Energy Free Cooling through Physics

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greenhouse gases are the second most

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important thing on earth making it

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habitable the first being the

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magnetosphere without these two we

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wouldn't have the liquid water necessary

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for the complex life we know

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nowadays the amount of greenhouse gases

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in the atmosphere is too much for the

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life that currently lives here and

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things are getting a bit hot

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cooling things down requires a lot of

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energy but there's a way to do this with

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no energy input on our part

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the greenhouse effect is named as such

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because of well greenhouses the air

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temperature in an enclosed space

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underneath a glass plane will always be

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warmer than if it wasn't there we've all

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experienced this when entering a car on

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a hot sunny day so it feels intuitively

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obvious but why does it happen

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there are two ways heat transfers across

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interfaces there is conduction the

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physical Collision of molecules and

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atoms transferring or absorbing kinetic

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energy and there is radiation the

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emittance and absorption of light

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the majority of your personal

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relationship with temperature is in the

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form of radiation

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so how does radiation influence

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light is a property of oscillating

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charges whenever charged particles

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wiggle they produce light the inverse is

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also possible and light can wiggle

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charged particles

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visible ultraviolet or what we call

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shortwave radiation primarily Wiggles

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the fast-moving electrons and the bonds

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of molecules and atoms infrared

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microwave or what we call Long wave

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radiation Wiggles entire molecules

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electrons exist as complex wave

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functions that behave like particles

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when two or more electrons are near each

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other their waves interact or mix with

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one another

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this mixing is itself a new wave

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function that oscillates and because it

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is a mixing of charges there exists

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regions of higher and lower densities

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for that particle or charge

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it's this oscillation that can be

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influenced you must have this dance of

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particles to absorb light

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dancing electrons are called an electron

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cloud you can mix multiple electrons

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together to form electron clouds and

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each electron cloud will have a specific

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frequency to visualize this I've mixed

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three out of frequency waves together

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right now it looks like a jumbled mess

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but if we zoom out we can see that it

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starts to repeat therefore we can think

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of this as our electron cloud

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oscillating if we provide another wave

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at the same frequency it will

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fundamentally alter or oscillate the

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electron cloud and the electromagnetic

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field energy will be absorbed into the

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electron field

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what does this mean for the greenhouse

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effect well light from our sun is

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principally shortwave radiation the

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electrons in glass or the gases in our

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lower atmosphere aren't dancing in the

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right manner to absorb this light the

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shortwave radiation passes through and

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is then subsequently absorbed by the

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Earth warming it up since all molecules

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atoms and particles are always dancing

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the Earth itself is releasing light but

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much weaker in the form of long wave or

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infrared radiation

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these wavelengths are now too low a

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frequency to oscillate the electron

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clouds however they can oscillate entire

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molecules or ions

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in most molecules there exists slight

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variations in charges throughout them

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some regions will be more negative or

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positive than others

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as our light wave passes through them

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the oscillating electric field component

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can oscillate these charge imbalances if

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this vibration is a correct frequency

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then our entire molecule becomes

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vibrationally excited and the light

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energy is absorbed into the kinetic

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energy of this motion

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I like to tell people to try to create a

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wave in a water bottle you'll soon

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realize you need to move it back and

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forth a certain frequency for it to work

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this is precisely what happens for

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greenhouse gases except instead of a

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waveforming our molecules become

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vibrationally excited

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this vibration or motion of the excited

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molecule is heat it can then transfer

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that heat to neighboring molecules via

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conduction or it can simply radiate that

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absorb light away in a random Direction

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in our atmosphere the gases are too

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spread out to transfer their heat by

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conduction and thus will immediately

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radiate the light away

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this is the property of the greenhouse

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instead of Simply emitting the Earth's

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heat away into space when our greenhouse

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gases absorb that light there's roughly

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a 50 chance it will be re-emitted back

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to Earth and if it is emitted away it

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could still be absorbed by another

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molecule of that greenhouse gas which

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then has another roughly 50 chance of

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emitting that light back to Earth

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that is the beauty and mechanism of the

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greenhouse effect

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an inverse Greenhouse allows infrared

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light to pass right through thus no

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potential to be returned to the Earth

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additionally it blocks much of the

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radiation from the Sun that was giving

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the Earth its warmth in the first place

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as a result the volume underneath an

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inverse Greenhouse radiates away more

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energy than it receives and cools down

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so what kind of material will do this

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infrared light is principally absorbed

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by molecules with charge imbalances and

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asymmetries simple polymers are kind of

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the opposite of this they are simply

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long chains of hydrocarbons not only are

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there few charging balances to interact

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with the light but even if they could

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it's kind of hard to vibrate this large

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molecule as a result most Plastics are

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transparent to infrared light

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so Plastics are a great starting place

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but how can we make them reflect or

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scatter shortwave light

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researchers at MIT took advantage of a

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principle of light called me scattering

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whenever light encounters a sphere made

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of dielectric material a fancy word for

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insulators the waves passing through

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interfere causing destruction and

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when we think about light as a particle

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or a photon these waves represent the

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probability of deflection

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although passing straight through is the

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most probable outcome each Photon has a

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certain likelihood of deflecting away

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therefore if a material has thousands of

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spheres then the likelihood of light

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passing through every single one is very

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this scattering effect is most prominent

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when the sphere has a similar size as

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the wavelength

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so if this material had spheres with

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sizes similar to the shortwave radiation

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from the Sun then that light would be

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most strongly reflected and that's

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precisely what the researchers in this

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paper did

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big thanks to Arnie Leroy for answering

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some of my questions on this and

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discussing the research in his field

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polyethylene the most basic of plastics

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can be filled with nanopores to form an

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arrow gel each pore acts like a sphere

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and serves to scatter the incoming light

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but that's not the main advantage of

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using an arrow gel with many infrared

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transparent Coatings although they do

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facilitate the inverse greenhouse effect

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simple conduction or what is referred to

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as parasitic heat gain can permeate

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through them into the material they are

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supposed to insulate

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Aero gel is extremely insulating thus

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with its implementation you get the

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benefits of its infrared transparency as

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well as insulating against the

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surrounding Heat

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when this Aero gel coating is layered on

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top of yet another infrared emitter

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designed for cooling in certain

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circumstances the surface underneath can

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be over 10 degrees cooler than the

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surrounding ambient temperature during

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noon in the Atacama of Chile

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what's exciting about all of this

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it's estimated that 15 percent of

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electricity consumption and 10 percent

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of greenhouse gas emissions are ascribed

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to cooling systems these percentages and

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gross values will certainly increase in

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the coming years

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as a greater percentage of humanity

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shifts to electricity as their main

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source of power the more we can reduce

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that consumption the easier and Stabler

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that transition will be finding methods

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to passively cool structures and

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buildings will be absolutely crucial

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especially in regions where power supply

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isn't very reliable turns out this is an

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entire scientific field I wasn't even

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aware of

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by installing manufactured inverse

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Greenhouse panels on the roof of a

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building not only do you reflect

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sunlight you can also run water

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underneath carrying the ambient

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temperature from inside the building

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this heat can then be radiated away in

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very hot environments the amount of

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energy radiated away in a day is almost

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double the amount of energy that would

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be absorbed by traditional solar panels

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this is because it's not reliant on the

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light incidence angle and continues

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working at night

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there is also research in developing

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infrared cooling Fabrics these two

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papers were released in the last six

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months and take two separate approaches

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the first is a potentially convoluted

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meta fabric which weaves

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polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon Nano

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beads and nanofibers along with titanium

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oxide nanoparticles into polyacetic

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microfibers which essentially a bunch of

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scatterers suspended in an infrared

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transparent medium

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the most impressive thing in this paper

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to me was when used to cover a car the

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covered car's interior was 30 degrees

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cooler than the uncovered cars

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personally I'm intrigued by the

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possibility of its use in temporary

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constructions and shelters imagine tents

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and desert festivals or markets where

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people can enter inside and actually

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feel cooler than the surroundings

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the second paper wanted to implement

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this property into the ever fashionable

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material silk this was achieved by

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binding aluminum oxide to the silk

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fibers with tetrabutal titanate

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the main goal was to reduce Silk's very

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strong ability to absorb ultraviolet

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aluminum oxide particle diameter was

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chosen to reflect the ultraviolet light

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while still letting infrared light to

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pass through

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according to this paper the skin

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temperature of someone wearing

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nanoprocessed silk can be 10 degrees

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cooler than when wearing cotton

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kinda seems too good to be true but

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those living in hot climates potentially

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won't have to choose between looking

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fresh or feeling fresh

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I started this video with the ambition

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to teach a bit about the way light

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influences the world we live in and

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ended up discovering a whole new field

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of Material Sciences

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that's probably one of my favorite

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things about making these videos digging

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deeper into a topic always uncovers

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something equally or more interesting

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and hopefully what I find will inspire

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one of you to start your own research

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into a field presented in one of these

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either way I want to thank you for

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sticking around as the channel grows and

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sharing my passion for the world around

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thank you

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