Dr. Satchin Panda: Intermittent Fasting to Improve Health, Cognition & Longevity | Huberman Lab

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford school of medicine today my

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guest is Dr Sachin Panda Dr Sachin panda

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is a professor and director of the

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regulatory biology laboratory at the

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Salk Institute of biological studies

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his laboratory has made numerous

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important contributions that impact

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mental health physical health and human

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performance for instance his laboratory

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discovered the neurons in the eye and

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neurons within the brain that regulate

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our so-called circadian rhythm circadian

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rhythms are 24-hour rhythms and

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everything from gene expression to the

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overall functioning of tissues our

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levels of mood and alertness our ability

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to sleep appetite and much much more in

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addition over the last decade Dr Panda's

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laboratory has made critical discoveries

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in terms of how our patterns of eating

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over time impact our biology and our

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health in particular his laboratory

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Pioneer discoveries related to so-called

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intermittent fasting also sometimes

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referred to as time restricted feeding

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today Dr Panda and I discuss how our

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circadian behaviors everything from when

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we wake up to when we view light to when

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we avoid viewing light to when we eat

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and what we eat and when we socialize

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and how we socialize impacts our biology

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and our psychology energy and how all of

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that has a strong impact on our health

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during today's discussion you will learn

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how restricting your feeding to specific

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periods within each 24 hour cycle or

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perhaps even exploring longer patterns

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of fasting and eating Cycles can impact

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everything from the health of your liver

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to your gut to your brain and how all of

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that impacts things like mood and your

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ability to perform cognitive work indeed

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today's discussion goes deep into all

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aspects of intermittent fasting AKA time

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restricted feeding we talk about the

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basic science as well as the recent

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clinical trials that have explored

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time-restricted feeding in a diverse

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range of people including men women

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children people with diabetes people who

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are otherwise healthy and much much more

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I'm quite aware that intermittent

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fasting is a topic of much debate these

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days we go deep into that debate and by

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the end of today's discussion you can be

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certain that you will have learned all

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the latest and all the details all all

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made very clear to you thanks to the

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incredible expertise Discovery and clear

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communication of Dr Panda as some of you

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may already know Dr Panda has authored

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several important books on the topic of

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intermittent fasting and how it can

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benefit various aspects of Health those

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books include the Circadian code and a

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more recent book the Circadian diabetes

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code both of which we've provided links

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to in the show note captions in addition

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if any of you are interested in learning

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more about Dr Panda's work including

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seeing his Publications and reading

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those Publications we're supporting his

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laboratory you can do that by going to

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his laboratory website which we have

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also linked in the show note captions

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before we begin I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my

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teaching and research roles at Stanford

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it is however part of my desire and

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effort to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme I'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is hvmn Ketone IQ hvmn

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Ketone IQ is a supplement that increases

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blood ketones I want to be clear that I

Time: 207.659

am not following a ketogenic diet most

Time: 209.7

people fall into this category they are

Time: 211.379

not following a ketogenic diet they are

Time: 213.3

omnivores and they do eat carbohydrates

Time: 215.099

so their standard fuel source for the

Time: 217.8

brain and body is not ketones however I

Time: 221.22

found that by taking Ketone IQ which we

Time: 223.799

know increases blood ketones I can

Time: 225.959

achieve much better focus for longer

Time: 228.06

periods of time for any kind of

Time: 229.2

cognitive work and much greater energy

Time: 230.819

levels for exercise especially if I'm

Time: 233.159

going into that exercise fasted and find

Time: 235.5

myself a little bit hungry when I start

Time: 237.54

that exercise this is no surprise we

Time: 239.879

know that ketones are the brains and

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body's preferred fuel source even if

Time: 243.959

you're not following a ketogenic diet so

Time: 246.299

in other words I and many other people

Time: 247.56

are now starting to leverage endogenous

Time: 250.019

ketones as a fuel source for the brain

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and body and yet we are not following a

Time: 254.4

ketogenic diet and of course if you are

Time: 256.919

following a ketogenic diet Ketone IQ

Time: 259.38

will further allow you to increase your

Time: 261.419

blood ketones as a source of brain and

Time: 263.22

body fuel if you'd like to try Ketone IQ

Time: 265.86

you can go to hvmn.com huberman to save

Time: 268.979

20 off your order again that's hvmn.com

Time: 272.12

huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by eight sleep eight sleep makes

Time: 276.78

Smart mattress covers with cooling

Time: 278.4

Heating and sleep tracking capacity

Time: 280.74

as I've talked about before on the

Time: 282.24

huberman Lab podcast there is a critical

Time: 284.52

relationship between sleep and body

Time: 286.44

temperature that is in order to fall

Time: 288.54

asleep and stay deeply asleep your body

Time: 290.88

temperature needs to drop by about one

Time: 292.62

to three degrees and in order to wake up

Time: 294.479

in the morning and feel alert your body

Time: 296.52

temperature needs to increase by about

Time: 298.259

one to three degrees the problem with

Time: 300.66

most people's sleeping environment is

Time: 302.52

that even if you make the room cool the

Time: 304.62

actual environment that you sleep on

Time: 306

that is your mattress and underneath

Time: 307.62

your covers is hard to regulate in terms

Time: 310.08

of temperature with eight sleep

Time: 311.699

regulating the temperature of that

Time: 313.08

sleeping environment becomes incredibly

Time: 314.82

easy in fact you can change the

Time: 316.38

temperature of that environment across

Time: 317.82

the night making it a little bit cool at

Time: 319.86

the beginning of the night even cooler

Time: 321.9

still a few hours into your sleep which

Time: 323.639

really helps getting into very deep

Time: 325.08

sleep and then warming it as you

Time: 327.419

approach warnings so that you wake up

Time: 328.979

feeling most alert I've been sleeping on

Time: 331.38

an eight-sleep mattress cover for over a

Time: 333.539

year now and it is completely

Time: 335.22

transformed my sleep if you'd like to

Time: 337.02

try eight sleep you can go to

Time: 338.28

eightsleep.com huberman to to save up to

Time: 341.52

150 off their pod 3 cover eight sleep

Time: 344.16

currently ships in the USA Canada UK

Time: 346.5

select countries in the EU and Australia

Time: 348.72

again that's eightsleep.com huberman

Time: 351.3

today's episode is also brought To Us by

Time: 353.28

thesis thesis makes custom nootropics

Time: 355.86

now I am not a fan of the word

Time: 357.9

nootropics because it translates to

Time: 359.94

Smart drugs and as a neuroscientist what

Time: 362.34

I can tell you is that you have circuits

Time: 364.139

in your brain that allow you to focus

Time: 366.18

you have circuits in your brain that

Time: 367.56

allow you to be creative you have

Time: 368.94

circuits in your brain that allow you to

Time: 370.32

task switch and on and on in other words

Time: 372.539

there is no specific brain circuit or

Time: 374.759

even circuits for being quote unquote

Time: 377.16

smart thesis understands this and has

Time: 379.56

developed nootropics that are customized

Time: 381.84

to different types of mental operations

Time: 384.18

what do I mean by that well they have

Time: 386.759

formulas that can put your brain into a

Time: 388.74

state of increased Clarity or Focus or

Time: 391.86

creativity or that can give you more

Time: 394.259

overall energy for things like physical

Time: 396.419

exercise I often take the thesis Clarity

Time: 399.06

formula prior to law long bouts of

Time: 401.58

cognitive work and I'll use their energy

Time: 403.02

formula prior to doing any kind of

Time: 405.06

really intense physical exercise if

Time: 407.639

you'd like to try your own personalized

Time: 409.02

nootropic starter kit go online to

Time: 410.819

takethesis.com huberman you'll take a

Time: 413.759

brief three-minute quiz and thesis will

Time: 415.68

send you four different formulas to try

Time: 417.539

in your first month again that's

Time: 419.4

takethesis.com huberman and if you use

Time: 421.86

the code Huber minute checkout you'll

Time: 423.36

get 10 off your order the huberman Lab

Time: 425.88

podcast is now partnered with momentous

Time: 427.5

supplements to find the supplements we

Time: 429.12

discussed on the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 430.44

you can go to live momentous spelled ous

Time: 432.84

live momentous.com huberman and I should

Time: 436.199

just mention that the library of those

Time: 437.46

supplements is constantly expanding

Time: 439.199

again that's livemomentous.com huberman

Time: 442.259

and now for my discussion with Dr Sachin

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Panda Sachin Dr Panda so good to see you

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again yeah good to see you we are

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colleagues still but we used to be right

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across the street from one another yeah

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yeah you remember those days yeah yeah

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so I'm delighted that you're here

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um I think we're going to talk about a

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number of things mainly

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intermittent fasting time restricted

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feeding and health but also the many

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other things that you're doing just

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before we started recording we were

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discussing your recent paper in nature

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uh that involved recordings from

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post-mortem Human retina so maybe if

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there's time at the end we can get back

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to uh your lab has shown that you can

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essentially maintain or resurrect

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neurons from

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uh dead people in order to potentially

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and eventually provide transplants to

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rescue Vision in the blind so that's

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extremely exciting but of course not the

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main focus of today's discussion so

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we'll have to uh split it up

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um the first question I have is how am I

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supposed to Define

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fasting and time restricted feeding in

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meaning when I go to sleep every night

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I'm not eating so in some sense

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is doing time restricted feeding to some

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degree or another yeah at what point can

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we start thinking about a pattern of

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eating as time restricted feeding

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so-called intermittent fasting

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does it have to do with how regular one

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is about the start and stop times how do

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you think about defining intermittent

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fasting time restrictive feeding and

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maybe just to simplify the conversation

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is one term more correct than the other

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in terms of describing this incredible

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pattern of feeding

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well you know that intermittent fasting

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covers many types of fasting

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um so actually it started long time ago

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and it's embedded into the history of

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caloric restriction

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um almost 100 years ago people showed

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that if you reduce

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calorie intake in a rat then that rat

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can live for a long time

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and in those experiments the calories

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were reduced every single day

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and that led to the idea that if we cut

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down our calories by 20 percent say then

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we can potentially live longer by doing

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two things one is preventing is related

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disease or even if we follow fall sick

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maybe we can accelerate cure

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and keep the repair mechanism going so

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that we can live longer

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but it was very difficult to

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count calories every day and reduce

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maintain that

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I must say that it's not that calorie

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restriction is impossible or we are not

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doing it in fact

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a lot of us we do

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um count calories in our subconscious

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mind means every time you took out it

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you took out we take out a soda bottle

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or something I'm looking at it okay or

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in 60 kilocalo or 30 kilocal or zero

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kilocal we are doing that so the point

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is it's it's we are doing subconsciously

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some kind of calorie

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counting but reducing calorie by Twenty

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thirty percent every single day is not

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possible for many people so then the

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idea came in mouse and rat experiment

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whether they can eat every other day

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um and in fact this every other day

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um also led to very similar almost

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equivalent Health Improvement as

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continuous calorie restriction

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um so then the idea was well every other

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day is a little bit hard for humans but

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just imagine I would just get to eat

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only one day and then another day

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then the idea came well for humans can

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they eat less for one or two days in a

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so that led to this pipe two diet where

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people can eat for five days and then

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two days they have to reduce calories so

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that's also

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intermittently people are fasting

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um then as you know Walter longer also

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came with this idea that periodic

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fasting maybe four or five days in every

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month or two months three months you can

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fast or reduce calorie

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and he also found many benefits of

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calorie restriction was there were those

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studies on humans many of the studies

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started it in mice but alternate day

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fasting five two and

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um Walters periodic fasting all of them

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have now been done in humans not for

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longevity of course because

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cannot do this for a long time but for

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weight maintenance for reducing some

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signs of aging or reversing those things

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have been done so all of them have been

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done in humans mostly healthy humans and

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in some cases people with pre-diabetes

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or some aspects of metabolic disease so

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that led to the idea that that all these

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forms of fasting in which

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the total caloric intake on any given

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day is reduced for one or more days in a

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week a month that became that umbrella

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term became intermittent fasting

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so if you

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look up the scientific literature most

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intermittent fasting involves

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intentionally reducing calories

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for at least one or two days in a week

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um few days in a month

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so when we publish time restricted

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um the initial Mouse experiments and

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even now most of the mouse experiments

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we want to test what is the impact of

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time restriction versus calorie

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so in these experiments we don't reduce

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calorie on any day of mouse life so the

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mice is the same number of calories as

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the adlibitum FED mice

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but still they say health benefit so

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that's why we call it time restricted

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but since it involves

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living without food for several hours

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for some people which is it can be very

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difficult the initial experiments was

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done they were done for eight hours of

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feeding and 16 hours of fasting that

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kind of became popular and so that

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that's why people use the same term as

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intermittent fasting and now if you

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say intermittent fasting and popular

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literature or popular media then people

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usually refer to time restricted eating

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so now coming back to

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how do you define time restricted

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um so the way we have been trying to

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experimentally and also in literature is

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trying to

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confine all your energy intake from

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solid and liquid food combined within a

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consistent window of 8 to 12 hours

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because that's something that doable of

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course people have done time restrictive

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trading with four hours six hours and

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some people even try to eat everything

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within two hours one meal a day

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um but the point is those are not

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feasible to maintain for very long time

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for a lot of people

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one question about the six hour versus

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eight hour versus 12 hour feeding window

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is it important that the feeding window

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begin and end at the same time more or

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less yeah and if so how much flexibility

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is there so for instance I'm somebody

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I am not terribly hungry in the morning

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I like to drink water usually some

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caffeine and electrolytes yeah in the

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period before my first meal and my first

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meal always lands sometime between

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11 and 11 A.M and 12 noon there are

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exceptions yeah occasionally I'll have a

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breakfast a proper breakfast as it's

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called Uh I guess it would be improper

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if you're intermittent fasting for me

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um but typically 11 A.M or noon is when

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I first eat my last bite of food is

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typically around I don't know 39 PM

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that's what works for me yeah

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is that consistency affording me any

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benefit separate and let's just leave

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aside total caloric number

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macronutrients plant-based meat Etc but

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is there any benefit to shortening that

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feeding window that we are aware of or

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extending that feeding window or being

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even more rigid about the start and end

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of that feeding window

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yeah so the start of the fitting window

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um that's interesting because the

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concept of time history feeding when I

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describe animal studies it's feeding for

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humans it's eating so the concept

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actually came from the science of

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circadian rhythm so that means um

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our body has an internal timetable

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that's present in every cell in every

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that pre-programs many

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molecular aspects of the cells that

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leads to physiology and all that stuff

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so that essentially there is a

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predetermined timetable for every cell

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every organ to do certain things at

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certain time

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the Circadian clocks as

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you and I know are more sensitive to

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light light is the most dominant

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um time Giver so for example when

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daylight saving time changes or when we

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travel from one time zone to another

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time zone we feel kind of crappy because

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our daily activities uh out of sync

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from our internal clock

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so that was known for a very long time

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but then around the year 2000 2002

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there was a famous experiment by Uli

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sibler from

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Switzerland what he did he just

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Fair demise at the wrong time mice are

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nocturnal their night feeders and when

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he fed the mice during their time and

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the liver clock instead of

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following its own routine liver clock

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actually started following food so that

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means by changing our feeding time we

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can change we can tune our liver plot

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and subsequently the same experiment has

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been repeated many times and when we

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repeated that in 2009

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and we figured out Yes actually outside

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brand Center called Supra chiasmatic

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nucleus or scn which

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is considered the master circadian clock

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rest of the brain even

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follows when we eat and that came out

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from Pierre shambon's lab in Europe

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where they systematically looked at even

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places that are very close to the asean

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for those who are who node or some

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medial hypothalamus or paraventricular

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nucleus all of this

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within a couple of four or five

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millimeters of the scn but they were

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following food queue

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amazing so then

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um and now if we think about it so for

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example when the daylight saving time

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changes just one hour change

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um or one hour change in alignment

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between our internal time and external

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time leads to kind of feeling groggy and

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filling not out of Peak Performance for

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one or two days

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so the rule of thumb is when the time

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changes by one hour then our internal

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clock takes at least a day to catch up

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so that means if you're flying from

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LA to New York uh you're moving through

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three time zones then on an average it

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will take three uh three days to catch

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up with the New York Times for some

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people it can be even slower and for

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some people it can be two days but the

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bottom line is yes there is a

Time: 1169.66

decentrality so then what does it mean

Time: 1172.76

for the body sorry one of the function

Time: 1175.76

of clock is to anticipate when you're

Time: 1178.7

going to wake up for example so the

Time: 1180.74

blood pressure slightly goes up our

Time: 1183.559

heart rate goes up our breathing goes up

Time: 1185.74

similarly for food

Time: 1188.84

almost every organ that is involved in

Time: 1191.84

feeding or eating digestion all of them

Time: 1195.559

have clocks

Time: 1197.059

so even from saliva production that's

Time: 1200.66

the first phase of digestion to

Time: 1203.48

secretion of all the digestive juice and

Time: 1205.82

the stomach and the absorption of

Time: 1207.919

nutrients and liver metabolism

Time: 1209.919

everything the whole village expects one

Time: 1213.799

you're supposed to eat and they're

Time: 1215.059

getting ready

Time: 1216.26

for you to eat the first meal after

Time: 1219.799

fasting for a long time so that's why

Time: 1221.6

it's breaking the fast of breakfast

Time: 1224.32

and when that time changes when you

Time: 1227.36

change it by two or three hours from one

Time: 1229.4

day to another then

Time: 1231.559

um sometimes they're like oh food didn't

Time: 1233.24

come or maybe

Time: 1235.94

um will come at a wrong time we were at

Time: 1237.98

the wrong time and then they will track

Time: 1240.32

the new eating time so suppose say one

Time: 1243.26

day you have been eating every day at

Time: 1245.36

eight a.m

Time: 1246.799

um I ate at 8am is that when you start

Time: 1248.96


Time: 1249.82

when do you when does your feeding

Time: 1251.9

Windows shut uh 6 p.m so I eat for

Time: 1254.9

around 10 hours okay

Time: 1257.78

um and then one day if I switch to 10 am

Time: 1260.78

then what happens is

Time: 1263.12

a clerk is thinking well the food didn't

Time: 1265.1

arrive at eight but it arrived at 10

Time: 1267.2

maybe tomorrow the food will arrive

Time: 1269

somewhere between eight and ten so we'll

Time: 1270.799

be ready around nine

Time: 1274.76

and next day if I come back and eat at

Time: 1277.1

eight o'clock then I may eat but my

Time: 1280.28

clock is not ready to digest that food

Time: 1282.74

so that's why this idea is you have to

Time: 1286.16

be consistent uh to take advantage of

Time: 1288.799

this anticipatory activity of our cloth

Time: 1291.44

in different systems to get the best out

Time: 1293.84

of it is there evidence that those

Time: 1295.58

anticipatory systems and as they relate

Time: 1298.46

to digestion help us better assimilate

Time: 1300.799

our food I would imagine so I mean if

Time: 1302.659

you have the gastric juices that are

Time: 1304.039

going to help digest the proteins fats

Time: 1305.84

and carbohydrates and uh already

Time: 1308.5

deployed at the time when you eat I

Time: 1310.88

could imagine that food will be better

Time: 1312.44

utilized than if you don't so in other

Time: 1315.679

words what is the advantage of having

Time: 1317.48

these anticipatory signals in terms of

Time: 1320.36

potential health benefits the

Time: 1322.34

anticipatory signal is really important

Time: 1324.5

from even even from working up

Time: 1327.74


Time: 1328.34

the reason why many people feel not

Time: 1332.12

ready completely when they'll wake up to

Time: 1334.46

an alarm clock because the alarm clock

Time: 1336.74

wakes you up but your body is not

Time: 1339.2

prepared so that slippiness after waking

Time: 1342.32

up to an alarm clock is due to our body

Time: 1344.78

is not prepared for that and then the

Time: 1347.24

best example is when the when

Time: 1350.72

uh the daylight saving time changes

Time: 1352.94

particularly when we have to wake up one

Time: 1355.7

hour early uh what happens people who

Time: 1359.12

have underlying heart condition

Time: 1361.82

um when they're waking up when the body

Time: 1364.28

is not ready your heart is not ready and

Time: 1366.02

all operations from the heart has to

Time: 1367.4

start pumping little bit harder then

Time: 1369.799

there is chance of heart attack and in

Time: 1374.299

fact people have looked at hospital

Time: 1376.76

records and that they find that on those

Time: 1379.28

days and there is a sharp rise in heart

Time: 1382.4

attacks in car accidents and car

Time: 1384.62

accidents too because your brain is not

Time: 1386.24

coordinated so you cannot make those

Time: 1389.78

fine decisions

Time: 1391.58

so that's a great example of

Time: 1393.62

anticipatory activity but coming back to

Time: 1395.78

digestion one thing is

Time: 1398.9


Time: 1399.5

and this is something that many people

Time: 1401.179

might have experienced

Time: 1403.1

there are many rhythms in our digestive

Time: 1404.96

system and one of the rhythms is our

Time: 1407.659

look our intestine has this peristaltic

Time: 1410.299

function so it kind of contracts and

Time: 1412.76

expands and that moves forward more food

Time: 1416.12

doesn't move due to gravity so it goes

Time: 1419.72

back and forth and that peristaltic axon

Time: 1422.36

actually slows down at night a few hours

Time: 1425.6

after our last meal and

Time: 1429.02

um so that's why when people eat late at

Time: 1432.559

night for example then that food doesn't

Time: 1435.62

get digested because there is not enough

Time: 1437.36

digestive juice first thing and second

Time: 1440.419

even if it gets digested in the stomach

Time: 1442.34

it doesn't move properly so then the

Time: 1444.799

next morning people get up and think

Time: 1448.159

um of course people consume some alcohol

Time: 1450.039

very often and then they think that this

Time: 1452.6

is Hangover but those who don't consume

Time: 1455.179

alcohol then they have the food hangover

Time: 1458.179

because it doesn't digest so that's one

Time: 1460.22

extreme example where food

Time: 1462.38

at the wrong time

Time: 1464.36


Time: 1466.64

um so healthy food at the wrong time can

Time: 1468.32

be crap or junk yeah I've um experienced

Time: 1470.9

that where if I've worked late or I

Time: 1472.94

couldn't eat dinner or something and

Time: 1474.02

then I get home I always debate whether

Time: 1475.52

or not to try and sleep yeah but if I'm

Time: 1478.34

too hungry oftentimes it's challenging

Time: 1480.32

and so for me sometimes consuming

Time: 1482.419

something that at least seems easily

Time: 1484.52

digestible like yogurt or something in a

Time: 1486.559

liquid form

Time: 1488.24

um is better for me than if I eat a meal

Time: 1491.96

I've made the mistake of going to the

Time: 1493.28

refrigerator being super hungry and

Time: 1494.78

eating a bunch of food at 10 or 11 p.m

Time: 1497

and then falling asleep and indeed the

Time: 1498.98


Time: 1499.94

if I'm tired enough can be quite deep

Time: 1502.039

but the next morning I feel just

Time: 1504.32

completely physically and and

Time: 1506.059

cognitively weighed down so I think what

Time: 1507.919

you just described makes a lot of sense

Time: 1509.78

so is it so if someone were to select a

Time: 1512.12

feeding window regardless of whether or

Time: 1515

not it falls into classic intermittent

Time: 1517.22

fasting time restricted feeding sounds

Time: 1518.9

like eating your first bite of food and

Time: 1521.659

eating your last bite of food at more or

Time: 1524.179

less the same time each day yeah has

Time: 1526.159


Time: 1528.14

I have this question you mentioned

Time: 1530.059

feeding versus eating and I think it's

Time: 1532.34

actually not just a grammatical uh

Time: 1535.7

semantic issue

Time: 1537.679

um and here's why

Time: 1540.14

we tend to think about when you take

Time: 1542.059

your first bite of food and then when

Time: 1543.98

you take your last bite of food but of

Time: 1545.779

course Foods digest at different rates

Time: 1547.7

more fat in there is going to digest

Time: 1549.62

make carbohydrates digest slower Etc I

Time: 1551.9

mean there's all these adjustments to

Time: 1553.039

the glycemic index and so forth with

Time: 1555.08

Foods in combination

Time: 1556.82

I is it better to think about not eating

Time: 1559.52

but your fed State and blood sugar so

Time: 1563.36

for instance I often get asked on social

Time: 1567.02

media does blank break a fast so uh and

Time: 1571.64

so I like to think about it

Time: 1572.72

scientifically like okay is does plain

Time: 1574.94

water break a fast no does air break a

Time: 1577.22

fast no

Time: 1578.36

um does one grain of sugar

Time: 1580.52

of sucrose break a fast well probably

Time: 1582.799

not but does one teaspoon of sugar break

Time: 1585.5

a fast well you could say yes but

Time: 1587.84

transiently like so I mean when we're

Time: 1589.76

talking about breaking a fast are we

Time: 1591.14

talking about a rise in blood glucose or

Time: 1593.779

are there molecular signals Downstream

Time: 1596.299

of of a rise in blood glucose that

Time: 1600.26

um cannot be reversed in other words if

Time: 1601.88

I'm gonna eat my first meal every day at

Time: 1603.679

noon and I'm gonna eat my last bite of

Time: 1605.9

food at 8 00 pm and at 9 00 a.m for

Time: 1610.1

whatever reason I have coffee with one

Time: 1611.96

teaspoon of sugar in it

Time: 1614.6

I suppose in the strictest sense I've

Time: 1616.7

broken my fast but maybe by if I went

Time: 1619.52

for a hard run that morning maybe by 9

Time: 1621.32

30 a.m I'm back in a quote unquote

Time: 1623.179

fasted state so what is the fasted State

Time: 1625.76

really because when I'm eating at 8 pm

Time: 1627.74

just to give another example

Time: 1629.659

I'm start fasting at 801 perhaps yeah

Time: 1633.559

but I have my blood glucose is elevated

Time: 1636.02

so I'm not really fasted I'm fed yeah

Time: 1638.6

it's just that I'm not eating the verb

Time: 1640.52

right okay so

Time: 1642.44

um so again I I don't want to get overly

Time: 1645.14

detailed just for sake of getting detail

Time: 1646.7

but I think a lot of the confusion out

Time: 1648.32

there about what breaks a fast yeah is

Time: 1650.659

related specifically to this issue yeah

Time: 1653.059

which is if I eat a whole pizza after

Time: 1654.679

sitting around all day it's very

Time: 1655.88

different than if I eat a whole pizza

Time: 1657.08

after having run a 26 mile marathon that

Time: 1660.44

yeah very different yeah

Time: 1662.779

um metabolically speaking so how should

Time: 1664.94

people think about fasted versus fed can

Time: 1668.84

we be mildly fasted versus severe fasted

Time: 1671.539

can we be

Time: 1673.1

um fed-ish versus very fed anyway I'll

Time: 1676.4

I'll uh stop asking questions now

Time: 1678.799

because they all relate to the same

Time: 1680.059

theme yeah no these are um very

Time: 1683.36

interesting question and then

Time: 1684.679

unfortunately as you can as you have you

Time: 1687.14

might have seen in life the most obvious

Time: 1690.86

questions are often unanswered because

Time: 1693.14

it's so hard to do these damn

Time: 1695

experiments because if you really want

Time: 1697.279

to address this in humans you have to

Time: 1699.38

bring humans put them in isolation

Time: 1702.1

just like you said I can now imagine

Time: 1705.159

planning five or six different

Time: 1706.88

experiments each experiment should

Time: 1708.62

involve eight or ten volunteers it's

Time: 1711.14

gender sex

Time: 1712.94

and then do it so it's difficult so now

Time: 1714.86

let's go back to see

Time: 1716.96

how do we let's dissect it in terms of

Time: 1721.22

say indirect calorimetry so for example

Time: 1723.98

indirect calorimetry is based on this

Time: 1727.22

principle that whatever oxygen we

Time: 1729.62

breathe in and carbon dioxide we breathe

Time: 1732.32

out if we can measure these two then we

Time: 1734.72

can figure out whether our body

Time: 1736.76

in total we are not saying whether it's

Time: 1739.039

the liver gut or fat or muscle in total

Time: 1743.179

whether it's consuming glucose or fat as

Time: 1747.679

energy source

Time: 1749.419

the idea is when we fast when we are

Time: 1753.62

without food for several hours

Time: 1755.9


Time: 1757.34

ideally our body will tap onto glycogen

Time: 1759.98

first and then do a little bit of fat

Time: 1761.98

and then when the body is mostly running

Time: 1764.84

on fat then that ratio of CO2 to oxygen

Time: 1768.32

will come to 0.7

Time: 1771.07


Time: 1771.5


Time: 1772.279

but what is interesting is we can do

Time: 1774.32

these experiments in mice so we can go

Time: 1776.24

to mice and ask okay so what happens in

Time: 1778.279

mice so

Time: 1779.96

and mice mice are a little bit very

Time: 1782

different because mice are not simply

Time: 1783.799

little people they are the metabolism is

Time: 1787.039

different they

Time: 1788.48

store relatively less glycogen than

Time: 1791.48

humans do in terms of total metabolism

Time: 1795.2

so they

Time: 1796.76

overnight within 12 to 14 hours the rer

Time: 1800.74

respiratory exchange ratio or this ratio

Time: 1803.36

will go from one when the consuming

Time: 1805.76

mostly glucose or carbohydrate as energy

Time: 1808.1

source it will slow down slowly go to

Time: 1810.679


Time: 1813.2

it's after 12 to 14 hours they're kind

Time: 1815.48

of mostly running on fat

Time: 1819.44

so now as we give them food

Time: 1822.74

um within 10 or 15 minutes they are not

Time: 1825.02

actually consuming couple of grams of

Time: 1827.12

food they might have consumed say 100 or

Time: 1829.7

200 milligram of that child so which is

Time: 1832.279

less than say five percent of the food

Time: 1835.1

and then the rer will immediately begin

Time: 1837.679

to rise as if

Time: 1840.22

that small amount of food stopped that

Time: 1843.5

fat burning process and cranked up the

Time: 1847.179

carbohydrate burning process when you

Time: 1849.38

say fat burning process you mean body

Time: 1851.179

fat stores being burned right not

Time: 1853.34

dietary fat correct yeah so it's all

Time: 1855.62

body fat means that that's why I said um

Time: 1858.2

we don't know where that fat is being

Time: 1859.88

burned because we are just measuring how

Time: 1861.919

how much mice is breathing in and out

Time: 1864.62

um so for example it can be from the

Time: 1866.659

Skin So subcutaneous fat or belly fat

Time: 1869.84

but not dietary fat no by that time the

Time: 1873.32

dietary fat is already absorbed and

Time: 1875.059

digested and hopefully it's sitting in

Time: 1877.279

the liver or adipose tissue somewhere

Time: 1879.02

but it's the fattest body fat yes thank

Time: 1881.84

you yeah the reason I ask is that

Time: 1883.52

nowadays I think more than half of the

Time: 1885.559

battles about nutrition that I see

Time: 1887.12

online relate to this issue where I

Time: 1889.58

won't name names but someone will come

Time: 1890.96

along and say low carbohydrate diet

Time: 1893.24

allows you to burn more fat

Time: 1895.24

and the more nuanced people out there

Time: 1899.539

will will say well that's true but

Time: 1901.46

you're also talking about dietary fat

Time: 1903.26

you know the word fat can confuse people

Time: 1905.059

I realize you're not doing that you are

Time: 1907.399

certainly not one of the people guilty

Time: 1908.36

of doing this but indeed you eat more

Time: 1910.039

fat you'll burn more fat but that

Time: 1911.419

doesn't mean you'll burn more body fat

Time: 1912.86

in fact I think the day does say that

Time: 1915.32

under conditions of caloric restriction

Time: 1917.24

you'll actually burn less I hope I don't

Time: 1919.22

I'll probably get I'll probably get um

Time: 1920.899

pitchforks uh through the mail toward me

Time: 1923.659

on on that one but but I think that's

Time: 1925.64

true whereas you know people who consume

Time: 1927.559

carbohydrate can still burn body fat

Time: 1929.179

even though the majority of the fuel

Time: 1930.98

they're burning is from carbohydrates so

Time: 1932.659

yeah so here in this case for example

Time: 1935.179

from mice we know that as soon as they

Time: 1936.86

start eating

Time: 1938.6

um the area goes up

Time: 1940.399

coming back to your question what would

Time: 1942.32

be ideal for us to do the experiment

Time: 1944.12

would be okay so we'll go back to that

Time: 1946.039

and then give the mouse maybe 100

Time: 1947.659

milligram of food

Time: 1949.88

and Mouse runs around in the case and

Time: 1952.88

then we'll continue to measure to see

Time: 1954.38

how long it takes for the mouse to come

Time: 1956.24

back and then

Time: 1957.38

so that's one husband so now let's say

Time: 1961.52


Time: 1962.24

let's stay on this and then I'll come

Time: 1964.399

back and talk about non-caloric food and

Time: 1966.799

whether that is considered

Time: 1969.559

I'd like to take a quick break and

Time: 1971.6

acknowledge one of our sponsors athletic

Time: 1973.58

greens athletic greens now called ag-1

Time: 1976.159

is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 1978.74

that covers all of your foundational

Time: 1980.419

nutritional needs I've been taking

Time: 1982.399

athletic green since 2012 so I'm

Time: 1984.919

delighted that they're sponsoring the

Time: 1986.179

podcast the reason I started taking

Time: 1987.679

athletic greens and the reason I still

Time: 1989.299

take athletic greens once are usually

Time: 1991.34

twice a day is that it gets to be the

Time: 1993.919

probiotics that I need for gut health

Time: 1995.659

our gut is very important it's populated

Time: 1997.82

by gut microbiota that communicate with

Time: 2000.46

the brain the immune system and

Time: 2001.779

basically all the biological systems of

Time: 2003.58

our body to strongly impact our

Time: 2005.74

immediate and long-term health

Time: 2007.299

and those probiotics and athletic greens

Time: 2009.519

are optimal and vital for microbiotic

Time: 2012.46

health in addition athletic greens

Time: 2014.5

contains a number of adaptogens vitamins

Time: 2016.24

and minerals that make sure that all of

Time: 2017.86

my foundational nutritional needs are

Time: 2019.539

met and it tastes great if you'd like to

Time: 2022.6

try athletic greens you can go to

Time: 2024.24

athleticgreens.com huberman and they'll

Time: 2027.399

give you five free travel packs that

Time: 2029.019

make it really easy to mix up athletic

Time: 2030.64

greens while you're on the road in the

Time: 2032.32

car on the plane Etc and they'll give

Time: 2034.36

you a year's supply of vitamin d3k2

Time: 2036.94

again that's athleticgreens.com huberman

Time: 2039.519

to get the five free travel packs and

Time: 2041.38

the year supply of vitamin D3 K2

Time: 2045.279

so there is a famous experiment that was

Time: 2047.74

published last year by jotakahasi Islam

Time: 2051.28

and it came out in science

Time: 2053.56

and that relates to caloric restriction

Time: 2056.02


Time: 2057.7

we kind of started with this idea we

Time: 2059.919

started to discuss on that the rat

Time: 2061.72

experiments were done with caloric

Time: 2063.28

restriction and researchers get reduced

Time: 2067.179

calorie consumption by 20 or 30 percent

Time: 2069.46

and get that food the rats and then

Time: 2072.639

subsequently mice and they all lived

Time: 2075.28


Time: 2076.96

what is interesting is

Time: 2079.44

in all those experiments the researchers

Time: 2083.08

came and gave this bolus of food at one

Time: 2086.26

time whereas the adlibitum FED mice or

Time: 2088.96

rats they had access to food all the

Time: 2091

time so they're eating all the time and

Time: 2093.04

then these rats were given 20 percent

Time: 2095.44


Time: 2097.06

and what happens is this mice or rats

Time: 2100.18

then I'm going to take that less food

Time: 2102.16

which is restaurant now and just eat

Time: 2105.099

little bit of lunch and then snack after

Time: 2107.619

three hours or snack after three hours

Time: 2109.119

they double up all that food within two

Time: 2111.579

to three hours maximum four hours food

Time: 2114.46

is gone so they're sort of on the omad

Time: 2116.5

diet the one meal a day yeah they're

Time: 2119.2

almost like in one meal a day three to

Time: 2121.66

four hours food is gone

Time: 2123.64

or you can sit there on

Time: 2126.28

four hours eating or feeding and 20

Time: 2128.74

hours fasting

Time: 2130.66

um so then the question became well

Time: 2133.54

the benefit of caloric restriction as we

Time: 2135.76

know is it due to reduced calorie

Time: 2138.94


Time: 2140.68

time restricted feeling or timing there

Time: 2142.9

is a timing component to it that they

Time: 2144.579

are eating all of that within three to

Time: 2146.8

four hours and then there is a long

Time: 2148.24

fasting and this is a difficult question

Time: 2150.64

to answer because now

Time: 2153.52

you have to ask this poor grad students

Time: 2155.44

or technicians to come and split that

Time: 2158.2

food into eight or ten or fifteen

Time: 2160.24

different small portions and then give

Time: 2162.82

them to mice in every two hours

Time: 2166.56

who actually published the first paper

Time: 2169.599

in 2017 showing that most caloric

Time: 2172.72

restrictions I mean he used the protocol

Time: 2175

that was used by Kelly restriction field

Time: 2177.9

it actually creates a condition of time

Time: 2181.599


Time: 2182.92

so he saw that and then he went back and

Time: 2185.579

worked with Engineers to come up with

Time: 2187.96

the smart kids where

Time: 2190.44

he could actually tell he could program

Time: 2193.26

how much food is given to mice at what

Time: 2196.06

time of the day or night completely

Time: 2198.4


Time: 2200.079

so then he took this uh for example

Time: 2202.54

suppose say the adlibitum FED mice it's

Time: 2205.18

five grams of ciao in a day

Time: 2208.72

and if you want to reduce calories by uh

Time: 2211.66

20 percent and the CR Mouse should get

Time: 2214.78

four grams of food

Time: 2216.64

and it divided this into

Time: 2219.099

9 or 10 meals and then give them in

Time: 2222.7

every 90 minutes so in this case they're

Time: 2226.24

eating small

Time: 2227.92


Time: 2229.42

throughout day and night so there is no

Time: 2231.339

fasting so you can say that well this

Time: 2233.2

mouse actually is not getting into

Time: 2234.76

fasting because in every few hours is

Time: 2237.82

getting some food

Time: 2240.28

and then he measured how long the mouse

Time: 2242.26

is going to live

Time: 2244.06

um and he used

Time: 2246.22

um accountments this is a very standard

Time: 2248.44

protocol people count how many mice have

Time: 2251.02

dying on which day and then examine them

Time: 2253.24

to see whether they've died because they

Time: 2255.46

there was an accident or they actually

Time: 2256.96

there was a natural cause

Time: 2259.599

and then they calculate at the end what

Time: 2262.54

is the half life so 50 survival because

Time: 2268.54

that's on an average that's a good

Time: 2270.339

indicator because if there is an outlier

Time: 2272.14

that will live for a long time then that

Time: 2273.94

can skew

Time: 2275.26

so what was interesting was the limit

Time: 2277.18

unfair mice of course they live certain

Time: 2280.119

number of days and then this

Time: 2282.579

caloric restricted mice

Time: 2284.68

that never got into Super fasting but

Time: 2287.02

kind of eating snacking throughout day

Time: 2289.839

and night that also lift 10 percent

Time: 2291.94

extra 10 percent longer so that means

Time: 2294.42

caloric restriction extended lifespan by

Time: 2297.579

10 percent I've wondered about this

Time: 2299.32

because recently

Time: 2301.839

you know there's been there were a bunch

Time: 2303.64

of news headlines about intermittent

Time: 2305.2

fasting and and frankly I was frustrated

Time: 2308.2

if you looked at one major news outlet

Time: 2310.839

they would say time restricted feeding

Time: 2313.599

affords no additional benefit Beyond

Time: 2316.3

caloric restriction for weight loss yeah

Time: 2318.82

then another

Time: 2320.98

popular press venue let's call it that

Time: 2323.8

same study described as time restricted

Time: 2327.52


Time: 2328.839

doesn't work yeah right and then another

Time: 2331.42

one maybe someplace

Time: 2333.28

um even more extreme you know time

Time: 2335.14

restricted feeding

Time: 2336.88

um only beneficial because of caloric

Time: 2340

restriction or something like that so

Time: 2341.619

what you've essentially got are three

Time: 2343.18

different interpretations of the same

Time: 2345.16

data all of which are well two of which

Time: 2347.98

are true one of which is false in my

Time: 2349.66

opinion but what I think people take

Time: 2351.82

away from that is oh time restricted

Time: 2353.619

feeding isn't valuable which is not the

Time: 2356.32

case it I think for many people it's a

Time: 2357.94

convenient way to eat because at least

Time: 2359.74

for people like me it's simpler to

Time: 2362.079

designate between portions of my day

Time: 2364.54

when I'm eating and portions of day my

Time: 2366.04

day when I'm not eating as opposed to

Time: 2367.3

eating portion control for other people

Time: 2369.04

portion control can work but all of that

Time: 2371.859

is related to either maintenance or loss

Time: 2375.28

of weight none of it deals with the

Time: 2378.46

potential health benefits independent of

Time: 2380.56

weight loss yeah right so um and so I I

Time: 2383.5

think that um if we can segment those

Time: 2385.3


Time: 2386.56

um obviously in humans it's hard to know

Time: 2388.839

if a given treatment or experiment is

Time: 2392.2

extending life because you don't really

Time: 2393.4

know how long people would live anyway

Time: 2394.72

yeah right whereas with mice you have

Time: 2396.7

some sense of when the mortality was

Time: 2398.619

likely to occur so what can we say about

Time: 2402.04

time restricted feeding and longevity in

Time: 2404.74

terms of biomarkers or in terms of any

Time: 2407.56

other indication that people who start

Time: 2409.839

and stop their feeding window at a

Time: 2411.28

consistent time somewhere between 8 and

Time: 2413.26

12 hours per 24 hour cycle are

Time: 2416.74

tilting the scales towards living longer

Time: 2419.2

as opposed to living shorter this

Time: 2421.72

example of this news article that you

Time: 2423.7

mentioned is really interesting because

Time: 2425.32

that relates to Joe's Joe takas's study

Time: 2428.619

because I described that if you split

Time: 2430.72

calories and eat throughout the day

Time: 2432.4

throughout day and night then the mice

Time: 2434.5

lived 10 percent extra

Time: 2436.42

but if you now give Mouse the same

Time: 2439.119

caloric restricted diet

Time: 2441.22

and fit them during day time

Time: 2443.8

whether within 12 hours or two hours

Time: 2446.14

then the mice lived 10 percent extra

Time: 2448.8

beyond that yes so twenty percent so

Time: 2452.44

okay so let me make sure I understand so

Time: 2454.24

that uh so that I make sure I understand

Time: 2457.54

if you take a certain number of calories

Time: 2459.28

and you distribute them throughout the

Time: 2460.9

24-hour cycle yeah

Time: 2462.94

it's caloric restriction the mice will

Time: 2465.099

live ten percent longer yeah if you

Time: 2467.56

however restrict that to the active

Time: 2469.54

cycle of the so for humans the daytime

Time: 2472.78


Time: 2475.06

20 then they live 20 percent long twenty

Time: 2477.7

percent so it's not just total caloric

Time: 2480.16

intake yeah meaning it's not just

Time: 2482.32

important to be sub maintenance and

Time: 2483.94

calories for sacral longevity it also is

Time: 2487.06

important as to when in the 24 hour

Time: 2489.04

cycle yeah you eat those calories do I

Time: 2491.079

have that right so now

Time: 2493

that's still the story is not over

Time: 2495.16

because this mice were fed during

Time: 2497.56

daytime and they're not supposed to eat

Time: 2499.119

that's right so for us it will be the

Time: 2500.619

equivalent of being on the night shift

Time: 2501.76

and only eating at night but a sub color

Time: 2503.82

sub maintenance calorie diet I guess is

Time: 2506.68

the right way to say it but when he fed

Time: 2508.78

mice during night time when they're

Time: 2510.579

supposed to eat and they're seeing this

Time: 2513.04

getting the same number of calories

Time: 2514.42

within 12 hours or two hours

Time: 2517.24

then the mice left 35 percent longer

Time: 2519.76

than they control 35 longer so scale to

Time: 2523.66

human lifespan which you know we don't

Time: 2526

know but but a 35 longer would mean that

Time: 2528.76

um and again no one knows but um humans

Time: 2531.64

now what is the average mortality in the

Time: 2534.339

United States

Time: 2535.56

yeah so it's around 80 it used to be 18

Time: 2538.119

hours slow uh reduce little bit because

Time: 2540.52

of covet but let's take 80 okay so

Time: 2542.859

people are then now living somewhere

Time: 2545.02

between 25 and 35 years longer but I'm

Time: 2547.48

putting some error bars on yeah yeah so

Time: 2550

that was um really profound but now you

Time: 2554.14

pointed out um biomarker and other stuff

Time: 2556.72

so now

Time: 2558.52

if you look at any given time within

Time: 2560.68

that experiment and actually Joe went

Time: 2562.78

back and

Time: 2564.28

um had a separate cohort of mice very

Time: 2566.8

similar and so that he could take tissue

Time: 2569.2

samples and of course in this case you

Time: 2571.359

have to sacrifice the mouse

Time: 2573.04

and he looked for

Time: 2575.2

um he did a lot of molecular analysis

Time: 2578.44

with non markers for example hemoglobin

Time: 2581.859

A1c equivalent or glucose control

Time: 2583.54

cholesterol all this stuff

Time: 2586.06

he could not find anything

Time: 2587.52


Time: 2588.64

that predicted the benefit of caloric

Time: 2591.46

restriction so that means in this

Time: 2593.619

experiment whatever we know so far the

Time: 2597.099

predictor of longevity none of them

Time: 2599.52

could predict whether this

Time: 2603.099


Time: 2603.7

CR only Mouse which throughout day and

Time: 2606.64


Time: 2607.48

that Mouse is going to live less than

Time: 2609.819

the night fed mouse that was going to

Time: 2612.28

live 35 25 extra does that mean that

Time: 2615.28

there are biomarkers related to

Time: 2616.72

longevity that we just haven't

Time: 2617.92

discovered yet yeah so that's exactly so

Time: 2620.079

that means whatever we know so far about

Time: 2623.16

biomarkers those

Time: 2626.5

he could not use to predict maybe there

Time: 2629.859

was a lot of noise maybe he wanted he

Time: 2631.72

had to use more number of mice to get

Time: 2633.76

that because you know biomarkers

Time: 2636.099

are not going to predict in every

Time: 2637.78

instance so there is some error

Time: 2640.54

what is also very interesting is if you

Time: 2643.359

look at the body weight and body

Time: 2644.859

composition of all these mice there is

Time: 2647.14

no difference in body weight and body

Time: 2648.64


Time: 2649.9

across all these differences all these

Time: 2652.06

groups so it doesn't matter when they

Time: 2654.099

ate yeah provided they were submit sub

Time: 2657.099

maintenance calorie intake so less

Time: 2660.099

fewer calories than is required to

Time: 2661.54

maintain their weight didn't matter what

Time: 2663.339

pattern of eating they were the same way

Time: 2665.26

yeah so that in many ways seems to mimic

Time: 2667.24

the human studies where they say look it

Time: 2668.8

doesn't really matter whether or not you

Time: 2670.06

use caloric restriction or or you start

Time: 2672.7

your feeding window in the morning or

Time: 2674.14

start your feeding window in the evening

Time: 2675.339

or you

Time: 2676.78

um or you portion control for sake of

Time: 2679.3

weight contr weight loss because you're

Time: 2681.22

taking a snapshot of that and then

Time: 2682.9

another thing with the human study that

Time: 2684.88

we are referring to here

Time: 2687.579

um that in that human study

Time: 2690.819

people are actually already eating

Time: 2692.56

within 10 hours window

Time: 2695.44

habitually when they selected these

Time: 2697.72

people to have them enroll in the study

Time: 2701.26

so they were already eating for 10 hours

Time: 2702.819

and fasting for 14 hours

Time: 2705.94

all participants had to reduce that

Time: 2707.68

caloric intake and they reduced by

Time: 2709.599

almost 25 percent

Time: 2712.48

the CR group continued with 10 hour

Time: 2714.94

sitting window

Time: 2716.14

and the CR plus time restricted group

Time: 2718.599

had to eat the same number of calories

Time: 2720.46

within eight hours so it's just a two

Time: 2722.44

hour difference it's just a two hours

Time: 2724

difference okay so that people I just

Time: 2725.619

want to make sure people can understand

Time: 2726.579

so in this human study which is the one

Time: 2728.98

that I felt that the popular press

Time: 2731.26

venues all except one venue

Time: 2733.78

um got either semi-rung or badly wrong

Time: 2736.18

in terms of their conclusion that was my

Time: 2737.98

interpretation anyway was that

Time: 2740.319

either people came into the study eating

Time: 2742.9

basically in a 10 hour feeding window

Time: 2744.52

which goes back to my first question

Time: 2745.78

which is that most people are not eating

Time: 2747.16

in the middle of the night yeah or if

Time: 2748.599

they're on shift work and they are then

Time: 2750.28

they're sleeping during the day anyway

Time: 2751.359

so they're eating in a 10 to 12 hour

Time: 2752.859

feeding window anyway so you're saying

Time: 2754.42

they either did caloric restriction

Time: 2756.16

portion control within the 10-hour

Time: 2757.9

window or another group within the study

Time: 2761.079

eight sub maintenance calories so

Time: 2764.319

caloric restriction CR as we're calling

Time: 2766.42

it the acronym CR but restricted to that

Time: 2769.06

to an eight hour feeding window and they

Time: 2770.44

didn't see any difference in terms of

Time: 2771.579

weight loss yeah but but it's not all

Time: 2773.92

that surprising right I mean if it's

Time: 2775.24

just a two-hour difference yeah exactly

Time: 2777.28

so we have done that experiment in mice

Time: 2779.5

and we don't see

Time: 2781.18

um difference in not only weight loss

Time: 2782.8

many other markers and I was telling you

Time: 2785.74

about this um paper where I told you

Time: 2789.46

that he allowed this mice to eat within

Time: 2791.859

two hours or 12 hours

Time: 2794.02

sub calories diet 2 or 12 2 or 12. yeah

Time: 2798.64

that's dramatic but still he did not see

Time: 2801.22

change in longevity even within those

Time: 2803.92

two so that means

Time: 2806.2

um when you do caloric restriction and

Time: 2808.359

then at least for months and you are

Time: 2811.599

within 12 hours window

Time: 2813.94

um that's that is giving the mice the

Time: 2816.579

best benefit the optimum benefit and

Time: 2820.18

um two three or five or twelve per Mouse

Time: 2823.24

doesn't matter at least for longevity

Time: 2825.28

can we conclude for humans that whether

Time: 2827.859

or not a feeding window is

Time: 2829.599

four hours six hours eight hours or 12

Time: 2832.3

doesn't matter provided that calories

Time: 2834.16

are are similar or same well I won't go

Time: 2837.88

to that extent because we don't know

Time: 2840.04

many of this particularly we don't know

Time: 2842.619

how this sort of eating window will

Time: 2845.44

affect both success because you know we

Time: 2848.619

always think many of this mouse

Time: 2850.18

experiments even that I told you about

Time: 2852.22

those are done only in Mel mice but that

Time: 2854.26

should be changing right because the NIH

Time: 2855.94

I know this because I'm on study section

Time: 2857.859

which is just a bunch of people who

Time: 2859.54

record who review grants is that every

Time: 2862.24

Grant now has to include sex as a

Time: 2864.339

biological variable it's hard to get

Time: 2866.26

away with

Time: 2867.46

um or rather I should say it the way it

Time: 2869.56

should be said which is people are

Time: 2871.72


Time: 2873.04

and should want to look at these

Time: 2875.68

phenomena in male and female mice yes

Time: 2878.02

especially if there are differences so

Time: 2880.599

in this case

Time: 2881.74

um there are many I mean there is also

Time: 2884.38

another paper

Time: 2885.64

um in time history repeating that also

Time: 2887.44

came out a big paper showing that they

Time: 2890.44

um thermogenesis was accounting for loss

Time: 2893.859

in fat mass and time just to referred

Time: 2896.2

mice that was also done only in male

Time: 2898


Time: 2899.619

um so this is um we are paying attention

Time: 2901.839

to it so we are now doing all of our

Time: 2904.359

studies in male and female and we do see

Time: 2906.579

big differences between male and female

Time: 2908.2

coming back to humans

Time: 2910.78

what typically happens is when you're

Time: 2912.819

trying to do four hours or six hours of

Time: 2915.16

time restricting people will

Time: 2916.96

inadvertently reduce their caloric

Time: 2919

intake yeah just because of gut volume I

Time: 2921.22

tried one meal per day and and I felt

Time: 2923.859

like I was eating so much at that one

Time: 2925.96

sitting yeah that it led to a lot of

Time: 2927.88

gastric distress and I got tired after

Time: 2929.74

the meal and part of the reason I like

Time: 2931.3

to do time restricted feeding is I have

Time: 2933.4

more energy yeah and certainly in the

Time: 2935.859

fasted State I feel more energized

Time: 2938.14

especially if I'm ingesting a little

Time: 2939.64

caffeine or something like that

Time: 2942.22

um so people will reduce

Time: 2943.96


Time: 2944.56

energy intake and then

Time: 2946.839

some people who are more active they can

Time: 2948.94


Time: 2950.56

unconsciously they may be spending more

Time: 2953.5

energy in their physical activity and

Time: 2955.359

basal metabolic rate all of this

Time: 2956.859

combined than homozy eating

Time: 2959.14

and that can have a very adverse effect

Time: 2961.48

in long term because we know that this

Time: 2963.819

energy deficit and in fact there is a

Time: 2967.02

scientific term for that it's called red

Time: 2970.119

s relative energy deficit in sports

Time: 2974.319

energy deficit in sports okay yeah it's

Time: 2976.9

because nearly 40 percent of athletes

Time: 2979.54

um not the NFL guys but you know a lot

Time: 2983.44

of people who do track and field

Time: 2986.26

um and nearly 40 percent of athletes

Time: 2988.78

actually experience this Reds red S

Time: 2991.54

without knowing can male and female

Time: 2993.7

athletes both men remains Reds so it's

Time: 2995.74

Reds Reds relative energy relative

Time: 2999.579

energy deficit in sports interesting is

Time: 3002.819

the first I've heard this acronym we

Time: 3004.5

have a new acronym folks this is good to

Time: 3007.5

add to it a list of other acronyms but I

Time: 3009.9

so males and females can experience it

Time: 3012.06

so in females I've heard that

Time: 3014.7

um Reds

Time: 3016.56

um can lead to uh eminaria so loss of of

Time: 3020.46

men's of the menstrual cycle yeah so

Time: 3022.98

that's uh so common that uh so prevalent

Time: 3025.5

that in fact many women many female

Time: 3028.02

athletes they take it for granted that

Time: 3030.66

yes if they are more active then they

Time: 3032.4

will lose their menstrual cycle which is

Time: 3034.26

which may be common but it's not normal

Time: 3037.14

or Optimum per health

Time: 3039.9

and even if they don't want to get

Time: 3041.7

pregnant yeah yeah yeah yeah we had an

Time: 3044.4

expert on female hormones come on and

Time: 3046.02

say the very same thing that regular

Time: 3047.94

cycling is a is very important of

Time: 3050.119

ovulatory menstrual cycle is is

Time: 3052.14

important to try and

Time: 3054

um maintain yeah yeah so that's one but

Time: 3056.88

then what is really concerning is

Time: 3059.64

um it does affect bone health

Time: 3062.96


Time: 3064.5

um in this state people actually over a

Time: 3067.859

long period of time the loose bone mass

Time: 3069.66

and the bone also becomes more prone to

Time: 3072.18

injury micro fracture and fractures

Time: 3076.26

um so again it's a risk means if some

Time: 3079.26

people are trying to eat within very

Time: 3080.7

short time and they're Physically Active

Time: 3082.26

that happens and it also has impact on

Time: 3085.2

means the reason why

Time: 3087.78

these women are losing menstrual cycle

Time: 3090.24

is the

Time: 3092.42

hpg axis is disrupted hypothalamus

Time: 3096.3


Time: 3097.859

gonadal axis

Time: 3100.26

and it starts it may start again

Time: 3102.18

Upstream at hypothalamus or pituitary so

Time: 3104.64

that means that HPA axis hypothalamus

Time: 3107.46

pituitary and adrenal axis may also get

Time: 3109.98

disrupted one of the symptoms of Reds is

Time: 3112.92

also depression anxiety bipolar like

Time: 3115.92

symptoms and we know that many

Time: 3118.559

um many athletes experience that we

Time: 3121.38

think that well this this may be just

Time: 3123.119

peer pressure that always trying to

Time: 3124.8

compete and we know that I'm

Time: 3126.66

unfortunately there are few authors who

Time: 3128.46

just can't cope it and there are many

Time: 3130.38

attempted suicide or suicide so this is

Time: 3134.04

a serious issue and

Time: 3136.5

there's also another new topic in the

Time: 3138.48

lab to come up with a mouse model of

Time: 3140.819

Reds and then study it but this is one

Time: 3144.24

risk why we should not reduce our eating

Time: 3146.94

interval to two such to one meal or very

Time: 3150.42

short time because it can have adverse

Time: 3154.079

side effects that we don't know now

Time: 3156.54

um maybe in future we'll figure out when

Time: 3159

we systematically study them

Time: 3160.98

there are studies that are published

Time: 3162.9

showing four hours and six hours time

Time: 3165.059

restricted eating has benefits on weight

Time: 3167.46

loss but those are on healthy

Time: 3169.559

individuals and they were in the studies

Time: 3172.079

so the um you know the study team took a

Time: 3176.04

uh well already monitoring the mature

Time: 3178.8

that there was no sudden weight loss or

Time: 3180.54

weight loss below

Time: 3183.18

um some safety level uh so those are

Time: 3185.7

very different from regular people who

Time: 3187.859

are who maybe even normal weight or even

Time: 3190.8

with uh within the healthy range if they

Time: 3194.099

do then they can potentially so that's

Time: 3196.26


Time: 3197.04

what we think is eight to ten hours

Time: 3199.079

maybe the ideal spot to begin with and

Time: 3203.76

um once you are physically active and

Time: 3206.339

you are also spending a lot of energy in

Time: 3209.04

physical activity or Sports you can even

Time: 3211.2

go up to 12 hours because in mice we

Time: 3213.72

have done that experiment

Time: 3215.52

um after 12 hours they do get a lot of

Time: 3217.92

benefits not all but so this is 12 hours

Time: 3220.14

of 12 hours of feeding 12 hours of

Time: 3222.359

fasting yeah

Time: 3224.099

um in humans

Time: 3225.839

um again nobody has done systematically

Time: 3228.119

12 hours but there is one study in

Time: 3231.48


Time: 3232.559

um from tin High Colette lab and Tin

Time: 3235.38

high and I we collaborate so they used

Time: 3237.18

our my security and clock app this is a

Time: 3239.46

research app we developed just to this

Time: 3242.339

is mostly used in time restricted eating

Time: 3244.26


Time: 3245.24

and he had nearly I think he started

Time: 3249.48

with 200 Swiss participants but then at

Time: 3251.94

the end he selected and took very small

Time: 3254.099

number of groups people who are very

Time: 3257.22

um meticulous about recording all their

Time: 3258.9

food and divided them into usual feeling

Time: 3261.9

whatever they wanted to eat whenever

Time: 3263.7

they wanted to eat and they were given

Time: 3265.92

the advice of Swiss nutrition advice

Time: 3269.28

that's given to improved health and

Time: 3272.7

reduce blood glucose almost like

Time: 3274.26

diabetes prevention program in the U.S

Time: 3277.26

and then the other group was given

Time: 3279

advice to eat within 12 hours

Time: 3282.14

this is very early on in time

Time: 3284.22

restorating and we thought that the mice

Time: 3286.619

were getting some benefit let's try with

Time: 3288.78

the 12 hours has any benefit

Time: 3290.819

the bottom line is

Time: 3293.28

at the end of three months and six

Time: 3295.2

months what he reported is both groups

Time: 3298.02

lost same amount of body weight

Time: 3301.339

and then there's not too much

Time: 3303.839

significant difference between groups

Time: 3305.46

but both groups actually improved their

Time: 3307.38

health so the bottom line is the Swiss

Time: 3310.559

nutritional advice that he was giving

Time: 3313.339

Which is the standard of care there it

Time: 3316.5

achieved the same amount of weight loss

Time: 3318.24

as just giving people this advice that

Time: 3321.119

eat within 12 hours so one way to look

Time: 3324.54

at it look at the result is like this

Time: 3326.94


Time: 3328.4

then he went to more extent and actually

Time: 3331.5

looked at every single meal these people

Time: 3334.099

consumed so they're close to I think

Time: 3337.8

close to 60 or 70 000 meal records and

Time: 3341.22

pictures he went through and then

Time: 3342.72

classified them to say whether these are

Time: 3345.26

good quality food so they call it the

Time: 3348.24

Nova classification one two three four

Time: 3350.339

one is the food that you can almost eat

Time: 3353.46

raw fruits vegetables

Time: 3356.04

um yogurt and dairy products that you

Time: 3358.74

can almost without any preparation

Time: 3361.02

and then second Nova 2 is kind of home

Time: 3363.48

home cooked food that most people will

Time: 3366.18

prepare in few minutes and then three

Time: 3368.339

and then fourth one is the food that you

Time: 3371.339

can never prepare at home

Time: 3373.319

so for example

Time: 3375

biscuit or cookies that we usually

Time: 3378.059

purchase and few other things

Time: 3379.92

and usually the Nova 4 are unhealthy

Time: 3382.26

Ultra processed food so which we should

Time: 3384.059

not be eating so the advice is to reduce

Time: 3385.819

Novak for

Time: 3387.66

and what I found was people who got all

Time: 3390.96

this advice

Time: 3392.22

um to improve their nutrition quality

Time: 3394.859

they actually improve their nutrition

Time: 3396.3

quality they reduce their Nova for food

Time: 3399.9

and people who were in time frustrating

Time: 3401.94

the eight within 12 hours they did not

Time: 3404.46

change the nutrition quality

Time: 3406.5

but what is interesting is they both got

Time: 3408.48

the same modest weight loss so that begs

Time: 3412.14

the question that in the maybe tin high

Time: 3414.059

will do this experiment again to combine

Time: 3417.54

nutrition advice with time restriction

Time: 3420

and maybe reduce the time to 10 hours

Time: 3421.98

and that might help

Time: 3424.619

um so

Time: 3426.359

12 hours is something that I say

Time: 3428.94

anyone from five-year-old to 100 year

Time: 3431.28

old can do and if you are trying to

Time: 3435.66

maintain weight that might be a good way

Time: 3437.46

and combine that with exercise it'll be

Time: 3439.619

great and and people can more easily

Time: 3442.68

avoid Reds in that way women and for

Time: 3445.2

non-athletes or recreational exercises

Time: 3447.24

sounds like women

Time: 3448.38

if they distribute their calories across

Time: 3450.059

12 hours are less likely to lose their

Time: 3452.339

menstrual cycle yeah so again this is

Time: 3454.98

something that we have to look carefully

Time: 3456.54

they have to be because

Time: 3458.339

we do have the my security and clock app

Time: 3460.319

that many people download and

Time: 3462

self-monitor and they share the data for

Time: 3463.8

researchers we won't provide a link to

Time: 3465.42

that by the way it's a great it's a

Time: 3466.92

great tool yeah but once in a while we

Time: 3469.02

do get this input from some women saying

Time: 3471.18

oh I started doing your Timeless routing

Time: 3473.28

and I I'm seeing all these problems and

Time: 3475.44

then I ask them okay so what else are

Time: 3477.24

you doing they're typically improve the

Time: 3479.76

nutrition quality so they're eating only

Time: 3481.38

salad and few and they're trying to

Time: 3484.02

increase the fiber intake and it's

Time: 3486.359

really hard to eat so much of uncooked

Time: 3488.46

food because cooking helps to absorb

Time: 3492.42

more nutrient and then at the same time

Time: 3494.099

they're running five miles every day and

Time: 3496.2

of course all of this combinedly can

Time: 3498.359

lead to Reds like symptom so that's why

Time: 3502.26

12 I think is a good point if you're

Time: 3506.04

combining physical exercise and better

Time: 3509.4

nutrition quality because in mice also

Time: 3511.859

we have seen that if mice are eating

Time: 3513.9

healthy food and they're eating within

Time: 3515.76

10 to 12 hours then they also live

Time: 3518.64

longer than mice that writing healthy

Time: 3520.619

food but Distributing that calorie over

Time: 3523.319

a long period of time and this is um

Time: 3525.48

Rafa di cabbage

Time: 3527.839

finding from NIH he has systematically

Time: 3531.299

done this study with two different types

Time: 3533.22

of diet and in mice and he finds the

Time: 3536.46

same thing that even mice that are

Time: 3538.26

eating within 12 hours they do live

Time: 3540.42

longer than mice that eat randomly even

Time: 3543.72

healthy food

Time: 3544.859

I I recall a recent study I think it was

Time: 3547.619

either published in cell reports or cell

Time: 3549.18

reports medicine forgive me for not

Time: 3550.799

remembering which we'll both of course

Time: 3552

cell press journals excellent journals

Time: 3554.119

which explored time-restricted feeding

Time: 3556.68

in the context of low carbohydrate or

Time: 3560.04

non-low carbohydrate diet so it was low

Time: 3561.839

carbohydrate versus low carbohydrate and

Time: 3564.42

time restricted yeah so these all

Time: 3566.4

caloric matched right between groups and

Time: 3569.339

then non low carbohydrate diets those

Time: 3571.74

are more standard uh I think it was

Time: 3573.54

somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 of

Time: 3574.98

calories from complex carbohydrates and

Time: 3576.599

and as I recall the um the greatest

Time: 3579.42

weight loss

Time: 3580.859

remember same calories across groups

Time: 3582.9


Time: 3583.92

um was achieved with low carbohydrate

Time: 3586.68

plus caloric restriction yeah

Time: 3589.2

um and I wondered why all the popular

Time: 3591.359

news venues didn't cover that study um

Time: 3594.24

but that's why I'm bringing it up now I

Time: 3595.559

thought this is really interesting and

Time: 3597.24

um and I'm somebody who's cycled low

Time: 3599.76

carbohydrate diet

Time: 3601.2

um before I find it hard to sleep after

Time: 3604.14

about three or four days of being on a

Time: 3605.88

low starch yeah diet just personally I

Time: 3608.52

so I like to eat some starches yeah

Time: 3610.079

especially if exercising intensely or

Time: 3611.94

working intensely that's just a little

Time: 3613.799

editorial there that

Time: 3615.48

um but look I know many people who do

Time: 3617.7

just feel better on a low carbohydrate

Time: 3619.559

diet but what do you think of those data

Time: 3621.48

because it speaks to the idea that okay

Time: 3623.52

it's not just the total number of

Time: 3624.839

calories it's not just the quality of

Time: 3626.88

those calories

Time: 3627.98

it's the timing of those calories and

Time: 3631.079

maybe carbohydrate restriction in

Time: 3633.359

conjunction with

Time: 3634.68

time restricted feeding might be the

Time: 3636.839

best path for people who are looking to

Time: 3638.7

lose weight

Time: 3640.2

no I I totally agree that when it comes

Time: 3642.42

to nutrition quality quantity and timing

Time: 3645.54

all these three matter nearly 40 percent

Time: 3648.299

of people who maintain healthy body

Time: 3650.579

weight because sixty percent are

Time: 3652.26

overweight and rupees 40 percent of

Time: 3653.76

maintaining healthy body weight and out

Time: 3655.98

of those 40 I would say nearly majority

Time: 3658.92

of them

Time: 3659.819

are very aware about how much dieting

Time: 3662.88

and what quality of food they're eating

Time: 3664.5

so you're really an optimist you're

Time: 3665.819

looking at the 40 of the glass that's uh

Time: 3668.46

or should we say not full

Time: 3670.22

there was a pun intended but the um no

Time: 3673.319

it's a very interesting way of looking

Time: 3674.52

at rather than saying you know why or 60

Time: 3676.38

of Americans obese uh saying why are 40

Time: 3680.28

not obese that's a very interesting way

Time: 3682.74

to look at it yeah I mean um

Time: 3685.16

subconsciously we're always making the

Time: 3687.119

decision inside no means I'm sure that

Time: 3689.64

you are not going and eating um

Time: 3691.5

cheeseburger every day because

Time: 3693.54

um you want to improve yeah right no

Time: 3695.4

yeah exactly I wouldn't feel good yeah I

Time: 3697.799

enjoy a cheeseburger now and again but I

Time: 3699.9

um no not certainly not this stage or

Time: 3701.94

any stage of my life I think that

Time: 3704.22


Time: 3704.819

I think people

Time: 3706.319

actually you think the pandemic had a

Time: 3708.359

lot to do with this I think that people

Time: 3709.76

started to take a look at what they were

Time: 3713.16

doing to support or not support their

Time: 3715.98

health generally yeah I know people

Time: 3717.48

gained a lot of weight during the

Time: 3718.68

pandemic other people got really into

Time: 3719.94

fitness I've seen some colleagues but

Time: 3721.559

you've always maintained

Time: 3723.119

um you've always been in good shape

Time: 3725.099

actually the first time I've seen you in

Time: 3726.359

a while you've seem to have aged

Time: 3727.559

backwards so you are a poster uh for

Time: 3730.92

your own um ideas and hypotheses about

Time: 3733.559

time restricted feeding but but I um I

Time: 3736.44

noticed that during the pandemic a

Time: 3737.7

number of people emerged from the

Time: 3738.96

pandemic in better shape other people in

Time: 3741

much worse shape it seemed like it was a

Time: 3742.5

it was like a bimodal distribution there

Time: 3744.48


Time: 3745.44


Time: 3746.099

so yeah I get the sense that starting

Time: 3749.4

and stopping eating at more or less the

Time: 3752.04

same time each day even if caloric

Time: 3755.16

restriction is not the main focus yeah

Time: 3757.98

has additional benefits

Time: 3760.44


Time: 3761.22

can we talk about some of those benefits

Time: 3762.96

as they relate to the other things that

Time: 3764.76

impact health so for instance if you're

Time: 3766.799

starting and stopping eating at more or

Time: 3768.359

less the same times each day are you

Time: 3770.76

sleeping better are you getting more

Time: 3772.98


Time: 3774.42

uh shifts in alertness and sleepiness

Time: 3777.299

like can you predict when you'll feel

Time: 3779.22

good enough to exercise yeah maybe we

Time: 3781.319

could talk about that because you of

Time: 3782.46


Time: 3783.119

um are well known for time restricted

Time: 3785.04

feeding and the science around that but

Time: 3786.359

also other things as well

Time: 3788.04

um not the least of which is circadian

Time: 3789.599

biology generally so I always think of

Time: 3791.339

the main timekeepers for our system

Time: 3793.319

being feeding light

Time: 3796.68

activity and social connection did I

Time: 3800.099

miss maybe temp and temperature yeah

Time: 3802.02

yeah so how do these combine with one

Time: 3804.599

another and using timing that we begin

Time: 3807.059

and stop feeding is kind of an anchor

Time: 3808.5

Point can we explore that a little bit

Time: 3809.76

yeah so you know we got into this

Time: 3813.059

um beginning and end and then we

Time: 3815.52

you asked for the calorie how much

Time: 3817.5

calorie will break the fast

Time: 3819.78


Time: 3820.44

one thing that I want the listeners and

Time: 3823.619

viewers to

Time: 3824.819

bring back to this timing of when wait

Time: 3827.819

when you're breaking the fast because we

Time: 3830.46

equate Health with weight body weight

Time: 3833.579


Time: 3835.16

that's when you know we are talking

Time: 3837.839

about nutrition quality and quantity

Time: 3840.18

because both of them have impact

Time: 3842.579

so now let's think about mental health

Time: 3844.619

because a lot of people

Time: 3846.839

do struggle with mental health they have

Time: 3848.76

anxiety or depression

Time: 3851.819

and also

Time: 3853.74

um it's a gut health because there are a

Time: 3855.96

lot of people who also have acid reflux

Time: 3858.24

or heartburn

Time: 3859.619

and we know that acid reflux or

Time: 3861.66

heartburn can be exacerbated by caffeine

Time: 3865.559

intake in empty stomach

Time: 3867.92

those who have acid reflux of heartburn

Time: 3871.38

they're prone to that then having black

Time: 3874.559

coffee in the morning

Time: 3876

before any food

Time: 3878.22

um Can upset their stomach so that's why

Time: 3880.859

in those cases it's very clearly that

Time: 3882.96

caffeine for them becomes the trigger

Time: 3886.559

and that's something the food is

Time: 3888.66

supposed to come and then the stomach is

Time: 3890.339

not seeing the food so it's overreacting

Time: 3892.799

producing excess acid and that comes up

Time: 3895.14

to the esophagus and that's what they're

Time: 3896.94


Time: 3898.16

so if people have that kind of condition

Time: 3900.72

then maybe they should consider when

Time: 3903

they drink their first coffee is

Time: 3905.52

breaking their

Time: 3907.559

overall fast or kind of putting them

Time: 3910.2

putting their health at risk for acid

Time: 3912.66


Time: 3913.92

the other thing is people who have

Time: 3915.359

anxiety panic attack we know that

Time: 3918.78

caffeine can judge you up especially on

Time: 3921.839

an empty stomach especially on an empty

Time: 3923.76

stomach so for them again

Time: 3926.24

caffeine can be a trigger so that's why

Time: 3929.599

I want to kind of differentiate that

Time: 3931.98

there is this mental health and other

Time: 3933.839

aspects of health and these are two

Time: 3935.819

clear examples where anxiety panic

Time: 3938.579

attack related to brain health

Time: 3941.099

or acid reflux related to our gut health

Time: 3944.72

in those cases

Time: 3947.42

when we consume that caffeine in the

Time: 3950.04

morning can affect so do you avoid

Time: 3953.94

caffeine in the morning no actually here

Time: 3957.119

is the interesting history about

Time: 3959.16

caffeine and this is something I did not

Time: 3960.9

know and I was once invited to this

Time: 3964.44

history of nighttime activity and maybe

Time: 3969

we can take a little bit of detour and

Time: 3970.859

talk about night time activity because

Time: 3973.26

that fascinates me as a circadian

Time: 3975.24


Time: 3976.68

because over the last 200 000 years

Time: 3978.9

means we assume that humans Homo sapiens

Time: 3982.46

evolved 200 000 years ago so we have

Time: 3985.559

been as a species we have been living on

Time: 3987.24

this planet for 200 000 years

Time: 3989.579

and only in the last

Time: 3992.46

you can say a couple of thousand or five

Time: 3994.92

thousand years when we came to control

Time: 3997.74

fire or maybe you can even go back to

Time: 3999.9

100 000 years there is some debate

Time: 4003.02

um so then the question is well

Time: 4006.14

when you control fire and we light it up

Time: 4009.079

the fire

Time: 4010.039

and we could light up whenever we wanted

Time: 4012.44

we can add Fuel and we can stop the fire

Time: 4015.74

when we don't want it

Time: 4019.16

that's the key

Time: 4021.859

ability in humans that differentiates

Time: 4024.859

them from all the other spaces

Time: 4027.74

no other species we can always say yes

Time: 4030.799

there are signs of this intelligent

Time: 4033.4

decision making for example we know many

Time: 4036.859

crows can make decisions many many

Time: 4039.26

animals they kind of figure out

Time: 4041.42

strategize how to get food but

Time: 4043.78

controlled use of fire is something very

Time: 4047.14

specific to Human

Time: 4049.46

and when we started

Time: 4051.44

um controlling fire fire did not

Time: 4054.52

essentially extend the day

Time: 4057.26

because fire created a evening that is

Time: 4060.44

very different from what people did

Time: 4062.599

during the day

Time: 4064.099

and what people used to do during day

Time: 4065.9

they worked a lot means Gathering food

Time: 4069.64

was almost everything that we did

Time: 4072.859

and so in the evening after the after

Time: 4075.319

the after we brought food mostly tubers

Time: 4079.4

or maybe lentils to cook or once in a

Time: 4081.98

while animals so that we can we could

Time: 4084.5


Time: 4086.359

um all of these things happen around

Time: 4088.16

Fire and Fire was so expensive that it

Time: 4092.48

was mostly communal fire so if you go

Time: 4094.4

back to for example Maasai and all this

Time: 4097.819

and such sorry

Time: 4099.88

populations that have no access to

Time: 4102.44

electricity and are still living kind of

Time: 4105.02

that historical life

Time: 4107.359

fire is a communal event and they sat

Time: 4110.06

around the cooked food and then what

Time: 4111.98


Time: 4113.06

they did not talk about work they talked

Time: 4115.279


Time: 4116.48

um culture they told the sang the danced

Time: 4119.62

they strategize

Time: 4122.239

um that's how politics started

Time: 4123.679

philosophy started science started all

Time: 4126.199

of this things that are very unique to

Time: 4128.6

human civilization started around

Time: 4130.88

fireside chat

Time: 4132.56


Time: 4134.12

um in that way if we think about it we

Time: 4136.04

are still doing fireside chat the only

Time: 4137.66

thing is we have the microwave and the

Time: 4139.4

television or social media so now we

Time: 4142.4

chat with our thumbs right so it's still

Time: 4144.5

so we are hooked to that evening

Time: 4146.66

activity because that's when

Time: 4149

we are completely free from the pressure

Time: 4151.88

of the work and we want to express

Time: 4154.279

ourselves that's our independent kind so

Time: 4156.679

that's why

Time: 4157.88

most people find it very difficult to do

Time: 4160.339

time resulting and stop eating at six

Time: 4162.259

o'clock because it's in Grand in our in

Time: 4165.56

our even DNA that we want to eat and

Time: 4169.219

socialize in the evening

Time: 4171.859

so now let's fast forward and see what

Time: 4174.62

is the roll of coffee in this and if you

Time: 4179.239

look at Coffee consumption particularly

Time: 4181.279

Cafe where people can come and have

Time: 4184.88

little bit of coffee and socialize it

Time: 4187.339

also started as an evening activity and

Time: 4190.54

this is an

Time: 4193.339

um now we can go back to Istanbul

Time: 4195.8

because that's one place where Coffee

Time: 4197.48

Cafe is started in mid 16th century so

Time: 4201.739

we are talking about 15 40 to 1570

Time: 4206

um and that's when uh

Time: 4208.46

I'm sorry I'm forgetting the name of

Time: 4210.92

historians who actually invited me and

Time: 4213.44

uh okay his name is

Time: 4218.44

I must be butchering the name but I'll

Time: 4221

try to provide the spelling and the

Time: 4223.219

wonderful thing about social media is

Time: 4224.659

somebody will tell us on YouTube the

Time: 4226.159

proper pronunciation so it's a great

Time: 4228.199

opportunity if you know the proper

Time: 4229.46

pronunciation please put it in the

Time: 4231.679

comments on YouTube I'm actually I'm

Time: 4233.84

even checking right now in my endnote

Time: 4236

library it's not picking up that that's

Time: 4237.739

right we'll provide a link yeah so what

Time: 4240.98

happened was

Time: 4242.179

um so coffee was introduced and

Time: 4244.52

um people came and drank coffee and

Time: 4247.04

talked about politics at night at night

Time: 4250.159

at evening and it actually started with

Time: 4252.5

with Sufi branch of Islam because they

Time: 4255.62

are the ones who uh consumed coffee in

Time: 4258.62

the evening and this is the branch of

Time: 4260.78

Islam where they actually sing and dance

Time: 4263.54

and all that happened in the evening

Time: 4265.88

so singing dancing

Time: 4267.82

by the stupid and then here in Istanbul

Time: 4272.42

people started congregating and having

Time: 4275.78

um talk about politics

Time: 4278.48

but then around the same time

Time: 4281.3

um some you know

Time: 4283.82

in Turkey there was a good sizable

Time: 4286.46

number of Muslims who have to do five

Time: 4289.82

prayers a day number of prayers at set

Time: 4291.98

time the first prayer is very early in

Time: 4294.02

the morning

Time: 4295.04

and then they figured out that if they

Time: 4297.02

wake up and immediately have coffee then

Time: 4299.54

they can stay awake for the first prayer

Time: 4301.52

and in that way they felt pretty good

Time: 4304.28

and they woke up I said that's how it

Time: 4307.219

started as a morning drink to stay awake

Time: 4309.8

and kind of get get on with the day

Time: 4313.28

but what happened was I don't know

Time: 4315.32

whether you have ever tried Turkish

Time: 4317.12

coffee it's very thick

Time: 4319.28

yeah a few years ago right before the

Time: 4321.62

pandemic 2019 I traveled to Turkey is

Time: 4324.38

first of all the food is amazing the

Time: 4326.36

coffee is indeed very very thick yeah

Time: 4329


Time: 4330.98

I have a pretty high caffeine tolerance

Time: 4332.9


Time: 4334.04

um from drinking so much coffee in yerba

Time: 4336.26

mate over the years and still do I

Time: 4338.12

really enjoy it but um yeah it's it's

Time: 4340.699

very intense and so what you're saying

Time: 4343.04

is that

Time: 4344.42


Time: 4345.02

coffee intake started as a way to extend

Time: 4347.36

into the night the ability to extend

Time: 4349.52

into the night at all was because of the

Time: 4351.14

ability to harness fire and then coffee

Time: 4353.92

stimulatory properties were

Time: 4356.719

leverage toward morning

Time: 4358.82

which is essentially like the way I

Time: 4361.28

think about it we did an episode on

Time: 4362.9

caffeine and some uh someone else

Time: 4365.239

Michael Paul and not I described it this

Time: 4367.28

way that you're sort of taking a loan

Time: 4369.08

out on your energy bank account with

Time: 4370.699

coffee you're suppressing the adenosine

Time: 4372.26

system the density makes you sleepy but

Time: 4374.179

that adenosine system will kick in later

Time: 4375.8

so you're you're it's a credit card of

Time: 4377.42

sorts with an interest right right and

Time: 4379.82

the interest being

Time: 4381.26

um an energetic lag that you're going to

Time: 4383.659

experience in the afternoon yeah but

Time: 4386.239

what happened was with the strong coffee

Time: 4389.239

um that gave heartburn and acid reflux

Time: 4391.58

to a lot of people

Time: 4393.26

so then

Time: 4394.94

they started eating something with

Time: 4397.699

coffee and that's how the culture of

Time: 4399.5

breakfast started in Turkey ah so coffee

Time: 4402.08

actually led to the development of

Time: 4404.6

breakfast not the other way around and

Time: 4406.64

that uh yeah so that's very heartening

Time: 4408.739

uh no again no pun intended uh for the

Time: 4411.92

uh the caffeine lovers Among Us uh which

Time: 4416.12

I count myself one of those so

Time: 4418.219

essentially the food before coffee

Time: 4419.9

became breakfast so you kind of

Time: 4423.08

give something to your to your stomach

Time: 4425.48

so it's busy digesting that and then

Time: 4427.76

when the coffee comes in it's not

Time: 4429.679

reacting to coffee and creating

Time: 4432.32

um acid reflux so it wasn't this

Time: 4434.42

fascinating so it wasn't that breakfast

Time: 4437

is necessary on its own it was

Time: 4439.52

essentially a buffer against the gastric

Time: 4442.64

distress caused by caffeine at least in

Time: 4445.28

that culture when in that context

Time: 4447.56

um we cannot say that whether the same

Time: 4449.06

thing happened in all over the world

Time: 4450.5

where coffee is not consumed but still

Time: 4452.36

people eat something in the morning you

Time: 4455.42

said you start your um first meal uh of

Time: 4458.6

the day at around eight what time do you

Time: 4459.8

wake up I wake up around six if I

Time: 4462.199

started to six what time do you have

Time: 4463.34

your first caffeine no actually I have

Time: 4465.8

so that's why I brought up this story

Time: 4467.54

because I have coffee after my breakfast

Time: 4469.699

fantastic I'm a big proponent of

Time: 4471.56

delaying caffeine intake for a few hours

Time: 4473.3

after waking for other reasons that my

Time: 4475.82

listeners have heard me talk about

Time: 4477.32

endlessly so I won't bother with that

Time: 4478.88

now but I think um

Time: 4481.54

allowing the suffice to say that

Time: 4484.1

allowing some of the natural waking up

Time: 4485.9

signals to occur and using light to kind

Time: 4489.5

of clear away and adenosine to further

Time: 4492.08

extend an activity is better than using

Time: 4494.9

a stimulant but until a few hours later

Time: 4496.82

this is fascinating because I've never

Time: 4498.86

thought about the link between extension

Time: 4500.96

into the night socialization or

Time: 4503.9

socializing rather feeding and caffeine

Time: 4506.719

I'd like to take a brief break and thank

Time: 4509.42

our sponsor inside tracker inside

Time: 4512.12

tracker is a personalized nutrition

Time: 4513.739

platform that analyzes data from your

Time: 4515.659

blood and DNA to help you better

Time: 4517.52

understand your body and help you reach

Time: 4519.199

your health goals I've long been a

Time: 4521.12

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 4522.5

done for the simple reason that many of

Time: 4524.9

the factors that impact your immediate

Time: 4526.46

and long-term Health can only be

Time: 4528.199

analyzed from a quality blood test the

Time: 4530.179

problem with a lot of blood and DNA

Time: 4531.62

tests out there however is that you get

Time: 4533.48

data back about metabolic factors lipids

Time: 4536.179

and hormones and so forth but you don't

Time: 4537.5

know what to do with those data inside

Time: 4539.12

tracker solves that problem and makes it

Time: 4541.219

very easy for you to understand what

Time: 4543.44

sorts of nutritional behavioral maybe

Time: 4546.26

even supplementation based interventions

Time: 4548.6

you might want to take on in order to

Time: 4550.699

adjust the numbers of those metabolic

Time: 4552.26

factors hormones lipids and other things

Time: 4554.3

that impact your immediate and long-term

Time: 4555.739

Health to bring those numbers into the

Time: 4558.26

ranges that are appropriate and indeed

Time: 4559.88

optimal for you if you'd like to try

Time: 4561.739

inside tracker go to insidetracker.com

Time: 4564.52

huberman they have a special promotion

Time: 4567.199

right now through Pi Day March 14th

Time: 4569.84

where you can get 31 off their ultimate

Time: 4572.36

plan this is their biggest promotion of

Time: 4574.28

the Year again if you go to

Time: 4575.8

insidetracker.com huberman you can get

Time: 4578.239

31 off their ultimate plan now actually

Time: 4580.82

I'm kind of

Time: 4582.62

um speaking what many other researchers

Time: 4585.02

have found and this this particularly

Time: 4587.36

this fireside chat I'm forgetting again

Time: 4589.94

the name of the scientist I think is

Time: 4592.34

from University of Washington Seattle

Time: 4595.48

she went to Africa and kind of recorded

Time: 4598.46

what people are talking of course you

Time: 4600.5

could not understand what they were

Time: 4601.58

talking Twitter and whether or not

Time: 4603.8

Tesla's stock is going up of course no

Time: 4606.26

no just just kidding folks and then came

Time: 4609.56

back and tried to translate and then

Time: 4611

figured out that what they're talking

Time: 4612.739

during daytime and in the evening were

Time: 4614.48

very different so

Time: 4616.28

um so so

Time: 4618.14

uh what are they talking about at night

Time: 4620

so exactly so this is like they're

Time: 4622.1

talking about matchmaking and talking

Time: 4624.92

about politics and strategizing to

Time: 4629

gather food or or

Time: 4631.54

even singing and dancing uh so this is

Time: 4635.84

um if you think if we think about it how

Time: 4638.179

we manage

Time: 4639.86


Time: 4641.239

to our bedtime

Time: 4642.739

what we do between Sunset and bedtime

Time: 4646.42

affects most of our health

Time: 4650.6

I'm going to think about that for a

Time: 4651.86

moment I totally agree

Time: 4653.78

um and by the way I'm a huge

Time: 4656.12

believer and and I'm in living in great

Time: 4659.06

hope for the idea that

Time: 4661.52

right now I do think that scientists

Time: 4663.92

understand a lot more about the

Time: 4665.6

different stages of sleep slow wave

Time: 4666.98

sleep REM sleep Etc then we do active

Time: 4669.26

waking States like we talk about being

Time: 4671.3

focused or being alert but that's not

Time: 4673.4

those aren't scientific terms as we know

Time: 4675.32

but I do

Time: 4677.179

believe and I've noticed a distinct

Time: 4679.28

difference between the first

Time: 4681.62

eight hours of the day in terms of

Time: 4683.36

cognition and we know that the

Time: 4684.739

catecholamines are at much higher levels

Time: 4686.239

plus court is also dopamine cortisol

Time: 4687.92

epinephrine all of that is really at

Time: 4690.08

much higher levels than in the later

Time: 4691.46


Time: 4692.48

and so this evening time it all it's

Time: 4695.36

certainly in the context of mental

Time: 4696.56

health we know that morning and evening

Time: 4697.94

we are basically different creatures

Time: 4700.58

yeah yeah

Time: 4702.34

so that's why I think in the evening if

Time: 4705.08

you think about it um

Time: 4707.06

again this is uh again another set of

Time: 4709.699

research from

Time: 4711.5

um my good friend Horacio who the

Time: 4714.56

Iglesias yeah oh yeah yeah I'm a big fan

Time: 4717.32

of horacio's another he's a fellow

Time: 4719.239

Argentine so occasionally we riff about

Time: 4721.52

things related to that but he's a

Time: 4723.26

wonderful biologist are you guys

Time: 4724.94

collaborating yeah his kind of uh I say

Time: 4728

he's very humble and it's a low profile

Time: 4730.64

but he does amazing amazing research

Time: 4733.46

totally agree he does research that um

Time: 4735.739

we want to know but nobody is ready to

Time: 4738.14

do it because field research is very

Time: 4740.96

difficult to go to the Wilderness or go

Time: 4744.62

to the places where there is no

Time: 4746

electricity and then record

Time: 4749.54

um when these people are eating sleeping

Time: 4751.94

or in this case activity exposure to

Time: 4754.82

light that's what Horacio has done and

Time: 4757.76

uh it was this active watch which is

Time: 4760.28

kind of a modern

Time: 4762.04

activity tracker

Time: 4764.54

um but it's a little bit more refined

Time: 4766.1

because it also collects light

Time: 4767.78


Time: 4769.52

what I found was most of these

Time: 4771.38

Argentinian Towers who have no access to

Time: 4773.84


Time: 4775.159

they consistently go to bed somewhere

Time: 4778.219

between three to three and a half hours

Time: 4779.719

after Sunset so this is very important

Time: 4781.76

because we always think that

Time: 4784.58

um our ancestors when they didn't have

Time: 4786.38

electricity as soon as the sun went down

Time: 4788

they just went to sleep no

Time: 4789.98

the fire extended the evening so they

Time: 4792.92

were staying awake for three to four

Time: 4794.78


Time: 4795.86

kind of

Time: 4797.719

um you know

Time: 4799.179

decompressing themselves that we say and

Time: 4802.34

then doing all these activities cooking

Time: 4804.8

sharing meals and then they would go to

Time: 4806.42


Time: 4807.62

and if you look at the slip onset

Time: 4809.48

variability it was very small like

Time: 4812

they're going to bed almost within 15 to

Time: 4814.28

30 minutes standard deviation so no

Time: 4817.219

night owls versus morning people exactly

Time: 4820.04

so we'll get to that none of this this

Time: 4821.719

uh I get attacked by for many reasons it

Time: 4825.56

just goes with the business I'm in of

Time: 4827.3

being public facing these days but every

Time: 4830.12

time I talk about viewing sunrise or low

Time: 4832.52

angle sunlight you know getting some

Time: 4834.08

sunlight earlier someone says well I'm a

Time: 4836.36

night owl and they just it's almost like

Time: 4838.34

a a protest of trying to protect

Time: 4840.679

identity it's become this ideological I

Time: 4843.44

I identity related thing I'm a night owl

Time: 4846.739

I'm a morning person and I'm not but

Time: 4848.6

you're telling me that in these cultures

Time: 4850.159

where there is intellectricity but there

Time: 4851.6

is fire people are going to sleep within

Time: 4854.719

all of them within about 15 minutes of

Time: 4856.699

one another yeah so there is no such

Time: 4859.1

thing as a night owl or a morning person

Time: 4860.719

in the context I still actually I asked

Time: 4862.52

him pointedly because uh uh and then he

Time: 4865.699

said no he has not sinned and says

Time: 4867.92

dragged hundreds of people and if we ask

Time: 4871.28

there are many many sleep researchers or

Time: 4874.4

at least the public facing sleep

Time: 4877.3

Physicians or experts they will say yeah

Time: 4880.219

we can say one third of people a night

Time: 4882.32

hour one third of morning and then one

Time: 4884.78

third are in between but yeah they call

Time: 4886.28

them like Bears wolves and you know and

Time: 4887.96

I'm not being disparaging of that idea I

Time: 4889.52

think people really do feel as it as if

Time: 4892.04

they Orient towards one pattern or

Time: 4894.14

another when I was an undergrad student

Time: 4895.76

I never went to bed before midnight and

Time: 4898.64

actually midnight was my going to

Time: 4901.159

bedtime exactly like 11 45 I'll try to

Time: 4904.58

get ready to hit build and then by 12

Time: 4907.159

I'm in bed and I used to get up at six

Time: 4909.08

six fifteen that's a pretty short sleep

Time: 4911.48

with an alarm of course and but then day

Time: 4914.239

time I used to take 45 minutes to one

Time: 4916.159

hour nap and that was regular

Time: 4919.04

like even if uh whenever I got time of

Time: 4922.46

course in college you know you don't

Time: 4924.62

have the whole debt unlike in high

Time: 4926.78

school you don't have opportunity to nap

Time: 4929.36

but in college you can I might have been

Time: 4931.1

one of those kids with this hoodie on

Time: 4932.42

napping on the desk but they come around

Time: 4933.739

and they wake you up yeah but in this

Time: 4935.96

case just come back to the dorm and

Time: 4938

um after lunch usually I used to take a

Time: 4939.92


Time: 4940.699


Time: 4942.14

um then in grad school

Time: 4944.48

I remember I rarely went to bed before 2

Time: 4947.54

am and I could have clearly said that

Time: 4949.76

I'm a night owl and actually I was a

Time: 4951.86

night owl

Time: 4953.239

it was very comfortable staying up so

Time: 4955.94

late I was very productive doing

Time: 4958.159

experiments writing all this um

Time: 4961.3

manuscripts mostly and

Time: 4964.34

but then afterwards when I looked back

Time: 4968.48

in postdoc when I had when we had our

Time: 4971.96


Time: 4973.88

um then things started changing because

Time: 4976.82

you have to

Time: 4978.14

put the baby to sleep

Time: 4980.199

and then after the baby sleeps it's

Time: 4983.659

almost when you have a baby your life

Time: 4985.88

revolves around the baby so then we have

Time: 4989.3

to dim down the light

Time: 4991.219

there is no caffeine and alcohol

Time: 4993.08

drinking or any other things after the

Time: 4995.36

baby sleeps because we cannot do too

Time: 4997.219

much noise and others so then I realized

Time: 4999.44

that no I'm actually not a night owl and

Time: 5002.86

I became kind of more normal because I

Time: 5005.739

could go to sleep between 10 and 11.

Time: 5009.06


Time: 5010.659

um that's how I thought well maybe this

Time: 5013.6

was very unique to me

Time: 5015.4

but what is interesting is

Time: 5017.38

I have another colleague good friend Ken

Time: 5022

Wright Jr Colorado at Colorado and he

Time: 5025.9

also had grad students and

Time: 5027.88

um and postdocs like me who strongly

Time: 5031.179

believed that there were night owls

Time: 5033.58

um just like everybody else

Time: 5035.44

and he took Ken took the whole Lab for

Time: 5037.78

camping and when they were camping of

Time: 5040.6

course there is less light and a lot of

Time: 5043.48

physical activity hiking during the day

Time: 5045.52

and they all went to bed between 9 and

Time: 5049.179

10 30 p.m I love that study yeah what

Time: 5052.239

Sachin just described was a study I

Time: 5054.1

think there were two studies uh there

Time: 5055.42

were two yeah and um what's interesting

Time: 5057.52

as I recall is that after going camping

Time: 5059.62

for a weekend where people awake with

Time: 5062.5

this more or less with the sunrise yeah

Time: 5064.3

and go to sleep a few hours after Sunset

Time: 5067.239

yeah their melatonin rhythms and

Time: 5070.239

cortisol rhythms and sleep wake rhythms

Time: 5073.199

persisted on that schedule for several

Time: 5076.179

weeks despite returning to environments

Time: 5079.659

where there was a lot of artificial

Time: 5080.92

lighting which I find amazing that just

Time: 5083.44

a weekend of consistent rising and um

Time: 5086.739

going to bed with the sunrise and sunset

Time: 5089.08

yeah more or less

Time: 5090.76

allowed a reset that was very long

Time: 5093.28

lasting yeah

Time: 5094.84


Time: 5095.98

um actually even in Horatio study he

Time: 5098.86

found that almost all the tobas they

Time: 5101.62

wake up around sunrise time and it's

Time: 5105.1

amazing when I look at the standard

Time: 5106.36

deviation it's like so tight

Time: 5108.34

so take that night owl so-called night

Time: 5110.679

owls I also in graduate school I would

Time: 5112.719

work until 2 A.M I loved it I'd blast

Time: 5114.76

music in the lab everyone was at home

Time: 5116.32

pretty much not everyone but there were

Time: 5118.78

the the night crew and then I'd get in

Time: 5120.64

sometime around

Time: 5122.38

get up or sometime around 9 30 10 and

Time: 5124.659

then get in around 11 and it was no

Time: 5126.28

problem because I was going to stay so

Time: 5128.62

very late and then over time I noticed

Time: 5130.6

I've become more locked to a standard

Time: 5132.46

schedule so I think what we're saying is

Time: 5133.54

that the clock can our internal clocks

Time: 5135.4

can shift yeah but this idea that we are

Time: 5137.739


Time: 5139.719

biased towards one schedule or another

Time: 5141.58

may need revisiting that's what that's

Time: 5144.159

the conclusion I'm taking from this a

Time: 5146.26

couple of aspects one is um you know

Time: 5148.36

some people are genetically so

Time: 5150.58

pre-programmed because the other flip

Time: 5152.679

side is what is called technically

Time: 5154.719

familial Urban sleep Fest syndrome so

Time: 5158.98

these people

Time: 5160.96

um you can give them caffeine or

Time: 5162.82

whatever but they will fall asleep say

Time: 5165.28

at eight o'clock they cannot stay awake

Time: 5167.32

till nine or ten

Time: 5169.36

and since it's a very strong phenotype

Time: 5172.179

in sleep and circadian rhythm field they

Time: 5174.76

are very well studied so in fact Louis

Time: 5177.28

potashek and ingwifu they were the first

Time: 5179.86

one to track one family like this and

Time: 5182.679

then they figured out there was a

Time: 5183.82

mutation in one of the clock genes

Time: 5186.34

period two that clocked in and that

Time: 5189.1


Time: 5190.96

um allowed the clock to run in a way

Time: 5194.08

that these people went to bed very early

Time: 5196.54

I guess historically

Time: 5198.76

given these Fireside Chats those people

Time: 5202.06

were probably not contributing much to

Time: 5204.1

their political discussion whatever that

Time: 5206.139

was decided after they went to sleep is

Time: 5207.699

what they woke up into that reminds me

Time: 5209.5

because as you were describing the

Time: 5211

difference between nighttime discussions

Time: 5212.56

versus morning discussions is there any

Time: 5214.48

theme to what is discussed in the

Time: 5216.76

morning versus in the nighttime where

Time: 5218.08

people just sipping their eating and

Time: 5219.46

sipping their caffeine and just waking

Time: 5221.38


Time: 5222.34

um but is there are there any ideas

Time: 5224.62

about what morning discussions really

Time: 5226.36

consistent morning discussions or

Time: 5227.92

daytime discussions are mostly about

Time: 5230.199

um work and like hunting Gathering or

Time: 5234.46

farming all that stuff and even these

Time: 5237.52

days that's what we do we you know you

Time: 5240.04

go to I go to work and it's mostly one

Time: 5243.159

meeting after another and we're talking

Time: 5245.5

about how means if you're in different

Time: 5247.42

communities and we're solving problems

Time: 5249.699

or your students come with questions you

Time: 5251.5

have your TA or the office hours all

Time: 5254.44

these things work related we're not

Time: 5256.36

talking I mean serious philosophy of

Time: 5260.32

unless you are in a philosophy

Time: 5261.699

department and you are talking about

Time: 5262.9

political science

Time: 5264.46

and also we are not singing and dancing

Time: 5266.82

so that's why the evening activity even

Time: 5271.239

these days are very different and

Time: 5273.639

typically the evening activities uh

Time: 5276.04

where we express ourselves

Time: 5278.38

we express who we are we feel like we

Time: 5281.32

are free and

Time: 5283.48

um you know you and I we have this

Time: 5285.639

academic intellectual Freedom we can

Time: 5288.1

talk about our work just like we are

Time: 5290.02

talking now there are a lot of people

Time: 5291.76

who work for even in tech industry they

Time: 5295.06

may be working for Google and all these

Time: 5296.86

big tech companies

Time: 5298.3

they cannot talk about their work to

Time: 5300.1

anybody else it's all secret it's all

Time: 5302.62

secret so just imagine that staying so

Time: 5306.4

they're spending

Time: 5308.32

more than half of the wake-up time at

Time: 5311.8


Time: 5313

thinking and doing work but they cannot

Time: 5315.639

talk about that work even sometimes to

Time: 5318.219

their own family members

Time: 5320.199

so then what happens for them

Time: 5322.42

a lot of people also do the same thing

Time: 5324.04

like um the person who is going and

Time: 5326.32

baking in a restaurant or cooking or the

Time: 5329.38

person who is taking trust and driving

Time: 5332.139

or nurses and doctors can't talk about

Time: 5334.3

their patients reality yeah yeah and

Time: 5337.6

some people just don't want to talk

Time: 5338.98

about it it's so stressful they don't

Time: 5340.719

want to bring that stress home

Time: 5342.639

so that's why I always say that from

Time: 5344.8

Sunset until we go to bed during that

Time: 5347.679

time we try to find time for ourselves

Time: 5350.139

people say this is me time the me time

Time: 5353.98

is essentially we want to truly Express

Time: 5357.52

who we are or we want to entertain

Time: 5361.48

ourselves because on the Fireside chart

Time: 5364.42

it's not that everybody was a performer

Time: 5366.3

there are also some audience so we

Time: 5369.159

always switch our roles sometimes we are

Time: 5371.679

performing and sometimes we are

Time: 5372.94

observing so that's what happens with me

Time: 5375.34

time I love this so um maybe social

Time: 5378.34

media time should be restricted to just

Time: 5380.38

maybe a small portion of that evening

Time: 5382

time because I would hope that people

Time: 5383.08

would also interact socially within in

Time: 5385.659

the room maybe in a constructive way or

Time: 5387.4

maybe you use that for connect with your

Time: 5389.92

family members whom you love or you can

Time: 5392.739

have some productive discussion or

Time: 5394.54

something so it's it's kind of

Time: 5395.92

interesting I think it's extremely

Time: 5398.08

interesting because I think again this

Time: 5399.639

this conversation about time restricted

Time: 5402.04

feeding is really conversation about

Time: 5403.719

circadian rhythm and sleep wake activity

Time: 5406

and human evolution right

Time: 5408.1

um so that's why let's go back to this

Time: 5410.5

um uh Night Owl because uh we we kind of

Time: 5413.92

made a comment that maybe it's not

Time: 5415.9

genetic but this is where I'm still

Time: 5418.3

wrapping my head around because you know

Time: 5420.4

these days

Time: 5421.36

there's some J-1 studies where they're

Time: 5425.56

trying to look at night owls to see

Time: 5427.659

whether there are some genetic Lincolns

Time: 5431.92

and you know sometimes we always think

Time: 5434.56

yeah if you take half a million people

Time: 5436.12

of course you'll find some low side

Time: 5439.6

but going back to this idea that are

Time: 5442.12

some people more sensitive to light

Time: 5445

so that it's likely that the same level

Time: 5447.94

of light even in the same household

Time: 5450.58

may make some people stay awake late

Time: 5453.1

into the night whereas other people are

Time: 5455.139

more resistant to light so that they can

Time: 5457.36

go to bed early and since light has

Time: 5460.54

become so prevalent these days and this

Time: 5463.239

tobus story that we are talking about or

Time: 5465.1

people going on camping that is we have

Time: 5467.08

removed that light

Time: 5469.96

um so there is some

Time: 5472.48

um evidence that People's Light

Time: 5474.34

sensitivity particularly the iprgc or

Time: 5477.639

this intrinsically photosensitive

Time: 5480.04

retinal ganglion cell or the simple

Time: 5482.5

speakers the blue light sensors in our

Time: 5484.48


Time: 5486.159

um there seems to be even one log unit

Time: 5488.32

change in sensitivity as measured by

Time: 5491.86

pupil constriction so for some people a

Time: 5496.06

small amount of artificial light at

Time: 5497.8

night could really shift their circadian

Time: 5499.54

clock yeah wake them up essentially and

Time: 5501.58

then for some it manner yeah I'm very

Time: 5503.86

sensitive to light at night yeah

Time: 5505.3

exquisitely sensitive to it oh so then

Time: 5507.88

you are like a teenager yes in many ways

Time: 5511.42

um I've been told this thank you

Time: 5513.4

um yeah I think

Time: 5515.02

um I have actually switched to using a

Time: 5517.3

red night light but I should be clear

Time: 5519.58

not a fancy high cost red light for sake

Time: 5523.42

of any kind of infrared simulation but a

Time: 5525.639

red party light type light and I find

Time: 5528.28

that was based on reading one study that

Time: 5530.44

we covered in an episode on jet lag and

Time: 5532.12

shift work which was that it seems to

Time: 5534.58

reduce the cortisol

Time: 5536.739

releasing properties of light at night

Time: 5538.96

to use redshifted light yeah so I just

Time: 5541.239

use a red light bulb I actually travel

Time: 5543.159

with one if I go to an Airbnb or a hotel

Time: 5544.9

and I switch to red light and I find

Time: 5546.4

that I fall asleep and stay asleep

Time: 5547.9

throughout the night much more

Time: 5549.1

consistently especially in when I'm in

Time: 5551.08

New environments which always makes it

Time: 5553.12

disruptive to sleep

Time: 5555.04

um it's made an enormous difference in

Time: 5557.32

the depth and duration of my sleep and

Time: 5560.38

um because oftentimes Hotel lights you

Time: 5562.84

know in the bathroom you'll turn them on

Time: 5564.1

you're just you're just getting beam and

Time: 5565.54

you're right some people don't seem to

Time: 5566.86

to be bothered by that I I really

Time: 5570.1

struggle with that yeah and in fact in

Time: 5572.8

Tina's uh right after puberty

Time: 5575.26

um there seems to be a I think that's

Time: 5577.6

when the teenagers become more sensitive

Time: 5580.12

sensitive to light uh and it's very it's

Time: 5584.199

well known that the teenage boys and

Time: 5586.48

girls they tend to stay awake late into

Time: 5588.76

the night and they can stay up to 12 mid

Time: 5591.52

past midnight

Time: 5594.219

although they can stay of that lid that

Time: 5596.56

doesn't mean that their sleep schedule

Time: 5598.54

is reduced their body still needs the

Time: 5601.12

same amount of sleep as other teenagers

Time: 5603.159

so that's why they are more likely not

Time: 5605.8

to wake up at 6 30 or 7 when we expect

Time: 5608.98

them to wake up and go to school

Time: 5612.04

um I have a question and I ask every

Time: 5614.92

circadian related biologists that can

Time: 5617.44

come into contact with this and no one

Time: 5619.179

has been able to give me an answer one

Time: 5620.62

way or the other but I grew up hearing

Time: 5623.08

that every hour of sleep before midnight

Time: 5625.06

was of more value or potency than the

Time: 5627.82

hours after midnight and indeed I find

Time: 5630.28

that if I go to sleep at 9 30 or 10 P.M

Time: 5633.46

I can wake up at three or four a.m

Time: 5635.86

feeling pretty fantastic and ready to

Time: 5637.78

lean into the day but if I get the

Time: 5639.4

equivalent number of hours of sleep

Time: 5641.08

starting at midnight I feel like

Time: 5644.02

complete garbage when I wake up after

Time: 5645.639

five six hours so um is there any truth

Time: 5648.88

to the idea that going to sleep Within

Time: 5652.54

three hours of sunset is somehow better

Time: 5655.9

for our circadian timing mechanisms

Time: 5658.659

well um there are a few things one you

Time: 5660.94

said that you are very sensitive to

Time: 5662.26

light so I assume that you also avoid

Time: 5664.6

bright light in the evening as best I

Time: 5666.82

can yeah as best as you could can and

Time: 5669.219

then what is happening is with a sense

Time: 5671.86

of that bright light your melatonin

Time: 5674.199

levels begin to rise so you are prepared

Time: 5676.659

for Sleep

Time: 5678.1

um of course this is something that we

Time: 5679.54

cannot measure because measuring

Time: 5681.34

melatonin in every one hour or 30

Time: 5683.139


Time: 5684.639

um is very difficult and there is no

Time: 5686.44

consumer fishing product yet

Time: 5689.739

so it's likely that your your body is

Time: 5692.44

preparing very well under this dim light

Time: 5695.08

to fall asleep and when he was trying to

Time: 5697.659

stay awake and go

Time: 5699.52

sleep at midnight then maybe from

Time: 5702.46

Midnight for the first three or four

Time: 5703.96

hours you are sleeping well but then

Time: 5705.52

after that your melatonin level might be

Time: 5708.04

beginning to fall and it's not only

Time: 5711.1

melatonin in your core body temperature

Time: 5713.44

and then your heart rate and everything

Time: 5715.179

is changing to make you awake but the

Time: 5718

Sleep debt that you have accumulated is

Time: 5720.4

pushing you to be in bed so there is

Time: 5723.159


Time: 5723.88

tension between the Circadian aspect and

Time: 5726.58

your sleep depth and unfortunately you

Time: 5730.659

cannot have good night of restorative

Time: 5733

sleep for the second half of the sleep

Time: 5734.86

because of the tension that makes good

Time: 5737.38

sense yeah so that's why

Time: 5739.36

um you know you are not the only one

Time: 5740.98

means there are many people who who

Time: 5743.62

experience that and in fact a lot of

Time: 5746.139

people think that well this may be the

Time: 5748.659

way I sleep maybe I'm not um I am not

Time: 5751.48

designed to sleep restoratively until

Time: 5755.62

you know I sleep one day just like the

Time: 5757.96

camping trip

Time: 5759.12

and then they realize what it feels like

Time: 5761.679

what you're missing yeah absolutely

Time: 5764.86

um I want to make sure that we talk

Time: 5766.239

about the other aspect of fire which is

Time: 5768.82

uh you had a paper that came out

Time: 5771.04

recently very interesting paper studying

Time: 5773.32

firefighters and time restricted feeding

Time: 5775.12

and firefighters would you share with us

Time: 5776.38

the the general contour and maybe even

Time: 5778.06

some of the specifics of that study

Time: 5779.86

because I think it's very interesting

Time: 5781.48

for for sake of shift workers but for

Time: 5784.06

everybody really to understand these

Time: 5785.98

results yeah so let's go back to shift

Time: 5788.139

workers because

Time: 5789.4

um this also relates to all of us

Time: 5791.08


Time: 5792.4

I always say that each of us is a

Time: 5795.1

shipped worker or has lived the life of

Time: 5797.199

a shift worker

Time: 5798.88

um and we have experienced how terrible

Time: 5801.699

difficult it is

Time: 5804.219

um and now let's start with what is the

Time: 5806.139

definition of a shift worker or

Time: 5808.42

um shipped work like lifestyle there is

Time: 5811.12

no Universal definition unfortunately

Time: 5813.219

but there are many European countries

Time: 5815.139

and particularly if you go to

Time: 5817

International level organization

Time: 5820

um then you'll find some references

Time: 5821.94

different European countries have

Time: 5824.62

slightly different definition which

Time: 5826.36

essentially points to

Time: 5828.4

if you stay awake for two or more hours

Time: 5831.239

during your habitual sleep time and when

Time: 5834.219

they say habitual sleep time they assume

Time: 5837.46

that we are just like you said we are

Time: 5840.219

kind of programmed to slave somewhere

Time: 5841.659

between say 10

Time: 5843.4

pm and then stay in bed and kind of wake

Time: 5847.179

up after 5am

Time: 5848.8

so the idea is if you stay if you're

Time: 5850.84

staying awake for two or more hours

Time: 5852.82

between 10 pm and 5 am

Time: 5856.179

and you are engaged in some activity

Time: 5858.94

whether it's physical activity or

Time: 5861.4

intellectual activity you are not lying

Time: 5863.139

in bed and wondering worrying about

Time: 5866.62

something but actually working so that

Time: 5868.78

defines that's defined as shift work and

Time: 5871.3

you don't have to do it every single day

Time: 5872.739

even if you do it once a week

Time: 5875.98

for 50 weeks

Time: 5878.02

then that itself is enough to disrupt

Time: 5882.4

your physiology and Metabolism Behavior

Time: 5884.8

brain function like a shift worker the

Time: 5887.199

reason is as you discussed

Time: 5889.6

when you change

Time: 5891.699

our external timing queue so in this

Time: 5894.94

case when you travel jet lag or or

Time: 5897.76

traveling across three days

Time: 5899.739

three hours of jet lag will take three

Time: 5902.679

days to reset

Time: 5905.98

similarly if you're staying awake for

Time: 5907.9

two hours extra or if you're waking up

Time: 5910.42

two hours before your habitual wake-up

Time: 5912.88

time then we just don't get wake up and

Time: 5917.02

then be engaged in some activity in the

Time: 5919.06

dark most of us unmends unless you are

Time: 5921.52

wearing a infrared goggles

Time: 5923.739

we turn on light and light resets our

Time: 5926.56

clock so in that way

Time: 5929.199

every time we stay up for two or more

Time: 5933.4

hours even for one night then for the

Time: 5936.04

next two nights our clock is kind of

Time: 5937.84

trying to catch up

Time: 5939.219

so in that way for three days

Time: 5942.159

the day of the disruption and then two

Time: 5944.44

days following the disruption

Time: 5946.9

um a clock is trying to catch up with

Time: 5948.76

the outside time so clock our body is

Time: 5951.699

not on time without clock

Time: 5954.1

so that means almost for half of the

Time: 5957.04

week or half of the Year our clock is

Time: 5959.62

trying to catch up so that's the

Time: 5961.659

definition of shift work so now let's

Time: 5964.48

come back to

Time: 5965.82

Department of Labor Statistics um U.S

Time: 5968.98


Time: 5970.48

um they have not been tracking what

Time: 5973.78

percentage of people are doing shift

Time: 5975.76

work accurately because there are many

Time: 5977.739

difficulties in tracking too

Time: 5979.9

but it's generally accepted that one in

Time: 5982.6

five working adults is a card carrying

Time: 5985.54

shift worker card carrying shift workers

Time: 5988.06

means they are nurses

Time: 5990.719


Time: 5992.44


Time: 5994.36


Time: 5995.08

and Bakers

Time: 5997.54

um truck drivers

Time: 5999.78

and many in the service industry

Time: 6002.88

so that's one in five so twenty percent

Time: 6005.639

of working adults

Time: 6008.04

then if we think about

Time: 6009.9

all the college students just like I was

Time: 6012.42

doing and you must have done

Time: 6015.54

um they're also deadlines grants granted

Time: 6018.9

lines then we are also experiencing

Time: 6021.12

experiencing the lifestyle of a shift

Time: 6023.34

worker because we are delaying sleep

Time: 6025.739

even if you're delaying sleep by two

Time: 6027.78

hours for most of the college students

Time: 6029.52

for five days and then the weekend you

Time: 6031.199

are trying to catch up that's kind of a

Time: 6033.179

security and disruption going on

Time: 6036.06

then you take 1.5 or 1.6 million new

Time: 6039.3


Time: 6041.1

um in the US every year so when the

Time: 6043.56

child is born and that mother is a shift

Time: 6046.08

worker and actually that mother is worse

Time: 6048

than a shift worker because

Time: 6050.28

um you know you don't know what time of

Time: 6052.199

the night the baby will wake up and how

Time: 6054.78

many times and there is no weekend

Time: 6058.28

in motherhood

Time: 6060.54

so they're also living the life of a

Time: 6063.239

ship worker

Time: 6065.219

um we don't count many food delivery and

Time: 6069.36

Uber drivers Lyft drivers are shift

Time: 6071.82

workers but they many of them we know

Time: 6074.1

that they live so in that way

Time: 6076.8

we think the actual number of people who

Time: 6079.199

are experiencing the life of a shift

Time: 6080.76

worker is somewhere around 50 percent of

Time: 6083.52

the adults population at any given time

Time: 6088.139

so that's why it's also another point

Time: 6090.3

that you might have heard from people

Time: 6091.8

that will say oh I cannot do time

Time: 6093.48


Time: 6094.98

because my schedule is messed up or I

Time: 6097.92

work in a different way and

Time: 6100.92

um that comes into play

Time: 6103.8

so that's why we thought

Time: 6105.54

um okay so we should try something on

Time: 6107.4

shift worker

Time: 6108.84

another point is although one in five

Time: 6111.179

people are shipped workers they carry

Time: 6114.56

disproportionately heavier burden of

Time: 6116.76

disease because almost all age-related

Time: 6120.06

disease that we can think of whether

Time: 6121.619

it's high blood pressure usually high

Time: 6123.54

blood pressure starts in 40s or 50s

Time: 6126.179

high cholesterol

Time: 6128.639

um gastrointestinal problem in digestion

Time: 6132.42

um chronic

Time: 6133.88

inflammation of the colon and then even

Time: 6136.26

colon cancer in many cases

Time: 6139.679

and then of course diabetes all of these

Time: 6143.46

are disproportionately more prevalent

Time: 6145.98

among ship workers

Time: 6149.1

but then when you think about clinical

Time: 6151.199

trials whether it's a drug

Time: 6153.3

or a lifestyle

Time: 6155.159

often one of the top 10 exclusion Factor

Time: 6159

criteria is shift work so people who are

Time: 6162.179

doing shift work we exclude them from

Time: 6164.52

many of these trials one thing is

Time: 6168.48

most Physicians and most scientists even

Time: 6171.179

people who do shift work they know that

Time: 6173.219

they are their body and mind is so

Time: 6175.8

messed up

Time: 6176.88

that often time even medications may not

Time: 6179.88

help them

Time: 6180.9

and so that's why we don't try new

Time: 6183.6

medication why to take the risk when we

Time: 6185.46

know it may not help them

Time: 6187.199

and then when it comes to Lifestyle

Time: 6188.76

intervention whether it's sleep

Time: 6190.679

extension for example we cannot do

Time: 6192.54

because they are supposed to stay awake

Time: 6194.28

and do their job we cannot ask them to

Time: 6196.32

stay asleep at night

Time: 6199.139

and then physical activity and exercise

Time: 6201.239

some people can do but some people are

Time: 6204.6

so tired after all night that they don't

Time: 6208.32

have the energy to do physical activity

Time: 6210.119

and then nutrition again most nutrition

Time: 6213.179

studies involved

Time: 6215.36

the participants to come to the clinic

Time: 6217.76

and get

Time: 6220.38

um one-on-one or one or attend group

Time: 6223.739


Time: 6224.82

and they cannot come

Time: 6226.8

and they cannot even sometimes come to

Time: 6228.719

the clinic visit

Time: 6230.46

um when people have to take draw blood

Time: 6233.82

and in fact there is another caveat that

Time: 6237.36


Time: 6238.8

if suppose I am healthy

Time: 6242.28

perfectly normal blood pressure blood

Time: 6245.46

glucose cholesterol everything is normal

Time: 6248.34

and I live the life of a shift worker

Time: 6250.619

just for five nights that means I'm

Time: 6253.679

sleeping less maybe four or five hours

Time: 6257.46

and even if I don't eat at night time

Time: 6261.84

of course many shift workers also feel

Time: 6263.88

hungry and just for um to keep their

Time: 6266.34

work they eat

Time: 6268.5

um just after five days my blood glucose

Time: 6270.84

level will read almost like I'm

Time: 6272.52

pre-diabetic wow I actually saw a study

Time: 6275.52

in publishing procedures in the National

Time: 6277.32

Academy that showed that even a hundred

Time: 6279.84

Lux dim Light present in the room while

Time: 6282.239

people are sleeping with eyes closed can

Time: 6284.52

lead to disruptions in morning uh blood

Time: 6287.82

glucose levels in directions that are

Time: 6289.86

not good yeah um one night so the the

Time: 6292.86

faint clock in the corner or even a a

Time: 6295.619

night light that's too bright yeah could

Time: 6298.199

be problematic

Time: 6299.699

um by the way folks these effects are

Time: 6301.98

reversible so I whenever I say these

Time: 6304.02

things I we get a lot of comments about

Time: 6305.4

oh my goodness what have I been doing

Time: 6306.54

for years but you know kids with Night

Time: 6308.52

Lights this is an issue yeah um but what

Time: 6311.1

I'm hearing is that one in five people

Time: 6312.9


Time: 6314.159

truly shift workers in the classic sense

Time: 6316.26

their jobs require they work at night or

Time: 6318.36

into the night and sleep into the day

Time: 6322.5

but far more people are shift workers by

Time: 6325.5

virtue of the fact that they're Tweeting

Time: 6327.3

or working or watching movies at night

Time: 6329.28

even though it's not work in that

Time: 6331.139

they're not being paid for that time

Time: 6332.659

they are essentially operating like

Time: 6335.219

shift workers if we add those two groups

Time: 6337.32

together would we say it's what uh a

Time: 6340.199

third of Americans I would say half of

Time: 6342.6

America half of America yeah if you take

Time: 6344.699

teenagers because you know high school

Time: 6347.159

students and college students because

Time: 6348.42

again going back to horacio's uh study

Time: 6351.42

because Horatio also collected

Time: 6353.88

activity data from high school students

Time: 6356.04

and college students and we have

Time: 6357.3

replicated that with high school

Time: 6359.159

students and college students in San

Time: 6360.78

Diego so that's Seattle and San Diego

Time: 6363

and this study now there are many sleep

Time: 6366.36

researchers that have been collecting

Time: 6367.679

this data

Time: 6368.88

and what we find is

Time: 6370.8

um typically the high school students

Time: 6372.84

they are going to beds around midnight

Time: 6375.8

and college students at least the UCSD

Time: 6378.659

students we found maybe one out of 100

Time: 6381.42

who went to bed before midnight that um

Time: 6384.54

reminds me that Horacio Iglesias just

Time: 6386.76

published this really nice paper

Time: 6389.34

um showing that counter to what we

Time: 6391.92

believe students now this is the

Time: 6393.48

University of Washington in Seattle I

Time: 6394.92

should mention where it's very dark in

Time: 6396.119

the winter

Time: 6397.679

young people see other people in their

Time: 6399.54

20s are staying up later in the winter

Time: 6402.659

months compared to the summer months

Time: 6404.34

yeah which is you know totally

Time: 6406.08

counter-intuitive you think everyone

Time: 6407.34

stays up late in the summer and goes to

Time: 6408.719

bed early in the winter but because of

Time: 6409.92

artificial lighting it's the exact

Time: 6411.3

opposite yeah so and another um it's um

Time: 6414.3

I don't know whether Horacio monitored

Time: 6416.46

it but my other suspicion I'm not saying

Time: 6419.639

whether it's true in Winter we are more

Time: 6421.98

likely to consume more coffee hot

Time: 6424.02

chocolate in the evening and that might

Time: 6427.02

also be delaying

Time: 6428.719

slip onset that makes sense so in that

Time: 6432

way again here is another thing which

Time: 6435.48

can be related to policy or practice at

Time: 6441.06

Educational Institute so what happened

Time: 6443.219

during uh kovid was everybody went to

Time: 6446.1

remote learning

Time: 6448.199

um the assignments became digital and

Time: 6450.96

assignments submission became digital

Time: 6452.82

and there are many systems online

Time: 6455.28

systems that came into play

Time: 6457.44

and by default the assignment submission

Time: 6460.679

deadline became midnight

Time: 6463.38

so then now what is happening is I don't

Time: 6465.48

know about Stanford in maybe when you

Time: 6468.6

are giving assignment um one is the

Time: 6470.46

deadline in line typically midnight yeah

Time: 6472.32

so then most of us most students they

Time: 6474.96

will try to cram as much as possible try

Time: 6477.84

to solve as much as possible and submit

Time: 6479.76

at midnight

Time: 6481.139

and it'll be really cool to go back to

Time: 6483.6

your system administrator to see is

Time: 6486.119

there so many frequency plot of

Time: 6488.42

frequency distribution of what time

Time: 6490.98

people are submitting the

Time: 6493.139

um assignment because we know means when

Time: 6495.6

we submit our grant yeah so I mean you

Time: 6499.08

know you hear about the Obesity crisis

Time: 6500.699

the crisis of metabolic disorders not

Time: 6503.34

just in the US but everywhere in the

Time: 6504.84

world I mean it's really striking I

Time: 6506.04

remember going to a keystone meeting

Time: 6507.78

scientific meeting in the early 2000s

Time: 6510.42

and there was a map of the United States

Time: 6511.679

and it showed where the Obesity rates

Time: 6513.719

were over 30 percent in adults and the

Time: 6515.699

entire country basically was lighting up

Time: 6517.199

like crazy now it would be the entire

Time: 6518.639

country but there were these kind of

Time: 6520.56

zones in the middle

Time: 6522.54

um that were almost devoid of of uh

Time: 6526.739

obesity Colorado namely Idaho at that

Time: 6529.739

time those are now also Fallen Under the

Time: 6532.56

Umbrella of rampant obesity and you and

Time: 6534.9

everyone is speculating okay is it uh

Time: 6537.179

you know is it seed oils is it

Time: 6539.94

um is it this is it that is it highly

Time: 6542.28

processed foods I'm guessing it's all of

Time: 6544.08

those things including lack of activity

Time: 6545.699

but one has to wonder given everything

Time: 6547.679

we're talking about in terms of

Time: 6548.76

metabolic dysfunction late shifted

Time: 6551.159

eating all these issues with late

Time: 6552.719

shifted eating and staying up late with

Time: 6554.46

artificial lighting whether or not that

Time: 6556.56

could be one of the major factors in the

Time: 6558.54

so-called obesity crisis it's likely you

Time: 6560.46

know we always say Freshman 15 that's

Time: 6563.28

right because this is a gaining 15

Time: 6566.4

pounds in their freshman year in college

Time: 6568.44


Time: 6570.3

um this is where I think as executor

Time: 6573.239

professors um it'll be interesting to go

Time: 6575.639

back and see what can we do because

Time: 6578.34

another thing that's also becoming more

Time: 6580.26

and more common for example I I give a

Time: 6583.5

security under the class means I just

Time: 6585.78

give two lectures and I remember when I

Time: 6588.48

started 15 17 years ago that lecture

Time: 6592.38

used to be around 1 30 p.m or 2 p.m in

Time: 6596.28

the afternoon and it's a two and a half

Time: 6597.9

hour lecture so it's done by five

Time: 6600.84

and for the last um before the pandemic

Time: 6604.38

I realized that they changed the timing

Time: 6606.32

now the lecture was starting at 7 pm so

Time: 6610.08

I was finishing by 9 9 30 pm and these

Time: 6613.199

kids they had to go and eat after 9 30.

Time: 6616.94

studies socialize find aside chat

Time: 6619.86

fireside chat and then to express

Time: 6621.54

themselves like to feel free from

Time: 6624.02

assignments what are they going to do

Time: 6626.28

that after they submit the assignment

Time: 6628.02

then they're going to do that

Time: 6630.3

so that's why we have to go back and

Time: 6631.98

revisit this issue say okay so for

Time: 6635.699

adults for most of us who are working a

Time: 6638.58

day job

Time: 6639.6

our deadline is 5 PM in most cases

Time: 6642.84

right men's at least an University

Time: 6645.96

system the person who is submitting the

Time: 6648.179

grant or who is doing taking care of my

Time: 6652.02

IRB or I cook they are all living at

Time: 6654

five o'clock so for me everything has to

Time: 6656.04

end by five I think for most people out

Time: 6658.139

there so this the race is a kind of

Time: 6661.02

macroscopic question which is maybe it's

Time: 6664.199

not so much about restricting the

Time: 6665.52

feeding window but maybe it's about

Time: 6667.159

feeding mostly in and being active

Time: 6669.719

mostly in the early part of the day I

Time: 6671.46

mean you know I could imagine a Time

Time: 6674.1

three four years from now when it's

Time: 6676.5

about when waking up early and going to

Time: 6678.659

bed within three hours of sunset is the

Time: 6681.42

protocol which harnesses all other

Time: 6684.239

protocols right you're going to exercise

Time: 6685.98

you're going to do it in that time

Time: 6687.42

you're going to eat you're going to do

Time: 6688.32

it in that time you're going to

Time: 6689.219

socialize you're going to do it in that

Time: 6690.48

time and in doing so you're also

Time: 6692.4

avoiding a lot of the issues related to

Time: 6694.02

disrupted sleep so that's why all these

Time: 6696.659

things I just said Timeless repeating is

Time: 6699.06

just one aspect of the security and

Time: 6701.58

health and these are all interconnected

Time: 6703.26

and going back to the comment about

Time: 6705.659

um within three hours of sunset yes um

Time: 6709.139

that's good but then what happens in say

Time: 6712.639

Toronto or Vancouver in winter time I

Time: 6715.679

guess they're going to bed very very

Time: 6716.76

early but also waking up very very early

Time: 6718.86

yeah you know one of the things that I

Time: 6720.42

hear all the time because I'm always

Time: 6721.679

beating on the drum of getting morning

Time: 6723.3

sunlight even if through Cloud covers

Time: 6725.04

people say there's no sun here this time

Time: 6727.679

of year and I I forgive me but there is

Time: 6730.199

Sun unless you live in a cave their son

Time: 6731.88

is just coming through cloud cover no

Time: 6733.619

matter where you live in the world their

Time: 6735.119

son yeah unless you live in a cave of

Time: 6736.98

course so um I want to make sure that uh

Time: 6739.5

we didn't Overlook what was the major

Time: 6740.94

conclusion of the firefighters

Time: 6743.239

so the reason why we did this study was

Time: 6745.739

as I said there are a lot of us who are

Time: 6748.139

living the lifestyle of firefighters or

Time: 6750.239

shipped workers and shipped workers are

Time: 6752.94

excluded from studies so that means

Time: 6755.159

whatever we are learning about a

Time: 6756.78

lifestyle or even medications that may

Time: 6760.32

be beneficial for people who actually

Time: 6762.96

have a normal schedule

Time: 6765.3

um but not for people who have a

Time: 6766.92

disrupted schedule and if you look up

Time: 6769.56

um clinicaltrial.gov there are more than

Time: 6771.54

400 000 studies listed and if you search

Time: 6775.26

how many studies are on shift workers

Time: 6778.199

it's less than a thousand

Time: 6780.78

and then if you ask most of them are to

Time: 6783.119

see what is wrong with shipped workers

Time: 6785.52

like that's how we know that shift work

Time: 6787.679

increases our risk for metabolic disease

Time: 6790.8

cancer and even some aspects of dementia

Time: 6796.139

but if you ask how many studies are done

Time: 6798.06

to improve the health of shift work

Time: 6800.1

alone and that's less than 50 means I

Time: 6803.28

mean so I have to go back and check the

Time: 6804.84

actual number but it's less than 50. wow

Time: 6807.239

so that's why

Time: 6808.92

um we got super excited we thought

Time: 6811.739

um from circadian rhythm perspective

Time: 6813.659

that's something to address

Time: 6816.6

so this study

Time: 6818.219

again this kind of study is only

Time: 6820.26

possible because I'm at Salk and we are

Time: 6824.1

affiliated with UCSD and

Time: 6826.8

um I can work with UCSD Physicians to do

Time: 6830.219

this study so I collaborate with Dr Pam

Time: 6833.46

tobb who is the director of cardiac

Time: 6835.44

rehab center in UCSD and Pam has many

Time: 6840.179

firefighters as her patients and we both

Time: 6843.9

know that the number one cause for death

Time: 6846.54

and disability on work for firefighters

Time: 6849.119

is not fighting fire but just getting

Time: 6851.04

heart attack and stroke uh so they have

Time: 6854.639

a very high incidence of heart attack

Time: 6856.26

and stroke and they're also highly prone

Time: 6858.42

to different kinds of cancer and it may

Time: 6861.179

be difficult to ascribe cancer to

Time: 6863.58

disruption security and disruption

Time: 6865.56

because they're also exposed to a lot of

Time: 6867.3

toxins anytime Fire Burns that smell of

Time: 6871.5

fire is essentially smell of

Time: 6874.139

carcinogens and they're breathing even

Time: 6876.54

if they have the

Time: 6878.46

um hood on and respirator they're still

Time: 6880.98

good so the idea was very simple we know

Time: 6883.8

that firefighters nearly

Time: 6886.44

70 percent of firefighters in the U.S

Time: 6889.26

full-time firefighters because there are

Time: 6892.02

volunteer firefighters and then

Time: 6893.34

full-time firefighters the full-time

Time: 6895.619

firefighters 70 of them work 24 hours

Time: 6898.5


Time: 6900

so for example in San Diego they come in

Time: 6902.58

at their shift is from 8 AM to 8 am the

Time: 6905.46

next day and they do at least in San

Time: 6908.52

Diego they do one day on one day off on

Time: 6911.46

off four cycles and then four days off

Time: 6914.46

and but in some fire departments they

Time: 6918.48

actually do 48-hour shift so they come

Time: 6920.639

for two days two days off two days two

Time: 6923.76

days off and then four or five days

Time: 6925.76

thank you firefighters yeah I mean

Time: 6930.78

um so then the idea was okay so we'll

Time: 6932.82

screen firefighters and then find

Time: 6934.8

firefighters who are

Time: 6936.739

metabolically unhealthy and then we'll

Time: 6939.3

see whether they can actually follow 10

Time: 6942.06

hours time restricted eating because

Time: 6945.06

the point is if firefighters can follow

Time: 6946.92

it then everybody else will pay for us

Time: 6949.04

with all that stress if they can

Time: 6951.84

and this is again where I should also

Time: 6954.119

acknowledge the San Diego fire and

Time: 6956.1

rescue Department because without their

Time: 6957.659

health we could not have even submitted

Time: 6959.639

the grant and at that time David picon

Time: 6963.06

who is the health and wellness battalion

Time: 6966

chief he's the one who actually

Time: 6967.98

approached us

Time: 6970.08

um because he is very careful he knew

Time: 6974.219

that the job that they do

Time: 6977.28

makes them weaker and long term and can

Time: 6981.3

kill them in long term

Time: 6983.28

so he was always looking for new

Time: 6985.38

Solutions so he approached us and then

Time: 6987.42

we said this is the idea he said well I

Time: 6990.06

love this idea because

Time: 6991.739

we are not asking them to sleep more or

Time: 6994.619

we are not going to cut down their over

Time: 6996.78

time or shift or change the work

Time: 6998.76

schedule the only thing we'll be doing

Time: 7000.5

is ask them to eat within 10 hours

Time: 7003.38

and hopefully we can do this so

Time: 7004.94

consistently between the days that

Time: 7006.739

they're working and not working yes so

Time: 7008.84

that means if they're from 8 A.M to 8

Time: 7010.76

A.M working then the next day then they

Time: 7013.28

go home then they're going to eat on the

Time: 7015.679

same schedule they did when they were at

Time: 7017.06

the fire Firehouse yeah but while at

Time: 7019.52

home so they're not allowing themselves

Time: 7020.84

to to deviate from that yeah so we we

Time: 7023.84

thought whether they can do it or not

Time: 7025.34

because the number one goal or the

Time: 7027.739

primary outcome in this clinical trial

Time: 7029.719

was feasibility can they do it

Time: 7033.08

and then second was if they do it then

Time: 7035.179

what happens to their blood sugar and

Time: 7036.86

weight and all this other stuff

Time: 7038.719

and then we started the study and we hit

Time: 7040.46

the next hurdle and that is

Time: 7044.42


Time: 7045.56

you know firefighters are very very

Time: 7047.96

tight-knit community and they want to

Time: 7050.36

make sure that you understand their

Time: 7052.34

culture and the best way to understand

Time: 7053.96

their culture is to live the life of a

Time: 7056.9


Time: 7058.099

so Emily Manoogian who is the first

Time: 7060.02

author see and then we had Adina

Time: 7062.48

jadurian who is now in med school she

Time: 7064.52

was a research coordinator at that time

Time: 7066.94

they volunteered they said okay we'll go

Time: 7069.08

to the

Time: 7069.92

busiest fire station in San Diego

Time: 7072.56

and will live the life of a firefighter

Time: 7074.84

and the San Diego fire and rescue and

Time: 7078.199

the city they all agreed they reported

Time: 7082.28

for duty at 7 30 in the morning they

Time: 7084.38

were assigned a

Time: 7085.699

bed in the station because all fire

Time: 7087.679

stations do have some beds for

Time: 7090.4

firefighters to rest and they have a

Time: 7092.36

sign bed so they've assigned a bet

Time: 7095.3

um yeah so every time a 911 call chem

Time: 7098.36

and if that fire station in that fire

Time: 7100.58

station that fire engine was called then

Time: 7102.8

just like other firefighters they had to

Time: 7104.9

run get into the gears just issues and

Time: 7108.32

um a jacket and a helmet and getting the

Time: 7110.84

seat and attend the call of course they

Time: 7113.3

won't go to this side they just get out

Time: 7114.92

of the truck wait there

Time: 7116.78

then come back

Time: 7119.599

so in that 24 hours MLA got 10 calls at

Time: 7123.86

night that she had to run to but there

Time: 7126.98

are more than 10 times the

Time: 7129.56

um they got the nine one every time the

Time: 7131.42

911 call came then there is a bit that

Time: 7134.179

goes out

Time: 7135.139

all firefighters were sleeping or

Time: 7137.06

resting they would get up or if they're

Time: 7138.92

doing something they'll look up to see

Time: 7140.719

which engine is called and interesting

Time: 7143.179

so it's not just the ones that go out

Time: 7145.04

it's everyone gets woken up everyone

Time: 7146.96

gets woken up so that means in a night

Time: 7149.119

typical night they're waking up

Time: 7151.76

um 10 15 20 times sometimes so they're

Time: 7154.58

almost like

Time: 7155.78

um you know new months are like

Time: 7157.28

firefighters because they don't have any

Time: 7159.32

idea what time the baby will cry and for

Time: 7163.4

what reason also they don't know so

Time: 7164.78

similarly it's five so that's what Emily

Time: 7168.08

did and then next morning once you came

Time: 7170.119

back she was like no it's practical seem

Time: 7172.639


Time: 7173.42

yeah so so then we did the study and we

Time: 7177.8

essentially assigned uh all the

Time: 7179.48

firefighters we recruited 155 Fighters

Time: 7183.02

we assigned half of them to

Time: 7185.26

Mediterranean diet because you cannot do

Time: 7187.76

any harm you have to give them something

Time: 7189.26

good so that's another thing they said

Time: 7191.119

no we want something that we know works

Time: 7193.159

for firefighters and there was a

Time: 7194.54

Mediterranean diet study so

Time: 7196.42

everybody was supposed to follow

Time: 7198.38

Mediterranean diet and then have nearly

Time: 7200.42

75 of them were supposed to eat within

Time: 7203.06

10 hours

Time: 7204.8

we did not fix the 10 hours because we

Time: 7207.5


Time: 7208.88

um you pick your own 10 hours that you

Time: 7211.58

can stick to but it has to be consistent

Time: 7213.44

from day to day so if you start eating

Time: 7215.06

at 9am you finish it not at uh you know

Time: 7217.52

at seven PM pm and then try to be yeah

Time: 7219.98

okay try to try to be consistent because

Time: 7222.44

we said yes we understand that there

Time: 7224.3

will be some things and you can take

Time: 7226.699

maybe half an hour here and there and

Time: 7228.86

we'll see how many times you can do it

Time: 7230.48


Time: 7232.04


Time: 7232.699

what is interesting about although they

Time: 7234.5

were all doing 24 hour shift

Time: 7236.9

more or less chose to begin eating

Time: 7239.42

somewhere between 8 AM and 11 am

Time: 7242.199

and they

Time: 7245.06

did not skip any meal they had their

Time: 7247.52

first meal or what we call breakfast but

Time: 7249.92

it was several hours after waking up

Time: 7252.139

because they are waking up at five or

Time: 7253.82

six and the driving to come to work at 7

Time: 7256.46

30 or 8 and they're eating the first

Time: 7259.34

meal say between 8 and 11. and then the

Time: 7263.119

finished meal 10 hours later

Time: 7265.639

and what we found is more or less

Time: 7269.26

most of them could stick to doing this

Time: 7273.38

at least five days out of seven days

Time: 7277.219

um and then at the end of the study when

Time: 7279.32

we look at their health parameters

Time: 7281.96

one thing as I said

Time: 7283.82

we recruited everybody who can so that

Time: 7286.159

means nearly

Time: 7288.26

one in three firefighters were

Time: 7290.119

completely healthy they had no sign of

Time: 7292.28


Time: 7293.659

um any illness no high blood pressure

Time: 7296.54

high blood sugar or high cholesterol

Time: 7298.179

depression or anything

Time: 7300.619

so since we have one third of the

Time: 7302.42

population who are already healthy and

Time: 7304.639

then everybody has slightly different

Time: 7306.44

conditions some have high blood pressure

Time: 7308.239

but they don't have high blood glucose

Time: 7310.04

somebody has high blood glucose but not

Time: 7312.5

high blood pressure

Time: 7313.94

so it was kind of heterogeneous so

Time: 7316.88

we did not see big difference in weight

Time: 7319.04

loss or any wet change between these two

Time: 7321.38

groups another thing is firefighters

Time: 7323.9

actually run almost eight to nine miles

Time: 7326.86

when they're at the job because that's

Time: 7329.659

part of their

Time: 7330.82

exercise routine

Time: 7333.98

but then one thing that changed

Time: 7336.619

significantly in the time restorating

Time: 7338.599

group was what we call bldl particle

Time: 7342.56

size and particle number because this is

Time: 7345.08

something that we know this very low

Time: 7347.78

density lipoprotein these are

Time: 7349.82

atherogenic and if we can manage them

Time: 7352.219

much better and we reduce the risk for

Time: 7354.58

atherosclerosis so that's one parameter

Time: 7357.44

that changed in the time restricting

Time: 7359.54

group even when you combine all healthy

Time: 7362.119

unhealthy everybody

Time: 7364.699

now if we take firefighters who are

Time: 7367.719

beginning with high blood pressure

Time: 7371.3

then we saw a significant reduction in

Time: 7374.3

that systolic as well as diastolic blood

Time: 7376.76


Time: 7377.659

and the change in blood pressure of

Time: 7379.4

course we don't claim that in the

Time: 7380.9

manuscript but when we talk about it

Time: 7382.88

some physician would get up and say wow

Time: 7385.34

that looks like almost there on a blood

Time: 7387.44

pressure lowering drug so the extent of

Time: 7390.619

blood pressure lowering is equivalent to

Time: 7392.78

somebody taking a antihypertensive drug

Time: 7394.94

amazing yeah and then those who started

Time: 7397.099

with high blood sugar of course we

Time: 7398.84

didn't have too many type 2 diabetic but

Time: 7401

there were a few few pre-diabetic and

Time: 7403.88

they could better manage their blood

Time: 7405.32

glucose and this is interesting because

Time: 7408.32


Time: 7410

shift workers

Time: 7411.679

become pre-diabetic or diabetic they

Time: 7415.219

have more difficulty managing their

Time: 7416.96

blood sugar than non-shipped workers

Time: 7419.239

because the work schedule itself will

Time: 7421.639

mess them up too much even if they're on

Time: 7423.98

many medications they have difficulty

Time: 7426.619

that's fascinating and I I'm really glad

Time: 7429.02

that you explained the study in such

Time: 7430.52

detail because I would have thought you

Time: 7432.98

know from reading the abstract and I did

Time: 7434.84

look at the data but if someone were to

Time: 7436.4

look at the abstract they'd say oh

Time: 7437.42

firefighters so they're waking up in the

Time: 7438.679

middle of the night and they're you know

Time: 7440.3

throwing on their gear and going out to

Time: 7442.219

calls and doing but if I understand

Time: 7444.08

correctly all firefighters are being

Time: 7446.179

woken up by the signal which makes the

Time: 7448.88

firefighter population a bit more

Time: 7451.52

similar to the more standard population

Time: 7453.26

who's waking up in the middle of the

Time: 7454.46

night to use the bathroom getting on

Time: 7456.5

social media for a couple of minutes or

Time: 7458.06

flipping on the lights I mean it's maybe

Time: 7459.86

not as severe as what firefighters are

Time: 7461.659


Time: 7462.8

um but we know there are blood sugar

Time: 7465.5

regulation issues related to those

Time: 7467.179

multiple middle of the night wakings

Time: 7468.92

especially if people are then staring at

Time: 7470.719

screens yeah

Time: 7472.099

um so I think it's really important that

Time: 7473.96

people were able to hear about the the

Time: 7476.239

deeper Contours of the study uh I mean

Time: 7478.52

this result of regulating blood sugar

Time: 7480.92

better is really powerful I get asked

Time: 7482.719

all the time you know I've got a new kid

Time: 7484.76

or I'm a shift worker how can I do this

Time: 7487.28

morning sunlight viewing

Time: 7489.199

um what I'm hearing is that keeping a

Time: 7491.3

regular meal schedule every day

Time: 7493.76

at least five five out of seven or as

Time: 7496.82

close to every day it's sort of like

Time: 7497.9

sleep I always say try and get a really

Time: 7499.28

great night's sleep 80 or more of the

Time: 7501.199

nights of your life and on the other 20

Time: 7503

hopefully it's for fun reasons a great

Time: 7505.28

party or something like that or a

Time: 7506.719

celebration of some sort

Time: 7508.58


Time: 7509.96

that seems to me a great Anchor Point

Time: 7513.199

when one can't reliably control their

Time: 7516.02

sleep wake cycle does that mean that if

Time: 7518.719

somebody is coming off of shift work and

Time: 7521.3

they're very very tired that they would

Time: 7523.219

be better off staying awake and eating

Time: 7525.38

than sleeping well it's uh yeah so this

Time: 7528.8

is where we get into nuances so here the

Time: 7531.38

firefighters are 24-hour shipped workers

Time: 7533.42

so that means and they have been working

Time: 7535.76

this shift for a very long time so they

Time: 7538.099

have figured out and one thing is yes

Time: 7540.5

firefighters are different from nurses

Time: 7543.32

and healthcare workers who have to work

Time: 7545.78

throughout the night and they're staying

Time: 7547.76

awake throughout the night whereas

Time: 7549.02

firefighters they get opportunity to

Time: 7551

sleep then even with their

Time: 7553.699

pen calls they actually have opportunity

Time: 7556.82

to come back and go to sleep and in fact

Time: 7559.28

when Emily and Adina they were in the

Time: 7562.4

fastest and what they observed was

Time: 7563.8

firefighters after they after attending

Time: 7566.84

a call they are not coming back and

Time: 7568.219

playing cards or trying to watch the

Time: 7570.56

news or get the score they know they

Time: 7573.02

will just go back and lie in the bed and

Time: 7576.98

switch off the light so whenever they

Time: 7578.96

got any opportunity to sleep they would

Time: 7581.119

try to sleep so in that way

Time: 7584.06

their sleep debt and sleep pressure

Time: 7586.52

during day time is not as strong as a

Time: 7590.179

night shift nurse

Time: 7591.98

or a truck driver who is driving all

Time: 7594.92

night because they have they're staying

Time: 7596.659

awake throughout the night so when

Time: 7599.42

people say yes you found this and can

Time: 7601.46

you extend it to other shift workers my

Time: 7603.679

answer is no we have to go back and

Time: 7605.9

figure out that's why we went to this

Time: 7608.239

station and figured out what would work

Time: 7610.159

for them

Time: 7611.119

if I have to go and do this for some

Time: 7614

nurses maybe even I will go or our staff

Time: 7617.54

will go and figure out what is the work

Time: 7619.4

schedule what happens do they have

Time: 7621.08

opportunity to eat do they have

Time: 7623.119

opportunity to even take five minutes

Time: 7625.159

break what do they do during break and

Time: 7628.04

all of these things come into play but

Time: 7630.38

here another thing is um

Time: 7632.48

I always said that in other time receipt

Time: 7634.639

reading paper we see change in nutrition

Time: 7636.5

quality and quantity but here we also

Time: 7639.739

saw that somehow both groups

Time: 7642.46

inadvertently the

Time: 7644.8

improve the nutrition quality because

Time: 7646.82

everybody was told to eat Mediterranean

Time: 7650.239

diet they increase their fruits and

Time: 7651.739

vegetables and olive oil and text

Time: 7653.48


Time: 7655.42

and when they had to stop eating early

Time: 7660.699

they also reduced the alcohol intake

Time: 7664.219

and this is very significant because

Time: 7666.34

many shift workers just to cope with the

Time: 7669.38

shift work that tend to depend on

Time: 7672.02

alcohol at night and caffeine in the

Time: 7674.48

morning so they begin their day with

Time: 7677.3

caffeine and end with alcohol

Time: 7680.239

and now we can relate that many normal

Time: 7684.139

people who are not doing shift work we

Time: 7686.9

also more or less begin our day with

Time: 7688.82

caffeine and many of us and with alcohol

Time: 7691.54

and then when they reduce that 18 to 10

Time: 7694.219

hours and then we saw a significant

Time: 7696.139

reduction in alcohol intake in the time

Time: 7699.92

restrating group but not in the standard

Time: 7702.44

of care or Mediterranean diet group I

Time: 7704.599

certainly support that we did an episode

Time: 7706.099

on alcohol and I was

Time: 7707.719

shocked when I researched that to learn

Time: 7710

that zero to two drinks per week is

Time: 7713.42

essentially the threshold Beyond which

Time: 7715.239

you start seeing health

Time: 7717.8

deficits in particular Cancers and

Time: 7720.199

metabolic disruption sleep disruption

Time: 7722.06

and increased anxiety when people aren't

Time: 7724.639

under the influence of alcohol I mean

Time: 7726.08

it's a pretty incredible how alcohol has

Time: 7728.54

kind of escaped as the the opposite of

Time: 7731.179

caffeine and therefore

Time: 7733.219

um not a health hazard it's and here I'm

Time: 7736.04

somebody I have a drink every once in a

Time: 7737.42

while no big deal for me I can have it

Time: 7739.28

or not have it but it's just striking

Time: 7741.56


Time: 7742.88

um alcohol despite extensive data that

Time: 7745.04

it can really disrupt Health even at

Time: 7747.32

three drinks per week yeah is um is just

Time: 7750.199

avidly consumed as if it was kind of

Time: 7751.94

like food or caffeine it's really

Time: 7753.8


Time: 7755.06

um I I want to make sure that I Circle

Time: 7756.619

back to something you mentioned earlier

Time: 7758

because I know they're going to be a

Time: 7759.139

number of people that asked this if I

Time: 7760.94

recall you said that provided that the

Time: 7764.239

feeding window is not shorter than eight

Time: 7767.179

hours that men women and children can

Time: 7771.32

use time restricted feeding

Time: 7773.659

um yeah so what I say is um

Time: 7777.56

12 hours 12 excuse me 12 hours thank you

Time: 7780.44

for that clarifying um because we did a

Time: 7782.239

study that was published in 2015 and

Time: 7784.34


Time: 7785.54

um behind many of our studies there is a

Time: 7788.48


Time: 7789.739

so we are publishing all these Mouse

Time: 7791.659

stories and then I would go to

Time: 7793.099

conferences and and of course the

Time: 7796.4

um some some people would give me a look

Time: 7799.04

saying well you must be doing something

Time: 7800.42

wrong we

Time: 7802.54

this just breaks the

Time: 7804.86

X law of thermodynamics because how come

Time: 7806.84

they're eating the same number of

Time: 7807.92

calories and not getting wet and of

Time: 7809.96

course by that time we figured out that

Time: 7811.659

at least in Mouse

Time: 7814.46

Timeless repeating also changes the gut

Time: 7817.099

microbiome in a way that the mice may be

Time: 7821

popping out a little bit more fat than

Time: 7823.159

sugar than absorbing them so one thing

Time: 7826.94

that happens in time restricting at

Time: 7828.679

least in mice is the liver cholesterol

Time: 7833

metabolism to bile acid and bile acids

Time: 7835.639

excretion in the gut changes because

Time: 7839.659

they gut microbiome changes so this is a

Time: 7843.5

very nice study when Amir jarinpar was

Time: 7846.26

in the lab now he has his own lab in

Time: 7848.96

UCSD and he meticulously did that and we

Time: 7852.679

we even did bomb calorimetry from the

Time: 7855.56

poop and metabolomics from the poop and

Time: 7858.679

then we figured out that they excrete

Time: 7861.199

some some calories and then that brown

Time: 7864.56

fat activity goes up so there may be

Time: 7867.199

burning some of these extra calories so

Time: 7869.36

they're more thermogenic more

Time: 7870.56

thermogenic but anyway so you know one

Time: 7873.8

nice thing awesome thing about Salk is

Time: 7877.58

if they say that your science is going

Time: 7879.739

well then they will find ways to help

Time: 7882.02

you and this is terrific yeah and um

Time: 7885.08

this is when

Time: 7886.46

Bill Brody was our president he was the

Time: 7888.86

president of um

Time: 7890.78

um Hopkins for 12 years and then he was

Time: 7892.76


Time: 7893.84


Time: 7895.28

um that time he had started this

Time: 7897.199

Innovation grant program which was

Time: 7899.48

funded by arvind Jacob uh Arun is the

Time: 7902.78

founder of Qualcomm it was also a

Time: 7905.239

faculty at UCSD so he understand there

Time: 7908.179

are very few

Time: 7909.26

Tech leaders who actually spent some

Time: 7911.48

time in Academia so he understood the

Time: 7914.36

pain of getting grant money when you

Time: 7917.54

have some interesting idea or test some

Time: 7919.46

ideas so yeah no knock on the NIH but

Time: 7921.86

I'll do it anyway because I sit on study

Time: 7924.139

section for the NIH I mean NIH wants to

Time: 7926.48

see proposals for things that are so

Time: 7928.34

certain to work that they're mostly done

Time: 7931

and so really groundbreaking work can

Time: 7934.159

happen and does happen with NIH funding

Time: 7936.5

but more often than not is it is the

Time: 7939.46

generosity of philanthropists like Irwin

Time: 7941.9

Jacobs and other people that allow the

Time: 7944.119

really pioneering

Time: 7945.92

um the new stuff the cool stuff yeah the

Time: 7947.84

groundbreaking stuff the stuff that

Time: 7949.82

really no I'm not gonna say really

Time: 7951.199

matters it all matters it's all

Time: 7952.52

important no it matters but uh you know

Time: 7954.5

it's high risk and

Time: 7956.659

um NIH when San is is not just

Time: 7958.94

government is not making money from thin

Time: 7960.86

air means it's taxpayers money so there

Time: 7963.5

is a little bit responsibility or

Time: 7965.06

conservative that okay so we should not

Time: 7966.86

waste tracks first money on buying this

Time: 7969.02


Time: 7969.88

we're not talking about politically

Time: 7971.9

conservative we're talking about

Time: 7973.639

um scientifically conservative to be so

Time: 7976.219

careful what language nowadays pretty

Time: 7977.9

soon we're just gonna sit and stare at

Time: 7979.159

one another at the microphones to stay

Time: 7980.719


Time: 7981.739

um so so that's interesting so they so

Time: 7984.26

that's why I started this and then what

Time: 7986.719

we did was we um I had an awesome grad

Time: 7989.719

student and we got this funding from

Time: 7992.3

Arwin and also there are some

Time: 7994.88

any philanthropy matters so actually the

Time: 7997.4

way we say is yes if you give me 50

Time: 7999.98

bucks then that 50 bucks towards goes

Time: 8002.26

towards buying the gloves and a friend

Time: 8004.599

of tubes for one postdoc for maybe seven

Time: 8007.06

days so it's so true I think a lot of

Time: 8009.4

people don't realize that 99 of

Time: 8012.82

laboratory scientists just they they

Time: 8014.44

don't make any money off their

Time: 8016

discoveries and even if there is a

Time: 8017.44

patentable discovery typically the The

Time: 8019.48

Divide between the institution and the

Time: 8021.699

company that will eventually put that to

Time: 8023.26

Market is so slim in favor of the the

Time: 8026.02

others involved that you know scientists

Time: 8028.239

really do this as a work of passion

Time: 8030.28

labor labor of love so so we we came up

Time: 8033.52

with this app my security and clock at

Time: 8035.679

that time and we took some

Time: 8038.739

um you know lessons from Tech leaders um

Time: 8041.26

particularly from Amazon one click

Time: 8043.54


Time: 8045.099

um because we thought most nutrition

Time: 8048.04

apps actually ask people to detailed

Time: 8051.699

describe or they add go to their food

Time: 8053.619

library and then person size they said

Time: 8055.599

okay so we'll just shortcut all of that

Time: 8057.46

I just ask people to take a picture of

Time: 8059.679

the food open the app one click take a

Time: 8063.4

picture second click and press save

Time: 8065.26

third click and when they said the

Time: 8067

picture actually came to our server did

Time: 8068.56

not stay on their phone

Time: 8070.42

and we asked 156 people who are not

Time: 8074.38

shipped workers just regular worker or

Time: 8076.54

Homemakers to be part of the study

Time: 8079.36

no student was allowed to be part of the

Time: 8081.579

study because we know that there's a

Time: 8083.619

lifestyle is like ship workers and we

Time: 8086.32

monitor for three weeks and

Time: 8089.44

so here is some nuances and I want

Time: 8092.32

people to understand

Time: 8094.98

when somebody is starting to eat at say

Time: 8099.159

7 A.M and

Time: 8101.86

since the recording everything we've

Time: 8104.679

we've got every single thing even if

Time: 8106.84

they ate half a cookie they had to take

Time: 8108.52

a picture and they actually took picture

Time: 8110.02

because it's not it becomes second

Time: 8112.36

nature after three or four days that

Time: 8113.98

every time they add something even if

Time: 8115.719

there is a glass of water they actually

Time: 8117.159

take a picture because we asked them

Time: 8118.78

take picture of everything we'll figure

Time: 8120.34

out what it is

Time: 8122.619

what is surprising what we found

Time: 8125.44

the median uh so the median number of

Time: 8128.739

times people eat within a day 24 hours a

Time: 8132.28

day is actually seven so it's not

Time: 8135.88

it's not that we are eating three times

Time: 8137.619

a day we actually snack a little bit

Time: 8139.84

seven times per day seven times and

Time: 8142

there are 10 percent of people the top

Time: 8144.34

decile was eating

Time: 8146.679

12 times a day wow

Time: 8149.38

um and it makes sense in retrospect

Time: 8152.44

sometimes maybe I'll fall into that

Time: 8154

seven or eight before

Time: 8155.98

um I did this study because you know

Time: 8158.139

getting up having coffee with cream and

Time: 8160.719

sugar is one and then I ate my breakfast

Time: 8163.78

that's two then I came to the love and I

Time: 8166.3

found that cookie that's three

Time: 8168.82

I went to a meeting and there was some

Time: 8170.679

cookie and something else that's another

Time: 8173.679

one and lunch and then afternoon

Time: 8175.42

somebody asked me to go out and have a

Time: 8177.76

meeting and so if you think about it

Time: 8180.28

it's very normal that we can go seven to

Time: 8182.56

eight times ten times

Time: 8185.199

but then

Time: 8186.639

if we look at what time say I start

Time: 8188.86

breakfast and as I said and we see that

Time: 8191.679

in many people they'll start at seven

Time: 8193.24

o'clock Monday then 7 30 another day

Time: 8195.399

then 8 15 another day or they go back to

Time: 8198.46

6 a.m because they had to get up early

Time: 8200.26

and go to work so we took all this food

Time: 8203.679

data from three weeks and then asked

Time: 8206.139

what is the time when your body's system

Time: 8208.74

is expecting it to eat because it's kind

Time: 8211.599

of averages Southeast kind of thinking

Time: 8213.219


Time: 8214

maybe for you if you're eating breakfast

Time: 8216.76

at say somewhere between 6 AM 7 30 7 45

Time: 8219.88

I eat it maybe you are expecting food

Time: 8222.7

around seven o'clock let's forget about

Time: 8224.8

6 15 that's an outlier and then

Time: 8226.78

similarly at the end of the day

Time: 8228.519

if somebody is eating finishing the last

Time: 8230.979

bite or the night Gap whatever you call

Time: 8233.2


Time: 8234.28

say one day at 9 pm 9 30 p.m 10 11 12 30

Time: 8238.479

or 1. Let's ignore that 1 and 12 30 but

Time: 8241.84

still we got somewhere between seven to

Time: 8245.5

eleven thirty for that person over three

Time: 8247.899

weeks time so this is how we kind of

Time: 8250.719

figure out what is the likelihood that

Time: 8252.76

your body will encounter food

Time: 8255.359

so when we do that what we found was

Time: 8258.099

nearly 50 percent of our dogs in our

Time: 8260.32


Time: 8261.219

ate for 14 hours 45 minutes that window

Time: 8264.34

when your body is expecting food

Time: 8266.92

so it's easy to say that 50 of adults

Time: 8271.84

are eating within 15 hours or longer

Time: 8274.54

wow and and quite frequently throughout

Time: 8277.24

quite frequently too and then

Time: 8279.34

if we ask what fraction of our adults

Time: 8282.16

were actually eating the conventional

Time: 8285.04

within 12 hours three meals a day or

Time: 8287.08

something like that it was 10 percent

Time: 8289.719

so this snacking has gone up

Time: 8292.359

dramatically however you wanted to find

Time: 8293.92

snacking the frequency of food intake

Time: 8295.96

throughout the day and outside this

Time: 8298.599

breakfast lunch and dinner there are all

Time: 8300.399

these small snacks here and there and

Time: 8302.439

also for a lot of people the dinner is

Time: 8304.12

delayed and we went back and looked at

Time: 8306.639

okay so what kind of food people are

Time: 8308.139

eating late at night and all that stuff

Time: 8310.96

and what came out interesting which is

Time: 8313.3

very counterintuitive is people who

Time: 8315.76

prepare their own dinner

Time: 8317.679

they're more likely to eat later at

Time: 8319.96


Time: 8320.74

because they're coming home and then

Time: 8322.3

they're taking some time to prepare

Time: 8324.46

dinner and then they're sitting down and

Time: 8327.04

eating or maybe they're eating next to

Time: 8328.78

the computer whatever it is

Time: 8330.34

so it's kind of interesting that came

Time: 8332.32


Time: 8333.219

um but coming back to your point that's

Time: 8335.679

why I say that nearly 90 percent of

Time: 8338.5


Time: 8339.58

are eating for more than 12 hours

Time: 8343.179

so that means a lot of people can

Time: 8346.42

there is scope or there is enough head

Time: 8349

space to reduce and eat within so as I

Time: 8353.38


Time: 8354.16

all of this are interrelated so when you

Time: 8356.559

think about children

Time: 8358.12

most sleep researchers agree that

Time: 8360.7

children and teenagers should sleep

Time: 8363.04

somewhere between 9 to 10 or 11 hours

Time: 8365.679

because young children even five to ten

Time: 8368.139

year old they should sleep nine to ten

Time: 8370.3

hours they're just pumping out growth

Time: 8371.8

hormone and growing growing and then the

Time: 8374.32

teenagers actually the recommendation is

Time: 8377.019

and they should be sleeping nine hours

Time: 8378.76


Time: 8380.26

if you take teenagers

Time: 8382.24

take out all the stimulatory inputs to

Time: 8385

them and then remove homework assignment

Time: 8387.099

and everything and then let them kind of

Time: 8389.439

equilibriate to their homeostasis what

Time: 8392.2

are likely how many hours they're likely

Time: 8394.12

to sleep

Time: 8395.439

that turns out to be somewhere between

Time: 8397

eight and a half to nine and a half

Time: 8398.32


Time: 8400.84

which also means that going back to

Time: 8404.02


Time: 8404.92

nearly 90 percent of

Time: 8407.979

high school students in this country are

Time: 8410.8

chronically sleep deprived because most

Time: 8413.32

high school students don't get nine

Time: 8414.88

hours of sleep on a regular basis maybe

Time: 8416.74

in the weekend probably because of

Time: 8419.14

devices yeah on iPads and also as I said

Time: 8421.66

this new idea that midnight is your

Time: 8424.92

assignment submission time I'll come

Time: 8427.84

back to that again and again I'm hearing

Time: 8429.58

that again again so teachers take note

Time: 8431.32

it's an issue it's a very interesting

Time: 8432.88

idea as a way to kind of anchor Behavior

Time: 8435.64

earlier in the day yeah learning to in I

Time: 8438.22

mean Public Health

Time: 8439.359

uh is complicated because people are

Time: 8442.42

incentivized by fear but they you know

Time: 8444.399

you get more bees with honey as they say

Time: 8446.08

right you know there's uh incentivizing

Time: 8448.6

people to wake earlier not necessarily

Time: 8451.42

with the sunrise but wake earlier and go

Time: 8453.88

to sleep earlier and eat within an 8 to

Time: 8456.64

12 hour window

Time: 8458.68

um 12 if it's yeah so that's my children

Time: 8461.8

yeah it sounds to me like you know all

Time: 8464.2

these health benefits are what I think

Time: 8465.819

are going to incentivize people more

Time: 8467.26

than for instance this idea that well if

Time: 8469.6

you don't do this you're going to get

Time: 8470.62

Dementia or something right but like

Time: 8473.26

every day people will feel more healthy

Time: 8475.24

and more productive

Time: 8477.16

and so that's why I said that even if

Time: 8479.08

children are supposed to sleep for nine

Time: 8480.64

hours of course they're not eating

Time: 8481.899

during those nine hours

Time: 8484.06

and we're not uh feeding children and

Time: 8486.34

putting them down to slay because you

Time: 8488.02

know their core body temperature will be

Time: 8489.399

high they cannot fall asleep so at least

Time: 8491.5

they should have their last meal one or

Time: 8493.78

two hours before going to bed because

Time: 8495.28


Time: 8497.1

parents feed them and maybe give them a

Time: 8500.5

shower or a butt and then they read the

Time: 8502.84

bedtime story so it's one to two hours

Time: 8505.359

before bedtime they're finishing food

Time: 8507.24

similarly on the other end after they

Time: 8510.1

wake up it's not that we're waking them

Time: 8511.72

up and then feeding them so hopefully

Time: 8514.66

we're not doing that so that's at 12

Time: 8516.7

hours seems to be

Time: 8519.42

Optimum and it's not only I'm saying

Time: 8521.859

that if we put all the health

Time: 8523.12

recommendations together from

Time: 8525.46

pediatrists and then it makes sense

Time: 8529.359

um fascinating I have a question about

Time: 8531.22

structuring meal intake or food intake

Time: 8534.58

um during the eating window

Time: 8536.62

um I have a good friend actually he's um

Time: 8539.02

he's the neurosurgeon at neurolink now

Time: 8541.18

but he came up through Stanford and um

Time: 8543.34

and he has a habit of eating of skipping

Time: 8546.88

one meal per day within a feeding window

Time: 8549.1

so it might be breakfast lunch skip

Time: 8550.84

dinner one day then it might be

Time: 8552.58

breakfast dinner the next day lunch and

Time: 8556.12

dinner the next one so it's not in

Time: 8557.979

keeping with the same start time always

Time: 8559.78

but the end time is either going to be

Time: 8562.06

earlier or there's a gate it's never

Time: 8565

later yeah it's never later

Time: 8567.64

um what do you think about that as a

Time: 8569.14


Time: 8570.399

um you know in many ways it feels like

Time: 8572.74

that fits with the way that a lot of

Time: 8575.2

people's lives run so sometimes for

Time: 8577.42

instance if I'm in a podcast I don't

Time: 8578.74

tend to eat much in the middle of the

Time: 8580

day because it makes me a little bit

Time: 8580.899

groggy the post perennial dip in energy

Time: 8583.42

so I'll do breakfast well but again at

Time: 8586.18

11 and that's a first that's when I

Time: 8587.859

break my fast 11ish and then dinner

Time: 8590.5

maybe a snack in the middle of the day

Time: 8592.24

but other days it's three meals so does

Time: 8594.7

it matter

Time: 8596.2

um overall as long as

Time: 8598.359

um one isn't allowing the start time and

Time: 8601.18

the ending time to drift out is it okay

Time: 8603.34

if you go from 12 hours to ten to eight

Time: 8606.34

eight ten four twelve as long as you

Time: 8609.46

don't exceed that the the brackets are

Time: 8612.399

you okay uh so this is where the

Time: 8614.5

Circadian aspect come in because if

Time: 8616.42

you're going

Time: 8617.92

um if you're moving that breakfast time

Time: 8619.84

or dinner time three four hours

Time: 8621.88


Time: 8623.62

causing maybe a metabolic jet lag you

Time: 8627.28

know in short term in weeks months or

Time: 8629.68

maybe even few years you may not see any

Time: 8633.04


Time: 8634.96

um at the same time we don't know what

Time: 8636.58

is the long term consequences one thing

Time: 8638.68

is we always think I'll come back to

Time: 8641.439

this point again and again we think that

Time: 8643.06

a body weight is a marker of Health

Time: 8645.64

or body composition is a marker of

Time: 8647.5

Health it's not always true because as I

Time: 8650.02

said issue drift locks

Time: 8653.02

um filling

Time: 8654.399

um you know having some Pang of

Time: 8656.26

depression or anxiety or LDL like high

Time: 8659.2

LDL a lot of thin people have or low

Time: 8662.02

body fat people have very high LDL yeah

Time: 8664

so those are the things that um we don't

Time: 8666.7

connect with our habit and since

Time: 8670

security under them and meal timing meal

Time: 8672.1

structure now is a very new

Time: 8675.1

um field

Time: 8677.26

um I think good studies will come out

Time: 8679.12

only in a few years because right now

Time: 8680.62

people are just going back and

Time: 8681.819

retrospectively looking at some Diet

Time: 8683.56

record one day of diet record and trying

Time: 8685.899

to glean too much out of it but I think

Time: 8688.899

hopefully things will improve where

Time: 8690.88

people will become it will become

Time: 8693.04

standard to at least look for one week

Time: 8695.2

of diet record meal time and what

Time: 8698.5

they're eating all that stuff because uh

Time: 8701.14

are now Mouse studies also showing what

Time: 8704.319

a front loading carbohydrate or front

Time: 8706.84

loading fat or protein has benefit over

Time: 8709.8

so I think this studies are starting so

Time: 8714.16

I should not comment whether that's good

Time: 8716.26

or bad no I think it's great to hold off

Time: 8718.12

until then we have you back on to

Time: 8719.92


Time: 8721.42

um I have a question about

Time: 8722.979

um fasting on the longer term

Time: 8725.2

um and there it's a near Infinite Space

Time: 8727.66

we could explore of two days of fasting

Time: 8729.58

one day I know people that every once in

Time: 8732.16

a while they just decide I'm fasting

Time: 8734.439

they've either been eating too much at

Time: 8736.66

parties or they're not feeling well or

Time: 8738.76

whatever they just decide I'm fasting

Time: 8740.5

for 24 hours and um they'll still

Time: 8742.78

consume water and caffeine but they'll

Time: 8744.939

just fast is there any health benefit or

Time: 8747.16


Time: 8748.6

um you mentioned the circadian clock

Time: 8750.04

shifting effects but if somebody wakes

Time: 8751.96

up on Sunday and they you know they ate

Time: 8755.02

too much or they feel they ate too much

Time: 8756.58

or they don't like the food they ate on

Time: 8757.899

Saturday they're not really feeling it

Time: 8759.1

and they're just going to fast into

Time: 8760.6

Monday is there any known benefit or

Time: 8765.16

um Health detriment to doing that kind

Time: 8766.96

of thing yeah there's a actually a rich

Time: 8768.939

literature on this complete fast

Time: 8772.66

um an impact in many religions people

Time: 8775.479

practiced complete fast as you were to

Time: 8777.64

cleanse their body and

Time: 8780.96

people have seen that there are benefits

Time: 8783.399

to that so in fact the every other day

Time: 8785.74

eating in Mouse model or even in humans

Time: 8789.76

are also initially some studies were

Time: 8791.859

done there are many health benefits

Time: 8796.12

and right now there are even fasting

Time: 8797.92

clinics in Germany where people check in

Time: 8801.399

and they're under strict supervision and

Time: 8804.46

then they do complete fast or maybe a

Time: 8808.359

small bowl of soup which has 100 200

Time: 8810.58

kilocal and that's all they get to eat

Time: 8813.64


Time: 8815.5

two three days four days five days even

Time: 8817.42

they have gone up to three or four weeks

Time: 8819.7

for sake of weight loss is that why from

Time: 8821.8

many different things and

Time: 8823.72

um they come out pretty well healthy of

Time: 8826.3

course they're under supervision make

Time: 8828.939

sure that they're getting macro

Time: 8830.56

micronutrients sorry the micronutrients

Time: 8832.72

vitamins and electrolytes

Time: 8836.859

so those studies are pretty solid people

Time: 8839.2

have observed that and then in fact

Time: 8841.96

there are even idea that fasting this

Time: 8844.54

kind of fasting can have huge impact on

Time: 8847.12

brain and people may come out of

Time: 8849.88

treatment resistant depression or

Time: 8851.979

something but you know so those studies

Time: 8854.5

are very difficult to do they're only

Time: 8856.3

case of one here and there that we hear

Time: 8858.819

once in a while but hopefully in future

Time: 8861.76

we'll see

Time: 8863.74

um whether the depression anxiety the

Time: 8866.38

mental health aspect will benefit from

Time: 8869.26

fasting because now as there is more and

Time: 8871.78

more evidence that there's this gut

Time: 8873.76

brain axis and whether the presence of

Time: 8877.12

food or the microbiome changes in the

Time: 8879.28

gut if they can affect brain then maybe

Time: 8882.88

long-term fasting periodic fasting a few

Time: 8885.7

days of low calorie diet back to back

Time: 8888.359

will be interesting to see how it

Time: 8890.8

impacts brain health

Time: 8892.359

very interesting what are your thoughts

Time: 8894.16

on fat fasting where people try and

Time: 8897.28

limit their blood glucose by only eating

Time: 8900.88

mainly fats mainly healthy typically

Time: 8904.42

they'll eat healthier Fatso of avocados

Time: 8906.52

olive oils and nuts you know and some

Time: 8909.34

animal fats perhaps but

Time: 8911.859


Time: 8912.819

as a way to keep blood glucose low and

Time: 8915.76

also time restrict this goes back to the

Time: 8917.439

kind of low carbohydrate

Time: 8919.06

um thing what are your thoughts on that

Time: 8920.74

as as a general strategy for health I

Time: 8923.14

mean it combines sort of two general

Time: 8924.64

themes that are out there I think both

Time: 8926.5

of which are you know data are still

Time: 8928.18

incoming that restricting the feeding

Time: 8930.88

times it can be beneficial as well as

Time: 8932.439

keeping overall blood glucose lower can

Time: 8934.66

be beneficial

Time: 8936.04

yeah I think there is too much uh

Time: 8938.2

emphasis now on blood sugar spiking or

Time: 8942.1

um we don't know

Time: 8944.2

um this kind of eating pattern for

Time: 8946.54

example means we are essentially telling

Time: 8949.12

pancreas that okay it's or the eyelid

Time: 8953.26

cells that produce uh insulin and it's

Time: 8955.78

okay you can take

Time: 8957.28

um take a break go on vacation for you

Time: 8959.859

for a month or two or three months

Time: 8963.22

um my question is it will be interesting

Time: 8966.64

to see what happens to those eyelets

Time: 8969.34

because for example we know that if we

Time: 8973.96

this user unused our muscles that is

Time: 8976.899

muscle atrophy muscles will become

Time: 8979.66


Time: 8981

we don't know whether long-term

Time: 8983.76

consequences of this very low

Time: 8986.2

carbohydrate diet where you are not

Time: 8987.76

essentially engaging the

Time: 8989.92

eyelid cells periodically what is its

Time: 8993.52

impact so if there is no impact maybe

Time: 8996.16

it's okay maybe because

Time: 8998.979

as you know many people who actually

Time: 9001.08

work on ketogenic diet the researchers

Time: 9003.72

themselves they find it very difficult

Time: 9006.479

to stay in true ketogenic diet because

Time: 9009.18

the true ketogenic diet is consuming

Time: 9011.88

less than 10 percent of calories from

Time: 9013.5

carbohydrate and not very many from

Time: 9015.66

protein a lot of people think ketogenic

Time: 9017.52

diet allows them to eat massive amounts

Time: 9019.14

of meat and that's not necessarily the

Time: 9020.939

case just one clarification for people

Time: 9023.04

um uh Sachin was referring to islet

Time: 9024.96

cells of the pancreas which are the ones

Time: 9026.64

that manufacture insulin so the question

Time: 9029.34

is whether or not taking in low levels

Time: 9031.8

of blood glucose by way of a low

Time: 9033.78

carbohydrate diet those islet cells are

Time: 9036.06

going to shut off their production very

Time: 9037.62

interesting I mean the liver is a very

Time: 9038.76

plastic tissue I mean it tends to

Time: 9041.52

um react very dramatically to to

Time: 9043.439

Lifestyle Changes yeah so that's why it

Time: 9045.24

was interesting to see what happens

Time: 9046.38

means we know that even muscle issues

Time: 9049.14

for example people who become bedridden

Time: 9052.2

the loss of muscle mass but when they

Time: 9054.24

come back and exercise they gain it back

Time: 9056.7

so it'll be interesting to see what

Time: 9058.979

happens in these people who are going

Time: 9060.84

through long-term ketogenic diet and of

Time: 9063.3

course once in a while

Time: 9064.74

because of social pressure or something

Time: 9067.439

else if they don't have access to food

Time: 9069.12

or something happens they may consume

Time: 9071.72

some sugar some blood glucose will Spike

Time: 9075.18

but it's not that every spike is bad I

Time: 9078.12

mean the reason why we have insulin is

Time: 9081.12

for good reason to buffer that Spike to

Time: 9083.64

buffer that Spike and also you know

Time: 9085.74

people always say that well if you have

Time: 9087.42

insulin produced or insulin like growth

Time: 9089.399

factor those are really bad and it

Time: 9090.899

should avoid that and I think that's a

Time: 9093.479

little bit extreme and I mean that's the

Time: 9096.18

insulin growth factors involved in

Time: 9097.74

muscle protein synthesis tissue repair

Time: 9099.72

yeah maybe even cognition so yeah yeah

Time: 9102.66

and it also goes back to

Time: 9105.42

as a m tour activation and all that

Time: 9108.24

stuff people get really excited about

Time: 9111.12

how to reduce them to activation

Time: 9112.88

rapamycin and all that stuff so this is

Time: 9115.8


Time: 9116.76

um again from circadian point of view

Time: 9119.399

um I ask people to think okay so

Time: 9124.2

two very popular drug like molecules or

Time: 9128.04

drugs that people think will increase

Time: 9129.72

longevity or metformin which

Time: 9132.8

many people agree not all will come to a

Time: 9136.2

consensus that it activates

Time: 9138.12

MP kinase or the sensor and the cells

Time: 9142.14

that sense that your cells are fasting

Time: 9145.68

so metformin kind of activates it so

Time: 9147.899

that it kind of you can say although it

Time: 9150.6

may not be scientifically accurate uh

Time: 9152.46


Time: 9153.479

um you know fasting and appeal so it

Time: 9155.88

sort of mimics fasting yeah and the and

Time: 9157.92

the thing I'd lump in there with

Time: 9158.939

metformin is that berberine is kind of

Time: 9160.8

the Poor Man's metformin it's a tree

Time: 9162.899

bark extract that also dramatically

Time: 9165.18

lowers blood glucose yeah yeah and it

Time: 9167.7

mimics kind of that um fasting

Time: 9170.46

and then rapamycin

Time: 9172.68

um also kind of reduces Emptor

Time: 9175.68


Time: 9176.72

and people have shown that

Time: 9179.78

rapamycin and Metformin

Time: 9182.88

can extend

Time: 9184.8

Mouse lifespan and in improve health

Time: 9187.92


Time: 9189.359

so now let's go back to the calorie

Time: 9191.58

restriction study that I mentioned

Time: 9194.16

in calorie restriction people are giving

Time: 9196.2

food as a lump sum and they were

Time: 9198.84

essentially doing time restriction the

Time: 9200.46

mice were doing time restriction

Time: 9202.439

if we think about it

Time: 9204.24

during day time when experimenters are

Time: 9208.14

coming to the bivarium the mice should

Time: 9210.78

be sleeping and fasting

Time: 9213.12

and they should naturally have high

Time: 9215.939

level of MP kinase if they're truly

Time: 9218.46

fasting and they should also have low

Time: 9221.64

level of interactivity because M2

Time: 9225.06

responds to insulin and that should go

Time: 9226.92

off at night

Time: 9228.72

so my suspicion is

Time: 9231.42

um in many of these experiments where

Time: 9234.12

the mice were allowed to eat at Louis

Time: 9236.76

Vuitton even normal standard Char now we

Time: 9240.24


Time: 9241.02

we know that as mice get older they

Time: 9244.26

actually consume little bit more food

Time: 9246.12

during day time which is the equivalent

Time: 9248.64

of human night humans nighttime it is

Time: 9250.56

like nighttime eating we know is an

Time: 9252.24

issue I didn't realize that was more of

Time: 9253.56

an issue as people age but yeah so we

Time: 9255.84

don't know but at least in mice because

Time: 9257.52

you know we can put demise in

Time: 9259.58

calorimetry look at every single by

Time: 9261.78

dieting how much they're eating

Time: 9264.3

so I guess it was natural to see that

Time: 9267.3

researchers found that there is some

Time: 9270.18

mtor activity during day time when the

Time: 9272.46

mice were not supposed to have M3

Time: 9273.96

activity because they should be fasting

Time: 9275.46

and since they ate little bit they were

Time: 9278.399

snacking during day time amp kinase

Time: 9281.22

activity was not at its peak

Time: 9283.68


Time: 9285.359

giving metformin kind of

Time: 9288.18

mimic that fasting state

Time: 9290.399

and reducing M productivity by drug like

Time: 9293.7

rapamycin also kind of mimics some

Time: 9296.52

aspect of the fasting state

Time: 9298.62

so my suspicion is

Time: 9301.08

um since these studies were done always

Time: 9303.72

in mice

Time: 9305.42

who are supposed to be in the fasting

Time: 9308.1

State and both enter sorry rapamycin and

Time: 9311.28

mpkin is activated or metformin kind of

Time: 9313.439

are mimicking that fasting State that's

Time: 9315.6

why we have seen those benefits

Time: 9317.76

and it will be interesting to see

Time: 9320.939

if that experiment will be done in

Time: 9323.16

humans in the long term because many

Time: 9324.84

people are very excited about you know

Time: 9326.819

there is M total long-term metformin

Time: 9329.06

study and then a lot of people are

Time: 9331.92

actually consuming good amount of

Time: 9334.02

rapamycin off level they can get their

Time: 9336.359

own so that's my

Time: 9339.319

curiosity I'm not saying whether it's

Time: 9341.28

good or bad or whether there is science

Time: 9342.6

or not that's something that will be

Time: 9344.22

interesting to control for and see

Time: 9346.16

because recently I saw one of my again

Time: 9349.399

close friend and colleague at Scripps

Time: 9353.42

suited a very simple elegant study

Time: 9356.28

people should have done in metformin

Time: 9358.319

field so it took mice and then measured

Time: 9362.04

their blood glucose at different time of

Time: 9363.72

the day and in fact just like human

Time: 9366.54

blood Lookers our blood glucose

Time: 9368.34

fluctuates a little bit uh she saw that

Time: 9371.399

rhythm and then in every two hours or

Time: 9373.979

three hours

Time: 9375.3


Time: 9375.96

on different days of course so you have

Time: 9378.66

the same dose of Metformin to mice and

Time: 9381.42

what she found was a different time of

Time: 9383.28

the day

Time: 9384.3

metformin had very dramatic change in

Time: 9387.62

glucose reducing ability

Time: 9390.38

so which means that even if you take

Time: 9393.54

metformin and give a different time of

Time: 9395.58

the day for the mouse or even for humans

Time: 9398.24

in very long term of course in this mice

Time: 9400.979

this mice were not diabetic or anything

Time: 9402.899

they were healthy mice to begin with so

Time: 9405.12

in long term we might see

Time: 9407.399

um benefits that are very different so

Time: 9411.18

this brings to this idea that well maybe

Time: 9413.819

metformin say

Time: 9416.46

at the end of the day evening metformin

Time: 9418.5

May trigger that fasting State much

Time: 9421.56

earlier than end of digestion whereas

Time: 9425.1

metformin in the beginning of the day

Time: 9426.84

may not at least from longevity

Time: 9430.02

perspective I'm not talking about

Time: 9431.3

Diabetes Type 2 diabetes here

Time: 9434.22

so the same thing with Emptor

Time: 9436.74

um is mtor going to have much better

Time: 9439.08

impact if taken during evening morning

Time: 9442.68

before meal so

Time: 9446.22

um these are my thoughts that go along

Time: 9448.38

with all this fat um story that we

Time: 9450.84

talked about

Time: 9451.74

do you take Metformin or Burberry I know

Time: 9455.1

I haven't taken although you know um I

Time: 9457.68

have close uh friend and colleague um

Time: 9459.899

Ruben Shaw who is now the director of

Time: 9462.18

Cancer Center at salki extensively works

Time: 9465.479

on MP kinase and its mechanisms and

Time: 9468.84


Time: 9469.819

so it's always fun to talk to him he's a

Time: 9473.1

he's a fan yeah I've taken berberine

Time: 9475.08

before and I've had two different very

Time: 9477.359

distinct experiences with them first of

Time: 9479.399


Time: 9480.359

um berberine when ingested with

Time: 9482.22

carbohydrates in particular

Time: 9483.42

carbohydrates to have a lot of simple

Time: 9484.979

sugars definitely I know this because I

Time: 9487.92

measured my blood glucose I did the

Time: 9489.24

experiment allows you to flatten out

Time: 9492.12

your blood glucose response

Time: 9494.58

so you know in some sense if you're you

Time: 9497.22

know there is this idea if you're going

Time: 9498.359

to eat a particularly big meal or sugary

Time: 9500.04

meal and you don't want to get a massive

Time: 9501.54

blood glucose rise you take berberine or

Time: 9503.52

metformin metformin is yeah prescription

Time: 9505.62

that's I went with berberine because

Time: 9507.18

it's as far as I know it works as well

Time: 9509.34

yeah um at least for healthy people yeah

Time: 9511.8

for healthy people that's right

Time: 9513.6


Time: 9514.56

when I took berberine and did not ingest

Time: 9518.7

large amounts of simple sugars or

Time: 9520.56

carbohydrates along with it I

Time: 9522.359

experienced profound hypoglycemia I felt

Time: 9525.66

like complete garbage for about eight

Time: 9527.34

hours and I had one of the worst

Time: 9528.96

headaches of my life because which makes

Time: 9531.72

sense you just got a blood sugar crash

Time: 9533.399

so if you lower blood your blood sugar

Time: 9535.56

when you already have fairly low blood

Time: 9537.12

sugar and you're not ingesting

Time: 9538.08

carbohydrates you can really bottom out

Time: 9539.64

your your blood glucose so just say it's

Time: 9542.04

I say that as a for two reasons one is

Time: 9544.38

kind of a cautionary note and the other

Time: 9545.7

one that um when you think about the

Time: 9547.319

biology of these compounds it makes

Time: 9548.58

perfect sense and I think that

Time: 9550.319

um and I did not pay attention to

Time: 9551.46

circadian effects yeah yeah I mean you

Time: 9554.58

know when I joined Salk um

Time: 9558.26

is the kind of the

Time: 9560.7

um big liver and sick in metabolism and

Time: 9564

he works on nuclear hormone receptors um

Time: 9566.46

these are the master regulator of

Time: 9567.84

metabolism and normal cells cancer cells

Time: 9570

and many other

Time: 9571.26

and what was interesting was in the

Time: 9574.02

first few years Ron did a very simple

Time: 9576.06

experiment he just looked at what time

Time: 9579.359

of the day this nuclear hormone

Time: 9580.859

receptors are turned on at gene

Time: 9583.14

expression level and some are protein

Time: 9584.76

level and he found that almost all of

Time: 9587.04


Time: 9588

have a circadian pattern at least in

Time: 9590.819

some tissue

Time: 9592.2

so he went to that length to say even

Time: 9597.18

that circadian is metabolism and

Time: 9600.359

metabolism is circadian the reason why

Time: 9603.06

we have a circadian rhythm

Time: 9605.52

is to have a daily rhythms in food

Time: 9608.1

seeking behavior and eating

Time: 9610.92

and also go through a period of time

Time: 9613.319

when we should be fasting

Time: 9615.66

and then on the other hand

Time: 9618.12

all the metabolic Regulators also have

Time: 9621.18

to follow that rule and almost all

Time: 9624.12

metabolic Regulators everything that we

Time: 9626.04

can think of connected to

Time: 9628.1

metabolizing macronutrient protein carb

Time: 9632.52

and fat they should also have a

Time: 9634.979

circadian rhythm or diurnal cycle to

Time: 9637.8

align or misalign so for example fat

Time: 9640.26

oxidation should be in opposite phase

Time: 9642

with feeding and

Time: 9644.399


Time: 9645

you know in retrospect at that time it

Time: 9648.96

was kind of amazing to see Ron could

Time: 9651.18

foresee of course he's smart enough to

Time: 9653.04

foresee and predict that this is going

Time: 9655.02

to happen to circadian field because at

Time: 9656.939

that time we're thinking about the

Time: 9658.58

suprachiasmatic nucleus sleep quick

Time: 9660.899

cycle and we are not thinking too much

Time: 9663.24

about metabolism so that's the

Time: 9665.7

awesome thing about song being at Salt

Time: 9668.28

because we have 50 pis really crammed

Time: 9671.88

into two awesome buildings and with Open

Time: 9675

Lab structure so you bump onto each

Time: 9677.04

other and talk to you so and with an

Time: 9679.38

ocean view oh it's awesome view yes it's

Time: 9682.02

an amazing place I was lucky enough to

Time: 9683.88

have an adjunct position there when I

Time: 9685.26

when my lab was at UCSD and uh it is an

Time: 9688.02

amazing Place doing incredible

Time: 9689.66

groundbreaking work which of course

Time: 9692.28

includes yours listen uh Sachin I I'm

Time: 9696.66

clear now that um we have to have you

Time: 9699.479

back on for another uh series of

Time: 9702.3

discussions seriously speaking if if

Time: 9703.92

you'd be so so uh kind and willing to do

Time: 9706.56

that I want to thank you for several

Time: 9708.54

things first of all for your taking the

Time: 9710.1

time today to sit down and discuss these

Time: 9712.8

um incredibly interesting ideas in

Time: 9714.84

detail you know much of what we talk

Time: 9716.04

about on the podcast is uh obviously

Time: 9719.399

grounded in science and and often but

Time: 9722.04

not always as actionable and so much of

Time: 9724.14

what we talked about today

Time: 9725.58

is actionable in the sense that many

Time: 9727.439

people are already doing certain

Time: 9729.92

dimensions of these things some are not

Time: 9732.06

some are hearing about it and

Time: 9733.62

considering it you've given us dozens

Time: 9736.68

I've listed some out dozens of tools and

Time: 9739.8

considerations based on whether or not

Time: 9742.02

people are engaging in shift work or not

Time: 9743.88

I think a lot of people are going to

Time: 9744.96

realize that they are shift workers yeah

Time: 9746.34

even though they didn't think they were

Time: 9748.26

um because of the nature of their habits

Time: 9750.06

now to light and activity and so forth

Time: 9753.24

um I absolutely love the firefighter

Time: 9755.22

study because of its relevance to the

Time: 9757.02

general population

Time: 9758.46

also not another nod to fighter fighters

Time: 9760.62

and shift workers everywhere thank you

Time: 9762.18

and you know I think among the

Time: 9765.06

colleagues I've known for several

Time: 9766.5

decades now you really are one of a very

Time: 9769.62

small few who've managed to do both

Time: 9772.2

animal studies

Time: 9773.7

and human studies but also animal

Time: 9775.92

studies with a very clear eye and a

Time: 9778.38

pointer toward human health and um

Time: 9781.38

that's such a vital and rare thing

Time: 9783.359

especially in this day of

Time: 9785.34

um extremely competitive funding so I

Time: 9787.92

want to thank you for your time today

Time: 9789

for the knowledge you share the

Time: 9790.8

actionable aspects of that knowledge the

Time: 9793.56

science that you're doing in your

Time: 9794.52

laboratory we will provide links for

Time: 9796.62

people to learn more about you and of

Time: 9798.24

course to go to the app yeah um so

Time: 9800.58

people can um engage in some of the

Time: 9802.62

science directly and of course you have

Time: 9805.02

several wonderful books now that we will

Time: 9806.939

also link to both of which I've read and

Time: 9808.68

are wonderful in particular the book

Time: 9810.6

um the first book but also a book

Time: 9812.04

related to diabetes and um so for

Time: 9814.26

diabetics and people interested in

Time: 9815.52

metabolic and blood sugar regulation

Time: 9818.399

um there so yeah on behalf of myself and

Time: 9821.819

my team here at The huberman Lab podcast

Time: 9823.859

and all the listeners I just want to say

Time: 9825.42

thank you so much your time is valuable

Time: 9827.399

and the fact that you'd share it with us

Time: 9829.56

and educate so many people is really a

Time: 9831.54

gift yeah thank you and actually

Time: 9833.7

likewise there are very few scientists

Time: 9836.66

who have taken this leadership role that

Time: 9840

you have taken to uh come and

Time: 9842.399

communicate science to the public it's

Time: 9844.14

not easy because

Time: 9847.02

sometimes you have to distill it down to

Time: 9849.66

a simple sound bite to the point where

Time: 9852.6

the scientist and they'll say oh that

Time: 9854.52

may not be right but we always have to

Time: 9857.16

keep in mind that we are always living

Time: 9859.2

in the dark is of science because the

Time: 9862.5

reason why I say that this is not my

Time: 9864.3

quote actually this is from one of my

Time: 9866.52

scientific hero Paul simel from Scripps

Time: 9869.46

Yola says think about it 10 years ago

Time: 9872.76

what do you what you thought was right

Time: 9875.04

and the best has already changed but one

Time: 9878.28

thing is the Circadian rhythm and

Time: 9881.12

aligning it to our internal clock to our

Time: 9885.3

habit is very important and as you

Time: 9887.34

mentioned uh we have our my security and

Time: 9890.64

clock app which is research facing but

Time: 9893.58

we have also distilled all of this down

Time: 9895.319

to five or six timing component and we

Time: 9898.5

have a new app called on time health or

Time: 9901.08

get on time Health to people access that

Time: 9903.6

through the standard app stores yeah so

Time: 9905.64

now it's available in in app store uh

Time: 9909.3

sorry uh Apple App Store and we want to

Time: 9912.96

see uh how because people always think

Time: 9915.6

about fasting but as we discussed today

Time: 9918.66

feeding fasting or eating fasting and

Time: 9921.6

activity and sleep a kind of interlinked

Time: 9924.24

and we have to kind of balance both of

Time: 9927.06

these so that's that was the idea behind

Time: 9929.28

this on time health program and

Time: 9932.58

um thank you Andy because what you're

Time: 9934.5

doing is immensely necessary

Time: 9938.42

particularly these days when science is

Time: 9941.76

moving at a very past phase there are a

Time: 9944.399

lot of results coming out sometimes

Time: 9945.96

something can be very confusing and you

Time: 9949.26

spending your time

Time: 9951.06

to communicate science

Time: 9952.74

is exceptional so thank you well you're

Time: 9955.979

most welcome it's um

Time: 9957.96

days like today where I get to sit down

Time: 9959.76

and and talk to brilliant colleagues

Time: 9961.859

like you who are doing the important

Time: 9963.359

work that that really matters so much

Time: 9965.22

and so as you

Time: 9966.72

um mentioned a moment ago that there's

Time: 9968.46

uh a lot of darkness and confusion out

Time: 9970.859

there but uh thank you for being uh

Time: 9973.979

one of those whose Shining Light

Time: 9976.92

thank you thank you for joining me for

Time: 9979.14

today's discussion with Dr Sachin Panda

Time: 9981.06

all about circadian biology and time

Time: 9983.939

restricted feeding if you're learning

Time: 9985.68

from and are enjoying this podcast

Time: 9987.06

please subscribe to our YouTube channel

Time: 9988.859

that's a terrific zero cost way to

Time: 9990.72

support us in addition please subscribe

Time: 9992.939

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Time: 9995.04

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Time: 9996.96

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Time: 9998.7

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Time: 10000.92

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Time: 10003.08

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Time: 10004.76

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Time: 10006.319

please put those in the comment section

Time: 10008.18

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Time: 10011.24

addition please check out the sponsors

Time: 10012.8

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Time: 10013.939

throughout today's episode that's the

Time: 10015.8

best way to support this podcast on

Time: 10017.899

various episodes of The huberman Lab

Time: 10019.22

podcast we discuss supplements while

Time: 10020.899

supplements aren't necessary for

Time: 10022.58

everybody many people derive tremendous

Time: 10024.26

benefit from them for things like

Time: 10025.58

improving sleep supporting hormones

Time: 10027.92

improving focus and so on the huberman

Time: 10030.08

Lab podcast is proud to have partnered

Time: 10031.52

with momentous supplements we've done

Time: 10033.02

that for several reasons first of all

Time: 10034.58

momentous supplements are of the very

Time: 10036.319

highest quality and are used with

Time: 10038.72

various sports teams and various studies

Time: 10040.399

through the Department of Defense and so

Time: 10041.84

on and momentous supplements tend to be

Time: 10044.24

in single ingredient formulations single

Time: 10047.06

ingredient formulations are absolutely

Time: 10048.68

essential if you are going to develop

Time: 10050.06

the most cost effective and biologically

Time: 10051.979

effective supplement regimen for you

Time: 10053.78

because simply put they allow you to

Time: 10056.42

adjust the dosage of individual

Time: 10057.8

ingredients to alternate days that you

Time: 10059.72

take different ingredients to cycle them

Time: 10061.34

and so forth

Time: 10062.6

in addition momentous supplements are

Time: 10064.88

available internationally which many

Time: 10066.74

other supplements are not if you'd like

Time: 10068.66

to see the supplements discussed on the

Time: 10069.979

huberman Lab podcast you can go to live

Time: 10071.6

momentous spelled ous live momentous.com

Time: 10074.439

huberman if you're not already following

Time: 10076.88

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Time: 10079.64

Instagram Twitter Facebook and Linkedin

Time: 10082.34

and at all of those places I cover

Time: 10084.2

science and science-based tools some of

Time: 10085.88

which overlap with the contents of the

Time: 10087.319

huberman Lab podcast but much of which

Time: 10088.819

is distinct from the content covered on

Time: 10090.62

the huberman Lab podcast again it's

Time: 10091.88

hubervin lab on all social media

Time: 10093.74

platforms if you haven't already

Time: 10095

subscribed to the huberman Lab podcast

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neural network newsletter it's a monthly

Time: 10098.24

newsletter that includes free tool kits

Time: 10100.58

for things like toolkit for sleep how to

Time: 10102.92

enhance the quality and duration of your

Time: 10104.84

sleep toolkit for Focus toolkit for

Time: 10107.12

neuroplasticity toolkit for deliberate

Time: 10108.74

cold exposure heat exposure and

Time: 10110.24

summaries of podcast episodes all of

Time: 10112.22

those toolkits can be found by going to

Time: 10113.6

hubermanlab.com go to the menu scroll

Time: 10116.42

down to newsletter and simply give us

Time: 10118.04

your email we do not share your email

Time: 10119.78

with anybody and again the newsletters

Time: 10121.28

and toolkits are completely zero must

Time: 10123.08

end you will also find some PDF examples

Time: 10125.479

of previous toolkits again that's

Time: 10127.06

hubermanlab.com thank you once again for

Time: 10129.62

joining me for today's discussion with

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Dr Sachin Panda I hope you found the

Time: 10133.46

conversation to be as informative and

Time: 10135.74

actionable as I did and last but

Time: 10138.319

certainly not least thank you for your

Time: 10140.359

interest in science

Time: 10143.99


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