Dr. Matt Walker: How to Structure Your Sleep, Use Naps & Time Caffeine | Huberman Lab Guest Series

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welcome to the hubman lab guest Series

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where I and an expert guest discuss

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science and science-based tools for

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today March the 3D episode in

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our sixth episode series all about sleep

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with expert guest Dr Matthew Walker

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during today's episode we discuss how to

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structure your sleep for optimal mental

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health physical health and performance

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we discuss monophasic sleep schedules

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which are the more typical sleep

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schedule where you go to sleep at night

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and then wake up in the morning so

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sleeping in one bout as opposed to

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polyphasic sleep schedules which are

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when you sleep in two or more bouts

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either at night or perhaps a shorter

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bout of sleep at night and another bout

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of sleep during the day we also discuss

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naps including how to nap how long your

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nap should be whether or not naps are

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good or bad in particular whether or not

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they're good or bad for you it turns out

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this varies according to individual we

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also discuss how your needs for sleep

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and naps vary across the lifespan and we

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discuss body position during sleep which

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might seem excessively detailed but it

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turns out that body position during

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sleep is critical for ensuring that the

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sleep you get is optimally restorative

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as with the first two episodes of this

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six episode series today's third episode

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is filled with both science that is the

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biology of sleep and napping and body

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position and how those relate to one

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another as well as practical tools that

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you can use to vastly improve your sleep

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before we begin I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my

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teaching and research roles at Stanford

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it is however part of my desire and

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effort to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme I'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is betterhelp

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betterhelp offers Professional Therapy

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with a licensed therapist carried out

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online now I've been doing therapy for

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well over 30 years initially I had to do

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therapy against my will but of course I

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continued to do it voluntarily over time

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because I really believe that doing

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regular therapy with a quality therapist

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is one of the best things that we can do

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for our mental health indeed for many

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people it's as beneficial as getting

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regular physical exercise the great

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thing about better help is that it makes

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it very easy to find a therapist that's

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optimal for your needs and I think it's

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fair to say that we can define a great

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therapist as somebody with whom you have

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excellent Rapport somebody with whom you

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can talk about a variety of different

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issues and who can provide you not just

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support but also insight and with better

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help they make it extremely conven vent

Time: 150.239

so that it's matched to your schedule

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and other aspects of your life if you'd

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like to try betterhelp you can go to

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betterhelp.com huberman to get 10% off

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your first month again that's

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huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by element element is an

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electrolyte drink that has everything

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you need and nothing you don't that

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means plenty of the electrolytes

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magnesium potassium and sodium and no

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sugar as I mentioned before on this

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podcast I'm a big fan of salt now I want

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to be clear people who already consume a

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lot of salt or who have high blood

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pressure or who happen to consume a lot

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of processed foods that typically

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contain salt need to control their salt

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intake however if you're somebody who

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eats pretty clean and you're somebody

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who exercises and you're drinking a lot

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of water there's a decent chance that

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you could benefit from ingesting more

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electrolytes with your liquids the

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reason for that is that all the cells in

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our body including the nerve cells the

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neurons require the electrolytes in

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order to function properly so we don't

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just want to be hydrated we want to be

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hydrated with proper electrolyte levels

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with element that's very easy to do what

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I do is when I wake up in the morning I

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consume about 16 to 32 ounces of water

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and I'll dissolve a packet of element in

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that water I'll also do the same when I

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exercise especially if it's on a hot day

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and I'm sweating a lot and sometimes

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I'll even have a third element packet

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dissolved in water if I'm exercising

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really hard or sweating a lot or if I

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just noticed that I'm not consuming

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enough salt with my food if you'd like

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to try element you can go to drink

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element spelled LM nt.com huberman to

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claim a free element sample pack with

Time: 237.439

your purchase again that's drink element

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t.com today's episode is also brought To

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Us by waking up waking up is a

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meditation app that has hundreds of

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different meditations as well as scripts

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for Yoga Nidra and non-sleep deep rest

Time: 252.36

or nsdr protocols by now there's an

Time: 255.239

abundance of data showing that even

Time: 257.639

short daily meditations can greatly

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improve our mood reduce anxiety improve

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our ability to focus and can improve our

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memory and while there are many

Time: 266.32

different forms of meditation most

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people find it difficult to find and

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stick to a meditation practice in a way

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that is most beneficial for them the

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waking up app makes it extremely easy to

Time: 276.44

learn how to meditate and to carry out

Time: 278.72

your daily meditation practice in a way

Time: 281.039

that's going to be most effective and

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efficient for you it includes a variety

Time: 285.039

of different types of meditations of

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different duration as well as things

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like Yoga Nidra which place the brain

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and body into a sort of pseudo sleep

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that allows you to emerge feeling

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incredibly mentally refreshed in fact

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the science around Yoga Nidra is really

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impressive showing that after a yoga

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needra session levels of dopamine in

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certain areas of the brain are enhanced

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by up to 60% which places the brain and

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body into a state of enhanced Readiness

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for mental work and for physical work

Time: 310.84

another thing I really like about the

Time: 312.12

waking up app is that it provides a

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30-day introduction course so for those

Time: 316

of you that have not meditated before or

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getting back to a meditation practice

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that's fantastic or if you're somebody

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who's already a skilled and regular

Time: 324.08

meditator waking up has more advanced

Time: 326.36

meditations and yoga needer sessions for

Time: 328.12

you as well if you'd like to try The

Time: 329.88

Waking Up app you can go to waking

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up.com huberman and access a free 30-day

Time: 335.52

trial again that's waking up.com

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huberman and now for my conversation

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with Dr Matthew Walker Dr Walker welcome

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back Dr huberman an absolute pleasure

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let's talk about the different types of

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sleep because I think most people think

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of sleep as just one thing most people

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sleep at night some people also nap a

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topic we'll also discuss today

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but turns out there are a lot of

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different different types of sleep what

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are the different types of sleep and

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what do they do for us and um I guess

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everyone's probably wondering already I

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certainly am what types of sleep are we

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already engaging in meaning am I

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involved in or having multiple types of

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sleep each night this is a fascinating

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question and it comes back to something

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we've discussed in a previous episode

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the different stages of sleep and how

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they unfold we've described that

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fascinating stuff what you're already

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asking though is is an incredibly sort

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of subtle but relevant question how

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should I be sleeping in terms of the

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phases of sleep should I have one phase

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should I have two phases of sleep or

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should I have many phases of sleep in

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some ways you can answer that question

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on the basis of the lifespan because how

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it is that we sleep in terms of those

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chunking sessions changes as we

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develop to be clear in

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nomenclature I'm saying monophasic basic

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polyphasic unpack that monophasic

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obviously just simply means a single

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phase monophasic when you say phase you

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mean one bout of sleep correct so that

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would be within a 24-hour period you are

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having a single bout of sleep basic then

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means that within that 24-hour phase you

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are having two bouts of sleep and we'll

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speak about how those bouts are split up

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are they split up between two halves in

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the middle of the night or are they

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split up in terms of longer at night

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Siesta like nap in the afternoon and

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then we can speak about polyphasic sleep

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polyphasic sleep we in sleep science

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have been using for many years in the

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context of infancy because there as any

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new parents will know infants do not

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just simply have a nice single bout of

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sleep they're up they're down they're up

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they're down and have many bouts of

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sleep within that 24-hour period and

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that's polyphasic sleep the other term

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or the other application of that term

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polyphasic sleep has been used more so

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in the sort of interesting biohacker

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movement and we can we'll come back to

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that perhaps later on so how do these

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different phases of sleep change across

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the lifespan well we've already said

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that when you're an infant and you're

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first born within the first year of life

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you are incredibly poly phasic and you

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are probably going through wake sleep

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phases every 2 hours why do you do that

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why can't you just simply be born and

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sleep in a monophasic way it's for at

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least two reasons first an infant needs

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to feed every two hours so their energy

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needs and their food intake requirements

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dictate that you can't sleep for very

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long because you need to be awake to

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feed and then you go back to

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sleep Within probably the first six

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months things will start to to change a

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little bit but the second reason that

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you are highly polyphasic when you are

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first born is because your super

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chiasmatic nucleus and in another

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episode we spoke about this Central

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master 24-hour clock that beats out your

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Cadian Rhythm the rise and the fall the

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wake and the sleep that has not yet

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developed it hasn't been glued into

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place into the brain this 24-hour clock

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so the infant seemingly knows nothing

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about when it's light or when it's dark

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outside that just awake or sleep awake a

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sleeve so that's the second reason

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energy feeding needs is the first and

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then an absence of yet a fully developed

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24-hour clock in the brain to beat out

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that beautiful dictated Rhythm by about

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age one that number of phases of sleep

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are starting to decrease but it's still

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highly polyphasic it's not not until you

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get to probably age two or three that

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now you're starting to see this

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consolidation of sleep what do I mean by

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that sleep is now happening more

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dominantly in the night phase of the

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24-hour cycle and there a few abouts of

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sleep during the

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daytime then perhaps by the time you're

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in kindergarten you may be down to just

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two sleeps so now we've switched from

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polyphasic sleep as infants to basic

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sleep as kindergarten could you describe

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that it was basic patterns I recall in

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kindergarten um having nap time in the

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afternoon they put out these little mats

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and every every kid would just kind like

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roll up it's actually sounds really nice

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it's one you know wouldn't and we'll

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speak about how some adults do this too

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but almost every kindergarten system

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that I've inquired about around the

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world different nations they all have

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this nap time and Any teacher will tell

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you if one of those children does not

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nap during that period of time they are

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the Loose Canon they are the live wire

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and in subsequent episodes we'll speak

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about exactly how sleep harnesses and

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improves our emotional and mental health

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and how it falls apart when we don't so

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that that's how it certainly is emerging

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biologically and that's how we as a

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society respect that and accommodate

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and then probably by the age of starting

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school so sort of five or six now we're

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starting to see fully monophasic sleep

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children sleeping long bouts at night

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and then being able to sustain

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wakefulness during the day at that point

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you have locked in your monophasic

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pattern and that will continue

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throughout adulthood and into old age

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with a few caveats that we'll speak

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about so that's how sleep sleep unfolds

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in the monophasic biphasic polyphasic

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sleep across the lifespan it doesn't

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quite tell you however how those

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different stages of sleep change across

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the lifespan so I've shown you the view

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of sleep across the lifespan through one

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lens of the microscope if we click down

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one lens and focus more deeply on the

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different stages of sleep there we see a

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story in uo for the most part you are in

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a sleep likee State as a fetus once you

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get to a certain point of

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development in utero that sleep-like

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state seems to be more so something that

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looks like REM sleep now it's not fully

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fledged full fat REM sleep yet but it

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seems to be something very much like REM

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sleep I say this because in the first

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episode I told you as we go into REM

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and we start to as adults dream the

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brain paralyzes the body so that the

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mind can dream safely those kicks and

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those punches and those elbows that uh a

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mother will feel from the fetus seem to

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be during this dream state often and I

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don't want to shatter any illusions of

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you start singing or you're cing and you

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get these bumps and these elbows and

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these legs kicking and it's beautiful it

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is beautiful but it turns out that it's

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probably the REM sleep state but the

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muscle sort of paralysis has not yet

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developed so you're getting these

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electrical burst this frenetic activity

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of REM sleep that we described but

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you're not getting any of the blockade

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of the motor output and so it expresses

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itself as these kicks and these

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bumps and then during the first six

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months of life and at that point in the

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first 6 months those infants are

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sleeping anywhere between 14 to 17 hours

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a day that's it's immense isn't it I

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mean it's right up there if you look

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across the across philogyny and you ask

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which is by the way a fascinating Topic

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at some point we should do a a separate

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podcast on sleep across different

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species because I know like me you love

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you know the whole variety of sweet but

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you've got elephants who will sleep as

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little as 4 hours and then you've got

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the little brown bat who is the rock

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star of sleep and it will sleep sleep

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almost 17 to 18 hours a day it nudges

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out the sloth in that sense wow can I

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ask you a question about that little

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brown P yeah does it sleep hanging

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upside down does so it can't have sleep

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paralysis in its little claws so it it

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will it will not have that paralysis but

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it goes through the stages of sleep very

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quickly and this happens with birds as

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well so birds that flock on a branch

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they will sleep and they sleep in some

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fascinating ways what some sometimes

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with one half of the brain sometimes

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with both halves but then you say well

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if I'm on a branch and there's this

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wonderful Force called gravity

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underneath me and I go into REM sleep

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and I have that muscle paralysis which

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they do how does that work well they

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only have very brief REM sleep periods

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that last just for a few seconds and

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then they regain their muscle tone got

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it couldn't couldn't help but ask it's

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genius the Flora and the fauna I

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especially that the fauna um enchant me

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that much so I don't want to draw us off

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course but now we know that they can

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that's why the bats don't fall that's

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why the birds Don't Fall correct um so

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when you are then as an infant sleeping

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14 to 17 hours what's happening with

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those different stages of sleep non-rem

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and REM at that point we can't really

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Define and separate the different stages

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of non-r because it's not yet fully

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formed but we have what looks like a REM

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sleep active State and a a deep non-rem

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sleep passive state almost 50% of the

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time that an infant a newborn is asleep

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is spent in REM sleep why do I say that

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with some kind of wonder in my voice

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because as adults we're perhaps down to

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maybe 20% of our time spent asleep is in

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REM sleep but 50% of the time when an

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infant is asleep they are in rem why

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would this be the case and across all

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species that have REM and non-rem the

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time when we see REM sleep in highest

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volume amount is always after birth

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there is something special about REM

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sleep and its function during that early

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period and we now start to understand

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why when you are first born you are

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still going through a huge amount of

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maturation and the recipe for the day

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there unlike when we are teenagers is

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exploding the brain with synapses all of

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these connections throughout the brain

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what we've discovered is that REM sleep

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acts as an electrical fertilizer to

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stimulate the growth of these

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connections within the brain it's almost

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as though you could think about an

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internet service provider with this huge

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new neighborhood and the first call of

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business is to go in and wire up each

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one of those homes with these Fiber

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Optic Cables that's what REM sleep is

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doing and if you start to deprive and

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these were studies gosh done many years

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ago by Howard rthor and others if you

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deprive animals of REM sleep you stunt

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the developmental growth of the brain

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and presumably the whole animal and the

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yeah as a consequence I mean if you look

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at its social behavior even just that

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it's profoundly abnormal because you

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don't have that REM sleep developed

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brain I mention this not because there

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is any causal evidence but we have seen

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REM sleep deep impairments in certain

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disorders such as autism as well as ADHD

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I don't think there is any supportive

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evidence yet to come out with a claim

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that part of the trajectory underlying

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those conditions is abnormalities of REM

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sleep but I it's a very active area of

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research so it's a fascinating time

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though during infancy when you get these

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huge amounts of REM sleep why because of

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what we call synaptogenesis is which is

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simply the creation of sinapsis

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Genesis then as you move from 6 months

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across the next 18 months something odd

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happens Total Sleep time starts to

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decrease REM sleep starts to decrease

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but non-rem sleep actually increases

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even though Total Sleep time is

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decreasing and there's a strange peak in

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lighter stage nonrem what we call stage

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two nonr and those sleep spindles that I

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was describing in the first episode

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These bursts of electrical

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activity we will speak about the role of

Time: 1147.12

those sleep spindles in improving motor

Time: 1149.76

skill learning and we've done a many

Time: 1151.48

many years of work in this area why is

Time: 1154.2

that relevant to this phase of life

Time: 1156.559

that's right around the time when

Time: 1158.76

infants start to coordinate their limbs

Time: 1161

in a skilled way and begin to walk and

Time: 1164.76

we believe that it is part of the

Time: 1166.559

process of the development of the motor

Time: 1168.919

system enabling walking to begin amazing

Time: 1173.039

so then things will change further sleep

Time: 1175.96

time continues to decrease and by about

Time: 1178.96

age five or six now the cocktail blend

Time: 1184.12

of nonrem and REM is down to a stable

Time: 1187.36

ratio that will remain throughout the

Time: 1189.08

lifespan which is a 4:1 ratio so about

Time: 1193

20% of the time that you're asleep will

Time: 1196.24

be REM sleep and the remaining time time

Time: 1199.36

will be 80% of that time will be non-rem

Time: 1202.12

sleeping provided one is getting

Time: 1203.799

sufficient total amounts of sleep

Time: 1205.799

correct and getting it at the right

Time: 1207.52

moments in time that we described in the

Time: 1210.039

first episode getting that sort of that

Time: 1212.44

appropriate chronotype match to the

Time: 1215.44

24-hour clock that will certainly alter

Time: 1218.12

those things too so that's how sleep

Time: 1221.559

unfolds both at the first level of the

Time: 1223.72

lens monophasic basic polyphasic and

Time: 1228.039

then double clicking how the different

Time: 1230.32

stages of sleep unfold and what the

Time: 1232.559

reasons are behind that I then said once

Time: 1235.919

we're adults we become

Time: 1238.44

monophasic yes to a degree but there is

Time: 1242.12

some contention about the way that we

Time: 1245.44

sleep in modernity that we may not be

Time: 1248.2

sleeping in the way that we were

Time: 1250.76

designed to sleep which brings us back

Time: 1253.08

to basic sleep in the first episode we

Time: 1256.84

spoke about this strange after afternoon

Time: 1259.159

dip in our alertness that happens called

Time: 1261.32

the postprandial dip and it happens

Time: 1264.12

somewhere between the 1 to 4:00 p.m.

Time: 1266.039

region and it's measurable and it seems

Time: 1268.24

to be biologically wired into

Time: 1271.24

us if you look at certain cultures that

Time: 1274.039

are not touched by modernity so we and

Time: 1278.32

others have studied studied hunter

Time: 1280.12

gatherer tribes they don't quite sleep

Time: 1282.84

the way that we do and they don't sleep

Time: 1284.799

the way that we do for at least two

Time: 1286.4

reasons the first is that they will

Time: 1289.159

often have a siesta like pattern of

Time: 1291.44

behavior where especially in the hot dry

Time: 1294.279

season they will take a nap in the

Time: 1297.679

afternoon in the wet cooler season that

Time: 1301.159

may not be the case but they certainly

Time: 1303.4

have more of a basic pattern where

Time: 1305.559

they'll sleep longer at night and then

Time: 1307.679

have a short nap Siesta like and then of

Time: 1310.4

course there are Latin and Mediterranean

Time: 1312.279

cultures and they have this practice of

Time: 1314.679

the Siesta like Behavior coming back to

Time: 1317.679

the hunter gather tribes the way that

Time: 1319.32

they also do not sleep in a similar

Time: 1322.24

manner to that which we do is the timing

Time: 1324.679

of sleep they don't go to sleep as the

Time: 1328.64

sun goes down they will usually on

Time: 1330.76

average as a group they will usually go

Time: 1332.679

to sleep about 2 hours after Sundown and

Time: 1336

then they will wake up not with the

Time: 1338.44

rising of the sun they wake up just

Time: 1341.44

before that and you think how are they

Time: 1344.159

predictive of the light no the thing

Time: 1347.2

that changes first before the sun truly

Time: 1349.88

Rises is

Time: 1351.24

temperature and temperature is a very

Time: 1353.76

strong predictor that forces them

Time: 1356.44

awake so when you think about how

Time: 1358.84

they're sleeping then consider the term

Time: 1362.559

midnight most of us never really think

Time: 1365.12

about what the term means midnight

Time: 1368.48

refers to the fact that it is the middle

Time: 1371.08

of the night but for most of us in the

Time: 1373.84

modern world that's the time when we're

Time: 1375.76

thinking about sending our last email or

Time: 1378.12

posting to social media midnight is no

Time: 1380.64

longer midnight for society but it is

Time: 1384.08

for them so should we be thinking about

Time: 1387.88

midnight as the middle of the night in

Time: 1390

the context of the uh extreme early

Time: 1393.4

person morning person who you know

Time: 1397.08

presumably likes to go to bed around

Time: 1398.679

8:00 P.M wake up around 4:00 a.m. most

Time: 1401.24

people hear 4:00 a.m. and they go oh

Time: 1402.84

goodness you know that's early sort of

Time: 1404.64

um you know like the the mighty Joo

Time: 1406.36

willink is is uh famous for posting

Time: 1409.159

images of his of his uh digital watch

Time: 1412.12

usually I think it's 4:30 a.m. wake up

Time: 1414

and that's when he starts his workout so

Time: 1415.88

his Twitter and I guess they call X now

Time: 1418.76

feed and and Instagram is a replete with

Time: 1421.08

images of his watch 4:30 and people

Time: 1422.72

think goodness that's early right but he

Time: 1425.6

was a guest on this podcast spoken to

Time: 1428

him before but he goes to bed pretty

Time: 1429.2

early that's right most nights so in

Time: 1432.48

some sense you know midnight for him or

Time: 1435.48

for somebody with a similar schedule is

Time: 1436.88

truly middle of the night that's right

Time: 1438.52

right but for the other chronotypes for

Time: 1441.36

people that uh prefer to go to sleep or

Time: 1443.279

who naturally um get sleepy around 10 or

Time: 1446.08

11 p.m. or even later um how should they

Time: 1449.52

think about this basic polyphasic

Time: 1451.32

business because um at some level um we

Time: 1454.2

all have to

Time: 1456

reconcile uh our sleep schedule with the

Time: 1458.4

with the demands of work and family and

Time: 1459.96

so on that's right so I was very

Time: 1462.6

specific when I said the hunter gather

Time: 1464.12

of tribes on average that's the way that

Time: 1467.2

they will sleep but like the rest of

Time: 1469.36

society there's a huge distribution and

Time: 1472.919

there will be some proportion of them

Time: 1475.039

who are a little bit like Joo who will

Time: 1477.96

be on the early side of that on the very

Time: 1480.32

early side of that but then there are

Time: 1482.32

other people who are clear night owls

Time: 1484.88

and they may not be going to bed until

Time: 1487.6

you know 10: or 11: and waking up

Time: 1491.12

later so there is a distribution there

Time: 1494.32

you don't have to worry that my

Time: 1496.559

statement of midnight on average that

Time: 1499.679

does seem to be when we are dislocated

Time: 1502.08

from all of the trappings of modernity

Time: 1504.72

how a group of Representative humans on

Time: 1508.039

average will sleep but there is huge as

Time: 1511.36

I said differences from one individual

Time: 1513.6

to the next by the way you can ask the

Time: 1515.559

question why do we have these things

Time: 1517.84

called chronotypes why is there such

Time: 1521.08

variability in how people have a

Time: 1523.88

preference for when they sleep wouldn't

Time: 1526.76

it just be easier if

Time: 1529.12

biology designed us all to be asleep at

Time: 1531.36

the same time not so we mentioned in the

Time: 1535.039

first episode that sleep is truly

Time: 1537

idiotic in the sense that you know

Time: 1539.36

you're not protecting yourself or the

Time: 1542.12

people that you care about and if

Time: 1545

everyone slept at the same moment in

Time: 1547.52

time you as a collective and as an

Time: 1551.039

individual would be vulnerable for an 8

Time: 1554

hour period 7 to n hour period but by

Time: 1557.6

way of this wonderful injection of

Time: 1560.76

variability as to preferences for when

Time: 1563.44

people sleep maybe there are some people

Time: 1565.48

who are going to bed at 8:00 p.m. and

Time: 1567.84

there are other people and they're

Time: 1569.64

waking up at 4: a.m. there are other

Time: 1572.399

people who go to bed at midnight and

Time: 1574.12

wake up at 8:00 a.m. so then think about

Time: 1576.919

that at some point what you've done is

Time: 1579.72

that there will always be someone or

Time: 1582.32

collection of people awake until

Time: 1583.84

midnight and then will always be a

Time: 1585.76

collection of people who are awake

Time: 1587.24

starting at 4:00 a.m.

Time: 1588.919

so as an individual everyone gets their

Time: 1591.24

8-hour opportunity but as a collective

Time: 1594.44

as a clan you are you've reduced your

Time: 1597.399

vulnerability down by 50% because Mother

Time: 1600.96

Nature injected the variability by way

Time: 1603.44

of genetics of chronotype to distribute

Time: 1606.559

that and lessen the burden does that

Time: 1609.279

make any sense it does and it reminds me

Time: 1611.559

of how the Circadian rhythm which we

Time: 1613.72

discussed in episode one is about 24

Time: 1617.44

hours not exactly 24 hours the rhythm of

Time: 1620.12

the supermatic nucleus neurons that

Time: 1622.32

generate the Circadian rhythm as I

Time: 1623.799

recall uh is rarely exactly 24 hours

Time: 1626.96

it's 24.2 or 24.4 and the idea in mind

Time: 1631.2

the just so story uh is that that

Time: 1635.12

variation allows for entrainment

Time: 1637.6

matching to the outside light dark cycle

Time: 1639.36

which changes across the year so you

Time: 1640.76

don't want it rigidly 24 hours because

Time: 1644.48

if there's any variation in light dark

Time: 1646.36

which of course there is you know even

Time: 1647.88

at the equator across the year there's

Time: 1649.24

subtle variations but certainly As you

Time: 1650.76

move away from the equator and so these

Time: 1653.08

these uh variations in you know your

Time: 1655.52

circadian rhythm uh clock scn supermatic

Time: 1660.24

nucleus might be 24.2 mine might be 24.6

Time: 1664.2

24 someone else

Time: 1665.96

24.1 and in that sense um allows some uh

Time: 1670.08

malleability to to matching the

Time: 1672.799

Circadian rhythm to outside light dark

Time: 1674.64

rhythms is that is that a a decent

Time: 1676.919

parallel for what we're talking about

Time: 1678.159

it's a beautiful demonstration that

Time: 1680.36

there is always some it's almost wiggle

Time: 1683.32

room in how biology is programmed

Time: 1687.88

because some degree of sort of noise

Time: 1691

almost sarcastic noise can be very

Time: 1693.96

beneficial and it's much more predictive

Time: 1697.08

of the way in which the world works and

Time: 1699.039

it's much more adaptive for a species to

Time: 1702.6

enact and to embrace that kind of

Time: 1705.36

variability and yours was a beautiful

Time: 1707.72


Time: 1708.72

that it's about 24 hours but it's

Time: 1711.799

certainly responsive to changes in light

Time: 1714.72

duration across the year and it has to

Time: 1717.2

be because we need to buckle ourselves

Time: 1719.88

to the light dark cycle for optimal

Time: 1722.48

survival and here is another

Time: 1724.72

demonstration of where it's not about

Time: 1726.84

the Cadian Rhythm but it's about the

Time: 1729.919

chronotype distribution not within an

Time: 1733.32

individual across the year but across

Time: 1737

individuals at any one moment in time

Time: 1740.08

and that variability once again provides

Time: 1743

a biological

Time: 1745.799

benefit in the first episode and again

Time: 1748.559

now you're discussing chronotypes and

Time: 1751.12

one one thing that I've been meaning to

Time: 1752.919

ask is you said that chronotype is

Time: 1755.96

genetically determined but that

Time: 1758.679

necessarily mean it is directly

Time: 1760.32

inherited from Mom Andor dad meaning if

Time: 1763.96

your parents are both uh extreme early

Time: 1766.32

morning types will you grow up to be an

Time: 1768.12

extreme early morning type you already

Time: 1770.44

established that during infancy and

Time: 1772.12

development uh adolescence Etc that our

Time: 1775.76

chronotype is somewhat masked by some of

Time: 1778.159

the developmental uh um uh Necessities

Time: 1782.72

um but once we reach young adulthood and

Time: 1784.84

and our chronotype has been established

Time: 1787.48

uh can we look to our parents to

Time: 1790.08

determine whether or not we are more

Time: 1791.919

likely to be in morning person or or

Time: 1794.84

late shifted it's very unlikely to find

Time: 1798.08

find anyone whose parents were both

Time: 1801.399

extreme morning types who is a neutral

Time: 1804.679

or an evening type and vice versa so my

Time: 1808.399

guess is that people with if they know

Time: 1812.44

of their biological parents and they

Time: 1813.84

know of their rhythms it's highly likely

Time: 1817.6

that you will at some point acquas in

Time: 1820.96

your lifetime to being very similar to

Time: 1823.96

them now there are certain life

Time: 1826.039

conditions and contexts where you can

Time: 1828.279

you know fight that um if you're really

Time: 1831.039

into you know if you're someone who is

Time: 1834.12

in punk rock band and you're touring all

Time: 1837.48

the time even though your mom and dad

Time: 1839.36

may be morning types and you may be a

Time: 1841.679

morning type you're on the road you're

Time: 1843.6

playing gigs there's no chance but at

Time: 1846.36

some point let's say you retire and you

Time: 1850.399

give yourself the opportunity to express

Time: 1852.32

your natural Rhythm you will go back to

Time: 1854.24

that so yes it's highly genetic it's not

Time: 1857.519

enre highly genetic there is some degree

Time: 1860.48

of modification that happens on the

Time: 1863.24

basis of context and I've just given you

Time: 1865.039

a good example of context and also your

Time: 1867.88

exposure to light you can be someone who

Time: 1870.159

is let's say a neutral like me but if

Time: 1873.32

you're constantly invaded by Electric

Time: 1875.639

Light at night you're drinking too much

Time: 1878.32

caffeine and you're on your laptop and

Time: 1881.399

your computer and your phone and you're

Time: 1884.279

always activated by social media it's

Time: 1886.72

very easy for someone like me to drift

Time: 1889.679

and become a 1 a.m. to you know 9 a.m.

Time: 1894

person that's not my natural type but

Time: 1897.24

context and the environment have shifted

Time: 1899.76

me but for the most part yes to your

Time: 1901.76

question I'd like to take a brief break

Time: 1903.88

and acknowledge our sponsor ag1 ag1 is a

Time: 1907.039

vitamin mineral probiotic drink that

Time: 1908.96

also contains adaptogens and is designed

Time: 1911.399

to meet all of your foundational

Time: 1912.799

nutritional needs by now I'm sure you've

Time: 1914.919

all heard me say that I've been taking

Time: 1916.679

ag1 since 201 12 and indeed that is true

Time: 1920.12

now of course I do consume regular Whole

Time: 1922.039

Foods every day I strive to get those

Time: 1924.24

Foods mostly from unprocessed or

Time: 1926.399

minimally processed sources however I do

Time: 1929.159

find it hard to get enough servings of

Time: 1930.72

fruits and vegetables each day so with

Time: 1932.639

ag1 I ensure that I get enough of the

Time: 1934.96

vitamins minerals Prebiotic fiber and

Time: 1937.2

other things typically found in fruits

Time: 1938.679

or vegetables and of course I still make

Time: 1940.559

sure to eat fruits and vegetables and in

Time: 1942.639

that way provide a sort of insurance

Time: 1944.32

that I'm getting enough of what I need

Time: 1945.96

in addition the adaptogens and other

Time: 1947.519

micro nutrients in ag1 really help

Time: 1949.88

buffer against stress and ensure that

Time: 1951.76

the cells and organs and tissues of my

Time: 1953.44

body are getting the things they need

Time: 1955.519

people often ask me that if they were

Time: 1956.84

going to take Just One supplement what

Time: 1958.48

that supplement should be and I always

Time: 1960.24

answer ag1 if you'd like to try ag1 you

Time: 1963.32

can go to drink a1.com huberman to claim

Time: 1966.44

a special offer you'll get five free

Time: 1968.399

travel packs plus a year supply of

Time: 1970.44

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink a1.com

Time: 1974.84

huberman okay so getting back to these

Time: 1977.279

different uh phase opportunities for

Time: 1980.32

Sleep uh clearly I'm getting the

Time: 1981.679

language wrong here but vacular

Time: 1984.399

monophasic basic and polyphasic um could

Time: 1988.48

you give us a few more examples of

Time: 1990.519

different types of biphasic and

Time: 1992.679

polyphasic sleep so coming back to basic

Time: 1996.519

sleep I describe one version once we are

Time: 1999.08

adults which is the Siesta like notion

Time: 2002.399

one long bout at night short bout during

Time: 2004.6

the day and that bout during the day is

Time: 2008.24

usually matching that drop in alertness

Time: 2011.24

that we described it sort of hits that

Time: 2013.08

sweet spot right there and it's quite

Time: 2015.12

easy for some people to fall asleep in a

Time: 2017.44

period between somewhere between one and

Time: 2019.72

four 1 to four yeah and I know it's a

Time: 2021.76

large window but that just allows us to

Time: 2024.6

sort of know okay if you're someone like

Time: 2026.48

yourself who's a morning type you would

Time: 2029.679

probably start to want to nap a little

Time: 2031.32

bit earli or if you were basic someone

Time: 2033.6

like me a neutral probably an hour and a

Time: 2035.84

half two hours later still

Time: 2038.88

but there is a different version of

Time: 2040.96

basic sleep for adults that has been

Time: 2043.799

described in the literature and it's

Time: 2046.6

fascinating but I don't think it's

Time: 2048.76

biological it's the notion that some

Time: 2050.919

people will have heard called first

Time: 2052.919

sleep second sleep and now you are

Time: 2055.8

splitting your sleep into two phases but

Time: 2058.8

they're split across the night so the

Time: 2061.839

idea is that you fall asleep and you'll

Time: 2064.76

maybe have 4ish hours and then you wake

Time: 2069.639

up and you then are awake for several

Time: 2073.56

hours and then you go back to sleep for

Time: 2076.28

another 3 or 4

Time: 2078

hours if you look in history and the the

Time: 2081.679

record of of human history it's very

Time: 2084

clear that there were some cultures

Time: 2085.96

doing this particularly if you look at

Time: 2087.839

some of the European cultures Great

Time: 2090.24

Britain in particular there is good

Time: 2092.2

evidence that somewhere between about

Time: 2093.599

the 15th to 19th century seems to have

Time: 2097

ended during the kind of dezian

Time: 2100

era people were describing this behavior

Time: 2103.48

and they would wake up in the middle of

Time: 2105.16

the night after about 4 hours they would

Time: 2107.4

make food they would play music they

Time: 2109.28

would write they would make love it was

Time: 2112.04

a real thing and I'm not suggesting that

Time: 2115.119

it did not happen it clearly did and

Time: 2117.64

there's a there a great book that

Time: 2118.92

outlines this but is it the way that we

Time: 2122.8

were designed to sleep bif phasically

Time: 2125.079

versus the Siesta like and I don't think

Time: 2127.4

it is there is no good collection of

Time: 2131.599

evidence if you look at the biology of

Time: 2134.56

our human rhythms that argues that there

Time: 2137.64

is this magical period of a huge spike

Time: 2140.56

in Arcadian Rhythm that happens right in

Time: 2143.2

the middle of the night that should

Time: 2144.52

force us

Time: 2145.839

awake there is one paper that's often

Time: 2148.88

cited for this and in truth that paper

Time: 2151.16

if you read it says nothing about first

Time: 2153.359

sleep second sleep doesn't speak about

Time: 2155.64

basic sleep at all

Time: 2158.64

and that paper I think is unfairly used

Time: 2162.28

as a justification of first sleep and

Time: 2164.04

second sleep and the paper to me has at

Time: 2167.319

least three problem it's a great paper

Time: 2170.56

there's no no problem with the paper and

Time: 2172.119

its hypothesis but its use as

Time: 2175.24

justification for first sleep second

Time: 2177

sleep has three

Time: 2178.8

problems the first is the artificial

Time: 2181.079

nature of the study they weren't

Time: 2182.56

designing it to test the hypothesis but

Time: 2184.68

they had individuals in bed for 14 hours

Time: 2188.16

relative to a standard 8 hour period and

Time: 2191.2

sure enough what they found was that

Time: 2193.359

when you force people night after night

Time: 2195.319

to be in bed for 14 hours somewhere

Time: 2198.8

after about 6 or 7 hours they wake up

Time: 2202.8

and then you can't get out of bed in the

Time: 2205.44

study so you just lie awake and then at

Time: 2208.4

some point I don't know if it's through

Time: 2210.56

boredom or you drift back off into sleep

Time: 2213.68

and that was argued as a clear

Time: 2215.24

demonstration of this split sleep but as

Time: 2218.079

I said they're awake usually for about

Time: 2219.76

six and a half seven

Time: 2222.16

hours also there was no magical

Time: 2225.28

Awakening period it's a probability

Time: 2227.8

distribution and what that means is if

Time: 2230.119

you look at the data it's just more

Time: 2232.599

likely that people will wake up after

Time: 2234.88

about 6 or seven hours and they're more

Time: 2236.8

likely that they will go back down into

Time: 2238.48

sleep it wasn't as though the whole

Time: 2240.56

experiment demonstrated a very clear

Time: 2242.72

termination of sleep that everyone had

Time: 2245.079

at that moment in time so that's the

Time: 2247.2


Time: 2248.359

issue um and the second issue which is

Time: 2250.72

first issue it's kind of an abnormal

Time: 2252.68

thing 14 hours forced in bed the second

Time: 2255.319

is it wasn't a clear separation it's

Time: 2257.28

just simply higher probability the final

Time: 2260.2

issue is that it was a study done in

Time: 2262.76

only seven individuals healthy males and

Time: 2266.04

so I have yet to see it you know scaled

Time: 2270

up did it happen first sleep second

Time: 2272.64

sleep yes it did is there any strong

Time: 2274.839

evidence that that's how we naturally

Time: 2277.2

were designed and have evolved to sleep

Time: 2280.28

I in truth I don't think so at least I

Time: 2283.079

don't see good evidence right now

Time: 2284.56

supporting that but remain open to it in

Time: 2287.52

episode one we talked a little bit about

Time: 2289.96

body position during sleep uh and how

Time: 2293.2

different uh degrees of uh incline or

Time: 2295.88

decline might impact uh some of the

Time: 2297.56

features of sleep and I can't help but

Time: 2299.04

ask now as you uh described this basic

Time: 2302.839

pattern for people that were essentially

Time: 2305.68

experimentally restricted to to the bed

Time: 2308.92

um is there something about being

Time: 2311

horizontal that makes us

Time: 2312.72

sleepy there is and it's perhaps not for

Time: 2316.56

the reasons that you would think which

Time: 2318.4

is okay I'm just pre-programmed when I

Time: 2321.4

lie down and my head hits the pillow it

Time: 2323.72

turns out that it seems to be

Time: 2326.04

temperature that when your body is

Time: 2328.68

recumbent lying flat

Time: 2331.24

horizontal the distribution of how your

Time: 2334.64

body is able to move blood around the

Time: 2338.839

different regions and decrease your core

Time: 2342.319

body temperature meaning it can push

Time: 2344.48

blood warm blood out of the core of your

Time: 2347.079

body to these surface areas and when you

Time: 2351.079

push it out to the surface areas you

Time: 2353.76

release that heat it's this huge thermal

Time: 2356.28

dissipation that happens when we move

Time: 2358.319

Blood Out Of The Core to the surface you

Time: 2360.56

emit that heat and your core body

Time: 2362.44

temperature plummets when your body

Time: 2364.24

temperature your core body temperature

Time: 2366.359

decreases you have a higher likelihood

Time: 2369.119

of sleepiness in fact it's very

Time: 2372.04

difficult for you to fall asleep if your

Time: 2373.76

core body temperature does not drop and

Time: 2377.119

by lying down the body's what we call

Time: 2380.44

vasoactive ability to distribute that

Time: 2383.8

blood in a way that is permissive for

Time: 2386.839

thermal dissipation of core body

Time: 2389.28

temperature is superior and that's the

Time: 2392.28

reason why we find it easier to fall

Time: 2394.76

asleep lying down than let's say

Time: 2397.44

semi-recumbent or certainly propped all

Time: 2400

the way up and it's probably the reason

Time: 2402.119

naturally we evolve just to lie down on

Time: 2405.64

the floor very

Time: 2407.8

interesting maybe now is a good time to

Time: 2409.96


Time: 2410.72

about basic sleep in the context of a

Time: 2414.599

about of sleep at night and the

Time: 2417.68

afternoon nap you've mentioned this

Time: 2419.4

postp parial dip that most people

Time: 2421.56

experience between 1: and 400 p.m. that

Time: 2423.839

many people try and combat with caffeine

Time: 2425.96

we will also talk about Caffe

Time: 2428.079

uh this episode um such an interesting

Time: 2431.04

substance and I think the most commonly

Time: 2434.079

used drug it is a drug after all

Time: 2437.119

worldwide I think more than

Time: 2438.839

90% of adults worldwide consume caffeine

Time: 2441.96

on a daily basis that's correct and I

Time: 2444.24

believe it is after oil it may

Time: 2447.72

be perhaps the second or at least the

Time: 2450.24

third most traded commodity on this

Time: 2452.64

planet and it is what we call a

Time: 2455.48

psychoactive stimulant is a stimulant

Time: 2458.44

and it's probably one of the only

Time: 2459.68

stimulants that we will readily give to

Time: 2461.839

our children and you know not be too

Time: 2465.8

concerned about it we'll get to caffeine

Time: 2468.16

in depth uh a little bit later in this

Time: 2470

episode but I can't help but uh just

Time: 2472.16

mention that someone I think it was

Time: 2473.8

Michael Polland said that you know

Time: 2475.4

caffeine is one of the few drugs that

Time: 2477.319

almost everybody takes just to quote

Time: 2479.2

unquote feel normal yeah exactly you

Time: 2482.56

know it's sort of I think sometimes you

Time: 2484.8

know sleep deprivation is is

Time: 2487.92

simply just the absence of of caffeine

Time: 2490.599

and um so it's a very interesting

Time: 2494

chemical which I have in truth changed

Time: 2497

my mind on and I'm happy to speak about

Time: 2499.44

why I've changed my mind but also some

Time: 2502.44

God rails too we we'll we'll go there

Time: 2505.68

meanwhile I'll take a sip of my uh

Time: 2507.8

Triple Espresso here as we discuss as we

Time: 2511.04

discuss naps are naps good for us should

Time: 2514.52

we nap what if we don't like naps why do

Time: 2517.28

we wake up from naps groggy sometimes

Time: 2519.72

and other times we feel refreshed tell

Time: 2522.2

us about

Time: 2523.92

napping naps are both good and bad

Time: 2528.48

depending on the situation naps can be a

Time: 2531.599

double-edged sword in other words we and

Time: 2534.92

others have done lots of studies on naps

Time: 2538.16

and the benefits are fascinating and St

Time: 2541.72

I'll tell you about one study we did we

Time: 2544

had participants assigned to one of two

Time: 2546.559

groups and at midday they all learned a

Time: 2549.359

whole list of new facts so it was a

Time: 2551.16

study about learning in memory and then

Time: 2554.079

one group took a 90-minute sleep

Time: 2556.2

opportunity sort of focused right around

Time: 2558.599

that drop in alertness the other just

Time: 2561.359

remained awake lying on a bed and they

Time: 2563.68

just watched a nature

Time: 2565.88

documentary and then 5 hours later we

Time: 2570.76

had them do another learning session and

Time: 2574.4

so they've woken up after the 90-minute

Time: 2576.079

nap they've got through that sort of

Time: 2577.68

initial lull that we'll discuss what

Time: 2579.88

that is after you wake up everyone's now

Time: 2583.16

back to operating temperature so in

Time: 2585.44

other words I've had you try to cram in

Time: 2587.559

a whole list of facts at midday and then

Time: 2590.4

a whole list of facts new facts again at

Time: 2592.8

5 p.m. and I can ask what is the

Time: 2595.24

learning capacity of your brain at

Time: 2597.559

midday and at 5:00 p.m. and is there any

Time: 2600.72

difference in your learning ability when

Time: 2603.48

you have had a nap in between versus not

Time: 2606.8

and sure enough what happened in the

Time: 2608.4

group that did not nap their learning

Time: 2610.52

capacity gradually declined across the

Time: 2613

day the nap group they were able to

Time: 2616.76

sustain their learning and in fact if

Time: 2618.559

anything improve it and the difference

Time: 2621.04

between those two groups at 5:00 p.m.

Time: 2623.359

was about

Time: 2624.52

20% so that's certainly non-trivial in

Time: 2627.48

terms of if you to say you know here's a

Time: 2629.44

new compound that can boost your

Time: 2631.8

learning capacity by 20% would you take

Time: 2634.16

it I suspect it would probably make some

Time: 2636.2

money so that's a demonstration of for

Time: 2640

learning in memory we did another study

Time: 2641.599

very much like that in terms of its

Time: 2643.119

design but we looked at your emotional

Time: 2645.48

brain and we were showing people

Time: 2648.44

different types of emotional expressions

Time: 2651.16

and having them rate them and we did

Time: 2654.16

that firstly before an appp and then

Time: 2655.92

after a nap versus um that same time in

Time: 2661.16

sort of midday versus 5:00 p.m. and

Time: 2663.52

another group did not nap and sure

Time: 2665.48

enough the group that did not nap

Time: 2667.599

by about 5:00 p.m. they were starting to

Time: 2669.88

rate fearful faces and angry faces as

Time: 2673.44

much more fearful and much more angry

Time: 2676.359

but if you looked at the group that

Time: 2677.68

napped it was different they actually

Time: 2681.68

lessened the response to fear and they

Time: 2685.319

blunted the normal increase in Anger

Time: 2689.16

sensitivity across the day and the nap

Time: 2692.76

seemed to boost how positively you rated

Time: 2696.119

happy faces

Time: 2697.72

so a nap there had the ability to reset

Time: 2702.359

the magnetic north of your emotional

Time: 2704.76

compass and there was a beneficial

Time: 2707.52

almost added Rose tint to your world viw

Time: 2711

glasses after You' napped what was also

Time: 2714.4

interesting in those two studies two

Time: 2716.04

different types of sleep were

Time: 2717.319

transacting those benefits in the nap

Time: 2719.68

group that was doing the learning the

Time: 2722.599

learning benefit that they got wasn't

Time: 2724.76

just about them napping and sleeping it

Time: 2726.64

was about them having these sleep

Time: 2728.359

spindles the more of those sleep

Time: 2730.24

spindles that you had the greater the

Time: 2732.599

restoration of your learning capacity

Time: 2735

when you wake up for the emotional

Time: 2737.8

recalibration that I described in the

Time: 2739.68

nap that had nothing to do with sleep

Time: 2741.599

spindles or even non-rem sleep it

Time: 2743.92

required REM sleep to produce that

Time: 2747.079

benefit so there are certainly many

Time: 2749.72

benefits and we've look downstairs in

Time: 2751.68

the body blood pressure cardiovascular

Time: 2754

measures immune Health they all seem to

Time: 2757.16

benefit so at that point everyone may be

Time: 2759.92

thinking of course this sounds good not

Time: 2762.16

to mention the basics which is your

Time: 2764.44

attention your concentration your focus

Time: 2767.319

and your energy all improve by way of

Time: 2769.839

naps even your decision- making you said

Time: 2772.119

decision- making yeah even your

Time: 2773.68

decision-making is improved so your

Time: 2775.8

capacity to make the correct decisional

Time: 2778.92

outcomes based on this weight of

Time: 2780.68

evidence that you're facing that's also

Time: 2783.2

improved so almost all areas of

Time: 2786.48

cognition that we've looked at and many

Time: 2788.599

areas of your emotional and mood Health

Time: 2790.88

we've looked at seem to benefit by way

Time: 2793.319

of a nap at that point you're thinking

Time: 2796

so then what's the problem the problem

Time: 2799.4

is that when you nap you release some of

Time: 2804.28

that sleep pressure that's been building

Time: 2806.359

up so in the first episode we spoke

Time: 2808.44

about a chemical called adenosine and

Time: 2810.96

the longer that you're awake the more

Time: 2812.68

adenosine that builds up the more

Time: 2814.64

adenosine that builds up the sleepy you

Time: 2817.359

will feel and after about 16 hours of

Time: 2819.68

being awake you should have lots of

Time: 2821.64

healthy sleepiness of adenosine in your

Time: 2823.44

brain to put you asleep and keep you

Time: 2826

asleep and when we sleep we are able to

Time: 2829.28

clear that adenosine from the brain so

Time: 2831.28

we wake up after 7 to 9 hours and if

Time: 2833.839

it's been good quality sleep we're

Time: 2835.76

refreshed because we've cleansed the

Time: 2837.319

brain in part of that

Time: 2839.16

adenosine when you take a

Time: 2841.72

nap like a pressure valve on a steam

Time: 2845.119

cooker you just Rel relase some of that

Time: 2848.28

healthy sleepiness that you've been

Time: 2849.92

building up so the the Dark Side of

Time: 2853.52

napping is if you are struggling with

Time: 2856.44

sleep and you suffer from insomnia the

Time: 2859.48

advice is do not nap during the day

Time: 2862.48

because you're setting yourself up for

Time: 2864.16

an even higher probability of failure at

Time: 2866.599

night why because when you nap you

Time: 2869.079

release some of that good sleepiness

Time: 2871.04

that we need to build up for you as

Time: 2873.2

someone who is struggling with sleep to

Time: 2875.079

give you the greatest chance of awai of

Time: 2877.04

sleepiness on your

Time: 2878.559

shoulders so if you are not struggling

Time: 2881

with sleep and you can nap regularly I

Time: 2883.119

would say naps are just fine and we can

Time: 2885.559

unpack what is an optimal nap and the

Time: 2888

protocol for what napping should

Time: 2890.68

be I would say that's great the only

Time: 2894.04

caveat is make sure that you're not

Time: 2896.359

napping too late into the day and this

Time: 2898.76

is one of the components of the protocol

Time: 2900.96

of how to nap because napping late in

Time: 2904.04

the day is too close to sleep and you

Time: 2907.68

can think of it almost like snacking

Time: 2910.04

before your main meal a nap late in the

Time: 2913

day just takes the appetite edge off

Time: 2915.4

your sleepiness so that when it comes

Time: 2917.359

time for sleep you're not as hungry

Time: 2919.52

anymore so just keep that in mind but we

Time: 2922.52

can unpack perhaps the optimal way to

Time: 2926.28

nap if you are going to nap and exactly

Time: 2929.92

the dos and the don'ts of that if that

Time: 2931.88

sounds of somewhat interest yeah that is

Time: 2935.88

uh of immen interest to me and I know

Time: 2937.88

many other people I'm a huge believer in

Time: 2939.92

naps I've always enjoyed um short naps

Time: 2943.24

of about 10 to 30 minutes unless I'm

Time: 2945.72

somehow sleep deprived in which case I

Time: 2947.92

will sleep for an hour or even a little

Time: 2950.559

bit more but I make sure I set an alarm

Time: 2952.64

U really based on advice that you gave

Time: 2954.96

me which was to um first of all decide

Time: 2957.88

whether or not a nap is beneficial for

Time: 2960.559

for for me or for whoever is considering

Time: 2963.04

that um but then to make sure that

Time: 2965.96

however long that nap is zero to 90

Time: 2969.079

minutes that it not be longer than 90

Time: 2970.64

minutes because the real goal is to not

Time: 2972.96

disrupt nighttime sleep that's right

Time: 2974.88

which is essentially just a a more

Time: 2976.44

long-winded way of saying what you just

Time: 2977.839

said so how does one determine the

Time: 2980.68

optimal duration of nap um and in

Time: 2985.48

particular to avoid the problem of

Time: 2989.16

disrupting nighttime sleep by napping

Time: 2991.28

but also this uh rather common

Time: 2993.76

phenomenon of waking up and feeling kind

Time: 2995.68

of groggy or even I'm kind of grumpy the

Time: 2998.839

post-nap face uh or we should call the

Time: 3001.72

post-nap expression

Time: 3003.799

right right the P NE what's your P are

Time: 3006.52

do you wake up um in the and for morning

Time: 3009.92

too some people wake up and they're like

Time: 3012.4

that that face and then there's the like

Time: 3014.68

good morning you know and I think people

Time: 3016.359

that wake up with the good morning are

Time: 3017.92

particularly delightful unless you're of

Time: 3019.92

the post Snap expression that is kind of

Time: 3022.2

the the crumpled face and then you just

Time: 3023.88

you don't want to be around those people

Time: 3025.2

right no absolutely

Time: 3027.4

um yeah and this probably relates to

Time: 3029.52

spirit animals and things like that some

Time: 3031.119

people wake up like a like a cheerful

Time: 3032.76

chipmunk and other people seem to wake

Time: 3035.119

up like my Bulldog Costello where it's

Time: 3037

you know um jowls still in contact with

Time: 3039.72

the floor yeah so I'm P I'm trying to

Time: 3042.92

hold it together and not Absol just fall

Time: 3045.44

apart it's brilliant please trade market

Time: 3048.28

so firstly to your question how to

Time: 3051.559

optimally nap the word optimal is

Time: 3055.64

interesting because is when you people

Time: 3058.119

say how long should I nap what's the

Time: 3060.359

optimal nap duration the question I have

Time: 3062.92

back to them is what are you trying to

Time: 3065.68

optimize because once I understand what

Time: 3068.76

you're trying to optimize I can give you

Time: 3070.48

a better prescription non-medical I'm

Time: 3073.88

talking about here the a better sort of

Time: 3075.88

you know protocol piece of advice for

Time: 3077.76

how to nap I mentioned the study about

Time: 3080.319

emotional faces in part for a specific

Time: 3082.559

reason cuz I told you there the benefit

Time: 3085.04

came by way not of non REM sleep but REM

Time: 3087.52

sleep and in our first episode we said

Time: 3089.88

that when you go through these on

Time: 3091.68

average 90minut Cycles you get most of

Time: 3094.4

your non-rem sleep first and then you'll

Time: 3096.68

have this bout of REM sleep at the end

Time: 3098.92

and it always seems to go that way when

Time: 3100.96

you are a healthy normal person you go

Time: 3103.079

into non-rem sleep and then you go into

Time: 3104.72

REM sleep it's very rare that you ever

Time: 3106.64

go directly into REM sleep there are

Time: 3108.68

only two reasons when that seems to

Time: 3110.839

happen the first is a clinical condition

Time: 3113.359

called noopsy where you can have sleep

Time: 3115.04

onset REM sleep and very rare the second

Time: 3117.88

is if you are horrifically deprived of

Time: 3120.24

REM sleep night after night after night

Time: 3123.04

and I let you sleep then at that point

Time: 3126.319

REM sleep the pressure for REM sleep has

Time: 3128.48

been built to to the point of being

Time: 3131.2

almost just insatiable and your brain

Time: 3134.359

goes straight into REM sleep but with

Time: 3137.4

those two things aside you go into

Time: 3138.96

non-rem sleep first so I brought up the

Time: 3141.799

emotional study of resetting your sort

Time: 3144.64

of mood uh compass

Time: 3147.48

because to get that REM sleep you had to

Time: 3150.079

nap for a longer period of time because

Time: 3152.16

you had to get through the non-rem sleep

Time: 3154.28

first before you get the REM sleep but

Time: 3158.079

let's come back to then assuming optimal

Time: 3161.079

is for most people when they speak about

Time: 3163.44

naps I just want the quick reboot I want

Time: 3166.559

my alertness and concentration which are

Time: 3168.68

failing because I'm staring at the

Time: 3170.48

screen or I just can't concentrate on

Time: 3172.559

the work that I'm doing I want my

Time: 3174.76

alertness and my concentration to be

Time: 3176.16

improved proved I want that sort of

Time: 3178.4

slight boost in brain energy where I

Time: 3181.16

know I can sustain myself for now a

Time: 3183.2

longer period of time and I've got the

Time: 3185.16

motivation which is really in some ways

Time: 3188.119

how I like to think about energy as well

Time: 3190.4

I've got the motivation the drive to

Time: 3192

keep going which is just starting to

Time: 3193.52

fail me to get those basic things which

Time: 3197.599

is what most people nap for aim for 20

Time: 3200.68

minute nap why 20 minutes if I thin

Time: 3204.72

slice the nap duration and and those

Time: 3207.16

Studies have been done where we look at

Time: 3208.88

essentially what's called a dose

Time: 3210.04

response curve I give you 5 minutes of a

Time: 3212.2

nap 10 minutes of a nap 15 minutes 20

Time: 3214.88

minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 90

Time: 3217.68

minutes after 5 or 10 minutes you don't

Time: 3221.28

really get very much you will wake up

Time: 3223.44

and you'll have some degree of improved

Time: 3226.64

alertness and your basic reaction time

Time: 3228.4

may be a little bit quicker but that

Time: 3230.079

Fades very quickly and you don't sustain

Time: 3232.64


Time: 3233.359

benefit once you get past about 15 to 17

Time: 3237.68

minutes now things start to look

Time: 3239.52

different you get these nice benefits

Time: 3241.72

for concentrational alertness and

Time: 3244.04

motivation and those things sustain so

Time: 3247.48

once you wake up out of that probably

Time: 3250

really I would say 20 minute nap at that

Time: 3252.88

point you've got some good wind in your

Time: 3255.359

concentration and energy sales for the

Time: 3258.28

brain and that will sustain you

Time: 3260.839

throughout the rest of the afternoon and

Time: 3263.119

into the

Time: 3264.76

evening the benefit of the 20-minute nap

Time: 3267.96

is that you don't get the

Time: 3272.799

PNE trademark Andrew hubman you don't

Time: 3276.24

get that almost sleep hangover so some

Time: 3279.359

people will say it's strange I nap maybe

Time: 3282.04

I'll nap 45 minutes 50 minutes and I

Time: 3285.44

wake up and to be honest Matt I almost

Time: 3288.119

feel worse after the nap than I did

Time: 3290.92

before and I don't understand it it's

Time: 3294.16

something called Sleep inertia

Time: 3297.04

and an extreme version of this is in the

Time: 3300.24

first two hours of your night of sleep

Time: 3303.319

you get a phone call or an alarm goes

Time: 3305.76

off and you wake up and you are just

Time: 3309.359

kind of lost in the ocean you're looking

Time: 3312.2

around at your surroundings you're just

Time: 3313.92

in this groggy State you're half awake

Time: 3316.88

half asleep and you can respond and you

Time: 3318.599

can do things but boy does it feel

Time: 3321.76

miserable and it's almost as though

Time: 3323.52

you're going from the ground floor right

Time: 3325.76

up to the penthouse suite but you get

Time: 3328.16

stuck somewhere in between kind of you

Time: 3330.119

know floor 13 and it's this rough

Time: 3333.16

state if you go out into sleep light

Time: 3337.359

stage one nonrem then stage two nonr and

Time: 3341.2

just before you get into the very

Time: 3343.119

deepest stages of non Ram 3 and four

Time: 3345.88

that starts to happen around 30 to 40

Time: 3348.28

minutes for most people but by cutting

Time: 3351.72

your nap off at 20 minutes you still get

Time: 3355.2

these nice benefits from a good chunk of

Time: 3357.72

healthy non-rem sleep but you're not

Time: 3359.599

going so far into the cycle so deep into

Time: 3363.039

your nonr that when you wake up after 20

Time: 3365.76

minutes you're not in that what we call

Time: 3368.64

Sleep inertia phase that sleep

Time: 3370.4

grogginess that sleep hangover phase so

Time: 3373.039

it's a nice benefit that you get all of

Time: 3375.039

these improvements in your brain but you

Time: 3377.079

wake up and very quickly you're back up

Time: 3379.079

to operating temperature and you don't

Time: 3380.92

suffer that inertia now that's not to

Time: 3383.599

say that when you sleep or you nap

Time: 3385.799


Time: 3386.839

you don't start to get more benefits you

Time: 3389.28

do and those benefits are both greater

Time: 3392.559

in their magnitude and sustain for a

Time: 3395.52

longer period of time they do it's just

Time: 3398.88

that you have to understand the tradeoff

Time: 3401.039

that you will suffer which is I will get

Time: 3403.72

more bang for my book and I will get

Time: 3406.24

more benefits but I will in the first

Time: 3409.72

sort of hour or so have to understand

Time: 3412.52

that at that point I may even be

Time: 3414.52

functioning worse than than that which I

Time: 3417.24

did before I even started napping but if

Time: 3421.079

you're patient and you go through it the

Time: 3423.119

rewards on the other side are

Time: 3425.799

significantly better still so that's the

Time: 3428.76

first piece of advice and when it comes

Time: 3430.76

to how to nap I would say the dose and

Time: 3433.319

the timing make the poison and poison is

Time: 3436.72

hyperbole in here it's simply just the

Time: 3440.599

poison being how much sleep and nurs

Time: 3442.359

you're going to suffer so aim for about

Time: 3444.559

20 minutes that's the do the timing

Time: 3447.2

comes back to that which we described

Time: 3449.119

before do not nap too late into the day

Time: 3452.24

so what's the rule of thumb here for a

Time: 3454.039

protocol on average for the average

Time: 3456.4

adult I would say don't nap after about

Time: 3459.24

300 p.m. 20 minute naps sometime between

Time: 3464.16

300 p.m. and if you're struggling with

Time: 3466.52

sleep don't do this at all if you're not

Time: 3469.119

and you're able to get to sleep fine

Time: 3471.64

this seems to be a good ingredient for

Time: 3474.559

the basic return on your investment

Time: 3476.88

again if you tell me what's the optimal

Time: 3480.119

nap duration we need to have a

Time: 3482.16

conversation to understand what is it

Time: 3483.88

that you're going after here what are

Time: 3485.28

the benefits and then I can sort of you

Time: 3487.96

know create a finger Buffet Kaleidoscope

Time: 3490.88

match to what you need and we can think

Time: 3493

about the nap duration as a consequence

Time: 3495.799

thank you that's very informative um I

Time: 3498.2

have a colleague at Stanford who's a

Time: 3500.16

Howard Hughes investigator which for

Time: 3501.72

those that don't know is a a rather

Time: 3503.68

elite club of uh academic research they

Time: 3506.559

have to essentially try out for it they

Time: 3509.24

can every 5 years they go up for Renewal

Time: 3512.039

it's it's a lot of money which makes

Time: 3514.68

gives them a greater capacity to uh take

Time: 3516.64

on greater risk uh work higher risk work

Time: 3519.68

um and he's also a member of the

Time: 3521.44

National Academy and he was one of these

Time: 3522.839

people that graduated high school at 15

Time: 3525.079

years of age one of these phenoms and he

Time: 3528.16

is so religious about his napping such

Time: 3530.72

that when he travels to give seminars at

Time: 3533.799

other schools he insists that they

Time: 3536.079

schedule a nap time for him after lunch

Time: 3538.599

and in his office um you know at between

Time: 3541.88

12:30 and and 1: p.m. he's napping

Time: 3544.2

everyone knows this and um and I mention

Time: 3546.319

this because I think that um oftentimes

Time: 3548.28

people think of the Nappers as the lazy

Time: 3550.44

ones but um his output is um near

Time: 3553.839

superhuman and he attributes U much of

Time: 3556.359

that output uh to the nap not just the

Time: 3559.28

post-nap work that he's able to perform

Time: 3561.76

but his ability to uh just kind of

Time: 3564.24

manage so many ideas he has enormous

Time: 3566.559

laboratory and that's just one example I

Time: 3568.16

think there are examples from sport of

Time: 3570.319

um sprinters taking naps on the you know

Time: 3573.039

on the side of the the track field I

Time: 3574.96

mean so it seems that a capacity to nap

Time: 3579.079

is also something worth considering

Time: 3581

because I think many people listening to

Time: 3582.319

this are thinking well I can't nap

Time: 3584.16

should I nap you know um and can one

Time: 3587.52

teach themselves to nap so that's the

Time: 3589.559

question um if one would want to explore

Time: 3591.92

napping and um is that something that

Time: 3595.079

one should even consider doing if you

Time: 3596.44

don't have a propensity to nap should

Time: 3597.839

you avoid it if you want to try naps how

Time: 3600.119

could one teach oneself to nap you just

Time: 3602.2

mentioned earlier uh lying down uh

Time: 3604.96

relates to body temperature body

Time: 3606.24

temperature uh relates to sleepiness and

Time: 3608.96

then as a third question I promise I'll

Time: 3610.52

repeat these if we need to uh as a third

Time: 3612.72

question I'd like to have a little bit

Time: 3614.599

of a discussion about some of the pseudo

Time: 3617.44

naap states that um I certainly am

Time: 3620.039

intrigued by you know for instance just

Time: 3621.559

lying down and I'm doing a progressive

Time: 3623.599

bodily relaxation things like Yoga Nidra

Time: 3626.16

uh non-sleep deep rest which is an

Time: 3627.799

acronym icoin simply to to um make it

Time: 3630.359

clear what I was talking about but it's

Time: 3631.72

very similar to Yoga Nidra um things of

Time: 3634.319

that sort in other words but simply

Time: 3637.839

should everyone think about having an

Time: 3640.64

early to mid-afternoon

Time: 3642.28

protocol to reset their cognition and

Time: 3645.68

their body we call it a nap but does it

Time: 3647.92

have to be a nap and if we're not good

Time: 3649.48

Nappers should we try and if so how

Time: 3652.28

should we go about it yeah so TI your

Time: 3654.24

three questions firstly if you're not a

Time: 3656.119

natural Napper should you start doing it

Time: 3658.92

um if you want to start doing it how

Time: 3660.52

should you do it and then the third is

Time: 3662.92

is there some kind of you know

Time: 3665.28

substitute for a like kind which would

Time: 3668.68

be these Li these I I'd love the

Time: 3670.799

phraseology that you use these lional

Time: 3673.079

states do they mimic that are they

Time: 3676.4

different to that how should we think

Time: 3677.88

about those the first thing I would say

Time: 3680.24

to point number one if you are not a

Time: 3682.72

natural Napper don't necessarily Force

Time: 3685.96

yourself to be as long as you're getting

Time: 3687.559

the sleep that you feel you need at

Time: 3689.48

night and you feel refreshed and

Time: 3691.079

restored during the day and you don't

Time: 3693.68

have that sort of postrenal drop to the

Time: 3696.16

point of thinking I almost need to nap

Time: 3698.799

during the day there is no pressure

Time: 3700.839

based on anything I've been telling you

Time: 3702.88

for you to start napping nor should

Time: 3705.119

there be any reason that you do start

Time: 3707.119

napping but let's say that you want to

Time: 3708.92

try what would be the right protocol to

Time: 3711.799

improve and increase the likelihood

Time: 3716.079

the best way you can do this is to mimic

Time: 3719.839

nighttime as best you can so wherever

Time: 3723.24

you are if you can shut off the

Time: 3726.119

lights make sure that you can block out

Time: 3729.16

you know curtains blinds if you can't do

Time: 3732.72

that fully and many people won't be able

Time: 3734.559

to develop an IM mask procedure um so

Time: 3739.359

put an IM mask on make sure you block

Time: 3741.72

out noise earplugs you can use a sound

Time: 3744.599

machine if you want and we can speak

Time: 3746.119

about sort of sound machines and whether

Time: 3748.68

or not they're good or bad on sleep and

Time: 3750.88

then you can lie down make sure that you

Time: 3754.44

try to take your shoes off and get under

Time: 3758.96

some kind of a blanket because we're so

Time: 3761.52

Contex cued by having something wrapped

Time: 3764.52

around us called a blanket or a duvet

Time: 3766.76

that to do it without that if you are

Time: 3768.96

not a natural Napper can help you again

Time: 3771.76

that some people will say I can just

Time: 3773.319

kick my feet up on my desk sit back in

Time: 3775.319

my reclining chair in the office and I

Time: 3777.319

can fall asleep that's great but if

Time: 3778.64

you're not a natural person I'm just

Time: 3779.96

trying to tell you things that increase

Time: 3781.599

the probability of that and then set the

Time: 3784.599

alarm I like your idea of making sure

Time: 3787.319

that if you do fall asleep you don't

Time: 3789.319

accidentally go too long and then just

Time: 3791.16

feel miserable so mimic the conditions

Time: 3795.359

that you're trying to get that you would

Time: 3797.4

normally get at night that will increase

Time: 3800.319

the probability mask out noise mask out

Time: 3803.359

light kick your shoes off have some kind

Time: 3806.079

of a blanket wrapping around you that's

Time: 3808.279

probably the best and then time it based

Time: 3810.839

on this sort of post pral drop you will

Time: 3814.2

know yourself everyone has fallen prey

Time: 3817.16

to it you know W it's usually around

Time: 3820.48

about 3 4 p.m. that I do start to feel

Time: 3823.799

this decline or it's around 1 p.m. try

Time: 3826.16

to match it in accordance with that so

Time: 3828.64

those are the first I think two

Time: 3830.319

questions should you not necessarily if

Time: 3833.4

you would like to and I'm not normally

Time: 3835.319

doing it how can you do it the final

Time: 3838.359

point I think is fascinating which is

Time: 3840.44

these alternate states

Time: 3844

of conscious brain activity the most

Time: 3848

obvious is when we're awake and when

Time: 3849.72

we're asleep those are the two most

Time: 3852.319

dramatic changes in Consciousness that

Time: 3854.52

we experience on a daily basis short of

Time: 3858.119

anesthesia I've become like you very

Time: 3860.599

fascinated by these sort of both

Time: 3863.279

meditative States or these linal states

Time: 3866.68

I think at some point you and I should

Time: 3868

collaborate and we should do some work

Time: 3869.839

and really unpack this but the reason I

Time: 3872.039

find this interesting is because I'm

Time: 3874.039

going to guess you are having sleep

Time: 3876.599

likee States but you are not fully

Time: 3880.76

asleep how would I Define a sleep-like

Time: 3883.079

state what we've learned is that your

Time: 3885.599

brain the way it sleeps isn't on mass

Time: 3888.88

it's not as though your entire brain

Time: 3892.279

sleeps different territories of your

Time: 3895.16

brain can sleep in different

Time: 3898.559

ways and what we've also known and

Time: 3902.119

there's some argument even individual

Time: 3904.559

brain cells seem to have a period where

Time: 3907.2

they go into sleep and these individual

Time: 3909.76

neurons will start to show what look

Time: 3911.88

like these beautiful big powerful deep

Time: 3914.24

slow waves in terms of their firing rate

Time: 3916.96

at least in terms of those neurons

Time: 3918.92

firing away I bring this up because if

Time: 3922.279

that means that your brain can have

Time: 3924.96

local sleep rather than Global sleep if

Time: 3929.24

you are in global sleep you're out like

Time: 3932.319

a light you are a sleep but perhaps

Time: 3935.92

these Lial States the reason that they

Time: 3937.72

give these benefits is because you are

Time: 3940.2

still awake not Global sleep so if

Time: 3943.68

you're in global sleep you're asleep but

Time: 3945.16

you're awake so you're not in global

Time: 3946.72

sleep but you may be having local sleep

Time: 3949.72

now using special um setups in my

Time: 3952.839

laboratory we can apply tens maybe

Time: 3956.16

hundreds of electrodes all over your

Time: 3958.2

head and we can map the the sort of the

Time: 3962.16

the different places where your brain is

Time: 3964.44

having sleep in much higher resolution

Time: 3967.76

so rather than a you know 480 DPI movie

Time: 3972.039

on YouTube I'm now in 4K resolution I

Time: 3975.64

can really dismantle what's going on um

Time: 3979.039

analytically in your brain I'm going to

Time: 3981.359

guess that when you're going into these

Time: 3982.88

states and you report coming out of

Time: 3984.92

those states and I ask you on a scale of

Time: 3987.799

1 to 10 how would you rate that as an

Time: 3990.68

experience based on your common

Time: 3993.4

experience the greater the intensity of

Time: 3996.92

the Lial benefit and state that you

Time: 3999.319

experienced I'm going to predict is

Time: 4001.96

directly related to the extent of this

Time: 4004.68

this local deep non-rem slow wave sleep

Time: 4007.319

that's happening you're still awake but

Time: 4009.64

some parts of your brain for maybe

Time: 4011.559

seconds of time or maybe even tens of

Time: 4014.279

seconds of time I'm going to bed will be

Time: 4017

oscillating in what look like slow wave

Time: 4019.839

sleep deep sleep States and if all I

Time: 4023

would be able to look at is that one

Time: 4025.079

part of your brain and that small

Time: 4026.88

cluster of electrodes and someone said

Time: 4028.72

to me is this person awake or asleep I

Time: 4031.24

would say oh they're asleep they're in

Time: 4032.64

deep sleep but then if you slowly reveal

Time: 4035.4

and back out and show me the rest of the

Time: 4037.079

brain and what it's doing I would say oh

Time: 4039.559

my goodness no this person must be awake

Time: 4042.64

but that local territory that District

Time: 4044.839

up there in their brain they were having

Time: 4047.079

slow wave

Time: 4048.48

sleep I think that's what we could find

Time: 4052.279

and that may predict some of the

Time: 4053.92

benefits that you get some of the

Time: 4055.559

productivity energy benefits by the way

Time: 4058.4

I should note that with all of this nap

Time: 4060.92

racket NASA figured this out back in the

Time: 4064.319

1980s they were looking at ways to

Time: 4067.4

optimize their astronauts because when

Time: 4069.48

you are up in orbit depending on what

Time: 4071.76

orbit you're in you are rotating around

Time: 4073.96

the planet maybe 10 and 20 times per 24

Time: 4077.68

hours so you're seeing 10 to you know 20

Time: 4081.44

Suns sets and sunrises so your sleep is

Time: 4083.88

a total mess and you can safety check

Time: 4088.48

almost everything in terms of Technology

Time: 4091.079

but the one weak Link in a space mission

Time: 4093.599

is this thing called the human being

Time: 4095.279

that's where errors typically happen so

Time: 4097.679

how do you drisk a human error up in

Time: 4101.359

space because if you make an error up

Time: 4103.759

there I mean on the ground not great up

Time: 4105.759

there kind of

Time: 4107.4

catastrophic you can try to optimize

Time: 4110.88

their ability to sleep and their ability

Time: 4113.04

to maintain Focus concentration

Time: 4114.96

alertness and productivity and what they

Time: 4117.04

found was that these naps produced

Time: 4119.679

almost a 20% boost in short naaps 20%

Time: 4124.04

boost in their alertness and almost a

Time: 4125.799

50% boost in their task productivity and

Time: 4130.159

it was so powerful that it translated to

Time: 4132.799

the terrestrial um employees of NASA on

Time: 4136.6

the ground and it became what was known

Time: 4138.56

as the NASA nap

Time: 4140.279

culture and from there on we had what we

Time: 4143.159

called power naaps Power naaps by the

Time: 4145.88

way why are they called power naaps and

Time: 4148.44

you think well just because it Powers me

Time: 4150.759

up it's a good idea but it's wrong it

Time: 4153.92

has a very specific story a fascinating

Time: 4155.88

one two legends in my field David dingis

Time: 4159.6

uh and Mark Rose kind they were looking

Time: 4163.679

at how to instigate

Time: 4165.88

risk mitigation not in astronauts but in

Time: 4169.159

pilots who are doing long haul

Time: 4171.56

flights because the most dangerous

Time: 4174.239

aspect of a long haul flight is when it

Time: 4176.56

is coming down to land and that's when

Time: 4179.799

they can sometimes have these things

Time: 4181.759

called a catastrophic hole loss which is

Time: 4185.64

a euphemistic phrase for a terrible

Time: 4188.279

plane crash and they were trying to say

Time: 4190.52

how could you use nap

Time: 4192.56

strategically to drisk that and improve

Time: 4195.44


Time: 4196.28

alertness and they asked a very

Time: 4198.08

interesting question if they can nap for

Time: 4200.8

only a certain period of time because

Time: 4202.64

they have to be at work on the plane at

Time: 4205.159

the for the rest of it when should you

Time: 4207.28

place that nap should you do it at the

Time: 4209.64

start of the long call flight in the

Time: 4211.719

middle or towards the end and most

Time: 4214.96

people would bet like they I think did

Time: 4217.719

it's best to place it at the end when

Time: 4219.88

you're really starting to struggle get

Time: 4222.199

that boost and then you wake up you're

Time: 4224.8

not in sleep in OA cuz it's been brief

Time: 4227.28

and then you're energized for landing

Time: 4229.84

they didn't find that they found that

Time: 4231.96

the most optimal time to nap was early

Time: 4235.159

on in that long haul flight and it

Time: 4238.239

sustained them throughout the rest of

Time: 4240.48

the flight now they took their findings

Time: 4243.44

to the FAA who were funding the work um

Time: 4247.159

and the Federal Aviation Authority here

Time: 4249.96

in the United States and they said we've

Time: 4251.719

got some great findings and we think we

Time: 4254.64

should implement this and we would like

Time: 4256.28

to use a term to help Pilots understand

Time: 4259.239

this and it's called prophylactic

Time: 4262.6

napping and of course there were many

Time: 4266.199

Chuckles throughout the room perhaps

Time: 4268.44

inappropriate and they just said look

Time: 4271.44

you've got to understand our Pilots the

Time: 4273.52

you know kind of alpha male guys and if

Time: 4276.44

you're starting to say you need to

Time: 4277.92

prophylactically NAB it's not going to

Time: 4280.04

be adopted that's a noggo so they looked

Time: 4282.96

around the room because it's an alpha

Time: 4284.64

male culture it's a mostly masculine

Time: 4286.96

culture at that time they said what

Time: 4289.239

could we and there's a lot of beard

Time: 4290.52

stroking and they said I've got it power

Time: 4292.76

naaps it's got to be about power and so

Time: 4295.92

that is where if you've ever wondered

Time: 4297.639

where the term power naaps come from

Time: 4299.92

it's not because it reboosts your power

Time: 4301.76

which it does and boost it back up it's

Time: 4304.679

because there was Chuckles at the time

Time: 4308.199

prophylactic napping I'd like to take a

Time: 4310.639

brief break and acknowledge our sponsor

Time: 4312.4

eight sleep eight sleep makes Smart

Time: 4314.36

mattress covers with cooling Heating and

Time: 4316.08

sleep tracking capacity many times on

Time: 4318.4

this podcast we discuss how in order to

Time: 4320.239

fall and stay deeply asleep your body

Time: 4322.36

temperature actually needs to drop by

Time: 4324.28

about 1 to 3° and in order to wake up

Time: 4326.84

feeling maximally refreshed and

Time: 4328.32

energized your body temperature needs to

Time: 4330.28

heat up by about 1 to 3° eight sleep

Time: 4333.159

makes it very easy to control the

Time: 4334.56

temperature of your sleeping environment

Time: 4336.08

so that it's easy to fall and stay

Time: 4337.639

asleep and wake up feeling refreshed I

Time: 4339.8

started sleeping on an eight- Sleep

Time: 4341.12

mattress cover several years ago and it

Time: 4343

has completely and positively

Time: 4344.56

transformed my sleep so much so that

Time: 4346.679

when I travel to hotels or airbnbs I

Time: 4348.92

really miss my eight sleep I've even

Time: 4350.36

shipped my eight sleep out to hotels

Time: 4352.04

that I've been staying in because it

Time: 4353.239

improves my sleep that much if you'd

Time: 4355.159

like to try eightsleep you can go to

Time: 4356.84


Time: 4358.08

huberman to save $150 off their pod 3

Time: 4361.36

cover eight sleep currently ships to the

Time: 4363.32

USA Canada UK select countries in the EU

Time: 4366.52

and Australia again that's 8sleep.com SL

Time: 4369.76

huberman the naming of things fascinates

Time: 4372

me especially in um the uh landscape of

Time: 4375.6

health and well-being um also um and

Time: 4379.48

that's one reason why um having become a

Time: 4383.28

real fan and practitioner of Yoga Nidra

Time: 4386

which I think translates to yoga sleep

Time: 4387.719

which is this process of lying down for

Time: 4389.44

a period of 30 to 60 Minutes Progressive

Time: 4392.4

relaxation this is these are scripts

Time: 4394.48

that are readily available as this is a

Time: 4397.12

a uh age-old practice um in in India um

Time: 4402.239

that is meant to restore mental and

Time: 4404.48

physical Vig Vigor by placing one into

Time: 4406.8

one of these Lial States the um and I

Time: 4408.96

have great respect for the uh ner

Time: 4411.679

tradition um but um sometimes the names

Time: 4415.52

are a separator so people who hear Yoga

Time: 4418.04

Nidra and they think oh it must be yoga

Time: 4419.56

movement and that's of course not true

Time: 4421.199

or they think um that there must be some

Time: 4423.08

mystical component to it which is not

Time: 4425.239

necessarily true sometimes they include

Time: 4426.88

intentions and things like that but

Time: 4428.44

often not so that's why I coin this um

Time: 4431.6

uh phrase non-sleep deep rest which is

Time: 4434

essentially maintains the

Time: 4435.8

critical components of Yoga Nidra um but

Time: 4438.719

doesn't include intentions and um has

Time: 4440.8

these shorter uh 10 or 20 minute um

Time: 4443.639

protocols so it'd be um great fun and um

Time: 4446.52

I think very interesting for us to do

Time: 4448

that project to explore what are the

Time: 4449.48

brains uh activation States or

Time: 4451.56

deactivation States as the case may be

Time: 4453.8

in these um non-traditional or Lial

Time: 4456.32

State uh practices now um along the

Time: 4459.159

lines of power napping specifically and

Time: 4460.88

the naming of power napping I think it's

Time: 4462.719

more than than just a a um anecdote

Time: 4466.6

because I think it is very important for

Time: 4468.88

people to understand that um that these

Time: 4472.88

protocols these tools that NASA and that

Time: 4475.32

Laboratories have have developed um

Time: 4477.679

often times are are for other purposes

Time: 4480.159

but they translate to a kind of broader

Time: 4482

significance and what I'm hearing and

Time: 4484.199

what I'm starting to integrate as we

Time: 4485.84

have today's conversation is that it

Time: 4488.08

seems that there is pretty good reason

Time: 4491.56

to ex at least explore basic sleep right

Time: 4495.679

that that for the non-nappers to to

Time: 4497.84

really think about whether or not they

Time: 4499.48

would like to explore napping as you

Time: 4501.639

mentioned they don't have to and then

Time: 4503

for people who are already um napping to

Time: 4505.92

really think about the placement of that

Time: 4507.639

nap uh within the day and the duration

Time: 4509.84

of that nap what you told us a few

Time: 4512.12

moments ago suggests that I should be

Time: 4514.639

doing or anyone that's doing naps or

Time: 4517.719

entering these Lial States like nsdr

Time: 4520

might want to shift them a little bit

Time: 4521.639

earlier than uh the period in which they

Time: 4524.4

first become sleepy to take that nap is

Time: 4527.159

that right I mean like so for instance

Time: 4529

should I do as my colleague and you know

Time: 4530.6

finish lunch and and lie down for 10 15

Time: 4533.239

minutes um rather than wait until 2 or 3

Time: 4536.28

p.m. is that is that something that that

Time: 4538.159

could make a meaningful difference I

Time: 4539.639

think it could and I think it really

Time: 4541.48

again depends on how much of a struggle

Time: 4543.239

sleep becomes in the evening for you if

Time: 4546.679

it is becoming the later that you nap if

Time: 4550.12

your sleep becomes either a more

Time: 4552.56

difficult to initiate in the evening or

Time: 4554.6

maybe you don't have any problems

Time: 4556.159

falling asleep but for some reason when

Time: 4558.56

I look back I'm now starting to wake up

Time: 4560.96

more throughout the night that in part

Time: 4563.52

again it's not just that if you nap late

Time: 4566.12

in the day you struggle to fall asleep

Time: 4568.239

you may not the other consequence that

Time: 4570.84

can happen which is non-mutually

Time: 4572.48

exclusive is that you then stay in not

Time: 4576.32

as deep as sleep and your sleep is more

Time: 4579.04

some more fragile in that sense so the

Time: 4581.84

probability that you will wake up

Time: 4584.48

because because you had the nap so late

Time: 4586.96

in the day is higher in the middle of

Time: 4589.76

the night and then when you wake up like

Time: 4592.36

many of us do and you go to the restroom

Time: 4594.6

or It's Perfectly Natural but the speed

Time: 4597.96

with which you can then fall back asleep

Time: 4600.199

is compromised why because you've

Time: 4602.6

jettisoned some of that sleepiness by

Time: 4604.92

way of the nap and there isn't as much

Time: 4607.6

to take you back down into sleep after

Time: 4610.52

you've woken up so I would just say that

Time: 4613.36

if you are seeing that pattern that the

Time: 4616.32

later napping that you're doing if

Time: 4618

you're doing that and again there's no

Time: 4619.679

reason that you need to nap only if you

Time: 4621.28

choose to nap if that's the case then

Time: 4623.92

consider not necessarily obviating the

Time: 4626.92

nap that may not be required just bring

Time: 4629.6

it back earlier take it after lunch see

Time: 4632.84

how things work out do the experiment

Time: 4635.04

and when you do the experiment make sure

Time: 4636.6

that you do what I would describe as the

Time: 4638.36

onof on experiment which is where you're

Time: 4642.36

napping as you normally do and you've

Time: 4644.04

noticed perhaps some problems with your

Time: 4645.84

sleep then do so that's sort of the the

Time: 4650.6

well it's sort of the on off on phase so

Time: 4653.719

then change your nap protocol and move

Time: 4656.96

it earlier so now you've Switched Off

Time: 4660

Your Standard protocol and you've moved

Time: 4662.08

on to something different so you're on

Time: 4663.92

your standard protocol and then you come

Time: 4665.52

off it and when you come off it meaning

Time: 4667.48

you go to an earlier nap and you say

Time: 4670.199

gosh things do seem to be better maybe

Time: 4672.6

he he had something there and it does

Time: 4674.44

seem to

Time: 4675.44

improve good but I don't trust that

Time: 4678.28

because maybe it's just a placebo effect

Time: 4680.239

that you you know hear some dulit

Time: 4683.36

British tones and you get convinced that

Time: 4685.44

maybe that would work and you've now

Time: 4688.8

instead after about two weeks of doing

Time: 4691.239

that and things have improved go back to

Time: 4693.36

your original schedule go back on to

Time: 4696.239

your original protocol I'm not as

Time: 4699.08

interested about the fact that things

Time: 4701.08

got better when we changed it I'm

Time: 4703.52

interested in the question do things get

Time: 4705.719

worse when we stop it and so when we

Time: 4708.719

stop the intervention if things got

Time: 4710.8

worse again now I'm I'm believing it a

Time: 4713.08

lot more so just as a tip if you are a

Time: 4715.52

self- tinkerer and you don't have to do

Time: 4717.36

that but if you're idiotic like me and a

Time: 4719.48

scientist and you want to do it with

Time: 4721.199

this city riger that's the way I would

Time: 4723.52

suggest doing it I don't think it's

Time: 4725.12

idiotic at all I think it's systematic

Time: 4726.96

and what you just described is uh both a

Time: 4729.639

negative control and a positive control

Time: 4731.56

experiment so you're you are a scientist

Time: 4735.36

through and

Time: 4736.639

through are there any individuals that

Time: 4739.04

should absolutely avoid napping you know

Time: 4741.44

I'm heard lore of you know um elderly

Time: 4745.92

folks um folks with certain conditions

Time: 4748.92

um you know can't imagine um which but

Time: 4753.36

um I'm sure you'll tell us that for whom

Time: 4756.239

napping is harmful to their health it's

Time: 4758.88

a very I think interesting question

Time: 4762.08

because the strongest evidence comes

Time: 4763.96

back to that which we we've mentioned

Time: 4765.88

before which is insomnia and really the

Time: 4768.239

recommendation there is just avoid naps

Time: 4771.239

it's and what's problematic about

Time: 4774.8

insomnia when you are having such tough

Time: 4778.84

times with sleep at night and you are

Time: 4782

just dragging through the day it is

Time: 4784.159

miserable and I am you know I I'm very

Time: 4787.76

protective of my sleep um for the most

Time: 4790.28

part I

Time: 4791.159

sleep pretty well but I've I'm I'm not

Time: 4794.92

immune to the vagaries of sleep I've had

Time: 4797.4

two bouts of insomnia throughout my life

Time: 4799.56

both have been what we call reactive

Time: 4801.159

insomnia reactive to an event or

Time: 4803.679

something happening and I know how just

Time: 4808.6

desperate and hungry you are for sleep

Time: 4812.56

and if it's happening week after week

Time: 4815.8

month after month I'll just do anything

Time: 4818.76

to get sleep when I can and the

Time: 4820.48

Temptation therefore to nap when you are

Time: 4824.04

suffering from insomnia is that much

Time: 4826.239

higher and therefore the advice is that

Time: 4829

much harder to adopt but trust me that

Time: 4831.84

is one of the components that we have in

Time: 4834.159

the psychological treatment bucket that

Time: 4837.239

we use for insomnia which is called

Time: 4838.96

cognitive behavioral therapy for

Time: 4840.76

insomnia or cbti for short and you can

Time: 4844.199

just look it up or um on my own podcast

Time: 4846.6

I done a six-part series on on uh

Time: 4849

insomnia so I would say try to back away

Time: 4852.84

in that circumstance but you brought up

Time: 4854.48

a another example which is in aging

Time: 4857.36

there I think the evidence is a little

Time: 4859.52

less causal so you have to be more

Time: 4861.92

cautious about recommending the absence

Time: 4865.199

as I was with insomnia of abstaining

Time: 4868.28

from naps but the data has now become

Time: 4871.04

quite strong that when you get past

Time: 4872.719

about 65 years old and you look at

Time: 4876.36

napping behavior in large

Time: 4878.6

epidemiological studies and you say is

Time: 4881.8

there a positive benefit in aging for

Time: 4885.04

napping or is there no benefit at all

Time: 4888.28

and they looked at that because they

Time: 4889.6

thought well that perhaps based on the

Time: 4891.96

work in healthy adults that I've

Time: 4893.4

described that would be good for older

Time: 4895.56

adults not only did they find that it

Time: 4897.76

wasn't good they found that it was

Time: 4899.88

deleterious that napping in older adults

Time: 4902.719

was predictive of worse Health outcomes

Time: 4906.76

and it also seemed to predict a higher

Time: 4909.639

likelihood of early

Time: 4912.159

mortality so at this point we're

Time: 4913.92

thinking well how does that fit with

Time: 4916.239

everything you've been telling us it

Time: 4918.76

comes back to this notion of bad sleep

Time: 4920.84

at night it's probably not necessarily

Time: 4924.08

that napping during the day is bad for

Time: 4927.88


Time: 4928.84

adults it's that the Naps reflect a

Time: 4933.639

problem with the night of sleep for

Time: 4936.96

older adults and as we get older

Time: 4939.6

something I didn't mention during

Time: 4941.48

development was that yes we get this

Time: 4943.96

sort of State Lael ratio of 4 to1 of one

Time: 4947.28

part REM sleep four parts non-rem in our

Time: 4949.719

7 to9 hours and I described these

Time: 4952.679

changes in rem early in development I

Time: 4955.28

didn't mention two things about non-rem

Time: 4957.4

slow wave activity first as we go into

Time: 4960.08

our teenage years and we shift our sort

Time: 4962.719

of timing of sleep where we want to go

Time: 4964.56

to bed later and wake up later that's

Time: 4966.36

biologically determined it's not

Time: 4967.96

teenagers fault something happens with

Time: 4970.4

their deep sleep however their deep

Time: 4973.04

sleep starts to do a

Time: 4976.52

different or different action to the

Time: 4979.239

brain that REM sleep was doing as an

Time: 4981.76

infant I said that during infancy we

Time: 4984.639

have huge amounts of REM sleep and were

Time: 4987.04

growing sinapsis syap Genesis and we

Time: 4989.92

wiring up all of those new territories

Time: 4992.159

all of these new neighborhoods with

Time: 4993.36

fiberoptic cable but let's say that

Time: 4995.8

you've now run the experiment across

Time: 4997.6

many years through until teenagehood of

Time: 5000.28

those neighborhoods and you've been

Time: 5001.8

measuring the bandwidth consumption of

Time: 5004.76

each individual house and you've started

Time: 5007.48

to realize well I wanted to create a big

Time: 5009.96

spread across the brain and then I'm

Time: 5012.159

just going to let experience over the

Time: 5013.96

next years time tell me which parts of

Time: 5017

the brain seem to enjoy that high

Time: 5019.36

bandwidth and which parts don't seem to

Time: 5021.28

use it very much and as we go through

Time: 5023.52

into our teenage years we go through

Time: 5025.639

something called synaptic pruning where

Time: 5028.28

the brain actually calls and takes away

Time: 5032.04

copses from certain parts of the brain

Time: 5034.719

it seems to be that this change in slow

Time: 5036.92

wave sleep that happens around these

Time: 5038.719

adolescent years is performing the act

Time: 5041.8

of final cortical

Time: 5043.92

maturation that it's downscaling the

Time: 5046.56

synapses and fine-tuning the brain so

Time: 5049.639

you've got this beautiful efficiency and

Time: 5052.159

now you've throttled back some of the

Time: 5054.48

bandwidth from some of those

Time: 5056.239

neighborhoods because they just don't

Time: 5057.639

use it very much and you can move it

Time: 5059.92

over into the territories that are

Time: 5062.159

demanding more bandwidth and net net the

Time: 5065.48

brain is downscaled but it's improved

Time: 5067.719

its efficiency in the sense that those

Time: 5070.28

regions that need it and are working

Time: 5072.08

hard based on what we think this

Time: 5074.08

organism has been doing over the past

Time: 5076.159

you know 13 years that's where we need

Time: 5078.76

to now place our bets but as we get

Time: 5082.08

through into our older years and this

Time: 5084.08

will come back to this issue of napping

Time: 5086.56


Time: 5087.4

worry stick with me here folks um the

Time: 5091.04

reason is that as we're getting older

Time: 5093.48

our sleep de

Time: 5094.88

deines but it's not just all sleep

Time: 5098.28

declines deep sleep declines most

Time: 5102.44

dramatically and we all think of aging

Time: 5105.32

from brain perspective as cognitive

Time: 5107.44

decline that our learning and memory

Time: 5109.199

abilities begin to fade and Decline and

Time: 5111.6

they do but I would argue that a

Time: 5114.4

physiological signature of Aging is that

Time: 5117.48

your sleep gets worse and particularly

Time: 5119.48

your deep sleep what's perhaps

Time: 5121.92

concerning for people listening to this

Time: 5123.84

right now is that that decline in deep

Time: 5126.32

Sleep doesn't start happening in your

Time: 5128.56

60s or your 50s or even your 40s we can

Time: 5133.04

start to pick up that great sleep

Time: 5134.84

decline beginning in your mid to late

Time: 5137.56

30s and then it just decreases and by

Time: 5140.4

age 50 you are down to about 50% of the

Time: 5144.84

deep non-rem sleep that you were having

Time: 5146.76

when you were 17 or 18 by age 65 and

Time: 5150.679

over or certainly by age 75 you are down

Time: 5153.88

to about just 5% of the deep sleep that

Time: 5157.6

you had when you were 17 or 18 which is

Time: 5161.119

a stunning

Time: 5163.4

decline what that means comes back to

Time: 5165.88

the first episode we spoke about the

Time: 5167.88

four macros of good sleep quantity

Time: 5170.92

quality timing and regularity one of the

Time: 5174

measures of quality that I described to

Time: 5175.88

you was this electrical quality of deep

Time: 5179.159

sleep the other measure of quality sleep

Time: 5182.28

I spoke about was how consolid ated and

Time: 5184.84

consistent your sleep is versus how

Time: 5186.56

fragmented your sleep is the measure of

Time: 5189.6

Sleep Quality is markedly compromised as

Time: 5192.88

we get older we're waking up many more

Time: 5195.56

times our sleep is much more fragmented

Time: 5198.44

and therefore our sleep efficiency is

Time: 5200.119

worse and we've got this huge decline in

Time: 5203.719

our deep non-rm sleep so no wonder then

Time: 5207.28

when you are awake during the day as an

Time: 5209.56

older adult Your Sleep Quality is so

Time: 5213.84

compr promised at that stage you perhaps

Time: 5216.239

try to compensate by way of napping but

Time: 5219.639

that compromised quality of sleep that

Time: 5221.52

you're having at night is probably the

Time: 5223.4

reason that you start to get sick more

Time: 5225.96

that you have a higher probability of

Time: 5228.719

illness and disease and why also you

Time: 5231.28

probably have a higher risk of premature

Time: 5234.08

mortality so in other words it's the bad

Time: 5237

quality of sleep at night that leads to

Time: 5240.639

this behavior that we call daytime

Time: 5242.44

napping in older adults

Time: 5244.639

that seems to indirectly suggest oh my

Time: 5247.92

goodness it's daytime napping that's bad

Time: 5251.119

and that causes these problems when in

Time: 5253.08

fact it's that daytime napping is a

Time: 5255.44

proxy for the bad sleep that's happening

Time: 5257.96

at night and it's really the bad sleep

Time: 5259.92

that's happening at night that is more

Time: 5261.96

directly related to the health and

Time: 5264.199

mortality concerns in older adults so

Time: 5266.76

that's why I think right now as a field

Time: 5269.36

I'm still open to evidence that napping

Time: 5271.8

for some reason that we just do not

Time: 5275.48

understand right now is problematic and

Time: 5278.4

does causally predict worse health and a

Time: 5282.04

shorter lifespan in older adults I think

Time: 5284.48

the best evidence that we have right now

Time: 5286.4

is that it's actually the bad quality of

Time: 5288.36

sleep at night and thus we should not be

Time: 5290.719

necessarily jumping to recommendations

Time: 5292.92

that all older adults should stop

Time: 5295

napping I think we need more evidence

Time: 5297.08

and I'm open to both sides of that let's

Time: 5300.239

talk about caffeine uh I've heard the

Time: 5303.88

ter term uh is it

Time: 5306.159

napino yeah I I I think it um refers to

Time: 5309.84

a practice of drinking some caffeine

Time: 5312.08

then laying down for a nap and then

Time: 5314.119

supposedly waking up um feeling more

Time: 5316.48

refreshed my understanding and you'll

Time: 5318.08

tell us more of course is that caffeine

Time: 5320.52

um is effectively an adenosine

Time: 5323.28

antagonist although it's a competitive

Time: 5325.6

Agonist and you'll explain I'm sure um

Time: 5329

and napping as you mentioned before uh

Time: 5332.04

removes some of the Sleep pressure AKA

Time: 5335

uh wipes away some of that uh adenosine

Time: 5338.36

that's accumulated um both of which

Time: 5341.28

sound great but as you mentioned earlier

Time: 5344.119

there's a warning there as well uh the

Time: 5346.159

warning label on uh both those things

Time: 5348.4

should be that having sufficient

Time: 5350.56

adenosine built up in your brain is one

Time: 5353.84

of the ways in which you feel sleepy at

Time: 5355.32

night and fall asleep and stay asleep

Time: 5357.52

yeah so what's the story with caffeine

Time: 5360.76

how does it work uh to make us feel more

Time: 5362.76

alert and

Time: 5364.6

um what is the rationale for the

Time: 5369.119

nappuccino the nappuccino also known as

Time: 5371.96

the caffeine nap caffeine is a very

Time: 5375

interesting compound in relationship to

Time: 5378.239

sleep and wake obviously everyone knows

Time: 5380.52

that caffeine can help you stay awake

Time: 5383.679

it's no coincidence that those two words

Time: 5386.88

that you've used about these chemical

Time: 5388.52

compounds caffeine and adenosine sound

Time: 5392

the same it's because the re receptor

Time: 5395.08

that or the receptor systems that

Time: 5397.52

caffeine Targets in your brain are the

Time: 5400.44


Time: 5402.04

receptors and you think well Matt was

Time: 5404.56

telling me that the more adenosine that

Time: 5407.28

builds up in other words the more

Time: 5408.56

adenosine that's latching onto those

Time: 5410.48

adenosine receptors in your brain the

Time: 5413.639

sleepier that you feel and I'm telling

Time: 5416.6

you that caffeine works on those same

Time: 5418.96

receptors that doesn't make sense

Time: 5421.28

caffeine if it's working on those same

Time: 5423.199

receptors should increase your

Time: 5426.08

sleepiness it doesn't because it when it

Time: 5429.4

binds onto those adenosine receptors

Time: 5431.76

those welcome sites in the brain it

Time: 5434.639

simply blocks them it doesn't deactivate

Time: 5437.679

them nor does it activate them it simply

Time: 5440.8

blocks them so think about it almost a

Time: 5444.159

little bit like um a room that's full of

Time: 5447.6

chairs and at some point these adenosine

Time: 5451.28

which is one collection of people with

Time: 5453

the name badges of adenosine they would

Time: 5455.159

normally like to come in and start

Time: 5456.639

sitting down on those seats which are

Time: 5459.08

the adenosine receptors and as they sit

Time: 5461.639

down on those seats you're building up

Time: 5463.639

this signal of sleepiness well caffeine

Time: 5467.96

which is another group of people with

Time: 5469.56

caffeine badges they race into the room

Time: 5472.04

and they start to hijack the seats and

Time: 5474.199

they start to sit down on them and all

Time: 5476.239

of a sudden adenosine can't find any

Time: 5479.32

seats to sit on so your brain is still

Time: 5483.96

flooding that room with adenosine so the

Time: 5487.48

adenosine is still building up but the

Time: 5490.36

reason that you don't feel sleepy

Time: 5492.719

anymore when you've had a shot of

Time: 5495.04

caffeine is because caffeine is raced in

Time: 5498.04

it's latched onto the

Time: 5500.04

receptors and it has essentially hit the

Time: 5502.6

mute button on your

Time: 5504.719

sleepiness so now your brain was

Time: 5507.239

thinking gosh I've been awake for about

Time: 5509.719

13 or 14 hours I'm starting to feel it

Time: 5512.08

I'm just going to take a quick espresso

Time: 5514.44

shot and you get that you think well

Time: 5517.199

hang on a second you know 20 30 minutes

Time: 5519.76

later I don't feel as tied anymore why

Time: 5522.84

it's not because caffeine came in and

Time: 5526.04

removed the adenosine it didn't caffeine

Time: 5529.719

has come in blocked the sights but the

Time: 5532.52

the adenosine is still building

Time: 5534.36

up and then at some point the caffeine

Time: 5537.44

wors off and therefore not only do you

Time: 5540.96

go back to the same level of Denine of

Time: 5544

adenosine that you did 2 hours ago it's

Time: 5547.44

that plus the additional 2 hours of

Time: 5549.92

adenosine that has been building up and

Time: 5552.36

what you experience is something called

Time: 5553.92

a caffeine crash and now you need even

Time: 5556.92

more caffeine not just to get you back

Time: 5559.08

to where you were but to recover the

Time: 5561.08

crash that you've had and go

Time: 5563.639

further caffeine in relationship to the

Time: 5566.6

caffeine nap though the

Time: 5568.28

napino is relevant because of its

Time: 5572.119

timing caffeine has an instigating

Time: 5575.96

action of around uh 12 14 to 17 minutes

Time: 5581.6

so when you come through in the morning

Time: 5583.719

and you grab your first cup of coffee

Time: 5587.28

and within the first four or five

Time: 5589.199

minutes you you say I just I just feel

Time: 5592.44

better I've just had a couple of sips

Time: 5593.92

I've had half a cup of coffee and I

Time: 5596.36

already feel better I just needed that

Time: 5598.76

if it's within the first five minutes

Time: 5600.52

that you're experiencing that it's got

Time: 5602.52

nothing to do with the caffeine because

Time: 5605.199

the peak plasma concentration of your

Time: 5607.36

caffeine is not going to arrive with you

Time: 5609.76

until about you know 12 to 17 minutes so

Time: 5613.4

why do you feel better some of it is

Time: 5615.199

Placebo because you're smelling the

Time: 5616.719

coffee and you associate it with the L

Time: 5618.88

it's really not that though or or um

Time: 5621.08

when you say Placebo I also wonder

Time: 5622.639

whether or not it's possibly a a

Time: 5624.92

conditioned effect you know like a

Time: 5626.76

pavlovian thing because the smell of the

Time: 5629.239

coffee the taste of the coffee the the

Time: 5631.52

hum of the machine the walking into the

Time: 5633.44


Time: 5634.239

to to um and ordering it from the

Time: 5636.159

Barista also creates an anticipatory

Time: 5638.92

arousal like here the the alertness is

Time: 5641.28

coming and in that anticipation there's

Time: 5643.76

its own form of alertness I think that's

Time: 5645.92

that's certainly a big component of it

Time: 5648.4

the other component however if you look

Time: 5650.159

at the data is that it's got nothing to

Time: 5652.04

do with the caffeine in that moment it's

Time: 5653.48

the temperature that most people take

Time: 5655.639

their caffeine warm either it's tea or

Time: 5658.719

it's coffee or it's perhaps something

Time: 5661.56

else that Andrew hubman would drink but

Time: 5663.4

many people yamate since since I was 5

Time: 5666.52

years old I don't I don't know if I

Time: 5668.08

should have been drinking uh caffeine

Time: 5670.08

yerbamate so young maybe even four years

Time: 5672.4

old there's a photo of me on my

Time: 5673.56

grandfather's lap drinking out of the

Time: 5674.76

mate gourd half my family is Argentine

Time: 5677.199

and um so I was caffeinated from a young

Time: 5679

age this brain developed in a

Time: 5680.8

caffeinated millu this explains so much

Time: 5684.4

about what I've known of you over these

Time: 5686.44

no I'm kidding you um so um but we need

Time: 5689.48

to speak later no so what's interesting

Time: 5692.679

about that is it's the

Time: 5695.159

temperature and I told you in the first

Time: 5698.4

episode that we need to cool down

Time: 5701.8

to stay asleep but we need to initially

Time: 5705.119

warm up to fall asleep because warming

Time: 5707.639

up at that moment I was telling you is

Time: 5710.159

warming up at the periphery a warm up to

Time: 5712.88

cool down to fall asleep so you need to

Time: 5714.719

warm up to cool down to fall asleep then

Time: 5716.96

you need to stay cool to stay asleep and

Time: 5719.48

then you need to warm up to wake up the

Time: 5722.679

warming up to cool down to fall asleep

Time: 5724.88

is not warming up in the middle deep

Time: 5727.719

core of your body it's about warming up

Time: 5730.32

the hands and the feet and the head to

Time: 5732.88

dissipate the heat hence warm up the

Time: 5735.719

outer surfaces to cool down the inner

Time: 5738.679

core to fall asleep but then I told you

Time: 5741.28

you have to warm up to wake up and when

Time: 5745

we take a hot drink in the morning

Time: 5748.199

usually caffeinated the change in your

Time: 5751.36

core body temperature can happen with

Time: 5753.639

within a handful of minutes so the

Time: 5756.639

initial benefit that you get from the

Time: 5759.4

hot cup of coffee in the morning or hot

Time: 5761.28

tea is from the temperature rise and

Time: 5764.32

then you get this beautiful second kick

Time: 5767.28

from the caffeine itself and that

Time: 5769.8

caffeine can then sustain for a longer

Time: 5772

period of

Time: 5773.76

time so we mentioned this problem with

Time: 5778.84

napping that even at 25 or 30 minutes of

Time: 5782.239

a nap you wake up with that kind of

Time: 5785.6

grogginess that sleep

Time: 5787.48

inertia and what however if I could give

Time: 5791.52

you the benefits of a nap and have you

Time: 5794.199

come out of the nap with zero sleep

Time: 5798.199

inertia and that's what some folks

Time: 5801.08

started to cleverly think

Time: 5803.44

about what if I could look at the timing

Time: 5806.76

of the optimal nap maybe 20 minutes and

Time: 5809.32

think about the timing of when Peak

Time: 5811.239

plasma concentration of caffeine emerges

Time: 5813.239

and I told you really starts to kick

Time: 5815.08

into gear around 17 minutes and it's in

Time: 5817.159

full swing by 20 what if I was creative

Time: 5822.28

I'm going to withhold from saying

Time: 5824.239

idiotic enough but creative enough to

Time: 5827.4

get into bed just before I turn the

Time: 5830.44

light out for my nap in the afternoon I

Time: 5833.239

Swig a quick

Time: 5835.119

espresso light goes

Time: 5837.28

off I close my eyes eye mask earplugs

Time: 5841.32

and I'm going to drift off fine because

Time: 5843.36

the the caffeine is not going to kick in

Time: 5845.32

and for another 17 20 minutes perhaps at

Time: 5848

its full threshold so now you you fall

Time: 5851.8

in to sleep and you're going down into

Time: 5853.84

sleep and if you perhaps don't make it

Time: 5856.679

too large in terms of its serving the

Time: 5858.48

temperature change is not going to

Time: 5859.88

affect you in a negative way and then

Time: 5863.199

just as your alarm clock is about to go

Time: 5865.199

off after 20 minutes you're on the

Time: 5867.88

beautiful ascending swing of upward

Time: 5870.32

plasma concentration of caffeine and you

Time: 5873.239

get ejected out the other side with both

Time: 5876.4

the benefits of the nap together with

Time: 5878.96

the benefits of the caffeine so you get

Time: 5881.92

your cake and you can eat it too you get

Time: 5884.48

the nap absent the Sleep inertia and

Time: 5888.119

hence this created what we call the

Time: 5890.4

caffeine nap I love it the nappuccino

Time: 5894.08

the the nappuccino um maybe I'll give it

Time: 5896.679

a try uh this is the first time I've

Time: 5898.679

ever heard the um the rationale and the

Time: 5901.32

the the fine structure of the nappuccino

Time: 5903.159

but it makes sense um uh at a logical

Time: 5906.119

and mechanistic level I have to ask is

Time: 5908.92

there anything besides caffeine and

Time: 5911.76

sleep that can clear

Time: 5914.04

adenosine you know can exercise clear

Time: 5916.36

adenosine can uh cold shower clear

Time: 5918.8

adenosine I mean and I understand that

Time: 5920.8

there are a bunch of competing

Time: 5921.88

mechanisms in the body like presumably a

Time: 5923.76

spike in norepinephrine or adrenaline or

Time: 5926.48

both is going to impact the adenosine

Time: 5928.679

system I I once heard a great quote um

Time: 5931.239

from a former uh

Time: 5934.52

member of the National Academy of

Time: 5935.76

Sciences a brilliant guy he said you

Time: 5937.76

know a a drug is a substance that when

Time: 5940.52

injected into an animal or a human

Time: 5943.239

produces a scientific publication

Time: 5945.52

meaning meaning it is it is rare to find

Time: 5949.719

a paper that doesn't see some effect of

Time: 5952.04

some drug especially on sleep I'm told

Time: 5955.4

as I recall if you put aspirin REM sleep

Time: 5958.08

into PubMed you're going to see some

Time: 5959.44

effect on REM sleep people take asper

Time: 5961.4

pretty much any substance that one takes

Time: 5962.96

is going to to alter um some feature of

Time: 5966.28

sleep or of wakeful States if one is

Time: 5968.96

looking with a fine enough uh instrument

Time: 5971.239

or is that an overstatement no I don't

Time: 5972.8

think it is an overstatement and it

Time: 5974.239

comes back to the first episode where we

Time: 5976.8

described the complexity this incredible

Time: 5979.08

beautiful physiological ballet certainly

Time: 5982

one of the recommendations when people

Time: 5983.32

say I get this afternoon this post

Time: 5985.44

prandy will drop in my alertness what

Time: 5987.08

can I do I say you could nap but another

Time: 5989.56

way is just get outside and walk around

Time: 5992.44

be physically active some of that has to

Time: 5994.92

do with the fact that you'll probably

Time: 5995.92

get some daylight and daylight can be a

Time: 5998.239

stimulator of alertness as long you've

Time: 6000.8

told us and educated us on we also know

Time: 6004.04

that physical activity by itself can

Time: 6007.119

increase the amount of endorphins and

Time: 6009.56

dorphin and those are wake promoting but

Time: 6013.119

none of those are really necessarily

Time: 6015.239

going to be altering adenosine they're

Time: 6018.32

simply overriding the adenosine that is

Time: 6020.8

still building up it really does seem to

Time: 6023.08

be for the most part at least as all

Time: 6025.28

that I know it's only sleep and

Time: 6028.32

particularly non-rem sleep that has the

Time: 6031

capacity to or give the brain the chance

Time: 6034.08

to remove that adenosine now what could

Time: 6036.52

be interesting I think is two

Time: 6039.4

circumstances one is where your brain

Time: 6042.599

becomes less metabolically active for

Time: 6044.56

another reason and I told you that it's

Time: 6046.8

not joring it's not as though during

Time: 6048.92

deep non-rm sleep that there is some

Time: 6051.08

special pulsing cleansing mechanism for

Time: 6054.76

adenosine there is a cleansing system

Time: 6057.84

called the glymphatic system which

Time: 6059.639

removes the toxic metabolic byproducts

Time: 6062

of the waking day wakefulness in some

Time: 6064.28

ways is biochemically low-level brain

Time: 6066.679

damage and sleep is sanitary salvation

Time: 6069.639

in that regard knew um but which is

Time: 6072.48

again it's humoristic and it's it's it's

Time: 6074.52

going too far but it makes a point the

Time: 6077.48

idea here however is that it's not that

Time: 6079.639

there is a special system that is

Time: 6081.76

removing the adenosine during deep nonm

Time: 6084.199

sleep it's just that your brain is less

Time: 6085.639

metabolically active and therefore it's

Time: 6087.92

not producing as much adenosine so the

Time: 6090.159

natural mechanisms that are always

Time: 6091.96

occurring in the background to be

Time: 6093.8

clearing adenosine and degrading it

Time: 6096.32

simply get the chance to do that just as

Time: 6099.599

effectively as they have but you're no

Time: 6101.599

longer working against the opposite tide

Time: 6105.32

that is growing the adenosine now the

Time: 6108.679

adenosine increase has dissipated

Time: 6112.36

because you're no long longer

Time: 6113.56

metabolically active during deep sleep

Time: 6115.32

and you get the chance to cleanse it all

Time: 6117

of which is to say therefore that and

Time: 6119.76

that would mimic that such as for

Time: 6122

example anesthesia my guess is that you

Time: 6124.92

probably do jettison some sleep pressure

Time: 6128.159

when you are in

Time: 6129.84

anesthesia I also think that these Lial

Time: 6133.32

States non sleep deep rest could be a

Time: 6137

fascinating territory there because at

Time: 6139.639

that point I'm going to guess and we'll

Time: 6141.56

be able to see with the e G and we may

Time: 6144.44

also be able to do some Imaging

Time: 6146.159

depending on how we you and I design the

Time: 6148.52

study to look at what changes in the

Time: 6150.88

brain in terms of its activation State

Time: 6153.96

my guess is that if it does put you into

Time: 6156.119

something like slow wave activity

Time: 6158.52

patterns that means that those

Time: 6160.119

territories of the brain are

Time: 6161.679

metabolically less active and that

Time: 6164.36

allows the brain to dissipate the

Time: 6166.4

adenosine so to your point I don't think

Time: 6169

things like necessarily exercise or

Time: 6171.159

light change a Denine level

Time: 6173.679

they do give a nice alertness benefit

Time: 6175.44

for other reasons but is there an

Time: 6178.239

alternative way of dissipating adenosine

Time: 6181.08

yes I think anything that mimics a non

Time: 6183.599

or less metabolically active brain could

Time: 6186.639

produce these beautiful adenosine

Time: 6189.159

benefits thank you for that this brings

Time: 6191.639

me to a question about the period

Time: 6194.08

immediately after waking from the

Time: 6197.8

nightly bout of sleep um I've been uh

Time: 6201.599

touting the benefits of delaying one's

Time: 6204.08

caffeine intake by 90 to 120 minutes

Time: 6206.719

after waking there's a little bit of a

Time: 6208.36

misconception out there I think people

Time: 6210.4

um ran with the ball uh assuming that I

Time: 6213.719

was mandating this or think or

Time: 6215.679

suggesting that everyone should do this

Time: 6217.44

and that's simply not the case uh I

Time: 6219.119

actually wake up and I'll hydrate and

Time: 6220.719

drink caffeine very close to waking if

Time: 6222.88

I'm going to exercise soon after yeah um

Time: 6226.32

which I often do um but I've experienced

Time: 6229.28

and I know others um have experienced if

Time: 6231.36

they are not going to exercise

Time: 6233.44

immediately or they don't need caffeine

Time: 6235.76

to exercise for whatever reason I've

Time: 6237.239

heard these people exist I'm no such M

Time: 6239.52

mutant um that delaying their caffeine

Time: 6242

intake by 90 to 120 Minutes in some

Time: 6244.08

cases can offset the afternoon crash now

Time: 6247.599

I want to be clear some of that may be

Time: 6250.159

offsetting the afternoon consumption of

Time: 6252.44

more caffeine because by delaying your

Time: 6254.28

caffeine intake in the morning then

Time: 6255.8

perhaps there's less of an incentive or

Time: 6257.48

requirement to drink caffeine in the

Time: 6258.719

afternoon and all of which dominoes to

Time: 6261.639

as we'll talk about more in the series

Time: 6264.199

to better sleep at night because you

Time: 6266.239

you're not ingesting caffeine close to

Time: 6267.679

bedtime but at risk of taking a massive

Time: 6269.76

tangent here's what I'd like to know

Time: 6271.76

based on what you just told

Time: 6273.84

us if

Time: 6276


Time: 6277.84

sleep and

Time: 6280.239

lower metabolic activity in certain

Time: 6282.639

brain regions can help reduce adenosine

Time: 6286.239

levels in the

Time: 6287.599

brain one could imagine that upon

Time: 6290.96

waking it is either a step function from

Time: 6293.92

okay you know let's say at um 5:45 a.m.

Time: 6297.36

somebody is asleep and adenosine is

Time: 6299.36

still being cleared away because they're

Time: 6300.56

asleep and then they wake up boom does

Time: 6302.96

adenosine clearance immediately stop

Time: 6305.04

well for people who have that um

Time: 6307.08

crumpled face uh grogginess um and they

Time: 6310

wake up at 5:45 maybe even by way of

Time: 6312.48

alarm although we don't uh suggest that

Time: 6314.56

right and they stagger into the kitchen

Time: 6318.119

and um ordinarily they'd make their cup

Time: 6320.159

of coffee but they're in a pseudo sleep

Time: 6322.48

state so it stands to reason that

Time: 6324.599

they're still clearing adenosine now if

Time: 6326.56

they are to drink caffeine right away

Time: 6328.84

then they're as you pointed out going to

Time: 6330.76

block those adenosine receptors and

Time: 6332.159

there's going to be a continued buildup

Time: 6333.639

of adenosine as opposed to a clearance

Time: 6335.48

of adenosine so this was um part not the

Time: 6338.719

entire reason but part of the rationale

Time: 6340.4

for suggesting that people at least

Time: 6341.84

explore delaying caffeine slightly and

Time: 6344.32

then there are things like the cortisol

Time: 6345.639

rise and Etc but um does that kind of

Time: 6349.4

framework at least make logical sense

Time: 6351.159

that doesn't mean it would hold up in a

Time: 6352.44

randomized controlled trial but given

Time: 6353.88

that we're talking about essentially

Time: 6355.28

zero risk protocols here um what are

Time: 6357.96

your thoughts on that I think it is good

Time: 6360.32

advice for people to test and it's good

Time: 6362.96

advice for two reasons the first is that

Time: 6364.92

which you describe in some ways by

Time: 6367.36

taking caffeine on early and masking

Time: 6371.44


Time: 6372.4

adenosine also caffeine can make your

Time: 6374.84

brain more metabolically active which

Time: 6376.96

means that you're going to build up more

Time: 6378.199

adenosine during the day which means

Time: 6379.76

that sleepiness is going to arrive

Time: 6381.28

earlier which means that perhaps that

Time: 6383.159

postprandial drop is going to be you

Time: 6385.119

know harsher and you're going to perhaps

Time: 6387.96

then need to self-medicate with more

Time: 6389.84

caffeine to and so goes the Vicious

Time: 6391.599

Cycle so I think that's one thing to

Time: 6393.76

keep in mind I think that's one

Time: 6394.8

hypothesis I think the second hypothesis

Time: 6397.159

for me or the second reason I would

Time: 6398.8

advocate for that is if you've been

Time: 6400.96

using caffeine that way for a long

Time: 6402.88

period of time you may also be

Time: 6406.44

masking the quality of your sleep

Time: 6409.96

because you wake up you immediately

Time: 6412.52

medicate with caffeine and you are alert

Time: 6416.4

you're awake and you think well I

Time: 6419.159

looking back on my night I'm awake now

Time: 6421.96

after my caffeine and now is the

Time: 6423.84

important part of that sentence I'm

Time: 6425.119

awake now so there's nothing wrong with

Time: 6427.76

my sleep is that true maybe it is maybe

Time: 6431.04

it's not maybe if you abstain from

Time: 6433.599

caffeine through and you have to get

Time: 6435.36

through the detox period it's not going

Time: 6437.56

to this is not the right test

Time: 6439.119

immediately but do it for about two

Time: 6442.04

weeks and then at that point once you're

Time: 6443.76

free from the detox and the withdrawal

Time: 6446.199

now you're in a somewhat naive state

Time: 6448.48

where you're taking your caffeine on I'm

Time: 6450.36

telling you to stop caffeine you're

Time: 6451.639

taking it on at 11:00 after you've woken

Time: 6454.32

up let's say 7:00 in the morning at that

Time: 6457.119

point we've now got this nice Clear

Time: 6459

Window that has been consistently

Time: 6460.8

happening between 7 to 11: in the

Time: 6463.56

morning and I'm going to ask you now do

Time: 6466.239

you feel rested restored and refreshed

Time: 6469

and can you operate with cognitive

Time: 6471.92

acumen and

Time: 6473.92

skill in those first morning hours now

Time: 6477.44

don't forget we've got to get past the

Time: 6479.239

natural sleep and Heria period in the

Time: 6480.679

first 90 minutes but after the first 90

Time: 6482.84

minutes of waking up absent of caffeine

Time: 6485.56

let's say by 900 a.m. in the morning are

Time: 6488.239

you functioning well because if you're

Time: 6491.08

not and you still think you know what I

Time: 6493.44

don't feel restored by my sleep I feel

Time: 6496.08

unrefreshed I want to then start asking

Time: 6498.4

you let's take a look at your sleep and

Time: 6500.48

let's see how we can get you to a more

Time: 6502.159

refreshed state

Time: 6503.56

and by using caffeine first thing in the

Time: 6505.56

morning you don't give yourself the

Time: 6507.76

chance to test whether or not

Time: 6510.119

subjectively you sense your sleep is

Time: 6512.8

good quality now you don't need to do

Time: 6514.96

this forever you can just do a test for

Time: 6517.56

a month and be asking that question and

Time: 6520.199

if all is clear after you've got through

Time: 6522.36

withdrawal and you've got past the first

Time: 6524.04

90 minutes after waking up and you tell

Time: 6526.08

me now in this more caffeine naive state

Time: 6528.76

in the first few hours I feel rest I

Time: 6531.119

feel refreshed I feel restored by my

Time: 6533.04

sleep then that's great we don't need to

Time: 6535.719

be concerned about your sleep so that's

Time: 6538.239

the second reason I like it because it

Time: 6539.96

gives you the opportunity to test out

Time: 6542.84

whether or not your sleep is of good

Time: 6544.719

quality or not I should also note by the

Time: 6547.639

way that I mentioned I've changed my

Time: 6549.8

mind on caffeine and its use and this

Time: 6552.92

comes back to I just raise it because

Time: 6555.56

you had said I made this suggestion and

Time: 6559.32

it wasn't binary it wasn't dictatorial

Time: 6562.08

you don't have to to do it I wasn't

Time: 6563.36

saying that everyone needs to do it and

Time: 6565

in fact even I will you know tweak my

Time: 6567.719

schedule if I'm doing one thing in the

Time: 6569.28

morning I will take on board caffeine

Time: 6571

fairly soon if I'm not I will hold

Time: 6574

off I came out the gate when I first

Time: 6577.92

published um a book and it and I was

Time: 6582.48

very dictatorial about it I and I was

Time: 6586.239

very mono I was very binary you know it

Time: 6589.44

was sleep is absolute and it's

Time: 6593.599

it has to be this way and no other way I

Time: 6596.52

was not in favor of caffeine and I was

Time: 6599.36

telling people about the dangers and

Time: 6600.719

there are dangers to your sleep and we

Time: 6602.679

we can speak about those but it was a

Time: 6605.36

little bit too

Time: 6606.76

heavy-handed I've changed my mind for at

Time: 6609.56

least two reasons

Time: 6611.199

first that's not the way Society works

Time: 6614.119

or people live so there's no amount just

Time: 6616.76

like technology in saying leave your

Time: 6618.4

phone outside of the room for 2 hours

Time: 6621.56

before bed and don't check it for the

Time: 6623.159

first 4 hours that that Genie is out the

Time: 6625.52

bottle so the reason I have changed my

Time: 6627.8

mind on caffeine is because if you look

Time: 6630.84

at the data on on caffeine it's stunning

Time: 6635.32


Time: 6636.48

Health it on almost every metric that we

Time: 6639.76

can measure drinking some degree of

Time: 6642.52

caffeine is beneficial now there is a I

Time: 6646.48

knew it there is a U-shaped function to

Time: 6648.36

this which is once you get past sort of

Time: 6650.079

three or four cups of coffee then you

Time: 6652.28

start to go in the downward Direction

Time: 6654.199

and things aren't so great the

Time: 6657.84

contradiction however was that I was

Time: 6660.239

telling people caffeine not good for

Time: 6662.76

your sleep and sleep by the way is

Time: 6665.159

wonderful for Health it transacts all of

Time: 6667.44

these benefits that we have and will

Time: 6669.119

discuss in this series but then you

Time: 6672.28

compare that relative to caffeine and

Time: 6675.52

caffeine transacts many of the same

Time: 6678.079

health benefits so how can you explain

Time: 6681.8

that Mr sleep

Time: 6683.44

scientist well if you look the the data

Time: 6687.639

is very clear it's not the caffeine

Time: 6689.52

that's the benefit most people take on

Time: 6691.8

board caffeine by way of a cup of

Time: 6694.92

coffee and the Coffee Bean is Pack full

Time: 6699.28

not just of caffeine it contains a

Time: 6702

whopping dose of

Time: 6704.32

antioxidants and because of our

Time: 6706.4

deficient Western diets were so absent

Time: 6711.56

of these

Time: 6713.119

antioxidants that the humble cup of

Time: 6716.92

coffee has been asked to carry the

Time: 6719.239

Herculean weight of our antioxidant

Time: 6722.719

needs on its shoulders so no wonder it

Time: 6726.119

by itself carries such a strong Health

Time: 6728.36

signal because it's providing you with

Time: 6731.28

this wonderful dose of antioxidants in

Time: 6733.84

addition to caffeine case in point if

Time: 6737.28

you look at decaffeinated coffee you

Time: 6739.679

still get the antioxidants but now now

Time: 6742.76

you don't get the caffeine and lo and

Time: 6744.48

behold you get many of the same health

Time: 6746.52

benefits it's not the caffeine it's the

Time: 6749.28

coffee itself so I think that is a a

Time: 6753.239

perfectly good reason to justify

Time: 6756

caffeine but again just like naps the

Time: 6758.36

dose and the timing make the poison if

Time: 6760.96

you're not someone who's sensitive to

Time: 6762.639

caffeine then having a couple of cups of

Time: 6765.239

caffeine and trying to step away from

Time: 6767.92

the use of caffeine I would argue

Time: 6770.199

somewhere between 10 to 12 hours before

Time: 6772.719

you expect to go to bed depending on

Time: 6774.84

your sensitivity and it is different

Time: 6777.239

across people and we know that it's

Time: 6778.96

genetic there is a specific um what we

Time: 6782.159

call polymorphism which just means A

Time: 6784.639

variation in a particular Gene and if

Time: 6787.88

you look at variations in that it will

Time: 6789.96

predict whether you are someone who is

Time: 6791.8

very sensitive to caffeine or not very

Time: 6794.8

sensitive to caffeine and it comes down

Time: 6797

to how quickly you can essentially

Time: 6799.52

metabolically remove that caffeine from

Time: 6802.599

the system so if you know that you're a

Time: 6804.599

very sensitive person I would probably

Time: 6806.28

argue try to stay clear maybe 12 to 14

Time: 6809.52

hours if you're someone who is not as

Time: 6812.679

sensitive then you could maybe go to 8

Time: 6814.92

hours the danger is for people who say

Time: 6818.199

look I'm one of those people who is you

Time: 6820.56

know really just not sensitive to

Time: 6822.639

caffeine at all and I can have an

Time: 6825.639

espresso with dinner and I fall asleep

Time: 6828.079

fine I stay asleep fine so it's really

Time: 6830.639

not a problem for me I would say that

Time: 6832.599

that that may be true but the inherent

Time: 6835.52

danger here is that and we've done these

Time: 6837.239

studies if I give you a dose of let's

Time: 6839

say 200 300 400 milligrams of of

Time: 6841.88

caffeine in the hours before bed which

Time: 6843.92

would be a large you know strong cup of

Time: 6847.04

coffee or you know two espresso with

Time: 6849.84

dinner some people can fall asleep and

Time: 6852.04

some people stay asleep but the amount

Time: 6854.96

of deep sleep that they have is

Time: 6856.84

compromised in fact it can drop your

Time: 6858.679

deep sleep by up to 20% now the danger

Time: 6862.4

is that you wake up in the morning and

Time: 6865.079

there was no signals in your sleep that

Time: 6867.119

said you had problematic sleep because

Time: 6868.639

you're not aware of how much deep sleep

Time: 6870.719

that you had that's the reason that I

Time: 6872.679

think you know sleep trackers can be

Time: 6874.28

helpful in some ways but you then wake

Time: 6879.199

up and you don't feel as refreshed and

Time: 6881.239

restored but you don't remember having a

Time: 6883.119

hard time falling asleep or staying

Time: 6884.52

asleep but now you find yourself

Time: 6886.079

reaching for three cups of coffee to

Time: 6887.8

wake up in the morning rather than the

Time: 6889.239

standard two and so goes the Vicious

Time: 6891.4


Time: 6893

so and also you see an interesting

Time: 6895.4

interrelationship we did a recent study

Time: 6897.239

we just published in Wall Street Traders

Time: 6900.36

it's not just caffeine use it's also

Time: 6901.92

about alcohol use in the evening that

Time: 6904.44

people who overmedicate with caffeine

Time: 6906.679

during the day they then need something

Time: 6909.599

to bring them down at night and the

Time: 6912.52

principal depressant agent and

Time: 6915.119

depressant not in the sense of

Time: 6917.52

psychiatric depression but in the sense

Time: 6919.719

of brain neural activity depression is

Time: 6922.32

is alcohol so you get this classic cycle

Time: 6925.44

of uppers and downers I need my uppers

Time: 6927.8

during the morning my caffeine and I

Time: 6929.92

need my downers at night to lull me into

Time: 6932.96

sleep and it's this really interesting

Time: 6935.88

trade-off which we we saw in these Wall

Time: 6937.96

Street Traders so coming back to the

Time: 6941.32

notion of caffeine though I am favorable

Time: 6945.159

of it in terms of its health benefits I

Time: 6947.32

think it's very very clear just be

Time: 6949.679

mindful of the dose and be mindful of

Time: 6952.04

the timing dose try to not exceed about

Time: 6955.28

three cups of coffee timing understand

Time: 6958.239

your sensitivity there are certain

Time: 6959.56

genetic tests if you really want to get

Time: 6961.119

nerdy that will tell you if you have

Time: 6963.04

this sensitivity or not but you will

Time: 6965.36

probably know it and therefore just say

Time: 6967.8

okay I'm not that sensitive I could

Time: 6969.48

probably go 8 hours or as close as 8

Time: 6971.8

hours before sleep or 10 hours if you're

Time: 6974.4

very sensitive 14 15 hours and keep it

Time: 6977.639

to one cup um so those are the ways that

Time: 6980.8

I would see moderating caffeine and

Time: 6983.8

changing my my mind on caffeine which

Time: 6986.239

just comes back to your point where you

Time: 6987.679

were saying I made this recommendation

Time: 6989.84

about caffeine I want to make sure I

Time: 6992.639

modify that so people don't get confused

Time: 6995.199

I certainly um needed to make a

Time: 6998.04

modification to my stance on caffeine so

Time: 7000.44

thank you for letting me say that which

Time: 7001.639

is a long uh winded way of of getting

Time: 7004.28

around it but does that help a little

Time: 7006.119

bit that does help it um very much thank

Time: 7008.76

you for that um addendum to the

Time: 7011.04


Time: 7012.21


Time: 7014.28

okay so you told us about the power nap

Time: 7017.76

and you've told us about the caffeine

Time: 7019.92

nap the so-called napino yeah what are

Time: 7023.679

some other types of naps that can be

Time: 7025.119

beneficial for Sleep awake cycles and

Time: 7028.599

alertness so you can think about the

Time: 7031.679

caffeine nap as trying to amplify it

Time: 7034.48

sort of a nap plus as it were but to

Time: 7039.4

your question the study that comes to

Time: 7041.32

mind there was a brilliant investigation

Time: 7044.28

Herculean in its study design from a

Time: 7047.719

great sleep research group out in Japan

Time: 7050.44

and they asked okay the nap is good the

Time: 7054

caffeine nap may be a little bit better

Time: 7056.8

but can we go

Time: 7059.199

further um and so they designed a series

Time: 7062.88

of studies they had five different

Time: 7064.719

experimental groups and they tried to

Time: 7067.04

basically create a stack a stacking

Time: 7069.48

system they had across the five groups

Time: 7072.56

there was a non naap group that's the

Time: 7074.52

control then there was a nap group then

Time: 7076.8

there was a nap plus caffeine group then

Time: 7079.88

there was a nap Plus Cold face and cold

Time: 7084.04

handwashing immediately after you wake

Time: 7086.84

up I'll come back to explain why that we

Time: 7089.84

think that works and then the final

Time: 7091.92

group was a group that was a nap plus

Time: 7095.239

bright light and again thank you uh me

Time: 7099.36

offering this as the general public to

Time: 7100.96

you Andrew hubman for for your light

Time: 7102.88

Revolution so it was bright light at

Time: 7105.4

2,000 looks immediately afterwards so

Time: 7109.239

they had five groups again there was no

Time: 7111.599

nap group nap group nap plus caffeine

Time: 7114.04

nap plus cold hands and face washing nap

Time: 7116.88

plus immediate brightlight the cold

Time: 7119.32

hands and face washing is interesting I

Time: 7121.679

told you before that there was this

Time: 7123.599

three-part story to to the sleep wake

Time: 7126.44

equation that you need to warm up to

Time: 7128.04

cool down to fall asleep stay cool to

Time: 7130.079

stay asleep warm up to wake up and I'm

Time: 7132.48

saying warm up to wake up but use cold

Time: 7135.48

water on your face and your

Time: 7138.119

hands don't forget that warming up when

Time: 7141.159

I say it in the morning is warming up at

Time: 7143.119

the central core of your body you

Time: 7145.679

reverse engineer what you did in the

Time: 7147.92

evening I said warm up to cool down to

Time: 7150.48

fall asleep so you warm up the periphery

Time: 7153.4

to release the blood from the core and

Time: 7155.28

you cool down well the reason that they

Time: 7157.56

use cold hand and face

Time: 7159.84

washing was because that's this vascular

Time: 7162.719

surface it's the place where we can

Time: 7164.4

modulate temperature quite quickly the

Time: 7167.159

cold water on the face and the hands

Time: 7169.8

therefore caused a Vaso

Time: 7172.36

constriction the the vessels and the

Time: 7174.96

capillaries there they all scrunched up

Time: 7177.44

and they force the blood back down into

Time: 7180.119

the core of the body so the core body

Time: 7182.44

temperature increase a little bit now

Time: 7184.119

you also get a bit of an adrenaline shot

Time: 7186.88

when you're splashing very cold water on

Time: 7188.92

your hands and your face so there's some

Time: 7190.159

of that too but that's the justification

Time: 7192.92

so what they find firstly they were

Time: 7195.88

measuring different aspects of your

Time: 7198.079

cognition and your mood and your

Time: 7199.679

sleepiness those were the outcome

Time: 7201.32

measures to assess how did these five

Time: 7203.88

different experimental groups change and

Time: 7205.679

you can imag I mean this is I don't

Time: 7207.719

think I would ever take on a study where

Time: 7210.239

I'm doing five nap groups all within one

Time: 7213.48

study it's bloody amazing so they did

Time: 7216.8

the nonap group and then compared to the

Time: 7219.159

nonap group The Nap group got a

Time: 7221.119

wonderful benefit just as we described

Time: 7224.119

and they showed benefits in their

Time: 7226.04

alertness in their cognitive performance

Time: 7228.599

and also they showed a reduction in

Time: 7230.84

their sleepiness so Point number one on

Time: 7233.44

the scoreboard for a nap then they did

Time: 7237

the nap plus the

Time: 7238.84

caffeine and sure enough you got an

Time: 7241.599

added benefit to that which you already

Time: 7244.52

obtained from the nap now it was nowhere

Time: 7247.239

near as sizable as the benefit from the

Time: 7249.44

nap so the addition of caffeine does

Time: 7252.44

give you some nice benefits and I've

Time: 7253.88

used this before when I've worked with

Time: 7255.52

sort of professional athletes we do

Time: 7257.04

instigate these nap um these caffeine

Time: 7259.84

naps when needed so it did give a nice

Time: 7263.719

benefit but then when they looked at the

Time: 7265.96

nap Plus Cold hand and face washing and

Time: 7269.28

the nap plus the bright light those also

Time: 7272.92

added something to The Nap benefit now

Time: 7275.96

they didn't do the sixth Group which is

Time: 7277.96

really what I'm going to do some hand

Time: 7279.88

waving about which is the full step

Time: 7281.92

stack full fat method where they said

Time: 7284.28

okay you're going to do nap plus

Time: 7286.04

caffeine Plus Cold hand and face washing

Time: 7288.36

plus bright light but if you were to put

Time: 7290.96

those together my thought is that

Time: 7293.199

they're probably additive rather than

Time: 7296.079

simply just you know netting each other

Time: 7299.36

out which means that if you really want

Time: 7301.719

to not just do a nap or a nap plus which

Time: 7304.639

would be the the Caffe nap but the nap

Time: 7307.44

plus plus version you can lean into this

Time: 7310.36

study and the protocol there would be

Time: 7313.36

you get into bed you have your espresso

Time: 7316.36

shot before you turn the light you Swig

Time: 7318.639

it go down set your alarm for 20 minutes

Time: 7321.239

you wake up the caffeine is kicking in

Time: 7323.4

you get over the inertia you go straight

Time: 7325.92

out cold hands cold face by way of cold

Time: 7329.84

water and then you get immediate

Time: 7332.32

daylight for 5 to 10 minutes outside and

Time: 7335.079

at that point you're really in a

Time: 7337.28

supercharged state so that's if you just

Time: 7341.96

because I know there's probably going to

Time: 7342.92

be some audience members who are willing

Time: 7345.88

to give this a try or who really want to

Time: 7347.88

optimize don't give me you know what is

Time: 7351.04

good give me the extreme very best

Time: 7353.88

that's the only suggestion I would have

Time: 7355.32

based on that data I love it and

Time: 7357.48

actually what you just described could

Time: 7359.32

easily be um translocated to the uh the

Time: 7363.679

period after uh waking from the nightly

Time: 7366.92

bout of sleep although one wouldn't

Time: 7369.159

ingest caffeine prior to waking up for

Time: 7372.04

obvious reasons um but it would make

Time: 7374.52

good sense to me to uh wake up obviously

Time: 7377.199

get sunlight in one's eyes um splash

Time: 7379.28

some cold water in one's face or hands

Time: 7381.199

or get cold shower cold plunge um

Time: 7384.119

caffeine or delay caffeine I mean it's

Time: 7386.76

essentially the same set of tools and I

Time: 7389.239

think it really um points to the fact

Time: 7391.88

that circadian rhythm clearance of

Time: 7394.44

adenosine uh temperature modulation and

Time: 7398.04

of course the the way in which these

Time: 7399.92

interact um are really the the levers

Time: 7402.4

and and knobs to to modulate wakefulness

Time: 7405.32

yeah it's it's so it there are I think

Time: 7408.679

we've gone over this notion of naps but

Time: 7411.159

there are ways that you can try to

Time: 7413.56

manipulate the nap system still and

Time: 7416.239

there are ways that you can manipulate

Time: 7418.32

it even further but I like what you're

Time: 7421.32

saying because it just comes back to the

Time: 7423.159

fundamentals let's let's forego the the

Time: 7426.239

nap conversation just go back to the

Time: 7428.199

morning routine you're absolutely right

Time: 7431.36

and think about the cold water and

Time: 7433.079

warmart my guess is that very few people

Time: 7435.76

when they go to bed

Time: 7438.199

they wash their face and their hands

Time: 7440.8

maybe they're probably not washing it

Time: 7442.559

with cold water before they go to bed

Time: 7444.679

correct they're going to be washing it

Time: 7446.159

with warm water why don't they do that

Time: 7447.88

and they just say well why would I

Time: 7449.32

Splash cold water on my face you know

Time: 7451.159

probably wakes me up you ever thought

Time: 7452.88

about why it wakes you up part of it is

Time: 7455.04

the you know the shot of activation but

Time: 7458.639

the other part is Thermo regulation and

Time: 7460.96

the opposite is what what you want to do

Time: 7462.32

if anything you want to be warming your

Time: 7464.28

hands and your feet and that's exactly

Time: 7465.84

what you've always done you've always

Time: 7467.679

medicated your sleep onset by using warm

Time: 7470.679

water on your face and your hands

Time: 7473

several times during today's discussion

Time: 7475

we talked about polyphasic sleep um and

Time: 7479.199

the different types of polyphasic sleep

Time: 7481.599

that we covered are I wouldn't say

Time: 7483

conventional but they're um conventional

Time: 7485.8

is what are some of the more um esoteric

Time: 7488.96

or let's call them high performance Pol

Time: 7491.76

polyphasic uh strategies uh for sleep so

Time: 7495.719

we've spoken about polyphasic sleep in

Time: 7498.199

the natural way it occurs which is

Time: 7501.119

during infancy and sleeping like a baby

Time: 7504.84

means that you're sleeping in a highly

Time: 7506.4

polyphasic way but probably around about

Time: 7510.119

the late 1990s 2000s with the emergence

Time: 7513.4

of the biohacker movement and the

Time: 7515.84


Time: 7517.079

self-movement there started to become a

Time: 7519.4

lot of chatter online about this notion

Time: 7522.079

of polyphasic sleep and here no longer

Time: 7525.8

are we infants we're now adults but

Time: 7527.84

we're engaging in a pattern that is

Time: 7530.4


Time: 7532.04

polyphasic polyphasic sleep simply by

Time: 7534.92

definition again means that you're

Time: 7536.159

having multiple phases of sleep within a

Time: 7537.8

24-hour period And there are different

Time: 7540.44

strategies so the way polyphasic sleep

Time: 7542.32

in adults works is that you take the

Time: 7544.159

24-hour period and you think about it

Time: 7545.92

like a pie chart and then you start to

Time: 7548.4

slice that pie up into these quadrants

Time: 7552.32

when it comes to polyphasic sleep the

Time: 7553.96

goal is to put insert multiple phases of

Time: 7558.119

sleep around the 24-hour clock rather

Time: 7560.28

than one single phase but the thinness

Time: 7563.04

of those slices of the pie are very thin

Time: 7566.84

leaving large thick slices of

Time: 7569.8

wakefulness in between the notion that

Time: 7572.84

being that if you were to sort of just

Time: 7574.52

intersperse Little soupson of sleep in

Time: 7577.76

terms of these little thin slices of

Time: 7579.639

sleep you can increase the amount of

Time: 7582.119

time that you're awake and you can

Time: 7583.88

increase all of the benefits of a wake

Time: 7587.04

so if you look at the there is a website

Time: 7590.32

I think it's called the polyphasic

Time: 7592.88

society and there it's not a scientific

Time: 7596.04

Society like the you know psychological

Time: 7599.559

the American Association for uh

Time: 7601.92

psychology or medical um American

Time: 7604.76

Medical Association or British medic

Time: 7606.639

it's not one of those ratified certified

Time: 7609.88

scientific or medical it's just society

Time: 7612.36

that lives online which is great and

Time: 7615.44

they make claims to suggest that

Time: 7617.48

polyphasic sleep can improve aspects of

Time: 7620.44

your mood it can improve aspects of your

Time: 7622.84

productivity it can maybe even improve

Time: 7625.199

aspects of Health I think sometimes

Time: 7627

there are claims that it can help with

Time: 7630.599

lifespan and there are a number of

Time: 7633.679

different schedules that they will

Time: 7635.76

describe to you and that you can find

Time: 7638

out there of polyphasic sleep there is

Time: 7641.559

is the first one that probably people

Time: 7643.119

have heard of is called the uberman

Time: 7645.88

schedule and by the way there is no h at

Time: 7649.04

the start of that it is simply you I

Time: 7652.159

know it's not this man sitting across

Time: 7654.44

from me who has anything to do with this

Time: 7656.719

schedule and after we discuss the data

Time: 7659.36

he will um reassert that very same fact

Time: 7662.96

then there's something called the

Time: 7664.639

Everyman shedule and then there is the

Time: 7666.8

triphasic schedule and there's lots of

Time: 7668.96

different other flavors of this the

Time: 7672.199

differences between them are in how you

Time: 7674.4

split up that pie chart and how much you

Time: 7676.48

assign to little thin slices of sleep

Time: 7678.52

versus longer periods of wake and how

Time: 7680.559

many of those you insert but they all

Time: 7682.32

follow the same pattern if you look at

Time: 7684.76

the literature however it didn't begin

Time: 7687.88

with the biohacker movement the first

Time: 7691.48

description I can find in the human

Time: 7694.079

record comes from Time Magazine an issue

Time: 7696.8


Time: 7697.84

1943 and they describe the protocol of

Time: 7702.28

at the time a fantastic very interesting

Time: 7705.079

designer a guy called book Minster

Time: 7707.159

Fuller and he created a design principle

Time: 7710.92

and that design principle was called the

Time: 7713.119

daxian principle the daxian principle

Time: 7717.32

was principally used initially to build

Time: 7720.48

unique building structures and it uses

Time: 7723.36

this notion of different sort of almost

Time: 7726.679

spokes that interconnect in a central

Time: 7728.96

Hub that create a self-supporting

Time: 7731.079

structure are the most obvious have you

Time: 7733

ever been to one of those geodesic domes

Time: 7735.92

and inside you go in it's like a

Time: 7737.48

botanical garden and it's all tropical

Time: 7740

despite you being in a let's say being

Time: 7742

in England in London and is beautifully

Time: 7743.84

tropical inside of that that structure

Time: 7746.44

that sort of latice structure that comes

Time: 7748.92

in part from his Design This was the

Time: 7751.28

daxian principle and he scaled it to

Time: 7754.32

different things the daxian car the

Time: 7756.84

daxian house the daxian Dome it

Time: 7760.8


Time: 7761.92

but he was no fan of sleep and he saw

Time: 7764.44

sleep as a rather significant waste of

Time: 7767.559

time when just like the rest of his

Time: 7769.96

daxian principle he could be harnessing

Time: 7772.88

more efficiency out of the system with

Time: 7775.679

less structure and here less sleep

Time: 7778.92

structure inserted into his 24-hour

Time: 7781.239

period so he was the first one to

Time: 7783.48

describe his schedule and it was called

Time: 7785.239

the daxian schedule of polyphasic sleep

Time: 7788.719

so it may have been a practice earlier

Time: 7791.48

in the record but that's the earliest

Time: 7793.44

one I can find so let's come back to the

Time: 7796.599

claims of polyphasic sleep that it could

Time: 7798.8

improve let's say your mood or your

Time: 7801.559

cognition or your productivity or your

Time: 7804.239

health the a group of scientists at

Time: 7807.36

Harvard some of my old colleagues um

Time: 7809.559

from Harvard they looked at all of the

Time: 7812.4

literature on all of the stes that were

Time: 7816.239

polyphasic like or testing this

Time: 7819

claim and the first thing that they

Time: 7821.76

found was to their claims of improved

Time: 7824.679

cognition productivity mood as well as

Time: 7828.079

health they found no supportive evidence

Time: 7830.84

that polyphasic sleep was helpful then

Time: 7833.92

they turned the tables and they said

Time: 7835.559

well could it be hurtful and in fact

Time: 7838.96

that's exactly what they found firstly

Time: 7841.48

the total amount of sleep that you get

Time: 7843.28

on any one of those schedules is

Time: 7845

decreased significantly now of course

Time: 7846.559

that's the goal the quality of sleep

Time: 7849.96

that you get though is miserable your

Time: 7852.239

sleep efficiency even when you're having

Time: 7854.599

these short periods of time especially

Time: 7856.559

during the waking hours is very poor

Time: 7859.52

it's not a type of even short sleep that

Time: 7861.599

you would wish for third they found that

Time: 7864

it would reduce your REM sleep amounts

Time: 7867.36

so that was the first set of findings

Time: 7868.84

your sleep is no better if anything it's

Time: 7871.44

significantly worse and then they

Time: 7874.44

started to find that there were

Time: 7875.96

significant impairments in many of those

Time: 7878.04

things impairments in cognition in

Time: 7880.32

judgment making and decision- making

Time: 7882.239

impairment in mood and some aspects of

Time: 7884.88

impairment in metabolic Health

Time: 7887

particularly glucose

Time: 7889

regulation so when it comes to

Time: 7891.679

polyphasic sleep sleeping like a baby if

Time: 7894.639

you're an adult seems to be a rather

Time: 7897.04

unwise piece of advice now yeah I mean

Time: 7900.36

it probably goes along with eating baby

Time: 7902.04

food drinking breast milk and um and uh

Time: 7905.679

having somebody else uh clothe and

Time: 7907.36

change you as an adult it's probably uh

Time: 7909.96

not advisable

Time: 7911.88

it doesn't seem to be at least supported

Time: 7914.76

by the data and again I want to be so

Time: 7919.32

careful here and you're very careful too

Time: 7922.88

I'm not here to necessarily tell anyone

Time: 7925.88

absolutely how to live their life I'm

Time: 7928.76

just a scientist and all I can do is

Time: 7930.719

give you the information just as you do

Time: 7933.44

and then it's up to you to make the best

Time: 7935.239

decisions that you wish to make all I

Time: 7937.32

would say is that I would hope that as

Time: 7940.04

long as you're not hurting yourself and

Time: 7942.719

harming your health and you're not

Time: 7944.32

hurting other people then and it makes

Time: 7947.32

you happy then I say whatever it is in

Time: 7949.159

life good luck I I embrace it I always

Time: 7952.679

say uh do as do as you wish but know

Time: 7954.84

what you're

Time: 7956.199

doing and don't hurt yourself or anybody

Time: 7958.599

else can you get me that T-shirt and I

Time: 7960.36

will wear it five days through Tuesday

Time: 7963.559

so here in this regard though I would

Time: 7965.92

say the evidence would suggest that

Time: 7967.76

maybe you're compromising your health

Time: 7969.8

and your Wellness but that's your choice

Time: 7971.239

voice and I understand it so again no

Time: 7973

judgment to the question however of as

Time: 7976.199

long as you're not hurting other people

Time: 7978.48

here I would say that there is a pause

Time: 7980.36

of a caution because what we know is

Time: 7982.92

that when you're not getting sufficient

Time: 7984.48

sleep I described all of the health

Time: 7986

consequences in the first episode

Time: 7988.079

there's another danger here which is

Time: 7990.119

road traffic accidents and we describe

Time: 7992.88

these micro sleeps that happen and why

Time: 7995.199

car accidents that are caused by

Time: 7996.719

sleepiness can be so catastrophic

Time: 7998.96

there's a very interesting study that

Time: 8000.32

was done where they looked at people

Time: 8002.119

getting less than 6 hours of sleep for

Time: 8005.48

several nights and they put them into a

Time: 8007.159

driving simulator and they asked what is

Time: 8009.599

the probability that you have a crash or

Time: 8012.32

an off-road event and sleeping less than

Time: 8015.159

6 hours a night resulted in a 30%

Time: 8018.48

increase in you getting into a car

Time: 8021.96

crash now the AAA release some data

Time: 8025.8

showing that when you get down to 5

Time: 8028

hours of sleep there is I think it's

Time: 8030.36

something like two Three Times Higher

Time: 8032.28

likelihood of an accident based on real

Time: 8034.159

data and then when you were on 4 hours

Time: 8036.719

of sleep it was close to a 10 times

Time: 8039.36

greater risk so in other words the less

Time: 8041.199

and less sleep that you get it's not a

Time: 8043.36

linear increase in your risk of a car

Time: 8045.76

accident it's an exponential increase so

Time: 8048.04

I bring this back to polyphasic sleep

Time: 8050.719

because I don't know you know think

Time: 8053.159

about that 30% study let's not go to the

Time: 8055.4

extreme just less than 6 hours of sleep

Time: 8058.32

if this evening you call a taxi and it

Time: 8062.88

turns out two taxis turned up and

Time: 8065

outside of your door I said look one of

Time: 8067.36

these two ta you can choose either one

Time: 8068.76

of them but I'll just tell you that one

Time: 8070.239

of these taxis has a 30% higher

Time: 8072.679

likelihood of getting in a crash

Time: 8074.079

relative to the other and it's this one

Time: 8075.599

on the right which would you like to

Time: 8076.92

pick which would you like to put your

Time: 8078.92

wife and children in to S it's very

Time: 8081.92

obvious so I rais that question just to

Time: 8086.28

be mindful no one would wish to cause

Time: 8089.639

harm on someone else to C carry the harm

Time: 8092.32

of someone else by way of your own doing

Time: 8094.48

on your shoulders for the rest of your

Time: 8096.079

life is not one I would wish for and

Time: 8097.96

it's not one that you would wish for

Time: 8099.84

that's the only cautionary note but

Time: 8101.88

other than that I would say you know

Time: 8104.079

sort of live life to the full well that

Time: 8108

brings us to the conclusion of yet

Time: 8111.199

another incredible Voyage into the

Time: 8114.04

landscape of sleep most notably on the

Time: 8117.239

different phases monophasic biphasic and

Time: 8120

polyphasic sleep

Time: 8121.599

and naps and caffeine and all of their

Time: 8124.48

interactions these are such important

Time: 8126.52

topics at the level of Concepts the

Time: 8128.96

level of mechanisms and as you've also

Time: 8131.48

beautifully described at the level of

Time: 8133.559

protocols that is actionable tools that

Time: 8136.239

people can apply so thank you ever so

Time: 8139.159

much Matt for taking us even further

Time: 8141.84

along this Voyage I'll just remind

Time: 8143.92

people that episodes one and two of this

Time: 8147.559

series that U Matt is uh so generously

Time: 8151.159

providing information about sleep for us

Time: 8154.52

are out and those can be accessed

Time: 8157.159

through links in the show note captions

Time: 8158.84

um those fill in yet other mechanisms

Time: 8160.719

and aspects of sleep and I'm also

Time: 8163.159

particularly excited for the fourth

Time: 8165.44

installment in this series coming up

Time: 8167.719

about the relationship between sleep

Time: 8170.119

memory and creativity so just incredibly

Time: 8173.44

important topics relevant to everybody I

Time: 8176.159

also just want to make note that I

Time: 8178.8

really appreciate you highlighting some

Time: 8180.36

of the develop velopmental shifts that

Time: 8182

occur with sleep I often get questions

Time: 8184

about um you know sleep in children and

Time: 8186.76

babies and uh elderly adults as well as

Time: 8189.52

um all the ages in between and you've

Time: 8191.32

just um built this incredible tapestry

Time: 8194.04

of of information for people to think

Time: 8195.92

about and act upon should they choose so

Time: 8199.08

thank you Matt ever so much and I look

Time: 8200.92

forward to episode four Andrew thank you

Time: 8204.08

it is such a privilege and it remains

Time: 8206.2

just my absolute Delight to be here with

Time: 8208.16

you thank you thank you for joining me

Time: 8210.08

for today's episode with Dr Matthew

Time: 8211.92

Walker to learn more about Dr Walker's

Time: 8214.2

research and to learn more about his

Time: 8216.24

book and his social media handles please

Time: 8218

see the links in our show note captions

Time: 8220.12

if you're learning from and or enjoying

Time: 8221.76

this podcast please subscribe to our

Time: 8223.719

YouTube channel that's a terrific zeroc

Time: 8225.639

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Time: 8227.8

please subscribe to the podcast on both

Time: 8229.639

Spotify and apple and on both Spotify

Time: 8231.76

and apple you can leave us up to a fstar

Time: 8233.96

review please also check out the

Time: 8235.639

sponsors at the beginning and throughout

Time: 8237.2

today's episode that's the best way to

Time: 8239.319

support this podcast if if you have any

Time: 8241.319

questions for me or comments about the

Time: 8242.88

podcast or topics or guests that you'd

Time: 8244.88

like me to feature on the hubman Lab

Time: 8246.399

podcast please put those in the comment

Time: 8248.359

section on YouTube I do read all the

Time: 8250.599

comments on many episodes of The hubman

Time: 8252.8

Lab podcast we discuss supplements while

Time: 8255.12

supplements aren't necessary for

Time: 8256.359

everybody many people derive tremendous

Time: 8258.399

benefit from them for things like

Time: 8259.679

improving sleep for hormone support and

Time: 8261.559

for Focus to learn more about the

Time: 8263.2

supplements discussed on the hubman LA

Time: 8264.76

podcast go to live momentous spelled o

Time: 8267.28

us that's Liv mous.com huberman if

Time: 8270.679

you're if you're not already following

Time: 8271.679

me on social media I'm hubman lab on all

Time: 8274.319

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Time: 8276.2

Instagram X LinkedIn Facebook and

Time: 8278.8

threads and on all those platforms I

Time: 8280.8

discuss science and science related

Time: 8282.359

tools some of which overlaps with the

Time: 8284.12

content of the hubman Lab podcast but

Time: 8286.08

much of which is distinct from the

Time: 8287.439

content covered on the hubman Lab

Time: 8288.92

podcast so again it's hubman lab on all

Time: 8291.12

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Time: 8293.04

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Time: 8294.559

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Time: 8296.96

is a zeroc cost newsletter that provides

Time: 8298.96

podcast summaries as well as protoc

Time: 8300.8

calls in the form of brief 1 to

Time: 8302.319

three-page PDFs that cover everything

Time: 8304.359

from neuroplasticity and learning to

Time: 8306.479

sleep to deliberate cold exposure and

Time: 8308.399

deliberate heat exposure we have a

Time: 8310.24

foundational Fitness protocol and much

Time: 8312.479

more all of which again is completely

Time: 8314.16

zero cost you simply go to huberman

Time: 8316.16

lab.com go to the menu tab scroll down

Time: 8318.2

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Time: 8320

email you can subscribe I want to point

Time: 8322

out that we do not share your email with

Time: 8323.88

anybody thank you once again for joining

Time: 8325.8

me for today's discussion all about

Time: 8327.399

sleep with Dr Matthew Walker and last

Time: 8330.24

but certainly not least thank you for

Time: 8332.16

your interest in science

Time: 8336.25


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