Dr. Noam Sobel: How Smells Influence Our Hormones, Health & Behavior | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford School of Medicine

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today my guest is Dr Noam Sobel Dr Noam

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Sobel is a professor of neurobiology in

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the department of brain Sciences at the

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Wiseman Institute of science his

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laboratory studies olfaction and

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chemosensation olfaction is of course

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our sense of smell chemo sensation is

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our ability to respond to chemicals in

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our environment today we're going to

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learn some absolutely incredible facts

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about how you interact with the world

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and other people around you for instance

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you will learn that humans can smell

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things around them as well as dogs can

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in fact humans are incredibly good at

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sensing the chemical world around them

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you also learn for instance that every

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time you meet somebody you are taking

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chemicals from that person either from

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the chemical Cloud that surrounds them

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or directly from the surface of their

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body and you are actually applying it to

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your own body and you are processing

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information about that person's

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chemicals to determine many things about

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them including how stressed they are

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their hormone levels things that operate

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at a subconscious love level on your

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brain and nervous system and the impact

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your emotions your decision making and

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who you choose to relate to or not to

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relate to you will also learn that tears

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yes the tears of others are impacting

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your hormone levels in powerful ways

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you will also learn that every so often

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actually on a regular schedule there is

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an alternation of ease through which you

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can breathe through one nostril or the

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other and that alternation reflects an

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underlying Dynamic of your nervous

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system and has a lot to do with how

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alert or sleepy you happen to be

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the list of things that Dr Nome sobel's

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laboratory has discovered that relate to

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everyday life and that are going to make

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you say wow I can't believe that happens

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but then go out into the real world and

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actually observe that that happens in

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ways that are incredibly interesting

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just goes on and on in fact his

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laboratory discovered that we are always

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sensing our own odors that's right even

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though you might not notice your own

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smell you are always sensing your own

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odor cloud and throughout the day you

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periodically smell yourself deliberately

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even though you might not realize it in

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order to change your cognition and

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behavior I first learned of Dr sobel's

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laboratory through a rather odd

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observance that observance took place

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when I was a graduate student many years

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ago at UC Berkeley at the time Nom Sobo

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was a professor at UC Berkeley as I

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mentioned before he has since moved to

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the Weissman well I was walking through

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the Berkeley campus and I saw people on

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their hands and knees but with their

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head very close to the ground and their

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eyes were covered their hands were

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covered their mouths were covered and

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only their nose was exposed and what I

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was observing was an experiment being

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conducted by the Sobel laboratory in

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which humans were following a scent

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trail that Central was actually buried

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some depth underneath the Earth and yet

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they could follow that Central with a

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high degree of fidelity it was from that

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experiment and other experiments done in

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Dr sobel's laboratory at Berkeley and at

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the Wiseman involving neuroimaging and a

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number of other tools and techniques

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that revealed the incredible power of

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human old faction and humans ability to

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follow scent Trails if they need to and

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that of course led to many other

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important discoveries some of which I

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alluded to a few moments ago but you are

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going to learn about many many other

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important discoveries in the realm of

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olfaction in chemosensation that have

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been carried out by Dr Silver's

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laboratory through the course of today's

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episode and by the end of today's

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episode I assure you that you will never

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look at or smell the world around you

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the same way again before we begin I'd

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like to emphasize that this podcast is

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separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford it is however part of

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my desire and effort to bring zero cost

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to Consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is Roca Rococo

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makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are

Time: 247.739

of the absolute highest quality I've

Time: 249.959

spent a lifetime working on the biology

Time: 251.459

the visual system and I can tell you

Time: 252.78

that your visual system has to contend

Time: 254.28

with an enormous number of challenges in

Time: 256.199

order for you to be able to see clearly

Time: 257.639

Roca eyeglasses and sunglasses were

Time: 259.979

designed with the biology of the visual

Time: 261.479

system in mind so no matter whether or

Time: 263.4

not you're wearing them for sport

Time: 264.6

whether or not you're wearing them for

Time: 265.8

work or for socializing you can always

Time: 267.3

see with Crystal Clarity their glasses

Time: 269.52

are extremely lightweight so most of the

Time: 271.44

time you don't even realize that you're

Time: 272.46

wearing them I wear Roca readers at

Time: 274.38

night and sometimes when I drive at

Time: 275.94

night and I wear Roca sunglasses

Time: 277.74

throughout the day except of course I do

Time: 279.72

not wear them for my morning sunlight

Time: 281.1

viewing if you'd like to try Roca

Time: 282.72

eyeglasses or sunglasses go to Roka

Time: 285.18

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Time: 287.34

huberman to save 20 off your first order

Time: 289.8

again that's roka.com and enter the code

Time: 292.74

huberman at checkout today's episode is

Time: 295.139

also brought To Us by thesis thesis

Time: 297.24

makes custom nootropics and nootropics

Time: 299.46

is a word that I do not like because it

Time: 301.86

means smart drugs as a neurobiologist I

Time: 304.62

can tell you that there is no neural

Time: 306.06

circuit in your brain for being smart

Time: 307.68

there are neural circuits for Focus

Time: 309.12

there are neural circuits for memory

Time: 310.5

there are neural circuits for creativity

Time: 312.12

and there are neural circuits for task

Time: 314.1

switching thesis understands that

Time: 316.32

there's a diversity of neural circuits

Time: 317.88

that support different brain body States

Time: 319.979

and therefore design nootropics that are

Time: 322.5

customized to achieve specific brain

Time: 324.36

body States if you go to the thesis

Time: 326.22

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Time: 328.5

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Time: 330.84

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Time: 332.1

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Time: 333.84

others for clarity others for creativity

Time: 335.88

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Time: 338.16

nootropic starter kit you can go to take

Time: 340.32

thesis.com huberman and take a

Time: 342.84

three-minute quiz and thesis will send

Time: 344.58

you four different formulas to try on

Time: 346.139

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Time: 348.18

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Time: 350.46

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Time: 352.32

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Time: 354.24

brought To Us by Helix sleep Helix sleep

Time: 356.52

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Time: 358.68

that allow you to get the best possible

Time: 360.6

night's sleep so if you go to the Helix

Time: 362.82

website you can take a very brief quiz

Time: 364.56

it only takes about two minutes and

Time: 365.699

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Time: 367.86

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Time: 369.84

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Time: 371.22

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Time: 372.24

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Time: 373.919

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Time: 375.6

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Time: 377.52

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Time: 380.16

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Time: 382.319

sleeping on it for more than two years

Time: 383.58

and it's the best sleep that I've ever

Time: 385.02

had if you'd like to try a helix

Time: 386.759

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Time: 389.639

take that two minute quiz and they'll

Time: 391.199

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Time: 393.06

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Time: 395.46

order and two free pillows again if

Time: 397.5

you're interested you can go to

Time: 398.699

helixsleep.com huberman for up to 350

Time: 401.819

off and two free pillows and now for my

Time: 404.759

discussion with Dr Noam Sobel Dr Sobel

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gnome welcome thank you must say I am

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extremely excited for this come

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conversation I've been a huge fan of

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your work for more than a decade or two

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uh yes kind of frightening yeah but yeah

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we overlapped at UC Berkeley some time

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ago although we did not meet and we

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lived in the same apartment and we just

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learned that the amazing apartment

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that you moved out of was the apartment

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that my girlfriend and I at the time

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moved into in 2006 I believe so uh

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we've shared quite a few things

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um and today I would love for you to

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share with us

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um All About The Amazing landscape of

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chemo sensation in particular olfaction

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or sense of smell and some related

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perceptual abilities or subconscious

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abilities including pheromones Etc

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to get everybody on the same page I'd

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like to just start off by asking

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what are the major components of our

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ability to smell

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obviously or I like to think it involves

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the nose at some level it does to what

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extent is that mixed in with other

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senses like taste and

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perhaps more importantly

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what about the chemicals that we are

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sensing through this thing and for those

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of you listening um and not watching I'm

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tapping my nose that we are not aware of

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you know that the chemicals that are

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that we're inhaling and

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um making sense of without our awareness

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if you could just um give us the top

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Contour or even deep Contour if you like

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of the uh the parts list and the various

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roles they play so you you've asked a

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lot of questions at once

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um you know I'll start with a little

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comment on the way you you said smelling

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through our nose which we indeed do but

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we also smell through our mouth actually

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there's a process referred to as

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retronasal olfaction where

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um odorants come up through our the back

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of our throat and

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out of our nose the reverse way and we

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smell things that way as well and in

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fact a big part of the contribution of

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olfaction to food and taste comes from

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that from retro nasal off action but uh

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uh primary olfaction is referred to as

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orthonasal faction that is through our

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news we Sniff and sniffing is a big

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thing well I have a sense we might talk

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about that a lot today in all sorts of

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contexts so we sniff in through our nose

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and to answer your general question of

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the organization of the system

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um so molecules Airborne molecules

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travel up our nose a distance in the

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human of about six or seven centimeters

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to about here where they interact with I

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will use the word sheet of receptors but

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she is a bit misleading here it's not a

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sheet it's very convoluted

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we have about seven million such

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receptors uh lining a structure known as

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the olfactory epithelium this is the

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sensory surface of the olfactory system

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the olfactory epithelium again about

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probably about six or seven million

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receptors in the human in the human

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probably of about

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350 different kinds so that's amazing

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that means a meaningful percentage of

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your genome is devoted just to this just

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to the kinds of olfactory receptor

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subtypes you have in your nose by the

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way I can share an amusing story I would

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imagine amusing stories are good for

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so that number of six or seven million

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is probably not very well grounded it's

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hard to count but it's reasonably

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grounded and there was this thing

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roaming around in the literature about

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Bloodhounds having billion receptors in

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their nose which is why they're so

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amazing and this number was you know it

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sort of propagated through the

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literature and and our lab has written

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over the years a few review chapters and

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and we were repeatedly writing the

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olfaction chapter for a very large one

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of these large textbooks the gazanaga

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handbook of cognitive Neuroscience I

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think it's called

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and and we had that in there as well

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somewhere and and one time when we're

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renewing the chapter for a new version

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of the book I told the graduate student

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who was leading that at the time she's

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now a professor at Tel Aviv University I

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told her check that check that reference

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out where in the world did that come

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from and we started going back and back

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and back and it turns out it comes from

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a textbook

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an Australian textbook

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and we found the author of The Textbook

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and and we wrote her and I said look

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there's this thing in in the literature

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of a billion receptors in in the

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Bloodhound where did that come from

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and and surprisingly she answered me and

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you know I was hoping to get a reference

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right but it was a reference and and

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this is where it really becomes funny

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for us because she said I I was once um

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at a lecture of uh an all-faction

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geneticists geneticist by the name of

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Duron Lancet and he said that in the

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lecture now this is really funny because

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she's in Australia this is all over the

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world this number and I'm writing her

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from Israel and Doran lancid is in the

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building next to me okay he's in

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Weitzman Institute genetics I mean he

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used to be he's retired now uh and and

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he he had meaningful contributions in

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the history of wolf action

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um so I picked up the internal phone and

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and I said hey Duron you know did you

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say that there's a billion receptors in

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the Bloodhound knows and he said what's

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a bloodhound

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so this is totally made up right it

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totally made up and it propagated I mean

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you can you can probably go into Google

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and type like a billion receptors in the

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blood town and you'll get a lot of hits

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but there was absolutely no evidence for

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that amazing and not just amazing in

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light of what it it tells us about

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olfaction and Bloodhounds or otherwise

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but amazing because it sheds light on

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just how much of what is in textbooks

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scientific and medical is absolutely

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wrong things things propagate and and

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you know you set yourself in right so we

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fixed that in that version of right and

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and so to finish the line so that so

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odorants interact with these receptors

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um here in our epithelium where they

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undergo what is referred to as

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transduction that is the odorance our

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Dock of the receptor and turn into a

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neural signal or

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enforce the receptor to respond in a

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neural signal and this neural signal in

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fact action potential is not gradient

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potentials of any kind uh propagates uh

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via the olfactory nerve now this is a

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nerve that goes from our epithelium

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right here behind the forehead no it's

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well yeah yeah here uh through uh the

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thinnest part of our skull an area

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referred to as the cribriform plate

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which is perforated it has a lot of

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holes the nerve goes through those holes

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and synapses at the first Target in the

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brain uh which is the olfactory bulb

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and humans

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that forms an interesting

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uh point of sensitivity

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um because a lot of people lose their

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sense of smell due to trauma uh because

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of that structure yeah a head hit type

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trauma well yes although uh you denoted

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hitting on the front of the head which

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is where all this real estate is but

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actually uh the more common cause for

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losing your sense of smell for trauma is

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the back of the head because of what's

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referred to as a contra coup injury so

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as your listener is probably no our

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brain is floating in liquid in CSF and

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cerebrospinal fluid inside our skull and

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when we get hit in the back of the head

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the brain has this forward and backward

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movement in the liquid in in the skull

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it sort of crashes it can crash against

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the front of the skull which is why you

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also have in a contract Winery you also

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often have frontal damage but what

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happens is that this generates a

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shearing motion on the crib form plate

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and the olfactory nerve is severed and

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if it's completely severed it's it's

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lost forever because my understanding is

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that the olfactory Sensory neurons can

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are among the few central nervous system

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neurons in adult humans that can

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regenerate so or replenish themselves

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right so so I'll I'll again there are a

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few questions yeah that's okay so first

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of all we will spin many plates

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simultaneously if it's completely

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severed completely then yes you're lost

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forever yeah if it's completely savored

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because even if you'll have regeneration

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at the basal cell level at epithelium

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they won't manage to find their way back

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uh to the bulb if if you have partial or

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something left or something shows up in

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a short while after the injury then you

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have a good chance of recovery because

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they grow along the trajectory of the

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other axons or pioneering the way for

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them assumingly yeah interesting and so

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so basically and and basically the time

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frame and you know it's funny I get a

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lot of emails on this although I'm not a

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medical doctor but but I get a lot of

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emails from people who have lost their

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sense of smell because it's very

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distressing and now more people know

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this because of kovid that it's very

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and and basically the rule of thumb is

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that if you don't get it back within a

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year to a year and a half you'll never

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uh get it back my understanding of the

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statistics on olfactory loss in covid

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and and other viral type infections is

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um first of all I had I experienced that

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when I got covered including total and

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awesome for one day and not total it was

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just there was a remnant of an ability

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to to smell or set or perceive the smell

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of a lemon and I was huffing as hard as

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I possibly could I actually uh there's

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an over-the-counter remedy and this is

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not uh pseudoscience because there's a

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number of papers published about this on

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PubMed the alpha lipoic acid can

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accelerate the recovery of of smell yeah

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and and so that's something that it

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worked successfully for me I'm not

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saying that that's the only or I don't

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know if it works successfully for you or

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if you would have recovered anyway I

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mean you didn't do a control that I was

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not willing to do the control experiment

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uh exactly yeah let me say two things on

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this front first the date on the alpha

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lipoic acid is

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one word about the smelling the lemon

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and this is uh I'll take that

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opportunity to to share more information

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when we smell things

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it's the result of more sensory

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subsystems than the olfactory system

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so you have several chemosensory

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sensitive nerves in your nose

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a primary one beyond the olfactory nerve

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is the trigeminal nerve the fifth

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cranial nerve so the trigeminal nerve

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has sensory endings in your nose and

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your throat and in your eye it has three

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branches that's why an onion has smell

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and burns your eyes and burns in your

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throat itself trigeminal yeah the

Time: 1060.799

tearing of cutting an onion is a

Time: 1063.32

trigeminal reflex amazing we talked

Time: 1065.24

about trigeminal in the context of

Time: 1066.679

headache during a headache episode it's

Time: 1068.48

a trigeminal reflex so the lemon you are

Time: 1071.66

smelling may have been a trigeminal

Time: 1074.84

sensation so smelling the lemon with my

Time: 1077.059

eyes is what you're saying well no with

Time: 1078.559

your nose but with your trigeminal

Time: 1080.36

receptors and not your olfactory

Time: 1081.679


Time: 1083.179

um so in within you know all faction

Time: 1085.52

researcher jargon uh there's what we

Time: 1088.16

refer to as pure olfactants these are

Time: 1090.74

orders that will stimulate your

Time: 1092.419

olfactory nerve alone they won't

Time: 1094.34

influence your trigeminal nerve at all

Time: 1096.2

and an example just to get a sense of

Time: 1098.299

what that might be would be uh the

Time: 1100.22

coffee right here is a purolfactant of

Time: 1103.1

vanilla is a known plural factant these

Time: 1105.74

things have no trigeminal activation

Time: 1108.679

um but as long as we're on this topic

Time: 1110.48

and we'll weave back and forth but I'm

Time: 1112.76

glad we are on this topic because a

Time: 1114.32

tremendous number of people wrote to me

Time: 1115.7

during the pandemic and continue to

Time: 1117.38

about olfactory uh loss

Time: 1120.38


Time: 1121.94

is the I I've heard of this olfactory

Time: 1123.98

training where whereby if you have a

Time: 1126.38

partial or even a complete loss of of

Time: 1129.2

primary olfaction right that um one is

Time: 1131.96

encouraged to smell a number of

Time: 1133.28

different smells I I grew up studying

Time: 1136.22

activity dependent wiring of the nervous

Time: 1138.679

system it makes total sense to me why

Time: 1139.94

keeping neurons active keeps them alive

Time: 1141.62

so this is not fired together wired

Time: 1143.78

together type thing by the way that's a

Time: 1145.64

quote from Carla Schatz not Donald head

Time: 1147.2

folks or me

Time: 1148.88

um but this is about keeping neurons

Time: 1151.179

electrically active in this case

Time: 1153.44

olfactory neurons in order to maintain

Time: 1155.84

their connections because otherwise they

Time: 1157.52

will die

Time: 1158.96

of action is a definite use it or lose

Time: 1162.679

it system and so that makes total sense

Time: 1165.799

and indeed there's very strong evidence

Time: 1168.5

for success of of the training programs

Time: 1171.5

more than the alpha lipoic acid right

Time: 1173.9

and and so that's a real thing and and

Time: 1176.299

what's cool about that is that you don't

Time: 1177.919

need to go out and buy expensive things

Time: 1179.9

although you can of course there are

Time: 1181.46

people who are capitalizing on this

Time: 1182.66

commercially already but you can just

Time: 1185.24

take things from your refrigerator or

Time: 1187.64

your or your you know makeup cabinet or

Time: 1189.919

whatever and smell them

Time: 1191.84

you know attentionally and constantly

Time: 1194

and sniff them and and that exposure

Time: 1196.4

will help you recover uh there's good

Time: 1198.26

data on that by now you made that uh

Time: 1200.66

point in passing about regeneration in

Time: 1202.46

the olfactory system and neither one of

Time: 1204.62

one of the cool things so in all faction

Time: 1207.2

you can you can study many things

Time: 1208.82

through all faction indeed one of them

Time: 1210.74

is is an is neuro regeneration uh

Time: 1214.4

because the olfactory neurons are really

Time: 1217.28

the only neurons that do that

Time: 1218.72

systematically in the adult mammalian

Time: 1220.58

brain and whether the human olfactory

Time: 1224.24

system shows the same level of

Time: 1227.539

regeneration as it does in in uh in

Time: 1230.66

other mammals is and was somewhat

Time: 1233.419

questionable and I'm just bringing that

Time: 1234.86

up to share a really cool study that was

Time: 1237.08

published in neuron I think somewhere

Time: 1239.059

around 2014

Time: 1241.58

um where to address this question I just

Time: 1243.799

really like the idea of doing that what

Time: 1245.36

they what the authors did

Time: 1247.28


Time: 1248.299

was look at in in postmortem they looked

Time: 1252.62

at levels of c14 in in

Time: 1256.6

adults were exposed to Atomic Bomb

Time: 1259.46

experiments right so you have you can

Time: 1262.22

actually look at these at these neurons

Time: 1264.64

and and time them based on exposure to

Time: 1268.94


Time: 1270.919

um and that paper suggested that that

Time: 1275.299

there's not as much turnover in the

Time: 1278.24

human olfactory bulb as there is in

Time: 1279.86

other mammals

Time: 1281.299


Time: 1282.919

other lines of data suggest otherwise so

Time: 1285.08

this is kind of a debated question as to

Time: 1286.82

what extent degeneration you have in in

Time: 1289.88

the human olfactory system as opposed to

Time: 1291.559

other uh mammals but but that was just a

Time: 1294.86

really cool paper I think of of doing

Time: 1296.659

that fascinating no I I

Time: 1299.679

should I finish the the path just so we

Time: 1302.6

have to so so we said so so information

Time: 1304.84

then synapses at the olfactory bulb from

Time: 1308

from uh uh the olfactory epithelium

Time: 1311.179


Time: 1312.32

the pattern of that synapsing follows

Time: 1314.9

what's referred to as the most extreme

Time: 1316.46

case of convergence in the mammalian

Time: 1319.48

nervous system more specifically what

Time: 1322.58

happens is that all the receptors of a

Time: 1325.76

given subtype and remember in humans we

Time: 1327.5

said we have about 350 in the mouse we

Time: 1330.02

have about a thousand two hundred

Time: 1331.64


Time: 1332.559

so all the receptors of one subtype

Time: 1336.2

converge to one location in the bulb and

Time: 1339.86

this location is referred to as a

Time: 1341.36

glomerulus or an employee and and that

Time: 1344.539

may be a slight oversimplification it's

Time: 1346.1

in fact two glomeruli there is a mirror

Time: 1348.2

sort of a mirror cut line and so all the

Time: 1351.44

receptors of one subtype will converge

Time: 1353.84

to two mirror glomeruli on the olfactory

Time: 1356.6

bulb so you end up having uh two

Time: 1359.419

glomeruli that reflect that one receptor

Time: 1361.64


Time: 1362.78

and so if and this is as far as I'm

Time: 1367.159

giving you now the textbook view of of

Time: 1369.02

how the system works but then I can I'll

Time: 1371.059

happily share with you things that

Time: 1373.039

pose a problem for the textbook view of

Time: 1375.14

how things work but the textbook view of

Time: 1377.36

how things work is that every such

Time: 1379.039

receptor subtype is responsive to a

Time: 1381.919

small subset of different molecular

Time: 1384.919

shapes what sometimes referred to as

Time: 1386.539

autotopes the molecular aspects of

Time: 1389.179

deodorant so each receptor is is

Time: 1391.52

responsive to a different subset of

Time: 1393.26

odotopes let's say 10 and each ototope

Time: 1396.5

will activate a different subset of

Time: 1398.539

receptors so potentially you have this

Time: 1401

insane common and torics of this

Time: 1402.679

potentially 350 dimensional space in the

Time: 1405.26

human potentially

Time: 1407.36

but then because of this convergence you

Time: 1409.46

end up having on the bulb in a way a map

Time: 1413.14

reflecting or receptor identity so so

Time: 1416.419

let's say this coffee activates

Time: 1418.28

receptors of type 1 3 and 7 so the

Time: 1421.7

glomeruli of receptors one three and

Time: 1423.679

seven will light up quote unquote when I

Time: 1425.84

smell the coffee and if you could take a

Time: 1428.059

snapshot of that theoretically you would

Time: 1429.559

have the map of of coffee and and so on

Time: 1433.159

and so forth this this is sort of the

Time: 1434.96

textbook view of how the system works

Time: 1436.52

and and then information goes from the

Time: 1438.44


Time: 1439.94

to several Targets in the brain I mean

Time: 1442.22

what is referred to as primary olfactory

Time: 1444.02

cortex is piriform cortex and then the

Time: 1446.299

Rhino cortex this is on the ventral

Time: 1448.34

surface of the brain the lower portion

Time: 1450.08

of our temporal lobe

Time: 1451.94

um and information goes there directly

Time: 1453.559

but it also goes directly to the

Time: 1455.24

amygdala it probably goes directly to

Time: 1457.64

the hypothalamus it may go directly to

Time: 1460.34

the cerebellum uh it goes all over the

Time: 1462.86

brain so so information projects widely

Time: 1466.46

from there and as far as people

Time: 1468.62


Time: 1470.059

the map that may exist on the bulb

Time: 1473.14

doesn't exist in the rest of the brain

Time: 1475.34

and the understanding of of how coding

Time: 1477.86

occurs in the rest of the brain is is

Time: 1479.48

murky commonly one here is that the

Time: 1483.559

memories that we have of odors are

Time: 1485.78

somehow more robust

Time: 1487.82

um than the memories of other perceptual

Time: 1490.22

events in our life I I don't know if

Time: 1492.26

this is true or not but um people will

Time: 1494.419

say for instance I can still remember

Time: 1496.34

the smell of my grandmother's hands or

Time: 1498.799

the smell of cookies in her kitchen

Time: 1501.5

at a minimum it points to the fact that

Time: 1504.08

smell and memory are closely linked and

Time: 1506.6

you just mentioned a direct

Time: 1509

um you know multi-station but

Time: 1510.62

nonetheless somewhat Direct

Time: 1512.9

path from the nostrils to the

Time: 1515.419

hippocampus one of the primary encoding

Time: 1517.46

centers away yeah which is which is a

Time: 1520.22

remarkably short pathway considering

Time: 1521.78

that for instance uh just by example

Time: 1523.82

because some of our listeners won't be

Time: 1525.44

familiar with this but some will that

Time: 1527.299

sound waves that uh you know are

Time: 1529.159

transduced into neural signals at the

Time: 1530.84

level of the inner ear go through many

Time: 1533.539

stations before they arrive at the

Time: 1535.34

location in the brain where we make

Time: 1536.9

sense of those sound waves as voices or

Time: 1538.94

music Etc whereas olfaction is more of a

Time: 1541.7

direct route

Time: 1542.779

um to the to the memory centers

Time: 1545.36

um is there any uh gesso story or real

Time: 1549.559

uh objective truth to the idea that

Time: 1552.14

olfactory memories are formed more

Time: 1554.179

easily or maintained longer or more

Time: 1556.64

robustly than other sorts of memories so

Time: 1559.1

so yes but first I I should I should say

Time: 1562.7

that I'm not

Time: 1564.38

an authority in all Factory memory it's

Time: 1566.659

sort of it all have to remember is a

Time: 1568.7

huge field of research and somehow our

Time: 1570.5

lab has never really

Time: 1572.6


Time: 1573.74

gone much into that although again the

Time: 1577.58

same student I happened to talk about

Time: 1578.72

before I Sharon who's again now A

Time: 1581

Faculty at Tel Aviv uh

Time: 1583.82

um ran a study a paper we I think we

Time: 1586.22

published in current biology biology

Time: 1587.84

called the privilege representation of

Time: 1589.76

early olfacturers associations basically

Time: 1593

there's something about the first time

Time: 1594.98

you experience a smell

Time: 1596.9

that generates a particularly robust

Time: 1599.24


Time: 1600.5

more than other sensory stimuli and and

Time: 1602.84

that's what chain fact compared so

Time: 1604.82

there's something about the first

Time: 1606.14

exposure to a smell

Time: 1608.179

um in terms of the brain encoding that

Time: 1610.76

that etches it into our uh being

Time: 1614.84

and and this is an effect that has you

Time: 1617.36

know it has Echoes of course in

Time: 1618.98

literature I mean you know the the

Time: 1620.299

biggest cliche in this is to bring up

Time: 1621.799

the priest effect right so the priest

Time: 1623.36

effect is when he ate the Madeleine and

Time: 1624.919

it immediately the taste and smell

Time: 1626.299

immediately reminded him uh of of an

Time: 1629.179

event in his childhood where where uh

Time: 1631.159

where the same Madeleine uh appeared uh

Time: 1636.5

um but but so that's something very real

Time: 1639.679

there there's a lot of research on it uh

Time: 1642.38

not coming from our work so I'm not an

Time: 1644.48

authority but it does sound like there's

Time: 1646.159

something special about olfaction

Time: 1648.74

um and that doesn't mean that there

Time: 1650.539

isn't something special about Vision or

Time: 1652.82

audition each one has its own uh unique

Time: 1656.059

uh I'm the last argue that there's

Time: 1657.62

something special about actions my

Time: 1660.44

students make fun of me because

Time: 1662.74

they saying there's some truth to that

Time: 1665.12

that I try to explain everything through

Time: 1666.98

the olfactory system I mean for me

Time: 1668.539

everything is olfactory so so yes

Time: 1671.12

through the lens of the nose I'd like to

Time: 1673.34

take a quick break and acknowledge one

Time: 1675.26

of our sponsors athletic greens athletic

Time: 1677.779

greens now called ag1 is a vitamin

Time: 1680.6

mineral probiotic drink that covers all

Time: 1682.88

of your foundational nutritional needs

Time: 1684.62

I've been taking athletic green since

Time: 1686.539

2012 so I'm delighted that they're

Time: 1688.76

sponsoring the podcast the reason I

Time: 1690.44

started taking athletic greens and the

Time: 1691.82

reason I still take athletic greens once

Time: 1694.1

are usually twice a day is that it gets

Time: 1696.559

to be the probiotics that I need for gut

Time: 1698.539

health our gut is very important it's

Time: 1700.46

populated by gut microbiota that

Time: 1703.1

communicate with the brain the immune

Time: 1704.419

system and basically all the biological

Time: 1706.159

systems of our body to strongly impact

Time: 1708.14

our immediate and long-term health

Time: 1710.419

and those probiotics and athletic greens

Time: 1712.64

are optimal and vital for microbiotic

Time: 1715.58

health in addition athletic greens

Time: 1717.679

contains a number of adaptogens vitamins

Time: 1719.36

and minerals that make sure that all of

Time: 1721.039

my foundational nutritional needs are

Time: 1722.659

met and it tastes great if you'd like to

Time: 1725.72

try athletic greens you can go to

Time: 1727.36

athleticgreens.com huberman and they'll

Time: 1730.52

give you five free travel packs that

Time: 1732.14

make it really easy to mix up athletic

Time: 1733.76

greens while you're on the road in the

Time: 1735.44

car on the plane Etc and they'll give

Time: 1737.48

you a year's supply of vitamin d3k2

Time: 1740.059

again that's athleticgreens.com huberman

Time: 1742.7

to get the five free travel packs and

Time: 1744.559

the year supply of vitamin D3 K2 when I

Time: 1748.279

was at Berkeley

Time: 1749.98

I was walking across campus one day and

Time: 1753.32

I saw

Time: 1754.82

I think students but I saw people on

Time: 1757.4

their hands and knees with goggles on

Time: 1759.799

gloves on and

Time: 1762.38

um I think their mouths were covered too

Time: 1764.36

everything was covered was covered and

Time: 1766.94

they were walking well they were

Time: 1768.799

crawling along the ground

Time: 1771.38

um and I thought this was peculiar but

Time: 1772.88

then again it's UC Berkeley and the joke

Time: 1775.34

is if it to get noticed on the UC

Time: 1777.32

Berkeley campus you have to be naked and

Time: 1778.88

on fire right one or the other would not

Time: 1780.679

be sufficient please don't run this

Time: 1782.179

experience that kind of place

Time: 1785.299

um yeah but nonetheless a paper came out

Time: 1788.6

a few years later

Time: 1790.84

describing the results of what turned

Time: 1793.399

out to be your experiment that your

Time: 1794.779

laboratory was running which was having

Time: 1796.399

people follow an odor trail with their

Time: 1798.38

nose and

Time: 1800.24

um and my understanding is that people

Time: 1803.12

can improve their ability to track sense

Time: 1806.779

quite robustly especially if

Time: 1810.86

we deprive them of vision and somatic

Time: 1813.98

Sensation that is touched in some other

Time: 1815.899

um Sensations maybe you could just tell

Time: 1817.039

us a little bit about that study and um

Time: 1819.14

and for I think in our audience I'm

Time: 1821.179

suspecting that many people have a Keen

Time: 1823.58

Keen sense of smell very I have a family

Time: 1825.559

member who just like detect any negative

Time: 1828.44

you know putrid odor in the environment

Time: 1830.74

but also good odors

Time: 1834.32

um exquisitely well and I I have other

Time: 1835.88

family members who sense of smell is

Time: 1837.44

quite poor

Time: 1839


Time: 1840.02

I'd love for

Time: 1841.64

all of those people to learn a bit about

Time: 1844.399

what is possible in terms of training up

Time: 1846.5

or improving our ability to smell and

Time: 1848.72

perhaps in the context of that study if

Time: 1850.58

you will yeah so so first before even

Time: 1852.98

talking about improving just

Time: 1855.799

off the bat humans have a remarkable

Time: 1858.74

sense of smell and this is something

Time: 1860.779

again in our lab we already said we know

Time: 1863.059

yeah we know this this is old news but

Time: 1864.679

but to people who who come from

Time: 1866.779

different worlds we have to reiterate

Time: 1868.279

this sometimes when I give you know

Time: 1870.32

public lectures to to non-all-faction

Time: 1872.419

audiences I reiterate this

Time: 1874.46

humans have an utterly remarkable sense

Time: 1877.46

of smell to put that a bit into sort of

Time: 1880.58

you know things that you could that are

Time: 1882.679

tangible so so for example

Time: 1885.559

um mercaptans which are added to cooking

Time: 1887.659

gas so that we smell it because

Time: 1888.86

otherwise it wouldn't have a smell so

Time: 1890.6

that the smell of gas is not the smell

Time: 1892.64

of gas of propane it's an additive

Time: 1895.6

yeah it's more Captain the sulfur like

Time: 1898.94

smell so so uh our detection threshold

Time: 1902.24

that is the level at which we can detect

Time: 1904.22

it is 0.2 parts per billion

Time: 1909.679

okay there's no machine that can really

Time: 1911.72

do that that effectively no gas

Time: 1913.279

chromatograph nothing now to give you

Time: 1916.46

another sense of of making this again

Time: 1918.559

really tangible we're working with an

Time: 1920.24

odorant in our lab called estro tetra

Time: 1922.399


Time: 1924.38

that our participants can detect when we

Time: 1927.74

have it mixed at 10 to the negative 12

Time: 1930.26

molar in the liquid phase to give you a

Time: 1933.5

real sense of that we did the math if

Time: 1936.38

you would take two olympic size swimming

Time: 1939.08

pools and you would pipe it 1ml one drop

Time: 1942.76

into one pool versus the other you could

Time: 1946.159

smell the difference between the pools

Time: 1947.6

incredible that's the detection

Time: 1949.58

threshold that you have with your nose

Time: 1950.899

people have an utterly amazing nose Okay

Time: 1954.26

so so that's just in terms of its

Time: 1956.36

detection abilities which are are just

Time: 1958.159

you know remarkable really up there in

Time: 1959.779

the mammalian World we're not

Time: 1962.059

a bad mammal at all faction

Time: 1965.539


Time: 1966.74

and and

Time: 1968.899

beyond that we can we can improve okay

Time: 1971.659

and and the example you're talking about

Time: 1973.159

actually started off

Time: 1974.72

uh is a lab bet okay we were having a

Time: 1978.08

lab picnic so I guess I should hear fill

Time: 1980.48

in because I I'm your guest from The

Time: 1982.52

Weisman Institute of Science in Israel

Time: 1984.14

but before going back to my home in

Time: 1987.08

Israel I was a uh um faculty at UC

Time: 1990.559

Berkeley and the Helen Wells

Time: 1991.88

Neuroscience Institute and this study

Time: 1994.22

was done during that time and we were on

Time: 1996.98

a lab picnic and we were having indeed

Time: 1998.899

one of these sort of lab discussions

Time: 2000.58

arguments on what humans can and can't

Time: 2002.26

do with their sense of smell and and I

Time: 2004.659

said that humans could truly even track

Time: 2006.399

odor like a dog and people there said no

Time: 2008.86

way and we ran this quick experiment uh

Time: 2011.74

which I have video of but I don't think

Time: 2013.72

we'll show it here uh but I actually

Time: 2016.12

have original the picnic video we have

Time: 2018.399


Time: 2019.179

and uh a graduate student by the name of

Time: 2021.94

Christina zellano a brilliant graduate

Time: 2023.799

student at that time who's now she's now

Time: 2025.659

a professor at Northwestern

Time: 2027.58

and she's really leading the field of

Time: 2029.98

all faction Imaging today but she was

Time: 2033.039

the volunteer and we dragged a chocolate

Time: 2035.38

bar across the grass and blindfolded her

Time: 2039.039


Time: 2041.26

checked if she could track the track we

Time: 2043.539

made with the chocolate which he did

Time: 2045.46

very effectively right and as far as

Time: 2047.019

Placer at the starting point of the line

Time: 2048.339

or I think we did I don't exactly

Time: 2050.5

remember what we did on that sort of

Time: 2051.879

picnic uh tryout but you know I assume

Time: 2054.879

she never practiced that in her life

Time: 2056.26

before right and yet you know she she

Time: 2058.659

did it really really well and

Time: 2061.659

and then this went on as a lot better in

Time: 2064.3

a way that that I I said to my my

Time: 2066.52

students okay we we have to make this

Time: 2068.02

into an experiment put in an

Time: 2069.82

experimental setting and and and

Time: 2071.8

quantify what's going on

Time: 2073.599


Time: 2075.22

and they all said that it would be

Time: 2076.899

uninteresting that was the BET and and I

Time: 2079

told them it would be in nature which is

Time: 2080.98

a bit I won in this case nature of

Time: 2083.26

course being one of the the three Apex

Time: 2085.419

journals so it was it was Nature

Time: 2087.399

Neuroscience to prepare but but uh so so

Time: 2090.099

then we we turned it into an experiment

Time: 2091.839

and and what the experiment was is that

Time: 2094.659

we brought in participants naive

Time: 2096.399

participants not not graduate students

Time: 2098.26

from our lab uh completely deprived them

Time: 2101.02

of any other sensory input so we blocked

Time: 2103.54

their eyes we block their ears we

Time: 2105.16

blocked everything we blocked they were

Time: 2106.839

wearing heavy gloves uh you know they

Time: 2109.72

they couldn't sense anything

Time: 2111.7

and we generated a a consistent order

Time: 2115.96

path in the grass which is what you saw

Time: 2117.88

we did that by burying twine under the

Time: 2121

grass and odor impregnated twine so that

Time: 2124.359

way we could generate a consistent uh

Time: 2126.28

odor Trail every time was it and at the

Time: 2128.74

base of the grass or in the dirt it was

Time: 2130.72

buried it was buried under the grass

Time: 2132.52

really yeah

Time: 2133.9

yeah wow and I did not know that it was

Time: 2136.66

buried under the grass

Time: 2138.359

and we conducted aerial photography and

Time: 2143.02

um participants also had this sensor

Time: 2144.76

pack that they were wearing where we

Time: 2146.859

measured nasal airflow in each nostril

Time: 2149.14

in real time

Time: 2150.52

and uh they all we also used something

Time: 2153.339

called rtk GPS which is a way to lay uh

Time: 2157.599

radio frequency grid over the GPS grid

Time: 2160.119

so that you have millimeter resolution

Time: 2162.04

in space basically it's used by

Time: 2164.619

surveyors mostly

Time: 2166.96

um so that we could track Behavior and

Time: 2170.619

we found a few things doing this one is

Time: 2172.359

that people could just do this right off

Time: 2173.859

the bat

Time: 2175.48

um the second thing we found that is

Time: 2178.3

when we train them up

Time: 2180.64

then within uh average of four days uh

Time: 2185.26

the rate limiting factor became the

Time: 2187.119

speed at which they could crawl

Time: 2189.4

so as fast as you could crawl you could

Time: 2191.56

send track of course you can't crawl as

Time: 2193.42

fast as the dog can run but you as fast

Time: 2195.76

as you can crawl you can send track

Time: 2199.06

and then to sort of add what made it

Time: 2201.46

really interesting from from a systems

Time: 2203.38

neuroscience perspective

Time: 2205.3


Time: 2206.619

that we asked where they're having two

Time: 2208.9

nostrils uh contributes to this

Time: 2212.92

so we built we constructed a nasal

Time: 2216.76

prosthesis if you will

Time: 2218.52

uh that had two versions one is that it

Time: 2221.98

combined both nostrils into one big

Time: 2225.46


Time: 2226.54

centered and the other is that it

Time: 2228.82

maintained two separated uh nostrils and

Time: 2232

we compared performance under these two

Time: 2233.74

conditions and people perform better uh

Time: 2236.5

with two nostrils over one centralized

Time: 2238.54

nostril although the flu remain the same

Time: 2240.82

so you're taking advantage of the

Time: 2243.099

information uh that comes from your two

Time: 2246.4

separate totally separate nostrils by

Time: 2248.68

the way the system I described before of

Time: 2250.42

your epithelium and bulb and and

Time: 2252.82

connection to Cortex

Time: 2254.74

um you have two of those right it's

Time: 2256.66

completely unilateral well almost

Time: 2258.82

completely unilateral system there's

Time: 2261.16


Time: 2262.96

very small exceptions to that but but so

Time: 2265.119

a representation on both sides of the

Time: 2266.68

brain much in the same way we have two

Time: 2268.18

eyes we're not a cyclops we can gain

Time: 2270.82

depth perception information we can

Time: 2272.8

perceive motion better as a consequence

Time: 2275.079

and a number of depth especially

Time: 2276.82

stereopsis and we can locate sound

Time: 2279.04

because of the difference between our

Time: 2280.48

ears and how head blocks them between

Time: 2283.06

and amazing another question about the

Time: 2286.18

the mechanics and strategies that you

Time: 2288.16

observed because I think there's

Time: 2289.48

information about the system the brain

Time: 2292.48

as a consequence

Time: 2294.579

um were you in a position to measure

Time: 2296.56

sniffing frequency and the specific

Time: 2298.359

question I have is were people doing

Time: 2300.16

something along the lines of a

Time: 2302.859

quick sniffing or a like a you know a

Time: 2306.4

long um withdrawal in so inhale you know

Time: 2310.72

we didn't so yes we were measuring

Time: 2312.64

sniffing and recording it and and we

Time: 2314.74

have all the data

Time: 2316.66


Time: 2317.859

there was nothing

Time: 2320.32

um very remarkable in that data in that

Time: 2323.56

study although it may reflect that we

Time: 2325.78

didn't analyze it carefully enough as

Time: 2327.4

well I mean it didn't it was it it

Time: 2329.26

wasn't a major component of our analysis

Time: 2331.599

although we did look at it uh to some

Time: 2334.3

extent again you're asking me about a

Time: 2335.859

paper from quite a few years ago so I

Time: 2337.54

may be forgetting parts of it as well

Time: 2340.599

um but I'm sure if it was a major

Time: 2342.52

component of it it would have risen it

Time: 2345.16

definitely wasn't a major finding of the

Time: 2347.079

sniffing behavior

Time: 2348.82

um in the paper although again we you

Time: 2351.16

know sniffing behavior is a huge portion

Time: 2354.22

of our our life in lab uh

Time: 2356.92

and and it's it's taking us to to places

Time: 2360.28

and and it's re-emerging now in our work

Time: 2362.5

we're doing tons of sniffing work

Time: 2365.68

um you know I can share with you

Time: 2367.48


Time: 2368.32

that that I think will interest your

Time: 2370.06

your uh listeners and viewers as well

Time: 2372.339

and and and

Time: 2374.32

we think is is really uh one of the most

Time: 2377.079

overlooked things

Time: 2378.7

in in neuroscience

Time: 2381

I invite you to do the following

Time: 2382.9

experiment so occlude one nostal by

Time: 2384.88

pressing on it from the side and sniff

Time: 2386.56

in and then include the other and sniff

Time: 2389.079

in do you sense a difference in flow yes

Time: 2391.48

okay do you know why that is no and it

Time: 2393.76

was the next question on my list so

Time: 2395.32

don't feel badly about not knowing why

Time: 2397.119

that is

Time: 2398.26

um most people don't

Time: 2400.42

uh but that is a reflection of something

Time: 2402.94

referred to as the nasal cycle

Time: 2405.16

so in fact if you were to do that

Time: 2406.72

repeatedly you would find that your high

Time: 2408.94

flow nostril and low flow nostril

Time: 2412

alternate every two and a half hours on

Time: 2414.46

average in an absolute way or is it kind

Time: 2416.619

of like a sine wave like gradual shift

Time: 2418.42

to the one and then gradual shift back

Time: 2420.04

it can vary it can vary and we don't yet

Time: 2423.7

know the rules uh all the rules but but

Time: 2426.46

you have this constant shift from side

Time: 2429.04

to side the shift becomes incredibly

Time: 2431.5

pronounced in sleep so we can measure

Time: 2434.26

the power of the difference and in sleep

Time: 2436.72

you have this phase shift of power you

Time: 2438.76

have a huge like one closes and one

Time: 2440.859

opens totally

Time: 2442.839


Time: 2444.4

it turns out that this is linked to uh

Time: 2447.82

balance in the autonomic nervous system

Time: 2449.68

so as you and your listeners know we

Time: 2451.72

have an autonomics nervous system that

Time: 2453.339

has a sympathetic and parasympathetic

Time: 2455.02

component to it and and they're in

Time: 2457.119

balance or imbalance in many diseases

Time: 2459.099

for example and this interplay between

Time: 2462.099

the uh Auto between the the sympathetic

Time: 2465.099

and parasympathetic nervous system

Time: 2466.359

drives the switch

Time: 2468.22

from left to right nostril just to

Time: 2470.859

remind people um sympathetic nervous

Time: 2472.839

system has nothing to do with sympathy

Time: 2475

um has everything to do with generating

Time: 2476.859

patterns of alertness it's sometimes

Time: 2478.66

called the fight or flight system but

Time: 2479.98

any pattern of arousal positive or

Time: 2481.78

negative and then it's balanced in a

Time: 2484.54

coordinated way or at least in parallel

Time: 2486.52

with the parasympathetic nervous system

Time: 2487.96

which is sometimes called the rest and

Time: 2489.46

digest system but as a associated with

Time: 2491.74

all sorts of things the sexual arousal

Time: 2493.48

response and a number of other aspects

Time: 2495.52

of our physiology so think of it like a

Time: 2496.96

seesaw of alertness and calm yeah

Time: 2499

perfect so now imagine right imagine

Time: 2501.28

imagine you would walk around living

Time: 2503.74

your life right half of the time with

Time: 2505.54

one eye closed like this and the other

Time: 2507.82

half with one eye closed like this and

Time: 2510.28

you have this eye cycle all right and

Time: 2512.2

that was linked to autonomic arousal I

Time: 2514.06

assure you you would go to PubMed there

Time: 2515.56

would be five million papers on the eye

Time: 2517.06

cycle right and the eye cycle in every

Time: 2519.52

disease you can name and what it denotes

Time: 2522.16

and what it tells us and what we can do

Time: 2523.66

with it

Time: 2524.98

you have exactly this marker you're

Time: 2527.5

walking around with a marker on balance

Time: 2530.2

in your autonomic nervous system and we

Time: 2532.359

do nothing with it so we're in fact now

Time: 2534.579

doing a lot with it okay so we built we

Time: 2537.22

built a wearable device

Time: 2538.78

that is pasted to your body and measures

Time: 2542.26

airflow in each and nostrils separately

Time: 2543.82

and logs it for 24 hours

Time: 2546.7

and we're collecting these 24-hour

Time: 2549.119

recordings we're calling it the nasal

Time: 2551.2


Time: 2552.16

so we measure with the nasal halter

Time: 2554.859

and and we're finding it as a disease

Time: 2558.099


Time: 2559.42

um I can I can give you a nasal halter

Time: 2562.119

measurement as an adult and I can say

Time: 2565.48

this is work by team nasaroka graduates

Time: 2567.52

in our lab now I can so we can tell the

Time: 2570.94

difference between ADHD and non-adhd

Time: 2574.06


Time: 2575.079

and we can tell just from the recording

Time: 2577.599

we can tell if the adults are in ritalin

Time: 2579.7

or not

Time: 2580.599

so I can I can measure your nasal

Time: 2583.06

airflow and say if you are or are not

Time: 2585.22

with ADHD and if you are or not on

Time: 2587.02

Ritalin incredible I have a couple of

Time: 2589.9

questions about this

Time: 2591.579

is it the case that airflow through one

Time: 2594.22

nostril is reflective of a sympathetic

Time: 2597.64

nervous system dominance versus

Time: 2599.079


Time: 2600.819

um or is it simply the case that this

Time: 2603.28

alternating Left Right nostril

Time: 2604.96


Time: 2606.819

um which you said I think is on the

Time: 2607.9

order of about every two hours two and a

Time: 2609.52

half two and a half it switches to uh

Time: 2611.44

maximal on one side versus the other

Time: 2614.02

is that simply reflective of an overall

Time: 2617.2

balancing let's maybe is it the hinge in

Time: 2619.54

the Seesaw or is it the tilt of the

Time: 2621.339

Seesaw so I don't have a good answer I

Time: 2624.04

don't have a good answer I mean you know

Time: 2625.3

I could give you sort of a you know I

Time: 2626.92

could say that to some extent uh uh

Time: 2629.8

right nostril more open

Time: 2632.14

um is more sympathetic and the left

Time: 2634.359

nostril more open is more

Time: 2635.619

parasympathetic but that that wouldn't

Time: 2637.78

be very correct I mean you know I'm sure

Time: 2639.94

that it's you know the yogis are going

Time: 2641.619

to be all over this so right because I

Time: 2643.359

get this my lab does do some stuff on on

Time: 2645.339

breathing and the the yogis are always

Time: 2647.14

saying okay you know because there's

Time: 2648.46

this thing I don't do yoga anymore but

Time: 2650.2

not for anybody but um where they'll

Time: 2653.2

have you breathe through one nostril or

Time: 2654.76

the other and I've I've probably even

Time: 2656.5

asked this question on social media

Time: 2661.74

I'm gonna become Public Enemy Number One

Time: 2664.119

of the yogis right now so listen we so

Time: 2666.339

we we they'll come at you with um yoga

Time: 2668.619

mats which are not very dangerous we

Time: 2670.66

really so since we're so interested in

Time: 2672.94

this mechanism one of the things we'd

Time: 2674.8

really like to know how to do is is to

Time: 2676.96

gain control of it somehow and there's

Time: 2679.3

this world out there of yoga who claims

Time: 2681.52

to have control over this

Time: 2683.319

so we said okay let's bring like really

Time: 2685.18

serious yoga practitioners and see if

Time: 2688.06

they can shift their nasal cycle from

Time: 2689.98

left to right but by Will alone right

Time: 2691.839

not by manipulating themselves somehow

Time: 2694.3

and and if yes you know we'll learn from

Time: 2696.04

them how they do this and then we might

Time: 2697.599

you know use this to to cure ADHD or or

Time: 2700.359

whatnot right so

Time: 2702.339

so we posted like on all the lists of

Time: 2704.98

like the yoga teachers and had this

Time: 2707.14

parade of yoga teachers walking into our

Time: 2710.079

lab this was one of the strangers a lot

Time: 2712.96

of Sandalwood odors and bare feet

Time: 2715.859

white white uh clothing and and so on

Time: 2719.079

and and so we we study I actually know

Time: 2721.78

we studied 14 yoga teachers

Time: 2724.24

all 14 uh by you know by the conditions

Time: 2728.859

of enlistment for this uh came in saying

Time: 2731.319

that they they can control shifting from

Time: 2733.18

left to right uh nostril without

Time: 2735.22

plugging a nostril yeah by the power of

Time: 2737.5

thought come on

Time: 2739.18

um and you know how many of 14 succeeded

Time: 2742.079

zero including including one you know

Time: 2745.599

the most extreme one was we had this guy

Time: 2747.48

who who you know and we're recording and

Time: 2751.06

we know how to record this really well

Time: 2752.5

right and and he's sitting there saying

Time: 2754.359

yeah I'm switching now and I'm it's

Time: 2756.22

switching and you know you're looking at

Time: 2757.9

the Monitor and no it's not switching

Time: 2760

and and so no no yoga teacher that we

Time: 2763.18

found uh could uh willfully switch uh

Time: 2766.54

between left and right nostril flow and

Time: 2768.94

yet they're they are convinced that they

Time: 2770.44

are and I have to imagine they're not

Time: 2771.64

trying to you know there's no incentive

Time: 2773.619

for them to lie right yeah no I I it

Time: 2776.56

even the opposite I mean you know this

Time: 2778.06

puts them in an awkward position once

Time: 2780.579

yeah I don't know what the deal is but

Time: 2782.44

but none of them can do it

Time: 2785.38

um given that the alternating flow

Time: 2787.72

through one or the other nostrils

Time: 2788.98

reflective of the autonomic nervous

Time: 2790.72

system has this two and a half hour

Time: 2792.339


Time: 2793.9

if I suddenly enter a bout of stress for

Time: 2796.66

instance does it switch because that's

Time: 2798.339

reflective of the autonomous nervous

Time: 2799.66

system and the reason I'm asking this

Time: 2800.92

question is not because I think that's

Time: 2802.66

necessarily important as it relates to

Time: 2804.88

stress but I'm trying to understand the

Time: 2806.44

direction of causality in other words is

Time: 2808.599

the unilateral smelling through or

Time: 2811.24

unilateral nostril smelling periodicity

Time: 2813.339

they've been we named it something I

Time: 2815.2

could think of the wrong thing I'm sure

Time: 2816.46

is that driving the shift in the

Time: 2819.7

autonomic nervous system or is it merely

Time: 2821.2

reflective of the shift so you've you've

Time: 2823.72

very concisely now worded aim two of a

Time: 2826.66

grant that was probably just rejected

Time: 2829.119

but but basically we're trying to answer

Time: 2831.22

exactly uh that question and we're

Time: 2834.4

currently running experiments on that

Time: 2836.2

line so so we have one experiment where

Time: 2839.8

uh uh we're looking

Time: 2843.52

um so we're exposing participants to

Time: 2846.339

pain uh we're using a cold water hand

Time: 2849.16

exposure it's a really cool Paradigm

Time: 2851.319

because it it there's huge individual

Time: 2853.42

differences we just started this we

Time: 2854.8

built the setup just now

Time: 2856.359

and you have a lot of meat to work with

Time: 2858.52

there because there's a lot of

Time: 2859.599

individual differences here it's capped

Time: 2862.78

in three minutes so be for safety

Time: 2864.52

reasons because you have you have

Time: 2865.839

participants putting their hand in in

Time: 2867.72

two degrees Celsius water

Time: 2870.4

but there'll be participants who will

Time: 2872.26

pull it out at like 10 seconds 9 seconds

Time: 2874.42

and then you'll have you'll have three

Time: 2876.099

minutes as well so there's lots of lots

Time: 2878.2

of uh and and already in so now I'm

Time: 2881.2

sharing pilot data with you so you know

Time: 2883.42

to to this might you know when it when

Time: 2885.579

this ends up being published it might be

Time: 2886.9

the opposite but so far it seems that

Time: 2889.119

that uh the exposure to Coal generates a

Time: 2891.22

shift in the nasal and nasal balance so

Time: 2893.98

autonomic arousal can drive the shift

Time: 2896.14


Time: 2898.24

um earlier you were describing the

Time: 2900.76

architecture of these um smelling

Time: 2903.4

systems and you mentioned these

Time: 2905.619

glomeruli where the olfactory receptors

Time: 2907.42

converge right in the bulb and then

Time: 2909.46

later you mentioned that the system is

Time: 2911.859

unilateral but with a mirror

Time: 2913.54

representation on both sides of the

Time: 2914.8

brain so for those who don't think in

Time: 2916

terms of neuroanatomy on what no one was

Time: 2918.04

describing is the fact that of course

Time: 2920.26

there are two nostrils and then a bunch

Time: 2922.24

of receptors they converge in these

Time: 2923.38

glomerular but you have a mirror

Time: 2924.88

representation of that on both sides of

Time: 2926.26

the brain and that most of that

Time: 2927.579

information is kept on one side of the

Time: 2929.619

brain or the other there isn't a lot of

Time: 2931.18

extensive intermixing at the first order

Time: 2933.28

of process so the question I have is

Time: 2936.46

whether or not you believe I'm not

Time: 2938.14

asking for data first I just want to

Time: 2939.579

know what you believe that this

Time: 2940.9

alternating nostril airflow phenomenon

Time: 2944.38

has anything to do with preferential

Time: 2946.48

processing of olfactory information in

Time: 2949.24

terms of right brain left brain with the

Time: 2951.099

caveat that anytime we hear right brain

Time: 2954.579

left brain

Time: 2955.96

um we've covered this in a previous

Time: 2957.16

episode most of what people hear out

Time: 2959.14

there about right brain left brain

Time: 2960.72

emotionality logical stuff is completely

Time: 2963.46

wrong completely wrong doesn't exist is

Time: 2965.74

a total fabrication

Time: 2967.42

um and we'd like to abolish that myth

Time: 2968.92

but with that aside or set aside rather

Time: 2972.72

what are your thoughts on why the

Time: 2975.22

information would switch from one side

Time: 2976.72

of the brain to the other at all yeah I

Time: 2980.079

don't think I don't think

Time: 2983.14

that that the nasal cycle is an

Time: 2986.5

olfaction story

Time: 2989.079

um so so I I don't think that

Time: 2993.579


Time: 2994.18

that this was shaped by the olfactory

Time: 2996.94

system nor do I think this has major

Time: 2999.579

impact on olfaction

Time: 3001.56

I think the nasal cycle story is a

Time: 3003.48

different story about brain function

Time: 3006.359

um so so you know we have we have this

Time: 3009.24

sort of

Time: 3010.68

pet Theory where calling now the the

Time: 3013.02

sniffing brain approach

Time: 3014.88


Time: 3017.099

where basically

Time: 3020.3

we think that that nasal inhalation

Time: 3024.18

is timing and driving a lot of aspects

Time: 3028.319

and patterns of of neural activity and

Time: 3030.599

cognitive processing and and this theory

Time: 3032.76

is is all faction inspired in its

Time: 3035.099

beginning that is I mean if you think of

Time: 3037.14

the mammalian brain right it's

Time: 3039.839

which which

Time: 3040.94

evolved from all faction it's sitting

Time: 3043.98

there and an in all faction because

Time: 3046.319

olfaction depends on sniffing you have

Time: 3048.24

this situation where you have a you have

Time: 3050.7

a sniff you have information

Time: 3052.68

and then flat nothing right and then you

Time: 3056.52

have information and then nothing so

Time: 3057.96

information processing is is one-to-one

Time: 3062.22

linked to nasal inhalation

Time: 3065.46

and and we think that that

Time: 3069.3

this property evolved

Time: 3072.3

to to be meaningful in brain processing

Time: 3074.7

in general not only of olfactory

Time: 3076.68

information but of any type of

Time: 3077.819

information because the brain evolved in

Time: 3079.38

this way in this way that it processes

Time: 3081.54

information on inhalation onset

Time: 3084.18


Time: 3085.26

a study led by offer Peril from our our

Time: 3087.839

lab uh two three years ago

Time: 3091.26

um we looked at something completely not

Time: 3093.48

all Factory we looked at visual spatial

Time: 3095.52

processing and we compared visual

Time: 3097.98

spatial processing on inhalation versus

Time: 3100.74


Time: 3102.119

and the brain does this completely

Time: 3104.099

different on inhalation versus

Time: 3105.24

exhalation you're in that particular

Time: 3107.7

task people performed significantly

Time: 3110.819

better on inhalation versus exhalation

Time: 3112.74

what was the task was in an olfactory no

Time: 3114.9

no it's a visual spatial task so this is

Time: 3117.119

a task where uh the the specifics of the

Time: 3120.24

tasks were

Time: 3122.099

um that you see a shape and you have to

Time: 3125.7

determine if it's a shape that can or

Time: 3128.099

cannot exist in the real world so some

Time: 3130.26

of them were these like Usher shapes

Time: 3131.819

like you know where where one facet

Time: 3134.04

doesn't reach the other facet The

Time: 3136.14

Impossible figures yeah yeah but but but

Time: 3138.48

uh structural shapes not not and and so

Time: 3142.14

so a pure visual spatial task we

Time: 3144.78

intentionally went for a task that is

Time: 3147.24


Time: 3148.14

considered a ventral temporal task in

Time: 3150.599

olfactory cortex task in any way

Time: 3153.599

and and people performed much better on

Time: 3157.44

inhalation versus exhalation and doing

Time: 3159.18

this task was there a both nostrils

Time: 3161.22


Time: 3162.3

um version where people were forced to

Time: 3163.68

mouth breathe yes

Time: 3165.24

and in this particular task they also

Time: 3168.48

did better on mouth inhalation versus

Time: 3171.42

mouth exhalation

Time: 3173.18

but the difference wasn't as pronounced

Time: 3175.74

as it was with nasal inhalation versus

Time: 3178.02

exhalation so I'm a big proponent of

Time: 3181.2

nasal not mouth breathing whenever

Time: 3183.359

possible for

Time: 3185.22

um many health related Reasons I'm a big

Time: 3187.2

fan of the book Jaws a hidden epidemic

Time: 3189.42

uh written by colleagues of mine at

Time: 3190.92

Stanford familiar with it yeah and this

Time: 3193.02

idea that uh people who mouth breathe

Time: 3195.14

experience more colds more infections of

Time: 3198.359

various kinds it's not good

Time: 3199.68

aesthetically or for the dentist

Time: 3200.96

dentature I never know the teeth the

Time: 3203.819

gums and stuff sorry my uh my dentist is

Time: 3207.119

going to come after me

Time: 3208.44

um need to go to the dentist anyway the

Time: 3210.54

um that nose breathing is great for your

Time: 3213.359

health relative to mouth so I think it's

Time: 3215.16

also good for your cognition not only

Time: 3217.38

for your your dental health uh I think

Time: 3220.319

that that news breathing shapes

Time: 3222.54

cognition and and there other labs who

Time: 3227.819

are finding the same uh again uh

Time: 3231

Christina zellano is doing work on this

Time: 3232.92

line she she had major contributions

Time: 3235.079

here and and yuan lundstrom is doing

Time: 3238.2

work on this line there's lots of

Time: 3239.76

studies suggesting that

Time: 3242.4

um nasal inhalation is timing cognitive

Time: 3246

processing and modulating it

Time: 3249.359

incredible um perhaps not surprising

Time: 3252.059

given what you've taught us about the

Time: 3253.98

olfactory system I mean that these two

Time: 3256.26

holes in the front of our face these

Time: 3258.359

nostrils I mean are

Time: 3260.46

a pathway to the brain right I I love to

Time: 3263.4

tell people because I work on the visual

Time: 3264.599

system in my lab that you know your eyes

Time: 3266.76

are two pieces of brain extruded from

Time: 3268.26

the cranial Vault right which they are

Time: 3269.94

the retina is any anyhow and um and then

Time: 3273.359

you never look at anyone the same way

Time: 3274.619

again it's okay but the the olfactory

Time: 3278.52

Sensory neurons are right there at the

Time: 3280.98

tops of those Caverns that we call

Time: 3282.66

nostrils and they are brain yeah

Time: 3285.54

definitely it's it's the only place

Time: 3287.88

where your brain meets the outside world

Time: 3289.5

because in your retina they're protected

Time: 3291.48

by by a lens and here here you have

Time: 3294.18

neurons in contact with with the world

Time: 3296.819

this this actually has been the source

Time: 3299.099

for some

Time: 3300.359

theories on a potential uh route for for

Time: 3304.38


Time: 3306.059

um mechanisms so as as you may know

Time: 3310.559

um loss of the sense of smell is one of

Time: 3313.02

the if not the earliest sign of

Time: 3315.059

neurodegenerative disease

Time: 3316.8

so for example in Parkinson's disease

Time: 3319.14

there's uh uh loss in the sense of smell

Time: 3321.9

probably 10 years before any other

Time: 3324.54


Time: 3326.46

um but people have failed to make this a

Time: 3328.74

diagnostic tool because it's

Time: 3330.24


Time: 3331.619

so it's not as if you could come to your

Time: 3333.42

doctor and say I'm losing my sense of

Time: 3335.64

smell and they'll say oh early sign of

Time: 3337.68

Parkinson's because

Time: 3339.18

you can have many reasons to lose your

Time: 3340.98

sense of smell and and so on

Time: 3344.04


Time: 3345.98

but but

Time: 3348.48

olfactory loss again is is an early sign

Time: 3350.94

of neurodegeneration and there's at

Time: 3353.28

least one Theory particularly about

Time: 3355.2

Alzheimer's disease

Time: 3356.819

suggesting that that Alzheimer's may be

Time: 3359.64

the result of of a pathogen that enters

Time: 3362.46

the brain through the olfactory system

Time: 3365.579

um oh interesting it's it's not of

Time: 3367.92

course a a mainstream or widely accepted

Time: 3370.68

theory of any type but but it just

Time: 3373.44

highlights this notion that that the

Time: 3375.72

nose is a path to our brain

Time: 3378.24

I think these non-invasive

Time: 3380.7

um readouts of potential

Time: 3382.92


Time: 3384.96

um such as uh visual tests because of

Time: 3388.079

the fact that the retinas are part of

Time: 3389.52

the brain and loss of neurons in the

Time: 3391.26

retina is often associated with other

Time: 3393.54

forms of central generation Alzheimer's

Time: 3396

Parkinson's Etc as it's a little more

Time: 3398.4

invasive than what you're describing I'm

Time: 3399.54

beginning to wonder why we don't

Time: 3401.52

um get have a olfactory task every time

Time: 3404.28

we go to the doctor

Time: 3405.619

that would allow tracking over time

Time: 3407.819

because of course as you mentioned

Time: 3409.559

someone can lose their sense of smell

Time: 3411.24

does that mean they're getting

Time: 3411.96

Alzheimer's not necessarily but if their

Time: 3414

sense of smell was terrific the year

Time: 3415.619

before and it's 50 percent worse than

Time: 3418.079

actually that's a really bad sign yeah

Time: 3419.52

that's a bad sign and so what we're

Time: 3420.839

talking about something completely

Time: 3421.74

non-invasive and could be relatively

Time: 3424.4

Pleasant to innocuous depending on the

Time: 3427.44

odor's use so yeah so so first I can

Time: 3430.26

answer that right and the reason that

Time: 3432.72

that's not happened and that might that

Time: 3435.119

that may be changing right now but the

Time: 3437.579

reason that has not happen

Time: 3439.68

is because olfaction has not been

Time: 3442.02

effectively digitized

Time: 3443.819

right so if you need to generate you

Time: 3446.16

know really precise visual information

Time: 3447.72

you can buy a monitor for you know 100

Time: 3450.24

bucks that is it the resolution of the

Time: 3452.22

visual system basically and if you want

Time: 3454.68

to generate auditory stimuli really

Time: 3457.14

precisely then you can buy an amplifier

Time: 3458.94

for you know maybe a bit more than 100

Time: 3460.5

bucks but not that much more

Time: 3462.72

and you'll be at the resolution of the

Time: 3464.4

auditory system

Time: 3466.02

in our lab we build devices that

Time: 3467.94

generate orders we call them all

Time: 3469.8

factometers which is a misnomer because

Time: 3471.54

they don't measure anything but that's

Time: 3472.98

what they've always been called so we

Time: 3474.3

call them all factometers as well

Time: 3476.16

and we've already built at least one all

Time: 3478.02

factometer that cost a quarter of a

Time: 3479.7

million euro and it's pathetic right so

Time: 3482.88

it just it's pathetic it's it's slow

Time: 3485.28

it's contaminated it's nowhere near the

Time: 3488.52

resolution of your system

Time: 3490.14

so one of the reasons that's not

Time: 3492.3


Time: 3493.38

is just

Time: 3494.94

the utterly poor control of the stimulus

Time: 3498.18

mind you to some extent it has happened

Time: 3500.16

in that there there are a standard

Time: 3502.92

clinical tests of olfaction basically

Time: 3505.44

two that sort of control uh the world in

Time: 3508.44

this respect the older one is is a test

Time: 3510.9

called the upsit which stands for the

Time: 3513.48

University of Pennsylvania smell

Time: 3515.16

identification test

Time: 3516.96

it was developed by Richard Dodie and

Time: 3519.059

Penn and it's a test where you scratch

Time: 3522

and sniff and it's a four alternative

Time: 3523.92

forced choice test with 40 odorants so

Time: 3525.9

you have these 40 pages that you page

Time: 3528.18

through and you sniff and smell and and

Time: 3531.839

um you know it's been normed on

Time: 3533.4

gazillions of tests

Time: 3535.68


Time: 3536.64

I I'm always amused by it because so

Time: 3538.799

Richard Dodie made a ton of money uh on

Time: 3542.579

the upsit but he needed it because he

Time: 3545.16

has a habit he has a NASCAR so this

Time: 3548.52

every time we buy upsits and live I said

Time: 3550.799

there's another gallon of gas into

Time: 3552.299

Richard he races NASCAR it's not not

Time: 3554.76

like NASCAR but like one lower than that

Time: 3557.099

like I don't know like some some sort of

Time: 3558.839

formula a or formula for it or something

Time: 3561.42

he races a car and so that's where all

Time: 3563.64

the ubsites went so I always feel good

Time: 3565.5

about buying either PSATs because I know

Time: 3567.299

they're going to that good cause but

Time: 3569.28

keeping him in in in the fast lane yeah

Time: 3572.04

but but so so that's one test that's out

Time: 3574.319

there and indeed you know has been shown

Time: 3576.72

as a you know so there's reduced upsit

Time: 3579.54

and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and and

Time: 3581.46

then a host of other diseases and

Time: 3583.68

there's a European version called

Time: 3585.359

sniffing sticks

Time: 3588.14

has developed and and it's it's

Time: 3591.44

basically the same sort of concept of

Time: 3594.059

that one isn't scratch and sniff it's

Time: 3596.22

like these pens that you open up and and

Time: 3598.38

sniff but but those exist but

Time: 3601.14

they're not as as convenient as as uh

Time: 3604.92

is delivering stimuli and vision and

Time: 3607.14

audition and that's why you don't have

Time: 3609.119

what you've just suggested

Time: 3610.799

you know another thing another place

Time: 3612.359

where you don't have it which which I

Time: 3613.799

think is even more would have been even

Time: 3615.66

more meaningful is

Time: 3617.76

is you don't oh actually it's not tested

Time: 3620.099

in in newborns right where vision and

Time: 3622.14

audition is

Time: 3623.22

you know there's this thing called

Time: 3624.359

congenital anosomia right which is being

Time: 3627.059

without the sense of smell from birth

Time: 3629.04

supposedly in general

Time: 3631.319

uh which is a half a percent of the

Time: 3633.119


Time: 3634.38

it's not a trivial number not totally

Time: 3637.079


Time: 3638.099

but nobody knows if that really is true

Time: 3641.22

because here's an amazing factoid guess

Time: 3645.48

the average age at which can General and

Time: 3648.48


Time: 3649.559

is diagnosed and this is this is a

Time: 3652.02

horrible statistic for me for the way I

Time: 3653.94

see the world but what do you think the

Time: 3656.04

average age of diagnosis is for

Time: 3657.839

congenital anosmia five years of age 14.

Time: 3661.319

incredible 14. so most people who are

Time: 3663.839

one half of a one percent of the human

Time: 3666.78

population presumably yeah is uh without

Time: 3670.319

the sense of smell and doesn't realize

Time: 3672.54

that until they're 14 years old well I

Time: 3674.04

don't know when they realized it first

Time: 3675.48

but but it's formally diagnosed at 14 on

Time: 3678.42

average which means some of them even

Time: 3680.099

later right and um and uh right it's a

Time: 3683.64

distribution well what um do they suffer

Time: 3687.18

yes so so first of all

Time: 3690.48

they they suffer socially

Time: 3693.72

um and there's a host of of deleterious

Time: 3697.619

life events associated with congenital

Time: 3700.079


Time: 3701.819

um the the die younger

Time: 3704.819

um the so it's it's it's uh it's this is

Time: 3708.72

work out of uh Ilona Croy in Germany

Time: 3712.92

um and you know amongst the various

Time: 3715.559

things that are predicted by an osmia is

Time: 3718.14

shorter lifespan uh but things like you

Time: 3721.26

know reduced uh social contacts uh

Time: 3724.38


Time: 3725.64

um romantic social contacts

Time: 3728.7

um it's not a good thing

Time: 3731.099

um and and do they lack olfactory bulbs

Time: 3734.52

I'm presenting they have noses and

Time: 3736.079

nostrils there is a condition I'm aware

Time: 3737.94

of where where uh children are born

Time: 3739.5

without no very rare yeah very rare

Time: 3742.14

focus on that because it's exceedingly

Time: 3744.18


Time: 3745.38

um but they're born with noses and

Time: 3747.54

nostables um and here's the thing right

Time: 3749.52

we don't know if they're born with

Time: 3751.14

olfactory bulbs

Time: 3753.059

um most of them although not all of them

Time: 3755.099

but most of them don't have olfactory

Time: 3757.98

bulbs in adulthood or or I should

Time: 3760.319

rephrase that have remnants olfactory

Time: 3762.48

bulbs really shriveled olfactory bulbs

Time: 3764.819

but you know nobody can say the cause

Time: 3767.16

and effect here before we talk about the

Time: 3769.619

role of the the uh requirement for

Time: 3772.079

olfactory bulbs for olfaction a very

Time: 3773.88

interesting topic in its own right I I'm

Time: 3776.28

curious as to whether or not their

Time: 3778.079

endocrine system is altered because as

Time: 3781.14

we'll soon talk about there's a lot of

Time: 3782.819

signaling through the nose

Time: 3784.859

from between individuals that uh

Time: 3788.16

triggers things everything from the

Time: 3789.359

onset of puberty to feelings of romantic

Time: 3791.94

attraction attachment these sorts of

Time: 3793.92


Time: 3794.88

um is it known whether or not and I

Time: 3797.099

should say excuse me for interrupting

Time: 3798.48

myself but as long as I'm interrupting

Time: 3800.04

you every five minutes I might as well

Time: 3801.18

interrupt myself too that um we are well

Time: 3804.18

aware of the proximity of the olfactory

Time: 3806.4

system to some of the hypothalamic

Time: 3809.16

systems that regulate the release of

Time: 3810.72

gonadotropins which control testosterone

Time: 3812.579

and estrogen production Etc so um are

Time: 3815.94

they uh hormonally normal so some are

Time: 3819.42

and some aren't and I'll I'll be

Time: 3820.859

specific so

Time: 3822.48

um there's a condition known as common

Time: 3824.16


Time: 3826.559

which is hypogonadic development

Time: 3829.92

um in in men

Time: 3831.839

and in Kalman syndrome uh they're

Time: 3835.98

practically all announcement

Time: 3838.319

so so to answer your question yes

Time: 3840.359

there's a direct link and and it

Time: 3842.4

materializes in common syndrome that

Time: 3845.16

said not all congenital anosomic uh

Time: 3848.04

individuals have common syndrome

Time: 3850.619

and not all but almost all people who

Time: 3852.9

have common syndrome are in osmaker so

Time: 3855

so common syndrome uh goes with uh

Time: 3858.54

anosmia I think so there is a female

Time: 3862.02

equivalent of Commons or I don't

Time: 3864.54

remember its name uh it's not turn it's

Time: 3867.66

not a in the Turner syndrome family I'm

Time: 3870.48

not sure okay and I think it's also

Time: 3872.579

associated with anosmia uh but I'm not

Time: 3875.46

confident of that but Commons is is

Time: 3877.619

associated with an osmia uh so so the

Time: 3880.2

answer is is yes and and you know we can

Time: 3883.559

maybe you know

Time: 3885.54

of action and reproduction are are

Time: 3887.64

tightly linked and and they're tightly

Time: 3890.579

Linked In all mammals and we are big

Time: 3893.46

terrestrial mammals and all fashion

Time: 3895.859

reproduction are linked in humans as

Time: 3898.02


Time: 3899.76

um yeah we will definitely get into that

Time: 3901.319

I'd like to just take a brief moment and

Time: 3903.54

thank one of our podcast sponsors which

Time: 3905.16

is inside tracker inside tracker is a

Time: 3907.2

personalized nutrition platform that

Time: 3909

analyzes data from your blood and DNA to

Time: 3911.579

help you better understand your body and

Time: 3913.14

help you reach your health goals I've

Time: 3915

long been a believer in getting regular

Time: 3916.5

blood work done for the simple reason

Time: 3917.88

that blood work is the only way that you

Time: 3920.4

can monitor the markers such as hormone

Time: 3922.14

markers lipids metabolic factors Etc the

Time: 3924.78

impact your immediate and long-term

Time: 3926.579

Health one major challenge with blood

Time: 3928.5

work however is that most of the time it

Time: 3931.2

does not come back with any information

Time: 3932.579

about what to do in order to move the

Time: 3934.799

values for hormones metabolic factors

Time: 3936.599

lipids Etc into the ranges that you want

Time: 3939.119

with inside tracker changing those

Time: 3941.28

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Time: 3942.72

because it has a personalized dashboard

Time: 3944.52

that you can use to address the

Time: 3946.619

nutrition-based behavior-based

Time: 3948.839

supplement-based approaches that you can

Time: 3951.119

use in order to move those values into

Time: 3953.22

the ranges that are optimal for you Your

Time: 3955.02

vitality and your longevity inside

Time: 3956.88

tracker now includes a measurement of

Time: 3958.5

April lipoprotein B so-called APO B in

Time: 3961.14

their ultimate plan APO B is a key

Time: 3963

marker of cardiovascular health and

Time: 3964.98

therefore there's extreme value to

Time: 3966.66

knowing your apob levels if you'd like

Time: 3968.94

to try inside tracker you can go to

Time: 3970.44

insidetracker.com huberman to get 20 off

Time: 3973.559

any of inside trackers plans again

Time: 3975.18

that's inside tracker.com huberman to

Time: 3978

get 20 off I have a story slash question

Time: 3981.38

that I'd like to

Time: 3983.7

um tell you ask you as a segue to that

Time: 3987.44

noting of course that we'll get back to

Time: 3989.88

the the requirement for olfactory bulbs

Time: 3992.039

yes or no for olfaction uh and um this

Time: 3995.579

really so when I was growing up I grew

Time: 3997.74

up at the uh end of a street with a lot

Time: 4000.44

of boys of my age who just by

Time: 4003.02

coincidence had a lot of older sisters

Time: 4005.359

were my sister my older sister's age it

Time: 4007.4

was fortunate so I had a lot of kids to

Time: 4008.96

play with we would hang out at each

Time: 4010.819

other's houses bike build jumps and do

Time: 4013.579

all those things like kid stuff Fort

Time: 4014.96


Time: 4016.339

get into trouble or whatnot

Time: 4019.039

and oftentimes we would end up leaving

Time: 4021.859

our articles of clothing at each other's

Time: 4024.2

houses all the time like t-shirts and

Time: 4026.839

jackets and so my mom was constantly

Time: 4029.24

coming in and saying there's all there's

Time: 4030.92

this close like someone left us here I

Time: 4033.26

don't know who it was we were all more

Time: 4034.339

or less the same size and

Time: 4036.799

from the as far back as I could remember

Time: 4040.22

six seven years old and onward I could

Time: 4042.74

pick up a shirt or a jacket smell it and

Time: 4045.799

say oh well that's Eric eisenhart's

Time: 4048.98

shirt a friend of mine there I just gave

Time: 4050.72

his name or oh that's Scott Madsen shirt

Time: 4052.819

I I could just smell the shirt and in a

Time: 4055.339

conscious way know who it belonged to

Time: 4056.96

having never I promise not that I would

Time: 4059.9

pretend if I had if I had

Time: 4062

um pretend I hadn't if I had but having

Time: 4064.16

never actually done the exercise of

Time: 4066.26

going and taking and smelling my friend

Time: 4068.359

intentionally right okay in fact if

Time: 4070.579

anything I had all the reasons in the

Time: 4071.96

world to avoid smelling to other young

Time: 4073.819

boys in my neighborhood okay so yeah

Time: 4076.4

um that raises the question of whether

Time: 4078.859

or not we are consciously and or

Time: 4081.319


Time: 4083.059

coding identification of people that we

Time: 4085.7

interact with frequently or infrequently

Time: 4088.28

in terms of their smell

Time: 4090.319

and or some other aspect of their um

Time: 4093.619

chemistry yeah

Time: 4096.5

so yes

Time: 4099.259


Time: 4100.339

we're doing that all the time in my view

Time: 4103.779

and a lot of this processing almost all

Time: 4108.02

of it is subconscious and I don't know

Time: 4111.38

why already already put that out there

Time: 4113.719

right I have no idea why why uh Human

Time: 4117.52

Nature has has uh or nature or culture

Time: 4121.4

or whatnot has has pushed this into the

Time: 4124.279

realm of of subconscious and something

Time: 4126.739

we're unaware of

Time: 4128.839

um but we do it all the time and

Time: 4131.54


Time: 4132.5

in our lab has lots of studies on this

Time: 4135.08


Time: 4136.64

um one of them you may be familiar with

Time: 4138.38

it that had gained some notoriety

Time: 4141.319

because it's amusing

Time: 4143.719

um so we

Time: 4145.1

we look at human behavior a lot we try

Time: 4149.12

to look at it through our news and in

Time: 4151.1

the way we look at what people are doing

Time: 4152.96

you know we try to think you know if I

Time: 4155.239

was a dog

Time: 4156.62

what what would I think of this and and

Time: 4160.64

you know if you look at dogs right

Time: 4161.9

they've you know when they interact they

Time: 4164.54

visibly sniff each other it's very

Time: 4166.219

obvious they walk up to each other and

Time: 4167.719

they sniff each other

Time: 4169.699


Time: 4170.66

and yet humans don't typically walk up

Time: 4173.6

to a stranger and carefully sniff them

Time: 4175.52

right I mean it's we're sort of obliged

Time: 4178.4

to sniff our our babies that's

Time: 4180.5

considered almost something you're

Time: 4181.819

supposed to do

Time: 4183.62

um and it's not culturally taboo to

Time: 4186.319

sniff our loved ones it sort of doesn't

Time: 4188.06

seem like an odd thing to do

Time: 4190.16

but we don't sniff strangers right well

Time: 4193.58

or do we so we're finding more and more

Time: 4197.12

mechanisms where we do this and the one

Time: 4199.04

I'm referring to now for one example is

Time: 4201.739

we started looking at handshaking

Time: 4204.199

handshaking is this really odd behavior

Time: 4206.239

and it's not only in the west by the way

Time: 4207.92

some people think it's only a western

Time: 4209.3

thing it's not it's almost everywhere

Time: 4211.78

and and

Time: 4214.46

there's really poor understanding of how

Time: 4216.98

this Behavior evolved like where did

Time: 4218.6

where did this thing come from so if you

Time: 4221.239

you know if you look for the Wikipedia

Time: 4223.88

version right then they'll tell you that

Time: 4225.56

it's to show that you're not holding a

Time: 4227.179

weapon in your hand but there's really

Time: 4229.88

no good evidence for that it's a bit

Time: 4232.04

like the trillion Bloodhound receptor

Time: 4234.56

story right I mean we tried to find it

Time: 4236.239

you know why do people say that and they

Time: 4238.88

just do and we started looking at people

Time: 4240.98

handshaking and and we noticed or it

Time: 4243.44

seemed to us that we're noticing that

Time: 4244.82

you know people will shake hands and

Time: 4246.56

then we'll go like this and like for

Time: 4249.14

those of you listening not watching them

Time: 4250.82

no um it was taking his hand and and

Time: 4253.52

wiping it on his face yeah grabbing his

Time: 4255.8

nose or touching myself yeah these

Time: 4258.199

things these things that we do all the

Time: 4259.699

time after a handshake well so first of

Time: 4262.1

all we do them all the time just period

Time: 4263.36

right the Baseline here is really high

Time: 4264.8

and we'll get to that in a second but

Time: 4266.179

but but these behaviors that you know

Time: 4268.34

you you could easily not notice right

Time: 4270.5

and and so we we asked whether that's a

Time: 4273.739

real thing

Time: 4275.48


Time: 4276.32

and this was a study led by John fruming

Time: 4278.84

in our lab at the time

Time: 4280.88


Time: 4282.02

and what we did first and if you want we

Time: 4284.84

can link so so this was published in

Time: 4287.239

E-Life and one of the nice things about

Time: 4288.56

E-Life is that it has a very effective

Time: 4290.54

way to embed videos in the publication

Time: 4293.239

so if you want we can link this to your

Time: 4295.219

system later on even the show note

Time: 4297.44

captions as a link on YouTube and the

Time: 4300.02

other for uh platforms Spotify Apple so

Time: 4302.42

so what we did is is

Time: 4304.219

um we we brought in participants to our

Time: 4306.86


Time: 4308

and we sat them in the room uh

Time: 4310.76

experiment room

Time: 4312.02

and and told them the experiment would

Time: 4313.82

start soon and they should wait for us

Time: 4315.14

there they didn't know what they were

Time: 4316.1

coming from unbeknownst to them they

Time: 4318.32

were already being videoed uh of course

Time: 4320.3

later on they had the opportunity to to

Time: 4323.239

not agree to us saving the video in

Time: 4325.4

which case we would delete it

Time: 4326.42

immediately or or letting us use it for

Time: 4328.64

science or someone letting us use it for

Time: 4330.08

more than science for for the video

Time: 4332.06

that's now on elife

Time: 4333.86

and and we walk into the room and say

Time: 4335.9

okay just wait here I will be right back

Time: 4338.42

with you uh to set up our experiment and

Time: 4341.719

they would sit there for three minutes

Time: 4344.06

and during those three minutes we could

Time: 4345.98

later quantify how much indeed they just

Time: 4348.199

by Baseline how much they touched their

Time: 4349.94

nose or their forehead or their chin or

Time: 4352.64

how many times their hands uh reaches

Time: 4355.52

their face and by the way that Baseline

Time: 4357.14

is not low okay

Time: 4359.659

um and then three minutes later an

Time: 4360.8

experimenter would walk into the room

Time: 4362.12

and uh would share a consistent text it

Time: 4365.179

would be you know we're still setting up

Time: 4366.739

our equipment in the other room uh our

Time: 4369.08

and and so just wait here and we'll be

Time: 4370.699

right back with you but in the meantime

Time: 4372.08

just wait here

Time: 4373.219

and the experimenter went through this

Time: 4375.62

like 20 second fixed text and in half of

Time: 4379.58

the cases it included the handshake this

Time: 4381.56

was a new experimenter not the one who

Time: 4382.94

put them in the room so that's the first

Time: 4384.199

time they met so it would be a little

Time: 4385.699

I'm you know so and so they would put

Time: 4387.14

out their hand and shake their hand or

Time: 4388.82

not okay and we did all possible

Time: 4391.1

interactions in terms of gender so we

Time: 4393.5

matched male participants with male and

Time: 4395.54

female experimenters and female

Time: 4396.62

participants with female and male

Time: 4398

experimenters and so you had handshake

Time: 4400.4

and no handshake conditions and then you

Time: 4402.38

can quantify that behavior of the hand

Time: 4404.78

going to the nose after a handshake

Time: 4407.54

and there was a remarkable increase in

Time: 4410.3

the hand going to the news after

Time: 4411.8

handshake and this is one of the nice

Time: 4414.679

cases we the paper includes statistics

Time: 4416.96

but you don't need statistics here just

Time: 4418.64

look at the video it's on it's unreal

Time: 4420.679

the video is unreal so interesting so

Time: 4423.02

the hand goes to the nose now we did a

Time: 4424.76

few controls here

Time: 4426.44

to verify that this is an olfactory

Time: 4428.42

Behavior one is unbeknownst into

Time: 4430.1

participants we measured nasal airflow

Time: 4431.96

and and people not only bring their hand

Time: 4434.239

to their nose they sniff it so and this

Time: 4436.28

is perfectly time they go like this okay

Time: 4438.62

so they're sniffing their hands and in

Time: 4440.78

an additional control study we

Time: 4442.219

manipulated it so we built this little

Time: 4443.84

James Bond thing of a watch on the

Time: 4446.42

experimenter's hand they could emit an

Time: 4448.46

odor and the experimenter didn't know

Time: 4450.14

what odor they were emitting and they

Time: 4452.3

could emit either a pleasant or an

Time: 4453.739

unpleasant odor and we could drive the

Time: 4456.08

self-sampling afterwards up or down so

Time: 4458.42

this was an olfactory Behavior no doubt

Time: 4460.64

about it I mean we're quite confident so

Time: 4463.46

people in that case people must have

Time: 4465.14

been sensing the odor on their own hand

Time: 4466.699

because they'd Shake shook the hand of

Time: 4469.1

the of the experimenter pleasant odor

Time: 4471.38

and they're more frequently bringing

Time: 4472.88

that hand to their nose versus

Time: 4474.08

unpleasant odor that had been introduced

Time: 4476.54

to their own hand by the experimenter

Time: 4478.159

Yeah but no I think I think they were

Time: 4480.32

sensing the the ambient odor that came

Time: 4482.96

in with the hand that That Shook and

Time: 4484.76

then that either drove them to snip

Time: 4486.26

their more or less the odor cloud of the

Time: 4489.38

expression yeah and there's an

Time: 4490.94

interesting thing going on here too

Time: 4492.14

because people didn't only smell The

Time: 4494.659

Hand That Shook they also smelled the

Time: 4496.76

other hand

Time: 4497.84

and and we think that there's something

Time: 4500.78

going on here comparing self to other

Time: 4503.659

and we think a lot of self-sampling

Time: 4505.699

might might reflect that there's on the

Time: 4508.76

same line and again to to link to your

Time: 4510.92

childhood story of of uh identifying

Time: 4514.04

your friends by by smell

Time: 4516.44


Time: 4517.219

study we published just last year by uh

Time: 4519.8

in battle Ravi in our lab

Time: 4522.86


Time: 4523.52

where inval came with this uh uh basic

Time: 4527.48

interest in this phenomenon that's

Time: 4530.78

Loosely referred to as click friendships

Time: 4532.94

so people you meet and you click right

Time: 4535.159

away right you immediately become close

Time: 4537.62

friends and this is a phenomena that you

Time: 4540.199

know is poorly described or is poorly

Time: 4542.239

ascribed in literature as as an entity

Time: 4544.94

and yet anybody will tell you they know

Time: 4547.58

what you're talking about right I mean

Time: 4548.719

if you tell you know if somebody you

Time: 4550.1

click with right away you you become

Time: 4551.6

intimate within five minutes right

Time: 4553.699

everybody experienced this in their life

Time: 4555.92

you know to some extent

Time: 4558.14

and the question is what what was there

Time: 4560.659

right what was it was it because you

Time: 4562.46

looked the same could be was it because

Time: 4564.32

you know you had the same sports team

Time: 4567.199

that you liked or is there something uh

Time: 4570.38

uh deeper here and and in Buzz theory

Time: 4573.26

was that that

Time: 4574.94


Time: 4575.84

that a similarity in body order May

Time: 4578.84

contribute to this

Time: 4580.34

that people who smell the same will

Time: 4583.64

click in some way and so to address that

Time: 4586.94

she actually recruited uh

Time: 4589.88

um click friends from all over Israel

Time: 4591.86

she posted all of her social media uh to

Time: 4594.92

identify uh

Time: 4596.659

pairs of friends so these are our

Time: 4598.64

same-sex non-romantic diets so these are

Time: 4600.98

friends men and women uh whose

Time: 4604.1

friendship started is a click

Time: 4605.96

where here this becomes sensitive

Time: 4608.179

because it has to be a mutual click

Time: 4609.739

right later on we discovered there could

Time: 4611.3

be one-sided clicks so if somebody's

Time: 4613.64

sure they clicked with somebody else but

Time: 4615.02

the other person there's a name for that

Time: 4616.699

in neurology that our uh common friend

Time: 4618.86

the late Ben Barris taught me which is

Time: 4620.3

there's a phrase that neurologists use

Time: 4621.86

okay called sticky these are people that

Time: 4624.5

come up to you and and start asking you

Time: 4626.84

questions and then won't leave you alone

Time: 4628.34

they're so-called sticky people that and

Time: 4631.159

if you ask these sticky people

Time: 4633.86

um sticky in air quotes because they're

Time: 4635.239

not physically sticky

Time: 4636.98

um maybe what they could be

Time: 4639.56

um you know

Time: 4641.02

what do you think of the per this person

Time: 4643.219

they'll say oh they're great we're

Time: 4644.659

really good friends and so they've made

Time: 4646.699

a unilateral um click friendship yeah

Time: 4649.04

yeah and uh yes neurologists are talking

Time: 4651.5

about you if you're if you're one of

Time: 4653

these people neurologists are talking

Time: 4654.26

about you there's a an informal

Time: 4656.12

diagnostic code sticky so so so uh she

Time: 4661.04

she recruited

Time: 4662.78


Time: 4663.5


Time: 4664.28

click friends

Time: 4665.719

and then she sampled their body odor and

Time: 4670.34

and we have a a protocol for this so

Time: 4672.5

they're given you know uh odorless

Time: 4675.02

shampoo and soap to use for three weeks

Time: 4677.179

or something and then they sleep two

Time: 4678.98

nights in this t-shirt uh where they

Time: 4681.14

have to sleep alone and then we extract

Time: 4683.12

the body odor from the t-shirt and so we

Time: 4685.52

have a way to extract a method to

Time: 4687.5

extract body odor and then she she first

Time: 4690.679


Time: 4692.239

um whether indeed

Time: 4694.1

click friends are more similar in their

Time: 4696.08

body order than you would expect by

Time: 4697.52


Time: 4698.36

and she first tested this with them with

Time: 4700.94

a device a machine we call an electronic

Time: 4702.8

nose so an electronic nose is sort of a

Time: 4705.739

very poor effort to mimic what the

Time: 4707.96

mammalian nose does basically it's a

Time: 4709.58

bunch of sensors that respond to

Time: 4710.9

Airborne molecules in this case sensors

Time: 4713.06

referred to as moxers as a metal oxide

Time: 4715.34

covered sensors

Time: 4717.44


Time: 4718.4

and so she used an electronic nose to

Time: 4720.56

sample these body odors and she found

Time: 4722.6

that click friends are indeed more

Time: 4724.52

similar to each other than you would

Time: 4726.92

expect by chance by random diets and

Time: 4729.44

this was a significant difference and

Time: 4732.199

after she found that a device could do

Time: 4734.42


Time: 4735.38

she had other participants do this so so

Time: 4738.739

she had people smelling the click

Time: 4740.48

friends versus non-click friends and and

Time: 4742.699

they judge them as being more similar to

Time: 4744.679

each other

Time: 4745.52

uh than not now again you you might

Time: 4748.52

wonder is this causal or not right

Time: 4750.32

because maybe click friends go to the

Time: 4752.239

same restaurant together or all the time

Time: 4753.739

or whatever or live in the same

Time: 4754.82

neighborhood and and that's why they

Time: 4756.5

they they smell the same so to address

Time: 4759.5

causality she recruited total strangers

Time: 4763.4

and first smell them with the electronic

Time: 4766.28

nose and then engage them in a social

Time: 4768.8

interaction something called the mirror

Time: 4770.84

game so in the mirror game one person

Time: 4773

moves their hands and the other person

Time: 4774.62

is really close to them like right here

Time: 4776.719

so they can smell each other and has to

Time: 4779.36

move their hands with the other person

Time: 4781.88

and one one prediction there panned out

Time: 4784.699

uh but another didn't the one that

Time: 4786.8

didn't so she predicted that people

Time: 4788.36

would smell more uh similar to each

Time: 4790.82

other would be better at the mirror game

Time: 4792.86

that is they would follow each other

Time: 4794.179

better that did not pan out however

Time: 4797.78

she then also had the interaction was

Time: 4800.54

completely non-verbal they were not

Time: 4801.739

allowed to speak with each other and she

Time: 4803.06

did an entire round robin so everybody

Time: 4804.679

played with everybody else this was an

Time: 4806.36

insane experiment to run

Time: 4808.219


Time: 4809.659

and she then at the end of the

Time: 4811.04

experiment each person raided each other

Time: 4813.44

person as to how much they think they

Time: 4815.6

would want to be their friends and also

Time: 4817.28

on a bunch of ratings how nice they

Time: 4818.9

think they are how affectionate they

Time: 4820.4

think a bunch of ratings okay

Time: 4822.44

all of this was predicted by the

Time: 4824.179

electronic news so people who smell more

Time: 4826.88

similar to each other think that the

Time: 4829.1

other person is more likely to be their

Time: 4831.02

friend is more likely to be a nice

Time: 4833.06

person etc etc so we could actually

Time: 4835.34

predict friendship using the electronic

Time: 4838.34

news so this is not a result of

Time: 4840.62

friendship it's it plays into the causal

Time: 4843.739

elements of of building friendship so

Time: 4845.96

this is to relate to your childhood

Time: 4847.4

story uh there's something going on here

Time: 4850.04

we're constantly smelling ourselves

Time: 4852.34

constantly this

Time: 4854.96

constantly so I mean if you want to like

Time: 4857.239

I don't know the reason I'm smiling I

Time: 4859.159

mean and your viewers are listeners will

Time: 4861.08

understand why I'm smiling I'll send you

Time: 4863.06

a video to link uh uh in in the in into

Time: 4867.26

your podcast here we thought of calling

Time: 4870.02

the the fact that people constantly

Time: 4871.4

sniff themselves we thought of calling

Time: 4873.44

this the low effect and low so in

Time: 4876.38

America this won't pass that effectively

Time: 4878.239

but in in the rest of the normal world

Time: 4882.04

is the soccer the national soccer coach

Time: 4885.02

of the German soccer team so

Time: 4888.38

yeah I mean I don't know who would be a

Time: 4890.36

very famous coach here but Steve Kerr I

Time: 4892.52

mean this is the choice this is a super

Time: 4895.219

super famous uh name all around the

Time: 4897.92

world where soccer is the primary sport

Time: 4899.9

that people watch

Time: 4901.76


Time: 4902.659

and and once people will see this video

Time: 4904.76

they'll understand why we thought of

Time: 4906.739

calling this the low effect uh it's a

Time: 4909.199

very graphic uh but but people are

Time: 4912.199

constantly smelling themselves they're

Time: 4913.82

smelling themselves with their hands

Time: 4915.92

they're smelling themselves explicitly

Time: 4917.719

people are constantly smelling

Time: 4919.76

themselves constantly smelling others

Time: 4923

um I find this topic so interesting um

Time: 4925.699

and first of all confession I definitely

Time: 4927.62

smell myself multiple times per day and

Time: 4929.84

everybody does okay good yeah and I I um

Time: 4932.54

I would do it anyway

Time: 4934.04

um uh I think I like most people I

Time: 4936.92

either find my own smell to be neutral

Time: 4939.44

to Pleasant

Time: 4941.179

right I um occasionally I'll be like

Time: 4943.159

well I need to take a shower as long as

Time: 4945.38

we're talking about smelling oneself and

Time: 4948.38

um friendship kinship and its

Time: 4950.3

relationship to smell we have to talk

Time: 4952.219

about the relationship between smell and

Time: 4954.08

romantic attraction and bond so my

Time: 4956.179

understanding is that if for instance a

Time: 4959

mouse is given the option to mate with

Time: 4961.219

any number of other different mice

Time: 4964.58

they will bias their choice toward the

Time: 4967.64

mouse that has the immune composition

Time: 4970.159

the so-called MHC major

Time: 4971.54

histocomatibility complex which reflects

Time: 4973.52

immune diversity the immune system that

Time: 4976.88

is most distant from theirs and the The

Time: 4979.46

evolutionary argument being that were

Time: 4981.56

they to

Time: 4982.76

um produce offspring that the array of

Time: 4984.98

immune genes would be much broader than

Time: 4986.78

if they were to select an animal very

Time: 4988.88

close to them and in addition to that

Time: 4990.5

that one of the most strongly selected

Time: 4993.08

against behaviors not just culturally

Time: 4997.58

but at the level of eliciting a sense of

Time: 5000.28


Time: 5001.54

maybe even from the activity of the

Time: 5003.699

hypothalamus is mating with very close

Time: 5006.1

kin AKA incest because that can

Time: 5009.159

potentially we know produces a higher

Time: 5011.14

rate of mutations in other words whereas

Time: 5013.239

you describe the relationship between

Time: 5014.86

smell and choice of friends as you uh

Time: 5017.44

choose people who smell more like you my

Time: 5019.9

understanding is that in the context of

Time: 5021.58


Time: 5022.92

choosing romantic Partners or sexual

Time: 5025.6

partners or both that you choose the

Time: 5029.02

person who's odor and therefore immune

Time: 5031.9

composition is most different right so

Time: 5034.9

the way you describe the animal

Time: 5036.34

literature is correct

Time: 5038.26

and there's evidence to similar

Time: 5040.54

mechanisms in humans our lab has not

Time: 5043.42

worked directly on this issue of of uh

Time: 5046.179

of uh romantic selection based on odor

Time: 5050.199

um there's a bunch of papers

Time: 5053.679

um wedkins Ed Allen and the wedkin lab

Time: 5057.28

and also Porter I'll I'll email these to

Time: 5060.58

you later on

Time: 5061.96

um that have have done a lot of this

Time: 5064

work and find exactly as you say that

Time: 5066.52

that um um romantic order preferences in

Time: 5069.4

humans are influenced by Body order and

Time: 5073.12

that this is linked to MHC uh uh is the

Time: 5077.56

compatibility complex makeup of the the

Time: 5079.96

portion of our genome that that shapes

Time: 5082.12

our immune system uh to some extent

Time: 5085.54

um so so this effect

Time: 5087.58

um has been studied and reported on

Time: 5089.38

again extensively in mice and also uh in

Time: 5091.9

in humans

Time: 5093.58


Time: 5094.54

not work that that we've done

Time: 5098.08


Time: 5099.04

the one sort of

Time: 5101.32

tangent work we've done and and

Time: 5105.82

I'd like to maybe tell you about

Time: 5108.219

it relates to to an effect

Time: 5111.76

that that is one of the most remarkable

Time: 5114.699

effects in in mammalian social chemo

Time: 5117.219

signaling so

Time: 5118.719

and and also related to to so it's it's

Time: 5121.48

not related to Romanticism in any way or

Time: 5124.3

or but but it's related to reproduction

Time: 5126.76

and and indeed in our lab we've not

Time: 5128.62

looked at Romanticism we have looked at

Time: 5130.42

or are looking at reproduction

Time: 5132.58

they're not always the same

Time: 5134.8

um certainly

Time: 5135.96

oh they can they can animal mammalian or

Time: 5140.32

terrestrial mammalian reproductive

Time: 5142.36

behavior is is dominated by by the sense

Time: 5144.94

of smell

Time: 5146.98

um in in mammals and here remember

Time: 5149.44

initially when you started off I I noted

Time: 5151.719

that there are several subsystems in our

Time: 5154

news that transduce utterance and and so

Time: 5156.58

primarily the manual factory system

Time: 5158.5

which is cranial nerve number one and

Time: 5160.84

the trigeminal nerve which is cranial

Time: 5162.639

number five

Time: 5164.26

um most terrestrial mammals have another

Time: 5166.48

subsystem referred to as the the

Time: 5168.46

secondary olfactory system

Time: 5171.1

that has a separate sense organ in the

Time: 5173.44

nose this organ is known as the

Time: 5175

vulnerable nasal organ

Time: 5176.44

it's a small pit in the nasal passage of

Time: 5178.96

of most terrestrial mammals sometimes

Time: 5182.02

it's uh described as a communicating pit

Time: 5184.719

because sometimes it connects the nasal

Time: 5186.639

passage to the roof of the mouth

Time: 5187.9

sometimes it can it connects both

Time: 5190.48


Time: 5191.8

so there's this sense organ with its

Time: 5194.32

specific receptor subtypes uh vnr's

Time: 5197.139

vermonasal receptors

Time: 5199.06

and uh this

Time: 5202.06


Time: 5203.44

um is linked to a to a sort of separate

Time: 5207.1

portion of the olfactory bulb not really

Time: 5209.44

a manual Factory bubble it's referred to

Time: 5210.88

as the accessory olfactory bulb

Time: 5213.52

um and from there directly to the limbic

Time: 5215.62

system to the to the portions of the

Time: 5217.84

brain that control reproductive Behavior

Time: 5220.32

Uh and aggressive behavior and

Time: 5224.44

and in most

Time: 5227.32

um terrestrial mammals this subsystem

Time: 5229.38

processes utterance there are sometimes

Time: 5231.639

referred to as pheromones although

Time: 5234.28

that's in many ways a problematic term

Time: 5236.02

but but utterance that are referred to

Time: 5238.3

as pheromones namely odorants that are

Time: 5239.739

emitted by another member of the species

Time: 5241.6

to influence that member of the species

Time: 5244.48

and alter Behavior or hormonal state

Time: 5247.36


Time: 5248.92

and and some of these pheromonal effects

Time: 5251.38

are are utterly remarkable and in my

Time: 5254.08

view the most remarkable of all is an

Time: 5255.94

effect known as the Bruce effect

Time: 5257.92

uh this was an effect discovered by

Time: 5259.9

Margaret Bruce in 1959 she was a British

Time: 5263.56


Time: 5265.86

and in the Bruce effect when you expose

Time: 5269.56

a pregnant Mouse

Time: 5271.96

at an early critical stage of the

Time: 5274.06


Time: 5275.44

um I think up to about day three uh if

Time: 5278.02

you expose the pregnant Mouse uh to the

Time: 5281.26

order of what is referred to in

Time: 5282.82

technical terms is the non-stud male

Time: 5284.98

that is a male who did not father the

Time: 5287.679


Time: 5288.76

she will miscarry the pregnancy she will

Time: 5290.8

abort it

Time: 5291.82

now that that's an insane decision made

Time: 5294.46

by the female here right because she's

Time: 5296.139

invested quite a lot in this right in in

Time: 5298.659

biological terms and in in forming this

Time: 5301.6

pregnancy and maintaining it and yet she

Time: 5303.88

drops it on the basis of an odor

Time: 5307.12

um and this effect is remarkably robust

Time: 5310.84

and what do I mean by remarkably robust

Time: 5313.239

so this will occur

Time: 5314.98

on about 80 percent of exposures now as

Time: 5317.92

you know 80 is 100 in biology right I

Time: 5320.38

mean there's nothing that happens at

Time: 5321.58

more than 80 percent

Time: 5323.02

so it's a remarkably remarkably robust

Time: 5327.34

effect this this dropping of the

Time: 5330.159

pregnancy and we know it's mediated by

Time: 5332.139

chemosensation three no for sure and we

Time: 5334.78

know in the following way so first it's

Time: 5336.88

enough to just bring the order of the

Time: 5339.52

non-stead male you don't have to bring

Time: 5340.9

the mail himself right so you just can

Time: 5343.36

bring bedding from a nonsense male and

Time: 5345.52

that will induce uh the Bruce effect but

Time: 5348.58

of course uh the most telling set of

Time: 5350.32

experiments is that if in the female

Time: 5352.48

Mouse you ablate the vulner nasal organ

Time: 5354.639

you just burn this tiny structure in the

Time: 5357.58

nose and the effect disappears so the

Time: 5360.1

effect is completely dependent on the

Time: 5361.84

former nasal organ

Time: 5363.94


Time: 5364.84

and and I find this out really a

Time: 5366.76

remarkable effect right I mean because

Time: 5368.56

again because of the the extent of of

Time: 5372.58

cost that the female takes on here uh

Time: 5376.3

based on on this information and smell

Time: 5378.94


Time: 5380.8


Time: 5383.02

the the sort of the going notion in all

Time: 5385.239

faction is that humans don't have a

Time: 5386.98

functional vomarinasal organ

Time: 5388.78

so we don't have that functional organ

Time: 5391.42

in our nose now I'll point out we

Time: 5394.3

actually do have

Time: 5395.92

the pit

Time: 5397.659

so the the structure or the outlining

Time: 5401.32

structure is there

Time: 5402.88

uh but the pit that we have is

Time: 5404.86

considered vestigial and non-functional

Time: 5407.38

and what about this thing I learned

Time: 5409.6

about at Berkeley uh in integrative

Time: 5412.48

biology class that we have something

Time: 5415.3

called Jacobson's organ this is the same

Time: 5417.52

organ so so Jacobson Orion is the former

Time: 5420.52

nasal organ uh it's also called Jacobson

Time: 5424.12


Time: 5425.62

um I think Jacobson was a military

Time: 5427.78

physician in like the 1800s in Holland

Time: 5431.739

or something and he found it in in

Time: 5434.8

in a soldier who was operating on or

Time: 5437.139

something like that the the story comes

Time: 5439.659

from something like that but but

Time: 5440.86

Jacobson organ is another name for the

Time: 5443.08

former known as organ these are one and

Time: 5444.76

the same the sensory organ of the

Time: 5447.159

accessory olfactory system and again the

Time: 5449.62

going notion is that the human Jacobson

Time: 5452.62

organ or Romanus organ is vestigial it's

Time: 5455.56

non-functional does that necessarily

Time: 5457.78

mean that we don't have these pheromone

Time: 5459.52

effects no it does not so first of all

Time: 5461.44

we know that lots of what are considered

Time: 5463.78

pheromonal effects namely social chemo

Time: 5465.88

segolian rodents are mediated by the

Time: 5467.38

manual factory system we know that for

Time: 5468.94


Time: 5470.38

um there are several examples for this

Time: 5471.82

in mice and rats and rabbits and so on

Time: 5474.04

and so forth so so a uh these can be

Time: 5477.4

mediated by by the manual factory system

Time: 5479.739

and and I'll I'll come back to that in a

Time: 5482.44

second but first to finish the the Bruce

Time: 5483.94


Time: 5486.76


Time: 5487.6

and and second and and I'm going out on

Time: 5490.179

a limb here uh but I'm willing to take

Time: 5492.88

that that uh risk I'm I'm for me the

Time: 5496.42

jury is still out on human vulner nasal

Time: 5499.179


Time: 5501.58

um the the decision or the the notion uh

Time: 5505.36

that it's non-functional relies on about

Time: 5508.84

one and a half papers

Time: 5510.88

postmortem uh looking for the nerve that

Time: 5514.12

connects this thing to the brain and

Time: 5515.679

failing to find it using staining and so

Time: 5518.5

on and so forth but sustaining

Time: 5520.06

postmortem studies in humans are are

Time: 5521.92


Time: 5523.96


Time: 5526.179

um basically you know for many reasons

Time: 5528.04

one of them is that the material is just

Time: 5529.78

always has gone through you know it's

Time: 5532.719

it's not ideally uh uh set as it is when

Time: 5535.719

you sacrifice an animal and and

Time: 5538.179

and and study its its tissue

Time: 5541.3

um so so based on on really really a

Time: 5545.679

positive studies that fail to find uh

Time: 5548.86

this nerve the notion is that the

Time: 5551.92

structure is vestigial uh in humans I

Time: 5554.86

don't have any evidence that it's

Time: 5556.239

functional mind you but but I'm just not

Time: 5559.179

sure that it's not but

Time: 5562.6

um what we do have a suspicion

Time: 5565.9

is that humans may experience something

Time: 5570.52

similar to Bruce effect

Time: 5572.98


Time: 5574.36

first of all humans have an enormous

Time: 5577.659

um number or ratio of of spontaneous

Time: 5581.56

miscarriage are they

Time: 5583.719

um occurring more often in the first

Time: 5585.219

trimester because you mentioned yes that

Time: 5586.96

in the Bruce effect in the mice is in

Time: 5588.46

the first three days or so following

Time: 5589.9

pregnancy which in the mouse gestation

Time: 5592.12

as I recall is about 21 days in the

Time: 5593.98

mouse you're talking about one-seventh

Time: 5595.179

of total gestation so I'm I'm not quick

Time: 5597.34

enough to to nor is it important to

Time: 5599.38

translate but this would be first

Time: 5600.4

trimester yes which is indeed when most

Time: 5603.76

miscarriage occurs now humans have again

Time: 5607

a huge number of miscarriages and and

Time: 5609.34

the numbers I'll soon share them with

Time: 5611.02

you they sound odd and the reason they

Time: 5613.96

sound odd is because if if you have

Time: 5616.3

what's sometimes simply referred to as

Time: 5618.28

failed implantation right this can occur

Time: 5620.86

you know in days one two nobody ever

Time: 5623.199

knows okay so so some papers talk about

Time: 5626.62

90 of all human pregnancies end in

Time: 5630.28

miscarriage this is counting a failed

Time: 5633.219

implementation in day one two Etc more

Time: 5635.8

conservative studies talk about 50

Time: 5637.719

percent nobody will argue 30 okay so a

Time: 5641.44

huge number a huge number of of uh human

Time: 5645.34

pregnancies end in miscarriage

Time: 5647.56

now out of these there's a portion

Time: 5652.06

that are are unexplained right so nobody

Time: 5654.94

knows why I mean there are portions that

Time: 5656.26

are explained by all sorts of genetic

Time: 5658.06

factors developmental factors and so on

Time: 5659.86

and so forth but there's also a

Time: 5661.78

proportion that are unexplained

Time: 5663.94

and and and so all I'm saying is that

Time: 5666.76

there's there's a statistical backdrop

Time: 5669.28

or setting if you will force something

Time: 5671.38

like a Remnant Bruce effect in humans

Time: 5674.739

now with that in mind we we approach the

Time: 5677.62


Time: 5678.94


Time: 5679.96

of we we enlisted a group of of they're

Time: 5683.98

not really patients and participants in

Time: 5686.02

a study of people who or couples who are

Time: 5689.02

experiencing what is referred to as as

Time: 5691.12

unexplained repeated pregnancy loss

Time: 5693.639

so formally if you have uh two

Time: 5696.76

consecutive uh unexplained miscarriages

Time: 5699.84

then uh that that is sufficient for the

Time: 5702.82

diagnosis of unexplained repeated

Time: 5704.44

pregnancy loss

Time: 5705.88

however in our cohort of 30 we had

Time: 5709.78

couples who experienced 12 consecutive

Time: 5712.92

unexplained repeated pregnancy losses so

Time: 5715.6

so the two the two is just the formal

Time: 5717.58

all of our cohort was like twelve five

Time: 5720.219

you know so this is an emotional

Time: 5722.92

difficult place to be

Time: 5725.5

and and these are couples who who are

Time: 5728.38

losing uh their pregnancy for no

Time: 5730.239

apparent reason so they've gone through

Time: 5731.62

all the tests that you can imagine of

Time: 5733.719

you know genetic incompatibilities and

Time: 5735.76

all sorts of issues uh clotting all the

Time: 5738.639

all the the known suspects uh for for

Time: 5741.1

pregnancy Lawson the the medical

Time: 5743.26

establishment remains totally at a loss

Time: 5745.719

as to why these pregnancies aren't

Time: 5747.159

holding and so we hypothesized that that

Time: 5751.48

perhaps here there's something akin to

Time: 5753.4

to a Bruce type effect obviously it's

Time: 5755.8

not going to be the same as in mice but

Time: 5757.659

but something like a Bruce effect now of

Time: 5760.12

course at that stage we could not do

Time: 5762.219

anything causal to to test this right

Time: 5764.92

but what we could do is to see uh you

Time: 5767.92

know to seek circumstantial evidence to

Time: 5770.199

see if if where there's fire maybe

Time: 5772.12

there's smoke and what we did was we

Time: 5775

tested uh

Time: 5776.86

olfaction and more specifically the

Time: 5779.08

response to male body odor uh in in the

Time: 5785.62

the couples experiencing

Time: 5787.719


Time: 5788.32

uh repeated pregnancy loss and

Time: 5792.88

we found a few things first of all if

Time: 5795.82

you think of the mechanisms behind the

Time: 5798.28

Bruce effect

Time: 5800.38

the Bruce effect implies that the female

Time: 5802.659

has to have a very clear memory

Time: 5805.239

of uh the following meal because if

Time: 5808.12

she's gonna miscarry in response to the

Time: 5810.639

non-father she has to know father

Time: 5812.44

non-father I mean that means that

Time: 5814.96

there's a pronounced olfactory memory at

Time: 5819.28

the moment of mating okay and in mice

Time: 5822.28

this has been very well characterized

Time: 5824.44

and and attributed to the Ontario

Time: 5826.78

olfactory nucleus a structure in the

Time: 5829.42


Time: 5832


Time: 5833.139

but you'd have to have this memory in

Time: 5834.88

order to make that decision

Time: 5836.98

now so to address that and here you're

Time: 5839.139

going to see that you in your childhood

Time: 5840.76

story from before stand out a bit as as

Time: 5843.159


Time: 5844.9

is that the first thing we did was just

Time: 5847.48

behaviorally test uh whether

Time: 5851.02


Time: 5851.86

these women and control women

Time: 5854.86

could identify the smell of their uh

Time: 5858.4


Time: 5859.11


Time: 5861.84

and you might be disappointed or you

Time: 5865.12

know it we would all are probably a bit

Time: 5867.4

disappointed to learn that control where

Time: 5869.62

I'm in uh are very poor at this

Time: 5872.5

so so you you would think that that

Time: 5874.9

women would be good at identifying the

Time: 5876.76

body order of their spouse they're not

Time: 5879.58

uh they're not far from chance

Time: 5883.179


Time: 5884.86

um the uh women who experience uh

Time: 5887.92

repeated pregnancy loss

Time: 5890.02

are more than they're they're double uh

Time: 5893.5

at their performance level so this is

Time: 5895.06

not a Nuance effect

Time: 5896.679

uh women who who who experience repeated

Time: 5899.98

uh pregnancy loss can identify uh their

Time: 5904

husbands or their spouses uh by their

Time: 5906.4

body odor

Time: 5907.54

with much greater Acuity than the

Time: 5909.46

typical person double

Time: 5910.96

a bit more than double and way above

Time: 5913.48

chance yeah no I I sorry I posed as a

Time: 5916.06

question but I meant yes with much

Time: 5917.8

greater Acuity uh and double is is a

Time: 5920.98


Time: 5922.3

um Improvement

Time: 5923.98

are they much better at detecting any

Time: 5926.08

odor no they're not we did the controls

Time: 5928.12

and they're not

Time: 5929.86

and then

Time: 5931.96

um we also measured using fmri we

Time: 5934.42

measured their their brain response to

Time: 5937.12

uh stranger male body odor

Time: 5939.48

and there and and and this was quite

Time: 5942.88

remarkable because you know we

Time: 5944.5

approached so this was a full brain

Time: 5946.179

analysis so without a region of Interest

Time: 5948.4

analysis so it's not as if you're uh

Time: 5951.04

tweaking your statistics to look at one

Time: 5953.02

part of the brain you're just looking at

Time: 5954.4

the entire brain in the response to male

Time: 5956.86

body order and asking de novo is there a

Time: 5958.96

difference between these two groups of

Time: 5960.28

participants and there was one huge

Time: 5962.26

difference and it was in the

Time: 5963.159

hippothalamus and so there was a

Time: 5965.92

difference in response to stranger male

Time: 5967.96

body order uh between the two groups

Time: 5971.5


Time: 5972.159

so so

Time: 5974.26

olfaction is altered in spontaneous

Time: 5977.139

repeated spontaneous uh pregnancy loss

Time: 5980.139

we don't know this is causal right uh

Time: 5982.719

but but

Time: 5983.86

that was enough for us to approach the

Time: 5986.32

Ethics Committee

Time: 5988.239

um to run a causal experiment

Time: 5991.659

um and we're at the beginning of that

Time: 5993.219


Time: 5994

incredible I can't wait to hear the the

Time: 5995.92

results of that it's gonna take it'll

Time: 5998.02

probably take years

Time: 5999.46

um a few because because

Time: 6001.98

the these are slow experiments to run uh

Time: 6006.659

um recruitment is complicated uh but

Time: 6010.08

basically we're we're blocking

Time: 6012.6


Time: 6013.44

we're blocking smell in in uh couples

Time: 6017.219

who are trying to maintain a pregnancy

Time: 6020.4

I want to touch on some other so-called

Time: 6022.86

pheromone effects and one thing I heard

Time: 6024.36

you say during a talk which I think

Time: 6025.739

really captures this whole issue of are

Time: 6028.38

there pheromone effects in humans

Time: 6030.54

um very nicely as you said you know

Time: 6032.1

whether or not it's a classic pheromone

Time: 6033.84

effect or whether or not it's olfaction

Time: 6035.28

or something else this is chemos sensory

Time: 6038.159

signaling between individuals um the

Time: 6040.62

reason this is important to me is a few

Time: 6042.36

years ago I did a social media post

Time: 6043.739

about pheromone effects and animals and

Time: 6045.42

some potential pheromone effects in

Time: 6046.92

humans and a couple of the um human uh

Time: 6050.82


Time: 6052.86

um more from the the actually who work

Time: 6054.84

on animal models really came after me

Time: 6057.179

with um you know intense sniffing saying

Time: 6060.36

uh you know there is no evidence for

Time: 6062.4

human pheromone effects human pheromone

Time: 6064.26

organs and I think today you've

Time: 6065.34

beautifully Illustrated how regardless

Time: 6067.32

of the answer to that

Time: 6069.3

humans are

Time: 6071.34

contain and are emitting chemical

Time: 6073.56

signals that influence each other's

Time: 6075.3

physiology and behavior for sure for

Time: 6077.52

sure and and the the term pheromone is a

Time: 6079.62

problematic term in any case I mean the

Time: 6081

term the term was

Time: 6083.4

um put forth to describe insect Behavior

Time: 6085.8

right so you know if if you were given a

Time: 6088.26

hard time by the mouse people you could

Time: 6089.76

have given them an equally hard time if

Time: 6092.34

you were an insect person right because

Time: 6093.78

really the place the term is is uh is

Time: 6097.5

accurate is you know so the first

Time: 6099.36

pheromone that was discovered was

Time: 6100.739

bambicol which is the pheromone that has

Time: 6103.139

the male moth follow the the scent Trail

Time: 6105.48

of the female moth

Time: 6107.34

is a pheromone

Time: 6109.86


Time: 6111.42

insect pheromone people will argue that

Time: 6114.119

this stuff that people talk about in

Time: 6115.56

mice and rats is not pheromones I see

Time: 6117.78

and and it all becomes semantics yeah

Time: 6120.06

sort of like nerdy inside ball it's all

Time: 6122.52

semantics so I don't I in our

Time: 6124.56

Publications we don't use the term

Time: 6126

pheromone you know because it would not

Time: 6127.739

help me and it would probably only hurt

Time: 6129.6

us and so you know we talk about chemo

Time: 6131.94

signals and humans definitely emit chemo

Time: 6134.699

signals from their body

Time: 6136.139

and these chemo signals influence other

Time: 6138.78

humans and influence their behavior you

Time: 6141.9

know in in

Time: 6144.48

there are several examples of this one

Time: 6147.36

of them I'll point out first

Time: 6150.239

which is is sort of the most widely

Time: 6152.699

studied and and not mostly from our lab

Time: 6155.4

actually I mean the the flavor of the

Time: 6157.5

month for the past 10 years in this

Time: 6159.36


Time: 6160.44

is what's referred to as the smell of

Time: 6162.06

fear right so

Time: 6164.52


Time: 6165.179

this is probably true of of many mammals

Time: 6167.46

and humans uh it's true of

Time: 6170.28

um we emit a specific body odor when

Time: 6174.179

we're in a state of fear uh this was

Time: 6176.159

first discovered in humans by Denise

Time: 6177.96


Time: 6179.1

um out of I think Brown I'm not sure

Time: 6182.52

think that's right yep humans emit a

Time: 6184.86

particular body odor when they're in a

Time: 6186.9

state of fear and this body order

Time: 6188.82

influences other humans in effect

Time: 6191.42

increasing uh their autonomic uh arousal

Time: 6195.179

their sympathetic State

Time: 6197.639

um so in effect you could say that fear

Time: 6200.28

is contagious a bit so the smell of fear

Time: 6202.8

is contagious by the way culturally uh

Time: 6206.219

we know for ages that dogs can smell if

Time: 6208.619

you're in humans but actually that was

Time: 6210.719

only really shown about a year and a

Time: 6212.46

half ago in a study so it was always

Time: 6215.159

said but it wasn't really shown

Time: 6216.6

effectively it was shown about a year

Time: 6218.219

and a half ago in a study the dogs

Time: 6219.54

indeed can smell human fear

Time: 6222.54

um and humans can smell human fear so

Time: 6224.82

several Labs starting from Denise Chen

Time: 6227.159

and Javelin Jones and and then in our

Time: 6229.86

lab and in other labs if you collect

Time: 6232.26

body odor from people in a state of fear

Time: 6234.719

uh and collect body order from the same

Time: 6237.179

people when they're not in a state of

Time: 6238.739

fear other people can determine which is

Time: 6241.26

is the state of fear or and this

Time: 6243.42

influences their behavior what about the

Time: 6245.58

smell of safety or is that simply the

Time: 6247.32

absence of the odor corresponding to

Time: 6249.3

fear and the reason I ask this is

Time: 6250.98

somewhat woven into our

Time: 6252.719

um prior discussion about mate Choice

Time: 6256.32

um again I'll ask the question in a form

Time: 6257.94

of of brief anecdotes

Time: 6259.98

um I'll use the I had a friend who uh

Time: 6262.08

approach here but um well one phenomenon

Time: 6264.719

that has nothing to do uh with me in

Time: 6266.82

particular I think this is a common

Time: 6268.02

phenomenon is

Time: 6269.82


Time: 6271.199

romantic Partners leaving articles of

Time: 6273.6

clothing at each other's homes now this

Time: 6275.219

could have other purposes to Mark

Time: 6276.84

territory but um visually marking

Time: 6279.84

territory but also um scent marking

Time: 6282.06

territory is very common in the animal

Time: 6283.86


Time: 6285.06

um it's not uncommon uh for uh romantic

Time: 6288.78

Partners when one is traveling or away

Time: 6291.179

for the other partner to smell their

Time: 6292.98

article of clothing in order to bring

Time: 6294.36

about positive uh connotations of the

Time: 6297.06

other partner very common Behavior if

Time: 6298.679

you're doing this folks other people are

Time: 6300.659

doing this too yeah um it raises

Time: 6302.88

questions for instance about whether or

Time: 6304.32

not the morning period part post breakup

Time: 6306.78

whether by decision by death or by

Time: 6309.719

um some other phenomenon that's forced

Time: 6311.52

to break up whether or not that morning

Time: 6313.38

period has something to do with an

Time: 6314.88

olfactory unlearning of uh um and made

Time: 6318.36

slash and on and on and on with all

Time: 6320.76

these insights I would offer you to be a

Time: 6322.32

postdoc well

Time: 6324.32

finished so I would love to do it but

Time: 6326.82

it's going to kill me yeah exactly you

Time: 6328.92

don't want me to work for you we talked

Time: 6330.119

about this that's what I'm saying

Time: 6336.92

that don't really work uh earlier I was

Time: 6339.54

just I was afraid of the fact that I've

Time: 6340.739

had three incredible scientific mentors

Time: 6343.199

uh undergraduate graduate and postdoc

Time: 6345.3


Time: 6346.139

um for reasons uh that are unclear to me

Time: 6349.619

um uh the first one died of suicide the

Time: 6352.26

second one cancer at 50 and the third

Time: 6353.88


Time: 6354.6

um pancreatic cancer in his early 60s

Time: 6356.639

and the last one before he died was an

Time: 6358.619

MD and a common friend of gnomes and I

Time: 6360.36

turned to me and said you know Andrew

Time: 6363.06

you're the common denominator so um you

Time: 6365.699

know that the joke

Time: 6368.48

so nonetheless I would love to do a

Time: 6370.679

sabbatical in your life so so what I was

Time: 6372.9

trying to say in that round about way is

Time: 6374.82

that those are all really Keen

Time: 6376.44

observations and good ideas

Time: 6379.139

um for sure and and and they just

Time: 6381.6

highlight again you know that that we're

Time: 6383.82

incredibly olfactory animals you know

Time: 6385.92

and and and you're you're even talking

Time: 6388.199

about the Nuance we're very ol' Factory

Time: 6389.82

even not in the Nuance I mean I have

Time: 6391.739

this when people tell me that you know

Time: 6393.3

that we don't use our sense of smell and

Time: 6394.86

we don't need it and all that and I I

Time: 6396.48

have to deal with this a lot right I

Time: 6397.86

have to deal a lot you study Vision

Time: 6399.48

nobody will tell you that vision is

Time: 6400.92

unimportant right I have to visually

Time: 6402.36

dependent I don't need a dog to take

Time: 6404.159

over my olfactory system if I lose old

Time: 6405.9

faction but I'll tell you from having

Time: 6407.46

lost my sense of smell for one day right

Time: 6410.1

I was in intense fear I bit into a blue

Time: 6413.46

I love blueberries I'm like a drive-by

Time: 6415.139

blueberry either if they're there I just

Time: 6416.46

kind of picked them up like a grizzly

Time: 6417.659

bear and cram them in my mouth so keep

Time: 6419.58

them away from me if you don't want them

Time: 6420.719

eaten but I can't I almost can't help

Time: 6422.88


Time: 6423.9

um I bit into a blueberry or a handful

Time: 6426.719

of blueberries and they just it was the

Time: 6428.82

sensation of little bags of water and I

Time: 6430.86

immediately felt like tremendous

Time: 6432.6

tremendous grief I'll tell you a sort of

Time: 6435.719

a throwy line that I use in this when I

Time: 6438.42

talk with people you know I mean you

Time: 6440.46

know take the two most basic behaviors

Time: 6444.36

that sustain us right let's say I give

Time: 6447.119

you a choice

Time: 6448.86


Time: 6450.54

a beautiful looking

Time: 6453.36

layer cake with with with strawberries

Time: 6456.78

and blueberries and and uh and whipped

Time: 6459.239


Time: 6460.26

but the smells of sewage

Time: 6462.8

versus some gray brown mix that smells

Time: 6467.1

of cinnamon which do you eat oh simple

Time: 6469.86

right you eat the latter right now

Time: 6472.02

imagine I offer you a mate choose the

Time: 6475.32

the gender of your liking right it looks

Time: 6477.96

like a Greek god or goddess right but

Time: 6482.46

smells of sewage

Time: 6484.02

or an ordinary looking individual that

Time: 6486.78

smells of sin itself who do you choose

Time: 6490.679

the latter right so in the two most

Time: 6493.5

basic behaviors we have we follow our

Time: 6496.86

nose not our eyes right definitely not

Time: 6500.04

always in predictable ways because you

Time: 6501.54

offered an extreme example which is the

Time: 6503.219

best example but I for instance for

Time: 6505.619

reasons I don't know I've never liked

Time: 6507.54

the smell of perfume ever

Time: 6509.82

in fact I find it aversive but I do I

Time: 6513.78

confess I do like the smell of certain

Time: 6515.88

body odors very much and I'm very

Time: 6520.56

um particular about that and I know

Time: 6522.96

within an instant

Time: 6524.94

um and so uh this is a problem for any

Time: 6528.119

romantic partner uh who likes perfume

Time: 6530.699

for me but I know many people like

Time: 6532.619

perfumes and colognes and things and In

Time: 6535.44

fairness I've also been told

Time: 6537.54

um that uh by someone that they couldn't

Time: 6539.94

spend time with me because they do not

Time: 6541.38

like my smell in fact they dislike it

Time: 6543.36

and I unfortunately for me there's at

Time: 6545.46

least one person on the planet who said

Time: 6546.9


Time: 6547.82

so the um so I completely agree with

Time: 6551.1

what you're saying yeah

Time: 6552.48

um I can also say that um I imprinted on

Time: 6555.78

the smell of my I had a Bulldog Mastiff

Time: 6558.54

um when I raised from the time he was a

Time: 6560.219

puppy and I imprinted on I imprinted on

Time: 6563.639

his smell immediately and even though to

Time: 6566.4

other people it was a Bulldog Mastiff

Time: 6567.9

after all his smell was rather averse to

Time: 6570.719

me he he smelled delicious right and it

Time: 6573.96

made me it smelled like home and he was

Time: 6576.48

my best animal friend for a long time so

Time: 6578.88

and on and on and on right the smell of

Time: 6581.04

children as you said the backs we had a

Time: 6583.02

guest on this podcast who I'm sure

Time: 6584.1

you're familiar with Charles Zucker yeah

Time: 6585.36

a professor Columbia has done incredible

Time: 6587.04

work and vision and old-fashioned yeah

Time: 6588.96

they're sensing it and he and I talked a

Time: 6591.84

little bit about this that

Time: 6593.699

um there's something in the breath

Time: 6595.86

of romantic Partners

Time: 6598.26

um that's hopefully a pettitive not

Time: 6600.179

aversive as well as in children he was

Time: 6603.36

talking about the smell of his

Time: 6604.679

grandchild's the bat the nape of their

Time: 6606.6

the back of their neck and how he misses

Time: 6609.3

that smell because when he thinks about

Time: 6611.46

missing his grandchild or children it's

Time: 6614.34

that smell that that that's associated

Time: 6616.32

with that feeling hexadecanal

Time: 6618.8

hexadecanal yes is it Charles your

Time: 6622.139

grandchildren smell like hexadecanal yes

Time: 6624.06

he's gonna come after me now and so this

Time: 6627.119

this is a steady uh ran by uh Eva

Time: 6630.3

mishore who was a graduate student in

Time: 6632.639

our lab

Time: 6634.139


Time: 6635.36

and and Eva was interested in aggression

Time: 6640.38

she was really into aggression

Time: 6643.32

um and actually when she start and and

Time: 6645.54

when she start off we said okay let's do

Time: 6647.82

chemo signaling of aggression

Time: 6649.739

she actually was going to like MMA clubs

Time: 6652.32

and collecting body odors

Time: 6654.54

uh and we we had all sorts of ideas

Time: 6657.179

going and and she she worked on that for

Time: 6659.58

quite a bit it never went anywhere

Time: 6661.08


Time: 6662.159

and then

Time: 6663.659

at the same time

Time: 6665.88

we had a colleague of ours from Germany

Time: 6669.54

I mean when I say colleague primarily a

Time: 6671.88

friend or acquaintance I made it

Time: 6673.619


Time: 6675.119


Time: 6675.719

Heinz Breer

Time: 6678.3

um and and um

Time: 6681.199

he was studying in his lab

Time: 6684.06

a molecule hexadecanal

Time: 6687.119

um that was a chemo signal in mice

Time: 6689.76

where in mice it was described as a

Time: 6692.58

chemo signal that promotes social

Time: 6695.04

buffering where social buffering as far

Time: 6698.159

as I understand it's not my field but as

Time: 6700.619

far as I understand it's basically a

Time: 6702.239

feel-good together thing so when lots of

Time: 6704.82

whites are together they feel good about

Time: 6706.56

being in a group and that's social

Time: 6708.36

buffering and it's promoted by

Time: 6710.699

hexadecanal which they emit in their

Time: 6712.86

feces mice

Time: 6716.159

and in his work on hexadecanal

Time: 6720.239

um and and so so Brier and his colleague

Time: 6723

swordsman they discovered the receptor

Time: 6725.159

for this and then they went and

Time: 6727.32

discovered that the receptor is very

Time: 6729.06

highly conserved throughout mammalian

Time: 6732

Evolution and therefore they

Time: 6734.04

hypothesized that maybe

Time: 6737.1

um this is a universal mammalian signal

Time: 6740.04

now which is unusual because in in chemo

Time: 6742.5

signaling typically you tend to think of

Time: 6744.96

things as being very species specific

Time: 6746.76

but here they're hypothesized that maybe

Time: 6748.98

hexadecanal which promotes social

Time: 6751.44

buffering in mice may do something in

Time: 6753.96

all mammals again because this receptor

Time: 6755.88

is very highly conserved or 37b I think

Time: 6760.739

um so they so he approached us and said

Time: 6763.98

look you got to study this stuff in

Time: 6765.36

humans right because he knows us as the

Time: 6766.98

human people right I mean we go to these

Time: 6769.199

old-fashioned conferences where where

Time: 6770.76

lots of people study mice and and

Time: 6773.159

zebrafish and whatnot and we're the the

Time: 6775.679

human group

Time: 6777.36

so and and eventually he just fedexed us

Time: 6780.119


Time: 6781.86

and and so we had this thing sitting

Time: 6784.5

around and Eva was not going anywhere

Time: 6787.08

with her aggression studies with sweat

Time: 6790.679

from Human participants

Time: 6792.78

and yet she built the entire

Time: 6795.48

um Paradigm to study human aggression so

Time: 6797.76

their standard paradigms this is a

Time: 6800.159

paradigm known as the tap the Tyler

Time: 6801.9

aggression Paradigm I'll soon describe

Time: 6804.54


Time: 6805.199

and so we said okay we have this

Time: 6806.82

hexadecanal stuff here and it promotes

Time: 6809.34

social buffering social buffering sounds

Time: 6810.78

like it would make you less aggressive

Time: 6812.219

why don't you run your TAP experiment

Time: 6814.86

using hexadecanal

Time: 6817.02

what's the tap experiment so basically

Time: 6819.48

what you do is you bring in a

Time: 6821.82

participant to lab and you have them

Time: 6825.239


Time: 6826.26

thinking that they're going to be

Time: 6827.88

playing against another person in in

Time: 6830.34

this game and you can you can do

Time: 6832.38

something like have another person walk

Time: 6833.82

into the other room playing online so so

Time: 6836.639

connected so you can fool them into

Time: 6838.5

being quite convinced that this is

Time: 6840.179

what's happening and they go into their

Time: 6842.4

own room

Time: 6843.32

and in the initial game they play

Time: 6847.56

um on each round their uh they're

Time: 6850.8

provided with a sum of money and this is

Time: 6852.54

real money that they'll receive at the

Time: 6853.86

end of the experiment

Time: 6855.119

and by turn each one of them decides how

Time: 6858.119

to divide the money up between the two

Time: 6860.4

right so they're playing against another

Time: 6862.199

person they think but that's actually a

Time: 6864.119

computer algorithm that they're playing

Time: 6865.56

against and the

Time: 6867.9

computer algorithm is is programmed to

Time: 6871.26

be in in scientific terminology a jerk

Time: 6873.84

right so that you know like let's say

Time: 6875.699

they have to divvy up 100 cheko which is

Time: 6878.34

the Israeli currency so so the com you

Time: 6881.159

know the other player would say okay you

Time: 6883.08

know um I'll keep 96 and you get four

Time: 6885.659

right and then if you can either accept

Time: 6888.719


Time: 6889.619

or not accept and then neither of you

Time: 6891.6

get anything right so basically you're

Time: 6893.4

being shafted by by the other side all

Time: 6895.38

the time and this is called the

Time: 6897

provocation phase you're really getting

Time: 6898.8

angry at this person because they're

Time: 6900.36

they're really not nice right they're

Time: 6902.4

they're shafting you on every trial or

Time: 6904.619


Time: 6906.36

and you play this game and it goes to

Time: 6908.4

its end and then you click you play a

Time: 6910.32

second game as far as you know against

Time: 6911.88

the same participant and the second game

Time: 6915.239

is a reaction time game so a Target

Time: 6917.1

shows up and the first to press it wins

Time: 6919.98

and on every trial where you win if you

Time: 6923.04

want you can blast the other parts spent

Time: 6925.26

with a loud noise

Time: 6926.82

and and it's a really loud noise so

Time: 6928.98

you're also wearing earphones it's 90 DB

Time: 6931.619

and it's it's a screeching horrible

Time: 6933.84

sound it's the most punishment that an

Time: 6936.179

IRB committee will let you uh endure on

Time: 6938.88

on a participants and experiment unless

Time: 6940.86

you're in Stanford

Time: 6942.179

70 years ago or whatever that was I was

Time: 6944.219

referring to the classic prisoner

Time: 6945.84

experiment which took place in the

Time: 6946.98

building next door to where I work

Time: 6949.219

so you can blast the other participant

Time: 6951.719

with varying levels of sound and you

Time: 6953.88

have a selection box from something very

Time: 6955.8

low to something very high and what's

Time: 6958.199

nice about this is that it then allows

Time: 6959.82

you to quantify aggression because the

Time: 6962.46

more volume you're blasting the opponent

Time: 6964.679

was the more aggressive you are towards

Time: 6966.9

your opponent and and so you have a

Time: 6968.52

measure of aggression again the Tyler

Time: 6970.8

aggression Paradigm obviously invented

Time: 6972.84

by Tyler uh very well validated studied

Time: 6975.9

all over you know a very standard

Time: 6977.88


Time: 6978.78

so we broaden participants and had them

Time: 6982.139

play uh the title of the tap uh either

Time: 6985.98

under exposure to hexadecanal or control

Time: 6989.639

now access that Canal doesn't it's it's

Time: 6991.86

incredibly difficult to even detect

Time: 6993.48

Texas now but just in case uh because it

Time: 6997.8

it it's not very very it's considered a

Time: 6999.96

semi-volatile it doesn't have a strong

Time: 7001.88


Time: 7003.139

um but we buried it both the control and

Time: 7005.3

the hexadecan island in a control order

Time: 7007.46

that hid them in a mask

Time: 7009.139

and and she ran lots and lots and lots

Time: 7011.659

and lots of participants men and women

Time: 7014.239

and I'll first tell you the result with

Time: 7016.46

men which is that hexadecanal

Time: 7020.54

consistently reduced aggression

Time: 7023

people were less aggressive under

Time: 7024.5


Time: 7026.36

um the effect size was was uh uh quite

Time: 7029.659

meaningful and later on we learned

Time: 7031.639

because I'm no

Time: 7033.38

specialist in the world of aggression

Time: 7035.119

but compared to effects seen in the

Time: 7036.679

aggression World in research really

Time: 7039.38

really strong effects so unusually

Time: 7041.179


Time: 7042.26

so hexadecanal lowered aggression in men

Time: 7044.84

and we were like well this is you know

Time: 7046.639

sort of what we were hoping to see

Time: 7048.739

consistent with the hypothesis uh and

Time: 7051.619

consistent with it seems to do in mice

Time: 7054.679

but then we looked at data from women

Time: 7057.5

and hexadecanal increased aggression

Time: 7059.9

equally significantly is this thought to

Time: 7062.06

be something related to maternal

Time: 7063.38

protectiveness we're getting there so

Time: 7065.119

you you got there really fast it took me

Time: 7067.04

a year but and and ever got to it really

Time: 7069.619

I'll I'll tell you because remember

Time: 7071.96

we're reaching the back of the head of

Time: 7073.58

your of

Time: 7080.139

one of the kingpins of the New York

Time: 7082.4

Neuroscience Mafia yes so

Time: 7085.82


Time: 7087.02

so this was really odd to me at that

Time: 7089.239

time so I didn't have the intuition you

Time: 7090.739

just had and I was like about this there

Time: 7093.08

was some bug here I mean this this it

Time: 7095.42

makes no sense to me you know why would

Time: 7097.58

something increase aggression in women

Time: 7099.199

and decrease aggression in men this is

Time: 7101.239

really really strange

Time: 7104

and and I said okay I want to see this

Time: 7106.639

happen again before you know we go ahead

Time: 7108.56

with this so she went and did the entire

Time: 7110.719

experiment again and this time she did

Time: 7112.58

it within the fmri magnet so that we we

Time: 7115.099

can also uh track uh brain activity uh

Time: 7119.179

while this was happening

Time: 7120.86

and first of all it replicated again so

Time: 7123.38

once again uh hexadecan element made men

Time: 7126.199

less aggressive and women more

Time: 7128.3

aggressive and and the extent of more

Time: 7131.599

than the effect alone the dissociation

Time: 7133.46

was remarkable this has the it's almost

Time: 7135.56

like a chromosomal test I mean you you

Time: 7137.84

look at the data on the unit unit slope

Time: 7139.76

line and all all the men are below and

Time: 7142.46

all the women are above there's this

Time: 7144.26

figure in the paper then she also looked

Time: 7147.86

at the brain data and this is you know

Time: 7150.199

Although our lab does a ton of fmri it's

Time: 7152.719

one of the major tools we use to measure

Time: 7155.08

uh uh brain activity I'm I'm quite

Time: 7158.84

cognizant of the limitations of fmri

Time: 7162.139

and and this is I think sadly I think

Time: 7165.08

the only study in my career at least

Time: 7166.88

where where I actually managed to also

Time: 7169.219

get a mechanism out of fmri not only

Time: 7172.34

an area that's involved in activity

Time: 7174.98

and and so here's what we saw that

Time: 7177.52

hexadecanal alone

Time: 7179.659

increased activity

Time: 7181.88

quite pronouncedly in an area of the

Time: 7183.8

brain known as the left angular gyrus

Time: 7186.38

now this is an area involved in what's

Time: 7188.119

referred to as social appraisal so that

Time: 7190.639

was kind of cool in that a social order

Time: 7193.099

activated the social brain not the

Time: 7195.32

olfactory system per se and and very

Time: 7197.84


Time: 7199.04

so on one hand that was cool but then

Time: 7201.199

what was uncool was that it did the same

Time: 7205.219

in men and women

Time: 7206.599

and this was in contrast to behavior

Time: 7208.46

which you don't like seeing right I mean

Time: 7210.139

because you would expect brain activity

Time: 7212.3

to reflect Behavior

Time: 7213.98

and it increased activity in the left

Time: 7215.9

angular gyrus in both both men and women

Time: 7219.02

but then she did a follow-up analysis

Time: 7221.48

which was look at what's referred to as

Time: 7223.4

functional connectivity that is how does

Time: 7225.86

this region of the brain talk with the

Time: 7228.56

entire brain as it were under

Time: 7230.8

hexadecanal versus uh control

Time: 7234.139

and here the dissociation re-emerged

Time: 7237.5

powerfully whereby the connectivity from

Time: 7240.92

the angular gyrus was mostly to the

Time: 7243.86

classic neural substrates of aggression

Time: 7245.719

so the amygdala and the temporal Pole

Time: 7248.599

and the connectivity went in opposite

Time: 7250.82

directions in men and women so

Time: 7252.94

hexadecanal increased functional

Time: 7255.32

connectivity in men and decreased it in

Time: 7258.08


Time: 7259.04

so in a way this is almost saying that

Time: 7261.02

the default brain reaction is aggression

Time: 7263

right the default is to aggress and in

Time: 7266.42

men hexadecanal increases the control

Time: 7269.659

that the left angular virus is holding

Time: 7271.82

over your aggression and keeping you

Time: 7273.679

back and in women it let it roam free

Time: 7276.5

and they became more aggressive

Time: 7278.599

but I was still Apostle so so I was

Time: 7281.599

convinced this happened twice the mro

Time: 7283.4

data provided not only a pattern but a

Time: 7287.239

mechanism which is unusual

Time: 7289.699

and yet I I was telling Eva you know but

Time: 7292.94

you know this makes no sense to me and

Time: 7294.86

then and then her Insight which of

Time: 7296.48

course afterwards is like duh it is no

Time: 7299.42

there's a place where this makes perfect

Time: 7301.28

sense and that is if you're a mammalian

Time: 7303.26

Offspring because

Time: 7305.78

paternal aggression is often directed at

Time: 7308.36

you there is infanticide all over and

Time: 7311.659

sadly there's male aggression towards

Time: 7314.06

human children as well

Time: 7316.099

and maternal aggression is often

Time: 7318.02


Time: 7319.28

so if you're an offspring if you have a

Time: 7321.619

molecule that will make your mother more

Time: 7323.54

aggressive in your daddy less aggressive

Time: 7325.159

both of those are good for you so you're

Time: 7327.56


Time: 7329

so we remembered a recently published

Time: 7331.82

paper from a group in Japan

Time: 7334.4

that looked at the odors emanating from

Time: 7337.4

baby heads we now come full circle to

Time: 7339.679

sucker's grandchildren

Time: 7342.139

they used a method known as gcms gas

Time: 7344.84

chromatography Mass spectrometry to

Time: 7347.84

measure the volatiles from baby heads

Time: 7350.42

because baby head odor is a cultural

Time: 7352.28

thing across cultures even in Japan

Time: 7356

and so we quickly went to that paper and

Time: 7359.54

to see if one of the molecules that

Time: 7361.4

report is hexadecanal and we were very

Time: 7363.26

disappointed that it wasn't one of the

Time: 7365.179

molecules they reported in the paper

Time: 7367.28

and so we wrote to the authors who are

Time: 7370.699

since then our co-authors uh and we said

Time: 7373.219

look you know we're studying uh this

Time: 7375.26

molecule hexadecanon we don't see in

Time: 7377.84

your results and and we were wondering

Time: 7379.46

maybe you had some results that you

Time: 7381.32

didn't publish or some supplementary

Time: 7382.82

materials or whatever

Time: 7384.139

and this lab which is a hardcore GC lab

Time: 7386.9

said no no hexadecanal is a

Time: 7388.34

semi-volatile which we knew uh in our

Time: 7391.34

previous paper was not directed to the

Time: 7393.8

semi-volatile range but we can now do

Time: 7396.199

use what's called gcx GC WGC that is

Time: 7399.679

directed at semi volatiles and we can do

Time: 7401.42

this again we just uh studied 11 babies

Time: 7403.82

and we can we can see if this is an

Time: 7406.46

issue so he said yeah please do uh the

Time: 7408.739

bottom line of all this is that

Time: 7409.88

hexadecanal is the most abundant

Time: 7412.4

semi-volatile in baby hits It's tons of

Time: 7415.46

it coming out of baby hits so babies

Time: 7417.5

again speaking about if humans do or

Time: 7419.48

don't chemo single babies are conducting

Time: 7421.639

chemical warfare right they're they're

Time: 7424.099


Time: 7424.9

you know reducing

Time: 7427.76

aggression in their fathers or males

Time: 7431

around them and increasing aggression in

Time: 7433.159

their mothers or females around them and

Time: 7435.26

both of those things are good for them

Time: 7437.239


Time: 7439.219

this is somewhat different than what

Time: 7441.32

we're talking about

Time: 7442.82

um and yet similar in other ways because

Time: 7445.46

it's uh built off of anecdotal evidence

Time: 7450.139

but it's anecdotal evidence that you

Time: 7451.94

hear all the time and yet when you look

Time: 7453.56

in the scientific literature at least by

Time: 7455.06

my read

Time: 7456.08

the data are not clear maybe even

Time: 7459.139

contradictory and that relates to the

Time: 7461.719

coordination of menstrual cycles among

Time: 7463.699

co-housed yeah women or women who are

Time: 7466.46

friends the you know many women

Time: 7468.38

listening to this and maybe some men who

Time: 7470.719

are aware of of this effect will say oh

Time: 7472.639

yeah absolutely when I spend time with

Time: 7474.5

my friends or go away camping or even

Time: 7476.599

spend a day with them our menstrual

Time: 7478.219

cycles become coordinated

Time: 7479.78


Time: 7481.04

my understanding is that the early

Time: 7482.9

literature Barbara McClintock correct

Time: 7485.719

um discovered this phenomenon published

Time: 7487.76

a paper in science as an undergraduate

Time: 7489.46

1971 nature amazing nature paper again

Time: 7493.34

one of the three Apex journals and as an

Time: 7495.08

undergrad fantastic so discover this

Time: 7497

describe this and probably women all

Time: 7499.34

over the world who became aware of this

Time: 7500.78

one way or another probably probably

Time: 7502.159

said yes absolutely this gives

Time: 7504.08

validation to what we've observed over

Time: 7505.82

and over again and yet as subsequent

Time: 7508.76

papers have been published this result

Time: 7510.44

has been called into question is uh is

Time: 7513.38

there any uh final word on whether or

Time: 7515.54

not menstrual cycles uh become

Time: 7517.52

coordinated among women who spend time

Time: 7519.139

together and if so is there any role of

Time: 7522.139

olfaction in this uh or chemosensing

Time: 7525.56

through the nostrils or end or mouth

Time: 7528.86

um to support this idea so so yeah so so

Time: 7532.46

I'll start off indeed to Echo uh the

Time: 7535.76

background is that this study was

Time: 7538.04

conducted by by Martha McClintock when

Time: 7540.199

she was an undergraduate Wesleyan

Time: 7541.76

College uh and she noticed that she

Time: 7545.9

thought her menstrual cycle and her

Time: 7547.699

co-inhabitants in her dorm room

Time: 7550.219


Time: 7551.119

um were coordinated in time

Time: 7554.659

um and I should say that this comes on

Time: 7556.699

the basis of similar or related type

Time: 7559.28

effects in rodents now ruins don't have

Time: 7560.9

a menstrual cycle like humans do

Time: 7563.48

um but but

Time: 7565.04


Time: 7566

there's a an effect in runes referred to

Time: 7568.639

as the whiten effect which

Time: 7571.099

um resembles uh this type of of effect

Time: 7575.36

um and she published indeed that paper

Time: 7577.159

as an undergraduate in nature in 1971

Time: 7579.199

and to answer your question she

Time: 7581.599

published a follow-up in 1998 also in

Time: 7584.719

nature uh with then her graduate

Time: 7587.3

students Chicago uh Stern so this is

Time: 7590.42

Stern and McClintock 1998 and here's

Time: 7593.54

what they did they collected

Time: 7596.48

um sweat from donor women

Time: 7599.239

and deposited it on the upper lip of

Time: 7601.94

recipient women so this would be a fun

Time: 7604.159

experiment for you at least because you

Time: 7606.199

said you like body orders but for many

Time: 7607.76

others perhaps it would be daunting well

Time: 7610.34

I like certain body orders from certain

Time: 7612.38


Time: 7613.88

um I don't know I don't think I

Time: 7616.219

uniformly like all body orders although

Time: 7618.5

I do send a uniformly not like the smell

Time: 7621.5

of perfume although I should just to

Time: 7622.94

clarify because I put this out there and

Time: 7624.26

I learned the hard way in the comment

Time: 7625.52

section on YouTube some of those

Time: 7627.32

perfumes I find downright aversive yeah

Time: 7629.719

like it's a uh I think the great Marcus

Time: 7632.119

Meister who a great neurobiologist once

Time: 7634.159

said there's basically three responses

Time: 7635.36

it's either yum yuck or meh so some are

Time: 7638.239

true yeah I've never heard that one yeah

Time: 7640.04

that one right in terms of the animal

Time: 7641.78

behavior yeah

Time: 7645.159

or pause

Time: 7647.239

um so some are truly a yuck

Time: 7650.199

some many are meh zero to date

Time: 7654.56


Time: 7656.239

yum for me now body odors the

Time: 7658.94

distribution is shifted it could be any

Time: 7660.8

one of those three yum yuck or meh so

Time: 7662.78

just to be clear but the the um yum

Time: 7666.02

category is definitely included

Time: 7669.139

thank you

Time: 7671.26

so uh um

Time: 7674.659

so so she did this study so so because

Time: 7676.94

right in the original McClintock study

Time: 7678.98

you might suspect other uh drivers of

Time: 7682.28

the effect let's see if you accept the

Time: 7684.56

effect but still there might be other

Time: 7685.82

social drivers of the effect there are

Time: 7687.56

not body odor right there might be some

Time: 7689.9

dominant woman who's dominant in some

Time: 7692.239

other way and this might be driving the

Time: 7694.04

coordination right so here there was no

Time: 7696.5

direct link between these women other

Time: 7698.239

than body orders so if the effect

Time: 7699.56


Time: 7701.179

um it would definitely be an olfactory

Time: 7702.679

effect and what she found is that if she

Time: 7706.04

took a sweat from the follicular or the

Time: 7708.199

ovulatory phase of the donors one

Time: 7711.02

extended the cycle in recipients and one

Time: 7713.659

shortened the cycle in recipients I

Time: 7715.52

don't remember which was which but but

Time: 7717.5

basically uh uh definitely denoting uh a

Time: 7721.34

chemo signaling effect uh with with the

Time: 7724.28

opposing uh effects on duration based on

Time: 7727.34

the time it was collected from

Time: 7729.5

again published in nature in 1998.

Time: 7733.159

that's it I I there's a quotation I

Time: 7736.099

think this is from from

Time: 7739.119


Time: 7741.02

I'm not sure but but you know that that

Time: 7743.239

uh uh if something is published in

Time: 7745.52

nature or science that doesn't

Time: 7747.02

necessarily mean it's not true so uh

Time: 7750.44

with that in mind

Time: 7752.54


Time: 7753.98

the findings were since called into

Time: 7756.679

question quite widely

Time: 7759.739


Time: 7761.119

one reason is just

Time: 7763.84

statistics of cyclic events are

Time: 7766.639

surprisingly complicated

Time: 7768.56

so so It's Tricky it's once you have a

Time: 7772.099

cyclic event statistics become tricky

Time: 7775.699

and and so

Time: 7778.84

Martha took a lot of heat on the

Time: 7781.76

statistics of of claiming an effect

Time: 7787.159

and I think there was at least one

Time: 7790.04


Time: 7791.3

of replication that didn't really work

Time: 7793.639


Time: 7795.139

um if you ask me I'm on the fence

Time: 7798.02

so I I'm and but I'm maybe in a minority

Time: 7800.84

in my field I think a majority in the

Time: 7803.84

field uh is currently negative I'm not

Time: 7809.239

um and I've we've said in lab that we

Time: 7813.38

should do a planned replication

Time: 7815.78

um we will it's just

Time: 7818.06

again it's a horrible study to run it's

Time: 7820.699

tons of work and you and and you have to

Time: 7822.739

run it for a really long time

Time: 7824.54

uh and and uh so it's just completely

Time: 7828.44


Time: 7830.119

um but we have a graduate student now

Time: 7831.98

and lab interested in these exact things

Time: 7833.9

uh Road wisegross and she's doing

Time: 7836.139

similar stuff and and I hope we'll we'll

Time: 7838.88

do that I hope we'll try to to replicate

Time: 7842


Time: 7843.02

um very interesting result and I think

Time: 7845.179

uh interesting because it of its Real

Time: 7848.719


Time: 7849.56

um meaning outside the laboratory of

Time: 7851.78

course our experiment analog but also

Time: 7854.599


Time: 7856.94

pheromone effects and olfactory effects

Time: 7859.28

in humans seem unique among uh

Time: 7863.199

neurobiological slash endocrine

Time: 7865.4

phenomena because there seems to be so

Time: 7868.4

many stories that we all have of the

Time: 7871.52

smell of our grandmother's hands or the

Time: 7873.44

recognizing the scent of of somebody or

Time: 7875.9

I knew from the moment that

Time: 7877.88

um I smelled their breath or you know or

Time: 7880.46

I just liked their smell kind of thing

Time: 7882.98

these kind of things that that inform

Time: 7885.08

the the Deep potential for a real

Time: 7888.56

biological phenomenon as opposed to the

Time: 7891.139

kind of thing like oh uh you know you

Time: 7893.119

just throw something out there oxytocin

Time: 7894.86

is bonding and all of a sudden you know

Time: 7896.78

the the general public not at no to no

Time: 7899.239

fault of their own comes to think that

Time: 7900.86

every every aspect of bonding is is

Time: 7902.719

oxytocin and every defect in bonding is

Time: 7904.82

lack of oxytocin but

Time: 7907.099

the the general public provides a sort

Time: 7910.159

of a rich

Time: 7911.659

um it's fodder for for exploring all

Time: 7914.599

these things and a lot of times they

Time: 7915.679

turn out to be true right when in the

Time: 7917.9

context of old action yeah no it's it's

Time: 7919.34

a very Primal system you know so so uh

Time: 7921.739

it's it's linked to the most

Time: 7923.659

you know limbic Primal mechanisms in our

Time: 7926.239

brain and it drives Primal Behavior it's

Time: 7929.54

an incredible system I I have a question

Time: 7932.3


Time: 7933.98

a particular study but I'm just going to

Time: 7936.02

cue it up and you'll know immediately

Time: 7937.219

what I'm I'm queuing up

Time: 7939.44

um and that is what is the relationship

Time: 7941.659

between odors and hormones and in

Time: 7945.199


Time: 7946.28

crying as I pointed out previously the

Time: 7949.34

the sort of flavor of the month in in

Time: 7951.679

human social chemo signaling research is

Time: 7953.48

the smell of fear and the the media of

Time: 7957.44

the month is Sweat Right so so

Time: 7960.199

um the the few maybe tens of labs in the

Time: 7963.8

world that study uh Human Social chemo

Time: 7965.96

signaling all collect sweat and and

Time: 7968.599

that's the media uh they look at is it

Time: 7971.36

always from the armpit org is there are

Time: 7973.52

there meaningful differences in terms of

Time: 7975.139

the sweat emitted from different

Time: 7976.28

locations on the body I already know the

Time: 7978.44

answer to that as I ask it but let's

Time: 7979.76

just stay above the waistline and um oh

Time: 7982.28

no no yes or below the waistline I mean

Time: 7984.44

we're biologists after all we we just

Time: 7986.96

yeah so it's it's funny we we have we're

Time: 7989.42

working on a paper on that right now on

Time: 7991.34

the smell of fear uh so so we have a

Time: 7993.5

nice Paradigm for uh generating fear we

Time: 7996.199

throw people out of airplanes it's a

Time: 7998.06

very effective way to generate fear to

Time: 7999.92

come to your lab it sounds like the

Time: 8001.48

greatest lab in the world we didn't

Time: 8003.159

invent that by the way uh the first to

Time: 8004.96

do that was uh um and I hope I'm

Time: 8007.06

pronouncing her name correctly I think

Time: 8008.679

it's mujika perudi

Time: 8011.079

um but but um that's our Paradigm for

Time: 8013.96

generating fear and we started that on

Time: 8016.3

our own but uh We've since entered into

Time: 8018.88

collaboration with the Israeli

Time: 8020.739

paratroopers Brigade and we now collect

Time: 8022.78

body odor from every First Time Jumper

Time: 8025.9


Time: 8027.219

um we we went that path because

Time: 8030.04

we like everybody else in this field you

Time: 8032.86

know the Holy Grail there is is finding

Time: 8034.96

the molecules right I mean if you'll

Time: 8036.699

have the fear molecules

Time: 8039.04

that's a bonanza right because I mean

Time: 8042.46

you know you could think of many reasons

Time: 8043.9

why it would be a bonanza but for for me

Time: 8045.699

you know if you find the molecules you

Time: 8047.32

can then try and find The receptors and

Time: 8049.179

when you find the cognitive receptors

Time: 8050.44

you can then develop blockers and you

Time: 8052.659

can imagine you know uh um uh um

Time: 8058

what's the term I'm looking for um

Time: 8060.88

I'm switching into Hebrew it's about

Time: 8062.86

midnight now right I'm sorry you're

Time: 8065.739

doing incredibly well considering two in

Time: 8068.199

the morning yeah we would never know

Time: 8070.659

um no one traveled in today from Israel

Time: 8072.52

so he's a circadian inverted as we say

Time: 8074.92


Time: 8076.42

um anxiety so so uh you can imagine

Time: 8079.719

developing like a nasal spray against

Time: 8081.579

anxiety right where where you would

Time: 8083.679

quell those receptors and kill the fear

Time: 8086.26

response right which rather than going

Time: 8088.239

the current path which is through

Time: 8089.619

neurotransmitters that then have effects

Time: 8092.02

all over the place you would be getting

Time: 8094.179

fear at its source right so so that

Time: 8096.82

would be why I would want that and and

Time: 8098.98

we figure out that doing that

Time: 8101.5

you know collecting fear from like three

Time: 8103.659

four or five people

Time: 8105.579

um in an experiment you'll never be able

Time: 8107.199

to do analytical chemistry on that so we

Time: 8109.42

now have uh we have uh a setting we call

Time: 8112.36

fear Bank uh which now has more than a

Time: 8115.239

thousand samples in it so we're trying

Time: 8117.46

to do uh uh analytics on that but

Time: 8120.82

in doing that we've we've joined you

Time: 8123.099

know the the crowd everybody's doing

Time: 8124.54

fear and everybody's doing sweat and in

Time: 8127.599

one of our discussions in the lab you

Time: 8128.86

know we're saying well there's got to be

Time: 8130.42

you know or there potentially definitely

Time: 8133.36

could be additional bodily media

Time: 8136.599

that are are playing into social chemo

Time: 8138.76


Time: 8139.9

uh now many of these you know you can't

Time: 8142.42

really study right I mean so you know

Time: 8144.159

just to throw what most terrestrial

Time: 8146.199

mammals communicate social information

Time: 8147.639

through urine

Time: 8149.739

um but you know starting doing

Time: 8150.88

experiments with humans with smelling

Time: 8152.92

urine it would be difficult you know

Time: 8155.38

both in IRB and in agreement and

Time: 8158.44

you know and and then we we you know

Time: 8161.86

this is a rare case where we actually

Time: 8163.239

hypothesize what we set out to do and

Time: 8165.04

you know and then only claim in

Time: 8166.54

retrospect that it was hypothesis

Time: 8169.3

um is is tears

Time: 8172.5


Time: 8172.96


Time: 8173.8

we we started thinking about tears and

Time: 8175.96

looking into tears because tears are a

Time: 8178.719

bodily liquid emotional tears that that

Time: 8182.26

we emit in emotional situations where

Time: 8185.079

where these are situations where

Time: 8186.52

nonverbal communication is is critical

Time: 8188.56

and key

Time: 8190.119

and and tears are a liquid that that

Time: 8196.24

is puzzling Beyond ocular maintenance

Time: 8201.16

right and so so you know the the most

Time: 8205.12

influential text I think till this day

Time: 8207.219

in in Emotion research is is Darwin's

Time: 8210.639

book uh uh the showing of the emotions

Time: 8213.28

in men and animals I think is the full

Time: 8214.96

name of the book

Time: 8216.099

and an entire chapter chapter six is

Time: 8219.16

devoted to tears

Time: 8220.599

an entire chapter of this book why with

Time: 8224.26

no conclusion why because the book

Time: 8226.899

revolves around

Time: 8229.92

describing the functional antecedence of

Time: 8233.5

emotional Expressions so for example uh

Time: 8236.62

showing of the teeth is a sign of

Time: 8238.12

aggression right so so animals first bit

Time: 8240.7

with their teeth and and Darwin argued

Time: 8242.74

that through Evolution uh just uh

Time: 8245.439

showing the teeth alone became an

Time: 8247.359

aggressive sign because it started from

Time: 8249.219


Time: 8250.179

or what I I find is a beautiful example

Time: 8252.639

and this is work partly done by by Adam

Time: 8254.559

Anderson now at Cornell

Time: 8256.599

um is is the uh emotional expression of

Time: 8260.62


Time: 8261.639

so disgust which comes from Line This

Time: 8264.04

goosia distaste right is spitting

Time: 8267.88

something out of your mouth now what

Time: 8270.34

what Adam showed is is that the

Time: 8274

musculature patterns of activation and

Time: 8276.639

the temporal sequence of activation

Time: 8278.979

when you experience moral disgust are

Time: 8281.859

the same as when you spit a bitters

Time: 8283.78

taste out of your mouth right so again

Time: 8285.7

so there's a functional antecedent

Time: 8288.04

spitting something out and through

Time: 8290.38

Evolution the argument was that it

Time: 8292

became an expression of emotion and you

Time: 8293.979

express disgust just as if you're

Time: 8295.899

spitting something out of your mouth

Time: 8297.04

even though they're you know in the case

Time: 8298.24

of moral disgust there's nothing you're

Time: 8299.8

spinning out of your mouth so so darn

Time: 8302.38

systematically went through the

Time: 8303.76

expressions of emotions and for each one

Time: 8305.679

went to their functional antecedent and

Time: 8307.84

explained everything very nicely and

Time: 8309.88

then he got stuck with tears right

Time: 8311.26

because tears are an obviously emotional

Time: 8313

expression and he could not find

Time: 8315.82

a functional uh antecedent so he ended

Time: 8319.66

up saying this is an epic phenomenon

Time: 8321.46

basically right I I don't know what all

Time: 8323.62

scientists do when they don't have a

Time: 8325.179

good explanation you know blame it on

Time: 8327.219

nature right right so so

Time: 8329.74

and but he bothered to write this entire

Time: 8331.899

chapter on on the ocular or sort of

Time: 8334.359

Maintenance you know function of tears

Time: 8336.519

and so on so forth but but nothing

Time: 8337.96

emotional so we thought well maybe the

Time: 8340.12

function is is a chemical signal

Time: 8343.54


Time: 8344.92

and you know so so with that in mind we

Time: 8348.099

we harvested emotional tears uh which

Time: 8351.16

was also an amusing event on its own

Time: 8353.8

right because we we uh we uh

Time: 8357.16

we we posted

Time: 8360.04

um messages

Time: 8362.139

on all sorts of boards that that uh

Time: 8364.599

we're seeking

Time: 8366.04


Time: 8366.7

experiment participants who cry with

Time: 8368.439


Time: 8370.24

now this generated an unfortunate gender

Time: 8372.939

bias in our study right because we

Time: 8374.74

received about 100 women volunteers and

Time: 8377.08

about one man

Time: 8378.34

and you know I think this is not a

Time: 8380.019

problem only in in Macho Israel right

Time: 8381.939

probably anywhere in the west this would

Time: 8383.38

be I mean definitely in America would be

Time: 8384.76

the same I think my guess is that there

Time: 8386.38

are probably men out there who cry

Time: 8388.24

easily emotional tears because I'm sure

Time: 8390.52

that they're just going to show up yeah

Time: 8391.66

that's what I'm saying it's a cultural

Time: 8393.04

thing it's not you know you're not going

Time: 8394.24

to come to a lab and say yeah you know I

Time: 8395.56

cry all the time it's just not going to

Time: 8397.24


Time: 8397.899


Time: 8399.34

and then um we we what we did is uh for

Time: 8403.3

each one of these participants you know

Time: 8405.28

we would ask them you know is there a

Time: 8407.26

particular film event that you know of

Time: 8409.24

that you know a scene that that makes

Time: 8411.04

you cry and and interestingly in these

Time: 8413.56

effective choirs there's always oh yes

Time: 8416.02

you know the scene in in so and so I

Time: 8418.72

always cry profusely from that you know

Time: 8420.76

they they have to give me an example of

Time: 8422.32

one of the more commonly used scenes

Time: 8424.24

yeah with these

Time: 8426.399


Time: 8427.12

the movie The Champ

Time: 8429.18

the champ dies he's a boxer and he dies

Time: 8433.66

and literally in the hands of his about

Time: 8437.439

eight-year-old son

Time: 8439.84

and his son is standing next to his bed

Time: 8443.979

and you know saying chap Chap and and he

Time: 8447.46

dies right

Time: 8449.34

it's a winner okay

Time: 8452.5

waterfall yeah yeah got it so you know

Time: 8455.68

we're probably the neurobiology lab with

Time: 8457.78

most sad movie films on those shelf in

Time: 8460.899

the world right we have a whole huge

Time: 8462.28

collection there is the same thing as

Time: 8463.66

Tears of Joy by the way so no no well

Time: 8467.26

we're going ahead of ourselves but they

Time: 8469.24

say we tried to collect them and failed

Time: 8471.7

um even people who think they shed tears

Time: 8473.8

of joy and laughter their eyes water a

Time: 8476.319

bit but it's not the same thing

Time: 8478.08

in in in the effective choirs we end up

Time: 8482.02

screening so I can write we collect a

Time: 8486.16

full mL of Tears a full mL of Tears in

Time: 8489.04

about 15 minutes wow so so that's

Time: 8491.319

pouring right and that doesn't happen

Time: 8493.54

from laughter that we or we've never

Time: 8495.939

seen that we've never seen that happen

Time: 8497.319

from a lot but we tried

Time: 8499.3

um so so um

Time: 8502.06

so we have we have all these sad films

Time: 8504.52

and by the way one of the amusing things

Time: 8506.02

is uh when we ultimately published this

Time: 8509.02

paper in in science

Time: 8511.479

um we were forced in retrospect to go

Time: 8514.3

out and actually buy the films right I

Time: 8517.359

mean you know originally we like

Time: 8518.8

downloaded the rear there but you can't

Time: 8520.54

because you're you'd be violating uh uh

Time: 8523.96

you know uh copyright laws right so we

Time: 8526.42

had to buy like purchase all these films

Time: 8529.12

that the parts and watch them so we we

Time: 8531.88

actually have these in lab like DVDs you

Time: 8534.16

know that we actually purchased

Time: 8536.439

um but so nice coverage of a potential

Time: 8539.439

legal Fallout that I've known no we did

Time: 8542.939


Time: 8545.28

so uh and yeah and and well we can touch

Time: 8550

on that later but up

Time: 8551.8

so um

Time: 8553.68

so most of these uh volunteers who who

Time: 8558.16

come saying they can cry with ease

Time: 8560.319

actually don't meet the bill

Time: 8562.72

um and so out of the about 100 at least

Time: 8565.18

more women that we screened we ended up

Time: 8567.22

uh with about six

Time: 8569.14

who who could really come to lab week

Time: 8572.26

after week

Time: 8573.34

and and poor tiers there's a name for

Time: 8576.1

this in Psychiatry they call it um a

Time: 8578.62

narrative distancing some people when

Time: 8580.899

they watch a film where someone's

Time: 8582.64

getting hit they they they they Flinch

Time: 8585.819

quite a lot they it's almost as if

Time: 8587.2

they're experiencing it it but it works

Time: 8588.88

in the opposite direction too I know

Time: 8590.2

someone like this um where if they watch

Time: 8592.42

a film that someone's experiencing

Time: 8594.1

something even mildly positive that

Time: 8596.319

their mood elevates so they they can

Time: 8598.359

quickly Bridge yeah um and it's not

Time: 8601.3

always adaptive as you can imagine so

Time: 8602.92

there's a lack of narrative distancing

Time: 8604.66

right yeah what one you know issue you

Time: 8606.939

can bring up with this entire line of

Time: 8608.14

studies in our lab is is I don't know if

Time: 8609.58

there's something very unique about the

Time: 8612.22

donors right I mean we're assuming these

Time: 8614.38

are tiers and this is pretty common I

Time: 8616.12

think that the numbers I saw out there

Time: 8617.92

about five to eight percent that's

Time: 8620.5

exactly what we got about right

Time: 8623.979

so so we collected um

Time: 8628.18

um tears

Time: 8629.68

and and we exposed uh participants uh to

Time: 8633.88

these tiers

Time: 8635.74

and and we found a few things first of

Time: 8638.62

all the tears are completely odorless

Time: 8640.479

you cannot detect them at all completely

Time: 8643.54


Time: 8645.399


Time: 8646.24

And yet when you sniff them you have a

Time: 8650.979

pronounced uh reduction in testosterone

Time: 8655

uh within about 20 minutes half an hour

Time: 8658.12

this is men and women smelling in

Time: 8660.46

women's tears just men swelling women's

Time: 8662.439

tears but not perceiving any odor

Time: 8664.6

nothing just sniffing them

Time: 8666.76

and you have uh about uh 14 drop in free

Time: 8672.7

testosterone free okay so this is

Time: 8674.62

testosterone that's already been

Time: 8676

liberated from the testes free testers

Time: 8678.16

we've done a few hormone that's uh

Time: 8680.02

either bound or Unbound is Unbound

Time: 8682.359

excuse me

Time: 8683.56

um from sex hormone and globulin Etc and

Time: 8686.02

it's the active form so it's it's uh

Time: 8688.42

it's subject to very short time scale

Time: 8691.84

changes yeah and and this is you know

Time: 8694.84

people who who study testosterone which

Time: 8697.54

is not me but they tell me this is a

Time: 8699.52

really strong effect like it's it's hard

Time: 8701.2

to even pharmacologically get an effect

Time: 8703.24

like that that fast I mean no in

Time: 8705.16

Pharmacology yeah years ago I spent time

Time: 8707.14

studying endocrine effects of this sort

Time: 8709.12

um and that's a tremendous resized

Time: 8711.76

effect so and so here I'll point out in

Time: 8714.28

passing uh that uh one of the concerns

Time: 8717.58

we had because of the uh

Time: 8720.399

effort to run this study is that nobody

Time: 8723.52

would ever try to replicate it and to

Time: 8726.64

our Joy about two years later an

Time: 8729.04

independent group from uh uh South Korea

Time: 8732.16

uh oh it Al who I don't know at all uh

Time: 8735.819

replicated the testosterone effect to a

Time: 8738.399

t i mean like same numbers

Time: 8740.8

so so

Time: 8742.06

um it it lowers testosterone and and

Time: 8747.16

we then also looked uh using Mr at the

Time: 8750.76

at the uh

Time: 8752.5

um effect

Time: 8754.06

on brain activity and saw pronounced uh

Time: 8758.08

if effect on activity a dampening a

Time: 8761.26

lowering of activity uh under under uh

Time: 8764.439

an arousing State a lowering of activity

Time: 8767.8

um both in the hypothalamus

Time: 8770.26

um and in the fusiform gyrus for

Time: 8772.359

whatever reason I don't know recognition

Time: 8773.979

area amongst other things yes

Time: 8777.16

um and we don't know why

Time: 8779.26

um but pronounced

Time: 8781.24

um and currently

Time: 8783.819

um Shania gron in our lab is replicating

Time: 8786.939

this again and this time with a stronger

Time: 8790.42

behavioral component

Time: 8792.819

um and I can share with you uh

Time: 8794.319

unpublished uh data now under review

Time: 8797.68

um that's as you would expect given the

Time: 8800.439

effect on testosterone perhaps uh

Time: 8802.6

sniffing tears lowers aggression in men

Time: 8805.12

uh using again the tap the same

Time: 8807.28

experiment used by evine in the uh

Time: 8809.5

hexadecanal experiment that's happening

Time: 8812.02

I'm going to think of that as the the

Time: 8813.22

say to the title The titration the

Time: 8816.76

sadist hydration yeah Tyler aggression

Time: 8819.04

Paradigm so not unlike the Milgram

Time: 8820.78

experiments of the of the 1950s which

Time: 8824.08


Time: 8825.7

um this is looking at sort of uh post

Time: 8827.38

Holocaust Behavior you know people

Time: 8830.14

basically in American Laboratories

Time: 8832.72

thinking they were torturing other

Time: 8834.1

people yeah simply because they were

Time: 8835.899

told to and a lot of people did that

Time: 8837.819

even though most people would report

Time: 8839.02

that they would never torture someone

Time: 8840.22

yeah no humans are not a wonderful

Time: 8842.319


Time: 8843.359

I think it was the the great Carl Jung

Time: 8846.22

that said um we have all things inside

Time: 8848.5

of us but um the goal is not to

Time: 8852.22

experience them all certainly

Time: 8854.92

um it's an incredible study and it

Time: 8856.84

points again to the the power of of um

Time: 8859.78

these chemo sensory systems and Pathways

Time: 8863.5

and uh obviously there's so much here

Time: 8866.74

um I don't know if you want me to to

Time: 8868.479

tell about this or not and I guess you

Time: 8870.16

can edit it out at least you don't but

Time: 8871.6

uh please this is just you know sharing

Time: 8873.64

stories about the politics of Science

Time: 8875.5

and and

Time: 8877.78

so whereas the effect on testosterone

Time: 8880.24

was was uh replicated by by an

Time: 8883

independent group

Time: 8884.5


Time: 8885.16

in the original study in in science

Time: 8887.26

where we had we it had three components

Time: 8889.84

one was the effect on testosterone which

Time: 8893.2

was robust the second which was brain

Time: 8894.88

activity which was robust

Time: 8897.58

and there was a significant but weaker

Time: 8901.18

effect on behavior and I don't think we

Time: 8903.399

studied the right behavior in retrospect

Time: 8905.14

what we looked at then was uh readings

Time: 8908.74

of arousal associated with pictures

Time: 8912.46

and there was an effect it was

Time: 8915.28

significant but it was it was not what

Time: 8917.2

carried the story

Time: 8919.359

um now there's a lab in Holland

Time: 8924.04

um of a guy by the name of

Time: 8927.64

I'm probably mispronouncing this but I

Time: 8930.58

think it's vingerhots

Time: 8933.64

for the non-dutch yeah Dutch names are

Time: 8936.46

always a little bit of a challenge but

Time: 8938.08

and I shouldn't say that being an

Time: 8940.359

Israeli I shouldn't go too much on that

Time: 8942.22

line but but uh that lab

Time: 8946.18

really didn't like our original tear

Time: 8949.12


Time: 8949.899

and the reason they didn't like it is

Time: 8952.54

because they've they've built a career

Time: 8955.3

on this notion

Time: 8958.06

um including a book with this title that

Time: 8960.58

emotional cheers are uniquely human

Time: 8964.54


Time: 8966.16

here I should well I should share so one

Time: 8969.1

of the things we really liked about that

Time: 8970.96

the the uh tier result is that

Time: 8976.12

partially before we did our work but

Time: 8978.04

more afterwards and and we like that

Time: 8979.84

because usually things so usually in our

Time: 8981.52

chemo signaling work like what I told

Time: 8983.08

you before about the Bruce effect we

Time: 8984.46

look at what happens in Ruins and we see

Time: 8986.14

if the same thing is happening in humans

Time: 8987.64

this was a rare case where after we did

Time: 8990.16

this work

Time: 8991.6


Time: 8992.859

more or less identical effects were

Time: 8994.42

discovered in rodents so uh a paper

Time: 8997

published in nature two years later

Time: 8998.68

found that Mouse tears uh Mouse pup

Time: 9002.399

tears lower aggression in in male adult

Time: 9006.359

mice towards them in a in a smell

Time: 9008.939

dependent way yeah yeah so and and they

Time: 9012.359

also actually found the actual component

Time: 9014.34

in tears that so the tier pheromone that

Time: 9017.04

lowers aggression right so so you know

Time: 9019.38

this has us thinking of regret as tears

Time: 9021.42

is as you can think of Tears as like a

Time: 9023.28

chemical blanket in a way that that

Time: 9025.5

you're covering yourself up again with

Time: 9027.3

you know to protect against aggression

Time: 9028.92

right and

Time: 9031.68

and so our finding you know which to me

Time: 9035.04

I mean this is consistent with how I

Time: 9036.6

think about behavior in general you know

Time: 9038.16

I don't think you know beyond language

Time: 9041.04

there are very few things definitely

Time: 9042.66

sensory things that are uniquely human

Time: 9044.399

you know I I I'd be hard-pressed but so

Time: 9048.78

so you know our finding when it gets you

Time: 9051.3

know against their their story right

Time: 9052.8

because you know here we're saying no

Time: 9054.66

you know tears are this schema signaling

Time: 9056.58

mechanism like all animals and by the

Time: 9058.92

way I you know just after this entire

Time: 9060.899

debate about uh um six months ago there

Time: 9063.479

was a paper in current biology the dogs

Time: 9065.939

emit emotional tears and and it was uh

Time: 9069.24

the dogs emit emotional Interiors when

Time: 9071.22

they reunite with their owners and you

Time: 9074.28

were talking before about about um

Time: 9076.819

oxytocin so I think what they showed

Time: 9079.62

there is that not only that but that the

Time: 9082.38

the the view as seeing the tears and the

Time: 9086.399

dog influences oxytocin and in the

Time: 9089.1

humans hope I'm getting this right now I

Time: 9092.22

absolutely believe this I mean I from

Time: 9094.439

the from the time I brought Costello

Time: 9096.66

home at eight weeks old guys tell us

Time: 9098.34

your dog is my dog unfortunately a long

Time: 9100.8

time actually the only time I can recall

Time: 9102.96


Time: 9104.76

listen I've certainly cried before many

Time: 9107.58

times in my life

Time: 9109.02

um many many times

Time: 9110.01


Time: 9110.64


Time: 9111.24

the only time I ever recall crying to

Time: 9113.7

the point where I wasn't sure that I

Time: 9115.26

could keep producing two years but

Time: 9116.64

somehow it is when I had to put him down

Time: 9118.26

right it's just like you know and if I

Time: 9120

talk about too long ago you know it's

Time: 9122.76

one of those things yeah I think it's a

Time: 9124.56

healthy yeah emotional state for sure

Time: 9126.359

but I recall when he was a puppy

Time: 9128.479

thinking this oxytocin thing must be

Time: 9131.22

real because

Time: 9132.359

I can recall being in faculty meetings

Time: 9134.34

which you know very fairly stated are

Time: 9137.04

not always that interesting but they

Time: 9138.54

could be pretty interesting and someone

Time: 9139.56

presenting data in my mind

Time: 9141.66

thinking I hope Costello's okay what's

Time: 9144.24

he doing down in my office is when he

Time: 9145.8

was very little and also not needing to

Time: 9148.859


Time: 9149.7

not being able to focus on anything else

Time: 9152.1

except my attachment to him for about

Time: 9153.66

the first two or three weeks that I had

Time: 9155.399

him then it was easy then I could focus

Time: 9157.2

off on other things and I think I think

Time: 9159

that dogs

Time: 9160.02

perhaps through oxytocin hijack the

Time: 9162.84

circuitry that's intended for child rear

Time: 9164.76

yeah I really do otherwise why would

Time: 9166.5

people be so ridiculously attached to

Time: 9168.899

their dogs I mean hence all the the

Time: 9170.819

posts of everyone thinks their dog is

Time: 9172.26

the cutest dog the same way everyone

Time: 9173.399

thinks their children are the cutest

Time: 9174.6

children you know by the way

Time: 9179.12

too so so yeah so so again so they're so

Time: 9182.939

even you know to put another nail in

Time: 9184.92

that story of of uh of tears are

Time: 9187.26

uniquely human so they're not dogs shed

Time: 9189.72

emotional tears

Time: 9191.819

um and and and so that really didn't

Time: 9194.939

like this and they went ahead and and

Time: 9199.02

tried to replicate and to your listeners

Time: 9201.84

I'm showing double uh quotations on the

Time: 9203.939

replicate uh only the behavioral part

Time: 9206.399

the ratings of arousal

Time: 9209.16

um uh in women

Time: 9212.04

of women uh and and failed to replicate

Time: 9215.399

that I see now this was you know just

Time: 9218.88

sharing on how science works and it

Time: 9220.439

doesn't work in my in my notion in this

Time: 9222.6


Time: 9223.5

so at the time

Time: 9226.62


Time: 9227.34

after they got this accepted in some

Time: 9229.8


Time: 9231.18


Time: 9231.6


Time: 9232.46

not a field journal in the Journal of

Time: 9235.26

memory of something

Time: 9238.979


Time: 9239.939

they contacted me for a response

Time: 9243.24

and I I wrote to the office and I said

Time: 9246.359

look you know uh this is very odd to me

Time: 9248.64

why don't you come you know why don't we

Time: 9251.1

replicate this again together and see if

Time: 9252.96

it doesn't work if it doesn't work I'll

Time: 9254.34

publish it with you that it doesn't work

Time: 9255.899

but you know

Time: 9257.64

um and so I said why don't you send over

Time: 9259.56

a graduate student or the lead author

Time: 9261.359

and we'll do it here and we'll show them

Time: 9263.04

how it's done because they they did it

Time: 9264.84

very wrongly in the paper

Time: 9267.479

um and so they replied that uh no they

Time: 9269.34

don't have money to send over uh

Time: 9270.96

graduation to do it so I replied saying

Time: 9273.54

okay I'll fund the graduate student

Time: 9275.76

coming over and I'll fund the entire

Time: 9277.979

study in their stay and so on and so

Time: 9280.02

forth then let's do this together and

Time: 9281.88

they replied no they're not willing to

Time: 9283.5

to do that

Time: 9285.12

which you know I don't think is the way

Time: 9286.74

things should work

Time: 9288.18

um and and they published this sort of

Time: 9290.76

failed uh uh behavioral effect in in

Time: 9294.06

that paper

Time: 9295.62

um so I'm just sharing this you know

Time: 9297

that it's not only there was that

Time: 9298.92

successful replication with the effect

Time: 9300.72

on testosterone but there was supposedly

Time: 9302.58

this fail replication on the effect in

Time: 9304.319

in Behavior

Time: 9306.6

um and then I published a rebuttal on on

Time: 9309.78

that which I don't know if I should have

Time: 9311.1

done but I did well I think it's it's

Time: 9313.08

interesting I mean I I think um provided

Time: 9316.319

studies are done correctly I mean the

Time: 9317.939

positive result

Time: 9319.5

um almost always trumps the negative

Time: 9321.72

result and yet I think replication is

Time: 9323.46

key the problem as you point out is that

Time: 9325.2

replication is rarely pure replication

Time: 9327.18

of these yeah this one's not even

Time: 9329.1

remotely but in I I published the detail

Time: 9331.74

so actually they hid something in their

Time: 9333.899

data that did partially rip so I asked

Time: 9336.12

for their data and I re-analyzed it and

Time: 9337.8

that's what I published in the rebuttal

Time: 9339.24

but you know this is just sharing on how

Time: 9341.76

science works I I took advice so I'm

Time: 9343.439

it's not that that I'm friends with him

Time: 9346.38

but at that time I was communicating a

Time: 9348.54

bit because we're on some board with

Time: 9349.979

with uh with uh Daniel conman who's

Time: 9353.28

who's Nobel looking fast and slow right

Time: 9355.26

and so so uh I asked him how how should

Time: 9358.08

I deal with this

Time: 9360.18

you know give me some advice here I was

Time: 9362.399

really you know it it was an emotionally

Time: 9364.979

not fun to be in that position and he

Time: 9367.859

said don't don't

Time: 9370.34

never publish a rebuttal don't do

Time: 9372.96


Time: 9374.04

as you know how can I you know I have to

Time: 9376.5

do something he said no don't because

Time: 9378

once you do that then you know people

Time: 9380.46

don't go into the details they won't

Time: 9381.96

read the details of your about all

Time: 9383.22

they'll be like well there's a group

Time: 9384.66

that says this and there's a group that

Time: 9386.1

says that so it's unclear well and yeah

Time: 9388.56

I mean I I appreciate that you're

Time: 9390.06

bringing it up today and I I do

Time: 9391.38

appreciate that you published the

Time: 9393

rebuttal and that you offered in a very

Time: 9395.16

magnificent way to do a collection

Time: 9396.899

that's what he then said that's so so

Time: 9398.939

Common's advice after that was that well

Time: 9401.7

if you insist then just publish Write a

Time: 9405.899

response that you offered them to to

Time: 9407.88

come do it together they refused and

Time: 9409.859

there's nothing you can do about that

Time: 9411

it's a lot like

Time: 9412.92

um fight sports right people talk a lot

Time: 9415.14

of trash although in science you know I

Time: 9417.24

will say this you know as long as we're

Time: 9418.38

on the the sociology of science

Time: 9420.74

science is very different than

Time: 9422.7

podcasting or social media or other

Time: 9425.28

fields because in science people

Time: 9426.84

generally are very kind to your face and

Time: 9429.84

then they you get it in the you get it

Time: 9431.88

in the neck on Grant reviews or

Time: 9434

Anonymous reviews

Time: 9436.08

um I was on a grants review panel this

Time: 9437.46

morning I'm a nice reviewer meaning I

Time: 9439.38

judge things objectively but I I try to

Time: 9441.78


Time: 9442.56

um think from the perspective of the

Time: 9444.359

graduate student or author of the of the

Time: 9446.34

proposal listen I I think that um

Time: 9448.62

science is a is a game of of people who

Time: 9451.8

most of them are seeking facts however

Time: 9454.319

the the ego is strongly woven into it

Time: 9457.56

like any like anything else so I think

Time: 9459.54

it was uh very magnanimous of you to

Time: 9461.52

offer the collaboration so I'm going to

Time: 9462.84

tell this lab whose name I can't

Time: 9464.16


Time: 9465.06

um please accept the collaboration then

Time: 9466.5

we can invite everyone on here for a

Time: 9468

round table

Time: 9469.439

um I appreciate that you shared that

Time: 9471.12

story and I know a number of other

Time: 9472.14

people will

Time: 9473.46

um for a number of reasons I have a

Time: 9475.979

couple of more questions

Time: 9477.54

um and I realize and thank you by the

Time: 9479.58

way for your uh for your willingness and

Time: 9482.1

stamina because it is probably 1am

Time: 9483.6

Israel time now

Time: 9485.28

um and you just arrived later I think um

Time: 9487.14

but you're doing uh terrifically well so

Time: 9488.7


Time: 9489.84

um if you'll indulge us just a touch

Time: 9491.819

further there are two topics that

Time: 9494.46

um I want to touch on and if you want to

Time: 9496.38

cover these in shorter Thrift that's

Time: 9497.76

fine although don't feel any obligation

Time: 9499.2


Time: 9500.28

um the first one is

Time: 9502.08

I think most people are familiar with

Time: 9504.06

the scent of food or Foods as a signal

Time: 9507.12

of the nutrient contents of those Foods

Time: 9510.54

um you know an orange that smells great

Time: 9512.34

or the smell of something baking you

Time: 9514.14

know it didn't it it suggests something

Time: 9515.52

about the the contents and quality of

Time: 9518.16

that food after all you and I both

Time: 9520.439

separately lived in the same apartment

Time: 9521.88

in Berkeley above the cheeseboard which

Time: 9523.92

the smell is wafting up through the

Time: 9526.319

cheeseboard is something I will never

Time: 9527.58

forget and the breads never forget it

Time: 9530.34

um amazing uh I mean I don't know if

Time: 9533.28

you've conveyed that clearly enough to

Time: 9535.8

listeners or Watchers now the

Time: 9537.359

probability really just discovered that

Time: 9539.399

we lived in the same we've never met I

Time: 9541.74

mean like this before yep and we lived

Time: 9544.8

in the same room exactly where we click

Time: 9546.78


Time: 9549.319

in a lingering way I guess absolutely

Time: 9552.24

through the uh through the floorboards

Time: 9555.24

it had a great floor of that place it

Time: 9556.68

had a great wooden floor it was an

Time: 9557.88

amazing place I lived there with my

Time: 9559.08

girlfriend for a year and a half and

Time: 9560.58

then uh it was an amazing place

Time: 9563.939

um we won't give it out the address for

Time: 9565.92

out of respect for the people that live

Time: 9567.24

there now

Time: 9568.439

um but do check out the cheese board if

Time: 9569.64

you ever in Berkeley their hours are

Time: 9571.14

weird but so you have to look online but

Time: 9572.88

that they're it's a unique Place yeah

Time: 9574.56

with great bread and cheese and um some

Time: 9577.5

good flavors of pizza

Time: 9579.6

um in any case

Time: 9581.16

um I'm wondering whether or not smell

Time: 9584.04

can signal things about the nutrient

Time: 9587.819

contents of foods in a way that's

Time: 9590.52

divorced from the smell that we are

Time: 9592.68

perceiving so for instance I could

Time: 9595.439

imagine based on what you've told us

Time: 9597.24

about smell today that

Time: 9600.96

um you know I

Time: 9603.18

I don't know I I I smell a a piece of

Time: 9606.899

meat cooking and it smells great to me

Time: 9608.7

and I think of it as oh that's so Savory

Time: 9611.04

and my mouth is watering and I love the

Time: 9613.02

smell of this and I'm thinking okay this

Time: 9615

is protein and fat and I love the taste

Time: 9617.16

of steak and a little bit of char but

Time: 9619.2

that nature has co-opted that

Time: 9621.899


Time: 9623.22

get ensure or I should say increase the

Time: 9626.46

likelihood that I will ingest some other

Time: 9628.68

thing that's in stake for that has no

Time: 9631.38

odor but whose nutrient content is very

Time: 9633.479

important to me for instance amino acids

Time: 9636

right right I mean amino acids are

Time: 9638.16

essential to life and yet um we don't go

Time: 9641.22

around sniffing for amino acids we go

Time: 9643.02

around sniffing for savoriness Umami

Time: 9646.319

type uh us tastes and things of that

Time: 9648.96

sort so um I could imagine a million

Time: 9651.899

different examples of this in the same

Time: 9653.64

way I could imagine that the scent of

Time: 9655.439

somebody that we fall in love with or

Time: 9656.88

become romantically attached to or you

Time: 9659.52

know sexually attracted to is signaling

Time: 9661.8

all sorts of things about sure the

Time: 9664.08

potential for offspring of a particular

Time: 9665.939

immune status that's a long term game

Time: 9668.04

but also

Time: 9669.6

um something about

Time: 9671.52


Time: 9672.14

pleasure and safety of a potential

Time: 9674.28

interaction so what I'm asking here is

Time: 9676.26

about that whether or not there are

Time: 9677.64

subconscious signals that the um

Time: 9680.28

olfactory system has learned to seek but

Time: 9684.18

learn to seek through more overt signals

Time: 9687.42

sort of the tip of the iceberg

Time: 9688.62

phenomenon so you know I don't have a

Time: 9691.14

good answer for you although I think

Time: 9692.64

it's a really good question

Time: 9695.16

um or or a good idea in fact so so

Time: 9698.64


Time: 9700.819

the there's you know order cues on

Time: 9705.18

nutrient value

Time: 9706.859

is a really good idea moreover it's

Time: 9709.979

probably good to the extent that

Time: 9711.6

somebody probably did it and I should

Time: 9713.34

know and don't

Time: 9715.439

um we haven't done anything on that line

Time: 9717.84

so I don't know I don't know if if the

Time: 9721.02

nutrient value of food is systematically

Time: 9725.64

encoded in order

Time: 9727.979

um if that's not been done and I will

Time: 9730.8

check after our uh meeting today then it

Time: 9734.399

should be

Time: 9735.84

um it's a really good idea I mean one of

Time: 9738.359

the reasons I asked this is because um

Time: 9740.04

you know the Obesity crisis in the U.S

Time: 9741.84

is a huge issue and elsewhere and highly

Time: 9744.54

processed foods

Time: 9746.16

um you know I have a lot of things that

Time: 9748.26

are problematic but one of the things

Time: 9749.52

that they don't have uh often is a

Time: 9753.72

direct relationship between the scent

Time: 9756

The Taste and the new and the nutrient

Time: 9758.64

content and I don't mean macronutrient

Time: 9760.2

sugar fat excuse me carbohydrates fats

Time: 9763.2

and proteins but the the vitamins and

Time: 9765.72

micronutrients things that support the

Time: 9767.1

microbiome whereas foods that are not

Time: 9769.26

highly processed

Time: 9770.88

for instance meat or a piece of fruit

Time: 9774.24

um contain many micronutrients that are

Time: 9776.58

vital to aspects of our biology but we

Time: 9778.26

don't go around sniffing for probiotics

Time: 9780.06

I'll tell you one sort of factoid that

Time: 9782.76

may support your hypothesis here

Time: 9785.399

and that is that

Time: 9787.68

there appears to be potential olfactory

Time: 9791.34

perceptual similarity

Time: 9794.34

in metabolic products

Time: 9797.04

so something that's metabolized from

Time: 9800.22

something else

Time: 9801.72

has perceptual similarity across those

Time: 9805.859

those two things so so so metabolic

Time: 9811.16

Cascades play into the coding of

Time: 9814.14

olfactory space

Time: 9815.7

and and that is consistent with the

Time: 9818.28

direction your your implying but again I

Time: 9821.46

don't I don't know of a direct test of

Time: 9823.38


Time: 9825.2

nutritional value in smell and and

Time: 9829.859

again the fact that I don't know it

Time: 9831.359

doesn't mean of course that it doesn't

Time: 9832.5

exist and in this case I would suspect

Time: 9834.42

that it should exist

Time: 9836.28

um in scientific press and and if not

Time: 9839.04

there then with

Time: 9840.3

the companies that have vested interest

Time: 9842.04

in this which are many

Time: 9844.8

um uh briefly sure just just an amusing

Time: 9849.06

anecdote to share with you is that we've

Time: 9850.859


Time: 9851.939

too independent

Time: 9853.92


Time: 9855.54


Time: 9856.92

people you know companies who have

Time: 9859.62

turned to our lab recently uh asking for

Time: 9862.14

help uh to to bring odor to engineered

Time: 9865.8

meat right that's a growing thing and

Time: 9868.5

all these you know meats that are

Time: 9870

annoying you had to bring it up this

Time: 9871.62

this audience is going to be very

Time: 9874.02

polarized along the along the lines of

Time: 9876.42

engineered meat um you're not you're not

Time: 9879.6

from you're not promoting oh no no no no

Time: 9881.28

no no I am I'm agnostic but but uh but

Time: 9884.52

we've had two companies turn to us and

Time: 9886.859

say look you know we have this great

Time: 9888.359

product but it just doesn't smell like

Time: 9890.16

meat so help us make it smell like meat

Time: 9892.74

interesting uh the reason it's so

Time: 9894.42

polarizing is that anything related to

Time: 9896.22

nutrition on social media is a total

Time: 9898.68

barbed wire topic we've had experts on

Time: 9900.42

nutrition come on here we'll have more

Time: 9901.68

but I I have nothing you're safe no

Time: 9905.04

don't worry no it's not and it's not

Time: 9907.2

promoting uh this he hasn't even said

Time: 9909.18

whether or not he's going to help them

Time: 9910.319

out no um we're not actually no no

Time: 9913.14

because yeah I just never it didn't

Time: 9914.88

happen no yeah no the the whether or not

Time: 9916.92

those um engineered meats are uh yum

Time: 9921.06

yuck or met is is a personal issue to

Time: 9923.28

people in terms of taste whether or not

Time: 9924.66

they are better for neutral or worse for

Time: 9928.08

you and the planet than given the

Time: 9930.6

ingredients that are required that's a

Time: 9932.28

whole world we'll avoid now I will but

Time: 9935.28

you know I'll take that the opportunity

Time: 9936.96

to to highlight something related maybe

Time: 9939.72

because I'm on what were you saying on

Time: 9941.52


Time: 9942.54

on the scale

Time: 9944.819

you know there's this

Time: 9946.5

you know I'll take the opportunity to

Time: 9948.12

dispel another misconception about

Time: 9950.1


Time: 9951.54

right there's this common notion that

Time: 9955.02

our sense of smell

Time: 9957.3

um is incredibly subjective

Time: 9959.58

right and that what you might like in a

Time: 9961.859

smell I will not liken the smell and

Time: 9963.42

that we all have our own you know

Time: 9965.359

totally subjective world of all faction

Time: 9968.16

I think I know the study you're going to

Time: 9969.78

tell me there are many the

Time: 9970.68

cross-cultural similarities there are

Time: 9972.359

many that that is utterly untrue many

Time: 9975.42

not only from my lab there are many from

Time: 9976.92

many Labs uh please clarify for those

Time: 9978.72

that don't follow this list so

Time: 9980.939

um yeah so so

Time: 9984.479


Time: 9986.34

are incredibly similar to one another

Time: 9988.5

and they're olfactory perception and

Time: 9990.84

this is in contrast to what most people

Time: 9992.819

think so why why is there this

Time: 9995.22


Time: 9997.5

the misconception is there for two

Time: 9999.359

reasons first of all or for several

Time: 10001.16

reasons but two are stand out

Time: 10004.46

first of all we're attracted by outliers

Time: 10007.1

because you know what I'll tell somebody

Time: 10009.92

look you know for example a factory

Time: 10011.78

pleasantness is highly correlated

Time: 10014.18

amongst humans and let's first put this

Time: 10016.28

in numbers you'll take a a bunch of

Time: 10018.08

humans and a bunch of odorants and have

Time: 10019.7

them write pleasantness the correlation

Time: 10021.859

across uh the humans will be about 0.8

Time: 10025.04

that's incredibly High incredibly High

Time: 10027.74

what do you think is Pleasant I think is

Time: 10029.42

yeah yeah now why why is that go against

Time: 10033.2

what culturally people think

Time: 10035.899

for two reasons first of all

Time: 10038.479

where we're attracted or biased by

Time: 10041.84

outliers but that's particularly that

Time: 10044.24

shows in fact the results what do I mean

Time: 10045.8

so you'll tell somebody look people are

Time: 10047.72

very similar in their pleasantness

Time: 10049.04

estimates and that's all you know that

Time: 10050.24

can't be I love cilantro and you know my

Time: 10052.88

girlfriend hates the smell of cilantro

Time: 10054.5

right or and there are a few classic

Time: 10056.72

examples there right you know is another

Time: 10059.24

uh uh polarizing order so there are a

Time: 10062.12

few polarizing orders right and and

Time: 10064.399

that's true right so that's true that

Time: 10066.5

you know half of the population loves

Time: 10068.54

the smell of cilantro and half hates it

Time: 10070.16

half loves guiava half hates it that's

Time: 10072.74

microwave popcorn

Time: 10074.78


Time: 10076.28

I assure you that you know you can come

Time: 10078.5

to our lab we have about a thousand

Time: 10079.939

odorants in our lab okay we won't smell

Time: 10082.34

the Thousand right but I assure you you

Time: 10084.56

know take a hundred odorants okay from

Time: 10086.72

our mixtures and Labs right and we'll

Time: 10090.92

we'll smell them right and

Time: 10093.68

out of the hundred orders

Time: 10095.66

90 will totally agree on right and

Time: 10098.78

including Universe I mean you know

Time: 10100.46

nobody will say they like the smell of

Time: 10102.26

feces or fecal smells and everybody will

Time: 10105.38

say they like the smell of rose and

Time: 10107.24

Flowery smells there will be rare rare

Time: 10110.84

exceptions again the correlation is

Time: 10111.979

about 0.8 across individuals

Time: 10114.14

so on 90 of 100 will really be in high

Time: 10117.02

agreement then five orderings will be in

Time: 10120.02

sort of intermediate agreements and yes

Time: 10121.88

they'll be the five orderings that were

Time: 10123.8

in total disagreement on but I asked you

Time: 10126.08

you know if we agree on 95 and disagree

Time: 10128

on five are we the same or are we

Time: 10129.439

different we're the same they're just

Time: 10131.66

outliers to this to this Rule and and

Time: 10134.3

and so one reason is this issue of of

Time: 10136.819

outliers attract how we think about

Time: 10138.68

things but no we're actually much more

Time: 10140.899

similar than than what we think

Time: 10143.479

and the second thing that that drives

Time: 10145.88

this cultural effect is the LA is our

Time: 10149

poor application of language to

Time: 10150.56

olfaction right so so in other sensory

Time: 10153.62

systems we grow up with we're we're we

Time: 10157.46

develop with anchors right so since

Time: 10159.2

you're a little kid you know your mother

Time: 10160.7

shows you a cow and says what does a cow

Time: 10163.04

do moo right and we all know moo moo and

Time: 10165.5

what color is this it's well this is

Time: 10167.84

kind of an odd black but it's black

Time: 10169.34

right or what color is that it's red

Time: 10171.2

right so you have these anchors but as

Time: 10173.42

you all know you know the red that I'm

Time: 10175.04

seeing is not necessarily the red that

Time: 10176.54

you're seeing we just both know to call

Time: 10177.859

that red and since you say red and I say

Time: 10180.14

red I think why we're seeing the same

Time: 10181.64

thing but no we're not seeing the same

Time: 10183.5

thing right and in odor we don't have

Time: 10186.439

those anchors right we we don't from

Time: 10188.12

childhood you know our mom doesn't tell

Time: 10189.62

us so what's this smell and what's that

Time: 10191.06

smell right and so we don't have these

Time: 10193.22

language anchors that make us think that

Time: 10195.439

we're perceiving the same thing now how

Time: 10198.38

can you quantify that

Time: 10200.42

the most important term in in measuring

Time: 10203.06

sensory systems is similarity right

Time: 10205.7

that's the measure right so what can you

Time: 10208.1

let's say we take 10 odorants and I have

Time: 10211.399

you rate all the pairwise similarities

Time: 10213.319

right so you'd end up with 45 numbers

Time: 10215.12

right so you know how similar is one to

Time: 10217.64

two one to three and one to four and

Time: 10219.02

then two and all the possible pairwise

Time: 10221.12

similarities let's say you rate

Time: 10222.979

similarity from one which is totally

Time: 10225.14

dissimilar to 100 exactly the same right

Time: 10227.72

so now I have a similarity Matrix

Time: 10230.899

that describes Andrew's perception of

Time: 10233.54

smell right I have you know based on

Time: 10235.76

these 10 odorants that I selected now I

Time: 10238.22

can run my similarity Matrix and then I

Time: 10240.859

can see if the similarity Matrix are

Time: 10242.42

correlated right and then we've gotten

Time: 10244.34

rid of the issue of names and orders

Time: 10245.78

right it doesn't matter if I'll call

Time: 10247.1

this lemon in this orange and you call

Time: 10249.439

this sweet potato in this marshmallow

Time: 10252.14

right it doesn't matter if I think that

Time: 10254.66

these two are highly similar and you

Time: 10257.3

agree and I think that these two are

Time: 10259.64

very different and you agree right we

Time: 10261.62

perceive the world in the same way if

Time: 10263.3

our similarity matrices are aligned

Time: 10265.28

right and what's nice about that is that

Time: 10267.439

then you can do that for vision audition

Time: 10269.18

and off action in a common group and you

Time: 10272.18

can see where we're more alike each

Time: 10274.939

other or not and we've done that for

Time: 10277.16

color vision all faction internal

Time: 10279.74

audition okay and we are most dissimilar

Time: 10284.3

in color vision

Time: 10285.8

okay where in color vision the variance

Time: 10289.76

is about 100 amazing it's quite

Time: 10292.7

different and there's tons of literature

Time: 10294.14

on this tons of it tons of it right and

Time: 10296.96

in all faction and audition they're

Time: 10298.46

about the same

Time: 10299.899

so we're not different we're very

Time: 10302.3

similar we're just very poor at

Time: 10304.88

appreciating this

Time: 10306.5

and and mind you not that there's not

Time: 10308.24

variability there is variability and of

Time: 10310.46

course the system is malleable as all

Time: 10312.56

sensory systems are so you can learn to

Time: 10314.359

like an order and and that will change

Time: 10316.04

you and learn to dislike in order right

Time: 10317.779

but just the way you can learn to like a

Time: 10319.58

sound or dislike a sound so you know

Time: 10321.8

this doesn't take away from the

Time: 10323.24

hardwired link of a structure to its

Time: 10325.16

perception that you can that they're

Time: 10326.479

malleable and and and we're we're not

Time: 10330.08

very variable we're we're actually kind

Time: 10332.24

of similar

Time: 10334.04

that's a perfect segue to the question I

Time: 10336.02

have next which is if

Time: 10338.66

in general people perceive certain odors

Time: 10341.42


Time: 10343.88

you could imagine that odors could be

Time: 10347.6

um manufactured co-opted uh Etc in order

Time: 10351.979

to elicit richer sensory experiences and

Time: 10355.16

drive Choice making

Time: 10357.08

um that's obvious at the level of the

Time: 10360.2

smell of a hot dog stand or freshly

Time: 10362.359

baked bread Etc but what I'm talking

Time: 10364.52

about here and I'd like to ask you about

Time: 10366.02

is doing this at scale and scientists

Time: 10369.08

Geeks like to say in silico in uh

Time: 10371.72

through computers so for a long time now

Time: 10373.939

there's been this idea that there will

Time: 10376.1

soon be Google smell not to call out

Time: 10378.979

Google is the only search engine but

Time: 10380.72

Duck Duck Go smell for those of you that

Time: 10383.24

don't want to hear smell chat chat and

Time: 10386.779

on and on in other words

Time: 10388.939

you know Vision visual key information

Time: 10391.16

is sent through uh computer interfaces

Time: 10393.62

as is auditory information not so much

Time: 10396.2

haptic somatosensory although it can you

Time: 10399.08

know we our lab uses VR it's it it can

Time: 10401.359

be done right um but it hasn't really

Time: 10403.1

taken hold

Time: 10404.359

um however smell being such a rich

Time: 10407.3

source of

Time: 10408.5

behavioral and hormonal and other sorts

Time: 10412.52

of deep deep information that can drive

Time: 10415.04

people in to Yum yuck or meh type

Time: 10418.1

decision making yeah uh seems like an

Time: 10421.34

amazing candidate so what is your

Time: 10423.56

experience with

Time: 10425.18

um generating smells in silico in

Time: 10428.18

computers and here folks for those of

Time: 10429.74

you that aren't catching on to this and

Time: 10431.06

and I don't expect that everyone would

Time: 10432.5

because what we're really alluding to

Time: 10434.24


Time: 10435.38

um is the idea that you'll look at

Time: 10437.899

you'll put into a search engine

Time: 10440.24

um uh blueberry pancakes recipe

Time: 10443.24

and that not only will you get photos of

Time: 10445.819

those blueberry pancakes and a recipe

Time: 10447.68

but you will get the hopefully validated

Time: 10450.859

odor of those pancakes and that recipe

Time: 10453.8

coming at you in real time through the

Time: 10457.22


Time: 10458.359

so I'll start off answering from uh from

Time: 10462.2

the uh the name you threw out there

Time: 10464


Time: 10465.14

so about probably about five years ago

Time: 10468.74


Time: 10470.42

Google had an April Fool's spoof oh

Time: 10473.779

right and they put out this video

Time: 10476.18

of Google smell okay and and it had all

Time: 10479.42

these like classic like sales images of

Time: 10483.38

you know holding up your phone to a rose

Time: 10485.72

and it generating rows and and and all

Time: 10488.899

these things right

Time: 10490.52

so Google is now trying to do that

Time: 10493.52

um and they just they just uh uh

Time: 10497.66

published I mean I I know they've been

Time: 10499.58

trying to do it for a while they visited

Time: 10501.14

our lab uh but they just sort of went

Time: 10504.92

public with this that really just like

Time: 10507.8

about a month ago or something that that

Time: 10510.26

um they have this offshoot startup

Time: 10513.68

um I think it's called osmo or something

Time: 10515.66

like that that

Time: 10517.22

started off with a ridiculous sum of

Time: 10519.5

money for a startup like yeah I don't

Time: 10521.72

know tons of money a lot there's a lot

Time: 10523.76

of money in that world yeah yeah in

Time: 10525.319

Google yeah

Time: 10526.88


Time: 10527.779

to to um you know to digitize uh smell

Time: 10531.2

and and um

Time: 10534.62

and there are other companies that are

Time: 10536.12

trying to do this as well

Time: 10538.1

um and we've been talking now for quite

Time: 10540.14

a while about our our Labs chemo

Time: 10542.18

signaling work but actually half of our

Time: 10543.92

lab is devoted to this question of of uh

Time: 10548.3

ultimately digitizing smell

Time: 10551.72


Time: 10552.92

and and so so this is a very very active

Time: 10555.68

field of research and and and I'll say

Time: 10558.979


Time: 10559.88

one thing that that dovetails with what

Time: 10562.52

you were talking about before

Time: 10564.439

um in many ways

Time: 10566.24

covid is going to be one of the best

Time: 10568.399

things that ever happened to all faction

Time: 10569.899


Time: 10570.979

because suddenly all the world

Time: 10573.56

um is all the world lots of people are

Time: 10576.68

are um very cognizant of the importance

Time: 10580.16

of smell and smells like way up there in

Time: 10583.1

people's awareness because of covet and

Time: 10585.5

this is driving a Renaissance of of

Time: 10587.6

olfaction research and

Time: 10590.62

in Awareness to all faction is something

Time: 10593.3

that's worth paying attention to uh

Time: 10597.56

and and our lab has been involved in

Time: 10600.38

this way in this effort for a long time

Time: 10602

where where the initial part of this

Time: 10603.859


Time: 10604.819

is in fact to develop a set of rules

Time: 10607.279

that link order structure to odor

Time: 10609.979


Time: 10610.939

that is

Time: 10612.38

the going thing was that that until

Time: 10614.54

recently at least there was no scientist

Time: 10616.279

or perfumer for that matter who could

Time: 10617.899

look at the structure of a novel

Time: 10620.06

molecular mixture and predict for you

Time: 10622.34

how it will smell

Time: 10623.72

or smell something and tell you what

Time: 10625.399

molecular structure could or should be

Time: 10628.24

you know so in contrast let's say the

Time: 10631.52

trivial like color vision let's say so

Time: 10633.8

you know if you know what the wavelength

Time: 10635.899

of the light is you more or less know

Time: 10637.76

what perceived color it's going to be of

Time: 10639.08

course there are exceptions to that and

Time: 10640.399

and all sorts of issues but as a rule

Time: 10642.2

you you would know or you know or the

Time: 10644.359

other way around you know you can

Time: 10645.5

generate a wavelength and you would know

Time: 10647.18

what color light uh it's going to be

Time: 10649.34


Time: 10650.899

um so so that's an example of where the

Time: 10653.24

rules linking structure in this case

Time: 10655.34

measured by wavelength and perception in

Time: 10657.5

this case experience this color the

Time: 10659.72

rules are well known in olfaction we

Time: 10661.819

didn't have that until recently

Time: 10665.12

um but over the past two years a bunch

Time: 10667.58

of labs have really

Time: 10669.26

um uh pushed this forward uh there's a

Time: 10671.96

bunch of work out of Leslie vosh Hall's

Time: 10674.24

Lab at Rockefeller and Andreas Keller

Time: 10676.76

working with Leslie

Time: 10678.62

um uh who've done a lot of work on this

Time: 10681.5


Time: 10682.7

um also work from Joel mainland's Lab at

Time: 10685.58


Time: 10686.899

um and fair Discovery Joel was a

Time: 10689.3

graduate student in our lab

Time: 10691.76

um and and recently in our lab we've had

Time: 10695.18

it and I hope this doesn't come across

Time: 10696.8

as overly arrogant but we we've had a

Time: 10699.02

sort of mini breakthrough on this front

Time: 10701.66

to call something a mini breakthrough is

Time: 10703.58

far from arrogant and and this is a

Time: 10706.939

paper uh led by Aaron ravia uh uh from

Time: 10711.02

our lab and Kobe snitz also a major

Time: 10713.42

contributor there a paper published in

Time: 10715.16

nature uh about a year and a half ago in

Time: 10718.58

the height of a coveted pandemic so

Time: 10720.62

nobody really or I won't say nobody but

Time: 10722.6

it wasn't noticed in the way it would

Time: 10724.16

otherwise would have been it was it was

Time: 10726.02

published in nature really on like a

Time: 10728

week where the whole world was like

Time: 10730.16

going berserk over covid

Time: 10732.979


Time: 10733.7

and in this paper we develop an

Time: 10736.16

algorithmic framework uh where we can

Time: 10740.72

predict the perceptual similarity

Time: 10744.439

of any two molecular mixtures with very

Time: 10747.92

very high accuracy

Time: 10749.779

so if you give me two molecular mixtures

Time: 10752

I can predict how similar you you will

Time: 10753.979

smell them to be okay now not only could

Time: 10758

we predict that but we could design it

Time: 10759.8

so we can generate

Time: 10762.14

um um

Time: 10763.46

mixtures with known similarities

Time: 10766.16

and the the result was highlighted and

Time: 10769.7

you'll appreciate this coming from

Time: 10771.26

vision is that using our algorithmic

Time: 10774.74

solution we generated olfactory

Time: 10777.08

metameres so we measured mixtures

Time: 10780.319

completely non-overlapping in their

Time: 10782.899

molecular structure but they smell

Time: 10785

exactly the same

Time: 10786.92

okay now if you would come to a classic

Time: 10789.02

perfumer or most classic perfumers and

Time: 10791.96

tell them that you can generate two

Time: 10793.64

mixtures with zero molecules in common

Time: 10796.399

but smell exactly the same

Time: 10799.16

they would tell you no and yet we did

Time: 10802.819

and anybody can recreate them this is

Time: 10804.8

simple actually

Time: 10806.6


Time: 10807.56

in in the paper we do a few things like

Time: 10809.72

we generate amid a mirror for uh Chanel

Time: 10812.359

Number Five so you don't like perfume so

Time: 10814.52

this one but but we we take so we

Time: 10817.279

generate a Chanel Number Five with no

Time: 10818.779

component from Chanel number five in it

Time: 10820.46


Time: 10822.14

um and we actually have a publicly

Time: 10823.819

available website I'll give it to you

Time: 10825.38

for your links if you want that anybody

Time: 10827

can do this we built an engine that you

Time: 10829.1

can generate these these metameras now

Time: 10831.979

once we did that

Time: 10835.1

in a way we've generated the the the

Time: 10838.42

infrastructure for digitizing smell

Time: 10841.46


Time: 10843.68

what again what we what are what our

Time: 10846.26

algorithm predicts our framework

Time: 10847.88

predicts is similarity but in a way

Time: 10849.979

that's enough for you why is that enough

Time: 10851.42

we have a map

Time: 10853.52

of 4 000 molecules uh for each one we

Time: 10858.5

know there are perceived smell

Time: 10860.42

now you can make up any mixture you want

Time: 10862.52

from me I can project it into that map

Time: 10865.52

and measure its pairwise distance from

Time: 10867.92

all the points in the map if it falls on

Time: 10870.5

Lemon then what you generated smells

Time: 10872.3

like lemon and if it falls you know on

Time: 10874.52

tomato then what you generated smells

Time: 10876.26

like tomato

Time: 10877.399

so we we now solve that problem we can

Time: 10881

predict the order of any molecular

Time: 10883.399

mixture we can see how it's going to

Time: 10885.14


Time: 10886.279

what we can do is then find a set of

Time: 10888.859

components which we call outer primaries

Time: 10891.439

that can be used to mix any odor that

Time: 10894.74

you can perceive

Time: 10896.779

and that's what we're working on now

Time: 10899.479

um and in about a month ago so this is

Time: 10902.72

in collaboration with a lab of Jonathan

Time: 10905

Williams and Max Planck in Munich

Time: 10907.84

Jonathan Williams is an uh atmospheric

Time: 10911.12


Time: 10912.26

uh but he's really good at at using gcms

Time: 10915.26

these tools that measure molecules so

Time: 10918.68

Jonathan Williams measured odorants in

Time: 10921.319

Germany uh transmitted the information

Time: 10923.479

to us over IP

Time: 10925.64

uh we fed that into our algorithmic

Time: 10928.04

framework and recreated it from a device

Time: 10930.859

that mixes primaries

Time: 10932.779

uh and we tried to do four different

Time: 10934.819

odorants uh in our our proof of concept

Time: 10938.06

test uh one of them uh was Rose and we

Time: 10942.92

failed at recreating rows we in fact

Time: 10946.22

recreated something that had a preset

Time: 10947.84

but most people perceived it as bubble

Time: 10949.64


Time: 10950.66

uh the second one we tried to do was a

Time: 10953.12

nice and we failed at recreating Anis

Time: 10956.18

and most people said it was Cherry which

Time: 10959

is not very far but it failed

Time: 10962.479

the third was gasoline

Time: 10965.42

um and we were slightly but

Time: 10967.04

significantly better than chance at

Time: 10968.779

recreating Gasoline

Time: 10971.12

um and the fourth was was violets and 15

Time: 10974.72

of 16 peoples and violets so the first

Time: 10978.439

order ever transmitted over IP is

Time: 10980.479

violets and we did that last month

Time: 10983.6

um of course

Time: 10985.359

this is not anything near a practical

Time: 10988.88

solution uh the device uh uh that

Time: 10992.18

Jonathan was using to measure uh is uh

Time: 10994.76

1.5 million dollar device bigger than

Time: 10997.16

this table uh that's right I remember

Time: 10999.38

when VCRs half the audience won't even

Time: 11001.42

know what that is yours were like this

Time: 11003.1

big so we're we're all good okay I'm all

Time: 11005.92

good with the uh with the prediction

Time: 11007.779

that things will come down in size and

Time: 11009.52

cost yeah I'm just saying here you know

Time: 11011.26

don't hold your breath for this to be on

Time: 11013.96

your table tomorrow

Time: 11015.64

um and and you know again even even you

Time: 11019.06

know all we have in hand is this very

Time: 11020.68

initial proof of concept you know it

Time: 11022.84

doesn't it's not even yet close to being

Time: 11024.76

a paper we are submitting because

Time: 11026.5

there's still lots of work to be done uh

Time: 11029.439

but we're on we're on the path uh we're

Time: 11031.899

on the path and you know Google will

Time: 11034.359

probably beat us to it uh they got a lot

Time: 11037.06

no you seem pretty dogged in there yeah

Time: 11039.16

but they have so much more resources

Time: 11041.56

that uh that um at this stage it and

Time: 11045.52

they've already published uh two papers

Time: 11047.92

from that effort that are good uh yeah

Time: 11052.3

you know they definitely have a lot of

Time: 11053.74

dollars and a lot of people a lot of

Time: 11055.6

good uh neuroscience and other biology

Time: 11058.359

Engineering Graduate students and

Time: 11060.1

postdocs go there but but um the real

Time: 11062.2

question is are they getting the best

Time: 11063.58

people because as you and I both know in

Time: 11065.5

science the oftentimes it's small groups

Time: 11068.68

of of the very best and most creative

Time: 11070.6

people that can uh out run and outgun

Time: 11074.08

large groups and and here I don't have

Time: 11075.76

anything against Google either way yeah

Time: 11077.92

um I I use it all the time I'm not a

Time: 11080.439

betting man but I would put my my money

Time: 11083.5

on Google on this race but I'll give

Time: 11085.6

I'll try and give them a a run for their

Time: 11087.819

money there you go that was well since I

Time: 11089.62

mostly just want to see the problem

Time: 11090.819

solved regardless of who gets there

Time: 11093.04

first what I'll say is you better get

Time: 11094.24

going Google because gnomes being he's

Time: 11096.279

humble and he's dogged so I don't know

Time: 11098.68

um better better get cracking there we

Time: 11100.779

just cost the weekends of and uh and

Time: 11102.88

broke up the relationships of a bunch of

Time: 11104.56

scientists I remember when I was a

Time: 11105.819

graduate student at Berkeley I remember

Time: 11106.899

hearing there was a guy in in our common

Time: 11108.76

friend uh or uh Irving zucker's lab that

Time: 11111.399

worked hundred hours a week so I was

Time: 11113.02

like oh I'll work 102 hours a week which

Time: 11114.88

was not a good choice but in any case

Time: 11116.979

it's it's uh it's abundantly clear that

Time: 11120.04

you're making progress here and and I go

Time: 11122.68

to some of the earlier discussions we

Time: 11124.24

had and I think we're not just talking

Time: 11125.8

about transferring recipes and smells of

Time: 11128.5

food uh gasoline from people watching

Time: 11131.62

the the F1 race or something but um I'm

Time: 11134.74

thinking dating apps I'm thinking um you

Time: 11137.8

nowadays everyone knows that when you

Time: 11139.479

travel and you want to see your family

Time: 11140.8

your grandkids or kids you better to get

Time: 11143.8

on FaceTime and see them resume

Time: 11146.56

um than to just hear their voice we're

Time: 11148.18

also talking about being able to smell

Time: 11149.38

them I'll tell you more than that I'll

Time: 11150.939

tell you more than that I mean we're

Time: 11153.22

talking now of trying to achieve uh the

Time: 11157.779

olfactory equivalent of Circa 1956 black

Time: 11161.319

and white TV okay basically right and

Time: 11164.02

you know I'm not dreaming let's say of

Time: 11166.12

being able to transmit to you the

Time: 11167.68

difference between a Cabernet or

Time: 11169.12

Amarillo right but if I can generate

Time: 11171.04

something that's legally wine that will

Time: 11173.38

be an amazing success from my

Time: 11174.88

perspective right but Jump Ahead in your

Time: 11177.46

imagination to to 4K order transmission

Time: 11182.74

than medical Diagnostics is what you

Time: 11185.2

want to be talking about because

Time: 11188.08

in this is this is uh uh over uh

Time: 11191.8

extension but

Time: 11193.6

you can almost say that every disease

Time: 11195.58

will have an odor I mean every disease

Time: 11197.62

is a specific metabolic process

Time: 11199.56

metabolic process have metabolites

Time: 11201.819

metabolites have a smell

Time: 11204.58

olfaction once it's digitized and and

Time: 11209.02

high resolution which again in our hands

Time: 11212.02

it's not going to be I mean we're

Time: 11213.22

talking you know in my retirement maybe

Time: 11215.2

I'll read about this one day if I'll

Time: 11216.7

still have Vision I mean this is not

Time: 11218.8

close but

Time: 11221.439

when when olfaction digitization is

Time: 11224.68

brought to the equivalent of 4K uh of

Time: 11227.92

vision and audition that you have now

Time: 11229.84

then it will be in medical diagnosis

Time: 11231.76

you'll have excuse me for the uh the

Time: 11235.66

imagery but you will have an electronic

Time: 11237.76

nose in your bathroom uh each one of us

Time: 11240.22

will have in the toilet and it will be

Time: 11242.68

doing Diagnostics all the time and and

Time: 11245.859

that's that's where it's going to go but

Time: 11248.319

again not anywhere in the very close

Time: 11252.16


Time: 11253.3

well it's it's certainly an exciting

Time: 11256.02

proposition and I'm delighted that you

Time: 11258.58

and other groups um who are so strong

Time: 11260.62

are working on it I really am

Time: 11263.62

no my I want to say thank you for your

Time: 11267.16

time today first of all uh this was a

Time: 11270.16

tremendously interesting conversation I

Time: 11272.68

mean we touched on so many things

Time: 11273.939

hormone smells the architecture of the

Time: 11276.16

olfactory system I know that people

Time: 11277.96

listening to this are realizing but I'm

Time: 11280.18

going to say it anyway uh what an

Time: 11282.16

Incredible Gift you've given us in um as

Time: 11284.859


Time: 11285.96

expert in this field giving us this tour

Time: 11288.66

of of the work that you and others uh

Time: 11292.06

who you credit so generously

Time: 11294.34

um have done to elucidate this

Time: 11296.439

incredible system that we call olfaction

Time: 11298.479

chemo sensation

Time: 11300.16

also just for the incredibly pioneering

Time: 11302.68

work that you've done you know I

Time: 11305.08

I don't have many heroes in science I

Time: 11307

have Heroes outside of Science and a few

Time: 11308.439

insights but I'm gonna um I'm gonna uh

Time: 11311.26

purposely embarrass myself a little bit

Time: 11312.7

by saying that from the time I was at

Time: 11314.859

Berkeley and I then and saw that

Time: 11317.859

experiment being done and people

Time: 11319.54

foraging uh falling Ascent trails and

Time: 11322

then when I was a until I was a junior

Time: 11324.22

Professor I used that in my teaching

Time: 11326.439


Time: 11327.819

um in a class that I taught that was

Time: 11329.2

sort of the early origins of this

Time: 11330.46

podcast in many way and over and over

Time: 11333.1

again when your laboratory publishes

Time: 11335.68

papers I find like this is super

Time: 11337.6

interesting super cool and I find myself

Time: 11339.22

telling everybody about it and that's

Time: 11340.72

really what I do for uh for a living is

Time: 11342.7

I I learn and then I blab about it to to

Time: 11344.68

the world so thank you so much for the

Time: 11347.26

work that you've done in the spirit that

Time: 11348.58

you bring to it whatever drives that

Time: 11350.08

Spirit as the great late Ben Barris used

Time: 11352.359

to say keep going because we are all

Time: 11354.76

benefiting tremendously and

Time: 11357.46

um and I also just want to say that you

Time: 11359.92

know for people listening to this the

Time: 11361.96

the spirit of science is one of as you

Time: 11365.319

mentioned there's complex politics and

Time: 11367

all these things but it's absolutely

Time: 11369.16

clear that you Delight in the work you

Time: 11370.899

do and um so I Delight in it I'm

Time: 11373.42

grateful for it I'm grateful for your

Time: 11374.859

time today and so on behalf of me and

Time: 11376.899

and many many people listening to this I

Time: 11379.06

just want to say send a huge debt of

Time: 11380.979

gratitude thank you so much

Time: 11383.64

so I'm I'm the I'm blushing I don't know

Time: 11387.04

if this doesn't come across on the on

Time: 11388.779

the radio Podcast but thank you so much

Time: 11390.819

for very warm words I mean you know as

Time: 11394.899

you know it when you work in your lab

Time: 11398.68

you don't

Time: 11400.54

there's these moments where you suddenly

Time: 11402.52

discover that somebody is like

Time: 11405.1

cares a bit about it and those are

Time: 11407.2

always very rewarding moments because

Time: 11408.939

usually you you function without that I

Time: 11411.58

mean I guess that's one of the things

Time: 11412.66

you need

Time: 11413.68

to be a scientist is to have the

Time: 11416.56

you know the drive to work without that

Time: 11419.2

because it comes only rarely uh there's

Time: 11422.02

immense gratitude and appreciation for

Time: 11423.819

you and what you do from me and now I

Time: 11425.92

know from uh a large segment of the

Time: 11428.8

world as well so uh my only request is

Time: 11431.08

that you come back and tell us about the

Time: 11432.88

next results sometime not too long now

Time: 11435.399

yeah well I'm going to catch you live

Time: 11437.8

now although you have the power to edit

Time: 11439.84

this so I guess that's not fair but

Time: 11441.76

first you come visit us in Israel and

Time: 11444.52

and tell us both about the science and

Time: 11446.979

the public science work you're doing and

Time: 11448.54

then I'll come again

Time: 11450.06

a good bargain and again I accept

Time: 11452.62

delighted thank you so much yeah

Time: 11454.66

pleasure thank you for joining me for

Time: 11456.52

today's discussion about olfaction and

Time: 11458.5

chemo sensation with Dr Noam Sobel if

Time: 11461.319

you'd like to learn more about the work

Time: 11462.399

in the Sobel laboratory or read some of

Time: 11464.74

the papers described during today's

Time: 11466.12

episode as well as learn about the

Time: 11468.46

current and future projects in the Sobel

Time: 11470.2

laboratory please go to the link

Time: 11471.88

provided in the show note caption if

Time: 11474.1

you're learning from and or enjoying

Time: 11475.54

this podcast please subscribe to our

Time: 11477.34

YouTube channel that's a terrific zero

Time: 11479.26

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Time: 11481.18

please subscribe to the podcast on both

Time: 11483.279

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Time: 11485.26

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Time: 11487.12

star review if you have questions for me

Time: 11488.8

or comments about the podcast or guests

Time: 11490.84

or topics that you'd like me to include

Time: 11492.279

in future huberman Lab podcast please

Time: 11494.56

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Time: 11495.939

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Time: 11498.279

please also check out the sponsors

Time: 11499.66

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Time: 11500.62

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Time: 11502.42

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Time: 11505

much on today's episode but on many

Time: 11506.74

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Time: 11508.24

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Time: 11510.22

supplements aren't necessary for

Time: 11511.6

everybody many people derive tremendous

Time: 11513.52

benefit from them for things like

Time: 11514.96

improving their sleep their focus and

Time: 11516.76

hormone support the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 11518.92

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Time: 11520.18

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Time: 11522.04

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Time: 11523.24

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Time: 11525.34

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Time: 11527.46

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Time: 11530.68

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Time: 11532

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Time: 11534.58

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Time: 11537.46

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Time: 11539.439

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Time: 11540.64

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Time: 11542.439

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Time: 11544.66

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Time: 11546.34

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Time: 11548.439

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Time: 11550.479

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Time: 11551.56

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Time: 11553.84

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Time: 11557.26

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Time: 11559.42

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Time: 11561.46

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Time: 11564.76

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Time: 11567.279

to sign up you simply go to

Time: 11568.72

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Time: 11571.72

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Time: 11573.939

I want to be clear that not only is the

Time: 11575.92

neural network newsletter zero cost we

Time: 11578.439

also do not share your email with

Time: 11580.18

anybody once again I'd like to thank you

Time: 11582.22

for joining me for today's discussion

Time: 11583.54

about olfaction and chemo sensation with

Time: 11586.06

Dr Noam Sobel and last but certainly not

Time: 11588.76

least thank you for your interest in

Time: 11590.68


Time: 11591.35


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