Dr. Matt Walker: Protocols to Improve Your Sleep | Huberman Lab Guest Series

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welcome to the hubman lab guest Series

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where I and an expert guest discuss

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science and science-based tools for

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today marks the second episode

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in our sixth episode series all about

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sleep with our expert guest Dr Matthew

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Walker during today's episode we discuss

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the dos and the do Nots of sleep

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focusing for instance on how to use

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light and absence of light as well as

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temperature both of your sleep

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environment specifically the room you're

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in your body temperature and much more

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in order to regulate the timing and

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quality of your sleep and we discuss how

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things like alcohol caffeine and

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cannabis impact sleep and the various

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stages of sleep and we discuss the

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various tools that exist now and that

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are rapidly becoming available to

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improve your sleep this episode is

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essential for anyone trying to optimize

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their sleep and when I say optimize your

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sleep I mean trying to optimize the

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formula that was addressed in the first

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episode of the series which is the qqr

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formula the quality quantity regularity

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and timing of your sleep four variables

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that combine to determine whether or not

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your sleep is optimized for you and

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thereby providing the most restoration

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and Improvement to your mental health

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physical health and performance before

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we begin I'd like to emphasize that this

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podcast is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost of consumer information about

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science and science related tools to the

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general public in keeping with that

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theme I'd like to thank the sponsors of

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today's podcast our first sponsor is

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Helix sleep Helix sleep makes mattresses

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and pillows that are customized to your

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unique sleep needs it's abundantly clear

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that sleep is the foundation of mental

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health physical health and performance

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when we're getting enough quality sleep

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everything in life goes so much better

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and when we are not getting enough

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quality sleep everything in life is that

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much more challenging now one of the key

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things to getting a great night sleep is

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to have the appropriate mattress

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everyone however has slightly different

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needs in terms of what would be the

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optimal mattress for them Helix

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understands that people have unique

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sleep needs and they've designed a brief

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two-minute quiz that asks you questions

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like do you sleep on your back your side

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or your stomach do you tend to run hot

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or cold during the night or maybe you

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don't know the answers to those

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questions if you go to the Helix site

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and take that brief quiz they'll match

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you to a mattress that's optimal for you

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for me it turned out to be the dusk DS

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mattress it's not too hard not too soft

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and I sleep so much better on my Helix

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mattress than on any other type of

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mattress I've used before so if you're

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interested in upgrading your mattress go

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to Helix sleep.com huberman take their

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brief two-minute sleep quiz and they'll

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match you to a customized mattress for

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you and you'll get up to $350 off any

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mattress order and two free pillows

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again that's helixsleep.com

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huberman to save up to $350 off and two

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free pillows today's episode is also

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brought To Us by whoop whoop is a

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fitness wearable device that tracks your

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daily activity and sleep but also goes

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beyond that by providing real-time

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feedback on how to adjust your training

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and sleep schedule to perform better I

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I've been working with whoop on their

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scientific advisory Council to try and

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help Advance wop's mission of unlocking

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Human Performance as a whoop user I've

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experienced the health benefits of their

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technology firsthand for sleep tracking

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for monitoring other features of my

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physiology and for giving me a lot of

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feedback about metrics within my brain

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and body that tell me how hard I should

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train or not train and basically point

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to the things that I'm doing correctly

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and incorrectly in my daily life that I

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can adjust using protocols some of which

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are actually within the whoop app given

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that many of us have goals such as

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improving our sleep building better

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habits or just focusing more on our

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overall health whoop is one of the tools

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that can really help you get

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personalized data recommendations and

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coaching toward your overall health if

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you're interested in trying whoop you

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can go to join. whoop.com huberman today

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to get your first month free again

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that's join. woop.com

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huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by waking up waking up is a

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meditation app that has hundreds of

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different meditations as well as scripts

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for Yoga Nidra and non-sleep deep rest

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or nsdr protocols by now there's an

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abundance of data showing that even

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short daily meditations can greatly

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improve our mood reduce anxiety improve

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our ability to focus and can improve our

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memory and while there are many

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different forms of meditation most

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people find it difficult to find and

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stick to a meditation practice in a way

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that is most beneficial for them the

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waking up app makes it extremely easy to

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learn how to meditate and to carry out

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your daily meditation practice in a way

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that it's going to be most effective and

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efficient for you it includes a variety

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of different types of meditations of

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different duration as well as things

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like yoga NRA which place the brain and

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body into a sort of pseudo sleep that

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allows you to emerge feeling incredibly

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mentally refreshed in fact the science

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around Yoga Nidra is really impressive

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showing that after a Yoga Nidra session

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levels of dopamine in certain areas of

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the brain are enhanced by up to 60%

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which places the brain and body into a

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state of enhanced Readiness for mental

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work and for physical work another thing

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I really like about the waking up app is

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that it provides a 30-day introduction

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course so for those of you that have not

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meditated before or getting back to a

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meditation practice that's fantastic or

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if you're somebody who's already a

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skilled and regular meditator waking up

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has more advanced meditations and yoga

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needer sessions for you as well if you'd

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like to try the waking up app you can go

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to waking up.com huberman and access a

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free 30-day trial again that's waking

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up.com huberman and now for my

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conversation with Dr Matthew Walker

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Professor Matt Walker welcome back we're

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all so happy to have you here and in

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episode one you beautifully described

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the biology of sleep why sleep is

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important what happens when we don't get

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enough sleep and you incentivized

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getting adequate amounts of great sleep

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and you defined what great sleep is and

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you provided some excellent practical

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protocols and tools for getting great

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however today you're going to tell us I

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believe about the protocols for really

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optimizing one's sleep both conventional

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tools and protocols and some let's say

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unconventional not heretical but

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unconventional tools for optimizing

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one's sleep so let's start with the

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basics what are the basics of what I

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think I've heard you refer to previously

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as sleep hygiene yeah I think we many of

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us can resonate with the idea of dental

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hygiene but turns out there's something

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called Sleep hygiene and there are

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probably I would say five edicts of

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hygiene I offer them as as

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tools and not necessarily rules because

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I don't think people respond to rules

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people respond to reasons and not rules

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so if it's okay I'll probably just

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unpack each one of them rather than just

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sort of bark them at you and hope people

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assume that it's the right uh answer

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I'll explain the answer so people

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understand why it's

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important so as I said there are

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probably five things that you can start

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doing tonight to try to improve your

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sleep the first we've spoken a little

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bit about in that first episode it's

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part of the four macros of good sleep

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first piece of advice

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regularity go to bed at the same time

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and wake up at the same time

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no matter whether it's the weekday or

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weekend regularity is king and the

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reason is because when you feed your

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brain the signals of timed regularity

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for your sleep it will anchor your sleep

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and improve the quantity and the quality

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of that sleep because part of that

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signal of regularity going into your

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brain in terms of that repeated Behavior

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night after night sleep in other words

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helps train that Central 24-hour Cadian

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clock that we also spoke about in the

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first episode so that's the first piece

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of advice try to keep it as regular as

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you possibly

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can the second piece of advice is

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darkness in my view we are a dark

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deprived Society in this modern era and

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we need Darkness at night as well you've

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spoken about to release a hormone called

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melatonin and melatonin will help time

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the regular onset of your sleep so that

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sounds great but what boots on the

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ground Matt what does that mean I would

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suggest the following in the last hour

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before bed try to dim down 50% if not

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more of your lights in your home and you

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will be quite surprised at how sleepy

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and soric that will make you feel

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I will do this in a regimented way I

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have uh little reminder that pops up and

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tells me now is the time to dim the

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lights based on your bedtime and I'll go

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around and I'll shut lights down in my

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bedroom I will actually have a small

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light bulb and it is way down to

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probably as little as maybe five luxs

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and look is just a a metric of the light

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um it's way down there and it's also

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very deep orange sort of red and we can

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come on to why that's the case so that's

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the first thing even before you're

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thinking about sleep start to decrease

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light for example if you

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were there at let's say for a standard

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sleep schedule at 1000 p.m. and normally

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you are getting into bed at 10:30 p.m.

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but you feel pretty wide awake if there

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was an electrical blackout and you lost

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your phone magnetic to phone goes down

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lights go down Total Blackout my

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suspicion is that fairly soon you'd say

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gosh how you feel quite sleepy whereas

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if the lights were blazing you've got

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your phone television's on lots of

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stimulation you're probably going to

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think 10:30 no I could I could probably

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push through for at least another hour

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so try to dissipate that light and then

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if you need to wear an eye mask blackout

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curtains always good as well but we need

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that Darkness at night because when you

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give the brain the signal of Darkness it

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releases effectively a brake pedal that

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brake pedal has normally been applied by

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way of light on the release of that

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spigot of meel melatonin and when you

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take the brake pedal off it

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starts starts pumping out into the

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brain you can also then of course

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probably reverse engineer this trick in

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the morning and this is another

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component of why you've been I think so

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such a wonderful advocate for light in

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the morning it does many things but one

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of the things that it does is reapply

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that break on melatonin and therefore

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you lose the signal to your brain of

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Darkness that's what melatonin in some

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ways is doing we often call it the

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hormone of Darkness or the vampire

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hormone not necessarily because it makes

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you look longingly at people's necklines

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and want to to to bite it which is great

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if you're into that but it's really

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simply about it's releasing melatonin

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which tells the brain my goodness it's

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nighttime but if you've got bright light

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on you come from your office you're

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driving home so you've got artificial

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light during the day which is probably

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not strong enough to stimulate you and

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bring you awake you come home and you've

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got again bright light but it's still

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strong enough now to prevent the release

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of melatonin you start to shift in your

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timing and you may have problems with

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your sleep so that's the second piece of

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advice I would love to ask you about

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that Morning Light two and the alertness

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benefits I'm as a sleep researcher more

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focused on the evening component of

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light and decreasing it but you've done

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a great job I don't know if there's

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anything yeah there are a couple of

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quick points that um are based on some

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what I consider really nice studies uh

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there's beautiful work in human showing

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that bright light exposure in the

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morning especially from sunlight but um

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if one doesn't have access to sunlight

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for whatever reason there are

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commercially available so-called sad

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lamps Seasonal effective disorder lamps

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they range anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000

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Lux very bright W but um but certainly

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uh morning sunlight viewing and lamps of

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the sort I just described have been

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shown to increase the amplitude of the

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morning cortisol Spike by as much as

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50% 5 so people hear cortisol and they

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freak out they think that's not good I

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want cortisol low but you actually want

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your cortisol highest in the morning and

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lower in the afternoon and evening um

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and there's a lot of reasons for that

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elevated mood focus and alertness in the

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morning and throughout the day and uh

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ease of getting to sleep at night lower

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anxiety lower depressive symptoms and so

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on so that bright light also serves to

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um control the amplitude of cortisol uh

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it in the direction you want in the

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early part of the day the other thing

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that's just more of a uh underlying

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dynamics of the Circadian visual system

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which is a system that I worked on for

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years um these wonderful um cells in the

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eyes that are not for image forming but

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rather for detecting sunlight and bright

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light for sake of setting circadian

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rhythm is that the sensitivity of that

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system early in the day is actually

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quite low so you need a lot of bright

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light early in the day to effectively

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wake up your system and shut down the

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sleepiness signals such as melatonin but

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later in the day it's a rather

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diabolical system it takes very little

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light even from artificial sources to

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disrupt your circadian rhythm and quash

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melatonin as little as 15 seconds of

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bright light in the evening I think CH

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Chuck Zer laboratory at Harvard Medical

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School showed can quash melatonin in the

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evening now I don't want people to freak

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out and think that if they go into a

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hotel bathroom which oftentimes those

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are very bright in the middle of the

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night flip on the light that they're

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going to um completely uh screw up their

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circadian rhythms but if I'm honest

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they'd be much better off using um their

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phone as a flashlight to navigate people

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always say well wait but the flashlight

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on the phone is very bright but let's

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just get logical here a light shown into

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your eyes if such as a a flashlight is

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very different than looking at a

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flashlight Beam on the ground yeah Far

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and Away difference so the point is that

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if you don't get enough bright sunlight

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or light in your eyes early in the day

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and then you're indoors under artificial

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lighting you might think well this is

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really bright lighting this is the kind

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of lighting that could disrupt my

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circadian rhythm at night and therefore

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it's sufficient to wake up my system no

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early in the day and throughout the day

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you need a lot of bright light as much

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as safely possible to avoid Sunburn and

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things of that sort which you don't want

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but then as the evening comes around

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after Sundown you need very little

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artificial light in order to disrupt

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your circadian rhythm and then just very

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quickly light from candles fireplaces is

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okay this is kind of interesting it

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seems bright it's but the but the

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measurements uh indicate that that's not

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going to shift your circadian rhythm

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much candles are great but of course

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don't burn your house down so the the

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orange and red tones in the evening way

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dim down that's the way to go early in

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the day bright bright bright light as

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bright as you safely can tolerate and

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what I like about firstly your mention

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of cortisol do you described how

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cortisol is rising in the morning and

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that's a great thing and it is a good

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thing and in the evening it's starting

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to drop and if you look right around

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your prototypical bedtime and we're

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going to speak later in this episode as

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to what your real natural bedtime is

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versus the one that you may be taking

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right now it's very interesting cortisol

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will almost hit its lowest point

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something that we call its Nader it's

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the lowest point in that trough of its

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decline right around the time when you

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should be sleeping however there's a

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great study that looked at people with

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insomnia and in uh subsequent episodes

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we'll we'll discuss this too but one of

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the ways that we think about or

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conceptualize insomnia is in two

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different flavors sleep onset insomnia I

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can't fall asleep and sleep maintenance

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insomnia I wake up I can't get back to

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sleep and what they looked at was

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essentially cortisol levels they had um

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a catheter in the arm and they were

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sampling it from the bloodstream and

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they were able to do that every 30

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minutes so it's a little bit like

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time-lapse photography and you're

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getting a data point every 30 minutes

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across the 24 hour period looking at

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cortisol across now a full 24-hour

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period and sure enough when you look at

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healthy controls who can sleep well and

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insomnia patients they look almost

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identical across the day but then when

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it comes to falling asleep right around

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that bedtime period the healthy controls

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are going all the way down the insomnia

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patients go down and down and down and

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then they have a rise back up right

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around that sleep onset period and then

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they start to drop back down again just

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as the control group but then they also

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often will have a spike in the middle of

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the night which then comes down and then

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both of them are staying low throughout

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the early morning period and then it

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starts to rise back up so it's not as

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though net net overall there is a higher

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level of cortisol in people with

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insomnia it seems to be right at those

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trigger zones that map very nicely to

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sleep onet problems sleep maintenance

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problems very interesting as somebody

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who wakes up in the middle of the night

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and sometimes has trouble getting back

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to sleep that that resonates I I have no

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trouble falling asleep whatsoever yeah

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knock on wood superstitious about this

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at this point but I use tools like

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non-sleep deep breast Yoga Nidra long

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exhale breathing but you know and I

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think these wakeup uh episodes seem to

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happen more when I'm processing a lot of

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stuff from my daily life that's right

Time: 1106

you know it's um the unconscious brain

Time: 1108.6


Time: 1109.32

often times it's working through things

Time: 1111

and and will wake us up yeah I often

Time: 1113.679


Time: 1114.559

that sleep maintenance insomnia that

Time: 1117.28

you've just described is the Revenge of

Time: 1121

daytime emotions

Time: 1123.2

unresolved that's a great way to put it

Time: 1125.4

yeah so that would be so we've spoken

Time: 1127

about regularity we've spoken about

Time: 1128.96

darkness and we've spoken about the

Time: 1130.72

inverse of that in the morning which is

Time: 1132.559

light a little bit of cortisol so the

Time: 1134.919

third out of the five is going to be

Time: 1137.84

temperature and the advice here is keep

Time: 1139.84

it cool as we mentioned a little bit in

Time: 1142.4

the first episode and we will go into

Time: 1144.28

great detail when we speak not just

Time: 1145.96

about these conventional and

Time: 1147.679

unconventional tips but we're also going

Time: 1149.52

to go into the future of Science and

Time: 1151.679

where sleep science is taking us to in

Time: 1154.84

fact optimize and even enhance our sleep

Time: 1158.24

we will speak a lot about temperature

Time: 1160.559

suffice to say that you need to drop

Time: 1163.76

your core body temperature and your

Time: 1165.76

brain temperature by a little less than

Time: 1167.76

1° cus 2 to 3 Dees fhe to get to sleep

Time: 1171.799

and stay

Time: 1172.919

asleep the general Target that we have

Time: 1177.08

in sleep science if you look across the

Time: 1179

literature is somewhere around about the

Time: 1181.36

67 Dee Fahrenheit or I'm trying to do

Time: 1185.08

the calculation maybe 18.5 is degrees C

Time: 1188.799

now I know that that sounds cold and

Time: 1191.799

cold it it is but you can also wear

Time: 1194.6

thick socks to bed you can have a hot

Time: 1196.159

water bottle at the end of the bed

Time: 1197.84

that's great too but the ambient must be

Time: 1200.84

cold the fourth piece of advice is Walk

Time: 1205.24

It Out and here what I mean is do not

Time: 1209.4

stay in bed for long periods of time

Time: 1212.72

awake and I think we mentioned this

Time: 1215.559

perhaps in the first episode too when

Time: 1218.159

you are awake in your bed for long

Time: 1220.52

stretches of time because your brain is

Time: 1223.2

an incredibly associative device it will

Time: 1227.679

quickly learn that that this thing

Time: 1229.52

called my bed is the place where I'm

Time: 1232

awake and not

Time: 1234.2

asleep and what you need to do is break

Time: 1237.76

that Association if you've learned that

Time: 1240.24

time and time again because you've

Time: 1241.559

stayed in bed and the rule of thumb and

Time: 1243.36

it's just a a rule of thumb about 20 25

Time: 1247.039

minutes if you can't fall back asleep or

Time: 1250.4

you can't fall asleep it's okay just say

Time: 1253.559

tonight is not my night it's not a

Time: 1255.88

problem it's tomorrow is not completely

Time: 1258.76

shot it's fine I'm just going to get up

Time: 1261.12

get out of bed if you can if you're

Time: 1262.84

lucky enough try to go to a different

Time: 1264.48

room and in dim light read a book listen

Time: 1267.76

to a podcast whatever it is that relaxes

Time: 1271.08

you just do that don't check email don't

Time: 1273.279

eat because if you start eating that

Time: 1275.76

again trains your brain to start waking

Time: 1277.76

up and feeding at that time and only

Time: 1281.36

return to bed when you are sleepy and

Time: 1283.4

there is no time limit for that I don't

Time: 1285.799

want you to come back after half an hour

Time: 1288.159

when you are still awake and not feeling

Time: 1290.88

sleepy enough why because you're going

Time: 1292.76

to get back into bed and be in the same

Time: 1295.08

problem again and gradually if you do

Time: 1297.76

this and it's hard to do

Time: 1299.84

it you will relearn the association that

Time: 1303.2

you had I'm sure as a child which is

Time: 1305.64

that your bed is this place of

Time: 1308

sleepiness because often people will be

Time: 1310.24

saying I I feel so tired in the evening

Time: 1313.559

and then they get into bed and they say

Time: 1316.08

but now I can't fall asleep at all and I

Time: 1318.32

don't understand it in part it's because

Time: 1320.279

of that learned Association so that

Time: 1322.08

would be the fourth tip the fifth tip um

Time: 1326.84

makes me um even more unpopular as a

Time: 1330.24

personality and character which is try

Time: 1332.76

to be mindful of your alcohol and

Time: 1335.48

caffeine now in a subsequent episode

Time: 1338.159

we'll go into great detail as to how

Time: 1340.96

caffeine Works its mechanisms why it is

Time: 1344.039

sleep disruptive and why in fact I've

Time: 1346.76

even perhaps changed my mind

Time: 1349.08

on caffeine and and its benefits but it

Time: 1352.279

also does have significant detriment to

Time: 1354.64

your sleep so the rule of thumb here

Time: 1357.96

would be try to cut yourself off from

Time: 1361.64

caffeine probably at least 10 or so

Time: 1364.88

hours before you expect to go to bed and

Time: 1367.48

you can just calculate back calculate

Time: 1369.72

that and try to limit it so the dose and

Time: 1373

the timing make the poison cut yourself

Time: 1375.6

off after maybe two or three cups of

Time: 1378.24

coffee coffee and then that timing

Time: 1380.679

component count yourself back cut

Time: 1382.919

yourself off decaffeinated coffee not

Time: 1385.12

too bad if you find the right thing too

Time: 1387.08

if you need that

Time: 1388.52

fix alcohol is probably one of the most

Time: 1393.08

misunderstood sleep aids in a quotes

Time: 1397.64

that there is it is no sleep aid at all

Time: 1401.4

now if I didn't understand what I know

Time: 1404

about alcohol and and sleep I would

Time: 1406.559

think that too which is look when I have

Time: 1409.2

a night cap just before bed or two even

Time: 1412.799

though I don't wear them um I I may

Time: 1416.279

actually just fall asleep very easily

Time: 1419.4

and feels like I stay asleep very

Time: 1421.159

soundly across the night so it's a great

Time: 1424.039

sleep aid and it really helps me there

Time: 1426.84

are at least I would say three issues

Time: 1429.44

with alcohol the first is that alcohol

Time: 1431.96

is in a class of drugs that we call the

Time: 1434.88

sedatives and sedation is not sleep

Time: 1439.52

but when you take on board alcohol in

Time: 1441.559

the evening you mistake the former for

Time: 1443.96

the latter and you think it helps you

Time: 1445.96

fall asleep the second thing is that

Time: 1449.039

because it's

Time: 1451

sedation or actually it's probably

Time: 1452.84

related to sedation if I were to show

Time: 1455.72

you the electrical signature of your

Time: 1458.08

deep sleep when you're just sleeping

Time: 1461.2

naturally versus when you have alcohol

Time: 1463.2

in your system it's not really the same

Time: 1465.96

it's not a naturalistic form of deep s

Time: 1468.64

it mimics it it looks not too dissimilar

Time: 1471.039

but if I really do my analyses and I

Time: 1473.399

almost like that Pink Floyd album where

Time: 1475.399

I take the white light of electrical

Time: 1476.919

brain activity coming from your head as

Time: 1479.12

you're sleeping and split it apart into

Time: 1481.159

all of the different components there

Time: 1482.72

are some components that are no longer

Time: 1485.2

present or some that are abnormally

Time: 1487.159

present the second issue with alcohol is

Time: 1489.84

that it fragments your sleep so it will

Time: 1492.679

litter your sleep with all these

Time: 1494.24

punctuated Awakenings throughout the

Time: 1496.679

night the danger that is that many of

Time: 1499.2

those Awakenings with alcohol you don't

Time: 1501.96

remember because they're too

Time: 1504.32

brief but then you wake up the next day

Time: 1506.96

and you think well I didn't have a

Time: 1508.48

problem falling asleep I didn't have a

Time: 1510.24

problem staying asleep but I just I feel

Time: 1513.96

rough I just don't feel restored by my

Time: 1515.919

sleep and you don't add two and two

Time: 1519.039

together the final concern with alcohol

Time: 1521.799

is that it's quite a potent Blocker of

Time: 1524.6

your rapid eye movement sleep or REM

Time: 1526.919

sleep and in subsequent episodes we'll

Time: 1529.64

go into great detail as to the

Time: 1532.96

incredible learning and memory

Time: 1535.52

creativity benefits that come by way of

Time: 1537.52

REM sleep also it's essential for our

Time: 1540.52

emotional regulation and recalibrating

Time: 1543.399


Time: 1544.52

moods so for all of those reasons I

Time: 1548.2

would say two things first if you are

Time: 1551.48

struggling with sleep not feeling

Time: 1553

restored by your sleep keep in mind your

Time: 1556.24

alcohol intake and also just in general

Time: 1559.919

be mindful of that if you are thinking

Time: 1562.48

about your sleep and want to preserve it

Time: 1564.799

so much of what you just said resonates

Time: 1566.88

uh I confess that in my lifetime I've

Time: 1568.919

had periods of um pretty spectacular

Time: 1571.919

sleep I characterize myself as somebody

Time: 1575.36

that could fall asleep anywhere anytime

Time: 1578.36

but I've also experienced the extreme

Time: 1581.399

challenges of sleep and um and that

Time: 1584.279

relates to different things life

Time: 1585.76

circumstances Etc in fact recently I've

Time: 1587.919

had some challenges with sleep despite

Time: 1589.919

using the protocols that I and uh others

Time: 1593.2

suggest I hadn't heard some of the

Time: 1595.08

things that you're um referring to here

Time: 1598

and um middle of the night waking has

Time: 1600.48

become more of an issue I communicated

Time: 1602.96

this to uh former girlfriend of mine who

Time: 1606.559

um was uh I was in relationship with

Time: 1608.88

when I was a a junior Professor meaning

Time: 1611.2

before I got tenure and she said you

Time: 1614.52

don't remember you had a Andrew but I do

Time: 1617.679

you had a pattern back then of um after

Time: 1620.88

I would fall asleep you would continue

Time: 1622.36

working on your laptop probably on

Time: 1624.64

grants um and then I would fall asleep

Time: 1628.32

working and then according to her I

Time: 1630.44

would wake up in the middle of the night

Time: 1631.64

and work a little bit until I'd get

Time: 1633.76

tired again and then fall asleep and

Time: 1635.159

then this would repeat so um really

Time: 1638.24

stamping down the uh the associative

Time: 1641.2

learning element that you talked about

Time: 1642.919

before so that was probably the first

Time: 1644.84

period of time in my life in which I I

Time: 1647.12

created this um

Time: 1648.679

rather uh delerious Association of work

Time: 1652.919

in the middle of the night in bed right

Time: 1655.36

um and then more recently I've had the

Time: 1658.12

the uh experience of waking up probably

Time: 1660.24

due to these like daytime things that I

Time: 1662.679

I'm waking up in the middle of the night

Time: 1664

thinking about and now because of our

Time: 1666.72

discussion during the course of of

Time: 1668.44

recording this series I get out of bed

Time: 1670.76

after even 1015 minutes um so that I can

Time: 1673.919

start to eliminate that Association and

Time: 1676.519

another piece is that I've always felt

Time: 1678.96

that when I get out of bed in the middle

Time: 1680.559

of the night because I can't sleep and I

Time: 1682

go to the sofa I often can sleep very

Time: 1684.559

well reason being proving right it's a

Time: 1686.84

control experiment proving that the

Time: 1689

location of sleep is uh the and the

Time: 1692.76

association of wakefulness at sleep in

Time: 1694.679

bed as opposed to on the sofa is is a

Time: 1696.96

clear component and this is in an

Time: 1698.399

environment that's of equal temperature

Time: 1700

I it's not a perfect experiment right um

Time: 1702.24

it's anakata as we say but I I think

Time: 1704.76

that the associative piece is oh so

Time: 1707.72

strong um for many people and so this is

Time: 1710.44

something to to really take seriously I

Time: 1712.48

love that notion of and people will

Time: 1714

often say I just get up I go to the

Time: 1716.279

couch or the sofa and that's where I'll

Time: 1718.96

wake up in the morning also they'll say

Time: 1721.679

when I travel and I go to a hotel room I

Time: 1724.6

just can sleep fine now for some people

Time: 1726.64

it's the inverse but for those people

Time: 1728.96

it's the contextual difference meaning

Time: 1731.6

the change of the environment is so

Time: 1734.72

unfamiliar that it has not been bound to

Time: 1737.64

Association of wakefulness it's related

Time: 1740.679

to sleep or at least the opportunity to

Time: 1742.88

sleep sometimes even I've heard from

Time: 1745.76

some people and there's no studies or

Time: 1747.36

data on this even turning yourself

Time: 1750.159

around now this is hard if you have a

Time: 1752

partner in bed but you just switch top

Time: 1755.159

to bottom of the bed and you take your

Time: 1757.32

pillow and you pull the duvet all the

Time: 1760.12

way down and you put the pillow at the

Time: 1761.919

opposite end where your feet used to be

Time: 1763.679

and you get into bed and even just

Time: 1765.24

looking around and sort of having a

Time: 1767.48

difference that alone is so subtle but

Time: 1770.6

it can make a real difference so again

Time: 1774.279

just keep these things in mind I know it

Time: 1776.399

sounds strange or this whole sort of get

Time: 1778.679

up get out of bed break the

Time: 1781.32

associate and we'll come on to something

Time: 1784.44

well actually I'll come on to it now

Time: 1785.559

because I think it's one of the

Time: 1786.32

unconventional tips and you mentioned it

Time: 1788.519

a lot of people say to me that all

Time: 1790.039

sounds great I the science makes sense I

Time: 1793.76

just don't it's dark it's kind of cold I

Time: 1797.279

really don't want to get out of bed so

Time: 1800.399

give me some

Time: 1801.88

Alternatives I think the the single best

Time: 1805.36

piece of unconventional sleep advice I

Time: 1808.039

can give you is do anything that gets

Time: 1812.2

your mind off

Time: 1814.24

itself the principal reason that if you

Time: 1817.279

look at insomnia as a physiological

Time: 1819.88

condition or current working model

Time: 1821.48

mechanistically of how insomnia um plays

Time: 1824.2

out is that you are in this state of

Time: 1828.159

almost low-level anxiety and you are

Time: 1832.519

somewhat stressed and when you go to

Time: 1835.72

sleep or you try to go to sleep or you

Time: 1837.24

wake back up and you try to get back to

Time: 1838.96

sleep you just have this Rolodex of

Time: 1842.279

anxiety in the modern world we are

Time: 1844.96

constantly on reception and very rarely

Time: 1847.919

do we do

Time: 1849.32

reflection and unfortunately for many of

Time: 1851.96

us and I've been guilty of this the only

Time: 1854.679

time we do reflection is when our head

Time: 1857.36

is placed on the pillow and we turn the

Time: 1859.519

light out and that is the last time you

Time: 1862.399

want to be doing reflection that's the

Time: 1864.6

worst moment and at that point I think

Time: 1867.88

everyone can empathize with the idea of

Time: 1871.519

you turn the light out you're under

Time: 1873.76

stress your mind goes to those few

Time: 1876.32

things in the darkness of night thoughts

Time: 1880.6

become almost 10 times worse than they

Time: 1883.279

do in the brigh of

Time: 1885.679

day and at that moment you start to

Time: 1888.799

ruminate when you ruminate you begin to

Time: 1892.08

catastrophize and when you catastrophize

Time: 1894.72

you're dead in the water for the next

Time: 1896.2

two hours so what do you do the problem

Time: 1899.96

is as I said your mind is on itself and

Time: 1903.2

it's going through these repeated Loops

Time: 1906.08

anything you can do for example you can

Time: 1909.639

do some kind of a meditation and I when

Time: 1912.48

I was researching data for my book some

Time: 1914.76

years ago I did look into meditation and

Time: 1917.679

I wasn't a meditator I was a hard-nosed

Time: 1919.919

scientist and didn't really kind of

Time: 1923.159

embrace with that notion or even that um

Time: 1927.76

that group of people but time and again

Time: 1930.32

I read paper after paper and the data

Time: 1932.76

was very strong and it was coming from

Time: 1934.24

research groups that I respected very

Time: 1936.399

much indeed so I thought well okay I

Time: 1939.2

should probably give this a try and that

Time: 1943.039

was 6 years ago and since then I now

Time: 1946.6

meditate for 10 minutes every single

Time: 1948.799

night before bed I do a guided

Time: 1950.919

meditation because I'm not particularly

Time: 1952.679

skilled so I use an app that moves me

Time: 1955.12

through that but you can do whatever you

Time: 1958.72

how whatever meditation you like that's

Time: 1961

one example the second example is you

Time: 1964.12

can do breathing methods because again

Time: 1966.84

you're focused on your breath and what

Time: 1969.44

are you not focused on your

Time: 1972.799

thoughts and so anything that will allow

Time: 1977.039

you to

Time: 1978.36


Time: 1979.519

explore some other Focus maybe it's a

Time: 1982.279

body scan where you start at the top of

Time: 1983.96

your head or you start at your feet and

Time: 1985.44

you work your way up and you just say

Time: 1987.36

you know moving through now my neck what

Time: 1990.36

Sensations am I feeling now into my

Time: 1993

shoulders moving down into my chest now

Time: 1996.76

I can feel the ends of my fingers am I

Time: 1999.799


Time: 2001.36

anything and when you start doing that

Time: 2003.799

or any of these types of things the next

Time: 2006.36

thing that you remember is your alarm

Time: 2008.799

going off in the morning because you got

Time: 2011.159

your mind off itself so I would say that

Time: 2014.12

that's probably one of the

Time: 2015.279

unconventional tips but let me come back

Time: 2016.96

to the conventional anything else I've

Time: 2020.039

probably missed out or being unclear

Time: 2021.88

about the um actually I should probably

Time: 2023.799

say one thing in terms of these not

Time: 2026.039

they're not tips I don't like the word I

Time: 2028.159

know you don't either or hacks or um

Time: 2031.08

these are protocols and they're

Time: 2033.039

well-informed scientific protocols in

Time: 2035.76

all of this discussion today

Time: 2038.799

you can get all of these things in place

Time: 2041.519

and still have problems with

Time: 2043.84

sleep the reason is because you may be

Time: 2046.279

suffering from a Sleep Disorder so the

Time: 2048.56

analogy would be let's say that I'm your

Time: 2050.76

athletic coach and you're a sports

Time: 2053.24

Superstar I can perfect everything I can

Time: 2055.72

perfect your your diet your supplements

Time: 2059.32

we can perfect your Technique we can

Time: 2061.679

perfect but if you've got a broken ankle

Time: 2066

none of those things are going to alter

Time: 2068.56

your performance right now you've got to

Time: 2070.359

get to a doctor and get that scen to and

Time: 2073.04

then we can come back to fine-tuning

Time: 2075.2

your performance it's the same with

Time: 2077.119

sleep if you've got a sleep disorder

Time: 2078.8

such as snoring sleep apnea or insomnia

Time: 2081.679

we need to get you to a doctor first and

Time: 2083.76

then only after that come back once

Time: 2085.96

you're resolved then we can start to

Time: 2088.28

optimize that's the only other thing I

Time: 2090.32

probably should mention yeah this is all

Time: 2092.599

very useful discussion because I think

Time: 2094.359

that um of course there will be those

Time: 2096.879

folks out there that just like what are

Time: 2099.24

they talking about I sleep so well at

Time: 2101

night you know consider yourself blessed

Time: 2102.68

many many people struggle with uh

Time: 2105.52

challenges with sleep and I think it's

Time: 2107.839

fair to say that sooner or later most

Time: 2110.16

everybody experiences some challenges

Time: 2112.44

with sleep for whatever reason you look

Time: 2113.92

at the statistics that's highly likely

Time: 2115.88

in your lifetime you are more than

Time: 2117.4

likely to go through either a period of

Time: 2119.52

challenging sleep or in fact about of

Time: 2122.599

insomnia I'd like to take a brief break

Time: 2124.839

and acknowledge our sponsor ag1 AG one

Time: 2127.88

is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 2129.839

that also contains adaptogens and is

Time: 2131.88

designed to meet all of your

Time: 2133.32

foundational nutritional needs by now

Time: 2135.44

I'm sure you've all heard me say that

Time: 2137.24

I've been taking ag1 since 2012 and

Time: 2139.56

indeed that is true now of course I do

Time: 2141.88

consume regular Whole Foods every day I

Time: 2144.56

strive to get those Foods mostly from

Time: 2146.599

unprocessed or minimally processed

Time: 2148.44

sources however I do find it hard to get

Time: 2151.04

enough servings of fruits and vegetables

Time: 2152.64

each day so with ag1 I ensure that I get

Time: 2155.48

enough of the vitamins minerals

Time: 2157.119

prebiotics fiber and other things

Time: 2158.68

typically found in fruits or vegetables

Time: 2160.48

and of course I still make sure to eat

Time: 2162.119

fruits and vegetables and in that way

Time: 2164.2

provide a sort of insurance that I'm

Time: 2165.64

getting enough of what I need in

Time: 2167.16

addition the adaptogens and other

Time: 2168.599

micronutrients in ag1 really help buffer

Time: 2171.24

against stress and ensure that the cells

Time: 2173.16

and organs and tissues of my body are

Time: 2175.079

getting the things they need people

Time: 2176.8

often ask me that if they were going to

Time: 2178.079

take Just One supplement what that

Time: 2179.64

supplement should be and I always answer

Time: 2181.76

ag1 if you'd like to try ag1 you can go

Time: 2184.599

to drink a1.com huberman to claim a

Time: 2187.599

special offer you'll get five free

Time: 2189.359

travel packs plus a year supply of

Time: 2191.44

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink a1.com

Time: 2196.079

huberman you talked about alcohol I'm

Time: 2199

not a consumer of alcohol anymore um nor

Time: 2202.119

am I and it's not I it's not because I

Time: 2203.88

have anything against it yeah many

Time: 2205.4

people do enjoy it and um and know uh

Time: 2208.88

we're not calling judgment on on them I

Time: 2211.16

mean certainly much of the world enjoys

Time: 2213.4

uh alcohol could we talk a little bit

Time: 2214.72

more about um aside from demolishing

Time: 2218.48

REM sleep um you know do we know that

Time: 2223.04

alcohol causes these disruptions in

Time: 2225.48

sleep directly meaning by changing the

Time: 2227.96

um pattern of release of

Time: 2229

neurotransmitters like Gaba things of

Time: 2231.52

that sort or is this an indirect effect

Time: 2233.92

you know is this like through the gut

Time: 2235.079

microbiome that then impacts sleep um

Time: 2238.64

and the reason I ask is maybe we could

Time: 2240.359

get to some more

Time: 2241.88

specific uh dos and do not protocols so

Time: 2245.72

for instance if somebody wants to have a

Time: 2247.52

cocktail how close to sleep can they get

Time: 2250.319

and uh not diminish their rapid ey

Time: 2254.16

movement sleep too much you know because

Time: 2256.119

people are still going to want to drink

Time: 2258.04

um and with that said if people do have

Time: 2261.56

a couple of drinks and then they they go

Time: 2263.64

to sleep is there is there anything they

Time: 2265.2

can do prior to sleep to uh try and

Time: 2267.839

rescue um their some of their quality

Time: 2270.839

sleep great question so in terms of the

Time: 2273.52

mechanism it seems actually not to be

Time: 2276.44

the alcohol but some of the metabolic

Time: 2279.319

byproducts of alcohol we think that

Time: 2282.96

perhaps the main culprit may be some of

Time: 2284.839

the aldah highs that are the metabolic

Time: 2288.04

um separate consequences of alcohol

Time: 2291.72

metabolism you make a good point though

Time: 2294.72

in terms of the the the dose response

Time: 2298.68

timing curve

Time: 2300.72

how late or how early do I have to cut

Time: 2304

myself off from alcohol people have done

Time: 2306.319

those studies and they have found that

Time: 2307.96

even an afternoon single glass of wine

Time: 2311.079

if you measure sleep in the way that we

Time: 2313.079

measure it at my center with High

Time: 2314.96

Fidelity you can see compromises and

Time: 2318.2

impairments I wish I could tell you

Time: 2321.319

otherwise I would say that based on that

Time: 2324.48

data the principal protocol advice I

Time: 2327.64

would have for you is go to the pub in

Time: 2329.96

the morning that way by the time you're

Time: 2332

about to sleep the alcohol is out your

Time: 2333.72

system and you could no no I would never

Time: 2335.88

as a as a public scientist I would never

Time: 2338.52

Advocate necessarily for wanting I'm

Time: 2340.28

just kidding you but um that's that's

Time: 2343.96

sort of one of the unfortunate

Time: 2346.72

consequences there does seem to be an

Time: 2348.839

impact to say that there isn't is just

Time: 2351.8

me not being truthful about the data but

Time: 2355.2

again if

Time: 2356.8

you are think about the tradeoff here if

Time: 2360.359

you're going out or you're having

Time: 2361.599

friends over and you're going to make an

Time: 2364.16

incredible evening of memories and

Time: 2366.16

you're going to open a favorite bottle

Time: 2367.72

of wine and have a couple of glasses of

Time: 2369.56

wine is your sleep going to be

Time: 2371.28

compromised yes it is but maybe that's

Time: 2374.2

worth the tradeoff for that specific

Time: 2376.16

night I would just not wish you to and

Time: 2379.04

you've spoken a lot and so is our dear

Time: 2381.56

friend Peter and

Time: 2383.64

others there just doesn't seem to be any

Time: 2386.04

safe amount of alcohol um but I would

Time: 2390.52

say think about that trade-off simply

Time: 2393.079

however don't make it habit that you're

Time: 2395.52

doing it you know multiple nights a week

Time: 2398.92

or more that would probably be the

Time: 2400.68


Time: 2402.4

great what about food and sleep um how

Time: 2407

close to sleep um is it okay to have a

Time: 2410.96

meal if you want to optimize your sleep

Time: 2414.16

um I I like to eat my final meal

Time: 2416.319

somewhere around

Time: 2418.64

6:30 p.m. but and I go to sleep

Time: 2421.64

somewhere around 8:30 900 p.m. in an

Time: 2424.2

Ideal World sometimes I go to sleep a

Time: 2426.04

bit later uh sometimes I eat a little

Time: 2428.48

bit later it's just you know there's

Time: 2429.88

some variability with these but um put

Time: 2432.92

differently what is the relationship

Time: 2434.359

between food intake and Sleep Quality in

Time: 2437.119

terms of timing of food intake and then

Time: 2439.96

perhaps we can talk a little bit about

Time: 2441.599

um food

Time: 2442.76

macronutrients it's very interesting

Time: 2444.96

there was somewhat of a Dogma out there

Time: 2448.56

that we have to stop eating you know

Time: 2450.96

three or 4 hours before bed for optimal

Time: 2453.599

sleep if you look at the data the data

Time: 2455.76

is quite a spread no pun intended there

Time: 2458.8

is there are some people for whom that

Time: 2461.2

works very well and if they eat even two

Time: 2464.8

hours before bed they just get disrupted

Time: 2468.079

in terms of their sleep some of that is

Time: 2471.44

about people just feeling too full and

Time: 2474.44

not feeling comfortable other aspects

Time: 2477.359

are that when you become recumbent when

Time: 2479.599

you lie down you have a higher risk of

Time: 2483.24

gastric reflux coming back up and

Time: 2485.68

therefore you get heartburn and that's

Time: 2487.319

pretty miserable and people will

Time: 2488.48

describe that too by way of closer

Time: 2491.48

proximity of food intake relative to

Time: 2494.119

when you're falling asleep nevertheless

Time: 2496.88

if you look at the

Time: 2498.8

data and I I did a recent very deep dive

Time: 2501.8

on this personally myself about 12

Time: 2504.04

months ago it's not quite as Extreme as

Time: 2507.96

the Dogma makes out if you eat 2 hours

Time: 2511.96

before bed on average it doesn't seem to

Time: 2514.68

necessarily harm your sleep now that's

Time: 2516.8

very different than saying what is best

Time: 2518.88

to improve or enhance your sleep but the

Time: 2521.64

way these studies were designed it was

Time: 2523.44

looking at detriments they then went to

Time: 2526.2

90 minutes before sleep onset and even

Time: 2529.839

there there didn't seem to be Market

Time: 2533.599

impermanence 60 Minutes you started to

Time: 2536.2

see maybe some signs but on average the

Time: 2539.04

effect size was somewhat weak but then

Time: 2541.72

when you get close to sort of 45 minutes

Time: 2543.96


Time: 2544.839

so then things did start to deteriorate

Time: 2549.16

I think it depends hugely on your

Time: 2551.72

chronotype and also just on your

Time: 2554.359

appetite Cadian Rhythm preferences too I

Time: 2558.16

am someone who I do not feel very hungry

Time: 2561.44

when I first wake up in the morning I

Time: 2563.4

don't feel very hungry throughout most

Time: 2565.319

of the day and I will onboard most of my

Time: 2568.68


Time: 2570.16


Time: 2572.2

in the hours probably in about a 4H hour

Time: 2576.359

period maybe less even 3-hour period and

Time: 2580.119

then I will cut myself off about 90

Time: 2583.88

minutes before sleep so I classically I

Time: 2587.4

would have been considered as you know

Time: 2590.28

violating this sleep dogma of of cutting

Time: 2593.16

yourself off at least three hours I

Time: 2594.88

think it's very personal though just

Time: 2597.24

experiment with it you will know the

Time: 2600.559

situation um as for macros and specific

Time: 2604.079


Time: 2605.24

components the data is a little bit

Time: 2607.76

mixed certainly what we know is that if

Time: 2610.24

you're eating a diet that is high in

Time: 2614.28

sugar and low in protein your sleep is

Time: 2620.68

worse why would that be the case well

Time: 2623.64

one of the reasons that we think is that

Time: 2625.44

if you onboard sugar it can be somewhat

Time: 2628.599

metabolically active and when it becomes

Time: 2631.76

metabolically active it can increase

Time: 2634.28

your body temperature your core body

Time: 2635.96

temperature even just for very subtly

Time: 2638.2

but that's enough to disrupt your sleep

Time: 2640.319

as we spoke about with

Time: 2642.52

temperature but I think in terms

Time: 2645.52

of really the you know what would be the

Time: 2649.359

ideal macron nutrient and even

Time: 2653

micronutrient um dietry recommendation

Time: 2655.68

that I would have for you I don't think

Time: 2657.599

we have enough data yet above and beyond

Time: 2660.76

that that statement um yeah yeah I I've

Time: 2665

experienced um when I eat a very low

Time: 2668.44

carbohydrate diet which I've

Time: 2670.839

experimented with in the past maybe even

Time: 2672.559

even full ketogenic diet for for brief

Time: 2674.599

periods of time although I'm an omnivore

Time: 2676.52

so I eat meat and eggs and I also eat

Time: 2678.64

starches pastas rice Etc um but we know

Time: 2683.079

based on beautiful work from for example

Time: 2685.96

Chris Palmer from from Harvard Medical

Time: 2688.4

School uh who is a guest on this podcast

Time: 2690.48

I listen to that it was great podcast

Time: 2692.64

yeah Chris is is spectacular and and U

Time: 2695.319

has advocated the exploration of

Time: 2698.64

ketogenic diets for the treatment of

Time: 2700.2

various psychiatric conditions not all

Time: 2702.319

but psychiatric conditions and and it

Time: 2704.359

seems and he agreed with me on this that

Time: 2707.04

when people go on very low starch very

Time: 2709.16

low carbohydrate diets that sometimes

Time: 2711.68

they can experience a bit of hypomania

Time: 2713.76

some people can and challenge this with

Time: 2716.52

sleep and um sometimes there are

Time: 2720

psychiatric reasons why um people stay

Time: 2724.04

on those diets anyway and then they have

Time: 2725.96

to do other things to encourage their

Time: 2727.48

sleep by their pharmacology or

Time: 2728.92

supplementation or some combination but

Time: 2731.559

I I can say anecdotally for myself if I

Time: 2734.24

if I don't eat starches for a extended

Time: 2737.72

amount of time a couple of days I find

Time: 2739.96

it very hard to get quality sleep as

Time: 2743

indicated by Sleep trackers um and uh

Time: 2747.16

and just uh sleep late latency to fall

Time: 2749.68

asleep is longer than it is ETC um so i'

Time: 2754.04

I've opted to eat most of my

Time: 2756.44

carbohydrates Ates later in the evening

Time: 2758.88

um which and violates you know every

Time: 2761.079

rule of you know eat your carbs early in

Time: 2762.88

the day and and and I think there are

Time: 2764.28

some data to support that eating

Time: 2765.48

carbohydrates early in the day may

Time: 2767.04

actually um have certain benefits for

Time: 2769.359

weight maintenance or weight loss so I

Time: 2770.92

realized that but those aren't my my

Time: 2772.839

goals at the moment weight maintenance

Time: 2774.64

yes weight loss no so I think um I

Time: 2777.04

certainly feel after eating a dinner

Time: 2779.559

that has a bit more starch pasta rice

Time: 2782.68

these things of that sort and a little

Time: 2784

bit lower protein as opposed to the

Time: 2785.8

inverse like eating a couple couple of

Time: 2787.559

riy steaks and a salad but no starch

Time: 2790.76

that um my sleep is substantially better

Time: 2794.4

um and I always uh attributed that to

Time: 2797.559

the relationship between some of the

Time: 2799.319

starches and the

Time: 2800.559

tryptophan serotonin pathway yeah there

Time: 2802.68

is some data on that with the

Time: 2804.76

carbohydrate intake in the evening and

Time: 2807.2

of course that that tryptophan and that

Time: 2810.079

carbohydrate intake um will contain the

Time: 2813.72

precursor ingredients to something else

Time: 2816.04

that we've spoken about which is

Time: 2817.8

melatonin and so that may actually help

Time: 2820.48

healthily boost that melatonin signal

Time: 2822.72

and there's a little bit of data on that

Time: 2824.48

to supported

Time: 2825.96

to we also did a study where we um we

Time: 2829.44

were looking at night to night to night

Time: 2831.44

sleep and carbohydrate intake the next

Time: 2833.96

day and it did seem to support what

Time: 2836.16

you're describing in terms of some of

Time: 2838.359

the carbohydrate benefits we also found

Time: 2840.4

a strange result that was almost the

Time: 2843.24

opposite prediction that we made

Time: 2845.559

carbohydrate intake in the morning to

Time: 2848.44

equally help people wake up and we were

Time: 2851.52

a little bit uncertain as to why but

Time: 2853.96

we're going to go into more detail the

Time: 2856.44

reason that you mentioned

Time: 2858.48

the the suggestion of not take on carbs

Time: 2861.88

in the evening is in part based on the

Time: 2864.839

evidence that your body's ability to

Time: 2867.96

dispose of sugar and obviously when

Time: 2870.64

you're eating carbohydrate you can have

Time: 2872.28

a higher um Spike of sugar now that in

Time: 2875.24

part depends on what you're eating with

Time: 2877.76

that carbohydrate and also of course the

Time: 2880

nature of that carbohydrate whether it's

Time: 2881.92

simple or whether it's complex whether

Time: 2883.92

it's simple sugars versus you know

Time: 2886.2

complex more um starchy uh carbohydrate

Time: 2890.72

but the idea is that your body even if

Time: 2893.319

you were to eat the same amount of

Time: 2895.24

carbohydrate in the morning in the

Time: 2897.16

afternoon or in the evening same

Time: 2900.4

carbohydrate dose and type but your

Time: 2902.64

body's ability to dispose of that

Time: 2905.119

without having excessive spikes of

Time: 2907.44

glucose is worse in the evening better

Time: 2909.92

in the morning I.E if you're concerned

Time: 2912.599

about your blood sugar um and your

Time: 2914.88

metabolic Health maybe that's what you

Time: 2916.839

should do I think that that data is

Time: 2919.44

unclear on the basis of if you are um

Time: 2924.119

glycemic normal meaning that you

Time: 2926.4

currently do not have signs of type two

Time: 2928.559

two diabetes or you're not pre-diabetic

Time: 2931.04

then that may not necessarily be the

Time: 2932.92

case and so I think that's why it could

Time: 2934.72

be you know beneficial for you and I

Time: 2936.88

know that you've um you think deeply

Time: 2938.599

about that and and um I've even been

Time: 2941.119

tracking blood sugar as well I don't

Time: 2942.839

have any signs of that but I'm just

Time: 2944.16

fascinated by some of that data and how

Time: 2946

it interacts with my sleep because I'm a

Time: 2948

a sleep nerd so I think right now we

Time: 2950.64

just don't have plentiful data to

Time: 2953.52

recommend a particular sleep quote

Time: 2955.839

unquote diet for improved optimization I

Time: 2959.359

would say though that we can be a little

Time: 2962.16

bit more relaxed about the timing of our

Time: 2964.4

food earlier you mentioned C caffeine

Time: 2967.88

and caffeine is a topic that we get into

Time: 2970.04

into substantial depth in episode three

Time: 2973.72

but there and now I uh I will emphasize

Time: 2977.96

that caffeine is the most commonly used

Time: 2980.92

drug worldwide I think the statistic

Time: 2983.16

says that 90 plus perent of adults

Time: 2986.64

consume caffeinated

Time: 2988.44

beverages every day which is remarkable

Time: 2991.079

and a few years back I recall there was

Time: 2992.599

an article in The Economist that charted

Time: 2994.799

the country's for which the caffeine

Time: 2997.92

consumption was highest and way out on

Time: 3001.359

the peak Peak peak of was almost uh

Time: 3005.48

triple or quadruple what other what the

Time: 3008.64

second place country um consumed each

Time: 3013.04

day was can you guess the country that

Time: 3015

consumes the most caffeine could be tea

Time: 3017.52

coffee any form I'm going to suggest

Time: 3019.319

it's a Scandinavian country no but uh

Time: 3022.559

but they're they're up they're up there

Time: 3024.24

it was Switzerland now I don't know if

Time: 3026.359

that's still the case but apparently the

Time: 3028.88

the reason I went I was thinking it was

Time: 3030.48

because I've seen the graph I was

Time: 3031.52

thinking it was Sweden but Scandinavian

Time: 3034.24

and if I have that wrong um certainly

Time: 3036.16

someone will put it in the the comments

Time: 3037.64

on YouTube I recall the Swiss drink so

Time: 3041.24

much caffeine they have uh a lot to

Time: 3044.079

think about so I love caffeine I drink

Time: 3047.2

black coffee black espresso and Y Bronte

Time: 3050.48

um I love Yerba Monte been drinking it

Time: 3052.68

since I was a little one um because of

Time: 3055.04

the argentines in my family um and I

Time: 3057.559

drink it in the early part of the day

Time: 3059.839

typically um a couple hours after waking

Time: 3062.359

or so I'll have my first um sip of

Time: 3064.48

caffeine and then I try to stop drinking

Time: 3067.24

caffeine somewhere around noon or 1 p.m.

Time: 3070.559

occasionally I'll have a shot or two of

Time: 3072.44

a espresso in the early afternoon if

Time: 3074.4

there's important work to be done and I

Time: 3076.319

need to do that but I I've noticed that

Time: 3078.72

even that can alter my sleep in ways

Time: 3081.079

that that I don't like but the afternoon

Time: 3083.319

coffee for some reason tastes so much

Time: 3084.96

better than the morning coffee for me I

Time: 3086.64

don't know what it is so it's coffee

Time: 3088.4

year bate packed early into the day and

Time: 3091.48

a lot of it for me yeah I have a high

Time: 3093.88

tolerance for it um but then I let it

Time: 3097.44

taper is

Time: 3099.2

that an optimal Contour of caffeine

Time: 3102.16

intake um would Zero caffeine be better

Time: 3104.52

if someone's just really committed to

Time: 3105.92

sleep and they don't like caffeine would

Time: 3107.88

zero be better than any and what about

Time: 3110.559

that afternoon coffee or tea containing

Time: 3114.52

caffeine I mean how disruptive is it for

Time: 3117.48

sleep so the profile that you describe

Time: 3120.88

which is high peak early on and first

Time: 3123.079

thing when you wake up and then tapering

Time: 3124.92

off nicely down into the sort of early

Time: 3128.079

afternoon ideal that sounds great to me

Time: 3131.96

as for that afternoon coffee it really

Time: 3134.92

depends again on when you are expecting

Time: 3137.24

to go to sleep now for someone like you

Time: 3140.119

I would say I would love to look at

Time: 3142.799

abstaining from that or just switching

Time: 3144.76

it out to if you're using you know these

Time: 3147.319

pods or however you're Brewing it let's

Time: 3149.4

just switch it out and do an experiment

Time: 3151.599

for two weeks and we will look to see

Time: 3155.4

how much is that afternoon coffee really

Time: 3158.24

impacting your sleep and will track your

Time: 3159.88

sleep with some degree of High Fidelity

Time: 3161.88

with a

Time: 3163.319

wearable and let's test that hypothesis

Time: 3166.52

because you go to sleep quite early you

Time: 3168.48

are an early bird maybe bordering on an

Time: 3172.319

extreme um early bird and we'll speak

Time: 3174.92

about um or we have spoken about those

Time: 3178.2

different flavors of

Time: 3180.88

chronotype I would prefer you not to be

Time: 3185.44

having that caffeine in the afternoon

Time: 3188.119

based on how early you go to sleep and I

Time: 3191.079

mention that preference because of what

Time: 3193.88

you described regarding your sleep

Time: 3197

maintenance insomnia one of the issues

Time: 3199.96

with caffeine is that not only can it

Time: 3201.88

make it more difficult for you to fall

Time: 3204.16

asleep which you don't have in part

Time: 3206.2

because if you're waking up quite

Time: 3208.2

frequently throughout the night and

Time: 3209.559

struggling to get back to sleep you're

Time: 3211.28

going to be carrying a sleep debt into

Time: 3214.16

every night and that debt continues to

Time: 3216.76

grow and it's almost like compounding

Time: 3218.24

interest on a loan so you will not have

Time: 3220.359

a problem falling asleep in fact

Time: 3223.079

sometimes the speed with which people

Time: 3224.799

fall asleep and some of these uh sleep

Time: 3226.92

trackers will almost penalize you for

Time: 3230.04

falling asleep too quickly is because in

Time: 3233.119

sleep science and clinical sleep

Time: 3234.52

medicine if your it should take you

Time: 3237.04

somewhere you know healthy sleep onset

Time: 3240.24

you know 5 to 15 20 minutes but if you

Time: 3246.359

put your head on the pillow and you turn

Time: 3248.2

off the light and within a minute or so

Time: 3250.76

you're dead to the world and you're gone

Time: 3253.119

I'm exactly I'm worried that you're a

Time: 3255.64

carrying a sleep dead now not

Time: 3257.28

necessarily but I'm I would like to

Time: 3259.4

explore it um with you and then I would

Time: 3262.24

say even if you can fall asleep

Time: 3264.96

fine this factor of waking up in the

Time: 3267.88

middle of the night is also related to

Time: 3270.52

caffeine why because caffeine not only

Time: 3273.359

can make it harder to fall asleep not

Time: 3275.079

your problem but it keeps you out of

Time: 3278.04

that deep deep sleep and it puts you

Time: 3280.92

into a more shallow state of nonrapid ey

Time: 3284

movement sleep and when you are in this

Time: 3286.68

shallow State it's a easier for you to

Time: 3290.359

be woken up but be and I think more of

Time: 3294.48

the problem it's hard harder for you to

Time: 3297.119

fall back asleep because your brain

Time: 3299.68

doesn't necessarily want to go back down

Time: 3301.839

into that deep sleep and nor has it come

Time: 3304.04

up out of that deep sleep so you're not

Time: 3306.52

in that wonderful glorious thick

Time: 3309.24

triy sort of sleepy State when you wake

Time: 3312

up you go to the restroom you come back

Time: 3314.119

and you just know this is going to be

Time: 3316.28

great I'm as as long as I can fumble my

Time: 3318.52

way back to my mattress I'm going to be

Time: 3320.599

asleep within another two minutes going

Time: 3322.16

back to it whereas for you you probably

Time: 3324.039

wake up and you feel pretty Wide Awake I

Time: 3326.559

would like to see what happens when we

Time: 3328.359

negate that afternoon coffee on the

Time: 3330.72

frequency and the duration of those

Time: 3333.28

middle of the night Awakenings for you

Time: 3335.96

yeah I'm definitely making the effort to

Time: 3337.92

avoid caffeine intake in the afternoon

Time: 3339.799

and I think um already starting to see

Time: 3342.4

some of the positive benefits of doing

Time: 3344.28

that great as evidenced by the days that

Time: 3346.24

I consume caffeine in the afternoon and

Time: 3348.839

experience the the deficits it's a real

Time: 3351.319

thing and I I believe you've um about

Time: 3354.4

the numbers uh on a different podcast

Time: 3356.76

previously could talk a little bit about

Time: 3358.359

the metabolism of caffeine and um and

Time: 3361.319

maybe even some of the variations that

Time: 3362.76

exist between people in terms of the

Time: 3365.079

metabolic U regulation of caffeine so

Time: 3367.72

how long let's say uh drink a standard

Time: 3370.319

cup of coffee or a cuple of espresso and

Time: 3371.96

it has a gosh I don't know 150

Time: 3374.44

milligrams of caffeine is that 200 could

Time: 3377.359

150 200 let's say 200 because certainly

Time: 3380.68

uh you know a barista these days is

Time: 3383.4

going to draw a a beverage over index

Time: 3386.079

yeah so let's say 200 milligrams and and

Time: 3388.119

somebody consumes that after lunch at uh

Time: 3391.2

100 p.m. and their bedtime is let's

Time: 3394.119

let's make them more conventional than I

Time: 3396.88

uh somewhere between 10: and 11: p.m.

Time: 3399.92

yeah okay so they're they're about 10 9

Time: 3402.559

to 10 hours out from their bedtime

Time: 3404.559

they're having a nice strong quote

Time: 3405.92

unquote nice strong cup of coffee after

Time: 3408.039

lunch um what what does that look like

Time: 3411.559

in terms of their biochemistry and and

Time: 3414.119

impact on sleep so caffeine has

Time: 3416.799

something that we call a halflife of

Time: 3419.319

about 5 to 6 hours meaning that after 5

Time: 3422.319

to 6 hours about 50% of that caffeine is

Time: 3425.72

still circulating in your bloodstream

Time: 3427.64

and thus your brain that means that

Time: 3430.16

caffeine has a quarter life of somewhere

Time: 3433.319

between 10 to 12 hours now this is on

Time: 3436.76

average and we'll come back to

Time: 3439.24

variations but think of it this way if

Time: 3441.88

you're taking a cup of coffee like you

Time: 3444.48

described there at midday and then

Time: 3446.4

you're going to bed at let's say 11: or

Time: 3450.319

midnight that would be the equivalent

Time: 3452.799

based on what I've just told you the

Time: 3454.16

quarter life of getting yourself into

Time: 3456.88

bed and just before you took yourself

Time: 3458.72

into bed you Swig a quarter of a cup of

Time: 3460.68

coffee and you H for a good night of

Time: 3462.72

sleep and the chances are that it it may

Time: 3465.2

not happen now again that's a little bit

Time: 3468.079

sort of hyperbolic as a as a statement

Time: 3470.839

but just try to conceptualize it in that

Time: 3473.52

way you would never think about taking

Time: 3475.88

off on you know a last quarter a cup of

Time: 3479.039

coffee just before you put your eye mask

Time: 3482.039

on no but I have some friends and um

Time: 3485.319

somebody actually who works with the

Time: 3486.799

podcast team and we'll go out to dinner

Time: 3488.4

as a team when we're on the road and

Time: 3490.319

he'll order like a big coffee right

Time: 3492.799

after a 900 p.m. dinner and I was just

Time: 3495.64

like can you sleep on like oh yeah no

Time: 3497.28

problem and that no problem is in part

Time: 3500.559

this I don't have an issue with falling

Time: 3502.4

asleep but if we were to based on the

Time: 3504.96

data map there electrical brain activity

Time: 3508.16

you would be able to see this reduction

Time: 3511.28

in the deep non-rm sleep and it can

Time: 3515.2

reduce it if you look at the data

Time: 3516.72

somewhere between 15 to 20% now for me

Time: 3520.76

to reduce your deep sleep by 15 to 20% I

Time: 3525.599

would probably have to age you by about

Time: 3527.839

20 to 22 years or you could just do it

Time: 3531.64

every night with a late night coffee

Time: 3534.319

should you should you wish so again I've

Time: 3537.88

and maybe we'll speak about this in in

Time: 3540.079

later episodes I have changed my mind on

Time: 3542.559

caffeine I think morning caffeine use or

Time: 3545.48

coffee I should say being more specific

Time: 3548.24

is fine because I think there are health

Time: 3549.96

benefits and we can go into in

Time: 3551.599

subsequent episodes why coffee and the

Time: 3554.72

coffee be in itself can provide those

Time: 3556.559

benefits so I've become a little bit

Time: 3558.72

more bullish on morning

Time: 3561.559

caffeine but evening caffeine I just

Time: 3565.52

think it's the data is just not

Time: 3567.44

supportive even if you are and there are

Time: 3569.64

variations and you were very um astute

Time: 3572.079

in your question some people I said on

Time: 3575.28

average caffeine has a half life of

Time: 3577.839

about 5 to six hours for some people

Time: 3580.119

it's quicker and for other people it's

Time: 3582.599

slower why is that it's based on a gene

Time: 3585.64

and we know the gene it's a gene that is

Time: 3588.52

part of a set of liver enzymes and the

Time: 3591.039

gene is called the

Time: 3593.28

cyp1 A2 Gene

Time: 3596.799

and there are variations in that Gene

Time: 3599.24

what we call polymorphisms and you can

Time: 3601.24

do these genetic tests that you can buy

Time: 3603.039

these kits and they all probably tell

Time: 3604.48

you which you are are you sensitive or

Time: 3606.599

you're not sensitive you probably

Time: 3608.319

already know and so some people will not

Time: 3612.079

be as sensitive and therefore they can

Time: 3614.72

have a more compressed time frame of a

Time: 3617.24

halflife because it's moving out of

Time: 3619.359

their system in a quicker manner so

Time: 3621.96

again I'm not trying to be skir

Time: 3623.119

mongering I think you can have coffeee

Time: 3624.96

in the morning and you'll be just fine

Time: 3627.88

that late night coffee I would I would

Time: 3630.88

like to see you obviate that if you are

Time: 3632.839

someone who's doing it and the afternoon

Time: 3634.92

coffee sounds like a you know maybe only

Time: 3637.28

every once in a while and try and make

Time: 3639.28

it mostly decaf or decaf for that matter

Time: 3641.68

if it's really just for the taste yeah

Time: 3643.44

if it's just for the taste go decaf if

Time: 3645.319

it's not I understand that in some ways

Time: 3647.96

what I'm talking about is the ideal

Time: 3649.76

world and drum roll it turns out that

Time: 3652.119

most of us don't live in that we live in

Time: 3653.799

this thing called the real world and so

Time: 3656.48

if you are facing a circumstance where

Time: 3658.839

if you're under pressure at work or if

Time: 3660.799

you're high performing athlete and this

Time: 3662.52

is it this is the event this is you it's

Time: 3664.799

all in a think understand that you you

Time: 3667.839

are going to sacrifice some sleep at

Time: 3669.44

night but maybe that sacrifice is well

Time: 3671.2

worth it so again I'm very open-minded

Time: 3673.44

I'm not trying to be um simply you know

Time: 3677

too rigid with this I want to take a

Time: 3679.72

brief break and acknowledge our sponsor

Time: 3681.48

insid tracker insid tracker is a

Time: 3683.64

personalized nutrition platform that

Time: 3685.2

analyzes data from your blood and DNA to

Time: 3687.599

help you better understand your body and

Time: 3689.2

help you reach your health goals now

Time: 3691.039

I've long been a believer in getting

Time: 3692.599

regular blood work done for the simple

Time: 3694.24

reason that many of the factors that

Time: 3695.92

impact your immediate and long-term

Time: 3697.28

Health can only be analyzed from a

Time: 3699.079

quality blood test the problem with a

Time: 3700.88

lot of blood tests out there however is

Time: 3702.88

that you get information back about

Time: 3704.4

metabolic factors hormones Etc but you

Time: 3706.599

don't know what to do with that

Time: 3707.64

information with inside tracker they

Time: 3709.52

make it very easy to understand your

Time: 3711.119

results and they also point you to

Time: 3712.839

specific directives that you can follow

Time: 3714.319

in the realm of nutrition exercise

Time: 3716.599

supplementation even prescription drugs

Time: 3718.599

that can help bring the levels back into

Time: 3720.119

the ranges that are optimal for you

Time: 3721.96

inside tracker also offers insid Tracker

Time: 3724.2

Pro which enables coaches and health

Time: 3726.119

professionals to provide premium and

Time: 3727.88

personalized Services by leveraging

Time: 3729.72

inside trackers analysis and

Time: 3731.16

recommendations with their clients if

Time: 3733.119

you'd like to try insid tracker you can

Time: 3734.799

go to insid tracker.com huberman to get

Time: 3738.2

20% off any of insid trackers plans

Time: 3740.4

again that's insidetracker

Time: 3743.24

docomo so you've talked about alcohol

Time: 3746.48

and its effects on sleep you've talked

Time: 3747.839

about caffeine its effects on sleep and

Time: 3749.799

we talked about food and its effects on

Time: 3751.839

sleep what about THC and

Time: 3755.52

CBD sometimes referred to more uh

Time: 3758.16

generally as cannabis and you know it's

Time: 3760.4

interesting you know gosh when I was

Time: 3762.319

growing up um you

Time: 3764.68

know cannabis was illegal um nowadays

Time: 3768.24

it's um either legal or tolerated or

Time: 3772.52

decriminalized in many places not all

Time: 3775.2

but I I would would say there's been a

Time: 3776.88

um a a tide shift in terms of um

Time: 3781.279

cannabis meaning that many

Time: 3783.799

people consume cannabis who are um

Time: 3787.48

consuming it legally and consume it for

Time: 3789.68

a lot of reasons that other people

Time: 3792.52

consume alcohol in you know a sedative

Time: 3795.16

effect a slight hypnotic effect I mean

Time: 3797.48

you know the actual definition of what

Time: 3799.119

these drugs do it goes by certain terms

Time: 3800.839

in the psychiatric literature of course

Time: 3802.52

but but in order to quote unquote mellow

Time: 3804.76

out to feel more relx to reduce their

Time: 3807

anxiety um it's it's far and away

Time: 3809.2

different than when I was growing up

Time: 3811

where I me you would get into a lot of

Time: 3812.72

trouble uh if you were caught um smoking

Time: 3815.559

a joint or um taking a bong rip in the

Time: 3819.359

middle of the day but not and I realize

Time: 3821.319

most people aren't doing that at work I

Time: 3822.92

guess it depends on where you work um

Time: 3825.039

but it you know Edibles tinctures I mean

Time: 3828.559

the the consumption of THC and CBD is is

Time: 3831.52

quite um quite robust in a lot of places

Time: 3834.799

so um with all the issues of legality

Time: 3838

and the fact that people who young

Time: 3839.599

people um should not be consuming them

Time: 3842.359

me people 18 and younger not just for

Time: 3844.599

legal reasons but the brain is still

Time: 3846.279

developing um what is the story with THC

Time: 3850.599

CBD cannabis edibl smoked uh tinctures

Time: 3855.359

on sleep

Time: 3857.319

specifically it's very interesting if

Time: 3859.359

you look firstly at the motivational

Time: 3861.44

reasons why people use

Time: 3864.039

cannabis based on

Time: 3865.73


Time: 3866.92

the published study somewhere in the top

Time: 3869.599


Time: 3871.079

reasons sleep to fall and stay asleep

Time: 3874.599

fall asleep and stay asleep obviously

Time: 3876.359

usually the principle first reason is

Time: 3878.2

just to get high and have the experience

Time: 3880.319

and the pleasure of being high if that's

Time: 3882.64

what sort of floats your um floats your

Time: 3885.279

train floats your train but certainly

Time: 3886.96

it's you know sleep um as and what we

Time: 3890

call a hypnotic to put you asleep from

Time: 3892.4

um the Greek derivative of the God for

Time: 3894.359

for sleep that is high among the reasons

Time: 3898.039

that people will

Time: 3899.559

use we currently don't recommend it and

Time: 3903.359

here is why certainly THC helps you fall

Time: 3906.88


Time: 3907.799

faster very clear in the data the

Time: 3911.24

problem is that first you start to

Time: 3913.68

develop a tolerance and to get that same

Time: 3916.44

sleep onset benefit you need to get use

Time: 3920

I should say a higher dose so you start

Time: 3922.52

to develop dependency and your dose

Time: 3924.76

regimen starts to

Time: 3926.16

increase the second issue with THC is

Time: 3929.88

that it's very good at blocking your

Time: 3931.559

dream sleep your REM sleep in fact many

Time: 3935.079

people when they come and they tell me

Time: 3937.359

look I was a heavy cannabis user even a

Time: 3939.359

light cannabis user for some time and

Time: 3941.44

then I stopped using and one of the

Time: 3943.92

strangest things happened to me I just

Time: 3946.279

started to have the most wild Vivid

Time: 3949.68

crazy dreams and I didn't know what was

Time: 3952.599

going on and it's a very simple

Time: 3954.64

explanation as you've been using your

Time: 3958.039

brain has been compromised in the amount

Time: 3961

of REM sleep it's been getting and

Time: 3963.799

you've been building up chronically a

Time: 3966.279

REM sleep debt and your brain is smart

Time: 3970.039

in the sense that it does try to clock

Time: 3973.599

to some degree a counter of how much REM

Time: 3976.76

sleep you've lost and many people will

Time: 3979.24

say yeah I don't really remember my

Time: 3980.64

dreams when I'm using but when they stop

Time: 3983.559

the brain finally because it's been

Time: 3985.24

cleansed of the thing that's the

Time: 3986.92

roadblock to REM sleep not only did they

Time: 3990.079

go back to having the normal amount of

Time: 3992.559

REM sleep that people would have they

Time: 3995.4

have that plus they have what we call a

Time: 3997.279

REM sleep rebound which is even more and

Time: 4000.119

more intense REM sleep which leads to

Time: 4003.16

more intense dreaming so it's a very I

Time: 4006.64

suspect there's a lot of people who've

Time: 4008.2

had that experience listening if they

Time: 4009.96

have been users and they've stopped so

Time: 4012.359

that's the second reason we don't

Time: 4013.72

Advocate it the third third reason is

Time: 4016.96

that when you stop using you also go or

Time: 4020.96

go through a very vicious insomnia

Time: 4024.039

withdrawal syndrome often many people

Time: 4026.24

will do now that depends on you know how

Time: 4028.64

much you've been using for how long

Time: 4030

you've been

Time: 4031.24

using if you look at the data and by the

Time: 4034.119

way part of the um clinical diagnostic

Time: 4037.92

the psychiatric diagnostic um

Time: 4040.359

description of cannabis withdrawal is

Time: 4043.799

insomnia that's how reliable this

Time: 4046.88

insomnia problem is when you come off

Time: 4050

cannabis and if you look at the data the

Time: 4053.48

one of the main reasons that people

Time: 4055.799

relapse and start using cannabis again

Time: 4058.68

even though they don't want to is

Time: 4060.88

because they can't deal with the

Time: 4062.76

insomnia that withdrawal has given them

Time: 4065.52

so you don't want to get into that

Time: 4067.48


Time: 4069.119

cycle should you wish again it's your

Time: 4072.079

choice um so THC I think is not to be

Time: 4077

advised right now CBD is interesting I

Time: 4081.839

don't think there's enough data yet for

Time: 4083.359

us to have a very strong opinion but I

Time: 4085.319

can at least offer mine the data so far

Time: 4088.96

is a little bit mixed in what we call

Time: 4091.2

the effect size in other words how

Time: 4093.079

reliable and how powerful is the benefit

Time: 4095.119

of CBD on sleep but it does seem to have

Time: 4098.48


Time: 4100.12

benefit what's interesting is that it

Time: 4102.04

doesn't seem to have the detriments that

Time: 4103.96

I just described for or

Time: 4107.319

THC you've got to be looking at the data

Time: 4110.279

a little bit careful with

Time: 4112.04

CBD it has what's called a u-shape

Time: 4115.08

function to it which is that if you're

Time: 4117.839

taking too little and again I really I'm

Time: 4121.839

so mindful of not trying to be okay here

Time: 4124.359

are the numbers but if you look at them

Time: 4126.799

I would say you know kind of cross your

Time: 4129.719

eyes squint your eyes maybe less than 25

Time: 4134.199

migr you run into the danger of CBD

Time: 4137.799

being wake

Time: 4139.6

promoting rather than sleep promoting

Time: 4142.279

but once you get past if you look is 50

Time: 4145.88

milligrams and above then you start to

Time: 4148.52

go in the opposite direction where it

Time: 4150

seems to be sleep

Time: 4152.239

promoting and I mention that just

Time: 4154.4

because at least here in the United

Time: 4156.56

States and in many places in the

Time: 4158.759

world that industry is not regulated so

Time: 4161.92

it may say 50 milligrams on the bottle

Time: 4165.44

you don't really know now some of those

Time: 4168.359

companies will have what's called

Time: 4169.96

thirdparty Laboratory Testing where

Time: 4171.799

they'll send it out and you can scan a

Time: 4173.359

qri code and you can look at an

Time: 4175.159

independent laboratory that tested it

Time: 4176.719

and show you the p p uh purity of it so

Time: 4179.4

that may be one way to

Time: 4180.96

go so CBD I think has some favorable

Time: 4185.279

evidence right now if that's the case

Time: 4187.88

let's just assume that you and I speak

Time: 4189.799

in another five years time and there's

Time: 4191.199

really good data now for this what could

Time: 4194.279

be the mechanisms I think there's at

Time: 4197.56

least there's probably at least two

Time: 4199.76

maybe three mechanisms the first is an

Time: 4202.92

indirect mechanism CBD has been

Time: 4205.56

demonstrated very nicely in some

Time: 4207.36

fantastic studies to be an

Time: 4210.199

anotic which is a fancy term for saying

Time: 4213.08

it reduces down your anxiety and earlier

Time: 4215.88

you and I discussed that anxiety and

Time: 4218.48

stress is one of the things that will

Time: 4220.679

keep you awake so indirectly it removes

Time: 4224.8

this kind of gate that is preventing you

Time: 4228.08

from moving down the Royal Road of sleep

Time: 4231.159

and it opens back up the gate because

Time: 4233.12

it's remove that gate mechanism which is

Time: 4236.159

high anxiety and by way of being an

Time: 4238.6

anxiolytic IT soften that anxiety and

Time: 4241.28

it's easier for you to fall asleep I

Time: 4242.88

think that's probably the principal

Time: 4244.679

mechanistic bet I would have right now

Time: 4247.52

another indirect

Time: 4249

mechanism if you look at some of the

Time: 4250.8

studies in rats and we do um human work

Time: 4253.8

at my sleep center so we don't do animal

Time: 4256.28

studies but if you look at the data in

Time: 4258.239


Time: 4258.88

rats CBD can be

Time: 4262.56

hypothermic which means that it drops

Time: 4264.76

your core body temperature and just as

Time: 4266.679

we spoke about in earlier in this

Time: 4268.719

episode you need to drop your body

Time: 4270.48

temperature to get to sleep so I think

Time: 4272.4

that's the second reason I think the

Time: 4274.12

third reason is that it could have a

Time: 4276.159

direct sleep promoting

Time: 4279.159

mechanism I think it's unclear right now

Time: 4281.48

exactly how it's interacting with the

Time: 4283.12

Sleep Machinery of the brain we've got

Time: 4284.92

some hypothesis the danger is again it's

Time: 4287.76

just not a well-regulated substance so I

Time: 4290.36

am actually just um full disclosure I'm

Time: 4292.88

working with a company in the United

Time: 4295.4

Kingdom uh in collaboration with um

Time: 4298.679

King's College and The Institute of

Time: 4300.56

Psychiatry there to see if we can create

Time: 4304

an analog a clean analog of CBD but I

Time: 4307.88

think the potential upside of it not

Time: 4310.28

just for sleep but for a number of

Time: 4312.32

different psychiatric conditions like

Time: 4314.52


Time: 4315.84

um could be beneficial so I would say

Time: 4318.719

that that's right now the the sort of

Time: 4320.56

the skinny on THC and and CBD okay so

Time: 4323.84

just to make sure that I have the basic

Time: 4327.36

list of sleep hygiene factors correct I

Time: 4331.92

have regularity is King yep light and

Time: 4336.88

dark meaning that one should optimize or

Time: 4339.92

at least seek to optimize their exposure

Time: 4341.96

to light in the morning and throughout

Time: 4344.639

the day and in the evening to make

Time: 4346.28

things dim and dark yes temperature and

Time: 4350.6

there you have a a little um it's not a

Time: 4352.96

montra but what is it it's a warm up to

Time: 4356.28

cool down to fall asleep and then it's

Time: 4359.8

stay cool like Fonzi stay cool to stay

Time: 4364.679

asleep and then warm up to wake up yep

Time: 4367.84

and we will come on to that I think in a

Time: 4369.36

little while again then there's walk it

Time: 4370.96

out which is if I understand correctly

Time: 4373.36

if you're trying to fall asleep or fall

Time: 4375.32

back asleep and it's taking you longer

Time: 4377.4

than about 20 25 minutes you should just

Time: 4379.36

get out of bed and go elsewhere in the

Time: 4381.08

house do something else maybe even lie

Time: 4382.679

down on a different surface in the house

Time: 4384.56

to try and see if you can sleep there

Time: 4386.52

but don't stay in bed don't create a

Time: 4387.96

parir Association of wakefulness and

Time: 4390.32

your bed because that can lead to

Time: 4392.48

problems in subsequent nights yeah and I

Time: 4394.28

would only say that try to resist if you

Time: 4396.52

can if you really want your bedroom to

Time: 4398.679

be the place where you now become

Time: 4400.44

consistently asleep try not to start

Time: 4402.84

sleeping in some other location

Time: 4405.199

consistently because then all of a

Time: 4406.56

sudden you bond that with good sleep and

Time: 4409.48

you unbuckle this notion that we're

Time: 4412.36

trying to relearn which is know your

Time: 4414.679

bedroom is the place of sleep so it's

Time: 4417.6

fine to go elsewhere try to stay awake

Time: 4419.56

and force yourself to stay awake until

Time: 4421.719

you are absolutely sleepy then go back

Time: 4423.88

to bed okay and then we discussed

Time: 4426.92

alcohol food caffeine and THC CBD AKA

Time: 4432.679

cannabis and with respect to alcohol

Time: 4435.12

it's clear that none is best if you're

Time: 4438.36

going to have

Time: 4439.76

some uh you don't want to drink too

Time: 4441.639

early in the day but you don't want to

Time: 4442.76

drink too much or too close to bedtime

Time: 4444.679

because it can disrupt rapid eye

Time: 4445.84

movement sleep food uh seems that

Time: 4448.639

creating some sort of buffer between the

Time: 4450.6

uh your last bite of food and uh your to

Time: 4453.32

bedtime by anyway somewhere between you

Time: 4456.36

know maybe 2 three hours but for some

Time: 4458

people it'll be more like 90 minutes and

Time: 4459.88

of course that's going to depend on the

Time: 4461.12

size of the meal Etc but eating a big

Time: 4463.639

meal and then going straight to bed

Time: 4465.44

probably not a good

Time: 4466.76

idea caffeine has this long halflife so

Time: 4470.56

if you're going to indulge which I

Time: 4472.679

do do so early in the

Time: 4475.32

day beware the afternoon caffeine yeah

Time: 4479.04

do the hubman tapa is what I'm going to

Time: 4481.08

call it right now which is not

Time: 4482.56

interpretive dense it's simply the

Time: 4484.36

caffeine tape and then um THC CBD uh

Time: 4487.92

does nothing good for your sleep

Time: 4490.239

architecture although some people have

Time: 4492.44

the uh impression that it is good for

Time: 4494.12

their sleep because it makes it easier

Time: 4495.48

for them to fall asleep but what they

Time: 4496.639

are unaware of is that it is disrupting

Time: 4499.199

the quality and architecture of the

Time: 4501.92

different stages of sleep in ways that

Time: 4503.84

are not serving people well that seems

Time: 4506.52

to be the case for THC and I think CBD

Time: 4509.44


Time: 4510.159

know has promise and research must try

Time: 4513.8

harder including my own and you um very

Time: 4518.239

uh kindly emphasize that you're not

Time: 4520.36

telling people what to do they just

Time: 4521.679

should know what they're doing so that

Time: 4523.36

they can make uh changes uh if they so

Time: 4525.84

choose that's right I would always say

Time: 4528

that um I'm not trying to be a medical

Time: 4530.04

doctor any advice that I give is simply

Time: 4533.08

scientifically descriptive advice it's

Time: 4535.28

not medically prescriptive nor lifestyle

Time: 4538.159

prescriptive advice I'm smiling because

Time: 4540.36

what I always say is um I'm a scientist

Time: 4542.44

not a physician so I don't prescribe

Time: 4545

anything but I profess lots of things so

Time: 4547.719

or as my good friend who's a musician

Time: 4549.56

Tim Armstrong says I'm not a cop that's

Time: 4552.4

right so so do what you want um

Time: 4555.8

okay what a wonderful list to leap off

Time: 4559.52

into the unconventional and more

Time: 4562.56

advanced tools for Sleep enhancement so

Time: 4565.84

um let's go there so I think many people

Time: 4569.76

may have heard of some of the

Time: 4571.08

conventional but what about the

Time: 4572.96

unconventional I would probably offer

Time: 4575.76

five or six the first one I would say is

Time: 4579.28

that if you are struggling with sleep

Time: 4580.92

and you have had a bad night of sleep

Time: 4584.48

the first first recommendation is do

Time: 4587.8

nothing and what I mean by that is if

Time: 4590.36

you've had a bad night of sleep you're

Time: 4591.92

awake for 3 hours do not sleep in any

Time: 4596

later into the morning do not go to bed

Time: 4600.239


Time: 4601.32

earlier do not increase your caffeine

Time: 4604.36

intake to try to offset it and do not

Time: 4607.96

nap during the day why am I telling you

Time: 4610.199


Time: 4610.96

things if you wake up later that

Time: 4614.159

following morning

Time: 4615.84

your adenosine clock that we spoking

Time: 4618.4

about this building up of sleepiness

Time: 4620.6

that happens when we wake up is going to

Time: 4623.239

start later in the day so when it comes

Time: 4626.199

time for you to fall asleep at what

Time: 4628.56

would then be the next night at your

Time: 4630.88

normal time you're not going to feel as

Time: 4633.52

sleepy why because you woke up that much

Time: 4636.159

later and you're setting yourself up for

Time: 4638.32

failure again equally don't go to bed

Time: 4642.12

any earlier if you have become a

Time: 4644.88

customed and your brain has and your

Time: 4646.52

Cadian clock has become accustomed to

Time: 4648.08

going to bed at a certain time and

Time: 4649.52

hopefully you're doing it regularly then

Time: 4651.88

getting into bed 2 or 3 hours early has

Time: 4654.4

the danger it's not a certainty but a

Time: 4656.199

danger of you then getting into bed and

Time: 4658.92

thinking well I'm I know I had a bad

Time: 4661

night of sleep last night but I still

Time: 4662.84

can't fall asleep straight away so now

Time: 4665

you're spending another 90 minutes in

Time: 4666.96

bed at the beginning because you've gone

Time: 4668.639

to bed 90 minutes earlier thinking it's

Time: 4670.6

a good idea to compensate don't do that

Time: 4672.719

either hold out even if you do feel

Time: 4675.88

tired my recommendation would be after

Time: 4678.239

that bad night of sleep hold out for as

Time: 4680.679

long as you can as close to your natural

Time: 4683.6

bedtime as possible then go to sleep and

Time: 4686.52

you'll give yourself highest chance of

Time: 4688.32

success don't over caffeinate that's the

Time: 4690.96

obvious one follow the beautiful hubman

Time: 4693.32

taper and then obviously try not to

Time: 4696.32

compensate with a nap why because that

Time: 4699.32

nap as happens when we sleep is going to

Time: 4702.52

remove some of that sleepiness that pene

Time: 4705.6

and once again you get into bed and

Time: 4708

you're not as sleepy as you would

Time: 4709.4

naturally be so you again go through a

Time: 4711.719

bad night cuz you're struggling to sleep

Time: 4713.56

or you wake up and you can't get back

Time: 4716.36

because you've got less weight of

Time: 4718.04

sleepiness on your shoulders due to the

Time: 4720.56

nap that happened earlier so I know it's

Time: 4723.239

hard but I would say when the alarm goes

Time: 4725.679

off after a bad night you just think I

Time: 4727.8

do not want to get up it's been such a

Time: 4729.96

rough night I know it's a shortterm gain

Time: 4733.84

but trust me it's a long-term loss

Time: 4736.92

because you're going to then just get

Time: 4738.08

into this vicious cycle so that's the

Time: 4740.28

first unconventional tip the can I just

Time: 4742.52

pause you for a second I I'm a little

Time: 4744.32

wide-eyed over here because

Time: 4746.6

um I did not know any of that typically

Time: 4750.04

if I get a poor night sleep I'll do

Time: 4751.52

whatever I can to recover that sleep um

Time: 4754.12

take a nap I'll do you know I'll adjust

Time: 4756.4

my to bedtime the next evening um so I

Time: 4760

hope everyone is paying uh careful

Time: 4762.96

attention to what Matt just said I mean

Time: 4765.159

the that's a important list because I

Time: 4767.88

think one of the very common things is

Time: 4769.6

for people to just not get a great

Time: 4770.76

night's sleep and I think most people

Time: 4772.44

think okay I'll drink a little more

Time: 4773.719

caffeine I will um go to bed a little

Time: 4776.28

earlier tonight you know maybe catch a

Time: 4778.6

nap in the afternoon this kind of thing

Time: 4780.96

um and I would have thought that too and

Time: 4782.719

maybe even suggested that and if you

Time: 4785.08

listen to the first episode and where we

Time: 4786.92

you know I list in a doomsday manner the

Time: 4789.36

things that can happen by way of a short

Time: 4790.96

night you you would think that that's

Time: 4792.88

what I would then recommend but it was

Time: 4794.8

imprinted On Me by um a wonderful sleep

Time: 4796.8

clinician U Michael pis um who sort of

Time: 4799.56

described some of these features and

Time: 4801.44

exactly the reasons sort of underlying

Time: 4803.4

them and I think I've just tried to bake

Time: 4805.159

that out into a formula that makes sense

Time: 4807.8

again it's not about the rule it's about

Time: 4810.28

explaining it because when you explain

Time: 4812.08

it at first it sounds contradictory and

Time: 4815

paradoxical when you understand it it

Time: 4817.36

hopefully sounds logical and actionable

Time: 4820.04

um so that would be the first suggestion

Time: 4823.04

could I just sorry interrupt again my

Time: 4825.12

audience hates when I interrupt but I'm

Time: 4826.76

doing it on their behalf because because

Time: 4829.44

because I I like to think that there's

Time: 4831.12

um some value in some of at least what

Time: 4833.679

you say in response um I saw a really uh

Time: 4837.28

terrific post from Dr Ronda Patrick um

Time: 4840.52

who we both know and admire um for her

Time: 4844

public education work public health

Time: 4846.08

education work and she described a study

Time: 4848.88

whereby if people are I think it was

Time: 4850.719

slightly sleep deprived Maybe by a few

Time: 4852.6

hours that some of the uh disruption to

Time: 4856.199

morning blood glucose regulation that is

Time: 4858.199

known to accompany partial sleep

Time: 4860.08

deprivation and certainly complete sleep

Time: 4862.239

deprivation but um in this case partial

Time: 4864.639

sleep deprivation could be offset by

Time: 4867.32

still exercising in the morning that's

Time: 4869.48

right um which frankly I have to say if

Time: 4872.48

I haven't slept that well then you know

Time: 4874.36

normally I'm like H maybe today's the

Time: 4875.96

day I don't exercise but now having

Time: 4877.719

heard that information I make it a point

Time: 4880.44

to still exercise um sometimes a with a

Time: 4883.44

little bit less intensity yeah um

Time: 4885.6

because I don't want to be completely

Time: 4886.84

exhausted in the afternoon um and and go

Time: 4890.4

to sleep at you know 4 p.m. or something

Time: 4892.159

really disrupt my schedule but I thought

Time: 4893.8

that was really interesting because it's

Time: 4895.6

it's a it's a sort of um partial

Time: 4897.679

inoculation of of the blood glucose

Time: 4900.159

disruption caused by uh sleep

Time: 4902.28

deprivation I I'm so glad you brought it

Time: 4904.48

up it's a fantastic study and I um Rond

Time: 4907.28

and I um I think even tried to discuss

Time: 4910.639

it some years ago on a show but I like

Time: 4913.6

it because it does offer some degree of

Time: 4916

actionable Hope and a

Time: 4919.92

strategy blood sugar absolutely critical

Time: 4923.36

it is very sensitive to sleep when you

Time: 4926.08

don't get enough it goes in bad

Time: 4928.52

directions you used a very specific word

Time: 4931.56

cleverly so that word was

Time: 4935.28

partially at first you hear or read that

Time: 4938.04

study and Ronda was never suggesting

Time: 4939.96

this too I'm not saying that you think

Time: 4943.159

well if it offsets blood sugar and the

Time: 4946.08

city was saying exercise can nullify a

Time: 4950

lack of

Time: 4950.88

sleep you conflate that single outcome

Time: 4954.84

benefit with the idea that well but

Time: 4957.8

maybe it doesn't actually re or does it

Time: 4961.6

compensate for the deficits in immune

Time: 4964.4

function or

Time: 4965.719

cardiovascular disease concerns or my

Time: 4968.96

hormonal health or my learning in memory

Time: 4971.32

or my emotional and brain health maybe

Time: 4973.84

it does but maybe it doesn't so I think

Time: 4975.8

I would always just caution people to

Time: 4978

saying when you hear a study like that

Time: 4980.36

it's very natural to think oh that must

Time: 4982.88

mean that it translates to everything

Time: 4984.56

else in my body and everything else in

Time: 4986.6

my brain it may but it also may not

Time: 4990.8

be terrific so if you don't sleep that

Time: 4993.84

well do your best to still get some

Time: 4995.8

exercise but just be mindful of the um

Time: 4998.639

the fact that you know in the winter

Time: 5000.239

months especially that might if you go

Time: 5002.199

too hard in the gym or on a run you

Time: 5004.239

might be a little bit immune compromised

Time: 5007.36

just be mindful of the fact that you're

Time: 5008.92

you're a more vulnerable being when

Time: 5010.92

you're sleep deprived and that but that

Time: 5012.76

exercise can help adjust things in the

Time: 5014.84

right direction and if it's early in the

Time: 5016.44

day um presumably that's not going to

Time: 5018.88

disrupt your the proper bedtime and if

Time: 5021.639

it's later in the day I suppose as long

Time: 5024.159

as you don't need caffeine in order to

Time: 5026.44

uh to do that exercise and or um if

Time: 5030.159

you're familiar with exercising later in

Time: 5033

the day fine I you know I find if I

Time: 5035.639

exercise like I'm not one of these

Time: 5036.84

people think can go for a run at you

Time: 5038.6

know 7:00 at night and then just shower

Time: 5041.12

you're a morning type because I'm a

Time: 5042.199

morning type other people can okay we'll

Time: 5044.239

get into exercise a bit more in a later

Time: 5045.84

episode um we'll be sure to do that but

Time: 5048.36

nonetheless I just rais that now um so

Time: 5051.679

what are some of the other

Time: 5053.08

unconventional protocols for sleep so I

Time: 5056

think other suggestions I would have

Time: 5058.28

after do nothing would be try to think

Time: 5062.239

about limiting your time embed if you

Time: 5064.639

are struggling with sleep this is

Time: 5066.8

something that is used in the probably

Time: 5070.199

the most well validated psychological

Time: 5073.96

intervention for insomnia and it's

Time: 5076.44

called cognitive behavioral therapy for

Time: 5078.56

insomnia or cbti for short what happens

Time: 5082.239

is that you work with a clinician they

Time: 5084.679

interview you they assess all of the

Time: 5086.6

reasons that you may not be sleeping and

Time: 5088.52

then they create from their toolbox of

Time: 5090.96

many different options a bespoke

Time: 5093.48

tailored sort of saval R soup

Time: 5095.4

prescription for you for your treatment

Time: 5098.239

if you look at the studies of that

Time: 5100

collection of different tools in the

Time: 5101.88

cbti Box for intervention of insomnia

Time: 5105.719

and you ask of all of those which seems

Time: 5108.76

to carry the greatest impact on insomnia

Time: 5112.239

which has the greatest sort of

Time: 5114.199

Gravitas it seems to be this thing that

Time: 5116.48

we call bedtime rescheduling it used to

Time: 5119.52

be known as sleep restriction therapy

Time: 5122.44

but obviously if you come to to mean you

Time: 5124.719

say look I'm not sleeping very well I've

Time: 5127.48

got insomnia I say I understand and I've

Time: 5130.52

got a treatment for you it's called

Time: 5131.92

Sleep restriction therapy and you say no

Time: 5133.679

no no you didn't understand it I I'm not

Time: 5135.52

getting enough

Time: 5136.8

sleep but it's not quite that here's how

Time: 5139.639

it works if you are spending so much

Time: 5143.119

time in bed too much time in bed you are

Time: 5146.76

not forcing your brain to be

Time: 5149.4

efficient and by way of constraining

Time: 5152.28

your sleep window even to let's say five

Time: 5155.84

hours a night to begin with i Brute

Time: 5159.119

Force ruthless efficiency from your

Time: 5162

sleeping brain after several days so

Time: 5164.96

another analogy would be let's say

Time: 5166.28

you're trying to make a nice thin crust

Time: 5168.28

of of pizza base and you put the dough

Time: 5171.4

on the table and you start rolling it

Time: 5173.36

out if you roll it too thin it starts to

Time: 5175.8

get gaps and holes in it why because

Time: 5179

you've spread it out too far and you've

Time: 5181.52

started to create these absences

Time: 5184.8

that's the same thing that happens and

Time: 5186.52

it's very natural as an insomnia patient

Time: 5188.6

you would say I'm just not getting

Time: 5190.28

enough sleep so I'm going to start

Time: 5191.4

spending more time in bed it's the very

Time: 5193.679

worst idea another way would be to say

Time: 5196.679

look I go to the gym and I you know

Time: 5199.04

spend about an hour and a half working

Time: 5200.36

out but if I were to videotape you a lot

Time: 5202.8

of people are doing the I think you've

Time: 5204.639

I've coed as your phrase but um the 11th

Time: 5207.04

rep where people you know do the 10 reps

Time: 5210.239

and then all of a sudden there's the

Time: 5211.32

selfie or there's the social media oh

Time: 5213.679

yeah the texting they finish the lastup

Time: 5215.6

put down and then straight away on the

Time: 5217.48

TT and if you look they're only working

Time: 5220.239

out for about let's say 45 minutes and

Time: 5223.719

the other is wasted so what if the next

Time: 5226.32

day you came to the gym and I said look

Time: 5228.96

I'm sorry and there's some big bouncer

Time: 5230.36

guys at the door um you are only allowed

Time: 5233.08

to work out for 40 minutes and then

Time: 5234.88

we're going to eject you and the first

Time: 5237.239

day you go back and you do the same

Time: 5239.119

thing and then you've only got through

Time: 5241.8

30% of your workout so you get booted

Time: 5244.56

the next day you come back in you do a

Time: 5245.8

little bit more and you get booted again

Time: 5247.76

after about five or six days you you've

Time: 5250.199

built up such a strong desire and hunger

Time: 5253.119

to get your workout in you walk in you

Time: 5255.44

put your phone on silent you put it over

Time: 5257.28

in the corner and you just get to it and

Time: 5260.4

that's the same thing that we're trying

Time: 5261.84

to do with sleep restriction therapy so

Time: 5264.679

you have to be a little bit careful do

Time: 5266.08

it under supervision especially if

Time: 5267.6

you're driving or you're operating heavy

Time: 5269.639

machinery we just want to keep an eye

Time: 5271.36

it's not necessarily a big concern but

Time: 5273.84

we would say Okay Andrew you're

Time: 5275.719

currently spending almost total about

Time: 5279

you know 8ish or 7 and a half hours in

Time: 5281.6

bed tonight I'm going to restrict you

Time: 5284.32

down to 5 hours a night and we're going

Time: 5286.239

to do this for the next week and the way

Time: 5288.679

that we normally do it is I don't change

Time: 5290.76

your wakeup time I change your to bed

Time: 5293.08

time why it's easier to stay awake

Time: 5296

longer than it is to wake up earlier so

Time: 5299.28

I put it on the front end to the

Time: 5301.52

compromise and at first things don't

Time: 5304.88

change but after maybe about four or

Time: 5306.88

five days of going through this I build

Time: 5309.679

up enough of a shortterm debt in your

Time: 5314.4

system that your system all of a sudden

Time: 5317.04

thinks gosh I just cannot be as lazy

Time: 5319.6

anymore I can't do this thing of waking

Time: 5321.84

up in the middle of the night and

Time: 5323.08

spending an hour and a half awake I

Time: 5325.719

don't have the choice anymore there's so

Time: 5327.679

much physiological buildup and pressure

Time: 5330.32

to do this and gradually what happens is

Time: 5333.6

that you sleep longer you don't wake up

Time: 5336.04

as much and after maybe about 2 weeks of

Time: 5338.88

doing this all of a sudden you go to bed

Time: 5342.36

at this later time so for you let's say

Time: 5344.119

you normally go to bed at 8: I'm going

Time: 5345.719

to have you go to bed at maybe 10:30 11:

Time: 5348.76

but we're still going to have you wake

Time: 5350.48

up at that sort of 4:30 a.m. Mark that

Time: 5354

you would normally wake up and all of a

Time: 5357

sudden you go to bed at 10:30 11 you're

Time: 5360.88

out like a light and then again the next

Time: 5363.84

thing you remember is your alarm going

Time: 5365.88

off saying I'm sorry you've got to wake

Time: 5367.48

up and what happens by way of that reset

Time: 5370.76

is gradually we will then once you're

Time: 5372.719

stable we will start to back it off

Time: 5375.199

we'll start to have you go to bed at 10:

Time: 5377.719

and if it stays stable then 9:45 then

Time: 5380.6

9:30 and tit trate you back to where you

Time: 5383.679

were and if there's any sign that you're

Time: 5386.239

starting to not sleep well we zip it

Time: 5388.6

back up again the goal here is in some

Time: 5391.36

ways almost like hitting the reset

Time: 5394.119

button on your Wi-Fi router I'm trying

Time: 5396.04

to retrain your brain to better sleep

Time: 5399.96

because when you are not sleeping well

Time: 5403.239

you've lost your confidence in your

Time: 5405.6

ability to sleep and when I do this

Time: 5408.76

technique with you gradually your system

Time: 5411.679

and you cognitively relearn that you are

Time: 5414.76

a good sleeper and you can trust in

Time: 5416.56

sleep and now your sleep does not

Time: 5419.199

control you you control your sleep the

Time: 5422.84

hard part however is that it's not easy

Time: 5425.4

to go through and we have to be we have

Time: 5428.8

to usually ask two questions with

Time: 5430.6

individuals firstly what is your

Time: 5432.44

motivation for better sleep um we need

Time: 5435.04

to know that you really are motivated

Time: 5437.119

and then second you just stay with a hi

Time: 5439.6

touch White Glove frequency checking in

Time: 5441.92

on individuals and motivating them to

Time: 5444.119

keep going because it's very easy to

Time: 5445.639

fall off the wagon so that's the the

Time: 5448.08

next suggestion sleep restriction

Time: 5450.96

therapy or bedtime rescheduling as we

Time: 5453.36

would call it you said it's difficult

Time: 5455.32

for people to go through you know it

Time: 5456.84

takes a little bit of rigor a little bit

Time: 5458.4

of attention means in some cases getting

Time: 5460.76

less sleep than one would like but as

Time: 5463.4

compared to something that you know

Time: 5465.639

sadly I've experienced a lot in my life

Time: 5467.719

of having challenges with sleep and

Time: 5470.36

trying to get things back in order and

Time: 5471.719

looking at the the bed and just going oh

Time: 5473.719

my God Battle Ground you know Battle

Time: 5476.32

Ground you know it's um I think it it

Time: 5478.719

makes a lot of sense and I love the

Time: 5480.119

analogy to the gym somehow if there's a

Time: 5483.44

restriction into 1 hour in and out the

Time: 5485.44

door or maybe 70 minutes in and out the

Time: 5487.159

door CU you need to put your stuff in

Time: 5488.239

the locker or something like that it

Time: 5490.32

always at least for me gets done best

Time: 5493

when you just have those constraints I

Time: 5494.719

think there's something about the human

Time: 5495.92

brain that we don't do well in um un

Time: 5499.6

unrestrained systems that I I really

Time: 5501.8

think guard rails are are fantastic I

Time: 5503.8

love deadlines for instance yeah

Time: 5505.4

discipline is essentially the hard hard

Time: 5508.119

deadlines like or as they say in

Time: 5509.639

Academia because we you know write

Time: 5511.159

grants all the time drop deadlines which

Time: 5513.56

who up that ter but like if you don't

Time: 5515.28

make it that's it it's like there isn't

Time: 5517.04

a hey I'll send this in tomorrow 5:00

Time: 5518.8

p.m. Pacific time that website

Time: 5521.6

closes and you better Bo do you get

Time: 5524.36

things done all of a sudden it's

Time: 5526.4

surprising how much distraction you can

Time: 5529.04

you know pull out the noise and focus on

Time: 5531.32

the signal it's great signal to noise

Time: 5533.56

ratio yeah and I I love the idea that

Time: 5535.44

you that one can control their sleep as

Time: 5537.239

opposed to sleep controlling them I

Time: 5538.719

think that that's um and and this notion

Time: 5540.719

of sleep

Time: 5541.84

confidence um one's conf idence in their

Time: 5544.48

ability to sleep these are important

Time: 5546.08

terms and they're more than just terms

Time: 5547.719

because I think that um a a field and

Time: 5551.239

and an area of Health practice and gosh

Time: 5553.8

what's more important than sleep it's

Time: 5555.08

the foundation of mental health physical

Time: 5556.56

health and performance period um really

Time: 5559.88

thrives on a common um common

Time: 5563.44

nomenclature and and I really appreciate

Time: 5565.639

that you're you know peppering these

Time: 5567.239

episodes with it with um new

Time: 5569.639

nomenclature um that captures a lot of

Time: 5572.679

the essence of the protocols and the

Time: 5574.199

mechanisms so there that's my editorial

Time: 5576.52

please please continue I would say that

Time: 5579.08

in terms of other things maybe just to

Time: 5580.56

go through them um a little more quickly

Time: 5583.56

we've spoken some about a wind down

Time: 5586

routine most people underappreciate the

Time: 5588.8

importance of a wi down routine we often

Time: 5591.8

think that sleep is like a light bulb

Time: 5593.92

that we dive into bed we switch off the

Time: 5596.32

light bulb and sleep should appear just

Time: 5598.4

as quickly it's untrue sleep in terms of

Time: 5602.04

a process is much more physiologically

Time: 5604.52

like trying to land a plane it just

Time: 5606.76

takes time to come down onto the

Time: 5608.84

terraferma of good sleep at night

Time: 5612.32

whatever it is you enjoy as a relaxation

Time: 5615.159

method engage in it could be listening

Time: 5617.119

to a podcast could be reading a book

Time: 5619.4

maybe it's a meditation it's light

Time: 5621.48

stretching maybe whatever it is that you

Time: 5624.76

do just build it into your regiment you

Time: 5628.4

know you would never you know be driving

Time: 5630.92

down the road and then pull into your

Time: 5633.36


Time: 5634.44

at the same 40 mph speed you gradually

Time: 5638.52

decelerate and you come to a

Time: 5640.92

stop it's the same thing with sleep so

Time: 5643.28

you need to find some way to decelerate

Time: 5645.84

and we've spoken about methods already

Time: 5647.639

as to how to do

Time: 5649.159

that the next tip is a little quirky and

Time: 5652.32

funny do not count sheep there's a great

Time: 5656.4

study from my colleague Dr Alison Harvey

Time: 5658.48

at UC berley and she put this to the

Time: 5660.96

test didn't make people fall asleep

Time: 5663.28

faster it made them take longer to fall

Time: 5666.36

asleep however she did find an

Time: 5669.44

alternative if you are not into

Time: 5672.32

meditation or podcasts or sleep stories

Time: 5675.28

or whatever it is that you you wish for

Time: 5678.44

try taking yourself on a mental walk and

Time: 5682.44

it has to be a walk that you know very

Time: 5684.6

well so let's say that you walk your dog

Time: 5686.44

every day and you know there's a couple

Time: 5688.159

of walks that you take with your dog do

Time: 5690.44

it in hyperd detail So Close Your Eyes

Time: 5693.96

you go to the front door you clip in the

Time: 5696.36

dog to the leash you walk out you go

Time: 5699.32

down the steps out to the driveway then

Time: 5702.239

you take a right but you always cross

Time: 5704.119

over and you look to the left and the

Time: 5705.4

right CU that's the place where traffic

Time: 5706.88

always comes you cross over and now

Time: 5708.8

you're walking up and there's that

Time: 5710.48

strange sort of set of garbage that's

Time: 5713.44

been outside of that house for a long

Time: 5715.119

time and you don't know why it hasn't

Time: 5716.4

been cleared and then you move that type

Time: 5719.48

of High Fidelity

Time: 5722

detail allows you to do what we said

Time: 5725.52

earlier which is get your mind off

Time: 5728.36

itself and when you do that again

Time: 5731.679

typically you fall asleep faster and

Time: 5734.04

that's what she found it was a great

Time: 5735.719

great study I really enjoyed that I'm

Time: 5738.56

curious as to why it works so well and

Time: 5743.199

I'm not challenging that it works I I

Time: 5745.639

can imagine having just closed my eyes

Time: 5747.48

and kind of imagine what that would be

Time: 5748.88

like it's very pleasant um there might

Time: 5752.36

be here I'm just specul ating something

Time: 5754.32

about engaging one's procedural memory

Time: 5756.92

because that's procedural memory you're

Time: 5758.28

trying to remember how you do something

Time: 5759.719

as opposed to declarative memory which

Time: 5761.239

is about facts you know I remember this

Time: 5763.76

and this is going to happen tomorrow I

Time: 5765.48

wonder whether or not there's something

Time: 5768.199

about using a procedural memory um as

Time: 5772.48

opposed to a declarative memory

Time: 5776

visualization somebody should do that

Time: 5778.36

study they should and I think it's

Time: 5780.159

certainly possible that when you're

Time: 5781.32

incorporating some aspect you know some

Time: 5783.119

aspects of the scene and the information

Time: 5786.6

is more sort of veridical and maybe EP

Time: 5788.88

sort of episodic declarative memory but

Time: 5791.239

when you're taking yourself for a mental

Time: 5793.119

walk what is the fundamental premise of

Time: 5795.4

that it's a walk it's motion it's

Time: 5797.199

procedural memory and so maybe it's

Time: 5799.56

something to do about with being more

Time: 5801.88

attentive to becoming embodied because

Time: 5804.6

when you're out walking and you're

Time: 5806.96

moving it is a more embodied experience

Time: 5810.04

than just sitting there at your desk

Time: 5812.52

which is your mostly your head and very

Time: 5815

little your body so I think it's an

Time: 5816.92

intriguing idea and um I think another

Time: 5820.8

tip that I now think of which also comes

Time: 5823.48

from the work of Dr Allison

Time: 5825.88

Harvey when individuals come up to me um

Time: 5829.88

after sort of public events or they see

Time: 5832.88

me at the airport they'll say look every

Time: 5835.52

night for some strange reason at 2:45

Time: 5839.04

a.m. I wake up and it happens three or

Time: 5842.119

four nights a week

Time: 5844.08

my first question to them is how do you

Time: 5847.04

know it's

Time: 5849.88

2:45 and they say well I look at the

Time: 5852.08

clock or I look at my

Time: 5853.84

phone best piece of advice next remove

Time: 5857.48

all clock faces from the bedroom no

Time: 5860.8

matter how bad your sleep is going to be

Time: 5863.199

that night knowing what time it is is

Time: 5866.84

only going to make matters worse it is

Time: 5869.08

not going to make matters any

Time: 5871.48

better and that can create

Time: 5874.08

an anxiety trigger that you think it's

Time: 5876.76

245 and then you're tossing and turning

Time: 5879.8

you look back at the clock and now it's

Time: 5881.719

3:14 a.m. and you think I've got to be

Time: 5884.159

awake at 600 I've got that big meeting

Time: 5886.48

and now it's

Time: 5887.84

5:2 don't do that to yourself and I even

Time: 5891.56

though I don't typically struggle with

Time: 5893.36

sleep I have no clock faces in my

Time: 5896.199

bedroom the phone that I use to help do

Time: 5899.32

the guided meditation is an old phone

Time: 5902.119

and it has

Time: 5903.96

only Wi-Fi connectivity and nothing else

Time: 5906.8

on it and I will only hit play and then

Time: 5911.04

I will never turn it around um I will

Time: 5914.119

not look at the clock face just doesn't

Time: 5915.96

help me another incentive for keeping

Time: 5918.52

the phone out of the room um if if one

Time: 5922.08

can I I understand there are reasons

Time: 5924.48

when um one would want the phone in the

Time: 5927.36

room if you know it's potentially

Time: 5930.84

signaling an emergency you know well I

Time: 5933.32

think I think it's a very important

Time: 5934.719

point and we've done some work in this

Time: 5936.36

area too what that phone does is create

Time: 5940.88

a a low level of anxiety it's what we

Time: 5944

call anticipatory

Time: 5947.239

anxiety one of the mechanisms separate

Time: 5950.36

from that well it's related to that if

Time: 5952.28

you look at teen phone use one of the

Time: 5954.4

reasons that they don't sleep very well

Time: 5956.08

at night is that they're constantly

Time: 5957.52

checking their phones because of fomo a

Time: 5960.239

fear of missing out what has gone on as

Time: 5962.52

I've been asleep and it's stunning the

Time: 5964.599

data but for most adults the other

Time: 5966.48

reason I don't like advocating for phone

Time: 5970.08

use when your alarm goes off in the

Time: 5973.48

morning what is the first thing that you

Time: 5975.88

do as you're in bed you swipe right or

Time: 5978.96

you unlock your phone and you instantly

Time: 5981.32

start checking social media emails text

Time: 5984.36

messages and this tsunami of Stress and

Time: 5988.599

Anxiety just floods over you it hits you

Time: 5991.8

like this wall of anxiet

Time: 5994.719

and I bring this up because it again

Time: 5997.4

trains your brain for expectation of

Time: 6001.239

that anticipatory anxiety has a

Time: 6004.88

consequence on your sleep and everyone

Time: 6006.679

knows this let's say that you've booked

Time: 6009.84

an early morning flight and you've got

Time: 6012.48

to wake up at 5:00 a.m. when normally

Time: 6014.599

you wake up at 7

Time: 6016.96

a.m. two things will usually happen

Time: 6019.56

first you know that you're just not

Time: 6021.32

going to sleep as deeply that night

Time: 6023.32

because you're on edge and this is for

Time: 6024.84

an interview or it's for critical like

Time: 6027.04

this is a non-negotiable trip that has

Time: 6029.159

to happen you've got to wake up the

Time: 6031.719

second thing is that when you

Time: 6034.639

are expecting that that wave of sort of

Time: 6040.08

a need to wake up and maybe it's just

Time: 6042.159

I'm expecting the phone again you will

Time: 6046.08

wake up just a few minutes before your

Time: 6048.52

alarm it's stunning how many people will

Time: 6050.719

say I had this big flight the next day

Time: 6053.36

and you almost know I'm going to wake up

Time: 6055.56

2 minutes before my alarm goes off why

Time: 6058.639

because your brain has stayed in this

Time: 6060.52

shallow state of anticipatory anxiety

Time: 6063.8

and you don't get as much deep sleep and

Time: 6065.56

we've now demonstrated that we others

Time: 6067.8

when you have that low level anxiety the

Time: 6070.32

depth of your deep sleep is not as deep

Time: 6072.239

you don't get the good so again not to

Time: 6075.599

be trying to dictate what people do just

Time: 6077.96

be aware that when you do create that

Time: 6080.719

behavior and that regiment it becomes

Time: 6083.8

almost like a knee Jack sort of trained

Time: 6086.92

habitual response terrific let's talk

Time: 6089.88

about some of the advanced tools for

Time: 6091.76

Sleep enhancement you know what sorts of

Time: 6094.28

methods could one incorporate um you

Time: 6096.84

know what are some of the data and um

Time: 6099.04

and is there any way that we can sort of

Time: 6100.8

lump these into uh sort of a some

Time: 6103.679

framework or categories because I know

Time: 6105.32

there are a lot of different tools there

Time: 6107.56

are and I suppose this would be you know

Time: 6110.239

I know our friend pet has spoken about

Time: 6112.159

medicine 3.0 I think this would probably

Time: 6114.119

be sleep optimization 3.0 what is coming

Time: 6117.599

down the pike what is in the research

Time: 6120.88

and I think you know could make it to

Time: 6124.4

Market or has made it to Market but yet

Time: 6128.119

we're still right on the cusp we've seen

Time: 6132.28

Wei again in the Royal Wii have been

Time: 6134.52

able to augment human sleep in at least

Time: 6138.719

four different ways there are methods

Time: 6142.52

for electrical brain stimulation there

Time: 6145.239

are methods for acoustic stimulation of

Time: 6149.56

sleep so electrical stimulation of sleep

Time: 6151.56

acoustic stimulation of

Time: 6153.199

sleep thermal manipulation of sleep and

Time: 6156.56

then finally kinesthetic manipulation of

Time: 6159.56

sleep meaning movement based

Time: 6162.4

stimulation and I maybe I can just of go

Time: 6164.88

into each one of those the electrical

Time: 6167.4

stimulation is probably the most well

Time: 6170.28

rendered of all of those four

Time: 6174

in part because we started there and we

Time: 6177.36

and here it's not the Royal Wii we have

Time: 6179.44

done a lot of work on on this and um I

Time: 6181.719

can tell you a little bit about a

Time: 6183.32

company emerging from that but when

Time: 6185.88

you're trying to manipulate the human

Time: 6188.119

brain the principal currency in which

Time: 6190.56

the brain communicates is electricity

Time: 6193.08

now there are lots of things that help

Time: 6194.56

it do that such as chemicals but the

Time: 6197.32

principal language and um verbiage of

Time: 6200.8

the brain is electricity so if you're

Time: 6202.36

going to manipulate the brain why don't

Time: 6204.239

you speak in its currency of

Time: 6206.8

electricity so we and others have

Time: 6209.719

developed a method based on something

Time: 6211.56

called direct current brain

Time: 6215.239

stimulation and specifically something

Time: 6217.56

called transcranial direct current

Time: 6220.04

stimulation and I'll unpack that trans

Time: 6222.48

meaning movement so if you've heard of

Time: 6224.119

Transport it's about moving things from

Time: 6226.119

one port to another um transatlantic

Time: 6228.96

moving you know across the Atlantic so

Time: 6232.56

here the start of it is moving you're

Time: 6234.639

moving something from one place to the

Time: 6236.32

next trans cranial means through your

Time: 6239

skull so we're moving something through

Time: 6240.76

your skull transcranial direct current

Time: 6244.28

is the type of voltage or the type of

Time: 6247.119

electrical impulse that we're putting in

Time: 6249.4

it could be alternating current or it

Time: 6251.8

could be direct current and early

Time: 6254

methods and those we use have been

Time: 6256

direct current so transcranial direct

Time: 6258.32

current and then stimulation we're

Time: 6259.96

trying to stimulate the brain

Time: 6261.56

specifically the cortex

Time: 6264.239

and the way that we do this is that we

Time: 6266.04

apply electrode pads to your head and we

Time: 6268.76

insert a small amount of voltage into

Time: 6271.159

your brain now it's so small that you

Time: 6274.44

typically don't feel it but it has a

Time: 6276.4

measurable impact on that electrical

Time: 6278.28


Time: 6279.119

activity so very early on scientists and

Time: 6282.28

we weren't the first to do do this by

Time: 6283.96

any means there was a great paper now

Time: 6286

famous paper in my field by um wonderful

Time: 6288.92

scientist yam born in Germany and they

Time: 6291.48

took a group of subjects and they

Time: 6293.96

applied these electrod pads and

Time: 6295.8

specifically to the front of the brain

Time: 6298.159

and I'll explain why we target the front

Time: 6300

of the brain with sleep electrical

Time: 6301.48

enhancement or the

Time: 6321.96

electruepart slow powerful waves that

Time: 6324.56

define deep sleep and what they did in

Time: 6327.88

one of those groups the other group was

Time: 6329.52

the placebo group they still had the

Time: 6331.159

electrodes applied they still went to

Time: 6332.88

sleep in the stimulation group they

Time: 6335.88

waited until those individuals went into

Time: 6338.159

deep sleep and I told you in the first

Time: 6340.84

episode that those deep sleep brain

Time: 6342.44

waves were going up and down very very

Time: 6345

slowly maybe just once or twice a second

Time: 6348.639

so they started to stimulate the brain

Time: 6352.119

inputting the stimulation pulses at a

Time: 6354.96

very slow Rhythm trying to match the

Time: 6357.36

rhythm of the brain in fact they were

Time: 6359.159

less than one Hertz less than one cycle

Time: 6361.599

per second in terms of a pulse it's

Time: 6364.96

almost as though we're trying to act

Time: 6367.599

like a a choir to a flagging lead

Time: 6371.4

vocalist and as these brain waves are

Time: 6374.04

going up and down you're trying to sing

Time: 6376.04

in time with those deep sleep brain

Time: 6377.84

waves and in doing so you're trying to

Time: 6379.52

boost and amplify the size of those deep

Time: 6381.96

sleep brain waves now to begin with they

Time: 6383.96

just waited until they went into deep

Time: 6385.48

sleep and they started to stimulate at

Time: 6387.4

that frequency and I'll come back to why

Time: 6389.119

that's important in a second but sure

Time: 6391.32

enough what they demonstrated they were

Time: 6393.159

able to boost the electrical quality of

Time: 6395.56

that deep sleep by about

Time: 6397.719

60% and they were also able to almost

Time: 6400.639

double the amount of memory benefit that

Time: 6403.44

sleep provided wow which is very

Time: 6405.679

impressive that is impressive now I

Time: 6407.679

should note that there was more recently

Time: 6410.28

a replication attempt of that paper and

Time: 6412.4

they did very good job they really did

Time: 6414.28

it to the letter and they weren't able

Time: 6416.92

to replicate the effects as powerfully

Time: 6420.119

however subsequent Studies have now

Time: 6423.36

taken a more nuanced approach and it's

Time: 6425.32

the one that we've taken too and it's

Time: 6427.44

called closed loop

Time: 6430.119

stimulation Clos Loop here simply means

Time: 6433.08

that I'm not going to just wait until

Time: 6435.32

you go into deep sleep and then just

Time: 6437.36

take a chance and start stimulating your

Time: 6439.4

brain not knowing of the synchrony of my

Time: 6443.4

pulses into your brain relative to the

Time: 6446.4

brain waves that you're experiencing

Time: 6448.44

closed loop does do that so what I'm

Time: 6450.52

doing is I'm measuring the electrical

Time: 6452.36

brain waves that occurring and because

Time: 6455

they're nice and slow they're very

Time: 6457.4

predictable and I can program my

Time: 6459.639

algorithm and my brain stimulation

Time: 6461.48

machine to say I'm going to wait and

Time: 6463.719

wait and as soon as you are on this peak

Time: 6467.08

of your slow wave it turns out to be the

Time: 6469.4

negative trough but I'll forgo that we

Time: 6472.84

then try to strike at that point of

Time: 6475.199

midnight when you're going through the

Time: 6477.599

biggest sort of powerful sort of dip in

Time: 6480.639

the the brain wave and we're trying to

Time: 6482.159

sort of enhance it and same with the

Time: 6484.239

peak so this is where we take a we get a

Time: 6488.239

stimulus from the brain your electrical

Time: 6490.48

brain activity and then we create a

Time: 6492.96

timed response so it's a stimulus

Time: 6495.04

response it's a call and response Loop

Time: 6497.88

and by way of doing that it's a much

Time: 6499.84

smarter specific method than a more

Time: 6503.119

generalized I'm just going to stimulate

Time: 6504.8

and hope I catch those waves at the

Time: 6506.76

Peaks the reason is important because

Time: 6510.199

different people have different speeds

Time: 6512.8

of their slow brain waves they're all

Time: 6514.52

slow but your speed of brain wave may be

Time: 6517.44

a little bit different to mine and if

Time: 6519.84

I'm off with my stimulation by let's say

Time: 6522.52

just half a second or a quarter of a

Time: 6524.76

second time and time again I may be

Time: 6526.84

leaving some benefit on the table but

Time: 6529.8

closed loop stimulation creates this

Time: 6532.8

personalized electrical prescription of

Time: 6535.159

stimulation and when you do that you get

Time: 6538.08

very reliable benefits you can boost

Time: 6541.04

those deep slope brain waves you get the

Time: 6543.08

memory benefits but also what we found

Time: 6545.56

is you not only boost those deep sleep

Time: 6547.4

brain waves you boost another electrical

Time: 6549.96

signature that I spoke about in the

Time: 6551.36

first episode called sleep spindles and

Time: 6554.199

it seems to be the combination of those

Time: 6556.199

two things by way of electrical

Time: 6557.96

stimulation that provides the benefits

Time: 6560.679

now I should know I haven't mentioned

Time: 6563.08

this before you can buy these devices on

Time: 6565.84

the internet DIY style do not do that if

Time: 6569.92

you go on to the internet too you can

Time: 6571.599

also find some horror stories people

Time: 6573.239

have misappropriated the voltage they've

Time: 6576

got skin burs they've lost their

Time: 6577.36

eyesight for several weeks do not do

Time: 6579.28

this at home I promise you use you know

Time: 6582.92

wait until these products come out and

Time: 6584.44

that's one of the reasons why we've

Time: 6586

scaled it into a company and we're we're

Time: 6587.76

trying to do this we've got a long way

Time: 6590.199

to go yet huge number of trials that we

Time: 6592.44

have to do before you know I feel ready

Time: 6595.719

to to Really lay it on the on the table

Time: 6598.88


Time: 6599.8

say you should absolutely buy this it's

Time: 6603.44

it's well worth it but we're getting

Time: 6605.08

very very close I would say great what

Time: 6607.679

about thermal manipulations temperature

Time: 6611.239

I mean there's such a tight relationship

Time: 6612.76

between temperature and sleep and and

Time: 6616.52

wakefulness for that matter uh what sort

Time: 6619.36

of Technologies tools protocols exist to

Time: 6622.36

uh that use thermal manipulation as a

Time: 6625.679

way to augment sleep I love this topic

Time: 6629.199

because there are high-fi low-fi and noi

Time: 6632.92

technologies that you can

Time: 6635.28

use the story of sleep and temperature

Time: 6638.48

as you mentioned before and

Time: 6640.44

reiterated in terms of the three-part

Time: 6643.159

stanza that tur set that I would

Time: 6645.199

describe is again you need to warm up to

Time: 6649.119

cool down to fall asleep you need to

Time: 6650.96

stay cool to stay asleep you need to to

Time: 6652.76

warm up to wake up what that refers to

Time: 6655.52

technically in sleep science are what we

Time: 6657.36

call the thermal trigger zones so

Time: 6659.84

warming up to cool down to fall asleep

Time: 6662.04

is what we call the Sleep onset thermal

Time: 6664

trigger Zone cooling down or staying

Time: 6668.079

cool to stay asleep is about the deep

Time: 6670.48

sleep trigger Zone and then warming up

Time: 6673.32

to wake up is the activating alertness

Time: 6676.159


Time: 6678

Zone studies if you looked at them to

Time: 6680.84

begin with before they manipulated that

Time: 6682.8

found something fascinating if I take

Time: 6685.32

you Andrew huberman and I bring you into

Time: 6687.4

my lab and I remove your phone all your

Time: 6690.84

laptop and you say goodbye to your

Time: 6692.76

friends and family and you I bring you

Time: 6695.28

into the center and there are no cues as

Time: 6697.36

to what time of day no windows no

Time: 6699.719

nothing and I'm just going to say look

Time: 6703.36

I'll keep asking you

Time: 6705.199

but at the moment that you feel most

Time: 6709.32

sleepy just let me

Time: 6711.52

know it turns out that before that we'

Time: 6714.239

done the um delightful um intervention

Time: 6718

of inserting a rectal probe into you

Time: 6720.84

because that's the best way that we can

Time: 6722.119

measure your core body temperature so

Time: 6724.28

we're measuring your core body

Time: 6725.4

temperature and sure enough despite you

Time: 6727.48

knowing nothing about what time it is

Time: 6730.159

the moment that you will tell me I am

Time: 6733.079

ready to go to bed and I am sleepy is

Time: 6735.44

the moment when you are on the greatest

Time: 6738.079

decelerating trajectory of your core

Time: 6740.639

body temperature it is high highly

Time: 6742.88

predictive of how sleepy you will feel

Time: 6745.88

the way that your body does this is by

Time: 6748.639

pushing blood out to the surface regions

Time: 6751.48

of your skin notably your hands and your

Time: 6754.28

feet because these are these highly

Time: 6756.44

vascular regions and you had a great

Time: 6758.48

podcast from one of my heroes and good

Time: 6760.199

friend Craig hel who's done some amazing

Time: 6763.159

work on this at Stanford so naturally as

Time: 6767.199

we lie down blood races to our hands and

Time: 6770.36

our feet and also our head and we start

Time: 6773.199

to release that heat trapped in the core

Time: 6776.679

of our body and by releasing that heat

Time: 6779.76

at the surface our core body temperature

Time: 6781.88

drops hence the outer surfaces of you

Time: 6785.28

hands feet and face have to warm up for

Time: 6788.679

your core to cool down for you to fall

Time: 6792.28

asleep and in fact there was a great

Time: 6794.88

nature paper some years ago they just

Time: 6796.92

measured the temperature of someone's

Time: 6798.4

feet and they looked at how quickly they

Time: 6800.76

fell asleep and when they fell asleep

Time: 6803.52

sure enough the warmer your feet the

Time: 6806.32

faster you fell asleep why because the

Time: 6809.32

Warmness reflects the blood dilation and

Time: 6812.32

the pumping out of the blood to the

Time: 6814.199

periphery and then they did it in rats

Time: 6816.48

where they started to warm the pores of

Time: 6818.199

the rats and the Rats fell asleep more

Time: 6820.719

quickly and I love this notion of again

Time: 6823.239

I we don't do an but kind of love the

Time: 6825.04

notion of wrapping a beautiful little

Time: 6827.56

rat up in Cotton wall and I'm I'm

Time: 6829.48

warming its feet with this pad and it's

Time: 6831.639

just Bliss out out and then poof he's

Time: 6833.96

gone his after she I respect their

Time: 6836.44

privacy um so that was the early

Time: 6839.679

evidence that then led to a series of

Time: 6841.719

manipulation studies the most notable is

Time: 6844.96

brilliant it comes from a colleague uh

Time: 6847.36

in the Netherlands usan summeran and his

Time: 6849.8

group they created essentially what was

Time: 6853.44

a a wet think about a wet suit but that

Time: 6856.679

wet suit is covered with all of these

Time: 6859.679

thin tubes almost like veins that go all

Time: 6862.88

over the suit to all territories of your

Time: 6866.4

body and then what they would be able to

Time: 6869.159

do is peruse water warm water or hot

Time: 6872.56

water exquisitly to different parts of

Time: 6875.719

the brain or the body cool amazing yeah

Time: 6879.159

no pun intended thank so what they did

Time: 6881.92

was then they started to manipulate

Time: 6883.92

these peripheral regions sort of and

Time: 6887.76

sure enough when they did this they were

Time: 6890.599

able to have indiv uals fall asleep 25%

Time: 6895.8

faster and these were healthy

Time: 6897.159

individuals who are normally sleeping

Time: 6899.4

within a very natural quick period of

Time: 6902.4

time but they were able to Lop off 25%

Time: 6906.159

of that time simply by warming these

Time: 6909.04

certain parts of the brain to lift the

Time: 6911.36

blood away from the core of the body and

Time: 6914

by doing that they

Time: 6915.719

accelerated the temperature core

Time: 6918.88

deceleration and therefore increased or

Time: 6921.28

accelerated the the speed with which

Time: 6923.199

sleep arrived to those individuals sleep

Time: 6926.239

appeared with much greater alacrity than

Time: 6929.159

it would have done otherwise even though

Time: 6930.679

it was quick

Time: 6932.079

anyway so then not being satisfied with

Time: 6935.96

that they moved on to the deep sleep

Time: 6938.96

trigger Zone and this isn't you need to

Time: 6941.28

stay cool to stay asleep and here now

Time: 6944.48

they started to just continue to cool

Time: 6946.679

the core the central aspects of the

Time: 6950.079

body what they were able to do is

Time: 6952.92

increased the amount of deep sleep by

Time: 6956.48

somewhere between 25 to look at some of

Time: 6959.52

the data almost 40 minutes they were

Time: 6961.8

able to boost the amount of deep sleep

Time: 6963.8

with the thermal manipulation and when

Time: 6966.56

they were measuring the electrical brain

Time: 6968.44

waves and they decompose those brain

Time: 6970.56

waves even the power and the electrical

Time: 6973.4

quality of those slow waves was

Time: 6975.119

increased very impressive too next not

Time: 6978.52

being satisfied with that they turned to

Time: 6980.32

older adults for the reasons that we've

Time: 6981.92

just described what they found was that

Time: 6984.639

in those older adults when they were not

Time: 6986.679

manipulated with this thermal

Time: 6988.119

temperature in the second half of the

Time: 6990.119

night there was a 50% probability that

Time: 6992.639

they were going to be awake for some

Time: 6994.4

part of the second half of the night

Time: 6996.239

when they did the thermal manipulation

Time: 6998.48

they dropped that number down to

Time: 7000.679

5% so they reduced a 50% probability of

Time: 7004.44

waking up down to 5% in older adults and

Time: 7007.96

again they improved the quality of their

Time: 7010.159

deep sleep Think About by by the way why

Time: 7013

that was so effective for older adults I

Time: 7015.76

guarantee you you've probably seen

Time: 7017.76

you've been in a warm climate or you've

Time: 7019.28

been down on the beach you know here

Time: 7021.32

sort of um in Los Angeles and people are

Time: 7024.48

out in shorts and t-shirts or crop tops

Time: 7027.639

and then occasionally there will be

Time: 7029

someone and I love seeing these sites

Time: 7030.92

where you know a child is sort of

Time: 7033.28

Wheeling along their elderly parents

Time: 7035.36

it's a beautiful sort of scene of caring

Time: 7038.52

but the older adult they're not dressed

Time: 7040.92

in the same way that every one else is

Time: 7042.719

dressed on the beach they are wrapped up

Time: 7045.079

some of them have a Woolen hat on why

Time: 7048.48

older adults cannot Thermo regulate

Time: 7051.36

anywhere near as well as young adults is

Time: 7054.04

that right and it's the reason that

Time: 7055.96

older adults will always be saying I'm

Time: 7057.56

I'm just so cold and my hands and my

Time: 7059.48

feet especially are always cold now

Time: 7062.28

that's a problem for sleep because if

Time: 7064.96

you cannot Vaso dilate at the level of

Time: 7067.52

your hands and your feet you can't get

Time: 7069.639

the blood out from the core you can't

Time: 7071.56

drop your core body temperature as much

Time: 7074.159

and we started to understand from those

Time: 7076.28

types of data that part of the Aging

Time: 7079.079

sleep related problem equation is not

Time: 7082.159

just that the brain deteriorates in

Time: 7084.04

sleep related regions which we've been

Time: 7086.639

doing most of our work on it's also part

Time: 7089.76

of a body equation and a thermo

Time: 7092.48

regulatory equation there was also a

Time: 7094.599

great study unrelated from Australia

Time: 7096.8

they looked at insomnia patients and

Time: 7099.48

they put their hands or their feet in

Time: 7101.44

warm water and by doing that it's a

Time: 7103.4

manipulation you can see how quickly

Time: 7104.92

their hands and their feet what we call

Time: 7106.52

vasod dilate fill with

Time: 7108.36

blood healthy people phaso dieted very

Time: 7111.28

quickly in response to that warm water

Time: 7113.52

meaning that their hands and their feet

Time: 7115.239

sort of you know had this red or at

Time: 7117.56

least for my feet they would be this red

Time: 7119.92

tone to them however in the insomnia

Time: 7123.04

patients they did not Vaso dilate

Time: 7125

anywhere near as well so once again it

Time: 7127.4

suggests that when you have problems

Time: 7128.76

with Sleep part of the equation may be

Time: 7131.36

that you have imper Thermo regulatory

Time: 7134

ability and we do see this in insomnia

Time: 7136.52

patients so that's that was I think a

Time: 7140.599

brilliant causal manipulation the

Time: 7143.079

problem is that most of us don't have

Time: 7145.4

access to a sort of come to bed eyes

Time: 7149.199

thermal suit so what can we do as a

Time: 7153.679

con please don't cut that I get myself

Time: 7156.52

into terrible trouble rightly so I

Time: 7158.239

should I should be punished you'll be

Time: 7159.92

right what they did then was to say well

Time: 7162.92

okay let's look at this is there

Time: 7165.04

something that we could do that's

Time: 7167

cheaper and more accessible to the

Time: 7168.48

general public and if you look there's a

Time: 7171.239

literature that preceded that

Time: 7173.719

manipulation and it's so reliable that

Time: 7176.159

we now have a term for it in sleep

Time: 7177.76

science it's called the warm bath effect

Time: 7180.599

and many people will say look I love to

Time: 7183.679

have a a warm bath or a hot shower

Time: 7186.56

before bed and I think when I get out

Time: 7189.44

I'm nice and toasty and it's because I'm

Time: 7191.639

nice and warm that I fall asleep and I

Time: 7193.92

stay asleep it's the exact opposite when

Time: 7196.079

you get out of the warm bath or the

Time: 7198.239

shower you have once again vasod dilated

Time: 7201.639

at the surface of your skin you get out

Time: 7204.239

of the bath you get this huge thermal

Time: 7206.28

dump of heat away from the core what

Time: 7208.88

happens you fall asleep and you stay

Time: 7210.44

asleep more soundly now there are other

Time: 7212.32

reasons that that has a benefit it's

Time: 7214.52

relaxing you decompress you're staying

Time: 7216.56

away from technology Etc but that is one

Time: 7219.679

of the the thermal benefits and in fact

Time: 7222.4

there were Studies by a legend in my

Time: 7224.159

field who passed away just a few years

Time: 7225.719

ago um Jim horn at lury University in

Time: 7228.239

the UK and they did some of these

Time: 7230.599

pioneering studies they were able to

Time: 7232.679

improve the amount of deep sleep by

Time: 7234.719

almost 40 minutes in some individuals

Time: 7238.119

what was the protocol there as I recall

Time: 7241.599

I think they were in the bath for

Time: 7243.52

somewhere around or the bath duration

Time: 7245.679

time was somewhere around 30 minutes but

Time: 7247.96

they were doing sort of segments where

Time: 7249.76

it was maybe it was 40 minutes 10

Time: 7251.639

minutes in and then you could sort of

Time: 7253.159

get out I think the temperature because

Time: 7255.599

it was UK was around about 40°

Time: 7260.32

celsus somewhere in that region I may be

Time: 7263.199

getting those numbers wrong because I

Time: 7264.32

know we like to protocolized some of

Time: 7266.44

this but they were able to show some

Time: 7269.32

really Pleasant benefits to to Deep

Time: 7272.04

Sleep it also helped people fall asleep

Time: 7274.44

helped them fall asleep by about 25

Time: 7276.92

minutes faster in those people who are

Time: 7278.84

really having a hard time with sleep I'm

Time: 7280.76

going to take a hot bath tonight I

Time: 7282.639

sometimes do the sauna in the evening

Time: 7284.679

before sleep I'm a big fan of cold in

Time: 7286.88

the morning cold shower cold Plunge in

Time: 7288.48

the morning reverse engineering the the

Time: 7290.32

equation you're trapping the heat into

Time: 7291.92

the core of your body you're waking

Time: 7293.159

yourself up right and then the and in

Time: 7294.96

the evening I've used sauna the one

Time: 7297.44

issue with sauna is I really crank the

Time: 7299.32

heat of the sauna and then sometimes if

Time: 7301.239

you do that right before bed you take a

Time: 7303.04

you know warmish shower right afterwards

Time: 7304.599

you get into bed oftentimes I'll wake up

Time: 7306.4

thirsty and then um because it

Time: 7308.36

dehydrates you and then if I drink a lot

Time: 7310.56

of water to hydrate after in the sauna

Time: 7312.36

then I'm waking up too much in the

Time: 7313.44

middle of the night so I think sauna is

Time: 7315.76

great but um right before bed I try I

Time: 7318.159

would love to I don't have a a sauna at

Time: 7321

home or nor an access to I mean there

Time: 7323.8

are saunas in and around where I live

Time: 7327.28

but what I want to do is have it

Time: 7329.36

proximal to my bedtime and my bedtime

Time: 7332.32

because I'm a neutral type you know sort

Time: 7334.04

of around 11-ish nowhere is open and

Time: 7337.159

willing to allow me to sit in the how

Time: 7339.28

long do you you sit in there usually I

Time: 7341.04

I'm a little Bonker about this I well if

Time: 7342.92

it's in the evening and I just want to

Time: 7344.52

relax I would say maybe 20 30 minutes

Time: 7346.639

and I I tend to go really warm warmer

Time: 7348.36

than I want to stay here P do pet our

Time: 7351

friend I've done Sonic cold plunge with

Time: 7353.079

pet he usually does it in the evening

Time: 7355.04

goes Sonic cold Sonic cold Sonic cold

Time: 7357.28

okay uh warm shower um and I don't know

Time: 7361.48

how many nights a week he's doing that

Time: 7363.04

but terms of the temperature of the

Time: 7364.44

sauna you know generally somewhere

Time: 7366.88

between 175 and

Time: 7369.079

210° depending on how heat adapted you

Time: 7371.56

are but I think a hot bath is great or a

Time: 7374.04

nice hot shower yeah I've certainly done

Time: 7376.52

that and when I'm traveling with jet lag

Time: 7379.199

I will absolutely that's part of my sort

Time: 7382.52

of jet lag protocol I'll make sure I do

Time: 7385.56

I'll because I don't really struggle too

Time: 7387.32

much with sleep at least at present but

Time: 7390.199

when I go through jet lag and I go back

Time: 7392

home to to London of course it's tough

Time: 7394.639

the worst The Living Daylights out of

Time: 7397.159

that and do as much as I can so I think

Time: 7399.4

that's probably the end of the the

Time: 7402.44

thermal story although we are now trying

Time: 7405.199

to see if we can take lowf fire

Time: 7407.8

approaches where we're going to do some

Time: 7409.8

footw we're trying to develop some footw

Time: 7411.92

technology that can be built

Time: 7414.199


Time: 7415.8

um maybe a mattress and some mattress

Time: 7418.639

companies uh there are some great ones

Time: 7420.639

uh I know obviously Mato at 8 sleep and

Time: 7423.679

they are they are doing amazing things I

Time: 7426.28

think his company again I have no

Time: 7428.719

affiliation but I we connect very well

Time: 7430.84

and he's brilliant so they're doing

Time: 7432.88

something like that I do uh use and love

Time: 7435.119

my eight sleep here's what I'd love

Time: 7436.559

somebody to engineer and we got a lot of

Time: 7439.159

people who listen to the podcast you

Time: 7440.48

think about product

Time: 7441.96

development it would be wonderful to

Time: 7443.84

have a portable pair of socks so that

Time: 7447.159

you can use them when you travel or when

Time: 7448.559

you go you know sleep anywhere at home

Time: 7450.48

or elsewhere that would warm your feet

Time: 7452.36

up at the beginning of the night so this

Time: 7454.079

is a place for us to recap warm up to

Time: 7456.52

cool down to fall asleep right stay cool

Time: 7460.04

stay cool to stay asleep and then warm

Time: 7463.44

up in the morning to wake up and so that

Time: 7466.96

is pretty straightforward to build into

Time: 7468.76

a pair of socks somebody can do this

Time: 7470.52

somebody do this okay uh so that's so

Time: 7473.639

we've done electrical we've done thermal

Time: 7476.48


Time: 7477.559

about auditory auditory so acoustic

Time: 7483.639

stimulation in a very similar way

Time: 7486.96

to electrical stimulation where you're

Time: 7489.719

trying to Target that deep sleep and see

Time: 7493.639

if you a better analogy is probably a

Time: 7496.04

metronome and you're trying to see if

Time: 7498.52

you can kind of force the metronome

Time: 7500.92

further over back and forth with these

Time: 7503.28

types of Technologies so auditory

Time: 7506.199

stimulation came on the map again I

Time: 7507.92

think probably yam born's group in

Time: 7509.4

Germany was some of the first to do this

Time: 7511.559

they initially started with this same

Time: 7514

generalized approach where they would

Time: 7515.96

take acoustic tones and they would first

Time: 7518.559

assess what is your level of aw weening

Time: 7522.04

threshold so you would be asleep and

Time: 7524.159

they would just have these tones very

Time: 7525.599

light tones like a sort of ping ping and

Time: 7528.76

they would gradually increase the volume

Time: 7530.52

up and they would look to see what is

Time: 7532.36

the point where that volume of the tone

Time: 7535.04

wakes you up and then they understood

Time: 7537.32

your specific threshold what's called an

Time: 7539.8

Awakening threshold and they would set

Time: 7541.76

the volume to a sub Awakening threshold

Time: 7545.119

great so you've got that locked in place

Time: 7547.119

and now you start and they did this

Time: 7550

within the first 90 minutes of people

Time: 7552.48

falling asleep they started to play

Time: 7554.88

these sub Awakening level volume levels

Time: 7558.159

of tones but they were playing them at

Time: 7560.719

this very slow frequency as if again

Time: 7564.96

they're trying to syn and match the slow

Time: 7568.559

dancing Rhythm of the slow brain waves

Time: 7572.36

and sure enough in that first study and

Time: 7574.239

it was indiscriminate meaning they just

Time: 7577.52

set the tones PL like a metronome set

Time: 7579.88

the tone set the and sorry set the

Time: 7582.4

volume and then set the Cadence of the

Time: 7584.96

volume the speed the frequency of those

Time: 7587.4

tones to just a little bit less than one

Time: 7590.32

Hertz a little bit less than one cycle

Time: 7592.079

per second and then off you drifted to

Time: 7594.199

sleep and they played it for the first

Time: 7595.44

90 minutes cuz that's the rich phase of

Time: 7597.199

deep sleep and they were able to

Time: 7599.92

increase the amount of Deep Sleep

Time: 7603.04

significantly the problem in that first

Time: 7605.079

study was that they also did a memory

Time: 7607.239

test because in all of these studies

Time: 7609.32

including my own even if I boost your

Time: 7612.119

sleep tonight Andrew hubman my next if

Time: 7615.48

that's the result that you show me I

Time: 7616.88

have four words for you as a scientist

Time: 7619.559

yes and so

Time: 7621.4

what is it functional because if I boost

Time: 7625.52

your sleep but it doesn't change

Time: 7627.32

anything to you the organism the next

Time: 7629.32

day I'm going to suggest that that

Time: 7631.28

enhancement is Epi phenomenal not

Time: 7634.559

functional so it has to improve some um

Time: 7638.079

some reasonable metric in wakefulness

Time: 7640.639

that like improves improved memory um

Time: 7642.92

improved uh task switching ability so

Time: 7645.679

it's outcome measures strength correct

Time: 7648.36

something yeah so even if I for example

Time: 7651.36

you know lower your blood pressure with

Time: 7652.96

a new drug if I'm not changing your

Time: 7655.199

cardiovascular disease risk then the

Time: 7657.159

question is why am I just continuing on

Time: 7660.159

with the drug if it's not really

Time: 7661.28

changing much same thing here and what

Time: 7663.84

they found was that when they did the

Time: 7665.119

memory test the next morning by

Time: 7667.04

enhancing that deep sleep there actually

Time: 7668.88

wasn't a memory benefit so perhaps what

Time: 7672.4

was happening is that this was just

Time: 7674.119

non-specific so again they then returned

Time: 7677.199

and now others have returned to the

Time: 7678.84

closed loop mechanism where now I've got

Time: 7681.52

electrodes on your head and I'm

Time: 7683.32

measuring your slow wave brain waves and

Time: 7685.76

literally I am next door in the room and

Time: 7688.159

I'm watching those slow brainwaves go up

Time: 7689.96

and down and then I've got a computer

Time: 7691.559

algorithm that is watching those

Time: 7693.48

watching in quotes watching that too and

Time: 7696.4

it's predicting when the next wave is

Time: 7697.92

going to come and when it does auditory

Time: 7700.639

tone clicks Awakening you don't wake up

Time: 7703.639

and sure enough when you sort of tone

Time: 7706.88

into the brain at that time you boost

Time: 7710.079

the the size of that brain wave and once

Time: 7713.32

again they boosted the size of those

Time: 7714.84

deep sleep brain waves they also improve

Time: 7716.88

those more quick burst of activity the

Time: 7719.719

sleep spindles and now sure enough they

Time: 7722.239

were able to improve memory however if

Time: 7724.88

you look at that paper and here's why I

Time: 7726.8

think the first method may not have

Time: 7728.48

worked very well and why I don't suggest

Time: 7731.48

people start trying to set this up

Time: 7734.159

themselves when they kept stimulating

Time: 7737.48


Time: 7738.4

brain slow wave after slow wave after

Time: 7741.639

about three or four strikes of the

Time: 7745.679

metronome to boost those slow waves the

Time: 7748.719

benefits stopped and if they kept going

Time: 7752

you started to inhibit the amount of

Time: 7755

naturally occurring deep sleep brain

Time: 7756.96

waves why would it do this deep sleep

Time: 7759.52

brain waves I told you in the first

Time: 7761.04

episode are a Act of incredible neural

Time: 7764.52

coordination it's Mass coordination now

Time: 7767.92

one of the extreme versions of mass

Time: 7770.32

coordinated propagated activity that is

Time: 7772.88

maladaptive that is pathological is

Time: 7775.48

called an epileptic seizure and your

Time: 7778.199

brain has in place for the most part

Time: 7780.719

stop gaps to prevent that type of spread

Time: 7785.04

of vast amounts of coordinated

Time: 7787.92

spontaneous electrical oscillations

Time: 7790.559

because the brain is such a conductive

Time: 7792.48

device that once you get it going you've

Time: 7794.36

got to be careful because it may start

Time: 7796.48

to conduct out of control so we think

Time: 7798.679

that these checks and balances that were

Time: 7800.719

in place even though you can

Time: 7802.36

artificially stimulate it for a while

Time: 7804.52

after a while the brain

Time: 7806.639

says you've got to back off for a while

Time: 7809.04

because this is getting a little bit out

Time: 7810.4

of control you do a breath pause and

Time: 7812.92

then you restart again and you get the

Time: 7814.76

benefit and then you breath pause so

Time: 7816.48

you've got to do it a little bit

Time: 7817.639

intimately now you've got to read the

Time: 7819.92

what we call the supplemental materials

Time: 7821.8

of that paper you've got to go it's like

Time: 7823.44

the fine print on a legal document if

Time: 7825.079

you dig into it you can see that that

Time: 7827.079

was the case but um it it wasn't

Time: 7829.199

necessarily evident so those were really

Time: 7832.639

the data

Time: 7833.88

on acoustic stimulation and now with

Time: 7836.559

this closed loop acoustic stimulation

Time: 7838.84

that we've got going on it seems to

Time: 7841.079

provide these nice

Time: 7842.96

benefits some people then will probably

Time: 7845.48

be asking what about these noise

Time: 7848.4

machines what about white noise Etc

Time: 7851.96

I've taken a look at this and so far I

Time: 7854.599

think for White Noise machines the data

Time: 7856.84


Time: 7857.8

equivocal there was a recent study

Time: 7860.599

review article I think it looked at

Time: 7862.119

about 37 different studies I could have

Time: 7865.239

this wrong and what they found was that

Time: 7868.079

there was no reliable robust directional

Time: 7871.28

effect of white noise machines on sleep

Time: 7875.44

some studies demonstrated that it helped

Time: 7877.44

sleep some studies didn't change sleep

Time: 7879.559

some studies suggested it may make sleep

Time: 7881.84

a little bit worse just nothing reliable

Time: 7883.92

but maybe it's masking external sound

Time: 7886.599

correct so I think if and the one of the

Time: 7888.559

positive studies in that scenario was a

Time: 7890.44

study that was done in New York City and

Time: 7893.559

it was in a region where there was a lot

Time: 7898.159

of um external sound pollution and noise

Time: 7902.04

as you could well imagine it's New York

Time: 7904.8

City and sure enough that's where they

Time: 7907.44

got some really nice benefits of the

Time: 7909.599

white noise machine so I think it is

Time: 7911.32

you're right context dependent there was

Time: 7913.88

a an interesting recent study that came

Time: 7916.199

out from uh eaman Learners group at uh

Time: 7920.88

the University of Texas San Antonio and

Time: 7923.8

they didn't use White Noise they used

Time: 7926.639

pink noise now what's the difference

Time: 7929.079

pink noise has a little less what we

Time: 7933.199

call power or intensity in the higher

Time: 7936.28

frequency ranges of the sound spectrum

Time: 7939.88

and it's more enriched in the slower

Time: 7943.4

domain of that power Spectrum which you

Time: 7946.159

could argue is a bit more fitting with

Time: 7948

sleep and I think this study may have

Time: 7950.4

been a nap study or I may be wrong but

Time: 7953

anyway what they found was that they

Time: 7954.88

increased Total Sleep Time by I think it

Time: 7958.28

was close to 30 minutes with the pink

Time: 7960.52

noise they did not change the amount of

Time: 7963.36

deep sleep but they did inhance the

Time: 7965.719

amount of stage two non-rm sleep which

Time: 7968.159

we have spoken about before and we will

Time: 7970.239

in subsequent episod epodes that is

Time: 7972.119

beneficial for things like learning in

Time: 7973.599

memory including motor skills and they

Time: 7976.48

increased the amount of REM sleep to a

Time: 7978.52

much more modest degree but those

Time: 7980.8

changes were significant so I'm not

Time: 7984.52

trying to rule out noise machines right

Time: 7988.119

now and I have no affiliation with any

Time: 7990.159

company or anything in that space um I

Time: 7993.52

don't want to throw the baby out with

Time: 7994.8

the bath water I just simply think that

Time: 7996.8

right now we don't have enough evidence

Time: 7998.88

but as you and I know as scientists

Time: 8001.48

absence of evidence is not evidence of

Time: 8003.52

absence just because it doesn't exist

Time: 8005.76

doesn't mean that I don't think that

Time: 8007.199

it's still a potential root these types

Time: 8009.52

of machines what about

Time: 8013.159

kinesthetic stipular uh tools protocols

Time: 8018.36

um you know body position is something

Time: 8020.48

that has an interesting relationship to

Time: 8022.559

propensity to fall asleep based on brain

Time: 8024.44

cooling that we talked about in another

Time: 8026.76

episode but what about manipulation of

Time: 8030.04

the body's mov movement um uh yeah what

Time: 8033.36

is there anything in that domain it

Time: 8035.96

sounds wacky at first yeah it does but

Time: 8039.32

but I said it so you I still want to

Time: 8042.36

know come on social media just be be

Time: 8045.559

nice be friendly um I would say that if

Time: 8049.52

you look back in again the annals of

Time: 8052.32


Time: 8053.4

history from the very early Inception

Time: 8056.159

you will see mentions of a child being

Time: 8059.48

rocked in a Manger or rocked in a crib

Time: 8062.8

often parents will have will take their

Time: 8065.48

young infant and you will quote unquote

Time: 8067.88

Rock them to sleep and we as adults will

Time: 8073.28

sometimes get in a hammock and if you're

Time: 8075.4

rocked what happens you will fall as

Time: 8077.88

it's that prototypical image of someone

Time: 8080.159

with their hat over their face and in a

Time: 8082.52

hammock and they've sort of fallen

Time: 8084.84

asleep so it was very clear that

Time: 8087.679

something was going on in this space and

Time: 8090.4

then a group from the University of

Time: 8092.679

Geneva um led by another fantastic sleep

Time: 8095.679

scientist Sophie Schwarz did an epic

Time: 8099.44

study that again it's one of those

Time: 8101.599

studies that I

Time: 8103.119

probably once more wished I'd

Time: 8106.599

done here's what they did they took a

Time: 8109.4

bed frame and then they suspended it on

Time: 8112.52

chains from the ceiling now stick with

Time: 8114.52

me I'm not going in that you know

Time: 8116.52

there's no hot candle wax being applied

Time: 8118.48

here don't worry I'll I'll keep it PG

Time: 8120.4

again and then the next thing that they

Time: 8122.599

did was connect a rotating arm to that

Time: 8125.159

bed at the side of the bed and that arm

Time: 8129

would start to simply just push the bed

Time: 8132.28

laterally from left to right left to

Time: 8135.079

right and they started just swinging the

Time: 8136.84

bed in a very controlled manner but here

Time: 8139.84

and I should ask Sophie exactly why they

Time: 8141.76

made this choice they were rotating the

Time: 8144.44

bed not at this sort of around one Hertz

Time: 8148.079

which is what we've done with electrical

Time: 8149.36

stimulation or acoustic stimulation

Time: 8151.559

they were doing it

Time: 8152.88

at25 Herz which is much slower still

Time: 8156.8

almost imper is rocking you know once

Time: 8161.76

every four seconds it's a very

Time: 8166.92


Time: 8168.84

lull and sure enough what they found in

Time: 8172.04

the first series of studies they did a

Time: 8173.559

nap study a 90-minute nap study when you

Time: 8176.559

did this rocking Motion versus when the

Time: 8178.52

bed was still they increased the speed

Time: 8181.52

with which people fell asleep they

Time: 8183.8

boosted the amount of deep sleep and

Time: 8185.96

they boosted the amount of those sleep

Time: 8188

spindle oscillations that we described

Time: 8191.199

not satisfied they then said well what

Time: 8192.96

happens across a night of sleep they did

Time: 8195.439

it then across a night of sleep they

Time: 8197.28

replicated the same findings and now

Time: 8199.319

they got a memory benefit now the memory

Time: 8201.16

benefit you could argue was modest it

Time: 8203.559

was 10% of a memory improvement benefit

Time: 8207.519

when you woke up from sleep relative to

Time: 8209.92

the already aable benefit that sleep

Time: 8212.359

naturally gives when you're not rocking

Time: 8213.96

the bed but you think well 10% if I were

Time: 8218.639

let's say a student and I got you know a

Time: 8222.319

b and someone the professor said Look by

Time: 8225.24

the way there is something that you can

Time: 8226.96

do and we can increase your grade by 10%

Time: 8229.359

and you can get to an A or an A plus

Time: 8231.319

depending on the grading system would

Time: 8233.08

you take it would you take 10% benefit

Time: 8236.359

absolutely you would s grade point

Time: 8238.92

average in increase so it's it it isn't

Time: 8242.08

trivial necessarily well I also I'm I'm

Time: 8245.719

positively surprised how important this

Time: 8248.599

um but so what uh condition is for you

Time: 8251.84

sleep researchers you know that that an

Time: 8254.399

enhancement in say deep sleep or rapid

Time: 8256.24

eye Moon movement sleep needs to

Time: 8257.88

translate to some Daytime benefit um in

Time: 8260.599

order to really get you guys excited but

Time: 8264.16

but here's why I I think that's great

Time: 8265.88

it's always great to have a high

Time: 8267.2

threshold for excitement um but one of

Time: 8269.76

the things that that one could argue is

Time: 8273.28

that you know there are only so many

Time: 8275.04

tests that you can have in a Laboratory

Time: 8277.599

um of daytime functioning I think I am

Time: 8280.88

on board the the fact that sleep is the

Time: 8284.319

Bedrock of mental health physical health

Time: 8286.08

and performance so an improvement in in

Time: 8289.719

you know sign a statistically

Time: 8291.319

significant Improvement in deep sleep or

Time: 8293.719

REM sleep to me just seems like that's

Time: 8296.04

got to be good for something we might

Time: 8298.559

not know what that something is to test

Time: 8300.16

in the laborat

Time: 8301.359

but it could be that the threshold for

Time: 8302.88

improvement of say gut microbiome

Time: 8304.88

production of neurotransmitters is you

Time: 8307.08

know .1% Improvement in deep so we don't

Time: 8309.76

know I made that up so don't quote that

Time: 8311.359

statistic anyone but I so admire the the

Time: 8314.08

the um kind of extreme thresholds of

Time: 8316.88

what you what gets you guys excited well

Time: 8318.559

no your point is a very good one because

Time: 8320.559

you could argue based on what I just

Time: 8322.639

went back and said regarding the

Time: 8325.599

exercise study with Ronda Patrick I've

Time: 8328.04

just reversed my own threshold logic I

Time: 8331

said to you well okay exercise was able

Time: 8333.96

to overcome some of the deficits that

Time: 8337.08

occur by way of sleep deprivation for

Time: 8338.76

your blood sugar but don't assume that

Time: 8341.24

that necessarily means it overcomes the

Time: 8344

detriments the other detriments that

Time: 8345.8

you'll have for your hormonal Health

Time: 8348.04

your you know Thermo regulatory capacity

Time: 8350.88

your cardiovascular disease your brain

Time: 8352.639

function so I've just said look simply

Time: 8356.439

you know one thing doesn't mean that

Time: 8358.96

you've assessed all things and now now

Time: 8360.92

I'm saying okay if you don't show that

Time: 8363.559

it improved that one thing then it's not

Time: 8366.28

functional but Matt by your own logic

Time: 8369.399

you've said that but you didn't assess

Time: 8371.24

many of the other things so even if it

Time: 8373.479

didn't improve memory as you said it's

Time: 8375.88

the Bedrock of all things

Time: 8378.84

Health you need to assess all of them

Time: 8381.359

before you make your conclusion of the

Time: 8384

yes and so what failed test so you're

Time: 8386.76

absolutely right to point that out um so

Time: 8391.479

what was interesting after that data

Time: 8393.8

came out in humans which is usually the

Time: 8395.76

opposite way around they started to look

Time: 8397.16

in in animal models and you mentioned

Time: 8399.72

the vestibular system this ability for

Time: 8402.439

us to understand motion and movement and

Time: 8405.24

there's lots of mechanisms for that they

Time: 8407.8

looked at mice and they started doing

Time: 8411

this rocking again and sure enough the

Time: 8414.439

mice fell asleep faster but then they

Time: 8417.76

found a strain of mice that did not have

Time: 8421.6

the lateral vestibular sensation

Time: 8425.399

mechanism and they rocked them just the

Time: 8427.96

same way zero change in their sleep

Time: 8431.8

because you could imagine well it's

Time: 8433.24

important to understand the mechanism

Time: 8434.84

here is it that when you're rocking

Time: 8437.24

there is it's not just about vestibular

Time: 8439.24

stimulation maybe that

Time: 8441.319

rocking sort of modestly changes

Time: 8444.359

friction which changes temperature you

Time: 8447.24

could come up with all sorts of wacky

Time: 8448.6

reasons this was a very clear C caal

Time: 8450.92

manipulation of the lateral vestibular

Time: 8453.28

system and if that is not in place you

Time: 8455.52

fail to get the benefit so it clearly

Time: 8457.96

has something to do with the vestibular

Time: 8460.6

system can I Venture a guess as to why

Time: 8462.56

that is yeah I interrupted but in case

Time: 8465.04

that happen to be right by some chance I

Time: 8467.72

previously talked about the um the need

Time: 8471.439

to lose uh a sense of one's posture in

Time: 8475.64

relationship to gravity in order to fall

Time: 8477.52

asleep right you have to go into this uh

Time: 8480.04

lack of propr receptive awareness in

Time: 8482.08

order to fall asleep propri reception

Time: 8483.96

being the knowledge of where one's limbs

Time: 8485.359

are relative to the body and body

Time: 8486.8

relative to other surfaces and gravity

Time: 8488.68

yeah and um this is something that can

Time: 8490.8

be accomplished in these uh you know

Time: 8492.76

flotation tanks and things like that um

Time: 8495.68

and other ways go to outer space but um

Time: 8499.88

the cheaper version the cheaper version

Time: 8502.12


Time: 8503.6

so could it be that the rocking at that

Time: 8506.479

very slow frequency um is tapping into

Time: 8509.72

the vestibular system in a way that that

Time: 8511.92

propri receptive feedback about body

Time: 8513.88

position is somehow um uh starts to

Time: 8517.68

vanish and because I'm intrigued by this

Time: 8520.439

idea that you have to lose perception of

Time: 8523

your body's positioning and and propr

Time: 8525.28

receptive awareness in order to fall

Time: 8527.08

asleep uh and maybe your a description

Time: 8530.64

earlier of a protocol of going on a

Time: 8532.439

mental walk um in order to fall asleep I

Time: 8535.8

I just feel like these things are

Time: 8536.88

starting to converge on on on some

Time: 8538.64

themes here central Comm pathway that

Time: 8540.88

could be the absence of I think it's

Time: 8543.72

entirely possible in some ways right now

Time: 8546.84

we think that these two things are

Time: 8548.12

associated that as you're falling asleep

Time: 8550.68

gradually you will lose propri receptive

Time: 8553.16

sensation okay

Time: 8555.52

but simply the fact that two things are

Time: 8558.64

associated doesn't necessarily mean

Time: 8560.64

they're causal but your suggestion here

Time: 8563.04

is a very elegant way of testing that

Time: 8565.52

hypothesis which is that perhaps if you

Time: 8568.24

could show that the symmetric of

Time: 8571.16

proprioception becomes compromised when

Time: 8573.76

you start doing

Time: 8575.72

lateral sort of kinesthetic or movement

Time: 8579.24

stimulation that's a very powerful

Time: 8581.72

demonstration that it's not just so here

Time: 8584.88

with the study in the mice they lacked

Time: 8587.68

the lateral vestibular sensation and you

Time: 8590.399

lost the Sleep benefit but maybe there's

Time: 8592.24

one step down which is that when you

Time: 8594.479

lose that vestibular stimulation you

Time: 8597.16

lose the benefit on the thing that

Time: 8599.08

really is augment ing the Sleep which is

Time: 8601.92

the change in propr reception so this is

Time: 8604.6

the first step in a chain of command and

Time: 8607.479

you've missed the final common

Time: 8609.2

transactor of that ingredient called

Time: 8611.399


Time: 8612.439

sleep and those I would say are probably

Time: 8614.92

the the four current bastions of sleep

Time: 8619.319

augmentation hopefully that describes to

Time: 8621.76

listeners the range of where sort of

Time: 8624.04

sleep 3.0 sleep enhancement 3.0 is going

Time: 8628.12

and also describes the way in which

Time: 8630.479

which we can come down the strata from

Time: 8632.319

high friction low friction to no

Time: 8633.92

friction um and also in terms of cost

Time: 8637.08

where you can have high cost minimal

Time: 8638.72

cost low cost I mean hot bath or shower

Time: 8641.08

is Pennies on the dollars so especially

Time: 8643.84

if you take a cold shower in the morning

Time: 8645.399

and save on your heating bill so you can

Time: 8646.88

take a little bit longer hot shower in

Time: 8648.76

the evening and then you net the zero

Time: 8651.24

difference um it's just my way of saying

Time: 8653.92

take a cold shower in the morning feels

Time: 8655.68

great when you get

Time: 8657.359

out what about some ways to enh rapid

Time: 8661.2

eye movement sleep beyond what you've

Time: 8663.84

covered up until now so I think there

Time: 8667.8

are probably two emerging data sets that

Time: 8670.64

I've been intrigued by one of which

Time: 8672.64

we've been doing some work on and it

Time: 8674.399

comes back to Thermal what I fail to

Time: 8676.92

mention is not just that you need to

Time: 8678.479

warm up to wake up which you do but you

Time: 8681.08

also need to warm up to REM sleep but

Time: 8684.439

not too much if you take an organism or

Time: 8688.2

a human being and you strip them of bed

Time: 8690.399

sheets and strip them of clothes so

Time: 8692.12

they're basically almost on

Time: 8695.04

natural if you warm the body up to what

Time: 8698.479

we call the Thermon neutral point so it

Time: 8702.479

tends to be and this sounds extreme and

Time: 8704.72

it you don't have to do this because

Time: 8706.12

you're under sheets and that makes a

Time: 8708.359

world of difference but if you warm the

Time: 8711.12

room to about 30° C which gets close to

Time: 8716.76

at the surface ambient level for your

Time: 8719.6

skin something that can bring your core

Time: 8722.359

body temperature up back up to operating

Time: 8724.76

because I told you when you go when

Time: 8726.84

you're in that deep sleep trigger Zone

Time: 8728.359

the middle Zone your core body

Time: 8730.12

temperature drops and it drops

Time: 8731.64

significantly and to wake up you have to

Time: 8734.439

warm up but on the journey to warming up

Time: 8737.08

you also have to get to Thermon

Time: 8740.319

neutrality for you to have REM sleep if

Time: 8743.52

I keep you too cold I can reduce the

Time: 8747.479

amount of REM sleep if I get you too hot

Time: 8750.359

but I can imper the amount of REM sleep

Time: 8753.72

so it's a Goldilocks phenomenon not too

Time: 8755.92

little not too much just the right

Time: 8757.92

amount if I keep you there in terms of

Time: 8760.08

your thermal um net neutrality I can

Time: 8763.439

boost your RAM sleep now that's

Time: 8771.08

fishlyn they run at different hot

Time: 8773.439

temperatures they've got different

Time: 8774.72

partner situations so you need a Clos

Time: 8777.319

loop system again but it's something

Time: 8779.92

that very interested in because almost

Time: 8783

all of the methods that I've described

Time: 8784.64

and you are smart to pick this up all

Time: 8786.96

target deep non-rm sleep but we spoke

Time: 8789.72

about in the first episode every stage

Time: 8791.359

of sleep is important and in subsequent

Time: 8793.16

episodes I'll tell you exactly why REM

Time: 8795.56

sleep is so critical so how can we boost

Time: 8798.08

that that's one way that was starting to

Time: 8800.68

explore it but nothing I think solid yet

Time: 8804.279

the other is some of the drugs the newer

Time: 8807.12

sleep medications that have come onto

Time: 8808.8

the market and um again I think I

Time: 8811.279

mentioned I I did take the task and I

Time: 8814.16

feel perhaps rightfully so about the

Time: 8816.72

classic sleep medications that if you

Time: 8818.96

look at the scientific data if you can

Time: 8820.72

avoid them it's probably best to do so

Time: 8823.56

things like ambient Etc we call them the

Time: 8826.479

Z drugs because they all start their

Time: 8828.04

sort of generic names are sort of start

Time: 8830.8

with a zed you know

Time: 8833.279

um ambian for example um has uh has a

Time: 8838.439

zed at the start of it for its generic

Time: 8839.88

name but but I don't want to get into

Time: 8841.16

naming any

Time: 8843

necessarily yeah but um for

Time: 8846.439

ambient what's interesting about those

Time: 8849.359

medications again they're are in a class

Time: 8851.08

of drugs that we call the sedative

Time: 8852.92

hypnotics so again sedation not sleep

Time: 8855.84

and also there's been some great work

Time: 8857.359

again by D and dyin colleagues if I were

Time: 8859.16

to show you the that that electrical

Time: 8861.04

signature of your deep sleep it does

Time: 8863.399

look as though those drugs kind of

Time: 8865.12

increased the amount of electrical

Time: 8867.479

activity in that slower deep sleep range

Time: 8869.76

except once you go all the way to the

Time: 8871.84

far left to the slowest of those slow

Time: 8873.8

brain movies which turns out to be the

Time: 8877.08

the types of waves that are most

Time: 8879

beneficial for most health related brain

Time: 8881.76

and body functions you get this huge

Time: 8885.08

dent in your electrical brain wave

Time: 8887.92

activity it's almost as though those

Time: 8889.76

drugs take a bite out of that realm of

Time: 8893.04

of electrical activity and of course

Time: 8895.399

there are issues with daytime sleepiness

Time: 8898.6

and some safety related issues that has

Time: 8900.24

been Health associations not necessarily

Time: 8902.64

causal and so I was you know I I offered

Time: 8906.479

one scientific Viewpoint of those

Time: 8908.72

medications in the book and um and so be

Time: 8911.64

it it's not as though i' I'm anti-m

Time: 8913.6

medication as I said and some of the new

Time: 8916.12

medications are very interesting brings

Time: 8917.76

me back to REM sleep there's a new class

Time: 8919.359

of sleep medications called the Doras

Time: 8922.52

and it stands for it's d o r a small s

Time: 8928.279

and it stands for Jew

Time: 8930.88

orexin receptor

Time: 8934.439

antagonists oh my goodness mouthful that

Time: 8936.96

just sounds like word salad to anyone

Time: 8938.68

who's not a

Time: 8940.24

neuroscientist orexin which is part of

Time: 8943.279

that um set of words is a chemical in

Time: 8946.52

the brain and ereen became prominent

Time: 8949.6

with the study of noopsy and what we we

Time: 8952.439

as the Royal Wii people like Emanuel

Time: 8954.52

Mano and others um at Stanford what they

Time: 8957.72

discovered was that noptic patients have

Time: 8959.68

a found deficit in this this chemical

Time: 8963.92

orexin and receptors also called

Time: 8966.439

hypocretin and it has a function both it

Time: 8968.76

turns out for wakefulness and a function

Time: 8971.16

for feeding and eating related behaviors

Time: 8973.72

hypocretin was probably more related to

Time: 8975.72

it when it was because it was discovered

Time: 8977.479

right around the same time um two

Time: 8979.88

different groups yes exactly beautiful

Time: 8982.359

two different groups named it

Time: 8984.319

differently but noopsy as some people

Time: 8988.16

may know is it's a condition to sleep

Time: 8990.08

disorder and one of the symptoms is

Time: 8992.359

called excessive daytime sleepiness

Time: 8994.279

where you have inappropriate invasions

Time: 8996.52

of sleep during the day when you want to

Time: 8999.08

be awake why well it turns out that this

Time: 9002.12

chemical ereen acts like a finger on the

Time: 9005.6

light switch of all of the apparatus in

Time: 9008.279

your brain that switches on to force you

Time: 9011

awake it reaches down into the it's

Time: 9013.64

released from a central part of your

Time: 9015.479

brain called the hypothalamus and it

Time: 9016.84

releases down into the brain stem to

Time: 9018.92

activate what we call the ascending

Time: 9021.16

arousal system or the reticular

Time: 9023

ascending arousal system of the brain

Time: 9025.08

and when that lights up it's like the

Time: 9026.64

light switch which says on for waking

Time: 9029.52

brain activity and so what was happening

Time: 9032.439

was that this ereen up higher up was not

Time: 9037.479

forcing the finger of wakefulness on

Time: 9040.64

during the day so almost instead of a

Time: 9042.8

switch which is what you

Time: 9044.24

want it was more like a dimmer switch

Time: 9047.279

and you know when you get to that dimmer

Time: 9048.64

switch point right in the middle where

Time: 9050.12

it's flickering it's on it's off it's on

Time: 9051.68

it's off that's almost the state in

Time: 9054.04

which the narcoleptic brain was because

Time: 9055.8

they had a deficiency of orexin so that

Time: 9058.399

was the ereen story in nopy so why is it

Time: 9062

relevant for insomnia well people

Time: 9064.2

realized the problem with Epsy is that

Time: 9067.2

they're asleep during the day when they

Time: 9069.04

want to be awake but the opposite

Time: 9071.64

problem is true of insomnia patients

Time: 9074.359

they want to be asleep at night but

Time: 9077

they're awake so why don't we

Time: 9079.16

selectively de develop a drug that goes

Time: 9081.64

after this finger that flips the light

Time: 9084.479

switch on for wakefulness but now let's

Time: 9086.72

block it at night so we flick the switch

Time: 9090.319

back in the off position we turn out the

Time: 9092.76

lights of the brain and we remove the

Time: 9095.68

problem of insomnia which is excessive

Time: 9099.16

wakefulness at night which is one of its

Time: 9101.88

problems but and therefore when you

Time: 9104.479

remove that indirectly what comes in its

Time: 9107.92

place is this thing called more

Time: 9109.399

naturalist sleep and that's why it's

Time: 9111.16

being more favored now as the principal

Time: 9113.64

drug um it's still not necessarily well

Time: 9116.2

known by physicians or it's not very

Time: 9118.16

well prescribed it's not very well

Time: 9119.359

covered here in the United States

Time: 9120.6

unfortunately with insurance so it's a

Time: 9122.279

very expensive option right now Health

Time: 9125.399

Providers will choose not to do that

Time: 9127.6

unfortunately so what's interesting

Time: 9130.16

about that drug though is that it's

Time: 9132.479

mixed in terms of the studies but quite

Time: 9134.64

reliably it does seem to improve sleep

Time: 9137.04

very much so but it seems to unlike

Time: 9139.399

those classic sleeping pills which

Time: 9141.08

artificially look like they're

Time: 9142.6

increasing deep sleep even though

Time: 9144.6

they're they're not doing sedation these

Time: 9147.04

drugs can improve most all aspects of

Time: 9149.479

sleep but including REM sleep which

Time: 9151.88

those classic sleeping pills did not why

Time: 9154.8

is it doing that we still don't know but

Time: 9156.52

one of the things that the these Dora

Time: 9159.12

drugs do that block the erex in that

Time: 9161.96

take off the the the on position of the

Time: 9164.8

light switch and flip them off when you

Time: 9167.16

switch it off it can actually then then

Time: 9170.08

allow the activation or the stimulation

Time: 9173.279

of something called melanin concentrated

Time: 9176.12

hor hormone or MCH in the brain and that

Time: 9180.72

when it is um triggered on can stimulate

Time: 9184.439

another chemical called acety choline in

Time: 9187.399

the brain which is a

Time: 9189.04

neurotransmitter if there is one

Time: 9190.76

neurotransmitter in the brain that seems

Time: 9192.76

to be responsible almost exclusively for

Time: 9195.8

this thing called REM sleep or

Time: 9196.92

dominantly I should say for REM sleep it

Time: 9198.84

is atile Coline this was discovered way

Time: 9201.64

back in the 1970s by my former um uh one

Time: 9205.08

of my former mentors Alan Hobson at

Time: 9207.24

Harvard and what this drug may be doing

Time: 9210.96

is indirectly boosting the amounts of

Time: 9213.439

acetal choline in the brain particularly

Time: 9215.319

in a region of the brain called the

Time: 9216.399

basil forbrain which is a REM sleep

Time: 9218.279

regulating region and that's the reason

Time: 9220.439

that you get boosts in REM sleep and

Time: 9222.399

people also report dreaming a little bit

Time: 9224.439

more too on those medications so thermal

Time: 9227.84

manipulation getting you to net neutral

Time: 9230.16

thermal zones helps increase REM sleep

Time: 9233.12

but also there are some medications that

Time: 9235.479

were not necessarily designed for REM

Time: 9237.04

sleep enhancements selectively but there

Time: 9239.16

is evidence that they do that so if you

Time: 9241.279

ask me where are we at with REM it's

Time: 9244.92

it's certainly more bereft of methods

Time: 9247.76

than deep non-rem sleep but we are

Time: 9250.2

starting to find some now given what you

Time: 9252.76

just told us about the role of ACL

Time: 9254.68

choline in Rapid eyee movement sleep

Time: 9257.12

what about taking um precur cursors to

Time: 9260.439

acetylcholine I mean certainly a good

Time: 9262.04

number of them exist yeah um you know

Time: 9264.76

even like over-the-counter supplements

Time: 9266.359

like Alpha

Time: 9267.479

GPC um and then of course there are uh

Time: 9270.64

choline donors and things like that that

Time: 9273.04

can increase uh col energic transmission

Time: 9275.76

um is that get into issues of um you

Time: 9279.52

know if one does that globally is it

Time: 9282.2

possible that you increase arousal and

Time: 9283.76

have trouble falling asleep because some

Time: 9285.2

of those coleric agents be activating so

Time: 9289.84

one of the problems the second

Time: 9292.08

is you may stop because you're going to

Time: 9295.04

have to take them before bed you may

Time: 9298.319

Brute Force REM sleep to arrive earlier

Time: 9300.88

and you may therefore come at the cost

Time: 9303.08

of of deep non-rem sleep and so you'd

Time: 9306.279

have to get uh some kind of timed

Time: 9308.399

release capsule which you can do you can

Time: 9310.76

coat these capsule you can get a timed

Time: 9312.279

release and you would want to take it

Time: 9314.68

before bed and then maybe after about

Time: 9317.16

four or five hours you would want to

Time: 9319.12

kick it into gear because now you're in

Time: 9321.52

so it's a littleit gets bit tricky yeah

Time: 9324.16

this is one of the reasons why I

Time: 9325.68

personally this is just my experience

Time: 9327.12

I'm not a fan of of supplements that tap

Time: 9329.399

into the serotonergic system for sake of

Time: 9331.359

sleep because um certainly serotonin

Time: 9334

plays an important role in sleep but

Time: 9335.56

anytime I've taken something you know

Time: 9337.64

5htp or something like that to try and

Time: 9340.08

improve sleep I find that um I fall

Time: 9342.359

asleep and then I wake up very deep deep

Time: 9344.8

sleep and then I wake up um very alert

Time: 9347.319

and I have trouble with the later phases

Time: 9348.8

of sleep and I think that is because yes

Time: 9352.16

serotonin is involved in sleep but it's

Time: 9353.8

involved in sleep at a very specific

Time: 9355.56

point in this as you refer to it this

Time: 9357.399

like Symphony or ballet of different

Time: 9359.08

sleep stages and how they evolve and um

Time: 9361.68

interdigitate with one another across

Time: 9363.439

the night so um while I do think there

Time: 9366.24

are things that one can use

Time: 9367.56

pharmacologically or supplement based to

Time: 9369.359

improve sleep generally I I like to

Time: 9371.56

think of those as the kind of thing that

Time: 9372.64

kind of pushes a away front of the whole

Time: 9374.2

sleep process yeah as opposed to trying

Time: 9376.479

to tap into one specific

Time: 9377.8

neurotransmitter within the sleep

Time: 9380.12

ballet exactly yeah I I like that way of

Time: 9383.359

thinking and you you do have to be

Time: 9384.96

careful because in biology it's often

Time: 9388.8

rare that there are any free lunches in

Time: 9391.16

truth you know Nature has optimized our

Time: 9393.84

system so exquisitly that when you start

Time: 9397.399

to try and gain the system for one thing

Time: 9400.12

be very mindful that it may come at the

Time: 9402.76

cost of something else and that's why

Time: 9405.319

whenever we're doing these types of sort

Time: 9407.8

of developments of Technologies for

Time: 9409.64

sleep we are very cautious not just to

Time: 9412.04

say did we improve the thing that we're

Time: 9413.6

targeting but first call of business in

Time: 9416.479

medicine is not will this drug help you

Time: 9419.399

but firstly is there any downside in

Time: 9422.16

terms of will this drug hurt you and

Time: 9424.479

then you have to understand the cost

Time: 9425.96

ratio benefit between those two things

Time: 9428.52

yeah just one more anecdote uh that is

Time: 9431.04

in agreement with what you said nowadays

Time: 9432.84

there's an increased excitement around

Time: 9435.12

peptides the use of peptides there is um

Time: 9437.96

and I I currently don't use any but I

Time: 9440.319

did a short run with you know occasional

Time: 9443.2

use of cellin which is a secretagogue

Time: 9445.96

which is a growth hormone right SEC it

Time: 9448.359

promotes the secretion of growth hormone

Time: 9450.6

not growth hormone itself I took it not

Time: 9452.359

many times and I was tracking my sleep

Time: 9454.2

and what I noticed is it um put me into

Time: 9456.6

a little bit of a hypnotic State dreams

Time: 9458.12

were very intense but um deep deep sleep

Time: 9462.16

but according to my sleep tracker I only

Time: 9464.64

ran this for maybe three nights um

Time: 9467.479

according to my sleep tracker it

Time: 9468.84

completely eliminate all my rapid eye

Time: 9471.24

movement sleep at least as measured by

Time: 9473.2

the sleep tracker but the amount of of

Time: 9476.04

Deep Sleep of slow wave sleep just like

Time: 9478.439

massively expanded so that that can't be

Time: 9481.319

good that that can't be good I mean know

Time: 9483.399

you don't want to mess with that

Time: 9485.56

cocktail ratio that we described in the

Time: 9487.279


Time: 9488.2

episode presume that it's it's emerged

Time: 9491.479

as the correct you know Da Vinci Code of

Time: 9494.16

sleep stage recipes and there may be a

Time: 9498.68

time and a place where you want to over

Time: 9501.96

index on one of those things for

Time: 9504.64

whatever reason but to do it

Time: 9507.279

consistently and permanently I would

Time: 9509.6

again say if if you think within the

Time: 9513.04

space of a

Time: 9514.68


Time: 9516.24

that you know something that you know

Time: 9520.64

2.6 million years of evolution has not

Time: 9525

understood chances are you're probably

Time: 9527.399

wrong I agree um um and certainly later

Time: 9531.8

in this series we will touch into some

Time: 9533.68

of the over-the-counter supplements and

Time: 9535.359

other things that one can do in order to

Time: 9537.04

augment sleep that do seem to have some

Time: 9538.8

benefit because there are uh such things

Time: 9541.64

um but in the

Time: 9542.96

meantime thank you for providing this

Time: 9545.8

incredible Arc of description of basic

Time: 9550.279

sleep hygiene and regularity light dark

Time: 9552.88

temperature getting out of bed when you

Time: 9554.84

can't sleep alcohol food caffeine

Time: 9557

cannabis unconventional protocols and

Time: 9561.64

let's call them Advanced protocols

Time: 9564.2

electrical protocol brain stimulation in

Time: 9566.399

other words um thermal manipulation

Time: 9569.2

auditory stimulation kinesthetic and

Time: 9572.279

then these rapid eye movement enhancing

Time: 9574.88

um drugs and on and on um Matt uh I

Time: 9580.68

can't thank you enough this has been a

Time: 9582.8


Time: 9583.8

uh replete with actionable tools and

Time: 9587.12

considerations and I love that you took

Time: 9588.6

us to the the The Cutting Edge of of

Time: 9591.12

what's Happening Now I think uh it's

Time: 9593.319

wonderful to talk about the history of a

Time: 9595.359

field and what was discovered it's

Time: 9596.92

wonderful to talk about the present but

Time: 9598.439

it's wonderful that you've um put our

Time: 9600.92

eyes uh a bit into the future of what

Time: 9603.359

the technology for Sleep uh enhancement

Time: 9606.12

and monitoring holds so once again thank

Time: 9609.84

you um you're so welcome if folks

Time: 9612.52

haven't already seen um or listen to

Time: 9614.88

episode one highly recommend they do and

Time: 9617.72

of course we will be back soon soon with

Time: 9620

episode three which is going to get into

Time: 9623.56

all the science and acual

Time: 9626.319

protocols related to napping and

Time: 9629.479

caffeine and some other exciting things

Time: 9632.64

that I know impact people's daily lives

Time: 9634.6

and that they can get moving on should

Time: 9636.88

they choose right away and by moving on

Time: 9639

I mean to

Time: 9640.96

sleep thank you again Delight cannot

Time: 9643.88

wait for the next recording thank you

Time: 9645.6

for joining me for today's episode with

Time: 9647.439

Dr Matthew Walker to learn more about Dr

Time: 9649.84

Walker's research and to learn more

Time: 9651.88

about his book and his social media

Time: 9653.319

handles please see the links in our show

Time: 9655.16

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Time: 9657.08

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Time: 9659.12

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Time: 9660.84

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Time: 9663.08

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Time: 9664.8

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Time: 9667.279

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Time: 9669.16

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Time: 9671.319

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Time: 9672.84

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Time: 9674.64

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Time: 9676.92

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Time: 9678.24

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Time: 9680.439

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Time: 9681.68

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Time: 9683.92

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Time: 9686.04

read all the comments on many episodes

Time: 9688.319

of The hubman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 9690.24

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 9691.84

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 9693.68

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 9695.399

things like improving sleep for hormone

Time: 9697.12

support and for Focus to learn more

Time: 9699.04

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Time: 9700.24

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Time: 9702.279

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Time: 9704.439

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Time: 9707.479

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Time: 9709.279

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Time: 9711.04

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Time: 9714.16

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Time: 9716.04

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Time: 9718.12

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Time: 9720

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Time: 9721.319

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Time: 9723.279

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Time: 9724.76

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Time: 9727

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Time: 9728.84

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Time: 9730.359

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Time: 9732.319

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Time: 9734.479

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Time: 9736.439

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Time: 9738.439

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Time: 9740.439

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Time: 9742.6

sleep to deliberate cold exposure and

Time: 9744.52

deliberate heat exposure we have a

Time: 9746.359

foundational Fitness protocol and much

Time: 9748.6

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Time: 9750.279

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Time: 9752.24

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Time: 9754.279

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Time: 9756.12

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Time: 9758.12

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Time: 9759.96

anybody thank you once again for joining

Time: 9761.88

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Time: 9763.52

sleep with Dr Matthew Walker and last

Time: 9766.399

but certainly not least thank you for

Time: 9768.24

your interest in sign

Time: 9773.16


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