Dr. Michael Eisenberg: Improving Male Sexual Health, Function & Fertility

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is Dr Michael

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Eisenberg Dr Michael Eisenberg is a

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medical doctor specializing in urology

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and an expert in male sexual function

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and fertility he is both a clinician who

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sees patients as well as a research

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scientist have having published over 300

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peer-reviewed articles on male sexual

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function Urology and fertility and he is

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considered one of the world's foremost

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experts in male sexual health today we

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discuss a broad range of topics

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important to all men including erectile

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dysfunction and function we also discuss

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prostate health and urinary Health we

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discuss fertility and sperm count we

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discuss even topics seemingly esoteric

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such as why penile lengths are actually

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increasing over time while sperm count

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seem to be decreasing today you'll also

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learn some very interesting surprises

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such as the fact that a very very small

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percentage of erectile dysfunction

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actually stems from hormone dysfunction

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rather the vast majority of erectile

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dysfunction stems from issues that are

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either vascular that is related to blood

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flow or neural and today you'll learn

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about a large variety of treatments for

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erectile dysfunction Dr Eisenberg also

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dispels a lot of common myths that you

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hear out there both on the internet and

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in popular culture that relate to male

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sexual health and function by the end of

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today's episode I assure you that you

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will have a thorough understanding of

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what male sexual health is how it

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relates to other aspects of health and

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how to think about treating maintaining

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and improving all aspects of male sexual

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health fertility and function before we

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begin I'd like to emphasize that this

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podcast is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost to Consumer information about

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science and science related tools tools

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to the general public in keeping with

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that theme I'd like to thank the

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sponsors of today's podcast our first

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Time: 128.64

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Time: 130.479

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Time: 132.36

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Time: 133.879

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Time: 135.56

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Time: 137.64

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Time: 139.56

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Time: 141.04

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Time: 142.599

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Time: 144.04

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Time: 145.76

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Time: 147.76

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Time: 149.959

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Time: 152.319

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Time: 154.16

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Time: 158.2

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Time: 168.8

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Time: 182.4

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Time: 184.48

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Time: 186.4

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Time: 188.12

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Time: 190

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Time: 191.84

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Time: 193.64

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Time: 195.319

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Time: 197.12

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Time: 198.68

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Time: 200.12

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Time: 201.92

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Time: 203.4

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Time: 205.2

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Time: 207.84

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Time: 209.28

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Time: 211.28

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Time: 213

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Time: 215.439

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Time: 216.72

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Time: 218.68

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Time: 220.36

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Time: 221.879

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Time: 223.319

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Time: 224.64

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Time: 226.56

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Time: 229.36

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Time: 237.28

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Time: 250.36

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Time: 253

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Time: 254.76


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huberman and now for my discussion with

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Dr Michael Eisenberg Dr Eisenberg

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welcome thank you good to be here I've

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been looking forward to talking to you

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for a long time because these days we

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hear a lot about

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the diminishing quality of sperm which

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in some way seems to be tacked to the

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conversation about diminishing quality

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of environment

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people intelligence you know there's a

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lot woven into this statement that sperm

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quality is declining and some of it I

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think people assume is related to

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environmental changes some of it I think

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people assume it are related to changes

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in Behavior years so maybe less exercise

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less sunlight who knows hopefully you'll

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tell us what's really going on but the

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first question I have is is sperm

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quality actually declining and

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regardless what is sperm quality yeah

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great question so I think it's very

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controversial I think as your question

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alludes to so I think we'll start by

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just talking about what sperm quality is

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and why it's important so for

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reproduction as you've covered on the

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podcast before a man makes semen um and

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that has sperm in it and so when we're

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talking clinically about a semen

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analysis there's a few things we look at

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we look at the amount of ejaculate semen

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that comes out we look at the sperm how

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many there are we look at their motility

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or Movement we look at their morphology

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or shape there's some more advanced

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testing that's done in rare cases

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looking at like fragmentation of DNA for

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example or there's some newer tests

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looking at epigenetic profiles of sperm

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uh but essentially these are all markers

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or fertility so fertility in itself is a

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team sport right so it's hard to you

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know M label a man as fertile or not

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fertile without knowing about his

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partner um but nevertheless based on

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different these different parameters we

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try and quantify How likely a man is to

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be able to achieve a pregnancy so the

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World Health Organization every decade

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or so looks over the existing literature

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and defines these different cut points

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of what's normal or what's subfertile uh

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for those levels so that's sort of the

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backdrop of what Seaman is and how you

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know these these tests are done or you

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know what these tests represent now the

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question of whether they've declined

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over time um has been you know a

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question for a number of years there was

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a landmark paper in the early 90s by

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Carlson and a group in Denmark that

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showed this temporal decline you know

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over the last 50 years from that time

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point and so what the investigators had

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done is looked over the literature for

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studies that reported semen quality

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around the world and noted that you know

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the quality in the earliest studies like

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in kind of the mid uh 20th century were

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here and then over time they had sort of

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declined the more recent studies um now

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that study was very controversial there

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was questions about waiting from

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different studies putting because you

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can imagine these there's not a lot of

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early studies so putting a lot more

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importance on those rather than some of

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the later ones um and so since then

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there's been many other studies that

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have that have come out in time and even

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today it remains very controversial I

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think you know if I were to say that I

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believe there's a decline some of my

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colleagues and friends would be very

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upset with me if I say I don't believe

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it some of my colleagues and friends

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would be very upset with me so I would

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say that you know my opinion really

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varies based on Whose paper I've read

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and I there's some very convincing you

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know studies uh on each side of it you

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know there most recently just in the

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last year or so there was a meta

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analysis of you know tens of thousands

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of men where they looked at again a host

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of these studies over the last uh number

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of decades all around the globe so prior

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studies who really just focused on the

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Western Hemisphere Western countries

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because there was more data from that

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but more recently we've gotten a lot of

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data from Africa from Asian countries as

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well uh and those also support this

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decline um so you know one of the

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counterarguments to why we're seeing

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that is just sort of an evolution of

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techniques over time um so that's one of

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the the sort of the popular um questions

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about whether there's really a true

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decline um you know I think as you're

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alluding to why there would be decline

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is also you know unknown and but you've

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sort of labeled you know perfectly the

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kind of most common hypotheses so

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whether there some environmental

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exposures right a lot of things have

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changed over the last 50 years and I

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think you know chemical exposure is

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certainly one of those and there have

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been some fairly convincing you know

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pre-clinical studies so you know mostly

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done in animals uh that show that like

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exposure to different chemicals thetes

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um or BPA other things may actually harm

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you know reproductive function for men

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and for women as well uh and so it may

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be that you know these chemicals you

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know that are that we're being exposed

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to as kids and adults or even probably

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um more sinisterly when we're um you

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know kind of developing in utero that

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may be kind of the most harmful exposure

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um but there's also been you know an

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obesity epidemic as well and there's a

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strong link between a men man's

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reproductive function um and body weight

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and so that's also um to play a role in

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some of this too um so I think there are

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convincing studies but the other I guess

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aspect to this is that there's

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variations in semen quality around the

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country and around the world there's

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Geographic variation and so that's also

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sort of an unknown um uh explanation uh

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you know there could be different sort

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of genetic you know compositions of men

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and so there's different reproductive

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potential in that Source there could be

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different environmental exposures diet

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exercise lifestyle and there's a famous

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stud study um done a number of years ago

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where they looked at se quality among

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fathers so these are men that had

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achieved a pregnancy and at the first

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you know prenatal visit they had um the

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fathers give a seaman sample and so this

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was done in four centers around the

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country I think it one in California

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there was um I think one in the midwest

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uh there was one in New York so they

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basically found that steam inequality

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was sort of highest in the urban centers

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in New York tended to be the highest

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numbers where was you know lower in the

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Midwest and so the hypothesis was

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potentially because it was a more rural

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setting maybe there was pesticide

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exposure and that had led to these lower

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numbers but you know another equally

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plausible explanation may be that you

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know different sort of a different

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population and maybe you know that that

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could explain these differences so I

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think it's it's you know very important

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um and I think you know one of the sort

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of lacking things in this is there's not

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really longitudinal data one of the

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greatest things would be if we just

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started tracking um seen quality around

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the country just like we do obesity like

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you know n Hayes cdc's uh survey of

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Health in in the us if we added seen

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quality onto that that way you could

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really see you know how it varies around

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the country and you know sort of compare

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like to like to see over time if there's

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really this progression you know one of

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the only studies to do that in Denmark

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um that started around you know around

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2000 and track Seaman quality among um

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you know volunteers that came in when

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they were conscripted for military

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service in Denmark they were offered the

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opportunity to participate in this study

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um and so some men did and what they

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found is actually that se quality was

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fairly uniform over about 20 years where

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they had data but sort of another very

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interesting part of that study is that

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only about a quarter of those men had

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normal Seamon quality um so it sort of

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very concerning you know it was I guess

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reassuring that it wasn't further

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declining but very concerning that only

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a quarter of Danish men had you know

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normal semen quality and they're one of

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the I think thought leaders in this

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field um just because sort of a

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reproductive of Crisis there you

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mentioned that some of this apparent

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decline in seaming quality might be

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related to the fact that the tools to

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measure seaming quality are getting

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better and better and that would make

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sense if for instance one is just

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looking at total volume morphology which

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means shape I should have clarified that

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um how many forwardly motile sperm there

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are and then also adding in you know a

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very sensitive measure such as um DNA

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fragmentation you know as the

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instruments get finer and finer you

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discover more and more details and if

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you are um rating quality along a number

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of different dimensions then it would

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make sense that those would tear out

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into different levels so if one were to

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Simply ask for couples who want to get

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pregnant and assuming that egg quality

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is not the

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issue what percentage of failures to

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achieve successful pregnancy are the

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consequence of

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deficient sperm deficient in any way and

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is that number increasing over time yeah

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so I think that's really key I think

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when couples think about fertility

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usually it's thought of as a female

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problem um and I think there's just

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historic reasons for that you know if

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you look at data in the US when couples

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do seek care for fertility the man has

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bypassed probably a third of the time

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even though when you look at the reasons

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for infertility man contributes probably

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half of the time to infertility so I

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think a half half yeah so I think

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there's a huge need just to understand

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and evaluate the man and one of the

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reasons for this I think is that um you

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know one of the main treatments for

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infertility in the US is IVF which is

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very powerful I think one of the you

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know greatest marvels of medicine in

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probably the last you know quarter

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century is our ability to mix a sperm

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and egg in a dish and create a life it's

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really remarkable but because it now

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takes just a single sperm you know

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through something called iny plasmic

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sperm injection where you can inject one

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egg or one sperm into an egg you know

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the bar has gone down dramatically you

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know if a couple's just trying without

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you know any assistance probably need 20

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to 40 million moving sperm but now with

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you know these remarkable techniques you

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just need one sperm um and so because of

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that you know I think a lot of our

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Innovation and research on male

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fertility has probably gone to the

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Wayside just because clinically you know

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we just need you know a few dozen sperm

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for most

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couples what about testosterone levels

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are those also declining we hear this um

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and when I look at the literature I can

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find evidence for that but the question

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is also whether or not the amount of

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decline in testosterone levels is

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significant in a way that impacts let's

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say fertility but also um Vitality in

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other ways energy mood um Sexual Health

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Etc U what's the story with testosterone

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levels are they indeed declining on

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average across the male population

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in the US and elsewhere I think there is

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pretty convincing evidence that that is

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happening and I think the reason for

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that again is probably not certain but

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you know there have been you know some

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pretty nicely designed cohort studies

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where they've recruited you know men in

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the the 2000s the '90s the 80s and you

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can see that depending on when these men

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are recruited just you know matching age

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for age these testosterone levels tend

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to be lower um and then enh Hanes which

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is again this sort of longitudinal study

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run by the CDC um that is o shown

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looking at testosterone levels over you

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know decades the testosterone levels

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have declined over time um so there you

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know chemical exposure is one possible

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explanation again either in adult or

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adolescent life or in utero um but

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obesity I think is also sort of a

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convincing explanation is we're more

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sedentary um you know we get bigger

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that's one of the places that

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testosterone can decline I think there's

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different sort of explanations for that

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um you know as testosterone's produced

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it's aromatized in U peripheral tissue

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you know fatty tissue fat has a lot of

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this aromat taste so that converts

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testosterone to estrogen so it

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necessarily you know lowers the

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testosterone level that's circulating in

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our body um also just insulating the the

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testicles our thighs get bigger

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insulating the testes can also sometimes

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lower the efficiency of production a

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little bit too because of heat effects

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because of heat effects yeah I was going

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to ask about this later but I'll ask

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about it now since we're talking about

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heat effects and um sperm and

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testosterone um The Heat Of course being

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not good for um sperm health and

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testosterone which is I've read a

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metaanalysis I don't know um how high

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quality it is but um that explained that

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there is some evidence for um either

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heat effects or possibly non-heat

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related effects of cell phone you know

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smartphone in the pocket impairing sperm

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Health maybe even testosterone levels

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now you hear this more often often in

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kind of bioh hacky um I don't know uh

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circles um which you know I'm not a fan

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of the word biohacking um ites it's not

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clear what it means but it it it sounds

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like it means something about taking a

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shortcut using one thing for a purpose

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it wasn't intended but you know it also

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makes sense to me that a smartphone

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could generate some heat um some

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radiation that might impair um

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testicular function and therefore impair

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sperm quality and or testosterone levels

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but is there any real solid data that

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carrying your cell phone in your pocket

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let's assume on that the cell phone is

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on is bad for sperm health or

Time: 1060.76

testosterone levels yeah so um I think

Time: 1063.919

there's not convincing evidence that

Time: 1065.4

it's going to help um testosterone

Time: 1067.72

levels I think that you know it's G to

Time: 1069.44

hurt testosterone it's not going to hurt

Time: 1070.96

yeah so I should you know make clear

Time: 1072.6

that I think that in terms of production

Time: 1074.679

and heat effects you know sperm

Time: 1076.4

production is much more sensitive than

Time: 1077.76

testosterone prodction production um but

Time: 1079.52

there have been some studies looking at

Time: 1080.72

cell phone exposure because again you're

Time: 1082.76

getting this whether it's heat whether

Time: 1085.08

it's sort of the you know radio

Time: 1086.919

frequency you know waves coming in I

Time: 1088.88

think you could posit sort of different

Time: 1090.799

explanations of why that may be harmful

Time: 1093.039

so there have been some studies that you

Time: 1094.48

know looked early on you know men that

Time: 1096.24

Ed cell phones more or less they had

Time: 1098.36

lower semen quality if they used it more

Time: 1101

but you can also imagine there's huge

Time: 1102.159

differences in men that do and do not

Time: 1103.6

use cell phones so you know it's it's

Time: 1106.44

it's a hard experiment to design but

Time: 1108.039

there been some studies uh doing this in

Time: 1110.32

vitro so in the laboratory so taking you

Time: 1112.919

know sperm in a cup basically and

Time: 1114.96

putting a cell phone next to it or not

Time: 1116.88

next to it to try and see if that played

Time: 1118.96

a role there have been studies done

Time: 1120.919

where they um sort of normalized the the

Time: 1123.52

heat you know they kind of put on um

Time: 1125.32

sort of a special stage so that it's not

Time: 1127

heat necessarily but maybe it's RF

Time: 1128.52

exposure so those studies I think don't

Time: 1130.88

show sort of a me a clinically

Time: 1133.36

meaningful change but there have been

Time: 1135.039

some studies that say that maybe DNA

Time: 1136.6

fragmentation of sperm can go up a

Time: 1138.919

little bit if there's close proximity uh

Time: 1141.36

to a cell phone um so I think you know

Time: 1144.679

when patients ask me that which is a

Time: 1146.039

common question I get in clinic

Time: 1147.24

obviously patients are coming in they

Time: 1148.88

want to do you know whatever they can um

Time: 1151.039

to try and improve their chances um so I

Time: 1154.039

think generally I think the data is not

Time: 1155.4

convincing um but you know if it's easy

Time: 1157.64

enough certainly to be aware of it you

Time: 1159.24

know I think putting a laptop on a desk

Time: 1161.36

rather than in your lap I think for heat

Time: 1162.799

exposure is probably the biggest thing

Time: 1164.12

that we want to

Time: 1165.32

minimize about a year and a half ago I

Time: 1167.52

did an episode about testosterone and

Time: 1170.24

estrogen where it's manufactured in the

Time: 1172.08

male and female body Etc and I found a

Time: 1174.12

very interesting graph in a uh textbook

Time: 1176.84

on U behavioral Endocrinology by a guy

Time: 1179.28

named Randy Nelson who I happen to know

Time: 1181.88

through the field of Behavioral

Time: 1183.88

Endocrinology as it's typically studied

Time: 1185.679

in animals so most of that book centers

Time: 1187.96

on animal studies but there's a a

Time: 1189.559

fraction of the studies that Center on

Time: 1191.2

human uh data and there was a very

Time: 1193.919

interesting graph that showed

Time: 1196.2

testosterone levels as a function of age

Time: 1198.44

in males um and as one might expect

Time: 1201.48

testosterone levels were on average much

Time: 1203.84

higher in late teens early 20s 30s and

Time: 1207.44

there was a progressive decline but what

Time: 1210.24

was remarkable to me about that graph is

Time: 1212

that even when exploring the um the

Time: 1215.6

Scatter Plots because they showed

Time: 1216.96

individual points they didn't just show

Time: 1218.36

the averages of testosterone levels in

Time: 1221.4

men in their 50s 60s 7s 80s even 90s

Time: 1225.44

there were these outliers these guys who

Time: 1228.039

had testosterone levels that were on par

Time: 1230.159

with uh testosterone levels of men in

Time: 1232.72

their 30s but these guys were in their

Time: 1234.88

50s 60s 7s 80s even 90s so do you

Time: 1238.72

observe this clinically Do You observe

Time: 1240.76

that um men are coming in you know a who

Time: 1243.72

are older than 40 and have testosterone

Time: 1245.799

levels and presumably free testosterone

Time: 1247.48

levels as well um that are still very

Time: 1250.88

high you know and the reason I asked

Time: 1252.799

this is I think we've all been told and

Time: 1254.2

we presume that testosterone levels

Time: 1255.72

decline with age and one would expect

Time: 1257.52

some outliers and of course we don't

Time: 1259.039

know whether or not those guys in their

Time: 1260.84

90s who have the testosterone levels of

Time: 1263.559

that match the averages of men in their

Time: 1265.44

30s didn't have even greater

Time: 1267.159

testosterone levels in their 30s but

Time: 1268.64

given that they were sealing out around

Time: 1270.039

900 nanograms per deciliter you know

Time: 1272.44

toward the high-end normal depending on

Time: 1274.48

the scale um in already at age 90 it's

Time: 1277.84

kind of hard to imagine that earlier

Time: 1279.2

they're walking around with you know

Time: 1280.559

2,000 nanogram per deiler testosterone

Time: 1283.6

so do you see this are there some is

Time: 1286.2

there just a lot of natural variation in

Time: 1288.08

testosterone levels of men who walk into

Time: 1289.919

the clinic at any age and of course what

Time: 1292.919

is special about these individuals that

Time: 1294.919

are you know maintaining high normal

Time: 1298.039

testosterone levels into their uh later

Time: 1300.96

years yeah that's a great question I

Time: 1303

think this is such a common question

Time: 1304.6

anytime we talk about testosterone I

Time: 1306.279

think anytime we talk about most sort of

Time: 1308.88

uh clinical tests that we do you know

Time: 1310.6

what is average what is normal um so we

Time: 1313.039

do see great variation I mean I think

Time: 1314.919

just like you're saying I usually let

Time: 1316.32

everybody know that you know usually

Time: 1318.039

testosterone peaks you know kind of

Time: 1320.039

early 20s and it tends to go down

Time: 1321.919

probably 1% a year forever uh but there

Time: 1324.679

are people that have very you know very

Time: 1326.36

very high levels I you know just

Time: 1328.12

mirroring you know that graph that you

Time: 1330

describe I certainly have patients you

Time: 1332.08

know we screen for testosterone levels

Time: 1334.2

you know when patients come in with

Time: 1335.4

complaints or we're worried about that

Time: 1337.36

low energy level you know low libido

Time: 1339.4

some of the symptoms of low testosterone

Time: 1341.4

sexual dysfunction and you know to my

Time: 1343.799

surprise sometimes these men you know

Time: 1346.08

I've seen 80-year-olds that certainly

Time: 1347.6

have the highest testosterone level I'll

Time: 1349.159

see you know for 6 months um you know

Time: 1351.72

why that is I think is not certain maybe

Time: 1353.44

it has to do with you know I think with

Time: 1356.48

everything there's probably sort of a

Time: 1357.48

bell-shaped curve and everybody's a

Time: 1358.76

little bit different um but Androgen

Time: 1360.72

sensitivity you know sensitivity of the

Time: 1362.279

receptor you know they make it more

Time: 1364.36

efficiently but I have not really

Time: 1365.799

noticed again because at least in

Time: 1368.24

clinical practice you know when patients

Time: 1370.039

come in they come in with a complaint

Time: 1371.72

and so even men you know with very high

Time: 1373.76

levels they may have some of the same

Time: 1375.679

dysfunction men with low levels so I

Time: 1377.279

think with low levels you can try and

Time: 1378.919

treat that and that may be the solution

Time: 1381.08

but for men with you know these what we

Time: 1383.52

would consider high levels um you know

Time: 1385.48

there may be other issues going

Time: 1387.44

on let me frame the question I was going

Time: 1390.039

to ask a little bit differently when

Time: 1392.039

someone comes into your clinic and you

Time: 1393.64

measure their testosterone levels as you

Time: 1395.72

mentioned they're likely coming in

Time: 1397.159

because they have some issue prostate

Time: 1399.52

issue sexual function issue

Time: 1402.12

Etc but you do get a read on their you

Time: 1406.96

know s morphology of their body right so

Time: 1409.6

you could visibly determine whether or

Time: 1411.36

not they're likely to be obese or not um

Time: 1415.159

regardless of age so earlier you

Time: 1417.2

mentioned obesity as a risk factor for

Time: 1419.2

lowering testosterone and sperm quality

Time: 1421.88

you mentioned that fat aromatizes

Time: 1423.96

testosterone into estrogen so that's at

Time: 1425.679

least one mechanism by which that could

Time: 1427.2

happen but if you were to just step back

Time: 1429.84

and say okay if somebody who walks into

Time: 1433.6

my clinic tends to be um let's say

Time: 1436.039

healthier looking you know not obese

Time: 1438.44

let's just put the cut off at what you

Time: 1440.2

would presume is obese um is there a

Time: 1444

higher probability that their

Time: 1445.039

testosterone levels are going to be

Time: 1446.4

within normal range conversely when

Time: 1448.799

somebody walks in and their

Time: 1450.4

obese do you fully expect their

Time: 1452.44

testosterone levels to be

Time: 1454.24

subnormal um or are you sometimes seeing

Time: 1457.44

obese people walking in with you know

Time: 1459.44

high testosterone um and the reason I'm

Time: 1461.679

asking this is not to create confusion

Time: 1463.24

is that I think that everybody out there

Time: 1465.919

who's thinking about sperm quality and

Time: 1468.08

testosterone levels and this uh apparent

Time: 1470.88

decline trying to figure out you know

Time: 1472.76

okay what can we do in order to maintain

Time: 1476.399

the health metrics that are going to of

Time: 1477.96

course increase fertility but for those

Time: 1479.399

that don't want to have kids or already

Time: 1480.76

have kids are going to at least maintain

Time: 1483.48

or improve Vitality is obesity really

Time: 1486.24

the thing to avoid so is there a not one

Time: 1489.6

for one but is there a tight correlation

Time: 1491.6

between obesity and testosterone levels

Time: 1494.2

I would say that you cannot predict I

Time: 1496.039

think that sort of would be the

Time: 1497.159

take-home and so I think that you know

Time: 1498.84

more information is always better you

Time: 1500.44

know when I see patients in clinic um

Time: 1503.2

you know some patients are walking

Time: 1504.52

around you know with everything is

Time: 1507.08

totally normal they're very healthy all

Time: 1508.799

the numbers come in at the normal range

Time: 1510.44

but sometimes when men you know look

Time: 1512.88

totally normal they talked about taking

Time: 1514.48

care of their life they exercise you

Time: 1515.96

know five seven days a week their

Time: 1517.96

testosterone levels can be very low so

Time: 1519.919

even despite you know having what we

Time: 1522.2

would consider should really give them

Time: 1524


Time: 1524.84

know symptoms um they're able to

Time: 1527.76

compensate you know maybe they've lived

Time: 1529.08

their whole life in that they don't know

Time: 1530.24

what normal is now we get them you know

Time: 1532.32

to sort of normal levels a lot of times

Time: 1534

they feel better again because they have

Time: 1535.24

no idea how they should feel um but I

Time: 1537.72

think that that's just sort of important

Time: 1539.039

that everybody you know should be

Time: 1540.44

screened I think that you know

Time: 1541.96

testosterone seman quality they've been

Time: 1544.48

shown to even be barometers of Health um

Time: 1547.08

so you know men with lower testosterone

Time: 1548.72

levels of higher risk of you know heart

Time: 1550.52

disease diabetes mortality the same

Time: 1553.08

studies exist for semen quality as well

Time: 1556.039

um and you know again they may have sort

Time: 1557.399

of a similar relationship and

Time: 1558.84

explanation why that may be but I think

Time: 1560.919

it's hard to just predict you know based

Time: 1563.279

on appearance what you know Testo will

Time: 1566.039

be what seam equality be what testicular

Time: 1568.24

function will be without actually

Time: 1569.52

getting some objective data and actually

Time: 1571.559

if you look at the trend of test of seam

Time: 1573.84

in quality decline over time kind of

Time: 1575.52

getting back to some of those earlier

Time: 1577.24

points you're making if you were to

Time: 1578.96

Overlay that on the known association

Time: 1580.96


Time: 1582.12

obesity um its effects on SE quality

Time: 1585.36

that actually doesn't explain the whole

Time: 1586.72

decline because the you know the

Time: 1588.64

purported decline in seam quality is

Time: 1590.799

about 50% but if you just if you were to

Time: 1593.039

say well what would we expect if you

Time: 1595.6

know we look at you know because we were

Time: 1596.72

able to track exactly how much fatter we

Time: 1598.44

are now than we used to be that actually

Time: 1601.039

only explains about a 10% decline so I

Time: 1603.08

think there is you know to your point

Time: 1604.399

something more um and it is not

Time: 1606.399

something that you can just identify by

Time: 1608.44

eye what are the dos and don'ts as it

Time: 1612.52

relates to I don't want to use the word

Time: 1614.88

optimizing it's gotten me into trouble

Time: 1616.679

before because the word optimize or

Time: 1619.159

optimal suggests that there's an perfect

Time: 1621.039

number that one should all attain if

Time: 1623.88

possible but in reality um optimal is a

Time: 1626.919

day-to-day thing um at least but what

Time: 1630.48

should people avoid in order to get

Time: 1634.2

their sperm quality as high as possible

Time: 1636.919

their testosterone level again here I

Time: 1639.64

have to be careful I don't want to say

Time: 1640.559

as high as possible because some people

Time: 1642.159

might not want excessive Androgen um but

Time: 1645.96

at the high end of normal perh would be

Time: 1648.039

the ideal for many

Time: 1650.72

people what should people do what should

Time: 1653.36

they avoid and here I'm setting aside

Time: 1656.44

any prescription clinical treatments

Time: 1659.559

that such as testosterone injections or

Time: 1661.76

things like uh chonic gatr human coron

Time: 1664.36

and gatot Trope and things we can talk

Time: 1665.679

about a little bit later but what should

Time: 1666.919

every male be doing in order to optimize

Time: 1669.08

these Health parameters yeah so I think

Time: 1671.559

that there are some risk factors that we

Time: 1672.96

do like we'll start with steam in

Time: 1674.279

quality so we talked about heat I think

Time: 1676.08

that's a big one so like hot tub saunas

Time: 1678.48

try and avoid those some you know light

Time: 1680.64

data on seat warmers anytime you know we

Time: 1683.12

kind of get this external heat source to

Time: 1684.679

the scrotum you know the testicles are

Time: 1686.2

outside the body because they need to be

Time: 1687.48

a little cooler so anything that warms

Time: 1688.96

them up can certainly be a problem could

Time: 1691.08

I just briefly interrupt there um to ask

Time: 1693.96

we've done episodes on sauna and some of

Time: 1696.24

the health benefits of sauna um is it

Time: 1699.2

sufficient for somebody to bring in a

Time: 1700.799

cold pack to the sauna and put that in

Time: 1702.799

their groin I actually have suggested

Time: 1705.44

that that's actually what I do when I go

Time: 1707.279

into the sauna um and I have suggested

Time: 1710.32

this on podcasts um not just for people

Time: 1712.48

who are trying to conceive because it

Time: 1713.799

seems like heat as you mention is bad

Time: 1716.76

for sperm not quite as bad for

Time: 1719.08

testosterone levels but is it also true

Time: 1722.12

that heating the testicle too much is

Time: 1724.919

generally bad for endocrine function in

Time: 1727.519

males and therefore would if one is

Time: 1729.399

going to go into a hot sauna for 20

Time: 1731.72

minutes or more to essentially cool the

Time: 1735.799

the scrotal area yeah I mean I think the

Time: 1738.399

spermatogenesis or sperm production is

Time: 1740.039

certainly a lot more sensitive you know

Time: 1741.88

whether you can sort of thwart the

Time: 1743.76

effects of external heat with a cooling

Time: 1745.48

pack I think it makes sense there are

Time: 1747

studies that have looked at different

Time: 1748.519

ways to cool the scrotum and have

Time: 1750.039

compared you know semen quality before

Time: 1751.799

and after and there's some data that may

Time: 1753.32

help um it just depends how long you're

Time: 1756

going to spend in the sauna and how cold

Time: 1757.76

you know that pack is going to remain so

Time: 1759.519

ice pack and in the sauna for 20 to 45

Time: 1763.039

minutes and is the ice pack still cold

Time: 1765.159

afterwards yeah yeah they actually sell

Time: 1767.6

and by the way I have no relationship to

Time: 1768.88

any of these companies but they actually

Time: 1770.039

sell cold packs that are designed to be

Time: 1772.159

worn in your short so if you go to a you

Time: 1774.32

know I'll go to a Russian B every once

Time: 1776.44

in a while now I guess I'm outing myself

Time: 1778.2

yes I have a yes I have a cold pack in

Time: 1779.96

my shorts when I go to the Russian B um

Time: 1783.08

but um but they have a a sort of an

Time: 1786.519

insulation so that you're the cold the

Time: 1788.679

very cold surface is cold enough but

Time: 1791.039

it's not right up in contact with the

Time: 1792.64

scrotal skin because that could get um I

Time: 1795.799

want to make a bad joke and say it could

Time: 1797.039

get sticky uh that situation you you

Time: 1799.159

don't want it get being so cold that it

Time: 1800.679

actually would stick to the skin and

Time: 1802.399

then it could potentially damage the

Time: 1804

skin when you try to remove the cold

Time: 1805.2

pack so it has a thin insulating layer

Time: 1807.96

um and uh yeah that's essentially what

Time: 1811.64

it is yeah I mean frostbite to the

Time: 1813.32

scrotum is not theoretical it could

Time: 1814.559

certainly happen so you do want to be

Time: 1815.799

careful so I mean in theory that should

Time: 1817.64

be that should be adequate to sort of

Time: 1819.519

you know to decrease the risk of that

Time: 1821.36

particular effect um you know I keep

Time: 1823.6

coming back to health how important that

Time: 1825.08

is to maintain um you know know adequate

Time: 1828.12

sperm production because I think these

Time: 1829.6

two are very linked you know there have

Time: 1831.159

been studies that show that men with

Time: 1832.48

more com morid conditions so obesity

Time: 1834.88

hypertension hyper lipidemia as these

Time: 1836.519

sort of Stack Up we see a decline in

Time: 1838.96

testicular function so lower

Time: 1840.279

testosterone levels and lower sperm

Time: 1842.039

quality so I think you know taking

Time: 1843.96

ownership of your your health I think is

Time: 1846.88

important as well um you know a lot of

Time: 1849.44

times um fertility tends to be one of

Time: 1851.96

the first touch points that some men

Time: 1853.36

have with Healthcare you know because

Time: 1855.6

generally what brings men to the doctor

Time: 1857.399

it's usually pain or you know kind of a

Time: 1859.279

problem um so you know if men are in

Time: 1861.36

their 20s and 30s getting ready to start

Time: 1863.039

a family or 40s in some cases sometimes

Time: 1865.08

they haven't you know seen a primary

Time: 1866.639

care doctor so some of these things some

Time: 1868.08

of this relationship has not been

Time: 1869.32

established yet so I think you know

Time: 1871

thinking about ways to start that I

Time: 1872.36

think would be important too um and then

Time: 1874.72

I know you don't want to talk about

Time: 1875.76

testosterone but testosterone is

Time: 1877.36

actually a fairly common problem that we

Time: 1879.08

see in fertility clinics um I would say

Time: 1882.24

that you estimat say maybe about one in

Time: 1884.399

20 infertile men are that way because of

Time: 1886.639


Time: 1887.72

so I think when you know people get

Time: 1889.6

testosterone different places and

Time: 1891.039

hopefully you know whatever provider

Time: 1892.44

you're getting it from tells you that

Time: 1894.76

one of the side effects of this um is

Time: 1897.279

lower sperm production it's actually

Time: 1898.639

been tested as a contraceptive and you

Time: 1900.559

know with some other agents it can

Time: 1901.919

actually be fairly effective so we just

Time: 1904.159

want to make sure that you know if men

Time: 1905.76

are starting testosterone they're doing

Time: 1907.279

it for the right reasons and they're

Time: 1908.44

doing it safely I think talking about

Time: 1909.799

testosterone replacement therapy

Time: 1912.039

although as we were talking about before

Time: 1913.399

we started recording I I am really on a

Time: 1916.24

push now to rename what people call trt

Time: 1920.799

testosterone replacement therapy because

Time: 1922.48

indeed some people have low testosterone

Time: 1924

and need it replaced the r in trt but I

Time: 1927.24

think what you're referring to if I'm

Time: 1929.159

not mistaken is that there are probably

Time: 1932.279

Millions yeah of young men and older men

Time: 1936.559

taking exogenous testosterone injections

Time: 1939.76

creams pills pellets you know any number

Time: 1942.44

nasal sprays now you know any number of

Time: 1944.279

different routes of delivery of

Time: 1946.08

exogenous um testosterone and that um

Time: 1951.12

dramatically reduces one's endogenous

Time: 1954

testosterone production and dramatically

Time: 1956.039

reduces one's sperm count and maybe even

Time: 1958.48

quality we'll maybe talk about this a

Time: 1960.159

little bit later but maybe even can

Time: 1961.919

there there's I've been told that it can

Time: 1963.84

perhaps introduce a DNA

Time: 1966.24

fragmentation uh within the remaining

Time: 1968.48

viable sperm as well so do I have that

Time: 1970.919

correct you're saying that that you see

Time: 1972.44

one 120 men have issues with fertility

Time: 1975

because they are taking testosterone

Time: 1976.919

right so their testosterone levels

Time: 1978.44

presumably are going to be highend

Time: 1979.559

normal or more but they are doing

Time: 1982.12

presumably not testosterone replacement

Time: 1983.96

therapy but they're doing what I call

Time: 1985.519

testosterone augmentation therapy

Time: 1987.2

meaning they were somewhere in the 300

Time: 1988.96

to 900 nanograms per deciliter

Time: 1991.159

range but decided to start taking

Time: 1993.559


Time: 1995.279

anyway and then their their sperm count

Time: 1999.08

essentially diminishes to nil or close

Time: 2002.559

to it in some cases yeah so I mean I

Time: 2005.32

think there's various reasons you would

Time: 2006.48

take test I think you know some people

Time: 2008.84

have been treated you know years ago and

Time: 2011.519

so they do need to replace testosterone

Time: 2013.12

you know um but some people do it for

Time: 2015.159

augmentation I just usually say

Time: 2016.24

testosterone therapy just so it you kill

Time: 2018.6

the R I like that that's better than the

Time: 2020.2

t a which doesn't S very good okay just

Time: 2023.039

testosterone therapy yeah okay but if

Time: 2025.159

you had you know for example we take 100

Time: 2027.679

of my infertile patients that come in to

Time: 2029.279

seei in clinic at least five of those

Time: 2031.279

men will be infertile because they're on

Time: 2033.399

testosterone therapy and some of them do

Time: 2035.96

you know have that suspicion they say

Time: 2037.32

you know I'm going to level with you

Time: 2038.679

this is why my levels are probably low

Time: 2040.919

but a lot of men were not told that you

Time: 2042.48

know when they started therapy so I

Time: 2043.72

think certainly for Reproductive age men

Time: 2045.32

that's a very important conversation to

Time: 2047.039

have um because there can be some other

Time: 2049.96

you know ways that we kind of maintain

Time: 2051.399

sperm production I think sperm cry

Time: 2053.159

preservation is a good option for these

Time: 2054.679

men as well um or there may be other

Time: 2057.359

therapies they can think about just

Time: 2058.96

because of reproductive toxicity what

Time: 2061.28

about um HCG human chonic gatot Trope

Time: 2064.399

and I hear about a lot of people who go

Time: 2065.639

on testosterone therapy who take HCG

Time: 2068.599

every other day or so um typically the

Time: 2071.639

dosages that I hear about because people

Time: 2073.28

write to me about this stuff all the

Time: 2074.639

time really it's one of the most

Time: 2075.679

commonly asked questions um I get many

Time: 2078.639

questions about many topics but I would

Time: 2080.24

say a full 10 to 20% of them are about

Time: 2087

um penises or

Time: 2088.639

testosterone um those is perfect then

Time: 2091.359

right exactly um

Time: 2093.48

so a number of those um guys who are

Time: 2096.52


Time: 2097.44

testosterone will be prescribed HCG to

Time: 2100.64

um stimulate sperm production um

Time: 2103.76

endogenous sperm production to maintain

Time: 2105.8

um healthy sperm presumably because they

Time: 2107.599

either want to conceive or are intending

Time: 2109.28

to conceive in the future is that the

Time: 2111.359

best line of treatment for maintaining

Time: 2113

fertility while people are taking

Time: 2114.48

testosterone therapy yeah that's one of

Time: 2116.2

the therapies that we use and I think it

Time: 2117.48

can work well you know just a low dose

Time: 2119.56

um usually again for those that that

Time: 2121.32

know 500 to 1,000 units every other day

Time: 2124.52

is usually

Time: 2125.56

adequate as we all know quality

Time: 2127.72

nutrition influences of course our

Time: 2129.72

physical health but also our mental

Time: 2131.44

health and our cognitive functioning our

Time: 2133.24

memory our ability to learn new things

Time: 2135.04

and to focus and we know that one of the

Time: 2136.96

most important features of highquality

Time: 2138.96

nutrition is making sure that we get

Time: 2140.56

enough vitamins and minerals from

Time: 2142.359

highquality unprocessed or minimally

Time: 2144.48

processed sources as well as enough

Time: 2146.48

probiotics and prebiotics and fiber to

Time: 2149.04

support basically all the cellular

Time: 2150.839

functions in our body including the gut

Time: 2152.88

microbiome now I like most everybody try

Time: 2156.2

to get optimal nutrition from Whole

Time: 2158.4

Foods ideally mostly from minimally

Time: 2161.2

processed or non-processed Foods however

Time: 2163.52

one of the challenges that I and so many

Time: 2165.04

other people face is getting enough

Time: 2166.68

servings of high quality fruits and

Time: 2168.28

vegetables per day as well as fiber and

Time: 2170.52

probiotics that often accompany those

Time: 2172.16

fruits and vegetables that's why way

Time: 2174

back in 2012 long before I ever had a

Time: 2176.56

podcast I started drinking ag1 and so

Time: 2179.56

I'm delighted that ag1 is sponsoring the

Time: 2181.48

huberman Lab podcast the reason I

Time: 2183.44

started taking ag1 and the reason I

Time: 2185.319

still drink ag1 once or twice a day is

Time: 2188.119

that it provides all of my foundational

Time: 2189.96

nutritional needs that is it provides

Time: 2191.88

insurance that I get the proper amounts

Time: 2194.28

of those vitamins minerals probiotics

Time: 2196.16

and fiber to ensure optimal mental

Time: 2198.88

health physical health and performance

Time: 2201.319

if you'd like to try ag1 you can go to

Time: 2203.359

drink a1.com huberman to claim a special

Time: 2206.88

offer they're giving away five free

Time: 2208.64

travel packs plus a year supply of

Time: 2210.48

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink a1.com

Time: 2214.48

huberman to claim that special offer

Time: 2218.04

so if somebody is not taking

Time: 2219.72

testosterone exogenously they gotten

Time: 2222.92

their um body fat level down to a point

Time: 2225.24

where they're not considered obese so

Time: 2226.96

they're hopefully doing some

Time: 2228.4

cardiovascular exercise each week maybe

Time: 2230.119

doing some sport or some resistance

Time: 2232.119

training too um uh with the intention of

Time: 2235.079

maintaining all around good

Time: 2237.44

health Stave off you know

Time: 2239.44

cerebrovascular cardiovascular issues

Time: 2242

what are some of the other don'ts um I'm

Time: 2244.16

going to assume that smoking cigarettes

Time: 2246.28

or vaping cigarettes is bad there any

Time: 2248.839

studies that have looked specifically at

Time: 2250.319

vaping and sperm quality or testosterone

Time: 2252.68

levels um and is there any evidence that

Time: 2256.119

uh smoking cigarettes is good for

Time: 2257.68

testosterone levels or sperm production

Time: 2259.24

because I'm guessing the answer is no I

Time: 2260.56

feel like nowadays we just say don't

Time: 2262

smoke um but the data or the data who

Time: 2265.119

knows maybe nicotine can help sperm I

Time: 2266.88

have no idea right uh it's possible I

Time: 2269.599

don't think we have the data on that yet

Time: 2271.2

but yeah I mean I think like to your

Time: 2272.64

point I think lifestyle factors are

Time: 2274.2

certainly a big one and you know some of

Time: 2275.8

these you know potentially um you know

Time: 2278.52

kind of unhealthy habits so smoking is

Time: 2280.56

certainly something you should not do

Time: 2281.839

there have been you know lots of studies

Time: 2283.16

that do link that to you know lower

Time: 2285.319

quality again all the different measures

Time: 2286.92

that we look at um also looking at

Time: 2288.88

fertility these men tend to have longer

Time: 2290.76

time to get pregnant um alcohol I think

Time: 2293.04

is another very common question get

Time: 2294.88

asked as well and I think for that

Time: 2296.599

there's you know I think less of a

Time: 2298.359

strong Association that we've seen so

Time: 2301.119

there um you know there have been some

Time: 2303.24

studies that show that very high levels

Time: 2304.72

of alcohol and I guess that's sort of

Time: 2306.04

subjective what some would consider

Time: 2307.56

higher or not but you know when you get

Time: 2310.44

above maybe 20 drinks a week there have

Time: 2312.52

been some effects but usually a lot of

Time: 2315.04

drinking I would think that's a lot yeah

Time: 2316.76

but some people don't but yeah I did an

Time: 2319.16

episode on alcohol I think anything more

Time: 2320.64

than two I know people are gonna um you

Time: 2323.359

know bulk at this but you know I think

Time: 2325

any more than two drinks per week it's

Time: 2326.64

where you start to see some negative

Time: 2328.359

effects on some health parameters but

Time: 2330.24

you know I'm I'm not a tea toddler so

Time: 2332.599

you know yeah um but when you get to

Time: 2335.44

this 20 drink that's when we started to

Time: 2337

see some effects on Cen quality but the

Time: 2339.599

you know the thing about that is that

Time: 2340.68

usually if these men are drinking 20

Time: 2342.319

they're doing other things too smoking

Time: 2343.92

there can be other drug use as well so

Time: 2346.24

it's hard to tease that out but in

Time: 2347.68

general that's you know I think

Time: 2349.16

certainly anything in moderation is

Time: 2351.079

probably you know is probably better and

Time: 2353.48

so that's how I counsel patients I think

Time: 2356

again it's very rare that I see men that

Time: 2357.44

are at that level but I certainly let

Time: 2359.079

them know when I do um there's some new

Time: 2361.92

data coming out of that we've started to

Time: 2363.88

work on looking at if there are

Time: 2365.56

different sensitivities to alcohol so

Time: 2367.76

you know some East Asians have a

Time: 2369.04

mutation that leads to Flushing um and

Time: 2371.64

so that may put those men at higher risk

Time: 2374.28

when they mix alcohol we may see some

Time: 2376.8

you know slightly lower uh sperm

Time: 2379.04

parameters you mean skin flushing

Time: 2380.48

because they don't make alcohol

Time: 2381.64

dehydrogenates is idea yeah um and is it

Time: 2385.96

I've heard about that in Asian cultures

Time: 2387.4

is there um an Asian population excuse

Time: 2389.96

me but is there any evidence that other

Time: 2393.28

populations might have slight variance

Time: 2395.28

on alcohol dehydr enas that perhaps

Time: 2397.72

maybe they don't lack it Al together but

Time: 2400.48

they have I don't know um they're

Time: 2402.319

hypomorphs for whatever Gene makes

Time: 2405.2

alcohol dehydrogenase and therefore they

Time: 2406.88

don't metabolize it as well and

Time: 2408.64

therefore the toxic form of alcohol is

Time: 2411.56

active in their system longer is there

Time: 2413

any evidence for that no I think you're

Time: 2414.8

exactly right I mean I think the one

Time: 2416

that we think about is East Asian

Time: 2417.8

cultures where it can be you know

Time: 2419.16

depending on you know the region like um

Time: 2421.839

Chinese Taiwanese probably about 40 to

Time: 2425.04

50% of population has you know mutation

Time: 2427.92

in the alh2 gene U but other populations

Time: 2431

um in people of African ancestry there's

Time: 2434.68

a rate of mutation I think not going to

Time: 2437.4

remember the exact percentage but I

Time: 2438.48

think a few percentage points is some um

Time: 2441.68

individual with Hispanic ancestry

Time: 2443.76

ashkanazi Jewish ancestry so in this

Time: 2446.56

particular Gene there's a mutation not

Time: 2448.4

the same one that East Asians have but

Time: 2450.2

you know again I think it gets to why

Time: 2451.76

mutation you know where we see sort of

Time: 2453.8

negative effects would persist and the

Time: 2455.72

hypothesis that you know Millennia ago

Time: 2458.28

po potentially it you know gave some

Time: 2460.359

sort of benefit for maybe an infectious

Time: 2462.16

disease or something similar to cystic

Time: 2463.88

fibrosis why you know again this

Time: 2465.52

mutation would persist in our population

Time: 2467.28

if there's not you know you know some

Time: 2469.24

sort of Advantage uh to those carrying

Time: 2471.599

it um but we do see in other you know

Time: 2473.52

other men as well so I think if you know

Time: 2475.96

it's a simple question do you flush if

Time: 2477.68

you flush then maybe alcohol may have

Time: 2479.88

you know more of a a harm than than

Time: 2482.52

someone else and then you know get S of

Time: 2484.44

getting along the lines I think drug use

Time: 2485.96

is something that we should try and you

Time: 2487.96

know we do counsel patients about

Time: 2489.76

because that can also negatively affect

Time: 2490.96

SE quality do you think it's fair to say

Time: 2493.2

that okay moderation is best but if

Time: 2495.76

somebody had the option to either not

Time: 2498.68

drink or drink in moderation that they

Time: 2501.68

should not drink would that be even

Time: 2503.88

better is there any evidence for that I

Time: 2505.92

mean it seems like nowadays we take the

Time: 2508.079

stance that um not smoking at all is

Time: 2510.96

better than smoking a little bit

Time: 2512.359

actually when I was a postto at Stanford

Time: 2514.56

from 200 five yes 2005 to uh end of 2010

Time: 2519.8

um you could still smoke on the Stanford

Time: 2521.319

campus I'm not a smoker but there was

Time: 2522.8

this collection of I have to be careful

Time: 2525.119

what I say here there was a particular

Time: 2527

group on campus of postdocs and graduate

Time: 2529.319

students that would um you know that

Time: 2531.119

would colonize this little area outside

Time: 2532.64

the hospital and smoke because that's

Time: 2534.079

where you could smoke that was

Time: 2535.2

eventually um eliminated as a

Time: 2537.319

possibility you can't smoke on Sanford

Time: 2539.04

campus as far as I know but they would

Time: 2540.48

smoke right outside the hospital

Time: 2541.64

actually a lot of the hospital workers

Time: 2542.92

would you know take a cigarette on their

Time: 2544.4

break this is very common yeah and and

Time: 2546.96

this was common all over the country

Time: 2548.319

right this isn't unique to Stanford but

Time: 2549.72

nowadays you just don't see that um

Time: 2552.319

because it's not allowed um and we hear

Time: 2556.04

don't smoke it's terrible for XYZ and

Time: 2559.04

everything every other letter of the

Time: 2560.48

alphabet with alcohol um we tend to hear

Time: 2564.2

that if you're going to drink drink in

Time: 2566.559

moderation um it's not clear exactly

Time: 2568.72

what number that is but is it possible

Time: 2570.76

that zero alcohol is better for sperm

Time: 2572.88

and endocrine Health than any alcohol or

Time: 2576.72

is that not not a fair assumption I mean

Time: 2579.4

I think it's a good question I think you

Time: 2580.8

know the your point about tobacco is an

Time: 2583.52

excellent one because I think any

Time: 2584.559

smoking is bad um but alcohol I think we

Time: 2587.48

don't have that data for yet and so I

Time: 2589.599

think it's it's harder to it's harder

Time: 2591.24

for me to make that recommendation to

Time: 2592.48

patients especially because you know

Time: 2594.04

people do it for different reasons um

Time: 2595.839

and if it's not necessarily going to

Time: 2597

help them you know it'll harm them in

Time: 2598.76

social situations or other things um

Time: 2601.559

yeah I usually just I usually give the

Time: 2603.2

the moderation one unless again for the

Time: 2605.2

the very high drinkers definitely talk

Time: 2606.68

about that um you mentioned other drug

Time: 2609.119

use um I'm going to assume that uh

Time: 2612.359

unless prescribed for sort of

Time: 2614.04

postsurgical pain or something like that

Time: 2615.839

that benzodiazapines

Time: 2618.04

heroin opioids of any kind um are just

Time: 2622.48

bad for sperm and testosterone I think

Time: 2625.16

we could probably make that a short

Time: 2626.4

discussion right yeah you know I can't

Time: 2628.599

imagine any of that would be good um for

Time: 2631.68

Reproductive Health yeah that's true I

Time: 2633.48

mean there's again you'd imagine or may

Time: 2635.839

maybe not but there's not a lot of data

Time: 2637.52

on it um it'd be difficult to enroll or

Time: 2640.04

maybe easy to enroll but a lot of those

Time: 2641.92

Studies have not been done um but

Time: 2643.8

there's limited ones of you know people

Time: 2645.48

in rehab uh where they have shown you

Time: 2647.72

know these associations with you know

Time: 2649.359

addicts or users and lower quality so um

Time: 2653.44

yeah that's how we talk to patients what

Time: 2655.319

about cannabis I did an episode of this

Time: 2656.96

podcast about cannabis and I did

Time: 2658.839

highlight some of the medical

Time: 2660.16

applications of cannabis I also

Time: 2662.119

highlighted that very high THC cannabis

Time: 2664.96

um May pred dispose especially young

Time: 2666.96

males to later psychotic episodes there

Time: 2669.24

are more and more data coming out about

Time: 2670.559

that all the time I um got a lot of flak

Time: 2673.44

for for saying that but that's my take

Time: 2675.4

on the data um and um I know a lot of

Time: 2679.359

people use cannabis uh

Time: 2682.04

recreationally um and in a kind of

Time: 2684.28

pseudo therapeutic way I say pseudo

Time: 2696.839

what is the relationship between

Time: 2698.8

cannabis use and testosterone and sperm

Time: 2701.88

production or I should say sperm quality

Time: 2703.72

excuse me yeah so this is also a very

Time: 2706.04

common question um again with this wave

Time: 2708.28

of legalization across the country I

Time: 2709.72

think more and more men and women are

Time: 2711.76

exposed to it um so again there's data

Time: 2716.119

that the more men are exposed to it it

Time: 2719.119

can lead to some harm in terms of sperm

Time: 2721.88

morphology and sperm numbers as well um

Time: 2724.76

you know one of the sort of landmark

Time: 2726.76

studies was about 1,200 men and it found

Time: 2728.88

that men that use cannabis daily had

Time: 2731

significantly lower concentration

Time: 2732.88

motility morphology compared to those

Time: 2734.72

that didn't use it um so I think that's

Time: 2738.8

generally how men are counseled but

Time: 2740.48

there's also you know other data that

Time: 2742.319

shows really a null effect and I think

Time: 2744.079

that it's it goes into probably the

Time: 2745.92

composition how men are taking it the

Time: 2748.04

frequency because a lot of that data is

Time: 2749.76

not well teased out in a lot of these

Time: 2751.4

studies um so you know I think I I

Time: 2755.2

sometimes struggle with is with patients

Time: 2756.72

because some of them are taking it for

Time: 2758.24

you know you know some what they

Time: 2761.28

consider legitimate reasons anxiety

Time: 2763.04

sleep pain um and if there's not sort of

Time: 2766.04

very convincing evidence that it's going

Time: 2768.44

to help and they're taking it maybe

Time: 2770.68

lower than the threshold where I know

Time: 2772.24

that there's good data that'll cause

Time: 2773.72

harm you know I guess I'm try to be sort

Time: 2776.24

of honest about where we are but I think

Time: 2778.599

with a lot of things related to sperm I

Time: 2780.28

think our our level of evidence is not

Time: 2782.079

great are there any common

Time: 2784.16

over-the-counter medications that can

Time: 2785.92

negatively impact sperm quality Andor

Time: 2788.92

testosterone things like um non-steroid

Time: 2792.64

anti-inflammatory drugs Tylenol Advil

Time: 2795.64

type stuff um you know ibuprofen

Time: 2797.96

acetamin um things of that sort that I

Time: 2801.96

and others might not be aware of I'm not

Time: 2803.92

I'm not probing for anything in

Time: 2804.92

particular here I just I I know that um

Time: 2807.68

you know a lot of over-the-counter drugs

Time: 2809.24

have effects that we're just simply not

Time: 2811.319

aware of yeah I mean I think we probably

Time: 2813.72

need more data but I think currently we

Time: 2815.4

think all those are safe I'm curious

Time: 2817.559

about the pituitary pituitary gland as

Time: 2820.24

many the listeners of this podcast

Time: 2822.28

already know is a gland that receives

Time: 2824.28

signals from the brain um the gland sits

Time: 2827.8

near the roof of the

Time: 2829.119

mouth um I think that's fair um and

Time: 2832.4

releases critical hormones into the

Time: 2834.24

bloodstream that control the output of

Time: 2836.76

testosterone from the testes as well as

Time: 2838.96

output of hormones from other glands um

Time: 2842.319

I know a number of people will end up

Time: 2844.04

playing sports like football

Time: 2846.24

or rugby or even LaCrosse or even soccer

Time: 2850.64

I've read or data on this you know

Time: 2852.48

they're heading the soccer ball quite a

Time: 2854.079

lot or martial arts or they get a head

Time: 2858.04

injury at some point and

Time: 2860.76

um I certainly hear a lot from people

Time: 2863.48

who played these high contact Sports and

Time: 2866.319

then to their

Time: 2868.44

surprise later they have diminished

Time: 2871.52

testosterone levels I also work with a

Time: 2873.52

number of military groups that talk

Time: 2876.559

about this you know that they leave and

Time: 2878.44

maybe it's from combat related stress

Time: 2880.319

Etc but um they wonder whether or not

Time: 2882.599

there's any traumatic head injury or

Time: 2884.64

maybe pituitary injury related um

Time: 2888.079

impairment to the reproductive axis that

Time: 2890.319

includes brain pituitary and the testes

Time: 2893.72

do you see that um and if somebody

Time: 2896.72

played a contact sport in particular

Time: 2898.4

contact sport where the head was hit or

Time: 2899.839

they were hitting things with their head

Time: 2901.52

often um or if they have a TBI or had a

Time: 2904.2

TBI that um reproductive Health can be

Time: 2907.88

impaired that's F fascinating um I have

Time: 2911.72

I have not I mean I think you know it's

Time: 2913.4

interesting I guess you know what the

Time: 2914.92

pituitary does you've obviously covered

Time: 2916.559

this before but it does go to a lot of

Time: 2918.72

our therapies I mean so you know for

Time: 2921.319

your listeners you know that pituitary

Time: 2923.119

produces two hormones LH lutenizing

Time: 2925.119

hormone and FSH follicle stimulating

Time: 2927.119

hormone which then stimulates the

Time: 2928.8

testicle so the lutenizing hormone

Time: 2930.72

hormone stimulates the Ling cells to

Time: 2932.48

make testosterone and then the follicle

Time: 2935.16

stimulating hormone or FSH stimulates

Time: 2936.96

sperm production so both of those are

Time: 2938.96

very key you know in terms of production

Time: 2941.319

and interestingly when exogenous

Time: 2943.24

testostrone is used you know it shuts

Time: 2945.119

down that axis as you know so we get

Time: 2946.96

less of these gatot tropins this LH FSH

Time: 2950.319

um to stimulate the testicle um and the

Time: 2954.04

other sort of reason that sperm

Time: 2955.52

production is lost with exogenous

Time: 2957.52

testosterone uses is actually the in

Time: 2959.599

testicular testosterone is much higher

Time: 2961.68

than serum levels so you know our serum

Time: 2966.28

levels are you know between 300 and 900

Time: 2968.599

uh nanograms per deciliter on average

Time: 2970.559

but in the testicle are probably tfold

Time: 2972.2

higher at least so when men are given

Time: 2975.559

exogenous testosterone and they're not

Time: 2976.839

producing their own the levels of

Time: 2979.28

testosterone in the testicle which are

Time: 2980.599

necessary for sperm production are much

Time: 2982.559

much lower

Time: 2984.599

um but it's interesting because I think

Time: 2987.48

um I am not aware of sort of how tra

Time: 2989.839

traumatic injuries would would do that

Time: 2992.04

okay um that's good to know I'm curious

Time: 2996.24

about the

Time: 2999.079


Time: 3003.2

nonchemical so effects on sperm quality

Time: 3007.2

and testosterone levels so here I'm

Time: 3009.119

thinking about uh bunch of news stories

Time: 3012.119

we heard a few years ago about how

Time: 3014.079

Bicycle Seat pressure on the prostate or

Time: 3017

maybe it was other other portions of the

Time: 3019.359

um maybe was the uh nerves running to

Time: 3021.72

the penis itself um or surrounding areas

Time: 3024.599

maybe it was pelvic floor related and

Time: 3026.24

somehow you'll tell us I'm sure uh was

Time: 3028.64

impairing sexual function was it

Time: 3030.88

impairing sexual function in any way by

Time: 3033.28

impairing testosterone levels cutting

Time: 3034.96

off blood flow to the testes um and here

Time: 3038.68

perhaps the most important thing to ask

Time: 3040.16

straight off is um is riding a bicycle

Time: 3043.04

bad for male reproductive health and

Time: 3045.599

Sexual Health yeah these are great

Time: 3047.68

questions these again living in the Bay

Time: 3049.68

Area working in the Bay Area uh cycling

Time: 3051.72

is very very popular so these are

Time: 3053.16

questions that I get a lot so I think

Time: 3055.48


Time: 3056.24

know I in general like we talked about

Time: 3059.04

before anything that's good for your

Time: 3060.119

heart it's going to be good for

Time: 3061.16

fertility so good diet and exercise

Time: 3063.799

maintain a good body weight and so I

Time: 3065.52

always try and encourage physical

Time: 3066.96

fitness I think that's important but you

Time: 3069.4

know it may be possible that some

Time: 3071.64

particular um activities may put men at

Time: 3074.559

more risk so I think cycling could be

Time: 3077.04

one of them if but it would sort of

Time: 3079.4

depend on exactly why we think that may

Time: 3081.319

be a problem so I guess the theory is

Time: 3083

heat if you're in the saddle for a long

Time: 3084.839

time you know these prolonged you know

Time: 3086.799

rides that men take you know on weekends

Time: 3089.359

you know hours um that maybe if there's

Time: 3092.319

too much heat exposure that may be the

Time: 3094.2

mechanism where sperm production would

Time: 3096.119

decline so there have been some studies

Time: 3097.68

say maybe five hours a week would be you

Time: 3100.839

know that may be too much so if you're

Time: 3102.44

above that level the sperm counts shown

Time: 3104.079

to be lower if you're less than that

Time: 3106.079

that may be okay so when I talk to

Time: 3107.48

patients about it I try and just

Time: 3108.72

encourage them to you know stand up in

Time: 3110.4

the saddle to try and again sort of air

Time: 3112.64

things out to try and dissipate heat if

Time: 3114.72

if that's the mechan ISM we're going to

Time: 3116

think regarding sexual

Time: 3118.2

dysfunction um that is thought to be

Time: 3120.799

pressure as you're alluding to so you

Time: 3122.88

know the way that the saddle is

Time: 3124.4

configured ideally all the pressure is

Time: 3126.76

put on our iscal tuberosities or our sit

Time: 3129.16

bones that's what I'm sitting on now but

Time: 3131.52

on the saddle you know there's obviously

Time: 3133.079

kind of the rigid nose and if there's

Time: 3134.72

too much pressure on that that actually

Time: 3136.359

squeezes between the iscal tuberosities

Time: 3139.24

where you know the main blood flow to

Time: 3141.68

the penis goes and the main nerve Supply

Time: 3144.64

is too and so if there's compression on

Time: 3146.52

this you get this sort of lack of blood

Time: 3148.44

flow or esea and you can get a

Time: 3150.24

neuropraxia as well if you crush these

Time: 3151.92

nerves and so that over time can lead to

Time: 3154.839

problems so you know some patients will

Time: 3157.04

say that you know after I cycle you know

Time: 3159.44

things are numb down there for 30

Time: 3161.359

minutes um or a day or I don't get

Time: 3164.04

erections for that sort of same amount

Time: 3165.76

of time or sometimes you know men just

Time: 3167.96

sort of you know ride through it um and

Time: 3171.24

you know hopefully things come back in a

Time: 3172.68

day or two so that's that could be the

Time: 3174.88

mechanism and there are some Saddles

Time: 3176.4

that you know hopefully will be a little

Time: 3177.72

safer and you know I think that this

Time: 3180.2

sort of first was noted probably around

Time: 3182.799

the 2000 or so and there is a big

Time: 3185.72

redesign in terms of saddles to try and

Time: 3187.52

make them a little bit more you know

Time: 3189.319

anatomically correct to try and minimize

Time: 3191.119

some of this and there's you know cycle

Time: 3193.44

fit that can be done or saddle fit

Time: 3195.079

rather that can be done at some of the

Time: 3196.2

cycling shops to try and you know look

Time: 3198

at your body position look at your size

Time: 3200.16

and try and find a saddle that's safer

Time: 3202.64

um you know not this doesn't happen to

Time: 3204.48

everybody I would say maybe if if you

Time: 3207.24

were to um serve a cyclist maybe 20 to

Time: 3210.72

30% of men and women tend to be

Time: 3213.359

susceptible to this so I think if you

Time: 3215.16

are having discomfort in when you cycle

Time: 3217.64

whether it be pain numbness or you

Time: 3219.359

notice dysfunction I think certainly you

Time: 3221.28

should you know think about changing

Time: 3223.359

saddles or think about changing writing

Time: 3225

style um there's other strategies are

Time: 3227.52

sometimes used but you know it's

Time: 3228.799

absolutely something that that everybody

Time: 3230.72

should be aware of I me to ask this

Time: 3233.079

earlier but I seem to recall a study

Time: 3235.4

that Drew a a correlation between um

Time: 3238.68

amount of walking and maybe it was sperm

Time: 3241.359

quality but I think it was testosterone

Time: 3242.96

levels maybe some other metrics of um

Time: 3246.48

male sexual health forgive me I'm not

Time: 3248.839

recalling the details now um is there

Time: 3251.64

any evidence that walking more standing

Time: 3254.92

more maybe even using a standing desk uh

Time: 3257.88

is beneficial for um you know pelvic

Time: 3261.119

floor Health blood flow um prostate

Time: 3263.72

health it who knows could be any and all

Time: 3265.88

of those things in some way that is

Time: 3267.92

beneficial for sperm quality

Time: 3269.64

testosterone level and or overall male

Time: 3273.319

sexual health yeah I think you know one

Time: 3276.04

of the ways that we can characterize

Time: 3277.52

activity is Step count right I think I

Time: 3279.359

know I have a a watch that tells me that

Time: 3281.52

it's something that I look at every day

Time: 3282.72

and kind of strive for it and it turns

Time: 3284.359

out that the more active you are uh it's

Time: 3286.48

been shown sort of looking at you know

Time: 3288.4

large National Data pools across

Time: 3290.04

different age ranges that it is

Time: 3291.319

associated with testosterone levels so

Time: 3293.52

being more active I think is very

Time: 3295.079

important and that's another thing that

Time: 3296.28

you know everybody can do to try and

Time: 3298.48

improve sort of testicular function

Time: 3300.559

broadly but testosterone specifically

Time: 3302.799

and do you know whether or not that can

Time: 3304.599

be separated out from the relationship

Time: 3307

between being more active and less obese

Time: 3309.359

I mean is this something that's

Time: 3310.359

independent of of obesity in other words

Time: 3313.079

can we incentivize people to walk more

Time: 3315.68

um simply on the on the promise of um

Time: 3319.24

improved Sexual Health well I don't know

Time: 3322

Sexual Health would be a different one

Time: 3323.319

but we can I think there is a

Time: 3325.039

association between testosterone levels

Time: 3326.599

and step count uh across different BMI

Time: 3329.4

straight up so I think you know whether

Time: 3331.4

you're have the ideal body weight

Time: 3333.039

whether you have a few pounds to lose

Time: 3334.799

perhaps if you walk more you will see

Time: 3337.16

higher levels of testosterone okay and

Time: 3339.16

another question I meant to ask earlier

Time: 3340.44

and then we can um close the hatch on on

Time: 3343.319

exogenous testosterone therapy at least

Time: 3345

for the time being maybe we'll come back

Time: 3346.28

to it is um assuming that somebody can

Time: 3350.48

maintain adequate sperm production

Time: 3352.76

through the use of HCG or some other uh

Time: 3354.68


Time: 3355.68

or perhaps they don't care if they're

Time: 3357.2

still making sperm because they've

Time: 3358.4

already had children or they don't care

Time: 3360.079

to have children maybe they've Bank

Time: 3361.359

sperm in any event assuming that

Time: 3363.4

somebody takes testosterone therapy

Time: 3365.88

because they were prescribed that um

Time: 3368.96

let's say in your clinic let's just use

Time: 3371.119

you and your clinic as an example and

Time: 3374.16

they are happy with the psychological

Time: 3376.68

and physical consequences of that and

Time: 3379.44

they are comfortable with the

Time: 3381.359

trade-offs is there any increase risk of

Time: 3385.64

say prostate cancer or other forms of

Time: 3388.28

cancer and here I'm going to assume that

Time: 3390.079

this person is keeping their um their

Time: 3392.2

lipid levels in check right because you

Time: 3394.72

hear about some hyper lipidemia with

Time: 3396.4

testosterone therapies let's assume that

Time: 3398.44

they're either taking a stattin or

Time: 3399.559

they're not taking a stat and they're

Time: 3400.559

getting enough cardiovascular exercise

Time: 3402.079

that things are in check in terms of LDL

Time: 3403.72

HDL apob and all of that and their

Time: 3407.079

testosterone levels are now high normal

Time: 3408.96

and they're feeling better um and they

Time: 3411.88

don't have to worry about sperm

Time: 3413.359

production because it's they're either

Time: 3414.48

maintaining aing it or it's been banked

Time: 3416.319

or they don't care about that um is

Time: 3418.88

there an increased risk of prostate

Time: 3421.079

cancer my understanding is the answer is

Time: 3423.76

no but what's the real deal does taking

Time: 3426.839

testosterone therapy assuming all other

Time: 3428.68

things are being held in a in check in a

Time: 3430.68

healthy check does it increase the risk

Time: 3432.88

of any kind of cancer yeah I mean this

Time: 3435.28

is a another great question because I

Time: 3437.119

think there's a lot of Miss around

Time: 3438.359

testosterone and that's one of them you

Time: 3440.16

know this the origin is that prostate

Time: 3442.559

cancer is thought to be or is sort of

Time: 3444.359

Androgen mediated you know one of the

Time: 3446.359

Nobel prizes U you know again decades

Time: 3449.28

ago was awarded because it was found

Time: 3450.799

that when we lowered a man's

Time: 3452.079

testosterone the prostate cancer would

Time: 3454.48

regress dramatically so that put that

Time: 3456.599

association between testosterone and

Time: 3458.16

prostate cancer so then the concern

Time: 3460.2

became if we were to you know either

Time: 3462.44

replace testosterone or augment

Time: 3464.48

testosterone give a man testosterone is

Time: 3466.119

that going to alter his risk or increase

Time: 3468.2

his risk um so I think we have pretty

Time: 3470.599

convincing data that that's not the case

Time: 3472.839

you know there's lots of logitudinal

Time: 3474.28

data spanning decades where if man is

Time: 3476.4

given testosterone um it doesn't change

Time: 3478.68

its risk the reason for that in sort of

Time: 3481.48

seeming Contra you know this

Time: 3483.079

contradiction between you know prostate

Time: 3485.319

cancer a therapy where we lower

Time: 3487.96

testosterone where if you give a man

Time: 3489.88

testosterone doesn't change his prostate

Time: 3491.2

cancer risk uh is not certain but

Time: 3493.799

there's this popular model called the

Time: 3495.319

saturation model so that once there's

Time: 3497.319

enough testosterone in the body and it's

Time: 3499.839

tends to be a fairly low level um that

Time: 3502.359

all the sort of the prostate test

Time: 3504.76

testosterone receptors you know you can

Time: 3506.28

kind of think of as have been filled so

Time: 3508.079

if you were to give man more

Time: 3509.16

testosterone doesn't change anything

Time: 3511.079

regarding the prostate cancer prostate

Time: 3513.4

growth any of that so it is it is safe

Time: 3516

when we're looking at prostate cancer as

Time: 3517.799

an outcome I'd like to just take a brief

Time: 3520.4

break and thank one of our sponsors

Time: 3522.319

which is element element is an

Time: 3524.2

electrolyte drink that has everything

Time: 3525.72

you need and nothing you don't that

Time: 3527.4

means plenty of salt sodium magnesium

Time: 3530.28

and potassium the so-called electrolytes

Time: 3532.2

and no sugar now salt magnesium and

Time: 3535.4

potassium are critical to the function

Time: 3537.079

of all the cells in your body in

Time: 3538.64

particular to the function of your nerve

Time: 3540.4

cells also called neurons now people of

Time: 3542.88

course have varying levels of

Time: 3544.079

requirements for sodium so people with

Time: 3546.16

hypertension or prehypertension probably

Time: 3548.039

shouldn't increase their sodium however

Time: 3549.96

many people are surprised to find that

Time: 3551.68

by increasing their sodium intake they

Time: 3553.559

are able to function better cognitively

Time: 3555.599

and physically and that's because a lot

Time: 3556.839

of people especially people who are

Time: 3557.799

following low carbohydrate or even

Time: 3559.559

moderate carbohydrate and really clean

Time: 3561.359

diets often times they're excreting a

Time: 3563.119

lot of water and electrolytes along with

Time: 3564.839

and simply by increasing their

Time: 3566.24

electrolyte intake using element they

Time: 3568

just feel better and function better I

Time: 3570.039

typically drink element first thing in

Time: 3571.52

the morning when I wake up in order to

Time: 3573.319

hydrate my body and make sure I have

Time: 3574.64

enough electrolytes and while I do any

Time: 3577.24

kind of physical training and certainly

Time: 3579.039

I drink element in my water when I'm in

Time: 3581.48

the sauna and after going in the sauna

Time: 3583.44

because that causes quite a lot of

Time: 3584.559

sweating if you'd like to try element

Time: 3586.2

you can go to drink element that's

Time: 3588.319

lm.com huberman to claim a free element

Time: 3591.76

sample pack with your purchase again

Time: 3593.319

that's drink element lnt.com

Time: 3596.92

huberman getting back to prostate health

Time: 3599.96

and um neural inovation of the penis and

Time: 3604

and blood flow to the penis you

Time: 3606.839

mentioned the bike seat related issues

Time: 3610.119

are there other things that men should

Time: 3611.4

do in order to maintain prostate health

Time: 3614.039

Stave off prostate diseases and to

Time: 3617.039

maintain healthy blood flow and neural

Time: 3618.92

inovation of the penis for obvious

Time: 3621.559

reasons and we'll get um into the

Time: 3623.76

specifics of those reasons in in our

Time: 3625.599

later discussion yeah I mean I think

Time: 3627.88

that you know I always kind of think of

Time: 3629.48

the penis as a use it or lose it organ

Time: 3631.24

so that doesn't mean necessarily you

Time: 3632.44

have to have sex but you know normally

Time: 3634.4

we get erections every night so that

Time: 3635.88

should be maintained and if there's any

Time: 3637.4

reason to sort of suspect that that may

Time: 3639.16

not be going on um usually in my

Time: 3642.48

practice that would be from you know

Time: 3644.119

some pelvic surgical intervention or

Time: 3646.28

something like that sometimes we can

Time: 3647.76

intervene to try and maintain that

Time: 3649.839

you're talking about spontaneous

Time: 3651.119

erections during sleep right so um and

Time: 3654.76

uh short of assigning uh one's partner

Time: 3657

to uh to check um frequency and tence

Time: 3660.799

what is the uh way that men would know

Time: 3662.92

that that's happening are you talking

Time: 3664.4

about waking up with an erection is that

Time: 3666.76

a requisite for knowing that nocturnal

Time: 3669.599

erections are occurring well yeah I

Time: 3671.92

think you yeah you kind of caught me I

Time: 3673.24

think that's a good question so I think

Time: 3674.76

a lot of times you won't know but I

Time: 3676.28

think if you have sort of normal

Time: 3677.64

response you know when either by

Time: 3680.28

yourself with a partner I think that

Time: 3682.68

generally means um that you are going to

Time: 3684.52

get normal erection so I think I guess

Time: 3686.88

when I say use it or lose it it doesn't

Time: 3688.48

mean necessarily the man has to

Time: 3691

stimulate himself or kind of um make

Time: 3693.64

sure that he does have you know adequate

Time: 3695.52

function because usually most of that

Time: 3698.039

normal function just occurs you know

Time: 3699.92

with his nocturnal penal tessin which we

Time: 3702.119

all get you know I think sometimes men

Time: 3703.72

do notice when they wake up at night

Time: 3705.359

sometimes in the morning you wake up

Time: 3706.44

with an erection men notice that but the

Time: 3708.559

absence of that doesn't mean it's not

Time: 3709.72

happening it likely is just you know

Time: 3711.24

most people sleep through it which is

Time: 3712.72

normal otherwise men would never get any

Time: 3714.76

sleep because it happens many many times

Time: 3716.64

a night um so I think you know again if

Time: 3720.599

you're not having normal function I

Time: 3722.079

think that's something you should

Time: 3723.119

probably see you know a physician about

Time: 3725.68

and then same for like urinary function

Time: 3727.68

I think if it bothers you if there's you

Time: 3729.68

know if you're waking up at night if you

Time: 3732.119

have to go to the bathroom often if your

Time: 3733.68

stream is getting weaker those are all

Time: 3735.039

sort of complaints that we hear about

Time: 3736.76

what is often um my understanding is

Time: 3739.48

that it's normal to wake up perhaps once

Time: 3742.48

during the night to urinate um and this

Time: 3744.76

is of course assuming and again forgive

Time: 3746.799

me for all the caveats but I've done

Time: 3748.48

this long enough that you know if I

Time: 3749.92

don't get really granular about some of

Time: 3751.52

this then well what if I drank you know

Time: 3754.16

32 ounces of fluid right before sleep

Time: 3756

and I'm urinating three times per night

Time: 3758

well we're assuming that people are

Time: 3759.359

tapering their liquid intake as they

Time: 3761.24

approach bedtime um and that waking up

Time: 3765.76

once maybe twice but once in the middle

Time: 3767.72

of the night to urinate is normal for

Time: 3769.72

somebody let's say age I don't know 18

Time: 3772.359

to 40 and maybe from 40 to uh 100 um

Time: 3777.119

that number might be in the uh one to

Time: 3779.839

two times per night is that about right

Time: 3781.839

yeah I mean I think once a night yeah is

Time: 3783.16

normal for most men and then I think you

Time: 3784.799

know if things start to bother you I

Time: 3786.079

think you could certainly see somebody

Time: 3787.92

but it's hard to get better than once or

Time: 3789.44

twice a night yeah for most men um my

Time: 3793.16

understanding is that there's a pretty

Time: 3794.559

good relationship between the um

Time: 3796.839

nocturnal erection and the amount of REM

Time: 3799.559

sleep rapid eye movement sleep that one

Time: 3801.4

is getting that this tends to be more

Time: 3802.559

frequent toward morning as the

Time: 3804.92

proportion of rapid eye movement sleep

Time: 3806.559

increases I don't know if that's true or

Time: 3808.359

not but I found a couple of studies that

Time: 3810.76

at least point in that direction no pun

Time: 3813.4

intended uh so that raises a a bigger

Time: 3817.079

issue that we haven't talked about yet

Time: 3818.64

which is getting adequate amounts of

Time: 3820.319

quality sleep each night and um I think

Time: 3822.839

for most people that's s to n hours

Time: 3825.2

ideally um which means getting

Time: 3827.4

sufficient slow wave deep sleep as well

Time: 3829.16

as rapid eye movement sleep but nowadays

Time: 3831.24

A lot of people including young people

Time: 3833.72

who are are not working excessive hours

Time: 3835.96

are um getting you know four five six

Time: 3838.68

hours of sleep per night is there a

Time: 3840.64

direct relationship between getting less

Time: 3843.559

than sufficient amounts of sleep and

Time: 3845.44

sperm quality testosterone levels and um

Time: 3848.039

Sexual Health yeah I mean I think

Time: 3850.039

certainly there's reasonable data for

Time: 3851.799

seman quality and there tends to be um

Time: 3854.96

you know what we call like in science

Time: 3857.48

sort of a u-shape relationship so that

Time: 3859.2

it's not sort of linear so you get more

Time: 3861.079

sleep things are better it there's sort

Time: 3863.799

of there this concept of too much sleep

Time: 3865.48

and not enough sleep so the ideal I

Time: 3867.48

think as you pointed out is 7 to n hours

Time: 3869.799

and for men that are not getting that

Time: 3871.24

seam in quality tends to be lower and

Time: 3872.76

then for men getting too much um we also

Time: 3875.4

see a decline and you know why that is

Time: 3877.72

is again not certain these again if

Time: 3879.839

you're able to get that much sleep maybe

Time: 3881.799

there's other things as well that we

Time: 3883.64

should look at but um so I think kind of

Time: 3886.279

getting in that ideal sleep amount is

Time: 3888.88

best for seam in quality and probably

Time: 3891.16

for broad ttic function as well you keep

Time: 3894.44

bringing up seam and quality um in a way

Time: 3897

that makes me wonder whether or not is

Time: 3899.2

seamen quality a proxy for overall

Time: 3901.48

vitality and health or is testosterone

Time: 3904.599

level appr proxy for overall vitality

Time: 3906.64

and health um it sounds like seamen

Time: 3908.48

quality is the the metric that you keep

Time: 3910.68

coming back to in a way that um I have

Time: 3913.2

to assume reflects your you know your

Time: 3915.64

clinical experience and the the the many

Time: 3918.44

um papers that you've authored in this

Time: 3919.88

area um I think for people that hear

Time: 3923.44

Seaman quity and who are not interested

Time: 3926.4

in conceiving children now or who are

Time: 3930.119

which of course could include people

Time: 3931.24

who've already had children or who don't

Time: 3932.839

want children um seaming Quality sounds

Time: 3935.88

like something that relates to fertility

Time: 3940.24

but is seam in quality something that is

Time: 3943.44

a good goal for those who are interested

Time: 3946.039

in overall male vitality and health is

Time: 3949.039

it is it one of the better metrics of

Time: 3950.839

overall male vitality and health well I

Time: 3953.64

think you know

Time: 3954.88

it's I think it's an excellent marker

Time: 3956.24

for overall health I think there are

Time: 3958.079

studies that support it can be a measure

Time: 3960.64

of how healthy you are you know if you

Time: 3962.4

look at men with more health problems

Time: 3964.96

they can have lower seen quality but

Time: 3966.839

also if you look at semen quality just

Time: 3969

by itself and then you look into the

Time: 3970.4

future how these men tend to do if they

Time: 3972.799

have higher semen quality um they tend

Time: 3975.48

to live longer need to go to the doctor

Time: 3977.72

less lower rates of cancer so I think

Time: 3980.16

there's a lot of different ways that

Time: 3981.799

seon quality may be a good barometer of

Time: 3984.359

Health um you know it's you know why

Time: 3987.319

that link exists I think is not is not

Time: 3990.039

known but there's lots of theories so

Time: 3992.319

one is that you know probably about 10%

Time: 3993.92

of the male genome is devoted to

Time: 3995.559

reproduction um and so it makes sense

Time: 3997.52

given that we only have about you know

Time: 3998.599

24,000 genes in the body that there's a

Time: 4001.079

lot of um you know overlap so one gene

Time: 4003.44

that plays a role in reproduction may

Time: 4005.2

play a role in the cardiovascular system

Time: 4007.88

or the neurological system and so if we

Time: 4011.16

get the first you know sort of sign that

Time: 4013.4

reproduction is not perfect there may be

Time: 4015.039

some other health consequences down the

Time: 4016.88

line um another sort of hypothesis is

Time: 4020.88

that again sort of going along this line

Time: 4022.72

that reproduction is one of the first

Time: 4023.88

things that we see is that um you know

Time: 4027.24

gestation is sort of very critical to

Time: 4030

our you know existence right and

Time: 4032.52

perturbations to that system have

Time: 4034.799

prolonged um you know effects soort of

Time: 4036.839

the so-called sort of Developmental

Time: 4038.359

origin of adult disease or the Barker

Time: 4040.44

hypothesis um and so we know that you

Time: 4043.16

know pretty much sure children have

Time: 4044.92

higher risk of cardiovascular disease or

Time: 4046.92

been studies to show that but we also

Time: 4048.88

know that you know these gestational

Time: 4051

effects can also uh play out on

Time: 4053.52

reproductive function too so that also

Time: 4055.44

may be kind of a link you know sort of

Time: 4057.2

early seating of reproductive function

Time: 4058.799

and then that's maybe the first marker

Time: 4060.559

that we're going to have for other

Time: 4062

health effects later on um there also

Time: 4065.2

just sort of sort of inherent um sort of

Time: 4068.2

similarities between um reproduction and

Time: 4071.52

some other sort of social effects so you

Time: 4073.76

know know kind of one sort of

Time: 4074.799

confounding Factor when we're looking at

Time: 4077.319

some of these studies I talked about

Time: 4078.599

looking at mortality for example and sem

Time: 4080.92

quality is that you know there's sort of

Time: 4083.039

factors that necessarily involve

Time: 4084.76

reproduction so your children and having

Time: 4087.64

a partner and having a partner prolongs

Time: 4091.16

life um having kids prolong life even

Time: 4093.64

though it feels like kids are killing

Time: 4094.76

you if you look at studies men with kids

Time: 4097.359

tend to live longer um so you know

Time: 4100.6

that's another possible explanation but

Time: 4102.4

I think you know really sort of this

Time: 4103.6


Time: 4104.88

um you know link between fertility I

Time: 4108.08

think is sort of a powerful one so I do

Time: 4110.679

think it should be a barometer I think

Time: 4112.159

that you know it should be sort of when

Time: 4113.759

I've given lectures on this I call it

Time: 4115.279

the six Vital sign I think it's

Time: 4116.56

something that we should probably check

Time: 4118.359

because if there is you know sort of

Time: 4119.96

lower levels that may tell us about

Time: 4121.52

something else going on you know when

Time: 4124.4

when men come in for infertility

Time: 4126

evaluations a lot of times we do

Time: 4127.48

diagnose you know these new medical

Time: 4129.6

problems sometimes we diagnose cancer

Time: 4131.719

you know sort of alluding to some of the

Time: 4133.199

questions you've as F diabetes and some

Time: 4135.88

other you know very significant genetic

Time: 4137.56

conditions as well and you know the

Time: 4138.88

first way that we would identify it is

Time: 4140.64

reproductive failure because their sperm

Time: 4142.279

counts are low um and other things so it

Time: 4145.359

is something I think that it's sort of

Time: 4148.239

it's very important I think for people

Time: 4149.52

to realize um and it would be great I

Time: 4151.759

think you know another um I think

Time: 4155.08

advantage to like the Centers for

Time: 4156.48

Disease Control for example to to start

Time: 4158.199

tracking it would it be a good idea for

Time: 4161.04

um males in their 20s and 30s to get

Time: 4163.88

sperm analysis to have a baseline I

Time: 4166.159

confess I'm 47 now um one thing I wish I

Time: 4169.319

had done in my 20s was to get my uh

Time: 4171.92

blood hormone profiles and lipid

Time: 4173.56

profiles done when I was in my teens and

Time: 4175.199

20s because I'd have something to

Time: 4176.48

compare to um I started doing that in my

Time: 4179.04

mid-30s and I'm so glad I did because I

Time: 4181.12

can now compare to my mid-30 levels I

Time: 4183.6

started including um sperm analysis

Time: 4186.279

about eight years ago um with the

Time: 4188.839

intention of freezing sperm and did that

Time: 4191.88

um because I was also reading at that

Time: 4193.56

time time about the increased risk of

Time: 4196.6

autism um in offspring of males older

Time: 4199.64

than 40 something that I really would

Time: 4201.199

like your take on but um it seems like

Time: 4204.4

it's inexpensive enough to do a sperm

Time: 4206.96

analysis um I think now they people can

Time: 4209.679

get it done at home they have mail mail

Time: 4211.719

kits although I don't understand how the

Time: 4213.6

motility could be maintained if you're

Time: 4214.96

mailing your sperm back um at room

Time: 4218.04

temperature or you know it's heading

Time: 4219.48

through the post office now everyone's

Time: 4220.76

imagining all these sperm traveling

Time: 4222.159

through the the Postal Service out

Time: 4224

they're out there folks um yeah what

Time: 4226.88

what are your thoughts should um should

Time: 4228.64

people invest the I think it was a

Time: 4230.12

couple hundred dollars to get a a sperm

Time: 4232.08

analysis more um costly to get the DNA

Time: 4236.04

fragmentation than you get up into the

Time: 4237.48

low thousands um but if people have the

Time: 4241.12

disposable income is it a good idea for

Time: 4243.04

them to do I mean I think it's a

Time: 4244.8

worthwhile test I think more information

Time: 4246.48

is always good um you know I think sort

Time: 4249.44

of one of the same reasons that um you

Time: 4253.04

know you're talking about checking like

Time: 4254.44

lipid levels or we tell you know men and

Time: 4256.32

women to get blood pressure checked I

Time: 4257.84

think you know getting that sort of

Time: 4259.28

early Health indicator I think can be

Time: 4260.88

important I think you know going back to

Time: 4262.92

not knowing exactly why semen quality is

Time: 4266.159

telling us about health what the exact

Time: 4267.84

link may be you know means that if

Time: 4269.679

somebody is coming in with a low sperm

Time: 4271.36

count or completely absent sperm count

Time: 4273.8

it's hard to know exactly how to counsel

Time: 4275.56

that that person other than the maybe RI

Time: 4277.6

reproductive difficulties um but I think

Time: 4280.8

just as sort of a marker for

Time: 4282.159

Reproductive potential I I think it's

Time: 4283.96

useful and like you said I think it's

Time: 4285.32

become a lot easier one of the sort of

Time: 4287.159

Innovations in the space um and you know

Time: 4289.76

somebody that you know is in the

Time: 4291.64

reproductive world I think it's just

Time: 4293.28

really great to see sort of this influx

Time: 4295.239

in capital and new companies coming in

Time: 4297.719

they're trying to just decrease the

Time: 4299.199

barrier to you know getting a cement

Time: 4301.04

test it used to be you have to go to a

Time: 4302.239

lab schedule an appointment sometimes

Time: 4304.44

they would send you to a bathroom which

Time: 4305.8

can be uncomfortable you know because

Time: 4307.36

people are doing you know you know what

Time: 4308.6

people do in a bathroom just next to

Time: 4309.84

your way trying to collect oh they would

Time: 4311.12

send them into a in a common space

Time: 4312.639

bathroom Comm space bathroom they would

Time: 4313.8

even give them the quiet room with the

Time: 4315.44

with the red light which is uh right

Time: 4317.679

what I hear they do now yeah some of

Time: 4319.52

them do have videos so there are some

Time: 4320.88

higher level oh I didn't even mean

Time: 4322.719

videos I just I I think that um okay yes

Time: 4325.159

I've done this I'll just I mean I'm

Time: 4327.04

trying to normalize things related to

Time: 4329.199

all aspects of mental health physical

Time: 4330.719

health um so um yeah I I decided to

Time: 4334.48

freeze sperm and basically they sent me

Time: 4337.04

to a room I went to a university based

Time: 4339.04

Clinic it actually wasn't Stanford but

Time: 4340.44

different University and um uh yeah they

Time: 4343.88

put the cup through the window they give

Time: 4345.8

you the cup they um they close the door

Time: 4348.44

and they tell you that as long as that

Time: 4349.719

red light is on over the door no one's

Time: 4351.28

going to walk in and then they leave and

Time: 4354.36

I think the the Assumption now is that

Time: 4356.28

uh you figure it out one way or another

Time: 4358.679

um how to provide the sample and then

Time: 4360.719

you put the sample back through the the

Time: 4362.36

thing and then one thing these clinics

Time: 4363.6

really need to work out is that anytime

Time: 4365.56

you're walking out you see the people

Time: 4367.56

processing your sample as you walk out

Time: 4369.12

so there's all this um this figing of of

Time: 4372.76

uh you know anonymity but really it

Time: 4374.88

isn't there you know because they're

Time: 4376.6

like see you later and you're like great

Time: 4378.04

you you know they they rarely ask you

Time: 4380.08

questions on the way out but it's a

Time: 4381.639

pretty simple process overall and um and

Time: 4384.679

I must say that the the data are

Time: 4387

informative you get the you know you get

Time: 4389.159

the volume number motile forwardly

Time: 4391.48

motile I did opt for the DNA

Time: 4393.48

fragmentation um data um and I I just

Time: 4397.44

love data so I think it's really

Time: 4399

interesting but again um and maybe this

Time: 4401.4

is a good time to flag this what this

Time: 4403.96

set of findings I believe that there

Time: 4405.84

seems to be a small but statistically

Time: 4408

significant increase in the number of

Time: 4409.32

autistic births due to pregnancies where

Time: 4412.44

the male was over 40 at the time of um

Time: 4416.159

of conception um so I figured you know

Time: 4420.4

why not freeze some sperm and it's

Time: 4422.08

relatively inexpensive yeah yeah so I

Time: 4424.84

think paternal age is also you know

Time: 4426.639

something that's increasing in this

Time: 4428.4

country so over the last 40 years or so

Time: 4430.6

we've seen that the average paternal age

Time: 4432.76

has increased from about 27 and a half

Time: 4434.84

to about 31 um and I should say that

Time: 4437.719

this is all fathers so um birth

Time: 4440.96

certificate data or birth data is

Time: 4442.52

collected a maternal level so you know

Time: 4444.88

when a child is born somebody comes in

Time: 4447.28

to collect data on the birth so they ask

Time: 4449.4

you know all the characteristics of the

Time: 4450.52

mother and they also ask characteristics

Time: 4452.08

of the father you know age education

Time: 4455.239

obviously region of the country the

Time: 4456.44

child was born um so we don't know you

Time: 4458.92

know what number child that was for the

Time: 4460.679

father we know it for the mother they do

Time: 4462.04

ask you know is your first second their

Time: 4463.96

Etc child um so the father unfortunately

Time: 4466.36

we just have data that sort of all

Time: 4468.36

lumped together um but over the last

Time: 4470.76

again 40 years we've seen that increase

Time: 4472.6

interesting over the last 40 years the

Time: 4474.28

youngest father was 11 and the oldest

Time: 4476.92

was 88 11 quite a span yeah

Time: 4480.44

88 goodness unrelated I I don't know I

Time: 4483.639

assume I assume goodness it's anonymized

Time: 4486.4

data but ium 11 uh I have to ask this

Time: 4489.28

sorry to uh take us on a slight tangent

Time: 4491.8

but what is the average age of of

Time: 4493.48

puberty in males in the United States um

Time: 4498.36

now yeah so asking about I guess sort of

Time: 4500.96

Sparky when like sperm production begins

Time: 4504.4

so um yeah there are a lot of markers of

Time: 4506.159

of puberty secondary sexual characters

Time: 4508.12

of beard growth deepening of voice ET

Time: 4509.639

they happen at different rates and

Time: 4510.6

different people but yeah thank you um

Time: 4512.52

at what point um are um yeah males

Time: 4516.159

undergoing puberty yeah uh at at the

Time: 4518.44

level of of that we're talking about

Time: 4520.32

here yeah so it's yeah there has been

Time: 4522.88

data we're going through puberty a

Time: 4524.44

little bit earlier now than we used to

Time: 4526.56

um but it really varies so you know I

Time: 4528.48

think it's not um you know just like

Time: 4531.28

testosterone ranges between like 300 and

Time: 4533.199

900 that's a wide range for anybody I

Time: 4535.04

think for most individuals you know

Time: 4536.92

puberty is you know probably 12 to kind

Time: 4540.159

of 15 16 in general so I just give sort

Time: 4542.56

of a very wide range when we're going to

Time: 4544.719

say that's okay and you know some of the

Time: 4546.44

data I'm basing it on is um when sperm

Time: 4549.36

production begins in boys and it's

Time: 4551.159

actually you know not that simple to be

Time: 4553.199

be able to figure that out because you

Time: 4554.679

know we don't generally talk to you know

Time: 4557.12

young boys about how to masterbate how

Time: 4558.48

to collect and then check on that but

Time: 4560.36

there's something called first morning

Time: 4562.52

voided urine where we can actually look

Time: 4564.159

at that and there have been some studies

Time: 4565.679

done and they see if there are sort of

Time: 4567.48

you know nocturnal emissions whether

Time: 4568.88

there're sperm in there and so generally

Time: 4570.8

it probably starts around um the

Time: 4574.239

earliest would be kind of 11 12 13 but

Time: 4577.48

usually most is probably a little later

Time: 4579.12

so maybe I'll refine that puberty and

Time: 4581.6

move it a little bit later probably 14

Time: 4583.56

to 16 um is when probably about 70 80%

Time: 4587.12

of boys are going to have produced

Time: 4588.719

started producing sperm my understanding

Time: 4590.639

is that in females puberty is also

Time: 4593.6

shifting earlier perhaps at a more

Time: 4595.96

dramatic rate than appears to be the

Time: 4597.92

case for males well I think there is

Time: 4599.52

some data for males too I think um but

Time: 4602.48

again for your listeners I don't want to

Time: 4604

you know have this onslaught of you know

Time: 4606.52

pediatricians seeing kids that haven't

Time: 4608.239

you know and boys haven't gone through

Time: 4609.52

puberty by a certain age so I think it's

Time: 4611.639

still fairly wide

Time: 4613.76

let's get back to age of the father and

Time: 4618.36

issues like

Time: 4619.719

autism um what are the data there um and

Time: 4624.84

this to me is a practical issue because

Time: 4627.36

I think if there's one obvious takeaway

Time: 4629.719

from our discussion today it's that um

Time: 4632.52

males should probably not wait until

Time: 4634.6

they're trying to conceive in order to

Time: 4636.84

assess their reproductive Health at the

Time: 4639.159

level of sperm quality um testosterone

Time: 4642.36

levels perhaps perhaps but at least

Time: 4644.199

sperm quality but um but perhaps men

Time: 4648.239

should also be freezing their sperm if

Time: 4649.76

in fact conceiving children after 40

Time: 4652.639

places their children at far greater

Time: 4654.04

risk for autism I mean my understanding

Time: 4655.52

is that the rates of autism are

Time: 4656.719

somewhere between 1 and 80 you'll hear

Time: 4659.199

as high as one in 50 male birth but I

Time: 4661.12

think it's probably more like one in 60

Time: 4662.76

to 80 is that about right um and that

Time: 4666.08

the age of the father is a risk factor

Time: 4669.639

yeah I think that this gets into sort of

Time: 4671

the larger issue of you know how men

Time: 4673.04

sort of perceive fertility so you know

Time: 4675.199

we know that as women age fertility

Time: 4677.239

declines uh but the oldest father ever

Time: 4679.32

is 96 so the biologic potential

Time: 4681.96

certainly persists wait I want to know

Time: 4683.639

how long he lived to see how his child

Time: 4686.48

grow up we he conceived at 96 amaz

Time: 4690

supposedly supposedly yeah well I'm

Time: 4691.6

assuming he did not meet his

Time: 4692.6

grandchildren at least not the

Time: 4694.04

grandchild of that child so wow how long

Time: 4696.04

did he live um you know I well so this

Time: 4700.8

this is a man in India it's just right

Time: 4702.679

up famous story but supposedly um he had

Time: 4705.96

a child he was had that child with him

Time: 4708.6

on uh like they're waiting at a bus stop

Time: 4710.44

he fell asleep the child was kidnapped

Time: 4712.36

that led to divorce so yeah Dreadful

Time: 4715.08

sort of a a horrible end but the wife

Time: 4717.88

was also old not not that old but in her

Time: 4721.48

50s so yeah wow um tragic and and

Time: 4725.76

incredible story for separate reasons um

Time: 4729

okay I'll get my head around this 996

Time: 4730.6

year-old uh conceiving a child okay

Time: 4733.76

please continue yeah uh so people I

Time: 4736.159

think or men think that the sort of the

Time: 4739

um you know their you know F fertile

Time: 4742.96

road is sort of infinite um but I think

Time: 4745.56

that's very much not the case so as

Time: 4746.719

you're alluding to people have looked

Time: 4748.4

into risks for older fathers so you know

Time: 4751.239

about a hundred years ago was first

Time: 4752.56

noticed that dwarfism or condr plasia

Time: 4754.76

was more common in last born children So

Time: 4757.6

eventually that link was made um and

Time: 4760.88

since then other conditions too so

Time: 4762.639

there's like these neuros psychiatric

Time: 4764.239

conditions you're talking about like

Time: 4765.48

autism is certainly one bipolar

Time: 4767.639

schizophrenia people have looked at and

Time: 4769.239

also linked that with older age you know

Time: 4772

Less attainment in school you know

Time: 4774.44

failing grades all that has been shown

Time: 4776.28

to be a little bit more common with

Time: 4778.159

older fathers so you know why I think

Time: 4781.48

all these exist there can be sort of

Time: 4783.32


Time: 4784.199

explanations um you know one explanation

Time: 4786.96

for the autism Association I'll talk

Time: 4788.8

about um you know some of this more gen

Time: 4792.8

gentic or um of mutational reasons but

Time: 4795.84

one thing that some people say is that

Time: 4797.84

you know it could be sort of a

Time: 4798.88

hereditary trait and so it maybe that

Time: 4801.32

you know men that display some sort of

Time: 4803.679

autistic characteristics you know maybe

Time: 4806

they take a little longer to meet a

Time: 4808.199

partner and so it sort of delayed

Time: 4810.8

childbearing so maybe that's that's one

Time: 4812.92

possible explanation but I think you

Time: 4814.76

know there's been a lot of convincing

Time: 4816.4

evidence that there could be you know

Time: 4817.76

real epigenetic changes that occur with

Time: 4819.56

age and mutational changes that occur

Time: 4821.84

with age um I think I read a statistic

Time: 4824.639

and you would know more being a

Time: 4825.719

neuroscientist that 84% of the the genes

Time: 4828.6

in our body are expressed somewhere in

Time: 4830.159

the central nervous system is that

Time: 4833.36

sounds about right yeah I don't want to

Time: 4835.56

stamp my name to that uh um but that

Time: 4838.92

sounds about right so um it's it's

Time: 4841.8

estimated that every year we generate

Time: 4844.76

about two mutations in our um you know

Time: 4847.08

sperm DNA so you can imagine that you

Time: 4849.92

know a 40-year-old is going to have you

Time: 4852.32

know 20 or TR 40 more mutations um than

Time: 4856.76

a 20-year-old so that rate does go up

Time: 4858.88

and if you're just randomly sprinkling

Time: 4860.32

mutations you know in you know a genome

Time: 4863.92

that they're more likely to sort of

Time: 4865.28

manifest in you know maybe neuros

Time: 4867.76

psychiatric conditions um so there are

Time: 4871.28

you know data convincing data that shows

Time: 4873.44

that that does occur now again there's

Time: 4875.199

billions of base pairs in the body so

Time: 4877.04

these random mutations likely most of

Time: 4878.92

them will will not result in anything

Time: 4880.48

but there can be some meaningful ones so

Time: 4882.199

for example Le a condr plasia it's due

Time: 4884.08

to a mutation in fiberblast growth

Time: 4887.239

factor receptor um and what's

Time: 4889.76

interesting is that this condition is

Time: 4891.239

not that rare right based on sort of

Time: 4893.32

these rare mutations you'd expect this

Time: 4895.08

would you know occur maybe about one in

Time: 4897.52

100 million but it turns out these these

Time: 4900.04

conditions occur in about one in I think

Time: 4901.84

30 to 50,000 or so so there's sort of

Time: 4904.4

the discrepancy based on sort of

Time: 4906.239

mutational rate that we expect based on

Time: 4908.12

age and the rate that we actually see so

Time: 4911.04

the explanation for this is something

Time: 4912.32

called selfish spermatogonial selection

Time: 4914.92

so what this suggests is that some of

Time: 4916.639

these mutations that occur randomly

Time: 4918.239

occur in proliferation Pathways and so

Time: 4921.12

it gives the sperm that contain these

Time: 4922.92

sort of advantages over their you know

Time: 4925.159

brothers and sisters that don't have

Time: 4926.4

them for example and so then they out

Time: 4928.28

compete the other sperm and so they're

Time: 4930.84

more likely to lead to a child rather

Time: 4932.44

than sort of a random smattering you can

Time: 4934.4

actually see that some of these

Time: 4935.239

mutations are more common in older men

Time: 4937.52

than younger men if you look you screen

Time: 4939.12

for some of these mutations in you know

Time: 4940.8

some of these Pathways um

Time: 4943.32

again the longer that we're exposed to

Time: 4944.84

life there's just more likely to be you

Time: 4946.4

know different chemical exposures other

Time: 4948

exposures and so people have looked at

Time: 4950

epigenetic signatures sort of these

Time: 4951.52

signatures that um you know that dictate

Time: 4954.239

which genes are going to be expressed

Time: 4955.48

and which aren't and there are different

Time: 4957.28

patterns between older and younger

Time: 4958.639

fathers and you know why what triggering

Time: 4960.56

those is not known but there are

Time: 4962.28

differences so those could also

Time: 4963.56

potentially explain you know some of

Time: 4965.239

these risks that we see um you know it

Time: 4967.679

used to be that people thought that you

Time: 4969.4

know if you're an older father maybe

Time: 4970.84

there's a lot of advantages you you know

Time: 4972.719

for the kids right because if you're

Time: 4974.08

you're more resourced right I always

Time: 4975.719

tell patients that you know when they

Time: 4977.639

come to see me for like erection

Time: 4978.96

problems or anything I always say

Time: 4980.159

nothing gets better with age right and

Time: 4982.32

that's mostly true although theyve

Time: 4983.4

pointed out that um salary often goes up

Time: 4986

with age and wisdom goes up with age so

Time: 4988.08

you would imagine if you're more

Time: 4989.04

resourced maybe the kids are going to

Time: 4990.56

also have an advantage to that but you

Time: 4992.6

know again there's a lot of convincing

Time: 4994

data that that's that's probably not the

Time: 4996.12

case um there's even there's one study

Time: 4998.96

that I saw that showed that if you look

Time: 5000.48

at MRIs uh of brains of children just

Time: 5004.44

after birth they're actually a little

Time: 5006.04

smaller for older fathers compared to

Time: 5007.679

younger fathers so um I think there are

Time: 5010.88

some you know sort of talking about kind

Time: 5013.12

of neurocognitive development um some of

Time: 5015.719

those effects and there's also been um

Time: 5017.48

studies looking at cancer risk too so

Time: 5020.56

higher risk of breast cancer prostate

Time: 5022.28

cancer and adult children higher risk of

Time: 5024.76

you know leukemia or CNS Cancers and

Time: 5027.679

children as well so I think the more we

Time: 5030

look the more we find out of these

Time: 5031.4

associations with paternal age um so I

Time: 5034.52

think it's some you certainly be aware

Time: 5035.679

of I think you talking about mitigation

Time: 5037.36

strategies I think sort of Education

Time: 5039

would be important for you know couples

Time: 5040.8

to try earlier you individuals to try

Time: 5043

earlier to conceive you know if we think

Time: 5045

it's a mutational reason I think um you

Time: 5047.44

know certainly freezing sperm I think is

Time: 5049.04

a is a good option as

Time: 5050.96

well my understanding is that um

Time: 5053.8

analysis of DNA fragmentation in sperm

Time: 5056.12

didn't does not allow for selection of

Time: 5059.76

the best sperm on the basis of uh DNA

Time: 5063.199

composition um translated to English

Time: 5066.199

what I mean is in order to tell whether

Time: 5067.719

or not this the DNA are mutated in a

Time: 5069.48

sperm you have to kill the sperm

Time: 5071.199

basically so um and since um in a given

Time: 5075.48

pool of sperm so to speak um there will

Time: 5078.8

be forward motile non-motile twitchers

Time: 5081.8

twitching in place dead sperm um some

Time: 5084.48

percentage of dead sperm or immotile

Time: 5085.96

sperm is presumably normal some small

Time: 5088.44

percentage hopefully um and that some

Time: 5092.48

might have some DNA fragmentation some

Time: 5094.239

might not so um is the way to address

Time: 5097.239

this um averages what I'm hearing here

Time: 5100.119

is that if you haven't already had kids

Time: 5101.56

or if you want more kids um that you

Time: 5105.119

might want to know about your sperm

Time: 5107.08

quality I would say you do um and that

Time: 5110.239

if you can afford it you might want to

Time: 5111.48

take a look at DNA fragmentation data um

Time: 5114.8

but having done this um what one

Time: 5117.36

receives is a chart that goes from Red

Time: 5119.52

bad to Green good and then they put the

Time: 5121.96

arrow hopefully in the green zone and

Time: 5124.84

then you say oh good you know I'm in the

Time: 5126.32

green zone I don't have fragmented DNA

Time: 5128.36

in my sperm but really that's an

Time: 5129.84

averaging of all the sperm right it

Time: 5132

could be that as you age that some

Time: 5134.96

percentage of those sperm have

Time: 5136.48

fragmented DNA and um if one of those is

Time: 5140.119

the one that successfully um wins the

Time: 5143.679

egg so to speak um fertilizes the egg

Time: 5147.239

then that fragmented DNA containing

Time: 5149.719

sperm is going to propagate that into

Time: 5151.199

your offspring so are there any

Time: 5153.48

technologies that can allow men to um

Time: 5157.08

select or for or improve the DNA of

Time: 5161.239

their sperm not just the motility I me

Time: 5163.679

yeah I wish right that's sort of the

Time: 5164.88

Holy Grail because I think he pointed

Time: 5166.56

out sort of a variant of right the

Time: 5167.8

Heisenberg uncertainty principle is that

Time: 5169.32

we can't if we identify which sperm is

Time: 5171.52

bad we're necessarily going to destroy

Time: 5172.88

it so to tell you know which one is

Time: 5174.84

harboring these mutations um would be

Time: 5177.04

great but I think we're not there yet I

Time: 5178.52

mean one thing that we do do is wash

Time: 5179.8

sperm so we do sort of Select the most

Time: 5182.56

modal sperm we clear out the dead ones

Time: 5185.56

um and I think embas are pretty good at

Time: 5187.36

telling which sperm they think are

Time: 5188.56

better but you again we don't have any

Time: 5190.4

real objective data to try and

Time: 5192.199

understand you know which are harboring

Time: 5194.159

something or other but I think if we

Time: 5195.32

understood more about this link with age

Time: 5197

or again other conditions um hopefully

Time: 5199.48

we'll be able to stop some of this pass

Time: 5201.96

through let's get back to the prostate

Time: 5204.96

um this incredible gland tell tell us

Time: 5207.719

about the prostate I I think we hear

Time: 5209.52

about the prostate we hear about

Time: 5210.56

prostate cancer um

Time: 5213.32

people might have heard that it's

Time: 5214.8

involved in the ejaculatory response

Time: 5216.8

it's involved in erections it's involved

Time: 5219.239

in a number of things if you could give

Time: 5220.92

us a you know catalog of things that the

Time: 5223.48

prostate does um I you spent a lot of

Time: 5226

time thinking about this gland what are

Time: 5227.36

some of the cooler things that it that

Time: 5229.52

it does that we don't know about um you

Time: 5232.44

know how do we keep it healthy uh and

Time: 5235.48

what are the consequences of not keeping

Time: 5236.92

it healthy yeah so the prostate is a

Time: 5238.92

gland about the size of a walnut it sits

Time: 5240.88

behind the bladder and it's involved in

Time: 5242.719

reproduction it produces some of the

Time: 5244.679

proteins enzymes that are necessary for

Time: 5247.44

you know sperm to be supported and you

Time: 5249.44

know the ejacalate to kind of keep the

Time: 5251.36

the sperm healthy um in the female

Time: 5254

reproductive tract so you know it

Time: 5257.28

functions in reproduction and then

Time: 5259.08

basically after reproduction is done it

Time: 5261.28

doesn't really serve any useful function

Time: 5262.84

so then it just becomes a problem

Time: 5264.4

essentially so the urethra which is

Time: 5266.679

where we pee through so it connects the

Time: 5268.119

bladder you know to exits the body um

Time: 5270.8

runs right through the prostate and as

Time: 5272.36

we age the prostate does get bigger

Time: 5273.96

that's sort of a known thing and as the

Time: 5275.719

prostate gets bigger it creates sort of

Time: 5277.96

more resistance in this pipe and so it

Time: 5279.88

makes the bladder have to work harder

Time: 5281.239

and that leads to a lot of the symptoms

Time: 5283.199

you know that we've been talking about

Time: 5284.44

already you know waking up at night weak

Time: 5286.56

stream this need to uh urinate urgently

Time: 5290.239

um sometimes feeling like you're not

Time: 5291.76

emptying all the way so it's sort of a

Time: 5294.08

consequence of the prostate um sort of

Time: 5296.08

being there uh in terms of ways that you

Time: 5298

can keep the prostate healthy I think

Time: 5299.56

that there's really nothing that you

Time: 5301.159

know necessarily can do I think that you

Time: 5303.239

know one thing I talk to patients about

Time: 5304.639

when these sort of symptoms start is to

Time: 5306.44

know some of the triggers so um you know

Time: 5308.88

like you mentioned drinking a lot before

Time: 5310.8

you go to bed so if you don't want to

Time: 5312.119

wake up at night that's not a good

Time: 5313.56

practice you know may even want to go

Time: 5315.239

into bed sort of a little dehydrated

Time: 5316.88

just so you can try and last the night

Time: 5319.119

um there are some you know particular

Time: 5321.119

drinks or foods that tend to be more

Time: 5322.6

irritating so like spicy foods acidic

Time: 5324.84

Foods those can sometimes irritate the

Time: 5326.84

lining of the bladder and make you have

Time: 5328.159

to pee a little bit more you know

Time: 5329.84

caffeine is a diuretic uh so it makes us

Time: 5332.679

urinate more and it also um uh can also

Time: 5336.159

irritate the bladder and give you that

Time: 5337.56

sensation alcohol will do the same thing

Time: 5339.679

so I think you know kind of knowing some

Time: 5341.36

of those triggers May kind of saave off

Time: 5342.92

some of the symptoms a little bit but

Time: 5344.44

you know again if you enjoy those vices

Time: 5346.92

and you're willing to tolerate it that's

Time: 5348.44

okay too I'm hearing more and more about

Time: 5351.199

a practice of people taking low dose to

Time: 5354.679

dofil seis um low dose meaning in the

Time: 5358.08

neighborhood of 2.5 to 5 milligrams per

Time: 5360.719

day um not necessarily for erectile

Time: 5364.08

dysfunction but for prostate health and

Time: 5366.199

was um somewhat surprised to learn that

Time: 5369.199

those drugs were actually developed

Time: 5370.679

first for treatment of prostate health

Time: 5373.52

to increase blood flow to the prostate

Time: 5376.119

um is that true and um is there good

Time: 5379.92

reason to um think about taking 2.5 to 5

Time: 5384.36

milligrams of tadalfil per day simply

Time: 5386.84

for maintaining blood flow to the

Time: 5389.6

prostate and thereby maintaining or

Time: 5391.36

improving prostate health I mean

Time: 5393.199

certainly it can do that it can

Time: 5394.44

definitely help with some of these

Time: 5395.52

urinary symptoms that we've been talking

Time: 5397.04

about you know looking at Placebo

Time: 5398.719

control trial sort of our highest level

Time: 5400.4

of evidence does show that you know low

Time: 5402.679

dose of tadalfil these two and a half to

Time: 5404.56

5 milligram these daily dosing um can

Time: 5406.84

help with these urinary symptoms so I

Time: 5409.52

think that not necessarily it's a

Time: 5411.04

preventative measure but for men that

Time: 5412.56

are bothered you know otherwise I think

Time: 5414.679

most men probably wouldn't want to take

Time: 5416.119

a pill every day but certainly if you

Time: 5417.8

have some of these symptoms it can

Time: 5418.88

definitely help with urinary bother and

Time: 5420.52

then the added benefit is you also

Time: 5421.88

alluded to is it can help with the

Time: 5422.88

rectile function as well even at the 2.5

Time: 5426.119

to 5 milligram dosage interesting um

Time: 5429.92

yeah my experience is that there are a

Time: 5431.08

lot of people who would love to take

Time: 5432.199

pills every day um there seems to be a

Time: 5435.239

kind of binary distribution where um and

Time: 5438.92

here I'm just thinking about the malale

Time: 5440.88

that I hear from because I hear from of

Time: 5442.639

course males and females but um I get a

Time: 5445.639

lot of questions about what can I take

Time: 5447.08

what can I take what can I take um and

Time: 5449.639

uh but as you point out there's also a

Time: 5451.119

category of of of men who seem to um not

Time: 5453.8

want to take anything not want to

Time: 5455.719

measure anything not want to take

Time: 5456.96

anything but especially not take

Time: 5458.239

anything and then there's the other

Time: 5459.92

group um and the other group somewhat

Time: 5462.199

surprisingly seemed to be the L the

Time: 5463.6

younger excuse me population um who

Time: 5466

maybe grew up in the YouTube era or

Time: 5468.32

maybe in the era where Sexual Health was

Time: 5470.199

discussed more openly than it was

Time: 5472.08

certainly when I was in college I mean

Time: 5473.92

the extent of sexual health discussions

Time: 5475.8

in my high school and I went to a very

Time: 5477.199

good high school where um it only takes

Time: 5479.6

one sperm which as you pointed out is

Time: 5481.239

true for IV F but more is better if

Time: 5483.04

you're trying to conceive naturally um

Time: 5485.8

and um there were discussions about

Time: 5487.84

communication and consent obviously

Time: 5489.6

super important um and then um they just

Time: 5493.159

kind of turned us loose uh to learn from

Time: 5495.92

our friends and other sources I mean

Time: 5497.88

that and family sometimes had the

Time: 5500.159

discussion sometimes didn't um uh

Time: 5503

different families different discussions

Time: 5505.08

obviously um so very very little

Time: 5507.719

information nowadays I think there's a

Time: 5508.96

lot more discussion about these things

Time: 5511.08

and so the 20 to 40y old male crowd

Time: 5515

seems to be the crowd that are asking

Time: 5516.96

yeah what can I take these are also the

Time: 5518.639

people who are getting on testosterone

Time: 5521.159

therapy early perhaps without the need I

Time: 5524.44

just want to flag that because um I I

Time: 5527.4

think uh if I understand correctly um

Time: 5530.28

you're seeing a lot of testosterone

Time: 5532.28

therapy that perhaps people don't need

Time: 5534.92

is that right well I think it's a mix

Time: 5536.84

some people probably do need it but I

Time: 5538.28

think that you know before starting it

Time: 5540.28

everybody should be aware of all the

Time: 5541.4

risks and you've kind of highlighted

Time: 5542.639

some but testosterone any any medication

Time: 5545.32

right is going to have some risks and so

Time: 5547.239

everybody needs to be aware of what

Time: 5548.36

those are and for testosterone

Time: 5549.88

reproduction is certainly one of them

Time: 5551.4

and if they're not already doing all the

Time: 5552.84

other things getting adequate sleep

Time: 5554.88

limiting their alcohol intakes not

Time: 5556.48

smoking getting exercise Etc seems that

Time: 5559.44

testosterone therapy would not be the

Time: 5561.88

primary entry point like first work out

Time: 5563.719

all the right all the basics I think

Time: 5565.96

that's the big difference I think

Time: 5567

nowadays the what should I take question

Time: 5568.719

comes up early when people aren't

Time: 5570.679

necessarily doing all the other things

Time: 5572.88

um that they could do to promote their

Time: 5574.199

health anyway this is observational on

Time: 5576.52

my part um you're the one whose's Clinic

Time: 5579.96

they're showing up uh too um have a

Time: 5582.76

question about

Time: 5583.8

UTI um we hear about UTI urinary tract

Time: 5586.76

infections um in women pretty often um

Time: 5591.28

do men get UTI if they're getting more

Time: 5593.8

than one UTI per year is that abnormal

Time: 5597.159

um should uh men be uh examined for for

Time: 5602.48

um this bladder urethra prostate penile

Time: 5605.76

architecture I know there are ways that

Time: 5607.119

people can come in I was reading about

Time: 5608.84

this prior to this episode that um you

Time: 5610.96

can ingest a Dy and then they can die

Time: 5613.199

image the whole apparatus is that right

Time: 5615.52

that's true without having to cut

Time: 5617.04

anything is right is that worth people

Time: 5619.639

doing or is that only under conditions

Time: 5621.04

where people are experiencing some some

Time: 5623.36

um some vexing issue yeah I think that

Time: 5626.96

some of those tests should only be done

Time: 5628.239

if there's a problem but I think a male

Time: 5629.84

urinary tract infection is rare enough

Time: 5631.639

enough that it should be evaluated so

Time: 5634

women have very short urethras but men

Time: 5636.28

have a very long urethra right it has to

Time: 5637.76

go through the entire penile urethra the

Time: 5639.6

prostatic urethra up into the bladder

Time: 5641.28

and so the way a urinary tract infection

Time: 5643.6

would happen you know one way would be

Time: 5646.04

that a bacteria actually gets all the

Time: 5647.719

way you know back and that's just a much

Time: 5649.8

longer Trek um and so if something rare

Time: 5653.04

like that does happen we look for

Time: 5654.76

anatomic causes for that so there can be

Time: 5656.56

different scar tissue in the uretha for

Time: 5658.639

example there can be stones in the

Time: 5659.92

bladder there can be stones in the

Time: 5661.84

kidney sometimes men AR emptying their

Time: 5663.84

bladders all the way so those those men

Time: 5665.52

should be evaluated because there can be

Time: 5667

some pathology that we could hopefully

Time: 5668.44


Time: 5669.48

incorrect let's talk about erectile

Time: 5671.92

dysfunction um I put out the call for

Time: 5674.8

questions in anticipation of this

Time: 5676.4

episode and um no surprise um at least

Time: 5680.92

30% of the questions from males were

Time: 5684.44

about erectile dysfunction um or uh

Time: 5688.6

questions about what's normal in terms

Time: 5691.239

of libido level kind of interesting

Time: 5694.119

right you know and we'll deal with the

Time: 5696.159

first question first but um what are the

Time: 5699.56

most common causes erectile dysfunction

Time: 5701.719

are they hormonal in nature I think

Time: 5703.8

that's a a common belief that if people

Time: 5705.96

are experiencing erectile dysfunction

Time: 5707.52

that it's because their testosterone

Time: 5708.76

levels are too low hence all the

Time: 5711.159

interest in um testosterone therapy um

Time: 5714.28

or are there other say blood flow

Time: 5716.239

related pelvic flow related neural um

Time: 5719.52

brain to um

Time: 5722.52

to body neural connections that are

Time: 5725.6

responsible I'm guessing it's all of

Time: 5727.04

these things how do we parse this um and

Time: 5731.28

yeah what tell us about erectile

Time: 5733.36

dysfunction what you most commonly see

Time: 5735.239

what you most commonly do in order to

Time: 5737.08

treat it yeah so you know erectile

Time: 5739.719

dysfunction is you know sort of the

Time: 5741.76

inability to consistently achieve and

Time: 5743.56

maintain an erection and it's fairly

Time: 5745.96

common um you know of all the conditions

Time: 5748.04

I see that's definitely the number one

Time: 5750.4

so you know if you look at men over the

Time: 5751.88

age of 40 over half will have some

Time: 5753.48

trouble with erections under age of 40

Time: 5756

is probably about 15 to 20% so this is a

Time: 5758.239

very common condition that we see in

Time: 5760.56

terms of the ideology it can vary a

Time: 5762.4

little bit you know we used to think

Time: 5763.48

that they were primarily psychogenic um

Time: 5766.28

but that was you know years that was

Time: 5768.56

decades ago now we know that most of

Time: 5770.04

them are organic so it's actually a

Time: 5771.52

blood flow issue so the most common

Time: 5773.719

conditions just sort of nationally would

Time: 5775.84

be the same things that cause blood flow

Time: 5777.76

problems anywhere in the body so high

Time: 5779.08

blood pressure diabetes you know

Time: 5780.32

atherosclerosis anything that sort of

Time: 5781.76

can impair blood getting you know to the

Time: 5784.639

end organ um and sometimes you know

Time: 5786.84

there has been data that you know

Time: 5788.44

trouble with erections can actually

Time: 5789.92

predate other more you know serious you

Time: 5792.76

know vascular conditions so the blood

Time: 5794.52

vessels in the penis the penal arteries

Time: 5796.119

are about 1 millimeter you know and the

Time: 5799.6

heart and the Brain they're much larger

Time: 5801.52

so you know it's much easier to olude a

Time: 5803.6

small vessel than a large vessel so

Time: 5805.32

that's why there have been some studies

Time: 5807.119

to support that it's sort of an early

Time: 5808.36

marker for vascular disease um so I

Time: 5811.56

think looking at those risk factors you

Time: 5813.56

know sort of Lifestyle obesity again is

Time: 5816.159

another is a common one um endocrine

Time: 5818.76

disorders actually fairly small it's

Time: 5820.56

probably less than 10% probably around

Time: 5822.32

5% or so um pelvic cancer treatment is

Time: 5826.04

another very common one after you know

Time: 5828.08

treatment for prostate cancer whether it

Time: 5829.639

be radiotherapy or surgical therapy

Time: 5831.48

bladder cancer um sometimes rectal color

Time: 5834.36

rectal cancer that treatment also

Time: 5836.32

anytime that we're you know um involving

Time: 5838.8

some of the nerves and the the vascular

Time: 5841.76

and the pelvis that can also impact uh

Time: 5844.6

erectile function as well what about

Time: 5846.56

hernia hernia that should be separate so

Time: 5849.8

sometimes if there you know I always say

Time: 5851.4

that in medicine you can never say never

Time: 5853.6

um but you know generally if that was

Time: 5855.88

going to manifest as erectile function

Time: 5857.239

would probably be due to maybe some pain

Time: 5859.28

syndroms which can rarely happen during

Time: 5860.8

just the early post-operative period but

Time: 5862.76

the blood supply the nervous Supply is

Time: 5865.119

separate so you said something very

Time: 5868.28

important for people to hear so I'm

Time: 5870.84

going to highlight it um you said that

Time: 5873.52

less than 10% of erectile dysfunction is

Time: 5875.88

due to a hormonal issue um I don't know

Time: 5879.76

how much time you're spending on YouTube

Time: 5881.36

and the internet but um that is going to

Time: 5884.08

be a shocker for a lot of males out

Time: 5887.04

there because so much of the discussion

Time: 5889

around testosterone is around libido and

Time: 5891.52

sexual function so um it's key for

Time: 5894.92

people to hear that it's also key for

Time: 5896.88

them to know about this other

Time: 5898.96

90% um when you say blood issue then

Time: 5902.76

what is the common first pass for

Time: 5906.36

treatment and again I and forgive me for

Time: 5909.159

listing this off over and over but we

Time: 5911.08

are assuming here that people have

Time: 5912.159

gotten their body weight down they're

Time: 5913.32

sleeping enough they're not ingesting

Time: 5915.239

excessive alcohol they're not smoking or

Time: 5916.84

vaping they're not smoking cannabis um

Time: 5920.119

or doing the Edibles although maybe we

Time: 5921.84

should talk about Edibles and cannabis

Time: 5923.119

and endocrine effects we'll do that

Time: 5924.36

later um doing all the things right

Time: 5927.679

avoiding doing the wrong things too

Time: 5930.48

often or at least completely so we're

Time: 5932.56

assuming they're doing all that

Time: 5933.88

correctly their testosterone levels are

Time: 5935.96

somewhere in that 300 to 900 nanogram

Time: 5938.4

per deiler range that's typical for the

Time: 5941.88

the so-called reference range uh in at

Time: 5944.239

least in the US I think it goes up to

Time: 5945.52

1,200 or maybe, 1400 in other countries

Time: 5948

but um as other countries like to point

Time: 5950.44

out um but it starts at two no I'm just

Time: 5953.76

kidding um but assuming they're doing

Time: 5956.159

everything correctly and it's not a

Time: 5958.48

testosterone issue then if it's a blood

Time: 5961.639

flow issue um meaning they haven't had

Time: 5964.32

treatment for some pelvic

Time: 5967.88

cancer what is the first line of

Time: 5969.76

treatment yeah so assuming that

Time: 5971.639

lifestyle you know and all that has been

Time: 5973.36

optimized medical treatment has been

Time: 5974.76

optimized there's a lot that we can do I

Time: 5976.8

always tell men as long as you have a

Time: 5977.92

penis we can always make it hard so

Time: 5979.84

there's there's a tremendous amount I'm

Time: 5981.199

sure you're the most um popular doctor

Time: 5983.119

in your field that yeah that usually

Time: 5985.239

does kind of ease everybody um so

Time: 5987.719

usually we start with oral therapy so

Time: 5989.32

phosph phosph estras inhibitor therapy

Time: 5991.679

so that would be like selenop or Viagra

Time: 5993.56

tadalfil Calis avenil Stendra venil

Time: 5997.599

litra and would you be willing to talk

Time: 5999.44

about some of the specifics there are

Time: 6000.84

you um is the typical thing to put

Time: 6002.96

people on this 2.5 to 5 milligrams per

Time: 6004.96

day low dose or to um give the higher

Time: 6008.36

doses that are more commonly used uh for

Time: 6010.76

rectile dysfunction per se I think it

Time: 6013.599

depends we know why we're putting them

Time: 6015.239

on and how much sex they have too you

Time: 6017.599

know on average people probably have sex

Time: 6020.08

you know partner sex maybe once a week

Time: 6021.92

on average you know when we're looking

Time: 6023.4

at men in their kind of 30s and Beyond

Time: 6026.32

you know sometimes it can be a few more

Time: 6027.719

times a week than that but you know if

Time: 6029.92

they're having sex every day or very

Time: 6032.04

often then sometimes a daily dose can be

Time: 6033.719

useful but generally most men are on

Time: 6035.56

just on demand because they're going to

Time: 6037.4

fall into that you know maybe about you

Time: 6038.8

know a few times a month category so

Time: 6041.239

that's usually where we start and you

Time: 6043

know there is sort of a titration that

Time: 6044.96

can be done you can go slightly you know

Time: 6046.48

higher doses or lower doses so usually

Time: 6048.48

we start in the middle to the higher

Time: 6049.719

doses um

Time: 6051.84

and you know we talk about some of the

Time: 6053.28

side effects they may have but those

Time: 6054.719

probably help 60 to 70% of men um and

Time: 6057.44

they work well you know in terms of

Time: 6058.719

another common question is how do we

Time: 6060

decide which one we're going to start

Time: 6062.04

sometimes insurance will tell us which

Time: 6063.44

one we're going to do um that's a common

Time: 6065.32

one you know all these medications tend

Time: 6067.76

to be somewhat similar one difference

Time: 6070.08

tends to be the time of onset you know

Time: 6072.599

how quickly they reach Peak levels in

Time: 6074

the body and then also how quickly

Time: 6076.08

they're cleared from the body so

Time: 6077.92

tadalfil is somewhat different and then

Time: 6079.52

it lasts longer the half full life is

Time: 6081.32

about 20 hours or so so it's sort of

Time: 6083.92

marketed as a weekend pill so some

Time: 6085.639

people like the idea of that you know

Time: 6086.96

taking a pill on Friday so having some

Time: 6089.08

left on Saturday um but for others you

Time: 6091.92

know we start with with one of the other

Time: 6093.679

ones the fact that these drugs like to

Time: 6097.119

Dil uh also called Calis right is Calis

Time: 6100.52

the brand name right okay and um Viagra

Time: 6103.4

is that a brand name right stands for um

Time: 6106.36

what is the generic name oh sofil s okay

Time: 6109.639

um so so because they are effective in

Time: 6112.32

such a large percentage of cases what

Time: 6114.28

does that say about the vascular system

Time: 6116.44

of all these males that are um having

Time: 6120

erectile dysfunction but then it's

Time: 6121.32

getting resolved by these drug

Time: 6122.56

treatments is that in other words

Time: 6124.84

somebody comes into your clinic they're

Time: 6126.239

having this issue you prescribe um one

Time: 6128.88

of these drugs they come back and say

Time: 6132.679

everything's working great or maybe they

Time: 6133.96

don't come back they just you know send

Time: 6135.52

an email say everything's great um but

Time: 6138.679

do you need to have a discussion with

Time: 6140.119

that person about their over overall

Time: 6141.88

vascular health because a few minutes

Time: 6143.679

ago you told us that the fact that they

Time: 6145.4

weren't getting erections due to what

Time: 6147.199

now appears to be a vascular issue um

Time: 6149.639

can be resolved for the penile tissue

Time: 6152.48

but um is it going to solve their other

Time: 6154.4

vascular issues or should those people

Time: 6156

be on the lookout for cerebrovascular

Time: 6158.119

cardiovascular disease that can

Time: 6160.36

potentially cause things at least as bad

Time: 6162.239

as erectile dysfunction and may be worse

Time: 6164.36

yeah absolutely well I think they should

Time: 6165.639

be screened so you know sometimes I'm

Time: 6168.639

diagnosing in the first doctor that

Time: 6170.36

they're seeing in a long long time um

Time: 6172.44

but otherwise I do encourage them to see

Time: 6174

a primary care doctor to be screened for

Time: 6175.84

you know blood pressure lipid levels you

Time: 6178.08

know fasting U blood glucose all those

Time: 6180.32

things again sort of for early markers

Time: 6181.84

of some of these sometimes they're

Time: 6183.28

identified sometimes not but I think

Time: 6184.84

it's you know I think we kind of talked

Time: 6186.84

about sort of the ideal patient that's

Time: 6188.28

perfect body weight nothing else is

Time: 6189.56

going on but that's as you know a very

Time: 6191.36

rare entity so usually there's something

Time: 6193.32

that can be done to be optimized and I

Time: 6195.08

don't I try not to be alarmist about

Time: 6196.96

this but I do want to you know encourage

Time: 6198.76

men to sort of take ownership of the

Time: 6200.199

health cu sometimes can improve um you

Time: 6203.159

know some of these conditions but again

Time: 6204.599

we have terrific medications for for men

Time: 6206.76

in whom we cannot what are the common

Time: 6208.8

side effects of these drugs so they're

Time: 6211.56

baso dilator they open up blood vessels

Time: 6213.4

so we get some offt Target effects so

Time: 6215.599

headache facial flushing back eggs leg

Time: 6218.04

cramps indigestion nasal congestion

Time: 6220.44

those would be the most common before

Time: 6222.719

the last Super Bowl there was some press

Time: 6224.56

about the fact that a lot of the players

Time: 6226.08

were taking these drugs at low dosages

Time: 6228.199

before the game presumably to increase

Time: 6230.239

blood flow of their muscles and brain is

Time: 6232.04

that is that what the rationale was I

Time: 6233.8

think so yeah you know another is we

Time: 6235.28

talked about sort of how cycling may

Time: 6237.8

lead to erectile problems or sexual

Time: 6239.599

problems there has been some data

Time: 6241.639

looking at taking like biago or one of

Time: 6243.96

these medications the AL to alil before

Time: 6245.96

a ride again to try and increase

Time: 6247.719

circulation to decrease the chance of

Time: 6249.32

any of the negative effects of prolonged

Time: 6251.36

saddle pressure so it sounds like just

Time: 6254.04

increasing blood flow and lowering blood

Time: 6255.96

pressure slightly is just a good thing

Time: 6257.56

all around yeah I think there's

Time: 6259.239

certainly a benefit yeah because these

Time: 6260.599

medications were originally I think as

Time: 6261.84

you're alluding to were developed as a

Time: 6263.88

blood pressure treatment and this was

Time: 6265.119

sort of an amazing of Target effect that

Time: 6267.639

has turned into a billion doll

Time: 6269.8

industry so you mentioned about 10% or

Time: 6273.04

less of erectile dysfunction is due to

Time: 6275

endocrine issues was it 60 to 70% can be

Time: 6278.88

resolved with um with these blood flow

Time: 6282.719

influencers I know it's a terribly non

Time: 6285.28

uh non-clinical non-scientific way

Time: 6287.719

describe the Viagra Calis to delil um

Time: 6291.44

Etc um what about the remaining

Time: 6294.84

percentage and are there other

Time: 6296.159

treatments that um you you prescribed or

Time: 6299.52

or given um in which cases do you need

Time: 6301.96

to uh resort to um I guess more invasive

Time: 6305.96

approaches yeah so another therapy we

Time: 6308.639

have is urethal suppository so you can

Time: 6310.48

actually put a medication in the tip of

Time: 6311.96

the penis it's then absorbed by the rest

Time: 6313.4

of the penis Al inject suppository

Time: 6316.52

suppository or a gel or a jelly yeah um

Time: 6319.4

so it's also a basad sort of the concept

Time: 6321.56

is very similar um sometimes that you

Time: 6324.199

know is is okay for men and they

Time: 6326.92

tolerate it it's uh safe for partners as

Time: 6329.28

well um it can tingle a little bit so we

Time: 6331.8

definitely let men know because um one

Time: 6334.08

of the main medications does cause like

Time: 6335.76

a little bit of a a burn as well why

Time: 6337.92

would somebody do this as opposed to

Time: 6339.239

taking the pill form of the drugs we

Time: 6341.84

were just talking about mostly efficacy

Time: 6344.159

would be a big one um and so this this

Time: 6347.28

this can sometimes help where others

Time: 6348.56

cannot so that's one uh penile

Time: 6350.92

injections are another common therapy so

Time: 6353.56

the efficacy of penile injections are

Time: 6355.32

probably 80 to 90% uh again we're

Time: 6357.719

injecting basa dilators into the penis

Time: 6359.84

so the idea just opens up blood vessels

Time: 6362.239

easier to get and to keep erections you

Time: 6364.239

can imagine there's a huge psychological

Time: 6365.719

barrier to putting an needle in your

Time: 6367.52

penis is this something that the

Time: 6369.239

patients are doing for themselves at

Time: 6370.56

home or that you're doing is it long

Time: 6372.32

lasting is that something you do at the

Time: 6374.239

clinic and then they come back every few

Time: 6375.76

weeks or so no yeah this is an ond

Time: 6377.96

demand treatment so we we teach them how

Time: 6380.599

to do it the first time I do it with us

Time: 6381.84

in clinic ideally we try and get an

Time: 6384.239

erection that lasts probably 20 to 30

Time: 6385.679

minutes so we usually start at a low

Time: 6387.08

dose and then they just increase at home

Time: 6389.08

until they get you know an erection that

Time: 6390.88

lasts for that amount of time is it

Time: 6392.639

injected subcutaneous or actually into

Time: 6394.719


Time: 6395.8

um goodness the meteor tissue of of the

Time: 6399.04

penis that's right into the erectile

Time: 6400.599

bodies directly yeah and they you only

Time: 6402.719

have to inject one side they do

Time: 6404.08

communicate with each

Time: 6405.56

other most men say it's fine it's a

Time: 6407.599

small it's a very small gauge needle

Time: 6409.04

about as big as you know a few strains

Time: 6410.159

of here like I have an appointment over

Time: 6411.88

in Opthalmology and I've seen injections

Time: 6413.52

into the human eyeball and it is

Time: 6416

incredible how fast and how painless

Time: 6419.199

that procedure is when it's done by the

Time: 6420.8

right person nobody should try that at

Time: 6422.4

home on their own but when it's done by

Time: 6424.199

a skilled opthalmologist it's just

Time: 6425.96

striking you know you hear you think

Time: 6427.159

about needle in the eye you know what's

Time: 6428.84

worse it's like the childhood rhyme

Time: 6430.52

right stick a needle in my eye like

Time: 6431.88

can't think of anything worse but um

Time: 6434.96

maybe you know an injection in the penis

Time: 6436.36

sounds almost as bad but you're telling

Time: 6437.96

me that if patients are prescribed this

Time: 6439.88

that they can do this with with limited

Time: 6441.599

if any discomfort well it does have a

Time: 6443.76

high dropout rate surprise surprise um

Time: 6447.44

yeah I think no one's excited about it

Time: 6448.719

you know it's I guess the mood can

Time: 6451.199

sometimes be affected but a lot of

Time: 6452.32

couples are very comfortable with it

Time: 6453.56

again it's very efficacious the part the

Time: 6455.28

man can do it his partner can do it um

Time: 6457.84

so it does work

Time: 6459.639

well and I I guess here we're sort of

Time: 6462.76

ascending the the list of um

Time: 6464.92

invasiveness right um what what is at

Time: 6468.48

the the sort of top tier of invasiv

Time: 6470.88

for for retile dysfunction so then we go

Time: 6473.119

into penile implants so there's actually

Time: 6475.4

a surgical procedure we can do to put a

Time: 6477

device inside the penis that can help

Time: 6478.48

men be hard when they want to and that

Time: 6479.96

comes in sort of two main forms there's

Time: 6482.76

either non-inflatable or inflatable so

Time: 6485.84

the non-inflatable sort of a bendable um

Time: 6488.239

it's you know has sort of a metal core

Time: 6490.48

and so when men don't want to have sex

Time: 6492.32

they bend it down when they're ready for

Time: 6493.76

sex they can kind of bend it up it's

Time: 6495.8

really just they on demand yes H yeah

Time: 6499

interesting yeah so it's simple to use

Time: 6501.52

um sort of the more I guess kind of um

Time: 6504.719

sort of natural form would be the

Time: 6506

inflatable so when you're not using it

Time: 6507.679

it's deflated and then when you're ready

Time: 6508.96

to use it it's inflated and you inflate

Time: 6510.639

it with basically a pump that's in the

Time: 6513

scrotum so all this is sort of

Time: 6514.4

surgically implanted inside a man all

Time: 6516.599

under the skin you know unless you know

Time: 6518.52

what you're looking for it'd be very

Time: 6520.08

difficult to tell if a man has it or

Time: 6521.4

doesn't have it but when he's ready he

Time: 6523.36

pumps it up and it moves fluid from a

Time: 6525.719

reservoir some you which usually is also

Time: 6528.199

it's also surgically implanted into the

Time: 6530.159

penis to get a rigid

Time: 6531.84

erection what is the relationship

Time: 6533.84

between psychological arousal and

Time: 6536.239

erection as it relates to these

Time: 6538

Technologies I mean the way you're

Time: 6539.239

describing it sounds purely mechanical

Time: 6542.159

right um we're talking about nocturnal

Time: 6543.719

erections which I suppose people could

Time: 6545.719

be having erotic dreams but I don't

Time: 6547.8

think that's a a prerequisite for

Time: 6549.56

nocturnal erections at all right so um

Time: 6553.08

is the idea that if adequate blood flow

Time: 6555.84

is achieved then any signal from the

Time: 6559.04

brain can initi create a Cascade of

Time: 6561.239

blood flow that creates the erection or

Time: 6564.36

is it the case with some of these

Time: 6565.679

treatments that um sounds like blood

Time: 6568.199

flow is almost um autonomous right well

Time: 6571.48

I think a lot of these um yeah the blood

Time: 6573.719

flow is not adequate and that's why

Time: 6575.04

we're having to you know sort of go

Time: 6576.599

beyond but generally as you point out

Time: 6578.119

there's different stimulation whether it

Time: 6579.719

be you know visual tactile or factory um

Time: 6583.96

that sort of starts that Cascade that

Time: 6586.08

releases neurotransmitters in the penis

Time: 6587.84

that leads to this phase of dilation you

Time: 6589.679

know natur and men get erections a few

Time: 6592.36

years ago I was reading about um

Time: 6595.199

vasopress inhalence you know there was a

Time: 6597.76

bunch of stuff hitting the market um by

Time: 6599.719

the way I don't suggest that people um

Time: 6601.8

get experimental with this stuff you

Time: 6603.52

know as a neuroscientist who also um

Time: 6605.92

knows the thing about neuropeptides and

Time: 6607.719

neuro hormones that can impact the

Time: 6609.84

hypothalamus you know I just I I just

Time: 6611.599

cover my eyes and kind of um cringe when

Time: 6613.92

I think about people inhaling

Time: 6615.199

vasopressin thinking oh yeah you know

Time: 6617

there's a study that vasopressin

Time: 6618.8

increases sexual desire or something

Time: 6620.52

like that um but nowadays I'm reading a

Time: 6623.92

lot more about a really interesting

Time: 6626.119

peptide um treatment which I think is a

Time: 6628.52

FDA approved prescription drug which is

Time: 6630.84

um relates to uh a um melanocyte

Time: 6634.239

stimulating hormone that comes out of

Time: 6636

the medial pituitary um that is used to

Time: 6639.44

increase sexual desire it's prescribed

Time: 6641.599

for women um but men are starting to

Time: 6644.639

take it um and it seems to have at least

Time: 6647.239

from what you read on the internet um a

Time: 6650.199

pretty profound impact on libbido and on

Time: 6653.44

erectile frequency and persistence um is

Time: 6656.88

this something that you know it's you're

Time: 6658.88

using in your clinic um uh yeah what

Time: 6662.56

about these peptides that people are

Time: 6664

inhaling and injecting and some of them

Time: 6666.199

are taken in oral form but most often I

Time: 6668.04

think it's nasal inhalent or um uh or

Time: 6672.639

it's uh a subcutaneous

Time: 6675.32

injection yeah so um those are not ones

Time: 6677.92

that that we use in clinic but I think

Time: 6679.679

you know looking at sort of just sexual

Time: 6682

dysfunction broadly there are a lot of

Time: 6684

things that you know we do try and help

Time: 6686.639

um and one of the things sort of that I

Time: 6688.8

kind of relates to that that is it's

Time: 6690.52

been a proposed treatment for it is this

Time: 6692.599

concept of delayed orgasm or delayed

Time: 6694.92

ejaculation so I think everybody's

Time: 6696.56

familiar with premature ejaculation

Time: 6698.199

right where men ejaculate too quickly um

Time: 6700.4

but on the other end of the spectrum

Time: 6701.639

there's men that takes you know a long

Time: 6704.199

time to ejaculate and you know what that

Time: 6706.44

is is sort of defined differently but

Time: 6709.04

generally most people would say like

Time: 6710.48

sort of two standard deviations above

Time: 6712.119

average so on average probably around 5

Time: 6713.84

minutes or so two standard deviations

Time: 6715.92

would be kind of 20 to 25 minutes so for

Time: 6717.84

men that take that long to ejaculate

Time: 6719.96

that would be considered delayed or

Time: 6721.639

sometimes they don't ejaculate every

Time: 6722.92

time that they you know have relations

Time: 6725.32

so for those I think there is a need for

Time: 6727.28

treatment because there's no FDA proov

Time: 6728.88

therapy for that um and so that's why I

Time: 6731.639

think you know providers are trying some

Time: 6733

of these other you know more

Time: 6734.079

experimental things um there's some that

Time: 6736.679

we use just not that one in particular

Time: 6738.84

um there's also some device that have

Time: 6740.36

been trial as well but it's it's a

Time: 6742

challenge because you know I certainly

Time: 6743.8

you really feel for these men um it's

Time: 6745.88

one of the pleasures in life um and some

Time: 6747.88

of them are never able to have sex or

Time: 6749.4

only or sorry never able to orgasm and

Time: 6751.56

some are only able to do it very rarely

Time: 6753.92

so we do want to offer them

Time: 6755.56

benefit what about pelvic floor Health

Time: 6758.52

more generally um the topic of pelvic

Time: 6761.159

floor health is something that comes up

Time: 6763.119

more often around female reproductive

Time: 6766.079

Health in urology um you hear about keel

Time: 6770.28

Kagel kull I don't know I guess we'll

Time: 6773.159

have to ask him because it turns out

Time: 6775.04

Keel Kagel was a person um who named the

Time: 6777.96

exercise after himself um whether or not

Time: 6781.32

he did them or not I do not know but um

Time: 6783.599

my understanding is that Kagel are a

Time: 6785.639

pelvic floor strengthening exercise um

Time: 6789.199

and my understanding is that some people

Time: 6793.52

experience urinary or sexual dysfunction

Time: 6796.76

because of a overly relaxed AKA weak

Time: 6800.599

pelvic floor but that some people have

Time: 6803.88

the exact same problems because of a

Time: 6806.04

hypercontracted AKA overly tense tight

Time: 6809.8

strong pelvic floor meaning don't run

Time: 6812.44

out and start doing kull just because

Time: 6813.76

you heard about them they're not good

Time: 6815.079

for everybody they might be bad for

Time: 6817

certain people but what about pelvic

Time: 6818.88

floor health I mean should men be paying

Time: 6820.48

attention to pelvic floor Health should

Time: 6821.719

men be doing pelvic floor exercises I

Time: 6824.28

mean I think it's really key that you

Time: 6825.4

say that because you know not everything

Time: 6826.8

you hear about is good and I think it's

Time: 6828.599

not good for the right person so so

Time: 6829.88

there are certainly men that I see that

Time: 6831.88

have very you know just a lot of tension

Time: 6833.4

a lot of anxiety sometimes these men you

Time: 6835.48

know urinate every hour I mean there's

Time: 6837.4

other things and you can just tell

Time: 6838.52

they're just sort of very wound up and I

Time: 6840.88

think for that man you know one of the

Time: 6842.679

issues you kind of allude to is he

Time: 6844.56

probably needs to relax more so you know

Time: 6846.679

pelvic floor Physical Therapy can still

Time: 6848.36

benefit you because there are some just

Time: 6849.599

different feedback exercises that could

Time: 6851

be done to help with relaxation so you

Time: 6853.36

know any eurologist office there's

Time: 6855

usually a list a lot of different

Time: 6856.199

providers around the region that can

Time: 6857.76

help with some of these um Keele

Time: 6859.719

exercises though can be useful you know

Time: 6861.32

for example for um like prostate cancer

Time: 6864

Rehabilitation some of these men where

Time: 6865.92

we're trying to kind of rebuild some of

Time: 6867.639

the strength or maintain or improve

Time: 6869.8

continence in these men we do want to

Time: 6871.719

strengthen some of these muscles so that

Time: 6873.44

they can sort of recreate or replace

Time: 6875.56

what was lost when the prostate was

Time: 6877.079

removed so I think for the right man

Time: 6879

they can be useful but yeah it could be

Time: 6880.92

a dangerous tool in the wrong hands and

Time: 6883.52

you mentioned that if people want to

Time: 6884.76

learn more about pelvic floor therapy um

Time: 6888.44

they can contact their local urologist

Time: 6891

and find a good pelvic floor good male

Time: 6894.119

pelvic floor specialist do they tend to

Time: 6895.719

specialize male female they're usually

Time: 6898.44

uh pretty much gender or sex agnostic so

Time: 6900.88

they usually are able to help all and um

Time: 6904.4

forgive me for uh asking for an Abridged

Time: 6907.36

Anatomy lesson here but um could you

Time: 6910.56

describe the pelvic floor muscles and

Time: 6912.159

how they relate to the bladder prostate

Time: 6915.28

urethras anatomy that you talked about

Time: 6917.4

before because I have the picture of the

Time: 6920.599

bladder urethra prostate penis in my

Time: 6923.119

brain um I know um by uh life experience

Time: 6928.199

where the testes and scrotom are

Time: 6929.56

relative to all of that but now I'm

Time: 6930.92

trying to figure out um how like so the

Time: 6933.239

pelvic floor a bunch of muscles that

Time: 6934.8

that are attached to the pelvis but how

Time: 6936.88

do they interact with those uh with

Time: 6939.239

those organs yeah good question so they

Time: 6941.719

sit beneath you know the sort of in the

Time: 6943.92

perineum so the area between the scrotum

Time: 6945.88

and the anus and Beyond too so they

Time: 6948.239

basically support all the structures

Time: 6949.679

there they support you know the base of

Time: 6951.88

the penis the prostate the bladder the

Time: 6954.84

rectum uh and you know they're they kind

Time: 6957.48

of keep M you know adequate tension to

Time: 6959.679

keep all those structures up they relax

Time: 6961.52

when you know different functions are

Time: 6963.04

necessary they're very important for

Time: 6965.28

ejaculation um you know some people

Time: 6967.239

think that they kind of trigger some of

Time: 6968.48

the orgasmic response as well um you

Time: 6971.239

know sometimes men will have you know

Time: 6973.56

pain in that area in the perinal area

Time: 6975.44

can transmit to other parts of the body

Time: 6977.48

like the scrotum you know one of the one

Time: 6980.159

cause of scrotal pain and there can be

Time: 6981.599

many can sometimes be pelvic floor

Time: 6983.079

dysfunction so I think you know again P

Time: 6985.639

pelvic floor therapy can be useful for

Time: 6987.96

sort of a constellation of symptoms

Time: 6989.96

against some urinary symptoms as well so

Time: 6992.8

I think for some patients it can be

Time: 6994.079

helpful but um you know again there if

Time: 6996.88

if you get things too tense um that can

Time: 6999.44

sometimes be harmful so presumably these

Time: 7001.199

pelvic floor therapists also help people

Time: 7003.639

achieve a more relaxed pelvic floor if

Time: 7005.36

that's what they need exactly got it

Time: 7007.76

going to some of the questions that um

Time: 7010.88

came back to me when I solicited for

Time: 7012.84

questions in anticipation of this

Time: 7014.28

episode um several not a few um let's

Time: 7018.84

say a couple dozen people asked about

Time: 7020.52

split urine stream is that a signature

Time: 7024.56

of prostate overgrowth is that a a

Time: 7027.84

urethal issue is it perfectly normal um

Time: 7031.32

I'm assuming here they mean a split

Time: 7034.159

stream of urine that doesn't unify at

Time: 7037

any point they're talking about a

Time: 7038.32

consistently split urine stream and for

Time: 7041.04

those of you that don't know what I'm

Time: 7041.84

talking about we're talking about a

Time: 7043.04

urine stream that's actually two urine

Time: 7044.52

streams and we're assuming one urethral

Time: 7047.32

opening because I hit the literature on

Time: 7048.92

this and um there is a case of of

Time: 7050.96

failure to fully fuse the urethral duct

Time: 7053.36

during development where people

Time: 7055.52

some I'm assuming small fraction of

Time: 7057.96

males have a ureth opening on the base

Time: 7060.119

of the penis and at the tip of the penis

Time: 7062.32

let's rule that out as a a possibility

Time: 7064.52

for now um but now that it's on the

Time: 7067.36

table what percentage of males have that

Time: 7069.88

uh twoe reill openings so well

Time: 7072.52

hypospadius what you're describing where

Time: 7074.28

the the actual meatus is not at the tip

Time: 7077.199

but it's kind of along the proximal

Time: 7079.4

urethra or you know even further down

Time: 7081.56

sometimes in the scrotum probably about

Time: 7082.8

1% of bursts um and usually it's

Time: 7085.56

recognized at Birth and oftentimes it's

Time: 7087.32

surgically corrected because it's better

Time: 7089.52

to repair it early rather than later

Time: 7091.88

okay so ruling that out um what is the

Time: 7095.239

cause of split urine stream and is it um

Time: 7098.04

a signature of a larger

Time: 7100.159

you know one of the reasons that we you

Time: 7101.599

know urin a sort of um from an

Time: 7103.88

evolutionary standpoint right is to you

Time: 7106.239

know basically deposit in sort of a

Time: 7109.159

convenient time our waste and we don't

Time: 7111.36

want to get it everywhere because we

Time: 7112.56

don't want to sort of label ourselves um

Time: 7115.96

with smell of urine because that'll be

Time: 7117.32

easier for predators to to be able to

Time: 7118.96

identify so just similar to today we'd

Time: 7120.76

like everything to get in the toilet

Time: 7122.119

without creating a mess so anytime

Time: 7124

there's turbulent flow um it it

Time: 7126.44

certainly could signal an issue so it

Time: 7128.44

could be like your re issues are

Time: 7129.76

pointing out a prostatic issue

Time: 7131.56

inadequate speed you know of getting the

Time: 7134.28

urine out the meatus so you definitely

Time: 7137.119

should see you know a physici to get

Time: 7138.88

evaluated because there's likely some

Time: 7140.96

issue that could be

Time: 7142.4

improved the most popular question I

Time: 7146.199

received from males however was about

Time: 7149.679

perhaps no

Time: 7150.88

surprise penis

Time: 7152.96

length you're an expert in this actually

Time: 7155.96

um not just because you're a urologist

Time: 7158.52

male reproductive health expert but um

Time: 7162.96

you published a study recently on the

Time: 7166.28

changing Trends in penile length um tell

Time: 7170.48

us about that study I have so many

Time: 7172.639

questions about um the methodology

Time: 7175.44

because um I have to assume this didn't

Time: 7177.239

involve self-report right those were

Time: 7179.44

excluded yeah yeah so um lying was

Time: 7183.84

excluded um being fous here but um yeah

Time: 7187.199

how was this study done I mean pretty

Time: 7188.639

incredible stud study um

Time: 7191.4

and the results are I don't know if

Time: 7193.88

they're surprising or not I I first I

Time: 7195.719

thought oh this is surprising but the

Time: 7197.76

results were only surprising in light of

Time: 7199.4

what you were talking about earlier

Time: 7200.44

about sperm and testosterone levels I

Time: 7203.32

think um I'll let you describe the study

Time: 7205.48

now rather than than giving people the

Time: 7206.96

punch line here yeah so I mean the

Time: 7208.96

origin was that we were looking at we

Time: 7210.84

wanted to know average lengths for

Time: 7212.199

another project that we were doing and

Time: 7214.32

you know going down the rabbit hole this

Time: 7216.079

has been reported for decades you know

Time: 7218.119

there's different reasons that people

Time: 7219.88

have reported P length you know

Time: 7221.599

sometimes they do it uh just on

Time: 7223.199

volunteers again to sort of get the

Time: 7224.8

average lengths of different populations

Time: 7227.32

sometimes it's done pre and pr-

Time: 7228.56

surgically to try and understand what

Time: 7230.159

changes would occur um so we just sort

Time: 7233.119

of called the literature found data on

Time: 7234.92

55,000 men all over the world um and

Time: 7238.32

wanted to see if there was a you know

Time: 7239.639

sort of a Time pattern with that and

Time: 7241.719

similar to your hypothesis we assume

Time: 7243.48

based on all the other data that we

Time: 7244.8

would likely see a decline you know

Time: 7246.76

whether it be you know chemical

Time: 7248.119

environmental exposure but if nothing

Time: 7249.599

else if we're getting bigger you know

Time: 7251.84

the functional penal length should

Time: 7253.36

decline because you know the super pubic

Time: 7255.96

fat pad will get a little bit bigger and

Time: 7257.8

so we'll kind of lose penal length with

Time: 7259.52

that and so much to our surprise the

Time: 7261.199

super pric F pad excuse me um being the

Time: 7263.84

pad of fat directly over the penis right

Time: 7266.239

right and so you know if that gets

Time: 7268.04

bigger that'll necessarily compromise

Time: 7270.159

penile length but you know as you

Time: 7272.04

alluded to we found is actually the

Time: 7273.32

opposite that um the penises were

Time: 7275.32

getting getting longer with time so how

Time: 7277.56

it's measured measured differently so

Time: 7279.4

one of our inclusion criteria was that

Time: 7281.4

all the studies had have measured sort

Time: 7283.599

of in an office sort of in a clinical

Time: 7285.44

setting so whether it be a you know a

Time: 7287.679

clinician or whether it be a researcher

Time: 7289.679

that actually did it so there's

Time: 7290.719

different ways you can measure a penis

Time: 7292.119

you can just do a stretch length so you

Time: 7294.04

kind of stretch it up as much as you can

Time: 7295.679

and then use sort of a ruler to measure

Time: 7297.8

how long it is again from as deep as you

Time: 7299.719

can get you know the pubic bone ideally

Time: 7302.239

up to the tip of the the glands or the

Time: 7304.679

okay guys so here's what he's describing

Time: 7306.079

he's talking about measuring from the

Time: 7307.44

top not from the bottom

Time: 7309.639

Believe It or Not people ask questions

Time: 7311.079

about this um my daughter made that joke

Time: 7313.679

actually oh yeah yeah yeah uh measuring

Time: 7316.28

from the top not from the bottom no

Time: 7317.639

cheating um you're talking about

Time: 7319.239

stretching the penis while it's flaccid

Time: 7321

presumably and then measuring from

Time: 7323.719

essentially contact with the a location

Time: 7325.84

that's contact with the pubic bone to

Time: 7328.239

the the tip right okay so that that

Time: 7331.28

length was recorded in 50,000 men mhm

Time: 7335.679

wow yeah so that was one and then we

Time: 7337.92

also looked at a w length and so there's

Time: 7339.56

different ways that an erection can be

Time: 7341.28

achieved sort of in a clinical setting

Time: 7342.84

so one is you can ask a man to stimulate

Time: 7344.52

himself and then measure so that was

Time: 7346.56

some of the studies and then the other

Time: 7347.96

method as we've alluded to earlier is

Time: 7349.599

you can inject a man with a medicine to

Time: 7351.079

give him an erection and then measure it

Time: 7353.599

and did 50,000 men participate in that

Time: 7355.96

aspect of the study it was less no that

Time: 7358.719

was I think that was about probably 10

Time: 7360.92

to 15, men I have to wondering whether

Time: 7363.4

or not it's easy or difficult for people

Time: 7365.32

to recruit subjects for these studies I

Time: 7367.96

don't know I could see it going in both

Time: 7369.32

ways yeah some of the studies actually

Time: 7371.159

had a tremendous number had about um

Time: 7373.84

like 15,000 men some individual studies

Time: 7376.32

contributed that and actually

Time: 7377.44

interestingly after we published it

Time: 7378.639

there were some men that volunteered uh

Time: 7380.599

for the next study to be measured I'm

Time: 7382.84

sure you'll hear from some of them after

Time: 7384.36

this episode um what was the major

Time: 7387.48

finding so the major finding we wanted

Time: 7389.52

to do is just give normative data we

Time: 7391.119

found that it varied around the world So

Time: 7392.639

based on different regions um the

Time: 7394.88

average lengths you know varied a little

Time: 7397.599

bit but generally on average um erect

Time: 7400.44

penis is probably between about 5 to 6

Time: 7402.119

Ines somewhere in that neighborhood so

Time: 7404.079

that was kind of the take-home we want

Time: 7405.28

that was the average the average for

Time: 7407.159

wlink did you publish the full

Time: 7409.76

distributions uh we didn't I think we

Time: 7411.52

were we're we're our plan was actually

Time: 7413.599

to make a follow- on study so we could

Time: 7415.719

show everybody you know I guess probably

Time: 7417.679

they were interested where they kind of

Time: 7418.84

fell on the graph but it was fairly you

Time: 7421.239

know it was normally distributed yeah I

Time: 7423.159

would think that um despite the um you

Time: 7426.079

know the wide availability of

Time: 7427.48

pornography that um um that the

Time: 7430.48

distributions like the Scatter Plots of

Time: 7432.679

all the data uh would be interesting to

Time: 7436.44

men um for the same reason that the

Time: 7439.32

testosterone by function of age data

Time: 7443.4

published as a scatter plot in that

Time: 7444.92

textbook I referred to earlier right

Time: 7446.52

were interesting because um the scatter

Time: 7449.679

plot distributions I feel like um point

Time: 7452.48

to um other takeaways that one can be in

Time: 7455.96

their 70s and have testosterone levels

Time: 7458.88

equivalent to a male and healthy male in

Time: 7460.639

his 30s that one can be in their 30s and

Time: 7462.92

have testosterone levels that are twice

Time: 7464.84

as much or half as much as as AG match

Time: 7467.4

cohort this kind of thing um I think

Time: 7470.079

there there's value in that so um what

Time: 7472.76

what other takeaways um uh arrived with

Time: 7476.04

the data from the the penis length study

Time: 7478.159

that perhaps we didn't we didn't hear

Time: 7479.599

about like what what did you find most

Time: 7481.199

interesting about about the data well

Time: 7483.079

that there was any change over time you

Time: 7484.52

know this was a fairly short uh study it

Time: 7486.719

was probably about you know 30 years or

Time: 7488.32

so um but we did find that penal length

Time: 7490.679

has been increasing over time so um you

Time: 7493.96

know that was just sort of fascinating

Time: 7495.4

that we would see sort of in such a

Time: 7496.44

short interval of time that there would

Time: 7497.84

be a change number one but that we we'd

Time: 7499.52

see a lengthening number two so you know

Time: 7502.559

again similar to the concerns that arose

Time: 7504.48

for these you know relatively short

Time: 7506.48

period of time where you would see

Time: 7508.04

changes in semen quality um you know it

Time: 7510.679

suggests something sinister right it's

Time: 7511.92

unlikely to be a genetic change because

Time: 7514.04

that would take you know centuries

Time: 7516.44

probably uh certainly several

Time: 7518

Generations so fact that this happened

Time: 7519.639

so quickly um was just

Time: 7522.04

surprising um this brings to mind some

Time: 7524.239

of work that I was involved in years ago

Time: 7527.44

um when I was a master student I studied

Time: 7529.84

um early organizing effects of hormones

Time: 7532

on uh the brain and body and um I'm sure

Time: 7535.559

this has been updated um since then but

Time: 7539

um my recollection is that uh during

Time: 7543.199

embryonic development males um are

Time: 7546.32

exposed to a certain amount of Di hydr

Time: 7549

testosterone not testosterone but

Time: 7550.639

dihydrotestosterone which organizes the

Time: 7553

brain male as they used to say now the

Time: 7557.76

the verbiage around that would probably

Time: 7559.04

be a little bit different but the idea

Time: 7561.28

is that um males are born um with penile

Time: 7566.28

tissue of course but then it's during

Time: 7568.04

puberty that the same hormone

Time: 7569.92

dihydrotestosterone then exerts an

Time: 7571.8

activating effects on the genitals and

Time: 7574.559

the genitals grow during puberty penis

Time: 7576.719

length increases so assuming that the

Time: 7579.559

study that you did was on males um post

Time: 7582.719

puberty right I'm assuming it was um

Time: 7586.079

then it would imply that something's

Time: 7587.96

changing about the levels or the

Time: 7590.4

signaling related to

Time: 7593

dihydrotestosterone um how could that

Time: 7595.119

happen um do we have any ideas about

Time: 7597.04

what might be happening I mean this is

Time: 7598.4

the opposite of environmental endocrine

Time: 7600.679

disruptors preventing sperm from being

Time: 7603.48

as you know high quality and numerous as

Time: 7605.76

they could be or from you know or

Time: 7607.76

Environmental factors either in utero or

Time: 7610.639

post utero um suppressing testosterone

Time: 7613.679

levels here we're talking about the

Time: 7614.559

opposite effect we're talking about

Time: 7615.48

dihydro testosterone levels presumably

Time: 7617.48

being higher in males over the last 30

Time: 7620.44

years and thereby longer penises right

Time: 7624.48

so I mean I think there's different

Time: 7625.52

conjectures that you could make about

Time: 7626.84

why this could happen I mean it could be

Time: 7628.559

you know maybe endocrine disrupting

Time: 7630.28

chemicals you know in utero some early

Time: 7632.36

exposure you know that some of the

Time: 7634.079

mothers had to kind of androgenic

Time: 7636

effects during the male programming

Time: 7637.679

window that may have led to some longer

Time: 7639.559

lengths um another hypothesis we had is

Time: 7642.52

that if if males are going through

Time: 7644.4

puberty earlier the earlier one goes

Time: 7646.48

through puberty the longer length tends

Time: 7648.079

to be so maybe that provides sort of

Time: 7650.559

this link so earlier puberty tends to be

Time: 7653.8

longer potentially means longer duration

Time: 7656.76

exposure to

Time: 7658.48

dihydrotestosterone longer penises right

Time: 7660.8

yeah you may be surprised to not to know

Time: 7662.92

you might not be surprised to know that

Time: 7665.76

there is a uh subculture online I know

Time: 7668.199

because they contacted me in

Time: 7669.76

anticipation of this episode um of um

Time: 7673.96

post puberal males who take a

Time: 7676.679

combination of

Time: 7678.96

dihydrotestosterone and low levels of

Time: 7682.599

growth hormone in efforts to try and

Time: 7684.679

increase their penile length and the the

Time: 7687.76

um ones taking dihydrotestosterone

Time: 7689.88

they're not taking pure dhg they're

Time: 7691.239

taking things like

Time: 7692.4

oxandrolone um which very closely mimics

Time: 7694.88

the structure of DHT um they report um

Time: 7699.28

some success um fortunately they did not

Time: 7701.88

send me pictures um otherwise I would

Time: 7704.52

have just forwarded them to you for your

Time: 7705.8

next study um but this stuff is

Time: 7708.199

happening um in post puberal Mal so um

Time: 7712.8

it it all rests on this dihydro

Time: 7714.44

testosterone hypothesis um I don't know

Time: 7717.36

just a point of Interest yeah I don't

Time: 7718.96

know it just physiologically it doesn't

Time: 7720.52

make sense why that would work as you're

Time: 7721.88

pointing out post pubertally and then

Time: 7723.8

unless they're doing other things you

Time: 7725.079

know some sort of stretching exercises

Time: 7726.8

or call jelking but yeah I would not

Time: 7731.04

recommend that thank you that was the

Time: 7733.32

response I was looking for so um that

Time: 7735.599

Community will be listening with um uh

Time: 7738.76

open ears don't do

Time: 7740.92

it as long as we're talking about DHT

Time: 7743.92

dihydro testosterone um it's only fair

Time: 7747.199

to discuss the drugs that many people

Time: 7750.599

take to suppress dihydrotestosterone in

Time: 7752.96

hopes to keep or grow their hair things

Time: 7756.44

like finasteride dutasteride

Time: 7759.159

um some maybe many not all people who

Time: 7763.48

take these drugs particularly in oral

Time: 7765.719

form experience um sexual dysfunction

Time: 7769.36

issues um and other issues related to

Time: 7772.119

suppressing DHT that said my

Time: 7775.119

understanding is that these drugs are

Time: 7776.239

also quite useful maybe even life-saving

Time: 7778.719

in some cases for um staving off certain

Time: 7781.559

forms of prostate

Time: 7783.32

cancer what are your thoughts about

Time: 7785.119

finasteride taster do you see people

Time: 7787.4

coming into your clinic

Time: 7788.88

who are having sexual dysfunction or

Time: 7791.28

other types of issues because of their

Time: 7793.239

hair or attempt to maintain or grow

Time: 7795.8

their hair issues and um equally

Time: 7799.48

important is that we talk about

Time: 7800.84

so-called post finasteride syndrome I

Time: 7803.199

got a lot of questions about post

Time: 7804.679

finasterid syndrome um because I'll

Time: 7807.36

describe it in a couple of minutes um it

Time: 7809.4

sounds pretty devastating for these

Time: 7810.92

people's lives um and I'll explain why

Time: 7814.8

it's so devastating for them um in a

Time: 7816.92

moment but you what about aside

Time: 7818.679

dutasteride and these drugs that are

Time: 7820.159

effectively DHT blockers um DHT levels

Time: 7825.36

if they get too high indeed can

Time: 7826.92

miniaturize the hair follicle cause

Time: 7829.159

people to lose their hair typically up

Time: 7830.96

front or in the back so-called crown or

Time: 7833.239

whatever you know Widows Peak uh uh uh

Time: 7836.4

or everywhere in some cases um it also

Time: 7839.119

induces hair growth on the back beard

Time: 7841

growth as we understand but then people

Time: 7843

go and take these drugs to try and

Time: 7844.32

maintain or grow their hair and often

Time: 7846.36

times they have erectile dysfunction or

Time: 7847.88

other issues isues is that surprising to

Time: 7849.719

you you know I think the men that we see

Time: 7851.599

these um these side effects are are tend

Time: 7854.44

to be you know younger men in their 20s

Time: 7856.079

30s and 40s uh and they' take it as

Time: 7858.36

you're pointing out for hair loss so

Time: 7860.199

before it was FDA approved for that

Time: 7861.639

indication at least finasteride was you

Time: 7863.599

know they did randomized control trials

Time: 7865.36

to look um and one of the other things

Time: 7867.92

that we we'll talk about too is just

Time: 7869.44

reproductive effects so they did you

Time: 7871.04

know lots of studies to see if there

Time: 7872.52

were changes in semen quality you know

Time: 7874.599

for men on finasteride versus the

Time: 7876.639

placebo and there were some very subtle

Time: 7878.8

changes but you know sort of in

Time: 7880.32

postmarketing now we see these patients

Time: 7881.8

in clinic um you know everybody to

Time: 7884.76

enroll in these studies had normal

Time: 7886.28

function so I think that's sort of

Time: 7887.4

important to understand and obviously

Time: 7889.32

that's not life right that people come

Time: 7890.679

in with sort of different baselines and

Time: 7892.92

different amounts of reserve and so we

Time: 7894.76

now know that there's probably people

Time: 7896

that are a lot more sensitive to these

Time: 7897.36

medications than others and so there are

Time: 7899.679

some men that drop their sperm counts

Time: 7901.44

dramatically and usually if we're we

Time: 7904.04

stop these medications their sperm CS

Time: 7906.199

can recover you know usually a

Time: 7907.48

spermatogenic cycle is probably about 2

Time: 7909.159

to 3 months so usually in maybe 3 to 6

Time: 7911.559

months we usually see recovery for most

Time: 7913.44

men um but similarly for you know sexual

Time: 7916.52

function I certainly you know have a

Time: 7918.199

number of patients you know that do

Time: 7919.92

complain of low libido erectile function

Time: 7921.96

this post finasteride syndrome um you

Time: 7924.44

know and the mechanisms I think are less

Time: 7926

certain because you know measuring

Time: 7927.4

testosterone levels which we do you know

Time: 7929.679

sometimes if androgens are low or even

Time: 7931.199

if androgens seem to be in the maybe

Time: 7932.719

normal range or low normal range will

Time: 7934.32

try and increase testosterone through a

Time: 7936.8

variety of means testosterone chopine

Time: 7939

sometimes will give you know it helps

Time: 7940.8

some men but not all so I think the

Time: 7942.44

exact mechanism of what is going on here

Time: 7945.679

what is changing I think um you know we

Time: 7948.76

need more you know more understanding

Time: 7950.84

about the exact sort of path of

Time: 7952.92

physiology um neur you know or

Time: 7955.96

neurochemically it seems like a pretty

Time: 7957.8

serious trade-off to either maintain to

Time: 7959.559

grow hair or lose sexual function I mean

Time: 7962.96

talked about DHT and some of these um

Time: 7966.8

side effects of Finas do test ride on um

Time: 7969.88

previous episodes and you know I'm not a

Time: 7972.199

clinician but my encouragement is always

Time: 7973.88

for people to approach these drugs with

Time: 7975.639

a with a real level of seriousness if

Time: 7978.52

not caution um the post finasteride

Time: 7980.88

syndrome was described in these online

Time: 7983.239

questions as seemingly permanent even

Time: 7986.44

though um people had ceased to take

Time: 7989.92

finasteride or dutasteride so in other

Time: 7992.4

words they were taking this stuff they I

Time: 7994.639

don't know how they felt while they were

Time: 7995.639

on it but they stopped taking it and the

Time: 7998

sexual dysfunction issues um don't seem

Time: 8000.76

to be resolving um does that mean they

Time: 8002.639

should go see uh you or another uh male

Time: 8006.28

urologist reproductive health specialist

Time: 8008.84

yeah I mean oftentimes they do for you

Time: 8010.52

know these complaints um you know they

Time: 8012.84

start to notice it when they're on the

Time: 8014

medication then when they you know

Time: 8015.84

usually through online research kind of

Time: 8017.44

learn about this potential entity

Time: 8019.48

sometimes they discontinue now some men

Time: 8021.239

do have resolution when they stop but

Time: 8022.92

there is this permanence in some handful

Time: 8024.599

of men um you know they've done you know

Time: 8027.28

MRI IM to try and understand sort of you

Time: 8029.76

know more anatomically or functionally

Time: 8031.44

what exactly is going on I think there's

Time: 8032.76

still a lot of unknowns about it but it

Time: 8035.4

can be you know permanent for some so

Time: 8037.119

they come in you know and they see me in

Time: 8038.679

clinic erec all dysfunction low libido

Time: 8040.84

and then we go down all the the host of

Time: 8042.48

treatments that we talked about in

Time: 8043.599

evaluations that we talked about again

Time: 8045.599

we have resolution in some but there are

Time: 8047.119

some that seem treatment refractory

Time: 8049.44

yikes that's my only response I

Time: 8052.32

mean permanent effects uh on Sexual

Time: 8056.239

Health in it as a consequence of an

Time: 8058.8

attempt to maintain one's hair I mean

Time: 8060.84

this is where you know um in all

Time: 8063.32

seriousness it it it just sounds like

Time: 8065.04

something that um people need to think

Time: 8067.28

very seriously about because as I

Time: 8069.52

understand there's nothing that can

Time: 8070.679

predict whether or not someone will

Time: 8073.04

have post finasteride syndrome right

Time: 8076.36

right um and I did um a bit of reading

Time: 8079.96

on this uh within the scientific

Time: 8081.719

journals as well there isn't a lot of

Time: 8083.4

information as you point out because

Time: 8084.8

it's a fairly recent phenomenon and that

Time: 8086.36

highlights a different issue

Time: 8088.639

this may be the first time in history

Time: 8090.84

where young males are taking finasteride

Time: 8092.96

and dutasteride and that might be the

Time: 8096.04

cause of the postfastr syndrome right I

Time: 8098.679

think you you alluded to this earlier

Time: 8100.599

right these drugs have proven to be very

Time: 8102.679

beneficial for older men treating

Time: 8105

prostate issues exactly yeah right so

Time: 8107.28

this is a post finasterid syndrome um I

Time: 8110.04

think falls under the category of

Time: 8111.88

medical conditions that um you know a

Time: 8114.159

few years ago we we would hear the same

Time: 8116.079

about um chronic fatigue syndrome

Time: 8118.599

even fibromyalgia not long ago was

Time: 8121.4

considered one of these oh is it all a

Time: 8123.48

psychosomatic issue now we we now

Time: 8125.88

clearly know that's not the case for

Time: 8127.239

fibromyalgia by the way um but I can

Time: 8129.84

recall a time not that long ago when

Time: 8131.84

people um in the medical profession kind

Time: 8134

of like well yeah this I don't know if

Time: 8135.96

this is a real thing but postfastr

Time: 8137.599

syndrome sounds certainly real for the

Time: 8139.36

people that are suffering from it

Time: 8140.639

exactly yeah yeah okay well the reason

Time: 8142.119

I'm spending so much time on this is

Time: 8143.48

that um I get a lot of questions about

Time: 8145.719

it and there clearly a lot of young

Time: 8147

males who take fastrite or do tast ride

Time: 8149.159

or are thinking of doing that um for

Time: 8151.84

cosmetic reasons and I think they should

Time: 8153.88

be aware of the potentially serious

Time: 8155.76

consequences yeah agree yeah but you did

Time: 8158.52

say earlier that if someone has a penis

Time: 8162

you can get it hard so um so all is not

Time: 8165.8

lost even for these post finasterid

Time: 8167.48

syndromes individual good okay we'll

Time: 8169.36

hold use that um you mentioned

Time: 8172.8

chopine um could you explain what

Time: 8175.4

chopine is and what it's used for um

Time: 8178.679

because again uh we want this discussion

Time: 8182.639

to be centered around the real science

Time: 8185.159

the real medicine um but there is a

Time: 8187.32

growing kind of subc commmunity of

Time: 8189.079

people out there who are saying okay

Time: 8190.36

testosterone therapy can cause us these

Time: 8192.639

sperm um suppressive issues and perhaps

Time: 8195.08

some other issues um but doing nothing

Time: 8199.2

might not be an option for somebody who

Time: 8200.76

wants to increase their whatever libido

Time: 8203.08

other aspects of of um Androgen function

Time: 8206.12

um and so there there are a growing

Time: 8208.92

number of people out there who are

Time: 8210.399

taking chopine only in order to

Time: 8213.92

presumably increase testosterone but my

Time: 8216.08

understanding is that it would impact

Time: 8217.88

the estrogen pathway as well yeah what's

Time: 8220.88

chopine uh what are your thoughts about

Time: 8222.519

people using chopine um sort of off Lael

Time: 8226.16

um simply to increase androgens seems

Time: 8228.96

sketchy to me for reasons related to

Time: 8231.2

changes in neural circuits um but you'll

Time: 8234.479

tell us how it works then yeah well

Time: 8236.24

thank you for including the offlab

Time: 8237.719

closer anytime I talk about this I

Time: 8239.08

always have to say say that but so

Time: 8241.599

chopine is a selective estrogen receptor

Time: 8243.639

modulator so basically it blocks

Time: 8245.28

estrogen and so from our earlier

Time: 8247.16

discussions of how the pituitary works

Time: 8249.319

you know there's sort of an elaborate

Time: 8250.519

feedback loop between the pituitary and

Time: 8252.92

the gonads and the man the testes and so

Time: 8255.319

what happens is you know FSH LH these

Time: 8258

genotropin stimulate the testicle to

Time: 8259.599

make sperm and testosterone

Time: 8261.319

testosterones peripherally converted to

Time: 8263.16

estrogen and that feeds back on the

Time: 8264.92

hypothalamus to stop that so again you

Time: 8267.2

don't get an over production so by

Time: 8269.359

blocking the estrogen receptor the level

Time: 8271.319

of the pituitary or the hypothalamus

Time: 8273.639

you'll stop that and so the idea behind

Time: 8276.479

blocking that is that you'll get more

Time: 8278.12

production of FSH LH more of these

Time: 8280.2

drivers so you get more testosterone you

Time: 8282.8

get a higher stimulation of the testicle

Time: 8284.92

you know the hope is that for fertility

Time: 8286.84

that sometimes it can improve sperm

Time: 8288.28

production too and there's some limited

Time: 8289.76

data that can help um but I think as

Time: 8291.76

you're alluding to it's sort of a way to

Time: 8294

just augment your body's own production

Time: 8295.639

of testosterone so it certainly does

Time: 8297.8

that I think there's no question that

Time: 8299.04

testosterone levels do rise I think that

Time: 8301.88

the reason that doesn't always help is

Time: 8303.319

because not every problem is solved by

Time: 8304.96

testosterone we kind of talked about

Time: 8306.599

somewhat in this uh this discussion but

Time: 8309.399

also that you know you do need some

Time: 8310.96

estrogenic signaling as well and so by

Time: 8313.04

blocking that you know even partially

Time: 8315.28

because there's also some partial

Time: 8316.24

Agonist effects of chopine as well it

Time: 8319.12

may limit it um and you know turns out

Time: 8321.88

that estrogen signal is important for a

Time: 8323.639

lot of things it's important for you

Time: 8325.479

know bone health but sexual health too

Time: 8327.08

it's important for libido so that may be

Time: 8329.639

partially blunting some of the hope for

Time: 8331.24

benefits of testosterone I found that

Time: 8333.12

men tend to be happier on testosterone

Time: 8335.2

than some of these other forms and that

Time: 8336.559

could be a possible explanation um but

Time: 8339.16

one of the advantage of chopine if we

Time: 8340.88

are thinking about this is a treatment

Time: 8342.479

for low testosterone hyperism is that it

Time: 8345.2

doesn't have the same toxic effects on

Time: 8347

sperm production so by maintaining the

Time: 8349.399

body's own production of testosterone by

Time: 8351.559

maintaining production of FSH LH will

Time: 8354.28

continue to get sperm production so for

Time: 8356.639

this reproductive man that has low

Time: 8358.439

testosterone and symptomatic low

Time: 8360.08

testosterone you know low you know low

Time: 8362.319

energy level sex drive mood sleep

Time: 8364.08

problems uh it can be a worthwhile

Time: 8366.679

treatment and it it does help a lot of

Time: 8368.2

men um but not

Time: 8371.639

everybody I've always been curious why

Time: 8374.319

if the goal is to increase sperm

Time: 8376.599

production that the most common

Time: 8378.8

treatment is HCG human chonic gadat

Time: 8382.559

tropen because as you mentioned earlier

Time: 8384.76

luteinizing hormone and FSH follicles

Time: 8387.519

stimulating hormone um are deployed from

Time: 8390.16

the pituitary and travel to the testes

Time: 8392.64

where they stimulate um testosterone

Time: 8395.52

production and sperm production but it's

Time: 8397.319

the FSH specifically that encourages

Time: 8400.52

sperm production so why wouldn't um a

Time: 8405.24

man who's taking maybe testosterone

Time: 8407.88

therapy or who perhaps just wants

Time: 8409.479

increased sperm C in quality take FSH

Time: 8412.84

instead of human chonic Gat tropin which

Time: 8415.16

is more or less a proxy for luteinizing

Time: 8418.12

that's a really good question and so

Time: 8419.479

what FSH does like you said is it

Time: 8421.12

stimulates sperm production so it seems

Time: 8422.76

like it'd be a much more logical

Time: 8423.96

treatment and actually in randomized

Time: 8426.12

Placebo control trials it does do that

Time: 8428.2

so one of the reason it does do that it

Time: 8430.12

does help okay so it's beneficial and we

Time: 8432.16

should we should give it more but one of

Time: 8433.88

the reasons that we don't is cost so

Time: 8435.96

it's rarely covered by insurance and HCG

Time: 8439.2

a month of that is in the hundreds of

Time: 8440.6

dollars so let's say like $300 to $500

Time: 8442.84

but a month of sort of therapeutic FSH

Time: 8445.92

is probably $2 to $3,000

Time: 8447.84

so that cost is really limiting it takes

Time: 8449.52

two to three months to make a sperm so

Time: 8451.96

um you know men often have to be would

Time: 8453.88

have to be on it for several months but

Time: 8455.359

there is reasonable data that would help

Time: 8456.8

and it does make you know a lot more

Time: 8458.68

sense that that should be given as adant

Time: 8460.76

therapy with testosterone rather than

Time: 8462.319

HCG um but HD does work you know sort of

Time: 8465.439

everyone's surprised it does actually

Time: 8466.92

help um but yeah I agree there is sort

Time: 8468.8

of a contradiction there so if the price

Time: 8470.84

came down it doesn't you know this is

Time: 8472.399

another off Lael medication for that

Time: 8474.479

indication um it would be it could be

Time: 8476.76


Time: 8478.72

one hormone that we haven't discussed is

Time: 8481

Prolactin um I'm familiar with prolactin

Time: 8483.56

from a variety of perspectives but um I

Time: 8486.04

always think of uh dopamine and

Time: 8488.12

prolactin is kind of a seesaw

Time: 8490.12

relationship dopamine's up prolactin is

Time: 8492.16

down you know dopamine is elevated with

Time: 8493.96

sexual desire sexual activity post

Time: 8496.08

ejaculation prolactin goes up sets

Time: 8499.16

perhaps the refractory period on

Time: 8501.12

erection ejaculation for some period of

Time: 8502.84

time then dopamine comes back up but you

Time: 8504.68

know this kind of thing and I realize

Time: 8506.12

that's far too simplistic that prolactin

Time: 8507.76

is doing many things in the brain and

Time: 8509.08

body besides that but how often do you

Time: 8512.12


Time: 8513.72

hyperprolactinemia um I don't know if

Time: 8516.72

plural Pras is uh is clinically correct

Time: 8520.16

but um elevated levels of prolactin that

Time: 8522.399

are causing

Time: 8523.52

problems um for men um what are some of

Time: 8527.319

the telltale signs of that um and this

Time: 8531.319

I'd like to use as a segue to talking

Time: 8532.92

about um some of the sexual dysfunction

Time: 8534.8

that is commonly discussed around the

Time: 8536.359

use of SS I and other other drugs to

Time: 8539.56

treat depression and and mental health

Time: 8541.2

issues that sometimes create um

Time: 8543.479

endocrine and or sexual health issues

Time: 8547.56

yeah so prolactin um is sometimes it's a

Time: 8551.8

diagnosis hyperprolactinemia it's a

Time: 8553.359

diagnosis make not that many times I

Time: 8555.479

would say you know less than 1% of the

Time: 8558.04

patients that we see will end up having

Time: 8559.52

that but usually it's a handful of times

Time: 8561.28

a year because you know we see a lot of

Time: 8562.88

patients um typically the The Telltale

Time: 8566

sort of symptoms would be you know ones

Time: 8567.68

of low testosterone that's a common one

Time: 8570.479

but you know in my practice I see it a

Time: 8571.96

lot with men with very low sperm

Time: 8573.439

production so I've diagnosed several

Time: 8575.64

prolactin secreting tumors and the

Time: 8577.76

manifestation of that was you know they

Time: 8579.56

weren't getting pregnant we checked the

Time: 8580.8

sperm count it was very low you know

Time: 8582.88

that mandates a check of testosterone

Time: 8584.56

which is also very low and then that

Time: 8586.399

leads to a prolactin which is very high

Time: 8588

and then that that was diagnosed so it's

Time: 8591.2

something I think to be aware of but I

Time: 8592.76

don't know that there's not usually a

Time: 8594.12

lot of symptoms and sort of going to a

Time: 8595.96

clinician when having sexual dysfunction

Time: 8599.359

symptoms low testosterone or fertility

Time: 8602

problems will usually you know be able

Time: 8603.319

to diagnose it if it's present are there

Time: 8606

any other hormones in the um in the

Time: 8608.52

galaxy of sexual health related hormones

Time: 8611

that uh fall into uh you know Common

Time: 8615.72

clinical practice uh for you um I check

Time: 8619.64

estrogen as well so I think that's

Time: 8621.16

another one is again because of the

Time: 8622.68

relationship with obesity I think that

Time: 8624.319

can be important sometimes there's too

Time: 8625.6

much aromatization and so sometimes uh

Time: 8628.56

that can be a problem I think just like

Time: 8630.64

we talked about normal estrogen

Time: 8632.16

signaling is important I think too much

Time: 8633.56

can be bad so there are some men where

Time: 8635.439

we you see manifestations that can

Time: 8636.84

manifest as gynecomastia in some cases

Time: 8638.88

male breast tissue male breast tissue

Time: 8640.439

yeah as I was um told um what was it

Time: 8644.279

that the uh male breast tissue is sort

Time: 8646.2

of like um the appendix it's there but

Time: 8648.96

it's not very interesting right right

Time: 8651.08

yeah everybody has some and we just

Time: 8652.479

don't want the growth to get out of

Time: 8654.319

control could you tell us about one of

Time: 8656.319

the world's most difficult to pronounce

Time: 8658.52

words which is

Time: 8661.08

verical yes so verical it's a very

Time: 8663.52

common condition probably about 15% of

Time: 8665.359

all men have it and it's a very common

Time: 8666.96

cause of infertility if you look at all

Time: 8668.8

the ideologies it can be 30 to 40% so

Time: 8671.92

basically what it is is dilated veins in

Time: 8673.479

the scrotum um so obviously we need

Time: 8675.439

veins to get blood out of the testicles

Time: 8677.6

U but sometimes they can be a little

Time: 8678.72

larger than average and there's sort of

Time: 8680.359

a normal sort of thermal regulation so

Time: 8682.399

if the veins get too big it's thought to

Time: 8684.2

warm up the testicle the other thought

Time: 8686.359

is that it doesn't adequately clear some

Time: 8688

of the metabolites um so exactly the

Time: 8690.56

pathophysiology is you know somewhat

Time: 8692.319

debated but I think those probably

Time: 8693.72

contribute um and it's something that

Time: 8695.84

everybody should be evaluated for if

Time: 8697.279

you're concerned about fertility um so

Time: 8699.24

again we see it very commonly you know

Time: 8702.08

given the fact that a lot of men have it

Time: 8703.56

about one in seven men have it it

Time: 8704.88

doesn't always cause a problem but maybe

Time: 8706.24

about 20 to 25% of the time it does so

Time: 8709.2

men will manifest with low sperm counts

Time: 8711.16

we see sometimes discomfort you know

Time: 8713.52

ache you know worse at the end of the

Time: 8714.84

day than at the beginning worse of

Time: 8716

activity anytime blood can pool

Time: 8717.96

sometimes it stretches and some men feel

Time: 8719.439

that and then in kids sometimes it can

Time: 8721.12

lead to um either stunted testicular

Time: 8724.16

growth or shrinkage of the testicle um

Time: 8726.56

it's also thought to be a progressive

Time: 8728

lesion so the longer a man has it the

Time: 8730.12

more damage it can do it usually

Time: 8731.359

manifests around puberty in general um

Time: 8733.88

so it's not a concern for everybody but

Time: 8735.68

I think certainly if couples are having

Time: 8737.399

difficulty conceiving you're having

Time: 8738.68

discomfort in the area and you have one

Time: 8740.72

it's a discussion you should

Time: 8742.479

have what about ponis disease yes so

Time: 8745.84

ponis is a scar baring of the penis

Time: 8747.88

which leads to curvature or deformity so

Time: 8750.359

the way erections work is everything

Time: 8751.84

swells and you can imagine if there's a

Time: 8753.76

scar tissue it doesn't swell

Time: 8755

symmetrically so you'll get like a

Time: 8756.2

curvature deviation sometimes you can

Time: 8757.92

get an hourglass or sort of a banding um

Time: 8761

if you look it up on the internet you

Time: 8762.279

can see you know a host of different

Time: 8763.8

deformities that men get it probably

Time: 8766.52

present in about 5 to 10% of men so it's

Time: 8768.64

very common um sometimes it could be

Time: 8771.08

from injury you know from you know a

Time: 8773.92

like a penal fracture other you know

Time: 8776.08

sort of less severe form of injury to

Time: 8778.52

the penis sometimes men have described

Time: 8780.56

hitting it on different things

Time: 8781.8

potentially that could could lead to it

Time: 8784.12

sometimes it can manifest after

Time: 8786.56

um prostate cancer surgery or other kind

Time: 8789.359

of surgeries which can you know sort of

Time: 8791.399

stun the penis or you know injure some

Time: 8793.319

of the nerves of the penis um so that's

Time: 8795.479

another condition we see commonly um you

Time: 8798.6

know obviously it can lead to bother you

Time: 8800.399

know and erections are not straight that

Time: 8802.12

can just you know cause um you know

Time: 8805.24

psychologic bother to men it can can

Time: 8806.92

also physically make it difficult for a

Time: 8808.88

man to have sex you know um sometimes it

Time: 8811.399

can limit certain positions so that's

Time: 8812.84

another common complaint we see um I

Time: 8815.279

think it's something that men should be

Time: 8816.56

aware of there's now awareness campaigns

Time: 8818.399

now that there's an FDA approved

Time: 8819.56

medicine for it uh collagenase or zlex

Time: 8822.279

which is a medicine that disolves scar

Time: 8823.76

tissue um so that's one of the

Time: 8826.2

treatments we have for it there's also

Time: 8828.24

you know different devices sort of

Time: 8829.84

stretching devices where we try and just

Time: 8831.52

mechanically remodel the penis to allow

Time: 8834.12

it to be a little bit straighter um and

Time: 8836.16

then there's also surgical options too

Time: 8837.96

so there's a lot we can do I always tell

Time: 8840.319

men again as long as we have a penis we

Time: 8841.8

can make it we can make it hard but we

Time: 8843.399

can also make it

Time: 8845.479

straight I'm wondering why in the study

Time: 8848.319

about penis length uh testicular size

Time: 8852.12

and volume wasn't also measured and and

Time: 8854.52

that's something that we haven't

Time: 8855.64

discussed um what is the relationship

Time: 8857.92

between testicular size and volume um

Time: 8861

and some of the other parameters we've

Time: 8862.76

been talking about and maybe this is

Time: 8864.56

also a good time to highlight um

Time: 8867.2

any kind of um morphological signals

Time: 8871.04

that uh would warrant people coming to

Time: 8873.6

the clinic so asymmetry in testical size

Time: 8876.56

for instance um changes in testicular

Time: 8878.96

size um obviously a psize lump uh they

Time: 8882.2

taught us in uh High School is um a

Time: 8884.84

warning sign of potential testicular

Time: 8887.319

tumor or cancer um yeah we didn't really

Time: 8891.08

talk about testicles yeah so I think

Time: 8893.319

that yeah kind of being aware you know

Time: 8894.56

the average size of um a testicle for a

Time: 8897.439

man is about you know sort of about a

Time: 8899.68

walnut so it's about 16 to 20

Time: 8902.16

CC's um you usually if you're going to

Time: 8904.319

measure it it' be about four to four and

Time: 8906.12

a half centimeters and longest axis to

Time: 8908.76

give you know your listeners or viewers

Time: 8911.479

some idea um if it changes certainly let

Time: 8914

people know if you feel anything let

Time: 8915.24

people know although um our uh you know

Time: 8918.8

National guidelines on screening

Time: 8920.399

practices recommends against regular

Time: 8923.12

testicular self- exams interestingly

Time: 8925.319

because I think the concern is that it

Time: 8927.16

leads to more anxiety than cancers that

Time: 8929.72

it would diagnose but I think you know I

Time: 8931.56

always tell men no one knows your

Time: 8932.64

scrotum better than you so if you

Time: 8933.96

identify you know problem you should

Time: 8935.76

bring it to attention so you know the

Time: 8937.56

classic appearance or the way that a

Time: 8940.359

testos cancer would manifest is a firm

Time: 8942.76

painless mass that you kind of feel

Time: 8944.319

coming from the testicle um I find it

Time: 8947.12

interesting that um at least as I

Time: 8950.16

understand women are encouraged to do

Time: 8951.72

regular self- exams of their breasts for

Time: 8954.08

for lumps so but you're telling me that

Time: 8956.08

men are discouraged from doing regular

Time: 8958.319

exams of their testicles for lumps that

Time: 8960.08

could be cancer that feels like a um

Time: 8962.92


Time: 8965.24

asymmetry it does I mean Cancer I mean

Time: 8968.12

both both seem very important um oh yeah

Time: 8970.88

well I think there's no question

Time: 8971.76

obviously I'm very biased yeah yeah I

Time: 8973.64

was trying to say it so you didn't have

Time: 8974.8

to right oh yeah I don't want to get in

Time: 8976.479

trouble with the US I don't want anyone

Time: 8978.8

to get cancer I mean I so um I don't

Time: 8981.359

even want a dog to get cancer um so I'm

Time: 8984.319

surprised that they discourage self-

Time: 8985.92


Time: 8987.12

um but is it because men are getting it

Time: 8989.64

wrong they're coming into the clinic

Time: 8990.96

thinking they have testicular cancer and

Time: 8992.52

then most of the time they don't I think

Time: 8994.64

that's the concern that you know the

Time: 8996.08

number of cancers that are diagnosed

Time: 8997.96

versus the false you know um the false

Time: 9001.52

you know lumps that they identify just

Time: 9004.56

lead to more anxiety and end up not

Time: 9006.6

actually you know causing more harm than

Time: 9008.399

good I think is the concern but um yeah

Time: 9011.04

it was a surprising recommendation when

Time: 9012.439

it came down usually if patients ask

Time: 9014.319

about it I certainly don't discourage

Time: 9015.64

them from doing these exams and I have

Time: 9017.319

we've certainly identified cancers

Time: 9018.96

through that means before well I saw the

Time: 9021.08

episode of er where the guy was having

Time: 9022.64

trouble breathing when he was an elite

Time: 9024.24

Runner and it turned out he had

Time: 9025.479

testicular cancer and he had overlooked

Time: 9027.6

the lump on his testicle so I'm going to

Time: 9029.6

continue to self-screen okay fair enough

Time: 9032.68

numerous times today we've talked about

Time: 9034.64

the potential benefit of getting a blood

Time: 9036.88

test for hormone profiles lipid profiles

Time: 9038.84

and other things as well as a sperm

Time: 9040.359

analysis um my understanding is that one

Time: 9044.399

can only do that if they have the

Time: 9046.04

disposal I income to elect to do that

Time: 9048.88

through some commercial online service

Time: 9051.479

um but is there any way that um patients

Time: 9056.16

who have insurance can uh approach their

Time: 9058.319

physician in a way that this would be

Time: 9060.439

covered by Insurance um I don't want to

Time: 9063

get you into any trouble here but I you

Time: 9065.279

know it's it's always such a shame it is

Time: 9068.2

such a shame when we're talking about

Time: 9070.24

something that is really um per

Time: 9072.88

pervasively related to health has his

Time: 9076.72

Sexual Health reproductive health and

Time: 9078.8

people are not aware of a potential

Time: 9081.76

problem in the present or in the future

Time: 9083.76

that could have been mitigated simply

Time: 9085.479

because they didn't get a blood test or

Time: 9087.92

do something as simple as a um a sperm

Time: 9090.6

analysis um so we can't be presumptuous

Time: 9094.68

and saying oh well you know two $200 or

Time: 9096.92

$1,000 is no big deal I mean for a lot

Time: 9098.52

of people that's a huge deal right um

Time: 9100.24

it's prohibitive um for many people so

Time: 9103.6

how can people get this stuff assessed

Time: 9106.04

um should they talk to their primary

Time: 9107.84

care physician should they um call a

Time: 9109.8

urologist what's the best approach yeah

Time: 9112.12

I think both are good strategies I think

Time: 9113.8

you know insurance is becoming a lot

Time: 9115.68

more open to covering some infertility

Time: 9117.8

at least testing sometimes treatment as

Time: 9119.56

well so I think a lot of insurance does

Time: 9121.04

cover that now you know sometimes we

Time: 9123.04

check cement analyses for other Jacory

Time: 9125.96

issues um but I think that you know

Time: 9128.96

again as more of this data gets out I

Time: 9130.52

think as more recognition how important

Time: 9132

the mail is I think we'll get um sort of

Time: 9134.439

more buying and coverage obviously women

Time: 9136.399

have you know the automatic feedback of

Time: 9138.319

obory Cycles so they kind of know and if

Time: 9140.84

there's a problem they can bring that to

Time: 9142.6

the attention but men don't have that

Time: 9144

feedback without some of these testing

Time: 9146.6

yeah and we probably should have

Time: 9147.479

mentioned this earlier so forgive me I I

Time: 9149.56

this was on me to mention that when we

Time: 9151.439

talk about sperm quality and we sort of

Time: 9153.359

shifted back and forth to semen quality

Time: 9155.479

it's possible to have um normal semen

Time: 9159.56

volume and have very low sperm count

Time: 9161.56

right we're not talking about the total

Time: 9162.88

amount of ejaculate per se we're talking

Time: 9164.8

about the density of forwardly motile

Time: 9167.399

healthy non-dna fragmented sperm in that

Time: 9170.439

semen right so in other words it's not

Time: 9173.72

sufficient to just um assume because uh

Time: 9176.76

you can ejaculate that your sperm are

Time: 9178.64

healthy that's exactly right yeah I mean

Time: 9180.64

I think you know about 15% of men have

Time: 9182.64

low Seamon quality whether it be

Time: 9184.359

concentration movement shape about 1% of

Time: 9187.56

men have no sperm in the ejaculate and

Time: 9189.2

that's something sometimes they have no

Time: 9190.68

idea about so the only way to know would

Time: 9192.319

be to actually do a formal test well I'm

Time: 9194.52

encouraging people um to get these

Time: 9196.92

parameters assessed and I'm I'm making

Time: 9199.12

that statement um because it's very

Time: 9202.08

clear based on everything that you've

Time: 9203.279

told us today that sperm quality and

Time: 9206.84

hormone levels are just oh so important

Time: 9209.439

um not just for sexual health um but for

Time: 9212.88

urinary health and for reflecting

Time: 9216.24

prostate health and other aspects of

Time: 9217.8

whole body health and and um Sexual

Time: 9220

Health relates um directly to mental

Time: 9221.8

health right we we didn't talk so much

Time: 9223.72

about the psychogenic issues but um the

Time: 9226.6

two go hand inand EXA I want to thank

Time: 9230.08

you so much for coming here today and

Time: 9231.56

sharing so much knowledge with us I mean

Time: 9233.72

these really are the issues that um

Time: 9236.319

males think about and wonder about and

Time: 9239.72

um have questions about um and they do

Time: 9244.04

so to varying degrees depending on where

Time: 9245.56

they're at in life um but I think

Time: 9248.12

especially for younger men who are

Time: 9250.72

hearing this um who are not at the point

Time: 9253.359

where they want to conceive um it's

Time: 9255.359

really important to start thinking about

Time: 9256.76

these issues for all the all the reasons

Time: 9258.24

you mentioned I think these issues are

Time: 9259.439

really important um for women to know

Time: 9261.84

about as well just as it's important for

Time: 9264.2

men to understand uh female reproductive

Time: 9266.96

health and and uh to not just improve

Time: 9269.6

communication but this after all um is

Time: 9271.479

at the heart of the uh the presence and

Time: 9274.279

proliferation of our species so thanks

Time: 9276.359

for taking care of the male half and um

Time: 9279.52

uh and thanks for doing the work you do

Time: 9280.8

it's incredible um the large scale

Time: 9282.84

studies the the more detailed the

Time: 9285.08

studies the um on smaller populations

Time: 9287.6

the you ask the questions that it seems

Time: 9289.92

um many people are just afraid to ask

Time: 9293.279

and and you get right in there and and

Time: 9295.52

come out with the the really rigorous

Time: 9297.359

data and answer so thank you so much for

Time: 9299.2

what you do my pleasure thank you thank

Time: 9300.92

you for highlighting men's reproductive

Time: 9302.56

Health thank you for joining me for

Time: 9304.52

today's discussion with Dr Michael

Time: 9306.16

Eisenberg to learn more about his

Time: 9308.12

research and his clinical practice

Time: 9310.279

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Time: 9311.68

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Time: 9313.84

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Time: 9315.64

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Time: 9317.319

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Time: 9321.24

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Time: 9329.16

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Time: 9331.04

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Time: 9332.6

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Time: 9334.8

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Time: 9336.6

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Time: 9337.88

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Time: 9340

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Time: 9341.8

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Time: 9343.76

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Time: 9345.439

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Time: 9347.279

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Time: 9349.12

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Time: 9350.96

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Time: 9352.52

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Time: 9354.84

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Time: 9357.2

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Time: 9358.2

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Time: 9359.8

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Time: 9361.96

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Time: 9401.56

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Time: 9409.04

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Time: 9410.96

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Time: 9417.04

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Time: 9418.52

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Time: 9420.92

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Time: 9422.24

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Time: 9424.76

last but certainly not least thank you

Time: 9426.84

for your interest in

Time: 9428.52


Time: 9431.96


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