: 15384.56

indoor air quality system not too long

Time: 15387.279

ago Washington and Virginia were sort of

Time: 15390.359

smothered by this smoke coming down from

Time: 15392.64

Canada what happened in this building

Time: 15395.359

you would expect the air quality within

Time: 15397.399

the facility to not be great our

Time: 15400.399

buildings were performing very well

Time: 15403.04

again Hughes says Amazon has been

Time: 15404.96

updating many of its HVAC systems

Time: 15407.359

including in its warehouses a recent

Time: 15410.159

survey of facility managers in the US

Time: 15412.279

and Canada found that since March 2020

Time: 15415.279

roughly two-thirds of respondents have

Time: 15417.359

upgraded their myrr filters and increase

Time: 15419.64

their air exchange rates in New York

Time: 15422.08

City JP Morgan Chas says its new

Time: 15424.8

headquarters will have state-of-the-art

Time: 15426.6

air quality controls and this new

Time: 15429.04

skyscraper called one Vanderbuilt

Time: 15431.479

already runs a modern back system Co

Time: 15434.68

shifted everybody's mindset in terms of

Time: 15437.119

air quality in terms of communicable or

Time: 15439.279

infectious diseases are you finding that

Time: 15442.84

Amazon is making a business decision

Time: 15445.68

partially by saying look it's okay for

Time: 15448.76

you to come back to work because we're

Time: 15450.96

telling you that the air inside this

Time: 15452.52

building is safe I think it's one of

Time: 15456.08

many reasons why we expect or would like

Time: 15458.92

people back in the office that is a a

Time: 15461.64

good thing to have it's probably one of

Time: 15464.279

many things a well operating HVAC system

Time: 15467.72

is not only good for the health of

Time: 15469.239

employees it can be good for the health

Time: 15471.319

of companies too especially with people

Time: 15474.119

working remotely leaving many commercial

Time: 15476.52

building owners looking for tenants

Time: 15479.159

there's empty office space in New York

Time: 15481.479

City and elsewhere how do you think this

Time: 15483.96

new thinking might affect that in terms

Time: 15485.6

of people even wanting to come to work

Time: 15487.96

the dynamic has changed it's a total

Time: 15490.359

buyers or tenants Market all outs equal

Time: 15494.439

which building are you going to go to

Time: 15496.319

you have your choice right now this

Time: 15498.72

building that put in healthy building

Time: 15500.72

controls or this building that's

Time: 15503.479

designed the way we've always designed

Time: 15505.239

buildings and is prone to being a sick

Time: 15506.88

building so it actually can help the

Time: 15508.8

bottom line in addition to of course

Time: 15510.439

improving Health yeah what about

Time: 15513.199

retrofitting a building that's old I

Time: 15515.68

think it's a misconception that old

Time: 15516.96

buildings can't be healthy buildings

Time: 15518.84

some of these fixes don't take much

Time: 15521.72

improving the level of fil ation that's

Time: 15524.159

easy it's cheap protects against

Time: 15527.04

covid-19 influenza also protects against

Time: 15530.04

Wildfire smoke and outdoor air pollution

Time: 15532.52

protects against allergens simple

Time: 15534.84

absolute basic things that can be

Time: 15540.199

done the scet valley Corral rehearsals

Time: 15543.159

are now in a different church with the

Time: 15544.92

new HVAC system doors stay open to bring

Time: 15548.08

in fresh air regardless of the season

Time: 15551.04

and there are even portable carbon di

Time: 15552.76

dioxide monitors to track ventilation

Time: 15555.76

we've been through a traumatic

Time: 15559.439

experience and we've tried to learn from

Time: 15563.08

that and did help the science with the

Time: 15565.76

aerosol study and now we're moving on in

Time: 15569.439

a way that we can still sing but in a

Time: 15572.84

more safe manner do you worry that when

Time: 15575.88

the spotlight of the pandemic starts to

Time: 15577.92

fade that people will forget and that

Time: 15580.64

they won't act the way they should in

Time: 15581.88

terms of buildings I'm a bit more

Time: 15583.52

optimistic than that I think there are

Time: 15584.92

fundamental shifts that have happened

Time: 15587

the scientific and medical literature is

Time: 15588.439

being Rewritten the government and

Time: 15591.08

standard setting bodies are setting new

Time: 15592.84


Time: 15593.96

standards businesses are responding and

Time: 15596.359

won't forget what this meant to their

Time: 15597.76

employees health and their business so I

Time: 15600.64

don't think we're going to forget these

Time: 15602.239

lessons we better

Time: 15609.92

not this year marks the 75th anniversary

Time: 15613.6

of the end of World War II and the

Time: 15615.92

liberation of concentration camps across

Time: 15619.04

Europe most of the survivors Who Remain

Time: 15622.199

are now in their 80s and 90s so soon

Time: 15625.56

there will be no one left who experien

Time: 15627.92

the horrors of the Holocaust

Time: 15630.239

firsthand no one to answer questions or

Time: 15633.479

bear witness to Future

Time: 15635.8

Generations but as we first reported

Time: 15638.199

earlier this year a new and dramatic

Time: 15641.439

effort is underway to change that by

Time: 15644.64

harnessing the Technologies of the

Time: 15646.8

present and the future to keep alive the

Time: 15650.119

ability to talk to and get answers from

Time: 15654.08


Time: 15655.04

past hi

Time: 15656.88

Aaron hello can I ask you some questions

Time: 15661.399

you can ask me anything you want within

Time: 15665.359

reason our interview with Holocaust

Time: 15668.04

Survivor Aaron ster who spent two years

Time: 15671.239

of his childhood h in a neighbor's attic

Time: 15674.72

was unlike any interview we have ever

Time: 15677.239

done Aaron tell us what your parents did

Time: 15680.84

before the war they owned and operated a

Time: 15684.6

butcher shop it wasn't the content of

Time: 15687.319

the interview that was so unusual where

Time: 15689.6

did you live I was born in a small town

Time: 15692.96

in Poland called sov podlaski it's the

Time: 15697.199

fact that this interview was with a man

Time: 15699.56

who was no longer alive Aaron ster died

Time: 15704.08

two years ago what's the weather like

Time: 15706.92

today I'm actually

Time: 15709.279

recording I cannot answer that question

Time: 15713.119

the survivors were getting very old

Time: 15715.279

Heather Mayo came up with the idea for

Time: 15717.84

this project she had worked on exhibits

Time: 15720.439

featuring Holocaust Survivors for years

Time: 15723.359

and wanted future generations to have

Time: 15725.56

the same opportunity to interact with

Time: 15728.08

them as she' had I wanted

Time: 15731.04

to talk to to a holocaust Survivor like

Time: 15734.76

I would today with that person sitting

Time: 15737.6

right in front of me and we were having

Time: 15739.88


Time: 15740.84

conversation she knew that back in the

Time: 15743.359

90s after making the film Schindler's

Time: 15746.159

List Steven Spielberg created a

Time: 15748.6

foundation named for the Hebrew word for

Time: 15751.08

the Holocaust shaah come on ahead and

Time: 15753.56

sit on down to film and collect

Time: 15755.92

testimonies from as many survivors as

Time: 15758.68

possible you're they have interviewed

Time: 15760.84

nearly 55,000 of them so far and have

Time: 15764.199

stored them at the University of

Time: 15766.159


Time: 15767.199

California but Mayo dreamed of something

Time: 15769.84

more dyamic being able to actively

Time: 15773.359

converse with survivors after they're

Time: 15775.68

gone and she figured in the age of

Time: 15778.479

artificial intelligence tools like Siri

Time: 15781.239

and Alexa the technology had to be

Time: 15784.199

creatable I've been involved in

Time: 15786.199

interviewing Holocaust Survivors for

Time: 15787.52

over 20 years iot she brought the idea

Time: 15790.04

to Steven Smith executive director of

Time: 15792.96

the USC showa foundation and now her

Time: 15796

husband he loved it but some of his

Time: 15799

colleagues weren't so sure one of them

Time: 15801.56

looked at me she was like you want to

Time: 15803.6

talk to dead

Time: 15805.64

people and you said yes because that's

Time: 15808.479

the point that's the point well maybe

Time: 15810.439

people thought you're turning the

Time: 15812.199

Holocaust into something maybe hokey

Time: 15814.88

yeah they said that you're going to

Time: 15816.359

Disney by you know Disney by the

Time: 15818.8

Holocaust we had a lot of push back on

Time: 15820.439

this project is it the right thing to do

Time: 15822.64

what about The Well of the survivors are

Time: 15824.279

we trying to keep them alive beyond

Time: 15825.88

their death everyone had questions

Time: 15827.479

except for one group of people the

Time: 15829.64

survivors themselves who said where do I

Time: 15832.119

sign up I would like to participate in

Time: 15834.119

this project no barriers to entry

Time: 15836.8

actually I did both I actually first

Time: 15838.68

Survivor they signed up to do a trial

Time: 15841.399

run was a man named Pinkus gutter who

Time: 15844.56

was born in Poland and deported to the

Time: 15846.96

midic concentration camp with his

Time: 15849.64

parents and twin sister Sabina at the

Time: 15852.6

age of 11 he's the only one who

Time: 15856.239

survived they flew Pinkus from his home

Time: 15858.92

in Toronto to Los Angeles and asked him

Time: 15862.239

to sit inside this so you're in this

Time: 15865.92

Dome what yeah I called it the sphere

Time: 15868.56

they called it the Dome and then

Time: 15870

eventually it was called a bubble a

Time: 15872.199

bubble surrounding him with lights and

Time: 15874.6

more than 20 cameras what's our f- stop

Time: 15877.479

the goal was to Future prooof the

Time: 15879.68

interviews so that as technology ad

Time: 15882.399

advances and 3D hologram like projection

Time: 15886.159

becomes the norm they'll have all the

Time: 15888.8

necessary angles so the very first day

Time: 15891.279

we went to film pinkas we had these

Time: 15893

Ultra high-speed cameras that were all

Time: 15895.04

linked together and sync together to

Time: 15896.64

make um this video of him so and we sit

Time: 15899.96

down and they press record nothing

Time: 15902.199

happens so Pinkus is sitting there with

Time: 15904.08

6,000 LED lights on him and cameras are

Time: 15906.479

don't work can I go back to sleep now

Time: 15909.08

sunglasses shielded his eyes when are we

Time: 15911.84

going to start

Time: 15913.04

I was bored sitting in that chair so I

Time: 15915.72

started singing to

Time: 15919.11


Time: 15921

myself so suddenly Steven had this idea

Time: 15924.119

oh he's singing we're going to record

Time: 15925.92

some songs of

Time: 15928.96

his he was such a good sport he was

Time: 15931.359

really good

Time: 15932.239

sport eventually the cameras rolled and

Time: 15935.88

Pinkus was asked to come back to the

Time: 15938

bubble for the real thing how long were

Time: 15940.76

you in that chair a whole week from 9:

Time: 15943.04

to 5:00 a week we were there with breaks

Time: 15945.399

for lunch and but I was there from 9: to

Time: 15947.479

5:00 answering questions oh my gosh it

Time: 15949.84

took so long because they asked him

Time: 15952.239

nearly 2,000 questions the idea was to

Time: 15956.359

cover every conceivable question anyone

Time: 15959.6

might ever want to ask him did you have

Time: 15962.279

to look exactly the same I had to wear

Time: 15965.439

the same clothes and I had three pairs

Time: 15968.319

of the same jackets the same shirts the

Time: 15972

same trousers the same shoes every

Time: 15974.8

morning Pinkus can now be seen in those

Time: 15977.72

shirts trousers and shoes at Holocaust

Time: 15980.88

museums in Dallas Indiana and here at

Time: 15984.199

the Illinois Holocaust Museum in skoki

Time: 15987.359

outside Chicago where visitors can ask

Time: 15990.319

him their own questions what kept you

Time: 15992.68

going or what gave you hope while you

Time: 15994.319

were experiencing hardship in the camps

Time: 15996.52

we did hope that that the Nazis would

Time: 15999.64

lose their War Pink's image is Project

Time: 16002.239

Ed onto an 11t High screen what we see

Time: 16005.84

here Smith joined us to explain how the

Time: 16009.199

technology works so what's happening is

Time: 16011.56

all of the answers to the questions that

Time: 16013.319

Pinkus gave uh go into a database then

Time: 16016.08

when you ask a question the algorithm is

Time: 16018.199

looking through all the database do I

Time: 16020.159

have an answer to that and then it'll

Time: 16021.84

bring back what it thinks is the closest

Time: 16024.119

answer to your question I'm going to try

Time: 16026.319

talking to pinkas yes all right did you

Time: 16028.96

have a happy childhood I had a very

Time: 16031.319

happy childhood my parents were wine

Time: 16034.04

makers my father started teaching me to

Time: 16036.399

become a wine maker when I was three and

Time: 16038

a half years old and by the age of five

Time: 16040.319

I could already read and I could already

Time: 16042.84

write wow you're very

Time: 16046.479

smart thank

Time: 16048.8

you I've noticed there's a little jiggle

Time: 16052.64

right before pinka starts to talk what

Time: 16055.119

is that what you seeing here isn't a

Time: 16056.96

human being it's it's video clips that

Time: 16059.319

are are being buttered up to each other

Time: 16061.199

and played and it searches and brings

Time: 16063.04

the clip in you just you're seeing a

Time: 16064.88

little bit of a a jump cut the jump Cuts

Time: 16068.239

stop being distracting once we started

Time: 16070.76

talking about the fate of Pink's family

Time: 16074.279

tell us what happened when you got to

Time: 16076.84

the camp as soon as we arrived there we

Time: 16080.68

were being separated into different

Time: 16083.159


Time: 16085.08

and my sister uh was somehow pushed

Time: 16088.88

towards the children and I saw her she

Time: 16091.56

must have spot at my mother so she ran

Time: 16093.92

towards my mother I saw my

Time: 16096.399

mother and she hugged

Time: 16100.239

her and since that time I all I can

Time: 16105.04

remember whenever I think of my sister

Time: 16107.359

is her long big long blonde braid that

Time: 16112.96

was the last time he saw his twin sister

Time: 16116.319

Sabina he learned later that day that

Time: 16119.6

she and both his parents had been killed

Time: 16121.88

in the gas Chambers Pinkus was alone at

Time: 16125.52

age 11 put to work as a slave laborer

Time: 16129.56

did you ever see anybody

Time: 16131.399

killed unfortunately I saw many people

Time: 16134.96

die in front of my eyes there were

Time: 16136.68

people I wasn't sure how a recording

Time: 16138.72

would handle what I wanted to ask Pinkus

Time: 16141.479

next how can you still have faith in

Time: 16147.119

God how can you possibly not believe in

Time: 16149.88

God well how did he let this happen

Time: 16152.88


Time: 16154.6

gave human beings the knowledge of right

Time: 16158.76

and wrong and he allowed them to do what

Time: 16163.199

they wished on this Earth to find their

Time: 16165.319

own way to my mind when God sees what

Time: 16169.76

human beings are up to especially things

Time: 16172.199

like genocide he

Time: 16175.96

weeps wow Stephen I could ask him

Time: 16179.399

questions for 10 hours

Time: 16182.239

and on the screen yeah W since Pinkus

Time: 16186.84

gutter was filmed the shawa foundation

Time: 16189.439

has recorded interviews with 21 more

Time: 16192.359

Holocaust Survivors each for a full week

Time: 16195.84

and they've Shrunk the setup required so

Time: 16198.52

they can take a mobile rig on the road

Time: 16201.239

to record survivors close to where they

Time: 16203.68

live they've deliberately chosen

Time: 16206.279

interview subjects with all different

Time: 16208.56

wartime experiences survivors of a

Time: 16212.8

hidden children and as we saw last fall

Time: 16215.68

in New Jersey going to hook me up again

Time: 16218.64

yep 93 yearold Alan Mosin who isn't a

Time: 16222.439

holocaust Survivor he was a liberator

Time: 16226.239

entering that camp was uh the most

Time: 16228.8

horrific site I've ever seen or ever

Time: 16230.64

hoped to see the rest of my life Mosin

Time: 16233.64

was an 18-year-old private when his army

Time: 16236.72

unit liberated a little known

Time: 16238.88

concentration camp called goons Kirin

Time: 16242.199

there was a pile of skelet like bodies

Time: 16244.399

on the left there was another pile of

Time: 16246.359

skelet like bodies on the right those

Time: 16249.08

poor souls that's the term my lieutenant

Time: 16251.72

kept screaming oh my God you look at

Time: 16253.88

these poor souls look each of Alan

Time: 16255.88

mosin's answers is then isolated by a

Time: 16259.04

team of researchers at the Sha

Time: 16260.8

Foundation office I remember the

Time: 16263.08

expression and the attitude of all of us

Time: 16265

what in the freak what is this God

Time: 16267.239

Almighty who add into the system a

Time: 16270.199

variety of questions people might might

Time: 16272.199

ask to trigger that response for every

Time: 16275.76

question that we asked there are 15

Time: 16279.04

different ways of asking the same

Time: 16280.439

question and that's fed in and that's

Time: 16282.68


Time: 16283.52

manual editors rotate the image turn the

Time: 16287.199

green screen background into black and

Time: 16290.239

then a long process of testing begins

Time: 16293.359

some of it in schools so Mr pinkas on

Time: 16297.199

your screen students are asked to try it

Time: 16299.84

out ask whatever question they want and

Time: 16303.359

see if the system calls up the correct

Time: 16305.6

answer how did you find out that you

Time: 16307.64

your city was getting invaded by Germany

Time: 16310.52

would you ever want to seek revenge how

Time: 16312.84

did you feel about your family can you

Time: 16315.52

rephrase this please every question and

Time: 16318.64

response is then reviewed we log every

Time: 16321.92

single question that's asked of the

Time: 16323.479

system and see if there is a better

Time: 16326.08

response that addresses that question

Time: 16328

more directly as we discovered it's

Time: 16330.96

still a work in progress tell us about

Time: 16333.96

your family when you were a little boy

Time: 16337.119

how about you ask me about life after

Time: 16340.359

the war so a couple of things about

Time: 16342.359

artificial intelligence it is mainly

Time: 16344.52

artificial and not so

Time: 16347.08

intelligent yet for now but the beauty

Time: 16350.319

of artificial intelligence is it

Time: 16352.08

develops over time so we aren't changing

Time: 16354.96

the content all the answers remain the

Time: 16357.119

same but over time the range of

Time: 16359.76

questions that you can ask will be

Time: 16361.479


Time: 16362.359

considerably and you had to stay silent

Time: 16365.399

questions to draw out what it was like

Time: 16367.88

for Aaron ster hiding in that attic 75

Time: 16372.119

years ago I used to pray to God to let

Time: 16374.56

me live till I was 25 I wanted to taste

Time: 16377.8

what adulthood would be like the rest of

Time: 16380.68

that conversation with Aaron elster as

Time: 16383.6

well as one with a survivor of Joseph

Time: 16386

mangala's Infamous twin experiments at

Time: 16388.76

owitz when we come back so am I a lucky

Time: 16395.359

guy yes I

Time: 16407.879

am the whole point of the showa

Time: 16410.439

foundation's project is to allow

Time: 16412.84

meaningful conversations with Holocaust

Time: 16415.32

Survivors to continue even after the

Time: 16418.52

survivors themselves are gone and of the

Time: 16422

more than 20 men and women who've

Time: 16423.92

participated so far four have passed

Time: 16427.32


Time: 16428.48

already tonight we wanted to share

Time: 16430.959

conversations with two of them

Time: 16433.439

conversations that at times felt so

Time: 16435.76

normal we could almost forget we were

Time: 16438.561

talking to the digital image of someone

Time: 16441.48

who was no longer

Time: 16443.279

living first a spunky 4 fo9 woman named

Time: 16447.68

Eva core an identical twin who together

Time: 16451.561

with with her sister survived aitz and

Time: 16454.48

the notorious experiments of Dr Joseph

Time: 16458.16

mangala Eva core spent her life after

Time: 16461.199

the war in terot

Time: 16463.52

Indiana she died last summer at the age

Time: 16467.16


Time: 16468.92

85 hi Eva how are you today I'm fine and

Time: 16473.52

how are you I'm good it felt natural to

Time: 16477.879

answer her question before posing my own

Time: 16481.039

so how how old were you when you went to

Time: 16484.879

aitz when I arrived in aitz I was 10

Time: 16488.52


Time: 16489.32

old and I stayed in AIT until Liberation

Time: 16494.359

which was about 9 months later when we

Time: 16497.4

were liberated so we made a little

Time: 16499.879

announcement about the fact we were

Time: 16501.08

starting this project I get a call the

Time: 16502.92

next day from A lady called Eva cor I

Time: 16505.359

didn't know her at that point in time

Time: 16506.84

and she says I want to be one of those

Time: 16508.48

3D interviews I

Time: 16512.48

Steven Smith executive director of the

Time: 16514.959

USC showa foundation and his wife and

Time: 16518.359

colleague Heather Mayo Smith were

Time: 16520.719

running the project I said well I'm

Time: 16523.4

traveling I'm very sorry where are you

Time: 16524.92

going uh well I've got to go to New York

Time: 16527.16

I'm going to DC when are you going to go

Time: 16528.561

to DC I'm going to DC turns out we were

Time: 16531.039

going to the same event in DC I arrive

Time: 16534.119

at my hotel she's sitting in the lobby

Time: 16537.439

waiting for me when Eva on the right and

Time: 16541.24

her twin twin sister Miriam arrived at

Time: 16543.639

aitz they were pulled away from their

Time: 16546.119

parents and older sisters and taken to a

Time: 16548.92

Barrack full of twins they never saw

Time: 16551.84

their family again 50 years ago at a

Time: 16555.32

railroad 60 Minutes reported on

Time: 16557.719

mangala's Twin experiments in a story

Time: 16560.439

back in 1992 and the reason that my

Time: 16563.4

number is not and we actually

Time: 16565.16

interviewed the living Eva core at her

Time: 16568

home in

Time: 16569.16

terot Eva told us then about becoming

Time: 16572.359

extremely sick after an injection

Time: 16575.359

mangala came in every morning and every

Time: 16578.799

evening with four other doctors and he

Time: 16581.561

declared very sarcastically

Time: 16584.719

laughing too bad she's so young she has

Time: 16588.48

only two weeks to live when I heard that

Time: 16592.76

I knew he was right and I immediately

Time: 16596.119

made a silent pledge that I will

Time: 16600.279

prove you you Dr mangala wrong imagine

Time: 16604.92

picking up a conversation almost 30

Time: 16607.84

years later and after Eva's death Eva

Time: 16612

tell us about Dr mangala what was he

Time: 16614.84

like he had a gorgeous face a movie star

Time: 16619.119

face and very pleasant actually dark

Time: 16622.52

hair dark eyes when I looked into his

Time: 16627.52

eyes I could see nothing but evil people

Time: 16631.561

people say that the eyes are the center

Time: 16635

of the soul and in manger case that was

Time: 16638.719

correct Eva and Miriam are visible in

Time: 16641.799

footage taken by the Soviet forces that

Time: 16644.561

liberated awit 75 years ago they went

Time: 16648.639

back to the camp many times Eva

Time: 16651.68

continuing to go even after Miriam's

Time: 16654.359

death in

Time: 16655.52

1993 because if the train came on that

Time: 16658.039

direction it was on one of those visits

Time: 16660.6

that Eva made a stunning announcement I

Time: 16664

Eva Moses that she had decided to

Time: 16667.6

forgive her Nazi captors hereby give

Time: 16671.561

amnesty to all Nazis who participated

Time: 16675.639

she came under blistering attack from

Time: 16678.52


Time: 16679.439

survivors how can you forgive H how is

Time: 16683.279

that possible my forgiveness does not

Time: 16686.561

mean that I forget what happened which

Time: 16688.68

is impossible my forgiveness is an act

Time: 16691.879


Time: 16692.719

self-healing self Liberation and

Time: 16696.6

self-empowerment are you able to forgive

Time: 16699.92

Aaron I cannot forgive Aaron ster

Time: 16704.08

disagrees for them to get

Time: 16706.561

forgiveness they have to ask my little

Time: 16709.279

sister Sarah whom they brutally

Time: 16713.119

murdered I have no right to forgive and

Time: 16716.639

I will not forgive what's important for

Time: 16719.359

me in this project is that we have

Time: 16721.039

Holocaust survivors who have different

Time: 16722.6

points of view about God and religion

Time: 16725.279

and faith and forgiveness and that's

Time: 16727.08

what this project will allow us to do

Time: 16729.4

Aaron ster unlike many Holocaust

Time: 16731.879

Survivors never spent time in a

Time: 16734

concentration camp as Jews were being

Time: 16737.16

rounded up in his Town's Marketplace and

Time: 16740

sent to trinka his father told him to

Time: 16743.52

run he was 9 years old and I managed to

Time: 16747.52

crawl into the seore that went along the

Time: 16749.76

marketplace the street and kept crawling

Time: 16752.719

till I felt I was out of sight stood up

Time: 16755.6

and started running he made it to the

Time: 16758.48

building of an older polish couple named

Time: 16761.08

the gersis who'd been customers at his

Time: 16763.799

family's butcher shop he shows up and

Time: 16768.561

she didn't want to take

Time: 16770.039

him he started crying and then she let

Time: 16773.16

him upstairs Aaron how long did you stay

Time: 16776.879

in the attic I lived in that attic for

Time: 16780.08

close to two years two years with just

Time: 16783.6

one visit a day to bring food and water

Time: 16787.2

what was it like in the Attic oh there's

Time: 16790.4

so many things that I remember the

Time: 16792.958

hunger the

Time: 16795.878

fear the absolute total

Time: 16799.04

loneliness what do you do all day you're

Time: 16801.878

sitting there I used to catch flies out

Time: 16804.798

of desperation tear their wings off so

Time: 16807.68

they wouldn't fly away so I H them there

Time: 16811.16

h how did you survive how did you

Time: 16814

survive in that attic I had the ability

Time: 16817.6


Time: 16818.68

daydream I used to write novels in my

Time: 16822.718

head I was the hero all the time and we

Time: 16826.68

have that ability to

Time: 16829.24

either give into our misery and our

Time: 16832.76

pain and

Time: 16835.52

die or absorb the physical pain but keep

Time: 16839.16

your mentality keep your soul

Time: 16841.878

keep your mind so was I bored was I

Time: 16846.958

scared was I in need of somebody

Time: 16850.798

to accept me or to tell me that I'm okay

Time: 16854.798

that I'm a nice kid

Time: 16857.76

sure but that was not part of my life we

Time: 16861.24

got a phone call to say that Aaron

Time: 16862.84

elster had suddenly passed away I was at

Time: 16865.68

a conference at that time the next

Time: 16867.56

morning I went into the uh little room

Time: 16870.4

that we had and I turned on Aaron st's

Time: 16874.16

testimony and I realized I was going to

Time: 16876.28

be the first person ever to click that

Time: 16878.958

little button and ask a question of

Time: 16881.68

somebody who was no longer alive when

Time: 16884.28

for the next 6 hours people came in and

Time: 16886.08

out of that room his funeral had not yet

Time: 16888.68

taken place and yet the Legacy was

Time: 16891.44

already continuing and it was a very

Time: 16893.84

powerful and touching moment you're good

Time: 16897.28

you're doing great a touching moment

Time: 16900.28

that may soon be available to others

Time: 16902.84

beyond the community of Holocaust

Time: 16904.68

Survivors they're going to come in and

Time: 16906.4

they're going to have you look Heather

Time: 16908.32

Mayo Smith says in the process of

Time: 16910.68

developing and testing this technology

Time: 16913.4

she was barraged with inquiries there

Time: 16916.12

wasn't one person literally not one that

Time: 16920

didn't ask me if they could do a similar

Time: 16922.48

interview with either a loved one for

Time: 16925.4

themselves unrelated to the Holocaust

Time: 16927.48

unrelated completely unrelated can I do

Time: 16929.32

this with someone that I know what's the

Time: 16932.08

answer yes she has started an

Time: 16935.28

independent company that's trying to

Time: 16937.76

expand the use of this technology I was

Time: 16940.44

an astronaut for NASA recording

Time: 16942.56

interviews with other historical figures

Time: 16945

like astronauts and eventually with

Time: 16948.04

anyone at all what unit were you in

Time: 16950.958

during World do you think that this is

Time: 16953.44

just going to be a tool that people use

Time: 16956.16

everybody will be recording their

Time: 16958

histories other people can interview

Time: 16960.638

them mhm

Time: 16962.08

it'll just be life yeah we're going to

Time: 16965.4

go ahead and get started for now though

Time: 16967.76

the race is on to capture interviews

Time: 16970.36

with as many Holocaust Survivors as

Time: 16972.84

possible while there's still time so the

Time: 16975.638

conversations can continue always with

Time: 16979.16

people like Aaron elster do you want

Time: 16982.28

revenge when I was a Youngster I wanted

Time: 16985.16

Revenge very very very much and I hate

Time: 16989.08


Time: 16991.24

I hate it but most of the perpetrators

Time: 16994.52

most of the killers are dead so who am I

Time: 16997.52

going to hate the grandchildren that had

Time: 17000.76

nothing to do with it's not

Time: 17004.6

right revenge is not part of my life not

Time: 17007.878

part of my thinking you know here you

Time: 17010.798

have these people who were basically

Time: 17014.28

destined to be annihilated that they

Time: 17017.718

survived as the miracle but they were

Time: 17019.56

supposed to be murdered killed and now

Time: 17023.12

they have immortality they were not

Time: 17025.24

supposed to have a name they were

Time: 17027.12

supposed to be destroyed for all time

Time: 17029.718

and now through this program they will

Time: 17032.08

be able to continue to answer questions

Time: 17034.92

hundreds of years after the Nazis have

Time: 17036.6

gone it's that never forget we've had a

Time: 17039.52

lot of cliches around the Holocaust you

Time: 17041.08

know never again never forget we must

Time: 17042.76

remember all this sort of thing what

Time: 17044.638

this does it makes sure that there isn't

Time: 17046.4

closure because it's not about a

Time: 17048.638

statement it's not about a particular

Time: 17050.44

thing that's being instructed of you the

Time: 17052.76

onus is on you to ask the questions the

Time: 17054.638

onus is on you to be curious and to want

Time: 17057.36

to know and so in a sense it turns the

Time: 17060.12

learning on its head and says I'm not

Time: 17061.878

going to tell you what the lessons of

Time: 17063.08

the Holocaust are I'm not going to tell

Time: 17064.56

you what the Holocaust means but if you

Time: 17066.36

want to find out then you can ask it's

Time: 17069.798

so terribly important so there we were

Time: 17073

at a special moment in time when the

Time: 17075.76

living pink scooter could talk to the

Time: 17078.32

one who will live forever would you ask

Time: 17081.798

you a question for us I will ask the one

Time: 17084.28

which is my favorite okay can you sing

Time: 17086.878

me a song from your youth you want me to

Time: 17089.6

sing it for you yes

Time: 17093.25


Time: 17100.87


Time: 17104.798

please what does that mean what is the

Time: 17107.2

song is it a happy song yeah with a

Time: 17109.24

happy song It's like a brother and a

Time: 17111.68

sister which of course my twin sister

Time: 17114.4

are traveling in the woods or on the on

Time: 17116.958

the road and they can't get over how

Time: 17119.76

beautiful the world is oh my God

Time: 17123.41


Time: 17131.48


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