Dr. Samer Hattar: Timing Light, Food, & Exercise for Better Sleep, Energy & Mood

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science,

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and science-based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, I have the pleasure of introducing Dr. Samer Hattar

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as my guest on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

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Dr. Hattar is the Chief of the Section

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on Light and Circadian Rhythms

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at the National Institute of Mental Health

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in Bethesda, Maryland.

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Dr. Hattar has many important discoveries to his name.

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He was one of a handful of groups that discovered

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the light sensing neurons in the eye

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that set the circadian clock.

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This is a fundamental discovery made in the early 2000s

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that has led to an enormous number of additional discoveries

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on how light regulates our sleep, our immune system,

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our mood, mental health, metabolism, feeding,

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and many other important processes.

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If ever there was somebody who understands

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how all of these processes interact

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and can inform best practices for our daily behaviors,

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it's Dr. Hattar.

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During our discussion today, Dr. Hattar answers questions

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that are absolutely essential for us to know

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about our health and wellbeing.

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For instance, how to align our sleep schedule

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with our activity schedule, such as exercise,

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and how to align light, activity and exercise

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with our feeding rhythms.

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He presents a new model of how light, activity,

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and feeding rhythms converge to support optimal health.

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And when those are not aligned correctly,

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how our mental and physical health can suffer.

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It's a discussion that is rich with scientific mechanism,

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made clearly, of course, so everybody can understand,

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as well as specific protocols to deal with shifts

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in day length, shifts in activity,

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and in order to optimize sleep, metabolism,

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and wellbeing of various kinds.

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I learned so much from Samer as I always do.

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He is an absolute wealth of knowledge on all things related

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to light and circadian rhythms,

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physiology, and neuroscience.

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I don't think you'll find anyone else

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as knowledgeable about these topics as Samer.

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And so, I'm delighted that he joined us here on the podcast

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to share this information.

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Before we begin I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is ROKA.

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ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses

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that are of the absolute highest quality.

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I've spent my career working on the science

Time: 162.21

of the visual system and I can tell you

Time: 164.22

that one of the things that our visual system

Time: 165.56

has to contend with is adjusting so that when we go

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from a very bright area to a dim or shadowed area,

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we can still see things clearly.

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ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses were designed

Time: 175.57

with the science of the visual system in mind.

Time: 177.36

And so they make those transitions seamless.

Time: 179.13

You always see things with crystal clarity.

Time: 181.37

Another great thing about these glasses

Time: 182.78

is that they're very lightweight,

Time: 183.93

so you don't even really remember that they're on your face.

Time: 186.2

And they won't slip off if you get sweaty.

Time: 189.89

The glasses were designed initially for running

Time: 192.78

and for cycling and for active wear,

Time: 195.1

but they work great for that and they work great,

Time: 197.87

and they also happen to look great for work,

Time: 201.17

if you go out to dinner, for social settings,

Time: 202.81

so they can really be worn in essentially any circumstances.

Time: 206

If you'd like to try ROKA glasses,

Time: 207.49

you can go to ROKA, that's R-O-K-A.com

Time: 210.44

and enter the code "Huberman" to get 20% off

Time: 212.84

your first order.

Time: 213.673

That's ROKA.com, enter the code "Huberman" at checkout.

Time: 216.86

Today's podcast is also brought to us by InsideTracker.

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InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

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that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

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to help you better understand your body

Time: 226.66

and help you reach your health goals.

Time: 228.7

I've long been a believer in getting blood work done

Time: 231.71

for the simple reason that many of the factors

Time: 234.07

that impact our immediate and long-term health

Time: 236.27

can only be detected in a quality blood test.

Time: 239.74

The problem with a lot of blood tests out there, however,

Time: 241.83

is you get numbers back, but you don't know what to do

Time: 243.74

about those numbers specifically.

Time: 245.57

ROKA has solved that problem at a number of levels.

Time: 247.89

First of all, they make getting the blood tests very easy.

Time: 250.53

They'll come to your house if you like,

Time: 251.38

or you can go to a local clinic.

Time: 253

Second of all, once you get your numbers back,

Time: 256.1

there's a very easy to use dashboard where you can identify

Time: 260.22

obviously what the numbers are,

Time: 261.41

but also the various things that you can do

Time: 262.85

to bring those numbers into the ranges that you want;

Time: 265.73

through either behavioral practices like exercise,

Time: 268.59

through nutritional practices or supplementation, et cetera.

Time: 271.49

So they made the whole thing very easy start to finish,

Time: 274.26

in a way that allows you to best direct your health goals.

Time: 277.67

If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

Time: 279.09

you can visit InsideTracker.com/Huberman to get 25% off

Time: 282.93

any of InsideTracker's plans,

Time: 284.46

just use the code "Huberman" at checkout.

Time: 286.84

Today's episode is also brought to us by Magic Spoon.

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Magic Spoon is a zero sugar, grain-free,

Time: 292.53

keto-friendly cereal.

Time: 294.41

I am not ketogenic,

Time: 296.23

meaning I don't follow a purely ketogenic diet.

Time: 298.61

I tend to fast in the early part of the day,

Time: 300.83

I tend to eat kind of low carbish

Time: 302.6

through the middle of the day.

Time: 304.1

And then in the evening I eat carbohydrates.

Time: 305.83

That's what works best for me,

Time: 307.42

and allows me to feel alert all day long,

Time: 309.33

and to sleep really well at night.

Time: 311.85

Magic Spoon is a terrific snack for me

Time: 313.94

because it tastes terrific; it's got some sweetness,

Time: 316.73

but it doesn't take me out of that state that I want to be in

Time: 319.51

during the day where I'm sort of ketoish, I would say.

Time: 322.05

I'm not actually in ketosis,

Time: 323.64

but I'm following more or less a low carb diet

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during the day, which keeps me alert.

Time: 327.7

So either fasting or low carb,

Time: 328.93

and Magic Spoon is consistent with that.

Time: 331.1

And then as I mentioned before in the evening,

Time: 332.81

I do eat carbohydrates.

Time: 334.9

Magic Spoon has zero grams of sugar,

Time: 337.37

13 to 14 grams of protein,

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and only four net grams of carbohydrates in each serving.

Time: 341.89

So I think it qualifies as low carbish or low carb.

Time: 345.7

In addition, it only has 140 calories per serving.

Time: 348.11

It's also just delicious.

Time: 349.39

They have flavors like cocoa, fruity,

Time: 351.68

peanut butter, frosted.

Time: 353.2

I particularly liked the frosted one

Time: 354.64

because it tastes like donuts,

Time: 355.75

and I particularly like donuts.

Time: 357.2

Although I try not to eat them too often if ever.

Time: 359.96

If you want to try Magic Spoon,

Time: 361.48

you can go to MagicSpoon.com/Huberman

Time: 364.4

to grab a variety pack.

Time: 365.56

You can use the promo code "Huberman" at checkout,

Time: 368.17

and you'll get $5 off your order.

Time: 370.08

Again, that's MagicSpoon.com/Huberman,

Time: 373.27

and use the code "Huberman" to get $5 off.

Time: 376

And now, my conversation with Dr. Samer Hattar.

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Samer, thanks for sitting down with me.

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- My pleasure. - Yeah, we go way back.

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So, you are best known in scientific circles

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for your work on how light impacts mood, learning, feeding,

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hunger, sleep, and these sorts of topics.

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So, just to kick the ball out onto the field, so to speak,

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how does light impact the way we feel?

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So, when I get up in the morning,

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I have the opportunity to interact with light

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in certain ways or to avoid light in certain ways.

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I have the opportunity to interact with sunlight

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or with artificial light.

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Maybe you could just wade us into what the relationship is

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between light and these things

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like mood and hunger, et cetera.

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- Sure.

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So, I mean, you do appreciate the effect

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of light for vision.

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So, when you wake up in a beautiful area,

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beautiful ocean, light is essential;

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the sunrise, the sunset, blue sky, beautiful mountains.

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So, that's your conscious perception of light,

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but light has a completely different aspect

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that is independent of conscious vision

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or image forming functions.

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And that's how it regulates many important

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functions in your body.

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I think the best that is well studied and well known

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is your circadian clock.

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And the word circadian comes from the word circa,

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which is approximate and diem is day.

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So, it's an approximate day.

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Why is it an approximate day?

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Because if I put you or any other human being

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who have a normal circadian clock in a constant conditions

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with no information about feeding time, about sleep time,

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about what time it is outside,

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you still have a daily rhythm,

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but it's not exactly 24 hours.

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So it will shift out of the solar day

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because it's not exactly 24 hours,

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and hence the name circadian.

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- So, just to ask a quick question about that.

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When you say you have this about 24 hour rhythm,

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how does that rhythm show up in the tissues of our body?

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- Great question.

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So, it shows up at every level that we know we studied;

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it shows up at the level of the cell.

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It shows up at the level of the tissue,

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and it shows up at your behavior.

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The most obvious for you is your sleep-wake cycle.

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You sleep and you're awake and sleep at the 24 hour rhythms.

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And if you measure the sleep-wake cycle of humans

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who are maintaining constant conditions,

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you will see that the period length of the sleep rhythm

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on average is more than 24 hours.

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In humans it's 24.2 hours.

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So you'll be drifting .2 hours every day

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out of the solar day if you don't get the sunlight.

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So the sunlight adjusts that approximate day

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to an exact day, so now your behavior is adjusted

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to the light-dark environment or the solar day.

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- Okay, so if I understand correctly,

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if I were to go into a cave-

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- Yeah. - Or I would to be

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in constant light. - Yeah.

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- And I didn't close my eyes- - Yeah.

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- In constant light, that I would still sleep

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in one coherent about. - Yes.

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- And I would still be awake for more or less one

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coherent about, maybe a nap. - Yes.

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- But the total duration of my day, so to speak,

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would be a little bit longer than 24 hours?

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- Perfect. - But if I'm in a condition

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like most people are where the sun goes up

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and the sun goes down, and I have some understanding

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of that sunrise and sunset, then-

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- You don't have the understanding,

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you don't have to have conscious understanding.

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You have the detection. - Right.

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- So, circadian photoentrainment is the word we use,

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entraining the circadian clock to the photic environment

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is completely subconscious.

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You're not aware of it.

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It's not like vision or image forming,

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where you actually know what you're looking at.

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So, it's all hypothalamic.

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It's part of the brain that is not consciously driven.

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So, you actually do not know when it happens

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or when it doesn't happen.

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And that's what we'll get into when I tell you

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why light affects your mood and why sometimes people

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don't know how to deal with light

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to improve their mood, for example.

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- Okay, so this is a subconscious vision.

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- Yes. - Okay.

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Before you tell us about how light impacts mood,

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I'm curious, what is the relevance of adjusting this clock

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from a little bit longer than 24 hours to 24 hours?

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I mean, it seems like a small difference,

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24 hours and 40 minutes or 24 hours.

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Like what's the relevance?

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I mean, why should we care about that short difference?

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- So, let's do the math.

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If you shift out .2 hours a day,

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in five days you're shifting out one hour.

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So you're literally one hour off

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in your social behavior in five days.

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In 10 days, you're two hours off.

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And if you're an organism that is living in the wild,

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shifting out of the right phase of the cycle,

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you could either miss food or you could become food.

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So it's really essential for survival.

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I think it's one of the strongest aspect of survival

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for animals to have the anticipation

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and the adjustment to the solar cycle.

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- And for humans as well.

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When you say animals, I'm assuming that applies to us?

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- Absolutely, yeah. - I see.

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So even though it's just a short bit longer than 24,

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if that accumulates over days,

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then you could find yourself very much out of phase

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with the rest of your species essentially.

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- Yeah, so let's say it's .2 hours.

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So, in five days it's one hour.

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In 25 days it could be five or six hours.

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You could be in New York and you're feeling

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as if you traveled from New York to London.

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So, you would be having jet lag in New York,

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even though you didn't do a jet lag travel.

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So it's very important for the adjustment.

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And if we have time, maybe we could talk about

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why this is important for seasonality,

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because also it allows animals to anticipate

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the change in season.

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And the more you're high in the north or the south,

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the more that these weather changes occur very harshly,

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and you have to be ready for them.

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And that happens in us as well.

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- All right, well, we will definitely get into seasonality.

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Okay, so we've got this subconscious vision

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that aligns us with the turn of the earth.

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How does that work?

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What is the machinery that allows that to happen?

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And how does that machinery work?

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- Yeah, so, we knew that in mammals, including us,

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we are mammals, humans,

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that the eyes are required for this function.

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So, if humans are born without eyes,

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or the optic nerves are damaged,

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humans are not able to adjust to the solar cycle.

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So we know that the eyes are required.

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And since we thought we knew about the eyes a lot

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before 2000, we thought that-

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- You say before the year 2000?

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- Before the year 2000, yes. - Mm hm, yep.

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- We thought it's these photoreceptors in your retina

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that allow you to see.

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So, in the human retinas,

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there are two types of photoreceptors;

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they are called rods and cones because of their shapes.

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And these rods and cones simply take the photon energy,

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which light is made of,

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and they change it in a way to an electrical signal

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that allow us to build the image of the environment

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in our cortices. - Subconsciously?

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- Consciously in this situation cause it's vision, right?

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It's image forming vision, it's a visual cortex,

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and associative cortices, which allow you to build

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conscious perception of the environment.

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However, people have found, including me with the work

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of David Berson and Ignacio Provencio,

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that there is a subset of ganglion cells.

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The ganglion cells are the cells that leave the retina,

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their axon leave the retina and project to the brain.

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So these were thought to only relay rod and cone information

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from the light environment to the brain.

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We found that a small subset of these ganglion cells

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are themselves photoreceptors that were completely

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missed in the retina.

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And these are the photoreceptors

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that relay light environment subconsciously

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to the areas in the brain that have and house

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the circadian clock or the circadian pacemaker,

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which adjusts all the clocks in our bodies

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to the central brain clock that allows them to entrain

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to the 24 hour light-dark cycle.

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- Incredible.

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So, as I recall 'cause I was a graduate student at the time,

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in the year 2000, there was this landmark discovery

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made by you, Ignacio Provencio, David Berson, and others,

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that these cells exists that can communicate

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day and night information to the brain.

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- Yeah. - In this very small

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subset of cells.

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Since then, I've heard, but maybe you can confirm or refute

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that this system that connects the eyes

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to the rest of the brain is actually the most

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ancient form of vision.

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That this is probably the form of vision that some early

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version of human beings had before they had pattern vision,

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before they could see colors and shapes

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and motion and all that.

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And that the same cells that perform this role

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are actually similar to insect eyes.

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I think I heard David Berson say once that we actually

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have a little bit of the fly eye in our eye.

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What's he talking about? - Yeah.

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So, it's really interesting actually,

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because these same ipRCGs we discovered they contribute

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a little bit to image formation.

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And now, work from Tiffany Schmidt specifically have proven

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that they do contribute to image forming functions.

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But they contribute to very limited

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aspect of image formation.

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So, it fits your hypothesis that these

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are an ancient photoreceptors.

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The other thing that adds to that hypothesis

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is that they are expressed in cells that don't have

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any modification that make them look like photoreceptors.

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So, the photoreceptors that I told you about

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that are important for vision, image formation,

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they have very specialized structures that allow them

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to pack these structures with photopigments;

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these are the photo-detecting proteins,

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so they could detect a high sensitivity of photons

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that pass through them.

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These new photoreceptors don't have

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these specialized structures.

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So they just really need a lot of light at the time,

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we thought they need a lot of light to be activated.

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So that's why we think they are ancient.

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And that's why we think they adjust to ancient functions

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that are as important as regulating

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your body circadian clock to the solar environment,

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to solar day or to the light-dark cycle.

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- So, you mentioned ipRCGs, intrinsically photosensitive.

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So these are cells that connect the eye of the brain

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that behave like photoreceptors.

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- Right. - Essentially.

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And then you mentioned melanopsin,

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which is the actual pigment that converts the light

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into the electrical signal- - Yeah.

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- More or less.

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And my understanding is that melanopsin was identified first

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in frog melanophores. - Yes.

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- So does that mean that we have like little pieces

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of frog skin in our eyes?

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- So, honestly, David Berson say you have a fly in your eye

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because it sounds better.

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The more accurate I think is that you have

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a frog skin in your eye.

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It's not as catchy, but really,

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the name melanopsin is from melanocyte opsin,

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so it's melanopsin because it was found

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in the frog melanocytes.

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You know the frogs can change their color depending on light

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and melanopsin drives this response.

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So when Ignacio Provencio first discovered

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these opsins in frogs,

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luckily he was smart enough to see if they are expressed

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in the frog eye.

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They were expressed in the frog eye and it what appears

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to be retinal ganglion cells, which I told you,

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the one that connects the eye to the brain.

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He had the insight to go and see

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if they are expressed in the monkey eye.

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And he found that they are also expressed in what appears

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to be retinal ganglion cells,

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and really that what opened the field wide open.

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Then David Berson did the seminal experiment

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where he went to the brain where the central oscillator,

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the oscillator that drives circadian rhythm in the brain

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called the suprachiasmatic nucleus,

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that has been known for many years to receive retinal input.

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And he labeled the cells that project there.

Time: 1098.34

And then he found that even if you destroy rods and cones,

Time: 1101.32

you could get light responses from these cells.

Time: 1103.57

So you could imagine he nearly fainted when he saw

Time: 1107

that these cells can respond independent,

Time: 1109.74

completely in the absence of rod and cone input.

Time: 1112.73

- Yeah, I'll never forget reading

Time: 1113.79

those papers in 2000, 2001.

Time: 1116.86

I was at the meeting in DC when Ignacio,

Time: 1120.309

Iggy, we call him Iggy,

Time: 1121.59

showed this image of this basically

Time: 1124.1

what is frog melanophores

Time: 1126.05

in the human eye. - Yes.

Time: 1127.31

- [Andrew] And everyone was like,

Time: 1128.143

"oh my goodness, this is the thing."

Time: 1129.22

- Yeah.

Time: 1130.73

- And I want to get into how light

Time: 1132.66

actually can control circadian rhythms.

Time: 1134.42

In a moment. - Absolutely.

Time: 1135.253

- But I think it's worth mentioning now that people

Time: 1138.45

who are pattern vision blind,

Time: 1140.16

so people who cannot see and no conscious vision,

Time: 1144

but have eyes, many of them still have these cells;

Time: 1147.65

these melanopsin intrinsically photosensitive cells,

Time: 1150.12

and can essentially match or entrain, as we say,

Time: 1154.29

onto the light-dark cycle.

Time: 1156.04

- In fact, they possibly have no problems

Time: 1158.06

in circadian photoentrainment,

Time: 1159.43

they'll have a normal sleep-wake cycle.

Time: 1161.6

- But they're totally blind?

Time: 1162.62

- But they are totally image blind.

Time: 1164.17

And what's really interesting is that,

Time: 1166.66

and this story I heard from Chuck Czeisler,

Time: 1168.52

so I'll give him credit,

Time: 1169.86

that some of these people who are image blind,

Time: 1172.24

usually they get dry eyes and they give them a lot of pain.

Time: 1175.65

And doctors used to think, oh, since they are image blind

Time: 1179.3

and they're getting dry eye,

Time: 1180.133

why don't you just remove their eyes?

Time: 1182.11

They're not using them anymore.

Time: 1183.67

And the minute they would remove their eyes,

Time: 1186.01

they start having cyclical sleep problems indicating

Time: 1188.86

that now they are not entraining to the light-dark cycle

Time: 1192.3

and are having cyclical jet lags when their clock shifts

Time: 1196.27

through the light-dark cycle.

Time: 1198.02

- That's really interesting.

Time: 1198.97

And I hear from a number of blind people

Time: 1202.54

in my various aspects of my job,

Time: 1204.59

and a lot of them have issues with sleep.

Time: 1207.49

I think, in part because they don't realize that they too

Time: 1210.73

need to see light at particular times of day or night

Time: 1213.18

in order to match their schedule.

Time: 1215.36

- Absolutely. - Well, I think

Time: 1216.27

that's a perfect segue for us to talk about how light

Time: 1220.91

and viewing light can impact our sleep-wake rhythms.

Time: 1224.58

And then we'll move into some of the other ways in which

Time: 1227.44

light can impact other forms of bodily function.

Time: 1230.38

- Yeah, so I love the way you set it up

Time: 1233.27

because one of the most interesting and difficult aspect

Time: 1237.27

of trying to educate people about light effect

Time: 1240.52

on subconscious vision is that it's subconscious.

Time: 1243.79

So we're all aware of what we think is intensity

Time: 1247.21

because we see the room, but if you talk to people

Time: 1250.3

who know how to take photographs and stuff like that,

Time: 1253.55

they know that the intensities varies greatly.

Time: 1256.14

But our system, because we have to see the same way

Time: 1259.1

in very bright conditions and very dim conditions,

Time: 1262.15

we're not very good at estimating intensity consciously.

Time: 1266.09

So when you try to tell people about intensity,

Time: 1268.45

you really struggle because they think they know intensity,

Time: 1271.58

but they really don't.

Time: 1272.71

- You mean light intensity? - Light intensity.

Time: 1274.62

- Yeah. - So the cones themselves

Time: 1277.22

have an incredible ability to adapt

Time: 1279.56

to different light conditions.

Time: 1281.47

So you can see at all different conditions.

Time: 1283.52

Otherwise it'd be a disaster.

Time: 1285.18

If you don't change the setting on your camera

Time: 1287.99

and you go from inside the room to the outside,

Time: 1290.03

it becomes completely white, you don't see anything.

Time: 1292.64

So if your cones don't adapt to the environment,

Time: 1295.99

then you're not going to be able to see in this room

Time: 1298.58

and on the beach, right?

Time: 1300.98

But the problem is your ipRCGs,

Time: 1304.21

the cells that we talked about,

Time: 1306.41

they measure intensity pretty well.

Time: 1308.58

They really know what intensity is.

Time: 1310.38

They have a very good linear measurement of intensity.

Time: 1313.25

They don't adapt as well.

Time: 1314.9

They don't adapt actually that much, to be honest.

Time: 1318.47

So that tells you that subconsciously the system is used

Time: 1323.33

to measuring light intensity in a natural environment,

Time: 1326.54

because when you are now in the natural environment,

Time: 1328.86

you don't have industrialized lighting,

Time: 1332.12

then your system is functioning very well.

Time: 1335.53

But now when we change these environments,

Time: 1338.14

we could really mess up ourselves.

Time: 1339.66

So you have to teach people how to understand intensity.

Time: 1343.44

And that's something that you have to explain to people.

Time: 1345.91

And I think I love to do it myself.

Time: 1347.96

I do it in what is called the lowest amount of light

Time: 1351.24

required to allow you to see comfortably.

Time: 1353.5

So you have to do this as an fun experiment.

Time: 1356.45

- Okay, so explain to me how this goes.

Time: 1358.75

And maybe we could break up the day

Time: 1360.58

into three or four parts.

Time: 1362.88

So let's say assuming that most people wake up

Time: 1365.75

in the morning- - Mm hm.

Time: 1366.62

- As opposed to night shift workers, et cetera,

Time: 1368.55

we could talk about later. - Right.

Time: 1369.877

- But they wake up in the morning,

Time: 1371.5

so let's divide the day into quarters.

Time: 1373.751

What is the proper way to interact with light

Time: 1377.05

in the first part of the day?

Time: 1379.3

- So, I honestly think the easiest thing is waking up,

Time: 1382.88

get as much light as you can.

Time: 1385.52

- To your eyes? - Yeah, it's really nice.

Time: 1387.5

Your system is prime.

Time: 1388.84

If you're entrained, it's prime to get light,

Time: 1390.92

the sun should be out.

Time: 1392.68

Most animals in the wild,

Time: 1394.06

they actually seem to track the sun.

Time: 1396.32

The sun has a huge influence on life on earth.

Time: 1398.76

It's actually life on earth is because of sun.

Time: 1401.9

So, that's easy.

Time: 1404.07

In the morning when you wake up, you need light.

Time: 1406.143

Just get the light. - Okay, so what is

Time: 1407.02

the behavioral practice that you recommend?

Time: 1410.5

Let's say somebody is in a condition where

Time: 1412.34

there's a lot of cloud cover. - Yeah.

Time: 1413.287

- Is it important to get outside?

Time: 1415.65

- So, I have to tell you,

Time: 1416.82

the cloudiest day is going to be much more brighter

Time: 1419.43

than your room.

Time: 1420.263

You could ask any photographer.

Time: 1422.41

A cloudy day, unless it's really dark, dark clouds,

Time: 1425.5

usually cloudy days have much more light outside

Time: 1428.85

than inside the room,

Time: 1429.87

even when you have good lighting inside the room.

Time: 1432.78

So I think in the outside is usually even when it's cloudy,

Time: 1436.999

you're going to get to enough intensity to help you adjust

Time: 1439.75

your cycle to the day-night cycle.

Time: 1441.8

- So, how long do you...

Time: 1443.91

These are general rules of thumb,

Time: 1445.06

but how long do you recommend people go outside?

Time: 1446.553

- So, if you do it daily, you possibly need very few.

Time: 1449.97

If you do it daily, because remember this thing

Time: 1452.06

is going to happen on a daily matter.

Time: 1453.547

So, let's say 15 minutes. - So, the clock is tracking

Time: 1455.43

it on a regular basis? - Absolutely.

Time: 1456.81

It's photon counting, it's tracking.

Time: 1459.62

I would say 15 minutes.

Time: 1460.71

If you don't do it daily, you may want to increase it.

Time: 1463.66

And we'll talk about when you travel, what you could do,

Time: 1465.74

but yeah, 15 minutes should be fine.

Time: 1468.02

You do it more, it doesn't hurt.

Time: 1469.87

- And through a window,

Time: 1471.41

my understanding is that through a window,

Time: 1473.21

it dramatically decreases the amount of light energy

Time: 1475.47

coming in. - It depends on how thick

Time: 1478.28

the windows are and how dark they are.

Time: 1480.23

So, but it's also nice to go outside

Time: 1482.58

and to feel the seasons.

Time: 1484.49

- Sunglasses off?

Time: 1486.09

- I don't use sunglasses.

Time: 1487.58

- Yeah, but you have your Jordanian photopigment.

Time: 1490.1

- Yeah, yeah, that's right. - You know, so, yeah.

Time: 1492.23

Whereas my eyes are very sensitive, right?

Time: 1494.38

- No, but I personally, if I'm in the shade

Time: 1498.24

or if it's not incredibly bright,

Time: 1500.24

I try to, especially in the morning,

Time: 1501.567

but I'm also an early person.

Time: 1503.63

So we have to differentiate between early-

Time: 1504.813

- What time do you wake up?

Time: 1506.27

- I wake up at 4:30 in the morning.

Time: 1507.553

- But the sun isn't out yet. - It's not out yet, so it's-

Time: 1510.22

- So, what do you do?

Time: 1511.053

You turn on artificial lights?

Time: 1512.16

- I usually don't turn on artificial light

Time: 1514.21

because I know the sun is going to come up eventually,

Time: 1516.56

but that's why I don't like the change

Time: 1519

in the timing that they do.

Time: 1521.123

- Wait, but what do you do between 4:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.?

Time: 1523.79

- I mean, I look at my computer,

Time: 1525.53

and my phone. - Oh, I see.

Time: 1526.363

- So possibly I get enough light,

Time: 1528.005

but in reality, I mean as long as you let your body

Time: 1532.03

get the morning sunlight, which I think is really,

Time: 1535.86

to me and there is no evidence of this,

Time: 1537.69

but to me, if you look at all animals, plants,

Time: 1540.9

this morning sunlight seems to be very important.

Time: 1543.66

And we don't have experiments to show it,

Time: 1547.43

but I have a gut feeling that it

Time: 1549.29

has a huge impact on humans.

Time: 1551.71

- Well, Jamie Zeitzer's lab at the Stanford Sleep Lab

Time: 1554.44

has shown that these early morning light flashes

Time: 1557.16

can adjust the total amount of sleep-

Time: 1558.68

- Absolutely. - That one will get.

Time: 1560.29

It makes it easier to get into sleep.

Time: 1561.462

- Absolutely, absolutely.

Time: 1563.57

And Ken Wright also did this beautiful camping experiments

Time: 1568.27

that showed that- - Maybe you could describe

Time: 1570.421

those 'cause those are beautiful experiments.

Time: 1571.254

- Oh, yeah, they are beautiful experiments.

Time: 1573.21

He took these college students that had a late onset

Time: 1577.48

of sleep and late waking time,

Time: 1579.68

and then he said, let's go camping and just don't use

Time: 1582.21

any artificial light and you could go to sleep

Time: 1585.15

as late or as early as you want,

Time: 1587.81

and wake up as late or as early.

Time: 1589.33

And he found a huge shift in their sleep pattern

Time: 1593.04

just by exposing them to the light-dark cycle.

Time: 1595.45

I mean, so- - And it has lasted.

Time: 1597.7

- And it lasted, yeah. - Even after they came back.

Time: 1599.396

- Exactly. - Those two days of camping

Time: 1600.9

reset the circadian clock? - Seven days, but it lasted.

Time: 1603.42

Yeah, it's pretty amazing.

Time: 1604.99

Yeah, it's really incredible.

Time: 1606.8

- Okay, so get bright light of some sort early in the day,

Time: 1611.45

ideally sunlight, even on a cloudy day, it's going to be-

Time: 1613.69

- Absolutely. - Brighter than indoor light.

Time: 1615.74

- So that's easy. - Okay, so then-

Time: 1617.64

- And the other thing that I would like to mention

Time: 1619.57

to people, if you think it's very dim outside,

Time: 1622.42

let's say it's very cloudy, stay longer.

Time: 1624.61

So remember intensity is only one component.

Time: 1627.35

Duration is also important because remember

Time: 1629.39

that the circadian system is not like the image system.

Time: 1633.01

In the image system you have to change every second

Time: 1635.37

because you're looking at different objects.

Time: 1637.02

You have to change your perception.

Time: 1638.843

But for the circadian system it's trying to figure out

Time: 1642.17

where am I in the day-night cycle?

Time: 1644.97

So the more you give them the information,

Time: 1647.04

the better you are.

Time: 1648.03

So, if it's very bright, you don't need a lot

Time: 1650.067

because it's clearly going to make you fire like crazy.

Time: 1653.71

But if it's not bright, stay longer, stay for one hour.

Time: 1656.99

You know, have your coffee outside or something like that.

Time: 1659.75

It's just going to help.

Time: 1660.833

- I think you said something extremely important,

Time: 1663.09

which is that this circadian system is trying to figure out

Time: 1666.47

when you are in time. - Exactly.

Time: 1668.67

- Not where you are in space.

Time: 1669.707

- Sorry, I said, where you are in time.

Time: 1670.887

- Yeah. - I mean when you are.

Time: 1672.58

- Oh no, no, I wasn't correcting you.

Time: 1673.73

I just meant that I think fundamentally that's

Time: 1676.426

the incredible thing about this system.

Time: 1678.91

- Absolutely. - That you have this clock,

Time: 1681.01

this 24 hour clock in your brain,

Time: 1682.84

but it needs to be synchronized to the outside.

Time: 1685.59

So could we go a little deeper into this circadian setting

Time: 1689.81

behavior and come up with some general rules of thumb?

Time: 1693.37

So, let's say it's a very bright day.

Time: 1694.867

- Mm hm, mm hm. - Extremely bright.

Time: 1697.31

No clouds, the sun's out.

Time: 1700.98

You said 10 minutes, 15 minutes.

Time: 1702.747

- And I'll tell you if you're sensitive,

Time: 1705.08

you don't even have to go in the sun.

Time: 1706.76

You could be in the shade.

Time: 1708.16

There's going to be so many photons out there in the shade.

Time: 1711.29

It's going to be perfect.

Time: 1712.33

You don't even have to see the sun.

Time: 1714.4

You don't have to have the sun.

Time: 1715.96

You know, it's great for vitamin D,

Time: 1717.36

that's a different story.

Time: 1718.32

You could do this for your skin and protect your skin.

Time: 1722.21

That's not my area of expertise,

Time: 1723.82

but for that effect on the circadian system,

Time: 1727.77

as long as you're outside in the shade and it's sunny day,

Time: 1730.72

10 to 15 minutes should be ample amount.

Time: 1733.6

- Okay and then let's say it's kind of overcast.

Time: 1738.07

You know, it's not particularly bright

Time: 1739.36

or there's solid cloud cover, but obviously the sun is out,

Time: 1742.92

but it's not as bright.

Time: 1745.31

How long do you think it would take to set the clock?

Time: 1747.2

- 10 to 15 should be sufficient.

Time: 1749.34

Stay for half an hour.

Time: 1750.52

Stay for 45 minutes.

Time: 1751.79

If it's very darker out, stay for longer.

Time: 1754.53

- Okay and if for some reason,

Time: 1756.4

one finds themselves very far north,

Time: 1758.58

and it's very, very dense a cloud cover.

Time: 1762.6

How long and at what point should somebody consider

Time: 1766.01

using an artificial light source to mimic the sunlight?

Time: 1770.21

- Yeah, honestly, this is where we don't have

Time: 1772.57

a lot of information still, because this is where

Time: 1775.88

we're going to discuss this maybe in more detail,

Time: 1778.23

that if you put humans in artificial conditions,

Time: 1782.06

the circadian system is very sensitive to light,

Time: 1785.59

but in reality, in the real environment,

Time: 1788.86

light also is affecting other aspects that are independent

Time: 1792.62

of the setting of the circadian pacemaker.

Time: 1795.3

- Okay. - And these which we call

Time: 1796.8

the direct effect of light on mood, for example.

Time: 1799.96

So, that is very hard to figure out

Time: 1802.16

what intensity you need to use.

Time: 1803.76

And we haven't done enough experiments

Time: 1804.937

'cause this system has been discovered just recently.

Time: 1808.95

But I would say if you use bright light in the morning,

Time: 1811.71

and I mean, it's hard for me to give numbers.

Time: 1814.7

It can get complicated.

Time: 1818.12

But yeah, I mean, honestly, if you're that far north

Time: 1821.51

and you're in the winter and you make sure you don't,

Time: 1824.37

use these light boxes.

Time: 1825.61

I would suggest that personally, but that's it.

Time: 1828.81

- I use, it's actually not designed for circadian setting,

Time: 1831.75

but I have a 930 lux light pad that I bought

Time: 1835.99

and I bought it, they're very affordable compared

Time: 1838.41

to the dawn simulating lights.

Time: 1840.52

- Yeah, you don't need them.

Time: 1841.353

- Which are quite expensive, frankly.

Time: 1843.34

- Yeah. - And I put it there.

Time: 1844.79

And so, just basically, when I wake up in the morning,

Time: 1847.05

I use that until the sun comes out,

Time: 1848.85

and then I make sure once the sun is out, I go outside.

Time: 1851.23

But I keep that thing on all day.

Time: 1853.33

And I don't know if that's good or bad.

Time: 1855.13

Is a good or bad?

Time: 1855.963

- I, honestly, I don't think being exposed to bright light

Time: 1859.4

in the day is going to ever be bad because really

Time: 1861.73

if you're outside in the day...

Time: 1863.8

Unless, you know, the worst that's going to happen

Time: 1866.11

if the temperature is very high,

Time: 1867.7

your body's going to say don't dehydrate and go to sleep.

Time: 1870.4

So you could tell actually sometimes when it's very hot,

Time: 1874

the more you get exposed to bright light,

Time: 1875.86

the sleepier you feel in the afternoon,

Time: 1877.8

which is counter-intuitive. - Mm hm.

Time: 1881.289

And that's to protect us, you think, against dehydration?

Time: 1883.37

- I think if you think about the human evolution

Time: 1886.07

from near the equator in between noon

Time: 1889.38

and a certain time in the afternoon,

Time: 1891.59

it would have been very hard for you to maintain

Time: 1894.64

physiological homeostatic function,

Time: 1896.67

being active at this very high temperature time.

Time: 1899.74

So I think napping was a way,

Time: 1902.09

that's why I think it has a major function which is still...

Time: 1905.12

Napping was a way to somehow take you away

Time: 1907.81

from that dangerous zone.

Time: 1909.23

And maybe that's why people in the north they say,

Time: 1912.08

in the winter we can't wake up in the morning

Time: 1914.15

'cause they don't have this long light.

Time: 1915.73

So, they sleep more at night.

Time: 1917.32

But in the summer they say,

Time: 1918.4

we feel like we can't go to sleep.

Time: 1920.36

We have to put all these dark curtains.

Time: 1922.95

So, I think, venturing that much up north has been...

Time: 1928.84

Came up with a problem because evolution was used to

Time: 1931.28

a certain light environment that was completely

Time: 1934.91

changed with a human.

Time: 1936.37

With other animals, I think that lived there longer,

Time: 1940.22

they have come up with very interesting adaptation

Time: 1942.75

of actually measuring even very small changes

Time: 1946.18

in the light intensities that still occur.

Time: 1949.36

And so, even if you're near the poles,

Time: 1952.31

even though it's always light,

Time: 1953.94

but there is a change in the light intensity

Time: 1956.11

across the day-night cycle.

Time: 1957.21

So, your system, if it's linear,

Time: 1959.06

and remember I told you that ipRCGs are incredibly linear,

Time: 1962.87

can still measure, oh, this is lower light than higher light

Time: 1966.529

if the organism has the ability to do that.

Time: 1969.78

- I see, yeah, it's interesting.

Time: 1971.23

I've spent so much time learning from you

Time: 1974.56

fortunately about these cells,

Time: 1976.62

and yet I never really appreciated until now

Time: 1979.09

how on the one hand they are tracking the amount of light

Time: 1983.19

to understand when we are in time

Time: 1985.47

relative to the 24 hour cycle,

Time: 1987.86

but also that you keep mentioning this

Time: 1990.21

linear measurement of intensity;

Time: 1991.9

that they really are trying to figure out

Time: 1993.9

when we are in time by measuring the intensity of light.

Time: 1996.307

And of course the sun is the most intense source

Time: 1999

of light available to us.

Time: 2001.05

So, okay, so I think we've nailed down

Time: 2004.22

that first part of the day. - Exactly.

Time: 2005.97

- Basically it's get 10 to 30 minutes

Time: 2007.63

depending on how bright it is,

Time: 2009.05

and try and do that as often as possible to give the system

Time: 2012.22

a regular source- - Daily is the best.

Time: 2013.283

This system is really about,

Time: 2016.13

and you'll see that even for the effect on depression,

Time: 2018.49

it's about multiple days it is.

Time: 2020.61

So you don't have to worry if you missed it one day,

Time: 2023.61

stay longer if you want.

Time: 2025.17

But if you're in a hurry and you want to do other stuff,

Time: 2028.17

that's a great recommendation.

Time: 2029.36

- Mm hm, so you might want to compensate with some extra time

Time: 2032.02

if you missed a day or two. - Absolutely.

Time: 2033.77

- And this is why I've heard you say before,

Time: 2035.92

it's entirely possible to get severely jet lagged

Time: 2038.97

without traveling. - Absolutely.

Time: 2040.77

- Simply by staying in, being on your phone too much,

Time: 2043.04

not getting the sunlight. - Absolutely.

Time: 2043.937

And you saw this during the pandemic.

Time: 2046.1

A lot of people mentioned that their

Time: 2047.73

sleep-wake cycles suffered a lot.

Time: 2050.81

Because if you're not going out and if you're staying

Time: 2053.79

at home and you don't have big windows

Time: 2056.42

and you're waking late, waking up late,

Time: 2058.77

and then you're using very bright light too late at night,

Time: 2061.56

your body is going to shift.

Time: 2063.21

And now, your day is going to start instead of like

Time: 2066.38

really when the sun comes up,

Time: 2067.62

let's say at six o'clock in the morning,

Time: 2069.99

so your day is going to start at 11 o'clock in the morning.

Time: 2072.12

That's what your body's going to think

Time: 2073.7

is the beginning of the day.

Time: 2075.82

So, then you're not going to be able to sleep

Time: 2078.41

at 10 o'clock at night,

Time: 2079.74

because now that's really for your body,

Time: 2083.113

it's completely different timing.

Time: 2085.39

And you could see this happen during the pandemic

Time: 2088.06

at a very high scale.

Time: 2089.81

People get delayed in their sleep-wake cycle a lot.

Time: 2092.72

- And there is this idea of chronotypes,

Time: 2094.833

that we all each intrinsically have a best rhythm

Time: 2099.15

of either being a morning person.

Time: 2101.093

- Absolutely. - You called yourself

Time: 2101.926

an early person, or a night owl,

Time: 2103.78

or more of a kind of standard to bed around 10:30,

Time: 2106.91

up around 7:00 type thing.

Time: 2109.081

And I think there are now good data,

Time: 2111.3

correct me if I'm wrong,

Time: 2112.87

from the National Institutes of Mental Health and elsewhere

Time: 2115.09

showing that the more we deviate from that intrinsic rhythm,

Time: 2119.16

the more mental health issues

Time: 2121.26

and physical health issues start to crop up.

Time: 2123.15

- So, there is great data on this,

Time: 2124.95

and there is a couple of things that complicate this.

Time: 2127.16

The first is the people who usually are late,

Time: 2130.53

they tell you that the society doesn't accommodate.

Time: 2133.084

- By late, what do you mean?

Time: 2134.94

People that wake up late and go to sleep late?

Time: 2136.1

- Go to sleep late and wake up late.

Time: 2138.146

They have an overwhelmingly higher level

Time: 2141.01

of depression and failures.

Time: 2143.51

I mean, clearly, I mean,

Time: 2144.69

the reason the people say sleep early, wake up early,

Time: 2148.437

you're better because human notice that people

Time: 2151.57

who go to sleep early and wake up early,

Time: 2154.31

they do better in life.

Time: 2155.46

They notice that. - They just perform better?

Time: 2157.36

- They perform, but the question is,

Time: 2158.9

is that intrinsic to the system or is that society

Time: 2162.45

because society start things usually early or late?

Time: 2165.09

That's a hard question to ask-

Time: 2166.04

- We discriminate against late risers.

Time: 2167.94

- In a way, we discriminate, right?

Time: 2169.64

But the other explanation is Ken Wright's experiment.

Time: 2173.5

These late riser, if they were truly chronotypically late,

Time: 2178.13

why would they shift so easily when you put them in the...

Time: 2181.73

If you were really chronotypically late,

Time: 2183.93

and there is a phase relation between

Time: 2186.19

the light-dark environment and your circadian clock,

Time: 2188.83

then doing this camping experiment should not have caused

Time: 2191.6

much changes because it's not that light is going to affect you

Time: 2197.28

in a certain way, it's that this is the relationship

Time: 2199.57

that your body decided that I'm a late sleeper, late waking.

Time: 2203.82

So, I'm honestly, I'm still unable to figure out

Time: 2208.14

how much of this late waking up is controlled

Time: 2211.03

by the light environment and how much is intrinsic.

Time: 2213.82

I'm sure there are differences,

Time: 2215.85

but are they as big as we see in the environment?

Time: 2218.58

Because you have people that go off to sleep a 7:00 p.m.

Time: 2222.89

and wake up at 1:00 a.m..

Time: 2224.13

These are clearly advanced phase-

Time: 2226.21

- So people that go to sleep at 7:00 p.m.

Time: 2228.02

and wake up at 1:00 a.m.? - Yeah.

Time: 2229.4

- And feel good doing that?

Time: 2231.07

- I'm not so sure they feel good,

Time: 2232.76

but a lot of the time you talk to people,

Time: 2234.8

they say they are high achievers,

Time: 2237.06

but they suffer because they go to 7:00 p.m.,

Time: 2240.36

wake up advanced phase sleep syndrome.

Time: 2243.732

They call it a syndrome, but then you have people

Time: 2247.39

who would not be able to sleep till 5:00 a.m.,

Time: 2249.937

and not be able to wake up till 3:00 p.m., right?

Time: 2253.6

And I'm not so sure that the circadian system

Time: 2255.92

is that variable in the human population.

Time: 2258.15

I mean, clearly there are maybe some genetic factors

Time: 2260.76

that make a small percentage of like everything

Time: 2263.87

with the bell shape.

Time: 2265.46

But I think most of the time,

Time: 2267.15

the light environment may play a role.

Time: 2269.14

And once, as we've talked about,

Time: 2271.5

this as a long-term effect of light.

Time: 2273.84

Once you get into a rhythm, and I don't mean it as a pun,

Time: 2277.42

in reality, once you get into a rhythm,

Time: 2279.44

it's hard to break out of that rhythm because if you start

Time: 2282.78

sleeping late and waking up late,

Time: 2284.84

you're not getting the morning sunlight.

Time: 2286.8

- Right. - And so,

Time: 2287.94

you're just going to be late.

Time: 2289.65

And if you're like me waking up early,

Time: 2291.98

you're getting the morning sunlight.

Time: 2292.907

You're getting what Zeitzer said...

Time: 2296.53

I said his last name wrong.

Time: 2299.46

The one in Stanford who did the-

Time: 2301.06

- Oh, Jamie Zeitzer, yeah. - Zeitzer, yeah.

Time: 2303.57

- [Andrew] He actually worked for-

Time: 2305.556

- Zeitzer, yeah. - Zeitzer.

Time: 2306.389

So, Zeitzer and Czeisler. - Yeah, it's confusing.

Time: 2307.55

- Yeah, there are a lot of zz's and i's in their names.

Time: 2310.47

- Yeah. - Both phenomenal scientists.

Time: 2311.93

- Yeah. - What it seems to me

Time: 2314.6

is the case is that the only way to really know

Time: 2318.32

if you're meant to be an early bird as they call it,

Time: 2321.36

an early person or a late person,

Time: 2323.53

or somewhere in between is to get morning sunlight,

Time: 2326.27

and figure out whether or not that makes you feel better.

Time: 2328.26

- And to understand,

Time: 2331.54

to be educated about how to measure intensity.

Time: 2334.727

"How to measure" I put in quotation

Time: 2337.21

'cause you either get a measuring device,

Time: 2339.77

but you cannot depend on your eye to measure intensity.

Time: 2343.729

- Okay, so how do we do that?

Time: 2344.562

'Cause you keep coming back to this.

Time: 2346.367

So, that tells me that it's important.

Time: 2348.186

- It's very important. - So, obviously,

Time: 2349.26

so there are apps, free apps like Light Meter,

Time: 2352.86

where you can walk around and hold the button down

Time: 2354.61

and see how many lux are in the environment.

Time: 2358.03

- These are complicated because you have to point them

Time: 2360.09

to specific regions. - Right.

Time: 2361.26

So, how do people start to develop an intuitive sense

Time: 2365.13

of the measurement of intensity?

Time: 2367.32

- Yeah, I think at one point I posted on Instagram,

Time: 2370.94

how I keep my nighttime at home.

Time: 2373.57

And I found out that my night vision is very strong.

Time: 2376.96

So I found out that I, especially in the winter,

Time: 2379.67

I only need candle lights.

Time: 2381.23

So I literally use these tea lights,

Time: 2383.327

and I put like 15 or 20 of them-

Time: 2385.86

- How romantic. - And it's so nice.

Time: 2387.81

I could see it clearly doesn't affect my circadian system.

Time: 2390.743

- You and your cats- - And my wife.

Time: 2393.346

- And your wife of course. - It's just great, right?

Time: 2395.86

But I don't expect people to have

Time: 2397.31

the same night vision as me.

Time: 2399.42

So, I mean, I tell people, do the experiment.

Time: 2403.05

So if you put three or four lights in your room,

Time: 2407.27

switch two, sit for 15 minutes.

Time: 2409.68

- Switch two off? - Switch two off.

Time: 2411.23

Let's say you're using five.

Time: 2412.77

And see, after 15 minutes,

Time: 2414.63

you will not recognize you switched these two off.

Time: 2417.4

My gut feeling is that most people would need

Time: 2419.83

at least 10 times less light than they use at night to see.

Time: 2424.04

The problem people use it

Time: 2425.53

because most of the time they didn't

Time: 2427.21

see the morning sunlight.

Time: 2428.32

They are actually hungry for light without their knowledge.

Time: 2431.1

So they come switch all these lights on,

Time: 2433.06

but at the wrong time.

Time: 2434.76

Because they woke up late.

Time: 2436.22

- Okay, now I understand.

Time: 2437.854

So, this morning light viewing goes way beyond-

Time: 2441.51

- Absolutely, absolutely. - Setting your clock.

Time: 2443

It's also a way to determine how little light

Time: 2446.35

you need later in the day. - Exactly.

Time: 2448.262

- And we're going to talk about this in a moment,

Time: 2450.17

but how little light you get later in the day

Time: 2453.25

is a very strong determinant of things like

Time: 2455.26

when you will wake up,

Time: 2456.12

whether or not you wake up feeling refreshed, et cetera.

Time: 2458.41

Let's move- - And that's why,

Time: 2460.29

- Yeah? - I'm going to break it

Time: 2461.44

on your show, Andrew, that I'm going to tell you,

Time: 2464.05

I think there is something else that people

Time: 2466.47

do need to think about, which is the tripartite model.

Time: 2469.58

That this model incorporate three components

Time: 2472.37

we should talk about in details that allows us humans

Time: 2476.2

and all animals to incorporate the circadian clock,

Time: 2480.41

and its relation to light, the homeostatic drive,

Time: 2484.09

and the direct effect of the environment,

Time: 2486.2

which includes stress, light, all kinds of stuff.

Time: 2489.21

They have to be incorporated together.

Time: 2491.36

If you think, that's what I think right now,

Time: 2493.087

if you think of one alone, you will always miss something.

Time: 2497.848

And when you think of them as a whole,

Time: 2500

things really become clear.

Time: 2501.52

It's actually quite amazing.

Time: 2503.06

- Okay, well, we will definitely want to hear

Time: 2505.58

about your tripartite theory and go into detail

Time: 2508.73

about those homeostatic mechanisms.

Time: 2510.67

I want to make sure that for people who are thinking now,

Time: 2514.02

I'm sure about light and how it impacts them.

Time: 2516.91

So the morning light viewing behavior,

Time: 2518.98

I like to think we've tacked down clearly.

Time: 2521.342

- Absolutely. - And thank you for that

Time: 2522.21

because there's so much information out there

Time: 2523.96

and I've tried to relay that information.

Time: 2526.06

Of course, you're my primary source

Time: 2527.32

for all things circadian, as well as Jamie and others,

Time: 2530.74

of course, and Matt Walker.

Time: 2532.06

But I think you've made that very, very clear.

Time: 2535.98

Now, let's say I've gotten my morning sunlight.

Time: 2539.71

Okay, great.

Time: 2540.543

Maybe my bright artificial light,

Time: 2541.65

and throughout the day you said to get a lot of light.

Time: 2543.89

So, I'm working at my desk.

Time: 2545.05

Maybe I'll go out during the day a few times,

Time: 2547.9

but I'm working at my computer, I'm doing things.

Time: 2550.55

Is there anything about light viewing

Time: 2552.13

in the middle of the day that people should keep in mind?

Time: 2555.56

Or can they just sort of freestyle it

Time: 2557.69

depending on what they're doing?

Time: 2558.58

Most people are not in a dark room throughout the day-

Time: 2561.99

- Yeah, so my gut feeling,

Time: 2563.38

if you've got your morning sunlight,

Time: 2565.57

you walk from your car slowly or you walk to work,

Time: 2569.74

you didn't wear sunglasses when the lights

Time: 2571.44

were still dim in the morning, that you could freestyle it.

Time: 2575.04

That even if you don't get a lot of light,

Time: 2577.47

there is a way to just...

Time: 2580.5

In the day, you don't have to just worry about

Time: 2582.73

getting a lot of bright light,

Time: 2583.86

but personally, I like to do that.

Time: 2585.87

So I go out at lunch and have my lunch outside as well.

Time: 2589.72

This reminds the body that here it is even brighter now.

Time: 2593.61

But the evidence is that you could literally

Time: 2596.67

help your circadian clock by giving lights at dawn and dusk.

Time: 2600.43

But again, if you think of the tripartite model,

Time: 2602.89

this may be important for the circadian clock,

Time: 2605.12

but is it important for your mood?

Time: 2607.94

So that's where I think you need, or the homeostatic drive.

Time: 2611.31

So that's where you need to think about it.

Time: 2613.68

So, for the clock, for entraining your clock,

Time: 2616.82

you literally can entrain it only by the dawn sunlight.

Time: 2619.85

You actually don't need dawn and dusk.

Time: 2621.91

People usually forget that.

Time: 2622.84

- Yeah and I appreciate that you're distinguishing

Time: 2624.87

between circadian effects and other effects of lights.

Time: 2627.283

- Yes. - You're being very precise,

Time: 2628.84

which is appreciated.

Time: 2631.63

Until we hear about this tripartite model,

Time: 2633.68

which we will cover, for the sake of the discussion,

Time: 2637.35

let's treat the light viewing behavior

Time: 2639.64

as what are the benefits or drawbacks of viewing light

Time: 2644.3

for all biological purposes, not just circadian settings?

Time: 2647.44

So, in the morning, it's clearly going to set the clock.

Time: 2650.84

And then, during the day, if I understand correctly,

Time: 2653.86

the idea is to get as much bright light as you can,

Time: 2655.89

because you're feeding, it sounds like a sort of

Time: 2658.56

light hunger. - Exactly.

Time: 2660.74

- I see. - I love this way to put it.

Time: 2662.27

I think there is a weird light hunger

Time: 2664.26

considering that we're not photosynthetic organisms.

Time: 2667.71

There is a weird light hungers in animals

Time: 2669.88

that they need measure.

Time: 2673.17

And I think that relates to the season

Time: 2675.13

because the whole reproduction cycle of animals

Time: 2678.22

is going to depend on the availability

Time: 2679.74

of food in the environment.

Time: 2682.65

And if you don't know when the season is going to happen,

Time: 2685.29

they don't have calendars,

Time: 2687.04

it's going to be very hard to survive.

Time: 2688.73

So I think that's why we have this light hunger.

Time: 2691.1

That's a major hypothesis.

Time: 2692.71

It's not been tested. - Interesting.

Time: 2694.86

So, then afternoon and evening start to approach.

Time: 2699.12

So, I've had this weird experience.

Time: 2700.8

Maybe you can psychologically or biologically

Time: 2704.04

diagnosed me now, Samer.

Time: 2705.26

So, where if I go into a movie in the afternoon,

Time: 2707.84

like a matinee. - Uh huh.

Time: 2709.34

- And I come out and it's dark,

Time: 2711.53

I notice a significant drop in my mood

Time: 2715.18

and my ability to go to sleep.

Time: 2717.84

Whereas if I get some view of the light in the evening,

Time: 2721.41

it doesn't have to be the sunset, although sunsets are nice,

Time: 2723.94

but I get some light pulse in the afternoon

Time: 2726.81

that I have no trouble whatsoever falling asleep.

Time: 2729.22

- And this happens on a single time to watch them?

Time: 2732.53

- Yeah, more or less. - Wow, that's interesting.

Time: 2735.48

- And then you mentioned the camping experiment

Time: 2737.3

where when they went camping,

Time: 2738.44

they're seeing the sunrise and the sunset.

Time: 2739.988

- [Samer] Mm hm, mm hm.

Time: 2741.17

- So what should people do in the afternoon

Time: 2744.93

slash evening time in terms of their light viewing behavior?

Time: 2748.22

- I mean, the best thing to do is to let

Time: 2750.27

the natural light creep into darkness, right?

Time: 2753.15

That would be the best,

Time: 2754.73

but clearly that would be inefficient.

Time: 2757.11

You want to go home, you want to read,

Time: 2759.79

you want to talk to your kids, you want to talk to your family.

Time: 2763.43

So, I think it's nice to extend the day.

Time: 2766.04

I don't think that's wrong.

Time: 2767.18

If you somehow can block that light

Time: 2770.27

from affecting your circadian clock.

Time: 2772.14

- So, should people use blue blockers in the evening?

Time: 2775.44

- I personally do not like any blockers

Time: 2779.06

that take a single wavelength of light.

Time: 2781.01

Because again, if you think of a holistic approach,

Time: 2784.27

yes, the blue blocker is going to prevent you

Time: 2786.23

from affecting your circadian clock very much.

Time: 2789.61

But then your vision is going to be distorted

Time: 2791.76

because we always see in full spectrum,

Time: 2794.26

the sun has this beautiful spectrum, right?

Time: 2796.9

And then when you start seeing without the blue,

Time: 2800.32

things look yellow and it can get really weird, right?

Time: 2803.78

I mean, so I personally,

Time: 2806.42

I've tried the blue blocker and I couldn't even wear them.

Time: 2809.46

I thought they were just really horrendous to be honest.

Time: 2813.04

- Well, along the lines of blue blockers,

Time: 2814.99

I think a lot of people mistakenly wear them all day long.

Time: 2818.41

- Oh my God, that would be very bad.

Time: 2819.819

- A lot of people do that. - That would be very bad.

Time: 2821.505

- A lot of people do that.

Time: 2822.338

They think that blue light is bad.

Time: 2824.1

I think that the- - No, no, no.

Time: 2825.26

- The concept of blue light being bad

Time: 2827.97

led to a lot of product development.

Time: 2830.43

And a lot of people are just assuming that viewing

Time: 2832.89

blue light is what was giving them headaches.

Time: 2834.63

When in fact it might've just been

Time: 2835.87

looking at screens at close distance all day.

Time: 2838

- So, here's the problem, right?

Time: 2839.213

I mean, the blue light got the bad reputation

Time: 2842.12

because people who gave a pure blue light

Time: 2844.15

showed that it 'caused a huge retinal damage.

Time: 2847.05

But again, if you're using blue light in its pure form,

Time: 2850.46

it has a lot of energy because it's shorter wavelength,

Time: 2853.65

but we're talking about full spectrum light.

Time: 2856.44

There are ways now where you could change

Time: 2859

the spectrum of the light and keep it white

Time: 2862.13

between day and night and change the content of the color

Time: 2866.31

without you noticing.

Time: 2867.63

So you don't even have to affect your vision.

Time: 2869.81

- So how would you go about doing that?

Time: 2871.53

- So, you just lower the level of the blue light.

Time: 2873.906

You don't have to eliminate it.

Time: 2874.98

- So just dim the lights?

Time: 2876.32

- Dim the blue, then increase the yellow,

Time: 2879.26

but keep all the colors in a certain white.

Time: 2882.9

So, you know, you could have different warmness of white.

Time: 2886.89

And people know how to do this.

Time: 2888.29

Physicist know how to do this.

Time: 2889.69

People who work with light know how to do this.

Time: 2891.63

- Well, maybe somebody in the wellness slash,

Time: 2894.32

I don't like the word, but biohacking,

Time: 2895.88

or optical community will do this.

Time: 2898.287

I think it's really important, I see so many people

Time: 2900.853

wearing blue blockers. - They have meetings now.

Time: 2902.4

I don't know why they block-

Time: 2904.08

- Well, I think they're just uninformed.

Time: 2905.23

I think, frankly- - Yeah and to be honest,

Time: 2907.17

it's easy, right?

Time: 2908.003

It's easier to explain to somebody if ipRCGs

Time: 2911.305

respond mostly to blue, remove blue, you'll be fine.

Time: 2914.1

- Right, right. - Right?

Time: 2914.933

But that's not as simple as that because they also receive

Time: 2917.42

rod and cone input.

Time: 2918.38

So you want to actually...

Time: 2920.05

And we could go into details,

Time: 2921.92

that's boring for your listeners,

Time: 2923.34

but it also affect the adaptation

Time: 2925.25

properties of the whole retina.

Time: 2927.17

So you don't want to do something so drastic

Time: 2929.64

that you take just one color of the spectrum.

Time: 2931.85

It just seems very counter intuitive to me, to be honest.

Time: 2936.53

- You've told me before as well,

Time: 2938.64

that just because these intrinsically photosensitive

Time: 2942.42

circadian setting ganglion cells respond best to blue light,

Time: 2947.23

if the light is bright enough because they also get input

Time: 2950.21

from other components of the eye,

Time: 2952.41

it doesn't matter if you block the blues.

Time: 2954.66

- Yeah. - If you're looking

Time: 2955.55

at bright light at night,

Time: 2956.56

you're going to disrupt your circadian cycle.

Time: 2958.01

- Absolutely and that's why I didn't want to

Time: 2959.523

go into the boring details,

Time: 2960.93

but themselves, the photoreceptors have a wide range

Time: 2964.05

of responsiveness.

Time: 2965.37

So they are more sensitive to blue light,

Time: 2967.4

but that doesn't mean they don't respond to green light

Time: 2970.35

or to shorter than blue light.

Time: 2972.25

They respond to very, very wide spectrum

Time: 2975.35

with different sensitivity.

Time: 2977.05

So unless you understand the system just removing 480,

Time: 2980.69

I don't think it's going to do- - 480 nanometers, yeah.

Time: 2983.52

So, your home is a cave at night basically with some-

Time: 2988.691

- It's a nice cave. - It's nice cave.

Time: 2990.66

- Yeah. - With candles.

Time: 2991.72

- That's right. - Right and you and your cats-

Time: 2993.712

- And I watch TV and dim it. - And your lovely wife.

Time: 2996.2

- Yeah. - Who I know, who's also

Time: 2997.08

a phenomenal scientist in her own right.

Time: 2998.093

- Thank you, yeah, she is.

Time: 3000.092

- She is.

Time: 3001.89

But you do keep your home quite dim

Time: 3004.48

to dark at night? - Yeah.

Time: 3006.16

In fact, I did go to meetings with some of my friends

Time: 3010.11

who work on this and they really struggled with me.

Time: 3012.32

They said we could have broken our legs living

Time: 3014.95

in the same light environment that you do.

Time: 3017.01

So I am an extreme, but I measured it for myself.

Time: 3020.49

And I asked, Rejji, my wife, if she's okay with it.

Time: 3022.94

She also liked the dimness.

Time: 3024.27

Both of us can see well in dim conditions.

Time: 3027.18

And that helps us a lot,

Time: 3030.59

but I think you have to measure it for yourself.

Time: 3032.78

You really have to...

Time: 3035.01

It's a very simple experiment.

Time: 3036.5

Just try to dim the light as much as you can.

Time: 3039.05

I call it the minimum amount of light

Time: 3041.57

you require to see comfortably.

Time: 3044.29

- And that's how you want your environment

Time: 3046.03

ideally at night? - At night.

Time: 3047.2

This is what I think is the game changer.

Time: 3050

If you reach to a level where it's just barely,

Time: 3053.44

you're literally on the cusp of seeing uncomfortably

Time: 3056.63

versus seeing very comfortably,

Time: 3058.83

you are going to be very much better than

Time: 3062.37

I don't like to make it completely dark.

Time: 3064.31

I think complete darkness induce anxiety

Time: 3067.55

in humans, to be honest.

Time: 3068.81

So I don't like complete darkness.

Time: 3072.26

- Kids don't like complete darkness.

Time: 3073.53

They like a nightlight. - Even animal,

Time: 3074.793

even nocturnal animals don't like complete darkness.

Time: 3077.6

I mean, we have studies in animals that are nocturnal,

Time: 3081.07

that if you put them in complete darkness for several weeks,

Time: 3083.7

they have severe anxiety and depression like effect.

Time: 3088.29

So keep the light dim, use red light that is very dim,

Time: 3094.03

if you want to keep the room for sleeping.

Time: 3096.81

Red light that is very dim has very small effect

Time: 3100.31

on the circadian clock.

Time: 3103.26

And below 10 lux of red light,

Time: 3105.02

literally doesn't affect sleep at all.

Time: 3107.45

So there are ways to do it.

Time: 3109.103

It's just we need to educate the public.

Time: 3111.27

And I feel like you literally need a whole lecture

Time: 3115.61

to just explain to the people how to deal with light

Time: 3118.307

because it's not as simple as people think.

Time: 3121.12

- Well, that's what we're doing here.

Time: 3122.31

- Yeah. - We're stepping through it

Time: 3123.25

piece by piece and the reason we're doing that

Time: 3126.375

is because it's not as simple as saying,

Time: 3128.18

just block blue light or get a lot of light during the day,

Time: 3130.37

and minimal at night. - I mean, just to put it

Time: 3131.287

in perspective and tell that we only have

Time: 3134.35

three different cones in our retina

Time: 3137.26

that respond to three different colors.

Time: 3140.07

We call them red cones for simplicity,

Time: 3143.16

green cones and blue cones.

Time: 3145.31

Yet we have only three of these,

Time: 3147.13

but we could see massive palette of colors.

Time: 3150.67

So that tells you something.

Time: 3152.34

If the system was just simply about a single color

Time: 3155.82

and us just removing 480 or just blue is sufficient,

Time: 3159.95

then we should only see in red, yellow, and blue.

Time: 3162.46

We shouldn't see all these different hues of color,

Time: 3165.16

but because the system is not that,

Time: 3167.42

we see all these different colors.

Time: 3169.75

And that's why it's important to remind people

Time: 3171.99

that the white light is made of many different colors.

Time: 3175.54

It's actually like the rainbow.

Time: 3176.99

That's why you see the rainbow, it's made of many colors.

Time: 3179.68

White light is never truly white.

Time: 3181.64

It's made of lot of different colors.

Time: 3183.86

- It's like the Pink Floyd album cover.

Time: 3185.44

- Exactly. - With the light coming

Time: 3186.714

through the prism. - Exactly, exactly.

Time: 3189.54

- So, dim at night, maybe dim red light ideally,

Time: 3193

or candle light.

Time: 3193.833

Find that minimum required light level.

Time: 3196.987

- Test it, just make sure when you lower the lights,

Time: 3199.4

sit for at least 10 to 15 minutes, let your system adapt.

Time: 3203.73

Because if you had a bright light and you switch it off,

Time: 3206.67

surely you're going to suffer because your system

Time: 3208.7

didn't adapt yet; it was used to very bright light.

Time: 3211.91

So you want to engage your rods,

Time: 3213.91

which take a long time to dark adapt.

Time: 3216.77

So that's why I tell you, just wait a little bit.

Time: 3219.64

Don't just switch it off and now I don't see, put it on.

Time: 3222.38

Put it off, sit down, wait for 10 minutes,

Time: 3224.74

ideally 15 minutes and then see how you see.

Time: 3228.58

And then once you do that, you will notice that actually,

Time: 3231.93

yeah, I could see quite well even with much less light.

Time: 3237.6

- What do you do regarding screens?

Time: 3240.45

- Yeah, that's the hardest thing.

Time: 3242.52

Again, I mean, there are beautiful programs

Time: 3245.33

that change the whole intensity and color of the screen.

Time: 3248.74

These could help dim your screen at night

Time: 3251.07

to the lowest part.

Time: 3252.02

I mean, yes, you won't see it

Time: 3253.48

when you wake up in the morning,

Time: 3254.57

but then you can increase that intensity.

Time: 3256.83

So, try to decrease.

Time: 3258.23

I mean, just what we were talking about.

Time: 3260.31

Think of light intensity, duration, color, and time of day.

Time: 3265.17

You really have to keep these four things together, right?

Time: 3268.75

- We've roomed together at a couple meetings

Time: 3271.24

from time to time, no longer,

Time: 3272.66

because one of us not to be named has a severe snoring issue

Time: 3276.78

that made the other one pseudo-homicidal.

Time: 3279.259

[Samer laughing]

Time: 3281.3

You can guess who that was.

Time: 3284.59

But I've seen you check your phone

Time: 3287.46

after dark once or twice. - Mm hm.

Time: 3290.4

- And you did it by sort of pointing your phone

Time: 3293.17

away from you, right? - Exactly, yep, absolutely.

Time: 3295.557

- And actually I'm sort of half joking,

Time: 3298.164

and you dim it quite a bit. - Yeah, dim it quite a lot.

Time: 3299.5

- I'm sort of half joking,

Time: 3300.47

but it actually makes sense that if you shine

Time: 3302.73

a flashlight in your eye,

Time: 3303.79

it's much brighter than if you shine a flashlight-

Time: 3304.623

- Light only go in direct line,

Time: 3306.47

so if you'd just look on the side,

Time: 3308.16

most of the light is going to go this way,

Time: 3309.86

and you're only seeing this way.

Time: 3311.65

- Okay, so, and as silly as that might seem

Time: 3313.82

to people listening, I mean what it means

Time: 3315.46

is that getting bright light in your eyes at night

Time: 3318.77

is something that you really want to avoid.

Time: 3321.54

But there is the reality that-

Time: 3323.01

- And even when I check sometimes if I have something,

Time: 3326.697

and I check it so fast and switch it off so fast.

Time: 3329.3

So I'm also aware of duration- - Not my messages.

Time: 3332.54

- I'm also aware of the duration, right?

Time: 3334.78

So duration, intensity, color, and time of day.

Time: 3338.24

Ideally I should not check iPhones an iPads.

Time: 3341.18

I don't use iPad at night because it's hard

Time: 3343.41

to lower it enough 'cause it's a huge.

Time: 3346.48

But even my iPhone, I try not to use it at night.

Time: 3349.52

And like once it becomes 8:30 or 9:00,

Time: 3352.49

I don't look at it at all. - Unless it's World Cup

Time: 3354.98

or Euro Cup, in which case Samer's on 24 hours, everybody.

Time: 3357.566

- Right, that's only every four years.

Time: 3360.473

- He's a big soccer fan.

Time: 3362.23

All right, this has been incredibly, no pun, illuminating.

Time: 3367.78

Let's talk about the relationship between light

Time: 3370.45

and some of these other non-circadian

Time: 3373.6

or pseudo-circadian effects.

Time: 3375.89

And we will try and link those.

Time: 3379.18

But you had a what I consider absolutely landmark

Time: 3383.38

beautiful paper published in "Nature" a few years ago,

Time: 3386.94

showing that if you disrupt the exposure to light

Time: 3392.79

or the timing of the exposure to light

Time: 3395

that there are dramatic effects on the stress system

Time: 3398.15

and on the learning and memory system.

Time: 3401.05

Maybe we could talk about each of those

Time: 3403.08

separately or together.

Time: 3404.98

What are the effects on stress and the effects on learning

Time: 3408.07

when light viewing behavior

Time: 3410.99

and sleep-wake cycles are disrupted?

Time: 3413.35

- Yeah, so just to remind you, you know that,

Time: 3417.591

but to remind your listeners that I was trained

Time: 3420.48

as a circadian biologist.

Time: 3421.74

So I really was indoctrinated into thinking that light

Time: 3426.48

has to affect the clock,

Time: 3427.67

which then caused all these different effects.

Time: 3430.17

So, that's what I believe.

Time: 3431.91

That's my dogma.

Time: 3432.76

That's what have made me really happy.

Time: 3434.7

And then Tara LeGates and Cara Altimus joined the lab

Time: 3439.935

and we started discussing a lot of data.

Time: 3441.417

And we said, what if there is a direct effect of light

Time: 3444.2

that we're missing, independent of the circadian clock?

Time: 3447.24

So this is not an easy question to us to answer,

Time: 3449.99

because as we've been talking all along,

Time: 3452.08

light affects the circadian clock.

Time: 3453.68

So how could you give light at different times of the day

Time: 3457.337

and not mess up the circadian clock?

Time: 3459.3

Luckily, we came up with such a way,

Time: 3461.04

and that's why it was important to do these experiments

Time: 3464.95

the way we did them.

Time: 3466.45

And we proved that this light-dark cycle

Time: 3468.92

does not disrupt the clock,

Time: 3469.79

there is still a circadian rhythm,

Time: 3472.46

and does not cause sleep deprivation.

Time: 3475.9

And yet, surprisingly, if you give light

Time: 3478.82

at the wrong time of the day,

Time: 3480.16

even without disrupting the circadian clock

Time: 3482.76

or without causing sleep deprivation,

Time: 3485.01

as you mentioned you get the huge mood changes

Time: 3488.62

in the organisms and you get learning deficit.

Time: 3492.74

So, this really, and at the time people have really

Time: 3497.03

hit us hard.

Time: 3497.863

I mean, it was really hard to publish this work

Time: 3501.14

and you could, yeah.

Time: 3502.73

- Well, it came out in "Nature."

Time: 3503.99

- Yeah. - So in the end you prevailed,

Time: 3506.87

but I want to make sure that I understand.

Time: 3508.37

So, you're saying that yes,

Time: 3510.98

there are effects of light on the circadian rhythm.

Time: 3513.22

- Absolutely. - Sleep meaning

Time: 3514.053

sleep and wakefulness. - Yes.

Time: 3516.11

- And their timing.

Time: 3517.42

However, there are direct effects of light on mood

Time: 3520.85

that can be dissociated from the effects

Time: 3522.893

on sleep and waking. - Absolutely.

Time: 3524.85

- So if I interpret that correctly,

Time: 3527.17

that could mean that when we view light and how much light,

Time: 3532.87

could make us feel happier or less happy or even depressed,

Time: 3536.81

stressed, learning, et cetera.

Time: 3539.64

- Bingo. - Even if we're sleeping

Time: 3542.01

and waking up at the appropriate time?

Time: 3543.92

- Bingo.

Time: 3544.753

I mean, eventually because we're talking

Time: 3546.74

about the whole system,

Time: 3548.06

eventually when you start having the other problems,

Time: 3550.41

you also develop sleep problems,

Time: 3552.9

but you're absolutely right.

Time: 3554.2

And in fact, now, research from Diego Fernandez

Time: 3557.307

in the lab have found that now we know that they actually

Time: 3561.57

require different brain regions.

Time: 3563.13

So we don't only have a theory,

Time: 3565.2

we don't only have a light environment

Time: 3566.94

that showed they can be dissociated,

Time: 3569.24

we know that they use completely different brain regions.

Time: 3572.32

So, the SCN that I told you about earlier,

Time: 3574.59

the place where the central pacemaker is,

Time: 3576.7

the one that receives direct input from the retina

Time: 3579.41

through the ipRCGs to adjust your circadian clock

Time: 3583.09

is not the area that receives the light input

Time: 3586.04

for mood regulation.

Time: 3587.07

It's a completely different brain region.

Time: 3589.03

- What's the brain region called?

Time: 3590.19

- So the brain region,

Time: 3591.05

we called it the perihabenular nucleus.

Time: 3594.08

I'm not so sure how good or bad the name,

Time: 3595.87

but it doesn't matter, it's that PHb.

Time: 3598.02

And what's really amazing,

Time: 3599.21

this region also receives direct input

Time: 3601.29

from the ipRCGs, but projects to areas in the brain

Time: 3604.53

that are known to regulate mood,

Time: 3606.27

including the ventromedial prefrontal cortex,

Time: 3610.59

which has been studied for many years

Time: 3613.21

to be impacted in the human depression.

Time: 3616.01

So just by this amazing serendipity

Time: 3619.86

to find that a region that is so deep in the advanced brain,

Time: 3625.1

like the prefrontal cortex is your executive brain,

Time: 3629.07

one of the most elaborated in humans,

Time: 3632.06

to see that they receive inputs from

Time: 3634.24

these ancient photoreceptor was stunning to us,

Time: 3638.26

and told us how much we didn't understand

Time: 3640.41

the importance of light on a human behavior.

Time: 3643.12

- So, how does that finding inform daily protocols

Time: 3647.66

for you or for other people?

Time: 3648.98

I realize you can't leap always from one paper-

Time: 3651.103

- Absolutely, yes. - To daily protocol.

Time: 3653.71

But if light indeed does control prefrontal cortex,

Time: 3657.14

executive function, learning, stress and mood,

Time: 3662.45

and let's say I'm waking up each morning and I'm sleeping.

Time: 3665.18

What should I do different?

Time: 3666.39

- That's why we came up with the tripartite model

Time: 3668.92

because yes, we could think about just adjusting the clock

Time: 3672.16

with lights in and being dark throughout the day.

Time: 3674.89

But that may not be important

Time: 3676.41

for your whole physiological function.

Time: 3677.94

So, now, if we include these other effects of light,

Time: 3681.69

that's why I prefer to still get a lot of light in the day.

Time: 3684.67

I don't want to be in very dim light condition

Time: 3686.93

throughout the day. - I see.

Time: 3688.04

- So, even though it doesn't affect your clock,

Time: 3690.69

as you beautifully said, Andrew,

Time: 3692.13

it may affect your mood and learning and memory.

Time: 3694.76

It may affect your alertness level,

Time: 3696.61

which is going to allow you to learn better.

Time: 3698.55

It may affect your homeostatic drive,

Time: 3701.16

maybe your homeostatic factor would go higher

Time: 3703.49

so you could sleep earlier.

Time: 3705.27

So it's important to think of light as stimulating

Time: 3708.53

all these brain regions,

Time: 3709.84

which means it's producing more activity,

Time: 3712.34

which in reality this is how people think

Time: 3714.33

of the homeostatic drive, that the more active you are,

Time: 3717.18

the more the homeostatic drive is built up,

Time: 3719.73

the better you sleep.

Time: 3721.52

So that's why we came up with the tripartite model

Time: 3724.6

because as a circadian biologist,

Time: 3726.55

I only thought of light through the circadian clock

Time: 3728.82

affecting behavior.

Time: 3730.25

As a sleep biologist, they only thought of the homeostatic

Time: 3732.86

drive affecting sleep, affecting behavior.

Time: 3735.81

And for people who study light for vision and other form,

Time: 3738.6

they thought only of the environmental input.

Time: 3741.01

But now if you put them all together,

Time: 3742.87

you get with this tripartite model

Time: 3744.71

where it's really mind boggling.

Time: 3746.66

And it makes so much sense.

Time: 3748.32

The organism doesn't want to depend on a single component,

Time: 3751.63

but if you could incorporate these three together,

Time: 3754.7

you could have a beautiful system that is well adapted.

Time: 3758.09

So let me tell you the sleep-wake cycle, right?

Time: 3760.35

So we know that there is a homeostatic drive

Time: 3762.81

to affect sleep.

Time: 3763.643

You've had beautiful talks about that.

Time: 3765.89

- Which is basically the longer you're awake,

Time: 3767.51

the more you want to be asleep.

Time: 3768.527

- So, that's your homeostatic drive.

Time: 3770.32

We've talked about the circadian influence of sleep

Time: 3772.89

and the fact that light-dark cycle

Time: 3774.97

affect the circadian system, which eventually affects sleep.

Time: 3778.07

So these two components are well understood.

Time: 3780.29

Now the third factor is your direct light

Time: 3783.18

or environmental input.

Time: 3784.77

How much stress, how much light you get from there

Time: 3787.29

also can highly impact sleep.

Time: 3789.66

So even if you have a good circadian and homeostatic drive,

Time: 3793.32

if you're getting light at the wrong time of the day,

Time: 3795.8

or if you're being stressed and thinking a lot,

Time: 3798.09

then your sleep is going to suffer.

Time: 3799.83

So you have to think of the three together

Time: 3802.66

to have a beautiful sleep-wake cycle.

Time: 3805.07

- I see. - And that's why

Time: 3806.41

we came up with the tripartite model.

Time: 3808.12

The same thing happens with feeding.

Time: 3809.7

I could beautifully put it to people.

Time: 3811.75

Your hunger, your energy level is measured

Time: 3814.29

by the arcuate nucleus.

Time: 3816.15

Your daily intake of food is again,

Time: 3818.3

dependent on the SCN and light-dark input.

Time: 3821.12

We found that if food is not available,

Time: 3823.97

there is yet a third input that is not depending on the SCN,

Time: 3828.53

not depend on the arcuate,

Time: 3829.82

depending on a completely different brain regions.

Time: 3832.86

So the animal can actually start looking

Time: 3835.02

or the human can start looking for food when it's scarce,

Time: 3838.56

even at time when they are not supposed to be active.

Time: 3841.56

So, that's how the organism think,

Time: 3843.21

they have to evaluate multiple inputs for them to decide

Time: 3847.4

what is the best physiological outcome

Time: 3849.27

at that moment, at that season?

Time: 3851.35

- I see.

Time: 3852.98

So, I want to get into arcuate and feeding,

Time: 3854.73

but just to make sure we can keep our hands

Time: 3857.42

around this tripartite model.

Time: 3859.55

So, if I understand correctly,

Time: 3860.68

we've got the circadian influence,

Time: 3863.04

then you've also got the drive to sleep.

Time: 3865.37

- Right. - Actually, one of the ways

Time: 3867.11

that I think that can be best understood is if somebody

Time: 3870.29

ever pulls an all-nighter,

Time: 3872.1

they get tired around 11:00 or 12:00 or so,

Time: 3875.4

and then very tired around 3:00, 4:00 a.m.,

Time: 3878.53

but then even if you stay up sometime right around

Time: 3881.113

7:00 or 8:00 a.m., your normal wake up time,

Time: 3882.87

you start to feel alert again.

Time: 3884.21

- Exactly. - And that's because

Time: 3885.52

the sleep drive is extremely strong,

Time: 3888

but there's a circadian rhythm that drives

Time: 3889.84

wakefulness in the morning. - Exactly.

Time: 3891.08

- Okay, so that's two are the components.

Time: 3892.78

- [Samer] Right.

Time: 3893.76

- Before we get into the feeding component,

Time: 3895.33

I want to talk about these direct effects

Time: 3896.57

of light on mood. - Mm hm.

Time: 3898.06

- Okay, Diego Fernandez's data.

Time: 3901.13

And this perihabenular thing. - Sure.

Time: 3903.6

- So, let's just for the moment set aside the tri part

Time: 3907.63

of the tripartite model and just focus on

Time: 3909.65

what are the direct effects of light on mood?

Time: 3912.06

And the way that I interpret what you've said so far

Time: 3914.4

is that the protocol that emerges from this

Time: 3916.63

if one trying to optimize their mood is,

Time: 3919.47

yes, see light, view light I should say, early in the day,

Time: 3922.83

in order to set your circadian clock.

Time: 3924.61

Maybe also in the evening as well.

Time: 3926.58

And of course, avoid light at night,

Time: 3928.71

get it as dim as possible.

Time: 3930.51

However, you said, it's also a good idea to get

Time: 3935.81

as much bright light during the day as you safely can,

Time: 3938.92

in order to improve your mood independently

Time: 3941.52

of regulating your sleep-wake cycle.

Time: 3943.047

- And that's the hypothesis.

Time: 3944.41

Here's the problem where it's not going to be

Time: 3946.17

as satisfying as the circadian is that as you know,

Time: 3949.22

this brain region has been discovered very recently.

Time: 3952.11

- Habenula? - The perihabenular region.

Time: 3954.02

- Well, we've known about it a long time,

Time: 3955.39

but nobody knew what it did.

Time: 3956.32

- So, we knew about the habenula,

Time: 3957.637

but that's why the name is confusing.

Time: 3959.76

It's actually not the habenula itself.

Time: 3961.777

It's the perihabenular. - Oh, near the habenula.

Time: 3963.46

- It's near the habenula.

Time: 3964.32

- Why don't you just call it the Samer Hattar nucleus?

Time: 3966.23

- I should have.

Time: 3967.063

I don't know why I haven't done that.

Time: 3968.55

- Maybe 'cause if you do that, it's not okay.

Time: 3970.51

Okay, so for here ever after the perihabenular nucleus,

Time: 3974.51

we should probably call it the Hattar-

Time: 3976.223

- The Hattar-Fernandez.

Time: 3977.056

- How about Hattar-Fernandez-Berson nucleus.

Time: 3978.8

- Yeah, that should- - Okay, this is like nerdy

Time: 3980.84

science attribution stuff, but I'm just going to call it

Time: 3983.24

the Hattar nucleus.

Time: 3984.74

Wikipedia, line it up.

Time: 3987.166

Okay, so this structure is taking light,

Time: 3989.38

and independent of sleep rhythms and circadian rhythms,

Time: 3992.35

it's driving changes in mood. - Something.

Time: 3994.18

- How does it do that?

Time: 3995.06

Is this through the dopamine system?

Time: 3995.893

The serotonin system? - We still recently,

Time: 3998.98

we haven't identified this region very well.

Time: 4001.164

We don't know what light does to it.

Time: 4002.76

We don't know how it interacts.

Time: 4004.74

So this is an area that is ripe for discoveries

Time: 4007.66

and we're working on this right now.

Time: 4009.68

But that's why I said, it's not satisfying.

Time: 4011.81

This is like the function of sleep.

Time: 4014.06

Why do we sleep?

Time: 4015.23

We know sleep is very important to us,

Time: 4017.09

but we still don't have a satisfying function

Time: 4019.41

of why do we sleep, right?

Time: 4020.97

- I see but the why questions- - We have hypothesis.

Time: 4022.754

- The why questions, I think it's our good friend

Time: 4025.19

and colleague at University of Washington,

Time: 4026.62

Russ Van Gelder, who always says,

Time: 4028.17

when somebody asks why, that the best answer is just to say,

Time: 4031.17

I wasn't consulted at the design phase.

Time: 4032.95

- Yeah, exactly. - Right, none of us

Time: 4034.31

really know why. - No, but the point is

Time: 4036.52

maybe I shouldn't have said why,

Time: 4037.68

what is the function of sleep?

Time: 4039.19

It's still very hard to know.

Time: 4042.73

What is the reason organisms have to go offline for so long?

Time: 4048.13

You know, people assume it's for repair,

Time: 4049.88

assume it's for learning and memory,

Time: 4051.367

assume all kind of stuff,

Time: 4052.73

but there is really no clear function for sleeping.

Time: 4057.25

There is no clear function for sleeping.

Time: 4060.059

I mean, if you talk to people, there are hypotheses.

Time: 4062.36

- I mean, all we know is that if you don't sleep-

Time: 4064.491

- Exactly. - Or your sleep

Time: 4065.324

is very fractured, you get messed up.

Time: 4066.777

- And you could die even, right?

Time: 4068.49

I mean, it's really bad if you don't sleep,

Time: 4071.76

but we don't know what is the function?

Time: 4075.64

What is that sleep have done to organisms

Time: 4078.29

that couldn't have done with rest?

Time: 4080.81

What if you just could rest without sleeping?

Time: 4083.05

Just sit down and rest.

Time: 4084.2

- Well, my lab is trying to figure out whether or not

Time: 4086.24

these non-sleep deep rest protocols

Time: 4088.06

can compensate for sleep.

Time: 4090.103

- That would be interesting. - I mean, obviously sleep

Time: 4091.16

is better, but many people are not getting

Time: 4093.69

the sleep that they need.

Time: 4094.63

- Right. - But, okay.

Time: 4096.493

So, and if people are sensing that Samer and I

Time: 4099.04

are about to start talking over each other and arguing,

Time: 4101.06

that's always the goal

Time: 4102.15

when we talk, right? - That's right.

Time: 4103.53

- Unlike other scientists I interact with,

Time: 4105.54

when Samer and I get together,

Time: 4106.72

it's considered a successful conversation

Time: 4108.93

if we get into a big fight,

Time: 4110.24

and then go for a big meal- - That's right.

Time: 4111.74

- Where I pick the restaurant. [Samer chuckling]

Time: 4113.28

Okay, so let's talk about food and eating and appetite.

Time: 4119.13

You had yet another, yes, I greatly admire your success

Time: 4124.754

in this way, yet another incredible discovery

Time: 4128.21

showing that there are direct effects of light

Time: 4132.89

on appetite and feeding behavior.

Time: 4135.28

Okay, maybe you could just summarize

Time: 4136.46

those results for people.

Time: 4138.57

- Honestly, that paper is the one that allowed us

Time: 4140.65

to come with the tripartite model,

Time: 4142.17

because we were thinking completely wrong about it.

Time: 4144.9

We wanted, this experiment, it'd be fun for your audience

Time: 4148.7

to hear why we started this experiment.

Time: 4150.93

Remember that when we discovered the ipRCGs,

Time: 4154.07

we figured if they are the only relay

Time: 4157.376

to entrain the circadian clock,

Time: 4159.3

then you could kill them and have an animal opposite

Time: 4162.77

to the one that we spoke or a human opposite to the one

Time: 4165.3

that we spoke about earlier.

Time: 4166.43

Where instead of having no pattern vision

Time: 4169.41

and have circadian photoentrainment,

Time: 4171.57

we could produce an animal that have pattern vision,

Time: 4174

but no circadian photoentrainment.

Time: 4175.761

- Hm, so circadian blind.

Time: 4177.58

- Circadian blind, but pattern sighted.

Time: 4180.8

And we succeeded in that.

Time: 4182.88

The problem when you have these animals,

Time: 4184.54

which I've told you many times already

Time: 4186.88

is that they don't adjust to the day-night cycle.

Time: 4189.71

So doing experiments on them become very complicated.

Time: 4193.33

- What is their behavior like if you don't have these cells?

Time: 4195.83

Are they awake and then asleep, awake and then asleep?

Time: 4197.18

- They just drift like the humans we've talked about.

Time: 4199.83

- They think they're in Las Vegas

Time: 4201.351

with no clocks or watch- - They drift, exactly.

Time: 4203.01

- They stay up later every night and go to sleep-

Time: 4204.45

- They can either, depend on their clock.

Time: 4206.39

If their clock is shorter, they come in earlier.

Time: 4208.61

If their clock is longer, they come in later.

Time: 4210.13

- So they're really messed up?

Time: 4211.17

- They really don't adjust to it.

Time: 4212.96

If they were in the wild,

Time: 4214.12

they'll be eliminated in a second, right?

Time: 4216.01

There is no way they'll survive.

Time: 4218.02

So, me and Diego started talking and we're like,

Time: 4220.9

what if we use non-light in training agent?

Time: 4223.65

And what is the strongest non-light in training agent?

Time: 4226.86


Time: 4228.02

So we thought that the light defective animals

Time: 4232.65

will have more sensitivity to food entrainment

Time: 4234.87

because as you know more than me,

Time: 4236.44

this is an area that you've worked really well on,

Time: 4238.88

for vision, if you're image blind,

Time: 4241.02

your hearing and somatosensory get improved, right?

Time: 4244.88

The lack of vision improves your hearing and sensation.

Time: 4249.61

But we found actually that if you don't have

Time: 4252.11

the light to system, actually the food ability to entrain

Time: 4257.49

the animal goes completely to the ground.

Time: 4259.83

Completely opposite to what we predicted.

Time: 4262.74

- So light viewing and feeding behavior are interacting

Time: 4267.28

in ways that support one another.

Time: 4268.667

- And that's why we came with the tripartite model.

Time: 4270.99

We figured it's different than sensation of the environment.

Time: 4274.28

When you sense with vision, vision and hearing interact,

Time: 4277.65

but your vision is a real full modality.

Time: 4280.14

You want to see.

Time: 4281.4

That's what vision wants to do.

Time: 4283.15

You want to hear.

Time: 4284.12

That's what hearing wants to do.

Time: 4285.61

You want to sense.

Time: 4286.48

That's what sensing want to do.

Time: 4288.27

But for the circadian system, light, food,

Time: 4292.34

all these entraining agent,

Time: 4293.81

they somehow have to interact to keep a coherent system.

Time: 4298.29

You don't just assume if you remove light,

Time: 4300.18

this one is going to be stronger.

Time: 4301.42

No, they need to know each others.

Time: 4303.7

The light informs when the animal is going to eat.

Time: 4306.39

- Well, what I like about this so much is that

Time: 4310.48

in the world outside of science,

Time: 4312.64

in which I don't really exist in, but that I see a lot of,

Time: 4316.55

this kind of wellness and stuff with

Time: 4318.71

all this mind-body integration stuff.

Time: 4321.97

It's interesting because people view the body

Time: 4325.1

more as a system, right?

Time: 4326.61

A system of organs that interact,

Time: 4328.42

as opposed to the way that standard science

Time: 4331.337

and medical profession is like,

Time: 4333.17

you work on the liver or you're ear, nose and throat,

Time: 4335.77

or heart and lung, or brain or-

Time: 4338.15

- Wow, that's a great way of thinking about it.

Time: 4340.1

- But the biology is integrated.

Time: 4342.1

- Yeah. - And so, for somebody who's

Time: 4346

interested in effecting their eating behavior,

Time: 4349.36

something that you are familiar with,

Time: 4351.66

and that we will talk more about

Time: 4353.01

your experiences of in a moment,

Time: 4356.38

how should they use light in order to adjust

Time: 4359.33

their eating behavior? - Right.

Time: 4361.45

So, now that I've told you about all these interaction

Time: 4364.21

between the different inputs to the circadian clock,

Time: 4367.81

just you think about it as an engineer,

Time: 4369.78

what would be the best thing?

Time: 4371.33

The best thing is to know when your food times happen

Time: 4375.27

in the day, when should you get light,

Time: 4377.37

and when is your circadian clock in your system, right?

Time: 4382.06

So, if you eat at very specific times of the day,

Time: 4385.52

that's another signal that is telling your body, your clock,

Time: 4388.69

you're in a certain time of the day.

Time: 4390.61

So if you're having lunch at the correct time every day,

Time: 4393.33

and you're getting bright light,

Time: 4394.64

now you have two systems that are informing your clock,

Time: 4398.08

your clock is going to be better.

Time: 4399.56

- So regular mealtimes?

Time: 4401.03

- Regular mealtimes that fit your circadian clock.

Time: 4404.19

So, and in fact, if you do that, when I started doing this,

Time: 4408.38

and it helped me lose weight,

Time: 4410.11

is that I'm exposing myself to the right amount

Time: 4413.02

of light-dark cycle, I'm eating at regular time.

Time: 4415.92

It is amazing.

Time: 4417.03

You would be not hungry, let's say you eat at noon,

Time: 4419.62

you will not feel any hunger at 11:45.

Time: 4422.693

And then all of a sudden the hunger jumps.

Time: 4425.21

This is clearly not an energy issue

Time: 4427.08

because it could not be that drastic.

Time: 4429.49

- No, the desire to eat is mainly driven by these cues,

Time: 4434.17

these hormone cues that are very exquisitely timed to-

Time: 4439.46

- Exactly. - Sleep-wake cycle,

Time: 4440.86

but also to light. - Exactly.

Time: 4442.8

And you know, in the wild,

Time: 4444.54

you could imagine why energy level

Time: 4446.43

through the arcuate nucleus-

Time: 4448.077

- You should explain to people what the arcuate is

Time: 4450.13

'cause I don't think we've done that adequately.

Time: 4451.95

The arcuate nucleus is an area of the hypothalamus

Time: 4454.31

that drives hunger and feeding behavior.

Time: 4456.7

And what we're talking about is the fact that

Time: 4459.22

it's taking cues from your viewing of light,

Time: 4463.12

believe it or not, is impacting your level of hunger.

Time: 4466.27

And this is a non-trivial way in which your timing of hunger

Time: 4471.91

and amount of hunger is regulated by when

Time: 4474.52

and how much light you view.

Time: 4476.79

So, let me ask you a couple of practical-

Time: 4478.82

- But can I just, this is really, before you asked me-

Time: 4480.771

- Sure. - Sorry, Andrew.

Time: 4482.34

We said we are going to fight, but to me,

Time: 4485.2

the interesting thing to think about it,

Time: 4486.97

in the wild when you didn't have the availability

Time: 4488.96

of food that we have, the arcuate plays a huge

Time: 4492.35

important role because if you weren't successful

Time: 4495.82

in getting food, then the arcuate is going to tell you,

Time: 4498.61

look, you have to take risks and go get food

Time: 4501.16

because your energy level is very low.

Time: 4503.24

And that's great, there's tons of great research about that.

Time: 4506.43

But I think what's missing is the fact in humans,

Time: 4509.36

we're not getting to a situation...

Time: 4511.47

Most of us, we're not getting to a situation

Time: 4514.07

where we have low energy levels.

Time: 4516.42

Most of the time actually we eat not because

Time: 4518.557

we are really have low energy,

Time: 4521.44

but because we want to eat.

Time: 4523.01

So I think that's why I feel that the timing

Time: 4526.36

is very important for us because we always

Time: 4528.99

have enough energy level for us to eat.

Time: 4531.54

- Well, I mean, I enjoy eating so much that I'll eat

Time: 4533.88

just for the sensation of chewing.

Time: 4535.44

- True, true. - I mean,

Time: 4536.273

I enjoy the taste too. - True, absolutely.

Time: 4538.31

- And I enjoy the social aspects

Time: 4539.82

when those are a part of it. - Absolutely.

Time: 4540.97

- But I literally enjoyed the physical act of chewing.

Time: 4543.83

- [Samer] Absolutely, absolutely.

Time: 4545.73

Uh huh. - Which explains a lot.

Time: 4549.3

Okay, so how regular are you or do you recommend

Time: 4554.48

people be about mealtimes?

Time: 4556.27

Because what I'm hearing is that light viewing behavior

Time: 4561.06

is pretty straightforward.

Time: 4561.98

Get a lot of light in the morning and throughout the day,

Time: 4563.92

minimize it in the evening and at night, generally speaking,

Time: 4567.43

for sake of mood and circadian rhythm.

Time: 4569.15

But for sake of regulating timing and quality

Time: 4573.594

I should also say of food intake,

Time: 4575.8

because people clearly make better choices about food intake

Time: 4578.42

when they are anticipating a meal

Time: 4580.74

and they aren't constantly hungry.

Time: 4582.7

And so, the ability to regulate hunger for particular phases

Time: 4586.13

of the circadian cycle is quite valuable for all people.

Time: 4589.16

Not just people trying to lose weight, but all people.

Time: 4592.35

Are we talking about down to the minute?

Time: 4594.85

- Absolutely not.

Time: 4595.683

- All right, so 12:00 noon is my normal lunch,

Time: 4598.71

let's say plus or minus?

Time: 4601.42

- Half an hour. - Okay.

Time: 4602.93

So eat around between 11:30 and 12:30.

Time: 4606.1

- If that's the time.

Time: 4607.287

And it depends if you also do multiple meals.

Time: 4609.64

Remember three meals, that's a decision that somebody

Time: 4612.89

came up with, I don't know why.

Time: 4614.36

- And nowadays, fewer people are doing that I think.

Time: 4616.44

- Yeah. - Given our friend,

Time: 4617.953

Satchin Panda's work. - Right.

Time: 4619.45

I mean, so you could have two meals,

Time: 4621.27

you could have very multiple meals that are distributed

Time: 4626.16

across your active time.

Time: 4627.97

I agree with Satchin Panda's work that try to avoid eating

Time: 4632.53

when your system is supposed to be relaxing,

Time: 4634.89

when you're supposed to be at non-active times.

Time: 4638.64

So, limit your eating to the active time of your cycle.

Time: 4643.63

And that seemed to be, and Joe Takashi

Time: 4645.91

is doing some beautiful stuff on this,

Time: 4648.21

that seems to be incredibly important

Time: 4650.14

for aspect of the circadian.

Time: 4653.34

- And for health. - And for health.

Time: 4654.69

- Yeah, we're referring to Satchin Panda's work,

Time: 4657.55

he wrote a beautiful book called "The Circadian Code."

Time: 4659.87

Maybe Samer, with some luck you'll write a book as well.

Time: 4663.48

Meaning the world will be lucky to have that book,

Time: 4666.11

but Satchin's data really strongly point to the fact

Time: 4669.61

that liver health, brain health, metabolic factors,

Time: 4675.33

and endocrine factors of various systems and organs

Time: 4678.62

all seem to benefit from having a period of each 24 hour day

Time: 4682.27

in which we are not eating anything

Time: 4683.66

and then eating at very regular mealtimes.

Time: 4684.858

- [Samer] Absolutely.

Time: 4686.84

- Let's talk about eating and mealtimes

Time: 4688.6

and let's move a little bit away

Time: 4690.34

from the science for the moment,

Time: 4692.18

although we will return to it,

Time: 4693.52

and talk a little bit more about your experience

Time: 4696.71

with eating and mealtimes.

Time: 4698.52

So, you're looking in good shape lately.

Time: 4701.47

- Thank you. - I know you've been

Time: 4702.41

putting work into it. - Yeah.

Time: 4703.77

- We talk a lot and you've been exercising

Time: 4705.95

and you've been eating well, meaning quality food.

Time: 4710.53

You just came back from Jordan

Time: 4711.58

where I'm assuming the food is amazing.

Time: 4713.253

- Yes, the food is amazing and honestly,

Time: 4715.49

usually I gain a lot of weight in Jordan,

Time: 4717.79

but this time I didn't gain any weight,

Time: 4720.04

which was really nice, so.

Time: 4721.38

- Yeah, when I met you, you were probably about 100 pounds

Time: 4728.74

heavier than you are now.

Time: 4729.86

- Yeah, 275 pounds.

Time: 4731.357

I'm 219 now.

Time: 4733.01

It's crazy, yeah. - You had a lot of vigor then,

Time: 4734.981

and you have a lot of vigor now,

Time: 4736.72

but I know that you undertook a very specific protocol

Time: 4741.55

in order to lose the weight,

Time: 4743.77

based on your understanding of the circadian system-

Time: 4745.55

- Yes! - And of light,

Time: 4746.98

and appetite and mood.

Time: 4749.19

Maybe you could just tell us a little bit about

Time: 4750.95

what that schedule looks like.

Time: 4752.31

And we realize that this is not a prescriptive

Time: 4754.38

for everybody, but you found what worked for you.

Time: 4756.73

- Yeah. - To maybe just describe

Time: 4758.37

those changes. - I mean, honestly,

Time: 4759.46

I followed my circadian cycle, right?

Time: 4761.58

Of what we've talked about, right?

Time: 4764.02

So I dimmed the light at night, I slept at regular hours,

Time: 4767.97

I ate my major food in breakfast and lunch

Time: 4771.05

when I'm really active and I'm really hungry.

Time: 4773.66

And at night when I avoid dinner,

Time: 4775.76

because my circadian system really shuts off at 3:00.

Time: 4778.4

I'm an early person.

Time: 4779.9

Like you could give me anything I would eat before 3:00,

Time: 4782.43

after 3:00, nothing appeals to me anymore.

Time: 4784.78

My system is shut off.

Time: 4786.14

- Well, what time are you going to sleep?

Time: 4787.27

And what time are you waking up?

Time: 4788.103

- Oh, so in my case, I should have put this up.

Time: 4790.34

I mean, I go to sleep literally at 9:00 p.m..

Time: 4793.4

I mean, I literally five minutes after 9:00 p.m.,

Time: 4796.61

I'm completely out.

Time: 4798.4

And I wake up between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m..

Time: 4801.04

So if I extend it, I go to 6:00 a.m.,

Time: 4803.63

but very rarely.

Time: 4804.69

It depends on how tired I was.

Time: 4806.65

- And that, as I recall, was an important set of changes

Time: 4810.63

for you to be able to- - Absolutely.

Time: 4811.69

- Regulate your food intake.

Time: 4812.543

- Absolutely because then I'm having very big breakfast,

Time: 4816.41

and again for different people it's different,

Time: 4819.46

I have a big breakfast at 7:00 a.m. maximum.

Time: 4822.88

So I have a big breakfast, coffee, and all this stuff.

Time: 4825.89

Then I have some simple snack around 10:00.

Time: 4829.05

Then I have regularly lunch at noon,

Time: 4831.06

or between noon to 1:00.

Time: 4832.25

Then I have another snack at 3:00.

Time: 4834.297

And the hardest time to regulate the food

Time: 4836.24

is between 12:00 and 3:00.

Time: 4837.073

This is when I really feel hungry all the time.

Time: 4839.323

- This is your equivalent of kind of

Time: 4840.87

late evening for most people.

Time: 4841.92

- Yes! - So for me,

Time: 4842.759

it would probably be between 7:00 and 10:00 p.m..

Time: 4844.62

- Exactly, exactly. - Got it.

Time: 4846.4

- And then at night I'm completely not hungry,

Time: 4849.02

but usually as you said,

Time: 4850.4

the beauty or the enjoyment of food,

Time: 4852.66

like when my wife cooks some really beautiful Indian food,

Time: 4856.13

I eat, but I'm not hungry.

Time: 4858.19

And I notice if I eat with that, I usually gain weight.

Time: 4861.16

But if I regulate that at night, I also lose weight.

Time: 4864.44

So there is a combination of all these things that help you

Time: 4868.22

adjust the input of food, the input of light,

Time: 4872.37

the input of the clock, and the drive to hunger.

Time: 4875.92

- Yeah, I appreciate you sharing that.

Time: 4877.49

And I want to emphasize that some people

Time: 4879.52

are not hungry early in the day.

Time: 4881.17

They might be late shifted people.

Time: 4882.761

- Exactly. - In which case,

Time: 4883.594

eating later in the day will work well for them.

Time: 4885.024

- It will work well as long as they don't eat

Time: 4886.63

early in the morning.

Time: 4887.463

That's just, you have to work with your schedule,

Time: 4889.9

with your active schedule.

Time: 4891.46

- Yeah, you and I have been talking

Time: 4892.293

about this offline for years.

Time: 4893.78

I'm glad we're finally having this discussion publicly now.

Time: 4896.71

What we're talking about really is finding

Time: 4898.27

your ideal sleep schedule.

Time: 4899.77

- Exactly, exactly. - And finding your ideal

Time: 4902.38

eating schedule. - Exactly.

Time: 4903.79

- And understanding how those two things interact.

Time: 4906.532

- And do you know the nice thing, as you said,

Time: 4908.07

finding them out is going to help you

Time: 4909.74

to understand how they interact

Time: 4911.43

because we know from the tripartite model

Time: 4913.03

that they are all interconnected.

Time: 4915.86

And for each person they're going to be

Time: 4917.59

interconnected differently.

Time: 4919.63

So, for each person you would...

Time: 4922.01

You know, for me, if I exercise at night,

Time: 4925.37

I'm going to mess up my whole system.

Time: 4926.953

- When do you exercise? - Morning.

Time: 4928.96

Morning works great for me.

Time: 4930.48

I mean, it's amazing.

Time: 4931.84

Morning exercise for me works great.

Time: 4934.57

If I tried one time, because it was easier for me

Time: 4937.28

to exercise at night before I leave,

Time: 4939.27

when the traffic is there from the night.

Time: 4941.117

And I think that messed me up because I couldn't sleep well

Time: 4944.7

and I couldn't wake up well.

Time: 4946.06

And that led to more changes in my food.

Time: 4947.89

I gained weight again actually, believe it or not,

Time: 4950.91

even though I was exercising.

Time: 4952.64

So I think this really makes me think that you have to think

Time: 4956.93

of the tripartite model to see what is the best times

Time: 4961.37

and what is the best interrelation between

Time: 4963.59

the different component, as you beautifully said,

Time: 4965.94

between your mealtimes, your light exposure,

Time: 4968.38

and your sleep that works for you.

Time: 4970.81

- Well, thanks for that.

Time: 4971.643

Usually Samer's insulting me.

Time: 4973.13

Today, he's complimenting me.

Time: 4974.61

I'm going to compliment him right back by saying,

Time: 4977.12

this is the first time that I've ever really understood

Time: 4981.5

how yes, light can control sleep.

Time: 4984.49

Yes, it control mood.

Time: 4987.1

Yes, it can impact feeding,

Time: 4989.1

but that it's really about doing the self exploration

Time: 4991.75

to align those in the way that works best.

Time: 4994.62

And what I'm hearing, tell me if I'm wrong,

Time: 4996.56

but what I'm hearing is that once you understand

Time: 4999.37

what gives you the best sleep-wake cycle,

Time: 5001.98

then you should exercise during the period of time

Time: 5005.53

in which you feel most alert.

Time: 5007.68

And if it works for your schedule,

Time: 5010.73

ideally you would also eat during the time in which

Time: 5013.19

you feel most alert and then stop eating

Time: 5015.767

and stop light viewing behavior as you head towards sleep.

Time: 5018.27

- Right.

Time: 5019.103

So, the only thing I would say that complicates all of this,

Time: 5022.3

and that's what makes me sad, is your light exposure.

Time: 5025.12

- Mine personally? - Sorry.

Time: 5026.18

- No, I'm just kidding.

Time: 5027.95

- The people's light exposure, right?

Time: 5029.9

This is what complicates it because you're not going to be able

Time: 5033.63

to figure all this out if you're shifting yourself

Time: 5036.49

out of your comfort zone.

Time: 5037.74

- By viewing- - By viewing light

Time: 5039.51

at the wrong time of the day.

Time: 5041.24

So, let's say if you were under an ideal natural conditions,

Time: 5047.01

you're a person who would sleep later than me.

Time: 5049.26

Let's say we'll sleep at midnight and wake up at 8:00 a.m..

Time: 5052.97

Let's say you don't eat anything till noon,

Time: 5055.01

and as you said, you eat late in the evening.

Time: 5057.86

Then this would be perfect for you,

Time: 5059.61

but now see what happens if now you include

Time: 5062.47

the light component.

Time: 5063.32

Now, if you push your sleep from midnight to 4:00 a.m.,

Time: 5066.81

now you're waking up in the morning and you're actually

Time: 5070.7

really not the morning...

Time: 5071.89

You're working, I'm sorry, at noon instead of eight o'clock,

Time: 5075.05

and the time where you're not supposed to be hungry,

Time: 5077.47

now you're going to start eating directly at noon

Time: 5079.74

or something like that, or even delay it.

Time: 5081.72

And now you're shifting your whole cycle.

Time: 5083.99

And you don't know if this interaction between your sleep,

Time: 5086.5

feeding and the light-dark environment

Time: 5088.29

are still going to be maintained or not.

Time: 5090.6

And that's the problem that people have.

Time: 5092.51

- So, as I'm hearing this what I'm realizing is most of us,

Time: 5096.69

probably me included, are messing up at least one, two,

Time: 5100.83

or three of these components. - Exactly, exactly.

Time: 5102.46

- But that the probe, the way to figure out what's right

Time: 5106.98

for oneself is to start manipulating light exposure.

Time: 5110.33

- Right and I'm going to be honest,

Time: 5112.61

I'm biased 'cause I believe that light

Time: 5115.16

is the strongest time giver.

Time: 5117.97

And a lot of people disagree.

Time: 5119.61

Some people think feeding is.

Time: 5121.09

- I always thought that light was the primary zeitgeber,

Time: 5123.41

the primary light- - Yeah, but a lot of people

Time: 5125.02

think it's food.

Time: 5125.853

A lot of people even sometimes mentioned social interaction.

Time: 5128.67

- Have they read the literature?

Time: 5130.01

- I agree with you.

Time: 5131.127

I totally agree with you.

Time: 5132.47

- I mean, my understanding is that light

Time: 5133.85

is the most powerful driver- - Absolutely.

Time: 5135.537

- Of the things we're talking about.

Time: 5136.48

- That's why I think we need to regulate this first

Time: 5138.7

and everything else fits.

Time: 5140.47

And you know, the nice thing is that your sleep-wake cycle

Time: 5143.4

and exercise tell you really bluntly

Time: 5145.87

if you're doing it right or not.

Time: 5147.273

- Tell me more about that. - I'll tell you more.

Time: 5148.81

When I shifted my exercise, honestly,

Time: 5152.17

things fell apart like never before.

Time: 5154.32

- When you moved from exercising early in the day

Time: 5156.743

to late in the day? - In the morn, yeah.

Time: 5157.576

It completely fell apart for me.

Time: 5159.52

I didn't enjoy exercise at night.

Time: 5161.52

My pain tolerance for exercise wasn't as good.

Time: 5164.32

I'm talking with N equals one and I'm aware of this.

Time: 5166.53

I've never tested this empirically, but at least to me,

Time: 5170.5

it really messed up everything.

Time: 5172.39

I started having problem because my body temperature

Time: 5174.55

would go up and that will affect my sleep.

Time: 5177.01

I possibly was running in the gym with a lot of lights.

Time: 5179.5

So maybe the light was a component, but for me,

Time: 5183.1

exercising in the morning, it's so much better for me.

Time: 5186.417

But a lot of people can't even

Time: 5187.95

think of exercising in the morning.

Time: 5189.79

So it depends on when you feel comfortable

Time: 5192

in your sleep-wake cycle and your exercise.

Time: 5194.22

I think that tells you if your system

Time: 5195.91

is in synchrony with one another.

Time: 5198.51

- That's really interesting.

Time: 5200.15

We're good friends, our friend, Pat Dossett,

Time: 5202.563

that we both know. - Mm hm, oh, absolutely.

Time: 5203.89

- He did nine years in the Seal Teams.

Time: 5205.76

And he's one of these people he says,

Time: 5207.63

he's happy to go for a run or a swim anytime

Time: 5210.03

between 4:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m..

Time: 5212.6

And he'll train in the afternoon too

Time: 5214.21

'cause he's a Seal Team guy and they'll do whatever anytime,

Time: 5217.42

that's part of the phenotype,

Time: 5218.86

but he feels best doing that, right?

Time: 5222.35

I like to exercise mid-morning.

Time: 5224.104

- Interesting. - And I'm happy to skip eating

Time: 5225.88

until 12 or 1:00. - Great.

Time: 5228.282

- And I like to go to sleep around 11:30, 12:00,

Time: 5230.265

'cause I'm a normal human being rather than you

Time: 5232.1

who goes to bed at 9:00 p.m. - What about Pat actually?

Time: 5234.13

I've never asked him what time.

Time: 5235.32

- Pat?

Time: 5236.153

So, Pat's ideal to sleep time, I've asked him this,

Time: 5238.71

would be around 8:30 or 9:00 except now-

Time: 5241.155

- Oh, so I'm like Pat! - Yes, but he has two

Time: 5244.65

young children, two years old and a newborn.

Time: 5247.65

And so, the cycle is disrupted, right?

Time: 5249.287

- Yeah, but that's known, right?

Time: 5251.6

I mean the effect of childbearing.

Time: 5253.46

- Right. - And I think that we could

Time: 5254.88

talk about this, that's more complicated-

Time: 5256.974

- Right. - But that's pretty much.

Time: 5259.13

- Yeah, I mean, I think we need to come up with a new name

Time: 5261.57

for chronotype because- - I agree, I agree.

Time: 5263.66

- Chronotype implies that it's just about sleep and wake;

Time: 5267.06

being an early bird or a night owl.

Time: 5268.88

And what we're also talking about is how exercise

Time: 5271.25

and eating match onto those.

Time: 5272.887

- The the phase relation between them.

Time: 5276.04

- Right. - And the phases between

Time: 5277.63

different components, as you said.

Time: 5279.44

- 'Cause they interact. - Because they interact.

Time: 5281.18

- Right. - And they don't have

Time: 5282.55

to be in the same phase.

Time: 5283.53

Like let's say my light and food

Time: 5285.57

could be very close to each other.

Time: 5287.01

Your light and food could be different, right?

Time: 5289.35

The phases don't have to be, they can be plastic.

Time: 5291.87

So you have to find this for yourself.

Time: 5294.258

You maybe you're a person who eats late at night,

Time: 5297.05

exercises late at night,

Time: 5298.95

or you may be a person who exercise early, eat later.

Time: 5301.51

So, as long as the phase is good,

Time: 5305.22

that's what you have to find out.

Time: 5307.36

- Okay and if I understand correctly,

Time: 5308.9

when you're talking about phase relationship,

Time: 5310.35

it means you want to lump exercise, feeding and light for-

Time: 5314.14

- And sleep. - And sleep in a way

Time: 5316.4

that as a coherent and total system

Time: 5319.61

makes you feel really good.

Time: 5321.17

- Temporally in a great order.

Time: 5323.27

- Uh uh. - Absolutely.

Time: 5325.29

- And I think that- - And I could tell you to me

Time: 5327.54

is literally getting exposed to sun clearly in the morning,

Time: 5332.48

clearly at noon, I go out,

Time: 5333.98

I keep my windows in the office completely open,

Time: 5337.43

eating mostly in the early time of the day and exercising.

Time: 5340.56

And literally at the end part of the day,

Time: 5343.41

I'm not really in a more thoughtful vegetative state.

Time: 5347.63

Like I really can't like after 5:00, I tell my students,

Time: 5351.23

if you want to tell me anything complicated,

Time: 5353.12

you're wasting your time.

Time: 5354.36

My brain just doesn't function.

Time: 5356.35

So even though I only sleep at night,

Time: 5357.91

but I'm really starting to shut off, ramp down.

Time: 5361.14

Really I mean, I could send email,

Time: 5364.43

talk about brainless stuff, but my power,

Time: 5367.65

my energy to do powerful stuff really drop tremendously.

Time: 5372.29

So all my students who know me very well,

Time: 5374.34

they put the meetings with me early in the morning

Time: 5376.98

'cause they know this is when I'm...

Time: 5378.63

So, everything for me and for me, it's very tight.

Time: 5381.64

So it could be different for...

Time: 5383.09

It's very clustered in the morning.

Time: 5384.373

It's all tied together.

Time: 5386

And literally the remaining part

Time: 5387.37

seems to be just a vegetative state.

Time: 5390.431

- Mm hm.

Time: 5391.44

Yeah, you and my bulldog, Costello,

Time: 5394.7

who unfortunately passed away recently.

Time: 5396.35

- Oh no. - Yeah.

Time: 5397.477

- I did not, that's so sad. - Yeah, Samer and Costello

Time: 5399.01

were good friends.

Time: 5399.843

Yeah, sorry to break it to you here.

Time: 5401.57

Yeah, he had a good long life and he went easy,

Time: 5404.46

but he had a circadian clock that basically would just sleep

Time: 5407.3

around 24 hours a day,

Time: 5409.77

minimal activity interspersed every third day or so.

Time: 5413.84

You do have this morning vigor.

Time: 5415.81

- Yes. - And I think other people

Time: 5418.46

are going to have more of an afternoon vigor.

Time: 5419.89

Do you think that this can change across the lifespan?

Time: 5423.856

The rumor is that teenagers naturally want to sleep in later

Time: 5428.19

and stay up later.

Time: 5429.44

Do you think that's social rhythm?

Time: 5430.84

Or do you think that that's actually biological?

Time: 5432.5

- Yeah, that's a tough question.

Time: 5433.89

I mean, it could be both.

Time: 5437.43

One thing that worries me is that it seems that if anything,

Time: 5441.34

with age this morning rigor gets stronger.

Time: 5444.912

- You mean, you want people to become more

Time: 5446.18

of morning people. - More of morning people.

Time: 5447.013

- Well, why does that worry you?

Time: 5447.846

I think that's good.

Time: 5449

- Because for me, I'm already very shifted morning.

Time: 5451.76

I don't want to be one of these 7:00 p.m.

Time: 5453.74

to 1:00 a.m. sleepers at some point.

Time: 5456

- On the other hand, it's also kind of nice

Time: 5457.64

because it's quiet and you can get work done.

Time: 5459.12

- Yeah, but honestly from 4:30 till 7:30

Time: 5462.35

when my wife wake up, it can be very long.

Time: 5465.77

Yes, you achieved a lot, but it's quiet outside.

Time: 5469.991

So, I don't want to be at 1:00 a.m., let's put it this way.

Time: 5472.95

- You can tell Samer is more social than I am.

Time: 5475.606

- That's right, that is true.

Time: 5477.057

- But we should touch on that actually.

Time: 5478.57

So, your wife, she follows a different schedule.

Time: 5482.08

- Yeah. - So, the social rhythm-

Time: 5484.85

- I'm honestly... - Is important I think.

Time: 5486.89

What should we do?

Time: 5487.86

How should we conceptualize and how should we adjust

Time: 5491.32

ourselves according to the social rhythm?

Time: 5492.153

- And I honestly love this hypothesis

Time: 5495.36

that people came up with and Pat's kids reminded me of.

Time: 5499.32

Because kids are really going to disrupt your sleep-wake cycle,

Time: 5502.87

it seems like there is a chrono attraction.

Time: 5506.64

That's usually people who attract each others

Time: 5508.98

have actually different sleep-wake schedule.

Time: 5511.85

And the idea being is that this allows them

Time: 5514.19

to take care of their kids throughout the day-night cycle.

Time: 5517.19

- And have a peaceful marriage.

Time: 5518.75

- And have a peaceful marriage in a way, right?

Time: 5521.24

So, I mean, we didn't have kids, me and Rejji.

Time: 5523.39

So maybe this is, but it seems like evolutionary

Time: 5526.55

it makes sense that if you want to protect your kids,

Time: 5529.98

you don't want everybody to be morning vigor,

Time: 5532.08

and then the kids don't have.

Time: 5533.68

So you want it distributed across.

Time: 5534.72

I mean, it makes sense. - It's a reasonable argument.

Time: 5537.86

- Yeah. - I've heard that one

Time: 5539.18

of the reasons that people think that the clock

Time: 5542.37

is not exactly 24 hours,

Time: 5544.68

but it's 24 hours plus or minus 20 minutes or so,

Time: 5548.45

is because we believe that we evolved in clans or groups,

Time: 5553.8

villages, whatever, that were about 100 to 200 people.

Time: 5557.09

And in order to have protection around

Time: 5560.27

the early morning hours- - Interesting, same idea.

Time: 5561.81

- When we're vulnerable to predation

Time: 5563.93

and in the late night hours,

Time: 5565.49

that you would want some individuals of our species

Time: 5568.17

to be naturally more like night owls

Time: 5570.07

and some more like early people.

Time: 5571.3

So your theory of parenting is similar in that way.

Time: 5575.96

- Right. - The social rhythm

Time: 5577.62

is a powerful rhythm though.

Time: 5579.2

Meaning if I go out and I'm tired,

Time: 5582.49

let's say I'm tired at like 9:30.

Time: 5584.01

I don't want to go out, like I'm to need-

Time: 5585.203

- So can I just say something about that?

Time: 5586.643

I think the social rhythm is powerful at the obvious levels.

Time: 5591.41

Like it affects your sleep,

Time: 5593.27

it affects how much you wake up or eat,

Time: 5595.9

but I'm not so sure it's as powerful as people think

Time: 5598.61

on the clock.

Time: 5599.79

Now, eventually it will mess up the clock

Time: 5601.81

because now if you're doing a lot of social at night,

Time: 5604.76

getting enough light, eating at the wrong time of the day,

Time: 5607.03

eventually you're going to have an effect,

Time: 5609.8

but I don't think just the social interactions themselves

Time: 5613.88

have been shown to affect your clock very strongly

Time: 5616.32

for some reason. - Yeah, that's good to know.

Time: 5618.63

Well, for people hearing this,

Time: 5620.6

they're probably getting the impression

Time: 5622.25

like I'm the night owl, and then Samer is the one

Time: 5625.37

that's in bed at 9:00 and then wakes up at 4:00.

Time: 5628.91

But having attended many meetings with Samer,

Time: 5631.34

I can tell you that he's the party animal.

Time: 5633.53

So let's talk about that.

Time: 5636.01

I mean, let's talk about the fact that you're the partier,

Time: 5638.7

who's up until 2:00 dancing at these various meetings,

Time: 5641.86

which I've seen. - Yep.

Time: 5642.923

- He's actually a good dancer I'm told,

Time: 5645.65

but what should we do when we do stay up very late,

Time: 5650.93

for whatever reason; could be because we had

Time: 5652.96

to take a midnight trip to the hospital,

Time: 5654.69

an unfortunate reason,

Time: 5655.67

or it could be because you're in the presence of people

Time: 5658.4

that you don't see very often and you go out

Time: 5661.35

for a really nice night out on the town and you get to sleep

Time: 5664.41

around 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning.

Time: 5667.22

How should one get back on schedule?

Time: 5669.16

Do you force yourself to then get up and view light

Time: 5671.36

at the normal time that you would get up and view light?

Time: 5673.47

Or do you allow yourself to sleep in?

Time: 5675.05

What what's the optimal protocol?

Time: 5676.003

- I would allow myself to sleep in,

Time: 5677.81

and remember this is a long-term effect.

Time: 5680.02

This is something that you live with for a long period.

Time: 5682.794

And remember I told you about the experiments

Time: 5685.21

we did with the mood,

Time: 5686.31

these required two weeks of that light schedule

Time: 5688.95

to cause mood disturbances.

Time: 5690.57

So these don't happen just in a single day.

Time: 5692.79

- So this is the way you justify staying out late

Time: 5695.11

every once in a while. - Well, in the meetings

Time: 5697.4

you've seen me in,

Time: 5698.233

I've done this for five or six days continuously,

Time: 5700.65

but what you didn't see that when I came back to my home,

Time: 5703.45

it took me two weeks as if I did a jet lag.

Time: 5705.97

So I really do suffer for two weeks

Time: 5708.28

after doing a six crazy night of staying up at night,

Time: 5712.18

drinking at the wrong time of the day.

Time: 5714.06

So it's not that I'm completely okay with it.

Time: 5716.95

When I go back, everything goes back.

Time: 5718.57

It takes me actually literally two weeks to recover

Time: 5721.37

from the circadian rhythm meeting

Time: 5723.23

that you've seen me partying at some point.

Time: 5725.88

- Which is kind of ironic that the circadian rhythm-

Time: 5727.473

- I know. - Meaning people are totally

Time: 5729.19

disrupting their circadian cycle,

Time: 5730.6

but scientists are human beings too.

Time: 5732.72

- Right, so I think if you do it at very little occasions,

Time: 5738.39

I think you should not worry too much

Time: 5740.99

that this will have lasting impact.

Time: 5742.85

And the good news is that if you readjust your schedule,

Time: 5745.98

you could come back to it.

Time: 5747.21

The problem is when you maintain this wrong schedule

Time: 5750.33

for a prolonged time and it becomes chronic,

Time: 5753.16

prolonged periods of time,

Time: 5754.28

that's when you have the problems

Time: 5755.99

and the accumulation of the problems.

Time: 5758.17

So when you have sleeping problem,

Time: 5760.36

you produce metabolic problem.

Time: 5761.76

When you have metabolic problems,

Time: 5763.02

you produce lack of exercise.

Time: 5764.85

And you could see how things can spiral out very quickly.

Time: 5768.38

And then it would be hard to come back to it.

Time: 5771.06

- Well, certainly sleep disruption is both

Time: 5772.94

a symptom of and- - Yes.

Time: 5775.19

- A cause of almost all- - Absolutely.

Time: 5777.62

- Mental health disorders. - Absolutely.

Time: 5779.72

- And certainly the metabolic syndromes

Time: 5782.07

that people are talking about nowadays and all of this,

Time: 5785.12

it all funnels back to light.

Time: 5788.07

This is what's so remarkable. - Eventually, yeah.

Time: 5790.08

- And so we have these devices,

Time: 5791.75

and I use my phone and I use my computer.

Time: 5795.21

But do you think that the mere dimming of the screen

Time: 5798.5

or not interacting with screens,

Time: 5802.43

say 90 minutes or two hours before bedtime,

Time: 5805.79

according to what we're saying today,

Time: 5808.96

this should have a profound effect

Time: 5810.59

on all these factors. - And it does.

Time: 5812.22

And I really believe it does.

Time: 5813.87

And, again, I think as Pat did these inventions

Time: 5819.49

where you get a pouch where you put your phone in a pouch.

Time: 5822.22

- Mm hm, so, what Samer's referring to is our friend, Pat,

Time: 5826.18

this former Seal Team member,

Time: 5828.9

who's also very impressive person in the landscape

Time: 5831.3

of business and family, et cetera.

Time: 5832.78

A real superhuman by any regard has this habit of taking

Time: 5838.56

his phone and putting it into a sealed pouch

Time: 5840.97

in the evening. - Yeah.

Time: 5841.868

- So it's basically walled off-

Time: 5842.701

- And in his program he sends you actually

Time: 5844.971

these sealed pouches.

Time: 5847.45

And so that I think is a great idea because not only

Time: 5851.34

it will take away the light from you,

Time: 5853.44

but it also take away the distraction

Time: 5855.25

because you want to repair and recover, and sleep does that.

Time: 5859.89

And if you have your phone dinging all the time,

Time: 5862.31

or the light flashing from it,

Time: 5865.07

you're just not getting enough sleep

Time: 5866.647

and you're causing yourself major problems.

Time: 5870.975

- I never asked you this, but I realized now

Time: 5873.2

that I should have long ago, but I'll ask you now.

Time: 5879.13

Why and how did you get into all this stuff?

Time: 5882.41

- Yeah, I mean, honestly, first of all,

Time: 5885.14

I wanted to study genetics and I knew

Time: 5889.16

I wanted to do PhD in genetics.

Time: 5891.87

But I only got accepted in one university at the time.

Time: 5894.53

And I joined the Learning and Memory Lab.

Time: 5896.86

And I liked learning and memory at the beginning,

Time: 5898.7

I worked on the snails on Aplysia californica,

Time: 5901.3

and started looking at learning and memory.

Time: 5903.22

But then the same lab was looking at these daily variation.

Time: 5906.74

I was really struck.

Time: 5908.43

Like you never think about it outside of science.

Time: 5911.05

It's really struck me that organisms

Time: 5914.54

can measure day biologically.

Time: 5917.38

That was very shocking to me.

Time: 5919.21

And I just really got attracted and I wanted to see

Time: 5922.66

why does this happen?

Time: 5924.54

What is the effect of different times of day?

Time: 5926.4

And I just stuck with it.

Time: 5927.73

It just, it was mind blowing for me

Time: 5930.14

who was in medical school,

Time: 5932.01

that I've never heard about it before.

Time: 5934.39

You know, it's really amazing medicine,

Time: 5936.2

I think still now we are very good

Time: 5938.96

at looking at stuff spatially,

Time: 5941.17

but we're very bad at looking at temporal aspects.

Time: 5944.65

So we always like to see images, static images,

Time: 5948.3

spatial information.

Time: 5949.133

- Right, take an x-ray, measure a temperature-

Time: 5951.044

- Yeah, exactly. - Measure a blood pressure.

Time: 5952.84

- But we don't think of temporal.

Time: 5954.87

And you talk to John Hogenesch right now,

Time: 5957.45

and he's telling you the importance of chronomedicine

Time: 5960.525

or chromo pharma...

Time: 5962.9

Whatever the word is.

Time: 5964.07

And it really just getting the drugs

Time: 5967.68

at the right time of the day is going to be essential

Time: 5970.16

for our health.

Time: 5971.5

- Do you think that's going to come from using better trackers,

Time: 5973.95

like Oura rings, WHOOP straps, these kinds of things?

Time: 5977.34

- I love the trackers,

Time: 5978.4

but I think there's even more exciting discoveries.

Time: 5980.84

Now you could take a single blood sample

Time: 5982.91

and measure many biological components

Time: 5985.61

and figure where you are in the circadian clock.

Time: 5988.15

Something that was very hard to do before.

Time: 5990.64

So if you have a marker to know where you are in the clock,

Time: 5993.49

you could actually understand more the effect of everything;

Time: 5996.78

exercise, feeding, light input.

Time: 5998.81

- What is the marker?

Time: 6000.01

- So there are some papers from what's her name?

Time: 6003.49

Phyllis Zee and from Achim Kramer

Time: 6007.01

where they measure multiple RNAs

Time: 6008.9

that are known to tell you what phase of the clock is,

Time: 6011.9

or multiple proteins or biological reactions.

Time: 6016.7

And depending on a combination of factors,

Time: 6019.23

not a single factor,

Time: 6020.17

you could tell where you are in the circadian clock.

Time: 6023.4

So they could instead of just measuring temperature

Time: 6025.92

or melatonin, just one measurement.

Time: 6027.9

And melatonin specifically, is also complicated by the fact

Time: 6030.48

that melatonin is affected by light.

Time: 6034.157

And temperature, your temperature and sleep can be

Time: 6036.58

easily dissociable, right?

Time: 6038.314

When you travel up those different timezone,

Time: 6039.617

you sleep at different times in the temperature cycle.

Time: 6043.33

So having multiple components measured will give you

Time: 6046.69

a better determination of your circadian phase,

Time: 6049.82

and understanding your circadian phase in humans

Time: 6053.25

will telling you what is the effect of giving certain drugs

Time: 6056.05

at certain times of the circadian phase.

Time: 6057.74

So, in the future, this is going to be studied

Time: 6060.32

at a much higher level when you can determine the phase

Time: 6063.63

in relation to all the other stuff.

Time: 6067.06

- It's striking to me that in all animals, besides humans,

Time: 6072.08

if they deviate too much from the appropriate exposure

Time: 6075.32

to light and light-dark cycle,

Time: 6076.9

they essentially don't mate and/or die

Time: 6080.5

and/or get killed off.

Time: 6082.36

But in humans, we are able to override that at least

Time: 6085.46

to some extent, but the ways in which we suffer appear to be

Time: 6090.33

things like obesity, metabolic syndromes,

Time: 6093.99

reproductive syndromes that are accompany

Time: 6095.98

the other syndromes, you know, endocrine syndromes,

Time: 6098.4

and mood and depressive disorders.

Time: 6101.26

Is there any effort at the level of the nationally

Time: 6105.66

or laboratories that you're aware of

Time: 6107.65

to try and use light in order

Time: 6109.92

to improve mood and mental health?

Time: 6112.44

- I mean, honestly, this is my mantra.

Time: 6114.54

This is the thing that I think people,

Time: 6117.22

because I say, don't take a pill, take a photon.

Time: 6120.727

And not, I mean, you take pills.

Time: 6122.39

That's important.

Time: 6123.223

I'm just making it that really we have an opportunity

Time: 6126.93

right now with the incredible advances of LED lights,

Time: 6130.46

of changing spectrum of light, of regulating intensities.

Time: 6135.92

And just for simple changes,

Time: 6139.05

you could really improve sleep-wake cycle, productivity,

Time: 6142.94

and still you could actually get more done

Time: 6145.57

because as we've talked about,

Time: 6147.54

when you have all these messed up,

Time: 6149.57

now you have to sleep more, but your sleep is fragmented.

Time: 6152.91

It's not very good.

Time: 6154.1

- And you can't focus when you do sit down-

Time: 6155.253

- And you can't focus or you don't have alertness

Time: 6157.522

when you need the alertness.

Time: 6159.34

So having all these could allow you to do even more actually

Time: 6164

at the end than less.

Time: 6165.353

And that's the exciting part it.

Time: 6167.97

- One of the questions I get asked most often about

Time: 6170.45

is about ADHD.

Time: 6171.73

I think there's a lot of self-prescribed

Time: 6174.17

as well as clinically prescribed ADHD.

Time: 6176.25

People are having a tremendously difficult time focusing

Time: 6178.9

and not just because they're sleepy,

Time: 6180.58

they just can't seem to anchor their attention.

Time: 6182.3

And there could be multiple reasons for this,

Time: 6184.2

but there are now several clinical trials ongoing

Time: 6186.85

using light to try and anchor people's attention and mood

Time: 6190.27

and wellbeing for sake of focus.

Time: 6192

And I think that while I love this saying

Time: 6194.54

that you mentioned, "Take a photon, not a pill."

Time: 6197.69

And with due respect to the need for pharmacology

Time: 6201.51

for some certain people,

Time: 6202.743

I think most people just haven't really dialed in

Time: 6206.08

their relationship to light in a way that allows them

Time: 6208.15

to rule out whether or not they need medication.

Time: 6209.743

- Absolutely, absolutely.

Time: 6211.34

That's the best way to put it.

Time: 6212.67

I can't add to that.

Time: 6214.8

- Let's talk about jet lag. - Mm hm.

Time: 6217.62

- But not in the context of, okay, if somebody's traveling

Time: 6220.93

from Europe to Japan or from the east coast,

Time: 6223.27

because that varies tremendously, right?

Time: 6225.14

I mean, there's as many different variations

Time: 6227.02

on travel as there are individuals out there with roles-

Time: 6230.147

- Right. - And jobs, et cetera.

Time: 6232.46

But rather, let's talk about what are the two

Time: 6235.12

or three things that people can do

Time: 6236.72

to adjust their schedule quickly?

Time: 6239.44

Yesterday, I called you and said,

Time: 6241.347

"Look, I know somebody who's traveling six hours.

Time: 6244.08

I won't even mention in which direction,

Time: 6245.49

'cause I don't want people to anchor to that example.

Time: 6248.16

And you described some very simple tools of viewing light

Time: 6253.79

a little bit earlier than normal

Time: 6255.81

and getting on the local food schedule, et cetera,

Time: 6258.63

that would allow them to shift more quickly.

Time: 6260.802

- Exactly. - And the reason I want to

Time: 6261.635

have this conversation is yes, for the travelers,

Time: 6263.81

and for the shift workers,

Time: 6265.84

but mostly because of the fact that you've proven

Time: 6270.2

again and again that people are disrupted

Time: 6273.66

in their circadian behavior at home.

Time: 6276.407

So, aside from what we've already talked about,

Time: 6279.04

how can one adjust quickly to a new schedule?

Time: 6282.4

Like let's say, fall classes are starting,

Time: 6284.12

you start a new job or you have a baby

Time: 6285.79

or a puppy or whatever, what is the best way

Time: 6288.59

to shift the clock quickly?

Time: 6290.22

- So, it's very simple as we've talked yesterday.

Time: 6292.62

So imagine you're in the outside with no industrial light.

Time: 6299.04

If your body thinks you're in early evening

Time: 6302.1

and you see a bright light, what does this tell you?

Time: 6304.97

Oh, wait, this is not early evening yet.

Time: 6307.64

It's still early afternoon or late afternoon.

Time: 6311.2

So I have to delay my clock to go back to late afternoon.

Time: 6314.93

So if you get light early in the evening,

Time: 6318.17

it delays your clock.

Time: 6320.1

So what does that- - Meaning that makes you

Time: 6321.49

want to go to sleep later?

Time: 6322.9

- Yes, it delays your clock.

Time: 6324.101

So, you're in New York, right?

Time: 6327.79

People in Italy have an advanced clock

Time: 6329.78

because they are six hours ahead of us.

Time: 6333.06

So if you're in New York and you get light early

Time: 6336.517

in the evening, you delay even further from Italy.

Time: 6339.47

So now you're delaying away from Italy.

Time: 6342.1

Now the same thing happens.

Time: 6343.61

Let's say, you thought dawn came up

Time: 6345.73

and you thought it's already dawn,

Time: 6347.74

but it was let's say three o'clock in the morning

Time: 6349.83

or four o'clock in the morning.

Time: 6350.86

And then you get to bright light and you say,

Time: 6352.737

"Oh, wait a minute.

Time: 6353.84

Dawn is not the up yet."

Time: 6355.84

So I should advance my clock.

Time: 6357.43

Or I'm at night, but I'm getting bright lights,

Time: 6361.46

so I should run because dawn is already up.

Time: 6364.67

So then later in the night, later in your night,

Time: 6369.27

and actually it just happens that in humans

Time: 6371.95

you get a temperature nadir later in the night,

Time: 6374.85

low temperature in your body.

Time: 6376.56

After that, lights start advancing your clock.

Time: 6380.06

So if you want to go to Italy,

Time: 6381.57

instead of getting light early in the evening,

Time: 6383.47

you want to get light after the temperature low.

Time: 6386.73

So you could advance your clock even before you go to Italy,

Time: 6390.06

and you're catching up to the Italians just by using light.

Time: 6392.89

It's as simple as that. - Great.

Time: 6394.42

- So you could do it for every region.

Time: 6396.73

You could calculate how much they are advanced of you.

Time: 6400.01

You could know how much these light shifts happen per day,

Time: 6402.947

and you can calculate what you need to do,

Time: 6405.95

very simple math, to adjust either in direction of delaying

Time: 6409.9

if you're going from New York to California,

Time: 6411.81

you want to delay your clock

Time: 6413.42

or advancing if you're going from New York to Italy.

Time: 6416.35

- So, in order to make that a visual

Time: 6418.61

and because a lot of people are listening to this,

Time: 6420.25

not looking at it on video,

Time: 6421.85

we will put a zero cost downloadable figure of this

Time: 6427.01

on the HubermanLab.com website related to this episode.

Time: 6430.3

But I think I can summarize it in language as well.

Time: 6434.44

If I understand correctly,

Time: 6435.53

what you're saying is if your typical wake up time

Time: 6439.12

is say, 7:00 a.m., then your low point in temperature

Time: 6443.01

probably occurs somewhere around 5:00 a.m..

Time: 6445.89

- Yeah. - And if you view light

Time: 6447.67

right around then it's going to essentially

Time: 6450.48

advance your clock. - Yeah.

Time: 6451.76

Because then your body thinks, oh, it's seven o'clock,

Time: 6454.66

so advanced your clock by one to two hours.

Time: 6457.04

- But if I were to view light, say at 3:00 a.m.,

Time: 6460.8

then it would probably delay my clock?

Time: 6462.72

- Yeah. - Okay.

Time: 6463.93

Yeah, so, and then let's say I land in a new schedule.

Time: 6467.22

I want to adjust to a new schedule.

Time: 6468.39

Let's say I didn't manage to do anything

Time: 6470.05

with my light viewing before I went.

Time: 6471.49

And I didn't anticipate the trip.

Time: 6473.53

Suddenly I'm on a new schedule, okay?

Time: 6476.24

I was told that one of the ways to help shift the clock

Time: 6479.8

and to avoid gastrointestinal issues

Time: 6482.1

is to eat on the local schedule.

Time: 6484.51

- Mm hm. - To start basically behaving

Time: 6487.11

like a local. - Mm hm.

Time: 6488.27

- Even though your circadian clock will take

Time: 6490.74

a little bit of time to catch up.

Time: 6491.607

- Right, absolutely.

Time: 6492.85

But you have to remember the light, right?

Time: 6495.41

So, now that we explained it very simply,

Time: 6497.99

let's take a very simple example, right?

Time: 6500.85

New York to Italy, that's a simple example.

Time: 6503.88

New York time, Italy time, six hour difference, right?

Time: 6506.83

So let's say you fly from New York at night.

Time: 6509.65

You reach Italy at eight o'clock in the morning.

Time: 6511.9

What is the time in your New York time although you-

Time: 6515.51

- Six hours back. - Six hours back.

Time: 6516.343

- It's 2:00 in the morning. - It's 2:00 a.m..

Time: 6518.54

So when you land Italy,

Time: 6519.83

you want to avoid light like the plague.

Time: 6522.18

Yeah, you could eat,

Time: 6523.22

but you really don't want to get the light.

Time: 6524.417

- Right, 'cause otherwise it's going to delay you.

Time: 6526.32

- It's going to delay you, it's going to send you to California

Time: 6528.31

instead of sending you to Italy.

Time: 6529.68

- Right, and so this is such a key point.

Time: 6531.6

If anyone's confused about this,

Time: 6532.97

we will put some diagrams up.

Time: 6534.31

But what Samer is saying is so crucial.

Time: 6537.77

Just because getting bright light in your eyes

Time: 6540.15

early in the day is really beneficial when you're at home,

Time: 6542.46

when you travel to a new time zone,

Time: 6544.97

you have to take into account what your body thinks.

Time: 6550.253

Excuse me, you have to take into account where

Time: 6552.29

your body thinks you are. - Exactly.

Time: 6553.51

- And so if you're looking at the Italian sunrise,

Time: 6555.59

having just flown from New York to Italy

Time: 6557.91

and you didn't prepare for that trip by waking up

Time: 6560.05

a little bit earlier in anticipation-

Time: 6561.64

- Multiple days, yeah. - And you view light

Time: 6565.03

at 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. Italian time,

Time: 6567.59

beautiful Italian sunrise,

Time: 6569.4

you are going to delay your clock.

Time: 6571.09

You're going to basically throw yourself back to California,

Time: 6573.94

but you are in Italy.

Time: 6575.24

You're going to throw your biology back to California

Time: 6577.28

and you are going to be up in the middle of the Italian night.

Time: 6580.05

And you're going to be miserable- - Miserable.

Time: 6582.43

- I'll tell a brief anecdote

Time: 6584.15

'cause I called Samer in desperation.

Time: 6586.77

A few years ago, I traveled to Abu Dhabi,

Time: 6589.06

NYU Abu Dhabi to give a seminar, 12 hours out of phase.

Time: 6592.01

It's a 12 hour flip.

Time: 6593.09

And I thought I could just muscle it.

Time: 6595.17

I thought I'll get up, just view sunlight

Time: 6596.91

when the sun comes up and I fell apart

Time: 6600.9

mentally and physically.

Time: 6602.08

And Samer came to my rescue.

Time: 6604.31

I called him, I said, "I don't know what to do."

Time: 6606.07

And he said, "Go to the gym at the local dawn,

Time: 6612.58

workout, eat and then view sunlight starting the next day."

Time: 6618.38

And that basically got me on the schedule.

Time: 6619.92

So I used food and exercise to adjust myself

Time: 6622.21

because my light viewing activity

Time: 6624.08

was just completely out of whack.

Time: 6625.56

- Yeah, I mean, and we talked about other details,

Time: 6628.13

so you have to calculate it, but you're absolutely right.

Time: 6631.07

I mean, it's very important to avoid getting

Time: 6635.55

the wrong light information when you're trying

Time: 6637.41

to adjust your body because otherwise it shifts you

Time: 6640.108

to the other cycle, absolutely right.

Time: 6643.23

- Well, you are one of these people that has such vigor.

Time: 6647.45

It's one of these things where having known you

Time: 6649.67

all these years, you have a tremendous capacity for work

Time: 6652.76

and for soccer, and for arguing, respectful arguing.

Time: 6657.02

And sometimes, you know- - It's getting worse with age.

Time: 6659.9

- Yeah, well, we could talk about that offline,

Time: 6661.84

but I think a lot of your vigor and a lot of your ability

Time: 6665.44

to work hard and focus and really do so many things

Time: 6668.71

at an impressive level is because you think about

Time: 6671.24

these issues and you think about

Time: 6673.19

when you're going to be optimal for focus,

Time: 6675.61

when you're going to be optimal for exercise,

Time: 6678.306

and the when is the key. - Right.

Time: 6680.167

- And I think a lot of people live in the landscape

Time: 6682.49

of feeling like there's something broken inside them

Time: 6685.18

because they can't focus- - It's subconscious.

Time: 6686.58

- Or they get too- - It's subconscious, right?

Time: 6687.93

Remember it's all subconscious.

Time: 6690.02

These effects and, Andrew, you're absolutely right.

Time: 6692.16

Now, honestly, joking aside about age,

Time: 6695.22

I really agree with you that I think part of the reason

Time: 6697.99

I'm continuing to be able to do this,

Time: 6700.03

that I really think about it.

Time: 6702.15

And I make sure that I keep everything aligned.

Time: 6705.83

And that actually helps me a lot.

Time: 6707.66

Like I don't suffer in sleep.

Time: 6709.93

I don't suffer in waking up.

Time: 6711.17

I never use a timer to wake up.

Time: 6713.6

I mean, people say, aren't you scared?

Time: 6715.2

Like you have to give a lecture at 8:00 or 7:30.

Time: 6718.15

Honestly, I was like, there is no way

Time: 6719.5

I'm going to go beyond that.

Time: 6721.11

It just, even if I try,

Time: 6722.53

I can't sleep beyond 6:00 a.m. in my regular times,

Time: 6725.7

it's just, it's not going to happen.

Time: 6727.43

By 4:30 my eyes are wide awake and I'm in bed.

Time: 6730.75

It's just system is so aligned, it works.

Time: 6735.81

- A lot of times people will say, how come I go to sleep,

Time: 6738.36

I fall asleep fine, but then I wake up at 3:00 or 4:00

Time: 6740.6

in the morning and can't fall back asleep.

Time: 6742.77

Is it possible that those people were supposed

Time: 6744.78

to go to bed at 8:00 p.m.?

Time: 6746.36

- It's possible.

Time: 6747.23

I mean, it is possible.

Time: 6748.8

It is also possible that sometimes people will wake up

Time: 6751.58

and go back to sleep.

Time: 6752.75

But yeah, I mean, it is possible.

Time: 6755.52

Or it's possible that their clock is completely misaligned,

Time: 6758.57

that they are getting maybe a nap time at night

Time: 6761.54

when they are supposed...

Time: 6762.373

And then they possibly feel so sleepy in the day.

Time: 6764.45

So, all these are possible combination.

Time: 6766.92

- Well, that's an interesting idea I hadn't considered.

Time: 6768.63

So, that what they think is their sleep,

Time: 6770.74

their body is so out of whack with the light-dark cycle,

Time: 6773.55

that it's actually a nap. - A nap.

Time: 6775.41

Or the weaker part of the sleep.

Time: 6777.12

I mean, you see this when you traveled

Time: 6779.84

to different time zone before you adjust.

Time: 6782.25

You go to sleep really well,

Time: 6783.95

but two hours later, you're fully up.

Time: 6786.38

Two hours.

Time: 6787.38

If you were so tired and this is your regular sleep,

Time: 6789.89

there's no way you're going to wake up in two hours.

Time: 6793.31

So, then you feel very sleepy later in the day

Time: 6796.38

or something like that.

Time: 6797.213

So it depends of how your whole system

Time: 6800.15

is aligned to the environment.

Time: 6801.6

- That's a very interesting idea.

Time: 6804.525

I think that's going to resonate with a lot of people.

Time: 6806.92

I wake up every morning around 3:00 or 4:00,

Time: 6810.61

I generally use the bathroom

Time: 6812.49

and then I fall back asleep very deeply.

Time: 6814.77

It doesn't seem to disrupt my daytime wakefulness.

Time: 6817.4

And I think a lot of people obsess over that waking up

Time: 6820.39

and worry there's something wrong.

Time: 6821.223

- Absolutely. - Provided they can go back

Time: 6822.7

to sleep it's okay. - Exactly.

Time: 6823.543

If you can go use the bathroom, go back to sleep,

Time: 6826.07

that should not be a problem.

Time: 6828.17

Maybe with some people, when they go to use the bathroom,

Time: 6830.063

they use very bright light and then

Time: 6831.52

they get an alerting signal.

Time: 6833.73

So, maybe it could be as simple as that, that affects you.

Time: 6837.92

Maybe when you wake up, you put tons of light

Time: 6840.45

or you start reading your iPad.

Time: 6842.49

So there's all these combination that we still don't know

Time: 6845.27

about that could be affecting their sleep-wake rhythms

Time: 6848.08

and their sleep maintenance.

Time: 6850.41

- Do you take melatonin?

Time: 6853.48

- I don't need it to be honest.

Time: 6854.72

In my case, there is no reason to use it

Time: 6856.93

because I could guarantee you that by maybe eight o'clock,

Time: 6860.88

my melatonin has already started to go up.

Time: 6863.14

And by the time I sleep, my melatonin is very high

Time: 6865.64

because I don't use a lot of lights after sunset.

Time: 6869.15

- And light inhibits melatonin release.

Time: 6870.267

- And light really blocks melatonin level.

Time: 6873.51

- You hear this myth that the pineal gland calcifies

Time: 6877.45

as we get older.

Time: 6878.283

Do you know anything about that?

Time: 6879.283

- I mean, I've heard about that, but I don't know...

Time: 6882.46

I mean, there is not very clear evidence

Time: 6884.34

that it affects the sleep.

Time: 6885.48

I don't know much about it, to be honest.

Time: 6887.31

- Yeah, the evidence that I've seen is that yes,

Time: 6889.13

there's some calcification around the pineal,

Time: 6891.26

just because of where it sits in the brain.

Time: 6894.71

It's close to some bony structures.

Time: 6897.187

- I see. - But I don't think

Time: 6898.8

there's any evidence that it has negative effects.

Time: 6901.71

- I mean, if you still have,

Time: 6903.23

you could measure melatonin and that should tell you

Time: 6905.46

if it has any, it's such an easy thing to do.

Time: 6907.6

- Yeah, I think this is more of a internet wellness thing

Time: 6911.13

that got outside the cage. - That's possible.

Time: 6914.103

I think you're absolutely right.

Time: 6915.48

- Yeah, it sounds terrible, calcification

Time: 6918.08

of the thing, right? - Yeah, exactly.

Time: 6919.79

Like the heart thing, right? - Yeah, exactly.

Time: 6923.93

Let's talk about seasonality a little bit.

Time: 6927.76

I learned, and I don't know if this is still true,

Time: 6932.21

but that most suicides occur in April, in the spring.

Time: 6937.39

I think there's a poem that says,

Time: 6938.827

"April is the cruelest month,"

Time: 6940.51

I think as the poem begins.

Time: 6944.55

Are there data that suicides are more frequent

Time: 6947.26

at particular times of year?

Time: 6948.65

And if so, is the spring that time of year?

Time: 6950.88

- Yeah, a lot of people talk about this.

Time: 6953.38

And one of the hypothesis is that the winter month

Time: 6957.08

that are very bad for mood,

Time: 6959.63

make people not wanting to do anything.

Time: 6962.04

And they get into such deep level of depression

Time: 6965.6

that when the sun comes up,

Time: 6967.14

they get actually the energy to act on their depression,

Time: 6970

which sounds really terrible.

Time: 6971.503

And it's just terrible. - Sounds just terrible.

Time: 6972.77

It's terrible. - So that's the idea

Time: 6974.76

that the lack of light throughout the winter

Time: 6977.04

caused them to go into such depression

Time: 6979.11

that they don't feel like doing anything.

Time: 6981.72

Then when the light comes in with rigor in the spring,

Time: 6985.09

it gives them that after all the depression they suffered,

Time: 6988.25

it gives them that push to take that sad, final act I guess.

Time: 6994.58

- What other seasonal effects have been

Time: 6996.33

demonstrated in humans?

Time: 6997.49

- Yeah, I mean, I think in humans, it's not very clear

Time: 7000.5

because we don't think about seasonality,

Time: 7002.54

but if you start thinking about us,

Time: 7005.273

I think we go through major seasonal changes.

Time: 7008.05

I really do.

Time: 7008.883

I think our eating pattern changed across the year.

Time: 7011.76

I could tell you that me thinking about this,

Time: 7014.61

there is a clear changes that happens to me across the year.

Time: 7018.52

But for animals, this is really essential

Time: 7020.88

because for animals they have to time their mating behavior

Time: 7025.37

was when they deliver their progeny in the most abundant

Time: 7029.39

amount of food and artificial light

Time: 7032.03

is causing major disruption.

Time: 7033.99

Because if you change the way these animals

Time: 7036.63

are receiving the light information,

Time: 7039.02

they either start mating much earlier or much later

Time: 7042.12

and their numbers dwindle.

Time: 7043.64

And they get into the dangers of really completely

Time: 7047.04

getting eliminated or extinct.

Time: 7049.03

- Well, human birth rates are definitely going down.

Time: 7051.05

- Right, in some- - I mean, in the US

Time: 7053.942

in particular, yeah. - In some areas, not others.

Time: 7055.462

- Not others, right.

Time: 7058.06

But are there other effects of seasonality on humans

Time: 7061.42

that we are aware of?

Time: 7062.87

- Honestly, you could see it perfectly,

Time: 7066.098

I think, in Scandinavia,

Time: 7068.418

I mean, you could talk to people who live in-

Time: 7071.32

- Sure, they get seasonal depression.

Time: 7073.05

- Well, seasonal depression is one,

Time: 7074.66

but actually when you start asking them questions,

Time: 7077.02

they tell you like in the winter they barely could wake up.

Time: 7080.63

They barely have the energy, before even depression.

Time: 7083.55

Even people who don't get seasonal depression,

Time: 7085.96

they will tell you our energy level is lower.

Time: 7088.1

Our ability to go to work is not the same.

Time: 7091.3

And in the summer, most people actually sleep very little.

Time: 7094.99

They tell you, we really can feel like we're manic,

Time: 7099.25

we have all this energy and not in a negative way,

Time: 7102.68

in a funny way, right?

Time: 7103.72

I mean, but if we want to sleep, we have to put this curtain.

Time: 7107.08

And I think in these situations,

Time: 7109.18

you could really appreciate the seasonality of humans.

Time: 7112.6

I think we kind of destroyed our seasonality

Time: 7115.62

because we don't get exposed to that much natural light.

Time: 7119.82

We have all this artificial light, but I think honestly,

Time: 7123.3

one of the thing that is going to happen

Time: 7125.41

if they follow your recommendations about giving light

Time: 7128.89

at the same time, giving food, giving exercise-

Time: 7130.66

- Wait, let's be clear, those are your recommendations.

Time: 7132.843

- Well, I mean- - No, I mean just

Time: 7134.88

in fair attribution.

Time: 7136.1

- What I'm saying is that this is going to cause them

Time: 7138.54

to also experience some changes across the season,

Time: 7141.71

because now they're going to see the sun differently.

Time: 7144.95

If you're going to go out in the morning in the summer,

Time: 7148.15

you're going to get a much brighter...

Time: 7149.53

That's why I don't like the change in time.

Time: 7151.24

I know people think, oh, because you're biased,

Time: 7154.71

'cause I think- - Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Time: 7156.08

Sorry, the change in time,

Time: 7157.095

are you talking about daylight savings?

Time: 7158.42

- Daylight savings.

Time: 7159.253

It's such a bad idea because it disrupts

Time: 7161.79

that rhythm that you're having.

Time: 7164.2

'Cause I think your body, if you keep that rhythm,

Time: 7167.09

you will see the whole seasonality.

Time: 7168.86

And I look at it from a different aspect than other people.

Time: 7173.05

And people say I'm biased because I'm a morning person,

Time: 7175.35

and it may be true, but there are situation-

Time: 7179.03

- Secret conspiracy about morning people.

Time: 7181.08

- Yeah, but if you think about it, Andrew,

Time: 7183.34

there is a situation where you're getting light

Time: 7186.87

perfectly well and then all of a sudden

Time: 7188.53

they delayed by one hour because...

Time: 7190.69

And then even though it's the summer,

Time: 7193.07

your body now, if you're still not adjusting think,

Time: 7195.967

"Oh wait, what happened?

Time: 7197.34

What kind of happened?"

Time: 7198.55

- Well, I'm glad you're bringing this up

Time: 7199.78

because I always thought what's the big deal, one hour?

Time: 7203.95

Right, one hour shift.

Time: 7205.12

Spring forward, fall back. - It's so hard to adjust

Time: 7206.77

to one hour actually.

Time: 7208.02

- But this goes back to the beginning of our discussion.

Time: 7211.69

It's not just one hour. - Right.

Time: 7213.75

- Because it's one hour across that one day.

Time: 7216.376

- Right. - But there's this cumulative

Time: 7217.39

effect on the clock and these three elements

Time: 7220.66

of your tripartite model. - Yeah, exactly.

Time: 7222.387

- Right, the homeostatic, sleep and the light,

Time: 7224.82

direct effects on mood. - Exactly and when

Time: 7226.27

it's so close, it's sometimes hard to figure out

Time: 7229.65

how to adjust it perfectly because

Time: 7232.29

we're already sleep deprived in our society.

Time: 7234.16

And then you shift it by...

Time: 7236.887

So it just, it all accumulates and it has no benefit.

Time: 7240.75

- Well, you work at a major government organization,

Time: 7242.86

National Institute of Mental Health.

Time: 7244.006

- Yeah. - Why don't we campaign for-

Time: 7245.677

- Honestly, I have no idea.

Time: 7247.62

I mean, it makes no sense.

Time: 7248.453

- No, I'm saying why don't we go campaign?

Time: 7250.11

- Yeah, I would love to.

Time: 7250.943

I mean, it makes no sense to have the summer light

Time: 7254.47

goes up at 9:00 p.m.,

Time: 7256.44

the light goes down where I live in Baltimore at 9:00 p.m.

Time: 7259.597

And then all of a sudden,

Time: 7261.36

when you really want to see the light longer in the day,

Time: 7264.89

you now shift the other way.

Time: 7266.267

And now it goes all of a sudden at 6:00 p.m..

Time: 7268.117

Why do you do these drastic changes?

Time: 7270.41

Let it blend across the whole season, you know?

Time: 7274.07

Yes, later, earlier at night, but it's at least consistent.

Time: 7278.03

It goes in a very consistent manner.

Time: 7280.17

I just don't understand why they do this.

Time: 7282.13

It makes no sense.

Time: 7283.4

- Well, I think that the reason they do it

Time: 7285.9

is because they don't understand the biology.

Time: 7287.82

- Exactly, absolutely. - Because one hour seems

Time: 7289.63

trivial unless you understand- - It's not.

Time: 7291.12

- That the repercussions of that one hour shift,

Time: 7294.53

because what's also clear now based on what you're saying,

Time: 7297.81

is that that one hour shift taking you out of alignment

Time: 7301.04

with the natural light-dark cycle

Time: 7302.7

in exactly the wrong direction.

Time: 7304.86

- It's pushing people to get even later.

Time: 7307.35

- Yeah. - In the summer,

Time: 7308.3

when light is going to push you later anyway.

Time: 7311.04

It doesn't make sense.

Time: 7312.2

You put it beautifully, I just rambled and this is really-

Time: 7315.45

- No, no, you made it clear.

Time: 7316.413

- I mean, it's like literally it it made people

Time: 7320.31

who are having problem having an advanced sleep rhythm

Time: 7323.78

because they are delayed,

Time: 7325.26

now you give them this hour to make them even more delayed.

Time: 7328.16

You push them even later in the day-night cycle.

Time: 7330.88

It just doesn't make sense at all.

Time: 7334.45

- I think 2022 should be the year that we

Time: 7337.01

abolish daylight savings. - Oh, man.

Time: 7337.843

That would be the day for me honestly.

Time: 7341.86

- Well, also, if it has a positive effect

Time: 7344.1

on what is essentially an epidemic of mental health issues

Time: 7348.97

and other issues related to improper interactions

Time: 7351.9

with light, that I think is a well worthwhile cause,

Time: 7357.23

and we can explore it. - Absolutely, absolutely.

Time: 7358.94

- [Andrew] So for once we're going to fight with another group.

Time: 7361.805

- Common, I would do to do that.

Time: 7362.638

- [Andrew] A common battle as opposed to with one another.

Time: 7364.297

- I mean, the circadian people honestly,

Time: 7365.853

to give them credit, have been trying for years

Time: 7368.37

to abolish daylight saving.

Time: 7370.02

- Yeah, the problem is they all go to sleep at 9:00 p.m.

Time: 7372.45

and wake up at 4:00 a.m., so we never see them.

Time: 7374.41

- That's right, that's right.

Time: 7375.75

- No, the circadian community has done an amazing job

Time: 7379.24

of figuring out what we need. - Right.

Time: 7382.88

- And then the challenge of course,

Time: 7384.36

is making sure that people get what they need.

Time: 7387.14

- Right. - And making sure

Time: 7388.15

that at a societal level, we're not vaulting ourselves

Time: 7391.67

into the wrong direction. - And the biggest problem

Time: 7393.07

is that the late waking people, they think that really,

Time: 7398.23

and I'm going to try to put it in a better way now,

Time: 7400.71

they think, oh, because you're a morning person,

Time: 7402.73

you want to see the sun early.

Time: 7404.13

So you want me to suffer it dropping late,

Time: 7407.33

but that's not the case.

Time: 7409.06

Because what happens is when they shift it back

Time: 7412.8

after the daylight saving,

Time: 7414.67

now they're going to make you suffer really badly

Time: 7416.82

because now it's going to be earlier.

Time: 7419.46

- Right, in the fall. - In the fall when there

Time: 7421.295

is not enough light. - Yeah, that's right.

Time: 7422.177

- And they keep it the same way.

Time: 7423.83

So to try to convince them that actually this at the end

Time: 7427.31

causes more trouble when you need the light

Time: 7430.15

for your late schedule in the fall,

Time: 7432.89

when they shift it back.

Time: 7434.49

Then they say, keep it daylight saving all the time.

Time: 7437.02

And that has been proven that it's very bad.

Time: 7440.7

Like people have done studies that literally two areas

Time: 7444.03

close to each others and areas that were the whole year

Time: 7447.54

on daylight saving has much more problems

Time: 7450.56

even in cancer rates and depression.

Time: 7452.61

So you don't want to do that.

Time: 7454.13

So that's what trying to convince people

Time: 7456.87

that you need to prevent that switch,

Time: 7460.27

and you don't need daylight saving at all.

Time: 7462.85

That's where the problem happens.

Time: 7465.1

- Interesting.

Time: 7466.22

I had not thought about that, but yes,

Time: 7468.33

you late risers that in the fall, when it's the fall back,

Time: 7472.53

as they say, spring forward, fall back,

Time: 7473.88

you dial back the clock,

Time: 7475.28

it's really compounding the problem

Time: 7477.44

that already exists. - Exactly.

Time: 7479.57

And it's really nice if you think,

Time: 7480.94

if you keep it consistent in the spring,

Time: 7483.12

you get the equinox and then the day starts going up,

Time: 7487.95

and then even in the summer it start going down,

Time: 7489.47

and then the fall you get the other equinox and go back.

Time: 7492.46

So it's very symmetrical, right?

Time: 7494.66

It goes into short day, longer, long, long, long, long,

Time: 7497.93

and then short day again.

Time: 7499.47

But now you're getting these bumps in both sides

Time: 7502.4

of the spring and fall.

Time: 7504.17

Why would you do that?

Time: 7505.21

Something that is beautifully symmetrical,

Time: 7507.49

beautifully smooth, you're putting bumps into it.

Time: 7510.06

- Well, and not just beautiful because it's there,

Time: 7513.11

but it evolved.

Time: 7514.9

I mean, essentially this is the system-

Time: 7515.964

- It's natural. - We evolved in for hundreds

Time: 7517.688

of thousands of years. - This is the seasonality.

Time: 7518.521

The most even apart from the exact equator,

Time: 7521.33

every part of the earth has seasonality.

Time: 7525.27

- I want to briefly touch on something which is

Time: 7527.87

individual and genetic variation

Time: 7529.76

in the sensitivity to light. - Yeah.

Time: 7531.89

- So not chronotype, but first of all,

Time: 7535.49

a very basic question.

Time: 7537.58

Do people with light eyes, light colored eyes,

Time: 7542.25

are they more sensitive to light than people

Time: 7544.23

with darker pigmented eyes?

Time: 7546.05

- I mean, honestly, it makes sense they will be more

Time: 7548.69

because if you think of my dark pupil,

Time: 7551.36

it's blocking more light.

Time: 7552.81

So, if you have light pupil,

Time: 7555.75

yes, for vision, it may not be very obvious,

Time: 7558.03

but for something that is measuring the amount of light,

Time: 7560.46

you're getting more light than me.

Time: 7562.43

So you would probably need less light to be effective

Time: 7566.38

as somebody who's darker.

Time: 7568.63

And that maybe could explain why sometimes lighter people

Time: 7571.71

say, I don't want to go into very bright conditions

Time: 7574.08

because it's really bright. - Yeah, I can't even

Time: 7577.36

be at a cafe with one of these reflective tables,

Time: 7579.83

like a metal table. - Right.

Time: 7580.85

- Unless I have very dark sunglasses on.

Time: 7582.681

- Exactly. - It's so bright

Time: 7583.514

it's painful for me. - Right, right.

Time: 7584.712

- Whereas some people like you, we've sat outside

Time: 7585.87

and had meals and you're like fine.

Time: 7588.24

I assumed it was kind of Jordanian toughness versus-

Time: 7590.457

- No, no, no, it's really the pupil blocks more light.

Time: 7593.23

So I think it is possible that it's as simple as the pupil

Time: 7597.05

blocking more light can have sensitivity,

Time: 7599.093

but your question is also goes deeper.

Time: 7601.52

Are there more sensitivity differences?

Time: 7604.57

And my understanding would be I would think that it may be,

Time: 7607.93

depends on how effective your cells

Time: 7610.59

are in responding to light, how healthy your ipRCGs are.

Time: 7616.13

But there's not many studies to show that.

Time: 7618.21

What is really clear that is happening

Time: 7620.45

is that patients with bipolar,

Time: 7623.54

they seem to have different sensitivities to light.

Time: 7626.07

So it seems that at least people

Time: 7627.97

who have psychological changes,

Time: 7632.42

they may have differences to the sensitivity of light, so.

Time: 7637.29

- Are those differences in a particular direction?

Time: 7640.05

- I don't remember the exact data.

Time: 7641.87

- We can look it up, yeah. - Yeah, yeah.

Time: 7645.47

- And people have heard me say this at nauseum

Time: 7647.47

to the point where they actually roll their eyes,

Time: 7649.28

but that these are the only two pieces of brain,

Time: 7652.23

I'm pointing to my eyes, folks,

Time: 7653.36

that are outside the cranial vault.

Time: 7655.04

- Absolutely. - They are two pieces of brain

Time: 7656.35

that it basically inform the brain about whether

Time: 7659.18

or not to be alert or asleep. - Absolutely.

Time: 7660.97

- But you can imagine that those two little pieces of brain

Time: 7663.12

that we call eyes would have genetic variations.

Time: 7666.753

- Right. - Of course eye color

Time: 7667.586

is genetically determined,

Time: 7671.56

that there would be genetic variations based on

Time: 7673.75

whether or not your ancestry evolved near the equator

Time: 7676.86

or further from the equator, right?

Time: 7678.643

I mean, you see more blue eyes in Scandinavia,

Time: 7681.202

than you do at the equator. - Absolutely, I mean,

Time: 7682.035

it's the lack of light that said you need less inhibition

Time: 7686.05

because there's not enough light, right?

Time: 7687.66

So that's the idea of the changing color.

Time: 7691.52

So, yeah, I totally agree with you.

Time: 7693.72

I mean, I think this is an area that will be studied later

Time: 7696.88

and will be empirically determined.

Time: 7699.61

The problem we have in this field right now,

Time: 7702.2

which I think is the biggest problem,

Time: 7704.41

is we don't have a way to measure the ipRCGs

Time: 7707.77

sensitivities in humans.

Time: 7709.24

So we still like, it's easy to measure

Time: 7712.1

your rod cone function if you go to an optometrist,

Time: 7715.09

they measure all the details, right?

Time: 7717.01

Contrast detection. - You look at the chart,

Time: 7718.73

you get out the Snellen Chart. - Yeah, exactly.

Time: 7719.76

- You look at the letters of the DMV.

Time: 7721.43

- Yeah. - Yeah.

Time: 7722.29

- But for the non subconscious,

Time: 7724.61

we still don't have a good measuring systems to figure out

Time: 7728.88

what is Andrew's sensitivity?

Time: 7730.65

What is Samer's sensitivity?

Time: 7732.05

What is this person's sensitivity?

Time: 7733.48

And I think we're starting to work on something like that

Time: 7736.61

to hopefully develop these techniques.

Time: 7738.44

But till we develop them,

Time: 7740.3

it's going to be very hard to figure out

Time: 7742.47

if there is a sensitivity difference?

Time: 7744.18

How do they relate?

Time: 7745.31

And on men and woman?

Time: 7748.06

Dark and light?

Time: 7749.4

And all that, normal versus psychologically affect,

Time: 7753.28

and stuff like that.

Time: 7754.53

- Fascinating.

Time: 7756.15

And every time you talk, I learn so much.

Time: 7759.98

It's in the best way, the best sense of the term,

Time: 7764.624

it's a waterfall of knowledge.

Time: 7767.47

As a final question,

Time: 7768.82

I have a question about sensitivity of a whole other kind,

Time: 7772.53

and that's the sensitivity to spicy food.

Time: 7776.55

Now, the reason I'm asking this question,

Time: 7779.01

what seemingly out of the blue is that I made the mistake

Time: 7782.62

once of having Samer cook for me.

Time: 7785.34

And I said, "Not too spicy."

Time: 7788.46

And he said, "Okay, not too spicy."

Time: 7790.67

He actually said, "Okay, not too spicy."

Time: 7792.6

And it almost killed me.

Time: 7795.74

Like it was like two or three days.

Time: 7797.98

So you know a lot about biology outside the visual system,

Time: 7801.97

light, et cetera.

Time: 7802.9

You've been around a while.

Time: 7805.42

Are there known genetic or inherited of any kind

Time: 7809.75

sensitivities to spicy food?

Time: 7812.27

To things like red peppers and capsaicin?

Time: 7814.24

Because what you call mild, my friend,

Time: 7818.07

almost put me into the hospital.

Time: 7820.48

- I think this is similar to you swimming in the ocean

Time: 7823.05

and I need to go develop the pain tolerance to do it.

Time: 7824.38

- Okay, true, true, I like cold water swims

Time: 7826.66

and Samer's not a fan. - Yeah.

Time: 7827.75

- But that's going to change.

Time: 7829.314

It's adaptable. - These are adaptable.

Time: 7831.514

- That's going to change. - That's my belief.

Time: 7832.74

Before I met Rejji, I was like you.

Time: 7834.78

And once I started eating a lot of spicy food,

Time: 7837.51

I lost touch of how spicy my food is.

Time: 7840.61

So I nearly killed you, Andrew, and I apologize for that.

Time: 7843.26

- I forgive you.

Time: 7844.093

So, basically what you're saying is that marriage

Time: 7845.5

toughened you up? - Toughened me up, exactly.

Time: 7848.26

- [Andrew] Maybe that's the solution.

Time: 7849.22

- That's what you need, yeah.

Time: 7851.42

- Samer, this has been an amazing march

Time: 7855.29

through the importance of light,

Time: 7857.3

not just for regulating sleep and wakefulness,

Time: 7859.56

but also for food timing, the interactions with mood,

Time: 7863.6

the interactions with exercise.

Time: 7865.61

I'm certain that people are going to start thinking about

Time: 7869.07

how to change their relationship with light

Time: 7871.28

as a way to anchor everything that they do.

Time: 7874.74

And that's important to their health.

Time: 7876.15

And I just on behalf of all of them,

Time: 7878.31

and just directly from me as your friend

Time: 7880.83

and as a colleague for many years now, I just want to say,

Time: 7884.1

thank you for the incredible work you're doing

Time: 7886.21

and for sharing it with us.

Time: 7887.63

- Thank you so much.

Time: 7888.463

And I actually now thinking about all of this, and you said,

Time: 7891.71

I should write a book.

Time: 7892.66

I should write a book and call it "The Tripartite Model."

Time: 7895.67

I think that would put all these components together,

Time: 7898.36

it would be very interesting to do at some point.

Time: 7901.44

- You should write a book.

Time: 7903.36

They'll probably try and change the title to like,

Time: 7905.117

"Food, Mood and You," or something.

Time: 7908.78

But you can put in little print The Tripartite Model

Time: 7911.24

or whatever, but regardless of what it's called,

Time: 7915.26

you absolutely should write a book.

Time: 7917.06

And so if you'd like Samer to write a book,

Time: 7920.48

or if you'd like to learn more about him,

Time: 7921.82

let's talk a little bit about where people can find you.

Time: 7923.81

Your laboratory is at the National Institutes

Time: 7925.26

of Mental Health.

Time: 7926.4

He is Head of the Chronobiology Unit,

Time: 7928

all these things as I've mentioned earlier,

Time: 7930.03

but you are active on Twitter and Instagram.

Time: 7933.51

- Right. - So, what is your

Time: 7935.09

Twitter handle? - It's @SamerHattar.

Time: 7938.2

- And we will provide a link for that in the show notes.

Time: 7941.82

- Yes, the Twitter @SamerHattar,

Time: 7943.726

and I think the same for Instagram.

Time: 7945.34

Yeah, actually. - And Samer has been

Time: 7947.62

coaxed onto Instagram, so he does post from time to time,

Time: 7950.44

mostly pictures of food that is incredibly spicy,

Time: 7955.1

but also information about chronobiology.

Time: 7957.89

He comes on for an Instagram Live every once

Time: 7959.78

in a while with me.

Time: 7961.01

So, definitely give him a follow there and on Twitter.

Time: 7964.223

And I'm sure that he'll be happy to answer questions

Time: 7969.054

and entertain any and all discussions about chronobiology.

Time: 7973.76

- Absolutely, yeah.

Time: 7974.82

And light, yeah.

Time: 7977.29

- Great, thank you, Samer.

Time: 7978.36

- Awesome, thank you, Andrew.

Time: 7979.92

- Thank you for joining me for my conversation

Time: 7982.23

with Dr. Samer Hattar.

Time: 7983.76

I hope you found it as interesting and informative as I did.

Time: 7988.06

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Time: 7990.65

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Time: 7992.6

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Time: 7995.67

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Time: 7997.64

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Time: 7999.76

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Time: 8001.58

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Time: 8003.76

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Time: 8007.9

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Time: 8009.53

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Time: 8013.15

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Time: 8015.22

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Time: 8016.41

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Time: 8018.29

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Time: 8022.85

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Time: 8024.81

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Time: 8026.56

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Time: 8027.87

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Time: 8030.21

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Time: 8033.27

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Time: 8036.38

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Time: 8040.82

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Time: 8043.41

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Time: 8047.39

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Time: 8050.1

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Time: 8052.21

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Time: 8054.38

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Time: 8056.5

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Time: 8058.22

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Time: 8060.36

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Time: 8062.176

[light music]

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