Ep# 13 | WTF does it take to Build Influence Today? Nikhil w/ Nuseir, Tanmay, Prajakta & Ranveer

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give me one unique hack each to a

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20-year-old boy or girl who wants to

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become a

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Creator are we rolling we have been

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rolling I feel like we've been rolling

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for a while yeah

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yeah okay hi guys thank you uh lovely to

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meet you for the first time to meet you

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thank you for having me say that to us

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also no I can't say it to these guys

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because I know them too well they're all

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uh brothers from a long time in

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different ways I know more about them so

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if I a brother do I get part of the

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inheritance I have no kids dude I just

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know bro there's no inheritance he's

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giving it all away did you not hear ah

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okay I'm I'm nikil ntin and NES I'm NES

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actually you guys don't know but that's

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assuming you would live longer than I no

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even you know oh is this the kind of

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podcast we're going to have today yeah

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just like have fun the one with no

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English language oh no no we keep it

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English no but you guys are the pros at

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this I'm the Newbie I do this one night

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a month I'm trying to learn how you do

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this so teach me along the way oh says

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the guy who uploaded number one on

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Spotify this week

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WTF but also Nas because these guys have

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uh watched it maybe uh it's a

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conversation between I've I've watched

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you okay it's a conversation between all

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of us it's not me asking questions it's

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not you answering so we can all talk

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typically We Begin by saying a bit about

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ourselves and because I know you guys

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this is going to be

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fun should we start with the project oh

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okay yeah hi do I say it to everybody

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yeah yeah oh then it's

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awkward but uh I'm praa I'm a content

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creator actor now from Mumbai India and

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I started creating content uh in

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2015 and I've been doing it for close to

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9 years now and um I kind of also

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branched out into acting a little bit in

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2019 why did you first begin creating

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content um because I fa fa at the one

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dream that I had I wanted to be a radio

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jockey ever since I was 11 failed

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meaning I I became a radio jockey and

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the show didn't work and I got fired and

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I also heard myself so I get it so when

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I started doing radio it was fun for the

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first I think couple of months and then

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later it just got like it was nothing

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like I'd imagined it would be so it's

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quite disappointing and uh that's when I

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met sudp from one digital and he was

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like you should have a YouTube channel

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it should create content and I didn't

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know what that meant so and I was very

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unhappy as a radio intern so I was like

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what I'm just going to try content and

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in mumbay 10 years ago in Mumbai yeah

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and uh it just started like that I had

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absolutely no dreams or no uh kind of

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way forward or any idea about what I was

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doing all of you guys who have done

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influencing for so long you know what is

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one thing which is so stuck like the way

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your voice has infl sorry one second I

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have to stop you there's no such thing

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influencing no one here has done any

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influence influencers are the fathers

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the doctors the mothers the teachers

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they influence children we've done done

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creating of content we created content

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and it has impacted people but

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influencer is a term is like M by Bombay

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influencer as a term is like

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slightly self-obsessed no what do you

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guys think good I never related to that

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term honestly project actually I I want

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to add uh Pro was one of the earlier

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Generations on on YouTube uh then she

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did a short film called kipa in case you

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haven't seen that was the first time I

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saw proa act good yeah really good um

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and I messaged her also after that

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saying I didn't know you could act

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that's crazy and now that you mentioned

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theater and then um um yeah I've known

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pra for a while she's extremely

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hardworking you're marati I am yes my

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mama's from Delhi Baba's from what do

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your parents

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do Baba used to work uh he was in

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Cadbury before and then later he was

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working in real estate and uh mama was a

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phonetics teacher she used to teach

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languages phonetics teacher yeah wow

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what is what is that

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so um I mean she used to have a bunch of

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kids because apparently they are not

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taught ABCD anymore it's a b c du so

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it's the phonetics that and she used to

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teach that I'll tell you more about her

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yeah oh wow is this ining each other can

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we can we do this can the three of you

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say what does praa appear to the outside

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world in your lens yeah uh so I'd had

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Priyanka Chopra on the podcast once and

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she gave this example of a swan that

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looks like it's very peaceful on the

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surface but on the inside the feet are

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paddling uh I don't think I've come

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across a more hardworking and

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disciplined professional than this

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person seconded she's very hard working

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like she's probably the most disciplined

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content creator that I've known

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throughout my career and she is uh Bill

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Gates's favorite Creator every time I

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see her it's either at at Bill Gates

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conference or at Davos conference so

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she's like represents India in the major

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conferences I'll tell you what they're

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not going to invite tan for this one

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too risky D not anymore brother notore

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how is that how how do you get yourself

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in these

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places I think YouTube had a huge role

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to play in that um I

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2019 is when um YouTube kind of reached

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out to me for this program called

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creators for change

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2018 and uh they were like do you want

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to so they pick a few creators from

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across the world and they put like a

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band of us together and they like make

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videos for for this program called

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creators for Change and every year they

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have different um themes in 2019 in 2018

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is when they reached out for the first

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time and then 2019 was the second year

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and that's when um there was this

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documentary that they were making with u

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Michelle Obama for girls education and

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they reached out to me for that and I

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think that was my first kind of Step Up

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From what I was doing back home and that

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kind of opened a lot of doors for me uh

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so YouTube has been a huge cheerleader

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in my journey

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Beyond just doing the content that I was

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natively doing on my channel just

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putting me out there giving me a

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platform to speak about things and um

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then I happened to meet nikil Tanja who

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kind of put me in touch with

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goalkeepers uh so that's how that

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started the UN DP kind of came in

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through both these channels so it it

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kind of went into a whole domino effect

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once the first creators for change video

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went out and um yeah so that's how

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that's how it began and when did you

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blow up and all of that 2018

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2017 my first video actually went viral

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so I started in 20 Feb of 2015 and the

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first video that really really blew up

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was in the July of that year what was it

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about it was a video called uh words

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Deli Hees use i h a lot of Deli ego in

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that video uh but it kind of like blew

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up and uh then it's just been like a

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roller coaster like it was not one week

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was like another for a very very long

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time right cool and now what are you

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looking forward to um I'm looking

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forward to more acting M I'm looking I'm

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writing is that a natural transition

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Creator distribution acting it wasn't

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planned I was very surprised when it

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started coming my way because I didn't

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when I started making content I didn't I

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I don't think any of us thought that

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these Avenues were actually even

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possible um for us so I was very

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surprised with it I've always loved

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acting uh and I missed it after I quit

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theater M um so when it came I was like

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okay I'm going to give it a try but it

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wasn't conscious no it just kind of

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happened is there a hierarchy in that

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world like I know there is a hierarchy

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between TV actors and large screen

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actors uh when a influencer comes into

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that world uh is it tougher like are you

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treated the same as an actor actor um I

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feel like I also happen to be very

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fortunate to become an actor at a time

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when it's

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when the lines are slightly blurrier

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than they were before I feel like OT

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really opened it up for actors where now

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if you see like for example seeing what

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a Karishma Tana is doing or what a har

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bja is doing like it was it's just crazy

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seeing them uh because now suddenly I

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don't think that I don't think that

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hierarchy is there where you know if

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you're a TV actor you won't get cast

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because TV film theater everybody's

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doing OT I don't mean from a casting

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lens but from a societal hierarchy

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perception lens

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I think there is unfortunately there is

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there's even there's even classism

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between platforms if you're a Tik tocker

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a facebooker a YouTuber or an

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instagrammer it's like YouTuber is like

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class one citizen then instagrammer then

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then Tik tocker then Facebook is that

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true yeah that I agree do you agree with

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the classing what did you say again the

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order I think YouTube Instagram Facebook

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uh Tik Tok Facebook I think um see the

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people who there's a line that I think

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Kunal sha had once said which

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is uh screen profile right like um the

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bigger the the bigger the screen uh the

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higher the status totally right so movie

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you perceive perception is very high

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status and then for a long time it was

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like television came before digital and

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I think now digital is kind of

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penetrating a lot of it mostly my thesis

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is that hey if if you own distribution

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you own eyeballs no matter what where

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you move to the eyeball balls will

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travel there and it's playing out in the

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OT world like ban has his own show pra

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has her own show um but I think like

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it's still plays out in ways like like

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if a if a you know an Instagram Creator

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gets a holding right they're on a hoing

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it's still a huge moment it becomes the

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real saying oh look I'm on a hoing even

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though every story gets way more

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eyeballs than a holding aing a hoing

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like a billboard oh you were in a

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billboard recently I was yeah a candy

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thing yeah with candy and yeah so when I

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was in a billboard it's like the

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billboard gets Fu 10 views 20 views

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exactly but the picture of the billboard

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Instagram so many likes I have something

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to say about kuna thing the screen uh

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what what what did you say that the

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bigger the screen is the bigger the

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screen higher the

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status and then combining it with this

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whole us getting older and times

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changing I'd be way more excited to meet

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Joe Rogan than Tom Cruz because Joe

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Rogan's affected my life so much in the

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last 10 years yeah and I'm not at allzy

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I'm like a core Millennial but I can see

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how my thought process is becoming Morey

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just because of the times and I'm sure

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that a lot of genzies would say that

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about the digital stars who have

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survived in the long term like I I don't

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care about meeting Hollywood actors I

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would care a lot about meeting naal

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ravikant and Joe Rogan and Tim you think

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that would be true for you uh it it was

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true even in the previous generation let

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me explain

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how like in our time it would be

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insanely to hang out with an MTV VJ it

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would be very cool right cuz they were

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not movie stars but they were the other

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cat R right like I'd give leg to hang

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out with r so it was the other category

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of someone that you saw regularly you

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know you'd see a movie star twice a year

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but here were VJs Who You'd see every

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day and similarly now for people that'd

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be watching n every day so that feeling

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of oh my God I can't believe this moment

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is real uh happens more when you see

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someone regularly so I think digital

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folks have occupied that um so it's it's

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been true for multiple Generations I

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think it's not just now actually very

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interesting and the kids of today the

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amount of time they spend on devices not

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watching movies the number one

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occupation for that people why for today

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especially kids is influencer yeah you

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know that's the reason why we were doing

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this uh so this show is typically around

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people who want to be an entrepreneur

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yeah so whatever a 20-year-old boy or

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girl needs to know about entering a

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certain industry we try and hit that and

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give them all the info that is required

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like we did one around starting a

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restaurant recently we did something

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else before that uh it has become so

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important even for people like me uh an

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entrepreneur to build distribution cuz

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paying for distribution takes away so

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much of the Delta you might have uh that

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a distri that a person with distribution

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brings organically yeah uh I think we

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left off at they said what they think

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about proa you did not they said

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hardworking hard workking no I I said I

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said that she's representing India to

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the world but if we're speaking of

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hardworking I want to mention something

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about N I don't know anyone who works as

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much you just said that about her no I

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didn't say that about her I

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didn't Jud hard who works harder noero

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him him him for

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sure Works incredibly hard and I think I

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once asked I won't mention what he said

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but I once asked saying what drives him

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and he's got like an ambition and a

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purpose that is intensely strong you

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know um that I think is like I I I don't

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feel that what what feels I also feel

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like with him he's always so aware and

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so on like I'll at least at least 20

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times a day I'll have moments where I'll

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just zone out and I'll not kind of keep

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up with but anytime you meet him and i'

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I've seen him at 5:00 in the morning at

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a breakfast buffet I've seen him at 2:00

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in the morning at a party with a drink

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and I just feel like I mean I I had the

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drink me I had a

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Dr but um every time I've had a

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conversation with him it's never been

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dull or it's never been kind of like you

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know it's not it's not small talk which

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I appreciate each of you have a

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different Journey from whatever

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profession to content creator yeah to

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another profession actor

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businessman uh social change maker no no

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no entrepreneur

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entrepreneur I'm not a social change

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maker entrepreneur sounds cooler than

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businessman businessman sounds like I'm

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sing hustler hustler yeah what am I you

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are you are King n right you are poster

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boy Bangalore poster boy and ran I think

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I did a little bit of Entrepreneurship

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but I'm back to being a content creator

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and I want to stay here I I'm really

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enjoying this wow bro get out please get

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out it's mentally hard it's it's it's

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horrible in some ways uh but it's also

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beautiful in some ways because I think

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over the course of my 20s my priorities

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have changed a lot and I'm really

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enjoying the work I do because it's

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truly not feeling like work it does feel

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like spending a lot of hours creating

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that many podcasts and that much content

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but uh I think I've started craving

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heartfelt messages and and impact in

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people's lives much more than I craved

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money and numbers and growth in my 20s

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but I get to say that preneurship is not

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money and that's the biggest surprise I

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I also have the luxury of having really

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active co-founders who are growing the

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businesses and allowing me to just chase

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the content creation game because of the

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distribution thing you said earlier

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which is sorry yeah sorry uh B the

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easier way of saying that is if you're

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more famous you reach out to more people

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you can sell your product to more people

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eventually which we're seeing with all

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the businesses that are being built out

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any but I'm going to say something

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controversial sure at some point you

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will not get more famous at some point

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you will saturate every single person in

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India that could potentially like you

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then you'll have this amazing and sad

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Decline and then the platforms want to

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show a different face a different

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podcast a different name and then ah

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what do you do then so I mean I try I

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are you fun at

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parties see that is I had a drink when I

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it I'm just saying there's a shelf life

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to Creator life I I think so interesting

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I think so and I intend on exiting

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Creator life at some point but also

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cumulatively I have like a bunch of

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channels we have a lot I'm not like

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number dropping you but like we have

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like 20 to 25 million across those

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channels I'm I have a huge amount of

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distribution yeah and the thing is we in

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a country of 1.5 billion people people

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1.6 I don't know what's the number what

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1.6 billion people

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1.3 but we added 300 million now in the

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last 10 seconds so never really know you

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never have an exact you're rounding

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error the whole pop 1.5 for the sake of

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conversation what is 25 million people

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in front of 1.5 billion people to

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capture and i' I've I've got these 25

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million people over the last 8 years so

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even if I continue for another 20 years

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I think I'll reach a really large number

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but also I have an English Channel and a

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Hindi Channel and my intentions with

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English are very International my

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intentions with Hindi are very National

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but your problem is not the population

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of India it's the social media algorithm

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eventually they will say I don't want to

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give this guy too much distribution

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because the best interest of YouTube is

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to have a new Mr Beast every 5 years

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which is why I'll also be aggressive on

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my Instagram can you tell me can you

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tell me why why that is why will YouTube

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benefit from creating a new Mr Beast

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when there is one already because

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imagine a world in which on YouTube we

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only watch Mr Beast as the number one

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creator for the next 30 Years that is

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not actually in YouTube's best interest

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you want new faces I mean just like

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Hollywood you want why can't there be Mr

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Beast plus plus because in the content

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World there is the power law in which

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20% of the creators get 80% of the

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attention the power law is massive here

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so it's not like everybody gets one

Time: 1100.88

million views Are You Hell happy no it's

Time: 1102.52

like if one person is slightly more

Time: 1104.159

engaging they'll get 10 times more than

Time: 1107.2

the the the one next to them except I

Time: 1109.2

think like it's not as Sinister as if if

Time: 1112.159

you just take this clip out of context

Time: 1113.84

it's like Susan vki is sitting down is

Time: 1115.96

like enough of Mr Beast now Neil Neil

Time: 1118.96

moan Neil Neil yeah uh love you Neil

Time: 1123.88

um it's not as Sinister as that sound

Time: 1126.44

it's just what happens is that look all

Time: 1128.08

platforms at the end of the day digital

Time: 1129.6

platforms are trying to grab eyeballs

Time: 1131.559

from other platforms so they all

Time: 1134.039

eventually tweak their algorithm just a

Time: 1135.88

little bit and it sometimes it can take

Time: 1138.96

creators by surprise that oh X thing was

Time: 1142.32

working for so long and now it's no

Time: 1144.64

longer working some of this is a

Time: 1145.88

byproduct of just general audience

Time: 1147.4

fatigue which is if I if like I know I'm

Time: 1149.84

the type of Creator who am a binge watch

Time: 1151.559

type of Creator which is people come

Time: 1152.64

into my they're going to watch me

Time: 1154.32

for three months and they're like I get

Time: 1155.84

I get this thing now but I'm over it I'm

Time: 1157.28

going to move on so my attrition rate on

Time: 1159.44

my viewers I look at it as okay this is

Time: 1161

a three to four month game and that can

Time: 1163.159

take creators by surprise and in the 10

Time: 1165.679

years that I've you know 10 12 years

Time: 1167.44

that I've been around and there there

Time: 1168.84

have been we call them batches of

Time: 1170.159

creators like there are creators who

Time: 1171.44

come in batches and then you know four

Time: 1173.32

years later you got to reinvent yourself

Time: 1175.24

or else the next batch will take over so

Time: 1177.6

on and so forth but so let me be the bad

Time: 1179.36

guy and sound the alarm to everybody

Time: 1181.48

listening and watching this podcast

Time: 1183.36

which is guys you must plan and engineer

Time: 1187.32

your exit plan when you make it big as a

Time: 1189.48

content creator because no one sees the

Time: 1192.36

decline because you're not getting the

Time: 1193.679

views the decline is often times very

Time: 1195.24

lonely no one has seen the decline of

Time: 1197.08

like the Hollywood celebrity but you

Time: 1198.72

just haven't seen them in movies but you

Time: 1200.44

totally forgot about them so you must

Time: 1202.76

always get an exit plan which I believe

Time: 1204.76

should be other entrepreneurship or

Time: 1206.76

acting or books or whatever and how long

Time: 1210.039

do you think this journey typically is

Time: 1211.96

if you make it as a Creator so I I would

Time: 1215.679

love to hear what you guys think I think

Time: 1217.039

life is goes in seven-year chunks sevene

Time: 1220.32

how did you come to this number that's

Time: 1221.64

interesting uh so there's a we're just

Time: 1223.4

talking about it the seven-year itch we

Time: 1225.88

have something in Hindu culture as well

Time: 1228.32

years of good luck bad

Time: 1229.88

luck interesting what is the average

Time: 1232.36

marriage in India in in the US and the

Time: 1234.919

average marriage in China it's 6.6 years

Time: 1237.72

oh really why is that is that all well

Time: 1241.24

in India is probably 70 years

Time: 1244.88

average why why are people still getting

Time: 1247.039

married then n we not going to discuss

Time: 1250.2

personal problems

Time: 1251.84

now iing saying your taste buds even

Time: 1254.039

change your Sills and your body change

Time: 1255.4

every seven years what kind of taste

Time: 1256.88

buds every somebody told me this don't

Time: 1259.039

quote me in this but every cell in your

Time: 1260.559

body changes every seven years ah how

Time: 1263.36

long did you and alen date seven

Time: 1267.28

years no wonder you're so confident with

Time: 1270

the numbers who whose tast but

Time: 1272.919

changed yeah interesting I I yeah that

Time: 1276.76

seems fair how long have you been a

Time: 1278.6

content creator since 200 so I began by

Time: 1282.2

doing standup which is technically

Time: 1283.679

content creation that was 2009 is when I

Time: 1285.919

started doing stand-up so you've done 14

Time: 1287.72

years wow 14 14 years and before

Time: 1291.6

itations different formats different

Time: 1293.2

formats actually before that I was

Time: 1295.08

writing for television so I started by

Time: 1297.64

writing comedy first then I started

Time: 1299

performing comedy then I did YouTube and

Time: 1302.2

then I started doing I've started doing

Time: 1305.24

everything else I was one of the first

Time: 1307.159

20,000 people who followed aiv on

Time: 1309.48

Facebook oh really for the aiv podcast

Time: 1312.44

hey but you guys should now introduce

Time: 1313.919

yourself cuz I know you guys but people

Time: 1317.159

will want to know uh um I introduced

Time: 1320.08

myself on this podcast like four

Time: 1322.36

times T is like the OG he's like

Time: 1325.72

co-founder of this podcast coer for 20

Time: 1328.159

companies too everyone I meet in

Time: 1330.6

Bangalore now is like T is my co-founder

Time: 1333.36

he's taking over Bangalore are you

Time: 1335.76

franchising the founder yeah either

Time: 1338.44

co-founder or he's written the ads or

Time: 1340.559

he's doing some marketing work with them

Time: 1342.72

like I'm not kidding I'm working with

Time: 1344

tan on five different things so funny

Time: 1346.72

yeah that's maybe you could have just

Time: 1347.799


Time: 1348.52

I enjoy working with but thanks

Time: 1351.76

for um yeah I think I began as uh I

Time: 1355.76

think to put it

Time: 1356.919

suly I began as an artist and a comedian

Time: 1360.2

and now I'm exploring my entrepreneurial

Time: 1362.08

Side by doing a bunch of different

Time: 1364.24

things but I think at the heart of at

Time: 1366.84

the heart of it I would I still

Time: 1369.799

introduce myself as primarily as a

Time: 1372.52

comedian uh you know amongst all the

Time: 1374.72

terms like comedian influencer creator

Time: 1378.48

entrepreneur I still find saying I'm a

Time: 1380.72

comic to be the coolest and or the most

Time: 1383.48

accurate version of you feel like in

Time: 1385.24

life you associate where you make the

Time: 1387.559

most money to your vcation oh that's a

Time: 1390.2

very good question ooh super interesting

Time: 1393.4

question I

Time: 1394.76

think can you rephrase it do you think

Time: 1397.08

in life you want to associate yourself

Time: 1399.12

with the vocation that makes money if

Time: 1401.08

you do five things in life yeah yeah

Time: 1403.2

when somebody asks you what do you do do

Time: 1405.84

you say where you make the most money

Time: 1407.64

cuz I have this question asked me so

Time: 1409.72

many times and I wonder what should I

Time: 1411.159


Time: 1412.159

now no I think for me it is I still go

Time: 1415.159

back to I I still introduce myself to

Time: 1417.48

people who don't know me I'm I first I

Time: 1419.4

say is I'm a comedian uh which maybe not

Time: 1422.72

not not be the best idea now cuz people

Time: 1424.32

often respond with okay this dude is

Time: 1425.72

going to be funny or he's going to roast

Time: 1427.4

me or whatever but I don't know I find

Time: 1429.76

that to be a comedian is like an

Time: 1432.96

attitude of just leading life which is

Time: 1436

you know it's a little

Time: 1436.72


Time: 1438

inherently a little anti-establishment

Time: 1439.559

like so I find that to be the most

Time: 1442.44

appealing even now like like someone was

Time: 1446.08

telling me the other day saying T you

Time: 1448.2

should document your weight loss Journey

Time: 1449.799

you should have a camera guy follow you

Time: 1451.12

and make those reals and you know where

Time: 1452.52

you're losing weight and all that kind

Time: 1454.039

of stuff and inherently I was asking

Time: 1456.52

myself saying why have I not done that

Time: 1457.84

and I feel I feel a little cringy

Time: 1460.039

talking about my achievements cuz it's

Time: 1462.159

such a it's such a weird thing to to to

Time: 1464.919

do whereas comedians are much better off

Time: 1467.44

like no comedian wants to get an award

Time: 1468.88

comedian want to be at the back of a

Time: 1470.72

room making fun of everybody who's

Time: 1472.12

gathered here for this thing I'll tell

Time: 1473.76

you an interesting story uh I was

Time: 1476.24

reading this book some book on

Time: 1478.679

History Jesters in courts comedians in

Time: 1482.36

history have been part of culture for

Time: 1485.76

hundreds of years thousands of years

Time: 1488.6

they always had a very relevant and very

Time: 1490.88

important role in every Court mhm uh a

Time: 1494.559

lot that could not be spoken about open

Time: 1498.08

because of societal conditioning the

Time: 1500.6

Jester's role was to bring it into

Time: 1502.72

people's subconscious while making a

Time: 1504.919

joke about it and getting away with it

Time: 1507.559

so the very first Jesters had crowns on

Time: 1510.36

their head they they had almost the

Time: 1513.279

importance in society that a king had

Time: 1515.6

because these guys could actually speak

Time: 1517.72

their mind where nobody else could

Time: 1520.2

that's cuz they were pardoned for

Time: 1521.72

speaking the truth yeah yeah so it's

Time: 1523.52

inherently anti-establishment so it

Time: 1525

feels coolest coolest is that why you

Time: 1526.96

say comedian yeah I think I think that's

Time: 1529.2

why instinctively I want to go to that

Time: 1531

cuz I still think of it as the coolest

Time: 1532.559

term to describe when I think of you I

Time: 1534.36

think ad ad maker H now marketing

Time: 1538.32

marketing yeah yeah 100% yeah even I

Time: 1541

think comedian Every Time I Think of You

Time: 1543.799

interesting writer and comedian what do

Time: 1545.279

you what do you think I think elder

Time: 1546.72


Time: 1548.32

oh this you know the thing is the

Time: 1551.6

thing is every time I see every time I

Time: 1553.44

see like a comment that says ran you're

Time: 1555.679

just so annoyingly positive all the time

Time: 1558.08

etc etc I'm like you guys don't even

Time: 1560.039

know the real life version of him he is

Time: 1562.48

5X more annoying in person wants to meet

Time: 1564.88

you give you a hug kisss you on the

Time: 1566.159

cheek it's so frustrating you know when

Time: 1568.48

I was younger my mom would watch uh

Time: 1572.08

cotti zind

Time: 1574.24

and thank you so I have seen a few

Time: 1576.96

versions of miir a few versions of Tulsi

Time: 1580.96

ganga like all the characters I remember

Time: 1583.36


Time: 1584.279

vaguely ranvir would make such a good MI

Time: 1588.279

oh my God that is so true that is so

Time: 1591.6

true sorry I got too excited he's like

Time: 1592.84

the dream son-in-law you guys are my

Time: 1595.159

friends I'm friends with all of you at

Time: 1596.6

this table my friends know this about me

Time: 1599

but for some

Time: 1600.559

reason there's a Playboy image that's

Time: 1602.72

spread that's really not me dude I want

Time: 1604.559

to get married I want to have kids I

Time: 1606.24

want to impress my mother-in-law that's

Time: 1608.48

what I really want to do how you as a

Time: 1610

Playboy yeah not do I my friends don't

Time: 1612.919

but apparently that's become an an

Time: 1616.6


Time: 1618.72

m i I had a I had a series of videos on

Time: 1621.679

my Hindi Channel which were basically

Time: 1624.44

about personality development okay and

Time: 1626.64

the context of the time is this is just

Time: 1628.279

when Reliance goo had come out and the

Time: 1630.279

internet had become affordable in India

Time: 1632.799

so the Indian audiences were waking up

Time: 1634.88

to International standards about

Time: 1638.08

multiple things now one of the things I

Time: 1640.72

figured that people wanted to learn was

Time: 1642.36

personality development like learning to

Time: 1644.039

speak better English learning table

Time: 1645.799

manners learning etiquette uh which we

Time: 1648.44

take for granted while we're growing up

Time: 1649.919

in urban India I tried making a video

Time: 1652.399

called Five personality development tips

Time: 1654.36

no one clicked on it then I made a

Time: 1656.08

series of videos

Time: 1658.919

called okay but the which means how do

Time: 1661.84

you impress girls okay but the content

Time: 1664.32

was the same it was personality

Time: 1665.279

development but that branding stayed

Time: 1668.559

till now that's one of the downsides of

Time: 1670.64

content creation I've so much to say

Time: 1672.12

about the downsides of content creation

Time: 1673.44

over the years that um people don't

Time: 1676.44

understand that we're growing up in

Time: 1677.32

front front of the world we have to

Time: 1679.159

inherently and sometimes made to grow up

Time: 1682.2

yeah yeah that too you know when I see

Time: 1684.679

you yeah I

Time: 1686.399

think good guy at

Time: 1688.919

heart vulnerable to a large

Time: 1692.12


Time: 1693.84

but persuaded by too much in life not

Time: 1697.799

Playboy at all I feel like overthinking

Time: 1700.6

relationships maybe

Time: 1702.44

yes over

Time: 1704.679

complicating the notion of Roman

Time: 1707.96

a romantic relationship and trying to

Time: 1709.88

break it down and make it work and all

Time: 1711.48

of that maybe yes but not that when I

Time: 1713.96

look at

Time: 1715.08

tme I see

Time: 1717.96

you when I look at tme I see somebody

Time: 1721.32

who is about to become a Playboy oh wow

Time: 1724.399

the that is why he wants to document his

Time: 1726.919

weight loss Journey also on the cliff

Time: 1729.799

like you know on the other side is chaos

Time: 1732.159

2024 I mean like fun chaos but I I feel

Time: 1735.559

like he's he's walking up that cliff and

Time: 1737.679

then he's going to go to the other side

Time: 1738.919

and dive I know T So intimately because

Time: 1742.36

I have my first job in life before I

Time: 1744.72

started content creation I was a fitness

Time: 1747.08

trainer like right after I'll tell you

Time: 1749.279

the story ranir and I started speaking

Time: 1751.12

because ranir should send me drunk texts

Time: 1752.88

on Facebook Messenger what he would send

Time: 1755.08

me he would get drunk and he would text

Time: 1756.559

me saying bro I just love you so much I

Time: 1758.399

just want I just want to lift weights

Time: 1759.72

with you bro I just love you too much

Time: 1761.6

like they he used to be so loving that I

Time: 1763.2

was like all right all right just come

Time: 1764.279

just come this is like in my final

Time: 1766.399

semester of engineering College when I

Time: 1768.279

knew that I'm not going to go down a

Time: 1770.12

traditional route i' got a Fitness

Time: 1772.159

certification done and I figured how

Time: 1774.36

much money there is to be made as a

Time: 1775.84

fitness trainer cuz my ultimate career

Time: 1777.36

goal in life was to set up three gyms in

Time: 1780.279

Bombay and guys I really tried to get

Time: 1782.24

him to not get into content to be fair

Time: 1784.32

to me I tried to tell him to do the gym

Time: 1787.44

thing but it didn't work out no so one

Time: 1790

of the things I'm always going to sorry

Time: 1791.919

I'm getting romantic with my elder

Time: 1793.44

brother oh my God but um there one thing

Time: 1796.799

I'll always old to him um so I started

Time: 1801.159

training people because it was paying me

Time: 1802.679

really well and I was working on this

Time: 1804.44

app I wanted to build I wanted to build

Time: 1805.84

like an Uber for Fitness coaches you can

Time: 1807.96

sit at home and like call a uh train

Time: 1810.6

call a yoga session call a weight

Time: 1812.44

training session whatever yeah what an

Time: 1813.96

awful idea yeah in retrospect I

Time: 1816.76

understand it but at that point my only

Time: 1818.279

skills were Fitness marketing and like

Time: 1820.84

some wild business ideas I just wanted

Time: 1822.32

to get started to train myself I started

Time: 1825.88

training people actually one of the

Time: 1827.919

people I trained was him and this is

Time: 1829.799

when influencer marketing didn't even

Time: 1831.2

exist in India was this before beer

Time: 1833.44

biceps this was just when yeah a little

Time: 1836.12

bit before little bit before things took

Time: 1838.12

off and um I literally didn't know that

Time: 1841.559

influencer marketing existed as a

Time: 1843.679

concept tra we we trained for like maybe

Time: 1847.32

like a year-ish no no six months stops

Time: 1850.76

but those 6 months were like education

Time: 1853.08

for me about um the wave that was going

Time: 1856.24

to come which eventually let to the

Time: 1857.48

formation of Monk entertainment which

Time: 1858.799

led to me quitting fitness training so

Time: 1861.44

thanks no but that happens when you talk

Time: 1863.519

to tan every time I have spent time

Time: 1866.12

talking to him there's always so much

Time: 1868.76

Insight in just not what not what's

Time: 1871.44

happening now but what's going to

Time: 1874.76

happen so a lot of the conversation

Time: 1877.08

today because I was thinking about it

Time: 1878.36

after we left also was what's going to

Time: 1880.96

happen and what the next step should be

Time: 1882.6

and what he wants to do so I like the

Time: 1884.32

fact that he's always been someone I

Time: 1885.919

feel like who's always thought of the

Time: 1887.559

next step and take it forward and that's

Time: 1889.279

helped a lot uh that's been very helpful

Time: 1891.96

for creators like us a lot because we

Time: 1894.559

didn't have that uh um knowledge or we

Time: 1897.88

didn't have wisdom to even know where is

Time: 1900.799

this going and how to take this forward

Time: 1902.32

but this is a this is an annoying habit

Time: 1903.96

of mine which is when I meet other

Time: 1905.639

creators uh I really like to tell them

Time: 1908.36

what I'm at all what I'm thinking but

Time: 1910.2

it's it's it's got to be with someone

Time: 1911.96

where you think there's a safe space

Time: 1913.24

where you can really talk about what

Time: 1914.559

you're thinking without them being like

Time: 1919.08

do you still think about

Time: 1920.44

aib uh yeah cuz it shows up on my

Time: 1923.559

timeline every now and then and I watch

Time: 1924.88

the videos and I'm like still good still

Time: 1927.279

good it is yeah it's still good I think

Time: 1929.6

Comedians and politicians together form

Time: 1932.12

some of the smartest people in society I

Time: 1934.919

want to I want to take that and just

Time: 1936.32

want to widen the widen it a little bit

Time: 1939.799

like me and you have discussed that I

Time: 1941.32

think a lot of the traits that

Time: 1943.36

politicians need which is effectively

Time: 1945.76

Mass manipulation is what Creator SL

Time: 1948.72

influencers need today we're going to

Time: 1950.279

have a Creator president very soon yeah

Time: 1953

we almost did with Trump but yeah like a

Time: 1954.96

YouTuber president is going to happen

Time: 1956.559

it's going to happen right that's that's

Time: 1957.76

a good one actually it's very possible

Time: 1959.96

you learn too much and you have access

Time: 1961.72

to too much data like you you're able to

Time: 1964.24

almost I I don't want it sounds arrogant

Time: 1966.039

to say you can almost predict the future

Time: 1967.919

but when you have that much data you can

Time: 1969.84

almost predict the future but you also

Time: 1971.36

get trained on criticism you get trained

Time: 1974.36

how to block negative comments like you

Time: 1976.44

you really get this like crash course

Time: 1978.399

like I feel like if I run for prime

Time: 1980

minister of any country I feel like I'm

Time: 1982.639

ready I'm ready what are you going to

Time: 1984.12

get okay you're going to say bad things

Time: 1985.48

okay I already get them now uh you know

Time: 1987.519

I need to make videos okay we're already

Time: 1988.679

making the videos we have the editors

Time: 1990.799

like you want a slogan for the campaign

Time: 1992.24

we have the marketers like what else do

Time: 1993.6

you need that's it you just need to

Time: 1995.84

reach a million people do you think that

Time: 1997.639

could happen here in

Time: 1999.559

India uh I think so yeah I think in 10

Time: 2002.88

years time is anybody on the cusp do you

Time: 2005.679

see any politicians bar creators anit

Time: 2009.679

Bay you know him Ram b r ban the guy who

Time: 2014

75 hard is he a politician now he's not

Time: 2016.919

but someone like that could gain that

Time: 2018.679

much um that much distribution in fact I

Time: 2021.96

think um there's like a mix of like I

Time: 2025.159

think newer age politicians will be a

Time: 2026.72

lot more digitally Savvy like you take

Time: 2029.08

someone like Viv uh in in the US right

Time: 2031.559

VI ramaswami he's a Creator every day

Time: 2035.12

there's a schedule and he goes and

Time: 2036.559

shoots something and there's like five

Time: 2038.159

clips of it that come out and you have

Time: 2040.96

to be a a Creator quote unquote if but

Time: 2044.919

do you think the voting audience is

Time: 2046.399

essentially I don't think it'll happen

Time: 2047.6

in India anytime soon how many how many

Time: 2049.56

million smartphones in India now nikil

Time: 2052.28

600 million 67 million that's that's

Time: 2054.8

your that's your word Pace cuz they all

Time: 2056.56

they all are watching stuff um I think

Time: 2058.839

all eyeballs are going to be through the

Time: 2060.28

phone now so you will have to be a

Time: 2062

Creator if you want Mass Appeal like

Time: 2063.879

that I think it'll happen in a 30

Time: 2065.52

million pop by that logic would have

Time: 2067.44

assumed more TVs in India than

Time: 2069.76

smartphones or access to TV so I would

Time: 2071.96

have thought TV actors would have become

Time: 2073.8

po but that time is changing I mean film

Time: 2077.56

yeah we had Bollywood kind of going that

Time: 2079.879

way not not truly not in a manner where

Time: 2084.56

it moved the needle per H so I've I've

Time: 2088.599

asked some friends of mine from the

Time: 2091.2

world of politics this question and by

Time: 2093.52

that I don't mean politicians I mean

Time: 2095.28

people who work in I don't know how you

Time: 2097.359

frame this like in during the elections

Time: 2099.359

they help with like bureaucrats no no

Time: 2101.48

yeah also bureaucrats advisor lobbying

Time: 2103.44

but like there's a lot of work that goes

Time: 2106.04

behind uh even carrying out an election

Time: 2109.76

and then from the political parties

Time: 2111.76

there's a lot of work that goes into

Time: 2113.48

swaying the vote in One Direction in

Time: 2115.32

different constituencies so there is a

Time: 2118.2

whole other skill set involved when

Time: 2119.839

you're actually beginning that political

Time: 2121.079

career in order to win the elections but

Time: 2122.88

it's a learnable skill set and I think

Time: 2124.599

this content creator thing is actually

Time: 2125.96

the bigger skill set about like

Time: 2127.079

affecting masses uh I I think there so

Time: 2129.48

there's this YouTube channel I've

Time: 2130.4

followed for years it's called Charisma

Time: 2131.8

on command it's one of my favorite

Time: 2133.079

YouTube channels ever highly recommended

Time: 2134.8

nice it's about social skills and it's

Time: 2136.48

about media skills I think so much of

Time: 2138.32

media's communication and what what

Time: 2140.76

people understand from the words you're

Time: 2142.24

saying uh they analyze Trump and I think

Time: 2145.64

most people know this about Trump now

Time: 2146.92

but he would say very basic things

Time: 2150.24

repeatedly yeah that's actually what

Time: 2152.4

content is in the long term when people

Time: 2154.52

think of your brand as a content creator

Time: 2156.76

they'll associate certain words with you

Time: 2158.16

like with me I know it's positivity

Time: 2159.4

motivation beer biceps is my favorite

Time: 2161.76

YouTube channel that's interesting what

Time: 2164.24

is it with you guys what is your

Time: 2166.079

Narrative of you you're trying to put

Time: 2168.079

off me H okay um that I'm generally

Time: 2173.319

curious I you you can't fake it the

Time: 2176.2

thing is if you're a regular creative

Time: 2178.319

especially if you're going to be

Time: 2179.24

consistent you can't fake it so my

Time: 2181.839

strategy would be what am I naturally

Time: 2183.4

curious about and just turn that into

Time: 2184.68

content cuz that automatically makes the

Time: 2186.28

most version of you go out um but you

Time: 2190.359

can't fake who you are at least not for

Time: 2193.079

very long but you can control showing

Time: 2194.92

people how much of you like you you can

Time: 2197.76

do that like is that accurate yeah I

Time: 2200.319

think so especially podcast it's

Time: 2202.76

impossible after one hour podcast this

Time: 2205.119

is who you really are yeah yeah like

Time: 2207.2

that's why presidents you really don't

Time: 2209.48

go on podcast more than one hour or two

Time: 2210.92

hours it becomes you know the third hour

Time: 2212.56

is like that's where you make the

Time: 2213.52

mistakes that's why n shoots for like

Time: 2215.359

six yeah but me this each of us deep

Time: 2219.2

down are completely different not

Time: 2221.839

completely but slightly different from

Time: 2224.04

what we project cuz we we all are darker

Time: 2226.92

right I think any philosopher would say

Time: 2230.88

Mar used to say this right like a prince

Time: 2233.92

needs to project AB bcde e but he

Time: 2237.119

actually has to be something else like

Time: 2239.64

being generous I'll take one of the

Time: 2241.68

examples like being generous for a

Time: 2243.8

prince or a king is not a good thing

Time: 2246.2

because if you're a king and generous

Time: 2248.56

people get accustomed to your generosity

Time: 2250.72

and they forget a world before that and

Time: 2253

then you have to increase taxes to

Time: 2255.079

continue to be generous and when you do

Time: 2257.16

that they go after you so as a king you

Time: 2260.44

need to be a completely different thing

Time: 2262.68

but you need to

Time: 2263.96

project a bunch of things you know

Time: 2266.48

virtuous moralistic

Time: 2269.2

generosity uh ritualistic

Time: 2272.079

religious these are things when you

Time: 2274.119

project upon a society that resonates

Time: 2276.72

with you mhm uh the odds of you staying

Time: 2280.319

in power for longer are probably higher

Time: 2282.8

so when you say

Time: 2284.599

authentic do you mean truly authentic or

Time: 2287.839

do you mean this mask that you're

Time: 2289.56

projecting which is slightly authentic

Time: 2291.64

but not auth authentic enough to get you

Time: 2294

to trouble interesting so I like to

Time: 2295.599

think of it as you know in if you're

Time: 2297.52

playing FIFA and you select a character

Time: 2299.599

you have like seven attributes show up

Time: 2302.2

so the digital version of authentic

Time: 2303.76

would be what are some of the attributes

Time: 2305.359

that are actually true right and those

Time: 2308

are the ones you choose to project cuz

Time: 2310.56

that's what's that's what's the closest

Time: 2312.64

version of you but you can't truly be

Time: 2314.839

fully authentic that's a that's a su

Time: 2317.4

that gets you into trouble 100% because

Time: 2319.48

nobody's fully clean and unfortunately

Time: 2321.4

when you got to be when you got to be

Time: 2323.599

public you got to try clean is the wrong

Time: 2326.119

word I feel like every human has

Time: 2328.359

different personalities a side and B

Time: 2330.28

side he has a outside and he has a

Time: 2332

shadow I've met hundreds of creators and

Time: 2333.64

I think you guys can can relate to this

Time: 2335.48

you you see their content and and then

Time: 2336.68

you meet them and actually the thing

Time: 2337.92

that surprised me the most is that most

Time: 2340.119

creators are extroverted in the camera

Time: 2343

they're very excited they're very

Time: 2344.28

energetic but when you meet them they're

Time: 2345.92

like in the corner just by themselves

Time: 2347.839

like not talking to anybody they're like

Time: 2350.04

wait is this the same person so I I

Time: 2352.079

think the yeah you're right there's

Time: 2353.319

still extroversion versus introversion

Time: 2356.16

most creators are actually introverted

Time: 2358.079

that I realize which is shocking they

Time: 2360.079

only like talking to a camera they don't

Time: 2361.48

like talking to humans um so there there

Time: 2364.44

is a dissonance there is a difference

Time: 2366.04

between what you see on YouTube and what

Time: 2368.04

you see in real life and I would even

Time: 2369.839

argue that we're all a bit more than

Time: 2374.119

what we make our videos about 100% yeah

Time: 2376.839

so you're saying in summary there is a

Time: 2379.28

young Creator who young wannabe Cur

Time: 2382

Creator content

Time: 2383.599

creator nice

Time: 2386.4


Time: 2387.96

spense say a young

Time: 2391.28

20-year-old wannabe entrepreneur trying

Time: 2394.319

to build distribution through content

Time: 2397.88

creation what we are saying is he has to

Time: 2400.599

be authentic but to the

Time: 2405.16

extent that is acceptable in the

Time: 2408.28

societal Norms that he lives under and

Time: 2410.839

he still has to do one or two things to

Time: 2412.68

resonate with the audience there has to

Time: 2414.76

be authenticity but not not beyond the

Time: 2418.079

point but n isn't that true for

Time: 2420.68

everything isn't it true for anytime you

Time: 2423.48

are effectively speaking to an audience

Time: 2426.68

be it as an entrepreneur talking to a

Time: 2428.079

thousand employees in the company I

Time: 2430.4

think anytime there is a major public

Time: 2432.72

interaction there is a degree of

Time: 2434.16

performance MH that almost is

Time: 2436.839

uncontrollable it just even if you're

Time: 2438.599

not speaking to anybody why do people

Time: 2440

dress up yeah why do you put your nicest

Time: 2442.24

clothes because you want to show a

Time: 2443.839

different version of who you really are

Time: 2445.079

why do people put makeup on that's human

Time: 2447.599

nature I think so we shouldn't blame it

Time: 2449.359

on the creators for being different in

Time: 2451.72

front of an audience yeah for sure uh I

Time: 2454.359

mean no one's blaming cre I think n is

Time: 2456.079

is delving into the I'm trying to figure

Time: 2458.16

out what works yeah I I have a compass I

Time: 2460.88

follow when it comes to this

Time: 2462.24

authenticity thought uh in my head is

Time: 2465.52

that the larger the quantity of content

Time: 2468

that you release the closer you get to

Time: 2469.68

your actual authenticity but ideally you

Time: 2472.319

shouldn't go to 100% because of the

Time: 2475.04

second point which is that everything

Time: 2476.839

you say should be true but not

Time: 2478.839

everything that's true should be

Time: 2480.52

said you got a lot of hate right like

Time: 2483.72

recently and I've tried to like

Time: 2486.96

I know ranir for a long time okay I know

Time: 2489.359


Time: 2490.88

from a few years ago when he was younger

Time: 2494.079

and I remember him interviewing me or

Time: 2496.2

doing a podcast we did one together and

Time: 2498.76

I was like this guy is so good he

Time: 2501.76

organically has a way to put you put you

Time: 2505.72

so at ease that you're so comfortable

Time: 2508.119

talking to him and he's agreed and he's

Time: 2510.52

always been such a nice guy through and

Time: 2512.72

through when people were saying so much

Time: 2514.68

crap about him I was like you know I

Time: 2517.52

called him up I I do call him up and I

Time: 2519.359

say you know like don't take this to

Time: 2521.28

Heart Like if somebody's making the

Time: 2522.839

effort to look up ran search him on

Time: 2525.319

Twitter and then go there and write a

Time: 2528.28

comment yeah but how do you put up with

Time: 2530.48

that but that's a big part of being a

Time: 2532.2

content creator right yeah I'll give you

Time: 2533.8

the 100% honest answer I went through a

Time: 2537.079

hole of a phase in engineering

Time: 2538.76

college and it just blew all the

Time: 2540.559

emotions out of me and like I was just

Time: 2543.04

left emotionless by the end of

Time: 2544.44

engineering College that's not true

Time: 2547.119

you're very emotional maybe I can

Time: 2548.92

compartmentalize it well but I I'll tell

Time: 2551.2

you there's been two phases where hate

Time: 2552.96

has affected me the first time was when

Time: 2555.48

I first had a viral video like an allout

Time: 2557.559

National viral video where I spoke about

Time: 2560.2

Amir Khan Amir Khan and Amir Khan you

Time: 2562.92

know am Khan is uh he had a big Fitness

Time: 2565.68

transformation and at that point oh yes

Time: 2568.76

I made a video about how it's probably

Time: 2570.64

not completely natural oh wow and uh it

Time: 2573.119

was just a suggest suggestive video but

Time: 2574.72

that's the first time I blew up as a

Time: 2576.319

Fitness content creator the second time

Time: 2579

was fairly recently where so I've been

Time: 2581.4

cancelled a lot on Twitter over the last

Time: 2583.8

like since Co began like since does it

Time: 2585.839

get easier yeah what do you do like

Time: 2589.48

these young people we are encouraging to

Time: 2591.24

build distribution to sell the brands

Time: 2593.16

they later create they will get

Time: 2595.079

cancelled yeah so is it best to like

Time: 2598.2

shut up when you're getting canceled and

Time: 2599.68

ignore it um what is like a tip it's

Time: 2603.88

it's too subjective because the

Time: 2605.24


Time: 2606.68

sometimes it's truly your fault and if

Time: 2608.68

it is you should like address it uh yeah

Time: 2611.76

but I also want to push back against the

Time: 2613.319

word cancel there's no such thing as

Time: 2616.119

cancel you cannot be canceled on the

Time: 2618.319

internet it is the algorithm has no

Time: 2620.119

emotions you see the algorithm is like

Time: 2621.96

right ring or left ring it doesn't care

Time: 2623.599

you create content it's interesting

Time: 2625.16

enough it shows it to people so you can

Time: 2626.92

say you're cancelled but you come back

Time: 2628.68

next video and you get the same number

Time: 2630.119

of views if not more the question is

Time: 2632.2

what do you do when there's push back

Time: 2633.64

from the audience and the way you should

Time: 2635.72

look at it is push back is the most

Time: 2637.76

positive thing that can happen to you as

Time: 2640

a Creator if you get cancelled or pushed

Time: 2642.96

back you have cracked it yes you are

Time: 2645.88

finally relevant enough to hate it it

Time: 2648.96

it's very the opposite of the opposite

Time: 2650.64

of Love isn't hate it's indifference

Time: 2652.52

yeah exactly opposite of Love is that

Time: 2655

true in this very true people again

Time: 2657.72

we're using the word canceled because of

Time: 2659.2

a lack of other words to describe that

Time: 2661.28

situation where you're receiving a

Time: 2662.92

tsunami of criticism on the internet uh

Time: 2666.359

now it boils down to who you are

Time: 2667.64

subjectively on the inside as a content

Time: 2669.16

creator are you someone will absorb all

Time: 2671.28

of it and feel bad about it or are you

Time: 2672.72

someone will absorb all of it take the

Time: 2675.28

the feedback and then improve your

Time: 2676.92

content for me my game has always been

Time: 2679.2

quantity you need to know your own game

Time: 2681.2

and your own strengths as a content

Time: 2682.76

creator not I'm not the smartest not the

Time: 2685

most creative Creator but I can create a

Time: 2687.28

huge amount of content that amount is

Time: 2690.2

good enough for you to show your

Time: 2691.68

improvement show that you absorb the

Time: 2693.4

feedback and eventually those same

Time: 2695.68

people people who've been pissed off

Time: 2697

with you for that one thing will say

Time: 2698.24

okay we've noticed now that you've

Time: 2700.76

corrected your mistakes and admitted to

Time: 2702.4

doing the wrong and in some cases where

Time: 2704.8

if you don't agree with what you're

Time: 2706.04

being canceled for don't respond so

Time: 2709.4

people need to understand another thing

Time: 2710.8

is that creators are change makers when

Time: 2713.28

you make a video you are affecting

Time: 2715

change in the world every time you want

Time: 2717.839

to change something there is resistance

Time: 2719.92

if I try to change the location of this

Time: 2722.359

cup there is resistance of the cup

Time: 2724.68

towards my change if you try to change a

Time: 2726.72

country there is resistance that's why

Time: 2728.8

every politician in the world gets death

Time: 2730.96

threats because they are the ones who

Time: 2732.48

are making the most change is that

Time: 2733.599

something a Creator should actively do

Time: 2736

uh if he is anti let me not say

Time: 2739.2

establishment but anti- public opinion

Time: 2742.599

he gets more traction you will get more

Time: 2745

yes you will get more traction if you

Time: 2746.319

are that so is that a hack like you look

Time: 2748.559

at in general extreme opinions will get

Time: 2750.92

more traction yeah the hope is that your

Time: 2753.4

extreme opinion is not bad why is that

Time: 2756.839

like because the negative feedback loop

Time: 2759.079

sooes sooths our psyche in some weird

Time: 2761.72

manner if everybody is saying a certain

Time: 2764.4

restaurant is good and if you were to go

Time: 2766.92

online and say this restaurant is

Time: 2769

crap don't go there bad bad

Time: 2771.4

bad more I feel like we also love

Time: 2775.119

drama a strong opinion about anything

Time: 2779.04

creates a market for the antithesis of

Time: 2781.76

that opinion by itself because everyone

Time: 2785.319

is on line trying to build a brand one

Time: 2788.359

of the easiest ways to build a brand is

Time: 2789.96

to be contrarian so every single strong

Time: 2793.24

opinion automatically creates the

Time: 2795.76

opposite market so unfortunately in

Time: 2798.72

social media every year there's roughly

Time: 2801.079

like six to seven opportunities to go

Time: 2803.8

guaranteed viral guaranteed right any

Time: 2806.28

video you make about a topic it will go

Time: 2807.8

viral unfortunately a lot of people

Time: 2809.44

utilize that just to get attention for

Time: 2811.4

example Israel and Palestine right now

Time: 2813.68

anybody make a pro Palestine video I I

Time: 2816

guarantee you millions of views uh few

Time: 2818.319

years ago there were wildfires in

Time: 2820.16

Australia anybody that made any video

Time: 2822.8

about that oh there was protest in

Time: 2824.04

Bangladesh anybody Farmers protest in

Time: 2826.44

India these are all opportunities for

Time: 2828.839

Content creators to get attention even

Time: 2831.4

if they don't care about the topic and

Time: 2832.88

this is just take a contrary this is not

Time: 2834.72

not just the cont this is everyone n

Time: 2837.92

this not the contrary they're saying

Time: 2838.96

like if everybody saying okay we need to

Time: 2840.52

protest with the farmers for example

Time: 2842

which I didn't understand what what it

Time: 2843.2

was about uh you will get the views you

Time: 2845.4

will be become famous in those six

Time: 2847.24

chances every year and I've seen people

Time: 2849.68

who know nothing about Indian politics

Time: 2852.24

or local Indian Affairs just like

Time: 2855.04


Time: 2857.319

oh that's the one now I remember Rihanna

Time: 2860.48

was like I'm with the IND was like what

Time: 2861.88

did rean know about this yeah but it

Time: 2864.44

became cool to say that it became cool

Time: 2866.079

to say that tribalism right now has it

Time: 2869.48

become cool to say Pro Palestinian stuff

Time: 2872.839

it's become cool why is that because

Time: 2876.4

there's two billion Muslims in the world

Time: 2879.04

and now the minute you promote and you

Time: 2881.8

support this topic every Muslim will

Time: 2883.48

want to support you as well so you see

Time: 2885.2

that tribalism happen even if people

Time: 2887.319

don't know the intricacies of this very

Time: 2889.76

complicated conflict which I'm part of

Time: 2891.52

for 75 years if things were this easy

Time: 2894.119

man it would have been solved I I want

Time: 2896.4

to understand like I've heard every side

Time: 2899.319

there is we don't have enough hours in

Time: 2901

this podcast for this no give us like

Time: 2903.079

give us a brief history of you you're a

Time: 2906.48

Arab Israeli so I'm I'm I'm Israeli

Time: 2911.119

Palestinian explain where were you born

Time: 2913.64

start from the beginning this this I'm

Time: 2916.2

curious about genuinely a fascinating

Time: 2918.599

story like interesting St look when

Time: 2920.24

people look at Israel they think a

Time: 2922.76

country for Jewish people what they

Time: 2924.76

don't understand is that 20% of that

Time: 2927.28

country is not Jewish and what they

Time: 2929.04

don't understand is when Israel came to

Time: 2930.96

existence uh there there were other

Time: 2932.92

people living there and some people left

Time: 2935.2

some people people got kicked out some

Time: 2936.68

people died and some people stayed

Time: 2938.599

inside so my ancestors are the ones who

Time: 2941.4

stayed under Israel so one day we woke

Time: 2943.799

up we're like okay we're Israeli

Time: 2945.72

citizens okay so there were a certain

Time: 2947.48

number of Jews there there were a

Time: 2948.88

certain number of Arabs all of these

Time: 2951.559

were the West Bank Gaza Golan Heights

Time: 2954.599

everything in between was one country

Time: 2956.88

did it have a border it was was was it a

Time: 2959.76

Sovereign Nation was it one no there was

Time: 2962.16

there was the British Empire it was the

Time: 2963.68

man British it was a British Mand

Time: 2966.119

and then before that it was the Ottomans

Time: 2967.76

so it's very complicated to like

Time: 2970.88

actually say oh there was one country

Time: 2973.359

here but there were actual people living

Time: 2975.119

there the land that belonged to the

Time: 2977.079

Palestinians in my naive yes the little

Time: 2980.88

bit of information from the few books

Time: 2982.48

I've read kind of information The

Time: 2984.76

Landmark that they had has been

Time: 2987

consistently going down with time for

Time: 2988.68

for the average person who doesn't want

Time: 2989.88

to go to the details there was 11

Time: 2991.24

opportunities for peace and they were

Time: 2992.92

squandered for different reasons

Time: 2994.599

sometimes it was Israel's fault fault

Time: 2996.16

and many times it was palestine's fault

Time: 2998.599

right but eventually the leaders in

Time: 3001.119

these positions have come to realize it

Time: 3003.359

is more popular to wage a war than to

Time: 3006.2

wage peace in the Middle East more

Time: 3008.72

politicians died from Making Peace than

Time: 3012.2

from making War explain I'm going to say

Time: 3014.16

that again more politicians died from

Time: 3016.48

Making Peace than from making War Sadat

Time: 3019.48

made peace with Israel the Egyptian guy

Time: 3021.559

Egyptian president made peace with with

Time: 3023.319

Israel got assassinated RAB in Palestine

Time: 3026.599

made peace wanted to make peace got

Time: 3028.68

assassinated why why the algorithm wants

Time: 3031.24

War the algorithm wants War I mean

Time: 3033.64

eventually an extremist will come and be

Time: 3035.28

like oh this politician is gonna end my

Time: 3038.119

struggle which is my struggle for a

Time: 3040.319

whole country and they're going to only

Time: 3042.319

settle for half I'm gonna kill

Time: 3044.64

them while if a politician wages War

Time: 3047.88

it's like ah yeah this politician is

Time: 3049.24

standing for what I want so that so

Time: 3052.92

that's when I realized oh my God that's

Time: 3054.319

why North Korea is is like We'll always

Time: 3056.64

stay North Korea if if the if the if the

Time: 3059.44

president tries to do anything different

Time: 3061.52

he's the first to be

Time: 3063.44


Time: 3065.2

so assassinated by by people in North

Time: 3068.44

Korea who want to keep the status quo

Time: 3071.04

basically the people who have gained

Time: 3074.4

affluence proximity to that person

Time: 3076.799

something like that something like that

Time: 3078.079

and eventually in nutshell as much as we

Time: 3080.24

all want peace peace is a very

Time: 3082.319

politically risky move and that's why

Time: 3085.92

in in the last week no one is calling

Time: 3087.88

for peace because it's also risky for

Time: 3089.48

Content creators I made a video calling

Time: 3091.319

for peace a week ago and I got 100 death

Time: 3094.48

threats why did I get 100 death threats

Time: 3096.599

for calling for pece because this is the

Time: 3100.079

time to call for justice for war for

Time: 3103.599

getting back what what we deserve and

Time: 3105.4

all that stuff the algorithm wants War

Time: 3107.52

like that to me encapsulates but the

Time: 3109.599

human algorithm exactly the human

Time: 3111.559

algorithm wants Justice the algorithm is

Time: 3113.44

very human the algorithm Bally telling

Time: 3115.559

you what people want yeah I love like I

Time: 3119.079

love and respect and admire um just no

Time: 3122.48

being able to talk about this with this

Time: 3124.079

much cion cuz I don't know if I have the

Time: 3126.24

courage given where you know what what

Time: 3128.64

he has been through and or what he might

Time: 3130.4

go through to bring it back to content

Time: 3133.64

creators this is why we need content

Time: 3136.559

creators who are able to say what they

Time: 3138.559

really want to say even if it costs them

Time: 3140.68

their their life yes you can create

Time: 3143.079

content and make money you can create

Time: 3145.04

cont and build a business but the point

Time: 3147.119

of content creation is as you said

Time: 3148.839

social change we must change the

Time: 3151.52

narrative on Muslims on Jews on Israel

Time: 3154.52

and Palestine on India Pakistan I think

Time: 3156.96

that's why we're all here but there's a

Time: 3159.44

different kind of content creator who

Time: 3160.599

wants to entertain and that is also good

Time: 3162.599

too so ask yourself do you want to be a

Time: 3165.359

content creator to build a business to

Time: 3168.48

entertain or to educate how far do you

Time: 3171.44

think the first content creator

Time: 3172.88

assassination is oo I think it probably

Time: 3176.52

already happened yeah to a female

Time: 3178.799

content creator somewhere in the

Time: 3180.64

world I think but the point he made is

Time: 3183.2

so relevant I feel like with a

Time: 3186.92

cooperation disseminating news they're

Time: 3189.48

bound to be biased in one form or

Time: 3191.44

another I think the role of a content

Time: 3194.2

creator in getting their actual story

Time: 3196.52

out is so incredibly important for the

Time: 3198.88

world right yeah it's indep it's

Time: 3202.119

independent thought needs to be

Time: 3203.88

encouraged but I I also think that look

Time: 3207.559

there it's it's it's easy to say that

Time: 3209.24

everybody should be able to voice their

Time: 3211.52

opinion um but voicing your opinion is a

Time: 3215.319

not necessary not necessarily the best

Time: 3218.04

thing for business which most bus let's

Time: 3221.52

be honest most content creators are in

Time: 3223.2

the pursuit of being brand friendly

Time: 3224.68

enough that they can make a living that

Time: 3226.88

they can make a living uh but I also say

Time: 3231.119

that you want to be king first before

Time: 3232.839

you become a philosopher right like Shah

Time: 3235.48

ruk Khan like Shah sh shuk said this

Time: 3237.359

right um so you want you want to feel

Time: 3240.4

secure financially before you're able to

Time: 3243.359

voice your thought very very publicly at

Time: 3246.359

least this is what I have maintained

Time: 3248.48

that I think if I feel extremely secure

Time: 3251.16

financially it actually the thing you're

Time: 3252.92

that you're buying by making money is

Time: 3255.079

freedom to express yes if I am able to

Time: 3258

devoid my Revenue income from what I say

Time: 3261.64

publicly that's the ideal word this is

Time: 3263.92

why I agree with n and he says that if

Time: 3265.799

you build distribution you want to build

Time: 3267.119

businesses under it so you have an

Time: 3268.88

infrastructure around you that can

Time: 3270.48

continue to exist without being

Time: 3272.839

dependent on what the comment section

Time: 3274.079

says about you such a good point and I

Time: 3277.359

want to give this advice to anybody

Time: 3278.96

that's starting content brands are not

Time: 3281.92

your friends brands are not friends your

Time: 3285.319

friends brands are the first to chicken

Time: 3287.88

out when you get cancelled when you get

Time: 3289.44

push back like I lost a couple of brand

Time: 3291.319

deals in the last month I'm sure you

Time: 3292.52

lost brand deals in your life we've all

Time: 3294

lost brand deals in life there are lots

Time: 3296.359

because of something you said R you too

Time: 3298.72

not yet have you ever been cancelled or

Time: 3300.559

pushed back

Time: 3302.48

um not not yet if you have to think that

Time: 3305.2

long no so maybe this is the time say

Time: 3308.4

something oh

Time: 3309.88

Lord but I I was talking to TMA about

Time: 3312.44

this and I agreed to what he said about

Time: 3314.44

the whole opinion bit of it what I was

Time: 3315.92

telling him I was like I'm so nervous

Time: 3317.2

about this because a lot of times I'm so

Time: 3318.92

unaware and there are so many things

Time: 3321

that I'm constantly kind of educating

Time: 3322.88

myself because it's a huge world you put

Time: 3325.4

yourself out there you know like you are

Time: 3327.599

there's a lot of expectations of

Time: 3329.24

comments about so many things that

Time: 3331.799

especially in a country like ours where

Time: 3333.4

it's such a mix of people with different

Time: 3336.92

likes and different kind of content that

Time: 3339.119

you watch and different issues that we

Time: 3340.559

kind of living it's like 15 countries in

Time: 3342.119

a comment section right like it's like

Time: 3343.76

it's so mixed um so for someone like me

Time: 3347.599

I I'm terrible at multitasking if I am

Time: 3349.72

doing one thing I'm literally not

Time: 3351.079

watching anything else I'm not reading

Time: 3352.839

anything else I'm not educating myself

Time: 3354.359

about anything else if I'm like for

Time: 3355.839

example right now I'm writing a book and

Time: 3357.599

that's all I'm doing I'm so unaware

Time: 3359.599

about so many things which is why this

Time: 3361.079

is this is a very informative

Time: 3363.64

conversation for me because I now have

Time: 3366.599

context to a lot of things which I

Time: 3368.4

should have because I understand the

Time: 3369.76

responsibility that comes from being

Time: 3371.119

someone who speaks out and who has

Time: 3373.76

impact so that is something that I'm

Time: 3375.52

constantly working on so I feel like for

Time: 3378.039

someone like me it just it it is a tough

Time: 3381.24

space when it comes to uh having that

Time: 3384.24

opinion so if I was a brand I would

Time: 3386.359

throw all my money at you as they have

Time: 3388.96


Time: 3389.96

they because you are so safe I can

Time: 3392.68

associate with you and you'll never be

Time: 3394.64

cancelled for saying something stupid

Time: 3396.88

about Israel and Palestine so so that's

Time: 3399.039

why this is a good strategy actually to

Time: 3401.24

to build a good

Time: 3402.4

business unfortunately we have a big

Time: 3404.68

mouth and so I've realized that now that

Time: 3407.92

I lost a million dollars from making

Time: 3409.319

that video from a brand

Time: 3411.4

deal Community is the one thing that

Time: 3414.2

will stick with you no matter what you

Time: 3415.68

say yeah so now I'm building only

Time: 3417.88

community based businesses that's I give

Time: 3420.319

me an example of what you mean by

Time: 3421.68

community community based business is

Time: 3423.079

basically I want to make my money not

Time: 3424.799

from a brand that gives me $100,000 to

Time: 3427.68

make a video whatever I want to make my

Time: 3429.4

money from selling a product to the

Time: 3431.16

people that follow me everywhere around

Time: 3432.92

the world for example it's Nas travels

Time: 3436

so we're creating this group trips

Time: 3437.559

product where we take you on a trip to

Time: 3439.079

Ecuador to see Ecuador for a week

Time: 3441.96

together so even if I get canceled by a

Time: 3444.559


Time: 3445.72

and a person buying my product in

Time: 3447.88

Colombia does not care that actually

Time: 3450.64

makes sense yeah are you doing that too

Time: 3454.119

yeah I'm working on building businesses

Time: 3456.76

that can Leverage The distribution that

Time: 3459.16

I have and I think this is a good

Time: 3461

strategy for every Creator especially if

Time: 3464.16

I mean a lot of creators who aren't in

Time: 3466.119

the entertainment section usually

Time: 3468.359

already have this built-in like you know

Time: 3470.64

sharan for example has already thought

Time: 3472.599

of it a lot of folks who are into educ

Time: 3474.96

ation have ech to fall on but it usually

Time: 3477.72

it's folks in the entertainment section

Time: 3479.4

that kind of have to think about well

Time: 3481.119

what is the business that I'm going to

Time: 3482.119

build cuz my whole business is I'm going

Time: 3484.52

to play an ad in the middle of

Time: 3485.799

entertaining you uh so one of my Natural

Time: 3489.599

Instincts was I love writing content and

Time: 3492.119

I've written comedy my whole life so

Time: 3493.68

writing advertising marketing that sort

Time: 3495.48

of stuff came naturally to me I moved to

Time: 3497.52

Bangalore I realized that oh there's

Time: 3499.359

there's a there's a big section here

Time: 3501.76

that could do with some of my advice and

Time: 3503.4

so I start you know advising startups

Time: 3505.559

and that that sort of thing but this is

Time: 3507.4

super useful advice and I think NS is

Time: 3509

the king of this NS has done such a good

Time: 3511.359

job like no one understands video like

Time: 3512.76

him so now he produces video and it's a

Time: 3515.319

Playbook that he taught his company and

Time: 3516.88

now this company can scale for him so

Time: 3518.4

tomorrow if a brand doesn't work nozar

Time: 3520.079

is still okay and I think this I truly

Time: 3522.16

believe that a everyone should be making

Time: 3524.559

content because it teaches you sales

Time: 3526.88

yeah across the board and really what do

Time: 3528.92

you need to be successful you is that

Time: 3530.319

making content at the end of the day

Time: 3531.96

learning how to make sales marketing if

Time: 3534.44

you I would if I were hiring for

Time: 3536.16

marketing if there was a kid who could

Time: 3538.24

take an Instagram page from 0 to 10,000

Time: 3540.92

that kid is killer right most CMOS don't

Time: 3543.48

know how to do this most CMOS would not

Time: 3545.88

know where to spend money to make this

Time: 3547.559

happen in fact people who are in

Time: 3549.48

marketing jobs at Brands what they're

Time: 3551.4

truly doing is exercising the judgment

Time: 3553.359

on what's good or not they're spending

Time: 3554.76

Dollar on making a decision how do you

Time: 3557.48

know what's good or not if you haven't

Time: 3558.76

done it 20 times over and seeing what's

Time: 3560.599

good or no so I truly think most people

Time: 3562.44

who make content content today if you

Time: 3564.48

have have this experience for 10 years

Time: 3566.28

there is a very good marketing job at

Time: 3568.48

the end of it do you think that's

Time: 3569.88

another pathway like we 100% we thought

Time: 3572.92

of build influence

Time: 3575.16

distribution start a business fashion

Time: 3577.92

restaurant SAS software whatever

Time: 3580.799

sell another part could be build

Time: 3583.76

distribution get hired yes build

Time: 3585.64

distribution get hired in fact I think

Time: 3587.28

like nsar mentioned earlier there's

Time: 3588.559

going to be a whole batch of creators

Time: 3590.039

who you know who after 5 years of

Time: 3592.119

traction realize that this might not

Time: 3593.52

happen marketing is a super interesting

Time: 3596.52

and useful career that they can get into

Time: 3598.2

almost immediately because they know

Time: 3599.2

more than most marketers very

Time: 3601.64

interesting before we get into the

Time: 3603.799

influencer influencer buts uh broadly oh

Time: 3607.92

we haven't gotten into it we're going

Time: 3611.52

to there's a reason why this goes on for

Time: 3613.799

5 hours this goes on for 5 hours content

Time: 3616

creator economy how big is it in 2021 I

Time: 3619.88

remember this number there was this

Time: 3621.76

whole U article about how

Time: 3625.16

the Creator economy has added 10,000

Time: 3627.599

crores to the Indian GDP it's

Time: 3629.839

contributed 10,000 crores to the Indian

Time: 3632.079

GDP uh I don't you would be a better

Time: 3635.44

person to break that down what I

Time: 3638.079

understand is it's created that kind of

Time: 3639.92

employment that kind of influencer

Time: 3642.16

marketing spends Etc we've been in the

Time: 3645.319

space for eight I've been in the space

Time: 3646.76

for eight years T has been in it longer

Time: 3649.28

we've constantly seen an increase in

Time: 3651.92

influencer marketing rates as long as

Time: 3654.2

you stick to the game that's where I

Time: 3655.72

anticipate it's going but the space

Time: 3657.079

itself you started at the very beginning

Time: 3658.799

of it like he started at the very 10

Time: 3660.88

years right this whole Space is 10 years

Time: 3662.16

it's a 10 year industry and I think

Time: 3664.52

there's an article last week that said

Time: 3666.24

it is a $250 billion economy now what

Time: 3669.64

people need to understand is that all

Time: 3671.079

these numbers are meaningless nobody

Time: 3672.64

cares what they should have conviction

Time: 3675.24

of is that we are 1% of the way there in

Time: 3678.76

the Creator economy this is as new as

Time: 3681.76

AI so let's assume the size is 100 100

Time: 3684.76

billion that's what the global size

Time: 3686.599


Time: 3687.599

say we'll assume India is lesser because

Time: 3691.52

uh the rate per clicks how much money

Time: 3693.72

you can make out of

Time: 3695.16

views significantly lower right would

Time: 3697.4

you say 1/5th 1110th of it's one0

Time: 3700.559

exactly 110 I mean my YouTube ad Revenue

Time: 3703.76

cpms would say even worse no CU so I

Time: 3707.2

have because I have international

Time: 3708.28

audience and I can segment based on

Time: 3709.52

Country so if I get a th000 view $1,000

Time: 3712.2

from American audience I get $100 from

Time: 3714.92

audience can you break down the 10,000

Time: 3716.599

CR thing what what what does it mean I

Time: 3719.359

would say see I know a little bit about

Time: 3722.039

the influencer marketing world I have a

Time: 3724.76

company called kluener I've invested

Time: 3727.039

in I think the amount of money brands

Time: 3730.4

are spending on Purely social media

Time: 3733.92

influencers because you can extrapolate

Time: 3736.24

and everybody's an influencer right if

Time: 3738.52

your profession is social media

Time: 3740

influencer like you for example I would

Time: 3743

assume that number is between ,500 2,000

Time: 3745.96

crores a year and growing by 30 40%

Time: 3750.799

2,000 crores so effectively you're

Time: 3752.799

saying that 2,000 crores is the

Time: 3755.76

advertising pool for influencers yeah

Time: 3758.799

that's how much money I'm a T-shirt

Time: 3760.88

maker I give tme that much I give tme 50

Time: 3763.359

lakhs to promote my t-shirt I'm talking

Time: 3765.4

about things like that purely I'm not

Time: 3767.52

talking about that's 10% of the economy

Time: 3769.359

yeah that's there another a 90% which is

Time: 3771.68

community Commerce creators making money

Time: 3773.92

from their followers that's even smaller

Time: 3776.48

without needing a well I think it's

Time: 3778.039

going to get much bigger than Brands but

Time: 3779.559

today I don't think it's very big but

Time: 3782.319

but there's but in India maybe but there

Time: 3784.44

actually because in India maybe the

Time: 3786.119

audience does not buy so you rely a lot

Time: 3788.079

on brands that maybe that's a culture

Time: 3789.2

here in India but in America you're

Time: 3791.24

making much more money from your

Time: 3792.88

community than you're making from a

Time: 3795.52

brand everything that happens in America

Time: 3798.119

always takes 5 years to get to India

Time: 3799.799

this has been the one out golden lesson

Time: 3802.079

I've learned in my content creation I

Time: 3804.48

sell in this case give me a

Time: 3806.87


Time: 3809.72

second okay give me 30 seconds continue

Time: 3812.4

your thought it happens in every

Time: 3813.799

industry um to a large degree but in

Time: 3816.76

media I've noticed that this happens

Time: 3819.48

very very heavily no no no this is

Time: 3820.96

you're talking cultural Trends wise but

Time: 3823.839

the simple fact is India is a DA Farm of

Time: 3827.279

the world and when you're are a low aru

Time: 3829.839

country for let me just explain that

Time: 3832.559

what I mean by low what do da Farm yeah

Time: 3834.52

diu means daily active user Farm of the

Time: 3838.2

world what this means is that Netflix

Time: 3840.24

will launch in India but Netflix makes

Time: 3842.92

the most amount of money per subscriber

Time: 3845.079

around the world but for their investors

Time: 3848.16

they're like we have 20 million

Time: 3849.44

customers 30 million customers from

Time: 3851.44

India so that looks impressive on a

Time: 3853.119

global earning call right um this is why

Time: 3857.039

I think we're far away from a US market

Time: 3859.559

and it's not just five years away

Time: 3861.64

because the degree to which you can

Time: 3862.76

monetize your audience is directly

Time: 3865.039

related to how affluent your audience is

Time: 3868.559

and India unfortunately is a low arpu

Time: 3870.64

country we are a developing econom arpu

Time: 3873.16

is revenue per user go so how much money

Time: 3875.88

can you extract from per user this is

Time: 3877.72

true across platforms true across

Time: 3879.599

creators Facebook makes faceb Facebook

Time: 3882.64

arpu in India is way lower just like

Time: 3884.64

Snapchat just like Netflix all of that

Time: 3886.96

so no India is not just 5 years away

Time: 3889.24

it's when the whole economy prospers

Time: 3890.92

enough no no no no no no no that is the

Time: 3893.2

pessimistic View

Time: 3894.76

the optimistic view the optimistic view

Time: 3897.48

let's let's all be optimistic people

Time: 3899.039

here want to become creators is that in

Time: 3900.92

India people maybe are not used to

Time: 3904.72

buying something on the Internet that is

Time: 3906.599

digital but they are used to spending a

Time: 3908.799

lot of money onl physical experiences

Time: 3911.88

for example last Summit tomorrow 1,000

Time: 3914.72

tickets sold $77 per ticket I just made

Time: 3918.559

$77,000 from India audience purely India

Time: 3921.24

audience right so there is yeah it

Time: 3923.4

depends on what would spend that like

Time: 3925.119

yes what's the product yeah India spends

Time: 3927.48

very highly on physical experium

Time: 3930.4

products I would say we spend very

Time: 3931.839

highly on education what is hm uh

Time: 3934.68

products that give you hope for a state

Time: 3937.279

that you want to you want to be in so we

Time: 3939.279

do we do I mean influencers make so much

Time: 3942.72

money right uh Financial products will

Time: 3945.319

make make a lot of money in India

Time: 3947.24

products that either save you money uh

Time: 3950.24

save you money or make you more money

Time: 3951.64

will make a lot of money products that

Time: 3953.16

save you time don't necessarily make

Time: 3954.559

that much money yes which is why courses

Time: 3957.039

at Tech courses will do really well in

Time: 3959

India um products that give you higher

Time: 3961.559

status because higher status leads to

Time: 3963.44

higher meeting success those make a lot

Time: 3965.16

more money an example cred uh cred for

Time: 3969.16

example okay higher status is we spend a

Time: 3971.44

lot of money on fancy weddings wedding

Time: 3974.119

wear right that's a higher higher status

Time: 3976.839

thing uh we are less likely to use like

Time: 3979.2

we want discounts on our Uber rights

Time: 3980.839

because we're not we don't care so much

Time: 3983.079

about saving minutes um so India has a

Time: 3986.52

lot of money it's just people think a

Time: 3988.24

product that does well in America will

Time: 3989.52

do well in India but actually it needs

Time: 3991.559

to be Indian ified almost a different

Time: 3993.52

product needs to be sold here y I mean

Time: 3997.039

it's always been the compass I've

Time: 3998.16

followed in terms of deciding what where

Time: 4001

I want to take my content as well as the

Time: 4003.279

next business moves because as content

Time: 4006.16

creators we don't have reference points

Time: 4007.68

in India like the reference point I'm

Time: 4009.039

using as a content creator in India one

Time: 4011.359

uh it used to be like like you like at

Time: 4013.52

the start of my career now it's a little

Time: 4015.359

bit of bamd because he's the original

Time: 4018.119

influencer of this country interesting

Time: 4020.68

uh like I mean he influen Baba to give

Time: 4023.44

Nas cont have you heard of Baba yeah of

Time: 4025.119

course you've heard of his brand patan

Time: 4026.64

I'm like 20% Indian at this

Time: 4028.44

point I know a lot of the

Time: 4030.72


Time: 4033.559

naar that I don't

Time: 4035.839

understand yeah I mean pangali was merch

Time: 4040.68

merch launch you you earn trust over a

Time: 4044.24

very long period of time have you tried

Time: 4046.079

selling merch uh for me my merch is

Time: 4049

digital it's my meditation app called

Time: 4050.599

level superm digital right so not

Time: 4052

physical by the way actually projecta

Time: 4053.839

when we met in Davos you were wearing a

Time: 4055.92

sweater and the sweater was so

Time: 4057.64

interesting that it she put in a picture

Time: 4060.039

got so many likes that the sweater end

Time: 4061.559

up selling out at this uh uh shop I

Time: 4064.44

should have won my

Time: 4066.72

March so there is money in merch in

Time: 4069.24

India is there yeah not in merch

Time: 4072.079

necessarily but not many people who have

Time: 4074.359

started influencer Le brands have done

Time: 4077.279

well yeah I would say the failure rate

Time: 4079.52

is 80 90% yeah okay I'll tell you what I

Time: 4082.72

learned off of this meditation

Time: 4084.52

app this is going to be slightly long

Time: 4086.48

answer okay um basically uh we got a

Time: 4090.359

huge boost when the app launched uh and

Time: 4093.88

then it started trailing off a little

Time: 4095.279

bit long story short I figured that now

Time: 4097.88

there's too much distribution built out

Time: 4099.679

this is in

Time: 4101.159

2021 um we we're doing content content

Time: 4104.359

is going well we're getting growth but

Time: 4106.04

it's time to create a product at this

Time: 4108.04

point uh I always wanted to do something

Time: 4111.679

in the health space uh eventually we we

Time: 4115.56

created an app with both physical

Time: 4117.44

fitness as well as what item as mental

Time: 4119.839

Fitness uh which was a bunch of guided

Time: 4121.96

meditations guided uh sleep stories Etc

Time: 4126.04

uh always wanted to bootstrap it when we

Time: 4128.12

launched we got a massive response

Time: 4130.199

thanks to beer biceps distribution and

Time: 4132.679

it gradually started declining a little

Time: 4135.12

bit over time even if we um spoke about

Time: 4139.159

it in every

Time: 4140.319

episode what I decided to do at that

Time: 4142.6

stage was we went from two episodes a

Time: 4144.799

week to four episodes a week now for

Time: 4147.359

some reason this hacked the YouTube

Time: 4149.4

algorithm and my stuff started getting

Time: 4152.6

shown not just to uh people who

Time: 4155.359

subscribe to you yeah but way more I

Time: 4157.96

don't know what happened short is that

Time: 4159.52

is that still as relevant how many times

Time: 4161.799

you post EXP itially takes up your

Time: 4164.679

audience it depends on the content for I

Time: 4167.159

think I also caught the podcast Trend in

Time: 4168.799

the country so um instead of my uh

Time: 4173.12

subscriber rate my monthly subscriber

Time: 4175.359

rate should have just doubled but it I

Time: 4177.4

think it went something like four times

Time: 4178.719

it went vertically I would just want to

Time: 4180.12

double click on this a little bit right

Time: 4181.48

so some formats lend itself to higher

Time: 4184

top of funnel right for example duu

Time: 4186.48

raati right Dro effectively is a modern

Time: 4190.159

day News Channel right

Time: 4192.52

so new news dominate whatever is

Time: 4195.159

dominating the news if think he's doing

Time: 4197.12

so much he's doing so well because he's

Time: 4199.64

taking like we discussed earlier anti

Time: 4202.8

narrative I don't think it's the case

Time: 4204.199


Time: 4204.88

Dro people but now with d Dro is not

Time: 4207.44

Extreme as much as just an explainer of

Time: 4210

what he thinks is going on more like a

Time: 4211.6

Vox yeah so it's similarly in ranvir's

Time: 4213.8

case uh you know ranvir's guests bring

Time: 4216.52

in newer audiences each time and R is

Time: 4219.08

able to retain some of them who end up

Time: 4220.719

subscribing they're like I want to see

Time: 4221.88

more of r on my timeline cuz he use a

Time: 4223.92

lot of popular guests so if I were new

Time: 4226.679

if I were a 20-year-old boy starting

Time: 4230

something out to build distribution how

Time: 4232.76

often should I post what duration works

Time: 4235.36

today what is the path of least

Time: 4238.12

resistance to get distribution so I

Time: 4240.64

think a lot of people in this CH table

Time: 4242.92

make long videos including you and I

Time: 4245.44

don't know who the hell is still

Time: 4246.679

watching this video you must have a lot

Time: 4248.28

of time on your on your life okay but

Time: 4251.32

the only and the best way to get

Time: 4253.719

distribution today is to make YouTube

Time: 4256

shorts Instagram reals Facebook reels

Time: 4258.6

that are 59 seconds exactly which is the

Time: 4260.76

one minute guy and I think short content

Time: 4264.44

gets you reach and after you get the

Time: 4266.56

reach you should go deep by creating the

Time: 4268.84

podcast but you shouldn't start by

Time: 4271.32

creating a podcast because a you've had

Time: 4274.239

Fame from other places that's why your

Time: 4276.6

podcast works but if if there's a nobody

Time: 4279.32

now starting a podcast unfortunately

Time: 4281.96

that's going to kill their dreams also

Time: 4283.96

social media changes extremely do you

Time: 4286

guys agree with what he said social

Time: 4287.6

media changes literally every six months

Time: 4289.64

so but for the last year or so a good

Time: 4291.88

beginning has been exactly what n said

Time: 4294.4

you make short videos 1 minute 2 minute

Time: 4296.76

3 minute to begin with it's easier to

Time: 4298.76

get more to top of funnel through short

Time: 4301.04

video I agree but the Holy Grail is long

Time: 4303.159

form that's that's that's the Holy Grail

Time: 4305.28

I want to ask PR actually PR has done

Time: 4307.04

both like she's prolific at Short video

Time: 4309.04

now but you began with with YouTube like

Time: 4311.679

what do you think like cuz you've done

Time: 4313.199

both and and you now do a lot of the

Time: 4314.88

short video stuff I was actually forced

Time: 4317.84

to go to short video when the lockdown

Time: 4320.159

started because that is what everybody

Time: 4321.88

was doing and that was I think the only

Time: 4324.239

time as a Creator where I felt like I

Time: 4326.88

didn't have an option because it had

Time: 4328.56

reached a point where I felt like

Time: 4329.96

nobody's watching it nobody has the

Time: 4332.44

patience for it nobody wants to spend

Time: 4334.239

any more time so that's how it started

Time: 4336.04

and I did not expect to like it I was

Time: 4339.12

very resistant to short form content I

Time: 4342.36

was um I was very adamant almost

Time: 4345.8

stubborn with saying you know what I

Time: 4347.36

don't care if the whole world's going to

Time: 4348.719

make short content I'm going to stick to

Time: 4351.04

I remember talking to Neil when uh they

Time: 4354.4

kind of took funding off YouTube

Time: 4356.48

Originals I was so upset yeah but I was

Time: 4359.84

like I was coming to you with pitches I

Time: 4361.56

had things I've been working on I wanted

Time: 4363.4

to pitch Originals to you and you've

Time: 4364.92

taken funding off because you're pushing

Time: 4366.4

shorts and that broke my heart but and I

Time: 4369.92

started having fun with it because then

Time: 4372.44

you kind of see

Time: 4374.12

um it's nice to go from a point of

Time: 4377.199

understanding that if I'm making a

Time: 4378.44

20-minute video and my analytics tell me

Time: 4381.159

that I lost a huge chunk of my audience

Time: 4383.92

at 7 seconds and then going and watching

Time: 4387

like a 20 second video and seeing that

Time: 4388.4

oh my God there's that many replays and

Time: 4390.159

shares happening so

Time: 4392.4

it's uh it's

Time: 4395.4

affirmative but like he said the holy

Time: 4397.639

gra holy gra is long also with long form

Time: 4400.04

you're truly building Community because

Time: 4402.08

you're developing trust cuz they're

Time: 4403.12

getting to know your heart and not just

Time: 4405.239

your vision yes but but let me disagree

Time: 4407.56

here a little bit it's this is like

Time: 4409.92

trying to swim against the tide you must

Time: 4412.8

ask yourself where is the tide going if

Time: 4414.76

you swim against the tide you can do

Time: 4416.199

this and you still in the same location

Time: 4417.88

okay always go with the winds so what is

Time: 4420.159

the wins it's basically what does the

Time: 4422.239

sea level leaders at social media

Time: 4424.4

platforms say you should read the

Time: 4426.96

earnings report you should read the

Time: 4428.84

quarterly calls of Facebook YouTube and

Time: 4431.76

Instagram and from listening to the CEOs

Time: 4434.679

of the social medias you can guess where

Time: 4436.48

the ties are going to go because these

Time: 4437.84

guys control the ties and tiers where

Time: 4440.159

are they going according so seven years

Time: 4441.719

ago I was following Mark Zuckerberg's

Time: 4444.08

reports right I was following the

Time: 4445.28

quarterly earnings Mark Zuckerberg seven

Time: 4447.159

years ago said uh you know pictures are

Time: 4449.639

great uh but you know I I see a future

Time: 4452.28

where uh in the future where 90% of

Time: 4454.199

Facebook is going to be video bam let's

Time: 4456.52

go video let's go right so no pictures

Time: 4459.679

not a single picture of Nas daily right

Time: 4461.639

what I'm trying to say is the tide

Time: 4464.12

makers and the fortune makers are

Time: 4466.159

actually humans living in Silicon Valley

Time: 4468.08

and in China listen to what they say and

Time: 4470.92

then do exactly what they what are they

Time: 4472.96

saying today so right now the Tik Tok

Time: 4474.6

guy is saying shopping on Tik Tok is

Time: 4477

gonna be big and live on Tik Tok is

Time: 4479.32

going to be big so I would probably try

Time: 4480.76

that the people at YouTube are saying

Time: 4482.679

you know no more originals YouTube

Time: 4484.199

shorts is going to be the future so I

Time: 4485.6

would I would index on that Facebook or

Time: 4487.88

Instagram is saying what are they saying

Time: 4489.639

they didn't even say anything these days

Time: 4490.92

Instagram is like meta War they're

Time: 4492.639

saying meta War they say metaverse right

Time: 4494.199

so I would keep my eyes open like if I

Time: 4496.32

was starting a 7year career now I would

Time: 4498.76

probably want to start as like AI

Time: 4501.159

Creator or a metaverse Creator because

Time: 4502.92

in six years you are going to be at the

Time: 4504.96

right place at the right time is that a

Time: 4506.239

lot more expensive to create content on

Time: 4508.239

the metaverse right now I mean camera

Time: 4511.48

it's yeah it's it's not expensive it's

Time: 4513.08

just I think 99% of the people haven't

Time: 4515.719

even bought Quest yet yeah they just

Time: 4517.92

they haven't tested it out million

Time: 4519.639

people in the world that can watch so

Time: 4521.28

what what we're saying in summary is

Time: 4523.4

shorts build distribution then do long

Time: 4525.92

form I I want to add something

Time: 4527.28

experiential here based on my experience

Time: 4529.719

selling this meditation app okay we get

Time: 4533.84

about 3 to 4 million views on any short

Time: 4536.96

form video that I create which is

Time: 4539.08

usually emotional it caters to the

Time: 4540.88

mental health oriented audience to whom

Time: 4543.4

my app is also catered to I'm trying to

Time: 4545.32

hit the mark I reach that audience for

Time: 4546.679

sure because those reals get insane

Time: 4548.12

engagement okay I do podcasts like that

Time: 4550.88

as well we always get more sales from

Time: 4552.84

the podcast us wow like almost we get we

Time: 4555.76

get almost no sales from Instagram yeah

Time: 4557.52

I want to just double click on this Nik

Time: 4559.04

cuz it's not it's not as it's not as

Time: 4560.76

black in white is what n is saying while

Time: 4562.44

I fundamentally agree with him um think

Time: 4565.199

about how you're consuming short form

Time: 4566.679

content right you are actually scrolling

Time: 4569.28

and something comes across and you see

Time: 4571.8

it and that counts as a view to that so

Time: 4574.8

when ranir gets 4 million views on a sh

Time: 4577.88

probably a million of them may be people

Time: 4580.52

who actively subscribe to rir whereas

Time: 4582.12

the rest of them are just going to

Time: 4584.679

which is why Affinity to a Creator when

Time: 4586.56

they watch you for 9 minutes straight or

Time: 4588.84

10 minutes straight is a lot higher

Time: 4590.56

which is why movement or click- through

Time: 4592.239

ratio on links that you provide will be

Time: 4593.88

a lot higher on long form so short video

Time: 4596

is a great way to get to get traction to

Time: 4598.92

get traction and I would bet on like

Time: 4601.12

donon said this recently right and no

Time: 4603.44

said this a bit before saying that you

Time: 4605.199

don't want to kill your dreams by

Time: 4606.239

attempting something so audacious by

Time: 4607.719

swimming against the tide what you

Time: 4609.199

really want is to start feeling

Time: 4610.48

confident as a Creator early on in your

Time: 4612.159

career which is why short form video is

Time: 4614.44

is effective for you to start that is

Time: 4616.76

why yes correct there's different phases

Time: 4618.199

in your life one is you're a nobody

Time: 4620.08

everybody starts at a nobody we were all

Time: 4622

nobody's 10 years ago correct so when

Time: 4624.32

you are nobody your number one goal is

Time: 4626.159

to be discovered you get discovered

Time: 4628

through shorts then your number one goal

Time: 4630.36

is to build a community so you make

Time: 4631.719

Longs then your number one goal is to

Time: 4633.84

build a business so you build a

Time: 4635.36

community build a business the number

Time: 4636.719

one goal is to start feeling confident

Time: 4638.48

that you can be a Creator like donon

Time: 4640.08

said I said that you want to bet on a

Time: 4641.96

guy who's confident

Time: 4643.679

about himself then necessarily someone

Time: 4645.239

who's more talented cuz you can be very

Time: 4646.8

talented but be underc confident but

Time: 4648

you're not going to be effective so as a

Time: 4649.719

Creator I would I would push for try and

Time: 4653.159

get that one video to pop so you feel

Time: 4655.159

like you can do this because nothing is

Time: 4657.28

the harsh truth is that this industry

Time: 4659.12

especially when it comes to money is

Time: 4660.4

heavily dependent on the views you're

Time: 4661.56

generating be at long form or short form

Time: 4663.52

just figure out how to get the views

Time: 4664.96

first and foremost then you can like go

Time: 4667.08

through the nooks and Granny's off I

Time: 4668.719

also feel like when you start off you it

Time: 4671.239

it takes some time as a new Creator to

Time: 4673.88

grasp the idea that it's a very long

Time: 4676.08

game yeah it's not something that's

Time: 4678.36

going to start give you overnight V

Time: 4680.719

virality and then your life's set and

Time: 4682.4

you're going to have businesses and a

Time: 4683.56

community and stuff like that so I feel

Time: 4685.199

like if you're starting off why what

Time: 4686.639

they're saying is important is because

Time: 4688.28

for you personally it's extremely

Time: 4689.96

important for you to feel like you have

Time: 4691.96

it and you to keep going to reach a

Time: 4693.92

point where you'll be able to make a

Time: 4695.28

community people kind of talk about the

Time: 4697.4

downsides of content creation they don't

Time: 4699.04

know the true picture of it and in its

Time: 4700.92

core it's a chef's job you're serving

Time: 4702.679

food constantly and people will forget

Time: 4705.199

you after like a month of you relasing

Time: 4707.679

okay so just to summarize we first

Time: 4709.639

learned that every 7even years typically

Time: 4713.04

a Creator life changes and you have to

Time: 4715

use that time to monetize build

Time: 4716.679

something which is outside of

Time: 4718.56

creation we spoke about short form is a

Time: 4721.6

good way to build traction initially

Time: 4724.28

before moving on to long form yeah

Time: 4726.679

listen to what the CEO of Tik Tok

Time: 4729.4

Facebook Twitter are saying 100% uh hear

Time: 4733

their earning calls and try to figure

Time: 4734.4

out where they might be going to

Time: 4737.76

next now what does a what are the lwh

Time: 4741.84

hanging fruits like he also said Nas

Time: 4745.28

said at some point that these six

Time: 4747.76

opportunities in a year where by taking

Time: 4750.639

the contrarian opinion you could have a

Time: 4753.56

hack to building distribution I'm not

Time: 4755.48

suggesting anyone should do it but

Time: 4757.52

that's one hack now I'm starting today

Time: 4761.159

my name is nikil I'm 20 years old I want

Time: 4763.48

to build a business selling uh t-shirts

Time: 4767.4

in 2 years I don't want to go the

Time: 4769.8

traditional route of Performance

Time: 4771.28

Marketing cuz that skews up my numbers

Time: 4773.52

and I'll never make money that way I

Time: 4775.679

need to build distribution to sell merch

Time: 4778.44

what kind of content do I start creating

Time: 4780.28

today low hanging fruit yeah I I want to

Time: 4782.48

go first here I think at the heart of

Time: 4786.28

either long form or short form is viewer

Time: 4789.4

retention at the heart of it even if

Time: 4791.639

it's short form the the videos that

Time: 4793.4

perform the best are ones which has

Time: 4795.08

highest viewer attention right average

Time: 4796.76

view duration on that sh has to be high

Time: 4799.12

and if you notice every major trend on

Time: 4801.36

Instagram every major filter every Trend

Time: 4804

that comes around is basically hinging

Time: 4806.44

on what happens what's the reveal at the

Time: 4808.6

end right be it the thing on the top of

Time: 4810.92

your head saying what movie star

Time: 4812.92

are you it it goes around for a bit and

Time: 4814.6

at the end of it you'll get the answer

Time: 4816.52

why is it like that because it's trying

Time: 4818.159

to get you to watch towards the end so

Time: 4820.32

even with short form like stuff like

Time: 4823.32

um three things to three things to uh

Time: 4826.639

three things to keep an eye on when

Time: 4828.719

you're making your wardrobe number three

Time: 4830.639

number two number one a small hack for

Time: 4832.96

example you people want to stick to

Time: 4835.08

number one and that's how you get people

Time: 4836.32

to watch till the end number one will

Time: 4837.8

blow your mind that's how people begin

Time: 4839.48

begin videos at the heart of it get

Time: 4841.44

people to watch till the end that's

Time: 4842.76

going to get more so so that that's the

Time: 4844.6

format right the question you need to

Time: 4846.08

ask yourself is when it comes to the

Time: 4848.679

content what do I have access to that

Time: 4851.96

nobody else the world has access to

Time: 4854.56

that's the question what do I know

Time: 4857

better than anybody around my friends

Time: 4859.719

yes what do I know what what is my

Time: 4861.679

unique access right so when what is that

Time: 4863.44

answer for you so for me right I was

Time: 4865.159

like okay um I'm a software engineer but

Time: 4868.199

a lot of my friends have access to like

Time: 4869.76

engineering actually what I have access

Time: 4871.6

to is the world I have access to Kenya I

Time: 4875.6

have access to Ethiopia because I have

Time: 4876.88

money to travel I have a good passport I

Time: 4878.76

have access to the world while a lot of

Time: 4880.88

people in India or a lot of people in

Time: 4882.36

Pakistan a lot of people in my hometown

Time: 4883.8

country don't have access to the world

Time: 4885.8

so what I'm going to do is I'm going to

Time: 4886.96

go show you Ethiopia and so my unique

Time: 4890.199

value to you is it's not it's not my

Time: 4892

beauty it's not my looks it's I'm going

Time: 4893.6

to show you the world I'm going to make

Time: 4895.32

you travel with me for free while you're

Time: 4897.639

pooping in the bathroom and I'm showing

Time: 4899.28

you Ethiopia for one minute so that's

Time: 4901.56

access so question is what is access you

Time: 4903.84

have access that nobody has access to

Time: 4905.159

what makes you unique what makes you un

Time: 4906.76

is a comedic sense comedic sense so I

Time: 4908.96

you know how to make people laugh so I

Time: 4910.56

take that to any genre that I that I go

Time: 4912.32

to naturally another thing I just want

Time: 4915.12

to add to what n said while what you

Time: 4918.679

have Andrew hubman is a great example he

Time: 4920.36

has access to neurological data from dat

Time: 4923.719

yeah so he's able to he's able to talk

Time: 4925.199

about that you're special in that one

Time: 4926.679

thing that everybody cares about the

Time: 4928.32

second aspect is do people care about do

Time: 4930.32

people care about be surprised that

Time: 4932.4

everybody in the world cares about what

Time: 4933.84

J access to even t-shirt manufacturing

Time: 4936.199

you could get millions of views if you

Time: 4938.04

make a good piece of content on how a

Time: 4939.88

t-shirt is made you can but as a

Time: 4943.159

long-term plan it's what you have access

Time: 4945.32

to and what the world cares about that's

Time: 4947.04

your marage that's the marriage and the

Time: 4949.679

second thing I want to add there is like

Time: 4952.199

this is great what n said is true but

Time: 4955.719

how you make your and how scalable

Time: 4958.36

it is determines how tired you get over

Time: 4960.56

over a 10-e timeline right uh so in my

Time: 4963.639

case I'm lucky that I'm able to make

Time: 4966.12

humor out of anything so I'm able to

Time: 4968.44

jump genres and be I'm able to scale a

Time: 4971

lot more lot more easily where it's hard

Time: 4972.679

scale when you're traveling that's why I

Time: 4974.28

stopped after seven years cuz you can't

Time: 4976.159

travel to Ethiopia anymore I'm dumb

Time: 4978.12

tired you know and I can't keep watching

Time: 4980.679

Ethiopia while I'm pooping what do you

Time: 4982.92

have access to I think for me and it

Time: 4985.76

took me some time to realize that

Time: 4987.52

because like when I said when I started

Time: 4989.52

making content I didn't make it with any

Time: 4991.28

sort of plan it wasn't conscious I

Time: 4993.08

didn't know what I was doing it took me

Time: 4994.44

a very long time to figure out what my

Time: 4997.28

place as a Creator was I was uh very

Time: 5001.159

very inspired by what Lily was was doing

Time: 5002.88

at that time so that was again a route

Time: 5006.679

that was set for a female content

Time: 5009.12

creator starting off in comedy doing

Time: 5011.679

what a was doing was a route that was

Time: 5013.76

set I understood that oh I can make like

Time: 5015.88

songs and I can make sketches and stuff

Time: 5017.92

like that so a lot of it and is why I

Time: 5020.639

said in the beginning is it was so

Time: 5022.239

important for our creator Creator

Time: 5023.719

journey to have a player like aibb ahead

Time: 5026.199

of us was because a lot of it was really

Time: 5028.8

just adapting as I kept going because I

Time: 5030.96

was just winging it for a very very long

Time: 5033.28

time I was making up as I was going

Time: 5035.32

if you asked me where do I see myself

Time: 5037.6

like if you asked me 5 years ago where I

Time: 5038.92

saw myself I I had no clue uh I didn't

Time: 5041.96

also expect the economy to be what it is

Time: 5044.239

like that and today what do you have

Time: 5045.32

access to I think right now I've come to

Time: 5047.84

realize that what I have access to is

Time: 5049.56

that I can tell really mundane stories

Time: 5051.44

and make it interesting how through

Time: 5054.199

sketches through the storytelling that

Time: 5056.32

I'm doing right now through uh even if

Time: 5059.199

it's a story of me working out it's m

Time: 5061.639

would you put is in the depiction

Time: 5065.04

category if you're able to depict

Time: 5066.76

something in artistic manner that's a

Time: 5068.52

USB for yeah I think storytelling for me

Time: 5070.84

commentary on society and what what

Time: 5073.679

makes you work because that's not really

Time: 5076.56

access in a manner right why is she has

Time: 5079.08

access of just talent to perform in

Time: 5081.8

multiple ways she can act she can dance

Time: 5084.92

I and for the person watching this you

Time: 5087.36

can tell if you have access to that or

Time: 5088.679

not based on how entertained you keep

Time: 5090.159

your five friends I'm assuming before

Time: 5092.96

this but I only have five so you got

Time: 5094.52

that right but I'm assuming before you

Time: 5096.56

started content you were like the life

Time: 5098.28

of your five friends right so that is

Time: 5100.32

your first signal that there's something

Time: 5101.719

there like when I started Facebook as a

Time: 5103.56

as a normal person my Facebook status

Time: 5105.76

update was getting 60 likes and my

Time: 5107.76

roommate's Facebook status update was

Time: 5109.52

was getting six likes I was like okay

Time: 5111.52

yeah if I am 10 times better than my

Time: 5113.88

roommate at telling a story there's

Time: 5116.52

something there so if somebody's

Time: 5118.199

watching this and they're the life of

Time: 5119.48

the party of their friends you can have

Time: 5121.96

10 follow and I also feel like it it

Time: 5125.119

gets very confusing when you start off

Time: 5126.8

because it's a very singular Journey uh

Time: 5129.4

when you start off you are kind of

Time: 5130.96

figuring everything out for yourself in

Time: 5133.119

a way that also 8 years ago nobody knew

Time: 5137.4

where this was going unless I'm sh my

Time: 5139.679

you that short video I had not video but

Time: 5142.76

like I I just in my head I just feel

Time: 5144.52

like you just knew more than I knew uh

Time: 5147.36

back when I started and because you were

Time: 5149.719

doing that already but I just feel like

Time: 5151.56

it is it is such a it can get very

Time: 5160.08

um isolating it can get very very

Time: 5162.48

isolating for you so even if you don't

Time: 5165.8


Time: 5167.52

know how to pinpoint what you have

Time: 5170.52

access to I still feel like it's still

Time: 5173.199

not a bad point to start yeah it's I

Time: 5175.92

universally agree with the thought that

Time: 5177.679

everyone must try creating online yeah

Time: 5180.56

and that gets me to my next point which

Time: 5181.92

is we used to live in a world before

Time: 5184.48

this is I think Gary ve said this before

Time: 5186.159

where it's like you're either a doctor

Time: 5188.28

or a lawyer choose 20 years ago choose

Time: 5191.28

you're a teacher a doctor or a lawyer I

Time: 5193.36

said either yeah today we live in the

Time: 5196.4

and economy right this not my idea to be

Time: 5199.239

clear and you today you can be a doctor

Time: 5202.76

and a teacher yeah you can be a lawyer

Time: 5205.52

and a Creator and actually Creator is

Time: 5207.679

the most and job in the world you can

Time: 5210.52

literally be teacher waiter seen this

Time: 5213.04

play out a lot of value to your other

Time: 5215.239

Prof so now we saying not just

Time: 5217.4

entrepreneurs but even

Time: 5220.28

professionals it's a way for doctors

Time: 5222.56

Engineers everybody to find clients

Time: 5225.119

right from the GU scooping out ice cream

Time: 5226.84

at Baskin Robbins

Time: 5229.6

totally already happening future

Time: 5231.96

president yeah I what what is your

Time: 5234

unique access today I mean we start off

Time: 5236.4

with health right like he he had access

Time: 5238.76

like interesting humans uh I've had like

Time: 5241.48

seven real inventions over an 8-year

Time: 5243.679

career uh so I don't have an exact

Time: 5246.04

answer but according to me uh one is the

Time: 5248.96

size of my country's population that's

Time: 5250.6

one unique thing I have what how do you

Time: 5253.32

have access to

Time: 5254.44

that I can talk in Hindi you

Time: 5257.11


Time: 5260.04

can't you'll see

Time: 5262.4

my I don't

Time: 5270.639

ethiop uh there's a very different pulse

Time: 5273.44

in India like of the Indian audiences so

Time: 5275.8

content for them is very different as

Time: 5277.32

compared to content for English audience

Time: 5279.239

and I owe it to this human here who

Time: 5281.36

suggested that I begin in the content

Time: 5282.76

first place that's one uh the second is

Time: 5285.04

I think you as a content creator you

Time: 5287.199

have to see your own Human Side also

Time: 5288.56

what are you good at as a human being uh

Time: 5291

I'm an energetic person so I think

Time: 5292.4

stamina and that's just helped because I

Time: 5294.4

truly believe in content it's about

Time: 5296.119

quantity over quality after a point so

Time: 5299.08

you figure out how to up your quality oh

Time: 5301

really yeah after quantity over quality

Time: 5303.199

for interesting always okay that's a

Time: 5305.679

great tip so whenever you begin even if

Time: 5307.679

you're doing one every 6 months quality

Time: 5309.96

hits no no when you begin it's only

Time: 5312.52

quantity game he's saying quality first

Time: 5314.84

then quantity you say quality first I

Time: 5317.119

learn something at least see I'm I'm

Time: 5318.56

talking based on my own trajectory I

Time: 5320.159

learned how to create videos you got to

Time: 5321.84

have some quality no zero quality you

Time: 5323.719

should have zero quality at the

Time: 5324.88

beginning have you seen day one Nas it's

Time: 5327.32

horrible it's I think that's how all of

Time: 5329.48

us feel about all our content but just

Time: 5331.84

the the ability to frame to to double

Time: 5334.36

click on that the more quantity you

Time: 5336.4

output the better your quality gets if

Time: 5338.159

you're really paying attention so qualty

Time: 5340.679

the third like strong thing that's

Time: 5341.92

worked for me honestly it's a bit of a

Time: 5343.36

clich answer but engineering College

Time: 5345.52

because it just taught me how to think

Time: 5347.36

of the world as machines it taught me

Time: 5350.04

how to break derse engineer things and

Time: 5351.639

now I can learn anything faster than

Time: 5353.639

normal but now the reason I follow you

Time: 5355.96

is because you have access to

Time: 5357

interesting India's most interesting

Time: 5358.6

humans and which the normal person

Time: 5361.119

cannot get access for you today that's

Time: 5362.96

for you for you today but actually

Time: 5364.6

people should ask themselves whoever is

Time: 5366

watching this ask yourself what kind of

Time: 5368.04

weapon are you are you a machine gun or

Time: 5370.199

are you a sniper sniper how do you know

Time: 5372.48

wow I say the same thing a we are

Time: 5375.32

brothers from another mother we've done

Time: 5376.8

too many panels

Time: 5379.56

brother a machine gun is somebody that

Time: 5381.92

say if I want to kill the enemy we

Time: 5383.119

should get a viral video I shoot 500

Time: 5385.28

bullets and hopes something sticks and

Time: 5387

hits the enemy okay another digression

Time: 5388.88

here wait wait this is an important idea

Time: 5391.32

a sniper

Time: 5393.119

no well the sniper has one bullet and

Time: 5395.88

gets a head shot so a sniper in this

Time: 5397.92

case is somebody who goes and makes a

Time: 5399.28

Netflix documentary Waits three years

Time: 5401.52

puts it on Netflix becomes big Jewish

Time: 5403.36

matchmaking or Indian matchmaking that's

Time: 5405.32

sniper cretive is that a thing Jewish

Time: 5406.76

matchmaking yeah that's thing that's a

Time: 5408.48

sniper Creator whoever made that that's

Time: 5409.88

a sniper one episode I'm famous around

Time: 5412.119

the world a a a machine gun is a

Time: 5414.32

thousand videos in a thousand days a

Time: 5415.88

thousand skits a th000 podcasts we're

Time: 5417.92

all machine guns a was sniper once a

Time: 5420.32

month twice a month boom you

Time: 5423.52

you come once once a week I'm I'm

Time: 5425.159

machine gun now which is I'm outputting

Time: 5426.719

9 10 videos a month okay so one

Time: 5429.44

digression I wanted to ask you guys

Time: 5432.52

psychology states that kids born after

Time: 5436.239

the year 94 are very different from us

Time: 5439.56

so they don't get driving licenses as

Time: 5441.44

much people who are above the age of 18

Time: 5444.199

and are applicable to get a license are

Time: 5446.239

not applying as much they don't buy

Time: 5448.36

homes as much they don't uh go on buying

Time: 5452.199

homes as much no no they don't go on

Time: 5454.199

dates as

Time: 5455.44

often and they spend a lot of time on

Time: 5458.56

their devices so if the new content

Time: 5461.48

creators of today because the young

Time: 5463.239

younger generation initially adopts

Time: 5466.32

content that becomes cool if somebody is

Time: 5469.56

starting in the content world today what

Time: 5472

does he build to cater to this

Time: 5473.92

generation this is a very coddled

Time: 5476.32

generation right uh they're more about

Time: 5480.239

rights less about contribution these are

Time: 5483.32

people born in a post 911 world where

Time: 5486.159

they grew up not knowing what was going

Time: 5488.6

on uh they know about right post truth

Time: 5491.239

world now yeah they they've had

Time: 5492.719

anti-bullying in school they've been

Time: 5495.239

they've not been allowed to go out and

Time: 5496.8

play like you remember when we were kids

Time: 5499.28

like your parents would tell you come

Time: 5500.639

home by 9:00 p.m. right correct correct

Time: 5502.4

like right now that doesn't happen

Time: 5503.76

anymore right now the kids are Totally

Time: 5506.96

Tracked uh they they have to tell their

Time: 5509.56

parents what they're doing at every

Time: 5510.96

point of time

Time: 5512.28

so this will change the consumers of the

Time: 5515.679

content that is getting created today

Time: 5518.4

and the people who build from now on

Time: 5521.44

have to bear this generation in I me

Time: 5523.04

short video is a direct result of this

Time: 5524.88

it's lower attention spans right is that

Time: 5526.96

all I i' break that down a little

Time: 5528.679

further the one uh human need that stays

Time: 5531.56

constant is storytelling the second

Time: 5533.159

human need that stays constant that's

Time: 5534.52

not spoken about is feeling something

Time: 5537.44

extremely emotional something that Peaks

Time: 5539.08

your emotion a lot and emotion could

Time: 5540.92

also be just laughing really hard on T's

Time: 5543.199

reaction videos something that Peaks

Time: 5544.76

your emotion heavily also this

Time: 5546.52

generation like the new the younger

Time: 5549.08

people that I have come across the ones

Time: 5550.719

that work with me I've seen generally

Time: 5553.92

have more problems dealing with

Time: 5555.159

loneliness than people I aged did uh it

Time: 5558.199

says that there is some kind of vacuum

Time: 5560.48

there which I've seen gets filled with

Time: 5562.28

emotional content and really raw content

Time: 5564.119

which is also why I think podcasts are

Time: 5565.36

taking off in the country people want

Time: 5567.28

realism I there's a fantastic podcast

Time: 5569.8

called untriggered it's something like

Time: 5571.4

this but more like chill likei yeah more

Time: 5575.08

genzi uh blowing up just consist

Time: 5577.84

consistently catering to uh the lonely

Time: 5581.08

Urban Indian because when people listen

Time: 5583

to it they feel like hey I'm hanging out

Time: 5584.08

with my friends but if these kids have a

Time: 5585.84

lot more time on their devices I'm

Time: 5587.719

saying they're not going out and playing

Time: 5589.159

because they're on their devices so much

Time: 5590.8

more strangely enough another data point

Time: 5594.6

here is

Time: 5596.04

there their necessity or how they

Time: 5599.04

perceive work is 20% less than our

Time: 5601.96

generation like when we were at that

Time: 5603.639

their age we were thinking work work

Time: 5605.679

work they prioritize healing a lot more

Time: 5608.96

and they they are a lot more healing

Time: 5612.04

from what from been injured yet by life

Time: 5615

to be healed no but the thing is the

Time: 5616.56

strange thing is when you tell someone

Time: 5618.6

when you teach a kid that if tan says

Time: 5621.36

something about me I can let it offend

Time: 5624.04

me so much even though he's expressing

Time: 5627.159

his point of view that I can have mental

Time: 5629.44

trauma because of it and then I can be

Time: 5631.199

depressed or one of a 100 different

Time: 5633.4

things why me as an

Time: 5635.36

example so I actually kind of have a

Time: 5637.639

different opinion I actually don't think

Time: 5640.239

today's young kids are like this like

Time: 5642.32

hurt and emotion and all that stuff I

Time: 5644.119

don't think that're actually I feel like

Time: 5646.639

they're much stronger they get offended

Time: 5648.28

a lot no I just think offended people

Time: 5651.48

have a bigger voice I don't think the

Time: 5653.239

number of offended people are actually

Time: 5655.04

agree with that I feel like the

Time: 5656.6

ecosystem has changed in such a manner

Time: 5659.08

that people take offense not just to

Time: 5662.76

what is said to them people take offense

Time: 5665.76

to what is happening around them and it

Time: 5668.52

affects them in a significantly more uh

Time: 5672.52

significantly deeper manner than it did

Time: 5674.84

my generation and people hold on to pain

Time: 5676.36

a lot longer because they've been

Time: 5678.36

thought and conditioned to believe this

Time: 5680.8

generation that I'm talking about that a

Time: 5683.48

it is right to get offended B it is good

Time: 5686.6

to you know demand for your rights but

Time: 5689.52

nobody has ever asked him that what what

Time: 5691.56

is your contribution to anything for

Time: 5694.639

which you're demanding the rights that

Time: 5696.32

you expect you should have so I'm

Time: 5697.719

looking at the glass I think half full

Time: 5699.639

and I'm looking you're looking at like

Time: 5700.84

right here I think that behavior

Time: 5703.36

actually does affect change you think

Time: 5705.8

naturally we're just going to have a

Time: 5708.159

nice country no it comes from a lot of

Time: 5710.52

hard like disagreements and and fights

Time: 5713.119

but what are you disagreeing about

Time: 5714.56

you're disagreeing about things

Time: 5716.84

like I don't like this city I don't like

Time: 5720.36

this I don't like that when people when

Time: 5722.8

enough people come out and say I don't

Time: 5724.199

like the traffic in Bangalore what's

Time: 5726.719

going to happen that's going to create

Time: 5727.6

some pressure on the city council to fix

Time: 5730.04

traffic the question I'm also seeing you

Time: 5732.119

have a point there but the the point I'm

Time: 5733.88

trying to make is this person who is

Time: 5735.52

complaining about the traffic in

Time: 5737.32

Bangalore has become the kind of person

Time: 5739.92

that you put him in any ecosystem will

Time: 5742.44

spend a lot of time complaining because

Time: 5744.199

the the path the part to likes has the

Time: 5747.76

least resistance today than it did

Time: 5750.159

earlier h earlier the path to like to

Time: 5753.28

getting likes was through literally

Time: 5755.6

getting a fancier job was to literally

Time: 5757.32

do you would you would want likes in the

Time: 5760

domains that were accessible to you now

Time: 5764.04

just that in today's world you're able

Time: 5766.199

to get quicker dopamine hits by saying x

Time: 5769.56

y and Zed things as someone once said

Time: 5771.76

saying you you get likes if you're

Time: 5773.96

pretty witty or outrage the are these

Time: 5776.679

are the three these are the three

Time: 5777.84

quickest parts to like so I don't blame

Time: 5780.76

the generation for for being that way

Time: 5782.88

cuz that's the quickest part to like

Time: 5784.52

also I feel like a lot of the young

Time: 5786.6

people like he said right now because of

Time: 5788.4

the loneliness that they are uh kind of

Time: 5790.76

going through a lot more than we did are

Time: 5792.92

looking for companionship in

Time: 5796.199

causes uh like I remember a time and I

Time: 5799.119

hate to say put it like that but I

Time: 5800.44

remember a time where it was cool to

Time: 5802.88

talk about depression now is that time

Time: 5806.08

when it started it was cool to talk

Time: 5808.639

about um uh bullying you know you know

Time: 5811.48

there came a time where one person would

Time: 5813.48

speak up about it and then everybody

Time: 5815.119

would speak up about it and it became

Time: 5816.679

the term started getting used so loosely

Time: 5819.48

yeah uh that weed a point yeah like the

Time: 5823.04

sensitivity from it kind of went away so

Time: 5825.44

I feel like at this point a lot of our

Time: 5826.92

young audiences are also looking for

Time: 5828.92

these groups and these communities praka

Time: 5831.679

that is my point I'm not seeing this

Time: 5834.08

trend is a good thing or a bad thing I'm

Time: 5837.239

seeing as a content creator beginning

Time: 5839.239

today what is a hack to hit this market

Time: 5842.44

so okay and get them to follow you we

Time: 5844.48

have to make a distinction between

Time: 5846.4

complaining about something and feeling

Time: 5848.28

like a victim about something feeling

Time: 5850.639

like a victim I agree with you no one

Time: 5852.199

should feel like a victim I'm a victim

Time: 5853.84

help me help me for example traffic in

Time: 5855.56

Bangalore okay you can either say

Time: 5857.639

because of the traffic in Bangalore my

Time: 5859.44

mental health is is is is killing me and

Time: 5861.599

then I cannot show up to work that's a

Time: 5863.239

victim mentality right but you could

Time: 5865

also be a change maker mentality and say

Time: 5867.08

I don't like the traffic in Bangalore

Time: 5868.719

because of this and this and this and

Time: 5869.88

this I agree with you I'm I'm talking

Time: 5871.599

about the victims so maybe we should

Time: 5873.48

victim that's happening a lot now I'm

Time: 5876

wondering because n there is there's

Time: 5878.719

likes in victimhood

Time: 5881.599

there's no no but the real question here

Time: 5884.28

at the bottom of this is what content do

Time: 5887.159

you build to hit this Market because we

Time: 5889.92

know this Market is there but we

Time: 5891.159

shouldn't make content to hit this

Time: 5892.36

Market no but get them to resonate with

Time: 5894.4

you people are people are outraging

Time: 5897

outraging and being victim gets

Time: 5899.04

likes a 2023 this answer would have been

Time: 5902.159

different last in the year before that

Time: 5904.239

uh right now the key to growth is

Time: 5905.56

Instagram reals what's working on

Time: 5906.8

Instagram reals is emotional content

Time: 5908.639

what's working within emotional content

Time: 5910.36

is well-made content so the bottom line

Time: 5913.639

here is that the skill that should be

Time: 5914.88

focused on now is how you can become a

Time: 5917.239

better video content creator how can it

Time: 5919.4

be better looking how can you tell a

Time: 5921.239

story in a short amount of time and at

Time: 5923.599

the end of your real do you leave

Time: 5925.28

someone feeling like they want more from

Time: 5927.4

you or from the St if you want to grow a

Time: 5929.84

base on LinkedIn or Twitter you don't

Time: 5931.119

don't need to necessarily make video but

Time: 5932.76

if you're

Time: 5934.08

outraging you think that's the way to

Time: 5936.599

resonate with this Marketplace if I'm on

Time: 5939.28

social media I'm seeing the best of

Time: 5940.8

other people's lives would I not

Time: 5942.92

automatically feel like I deserve that

Time: 5944.679

too yes you would of course you would of

Time: 5947.28

course you would let me give you an

Time: 5948.52

interesting anecdote okay and I'm pretty

Time: 5950.4

sure it will check out statistically the

Time: 5953.04

ATT yeah I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure

Time: 5954.96

of this like if someone does this the

Time: 5957.32

attrition rate among talent management

Time: 5959.36

companies is that its highest it's ever

Time: 5961.32

been all right why is that you explain

Time: 5964.44

what attrition rate I'll explain

Time: 5965.679

attrition rate is when people leave a

Time: 5967.04

company which is the employees churn now

Time: 5970.04

you ask you ask vage from Monkey you ask

Time: 5972.88

you ask Vijay from Collective why is

Time: 5975.44

that because 20 years ago if I was

Time: 5977.48

managing talent for example if I was

Time: 5979.96

managing Aran right would there be that

Time: 5982.679

much Envy for Aran as a manager I'd look

Time: 5985

at Aran make 3 CR rupees per show I

Time: 5987.36

would not have that much Envy but today

Time: 5989.199

if I'm managing a Creator who makes

Time: 5990.52

short video video or Mak sketches on

Time: 5992.76

Instagram what and this person is taking

Time: 5994.88

10 lakhs per real how high do you think

Time: 5996.96

that Envy is it's insanely high right

Time: 5999.4

that is why attrition is going going

Time: 6000.8

higher and higher because more managers

Time: 6002.32

are managing Talent who are doing things

Time: 6004.159

that seem a lot more accessible and

Time: 6006.04

doable how do you utilize that if you're

Time: 6008.92

a content creator and you know the

Time: 6010.599

generation you're creating for is a bit

Time: 6013.56

more entitled is a bit more victimized

Time: 6016.52

is a bit more all they are alluded by

Time: 6018.92

flashy life we already do this why why

Time: 6021.08

do flexing on the internet get more

Time: 6022.719

likes yeah sales 101 you solve for their

Time: 6025.08

problems which is this I I'll Define who

Time: 6027.44

I want to solve the problem for I am a

Time: 6030.599

20-year-old girl in Bangalore who is

Time: 6035.84

going to college not really interested

Time: 6037.92

in education that much but going because

Time: 6040.159

my parents have drawn that path for me I

Time: 6042.84

have 50,000 Rupees a month of income I'm

Time: 6046.639

earning from some side thing that I'm

Time: 6048.32

doing I have 20,000 rupees to spend I

Time: 6051.239

have 4 hours a day to consume content I

Time: 6053.719

spend 7 hours a day on my cell phone

Time: 6056.08


Time: 6057.08

ABC this is a different category of

Time: 6059.88

people than 5 10 15 20 years ago what

Time: 6064.28

kind of content will resonate with this

Time: 6066.639

crowd nuanced different from 10 years

Time: 6069.96

ago I think every Creator will have a

Time: 6071.96

different answer firstly I'll tell you

Time: 6073.92

my answer yeah these problems are

Time: 6076.199

happening with younger people because

Time: 6077.639

there's overthinking you solve for their

Time: 6079.28

overthinking how by talking about your

Time: 6082.36

own story as a Creator this is also

Time: 6084.52

personal branding that I was also at the

Time: 6086.119

stage this is what I did and this is the

Time: 6088.48

solution I had that's something that

Time: 6090.119

works for me a lot the second thing that

Time: 6091.719

I've noticed people want a lot I don't

Time: 6093.48

know whether it's an Indian thing or not

Time: 6094.76

nas please chip in uh people are

Time: 6097.76

extremely hungry for knowledged and

Time: 6100.28

unbiased media like raw media so you

Time: 6103.159

throw a bomb of rawness through the

Time: 6104.96

podcast and in terms of this

Time: 6106.679

overthinking and these emotional

Time: 6107.88

problems that's where I have my

Time: 6109.679

Instagram game but is there only one

Time: 6111.48

kind of content that they want to cons

Time: 6113.04

no no there'll be a bunch of options I

Time: 6114.639

want you guys to tell me what they this

Time: 6116.52

girl so we're looking at this girl as a

Time: 6118.96

glass not half empty empty we're looking

Time: 6121.679

at this girl as somebody who wants to

Time: 6123

feel entitled who wants to like be like

Time: 6124.8

have a have a has terrible opinions this

Time: 6127.239

girl actually what she really wants she

Time: 6129.44

wants to travel to 50 countries around

Time: 6131.04

the world before she's age 30 She Wants

Time: 6132.92

To Be A Millionaire before she's 30 okay

Time: 6134.639

she doesn't want to get forc AR go one

Time: 6136.56

level deeper why does she want to travel

Time: 6139.159

because it's a human B basic desire to

Time: 6142.36

be free and experience the world is it

Time: 6144.679

validation amongst her peer group a bit

Time: 6147.159

more than it was 10 years ago no I think

Time: 6150.199

I think it's a it's a basic human desire

Time: 6151.96

I don't think it's validation I don't

Time: 6153.4

think it's like I want to travel just to

Time: 6154.639

tell my friends I traveled I think

Time: 6155.679

that's a minority I think independently

Time: 6158

everybody wants I think data would prove

Time: 6160.04

otherwise that because of social media

Time: 6161.92

and posting when you travel you travel

Time: 6164.84

so much more like we going after the

Time: 6166.28

Nuance now we saying what can you sell

Time: 6168.8

to that girl very inde no no it's also

Time: 6170.76

Wern thing

Time: 6171.92

it's American I think in America living

Time: 6175.36

in say Suburban whatever Mississippi I

Time: 6178.52

refuse to believe people want to travel

Time: 6180.239

just so they tell their friends travel

Time: 6181.88

just but also because they can added

Time: 6184.36

benefit but but people want to travel

Time: 6185.92

just because they want to travel you

Time: 6186.96

know I go to males sometimes it's very

Time: 6189.36

close from Bangalore in our flight

Time: 6191.92

Chinese couples come to males not to

Time: 6194.719

check out males they come there to take

Time: 6196.96

pictures of themselves because social

Time: 6199.719

validation is such a big commodity in

Time: 6202.52

China to the extent that who you marry

Time: 6205.719

who you date what job you get all of

Time: 6208.96

these kind of like are so correlated to

Time: 6211.04

how much Social following why is this

Time: 6212.679

new talk no it's not new because we've

Time: 6214.76

been socially validating to each other

Time: 6216.239

since we were tribal since we had a

Time: 6217.96

tribe and people put different makeup

Time: 6219.679

I'm saying it's new what I'm saying it's

Time: 6221.28

the same I'm saying this category Beyond

Time: 6223.679

94 95 these kids are different in this

Time: 6227.96

nuanced manner does the content created

Time: 6230.88

for them have to change have to look

Time: 6232.84

look different my answer is definitely

Time: 6235.04

not I there's nothing different between

Time: 6237.239

somebody born after 94 or somebody born

Time: 6239.8

in 1794 we all want social validation we

Time: 6243.32

all want a signal to others that we're

Time: 6244.8

good that we're pretty that we're

Time: 6245.88

whatever even tribes in Papa New Guinea

Time: 6248.88

okay there's always that guy who's like

Time: 6251.159

best dressed has a feather look at me

Time: 6253.4

look at me look at me now you can say

Time: 6255.8

Look At Me by having a nice picture in

Time: 6257.36

the Maldives it's easier to say look at

Time: 6259.56

me but the fundamental of humans have

Time: 6261.92

not changed in 1994 you know just adding

Time: 6263.96

on to what he said and going back to the

Time: 6265.48

content bit I remember when we were

Time: 6267.4

shooting when mismatch came came to us

Time: 6269.96

and we started reading the text uh the

Time: 6272.08

scripts of mismatch we were shooting it

Time: 6274

muscan who's uh one of the actors on

Time: 6275.88

mismatch with me we used to keep

Time: 6277.159

discussing how this is so similar to the

Time: 6279.28

content we watched when I was a teenager

Time: 6282.04

like we watched shararat and we watched

Time: 6284.28

D mil these are these were amazing

Time: 6287.96

shows uh we watched Sanji

Time: 6291.52


Time: 6293.8

yeah uh what was the one that had sha in

Time: 6296.8

it um all of them

Time: 6300.4

yeah so and we realize that the content

Time: 6303.32

that is getting made in 2019 came out on

Time: 6305.679

Netflix on in 2020 was so similar to

Time: 6309.599

what I was watching when I was 12 and 13

Time: 6312.239

right and that came from a whole kind of

Time: 6316.52


Time: 6317.96

um peak of all the crimes dramas all the

Time: 6321.239

True Crime all um slightly darker grayer

Time: 6325

content so when you speak when you speak

Time: 6326.76

about all this that maybe has has the uh

Time: 6330.08

Machinery changed or do we approach a

Time: 6332.96

different angle when you're telling

Time: 6334.239

these stories then I want to hear what

Time: 6336.32

you guys have to say about this that how

Time: 6338.119

come then a simple piece of content that

Time: 6340.96

was very new at the time that it came

Time: 6342.599

out because most of the content was very

Time: 6344.679

unlike that

Time: 6346.4

resonated with an audience that is post

Time: 6349.48

94 but it was also something that

Time: 6351.719

resonated with us when we were that age

Time: 6354.32

I think

Time: 6356.119

broadly first principles thinking when

Time: 6358.52

it comes to content creation broadly I

Time: 6360.199

agree with n that yes broadly I agree

Time: 6363.28

that yeah fundamentally brains haven't

Time: 6365.48

changed brains and the chemical

Time: 6367.32

reactions in the brain when you when you

Time: 6368.88

perceive something that hasn't thousand

Time: 6370.88

of that hasn't changed do you think woke

Time: 6372.719

dat woke content will work more today

Time: 6374.76

than it but I was just getting to the

Time: 6376.199

nuances some of the nuances you should

Time: 6378.159

you should keep in mind is that the

Time: 6381.08

things that a hyperconnected world that

Time: 6384.84

the big difference between 794 and now

Time: 6387

is that we are hyperconnected right so

Time: 6389.159

content uh moves a lot faster so know

Time: 6391.52

that we're in a PO post truuth world

Time: 6394.08

right we're not in a world where

Time: 6395.8

anything gets verified we always we in a

Time: 6398.36

post truth world so this this is the

Time: 6400

Nuance from today which is that

Time: 6401.719

gets boring a lot quicker yeah yes right

Time: 6404.28

as opposed to 1794 correct uh tricks get

Time: 6407

older a lot quicker now as opposed to

Time: 6408.76

1794 correct the this that's the kind of

Time: 6411.199

nuance I was trying to look at which is

Time: 6413.119

you got to reinvent reinvent a lot more

Time: 6415.56

gets boring a lot quicker yeah but

Time: 6417.44

it's not a sexy answer that nikel was

Time: 6419.08

looking for is there a is there a sexy

Time: 6420.84

answer like I want to tell the

Time: 6422.599

20-year-old girl what to go and create

Time: 6425.8

which will do better than 100 years

Time: 6427.92

ago okay like should we brainstorm on

Time: 6430.52

different categories like I'm assuming

Time: 6432.4

what is Define her access like what

Time: 6434.199

makes her unique yeah exactly nothing

Time: 6437.36

unique more generic like fashion say

Time: 6441.08


Time: 6442.08

a she's ma very specifically India

Time: 6445.56

focused she's studying bcom in a tier 2

Time: 6450.08

College in Bangalore let's say pocket

Time: 6452.48

money is not 50,000 let's say it's

Time: 6454.32

10,000 rupes doesn't matter yeah but

Time: 6457.04

what is what are her interests She Likes

Time: 6459.52


Time: 6461.719

Bollywood uh Stock Investing and content

Time: 6465.719

creators all right so off the top of my

Time: 6467.48

head Bollywood she could review movies

Time: 6469.679

yeah is that an opportunity because

Time: 6471.92

there are there are so many people

Time: 6473.56

already reviewing movies yeah what's

Time: 6475.44

what's the manner in which they're

Time: 6476.44

reviewing movies a format idea is you

Time: 6478.639

could review movies either straight like

Time: 6480.28

hey this is what I thought of the movie

Time: 6481.599

or you review movies in a format like I

Time: 6483.199

would do a format like things I thought

Time: 6485.04

of while watching Rocky or Rani that's

Time: 6487.199

my format that's how I do movie reviews

Time: 6489.679

I just tell you the thoughts in my head

Time: 6491

so it's just a series of jump Cuts Like

Time: 6492.8

I thought this this this this this this

Time: 6494.52

this this or she can do something that's

Time: 6495.88

unique to her Stock Investing for women

Time: 6498.199

that are broke that's

Time: 6500.8

St investing for women that are broke or

Time: 6502.52

just simplifying communication around

Time: 6503.96

stocks we weren't taught that tell me

Time: 6505.719

how to do my taxes the sexy answer for

Time: 6508.56

me is New Age journalism start talking

Time: 6510.92

about world events it's very risky to

Time: 6512.199

get you canceled a lot but if you and

Time: 6513.679

you what are you

Time: 6515.36

saying New Age new I'm not like taking

Time: 6517.8

away nothing from journalism degrees I

Time: 6519

think you need to be trained to be a

Time: 6520.56

journalist etc etc but um dude I don't

Time: 6524.36

care it's where the world is going no

Time: 6525.719

actually resonate with him I feel like

Time: 6528.36

journalism inherently as has a idea

Time: 6530.96

sitting behind a corporation does not

Time: 6532.719

work because every corporation has bias

Time: 6536.199

it has to eventually become more

Time: 6537.76

fragmented every journalist that wants

Time: 6539.84

to survive as a journalist has to go

Time: 6541.199

independent in the next 10 years I agree

Time: 6543.639

with you I feel like especially when

Time: 6545.36

you're starting off and I I I agree to

Time: 6547.199

what you're saying but I feel like it'll

Time: 6548.32

take a 20-year-old Creator who's

Time: 6550.239

starting off a really long time to reach

Time: 6552.96

there to a also have the guts to put it

Time: 6554.84

out like that it's not easy to put

Time: 6557.679

yourself out there because it's ruthless

Time: 6561.04

and why do we forget that at the end of

Time: 6562.8

the day it is a job it's much more

Time: 6564.92

ruthless for women than men yeah and you

Time: 6566.8

have to turn your laptop off and you

Time: 6568.8

have to have a life where you are not

Time: 6570.96

messed up in your head because something

Time: 6572.52

is what he said is it a lot more

Time: 6574.119

ruthless for women uh I'm always the

Time: 6577.44

wrong person uh to answer this and I'll

Time: 6580.36

get to that in just a minute but like

Time: 6581.599

finishing what I was saying so I feel

Time: 6583.44

like for for anyone new actually woman

Time: 6585.599

or man start start or any other gender

Time: 6587.679

starting off uh right now I feel like

Time: 6590.119

it's important and it goes back to what

Time: 6592.04

we said a while ago it's important for

Time: 6593.56

you to G get that confidence and

Time: 6595.48

validation and credit for yourself to

Time: 6597.88

kind of keep going because it's a much

Time: 6599.8

longer Journey so I feel like if she had

Time: 6601.4

to start to reach what you are saying

Time: 6603.76

she will have to do something as basic

Time: 6605.639

as report things as is and then start

Time: 6608.679

pushing out opinions then start giving

Time: 6611.4

um perspective then start sharing

Time: 6613.239

personal stories see what the community

Time: 6615.52

is saying but would she get traction if

Time: 6617.32

she reports things as is so many

Time: 6619.719

channels are there are so many channels

Time: 6622.48

right now that are only doing YouTube

Time: 6623.8

news yeah reports things as is as in in

Time: 6626.239

the most boring way possible no in the

Time: 6628.199

not in the most boring way obviously so

Time: 6630.36

the new comes in but things as they are

Time: 6632.52

like truth is often very boring but with

Time: 6634.96

a different format with a bit more

Time: 6635.96

energy what if she does it what she jump

Time: 6638.04

Cy and if it's it's not the kinds that

Time: 6640.52

she's sitting in front of a green screen

Time: 6641.88

and reading out of a folder but she is

Time: 6644.28

say it is a vlog where every hour of the

Time: 6648.36

day suppose she Vlogs for 10 10 hours a

Time: 6650.56

day and every hour of the day she gives

Time: 6651.76

you a fun fact this is Vlogs is the

Time: 6653.76

answer also really yeah is not the

Time: 6656.719

answer I know Vlogs had become really

Time: 6658.56

big a few years ago right and then it

Time: 6661.44

disappeared least friction for likes

Time: 6664.599

vlogging vlogging yeah in India for sure

Time: 6667.36

like but your life has to be interesting

Time: 6669.44

making a vlog is much harder you've not

Time: 6671.4

seen Indian Vlogs and it has to stay

Time: 6673.119

interesting every day okay for people

Time: 6676.119

who don't know what is the Vlog it's a

Time: 6678.599

video log

Time: 6680.92

it's basically filming your life from

Time: 6682.239

when you wake up until when you sleep

Time: 6683.84

it's a 10 to 20 minute long video and it

Time: 6686.36

basically means you have your camera

Time: 6687.679

with you the whole godamn time it's life

Time: 6690.719

so the thing is vlogging can either be

Time: 6692.96

higher for vlogging or it could just be

Time: 6694.599

documenting your life it is the like

Time: 6697.32

it's a it's it's the quickest way of

Time: 6699.239

outputting something which is you just

Time: 6700.32

document everything that's happening so

Time: 6701.44

there are lots of incredibly boring

Time: 6702.88

blogs and there are folks who make it

Time: 6705.199

interesting as well um second question

Time: 6708.32

give a good example Indian blogs Indian

Time: 6710.56

Vlogs of what like anything who's doing

Time: 6714.119

well yeah so India's biggest vlogger is

Time: 6716.4

this guy called Sor Joi uh super

Time: 6719.239

interesting right like he lives with his

Time: 6721.4

family in a small town called Hali um he

Time: 6724.679

lives with his mom dad his younger

Time: 6726.239

brother some extended family extremely

Time: 6728.28

relatable like he puts out a video every

Time: 6730.28

day that does that clocks like 5 to 7

Time: 6732.28

million views every single day so for me

Time: 6734.639

as a viewer what's working there just

Time: 6737.8

pure relatability he's just like

Time: 6739.88

millions and millions of other families

Time: 6742.239

in this country so people love is that

Time: 6744.44

what's working for anit yes yes yes also

Time: 6748.639

anid is also like a mission driven

Time: 6750.4

Creator Mission driven Creator is also

Time: 6751.92

very aspirational like so if I were

Time: 6754.44

again a 20-year-old boy instead of a

Time: 6756.239

girl and I want to start on the Journey

Time: 6758.88

of logging to build distribution yeah

Time: 6762

what kind of life should I project what

Time: 6763.44

will work uh not only life but I think

Time: 6765.92

the quickest way to get a former

Time: 6767.96

Community is to find a mission like if

Time: 6769.8

if you were starting um saying I'm going

Time: 6772.28

to get sixpack abs 75 hard 75 hard like

Time: 6775.56

I'm I'm going to get this in the next in

Time: 6777.8

the next X number of days the viewer

Time: 6780.04

automatically roots that you you get it

Time: 6781.92

so is that going back to your earlier

Time: 6783.84

point where you have to have a reveal at

Time: 6785.8

the end that it helps when people want

Time: 6788.36

to find find out what's the end of the

Time: 6790.159

story if there's an end goal uh people

Time: 6792.599

want to watch it till the end right Pro

Time: 6794.52

if you had to start a blog that would

Time: 6798.76

work I would I would do that uh working

Time: 6801.88

out for 100 days and I Vlog my workout

Time: 6804.56

Journey every single day like there's a

Time: 6805.84

really popular YouTuber called Ryan Tran

Time: 6807.8

right who became massive he started a

Time: 6810.4

series called traveling across America

Time: 6812.159

using one penny right correct me if I'm

Time: 6814.119

wrong traveling across you 30 days in 30

Time: 6816.159

days traveling across America using one

Time: 6817.8

penny so every episode he would begin

Time: 6819.48

with one penny and be like I'm going to

Time: 6820.719

go from 8. A to B it makes the episode

Time: 6823.84

automatically that much more why go far

Time: 6825.32

I mean n daily that's how it was it was

Time: 6826.639

a thousand day Journey around the world

Time: 6828.8

so you start to see I started to see

Time: 6830.639

that the numbers of likes and Views

Time: 6832.199

started to go up in the last 20 days

Time: 6834.28

because people are like oh how is he

Time: 6835.44

going to end his thousand day journey is

Time: 6837.079

he going to break a day and what's going

Time: 6838.599

to happen on day 1000 on day 1000 I got

Time: 6840.719

the most number of likes I ever got so

Time: 6842.88

that's the reveal 75 hard 75th day most

Time: 6845.639

number of views now he's a lot more than

Time: 6847.239

75 now he's a lot more now he's just

Time: 6848.92

continuing you do a lot of stuff around

Time: 6851.599

ran does a lot of spirituality uh

Time: 6855.36

religion uh you know the whole UFO uh my

Time: 6860.48

and all of that is there a big audience

Time: 6862.56

for that is that a hack um there is a

Time: 6865.92

big audience for that because it

Time: 6867.76

interests a lot of people it genuinely

Time: 6869.599

interested me since I was a kid and I

Time: 6871.599

get to explore these subjects as an

Time: 6873

adult so I think the genuinity of it is

Time: 6874.96

what that massive Tam connects with the

Time: 6877.239

one thing life has taught me is never

Time: 6878.679

on anything because nobody knows

Time: 6881.44

what you don't know so I don't want to

Time: 6885.04

like comment about it from that lens but

Time: 6888.159

if I were a

Time: 6890.32

uh Creator who wants to build Traction

Time: 6892.92

in that segment what should I really

Time: 6895.04

talk about the truth is that at least

Time: 6897.56

what I sense in India is that that phase

Time: 6899.88

has gone now yeah yeah religion not

Time: 6903.28

religion religion will never go the

Time: 6904.8

other stuff you mentioned alien yeah

Time: 6907.4

people want depth in content now but

Time: 6909.76

there can be depth there too right so if

Time: 6911.04

you can bring depth great but there

Time: 6912.159

aren't enough people to talk about it

Time: 6913.599

now so what what does ran think today

Time: 6917.119

will work in the next one year the next

Time: 6919.44

one year because years elections are

Time: 6921.52

coming up so political content young

Time: 6923.199

people are getting into politics uh

Time: 6925.199

older people don't have the balls to

Time: 6926.4

speak about politics nowadays so if some

Time: 6929.4

kid speaks about politics it'll actually

Time: 6931.32

Garner a lot of attention and what else

Time: 6934.159

that's one massive one geop extres

Time: 6936.44

extremes get views yeah geopolitics is

Time: 6939.079

the other one same and when you're

Time: 6940.719

talking about politics Will the anti

Time: 6943.96

view get a lot more traction I think at

Time: 6946.719

this point it's about depth uh think

Time: 6948.84

school great example

Time: 6950.36

deep content that's selling you can't do

Time: 6952.52

surface level content at least I'm

Time: 6953.96

speaking from a very India perspective

Time: 6955.76

but I think this is the case from

Time: 6957.239

International uh uh you know in

Time: 6959.84

international vs as well we see that

Time: 6961.159

with Andrew huberman we see that with

Time: 6962.92

even Andrew Schulz and all these guys

Time: 6964.28

they go deep with their conversations so

Time: 6966.32

now is that point where Joe Rogan was in

Time: 6969.8

2018 where he started doing three-hour

Time: 6971.52

podcasts and people are willing to

Time: 6973.159

listen to it so if you bring depth to

Time: 6974.8

your content what worked for Jo Rogan

Time: 6977

quantity you think yes I've been

Time: 6979.639

listening to Jo Rogan since I was in

Time: 6981.48

college which is 2011 or 2012 and he

Time: 6984.119

used to get 30,000 views and I've seen

Time: 6985.48

him going from there to this $100

Time: 6987

million Spotify contract before I began

Time: 6990.32

content creation it was a dream of mine

Time: 6992.199

to have a podcast but I always thought

Time: 6993.36

dude India either will never be ready

Time: 6995.159

for a podcast or it's not ready for

Time: 6997.56

podcast yet and I started my cuz we

Time: 7001.32

were doing two channels work was getting

Time: 7002.84

too much for me I wanted to switch off

Time: 7004.04

one channel team said listen what's the

Time: 7005.84

easiest form of content you can do I

Time: 7007.719

said I'll talk to people and turn that

Time: 7009.239

into content and then we just hit a wave

Time: 7012.32

okay next question how big of a hack is

Time: 7015.679

making content in Regional languages big

Time: 7019.119

hack big huge hack huge hack huge I give

Time: 7023

I give you a stat Nas daily has 65

Time: 7025.719

million followers 30 million of our

Time: 7028

followers don't speak English they

Time: 7029.76

cannot speak English we have 2 million

Time: 7032.239

followers in Vietnam that's 2% of the

Time: 7034.44

country and I don't speak a single word

Time: 7036.639

of Vietnamese 14% of Russia

Time: 7040.159

watch his nce daily every month on

Time: 7041.48

YouTube the kids mainly why is because

Time: 7045

take the same content that we done in

Time: 7047.04

English and we localize it to 13 other

Time: 7049.52

languages you using AI or like uh we did

Time: 7052.52

subtitles we did the beginning we did

Time: 7054.079

subtitles and now we do dubbing which we

Time: 7055.88

pay $100 per minute and now we're using

Time: 7058.199

AI but all of that has has unlocked a

Time: 7061.32

massive Market the question is why can

Time: 7063.199

you can you also give some tools after

Time: 7064.96

you say yeah why does Nas daily have two

Time: 7068.079

million followers in Vietnam because the

Time: 7070.199

demand for content in Vietnam is very

Time: 7072.52

high you have 100 million people each

Time: 7074.36

one of them has 10 hours every day they

Time: 7075.84

want to watch videos but the people

Time: 7077.84

making the videos in Vietnam are very

Time: 7079.52

low there's only state media it's like

Time: 7082.4

TV which is boring and a couple of

Time: 7084.28

content creators and every Hollywood

Time: 7086.599

movie doesn't actually make it to

Time: 7087.719

Vietnam all this content you make does

Time: 7089.639

not make it to Vietnam all this podcast

Time: 7091.48

you make does not make it to Vietnam so

Time: 7093

there's no supply of content when you

Time: 7095.52

add this content in Vietnamese the

Time: 7098.48

supply is so low you get so many views

Time: 7101.719

that is called a hack like equilibrium

Time: 7104.56

there's no equilibrium in content supply

Time: 7106.28

and demand so in English there is an

Time: 7108.239

equilibrium there's enough supply of

Time: 7109.679

content there's enough demand for it you

Time: 7111.04

mean in the middle yeah in Vietnamese

Time: 7113.92

Supply is so low the demand is so high

Time: 7116.679

it's true uh when you speak to people's

Time: 7119.4

identity it generates it generates a

Time: 7122.48

just a higher engagement rate right be

Time: 7125.079

it in their native language or be it

Time: 7127.32

about who they are for example if I if I

Time: 7131.28

say you know 10 things only Engineers

Time: 7133.4

will understand right you'll get a lot

Time: 7135.239

more shares from Engineers 10 things

Time: 7137.119

that only Vietnamese people will get

Time: 7138.84

that's interesting go go deeper in that

Time: 7141.079

if you speaking to someone's identity

Time: 7144.079

just gets gets more like like BuzzFeed

Time: 7146.96

pioneered this ages ago right BuzzFeed

Time: 7149.32

did uh take this quiz if you're

Time: 7151.48

overweight or 15 things that fat girls

Time: 7153.639

will will relate to right like they

Time: 7155.28

pioneered this and it became obvious

Time: 7156.76

eventually that's why nationalistic

Time: 7158.96

Contex does really well that's why

Time: 7161.48

geopolitics does really well right cuz

Time: 7164.4

geopolitics you can't speak about

Time: 7165.88

geopolitics without attracting an

Time: 7168.159

identity touch point of the two

Time: 7169.84

countries that you're that you're

Time: 7171.36

talking about I do pakistanis are Savage

Time: 7173.239

why do I put Pakistani are Savage in the

Time: 7174.639

title because I know Pakistani people

Time: 7176.04

are going going to click on it yeah

Time: 7177.88

right um so that's another hack which is

Time: 7180.92

when you speak to people's identities

Time: 7182.32

they they engage and Sh and how do you

Time: 7184

identify Niche identities there's just

Time: 7186.639

large islands man there's so many

Time: 7188.199

identities how figure that out like if

Time: 7190.119

I'm a content creator the language you

Time: 7191.92

speak at home that's one identity the

Time: 7193.92

job you do that's one identity the

Time: 7195.44

family you grow up around that's one

Time: 7196.599

identity you went to na identity is the

Time: 7198.56

easiest One Nation identity is the

Time: 7199.76

easiest one what in India there are so

Time: 7201.44

many because we have 5,000 identities

Time: 7203.32

there are 5,000 Islands ICC cbsc how do

Time: 7206.88

I find a small enough identity why do

Time: 7209.84

you need to find a small why do you need

Time: 7211.04

to find a small because the smaller it

Time: 7212.679

is the more they'll share you said right

Time: 7214

no no the biggest one the biggest one is

Time: 7216.56

country then the most specific are the

Time: 7219.599

most specific that that kind of help I'm

Time: 7221.599

taking specific as smaller so what are

Time: 7223.32

these identities which are unutilized

Time: 7225

it's countries you have no idea when

Time: 7226.4

people actually start content creation

Time: 7227.96

like influencers in America they go

Time: 7230.96

where they go to the Philippines because

Time: 7233.159

when a white guy collaborate with

Time: 7235

Indians now when a white yeah and then

Time: 7236.52

when a white guy goes to the Philippines

Time: 7237.719

says I ate Filipino food yeah huge huge

Time: 7241.199

huge huge same with India actually I got

Time: 7244.32

I got push back I got cancelled because

Time: 7246.36

I made so many videos in the Philippines

Time: 7248.159

because they were like oh you just using

Time: 7249.36

us to get views which it wasn't true I

Time: 7251.159

actually really like the Philippines but

Time: 7252.679

anyway that was thing also

Time: 7255.199

yes also no I want to 70

Time: 7258.48

countries can I can I say something

Time: 7261.159

there's something that I've realized

Time: 7262.52

with the whole Regional targeting of

Time: 7265.199

content right and I'm correct me if I'm

Time: 7267.52

wrong this is just something

Time: 7269.36

also this is something I've felt uh in

Time: 7272.76

the past 2 three years and that has

Time: 7274.36

helped me as a Creator in taking the

Time: 7276.04

pressure off of

Time: 7277.48

numbers for example

Time: 7280.079

when I started off I in my head content

Time: 7283.8

creators had a pyramid right if you had

Time: 7286.32

more numbers you were on top and then as

Time: 7288.28

you had lesser numbers you were on the

Time: 7289.52

bottom of the food chain it's a reverse

Time: 7291.199

pyramid reverse

Time: 7293

pyramid yeah I like that one go on but

Time: 7296.079

at this point I feel like it's a globe

Time: 7298.719

where one person's top is other person's

Time: 7301.32

bottom if a brand has to come to me to

Time: 7305.56

Market a product in a certain language

Time: 7308.719

that is spoken in a certain part of the

Time: 7310.56

country that I don't speak I could have

Time: 7313.119

millions and millions of followers but

Time: 7314.599

I'm useless doesn't matter it does not

Time: 7317.079

matter of a a Creator who speaks the

Time: 7319.88

regional language has the regional

Time: 7321.679

references and has 100th of my numbers

Time: 7324.84

could charge a premium could charge a

Time: 7326.44

premium and get that much Roi yep for

Time: 7329.8

the brand so at this point Regional

Time: 7333.04

content has reached a point where the

Time: 7335.04

whole dynamics of the Creator economy

Time: 7338.599

have shifted it to really depends on

Time: 7340.92

where you're coming from and whom do you

Time: 7342.96

want to talk to and Supply is lower so

Time: 7344.679

you can also charge more exactly Nelson

Time: 7346.719

Mandela said an amazing quote if you

Time: 7348.639

speak to me if you speak to a man in a

Time: 7351.04

language that he learned it goes to his

Time: 7353.32

brain yes if you speak to a man in his

Time: 7356.079

native language it goes to his heart I

Time: 7358.92

have something to add to that from the

Time: 7360.119

Indian context I've always believed that

Time: 7362.8

the in India the English content you do

Time: 7365.119

it for the money the Hindi content you

Time: 7366.639

do it for the power yeah that makes

Time: 7368.52

sense it goes go to the heart you can

Time: 7371

actually influence people's lives like

Time: 7372.44

Hindi content you do for money no no

Time: 7374.28

English content you for forone it's

Time: 7376.079

higher brand value brand brand managers

Time: 7377.88

can speak English that that's true brand

Time: 7379.84

managers can speak the decision makers

Time: 7381.76

when it com to influenc marketing we

Time: 7383.119

know no also also rir higher arpu for

Time: 7385.44

English speaking people also before we

Time: 7387.44

leave this topic I want to ask what are

Time: 7390.079

the tools a new Creator can use today to

Time: 7393.4

translate like what works what doesn't

Time: 7395.719

AI has Sol this hey Jen hey

Time: 7399.52

is now ai dubbing spell it h e y g n GN

Time: 7403.96

uh actually I built a company called is

Time: 7405.92

that is that better than dubbing paying

Time: 7407.679

somebody to dub uh it's very expensive

Time: 7409.599

so paying somebody to you need an agency

Time: 7411.159

it's $100 per minute also maybe I mean I

Time: 7414.36

please give your opinions I don't know

Time: 7415.84

if it's the best decision to dub

Time: 7417.239

straight from the beginning of your

Time: 7418.36

content yeah do not do that yeah just

Time: 7420

start with one language don't even

Time: 7421.48

consider it is content as a skill it is

Time: 7423.36

a skill it's it's different from film

Time: 7425.559

making like you need to understand how

Time: 7427.4

social media works and evolves yeah so

Time: 7429.44

maybe at the start just create your

Time: 7431.48

initial only did this when after I hit

Time: 7434

15 million followers so then you use

Time: 7436.76

something like then you start 13

Time: 7438.159

languages yeah different langu and you

Time: 7439.44

you're saying AI works just as well as

Time: 7441.679

dubbing to in the next two months it

Time: 7443.719

will be just as good it be so damn cheap

Time: 7446.239

is already very good look cost to make

Time: 7449.28

and duplicate content is going to zero

Time: 7451.76

we're almost there but doesn't it look

Time: 7453

weird when your mouth is doing anymore

Time: 7455

no not anymore it's going to get built

Time: 7456.76

in on YouTube Nik there's going to be a

Time: 7459

button where you can select a language

Time: 7460.599

and your mouth will move in that

Time: 7461.84

language it's going to come into YouTube

Time: 7463.199

it's going to take forever cuz YouTube

Time: 7464.599

is a slightly slower moving beast but

Time: 7466.28

it's going to come do subtitles work so

Time: 7468.76

interestingly enough there's two types

Time: 7470.199

of countries in the world there's a

Time: 7471.32

subtitle country and a dubbing country

Time: 7473.04

Germany is a dubbing country that's why

Time: 7474.639

when you go visit Germany nobody speaks

Time: 7476.32

English because they watch Hollywood

Time: 7478.239

dubbed but in Serbia and in my country

Time: 7482.119

it's at subtitle country so I would

Time: 7483.8

watch movies but I would read subtitles

Time: 7486.119

that's why my I speak English thank God

Time: 7488.8

I was born in a subtitled country and

Time: 7490.44

this is what scares me about dubbing

Time: 7491.88

it'll make you not learn the

Time: 7494.159

language what works in India India is a

Time: 7496.84

subtitle country I think I think only n

Time: 7500.079

will have the answer um actually may be

Time: 7502.28

a dubbing cont hey what what about viral

Time: 7504.599

signaling I know a lot of actors in

Time: 7507.4

business people do can you explain what

Time: 7508.719

virtue signaling is pretending to be a

Time: 7512.559

saint whereas you are as human as all of

Time: 7514.96

us like signaling how virtuous you are

Time: 7517.639

on social media if you survive long

Time: 7519.4

enough on social media people know

Time: 7520.679

exactly who you are yeah exactly what

Time: 7522.28

signaling works nikil it does work but

Time: 7525.44

it creates an expectation out of you

Time: 7527.44

that's hard to sustain because not

Time: 7530

everybody is as virtuous as they claim

Time: 7531.719

to be nobody is nobody is so you can

Time: 7534.48

virtue signal and it does it does work

Time: 7536.52

which is people will like you and people

Time: 7538.559

will think a certain way of you yeah but

Time: 7539.88

I'm talking about somebody who wants to

Time: 7542

become a Creator 20y old will virtal

Time: 7544.84

signaling work for someone like that not

Time: 7547.32

I think at that stage is important just

Time: 7548.88

stand out all this comes later I think

Time: 7551

it's a way to hack the yeah what's the

Time: 7552.679

point of signaling your virtues in

Time: 7554.4

emptiness like you need a large audience

Time: 7556.079

to Signal your do get your audience then

Time: 7558.239

virtu you also not know what the virtue

Time: 7560.159

is for a very long

Time: 7562.84

time begin by being anti anti anti

Time: 7566.4

whatever and when you have an audience

Time: 7568.28

become more virtuous and resonate with

Time: 7570.04

whatever societ Society if you have a

Time: 7571.8

large enough audience you will need to

Time: 7573.36

display your virtue at some point or

Time: 7575

you'll find the need to when is that

Time: 7576.559

point it could be when when audience

Time: 7578.96

start to ask you to virtually signal

Time: 7580.84

when your audience start to ask you

Time: 7581.88

what's your opinion about Israel and

Time: 7583.119

Palestine yeah when they start speaking

Time: 7584.48

back cross that point I've crossed that

Time: 7586.32

actually all of you have crossed that

Time: 7587.48

point your audience will expect what

Time: 7590.32

they think you will respond to yes right

Time: 7593.159

if you continuously virtually signal

Time: 7594.96

about my thoughts on what the political

Time: 7597.719

Affairs are and if you keep talking

Time: 7599.32

about that at some point if you go quiet

Time: 7601.28

your audience will be like yo what

Time: 7602.199

happened why aren't you op opining about

Time: 7604.159

this or even something as simple as

Time: 7606.239

relationships when creators share about

Time: 7608.599

their relationship online and then they

Time: 7611.159

go all out uh sharing talking about it

Time: 7614.159

even doing brand deals things like that

Time: 7616.199

and then when that falls out and your

Time: 7619.119

audience expects you to answer I don't

Time: 7621.639

think that's a time you can take a stand

Time: 7623.28

saying oh no I want my space yeah but

Time: 7625.96

what I recommend to people is that the

Time: 7627.8

image that they are in real life should

Time: 7629.719

be online is so important yeah I I have

Time: 7632.719

a that's interesting

Time: 7635.119

uh with social media so much of you is

Time: 7638.28

out there okay um because of the show I

Time: 7641.92

met a lot of people who mentored me in

Time: 7644.079

many ways uh and I tried being the best

Time: 7647.76

possible dude in real life wasn't

Time: 7650.119

successful everywhere made mistakes but

Time: 7652.679

a lot of that rubbed off for example

Time: 7654.8

like it began like my channel began as a

Time: 7656.76

fitness channel maximize your Fitness I

Time: 7659.76

worked on my mental health in order to

Time: 7661.239

talk about mental health content I won't

Time: 7663.079

make yoga content until I've mastered

Time: 7665

yoga and I've begun yoga since the last

Time: 7666.4

year so if you have a vis vision of what

Time: 7669

kind of content you want to make start

Time: 7670.76

working on it right now you can fake it

Time: 7673.159

till you make it but for how long I mean

Time: 7675.52

it's possible to fake it till you make

Time: 7676.639

it yeah you can I mean that's true I

Time: 7679.32

also feel like collaborations are very

Time: 7681.159

very powerful when you start a creative

Time: 7684.52

Journey that's interesting go into that

Time: 7686.199

how does how does a new person

Time: 7687.84

collaborate and who do they collaborate

Time: 7689.559

with with other new people like people

Time: 7691.36

who are near your numbers how do you

Time: 7693.159

find them or you can be ambitious like I

Time: 7695.159

remember shooting Lily a text as as

Time: 7698.559

often as I could till it happened yeah

Time: 7700.199

we all have short liia text at some

Time: 7701.559

point until it actually happened I

Time: 7703.8

remember shooting uh or like just kind

Time: 7706.76

of manifesting in my head and wanting to

Time: 7709.44

do something with Ric rash and I'm a

Time: 7711.04

huge fan till that happened but that's

Time: 7713.079

that took a long long time I'm just

Time: 7715.079

saying in general I have learned so much

Time: 7717.52

what works when you message these people

Time: 7719.079

what can one say that will work hi I'm a

Time: 7722.079

Creator and this is what I do and I

Time: 7724.04

really really like your work and if you

Time: 7725.559

have some time I would love to share

Time: 7727.88

something with you doesn't work it

Time: 7729.159

doesn't work though it's just whenever

Time: 7730.96

you asking someone anything their time

Time: 7734.119

money especially their time especially

Time: 7736.04

their time you got to understand what

Time: 7738.159

would incentivize them you must give

Time: 7740.4

them value yeah when I speak about

Time: 7742.159

collaborations I also speak about

Time: 7743.679

friendships and uh allies in the Creator

Time: 7746.679

Community see I'm a Creator beginning

Time: 7748.8

today I want to be a part of a ecosystem

Time: 7753.119

with other curators and creators how do

Time: 7755.599

I find them when I started off I don't

Time: 7757.8

know I don't think YouTube does that

Time: 7759.32

anymore but when I started off I

Time: 7760.719

remember telling my partner manager at

Time: 7762.32

YouTube or just shooting text to YouTube

Time: 7764.36

saying what is the partner manager at

Time: 7765.88

YouTube you'll have a partner manager on

Time: 7767.239

YouTube who's looking after your account

Time: 7768.8

and is who you can sit down with every

Time: 7770.88

now and back anymore back in the day

Time: 7773.8

there were fewer creators now to get a

Time: 7776.04

to be eligible for a partner manager you

Time: 7777.44

need to have X th000 hours of watch time

Time: 7780.04

x number of subscribers Etc ET it's hard

Time: 7782.159

now the number of partner managers per

Time: 7784.159

Creator is like is very low a lot uh so

Time: 7786.44

I I remember telling her that if there's

Time: 7787.92

any kind of of social Gathering any kind

Time: 7789.92

of uh panel discussion any kind of

Time: 7792.639

Creator um Workshop happening please

Time: 7795.92

please sign me up for this because I

Time: 7797.76

want to go and meet other people and I

Time: 7800.239

want to do that what we can do now is uh

Time: 7804.48

I I feel like a lot of creators like a

Time: 7806.239

lot of newer creators now I meet at

Time: 7808.4

social events done by YouTube or

Time: 7810.159

Facebook or Instagram and I just feel

Time: 7812.28

like is that a good hat to show up at

Time: 7813.84

these events in show up at yeah like

Time: 7818.4

like finding these finding these hubs

Time: 7821.88

where conversation relevant to what you

Time: 7823.88

are doing or in the realm of your life

Time: 7826.76

as a Creator are happening and kind of

Time: 7828.199

wanting to be in those places there is

Time: 7829.8

something called non-consensual

Time: 7831.52

collaboration what is that okay for

Time: 7833.8

example this is a growing Trend now

Time: 7836.04

which is if you want to collaborate with

Time: 7838.159

someone you get your you start talking

Time: 7840.96

about how you want to collaborate with

Time: 7842.159

this person and you get your whole

Time: 7843.679

follower base to go start spamming them

Time: 7845.599

in message saying this person wants to

Time: 7847.079

do something with you right all so what

Time: 7850.32

the algorithm is doing is the algorithm

Time: 7851.88

is recognizing that this person is

Time: 7853.8

talking about this person so the video

Time: 7855.4

automatically starts getting recommend

Time: 7856.559

to people who follow this person this

Time: 7858.159

happens on YouTube all the time it start

Time: 7859.679

happening on Instagram Etc ET like why

Time: 7861.559

rat COI like why rat Coy that's

Time: 7863.76

nonconsensual collaboration this dude

Time: 7865.44

just kept talking about you know vat I

Time: 7867.76

love that uh so non-consensual

Time: 7869.719

collaboration is one but generally

Time: 7871.84

speaking you want to collaborate with

Time: 7874.44

people you are more likely to get a yes

Time: 7876.719

to collaborate one so people want to

Time: 7879.119

collaborate up but that's hard so you

Time: 7881.36

want to start collaborating sideways

Time: 7883.079

yeah makes sense thumbnails and titles

Time: 7885.639

how important are they very important

Time: 7889.119


Time: 7890.079

important not really at all

Time: 7894.159

zero should we debate yeah go ahead why

Time: 7897.4

is it

Time: 7898.32


Time: 7899.84

um Sizzle matters as much as

Time: 7905.159

steak uh Sizzle Sizzle matters

Time: 7908.76

um I mean there's enough documented

Time: 7911.719

evidence that suggests that I mean Mr

Time: 7913.76

Beast is a great example just last week

Time: 7915.36

he was tweeting about how videos where

Time: 7917.48

he closes his mouth get a lot more views

Time: 7920

than video than thumbnails where his

Time: 7921.599

mouth is open I thought he said the

Time: 7923.239

other thing thumbnails when his mouth is

Time: 7925.28

open get more views cuz then people

Time: 7927.76

either on either on basically he changed

Time: 7929.36

oneth is open people think he's saying

Time: 7931.32

something and want to click it yeah so

Time: 7933.639

either or which is oh he changed one

Time: 7935.199

variable and that that made a big

Time: 7936.84

difference both I mean there's no how

Time: 7939.599

can you disagree boring title I mean of

Time: 7941.52

course short on short video it's the

Time: 7944.159

short video is completely different I'm

Time: 7945.52

trying to say is there's only one

Time: 7947.04

platform and one type of video where

Time: 7950

thumbnail and title matter which is a

Time: 7951.92

long video on YouTube on YouTube yeah

Time: 7954.4

the majority of people watching this are

Time: 7956.32

going to be uploading Instagram reals

Time: 7958.76

yes on an Instagram reals the title

Time: 7960.4

doesn't matter thil thumnail doesn't

Time: 7961.96

matter doesn't matter in fact no one

Time: 7963.44

should be stressing over this at the

Time: 7964.88

beginning just stress over the first 3

Time: 7967.239

seconds of the video the first sentence

Time: 7969

that you say in the video yeah so on Tik

Time: 7970.92

Tok thumbnails don't matter on Instagram

Time: 7972.92

thumbnails don't matter and on Facebook

Time: 7974.4

thumbnails don't matter and in YouTube

Time: 7975.76

short THS don't matter only on YouTube

Time: 7979

long videos so for YouTube videos what

Time: 7982.92

do you do how do you make a thumbnail

Time: 7984.88

and a title that works I've delegated

Time: 7987.44

everything in my organization when it

Time: 7988.96

comes to video content other than

Time: 7990.04

actually coming on screen titling and

Time: 7992.679

thumbnails are things I've not been able

Time: 7994.84

to delegate and I have I have two like

Time: 7997.639

other channels I have B biceps which is

Time: 7999.719

English ranir Hindi there's TRS clips

Time: 8002.28

English and TRS Clips Hindi the titles

Time: 8004.599

are done by me and the thumbnails also

Time: 8007

suggested just want to suggest some

Time: 8008.36

things that people could follow you

Time: 8009.44

should probably check out Paddy Galloway

Time: 8011.559

he does um he does a YouTube course and

Time: 8014.119

he talks a lot about titling and

Time: 8015.239

thumbnail follow this guy called Papa

Time: 8016.719

okus on Twitter he's an Indian kid who

Time: 8019.679

is deeply into it sorry I just wanted to

Time: 8021.639

throw in so when it comes to titles

Time: 8023.599

there's very easy wins okay how why what

Time: 8028.4

start the title with how and why because

Time: 8031.679

the average human really wants to know

Time: 8035.199

why Greenland is not actually

Time: 8037.599

green the human brain really wants to

Time: 8040.119

know how aquariums work okay so how and

Time: 8044.079

Y is a very easy win the second easy win

Time: 8046.52

is superlatives and we teach all this at

Time: 8048.159

NAS Academy I've done this 50 times

Time: 8051.119

superlatives everybody wants to know the

Time: 8053.52

story of the world's tallest man yeah

Time: 8056.84

everybody wants to know who is the

Time: 8058.559

world's youngest billionaire yeah who is

Time: 8061.559

it you know

Time: 8064.639

so so so so extremes and how and why and

Time: 8069.4

the last one is uh uh Paradox so the the

Time: 8075.239

the the unhappy

Time: 8077.639

billionaire well you ass assume a

Time: 8079.76

billionaire is always happy right why

Time: 8081.96

they unhappy contradictory so that's the

Time: 8084.239

three biggest categories for things that

Time: 8085.96

going to click on is there a tool that

Time: 8087.44

you can use that will help in this

Time: 8089.719

pattern recognition if you take if you

Time: 8091.599

pirate the nas Academy course and put it

Time: 8093.52


Time: 8094.44

CH share it why I just like pay money

Time: 8098.4

why I the call is there a course on how

Time: 8101.76

to put good thumbnails and titles uh

Time: 8104.639

yeah yeah like it's a module but but

Time: 8106.36

there I don't know if there's a and how

Time: 8107.4

much do you

Time: 8108.48

charge the price is not India friendly

Time: 8111.079

tell tell us it's $3,000 for five months

Time: 8114.199

but it's five month five month cohort

Time: 8116.04

what somebody just wants to learn this

Time: 8118.239

you can't just go to YouTube get you

Time: 8119.92

pirate it and you get it for free stop

Time: 8123.04

it because you we don't make money okay

Time: 8125.84

you guys tips thumbnail and

Time: 8128.48

titles I have for me these things didn't

Time: 8131.4

work like after a point maybe it's

Time: 8133.84

because I have a larger quantity of

Time: 8135.48

content so then I need to bring novelty

Time: 8137.4

to the titles and all that I try

Time: 8139.52

focusing on first three words that's all

Time: 8142.599

and what do you do in the first three

Time: 8143.96

words actually learned it from you I

Time: 8145.559

think you had suggested this first three

Time: 8146.88

words it it's to it has to match the

Time: 8150.48

content of the video um shocking secret

Time: 8155.48

is what works in India um dark these

Time: 8159.44

kind of words that create an emotion

Time: 8161.36

give us some more shocking secret dark

Time: 8163.92


Time: 8166.32

Twisted um because when you say that

Time: 8168.88

people in you you're playing the

Time: 8171

inquisitiveness SC yeah yeah but again

Time: 8173.639

this I I used to believe in set formulas

Time: 8176.44

for titles and TRS clips English and

Time: 8178.8

Hindi taught me otherwise it was just a

Time: 8180.52

very brutal experience for me and it's

Time: 8182.639

still a brutal experience I think some

Time: 8184.599

things that could help people are just

Time: 8186.32

observe your own behavior when you're

Time: 8187.84

when you're clicking on videos If just

Time: 8189.44

that one moment of self-reflection

Time: 8191

saying what made me click on click on it

Time: 8193.2

outside of what noar also said I agree

Time: 8195.08

with that uh The Tam of your video

Time: 8197.439

really matters which is totally

Time: 8198.479

addressable market like you could have a

Time: 8200.2

paradoxical title about something that

Time: 8201.92

nobody cares about and it would not get

Time: 8203.639

views it should be it should be a broad

Time: 8206.08

Tam um yeah that's what what I want also

Time: 8208.519

also copy uh successful videos so look

Time: 8210.8

at a a viral video like go to like like

Time: 8213.08

a VX Channel and sort the videos by

Time: 8215.96

popular popularity great hack and then

Time: 8217.92

just a copy the thumbnail and copy the

Time: 8219.559

title yeah yeah so one hack is you could

Time: 8221.84

go to any YouTube channel of the genre

Time: 8224.96

that you are operating in so if if ranir

Time: 8226.8

was starting out and he was talking

Time: 8228.04

about Fitness I would say go to the top

Time: 8230

10 Fitness channels that that are

Time: 8231.92

existing go to videos click on most

Time: 8233.92

popular and just see the subjects that

Time: 8235.88

have done really well it Auto starts

Time: 8237.92

your first 20 videos are already there

Time: 8239.439

it's just the first I really hope

Time: 8241.719

anybody watching this I cannot stress it

Time: 8243.319

enough do not start your career by

Time: 8245.04

making Long YouTube videos it will ruin

Time: 8248.28

your dream there's no discoverability

Time: 8250.16

engine in this like just like this is

Time: 8252.599

only when you're big enough for now

Time: 8254.519

focus on Tik Tok Instagram yeah but this

Time: 8257.399

comes with caveats for example for

Time: 8259.479

example you want you you could do long

Time: 8262.639

videos for example if you're a bunch of

Time: 8264.16

friends you want to start a podcast you

Time: 8265.679

could but you optimize for for short

Time: 8268.08

video output yes that's what you

Time: 8270.08

optimize for you could do long form

Time: 8271.559

video but likelihood of success is very

Time: 8273.12

low you you optimize for short video

Time: 8275.359

output yes in fact now a lot of people

Time: 8277.92

actually do podcast very much keeping in

Time: 8279.719

mind that I'm actually not shooting a

Time: 8281.519

2hour podcast I'm shooting 20 Clips yeah

Time: 8283.88

that's fine you were say like when we

Time: 8285.76

used to do this right when we started

Time: 8287.2

off we would upload a YouTube video and

Time: 8289.16

back Instagram had just started video on

Time: 8292.359

it so we used to cut a 20 second trailer

Time: 8296.439

from our video and and then put it on

Time: 8298.8

Instagram and say full video on YouTube

Time: 8301.559

but that did wonders for us so I feel

Time: 8303.76

like you can use that model right now by

Time: 8306.84

what he's saying like make a longer

Time: 8308.2

video but then optimize it by cut tiny

Time: 8311.319

bits of it and putting but make the

Time: 8312.719

short video ha not like a teaser hul

Time: 8316.16

like from beginning to end a story not

Time: 8318.359

saying hey go to YouTube to see the rest

Time: 8319.8

cuz nobody will go to YouTube these days

Time: 8321.28

that doesn't work no if you put a part

Time: 8323.92

of something and say go here to watch

Time: 8325.559

full it could depends on it depends on

Time: 8328.24

what it is I have seen that plays into

Time: 8329.719

your early story of that 3 2 one one

Time: 8331.92

being the big thing yeah it it it can

Time: 8334.559

work changing apps to do that is a

Time: 8337.24

Monumental T from YouTube short to

Time: 8338.92

YouTube full yeah that there CU there's

Time: 8340.84

a feature now which can just one click

Time: 8342.519

and you go to the main last week as of

Time: 8344.639

last week that's fine but before that it

Time: 8346.2

was very hard yeah projector tips title

Time: 8349.319

and thumbnail what worked for you I

Time: 8351.359

don't know I really don't know uh I

Time: 8354.359

think I was just winging it I don't

Time: 8355.76

think I was putting any sort of logic

Time: 8357.599

science to it when I was doing it I

Time: 8359.319

would go week to week if there's a video

Time: 8361.28

that worked I was so focused on the

Time: 8366.639

engagement under the video and

Time: 8368.479

understanding the content that I think

Time: 8370.04

what I could have done better was that

Time: 8372.08

also put some focus on the title and

Time: 8373.639

thumbnail I don't think I did that this

Time: 8375.319

I don't know thing is key because

Time: 8376.639

actually everyone's building their own

Time: 8378

inherent communities and often if it's a

Time: 8379.76

content creator only the content creator

Time: 8381.559

not even like the second in command

Time: 8382.8

third in command understand the

Time: 8383.92

community's pulse as well so there is an

Time: 8387.2

ID I don't know even like when I'm

Time: 8388.319

starting to write the titles I don't

Time: 8389.359

know where they come out from but they

Time: 8390.479

come out well right give me one unique

Time: 8394.399

hack each that you guys learned along

Time: 8398.92

your illustrious Journeys like decade

Time: 8401.12

decade decade decade plus

Time: 8403.76

right what the have we been doing this

Time: 8406.08

far it's all been insights that we have

Time: 8408.76

learned over the last DEC one hack one

Time: 8411.399

hack to a 20-year-old boy or girl who

Time: 8413.84

wants to become a Creator um when you're

Time: 8417

starting off don't care as much about

Time: 8420.8

expensive equipment setups money

Time: 8424.479

investment marketing when you're

Time: 8427

starting off equipment doesn't matter

Time: 8428.6

that much no as long I mean you have

Time: 8430.08

cell phones right now that have cameras

Time: 8431.72

with good sound good video even if it's

Time: 8433.6

a basic one whatever you're

Time: 8437.319

using most of them are good most of them

Time: 8439.439

are good as long as your video is crisp

Time: 8442.28

clear visible and your sound is audible

Time: 8445.68

I think you're good to start off do you

Time: 8447.6

think increased

Time: 8449.8

Clarity leads to increased views like

Time: 8452.88

the production quality production

Time: 8455.359

quality doesn't lead to at some point it

Time: 8456.88

becomes inverse that's what we've

Time: 8458.88

observed is I remember ban talking about

Time: 8461.479

it where buan used to shoot on his phone

Time: 8463.68

all his videos and he spoke about how he

Time: 8465.68

moved to a camera setup and his

Time: 8467.399

engagement went down I think people use

Time: 8469.56

Instagram with the intention of relating

Time: 8471.439

a little bit at least with Instagram

Time: 8473.2

reals we've noticed that when we create

Time: 8475.399

a real with SLR footage it doesn't

Time: 8477.28

doesn't work as well as when you do it

Time: 8478.52

with iPhone footage like phone footage

Time: 8481.08

in general I don't we I don't know why

Time: 8483.399

that is here's my hack um the problem

Time: 8487

actually for most creators is they are

Time: 8489.64

too shy to hit publish and or they take

Time: 8493.28

too long to publish a video so they like

Time: 8495.52

ah I work on this video today it's not

Time: 8497.319

perfect yet I'll work on it tomorrow and

Time: 8498.84

then tomorrow tomorrow work expands to

Time: 8501.319

the time allowed for it work expands to

Time: 8504.24

the time allowed for it which means if

Time: 8506.2

you give yourself a deadline line of 10

Time: 8508.08

days to make a video you will make that

Time: 8510.04

video in 10 days and it'll take you 10

Time: 8512.2

days of work but if you commit to make a

Time: 8514.359

video every five days and this is my

Time: 8516.84

deadline on the fifth day I must hit

Time: 8518.92

publish yeah no matter what happens

Time: 8520.8

you'll make it you'll make the same

Time: 8522.16

quality video in five days in fact I was

Time: 8524.28

when you were asking for hacks I was

Time: 8525.76

going to say that uh most people who are

Time: 8528.88

most people who come to me and ask me

Time: 8530.24

for tips to do YouTube actually all they

Time: 8532.24

want to hear is just just hit publish

Time: 8534.28

just hit publish just do it most people

Time: 8535.88

want to ask for advice thinking there's

Time: 8537.399

some secret thing that YouTubers or

Time: 8539.68

creators know it's really not not a

Time: 8542.04

thing there's nothing that will teach

Time: 8543.16

you more than uploading five times so so

Time: 8545.319

with n daily my deadline was 24 hours

Time: 8547.439

every 24 hours I must hit publish even

Time: 8549.479

if I if I really really hate the video I

Time: 8551.64

must publish it and so that pushing to H

Time: 8554.84

you to and you must commit publicly to

Time: 8556.88

it and another thing is when you say oh

Time: 8558.96

privately I'll just do a video every day

Time: 8561.08

but actually when I found work the

Time: 8563.04

pressure of when you go and tell all

Time: 8565.08

your family members and all your friends

Time: 8566.72

and every on Facebook I've committed to

Time: 8568.96

losing weight or I've committed to

Time: 8570.399

making 100 videos in 100 days you will

Time: 8572.6

do it also adding on to that I feel like

Time: 8574.84

if you are getting into it as a creator

Time: 8576.439

for a longer Run please treat it as a

Time: 8578.72

job and get that discipline into it I

Time: 8581.84

but how do you how do you make that

Time: 8582.96

switch like today if I have college or a

Time: 8585.16

job and I'm earning say 50,000 Rupees a

Time: 8587.88

month I'm spending some money my spare

Time: 8591.399

time creating content when do I make

Time: 8594.439

decis spare time tell yourself that if

Time: 8596.76

I'm working work say a 9: to5 I come

Time: 8598.88

home I say chill with friends or work

Time: 8601

out and stuff like that but I'm going to

Time: 8602.08

give myself a 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. to

Time: 8603.92

sit and ID at content when you're

Time: 8605.72

starting off another question who do you

Time: 8608.52

learn from because we looked online and

Time: 8611.2

could not

Time: 8612.319

find anything useful really in how to

Time: 8615.399

become a Creator my next hack sorry my

Time: 8617.359

next hack if you're about to start

Time: 8618.88

content creation ditch your friends say

Time: 8621.88

goodbye to your friends your friends

Time: 8623.96

will be a hindrance to you because your

Time: 8627.16

friends are doing N9 to-5 jobs lawyer

Time: 8628.92

accountant KPMG engineer okay when

Time: 8631.279

you're uploading that video you will

Time: 8632.6

feel so alone you'll never have felt

Time: 8635.279

lonier in your life so the first thing I

Time: 8638.04

did when I started Nas daily I literally

Time: 8639.68

said to all my friends in New York

Time: 8642.56

goodbye I'm going to Kenya by myself and

Time: 8645.76

I'm going to make videos and so that's

Time: 8647.6

my my recommendation is one ditch your

Time: 8650.399

existing friends CU you're about to

Time: 8651.64

enter a whole new industry and two

Time: 8653.64

surround yourself with new types of

Time: 8655.16

friends that are from the creative

Time: 8656.64

industry the ones that don't shame you

Time: 8658.72

for screaming in front of a video my

Time: 8660.72

existing friends shamed me I don't know

Time: 8662.52

if that can be like a blanket advice to

Time: 8664.56

everyone I want to be controversial of

Time: 8665.96

course with a one minute

Time: 8668.64

video no what I'm saying about every

Time: 8670.92

kind of content I don't think that could

Time: 8672.8

be advice that could be used by everyone

Time: 8674.479

making every kind of content that's how

Time: 8676.8

you started but for me when I started

Time: 8678.6

off I needed those two friends of mine

Time: 8680.319

because one of them came to hold the

Time: 8681.72

camera for me the first time so they're

Time: 8683.56

helping you with the content okay so

Time: 8685.68

this your friends that don't help you

Time: 8686.84

with with the content yeah ditch your

Time: 8688

friends who aren't unconditionally

Time: 8689.52

supportive all the time that you should

Time: 8691.64


Time: 8692.72

anyway be a Creator to ditch those

Time: 8695.12

friends yeah right you could be a lawyer

Time: 8697.12

you could be a teacher and if they're

Time: 8698.24

not supportive you should dit them true

Time: 8700.8

fair enough yeah more one more I

Time: 8704.64

actually don't know if it's a this is a

Time: 8706.2

thing that a lot of people

Time: 8707.72

ask should I quit my job what is the

Time: 8710.359

optimal time to to like to leave your

Time: 8713.92

job like nikil I think touched on this

Time: 8715.6

like is it when you start making as much

Time: 8718.08

money as your job does and or when you

Time: 8720.96

start making slightly lesser money but

Time: 8722.6

you think there's the there's the

Time: 8723.6

potential potential for it what do you

Time: 8725.56

think I'm asking you oh for me okay I

Time: 8727.68

actually don't think about it in terms

Time: 8728.92

of money I think about it in terms of

Time: 8730.479

time so the question is if I don't have

Time: 8732.399

a job today how many months do I need to

Time: 8736.2

figure out a new career in content

Time: 8738.12

creation so I I needed one year to test

Time: 8741.359

content creation how much money do I

Time: 8742.96

spend in one year I need to save that so

Time: 8745

the question the answer was like 30,000

Time: 8747.04

$40,000 in New York which is a lot of

Time: 8748.92

money so I saved that and then I was

Time: 8750.72

like okay I have one year of Freedom

Time: 8752.72

let's just go all in on content but the

Time: 8754.96

end of the year it doesn't work I'm back

Time: 8756.72

to a job very few people are able to

Time: 8759

succeed while also doing another thing

Time: 8761.24

yeah it's it's NE NE it's very tough to

Time: 8763.84

do that if you do you're really talented

Time: 8766.279

Elon Musk yeah you're really talented at

Time: 8768.2

being able to figure out in your spare

Time: 8769.88

time how to crush it at the content

Time: 8771.24

thing so it requires you to make that

Time: 8774.68

jump to actually fully succeed while

Time: 8777.24

you're doing something start yeah get a

Time: 8780.04

sense of we talked about the and economy

Time: 8782.279

you can still be a doctor and a Creator

Time: 8784.2

if you make one video per week yeah but

Time: 8786.08

if you make one video per day there's no

Time: 8787.72

space for anything yeah I have warnings

Time: 8790.359

rather than hacks uh two warnings first

Time: 8794.08

don't do it if you're too sensitive and

Time: 8796.16

don't do it if you don't enjoy the

Time: 8798.08

actual process of creating videos at

Time: 8800.479

this stage maybe later on animated

Time: 8802.479

content will become more mainstream and

Time: 8804.04

doable but right now it's a lot about

Time: 8806.2


Time: 8807.319

lighting thinking what you want to show

Time: 8809.2

in your video so unless you're you're

Time: 8811.56

truly having fun with creating something

Time: 8813.6

and showing it to people don't do it

Time: 8815.92

also I feel like be okay with the fact

Time: 8818

that you'll never completely get it

Time: 8820.96

you'll never completely have a grip on

Time: 8822.76

it you will constantly be learning you

Time: 8825.76

will constantly be evolving and be okay

Time: 8828.439

with that

Time: 8829.359

change um because I feel like if you

Time: 8831.92

enter being a content creator thinking

Time: 8833.68

okay I've got it I know how to do it I

Time: 8836.16

have it all in place it's I think you're

Time: 8838.319

just going to fall flat it's a very

Time: 8840.12

cliche thing but be original is too too

Time: 8843.56

cliche but I think a better way to say

Time: 8845.68

it is blind copying can only take you

Time: 8849.08

this far blind copying can take it can

Time: 8852.359

take you to a distance but beyond that

Time: 8855.04

you got to have your your own spin on it

Time: 8857.12

otherwise it's not long

Time: 8859.319

lasting money uncomfortable question we

Time: 8862.24

love money we should all say exactly how

Time: 8864.359

much money we make right here okay good

Time: 8866

good idea start

Time: 8869.359

we know 77,000 tomorrow but what about

Time: 8872.88

other days so my financial journey is

Time: 8875.12

actually very transparent and I love

Time: 8876.72

sharing it because it's so I started

Time: 8878.76

with $30,000 in savings I spent one year

Time: 8881.04

I didn't make any money until I started

Time: 8883.399

to make $1,000 $2,000 a month from jobs

Time: 8886.8

when I had 100,000 followers a job brand

Time: 8888.8

deal comes here a brand comes here I was

Time: 8890.08

charging $1,000 $2,000 then Facebook

Time: 8892.279

introduced monetization I started to

Time: 8893.92

make money from my uh Channel I started

Time: 8896.24

to make $10,000 a month and that was for

Time: 8899.16

me like I made it and how much traction

Time: 8901.04

did you have I had a million followers

Time: 8903.04

so a million followers on Facebook I was

Time: 8904.479

making $10,000 a month and then the

Time: 8906.64

beauty of the Creator economy is that it

Time: 8909.04

doesn't go in a straight line your

Time: 8911.279

salary goes up in a straight line if you

Time: 8913.359

have a job 10% 10% 10% every month but

Time: 8916.359

if you're a content creator your salary

Time: 8918.439

will go up like this and so this is what

Time: 8921.08

happened to me so 1 million followers

Time: 8922.319

became 10 million followers okay

Time: 8923.56

Facebook started to give me $30,000 a

Time: 8925.359

month okay then my brand Deal started to

Time: 8927.399

be another $330,000 a month then

Time: 8929.08

speaking engagements another $20,000 a

Time: 8930.84

month so now I was averaging $8,000 a

Time: 8932.92

month I finished 1,000 days three years

Time: 8935.279

in I was making $80,000 a month

Time: 8938.8

amazing okay I became a

Time: 8940.96

millionaire first time in my life at age

Time: 8943.439

26 amazing then I was like let's build a

Time: 8947.52

company because there's much more to

Time: 8949.2

this than can be so then we build a

Time: 8951.16

Company the company started to make

Time: 8952.2

$20,000 making videos for other people

Time: 8955.399

you've seen my social media vide

Time: 8957.12

let me do it for you your brand okay

Time: 8959.84

behind the scenes okay so you start to

Time: 8961.68

offer services then you start to

Time: 8963.56

monetize your community offer Nas

Time: 8965.92

Academy classes Nas Summit Nas travels

Time: 8968.2

okay so all in all in all I think this

Time: 8970.68

month so I have two companies the

Time: 8973.84

combined revenue of that is roughly now

Time: 8976

$900,000 to a million dollar a month wow

Time: 8979.479

and it's from like six seven different

Time: 8981.439

sources so it's highly Diversified and

Time: 8984.359

probably the profit is roughly 200 K

Time: 8987.64

200k 200k USD per month from one company

Time: 8991.2

and then other company is losing money

Time: 8993.24

so losing 300K is that the company I'm

Time: 8995


Time: 9000

invested great track

Time: 9002.72

record nck genus investor I'm using your

Time: 9007.319

money all right that's so uh so that's

Time: 9010.479

transparency now let's let me see you be

Time: 9012.319

financially naked guys go ahead I I'm

Time: 9014.2

not going to yeah me neither why not

Time: 9017.84

wiely different but I I I want to be I I

Time: 9020.64

want to talk about numbers right um so

Time: 9024.64

people I think grossly underestimate how

Time: 9026.399

much money YouTube can pay yes right uh

Time: 9029.24

in my experience based on India cpms if

Time: 9031.64

you get one million uh if you get 1

Time: 9034.84

million views you can make like one 1

Time: 9039.52

million to 1 lakh Rupees is that is that

Time: 9043.479

they varied on the CPM they varied on on

Time: 9045.399

the cpms but last largely at some

Time: 9047.72

somewhere around that if you get 1

Time: 9048.84

million views you can make up to one

Time: 9050.6

lakh one lak rupees 1 lak rupes at

Time: 9052.52

million but the lower cap is also lower

Time: 9054.56

cap can be huh what's it what's lak

Time: 9058.24

100,000 100,000 rupees no

Time: 9060.399

800,000,000 views in $1,000 in India no

Time: 9064.92

way Jose yeah it's $200 H depends again

Time: 9068.64

it's it's a it's a a lower he's saying

Time: 9070.88

up to a, if you make Financial content

Time: 9073.56

for billionaires you'll get $1,000 at

Time: 9076.439

neily it really depends on the the ads

Time: 9078.279

on your channel for example on my

Time: 9079.52

channel uh 80% of the viewers are from

Time: 9082.08

India the remaining 20% are from around

Time: 9083.96

the world so my cpms are higher a big

Time: 9085.92

chunk of my viewers have YouTube premium

Time: 9088.16

a big chunk of the people from around

Time: 9089.72

the world are actually from the from USA

Time: 9091.76

but tell me duration as well like you're

Time: 9093.56

saying 1 million views yeah 1 minute 10

Time: 9096.8

minute 1 hour that should determine how

Time: 9099.8

much you get paid so I the average view

Time: 9101.8

duration on my channel is about 9 and a

Time: 9103.439

half minutes a video yeah that's why you

Time: 9105.2

make yeah that's why

Time: 9107.399

probably probably make more um but it's

Time: 9109.68

possible to make it's possible to make

Time: 9111.399

this much right like and how many views

Time: 9113.439

do you get in a month um depends on the

Time: 9115.479

month but 20 million is 20 million is

Time: 9118.319

comfortable I $220,000 a month $20,000 a

Time: 9120.92

month is very very possible um

Time: 9123.6

unfortunately India the the businesses

Time: 9125.56

that monetizes the audience unless you

Time: 9127.16

are selling like finance courses or

Time: 9128.8

attech courses um it's it's tough to

Time: 9131.479

sell to an audience when you're playing

Time: 9133.16

at that scale there's very there's not a

Time: 9135.399

lot of stuff that that you can do but

Time: 9137.279

branded Revenue wise if you're in the

Time: 9139.399

top 5 10% of creators you can make over

Time: 9142.84

a million dollar a year come you can you

Time: 9145.64

can do that um you can do that in if

Time: 9148.08

you're getting how many views not how

Time: 9149.84

many views if you're in the top 10

Time: 9151.12

percentile creators you're able to make

Time: 9153.16

7 10 crores from that means brand

Time: 9155.24

influencer marketing is $50 million

Time: 9157.08

Market a year no it'll be more than that

Time: 9159.279

I think it's more than that already I

Time: 9160.359

think it's about 200 million 250 million

Time: 9162.52

yeah so I don't think it's less than 50

Time: 9164.2

I think about 100 at least 100 plus

Time: 9166.24

creators are making more than that from

Time: 9167.96

from Brands I'm talking purely from

Time: 9170.12

Brands I think from Community they're

Time: 9171.279

making billions yeah there are by the

Time: 9173.439

way I know many creators who are making

Time: 9175.6

uh more from monetizing through courses

Time: 9178.84

and that kind of stuff uh that can go

Time: 9181.08

that can go higher a lot of lot of uh

Time: 9183.96

influencers have affiliate income that's

Time: 9186.439

coming from you know what what is the

Time: 9188.399

regulation around that what is the

Time: 9190

confusion around it there's General talk

Time: 9193.52

about can we regulate influencers from

Time: 9196.439

disseminating financial information if

Time: 9198.439

they're not registered with the with

Time: 9200.8

with the National

Time: 9202.04

Authority um but my thought is also you

Time: 9205.6

know mainstream media has been doing

Time: 9206.88

this for for very long um you should

Time: 9209.72

probably also also look at that a bunch

Time: 9211.64

of these TV channels have been have been

Time: 9213.359

doing what effectively influencers are

Time: 9216.319

accused of accused of doing this for for

Time: 9218.16

very long now at a time where media was

Time: 9221.12

not as decentralized now so the effect

Time: 9224.319

of disseminating financial information

Time: 9226.399

during centralized media time was a lot

Time: 9228.12

higher that we're all

Time: 9229.72

discounting um secondly I actually uh I

Time: 9233.359

actually think that netn net influencers

Time: 9236.279

have have had a positive impact because

Time: 9239.279

there's a whole generation that CNBC was

Time: 9241.8

not talking to yeah I agree with you

Time: 9243.56

100% there's this this just a large

Time: 9245.24

generation that and by the way the

Time: 9247.52

information asymmetry was capitalized on

Time: 9251

yeah right whereas information has has

Time: 9252.76

gotten decentralized and accessible to

Time: 9254.64

way more people now so I think

Time: 9256.6

influencers have done more for for the

Time: 9259.08

for the education than TV channels ever

Time: 9260.96

did so my personal gut is that you know

Time: 9264.56

look at your own backyard for the last

Time: 9266.319

you know two decades and then maybe

Time: 9268.2

maybe make these challenges and by the

Time: 9269.56

way a lot of this will uh you know a lot

Time: 9272.439

of Legacy Media houses are not going to

Time: 9274.319

like this fact that someone can wake up

Time: 9277.08

start making Instagram reels get more

Time: 9279.399

distribution than them because I know

Time: 9281.04

influencers are making more Revenue than

Time: 9283.72

full media houses combined

Time: 9286.72

and getting more views making more

Time: 9288.12

Revenue there's no reason there there's

Time: 9289.52

a reason why they're doing that they're

Time: 9291.04

putting out better quality they're

Time: 9292.2

putting out better quality so is there

Time: 9294.8

Envy yes and are you going to use that

Time: 9297.84

muscle to go after people yes and are we

Time: 9300.279

going to see more of it yes it's going

Time: 9302.52

to happen more and more and more like

Time: 9304.56

how we said brands are not your friends

Time: 9306.56

Legacy Media houses are not your friends

Time: 9309.72

this goes for all influencers they're

Time: 9311.88

not your friends your own the lines

Time: 9314.52

should not be crossed I feel like

Time: 9316.68

of course at some points they were and

Time: 9318.479

there should be measures taken to

Time: 9320.24

curtail and you know have some kind of a

Time: 9322.319

line of course but net net have and

Time: 9324.96

apply those rules to everyone yeah apply

Time: 9326.92

those rules to everyone rules have to

Time: 9328.279

apply commonly to yeah if someone if

Time: 9329.76

someone's getting getting slaughtered

Time: 9331.319

for promoting a certain exchange go

Time: 9333.359

after all the newspapers that also did

Time: 9335.16

the same yeah you know agree why why

Time: 9337.52

aren't you doing that apply the rules to

Time: 9338.8

everyone yeah agreed you you're making a

Time: 9342.04

fair point so you make $20,000 a month

Time: 9345.24

from YouTube you can make there are

Time: 9347.12

months that are better there are months

Time: 9348.439

that are worse and from Brands you

Time: 9350

probably make yeah I think the upward

Time: 9351.52

cap is it's it's possible if you have a

Time: 9354.16

more than 10 million across different

Time: 9355.479

social media profiles you can uh I have

Time: 9358.64

so you can make you can make upwards of

Time: 9360.399

a million dollars a year the market can

Time: 9362.68

can price you dynamically yeah you are

Time: 9365.04

worth what the person who's willing to

Time: 9366.8

pay you that's what outside of the fact

Time: 9369.84

that you're my friend and I'll say good

Time: 9371.24

things I think your ads are the ads that

Time: 9375.279

I remember yeah in many many years thank

Time: 9378.439

you appreciate that after a really long

Time: 9380.279

time if we have ads that have the recall

Time: 9382.479

value that used to have of the all of

Time: 9384.359

all the iconic ads that we studied in

Time: 9386.279

bmm it's yours bmm yeah because we had

Time: 9389.76

advertising and we would have these case

Time: 9391.279

studies that we would study about Pepsi

Time: 9392.84

and Coke and

Time: 9393.88

everyone bachelor in stud ficol all

Time: 9397.88

those campaigns we used to study like so

Time: 9400.359

the the agency that I run it's it's

Time: 9402.12

called Moon there are a couple of

Time: 9403.16

agencies that I'm that I'm a part of the

Time: 9404.96

one that specifically does television

Time: 9406.72

commercial it's called moonshot i' I'm

Time: 9408.6

very lucky that I've had collaborators

Time: 9410.96

over the years who have decided to make

Time: 9412.76

my co-founder this by the way is a is

Time: 9415.08

something that I recommend to every

Time: 9416.24

influencer right especially those who

Time: 9417.72

are you know who have who have large

Time: 9419.2

distributions so I was very lucky that

Time: 9421.479

uh I had a lot of collaborators in the

Time: 9423.2

past who you know after uh you know

Time: 9425.92

after a few years they started their own

Time: 9427.319

business some of whom I invested in and

Time: 9429.72

I became a co-founder in in one agency

Time: 9432.72

and some that I started with like moon

Time: 9434.96

is with DEA that's where write

Time: 9436.24

television commercials I actually

Time: 9437.84

recommend a lot of um you know digital

Time: 9440.84

creators to find co-founders to team up

Time: 9443.96

with because the biggest leverage that

Time: 9445.56

you have is distribution right so if you

Time: 9448.24

focus on the that you're really

Time: 9449.56

good at uh you can offload a bunch of

Time: 9451.8

other stuff on other co-founders it

Time: 9453.52

becomes easier for most digital creators

Time: 9456.08

to punt on a business or try a new

Time: 9457.92

business if there's someone else who can

Time: 9459.359

who you can do it with but if you're

Time: 9460.88

alone it becomes very hard to run

Time: 9462.399

multiple businesses because running your

Time: 9464.399

own distribution channel is is also a

Time: 9466.359

full-time job it's it's it's hard enough

Time: 9468.2

to do that it's tough for you to think

Time: 9470.12

that I'm going to continue building this

Time: 9471.479

distribution and I'm going to launch a

Time: 9472.76

fashion line and I'm going to do this it

Time: 9474.12

becomes hard so want to make it easy for

Time: 9476.359

people watching this okay there's three

Time: 9477.84

Avenues you can take and you see a lot

Time: 9479.399

of us are taking different Avenues one

Time: 9480.88

you can say I am a Creator I'm a

Time: 9482.6

successful Creator uh my next step is I

Time: 9485.12

want to build my own business and

Time: 9486.52

control my own business then do by

Time: 9488.12

myself right that's like that's Nas

Time: 9489.84

daily Nas company everything I'm doing

Time: 9491.92

is like building an entrepreneur

Time: 9493.72

building my own stock basically another

Time: 9495.8

thing is say I have distribution I love

Time: 9497.88

being a Creator and I want to partner

Time: 9499.56

with others and I want to build five

Time: 9501.399

businesses and I be a co-founder with

Time: 9502.88

other people and so that's your the path

Time: 9504.68

that you've taken another one says

Time: 9506.24

actually I want to continue to build a

Time: 9508.479

business out of my my talent and my

Time: 9511.399

creativity and create more content and

Time: 9514.279

and and what that's what you're doing

Time: 9515.72

writing a book creating TV show and all

Time: 9518.319

that stuff so you continue building you

Time: 9520.2

are the business right here is your

Time: 9522.319

co-founders are the business here is me

Time: 9524.64

and my team are the business right right

Time: 9526.16

but each way is valid yeah there's no

Time: 9528.96

right or wrong it's forward there's no

Time: 9530.24

right or wrong but one you are a

Time: 9531.56

combination of the three but I don't

Time: 9533.2

know he is he he he's doing a bunch of

Time: 9535.12

these but one thing I can assure you

Time: 9536.64

right you want to build a business under

Time: 9539.04

your distribution no matter what because

Time: 9541.479

wealth is made through owning through

Time: 9543.319

owning equity and not through renting

Time: 9544.88

your time out and unfortunately the

Time: 9546.72

Branded content part of our business

Time: 9548.64

it's B it's effectively high rent corre

Time: 9550.92

so you definitely want to do it and I

Time: 9552.439

recommend creators who you know you

Time: 9554

spend the first 3 four years really

Time: 9555.279

growing really enjoying that but the

Time: 9557.2

second you start feeling like maybe

Time: 9558.56

there's a ceiling start thinking about

Time: 9560.08

start think about a business immediately

Time: 9561.88

in fact I would't even wait for the

Time: 9563.16

second you start feeling like there's a

Time: 9564.399

cap to it you want to start doing it

Time: 9566.12

before and the way to think about it is

Time: 9567.64

your main sources of income are going to

Time: 9568.88

be brands that pay you you got to

Time: 9570.439

immediately think what are my sources

Time: 9572.16

number two three 4 how else am I going

Time: 9574.56

to make money and you got to try

Time: 9576.24

everything you want to try affiliate you

Time: 9578.439

want to try branded content you want to

Time: 9579.96

try building your own business you want

Time: 9580.96

to try consultancy you want to try

Time: 9582.439

selling merch you got to try all of it

Time: 9584.399

cuz you don't know what stickes and what

Time: 9585.68

audience will buy do you know what you

Time: 9586.96

invested in in my company so your money

Time: 9589.6

I'm using we're building this platform

Time: 9591.439

that you've invested in okay I know Nas

Time: 9593.88

nasio so Nas doio platform is basically

Time: 9596.76

saying okay in the future Brands will

Time: 9599.64

not be your friends Community will be so

Time: 9601.72

nasio basically helps you take your

Time: 9603.76

community and turn it into a business

Time: 9606.08

that's what is really important helps

Time: 9607.72

you sell those digital courses helps you

Time: 9610

create a membership helps you make so

Time: 9612.08

we're seeing hundreds of people making

Time: 9614

tens of thousands of dollars on niio

Time: 9615.88

from their community and that is the

Time: 9618.8

future of business building it's in the

Time: 9621.319

past 20 years ago I want to start a

Time: 9623.72

business on the internet I build the

Time: 9625.6

product I use Shopify and I sell the

Time: 9628.04

business through marketing today is I

Time: 9631.64

create content I get a community I sell

Time: 9634.8

I find a product for this community it's

Time: 9637.359

a whole new way of making money and so

Time: 9640.84

that's what nasayo is designed for and I

Time: 9642.96

think that's what a lot of creators will

Time: 9644.6

build businesses around I agree with him

Time: 9646.359

nice plug I was about to say

Time: 9649.76

that good good good sell I feel like one

Time: 9653.479

thing that nasara does so well is really

Time: 9658.56

sell himself and I feel like as no and I

Time: 9661.16

mean that in a very good way I'm so bad

Time: 9663

at it no I think the fact that you doing

Time: 9665.24

it again dude by repetition and that's

Time: 9668.359

what I learned as a creator that

Time: 9670.72

sometimes you don't you have to be your

Time: 9673.2

loudest cheerleader you have to scream

Time: 9676.359

your like your own

Time: 9677.96

post shut up double tap on your own

Time: 9680.64

pictures I'm saying you have to tell the

Time: 9683.319

world what you're doing and exactly how

Time: 9685.319

you're doing you have to have a clear

Time: 9686.56

message as well yeah you got to you got

Time: 9689.439

to know your brand what's the brand

Time: 9690.92

that's sing and you have to keep

Time: 9692.56

repeating it because what is yours oh

Time: 9695.52

like And

Time: 9698

subscribe what is your brand that you

Time: 9700.04

keep screaming or that you think is a

Time: 9702.319

good idea to so I feel like as a Creator

Time: 9704.6

it never really stops no matter how many

Time: 9706.6

numbers you get no matter how famous you

Time: 9708.2

get no matter how much impact you get it

Time: 9710.479

never stops you have to constantly keep

Time: 9713

pushing whatever little small what

Time: 9715.359

whatever it is a tiny thing you did it's

Time: 9717.439

a tiny and that could go with Brands as

Time: 9719.16

well one thing to kind of also retain

Time: 9721.6

Brands and have longer relationships

Time: 9723.2

with them is to subtly overd

Time: 9726.76

deliver yeah oh yeah this a great tip

Time: 9729.88

yeah always certainly don't don't don't

Time: 9732.319

make it look like a ban and everything

Time: 9734.76

you say will say

Time: 9735.96

but slightly I've promised you three

Time: 9738.279

stories I'll give you five because you

Time: 9740.6

know this is something a lot of creators

Time: 9741.76

are really bad at you know they look at

Time: 9743.52

they look at the transaction with the

Time: 9745.04

brand as hey you paid me this much this

Time: 9747.399

what you get right but really at the end

Time: 9749.52

of the day it's people people at the

Time: 9751.56

other end who are trying to have a

Time: 9753.479

relationship with you and if you truly

Time: 9755.08

go out of a way to build that it really

Time: 9757.359

pays off cuz you know brand manag very

Time: 9760.04

useful tip right yeah it's super useful

Time: 9762.399

and a lot of people think that you know

Time: 9764.72

U lot of people like hey I won't work

Time: 9766.279

unless these these these these things

Time: 9767.439

are required but you won't realize you

Time: 9769.2

know you it happens with me where I love

Time: 9771.08

talking to Brand managers I love it I

Time: 9773.04

love spending time with them really

Time: 9774.399

understanding what want a lot of times

Time: 9775.359

conversations gets easier when you do it

Time: 9776.84

right way easier cuz there's no five

Time: 9778.16

Middle Men A lot of people like having a

Time: 9780.2

manager between you and what is a brand

Time: 9782.319

manager like say Adidas yeah so Adidas

Time: 9785.64

has a brand so Adidas will have a main

Time: 9787.92

brand manager then they might have like

Time: 9789.52

a person who runs deploys their

Time: 9791.279

influencer marketing capital and then

Time: 9793.68

they sometimes have an agency they we

Time: 9795.56

have an agency you want to but these

Time: 9797.279

guys have favorites they have favorite

Time: 9798.64

creators correct and so you want to be

Time: 9799.8

their favorite you want to be their

Time: 9800.88

favorite uh like they literally decide

Time: 9803.319

on where to deploy dollars based on

Time: 9804.76

their timeline so you're saying favorite

Time: 9806.2

is not necessarily traction but also how

Time: 9809.279

Rel relationship fully the way it works

Time: 9811.68

with Brands is three ways one night

Time: 9813.76

stands dating or marriage yeah one night

Time: 9817

stand is give me money I'll give you a

Time: 9818.96

service bye-bye by and they never come

Time: 9820.96

back again dating is let's make 10

Time: 9822.84

videos in 10 months together marriage is

Time: 9825.08

I'm your brand ambassador yeah you want

Time: 9827.24

marriage you want marriage you you want

Time: 9829.16

marriage with everyone and that's also

Time: 9830.56

the most effective R

Time: 9833.84

sorry that is also the most effective

Time: 9836.6

kind of uh translation that will happen

Time: 9838.68

of a relationship with a brand I've I've

Time: 9841.399

found out that when you do longer

Time: 9843.76

associations it also benefits you as a

Time: 9845.72

Creator and to your credibility for sure

Time: 9848.04

because I will see creators who will

Time: 9849.96

speak about three brands in the same

Time: 9853.08

sector in a span of one month M yeah and

Time: 9856.16

that immediately takes their credibility

Time: 9857.72

away from them like but AB you said that

Time: 9860.16

that one was the best face wash now

Time: 9862.04

you're saying it's this one so like

Time: 9863.52

which one do I but if I sell the same

Time: 9865.24

face wash for 3

Time: 9867.319

years that brings my credibility up for

Time: 9869.72

other brand products do you would you

Time: 9871.76

also only sell what you like or would

Time: 9873.96

you sell

Time: 9875.52

Hoopes most creators would sell hoes

Time: 9878.04

come on let's not me yeah yeah there's

Time: 9880.8

there's a number for most creators but

Time: 9882.279

there's some like obvious category

Time: 9883.8

blocks like you want to avoid betting

Time: 9885.6

and you aoid you want to avoid some

Time: 9887.12

stuff fness scams and that that do you

Time: 9889.439

think do you think this also become more

Time: 9892

relevant because people have lost faith

Time: 9894.64

in Bollywood and Cricket because they

Time: 9895.96

sold everything for so long so people

Time: 9898.319

don't buy from them anymore I think it's

Time: 9900.08

because the cricket player doesn't tell

Time: 9901.279

a story The Cricket player just wears a

Time: 9902.84

T-shirt and smiles N I don't think it's

Time: 9904.96

about them using the product in the

Time: 9906.24

first case it's all about legitimacy if

Time: 9909.359

I see a brand with shauk I'm not

Time: 9911.12

thinking shauk uses this I'm thinking

Time: 9913.16

this brand can afford shauk they're not

Time: 9914.8

going any but when you see pra using it

Time: 9917.12

do you think she uses it yeah I think

Time: 9918.72

even in the Creator segment you know

Time: 9920.56

some creators are uh you know more

Time: 9922.84

either add more legitimacy or they know

Time: 9925.6

that this Creator is really big so this

Time: 9927.04

must have been expensive to to buy this

Time: 9928.8

slot so it's it's spending power of a

Time: 9931.279

brand determines trust and trust and

Time: 9933.6

legitimacy what is Shah ruk doing

Time: 9935.52

right oo so many things see again he's a

Time: 9939.16

biggest fan who shuk he's his biggest

Time: 9942.2

fan yeah he is pushing everything he's

Time: 9944.92

doing doing and he is not being humble

Time: 9946.8

about it he is he's there he's like I am

Time: 9949.72

good and I'm doing this and that is and

Time: 9951.359

I feel like that is what I love about

Time: 9953.319

and that's what I want to learn from

Time: 9954.24

this is something that shuk has said

Time: 9955.479

before which is his relationship with

Time: 9957.279

Brands um I think it was Hyundai that he

Time: 9959.92

spoke about saying that hyai did not he

Time: 9961.76

used those cards like visibly he visibly

Time: 9964.04

used those cards and he went out of his

Time: 9965.84

way and he had a very long partnership

Time: 9968.12

with them like he launched it with them

Time: 9969.92

and he has publicly said that there are

Time: 9971.479

you know Brands like Hyundai supported

Time: 9973.08

him even during the bad times look it's

Time: 9975.439

you forget at the end of the day most of

Time: 9977.16

these industries are really small the

Time: 9978.24

same people work in like 10 15 different

Time: 9980.08

brands right like very rarely do do

Time: 9983.359

people just stick around with one place

Time: 9984.92

for 20 years people move around this is

Time: 9987.399

so rare that creators develop

Time: 9989.64

relationship with brand managers it's

Time: 9991.2

very rare yeah some of it is because you

Time: 9993.72

know agencies in the middle are very

Time: 9995.24

scared that if a Creator talks to a

Time: 9996.72

client directly they going to miss their

Time: 9998.6

brokerage they'll know how much

Time: 9999.92

brokerage is G they know how much

Time: 10000.92

brokerage is gone that kind of thing

Time: 10002.84

this is why I push creators to talk to

Time: 10004.479

the brand guys

Time: 10006.88

don't put all your eggs into one manager

Time: 10009.84

because your manager may not have your

Time: 10011.24

best interest in mind I've never had a

Time: 10012.88

manager in my entire life nothing wrong

Time: 10015.359

with having a manager I know you have a

Time: 10016.52

manager you have a manager nothing wrong

Time: 10018.2

with that but be careful because when I

Time: 10020.52

am a brand and I give creators money if

Time: 10023.08

a manager comes to me and be like you

Time: 10025.439

can't talk to my client and my client

Time: 10026.68

doesn't do anything for less than

Time: 10027.479

$10,000 I give them the middle finger

Time: 10029.319

and I move the on so you don't want

Time: 10031.56

to that guy yeah vage is your manager UL

Time: 10035


Time: 10035.64

co-founder yeah you it's important to

Time: 10037.92

get your manager's incentives aligned

Time: 10039.399

with you yeah that's some things you

Time: 10041.319

want to do for free but your manager

Time: 10043.16

doesn't make any money on it because

Time: 10044.64

they take a commission but it's good for

Time: 10046.359

your branding like going to Davos yeah

Time: 10048.279

Davos doesn't pay but it's important

Time: 10050.479

that we go to Davos to increase a brand

Time: 10052.279

so the manager's incentive is only to

Time: 10054.399

work on brands that make money so that's

Time: 10057.08

where the problems start to happen yeah

Time: 10058.76

but these These are the top of the pile

Time: 10060.56

right you guys are top of the pyramid

Time: 10062.92

that's true I I would call it survivors

Time: 10064.56

we surv survivals it's a survival game

Time: 10066.8

it's not like about there's likes in

Time: 10072

victimhood made it

Time: 10074.319

through when do you start making

Time: 10077.279

money meaningful money or any money any

Time: 10079.8

money I think within like two months

Time: 10082.12

yeah I actually didn't make any money

Time: 10084.8

for like almost a year wow yeah I made

Time: 10088.439

$200 after two months if you I think if

Time: 10091.6

you if you start getting upwards of you

Time: 10094.56

know 50,000 views on YouTube you can you

Time: 10097.64

and if you get that regularly YouTube

Time: 10099.279

will start paying you how much will they

Time: 10100.96

pay you let's say you put out four

Time: 10102.56

videos in a month which get one gets 50

Time: 10106

another gets 10 another gets five I had

Time: 10108.84

then you make nothing 55 10 and all you

Time: 10110.52

make nothing yeah no no yeah that is why

Time: 10113.64

it took me that long you want to make I

Time: 10116.04

think you want to make at least you want

Time: 10117.64

to get at least 100,000 views Plus for

Time: 10120.439

you to make a few thousand rupees on on

Time: 10123.279

YouTube in India wow this is why I get

Time: 10125.479

back to the same point on YouTube you

Time: 10127.72

need a million people to make $100 in a

Time: 10130.2

community you need a hundred people to

Time: 10132.2

make $1,000 in a community each one of

Time: 10134.6

your members will pay you $10 that $10

Time: 10136.88

time $100 is $1,000 your community is

Time: 10138.96

where you make the money not from the

Time: 10140.16

brands and not from YouTube any hint

Time: 10142.319

hack on building that Community yes own

Time: 10145.479

the audience how it's so important my

Time: 10149.279

biggest mistake was for seven years I

Time: 10151.479

was just going viral making Tik Tok

Time: 10153.64

happy making Facebook happy making

Time: 10155.08

Instagram happy you scroll past and

Time: 10156.8

you'll never see me again right no now

Time: 10159.399

in the middle of the freaking video I

Time: 10160.8

stop and I'm like listen you Mr person

Time: 10163.72

you like my video about uh Ecuador join

Time: 10167

my nasayo community because I am going

Time: 10169.6

to take you to Ecuador so every video

Time: 10171.92

have a million views I funnel 20,000

Time: 10174.479

people and I get their email and I get

Time: 10176.16

their phone number great now I can reach

Time: 10178.56

those people for the next 10 years while

Time: 10181.239

I can never reach them again on YouTube

Time: 10183.359

so now it's in the platforms interest to

Time: 10185.12

not let you own the audience they never

Time: 10186.399

let you so now I have 20,000 people I

Time: 10188

email them I email them using Nas

Time: 10190.04

subscriber subscriber audience sub

Time: 10192.84

here's the interesting part on YouTube

Time: 10194.399

if someone subscribe to subscribes to

Time: 10195.92

you you don't get any details about them

Time: 10197.76

like do you have an audience whose

Time: 10199.08

number email I have 400,000 now I don't

Time: 10201.6

have that you need to start building

Time: 10203.64

that I have a mind performance app so

Time: 10206.04

they go there they use the app yeah I

Time: 10208.68

don't have that either you need that too

Time: 10211.16

I need I need that very badly I wish

Time: 10213

somebody told me this when I started I

Time: 10214.8

would have 5 million numbers now but I

Time: 10216.56

only have 400,000 but 80% of my Revenue

Time: 10219.56

now comes from these 400,000 emails may

Time: 10222.2

maybe I mean correct me if I'm wrong I

Time: 10224.88

the way I look at it is if you're

Time: 10226.439

getting the numbers and names uh and

Time: 10228.52

also giving them some utility in return

Time: 10230.96

it's much more long-term and Powerful

Time: 10233.399

yes and I I think that's how young

Time: 10236.239

content creators should look at it yeah

Time: 10237.8

that's what it means to build a

Time: 10238.76

community off of social media no I'm not

Time: 10241

not talking about but generally I think

Time: 10242.439

a lot of people just send out

Time: 10244.8

newsletters and all I don't know how

Time: 10246.64

effective newsletters are anymore and I

Time: 10247.88

might be entirely wrong oh very

Time: 10249.12

effective like my ex-girlfriend alen

Time: 10252.16

right she has let's say 300,000

Time: 10253.64

followers on on I'll give you the number

Time: 10255.04

because she's off public about her

Time: 10256.2

numbers 300,000 followers on Instagram

Time: 10258.319

she's like any time join my newsletter

Time: 10260.359

join my newsletter okay uh so naso helps

Time: 10262.96

you do that so join my newsletter uh

Time: 10265.8

in was designed for that so so so now

Time: 10269.12

she has I think 10,000 emails of girls

Time: 10271.56

interested in Retreats each product is

Time: 10273.64

$3,000 wow $4,000 now she3 million of

Time: 10277.16

potential Revenue yes so she makes for

Time: 10279.68

$500,000 a year from that $10,000

Time: 10282.8

mailing list selling Retreats wow and

Time: 10285.64

she makes Zero from Instagram that's

Time: 10288.439

where the real money is then yes yeah in

Time: 10290.92

owning your audience yes I agree do you

Time: 10293.92

feel any difference any different about

Time: 10295.84

the Indian audiences and how they

Time: 10297.8

respond to these things no I think it's

Time: 10299.88

it's possible to get get the data I

Time: 10301.84

think that's very possible you just need

Time: 10304.08

the right character at the end of it

Time: 10305.479

yeah I also think that Indian audience

Time: 10307.479

arpu is lower but I think that if you

Time: 10309.84

find the right product you're able to

Time: 10311.399

monetize them like it's it's possible to

Time: 10313.479

do uh it's just whether me and you can

Time: 10316.239

do it depends really depend on the

Time: 10317.6

product it's possible to do it what's a

Time: 10320

really successful

Time: 10321.92

Indian content creator Le product

Time: 10324.12

Finance with Sharon Finance with Sharon

Time: 10326.399

Sharon's done it really well I think a

Time: 10328.52

lot of the guys who do courses are able

Time: 10330.359

to monetize very easily because OPM

Time: 10332.479

right which is oh you think that doing X

Time: 10334.92

is going to help you do way better

Time: 10337.359

products are harder to move because

Time: 10339.88

physical products you mean yeah physical

Time: 10341.6

products are harder to move like I know

Time: 10342.84

Bollywood movie stars have launched

Time: 10344.08

products and they most of them are tank

Time: 10345.6

there are very few hits like it has to

Time: 10347.439

be the right and Perfect Fit Rik and hrx

Time: 10349.76

was was perfect that's why I recommend

Time: 10351.76

experiences not a lot of creators are

Time: 10353.279

doing that yeah experiences dance

Time: 10354.96

creators are doing that no yeah like

Time: 10356.52

learn dancing learn Dancing Yeah like

Time: 10358.92

Nicole and um sonal are doing that yeah

Time: 10362.399

yeah you can you can build a bunch of

Time: 10363.64

service businesses

Time: 10365.64

easily take your audience with you to

Time: 10367.8

the himal for a sday Meditation Retreat

Time: 10370.56

I would do it with you you're the guru

Time: 10372.08

on the stuff how to be more connected

Time: 10374.16

with yourself I mean I would do it with

Time: 10375.8

you will will YouTube go after you when

Time: 10378.2

you do that no it will not patreon is A5

Time: 10381

billion company and that's the whole

Time: 10382.6

idea of it they upload videos early

Time: 10385

right what does patreon do patreon is a

Time: 10388.12

different platform where you can pay a

Time: 10389.88

Creator a certain fee to get certain

Time: 10391.68

privileges memberships but basically you

Time: 10394.08

take the data I mean taking the data

Time: 10396.04

from YouTube it's fair and square if

Time: 10398.16

you're doing it like inside the video

Time: 10399.96

content if you put a link and people

Time: 10401.479

click on it it's fair and square does

Time: 10403.52

YouTube downgrade you if you're

Time: 10405.319

monetizing versus being free no does it

Time: 10408.84

upgrade you if you're monetizing no they

Time: 10411.08

don't care I mean it's good for them if

Time: 10412.8

you're monetizing because they are also

Time: 10414

monetizing them YouTube takes 55% of AD

Time: 10417.08

revenue and 30% of membership Revenue

Time: 10421.56

okay so the last

Time: 10423.359

section the penultimate section is how

Time: 10427.68

to damn the last section of this

Time: 10431.479

section just between us like we want to

Time: 10434.2

cover the entire breadth of what a young

Time: 10438.479

person wanting to build a following

Time: 10440.92

needs what do you think we've missed

Time: 10442.92

nothing see you next time any tools any

Time: 10447.319

like hacks do you use CH GPD mid Journey

Time: 10450.72

all of that is useful um all the AI

Time: 10453.399

tools will be use rate in order of

Time: 10455.72

useful the top three GPD is very useful

Time: 10458.359

for um everything and everything

Time: 10461.68

ideation writing like scripts are now

Time: 10464.479

automated yeah uh we're going to have

Time: 10466.76

oneclick llm training very soon it's

Time: 10469.8

already out there it's just not Mega

Time: 10471.399

simplified so what is llm training large

Time: 10473.479

language model training which means you

Time: 10474.96

can take potentially all the scripts

Time: 10476.64

you've ever written in your voice feed

Time: 10478.92

it into a large language model and it

Time: 10480.399

can start spitting out content in your

Time: 10482.72

style like it's doable like people have

Time: 10484.52

already done it with comedians like

Time: 10485.6

they've taken scripts of you know Bill

Time: 10487.279

Hicks George khin and said what would

Time: 10488.88

George khin say about why and if you

Time: 10491.239

have enough data to train the llm this

Time: 10493.2

is possible to do and it will be

Time: 10494.68

eventually very very easy to do um

Time: 10497

dubbing tools all just keep an eye out

Time: 10499.12

on the AI stuff follow over powered um

Time: 10501.64

that that's super helpful GPD is super

Time: 10503.359

super useful all things content creation

Time: 10505.16

it can help you ideate think of titles

Time: 10507.399

uh what should be the thumbnail

Time: 10509.319

everything right writing the full script

Time: 10510.72

all that is useful one hack that I would

Time: 10512.439

recommend is if you know how to Ed it

Time: 10515.12

it's super useful yeah if you know what

Time: 10517.64

how the end product is made after you're

Time: 10519.68

done shooting it is very useful cuz

Time: 10522.239

it'll start changing the way you

Time: 10523.6

actually even start thinking about yeah

Time: 10526

but will your editing quality be as good

Time: 10528.359

as a professional in time if you edit

Time: 10531.279

enough yeah I would say if you if you

Time: 10533.64

can edit a short form video with

Time: 10535.56

captions Cuts other footage you're

Time: 10537.92

learning a lot in in a very quick time

Time: 10540.56

yeah but actually my biggest

Time: 10542.04

recommendation to people is your first

Time: 10543.64

hire should be an editor if you can

Time: 10545.92

afford to hire anybody hire an editor

Time: 10547.6

because that's how you buy back your

Time: 10548.88

time so when I was making the daily

Time: 10550.04

videos I made the first 750 videos

Time: 10552.52

myself it was taking me five hours of

Time: 10554.399

editing every single day when I hired

Time: 10556.56

that person it freed me five hours a day

Time: 10558.439

to do everything else build a business

Time: 10561.319

get an editor if if you have really

Time: 10563.399

talented team members like if your

Time: 10565.08

editor is really good people are going

Time: 10566.84

to try and post this editor immediately

Time: 10569.08

people are literally going to try and

Time: 10570.359

copy post do all that so one thing

Time: 10572.319

that's really helped me is I have a

Time: 10573.359

small team of five folks who've been

Time: 10574.76

with me for the last 3 four years and

Time: 10576

you hide them huh you hide them in and

Time: 10577.92

hide them they get credited in every

Time: 10579.52

video their names and Instagram IDs are

Time: 10581.56

public uh but one thing that I did is

Time: 10583.88

every time I do like a every time I do

Time: 10586.76

like a sponsored thing everybody

Time: 10588.68

involved in the video uh gets a gets a

Time: 10591.04

piece of it uh so the editor gets paid

Time: 10593.439

editor gets paid bonus on on a sponsored

Time: 10595.239

video the cast members get get a get a

Time: 10597.2

piece of this thing right from Shankar

Time: 10599.319

to the editors to the cast members

Time: 10600.56

everybody gets a piece of the sponsored

Time: 10602.16

cont that comes in because it's just you

Time: 10604.68

know the the vibe of the room changes

Time: 10607.12

when I say there's a sponsored video cuz

Time: 10608.88

everybody who's working on it feels like

Time: 10610.439

all right good Payday for me um so a

Time: 10613.72

good idea I recommend that I would

Time: 10615.399

highly recommend it cuz I know my guys

Time: 10618.04

like you know they months that I have

Time: 10620.64

had a great month they've had a great

Time: 10622.6

month too months where I've had an okay

Time: 10624.6

month they've had an okay month I feel

Time: 10625.88

like that's what I mean when I say that

Time: 10627.52

collaboration is so important when you

Time: 10629.16

become a creator that eventually you are

Time: 10630.76

going to have to make your band of

Time: 10632.88

people who believe in your content and

Time: 10635.16

want to cont want to contribute to it as

Time: 10637.279

much as you do most of the content

Time: 10638.8

creators who went mainstream and then

Time: 10640.279

faded away often it was an outcome of

Time: 10643.08

the teams leaving them I've noticed this

Time: 10644.96

a lot and most people don't do this I

Time: 10647.12

I've I say this a lot to other creators

Time: 10648.96

and everyone's always like oh oh you do

Time: 10650.76

that I'm like yeah we do we do this but

Time: 10652.6

we do 7% profit share so every month 7%

Time: 10655.6

of the profit goes back to the team as a

Time: 10656.8

bonus yeah it gets tricky when the the

Time: 10659.56

team is too big because you don't want

Time: 10660.68

the editor to make the most money and

Time: 10662.08

the executive assistant not to make any

Time: 10663.76

money yeah correct correct so you want

Time: 10665.16

to make sure the whole team get get it

Time: 10668.239

it's very easy when it's just small team

Time: 10671

and if somebody watching this if you

Time: 10672.399

don't want to be a Creator and you say

Time: 10673.88

oh my face is not designed for this my

Time: 10675.64

personality I'm too shy for this right

Time: 10677.56

then become an editor for every one of

Time: 10679.68

us we have created together 200 300 jobs

Time: 10684.04

right so there's 200 Creator economy

Time: 10686.2

jobs from four channels so you can be an

Time: 10689.12

editor you can be an executive assistant

Time: 10690.76

you can be a producer you can be a

Time: 10692.12

script writer there's many jobs the

Time: 10694.08

creat economy if you're still watching

Time: 10695.72

until the end of this video it really

Time: 10697.68

means you should apply for one of these

Time: 10699.2

jobs does how you look what you wear

Time: 10703.319

matter makeup no makeup how you look

Time: 10706.6

what t-shirt you're wearing what dress

Time: 10708.479

you're wearing I mean nire wears the

Time: 10710.68

same thing every day every single day

Time: 10712.8

depends if you're a guy or girl to be

Time: 10713.96

honest yeah depends if you're a guy or

Time: 10715.52

girl looks matter a lot for women but

Time: 10717.319

you know I remember when I started off

Time: 10721.479

uh on YouTube and I started uploading

Time: 10723.239


Time: 10725.6

it was oh if you're going on camera you

Time: 10727.319

have to put makeup on if I'm shooting a

Time: 10729.399

video I have to put makeup on I have to

Time: 10731.2

dress a certain way I have to speak a

Time: 10732.76

certain way and then I think three or

Time: 10736.68

four weeks into making making my videos

Time: 10739.399

I did one video where I sat down in my

Time: 10741.52

pajamas and I wasn't wearing any makeup

Time: 10743.279

and my hair wasn't real talk Tuesday

Time: 10744.88

Real Talk Tuesday my first Real Talk

Time: 10746.279

Tuesday video I was replying to hate

Time: 10748.8

comments and all the comments under were

Time: 10751.6

oh my God you really it's so nice to see

Time: 10753.96

you like this because you're more

Time: 10755.68

relatable like that and ever since then

Time: 10758.479

my idea of associating the way I look to

Time: 10762.92

what I do has really changed and that

Time: 10765.239

only happened because I put myself out

Time: 10766.56

on the internet so it can work either

Time: 10768.239

ways wow p is pretty like real that way

Time: 10772.04

like she's sweating and working out and

Time: 10774

she's like and that's why people love

Time: 10775.239

you cuz you're very relatable Rel yeah

Time: 10777.439

but and I've also had a time where I

Time: 10779.84

went on a because I felt that pressure

Time: 10781.76

at one point and I was like everybody's

Time: 10783.479

posting such nice pictures maybe I

Time: 10785.04

should get styled and you know I should

Time: 10786.399

also do like hair and makeup all the

Time: 10788.04

time and all the pictures have to be SLR

Time: 10789.56

pictures and I put them out and the

Time: 10791.92

first picture did really well and then

Time: 10793.279

the second dipped and then the third

Time: 10795.08

dipped and the fourth dipped and then I

Time: 10796.2

put out a selfie of me eating Chinese at

Time: 10798.8

the yashraj galii and that one shot up

Time: 10801.479

and that's when I realized that you know

Time: 10802.72

what it's different for everyone and I'm

Time: 10805.8

so happy that I'm in a position where I

Time: 10808.12


Time: 10809.64

dink the two things very cool so it

Time: 10812.88

really depends on how you

Time: 10814.84

approach it and what precedent you want

Time: 10817.04

to set with it female influencers have

Time: 10819.04

it rough like there a headcount that

Time: 10821.56

comes with the pressure of always

Time: 10822.96

looking good is like yeah yeah and the

Time: 10825.56

comment section yeah and the comment

Time: 10827.279

section how much money does it cost to

Time: 10828.92

produce videos when you're beginning

Time: 10831.52

depend on the kind of videos Niki you

Time: 10832.92

have should be zero yeah just your time

Time: 10835.84

so okay last last

Time: 10838.08

question we we told people we we tried

Time: 10841.76

to teach people how to become an

Time: 10843.239

influencer answer how the monetization

Time: 10845.56

world Works last question how to stay

Time: 10849.16

relevant how to continue to get traction

Time: 10852.04

and grow once you have become an

Time: 10853.92

influencer keep Reinventing have some

Time: 10856.88


Time: 10858.359

broad keep some form of reinvention

Time: 10861.04

going every 6 months for example either

Time: 10864

you think of switching genres I'm just

Time: 10865.92

telling you based on what's worked for

Time: 10867.04

me or in the product that you're

Time: 10869

creating which for me in this case is

Time: 10870.319

the podcast you have to bring something

Time: 10872.479

new some new J ra uh if you're

Time: 10874.92

constantly bringing one narrative bring

Time: 10876.239

the opposite narrative you have to serve

Time: 10878.68

novelty and personally um I feel the

Time: 10882.319

core of this is in your real life as a

Time: 10884.2

human you have to keep evolving either

Time: 10886.6

find new friend Groups travel more um

Time: 10889.319

learn a new skill you have to do new

Time: 10891.439

because the content at the end of

Time: 10893.84

the day is coming out of your heart so

Time: 10895.68

that's the core at least that's what

Time: 10897.12

work for me to break it down into a

Time: 10899.04

really tiny piece listen to your

Time: 10901.88

audience your audience that's the good

Time: 10904.399

thing about putting yourself on the

Time: 10905.56

internet they are extremely honest

Time: 10908.2

nothing will humble you yeah nothing

Time: 10910.359

will humble you like your audience if

Time: 10912.88

it's working they're going to shout it

Time: 10914.96

and they're going to tell you that it's

Time: 10916.04

working the minute it stops working

Time: 10918

they're going to shout that also how

Time: 10919.72

does it sound when it stops working oh

Time: 10921.68


Time: 10922.8

God uh videos are not fun anymore we

Time: 10926.399

used to like the kind of videos used to

Time: 10927.76

make before go back to doing that this

Time: 10929.84

is not working they it's very blatant

Time: 10931.92

you won't have to sit and decipher it's

Time: 10934.239

in the words it's written that many

Time: 10935.68

words to you and these are people and I

Time: 10937.88

I look forward to this because this is

Time: 10939.359

the community that has held me through

Time: 10941.6

all the new things that I said the Kali

Time: 10943.239

Pula that he was talking about it was a

Time: 10945.2

short film that was so away from the

Time: 10947.319

content that I'd ever made I I was very

Time: 10950.04

scared but I couldn't have the guts to

Time: 10953

make it if I didn't have the uh

Time: 10955.479

confidence that my audience will tell me

Time: 10957.359

the truths whether it works or not also

Time: 10960.64

yeah if if your engagement goes down

Time: 10962.08

that's also a metric of people AR liking

Time: 10963.88

this yeah your relevance just so it's

Time: 10966.319

very easy actually to keep a reality

Time: 10968.399

check on how well your content is doing

Time: 10969.96

or how relevant you are based on what

Time: 10971.72

your audience is telling you I like to

Time: 10973.96

think of it as spikes and waves which is

Time: 10978.279

if you want to be all the consistent

Time: 10980.68

stuff that you keep putting out those

Time: 10982.439

are waves and you got to keep thinking

Time: 10983.92

about what's your next Spike these what

Time: 10986.8

this means is you're forced to

Time: 10988.319

experiment or you're forced to do

Time: 10989.8

something that's going to get the next

Time: 10991.439

new unique users on onto your platform

Time: 10994.68

so if you live to make videos if your

Time: 10997.64

number one goal of living is to make the

Time: 10999.64

videos it's unsustainable because at

Time: 11001.76

some point you'll be so tired of this

Time: 11003.8

you don't want to make another cooking

Time: 11005.12

video you don't want to make another

Time: 11006.239

travel video you're done that's why my

Time: 11008.68

number one advice to stay relevant is to

Time: 11011.04

live your best life keep living a very

Time: 11014.84

interesting life and make videos about

Time: 11017.2

that life instead of living life to make

Time: 11019.2

videos live an interesting life and take

Time: 11021.12

the audience with more so for example

Time: 11023.279

when I was traveling the world the

Time: 11024.439

audience came with me now I'm building a

Time: 11026.439

company the audience must come with me

Time: 11028.479

some will don't want to stay behind but

Time: 11030.6

this is where I'm going and the audience

Time: 11032.319

must come with me because there's no

Time: 11034.04

option because I ain't going back to the

Time: 11035.2

old days right and then when I do the my

Time: 11037.239

next my third act the audience will have

Time: 11039

to come the audience love to see a hero

Time: 11041.399

fall and a hero succeed they love to see

Time: 11043.72

a hero like go up so the most

Time: 11045.52

interesting thing about Nas da is where

Time: 11047.84

is it going to go next because you don't

Time: 11049.8

know that so don't live to make videos

Time: 11052.84

live interesting life and make videos

Time: 11055

about it smart makes a lot of sense okay

Time: 11058.8

guys at the end of every episode we try

Time: 11061.56

and do something to help the community

Time: 11063.479

we are teaching on that particular day

Time: 11066.239

we hope this is in a manner

Time: 11069.04

College uh that many people most people

Time: 11072.399

do not have access to uh we looked far

Time: 11075.439

and wide online on how to be a

Time: 11077.239

influencer we didn't find much but when

Time: 11080.12

we asked people this is such a

Time: 11082.52

profession that young people want to get

Time: 11084.359

into now uh what for me as a kid was

Time: 11087.439

being a pilot or an astronaut things I

Time: 11089.56

knew about but I said it because it

Time: 11091.92

was cool back then today that is being a

Time: 11094.84

social media content

Time: 11097.16

creator uh so I'd like to request you

Time: 11100.64

guys uh to allocate a certain amount of

Time: 11104.2

money we will run a democratic process

Time: 11107.88

of picking these creators uh really

Time: 11111

talented young budding guys and girls

Time: 11113.479

from different corners of India uh so

Time: 11116.16

you allocate the money we will pick them

Time: 11118.12

democratically and then we will help

Time: 11119.92

them out with uh whatever we can whoever

Time: 11123.8

the winners of this contest in A man how

Time: 11126.439

many are there going to be 50 50 people

Time: 11129.04

okay so uh start with tan is there an

Time: 11131.76

amount you'd like to allocate for this

Time: 11134.16

oh I five

Time: 11135.6

lakhs uh projecta

Time: 11138.359

same because I'm religious I'll say 5

Time: 11140.64

lak and one

Time: 11142.279


Time: 11144.88

I makeing

Time: 11147.6

five hey bidding is good you guys want

Time: 11149.92

to compete I mean if we keep adding one

Time: 11151.96

rupe we'll be here

Time: 11153.479

all so I want to take this five laks and

Time: 11156.08

I want to give it to trainers to teach

Time: 11158.72

all 50 people for free for two months so

Time: 11161.359

we're going to give a class with all the

Time: 11163

stuff that they make we'll give them

Time: 11164.8

free education with actual trainers from

Time: 11167.439

India and then two months and they'll

Time: 11169.88

become friends and they'll ditch your

Time: 11171.6

old friends and then hopefully they'll

Time: 11173.04

be creators super so we'll commit to

Time: 11175.399

that yeah and I'll add amount to 50

Time: 11177.56

lakhs uh to the same thing and we'll

Time: 11181.04

combine it all together and we'll run

Time: 11182.92

this and uh I think it can go a long way

Time: 11185.92

in helping many new young people become

Time: 11188.84

like people on this table or better

Time: 11191.2

sound good or better that's amazing

Time: 11193.319

that's very generous of you by the way

Time: 11194.439

50 laks it's like a big deal we do it

Time: 11197.16

every episode wow super Co yeah you know

Time: 11200.96

the guess guess it's a it's a monetary

Time: 11202.88

loss if you're a guest on this party

Time: 11205.319

you've been here

Time: 11206.439

four you me this 6 hours what's going on

Time: 11212.439

all the best guys all the best yeah this

Time: 11214.239

is the part where you thank your guests

Time: 11215.96

thank you guys for coming was the

Time: 11218.319

longest podcast we've done in the

Time: 11220.96

history of podcast how many hours was

Time: 11222.64

how many hours five more 5 hours 5 hours

Time: 11226.08

5 Hour podcast five and a half oh my god

Time: 11229.56

wow one last we wanted to show you guys

Time: 11234.2

uh videos from your wow would like all

Time: 11238.319

of you to react

Time: 11240.239

insane oh no this can't be nice oh my

Time: 11243.12


Time: 11245.56

hi okay after that freakishly awkward

Time: 11248.88

introduction hello G my name is PR why

Time: 11252.16

would you do that who the hell is that

Time: 11254.359

why would you do that seriously guys

Time: 11256.319

seriously I have no clue why I'm doing

Time: 11257.84

this but I think it'll be fun here's the

Time: 11259.52

idea once a day I'm going to make one

Time: 11261.84

video that's 1 minute

Time: 11263.92

that's it that's you look so cute

Time: 11267.68

bro got a as well yeah that's all

Time: 11271.479

started hey guys my name is ran alabad

Time: 11274.479

I'm 22 years old I've been gyming for 3

Time: 11276.96

years I'm basically an engineering

Time: 11278.76

graduate but I'm also a fitness trainer

Time: 11281.2

and fitness and food are my two biggest

Time: 11282.72

passions hence the

Time: 11284.88

name can eat whatever you want didn't

Time: 11288.359

have a mic still be still be th you can

Time: 11292.239

eat whatever you want

Time: 11311.6

we we need a before and after

Time: 11314.319

video wow what is style to you honestly

Time: 11319.359

styish but I like things which are

Time: 11322


Time: 11327.12


Time: 11330.359

weird 10 years all candles bore

Time: 11337.01


Time: 11338.439

me oh my God those a really old that's a

Time: 11341.52

really nice picture ni Suffering From

Time: 11344.84

Success these are all like really old

Time: 11347.96

wow that was Vanilla I thought you found

Time: 11350

some scandalous they did was my

Time: 11354


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