Dr. Sean Mackey: Tools to Reduce & Manage Pain

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is Dr Shawn

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Mackey Dr Shawn Mackey is a medical

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doctor that is he treats patients as

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well as a PhD meaning he runs a

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laboratory he is the chief of the

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division of pain medicine and a

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professor of both anesthesiology and

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neurology at Stanford University School

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of Medicine today we discuss what is

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pain most of us are familiar with the

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notion of pain from having a physical

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injury or some sort of chronic pain or a

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headache today Dr Macky makes clear what

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the origins of pain are both in the

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nervous system and outside the nervous

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system that is the interactions between

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the brain and the body that give rise to

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this thing that we call pain indeed we

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discussed the critical link between

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physical pain and emotional pain and how

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altering one's perception of emotional

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or physical pain can often change the

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other we also discuss some of the

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changes in the nervous system that occur

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when we experience pain and how that can

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give rise to chronic pain we also of

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course cover different methods to reduce

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pain safely and those methods include

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behavioral tools psychological tools

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nutrition supplementation and of course

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prescription drugs we discussed the

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intimate relationship between

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temperature that is heat and cold and

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pain and Pain Relief so if you're

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interested in the use of heat or cold to

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modulate pain that conversation ought to

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be of interest as well we also touch on

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some highly controversial topics such as

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opioids opioids are a substance that

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your body naturally makes but of course

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many people are familiar with exogenous

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opioids that is opioids that are

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available as drugs and the so-called

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opioid crisis Dr Mai makes very clear

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which specific clinical circumstances

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weren't the use of exogenous opioids

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with of of course a warning about their

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potent addictive potential and we get

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into a bit of discussion about where the

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opioid crisis and the use of opioid

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drugs to control pain is and is going

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before we begin I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my

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teaching and research roles at Stanford

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it is however part of my desire and

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effort to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme I'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is Aeropress

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Aero press is similar to a French press

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for making coffee but is in fact a much

Time: 154.8

better way to make coffee the Aero press

Time: 157.2

was developed by Allan Adler who's an

Time: 159.12

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Time: 161.8

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Time: 163.56

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Time: 165.879

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Time: 168.239

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Time: 170.12

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Time: 172.519

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Time: 174.12

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Time: 176.239

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Time: 178.159

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Time: 180.4

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Time: 182.56

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Time: 184.48

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Time: 186.599

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Time: 188.92

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Time: 190.879

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Time: 192.2

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Time: 194.08

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Time: 196.04

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Time: 198.64

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Time: 200.4

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Time: 202.319

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Time: 204.68

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Time: 208.68

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Time: 212.64

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Time: 214.879

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Time: 217.36

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Time: 219.08

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Time: 220.599

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Time: 224.36

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Time: 228.64

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Time: 233

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Time: 234.599

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Time: 236.519

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Time: 238.12

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Time: 239.84

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Time: 241.36

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Time: 243.4

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Time: 245.959

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Time: 247.439

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Time: 249.519

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Time: 251.519

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Time: 253.56

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Time: 256.759

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Time: 259.6

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Time: 261.32

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Time: 263.479

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Time: 265.639

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Time: 267.24

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Time: 270.16

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Time: 271.6

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Time: 273.039

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Time: 276.28

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Time: 278.96

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Time: 281.6

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Time: 283.12

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Time: 285

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Time: 286.759

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Time: 290.08

nk/ huberman today's episode is also

Time: 292.96

brought To Us by betterhelp betterhelp

Time: 295.479

offers Professional Therapy with a

Time: 296.96

licensed therapist carried out online

Time: 299.6

now I've been going to therapy for well

Time: 301.08

over 30 years initially I didn't have a

Time: 303.44

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Time: 304.639

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Time: 307.039

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Time: 309.28

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Time: 311.16

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Time: 313.36

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Time: 315.039

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Time: 316.68

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Time: 318.52

week the reason I know therapy is so

Time: 320.479

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Time: 322.4

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Time: 324.16

really good rapport you not only get

Time: 326.72

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Time: 328.319

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Time: 330.56

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Time: 332.759

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Time: 334.88

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Time: 336.44

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Time: 338.68

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Time: 340.759

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Time: 342.56

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Time: 344.8

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Time: 346.4

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Time: 348.68

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Time: 350.479

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Time: 353

with better help they make it extremely

Time: 354.639

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Time: 356.36

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Time: 358.72

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Time: 360.8

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Time: 362.919

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Time: 365.84

to get 10% off your first month again

Time: 367.8

that's betterhelp.com

Time: 369.599

huberman and now for my discussion with

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Dr Shawn Mackey Dr Mackey welcome oh

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it's a pleasure to be here thank you

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this is a long time coming we're

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colleagues at Stanford and I'm familiar

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with your work but today we're going to

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take a pretty Broad and deep survey of

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this thing called pain so I'll just

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start off very simply and ask what is

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pain pain is this complex and subjective

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experience that serves a crucial role

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for all of us to keep us away from

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injury or

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harm it is both a sensory and an

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emotional experience and I think that

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gets lost on people that includes this

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emotional component to it and it is

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incredibly individual and we'll get more

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into that hopefully as time goes by that

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you know your pain is different from my

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pain and is different from everybody

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else's it takes an incredible toll on

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society when it goes chronic when it

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becomes persistent to the tune of about

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a 100 million Americans and at last

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count about a half a trillion dollars a

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year in medical expenses uh so an

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astounding problem we're facing in

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society and one that's only getting

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worse and I'm hoping during the course

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of this discussion that we can kind of

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break down a little bit of the

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foundation of pain and kind of build it

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back up because

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unfortunately uh in society there's a

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lot of misunderstanding about what pain

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is and I think uh hopefully we can build

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that foundation and then layer on some

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some useful treatments and useful

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options for people I'm glad you pointed

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out this link between the sensory and

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the emotional experience every once in a

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while I'll pull something or I'll have

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like you know like a kink in my neck or

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my back and fortunately for me it

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resolves pretty quickly but I notice

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that when I'm experiencing that kind of

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pain that I become slightly more

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irritable perhaps much more irritable

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depending on who you ask and that

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everything becomes more challenging

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thinking is harder sleeping is harder

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concentrating on anything besides pain

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it's it's a um it's as if something's

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nagging from the inside and so that

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raises the the next question that I have

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which is

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is pain something that's in our brain in

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our body or both it's clearly in our

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brain and can I take a moment to kind of

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lay a little foundation for some of that

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to help clear up some of the mystery of

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pain we know that pain most pain all

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starts with some stimulus whether it be

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that kink in your neck or your shoulder

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from working out or turning the wrong

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way and what's going on there uh in your

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body is not pain what's going on is that

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uh there are sensors in our skin our

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soft tissue our deep tissues called

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noors and these noors are sensing

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elements and they sense different types

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of stimuli they can sense temperature uh

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heat cold they sense pressure they can

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sense pH changes due to for instance

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inflammation that may occur from uh any

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something going on in your neck or your

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shoulder those signals up nerve fiber

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types and the two that we we refer to

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are a Delta and C fibers one transmits

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very fast it's responsible that you know

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sharp jolt of pain that goes to your

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brain when we uh you know step on a tack

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or put our hand on a hot stove and

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there's another fiber called a CA fiber

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which is much slower and responsible for

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that dull achy pain now these signals

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they go to the spinal cord lie up and

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down our uh from our head down to our

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back and they're they're shaped they're

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changed a little

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bit they then are sent up to the brain

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and it's once they hit the brain and

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they converge with this Magical Mystery

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set of nerves in the brain that it

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becomes the experience of pain and if

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there's one key message I'd like to get

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to the audience is that what goes on out

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here what goes on in your shoulder in

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your neck is not pain that's no

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susception those are

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electrical signals electrochemical

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impulses being transmitted and that is

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to be distinguished from what becomes

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the subjective experience of pain that

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you have and why it's

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critical is that our brain serves so

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many functions of emotions cognitions uh

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memory action all of that shapes those

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signals coming in from our body to

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create your unique experience of pain

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that's different from everybody

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else's and I think that's important to

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because we are frequently left with this

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notion of this

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onetoone concordance between the

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stimulus and the experience of pain you

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know Renee Dart that French uh

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philosopher I think 17th

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century um was the one who first

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postulated this idea of this direct

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linkage between the body and our actions

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and the stimulus and the response and

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it's wrong and unfortunately even in

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medical care we have this biomedical

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model that still is perpetuating this

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idea of a onetoone

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relationship and that's a critically

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important point to get

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across in large part because frequently

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as humans we tend to project onto others

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our own experiences of pain and when we

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see somebody who's got an injury or

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something else going on we immediately

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put that on them and that has also been

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a problem uh with many people suffering

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in chronic pain which is often viewed as

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the invisible disease so when you say we

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put that on them you mean when somebody

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reports being in pain we have a hard

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time understanding what they're are

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experiencing because it's going to be

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very different than the way that we

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experience pain conversely if somebody's

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in pain they tend to assume that people

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are experiencing pain the way that they

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are do I have that right you have it

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perfectly right and it actually if I can

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build on that gets worse because

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sometimes you have conditions like

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fibromyalgia that maybe we'll get into

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where outwardly visibly you don't see

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anything wrong we're used to thinking of

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pain as a fractured you know bone as a

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swollen ankle we see that and then we

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like okay well you've got pain you got

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legitimate pain whereas this invisible

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disease of chronic pain frequently you

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don't have something outwardly that

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you're seeing but we bring in our own

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history of pain and we put that on other

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people I have a question that's somewhat

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mechanistic but we'll keep it accessible

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to anybody regardless of their

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background so you mentioned the NOS

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acceptors are in the body and everywhere

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in the body and on the surface of the

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body to be able to detect certain kinds

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of stimula and then those signals are

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sent up into the brain and the Brain

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creates this subjective experience that

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we call pain is there a dedicated set of

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areas in the brain that that are

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something akin to like a pain pathway

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and the reason I ask this is that for

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you know for vision for hearing for

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touch we probably all experience those

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somewhat differently your perception of

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red is probably a little different than

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my perception of red we don't know for

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sure but experiments support that idea

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but there's a major difference between

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people experiencing the same thing

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differently according to like a

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mysterious mechanism in the brain as

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opposed to like a an area in the brain

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that we can look and say like hey like

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like that's where pain is uh represented

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that's where all these these inputs from

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the body are put together to create this

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thing that we call pain um like is there

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an area of the the thalamus a structure

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in the middle of the brain that takes

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incoming sensory information that we

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could say oh that's the pain pathway is

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there a part of our neocortex the outer

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shell of the the brain more or less um

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beneath the skull but nonetheless on the

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outer portion of the human brain that we

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could say oh that's where pain exists or

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is it a distributed phenomenon yeah

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that's a great question and you know

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because we'd all love if there was a

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pain center in the brain that we could

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just go knock out but it's not that

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simple and in part because pain is such

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a conserved phenomenon it it is there it

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is so wonderful because it is so

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terrible unless it goes wrong

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but when you knock out one pathway going

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to the brain there's others there that

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will carry that system forward and

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you'll still experience pain and it's

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there to keep us all alive now to get to

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your point no there's not one pain brain

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area it is thought to be more of a

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distributed network of different brain

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systems we at one point in time called

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it the pain Matrix which represented

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areas such as uh the insular cortex the

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cortex the amydala a number of these

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brain regions that all subserve

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different functions we moving away from

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that because it seems like every year or

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so we pick up another region of the

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brain that's contributing to this

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network that subserves some additional

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function some nuanced layer to

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it that

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said we have been able to identify some

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common signatures common brain networks

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that seem to represent the experience of

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pain and this is where the development

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of brain-based biomarkers has come in

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and this is some of the work that I've

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starting gosh well over a dozen years

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ago and uh others have been building on

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and what we're finding is that there

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does seem to be this this conserved

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region set of uh distributed regions

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that do represent the experience of pain

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so when somebody takes a so-called

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painkiller let let's take a uh typical

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over-the-counter painkiller like a

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ibuprofen or camenen to uh lessen pain

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of some kind yeah where is that drug or

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drugs acting is it in the body or is it

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at the level of the brain or both yeah

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and this is where some of the challenges

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we get into with language because

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technically nids nonsteroidal

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anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen

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Naperson they're actually not analgesics

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they're not technically pain killers so

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an analgesic is the descriptor for a

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quote unquote painkiller yeah there that

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would be more correct like an opioid

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would be would fit into that category

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the N heads are anti-inflammatory drugs

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they're also there's another this is a

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technical term they're

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anti-hyperalgesic drugs and

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so one of the things that happens after

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an injury is that we get

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sensitization of the area that's injured

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and it's a beautiful thing because it

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sends a message to us to protect it um

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what the end heads do is they reduce

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some of that sensitization out in the

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periphery and then back in the spinal

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cord and in the brain but they don't

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actually so for instance I was going to

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say try this at home but probably not

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you can um in a normal situation you

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know hit your hand with a fork measure

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the amount of pain I'll go take an NSAID

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like ibuprofen if you hit your hand with

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that same Fork there'll be no difference

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folks please don't do that don't do that

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at home please yeah or any or anywhere

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for that matter or anywhere for that

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matter but you're describing pain and

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the local inflammation response and the

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hyper Alesia the increase in pain in

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that general area as something very

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adaptive very important so it raises the

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question what is the threshold for

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saying that somebody should treat their

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pain reduce their pain I mean you know

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anytime I've done um you know surgeries

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on animals which I don't do anymore in

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the laboratory but we used to you know

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you would give them painkillers

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post-operatively I've had iies before I

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had painkillers postoperatively although

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I don't like taking them I don't like

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the way they make my brain feel and so

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uh but we of course know that if you

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increase the dose of any pain medication

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too much then that animal or a human can

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potentially injure themselves worse or

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not protect that injured area so it

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raises a whole set of sort of medical

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ethical but also just purely biological

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questions how do you set the threshold

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for yes blunt pain versus no allow the

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pain to be there as an adaptive way of

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protecting yourself in healing

Time: 1141.039

presumably the inflammation is part of

Time: 1142.52

the healing process too and as you

Time: 1144.6

mentioned before pain is so subjective

Time: 1147

and it's different between all of us I

Time: 1148.48

mean how do we decide uh whether or not

Time: 1151.44

it's a good or bad idea to blunt that

Time: 1153.679

pain yeah I think the the the threshold

Time: 1156.96

is when it's impacting your quality of

Time: 1159.28

life and your ability to take care of

Time: 1161.52

activities at daily living engage with

Time: 1163.32

family friends go to work

Time: 1166.28

and that that s kind of a your your

Time: 1169.48

threshold for you know whether it's

Time: 1171.679

reasonable to to take a medication or

Time: 1173.96

not it's a lot of controversy in the

Time: 1175.72

space right now it used to be we all

Time: 1177.64

recommended just Neds for any type of

Time: 1179.52

acute injury I is non-steroid

Time: 1182.36

anti-inflammatory drugs indeed could

Time: 1184.6

could we maybe list off a few of those

Time: 1185.919

so I mentioned ibuprofen aceto Menin so

Time: 1188.72

sometimes referred to as you know the

Time: 1190.559

classic Advil Tylenol we won't throw out

Time: 1193.039

name brands there but what are some

Time: 1194.919

others Naproxin neoen is another one

Time: 1197.76

Toral or ketorolac is another one the

Time: 1200.28

two over-the-counter nids the

Time: 1202.039

prototypical over-the-counter ones are

Time: 1204.32

ibuprofen and napasin those are the ones

Time: 1207.12

you can buy over the counter without a

Time: 1209.08

prescription uh Tylenol actually has a

Time: 1211.44

slightly different mechanism of injury

Time: 1213.64

but you know still fits in that same

Time: 1215.559

general class it tends to be more

Time: 1217.28

centrally acting IBU uh Tylenol or

Time: 1220.52

camenen but take we say centrally you

Time: 1223.12

mean Brain Brain Brain thank you than

Time: 1224.96

you and uh is aspirin considered an

Time: 1227.159

insat I don't believe as would fit into

Time: 1229.36

that category of basically a Cox cyc

Time: 1233

oxygenase inhibitor this is one of the

Time: 1236

the chemical mediators that gets

Time: 1237.919

released during injury and that chemical

Time: 1242.2

uh substance has a tendency to wind up

Time: 1244.88

or amplify the

Time: 1246.84

noors so that after an injury you note

Time: 1250.28

that you're more sensitive there after a

Time: 1252.12

sunburn you end up having more

Time: 1254.2

sensitization that is what we refer to

Time: 1257

as peripheral sensitization because it's

Time: 1259.96

out in the periphery we're winding up or

Time: 1262.12

amplifying the

Time: 1263.64

response uh aspirin n heads in general

Time: 1268.159

will reduce that inflammation they're

Time: 1270.799

anti- um

Time: 1273.32

hyperalgesic and uh pardon again the

Time: 1275.44

jargony terms that we use but hope

Time: 1277.6

coming across along as we go but but you

Time: 1280

know to your point you don't want to for

Time: 1284.559

instance let's imagine you have a

Time: 1286.44

fractured ankle

Time: 1288.96

you don't want to be reaching for a very

Time: 1291.76


Time: 1293.039

opioid just so that you can continue

Time: 1295.559

walking on a fractured ankle that you

Time: 1297.76

haven't gotten evaluated by a clinician

Time: 1300.64

and perhaps casted that wouldn't be safe

Time: 1303.96

those are rather extreme examples you

Time: 1306

know we get into those debates right in

Time: 1307.96

professional sports where you know they

Time: 1310.88

they send the person back out on the

Time: 1312.44

field with a broken bone you know having

Time: 1315.76

given them an ejection or something I'm

Time: 1317.799

I'm hoping that doesn't go on anymore

Time: 1319.6

but uh I'm sure it goes on okay yeah

Time: 1322.32

well there's all sorts of other things I

Time: 1323.64

get contacted all the time professional

Time: 1326.2

teams and athletes asking how they can

Time: 1327.76

get back in quicker nowadays the big

Time: 1329.36

thing are these uh peptides that can

Time: 1331.76

certainly accelerate healing people are

Time: 1333.24

traveling out of country get stem cell

Time: 1334.76

injections all with all with uh very few

Time: 1337.76

randomized control trials but I assure

Time: 1339.96

you that um Courtside and in the locker

Time: 1342.2

room mainly in the locker room their

Time: 1344.08

corticosteroid injections their

Time: 1345.6

painkiller injections I mean it's it's

Time: 1347.4

not at any expense but it's not far from

Time: 1350.559

that okay yeah yeah well you know when

Time: 1353.72

you're you're making millions of dollars

Time: 1355.32

a year and I I get the being back on the

Time: 1357.6

field but for the rest of us mere

Time: 1360.08

mortals um I think that's where we would

Time: 1362.52

want to draw a line get medical

Time: 1364.039

attention if you've got an acute injury

Time: 1366.919

going a little bit deeper into mechanism

Time: 1368.559

because I think it's going to serve us

Time: 1369.76

well now and going forward you mentioned

Time: 1371.84

the IDS and um this uh Cox Cox is one of

Time: 1376.12

it's a is it in the family of PR gland

Time: 1378.679

can we talk about prandin because I

Time: 1380.32

think there are a lot of people nowadays

Time: 1381.48

we hear about inflammation yeah you know

Time: 1383.48

inflammation's bad inflammation's bad

Time: 1385.2

but you know one of the things that we

Time: 1386.76

talk about a lot on this podcast is the

Time: 1388.48

fact that you know cortisol isn't bad

Time: 1390.44

inflammation isn't bad these things

Time: 1392.44

serve an important biological role so

Time: 1394.799

the prostaglandins seem to be one of the

Time: 1396.64

main ways that our immune system uh

Time: 1399.32

responds to a physical or chemical

Time: 1400.96

injury and and creates inflammation and

Time: 1403.6

that as you said that inflammation

Time: 1405

sensitizes an area makes it literally

Time: 1406.96

more sensitive and then we introduce

Time: 1409.32

these drugs that um to restore normal

Time: 1412.52

functioning and living could we

Time: 1415.4

establish like what normal functioning

Time: 1417.76

is I mean for instance if we make this

Time: 1419.72

really concrete could we say well if you

Time: 1421.88

can sleep fall asleep at night and stay

Time: 1425.32

asleep or perhaps go back to sleep after

Time: 1428.159

you've woken up in the middle of the

Time: 1429.159

night then will you heal during sleep

Time: 1432.48

and so you know take as little

Time: 1436

painkiller as possible but enough that

Time: 1437.64

still still lets you sleep well at night

Time: 1439.48

is that it's sort of normal functioning

Time: 1441.2

because when I have a kink in my neck I

Time: 1443.559

don't want to do much of anything I try

Time: 1445.64

but it's really frustrating so what is I

Time: 1448.08

mean as a physician how and as a patient

Time: 1450.919

how do we determine normal functioning

Time: 1453.4

yeah and you're getting into the Nuance

Time: 1456.279

the complexity of this problem because

Time: 1459.159

we've been talking about NSAIDs the IB

Time: 1460.96

prence and

Time: 1462.159

napins and as I said early on we used to

Time: 1465.36

just give these out all the time but

Time: 1466.84

then the research comes out and shows

Time: 1468.96

that by blocking inflammation by

Time: 1471.84

blocking that we may be blocking the

Time: 1474.44

normal healing process and so we've seen

Time: 1476.84

delays in fracture repair we've been

Time: 1480

seeing delays in tissue repair and so

Time: 1483.72

now you've got on one hand a medication

Time: 1486.559

that may help with pain help you improve

Time: 1488.6

function you've got on the other hand

Time: 1490.36

something you're taking that may delay

Time: 1492

the process where do you draw the line

Time: 1495.399

as a physician my Approach is really

Time: 1498.36

basically what you said it's balancing

Time: 1501.279

the fact that if you're not sleeping at

Time: 1503.799

night you're not going to heal and

Time: 1506.32

you're not going to be able to do what

Time: 1507.399

you need to do the next day and if

Time: 1509.159

taking an inset helps you sleep and

Time: 1512.279

helps you uh engage with what you need

Time: 1515.24

to do take it at the lowest dose that

Time: 1518.039

you can get away

Time: 1519.399

with I've heard before that NAD should

Time: 1522.52

be taken no more than once every six

Time: 1524.559

hours people will alternate different

Time: 1527.039

types of ins

Time: 1528.88

that's usually try reduce fever another

Time: 1530.679

situation where an Adaptive response

Time: 1533

fever you know people go out of their

Time: 1534.36

way to block it right prevent the brain

Time: 1536

from cooking but again opens up the same

Time: 1537.64

set of issues and so I'm wondering if

Time: 1540.159

somebody has some pain that makes you

Time: 1543.08

know moving about frustrating and it's

Time: 1545.44

and it's difficult but you know they can

Time: 1546.919

sleep at night reasonably well maybe not

Time: 1549.159

as well as they normally do would your

Time: 1551.24

suggestion to that person if their goal

Time: 1553.12

is to heal as quickly as possible to

Time: 1555.799

just not take anything yeah so we've got

Time: 1559.76

a lot more data on the benefits of nids

Time: 1564.2

this class of medication reducing pain

Time: 1566.6

then we have data uh showing the bad

Time: 1570.76

consequences of it and so we're still

Time: 1573.32

needing more data on the whole healing

Time: 1575.039

message I think that a lot of the

Time: 1576.919

orthopedic surgeons out there prefer

Time: 1578.76

people not to be on IDs after for

Time: 1580.64

instance a total hip replacement at

Time: 1582.159

total knee replacement because I think

Time: 1583.679

that's pretty clear but that's not what

Time: 1585.44

we're talking about right now so so one

Time: 1588.679

of the other interesting things about n

Time: 1590.32

heads like we mentioned ibuprofin and

Time: 1592.36

aprin huge individual variability around

Time: 1595.64

those so personally ibuprofen is not

Time: 1599.2

very effective for me napasin is for

Time: 1602.52

others it may be just exactly the

Time: 1604.24

opposite so there's value in rotating

Time: 1607.32

them and finding out which works best

Time: 1610.039

for your particular situation you

Time: 1612.399

mentioned the timing of it ibuprofen is

Time: 1615.24

typically given no more than three times

Time: 1617.399

a a day it's got a short halflife

Time: 1620.799

Naperson twice a day what's critical I

Time: 1623.919

need to give this message is in both

Time: 1626.08

situations make sure that you have food

Time: 1628.039

in your stomach make sure you're not

Time: 1630.36

taking it on an empty stomach make sure

Time: 1632.6

you're drinking plenty of fluids and if

Time: 1634.919

you've got any um GI issues if you've

Time: 1638

got any bleeding issues if you've got

Time: 1639.679

kidney issues if you've got heart issues

Time: 1641.919

talk to your doc talk to your clinician

Time: 1644.24

before you embark on this because these

Time: 1646.52

medications do have side effects and

Time: 1649.279

adverse consequences in vulnerable

Time: 1651.279

people and what about aspirin I've heard

Time: 1653.72

that aspirin can benefit heart health so

Time: 1655.6

I take a baby aspirin every day and if I

Time: 1657.88

have a pain that is just too intense for

Time: 1659.96

normal functioning as we're defining it

Time: 1662.279

then I'll increase that um dose of

Time: 1664.96

aspirin and I just assume aspirin is the

Time: 1666.96

healthiest and sad for me because well

Time: 1669.399

it's also good for heart health and it's

Time: 1670.799

killing pain in those instances as

Time: 1672.36

opposed to taking anything else is my

Time: 1674.24

logic flawed and if it is feel free to

Time: 1676.279

tell me no for for you your logic is

Time: 1678.96

perfect and that's where it gets to the

Time: 1680.88

individual person and for a lot of

Time: 1682.919

people that model would work as well so

Time: 1684.88

baby asper in 81 milligrams a day acts

Time: 1687.48

as an antiplatelet agent it helps you

Time: 1689.88

know here even though we're getting

Time: 1691.72

controversy over the role of baby

Time: 1693.48

aspirin if you dive into the current

Time: 1695.039

literature even baby aspirin is

Time: 1696.72

controversial even baby aspirin these

Time: 1698.72

days and now what they're doing with

Time: 1701.039

with the data is defining age ranges

Time: 1704.159

when they say baby aspirin yes baby

Time: 1706.399

aspirin no and so you know we're

Time: 1708.679

learning a lot more about that I still

Time: 1710.76

take a baby aspirin every day yeah I

Time: 1713.039

take a baby aspirin you get to the

Time: 1715

higher dose is say four times as much up

Time: 1717.039

around 325 milligrams or so it's now an

Time: 1721.32

anti-inflammatory it's now acting more

Time: 1723.6

like the ibuprofen and the

Time: 1725.6

napasin so um different mechanisms of

Time: 1728.72

action at different

Time: 1731.08

doses I'd like to take a brief moment

Time: 1733.48

and thank one of our sponsors and that's

Time: 1735.399

ag1 ag1 is a vitamin mineral probiotic

Time: 1738.72

drink that also contains adaptogens I

Time: 1741.44

started taking ag1 way back in 2012 the

Time: 1744.6

reason I started taking it and the

Time: 1745.88

reason I still take it every day is that

Time: 1747.84

it ensures that I meet all of my quotas

Time: 1749.84

for vitamins and minerals and it ensures

Time: 1752.48

that I get enough preotic and probiotic

Time: 1754.48

to support gut health now gut health is

Time: 1756.84

something that over the last 10 years we

Time: 1758.679

realized is not just important for the

Time: 1761

health of our gut but also for our

Time: 1763.44

immune system and for the production of

Time: 1765.559

neurotransmitters and neuromodulators

Time: 1767.48

things like dopamine and serotonin in

Time: 1769.159

other words gut health is critical for

Time: 1771.36

proper brain functioning now of course I

Time: 1773.48

strive to consume healthy Whole Foods

Time: 1775.48

for the majority of my nutritional

Time: 1776.919

intake every single day but there are a

Time: 1779.76

number of things in ag1 including

Time: 1781.399

specific micronutrients that are hard to

Time: 1783.279

get from Whole Foods or at least in

Time: 1784.72

sufficient quantities so ag1 allows me

Time: 1787.159

to get the vitamins and minerals that I

Time: 1788.72

need probiotics prebiotics the

Time: 1790.519

adaptogens and critical micronutrients

Time: 1793.279

so anytime somebody asks me if they were

Time: 1795.32

to take Just One supplement what that

Time: 1797.44

supplement should be I tell them ag1

Time: 1800.12

because ag1 supports so many different

Time: 1802

systems within the body that are

Time: 1803.6

involved in mental health physical

Time: 1804.96

health and performance to try ag1 go to

Time: 1807.559

drink a1.com huberman and you'll get a

Time: 1810.76

year supply of vitamin D3 K2 and five

Time: 1813.799

free travel packs of ag1 again that's

Time: 1816.2

drink a1.com

Time: 1818.76

huberman I promise we won't go into

Time: 1820.84

every medication in such detail but but

Time: 1822.6

these are the most commonly used

Time: 1824.36

over-the-counter treatments for pain as

Time: 1826.799

far as I know know um are there any um

Time: 1829.64

issues with you know people who drink

Time: 1832.2

caffeine who then are taking these drugs

Time: 1834.12

are like what are some of the uh the uh

Time: 1836.399

interactions that these things can have

Time: 1838.08

as far as I know caffeine actually

Time: 1839.64

touches into the prostag gland in

Time: 1841.08

pathway doesn't it yes and that's where

Time: 1842.96

you know caffeine can be used

Time: 1844.12

effectively for headaches for migraines

Time: 1846.679

and uh it can help potentiate the

Time: 1849.44

analgesic response uh some people get uh

Time: 1852.84

stomach irritation though with caffeine

Time: 1854.72

so just again mind that you take an nsid

Time: 1858.48

with uh a lot of coffee uh have some

Time: 1861.6

food in your stomach you know you

Time: 1863.679

brought up earlier aeta menen or Tylenol

Time: 1867.279

Tylenol doesn't have the same side

Time: 1869.559

effect or adverse event profile that the

Time: 1872.039

Nets do so Tylenol is safe on the

Time: 1874.84

stomach um where you need to be careful

Time: 1877.12

about Tylenol is not to exceed 4,000

Time: 1880.639

milligrams or four grams per day in

Time: 1884.6


Time: 1885.6

doses so two extra strength Tylenol done

Time: 1889.76

four times a day for many people is safe

Time: 1893.88

some say two grams some say four grams

Time: 1896.72

the key here is around your liver so if

Time: 1899.96

you've got good liver function if you're

Time: 1901.72

not abusing alcohol that's a general

Time: 1906.12

rule of thumb that you can use for

Time: 1907.96

Tylenol um but it's not going to upset

Time: 1910

your stomach there are versions of the

Time: 1914.12

NSAIDs that we refer to as Cox 2

Time: 1916.76

inhibitor they're very selective like

Time: 1919.399

celic coxib that is uh less irritating

Time: 1923.519

on the stomach that's by prescription

Time: 1925.88

only though but you can think of it as

Time: 1927.96

working very much the same as the

Time: 1930.159

napasin and the ibuprofen so talk with

Time: 1932.919

your clinician you know to to try to

Time: 1935.679

tease those apart if you have problems

Time: 1938.519

in your stomach with the NSAIDs and

Time: 1941.399

they're really effective for you you can

Time: 1943.799

be given other types of medications that

Time: 1946.519

help block or reduce the GI issues

Time: 1949.12

associated with the

Time: 1950.919

insets very useful information thank you

Time: 1954.24

here we're talking about chemical

Time: 1956.399

interventions to the pain

Time: 1958.84

process what about mechanical

Time: 1961.159

interventions so I was taught in my

Time: 1963.48

basic Neuroscience about I think it's

Time: 1965.24

melzack and walls gate theory of pain do

Time: 1967.44

I have this right where you know we all

Time: 1969.279

have this instinctual response animals

Time: 1971.639

have it too right if they uh you bump

Time: 1974.48

your knee or your toe that you grab and

Time: 1976.559

you rub it and that that rubbing

Time: 1978.72

response is actually contributing to the

Time: 1980.96

activation of a neural pathway that does

Time: 1982.799

indeed reduce the pain through a

Time: 1984.519

legitimate neural inhibition and tell me

Time: 1986.84

if this is still considered correct and

Time: 1988.039

then I'll let you um uh elaborate on it

Time: 1991.2

but I think that is an opportunity for

Time: 1993.399

us to also talk more generally or for

Time: 1995.039

you to educate us more generally on the

Time: 1997.24

the mechanistic interventions for pain

Time: 1999.2

like um maybe massage above or below the

Time: 2002.2

sight of pain maybe acupuncture um so

Time: 2005.32

again there will be chemical

Time: 2007.799

consequences of any mechanical

Time: 2009.76

intervention right as we know because

Time: 2011.44

that's the language of the nervous

Time: 2012.44

system electricity and chemicals but as

Time: 2014.559

opposed to taking a drug you can imagine

Time: 2016.24

using manual um stimulation or rubbing

Time: 2019.76

around it or or perhaps we can also talk

Time: 2022.519

about heat and cold so can we explore

Time: 2024.6

that space a bit absolutely and first

Time: 2026.84

you're right so uh in your first part uh

Time: 2030.679

pack uh Patrick Wall Ron mzac luminaries

Time: 2033.519

in the field of pain back in the 60s uh

Time: 2036.08

defined the gate control theory of pain

Time: 2038.44

and one of the things to build on the

Time: 2040.919

story that we talked about with no

Time: 2042.96

receptors going to the spinal signals

Time: 2045.399

going to the spinal cord heading up to

Time: 2047.2

the brain where the perception of pain

Time: 2049.919

occurs that's not where the story ends

Time: 2052.919

it turns out there are Pathways that

Time: 2055.44

come down from the brain down from the

Time: 2057.8

brain to the spinal cord that act in an

Time: 2060.399

inhibitory role and we'll build on those

Time: 2063.839

also from the

Time: 2065.879

periphery we've got also fibers called

Time: 2069.72

touch fibers these are the ones where

Time: 2071.8

they get activated with light touch

Time: 2074.159

stroking they refer to as a beta fibers

Time: 2077.359

they're fast

Time: 2078.919

conducting they head back to the spinal

Time: 2081.24

cord and they make some

Time: 2083.52

connections with those notive

Time: 2086.639

fibers so with that grounding imagine

Time: 2092.32

what you said your you hit your thumb

Time: 2094.32

with a hammer you um uh you bang

Time: 2097.96

something on an extremity uh what is the

Time: 2100.4

first thing you do when you hit your

Time: 2101.64

thumb with a hammer uh some people rub

Time: 2104.119

it I yell some people swear and it turns

Time: 2107.24

out there are studies that show that

Time: 2108.56

swearing works really swearing reduces

Time: 2111.2

pain better than uh than using

Time: 2114.079


Time: 2126.88

can go out and swear every time they're

Time: 2128.92

in pain well they can but they'll have

Time: 2130.52

to bear the consequences on an

Time: 2132

individual basis we're not we're we're

Time: 2133.96

absolving ourselves of any

Time: 2135.52

responsibility right so uh rubbing uh

Time: 2138.52

shaking is another one which basically

Time: 2141.24

is activating those touch fibers oh it

Time: 2143.359

is I do that everybody does that

Time: 2146.68

everybody does that running it underwat

Time: 2149.079

which you know it doesn't matter whether

Time: 2151.319

you know in this case it's hot or it's

Time: 2152.64

cold water it's the running of the water

Time: 2154.839

underneath it and what ises it doing we

Time: 2157.68

all think it's reducing the stimulus out

Time: 2161

here and it is not at in the periphery

Time: 2163.68

in the periphery what's magical about

Time: 2166.04

that I think which is so cool is you're

Time: 2168.119

actually changing the signals in your

Time: 2169.92

spinal cord way back here in the neck

Time: 2172.28

this is the cheapest free version of

Time: 2174.64

what we refer to as

Time: 2176

neuromodulation that's ever been

Time: 2177.96

discovered um you're actually by doing

Time: 2181.119

that you're changing things the

Time: 2183.04

connections back in your spinal cord and

Time: 2184.92


Time: 2185.72

reducing the no susceptive signals

Time: 2188.76

coming in here that's why we do it and

Time: 2191.76

it works it works beautifully that's why

Time: 2195.16

when a kid gets their boo boo you know

Time: 2197.119

parents come and rub it it works what

Time: 2200.64

about the kiss the kids sometimes they

Time: 2202.359

want to kiss you know or a romantic

Time: 2204.52

partner will sometimes like injure

Time: 2206.2

themselves I guess it depends on the

Time: 2207.28

nature of the relationship and they'll

Time: 2208.48

say like can you kiss it of course you

Time: 2210.2

know then you kiss it and then like they

Time: 2211.48

feel better is that purely

Time: 2213.2

psychological well okay I think an

Time: 2215.92

important point to to to ground here

Time: 2218.04

when it comes to the experience of pain

Time: 2221.359

is that everything when we say

Time: 2223.8

psychological means Neuroscience I know

Time: 2226.52

you know that no no forgive me I I I I

Time: 2229.119

have to be careful with with the the

Time: 2230.92

wording that I use that's my fault but

Time: 2232.56

but it's it's accurate still it is

Time: 2234.72

psychological but it is neuroscience

Time: 2237.04

based I mean they're really becoming one

Time: 2239.16

and the same but to answer your question

Time: 2242.359

yes by kissing it you're activating

Time: 2244.28

touch fibers we can also agree that

Time: 2246.28

there's a positive emotional salience

Time: 2248.88

that's associated with that and that

Time: 2251.52

positive emotional salience is reducing

Time: 2253.48


Time: 2254.64

too what interesting up wall and melac

Time: 2257.76

sometime later uh there was the

Time: 2259.839

introduction of a device to take

Time: 2262.359

advantage of this called the tens device

Time: 2265.76

and tens is an acronym transcutaneous

Time: 2268.44

electrical neuros

Time: 2270.64

stimulation and what the tenens device

Time: 2273.079

is doing and there's many versions of it

Time: 2274.88

now but there are those black electrod

Time: 2276.92

you put over the area and they're hooked

Time: 2279.44

up to wires and when you turn it on it

Time: 2281.48

causes a buzzing

Time: 2283.24

sensation and that buzzing sensation is

Time: 2286.92

activating those touch fibers the a beta

Time: 2289.96

fibers and so it's causing that

Time: 2292.72

neuromodulation back in the spinal cord

Time: 2295.119

amazing it's cool stuff it's very cool

Time: 2298

and I and I love that you emphasize that

Time: 2301.88

when we're rubbing the periphery or

Time: 2303.8

shaking our hand the periphery again

Time: 2305.64

being the body surface away from the

Time: 2307.92

brain that the real mechanism of action

Time: 2312.359

is taking place back in the spinal cord

Time: 2314.28

because it really speaks to the the

Time: 2316.599

body-wide and the the circuit wide the

Time: 2319.16

nervous systemwide nature of this thing

Time: 2321.56

that we call pain right it's it's

Time: 2323.359

happening out quote unquote out here in

Time: 2325.68

the periphery but it's being modulated

Time: 2327.8

in the neck level of the spinal cord

Time: 2330.04

approximately and then it's you know

Time: 2332.079

being interpreted at the level of the

Time: 2335.16

brain what

Time: 2337.24

explains different pain thresholds I

Time: 2340.04

could imagine it could be any or all of

Time: 2341.76

the locations that we've been discussing

Time: 2343.76

and it could be the context as well

Time: 2346.44

right if you're um you know I've heard

Time: 2348.319

before and I don't know if this is true

Time: 2349.68

that if you have a lot of adrenaline

Time: 2351.04

epinephrine in your system that your

Time: 2354.16

threshold for pain goes way way

Time: 2356.4

up there's probably a chemical basis for

Time: 2358.88

that and maybe it's all you know um

Time: 2361.64

anecdote but um certainly people have

Time: 2364.52

different thresholds for pain I for

Time: 2366.8

instance do not have a high pain

Time: 2368.44

threshold but I've noticed I have a very

Time: 2370.44

quick pain response so if I stub my toe

Time: 2372.72

it feels like the most painful thing I

Time: 2375.96

could possibly experience but then it's

Time: 2377.319

gone very quickly so it's like a quick

Time: 2380.359

inflection and then down other people I

Time: 2382.28

know uh we've never done the experiment

Time: 2384.8

I think I see them stub their toe and

Time: 2386.48

they're like ah and then you know 10

Time: 2388.319

minutes later they're still feeling the

Time: 2390.72

ache so whose pain threshold is higher

Time: 2393.24

it's a it depends on how you define pain

Time: 2395.4

threshold so so how do we Define pain

Time: 2398.2

threshold what determines pain threshold

Time: 2401.72

and I guess the $6 million question are

Time: 2404.68

there different pain thresholds between

Time: 2406.64

men and women as it relates to the whole

Time: 2409.64

story about childbirth being very

Time: 2412.24

painful and that Women quote unquote

Time: 2413.72

have higher pain thresholds I just I

Time: 2415.599

just sent you about 10 questions forgive

Time: 2417.72

me yeah um so what is pain threshold

Time: 2421.64

yeah no it's a it's a great place to

Time: 2424.119

start and

Time: 2425.359

maybe I don't know if you want to Circle

Time: 2427.359

back around at some point to the heat

Time: 2428.68

and cold to finish up the mechanical but

Time: 2430.88

for no no no you're let me answer your

Time: 2434.72

get to your pain threshold so the pain

Time: 2438.48

threshold is uh that stimulus intensity

Time: 2442.44

that results in the onset of the

Time: 2445.359

experience of pain the first onset of

Time: 2447.2

the experience of pain so you know when

Time: 2449.52

you turn up the heat it's it's not when

Time: 2452.96

it's warm it's not when it's just hot

Time: 2455.72

it's when the the heat

Time: 2457.76

becomes the perception of pain like when

Time: 2460.119

it becomes painfully hot at that point

Time: 2462.44

in time the same works for cold you

Time: 2465.8

mentioned some of the distinction

Time: 2468

between your experiences of pain to a

Time: 2470.8

stimulus and your buddies and that's

Time: 2473.04

normal that first onset of pain again

Time: 2475.599

those are those fast fibers those ad

Time: 2477.839

Delta fibers boom right to your brain

Time: 2480.04

those are the protective ones that when

Time: 2482.359

we put our hand on a hot stove we

Time: 2484.04

immediately Jerk it back we don't even

Time: 2485.76

have a conscious perception yet that we

Time: 2489.68

did that and then it's a moment later

Time: 2493

when the sea fibers are getting up to

Time: 2494.88

the brain and the other AD Delta fibers

Time: 2496.839

are converging into conscious areas of

Time: 2498.72

brain that we're like oh wow that stove

Time: 2500.4

is really

Time: 2501.64

hot and the ca fibers in particular are

Time: 2505.48

converging on more emotional regions in

Time: 2507.56

the brain that are conveying an

Time: 2509.88

unpleasantness to that experience you

Time: 2512.28

don't like it you and you don't want it

Time: 2514.64

to happen again which is why it encodes

Time: 2518.88

memories so you only had to do that once

Time: 2521.2

as a

Time: 2522.119

child now getting into the the pain

Time: 2526.4

thresholds you asked one of the other

Time: 2527.76

questions is do men and women have

Time: 2529.28

different pain um thresholds uh the

Time: 2531.96

answer the short answer is yes this has

Time: 2533.76

been established

Time: 2536.04

and I want to be careful here with

Time: 2539.24

saying a couple things one is in general

Time: 2542.24

uh men have uh higher paining thresholds

Time: 2545.92

to things like heat stimulus than

Time: 2549.28

women and what what people have to also

Time: 2551.839


Time: 2553.559

understand as scientists we make a big

Time: 2556.04

deal out of small differences right you

Time: 2559.079

know what we do is we take a group of

Time: 2560.839

people in this case men and

Time: 2562.92

women and we apply the same uh thermal

Time: 2566.079

stimulus to them and we draw

Time: 2570.52

averages the average man has this

Time: 2572.72

stimulus the average woman has this

Time: 2574.359

stimulus and we say well women have have

Time: 2576.319

a little bit more sensitivity to that

Time: 2579

heat stimulus and so we then go into the

Time: 2581.92

press and we say uh men are tougher than

Time: 2584.599

women that's a terrible statement right

Time: 2587.119

because the tough part is a subjective

Time: 2588.8

label right I mean it it it gets to a

Time: 2591.48

whole bunch of different issues around

Time: 2595.2

the Adaptive role of pain right I mean I

Time: 2598.119

mean one could argue that if your

Time: 2599.319

threshold for pain is lower that your it

Time: 2602.52

serves a more adaptive function right

Time: 2605.52

fewer injures Etc I mean I guess it gets

Time: 2607.48

into the implications of what we mean by

Time: 2609.44

quote unquote tougher it does but it

Time: 2611.68

also misses I think the big point which

Time: 2615.88

is people are not

Time: 2618.52

averages so what I mean by that is um

Time: 2622.28

while the average for a woman may be

Time: 2625.359

somewhat less than a man if you look at

Time: 2627.359

the distribution of the curves they

Time: 2629.48


Time: 2630.359

overlap meaning the individual

Time: 2632.839

variability within men and within women

Time: 2635.599

is much greater than the difference

Time: 2637.559

between men and women but there's plenty

Time: 2640.24

of women on that curve that have much

Time: 2643.92

greater heat uh thresholds than men Doh

Time: 2648.76

but when you pull things you end up with

Time: 2651.24

that difference unfortunately when

Time: 2652.8

things are picked up and you want a

Time: 2655.52

quick sound bite out of it that's what

Time: 2657

it gets distilled down to so so it's not

Time: 2658.88

unlike height for that matter I me there

Time: 2661.079

a lot of women that are taller than men

Time: 2662.92

that's exactly it but on average men are

Time: 2665.599

taller than women on average and I would

Time: 2667.52

say within this area of uh pain

Time: 2670.359

threshold differences it's even closer

Time: 2673.48

it's even

Time: 2674.88

tighter you know it would be I'm making

Time: 2677.16

this up the equivalent I think the

Time: 2678.52

average height of a woman is 53 5'4 the

Time: 2681.16

average height of a man 5'9 510 this is

Time: 2683.64

Imagining the average height being you

Time: 2687.52

know 5'6 for a woman and 5'8 for a man

Time: 2690.04

you know it's not a huge

Time: 2692.68

difference there's a lot of things that

Time: 2695.16

play into to changes in pain

Time: 2699.839

thresholds how much and this is where

Time: 2702.28

the brain comes in because you know much

Time: 2705.72

of the no subception much of the signals

Time: 2708.8

that we're um transducing were

Time: 2712.319

transmitting you know in many of us it's

Time: 2714.68

very much the same it's when it gets to

Time: 2717.28

the brain now it's shaped and it's

Time: 2719.599

shaped by things such

Time: 2722

as um your beliefs about that stimulus

Time: 2725.52

your expectations around it how much

Time: 2728.04

anxiety you're having at the moment does

Time: 2731

increased anxiety increase one's

Time: 2733.079

perceived pain yes okay yeah it does um

Time: 2737.359

your early life experiences with this so

Time: 2741.52

have you had traumatic experiences in

Time: 2743.28

the past that alters brain circuits can

Time: 2746.48

I interject a question yeah if one was

Time: 2748.64

told just suck it up a lot or if one

Time: 2752.559

whimpered or cursed when they uh hurt

Time: 2755.52

themselves if they were told um you know

Time: 2758.16

don't be a wuss don't be a

Time: 2760

wimp do we know whether or not that

Time: 2762.319

increases or decreases the subjective

Time: 2764.52

feeling of pain later I could imagine it

Time: 2766.359

going either way I could imagine the kid

Time: 2768.76

that was told don't be a wuss when they

Time: 2770.88

cried as a consequence of expressing

Time: 2773.079

pain or an experience of pain secretly

Time: 2776.4

feeling more pain because they aren't

Time: 2778.64

able to express the emotionality around

Time: 2781.92

the pain but that if we just look from

Time: 2784.76

the outside we say wow like pretty tough

Time: 2787

adult right because they're not um

Time: 2789.359

crying out in pain so do we have any are

Time: 2791.72

there any experiments that have explored

Time: 2793.16

that I don't know you're getting into

Time: 2795.2

this is a good point getting into um uh

Time: 2798.559

pediatric pain and you know if there's

Time: 2801.16

been experiments in that space I stay

Time: 2802.92

mainly in the adult area and my

Time: 2805.04

experience with raising a child is an N

Time: 2807.2

of one with one son um he's done great

Time: 2810.079

thank you I happen to know him very well

Time: 2812.119

he's a he's he's what you call a great

Time: 2815.4

example of Highly Successful

Time: 2817.8

reproduction so you know it's say what

Time: 2820.16

do they say it's better to be lucky than

Time: 2821.92

good uh so sure I'm sure there was a lot

Time: 2824.64

involved so don't don't discount don't

Time: 2826.88

uh don't discard any credit thank you

Time: 2829.68

thank you um you know my Approach with

Time: 2831.44

Ian was not to say just you know

Time: 2833.16

necessarily suck it up but I would uh

Time: 2835.559

you know make light of it i' I'd have

Time: 2837.2

fun with it and uh I would kind of laugh

Time: 2840.24

and I'm like way to go buddy uh and I

Time: 2842.88

would find he would often laugh you know

Time: 2845.16

so I think a lot of it is the cues

Time: 2847.119

they're taking off the parents you know

Time: 2849.119

and again this is this is just my oneof

Time: 2850.76

end parent is if they see you freaking

Time: 2853.72

out kid's going to freak out too um but

Time: 2857.96

does there get to be a point where

Time: 2860.52

you're ignoring your child or your loved

Time: 2863.64

On's painful issue yeah now you're

Time: 2866.839

getting into some maladaptive some bad

Time: 2869.44

space where I think it's sending that

Time: 2872.04

person the wrong message and they may

Time: 2875.48

very well have problems later

Time: 2877.599

on I will tell just a very brief

Time: 2880.28

anecdote when I was growing up I

Time: 2882.079

observed a total of zero

Time: 2884.839

children and friends who you know cried

Time: 2887.76

out in pain or complained of pain who

Time: 2891.52

were told you know um that was an

Time: 2893.96

inappropriate response um sometimes I

Time: 2896.359

might have heard parents say you know

Time: 2898.72

come on just suck it up or like or rub

Time: 2900.52

it you'll be okay that kind of thing but

Time: 2902.76

once and only once with had some friends

Time: 2904.68

I won't tell you what country they were

Time: 2906.4

from but they they lived not far from um

Time: 2909.44

where both Ian and I grew up since we

Time: 2911

grew up near one another and I'll never

Time: 2914.119

forget that the younger brother of a

Time: 2916.079

friend of mine ran over to the father he

Time: 2918.359

had cut his thumb on the band saw and it

Time: 2921

wasn't particularly deep but he was

Time: 2922.92

crying in pain and the father wrapped it

Time: 2926.8

picked up his chin and smacked him

Time: 2928.68

across the face and said don't ever do

Time: 2930.96

that again and so what I think he was

Time: 2933.319

doing was compounding the the lesson

Time: 2935.2

about the saw yeah but clearly had no

Time: 2937.72

regard for the pain that the that the

Time: 2939.4

injury probably caused now I haven't

Time: 2941

followed up with that kid um I think we

Time: 2943.24

can all agree that by today's standards

Time: 2945.04

that would be considered um abusive

Time: 2948.24

parenting uh or perhaps um you know one

Time: 2952.119

could say that was you know on the far

Time: 2954.119

extreme of a response but I'll never

Time: 2956.359

forget that and I went home and I I told

Time: 2958.599

my mom yeah and she said oh yeah when I

Time: 2960.44

was growing up that was actually a more

Time: 2962.48

frequent response to kids hurting them

Time: 2965.2

themselves especially boys and so things

Time: 2967.28

have really changed in terms of how we

Time: 2969.04

react to children in pain but the reason

Time: 2971.24

I find this interesting is that

Time: 2972.96

ultimately what we're talking about is

Time: 2975.28

how should we interpret our own pain

Time: 2978.079

yeah can I can I make a commentary about

Time: 2981

that scenario and I want to bring in

Time: 2983.04

another Neuroscience concept that that

Time: 2985.52

Dad may have been doing

Time: 2987.88

inadvertently and that's something

Time: 2989.76

called conditioned pain

Time: 2991.92

modulation so there's another cool

Time: 2994.839

phenomenon in in pain that pain inhibits

Time: 2999.64

pain so what I mean by that is when you

Time: 3002.92

were you know this guy this kid but or

Time: 3005.4

yourself growing up did you ever walk up

Time: 3007.2

to your buddy and say you know my my arm

Time: 3010.319

really hurts you know I injured it the

Time: 3012.76

other day and what did what did your

Time: 3014.359

buddy do they'd stomp on your foot and

Time: 3017.52

you'd say why the heck did you do that

Time: 3019.079

you I must have growing up with the same

Time: 3020.48

friends oh yeah yeah and and they'd say

Time: 3022.64

well now doesn't doesn't your arm feel

Time: 3024.24

better and i' be like well yeah it does

Time: 3026.76

and yeah I did grow up with those

Time: 3027.88

friends I tell this story to some people

Time: 3029.72

and I sometimes just get the wide eyes

Time: 3031.52

like they did what yeah we are not

Time: 3033.72

making recommendations here we're not

Time: 3035.4

making recommendations but it's a real

Time: 3036.799

phenomenon it was described by

Time: 3038.799

Laars late 70s 78 or something like that

Time: 3042.2

in rodent models initially and what

Time: 3045

happens is that when you engage a no

Time: 3048.119

susceptive stimulus or a painful

Time: 3049.799

stimulus and a site distal different

Time: 3052.4

from where the primary pain is it

Time: 3054.64

engages a brain stem circuit that has

Time: 3058.68

descending Pathways to the spinal cord

Time: 3060.799

and inhibits pain amazing pain inhibits

Time: 3063.559

pain it works it also is thought to have

Time: 3066.559

some contributions from higher brain

Time: 3068.04

centers we call this whole phenomenon

Time: 3070.079

lears called this phenomenon diffuse

Time: 3072.16

noxious inhibitory control or denck the

Time: 3075.68

human version of this is called

Time: 3079.079

conditioned pain modulation why I bring

Time: 3082.16

this up not only to help explain that

Time: 3084.44

father's actions

Time: 3086.119

somehow I don't think that he was

Time: 3088.599

thinking oh my kid's got a painful uh

Time: 3091.119

you know hand or finger he cut himself

Time: 3092.76

I'm going to slap him off the side of

Time: 3093.92

the head he'll feel better I don't think

Time: 3095.72

that's what was going through his head

Time: 3096.839

he wanted to make him feel worse so he

Time: 3098.16

didn't go near the band saw without

Time: 3099.92

being more cautious but it probably did

Time: 3102.24

reduce the pain a little bit to some

Time: 3104.119

extent now where it's key is oh my maybe

Time: 3107

we'll get into it later with chronic

Time: 3108.599

pain is in some chronic painful

Time: 3111.48

conditions the CPM or the denck doesn't

Time: 3114.559

work m like fibromyalgia being

Time: 3117.839

one um so pain inhibits pain uh is

Time: 3123.839

another Neuroscience concept related to

Time: 3126.52

pain that's rather

Time: 3128.359

cool well and I'm sorry I missed your

Time: 3130.76

question to could you repeat noing you

Time: 3133.48

answer the question and and uh expand it

Time: 3136.16

on it in a in a completely surprising

Time: 3138.28

and far more interesting way than I ever

Time: 3139.88

anticipated so thank you I I'm betting

Time: 3142.24

that 98% of people listening to this

Time: 3145.319

including myself have never heard that

Time: 3147.079

pain inhibits pain incredible let's go

Time: 3150.119

back to heat and cold we briefly touched

Time: 3152.319

on heat but let's talk about the use of

Time: 3155.119

uh quote unquote therapeutic heat or

Time: 3157.559

therapeutic cold a cold pack for a you

Time: 3160.72

know a you know a bruise that really

Time: 3163.44

aches or maybe even a break or a sprain

Time: 3166.28

or heat you know the in the world of

Time: 3168.88

sport physio cold is now heavily debated

Time: 3172.359

localized cold is heavily debated you

Time: 3174.28

know you get people saying things I

Time: 3176

don't know if this is true that you know

Time: 3177.48

it creates a sludging of the of the

Time: 3180

fluids trying to head in and out of the

Time: 3181.88

injury so cold is not as good as heat

Time: 3184.119

heat allows for um the uh inclusion and

Time: 3189.04

removal of waste products and you know

Time: 3191.28

there are all sorts of Just So Stories

Time: 3192.68

that people make up some of which might

Time: 3194.04

be true I don't know but what do we know

Time: 3197.359

about heat and cold as physiological

Time: 3200.88

stimula in terms of their ability to

Time: 3203.119

ameliorate to help pain because of

Time: 3205.88

course if you get things hot enough or

Time: 3207.24

you get them cold enough you can create

Time: 3208.599

pain with heat or cold but let's assume

Time: 3210.319

we're not getting to that level of heat

Time: 3212.599

or cold and one is in pain um you know

Time: 3216.24

when I was a kid we had a hot water

Time: 3217.64

bottle that for times when we were sick

Time: 3219.68

with something but sometimes you know if

Time: 3221.96

I felt an ache on the side I'd put some

Time: 3224.16

hot water in the hot water bottle lie on

Time: 3225.96

that thing watch some cartoons i'

Time: 3227.44

definitely felt better sure sure well

Time: 3230.64

putting aside the Contemporary

Time: 3232.72

controversies over the mechanisms you

Time: 3234.76

described which are I think very real

Time: 3236.48

and need to be sorted out traditionally

Time: 3238.48

historically we tend to think of

Time: 3240.4

applying cold for the first 48 hours or

Time: 3243.119

so after an acute injury and then heat

Time: 3245.52

thereafter cold has some really cool

Time: 3247.76

effects cold uh reduces inflammation so

Time: 3250.64

it reduces some of the release of those

Time: 3253.799

inflammatory chemicals we talked about

Time: 3256.92

prostaglandins cyto histamines um other

Time: 3261.04

chemo kindes all these fancy terms for

Time: 3263.76

substances that

Time: 3265.64

sensitize the primary

Time: 3267.88

Noor and it reduces the release of those

Time: 3271.079

and it reduces inflammation another cool

Time: 3274

thing often not appreciated is nerves

Time: 3276.68

don't fire as fast when they're cold and

Time: 3281.599

so if you've got no acceptors that are

Time: 3284.04

firing and you put

Time: 3286.079

cold it's slowing the number of signals

Time: 3289.2

coming up and by definition it's

Time: 3291.44

reducing the the the ultimately the pain

Time: 3294.079

you're experiencing now heat heat has an

Time: 3297.88

obvious effect of increasing blood flow

Time: 3300.359

it's going to help uh relax muscles and

Time: 3303.359

get blood into those muscles and that's

Time: 3305.4

probably why you were putting that hot

Time: 3306.76

water bottle on um and it just darn

Time: 3310.4

feels good and so what what do I tell

Time: 3313.72

people you know in part I tell people

Time: 3316.52

use whichever works best for them um I

Time: 3320.04

find there's huge individual

Time: 3322.079

variability in whether people like heat

Time: 3324.559

or like

Time: 3325.799

cold and within

Time: 3328.68

reason uh they're safe what do I mean

Time: 3331.119

within reason don't go putting an ice

Time: 3333.72

pack on an extremity for two hours you

Time: 3337.079

know you'll get a

Time: 3338.48

frostbite so you know take care with

Time: 3342.28

that how cold should one make the point

Time: 3347.52

on their body that's in pain assuming of

Time: 3350.2

course that they're not going to give

Time: 3351.28

themselves frostbite meaning do you want

Time: 3352.559

to numb the area you know get past that

Time: 3354.76

point point where it's a little bit

Time: 3355.96

painful and then that you know basically

Time: 3357.52

you're shutting down some neural

Time: 3358.76

Pathways and you don't feel anything

Time: 3360.72

there it's numb and then you let the

Time: 3362.319

blood flow return When you remove the

Time: 3363.96

cold pack is that I mean that's a

Time: 3365.559

reasonable suggestion okay yeah all

Time: 3367.319

right well people I think will

Time: 3368.48

appreciate that the um the specifics of

Time: 3370.839

that because um you know and of course

Time: 3373.119

listeners of this podcast often are

Time: 3375.2

interested in whole body deliberate cold

Time: 3378.319

immersion you know cold showers ice

Time: 3380.839

baths Etc most people experience those

Time: 3382.799

as somewhat painful as they get into

Time: 3384.28

them yeah and then can experience some

Time: 3385.92

numbness when they get out is it

Time: 3387.76

possible to raise one's pain threshold

Time: 3391.28

through the regular exposure to pain in

Time: 3393.4

ways that are safe such as deliberate

Time: 3395.2

cold exposure assuming that one doesn't

Time: 3396.799

stay in too long and it's not too cold

Time: 3398.96

um and or through you know we were

Time: 3402.52

talking about sports earlier but just in

Time: 3404.16

general like can we raise our pain

Time: 3406.4

threshold so that life is less painful

Time: 3409.319

the short answer to your last question

Time: 3410.76

is yes um the answer to your other

Time: 3414.16

question about about uh extreme cold and

Time: 3416.52

cold exposure which I know you have a

Time: 3418.96

lot of expertise and you can teach me a

Time: 3420.76

lot I'm going to stay in my wheelhouse

Time: 3423

at because I I'm not up on the

Time: 3424.599

literature in that space even in its

Time: 3427.4

intersection with

Time: 3428.839

pain um it's an intriguing concept uh I

Time: 3433.839

have to

Time: 3434.92

imagine that it makes sense you would

Time: 3436.88

get some

Time: 3438.119

habituation uh with that repeated

Time: 3440.359

exposure I think one of the the

Time: 3442.4

questions that would come up with for

Time: 3443.799

instance the cold exposure Ure and I

Time: 3445.64

don't know the answer to this but it's

Time: 3447.839

I'm sure maybe somebody out there does

Time: 3449.599

is is there cross

Time: 3451.24

modality um changes in pain thresholds I

Time: 3454.039

mean if you expose yourself a lot to

Time: 3455.88

cold does it change your heat thresholds

Time: 3458.359

I don't I would surprise be surprised if

Time: 3460.52

it did yeah would or your pressure

Time: 3462.68

because those are separate parallel

Time: 3464.119

Pathways yeah yeah you know there uh and

Time: 3466.96

you know as an aside I hate the cold but

Time: 3470.52

I do really well with the heat you know

Time: 3472.64

and so does Ian uh you know I think

Time: 3474.96

there's something genetic there uh so

Time: 3477.599

you know I mentioned earlier around men

Time: 3479.92

and women and heat uh thresholds and I

Time: 3482.64

chose that specifically but each of

Time: 3485.24

these are different depending on the

Time: 3486.52


Time: 3488.24

modality can you change ultimately your

Time: 3491.92

thresholds yeah where that involves is a

Time: 3494.559

lot of cognitive control it's a lot of

Time: 3496.52

cognitive training uh around that

Time: 3499.76


Time: 3501.4

and you know there's there's clearly

Time: 3503.68

approaches to that

Time: 3506.88

people have learned that there's

Time: 3508.68

different manipulations around that

Time: 3511.24

so one experiment this wasn't intended

Time: 3514.96

at least I don't believe so they were

Time: 3517.039

measuring uh heat thresholds uh on

Time: 3519.96

college students and and we we

Time: 3521.4

experiment a lot on students as as we

Time: 3523.319

all know we pay them well um and what

Time: 3526.359

they found is that when they're studying

Time: 3530.64

guys studying dudes when there was an

Time: 3533.039

attractive woman who was delivering the

Time: 3537.28

stimulus the thresholds were

Time: 3540.64

higher because the guys did not want to

Time: 3544.72

look like a wuss in front of this

Time: 3547.039

attractive young woman and that's been

Time: 3549.28

pretty well established so the

Time: 3551.319

experimenter their

Time: 3553.319

gender uh plays a big role in that has

Time: 3556.799

the reverse experiment also been done I

Time: 3558.92

don't I don't know I don't know

Time: 3562

interesting um but getting back to your

Time: 3564.4

point Point yes um I think through a

Time: 3568.92

number of uh you know cognitive

Time: 3571.44

manipulations you can ultimately um over

Time: 3575.68

time change those thresholds another one

Time: 3577.96

area is ex is movement

Time: 3580.28

exercise you know clearly changes uh

Time: 3583.319

those thresholds over time you are

Time: 3585.359

probably building up um some increased

Time: 3589.24

inhibitory tone through that process I'd

Time: 3593.559

like to take a quick break and and thank

Time: 3594.92

our sponsor insid tracker insid tracker

Time: 3597.68

is a personalized nutrition platform

Time: 3599.4

that analyzes data from your blood and

Time: 3601.24

DNA to help you better understand your

Time: 3603.359

body and help you reach your health

Time: 3604.76

goals now I've long been a believer in

Time: 3606.76

getting regular blood work done for the

Time: 3608.48

simple reason that many of the factors

Time: 3610.039

that impact your immediate and long-term

Time: 3611.68

Health can only be analyzed from a

Time: 3613.839

quality blood test a major problem with

Time: 3616.079

a lot of blood tests out there however

Time: 3618.16

is that you get information back about

Time: 3619.88

metabolic factors lipids and hormones

Time: 3621.839

and so forth but you don't know what to

Time: 3623.24

do with that information with inside

Time: 3625.079

tracker they make it very easy because

Time: 3626.92

they have a personalized platform that

Time: 3628.88

allows you to see the levels of all

Time: 3630.839

those things metabolic factors lipids

Time: 3632.559

hormones Etc but it gives you specific

Time: 3635.16

directives that you can follow that

Time: 3636.76

relate to nutrition behavioral

Time: 3638.28

modifications supplements Etc that can

Time: 3640.559

help you bring those numbers into the

Time: 3641.96

ranges that are optimal for you if you'd

Time: 3644.119

like to try insid tracker you can go to

Time: 3645.92

insid tracker.com huberman to get 20%

Time: 3649.44

off any of insid tracker's plans again

Time: 3651.48

that's insidetracker

Time: 3653.52

docomo one thing I'm fascinated by in

Time: 3656.359

the whole mindfulness space yeah uh is

Time: 3659.319

this idea of whether or not under

Time: 3661.68

conditions of stress or in this case

Time: 3664.24

pain whether or not the most adaptive

Time: 3667.68

mindset assuming it's not a tissue

Time: 3669.839

damaging level of pain would be to think

Time: 3673.839

about something else distract oneself

Time: 3675.92

from the pain or conversely whether or

Time: 3678.92

not one should quote unquote go into the

Time: 3681.119

pain so for people who have chronic pain

Time: 3684.16

Maybe it's in a a small area of the body

Time: 3686.92

that experiences chronic pain pain quite

Time: 3689.72

often AK chronic pain or maybe it's

Time: 3692.48

whole body pain I don't think it really

Time: 3695.359

matters for the question I'm asking and

Time: 3698.16

people are trying to develop some

Time: 3700

cognitive ways so what we call as

Time: 3701.64

neuroscientists you and I top down

Time: 3703.319

mechanisms for like okay I'm going to

Time: 3705.319

distract myself from the pain I'm going

Time: 3706.96

to focus on other things I really enjoy

Time: 3708.799

or rather I'm going to really go into

Time: 3712.839

the pain meet the pain and realize I

Time: 3715.4

don't know somehow that it's not as bad

Time: 3718.119

like somehow there's a and again this

Time: 3720.359

becomes very opaque right we don't

Time: 3722.039

really know what we're talking about

Time: 3723.2

when we when we do these sorts of

Time: 3724.359

protocols but those sorts of things are

Time: 3727.16

out there in the mindfulness space and I

Time: 3729.48

think um I certainly take mindfulness

Time: 3731.319

seriously as as an intervention but what

Time: 3734.24

always bothers me about those sorts of

Time: 3735.72

interventions is that they lack the

Time: 3737.72

specificity and the granularity and

Time: 3739.4

there's no kind of mechanistic logic to

Time: 3741.2

explain them so what what are your

Time: 3742.799

thoughts on on meeting the pain versus

Time: 3745.4

distracting oneself from the pain let's

Time: 3747.88

break that down because there's two

Time: 3749.96

concepts there as you alluded to and

Time: 3753.079

they're both effective and they both

Time: 3755.24


Time: 3756.279

differently so one is attentional

Time: 3759.24

distraction where you are distracting

Time: 3762.64

yourself from the thing that is causing

Time: 3766.119

pain clearly works in a lot of

Time: 3769.599

people and that's why one of the

Time: 3772.64

strategies that we recommend for

Time: 3774.599

patients for people living with pain is

Time: 3778.48

to engage in distracting activities read

Time: 3780.52

a book um uh go for a walk um spend time

Time: 3785.24

with friends and family in particular in

Time: 3787

the community and work to get your mind

Time: 3789.92

off of pain what we've learned is it

Time: 3792.16

that attentional distraction engages

Time: 3794.96

specific brain networks they tend to be

Time: 3798.319

some of the outer layer of brain

Time: 3800.64

networks in your prefrontal cortex some

Time: 3803.16

in your singulate cortex

Time: 3805.24

um in other regions which are clearly

Time: 3807.92

involved with distraction it's not

Time: 3810.92

necessarily that distraction is going to

Time: 3812.96

completely eliminate one's pain but it

Time: 3814.599

can reduce it uh significantly and this

Time: 3817


Time: 3818.079

why the

Time: 3820

biggest problem with distraction from a

Time: 3822.76

time of the day is at

Time: 3825.319

night it's when people are trying to

Time: 3827.68

sleep during the daytime you can read

Time: 3830

that book you can spend time with

Time: 3831.24

friends and family but people with

Time: 3832.76

chronic pain that have it 24

Time: 3834.88

seven you can't distract yourself at

Time: 3837.359

night when you're trying to get into a

Time: 3838.72

relaxed State and fall asleep and that's

Time: 3841.599

why sleep is such a big issue for people

Time: 3843.72

with chronic pain so attentional

Time: 3846.24

distraction it it works distraction

Time: 3849.4

works now what you said I mean the

Time: 3851.559

second piece you said kind of let's meet

Time: 3854.359

the pain if you will and there's

Time: 3855.88

different approaches to meeting the

Time: 3859.24

pain one approach that you invoked with

Time: 3863.039

mindfulness is

Time: 3864.76

is addressing the pain from a

Time: 3868.039

non-judgmental accepting

Time: 3871.039

manner I'm aware the pain is there I am

Time: 3874.44

not going to judge it I'm not going to

Time: 3876.52

put a value on it's bad it's good or

Time: 3879

anything I'm just going to note its

Time: 3883

presence and that has been shown to work

Time: 3885.64

as well in fact actually when John kabat

Time: 3887.76

Zen originally developed

Time: 3889.48

mindfulness-based stress reduction

Time: 3891.799

people with low back

Time: 3893.16

pain PL Studies have shown that it works

Time: 3896.4

I've completed just some recent studies

Time: 3898.079


Time: 3899.24

mbsr uh as well and we're diving deeply

Time: 3902.64

into the data so it's this

Time: 3904.68

non-judgmental acceptance if you will of

Time: 3907.799

the pain sorry mbsr is the acronym for

Time: 3910.839

mindfulness based stress reduction

Time: 3915.96

mbsr everybody should do mbsr let me be

Time: 3918.96

C I have no Financial relationship with

Time: 3920.839

any of this by the way but

Time: 3922.799

mindfulness-based stress reduction has

Time: 3924.559

been shown effective for anxiety for

Time: 3926.559

depression for pain just about

Time: 3928.24

everything I think they should put it

Time: 3929.44

into all the

Time: 3930.799

schools uh it's it's a great skill to

Time: 3935.2

learn no side effects takes a little bit

Time: 3938.599

of time to learn

Time: 3939.799

it and uh it can be in some people

Time: 3944.52

effective and helpful for pain and

Time: 3946.039

that's the key that we're going to keep

Time: 3947.2

coming back to is some of these things

Time: 3949.76

work for some of the people some of the

Time: 3951.319

time there's a third aspect of meeting

Time: 3955.4


Time: 3956.68

pain and that is more of a

Time: 3960

direct cognitive reframing about the

Time: 3963.2

meaning of the pain

Time: 3965.68

now you're coming at the pain and you

Time: 3969.119

have um an approach you're making effort

Time: 3972.839

on what you're thinking of the

Time: 3975.119

pain is that pain damaging threatening

Time: 3980.16

harmful or do you view it as yeah it

Time: 3984.559

hurts but it's not harming

Time: 3987.64

me that is a critical

Time: 3990.839

critical aspect of pain management and

Time: 3994.039

that is serves as a foundation for

Time: 3996.24

something called cognitive behavioral

Time: 4000.64

therapy the the cool thing about a

Time: 4003.44

number of these is that there's actually

Time: 4006.319

different neural circuits

Time: 4008.72

engaged with these different

Time: 4012.119

approaches and um I think the key that

Time: 4014.96

we have to figure out and this is where

Time: 4017.319

research is going is which approach

Time: 4020.319

works for which person under which

Time: 4023.76

circumstance so interesting uh something

Time: 4026.64

you said about understanding the pain

Time: 4029.119

but not um overinterpreting or

Time: 4032.039

catastrophizing the pain seems important

Time: 4033.96

knowing the difference between being

Time: 4035.96

hurt or feeling hurt versus being

Time: 4038.48

injured has been something that's been

Time: 4040.319

important to me I've been involved in

Time: 4042.2

sports uh where clearly pain was

Time: 4045.079

involved it's like I'm hurt but am I

Time: 4046.92

injured that's the first question you

Time: 4048.2

know like I've rolled an ankle like oh

Time: 4050.76

you know like I'm limping this hurts am

Time: 4052.44

I injured meaning am I going to be back

Time: 4055

at it in an hour tomorrow versus I've

Time: 4057.68

broken bones and it's you know you know

Time: 4060.839

great empathy for anybody that does like

Time: 4062.799

when you're injured you feel the snap

Time: 4064.799

and you know you're out for a while in

Time: 4066.68

some cases um so I think knowing the

Time: 4069.16

difference between being hurt and being

Time: 4070.839

injured is something that's kind of that

Time: 4072.799

key moment and for me it's always been

Time: 4075.44

experienced as a moment of anxiety after

Time: 4077.16

feeling pain especially in a sports year

Time: 4079.119

like uh oh like am I am I going to have

Time: 4081.44

to take two weeks off or is this just

Time: 4083.96

pain so I think for people to be able to

Time: 4086.2

recognize when pain is reporting an

Time: 4089.559

injury versus when pain is just

Time: 4090.92

reporting a temporary sensation is

Time: 4093.559

really important and perhaps also for

Time: 4095.839

psychological hurt versus psychological

Time: 4098.6

injury I mean that gets to some larger

Time: 4100.4

context themes these days of somebody

Time: 4102.4

says something it upsets us are we hurt

Time: 4104.56

or are we injured right you know I think

Time: 4106.719

it gets very

Time: 4107.96

murky how does one determine if they are

Time: 4110.92

hurt versus injured and then maybe we

Time: 4112.96

could even stretch into the

Time: 4113.92

psychological realm neither of us are

Time: 4115.359

psychologists but it sounds like so much

Time: 4116.799

of what you do represents the the bridge

Time: 4120.359

from the body into the mind and so you'd

Time: 4123.92

be remiss if we didn't talk about

Time: 4125.319

emotional pain as well yeah so what you

Time: 4129.08

just said your spot your spot on Andrew

Time: 4131.4

and that one of the key messages the key

Time: 4135.52

you know macky's tips for pain

Time: 4138.279

management is to understand the

Time: 4140.56

distinction between hurt versus

Time: 4144.08

harm versus harm MH

Time: 4148.44

critical absolutely critical let me

Time: 4150.6

allow me to illustrate with

Time: 4152.92

um patient I saw won't name names some

Time: 4156.239

time ago guys's in his 40 is a master's

Time: 4158.64

level tennis player tennis is his life

Time: 4160.96

he's works as some executive somewhere

Time: 4163.799

but he lives for tennis comes hobbling

Time: 4166.239

in on

Time: 4168.44

crutches sits down and he's got pain in

Time: 4171.56

his foot and he was told not to put

Time: 4174.88

pressure on his foot because he's got

Time: 4176.88

this injury and it's going to be worse

Time: 4178.04

and this has been going on now for

Time: 4180.04

months and he's now depressed because he

Time: 4182.96

can't play tennis tennis is his life

Time: 4184.64

this guy's life is tennis so I examine

Time: 4188.08

this guy and it turns out what he has is

Time: 4190.359

something called a Morton's neuroma and

Time: 4192.799

a Morton's neuroma is a fibrous

Time: 4194.84

thickening of tissue around the nerves

Time: 4197

that go to your toes and it gets to be

Time: 4199.52

like this bundled tissue nerves and it's

Time: 4202.239


Time: 4203.239

painful um it's very

Time: 4205.76

painful but it's not causing

Time: 4208.56

harm there's no harm there it's really

Time: 4212.32

painful so I explain this to the guy and

Time: 4215.08

he looks at me with like this light bulb

Time: 4217.44

goes off and he's like you mean I can

Time: 4220.12


Time: 4221.12

tennis and I'm like yeah guy you can go

Time: 4223.12

play all the you want it's just going to

Time: 4226.48

hurt he got up he left the crutches in

Time: 4229.36

the exam office and he walked

Time: 4231.719

away now that's an extreme example I

Time: 4234.199

don't want people please to think that

Time: 4237.12

that kind of thing occurs all the time

Time: 4238.96

it doesn't um chronic pain conditions

Time: 4241.64

are often incredibly complicated and

Time: 4243.88

need much more than you know a 45 minute

Time: 4247.36

or 60-minute education session and you

Time: 4250.64

know back to the tennis court he still

Time: 4252.64

had pain in his foot by the

Time: 4254.64

way but he could play but that gives

Time: 4257.96

that example of

Time: 4259.84

addressing that fear and the anxiety

Time: 4263.88

around that that issue and I think

Time: 4267.76

that's what we first have to learn is

Time: 4269.64

does that pain that we're experiencing

Time: 4272.719

represent something that is harming us

Time: 4276.32

that something that we either need to

Time: 4278.04

seek a medical attention now or sometime

Time: 4281.52

soon and whether does continued

Time: 4284.88

activity worsen the tissue injury or not

Time: 4290.44

in my world where I'm caring mostly for

Time: 4292.48

people with chronic

Time: 4293.88

pain we've moved beyond the tissue

Time: 4296.52

healing by definition by one of the

Time: 4298.639

definitions for chronic pain is that the

Time: 4301.76


Time: 4302.84

persists beyond the time of tissue

Time: 4306.6

healing so in many of our sessions our

Time: 4310.92

times we're educating people hurt versus

Time: 4315.04

harm it's back pain we we evaluate the

Time: 4319.08

spine we make sure is the spine stable

Time: 4323.04

is there anything Sinister causing

Time: 4326.84

damage in most of the cases it's not and

Time: 4330.92

we help people understand that

Time: 4333.199

distinction critical critical for

Time: 4336.84

people and yet at the same time you

Time: 4339.4

don't want to just ignore

Time: 4341.44

something that is a real medical issue

Time: 4344.48

that's getting worse and needs medical

Time: 4346.08

attention and that's where the

Time: 4347.4

complexity of all this comes in did I

Time: 4350.52

answer your question yeah beautifully I

Time: 4352.4

think this distinction between hurt

Time: 4354.08

versus harmed is so important for people

Time: 4356.92

to hear um perhaps you're willing to

Time: 4358.8

expand a little bit in terms of the

Time: 4361.08

psychological hurt versus harmed I mean

Time: 4363.88

I'm not asking you to comment on um

Time: 4366.6

societal or generational shifts but you

Time: 4369.239

know we'd be avoiding the obvious if we

Time: 4371.8

didn't say that in the last um really 10

Time: 4374.8

to 15 years there's been a pretty

Time: 4376.28

dramatic shift in terms of how Society

Time: 4379

at large interprets emotional pain right

Time: 4382.52

people hearing things or seeing things

Time: 4385.36

and the idea that emotional pain could

Time: 4388.12

be related to physical pain or at least

Time: 4389.92

similar enough to it that people's

Time: 4391.52

emotional pain is valid right and if

Time: 4394.12

anything I'm here to validate the fact

Time: 4395.639

that emotional pain is valid like any

Time: 4398.08

other pain except it is different

Time: 4400.92

because it becomes very hard to point

Time: 4404.08

to a specific kind of threshold we're

Time: 4408.639

using that word a lot today but I think

Time: 4410

it's appropriate here threshold between

Time: 4412.04

hurt and harmed whereas if I tell you

Time: 4414.12

that my left foot hurts which it did a

Time: 4416.4

lot in high school and then you took an

Time: 4418.159

x-ray of my foot in high school you'd

Time: 4419.76

say your foot's broken because it was

Time: 4421.28

broken a lot in high school and that's

Time: 4422.84

harmed I mean to continue to do what I

Time: 4425.84

was doing to break it in the first place

Time: 4427.639

I was harm clearly going to harm myself

Time: 4429.92

worse so I had to had to heal up but

Time: 4432.44

when it comes to psycholog iCal pain you

Time: 4434.56

know Psychiatry has all these thresholds

Time: 4436.239

for normal functioning versus abnormal

Time: 4438.04

functioning are you sleeping well normal

Time: 4439.76

relationship and on and on we don't want

Time: 4441.719

to go there because that's not our place

Time: 4443.92

but how do you when you see patients how

Time: 4447.96

do you take into account the level or

Time: 4451.96

the thresholds for their emotional pain

Time: 4453.679

because that's part of your job so I'm

Time: 4455.159

asking you this from the perspective of

Time: 4456.6

a somebody who treats pain how do you

Time: 4459.76

gauge somebody's psychological pain is

Time: 4461.76

it by how intensely they vocal ize their

Time: 4463.84

pain or does it always go back to how

Time: 4466.32

well or poorly their life is being

Time: 4468.28

managed at the level of sleep nutrition

Time: 4470.36

relationships and so forth yeah great

Time: 4473.199

great set of questions there's a lot in

Time: 4476.44

there let me first start off with

Time: 4478.48

something very

Time: 4479.719

simple I don't try to distinguish

Time: 4482.56

between this notion of psychological

Time: 4485.639

pain physical pain it's pain and of and

Time: 4490.32

of I think once I get into where you get

Time: 4493.719

into this trying to distinguish is this

Time: 4495.76

psychological pain or psychogenic pain

Time: 4498.52

which was a terrible term or physical

Time: 4501.08

pain you end up putting value judgments

Time: 4504.56

on people and I don't think it serves us

Time: 4507.88

well when we're caring for the person in

Time: 4509.8

front of us if they're in pain I'm

Time: 4512.6

addressing the pain the thing to note is

Time: 4516.36

at least in people that come into our at

Time: 4518.6

Stanford Pain Management Center and

Time: 4521.04

other pain centers is that remember pain

Time: 4525.199

is a sensory and emotional experience

Time: 4527.44

it's all wrapped up and so we want to

Time: 4531.32

treat the whole

Time: 4534.08

person sometimes we get we get easy we

Time: 4537.639

get easy ones and we just go do a nerve

Time: 4540.04

block and pain goes away and that's

Time: 4542.84

simple but usually it's much more

Time: 4544.48

complex where we're seeing the

Time: 4547.4


Time: 4549.76

of uh an expression of pain that

Time: 4552.84

includes includes a significant amount

Time: 4554.44

of anxiety of depression you mentioned

Time: 4556.88

this term catastrophizing which we can

Time: 4560

break down if you'd like and that's

Time: 4561.76

probably one of the biggest

Time: 4564.44

predictors factors in uh in

Time: 4568.159

amplification of pain and worsening pain

Time: 4570.36

and poor treatment response is

Time: 4572.639

catastrophizing um I try to treat the

Time: 4575.719

whole person and not really partial out

Time: 4578.239

all this I do at Stanford I you I built

Time: 4581.52

a digital Health System that captures

Time: 4585.28

measures a lot of data around a

Time: 4588.28

patient's experience across physical

Time: 4590.8

psychological and social functioning and

Time: 4592.8

we use that

Time: 4594.08

data to Target therapies to understand

Time: 4598.96

um how much their depressive symptoms

Time: 4600.719

are anxiety anger anger big issue in

Time: 4604.32

pain huge in pain does it make it worse

Time: 4607.4

or better invariably it makes it worse

Time: 4610.28

yeah and you know you can break anger

Time: 4612

down in a couple different categories

Time: 4613.719

John Burns and others has broken it into

Time: 4615.719

like anger in versus anger out I don't

Time: 4617.84

know if that term is familiar with

Time: 4620.12

you um anger out that's my

Time: 4624.56

father um loud loud angry

Time: 4629.8

boisterous banging you know would

Time: 4632.239

quickly turn anything into an angry

Time: 4634

tiate anger out expressive yelling at

Time: 4636.88

the at the news yes yelling at somebody

Time: 4639.44

who cuts you off in traffic usually

Time: 4640.92

yelling at the man uh cuz he hated job

Time: 4643.84

um anger

Time: 4645.719

in boiling simmering you know

Time: 4649.239


Time: 4650.8

seething that's anger

Time: 4653.36

in data seems to support anger in is is

Time: 4656.76

worse it's bad so it's not necessarily

Time: 4658.84

whether or not it's directed at someone

Time: 4661.32

external in both cases anger in and

Time: 4663.6

anger out can be directed at someone

Time: 4665

external it's a question of whether or

Time: 4666.6

not it's expressed outwardly or

Time: 4668.48

contained inside beautifully stated

Time: 4670.76

beautifully stated so we C you know

Time: 4673.12

anger depression anxiety uh we capture

Time: 4676.36

fatigue sleep and so what we try to do

Time: 4679.199

is again look at the whole person

Time: 4680.96

because they're not just a back if

Time: 4683.04

that's where they're having pain or not

Time: 4684.28

just a neck or a shoulder in your case

Time: 4686.6

it's impacting the whole person and we

Time: 4688.679

just got done talking earlier about how

Time: 4690.76

all of these circuits interact with each

Time: 4694.679

other and so sometimes we can't just

Time: 4698.239

eliminate the no susception in the

Time: 4701.679

periphery sometimes we can reduce it but

Time: 4706.08

what we have to do is Target everything

Time: 4710.04

and we have to try to Target all these

Time: 4711.56

circuits up here and in many cases what

Time: 4714.04

we're doing is through education through

Time: 4716.6


Time: 4717.52

psychology um through physical therapy

Time: 4719.56

and re rehabilitative approaches on top

Time: 4721.639

of it and yes the medications we have

Time: 4724

now you know we touched Bas on a few

Time: 4726.4

earlier but we have over 200 medications

Time: 4728.44

available for pain um very few of them

Time: 4731.76

FDA approved

Time: 4733.84

uh we tend to steal from all the other

Time: 4735.32

fields so you're talking about more than

Time: 4737.719

200 medications that can be yes

Time: 4740.08

prescribed for pain but as off Lael

Time: 4743.04

treatments perfectly stated yeah there's

Time: 4745.28

only a few medications that are actually

Time: 4747.159

FDA approved specifically for pain so

Time: 4750.12

what we what we do is we borrow or steal

Time: 4753.88

from the psychiatrists some of their uh

Time: 4756.719


Time: 4757.6

anti-depressants uh which will

Time: 4759.44

frequently work very effectively for

Time: 4761.36

pain and work on those pain related

Time: 4763.8

circuits in the

Time: 4765.199

brain we uh take from the neurologist

Time: 4768.12

some of the anti-seizure medications

Time: 4770.159

because those

Time: 4772.199

medications um while reducing separately

Time: 4775.56

seizures for people who don't have

Time: 4777.56

seizures they work on ION channels um

Time: 4780.92

they work on other neuromodulators that

Time: 4784.4

also are involved in pain circuitry we

Time: 4787.28

can take from the cardiologist

Time: 4788.88

medications that work on the heart anti-

Time: 4791.36

arhythmia or heart rhythm drugs they are

Time: 4795.08

potent sodium channel blockers and the

Time: 4797.96

sodium channels as you know are

Time: 4800.36

responsible for the action potential

Time: 4803.44

that generates the nerve impulse signal

Time: 4806.28

and so they're like an oral local

Time: 4809.6

anesthetic that you take and so we we we

Time: 4812.239

take from everybody in our field in the

Time: 4814

medications getting back to to what you

Time: 4816.199


Time: 4817.4

so just summarizing one I I don't really

Time: 4821.76


Time: 4823.28

uh psychological versus physical pain in

Time: 4826.36

my world I I find it better just to

Time: 4828.44

treat it as pain and look at the person

Time: 4831.56

holistically and go after all the

Time: 4834.4

components at once I find that's where

Time: 4836.4

we get the best

Time: 4837.96

results and it is typically bringing a

Time: 4841.36

lot of tools to Bear speaking of tools

Time: 4844.44

to Bear What role if any does nutrition

Time: 4848.28

play in local or whole body pain I

Time: 4852.36

critical and I think we're learning more

Time: 4855.52

and more and more

Time: 4858.44

about uh the role of good nutrition of

Time: 4862.08

healthy eating anti-inflammatory diets

Time: 4866.159

uh avoidance of foods that are

Time: 4869.28


Time: 4871.08

um and an incredibly underappreciated

Time: 4875.6


Time: 4877.28

um you know I've had my experiences with

Time: 4880.32

chronic pain um

Time: 4884.32

I developed uh an abdominal chronic pain

Time: 4888.36

problem uh shortly after I turned 50 I

Time: 4892.76

was throwing a happy hour for our pain

Time: 4895.52

psychologists of all people went to a

Time: 4897.44

Mexican restaurant I won't name which

Time: 4899.4

one got food poisoning That's why I'm

Time: 4901.679

not naming it good Mexican food bad food

Time: 4904.8

poisoning and ever since that event I

Time: 4908.56

can't eat anything in the onion family

Time: 4911.36

what um I'm familiar with with onions

Time: 4913.239

but what else is in the onion family I'm

Time: 4915.32

sure you've researched this now pretty

Time: 4916.719

thoroughly considering what you're

Time: 4918

describing classic and the what we refer

Time: 4920.08

to as fod Maps you know it's one of the

Time: 4922.56

fod maps and I have now some issues with

Time: 4925.08

the others and um manifested by just

Time: 4929.08

severe severe up abdominal pain and um

Time: 4933.28

not many other symptoms but you know it

Time: 4935.88

put me on this journey where uh severe

Time: 4938.679

abdominal pain didn't know why couldn't

Time: 4941.56


Time: 4943.199

couldn't sleep went like I'd go months

Time: 4945.239

without having a restful night's sleep I

Time: 4946.88

thought I was getting early Alzheimer's

Time: 4948.56

because I felt like I was getting

Time: 4950.4

stupid and um what actually benefited me

Time: 4954.32

was of all things the pandemic why

Time: 4957.239

because what did we all do we isolated

Time: 4959.36

we started eating the same foods and I

Time: 4962.04

started noticing I was feeling better

Time: 4964.56

when I was eating certain foods my

Time: 4966.679

abdominal pain went away and I'd start

Time: 4968.36

doing as a scientist

Time: 4970.639

experiments and I finally was was able

Time: 4972.92

to isolate and determine what the

Time: 4976.4


Time: 4977.32

was so now I have complete avoidance on

Time: 4980.36

that I'm I'm a little difficult to go

Time: 4982.719

out to a restaurant and have dinner but

Time: 4984.8

you know so no onions no onions and what

Time: 4987.08

else shallots chives scallions leaks

Time: 4989.92

anything in the onion family you know

Time: 4992.48

not alium I'm fine with

Time: 4994.8


Time: 4996.36

and you know by healthy eating by

Time: 4998.92

identifying something by triggers

Time: 5001.56

changed my life

Time: 5003.04

and return to a degree of normaly I

Time: 5006.04

think the key for people is you know if

Time: 5008.639

you have any kind of similar issues

Time: 5011.199

identify those

Time: 5012.92

triggers sometimes uh isolation of you

Time: 5017.4

know Foods or restrictions and using a

Time: 5021.639

journal and then as you learn from that

Time: 5023.96

slowly build Foods back into your diet I

Time: 5027.12

think it's so important for people to

Time: 5028.56

hear this and thanks for sharing your

Time: 5030.04

personal story around this because I

Time: 5031.56

think that nutrition while every

Time: 5034.88

physician seems to appreciate that the

Time: 5037

quality of nutrition matters defining

Time: 5039.04

what quality nutrition is is really

Time: 5041

difficult there's still you know Avid

Time: 5044.28

even we could call them ranous debates

Time: 5046.44

about this you know vegan versus

Time: 5047.88

omnivore versus this and you know but it

Time: 5050.679

sounds like this is a case where it can

Time: 5052.84

become very individualized but I could

Time: 5055.239

imagine somebody going to their

Time: 5057.199

physician and that physician not being

Time: 5059.36

you and saying yeah you know I notice

Time: 5061.679

that when I eat certain foods I'm in a

Time: 5063.28

lot of pain and the physician simply

Time: 5065.4

saying well don't eat those foods but

Time: 5066.8

unless that person is a trained

Time: 5068.4

scientist like not knowing how to go

Time: 5070.199

about doing the sorts of experiments

Time: 5072.36

that you did would be difficult

Time: 5073.84

impossible I'm sorry I know I interrupt

Time: 5075.719

you I just want to build on that if I if

Time: 5077.679

I can one of the key things I simplified

Time: 5079.96

my story but the key thing is is if I if

Time: 5082.56

I eat onions or anything that onion

Time: 5084.199

family it's pain for two weeks wow it is

Time: 5088.159

so the thing is

Time: 5090.08

is if you get repeated Expos exposures

Time: 5092.76

it never stops and it gets very very

Time: 5095.48

hard to figure out what it was so it's

Time: 5098.52

not like you eat something you get pain

Time: 5101.239

it goes away where you know we can all

Time: 5103.119

do that pattern recognition here you

Time: 5106.08

have to be able to think back what

Time: 5107.6

happened two weeks ago that may have

Time: 5110.32

influenced it so it's not easy well this

Time: 5113.32

may be a case for elimination diets

Time: 5116.08

which are uh provide they're done safely

Time: 5118.32

where people restrict the number of

Time: 5119.52

foods they eat to a very limited number

Time: 5121.119

of foods make sure they still get enough

Time: 5122.6

calories and macronutrients uh that they

Time: 5125.52

need protein fats and carbohydrates or

Time: 5127.28

what what have you but that by limiting

Time: 5129.679

the total number of foods that they eat

Time: 5131.28

to like eight or 10 basic things then

Time: 5135.119

you can build things in and then explore

Time: 5137.119

what triggers the pain or what removes

Time: 5138.88

the pain I don't really see any other

Time: 5140.84

way I am intrigued by The Onion example

Time: 5142.88

even though it's a it's a it's your case

Time: 5144.76

in particular and we don't want to

Time: 5146.199

extrapolate too broadly is there

Time: 5148.199

something about onions that's triggering

Time: 5149.639

a particular neurochemical or immune

Time: 5151.88


Time: 5152.84

do we have any knowledge of like why

Time: 5154.36

onions would create that kind of gut

Time: 5156.199

pain this has been a journey I've been

Time: 5158.44

on now for a few years to answer this um

Time: 5162.48

uh one of our GI pain docks that we have

Time: 5166.119

come in the Clin lyen newwin sent me a

Time: 5167.76

paper from I know Sellar nature that

Time: 5169.96

showed that after a gut

Time: 5171.92

infection it can change the genetic

Time: 5175.159

expression related to sensitizing you to

Time: 5178.32

food antigens I know I throw out a lot

Time: 5180.4

of jargon there basically the short

Time: 5181.92

answer is you get an infection and your

Time: 5184.36

gut no longer

Time: 5185.96

responds properly to a normal food

Time: 5189.44

item and so one explanation may be I got

Time: 5193.84

this infection I was at a Mexican

Time: 5196.04

restaurant a lot of onions and I got

Time: 5199

sensitized through that infection now

Time: 5201

subsequently to onions you know I saw a

Time: 5204.92

Stanford uh allergist Hannah Watford

Time: 5207.719

who's awesome by the way and uh after I

Time: 5211.52

had this I think figured out and I went

Time: 5213.08

in and I'm like well you know Dr Watford

Time: 5215.04

is there anything I can do for this and

Time: 5217.159

she laughed and she's like no you're

Time: 5218.639

doing everything it's all just

Time: 5221.159

avoidance and I thinking I was rather

Time: 5225.239

unique and special about this thing I

Time: 5228.239

said you know do you ever see this and

Time: 5230.96

she said oh yeah I see this all the time

Time: 5233.48

every day I see this all the time and I

Time: 5236.08

said like this isn't unusual he's like

Time: 5237.76

no I see this thing all the time and

Time: 5239.84

this thing meaning sensitivity stivity

Time: 5241.719

to certain know to certain to different

Time: 5243.48

these different food groups and this

Time: 5245.28

this thing that occurs later in life

Time: 5247.28

something an event that happens to

Time: 5249.199

somebody that

Time: 5250.6

triggers and I said well gosh that

Time: 5253.52

sounds like a public health problem and

Time: 5255.679

she's like that's what we're debating

Time: 5257.119

right now in the allergy Community is

Time: 5261.04

whether this is representing more of a

Time: 5263.28

public health issue and is because I'm

Time: 5264.96

seeing I Dr Watford I'm seeing

Time: 5266.76

increasing amounts of this uh as we go

Time: 5270.08

forward how interesting well um this is

Time: 5273.4

not a time to plug the philanthropic arm

Time: 5275.4

of our premium podcast but uh I'm very

Time: 5278.28

involved in science philanthropy this

Time: 5279.84

sounds like an area to De devote some

Time: 5282.6

funding to to explore how foods are

Time: 5284.52

impacting the local and systemic pain

Time: 5286.639

response yeah I I got in you know so I'm

Time: 5289.44

running a large biomarker study to

Time: 5291.56

characterize people deeply and one of

Time: 5293.4

the things that I wanted to put in there

Time: 5295.04

is microbiome characterization now to be

Time: 5297.76

clear that's out of my wheelhouse but

Time: 5300.199

the beauty of being at Stanford and

Time: 5301.719

other major institutions is you can go

Time: 5303.6

make friends yeah Justin sonenberg who's

Time: 5305.48

been a guest on this podcast is one of

Time: 5306.92

the world experts on the gut microbiome

Time: 5308.6

we have a few others too so there you go

Time: 5310.36

so he's a friendly guy I'm sure he'll

Time: 5311.8

collaborate we go we go make friends and

Time: 5314.199

people who understand the microbiome we

Time: 5316.159

collect the samples and that's where

Time: 5318.04

team science is magical and once again

Time: 5321.32

the idea looking at the whole

Time: 5323.96

person as long as we're talking about

Time: 5325.96

the gut um let's talk about pain inside

Time: 5329.719

the body because we talked about NOS

Time: 5331.28

acceptors on the surface of the body and

Time: 5333.4

the pain that most people uh immediately

Time: 5335.679

think of when you have a discussion

Time: 5338.639

about pain is you know pain on the

Time: 5340.639

surface or a broken bone or maybe hip

Time: 5343

pain or knee pain or back pain but what

Time: 5345.96

about pain that resides deeper in the

Time: 5347.84

visera you know uh gut pain um irritable

Time: 5351.56

bowel syndrome these things are I'm

Time: 5353.52

learning are far more uh common than um

Time: 5356.96

that I knew I'm fortunate that um if I

Time: 5360.159

have a stomach ache or a headache it

Time: 5361.32

means something's wrong I rarely get

Time: 5362.8

those I've sometimes been called you

Time: 5364.639

know have a stomach of Steel not because

Time: 5365.92

it's hard from the outside um but

Time: 5367.88

because I can eat pretty much anything

Time: 5369.44

although I eat pretty cleanly a lot of

Time: 5372.08

people write to me and ask questions on

Time: 5374.32

social media about irritable bowel

Time: 5377.44

syndrome and other forms of gut pain and

Time: 5379.679

viscera pain like pain that they feel is

Time: 5382

really deep within their system

Time: 5383.76

typically how is that sort of pain dealt

Time: 5385.96

with at a clinical level absolutely

Time: 5388.6

visceral pain is a different thing than

Time: 5391.44

what we been describing uh a lot of

Time: 5393.96

which is sematic Pain by the way I'll

Time: 5396.08

say as an aside I used to have a gut of

Time: 5398.04

Steel also I could Chomp down anything

Time: 5400.8

anytime anywhere and so you know there

Time: 5403.88

was a lot of grief and loss associated

Time: 5406.92

with not being able to eat certain foods

Time: 5408.96

and uh that's also something people have

Time: 5410.8

to come to grips with um but getting

Time: 5413.88

back to visceral pain so the thing about

Time: 5418.96

setic pain that's another term now itic

Time: 5422.36

meaning the Soma the the the extremity

Time: 5426.639

that you are alluding to is the no

Time: 5428.679

acceptors there uh very precisely

Time: 5433.159

localize where the stimulus the painful

Time: 5435.96

stimulus is coming from when you hit

Time: 5438.08

your thumb with a hammer you know

Time: 5440.239

exactly where that pain occurred with

Time: 5444.28

the visceral pain what you have are very

Time: 5448.32

diffuse what we refer to as receptive

Time: 5450.84

fields think about you last time you had

Time: 5454.36

a stomach ache it's not that you put

Time: 5456.28

your thumb right here you said is kind

Time: 5459.639

of hurts like this your whole stomach

Time: 5461.56

whole stomach it's because those

Time: 5463.199

receptive fields are very large they're

Time: 5466.159

broad they're not as well localized and

Time: 5468.84

in part the reason for that type of

Time: 5471.76

broad receptive field is you're not

Time: 5474.44

trying to get away from localized

Time: 5477.56

danger so when people get stomach AES

Time: 5480.679

it's often a very Broad Brad area when

Time: 5482.719

you get pelvic pain it's the same type

Time: 5485.199

of thing

Time: 5487.639

now there's some fascinating stuff that

Time: 5490.32

occurs with visceral pain because those

Time: 5493.52

fibers that extend from the viscera

Time: 5497.08

meaning the the lungs the abdomen the

Time: 5500.32

pelvis they all head into the spinal

Time: 5502.48


Time: 5504.239

too and it just so happens that they

Time: 5506.96

make kind of indirect direct connections

Time: 5510.84

with the same

Time: 5512.36

level that represents the

Time: 5514.84


Time: 5516.719

so let's think about pelvic pain for

Time: 5519.88

instance you frequently will find people

Time: 5523.4

that said that have pelvic pain that

Time: 5525.32

will describe having lower back pain

Time: 5527.84

too and it's because of this visceral

Time: 5531.44

somatic convergence in the spinal cord

Time: 5534.28

it's not that there's something going on

Time: 5535.76

in their back it's that these signals

Time: 5538.88

that are being driven heavily from the

Time: 5540.52

pelvis are coming in and connecting with

Time: 5543

the same regions from the

Time: 5546.08

back and the convergence of that is now

Time: 5548.92

being perceived as pain in

Time: 5551.92

both and we we were seeing that more and

Time: 5554.76

more in the research this viscerosomatic

Time: 5557.199

convergence people have pain in their

Time: 5559.56

pelvis and then also over their abdomen

Time: 5562.36

um classic one that uh we're aware of we

Time: 5567.679

see this in the TV the movies and

Time: 5569.88

unfortunately real life are heart attack

Time: 5572.8

so the visceral fibers that subserve the

Time: 5576.639

heart typically the first through the

Time: 5578.4

fourth thoracic region well those

Time: 5582.76

converge um in the spinal cord in

Time: 5585.159

similar regions that subserve sensation

Time: 5587.84

under the arm and up here that's why

Time: 5589.32

people will often say they've got pain

Time: 5591.44

with a heart attack radiating down into

Time: 5593.239

their arm the left arm typically the

Time: 5595.119

left arm the heart is on the left side

Time: 5598.28


Time: 5600.56

um after people get abdominal

Time: 5603.96

surgery Sometimes some blood can leak

Time: 5606.8

out and it'll slip underneath the

Time: 5609.6

diaphragm the diaphragm is subserved by

Time: 5612.32

some of those neck regions three four

Time: 5615.08

and five of the cervical which happens

Time: 5618.32

to also cover your shoulder and so

Time: 5619.96

you'll get people after abdominal

Time: 5622.199

surgery they said man my shoulder's

Time: 5623.84

really hurting me

Time: 5625.28

Doc and what we do is we first check to

Time: 5628.36

see you know could something have

Time: 5630.08

happened during an you know during

Time: 5631.639

placement just make sure there's nothing

Time: 5633.239

wrong but frequently it's due to

Time: 5636.44

irritation that's again one of the

Time: 5638.52

magical Mysteries it's so fascinating

Time: 5640.96


Time: 5641.84

pain it seems like a good point to bring

Time: 5644.6

up referenced pain um or is what you're

Time: 5648.719

describing an example of referenced pain

Time: 5651.32

so my understanding of referenced pain

Time: 5653.04

is that you know like for instance I

Time: 5656.639

I've got a slight bulge at I think like

Time: 5658.84

my lumbar 34 disc or something I had a

Time: 5661.6

whole body scan recently just a um an

Time: 5664.56

exploration scan cuz I had the

Time: 5666.199

opportunity not not anything serious

Time: 5668.239

fortunately and there's a slightly bulg

Time: 5670.6

disc there and every once in a while if

Time: 5672.08

I do certain movements um in the gym

Time: 5675.84

I'll get pain down in my right hip and

Time: 5681.199

sometimes going down my leg and I used

Time: 5684.52

to think it was sciatica cuz you assume

Time: 5687.08

anything on the right back side okay

Time: 5689

must be wallet induced s sciatica back

Time: 5691.719

pocket wallet into sciatica um but what

Time: 5694.119

I eventually realized is that well it's

Time: 5695.96

this dis buul it just so happens that

Time: 5697.88

the nerves that emit from that that

Time: 5700.08

region um they Branch out to a bunch of

Time: 5703.44

different areas and so you think the

Time: 5704.96

pain is in your leg but the the issue is

Time: 5707.84

someplace else or um and occasionally

Time: 5710.28

indeed I feel the pain elsewhere in my

Time: 5712.08

body as well it's sort of like a like a

Time: 5714.199

matching of regions for pain that seem

Time: 5717.76

unrelated is that a way to think about

Time: 5719.719

reference pain perfectly the the the

Time: 5722.36

examples also I referred to of a heart

Time: 5725.84

attack causing referred pain or also the

Time: 5730.08

pelvic region associated with back pain

Time: 5732.719

as a way of um referred pain um what

Time: 5736.44

you're describing is the fact that pain

Time: 5739.96

doesn't have to start with an injury or

Time: 5742.76

a stimulus in the periphery you could

Time: 5745.36

damage the nerves anywhere along the way

Time: 5749.199

and that will be perceived as pain we

Time: 5751.679

refer to that as neuropathic pain so

Time: 5755.119

that's another distinction you brought

Time: 5756.76

up uh nicely good good segue into

Time: 5760.32

there's thought to be um several

Time: 5762.92

different types or categories of pain we

Time: 5765.639

have been talking through much of this

Time: 5767.119

time about somatic pain you know injury

Time: 5769.44

out here we talked about visceral pain

Time: 5773.08

and when you have damage to a peripheral

Time: 5775.44

nerve damage injury to a peripheral

Time: 5777.48

nerve or the central nervous system we

Time: 5779.28

refer to that as neuropathic pain

Time: 5782.159

it frequently has different qualities

Time: 5784.4

different characteristics people will

Time: 5786

refer to it as shooting stabbing shock

Time: 5789.6


Time: 5790.639

burning it can frequently uh when

Time: 5793.52

there's a damage to a nerve or damage to

Time: 5796.119

certain regions of the brain be

Time: 5797.36

incredibly challenging to

Time: 5799.159

treat by the way the good news is with

Time: 5801.6

that uh light disc bulge is the vast

Time: 5804.679

majority of time the discs reabsorb yeah

Time: 5807.4

I have to be careful to not do too much

Time: 5811.119


Time: 5811.92

spinal flexion like sit-ups and stuff I

Time: 5815.199

thought that that would help but that

Time: 5816.88

actually doesn't strengthen the back it

Time: 5818.08

was actually a asymmetry between the

Time: 5820.52

abdominal muscles and the lower back

Time: 5822.56

muscles so provided I do a lot of back

Time: 5824.48

extension type training then that bulge

Time: 5828.32

more or less stays in I just have to be

Time: 5829.88

a little little cautious not too

Time: 5831.32

cautious fortunately as long as we're

Time: 5833.36

talking about referenced pain somatic

Time: 5836.08

visceral and all the rest what about

Time: 5839.56

associative or referenced pain where

Time: 5842.28

it's psychological and I don't want to

Time: 5844.6

get too abstract here but more and more

Time: 5847.639

these days I hear from people who say

Time: 5850.44

you know I was in this job and the job

Time: 5854.04

sucked or I was in this relationship and

Time: 5856.52

the relationship sucked and I had

Time: 5859.08

terrible back pain like really acute

Time: 5861.32

localized back pain or chronic headaches

Time: 5863.639

or migraines yeah and then they go on

Time: 5865.8

vacation or they change their

Time: 5868.719

circumstances and lo and behold the pain

Time: 5871.36

goes away does that surprise you as an

Time: 5874.4

expert in pain not at all not at all

Time: 5877.44

what you're you know simp simplistically

Time: 5881.159

referring to is you know there's people

Time: 5883.56

are undergoing

Time: 5884.84

stress and we

Time: 5888.8

have we clearly know that the brain is

Time: 5893.08

not a passive recipient of information

Time: 5895.639

coming in from the body it's a two-way

Time: 5897.599

street the brain is causing Downstream

Time: 5901.4

consequences in the body the brain uh

Time: 5905

controls our sympathetic nervous system

Time: 5907.44

and parasympathetic nervous system the

Time: 5909.239

sympathetic being the fight andlight

Time: 5910.96

response it controls the tone of uh

Time: 5914.599

cortisol that's being released and we

Time: 5916.8

all know that in acute

Time: 5919.56

situations rapid increases of cortisol

Time: 5922.639

and um nor adrenaline is keeps us away

Time: 5927.119

from the Lions and the Tigers and the

Time: 5928.679

bears oh my but in a chronic situation

Time: 5931.48

and uh Robert spolski as you know at

Time: 5933.4

Stanford has built a career around

Time: 5935.599

chronic stress at least in part and very

Time: 5938.88

bad for us and so these chronic

Time: 5941.44

stressors impact the end organ the

Time: 5945.44

tissue and it's real pain it doesn't

Time: 5949.56

mean that we need to go get back

Time: 5951.92

surgery it means that probably we need

Time: 5954.36

to identify the stressors that are

Time: 5956.599

contributing to that and address those

Time: 5959.48

and we'll often find that in the

Time: 5961.84

scenarios you outline that the pain gets

Time: 5964.239

better um some of those targets are

Time: 5967.04

interesting um there's a lot of memory

Time: 5969.599

associated with pain this is where early

Time: 5973.239

life events

Time: 5974.719

occur and those early life events and

Time: 5978.32

injuries can sensitize us to Future

Time: 5982.44

vulnerability so I was in a car act bad

Time: 5984.92

car accident when I was

Time: 5986.719

16 uh fortunate to walk away from it got

Time: 5989.92

bad whiplash

Time: 5992.679

if I get stressed a lot of my pain

Time: 5995.76

manifests in my

Time: 5997.36

neck for me as a pain do it's a signal

Time: 6001.599

to me that's

Time: 6003.36

like go work out go for a walk in the

Time: 6006.44

forest you know uh and take some time

Time: 6010.159

away from the

Time: 6012.28

computer again that's a simplistic

Time: 6014.599

message and my experience doesn't

Time: 6017.679

translate into everybody else but I'm

Time: 6019.599

just validating every everything that

Time: 6021.52

you you

Time: 6022.88

said let's consider the opposite

Time: 6025.4

scenario which is positive emotions uh

Time: 6028.76

you've done some very nice studies

Time: 6031.4

exploring how being in positive

Time: 6034.96

relationships being in love in fact can

Time: 6038.639

change our perception that is our

Time: 6041.84

experience of pain and probably does so

Time: 6044.44

at real physiological levels as you

Time: 6046.639

mentioned earlier psychological is

Time: 6048.239

physiological and vice versa it's hard

Time: 6050.08

to separate the two but could you share

Time: 6051.92

with us uh what you did in that study

Time: 6054.159

and what you found because I find it

Time: 6055.52

really interesting and it also points to

Time: 6058.719

the incredible power of love in uh how

Time: 6062.4


Time: 6063.4

experience life yeah yeah I think

Time: 6066.48

there's several cool things about that

Time: 6068.4

study that I love to share one is how it

Time: 6071.4

all came about so um you know us

Time: 6074.92

Neuroscience Geeks often go to the

Time: 6076.639

society for Neuroscience as an annual

Time: 6078.599

meeting and I was hanging out and uh

Time: 6081.239

sharing a room with art Aaron who

Time: 6083.159

studies passionate love and he and his

Time: 6086.119

wife study passionate love and we were

Time: 6088

having a glass or two of wine and I'm

Time: 6090.639

asking art have you ever you know have

Time: 6092.639

you ever studied pain he's like no I

Time: 6094.719

study love and he's like have you ever

Time: 6096.44

studied love no I study pain if has

Time: 6097.88

anybody ever studied the intersection

Time: 6099.8

another glass of wine no let's do it so

Time: 6103.199

we came back to Stanford and there was a

Time: 6105.04

young postto Jared younger who's now a

Time: 6107.239

professor at the University of Alabama

Time: 6109.36

and I said Jared we were either going to

Time: 6110.52

fall flat in her face or we're going to

Time: 6112.679

this is going to be a cool study and

Time: 6114.28

Jared took this on great job so what we

Time: 6117.52

did is we advertised on campus for

Time: 6122.08

couples in an early phase of a romantic

Time: 6125.639


Time: 6127.36

because there's a reason for choosing

Time: 6130.159

that in an early phase of a romantic

Time: 6132.88

relationship you are deeply focused on

Time: 6136.48

your beloved they're on your mind all

Time: 6138.679

the time you feel great when you're with

Time: 6141

them you feel terrible when you're not

Time: 6143.88

with them doesn't that just sound like

Time: 6146.28


Time: 6147.199

addiction I mean it's that yearning uh I

Time: 6150.44

don't know that's it's a can be a

Time: 6151.84

pleasant experience but addictions you

Time: 6153.88

know for the people who are using the

Time: 6155.199

substance can find it you know in that

Time: 6157.56

early phase very pleasant but it it

Time: 6159.92

turns out that the early phase of a

Time: 6162

romantic relationship engages the same

Time: 6164.92

neural circuitries as addiction

Time: 6167.599

interesting same reward circuitry all

Time: 6170.599

that so we chose that and so he said

Time: 6174.4

come to us and bring pictures of your

Time: 6177.44

beloved and bring pictures of an equally

Time: 6179.88

attractive acquaintance clothed this

Time: 6182.239

isn't sex that we're studying uh

Time: 6185.159

clothed and we caused them pain in the

Time: 6187.84

scanner and and and we paid them

Time: 6190.119

afterwards um we

Time: 6192.52

needed a control condition for this

Time: 6195.119

because thinking about your

Time: 6197

beloved is very uh attentionally

Time: 6199.679

demanding remember we talked about

Time: 6200.88

attentional distraction earlier so we

Time: 6203.679

gave people what's called a word

Time: 6205.44


Time: 6206.8

task very simply um can you think about

Time: 6211.08

every sport that doesn't involve a

Time: 6213.719

ball okay uh frisbee hockey boxing

Time: 6218.88

boxing okay that's attentionally

Time: 6221.44

demanding think about every vegetable

Time: 6223.76

that's not green and you know so you're

Time: 6225.56

running that through your head and we're

Time: 6226.56

causing you pain it's an intentional

Time: 6229.119

distraction task

Time: 6231.679

so we flash people pictures of their

Time: 6233.639

beloved cause pain flash people of their

Time: 6236.08

acquaintance cause pain and then

Time: 6237.599

distraction okay what did we find love

Time: 6240.28

works great love works great it was a

Time: 6243.36

wonderful analgesic it significantly

Time: 6246.52

reduced people's

Time: 6248.679

pain and it turned out the more in love

Time: 6252.76

you were the more pain relief you got

Time: 6256.76

when viewing the photo of the person you

Time: 6259.28

love yes when View doing the photo of

Time: 6261.36

the person you love now how did we know

Time: 6263.32

how much in love they were it turns out

Time: 6265.28

the psychologists have got scales for

Time: 6266.96

everything and one of them is a

Time: 6268.32

passionate love scale which asks how

Time: 6270.88

what percentage of the day are you

Time: 6272.719

preoccupied thinking about your beloved

Time: 6274.76

oh goodness you just sent people now off

Time: 6277.32

to give their Partners the passionate

Time: 6279.92

love scale to figure out how much time

Time: 6281.56

they're spending thinking about them

Time: 6283.119

yeah we we had Stanford students some of

Time: 6285.119

them thinking about their beloved 80% of

Time: 6287.08

the day uh I wanted to use this as a

Time: 6289.56

screening tool for our resident

Time: 6291.28

applicants because uh I I I want them

Time: 6294.159

focusing on patients not their beloved

Time: 6295.84

and that is by the way a joke that bad

Time: 6298.119

joke but but probably is real world

Time: 6300.679

we're not just talking about Stanford I

Time: 6302.119

mean but when somebody's writing you a

Time: 6304.28

script or a prescription that is or

Time: 6306.599

giving you advice um yeah you might want

Time: 6308.92

to know if they are in a new romantic

Time: 6310.8

relationship yeah so the the the other I

Time: 6314.28

thought the other uh cool thing about

Time: 6316.159

this study was attention worked also but

Time: 6320


Time: 6321.44

and love worked on different

Time: 6323.36

circuits so attentional distraction they

Time: 6326.679

worked equally well attention again

Time: 6329.32

worked on some of these prefrontal

Time: 6330.92

regions these outer cortical

Time: 6333.48

areas love worked on more of what we

Time: 6336.84

classically think of is these

Time: 6338.08

reward-based circuits the nucleus

Time: 6340.119

accumbens uh the amydala

Time: 6342.88

um one of the the descending uh brain

Time: 6346.239

stem regions called the substantia

Time: 6348.44

which is coming down from the brain

Time: 6350.52

through that area to the spinal cord to

Time: 6352.28

inhibit pain so classic addiction

Time: 6355.679

Pathways classic and so the key again

Time: 6359

message for people is um different what

Time: 6363.159

we would think of as psychological

Time: 6365.04

approaches engaging different brain

Time: 6368.08

circuits to reduce

Time: 6371.56

pain I'll leave you with one last uh

Time: 6374.44

side note that we didn't publish on and

Time: 6376.28

that is uh Jared went back a year later

Time: 6378.76

and we assessed the student strength of

Time: 6382.639

their relationship if assuming it was

Time: 6385.159

still ongoing and he found that there

Time: 6387.92

was a rather High correlation between

Time: 6391.32

the love induced analgesia and brain

Time: 6394.84

activity and the cadate nucleus and in

Time: 6397.679

the insular with the strength of their

Time: 6400.239

relationship a year later it was so we

Time: 6402.84

had a brain scan that was a predictor a

Time: 6405.08

future um strength of a relationship

Time: 6407.76

could you tell us the direction of those

Time: 6409.28

results so if a new romantic partnership

Time: 6413.239

is uh creating high levels of activity

Time: 6415.92

in these two brain areas you just

Time: 6417.48

mentioned then it is a very good

Time: 6420.28

predictor that the relationship will yes

Time: 6422.88

survive over time well in this limited

Time: 6425.52

sample it meant that it it was going to

Time: 6427.8

be very strong a year later um

Time: 6431

understand and you know Andrew we always

Time: 6432.44

have to put these caveats unpublished

Time: 6434.84

non-peer reviewed it was a fun post Haw

Time: 6438.639

data analysis that I'm not sure if

Time: 6440.599

anybody's ever you know run with those

Time: 6442.8

kind of things no but we can explore it

Time: 6445.52

in a in a playful way now and people can

Time: 6447.719

do with it what they will it does sort

Time: 6449.639

of speak to something important though

Time: 6452.08

um assuming that result would hold up if

Time: 6454.92

the same experiment were done and you

Time: 6456.52

know many hundreds or thousands of

Time: 6459.599

people it sort of speaks to the idea

Time: 6462.239

that the activation of these addiction

Time: 6464.4

likee circuits in the early phase of a

Time: 6466.719

passionate love

Time: 6468.599

relationship set in motion

Time: 6471.32

a certain number of things that create

Time: 6473.119

stability in that relationship which on

Time: 6475.199

the face of it um makes sense but we've

Time: 6477.56

also all heard of the opposite way of

Time: 6479.04

well as well which is you know um Fools

Time: 6481.96

Rush In or that uh things that start

Time: 6484.76

fast end fast or things like that but

Time: 6486.639

here you're talking about um the early

Time: 6488.88

phase of passion serving this

Time: 6490.679

interesting role in terms of analgesia

Time: 6493.08

uh alleviating pain but also predicting

Time: 6495.599

some stability of the relationship over

Time: 6497.28

time it's kind of interesting it's

Time: 6498.719

fascinating to talk about uh you know I

Time: 6501.199

feel like I have to put that caveat in

Time: 6503.36

that not generalized but a fun thing to

Time: 6505.32

talk about and it's where I think cool

Time: 6507.76

scientific ideas can come from for

Time: 6510.48

future exploration that I think that's

Time: 6513.52

also what's pretty neat

Time: 6516.32

um I find the um you know again the

Time: 6519.84

different circuits for different

Time: 6522.56

approaches to reducing pain fascinating

Time: 6525.28

again that gets to the question you

Time: 6526.44

asked me earlier is there one circuit

Time: 6529.52

and the answer is no what we have to do

Time: 6532.599

is figure out what is the best circuit

Time: 6534.96

for a particular person or set of

Time: 6536.8

circuits if you're willing I'd like to

Time: 6538.679

talk about

Time: 6541.04

opioids first if you could educate us on

Time: 6544.199

endogenous opioids the opioids that we

Time: 6546.32

make inside of our body that we don't

Time: 6548.88

that meaning nobody takes as a drug and

Time: 6552.599

then how that informs opioids that

Time: 6555.32

people take I mean clearly the so-called

Time: 6558.239

opioid crisis is a concern many people

Time: 6561.159

addicted to opioids people have died

Time: 6563.159

from taking too many opioids but

Time: 6564.8

presumably some people have benefited

Time: 6566.32

from these opioid drugs as well so would

Time: 6568.599

like to talk about that and then I'd

Time: 6570.599

like to also talk about some of the um

Time: 6573.639

things that are adjacent to the

Time: 6576.239

prescription opioids things like katum

Time: 6578.28

which right now are being sort of called

Time: 6580.36

into question as to whether or not they

Time: 6581.719

will continue to be legally available

Time: 6583.599

over the caler so first and foremost

Time: 6586.599

what are the endogenous opioids how do

Time: 6589.08

they work and and that I think will set

Time: 6591.44

the stage for the rest yeah so we all

Time: 6593.679

have these endogenous and keyins and

Time: 6596.199

endorphins that um act as painkillers

Time: 6601.44

they are uh analgesics they are natural

Time: 6605.28

substances and all of us that get

Time: 6607.639

expressed uh there is a certain

Time: 6610.32

endogenous tone to these that some have

Time: 6615.119

uh done research on here again Jared did

Time: 6617.32

research on this and Steven Bru and

Time: 6619.4

others on showing that higher endogenous

Time: 6622.36

opioid levels May um you know lead to

Time: 6625.56

less emotional reactivity for

Time: 6628.44

instance um thank God we you know we

Time: 6631.44

have endogenous opioids or you know we

Time: 6633.48

just couldn't handle it um what chemists

Time: 6637.92

have figured out is how

Time: 6640.599

to you know bring in exogenous opioids

Time: 6644.36

and morphine was the prototypical one uh

Time: 6647.079

from the from the poppy and since then

Time: 6649.599

medicinal chemists have built on

Time: 6651.8

variations of morphine and created other

Time: 6654.48

compounds some again variations on

Time: 6656.719

morphine some are purely synthetic like

Time: 6659.119

the oxycodone could I ask a question

Time: 6661.8

because I'm fascinated by the history of

Time: 6663.199

these things how did or when and or when

Time: 6666.84

did somebody look at the poppy and then

Time: 6670.639

say Oh I'm going to start eating poppies

Time: 6672.76

or isolating things from poppies and

Time: 6675.199

realize that that morphine thousands of

Time: 6677.48

years ago okay so poppies have been used

Time: 6679.159

for a very long time long long time

Time: 6681.239

these things have been around um so this

Time: 6684.679

is uh this is old school work that's

Time: 6687.32

only been refined in more contemporary

Time: 6690.84

history and the whole topic of opioids

Time: 6694.28

is such an incredibly controversial area

Time: 6697.44

and I I feel like I have

Time: 6700.92

to you know you have to understand the

Time: 6703.4

speaker my in this case me my you know

Time: 6705.44

one's position on this um my usual

Time: 6709.239

Mantra is I am not pro- opioid I am not

Time: 6712.599

anti-opioid I am Pro patient

Time: 6716.639

so I have seen opioids positively

Time: 6720.119

transform people's lives help them get

Time: 6722.719

back to work spend time with friends and

Time: 6724.4

family relieve suffering particularly in

Time: 6727.56

situations um end of life but also in

Time: 6730.56

people with chronic pain and I have seen

Time: 6733.56

opioids destroy lives at a personal

Time: 6736.56

level I come from a family background

Time: 6738.96

deep deep in addiction I have lost close

Time: 6743.36

loved family members

Time: 6745.599

to addiction and I'm respectful of

Time: 6749.84

that what I've learned is to not get

Time: 6753.679

into this binary mode of thinking it's

Time: 6755.719

either this or it's this but to treat

Time: 6758.8

opioids as a

Time: 6761

clinician as a tool to be used in

Time: 6764.159

certain circumstances in some people not

Time: 6767.56

typically as a Frontline or first line

Time: 6769.48


Time: 6771

um typically much later down if they

Time: 6773.239

have failed other

Time: 6774.639

therapies you cannot approach the

Time: 6777.36

challenge of

Time: 6779.119

opioids uh without appreciating the Deep

Time: 6783.32

complexity that we're faced with

Time: 6784.96

particularly now in society with all of

Time: 6787.36

the the litigation ongoing and all the

Time: 6791.199

the money involved um it's uh it's a

Time: 6795.599

highly nuanced topic so what what what

Time: 6798.639

more would you like to talk about

Time: 6800.079

opioids well I think that most people

Time: 6802.079

hear about the opioid crisis and just

Time: 6805.28

assume that they are quote unquote

Time: 6807.4

overprescribed that people are given

Time: 6810.04

opioid drugs as a Frontline treatment

Time: 6813.44

perhaps more than they should that the

Time: 6816.119

addictive component which I understand

Time: 6818.679

is very real that the potential for

Time: 6820.48

addiction is very real um as well as the

Time: 6823.4

potential for

Time: 6826.119

um cross interactions with other things

Time: 6828.92

like alcohol

Time: 6830.599

um and perhaps even other illicit drugs

Time: 6834.079

you know street drugs perhaps if like if

Time: 6836.199

people can't fill their

Time: 6837.599

prescriptions um and tolerance to the

Time: 6840.92

opioids creating issues where people

Time: 6843

then need more of them they're do I have

Time: 6845.119

a not close family member but a a you

Time: 6847.96

know distant family member who had his

Time: 6850.28

entire life in arranged beautifully it

Time: 6852.96

was a practicing lawyer with a beautiful

Time: 6855.48

wife and family had a back injury uh was

Time: 6859.36

Pres cribed oxy conton it it helped him

Time: 6862.48

initially but then it it set off some

Time: 6865.199

behavioral psychological Pathways that

Time: 6866.88

had him seeking more forging

Time: 6868.599

prescriptions when you know he

Time: 6871.239

understood the law he was a lawyer he

Time: 6873.079

eventually went to jail got out the same

Time: 6875

thing happened again he eventually ended

Time: 6876.32

up dead right so and I think there are

Time: 6878.8

many examples of that that we hear about

Time: 6880.639

and those are very Salient and very

Time: 6882.079

disturbing very

Time: 6885.079

saddening so I think that most people

Time: 6887.36

including myself hear the opioid crisis

Time: 6889.719

and assume that what we really should be

Time: 6893.119

doing is Seeking a better alternative

Time: 6895.32

but what I'm hearing from you is that

Time: 6897.04

there are use cases where opioids make a

Time: 6900.36

great deal of sense and that they've

Time: 6902.32

really helped improve people's lives and

Time: 6904.199

that none of what I just described or

Time: 6905.679

anything like it is experienced by those

Time: 6907.159

people in fact quite the opposite do I

Time: 6908.8

have that right perfectly and and that's

Time: 6911.639


Time: 6913.079

where we we we need to treat these at an

Time: 6916.44

individual level on a case-by Case basis

Time: 6920.96

um and that one size doesn't fit all um

Time: 6925.119

yes opioids were

Time: 6927

overprescribed I think everybody agrees

Time: 6929.56

to that in this

Time: 6930.96

country um and we went through a period

Time: 6934.639

of time with massive overprescribing and

Time: 6937.159

there's a lot of nuance and reasons why

Time: 6940.52

in large part um Physicians we get

Time: 6944.119

terrible education around pain and we

Time: 6946.84

don't know how to treat it in general

Time: 6948.44

coming out of medical school we get

Time: 6949.92

about 7 hours of education on pain uh

Time: 6953.88

veterinarians get 40 it's great if

Time: 6956.04

you're taking I think your dog's name is

Time: 6957.639

Castello yeah unfortunately he passed

Time: 6959.719

but he took some pain meds for a short

Time: 6961.4

while but I found an alternative

Time: 6962.92

treatment that worked far better perfect

Time: 6964.84

which turned out to be by the way lowd

Time: 6966.119

do testosterone he was castrated like he

Time: 6968.119

was fixed when he was younger um and I

Time: 6970.96

it's interesting i' I've gone I've said

Time: 6973.04

publicly on very large scale podcasts

Time: 6975.92

that I gave my dog lowdose testosterone

Time: 6977.679

later in life and it ameliorated a lot

Time: 6979.199

of his aches and pains at least from

Time: 6981.079

what I understood because he started

Time: 6982.199

moving better and feeling better and

Time: 6983.56

sleeping better and I expected the veter

Time: 6985.76

community to come after me with

Time: 6987

pitchforks not one wow did that and yet

Time: 6990.28

I heard from hundreds of veterinarians

Time: 6991.84

that said yes we wish that we could

Time: 6993.719

prescribe those sorts of things to

Time: 6995.159

people who castrate their male dogs

Time: 6997.32

later in life to humiliate their

Time: 6999.119

symptoms um so that opened up to me a

Time: 7001.52

whole world of understanding about some

Time: 7003.639

of the restrictions that vet that vets

Time: 7005.84

face in terms of what they prescribe

Time: 7007.639

there's a whole discussion to be had

Time: 7009.159

about that we'll do a series on animal

Time: 7010.92

and pet health vet Health great well the

Time: 7012.92

Vets hopefully are healthy too you get

Time: 7014.159

the point yeah but when it comes to the

Time: 7016.36

opioid crisis in this discussion you

Time: 7018.56

know I think it's become so Laden with

Time: 7020.76

the idea that like doctors are on the

Time: 7023.88

take like they're getting paid to give

Time: 7026.639

opioids to patients and that's why

Time: 7028.36

they're doing that and and I don't

Time: 7029.88

believe that necessarily be the case but

Time: 7031.719

I think that's what the public

Time: 7032.719

perception is that it's all Financial

Time: 7035.32

here's the here's the thing um were

Time: 7037.84

there bad docks doing bad things yes um

Time: 7041.48

I'm going to invoke uh a good friend of

Time: 7043.48

mine Keith humph at St oh yeah terrific

Time: 7047.159

terrific um psychologist who's an

Time: 7049.719

addiction medicine uh psychologist and

Time: 7052.84

public policy person and the way he

Time: 7055.8

breaks it down and I subscribe to this

Time: 7058

is you know the there's three types of

Time: 7061.52

Physicians remember there's about a

Time: 7063.639

million physicians in this country about

Time: 7065.719


Time: 7066.8

million um you've got Physicians doing

Time: 7069.119

the right thing for the right reasons

Time: 7071.4

vast majority of

Time: 7073.119

docs we need to leave them alone we need

Time: 7076.32

to support them we need to help them do

Time: 7078.599

their job and not put more obstructions

Time: 7081.119

in their way there is a much smaller

Time: 7083.96

group of docs doing the wrong thing for

Time: 7088.079

the right reasons what I mean by that is

Time: 7091.8

these are docs who did overprescribe

Time: 7094.679

opioids in this case in this

Time: 7096.84

context they um did buy into the

Time: 7101.04

marketing messages that were put forward

Time: 7104.119

they did not have much education around

Time: 7107.48

Alternatives in treating

Time: 7109.88

pain and they thought by handing out

Time: 7112.239

pills just pills uh in their very brief

Time: 7116.159

visits with patients remember Primary

Time: 7118.04

Care dox as my heart goes out to them

Time: 7119.76

you know what do they get 14 minutes or

Time: 7121.28

so with a patient they gave them

Time: 7123.88

something that they thought would help

Time: 7125.639

they were doing the the wrong thing for

Time: 7128.88

the right reasons but they believed that

Time: 7130.84

they were helping they didn't have they

Time: 7132.679

weren't get catching Financial

Time: 7134.079

incentives or okay got it that's right

Time: 7136.679

those people we need to educate them we

Time: 7139.119

need to train them on proper pain

Time: 7141.48

management opioid prescribing

Time: 7144.96

deprescribing and then you've got the

Time: 7147.679

tiny little group at the top of this if

Time: 7149.44

you will pyramid these are um docks

Time: 7153

doing the wrong thing for the wrong

Time: 7154.719

reasons these are bad docks these are

Time: 7157.32

your pill Mills the these are people

Time: 7159.8

breaking the law they need to go to jail

Time: 7162.56

end of um the thing is is that that

Time: 7166.679

little group at the top in the million

Time: 7168.639

or so Physicians we have in this country

Time: 7170.36

it represents such a small

Time: 7172.239

representation but it got blown out by

Time: 7175.079

the media and everybody else

Time: 7178.159

particularly those docs doing the right

Time: 7179.76

thing for the right reasons got caught

Time: 7181.52

up in it and engendered huge amount of

Time: 7184.88

fear huge amount of fear on the

Time: 7187.119

physician side and then what happened is

Time: 7190.639

the docs just started abandoning

Time: 7192.159

patients they cut their patients

Time: 7194.639

off um I had a young housewife two young

Time: 7200.119

kids uh doc Cut Her Off from a little

Time: 7203.199

bit of vicadin that she was taken

Time: 7204.8

intermittently for um um some back pain

Time: 7208.56

that had been well managed on this she

Time: 7210.679

was doing all the right things cut her

Time: 7212.28

off she turned to black tar heroin you

Time: 7214.8

know um California great state of

Time: 7218.4

California tried an experiment where

Time: 7221.4

they monitor death certificates in our

Time: 7224.639

state for and the docs prescribing

Time: 7227.28

opioids for that and uh they went after

Time: 7230.92

the docs thinking that if they targeted

Time: 7232.96

the docs doing that it would lead to a

Time: 7234.679

reduce a reduction in opioid deaths it

Time: 7237.52

led to a doubling I know

Time: 7240.48

counterintuitive because what happened

Time: 7242.28

is the docs abandon the

Time: 7244.36

patients and so we have to be aware of

Time: 7247.679

the negative consequences of this now

Time: 7250.44

the current I'm not trying to minimize

Time: 7252.719

the opioid crisis because it's real but

Time: 7255.4

we also now need to put some context the

Time: 7257.52

opioid crisis is being

Time: 7259.56

driven by the illicit

Time: 7262.48

fenel it is more if you just look at the

Time: 7265.679

CDC data it's very clear that the fenel

Time: 7268.56

coming in Via Mexico China and others uh

Time: 7271.76

is what driving most of the

Time: 7274.4

deaths um Keith um getting back to Keith

Time: 7277.88

led a beautiful

Time: 7279.599

uh Lance at Stanford Commission on the

Time: 7281.96

North American opioid crisis and put

Time: 7284.079

together a very rational plan I just

Time: 7287.52

finished serving as a senior adviser to

Time: 7289.679

the medical board of California where we

Time: 7291.48

revised our prescribing guidelines

Time: 7294.159

here they were very Draconian before

Time: 7297.28


Time: 7299.04

limits made people fearful both patients

Time: 7301.92

and docs and we've shifted it back over

Time: 7304.159

to put the control back in the hands of

Time: 7306.199

the physician patient

Time: 7308.04

relationship uh we're hoping it'll make

Time: 7310.28


Time: 7311.199

difference you can see I'm I'm uh I'm

Time: 7314.599

going on a bit here there's there's just

Time: 7316

huge complexity in this space uh I

Time: 7318.96

understand you're going to do an episode

Time: 7320.239

you know some some time on it in the

Time: 7321.96

future and I hope the audience has more

Time: 7325.159

opportunity to listen to this other

Time: 7327.32

questions I can answer for you on that

Time: 7329.36

now I really appreciate the thoroughness

Time: 7331.56

of your answer um I think that you set a

Time: 7336.679

picture in a context that I certainly

Time: 7338.56

didn't understand or appreciate um and

Time: 7341.599

it sounds like one certainly not the

Time: 7344.28

only but one of the major issues is the

Time: 7347

creation and the propagation of a black

Time: 7349.48

market by doctors cutting off patients

Time: 7352.56

presumably out of fear um those patients

Time: 7355.8


Time: 7356.679

seeking not any but um illicit or black

Time: 7360.28

market routes to treating their pain

Time: 7362.84

which you can understand why they would

Time: 7364.079

do that I mean I'm not justifying anyone

Time: 7366.159

doing anything illegal but somebody's in

Time: 7368.599


Time: 7369.639

and they had something that worked and

Time: 7371.079

now they don't and they're going to go

Time: 7372.44

looking for things that are similar to

Time: 7374.639

that thing and um you're telling us that

Time: 7379.44

fentanyl in street drugs basically is

Time: 7383

what's killing people presumably I doubt

Time: 7384.92

it's fentanyl prescribed by physicians

Time: 7387.079

or perhaps it is it's not no there used

Time: 7389.119

to be a bit of confusion around that

Time: 7391.48

because fentanyl is a prescribed

Time: 7394.32

medication in a patch form and in a

Time: 7396.96

troch the troch used for of Life cancer

Time: 7399.719

pain but unfortunately some of the

Time: 7401.88

coding used by the CDC in other words

Time: 7405.159

got that confused with the elicit and so

Time: 7408.56

it took a while to get a better handle

Time: 7410.159

on it but I think you know we do now yes

Time: 7412.52

most of it is being driven by the fenel

Time: 7415.159

and we're just seeing this incredible

Time: 7417.239

epidemic wave of it it can be made so

Time: 7420.119

cheaply brought across the borders

Time: 7422.599


Time: 7424.079

easily uh something we definitely need

Time: 7426.04

to do to address we want to be careful

Time: 7428.44

about not

Time: 7429.719

conflating that crisis with the issue of

Time: 7433.04

pain which is an epidemic in its own

Time: 7435

right and for the segment of people who

Time: 7438.92

are using opioids

Time: 7442.04

responsibly and effectively for their

Time: 7446.079


Time: 7447.639

um and that's where again that Nuance

Time: 7450.159

comes in um are there patients who are

Time: 7454.599

also on opioids that have been weaned

Time: 7457.28

down you can wean them down gently

Time: 7459.559

compassionately and they do

Time: 7461.679

better um the answer is

Time: 7464.36

yes uh my partner Beth is just finishing

Time: 7467.92

up a study on that and you know showing

Time: 7471.199

that with Compassionate Care a number of

Time: 7473.079

these patients can be weaned down who

Time: 7474.96

voluntarily want to come down and

Time: 7477.96

sometimes they find their pain actually

Time: 7480.119

improves and part of that Improvement

Time: 7482.36

may be that opioids have degrees of side

Time: 7484.96

effects and by elimination of those side

Time: 7487.559

effects and the the um the other aspects

Time: 7490.119

they're seeing Improvement could you

Time: 7492.239

list off some of the more um commonly

Time: 7495.199

used opioids um you know morphine and

Time: 7498.96

it's uh commercial Del uh commercial

Time: 7501.84

derivatives Ms conton which is a long-

Time: 7504.199

lasting version of morphine oxycodone

Time: 7507.28

which by itself is a short acting

Time: 7509.159

medication but when you encapsulate it

Time: 7511.52

in a long acting version it becomes oxy

Time: 7513.84

conton which was the trade name that

Time: 7516

Purdue uh put forward um um fentanyl we

Time: 7520

mentioned comes in a patch form uh there

Time: 7523.52

are mixed agents like uh Tramadol which

Time: 7527.96

is a kind of a weak opioid but also has

Time: 7532.36

some uh what's called serotonin and noro

Time: 7535.04

Perrine reuptake inhibition uh we've got

Time: 7538.44

diloted which is a version of uh trade

Time: 7541.28

name for

Time: 7542.639

hydromorphone so there's a slew there's

Time: 7545

I don't know more than 20 different

Time: 7547.04

opioids within that list of 200

Time: 7549.159

medications that we

Time: 7551.52

have methadone is another one um people

Time: 7555.8

usually think of

Time: 7557.4

methadone is uh a medication used to uh

Time: 7561.96

treat addiction people go to methadone

Time: 7564.119

clinics it's a longlasting

Time: 7566.28

opioid in the right person and certain

Time: 7569.119

circumstances it can be used effectively

Time: 7571.079

for chronic

Time: 7572.639

pain um by and large they all have the

Time: 7576.079

same or similar mechanisms of actions

Time: 7578.679

working on opioid

Time: 7580.76

receptors this is getting back to your

Time: 7582.76

original question to me about where

Time: 7585.559

these things

Time: 7588.079

work there are opioid receptors in the

Time: 7590.96

periphery there are rich sources of

Time: 7593.96

opioid receptors in the spinal cord and

Time: 7596.199

the dorsal um the uh back part of the

Time: 7600.04


Time: 7601.239

cord and then there are many areas in

Time: 7603.76

the brain that are rich in opioid

Time: 7606.559

receptors it's you know it's all a

Time: 7609.079

naturally occurring area and when we put

Time: 7610.92

in an opioid by

Time: 7613.32

mouth we're binding to those receptors

Time: 7616.559

and activating those neural circuits in

Time: 7619.96

many cases when I say activating they

Time: 7622.079

have an inhibitory role I mean that's

Time: 7625.04

one of the major

Time: 7626.76

parts is there any role for

Time: 7628.679

benzodiazapines in pain

Time: 7631.719

relief rarely if to I many of my

Time: 7635.44

colleagues would say you know Sean it's

Time: 7638.599

just a hard no

Time: 7641.28

um I Andrew I'd have to come up with an

Time: 7644.04

edge condition of somebody who has a

Time: 7647.04

generalized anxiety disorder un poorly

Time: 7650.639

treated with anti-

Time: 7653.639

anxiolytics with chronic pain and when

Time: 7657

you find you treat their anxiety with

Time: 7658.96

like a benzo it helps with their pain as

Time: 7660.84

well the but these are Edge conditions

Time: 7662.76

by and large no got it and what about

Time: 7665.119

katum I had a um a odd experience with

Time: 7669.239

katum and I've never taken it uh the

Time: 7672.119

experience was the following I started

Time: 7673.84

learning about it hearing about it uh

Time: 7676.159

from listeners on the podcast realized

Time: 7679.4

by doing a little bit of a web search

Time: 7680.76

that it's available over the counter and

Time: 7683.48

that certain people like to take it

Time: 7686.599

often like every day at low doses or

Time: 7689.159

even higher Doses and that there was

Time: 7690.76

huge variation in terms of the amount of

Time: 7692.76

katom in the various products and how

Time: 7694.4

much people were taking some people

Time: 7695.84

talking about katom as something was as

Time: 7698.599

if it were innocuous and we can ask

Time: 7701.36

whether or not indeed it is innocuous

Time: 7703.28

and so I put out a a tweet I guess now

Time: 7705.719

that it Twitter is called X I guess I

Time: 7707.679

put out an X anyway doesn't matter and I

Time: 7711.079

and I said that my um first pass view of

Time: 7714.559

the literature on katum the scientific

Time: 7716.32

literature is that you know it had a lot

Time: 7718.199

of property similar to opioids although

Time: 7720.559

different as well and that it seemed

Time: 7723.719

kind of odd and maybe even problematic

Time: 7725.679

that it was so widely available and I

Time: 7727.88


Time: 7729.04

bombarded with um I don't want to call

Time: 7731.239

them katum enthusiasts because what I

Time: 7733.159

soon discovered was that these people um

Time: 7737

were angry with me for um placing even a

Time: 7740.52

partial Shadow on katum but what was

Time: 7742.88

interesting to me was that they were

Time: 7744.84

saying that in their case and I'm

Time: 7746.639

assuming they were telling the truth

Time: 7747.76

that katum had helped them get off

Time: 7749.92

prescription opioids and that they

Time: 7751.52

heavily rely on katum in various do

Time: 7754.36

levels of dosage um in ways that they

Time: 7757.32

felt really help them and so two things

Time: 7760.76

happen one I've been put in the

Time: 7761.88

crosshairs of the pro Crum Community not

Time: 7764.48

not to a a severe extent but perhaps the

Time: 7767

more important thing is and I want to

Time: 7769.32

thank that Community uh in part for you

Time: 7772.92

know now it's inspired me to do a deep

Time: 7774.92

dive search on katum I'm going to be

Time: 7777.04

interviewing one of the Laboratories

Time: 7778.84

that's done a lot of the research on

Time: 7780.119

katum later in uh 2024 but also it it's

Time: 7784.119

made me realize like there are these

Time: 7785.52

compounds that are available over the

Time: 7786.8

counter that many people feel feel so

Time: 7788.92

passionately about because they really

Time: 7790.92

feel like it's helped them I'm not

Time: 7792.48

saying it has I'm not saying it hasn't

Time: 7794.48

but then again I've never taken it what

Time: 7797.04

is katum at or perhaps what receptors

Time: 7799.8

does it tickle and what are your

Time: 7801.88

thoughts about katum and people using

Time: 7804.44

katum and maybe I'm pronouncing it wrong

Time: 7806.679

I've also heard Crome I'm calling it

Time: 7809.199

katum yeah uh katum is this natural

Time: 7812.639

substance that does have as you said

Time: 7814.48

opiod deric um properties as well as

Time: 7817.28

others that is not fully understood it's

Time: 7820.559

been available well naturally for many

Time: 7823.28

many years brought in to the United

Time: 7825.599

States and I've heard the same stories

Time: 7827.48

and I just want you to be prepared that

Time: 7829.04

anything I say about katum there's going

Time: 7831.079

to be some angry people after this and

Time: 7833.76

it is what it is

Time: 7836.4

um I have heard the same stories that

Time: 7839

you have heard about people taking katum

Time: 7841.4

and saying it's helping them to stay off

Time: 7844.04

of uh prescription opioids or elicit

Time: 7847.04

opioids and and I get that I think in

Time: 7849.44

some way it's binding opioid receptors

Time: 7851.92

and reducing the uh natural craving for

Time: 7855.159

these other substances and it makes

Time: 7856.679

perfect sense a methadone does that

Time: 7859.88

buprenorphine which I didn't mention

Time: 7861.88

before but is a is an interesting opioid

Time: 7865.44

that U binds to these receptors and it

Time: 7868


Time: 7870.04


Time: 7872.119

um where I have challenges is in uh just

Time: 7878.599

because something is natural doesn't

Time: 7880.679

mean that it is safe we are seeing an

Time: 7884.36

increased number of Overdose deaths

Time: 7887.96

associated with

Time: 7889.28

katum um is it poly substance yeah in

Time: 7894.679

some cases it is but I think there's a

Time: 7896.119

lot we don't know so so poly substance

Time: 7898.599

people taking katum but also alcohol uh

Time: 7901.88

benzos getting back to the

Time: 7903.92


Time: 7906.679

um personal

Time: 7908.8

uh I think we need to put a lot of

Time: 7910.159

research into this agent and if it

Time: 7912.8

merits it I think it should be a uh a

Time: 7915.4

prescribed substance I think part of the

Time: 7917.639

challenge that we have is that we don't

Time: 7920

understand the quality the Purity the

Time: 7921.48

dose that people are taking of this

Time: 7924.92

thing uh you know similar type of story

Time: 7928.559

with cannabis by the way uh

Time: 7932.239

so I'm hoping that we're going to get

Time: 7934.36

the research that we need to really

Time: 7936.32

understand what it's doing and whether

Time: 7937.8

it is safe

Time: 7939.32

and effective I'm left with a lot of

Time: 7942.599

unknowns right

Time: 7944.76

now you mentioned cannabis is cannabis

Time: 7947.599

effective and by extension is CBD

Time: 7951.079

effective for managing pain yeah there's

Time: 7953.639

another controversial one you'll get a

Time: 7955.32

few comments about whatever I say you

Time: 7958.44

know in general listeners of this

Time: 7960

podcast yes they tell us where they're

Time: 7961.84

upset they'll also tell us where they

Time: 7963.599

agree um our goal here is never to um

Time: 7967.44

satisfy everybody but just to you know

Time: 7969.88

some of this lands in the in the realm

Time: 7971.36

of Highly Educated opinion um some of it

Time: 7974.28

is still as you pointed out speculation

Time: 7976.119

because we don't really know what Crum

Time: 7977.719

sources people are taking or cannabis

Time: 7979.52

Etc but um I think you'll find and my

Time: 7982.96

experience has been that um people

Time: 7985.079

appreciate that we're having the

Time: 7986.239

conversation and we do read all the

Time: 7988.32

comments and those comments often as I

Time: 7990.76

mentioned in my earlier anecdote about

Time: 7992.599

that tweet um often direct us to explore

Time: 7995.199

things further and we can always have a

Time: 7997.639

you know second discussion about this

Time: 7999.159

down the line so we invite all your

Time: 8000.8

comments and criticism cannabis

Time: 8005.92

well here's what we know in carefully

Time: 8009.079

controlled laboratory situations

Time: 8011.28

cannabis has been shown to reduce

Time: 8013.48

neuropathic pain that's that nerve

Time: 8015.28

related pain from people who have either

Time: 8017.76

nerve injury uh diabetic neuropathy uh

Time: 8021

postoptic neuralgia terrible burning

Time: 8023.119

nerve pain condition it has been shown

Time: 8025.079

to reduce

Time: 8026.96

that in small

Time: 8029.48

samples from larger scale epidemiology

Time: 8033.48

studies and even larger like Clinic

Time: 8037.199

based studies that I've done we find it

Time: 8039.88

has not been particularly helpful on

Time: 8042.719

average compared to people not on uh

Time: 8046.88

cannabis there's a lot we don't know

Time: 8049

about the causality of that and the

Time: 8051.159

direction of it but all to say that

Time: 8054.36

there are um many many questions that

Time: 8057.559


Time: 8058.88

um I think the challenge that I

Time: 8060.639

personally have is that we're running

Time: 8064.079

huge population level experiments as we

Time: 8067.32

speak right now by you know providing

Time: 8069.44

unfettered use of

Time: 8071.079

cannabis and the bad news is is that

Time: 8074.92

we're probably going to see some real

Time: 8076.599

untour consequences of it and we're

Time: 8078.8

already are um the good news is I'm

Time: 8081.48

hoping that at a state level we'll be

Time: 8084.32

able to use that data to really

Time: 8088.52

inform um what's going on with cannabis

Time: 8091.92

I mean some of the challenges are what I

Time: 8093.28

referred to with catom uh cannabis is

Time: 8095.52

not cannabis is not cannabis you the THC

Time: 8099.44

to CBD ratios the dose yes all of that

Time: 8103

we don't know what you're getting it

Time: 8104.92

remains a scheduled One Drug by the DEA

Time: 8107.679

um I uh in some of my leadership roles

Time: 8110.239

and others have called for scheduling of

Time: 8112.36

it as a schedule to why why not to

Time: 8117.4

purpose try to restrict use but by

Time: 8119.199

making it a schedule to drug you've now

Time: 8121.76

made it so much easier to

Time: 8123.88

research uh I don't know if people

Time: 8126.88

understand how many barriers there are

Time: 8130.199

to scientists studying schedule one

Time: 8132.96

drugs could you explain schedule one

Time: 8134.8

versus schedule two thank you yeah so

Time: 8136.88

schedule the scheduling of drugs is a

Time: 8140.159

categorization that describes their

Time: 8142.199


Time: 8143.4

liability and so you have drugs like PCP

Time: 8146.8

heroin um cannabis which are schedule

Time: 8150.4

one which are defined as having high

Time: 8153.52

addiction potential and no uh utility

Time: 8157.44

which is just wild because when I think

Time: 8159.079

about PCP Fen cycline I certainly don't

Time: 8161.119

want people to run out and start taking

Time: 8162.559

PCP but chemically and physiologically

Time: 8166.32

PCP is ever so similar to

Time: 8170.92

ketamine and you know rarely is this

Time: 8173.96

discussed but ketamine is now uh widely

Time: 8177.04

used as a therapeutic presumably

Time: 8179.119

ketamine isn't schedule two um maybe

Time: 8181.88

even schedule three yes and so some of

Time: 8184.84

the the the stuff that's thrown into

Time: 8186.679

schedule one makes no sense it's

Time: 8188.52

historical it's all his it's decades and

Time: 8191.679

decades ago of history and clearly

Time: 8195.24

cannabis should not be a schedule one

Time: 8197.519

hands down no

Time: 8199.04

question uh by scheduling it though you

Time: 8203.28

will have the societal benefit of being

Time: 8205.28

able to make it more easy to study

Time: 8208.28

and then you get the NIH and the FDA

Time: 8210.28

into this and we can start really

Time: 8212.479

getting answers to the questions which I

Time: 8216.479

do I think it works at the end of the

Time: 8218.24

day do I think there is some

Time: 8220.359

variation of cannabis THC CBD ratios

Time: 8224.28

that will provide some benefit oh

Time: 8226.319

absolutely there's too many receptors in

Time: 8229.479

our brain that are involved with

Time: 8231.88

modulation of pain I just don't know

Time: 8234.439

what those are um a friend of mine uh uh

Time: 8237.96

Mark Wallace uh runs pain at UC San

Time: 8240.719

Diego has come up with a really nice

Time: 8243.719

recipe cocktail of ratios of THC to CBD

Time: 8246.88

that he feels very strongly that he can

Time: 8250.04

help people um using that as an active

Time: 8253.28

agent yeah I know that in uh Colorado

Time: 8256.679

there's a strain of cannabis where they

Time: 8259.12

it's pure CBD no THC I think they call

Time: 8262.479

it Charlotte's Web and parents of

Time: 8266.399

children with intractable epilepsy will

Time: 8269.08

actually move to the state of Colorado

Time: 8270.639

in order to get it because it seems to

Time: 8272.12

be effective for the treatment of

Time: 8273.559

certain forms of pediatric epilepsy that

Time: 8275.639

was shared with me with one of our

Time: 8276.719

colleagues Nolan Williams when he was a

Time: 8278.24

guest on the podcast so these

Time: 8280.04

plant-based compounds have have their

Time: 8282.319

place whether or not it's katum perhaps

Time: 8284.92

right we're remaining open about that or

Time: 8287.12

cannabis the T the THC or the CBD or

Time: 8289.679

some combination I think it's really

Time: 8291.399

interesting I think as long as we're

Time: 8293.04

talking about plant compounds how do you

Time: 8294.8

view the fields that are what I would

Time: 8296.92

call somewhat adjacent to traditional

Time: 8299.519

medicine so things like acupuncture

Time: 8302.12

Chiropractic physical therapy and so

Time: 8305.04

forth as a pain

Time: 8307.04

physician uh within the field of pain

Time: 8309.319

medicine or pain management I think

Time: 8310.92

about six broad categories of therapies

Time: 8314.04

that we provide for people with chronic

Time: 8316.04

pain one of these uh is the

Time: 8318.92

medications and there's a whole large

Time: 8321.359

group of categories of medications of

Time: 8323.639

200 or so uh available two nerve blocks

Time: 8327.88

uh and procedures these range everything

Time: 8330.519

from trigger point injections to nerve

Time: 8333.639

blocks with local anesthetic and steroid

Time: 8335.8

on up to minimally invasive procedures

Time: 8337.84

like spinal cord

Time: 8339.24

stimulators uh implantation of drug

Time: 8342.24

delivery pumps three psychological and

Time: 8345.8

behavioral therapies pain psychology

Time: 8348.399

which has many forms now can be very

Time: 8350.679

effective four physical and occupational

Time: 8353.76

therapy approaches to chronic pain five

Time: 8358.2

this is what we we typically call

Time: 8360.479

complimentary alternative medicine

Time: 8362.519

approaches it's a little bit of an

Time: 8363.76

outdated term but I think of that as

Time: 8365.24


Time: 8366.76

neutraceuticals these are the

Time: 8368.2

over-the-counter agents that have

Time: 8370.16

actually shown to have benefit in pain

Time: 8372.24

that you can get over the- counter and

Time: 8374.24

last but not least six what I call

Time: 8378.2

self-empowerment uh or increasing your

Time: 8380.399

agency and here it's about education

Time: 8383.359

it's about uh learning skills it's about

Time: 8386.719

being here on the hubman you know Lab

Time: 8389.439

podcast learning about pain um it's it's

Time: 8392.96

that self-empowerment and what we find

Time: 8394.96

is that those six categories all brought

Time: 8398.24

together typically have the best benefit

Time: 8400.92

for people living with chronic pain to a

Time: 8403.12

lot of people listening to the US right

Time: 8405.359

now think oh yeah acupuncture I mean

Time: 8407.28

this is a you know thousands or tens of

Time: 8409.16

thousands of years old practice that

Time: 8411.439

clearly is grounded in a lot of clinical

Time: 8414.08

data and clearly works and then other

Time: 8416.319

people will go oh my goodness they're

Time: 8417.64

talking about acupuncture like sticking

Time: 8419.12

needles in the body are they just like

Time: 8421.2

pain treats pain is that what it is

Time: 8422.68

about but um as you and I both know

Time: 8426.72

unless it's being performed um

Time: 8428.84

incorrectly acupuncture is not painful

Time: 8430.72

to receive does

Time: 8433.76

acupuncture help treat certain forms of

Time: 8436.04

pain is there any scientific basis yes

Time: 8438.319

yes there is um do I understand what's

Time: 8441.52

going on with acupuncture having

Time: 8443.439

completed an AC an NIH funded

Time: 8445.479

acupuncture study I just saw that uh

Time: 8448.12

published no uh you know I'm I'm just

Time: 8450.96

being straight um we still don't know

Time: 8454.16

exactly how acupuncture is working uh we

Time: 8457.399

do know that there's a nice study that

Time: 8459.399

showed activation of peripheral

Time: 8460.88

adenosine receptors that have a

Time: 8463.6

peripheral analgesic effect we know that

Time: 8466.359

acupuncture and as compared to Sham

Time: 8468.92

acupuncture engages different brain

Time: 8472.64

regions it's interesting that many of

Time: 8474.72

the acue points overlap peripheral

Time: 8477.88

nerves and so by needling those nerves

Time: 8481.16

are we causing a central change we're

Time: 8483.88

turning down the amplifier if you will

Time: 8485.88

in the brain

Time: 8487.08

maybe um where does this fit into my

Time: 8490.28

clinical use my usual statement is that

Time: 8494.08

if you can afford the wallet biopsy give

Time: 8496.479

it a try although find a really good

Time: 8498.92

acupuncturist I've oh yeah yeah I've had

Time: 8501.04


Time: 8502.2

done uh I wouldn't say many times but

Time: 8504.439

several times and I will say this um

Time: 8507.92

one of the acupuncturists I went to put

Time: 8510.64

needles in my face and I ended up having

Time: 8512.92

to go to Stamford Derm to get some of

Time: 8515.479

the angomas that were the like blood

Time: 8517.88

vessel growth that was the consequence

Time: 8519.359

of those needle insertions and so I to

Time: 8521.68

the point where I won't if I go to

Time: 8523

acupunct I'm like don't put anything

Time: 8524.28

don't put any needles in my face cuz

Time: 8525.56

I'll take an angom on my leg or whatever

Time: 8527.359

I don't care and I it's not vanity but I

Time: 8530

didn't like the way that the needles

Time: 8531.319

were introducing angomas to my face now

Time: 8533.64

that was probably because this

Time: 8534.6

acupuncturist wasn't doing things

Time: 8536.439

correctly not saying all acupuncturist

Time: 8538.319

do that but here's the problem how do

Time: 8540.28

you know which acupuncturists are

Time: 8542.24

reliable versus not and for that matter

Time: 8544.24

how do you know which physici is

Time: 8545.64

reliable versus not I mean I work at an

Time: 8547.72

institution like Stanford where I can

Time: 8549.2

ask a lot of people and I still my uh

Time: 8553.319

senior administrators won't like this

Time: 8555.04

but when I get a recommendation from a

Time: 8556.6

doc at Stanford I always call somebody

Time: 8559.2

at UCSF and cross check yeah and I don't

Time: 8562.479

tell them that I'm cross-checking and

Time: 8564.04

I'll do the reverse as well when I when

Time: 8565.64

I was at UC San Diego I would check up

Time: 8567.359

with Stanford so but most people don't

Time: 8569.08

have access to that kind of community I

Time: 8570.76

mean I can pick up the phone and contact

Time: 8572.88

somebody in pretty much any medical

Time: 8575.24

specialty and at multiple institutions

Time: 8578.88

but for most people they're waiting into

Time: 8581.319

the abyss of acupuncturist of Physicians

Time: 8584.2

I mean how are people supposed to

Time: 8586.16

navigate this you found a perfect way to

Time: 8588.2

do it and many of us do the same thing

Time: 8590

and for those who don't have access to

Time: 8592.479

highquality experts you can use

Time: 8594.84

variations of that so you're right with

Time: 8597.2

acupuncture most of the ones I've been

Time: 8599.16

associated with we use in the clinic or

Time: 8601.8

outside are all have been high

Time: 8604.12

quality the recommendation would be to

Time: 8606.439

try to get uh a referral or

Time: 8609.2

recommendation from somebody who refers

Time: 8611.24

to that

Time: 8612.52

acupuncturist docs want to have

Time: 8615.6

relationships with people with other

Time: 8617.84

clinicians that do a really good job we

Time: 8620.76

don't want to be referring to somebody

Time: 8622.92

who's bad because it reflects badly on

Time: 8625.399

us so it's really really doing what in a

Time: 8628.319

way what you were doing so try to

Time: 8630.88

connect with your primary care doctor

Time: 8632.68

others and get some recommendation um

Time: 8636.16

for who is high

Time: 8637.52


Time: 8639.72

um with regard to clinicians pain

Time: 8643.24

Physicians for

Time: 8646.399

instance that's tough there's 5 to

Time: 8648.92

10,000 of us that are Subs specialty

Time: 8650.88

trained out there if

Time: 8653

your pain is really complicated a

Time: 8656.16

complex pain proc you're probably better

Time: 8658.56

off with a tertiary referral center that

Time: 8661.399

can provide comprehensive Services where

Time: 8663.92

possible so is there a is there a

Time: 8665.76

centralized website where people can say

Time: 8667.52

okay I live in the state of Iowa or I'm

Time: 8669.8

um you know a lot of our listeners are

Time: 8670.96

overseas or you know where people can

Time: 8672.8

find out the like the uh the ratings

Time: 8675.88

based on patient experience although

Time: 8677.6

that can be complicated I confess sure

Time: 8680.279

the one star out of five star ratings

Time: 8683.04

are are a little bit more Salient there

Time: 8684.359

have been studies on this people tend to

Time: 8685.76

if you know you see a negative review

Time: 8687.479

those tend to grab your attention even

Time: 8689.359

if there fewer of them than the many

Time: 8690.8

thousands of positive reviews but I mean

Time: 8694.08

patients should be able to get the

Time: 8695.319

information that they want about

Time: 8696.6

previous patients experience right yeah

Time: 8699.04

I got to tell you the uh the patient

Time: 8702

ratings um it's a highly

Time: 8705.439

manipulated situation um how so well you

Time: 8710.92

can pay companies to help jack up your

Time: 8713.72

ratings I see that's it's rather easy I

Time: 8715.76

see it in the community infation of

Time: 8717.52

ratings oh my yes inflation of ratings

Time: 8720.24

and so then you inflate it and it

Time: 8721.52

overcomes any of the negative ones um we

Time: 8725

haven't taken an approach uh on this and

Time: 8727.6

maybe that's naive of us um you know we

Time: 8730.12

see 25,000 patient visits a year and

Time: 8733.359

only a tiny percentage of them put some

Time: 8735.279

rating and it's probably the extremes

Time: 8737.72

undoubtedly but we don't manage it I

Time: 8740.279

know that in many Community settings

Time: 8742.24

that they do I didn't answer your

Time: 8744.04

question is there a reliable source of

Time: 8747.2

of quality I still think at the end it's

Time: 8750.88

going to be uh relationships and word of

Time: 8753.479

mouth and referral I do the same thing

Time: 8755.16

you do I you know to see Hannah Watford

Time: 8758.6

the allergist I asked my primary care

Time: 8760.439

doc at Sanford who's the best who is the

Time: 8762.359

person that knows the most about food

Time: 8764.72

related issues well some really

Time: 8767.72

entrepreneurial guy or gal or group of

Time: 8770.04

guy or gals will put together a website

Time: 8773.24

or an app or something that really uh

Time: 8775.6

addresses this problem head on

Time: 8777.479

I think very few things more useful than

Time: 8781.399

a truly independent way of understanding

Time: 8784.399

prior patient experience and finding the

Time: 8786.92

best person for a particular problem and

Time: 8788.64

I think AI can help with this but I

Time: 8790.8

think Ai and you know human interface

Time: 8793.279

anyway somebody out there should do it

Time: 8795.479

um I'm curious about

Time: 8798.2

Chiropractic for a lot of people again

Time: 8801.479

not chiropractors let's not talk about

Time: 8803.279

the people specifically but Chiropractic

Time: 8805.56

a lot of people put acupuncture and

Time: 8807.88

Chiropractic um adjacent to one another

Time: 8810.72

but my understanding is that insurance

Time: 8812.96

often will cover acupuncture but not

Time: 8816.16

Chiropractic work um maybe I got that

Time: 8819.2

backwards or maybe I'm just all out

Time: 8821.16

wrong but you know with Chiropractic

Time: 8824.68

work you're talking about often the

Time: 8826.8

attempt to relieve um compression of

Time: 8829.56

nerves certainly nerves are being

Time: 8831.24

manipulated if any part of the body is

Time: 8833.08

being manipulated I guess manipulate is

Time: 8835.2

kind of a word that implies something

Time: 8836.88

Sinister is happening is being um

Time: 8838.88

adjusted um what are your thoughts about

Time: 8841.08

chiropractors assuming the chiropractor

Time: 8842.72

is well trained and responsible can it

Time: 8845.319

help pain can it help back pain neck

Time: 8847.12

pain whole body pain yeah first of all

Time: 8850.479

uh acupuncturist and Chiropractic are to

Time: 8852.84

entirely different professions just to

Time: 8854.92

just to be clear for people and they

Time: 8857.52

sometimes get lumped into a similar

Time: 8859.319

category of pain treatments and that may

Time: 8862.6

be where uh you know that comes from uh

Time: 8865.2

just closing out on the acupunct Ure

Time: 8867.16

again um just to summarize yes in some

Time: 8870.92

patients in some circumstances I found

Time: 8872.8

acupuncture to be useful and it's worth

Time: 8875

a try CMS uh Center uh Medicare uh is

Time: 8879.92

now paying for acupuncture for people

Time: 8881.92

over the age of 65 uh Medicare for

Time: 8884.56

Medicare patients that's something

Time: 8885.92

recent and uh we were happy to see that

Time: 8889

I believe that was for back pain that

Time: 8891.56

should be fact checked um but

Time: 8895.68


Time: 8898.04


Time: 8899.359

data um well-controlled studies some of

Time: 8903.68

some have shown that it can be helpful

Time: 8906.24

for low back pain uh some have shown it

Time: 8909.84

isn't it's it's

Time: 8911.84

truly not clear uh the type of

Time: 8914.96

Chiropractic that involves uh that

Time: 8917.76

doesn't involve kind of you know the the

Time: 8919.6

fast High Velocity manipulation as a

Time: 8921.76

physician I have some concerns about

Time: 8923.52

that particularly around the neck uh

Time: 8926

I've taken care care of patients that

Time: 8927.68

have had vertebral artery dissections

Time: 8929.88

from um that rapid wrenching what is a a

Time: 8933.6

vertebral Artery Dissection one of the

Time: 8936.479

the the main arteries that goes um from

Time: 8939.68

the body to the brain and the back

Time: 8941.399

portion of it is called the vertebral

Time: 8943.04

artery and uh when you do these high

Time: 8945.8

velocity manipulations uh there is a

Time: 8948.64

risk albeit small of having a dissection

Time: 8952.6

or an emis thrown off and I've had so

Time: 8955.88

it's like a stroke it's like it is a

Time: 8957.6

yeah it's like a stroke um but there's a

Time: 8961.279

lot of approaches that can be done that

Time: 8964.24

uh and some patients have shown some

Time: 8966.68

shown some benefit I think the key with

Time: 8969.84

a number of these therapies and I don't

Time: 8971.56

want to single out ACC acupuncture or

Time: 8976.439

Chiropractic if you go to them ask

Time: 8979.52

yourself am I getting durable

Time: 8981.92


Time: 8983.64

meaning everybody feels good after after

Time: 8986.64

a massage right but couple few hours

Time: 8991.24

later it's kind of worn off it's a nice

Time: 8994.279

experience in the moment for most

Time: 8996.6

people if you're finding that for

Time: 8999.92

acupuncture Chiropractic or anything for

Time: 9002.72

that matter you know ask yourself is it

Time: 9005.439

really providing

Time: 9007.359

you durable benefit that is worth the

Time: 9011.52

effort um or is it just rapid it feels

Time: 9015.84

good in the moment

Time: 9017.96

we tend to use that in our clinical

Time: 9020.52

practice as a threshold you know and we

Time: 9024.04

like to see things that last for a

Time: 9025.72

longer period of time and in many of

Time: 9028.52


Time: 9029.72

treatments whether it be acupuncture

Time: 9033.479

Chiropractic we use those as an inroad

Time: 9037.359

into more of a functional rehabilitative

Time: 9041.279

approach uh meaning when you get chronic

Time: 9045.16

pain you tend to uh withdraw you tend to

Time: 9049.88

stop ex exercising you stop moving your

Time: 9052.2

muscles atrophy you become

Time: 9054.56

deconditioned because of the pain and so

Time: 9057.439

we want to use these tools that we've

Time: 9059.479

been talking about as a way to get

Time: 9061.96

people engaged in activity to correct

Time: 9064.52

the underlying biomechanical issues that

Time: 9066.68

may be present and so they all need to

Time: 9069.64

be appropriately staged and that's where

Time: 9071.399

working with a good clinician can help

Time: 9073.08

with that yes certainly in my case

Time: 9075

anytime I've had back pain even when it

Time: 9077.2

was very severe provided I wasn't harmed

Time: 9080.56

and I was just hurt uh continuing to

Time: 9083.08

move and not becoming sedentary was

Time: 9085.68

absolutely the fastest route to recovery

Time: 9088.72

and um and in particular doing certain

Time: 9090.84

exercises that uh that were particular

Time: 9093.439

to my my case um what if any is the role

Time: 9097.52

for physical therapists in the treatment

Time: 9100.279

of chronic pain absolutely crucial

Time: 9103.2

absolutely crucial uh despite being a

Time: 9105.88

physician not a physical therapist I

Time: 9107.56

have great appreciation and respect for

Time: 9110.439

what the physical rehabilitative

Time: 9112.24

approaches do because at the end of the

Time: 9114.04

day we're trying to get people back to

Time: 9117

an improved quality of life and physical

Time: 9119.52

functioning I mean that an is often what

Time: 9122.88

people are most looking for control over

Time: 9125.319

their pain control over their life yes

Time: 9127.52

reduction in pain but more being able to

Time: 9130.12

do more things and there tying in with

Time: 9134.319

good physical therapist occupational

Time: 9136.399

therapists people who can do uh goal

Time: 9139.279

setting uh absolutely critical all of

Time: 9142.6

the treatments that I

Time: 9145.2

provide typically are meant to help

Time: 9148.24

support an increase in physical

Time: 9150.72

rehabilitative approaches and so when I

Time: 9154.04

do nerve blocks or procedures or give a

Time: 9157

medication and if we end up reducing

Time: 9158.8

some pain we want to tie that in with

Time: 9161.439


Time: 9162.88

activity and what the physical

Time: 9165

therapists are great particular i al

Time: 9166.56

those trained in chronic pain is knowing

Time: 9169.76

that difference between hurt and harm

Time: 9171.84

they can work with people to know what

Time: 9174.2

safe for them to do to rehabilitate they

Time: 9177.6

can teach them uh more about body

Time: 9179.76

mechanics and help improve endurance and

Time: 9181.96

strength uh they can work around pacing

Time: 9185.399

pacing is so critical for people with

Time: 9189.08

chronic pain now this isn't just

Time: 9191.96

exclusive to the physical therapists the

Time: 9194.12

psychologists do pacing I do pacing in

Time: 9196.88

what is

Time: 9198.12

pacing here's the problem with chronic

Time: 9201.16

pain one of the many problems it waxes

Time: 9204

and wains and so what happens is you go

Time: 9207.439

out and have a good day you go out like

Time: 9210.24

Gang Busters and you go do everything

Time: 9213.12

that you haven't been able to do for the

Time: 9215.12

last week because you've been in

Time: 9217.08

pain and then you pay the

Time: 9220.319

price and when you pay the price you're

Time: 9222.8

back in bed or you're on the couch and

Time: 9224.479

you're not moving and what happens is

Time: 9226.24

you go into this roller

Time: 9228.72


Time: 9230.279

of activity and no activity at all and

Time: 9234.68

what happens is it entrains in our brain

Time: 9237.92

it's a classic negative reinforcement

Time: 9240.279

model this is classic

Time: 9242.52

psychology and so then people become

Time: 9244.72

fearful of more

Time: 9246.279

movement and as a consequence they get

Time: 9248.68

more and more um

Time: 9251.439

disuse uh atrophy and then more

Time: 9254.12

disability so the key what do you do

Time: 9255.84


Time: 9256.72

that the key is you set small goals baby

Time: 9262

steps if you can walk comfortably for a

Time: 9264.84

block right

Time: 9266.08

now great walk that block tomorrow maybe

Time: 9269.76

walk a block plus an extra 50 feet and

Time: 9273.6

maybe the next day another 50 feet no

Time: 9276.359

more no more if you're having a great

Time: 9278.359

day don't go do five

Time: 9282.96

blocks you're training for a marathon

Time: 9285.52

you're training for the long wind now

Time: 9288.12

what's going to happen along the way is

Time: 9290.6

that you're going to have good days and

Time: 9291.96

you're going to have bad days on the

Time: 9294.68

good days don't go out and exceed it set

Time: 9296.68

a threshold time it on your watch set a

Time: 9299.279

Distance on the bad days recognize we

Time: 9302.04

all have bad days everybody has bad

Time: 9305

days and you know you may need some rest

Time: 9308.359

during those bad days but then the next

Time: 9311.92

day get up and restart you know where

Time: 9315.12

you were

Time: 9316.96

and that's the type of thing a physical

Time: 9319.64

therapist good pain psychologist good

Time: 9322.399

physician can help you with and tying

Time: 9324.24

that in by the way with these other

Time: 9326.64

therapies very interesting I've never

Time: 9328.56

heard of pacing but it makes total sense

Time: 9331.399

and I can see how people could really

Time: 9333.96

hinder their own progress without that

Time: 9336.439

basic understanding which thanks to you

Time: 9338.76

we now have um and it's something that

Time: 9341.84

hopefully all these therapeutic

Time: 9343.96

modalities keep in mind I mean I I don't

Time: 9346.16

know whether or not the acupuncturists

Time: 9347.52

are talking to the physical therapists

Time: 9349.88

are talking to the physician but I guess

Time: 9351.399

this is the reason for referrals right

Time: 9353.2

why somebody has a primary care dock

Time: 9355

then it then it you know radiates down

Time: 9356.68

to uh the rest is that why in a in an

Time: 9359.359

ideal utopian world that's exactly it I

Time: 9361.72

mean outside of uh Comprehensive Pain

Time: 9365.6

centers that have all of the stuff

Time: 9368.359

collocated you are dependent on a dock

Time: 9371.279

to play

Time: 9372.479

quarterback uh and bring all those

Time: 9375.479


Time: 9376.68

together it's incredibly challenging for

Time: 9379.52

a primary care doc to do that with the

Time: 9381.2

limited amount of time they're given to

Time: 9383.08

see a person um this is where we're

Time: 9386.279

trying to use technology to to help

Time: 9388.479

better with that integration and I I do

Time: 9391.24

think there's hope for the future we'll

Time: 9392.56

have better ways of managing that and

Time: 9394.399

handling it what is your view on

Time: 9396.92

non-prescription compounds so-called

Time: 9398.72

supplements or neutral for the treatment

Time: 9401.2

of pain fascinating

Time: 9404.359

topic this country is rather unique in

Time: 9407.24

having uh you know a wide slew of

Time: 9410.52

over-the-counter agents that are

Time: 9413.279

actually um prescription in Europe and

Time: 9417.2

in other

Time: 9418.279

countries and there are over-the-counter

Time: 9421.12

agents that have been shown to be

Time: 9423.16

effective for a number of pain

Time: 9426.2

conditions so for neuropathic pain

Time: 9429.12

acetel carnitine is one of them aceto

Time: 9432.88

carnitine is thought to work on mod

Time: 9436.04

andrial metabolism and improv

Time: 9437.92

mitochondrial health and it's been used

Time: 9440.479

I believe as a anti-aging and maybe even

Time: 9443.399

a cognitive enhancement agent um you

Time: 9446.8

need and it's been studied out of an

Time: 9448.56

Australian study I think it was called

Time: 9450.04

the Sydney trials uh actually and what

Time: 9453.72

they found it's one of the few

Time: 9455.439


Time: 9456.84

agents that actually had disease

Time: 9459.439

modifying properties meaning they

Time: 9461.2

studied this in diabetic

Time: 9463.279

neuropathy the clinical endpoint was not

Time: 9465.8

pain reduction the clinical endpoint was

Time: 9468.88

nerve conduction velocity changes and

Time: 9472.359

that's how we monitor nerve health is in

Time: 9474.92

a normal nerve they move nerve pulses

Time: 9477.279

move at a certain rate and when they're

Time: 9479.24

injured from diabetes they they you know

Time: 9481.88

it's much slower and you lose signal

Time: 9484.6

this actually improved nerve Health you

Time: 9486.76

can buy those at a vitamin shop uh order

Time: 9490.52

them online uh alphal lipoic acid is

Time: 9493

another one alphal lipoic acid uh at

Time: 9496.08

least two mechanisms one is it's a free

Time: 9498.359


Time: 9499.479

scavenger and second uh that's been more

Time: 9502.52

recent is it is a ttype calcium channel

Time: 9506.68

modulator and calcium channels are in

Time: 9509.08

our nerves and it uh turns those down

Time: 9513.72

and it can have some benefit for

Time: 9515.04

neuropathic pain um people have

Time: 9517.88

taken alphal lipoic acid for a general

Time: 9520.76

sense of

Time: 9522.04

well-being and it is generally well

Time: 9524.359

tolerated it can cause a little bit of

Time: 9526.12

stomach upset I will tell you I took

Time: 9528.479

this one myself for a while and this is

Time: 9531.84

you know again just an N of one what I

Time: 9534.88

found though is you have ttype calcium

Time: 9537.56

channels in your heart and I do hit uh

Time: 9541.279

high intensity interval training and I

Time: 9543.479

was Finding I couldn't get my heart rate

Time: 9544.92

over 150 so I had I stopped it um that's

Time: 9549.12

not a adverse event that's just an

Time: 9550.96

annoyance but that's useful um vitamin C

Time: 9555.72

so if you're going in for surgery and

Time: 9557.6

it's a maybe a nerve related surgery

Time: 9559.68

that you're going to have they found

Time: 9560.88

vitamin C prophylactically can reduce

Time: 9563.279

the likelihood of having certain nerve

Time: 9565.479

pain conditions after surgery fish oil

Time: 9568.92


Time: 9569.76

Omega-3s have been found to be

Time: 9572.439

beneficial uh around chronic pain uh

Time: 9575.399

more recently the data here is on

Time: 9578.12

smaller numbers

Time: 9579.72

creatine which I imagine youve probably

Time: 9582.24

talked about it at at some length but

Time: 9585.96

creatine has shown in small pilot

Time: 9587.96

studies some benefit in

Time: 9589.72

fibromyalgia and some other uh types of

Time: 9592.92

conditions so there are a number of

Time: 9595

these substances that are backed up

Time: 9597.399

beyond the uh you know the anic data

Time: 9600.359

that we joke about the anecdotal there's

Time: 9603.04

actually good randomized control trials

Time: 9605.12

and this is uh something that people can

Time: 9609.439

uh easily take advantage of um just be

Time: 9612.8

mindful that just because it's natural

Time: 9616.16

just because it's over the counter

Time: 9618.2

doesn't equate with 100%

Time: 9621.76

safety meaning get educated about the

Time: 9625.12

side effects and the Adverse Events get

Time: 9628

educated about the drug drug

Time: 9631.359

interactions the agent agent

Time: 9632.96

interactions and for

Time: 9635.319

instance there are these

Time: 9637.399

over-the-counter agents some of which um

Time: 9641.04

you want to be careful of and not taking

Time: 9643.12

when you're going into

Time: 9644.52

surgery because they can be uh platelet

Time: 9647.12

Inhibitors and they can cause you to

Time: 9648.399

bleed more isn't vitamin C one such com

Time: 9652.479


Time: 9653.84

substance that that causes uh excessive

Time: 9656.84

bleeding or or some people report that

Time: 9659.64

um high levels of Omega-3s can increase

Time: 9663.16

the um can reduce the viscosity of the

Time: 9665.6

blood meaning you bleed easier the the

Time: 9668.279

Omega-3s of fish oils yes absolutely the

Time: 9671.319

vitamin C I'm not familiar honestly with

Time: 9673.64

that as a blood thinging agent Maybe I'm

Time: 9676.16

uh misinformed there or or maybe I'm

Time: 9678.68

just forgetting it but that's that's one

Time: 9680.64

I don't usually think of as a a blunt

Time: 9682.52

thinner someone will put in the show

Time: 9683.88

note comments one way or the other I'll

Time: 9686.08

get corrected I I but there's a number

Time: 9688.279

of these over-the-counter agents that

Time: 9690.279

are uh that are available the vast

Time: 9693.439

majority are innocuous that I've

Time: 9695.359

mentioned that I've mentioned they

Time: 9697.04

innocuous meaning they they don't uh

Time: 9699

cause harm at the at reasonable dosage

Time: 9701.88

um uh but they can have positive effects

Time: 9704.68

well perfectly St it yeah well thank you

Time: 9707.12

for sharing that list I think um as you

Time: 9709.319

mentioned many compounds that are only

Time: 9711.319

available by prescription overseas are

Time: 9713.96

are indeed available over the counter in

Time: 9715.319

the US in this area of neutraceutical

Time: 9717.68

like a supplements is um still an area

Time: 9721.399

that's actively debated depending on

Time: 9722.92

people's stance but it's refreshing to

Time: 9724.359

hear somebody who's you know a uh um

Time: 9727.76

formally trained physician and um and

Time: 9730.6

scientist who um Embraces so many

Time: 9733.359

different approaches in in the treatment

Time: 9735.08

of pain along those lines um perhaps

Time: 9737.56

you'd be willing to talk about the

Time: 9739.24

psychological treatments that can be

Time: 9741.279

effective for pain again absolutely

Time: 9744.56

critical in the management of people

Time: 9747.479

with you know wide range of pain

Time: 9750.279

problems and recall what we talked about

Time: 9753.12

is you know this is no susception these

Time: 9754.84

are the signals coming up to the brain

Time: 9756.8

once it hits the brain you know we're

Time: 9759.439

dealing with everything that person has

Time: 9763.04

lived through and also is currently

Time: 9766.439

experiencing meaning their levels of

Time: 9769.12

anxiety depression how they cope with

Time: 9771.6

pain in the past how they cope with it

Time: 9773.84

now uh early uh life experiences it's a

Time: 9777.72

paper that just came out in jamama uh

Time: 9781.2

literally in the last few days where

Time: 9783

they did a metaanalysis of brain Imaging

Time: 9785.56

studies on people with early adverse

Time: 9788.359

life events and what they found is

Time: 9791.72

abnormalities in emotional processing

Time: 9794.279

emotional functioning and people who

Time: 9796

have these um giving strong evidence

Time: 9800.52

that what happens to you early in life

Time: 9804.12

impacts us as adults and stays with us

Time: 9806.359

it changes our wiring

Time: 9810.04

now this is where in part pain

Time: 9812.479

psychologists behavioral therapists can

Time: 9814.84

come in they can help with some of the

Time: 9818.52

uh maladaptive coping the the thought

Time: 9821.319

processes involved with pain they can

Time: 9823.72

help teach skills so for the vast

Time: 9826.319

majority of pain psychology this is not

Time: 9828.88

your typical psychoanalytic lying on a

Time: 9831.56

couch you know talking about you know

Time: 9835.04

whatever this is about teaching people

Time: 9839.08

skills um incredibly

Time: 9842.52

helpful uh does it eliminate pain um few

Time: 9848.439

of the things that we do actually

Time: 9849.88

eliminate pain what we're trying to do

Time: 9851.439

is Chip Away you know a little bit with

Time: 9853.92

this medication a little bit with this

Time: 9855.68

Pro some this procedure bit with

Time: 9858.2

psychology we're trying to hit all of

Time: 9861.04

these Pathways in

Time: 9864.24

aggregate um to make a real

Time: 9866.8

difference the pain psychologist use

Time: 9869.52

classically techniques like cognitive

Time: 9871.439

behavioral therapy which involves often

Time: 9875.72

recognizing these unhelpful thoughts and

Time: 9879.399

patterns that we all get into around

Time: 9882.08

pain and even life to inter interrupting

Time: 9885.68

those thoughts to helping people again

Time: 9888.92

with goal setting and pacing to teach

Time: 9892.04

people relaxation techniques through

Time: 9895.04


Time: 9896.04

breathing um things like biof

Time: 9898.96

feedback um in Silicon Valley where I

Time: 9901.64

practice the engineers love the biof

Time: 9903.359

feedback I'm an engineer by formal

Time: 9905.04

training so I get it but it's that Clos

Time: 9907.479

Loop feedback because remember the the

Time: 9910

brain is controlling the

Time: 9912.24

periphery and controlling the sympy

Time: 9915.12

sythetic nervous system and when we're

Time: 9917.84

in pain our sympathetic nervous system

Time: 9919.92

gets revved up when the sympathetic

Time: 9922.16

nervous system gets reved up blood

Time: 9924.279


Time: 9925.359

constrict uh heart rate goes up our

Time: 9927.56

muscles get

Time: 9929.08

tense um and we need sometimes ways of

Time: 9933.68

learning how to calm down that

Time: 9935.8

sympathetic nervous system um cognitive

Time: 9938.96

behavoral therapy mindfulness based

Time: 9940.6

stress reduction acceptance and

Time: 9942.12

commitment therapy are some of the tools

Time: 9944.6

that they use my partner Beth has

Time: 9947.76

developed a brief intervention called

Time: 9949.479

empowered relief yes I'm biased um it

Time: 9953.6

works we've studied this in an NIH uh

Time: 9956.479

funded study and it's a way of getting

Time: 9958.2

eight weeks of cogni behavioral therapy

Time: 9959.96

in two hours wow not meant to replace

Time: 9962.8

CBT but as an additional tool and you're

Time: 9966.8

going to see as time goes by more and

Time: 9969.24

more of these tools come out and the

Time: 9971.16

beauty of them

Time: 9972.68

is they're going to be much e easier to

Time: 9975.96

disseminate broadly to the public than

Time: 9979.92

for instance a pill you know I can't we

Time: 9982.2

can't just go put into FedEx or the US

Time: 9985.76

Post Office you know start sending out

Time: 9987.16

pills to everybody but we can develop

Time: 9989


Time: 9990.279

online that uh can teach people skills

Time: 9993.88

and really help is that the plan for

Time: 9995.84

this um

Time: 9997.8

abbreviated but equally effective

Time: 10000.319

cognitive behavioral therapy yes now

Time: 10002.64

you're getting into kind of my beths in

Time: 10004.76

mind my life mission so you know I've

Time: 10008.16

spent the last 12 years building a uh

Time: 10011.279

digital platform a health platform that

Time: 10014.12

we've integrated into clinics and

Time: 10017.319

capture highquality data covering all

Time: 10019.72

aspects of people's physical

Time: 10021

psychological and social functioning and

Time: 10023.279

the reason for that is to address a

Time: 10025.64

critical need that we have on better

Time: 10027.319

quality data about people the data and

Time: 10030.359

the information that we have on people

Time: 10032.24

with pain and many health conditions is

Time: 10034.56


Time: 10036.76

and so I created this platform to be

Time: 10039.279

able to capture high quality data put it

Time: 10041.04

to use use AI in the background for

Time: 10043.56

prediction and

Time: 10045.88

now Beth has created these brief

Time: 10049.479

interventions which we're

Time: 10051.6

integrating and the notion is to make

Time: 10053.88

that widely available for free we're

Time: 10056.52

giving it all away like I said this is a

Time: 10058.439


Time: 10059.399

mission we both have been blessed to be

Time: 10062.88

at Stanford where we have everything

Time: 10065.96

but you know you go just 30 miles 40

Time: 10069.52

miles outside of the Bay Area and you're

Time: 10071.96

in a healthc care desert and I don't say

Time: 10074.64

that disparaging to any docs working out

Time: 10077.8

there but it's different there's only a

Time: 10081.52

handful of large academic centers and

Time: 10084.2

large practices in the country but you

Time: 10087

get outside those those catchment areas

Time: 10089.56

people struggle with how to get good

Time: 10091.12

quality care you asked that question

Time: 10092.8

earlier how do you find good quality

Time: 10096.04

care and so we're working to make that

Time: 10099.12

that available to

Time: 10100.64

everybody fantastic I was going to ask

Time: 10103.88

you as a final question what is your if

Time: 10106.92

you had one wish for the future of pain

Time: 10110.399

medicine and the treatment of pain what

Time: 10112.2

that would be um before you answer that

Time: 10115.72

um I'll just add an answer that you

Time: 10117.96

already gave which is it sounds like the

Time: 10120.08

implementation of this um incredible set

Time: 10122.64

of tools and database that you've um

Time: 10125.12

collaborated with Dr Darnell Beth

Time: 10127.399

Darnell to uh to develop as at least one

Time: 10129.8

of them so now that that um that answer

Time: 10132.8

was given by me then you can it frees up

Time: 10135.12

uh the opportunity for you to give

Time: 10136.319

another answer what is the if you had

Time: 10138.359

one wish for the field of pain medicine

Time: 10142.84

uh going forward what what would that

Time: 10145.24

wish be yeah

Time: 10147.439

so a few years ago um I co-led for the

Time: 10152.68

country the development of the national

Time: 10154.84


Time: 10155.96

strategy and this was uh sponsored by

Time: 10158.76

the NIH and health and human services

Time: 10160.6

and I co-led this with Dr Linda Porter

Time: 10162.8

from the NIH we brought together 80 uh

Time: 10165.6

National experts in pain research pain

Time: 10167.92

clinical care pain policy and people

Time: 10170.6

with lived experience with pain we put

Time: 10172.399

together a strategic plan for the

Time: 10174.8

country on how to enact a cultural

Time: 10178.84

transformation and change the way we

Time: 10181.6

assess uh care for people with pain how

Time: 10184.84

we educate professionals how we

Time: 10187.04

communicate with the

Time: 10189.12

public my wish would be for full

Time: 10191.68

implementation of the national pain

Time: 10193.68

strategy it

Time: 10195.479

unfortunately uh took backseat when it

Time: 10199.88

was released the same time with the CDC

Time: 10202

opioid guidelines and the opioid

Time: 10204.08

guidelines sucked all the oxygen out of

Time: 10205.72

the room but the the Strategic

Time: 10209.399

plan it was well thought out it's the

Time: 10212.359

one that we have for our country it's

Time: 10215.56


Time: 10217.76

nonpartisan it is motherhood and apple

Time: 10220.64

pie um and it's if we just actually

Time: 10223.76

Implement what we put forward it'll make

Time: 10226.6

a huge difference in the lives of people

Time: 10229.239

uh living with pain is there anything

Time: 10231.92

that people listening to this podcast

Time: 10233.399

can do to try and move the

Time: 10235.279

implementation of that initiative up are

Time: 10237.96

there Congress people to call I mean

Time: 10240.399

this how so I learned in junior high

Time: 10243.08

school and high school uh what little I

Time: 10245

attended and by the way go to school

Time: 10246.52

folks I had to catch up a lot but I do

Time: 10248.72

remember them saying that you know this

Time: 10250.64

was a democracy is a democracy and that

Time: 10253.52

um those phone calls and letters can

Time: 10255.64

often matter for what um gets you know

Time: 10258.52

sent up the flag pole and what

Time: 10260.12

ultimately gets approved and implemented

Time: 10261.96

beautifully stated you're you're

Time: 10263.279

absolutely right and in fact the nidus

Time: 10266.76

for the national pain strategy

Time: 10269.04

originally came about through a number

Time: 10271.439

of concerned citizens with pain doing

Time: 10274

that very thing and lobbying what became

Time: 10277.8

a bipartisan you don't hear that much

Time: 10280.08

anymore bipartisan effort um to put

Time: 10284

forward a national Pain Care Act that

Time: 10287.52

got put into the Affordable Care Act

Time: 10290.2

that called for the development of an

Time: 10292.6

Institute of medicine report on pain

Time: 10295.16

that led to the National pain strategy

Time: 10298.04


Time: 10298.88

starting with concerned people making

Time: 10301.84

those phone calls and writing those

Time: 10303.279

letters so that means means calling your

Time: 10305.64

congressman and congresswoman leaving

Time: 10308

messages I hear this works I mean I know

Time: 10310.359

people they're doing this for other

Time: 10311.56

initiatives um and one call two calls

Time: 10314.399

doesn't make much of a difference but

Time: 10316.16

that if people are saying um you know

Time: 10318.319

this is important to them that people in

Time: 10321.2

power eventually start taking action the

Time: 10324.12

the legislators they listen and and in

Time: 10326.479

part um Again part of this life mission

Time: 10329.2

both to develop this platform I've

Time: 10331.12

created a nonprofit um called pain USA

Time: 10334.64

and its main mission is to help Advance

Time: 10337.239

the implementation of the national pain

Time: 10339.04

strategy and baked within that is this

Time: 10341.76

platform also to use highquality data to

Time: 10345.279

better inform the care of patients of

Time: 10347.56

people with pain and to deliver high

Time: 10349.88

quality um treatments because we do know

Time: 10352.92

also that people listen to data and we

Time: 10357.2

need good quality data to influence uh

Time: 10360

those messages but please yes make those

Time: 10362.2

calls write those letters it does work

Time: 10365.2

well Sean Dr Mackey thank you so much

Time: 10368.359

for everything that you're doing you

Time: 10369.8

took us on quite a tour um in terms of

Time: 10372.479

depth and breadth of the thing that we

Time: 10375.96

think of and unfortunately in some cases

Time: 10378.52

experience as pain although we also

Time: 10380.08

learned it's highly adaptive in some

Time: 10381.76

cases can protect us does indeed protect

Time: 10384.12

us thank you for taking us on that tour

Time: 10386.6

of the biology the psychology the

Time: 10388.399

various treatments the context in which

Time: 10391.2

all of this exists we touched into some

Time: 10393.76

somewhat controver IAL areas but I

Time: 10395.52

really appreciate the thoroughness and

Time: 10397.96

the nuance and the sensitivity with

Time: 10399.64

which you touch into all of those issues

Time: 10401.8

and um just on behalf of myself and

Time: 10404.279

everybody listening I just really want

Time: 10405.68

to thank you you've um contributed a

Time: 10407.76

great deal today to the public education

Time: 10410.8

of what pain is what it isn't and how to

Time: 10413.72

treat it so thank you ever so much thank

Time: 10415.96

you Dr huberman I appreciate the

Time: 10417.399

opportunity to come on and spend some

Time: 10419.2

time and uh you're giving a platform to

Time: 10422.439

help educate and inform people out there

Time: 10425.279

I got to tell you Nobody Does it Better

Time: 10427.279

you you've been absolutely amazing and

Time: 10429.72

um thank you again thank you it's a

Time: 10432.04

labor of love and I appreciate the kind

Time: 10433.88

words come back again thank you thank

Time: 10437

you for joining me today for my

Time: 10438.279

discussion all about pain and ways to

Time: 10440.399

control pain with Dr Shawn Mackey I hope

Time: 10443.08

you found the conversation to be as

Time: 10444.6

interesting and as informative as I did

Time: 10447.479

to learn more about and explore some of

Time: 10449.04

the resources that Dr Mackey mentioned

Time: 10450.8

during today's episode please refer to

Time: 10452.96

the show note captions if you're

Time: 10454.6

learning from and or enjoying this

Time: 10456.16

podcast please subscribe to our YouTube

Time: 10458.04

channel that's a terrific zeroc cost way

Time: 10460.12

to support us in addition please

Time: 10462.12

subscribe to the podcast on both Spotify

Time: 10464.359

and apple and on both Spotify and apple

Time: 10466.56

you can leave us up to a five-star

Time: 10468.04

review please also check out the

Time: 10469.439

sponsors mentioned at the beginning and

Time: 10471.04

throughout today's episode that's the

Time: 10472.84

best way to support this podcast if you

Time: 10475.04

have questions or comments for me or

Time: 10477.12

guests or topics that you like me to

Time: 10478.6

include on the hubman Lab podcast please

Time: 10480.76

put those in the comments on YouTube I

Time: 10482.6

do read all the comments during today's

Time: 10484.84

episode and on many previous episodes of

Time: 10486.72

The hubman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 10488.84

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 10490.6

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 10492.479

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 10494.319

things like improving sleep for hormone

Time: 10496.16

support and for Focus the ubberman Lab

Time: 10498.52

podcast has partnered with momentous

Time: 10500.12

supplements and we've done that for

Time: 10501.239

several reasons first of all momentous

Time: 10503.56

supplements are of the very highest

Time: 10504.96

quality second momentus ships

Time: 10507.16

internationally which we realize is

Time: 10508.72

important because many of you reside

Time: 10510.16

outside of the United States third

Time: 10512.319

momentous supplements tend to focus on

Time: 10513.88

single ingredient formulations which is

Time: 10515.84

important if you want to develop the

Time: 10517.64

most biologically and cost-effective

Time: 10519.68

supplement regimen for you to learn more

Time: 10522.12

about the supplements discussed on the

Time: 10523.319

huberman Lab podcast please go to Liv

Time: 10525.52

mous.com huberman again that's live

Time: 10528.6

momentous spelled o

Time: 10530.359

us.com huberman if you're not already

Time: 10532.76

following me on social media I am

Time: 10534.439

huberman lab on all social media

Time: 10536.319

platforms so that's Instagram Twitter

Time: 10538.64

now called X threads LinkedIn and

Time: 10541

Facebook and on all of those platforms I

Time: 10543.239

discuss science and science related

Time: 10544.76

tools some of which overlaps with the

Time: 10546.56

content of the hubman Lab podcast but

Time: 10548.319

much of which is distinct from the

Time: 10549.72

content on the hubman Lab podcast again

Time: 10551.92

that's hubman lab on all social media

Time: 10553.96

platforms if you haven't already

Time: 10555.359

subscribed to our neural network

Time: 10556.8

newsletter it is a zeroc cost newsletter

Time: 10559.56

that includes summaries of podcast

Time: 10561.319

episodes as well as protocols in the

Time: 10563.52

form of brief one to three page PDFs for

Time: 10566.12

things like how to improve sleep how to

Time: 10568.239

regulate dopamine deliberate cold

Time: 10570.2

exposure deliberate heat exposure

Time: 10572.16

exercise protocols and much more to sign

Time: 10574.88

up simply go to hubman lab.com go to the

Time: 10577.359

menu tab scroll down to newsletter and

Time: 10579.8

provide us with your email and I want to

Time: 10581.359

point out that we do not share your

Time: 10582.72

email with anybody and again the

Time: 10584.359

newsletter is completely zero cost thank

Time: 10586.6

you once again for joining me for

Time: 10587.88

today's discussion all about pain and

Time: 10590.2

ways to control pain with Dr Shawn

Time: 10592.359

Mackey and last but certainly not least

Time: 10595.399

thank you for your interest in

Time: 10597.22


Time: 10600.64


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