Dr. Wendy Suzuki: Boost Attention & Memory with Science-Based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #73

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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[upbeat rock music]

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, my guest is Dr. Wendy Suzuki.

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Dr. Suzuki is a professor of neuroscience and psychology

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at New York University and one of the leading researchers

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in the area of learning and memory.

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Her laboratory has contributed fundamental

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textbook understanding of how brain areas

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such as the hippocampus, which you will learn about today,

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how the hippocampus and related brain circuits allow us

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to take certain experiences and commit them to memory

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so that we can use that information in the future.

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Dr. Suzuki is also an expert public educator

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in the realm of science.

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A few years back, she had a TED talk

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that essentially went viral.

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If you haven't seen it already, you should absolutely

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check it out in which she describes her experience

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using exercise as a way to enhance learning and memory.

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And on the basis of that personal experience,

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she reshaped her laboratory to explore how things

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like meditation, exercise, and other things

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that we can do with our physiology and our psychology

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can allow us to learn faster,

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to commit things to memory longer,

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and, indeed, to reshape our cognitive performance

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in a variety of settings.

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As such, I am delighted to announce that Dr. Suzuki

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is now not only running a laboratory at New York University,

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but she is the incoming Dean of Arts and Science

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at New York University.

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And of course she was selected for that role

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for her many talents, but one of the important aspects

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of her program, she tells me, is going to be

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to incorporate the incredible power of exercise, meditation,

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and other behavioral practices for enhancing learning,

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for improving stress management, and other things

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to optimize student performance.

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Today, you are going to get access to much

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of that information so that you can apply those tools

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in your daily life, as well.

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Dr. Suzuki is also an author of several important books.

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The most recent one is entitled

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"Good Anxiety: Harnessing the Power

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"of the Most Misunderstood Emotion," and a previous book

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entitled "Healthy Brain, Happy Life:

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"A Personal Program to Activate your Brain

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"and Do Everything Better."

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And while that is admittedly a very pop science-type title,

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I will remind you that she is one

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of the preeminent memory researchers in the world

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and has been for quite a while,

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so the information that you'll glean from those books

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is both rich in depth and breadth and is highly applicable.

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By the end of today's discussion,

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you will have learned from Dr. Suzuki a large amount

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of knowledge about how memories are formed,

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how they are lost, and you will have a much larger kit

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of tools to apply for your efforts to learn better,

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to remember better, and to apply that information

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in the ways that best serve you.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero-cost-to-consumer information about science

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and science-related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the sponsors

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of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens.

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Athletic Greens is an all-in-one

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vitamin, mineral, probiotic drink.

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I've been taking Athletic Greens since 2012,

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so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

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The reason I started taking Athletic Greens, and the reason

Time: 200.91

I still take Athletic Greens once or twice a day,

Time: 203.47

is that it meets all my foundational vitamin, mineral,

Time: 206.19

and probiotic needs.

Time: 207.71

In fact, whenever people ask me if I were to only take

Time: 210.69

one supplement, which supplement should I take?

Time: 212.85

I tell them Athletic Greens for the simple reason that

Time: 215.64

it covers your base of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics,

Time: 218.68

it also has important adaptogens,

Time: 220.54

digestive enzymes for gut health.

Time: 222.8

All of this is very important because we now know

Time: 225.33

that gut health and the so-called gut-brain axis

Time: 228.9

is very important for things like mood and brain function,

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and also contributes to immune system function.

Time: 234.97

With Athletic Greens, you're covering all those bases.

Time: 237.92

And of course you need to eat the nutrition

Time: 240.11

and healthy diet that's right for you,

Time: 241.98

but by taking Athletic Greens once or twice a day,

Time: 244.521

you can be sure that there are going to be no gaps

Time: 245.8

or deficiencies in your vitamin,

Time: 247.46

mineral, or probiotic needs.

Time: 249.95

I mix mine with water and a little bit of lemon juice

Time: 251.99

or lime juice, I personally find it delicious.

Time: 254.85

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 256.13

you can go to athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 259.09

to claim a special offer.

Time: 260.24

They'll give you five free travel packs

Time: 262.01

plus a year's supply of vitamin D3 K2,

Time: 265.02

both of which are also vital

Time: 266.41

for immediate and long-term health.

Time: 268.34

So once again, if you go to athleticgreens.com/huberman,

Time: 271.53

you can get a special offer of five free travel packs

Time: 274.47

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Time: 276.37

while you're in the car or otherwise traveling.

Time: 278.8

Plus, they'll give you the year's supply of vitamin D3 K2.

Time: 282.21

Today's episode is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

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that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

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to help you better understand your body

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and help you reach your health goals.

Time: 293.92

I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

Time: 296.87

for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact

Time: 299.65

your immediate and long-term health can only be analyzed

Time: 302.57

from a quality blood test.

Time: 304

And nowadays with the advent of modern DNA tests,

Time: 306.8

you can also get insight into, for instance,

Time: 308.85

what your biological age is and compare that

Time: 310.94

to your chronological age.

Time: 312

And of course your biological age is the number

Time: 314.64

that really matters.

Time: 316.29

With InsideTracker, there's a distinct advantage

Time: 318.75

and the advantage is that while there are many blood tests

Time: 321.19

and DNA tests out there, InsideTracker's blood

Time: 323.3

and DNA tests come also with a platform,

Time: 326.7

meaning a website platform that allows you to see

Time: 330.18

exactly what you could or should do in order

Time: 332.76

to adjust the numbers on things like hormone levels,

Time: 335.75

metabolic factors, and lipids, and so on.

Time: 338.22

It's a little popup window,

Time: 339.39

it points to nutritional, supplementation,

Time: 341.85

and behavioral regimens that you can take in order

Time: 344.01

to put those numbers in the ranges that are optimal for you.

Time: 347

If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

Time: 348.45

you can visit insidetracker.com/huberman to get 20% off

Time: 352.4

any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 354.1

That's insidetracker.com/huberman to get 20% off.

Time: 357.94

Today's episode is also brought to us by Blinkist.

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Blinkist is an app that has thousands of non-fiction books,

Time: 363.69

each condensed down to just 15 minutes

Time: 365.61

of key takeaways for those books.

Time: 367.83

I love reading books from front to back.

Time: 370.19

I like the actual physical book.

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I'm sort of old-fashioned in that way.

Time: 372.97

And I do also listen to audiobooks.

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It's very rare that I don't finish a book that I've started.

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Nonetheless, I like to revisit some of my favorite books,

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I also like to write down key takeaways from those books.

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sometimes even before I listen to the full-length book.

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So I don't mind spoiling the takeaways because when I read

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non-fiction, generally I'm trying to extract

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the most valuable knowledge from them.

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So I'll often listen to a Blinkist 15-minute version,

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then the full-length book,

Time: 397.76

or sometimes the full-length book,

Time: 399.51

and then the Blinkist 15-minute version.

Time: 401.54

Either way, Blinkist is a great way to get through any book

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and to extract the best from those books.

Time: 406.95

I've used it for, for instance,

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Matt Walker's "Why We Sleep," an excellent book

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on why we sleep as well as Tim Ferriss's "The 4-Hour Body,"

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Nassim Taleb's "The Black Swan," and so on, and so on.

Time: 419.15

With Blinkist, you get unlimited access to read

Time: 421.3

or listen to a massive library of non-fiction books.

Time: 424.23

It really is a treasure trove of information.

Time: 426.57

Right now, Blinkist has a special offer

Time: 428.17

just for Huberman Lab Podcast listeners.

Time: 430.07

If you go to blinkist.com/huberman,

Time: 432.57

you can get a free seven-day trial

Time: 434.7

and 25% off a Blinkist premium membership.

Time: 438.16

Once again, go to blinkist.com/huberman to get

Time: 441.36

a seven-day free trial and 25% off.

Time: 444.29

And now for my discussion with Dr. Wendy Suzuki.

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Wendy, great to see you again and to have you here,

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it's been a little while.

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- It's been a while, so great to be here, Andrew.

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thank you so much for having me.

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- Yeah, delighted.

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I'd like to start off by talking about memory generally,

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and then I'd love to chat about your incredible work,

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discovering how exercise and memory interface

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and what people can do to improve their memory

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and brain function generally.

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- Yes. - But for those

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that are not familiar, maybe you could just step us through

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the basic elements of memory,

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a few brain structures, perhaps.

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- Sure. - You know, what happens

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when I, for instance, this mug of tea

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is pretty unremarkable.

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But the fact that now I've talked about it,

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I don't know that I'll ever forget about it.

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Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

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So what happens when I look at this mug and decide

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that it's something special for whatever reason?

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- Yeah, well, I like to say there are four things

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that make things memorable.

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Number one is novelty.

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If it's something new, the very first thing,

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the very first time we've seen something

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or experienced something, our brains are drawn to that,

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our attentional systems draw us to that.

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And when you are paying attention to something,

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that's part of what makes things memorable.

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Second is repetition.

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If you see that cup of tea every single day,

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and every single time you do an interview

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you talk about your cup of tea, you're going to remember it.

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That's just how our brains work, repetition works.

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Third is association.

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So if you meet somebody new

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that knows lots of people that you know,

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so you and I share many, many, many,

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many people that we both know.

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It's easy to remember, it's easier to remember you,

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especially if you were somebody new that I hadn't

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met before, we have met before, so association.

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And then the fourth one is emotional resonance.

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So we remember the happiest

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and the saddest moments of our lives,

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and that also includes funny, surprising things.

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That is the interaction between two key brain structures,

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the amygdala, which is important for processing

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lots of emotional, particularly threatening kinds

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of situations, but those threatening,

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surprising kinds of situations, the amygdala takes

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that information and makes another key structure

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called the hippocampus work better

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to put new long-term memories in your brain.

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So that, in fact, is the key structure for long-term memory,

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this structure called the hippocampus.

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- Fantastic, so novelty, repetition, association,

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and emotional resonance. - Yes.

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- Could you tell us a bit more about the hippocampus?

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I think, at least for my generation, well,

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I'm a neuroscientist, but for most people of my generation,

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I think they first heard about the hippocampus

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from the movie "Memento."

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- Oh yeah, yeah. - Where the guy

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says hippocampus, and for those of you

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that haven't seen that movie,

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it's a bizarrely constructed movie,

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but an interesting one, nonetheless, about memory.

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But even as a neuroscientist,

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sometimes I'm perplexed at how the hippocampus works.

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Maybe you could, if you would,

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step us through kind of what this structure is,

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what it looks like, maybe a few of its subregions,

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because unlike vision, the topic that I've worked

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most of my career on, where we know, okay,

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the eye does this part, and the thalamus does this part,

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and the cortex does that part, I've always been

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a little perplexed about the hippocampus, frankly.

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And I've read the textbooks and I've heard the lectures,

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but I'd love to get the update.

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What are the general themes of the hippocampus

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as a structure and its function?

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What do you think everyone, including neuroscientists,

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should know about the hippocampus?

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- Absolutely, so let's start with the basics.

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The word hippocampus means seahorse.

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It is shaped, the structure is shaped,

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like a kind of curlicue seahorse, that is accurate.

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Everybody, including neuroscientists, should know

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it's a beautiful structure.

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It is visually, anatomically beautiful

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with these kind of intertwining twirly subregions within it.

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And I think that's one of the reasons why early anatomists,

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who were the very first neuroscientists, got attracted to it

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because it's this interesting kind of twirly structure

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deep in the heart of the brain.

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So that's anatomically.

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Functionally, what does it do?

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Well, it's easiest to understand what it does

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when you look at what happens

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when you don't have a hippocampus anymore.

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What if you, by some disease,

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or you have your hippocampus removed by accident,

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what happens?

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Well, we know this from the most famous

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neurological patient of all time, his initials were HM,

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so all psychology and neuroscience students know him.

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He was operated in 1954 and the paper was published in 1957.

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They removed both his hippocampi because he had

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very terrible epilepsy and they knew that the hippocampus

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was the genesis of epilepsy.

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And this was experimental, his epilepsy was so bad

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that they decided not just to remove

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one hippocampus, but both.

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And what happened was immediate loss of all ability

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to form new memories for facts and events.

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Think about that for a second, all facts or events

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you're not able to remember.

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I can't remember this interaction between us.

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I can't remember any of the facts that we were

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just chatting about in our neuroscience lives.

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None of that can move into our long-term memory.

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So this hippocampus does something

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with all of these perceptions that are coming at us

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every single day, every minute of the day,

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and not for all of them, but for some of them

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that have these features that we just talked about,

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maybe they're novel, maybe they have associations,

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maybe they're emotionally relevant,

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maybe they've been repeated,

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some of those things in the realm of facts

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or events get encoded in our long-term memory.

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And that's the textbook of why

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the hippocampus is so important.

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I like to always add, and I mean,

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this is why I studied it for so many years,

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the hippocampus and what it does

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really defines our own personal histories.

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It means it defines who we are,

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because if we can't remember what we've done,

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the information we've learned,

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and the events of our lives,

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it changes us, that's what really defines us.

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That's why I wanted to study the hippocampus.

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And I think the exciting, new ideas about the hippocampus

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is that it's, you know, hippocampus

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is important for memory, so if you say that,

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you'll impress all your people at your cocktail party,

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but what people have started to realize that it's not

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just memory, it's not just putting together associations

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for what, where, and when of events that happened

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in our past, but it's putting together information

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that is in our long-term memory banks

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in interesting new ways.

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I'm talking about imagination.

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So without the hippocampus, yes, you can't remember things,

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but actually you're not able to imagine events or situations

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that you've never experienced before.

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So what that says is the hippocampus is important for memory

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is too simple a way to think about it.

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What the hippocampus is important for is what we've

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already talked about, associating things

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together writ large.

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Anytime you need to associate something together,

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either for your past, your present, or your future,

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you are using your hippocampus.

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And it takes on this much more important role

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in our cognitive lives when we think about it like that.

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That is kind of the new hippocampus

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that neuroscientists are studying these days.

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- That's fantastic, so it sounds like it really

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sets context, but it can do that

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with elements from the past, the present, or the future.

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- Yes. - And for neuroscientists

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the phrase is domain, we say the time domain

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meaning as opposed to just evaluating things in space,

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it sounds like the time domain of hippocampal functioning

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is incredibly interesting. - It is.

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- And even the fact that we can have short-term,

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medium-term, and long-term memories,

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and we could go down any of these rabbit holes.

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I'll ask you a true or false, mostly because

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I just really want to know the answer.

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A few years ago, the theme in various high-profile reviews

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seemed to be that the hippocampus was involved

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in encoding, in creating memories,

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but not in storing memories

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and that the memory storage was in the neocortex

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or the other overlying areas of the brain.

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Is that too general a statement?

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- That's a tricky statement because I think that ultimately,

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yes, that long-term memories are stored in the cortex,

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but those memories are stored in the hippocampus

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sometimes for a very, very long time.

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So how long is too long where you say, oh,

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it's not the hippocampus anymore?

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If it's four years, does that mean that

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it's not stored in the hippocampus?

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I think that's a tricky question.

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And yes, it was coming up a lot because people

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were debating it and some people did think

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that you shouldn't think about the hippocampus

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as a storage area, but I think it's

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a long, long, long-term kind of intermediate storage area,

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maybe not the long-term storage area.

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That's why it's hard to answer that question.

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- Great, as I recall, HM could remember facts

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from before his surgery. - Yes.

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- He couldn't form

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new memories. - Correct.

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- And given that he had no hippocampus,

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it would at least partially support the idea

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that some memories are retained outside the hippocampus.

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- However, he did have part

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of his posterior hippocampus intact.

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So that's the tricky thing.

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I think initially, in fact, Scoville,

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the neurosurgeon overestimated the number of millimeters

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he intended to remove of the hippocampus.

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And then when they did this, the very historic MRI of HM

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later in his life, they showed that, in fact,

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he did have that part of the posterior hippocampus intact.

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So now it makes it a little bit more complicated

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to interpret what's going on.

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Not that it was never uncomplicated, any interpretation

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of a lesion in a patient, as you know, is complicated,

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but HM had this mythical role in neuroscience and neurology

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and now it was complicated because he does have

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more of the hippocampus intact.

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- Got it, I did not know that.

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There are some memories that can be formed very quickly,

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so called one-trial learning,

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and I'm just looking at this list again, novelty,

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repetition, association, and emotional resonance.

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It seems like some experiences can bypass the need

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for multiple repetitions. - Yeah, absolutely.

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- And unfortunately it seems that our nervous system

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is skewed toward creating one-trial memories

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for negative events. - Right.

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- Which has a survival adaptive mechanism.

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What is the neural connection that allows that to happen?

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Is it the amygdala to hippocampus connection?

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I mean, as you and I know, it seems like every brain area

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ultimately is connected to everything else.

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It's just a question of through how many nodes,

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just like every city is connected to another city,

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it's just a question of how many flights and roads

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do you have to traverse before you get there.

Time: 1180.84

What is it about one-trial learning?

Time: 1182.86

I mean, at a kind of top contour level,

Time: 1186.42

how can we learn certain things so fast

Time: 1189.8

and other things are tricky?

Time: 1191.41

And now every time I look at this white mug,

Time: 1192.98

it's queuing up something special

Time: 1194.7

simply by virtue of saying it.

Time: 1196.49

So is that one-trial memory?

Time: 1200.51

What is it about very emotionally salient events

Time: 1203.69

that allow memories to get stamped in?

Time: 1206.32

- Yeah, I mean, I think you've already alluded to it.

Time: 1210.26

That is there is this protective function of our brains

Time: 1215.05

that has evolved over the last 2.5 million years

Time: 1218.29

that you need to pay attention

Time: 1220.41

and remember certain things for your survival.

Time: 1224.03

So some things that get stamped in, they're memories,

Time: 1228.63

but they're fear memories.

Time: 1230.86

If I get mugged on the subway or, you know,

Time: 1234.89

there are terrible things that could happen on the subway

Time: 1237.14

as we just learned.

Time: 1238.91

But if something terrible happens,

Time: 1240.16

if something very scary happens, you remember that,

Time: 1243.91

and that fear and that memory of all those things,

Time: 1248.42

I mean, I have one when I lived in Washington, DC,

Time: 1252.25

I went to work at NIH on a Sunday afternoon and I came back

Time: 1255.53

and when I rounded the corner to my door of my apartment,

Time: 1259.84

it was crowbarred in.

Time: 1261.64

Somebody had taken a crowbar,

Time: 1263.63

opened up my door, and stole all of the nicest things

Time: 1269.19

in my apartment, which wasn't that nice,

Time: 1270.83

'cause I wasn't making that much money.

Time: 1273.33

But ever since then, whenever I rounded that corner,

Time: 1278.59

I still had that memory.

Time: 1279.49

It was terrible because it put me in a terrible state

Time: 1282.53

when I was just coming home

Time: 1284.47

and that's a survival mechanism.

Time: 1286.82

Do you want to be alert to possible danger?

Time: 1290.46

Absolutely yes.

Time: 1291.77

So part of those one-trial memories, I think,

Time: 1295.88

is often taking advantage of this

Time: 1298.45

evolutionarily developed system to tamp in things

Time: 1303.1

that could be potentially dangerous to you into your memory.

Time: 1306.53

So you forever will remember this particular corner

Time: 1311.23

or this hallway because that is where something

Time: 1314.53

really bad happened to you.

Time: 1316.64

- It seems like a location.

Time: 1318.36

We talk about conditioned place aversion,

Time: 1320.67

which is just a geek speak for wanting to avoid the place

Time: 1323.62

where something bad happened,

Time: 1324.69

or conditioned place preference, wanting to go back

Time: 1327.02

to a place where something positive happened.

Time: 1328.87

Or even looking at a photograph of where you had

Time: 1331.08

a wonderful time with somebody and that can evoke

Time: 1333.33

all sorts of positive sensations.

Time: 1336.03

It seems like at some level, as complex as the brain is,

Time: 1340.63

the basic elements of feeling good or feeling lousy

Time: 1344.23

are states within the brain and body and linking those

Time: 1347.15

to places seems like it's a pretty straightforward formula,

Time: 1350.55

you know, link place to state, link state to place, etc.,

Time: 1354.25

as your description just provided.

Time: 1356.98

When we learn more complex information,

Time: 1360.61

a poem, a concept, or we have to ratchet through

Time: 1365.86

a set of ideas, that also involves memory.

Time: 1371.23

I'm sure that we'll talk more about this,

Time: 1373.54

but is there any way that you are aware of that state,

Time: 1379.02

bodily state can be leveraged to enhance the speed

Time: 1384.5

or the quality of memories and memory formation?

Time: 1390.48

So to be clear about it,

Time: 1392.76

it seems there's something very important about this fourth,

Time: 1396.19

this emotional resonance component.

Time: 1399.43

Novelty, the crowbar into the doors,

Time: 1402.12

thank goodness sounds like it was novel,

Time: 1404.11

it wasn't repeated thing, thank goodness.

Time: 1406.26

So repetition is out and the association

Time: 1408.07

is very, very strong.

Time: 1410.09

But for people trying to learn information that they're not

Time: 1413.56

that excited about, or that repetition is hard,

Time: 1418.25

or the novelty is simply that it's painful.

Time: 1423.15

- Yes, I've been there, absolutely.

Time: 1425.43

- Yeah, as have I.

Time: 1427.73

Is there something that we can do to leverage

Time: 1431.09

knowledge of how the memory system works naturally

Time: 1433.56

to make that a more straightforward process?

Time: 1437.78

- So, I immediately turn to the things that I've studied

Time: 1444.04

that you talk about so beautifully on your podcast,

Time: 1447.26

which are strategies generally to make

Time: 1452.81

your brain work better.

Time: 1454.41

I was just reminding myself of your podcast about cold

Time: 1460.51

because I use that every morning.

Time: 1462.01

- Oh, you do cold? - I do, I do.

Time: 1463.03

- Just take a moment and, and just tell us,

Time: 1464.94

what is your cold exposure protocol,

Time: 1466.42

then I'll take you back to what you're saying.

Time: 1467.64

- So my cold exposure protocol is at the end

Time: 1471.46

of every morning shower that I take,

Time: 1476.23

the shower is warm, but I give myself a big blast of cold

Time: 1481.32

at the end of that and it makes me feel so good.

Time: 1485.75

And because I've been doing it for several years,

Time: 1488.15

it's so much less painful.

Time: 1489.63

Okay, I admit, it was really painful at the beginning,

Time: 1493.59

but it's much less painful.

Time: 1496.33

I could handle the cold water and my pipes

Time: 1499.34

give nice, really cold water.

Time: 1502.23

And it just, I could feel the awakedness kind of

Time: 1507.62

come up in me after that.

Time: 1510.63

And I miss it, if I forget to do it,

Time: 1512.15

sometimes I run back in and give myself that cold blast

Time: 1516.16

because it is upping,

Time: 1520.25

I think you talked about this on your podcast,

Time: 1521.97

what's happening in the brain?

Time: 1523.7

- Basically the cold stimulus, that shock,

Time: 1527.241

that catching your breath, etc.,

Time: 1529.01

is adrenaline from the adrenals.

Time: 1531.52

But also from what we understand now,

Time: 1533.59

some new neuroimaging, there's epinephrine

Time: 1536.4

and norepinephrine released from locus ceruleus,

Time: 1538.802

which again is a brain structure in the back of the brain,

Time: 1540.76

kind of sprinklers the rest of the brain

Time: 1543.07

with a kind of a wake-up chemical.

Time: 1544.82

And there's a long arc on dopamine release.

Time: 1547.58

This paper back in 2000 showed that it's a steady increase

Time: 1551.49

up to about 2.5x of circulating dopamine.

Time: 1554.1

So they weren't looking directly in the brain admittedly,

Time: 1556.51

but it goes on for four or five hours.

Time: 1558.58

- Wow, yeah. - So the improved mood

Time: 1560.67

and the feeling of alertness is a real thing.

Time: 1562.95

- Yeah, yeah, so I use that.

Time: 1565.8

I mean, so basically I use my morning routine.

Time: 1569.16

What is my morning routine?

Time: 1570.22

I get up, I do a 45-minute tea meditation.

Time: 1575.3

So meditating over the brewing and drinking of tea

Time: 1578.68

that I learned from a monk who has an institute in Taiwan

Time: 1583.3

where he teaches tea meditation, love it.

Time: 1585.67

I've learned all about tea, different kinds of tea.

Time: 1589.67

And then I do a 30-minute cardio weights workout.

Time: 1596.59

Then I take my shower with the hot-cold contrast.

Time: 1600.66

And, oh, and before that, key thing,

Time: 1604.38

if I want to learn something and I want to be able

Time: 1607

to get over the difficulty of repeating things,

Time: 1613.3

or just push myself to do stuff, sleep,

Time: 1616.61

so good, good sleep.

Time: 1618.73

I've learned that over the pandemic,

Time: 1621.24

I did sleep experiments on myself and I learned that I was

Time: 1624.73

sleeping an hour less than I really needed.

Time: 1627.03

So I really need seven-and-a-half to eight hours of sleep.

Time: 1629.57

And I was getting six and a half.

Time: 1631.23

And so now, I get that seven-and-a-half to eight hours

Time: 1636.72

every single night, and guess what?

Time: 1638.93

I come to different difficult tasks and I am more willing

Time: 1643.14

to give it a try, to try longer,

Time: 1645.33

to try harder, and my brain works better.

Time: 1648.2

And so I think probably if you go back

Time: 1650.27

to all of your podcasts, you'll learn exactly why

Time: 1652.9

each one of those things that I do,

Time: 1654.93

which I would bet that you probably do, too,

Time: 1657.74

is helping my brain.

Time: 1659.68

- I guarantee they are.

Time: 1661.82

And I'm impressed that you do all these things,

Time: 1663.45

although not surprised.

Time: 1664.7

And I should say that the extra hour of sleep

Time: 1667.08

is really impressive and extremely beneficial.

Time: 1670.39

I'm curious, do you get that in the early part of the night

Time: 1673.31

by going to bed earlier? - Yeah.

Time: 1675.38

- Terrific, and I should just mention,

Time: 1678.13

'cause you're too humble to do it, but I'll say it again

Time: 1680.65

that not only are you a full professor,

Time: 1684.59

tenured full professor and running a laboratory,

Time: 1686.37

you teach undergraduates,

Time: 1687.4

you have an important role in public education,

Time: 1690.45

multiple books, and you're now

Time: 1691.53

dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at NYU.

Time: 1694.81

So the extra hour of sleep is benefiting you

Time: 1698.01

and as a consequence benefiting everybody else as well.

Time: 1701.98

Thanks for sharing with us your protocol.

Time: 1703.68

I took you off the trajectory of what one can do,

Time: 1706.55

but I think that people and I appreciate knowing

Time: 1711.15

kind of what the practical steps are.

Time: 1713.11

Because knowing the science is important,

Time: 1714.69

mechanism I do believe is important for embedding protocols

Time: 1718.15

in people's minds and why they might want to do them,

Time: 1719.94

but really hearing the mechanics of it is useful.

Time: 1723.74

It sounds like everything together takes about an hour,

Time: 1725.74

it's not an excessive amount of time,

Time: 1727.59

but it probably gives you an outsized

Time: 1729.89

positive effect on your day.

Time: 1731.48

- Absolutely, I definitely notice it

Time: 1734.7

if I'm not able to do it.

Time: 1737.33

And when I don't, so I do this seven days a week,

Time: 1740.48

it's also not just five days, seven days a week.

Time: 1744.32

And when I can't do it,

Time: 1746.12

it's usually early-morning flights or things like that.

Time: 1750.953

And I get over it, but it's

Time: 1753.727

critical for the working of my brain.

Time: 1756.14

- I love it and I'll just highlight one thing that you said

Time: 1758.71

before we move on, which is that you said when sometimes

Time: 1760.88

if you get out of the shower before the cold,

Time: 1762.79

you'll get back in.

Time: 1764.09

That's, to me, a really beautiful example

Time: 1766.66

of conditioned place preference.

Time: 1768.85

Now the cold shower has become something that

Time: 1770.737

you sort of look forward to.

Time: 1772.21

I should say that nobody is immune from the adrenaline

Time: 1776.09

increase of cold, no matter how cold,

Time: 1777.96

this is what's interesting about cold.

Time: 1779.32

It's one of the reasons why it's such an important part

Time: 1781.82

of the screening for special operations,

Time: 1783.65

so our SEAL teams, but other branches in military too,

Time: 1787.39

which is that there are very few stimuli that you can give

Time: 1791.54

anyone and consistently get an adrenaline

Time: 1796.145

- Oh, interesting. - Release from that

Time: 1797.68

without harming them.

Time: 1798.9

With heat, eventually you need to use so much heat

Time: 1800.693

that you damage tissue.

Time: 1802.21

Or with exercise, you have to use so much exercise

Time: 1803.903

that you can damage joints.

Time: 1806.07

And it's this very kind of brilliant,

Time: 1811.11

I don't know if it was intentional or not,

Time: 1813.08

it's sort of unintentional genius that special operations

Time: 1816.14

has figured out that by sending people back into the cold

Time: 1818.78

over and over, it never really gets easier,

Time: 1821.11

but over time people actually start to crave it

Time: 1823.71

and it provides this reduction in inflammation, etc.

Time: 1826.38

So anyway, beautiful practice, thank you.

Time: 1828.77

I want to learn more about your tea meditation

Time: 1830.53

later in the episode.

Time: 1831.53

But in any event returning to ways that

Time: 1836.41

we can improve memory formation.

Time: 1840.09

Maybe if you would tell us your story around this.

Time: 1843.47

I know you've told it before,

Time: 1844.9

but I think a lot of members of the audience and I

Time: 1848.325

would love to hear how you came to this.

Time: 1849.393

Because growing up in neuroscience, I knew you

Time: 1851.98

as one of the, I would say one of the three or four,

Time: 1855.38

and they're all alongside one another,

Time: 1858.46

this isn't a hierarchical statement,

Time: 1860.1

three or four top memory researchers in the world.

Time: 1863.09

Textbook material is Suzuki.

Time: 1866.75

My textbooks are filled with the word Suzuki,

Time: 1868.63

your last name,

Time: 1870.07

according to the information on memory and memory formation.

Time: 1875.25

So you were doing that and doing the things

Time: 1878.41

that academics do, and then you're still doing that,

Time: 1883.354

and still at a very high level,

Time: 1884.5

but then things took a different direction.

Time: 1886.15

And maybe we could talk about your story and how you came

Time: 1890.13

to the place you are at now

Time: 1892.8

because I think it provides a number of tools

Time: 1894.42

that people could implement themselves.

Time: 1896.85

- Yeah, so this story happened as I was working

Time: 1902.74

to get tenure at NYU.

Time: 1904.92

And, as you know, it's a stress-filled process.

Time: 1908.47

They give you six years to show your stuff

Time: 1911.64

and you are judged in front of all your colleagues.

Time: 1913.89

And either they say, okay, you can join the club

Time: 1916.49

or they say, sorry, you are humiliated

Time: 1919.65

in front of everybody.

Time: 1920.67

This was what was going on in my life.

Time: 1922.02

- They actually tell people to leave.

Time: 1923.621

If you don't get tenure, you're gone.

Time: 1924.454

- You have to leave your institution.

Time: 1926.38

And so, you work really, really hard.

Time: 1929.89

And so my strategy was,

Time: 1932.72

I'm just going to not do anything but work

Time: 1934.5

and I'm just going to work.

Time: 1935.7

And I'm going to just work as hard

Time: 1938.92

as I can for the six years.

Time: 1940.54

And what happens when you work and you don't have

Time: 1944.07

any sort of life outside of work

Time: 1946.29

and you live in New York where there's all sorts

Time: 1948.78

of really good takeout, you gain 25 pounds,

Time: 1951.45

which is exactly what I did.

Time: 1952.61

And you get really, really stressed.

Time: 1954.13

And you start to ask yourself how come I'm living

Time: 1956.26

in New York City, and I love Broadway,

Time: 1958.27

and I haven't gone to a Broadway show in two years?

Time: 1963

And so I, 25 pounds overweight,

Time: 1969.77

I decided to go on vacation.

Time: 1972.1

And I went by myself 'cause I had no friends.

Time: 1974.77

And I went to, I did

Time: 1977.2

an adventure river rafting trip in Peru.

Time: 1982.88

And so I go by myself and meet other interesting people

Time: 1986.93

and I was the weakest person on this whole trip.

Time: 1990.72

Like they were so much in better shape, it was embarrassing

Time: 1997.13

and they won't say this, they won't admit this

Time: 1999.08

to me, but it was true.

Time: 2000.49

And I kind of came back and I said, okay,

Time: 2002.62

I cannot be the weakest person.

Time: 2005.02

I'm in my late 30s, I have to do something.

Time: 2007.56

So I went to the gym and I said, oh my God,

Time: 2010.58

I'm 25 pounds overweight,

Time: 2012.19

let's try at least to lose this weight.

Time: 2015.04

And so I go to the gym, I notice how much better I feel

Time: 2019.12

when I go to just a single class.

Time: 2020.74

I remember the very first class I went to

Time: 2022.2

was a hip hop dance class.

Time: 2023.51

I'm a terrible hip hop dancer,

Time: 2025.28

but I still felt good after that class.

Time: 2028.76

And then fast forward a year and a half,

Time: 2032.28

I've lost the 25 pounds, so proud of myself,

Time: 2035.68

so much happier.

Time: 2037.17

And I'm sitting in my office doing what you and I do a lot,

Time: 2040.44

which is writing an NIH grant, which is our lifeblood.

Time: 2044.53

And writing, writing, writing,

Time: 2046.44

and this thought goes through my mind that had

Time: 2048.67

never gone through my mind before

Time: 2051.08

during this six years of frantic grant writing

Time: 2055.08

when I was trying to get tenure,

Time: 2056.53

and that thought was grant writing went well today.

Time: 2060.55

You know, that felt good.

Time: 2062.75

I was like, I've never had that thought before,

Time: 2065.5

what's going on here, this is really weird?

Time: 2067.72

- I don't know that anyone has had that thought before.

Time: 2070.403

- No, I'm sure people have had that thought.

Time: 2072.07

But I thought maybe I'm just having a good day.

Time: 2076.6

But when I thought about it,

Time: 2078.21

I thought it's not just today.

Time: 2080.68

My grant writing seems to have been getting smoother,

Time: 2084.87

like I'm able to focus longer,

Time: 2087.25

the sessions feel better to me.

Time: 2090.903

And at that point, the only thing that I changed in my life,

Time: 2093.9

it was a huge thing, but I had become

Time: 2095.56

a gym rat rather than a workaholic.

Time: 2099.11

And that's when my spidey sense for neuroscientists

Time: 2104.13

popped up and I said, what do we know about the effects

Time: 2106.8

of exercise on your brain?

Time: 2108.9

Because if I think about it,

Time: 2110.88

what was better about my writing is I could focus longer

Time: 2114.16

and deeper, very important,

Time: 2116.17

and I could remember those little details that you try

Time: 2119.56

and pull together for your million dollar NIH grant

Time: 2122.69

from 30 different articles that you have open

Time: 2125.41

on your screen all at the same time,

Time: 2127.26

that's the hippocampal memory.

Time: 2129.07

I was studying that, I was writing the grant

Time: 2131.03

on hippocampal memory.

Time: 2132.88

And so that's when I got really interested in the effects

Time: 2138.21

of exercise on both prefrontal focus and attention function

Time: 2142.96

and hippocampal function because of my own observation.

Time: 2146.98

I still remember where I was sitting,

Time: 2148.9

which office I was in, when I had this revelation.

Time: 2152.12

But the thing that really sealed it for me,

Time: 2153.96

that made me think not just, oh, this is interesting,

Time: 2157.6

but I want to study this, is right around that time

Time: 2162.98

I got a phone call from my mom who said that my dad

Time: 2167.65

wasn't feeling well and that he had told her

Time: 2172.1

that he got lost driving back from the 7-11,

Time: 2174.98

which was literally seven blocks from our house

Time: 2177.96

that I grew up in.

Time: 2179.56

And I knew that was hippocampal function.

Time: 2183.22

I suspected dementia. I suspected, oh,

Time: 2186.02

didn't want to admit Alzheimer's dementia,

Time: 2188.14

which he had.

Time: 2189.81

And it was funny because, I mean it wasn't funny,

Time: 2193.13

but my mom and dad are two sides of a very different coin.

Time: 2199.54

My dad is the engineer, not so active all his life,

Time: 2205.51

but would loved and sit and read books all day.

Time: 2208.94

My mom was the athlete.

Time: 2210.65

She played team tennis into her 80s.

Time: 2214.65

And it started to show at that point.

Time: 2219.1

And so then I had even a more pressing reason

Time: 2225.88

to think about what the effects of exercise were

Time: 2228.17

because I noticed that all the things that were improving

Time: 2231.22

in my brain suddenly went away in my dad's brain.

Time: 2234.73

Really, really smart guy, engineer in Silicon Valley,

Time: 2238.21

helped that push in Silicon Valley in the '70s happen,

Time: 2243.8

he had no more memory.

Time: 2244.93

He couldn't focus his attention.

Time: 2246.63

His mood was rock bottom, he's a very happy guy.

Time: 2251.16

And everything was the opposite in me.

Time: 2253.1

And I started thinking this isn't just something to help

Time: 2256.67

somebody who wants to get tenure, this is something

Time: 2260.21

that could help millions and millions of people,

Time: 2263.64

most importantly, our aging population.

Time: 2266.93

What if, you know, what's happening?

Time: 2269.35

And so the thing that makes me wake up in the morning is

Time: 2273.28

when I realized that every single time you move your body,

Time: 2278.56

you are releasing a whole bunch of neurochemicals.

Time: 2282.34

And some of them we've talked about,

Time: 2284.33

the good mood comes from dopamine, and serotonin,

Time: 2286.657

and noradrenaline, but the thing that gets released also,

Time: 2290.13

particularly with aerobic exercise, is a growth factor

Time: 2293.54

called brain derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF.

Time: 2298.51

And that is so important because what it does is it goes

Time: 2301.51

directly to your hippocampus and it helps brand new

Time: 2305.07

brain cells grow in your hippocampus.

Time: 2307.4

We all have that.

Time: 2308.233

Even if you're a couch potato,

Time: 2309.22

you can get new brain cells in your hippocampus to grow.

Time: 2311.72

But it's like giving your hippocampus a boost

Time: 2315.65

with this regular BDNF, if you are exercising.

Time: 2319.51

Which means that we all have the capacity to grow

Time: 2323.2

a bigger, fatter, fluffier hippocampus.

Time: 2326.55

And so what I like to give people is this image

Time: 2329.95

of every single time you move your body,

Time: 2331.75

it's like giving your brain this wonderful bubble bath

Time: 2334.62

of neurochemicals, what's going on,

Time: 2336.67

I need my bubble bath of noradrenaline, and dopamine,

Time: 2339.89

and serotonin, and growth factors.

Time: 2342.71

And with regular bubble baths, what am I doing?

Time: 2345.94

I'm growing a big fat, fluffy hippocampus.

Time: 2349.18

And I'm not going to cure my father's dementia,

Time: 2352.63

Alzheimer's dementia, but you know what?

Time: 2354.85

If I go into my 70s with a big fat, fluffy hippocampus,

Time: 2359.1

even if I had that in my genes and it starts to kick in,

Time: 2363.06

it's going to take longer for that disease to start to affect

Time: 2366.43

my ability to form and retain new long-term memories

Time: 2369.24

for facts and events, which is my motivation for getting up

Time: 2372.57

and doing my 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise every day.

Time: 2376.16

- Fantastic.

Time: 2379.27

Quick question about your protocol just because.

Time: 2382.26

And then we'll discuss a few mechanistic things related

Time: 2385.68

to what signals the body might be sending the brain

Time: 2389.12

and a little bit more detail on BDNF and some circuitry.

Time: 2394.91

So 30 to 45 minutes of, it sounds like

Time: 2398.24

cardiovascular exercise might be special.

Time: 2401.91

But as I say that and I think about the literature

Time: 2405.18

that I'm aware of in mice and some in monkeys,

Time: 2408.19

and certainly in humans, looking at the effects of exercise

Time: 2411.64

on brain function and typically the outcome

Time: 2413.94

is improvement, almost always.

Time: 2415.39

I don't think I've ever seen a paper showing

Time: 2416.97

that when animals or humans exercise more,

Time: 2419.92

that their brain gets worse.

Time: 2422.446

I just can't think of a single paper.

Time: 2424.06

It doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Time: 2425.34

I'm sure someone will put one in the comment section.

Time: 2427.65

They'll find that one,

Time: 2428.64

and thank you for if you can find that,

Time: 2432.25

but it seems like it's always cardiovascular exercise

Time: 2434.45

and experimentally in a lab it's a lot easier to get a mouse

Time: 2436.82

to run on a treadmill than it is

Time: 2438.5

to get a mouse to lift weights.

Time: 2439.58

Although people have put little ankle weights on mice

Time: 2441.68

and the ways of getting mice to do resistance work

Time: 2444.84

is actually a little bit barbaric

Time: 2446.337

- Little stressful. - 'Cause oftentimes

Time: 2448.189

they'll incapacitate a limb to overload another limb,

Time: 2450.53

so it's an asymmetric thing.

Time: 2451.83

It's not the same as sending them in to do squats,

Time: 2455.26

or deadlifts, or something.

Time: 2457.83

But cardiovascular exercise might be special.

Time: 2460.87

And what are your thoughts on that?

Time: 2463.1

And please first, though, tell us your routine.

Time: 2466.42

Your routine is 30 to 45 minutes of,

Time: 2468.94

are you a Peloton cycler?

Time: 2471.4

Does it matter?

Time: 2473.28

- I think that the data suggests that as long

Time: 2476.47

as your heart rate is getting up for these long-term effects

Time: 2479.69

on your hippocampus and prefrontal cortex,

Time: 2482.02

you also get better at shifting and focusing

Time: 2486.18

your attention, for that you need cardiovascular.

Time: 2490.04

And what I use is a video workout that I started

Time: 2492.88

even before the pandemic, it's called "Daily Burn,"

Time: 2495.12

and is just thousands of different workouts.

Time: 2497.99

But I love they are 30 minutes that I sometimes add on

Time: 2502.39

a 10 to 15 minute stretch at the beginning or at the end.

Time: 2506.11

But I love the variety.

Time: 2507.9

Sometimes I do it with weight.

Time: 2509.11

Sometimes I do it without weights.

Time: 2511.43

I love kickboxing,

Time: 2512.38

so they have a lot of kickboxing in there.

Time: 2514.22

It just fits my routine, and it's always there,

Time: 2519.57

and I don't have to get all dressed up to go

Time: 2522.12

to the gym to work out.

Time: 2524.36

So that's what I do.

Time: 2525.56

- And that's a daily thing, seven days a week?

Time: 2527.46

- Yeah, yeah. - Seven days

Time: 2528.37

a week, fantastic.

Time: 2530.69

So in terms of he way that some of these changes

Time: 2533.26

are being conveyed from the body to the brain,

Time: 2536.57

that fascinates me.

Time: 2537.81

I mean, as you and I know, and I'm sort of

Time: 2539.92

a repeating record on the podcast always saying,

Time: 2544.232

you got a brain but you also have a spinal cord

Time: 2545.5

and then your nervous system connects everything.

Time: 2547.16

Every organ in your body is basically signaled to

Time: 2550.4

by the nervous system and back to the nervous system,

Time: 2552.7

you're explaining everything.

Time: 2554.16

But so let's imagine your morning routine,

Time: 2557.35

you do your cardiovascular exercise,

Time: 2559.82

so you're pumping more blood,

Time: 2561.43

that's the definition of a higher heart rate,

Time: 2563.27

stroke volume of the heart goes up over time,

Time: 2566.31

you're getting fitter, so blood flow

Time: 2568.2

to the brain is increasing.

Time: 2569.63

Do we know how that gets translated to a signal

Time: 2573.46

to release more BDNF?

Time: 2576.06

And then it raises this other question, which is,

Time: 2578.32

does it matter where your mind is when you exercise?

Time: 2581.34

Because ultimately the brain, of course,

Time: 2583.75

you can anchor your attention to the exercise or you can be

Time: 2585.8

listening to a podcast or something else.

Time: 2587.75

I've always wondered about this.

Time: 2589.81

Can we enhance the effects of exercise by combining

Time: 2592.4

the enhanced blood flow with cognitive work during exercise?

Time: 2596.906

Or is it simply a matter of just getting more blood flow

Time: 2598.61

up to the hippocampus?

Time: 2599.84

- Yeah, I wish I had the answer to that question, too.

Time: 2603.08

My instinct is, yes, it matters partially

Time: 2607.12

because of the work of your colleague, Alia Crum,

Time: 2609.82

on mindset and the power of that to change

Time: 2613.67

how physiologically our body is responding.

Time: 2617.39

So how could it not work in her experiments

Time: 2621.53

or work in her experiments and not work

Time: 2623.88

for my morning or our morning exercise routine.

Time: 2628.61

But are there studies, point to a study,

Time: 2630.32

I don't know of one.

Time: 2631.22

So exercise neuroscientists out there,

Time: 2635.42

I'd love to see that study done.

Time: 2639.14

So yes, it works.

Time: 2641.07

Before I go into the aerobic thing,

Time: 2643.94

I always like to start with the least amount of exercise

Time: 2647.61

to get something really useful,

Time: 2650.17

because I don't want people to say,

Time: 2652.1

oh God, I hate sweating,

Time: 2654.23

I don't want to listen anymore.

Time: 2656.59

So I always like to start with studies have shown

Time: 2660.45

that just 10 minutes of walking outside can shift your mood.

Time: 2664.77

That is part of that neurochemical bubble bath

Time: 2667.01

that you're getting dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline

Time: 2671.283

and anybody can walk for 10 minutes.

Time: 2674.35

And so that is for all of you thinking that out there,

Time: 2678.64

what is the minimum that I could get

Time: 2680.16

some of these brain effects?

Time: 2681.09

10 minutes of walking, anybody can do it.

Time: 2683.107

- Now is outside important?

Time: 2684.54

I'm a big believer in getting photons into the eyes.

Time: 2689

- I think that that study was done indoors on a treadmill.

Time: 2694.28

And the comparison wasn't done, but moving your,

Time: 2697.62

which is great, in the middle of the pandemic

Time: 2700.55

I walked around my apartment for 30 minutes sometimes

Time: 2703.25

just for some variety,

Time: 2705.6

felt like a rat on a running wheel, but yes.

Time: 2709.48

So that minimum amount of movement in your body

Time: 2715.2

can get you those mood effects.

Time: 2718.03

But what about the big, fat, fluffy hippocampus?

Time: 2721.67

What about the better performing prefrontal cortex?

Time: 2724.1

That's where you start to need the cardio workout.

Time: 2729.1

And from my reading of the literature,

Time: 2731.65

there haven't been enough studies

Time: 2734.93

directly comparing and contrasting kickboxing with running,

Time: 2738.1

with whatever other cardio that you need to do,

Time: 2742.1

but any cardio workout that is done

Time: 2744.86

has these positive effects.

Time: 2746.25

So I'm going to say my interpretation of that is that

Time: 2748.84

whatever way you get your heart rate up,

Time: 2751.36

including a power walk, a power walk can get

Time: 2754.29

your heart rate up, that is beneficial.

Time: 2757.3

And what is happening, there are two pathways that have been

Time: 2760.43

studied about how you go from moving your body to more BDNF,

Time: 2765.36

that neurotrophin that's increasing the growth

Time: 2769.58

of new hippocampal brain cells.

Time: 2771.39

The two pathways are the following.

Time: 2772.84

One is a myokine, which is a protein

Time: 2776.11

released by the muscles.

Time: 2778.16

And not your heart, these are striated muscles in your body.

Time: 2781.79

And so by running, these were studies done in rats

Time: 2785.52

on running wheels, they showed that the running rats

Time: 2789.06

had more of this myokine,

Time: 2791.9

released the myokine past the blood-brain barrier.

Time: 2794.92

so got into the rarefied, very protected bloodstream

Time: 2799.67

of inside the brain, and that myokine stimulated the release

Time: 2804.65

of BDNF in the brain, that's pathway number one.

Time: 2808.72

Pathway number two comes through the liver

Time: 2812.09

because exercise is a stress generally.

Time: 2816.44

How do we know that, well, cortisol is released

Time: 2818.61

whenever we exercise.

Time: 2820.04

We need that sugar in our blood

Time: 2823.73

and so that's how the physiological mechanisms work.

Time: 2827.82

And so there is a ketone, beta-hydroxybutyrate,

Time: 2834.02

that we've known for a very long time that gets released

Time: 2836.94

by the liver during exercise.

Time: 2839.3

And we also know that that particular ketone passes

Time: 2843.13

that blood-brain barrier.

Time: 2844.27

And it's another stimulant for BDNF.

Time: 2846.19

So kind of the final common pathway seems to be

Time: 2851.24

BDNF stimulation in the hippocampus.

Time: 2854.19

Is it the only one, probably not,

Time: 2856.65

but that's the one that has been studied most clearly.

Time: 2859.42

So it comes from all of our physiological systems,

Time: 2862.9

our muscles working, our liver responding to the stress

Time: 2866.83

of exercise, and what is it doing,

Time: 2869.51

it is giving more BDNF precursors to get into our brain,

Time: 2876.01

to cause the upspike of BDNF, which is part

Time: 2879.62

of your bubble bath that you're getting every time you move.

Time: 2882.2

- I love that description of a factor from muscle

Time: 2885.21

and a factor from liver, because anytime we're thinking

Time: 2888.85

about movement of the body and translating that

Time: 2890.74

to the brain, as you so clearly pointed out,

Time: 2894.56

that needs to traverse the blood-brain barrier.

Time: 2898.73

Not everything that happens in the body

Time: 2900.23

is communicated to the brain

Time: 2902.722

and these seem like really important signals.

Time: 2905.04

Beta-hydroxybutyrate, you mentioned is a ketone,

Time: 2908.73

I just want to underscore that doesn't mean, folks,

Time: 2911.39

that you need to be on a ketogenic diet.

Time: 2913.43

I think people hear ketone and they think,

Time: 2915.88

I know some people are, most people are not, I imagine.

Time: 2920.07

There are ketones that are released in your brain

Time: 2921.93

and body that can function,

Time: 2923.07

even if you're ingesting carbohydrates and not ketogenic,

Time: 2926.81

just for a point of clarification.

Time: 2929.57

This issue of new neurons is one that you hear a lot,

Time: 2933.64

you know, neurogenesis, you're going to grow

Time: 2935.58

new neurons, new neurons.

Time: 2937.68

And my understanding is that the rodent literature

Time: 2940.07

is very clear that animals that run on wheels more often,

Time: 2944.22

it turns out rodents love to run on wheels.

Time: 2945.84

Do you know these studies by Hoppy Holster,

Time: 2947.58

which are pretty funny,

Time: 2948.9

they're very cool, by the way, Hoppy,

Time: 2950.88

Howard Hughes investigator, I'm not making light of them.

Time: 2954.42

They put running wheels in a field and wild rodents

Time: 2959.62

will run to the running wheel and run on that running wheel.

Time: 2962.41

- Oh, that's great. - They really enjoy it.

Time: 2964.11

Which I find amusing for reasons that probably

Time: 2966.73

only a neuroscientist would find amusing.

Time: 2969.43

In any case, in rodents, it seems that running more

Time: 2973.67

on a wheel can trigger neurogenesis,

Time: 2976.65

literally the birth of new neurons and the addition

Time: 2979.75

of new neurons to the hippocampus.

Time: 2981.95

In monkeys, this has been controversial.

Time: 2984.74

It seems it does happen in the hippocampus

Time: 2986.237

and in the olfactory bulb,

Time: 2988.05

probably not in the neocortex.

Time: 2989.95

Thinking back to the decades or more controversy

Time: 2992.84

between Liz Gould and Pasko Rakic.

Time: 2995.06

I hope they settled their differences there.

Time: 2997.59

Neuroscientists love to argue.

Time: 3000.19

It's kind of what we do.

Time: 3002.75

And in humans, I think it's been a bit controversial.

Time: 3005.98

Some people say absolutely, yes.

Time: 3007.93

Other people say absolutely no,

Time: 3009.31

there are new neurons added to the adult brain.

Time: 3013.51

I haven't followed that literature down to the detail.

Time: 3017.14

But I do remember one study that I don't think is contested,

Time: 3021.23

which is the work of Rusty Gage at the Salk Institute

Time: 3024.42

where they actually injected a sort of due type marker

Time: 3028.83

into the brains of terminally ill humans

Time: 3031.78

who very graciously offered to have their brains removed

Time: 3034.96

and dissected after death.

Time: 3036.92

And in some cases, these very old terminally ill humans,

Time: 3042.13

they did see evidence for new neurons

Time: 3045.05

being born in the hippocampus.

Time: 3046.64

Can I trust that idea still?

Time: 3048.83

Is that generally accepted?

Time: 3050.52

- Well, so after that study, which was quite a while ago,

Time: 3054.86

there are more recent studies, still controversial,

Time: 3058.04

but showing and demonstrating, using even new

Time: 3061.86

and better techniques than were used

Time: 3063.6

in that original Rusty Gage study,

Time: 3065.5

which was groundbreaking at the time, that suggest,

Time: 3070.26

and I think show, that there are new neurons born

Time: 3074.12

in adult human brains into the ninth decade of life.

Time: 3079.54

So they not only did this, I think

Time: 3081.47

those patients were in their 60s, then they died of cancer.

Time: 3086.71

But these new studies looking across the timeline,

Time: 3090.13

can we see, because the other thing was, yeah,

Time: 3092.18

maybe you have some when you're 20,

Time: 3094.24

but by the time you're older and you might need

Time: 3096.71

these new neurons, you have no new neuron growth.

Time: 3099.89

And so these studies seem to suggest that, yes, yes you do.

Time: 3105.55

And we all do even into old age.

Time: 3109.3

- Great, and I'll just take a moment to say

Time: 3111.33

that I am personally not aware of any studies

Time: 3113.98

looking at other forms of exercise

Time: 3117.06

besides cardiovascular exercise for sake of brain health.

Time: 3120.3

And this, I think, is an important gap in the literature

Time: 3123.09

that ought to be filled, whether or not for instance,

Time: 3125.42

high intensity interval training,

Time: 3127.35

or whether or not weight training,

Time: 3130.5

which has other effects on the musculature,

Time: 3132.69

so you can imagine perhaps the myokine to BDNF pathway,

Time: 3135.5

the pathway one that you mentioned, might be signaled,

Time: 3137.49

but maybe not the liver pathway, maybe.

Time: 3139.39

Yes, I'm speculating here.

Time: 3140.91

Those studies need to be done.

Time: 3142.13

To my knowledge, they just haven't been done yet.

Time: 3145.14

But they should be done.

Time: 3147.35

If you would, could you tell us about

Time: 3148.7

some of the more specific effects of exercise on memory?

Time: 3155.345

Memory is a broad category of effects and phenomena.

Time: 3158.73

So things like what comes to mind is

Time: 3161.13

short-term, medium- and long-term memory,

Time: 3162.7

reaction time, learning math, at least for me,

Time: 3167.11

is quite a bit different than learning history,

Time: 3171.05

although there's certainly overlap

Time: 3172.54

in the neural underpinnings.

Time: 3174.79

What has been demonstrated in the laboratory

Time: 3177.55

in animal models, but especially in humans,

Time: 3180.28

and if you want to share with us any results

Time: 3182.59

from your lab, published or unpublished,

Time: 3185.39

I'm sure that the audience would be delighted

Time: 3186.81

to learn about them.

Time: 3187.69

- Absolutely, let me start with kind of

Time: 3190.17

the immediate effects, acute effects as they're called,

Time: 3193.47

of exercise on the brain.

Time: 3195.04

So this is asking what does a one-off exercise session

Time: 3199.15

do for your brain?

Time: 3200.92

And there, there are three major effects

Time: 3205.56

that have been reproduced.

Time: 3206.87

I've seen it in my lab, many labs have reproduced this.

Time: 3210.06

So what do you get with the one-off?

Time: 3212.11

This is usually an aerobic-type exercise session,

Time: 3215.69

30 to 45 minutes.

Time: 3217.54

What you get is that mood boost, very, very consistent.

Time: 3221.635

You get improved prefrontal function,

Time: 3226.15

typically tested with a Stroop test,

Time: 3229.42

which is a test that asks you to shift and focus

Time: 3232.28

your attention in specific ways.

Time: 3234.77

It's a challenging task and clearly dependent

Time: 3237.15

on the prefrontal cortex largely.

Time: 3239.57

And significant improvements in reaction time,

Time: 3243.08

so your speed at responding, often a motor kind of,

Time: 3247.72

but cognitive motor response is improved.

Time: 3251.94

Over the pandemic, one of the unpublished studies that I did

Time: 3255.17

looking at the effects of 30 minutes

Time: 3258.16

of age-appropriate workout in subjects

Time: 3262.63

ranging in age from their 20s

Time: 3265

all the way up to their 90s.

Time: 3267.12

So what are the things that I saw more consistently?

Time: 3271.88

Irrespective of your age, everybody got a decreased anxiety

Time: 3277.08

and depression and hostility score, which is very important.

Time: 3282.131

So it's not just decreasing your anxiety and depression

Time: 3284.72

but decreasing your hostility levels.

Time: 3287.439

- Making the world a better place.

Time: 3288.69

- Making the world a better place.

Time: 3291.43

Energy, the feeling of energy went up.

Time: 3294.48

And what we found is in the older population,

Time: 3298.42

even more than in the younger population,

Time: 3300.87

we saw improved performance on both Stroop

Time: 3304.29

and Eriksen flanker task, which is another task dependent

Time: 3308.71

on really focusing in on different letters

Time: 3312.54

and paying attention to what letter is being shown.

Time: 3315.92

So these are consistent effects.

Time: 3319.01

How long do they last?

Time: 3320.13

One of the studies that I did publish in my lab showed that

Time: 3322.67

the immediate effects of exercise lasted up to two hours.

Time: 3327.52

Unfortunately, that was the longest that we last,

Time: 3329.23

they were still there at two hours.

Time: 3332.167

So that's a pretty big bang for your buck.

Time: 3335.86

- That is. - One 30 minute.

Time: 3337.47

- Sorry to interrupt, I just want to make sure I understand.

Time: 3339.49

So when you say the effects lasted up to two hours,

Time: 3342.4

does that mean up to two hours after you finished exercise?

Time: 3345.86

Or up to two hours of memory challenging work?

Time: 3353.85

Just to be clear.

Time: 3354.683

- Yeah, that's a great question.

Time: 3355.84

So my study looked at two hours

Time: 3361.59

after you finish your workout

Time: 3363.46

we gave you these cognitive tests.

Time: 3365.03

During that two-hour period, you were free to do anything

Time: 3368.47

except exercise or eat.

Time: 3370.03

And so there was no extra load on people.

Time: 3374.54

But two hours later, you did do significantly better

Time: 3377.67

on these focused attention tasks compared to a group

Time: 3382.99

that watched videos for the exercise period.

Time: 3386.57

This was an hour of cycling that they did.

Time: 3389.71

These were young subjects in their 20s.

Time: 3391.97

- Okay, so if I finish my exercise at 9:00 AM,

Time: 3397.02

even if I start this cognitive work, this mental work at 11,

Time: 3401.55

I'll still see benefits.

Time: 3402.73

- Yes, at least by 11,

Time: 3404.45

because I didn't go farther than two hours.

Time: 3407.47

So it could last even longer than that,

Time: 3409.49

but I have evidence that it lasts for two hours.

Time: 3411.99

- And perhaps if I had started the cognitive work

Time: 3415.14

45 minutes after my exercise ended,

Time: 3417.42

it would also be helpful.

Time: 3418.87

- Yes. - So there's no reason

Time: 3419.77

to think that there's a,

Time: 3421.215

that you have to wait before starting cognitive work.

Time: 3422.048

- Yeah, no reason at all.

Time: 3423.66

- I'm asking questions of the sort that I get

Time: 3425.61

in the comments, that we are going to get

Time: 3426.98

in the comment section.

Time: 3427.97

We always strive for clarity here.

Time: 3430.25

So what this tells me is that exercising early in the day

Time: 3435.56

may have a special effect.

Time: 3438.05

I realize that some people cannot exercise

Time: 3440.12

until later in the evening,

Time: 3441.8

but you mentioned something earlier that I want

Time: 3444.18

to cue people to, it's very, very important.

Time: 3446.1

I don't think I've ever mentioned this on the podcast,

Time: 3447.85

which is any kind of physical activity will increase

Time: 3451.59

cortisol to varying degrees.

Time: 3454.05

And so sometimes it's a healthy increase,

Time: 3455.58

sometimes it's an unhealthy increase.

Time: 3456.97

If you do two hours of really intense exercise

Time: 3459.1

and you're not prepared for it,

Time: 3460.56

that's a big spike in cortisol, probably not a good thing

Time: 3464.04

for most people.

Time: 3465.17

But if you are going to do your cardiovascular

Time: 3467.61

or weight training later in the day,

Time: 3470.15

that increase in cortisol can promote

Time: 3472.54

too much wakefulness for sleep, etc.

Time: 3475.58

Shifting that cortisol spike early in the day

Time: 3477.51

is associated with a number of important things

Time: 3479.25

related to mood, etc.

Time: 3482.04

But more and more, what I'm thinking and hearing

Time: 3485.13

is that exercise early in the day is key.

Time: 3487.1

Our former dean of the medical school, Phil Pizzo,

Time: 3490.11

was and is kind of famous still for jogging

Time: 3494.09

between the hours of, like, 4 and 5:00 AM,

Time: 3496.27

or five and six, and then running the medical school.

Time: 3499.9

And you're up early doing your exercise, and cold shower,

Time: 3503.12

and meditation, we'll talk about meditation,

Time: 3505.1

but this is more and more of a push, I feel like,

Time: 3508.27

or a stimulus for us to think about moving

Time: 3511.61

our exercise earlier in the day.

Time: 3513.25

- Yeah, I mean, I like to say that,

Time: 3516.495

I know there are moms and dads out there and they just say,

Time: 3520.29

look, I have a kid, the kid's more important

Time: 3522.84

than my doing my exercise.

Time: 3524.46

So you will get benefits if you do it whenever you can.

Time: 3529.54

So that's great, more power to you.

Time: 3532.08

But what all the neuroscience data suggests is the best time

Time: 3536.56

to do your exercise is right before you need

Time: 3539.81

to use your brain in the most important way

Time: 3542.65

that you need to use it every day.

Time: 3544.16

And so that is why the morning for most of us is beneficial.

Time: 3548.8

That's why I do it in the morning

Time: 3550.02

and I'm lucky enough to be able to do that.

Time: 3552.89

But yeah, it makes sense with all,

Time: 3556.16

everything we know about how this works

Time: 3558.41

and how it benefits our brain.

Time: 3560.18

- I think about our colleague, Eric Kandel,

Time: 3563.94

who not incidentally has a Nobel Prize and studies memory.

Time: 3567.56

And rumor has it that he's been a swimmer

Time: 3572.18

for a lot of years.

Time: 3573.307

That he'll put in, I think nowadays he's in his '90s,

Time: 3575.77

now he'll put in half a mile,

Time: 3578.33

but he used to do swim a mile a day

Time: 3580.27

or something of that sort.

Time: 3581.103

- Wow, I heard that, too, that he was a swimmer

Time: 3582.91

and he does it very, very religiously.

Time: 3584.85

- Okay, so there are a few other neuroscientists

Time: 3586.73

that do that, I can think of a lot of neuroscientists

Time: 3588.56

that probably should exercise more.

Time: 3590.03

And I don't say that to poke at them,

Time: 3591.36

I just would love to see them doing their incredible work

Time: 3593.73

for many more decades.

Time: 3595.61

And everything that we're talking about today indicates

Time: 3596.78

that if one doesn't, unless you have incredible genetics,

Time: 3602.29

we all experience age-related dementia, right.

Time: 3605.38

I mean, the story of your father is a salient one.

Time: 3609.33

And we should remember that as we go forward.

Time: 3612.07

I also want to emphasize, and I'd love to get your thoughts

Time: 3614.5

on just memory and memory loss in general.

Time: 3617.82

It seems we all get worse at remembering

Time: 3620.66

and learning things, even if we don't get Alzheimer's.

Time: 3624.56

When does that typically start for humans?

Time: 3627.6

- You know, I think there's so much variability,

Time: 3631.52

not only because we are individuals,

Time: 3634.64

but because our stress levels are different

Time: 3639.33

and, well, everybody's anxiety level has gone up

Time: 3643.26

in the last couple of years, but that also has an effect.

Time: 3646.85

We don't remember as much in a highly stressful,

Time: 3650.33

highly anxious situation.

Time: 3652.41

So, as you know, it's hard to answer that question.

Time: 3656.392

People say, okay, just tell me

Time: 3657.56

how much exercise I have to do.

Time: 3658.83

- 30 to 45 minutes a day.

Time: 3661.35

But I love that per day,

Time: 3663.44

I've been doing this whole thing of telling people, oh,

Time: 3665.57

the data say 150 to 200 minutes of zone two cardio,

Time: 3669.46

which is kind of moderately hard

Time: 3671.54

but not excessively hard, but I love this everyday theme.

Time: 3676.07

Because whenever I do that, the questions that come back

Time: 3678.38

are, well, what if I take a long hike on the weekends?

Time: 3680.44

And so people start negotiating.

Time: 3682.13

There's something that's very powerful

Time: 3683.32

about non-negotiable, everyday.

Time: 3685.43

Sun in your eyes every day even through cloud cover.

Time: 3687.57

Exercise for 30 to 45 minutes.

Time: 3689.71

Cold shower every day. - Every day, yeah.

Time: 3694.03

- My understanding of the literature is that somewhere

Time: 3697.42

in our 50s or 60s, we start noticing

Time: 3700.31

little hiccups in memory,

Time: 3703.13

for some people younger, for some people later.

Time: 3706.33

But I have to imagine that doing the exercise

Time: 3709.97

throughout one's entire life is going to help

Time: 3712.16

offset some of this simply 'cause of the BDNF

Time: 3714.917

and other downstream effects.

Time: 3716.65

- Yeah, I mean, that's what it suggests.

Time: 3719.79

One of my favorite studies,

Time: 3721.34

and then I want to get back to you wanted,

Time: 3723.78

you invited me to share some of my unpublished data

Time: 3726.72

on the effects of long-term exercise,

Time: 3728.95

but first I want to share one of my favorite studies,

Time: 3731.61

which is a longitudinal study done in Swedish women.

Time: 3736.54

And this was published in 2018.

Time: 3738.95

And what they did was back in the 1960s,

Time: 3742.8

they found Swedish women,

Time: 3745.337

300 Swedish women in their 40s.

Time: 3747.73

And they characterized them as low fit, mid fit, high fit.

Time: 3751.58

Okay, and then 40 years later,

Time: 3753.59

they came back and found these women,

Time: 3754.91

they let them do, live their lives.

Time: 3757.18

And they asked what happened to these women as a function

Time: 3760.37

of whether they were low fit, mid fit,

Time: 3762.36

high fit in their 40s, they're now in their 80s.

Time: 3766.18

And what they found was that relative to the low fit

Time: 3771.53

or mid fit women, the women that were high fit

Time: 3775.98

gained nine more years of good cognition later in life.

Time: 3783.14

Now this is not a randomized controlled study.

Time: 3786.25

This is a correlational study.

Time: 3788.46

But does it agree with everything

Time: 3790.33

that we've been talking about today?

Time: 3792.64

Yes, does it agree with this idea that the women

Time: 3795.64

that were high fit were giving their brains

Time: 3797.8

this bubble bath, maybe not every day,

Time: 3801.39

but very, very regularly for that entire 40 years

Time: 3804.53

and that built up their big, fat, beautiful hippocampi?

Time: 3808.05

Yes, it does.

Time: 3809.06

So that's one of my favorite studies.

Time: 3811.6

- Yeah, another cause for getting

Time: 3815.66

the exercise in consistently.

Time: 3819.04

I am impressed by this 10-minute walk

Time: 3822.18

and the improvements in mood from just a 10-minute walk.

Time: 3825.77

But again, I think that daily repetition also

Time: 3830.44

I have to imagine has effects on the very pathways

Time: 3834.84

that allow plasticity.

Time: 3836.11

This is something we, in the realm of neuroplasticity,

Time: 3838.76

we don't often hear about or think about,

Time: 3840.56

even as a neuroscientist, which is that the pathways

Time: 3842.98

for engaging plasticity probably can be,

Time: 3845.64

probably I'm speculating here, can be made better

Time: 3849.12

by engaging in the sorts of behavior

Time: 3851.19

that stimulate plasticity.

Time: 3852.52

In other words, if one gets better at calming themselves

Time: 3854.3

down under stress, those circuits get better at doing that.

Time: 3857.131

- Yes, absolutely. - Neural circuits

Time: 3859.23

gain proficiency.

Time: 3861.041

And so, because blood vessels can grow,

Time: 3863.61

capillaries can grow in the brain,

Time: 3865.44

you can imagine that more pumping of blood to the brain,

Time: 3869.3

delivery of these various muscle and liver factors

Time: 3873.58

would also establish larger or more efficient portals

Time: 3878.02

to getting that stuff there.

Time: 3879.55

So you could imagine kind of an amplifying effect

Time: 3882.65

of exercise, and again, I'm speculating here,

Time: 3884.42

but I've seen this over and over again in colleagues,

Time: 3887.4

the ones who exercise consistently

Time: 3890.38

seem to be really, really smart and doing amazing work

Time: 3893.4

well into their 80s and 90s

Time: 3895.23

and the ones who aren't, some of whom

Time: 3897.55

actually pride themselves on how little they exercise,

Time: 3901.48

they get worse over time.

Time: 3903.18

You see them each meeting, each decade and I'm not poking

Time: 3906.03

fun at them at all, it's actually quite, quite hard to see.

Time: 3908.96

And they're kind of a fading light,

Time: 3910.36

they're starting to flicker.

Time: 3912.3

So there is this incredible relationship

Time: 3913.96

between body vitality and brain vitality.

Time: 3916.97

That, of course, is not an excuse for spending

Time: 3919.06

all day in the gym.

Time: 3920.7

The gym rats, I enjoy working out so I could imagine

Time: 3924.99

doing that, but that doesn't make us smarter,

Time: 3928.27

unfortunately you actually have to do

Time: 3929.55

the cognitive work also,

Time: 3931.41

it's not just exercise.

Time: 3933.14

So I'd love to hear about some of these

Time: 3934.47

new unpublished data.

Time: 3935.86

- Yeah, okay, so when I jumped into the exercise work,

Time: 3940.85

everybody was studying people 65 or older

Time: 3944.85

because that's when cognitive decline begins.

Time: 3947.42

And if the idea is exercise can help you

Time: 3949.8

with your cognition, then makes sense.

Time: 3952.32

However, I thought, well, you know that it's great,

Time: 3957.532

there's lots of work there.

Time: 3958.76

I wanted to know what happens in people in their 40s

Time: 3962.607

and their 50s, maybe even their 30s and their 20s.

Time: 3966.36

Why, because that's when we, as humans are able,

Time: 3970.64

ready, willing, and able to increase our exercise

Time: 3974.18

and gets us set up to build our brains

Time: 3978.55

as we go into our 60s.

Time: 3980.51

And so the first study that I did looked at

Time: 3985.12

low fit participants from their 30s to mid 50s,

Time: 3990.68

and we wanted to ask this question,

Time: 3994.17

how much exercise do you really need

Time: 3995.71

to start seeing benefits?

Time: 3997.07

Do you see benefits?

Time: 3997.92

Or maybe you have to wait until you start seeing

Time: 4000.13

cognitive decline to get benefits.

Time: 4002.15

That was one of the theories out there.

Time: 4004.54

And so that's what I wanted to do.

Time: 4006.41

And so what we did was three months of two to three times

Time: 4010.93

a week cardio, it was a spin class,

Time: 4014.17

so spin classes are great for cardio.

Time: 4016.53

And the comparison group was two to three times a week

Time: 4019.84

of competitive video Scrabble.

Time: 4022.58

So no heart rate change, but they had to come into my lab

Time: 4026.99

and be in a group just like they were in a group

Time: 4029.1

for the spin class.

Time: 4033

We touched them cognitively at the beginning

Time: 4035.307

and the end of the session.

Time: 4037.02

What we found was two to three times a week of cardio

Time: 4041.47

in these people, they are low fit, which means specifically

Time: 4045.01

that they were exercising less than 30 minutes a week

Time: 4048.55

for the three months previous to the experiment.

Time: 4051.62

So they went from that to two to three times a week

Time: 4054.03

of spin class and what we found was changes

Time: 4058.21

in baseline rates of their positive mood states went up

Time: 4062.56

relative to the video Scrabble group.

Time: 4065.34

Their body image got more positive

Time: 4068.77

because they were exercising, which is great.

Time: 4070.85

And really important, their motivation to exercise went up

Time: 4075.48

significantly compared to the video Scrabble group,

Time: 4078.44

which is great.

Time: 4079.64

So the more you exercise, the more motivated

Time: 4082.16

you are to exercise.

Time: 4083.84

What about cognition?

Time: 4084.78

What changed in the cognitive circuits of their brain?

Time: 4087.99

Number one, we got improved performance on the Stroop task,

Time: 4091.91

but we're headed towards my favorite structure,

Time: 4095.3

which is the hippocampus.

Time: 4097.01

What we found was improved performance on both

Time: 4100.8

a recognition memory task, which was a memory

Time: 4104.52

and coding task, and that is, can you differentiate

Time: 4111.1

similar items that we're asking you to remember,

Time: 4114.595

and a spatial episodic memory task,

Time: 4117.85

where we had them play one of those Doom like games

Time: 4120.83

when they went into this spatial maze and they had

Time: 4123.25

to do things in a virtual city.

Time: 4125.48

Their performance there got better,

Time: 4127.08

which is very, very classically dependent

Time: 4129.57

on the hippocampus.

Time: 4132.165

So this, it was so satisfying to do this study

Time: 4136.03

because I've been wanting to answer this question,

Time: 4139.53

what is a minimum amount or doable amount of exercise

Time: 4145.25

that will get you these cognitive benefits?

Time: 4147.67

And now I can say in 30-to-50-year olds that are low fit,

Time: 4153.36

two to three times a week.

Time: 4154.68

Is that doable, absolutely.

Time: 4156.71

Will it be hard if you're low fit, yeah,

Time: 4158.57

it's going to be challenging, but absolutely doable.

Time: 4162.2

And so it makes sense with all of the mechanisms

Time: 4168.53

that we are, I didn't study the mechanisms just to be clear,

Time: 4171.52

but with all the mechanisms we are imagining are playing

Time: 4175.4

a role here, that absolutely makes sense and it is doable.

Time: 4179.52

This is not like you have to become marathon runner

Time: 4183.22

to get any of these benefits.

Time: 4185.1

This is you have to start moving your body

Time: 4187.15

on a regular basis two to three times a week.

Time: 4191.26

So I love that for its realness.

Time: 4194.79

- How long are those sessions again?

Time: 4196.42

- 45 Minutes. - 45 Minutes.

Time: 4197.68

- Yeah, 45 minutes, it's a typical spin kind of class.

Time: 4202.38

There's a warmup for five minutes and a cool down

Time: 4204.37

for five minutes, so it's really 35 minutes

Time: 4210.28

of they're really pushing you.

Time: 4213.15

- And so they're breathing reasonably hard.

Time: 4215.27

Heart rate is up.

Time: 4216.972

- Heart rate is up definitely up, yeah

Time: 4219.18

- I find that all of those results are really interesting

Time: 4222.283

that the results showing improvement in motivation

Time: 4227.16

to exercise is interesting, 'cause it gets back

Time: 4229.35

to this issue of kind of a self-amplifying effect.

Time: 4231.97

And the neuroscientist in me wants to think

Time: 4236.19

about kind of pre-motor circuits and the fact that

Time: 4239.47

we have a motor system that can obviously do things

Time: 4242.24

like lift cups, and walk, and run if we want to or need to,

Time: 4245.79

but that it's possible to create

Time: 4248.5

a kind of anticipatory activity in our nervous system

Time: 4251.75

where our body craves a certain stimulus,

Time: 4255.31

you mentioned the cold and how you crave the cold.

Time: 4257.64

Now whether or not that's the adrenaline,

Time: 4259.46

and the dopamine, etc., or whether or not somebody

Time: 4262.86

who exercises, going from zero, less than 30 minutes

Time: 4266.89

per week to two to three times a week, 45 minutes,

Time: 4269.89

as you described for this study.

Time: 4273.293

I've had that experience before of that the cardio,

Time: 4277.343

that I tend to battle the most,

Time: 4280.12

I love lifting heavy objects, at least heavy for me.

Time: 4283.66

I'm happy to go to the gym every other day

Time: 4286.04

and just lift heavy objects for an hour.

Time: 4287.53

It just makes me happy, I like the way it feels,

Time: 4289.8

and I've been doing it since I was in my teens, so 30 years.

Time: 4293.69

Cardio's a little bit trickier.

Time: 4294.68

I like to run, but if I stop running for a little while

Time: 4298.41

I find it very hard to get back into.

Time: 4300.21

But if I start running three times a week

Time: 4302.3

for 30 to 45 minutes and I do this pretty consistently

Time: 4305.3

on the days I don't weight train,

Time: 4306.77

I find that I start to crave it.

Time: 4308.69

It's almost as if my body needs that in order to,

Time: 4312.36

I always say, clear out the cobwebs,

Time: 4313.87

but it's like my mind doesn't function as well,

Time: 4315.73

clearly now I understand why and why exercise helps,

Time: 4319.8

but also physically I almost feel like my body needs

Time: 4323.11

to engage in that movement.

Time: 4324.21

Like the pre-motor circuits are kind of revving,

Time: 4326.8

kind of like revving then engine on a car while it's in park.

Time: 4330.72

So the motivation to exercise obviously

Time: 4332.84

could be multifaceted.

Time: 4334.77

It could be purely psychological,

Time: 4336.52

but do you think there's any reason to speculate at least

Time: 4339.34

or believe that we can build an anticipatory,

Time: 4344.197

reverbatory activity into our nervous system?

Time: 4346.22

- Yeah, yeah,

Time: 4349.981

I agree with that because I also have those same kinds

Time: 4353.76

of thoughts and I do have anticipatory exercise

Time: 4359.47

when I can't do it.

Time: 4360.64

So I just got back from a week and a half in Paris,

Time: 4364.79

where I got to do a book launch

Time: 4366.6

of my last book, "Good Anxiety."

Time: 4368.66

And I really walked around a lot,

Time: 4374.04

but I did not do my exercise for that whole week and a half.

Time: 4379.56

But there was a lot of stress 'cause I had to do

Time: 4381.26

all these interviews in French.

Time: 4382.3

So I gave myself a break.

Time: 4383.46

- You speak French? - I speak French.

Time: 4385.08

- I was going to say, otherwise it would be really stressful.

Time: 4386.203

- That would be really stressful.

Time: 4387.4

- Then I'd be really impressed.

Time: 4389.023

Then I would definitely start exercising.

Time: 4391.63

Actually, I would follow your morning routine to a T,

Time: 4394.36

but okay, very impressive nonetheless.

Time: 4396.74

- But I got back and coming back this direction from Paris,

Time: 4402.08

I live in New York, is much easier.

Time: 4405.36

And so I was able to get up at a normal time the next day.

Time: 4408.57

And that exercise session that first day is like, okay,

Time: 4411.25

I'm back in my home, I'm back in my environment.

Time: 4414.27

And it felt so good.

Time: 4416.29

It was like I wanted to come back.

Time: 4419.8

And I know it's because I worked up over years,

Time: 4424.35

now I could truthfully say seven days a week,

Time: 4427.06

but it was first it was four to five,

Time: 4430.28

then it was five to six, and yeah, seven,

Time: 4434.45

but that includes a yoga day,

Time: 4436.2

or sometimes I have to do it for 10 minutes

Time: 4437.79

instead of 30 because I have to leave.

Time: 4440.4

But that habit of you do that even for five minutes,

Time: 4444.93

you do either the weight 10-minute thing,

Time: 4448.04

or a five-minute thing, or a stretch, that is a tiny habit.

Time: 4454.07

Is that somebody at Stanford that invented this idea

Time: 4456.84

of tiny habits, I thought it was?

Time: 4458.79

- Well, we've got a number of people there.

Time: 4461.346

And I apologize in advance to all the people

Time: 4463.27

I neglect in this statement, but I'm happy

Time: 4465.93

to put it in the comments, folks.

Time: 4468.5

BJ Fogg is there, has done-- - Yes, that's who I,

Time: 4472.3

- BJ's done really great work.

Time: 4474.59

And then James Clear wrote a book about habits

Time: 4478.13

and has a very popular newsletter about habits.

Time: 4480.85

We've done an episode about habits that covers

Time: 4482.52

some of their work and some of the more laboratory-ish,

Time: 4487.22

not ish, laboratory science, peer-reviewed work on it.

Time: 4490.52

Daily behaviors, also daily behaviors performed

Time: 4493.32

at roughly the same time of day.

Time: 4495.35

I mean, one thing we know for sure is that

Time: 4497.86

the circadian system is part of our nervous system's way

Time: 4502.01

of anticipating when things will happen,

Time: 4503.867

not just what will happen.

Time: 4505.32

I'm telling you things you obviously know already,

Time: 4507.9

but for the audience.

Time: 4509.09

Performing your exercise at roughly the same time each day

Time: 4512.66

will make it easier as opposed to just saying,

Time: 4514.88

I'm going to do it seven days a week sometime today.

Time: 4517.06

But of course, getting it done sometime is better

Time: 4519.27

than not getting it done.

Time: 4520.103

- Yes, absolutely, absolutely.

Time: 4522.74

- Well, those are impressive effects and I love that

Time: 4525.27

you're starting to look in populations that are

Time: 4527.39

a bit younger, not because some of these older populations

Time: 4530.97

aren't important, but I think that building good habits in

Time: 4534.86

across one's entire life is really what it's about.

Time: 4538.41

As I always say with anything related to longevity

Time: 4541.42

or offsetting an age-related decline, we don't know,

Time: 4546.09

it's hard to know if things work

Time: 4547.28

because there's no within subject control.

Time: 4550.867

But what we also know for sure is that you don't want

Time: 4553.25

to be the control experiment.

Time: 4555

- Exactly. - You absolutely don't

Time: 4556.42

want to be the control experiment,

Time: 4557.83

especially for something that's purely behavioral.

Time: 4560.51

I mean, you're not talking about ingesting

Time: 4562.26

a particular supplement.

Time: 4563.37

You're not talking about changing your diet in any way.

Time: 4566.11

But I am curious diet is a very barbed wire topic

Time: 4571.42

on the internet, which diets whether or not they work, etc.,

Time: 4575.64

but in general, in any of these studies,

Time: 4578.69

do they evaluate whether or not people change

Time: 4580.37

their eating habits when they start to exercise more?

Time: 4582.96

- Yeah, I think I've seen one study that controlled

Time: 4588.36

for that, but I feel for them because it's hard enough

Time: 4592.26

to get people to exercise at the level and at the time,

Time: 4598.278

that you need for your study.

Time: 4600.1

If you also ask them, okay,

Time: 4601.63

fill out this survey to tell us exactly what you ate

Time: 4603.89

all day, they're going to say, forget you,

Time: 4606.7

I'm not joining your study.

Time: 4608.69

So it's a critical question.

Time: 4611.3

And again, there's only been one that I've seen

Time: 4615.36

and the evidence was that diets got better

Time: 4619.18

when they, you know, less processed foods,

Time: 4621.43

when they did adhere to this exercise.

Time: 4623.83

But lot more information needs to be gathered in that realm.

Time: 4628.55

The second study that I wanted to share unpublished,

Time: 4631.21

we're writing it up right now, is part two of that study

Time: 4635.63

that I just described, which was the low fit people.

Time: 4638.48

Next we move to mid fit people, like what about us,

Time: 4641.31

we're already exercising,

Time: 4644.08

am I going to benefit from increasing my exercise?

Time: 4647.65

So here again we collaborated with a great spin studio

Time: 4651.87

that had a whole bunch of mid fit people

Time: 4654

that by our definition were exercising two to three times

Time: 4658.15

a week on a regular basis.

Time: 4659.75

That's great, all you people out there that are doing that,

Time: 4662.25

you should know you're already benefiting your brain.

Time: 4665.27

But our question was what if we invited them to exercise

Time: 4668.97

as much as they wanted at the spin studio for three months,

Time: 4673.02

from two to three times all the way

Time: 4674.89

up to seven times a week, and let's just see what happened.

Time: 4678.17

And the control group, we asked them

Time: 4681.81

not to change their exercise.

Time: 4684.33

And so what we ended up with was a nice big array

Time: 4689.26

of starting with mid fit people that exercise

Time: 4693.18

between staying at two to three times a week,

Time: 4695.29

all the way up to seven times a week.

Time: 4697.5

And the bottom line from that study

Time: 4700.19

is every drop of sweat counted.

Time: 4703.56

That is, the more you change and you increase your workout

Time: 4707.42

up to seven times a week,

Time: 4709.15

the better your mood was, you had lower amounts

Time: 4714.529

of depression and anxiety, higher amounts of good effect,

Time: 4719.67

and the better your hippocampal memory was

Time: 4723.19

with the more you worked out,

Time: 4725.04

again, this was for three months.

Time: 4726.97

So I love that too, because it gives power

Time: 4730.947

to those of us that are regularly exercising and wondering,

Time: 4734.55

do I really need to?

Time: 4736.08

I mean, is it really going to help me?

Time: 4737.55

And the answer is yes.

Time: 4738.63

I mean, not all of us can exercise,

Time: 4740.64

go to a spin class seven times a week,

Time: 4743.28

but I love the message that our body is responsive to that.

Time: 4748.65

And you can get better hippocampal function,

Time: 4751.64

better overall baseline mood affect

Time: 4755.5

with a higher level.

Time: 4756.5

So it works for the mid fit people as well.

Time: 4760.53

- Fantastic, the more I learn from you,

Time: 4762.77

the more I'm starting to conceptualize the brain as an organ

Time: 4765.94

that is privileged in so many ways,

Time: 4768.61

has this unique blood-brain barrier,

Time: 4771.4

has this incredible quality of being able to predict things,

Time: 4775.2

and it's job mainly is, of course, to predict things

Time: 4777.74

among other functions, of course,

Time: 4780.2

but that our brain isn't necessarily going to stay stable

Time: 4785.89

or get better over time, that it needs a signal.

Time: 4791.83

It isn't sufficient to just say that we can't take it

Time: 4793.29

for granted, that our brain is actually an organ

Time: 4796.81

that requires a signal in order to maintain

Time: 4799.64

its own function and it sounds like enhanced blood flow

Time: 4803.23

and these pathways that you described earlier,

Time: 4805.23

these two pathways are at least among

Time: 4808.33

the more critical signals.

Time: 4810.5

I'm tempted now to move my frequency

Time: 4813.43

of cardiovascular exercise from,

Time: 4815.09

I confess it's about three days, 35 minutes lately,

Time: 4818.97

and it should be more to daily.

Time: 4822.14

There's something really, again, really special about daily

Time: 4824.33

because it's nonnegotiable, you just do it.

Time: 4828.36

And it sounds like if one were to do

Time: 4829.98

higher intensity exercise, you know in a spin class,

Time: 4833.02

I've never taken a spin class, but I've seen

Time: 4834.63

there are times when they're standing up on the bike

Time: 4836.19

and pedaling very hard.

Time: 4837.4

So that is included in these kinds of workouts, right?

Time: 4839.87

- Absolutely, yeah. - Okay.

Time: 4840.75

- I mean, that's what the instructor is doing.

Time: 4843.6

I cannot control.

Time: 4845.8

We did monitor heart rate of all the subjects and it was

Time: 4849.84

clearly, compared to the video Scrabble,

Time: 4852.71

it was highly significant.

Time: 4854.14

- I would hope so. - Yes.

Time: 4856.075

- I guess it depends on how intense

Time: 4856.908

that game of Scrabble is.

Time: 4859.96

Could we just briefly talk about mindset and affirmations?

Time: 4864.93

- Yeah, sure. - You've talked

Time: 4865.763

a bit before about affirmations,

Time: 4869.1

and as you mentioned, the beautiful work of my colleague

Time: 4872.39

at Stanford, Alia Crum,

Time: 4875.1

we can summarize her work pretty simply,

Time: 4876.97

although we won't do it complete justice by it,

Time: 4878.6

she's already been on the podcast,

Time: 4880.14

just to say that one's beliefs about a behavior

Time: 4884.15

also impact the outcomes of that behavior.

Time: 4886.67

If you learn a lot of true facts about stress being good

Time: 4891.45

for you, then you'll experience stress as better for you

Time: 4895.16

then if you only focus on or learn about

Time: 4897.5

the negative effects of stress.

Time: 4898.57

If you learn about the positive effects of exercise,

Time: 4900.95

you actually derive greater benefit from exercise,

Time: 4904.03

believe it or not.

Time: 4905.25

It's incredible, incredible effects,

Time: 4907.07

but they make sense when you understand

Time: 4908.68

what the brain is doing,

Time: 4909.55

which is a lot of this predictive coding and mindsets

Time: 4912.57

don't seem as mysterious and woo anymore

Time: 4914.9

once you understand what the brain is really doing.

Time: 4917.02

But what is, if any,

Time: 4920.13

the value of affirmation of telling yourself

Time: 4924.47

something positive about yourself,

Time: 4926.64

or of exercise, on not the exercise itself,

Time: 4930.3

but on mood, self image, memory, and brain function?

Time: 4934.628

- Yeah, so, I looked into this because I am also

Time: 4941.09

a certified exercise instructor and the form of exercise

Time: 4943.58

that I teach is called IntenSati.

Time: 4947.17

It's a form of exercise that was developed

Time: 4948.99

by this amazing instructor, Patricia Moreno.

Time: 4953.13

And she combined physical movements from kickbox,

Time: 4956.27

and dance, and yoga, and martial arts

Time: 4958.61

with positive spoken affirmations.

Time: 4961.06

So each move, if you're punching back and forth,

Time: 4963.01

as you would do in a kickbox class,

Time: 4965.27

you don't just punch, you say something like

Time: 4967.53

I am strong now, which every punch

Time: 4970.57

is associated with a word.

Time: 4972.07

And you know, you can create your own series of affirmations

Time: 4977.08

with the moves that you put together.

Time: 4979.16

And the first time I did it, I just wandered into her class,

Time: 4982.94

I didn't know what it was and I felt idiotic,

Time: 4987.225

I was like what, I came into the wrong class,

Time: 4989.42

I don't want to come into this class.

Time: 4991.49

But then I saw they didn't care whether I thought

Time: 4996.048

they looked silly saying these affir-,

Time: 4998.09

not saying, yelling these affirmations out loud

Time: 5001.52

while doing the choreography at the same time.

Time: 5004.4

And then I tried it, okay, I didn't yell out,

Time: 5007.08

I kind of whispered it at first.

Time: 5009.92

But by the end, I was really yelling it out.

Time: 5012.38

There's something about the declaration,

Time: 5014.68

using your own voice of saying things that

Time: 5017.81

you don't often say to yourself, like I'm strong,

Time: 5021.88

I'm inspired, I believe I will succeed,

Time: 5024.51

are all the kinds of affirmations you say.

Time: 5027.01

And you walk out of that class,

Time: 5028.63

or I walked out of that class,

Time: 5030.31

thinking, ah, I feel really good now.

Time: 5034.64

Man, I can't wait to come back to this class.

Time: 5037.36

Which is why I ultimately took teacher training

Time: 5040.29

to be able to teach that class.

Time: 5042.37

And so I started to look into what was known

Time: 5047.27

about affirmations and they were never combined

Time: 5050.04

with physical activity, but it was clear that there was

Time: 5054.2

a literature showing that positive affirmations,

Time: 5058.04

saying them or reading them could change mood

Time: 5061.95

in the same way as we're talking about,

Time: 5063.54

you know, Alia Crum's work.

Time: 5065.4

If you have this, it's a belief,

Time: 5069.14

once you start saying these things,

Time: 5070.79

these are not difficult things to believe,

Time: 5074.5

but it's amazing how much you don't say

Time: 5078.04

these kinds of things to yourself or with your own voice.

Time: 5081.58

You might say them about somebody else,

Time: 5083.17

oh, you're strong, you're so smart.

Time: 5085.72

Do you say that about yourself?

Time: 5087.25

And that's the thing about the self affirmations.

Time: 5090.66

It really gets you into a habit

Time: 5094.362

of saying good things about yourself.

Time: 5096.74

And then you start to realize,

Time: 5098.65

oh my God, I'm so mean to myself.

Time: 5101.67

I have lots of negative thoughts going on

Time: 5104.8

about myself in my head, and which is part

Time: 5108.46

of the other reason why I loved this,

Time: 5110.44

this particular form of exercise.

Time: 5113.32

So what you get in IntenSati is the mood boost

Time: 5118.36

from the positive spoken affirmations

Time: 5120.84

together with all the other brain and affect boosts

Time: 5125.22

that we've been talking about for this whole podcast,

Time: 5128.74

from the exercise, because it's a sweaty workout as well.

Time: 5132.41

- Interesting, there's a book, I confess I haven't read it,

Time: 5135.63

but I have had the pleasure of having a discussion

Time: 5138.13

with a psychologist from,

Time: 5139.15

I believe he's at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor,

Time: 5142.24

Ethan Kross wrote a book called "Chatter,"

Time: 5144.87

which focuses on the fact that so much

Time: 5148.3

of our inner dialogue, it is indeed negative.

Time: 5150.84

He certainly wasn't the first to point that out.

Time: 5154.37

But that explicit statements to counter

Time: 5157.63

that negative chatter, I believe is one of the hallmarks

Time: 5161.21

of readjusting one's own, not just internal reference frame,

Time: 5165.15

but actually self-image generally.

Time: 5167.39

And it's a fascinating and, I think, a very important area

Time: 5171.55

of psychology and neuroscience because,

Time: 5173.94

and I acknowledge this, we're talking about this,

Time: 5176.01

two laboratory neuroscientists who record from neurons

Time: 5179.16

and label neurons and look at stuff down the microscope,

Time: 5182.02

we are now deep in the territory, in the deep water

Time: 5185.36

of what some of our colleagues and people who think

Time: 5188.46

about neuroscience would consider really out there

Time: 5190.64

on the kind of subjective edges.

Time: 5193.3

And yet I think it's worth pointing out

Time: 5196.78

that the brain does all these things.

Time: 5199.51

It's responsible for simple reflexes and motor behaviors,

Time: 5201.95

but also high-level conceptual ideas about the universe

Time: 5206.21

and what it might look like in 10 years,

Time: 5207.67

or 100 years, or 1,000 years,

Time: 5209.3

but also high-level conceptual understanding

Time: 5212.04

of who we are and what we are about.

Time: 5215.01

And so even though it might seem a little bit

Time: 5217.03

out on the fringes, dare I say,

Time: 5219.59

I think that these are some of the more important

Time: 5222.075

untread landscapes of neuroscience.

Time: 5224.43

And I just want to acknowledge my appreciation

Time: 5227.5

for the fact that I'm going to connect the dots here and say,

Time: 5231.92

you went from somebody who didn't exercise,

Time: 5233.73

who went on this rafting trip,

Time: 5235.41

That discovered exercise and its benefits

Time: 5237.56

for your grant writing and then on and on and on,

Time: 5240.74

and then became a certified

Time: 5243.08

- Exercise instructor. - Instructor.

Time: 5245.04

So you don't do anything halfway, either as it's clear.

Time: 5250.46

I'd like to touch on something you mentioned earlier,

Time: 5253.61

but we haven't dove into it all in any depth,

Time: 5257.47

which is meditation.

Time: 5260.96

You mentioned this tea meditation.

Time: 5262.79

You had a publication recently

Time: 5265.14

on a 10-minute meditation.

Time: 5267.35

- Yes. - Right?

Time: 5268.2

Maybe you could tell us about this 10-minute meditation

Time: 5270.546

because it seems like such at tractable amount of time.

Time: 5273.95

And then if you would maybe tell us a little bit

Time: 5275.7

about the tea meditation.

Time: 5276.7

But sounds like you've discovered a minimum,

Time: 5280.84

a close to minimum threshold of meditation

Time: 5283.611

that can really benefit us.

Time: 5285.895

So maybe you could tell us about that study.

Time: 5287.71

- So the study was, as you very astutely pointed out,

Time: 5292.75

very practical study,

Time: 5294.98

just 10 minutes, not 30 minutes, not an hour meditation,

Time: 5298.33

that's too hard, 10 minutes guided meditation.

Time: 5301.75

They logged into a site.

Time: 5302.95

So we can tell that they logged in and they listened to a,

Time: 5306.65

it's a body scan, very basic,

Time: 5309.14

but easy to follow kind of meditation.

Time: 5312.19

And we asked them to do it, how often?

Time: 5315.56

Daily, seven days a week, just 10 minutes a day.

Time: 5319.27

And the most shocking thing about this study is that

Time: 5322.43

we got more adherence to the 10 minute daily meditation

Time: 5327.86

than the 10 minute daily podcast listening,

Time: 5330.71

which was our control.

Time: 5331.92

So the highest retention rate I've ever gotten in any,

Time: 5335.98

this kind of study that I've done, exercise or meditation,

Time: 5339

they wanted to do it 10 minutes a day.

Time: 5341.72

It was great.

Time: 5342.753

- I'm going to just start leading meditations

Time: 5344.84

for three hours as opposed to doing a three-hour podcast.

Time: 5349.24

- So we looked at cognitive effects before and after this,

Time: 5355.11

it was eight weeks of daily,

Time: 5357.61

it was actually 12-minute meditation,

Time: 5360.627

12 minutes of body scan meditation.

Time: 5362.19

And what we found was significant decreases

Time: 5366.63

in stress response.

Time: 5367.75

So we did the stress test to see how you responded

Time: 5372.79

to an unexpected, stressful situation.

Time: 5375.36

The meditators did much better.

Time: 5377.81

Their mood was better and their cognitive performance

Time: 5381.89

was also better.

Time: 5383.53

And this was my first little foray into meditation

Time: 5387.55

after I had started my personal tea meditation,

Time: 5394.35

that really shifted my relationship with meditation.

Time: 5401.269

But it is consistent with many other studies showing

Time: 5404.36

the beneficial effects of meditation.

Time: 5408.14

But the unique thing was we tried to make it doable

Time: 5411.23

that many, many people out there could actually follow

Time: 5414.4

this typical regimen, and so we're continuing that.

Time: 5421.16

In fact, my research in my lab right now is all about

Time: 5425.77

those doable, short things that NYU college students

Time: 5430.87

will do, not just at the beginning of the semester,

Time: 5434.27

but at the end of the semester when the stress

Time: 5437.45

and anxiety levels are now at record-breaking high levels.

Time: 5441.61

And they need something to bring that level down so that

Time: 5445.12

they could show their professors

Time: 5446.84

what their brains can actually do.

Time: 5449.05

And so it includes very short meditations,

Time: 5451.5

sound meditations, visual meditations, walking,

Time: 5456.33

things that any college student,

Time: 5458.44

but we're obviously focused on NYU students, will do.

Time: 5463.95

I want to get at graduation rates.

Time: 5466.23

I want to get at class performance

Time: 5469.03

with these kinds of interventions.

Time: 5471.74

But it started with that study

Time: 5472.95

that I just described, meditation.

Time: 5477.19

- If you would, and here's where we can

Time: 5480.46

highlight this again, as some highly educated speculation,

Time: 5484.81

if it's coming from you.

Time: 5486.73

What do you think is going on during meditation?

Time: 5489.11

I mean, so a body skin involves

Time: 5490.91

a kind of a interoceptive awareness,

Time: 5493.44

like interoception, of course, being an attention

Time: 5495.81

to what's going on on the surface of

Time: 5497.81

and within the confines of our skin

Time: 5499.27

as opposed to the outside world.

Time: 5502.89

Drawing our attention to anything inside us or outside us

Time: 5506.38

involves forebrain function, prefrontal cortex presumably,

Time: 5509.36

and other things, typically eyes are closed,

Time: 5512.51

typically it's relaxing.

Time: 5513.87

So there are a lot of variables that could be feeding

Time: 5515.9

into a number of different effects.

Time: 5518.53

But as a neuroscientist, what do you think is going on

Time: 5523.776

that this period of kind of an self-induced,

Time: 5527.72

somewhat unusual state, what do you think is going on

Time: 5532.25

in terms of network behavior and networks within the brain

Time: 5536.43

that it can have these long-term effects?

Time: 5538.61

Because we got to some of the ones downstream

Time: 5540.61

of exercise and I think there's so much evidence,

Time: 5546.09

I know there's so much evidence

Time: 5547.21

that meditation is beneficial.

Time: 5549.69

How do you think it's working

Time: 5551.23

or what do you think it's doing?

Time: 5552.64

- Yeah, I think that one of the most important things

Time: 5556.47

that gets worked when we are doing a simple 10 minute

Time: 5561.39

or 12 minute body scan meditation regularly,

Time: 5565.06

this 10 minutes a day, 12 minutes a day

Time: 5567.73

is the habit building and the practice of focusing

Time: 5573.69

on the present moment.

Time: 5576.41

I think that is very hard for us modern humans to do,

Time: 5580.61

because I'm worrying about the thing that's due

Time: 5585.305

at the end of the week that I need to do

Time: 5587.76

and how many hours am I going to have to be able to do that.

Time: 5590.81

Or I'm worried about, whatever, the email that wasn't

Time: 5594.62

as polite as it should be that I sent

Time: 5596.33

and what were the repercussions for that

Time: 5599.33

instead of focusing on this moment, which is fun,

Time: 5605.09

I get to talk to you, it's a beautiful day outside,

Time: 5609.6

I'm feeling good right at this moment.

Time: 5612.04

And I think that those,

Time: 5613.68

all of the meditative practices that I've done,

Time: 5619.27

and this one also, whether you know it or not,

Time: 5623.39

is getting you to focus on this moment.

Time: 5628.28

And I think it's even more important in this day and age

Time: 5632.11

where anxiety levels and the next variant might come out

Time: 5635.94

and what are the repercussions there?

Time: 5637.64

And I have a mother who's older and she's more susceptible

Time: 5641.12

to it, and there's a war, and what's going to happen there?

Time: 5645.58

Those are all future possibilities.

Time: 5649.16

And we should be worried about that.

Time: 5651.43

That is a possibility, you need to plan for that.

Time: 5654.22

But you also need to focus on this moment right now.

Time: 5659.13

I'm healthy, I can breathe,

Time: 5661.64

I get to have this interesting conversation

Time: 5664.06

right in this moment.

Time: 5664.97

If I start thinking about other things,

Time: 5666.94

then it takes away from this moment.

Time: 5670.2

Do I know what circuits are involved?

Time: 5674.72

Not exactly, that is not my area.

Time: 5676.61

I think there are some studies that have focused on that,

Time: 5680.003

that present moment kind of activity.

Time: 5684.12

But that is what I think is most important

Time: 5687.057

about the practice of meditation

Time: 5689.06

or one of the important things that calms us down.

Time: 5692.91

Because if you know how to do that,

Time: 5694.85

that gives you this powerful tool for the rest of your day.

Time: 5698.85

You're not locked into that fearful future thinking

Time: 5703.06

that so many of us have, or that just reliving

Time: 5706.287

of the terrible past, but you could

Time: 5709.33

enjoy the present moment.

Time: 5712.31

- Yeah, that really resonates.

Time: 5714.15

I think that going back to the earlier part

Time: 5716.7

of our conversation,

Time: 5718.21

the hippocampus has this incredible storage capacity

Time: 5722.4

and ability to set context about past, present, and future.

Time: 5725.97

And that's a beautiful thing because as much as I like

Time: 5729.58

to think he had some semblance of a healthy life,

Time: 5732.26

none of us want to HM,

Time: 5733.84

none of us want to be in the position of not being able

Time: 5736.01

to form new memories and have no context

Time: 5738.04

to the past or the present.

Time: 5740.25

So we're grateful that, we should all be grateful

Time: 5742.67

that our hippocampus can draw from past, present, and future

Time: 5746.21

in various combinations and we should support it

Time: 5748.27

through the daily exercise and other habits,

Time: 5752.13

let's call them habits, so that people make them habits

Time: 5754.32

now that you've highlighted.

Time: 5755.49

But if we are not deliberately anchoring within past,

Time: 5759.51

present, and future according to what we need,

Time: 5763.34

and we're just shuffling between past, present, and future,

Time: 5766.4

that is not a good way to live.

Time: 5768.6

- No. - It's not effective.

Time: 5770.12

- No. - It sounds like meditation

Time: 5771.57

can really help us go to the right stacks.

Time: 5775.04

I guess people don't go to libraries anymore,

Time: 5777.52

but in the old days you would go to the right location

Time: 5780.06

in the library, you actually can't get distracted

Time: 5781.87

by the books that you're interested in,

Time: 5783.47

if you need to go just reflexively,

Time: 5785.49

if you need to go study a particular topic.

Time: 5787.37

So that's kind of how I think about it.

Time: 5789.33

It makes us more linear perhaps in our way of being.

Time: 5793.11

- I think so, and it actually counteracts,

Time: 5796.83

not that I'm against technology,

Time: 5798.63

but having our phones and being connected

Time: 5801.97

to every good and bad thing going on in the world today

Time: 5807.86

is incredibly distracting and takes you away

Time: 5811.08

from the present moment virtually 24 hours a day.

Time: 5814.85

And so we have to work extra hard right now compared to

Time: 5818.64

in the '40s when we didn't have all this technology

Time: 5821.15

or at the same level.

Time: 5822.5

So yeah, it becomes even more important practice,

Time: 5826.28

I think, for everyday life.

Time: 5827.99

- Yeah, or even 10, 15 years ago

Time: 5831.31

it felt like smartphones weren't as intrusive.

Time: 5834.69

One final question and maybe a request.

Time: 5839.55

As the new incoming dean of College of Letters and Sciences,

Time: 5843.05

and I must say I'm delighted, thrilled actually to hear

Time: 5846.64

that a lot of the practices that we've been discussing today

Time: 5849.72

and that you've pioneered are going to be incorporated

Time: 5851.96

into undergraduate education.

Time: 5853.77

I predict, and I'd be willing to wager that that will become

Time: 5856.7

a template for how universities and non-university systems

Time: 5860.95

should function because if indeed the, and it is true,

Time: 5864.84

that there's this incredible relationship

Time: 5867.36

between physical movement and mental deliberate practices

Time: 5871.14

and performance, any corporation, school, household

Time: 5875.44

would be crazy, would be self-limiting,

Time: 5879.22

and even self-destructive to not incorporate those.

Time: 5881.7

So I'm so happy that you're going to do this and collect data.

Time: 5885.27

Please, we'll have to touch back with you

Time: 5887

and hear what comes to that.

Time: 5889.57

But one of the main things that I hear so much about today

Time: 5893.11

are issues with attention.

Time: 5895.34

And we haven't talked about attention,

Time: 5896.4

we've mainly been talking about memory and cognition.

Time: 5898.87

But you know a lot about attention,

Time: 5903.324

and here I'm not being disparaging,

Time: 5904.28

I think people have done what I'm about to say

Time: 5906.6

as a consequence of need and lack of other resources.

Time: 5910.81

There's an immense amount of Adderall use, Ritalin use,

Time: 5913.87

Modafinil use, and caffeine abuse.

Time: 5916.39

Now, I happen to like caffeine,

Time: 5917.91

I don't use the other compounds I described,

Time: 5920.69

but it's just incredible to me how the data on this are,

Time: 5924.89

a colleague of mine at Stanford claims that

Time: 5926.63

something like two-thirds or more of college students

Time: 5929.51

use these without prescription for ADHD.

Time: 5934.72

What can we expect in terms of the effects

Time: 5938.52

of regular exercise on attention?

Time: 5940.57

And are there any other things besides exercise

Time: 5943.03

and meditation that you would like to see people do

Time: 5945.34

in terms of trying to increase their powers of attention?

Time: 5948.01

Because I think the ability to focus and attend

Time: 5951.47

is really the distinguishing feature

Time: 5953.67

between those that will succeed in any endeavor

Time: 5956.45

and those that won't.

Time: 5958.03

And that's a scary thing for a lot of people to hear

Time: 5960.05

because a lot of people think they have ADHD.

Time: 5962.29

They may, they may not.

Time: 5963.71

But I bet that a number of students at both Stanford and NYU

Time: 5968.32

feel challenged with holding their attention

Time: 5971.22

to the thing that they need to hold their attention to.

Time: 5973.909

- Yeah, so I would say the top three tools that everybody

Time: 5979.31

right this minute today can use to up their capacity

Time: 5984.05

to attend where they want to include exercise

Time: 5988.07

for the reasons we've talked about.

Time: 5989.36

It has a direct effect on functioning

Time: 5991.16

of the prefrontal cortex.

Time: 5992.17

Meditation also, clear clinical studies showing

Time: 5995.48

improved ability to focus

Time: 5998.48

and particularly focus on the present moment.

Time: 6001.6

And the third has to be sleep.

Time: 6003.76

So sleep is, you can't, it's out of the three,

Time: 6008.75

it is the most physiological.

Time: 6011

I mean, I could live my whole life

Time: 6013.54

without meditating one minute.

Time: 6015.66

Could I survive without sleep?

Time: 6017.7

No, none of us could.

Time: 6019.27

So, it's more basic physiological,

Time: 6022.34

but it is so important for all core cognitive functions,

Time: 6030.22

including attention, including creativity,

Time: 6032.78

including just good basic brain function.

Time: 6041.65

That is why it's so critical to get that information,

Time: 6047.43

that basic neuroscience information into the heads

Time: 6050.71

of these students that are trying their best to show us

Time: 6053.92

how their brains work, but being hampered

Time: 6057.63

because they're not moving enough, they're not meditating.

Time: 6062.26

And there's all these distracting things

Time: 6064.65

that they include in their lives.

Time: 6066.72

Some of which a little bit is good,

Time: 6069.26

but you know, 24 hours a day on your phone

Time: 6072.37

and linked in, not LinkedIn, but linked to your phone

Time: 6078.02

is damaging to your attention.

Time: 6080.8

So exercise, meditation, sleep can help you learn,

Time: 6087.15

retain, and perform better than if you do not have

Time: 6091.81

these three things in your life.

Time: 6093.98

- Wonderful, music to my ears.

Time: 6096.1

And also either very low cost or zero cost,

Time: 6100.5

considering that the exercise doesn't require a class,

Time: 6103.83

one could use the freely available resource of gravity

Time: 6109.491

to do jumping jacks, or burpees, or pushups, or whatever,

Time: 6112.88

or sit ups, or all those in combination.

Time: 6114.405

- And don't forget YouTube,

Time: 6115.238

the freely accessible millions of YouTube videos.

Time: 6119.34

If you don't want to do your jumping jacks by yourself,

Time: 6122.41

I always say this, I talk about breath meditation

Time: 6126.74

for my book, "Good Anxiety,"

Time: 6128.22

and if you don't like the one that I suggest

Time: 6131.17

there's only about a million more on YouTube

Time: 6133.17

with ratings from one star to five stars,

Time: 6136.08

so use that resource.

Time: 6138.35

- It is a wonderful resource

Time: 6140.18

and you are an amazing resource.

Time: 6143.08

Wendy, thank you so much for coming here today

Time: 6146.05

to have this discussion and share your knowledge

Time: 6148.92

about not just existing data, but new data coming out soon,

Time: 6153.47

and for your leadership in the university system,

Time: 6157.54

for your leadership in public education,

Time: 6159.37

for the decades of important work on memory

Time: 6162.31

and neural circuitry, which we got

Time: 6164.66

to learn about today, as well.

Time: 6166.79

Thank you ever so much.

Time: 6168.32

- Thank you, Andrew, fun conversation.

Time: 6171.15

- Thank you for joining me today for my discussion

Time: 6172.91

about learning and memory and how to get better

Time: 6175.15

at learning and remembering with Dr. Wendy Suzuki.

Time: 6177.95

If you'd like to learn more about Dr. Suzuki's work,

Time: 6180.26

you can go to WendySuzuki.com.

Time: 6182.99

There you will also find titles and links

Time: 6184.87

to her popular books, as well as her social media handles.

Time: 6188.1

We've also placed those in the show note captions.

Time: 6190.92

If you're learning from and/or enjoying this podcast,

Time: 6193.37

please subscribe to us on YouTube.

Time: 6195.02

That's a terrific zero-cost way to support us.

Time: 6197.62

In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on Spotify

Time: 6200.62

and/or Apple, and on both Spotify and Apple,

Time: 6203.9

you can leave us up to a five-star review.

Time: 6206.35

If you have suggestions about guests or topics

Time: 6208.67

that you'd like us to cover on the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6211.06

or you'd like to give us feedback of any kind,

Time: 6213.1

please leave that in the comment section on YouTube,

Time: 6215.93

that's the best place to give us feedback.

Time: 6218

Please also check out the sponsors mentioned

Time: 6219.67

at the beginning of today's episode,

Time: 6221.27

that's the best way to support this podcast.

Time: 6223.75

We also have a Patreon, it's patreon.com/andrewhuberman.

Time: 6227.67

And there you can support the podcast

Time: 6229.55

at any level that you like.

Time: 6231.12

On many episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6233.06

we discuss supplements, while supplements are certainly

Time: 6235.64

not necessary for everybody, many people derive

Time: 6238.21

tremendous benefit from them for things like accelerating

Time: 6241.42

the transition into sleep, and getting better, deeper sleep,

Time: 6244.64

as well as enhancing focus and learning,

Time: 6247.01

and other aspects of human performance and health.

Time: 6250.14

We're excited to announce that we've partnered

Time: 6251.86

with Momentous supplements.

Time: 6253.76

The reason we partnered with Momentous is several-fold.

Time: 6256.56

First of all, we wanted to have one location

Time: 6259.05

where Huberman Lab Podcast listeners could go in order

Time: 6261.39

to find all the supplements that we talk about

Time: 6264.28

and to find those in a form where they could

Time: 6266.78

systematically try one or the other.

Time: 6268.95

This is a real issue in the supplement industry.

Time: 6270.64

A lot of supplement brands out there combine

Time: 6272.51

different ingredients in ways that don't really allow you

Time: 6275.05

to pinpoint exactly what you need and what you don't need.

Time: 6278.13

So getting supplements that have low doses,

Time: 6282

or just the minimal effective dose

Time: 6283.81

of particular ingredients, and being able to mix and match

Time: 6286.6

those ingredients yourself, and really establish

Time: 6288.87

what's best for you is really key.

Time: 6291.27

In addition, we came to realize that a lot of our listeners

Time: 6293.55

want supplements, but they reside

Time: 6295.04

outside of the United States.

Time: 6296.78

So we're pleased to tell you that Momentous ships

Time: 6298.64

both within the US and internationally.

Time: 6301.12

And of course, Momentous supplements

Time: 6302.98

are of the very highest quality ingredients

Time: 6305.32

and the precision of the amounts of those ingredients

Time: 6307.87

is tightly regulated.

Time: 6309.4

If you're interested in Momentous supplements,

Time: 6311.41

the catalog of supplements related

Time: 6313.11

to the Huberman Lab Podcast are growing all the time.

Time: 6316.49

A good number of them are already there.

Time: 6318.13

You can go to livemomentous.com/huberman

Time: 6320.89

in order to find them.

Time: 6322.17

And there will be additional supplements added

Time: 6324.47

to that site as we go forward.

Time: 6326.39

If you're not already following Huberman Lab

Time: 6328.3

on Twitter and Instagram, I post neuroscience

Time: 6331.5

and other science-related information

Time: 6333.57

and tools on a regular basis.

Time: 6335.75

Some of that information overlaps with the content

Time: 6337.86

of the Huberman Lab Podcast, but a lot of it is distinct

Time: 6340.37

from the information contained on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 6343.09

So again, that's Huberman Lab on Instagram

Time: 6345.36

and Huberman Lab on Twitter.

Time: 6347.33

We also have a Neural Network Newsletter.

Time: 6350.14

What that is is a monthly newsletter in which I distill

Time: 6353.6

critical points from different podcast episodes,

Time: 6356.13

provide links to useful resources.

Time: 6357.95

If you want to sign up for that newsletter,

Time: 6359.36

I should mention it is zero cost,

Time: 6361.01

and we do not share your email with anybody,

Time: 6362.91

and we have a very clear privacy policy

Time: 6365.47

posted at hubermanlab.com, just go to hubermanlab.com,

Time: 6369.42

click on the menu, you'll see the Neural Network Newsletter.

Time: 6371.9

You can also look at examples of newsletters

Time: 6373.83

without having to sign up to make sure

Time: 6375.21

that you actually do want to sign up.

Time: 6377.39

But if you are interested, the signup is there,

Time: 6380.08

very easy and you can receive our monthly newsletter.

Time: 6382.93

So once again, thank you for joining me today for our voyage

Time: 6386.31

into the neuroscience of learning and memory and tools

Time: 6389.05

to get better at learning and memory.

Time: 6391.06

And as always, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 6394.357

[upbeat rock music]

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