Dr. Susanna Søberg: How to Use Cold & Heat Exposure to Improve Your Health | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford School of Medicine

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today my guest is Dr Susanna soberg Dr

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Susanna soberg completed her doctoral

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thesis work at the center of

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inflammation and metabolism and the

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center for physical activity research at

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the University of Copenhagen in Denmark

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her research has focused on how

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deliberate cold exposure and deliberate

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heat exposure can be used to enhance

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human metabolism she is the first author

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of a seminal study which discovered the

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minimum thresholds for deliberate heat

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and deliberate cold exposure for

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increasing Brown fat thermogenesis which

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is essentially a mode of increasing heat

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production and Metabolism in the body

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and for establishing actionable

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protocols that can be used outside of

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the laboratory to improve metabolism and

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human health Dr sober's research was

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published in the journal cell reports

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metabolism in 2021 adding to a long and

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important history of research focusing

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on the role of cold and the role of heat

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in altering various aspects of the

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body's physiology including Hormone

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Health metabolism and changes in

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neurotransmitters such as dopamine and

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epinephrine in fact today's discussion

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with Dr soberg focuses on the role of

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deliberate heat and deliberate cold

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exposure on metabolism but it also

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includes discussion of the effects of

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cold and heat on things like

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neurotransmitter production namely

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dopamine and epinephrine and

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norepinephrine the so-called

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catecholamines which strongly impact

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mood and Metabolism in addition Dr

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soberg answers many common questions

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about deliberate cold and deliberate

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heat exposure including for instance the

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difference between cold showers versus

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cold immersion up to the neck versus

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total body cold immersion including

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whether or not going back and forth

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between heat and cold changes

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fundamentally the way that heat and cold

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impact the metabolism hormones and

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neurotransmitter production and we talk

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about almost every single nuance and

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variation on deliberate cold and

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deliberate heat exposure protocols as it

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relates to the underlying science in

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particular how cold receptors at the

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level of the skin are impacted versus

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cold reception and perception at the

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level of the brain and how all of that

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impacts systems of the brain and body

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relating to mental health physical

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health and Performance Based on her

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scientific research and academic

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training as well as her understanding

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and use of deliberate heat and

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deliberate cold exposure protocols Dr

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soberg is considered one of the world's

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leading experts on these topics in fact

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she is the author of a recent book

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entitled winter swimming which is I have

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to say a terrific book because it breaks

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down chapter by chapter the different

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aspects of deliberate heat and

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deliberate cold into its various

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constituent Parts including cold

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acclimation the cold shock response

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dangers and safeties of cold water

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the impact of cold and impact of heat on

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various aspects of human health as well

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as specifics relating to sauna versus

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Ice versus cold swimming showers Etc

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it's a very thorough read and a very

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easy and accessible read that if you are

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interested in deliberate cold or

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deliberate heat exposure or both will

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allow you to embrace those protocols

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with the greatest degree of confidence

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that you're going to obtain the specific

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endpoints that you're interested in and

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to do so safely before we begin I'd like

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to emphasize that this podcast is

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separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford it is however part of

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my desire and effort to bring zero cost

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and consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is Plunge

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plunge makes what I believe is the most

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versatile at-home self-cooling cold

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plunge for deliberate cold exposure

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talk numerous times on this podcast

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about the many benefits of deliberate

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cold exposure and indeed today's episode

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is focused entirely on the benefits and

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the science of deliberate cold exposure

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plunge uses a powerful cooling

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filtration and sanitation unit to give

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you access to deliberate cold exposure

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in clean water whenever you want as

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we'll discuss during today's episode

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with Dr Susanna soberg deliberate cold

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exposure especially deliberate cold

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exposure done up to the neck in water

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can be used to achieve a number of

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important endpoints related to mental

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health physical health and performance

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I've been using a plunge for more than

Time: 261.479

two years now I can tell you that it

Time: 263.46

makes it very easy to get your

Time: 265.259

deliberate cold exposure at home it

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doesn't require much cleaning in fact

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it's very easy to keep clean which is

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essential you don't want bacteria and

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other things growing in your cold plunge

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basically everything about the plunge is

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made easy so that anyone including

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myself can gather deliberate cold

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exposure on a regular basis at home if

Time: 281.699

you're interested in getting a plunge

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you can go to plunge spell

Time: 285.62

p-l-u-n-ge.com huberman and get 100

Time: 288.6

fifty dollars off your cold plunge again

Time: 290.58

that's plunge.com huberman for 150 off

Time: 294.24

today's episode is also brought To Us by

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Maui Nui venison which I can confidently

Time: 298.38

say is the most nutrient dense and

Time: 300

delicious red meat available Maui Nui

Time: 302.58

spent nearly a decade building a USDA

Time: 304.5

certified wild harvesting system to help

Time: 306.84

balance deer populations on the island

Time: 308.58

of Maui the solution they built turns

Time: 310.86

the proliferation of an invasive species

Time: 312.66

into a wide range of nutrients dense

Time: 314.759

products from butcher cuts and organ

Time: 316.08

Meats to bone broth and jerky their bone

Time: 318.66

broth has an unmatched 25 grams of

Time: 320.58

protein per 100 calories several guests

Time: 322.8

on this podcast who are experts in

Time: 324.12

nutrition have pointed to the value of

Time: 326.1

getting at least one gram of quality

Time: 328.38

protein per pound of body weight each

Time: 330.72

day with Maui Nui that's very easy to do

Time: 332.94

while eating delicious meals and getting

Time: 334.979

it from a sustainable Source if you

Time: 337.199

would like to try Maui Nui venison go to

Time: 339.12

Maui Nui venison.com huberman and get 20

Time: 342.419

off your first order again that's Maui

Time: 344.82

Nui venison.com huberman to get 20 off

Time: 348.539

today's episode is also brought To Us by

Time: 350.4

thesis thesis makes custom nootropics

Time: 352.56

and nootropics is not a word that I like

Time: 354.539

because it means smart drugs and the

Time: 356.88

brain doesn't have neural circuits for

Time: 358.199

being smart rather as neural circuits

Time: 359.94

for Focus neural circuits for task

Time: 361.44

switching neural circuits for creativity

Time: 363.36

and on and on thesis understands this

Time: 365.88

and Designs custom nootropics designed

Time: 367.979

to get your brain and body into a

Time: 369.419

specific state in order to do the mental

Time: 371.82

end or physical work that's important to

Time: 374.1

you such as creativity or Focus or

Time: 376.62

Clarity if you'd like to try thesis

Time: 378.3

nootropics you simply go to their

Time: 379.62

website you fill out a brief quiz and

Time: 381.96

they will design a custom starter pack

Time: 384.18

so that you can assess which things work

Time: 385.74

for you more or less well and then

Time: 387.66

they'll iterate with you over the course

Time: 389.28

of the next few weeks or months to come

Time: 390.9

up with the ideal nootropic kit for your

Time: 393.18

needs to get your own personalized your

Time: 394.979

tropic starter kit go online to

Time: 396.72

takethesis.com huberman you can take

Time: 399.24

that three-minute quiz and they'll send

Time: 400.8

you four different formulas to try in

Time: 402.36

your first month again that's

Time: 403.4

takethesis.com huberman and use the code

Time: 406.38

huberman at checkout to get 10 off your

Time: 409.02

first box I'm pleased to announce that I

Time: 410.819

will be hosting two live events in

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September of 2023. the first live event

Time: 415.62

will take place in Toronto on September

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12th the second live event will take

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place in Chicago on September 28th both

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Live Events will include a lecture and a

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question and answer period and are

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entitled The Brain body contract during

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which I will discuss tools and science

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related to mental health physical health

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and performance I should mention that a

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lot of that content will have absolutely

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no overlap with content covered

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previously on the huberman Lab podcast

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or elsewhere if you're interested in

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attending either or both of these events

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please go to hubermanlab.com tour and

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enter the code huberman to get early

Time: 448.68

access to tickets once again that's

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hubermanlab.com tour and use the code

Time: 453.419

huberman to access tickets I hope to see

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you there and now for my discussion with

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Dr Susanna soberg Dr Susanna soberg

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thank you so great to have you here I

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feel like I should give a little bit of

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the back story of how we got connected

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which was that for many years I've been

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interested in cold thermogenesis it was

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the topic of my seniors thesis in

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college and I've of course followed the

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popularity of Wim Hof and we've had Dr

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Craig Heller my colleague from biology

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department at Stanford who works on cold

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and its impact on physiology and sports

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performance so for a long time I've been

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interested in this area

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but there's been a real uh lack of new

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let's say high profile quality

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scientific information in terms of how

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for instance cold plunges and sauna how

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that impacts human physiology I know

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there's been some information out there

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but it's been sort of scattered and then

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a little over a year ago I see this

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paper in cell reports medicine and was

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immediately struck the first of all the

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fact that it was in cell reports

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medicine I've been on the cell press

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editorial board for a long time now so

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press journals are of course phenomenal

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journals and the title and the content

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of the paper was directly in line with

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the sorts of practices that people are

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very curious about and then are starting

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to emerge things like sauna cold plunges

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and there was your name first

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on the author list and I reached out to

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you through social media and we've done

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a little bit of live content there

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together and I've been tracking what

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you've been doing in the world in terms

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of your book and talking about the

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results in your manuscript and talking

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about the science and impact of

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deliberate cold exposure and sauna and I

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have to say that it's been a wonderful

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and remarkable thing to see and you're

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bringing so much quality information

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about this area that for a long time I

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think was kind of Niche and is now

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becoming more and more mainstream so I'm

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going to start off with a thank you for

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being here and a thank you for the work

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that you've done and I'm looking forward

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to talking to you about it today so my

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first question to get things started is

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what is happening when we get into an

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uncomfortably cold environment

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so for instance if I'm really hot on a

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hot day jumping into a cold pool feels

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really good but if I'm already kind of

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at room temperature I'm a little bit

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chilly getting into that same

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temperature of water doesn't feel so

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good right there's a shock there so if

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you could just walk us through what

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happens when we get into uncomfortably

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cold water whether or not it's by way of

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shower or cold Plunge at the level of

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our physiology and if you'd like our

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psychology I think that's a good place

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for us to start because I think it will

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Orient people to their own experience if

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they do that yeah and for those that

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haven't done it might start to peel back

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some of the the layers as to what the

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underlying mechanisms of cold are yeah

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thank you for that question it's really

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good to just address what actually

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happens in our physiology when we get

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cold and you can get cold in many ways

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so you can just head out for the one

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that gives you the most potent stressor

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which is submerging into cold water and

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but you could also go in outside in the

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cold wind that's also going to activate

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um your sympathetic nervous system so

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get all these neurotransmitter going in

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your body and so your your

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um let's just address that we are taking

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a cold plunge for example so if you are

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very hot for example

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um before you go into the cold water

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it's going to feel less it's going to

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feel less stressful but the the

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temperature difference from your skin to

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the cold is definitely it's going to

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give you a shock but your core

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temperature is warmer and that's going

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to feel a little bit better so that's

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why when people go into a sauna for

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example and go out in into the cold

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water they they they can do it easily

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easier them if they were called

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beforehand could I just um ask you a few

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questions so you you mentioned the

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sympathetic nervous system which for um

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people listening who aren't familiar

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with that is that the branch of our

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nervous system that's responsible for

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creating accelerations and heart rate

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um feelings of alertness it's

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accompanied with stress and the stress

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response but it's accompanied with

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waking up in the morning for that matter

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so it's not always about stress and then

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you mentioned the catecholamines which

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um are dopamine epinephrine and

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norepinephrine so maybe a little bit

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later we'll talk about those individual

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neurotransmitters but you raise a really

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important point which is

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something I get asked about a lot for

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people that are curious about using

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deliberate cold exposure which is how

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cold should the water be and I know it's

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very hard to give a straight

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prescription for that because I think it

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boils down to what you just said which

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is it's really the difference between

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your current temperature and really the

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temperature of the surface of your skin

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and the temperature of the water so if

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you're very warm getting into cold feels

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good if you're already cold getting into

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more cold feels stressful

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um is there any way that we can start to

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gauge what is the best way to approach a

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deliberate cold exposure protocol I mean

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should it feel uncomfortable and that

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leads into the question of how do we

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balance the discomfort with the amount

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of time that we spend in so for instance

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if it's just a little bit uncomfortable

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we'll spending more time in the cold get

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us the same benefit as getting into very

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uncomfortably cold water for a very

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short period of time yeah it's really

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good question and I definitely think

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that this could be future studies on

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this as well to really unravel uh what

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kind of Protocols are the are the best

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way or also for which outcomes of course

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so if the temperature is very cold and

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you feel that you also feel very cold

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then you should stay in the water a

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little bit longer so I think it's just

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you should get uncomfortable cold so as

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long as you get uncomfortable cold it's

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cold enough and you get this what we

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call the code shark so the code stock is

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activation of your sympathetic nervous

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system and these activation of the the

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catecholamines which you just mentioned

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before does the shock mean that I'm

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having trouble controlling my breathing

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is that a good gauge uh yeah you can say

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so because that's kind of like how we

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Define it so you hyperventilate so you

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have a faster

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um breathing rate

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um so that increases also because you

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activate your gasping reflex if you are

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new to this

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um but if you are adapted it it kind of

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subsides with time with the adaptation

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so what you can do is that you can train

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this cold exposure and you can kind of

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like Get adapted to it so you don't have

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this hypertension ventilating response

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every time you go out in the cold water

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so this is like building up your

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resilience building building up your

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adaptation is gonna make this short like

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subside a bit so it's it's always harder

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in the beginning but you should do hard

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things right it's not something that we

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you shouldn't think about cold water and

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cold water immersion as something that

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is comfortable it should be hard because

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that's the point of it right if you

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enjoy it then yeah then I'm I'm thinking

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something is wrong it's not right you

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should not enjoy it well this is an

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important point that you're making

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because I think that many people shy

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away from deliberate cold exposure

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because it's uncomfortable

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in a way that at least from my

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experience is very different than the

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discomfort of exercise because with

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exercise for instance

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um if running hard you know running fast

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and breathing hard is uncomfortable you

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can slow down or walk if um you know

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lifting weights is uncomfortable you can

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remove some weight or reduce the number

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of repetitions or stop with deliberate

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cold exposure I suppose you can be sort

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of halfway in halfway out of the water

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or partially underneath the cold shower

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but it's very hard to titrate and adjust

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the level it's kind of all or none and

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I've seen um I should just I can tell

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this by anecdote I've done some work

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with military Special Operations I won't

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say which country this was outside the

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um and these are very tough individuals

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they're used to going without sleep and

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doing hard high consequence higher risk

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kind of work

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and they were asked to do some cold

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water exposure training and I was there

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that day and it was remarkable about a

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third of them just went straight in and

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just kind of grinded through it you know

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like they looked stoic anyway to me

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um there were a few whimpers no cries

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about a third

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talked a lot and got really you could

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tell that they were agitated and anxious

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but they made it through and then about

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a third of them just simply would not

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get in past their knees or thighs we're

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just it seemed like they were just

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dreading the whole experience someone

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actually didn't actually go in

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um which was really surprising to me and

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that you couldn't tell based on their

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physical appearance or anything else

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about them they're all high performers

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as to who would have this response so it

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seems like people vary tremendously in

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terms of their ability to embrace the

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discomfort of the cold is that from your

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studies is that your experience as well

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or or are there these weird mutants who

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seem to just love going into the cold

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for the first time so some people just

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feel better in the cold and some people

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uh dread the code even more and you can

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say the more people are pushing the cold

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away they might feel the co-pain even

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more so they they they would definitely

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people who are maybe the soldiers you

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just talked about they some of them

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might be already adapted to the gold

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cold so if they are not scared of the

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cold they go out and they embrace the

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COPE in a better way it could also be

Time: 1036.38

that some people have a more sensitive

Time: 1037.939

nervous system and when you are a bit

Time: 1040.1

sensitive to the cold you will of course

Time: 1042.38

try to get away from it right and you

Time: 1045.26

also have the co-pain more um feel the

Time: 1048.14

co-pay more if they're if if you avoid

Time: 1050.66

it so the more you avoid the cold the

Time: 1053.419

the more pain painful it will feel when

Time: 1056.24

you go into it so yeah you mentioned

Time: 1058.82

being outside in a t-shirt versus cold

Time: 1061.58

immersion up to the neck versus shower I

Time: 1063.98

think um this is something a lot of

Time: 1065.48

people wonder about what are the

Time: 1067.1

differences in terms of impact short

Time: 1068.96


Time: 1069.86

and perhaps even long term between cold

Time: 1072.5

showers cold plunge to the neck so that

Time: 1075.559

could be in ice water or just very cold

Time: 1077.12


Time: 1079

immersion with dunking one's head and

Time: 1081.559

then coming up because obviously people

Time: 1083.48

have to come up for air at some point

Time: 1084.86

and then simply being outside on a cold

Time: 1088.4

day in shorts and a t-shirt or something

Time: 1090.799

of that sort so there

Time: 1093.14

it comes because they're they are very

Time: 1096.2

different exposures of the cold to your

Time: 1099.32

co-receptors in your skin so the more

Time: 1101.66

you can say you cover your body in the

Time: 1104.66

cold which you would do in cold water

Time: 1106.4

because there are of course covered

Time: 1109.039

totally and then and the molecules are

Time: 1111.32

closer to your skin you have a more

Time: 1113.66


Time: 1114.86

um activation of all your code receptors

Time: 1117.799

in the skin so that one will definitely

Time: 1120.679

activate your other enormous nervous

Time: 1123.799

system more and Rapid compared to going

Time: 1126.679

out in a t-shirt in the cold wind just

Time: 1128.66

go for a walk

Time: 1130.1

um but that is also something that's

Time: 1132.14

going to activate your sympathetic

Time: 1134.84

nervous system meaning then that you

Time: 1137.48

have an increase in norepinephrine and

Time: 1139.76

you will activate something called the

Time: 1142.1

the brown fat so this is a healthy kind

Time: 1144.919

of fat tissue that we have in our body

Time: 1147.08

and when you activate that that's gonna

Time: 1149.78

increase your metabolism before we talk

Time: 1152.24

about Brown fat and I'm so glad you

Time: 1153.62

brought it up

Time: 1155

um because it's so much to talk about

Time: 1156.44

there uh what about cold shower I mean

Time: 1158.78

obviously cold showers somewhere in

Time: 1160.1

between yeah

Time: 1161.539

um being out outside in the Air Cold Air

Time: 1164.6

versus uh being immersed up to the neck

Time: 1167.299

it if we had more studies on on cold

Time: 1169.88

showers we would learn more about how

Time: 1172.22

does that activate our metabolism how

Time: 1174.02

does that increase our neurotransmitters

Time: 1176.6

in the brain which could also have an

Time: 1178.4

impact our on our mental balance so I

Time: 1181.46

think that would be interesting for the

Time: 1182.6


Time: 1184.039

um but what we do know is from from from

Time: 1187.179

activating Brown fat and both from

Time: 1190.52

rodent studies but also in humans is

Time: 1193.7

that as soon as we get cold on our skin

Time: 1195.74

we will activate our Brown fat so it is

Time: 1198.919

kind of like our first responder in in

Time: 1200.96

the body to keep our

Time: 1203.66

um temperature up so our muscles is like

Time: 1206.72

the second tissue in our body we have

Time: 1208.46

two tissues which can increase our

Time: 1210.34

thermogenesis so the brown fat which is

Time: 1213.26

like always like temperature regulating

Time: 1215.48

our body and then we have uh the the

Time: 1218.12

muscles which will secondarily start to

Time: 1221.36

shiver and that's going to increase our

Time: 1223.76

um temperature in the body but as soon

Time: 1225.919

as you go into a cold shower you

Time: 1227.78

activate your brown fat also immediately

Time: 1230.48

so it could be good also for increasing

Time: 1233.419

metabolism in theory because we haven't

Time: 1235.4

really any studies showing how much this

Time: 1238.64

actually activate the brown fat so if

Time: 1241.1

someone out there wants to do a study I

Time: 1243.2

think I've thought about why there are

Time: 1245

fewer studies of cold showers than cold

Time: 1246.919

immersion and I think the answer to my

Time: 1249.32

mind is that from a methodological

Time: 1251.179

standpoint it's just harder to do

Time: 1252.62


Time: 1253.7

if people are getting into cold water up

Time: 1256.4

to the neck they're getting into cold

Time: 1258.32

water up to the neck whereas if people

Time: 1259.7

are getting into a cold shower some

Time: 1261.44

people are larger or smaller some people

Time: 1263.179

are going to stand under the shower with

Time: 1265.4

it hitting their head some people the

Time: 1266.6

back of the neck you could direct people

Time: 1267.799

to do it yeah but it's a little bit um

Time: 1270.2

more difficult also I think uh for you

Time: 1272.78

and I are both research scientists

Time: 1274.52

there's a little bit of a um

Time: 1276.4

methodological challenge that might seem

Time: 1278.66

silly to people but it's a real one

Time: 1279.98

which is if people are in a cold shower

Time: 1281.539

also the water is going to be I'm kind

Time: 1283.7

of pushing their clothing against their

Time: 1285.02

skin there's a certain vulnerability and

Time: 1286.64

for most people coming to a laboratory

Time: 1289.58

in the first place let alone being

Time: 1291.32

observed while they shower whereas when

Time: 1293.299

you get into cold immersion cold

Time: 1294.86

immersion you're getting under the water

Time: 1296.6

and you know some people might roll

Time: 1298.22

their eyes and say okay really is that

Time: 1299.659

the barrier but you know science exists

Time: 1301.52

in these real world contexts and this

Time: 1303.559

will vary by culture and things of that

Time: 1305.36

sort but we run human subjects in my lab

Time: 1307.52

and I'll tell you just um the process of

Time: 1309.26

getting people to the laboratory and

Time: 1310.52

having them Park and find the lab and

Time: 1312.32

you know it's a whole new environment

Time: 1313.7

government with people in lab coats and

Time: 1316.039

people moving around and Where's the

Time: 1317.6

restroom I mean there's there's a

Time: 1318.98

certain amount of stress just associated

Time: 1320.36

with taking part in a study for most

Time: 1322.1

human subjects so

Time: 1323.72

um I uh totally agree however we need

Time: 1326

more studies of cold showers it's just a

Time: 1328.34

harder environment to control in my in

Time: 1330.799

my mind so it sounds like any form of

Time: 1334.159

cold to the skin

Time: 1337.159

that people register as what you call

Time: 1340.1

the cold shock or uncomfortable like oh

Time: 1342.32

like this is kind of jarring activates

Time: 1345.08

the brown fat do we know what the

Time: 1347.12

pathway is from cold receptors on the

Time: 1349.1

skin to the brown fat I mean how does

Time: 1350.419

the brown fat know that we're cold yeah

Time: 1353

really good question and this seems that

Time: 1355.039

I I think that of course in the future

Time: 1357.14

we will know much more about these

Time: 1358.82

Pathways but what we do know is that the

Time: 1361.039

co-receptors will send a signal to our

Time: 1363.32

temperature regulating Center in in the

Time: 1365.299

brain so hypothalamus

Time: 1367.34

um and that's gonna be

Time: 1369.74

um taking in this message and we have so

Time: 1372.32

many Coke receptors in the skin so it's

Time: 1373.94

going to be very fast as you can say if

Time: 1376.52

you immerse the body into cold water

Time: 1378.559

this is going to be so rapid so it will

Time: 1381.74

have a rapid increase in

Time: 1384.28

neurotransmitters in the brain so no

Time: 1386.179

adrenaline adrenaline and cortisol and

Time: 1388.34

which is not that much but it's but it's

Time: 1390.5

still there so you have this increase in

Time: 1393.62

no adrenaline which will then

Time: 1395.9

immediately activate the the brown fat

Time: 1398.38

because the you can say the activator is

Time: 1401.6

the most potent one cold and no

Time: 1403.34

adrenaline and that's going to activate

Time: 1404.72

the brow fat but there's also a direct

Time: 1406.4

pathway from the cold receptors in the

Time: 1408.98

skin to the to the brown fat which

Time: 1410.96

really shows that if because of these

Time: 1413.6

different Pathways it shows that that it

Time: 1416.179

could be that this tissue to keep us

Time: 1418.52

warm was was

Time: 1420.88

developed in in our evolvement as humans

Time: 1424.46

to keep us warm and to save us whenever

Time: 1427.7

the temperature now on our skin berries

Time: 1430.58

just a little bit to keep us in that

Time: 1432.559

right homeostatic balance so we don't

Time: 1435.5

get hypothermic

Time: 1437.6

um but also so we don't get hyperthermic

Time: 1439.94

but because it seems that the brown fat

Time: 1441.98

is also activated when we get warmer on

Time: 1444.559

our skin so it's also um maybe a

Time: 1447.14

temperature regulator in our in our body

Time: 1449.48

but the pathways is different I think

Time: 1451.88

it's also a third pathway from directly

Time: 1454.58

from the muscles so the brown fat is

Time: 1456.74

also at

Time: 1458.84

um even though the muscles are starting

Time: 1460.46

to shiver so there's an extra pathway

Time: 1463.4

that way to keep our our temperature up

Time: 1466.7

so muscles and brown fat are working

Time: 1468.62

together to to keep us warm so we don't

Time: 1470.679

suffer too much in the in the cold water

Time: 1473.24

it's super interesting and what I here

Time: 1476.299

are you pointing to is the existence of

Time: 1477.98

three parallel Pathways and this notion

Time: 1480.2

of parallel Pathways comes up over and

Time: 1481.7

over again in biology as you and I know

Time: 1483.799

and I mean I think it's important for

Time: 1485.36

people to know about because

Time: 1487.64

um as you uh said so so eloquently the

Time: 1490.64

when something is very important to our

Time: 1492.74

survival or and or evolution

Time: 1495.26

the brain and body uh install multiple

Time: 1498.98

mechanisms for it not just one and um

Time: 1501.86

and so it sounds like it's cold skin

Time: 1504.38

cold on the skin triggers a response in

Time: 1507.679

the hypothalamus which then activates

Time: 1509.12

Brown fat cold receptors in the skin

Time: 1511.52

directly to the brown fat and then

Time: 1513.62

shivering in the muscle to the brown fat

Time: 1516.5

um I want to talk about Brown fat in

Time: 1519.26

depth and learn from you more about

Time: 1521.48

Brown fat

Time: 1522.86

um before that however I want to ask

Time: 1525.14

about shiver

Time: 1526.88

um I've heard that shiver

Time: 1529.94

causes the release of succinate

Time: 1532.88

um which then activates the brown fat is

Time: 1536.659

it known whether or not inducing shiver

Time: 1538.76

is important and when should P people

Time: 1541.58

Shiver I mean I've gotten into cold

Time: 1543.2

plunges and shivered while I was in

Time: 1544.64

there and then I've also had the

Time: 1545.96


Time: 1547.34

of getting into a coal plunger a cold

Time: 1549.799

shower then getting out or even standing

Time: 1552.26

outside on a warm day after swimming in

Time: 1554.24

a pool and then starting to shiver so

Time: 1555.86

the shiver comes later so how important

Time: 1558.02

is shiver and does it matter when shiver

Time: 1559.76


Time: 1561.86

yeah it was shivering is good because

Time: 1564.02

that increases your metabolism and

Time: 1566

that's going to burn some calories in

Time: 1567.559

your body you shouldn't be so afraid of

Time: 1569.9

shivering I think because the Shivering

Time: 1571.58

as long as you don't get too hypothermic

Time: 1573.919

so if you don't if you don't sit in the

Time: 1575.72

cold water for too long

Time: 1577.7

um and what you just said by shivering

Time: 1580.159

after you get up that is because of the

Time: 1582.799

after drop something called the after

Time: 1584.36

drop is when your core temperature

Time: 1586.6

decreases even after you get out of the

Time: 1589.039

cold water and it always does that

Time: 1591.559

um your body because it as soon as you

Time: 1593.9

get into the cold water all the your

Time: 1596.779

blood vessels is gonna constrict because

Time: 1598.76

you need to keep your blood in your core

Time: 1601.7

and and keep your vital organ swarm so

Time: 1604.94

as soon as you get up that those blood

Time: 1606.74

vessels will open again and the warm

Time: 1609.02

blood will flow out and get colder and

Time: 1611.539

then flow back again into the core and

Time: 1614.059

that's going to decrease the temperature

Time: 1615.2

in your core of course so that's the

Time: 1617.24

drop so that's the drop yeah I'm so glad

Time: 1619.88

you explained that I've heard years ago

Time: 1621.799

go Wim Hof I heard him talk about the

Time: 1624.08

drop and I've heard colleagues of mine

Time: 1625.64

talk about the drop but that's the first

Time: 1626.84

time I've ever heard it explained

Time: 1628.4

clearly let me make sure I understand

Time: 1629.9

this so um I get into cold water

Time: 1632.059

obviously I'm cold

Time: 1634.4

vessels constrict to keep blood near the

Time: 1637.039

center of my body keep me alive

Time: 1638.9

I get out

Time: 1640.94


Time: 1642.46

warming up of my body allows those

Time: 1644.72

vessels and capillaries to dilate again

Time: 1646.34

the blood goes out to the surface but

Time: 1648.14

the surface is still cold and so that

Time: 1651.26

blood is cooled and then my core body

Time: 1653.659

temperature drops and that's what you're

Time: 1655.46

referring to as the drop and that's what

Time: 1657.08

induces shiver exactly right and then am

Time: 1659.84

I right in thinking that then the shiver

Time: 1661.22

activates Brown fat which then warms me

Time: 1663.799

up again yes that's why you should end

Time: 1666.62

on the cold but we can get back to that

Time: 1668.419

yeah let's talk about yes ending on cold

Time: 1669.98

is um you know it's what I refer to as

Time: 1672.44

and what has now become known as the

Time: 1674.539

soberg principle which is um a really

Time: 1676.88

important principle about the importance

Time: 1678.559

of ending on cold

Time: 1680.24

um and not doing what I do which is to

Time: 1681.919

get into a hot shower or back in the

Time: 1683.84

sunroom we'll get back to that in a few

Time: 1685.94

minutes so

Time: 1687.799

um that's wonderful

Time: 1689.48

um that you can explain that so clearly

Time: 1691.34

because I think that shiver is something

Time: 1693.44

that a lot of people do avoid people

Time: 1695.36

think oh I don't want to you know the

Time: 1697.64

chattering of the teeth and um and it

Time: 1699.679

feels like a loss of bodily control

Time: 1701.419

which really it is it's it's an

Time: 1703.039

autonomic response yeah but I don't

Time: 1705.14

think that people should should avoid it

Time: 1707.059

that much it's just like seeing

Time: 1708.799

shivering as a way of your body in in a

Time: 1712.039

like it's training it's training for

Time: 1713.9

your for all yourselves it's training

Time: 1715.4

for your muscles it's training up your

Time: 1717.14

metabolism and that's going to increase

Time: 1719.12

your What's called the insulin

Time: 1720.74

sensitivity so if you can like in your

Time: 1724.46

mind get used to the thought of

Time: 1727.1

shivering is just like when you go

Time: 1729.08

exercising in the training center and

Time: 1731.419

get that feeling of like oh this is

Time: 1733.039

tough now it hurts a little bit yeah

Time: 1734.96

it's gonna hurt because that's what

Time: 1736.7

shivering also does but it's just a

Time: 1738.799

different way of training your cells and

Time: 1740.9

your body it's going to create what is

Time: 1742.279

healthy stress it's called homiesis in

Time: 1744.08

the cells and the more you expose your

Time: 1746.659

your muscle cells or your brown fat

Time: 1748.58

cells to these kind of like healthy

Time: 1750.62

stresses exercise cold and heat exposure

Time: 1753.32

it's gonna make them better at like

Time: 1756.38

activate trading and also um at keeping

Time: 1759.5

you healthy so as long as the cells get

Time: 1761.899

exposed to this it's going to keep them

Time: 1764.419

on its toes you can say because it

Time: 1766.58

becomes more robust and increasing these

Time: 1769.34

heat shock proteins and kosher proteins

Time: 1771.799

in the cells to make you more robust for

Time: 1776.419

the next time and that is also what

Time: 1778.22

happens when you go to the training

Time: 1780.2

center and I keep like drawing that

Time: 1782.24

parallel because people today know more

Time: 1784.82

about we know more about exercise and

Time: 1787.1

what that is is going to do to your

Time: 1789.32

muscle cells and and but the same kind

Time: 1792.679

of like training is also what you do

Time: 1795.08

when you go out and and into the cold

Time: 1797.24

water and submerge into cold water

Time: 1798.74

because that is just your code training

Time: 1801.74

center you can say that and and also

Time: 1803.6

your heat Training Center going into the

Time: 1805.159

sauna because the cells are getting

Time: 1806.779

stronger with hermetic stress so it's

Time: 1809.059

the same process just different

Time: 1810.38


Time: 1812.72

I'm so glad that you brought up the fact

Time: 1814.279

that the discomfort or the embarrassment

Time: 1817.34

or both of shiver is still crucial to uh

Time: 1821.059

actually to reach for and try and

Time: 1822.62

experience the same way that with

Time: 1824.24


Time: 1825.559

um I think a lot of people don't realize

Time: 1826.64

this but when we did our series with Dr

Time: 1828.38

Andy Galpin

Time: 1829.88

it became clear to me what should have

Time: 1831.799

already been clear to me and I think

Time: 1833

that most people don't realize which is

Time: 1834.559

that if we were to measure heart rate

Time: 1837.559

blood pressure stress hormones and

Time: 1840.38


Time: 1841.64

in a human being during exercise it

Time: 1844.88

would look as if they were ready to die

Time: 1846.38

blood pressure would be high

Time: 1847.7

inflammation is through the roof but all

Time: 1849.44

of that is setting in motion and

Time: 1851.059

adaptation or set of adaptations that

Time: 1853.82

allow blood pressure to be lower at rest

Time: 1855.679

that allow inflammation markers to be

Time: 1858.799

lower at rest all the things that

Time: 1860.6

everybody is seeking with exercise in

Time: 1862.279

addition to of course the aesthetic

Time: 1863.6

changes that people are seeking with

Time: 1864.919

exercise sounds like the exact same

Time: 1866.72

things are happening with the cold so

Time: 1868.24

the Redundant message here seems to be

Time: 1870.679

that the more discomfort provided it's

Time: 1874.039

done safely just like with exercise the

Time: 1876.799

more shivering

Time: 1878.2

the um the more cold shock provided it's

Time: 1881.6

not to the extreme and stop somebody's

Time: 1883.52

heart right we can talk about thresholds

Time: 1885.44

for that a little bit later

Time: 1887.299

it sounds like all of that is going to

Time: 1888.799

set in motion some long-term changes

Time: 1891.14

that will make people feel better and

Time: 1892.88

will improve health could you just touch

Time: 1895.039

on a few of the longer term changes that

Time: 1898.22

are known to occur

Time: 1899.779

I mean I'm well aware of the study

Time: 1901.88

showing that uh I think it was European

Time: 1903.86

Journal physiology it was uh the

Time: 1906.38

European Journal physiology showing long

Time: 1908.12

lasting increases in catecholamines

Time: 1910.159

dopamine norepinephrine and epinephrine

Time: 1912.86

for many hours after deliberate cold

Time: 1914.6

exposure what are some of the other

Time: 1916.46

things that happen at the level of

Time: 1918.2

metabolism and brown fat in let's say

Time: 1920.72

the hours and day after a deliberate

Time: 1923.6

cold exposure

Time: 1925.22

as soon as you go in of course there's

Time: 1927.08

an activation but it seems like no

Time: 1929.179

you're asking for the the later outcomes

Time: 1931.34

like blood pressure and stuff like that

Time: 1932.899

is that what you mean yeah blood

Time: 1934.159

pressure but also in terms of metabolism

Time: 1935.96

I know that you know in your study you

Time: 1937.58

should and we'll talk about Brown fat in

Time: 1939.2

depth here in a moment but that there

Time: 1940.88

were changes to the brown fat that

Time: 1943.82

equate to changes in for instance

Time: 1946.58

people's ability to be comfortable in

Time: 1949.1

colder environments when they're not

Time: 1950.48

doing deliberate cold exposure or in the

Time: 1953.059

same way that I can um exercise on an

Time: 1955.039

exercise bike or go for a hard run but

Time: 1957.02

then if I go hiking uh with the family

Time: 1959.24

on Sunday and it's a steep climb I could

Time: 1961.46

do that steep climb more easily because

Time: 1962.96

I'm quote unquote fit as a consequence

Time: 1965

of the of the exercise what are what are

Time: 1967.88

some of the fitness adaptations of

Time: 1969.799

deliberate cold exposure

Time: 1971.6

yeah so what happens is that you you get

Time: 1975.2

adapted a little bit every time you go

Time: 1976.94

so you will like exercise get a Little

Time: 1979.46

Bit Stronger so every time you go into

Time: 1981.5

the cold water for every time you will

Time: 1983.36

be more exposed to it you will you feel

Time: 1986.059

more comfortable in the code so you're

Time: 1987.74

gonna you're gonna build your adaptation

Time: 1989.6

which happens on a metabolic level which

Time: 1992.179

is going to be the brown fat so you'll

Time: 1994.039

have more activation of your brown fat

Time: 1995.72

the mitochondria in the the brown fat

Time: 1998.059

cells are going to be

Time: 1999.679

um you have more of those and they will

Time: 2001.48

be more efficient at heating you up

Time: 2003.22

because it expects the body expects you

Time: 2005.5

to to do this again so you are prepared

Time: 2007.779

in a way the capillaries in your skin is

Time: 2010.6

also it will also become better at like

Time: 2013.48

constricting so you will have a better

Time: 2016.6

Shield of your body to prepare you for

Time: 2019.659

the next time so you will be become

Time: 2021.82

better at going into the cold water in

Time: 2024.279

that way so the body makes this

Time: 2026.5

mechanism and changes your body in a way

Time: 2028.659

so you can expose yourself to the next

Time: 2030.88

time right and and also you will have um

Time: 2034.299

also um your um stress response will

Time: 2037.36

also be subside a bit so you have a less

Time: 2040.659

increase of your catecholamines

Time: 2043.84

um with time

Time: 2045.34

with time also you have because of this

Time: 2047.86

activation of your brown fat or your

Time: 2050.619

muscles you have an increase in them in

Time: 2054.04

in your metabolism which will then make

Time: 2056.44

your insulin sensitivity better and this

Time: 2059.08

is shown in in studies for example um

Time: 2061.54

there's this interesting study I found

Time: 2063.46

just before I I started my PhD which was

Time: 2066.159

from um keeper stoma

Time: 2068.56

um at L from 2016 where they measured um

Time: 2072.46


Time: 2074.379

and not in not on Brown fat but they

Time: 2076.899

measured insulin sensitivity in

Time: 2078.76

middle-aged men and women during one

Time: 2081.58

winter swimming season so they were not

Time: 2084.339

very young like they were in my study

Time: 2086.2

but they were they were middle aged and

Time: 2088.78

I think this is very interesting so they

Time: 2090.82

during these four or five months they

Time: 2092.98

were winter swimming they saw that they

Time: 2094.599

had a lower blood pressure after the

Time: 2096.94

season and they had a lower heart rate

Time: 2099.04

and they also so that they have a better

Time: 2102.16

insulin sensitivity and I think that is

Time: 2104.56

very interesting because if you can have

Time: 2107.08

a better insulin sensitivity you can

Time: 2109.359

prevent lifestyle diseases so and with

Time: 2112.78

lower blood pressure which is a very

Time: 2115

strong outcome also for selling how much

Time: 2117.579

inflammation you have in the body and

Time: 2119.8

because it didn't measure Brown fat I

Time: 2123.22

figured that it could be that was the

Time: 2125.38

missing link that was the one of the

Time: 2127.06

explanations to why we see this um less

Time: 2130.119

inflammation in the body

Time: 2131.859

so um the longer outcomes the long-term

Time: 2135.339

outcomes could be that you lower your

Time: 2137.2

blood pressure and have a lower heart

Time: 2138.94

rate and you also

Time: 2141.339

um have a better insulin sensitivity and

Time: 2144.52

better glucose balance but that was

Time: 2146.5

shown it that is shown in my study I'd

Time: 2148.96

like to take a quick break and

Time: 2150.46

acknowledge one of our sponsors athletic

Time: 2152.44

greens athletic greens now called ag-1

Time: 2155.079

is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 2157.66

that covers all of your foundational

Time: 2159.339

nutritional needs I've been taking

Time: 2161.32

athletic greens since 2012 so I'm

Time: 2163.9

delighted that they're sponsoring the

Time: 2165.099

podcast the reason I started taking

Time: 2166.599

athletic greens and the reason I still

Time: 2168.22

take athletic greens once are usually

Time: 2170.32

twice a day is that it gets to be the

Time: 2172.839

probiotics that I need for gut health

Time: 2174.64

our gut is very important it's populated

Time: 2176.74

by gut microbiota that communicate with

Time: 2179.44

the brain the immune system and

Time: 2180.7

basically all the biological systems of

Time: 2182.56

our body to strongly impact our

Time: 2184.66

immediate and long-term health and those

Time: 2187.06

probiotics and athletic greens are

Time: 2188.859

optimal and vital for microbiotic health

Time: 2191.619

in addition athletic greens contains a

Time: 2193.9

number of adaptogens vitamins and

Time: 2195.339

minerals that make sure that all of my

Time: 2196.96

foundational nutritional needs are met

Time: 2198.64

and it tastes great if you'd like to try

Time: 2201.64

athletic greens you can go to

Time: 2203.16

athleticgreens.com huberman and they'll

Time: 2206.32

give you five free travel packs that

Time: 2207.94

make it really easy to mix up athletic

Time: 2209.56

greens while you're on the road in the

Time: 2211.24

car on the plane Etc and they'll give

Time: 2213.28

you a year's supply of vitamin d3k2

Time: 2215.859

again that's athleticgreens.com huberman

Time: 2218.44

to get the five free travel packs and

Time: 2220.3

the year supply of vitamin D3 K2 and

Time: 2223.48

we'll get back to the insulin

Time: 2225.4

sensitivity and glucose balance that's a

Time: 2227.859

in an impressive list of benefits

Time: 2230.619

um you know blood pressure of course

Time: 2232.9

most people are aware of blood pressure

Time: 2234.76

and what it is it's what they measure

Time: 2236.26

when we go to the doctor and it's not

Time: 2238.599

very sexy nowadays you know blood

Time: 2240.04

pressure people oh you know blood

Time: 2241.42

pressure it's not you know people want

Time: 2242.92

to hear about the inflammatorium and the

Time: 2244.66

microbiome and all of that stuff is

Time: 2246.46

really interesting but

Time: 2248.079

um I think that blood pressure doesn't

Time: 2249.22

get enough

Time: 2250.599


Time: 2252.24

and we have spoken to on this podcast to

Time: 2256.3

Dr Peter attia who um is an expert in

Time: 2259.24

longevity and health span and things of

Time: 2261.22

that sort and and I was surprised to

Time: 2263.32

learn again I shouldn't have been

Time: 2264.4

surprised that the number one reason

Time: 2266.32

people die worldwide is cerebral

Time: 2269.2

vascular disease and cardiovascular

Time: 2270.94

disease and there are basically three

Time: 2272.74

things on the list of things to address

Time: 2275.16

one is not smoking or vaping by the way

Time: 2278.92

uh not to get there are a few other

Time: 2280.66

things related to blood markers apob and

Time: 2282.76

things of that sort but then the big one

Time: 2284.5

is blood pressure and so it's it's

Time: 2286.96

interesting because we don't think about

Time: 2288.46

blood pressure that much anymore

Time: 2290.38

um as a as the kind of people interested

Time: 2292.3

in health optimization and health but

Time: 2294.46

blood pressure is so vital to control so

Time: 2297.28

it's wonderful to hear that deliberate

Time: 2298.78

cold exposure is one way to control

Time: 2301.9

blood pressure I'm guessing in concert

Time: 2303.82

with other forms of exercise yeah um

Time: 2307.599

let's talk about Brown fat and um if you

Time: 2310.599

if you're willing I'd love to drill into

Time: 2312.4

Brown fat at a deep level

Time: 2315.4

um again my understanding of this is is

Time: 2318.16

far more Elementary than yours

Time: 2320.26

obviously you're the expert my

Time: 2322.78

understanding about Brown fat

Time: 2324.7

is that it's located in specific areas

Time: 2327.339

of our body

Time: 2328.42

uh maybe more widespread than when I

Time: 2331.06

learned in school I thought it was I was

Time: 2332.8

taught it was just at the clavicles in

Time: 2334.24

the back of the neck and upper back but

Time: 2335.74

who knows I learned that there's more of

Time: 2337.54

it when we're children

Time: 2338.98

maybe more distributed throughout our

Time: 2340.599


Time: 2341.38

and that it's rich in mitochondria but

Time: 2344.14

what is so special about the brown fat

Time: 2346.54

like if we could just go into the

Time: 2348.28

biology of brown fat a little bit what

Time: 2350.14

does it look like you've measured it in

Time: 2352.96

human subjects where is it distributed

Time: 2355.24

really can it expand its distribution

Time: 2357.64

can we activate and expand the amount of

Time: 2360.7

brown fat as adults and um for those of

Time: 2364.54

you that are cringing already thinking

Time: 2365.98

we're talking about getting fatter it's

Time: 2367.599

quite the opposite we're talking about

Time: 2368.92

not subcutaneous fat but fat located

Time: 2371.38

around the the organs but please educate

Time: 2373.839

me um tell me where I'm wrong and expand

Time: 2376.96

my knowledge on Brown fat

Time: 2378.64

okay yeah you're not wrong but um it's

Time: 2382.18

definitely it's true that there are more

Time: 2384.16

locations of the brown fat than we

Time: 2387.52

previously thought

Time: 2388.72

um there's this very nice study from

Time: 2391.3

2017 by Leitner L where they had made

Time: 2395.14

these opacities uh overlays of um their

Time: 2399.04

subjects but you can see where in the

Time: 2401.32

body do we have brown fat and where can

Time: 2403.839

we grow more Brown fat

Time: 2406.06

um so to say um so the brown fat is is

Time: 2409.96

very plastic so it means that it can it

Time: 2411.76

can grow and they can decrease and this

Time: 2413.44

is proven in in studies where we have

Time: 2415.72

seen um

Time: 2417.46

um people with a fair cryocytoma it's

Time: 2420.339

like a very specific cancer type where

Time: 2423.64

people where from the 70s where we can

Time: 2426.22

see that if they have this specific kind

Time: 2428.68

of a cancer type

Time: 2430.78

um they have a they have this tumor on

Time: 2432.7

the adrenal gland so they have like a

Time: 2435.64

huge increase in NOAA adrenaline and

Time: 2438.099

because of that you don't have this

Time: 2440.02

continuous activation of the brown fat

Time: 2442

and they have grown a lot of brown fat

Time: 2444.46

in the whole body or abdominal where

Time: 2447.52

it's located in these six different

Time: 2448.96

places but it is just like very much

Time: 2452.14

compared to like normal people

Time: 2454.78

um and what they then see what we

Time: 2457.06

learned from this study is that brown

Time: 2458.56

fat can apparently grow if you have an

Time: 2462.579

increase in no adrenaline in the body

Time: 2464.38

it's not like you want that because when

Time: 2466.54

that happens you have a high blood

Time: 2467.859

pressure you don't want it chronically

Time: 2469.3

right you just want it on like a short

Time: 2471.579

amount of time and then it can grow for

Time: 2473.68

a bit but you don't want it chronically

Time: 2475.3

of course not but because it it

Time: 2477.46

activates also your sympathetic nervous

Time: 2479.56

system so they have also showed they

Time: 2481.119

have high blood pressure they had

Time: 2483.82

they lost a lot of weight of course

Time: 2485.619

because this is activating your

Time: 2487.119

metabolism so they they found luckily

Time: 2489.76

that when they removed this benign a

Time: 2493.72

tumor uh that uh the brown fat

Time: 2497.56

um decreases again to normal size and

Time: 2499.96

they gain weight again and they had

Time: 2501.64

normal blood pressure so the story ends

Time: 2504.16

well but it's kind of like proof of

Time: 2506.14

concept of the brown fat can actually

Time: 2507.88

grow so it's plastic in its in its way

Time: 2510.579

of like it can grow and it can decrease

Time: 2512.74

again so that's very good good studies

Time: 2514.96

to to see what what the body is capable

Time: 2518.26

of but we don't of course want all that

Time: 2520.66

brown fat we just want it to be um we

Time: 2523.3

just want to keep it actually and keep

Time: 2525.4

it activated because what we see in

Time: 2527.44

studies is also that after the age of 40

Time: 2529.9

and people

Time: 2531.94

um Studies have shown that there is an

Time: 2534.28

association with having less brown fat

Time: 2536.2

but increased obesity so of course we we

Time: 2539.079

don't know yet whether a brown fat

Time: 2542.14

decreases with A's and therefore before

Time: 2544.119

we get obese or we get obese and

Time: 2546.16

therefore we have less brown fat but as

Time: 2549.22

brown fat is an insulin sensitive organ

Time: 2552.82

in our body and we get obese just like

Time: 2557.2

the muscles get less sensitive insulin

Time: 2560.619

sensitive the brown fat does as well and

Time: 2563.02

therefore it maybe decreases it could be

Time: 2565.24

a theory that I think could be one of

Time: 2568.72

the reasons why we don't see that much

Time: 2570.82

Brown fat in in elderly people some have

Time: 2573.76

a lot especially people working outside

Time: 2575.859

there are studies showing this who

Time: 2577.9

people who work outside do physical work

Time: 2580.839

outside farmers and

Time: 2583.119

um yeah interesting yeah yeah thanks

Time: 2585.04

post themselves to it so they'll just

Time: 2587.38

keep it in that way it's

Time: 2590.079

um and I suppose we should um clarify

Time: 2592.839

for people in case they don't know that

Time: 2594.76

insulin sensitivity is a very good thing

Time: 2597.64

you want that you want your cells to be

Time: 2599.2

sensitive to insulin insulin

Time: 2601

insensitivity is type 2 diabetes and is

Time: 2604.599

associated with obesity

Time: 2606.28

um so just a point of clarification

Time: 2607.839


Time: 2608.8

uh yeah it's interesting to me I I I

Time: 2611.92

usually work out at home but I go to a

Time: 2614.14

gym once or twice a week if I can

Time: 2615.76

because it's good if I see uh the

Time: 2618.099

outside world

Time: 2619.42

um and there are a few individuals at

Time: 2622.359

the the gym who are they're not

Time: 2624.76

particularly large or muscular

Time: 2627.16

um but they are incredibly

Time: 2629.619

um lean and their posture is great

Time: 2632.56

presumably from the musculoskeletal work

Time: 2635.5

um and they they're in their 70s and 80s

Time: 2639.76

I mean it's remarkable right and um and

Time: 2642.16

I know all the telltale signs of hormone

Time: 2643.72

augmentation I'm very good at spotting

Time: 2645.579

that there are a few telltale signs I've

Time: 2646.96

talked about this on other podcasts and

Time: 2648.339

they're not that's not why they're

Time: 2650.319

they're they're they're

Time: 2651.94

um they're fit they're they're clearly

Time: 2654.16

of that look and you see this written

Time: 2655.9

outside the gym too of course for people

Time: 2657.76

that look like they've done a lot of

Time: 2659.14

physical labor their whole life yeah

Time: 2661.599

they're just moving a lot they have

Time: 2663.7

strong hands and features and they're

Time: 2667.119

um and they're not necessarily except

Time: 2668.8

aggressively lean but you can tell that

Time: 2671.319

they've been using their musculoskeletal

Time: 2672.94

system and I like to talk to these

Time: 2675.579

people and ask them like not what are

Time: 2677.02

you doing now for your workout but what

Time: 2678.52

what did you grow up doing you know and

Time: 2681.22

I would say and obviously I haven't run

Time: 2683.14

statistics on this but

Time: 2684.88

more than 75 percent of them respond

Time: 2687.64

that they grew up on a farm

Time: 2689.74

or that they did some sort of

Time: 2692.16

manual labor or were a postman or a

Time: 2694.96

postwoman or doing something where they

Time: 2696.7

moved a lot for their early years and

Time: 2699.099

throughout middle age and most of them

Time: 2701.319

are now in retirement but some of them

Time: 2702.94

are still working and they all still

Time: 2705.16

moving a lot so

Time: 2707.92

the relationship between shiver and

Time: 2709.78

brown fat makes sense to me but is it

Time: 2712.66

the case that as we're just moving

Time: 2714.04

around I've heard of neat non-exercise

Time: 2717.16

induced thermogenesis so if we're just

Time: 2718.78

moving around that we are activating

Time: 2721.48

Brown fat or does there need to be this

Time: 2723.579

stressor does there need to be shiver

Time: 2725.26

and a cold stimulus or a heat stimulus

Time: 2727.599

to activate the brown fat in other words

Time: 2729.96

is just staying active enough or do we

Time: 2733.54

need to do some sort of temperature uh

Time: 2736.359

shock type thing like deliberate cold

Time: 2738.24

exposure yeah I think that is a really

Time: 2740.8

good question because how how also why

Time: 2744.22

do we have this tissue then if it's if

Time: 2745.96

it has to be extreme then you can

Time: 2747.88

question what what do we need this

Time: 2749.38

tissue for but it seems that you can

Time: 2751.66

activate the brown fat with just a

Time: 2753.22

little bit of exposure to to cold so

Time: 2755.26

cold is the most potent stress or

Time: 2757.66

activator of our Brown fat because it's

Time: 2760.42

our temperature regulating organ in our

Time: 2763

body so first responder to that so the

Time: 2764.859

muscles will be a little bit too late

Time: 2766.359

and therefore we have maybe these two

Time: 2769.06

kind of tissues so actually just

Time: 2771.819

exposing yourself or a hand actually

Time: 2774.22

just to cold water so Studies have shown

Time: 2776.859

um that if you just put your hand in

Time: 2778.72

cold water not that you're going to

Time: 2780.16

going to do that all day or or every day

Time: 2782.8

or anything it's not it's it's not

Time: 2784.9

something you have to do but it just

Time: 2787.3

shows that you can activate your brown

Time: 2789.64

fat just by getting a temperature change

Time: 2791.68

on your skin so you can go outside and

Time: 2794.02

t-shirts that's why also we were just

Time: 2795.819

talking about well people who works

Time: 2797.68

outside or move a lot or get out in and

Time: 2800.56

out of it like changing the temperature

Time: 2802.42

of the body all the time they will have

Time: 2804.94

more Brown fat and activating that is

Time: 2808.359

going to keep your metabolism higher and

Time: 2810.52

your insulin sensitivity is that it has

Time: 2812.619

also shown this so the brown fat can be

Time: 2815.14

activated as soon as you just change

Time: 2816.94

your temperature in the skin so going

Time: 2818.319

outside in a t-shirt wearing cooling

Time: 2820.42

vests also Studies have shown this for

Time: 2822.16

10 days it's gonna also grow your your

Time: 2825.46

brown fat so you can get more Brown fat

Time: 2828.46

if you expose yourself to the cold you

Time: 2830.92

don't have to start in a cold shower you

Time: 2833.68

don't have to start in a cold plunge if

Time: 2836.44

you're not really ready for that yet but

Time: 2838.54

just exposing yourself to a wind has

Time: 2841.66

also shown to activate your brown fat or

Time: 2844.119

if you don't want to be like in this

Time: 2846.42

awake state then you can also just sleep

Time: 2849.7

in the cold and you won't notice it that

Time: 2851.68

much maybe but Studies have shown that

Time: 2853.119

if you sleep in 19 degrees Celsius and

Time: 2856.54

then you will activate your brown fat

Time: 2859.359

and you will grow your ground fat so you

Time: 2861.94

have more of it so this is in very nice

Time: 2864.94


Time: 2866.079


Time: 2866.68

from Hansen Adele from 2017 showed that

Time: 2870.579

a group of subjects who slept in a room

Time: 2873.94

at 24 degrees and then they made this

Time: 2876.099

Pet City scannings to see how much Brown

Time: 2878.44

fat do they have from the beginning so

Time: 2880.3

what we call Baseline then they measured

Time: 2883.119

again after a month of sleeping in 19

Time: 2885.94

degrees and they saw I think it's

Time: 2887.92

remarkable just one month at 19 degrees

Time: 2889.9

sleeping there they had a duet on and

Time: 2892.96

they were still had clothes on when they

Time: 2895.54

were sleeping so they're under a

Time: 2897.54

covered yeah yeah the subjects were

Time: 2900.099


Time: 2901.119

one month had increased is insulin

Time: 2903.339

sensitivity the next month they stepped

Time: 2905.44

at 24 degrees they measured this again

Time: 2907.48

and then they had decreased actually a

Time: 2909.819

little bit and then they slept at 27

Time: 2912.04

degrees so quite warm room actually for

Time: 2914.74

for the fourth month um and they saw a

Time: 2918.04

even less activation of the brown fat

Time: 2920.2

and also insulin sensitivity so it seems

Time: 2922.78

that you can expose yourself and pretty

Time: 2925.9

rapidly the brown fat will respond to

Time: 2928.42

this because it's so sensitive to no

Time: 2930.88

adrenaline right so if you keep exposing

Time: 2934.3

yourself to a little bit of coal you

Time: 2936.16

also get a little bit adapted to it but

Time: 2938.02

that's because the brown fat

Time: 2939.88

um has grown these more mitochondria in

Time: 2942.16

the cells so these small energy Fabrics

Time: 2944.8

that's going to activate the cells and

Time: 2946.54

that's going to take up glucose and fat

Time: 2948.579

from the fatty acids from the

Time: 2950.26

bloodstream to keep the thermogenesis up

Time: 2954.16

and that's going to clear up some sugar

Time: 2956.619

and it's going to click so in the in the

Time: 2959.14

bloodstream and some some fat as well so

Time: 2961

the brown fat can in that way decrease

Time: 2963.52

our unhealthy fat which is the white fat

Time: 2966.52

and the white fat is what we don't want

Time: 2969.28

too much of but we still need some of

Time: 2971.619


Time: 2972.94

and it's our energy storage so it's very

Time: 2975.339

important that it's there we just don't

Time: 2976.96

need a lot of it so on our thighs and

Time: 2979.78

also around our inner organs that's

Time: 2981.819

where it's it's located so if we can

Time: 2984.099

have activation of the brown fat just by

Time: 2986.8

going out in the cold and just by

Time: 2988.42

sleeping in a cold room or if you are

Time: 2990.46

have courage for it you can go out and

Time: 2992.319

expose yourself in a coat plunge

Time: 2994.78

um cold showers is also going to do the

Time: 2996.76

trick so you can do different variations

Time: 2999.579

of this just exposing yourself to

Time: 3001.68

various temperatures it's going to

Time: 3003.42

activate the brown fat because it was

Time: 3005.4

involved to keep us in a perfect

Time: 3007.819

homeostatic balance regarding

Time: 3009.839

temperature so to Keep Us Alive

Time: 3012.359

incredible uh I want to just get a

Time: 3015.3

clarification around this 19 degrees

Time: 3016.8

Celsius room that they're sleeping in so

Time: 3019.68

they're under a comforter a duvet and um

Time: 3022.859

and you mentioned they had clothes on

Time: 3024.119

the room is 19 degrees Celsius but the

Time: 3027.599

temperature underneath their blanket

Time: 3028.92

might not be 19 degrees Celsius so

Time: 3030.54

presumably it's the cold on their face

Time: 3032.52

that's activating uh the the increase in

Time: 3036.24

brown fat that was observed is that is

Time: 3038.7

that a reasonable expectation I I think

Time: 3041.579

so yeah because it's you have so many

Time: 3043.819

co-receptors in your face so it's

Time: 3046.38

actually it's enough and I think it

Time: 3048.42

corresponds very well with the studies

Time: 3050.099

showing that you can activate the brown

Time: 3051.72

fat just by putting a hand into a bucket

Time: 3054

of cold water and I did this experiment

Time: 3056.46

myself in in my studies just to see how

Time: 3059.579

well did they respond to cold water so

Time: 3062.7

it was a four degrees Celsius cold water

Time: 3065.52

for four minutes and then I just met

Time: 3067.859

your blood pressure on heart rate to see

Time: 3069.66

do they have like an activation of this

Time: 3071.7

I actually also measured the brown fat

Time: 3073.92

during this cold exposure for four

Time: 3076.5

minutes with an infrared thermography

Time: 3078.72

camera to see can I see that the brown

Time: 3081.54

fat is activated and just just to go

Time: 3085.2

back to the location of the brown fat so

Time: 3087.18

usually you cannot really see activation

Time: 3089.46

of your brown fat because it's located

Time: 3091.46

centrally in your around your central

Time: 3094.619

nervous system

Time: 3096.48

um and and the biggest Depot as you

Time: 3099.24

mentioned before is up here under the

Time: 3101.76

clavicular bones so

Time: 3104.579

um and very close to the skin surface

Time: 3107.099

and because it's so close to the skin

Time: 3108.96

surface I could measure it with this

Time: 3110.76

very expensive camera here and it's not

Time: 3112.619

very feasible for people to go home and

Time: 3114.3

do this don't because it takes a lot of

Time: 3116.94

practice I can tell

Time: 3118.92

um but we measured the brown fat with

Time: 3120.839

this um and and I could see that after a

Time: 3123.66

few minutes that the activation was

Time: 3125.28

there an increase in temperature arose

Time: 3128.22

from that activation just four minutes

Time: 3130.26

so it's very rapid and I'm also measured

Time: 3133.74

in my study how deep was the brown fat

Time: 3136.2

under your skin so it's very close to

Time: 3138.599

the surface which also shows that it it

Time: 3141.18

needs to be there to heat you up and

Time: 3143.46

heat your inner organs well I'm

Time: 3146.22

delighted to hear all of this and I'll

Time: 3148.14

tell you why one is by way of anecdote I

Time: 3150.9

mentioned a little bit earlier that as

Time: 3152.46

an undergraduate I worked in a lab that

Time: 3154.079

studied thermogenesis and we were doing

Time: 3155.7

that in animals but we had this room

Time: 3157.44

that was very cold the whole room was

Time: 3159.48

called the guy who I worked for at the

Time: 3161.52

time and I'm Harry Carlyle is a very

Time: 3163.8

accomplished physiologist he came from

Time: 3165.18

this lineage I don't know if this

Time: 3166.859

literature is still um discussed much

Time: 3168.72

but it's a beautiful literature

Time: 3170.7

um from Rothwell and stock they were the

Time: 3173.04

ones who discovered um non-exercise

Time: 3175.079

induced thermogenesis the fact that

Time: 3176.76

people bounce who bounce their legs a

Time: 3178.559

lot and move around a lot and have a lot

Time: 3180.119

of kind of um stochastic movement

Time: 3182.76

um burn up to 18

Time: 3185.359

00 calories more per day than people who

Time: 3188.46

sit more still fascinating incredible

Time: 3190.619

and just incredible

Time: 3192.42

um I don't think that work does gets as

Time: 3194.4

much attention as it deserves publishing

Time: 3196.319

journals like nature so very uh fine

Time: 3199.319

journals but in any event

Time: 3201.3

uh one of the things that I noticed when

Time: 3204.42

I started working in that laboratory was

Time: 3206.04

that I was cold because the room was

Time: 3207.48

cold and um Dr Carlisle Harry

Time: 3211.2

um said well the key is to wear a

Time: 3212.94

t-shirt in here for about two or three

Time: 3214.98

days and then you will cold adapt I

Time: 3217.68

thought well wouldn't I want to put on a

Time: 3219.42

hoodie and get warm in there so I was

Time: 3220.92

comfortable and he said no actually what

Time: 3222.359

you want to do is get yourself

Time: 3223.74

uncomfortably cold activate your brown

Time: 3225.54

fat and indeed when I did that I think

Time: 3228.24

it was just two days of being in that

Time: 3229.92

cold environment then I could come back

Time: 3231.24

on the third day and be perfectly

Time: 3232.5

comfortable yeah because the brown fat

Time: 3234.78

had expanded

Time: 3236.76

um or or added mitochondria or both and

Time: 3239.7

I was perfectly comfortable in that

Time: 3241.02

environment I also got very very lean in

Time: 3243.96

those um in those days and weeks now

Time: 3246

I've never been somebody who's very lean

Time: 3248.04

nor am I somebody who carries a lot of

Time: 3249.78

excess adipose tissue I'm kind of

Time: 3251.16

somewhere in the middle I'm sure I could

Time: 3252.599

adjust that with feeding if I want to

Time: 3254.339

but it was it was striking uh what a

Time: 3257.28

powerful effect it had on my entire

Time: 3259.14

system of thermal regulation and one of

Time: 3262.02

the things that I uh also delighted in

Time: 3264.059

when cell reports

Time: 3266.16

um medicine published your study is they

Time: 3268.079

had in an accompanying um press release

Time: 3270.24

that went out to to those of us that

Time: 3272.4

received press releases and it described

Time: 3274.859

a um a saying in Scandinavia which is um

Time: 3278.76

essentially I'm not going to attempt to

Time: 3280.26

uh speak uh Danish even though I have

Time: 3282.599

much of my family is in Denmark I

Time: 3284.579

believe or not from Denmark

Time: 3286.2

um we have a lot of Danes in my family

Time: 3288.3

um I won't embarrass myself by trying to

Time: 3289.859

speak Danish as I did before the the

Time: 3291.72

microphones were rolling but

Time: 3294.42

um that there's a saying that I think

Time: 3297.66

essentially translates to in the fall

Time: 3300.839

when when you're approaching winter you

Time: 3303.9

want to actually wear fewer layers not

Time: 3306.359

bundle up when you go outside so that

Time: 3308.099

you can prepare yourself for the cold of

Time: 3310.5

winter and be able to heat yourself up

Time: 3312.119

using your brown fat and that in the

Time: 3314.099

spring as the temperatures are warming

Time: 3316.74

rather than removing layers you want to

Time: 3319.26

wear more layers in order to be a little

Time: 3321.599

bit uncomfortably warm so that In the

Time: 3324

Heat of the summer you're better at

Time: 3326.099

cooling your body do I have that right

Time: 3327.96

and maybe do you know the saying and

Time: 3329.46

would you be willing to share it only

Time: 3330.78

the swedes and um uh and Danes will be

Time: 3333.42

able to understand

Time: 3334.74

um maybe the Norwegians too if you don't

Time: 3337.14

know it that's okay yeah so I know that

Time: 3340.14

I know the the concept of it because we

Time: 3342.54

say it you should you should wear a less

Time: 3344.76

before winter and and more before summer

Time: 3347.76

so there it is in English so it doesn't

Time: 3350.099

have to be esoteric but okay yeah and

Time: 3352.559

and you're completely right and I think

Time: 3354

this is the this is just something that

Time: 3356.099

we know in the Scandinavian countries I

Time: 3358.26

think that we we

Time: 3359.66

intuitively know this but if we just go

Time: 3362.52

back a little bit in history I think

Time: 3364.559

that um around the 1950s the the Russian

Time: 3369.72

government went out and said well we

Time: 3371.88

should do something about the

Time: 3373.099

tuberculosis pandemic or epidemic make

Time: 3377.04

the worse at the this time so that they

Time: 3379.02

wanted to have the the people

Time: 3381.66


Time: 3382.2

be more resilient to the cold and also

Time: 3385.319

increase our immune system so in

Time: 3388.8

Scandinavia and actually also in Russia

Time: 3391.26

we put our babies outside to sleep in

Time: 3394.74

the prom and that is like to uh also to

Time: 3397.68

to get more resistance to the coal but

Time: 3400.14

also to increase our immune system and

Time: 3402.48

we still do that in Denmark so we we

Time: 3404.579

really yeah we do babies are taken out

Time: 3406.619

in the cold in the snow in Frosty rain

Time: 3409.92

everything my two boys have been

Time: 3412.68

sleeping out in winter or at least the

Time: 3415.8

their first many three four five years

Time: 3418.319

because it's like very good for them and

Time: 3420.66

they get a better immune system and get

Time: 3423.839

resilient to the cold so they will have

Time: 3426

less colds and also they run around in a

Time: 3429.839

t-shirt when it's super cool because

Time: 3431.22

they have activated all the brown fat I

Time: 3433.079

didn't understand at that time I must I

Time: 3434.94

must say but I kind of like intuitively

Time: 3436.98

also knew because we have inherited this

Time: 3439.559

way of doing things with our culture so

Time: 3443.28

and I have heard people coming from the

Time: 3445.319

U.S saying things are crazy they put the

Time: 3447.48

babies outside and problems and leave

Time: 3449.099

them there and then they go inside and

Time: 3450.66

drink coffee on the cafe

Time: 3452.599

well I don't think Danes are crazy I I I

Time: 3455.28

I Adore the date they're amazing uh

Time: 3459.599

culture and people I'm so fortunate to

Time: 3461.52

have family members uh from Denmark but

Time: 3463.8

I did notice so when when we were in

Time: 3465.54

Copenhagen and I know um we we saw you

Time: 3468.54

there uh not long ago that was June

Time: 3471.96

um the water in the harbor was was cold

Time: 3474.619

for even though the Pacific is close to

Time: 3477.3

here which is very cold I was felt

Time: 3479.819

pretty cold but I it was summertime ish

Time: 3483.119

um so people were in summertime mode

Time: 3486.119

right t-shirts and shorts and things

Time: 3487.8

that that sort but it did strike me that

Time: 3491.099

people in Copenhagen are

Time: 3495.44

dramatically fitter than they are in the

Time: 3499.079

United States I mean first of all

Time: 3500.28

everyone's bicycling everywhere yeah

Time: 3503.099

um not many people wearing sunglasses so

Time: 3505.859

trying to extract as much Photon energy

Time: 3507.96

from the Sun as possible which I support

Time: 3509.7

uh as everyone knows that's I'm a big

Time: 3512.28

fan of getting Sun but also

Time: 3514.74

um when we did see swimmers

Time: 3517.02

um they were swimming in this cold water

Time: 3519.02

and like it was nothing and their the

Time: 3523.26

range in age of the swimmers was what

Time: 3525.48

was remarkable you saw the kind of fit

Time: 3527.52

triathlete looking types but also young

Time: 3529.799

kids like really young kids and then

Time: 3531.599

people probably in there again they're

Time: 3533.04

they're 70s 80s maybe even 90s really uh

Time: 3536.4

remarkable uh vastly different than what

Time: 3538.92

you see if you go to the ocean here in

Time: 3540.66

Los Angeles or or elsewhere so

Time: 3544.2

um yeah you Scandinavians are on to

Time: 3546.119

something with this I'd like to take a

Time: 3547.98

quick break and thank our sponsor inside

Time: 3550.02

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Time: 3552.599

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Time: 3554.52

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Time: 3556.5

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Time: 3558

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Time: 3560.28

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Time: 3561.66

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Time: 3564.119

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Time: 3565.5

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Time: 3567.599

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Time: 3569.28

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Time: 3570.839

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Time: 3572.88

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Time: 3574.98

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Time: 3577.14

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Time: 3579.42

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Time: 3581.099

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Time: 3582.299

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Time: 3585.54

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Time: 3587.04

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Time: 3588.9

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Time: 3590.28

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Time: 3592.26

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Time: 3593.819

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Time: 3595.68

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Time: 3597.599

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Time: 3599.339

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Time: 3600.839

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Time: 3603.299

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Time: 3605.579

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Time: 3607.28

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Time: 3610.5

any of inside trackers plans again

Time: 3612.48

that's inside tracker.com huberman to

Time: 3615.24

get 20 off

Time: 3616.74

I'd like to talk about your study

Time: 3619.68

if you could give us a little bit of the

Time: 3621.72

backdrop about what motivated that study

Time: 3623.64

and then um and then walk us through

Time: 3626.7

what you did you know who the subjects

Time: 3629.339


Time: 3630.48

um what you had them do what you

Time: 3632.4


Time: 3633.839

um in as much detail as you would like

Time: 3635.28

to share because I think it's such an

Time: 3637.14

important you know even fair to say

Time: 3640.079

landmark study because it also explored

Time: 3642.48

not just cold but sauna and the the

Time: 3646.579

co-use of cold and sauna as a way to

Time: 3649.98

probe metabolism and brown fat and other

Time: 3652.2

markers as well and as you do this uh

Time: 3655.079

I'm hoping at some point that you might

Time: 3656.579

tell us some of the observations that

Time: 3658.44

you might have made that interested you

Time: 3660.599

that perhaps were not in the paper

Time: 3662.22

because that's one of the great benefits

Time: 3663.9

of sitting across from somebody who who

Time: 3665.579

did the work in detail so um yeah if you

Time: 3667.799

could tell us about your study um and uh

Time: 3670.619

what you did and what you discovered

Time: 3672.119

thank you for the question Andrew I I'd

Time: 3674.819

love to like also explain a little bit

Time: 3677.099

what did we do because when people read

Time: 3679.38

this kind of paper they just see the

Time: 3681.299

numbers they don't see what what

Time: 3683.16

happened before that and human studies

Time: 3685.26

are very different from from my study my

Time: 3687.599

studies you can do a knockout of

Time: 3688.98

something and then everything is like

Time: 3690.78

perfectly matched and controlled doing

Time: 3692.88

humans studies is very far different

Time: 3695.4

from that because people are different

Time: 3697.38

even in the groups so yeah but what we

Time: 3701.7


Time: 3702.66

when I started this research in 2016 I

Time: 3706.14

did not really know what the brown fat

Time: 3707.819

was so I started reading up on all this

Time: 3710.04

and I was very interested in preventive

Time: 3712.26

medicine and also the studies that I did

Time: 3715.2

before Brown fat was also like very much

Time: 3718.2

in the preventive side like how can we

Time: 3720.9

that was about something else but the

Time: 3723.42

Sweet Tooth and how can we lower our

Time: 3725.579

sweet tooth and stuff like that so but

Time: 3727.14

after that I wanted to to do something

Time: 3728.819

new so I looked into the brown fat got

Time: 3731.64

hired in this fantastic research group

Time: 3733.859

where they it's a cell group so they

Time: 3736.319

mostly did cell studies and they didn't

Time: 3738.599

have anyone to do a human study yet

Time: 3741.66

um and um but they really wanted me to

Time: 3744.059

to do that so I read upon a lot of

Time: 3746.76

research about how does the brown fat

Time: 3749.16

get activated what have been done

Time: 3751.26

already and I mentioned the paper before

Time: 3753.059

with sleeping in the cold I found that

Time: 3755.52

particular paper very fascinating and

Time: 3758.099

that was also where

Time: 3760.079

um at that time I was like okay so cold

Time: 3762

exposure sure as an intervention of

Time: 3764.16

sleeping in the cold could be a good

Time: 3766.02

thing to go out and say well people do

Time: 3767.76

this but on the other hand is first of

Time: 3771

all it was already done that was one

Time: 3773.64

thing but the other thing was like well

Time: 3775.319

I wanted to to see if we can do it like

Time: 3777.299

some kind of activity so we can have

Time: 3779.88

people move also go and do something do

Time: 3783.299

something together or whatever and and

Time: 3785.52

the code made us think about well what

Time: 3788.7

about winter swimming and it was kind of

Time: 3790.92

like a bit of a joke in the beginning

Time: 3792.18

it's like winter swimming yeah it's

Time: 3793.74

going to activate the brown fat right

Time: 3795.38

but but when we read the literature we

Time: 3798.299

couldn't really find anything about

Time: 3800.46

activation of the brown fat with cold

Time: 3802.92

water besides hand in a bucket of cold

Time: 3805.319

water that really that was already there

Time: 3807.66

so we were just thinking okay so it

Time: 3810.18

should be very potent

Time: 3811.92

um activation of the brown fat if it's

Time: 3813.9

cold water but very different from cold

Time: 3816.9

air so it was kind of also a new thing

Time: 3819.9

we were going into and we knew that we

Time: 3822.78

were going to do like a more of a proof

Time: 3825.9

of concept study at the beginning of it

Time: 3828.299

because it was like winter swimmers

Time: 3831.66

um most in theory activate the brown fat

Time: 3834.48

right but we kind of didn't really know

Time: 3836.7

with was this kind of stressor too much

Time: 3839.46

too little or what will happen actually

Time: 3841.319

but we had this idea about well we

Time: 3844.02

always say that cold water and winter

Time: 3845.819

swimming will activate your metabolism

Time: 3847.319

but do but do we know if it does that no

Time: 3850.74

we don't so

Time: 3853.14

um and while this idea was a little bit

Time: 3855.78

fun fun at the beginning and we kind of

Time: 3858.54

accepted it it was like okay let's just

Time: 3859.98

try this out but because we didn't have

Time: 3862.079

the funding for it we was like okay

Time: 3863.46

let's do a proof of concept study

Time: 3866.16

um let's go with a small number but

Time: 3868.38

enough to see um a difference between

Time: 3871.319

the groups so the power calculation of

Time: 3874.38

that study is done on what we know from

Time: 3877.92

Pet City scannings of the brown fat so

Time: 3881.04

that's the main outcome of that of

Time: 3882.599

course so

Time: 3885

um and we wanted to go a little bit

Time: 3886.5

smaller on the numbers of participants

Time: 3888.599

because we wanted to dig a little bit

Time: 3890.64

deeper into the different mechanisms and

Time: 3893.04

also redo some of the the days so I

Time: 3896.52

really wanted to do that to see if I can

Time: 3898.02

replicate also the findings and that's

Time: 3900.66

going to take a lot of a lot of funding

Time: 3902.819

but it's also going to take a lot of

Time: 3904.319

time to do it

Time: 3905.88

um so the proof of concept was just

Time: 3907.799

going small but looking at different

Time: 3909.9

mechanisms we also took

Time: 3912

um fat biopsies for example and looked

Time: 3914.94

at the white fat to see if there was any

Time: 3916.619

differences between the groups before

Time: 3918.359

and after and stuff like that so that's

Time: 3920.819

kind of like how it started and and the

Time: 3923.16

first year was like a field study for me

Time: 3925.319

so I was not a winter swimmer when I

Time: 3927.359

started this it was just oh really no I

Time: 3929.4


Time: 3930.24

um at all and I would say I was a bit

Time: 3932.04

afraid of the cold myself a bit of a

Time: 3934.92

cold uh always cold having big

Time: 3937.68

socks on and sweaters and stuff like

Time: 3939.42

that so I was like I am so comfortable

Time: 3941.64

I'm just like everybody else very

Time: 3943.619

comfortable I like being income

Time: 3945.119

completely temperature neutral and but I

Time: 3947.7

started like playing with this thought

Time: 3948.9

like well if this is so healthy in

Time: 3951.299

theory I should not pack myself up I

Time: 3954.78

should start not doing that

Time: 3957.359

yeah but the first year observation of

Time: 3960.119

winter swimmers under Jetty they kind of

Time: 3962.46

joked about is they come on you need to

Time: 3964.559

try this you cannot study this um unless

Time: 3966.839

you have tried it

Time: 3968.16

and I was like haha very funny of course

Time: 3970.44

I can do that

Time: 3971.78

but I couldn't I I read the literature I

Time: 3975.18

understood in theory what happens when

Time: 3977.52

you go into cold water but I completely

Time: 3980.579

understood it when I first tried it the

Time: 3983.04

first few times not so funny it felt

Time: 3985.799

painful it was just like running too

Time: 3988.859

long after a long break and you and your

Time: 3991.859

muscles hurt the day after right you you

Time: 3993.539

completely regret that you took that

Time: 3995.52

extra mile what about when you say

Time: 3997.44

uncomfortable you mean uncomfortable

Time: 3998.88

when you got in and when you were in or

Time: 4001.28

uncomfortable afterwards because I find

Time: 4004.22

that um on rare occasions well I should

Time: 4007.88

just a full disclosure I I do deliberate

Time: 4010.46

cold exposure every morning for about a

Time: 4012.98

minute to two minutes in a cold plunge

Time: 4014.599

there are days that I miss but when I'm

Time: 4017.66

at home I do that and when I travel I do

Time: 4019.4

a cold shower I do finish with a warm

Time: 4022.039

shower so um and we'll talk about why

Time: 4024.799

that's probably not the best idea but um

Time: 4027.26

and I've been doing it for some years

Time: 4028.76


Time: 4030.079

um on and off uh but so just full

Time: 4033.14

disclosure I'm a devotee

Time: 4035.119

um and I have family members that uh

Time: 4037.94

hate the the cold but have gotten into

Time: 4040.46

it and and are starting to like it but

Time: 4042.38

they don't and I don't necessarily like

Time: 4044.539

the experience in the cold water but I

Time: 4047.78

love the way I feel when I get out and I

Time: 4050.359

have I'm a hundred percent on that

Time: 4052.76

statement about loving it when I get out

Time: 4054.68

occasionally it feels good to be in

Time: 4056.359

there it feels invigorating and I think

Time: 4058.16

I've learned to control the gasp reflex

Time: 4059.839

and the hyperventilation and I just have

Time: 4061.7

told myself what we know which is that

Time: 4063.559

the forebrain struggles to engage for

Time: 4066.079

the first 20 or 30 seconds but if you

Time: 4067.76

can get past that wall it's it's far

Time: 4070.099

easier to to push through

Time: 4072.5

um but when you say that it was really

Time: 4074.299

uncomfortable do you mean the experience

Time: 4076.28

of getting in or you also felt lousy

Time: 4079.039

afterward yeah it's and very important

Time: 4082.579

to clear that out I only felt very

Time: 4084.619

uncomfortable doing it at the moment but

Time: 4087.14

afterwards the first time I went with

Time: 4090.079

with the group and actually my husband

Time: 4091.88

was there as well because I I really

Time: 4094.339

wanted someone I knew

Time: 4096.44

um coming along because it's very normal

Time: 4098.179

if you haven't done this before you feel

Time: 4100.1

a little bit anxious about it and this

Time: 4101.96

is jonon studies as well because blood

Time: 4103.52

pressure and heart rate goes up in in

Time: 4105.44

those who are new to this kind of

Time: 4107.299

activity so um I was a little bit

Time: 4109.58

anxious about it so it was really

Time: 4111.739

uncomfortable just doing it but

Time: 4113.299

afterwards as soon as I got up I felt

Time: 4116.179

fantastic and we went into the sauna and

Time: 4118.88

I did three rounds because I just loved

Time: 4121.699

it I loved the feeling afterwards

Time: 4123.56

because you have all these nutrients

Time: 4125.54

minutes going in your brain and you feel

Time: 4127.219

more positive you feel I feel invigorate

Time: 4129.859

I had so much energy and that like I I

Time: 4133.1

could totally see why people would do

Time: 4135.259

this to get energy throughout the day

Time: 4136.759

because I definitely had that I didn't

Time: 4139.04

have to do 3 three dips to to get that I

Time: 4142.46

think one would be enough and I often do

Time: 4144.679

that also now today I do one dip

Time: 4147.08

sometimes I do two or three dips in in

Time: 4150.02

one round you can say in one day but

Time: 4152.54

often it's like just one or two times a

Time: 4155.12

week for me that is enough to to get

Time: 4157.819

that energy and to get that positive

Time: 4160.4

feeling and and I think that that is

Time: 4163.279

also why I I put up my study in that way

Time: 4166.219

I wanted to study the lowest dose you

Time: 4170.179

can say the lowest amount that we can

Time: 4172.16

get away with but still see

Time: 4174.799

um health benefits so what I observed

Time: 4177.92

there on the jetty was that some did it

Time: 4179.9

a long time they were in the water for a

Time: 4181.699

very long time and to me it seemed maybe

Time: 4183.62

a little bit extreme could you give me

Time: 4185.299

an example of long time well so maybe

Time: 4187.1

they were like really swimming and they

Time: 4189.199

could be 20 minutes or half an hour

Time: 4191.06

that's a long time that's a long time

Time: 4192.44

and there was like ice and people who

Time: 4194.66

came up I mean

Time: 4196.88

I just didn't really feel that this is

Time: 4199.4

something that I wanted to go out and

Time: 4201.56

recommend to people after my community

Time: 4203.36

research subjects dying either because

Time: 4205.52

if you're not adapted I mean the people

Time: 4207.32

you know people can do that also a 20

Time: 4209.3

minute cold shower or 20 minute cold

Time: 4211.34

plunge I know people do it but it's

Time: 4213.56

probably not a good idea no probably not

Time: 4215.78

it's gonna exhaust yourselves and make

Time: 4218.6

them age too fast fast so exactly that's

Time: 4221.32

when you pass that hermetic stress the

Time: 4223.88

healthy stress level that's what is

Time: 4226.159

happening the quite opposite is almost

Time: 4228.92

chronic stress actually in the cells

Time: 4230.6

well what happened then was that um I

Time: 4233.78

found out if if I want to have this

Time: 4235.88

protocol get through ethical committee I

Time: 4238.82

I really needed to go like very like

Time: 4241.34

Sleek with the not too long and and make

Time: 4244.219

sure that they were also very healthy

Time: 4246.02

and and to get approval of course of

Time: 4248.54

this study

Time: 4249.739

um but what I did was to to recruit

Time: 4252.5

winter swimmers who already have been

Time: 4254.9

swimming for two or three seasons and I

Time: 4257.12

just observed them I said I'm not gonna

Time: 4259.34

do an intervention study yet I did that

Time: 4261.679

after but I I wanted to do like a proof

Time: 4264.679

of concept where they were already

Time: 4266.179

adapted to the cold and then compare

Time: 4268.52

them to a match control group who were

Time: 4270.92

matched on

Time: 4272.3

um on you could say diet so whether they

Time: 4275.659

vegetarian or not

Time: 4277.64

um and one of them worse in each group

Time: 4279.58

uh also they weren't all vegetarians no

Time: 4282.44

no no just one in each group yeah it's

Time: 4284.12

gonna say with all the amazing fish and

Time: 4285.56

meat in uh in Denmark I'd have a hard

Time: 4287.96

time being a vegetarian no the breads

Time: 4289.88

are amazing the fruits and vegetables

Time: 4291.14

too but okay so there were a couple

Time: 4292.34

vegetarians in each group yeah one one

Time: 4294.5

in each yeah okay and then I'm

Time: 4296.48

vegetarian I have family members of

Time: 4298.699

vegetarians so I've just poking fun yeah

Time: 4301.42

yeah but they were they were matched on

Time: 4303.8

different things so what we usually

Time: 4305.78

match the mono is also BMI

Time: 4308.659

um which shows one gender in this study

Time: 4311.96

and we would always choose both men and

Time: 4314.9

women normally but we do see that there

Time: 4317.48

are different Brown fat levels depending

Time: 4320.9

on gender so women have more Brown fat

Time: 4322.88

than men really yeah interesting yeah I

Time: 4326.6

think it's interesting uh a deserved

Time: 4328.88

study yeah yeah why actually I think

Time: 4332.12

it's interesting because women are also

Time: 4334.34

smaller so in size and mass right but

Time: 4337.46

they also have

Time: 4338.96

um a lower peripheral temperature

Time: 4340.82

especially on hands and ears and is that

Time: 4343.34

right that's that's documented that what

Time: 4344.96

women do run colder than men yeah and

Time: 4347.739

physiologically I didn't say

Time: 4349.219

psychologically no no no we won't we

Time: 4351.38

won't go to the psychological

Time: 4355.219

yeah something else that's a different

Time: 4356.48

podcast yeah

Time: 4359.239

so women are just colder physically

Time: 4362.06

so on hands and ears it's measured on

Time: 4364.219


Time: 4365.179

um and and and feet as well so compared

Time: 4368.36

to men and men have bigger Hearts than

Time: 4370.76

women and they can pump out more blood

Time: 4373.96

peripheral than in a woman's body so

Time: 4377.659

they that could be an explanation for

Time: 4379.34

the colder hands for example

Time: 4381.14

some comfortable state is also different

Time: 4383.9

between genders so men are more

Time: 4386.6

comfortable at 22 degrees Celsius and

Time: 4390.14

women are thermal comfortable at 24

Time: 4393.02

degrees Celsius and this is the

Time: 4394.82

thermostat Wars of home have been now

Time: 4397.34


Time: 4398.8

two degrees Celsius by the way prior to

Time: 4402.08

um starting recording uh I made the

Time: 4404.78

executive decision that we were going to

Time: 4406.52

go with Celsius throughout the podcast

Time: 4409.28

um because the majority of the world

Time: 4411.8

uses Celsius so for those of you that

Time: 4413.54

think in Fahrenheit

Time: 4415.28

um the internet is your friend in making

Time: 4417.56

those conversions so we're sticking with

Time: 4419.3

Celsius so men tend to be Thermo

Time: 4421.28

comfortable at 22 degrees Celsius women

Time: 4423.98

at 24. okay interesting explains a lot

Time: 4428.78

about like also some arguments in the

Time: 4431.179

homes where men are turning down the

Time: 4432.86

heater and women are turning up the

Time: 4434.54

heater and they cannot really so it's

Time: 4436.699

it's really it's I'm on both sides here

Time: 4438.739

I understand the men we understand the

Time: 4440.36

women but it's there is a difference

Time: 4441.98

there which was also one of the reasons

Time: 4444.8

why we had we in this proof of concept

Time: 4447.02

study chose one gender so it is not like

Time: 4449.54

only because we wanted to study man it

Time: 4451.58

was just to see to eliminate uh all the

Time: 4454.76

confounding factors which could have an

Time: 4457.4

impact on on our results so

Time: 4461.06

um that was one of the reasons

Time: 4463.1

um but also because we yeah so women

Time: 4466.58

have have more Brown fat than men and

Time: 4468.92

otherwise we would have to like do four

Time: 4470.719

groups or something like that and not

Time: 4472.52

having funding yet we were like okay we

Time: 4474.32

need to do like just one a group just a

Time: 4477.38

control group and then and a group who

Time: 4480.08

will always winter swimmers so I

Time: 4482.6

recruited winter swimmers who have been

Time: 4484.219

swimming for two to three seasons

Time: 4486.199

um because I wanted them to be already

Time: 4488.54

adapted but not going too long in the

Time: 4492.08

water so they told me I did a lot of

Time: 4495.32

screening here of course beforehand and

Time: 4497.12

interviews to see to ask them how much

Time: 4499.46

do you do and

Time: 4501.26

um how much do you how long do you stay

Time: 4502.88

in the water and I monitored how long

Time: 4505.64

did they didn't stay in the water and

Time: 4506.96

recruited based on

Time: 4509.239

um that they only did like two to three

Time: 4511.34

times per week it seems reasonable for

Time: 4514.699

for Denmark at least to do that and they

Time: 4518.06

stayed only in the water for one to two

Time: 4520.4

minutes so the coastal subsides very

Time: 4522.86

quickly and you will get this activation

Time: 4524.96

of your rest and digest system which is

Time: 4527.78

your parasympathetic nervous system so

Time: 4529.699

the the other branch of your other

Time: 4531.679

enormous nervous system and you get that

Time: 4535.219

activation because you submerged into

Time: 4537.26

cold water and when you do that you have

Time: 4539.6

an activation of your diving response

Time: 4542.12

and that's gonna slow down the you can

Time: 4545.42

say the the cons Assumption of oxygen

Time: 4548

also in your body and that's going to

Time: 4549.56

slow down your heart rate could I pause

Time: 4551.54

you on this because I've heard this

Time: 4552.679

before that when we get into cold water

Time: 4554.9

shower or immersion we get this

Time: 4557.54

sympathetic autonomic response so

Time: 4559.219

increased blood pressure increased heart

Time: 4560.48

rate release of norepinephrine from the

Time: 4562.94

locus ceruleus in the brain release of

Time: 4565.4

um adrenaline dopamine adrenaline from

Time: 4568.34

the from the adrenals

Time: 4570.14

dopamine presumably within the brain

Time: 4572.9

but that the parasympathetic response is

Time: 4576.92

activated when we put our face into cold

Time: 4579.199

water or go underwater and that's a

Time: 4582.32

calming relaxation response

Time: 4584.96

so this brings us back to I don't want

Time: 4587.48

to take us off track from you describing

Time: 4588.86

the study but this brings us back to the

Time: 4590.84

first question which is if I go

Time: 4592.64

completely underwater for a moment when

Time: 4594.5

I start my cold plunge does that change

Time: 4596.84

the physiological outcome as compared to

Time: 4599.179

if I just submerge myself up to the neck

Time: 4601.28

and that and actually nowadays there's

Time: 4602.9

it seems to be a little bit of a

Time: 4604.04

movement online of people putting a bowl

Time: 4607.159

of ice water on their countertop and

Time: 4608.9

submerging their face into it did you

Time: 4610.699

see this this is a start obviously more

Time: 4612.14

and more posts about this so um could

Time: 4614.239

you just touch on the what the dive

Time: 4615.44

reflex is and why it act perhaps

Time: 4618.8

activates the parasympathetic response

Time: 4620.84

this calming response

Time: 4622.64

but also the diving reflex is activated

Time: 4625.4

when you submerge into cool water

Time: 4627.679

um even just to the neck yeah or I

Time: 4630.02

thought you had to get your face under

Time: 4631.34

I'm not I'm not arguing different you're

Time: 4633.199

the expert I just wanna yeah I haven't

Time: 4635.239

really I haven't read that I've just

Time: 4637.82

seen that you can activate your uh that

Time: 4641.12

diving response as soon as you go

Time: 4642.86

underwater with your body

Time: 4644.84

um so you don't have to do it with your

Time: 4646.88

face as far as I understand I could I

Time: 4648.8

could be wrong though

Time: 4650.54

um yeah so when when you activate your

Time: 4654.32

diving response you will slow down your

Time: 4657.56

um your oxygen consumption in your body

Time: 4660.02

and that is because the body tries to

Time: 4661.76


Time: 4663.5

um oxygen so you will not get

Time: 4665.54

hypothermic too fast so it's kind of

Time: 4668.3

like a survival system in your body

Time: 4670.699

um so this survival system is very

Time: 4673.4

um important for us of course so that

Time: 4675.86

would be activated and because of that

Time: 4678.5

you will have to maybe one minute or so

Time: 4681.08

I'm that can be precise on that because

Time: 4683.3

I maybe it also varies a bit in humans

Time: 4685.88

so one to two minutes you will have full

Time: 4688.64

activation of the sympathetic nervous

Time: 4690.5

system but also the parasympathetic

Time: 4692

nervous system

Time: 4693.38

um and that's going to activate for

Time: 4695.12

example something like serotonin in your

Time: 4697.28

brain which is like also good for mental

Time: 4699.62

balance and people feeling in mental

Time: 4701.84

balance afterwards they after they go up

Time: 4704

you know so that is like measured on a

Time: 4707.98

questionnaires and also measure like on

Time: 4710.679

anecdotes of course people tell all the

Time: 4713.12

time that they feel good afterwards we

Time: 4715.1

need studies on this so if anyone's

Time: 4716.84

sitting out there thinking that's

Time: 4718.04

interesting then please do some studies

Time: 4719.96

on that to get more out of that yeah

Time: 4724.219

so you had so you observed these winter

Time: 4726.56

swimmers who are done this for a few

Time: 4728.54

seasons yeah they're coming around for a

Time: 4730.82

new season of winter swimming and you've

Time: 4732.98

decided to recruit them as subjects

Time: 4735.04

they are getting into cold water

Time: 4738.32

um climbing down a ladder or jumping

Time: 4740.06

into the water up to their neck yeah

Time: 4741.56

climbing yeah okay climbing down a

Time: 4743

ladder into it because it's done

Time: 4744.02

Outdoors what a fun study to do my

Time: 4745.88

graduate thesis was done under

Time: 4747.92

fluorescent lights with no windows in a

Time: 4749.96

in a building that uh I mean I had a ton

Time: 4752.3

of fun as a PhD student I actually lived

Time: 4754.159

in the laboratory as a PhD student I

Time: 4755.84

loved it so much but um not something

Time: 4758.659

required to do a PhD by the way but um

Time: 4761.659

they're climbing down the ladder yeah

Time: 4764.36

getting it up to their neck staying in

Time: 4766.159

for one to two minutes

Time: 4767.719

and then getting out and how many times

Time: 4769.4

a week are they doing this so to do this

Time: 4771.38

two to three times per week and for each

Time: 4773.54

time they go each day they go they take

Time: 4777.02

three rounds off so three dips and two

Time: 4780.199

sauna sessions so they start in the cold

Time: 4782.42

and they end in the cold water okay so

Time: 4784.64

it's get in for one to two minutes then

Time: 4787.699

get out and get into the sauna yeah

Time: 4790.28

um what is the temperature of the sauna

Time: 4792.02

about 80 degrees Celsius okay then how

Time: 4795.86

long are they in the sauna so they

Time: 4798.02

stayed there for 10 to 15 minutes so

Time: 4801.02

depending on if they went two times per

Time: 4803.179

week or three times per week okay and

Time: 4805.04

then they get back into the cold for a

Time: 4806.659

few minutes two minutes up to two

Time: 4808.76

minutes yeah okay then back into the

Time: 4811.1

sauna 15 minutes or so yeah then back

Time: 4814.04

into the cold for a third round yeah

Time: 4815.78

back into the sauna

Time: 4818.12

and then then they're ending and then

Time: 4821.12

back into the cold again and then ending

Time: 4822.98

on cold yeah and uh and we'll talk about

Time: 4825.14

why it's important to end on cold the

Time: 4827.179

so-called sober principle

Time: 4829.58

um how cold was the water in this

Time: 4832.34

particular given average because I

Time: 4834.92

realized it's outdoor winter swimming so

Time: 4836.54

it's going to vary depending on wind

Time: 4837.92

chill and things as well of course so

Time: 4840.26

it's a very uncontrolled environment to

Time: 4842.54

do this kind of study then but I wanted

Time: 4844.58

to do something that was also very close

Time: 4847.1

to something people could do for free

Time: 4848.719

going out in nature and use that and

Time: 4850.88

also have the nature like it's very

Time: 4852.92

healthy impact on us it lowers our

Time: 4854.719

stress stress level as well so

Time: 4858.32

by doing so I also measured the

Time: 4860.719

temperature every time they went so I

Time: 4863.239

have this graph and it's actually in the

Time: 4865.04

winter swimming book it shows the

Time: 4866.78

temperature in Denmark going like from

Time: 4868.76

October to April and it's like it starts

Time: 4872

at 12 degrees I think it's around 12 to

Time: 4874.34

12 degrees Celsius and the water and

Time: 4877.1

then it goes down to two degrees in on

Time: 4879.86

average in January and then up again

Time: 4882.62

um so it's within the spectrum of very

Time: 4884.719

cold water I would say from around 15 15

Time: 4887.96

degrees Celsius and down but it was

Time: 4891.14

actually not colder than like two to

Time: 4893.239

four degrees in in on average when it

Time: 4896.239

was the coldest so it doesn't have to be

Time: 4898.82

that cold to be good enough and and

Time: 4901.04

enough to activate our metabolism

Time: 4904.04

um and what time of day are

Time: 4906.62

um the participants doing this cold

Time: 4908.54

sauna alternation so I think they did

Time: 4911.42

this uh throughout the day so I didn't

Time: 4914.719

control whether they wanted to go in the

Time: 4916.699

morning in the afternoon or in the

Time: 4918.739

evening at that time where I set up this

Time: 4921.08

study I would I was not controlling it

Time: 4924.08

in that way I wanted them to go whenever

Time: 4926.54

they had time and I also think that is

Time: 4928.52

the most important message to give to

Time: 4930.56

give to people is to do it when you have

Time: 4932.54

time it's not if if doing it when you

Time: 4936.92

get home from work and it's six o'clock

Time: 4938.84

in the evening and this is the time

Time: 4940.94

where you are where you can do it and

Time: 4943.34

then then try out if it's going to

Time: 4945.32

impact your sleep or not if it doesn't

Time: 4947.659

impact your sleep then fine but you have

Time: 4950.179

to try for yourself and find out what

Time: 4951.98

works for you it's the same for coffee

Time: 4953.48

for example right some people can drink

Time: 4955.4

coffee in the evening and go to bed and

Time: 4957.199

they can sleep I can't or exercise or

Time: 4960.199

exercise exactly so I can't I can't do

Time: 4962.9

that and that's because the coffee

Time: 4964.28

exercise cold water and immersion is

Time: 4967.28

going to activate your sympathetic

Time: 4969.02

nervous system you haven't increase in

Time: 4970.88

stress response in your body and and

Time: 4972.56

that's going to make it really hard to

Time: 4974

fall asleep for some people at least

Time: 4975.8

maybe you are super exhausted anyways

Time: 4978.38

and then you will just crash anyways but

Time: 4980.84

yeah but um that's that's the only thing

Time: 4983.659

so I just told them to do this if they

Time: 4985.88

can during the daytime

Time: 4987.92

um and that's primarily what they also

Time: 4989.659

did and then uh all along you're

Time: 4993.02

measuring Brown fat by way of this

Time: 4994.76

infrared uh camera right

Time: 4998.54

um so what did you observe in terms of

Time: 5000.219

changes in brown how quickly did that

Time: 5002.14

occur and um and then I'd like to ask

Time: 5005.679

also about sauna a bit more because

Time: 5007.96

earlier you mentioned that you can

Time: 5009.159

activate round fat with sauna as well

Time: 5011.86

with heat surface of the skin

Time: 5015.94


Time: 5016.659

how long did it take before you observed

Time: 5019.3

significant increases in brown fat and

Time: 5022

was it increased density of my brown fat

Time: 5024.88

or distribution was it you know showing

Time: 5027.28

expansion to different regions

Time: 5028.6

throughout the body and maybe you could

Time: 5031

also touch on some of the changes in

Time: 5032.56

insulin sensitivity and Metabolism yeah

Time: 5035.32

a very good question and and I didn't

Time: 5038.02

mention this before but besides

Time: 5040.659


Time: 5042.04

um temperature as an outcome for brown

Time: 5045.04

fat activity we also did pet MRI

Time: 5048.4

scanning of the brown fat so this is

Time: 5050.739

like the the golden standard for

Time: 5053.32

measuring Brown fat and it's not very

Time: 5054.82

feasible for normal people to get an and

Time: 5057.52

a pet a CT or pet MRI a scanning of the

Time: 5060.58

brown fat is super expensive

Time: 5063.159

um so we had both uh to see if we could

Time: 5066.699

have like a continuous measure of brown

Time: 5069.76

fat in humans because that was already

Time: 5072.58

not not out there so I wanted to see

Time: 5075.1

during both the experience governmental

Time: 5077.32

days but also during day and night what

Time: 5080.62

kind of like circadian rhythm do we have

Time: 5083.92

in our Brown fat activity so that's why

Time: 5085.96

I wanted to have that as well so the Pet

Time: 5088.42

City scanning or the pit MRI scanning

Time: 5091.06

was to see upon code activation

Time: 5094.719

um stimulation for some hours do we have

Time: 5097.42

activation can we see the brown fat in

Time: 5099.64

this subject and also during Thermo

Time: 5102.46

neutrality or thermal comfortable State

Time: 5104.26

how is that activated in each of the

Time: 5107.38

group of course ah so you want to see

Time: 5109.179

how comfortable people were away from

Time: 5111.94

the cold water and sauna just had

Time: 5114.46

different temperature environments is

Time: 5116.86

that right yeah so I also measured that

Time: 5118.6

how comfortable are you I had I made

Time: 5120.94

this scale like visual analog scale and

Time: 5123.76

asked them how comfortable do you feel

Time: 5125.679

with this temperature and throughout the

Time: 5128.32

study days during cold exposure and

Time: 5130.6

thermal comfortable day that had a whole

Time: 5132.52

day where I just kept them Thermal

Time: 5134.56

comfortable to see do they activate the

Time: 5137.5

brown fat if they're just completely

Time: 5139.6

thermal comfortable as good as we could

Time: 5141.58

get with that because you were asking

Time: 5143.92


Time: 5144.82

um on a scale from one to ten and five

Time: 5147.64

being thermal comfortable where are you

Time: 5149.739

on the scale so one would be very cold

Time: 5152.199

and ten would be super burning hot

Time: 5155.38

um yeah and so that was the way to like

Time: 5157.96

try to figure out how do they actually

Time: 5160.48

feel also during their studies they also

Time: 5162.94

measured a Electro myography so of of

Time: 5167.26

muscles to see do they shiver during the

Time: 5169.3

cooling day and sometimes people shiver

Time: 5171.52

before they know they're really

Time: 5173.139

shivering so I had interesting yeah so

Time: 5176.08

our conscious perception of shivering

Time: 5178.06

might not be the best readout of shiver

Time: 5180.34

yeah well you if you also get adapted to

Time: 5182.679

the cold water you will have a less

Time: 5186.04

shivering there will be less vigorous

Time: 5188.199

they will be very small so you wouldn't

Time: 5191.02

probably know that you are shivering

Time: 5193.06

because this shivering is so small and

Time: 5194.8

the mitochondria in the muscle cells

Time: 5197.44

will be so dense that it doesn't need to

Time: 5200.44

shiver maybe that much to get a dead

Time: 5202.96

thermogenesis going and compared to when

Time: 5205.6

you're completely new

Time: 5206.98

uh to code water exposure you're not

Time: 5209.92

adapted then the body needs to create

Time: 5212.199

these mitochondria these energy Fabrics

Time: 5214.6

to keep you warm and that's also what

Time: 5217.48

the exercise is in the beginning but

Time: 5221.139

um when we measured this we did see that

Time: 5223.659

the winter swimmers were shivering less

Time: 5225.9

or having less vigorous shivering when

Time: 5229.78

they said I'm cold so even though they

Time: 5232.42

they perception their perception of the

Time: 5235.06

cup was pretty similar in in the in the

Time: 5238.06

groups and we could see that the the

Time: 5241.96

activation of the the muscles that we

Time: 5244.48

measured on

Time: 5245.98

um were different and more pictures in

Time: 5248.08

the control group were the subjects

Time: 5250.12

incentivized to be in the study were

Time: 5251.8

they paid or anything of that sort of

Time: 5253.239

they just happen to like doing uh cold

Time: 5255.1

and sauna and so that's why they did the

Time: 5257.32


Time: 5258.4

um well they got paid a little bit for

Time: 5260.62

it but not much and um that's how we do

Time: 5263.98

this sure I was just curious yeah yeah I

Time: 5266.44

was just curious there might be some

Time: 5267.4

folks that Wonder so so what did you

Time: 5269.56

discover in terms of changes in brown

Time: 5271.48

fat insulin resistance or insulin

Time: 5274.179

sensitivity rather and um metabolism so

Time: 5277.659

what we we saw was we had this kind of

Time: 5281.02

different measures to see what to try

Time: 5283.78

and unreal what what's actually going on

Time: 5286.06

when they are already adapted to the

Time: 5287.92

cold water compared to a control group

Time: 5289.84

who was matched on on various parameters

Time: 5294.28

we we did see that the winter swimmers

Time: 5296.92

had an increased insulin sensitivity

Time: 5299.44

they produced less insulin on all the

Time: 5303.58

experimental days so besides from just

Time: 5306.82

cooling them and measuring the brown fat

Time: 5309.04

on each of these cooling days or two

Time: 5311.56

cooling days and one thermal comfortable

Time: 5313.42

day right so I wanted to measure insulin

Time: 5317.32

when I just they were fasting meaning

Time: 5319.659

that they hadn't eaten in eight hours

Time: 5322.36

before the study day

Time: 5324.34

um and they were completely laying still

Time: 5327.04

not moving just in a bit and we measured

Time: 5330.04

insulin during the experimental day just

Time: 5332.56

to see how what level are they on and we

Time: 5336.159

could see that the the winter swimmer

Time: 5338.679

had lower production of insulin and they

Time: 5341.62

also when they had an glucose drink so

Time: 5344.679

we give them that to see if they to test

Time: 5346.78

before we enroll them in studies to see

Time: 5348.639

if they have diabetes for example and

Time: 5350.44

not knowing for example that that

Time: 5352.239

wouldn't that would like ruin maybe the

Time: 5354.58

study so we test for that and see if

Time: 5357.58

they have like a normal curve so what

Time: 5359.8

was this seeing that was that the winter

Time: 5362.199

swimmers had a faster glucose clearance

Time: 5364.6

in the bloodstream so after two hours we

Time: 5368.38

could see that they had a lower level

Time: 5369.76

and it went the curve went down faster

Time: 5372.04

than in the control group so despite

Time: 5373.96

having lower insulin release they have

Time: 5376.3

better blood glucose clearance which is

Time: 5378.28

really what you want what we all seek

Time: 5380.44

right you know excessive insulin is bad

Time: 5382.659

insulin being a um more or less a

Time: 5385.9

chaperone for blood glucose

Time: 5388

um can do all sorts of other things as

Time: 5390.04

well of course but

Time: 5391.659

um and having high blood glucose

Time: 5393.04

obviously terrible yeah for cells

Time: 5395.62

especially brain cells I don't think

Time: 5396.94

people realize how toxic high blood

Time: 5398.699

glucose is having high glucose if you

Time: 5402.4

want to kill neurons you make you make

Time: 5405.58

their uh put them in an environment

Time: 5407.679

where there's too much sugar

Time: 5409.96

um oh yeah very yeah very neurotoxic I

Time: 5412.659

mean that's and their mechanisms like

Time: 5414.699

insulin that buffer that we keep you

Time: 5416.56

know keeping blood glucose in a

Time: 5418.12

reasonable range so that

Time: 5419.8

um that doesn't happen I mean I think

Time: 5420.82

that's why people will go into

Time: 5421.86

insulinemic shock

Time: 5424.179

um hypoglycemic shock is also possible

Time: 5425.86

so that range in which neurons are happy

Time: 5427.6

is not a it's not a tremendously large

Time: 5429.82

range incidentally the range in which

Time: 5431.86

neurons are are

Time: 5433.6

um happy in surviving uh is much greater

Time: 5437.08

as one gets colder than when you heat up

Time: 5439.659

I mean you can basically destroy brain

Time: 5442.54

cells by getting too hot for too long oh

Time: 5444.34

yeah yeah you can definitely destroy

Time: 5446.02

brain cells permanently by getting too

Time: 5448.239

cold for too long but you have to get

Time: 5449.739

really really cold for a really long

Time: 5451.3

time yeah yeah um very interesting yeah

Time: 5454

we're thinking about doing uh an episode

Time: 5455.739

on um uh sort of survival of the brain

Time: 5460.239

after death kind of things which

Time: 5461.8

actually happens you hear about these

Time: 5463.06

people who are declared dead and then

Time: 5464.56

come back and there's actually now a lot

Time: 5466.6

of crowd preservation type approaches

Time: 5468.94

for that this is uh anyway we risk going

Time: 5471.4

into the the uh the esoteric now so I'll

Time: 5474.159

steer us back to our discussion about

Time: 5475.659

your study but

Time: 5477.1

um so if I do the math

Time: 5480.48

these subjects are in the cold let's say

Time: 5483.34

they're doing three rounds of cold for

Time: 5485.8

one to two minutes three to two or three

Time: 5488.38

times a week

Time: 5489.52

what were the thresholds that you

Time: 5491.739

discovered were important for getting

Time: 5493.9

these positive changes in um

Time: 5497.56

such as reduced blood sugar or clearance

Time: 5499.84

of blood sugar

Time: 5500.98

um being more efficient uh reduced

Time: 5502.9

insulin improved Brown fat distribution

Time: 5505.84

and density

Time: 5507.639

um how much cold exposure do people need

Time: 5510.4

how much heat exposure do people need in

Time: 5512.5

order to extract these benefits yeah so

Time: 5515.5

when we then calculated the numbers

Time: 5517.36

together we could see that this was

Time: 5518.98

ended up being 11 minutes in total per

Time: 5522.1

week so not in one session of course but

Time: 5525.159

they had two to three visits to the

Time: 5528.1

water and the sauna per week so when we

Time: 5531.28

divide that out it corresponds to being

Time: 5533.44

in cold water one to two minutes at a

Time: 5535.42

time but also in the sauna 10 to 15

Time: 5537.88

minutes at a time and I think this is

Time: 5539.98

very like also similar to what we see in

Time: 5543.34

other studies when we look for example

Time: 5545.38

to the observational studies from The

Time: 5547.719

Finnish cohort study from laauken at L

Time: 5551.38

for example they published this very

Time: 5552.76

amazing paper in 2015 and some results

Time: 5556.78

from this long cohort study where they

Time: 5559.179

show that that up to 30 minutes in the

Time: 5563.86

sauna was healthy and they you you lower

Time: 5567.04

your risk of cardiovascular disease and

Time: 5569.199

that's like the threshold and if you go

Time: 5571.239

further than that then there is not more

Time: 5574.98

healthy benefits to to gain from that so

Time: 5578.02

and before that it's like 19 minutes

Time: 5580.719

then you will have this dose response

Time: 5583.239

relationship up to 19 minutes that's

Time: 5585.34

really in decreasing your risk of

Time: 5587.56

cardiovascular diseases and I think

Time: 5590.139

that's per week 90 minutes per week 90

Time: 5593.02

minutes per session now recession yeah

Time: 5595.12

per session if we

Time: 5597.219


Time: 5598.139

then compare that with my study which

Time: 5601.54

was 10 to 15 minutes per session then I

Time: 5604.78

think it fits very well with what we

Time: 5606.58

call the Hermetic stress or healthy

Time: 5608.8

stress that you expose the cells to this

Time: 5610.84

kind of like potent very stressful

Time: 5613.36

situation where they increase heat shock

Time: 5616.42

proteins in the cells and that will

Time: 5618.28

repair the cells but if you then overdo

Time: 5620.8

it and you go beyond the maybe 30

Time: 5623.02

minutes in the sauna this observational

Time: 5625.659

study from Finland with more than up to

Time: 5629.139

2 000 sauna bathers where they have full

Time: 5631.96

of these for 20 years they see that a 30

Time: 5635.139

minutes position is like enough and if

Time: 5637.54

you go above that you don't get more

Time: 5639.639

health benefits out of it so I think

Time: 5641.38

there's a window where we can say the

Time: 5643.36

healthy stress corresponds to like 10

Time: 5645.94

minutes and I think it's per session per

Time: 5648.46

session and it's not it's not much

Time: 5650.44

actually so you don't need to

Time: 5652.9

it shows that you don't have to expose

Time: 5654.88

yourself very much to the Heat or very

Time: 5656.98

much actually to the cold to get this

Time: 5659.5

healthy benefits from going into cold

Time: 5662.5

going to heat and have healthy benefits

Time: 5664.3

on your cardiovascular system so I think

Time: 5666.04

this is very important also a message to

Time: 5668.5

to to get out that you don't have to go

Time: 5671.56

extreme you don't have to swim for a

Time: 5674.199

half an hour in the cold water you can

Time: 5676.239

go in the water for one to two minutes

Time: 5678.52

and per session but go up to 11 minutes

Time: 5682.42

per week in total and for the sauna my

Time: 5685.96

study showed uh 57 minutes in total two

Time: 5689.38

weeks and if we also then divide it out

Time: 5691.84

on these two to three days and two

Time: 5693.52

sessions each day correspond to 10 to 15

Time: 5696.52

minutes so it's a low threshold but I

Time: 5699.58

think it's it's good to have that to

Time: 5702.4

maybe we can aim for that if people need

Time: 5705.28

to have something to to aim for and I

Time: 5707.32

think and I think it's really good to

Time: 5708.76

have that because then you you don't

Time: 5711.34

have then you don't overdo it and if you

Time: 5713.62

overdo it you exhaust the cells and that

Time: 5715.9

will increase your risk of

Time: 5717.28

cardiovascular disease also so well I

Time: 5720.4

get a lot of questions about this and I

Time: 5721.84

did solicit for questions for this

Time: 5723.52

podcast on on Twitter and one of the

Time: 5725.08

questions that I got was as one becomes

Time: 5727.3

more cold adapted do the benefits start

Time: 5729.58

to wear off or can people do too much

Time: 5731.86

cold exposure of course the answer to

Time: 5733.48

that is yes you can become hypothermic

Time: 5735.04

but I'm sensing a different answer now

Time: 5738.1

which is if I understand correctly the

Time: 5740.92

threshold is 11 minutes total per week

Time: 5743.139

of deliberate cold exposure divided into

Time: 5745.36

two or three sessions of maybe one to

Time: 5747.82

three minutes depending on how long

Time: 5749.26

somebody stays in and then 57 minutes I

Time: 5753.28

want to be careful not to round up um to

Time: 5756.1

an hour but divided into maybe three

Time: 5758.38

20-minute sessions or so you know um so

Time: 5761.56

one doesn't have to be perfect as long

Time: 5763.78

as you get a beyond that threshold but I

Time: 5766.239

I wonder something which is

Time: 5769.54

it the case that if somebody said oh you

Time: 5771.58

know I'm just going to do one 11 minute

Time: 5773.739

session per week that might actually not

Time: 5776.98

be as beneficial as dividing it up

Time: 5779.679

because what you told us earlier is that

Time: 5782.199

the Hermetic response depends on having

Time: 5785.139

that cold shock you actually don't want

Time: 5786.88

to become too cold adapted I mean once

Time: 5788.86

the blood pressure response drops down

Time: 5791.5

so in minute four five and six yeah

Time: 5793.9

you're getting very cold and you're

Time: 5795.4

shivering but you're one is not getting

Time: 5798.1

the autonomic stimulus that they want I

Time: 5800.38

guess I could liken this to um if

Time: 5802.54

exercise worked in a way where it was

Time: 5804.58

only the first few minutes of exercise

Time: 5806.08

that really triggered the adaptation of

Time: 5807.88

course this is not how it works but um

Time: 5809.92

in fact probably quite the opposite

Time: 5812.199

um but if that were the case then it's

Time: 5814.36

not simply the total amount of exercise

Time: 5816.28

but dividing up the the the sessions

Time: 5819.34

into little bouts where every single

Time: 5821.86

time it acts as a stimulus that seems to

Time: 5824.92

be the key here

Time: 5826.6

um this is very important

Time: 5828.76

um because having watched the landscape

Time: 5830.56

of this on social media but also in

Time: 5832.96

books and generally

Time: 5834.639

um I think you're the first person to

Time: 5835.96

really touch on this that the goal is

Time: 5838.719

not to get so cold adapted that you can

Time: 5840.76

sit in for the full 11 minutes in one

Time: 5842.56

session where the goal isn't to be able

Time: 5844.42

to do an hour of very hot sauna if you

Time: 5847.54

want to I suppose people could do it for

Time: 5848.92

other reasons but if the goal is to

Time: 5850.54

improve these Health metrics yeah then

Time: 5853.12

the idea is to keep the stimulus a

Time: 5855.82

stimulus short exactly yeah great well

Time: 5859.78

this also I think there's practical

Time: 5861.94

feasibility as you pointed out because

Time: 5863.38

getting into a cold shower or cold

Time: 5865.239

immersion or natural body water for a

Time: 5868

couple of minutes is far less uh

Time: 5871.3

um you know challenging to most people

Time: 5872.86

than finding a full morning to go you

Time: 5875.139

know spend there

Time: 5876.699

um but I've never really heard it

Time: 5878.62

articulated that the longer sessions

Time: 5882.04

might not be beneficial it might

Time: 5884.139

actually be detrimental

Time: 5886.78


Time: 5887.86

that's very important uh were there any

Time: 5890.8

other observations that you made

Time: 5893.8

um that did not make it into the paper

Time: 5895.659

or that were kind of in the the margin

Time: 5897.699

notes I mean in terms of psychological

Time: 5899.679


Time: 5901.36

um or anything of that sort there was

Time: 5903.4

this recent study on soldiers that

Time: 5905.38

talked about weight loss it's sort of a

Time: 5907.179

controversial study for a lot of reasons

Time: 5909.94

um but one of the things they remarked

Time: 5911.44

in the paper was that there were a lot

Time: 5913.36

of psychological changes improved

Time: 5914.86

buffering against anxiety

Time: 5916.84

um they even the men and women in that

Time: 5919

study reported one of the significant

Time: 5921.28

effects was um significantly improved

Time: 5923.139

sexual satisfaction of course they

Time: 5924.88

didn't tell us what that meant for these

Time: 5926.199

subjects but so we won't go there but

Time: 5928.54

but a number of subjective improvements

Time: 5931.179

was there anything that you observed or

Time: 5932.679

took note of in in your study that

Time: 5934.54

perhaps didn't make the main abstract

Time: 5936.159

but that we should be aware of uh

Time: 5938.5

yeah there was some um and I'm I'm today

Time: 5943.36

I regret that I didn't measure on sleep

Time: 5946.36

for example I I frankly didn't really

Time: 5949.96

think about that when I I when I

Time: 5953.139

designed the study

Time: 5954.88

um so we were very

Time: 5956.98

um much occupied with the metabolism and

Time: 5961.239

kind of had the thought maybe this could

Time: 5963.36

impact a Sleep Quality

Time: 5966.94

um and I wish I just if I had the

Time: 5968.86

thought that why don't you just ask them

Time: 5970.9

in a questionnaire but I asked them

Time: 5972.76

every morning or everyone who's not many

Time: 5974.98

Monies to just two mornings actually and

Time: 5977.139

we measured on

Time: 5978.639

um but the winter swimmers

Time: 5981.28


Time: 5981.82

told us before I wrote them that they

Time: 5984.46

had a really good sleep quality the

Time: 5986.8

control group also had that but they

Time: 5989.98

told me on the day where we measured the

Time: 5991.84

brown fat on a day and night so if

Time: 5995.02

actually two days and two nights and

Time: 5997.6

they told me that they didn't they had a

Time: 6000.659

good night's sleep but they also woke up

Time: 6002.58

so it's just telling me that they also

Time: 6005.04

had like a quick wake up and then they

Time: 6006.84

fell asleep again

Time: 6009.06

um and the winter swimmers is so they

Time: 6012.36

have a really good sleep so it's like

Time: 6013.86

and in general they also say we we sleep

Time: 6016.86

very well I sleep very well so it's

Time: 6018.96

anecdotally General it corresponds to

Time: 6022.139

what I heard in my study but nothing

Time: 6024.9

that I measured on

Time: 6027.179

um which would could be fun to do in the

Time: 6029.219

future but we didn't measure on Sleep

Time: 6031.26

Quality that would have been a really

Time: 6034.199

good idea to do they also told me that

Time: 6036.54

they were very comfortable when they

Time: 6038.219

were cold they they don't mind a winter

Time: 6040.62

swimmers they don't mind going out for

Time: 6043.02


Time: 6043.86

um in in the code with a t-shirt they

Time: 6046.139

were also less scared of showing their

Time: 6049.08

skin that was also one observation

Time: 6051.179

interesting yeah so kind of a reduced

Time: 6053.699

social anxiety yeah they were just so

Time: 6056.82

comfortable in the lab you as you just

Time: 6059.4

mentioned before coats on and

Time: 6061.199

everybody's journeying around us very

Time: 6062.82

busy and and all the other scientists

Time: 6065.94

out in the hallway and also my

Time: 6067.92

supervisor I had her office down down

Time: 6070.32

the hallway and and one of the winter

Time: 6072.54

swimmers one day it just got out of bed

Time: 6074.639

after I had been in the study for eight

Time: 6077.699

hours we it was a long day right he

Time: 6079.8

jumped out of the bed and had his

Time: 6081.78

clothes in the bathroom and he went out

Time: 6085.38

completely naked he didn't care he just

Time: 6087.96

went out it was like so that's a side

Time: 6090.78

effect perhaps of getting too

Time: 6092.46

comfortable with the cold

Time: 6094.44

um and we're not recommending that

Time: 6096.119

although in your book you

Time: 6099.06

um did a uh you dedicated some let me

Time: 6102.06

start that again although in your book

Time: 6103.5

you dedicated some uh pages to

Time: 6106.86

um naked winter swimming or I should say

Time: 6109.8

naked cold water exposure as opposed to

Time: 6113.52

um uh with bathing suit yeah are there

Time: 6116.46

any data on this I'm sorry chuckling but

Time: 6119.159

um I think in most places in the United

Time: 6120.96

States it's uh skinny dipping is not um

Time: 6124.32

is not legal most public beaches there

Time: 6126.96

are a few in fact where my laboratory

Time: 6129.48

before moving to Stanford was in San

Time: 6131.04

Diego and I at the Salk Institute for

Time: 6133.08

biological studies beautiful building

Time: 6134.76

incredible Sciences done there the beach

Time: 6137.1

right below that is called Black's Beach

Time: 6139.739

okay and um and it's a known nude beach

Time: 6144.179

um and so whenever tourists were heading

Time: 6146.04

down the stairway there

Time: 6148.26

um I would you know sort of let them

Time: 6149.52

know especially if they had kids I'd let

Time: 6151.199

them know you know and it's a nude beach

Time: 6152.58

of a particular

Time: 6154.08

um uh of a particular genre so I I'd

Time: 6156.9

give them a little warning about what

Time: 6157.98

what they could expect down below it's a

Time: 6160.02

um in any event those beaches are quite

Time: 6162.179


Time: 6163.02

um in the United States maybe compared

Time: 6164.58

to Europe I don't know

Time: 6166.08

um but yeah maybe yeah so is there

Time: 6168.3

anything special about

Time: 6169.92

um clothes lists versus closed um

Time: 6172.26

exposure yeah I think in that sense we

Time: 6175.92

have a bit more free with this kind of

Time: 6177.96

like but but remember we also had this

Time: 6179.76

winter swimming culture for so for

Time: 6181.44

hundreds of years in Denmark and the

Time: 6183.42

wind said the oldest winter swimming

Time: 6184.98

clubs that we have especially the one we

Time: 6186.9

have in Copenhagen where I did my next

Time: 6188.76

study which we haven't talked about but

Time: 6190.679

and it's also not published yet but

Time: 6193.5

um in that winter swimming club it's the

Time: 6195.84

oldest one we have and it's huge and

Time: 6198.06

they they swim naked at this facility

Time: 6201.9

men and women men and women and they

Time: 6204.119

have sauna where they can go in together

Time: 6205.8

and they also have the separate saunas

Time: 6208.32

but it's very much a Danish thing and

Time: 6211.619

and I think it's I think it's I think

Time: 6214.08

it's good if people want that

Time: 6216.239

um and I had it in my book because

Time: 6217.8

people want to know if they have to swim

Time: 6220.38

with their bathing suit on or if they

Time: 6222.239

can take it off or what's the what's the

Time: 6224.58

difference is there any difference in

Time: 6226.02

this and if you ask me there is no

Time: 6228.119

difference oh if you have your little

Time: 6229.86

skinny bikini on it's not going to do

Time: 6232.32

any difference to your cold exposure or

Time: 6235.08

your adaptation it's not going to do any

Time: 6237

difference for your benefits of course

Time: 6238.739

but I think that it has something else

Time: 6241.199

it has something to do with how you also

Time: 6244.139

observe yourself how you absorb your

Time: 6246.48

surroundings and it's sometimes some

Time: 6249.06

sense of freedom in skinny dipping so I

Time: 6251.639

think people in Denmark who does this is

Time: 6255.06

they do the winter swimming because they

Time: 6257.46

feel free when they do they come home

Time: 6259.38

from work they go to this club and they

Time: 6262.32

skinny dip and they feel like in touch

Time: 6264.119

with nature and they have maybe done

Time: 6266.58

this their whole life so this is an old

Time: 6268.56

tradition in Denmark in some of the

Time: 6270.659


Time: 6271.739

um but the newer clubs are coming they

Time: 6274.56

don't they don't do skinny diff so

Time: 6276.54

everyone has bathing suit I never Skinny

Time: 6279.179

Dip because there are people around

Time: 6280.739

people with phones and taking pictures

Time: 6283.08

all the time so this is different

Time: 6284.94

different nowadays everything's recorded

Time: 6286.86

yeah yeah and also this this old

Time: 6290.4

tradition is also fading away because of

Time: 6292.44

that yeah I um I use sauna and cold at

Time: 6296.4

home but when I travel there there's a

Time: 6298.5

Banya so Russian Banya has hot sauna and

Time: 6302.1

cold plunge um there's one in San

Time: 6304.08

Francisco called Archimedes Banya

Time: 6306.239

um and that one is clothing optional so

Time: 6308.4

some people are clothed such as myself

Time: 6309.84

and then other people are not and it's

Time: 6311.46


Time: 6312.42

most of the time I think they have male

Time: 6314.219

female separated uh evenings or

Time: 6316.38

something like that and then

Time: 6318.48

um the other Banya is Spa 88 which is in

Time: 6321.06

on Wall Street in New York is an amazing

Time: 6323.04

Banya as well and these are starting to

Time: 6325.739

crop up in different cities or maybe

Time: 6327

they've been there for a long time and

Time: 6328.199

has deliberate cold exposure and sauna

Time: 6329.94

gets more popular more people are using

Time: 6331.92

them the the one in New York that I that

Time: 6334.8

Spa 88 is always closed

Time: 6337.619

um and it's interesting because you know

Time: 6339.48

people hear naked or skinny dipping and

Time: 6341.76

they they might get certain ideas in

Time: 6343.5

mind it

Time: 6344.82

um yeah all these places are very well

Time: 6346.98

lit and they all have a tone of kind of

Time: 6349.44

um of Health that it's about the kind of

Time: 6351.48

health and and wellness

Time: 6353.58

um I guess the point being that

Time: 6355.32

um there's no requirement uh to do one

Time: 6357.84

thing or the other although in the

Time: 6359.82

studies that uh you did obviously um

Time: 6361.86

people were clothed but I I did um

Time: 6364.139

I did pay attention to those pages in

Time: 6365.94

your book I thought it was interesting

Time: 6367.02

that you put some um some dedicated uh

Time: 6369.239

passages in your book related to this

Time: 6370.86

and I think my publisher wanted that

Time: 6372.719

yeah it was not me it was like my

Time: 6375.6

publisher really wanted to have a little

Time: 6377.34

discussion about that so I was like okay

Time: 6379.08

well I think it you know it points to a

Time: 6381.3

larger theme which is I think for a lot

Time: 6382.739

of people who already do these practices

Time: 6385.98

um there's no shock there yeah um for

Time: 6388.32

people that do not do deliberate cold

Time: 6390.78

exposure or sauna I think that

Time: 6393.96

um you know there is this idea perhaps

Time: 6395.76

that oh you know these are

Time: 6397.679

um Traditions that are are kind of

Time: 6399.42

Fringe or that they're kind of and I

Time: 6401.1

just I want to um cue that point because

Time: 6403.98

there's so many things that are

Time: 6405.42

happening right now in biomedical

Time: 6407.1

research and Medicine you know serious

Time: 6409.44

quality peer-reviewed studies published

Time: 6412.139

in excellent journals like your paper on

Time: 6414.719

things like deliberate cold exposure

Time: 6416.219


Time: 6417.659

um the use of particular supplements

Time: 6420.9

natural natural herbs and supplements I

Time: 6423.3

mean there's an entire brain answer the

Time: 6424.8

National Institutes of Health in the

Time: 6426.78

United States dedicated just to the

Time: 6428.46

study of supplements and behavioral

Time: 6430.26

interventions for health like meditation

Time: 6432

and breath work really incredible it's

Time: 6434.28

really incredible and psychedelics of

Time: 6435.96

course being something that for a long

Time: 6437.159

time was part of a certain community and

Time: 6438.84

feel and now is being um frankly adopted

Time: 6442.619

by mainstream medicine even Pharma so it

Time: 6445.92

the the times are changing

Time: 6448.44

um and so uh yes I think it's important

Time: 6450.96

to know that um it's perfectly

Time: 6452.4

acceptable and encouraged to wear

Time: 6454.32

clothing absolutely absolutely yeah

Time: 6457.08

yeah and one other thing that I wanted

Time: 6459.84

to to mention going back to your

Time: 6461.94

questions around with there were any

Time: 6464.28

observations in the studies which would

Time: 6466.56

really maybe haven't discussed yet and

Time: 6468.659

maybe it's in in the back of the the

Time: 6471.119

paper and not mentioned that much was

Time: 6472.679

one of the winter swimmers didn't have

Time: 6475.02

any brown fat when we measured him zero

Time: 6477.96

zero and uh in we do see this um in in

Time: 6483

in previous studies as well that some

Time: 6485.28

humans don't have any brown fat was he

Time: 6487.92

did he carry a lot of white fat adipose

Time: 6489.6

tissue was he was he obese no he wasn't

Time: 6492.06

no he was not obese because that he

Time: 6494.4

would not have been in the study then oh

Time: 6496.619

right yes you mentioned this earlier

Time: 6497.82

forgive me no no it's fine but he was um

Time: 6500.88

but what I did observe before I knew

Time: 6503.639

that he didn't have any problem for us

Time: 6505.739

that during the cooling experiment where

Time: 6508.08

I cooled them for uh two hours before

Time: 6511.199

they go into the Pet City scanner

Time: 6513.86


Time: 6515.52

was not able to control his shivering

Time: 6519.179

like the winter swimmers they could

Time: 6522.54

so he got he got very cold very easily

Time: 6526.679

uh compared to the others so and without

Time: 6530.04

I didn't know what was different about

Time: 6532.44

him but we could all or me and the three

Time: 6535.619

others were working on the experiment we

Time: 6537.719

were like okay what's going on because

Time: 6539.46

we turned down the the temperature but

Time: 6541.92

he started like shivering and then we

Time: 6543.78

had to turn it up again and it was just

Time: 6546.42

all over the place the temperature is

Time: 6548.46

not it wasn't that controlled like the

Time: 6550.32

others it was pretty similar protocol I

Time: 6552.48

could just do pretty much the same

Time: 6554.1

because they were same size and they

Time: 6556.619

also same gender so it it was easier to

Time: 6561

like foresee what was going to happen

Time: 6562.679

and when will they start Shiver I

Time: 6564.78

quickly learned that but with this

Time: 6566.46

subject it was just with this volunteer

Time: 6569.159

was just very much different and then

Time: 6571.38

when we scanned him and didn't find any

Time: 6573.239

problem I I I didn't even think about it

Time: 6576.6

so when we scanned him we didn't see

Time: 6578.159

anything I told the Pet City people to

Time: 6581.1

like oh you put up the wrong uh scanning

Time: 6583.8

explain the technology yeah the

Time: 6585.719

technology it was like this scanning

Time: 6587.4

looked like the thermal neutral day the

Time: 6589.38

thermal comfortable day where we also

Time: 6590.94

scanned them to see if they have any

Time: 6592.139

brown fat so you have made a mistake I

Time: 6594.42

was pretty sure and the re-analysis and

Time: 6596.9

analyzed this um

Time: 6598.98

scanning and they just concluded well it

Time: 6601.92

the scanning was fine the experiment

Time: 6603.9

went well it was just that he didn't

Time: 6606.6

have any brown fat so he was like but we

Time: 6610.32

just in the paper called a brown fat

Time: 6612.36

negative so he didn't have any and in in

Time: 6615.36

my studies it would be called a knockout

Time: 6617.52

so it didn't have any brown fan so what

Time: 6620.699

the observation with him and I think

Time: 6622.5

that would be that's interesting is that

Time: 6624.36

he both

Time: 6625.5

shivered very early on and didn't

Time: 6627.719

regulate his temperature as well he also

Time: 6630.179

told me that then he was like F5 on the

Time: 6634.679

scale of how comfortable he felt with

Time: 6636.96

the cold

Time: 6638.219


Time: 6639.3

so it was from one to ten and five being

Time: 6642.659

thermal comfortable and 10 being very

Time: 6646.38

cold and and one very hard so on this

Time: 6650.219

like scale up and up and down

Time: 6652.679

and he he was like more up and down on

Time: 6655.44

this scale than any of the others it was

Time: 6657.06

an observation that I did

Time: 6659.28


Time: 6659.88

what we did see in his blood samples

Time: 6661.8

also that his blood samples looked a bit

Time: 6664.02

more like the control group

Time: 6666.06

um also his insulin levels were like the

Time: 6670.199

control group so a little bit higher

Time: 6671.58

than the other winter swimmers and he

Time: 6673.32

also had

Time: 6674.699


Time: 6676.699

his blood glucose clearance was not as

Time: 6679.98

fast as

Time: 6681.179

um as the the other winter swimmers so

Time: 6684.06

he was like an outlier what we call it

Time: 6686.04

an in the analysis we also had to take

Time: 6688.139

him out of the analysis because he was

Time: 6690.96

an outlier

Time: 6692.52

um so the results showing that the brown

Time: 6695.34


Time: 6696.32

is a more efficiently activated in the

Time: 6699.84

winter swimmers is without him having

Time: 6702.36

him in that group but it didn't ruin the

Time: 6705.06

study if we I tried to put him in as

Time: 6707.28

well and didn't it didn't ruin the

Time: 6708.84

results or anything but just to to keep

Time: 6711.42

it more clear we put we took him out of

Time: 6713.46

the analysis yeah so he was a mutant a

Time: 6716.1

knockout yeah and I'm sure they're out

Time: 6718.08

there um very interesting so if you

Time: 6719.88

shiver early

Time: 6721.56

um then perhaps you have less brown fat

Time: 6724.02

to begin with although it's hard to

Time: 6725.159

conclude from one person that's sort of

Time: 6726.659

the the the implication there oh you

Time: 6729.239

haven't adapted to the code so you

Time: 6731.04

should build that up yeah right so in

Time: 6733.56

addition to looking at regulation of

Time: 6735.48

blood sugar

Time: 6736.739

Brown fat

Time: 6738.659

metabolism and so on were there any

Time: 6741.48

markers that you examined in the

Time: 6743.88

deliberate cold exposure group as

Time: 6745.8

compared to controls that reveal to you

Time: 6748.139

that deliberate cold exposure could have

Time: 6749.88

additional benefits

Time: 6751.8

um say for uh immune system function or

Time: 6756.179

for any function for that matter

Time: 6758.699

before we looked at inflammation of

Time: 6761.94

course we measure of the outcome of

Time: 6763.56

blood pressure and so on but we also

Time: 6765.179

measured the il-6 in the study just to

Time: 6767.46

see also an inflammatory

Time: 6769.26

anti-inflammatory marker so il-6 went up

Time: 6772.98

and it also follows with the il-10 so

Time: 6775.739

that is like also very known in the

Time: 6777.78

literature so we measured that and I

Time: 6780.36

think it's very important to to think

Time: 6782.88

about the code exposure the heat

Time: 6784.679

exposure as something that then lowers

Time: 6786.78

the inflammation in the body and if we

Time: 6788.88

can do that we will have an open door

Time: 6791.4


Time: 6792.6

um a preventing lifestyle diseases right

Time: 6794.88

so for

Time: 6796.56

um type 2 diabetes but actually also for

Time: 6799.139

some mental diseases as well so as known

Time: 6801.9

as depression and anxiety and also

Time: 6804.119

Alzheimer's disease which are all

Time: 6806.28

associated in research also newer

Time: 6809.94

research showing that a that

Time: 6812.159

inflammation increases the risk of

Time: 6814.08

depression anxiety and Alzheimer's

Time: 6815.76

neurological diseases so if we can

Time: 6817.92

decrease inflammation in the body we

Time: 6820.679

will decrease our modern lifestyle

Time: 6822.48

diseases but also these increasing

Time: 6825.98

mental diseases that we see in these

Time: 6828.719

modern lifestyle times

Time: 6830.52

um so I think that

Time: 6833.1

it's I think it's very interesting that

Time: 6834.96

we can go out in nature and we can use

Time: 6837.6

these natural stressors and it I don't

Time: 6840

want to have it sound very romantic or

Time: 6842.639

anything it's just it's just exposure to

Time: 6845.4

temperature actually just a colder to

Time: 6847.44

heat that is going to trick our body

Time: 6849.719

into a natural state again and reset it

Time: 6852.84

where the the homeostasis the balance

Time: 6855.239

has is lost a bit so the body is going

Time: 6859.08

to repair itself in that way and I think

Time: 6861.06

it's beautiful that we can do that just

Time: 6862.92

by changing the temperature of our body

Time: 6864.78

and although people are very scared of

Time: 6867.48

doing this because in our times we have

Time: 6870.06

been away from cold away from Heat

Time: 6873.239

temperature for some for decades now

Time: 6877.5

um since we isolated our houses better

Time: 6880.139

and we are more sedentary we also sit

Time: 6883.619

more indoor we don't move as much so

Time: 6886.38

this very modern sedentary lifestyle has

Time: 6890.34

made us more temperature comfortable

Time: 6892.199

just neutral so no no wonder I mean that

Time: 6896.4

obesity is increasing we don't expose

Time: 6899.159

ourselves to the Natural stresses that

Time: 6901.5

we did earlier on

Time: 6903.48

um in in our environment but also about

Time: 6906

so maybe the 70s the 60s where we

Time: 6909.119

started having more like comfortable

Time: 6911.699

Lifestyles right and obesity increases

Time: 6914.52

in the in the 80s we can see that from

Time: 6916.56

statistics so I think that if we can

Time: 6919.86

take in cold and heat and you mentioned

Time: 6923.34

other things also before but of course

Time: 6924.84

exercise is very important here and also

Time: 6927.42

a bit of fasting actually because it all

Time: 6929.52

increases the Hermetic stress in the

Time: 6931.98

body so it's it doesn't have to be other

Time: 6935.46

than natural stresses to the body which

Time: 6937.44

then could keep us in that Natural

Time: 6938.94

Balance again could we talk about what I

Time: 6941.58

refer to as the soberg principle which

Time: 6943.56

is to end on cold and the reason I

Time: 6945.78

called it the sober principle is because

Time: 6948.42

um in reviewing oh by the way I wasn't a

Time: 6950.88

official reviewer of your paper but I

Time: 6953.04

mean in reading and um reviewing your

Time: 6955.38

paper for its after published Contents I

Time: 6958.98

noticed that you had people end on cold

Time: 6960.78

and this has been a long-standing debate

Time: 6963.06

in the the uh deliberate cold exposure

Time: 6965.52

Community should you warm up with a warm

Time: 6967.8

shower afterwards or get back in the

Time: 6969.3

sauna what should you end on cold or end

Time: 6971.1

on Heat and the sober principle says end

Time: 6973.739

on cold as I understand it

Time: 6976.08

in order to force your body to heat

Time: 6979.02

itself back up and thereby increase

Time: 6982.08

metabolism further still is that right

Time: 6985.02

yes so when you when you end on the cold

Time: 6988.28

you you force your body to heat up by

Time: 6990.96

itself and that will require that you

Time: 6993.96

activate you keep your brown fat

Time: 6995.639

activated and also your muscles which is

Time: 6998.1

a good thing it's a good collaboration

Time: 6999.36

so keep your thermogenesis up and that's

Time: 7002.06

like an an exercise even when you go

Time: 7004.639

home so in that way you don't have to

Time: 7006.739

think about your cold exposure or

Time: 7009.02

dipping in in your plunge or open sea or

Time: 7012.44

what it is as just a an exercise that

Time: 7016.04

you do for one to two minutes and then

Time: 7017.6

it's over if you end on the code you

Time: 7020.9

have an exercise for your body going on

Time: 7022.52

for hours afterwards and that's not only

Time: 7024.44

on your metabolism but it's also going

Time: 7026.78

to keep your neurotransmitters activated

Time: 7029.3

as well and increase that because your

Time: 7031.639

body is still cold so you need that

Time: 7033.76

those neurotransmitters to activate the

Time: 7035.9

brown fat as well so that's going to

Time: 7038.179

make your brown fat cells more efficient

Time: 7039.92

and also your muscle cells more

Time: 7041.36

efficient so increasing mitochondria in

Time: 7043.34

the cells which will then generate heat

Time: 7045.739

very fast so if you have done this for a

Time: 7048.5

few times so maybe three four five times

Time: 7051.739


Time: 7052.28

being new to this but I have tried it a

Time: 7054.8

few times you will notice a switch where

Time: 7057.139

you like feel that you get easily warmer

Time: 7060.739

and you can keep yourself warmer and

Time: 7062.96

that is also what was shown in in my

Time: 7064.94

study is that the the winter swimmers

Time: 7066.92

were physically warmer on the skin

Time: 7069.699

compared to the control group so they

Time: 7072.08

when they are out of the cold when

Time: 7074.3

they're out of the cold just relaxing

Time: 7076.04

and we tested this in in on the days

Time: 7079.099

where they were sleeping in the lab so

Time: 7081.08

we could see that they had a more

Time: 7083.659

activation of the brown fat a higher

Time: 7085.82

temperature so probably because they

Time: 7087.56

also lose heat they have a high heat

Time: 7090.26

loss to the body compared to the control

Time: 7092.659


Time: 7094.099

um because they have a more vascular

Time: 7096.08

skin because of the contrast or cold and

Time: 7099.92

heat so they lose heat faster from the

Time: 7102.56

body during that day but is that a bad

Time: 7105.44

thing no probably not because that's

Time: 7107.96

gonna keep your brown fat and your

Time: 7109.82

muscles a little bit activated so we you

Time: 7111.86

will have to to it it has to work to

Time: 7115.099

keep you warm I and I would hypothesize

Time: 7117.92

that it also might lead to some of the

Time: 7120.619

um subjectively reported improvements in

Time: 7122.78

sleep because in order to fall asleep

Time: 7124.28

you need your core body temperature to

Time: 7126.139

drop by about one to three degrees so

Time: 7128.599

it's not just sufficient to be sleeping

Time: 7131.06

in a cold room and under the blanket you

Time: 7132.92

also need your body temperature to drop

Time: 7134.719

yes and so what you're saying if I

Time: 7137.36

understand correctly is that by forcing

Time: 7139.639

by ending on cold and forcing oneself to

Time: 7142.099

heat up naturally that increases the

Time: 7145.4

brown fat stores which I sort of see as

Time: 7148.58

a kind of like the oil in the candle of

Time: 7151.639

the Furnace that is thermogenesis

Time: 7154.099

and that

Time: 7156.32

in turn leads to increased heat loss

Time: 7158.84

which people might think oh I don't want

Time: 7160.159

to lose heat from the body but there are

Time: 7161.599

times when you want to lose heat from

Time: 7163.28

the body basically it sounds like what

Time: 7164.719

we want is to be a very efficient

Time: 7166.46

heating and cooling system yes that it's

Time: 7169.159

not about being cold or being hot it's

Time: 7171.44

really about keeping the system tuned

Time: 7173.78

well keeping the oil in the candle this

Time: 7176.239

brown fat

Time: 7177.44

um functioning yeah what could I ask one

Time: 7180.26

question about

Time: 7181.4

um fed or fasted is there any or rather

Time: 7185

are there any known benefits of doing

Time: 7187.34

deliberate cold exposure and or sauna

Time: 7189.5

fasted uh versus

Time: 7191.96

um after a meal say within the last hour

Time: 7195.08

or something of that sort I do my

Time: 7196.82

deliberate cold exposure first thing in

Time: 7198.38

the morning

Time: 7199.88

um so in general I'm fasted because I

Time: 7201.619

don't eat until a little bit later in

Time: 7203.119

the day yeah uh but what's known about

Time: 7206.179

that and was that looked at in your

Time: 7207.8

study I know you measured glucose but

Time: 7209.36

that was as a separate

Time: 7210.98

um test away from the cold away from the

Time: 7213.92

cold yeah but I also tested glucose on

Time: 7216.739

the days under cold so we measured that

Time: 7218.719

as well on on the cooling days

Time: 7221.239


Time: 7221.96

specifically on fasting and fat I don't

Time: 7224.9

know I don't think that I've seen

Time: 7227.239

studies specifically on this okay

Time: 7230.42

um more science needed um

Time: 7232.94

a number of people ask about the use of

Time: 7235.94

deliberate cold exposure to offset some

Time: 7238.639

of the symptoms of various diseases now

Time: 7240.86

here we're not talking about curing

Time: 7242.06

disease we're talking about offsetting

Time: 7243.5


Time: 7244.94

um one question I've seen quite often is

Time: 7246.679

whether or not people with Raynaud's

Time: 7248.179

syndrome this is a syndrome and my high

Time: 7250.4

school girlfriend had this syndrome and

Time: 7251.54

I'll never forget uh we went we're at a

Time: 7253.58

school dance together and um this was

Time: 7256.34

when we first started dating and um she

Time: 7258.139

had Ray nodes which leads to very poor

Time: 7261.08

blood flow to the the uh the extremities

Time: 7263.42


Time: 7265.04

um and she was very cold so she left to

Time: 7267.38

go to the bathroom and warm up her hands

Time: 7269.54

in the warm water and I was left

Time: 7271.219

standing there at the dance and people

Time: 7272.599

came up to me and asked you know why I

Time: 7275.06

was there and who I was there with and I

Time: 7276.32

kept telling them who I was with and

Time: 7277.52

they didn't believe me because they

Time: 7278.78

couldn't believe that she would be with

Time: 7279.98

me made total sense if you knew me at

Time: 7282.02

the time

Time: 7283.159

um I was I I was way out of my league

Time: 7285.56

with her um at the time I like to think

Time: 7287.9

eventually I caught up but in any case

Time: 7290.78

um she was in the bathroom for about an

Time: 7292.639

hour so at one point I did consider the

Time: 7295.04

possibility that she had just left but

Time: 7296.719

indeed she hadn't she warmed her hands

Time: 7298.4

back up but people with Ray nodes suffer

Time: 7300.139

from this

Time: 7301.94

um from this thing a very very cold

Time: 7303.739


Time: 7305.96

um their fingertips will even turn blue

Time: 7308.599

um you know as if they were starting to

Time: 7309.86

get frostbitten it's quite dramatic

Time: 7312.44

um and that question gets asked whether

Time: 7314.84

or not there's any use of cold to try

Time: 7317.119

and increase the um elasticity the

Time: 7319.94

plasticity of the of the small

Time: 7322.28

capillaries and vessels by everything

Time: 7324.38

you've described up until now it seems

Time: 7326.48

like that would be a logical thing to do

Time: 7329.54

um and in addition to that whether or

Time: 7331.46

not people with autoimmune conditions

Time: 7333.5

people with

Time: 7334.88

um any other types of conditions are

Time: 7336.56

known to benefit from deliberate cold

Time: 7338.179

exposure I'm not aware of any studies

Time: 7340.34

but I get asked about this a lot and

Time: 7342.08

there were a lot of questions about this

Time: 7343.28

for you in the Twitter feed yeah I think

Time: 7347.03


Time: 7350.9

I haven't seen any studies directed on

Time: 7354.139

this outcome and measuring rhinoids

Time: 7356.3


Time: 7357.619

um I do know that it's it's uh it's not

Time: 7360.8

that rare actually a problem and I know

Time: 7362.84

that many women or more women than men

Time: 7365.739

suffer from this

Time: 7368

um but logically it would help them if

Time: 7371.48

they expose their hands to cold and also

Time: 7374.84

heat to make the vest it more vascular

Time: 7377.179


Time: 7378.139

and I have heard from people saying that

Time: 7380.239

it had helped them but also heard for

Time: 7382.46

some others saying it didn't help them

Time: 7384.26

so studies are needed on this specific

Time: 7387.619

topic I think

Time: 7389.36

I hurt my hands when I go into the cover

Time: 7391.28

and I don't have this syndrome at all

Time: 7393.099

but I keep my hands above the water you

Time: 7396.38

do yeah and I do that um often I take a

Time: 7400.34

little bit of a swim and then of course

Time: 7401.719

I have to have my hands in the water but

Time: 7404.719

it helps me when I then get back to the

Time: 7407.719

daddy and then take my hands up because

Time: 7410.3

then I can stand there for a little bit

Time: 7412.46

and get my one to two minutes exposure

Time: 7414.92

and then I can go up because then

Time: 7417.98

otherwise that would stop me from being

Time: 7420.98

in the water enough time that I as long

Time: 7423.56

as I I would like to so if people suffer

Time: 7426.02

from having this pain in the fingers and

Time: 7428.119

it can be very intense so just take the

Time: 7431.119

hands up a bit from the water and and

Time: 7433.88

that's gonna help you also boots

Time: 7435.56

neoprene boots it's going to help on the

Time: 7437.42

feet some people have the hurt and feel

Time: 7439.58

the pain in the feet and on the ankles

Time: 7441.5

and that's going to help them also a

Time: 7443.599

little bit okay so there is no problem

Time: 7446.3

with keeping hands out or feet in uh

Time: 7450.28

neoprene booties if people feel the need

Time: 7453.92

to do that if that's what the if pain of

Time: 7456.26

the hands or feet is a barrier for

Time: 7458.06

people doing uh cold exposure then it

Time: 7460.88

seems it would be okay to do to keep

Time: 7462.8

hands out or to keep your feet Yes

Time: 7465.08

because then you you do get the exposure

Time: 7467.36

uh but of course hands and feet are very

Time: 7470.48

potent places in your body to get a fast

Time: 7474.44

activation of your nervous system of

Time: 7477.38

course but if you can just you can also

Time: 7479.42

just dip them and then take them up it's

Time: 7481.219

gonna still gonna activate that but you

Time: 7483.44

have your full body is covered in in the

Time: 7486.26

co-preceptors you'll have a full

Time: 7488.179

activation anyways so you are providing

Time: 7491.599

very reassuring information to people

Time: 7493.52

because I know a number of people that

Time: 7494.719

do not like to put their hands in I find

Time: 7497

that the more of my body I get in the

Time: 7499.34

more comfortable I am it's like I don't

Time: 7501.739

know if it's psychologically and or

Time: 7503.06

physiologically I find that if where

Time: 7506

there's an interface between the water

Time: 7507.619

and the cold it's most uncomfortable so

Time: 7510.8

I prefer to just get everything under I

Time: 7512.179

keep my head out although I these days

Time: 7513.8

I've been dunking all the way in and

Time: 7515.06

then coming out and then dunking once

Time: 7516.679

more with my head under before I get out

Time: 7518.659

after the the plunge

Time: 7521.3

um that raises a different question now

Time: 7522.5

we're getting into kind of the

Time: 7523.4

practicalities of deliberate cold

Time: 7524.9

exposure which I think are important

Time: 7527.42

um sometimes I'll experience and I hear

Time: 7529.76

from a lot of people that they'll get a

Time: 7531.739

kind of back of the head headache at the

Time: 7534.44

interface of the of the water

Time: 7537.02

um you know when they're in doing cold

Time: 7538.28

immersion to the neck

Time: 7539.96

um okay I assume this has to do with

Time: 7541.76

blood flow that there's vasoconstriction

Time: 7543.5

right up until the neck and in the

Time: 7545.719

region surrounding it but that maybe

Time: 7546.98

there's still blood flow to the head but

Time: 7548.84

do we know what the origin of these um

Time: 7551.54

headaches is and again this doesn't

Time: 7553.159

happen for everybody but some people do

Time: 7554.84

experience them okay yeah I haven't

Time: 7557

really heard about that one specifically

Time: 7559.94

um so but I would say that there are

Time: 7563.659

different reasons for maybe keeping your

Time: 7565.52

head out of the water but it seems like

Time: 7567.56

maybe for some that could be a reason

Time: 7569.06

for like just getting like a quick head

Time: 7571.58

dunk going all the way in yeah that's

Time: 7573.56

what I've started doing to eliminate I

Time: 7575.36

wasn't getting headaches but I could I

Time: 7577.46

noticed that interface okay and I wasn't

Time: 7579.86

in the rest of the experience at

Time: 7581.599

somewhat experience of it so much so I

Time: 7583.52

started dunking all the way in I noticed

Time: 7585.199

in some of the photos that you've put

Time: 7586.52


Time: 7587.3

um and in your book that you'll

Time: 7588.26

sometimes wear a cap while you go in

Time: 7590.54

yeah okay and well it comes from uh

Time: 7594.8

different reasons uh so let's talk about

Time: 7597.5

some of the physiological reasons so

Time: 7599.239

when you submerged in in cold water up

Time: 7601.76

to the neck and study have shown and

Time: 7604.52

this is from Denmark studies from Peace

Time: 7606.32


Time: 7607.94

um that when you submerge into cold

Time: 7610.28

water up to the neck at zero degrees uh

Time: 7613.04

so zero degrees Celsius very cold and

Time: 7615.739

you have a decreased blood flow to the

Time: 7618.02

brain by around 30 to 40 percent and

Time: 7621.679

makes sense because you activate the SIM

Time: 7622.94

pathetic nervous system and and

Time: 7625.4

therefore you will have a less blood

Time: 7626.599

flow to the brain makes you maybe a

Time: 7628.219

little bit dizzier and proof again that

Time: 7630.199

you're you need a heart more than a

Time: 7631.76

brain because when the sympathetic

Time: 7633.38

nervous system gets activated uh blood

Time: 7635.54

flow is maintained to the heart to keep

Time: 7637.099

you alive but obviously taken away from

Time: 7638.84

the brain to keep you from thinking

Time: 7640.099

that's why it's hard to think when

Time: 7641.48

you're stressed yeah well the muscles

Time: 7643.28

and then your vital organs need to you

Time: 7645.38

have to be able to run away from that

Time: 7647.119

tiger right the rationale of its total

Time: 7649.88

sense and who am I to disagree with

Time: 7651.679

Mother Nature

Time: 7653.36

well but yeah so one of the reasons

Time: 7656.119

being that you should keep your head out

Time: 7657.98

of the water is that you could increase

Time: 7661.28

that decrease in blood flow to the brain

Time: 7664.52

further if you dump the head so there's

Time: 7666.98

just a very nice paper from um from a a

Time: 7670.159

research group in Canada where they have

Time: 7672.619

collectively looked at different papers

Time: 7675.38

where they compared heat loss in a group

Time: 7679.099

in the papers where they dunk the head

Time: 7681.26

and compared to heat loss uh submerging

Time: 7684.56

up to the neck to see how much extra

Time: 7687.86

heat do we lose from our core when we

Time: 7690.139

dump the head so and I think it's very

Time: 7692.78

interesting that if you submerge up to

Time: 7694.76

the neck you have a heat loss of 11 from

Time: 7697.76

the body core

Time: 7699.5

and when you then also dunk the head you

Time: 7702.92

will increase that heat loss rate by 36

Time: 7706.88


Time: 7708.26

so that means I'm not saying that I'm

Time: 7710.179

not I'm not here to say what is right

Time: 7712.159

and what is wrong I just think that

Time: 7713.719

people should know the information so

Time: 7716

they can for themselves evaluate what is

Time: 7718.159

best for them but if you increase your

Time: 7720.44

heat loss rate by 36 from your core

Time: 7723.98

that's going to increase your after drop

Time: 7726.98

which we touched upon a little bit

Time: 7728.36

earlier even further so that's meaning

Time: 7730.94

that you are closer to hypothermia than

Time: 7734.06

you are if you just submerge up to the

Time: 7735.92

neck so you should really think about

Time: 7737.659

whether this is like something that you

Time: 7740.239

want to do or if it's just better for

Time: 7742.46

you not to get that code in your core

Time: 7745.159

the beanie is also because I have a

Time: 7748.46

little bit of sensitive ears so meaning

Time: 7750.44

that if there's wind and because we swim

Time: 7752.78

in the open sea in Denmark we have a lot

Time: 7755.3

of wind our when our conditions are just

Time: 7758.42

very rainy very windy and when the

Time: 7762.08

temperature is also freezing you could

Time: 7764.48

get this what is that called um so very

Time: 7768.02

cold and light-headed just from wind so

Time: 7771.199

if you also submerge into cold water and

Time: 7772.94

you then get up you could you will get a

Time: 7775.219

brain freeze immediately so it is enough

Time: 7778.219

to just go up to the neck wherever you

Time: 7780.5

need to just not get dizzy also because

Time: 7782.78

the the heat loss is increased of course

Time: 7786.92

but also the blood flow to the brain has

Time: 7789.38

decreased so the beanie will keep you a

Time: 7791.659

little bit warmer so you can stay for

Time: 7792.92

one to two minutes so it's just a way of

Time: 7795.08

like getting around some of the

Time: 7796.58

conditions also so people can choose

Time: 7798.92

that if they they feel that but it's

Time: 7800.9

quite normal to do in in Scandinavia

Time: 7803.659

whereabini love it and um so for those

Time: 7806.84

of you afraid of doing a two-minute cold

Time: 7808.76

shower what uh Dr Silver just described

Time: 7811.82

uh let's uh you see how um she and

Time: 7815

others are capable of doing things far

Time: 7816.619

harder than that

Time: 7818.06

um when the way you describe it with the

Time: 7819.38

cold wind and Scandinavia and uh

Time: 7821.96

um is is quite striking along the lines

Time: 7825.08

of covering the head um there's this um

Time: 7827.48

seemingly paradoxical

Time: 7830.06

thing of people going into hot saunas

Time: 7833.06

and wearing wool caps you know if you go

Time: 7836.06

to a Banya or you I go to a sauna and

Time: 7839.179

there are people who are

Time: 7841.34

um well from Eastern Europe or typically

Time: 7843.679

or Finland or

Time: 7845.239

um Russia or Ukraine or elsewhere what

Time: 7848.3

you'll see is that many of them are

Time: 7849.26

wearing wool caps in the sauna which

Time: 7851.48

many people think is to make it hotter

Time: 7853.099

that's actually not the case it actually

Time: 7854.719

insulates you from the heat environment

Time: 7856.76

the urge the sense of urgency to get out

Time: 7859.58

of the hot sauna is a brain-driven

Time: 7862.46

mechanism and so um the reason that

Time: 7865.159

people wear wool hats in the saunas it

Time: 7867.32

actually lets you stay in the sauna

Time: 7868.58

longer because it takes a lot of heat to

Time: 7872

the skin before you feel that you you

Time: 7874.04

half to get out whereas so when you

Time: 7876.86

insulate the brain you don't get that

Time: 7879.8

signal it's pretty interesting I've

Time: 7881.78

tried this before just by putting a

Time: 7883.159

towel over my head in the sauna and you

Time: 7884.659

can stay in there you know much more

Time: 7886.34

easily and for for much longer

Time: 7888.98

you know as we talk about these

Time: 7890.659

different stimuli for um the Hermetic

Time: 7893.06

response the adaptation of distress you

Time: 7895.28

know it occurs to me that the the big

Time: 7897.38

ones in our evolutionary history have

Time: 7899.659

been light

Time: 7901.58

right I mean you were talking about

Time: 7903.08

seasonal changes

Time: 7905.119

um we know there especially as you go up

Time: 7907.34

to Nordic countries there are seasonal

Time: 7908.84

changes in the amount of Light by time

Time: 7910.76

of year dramatic ones in fact less so at

Time: 7913.52

the equator of course yeah um light

Time: 7916.04


Time: 7917.84

food movement and it it's sort of

Time: 7921.8

interesting and at the same time perhaps

Time: 7923.96

it should have been obvious to us that

Time: 7925.639

there are stimuli that our bodies have

Time: 7929.48

evolved to adapt to in very powerful

Time: 7932.179

ways and so the idea that temperature

Time: 7935.42

heat and cold could evoke these

Time: 7938.239

tremendous physiological changes that

Time: 7940.34

are beneficial for us probably shouldn't

Time: 7942.44

surprise us at all I mean I mean this is

Time: 7944.179

why we I mean these are not

Time: 7946.58

um esoteric mechanisms they're actually

Time: 7949.219

the the foundational mechanisms by which

Time: 7951.56

our our body and the bodies of other

Time: 7953.54

animals adapt

Time: 7955.34

um so I do have a question about the uh

Time: 7958.28

different ways that people could

Time: 7959.659

approach deliberate cold exposure so for

Time: 7962.3


Time: 7963.08


Time: 7964.46

children I've been to banyas where there

Time: 7967.94

are kids you know six or seven years old

Time: 7969.739

with their parents at the Banya

Time: 7971.84

um and so they're in hot sauna I'm not

Time: 7973.76

suggesting people do this if they're if

Time: 7975.26

they're not you know adapted to it and

Time: 7976.82

you know talk to your parents kids and

Time: 7978.38

talk to your kids parents um talk to

Time: 7980.239

your doctors

Time: 7981.5

um but is remarkable I mean uh children

Time: 7984.56

doing sauna from a young age or

Time: 7986.119

deliberate cold exposure uh are there

Time: 7988.099

any data on this and is it safe assuming

Time: 7990.139

that you know obviously that they can

Time: 7991.88

swim and they're doing this in a tub or

Time: 7993.92


Time: 7995.179

um and then I'd also like to ask you

Time: 7996.98

about are there any additional male

Time: 7999.02

female differences I know your study

Time: 8001.239

focused on men but um other Studies have

Time: 8004.9

focused on both and you of course

Time: 8007.719

um are a woman and can attest to your

Time: 8009.219

own experience with this

Time: 8011.079

um so children men women

Time: 8013.96

um differences there in terms of

Time: 8015.639

protocols is there anything that people

Time: 8016.84

should build into the structure of of

Time: 8018.82

their deliberate cold exposure that's

Time: 8020.26

unique to that

Time: 8022.179

so yeah so this was on cold exposure so

Time: 8026.079

um yeah I think that

Time: 8028.3

um starting with the the question about

Time: 8030.099


Time: 8031.36

um I think that it's important to

Time: 8033.52

to think about as children are smaller

Time: 8036.699

than adults so we cannot really

Time: 8038.76

completely transfer all the information

Time: 8041.32

and the benefits and also protocols for

Time: 8044.139

how long and and stuff like that two

Time: 8046.119

children we cannot do that because they

Time: 8048.099

are just smaller in mass and one study

Time: 8051.04

that actually

Time: 8052.599

um improves this is a study where they

Time: 8055.06

have compared a heat loss in children

Time: 8059.619

boys who were 12 years old compared to

Time: 8063.54

adults men and looked at the heat loss

Time: 8067.78

of the cold temperature

Time: 8069.4

and expose them to a one or one or two

Time: 8073.36


Time: 8074.38

um code exposure immersion up to the

Time: 8077.32

neck and what they saw was that the the

Time: 8079.719

boys in this study could actually defend

Time: 8083.26

the core temperature in a same way as

Time: 8086.8

the adults could but they had to use

Time: 8090.46

their muscles way faster so it means

Time: 8092.44

that they couldn't stay for as long and

Time: 8096.099

they used more energy to defend their

Time: 8098.32

core temperature compared to the to the

Time: 8099.94

adults but for one minute it seems that

Time: 8102.699

they could actually complain but they

Time: 8105.34

would be colder when they then come out

Time: 8107.02

because they are smaller in their Mass

Time: 8109.54

to that ratio right so it means that if

Time: 8113.38

the surface is so large on children and

Time: 8116.739

their mass and muscles being smaller to

Time: 8119.5

that ratio it means that they can be in

Time: 8121.719

the water

Time: 8122.76

less time before they get hypothermic so

Time: 8126.88

just think about that they are just

Time: 8128.86

smaller they can't defend their

Time: 8130.239

temperature for a very long time but in

Time: 8133.3

this study they saw that for up to I

Time: 8135.4

think it was a minute or so they can one

Time: 8137.5

minute yeah I'm glad you mentioned

Time: 8139.06

hypothermia and smaller bodied

Time: 8141.34

um people children uh I used to do some

Time: 8143.619

Pacific ocean swims in the morning

Time: 8146.98

um without wetsuits and I adapted to it

Time: 8149.02

pretty quickly and these are fairly long

Time: 8150.76

swims and we brought an excellent

Time: 8152.26

swimmer with us

Time: 8154.719

um that was interning with me for a

Time: 8157.3


Time: 8158.139

um is 16 years old at the time and very

Time: 8161.199

lean and um it wasn't small for his age

Time: 8164.079

but he was smaller than us than the it

Time: 8166.36

was all guys on the swim that day

Time: 8167.86

Sometimes women join us

Time: 8170.26

um and he got hypothermic

Time: 8173.32

and he's an excellent swimmer and he

Time: 8175.54

didn't report feeling overly cold but um

Time: 8178.48

fortunately we got him to Shore and

Time: 8180.219

heated him up again

Time: 8182.02

um so he lived I don't think his mother

Time: 8183.82

was going to ever let him go swimming

Time: 8185.139

with us again he's thriving in the world

Time: 8186.76

he's a university student now

Time: 8189.099

um and he recalls that swim I mean this

Time: 8191.139

is why you always want to Ocean swim

Time: 8192.58

with a buddy with people

Time: 8194.92

um yeah he he became hypothermic his

Time: 8197.8

teeth turned yellow he was slurring his

Time: 8200.32

words he wasn't making sense you know we

Time: 8202.54

got him on the shore and he was kind of

Time: 8204.219

you know drooling and a little

Time: 8206.16

semi-euphoric and then kind of you know

Time: 8208.059

it was

Time: 8208.899

um hypothermia is no joke so I think

Time: 8210.639

yeah so I I I'm really glad that this is

Time: 8213.16

coming up because the cold is a powerful

Time: 8215.08

stimulus and um and I and kids are at a

Time: 8218.2

and smaller bodied people are at a

Time: 8220.359

greater risk of hypothermia so a good

Time: 8222.399

reason to approach it with caution maybe

Time: 8224.019

start with cold showers get uh then cold

Time: 8226.66

immersion and still water natural water

Time: 8228.639

and open bodies of water of course are

Time: 8230.32

always going to be

Time: 8231.76

um more dangerous for other reasons

Time: 8233.08

currents and things of that sort of

Time: 8234.76

exactly okay I'm drowning yeah so

Time: 8236.859

important note there

Time: 8238.66

um what about any additional male female

Time: 8241

differences or similarities that um we

Time: 8243.58

should be aware of and this comes up all

Time: 8245.5

the time on social media anytime I post

Time: 8247.54

anything about a study it's what about

Time: 8249.34

women because oftentimes there are

Time: 8250.84

differences yeah yeah and and there are

Time: 8253.84

we we also just took about the

Time: 8256.059

difference in in in temperature in men

Time: 8258.88

and women so it means that if we did if

Time: 8262.24

we replicated my study in women it could

Time: 8265.359

be that they would have enough you can

Time: 8268.719

say cold exposure with just nine minutes

Time: 8270.7

per week it could be because they

Time: 8273.12

apparently are also just colder and and

Time: 8277.42

they have increased metabolism in their

Time: 8279.7

Brown fat is just they have more Brown

Time: 8281.08

fat it could be but this is just

Time: 8283.54

something that I I frankly don't know

Time: 8285.88

but women also do cold exposure winter

Time: 8289.66

swimming with the 11 minutes protocol I

Time: 8291.88

do it myself and feel good about it so I

Time: 8295.66

would say that

Time: 8297.16

um women Also regarding activation of

Time: 8299.92

the brown fat it should be the same

Time: 8302.74

um in theory but I don't know if women

Time: 8305.439


Time: 8306.639

do you need to have another protocol

Time: 8308.74

when it comes to this rapid code

Time: 8311.139

exposure I think that it's another

Time: 8313.059

question if we are talking about ice

Time: 8315.099

swimming when it comes to how far can

Time: 8317.74

you be in the cold water without getting

Time: 8319.599

hypothermic then there will be

Time: 8321.519

differences in men and and female but

Time: 8324.639

but if you do this cold exposure for a

Time: 8327.46

very brief amount of time which is what

Time: 8329.859

I try to to talk to about talk about

Time: 8332.08

what we call also micro stressing the

Time: 8334.599

body to to increase the Hermetic stress

Time: 8336.82

the healthy stress then this is such a

Time: 8339.28

short amount of

Time: 8341.139

um exposure that it it's fairly the same

Time: 8344.32

I think I think women can look at this

Time: 8347.26

as a fairly a good protocol for the for

Time: 8349.84

for them as well I always say that if

Time: 8352.24

you really dread the cold and um and

Time: 8355.179

don't like the cold then you are a

Time: 8357.04

perfect candidate for using deliberate

Time: 8358.66

cold exposure because the sympathetic

Time: 8361.059

aka the stress response will be greater

Time: 8363.099

and thereby the adaptation to that

Time: 8366.88

shorter one or two minutes is

Time: 8369.639

um is going to be much greater right for

Time: 8371.8

people that are perfectly comfortable in

Time: 8373.179

the cold it's harder to get an

Time: 8375.04

adaptation response the same way that if

Time: 8376.899

somebody's very strong and they can lift

Time: 8378.519

a very heavy weight that that very heavy

Time: 8380.74

weight is unlikely to evoke the same

Time: 8382.359

kind of or same degree of of uh adaptive

Time: 8386.019

responses if somebody is not quite as

Time: 8387.519

strong so another reason to keep these

Time: 8390.22

exposures relatively short yeah and more

Time: 8392.439

frequent than to do longer duration

Time: 8395.38

exposures frequently however let's say

Time: 8398.56

somebody only had two days a week

Time: 8402.04

um to do deliberate cold exposure maybe

Time: 8404.2

they don't have access to Asana maybe

Time: 8405.76

they do would you suggest that they get

Time: 8408.58

in for one or two minutes then get out

Time: 8410.14

then get back in for another couple of

Time: 8412.899

minutes then get out and call that for

Time: 8415.12

you know four or five minutes

Time: 8417.52

um to try and get to that 11 minutes

Time: 8418.899

total per week

Time: 8420.7

um as opposed to getting in for a full

Time: 8422.26

five minutes

Time: 8423.76

um and then getting out and coming back

Time: 8425.2

a second time that week I know this is

Time: 8427

getting down into the weeds but these

Time: 8428.5

are the sorts of things that I think

Time: 8429.7

people really want to know because a lot

Time: 8431.92

of people either don't live close to a

Time: 8433.54

body of water or don't have a cold

Time: 8435.88


Time: 8437.38

um that they can do this with although

Time: 8439.24

cold shower apparently works too so most

Time: 8442.06

people live close to a shower yeah it's

Time: 8444.1

a definite I think the the changes in

Time: 8446.5

temperature is what is

Time: 8448.859

strengthening your your cells in the

Time: 8451.84

body so if you can do the short amount

Time: 8453.939

of exposure and then get out and get

Time: 8456.64

back in that is gonna you can say um

Time: 8460.439

strengthen yourselves because you are

Time: 8462.88

challenging them to to adapt to

Time: 8466.6

um changing temperatures so doing one

Time: 8470.26

session you can change this right you

Time: 8472

you can do it if you are able to go to

Time: 8474.22

cold water but also a sauna then you

Time: 8476.14

just do it that automatically you will

Time: 8477.819

have a change in temperature but you

Time: 8479.5

could also do it by variating the

Time: 8481.42

temperature in your coat plunge if you

Time: 8482.859


Time: 8483.76

if you have a plunge or if you have an

Time: 8485.5

open CEO or you have seasoning Seasons

Time: 8487.96

even you have we have that in Denmark so

Time: 8489.52

we have four seasons and the temperature

Time: 8491.859

is going to vary with that so we have

Time: 8494.14

nature who can just change this for us

Time: 8496.66

and we don't have to think about it if

Time: 8498.16

you have a cold plunge well then I would

Time: 8500.26

say that changing the temperature is

Time: 8502.24

what is going to create this hermetic

Time: 8503.979

stress and also keep your cells on its

Time: 8507.399

toes you can say because you are tried

Time: 8509.859

the body will still be um stressed to

Time: 8512.92

try to adapt to the new temperature as

Time: 8516.52

it's seen as something actually toxic to

Time: 8518.62

the body right it's a small small piece

Time: 8521.5

of toxicity that you are exposing

Time: 8523.479

yourself to

Time: 8524.8

we don't have to swallow it but it's

Time: 8526.54

enough that you touch it actually yeah

Time: 8528.88

great a great way to frame it

Time: 8531.34


Time: 8532

that brings me back to this idea of

Time: 8534.04

circadian time in your study you didn't

Time: 8536.8

um control first specific time of day

Time: 8539.14

and now I'm realizing that may be a

Time: 8541.18

great asset to the whole thing so we

Time: 8543.7

know for instance that our bodies go

Time: 8545.26

through pretty dramatic shifts in

Time: 8546.88

temperature from the time we wake up

Time: 8548.979

um our body starts heating up as we wake

Time: 8550.54

up and continues to heat until the

Time: 8552.88

afternoon and then starts to drop in the

Time: 8554.439

later afternoon and then assuming all

Time: 8556.42

things are working correctly

Time: 8558.64

um that body temperature drops and we

Time: 8560.56

sleep so I could imagine that doing

Time: 8562.359

deliberate cold exposure at different

Time: 8564.1

times just by way of convenience or by

Time: 8567.7

way of intention could be very

Time: 8569.38

beneficial because my body temperature

Time: 8570.7

is going to be quite a bit warmer at one

Time: 8572.62

time of day versus another and in that

Time: 8574.72

way keeping the system tuned and that's

Time: 8576.819

really what I keep hearing coming

Time: 8578.26

through in as you explain these data and

Time: 8580.6

all these beautiful studies yours and

Time: 8582.76

others is that it's not really about

Time: 8585.1

getting cold it's about going from warm

Time: 8587.439

to cold and from cold to warm it's not

Time: 8590.319

it and I love this idea because I I

Time: 8594.58

probably said this a hundred times on my

Time: 8596.5

podcast and a million times in my life

Time: 8598

and I'll continue to which is that

Time: 8599.5

biology is not an event it's a process

Time: 8601.72

like these these um metabolic and

Time: 8604.18

thermoregulatory processes are indeed

Time: 8606.88

like the Turning of a knob it's a verb

Time: 8609.1

as opposed to a noun and I and so I I

Time: 8612.64

think if people can internalize that

Time: 8614.439

idea that they're going to have a lot

Time: 8617.02

more flexibility a lot more fun and and

Time: 8619.24

get a lot more benefit as opposed to

Time: 8621.04

thinking okay I need to get into X

Time: 8622.899

degrees of water for x amount of time on

Time: 8626.14

X number of days yeah you know

Time: 8628.74

all the time how much and how cold and

Time: 8631.899

and I mean it's not it's just like well

Time: 8634.2

because we also don't have studies

Time: 8636.399

showing exactly if you just keep five

Time: 8638.68

degrees in your water and you do that

Time: 8640.66

for a month then what happens we maybe

Time: 8643.06

the future will know much more about

Time: 8644.859

this and I'm sure it's going to come and

Time: 8647.02

I really hope so but I just think by

Time: 8650.14

logically changing that temperature up

Time: 8652.479

and down up and down and you also do

Time: 8654.28

that in your water it doesn't really

Time: 8655.84

it's not that important what temperature

Time: 8657.939

you you will have your water then then

Time: 8659.859

just keep changing it going up and down

Time: 8661.66

it could be all up to 12 degrees Celsius

Time: 8663.939

you're going to activate your brown fat

Time: 8665.74

anyways I mean 12 19 degrees a cold air

Time: 8670.24

is enough to activate your rampers so

Time: 8672.46

maybe we don't have to go as cold as I

Time: 8675.64

think many people think

Time: 8677.5

um and putting ice even all the time it

Time: 8680.2

you don't have to it's not I don't think

Time: 8682.359

it's necessary to to expose yourself to

Time: 8685.12

that cold temperature all the time

Time: 8688.359

um but vary it a bit so keep the system

Time: 8690.7

off balance and that's the way to keep

Time: 8692.68

it tuned Yeah you mentioned a study that

Time: 8695.92

is more recent or an ongoing that's not

Time: 8698.8

published or um if you're willing um

Time: 8700.66

could you share maybe some of the data

Time: 8703

from that our findings from that study

Time: 8706.06

um with of course the the cue to

Time: 8708.04

everybody that these are not yet

Time: 8709.66

published data so the conclusions could

Time: 8711.64

change the data could change for that

Time: 8713.08

matter yeah so we have we haven't

Time: 8715.66

analyzed all the data yet and I I know

Time: 8718

from the study that we did publish that

Time: 8721.68

we we would need to look more of the

Time: 8724.359

data so I don't really have any results

Time: 8726.46

yet that I can share because we are

Time: 8728.2

still in very preliminary analysis of

Time: 8730.479

this so I I wouldn't know yet what to

Time: 8733.06

exactly say about it but what we looked

Time: 8735.399

at was both men and women method so

Time: 8737.38

that's that's coming oh that's fantastic

Time: 8739.74

that answer is going to please a great

Time: 8742.06

number of people and and Intrigue

Time: 8744.399

everybody so

Time: 8746.319

well listen I I want to really thank you

Time: 8750.7

for coming here today to talk about your

Time: 8754.06


Time: 8755.14

um and the incredible direction that it

Time: 8757.899

points to because I think that

Time: 8760.479

um you know no one study is definitive

Time: 8763.18

but your study really again stands as a

Time: 8766.66

landmark in the landscape of exploring

Time: 8769.78

deliberate cold exposure and Heat

Time: 8772.06

how it can impact and potentially impact

Time: 8774.52

our health because

Time: 8776.439

frankly there just haven't been that

Time: 8778.12


Time: 8779.14

um high resolution uh detailed modern

Time: 8782.14

studies of this there have been studies

Time: 8783.819

of sauna there have been some studies of

Time: 8785.2

coal there are a lot of groups in

Time: 8786.46

physiology that work on hypothermia and

Time: 8789.28

very cold exposure but um most of the

Time: 8792.16

temperatures used in those days just

Time: 8793.42

aren't practical so first of all I just

Time: 8795.04

want to thank you for doing the work

Time: 8796.6

that you've done and for the work that

Time: 8798.16

you continue to do I'm

Time: 8800.08

um uh waiting with baited breath as they

Time: 8803.26

say to um to hear the results of this

Time: 8805.84

study that's ongoing on both men and

Time: 8807.819

women so um we'll have to have you back

Time: 8809.68

to inform us about that soon and I want

Time: 8812.2

to thank you for

Time: 8813.52

um the incredible public education

Time: 8815.08

efforts that you've been doing on social

Time: 8817.18


Time: 8819.1

um and in with respect to your book

Time: 8821.979

um and we of course will put links to

Time: 8823.84

all of those things in the show note

Time: 8824.859

captions so people can learn from you

Time: 8826.78

and can continue to learn from you we we

Time: 8829.12

certainly need more scientists who are

Time: 8831.46

both experienced with doing hardcore

Time: 8834.1

research as it's called and who also do

Time: 8837.52

the practices I think that's a wonderful

Time: 8840.28

additional asset you know you're not

Time: 8841.899

just behind a lab coat or bundled up in

Time: 8843.7

a down uh in a down feather jacket as

Time: 8847

everyone else is getting in the cold you

Time: 8848.319

do these things and that you are so open

Time: 8851.439

and generous in the way that you share

Time: 8853.12

uh knowledge which includes coming here

Time: 8855.46

today to to share knowledge with me and

Time: 8857.8

uh our audience so thank you ever so

Time: 8860.2

much you're very welcome I am so pleased

Time: 8862.96

to be here and thank you so much for

Time: 8864.399

inviting me and I could explain my study

Time: 8866.859

and I can share some of my insights from

Time: 8869.38

from doing that so I'm very grateful for

Time: 8871.42

being here

Time: 8872.38

delighted and we'll have to have you

Time: 8874

back again thank you for joining me for

Time: 8875.62

today's discussion all about deliberate

Time: 8877.479

cold and deliberate heat exposure

Time: 8879.1

science and protocols with Dr Susanna

Time: 8881.26

soberg if you'd like to learn more about

Time: 8882.88

Dr soberg's research or you would like

Time: 8884.979

to learn about the research of her

Time: 8886.18

Institute The soberg Institute please

Time: 8888.58

see the links in the show note caption

Time: 8890.439

also in the show note caption you can

Time: 8892.24

find a link to Dr sober's excellent book

Time: 8894.22

winter swimming if you're learning from

Time: 8896.5

and or enjoying this podcast please

Time: 8898.42

subscribe to our YouTube channel that's

Time: 8900.16

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Time: 8902.08

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Time: 8904.18

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Time: 8906.76

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Time: 8908.74

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Time: 8911.02

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Time: 8917.62

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Time: 8919.96

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Time: 8922.84

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Time: 8924.46

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Time: 8925.899

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Time: 8927.76

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Time: 8931.3

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Time: 8933.22

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Time: 8935.26

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Time: 8936.7

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Time: 8938.2

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Time: 8939.7

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Time: 8941.859

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Time: 8943.359

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Time: 8945.22

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Time: 8946.54

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Time: 8947.859

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Time: 8950.34

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Time: 8955.18

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Time: 8956.2

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Time: 8965.859

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Time: 8967.42

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Time: 8969.399

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Time: 8971.08

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Time: 8973

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Time: 8974.92

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Time: 8976.359

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Time: 8978.04

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Time: 8980.62

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Time: 8982.899

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Time: 8985.06

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Time: 8987.58

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Time: 8990.04

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Time: 8992.26

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Time: 8994.12

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Time: 8995.74

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Time: 8997.78

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Time: 8999.76

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Time: 9002.58

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Time: 9004.56

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Time: 9006.18

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Time: 9008.22

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Time: 9010.979

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Time: 9013.439

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Time: 9015.06

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Time: 9016.74

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Time: 9017.939

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Time: 9019.8

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Time: 9021.54

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Time: 9023.22

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Time: 9024.96

soberg and last but certainly not least

Time: 9027.54

thank you for your interest in science

Time: 9029.87


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