Dr. Matt Walker: The Biology of Sleep & Your Unique Sleep Needs | Huberman Lab Guest Series

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welcome to the hubman lab guest Series

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where I and an expert guest discuss

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science and science-based tools for

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine today's episode marks the first

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in our six episode series all about

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sleep our expert guest for this series

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is Dr Matthew Walker professor of

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neuroscience and psychology and the

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director of the center for Sleep science

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at the University of California Berkeley

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he is also the author of the bestselling

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book why we sleep during the course of

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the six episode series for which we

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release one episode per week starting

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with this episode one we cover

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essentially all aspects of sleep and

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provide numerous practical tools to

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improve your sleep for instance we

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discuss the biology of sleep including

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the different sleep stages as well as

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why sleep is so important for our mental

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and physical health we also talk about

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how sleep regulates things like

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emotionality and learning and

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neuroplasticity that is your brain

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ability to change in response to

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experience and we discuss the various

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things that you can do to improve your

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sleep everything from how to time

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lighting temperature exercise eating and

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the various things that can impact sleep

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both positively and negatively such as

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alcohol cannabis and various supplements

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and drugs that have been shown to

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improve sleep we also talk about naps

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dreaming and the role of dreams and

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lucid dreaming which is when you dream

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and you are aware that you are dreaming

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in today's episode one we specifically

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focus on on why sleep is so important

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and what happens when we do not get

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enough sleep or enough quality sleep we

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also talk about the various sleep stages

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and we also talk about a very specific

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formula that everyone should know for

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themselves called qqr T which is an

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acronym that stands for Quality quantity

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regularity and timing of sleep four

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factors which today you'll learn how to

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identify specifically for you what your

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optimal qqr is and then to apply that in

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order to get the best possible night's

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sleep which of course equates to the

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best possible level of focus and

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alertness throughout your days both Dr

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Walker and I are very excited to share

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the material in the six episode series

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with all of you and as we March into

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today's episode one I'm sure it will

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both provide a ton of excellent

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practical learning for all of you as

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well as spark many questions that are

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sure to be answered in the subsequent

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episodes of this series before we begin

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I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost to Consumer information about

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science and science related tools to the

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general public in keeping with that

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theme I'd like to thank the sponsors of

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today's podcast our first sponsor is

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eight sleep eight sleep makes Smart

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mattress covers with cooling Heating and

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sleep tracking capacity many times on

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this podcast we discuss how in order to

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fall and stay deeply asleep your body

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temperature actually needs to drop by

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about 1 to 3° and in order to wake up

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feeling maximally refreshed and

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energized your body temperature needs to

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heat up by about 1 to 3° eight sleep

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makes it very easy to control the

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temperature of your sleeping environment

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so that it's easy to fall and stay

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asleep and wake up feeling refreshed I

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started sleeping on an eight- Sleep

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mattress cover several years ago and it

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has completely and positively

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transformed my sleep so much so that

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when I travel to hotels or airbnbs I

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really miss my eight sleep I've even

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shipped my eight sleep out to hotels

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that I've been staying in because it

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improves my sleep that much if you'd

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like to try eightsleep you can go to

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huberman to save1 15 off their pod three

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cover eight sleep currently ships to the

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USA Canada UK select countries in the EU

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and Australia again that's eight

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sleep.com huberman today's episode is

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also brought To Us by betterhelp

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betterhelp offers Professional Therapy

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with a licensed therapist carried out

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online now I've been doing therapy for

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well over 30 years initially I had to do

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therapy against my will but of course I

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continue to do it voluntarily over time

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because I really believe that doing

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regular therapy with a quality therapist

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is one of the best things that we can do

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for our mental health indeed for many

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people it's as beneficial as getting

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regular physical exercise the great

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thing about better help is that it makes

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it very easy to find a therapist that's

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optimal for your needs and I think it's

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fair to say that we can define a great

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therapist as somebody with whom you have

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excellent Rapport somebody with whom you

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can talk about a variety of different

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issues and who can provide you not just

Time: 261.88

support but also insight and with better

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help they make it extremely convenient

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so that it's matched to your schedule

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and other aspects of your life if you'd

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like to to try betterhelp you can go to

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betterhelp.com huberman to get 10% off

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your first month again that's

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huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by element element is an

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electrolyte drink that has everything

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you need and nothing you don't that

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means plenty of the electrolytes

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magnesium potassium and sodium and no

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sugar as I've mentioned before on this

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podcast I'm a big fan of salt now I want

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to be clear people who already consume a

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lot of salt or who have high blood

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pressure or who happen to consume a lot

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of proc say foods that typically contain

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salt need to control their salt intake

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however if you're somebody who eats

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pretty clean and you're somebody who

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exercises and you're drinking a lot of

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water there's a decent chance that you

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could benefit from ingesting more

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electrolytes with your liquids the

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reason for that is that all the cells in

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our body including the nerve cells the

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neurons require the electrolytes in

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order to function properly so we don't

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just want to be hydrated we want to be

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hydrated with proper electrolyte levels

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with element that's very easy to do what

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I do is when I wake up in the morning I

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consume about 16 to 32 ounces of water

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and I'll dissolve a packet of element in

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that water I'll also do the same when I

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exercise especially if it's on a hot day

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and I'm sweating a lot and sometimes

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I'll even have a third element packet

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dissolved in water if I'm exercising

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really hard or sweating a lot or if I

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just notice that I'm not consuming

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enough salt with my food if you'd like

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to try element you can go to drink

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element spelled LM nt.com huberman to

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claim a free element sample pack with

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your purchase again that's drink element

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huberman and now for my conversation

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with Dr Dr Matthew Walker Dr Matt Walker

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welcome Dr hubman it's an absolute

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privilege and a delight to be back

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that's right you've been on here before

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but I have during this episode in this

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series we are going to go a lot deeper

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by the way you look very well rested

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thank you very much I actually slept

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pretty well last night um despite it

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being a foreign location um same time

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zone that helps just astronomically

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amazing well rather than ask you what a

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great night's sleep is for you because

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I'm pretty sure you're going to tell us

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that there's uh some individual

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differences that people need to pay

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attention to in terms of what is quote

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unquote optimal sleep let's start off

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with the

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basics what is sleep so sleep I think in

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some ways you can Define as at least in

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humans and in fact in all mamalian

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species is broadly separated into two

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main types of sleep on the one hand we

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have something that many people will

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have heard of called nonrapid ey

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movement sleep or non-rem sleep for

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short and non-rem sleep has been further

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subdivided into four separate stages and

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they are unimaginatively called stages

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one through four increasing in their

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depth of sleep so stages three and four

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that that's the really deep sleep that

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we can speak about and I should explain

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a little bit at some point what happens

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during that state with in the brain it's

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stunning it's astonishing so you've got

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stages one and two light non-rm sleep

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when you sort of look at your sleep

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trackers and it has light nonrem deep

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nonrem and then REM stages one and two

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that's light nonr stages three and four

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that's deep nonr and that's non-r

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encapsulated on the other hand we have

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rapid eye movement sleep or remm sleep

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and it's named not after the um popular

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Michael styp band of the 1990s but

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because of these bizarre horizontal

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shuttling eye movements that occur

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during this stage of sleep hence the

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rapid eye movements and REM sleep is the

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depending on your definition and we'll

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probably come to this in in uh later

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episodes It's the principal stage in

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which we dream but if your definition is

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quite loose which is any reported mental

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activity when I wake you up or when you

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wake up then it turns out that we dream

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in almost every stage of sleep but I'll

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describe REM sleep from here on in as

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perhaps you dream sleep and I'll make

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that faux part so you've got these two

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types of sleep non-rem and REM

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sleep they will then play out in this

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beautiful battle for brain domination

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throughout the night and that cerebral

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war is going to be won and lost on

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average for the average adult every 90

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minutes and then it's going to be

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replayed every 90 minutes and that

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creates the standard cycling

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architecture of sleep so whoever is

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listening to this when your head hits

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the pillow tonight what will happen

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you'll start to go down into the light

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stages of non-rm then you'll go down

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into the deeper stages of non-rm sleep

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and you'll stay there and after about 45

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50 60 Minutes you'll start to rise back

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up again and then you'll pop up and

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you'll have a short REM sleep period and

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then back down you go again down into

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non-rem sleep and up into REM sleep and

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as I said you cycle through that on

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average about 90 minutes but I'll come

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back to that what's interesting however

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is the ratio of non-rem to REM within

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your 90minut cycle is not stable and

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what I mean is as you move across the

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night the the the domination of those

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two types of sleep within the 90-minute

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cycle changes such that in the first

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half of the night the majority of those

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90 minutes Cycles are comprised of lots

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of deep non-rem sleep but very little

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REM sleep but as we push through to the

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second half of the night now that ratio

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balance that seesaw balance shifts over

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and instead we have much more rapid ey

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movement sleep and very little deep

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sleep so when people think about okay I

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just go to sleep I lose Consciousness my

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brain is still firstly nothing further

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from the truth could be the case in in

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terms of your sleep second your sleep

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has a very specific pattern that has

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consequences to real life so let's say

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that you're someone who normally gives

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yourself an8 hour sleep opportunity in

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bed but the next morning based on what

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I've just told you you say okay well I

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want to I'm going to get a jump start on

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the day or I've got an early morning

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flight so I'm just going to come up with

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numbers here I'm not suggesting that

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this is the ideal sleep schedule by any

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means but just to make the numbers

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simple let's say someone normally goes

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to bed at midnight and wakes up at 8: so

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there's their 8h hour opportunity but

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today they're going to wake up at 6:00

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a.m. rather than 8:00 a.m. to get this

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push on the day how much sleep have they

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lost well technically they've lost 2

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hours of the 8 hour so they've lost

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25% but that's not entirely true they

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may have lost 25% of their total sleep

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but because of the strange structure of

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deep sleep first and then REM sleep

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later they may have lost 60 70 maybe 80%

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of their REM sleep so I only make this

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point because understanding how sleep is

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structured can have

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consequences I will come back to the 90

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minutes though it's fascinating we've

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often and some people probably have

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heard this before it's a 90minut cycle

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well there's huge variability some

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people can have a sleep cycle on average

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that's maybe 75 minutes others 120

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Minutes is it consistent within an

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individual it is relatively stable

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within an individual so I would say that

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the size of the difference from one

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individual to the next is much bigger

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than the size of the difference within

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an individual from one night to the next

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to the next not unlike a healthy

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menstrual cycle in a woman which can

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range from a short is you know 24 days

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to 31 days and still be considered a

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healthy cycle that regular but and it

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will change across the lifespan of

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course but for a good number of years

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it's going to be pretty consistent

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within a given woman uh and yet Between

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Women it can vary quite a bit immensely

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yeah and what's also interesting is that

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speaking about um some sex specific

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things there are sex differences so on

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average men if you look at them will

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have a sleep cycle that's about 15 to 20

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minutes longer than women which on a

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90-minute average is actually quite a

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lot and I bring this point up because

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you may have seen some of those sort of

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claims or devices out there well firstly

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probably on social media and people send

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me these things and say is this true

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which is you really have to structure

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your wakeup time at these very distinct

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90minut on the clock when the clock

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strikes the 90-minute midnight you know

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that's when you have to be waking up and

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you should set your alarm right these

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the the rational you'll tell me that

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it's wrong presumably but the rationale

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of those devices is that one would be

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better off waking up at the end of a

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90-minute cycle as opposed to in the

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middle of a 90-minute

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cycle even if it means getting less

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total sleep because the argument is that

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waking up at the end of a 90-minute

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cycle allows one to be more alert upon

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waking right that there's something

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uniquely special about the completion of

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a 90-minute cycle that will have you Ed

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out of sleep feeling like an Energizer

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Bunny kind of that's some of the claims

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that they and if I were to ask now true

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or false false so sleep for as much as

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you possibly can sleep don't terminate

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that sleep artificially on the basis of

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anyone telling you that there is this

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kind of Da Vinci Code magic 90 minutes

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that's unfortunately not true and I you

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know I've been guilty of saying you know

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it's a 90minut cycle and repeating that

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so if I didn't know any better I would

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believe that so I'm not trying to you

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know chasti anyone I'm just simply

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saying be aware of that and don't worry

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don't stress about this unique 90-minute

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cycle and there's some products out

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there that say they're going to time you

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on your 90-minute cycle and wake you up

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I would probably stay a little bit clear

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of some of those what about going back

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to sleep you said to get um as much

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sleep as possible if I get six hours of

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sleep and then wake up and I feel like I

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could go back to sleep would I be better

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off going back to sleep provided that my

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work schedule allows for that or um is

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it the case that after you've gotten a

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certain amount of sleep that's a good

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idea to get up and and go I would say

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that if you feel as though there's still

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more sleep in you MH there is

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or I love that this has become

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biographical instantly it's going to be

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a good episode when that happens I would

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say hold tight stay in bed with an

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asterisk that I'll come back to and see

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if you can get get back to sleep and we

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can speak about different ways of

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helping you do that

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but the reason I put a a slight asterisk

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there is the following if you're then in

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bed for the next 45 50 minutes wide

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awake the danger and it doesn't happen

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to everyone but the danger is that you

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start to associate this thing called

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your bed with this thing called

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wakefulness and not sleep and one of the

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things that we do in cognitive

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behavioral th y for insomnia is we try

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to prevent you from spending long

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periods of time awake and I would say

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it's probably about a 25 minute rule of

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thumb it's not a rule it's a rule of

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thumb if after about 25 minutes you just

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can't seem to catch it and this is

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happening frequently I would just be

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mindful of you then starting to build a

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bonded Association in your brain that

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your bed is also the place of being

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awake the analogy would

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be you would never sit at the dinner

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table waiting to get hungry so why would

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you lie in bed waiting to get sleepy and

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the answer is that you you shouldn't and

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so we need to break that Association now

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there's nothing stopping you however

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from saying there's still sleep in me I

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know that there is so I'm just going to

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get out of bed go to a different room

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I'm just going to read a book listen to

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a podcast and then only when I feel

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sleepy I'm going to go back to bed

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because my schedule allows for it that's

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the best way I would tell you if you

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still think the sleep that on the table

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to try and get it back that's immensely

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valuable uh knowing that there's sort of

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a conditioned Place effect of of being

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awake in bed um I must say I get pretty

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good sleep most of the time there have

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been phases of life including recently

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where sleep has been challenging and I

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notice as I head toward the bed to go to

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sleep recently the words in my mind are

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here's the battle Gra like it's going to

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be a night of going to sleep waking up

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going to sleep waking up we'll get to

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this business of of continuity of sleep

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a little bit later so we don't have to

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go into that now but I I should also

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note by the way that for some people

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when I speak with them they will and

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it's just because you you mention it

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it's beautiful they will be saying I I'm

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so surprised because I am watching

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television and I'm falling asleep on the

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couch and then I get into bed and I'm

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wide awake and I don't know why and

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that's because in part you've built this

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this connection in your brain and it's

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and when you go into the bedroom that's

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what we try to do with cognitive

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behavioral therapy for insomnia you

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spoke about it as a Battleground that

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it's almost this adversarial thing which

Time: 1092

in some ways infers that at that point

Time: 1094

you feel as though your sleep controls

Time: 1096.36

you and it is a miserable feeling and

Time: 1099.6

gradually over time what we would do is

Time: 1101.44

work with someone and at that point now

Time: 1104.84

you control your sleep your sleep

Time: 1106.76

doesn't control you and that is so your

Time: 1109.12

freedom when you get it but sorry I

Time: 1110.96

interrupted you oh no uh I interrupted

Time: 1113.159

you but um thank you yeah I've prided

Time: 1115.32

myself my whole life on being able to

Time: 1117.08

sleep anytime anywhere uh I learned it

Time: 1119.799

from my Bulldog Costello or maybe that's

Time: 1121.919

what brought us together because he

Time: 1123.08

certainly had that I'm so sad he's not

Time: 1125.08

here around anymore with us CU I would

Time: 1127.12

have loved to he feels like he is the

Time: 1128.76

best sleep Ambassador if there's a post

Time: 1130.559

to child for good sleep well he's here

Time: 1133

in spirit um sleeping um so this is

Time: 1136.559

interesting and I think it's important

Time: 1137.84

for people to hear if if you can't fall

Time: 1139.84

asleep or if you wake up in the middle

Time: 1141.08

of the night and you can't fall back

Time: 1142.28

asleep pretty quickly after about 20

Time: 1144.2

minutes or so probably best to get out

Time: 1146.08

of bed um so these 90 minutu is

Time: 1151.159

cycles that include different types of

Time: 1153.679

sleep um prompt me to ask if you were to

Time: 1157.64

describe the basic characteristics of

Time: 1160.48

each of those four stages of sleep and

Time: 1163.32

especially the deeper stages three and

Time: 1165.76

four and REM sleep not just at the level

Time: 1168.96

of Rapid Eye movements during REM sleep

Time: 1171.76

but in terms of the types of Dreams or

Time: 1174.64

the characteristics of of kind of bodily

Time: 1177.4

State and you know maybe you just flesh

Time: 1179.559

out the physiology and neurochemistry

Time: 1181.64

and you know touch on kind of the the uh

Time: 1183.88

dream features associated with each of

Time: 1185.72

these uh different stages of sleep this

Time: 1188

just gets so exciting to me and even now

Time: 1190.559

when I go into the lab where I look at

Time: 1192.44

sleep traces um from my sleep center it

Time: 1196.32

I'm am still in awe in bewildered awe of

Time: 1200.36

what the brain does so as we start to

Time: 1202.679

fall into those lighter stages of sleep

Time: 1204.64

once you get past stage one sleep which

Time: 1206.52

is sort of almost the shallows where

Time: 1208.2

you're just wading out um then you go

Time: 1211.559

into stage two sleep and one of the

Time: 1213.36

Hallmarks of stage two non-rem sleep or

Time: 1216.6

something called sleep

Time: 1218.36

spindles and the way that we measure

Time: 1220.84

sleep in a laboratory by the way is that

Time: 1222.919

we place you look like a spaghetti

Time: 1224.48

monster you've got all of these

Time: 1225.76

electrodes on your head you've got

Time: 1227.36

things above your eyes and you've got

Time: 1228.919

things on your body and we're

Time: 1230.559

essentially measuring three main signals

Time: 1233.32

electrical brain activity we're

Time: 1235

measuring muscle activity and we're

Time: 1237.159

measuring eye movement activity and I'll

Time: 1239.679

explain why those three things are

Time: 1241.679

necessary for me to know are you awake

Time: 1244.44

are you in sleep and if you're in sleep

Time: 1246.48

which stage of sleep you're in so going

Time: 1248.72

into that stage two non-rem sleep we've

Time: 1251.44

got these sleep spindles and at that

Time: 1253.32

point I'm looking at the electrical

Time: 1254.96

signals from your brain what we call the

Time: 1257.08

EEG or the electri

Time: 1259.679

inogram and these sleep spindles are

Time: 1262.32

these beautiful short synchronous bursts

Time: 1265.039

of electrical activity and they last for

Time: 1267.559

about a second to two seconds maybe a

Time: 1269.96


Time: 1270.76

longer and they are bursting at a what

Time: 1274.76

we call a frequency of somewhere between

Time: 1277.44

12 to 15 Hertz and what that means is

Time: 1280.039

that these brain waves are going up and

Time: 1282.24

down 12 to 15 times per second that's

Time: 1285.799

what our measure is 12 to 15 Hertz

Time: 1289.48

and then you go back and your brain at

Time: 1291.32

that point has started to slow down now

Time: 1293.279

when we're awake your brain wave

Time: 1295.559

activity can be going up and down maybe

Time: 1298.76

20 30 40 times per second it's very fast

Time: 1302.76

and frenetic it's actually very chaotic

Time: 1305.559

electrical brain activity but as we're

Time: 1307.96

going into these lighter stages of sleep

Time: 1310.559

then the brain starts to slow down and

Time: 1313.36

at that point in stage two nonrem it's

Time: 1315.559

maybe going up and down just four to

Time: 1317.84

eight times per second so a huge

Time: 1320.559

deceleration in terms of brain wave

Time: 1323

activity but occasionally you'll get

Time: 1325.36

these s of it's

Time: 1327.08

going and then you'll get these

Time: 1329.799

beautiful bursts of these sleep spindles

Time: 1332.08

um I actually did I I've never published

Time: 1334.76

it publicly or um we did a project

Time: 1338

called the sonification of sleep and we

Time: 1340.48

took these electrical signals and then

Time: 1342.6

we turned them into sound waves and you

Time: 1345.919

can actually hear this beautiful sort of

Time: 1349.08

this it's almost this beautiful

Time: 1350.64

throbbing of a Slowdown in your brain

Time: 1352.84

and then you'll hear these spindles

Time: 1354.72

almost sounds like that beautiful

Time: 1356.88

delicious rolling R in Hindi so this

Time: 1360.2

it's just wonderful I'm not sure I can

Time: 1362.36

do that R how's it

Time: 1364.88

go yeah not too bad not not too bad I

Time: 1368.039

mean we're ering on the side of feline

Time: 1369.84

but that's okay Andrew um so so coming

Time: 1373.88

back to I'm so sorry um coming back to

Time: 1377.36

sleep we've gone into light stage two as

Time: 1379.6

I'm trying to desperately hold it

Time: 1381.159

together um and we're going down into

Time: 1383.039

deeper non-rm sleep now something

Time: 1385.52

spectacular happens and this is where I

Time: 1387.559

just almost lose it every time I see it

Time: 1392.159

the brain now goes back down and it's

Time: 1394.72

speed of of oscillation of going up and

Time: 1397.76

down is maybe just one or two times per

Time: 1401.559

second it's incredibly slow and this is

Time: 1404.799

whole brain activity or localized

Time: 1406.48

activity this is so we'll come on to

Time: 1408.12

this first the way we would measure it

Time: 1410.2

is just from these electrodes which are

Time: 1411.64

measuring hundreds of thousands of brain

Time: 1413.799

cells underneath them so a good analogy

Time: 1416.559

would be let's say you're at a a

Time: 1418.44

football stadium and it's Stanford

Time: 1420.76

playing Berkeley in in American football

Time: 1423.48

and what we've got is a single

Time: 1425.08

microphone dangling over the middle of

Time: 1427.2

the stadium and that microphone is

Time: 1429.799

picking up the summed voices of the 60

Time: 1433.2

70,000 people underneath it's the same

Time: 1436.159

thing with when we place an electrode on

Time: 1437.799

your head you're measure measuring the

Time: 1438.84

summed activity of hundreds of thousands

Time: 1441

of neurons underneath but we've now

Time: 1443.799

started to use maybe 100 200 electrodes

Time: 1447.679

on your head and we can pick these up in

Time: 1449.88

local territories of your brain but that

Time: 1453.32

beautiful powerful slow brain waves um

Time: 1456.279

that were getting during deep non-rm

Time: 1458.039

stages three and four it's not just slow

Time: 1461.08

activity you would think okay that's

Time: 1463.12

that that sounds like the brain is

Time: 1464.48

dormant no no no the brain at that point

Time: 1467.399

the size of the w waves is almost

Time: 1469.72

quadruple maybe 10x the size of the

Time: 1472.799

brain waves when you are awake why is

Time: 1475.84

that meaning that the brain waves are

Time: 1477.44

going up and down very slowly but the

Time: 1479.919

size of them which is what we call the

Time: 1481.399

amplitude that is now huge it's epic so

Time: 1484.88

think about it you're on the beach and

Time: 1487.52

when you're awake the waves are coming

Time: 1489.24

in very very quickly but they're small

Time: 1491.039

waves and they're coming in in a random

Time: 1492.88

fashion but deep slow wave sleep are

Time: 1495.96

these kind of Epic things that would

Time: 1498

happen in Hawaii where you just get

Time: 1500.2

these 20 30 foot waves and they're

Time: 1503.399

coming in very slowly but they are

Time: 1505.52

epically big that is deep slow wave

Time: 1509

sleep and then what happens is riding on

Time: 1512.2

top of those big slow waves are these

Time: 1514.48

sleep spindles they just keep coming so

Time: 1517.159

according to the sort of the Sleep

Time: 1518.679

sonification project what you would hear

Time: 1520.52

now these slow waves would

Time: 1527.12

be that that's the slow wave and the

Time: 1529.799


Time: 1530.799

spindle what is it that happens in your

Time: 1533.52

brain though to your question to produce

Time: 1535.6

these slow waves well let's go back to

Time: 1537.919

the football stadium analogy there

Time: 1540.32

before the game that's wakefulness

Time: 1542.36

everyone is having a different

Time: 1543.52

conversation in a different part of the

Time: 1545.159

stadium and and you just get this kind

Time: 1547.279

of incoherent sort of blabber that's

Time: 1550.44

going on that's wake your brain is doing

Time: 1552.76

different things at different sort of

Time: 1555

locations of the brain processing

Time: 1556.679

different information at different

Time: 1557.919

moments in time and that's the fast

Time: 1560.279

frenetic activity of wakefulness when

Time: 1562.679

you go into deep sleep all of a sudden

Time: 1565

for reasons that we still don't quite

Time: 1567.12

understand hundreds of thousands of

Time: 1569.919

brain cells in your cortex all decide to

Time: 1573.88

unite in their singular voice of firing

Time: 1577.52

and they all fire together and they all

Time: 1580.08

go silent together they all fire

Time: 1582.159

together they all go silent together and

Time: 1584.919

that's what's producing these huge big

Time: 1587.44

powerful waves so the analogy in the

Time: 1589.24

football stadium would be at this point

Time: 1591.32

now and I'll I'll come across to um to

Time: 1593.679

to your University Stanford is is is

Time: 1596.44

winning and the the crowd is buoyant and

Time: 1599.32

all of a sudden the Stamford crowd is

Time: 1601.12

singing Berkeley sucks Burkle sucks and

Time: 1605.64

they're all uniting the whole stadium

Time: 1608.36

cries out at the same time and then goes

Time: 1610.72

silent at the same time it's an epic

Time: 1614.039

display of coordinated neural activity

Time: 1617.159

in a way that we don't see in any other

Time: 1620.44

brain State it's phenomenal it's just in

Time: 1624.24

all you answered the question I was

Time: 1626.36

going to ask which

Time: 1627.919

is does the pattern of brain activity

Time: 1630.799

that you just described occur in similar

Time: 1634.36

or identical form during any waking

Time: 1636.6

States and I think you just said the

Time: 1638.24

answer is no meaning if I understand

Time: 1640.64

correctly this is a very very

Time: 1643.32

specialized brain State unique to sleep

Time: 1645.72

unique to a specific portion of sleep

Time: 1649.919

and that begs the question what is it

Time: 1654.32

doing so it turns out that all of these

Time: 1657.72

stages that we'll describe different

Time: 1660

stages of sleep do different things for

Time: 1662.88

your brain and your body at different

Time: 1664.84

times of night and it's very

Time: 1667.48

understandable that people sort of in

Time: 1669.12

the public will come over to me and say

Time: 1670.76

you know how do I get more deep sleep or

Time: 1672.919

how do I get more REM sleep and my

Time: 1675.279

question back to them firstly is why do

Time: 1677.679

you want more REM sleep and they'll say

Time: 1679.36

well isn't that the good stuff and I

Time: 1681.96

will say well it turns out that they're

Time: 1683.919

all important you need all of them but

Time: 1687.519

we can come on to let let I'll speak

Time: 1689.6

about non-rem sleep functions first and

Time: 1691.36

then I can probably I should unpack REM

Time: 1693.32

sleep um and then explain its functions

Time: 1695.399

but as an overview what we know is that

Time: 1697.799

during deep sleep first you switch over

Time: 1701.48

in terms of your body's nervous system

Time: 1704.519

to what we call the parasympathetic

Time: 1707.12

nervous system that you've spoke spoken

Time: 1708.399

about a lot before which is this kind of

Time: 1710.44

very quiescent calming state of your

Time: 1713.2

body's nervous system the sympathetic

Time: 1715.36

nervous system which is very poorly

Time: 1716.919

named because it's anything but

Time: 1718.96

sympathetic it's very aggravating and

Time: 1720.88

activating and um when we're awake that

Time: 1724.12

seems to be somewhat more dominant

Time: 1725.76

depending on what state you're in but in

Time: 1728

sleep especially in deep Sleep you shift

Time: 1730.6

over into this very strong

Time: 1732.64

parasympathetic quiescent calm State and

Time: 1735.919

that instigates together with other

Time: 1737.799


Time: 1738.679

um and we've demonstrated by the way

Time: 1740.44

that we published a paper probably about

Time: 1742.24

a year and a half ago that these slow

Time: 1744.12

waves and these sleep spindles and the

Time: 1745.84

cordination of them how well that

Time: 1747.799

they're coordinated seems to instigate a

Time: 1750.559

signal down into your body's what we

Time: 1752.96

call the autonomic nervous system which

Time: 1755.24

carries both the sympathetic and the

Time: 1757.12

sympathetic nervous system inside of it

Time: 1759.399

and forces you over into a

Time: 1761.2

parasympathetic state so these brain

Time: 1764.08

waves one of the things that they seem

Time: 1765.48

to be doing is transacting a message to

Time: 1768.12

your body's nervous system to say calm

Time: 1770.679

down quiet down what then happens

Time: 1773.679

firstly what we see is your

Time: 1774.96

cardiovascular system ramps down deep

Time: 1777.559

sleep you could argue is almost the very

Time: 1779.24

best form of blood pressure medication

Time: 1781

that you could ever wish for it's

Time: 1783.64

beautiful then something happens within

Time: 1785.88

your immune system we're start starting

Time: 1787.76

to unpack this but we still don't quite

Time: 1789.559

know why these pulsing deep slow brain

Time: 1791.96

wavves seem to be a trigger for

Time: 1794.919

instigating two things for your immune

Time: 1797.279

system firstly it stimulates the

Time: 1800.36

restocking of the Weaponry in your

Time: 1803.519

immune Arsenal so that you wake up the

Time: 1806.72

next day and you are a more robust

Time: 1808.96

immune individual so these are things

Time: 1811

like tea cells natural killer cells that

Time: 1813.44

sort correct all of that good stuff but

Time: 1815.039

what's also interesting there's a more

Time: 1816.919

recent discovery um it's not just that

Time: 1820

your body has um put back all of this

Time: 1823.24

Armory in place and in fact Amplified it

Time: 1826.96

but your body

Time: 1829.279

sensitivity to those immune factors has

Time: 1832.48

also increased so you've restocked the

Time: 1835.88

the weaponry and you've made your body

Time: 1838.159

more sensitive to those immune signals

Time: 1841.559

and that's why we will see in probably

Time: 1844

later discussions your immune system can

Time: 1846.72

start to become you know really markedly

Time: 1849.76

impaired when you're not getting enough

Time: 1850.919

sleep so that's a second benefit of the

Time: 1854.279

Deep Sleep um brain wave patterns the

Time: 1858.039

third benefit that we've realized is

Time: 1859.72

that it's very good at regulating your

Time: 1861.399

metabolic system and specifically your

Time: 1864.399

ability to control your blood sugar and

Time: 1866.84

your blood glucose and if we selectively

Time: 1869.48

deprive you of just deep sleep alone and

Time: 1872.76

we can do this now very cleverly it's

Time: 1874.679

not as though I see you going into deep

Time: 1876.72

sleep and I go into your bedroom and I

Time: 1878.919

wake you up and then you go back to

Time: 1880.32

sleep and which is how we used to do it

Time: 1882.399

sort of 10 years ago now we can use a

Time: 1884.639

very clever method where we play

Time: 1886.799

auditory tones to your brain but they

Time: 1889.88

are of a level that will not wake you up

Time: 1892.96

it's what's called a sub Awakening

Time: 1894.799

threshold and we determine that and by

Time: 1897.559

playing those tones it forces the brain

Time: 1900

to resurface out of deep sleep so you

Time: 1902.48

will still sleep a total 8 hours but I

Time: 1905.76

will have selectively excised just your

Time: 1908.6

deep sleep and when I do that sure

Time: 1910.96

enough your blood sugar ability your

Time: 1913.399

ability to control your blood sugar I

Time: 1914.88

should say is impaired really quite

Time: 1917.88

demonstrably and it's for at least two

Time: 1919.919

reasons the initial thing is that your

Time: 1922.6

pancreas when it sees this spike in

Time: 1925.32

blood sugar it normally releases

Time: 1927.519

something called insulin and that

Time: 1929.519

insulin is a trigger to your body to say

Time: 1931.919

start absorbing the blood sugar so we

Time: 1933.96

don't get this toxic or we don't

Time: 1935.639

maintain this toxic spike in blood sugar

Time: 1938.12

your pancreas when you are underslept

Time: 1940.519

and specifically when you're not getting

Time: 1941.919

enough deep sleep does not release the

Time: 1944.399

appropriate amount of insulin worse

Time: 1946.88

still what we found is that's

Time: 1948.2

selectively depriving you of Deep Sleep

Time: 1951.08

means that what little insulin is

Time: 1953.039

released the cells in your body become

Time: 1956.32

less receptive to that insulin so you're

Time: 1960.2

not releasing enough of this chemical to

Time: 1962.6

say start absorbing blood sugar and the

Time: 1965.48

cells that are they designed to do the

Time: 1968.12

they stick a straw out into your

Time: 1969.32

bloodstream and they suck up the blood

Time: 1971.039

sugar they don't respond to the insulin

Time: 1974.039

anymore so on both sides of the blood

Time: 1975.919

sugar regulation equation you become

Time: 1977.96

imper and then I can give you an example

Time: 1980.799

upstairs in the brain one of the things

Time: 1982.44

that we found and we'll discuss is that

Time: 1984.96

deep sleep helps regulate your learning

Time: 1987.08

in your memory functions it helps start

Time: 1989.12

to move memories around in your brain

Time: 1991.2

and protect them and shift them from

Time: 1993.08

short term to long term deep sleep

Time: 1996.12

however we've now discovered is critical

Time: 1999.399

for drisking your Alzheimer's trajectory

Time: 2004.279

it's during deep sleep when you have a

Time: 2006.24

cleansing system in the brain that

Time: 2008.44

starts washing away the toxic proteins

Time: 2011.76

that build up by way of wakefulness and

Time: 2014.32

two of those toxic components are

Time: 2016.96

something that we call beta ameloid and

Time: 2018.919

Tow protein which are fundamental

Time: 2021.32

ingredients in the Alzheimer's disease

Time: 2023.08

brain equation

Time: 2025.519

so certainly I could then understand

Time: 2028.08

based on that Litany of things that I've

Time: 2030

just provided and those are only a few

Time: 2031.559

of what deep sleep is doing you could

Time: 2034.08

imagine that's the stuff that I want to

Time: 2036.08

get and that's the thing that I need to

Time: 2037.44

optim for not true because there is REM

Time: 2041.039

sleep I'd like to take a brief break and

Time: 2043.399

acknowledge our sponsor ag1 ag1 is a

Time: 2046.44

vitamin mineral probiotic drink that

Time: 2048.359

also contains adaptogens and is designed

Time: 2050.839

to meet all of your foundational

Time: 2052.2

nutritional needs by now I'm sure you've

Time: 2054.32

all heard me say that I've been taking

Time: 2056.079

ag1 since 2012 and indeed that is true

Time: 2059.52

now of course I do consume regular Whole

Time: 2061.399

Foods every day I strive to get those

Time: 2063.599

Foods mostly from unprocessed or

Time: 2065.8

minimally processed sources how however

Time: 2068.24

I do find it hard to get enough servings

Time: 2070

of fruits and vegetables each day so

Time: 2071.879

with ag1 I ensure that I get enough of

Time: 2074.2

the vitamins minerals Prebiotic fiber

Time: 2076.44

and other things typically found in

Time: 2077.8

fruits or vegetables and of course I

Time: 2079.48

still make sure to eat fruits and

Time: 2080.919

vegetables and in that way provide a

Time: 2082.919

sort of insurance that I'm getting

Time: 2084.24

enough of what I need in addition the

Time: 2086

adaptogens and other micronutrients in

Time: 2087.839

ag1 really help buffer against stress

Time: 2090.52

and ensure that the cells and organs and

Time: 2092.159

tissues of my body are getting the

Time: 2093.919

things they need people often ask me

Time: 2095.76

that if they were going to take Just One

Time: 2097.16

supplement what that supplement should

Time: 2098.64

be and I always answer ag1 if you'd like

Time: 2101.48

to try ag1 you can go to drink a1.com

Time: 2104.52

huberman to claim a special offer you'll

Time: 2107.119

get five free travel packs plus a year

Time: 2109.24

supply of vitamin D3 K2 again that's

Time: 2111.96

drink a1.com

Time: 2114.079

huberman before you talk about REM sleep

Time: 2116.52

um what about stages one and two of

Time: 2118.24

sleep are those just um kind of the jog

Time: 2121.16

into the into the Sprint that is uh deep

Time: 2124.16

sleep stages three and four or if I were

Time: 2127.04

to Stage the question I'm asking as an

Time: 2128.76

experiment let's say I'm an

Time: 2130.24

undergraduate or graduate student in

Time: 2131.72

your lab and I say um can we do an

Time: 2134.24

experiment where we selectively deprive

Time: 2136.359

people of stage one and two sleep only

Time: 2139.48

and and then of course the question

Time: 2140.56

becomes what do you put in there instead

Time: 2143.24

so there's a bunch of other experiments

Time: 2144.76

that one would have to do but has that

Time: 2147.68

experiment ever been done and if so uh

Time: 2150.119

what is the consequence of being stage

Time: 2151.92

one two deprived um as opposed to just

Time: 2154.64

deep sleep deprived so just as you

Time: 2158.24

already um elegantly demonstrated that

Time: 2161

stage one selective deprivation is very

Time: 2163.48

difficult because it's a denovo thing

Time: 2166.079

you have to pass through to get to the

Time: 2168.68

other stages of sleep is stage one the

Time: 2171.319

stage of sleep that I and other people

Time: 2172.92

have experienced many times where you're

Time: 2174.24

falling asleep and um you start to have

Time: 2176.839

a a dream perhaps about walking or

Time: 2178.599

running and then you kick yourself away

Time: 2180.2

that's right okay oh and I should have

Time: 2182

explained what happens stage one I love

Time: 2184.56

so as we're going into stage one

Time: 2187.16

obviously our eyelids are closed but one

Time: 2190.8

of the first signs that we know as we're

Time: 2193.64

recording I told you we're recording the

Time: 2195.16

electrical activity on the head with

Time: 2196.839

these electrodes but I also said that

Time: 2198.359

we're measuring IM movement activity and

Time: 2200.96

as you're going into light stage one non

Time: 2204.079

RAM for reasons that again we have no

Time: 2206.88

idea why your eyeballs start to roll in

Time: 2211.2

their sockets underneath your eyelids

Time: 2213.88

that change that we can start to see we

Time: 2216

call them Slow Rolling eye movements and

Time: 2218.599

they are the Hallmark of you entering

Time: 2220.599

sleep and if you are lucky enough to

Time: 2222.72

have a partner you can see this you can

Time: 2226.16

you know as they're falling asleep you

Time: 2227.52

will see these bizarre now granted if

Time: 2230.56

they wake up usually the relationship

Time: 2233.839

has terminated very quickly because the

Time: 2236

thing are you next time I'm on a plane

Time: 2238.28

if the person next to me is sleeping I'm

Time: 2239.72

going to be the guy kind of like you're

Time: 2241.64

a mirror yeah no don't do that I'm the

Time: 2243.319

only one who gets away with it cuz I'm a

Time: 2244.76

card carrying sleep scientist and even

Time: 2246.56

then yeah American Alliance sometimes

Time: 2248.64

take some bridge but um so you get these

Time: 2251.839

Slow Rolling eye movements and the brain

Time: 2254.44

waves start to to sort of slow down

Time: 2257.319

again but you mentioned something else

Time: 2260.04

and they are called hypnogogic Jer and

Time: 2264.28

as we're going into this first stage of

Time: 2266.599

sleep I told you that the principal

Time: 2268.64

stage in which we dream is rapid eye

Time: 2270.68

movement sleep that's not exactly true

Time: 2273.68

because everyone has had this experience

Time: 2275.839

that just as you're drifting off you

Time: 2277.76

start to have these little mini dreams

Time: 2279.64

almost sort of diet or dreams light

Time: 2284.359

lit and you you you can almost wake

Time: 2288.76

yourself up based on the fracture point

Time: 2292.04

of cognition and what I mean is you're

Time: 2295

thinking okay so tomorrow uh I've got to

Time: 2298.119

get to the studio I'm interviewing that

Time: 2300.4

desperately annoying British guy M

Time: 2302.28

Walker and then there was uh the

Time: 2305.64

elephant in the room with a helicop to

Time: 2307.68

the wings on its head and and you almost

Time: 2310.359

just think it wakes you up because you

Time: 2312.04

think wait wait sorry excuse me go back

Time: 2315

rewind what just happened that's the

Time: 2317.359

point at which you've transitioned over

Time: 2319.24

into the what we call the hypnogogic

Time: 2321.079

state where you can have these

Time: 2322.16

hypnogogic dreams but you also get these

Time: 2325.76

JS we don't fully understand what

Time: 2328.24

happens but the what we do understand is

Time: 2331.119

that as you're going into sleep you

Time: 2333.04

start to lose different aspects of your

Time: 2335.599

sensory perceptual apparatus not losing

Time: 2339.04

the sense of where did I where did they

Time: 2340.88

go and I can't find them but the the the

Time: 2343.48

processing of those now many will remain

Time: 2345.8

during sleep one of the things that

Time: 2347.96

starts to degrade is what we call

Time: 2351.44

proprioception and you've spoken about

Time: 2353.16

this before which is knowing how your

Time: 2355.64

body is sort of positioned in space so

Time: 2359.56

it propri reception is fascinating as

Time: 2361.56

you're walking with a colleague and

Time: 2364.04

you're crossing over a street have you

Time: 2366.88

ever had that feeling where you sort of

Time: 2368.48

you step off the curb and you're

Time: 2370.319

chatting and all of a sudden you have

Time: 2371.68

one of those really ugly wobbles where

Time: 2373.28

you can oh and it's because you had

Time: 2376.24

calculated non-consciously and

Time: 2377.96

computationally you understood where

Time: 2379.76

your foot was in space you understood

Time: 2381.839

the velocity force with which it was

Time: 2383.76

descending down onto the road below you

Time: 2386.68

you had miscalculated the distance and

Time: 2389.4

your brain had expected your foot to hit

Time: 2392.079

that that road at a certain time and it

Time: 2394.44

did not it sends an error signal back up

Time: 2397.119

your spinal cord and that's where you

Time: 2399.4

get that yeah this happened to me um uh

Time: 2403.16

just last weekend I was at the San

Time: 2405.04

Francisco Zoo and periodically

Time: 2408

throughout the landscape of the San

Time: 2409.359

Francisco Zoo they have these kind of

Time: 2411.16

squishy surfaces that are seamless with

Time: 2413.599

the concrete around them I think this is

Time: 2415.16

so kids can play on the the various

Time: 2416.839

sculptures there and if they fall it's a

Time: 2418.56

little bit more forgiving so I was just

Time: 2420.359

walking across this thing talking to the

Time: 2421.96

person to my left and I stepped on this

Time: 2425.24

now rather squishy surface and all of a

Time: 2427.96

sudden I'm like I don't know how to walk

Time: 2429.44

across this thing and I'm you know I've

Time: 2431

been walking a long a long period of my

Time: 2432.76

life and I really had to pay attention

Time: 2434.72

and then and then transition back onto

Time: 2436.92

the concrete and could stop thinking

Time: 2438.319

about it for a moment and you almost

Time: 2439.839

then have to stop the conversation that

Time: 2441.56

you were having because it takes over

Time: 2443.68

and you switch from non-conscious

Time: 2445.68

proceptive and you switch over so the

Time: 2448.64

issue is that when you are lying there

Time: 2450.88

awake in bed you sense the mattress

Time: 2453.24

underneath you you sense the support

Time: 2454.96

you're getting all of that feedback

Time: 2456.76

signal that I was telling you was absent

Time: 2458.68

when you in inappropriately calculated

Time: 2461.24

the distance down onto the road all of

Time: 2463.4

that is in place and your brain is

Time: 2464.88

saying everything's fine but as we're

Time: 2467.2

drifting off into sleep we start to lose

Time: 2469.96

that proprioceptive feedback now

Time: 2472.4

normally that loss of propri acceptive

Time: 2474.8

feedback and sensation of what's going

Time: 2477.16

on and where my body is is is is before

Time: 2482.319

the loss of consciousness and so you

Time: 2484.96

lose Consciousness and that's then

Time: 2487.44

thereafter when the loss of propri

Time: 2489.52

reception happens and you don't have

Time: 2491.599

this sort of you know mental freak out

Time: 2494.8

of of propri receptive break glass in

Time: 2497.359

case of

Time: 2498.319

emergency but sometimes the speed with

Time: 2501.839

which those things happen changes and

Time: 2504.28

you start to lose the propri receptive

Time: 2506.4

sensation before you fully lose

Time: 2508.4

Consciousness and at that point your

Time: 2510.48

body says oh my goodness mattress has

Time: 2512.64

just disappeared and I'm falling

Time: 2515.28

got and that's where you can have these

Time: 2517.839

these jugs that's that's our current

Time: 2519.56

best theory I know we're going to talk a

Time: 2522

lot about dreaming in a later episode of

Time: 2524.2

the series but uh what you just told me

Time: 2527.72

forces me to ask at this moment whether

Time: 2530.16

or not in dreams where we sense we are

Time: 2532.88

flying is that possible because of the

Time: 2536.2

absence of proception we we're sort of

Time: 2538.64

we're on the mattress or on whatever

Time: 2540.28

surface we sleep on but according to the

Time: 2542.4

brain there's uh we're suspended in

Time: 2544.76

space is that right yeah so it's it it's

Time: 2547.48

one possibility as to why we have those

Time: 2550.839

experiences in some ways though it does

Time: 2553

bring us on to REM sleep during REM

Time: 2555.559

sleep and I'll explain what happens in

Time: 2557.24

the brain but what you're talking about

Time: 2559.44

is something that is even more unique

Time: 2562.28

about REM sleep as we go into REM sleep

Time: 2566.599

your brain paralyzes your body so you

Time: 2570.76

are physically locked into the

Time: 2573.119

incarceration of your

Time: 2575.92

body why why would your brain do this

Time: 2578.359

it's what we call muscle atoni now I was

Time: 2580.839

telling you that we measure your

Time: 2583.599

electrical brain activity and we measure

Time: 2585.16

your eye movement activity but we also

Time: 2587.359

measure your muscle activity why do we

Time: 2589.24

do that well as you're going into

Time: 2591.2

non-rem sleep that muscle tone decreases

Time: 2593.559

but there's still some muscle tone there

Time: 2596.16

but as you go into REM sleep in fact

Time: 2597.76

just a few seconds before you enter REM

Time: 2599.88

sleep I already know you're going into

Time: 2601.68

RAM sleep because bang you you become

Time: 2605.24

completely absent of muscle toone

Time: 2607.8

and if I were to pick you and I mean I'm

Time: 2610.88

I'm probably not going to be able to

Time: 2612.319

pick you up out of your bed um based on

Time: 2615.079

certain images I've seen on social media

Time: 2617.68

um I'm going to if I lift you up you'd

Time: 2620.48

just be like a rag doll you'd have no

Time: 2622.76

muscle tone whatsoever it's almost like

Time: 2625.76

those toys where it's like a donkey that

Time: 2627.76

sits up and it's got a button underneath

Time: 2629.16

and you press the button whoosh and it

Time: 2631

just falls down I used to have those as

Time: 2632.76

a kid too like the simple things that

Time: 2634.559

you and I had as children that would

Time: 2636.64

fate still own a couple of these but

Time: 2638.68

they but yeah I need to get a donkey one

Time: 2641.48

um in any event um I know what you're

Time: 2643.44

referring to so this this muscle and as

Time: 2646

we call muscle Aton and I think in sort

Time: 2648.16

of medicine usually with an a before it

Time: 2650.359

means the absence of something so sort

Time: 2652.52

of if you're if you have arhythmia

Time: 2654.8

absence of normal arhythmia aasia yeah

Time: 2657.88

sort of or um and here it's aonia

Time: 2661.28

absence of the tone in your

Time: 2664.079

muscles why would the brain do this well

Time: 2666.839

the brain paralyzes your body so your

Time: 2670

mind can dream safely you would imagine

Time: 2673.559

how quickly you could be popped out of

Time: 2675.16

the G pool if just like you described

Time: 2677.52

you thought I can fly so you get up out

Time: 2680.359

of your bed and you go to the window and

Time: 2683.76

you launch probably not going to end

Time: 2686.119

well depending on what floor you're on

Time: 2689.48

so this absence of muscle tone this

Time: 2693.2

physical incarceration that we have is

Time: 2696.2

one of the things by the the way that

Time: 2697.52

defines REM sleep from when you are

Time: 2700.28

awake because if all I was doing in my

Time: 2703.24

sleep lab was recording your electrical

Time: 2705.52

brain activity and I was in the other

Time: 2707.92

room and I was just looking at your your

Time: 2709.559

brain waves as you go into REM sleep I

Time: 2711.92

would not be able to tell are you in REM

Time: 2713.8

sleep or are you awake why because the

Time: 2716.599

electrical brain activity is so similar

Time: 2720.04

when you are in REM sleep relative to

Time: 2722.68

when you're awake and what that tells us

Time: 2725.319

is that REM sleep is an incred

Time: 2727.04

incredibly active cerebral condition

Time: 2730.64

your brain is just firing away in fact

Time: 2734.359

some parts of your brain can be up to

Time: 2736.079

30% more active when you're in REM sleep

Time: 2738.8

than when you're awake stunning

Time: 2741

particularly emotional brain centers so

Time: 2745.04

it's a it's a stunning state of of

Time: 2748.88

paradox and that's the reason that we

Time: 2750.64

sometimes call it paradoxical sleep your

Time: 2753.079

body is completely

Time: 2755.92


Time: 2757.92

utterly inactive but your brain is

Time: 2761.599

fervent with its activity by the way

Time: 2764

people should not worry when I say that

Time: 2765.839

you are your your muscles are shut down

Time: 2769.8

and what happens is that as just before

Time: 2771.48

you go into REM sleep there's a bursting

Time: 2773.839

activity that will go up into your brain

Time: 2775.52

to light up your cortex but there's

Time: 2777.48

another signal from the brain stem

Time: 2779.44

that's sent down all the way down the

Time: 2781.079

spinal cord to the Alpha motor neurons

Time: 2783.24

in the spinal cord that will essentially

Time: 2785.48

create this inhibition it's only your

Time: 2789.119

voluntary sceletal muscles meaning that

Time: 2792.28

your involuntary muscles things for

Time: 2794.28

example such as your respiration that

Time: 2796.96

helps you breathe in your heart that's

Time: 2799.04

the reason that we you know survive and

Time: 2801.839

live another day after sleep so don't

Time: 2804.359

worry about that too much with two

Time: 2806.4

exceptions though there are two sets of

Time: 2809.48


Time: 2810.96

muscles for reasons that we still don't

Time: 2813.079

know either that are spurred from the

Time: 2815.72

paralysis of REM sleep one of them is

Time: 2819.079

the extraocular muscles and that's the

Time: 2822.28

reason that when you go into REM sleep

Time: 2824.64

you can have these darting horizontal

Time: 2826.96

movements back and forth those should

Time: 2829.48

also have been paralyzed but they're not

Time: 2831.8

and then oddly there is a a muscle in

Time: 2834.92

the middle inner ear muscle that does

Time: 2838.24

not undergo the paralysis and it will

Time: 2840.64

also twitch too just like your eyes but

Time: 2843.8

I'm getting into the weed so that's

Time: 2846.16

what's happening in these different

Time: 2847.72

physiological States and to your

Time: 2849.559

question when you don't have any muscle

Time: 2852.8

tone whatsoever maybe that is imp part

Time: 2855.28

the reason why a you can start to have

Time: 2857.76

these dreams of absent gravitational

Time: 2861.079

pull meaning you can start to fly it may

Time: 2864.52

also be the reason by the way that

Time: 2866.04

coming back to propri reception you can

Time: 2868.52

sometimes have that feeling of some

Time: 2870.4

people will describe my teeth are always

Time: 2873.24

falling out I always feel as though it's

Time: 2875.559

a very common thing to to or you feel

Time: 2877.839

the absence of clothing on your body and

Time: 2880.24

you say I walked out and I was going to

Time: 2882.52

this meeting and I realized I didn't

Time: 2883.8

have any pants on and and you forget

Time: 2887.319

that proception is also about knowing

Time: 2889.4

that your clothes are on you and sensing

Time: 2891.8

those clothes you and I can now direct

Time: 2893.64

our attention and sense those clothes on

Time: 2895.599

us is it also the case that um when we

Time: 2899.64

talk about sleep we talk about falling

Time: 2901.4

asleep that the sense that one is

Time: 2903.16

falling back into their head I um is

Time: 2906.16

related to the progressive loss of

Time: 2908.119

propri reception in the early stages of

Time: 2910.119

sleep or is it just semantics no I often

Time: 2913.52

think that that may have being where it

Time: 2915.76

that that notion comes from

Time: 2918.24

we why would we not say that I am

Time: 2921.96

sometimes people say I'm drifting off

Time: 2923.359

into sleep but or I'm about to enter

Time: 2926.319

sleep and we say I'm I'm falling asleep

Time: 2929.44

now some of that may be that I'm falling

Time: 2931.359

into a sort of a deeper and deeper state

Time: 2934.28

of a brain wave activity pattern maybe

Time: 2937.88

but I actually think you're right now we

Time: 2940.319

don't know ultimately the origin of it

Time: 2943.079

but I believe it's imp pop because

Time: 2944.96

people have this sense of falling hence

Time: 2947.119

falling asleep along those lines um I've

Time: 2951.319

found that if I sleep horizontally on a

Time: 2955.799

bed or sofa um the sleep is Far and Away

Time: 2959.04

different than if I'm fall asleep

Time: 2962.72

upright in a chair or partially upright

Time: 2964.72

in a recliner yeah um

Time: 2967.359

for instance on an airplane now there

Time: 2968.599

are a bunch of other things happening on

Time: 2970.119

airplanes Bright Lights noises Etc um so

Time: 2973.2

it's not a a good experiment to compare

Time: 2975.24

those two situations airplane recliner

Time: 2978.24

versus uh in bed at night um too many

Time: 2981.079

variables temperature especially but um

Time: 2984.559

is there any evidence that one's bodily

Time: 2988

position during sleep or the uh

Time: 2990.68

orientation of the feet relative to the

Time: 2992.44

head you know the angle elevated upward

Time: 2994.68

or downward has any impact on the uh

Time: 2997.48

pattern of of different sleep stages or

Time: 2999.96

uh quality or uh any other aspects of

Time: 3002.2

sleep there is a reason for it and we'll

Time: 3005.16

probably come on to this at some point

Time: 3006.52

when we speak about different methods

Time: 3008.559

for Sleep optimization or the new wave

Time: 3011.68

of of fascinating sleep enhancement

Time: 3014.44

tools has to do with temperature we

Time: 3017

think that for you to be able to fall

Time: 3021.079

asleep and stay asleep you have to drop

Time: 3024.359

your brain and body temperature by just

Time: 3027.079

a little less than about 1 degre Celsius

Time: 3029.079

or probably two two and a half degrees

Time: 3031.92

Fahrenheit and that's the reason by the

Time: 3033.839

way that you will always find it easier

Time: 3035.64

to fall asleep in a room that's too cold

Time: 3037.96

than too hot because the room that's too

Time: 3040.68

cold is at least taking you in the right

Time: 3042.28

temperature direction for good sleep

Time: 3044.88

whereas the room that's too hot the

Time: 3046.799

opposite it turns out that the body's

Time: 3049.72

ability to dissipate heat what we call

Time: 3052.4

Thermo regulation here and Thermo

Time: 3054.839

regulation in One Direction which is

Time: 3056.599

which is the reduction in core body

Time: 3059.2

temperature is superior when you are

Time: 3062.24

lying down versus when you are inclined

Time: 3065.48

versus when you are standing up really

Time: 3067.72

and in part it has to do with the

Time: 3069.359

distribution of blood throughout certain

Time: 3072.24

parts of the brain in the distal versus

Time: 3074.48

proximal regions meaning sort of the

Time: 3076.319

regions that are Clos to the core of

Time: 3077.76

your body versus the regions that are

Time: 3079.4

further away but your body's ability if

Time: 3082.52

we largely take most item items of

Time: 3085.52

clothes off you and then we measure the

Time: 3088.839

the core body temperature and the way

Time: 3090.4

that we do this um it's a delightful

Time: 3092.319

technique it's called a rectal probe and

Time: 3094.799

it's neither Pleasant necessarily for

Time: 3096.44

the installation of the the the the

Time: 3098.68

experiment of doing it and it's

Time: 3099.96

certainly not necessarily for the

Time: 3101.92

participant but putting that aside for a

Time: 3103.96

second they we can measure your core

Time: 3106.72

body temperature and we can measure

Time: 3108.559

using temperature sensors all over your

Time: 3110.799

body exactly what's going on with the

Time: 3113.119

blood flow and we can measure how the

Time: 3115.24

brain is starting to dis ipate the heat

Time: 3117.64

because one of the principal ways that

Time: 3119.559

we dissipate heat from our body is by

Time: 3122.24

moving blood around the body when we

Time: 3125.2

bring blood into the core of our body

Time: 3127.76

we're trapping it in the core and our

Time: 3129.92

core body temperature increases when we

Time: 3132.359

push that blood out to the surface it

Time: 3135.359

goes to these thin sort of capillaries

Time: 3138.119

and vessels on the surface of your skin

Time: 3140.2

and you start to dissipate that heat and

Time: 3142.64

you dissipate it more quickly so your

Time: 3144.4

core body temperature drops and the

Time: 3146.88

body's sort of vasoactive capacity for

Time: 3151

Distributing that blood and then

Time: 3153.28

releasing that trapped heat from the

Time: 3155.839

core of the body is superior when you

Time: 3158.24

are lying down and therefore your body

Time: 3161.599

temperature can drop more quickly which

Time: 3163.92

is one of the many reasons why it's not

Time: 3167.359

as easy to fall asleep when you're sort

Time: 3170.079

of at a 45° angle and why the quality of

Time: 3173.319

your sleep won't be as good now there

Time: 3174.839

are other reasons to just as you

Time: 3176.799

mentioned but coming back to

Time: 3179.599

position I would say that there are

Time: 3184.319

maybe there's perhaps at least two

Time: 3186.76

pieces of evidence that would recommend

Time: 3189.799

positional differences or positional

Time: 3192.44

changes the the first is very obvious if

Time: 3196.16

you are someone who is snoring and you

Time: 3199.04

have certainly if you have untreated

Time: 3201

sleep apnea which is um where you're

Time: 3204.079

sort of not just snoring but you'll have

Time: 3207.119

an absence of breath that's what the

Time: 3208.72

word apnea means here's another one with

Time: 3210.68

an a in front of it pinea sort of you

Time: 3213.319

know you've heard of pneumonia and it

Time: 3216.04

this is about breath and apnea is about

Time: 3219.599

an absence of that breath and with sleep

Time: 3222.359

apnea not only do you start to have an

Time: 3224.359

airway collapsing partially and that's

Time: 3227.119

where you get that flutter and that's

Time: 3229.359

the sound of the flutter that we're

Time: 3231

having but then at some point you just

Time: 3233.839

hear silence and at that point the

Time: 3236

person's stop breathing entirely absence

Time: 3238.64

of breath that is much more likely to

Time: 3241.96

happen if you are sleeping on your back

Time: 3243.64

because when you're sleeping on your

Time: 3245

back your Airway is giving way to

Time: 3248.28

gravity which is wanting to pull the

Time: 3250.079

airway down and close it and shut it off

Time: 3253.599

so one of the suggestions for people who

Time: 3256.16

have snoring or sleep apne is trying as

Time: 3258.76

best you can to train yourself out of

Time: 3261.44

sleeping on your back now there's lots

Time: 3263.24

of gadgets out there that can sort of

Time: 3265.72

help and ways can do that the old school

Time: 3267.88

way that we used to do it um sleep apne

Time: 3271.119

is more common in men than it is in

Time: 3273.04

women but women still have it but if you

Time: 3275.76

had a male you would bring them into the

Time: 3279.04

the clinic and you would say could you

Time: 3281.72

and it's often males who perhaps are

Time: 3284.2

carrying excessive body weight and so

Time: 3286.119

they're of larger Mass size You' say can

Time: 3289.119

you also bring a t-shirt in uh of your

Time: 3293.16

wife and it has to be a t-shirt that is

Time: 3295.88

that has a pocket on the front and then

Time: 3299.04

we would ask them to wear the T-shirt

Time: 3302.44

back to front so it's a very tight

Time: 3303.96

fitting t-shirt it's back to front and

Time: 3306.359

then you took a tennis ball or a hockey

Time: 3308.119

ball in the back pocket and as you're

Time: 3311.119

lying there in bed and you turn over

Time: 3313.96

onto your back you get this painful

Time: 3316.48

signal of the tennis ball pushing you in

Time: 3318.4

the back and it gradually I know who

Time: 3320.92

came up with this is this Matt was this

Time: 3322.52

um Matt Walker's idea this is not me I

Time: 3324.599

am not it's clever yeah I should now be

Time: 3327.44

on social media I should be changed to

Time: 3329.039

sort of like sleep torturer rather than

Time: 3330.799

sleep Diplomat um so that's one

Time: 3333.92

recommendation try to stay clear if

Time: 3336.119

you're asking me are there certain

Time: 3337.839

positions we should stay away from in

Time: 3339.839

that circumstance yes it would be the

Time: 3343.28

other comes back to something I

Time: 3345.44

mentioned during deep sleep when this

Time: 3347.96

cleansing system starts to kick into

Time: 3350.039

gear in your brain and wash away these

Time: 3352.52

toxins from the

Time: 3354.64

day what we've

Time: 3357.119

found a little bit of evidence and we

Time: 3359.599

and the Royal we because I um like you

Time: 3361.92

my lab doesn't do um animal research we

Time: 3364.68

only do human research but some animal

Time: 3367

researchers had discovered that when

Time: 3369.559

animals will sleep with their head on

Time: 3372.599

the side the the cleansing capacity of

Time: 3376.48

the brain is superior than when the

Time: 3380.48

animal is sleeping on its back or

Time: 3382.88

sleeping on its front and in fact if you

Time: 3385.559

look and you would love this project if

Time: 3387.52

you go on to Google and you just search

Time: 3389.319

for sleeping animals look at the head

Time: 3392.28

position and I will guarantee you that

Time: 3395.319

many of them if they're naturalistic are

Time: 3398.319

animals with their head turned to the

Time: 3401

side now the cute ones the funny ones

Time: 3404.039

are when a you know a kitten is SPL out

Time: 3406.64

on its back and its head is back that's

Time: 3408.64

how someone with sleep apne would sort

Time: 3410.52

of sleep on their back and but that's

Time: 3412.96

very rare we almost never see that so

Time: 3415.96

it's very interesting and what they

Time: 3417.24

found was that when those heads were in

Time: 3419.359

those sort of side positions the

Time: 3421.799

cleansing mechanism of the brain was a

Time: 3424.039

little bit better it wasn't night or day

Time: 3426.839

it's not as though oh my goodness I'm a

Time: 3428.64

front sleeper and you know I'm not

Time: 3431.839

getting any brain cleansing or I'm a

Time: 3433.64

back sleeper and not I'm not saying that

Time: 3435.64

there's no need to take it to the

Time: 3436.839

extreme but I I don't think there's any

Time: 3439.96

good evidence yet in humans that firstly

Time: 3443.2

that's the case and nor is the strong

Time: 3445.359

enough evidence to make any

Time: 3446.599

recommendations but I just bring it up

Time: 3448.799

because it's in the data and it's

Time: 3450.079

starting to emerge that if you were to

Time: 3451.799

ask me about sleeping position and are

Time: 3454.559

there any recommendations those are the

Time: 3456.72

two pieces of descriptive advice I would

Time: 3460

give you they are not prescriptive

Time: 3461.88

pieces of advice you mentioned the

Time: 3464.16

relationship between temperature and

Time: 3465.96

sleep and we're going to get into that

Time: 3467.88

uh in some degree of detail a little bit

Time: 3469.48

later because it's so critical but um

Time: 3472.319

prior to starting to record this episode

Time: 3474.64

we were talking a little bit about

Time: 3477.88

yawning um and you told me something

Time: 3481

really truly fascinating about yawning

Time: 3484.28


Time: 3485.44

was so there are at least four competing

Time: 3489.24

theories of yawning that we have and I

Time: 3491.599

think there is probably a emerging clear

Time: 3494.28

winner um the first theory was that it

Time: 3497.2

was just tiredness that yawning is

Time: 3500.28

simply a sign of you being tired and it

Time: 3504.2

turns out that that's not true because

Time: 3506.119

many people can yawn when they're

Time: 3508.039

bored and they are not tired and they've

Time: 3510.68

been very well rested so that doesn't

Time: 3512.799

seem to be true the next one was one

Time: 3516.079

that that seems to be very logical which

Time: 3518.68

is it's about trying to rebalance your

Time: 3521.72

blood gases and specifically oxygen and

Time: 3524.359

carbon dioxide and you would think that

Time: 3526.72

perhaps when you yawn with that sort of

Time: 3529.599

when you and you inhale a huge volume of

Time: 3532.68

oxygen what you're trying to do is pump

Time: 3535.72

back up the oxygen in your bloodstream

Time: 3538.52

or when you sort

Time: 3540.72

of and the exhale maybe it's about

Time: 3544.079

exhaling more carbon dioxide not unlike

Time: 3546.839

the physiological size that occur during

Time: 3549.319

sleep of a double inhale with a long

Time: 3551.119

exhale correct or that one can

Time: 3552.559

voluntarily generate for anxiety

Time: 3554.24

Management in wakeful St exactly Y and

Time: 3556.48

so that was a a theory that maybe you're

Time: 3559.2

trying to balance these these blood

Time: 3561.68

gases and there was some very clever

Time: 3564.599

experiments where they took it

Time: 3566.119

individuals and they artificially

Time: 3568.72

increased their oxygen uh levels but

Time: 3572.16

more specifically they increased their

Time: 3574.2

carbon dioxide levels by directionally

Time: 3576.4

they tried to manipulate it and they

Time: 3577.68

asked did those individuals start to

Time: 3579.64

yawn more because the idea would be if

Time: 3581.88

your blood oxygen is coming down and

Time: 3584.24

your carbon dioxide is starting to rise

Time: 3587.039

if this theory is correct you should

Time: 3588.96

start yawning with greater frequency and

Time: 3591.319

there was no difference whatsoever

Time: 3593.24

that's probably also the reason that you

Time: 3594.52

don't see people yawning on a treadmill

Time: 3596.839

or when they're going into more of an

Time: 3599.44

oxygen debt and higher levels of carbon

Time: 3601.799

dioxide so that theory was knocked out

Time: 3604.76

the third theory was one of

Time: 3608.039

contagion and it's fascinating yawning

Time: 3612.359

like several other things has a

Time: 3614.72

contagious element to it so as the

Time: 3617.599

audience unexpectedly they didn't know

Time: 3619.88

what you were going to say and before

Time: 3621.24

you said it you said you told us

Time: 3622.92

something interesting

Time: 3624.4

about and you did I guarantee you that

Time: 3627.28

there will be people listening right now

Time: 3629.24

who said oh I just yawned in response to

Time: 3632.92

Andrew hubman yawning it is very

Time: 3635.88

contagious in part it's the mirror

Time: 3638.52

neuron system and you've obviously

Time: 3642.039

understand this in depth your brain has

Time: 3644.2

this capacity to mirror the action

Time: 3647.16

states of other individuals so a good

Time: 3648.92

example would be let's say I'm walking

Time: 3650.599

out the door now I'm closing the door

Time: 3652.92

with my hand and all of a sudden I'm

Time: 3655.359

going to get my hand trapped and you on

Time: 3657.28

the other side of the room you are

Time: 3658.76

seeing my hand and as soon as I trap my

Time: 3662.039

hand and I Yelp out in pain you almost

Time: 3664.72

hold your own hand oh because why why

Time: 3669.16

why are you doing that it's not just

Time: 3671.16

because you know you're trying to be you

Time: 3674.039

know compassionate no you have

Time: 3676.359

experienced some degree of what I've

Time: 3678.72

just experienced how does it do that

Time: 3681.2

because your brain has a system inside

Time: 3683.92

of it that mirrors my action States and

Time: 3686.92

it's called a mirror system and you can

Time: 3689.359

imagine why it's very good to understand

Time: 3691.359

the action and emotional states of

Time: 3693.359

others for pro-social capacities and all

Time: 3695.92

of that good stuff and one of the things

Time: 3699.28

that can also happen with this mirror

Time: 3701.92

neuron system is that it mimics yawning

Time: 3705

so when you yawn my likelihood of

Time: 3708.119

yawning increases too because my mirror

Time: 3710.44

neuron system is matching your Y and

Time: 3714.68

what's interesting is that we know other

Time: 3716.52

species also have a mirror neuron system

Time: 3720.2

and that means that when you ywn there

Time: 3723.24

is a statistically higher chance that

Time: 3725.359

your dog will yawn and it's cross

Time: 3729.039

species so when your dog

Time: 3731.52

yawns there's a higher probability that

Time: 3734.16

you will yawn and we've got this St and

Time: 3736.279

it's it's very clear one of the other

Time: 3738.359

interesting theories though is that when

Time: 3740.72

um species that are Cooperative species

Time: 3744.52

for example a pride of life

Time: 3746.64

Lions when one of those Lions yawns

Time: 3750.359

firstly many of the other Lions will

Time: 3752.839

yawn in a contagious fashion but then

Time: 3756.079

consequently there is a collection of

Time: 3758.4

actions that happen after that

Time: 3762

contagious yawn and so some people have

Time: 3764.039

suggested that the yawning is a way to

Time: 3767.079

enact Cooperative group Behavior that's

Time: 3770.16

another theory the final Theory number

Time: 3772.2

four which I think has the best evidence

Time: 3774.64

for is not the gaseous exchange

Time: 3777.52

balancing of carbon dioxide and oxygen

Time: 3780.76

but when you inhale oxygen from the

Time: 3784.359

outside it's usually cooler than your

Time: 3788.44

core body and brain

Time: 3790.96

temperature and when we inhale there is

Time: 3794.559

a modest drop in brain temperature and

Time: 3798.319

when the brain temperature starts to

Time: 3800.079

rise that's when we see yawning

Time: 3802.119

frequency beginning to increase so next

Time: 3805.48

time you see someone yawn don't think oh

Time: 3808.44

they're bored or they didn't get enough

Time: 3811

sleep go over to them hug them and say I

Time: 3814.799

know your brain is getting warm it's

Time: 3817.559

okay and then at that point the

Time: 3820.44

friendship will be terminated because no

Time: 3822.079

one should be hooking each other and

Time: 3823.559

saying your brain is warm I'm so sorry

Time: 3825.839

but anyway that aside um I'm sorry we I

Time: 3828.92

took us down that that um tributary of

Time: 3832.039

my polluted stream of Consciousness but

Time: 3834.079

that's yawning explained those are the

Time: 3835.799

four theories and we don't have a

Time: 3837.279

definitive answer but I think the best

Time: 3838.799

one right now that will continue is that

Time: 3840.88

it's about brain cooling that theory

Time: 3843.52

makes a lot of sense um people tend to

Time: 3846.119

yawn when they get tired as you

Time: 3848.52

mentioned people can yawn for other

Time: 3849.799

reasons as

Time: 3851.279

well if I'm yawning because I'm tired

Time: 3854.799

and yawning is to cool off my brain

Time: 3856.799

that's too warm is that an attempt to

Time: 3858.839

put my brain to sleep because we need to

Time: 3861.88

cool the brain in order for it to go to

Time: 3863.599

sleep or something else going on there

Time: 3866.119

also and this um sort of merges with the

Time: 3869

previous question about body position

Time: 3871.44

I've lectured in the university for you

Time: 3873.2

know well over a decade as I know you

Time: 3874.72

have as well and occasionally every once

Time: 3877.559

in a while there's one student I'm just

Time: 3879.64

kidding there are several students

Time: 3880.839

especially if it's an afternoon

Time: 3882.68

class or a very early morning class that

Time: 3885.279

is falling asleep in their chair and

Time: 3887.359

then their head they kind of jolt awake

Time: 3890.039

and we all know that keeping the room a

Time: 3892.44

little bit cooler sometimes helps to

Time: 3894.96

keep people awake

Time: 3896.44

um as opposed to a warm afternoon

Time: 3899.4

classroom but in some ways what we're

Time: 3902.279

talking about here um violates what you

Time: 3904.76

were talking about earlier that it's

Time: 3906.119

easier to fall asleep in a cool

Time: 3907.599

environment as opposed to a warm

Time: 3909.039

environment uh the brain needs to cool

Time: 3911.039

in order to fall asleep but then when we

Time: 3913.559

yawn it's in response to the brain being

Time: 3916.039

too warm and so um and so I'm I'm having

Time: 3919.279

a little bit Circle for me yeah help me

Time: 3921.24

understand square square that Circle I

Time: 3922.599

like it yeah please square that Circle

Time: 3924.279

for me Matt um it turns out that for you

Time: 3927.319

to drop your core body temperature the

Time: 3930.92

opposite has to happen which is that you

Time: 3933.2

have to warm up to cool down to fall

Time: 3937.599

asleep and I mean warm up in a very

Time: 3940.119

specific way you have to have the outer

Time: 3945.16

surface of your brain warm up you have

Time: 3947.559

to get blood to the surface of your skin

Time: 3951.319

and that surface it almost acts like a

Time: 3953.76

snake charmer that it Dr draws the warm

Time: 3956.72

blood from the core and it pushes it to

Time: 3959.68

the surface and you radiate the heat out

Time: 3962.92

and as you radiate the heat out said

Time: 3965.039

your core body temperature plummets so

Time: 3967.119

why would people be falling asleep sort

Time: 3969.16

of you know in an afternoon meeting when

Time: 3971

it starts to get a little warm well in

Time: 3973

part it's because the warmth of the room

Time: 3975.52

is starting to make the sort of face a

Time: 3978

little bit more Rosy it's drawing the

Time: 3980.72

blood out to the surface so what's

Time: 3983.079

happening the core of your brain and

Time: 3985.88

your body temperature are starting to

Time: 3987.64

drop and at that point that's why you're

Time: 3990.4

going to start to feel a little bit more

Time: 3992.039

sleepy that's reason one the second that

Time: 3994.839

you described is that afternoon you know

Time: 3997.24

you're in meetings around a table and

Time: 3999.96

you start to get as you said those

Time: 4001.599

wonderful head nuts and people listening

Time: 4003.96

you you all know that where the of head

Time: 4006.079

goes down and snaps back up it's not

Time: 4008.279

that people are listening to good music

Time: 4010.2

and sort of doing this head bobbing it's

Time: 4011.92

that they falling prey to what we know

Time: 4014.599

is a genetically hardwired

Time: 4016.48

pre-programmed drop in your afternoon

Time: 4019.64

alertness it's called the postprandial

Time: 4022.68

dip in alertness and that infers that

Time: 4026.319

it's after some kind of a a meal it

Time: 4029.319

turns out it's not really related to a

Time: 4031.76

meal people say well I had a heavy lunch

Time: 4033.599

I had sort of pastor at lunch and I

Time: 4035.4

always feel sleepy afterwards maybe in

Time: 4038.24

part but if I remove I prevent you from

Time: 4041.76

having lunch and we've done these

Time: 4042.799

studies too your brain still shows this

Time: 4045.2

very reliable drop and alertness

Time: 4047.039

somewhere between quite wide but

Time: 4049.359

somewhere between about 1: to 4:00 p.m.

Time: 4051.4

in the afternoon yeah for me it's always

Time: 4053.559

between 2: and 300 p.m. which uh is a

Time: 4056.4

time I'm resisting looking at my watch

Time: 4058.119

right now just to see yeah we might be

Time: 4059.359

in that in that uh phase of the day uh I

Time: 4062.119

can always feel it and um if I close my

Time: 4065.4

eyes for 10 20 minutes um it I usually

Time: 4068.96

can fall asleep pretty quickly yeah for

Time: 4071.119

a nap I know we'll talk about naps later

Time: 4073.359

um but if I don't and I ride it out I

Time: 4076.2

then you know usually by about 3 3:30

Time: 4078.92

I'm fine get that rise back up don't you

Time: 4080.799

and it sort of swings back up and so

Time: 4083.92

that's in part the reason though

Time: 4085.64

explaining the yawning and that that

Time: 4087.4

warm feeling of I'm in the the meeting

Time: 4090.2

room the boardroom meeting and the the

Time: 4092.079

the blinds are open the sun is coming

Time: 4093.96

through I've got the sun on my back I'm

Time: 4095.48

starting to get very warm but I'm

Time: 4097.359

starting to get really really sleepy

Time: 4099.679


Time: 4100.799

the it's the collusion of two things

Time: 4104

it's that you're going into this higher

Time: 4106.319

frequency sleep Zone in the afternoon

Time: 4108.96

this postprandial drop in your brain

Time: 4111.239

alertness and we can measure it it's

Time: 4113.04

very reliable you can see this dip in

Time: 4114.719

your brain electrical activity and

Time: 4117.12

you're getting warm at the surface which

Time: 4119.96

brings blood to the surface releases

Time: 4122.44

that heat from the core it drops and boy

Time: 4125.159

do you want to fall asleep I want to

Time: 4127.4

take a brief break and acknowledge our

Time: 4128.799

sponsor inside tracker inside tracker is

Time: 4131.359

a personalized nutrition platform that

Time: 4133.04

analyzes data from your blood and DNA to

Time: 4135.4

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Time: 4136.88

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Time: 4138.92

I've long been a believer in getting

Time: 4140.44

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Time: 4142.12

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Time: 4143.799

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Time: 4145.12

Health can only be analyzed from a

Time: 4146.92

quality blood test the problem with a

Time: 4148.759

lot of blood tests out there however is

Time: 4150.759

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Time: 4152.279

metabolic factors hormones Etc but you

Time: 4154.48

don't know what to do with that

Time: 4155.48

information with inside tracker they

Time: 4157.4

make it very easy to understand your

Time: 4158.96

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Time: 4160.719

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Time: 4162.159

in the realm of nutrition exercise

Time: 4164.44

supplementation even prescription drugs

Time: 4166.4

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Time: 4167.92

the ranges that are optimal for you

Time: 4169.759

insid tracker also offers insid Tracker

Time: 4172

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Time: 4173.96

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Time: 4175.719

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Time: 4177.56

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Time: 4179

recommendations with their clients if

Time: 4180.92

you'd like to try insid tracker you can

Time: 4182.64

go to

Time: 4184.08

insider.com huberman to get 20% off any

Time: 4186.96

of insid tracker's plans again that's

Time: 4188.92


Time: 4189.88


Time: 4191.799

huberman I took us on a bit of a journey

Time: 4194.88

into some um I don't want to call them

Time: 4197.8

sidebars but some uh specific features

Time: 4199.88

around sleep and falling asleep

Time: 4201.84

Etc let's get back to the different

Time: 4204.679

stages of sleep and frame that under the

Time: 4208

question of what is great sleep what is

Time: 4213.12

mediocre sleep I think we all know what

Time: 4214.96

bad sleep is it's when you can't get

Time: 4217

sleep but I think there's a whole

Time: 4218.04

different category of bad sleep that

Time: 4219.44

you're going to tell us about which is

Time: 4220.56

sleep that we think is good but is

Time: 4222.04

actually not as good as we we think it

Time: 4223.679

is I'm always the barer of Doom and

Time: 4226

Gloom no well and but also but also the

Time: 4229

um the deliver of of powerful tools to

Time: 4231.4

improve one's one's sleep and thereby

Time: 4233.4

wakeful state so along those lines you

Time: 4236.56

know what is sleep for truly and what

Time: 4240.32

happens when we don't sleep well is

Time: 4243.12

perhaps more intuitive to most people

Time: 4246.12

you know oh I feel cranky or I can't

Time: 4248.52

remember things or I just kind of you

Time: 4250.199

know um stress seems to feel a little

Time: 4253.239

more intense the same amount of stress

Time: 4254.8

feels more intense um and what is great

Time: 4258.719

sleep you know and and and this is I

Time: 4261.08

think all under the umbrella of of you

Time: 4263.52

know why do we sleep I mean why do we

Time: 4265.32

spend a good third to you know or more

Time: 4268.08

of our life in in this incredible state

Time: 4270.56

of mind and body that we call sleep and

Time: 4273.199

it really is quite a

Time: 4275.12

stunning state of

Time: 4277.44

idiocy when when you consider it because

Time: 4280.8

when you're asleep you're not finding a

Time: 4283.4

mate you're not reproducing you're not

Time: 4286.04

foraging for food you're not caring for

Time: 4288.36

your young and worse still you are

Time: 4291.36

vulnerable to

Time: 4293.199

predation on any one of those grounds

Time: 4295.96

but especially all of them as a

Time: 4297.4

collective sleep should have been

Time: 4299.28

strongly selected against in the course

Time: 4301.96

of evolution and in fact one of the

Time: 4304

founding fathers of sleep research Alan

Time: 4305.719

re shaen once said that if sleep doesn't

Time: 4308.199

serve an absolutely vital function it is

Time: 4311.719

the biggest mistake The evolutionary

Time: 4313.48

process has ever made and now what we've

Time: 4316.56


Time: 4317.56

through you know almost 10,000 plus

Time: 4320.719

research studies over the past certainly

Time: 4323.88

70 80 years now is that nature did not

Time: 4327.6

make a spectacular blunder in creating

Time: 4331.08

this thing called sleep so maybe I can

Time: 4333.56

firstly address what is what is sleep

Time: 4337.28

doing and what happens if we're not

Time: 4339.96

getting sufficient sleep and then the

Time: 4342.4

other question is what is what is good

Time: 4345.84

sleep in terms of what sleep is doing

Time: 4349.48

and why he was right in saying that

Time: 4352.28

mother nature didn't make a a blunder

Time: 4355.28

and it hasn't by the way because if you

Time: 4357.96

go back every species that we have

Time: 4360.32

carefully studied to date seems to sleep

Time: 4363.719

and what that tells us even you know

Time: 4366.6

very old evolutionary old ancient um

Time: 4370.08

earthworms seem to sleep they will have

Time: 4372.36

a period of what we call theargus which

Time: 4374.84

is they seem to be

Time: 4377.04

inactive so what I I bring that point up

Time: 4380.8

because it means that sleep appears to

Time: 4383.8

have evolved with life itself on this

Time: 4386.44

planet and then it has fought its way

Time: 4389.239

through heroically every step along the

Time: 4392.199

evolutionary path and that by itself

Time: 4395.44

must tell us that whatever sleep is

Time: 4397.679

doing it must be

Time: 4399.84

non-negotiable life support

Time: 4402.96

necessary in what ways is it life

Time: 4405.52

support necessary well we now know many

Time: 4408.52

of those first when you're not getting

Time: 4411.239

sufficient sleep I can speak about your

Time: 4413.12


Time: 4414.239

systems let's say I take a group of

Time: 4416.4

really healthy young men and I limit

Time: 4419.8

them to four or five hours of sleep for

Time: 4422.32

five nights they will have a level of

Time: 4425.719

testosterone which is similar to someone

Time: 4428.48

who is probably 10 years older than them

Time: 4431.6

so a lack of sleep will agid you within

Time: 4434.04

5 days by a decade we also see

Time: 4437.88

equivalent imp uh imper in female

Time: 4440.04

reproductive Health caused by a lack of

Time: 4441.719

sleep impermanence in estrogen in

Time: 4444.76

follicle stimulating hormone and also in

Time: 4447.4

lutenizing hormone what what about the

Time: 4450.48

uh effects of a single night's poor

Time: 4452.239

sleep on on hormones um and not to get

Time: 4455.76

too down in the details here but uh is

Time: 4458.8

it necessary to have four or five nights

Time: 4462.239

of minimal sleep in a row before you

Time: 4464.04

start to see these effects or let's say

Time: 4466.28

somebody's getting good sleep for three

Time: 4468.88

nights or four nights of the week but

Time: 4470.239

then the other three are kind of

Time: 4471.32

challenging for whatever reason does one

Time: 4473.36

see a graded effect a kind of

Time: 4474.6

intermediate reduction in sex steroid

Time: 4476.8

hormones like testosterone estrogen

Time: 4478.48

follicle stimulation there is some

Time: 4479.8

degree of a dose response curve but we

Time: 4482.239

haven't mapped it out with high so the

Time: 4484.4

way I would want to do it as a sleep

Time: 4486.12

scientist would say okay I'm going to do

Time: 4487.8

this for one night and I'm going to thin

Time: 4489.639

slice you to seven hours 6 hours 5 hours

Time: 4492.6

and then I'm going to do it for two

Time: 4494.36

nights and you're going to again be in

Time: 4496.76

the 6 hours 7 hours 4 hours and I would

Time: 4500.04

like to build up this High Fidelity map

Time: 4502.92

and understand that we don't have that

Time: 4504.96

but certainly what we know is that a

Time: 4506.52

night of total deprivation will markedly

Time: 4509.719

imper those hormones and we know that

Time: 4512.239

after about you know a working week of

Time: 4515.199

short sleep you see those imp perance

Time: 4518.88

too um but let me come back to one night

Time: 4523.04

so that's the hormonal system as an

Time: 4525.32

example and we've already spoken or I'll

Time: 4527.239

come back to it um right now the

Time: 4529.28

metabolic system and another hormone um

Time: 4532.4

insulin what we found is that if I take

Time: 4535.08

you again and I limit your and you're

Time: 4536.92

perfectly normal healthy you don't have

Time: 4539.08

any signs of type 2 diabetes and I limit

Time: 4541.44

you to let's say 5 hours of sleep for

Time: 4544.199

four nights and then I measure your

Time: 4546.239

ability to dispose of blood sugar and um

Time: 4550

your level of blood sugar impairment is

Time: 4552.6

so disrupted that at that point your

Time: 4554.36

doctor would classifier as being

Time: 4556.56

pre-diabetic so I could take an

Time: 4558.44

individual and within five nights of

Time: 4560.679

short sleep I can move them towards a

Time: 4563.639

path that's getting very close to type 2

Time: 4566.96

diabetes and as I said we've UND and we

Time: 4570.08

Royal we here um whenever I say we by

Time: 4572.88

the way it usually means that um well

Time: 4575.6

whenever I say I did something I mean at

Time: 4578.239

my Center we did something and when I

Time: 4580.32

say we did something I mean that they

Time: 4582.159


Time: 4583.12

something that's a a fair Shand for uh

Time: 4586.88

for attribution um and so so there there

Time: 4591.44

have been studies that have really

Time: 4592.56

decomposed exactly how that impermanent

Time: 4594.96

in blood sugar happens and we mentioned

Time: 4597

that earlier in this episode I can also

Time: 4599.52

then move on to for example your um your

Time: 4603.639

immune system this is a very good

Time: 4605.84

demonstration firstly there's a great

Time: 4607.76

study done by Michael ow and his

Time: 4609.679

colleagues at UCLA and he took

Time: 4611.6

individuals healthy individuals and he

Time: 4613.6

limited them to just four hours of sleep

Time: 4615.679

for one single

Time: 4617.28

night and he measured levels of critical

Time: 4621.52

anti-cancer fighting immune cells called

Time: 4623.88

natural killer cells and what he found

Time: 4626.4

is that after that one night of Just 4

Time: 4628.36

hours of sleep there was a 70% reduction

Time: 4631.6

in natural killer cell activity that is

Time: 4634.679

a striking state of immune deficiency

Time: 4637.28

and just to give people a you know a

Time: 4639.8

reference point these natural killer

Time: 4641.48

cells were think of them almost like the

Time: 4643.679

secret service agent of your immune

Time: 4645.719

system these natural killer cells they

Time: 4647.88

are very good at identifying dangerous

Time: 4650.8

unwanted elements in your body like

Time: 4653.639

cancer and going after them and

Time: 4656.12

destroying them so you wish for a very

Time: 4658.48

verile set of these immune assassins in

Time: 4661.48

your body at all times and if you're not

Time: 4663.8

getting sufficient sleep that may not

Time: 4665.76

necessarily be the case we also know

Time: 4669

that if you are not getting sufficient

Time: 4671.52

sleep in the week before you get your

Time: 4673.36

flu shot and this is just another

Time: 4675.08

example of how sleep is critical for

Time: 4676.719

your immune system if you're not getting

Time: 4678.8

that sleep in the week before you get

Time: 4680.44

your flu shot you produce less than 50%

Time: 4683.36

of the normal antibody response

Time: 4685.56

therefore rendering that flu shot

Time: 4687.76

largely ineffective in terms of

Time: 4689.96

vaccinating you we also know that if

Time: 4691.92

you're not getting sufficient sleep on

Time: 4693.76

average let's say that you're getting

Time: 4695.88

less than 6 hours of sleep or less on

Time: 4698.239

average you're almost three times more

Time: 4701.199

likely to develop the common cold common

Time: 4703.52

flu and I know that you at the time of

Time: 4705.6

us recording this um you've released

Time: 4707.84

some fantastic content about the the flu

Time: 4710.679

and and the Rhino virus in particular so

Time: 4713

that's a good demonstration of your

Time: 4714.96

immune system we also know that it's not

Time: 4718.08

just that it's also your cardiovascular

Time: 4720.04

system that suffers when you're not

Time: 4721.84

getting sufficient sleep and here again

Time: 4723.84

the data I think is very strong

Time: 4725.719

cardiovascular disease RIT large

Time: 4727.679

including stroke and and heart attack

Time: 4730.719

and there is one study that I think

Time: 4732.92

illustrates this and and granted now in

Time: 4735.719

terms of the replication the effect

Time: 4737.159

sizes may not be as big but the study

Time: 4739.04


Time: 4739.8

interesting they didn't do something

Time: 4742.76

radical like depriving you of sleep for

Time: 4744.56

an entire night nor did they just limit

Time: 4746.56

you to 5 hours of sleep for you know

Time: 4749.4

four nights there is a global experiment

Time: 4753

sleep experiment that has performed on

Time: 4754.92


Time: 4756.88

1.65 billion people across 70 countries

Time: 4760.48

twice a year and it's called daylight

Time: 4763.239

savings time now in the spring when we

Time: 4766.92

lose an hour of sleep what they observed

Time: 4769.719

in that paper was a 24% relative

Time: 4772.679

increase in heart attack risk the

Time: 4774.4

following day yet in the autumn in the

Time: 4777.92

fall when you gain an hour of sleep

Time: 4779.96

there was a 21% reduction amazing in

Time: 4783.4

heart so it's bidirectional and by the

Time: 4785.56

way and I I said that that paper there

Time: 4787.32

are you can there are some aspects that

Time: 4789.199

you can sort of discuss but it has been

Time: 4791.36

replicated we see increased rates of

Time: 4793.679

hospitalization after that 1 hour of

Time: 4796.52

lost sleep in the spring there are

Time: 4798.76

higher rates of car accidents on the

Time: 4801.04

road after 1 hour of lost sleep we also

Time: 4804.6

see higher rates of suicide after 1 hour

Time: 4807.8

of lost sleep during the spring time

Time: 4810.199

change we even see this is great data

Time: 4814.52

they they looked at um the sentencing of

Time: 4817.88

federal judges in the United States and

Time: 4820.36

because it's the federal system the

Time: 4821.6

government system all of those things

Time: 4823.04

are cataloged and well documented you

Time: 4824.92

have a huge database and they went back

Time: 4827.36

and what they found is that in the

Time: 4828.84

spring when we all lose that 1 hour of

Time: 4831.28


Time: 4832.12

opportunity those judges doled out

Time: 4835.88

harsher Federal sentencing in the day

Time: 4839.28

after they had lost one hour of sleep

Time: 4841.28

because their emotional and mood states

Time: 4843.84

were imper and we'll speak about this in

Time: 4845.56

a later episode too so if you are up for

Time: 4849

sentencing or please try to avoid that

Time: 4852

spring time change as best you can go

Time: 4854.28

for the go for the fall date if if it's

Time: 4856.4

possible um so that's that's your

Time: 4860.239

cardiovascular system I could also tell

Time: 4863.76

you that it goes all the way down into

Time: 4866.76

the cellular and molecular state of your

Time: 4869.56

body and this I'm trying to do this to

Time: 4872.44

impress the fundamental importance of

Time: 4874.76

sleep there was a wonderful study done

Time: 4876.76

by my colleagues at the University of

Time: 4878.28

Sur back in the UK by led by duk Yandy

Time: 4881.32

and what they demonstrated was that if

Time: 4883

you take healthy individuals

Time: 4885.199

and everyone is going to act as their

Time: 4886.76

own control and you limit them to um 6

Time: 4891.84

hours of sleep for one week versus

Time: 4895.199

allowing them to sleep at least 8 and 1

Time: 4897.6

half hours or more time in bed and then

Time: 4900.4

what they did was they measured the

Time: 4902.12

change in their gene activity

Time: 4904.679

profile relative to when those same

Time: 4906.92

individuals as I said were getting a

Time: 4908.719

full 8 hour plus opportunity in bed

Time: 4911.56

versus the 6 hours of limited sleep and

Time: 4914.76

they found two interesting things first

Time: 4917.32

a sizable and significant

Time: 4919.56

711 genes were distorted in their

Time: 4922.679

activity caused by a lack of sleep by

Time: 4925.639

the way that's relevant we know that

Time: 4927.239

almost one out of every three maybe even

Time: 4929.679

one out of every two if you look at the

Time: 4931.32

data people that pass you on the street

Time: 4933.52

is trying to survive on six hours of

Time: 4935.28

sleep or less during the week so it's a

Time: 4937.199

relevant ecological

Time: 4938.96

manipulation the second result was that

Time: 4941.36

about half of those genes were increased

Time: 4943.44

in their activity the other half would

Time: 4945.56

decreased now those genes that were imp

Time: 4948.12

purred by way of one week of short sleep

Time: 4950.56

were genes associated with the immune

Time: 4952.719

system so once again you can see this

Time: 4954.719

immune deficiency but now playing out at

Time: 4957.04

a genetic level those genes that were

Time: 4959.84

increased or what we call overexpressed

Time: 4962.239

were genes that were associated with the

Time: 4964.04

promotion of tumors genes that were

Time: 4966.36

associated with long-term chronic

Time: 4968.679

inflammation within the body and genes

Time: 4970.96

that were associated with cellular

Time: 4972.88

stress and as a consequence

Time: 4974.679


Time: 4976.159

disease and to me that study impressed

Time: 4979.92

the fact that there is no aspect of your

Time: 4982.48

Wellness that seems to be able to

Time: 4984.36

retreat at the sign of sleep deprivation

Time: 4987.56

and get away unscathed it's almost like

Time: 4990.32

a broken water pipe in your home that

Time: 4993.639

sleep will leak down into every knck and

Time: 4996.84

cranny of your physiology and it will

Time: 4999.6

even tamper with the very DNA nucleic

Time: 5002.719

alphabet that spells out your daily

Time: 5004.92


Time: 5005.96

narrative so I I paint this this picture

Time: 5009.52

which seems dire and it I think someone

Time: 5012.88

once said to me look your your Ted Talk

Time: 5015.48

which I think it was called Sleep uh

Time: 5017.239

sleep is your superpower they said that

Time: 5019.84

talk should have actually been sleep or

Time: 5021.84

else dot dot dot which was a completely

Time: 5025.12

fair thing because I think you know very

Time: 5027

early on as a public figure for sleeper

Time: 5029.719

um I did a terrible job I was very

Time: 5031.4

dictator I was very disagree um well I

Time: 5033.96

was I think I think I was very

Time: 5035.76

absolutist and I've I've learned my

Time: 5038.08

lesson I'm I disagree and and um and I'm

Time: 5040.88

going to interrupt intentionally uh not

Time: 5043.04

to to Puff you up just because but I I

Time: 5046.32

think that it's fair to say I know it's

Time: 5048.96

fair to say that the cautionary notes

Time: 5051.679

that you spoke about in those early TED

Time: 5055.36

talks and in your book why we sleep um

Time: 5058.52

while they may have stimulated some

Time: 5060.04

anxiety for some people uh they

Time: 5063.8


Time: 5065.199

had and have a net positive effect in

Time: 5067.36

the sense that they cued people to the

Time: 5069.96

importance of this thing called sleep

Time: 5071.6

because prior to you doing that or those

Time: 5074.76

things it was the case that it was the

Time: 5078.36

I'll sleep when I'm dead mentality um

Time: 5080.8

and as somebody who's pulled many

Time: 5082.119

allnighters in his career many many um

Time: 5084.719

although not these days any longer thank

Time: 5086.96

goodness um I can tell you that that

Time: 5090.6

information was transformative for for

Time: 5092.8

my behavior and also for people in the

Time: 5096.36

Arenas of military Sports children

Time: 5099

adults I I it is fair to say that we

Time: 5101.96

have better parents better kids better

Time: 5104

citizens of every country as a

Time: 5105.56

consequence so I I uh won't allow you

Time: 5109.52

one of the few things I'll I you will

Time: 5112.119

have a hard line on I won't allow you to

Time: 5115.119

U malign your contribution um and the

Time: 5118.8

good news is this series is also going

Time: 5120.8

to include a lot of discussion about

Time: 5122.8

things that one can do anyone can do to

Time: 5125.159

improve their sleep so yeah and so

Time: 5127.88

enough with that for saying that I will

Time: 5130.4

I will stop trying to reject that um but

Time: 5133.239

I would also folks put in the comments

Time: 5134.88

on YouTube whether or not you agree with

Time: 5136.88

me or you agree with Matt and then um

Time: 5140.119

you know uh and thanks for agreeing with

Time: 5143.08

me um I would say though that please

Time: 5147.6

don't start as you mentioned there

Time: 5149.679

you're getting anxious if you're not

Time: 5152.239

finding it easy to fall asleep that

Time: 5153.96


Time: 5154.84

to me is firstly probably not going to

Time: 5156.719

make matters any better but don't think

Time: 5159.52

even if you're in the general public

Time: 5161.119

that look I had one bad night of sleep

Time: 5163.56

does it mean I'm now going to develop

Time: 5165.199

Alzheimer's disease absolutely not

Time: 5167.88

there's we're not suggesting that we're

Time: 5169.96

talking about a model in which you know

Time: 5172.6

week after week month after month yes

Time: 5174.48

I've demonstrated that you know after

Time: 5176.6

just one night of something of short

Time: 5179.04

sleep you can see measurable impairments

Time: 5181.28

and we can and I can't you know I can't

Time: 5184

be untruthful about the scientific data

Time: 5186.92

but it's not as catastrophic as one may

Time: 5189.56

think and as you said in this series we

Time: 5191.56

will also speak and focus a great deal

Time: 5194.28

about what can you do to start to try to

Time: 5198.44

optimize your sleep so thank you for

Time: 5201.08

that opportunity absolutely so lots of

Time: 5204.4

things not good for us happen when we

Time: 5207.159

don't sleep enough on a consistent basis

Time: 5210.92

yes one poor night's sleep let's face it

Time: 5213.88

I mean our species would cease to exist

Time: 5216.199

if if that were the case because all

Time: 5217.76

these parents that have stayed up where

Time: 5219.44

you have a you know an emergency or that

Time: 5221.6

the neighbor's dog is barking or you you

Time: 5223.639

go to an airb B where it's too warm and

Time: 5226.04

and you can't sleep I mean um but

Time: 5228.719

clearly bad things start to happen when

Time: 5230.92

we are chronically sleep

Time: 5232.6

deprived we hear less often about the

Time: 5235

great things that happen when we get

Time: 5236.639

great sleep um perhaps we can talk about

Time: 5239.56

a few of those I mean obviously um many

Time: 5243.239

of them are going to be the inverse of

Time: 5244.92

what you just described but uh for

Time: 5247.44

instance learning neuroplasticity the

Time: 5250.08

nervous system's ability to change in

Time: 5251.639

response to experience uh sleep

Time: 5254.92

deprivation impairs learning yes yeah um

Time: 5258.8

and a great night's sleep makes it a lot

Time: 5260.639

easier to learn right so what are the

Time: 5263.199

data in terms of the relationship

Time: 5264.679

between sleep and learning again

Time: 5265.88

something we're going to go into in

Time: 5267.239

quite a bit more detail but can you give

Time: 5269.44

us a um uh can you can you throw us a

Time: 5273.159

bone about some of the can you

Time: 5274.88

incentivize us for getting good sleep

Time: 5276.36

not just through fear but we heard the

Time: 5278.199

sticks um you know throw us a carrot

Time: 5281.28

yeah so there are so many wonderful

Time: 5283

carrots so when you are sleeping your

Time: 5286.159

brain's capacity and its Learning

Time: 5288.32

Centers are so much more ready to absorb

Time: 5293.04

information so think about these memory

Time: 5295.88

centers in the brain almost like a dry

Time: 5298.679

sponge if you've been sleeping well and

Time: 5301.76

they are so excited to soak up new

Time: 5305.199

information and retain that information

Time: 5308.28

so firstly sleep before learning is

Time: 5310.56

going to help you acquire and imprint

Time: 5313.52

new memories very effectively and we've

Time: 5316.36

demonstrated that we I'll tell you about

Time: 5317.84

the studies in in a later episode we

Time: 5320.6

also know though sleep after learning

Time: 5323.119

does something delicious it will take

Time: 5325.84

those freshly minted memories and it

Time: 5329.28

will consolidate them into the brain

Time: 5331.52

meaning that it will start to fixate

Time: 5333.76

them almost like sort of setting them in

Time: 5337.04

concrete into the brain and so you are

Time: 5339.84

far less likely to lose those memories

Time: 5342.119

which is to say you are far less likely

Time: 5344.199

to forget if you've been sleeping after

Time: 5347.48


Time: 5348.36

learned it's not just that though sleep

Time: 5351.719

does more than simply strengthen those

Time: 5355.28

individual memories sleep will start to

Time: 5359.36

Crosslink and connect those memories

Time: 5362.48

together and as a Consequence the next

Time: 5364.96

day you will wake up and those that

Time: 5367.6

memory back catalog has now been updated

Time: 5371.199

with all of the recent information and

Time: 5373.6

it's integrated and it's Associated so

Time: 5376.639

you are now able to come up with new

Time: 5379.88


Time: 5381.199

Solutions to issues or problems that

Time: 5384.08

you've been facing because you've

Time: 5386.239

updated what we call the associative

Time: 5388.719

networks in your

Time: 5390.32

brain and this is the reason that people

Time: 5393.119

will describe having had these insights

Time: 5395.84

by way of sleep and these problem

Time: 5397.4

solving capacities and really that's

Time: 5400.36

what to

Time: 5403

me a good student is not simply a

Time: 5406.04

student who can learn all of the

Time: 5407.8

individual wrote facts and then just

Time: 5410.159

regurgitate them an

Time: 5413.119

individual memory is not as sitting as

Time: 5415.88

an isolate island is not particularly

Time: 5418.04

useful that's why your laptop isn't well

Time: 5422.4

as long as it's not connected to the

Time: 5423.52

internet and and uh open AI it's not

Time: 5426.92


Time: 5428.04

intelligent I mean it has a storage

Time: 5430.28

capacity that is almost more perfect

Time: 5432.4

than your brain it doesn't make some of

Time: 5434.4

the the memory sort of mistakes that we

Time: 5436.36

do the reason it's not as intelligent as

Time: 5438.679

we are in part is because it has not

Time: 5441.92

integrated the information it doesn't

Time: 5443.6

link all of the wouldn't it be wonderful

Time: 5445.32

if you woke up one day and you'd

Time: 5446.679

installed a program on your computer and

Time: 5448.84

your computer just understood how all of

Time: 5451.119

the files were interrelated and

Time: 5453.04

connected and it was saying okay you you

Time: 5455.679

know you've double clicked on this file

Time: 5457.679

well now I'm going to tell you that

Time: 5459.239

there is this related information you

Time: 5460.8

should pull this in here and it would

Time: 5462.6

enhance this paragraph that you're

Time: 5464.08

working on or it would improve this

Time: 5465.76

experimental idea that you're coming it

Time: 5467.92

doesn't do that but your brain does that

Time: 5469.48

how does it do that in part it's because

Time: 5471.32

sleep is building these associative

Time: 5474.239

networks so it's not it's not simply the

Time: 5476.84

student who learns the rote facts it's

Time: 5478.679

the student who learns the facts and

Time: 5480.32

then understands what they

Time: 5482.92

mean sleep is not just about learning

Time: 5487.4

and it's not just about knowledge it's

Time: 5491.08

about wisdom which is knowing what it

Time: 5493.84

all means when you fit it together and

Time: 5496.32

that's one of the other roles of sleep

Time: 5498.6

so those are some of the beneficial

Time: 5500.6

things the sort of the the carrots that

Time: 5502.96

can come by way of for your learning and

Time: 5505.159

memory there are so many other carrots

Time: 5507.719

though we described for your immune

Time: 5511.159

system how there is this restoration

Time: 5514

that happens during deep sleep and it

Time: 5515.96

primes that but there are other benefits

Time: 5518.56

too one of the things that we've

Time: 5520.76

discovered and we hopefully we'll get to

Time: 5522.6

discuss this in more detail is that

Time: 5524.88


Time: 5526.52

provides almost a rebooting of your

Time: 5532.04

emotional and your mood

Time: 5534.8

States and as a consequence you wake up

Time: 5538.04

the next day and you are dressed with a

Time: 5540.32

very different set of emotional

Time: 5542.84

clothing and sleep when you're getting

Time: 5545.679

it almost it's like a set of emotional

Time: 5548.719

windscream wipers that it's just cleared

Time: 5551.8

those things off and you wake up it's

Time: 5553.76

the reason that people will tell you you

Time: 5556.28


Time: 5557.44

you if something is troubling you don't

Time: 5560.36

worry just come back tomorrow just give

Time: 5563.239

it a night of sleep and you'll probably

Time: 5565.159

feel better tomorrow that feeling better

Time: 5568.28

notion is sleep acting as this emotional

Time: 5572.6

bomb that just soothes that those Jagged

Time: 5576.44

edges that we've you know be sort of

Time: 5579.44

almost like a CD getting scratched if

Time: 5581.6

anyone out there knows all a CD is these

Time: 5583.96

days but you know these scratches that

Time: 5586.199

we get emotional wounds sleep is

Time: 5589

starting to heal those as well so those

Time: 5591.719

are benefits I could also mention some

Time: 5594.52

other aspects of your weight control and

Time: 5597.719

your weight gain and this is a huge huge

Time: 5600.76

effect size Sleep moves the needle on

Time: 5603.08

almost every aspect of brain and body

Time: 5605.679

health I think it's very clear at this

Time: 5607.4

stage that there is no single tissue or

Time: 5610.52

major physiological system in your body

Time: 5612.84

and no operation of your mind that isn't

Time: 5615.44

wonderfully enhanced by sleep when you

Time: 5617.119

get it or demonstrably imper when you

Time: 5618.96

don't get enough but when it comes to

Time: 5622.44

appetite and regulation of weight gain

Time: 5625.8

this is immense firstly what we know is

Time: 5628.6

that when you're getting sufficient

Time: 5630

sleep you can create a a nice

Time: 5634.28

um concentration ratio of two appetite

Time: 5636.84

regulating hormones called leptin and

Time: 5639

grin and let me go sort of in the

Time: 5641.119

reverse to probably give you a better

Time: 5642.96

example let me say I deprive you of

Time: 5644.88

sleep and what we see is that these two

Time: 5649

hormones that and I joke you know that

Time: 5651.88

sometimes sound like um leptin and grin

Time: 5654.119

sound like Hobbits from Lord of the

Time: 5655.32

Rings but they're not they're real

Time: 5657.04

hormones and leptin essentially is the

Time: 5659.96

signal that tells your brain okay your

Time: 5663.8

you're satiated by your food you're full

Time: 5666.679

and you don't want to eat more so hunger

Time: 5669.04

and appetite decrease grin does the

Time: 5671.88

opposite when grin increases now it's

Time: 5675.199

the signal of hunger and you get

Time: 5677.8

increasingly unsatisfied despite eating

Time: 5679.88

a f full meal if you've got still high

Time: 5682.32

levels of grin you don't feel satisfied

Time: 5684.96

with that meal and many people listening

Time: 5686.679

may start to say I have this feeling

Time: 5688.719

where I'm just eating and I just don't

Time: 5690.679

feel satisfied on some days and those

Time: 5693.4


Time: 5694.4

I suspect can be days when you are not

Time: 5697.119

sleeping well and I think everyone has

Time: 5698.8

had this feeling of saying I just didn't

Time: 5701.719

sleep well last night and I I just get

Time: 5705.48

ravenous and my I just unleash this

Time: 5708.44

Unholy hunger and an appetite that's in

Time: 5711.719

part because these two hormones so what

Time: 5713.639

happens is that when we're not getting

Time: 5715.36

sufficient sleep leptin the signal that

Time: 5718.119

says you're satisfied with food stop

Time: 5720.44

eating that is imper by way of a lack of

Time: 5723.04

sleep if that wasn't bad enough the

Time: 5725.56

hormone grin that says no you're not

Time: 5727.76

satisfied with your food eat more that's

Time: 5729.52

the signal of hunger that increases so

Time: 5732.48

it's almost like double jeopardy you're

Time: 5734

getting punished twice for the same

Time: 5735.639

crime of not sleeping once by way of a

Time: 5738.32

drop in leptin stop eating and once by

Time: 5741.199

way of growling foot to the floor

Time: 5743.32

acceleration I want to start eating

Time: 5745.88

that's in part why you're going to your

Time: 5747.88

waistline can start to expand when

Time: 5749.36

you're not getting sufficient sleep but

Time: 5752.199

when you do it's a it's a fantastic way

Time: 5754.6

of controlling I guarantee you if you

Time: 5756.6

start to implement better sleep your

Time: 5759.239

ability to regulate your basil levels of

Time: 5762.88

appetite and hunger will

Time: 5765.6

decline but it's not just that you want

Time: 5768.88

to eat less or you at least want to eat

Time: 5771.36

an appropriate amount for your body mass

Time: 5774.159

it's also what you want to eat and what

Time: 5776.96

we've discovered is that when you are

Time: 5778.8

again not getting sufficient sleep you

Time: 5782.199

start to eat more more yes you do but

Time: 5785.52

you eat more of specific things you

Time: 5788.08

crave things like these heavy hitting

Time: 5790.52

sort of stodgy carbohydrates like bread

Time: 5793.8

and pasta and potatoes and pizza and

Time: 5797.56

also you crave simple

Time: 5799.8

sugars and so those Foods we know in

Time: 5803.92

excess can be what we call obesogenic

Time: 5807.04

Foods they are foods that can lead you

Time: 5809.04

to a more rapid amount of weight gain

Time: 5812

whereas when you are getting sufficient

Time: 5814.04

sleep now you're reaching at the food

Time: 5817.199

bar for you're saying what I think the

Time: 5820.679

the salad and those healthy nuts and the

Time: 5823.04

fruits and those things look quite

Time: 5825.239

appetizing today versus when you are

Time: 5828

underslept all you want to do is go

Time: 5830.159

after the junk food and because you kind

Time: 5832.48

of got these Munchies what's interesting

Time: 5834.679

is that a recent discovery came back to

Time: 5836.88

that notion of the munchies when I say I

Time: 5839.159

got the munchies people sometimes think

Time: 5840.84

of a drug reference they'll say well

Time: 5842.92

been smoking weed I always get the

Time: 5845.6

munchies why is that because when you

Time: 5848.92

when you are bringing in cannabis into

Time: 5851.679

the body and these canabo these what we

Time: 5853.88

call exogenous canabo they will increase

Time: 5857.56

your appetite they will stimulate your

Time: 5860.199

appetite cannabinoids are appetite

Time: 5862.32

stimulating components but we all have

Time: 5864.96

our own version of cannaboids that we

Time: 5868.719

produce inside of our body that you've

Time: 5870.36

spoken about before called endoc canabo

Time: 5873.639

when you are underslept the brain

Time: 5875.92

releases more endoc canabo and that's in

Time: 5879.32

part why you get this strong impulse for

Time: 5882

and thus IO when you start sleeping

Time: 5884.36

better you moderate all of these

Time: 5886.679

hormones and these chemicals and your

Time: 5888.84

appetite is controlled when you eat you

Time: 5891.48

feel satisfied with your food you're not

Time: 5893.679

craving more when you make your food

Time: 5896.48

choices you're making better food

Time: 5898.84

choices we did a study with brain

Time: 5900.599

Imaging where we underslept individuals

Time: 5903.52

and we had them see food items inside of

Time: 5905.96

a brain scanner and they had to rate you

Time: 5908.639

know how much do I desire and how much

Time: 5910.36

do I want these items and those items

Time: 5912.48

range from very healthy items all the

Time: 5914.36

way to unhealthy items things like ice

Time: 5917.36

cream and sort of pizza and all of that

Time: 5919.36

good stuff and sweets um Candy as you

Time: 5922.36

would say over here and we looked at

Time: 5925.44

their ratings and by the way we to make

Time: 5928.599

this a more ecological because you could

Time: 5930.08

say Well they're going to know what's

Time: 5931.88

the healthy choice so they're probably

Time: 5933.239

just is going to be you know politically

Time: 5935

correct and say oh I desire the healthy

Time: 5937.239

food because the way that we tried to

Time: 5939.239

get around that was we said anything

Time: 5941.159

that you said was desirable when you

Time: 5943.639

come outside the scanner we've actually

Time: 5945.56

got all of these foods and you're going

Time: 5946.96

to have to eat them um so they were

Time: 5949.199

making more real realistics and each

Time: 5951.36

person went through the experiment twice

Time: 5953.04

one night after full nights of sleep one

Time: 5954.88

night with significantly less sleep and

Time: 5957.48

sure enough inside of the scanner they

Time: 5959.96

were rating unhealthier Foods as more

Time: 5962.8

desirable so your preference was going

Time: 5965.28

in that unhealthy Direction but what was

Time: 5967.88

interesting was what was going on in the

Time: 5969.239

brain we saw that the frontal lobe

Time: 5972

regions these sort of areas that sit

Time: 5974.119

above our eyes that almost act like the

Time: 5976.08

COO of the brain and they help regulate

Time: 5978.48

our deep emotional centers those regions

Time: 5981.32

of the brain had gone offline by way of

Time: 5983.679

a lack of sleep and these emotional

Time: 5986.08

centers that are usually associated with

Time: 5988.84

more honic reward and they're also

Time: 5991.639

excessively more active in people with

Time: 5994.92

obesity who have what we call honic

Time: 5997.239

eating patterns those regions were

Time: 6000

ramped up by way of a lack of sleep so

Time: 6003.08

it's not just that there are chemical

Time: 6004.4

changes in your body that conspire to

Time: 6007.36

have you eat more there are also changes

Time: 6009.88

in your brain that prevent you from

Time: 6012.56

making the healthy food choices but when

Time: 6014.239

you're getting sufficient sleep in the

Time: 6015.92

control condition when they were getting

Time: 6017.639

that sleep their brain was beautifully

Time: 6020.159

regulating the optimal food choices so

Time: 6023.159

that that's just another example of a

Time: 6025.599

car carrot no pun intended now um that

Time: 6029.119

when you're getting sleep if one of the

Time: 6031.76

ways you want to manage

Time: 6033.52

your your body composition and manage

Time: 6036.48

your appetite is by way of getting

Time: 6039.4

sufficient sleep it's actually a very

Time: 6041.32

powerful tool that we probably underrate

Time: 6043.599

and then this other aspect I would say

Time: 6045.4

is emotional and mental Wellness

Time: 6048.159

everyone knows that your emotional and

Time: 6051.119

mood States will take a nose dive like a

Time: 6053.32

Dart into the ground when you're not

Time: 6054.679

getting sufficient sleep it's that idea

Time: 6056.8

of I just snapped dot dot dot and those

Time: 6059.48

are the words that usually you know are

Time: 6061.44

uttered by people who are not usually

Time: 6063.56

sleeping very well but when you're

Time: 6066

getting good sleep it's so much easier

Time: 6068.52

to regulate and manage those emotions

Time: 6071.32

and Michael Grand know great sleep

Time: 6073.32

research he did an interesting study and

Time: 6074.92

it was one of those studies many studies

Time: 6077.159

I read from my colleagues that my

Time: 6079.119

initial reaction to the study was

Time: 6081.96

jealousy because it was such a good

Time: 6083.639

study and I was jealous that I didn't

Time: 6085.679

think of the idea and now gradually with

Time: 6087.84

my senior age I've disabused myself of

Time: 6090.32

that ego and very quickly I then think

Time: 6092.679

this is the best faor and I can't wait

Time: 6094.28

to tweet it out but he did a great study

Time: 6096.48

and it was only quite recently he asked

Time: 6099.44

what are the reasons that people want to

Time: 6102.08

try to improve sleep you would have

Time: 6104.76

thought that we'd have known this you

Time: 6106.32

know decades ago and it's a relevant

Time: 6108.639

question to the point that you're asking

Time: 6110.199

which is about these

Time: 6112.239

carrots I know that there is still

Time: 6115

probably some degree of a sleep loss

Time: 6116.639

epidemic out there in the world there is

Time: 6118.04

still that sleep machismo mentality that

Time: 6120.76

I can sleep when I'm dead so how can we

Time: 6123.04

try to motivate people well I can do it

Time: 6125.84

with the stick and I can do the whole

Time: 6127.719

sort of you know if it bleeds it leads

Time: 6129.36

and do the Doomsday stuff and that can

Time: 6131.8

that can motivate but why don't I try to

Time: 6135.32

understand what it would be for most

Time: 6138.48

people that would have them try to enact

Time: 6141.48

better sleep behaviors

Time: 6144.159

and they asked all sorts of different

Time: 6146.239

options and the two things at the end of

Time: 6148.679

the paper when they did all the

Time: 6150.239

statistics that stood out like two sore

Time: 6153.719

thumbs I want to try to improve my sleep

Time: 6156.52

because I want to improve my mood I want

Time: 6159

to improve my sleep because I want to

Time: 6161.36

improve my body weight people know it

Time: 6165.639

they already knew it we didn't have to

Time: 6167.4

show them the data and so it's just

Time: 6169.32

interesting so I'm just bringing those

Time: 6170.719

two things up as a as carrot examples

Time: 6173.28

there are many others of course too

Time: 6175.119

terrific examples of carrots for uh that

Time: 6179.4

one can get if they get adequate sleep

Time: 6183.719

and we'll talk about quality and some

Time: 6185.36

other features of sleep that are

Time: 6186.52

important in just a moment but I'm

Time: 6188.36

curious how come when we are sleep

Time: 6190.52

deprived um we get bags under our eyes

Time: 6194.32

and our skin Health shows it like even

Time: 6197.719

one day you know if you know someone

Time: 6199.599

well and you see them regularly and they

Time: 6201.239

walk in and they they look particularly

Time: 6204.159

well rested yeah we you know we think

Time: 6206.52

they're you know kind of bright-eyed and

Time: 6208.159

bushy tailed um so to speak um but you

Time: 6211.159

can often see it in their skin and in

Time: 6212.76

their eyes how glassy their eyes are how

Time: 6214.88

open their eyes are but also the bags

Time: 6216.639

under under their eyes and of course

Time: 6218.639

folks um never say to somebody um you

Time: 6222.04

look tired um it's it's a the other way

Time: 6225.56

to um do it is just if if they look

Time: 6228.28

particularly well rested on a given day

Time: 6229.76

say you look well rested actually I told

Time: 6231.44

you that today you did that's right I

Time: 6233.719

would have forgot about that but now I

Time: 6234.88

remember um and and it's true you look

Time: 6237.32

very well rested being the the Sleep guy

Time: 6239.44

and all um why do why do we show our

Time: 6243.88

lack of sleep in our skin so rapidly

Time: 6246.08

it's almost like a a thermometer on on

Time: 6249.48

how much sleep somebody got the night

Time: 6250.92

before it it's stunning isn't it and you

Time: 6255

can almost see it you know if if you

Time: 6257

have a partner and they come through to

Time: 6258.48

the sort of kitchen in the morning and

Time: 6261.239

they look at you and because you're so

Time: 6262.639

familiar with that face because it's a

Time: 6264.84

face that has imprinted on you thousands

Time: 6266.88

of times you can notice subtle changes

Time: 6270.88

and you can sometimes sense you know

Time: 6273.639

they they do look tired but you're

Time: 6275

absolutely right you don't you don't say

Time: 6277

that you just say oh you know how are

Time: 6279.32

you this morning and is there anything I

Time: 6281.119

can do for you should I make you a

Time: 6282.88

coffee maybe you should go back to sleep

Time: 6284.679

and yeah yeah I think that's the that's

Time: 6287.08

the politically incorrect indirect way

Time: 6289.119

of saying boy do you look tired um two

Time: 6292.56

things on that that front the first it

Time: 6294.599

comes back to the immune system that

Time: 6297.159

that sort of pale paror in a face almost

Time: 6300.56

that sickly looking skin in PO is

Time: 6303.679

because you're already seeing the

Time: 6305.08

effects of the immune system and it's

Time: 6306.88

the same with the bags under the eyes

Time: 6309.4

that part of this reboot of the human

Time: 6313.76

being you know that human beings seem to

Time: 6315.96

have what I would describe as a recycle

Time: 6317.92

rate and it seems to be about 16 hours

Time: 6320.119

that after about 16 hours of wakefulness

Time: 6322.719

we need about an 8 hourish and it's 7 to

Time: 6325.92

n hours is the recommendation don't get

Time: 6327.48

hung up on we'll speak about exactly

Time: 6329.44

that in a second but it's that seems to

Time: 6332.84

be required to reset this whole panoply

Time: 6336.239

of of health and physiology of a of a

Time: 6340.04

human being one of the things is the

Time: 6341.88

immune system and you get this sickly

Time: 6344.44

look about individuals and you get the

Time: 6346.84

bags under the eyes so that in in part

Time: 6350.76

explains it there was a great study done

Time: 6353.679

by um a colleague of mine Tina sundelin

Time: 6356.88

and um working out uh in Sweden uh at

Time: 6362.04

the kolinska and this again was one of

Time: 6364.599

those studies that I just thought was so

Time: 6366.639

genius and it was a two-part study they

Time: 6370

firstly took individuals and they sleep

Time: 6372.84

deprived them for a night or they

Time: 6375.36

allowed them to sleep well in fact they

Time: 6377.4

went through both of those and after a

Time: 6380

full night of sleep or after a night of

Time: 6381.639

sleep deprivation they went into a

Time: 6383.88

studio and they had the picture taken

Time: 6386.84

they had a portrait shop done under

Time: 6388.88

identical lighting conditions so now for

Time: 6391.84

every participant in the study you've

Time: 6394

got two head shots one of when they were

Time: 6397.119

sleep deprived one when they were sleep

Time: 6399.08

rested great now came the second part of

Time: 6401.92

the experiment they then took all of

Time: 6404.119

those kind of head shots and they

Time: 6407.88

recruited a new set of participants who

Time: 6410.119

acted as an independent set of judges

Time: 6413.119

and those judges knew nothing about the

Time: 6415.92

experimental conditions and the

Time: 6417.32

manipulations that had just happened

Time: 6419.159

they were simply shown these images and

Time: 6421.48

they were asked to rate how attractive

Time: 6423.88

does this person look how healthy does

Time: 6426.52

this person look and how tired did does

Time: 6429.44

this person look and again they knew

Time: 6431.32

nothing about what was going on sure

Time: 6433.8

enough with very high statistical

Time: 6436.639

probability when the the head shot that

Time: 6439.679

was taken when they were underslept they

Time: 6442.04

rated that indiv idual as looking less

Time: 6444.28

attractive as looking more sickly in

Time: 6447.159

terms of their appearance and also

Time: 6449.44

looking more tired so first they had

Time: 6451.92

proven this thing called beauty sleep

Time: 6453.96

that you look a more attractive version

Time: 6456.639

of you when you are getting sufficient

Time: 6458.76

sleep but they also noticed this

Time: 6461.719

sickliness sort of composition to

Time: 6464.36

someone's face so that's a very long way

Time: 6467.84

of explaining the bags under the eyes

Time: 6469.719

I'm sorry I go off in these tangents

Time: 6471.56

Andrew and not a mentioned at all I

Time: 6473.639

asked you answered and um and here we

Time: 6475.84

are okay so you've been explaining the

Time: 6478.96

different dimensions of sleep the

Time: 6480.639


Time: 6481.719

physiology some of the psychological and

Time: 6484.119

physiological consequences of getting

Time: 6486.08

not enough sleep enough sleep

Time: 6489

Etc I think a question that everybody is

Time: 6491.719

asking themselves is a how much sleep

Time: 6494.84

should they get and B what is really

Time: 6498.119

great sleep and then of course there are

Time: 6500.119

all these other parameters of sleep you

Time: 6501.84

know leaving aside whether or not one

Time: 6503.4

sleeps you know a little bit reclined or

Time: 6505

on their side Etc you know how should we

Time: 6508.44

think about this activity that you're

Time: 6510.76

calling sleep you how should we break it

Time: 6512.96

down what are the variables that we need

Time: 6514.36

to think about in terms of being able to

Time: 6516.76

ask ourselves how well or poorly we're

Time: 6519.199

doing and for lack of a better way to

Time: 6522

put it to optimize our sleep so I think

Time: 6525.8

to me the question of what is good sleep

Time: 6529.32

at at first it seems to be obvious you

Time: 6531.719

can come through again to your partner

Time: 6534

in the morning and they'll say how did

Time: 6535.96

you sleep and you have an answer you

Time: 6537.44

know I slept well or I don't think I did

Time: 6539.52

sleep well so we all have some

Time: 6540.92

subjective sense but science for the

Time: 6543.639

most part um science and and medicine

Time: 6546.44

has usually used a singular rub rubric

Time: 6549.88

which I think is reasonable which is

Time: 6553.08

quantity so you would hear that okay how

Time: 6556.119

much sleep do we need and what would

Time: 6559.199

that look like to be good sleep and the

Time: 6561.28

answer is it's a quantity ative answer

Time: 6564.08

somewhere between 7 to 9 hours well

Time: 6566.599

actually I would answer it differently

Time: 6568.119

if someone said um how much sleep does

Time: 6570.719

an average person need I would say about

Time: 6573.76

90 minutes

Time: 6575.56

more if you look that's the answer you

Time: 6577.76

would give every yeah yeah how much

Time: 6579.44

sleep do I need and I would say probably

Time: 6581.76

about 90 minutes more if you look at the

Time: 6584.44

average data but setting that 90 9 90

Time: 6587.8

more uh if you look at based on the

Time: 6589.96

epidemiological studies of how much

Time: 6591.52

people actually are getting

Time: 6593.159

but that metric of quantity is the way

Time: 6596.4

that most of us and I've been you know

Time: 6598.84

certainly party to this as well have

Time: 6601.32

answered the question as what is enough

Time: 6603.4

sleep or what would be a good amount of

Time: 6605.88

sleep and good amount of sleep would be

Time: 6608.159

somewhere between 7 to n and that's the

Time: 6610.08

current recommendation that's the

Time: 6611.4

recommendation by many health

Time: 6612.76

organizations including here in the US

Time: 6614.56

which is the CDC they recommend or they

Time: 6616.88

stipulate a minimum of 7 hours for the

Time: 6619.599

average adult to me however that doesn't

Time: 6623.28

capture the true complexity that sleep

Time: 6626.76

really is and it is as we've now

Time: 6629.119

discussed in the episode a wonderfully

Time: 6632.199

complex um ballet of of of physiology

Time: 6637

and so I've stepped back and i' really

Time: 6639.04

tried to think to me what are the main

Time: 6642.52

components that would constitute this

Time: 6645.88

recipe for good

Time: 6648.239

sleep and I've conceptualized what I

Time: 6651.92

would describe as the four macros of

Time: 6654.599

sleep that there are you know we think

Time: 6656.679

of diet that we've got three macros fat

Time: 6659.119

protein and carbohydrate for me sleep

Time: 6662

actually has four macros and you can

Time: 6664.32

remember this by the acronym

Time: 6667.599

qqr and it stands for quantity quality

Time: 6672.52

regularity and timing qqr T quantity

Time: 6676.76

quality regularity and timing and maybe

Time: 6680.119

I can just go into detail because I'm

Time: 6682.76

telling you you know these are the the

Time: 6685.04

rules for good sleep no one responds to

Time: 6689.96

rules they respond to reasons and not

Time: 6692.04

rules so let me explain the reasons

Time: 6693.84

behind each one of these so quantity

Time: 6696.52

we've already spoken about somewhere

Time: 6698.28

between 7 to9 for the average adult let

Time: 6700.96

me move on to Quality we measure quality

Time: 6704.56

in a variety of different ways the first

Time: 6707.48

principle quality measure of sleep is

Time: 6711.239

continuity so meaning was your sleep

Time: 6714.639

nice and continuous and you didn't wake

Time: 6716.84

up many times or was your sleep

Time: 6719.88

fragmented and littered with many

Time: 6722.04

Awakenings it was punctuated by these

Time: 6724.679

these Awakenings if it's very highly

Time: 6728.36

fragmented that's what we call poor

Time: 6731

quality of sleep that's low efficiency

Time: 6734.239

of sleep so maybe you would be in bed

Time: 6737.719

for let's say 9 hours and you still got

Time: 6742.679

7 hours of sleep so if all you used was

Time: 6745.159

your quantity measure you would say well

Time: 6747.44

you've still had good sleep you've had 7

Time: 6749.199

hours but two of those hours have been

Time: 6752.76

spent awake summed total so that is very

Time: 6757.199

low quality of sleep and it's what we

Time: 6761.36

would call a low score of efficiency so

Time: 6763.36

if you're looking at any of your sleep

Time: 6764.88

trackers that's probably best captured

Time: 6767.28

by Sleep efficiency what is sleep

Time: 6769.079

efficiency sleep efficiency is simply

Time: 6771.159

calculated as of the total amount of

Time: 6773.719

time in bed what percent of that time

Time: 6776.119

will you asleep so if I was in bed for 8

Time: 6779.119

hours and I slept for 6 hours I would

Time: 6781.199

have a sleep efficiency of

Time: 6782.96

75% because two out of the8 hours 25% of

Time: 6787.119

that time I was awake and an efficiency

Time: 6790.84

that is 85% or above we typically

Time: 6794.32

classify as healthy sleep and we would

Time: 6797.199

like to see you there or perhaps a

Time: 6799.4

little bit higher if you have a lower

Time: 6801.84

sleep efficienc score than that it

Time: 6804

usually means that you're awake too much

Time: 6806

of the time and we'll think about that

Time: 6807.96

and address that so that's one measure

Time: 6810.76

of the second Q of the qqr T that's

Time: 6813.84

quality but there's another measure that

Time: 6815.719

we can also use that measure comes back

Time: 6818.679

to the deep sleep that we spoke about

Time: 6820.719

and particularly the electrical quality

Time: 6822.719

of those brain waves so you can have

Time: 6825.4

deep sleep and it can be of different

Time: 6828.719

qualities electrical qualities you can

Time: 6830.8

have deep sleep that is is immensely

Time: 6833.719

powerful with huge epic waves or you can

Time: 6836.48

have deep sleep that still is classified

Time: 6839.159

as deep sleep but it's a little bit more

Time: 6841.8

sort of anemic in its quality and you

Time: 6845.719

can't really measure that with these

Time: 6847.04

sleep trackers we have to use electrodes

Time: 6849.96

and then we decompose the electrical

Time: 6851.84

brain activity using a fancy equation

Time: 6854.159

and that tells us what was the amount of

Time: 6857.079

sort of strength of activity what we

Time: 6859.4

call electrical power in that deep sleep

Time: 6862.4

regiment so that's another measure that

Time: 6864.639

we use for

Time: 6866.76

Quality next is

Time: 6870.159

regularity regularity and actually I

Time: 6872.679

should come back to to Quality for a

Time: 6875.04

long time in sleep science we were using

Time: 6877.92

quantity as our major metric for

Time: 6881.44

predictability meaning I look at your

Time: 6884.36

quality and does it predict your

Time: 6885.88

learning or your memory I look at your

Time: 6888.159

quantity and does it predict your blood

Time: 6890.28

sugar regulation I look at your Quant

Time: 6892.36

quanti does it predict your immune

Time: 6894.36

health I look at your quantity and does

Time: 6896.119

it predict your mortality risk and the

Time: 6898.36

answer has been yes that it quantity

Time: 6901.32

does predict many of those things that's

Time: 6904.199

great what was interesting is that if

Time: 6906.239

you look at the statistic of the

Time: 6909.679

predictability of quantity alone it was

Time: 6913.04

strong it was significant but it still

Time: 6915.48

left a lot of unexplained what we call

Time: 6919.44

variance so the it must be that there is

Time: 6922.48

some other things in sleep that are

Time: 6925.04

explaining these Health metrics in

Time: 6927.159

addition to quantity and quality has now

Time: 6931.119

come online I think in the past 10 years

Time: 6934.32

as carrying as much if not perhaps even

Time: 6937.679

more in certain domains of a predictive

Time: 6941.199

strength in determining your mental and

Time: 6944.4

your physical health that quantity has

Time: 6947.88

and it at least forced me in my own

Time: 6949.719

research to a always be me measuring

Time: 6953.079

quality in as high resolution as I can

Time: 6956.28

and always including it into a

Time: 6957.96

statistical model and we can do fancy

Time: 6959.88

things where we put those two things you

Time: 6961.96

know pit them head-to head and see which

Time: 6964.239

one actually holds more of the

Time: 6966.199

statistical weight but certainly quality

Time: 6969.679

sleep is as important I would say now at

Time: 6973.52

least as important as the quantity of

Time: 6975.96

sleep now you can't short Change on

Time: 6978.76

either you can't say okay did he just

Time: 6981.239

tell me that I should not worry about

Time: 6983.199

how long I'm sleeping but as long so you

Time: 6985.48

can't just get 4 hours of sleep that is

Time: 6988.28

incredibly good quality and get away

Time: 6990.88

with it but you also can't be in bed for

Time: 6994.239

9 hours or 10 hours getting 7 hours of

Time: 6997.8

sleep but it's really bad quality of

Time: 7000

sleep you have to get both you can't

Time: 7003.079

short Change either one of those so at

Time: 7006.44

that point you think well isn't that the

Time: 7007.679

end of the story The QQ why do you need

Time: 7009.88

this R and T of qqr t

Time: 7013.32

the the regularity has come online I

Time: 7016.239

would say in the past 18 months as being

Time: 7019.44

a relevant metric when I say you you

Time: 7022.56

would say well hang on a second

Time: 7023.719

regularity and timing they sound like

Time: 7025.8

the same when I say regularity I mean

Time: 7029.159

when you go to bed and when you wake up

Time: 7032.96

if you keep that consistent that is the

Time: 7036.199

third piece of the the four macros

Time: 7038.679

that's regularity I go to bed at the

Time: 7040.32

same time I wake up at the same time

Time: 7041.92

plus minus how much so I would say plus

Time: 7044.32

or minus you know 30 minutes you kind of

Time: 7048.199

that's your wiggle room you don't want

Time: 7050.079

to try and everyone you know even I I

Time: 7052.719

have a I'm furly puritanical about my

Time: 7056.159

sleep not because I want to be some post

Time: 7058.199

a child and practice what I preach it's

Time: 7060.639

simply that if you knew everything I did

Time: 7062.639

about sleep it's an entirely selfish act

Time: 7065.92

to prioritize my sleep I don't want to

Time: 7067.92

die any sooner than I have to and I

Time: 7070.199

don't want to live with disease any

Time: 7072.199

longer and the greatest health insurance

Time: 7074.88

policy that I know of that is

Time: 7077.32

universally available largely free and

Time: 7080.32

mostly painless is this thing called the

Time: 7082.639

night of sleep so I'll gift it to myself

Time: 7085.599

every single night I don't see it as

Time: 7087.52

selfish because of course uh when we are

Time: 7089.52

ill or dead um there is a burden on

Time: 7093.28

others um it's it can be an absence

Time: 7095.599

burden or a or a presence burden

Time: 7097.679

depending depending depending on what

Time: 7099.76

and how people please look at me when

Time: 7100.96

you say presence about us but um that's

Time: 7104.52

interesting now when you say uh same

Time: 7107.679

wake up time same to sleep time plus or

Time: 7110.719

minus 30 minutes for each of those uh is

Time: 7113.92

that plus or minus 30 minutes uh getting

Time: 7116.4

into bed or are we talking about falling

Time: 7118.56

asleep entering that first stage one

Time: 7120.48

it's really from the time of lights out

Time: 7122.92

so okay I've been in bed and you know I

Time: 7127.639

I got into bed at the same time but last

Time: 7129.96

night I went to sleep about an hour

Time: 7132.159

later and then the night before you know

Time: 7135.119

I I got into bed I just turned the

Time: 7136.44

lights out and and then you

Time: 7139.159

know two nights ago I got into bed again

Time: 7142.159

at the same time but then I was kind of

Time: 7144.32

online shopping and I started chatting

Time: 7146.239

with a friend in a different time zone

Time: 7147.92

and then it was 2 and a half hours later

Time: 7149.679

before lights out that is what we would

Time: 7152.28

classify as irregular sleep and the

Time: 7155.84

reason that this this has really been

Time: 7158.76

forced on me as important there was a

Time: 7161.48

great study that came

Time: 7163.159

out maybe I'll get this wrong from about

Time: 7166.199

5 months from the time of filming this

Time: 7168.56

ago and it was it used a huge database

Time: 7171.84

something called the UK biobank which is

Time: 7173.96

a wonderful database and they looked at

Time: 7176.599

over 60,000 individuals and they looked

Time: 7179.84

they were able to track the sleep from

Time: 7182.36

one night to the next to the next to the

Time: 7183.92

next so they had some Metric of this

Time: 7186.44

consistency this

Time: 7188.239

regularity and then they split those

Time: 7190.639

60,000 individual into

Time: 7193.28

quartiles and in the St statistical

Time: 7196.04

model they looked at people who were

Time: 7198.079

most regular versus people who were

Time: 7200.88


Time: 7202.44

regular and they tracked them over

Time: 7206.719

years what they found and then they

Time: 7209.159

looked at their mortality risk How

Time: 7211.239

likely was it that those people would

Time: 7213.119

pass away during that study inter uh

Time: 7215.48

interval and they were also able to map

Time: 7218.48

what were they dying of if they passed

Time: 7220.639

away so what they found was that those

Time: 7223.8

people who are in the top quarti of

Time: 7226.48

being most regular relative to those

Time: 7228.8

people who are highly irregular if you

Time: 7231.679

had good regular sleep you had a

Time: 7236.56

49% reduced risk of mortality relative

Time: 7240.32

to someone who was very

Time: 7243.04

irregular of that General allca

Time: 7245.76

mortality risk when you split it apart

Time: 7248.56

there was um a 35% decrease in cancer

Time: 7254.36

mortality specifically and there was

Time: 7256.679

almost a 60% drisking of

Time: 7260.84

cardiovascular mortality risk if you are

Time: 7263.88

regular versus

Time: 7265.44

irregular then they did this brilliant

Time: 7267.679

thing because they were measuring both

Time: 7270.199

the quantity of sleep and when these

Time: 7272.719

individuals were sleeping they did what

Time: 7274.599

I just said which is they put them into

Time: 7276.36

a statistical model sure enough the

Time: 7278.719

quantity of sleep just as we've shown

Time: 7281.48

time and in time again was very

Time: 7283.52

predictive of all cause mortality using

Time: 7285.56

that sweet spot of 7 to n hours and we

Time: 7288.32

can speak about what happens when you

Time: 7289.56

start to sleep longer because it's it's

Time: 7291.32

actually very unpredicted and it's very

Time: 7292.92

interesting but sweet spot of 7 to9 the

Time: 7295.92

shorter your sleep the shorter your life

Time: 7297.92

that's what the data seems to suggest

Time: 7300.28

but what they found was that that was

Time: 7302.44

true yet regularity or irregular sleep

Time: 7306.88

carried almost twice the effect size the

Time: 7310.32

magnitude of predictability that

Time: 7313.239

duration did and I think the whole field

Time: 7317

we knew that regularity I knew that

Time: 7319.28

regularity was important I don't think

Time: 7321.679

we understood how important and the

Time: 7324.76

strength of mortality drisking if you're

Time: 7328.8

regular or increased risk if you're

Time: 7331.159

irregular that this metric of R carried

Time: 7334.199

in the qqr T equation so I've started to

Time: 7338.119

be much more mindful myself at least and

Time: 7340.719

almost over index

Time: 7342.4

that um the final aspect comes on to

Time: 7346.56

timing and I should say that we've we've

Time: 7349.28

used this essentially this kind of

Time: 7352.119

equation this sleep algorithm as it were

Time: 7354.48

of qqr now in a lot of my work in the

Time: 7357.679

past at the Sleep Center in the past

Time: 7359.159

four or five years and it does seem to

Time: 7361.44

be a pretty good proxy of covering

Time: 7364.88

predictive wise many aspects of your

Time: 7368.04

health that if you use any one of these

Time: 7370.48

by themselves yeah they they help they

Time: 7372.92

predict things but if you use them as a

Time: 7374.719

collective that seems to be where you

Time: 7376.599

explain most of the variant now it's not

Time: 7379.92

a by far a perfect measure there are

Time: 7383.04

even more nuanced ways that you would

Time: 7384.88

want to split it and I want to split it

Time: 7386.56

but I would say that this is a pretty

Time: 7387.8

good proxy for the general public and it

Time: 7389.679

seems to be in our research a pretty

Time: 7391.239

good proxy for for health and wellness

Time: 7394.44

too the final aspect of the qqr quantity

Time: 7399.04

quality regularity comes on to timing

Time: 7401.599

how is timing different to regularity

Time: 7403.679

because regularity is about getting your

Time: 7405.639

sleep at the same correct time what I

Time: 7409.199

mean by timing is your chronotype so

Time: 7412.96

people may have heard of this phrase are

Time: 7414.8

you a morning type evening type or

Time: 7417

somewhere in

Time: 7418.96

between that it turns out is and it's

Time: 7421.88

about a third third split across the

Time: 7424.36

population maybe a little bit different

Time: 7426.4

does it divide up any differently

Time: 7428.079

according to male female and here I'm

Time: 7431

presumably we're not talking about

Time: 7433.36

children or teenagers that's a whole

Time: 7436

other business and we'll talk about that

Time: 7437.679

yeah yeah so once you are an adult and

Time: 7440.32

that because that pattern of your timing

Time: 7443.079

of sleep does change during development

Time: 7445.52

very much so despite you know we can all

Time: 7447.559

remember being kids and wanting to stay

Time: 7449.32

up with the grown-ups and and all of a

Time: 7452.04

sudden the last thing we remember was

Time: 7453.84

you know 7:00 comes around 8:00 comes

Time: 7455.96

around and you think great we're I'm

Time: 7457.4

going to stay up until 10: or 11:00 with

Time: 7459.119

them and then you wake up the next

Time: 7460.84

morning cuz you were carried to bed cuz

Time: 7462.199

she was lights out so setting that aside

Time: 7465.48

once you're an adult and you have your

Time: 7467.079

stable rhythm in place um it there there

Time: 7471.4

is variability now in sleep science we

Time: 7474.04

break it down not into three categories

Time: 7476.04

but five extreme morning type morning

Time: 7478.719

type a neutral evening type extreme

Time: 7481.679

evening type could you repeat those

Time: 7483.32

again so extreme morning extreme morning

Time: 7485.679

type so what what qualifies as extreme

Time: 7487.8

morning type so an extreme morning type

Time: 7489.36

would someone who would like to say go

Time: 7491.28

to bed around uh 8:00 p.m. and then they

Time: 7495.88

would be you know waking up and they

Time: 7498.4

wake up very easily around 4: 4:30 a.m.

Time: 7501.559

in the morning and they're bright as a

Time: 7504.199

bunny they are ready to get to the gym

Time: 7507.36

and I'm a neutral I just sit right in

Time: 7509.559

the middle so I'm kind of an 11 to 7:30

Time: 7513.599

kind of guy okay maybe we could walk

Time: 7514.92

through the so the extreme morning type

Time: 7516.44

is um around 8 and they could be they

Time: 7520.84

could wake up at let's say 4: 4:30 and

Time: 7523.639

they would be fine um a a morning type

Time: 7526.719

maybe they would like to go to bed

Time: 7528.199


Time: 7530.04

9:30 and then they're waking up closer

Time: 7533.04

to sort of

Time: 7534.4

5:36 then you've got a neutral like me

Time: 7537.44

and I would like to go to bed probably

Time: 7539.4

around 11: p.m. and wake up around sort

Time: 7542.84


Time: 7544.119

7:30ish I try to give myself about an 8

Time: 7547.8

and a half hour time period in bed um

Time: 7550.84

and then you get get to the um the night

Time: 7554.599

owls um so then you've got the evening

Time: 7557.52

type and then the extreme evening type

Time: 7559.76

which finishes out the 4 five the

Time: 7562.079

evening type maybe they would like to go

Time: 7564.239

to bed like

Time: 7566.52

12:31 and probably wake up around maybe

Time: 7570.28


Time: 7571.52

9:30 and then you've got the extreme

Time: 7574.559

evening type and they are not ready for

Time: 7578.079

bed until maybe 2:30 3:00 a.m.

Time: 7582.719

and they're waking up you know middle of

Time: 7584.8


Time: 7585.84

morning so what's interesting about your

Time: 7590.92

chronotype and by the way people you can

Time: 7594.119

if you want to find out your chronotype

Time: 7595.84

if you want an actionable suggestion you

Time: 7597.639

can just um go online and you can search

Time: 7600.079

for something called just type in

Time: 7602.639


Time: 7605.079

meq and that stands for the morningness

Time: 7608

eveningness questionnaire

Time: 7610.52

meq just type in chronotype meq and you

Time: 7614.36

will see you can fill it out it takes 3

Time: 7616.8

4 minutes series of questions and it

Time: 7619.92

will give you back a score and that will

Time: 7621.92

then bucket you into these different

Time: 7624.52

flavors and sort of say okay I've tried

Time: 7627.559

all of these and you okay and I I hate

Time: 7630.52

to admit it but if I had my preference I

Time: 7633.639

would go to

Time: 7634.88

sleep at 8 8:30 and wake up at 4:30 or

Time: 7639.679

so well let me ask ask you this question

Time: 7642.8

because rather than doing the meq I

Time: 7645.4

there's a single question I normally ask

Time: 7647

and say okay Andrew I now put you on a

Time: 7649.52

desert island alone and alone you you've

Time: 7652.84

got nothing to wake up for no

Time: 7654.88

electricity no responsibilities no

Time: 7657.719

nothing what time do you think your body

Time: 7661.199

would like to go to sleep and wake up

Time: 7663.159

and I say that specifically because if I

Time: 7665.079

ask you what time would you like to

Time: 7667.199

you're still biased in your head by all

Time: 7669.04

of the trappings of society and this

Time: 7670.8

terrible towards morning types do you

Time: 7674.04

think that naturally that's probably the

Time: 7677.04

regiment that you would do yeah great

Time: 7679.599

question I would go to sleep sometime

Time: 7682.36

between 90 and 120 minutes after Sundown

Time: 7685.88

yeah okay so that's why I I was going to

Time: 7689.239

answer I'm either an extreme morning

Time: 7691

type or a morning type I can go to bed

Time: 7693.239

around 9:30 wake up at 5:00 feeling

Time: 7695.52

great um or go to sleep early 8 8:30

Time: 7699.159

wake up at 4: and really want to get up

Time: 7702

and write and exercise now that's not

Time: 7704.559

the schedule I follow I may uh start to

Time: 7706.96

follow that schedule I've tried for

Time: 7708.559

various um portions of my life but

Time: 7711

typically I end up defaulting to going

Time: 7713.599

to sleep a bit later 10 10:30 waking up

Time: 7716.4

around okay 6 6:30 and that's assuming

Time: 7719.239

that there are no events in my life that

Time: 7720.96

are disrupting my sleep because then I'm

Time: 7722.48

really going to sleep in if I can and a

Time: 7724.32

bunch of things to try and complate but

Time: 7726.119

assuming everything is cool in life um

Time: 7729.199

and in the room that I sleep um

Time: 7732.28

that's the spirit there you go I would

Time: 7733.76

say going to sleep at 9 and waking up at

Time: 7736.559

um yeah about 4:35 a.m. it feels great

Time: 7740.199

in fact I always thought of it as a bit

Time: 7741.639

of an anti-depressant feel I I don't

Time: 7744.36

consider myself somebody who's depressed

Time: 7745.88

but I can get a little low level malaise

Time: 7748.079

if I'm staying up till 11:30 12 and even

Time: 7750.719

waking up at 7:00 I don't feel quite

Time: 7752.32

right and when I go to bed early and

Time: 7753.559

wake up early I feel really really good

Time: 7757.119

you do all day long and what's

Time: 7758.639

interesting about that is it works both

Time: 7761

ways so that malaise that you're

Time: 7763.84


Time: 7764.76

about also happens for evening types who

Time: 7767.639

are forced to be M types unsympathetic

Time: 7770.719

no I'm kidding just kid just just

Time: 7773

kidding I mean Society is we are

Time: 7775.96

desperately biased towards the the

Time: 7778.44

morning types and we chastise and

Time: 7781.76

stigmatize evening types as being

Time: 7784.079

slothful or lazy that they just can't

Time: 7786.079

get it together why can't you be at the

Time: 7787.96

gym you know at 6:00 a.m. and in the

Time: 7790.239

office by 9:30 what's wrong 7:30 what's

Time: 7793.44

wrong with you I'm chuckling because I

Time: 7795.119

was weaned in Academia and the late Ben

Time: 7797.119

Baris who was my postto adviser and then

Time: 7798.96

later a uh a colleague that

Time: 7800.88

unfortunately he passed away in uh 2017

Time: 7803.76

but he used to say I don't do mornings

Time: 7806.719

now he was our department chair at the

Time: 7808.079

time but he would just say I don't do

Time: 7809.04

mornings but he would come in around 11:

Time: 7811.36

a.m. or noon but he would stay until 3:

Time: 7813.599

in the morning I feel like there's been

Time: 7815.639

a a cultural shift I feel like um 10

Time: 7818.48

years ago if you were the person who

Time: 7819.96

stayed late at the office or the lab you

Time: 7822.04

were considered a hard worker right but

Time: 7825.4

getting in early at that time it seems

Time: 7827.44

was not as rewarded nowadays maybe

Time: 7830.119

something's just changed in my world but

Time: 7831.599

I feel like the um the person who gets

Time: 7834.079

in first kind of gets the prize in terms

Time: 7836.52

of the the um psychological credential

Time: 7839.04

yeah I think there is there is that um

Time: 7842.36

reward bias that's given it's this

Time: 7844.76

notion you know the early bird catches

Time: 7847.48

the worm so I think the we we're

Time: 7851.599

desperately unkind Society is engineered

Time: 7854.199

towards morning types it's engineered

Time: 7856.52

against evening types the reason that

Time: 7859.599

that's not fair is that this and I'll

Time: 7862.079

come back to timing again and and how it

Time: 7864.8

works and why it's important and the

Time: 7866.559

fourth ingredient the fourth macro but

Time: 7869.559

coming to

Time: 7871.079

chronotype the reason it's unfair is

Time: 7873.599

that it's not your fault that your

Time: 7876.48

chronotype is largely genetically

Time: 7878.719

dictated and we Now understand that

Time: 7880.599

there are at least 22 different genes

Time: 7883.44

which augment your chronotype which

Time: 7885.92

determine your chronotype in other words

Time: 7888.239

it is gifted to you at Birth it's

Time: 7891.32

hardwired and it is not your fault yet

Time: 7895

we still have this stigma and this this

Time: 7899.159

I think

Time: 7900.96

disgraceful you know not only under

Time: 7904.559

appreciation but almost this kind of Ry

Time: 7908.159

look evening types are of a certain kind

Time: 7911.96

not very favorably viewed so think about

Time: 7915.36

it this way you would never let's think

Time: 7917.8

about another trait um eye color that is

Time: 7920.719

you know genetically determined and you

Time: 7923.04

were to look at me and you would say ah

Time: 7925.52

he's got blue eyes you know um it's just

Time: 7929.199

you're kind of lazy because you've got

Time: 7930.96

blue eyes oh you've got green eyes gosh

Time: 7934.8

that's wonderful that's well done

Time: 7937

congratulations wait a second it's not I

Time: 7939.4

I didn't get the choice it's genetic

Time: 7941.92

was the same with your chronotype but

Time: 7944.199

coming back to why me I included it in

Time: 7948.119

this sort of algorithm of what is good

Time: 7950.92

sleep if I were to take a an extreme

Time: 7955.719

morning type and force them to stay

Time: 7959.559

awake until midnight they're going to be

Time: 7962.96

incredibly tired they're going to be so

Time: 7965.559

tired and they're going to be grumpy and

Time: 7967.04

miserable and they will have no problem

Time: 7968.679

falling asleep the problem however is

Time: 7971.599

that they're still going to because of

Time: 7973.559

their C their natural chronotype which

Time: 7975.84

in which determines your Cadian Rhythm

Time: 7978.239

so everyone has this 24-hour circadian

Time: 7981.36

rhythm as you know you've been a

Time: 7983.36

wonderful proponent of that and done

Time: 7985

incredible work in this area we all have

Time: 7987.4

this 24-hour Rhythm and it looks like a

Time: 7989.36

sinusoidal wave it sort of goes up and

Time: 7991.679

we as a dial species were active and

Time: 7993.92

awake during the day and then you get

Time: 7995.48

this awesome downswing at night and

Time: 7997.32

we're inactive at night and it steps and

Time: 7999.8

repeats it's just 24 4our cycle everyone

Time: 8002.96

has that so what's why doesn't everyone

Time: 8005.8

fit the same chronotype timing model of

Time: 8008.92

sleep if we all have a 24-hour clock

Time: 8011.92

well what's different is that where that

Time: 8014.96

Peak and that trough sit on the 24-hour

Time: 8018.159

clock face varies from one individual to

Time: 8020.52

the next and that is what we call

Time: 8022.239

chronotype so this comes back to why

Time: 8024.679

it's important the morning type they are

Time: 8028.239

in their all their awesome downswing of

Time: 8031.559

the Cadian Rhythm at midnight and they

Time: 8034.239

are miserable they're desperate for

Time: 8036.4

sleep and when you put them into bed at

Time: 8038.199

midnight 4 hours later than they would

Time: 8041

otherwise they are gone the problem is

Time: 8044.719

their Cadian Rhythm now starts to climb

Time: 8046.719

back up around 4:30 in the morning and

Time: 8049.4

even though they went to bed at midnight

Time: 8051.36

they're probably going to wake up

Time: 8053.159

artificially before the 8 hour or 7 to9

Time: 8056.159

hour completion and they're going to be

Time: 8058.32

short slept on the back end of sleep

Time: 8061.239

this happens to me many many times I

Time: 8063.92

want to go to bed around 8:30 or 9 but

Time: 8066.199

for social or work reasons I stay up

Time: 8068.079

until 11:30 or 12 I fall asleep very

Time: 8071.04

easily yep almost always have fallen

Time: 8073.559

asleep easily and then 3:34 in the

Time: 8077.159

morning I'm awake and you cannot get

Time: 8079.76

it's almost as though you tell I tend to

Time: 8082.559

do this yoga NRA non-sleep deep rest and

Time: 8085.159

sometimes I can fall back asleep that

Time: 8086.52

way but often times it's a struggle and

Time: 8088.84

so I've been and it's a struggle because

Time: 8090.679

of your chronotype and your Cadian

Time: 8092.52

Rhythm which is on its wonderful piston

Time: 8095.199

upswing now apologies for the Motorsport

Time: 8097.04

reference but I obsessed yeah I can't

Time: 8099.599

help myself I'm sorry Matt's a big F1

Time: 8101.599

fan folks just as is Peter AA so anyway

Time: 8104.76

the awesome upswing that you're

Time: 8106.04

experiencing for your Cadian Rhythm

Time: 8107.96

prevents you from sleeping in further

Time: 8110.44

but now let's reverse the table let's

Time: 8112.84

take the evening type and I put them

Time: 8115.719

into bed at 900 p.m. or 10: p.m. when

Time: 8119.199

normally they will not be ready for

Time: 8121.28

sleep until 1 a.m. and they're lying in

Time: 8125.679

bed and they are wide awake and they

Time: 8128.559

cannot fall

Time: 8130.119

asleep and this is the principal reason

Time: 8133.599

that I will get evening types coming to

Time: 8137.159

me and they'll say look I think I've got

Time: 8139.44

terrible insomnia I just have and there

Time: 8142.239

are you know you can think about

Time: 8143.559

insomnia in lots of different ways but

Time: 8144.96

there may be two broad categories one is

Time: 8147.559

that you have sleep onset insomnia I

Time: 8149.88

can't fall asleep well the second is I

Time: 8151.96

have sleep maintenance insomnia which is

Time: 8154.52

the sort of the thing that you were

Time: 8155.52

describing which is where and you don't

Time: 8156.96

have I don't think you have insomnia but

Time: 8158.28

I'm just as an example you fall asleep

Time: 8160.36

quickly but you can't stay asleep that's

Time: 8162.76

the maintenance insomnia so they will

Time: 8165.559

come to me with the opposite of your

Time: 8167.92

concern which just they say I just

Time: 8169.36

cannot fall asleep and I say okay let me

Time: 8172.52

just ask you a few questions and we go

Time: 8174.199

through the chronotype questionnaire and

Time: 8176.199

it's very clear that they are an evening

Time: 8178.639

type and you know there's lots of

Time: 8181.44

different things that you would want to

Time: 8182.84

exclude to make sure they don't have

Time: 8184.079

insomnia and then you can say you

Time: 8185.639

actually don't have insomnia you you're

Time: 8188.079

just an evening type and you're going to

Time: 8191.199

bed at the wrong moment in time and if

Time: 8193.84

you to try to go to bed at midnight

Time: 8197.599

you're not going to suffer from the

Time: 8199.08

problems that you have and you'll sleep

Time: 8200.88

through later but of course their

Time: 8203.359

response is well I need to be in work by

Time: 8207.28

you know 800 a.m. and I've got an hour

Time: 8209.719

commute so I have to be awake at 6:30 so

Time: 8212.599

I need to be in bed by

Time: 8214.88

10 so on both of these ends you can see

Time: 8218.439

that the morning type who goes to bed

Time: 8221.16

too late falls asleep easily but can't

Time: 8224.16

stay asleep the evening type who is

Time: 8227.399

forced to go to bed too early they can't

Time: 8230.519

fall asleep but then they stay asleep

Time: 8233.679

and when the alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m.

Time: 8236.519

they don't want to wake up so this is

Time: 8239.76

why when you sleep out of synchrony with

Time: 8244.12

your chronotype things do not look good

Time: 8246.84

so in those two circumstances let's say

Time: 8248.88

that I standardize it everyone is going

Time: 8251.559

to go to bed at 1 p.m. and wake up at

Time: 8255

6:00 a.m. and let's say that we've got a

Time: 8258.319

a morning type not an extreme morning

Time: 8260.16

type who kind of likes to go to bed

Time: 8261.96


Time: 8262.84

9:45 they are going to sleep very well

Time: 8265.8

it's very close to the Natural Rhythm so

Time: 8269.16

and then I get an extreme even even in

Time: 8271.16

type who likes to go to bed at 2: a.m.

Time: 8273.599

and I have them sleep the same

Time: 8276.719

opportunity amount 8 hours at the very

Time: 8279.519

same time well surely they should be

Time: 8281.84

identical they're not going to be it's

Time: 8284.8

not that they don't have the same

Time: 8287.28

opportunity they do eight hours it's

Time: 8289.84

just that one is placed at the

Time: 8291.599

inappropriate time on the 24-hour clock

Time: 8293.92

for the evening type but appropriately

Time: 8296.2

for the morning type and thus the

Time: 8299.399

quality of sleep that they each have is

Time: 8302.24

very different and that's why you always

Time: 8304.76

need to build into a metric of what is

Time: 8307

good sleep it's not just about quantity

Time: 8309.479

or quality or getting it regular it's

Time: 8312.28

also about where do you place your sleep

Time: 8314.439

opportunity window on that 24-hour clock

Time: 8317.719

face to align with your chronotype when

Time: 8321.399

you fight biology you normally lose and

Time: 8324.479

the way you know you've lost is disease

Time: 8326.28

and sickness that's why to me that final

Time: 8329.399

tea of qqr t

Time: 8331.24

is so critical does that sort of unpack

Time: 8334

and explain this this beautifully yes

Time: 8336.599

beautifully and as you were finishing up

Time: 8339.2

there I was thinking that um first of

Time: 8342.359

all we've heard of Corona types or many

Time: 8344

of us have but I the way you described

Time: 8345.639

it is um makes it extremely clear as to

Time: 8347.92

why this almost has to be the case

Time: 8349.8

because if we think about the extreme

Time: 8351.439

example of mistimed sleep which is shift

Time: 8355.16

work you know being awake at night and

Time: 8357.479

sleeping during the day you know

Time: 8359.719

essentially nobody has that chronotype

Time: 8362.519

yeah um but people force it upon

Time: 8364.84

themselves and by the way thank you

Time: 8365.96

shift workers we need you um you know if

Time: 8368.76

I have an appendicitis at 4:00 a.m. in

Time: 8370.399

the morning I'm very grateful for people

Time: 8372.16

who can help save my life right truckers

Time: 8374.24

Airline employees and on and on y um

Time: 8376.519

nurses Etc parents taking care of kids

Time: 8379.479

in the middle of the night that shift

Time: 8381.08

work but we know that there are health

Time: 8383.04

issues associated with being nocturnal

Time: 8385.359

and sleep injuring the day um but of

Time: 8387.559

course there are a bunch of other

Time: 8388.439

variables like lack of a avability of

Time: 8391.2

sunlight if you're sleeping during the

Time: 8392.6

day and you're um and you're awake at

Time: 8395

night but I realized there's no reason

Time: 8397.76

to think that one can slide their sleep

Time: 8401.319

timing um around even by a few hours and

Time: 8404

still get away with it in other words

Time: 8406.12

this notion of chronotypes makes perfect

Time: 8407.76

sense it's just that the shift work is

Time: 8409.359

the most extreme example of being out of

Time: 8411.04

syn with your with your with your

Time: 8413

chronotype so I'm certainly going to

Time: 8414.76

take this chronotype test but I'll tell

Time: 8416.16

you right now if I could get to sleep

Time: 8417.399

tonight at at 9: and wake up at 4: that

Time: 8420.359

would I that feel so good I'm going to

Time: 8422.28

put you in my car I'm going to do an

Time: 8423.52

intervention you are going to be in bed

Time: 8425.52

by 9:00 this evening non-negotiable fair

Time: 8428.88

enough is um yeah well so we have q qrt

Time: 8433.96

right quantity quality regularity and

Time: 8437.88

timing how do we know if we're getting

Time: 8441.12

enough sleep and you know uh this is

Time: 8445.8

something that you know you say 7 to n

Time: 8447.52

hours um I've heard well if you're

Time: 8449.439

feeling alert during the day but perhaps

Time: 8451.08

have just a little bit of that postp

Time: 8452.72

perenial dip is that I get that right um

Time: 8455.52

then you're probably okay but presumably

Time: 8457.72

there's some other ways to to gauge

Time: 8459.319

whether or not we're getting enough

Time: 8460.76

sleep or not so there are certainly some

Time: 8463.8

ways that we do it in science and

Time: 8465.24

clinically but let's let's let those go

Time: 8467.439

for a second and just say for people

Time: 8469.92

listening what are some very easy tests

Time: 8473

I think the first test that I would

Time: 8474.439

offer is if you if your alarm clock

Time: 8477.96

didn't go off tomorrow morning would you

Time: 8479.84

sleep past your alarm clock and if the

Time: 8482.24

answer is yes which for many people it

Time: 8485.76

will be then you're not getting enough

Time: 8488.72

sleep you know no other species as well

Time: 8492.16

by the way artificially terminates their

Time: 8494.8

sleep it's so

Time: 8497.04

interesting but we humans will do it

Time: 8500.12

we'll wrench ourselves out of sleep now

Time: 8503.04

I told you that regularity is key and I

Time: 8505.76

do have an alarm clock I usually wake up

Time: 8508.96

close to it or a little bit before for

Time: 8510.76

it so I do Advocate an alarm clock in

Time: 8513.72

fact I would argue that you should have

Time: 8515.56

two alarm clocks you should have a toed

Time: 8517.64

alarm clock and to wake alarm clock you

Time: 8521.24

we only most of us only use an alarm

Time: 8522.88

clock in the morning why don't we have

Time: 8524.16

it to tell us when it's time to go to

Time: 8525.76

bed so I have both of those so I would

Time: 8528.439

say that it's it's good to use to keep

Time: 8530.64

yourself regular but truly if you would

Time: 8534

sleep past that alarm time then you're

Time: 8537.72

probably not you're not done with sleep

Time: 8539.84

your body isn't done with sleep and

Time: 8541.319

animals would not would never do that

Time: 8544.08

and so I think that's the first metric

Time: 8546.12

another metric sometimes it's not that

Time: 8549.399

incredibly specific but have you ever

Time: 8552.16

been driving day after day after day and

Time: 8554.28

sometimes you think I don't know if that

Time: 8556.12

light was red or green that I just went

Time: 8558.96

through inattentiveness your driving

Time: 8564.6

man um bite your tongue Walker bite your

Time: 8568.52

tongue so that was you

Time: 8572.04

may have been that's that's one you know

Time: 8574.84

potential concern in fact one of the

Time: 8576.8

ways that we've developed a metric for

Time: 8580.399

dose response to sleep deprivation is

Time: 8583.64

using concentration and alertness tests

Time: 8586.479

so in other words if there is a

Time: 8587.88

breathalyzer for a lack of sleep doing

Time: 8591.2

these concentration Focus concentration

Time: 8593.6

tests is they are so sensitive they're

Time: 8597.359


Time: 8598.56

predictive you get people just to focus

Time: 8601.2

on a screen and start to do very basic

Time: 8603.04

stimulus response and they can do that

Time: 8604.84

for the first minute two with stimulus

Time: 8607.24

response um for those that don't know

Time: 8608.96

might be uh uh three letters pop up on a

Time: 8612

screen and then you're you you pick uh

Time: 8614.24

two keys uh you you have access to two

Time: 8616.88

keys on a keyboard um if the if there're

Time: 8620.24

two letters that are similar you press

Time: 8621.88

right right key if there there's only

Time: 8624

one there aren't two or more layers that

Time: 8625.72

are similar you press left key simple

Time: 8627.279

simple things but we have to pay

Time: 8628.76

attention to a rule that's right you're

Time: 8630.68

just doing a lot of different um uh

Time: 8633.76

Trials of different rules and it just

Time: 8635.76

becomes monotonous it's not really very

Time: 8637.56

challenging you have P ATT and that

Time: 8640.399

perfectly mimics in some ways but we

Time: 8642.319

don't do it for two or three minutes

Time: 8643.68

we'll have you do it for 10 minutes and

Time: 8646.8

my goodness is it mind numbing I mean

Time: 8649.479

it's kind of just but it mimics very

Time: 8652.279

well think about you know just even a

Time: 8654.479

1hour road trip at 10:00 in the evening

Time: 8658.52

and you're on the way the freeway all

Time: 8662.2

you've got to do is just focus on the

Time: 8664.52

road and the white lies are coming and

Time: 8666.52

there's nothing much to do and you've

Time: 8668.76

got to attend and focus not for 10

Time: 8672.72

minutes but for 60 minutes when you are

Time: 8676.399

underslept one of the dangerous the big

Time: 8679.2

problems with a lack of sleep is that

Time: 8681.76

you don't know you are sleep deprived

Time: 8684.52

when you are sleep deprived and we know

Time: 8687.399

this because when I'm tracking your

Time: 8688.92

performance object ly it's going down

Time: 8692.12

and down and down but when I'm asking

Time: 8694.2

you subjectively how do you think you're

Time: 8695.92

doing in terms of your performance you

Time: 8697.56

say I'm hanging in there so far I'm I'm

Time: 8700.88

good so subjectively you think you're

Time: 8703.479

fine but objectively you're not the

Time: 8705.279

analogy would be a drunk driver at a bar

Time: 8707.399

you know they've had seven or eight

Time: 8709.399

beers they've had six shots and they

Time: 8711.6

pick up the car keys and they say to you

Time: 8713.2

look I'm fine to drive home and your

Time: 8715.24

response is no I know that you

Time: 8716.76

subjectively think you're fine to drive

Time: 8718.72

but trust me objectively you're not I'll

Time: 8720.76

just call you a taxi don't worry it's

Time: 8722.56

it's fine it's the same way with a lack

Time: 8725.08

of sleep so I make this point about

Time: 8728.8

going through the traffic lights because

Time: 8730.359

you can have these lapses of attention

Time: 8732.8

and these lapses of attention are caused

Time: 8735.399

by micro sleeps micro sleeps happen when

Time: 8738.399

the brain just very briefly it's almost

Time: 8741

like one of those toy ducks that kind of

Time: 8743.359

dips its bill into the water and then

Time: 8745.279

sort of comes back up again and dips

Time: 8747.399

your brain just drops down and has a

Time: 8749.479

quick sample of sleep and micro sleep

Time: 8752.359

and we can measure it in your eyelid

Time: 8755.399

that your eyelid starts to have what's

Time: 8757.04

called a partial closure and it just

Time: 8759.24

kind of goes half the way over or it

Time: 8762.2

closes fully shut that's a micros sleep

Time: 8765

even when it's half open your brain is

Time: 8767.479

essentially offline it's in a sleep-like

Time: 8769.76

state we can measure it and then it

Time: 8772

comes back online so I bring that that's

Time: 8774.92

a very long way of saying that's the

Time: 8777.08

second metric I would use are you having

Time: 8779.92

these absences where you just kind of

Time: 8782.88

lapse another is that you mentioned it

Time: 8785.68

before I just don't feel restored um you

Time: 8789.16

could say look I I sleep for probably

Time: 8792.359

around about 7 and 3/4 hours every night

Time: 8796.359

but I just don't I don't feel awake I

Time: 8798.88

don't feel refreshed I don't so can you

Time: 8802.16

operate without needing caffeine and

Time: 8805.64

have good grace good mood and good

Time: 8807.6

cognition without needing caffeine

Time: 8809.439

before 11:

Time: 8810.84

a.m. in the morning and if the answer is

Time: 8812.76

no you may be self-medicating your state

Time: 8814.96

of insufficient sleep but that metric of

Time: 8817.88

saying I sleep 7 hours and 45 minutes

Time: 8820.8

that's what my sleep tracker says but I

Time: 8823

don't feel refreshed that comes to the

Time: 8825.6

second que of

Time: 8827.68

qqr sufficient quantity of sleep my

Time: 8830.92

guess is that I would then look at the

Time: 8832.84

quality of your sleep and we probably

Time: 8834.84

find a deficiency in the quality of your

Time: 8836.96

sleep so there are these different sort

Time: 8839.04

of tools that you can use but a good one

Time: 8841.84

is do you feel refreshed and restored by

Time: 8844.16

your sleep it's not a guarantee any of

Time: 8846.399

these but in order to answer that

Time: 8848.84

question do you feel refreshed and

Time: 8850.68

restored by your sleep could we dig just

Time: 8852.399

a little bit into some of the Contour of

Time: 8854.319

the day so uh if I get a good night's

Time: 8857.319

sleep which for me means going to sleep

Time: 8859.399

early waking up early which tonight we

Time: 8861.399

are ABS that's the plan I wake up uh

Time: 8866

pretty quickly I'm alert upon wake up

Time: 8869.16

maybe 5 10 minutes to get out of a semi-

Time: 8872.04

groggy state but sometimes I'm just

Time: 8873.64

eyelids open I'm ready to go um is the

Time: 8877.72

uh latency from wakeup time to uh full

Time: 8882.24

alertness is that a relevant metric the

Time: 8885

other question is whether or not um the

Time: 8888.12

postp perenial dip is a relevant metric

Time: 8891

uh we established already that it's

Time: 8892.8

natural to feel a bit of an energetic

Time: 8894.479

dip at somewhere in the afternoon I

Time: 8896.52

think you said between 1 and 4 p.m. 1

Time: 8898.399

and 4 yeah yeah something like that uh

Time: 8900.279

for me that's true between the hours of

Time: 8901.92

2: and 300 p.m. um assuming all other

Time: 8905.6

things equal I just experienced that no

Time: 8908.64

matter what um but I could imagine some

Time: 8912.08

people are really dragging in the

Time: 8914

afternoon and they would like to know is

Time: 8915.92

that the normal postp parial dip or is

Time: 8918.08

that a reflection of not getting

Time: 8920.12

adequate sleep is there any way that we

Time: 8921.72

could just dig into these two times of

Time: 8923.24

day as as a it's kind of a um a measure

Time: 8927.479

uh of evaluating one's

Time: 8930.64

duration and quality of sleep a little

Time: 8932.24

bit more beautiful questions I would say

Time: 8934.479

that one should not take necessarily

Time: 8936.84

either of those two as your best metric

Time: 8939.92

the reason is the wakeup component for

Time: 8942.359

some people like you you're waking up

Time: 8945.16

and you are good to go pretty much out

Time: 8947.52

the gate many people however will

Time: 8950.04

experience something called Sleep

Time: 8952.16

inertia which is this it's almost this

Time: 8955.439

just period of time it's a bit like a

Time: 8958.16

sleep hangover the first hour

Time: 8961.24

I'm going to have to come back to a car

Time: 8962.399

analogy it's like a classic car engine

Time: 8965.12

where you don't just pull out and you

Time: 8967.2

can rev it and it's you know it just

Time: 8969.76

needs you need to warm it up gradually

Time: 8971.88

bring the the oil temps up and the and

Time: 8974.479

at that point after about an hour you're

Time: 8976.08

up to operating temperature and you're

Time: 8977.88

good to go it's the sense of okay I walk

Time: 8982.399

through into the kitchen

Time: 8984.24

and sort of your partner maybe looks at

Time: 8987.479

the dishes and I say I know darling I

Time: 8990.56

know I said I was going to wash the

Time: 8992.24

dishes I I so sorry I forgot but can I

Time: 8995.8

just have my cup of coffee and I'll be

Time: 8998.6

the very best version of myself in about

Time: 9000.479

an hour can we discuss it then because

Time: 9003.279

right now I'm not the best version of

Time: 9005.24

myself that's sleep inertia and that is

Time: 9008.52

natural for many people now if you are

Time: 9012.04

an evening type and you're waking up

Time: 9014.04

early you're going to have a much

Time: 9016.319

heavier sleep inertia period than you

Time: 9018.6

would do that is natural to you but I

Time: 9021.279

wouldn't necessarily use that as the the

Time: 9024.319

direct measure because many people will

Time: 9026.399

have sleep inera and if you do you may

Time: 9028.88

get worried if I say oh it's the very

Time: 9030.96

best measure that you're not getting

Time: 9032.279

quality of sleep the postp prial dip as

Time: 9035.56

you mentioned there before even you the

Time: 9038.6

the the Monumental um organism called

Time: 9041.479

Andrew hubman even you can fall prey to

Time: 9045.16

that and do fall pre to so that's

Time: 9047.279

perfect I've actually learned to love it

Time: 9049.56

I just love it you know here it comes

Time: 9051.08

and I okay that's my circadian rhythm um

Time: 9054.16

we'll talk more about circadian rhythm

Time: 9055.479

in a few minutes but um and if I can get

Time: 9058.12

10 to 15 minutes of shut eye time in

Time: 9061.12

that postp perenial dip then I really

Time: 9063.399

love it and you yeah and I bounce right

Time: 9065.52

out of that and we'll speak about how we

Time: 9067.72

were designed to sleep maybe in in a

Time: 9069.76

later episode two and whether that

Time: 9071.88

should be the way human beings are

Time: 9073.479

sleeping so I wouldn't necessarily use

Time: 9076.04

that I'm I always have this postp penial

Time: 9078.6

dip does that mean I should be be

Time: 9080

worried about sleep I would say that if

Time: 9081.84

you have excessive daytime sleepiness

Time: 9084.08

throughout the day where you're

Time: 9085.52

constantly tired and that is a term that

Time: 9088.2

we use in in sleep medicine is excessive

Time: 9091.2

daytime sleepiness um or EDS um that

Time: 9095.24

should be of a concern I would use a

Time: 9097.68

slightly different metric of the same

Time: 9100.56

question but at a different time of day

Time: 9103

let's think about that Cadian rhythm

Time: 9104.68

again for most people even if you're a

Time: 9107.52

morning type or evening type by about 11

Time: 9110.439

a.m. by about 11:00 a.m. midday you're

Time: 9113.68

really starting to get to your Peak you

Time: 9116.2

know most people are somewhere either

Time: 9118.16

side of the peak or around that Peak I

Time: 9120

would say that if you are feeling groggy

Time: 9123.6

and not alert and awake at 11 11:30

Time: 9127.12

depending on your chronotype I would use

Time: 9129.479

that as probably the better metric of my

Time: 9132.16


Time: 9133.84

sleepiness but and by the way it's very

Time: 9136.52

interesting that that Peak if you look

Time: 9139.12

at that c Peak when you're at your

Time: 9141.84

optimal it's both your optimal for your

Time: 9143.72

brain but it's also for your body it's

Time: 9145.279

the point at which your core body

Time: 9147.6

temperat just starts to

Time: 9149.279

Peak that's the moment where you have

Time: 9151.68

optimal physiology and when you look at

Time: 9154.8

world records that have been broken in

Time: 9157.16

the Olympics and you plot them on the

Time: 9159.2

basis of time of day you see this

Time: 9161.56

incredible beautiful Spike where most

Time: 9164.24

people are breaking World Records right

Time: 9167.16

in that Cadian sweet spot around that

Time: 9169.2

midday Peri period why it's because

Time: 9171.92

that's the period where human physiology

Time: 9174.64

seems to be at its optimal thermal

Time: 9177.56

temperature at least it's fascinating

Time: 9180.88

fascinating right around sometime

Time: 9182.64

between 11:00 a.m. and 1 1 1 p.m. p.m.

Time: 9186.24

yeah depending on what time somebody

Time: 9187.96

goes to sleep and wakes up correct yeah

Time: 9189.76

and what time their chronotype is and

Time: 9191.16

that will very but on average because

Time: 9193.479

for me would be my Peak alertness and

Time: 9196.04

and physical

Time: 9197.76

ability uh work output

Time: 9200.399

um is somewhere between 10: a.m. and

Time: 9204.04

noon yeah y yeah and that fits both with

Time: 9206.88

your brain and my guess is that if we

Time: 9208.56

were to get you into the gym and have

Time: 9211.12

you go through your routine and see if

Time: 9213.84

we could do that routine once we've got

Time: 9216.399

a basil metric set of metrics I will

Time: 9219.6

have you do it at 7 a.m. then have you

Time: 9222.92

do it at 9:00 a.m. then do it at midday

Time: 9225.76

then 300 p.m. then 6 p.m. and then 10

Time: 9228.72

p.m. same workout same human being but

Time: 9232.8

there will be definitive periods of time

Time: 9235.12

in the day when you are optimal and my

Time: 9237.04

guess is that that optimality of brain

Time: 9239.8

is matched by optimality of body such

Time: 9243.04

that your Peak Performance output and

Time: 9247.2

let's say your Peak jump height or your

Time: 9249.279

Peak muscle strength would be right

Time: 9252

around those time periods that fit with

Time: 9254.12

your own Cadian chronotype rhythmicity

Time: 9258.88

so you've been talking about this

Time: 9260.439

24-hour oscillation in sleep wake

Time: 9263.04

activity called the Circadian rhythm

Time: 9265.6

maybe we can drill a little bit deeper

Time: 9267.359

into the Circadian rhythm you know what

Time: 9269.76

is it um what can shift it if it indeed

Time: 9273.319

can shift and I'm especially curious

Time: 9275.88

about forces other than the Circadian

Time: 9278.76

rhythm that have an impact on sleepiness

Time: 9281.72

sleep and wakefulness so the way we

Time: 9285.04

think about it in sleep science and

Time: 9288.439

there is some argument that it's maybe

Time: 9290

even more complex than this but for the

Time: 9291.56

most part there are two main forces two

Time: 9295.24

main processes that will determine when

Time: 9298.68

you want to be awake and when you want

Time: 9300.64

to be asleep the first of those we've

Time: 9303.04

spoken about which is your Cadian Rhythm

Time: 9306.24

and that Cadian

Time: 9308.16

rhythm is um you have a clock inside of

Time: 9313.76

your brain you have a central 24-hour

Time: 9316.64

clock and it's a master clock and that

Time: 9319.24

clock as you've spoken about many times

Time: 9321.359

is called the supermatic nucleus we

Time: 9324.76

don't have to get hung up on the the

Time: 9326.399

statement just think about it as your

Time: 9328.2

master 24-hour clock and it beats out

Time: 9332.68

this rhythmic sort of message of

Time: 9336.279

activity for us because we're dianal

Time: 9338.319

during the day and then inactivity at

Time: 9340.88

night activity during the day and it

Time: 9343.8

just goes up and down up and down every

Time: 9347.76

single day that's your Cadian Rhythm and

Time: 9353.12

that's the superism the reason I say

Time: 9354.76

it's the Master Clock we've now learned

Time: 9357.24

that there are these Cadian Rhythm

Time: 9359.72

clocks in almost all cells of the body

Time: 9362.52

you've got clocks all over your body in

Time: 9365.84

these sort of they're tiny little clocks

Time: 9368.279

but a little bit like Lord of the Rings

Time: 9370.439

just like there's one ring to rule them

Time: 9372.04

all well there's one clock to rule them

Time: 9373.88

all and that is the central brain clock

Time: 9376.56

the supermatic nucleus now you can

Time: 9378.84

dissociate those different clocks and

Time: 9380.64

you can get them kind of doing some

Time: 9382.399

funky things but for the most part it's

Time: 9384.04

the central Time

Time: 9386.319

Giver so you would think that well

Time: 9388.68

that's all you need to tell your brain

Time: 9391.04

and your body it's time to sleep or it's

Time: 9393.52

time to be awake it's not there is a

Time: 9395.76

second force in place here and it is

Time: 9399.8

called proc or we sometimes call it as

Time: 9402.76

process s or sleep pressure so you've

Time: 9406.399

got your Cadian Rhythm on the one hand

Time: 9408.16

going up and down every 24 hours but

Time: 9410.68

then you've got this funny thing called

Time: 9411.96

Sleep pressure sleep pressure comes down

Time: 9415.16

to a chemical that is called adenosine

Time: 9419.08

so from the moment that you and I woke

Time: 9421.279

up this morning and everyone listening a

Time: 9423.64

chemical has been building up in your

Time: 9425.56

brain that chemical is called adenosine

Time: 9428.52

and the more of it that builds up the

Time: 9430.84

sleepier and sleepier you will feel and

Time: 9433.92

after about 16 or so hours of being

Time: 9436.6

awake there is enough of that sleepiness

Time: 9439.64

chemical that

Time: 9441.12

adenosine um sleep pressure by the way

Time: 9443.52

it is a chemical pressure it's not a

Time: 9445.04

mechanical pressure you don't have to

Time: 9446.12

worry that your head's going to explode

Time: 9448.279

uh if you go longer than 16 hours a week

Time: 9450.72

but that sleep pressure is going to

Time: 9453.2

start weighing down you on your

Time: 9454.96

shoulders and you you can sense that

Time: 9457.279

feeling where you start to think ah it's

Time: 9459.64

you're watching television you you're

Time: 9461.72

starting to go down sort of the hill and

Time: 9463.8

you think I should go to bed I'm I'm

Time: 9465.64

tired now that's because of one of two

Time: 9467.96

things that's happening firstly you're

Time: 9469.72

getting to that Peak Crescendo of

Time: 9471.84

adenosine where it's just getting so

Time: 9474.2

powerful that it's knocking you over and

Time: 9476.84

you're ready for sleep usually when you

Time: 9480.12

are in synchrony with all of your

Time: 9483.24

biology these two forces your Cadian

Time: 9486.319

Rhythm that goes up and down every 24

Time: 9488.319

hours and your sleep pressure align in

Time: 9491.76

this beautiful sort of frister Ginger

Time: 9494.6

Rogers dance partnership and they're in

Time: 9498.68

harmony the strange thing is that they

Time: 9501.12

know nothing about each other and they

Time: 9503.08

don't care about each other one does not

Time: 9506.04

influence the other they are completely

Time: 9508.16

too independent things but let me run it

Time: 9510.68

out in the normal circumstance and then

Time: 9512.88

I'll describe to you a good example of

Time: 9515.04

how I can separate those two and show

Time: 9517.479

you that they're truly independent so

Time: 9520.12

normally when we're in a sort of stable

Time: 9523.72

rhythm of sleep wake activity were awake

Time: 9526.439

during the day we've got this awesome

Time: 9527.84

upswing of orcadian rhythm and then in

Time: 9531.2

the evening let's just take you for

Time: 9533.52

example as you're getting into that sort

Time: 9535.279

of 8 00 p.m. region your circadian

Time: 9538.24

rhythm has finished its peak many hours

Time: 9540.92

ago and it's now starting to descend

Time: 9542.88

down and you're getting onto the Steep

Time: 9544.399

phase of its downward sort of stroke of

Time: 9547.24

its awesome downward movement but also

Time: 9550.16

don't forget that at that moment your

Time: 9552.8

sleep pressure your adenosine is also

Time: 9556.12

now at its peak you've been awake for

Time: 9558.479

now almost 6 hours so the moment when

Time: 9561.84

your Cadian rhythm is on its nice

Time: 9564.399

downward swing and your highest in your

Time: 9568.52

levels of adenosine in your sleep

Time: 9570.319

pressure that's the moment truly that

Time: 9572.56

will determine okay now is when I feel

Time: 9575.6

nice and sleepy so then what happens

Time: 9578.68

then you go to sleep you come down that

Time: 9581.399

curve of your Cadian Rhythm and you kind

Time: 9583.68

of hit its Nader its lowest point in the

Time: 9587.12

middle of your sleep phase but also when

Time: 9590.279

you go to sleep that second factor of

Time: 9593.16


Time: 9594.56

pressure you are your brain gets the

Time: 9597

chance to clear away that adenosine and

Time: 9599.68

it seems to be about a 7 to n hour

Time: 9602.56

period of sleep is enough time for your

Time: 9604.96

brain to jettison all of that adenosine

Time: 9608.68

that has been building up across the 16

Time: 9610.56

hours of Prior wakefulness and then

Time: 9613.359

these two things align beautifully again

Time: 9616.2

when it comes to your natural wakeup

Time: 9617.92

time you've been asleep for let's say 7

Time: 9620.68

and 1 half hours you've cleared out all

Time: 9622.6

of that adenosine so you no longer have

Time: 9624.72

the weight of that sleepiness pushing

Time: 9626.76

you down but also your Cadian rhythm is

Time: 9629.76

now on its awesome upswing and when

Time: 9632.52

those two things align when you've

Time: 9634.319

dissipated and jettisoned all of that

Time: 9636.76

sleep pressure and your Cadian rhythm is

Time: 9639.279

starting to rise now that's the time

Time: 9641.84

when you would naturally wake up so

Time: 9643.96

that's things when they are working well

Time: 9646.479

and in

Time: 9647.76

alignment let's say that I now take you

Time: 9650.279

and I'm going to deprive you of sleep

Time: 9652.64

for 24 hours so now coming into sort of

Time: 9657.279

10 p.m. your Cadian rhythm is dropping

Time: 9660.72

down and your adenosine is starting to

Time: 9663.399

get high and by about 2 a.m. you're

Time: 9667.24

probably not going to be happy by about

Time: 9669.399

4 a.m. or 5: a.m. you're miserable why

Time: 9673.56

because you've now been awake let's say

Time: 9675.56

for almost 20 hours straight so you've

Time: 9678.92

got all of this excess sleepiness

Time: 9682.359

adenosine pushing you down screaming at

Time: 9685.6

you you've been awake for 20 hours and

Time: 9688.96

your circadian rhythm is at its lowest

Time: 9691.399

point desperately wanting to pull you

Time: 9693.6

into this thing called sleep and you

Time: 9696.04

feel terrible but then something strange

Time: 9698.92

happens by 11:00 in the morning relative

Time: 9703.439

to let's say you know four you've now

Time: 9705.439

been awake for many more hours still so

Time: 9708.68

you've built up up even more adenosine

Time: 9711.16

so the prediction would be that if it's

Time: 9712.96

just adenosine alone that makes the

Time: 9714.56

difference you should feel even worse at

Time: 9716.359

11:00 a.m. you don't you feel better

Time: 9719.359

despite being awake for longer why

Time: 9721.72

because your Cadian Rhythm has come to

Time: 9723.359

the rescue and it's now starting its

Time: 9725.6

upswing and it lessens the distance

Time: 9728.279

between those two and you feel a little

Time: 9730.359

bit more alert but then as I push

Time: 9732.72

through later into the day by about 6:00

Time: 9734.96

p.m. 7:00 p.m. you're now on your Cadian

Time: 9738.52

down Swit once again and you've been

Time: 9741.04

awake for even longer and at that point

Time: 9744.64

there's almost nothing that can keep you

Time: 9746.2

awake you're going to be falling asleep

Time: 9747.8

on your feet and your toast but that's a

Time: 9750.72

nice demonstration of how you can

Time: 9752.84

separate those two and despite one

Time: 9756

continuing on you can start to feel

Time: 9758.96

better because the other has come to

Time: 9761

your rescue and that shows me that your

Time: 9763.6

Cadian Rhythm doesn't care about how

Time: 9765.439

much adenosine is in your brain it's

Time: 9766.88

just going to keep going up and down up

Time: 9768.8

and down every 24 hours and your Denine

Time: 9772.24

level doesn't really care much about

Time: 9773.8

your Cadian Rhythm it's going to just

Time: 9776.439

build and build and build the longer and

Time: 9778.64

longer that you're awake and then get

Time: 9780

dissipated whenever it is that you sleep

Time: 9782.359

the clearance of adenosine uh I'm

Time: 9784.72

curious about it how does that work um

Time: 9788.359

so this chemical adenosine is building

Time: 9790.439

up in our brain does it also build up in

Time: 9792.24

the body um it does but in the brain it

Time: 9796.04

has this very interesting influence now

Time: 9798.359

I've described it as making you sleepier

Time: 9802.2

and it does that's exactly what it does

Time: 9804.399

but it does it in a very very

Time: 9806.359

interesting way it's a a bidirectional

Time: 9808.96

way there are at least two different um

Time: 9812.08

adenosine receptors or adenosine welcome

Time: 9814.84

sites within the brain and adenosine is

Time: 9817.6

very clever in how it makes you sleepy

Time: 9820.88

adenosine as it's rising will turn down

Time: 9824

the volume on the Wake promoting regions

Time: 9827.16

of your brain but yet will increase the

Time: 9830.64

volume on your sleep promoting regions

Time: 9833.76

and by way of this Jewel action that's

Time: 9836.72

how it seems to instigate this feeling

Time: 9839.24

of sleepiness by temping putting the

Time: 9841.68

brakes on wakefulness but hitting the

Time: 9844.399

accelerator pedal on

Time: 9846.64

sleepiness but then adenosine seems to

Time: 9850.68

be part or one of the reasons that it

Time: 9852.439

builds up is because it's a metabolic

Time: 9854.88

byproduct of cellular activity of

Time: 9858.08

cellular metabol

Time: 9859.64

ISM and it seems to be that the longer

Time: 9862.279

that we're awake because our brain is

Time: 9863.88

very cerebrally active during the day

Time: 9867.279

even though I told you that the brain

Time: 9868.96

state of sleep is very active it is it's

Time: 9871.479

a very metabolically active state of

Time: 9874.319

sleep it is less metabolically active

Time: 9877.64

however during deep non-rem sleep and it

Time: 9881.359

seems to be that it's deep non-r sleep

Time: 9883.68

that is the principal time when we clear

Time: 9887

we get the chance to clear away

Time: 9888.439

adenosine now now adenosine clearance is

Time: 9891

happening all of the time it's just that

Time: 9893.439

the rate of accumulation when we're

Time: 9895.24

awake exceeds the speed with which we

Time: 9898.439

can naturally clear but when our brain

Time: 9901.2

goes into deep non-rem sleep and becomes

Time: 9903.92

less metabolically active it's not as

Time: 9906.64

though there's necessarily a more active

Time: 9909.52

or a very proactive state of Deep Sleep

Time: 9912.439

doing that cleansing it's not it's the

Time: 9914.04

same process of adenosine clearance it's

Time: 9917.72

just that there is no longer the

Time: 9919.64

accumulation that's happening so it gets

Time: 9922.16

the chance to catch up on the days

Time: 9925.24

adenosine accumulation and then reduce

Time: 9928.24

down that adenosine debt and then get

Time: 9930.72

you to net net neutral by the morning in

Time: 9933.8

fact the amount of Deep Sleep the

Time: 9936.279

quality of that deep sleep that you're

Time: 9938.279

getting specifically the electrical

Time: 9940.16

quality of your deep sleep is a very

Time: 9942.64

good predictor of how well you dissipate

Time: 9947.04

that sleepiness again it's not as though

Time: 9949.439

there's something special about non-rem

Time: 9951.6

sleep that is proactively doing the

Time: 9954.16

cleansing faster than happens when we're

Time: 9956.319

awake it's just that the rate of

Time: 9957.92

accumulation when we're awake is greater

Time: 9960.08

than the exceeding and exceeds the

Time: 9962.2

capacity of the clearance so it builds

Time: 9964.479

up when we go into non-rem less

Time: 9966.6

metabolically active it now the

Time: 9969.04

clearance exceeds the buildup and you're

Time: 9971.72

able to cleanse that debt I have two

Time: 9973.92

more questions the first is about growth

Time: 9977.04

hormone so I was taught that growth

Time: 9980

hormone is released primarily in sleep

Time: 9982.359

although there are some daytime

Time: 9983.52

activities that can promote the release

Time: 9984.92

of growth hormone as well certain forms

Time: 9986.399

of exercise maybe some thermal stimula

Time: 9988.76

Etc but that the

Time: 9990.8

major event of growth hormone release

Time: 9993.279

occurs in sleep is that true it is

Time: 9997.76

although it there is some argument that

Time: 9999.96

it is is it sleep dependent or is it

Time: 10004.359

simply sleep coinciding okay meaning

Time: 10008.359

that is it

Time: 10009.359

it's that at the time of day so is it a

Time: 10012.24

cadium process where it's just nighttime

Time: 10015.52

Nur means that you release growth

Time: 10018.16

hormone or is it

Time: 10021.24

nighttime plus sleep that is needed and

Time: 10025.439

it seems to be a mixture of both but it

Time: 10027.24

seems to be more sleep dependent than it

Time: 10030.92


Time: 10032.2

nighttime dependent and sleep

Time: 10035.399

independent I probably probably should

Time: 10037.399

have said before growth hormone

Time: 10038.439

critically important for growth of

Time: 10039.88

children during development but also for

Time: 10041.399

tissue repair and Metabolism throughout

Time: 10042.96

the lifespan throughout the lifespan

Time: 10044.319

when we're adults we critically need it

Time: 10046.12

right so if I understand correctly when

Time: 10048.6

one goes to sleep growth hormone is

Time: 10051.319

released but that there's a circadian

Time: 10054.6

component as well so it's a bit of an

Time: 10056.76

and gate as they say which is that you

Time: 10059.68

need this and that in order to get

Time: 10062.279

growth hormone release and the reason I

Time: 10063.92

ask this uh and I'm going to frame it

Time: 10065.64

this way because I think it's going to

Time: 10067.12

both clarify what you said um and also

Time: 10069.76

lead to a practical uh step which is

Time: 10071.88

about sleep regularity and timing I've

Time: 10074.6

heard that the growth hormone surge is

Time: 10078.88

greatest at the beginning of the night

Time: 10080.64

of sleep and that if we go to sleep a

Time: 10083.24

few hours later than usual we miss the

Time: 10085.68

opportunity to experience the same level

Time: 10088.72

of growth hormone release even if we

Time: 10090.479

sleep the same total number of hours

Time: 10093

right so um yet more incentive for uh

Time: 10096.279

regular sleep timing yes so you're right

Time: 10100.479

it's an and gate so it's night ESS does

Time: 10103.92

help but sleep helps perhaps

Time: 10107.359

significantly more meaning that I can

Time: 10110.2

have you experience the nighttime but I

Time: 10113.24

can deprive you of sleep and selectively

Time: 10115.399

of deep non-rem sleep and I can markedly

Time: 10118.8

imper your growth growth hormone release

Time: 10121.24

but differently I think it tell me if

Time: 10123.12

this is correct but differently if

Time: 10124.52

somebody has to work the night shift and

Time: 10126.399

they sleep during the day they'll still

Time: 10127.64

get a growth homeone release but not as

Time: 10129.279

much growth hormone release were they to

Time: 10131.8

have slept at night correct so we can do

Time: 10134.439

it one of two ways so my way is to say I

Time: 10136.76

keep you on a dial nocturnal sort of

Time: 10140.04

schedule where you're awake during the

Time: 10141.439

day and you asleep at night but I'm

Time: 10143.88

going to selectively deprive you of just

Time: 10146

your deep sleep at night so you're still

Time: 10148.68

sleeping and you're still spending the

Time: 10151.08

night ESS in bed which is not the shift

Time: 10154.56

work version but I can block or not

Time: 10157.12

block I can reduce significantly reduce

Time: 10160.04

your growth hormone because I

Time: 10161.56

selectively deprived you of sleep or I

Time: 10163.96

can do the opposite which is the shift

Time: 10165.399

work approach which is I'm not going to

Time: 10167.279

deprive you of sleep you're going to

Time: 10168.56

sleep during the day but now I have held

Time: 10172.319

sleep constant so in my version I have

Time: 10175.479

held night ESS constant and I've

Time: 10178.239

manipulated sleep in your version the

Time: 10180.279

shift worker we've done the opposite

Time: 10182.52

we've held sleep constant they're

Time: 10184.52

sleeping during the day but we've

Time: 10187.08

manipulated nighttime

Time: 10189.239

Ness and now as you said yes they will

Time: 10192.6

release some growth hormone even though

Time: 10194.64

that's not the natural time on the

Time: 10196.68

24-hour clock when we would see growth

Time: 10198.6

hormone released why because they are

Time: 10201.08

getting sleep because it's a somewhat

Time: 10203.399

sleep dependent process but they're not

Time: 10205.52

going to necessarily release as much in

Time: 10208.88

part because they're not experiencing

Time: 10211.56

sleep at nighttime phases so you can you

Time: 10215.8

can elegantly separate those two out and

Time: 10217.88

that's why it's not quite one or the

Time: 10219.8

other but it seems to be both certainly

Time: 10222.279

it's sleep sensit I would say sleep

Time: 10224.64

sensitive is a very good way of

Time: 10226.8

describing it okay so translated to uh

Time: 10230.56

actionable protocol everyone should

Time: 10233.16

strive to get uh sleep ideally at night

Time: 10237

um of sufficient quality and quantity

Time: 10239

which you already discussed and getting

Time: 10240.96

sufficient amounts of deep sleep is

Time: 10242.96

going to be especially important for

Time: 10244.279

sake of growth hormone release correct

Time: 10246.68


Time: 10247.479

it my my last question has to do with

Time: 10249.8

the other end of the Sleep Cycle which

Time: 10251.52

is toward morning and waking which is

Time: 10253.76

the hormone cortisol we hear so often

Time: 10256.76

these days about cortisol and people

Time: 10258.76

often frame it as bad cortisol is bad

Time: 10261.08

you hear this that is simply not true

Time: 10263

remove cortisol from an organism they

Time: 10265.56

don't they will not do well right and um

Time: 10268.359

we need cortisol uh for immune system

Time: 10271.88

function for waking for certain forms of

Time: 10274.359

memory formation although too much

Time: 10275.6

cortisol is a Bad Thing

Time: 10277.52

indeed not enough cortisol is an equally

Time: 10280.72

bad thing indeed so um what is the

Time: 10283.92

relationship between cortisol and

Time: 10286

emerging from sleep and put differently

Time: 10289.2

what is the relationship between deep

Time: 10291.04

sleep and cortisol meaning is sleep one

Time: 10293.68

way that we keep cortisol at Bay during

Time: 10296.479

stages of the 24-hour cycle when it

Time: 10298.279

would be delerious to have elevated

Time: 10300.479

cortisol yes it is and that's one of I

Time: 10304

spoke about and we'll come on to this

Time: 10305.96

perhaps in when we speak about emotional

Time: 10307.84

and mental health

Time: 10309.08

and when we are

Time: 10310.56

underslept we shift over into a more

Time: 10314.96

sort of activated sympathetic you know

Time: 10318.2

agitated state of our nervous system

Time: 10320.76

that's that's one aspect of it but

Time: 10322.72

there's another aspect of the stress

Time: 10325.479

response which is yes you get elevated

Time: 10327.96

heart rate you're more sympathetic which

Time: 10330.279

is this activated State rather than

Time: 10332.12

parasympathetic but you also get when

Time: 10334.6

you're sleep deprived a greater release

Time: 10337.399

of the stress hormonal axis which is

Time: 10340.12

called the HPA axis which if you really

Time: 10343.319

want to go to detail it's the

Time: 10345.52

hypothalamopituitary adrenal axis which

Time: 10348.8

is a fancy way of saying that it's a

Time: 10350.64

signal from your brain going down to

Time: 10353.52

release cortisol so when you go into

Time: 10357.239

deep sleep not only do you shift over

Time: 10359.16

into the nice quiet rested quiescent

Time: 10361.76

state of the nervous system but you also

Time: 10364.2

get a dissipation in that stress related

Time: 10367.319

axis and the relief of

Time: 10370.6

cortisol cortisol however seems to be

Time: 10373.64

also under the strict control of your

Time: 10375.64

Cadian Rhythm where it drops down at

Time: 10379.239

night and in fact you have one of the

Time: 10381.92

the steepest declines right at the

Time: 10383.8

moment when you're starting to get

Time: 10385.08

sleepy too almost as though your brain

Time: 10388.52

and your body know we can't have

Time: 10390.68

cortisol even at sort of normative

Time: 10392.8

levels that you would have during the

Time: 10394.12

day because otherwise this person is

Time: 10396.439

just going to still be a little bit too

Time: 10398

wired M this is the problem with a

Time: 10400.04

stressful event after say 8:00 P.M at

Time: 10402.84

night if you see see something stressful

Time: 10405.239

experience something stressful I mean

Time: 10406.68

that um if it's stressful enough will

Time: 10409.2

spike your cortisol at that late hour

Time: 10411.239

can really impede your entire sleep

Time: 10413.08

structure it's a I would say it's one of

Time: 10415.359

the things that I would advocate in

Time: 10417.359

terms of a good sleep optimized routine

Time: 10420

and we can come on to that and avoiding

Time: 10422.239

stress and arguments and TR and

Time: 10424.08

disturbing news and things like that as

Time: 10426.08

much as as possible yeah um in the late

Time: 10429.2

evening and and early night hours even

Time: 10430.88

if you don't think you're necessarily

Time: 10432.2

someone who's sensitive to that now it

Time: 10433.8

turns out I am someone who is sensitive

Time: 10435.72

to that it can really quite trigger me

Time: 10437.6

so I stay away from it we often see this

Time: 10440.56

with insomnia too and we call it the

Time: 10443.76

tired but wide phenomenon and people

Time: 10446.6

will say to me look I am just so tired

Time: 10450.04

man I am so so tired but I'm just so

Time: 10453.52

wired that I can't fall asleep I'm

Time: 10456.359

desperate for sleep I know I want sleep

Time: 10459.399

but I can't fall asleep cuz I'm just so

Time: 10461.92

wide and that is a

Time: 10464.52

sympathetic hyper cortisol State and we

Time: 10468

you can see it in their physiology but

Time: 10470.239

coming back to your question cortisol

Time: 10472.8

will drop naturally throughout the night

Time: 10475.52

but then it starts to rise back up and

Time: 10478.68

will start to produce its fantastic sort

Time: 10482.08

of peak climbing rate right at the

Time: 10485.439

moment when you would naturally again

Time: 10487.319

want to wake up so what we're mapping

Time: 10490.08

here is this wonderful tapestry this

Time: 10493.68

Kaleidoscope of coordinated

Time: 10496.239

biology that your adenosine levels are

Time: 10499.52

finally coming to their lowest point

Time: 10501.12

your circadian rhythm is starting to

Time: 10502.92

rise your cortisol levels are starting

Time: 10505.319

to rise your core body temperature is

Time: 10508.439

starting to increase because it's

Time: 10510.12

dropped throughout the night all of

Time: 10512.16

these things unite in this beneficial

Time: 10515.439

timing ballet of just brilliant

Time: 10519

that naturally has you waking up and

Time: 10521.399

feeling like you're ready to go if

Time: 10523.92

everything is aligned if you've got your

Time: 10526.64

chronotype right your sleep quantity

Time: 10528.479

your quality regularity and your

Time: 10530.92

sleeping you know in appropriate sort of

Time: 10534.319

timed amounts well your enchantment with

Time: 10537

sleep is indeed

Time: 10539.64

infectious uh I've experienced it and I

Time: 10542.12

know that everyone listening and

Time: 10543.279

watching has experienced it as well as

Time: 10545.92

you've taken us through this truly

Time: 10548.96

spectacular Voyage through this

Time: 10551.279

phenomenon that we call sleep I mean you

Time: 10553.439

informed us about what sleep is what the

Time: 10556.279

different sleep cycles are uh how they

Time: 10558.64

are structured and

Time: 10560.359

interrelated U you talked to us about

Time: 10562.319

the four macronutrients of good sleep

Time: 10564.84

quantity quality regularity and timing

Time: 10567.399

it's highly actionable information and

Time: 10569.6

then of course some of the hormonal

Time: 10571.2

neurochemical uh interactions and

Time: 10573.6

consequences of good sleep bad sleep for

Time: 10576.08

mental health physical health and

Time: 10578.359

performance so first I'd like to just

Time: 10581.279

extend a giant thank you for taking us

Time: 10584

on this Voyage in this first of several

Time: 10589

or more

Time: 10590.04

episodes uh of this miniseries on sleep

Time: 10594

and I very much look forward to our

Time: 10596.6

discussion in the next episode about how

Time: 10600.56

to improve one's sleep and perhaps even

Time: 10603.88

optimize one's sleep so thank you Matt

Time: 10607.2

ever so much on behalf of myself and

Time: 10609.6

listening audience can't wait to

Time: 10611.68

continue the discussion further can't

Time: 10613.96

wait thank you again for having me in

Time: 10615.479

this opportunity um what you do for the

Time: 10617.68

public by the way in terms of your

Time: 10619.68

advocacy for Science and also for health

Time: 10624.52

for what you do thank you and for giving

Time: 10627.08

me this opportunity to be here to share

Time: 10629.279

the message of sleep thank you thank you

Time: 10632.359

so much for the kind words um it's a

Time: 10634.72

labor of love and it's a it's a delight

Time: 10638.399

to be able to join arms in

Time: 10641.439

educating with you thank you thank you

Time: 10644.479

for joining me for today's episode with

Time: 10646.319

Dr Matthew Walker to learn more about Dr

Time: 10648.68

Walker's research and to learn more

Time: 10650.72

about his book and his social media

Time: 10652.2

handles please see the links in our show

Time: 10654.04

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Time: 10656

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Time: 10658

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Time: 10659.72

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Time: 10661.92

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Time: 10663.68

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Time: 10666.2

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Time: 10668.239

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Time: 10670.52

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Time: 10671.88

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Time: 10673.72

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Time: 10675.92

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Time: 10677.479

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Time: 10679.6

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Time: 10680.64

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Time: 10682.88

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Time: 10685.2

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Time: 10687.359

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Time: 10689.12

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 10690.72

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 10692.56

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 10694.279

things like improving sleep for hormone

Time: 10696.04

support and for Focus to learn more

Time: 10697.88

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Time: 10699.12

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Time: 10701.2

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Time: 10703.319

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Time: 10706.359

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Time: 10708.08

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Time: 10709.92

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Time: 10713.04

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Time: 10714.92

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Time: 10717

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Time: 10718.88

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Time: 10720.2

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Time: 10722.16

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Time: 10723.64

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Time: 10725.72

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Time: 10727.68

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Time: 10729.239

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Time: 10731.239

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Time: 10733.359

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Time: 10735.319

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Time: 10737.319

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Time: 10739.359

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Time: 10741.52

sleep to deliberate cold exposure and

Time: 10743.439

deliberate heat exposure we have a

Time: 10745.239

foundational Fitness protocol and much

Time: 10747.52

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Time: 10749.2

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Time: 10751.16

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Time: 10753.2

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Time: 10755

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Time: 10757.04

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Time: 10758.92

anybody thank you once again for joining

Time: 10760.8

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Time: 10762.439

sleep with Dr Matthew Walker and last

Time: 10765.319

but certainly not least thank you for

Time: 10767.16

your interest in

Time: 10772.08


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