Dr. Matthew MacDougall: Neuralink & Technologies to Enhance Human Brains | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford school of medicine today my

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guest is Dr Matthew McDougall Dr Matthew

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McDougall is the head neurosurgeon at

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neurolink neurolink is a company whose

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goal is to develop Technologies to

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overcome specific clinical challenges of

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the brain and nervous system as well as

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to improve upon brain design that is to

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improve the way that brains currently

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function by augmenting memory by

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augmenting cognition and by improving

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communication between humans and between

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machines and humans these are all of

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course tremendous goals and neurolink is

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uniquely poised to accomplish these

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goals because they are approaching these

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challenges by combining both existing

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knowledge of brain function from the

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fields of Neuroscience and neurosurgery

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with robotics machine learning computer

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science and the development of Novel

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devices in order to change the ways that

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human brains work for the better today's

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conversation with Dr Matthew McDougall

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is a truly special one because I and

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many others in science and medicine

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consider neurosurgeons the astronauts of

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Neuroscience in the brain that is they

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go where others have simply not gone

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before and are in a position to discover

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incredibly novel things about how the

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human brain works because they are

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literally in there probing and cutting

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stimulating Etc and able to monitor how

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people's cognition and behavior and

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speech changes as the brain itself has

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changed structurally and functionally

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today's discussion with Dr McDougall

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will teach you how the brain works

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through the lens of a neurosurgeon it

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will also teach you about neuralink

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specific perspective about which

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challenges of brain function and disease

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are immediately tractable which ones

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they are working on now that is as well

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as where they see the future of

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augmenting brain function for sake of

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treating disease and for simply making

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brains work better

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today's discussion also gets into the

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realm of devising the peripheral nervous

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system in fact one thing that you'll

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learn is that Dr McDougall has a radio

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receiver implanted in the periphery of

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his own body he did this not to overcome

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any specific clinical challenge but to

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overcome a number of daily everyday life

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challenges and in some ways to

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demonstrate the powerful utility of

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combining novel machines novel devices

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with what we call our nervous system and

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different objects and Technologies

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within the world I know that might sound

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a little bit mysterious but you'll soon

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learn exactly what I'm referring to and

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by the way he also implanted his family

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members with similar devices so while

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all of this might sound a little bit

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like science fiction this is truly

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science reality these experiments both

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the implantation of specific devices and

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the attempt to overcome specific

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movement disorders such as Parkinson's

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and other disorders of deep brain

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function as well as to augment the human

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brain and make it work far better than

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it ever has in the the course of human

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evolution are experiments and things

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that are happening now at neuralink Dr

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McDougall also generously takes us under

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the hood so to speak of what's happening

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at neurolink explaining exactly the

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sorts of experiments that they are doing

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and have planned how they are

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approaching those experiments we get

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into an extensive conversation about the

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utility of animal versus human research

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in probing brain function and in

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devising and improving the human brain

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and in overcoming disease in terms of

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neurosurgery and neural links goals by

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the end of today's episode you will have

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a much clearer understanding of how

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human brains work and how they can be

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improved by Robotics and engineering and

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you'll have a very clear picture of what

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neural link is doing toward these goals

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Dr McDougall did his medical training at

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the University of California San Diego

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and at Stanford University School of

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Medicine and of course is now at

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neurolink so he is in a unique stance to

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teach us about human brain function and

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dysfunction and to explain to us what

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the past present and future of brain

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augmentation is really all about before

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we begin I'd like to emphasize that this

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podcast is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost to Consumer information about

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science and science related tools to the

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general public in keeping with that

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theme I'd like to thank the sponsors of

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today's podcast our first sponsor is

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hvmn Ketone IQ hvmn Ketone IQ increases

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blood ketones I want to be very clear

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that I like most people have heard of

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the ketogenic diet but I like most

Time: 273.84

people do not follow a ketogenic diet

Time: 276.06

that is I'm not in ketosis however most

Time: 278.34

people don't realize that you can still

Time: 279.66

benefit from increasing your blood

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Time: 283.8

does I take Ketone IQ prior to doing

Time: 286.86

really focused cognitive work so I take

Time: 290.04

it once in the afternoon anytime I'm

Time: 292.139

going to prepare for a podcast or do a

Time: 294.36

podcast or if I'm going to do some

Time: 296.58

research or focus on a grant anything

Time: 298.38

that requires a high level of cognitive

Time: 300.18

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Time: 302.04

the brain's preferred use of fuel even

Time: 303.72

if you're not following a ketogenic diet

Time: 305.58

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Time: 307.919

go to hvmn.com huberman to save 20 off

Time: 311.88

your order again that's hbmn.com

Time: 314.24

huberman to save 20 today's episode is

Time: 317.639

also brought To Us by levels levels is a

Time: 320.16

program that lets you see how different

Time: 321.479

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Time: 323.58

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Time: 325.5

diet using a continuous glucose monitor

Time: 327.66

nowadays there's a lot of excitement

Time: 329.58

about continuous glucose monitors and

Time: 332.039

levels allows you to assess how what you

Time: 334.8

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Time: 336.84

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Time: 339.78

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Time: 341.52

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Time: 343.259

those impact your blood glucose now it's

Time: 345.6

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Time: 346.919

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Time: 348.72

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Time: 351.24

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Time: 353.1

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Time: 354.9

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Time: 357.24

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Time: 359.46

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Time: 362.039

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Time: 364.56

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Time: 366.9

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Time: 368.58

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Time: 370.199

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Time: 372.18

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Time: 373.56

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Time: 375.3

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Time: 377.52

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Time: 380.34

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Time: 381.9

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Time: 385.02

huberman to get two free months of

Time: 387.18

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Time: 389.039

brought To Us by thesis thesis makes

Time: 391.02

custom nootropics and as many of you

Time: 393.479

have perhaps heard me say before I am

Time: 395.28

not a fan of the word nootropics because

Time: 397.139

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Time: 400.08

brain has neural circuits for focus it

Time: 403.139

has neural circuits for creativity as

Time: 404.699

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Time: 406.62

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Time: 408.18

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Time: 410.039

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Time: 412.199

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Time: 414.419

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Time: 415.74

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Time: 417.96

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Time: 419.46

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Time: 422.46

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Time: 424.08

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Time: 425.46

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Time: 427.8

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Time: 430.02

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Time: 431.58

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Time: 433.5

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Time: 435.12

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Time: 436.74

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Time: 439.02

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Time: 440.699

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Time: 442.56

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Time: 445.08

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Time: 446.699

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Time: 448.259

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Time: 449.3

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Time: 452.28

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Time: 454.8

first box and now for my discussion with

Time: 457.259

Dr Matthew McDougall Dr McDougall

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welcome good to be here nice to see

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Andrew great to see you again uh we'll

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get into our history a little bit later

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but just to kick things off

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as a neurosurgeon and as a

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neuroscientist can you share with us

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your vision of the brain as an organ as

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it relates to what's possible there I

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mean I think most everyone understands

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that the brain is along with the body

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the seat of our cognition feelings our

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ability to move Etc and the Damage there

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can limit our ability to feel the way we

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want to feel or move the way we want to

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move but

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surgeons tend to view the world a little

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bit differently than most because as the

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not so funny joke goes you know they

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like to cut and they like to fix and

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they like to mend and they in your case

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have the potential to add things into

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the brain that don't exist there already

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so how do you think about and

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conceptualize the brain as an organ and

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what do you think is really possible

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with the brain that most of us don't

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already probably think about yeah that's

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a great question

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thinking about the brain as this three

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pound lump of meat trapped in a prison

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of the skull

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it seems almost magical that it could

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create a you know human a human set of

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behaviors and a life

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merely from electrical impulses when you

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start to see patients and see say a

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small tumor eating away at a little part

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of the brain and see a very discrete

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function of that brain go down in

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isolation you start to realize that the

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brain really is a collection of

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functional modules pinned together duct

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taped together

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um in this in this bone box attached to

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your head

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um and sometimes you see very

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interesting failure modes so one of the

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memorable patience I ever had was very

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early on in my training I was down at UC

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San Diego and saw a very young guy who

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had just been in a car accident we had

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operated on him and you know as is so

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often the case in neurosurgery we had

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saved his life

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potentially at the cost of quality of

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when he woke from surgery with bilateral

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frontal lobe damage he had essentially

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impulse control left and so

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you know we rounded on him after surgery

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saw that he was doing okay to our you

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know first guess at his uh health and we

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continued on to see our other patients

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and we were called back by his you know

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80 year old recovery room nurse saying

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you've got to come see your patient

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right away something's wrong and we walk

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in to see him and he points at his

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elderly nurse and says she won't have

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sex with me

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and you know it was Apparent at that

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moment his frontal lobes were gone and

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that person is never going to have

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reasonable human behavior again

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and uh that's you know it's one of the

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most tragic ways to have a brain

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malfunction but uh you know anything a

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brain does anything from control of

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hormone levels in your body to Vision to

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sensation to you know the most obvious

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thing which is muscle movement of any

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kind from eye movement to moving your

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bicep all that comes out of the brain

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all of it can go wrong any of it any

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part of it or all of it

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so yeah working with the brain is the

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substance of the brain as a surgeon very

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high stakes but you know once in a while

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you get a chance to really help you get

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a chance to fix something that seems

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unfixable and you have you know

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lazarus-like Miracles not not too

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uncommonly so it's extremely satisfying

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as a career

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could you share with us one of the more

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satisfying experiences or perhaps the

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top Contour of what um qualifies as

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satisfying in in neurosurgery yeah

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um you know one of the relatively newer

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techniques that we do is you know if

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someone comes in with a reasonably small

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tumor somewhere deep in the brain that's

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hard to get to the traditional approach

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to taking that out would involve cutting

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through a lot of good normal brain and

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disrupting a lot of neurons a lot of

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white matter that you know kind of the

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wires connecting neurons

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um then the modern approach involves a

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two millimeter drill hole in the skull

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down which you can pass a little fiber

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optic uh cannula and and uh attach it to

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a laser and just heat the tumor up deep

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inside the brain under direct MRI

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visualization in real time so your this

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person is in the MRI scanner you're

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taking pictures every second or so as

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the tumor heats up you can monitor the

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temperature and get it exactly where you

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want it where it's going to kill all

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those tumor cells but not hurt hardly

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any of the brains surrounding it and so

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not uncommonly nowadays we have someone

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come in with a tumor that previously

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would have been catastrophic to operate

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on and we can eliminate that tumor with

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you know leaving a poke hole in their

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with almost no visual After Effects so

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that procedure that you just described

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translates into better clinical outcomes

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meaning fewer let's call them side

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effects or collateral damage exactly

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right yeah we don't you know even in

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cases that previously would have

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considered totally inoperable say a

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tumor in the brain stem or a tumor in

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primary motor cortex or primary verbal

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areas Brokers area

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uh where we would have expected to

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either not operate or do catastrophic

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damage those people sometimes now are

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coming out unscathed

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I'm very curious about the sorts of

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basic information about brain function

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that can be gleaned from these clinical

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approaches of lesions and

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um strokes and um maybe even stimulation

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so for instance in your example of this

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patient that had bilateral frontal

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what do you think his lack of Regulation

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reveals about the normal functioning of

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the frontal lobes because I think the

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obvious answer to most people is going

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to be well the frontal lobes are

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limiting impulsivity right but as we

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both know because the brain has

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excitatory and inhibitory neurons to

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sort of accelerators and breaks on

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communication right that isn't

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necessarily the straightforward answer

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um it could be for instance that the

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frontal lobes are acting as conductors

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right and are kind of

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um important but not the immediate

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players in determining impulsivity so

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um two questions really what do you

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think the frontal lobes are doing

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because I'm very intrigued by this uh

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human expanded real estate we have a lot

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of it compared to other animals and more

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generally what do you think damage of a

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given neural tissue

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means in terms of understanding the

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basic function of that tissue yeah it

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varies I think from tissue to tissue but

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with respect to the frontal lobes I

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think they act as sort of a filter they

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selectively are saying

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backward to the rest of the brain behind

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when part of your brain says that looks

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very attractive I want to go grab it and

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take it you know out of the jewelry

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display case or you know whatever

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the frontal lobes are saying

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you can if you go pay for it first right

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they're filtering the behavior they're

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they're letting the impulse through

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maybe uh but in a controlled way

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um this is very high level very broad uh

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thinking about how the frontal lobes

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work and that

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that patient I mentioned earlier is a

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great example of when they go wrong you

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know he had this impulse sort of strange

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impulse to be attracted to his nurse

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that normally it would be easy for our

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frontal lobes to say this is completely

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inappropriate wrong setting wrong person

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wrong time

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in his case he had nothing there and so

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even the slightest inclination to uh to

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want something came right out to the

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surface so

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um yeah a filter calming the rest of the

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brain down from acting on every possible

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impulse when I was a graduate student I

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was um running what are called you know

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these uh what these are but just to

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inform you what are called acutes which

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um neurophysiological experiments that

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last several days because at the end you

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uh you terminate the animal this isn't

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uh my apologies to those that um are

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made uncomfortable by animal research I

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now work on humans so a different type

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of animal but at the time we were

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running these acutes that would start

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one day and maybe end two or three days

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later and so you get a lot of data the

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animals anesthetized and doesn't feel

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any pain the entire time of the surgery

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but the um one consequence of these

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experiments is that the experimenter me

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and another individual are awake for

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several days with an hour of sleep here

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an hour of sleep there but you're

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basically awake for two three days

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something that really I could only do in

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my teens and 20s I was in my 20s at the

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time and I recall

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um going to eat at a diner after one of

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these experiments and I was very hungry

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and the waitress walking by with a tray

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full of food for another table

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and it took every bit of self-control to

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not get up and take the food off the

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tray something that of course is totally

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inappropriate and I would never do and

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it must have been based on what you just

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said that my forebrain was essentially

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going offline or offline from the sleep

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deprivation right because there was a

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moment there where I thought I might

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reach up and grab a plate of food

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passing by simply because I wanted it

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right and um I didn't

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um but I can relate to the experience of

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feeling like the shh response is a

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flickering in and out under conditions

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of sleep deprivation so do we know

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whether or not sleep deprivation limits

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for brain activity in a similar kind of

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way you know I I don't know specifically

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if that effect is more pronounced in the

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forebrain as opposed to other brain

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regions but it's clear that sleep

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deprivation has broad effects all over

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the brain people start to see visual

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hallucinations so the opposite end of

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the brain as you know the visual cortex

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in the far back

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the brain is affected people People's

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Court motor coordination goes down after

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sleep deprivation so

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um I think you know if I if you force me

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to give a definitive answer on that

Time: 1130.22

question I'd have to guess that the

Time: 1132.559

entire brain is affected by sleep

Time: 1135.08

deprivation and it's not clear that one

Time: 1137.12

part of the brain is more effective than

Time: 1138.74


Time: 1140.6

so we've been talking about damage to

Time: 1142.16

the brain and inferring function from

Time: 1144.26

damage uh maybe we could talk a little

Time: 1146.96

bit about what I consider really the

Time: 1148.94

Holy Grail of the nervous system which

Time: 1151.58

is neuroplasticity this incredible

Time: 1153.74

capacity of the nervous system to change

Time: 1156.26

its wiring strengthen connections weaken

Time: 1158.78

connections maybe new neurons but

Time: 1160.7

probably more strengthening and

Time: 1161.78

weakening of connections right nowadays

Time: 1163.88

we hear a lot of excitement about

Time: 1166.179

so-called classical psychedelics like

Time: 1168.26

LSD and psilocybin which do seem to

Time: 1170.66

quote unquote open plasticity they do a

Time: 1173.48

bunch of other things too but

Time: 1175.1

um through the release of

Time: 1175.94

neuromodulators like serotonin and so

Time: 1177.74


Time: 1178.94

how do you think about neuroplasticity

Time: 1181.34

and more specifically

Time: 1183.679

what do you think the potential for

Time: 1185.24

neuroplasticity is in the adult so let's

Time: 1188.299

say older than 25 year old brain

Time: 1190.7

with or without

Time: 1193.46

machines being involved because

Time: 1196.34

um in your role at neurolink and as a

Time: 1198.38

neurosurgeon in other clinical settings

Time: 1200.919

surely you are using machines and surely

Time: 1203.78

you've seen plasticity in the positive

Time: 1206.539

and negative direction right

Time: 1209.299

what do you think about plasticity

Time: 1210.74

what's possible there without machines

Time: 1213.26

what's possible with machines so as you

Time: 1217.28

mentioned or alluded to the plasticity

Time: 1219.679

definitely goes down in older brains

Time: 1223.059

uh it it is harder for older people to

Time: 1226.22

learn new things to make radical changes

Time: 1228.14

in their behavior uh to you know kick

Time: 1231.34

habits that they've had for years

Time: 1234.679


Time: 1236.24

machines aren't the obvious answer so

Time: 1239

implanted electrodes and computers

Time: 1240.62

aren't the obvious answer to increased

Time: 1242.24

plasticity necessarily compared to

Time: 1245.14

drugs we already know that there are

Time: 1247.78

pharmacologics some of the ones you

Time: 1249.919

mentioned psychedelics that have a broad

Time: 1252.2

impact on plasticity yeah it's hard to

Time: 1255.14

know which area of the brain would be

Time: 1256.58

most potent as a stimulation Target for

Time: 1259.58

an electrode to broadly juice plasticity

Time: 1263.5

compared to uh you know pharmacologic

Time: 1267.559

agents that we already know about

Time: 1270.16

I think with plasticity you're talking

Time: 1272.6

in general you're talking about the

Time: 1274.22

entire brain you're talking about

Time: 1275.74

altering you know a trillion synapses

Time: 1279.38

all in a similar way in their tendency

Time: 1283.46

to be rewireable to their tendency to be

Time: 1286.22

up or down weighted and

Time: 1289.94

an electrical stimulation Target in the

Time: 1293.48

brain necessarily has to be focused you

Time: 1296.299

know with a device like potentially

Time: 1297.919

neural links there might be a more broad

Time: 1299.9

ability to steer current to multiple

Time: 1303.44

targets with some degree of control but

Time: 1306.44

you're never going to get that broad

Time: 1310.22

um Target ability with uh

Time: 1313.58

any electrodes that I can see coming in

Time: 1315.919

our lifetimes so say that would be

Time: 1317.9

coding the entire surface and depth of

Time: 1320.72

the brain the way that a drug can and so

Time: 1323.419

I think plasticity research will bear

Time: 1326.48

the most fruit when it focuses on

Time: 1328.48

pharmacologic agents I wasn't expecting

Time: 1331.46

that answer given that you're at neural

Time: 1333.62

link and um and then again I think that

Time: 1336.26

all of us me included need to take a

Time: 1339.62

step back and realize that while we may

Time: 1342.2

think we know what is going on at

Time: 1344.539

neurolink in terms of the specific goals

Time: 1346.7

and the general goals and I certainly

Time: 1349.7

have in mind I think most people have in

Time: 1351.14

mind a chip implanted in the brain or

Time: 1353.78

maybe even the peripheral nervous system

Time: 1355.22

that can

Time: 1356.36

give people super memories or some other

Time: 1359.419

augmented capacity we really don't know

Time: 1362.659

what you all are doing there and for all

Time: 1364.88

we know um you guys are taking or

Time: 1367.22

administering psilocybin and combining

Time: 1369.08

that with stimulation I mean we really

Time: 1370.4

don't know and I say this

Time: 1371.9

um with a with a tone of excitement

Time: 1373.82


Time: 1374.96

um I think that one of the things that's

Time: 1377.059

so exciting about the different

Time: 1379.58

Endeavors that Elon has really

Time: 1382.039


Time: 1383.419

um SpaceX Tesla Etc is that early on

Time: 1386.299

there's there's a lot of Mystique right

Time: 1388.7

you know Mystique is a quality that

Time: 1391.28

um is not often talked about but

Time: 1393.86

um it's I think a very exciting time in

Time: 1397.64


Time: 1398.38

Engineers are starting to toss up big

Time: 1402.2

problems and go for it and obviously

Time: 1404

Elon is

Time: 1405.38

certainly among the best if not the best

Time: 1407.24

in terms of going really big I mean Mars

Time: 1409.46

seems pretty far to me right electric

Time: 1411.38

cars are all over the road nowadays are

Time: 1413.6

very different than the picture a few

Time: 1414.86

years ago right when you didn't see so

Time: 1416.659

many of them

Time: 1418.28

rockets and so forth and now the brain

Time: 1420.98


Time: 1422.179

to the extent that you are allowed could

Time: 1424.94

you share with us what your vision for

Time: 1428.659

the missions at neurolink are and what

Time: 1432.62

the general scope of missions are and

Time: 1434.539


Time: 1435.38

um if possible uh share with us some of

Time: 1437.419

the more specific goals I can imagine

Time: 1439.22

basic goals of trying to understand the

Time: 1441.38

brain and augment the brain I could

Time: 1442.64

imagine clinical goals of trying to

Time: 1444.38

repair things in humans that are

Time: 1446.539

suffering in some way or animals for

Time: 1448.46

that matter yeah it's it's funny what

Time: 1450.74

you mentioned uh

Time: 1453.88

neuralink and I think Tesla and SpaceX

Time: 1456.44

before it end up being these blank

Time: 1459.14

canvases that people project their hopes

Time: 1461.419

and fears onto and so we we experience a

Time: 1464.84

lot of upside in this people you know

Time: 1467.6

assume that we have superpowers in our

Time: 1470.539

ability to alter the way brains work and

Time: 1472.76

people have terrifying fears of the

Time: 1474.919

horrible things we're going to do

Time: 1476.48

uh for the most part those extremes are

Time: 1479.179

not true uh you know we are making a

Time: 1482.539

neural implant we have a robotic

Time: 1485.84

insertion device that helps Place tiny

Time: 1488.84

electrodes the size uh smaller than the

Time: 1491.659

size of a human hair all throughout a

Time: 1494.96

small region of the brain in in the

Time: 1498.02

first indication that we're aiming at we

Time: 1501.26

are hoping to implant a series of these

Time: 1504.5

electrodes into the brains of people

Time: 1507.2

that have had a bad spinal cord injury

Time: 1509.24

so people that are essentially

Time: 1510.62

quadriplegic they have perfect brains

Time: 1513.44

but they can't move use them to move

Time: 1515.419

their body they can't move their arms or

Time: 1517.22

legs because of some high-level spinal

Time: 1519.679

cord damage exactly right and so this

Time: 1522.38

you know pristine motor cortex up in

Time: 1524.96

their brain is completely capable of

Time: 1527.179

operating a human body it's just not

Time: 1528.799

wired properly any longer to a human's

Time: 1532.159

arms or legs and so our goal is to place

Time: 1536.179

this implant into a motor cortex and

Time: 1539.96

have that person be able to then control

Time: 1543.02

a computer so a mouse and a keyboard as

Time: 1547.34

if they had their hands on a mouse and a

Time: 1549.38

keyboard even though they aren't moving

Time: 1551.059

their hands their motor intentions are

Time: 1553.34

coming directly out of the brain into

Time: 1556.279

the device and so they're able to regain

Time: 1559.4

their digital freedom uh and connect

Time: 1562.46

with the world through the internet

Time: 1564.46

why use robotics to insert these chips

Time: 1567.98

and the reason I asked that is that sure

Time: 1570.44

I can imagine that a robot could be more

Time: 1573.14


Time: 1574.279

or less precise but in theory more

Time: 1577.1

precise than the human hand no tremor

Time: 1579.38

for instance right

Time: 1581.299

um uh more Precision in terms of uh

Time: 1585.679

maybe even a little micro detection

Time: 1588.44

device on the the tip of the blade or or

Time: 1592.4

something that could detect a capillary

Time: 1594.2

that you would want to avoid and swerve

Time: 1596.059

around that the human eye couldn't

Time: 1598.159

detect and you and I both know however

Time: 1600.74

that no two brains nor are the two sides

Time: 1604.64

of the same brain

Time: 1606.2

identical right so navigating through

Time: 1609.559

the brain is perhaps best carried out by

Time: 1613.279

a human however and here I'm going to

Time: 1615.38

interrupt myself again and say

Time: 1618.679

10 years ago face recognition

Time: 1621.679

was very clearly performed better by

Time: 1625.64

humans than machines and I think now

Time: 1628.52

machines do it better right so is this

Time: 1631.279

the idea that eventually or maybe even

Time: 1633.74

now robots are better surgeons than

Time: 1636.5

humans are in in this limited case yes

Time: 1639.74

uh these electrodes are so tiny and the

Time: 1643.34

blood vessels on the surface of the

Time: 1644.72

brain so numerous and so densely packed

Time: 1647

that a human physically can't do this a

Time: 1650.539

human hand is not steady enough to grab

Time: 1652.76

this you know couple Micron width Loop

Time: 1656.02

uh at the end of our electrode thread

Time: 1658.7

and place it accurately uh blindly by

Time: 1662.9

the way into the cortical surface

Time: 1664.84

accurately enough at the right depth to

Time: 1667.1

get through all the cortical layers that

Time: 1668.6

we want to reach

Time: 1670.24


Time: 1671.799

I would love if human surgeons were you

Time: 1675.799

know essential to this process

Time: 1678.1

but very soon humans run out of motor

Time: 1682.4

skills sufficient to do this job and so

Time: 1686

we are required in this case to lean on

Time: 1688.82

robots to do this incredibly precise uh

Time: 1692.779

incredibly fast incredibly numerous

Time: 1696.02

placement of electrodes into the right

Time: 1697.7

area of the brain so in some ways

Time: 1699.799

neurolink is pioneering the development

Time: 1701.84

of robotic surgeons as much as it's

Time: 1704.419

pioneering the exploration and

Time: 1706.58

augmentation and treatment of human

Time: 1708.44

brain conditions right and as the device

Time: 1711.08

exists currently as we're submitting it

Time: 1713.779

to the FDA it is only for the placement

Time: 1717.32

of the electrodes the the robot it's

Time: 1719.9

part of the surgery I or or another

Time: 1722.6

neurosurgeon still needs to do the you

Time: 1724.7

know the more crude part of opening the

Time: 1726.2

skin and skull and presenting the

Time: 1728.48

robotic pristine brain surface to sew

Time: 1731.36

Electric threads into

Time: 1732.98

well surely getting quadriplegics to be

Time: 1736.52

able to move again or maybe even to walk

Time: 1738.5

again is a um heroic goal and one that I

Time: 1742.7

think everyone would agree would be

Time: 1745.159

wonderful to accomplish is that the

Time: 1748.94

first goal because it's hard but doable

Time: 1752.059


Time: 1753.26

um or is that the first goal because you

Time: 1756.02

and Elon and other folks at neurolink

Time: 1758.38

have a passion for getting paralyzed

Time: 1762.26

people to move again yeah broadly

Time: 1764.899

speaking you know the mission of

Time: 1766.52

neuralink is to reduce human suffering

Time: 1768.38

at least in the near term you know

Time: 1770.659

there's hope that eventually there's a

Time: 1772.76

use here that makes sense for a brain

Time: 1776.179

interface to bring AI as a tool embedded

Time: 1781.76

in the brain that a human can use to

Time: 1784.1

augment their capabilities I think

Time: 1785.84

that's pretty far down the road for us

Time: 1788.84

but definitely on a desired roadmap in

Time: 1792.26

the near term we really are focused on

Time: 1793.82

people with terrible medical problems

Time: 1796.159

that have no options right now

Time: 1799.299

with regard to motor control

Time: 1802.179

you know our mutual friend recently

Time: 1805.58

departed Krishna shenoy was a giant in

Time: 1809.72

this field of motor prosthesis it just

Time: 1813.5

so happens that his work was

Time: 1815.779

foundational for a lot of people that

Time: 1817.58

work in this area including us and he

Time: 1819.799

was an advisor to neuralink

Time: 1822.32

um that work was farther along than most

Time: 1825.679

other work for addressing any function

Time: 1828.74

that lives on the surface of the brain

Time: 1830.96

the physical constraints of our approach

Time: 1833.24

require us currently to focus on only

Time: 1836.059

surface features on the brain so we

Time: 1838.399

can't say go to the really

Time: 1841.039


Time: 1841.7

very compelling surface deep depth

Time: 1845.539

functions that happen in the brain like

Time: 1848.659

you know mood appetite addiction pain

Time: 1853.94

sleep we'd love to get to that place

Time: 1856.159

eventually but in the immediate future

Time: 1859.1

our first indication or two or three

Time: 1861.26

will probably be brain surface functions

Time: 1864.32

like motor control

Time: 1865.88

I'd like to take a quick break and

Time: 1867.86

acknowledge one of our sponsors athletic

Time: 1869.84

greens athletic greens now called ag1 is

Time: 1873.26

a vitamin mineral probiotic drink that

Time: 1875.539

covers all of your foundational

Time: 1876.679

nutritional needs I've been taking

Time: 1878.659

athletic green since 2012 so I'm

Time: 1881.179

delighted that they're sponsoring the

Time: 1882.44

podcast the reason I started taking

Time: 1883.94

athletic greens and the reason I still

Time: 1885.559

take athletic greens once are usually

Time: 1887.6

twice a day is that it gets to be the

Time: 1890.179

probiotics that I need for gut health

Time: 1891.919

our gut is very important it's populated

Time: 1894.08

by gut microbiota that communicate with

Time: 1896.72

the brain the immune system and

Time: 1898.039

basically all the biological systems of

Time: 1899.84

our body to strongly impact our

Time: 1902

immediate and long-term health

Time: 1903.62

and those probiotics and athletic greens

Time: 1905.84

are optimal and vital for microbiotic

Time: 1908.779

health in addition athletic greens

Time: 1910.88

contains a number of adaptogens vitamins

Time: 1912.559

and minerals that make sure that all of

Time: 1914.24

my foundational nutritional needs are

Time: 1915.86

met and it tastes great if you'd like to

Time: 1918.919

try athletic greens you can go to

Time: 1920.559

athleticgreens.com huberman and they'll

Time: 1923.72

give you five free travel packs that

Time: 1925.34

make it really easy to mix up athletic

Time: 1926.96

greens while you're on the road in the

Time: 1928.64

car on the plane Etc and they'll give

Time: 1930.679

you a year's supply of vitamin d3k2

Time: 1933.26

again that's athleticgreens.com huberman

Time: 1935.84

to get the five free travel packs and

Time: 1937.76

the year supply of vitamin D3 K2 so for

Time: 1941.24

those listening the outer portions of

Time: 1944

the brain are

Time: 1946.58

filled with or consist of rather

Time: 1949.48

neocortex so the the bumpy stuff that

Time: 1953.36

looks like sea coral some forms of sea

Time: 1956.539

coral look like brains or brains look

Time: 1958.82

like them and then underneath uh reside

Time: 1961.94

a lot of the brain structures that

Time: 1963.799

control what Matt just referred to um

Time: 1966.98

things controlling mood hormone output

Time: 1968.799

how awake or asleep the brain is

Time: 1972.08

um and would you agree that those deeper

Time: 1974.419

regions of the brain have in some ways

Time: 1976.399

more predictable functions I mean that

Time: 1978.38

lesions there or stimulation there lead

Time: 1980.24

to more predictable outcomes in terms of

Time: 1982.82

deficits or improvements in function

Time: 1985.279

yeah in some way yes I mean the the

Time: 1988.279

deeper parts of the brain tend to be

Time: 1989.899

more stereotyped as in more similar

Time: 1992.539

between species than the the outer

Time: 1995.36

surface of the brain they're kind of the

Time: 1998.059

firmware or the the housekeeping

Time: 2000.1

functions to some degree body

Time: 2001.96

temperature blood pressure sex

Time: 2004.059


Time: 2005.519

hunger or things that you don't really

Time: 2008.2

need to vary dramatically between a fox

Time: 2010.539

and a human being

Time: 2012.36

whereas the the outer more reasoning

Time: 2015.399

functions of problem-solving functions

Time: 2018.58

between a fox and a human are vastly

Time: 2021.159

different and so the physical

Time: 2022.419

requirements of those brain outputs are

Time: 2025.299


Time: 2026.08

I think I heard Elon describe it as the

Time: 2028.659

human brain is I'm essentially a monkey

Time: 2030.94

brain with a super computer placed on

Time: 2032.62

the outside which

Time: 2034.779

um sparked some interesting ideas about

Time: 2036.159

what neocortex is doing we have all this

Time: 2039.279

brain real estate on top of all that

Time: 2041.14

more stereotyped function type stuff in

Time: 2044.98

the deeper brain and it's still unclear

Time: 2048.399

what neocortex is doing in the case of

Time: 2050.44

frontal cortex as you mentioned earlier

Time: 2052.96

it's clear that it's um providing some

Time: 2055.139

quieting of of impulses some context

Time: 2059.08

setting rule setting context switching

Time: 2061.44

all of that makes good sense but then

Time: 2064.24

there are a lot of cortical areas that

Time: 2065.919

sure involved in Vision or touch or

Time: 2067.54

hearing but then there's also a lot of

Time: 2069.52

real estate that just feels un

Time: 2071.44

unexplored right so I'm curious whether

Time: 2074.26

or not in your clinical work or work

Time: 2076.359

with neural link

Time: 2078.339

um or both whether or not you have ever

Time: 2080.619

encountered neurons

Time: 2083.02

that do something that's really peculiar

Time: 2086.08

and intriguing

Time: 2087.879

um and here I'm referring to examples

Time: 2090.52

that could be anywhere in the brain yeah

Time: 2092.2

like where you go wow like these neurons

Time: 2094

when I stimulate them or when they're

Time: 2096.879

taken away lead to something kind of

Time: 2099.339

bizarre but interesting yeah yeah

Time: 2101.8


Time: 2103.72

um the one that comes immediately to

Time: 2105.339

mind is unfortunately in a terrible case

Time: 2107.92

in kids that have a tumor in the

Time: 2111.54

hypothalamus that lead to what we call

Time: 2114.94

gelastic seizures which is sort of an

Time: 2117.64

uncontrollable fit of laughter there's

Time: 2120.579

been cases in the literature where this

Time: 2123.28

laughter is so uncontrollable and so

Time: 2126.22

pervasive that people suffocate from

Time: 2128.859

failing to breathe where they laugh

Time: 2130.78

until they pass out

Time: 2132.72

and so you know you don't normally think

Time: 2135.579

of a deep structure in the brain like

Time: 2138.099

the hypothalamus as being involved in

Time: 2140.26

the you know a function like

Time: 2143.52

humor and and certainly when we think

Time: 2147.4

about this kind of laughter in these

Time: 2150.28

kids with tumors it's

Time: 2151.92

mirthless laughter is the the kind of

Time: 2154.48

textbook phrase

Time: 2155.94

humorless laughter it's just a reflexive

Time: 2161.079

um almost

Time: 2162.78

zombie-like behavior and

Time: 2166.839

it comes from a very small population of

Time: 2169.24

neurons deep in the brain this is one of

Time: 2172

the other sort of strange

Time: 2174.88

loss of functions you might say is you

Time: 2178.06

know it's it's nice that you and I can

Time: 2180.339

sit here and not have constant uh

Time: 2183.28

disruptive fits of laughter coming out

Time: 2185.98

of our bodies but that that's a neuronal

Time: 2189.4

function that's you know thank goodness

Time: 2191.44

due to neurons properly wired and

Time: 2194.02

properly functioning and any neurons

Time: 2197.74

that do anything like this can be broken

Time: 2199.98

and so we see this in horrifying cases

Time: 2203.14

like that from time to time

Time: 2205.54

so I'm starting to sense that there are

Time: 2207.82

two broad bins of approaches to

Time: 2211.119

augmenting the brain either to treat

Time: 2213.579

disease or for sake of increasing memory

Time: 2216.22

creating super brains Etc one category

Time: 2219.579

you alluded to earlier which is

Time: 2221.14

pharmacology and you specifically

Time: 2223.599

mentioned that the tremendous power that

Time: 2225.82

pharmacology holds right whether or not

Time: 2228.04

it's through psychedelics or through

Time: 2229.359

prescription drug or you know some other

Time: 2231.7


Time: 2232.96

the other approach are these little

Time: 2235.3

microelectrodes that are extremely

Time: 2239.26

strategically placed right into multiple

Time: 2242.74

regions in order to play essentially a

Time: 2245.44

concert of electricity that is exactly

Time: 2247.9

right to get a quadriplegic moving

Time: 2250.9


Time: 2251.8

that Sparks two questions first of all

Time: 2254.579

is there a role for and is neural link

Time: 2257.56

interested in combining pharmacology

Time: 2259.359

with stimulation

Time: 2261.28

so not immediately right now we're

Time: 2263.859

solely focused on the extremely hard

Time: 2266.32

some might say the hardest problem

Time: 2267.94

facing humans right now of decoding the

Time: 2271

brain through electrical stimulation and

Time: 2272.92

recording that's that's enough for us

Time: 2275.619

for now so um to just uh give us a bit

Time: 2278.68

Fuller picture of this you were talking

Time: 2280.06

about a patient who can't move their

Time: 2281.619

limbs because they've have spinal cord

Time: 2283.48

damage right

Time: 2285.099

um the motor cortex that controls

Time: 2287.56

movement is in theory fine right you

Time: 2290.079

make a small hole in the skull and

Time: 2292.06

through that hole a robot is going to

Time: 2293.8

place electrodes

Time: 2296.02

obviously motor cortex but then where

Time: 2298.24

how is the idea that you're going to

Time: 2299.68

play a concert from different locations

Time: 2301.3

you're going to hit all the keys on the

Time: 2302.56

piano in different combinations and then

Time: 2304.48

figure out what can move the limbs what

Time: 2308.26

I'm alluding to here is I still don't

Time: 2310.48

understand how the signals are going to

Time: 2311.74

get out of motor cortex past the lesion

Time: 2313.599

and into

Time: 2314.74

um and out to the limbs because the

Time: 2316.24

lesion hasn't been dealt with at all in

Time: 2317.859

this scenario so just to clarify there I

Time: 2320.32


Time: 2321.52

should emphasize we're not in the

Time: 2323.68

immediate future talking about

Time: 2324.94

reconnecting the brain to the patient's

Time: 2327.22

own limbs that's on the road map but

Time: 2329.619

it's way down the road map a few years

Time: 2332.64

what we're talking about in the

Time: 2334.96

immediate future is having the person be

Time: 2336.579

able to control electronic devices

Time: 2338.2

around them with their motor intentions

Time: 2340.9

alone right so prosthetic hand and arm

Time: 2343

or just Mouse and and keys on a mouse

Time: 2345.82

and keys on a keyboard for starters so

Time: 2348.22

you wouldn't see anything in the world

Time: 2349.48


Time: 2350.5

uh as they have an intention the patient

Time: 2353.38

might imagine say flexing their fist or

Time: 2357.339

moving their wrist and what would happen

Time: 2359.859

on the screen is the mouse would move

Time: 2361.54

down and left and click on an icon and

Time: 2363.82

bring up their word processor and then a

Time: 2366.099

keyboard at the bottom of the screen

Time: 2367.359

would allow them to you know select

Time: 2369.94

letters in sequence and they could type

Time: 2371.88

this is the easy place to start easy in

Time: 2376.54

quotes I would say because

Time: 2379.359

um the transformation of electrical

Time: 2381.7

signals from motor cortex through the

Time: 2383.92

brain stem into the spinal cord and out

Time: 2385.48

to the muscles is somewhat known right

Time: 2388.48

through 100 years or more of incredible

Time: 2390.82

laboratory research right but the

Time: 2393.4

transformation meaning how to take the

Time: 2394.9

electrical signals out of motor cortex

Time: 2396.46

and put it into a a mouse or a robot arm

Time: 2400.26

that's not a trivial problem I mean that

Time: 2403

that's a whole other set of problems in

Time: 2405.28

fact well we're taking we're unloading

Time: 2407.8

some of that difficulty from uh from the

Time: 2410.44

the brain itself from the brain of the

Time: 2412.06

patient and putting some of that into

Time: 2415.359

software so we're using smarter

Time: 2418.079

algorithms to decode the motor

Time: 2421.06

intentions out of the brain we have been

Time: 2423.579

able to do this in monkeys really well

Time: 2426.46

so we have you know a small army of

Time: 2429.099

monkeys playing video games for you know

Time: 2432.339

smoothie rewards and they do really well

Time: 2435.099

we we actually have the world record of

Time: 2437.4

a bit rate of information coming out of

Time: 2440.619

a monkey's brain to you know

Time: 2442.24

intelligently control a cursor on a

Time: 2444.28

screen we're doing that better than

Time: 2446.079

anyone else

Time: 2448.02

and you know again thanks in no small

Time: 2451

part due to Krishna shenoi and his you

Time: 2453.4

know his lab and the people that have

Time: 2454.839

worked for him that have been helping

Time: 2456.52


Time: 2458.14

um but what you can't do with that

Time: 2460.839

monkey is ask him what what he's

Time: 2462.82

thinking you can't ask him we can ask

Time: 2465.22

him but he won't get a very interesting

Time: 2466.839

answer yeah

Time: 2468.48

you can't tell him to try something

Time: 2470.619

different you can't tell him to hey you

Time: 2472.18

know try their shoulder on this early

Time: 2473.619

try the other hand and see if there's

Time: 2476.02

some cross body uh neuron firing that

Time: 2479.68

that gives you a useful signal once we

Time: 2481.96

get to people

Time: 2483.42

we expect to see what they've seen when

Time: 2485.74

they've done similar work in academic

Time: 2487.24

Labs which is the the human can work

Time: 2489.88

with you to vastly accelerate this

Time: 2492.16

process and get much more interesting

Time: 2494.02

results so one of the things out of out

Time: 2497.5

of Stanford recently is

Time: 2500.7

there was a lab that with Krishna and

Time: 2503.98

Jamie Henderson and other people decode

Time: 2506.619

speech out of the hand movement area in

Time: 2509.5

the brain so what we know is that there

Time: 2512.68


Time: 2513.52

you know multitudes of useful signals in

Time: 2517.18

each area of the brain that we've looked

Time: 2518.8

at so far they just tend to be highly

Time: 2521.44

expressed for say hand movement in the

Time: 2524.02

hand area but that doesn't mean only

Time: 2526.06

hand movement in the hand area

Time: 2528.52

okay so here's the confidence test

Time: 2530.52

there's a long history

Time: 2532.9

uh dating back really prior to the 1950s

Time: 2536.14

of scientists doing experiments on

Time: 2538.78

themselves sure

Time: 2541

not because they are Reckless but

Time: 2542.619

because they want the exact sorts of

Time: 2545.2

information that you're talking about

Time: 2546.46

the ability to really understand how

Time: 2549.599

intention and awareness of goals can

Time: 2553.24

shape outcomes in biology if that is

Time: 2555.94

vague to people listening what I mean

Time: 2557.56

here is that for many probably hundreds

Time: 2560.74

of years if not longer scientists have

Time: 2563.079

taken the drugs they've studied or

Time: 2565.54

stimulated their own brain or done

Time: 2567.52

things to really try and get a sense of

Time: 2569.5

what the animals they work on or the

Time: 2571.359

patients they work on might be

Time: 2572.5

experiencing psychiatrists are sort of

Time: 2573.88

famous for this by the way right I'm not

Time: 2575.68

pointing fingers at anybody but

Time: 2576.82

psychiatrists are known to try the drugs

Time: 2578.5

that they administer right and some

Time: 2580.06

people would probably imagine that's a

Time: 2581.44

good thing just so that the clinicians

Time: 2585.22

could have empathy for the sorts of side

Time: 2587.14

effects and not so great effects of some

Time: 2589.54

of these drugs that they administer to

Time: 2591.16

to patients but

Time: 2593.44

the confidence test

Time: 2595.9

I present you is

Time: 2598.119

would you be willing or are you willing

Time: 2601

if allowed to have these electrodes

Time: 2604.24

implanted into your motor cortex yeah

Time: 2607.42

you're not a quadriplegic right you can

Time: 2609.339

move your limbs yeah but

Time: 2612.339

given the state of the technology at

Time: 2614.079

neurolink now

Time: 2615.64

would you do that or maybe in the next

Time: 2618.4

couple of years if you were allowed

Time: 2620.26

would you be willing to do that yeah and

Time: 2622.18

be the person to say hey turn up the

Time: 2624.7

stimulation over there I feel like I

Time: 2626.2

want to reach for the cup right with

Time: 2628.119

that robotic arm but I'm feeling kind of

Time: 2630.099

some resistance because it's exactly

Time: 2632.56

that kind of experiment done on a a

Time: 2635.5

person who can move their limbs and who

Time: 2637.96

deeply understands the technology and

Time: 2639.76

the goals of the experiment that I would

Time: 2641.68

argue actually stands to advance the

Time: 2643.72

technology fastest sure as opposed to

Time: 2646.06

putting the electrodes first into

Time: 2647.619

somebody who

Time: 2649.78

um is imperative a number of levels and

Time: 2652.18

then trying to think about why things

Time: 2653.44

aren't working right right and again

Time: 2655.3

that you know this is all with the the

Time: 2657.04

goal of of reversing paralysis in mind

Time: 2661.66

um but would you implant yourself with

Time: 2663.22

these microelectrodes yeah absolutely I

Time: 2665.319

I would be excited to do that I think

Time: 2667.96

for the first iteration of the device it

Time: 2670.66

probably wouldn't be very meaningful it

Time: 2672.64

wouldn't be very useful because I can

Time: 2673.96

still move my limbs and our first

Time: 2676.44

outputs from this are things that I can

Time: 2678.7

do just as easily with my hands right

Time: 2680.859

moving a mouse typing in a keyboard

Time: 2683.74

um we are necessarily making this device

Time: 2687.16

as a medical device for starters for

Time: 2690.4

people with bad medical problems and no

Time: 2693.04

good options

Time: 2694.14

it wouldn't really make sense for an

Time: 2697.18

able-bodied person to get one in the

Time: 2698.98

near term

Time: 2700.3

it as the technology develops and we

Time: 2703.3

make devices specifically designed to

Time: 2706.599

perform functions that can't be done

Time: 2709.18

even by an able-bodied person

Time: 2711.06

say eventually refine the technique to

Time: 2714.099

get to the point where you can type

Time: 2715.359

faster with your mind and one of these

Time: 2719.14

devices than you can with text to speech

Time: 2722.7

or speech to text and your fingers

Time: 2725.579

that's a use case that makes sense for

Time: 2728.14

someone like me to get it it doesn't

Time: 2729.88

really make sense for me to you know get

Time: 2731.859

one when it allows me to you know use a

Time: 2734.56

mouse slightly worse than I can with my

Time: 2736.18

hand currently that said the safety of

Time: 2739.3

the device I would absolutely vouch for

Time: 2741.359

from you know the hundreds of surgeries

Time: 2743.92

that I've personally done with this I I

Time: 2746.98

think it's much safer than many of the

Time: 2750.16

industry standard FDA approved surgeries

Time: 2753.579

that I routinely do on on patients that

Time: 2757.359

you know are no one even thinks twice

Time: 2759.76

about their standard of care neurolink

Time: 2763.18

is already reached in my mind a safety

Time: 2766.48

threshold that is far beyond a commonly

Time: 2769.839

accepted safety threshold

Time: 2772.599

along the lines of augmenting one's

Time: 2774.64

biological function or functions in the

Time: 2776.74

world I think now's the appropriate time

Time: 2778.18

to talk about the small lump uh present

Time: 2783.28

in the top of your hand for those

Time: 2784.42

listening not watching there's a it

Time: 2786.16

looks like a a small lump between

Time: 2789.04


Time: 2789.76

Dr mcdougall's forefinger and thumb or

Time: 2793.359

index finger and thumb

Time: 2795.28

um placed on skin on the top of his hand

Time: 2799.72

you've had this for some years now

Time: 2801.76

because we've known each other for gosh

Time: 2803.68

probably seven years now or so and

Time: 2805.66

you've always had it in the time that

Time: 2807.16

I've known you what is that lump

Time: 2809.74

um and why did you put it in there yeah

Time: 2812.619

so it's a small writable RFID tag what's

Time: 2816.52

an RFID what does RFID stand for yeah

Time: 2818.98

radio frequency identification and so

Time: 2821.92

it's just a very small implantable chip

Time: 2825.04

that wireless devices can temporarily

Time: 2829.599

power if you approach an antenna they

Time: 2832.119

can power and send a small amount of

Time: 2833.98

data back and forth so most phones have

Time: 2837.579

the capability of reading and writing to

Time: 2839.98

this chip for years it it let me into my

Time: 2844.599

house it unlocked a deadbolt on my front

Time: 2846.94


Time: 2847.92

for some years it unlocked the doors at

Time: 2851.14

neuralink and let me through you know

Time: 2853

the the various locked doors inside the

Time: 2856.24


Time: 2857.859


Time: 2858.579

it is writable I can write a small

Time: 2860.8

amount of data to it and so for some

Time: 2863.5

some years in early uh the early days of

Time: 2867.76

crypto I had a crypto private key

Time: 2869.44

written on it to store a cryptocurrency

Time: 2872.44

that I thought was you know a dead

Time: 2874.06

offshoot of one of the main uh crypto

Time: 2876.88

currencies after it forked and so I put

Time: 2880.359

the private wallet key on there and

Time: 2882.16

forgot about it and remembered a few

Time: 2884.8

years later that it was there and went

Time: 2886.24

and checked and it was worth you know a

Time: 2887.98

few thousand dollars more than when I

Time: 2889.54

had left it on there so that was a nice

Time: 2892.06

finding change in the sofa in the 21st

Time: 2894.52

century and then when you say you read

Time: 2896.02

it you're essentially taking a a phone

Time: 2897.94

or other device and scanning it over the

Time: 2900

the lump in your hand so to speak and

Time: 2904.18

then it can read the data from there

Time: 2905.859

yeah essentially yeah um what other

Time: 2907.599

sorts of things could one put into these

Time: 2910.72

rfids in theory and how long can they

Time: 2912.7

stay in there before you need to take

Time: 2913.78

them out and um yeah and recharge them

Time: 2916.78

or replace them well these are passive

Time: 2918.94

they're coded in

Time: 2920.7

biocompatible glass and as an extra I'm

Time: 2923.98

a rock climber and so I was worried

Time: 2925.599

about that glass shattering during rock

Time: 2928.72

climbing I additionally coated them in

Time: 2931.54

another ring of silicone before

Time: 2933.76

implanting that so it's it's pretty safe

Time: 2935.68

they're passive there's no battery

Time: 2937.48

there's no Active Electronics in them so

Time: 2940.96

they could last the rest of my life I

Time: 2942.64

don't think I'd ever have to remove it

Time: 2944.02

for any reason you know at some point

Time: 2945.88

the technology is always improving so I

Time: 2948.28

might remove it and upgrade it

Time: 2950.64

that's not inconceivable already there's

Time: 2953.26

you know 10x more storage versions

Time: 2955.599

available that could be a drop in

Time: 2958.54

replacement for this if I ever remove it

Time: 2961.079

but you know that it it has a small

Time: 2964.42

Niche use case and it's an interesting

Time: 2967.72

proof of concept tiptoeing towards the

Time: 2970.599

concept that you mentioned of you know

Time: 2972.339

you have to be willing to go through the

Time: 2974.68

things that you're suggesting to your

Time: 2976.42

patients in order to you know say with a

Time: 2979.48

straight face that you think this is a

Time: 2981.46

reasonable thing to do

Time: 2983.28

so a small subcutaneous implant in the

Time: 2986.56

hand is a little different than a brain

Time: 2988.119

implant but yeah what's involved in

Time: 2989.56

getting that RFID chip into the hand is

Time: 2992.44

it I'm assuming it's an outpatient

Time: 2994.54

procedure presumably you did it on

Time: 2996.04

yourself yeah yeah this was a kitchen

Time: 2998.2

table kind of procedure

Time: 3000.42

um any anesthetic or is or no you know I

Time: 3004.26

um I've seen people do this with

Time: 3006.18

lidocaine injection I for my money I

Time: 3008.7

think a lidocaine injection is probably

Time: 3010.26

as painful as just doing the procedures

Time: 3012.48

a little cut in that thin skin on the

Time: 3014.339

top of the hand right some people are

Time: 3015.72

cringing right now other people are

Time: 3016.98

saying I want one because you'll have to

Time: 3018.66

never worry about losing your keys yeah

Time: 3020.819

or passwords I actually would like them

Time: 3022.92

for passwords because I'm dreadfully bad

Time: 3025.319

at uh remembering passwords I have to

Time: 3027.599

put them in places uh all over the place

Time: 3029.52

and then it's like I'm like that kid in

Time: 3031.619

um remember that movie Stand by me where

Time: 3033.3

the kid hides the pennies under the the

Time: 3035.04

porch and then uses the map yeah spends

Time: 3037.44

all summer trying to wind them so I can

Time: 3039.66

relate uh yeah so a little it was just a

Time: 3042.06

little slit and then put in there no

Time: 3043.92

local immune response no no pus no

Time: 3046.92

swelling all the materials are

Time: 3048.24

completely biocompatible that are on the

Time: 3050.52

surface exposed to the body so no no bad

Time: 3052.92

reaction it healed up you know in days

Time: 3054.66

and it was fine very cool um since we're

Time: 3058.02

on video here maybe can you just uh

Time: 3059.7

maybe raise it and show us yeah so so

Time: 3062.16

were you not to point out uh that little

Time: 3065.579

lump I I would have known to to ask

Time: 3068.22

about it but and uh any other members of

Time: 3071.04

your family have have these a few years

Time: 3073.02

after having this and seeing the

Time: 3075.72

convenience of me being able to open the

Time: 3077.099

door without keys uh my wife insisted

Time: 3079.44

that I put one in her as well so she's

Time: 3081.24

walking around with one fantastic we

Time: 3083.579

consider them our sort of our our

Time: 3085.02

version of wedding rings love it well

Time: 3087.54

certainly um more permanent than wedding

Time: 3090.359

rings in in some sense

Time: 3093.119


Time: 3094.26

I can't help but ask this question even

Time: 3095.88

though it might seem a little bit off

Time: 3097.14

topic as long as we're talking about

Time: 3098.4

implantable devices and Bluetooth and

Time: 3100.8

RFID chips in the body I get asked a lot

Time: 3104.04


Time: 3105.3

um the safety or lack thereof of a

Time: 3107.64

Bluetooth headphones

Time: 3109.02

um you work on the brain you're a brain

Time: 3110.4


Time: 3111.42

um that's valuable real estate in there

Time: 3113.099

and um you understand about

Time: 3114.78

electromagnetic fields and sure

Time: 3117.059

um any discussion about emfs immediately

Time: 3118.859

puts us in the category of uh oh like

Time: 3120.66

get their tin foil hats and yet I've

Time: 3123.359

been researching emfs for a future

Time: 3124.92

episode of the podcast sure and emfs are

Time: 3129.3

a real thing that's not a valuable

Time: 3131.64

statement everything's a real thing at

Time: 3133.079

some level even an idea but there does

Time: 3136.859

seem to be some evidence that

Time: 3138.559

electromagnetic fields of sufficient

Time: 3141.48

strength can alter the function of maybe

Time: 3144.24

the health of but the function of neural

Time: 3145.98

tissue given that neural tissue is

Time: 3147.66

electrically signaling among itself so

Time: 3151.92

um I'll just ask this in a very

Time: 3152.94

straightforward way do you use Bluetooth

Time: 3154.2

headphones or wired headphones yeah

Time: 3155.819

Bluetooth and you're not worried about

Time: 3158.04

any kind of EMF Fields across the skull

Time: 3160.5

no I mean I I think the energy levels

Time: 3163.02

involved are so tiny that uh you know

Time: 3167.46

ionizing radiation aside we're way out

Time: 3169.92

of the realm of ionizing radiation that

Time: 3171.78

people would worry about you know tumor

Time: 3175.2

causing EMF Fields

Time: 3178.819

even just the electromagnetic field

Time: 3181.38


Time: 3182.66

as is very well described in a Bluetooth

Time: 3186.619

frequency range the power level are tiny

Time: 3190.44

in these devices and so you know we are

Time: 3193.26

Awash in these signals whether you use

Time: 3195.059

Bluetooth headphones or not for that

Time: 3197.46

matter you're you're getting bombarded

Time: 3199.02

with ionizing radiation in a very tiny

Time: 3201.059

amount no matter where you live on earth

Time: 3204

unless you live under huge amounts of

Time: 3206.579


Time: 3208.44

um it's unavoidable uh and so I think

Time: 3211.92

you just have to trust that your body

Time: 3214.28

has the DNA repair mechanisms that it

Time: 3217.02

needs to deal with the constant bath of

Time: 3219.359

ionizing radiation that you're in uh as

Time: 3222.18

a result of being in the universe and

Time: 3224.7

exposed to cosmic rays

Time: 3226.819

in terms of electromagnetic fields there

Time: 3229.5

it's just it's uh

Time: 3232.7

you know the energy levels are way way

Time: 3235.44

out of the range where I would be

Time: 3236.94

worried about this what about heat

Time: 3240.059

um you know I don't use the earbuds any

Time: 3243

longer for a couple of reasons once as

Time: 3245.16

you know I take a lot of supplements and

Time: 3246.66

I reach into my left pocket once and

Time: 3248.099

swallowed a handful of supplements that

Time: 3249.48

included a Bluetooth a airpod pro

Time: 3253.98

um I knew it I swallowed it the moment

Time: 3255.9

after I

Time: 3256.92

gulped it down by the way folks please

Time: 3258.599

don't do this it was not a good idea it

Time: 3260.94

was it wasn't an idea it was a mistake

Time: 3262.619

and but I could see it on my phone as

Time: 3264.24

registering there never saw it again so

Time: 3266.099

I'm assuming it's no longer in my body

Time: 3267.599

but um uh anyway there's a bad joke

Time: 3270.96

there to be sure

Time: 3272.76

um but in any event I tend to lose them

Time: 3275.22

or misplace them so that's the main

Time: 3276.599

reason but I did notice when I used them

Time: 3279.78

that there's some heat generated there

Time: 3283.14

um I also am not convinced that plugging

Time: 3284.64

your ears all day long is good there's

Time: 3286.559

some ventilation through the through the

Time: 3288.42

sinus systems that include the ears so

Time: 3290.64

it sounds to me like you're not

Time: 3291.839

concerned about the use of of

Time: 3293.7

um earbuds but

Time: 3295.319

um what about heat near the brain I mean

Time: 3297.599

there's the the cochlea the auditory

Time: 3300.359

mechanisms that sit pretty close to the

Time: 3302.52

surface there

Time: 3304.079

um heat and neural tissue are not

Time: 3306.599

friends sure

Time: 3308.099

um I'd much rather get my brain cold

Time: 3309.54

than hot yeah

Time: 3311.099

um in terms of keeping the cells healthy

Time: 3313.5

and Alive

Time: 3314.819

um should we be thinking about the heat

Time: 3317.099

effects of some of these devices or

Time: 3318.78

other things is there anything we're

Time: 3320.4

overlooking well think about it this way

Time: 3322.559

the uh I use cars as an analogy a lot

Time: 3326.52

and you know mostly internal combustion

Time: 3328.68

engine cards so these analogies are

Time: 3330.54

gonna start to be foreign and useless

Time: 3333.66

for another generation of people that

Time: 3335.339

grow up in the era of electric cars but

Time: 3337.98

using cars as a as a platform to talk

Time: 3340.74

about uh

Time: 3342.48

fluid cooling systems your body has a

Time: 3346.2

massive distributed fluid cooling system

Time: 3348.72

similar to a car's radiator

Time: 3350.7

you're pumping blood all around your

Time: 3352.859

body all the time at a very strictly

Time: 3355.02

controlled temperature

Time: 3356.7

that blood carries it's mostly water so

Time: 3360

it carries a huge amount of the heat

Time: 3362.54

away or cold away from any area of the

Time: 3366.599

body that's focused heating or focused

Time: 3370.38

cooling so you could put an ice cube on

Time: 3372.059

your skin until it completely melts away

Time: 3374.52

and the blood is going to bring heat

Time: 3375.78

back to that area you can put you can

Time: 3378.18

stand in the sun under

Time: 3380.119

much more scary

Time: 3382.7

heating Rays from the Sun itself that

Time: 3385.14

contain UV radiation that's that's

Time: 3387.96

definitely damaging your DNA if you're

Time: 3390.72

looking for things to be afraid of the

Time: 3392.22

sun is a good one

Time: 3393.54

now you're talking to the guy that tells

Time: 3395.16

everybody he got sunlight in their eyes

Time: 3396.54

every morning but I don't want people to

Time: 3398.099

get burned or give themselves skin

Time: 3399.839

cancer I encourage people to protect

Time: 3402.059

their skin accordingly and and different

Time: 3403.859

individuals require different levels of

Time: 3405.599

protection from the Sun sure some people

Time: 3407.22

do very well in a lot of sunshine never

Time: 3410.16

get basal cell or anything like that

Time: 3412.079

some people and it's not just people

Time: 3413.88

with very fair skin a minimum of sun

Time: 3416.28

exposure can cause some issues and here

Time: 3419.28

I'm talking about sun exposure to the

Time: 3420.839

skin of course staring at the sun is a

Time: 3423.359

bad idea I never recommend thinking

Time: 3424.68

about the sun just as a heater uh you

Time: 3427.559

know for for a moment to compare it with

Time: 3429.599

Bluetooth headphones your body is very

Time: 3433.44

capable of carrying that heat away and

Time: 3435.9

dissipating it you know via sweat

Time: 3437.88


Time: 3439.04

or you know temperature Equalization so

Time: 3442.5

any heat that's locally generated in the

Time: 3444.42


Time: 3445.38

you know one there's a pretty large bony

Time: 3447.42

barrier there but two there's a ton of

Time: 3448.98

blood flow in the scalp and in the head

Time: 3450.66

in general and definitely in the brain

Time: 3452.339

that's going to regulate that

Time: 3453.9

temperature so I think certainly there

Time: 3457.26

can be a tiny temperature variation but

Time: 3459.359

I doubt very seriously that it's enough

Time: 3461.76

to cause a significant problem I'd like

Time: 3463.98

to go back to brain augmentation you've

Time: 3468.059

made very clear that one of the first

Time: 3469.68

goals for neurolink is to get

Time: 3471.9

quadriplegics walking again and again

Time: 3474.24

what a marvelous goal that is and I

Time: 3478.02

certainly hope you guys succeed well

Time: 3480

again just just to be very clear the

Time: 3481.74

first step is we we aren't reconnecting

Time: 3484.319

the patient's own muscle system to their

Time: 3487.079

motor Court allowing them um excuse me

Time: 3489.119

uh agency over the movement of things in

Time: 3491.7

the world yes and eventually their body

Time: 3494.16

and you're exactly right yeah eventually

Time: 3495.78

their body we would we would love to do

Time: 3497.579

that and we've done a lot of work on uh

Time: 3500.52

developing a system for stimulating the

Time: 3503.16

spinal cord itself and so that gets to

Time: 3506.099

the question that you uh that you asked

Time: 3508.2

a few minutes ago of how do you

Time: 3510.059

reconnect the motor cortex to the rest

Time: 3511.8

of the body well if you can bypass the

Time: 3514.44

damaged area of the spinal cord and have

Time: 3516.24

an implant in the spinal cord itself

Time: 3518.16

connected to an implant in the brain and

Time: 3520.38

have them talking to each other you can

Time: 3522.359

take the perfectly intact motor signals

Time: 3524.46

out of the the motor cortex and send

Time: 3527.339

them to the spinal cord which most of

Time: 3529.92

the wiring should be intact in the

Time: 3531.48

spinal cord below the level of say the

Time: 3533.88

the injury caused by a car accident or

Time: 3535.74

motorcycle accident or gunshot wound or

Time: 3537.78

whatever and it should be possible to

Time: 3540.359

reconnect the brain to the body in that

Time: 3542.099

way so not out of the realm of

Time: 3544.02

possibility that you know in some small

Time: 3547.14

number of years that neuralink will be

Time: 3549.9

able to reconnect to somebody's own body

Time: 3552.24

to their brain

Time: 3553.619

and here I just want to flag the

Time: 3556.74

um 100 years or more of incredible work

Time: 3559.26

by basic scientists

Time: 3561.48

um the names that I learned about in my

Time: 3562.98

textbooks as a graduate student were

Time: 3564.48

like georgeopolis and um that won't mean

Time: 3566.88

anything to anyone unless you're a

Time: 3568.319

neuroscientist but churchopolis um

Time: 3570.42

performed some of the first

Time: 3572.16

sophisticated recordings out of motor

Time: 3573.9

cortex just simply asking like what

Time: 3575.76

sorts of electrical patterns are present

Time: 3577.26

in motor cortex as an animal or human

Time: 3578.88

move is a limb

Time: 3580.74

um Krishna shinoy being another

Time: 3582.96

um major Pioneer in this area and many

Time: 3585.24

others right and just really

Time: 3586.619

highlighting the fact that basic

Time: 3587.819

research where

Time: 3589.46

a exploration of neural tissue is

Time: 3592.079

carried out at the level of anatomy and

Time: 3593.64

physiology really sets down the pavement

Time: 3596.46

on the runway to do the sorts of big

Time: 3599.46

clinical uh Expeditions that you all at

Time: 3602.819

neurolink are doing yeah it can't be

Time: 3604.799

said enough that you know we broadly

Time: 3607.619

speaking in Industry sometimes are and

Time: 3609.9

sometimes stand on the shoulders of

Time: 3612.299

academic Giants they were the real

Time: 3614.22

Pioneers that they were involved in the

Time: 3618.299

grind for years in an unglorious

Time: 3621.319

unglamorous way no stock option no stock

Time: 3624.66


Time: 3625.94

and you know the reward uh for all the

Time: 3629.46

hard work is a paper at the end of the

Time: 3631.02

day that is read by you know dozens of

Time: 3633.78

people and so you know they were

Time: 3636.24

selfless uh academic researchers that

Time: 3639.48

that made all this possible and we all

Time: 3642.96

humanity and neuralink owe them a

Time: 3646.079

massive debt of gratitude for all the

Time: 3647.819

hard work that they've done and continue

Time: 3649.079

to do

Time: 3650.16

I agree I'd like to just take a brief

Time: 3652.859

moment and thank one of our podcast

Time: 3654.54

sponsors which is inside tracker inside

Time: 3656.64

tracker is a personalized nutrition

Time: 3658.2

platform that analyzes data from your

Time: 3660.359

blood and DNA to help you better

Time: 3662.28

understand your body and help you reach

Time: 3663.9

your health goals I've long been a

Time: 3665.76

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 3667.14

done for the simple reason that blood

Time: 3669.18

work is the only way that you can

Time: 3670.74

monitor the markers such as hormone

Time: 3672.359

markers lipids metabolic factors Etc the

Time: 3675

impact your immediate and long-term

Time: 3676.799

Health one major challenge with blood

Time: 3678.72

work however is that most of the time it

Time: 3681.42

does not come back with any information

Time: 3682.799

about what to do in order to move the

Time: 3685.02

values for hormones metabolic factors

Time: 3686.88

lipids Etc into the ranges that you want

Time: 3689.339

with inside tracker changing those

Time: 3691.5

values becomes very straightforward

Time: 3692.94

because it has a personalized dashboard

Time: 3694.74

that you can use to address the

Time: 3696.839

nutrition-based behavior-based

Time: 3699.059

supplement-based approaches that you can

Time: 3701.4

use in order to move those values into

Time: 3703.44

the ranges that are optimal for you Your

Time: 3705.24

vitality and your longevity inside

Time: 3707.16

tracker now includes a measurement of

Time: 3708.839

APO lipoprotein B so-called apob in

Time: 3711.42

their ultimate plan apob is a key marker

Time: 3713.579

of cardiovascular health and therefore

Time: 3715.44

there's extreme value to knowing your

Time: 3717.42

apob levels if you'd like to try inside

Time: 3719.64

tracker you can go to insidetracker.com

Time: 3721.68

huberman to get 20 off any of inside

Time: 3724.319

tracker's plans again that's inside

Time: 3726.119

tracker.com huberman to get 20 off

Time: 3729.839

along the lines of augmentation early on

Time: 3732.18

in some of the public discussions about

Time: 3733.799

neurolink that I overheard between Elon

Time: 3735.96

and various podcast hosts Etc

Time: 3738.859

there were some lofty ideas set out that

Time: 3742.44

I think are still very much in play in

Time: 3745.14

people's minds things like for instance

Time: 3747.599

electrical stimulation of the

Time: 3749.46

hippocampus that you so appropriately

Time: 3751.619

have worn on your shirt today so for

Time: 3754.079

those they have beautiful um looks like

Time: 3756.24

either a it looks like a Golgi or a

Time: 3758.46

kahal rendition of the hippocampus yeah

Time: 3761

translates to seahorse and it's an area

Time: 3763.14

of the brain that's involved in learning

Time: 3764.339

and memory and among other things

Time: 3768.599

there was this idea thrown out that a

Time: 3770.94

chip or chips could be implants in the

Time: 3772.68

hippocampus that would allow greater

Time: 3776.22

than normal memory abilities perhaps

Time: 3778.319

that's one idea sure another idea that I

Time: 3781.559

heard about in these discussions was for

Time: 3785.22

instance that you would have some chips

Time: 3787.02

in your brain and I would have some

Time: 3788.22

chips in my brain and you and I could

Time: 3789.54

just sit here look at he looking at each

Time: 3792.54

other or not nodding or shaking our

Time: 3794.52

heads and essentially hear each other's

Time: 3796.319

thoughts which sounds outrageous but of

Time: 3799.14

course why not why should we constrain

Time: 3801.78


Time: 3803.22

um to uh as our good friend Eddie Chang

Time: 3806.04

and uh who's a neurosurgeon who was

Time: 3807.96

already on this podcast once before said

Time: 3809.4

speech is just the shaping of breath as

Time: 3811.68

it exits our lungs incredible really

Time: 3813.72

when you think about it but

Time: 3816.18

we don't necessarily need speech to hear

Time: 3818.579

and understand each other's thoughts

Time: 3819.9

because the neural signals that produce

Time: 3821.28

that shaping of the lungs come from some

Time: 3823.5

intention you know I have some idea

Time: 3825

although it might not seem like it about

Time: 3826.44

what I'm going to say next so is that

Time: 3829.74

possible that we could sit here

Time: 3831.599

and just hear each other's thoughts and

Time: 3834.78

um and also how would we restrict what

Time: 3836.22

the other person could hear yeah well so

Time: 3838.38

absolutely I mean think about

Time: 3841.02

the fact that we could do this right now

Time: 3843.359

if you pulled out your phone and started

Time: 3845.64

texting me on my phone and I looked down

Time: 3847.2

and started texting you we would be

Time: 3849.18

communicating without looking at each

Time: 3850.68

other or talking

Time: 3852.079

shifting that function from a phone to

Time: 3855.66

an implanted device it requires no magic

Time: 3860.119

Advance no Leap Forward it's technology

Time: 3863.52

we already know how to do

Time: 3865.819

if we say put a device in that allows

Time: 3868.799

you to control a keyboard and a mouse

Time: 3870

which is our stated intention for our

Time: 3872.46

first human clinical trial or and

Time: 3874.859

against I'm deliberately interrupting or

Time: 3877.14

I can text an entire team of people sure

Time: 3880.339

simultaneously and they can text me and

Time: 3882.9

in theory I could have a bunch of

Time: 3884.22

thoughts and

Time: 3885.66

5 10 50 people could hear right

Time: 3888.9

um or um probably more to their

Time: 3891.18

preference um they could talk to me yeah

Time: 3893.04

and and so you know texting each other

Time: 3895.02

with our brains is maybe an uninspiring

Time: 3896.819

rendition of this but it it's not uh

Time: 3900.48

very difficult to imagine the

Time: 3902.16

implementation of the same device in a

Time: 3906.119

more verbally focused area of the brain

Time: 3907.92

that allows you to more naturally speak

Time: 3910.2

the thoughts that you're thinking and

Time: 3912.599

have me have them rendered into speech

Time: 3915

that I can hear uh you know maybe via a

Time: 3918

bone conducting implant so silently here

Time: 3921.24

or or not silently like I could let's

Time: 3924.059

say I was getting off the plane and I

Time: 3925.859

wanted to let somebody at home know that

Time: 3927.299

I had arrived I might be able to think

Time: 3929.16

in my mind think their first name which

Time: 3931.92

might cue up a device that would then

Time: 3934.319

play my voice to them and just got off

Time: 3937.14

the plane I'm gonna grab my bag and then

Time: 3938.76

I'll give you a call right on their home

Time: 3940.5

Alexa right

Time: 3942.599

so that's all possible meaning we know

Time: 3946.44

the origin of the neural signals that

Time: 3948.599

give us rise to speech we know the

Time: 3951.599

different mechanical and neural apparati

Time: 3954.48

like the cochlea

Time: 3957.059

um eardrums Etc that

Time: 3961.14

transduce sound waves into electrical

Time: 3963.72

signals right essentially all the pieces

Time: 3965.339

are known we're just really talking

Time: 3966.48

about like refining it yeah refining it

Time: 3969.9

and reconfiguring it it's I mean it's

Time: 3972.059

not an easy problem but it's really an

Time: 3974.16

engineering problem rather than a

Time: 3975.96

neuroscience problem for that for that

Time: 3978.72

use case you know for a non-verbal

Time: 3981.24

communication you might say

Time: 3984.059

um that's a solved problem in a very

Time: 3986.22

crude disjointed way uh so some Labs

Time: 3989.4

have solved you know part one of it some

Time: 3991.44

Labs have solved part two of it there

Time: 3993.24

are products out there that solve you

Time: 3995.16

know say the implanted bone conduction

Time: 3996.839

part of it for the for the deaf

Time: 3998.76


Time: 4000.26


Time: 4001.299

there are there are no implementations

Time: 4005.059

I'm aware of that are pulling all that

Time: 4006.559

together into one product that's a

Time: 4009.38

streamlined package from end to end I

Time: 4012.02

think that's a few years down the road

Time: 4013.52

and we I think have some hints of how

Time: 4017.059

easily or poorly people will adapt to

Time: 4020.299

these um let's call them novel

Time: 4022.339

Transformations a few years ago I was on

Time: 4025.46

Instagram and I saw a post from a woman

Time: 4028.88

um her name is cassar Jacobson and she

Time: 4031.7

is deaf since birth and can sign and to

Time: 4035.299

some extent can relapse but she was

Time: 4037.64


Time: 4038.319

discussing uh neosensory so this is a a

Time: 4042.44

device that translates sound in the

Time: 4044.599

environment into touch Sensations on her

Time: 4047.24

hand or wrist she's a uh admirer of

Time: 4051.799

birds and all things Avian and

Time: 4055.819

um I reached out to her about this

Time: 4058.16

device because I'm very curious because

Time: 4059.24

this is a very interesting use case of

Time: 4061.52

of neuroplasticity in the sensory domain

Time: 4064.7

which is a fascination of mine and she

Time: 4067.16

said that

Time: 4068.18

um yes indeed it afforded her novel

Time: 4070.76

experiences now when walking past say

Time: 4073.22

pigeons in the park if they were to make

Time: 4075.5

some whatever sounds that pigeons make

Time: 4078.14

that she would feel those sounds and

Time: 4080.66

that indeed it enriched her experience

Time: 4082.88

of those birds

Time: 4085.099

um in ways that obviously it wouldn't

Time: 4086.42

otherwise I haven't followed up with her

Time: 4088.339

recently to find out whether or not

Time: 4089.66

ongoing use of neosensory has made for a

Time: 4094.099


Time: 4095.119

worse or kind of um

Time: 4098.299

equivalent experience of avians in the

Time: 4101.779

world which were her is a near Obsession

Time: 4104.719

um so she Delights in them

Time: 4107

um what are your thoughts about in a

Time: 4109.219

peripheral devices like that periphery

Time: 4110.9

peripheral meaning outside of the the

Time: 4113.179

skull no requirement for a uh a surgery

Time: 4117.02

do you think that there's a more

Time: 4119.42

immediate or even a uh just generally

Time: 4123.38


Time: 4124.699

um use case for peripheral devices and

Time: 4127.46

do you think that those are going to be

Time: 4128.839

used more readily before the kind of

Time: 4131.9

brain surgery requiring devices are used

Time: 4134.299


Time: 4135.859

um certainly the barrier to entry is

Time: 4137.96

lower the barrier to adoption is low you

Time: 4140.719

know if you're making a tactile glove

Time: 4142.699


Time: 4143.96

hard to say no to when you can slip it

Time: 4146.48

on and slip it off and not not have to

Time: 4148.52

get your skin cut at all

Time: 4150.799


Time: 4151.759

what you know again there's no perfect

Time: 4154.16

measure of the efficacy of a device of

Time: 4158.06

one device compared to another

Time: 4159.14

especially across modalities but one one

Time: 4161.779

way that you can start to compare apples

Time: 4164.299

to oranges is bitrate you know useful

Time: 4167.12

information in or out of the brain as

Time: 4170.5

you know transformed into digital data

Time: 4173.56

and so you can put a single number on

Time: 4176.179

that and you have to ask when you look

Time: 4178.16

at a device like that is what is the bit

Time: 4180.679

rate in what is the bit rate out how

Time: 4182.96

much information are you able to

Time: 4184.46

usefully convey into the system and get

Time: 4187.819

out of the system into the body into the

Time: 4190.58

brain and uh I think there's what we've

Time: 4194.42

seen in the early stabs at this is that

Time: 4196.699

there's a very low threshold for bit

Time: 4200.12

rate on some of the devices that are

Time: 4202.82

trying to avoid you know a direct brain

Time: 4204.86

surgery Could you um perhaps say what

Time: 4208.76

you just said but in a way that um maybe

Time: 4210.92

people who aren't as familiar with

Time: 4212.96

thinking about bitrate might um

Time: 4215.66

might be able to digest there I'm

Time: 4218.42

referring to myself

Time: 4220.04

um I mean I understand bitrate I

Time: 4222.199

understand that adding a new channel of

Time: 4223.58

information is just that adding

Time: 4225.86

information are you saying it's

Time: 4227.9

important to understand whether or not

Time: 4229.04

that new information provides for novel

Time: 4231.56

function or experience and to and

Time: 4234.32

um to what extent is the the newness of

Time: 4237.14

that valid and adaptive well I'm saying

Time: 4240.26

more uh

Time: 4241.88

it's hard to measure utility in this

Time: 4244.94

space it's hard to you know put a single

Time: 4247.04

metric single number on how useful a

Time: 4250.219

technology is

Time: 4251.5

one crude way to try to get at that is

Time: 4254.179

is uh bit rate think of it as as back in

Time: 4258.08

the days of dial-up modems the bit rate

Time: 4260.9

of your modem was you know 56k or 96 I

Time: 4264.679

can still hear the sound of the dial up

Time: 4266.42

in the background

Time: 4267.699

yeah that was a bit rate that thankfully

Time: 4270.44

kept steadily going up and up and up

Time: 4272.12

your your internet service provider

Time: 4274.58

gives you a number uh that is the

Time: 4277.1

maximum usable data that you can

Time: 4278.719

transmit back and forth from the

Time: 4280.159

internet that's a useful way to think

Time: 4283.04

about these assistive devices how much

Time: 4286.64

information are you able to get in into

Time: 4288.679

the brain and out of the brain usefully

Time: 4290.62

and right now that that number is very

Time: 4294.08

small even compared to the old modems

Time: 4296.199

but you have to ask yourself when you're

Time: 4298.4

looking at a technology what's the

Time: 4299.84

ceiling what's the theoretical maximum

Time: 4302.42

and for a lot of these Technologies the

Time: 4304.4

theoretical maximum is is very low

Time: 4307.34

disappointingly low even if it's

Time: 4309.56

perfectly executed and and perfect

Time: 4312.94

developed as a technology and I think

Time: 4315.38

the thing that attracts a lot of us to a

Time: 4317.54

technology like neuraling is that the

Time: 4319.88

ceiling is incredibly High there's no

Time: 4322.219

obvious reason that you can't interface

Time: 4324.199

with millions of neurons as this

Time: 4326.78

technology is refined and and developed

Time: 4330.14

further so that's the kind of wide band

Time: 4334.699

you know high bandwidth brain interface

Time: 4337.219

that you want to develop if you're

Time: 4338.78

talking about

Time: 4340.82

um and a semantic prosthetic uh an AI

Time: 4344.96

assistant to your cognitive abilities uh

Time: 4348.08

you know the more sci-fi things that we

Time: 4349.76

think about in the coming decades

Time: 4352.58


Time: 4353.239

so uh it's an important caveat when

Time: 4356.6

you're evaluating these Technologies

Time: 4358.159

they really want it to be something that

Time: 4360.26

you can expand off into the Sci-Fi

Time: 4364.64

so let's take this a step further

Time: 4366.8

because as you're saying this I'm

Time: 4369.14

realizing that people have been doing

Time: 4371.42

exactly what neurolink is trying to do

Time: 4373.64

now for a very long time let me give you

Time: 4376.699

an example

Time: 4378.08


Time: 4378.92

people who are blind who have no pattern

Time: 4380.9

Vision have used canes for a very long

Time: 4383.36

time now the cane is not a chip it's not

Time: 4387.14

a an electrode it's not neosensory right

Time: 4390.56

none of that stuff

Time: 4392.3

what it is is essentially a a stick that

Time: 4397.04


Time: 4398.239


Time: 4398.9

an interface with a surface so it swept

Time: 4401

back and forth across the ground and

Time: 4403.4

you're translating what would otherwise

Time: 4405.08

be visual cues into

Time: 4407.32

somatosensory cues sure and we know that

Time: 4410.6

blind people are very good at

Time: 4412.46


Time: 4414.56

um even when they are approaching say a

Time: 4416.78

curb Edge because they are integrating

Time: 4419.179

that information from the tip of the

Time: 4420.92


Time: 4422

um up through their somatosensory cortex

Time: 4423.679

and their motor cortex with other things

Time: 4426.02

like the changes in the the wind and the

Time: 4428.84

sound as they round a corner and um here

Time: 4431

I'm imagining a like a corner in San

Time: 4432.56

Francisco downtown which you get to the

Time: 4434.36

corner it's a completely different set

Time: 4436.219

of auditory cues

Time: 4438.739

and very often we know and this is

Time: 4440.659

because my laboratory worked on visual

Time: 4441.98

repair for a long time I talked to a lot

Time: 4443.42

of blind people who use different

Time: 4444.26

devices to navigate the world that they

Time: 4446.96

aren't aware of the fact that they're

Time: 4449.12

integrating these other cues but they

Time: 4451.04

nonetheless do them subconsciously right

Time: 4454.699

um and in doing so get pretty good at

Time: 4456.92

navigating with a cane right now Kane

Time: 4458.659

isn't perfect but you can imagine the

Time: 4460.76

other form of of navigating as a blind

Time: 4463.88

person uh which is to just attach

Time: 4467


Time: 4468.08

or attached to you another nervous

Time: 4470.06

system the best that we know being a dog

Time: 4473.179

sighted dog sure that can cue you again

Time: 4476.06

with a stopping at a curb's edge or even

Time: 4479.36

if there are some individuals that might

Time: 4480.98

seem a little sketchy dogs are also very

Time: 4482.48

good at sensing

Time: 4484.1

um different uh arousal States and

Time: 4486.02

others threat danger sure I mean they're

Time: 4488.659

Exquisite at it right so here what we're

Time: 4490.64

really talking about is taking a cane or

Time: 4492.98

another biological system essentially a

Time: 4495.14

whole nervous system and saying this

Time: 4497.06

other nervous system's job is to get you

Time: 4500.12

to navigate more safely through the

Time: 4501.5

world right in some sense what neurolink

Time: 4504.32

is trying to do is that but with

Time: 4506.96

robotics to insert them and chips which

Time: 4510.08

raises the the question people are going

Time: 4512.3

to say finally a question the question

Time: 4513.92

is this we hear about

Time: 4516.8

BMI brain machine interface which is

Time: 4518.84

really what neuraling specializes in we

Time: 4520.64

also hear about AI another example where

Time: 4522.92

there's great promise and great fear

Time: 4524.48

right we hear about machine learning as

Time: 4527.179

well to what extent can these brain

Time: 4531.08

machine interfaces

Time: 4532.88

learn the same way a seeing eye dog

Time: 4535.88

would learn but unlike a seeing eye dog

Time: 4539.84

continue to learn over time and get

Time: 4541.88

better and better and better because

Time: 4543.5

it's also listening to the nervous

Time: 4545.179

system that it's trying to support right

Time: 4547.04

put simply what is the role for AI and

Time: 4549.62

machine learning in the type of work

Time: 4551.239

that you're doing that's a great

Time: 4552.44

question I think you know it goes both

Time: 4554.42

ways basically what you're doing is

Time: 4555.98

taking a very crude software

Time: 4557.84

intelligence I would say not exactly a

Time: 4560.6

full full-blown AI but it's some

Time: 4563.6

well-designed software that can adapt to

Time: 4566.239

changes in firing of the brain and

Time: 4569.06

you're coupling it with another form of

Time: 4570.8

intelligence a human intelligence and

Time: 4573.1

you're allowing the two to learn each

Time: 4575.6

other so undoubtedly the human that has

Time: 4579.08

a neuralink device will get better at

Time: 4581.06

using it over time undoubtedly the

Time: 4584.6

software that the neurolink engineers

Time: 4586.4

have written will adapt to the firing

Time: 4590.42

patterns that that the device is able to

Time: 4593.9

record and over time focus in on

Time: 4598.58

meaningful signals toward movement right

Time: 4601.1

so if a neuron is fire a high firing

Time: 4605.239

rate when you intend to move the mouse

Time: 4607.219

cursor up and to the right

Time: 4609.199

it doesn't know that when it starts when

Time: 4611.36

you first put this in it's just a random

Time: 4613.159

series of signals as far as the chip

Time: 4615.5

knows but you start correlating it with

Time: 4617.48

what the person what you know the person

Time: 4619.76

wants to do as expressed in a series of

Time: 4622.82

games so you you assume that

Time: 4626.06

you know that the person wants to move

Time: 4628.52

the mouse on the screen to the Target

Time: 4630.38

that's shown because you tell them

Time: 4632.06

that's the goal and so you start

Time: 4634.1

correlating the activity

Time: 4635.86

that you record when they're moving

Time: 4638.06

toward an up and right Target on a

Time: 4640.28

screen with that firing pattern and

Time: 4642.679

similarly for up and left down and left

Time: 4644.719

down and right and so you develop a

Time: 4647.6


Time: 4648.86


Time: 4649.659

semi-intelligently in the software for

Time: 4651.8

what the person is intending to do and

Time: 4654.199

let the person run wild with it for a

Time: 4656.06

while and they start to get better at

Time: 4659

using the model presented to them by the

Time: 4661.28

by the software as expressed by the

Time: 4663.62

mouse moving or not moving properly on

Time: 4665.54

the screen right so it's imagine a

Time: 4668.6

scenario where you're asking somebody to

Time: 4670.34

play piano but

Time: 4672.62

the the sound that comes out of each key

Time: 4675.08

randomly shifts over time

Time: 4678.5

um very difficult problem but a human

Time: 4680.719

brain is good enough with the aid of

Time: 4683.179

software to solve that problem and and

Time: 4685.28

map well enough to a semi-stable state

Time: 4687.4

that they're going to know how to use

Time: 4689.78

that Mouse even when they say turn the

Time: 4692.48

device off for the night come back to it

Time: 4694.159

the next day and some of the signals

Time: 4696.199

have shifted so you're describing this

Time: 4698.239

I'm I'm recalling a recent experience I

Time: 4700.34

got one of these um rowers you know for

Time: 4703.76

to exercise and I am well aware that

Time: 4707.42

there's a proper row stroke and there's

Time: 4709.4

a improper row stroke and most everybody

Time: 4713.12

including me who's never been coached in

Time: 4714.8

rowing gets on this thing and pushes

Time: 4717.14

with their legs and pulls with their

Time: 4718.219

arms and back and it's some mix of

Time: 4720.02

Incorrect and maybe a smidgen of correct

Time: 4722.78

type execution

Time: 4725

there's a function within the rower that

Time: 4726.86


Time: 4727.76

you in this case I mean to play a game

Time: 4729.86

where you can actually

Time: 4731.42

um every row stroke you generate arrows

Time: 4734.54

on toward a dartboard and it knows

Time: 4737.84

whether or not you're generating the

Time: 4739.04

appropriate forces at the given segment

Time: 4741.199

to the row the initial pull when you're

Time: 4743.06

leaning back Etc and adjusts the

Time: 4745.64

trajectory of the arrow so that when you

Time: 4747.199

do a proper row stroke it gets closer to

Time: 4749.3

a bullseye and it's very satisfying

Time: 4751.58

because you now have a visual feedback

Time: 4753.44

that's unrelated to this

Time: 4755.719

um the kinds of instructions that one

Time: 4757.1

would expect like oh you know hinge your

Time: 4758.54

hip a bit more or you know splay your

Time: 4760.219

knees a bit more reach more with your

Time: 4761.719

arms or pull first with your back all

Time: 4763.159

the rowers are probably cringing as I

Time: 4764.48

say this because they're realizing the

Time: 4766.04

what is exactly the point which is I

Time: 4767.78

don't know how to row but over time

Time: 4770.179

simply by paying attention to whether or

Time: 4771.92

not the arrow is hitting the bullseye or

Time: 4773.84

not more or less frequently

Time: 4776.3

you can improve your row stroke and get

Time: 4779.3

as I understand pretty close to Optimal

Time: 4782.48

row stroke

Time: 4783.88

in the same way that if you had a coach

Time: 4786.32

there telling you hey do this and do

Time: 4788.06

that what we're really talking about

Time: 4788.9

here is neurobiofeedback sure so is that

Time: 4792.44

analogy similar to what you're

Time: 4793.88

describing yeah that's a great analogy

Time: 4795.5

you know humans are really good at

Time: 4798.32

learning how to play games in software

Time: 4801.44

so video games are an awesome platform

Time: 4803.36

for us to use as a training environment

Time: 4805.699

for people to get better at controlling

Time: 4808.219

these things in fact it's it's the

Time: 4810.26

default and the obvious way to do it is

Time: 4813.08

to have people and monkeys play video

Time: 4815.179

games do you play video games yeah sure

Time: 4817.64

which video games

Time: 4819.56

let's see I you know play old ones I'm a

Time: 4822.62

little nostalgic so uh I uh like the old

Time: 4826.04

Blizzard game Starcraft and Warcraft I

Time: 4829.219

don't even know those I remember the

Time: 4830.719

first Apple computers I mean I go how

Time: 4833.42

old are you uh 43 okay 44 now as of a

Time: 4836.719

few days ago happy birthday so we're a

Time: 4838.58

little bit offset there yeah I can

Time: 4839.719

recall um Mike Tyson's punch out like

Time: 4841.76

the original Nintendo game Super Mario

Time: 4843.739


Time: 4846.02

um but the game so the games you're

Time: 4847.88

describing I don't recall that my

Time: 4850.1

understanding is that the newer games

Time: 4851.42

are are far more sophisticated in some

Time: 4854.3

respects I I did recently find time to

Time: 4856.46

play cyberpunk

Time: 4857.96

um which was really satisfying and maybe

Time: 4860.179


Time: 4861.86

it's a game where the characters are all

Time: 4863.78

fully modded out with cybernetic

Time: 4866.48

implants well perfect um but you know

Time: 4868.82

the the root of the game is run around

Time: 4870.62

and shoot things so maybe not so

Time: 4872.84

different from you know duck hunt or

Time: 4874.699

whatever from our childhoods

Time: 4876.92

the reason I ask about video games is um

Time: 4878.96

there's been some controversy as to

Time: 4880.28

whether or not they are making young

Time: 4881.239

brains better or worse and I think some

Time: 4884.54

of the work from Adam gazzali's Lab at

Time: 4886.4

UCSF and other Laboratories have shown

Time: 4888.199

that actually provided that um

Time: 4891.02

children in particular and adults are

Time: 4893.179

also spending time in normal face to

Time: 4895.159

let's call them more traditional

Time: 4897.159

face-to-face interactions that video

Time: 4899.42

games can actually make nervous systems

Time: 4901.64

that is people a much more proficient at

Time: 4903.92

learning and motor execution sure

Time: 4906.08

um visual detection

Time: 4907.88

um and on and on yeah there's some work

Time: 4909.92

uh showing that surgeons are better if

Time: 4912.56

they play video games so I try to

Time: 4914.9

squeeze some in as a you know a

Time: 4917.42

professional development activity great

Time: 4919.159

great well I'm sure you're getting

Time: 4920.719

cheers from the uh from those that like

Time: 4923.12

video games out there and some of the

Time: 4924.98

parents who are trying to get their kids

Time: 4926.239

to play fewer video games are cringing

Time: 4928.159

but that's okay we'll let them settle uh

Time: 4930.14

they're familial disputes among

Time: 4932.239


Time: 4934.1

let's talk about pigs sure

Time: 4936.8

neural link has been

Time: 4939.08

um quite generous I would say in

Time: 4941.96

announcing their discoveries and their

Time: 4944.9

goals and I I want to highlight this

Time: 4947.42

because I think it's quite unusual for a

Time: 4948.92

company to do this

Time: 4950.239

um I'm probably going to earn a few

Time: 4951.5

enemies by saying this

Time: 4953.3

um despite the fact that I've always

Time: 4954.86

owned Apple devices and from the South

Time: 4957.38


Time: 4958.159

um you know the apple design team is

Time: 4959.659

notoriously cryptic about what they're

Time: 4961.219

going to do next or when the next phone

Time: 4962.9

or computer is going to come out is is

Time: 4964.88

is vaulted to

Time: 4967.28

um a serious extent neural link has been

Time: 4971.179

pretty open about their goals right with

Time: 4974.659

the understanding the goals change and

Time: 4976.88

have to change and one of the things

Time: 4979.46

that they've done which I think is

Time: 4980.54

marvelous is they've held online

Time: 4983.12


Time: 4984.5

where you and some other colleagues of

Time: 4987.199

mine from the Neuroscience committee Dan

Time: 4988.46

Adams who have tremendous respect for

Time: 4990.199

and Elon and others their neural link

Time: 4993.56

have shared some of the progress that

Time: 4996.26

they've made in experimental animals I'm

Time: 4998.36

highlighting this because I think if one

Time: 5000.34

takes a step back I mean just for most

Time: 5003.1

people to

Time: 5004.86

know about and realize that there's

Time: 5007

experimentation on animals implantation

Time: 5008.92

of electrodes and so on is itself a

Time: 5011.08

pretty bold move because that

Time: 5012.76

understandably evokes some strong

Time: 5014.679


Time: 5015.88

um in people and in some people evokes

Time: 5018.64

extremely strong emotions sure

Time: 5020.98


Time: 5022.12

neural link did one such Symposium where

Time: 5025.179

they showed implant devices in pigs

Time: 5028


Time: 5029.14

then they did another one you guys did

Time: 5031.42

another one where it was implant devices

Time: 5033.64

in monkeys right I assume at some point

Time: 5036.159

there will be one of these public

Time: 5038.02

symposia where

Time: 5039.76

um the implant devices will be in a

Time: 5041.26


Time: 5042.76

what was the rationale for using pigs

Time: 5045.54

I'm told pigs are very nice creatures

Time: 5048.159

yeah I'm told that they are quite smart

Time: 5050.26


Time: 5051.82

um and

Time: 5053.679

for all my years as a neuroscientist and

Time: 5056.14

having worked admittedly on every

Time: 5058.42

species from mice to cuttlefish to

Time: 5061.54

humans to hamsters to uh you know I

Time: 5064

confess um various carnivore species

Time: 5066.54

which I no longer do I work on humans

Time: 5068.92

now for various reasons I never in my

Time: 5072.58

life thought I would see a implant

Time: 5076.12

device in the cortex of a pig sure why

Time: 5080.08

work on pigs yeah well let me let me say

Time: 5083.38

first neurolink is almost entirely

Time: 5086.56

composed of animal loving people the

Time: 5089.199

people at norlink are

Time: 5090.88

obsessive animal lovers there are signs

Time: 5094.6

up all around the office you know

Time: 5096.1

spontaneously put up by people within

Time: 5098.92

the organization you know talking about

Time: 5101.679

how we want to save animals we want to

Time: 5103.719

protect animals

Time: 5105.04

if there was any possible way

Time: 5108.1

to help people the way we want to help

Time: 5109.96

people without using animals in our

Time: 5112.719

research we would do it it's just not

Time: 5115.78

known how to do that right now and so we

Time: 5118.12

are completely restricted to making

Time: 5121

advances to getting a device approval

Time: 5123.82

through the FDA by first showing that

Time: 5126.64

it's incredibly safe in animals

Time: 5129.28

and so as is the case for any medical

Time: 5132.04

advancement essentially exactly I do

Time: 5134.08

want to highlight this that the the FDA

Time: 5136.48

and the other governing bodies

Time: 5138.64


Time: 5140.199

oversee these types of experiments and

Time: 5142

ensure that they're done with a minimum

Time: 5143.38

of discomfort to the animals of course

Time: 5144.88


Time: 5146.38

um I think there's an inherent

Time: 5148.179

speciesism right in uh in most humans

Time: 5153.219

not all some people truly see

Time: 5155.26

equivalence between a lizard and a human

Time: 5157.36

lizard life being equivalent to human

Time: 5159.159

life most human beings I think in

Time: 5161.38

particular human beings who themselves

Time: 5163.42

or have loved ones that are suffering

Time: 5164.98

from diseases that they hope could be

Time: 5167.98

cured at some point view themselves as

Time: 5170.5

species and feel that if you have to

Time: 5173.08

work on a biological system

Time: 5175.239

in order to solve the problem

Time: 5177.52

um working on non-human animals first

Time: 5180.1

makes sense right to most people sure

Time: 5182.5

but certainly there's a category of

Time: 5184

people that feels very strongly in the

Time: 5186.219

opposite direction sure and you know I

Time: 5188.26

think we would probably be having a very

Time: 5189.94

different conversation around animal

Time: 5191.44

research if uh we weren't you know we as

Time: 5195.1

a species we as a culture weren't just

Time: 5197.62


Time: 5198.82

slaughtering millions of animals to eat

Time: 5201.04


Time: 5202.36


Time: 5203.26

every single day and so that is a

Time: 5206.8

background against which that the

Time: 5208.659

relatively minuscule number of animals

Time: 5210.639

used in research it becomes almost

Time: 5214.3

impossible to understand why someone

Time: 5216.28

would point to that ridiculously small

Time: 5219.159

number of animals used in research when

Time: 5222.82

the vast vast majority of animals that

Time: 5226.48

humans use and end their lives are are

Time: 5230.38

done for food or for fur or for fur or

Time: 5233.5

these other reasons that people you know

Time: 5235.239

have historically used animals so we in

Time: 5238.179

in that context we do animal research

Time: 5240.639

because we have to there's no other way

Time: 5242.739

around it if tomorrow

Time: 5244.54

uh laws were changed and the FDA said

Time: 5247.659

okay you can do some of this early

Time: 5249.219

experimentation in willing human

Time: 5251.739

participants that would be a very

Time: 5253.12

interesting option I think there would

Time: 5254.38

be a lot of people that would step up

Time: 5256.3

and say yes I'm willing to participate

Time: 5258.58

in early stage clinical research you

Time: 5261.159

already volunteered uh yeah

Time: 5263.739

um and I wouldn't be alone and that you

Time: 5266.26

know is a potential way that animals

Time: 5267.88

could maybe be spared uh being unwilling

Time: 5271.659

participants in this

Time: 5273.54

on that note to whatever extent possible

Time: 5276.88

I think neuralink goes

Time: 5279.4


Time: 5280.06

really really far much much farther than

Time: 5283.179

anyone I've ever heard of any

Time: 5284.62

organization I've ever heard of any

Time: 5286.6

anything I've ever seen to give the

Time: 5289.06

animals agency in every aspect of the

Time: 5291.34


Time: 5292.56

we have just an incredible team of

Time: 5296.44

people looking out for the animals and

Time: 5298.12

trying to design the experiments such

Time: 5300.04

that they're as purely opt-in as humanly

Time: 5302.5


Time: 5303.719

no animal is ever compelled to

Time: 5307.36

participate in experiments beyond the

Time: 5309.04

surgery itself so if say on a given day

Time: 5313.179

our our star monkey pager doesn't want

Time: 5316.12

to play video games for Smoothie no one

Time: 5319.179

forces them to ever this is a very

Time: 5321.58

important point and I want to cue people

Time: 5323.5

to really what Matt is saying here

Time: 5327.159

um obviously the animals are being

Time: 5329.02

researched on for neural links so they

Time: 5331.9

don't get to opt in to opt out of the

Time: 5334.36

experiment right

Time: 5335.8

um but what he's saying is that they

Time: 5338.92

play these games during which neural

Time: 5341.199

signals are measured from the brain

Time: 5342.4

because they have electrodes implanted

Time: 5343.719

in their brain through a surgery that

Time: 5345.4

thankfully to the brain is painless

Time: 5347.02

right no pain receptors in the brain

Time: 5349.42

um and are playing for reward this is

Time: 5352.9

very different very different than the

Time: 5355.78

typical scenario in Laboratories around

Time: 5358.42

the world where people experiment on

Time: 5361.179

mice monkeys some kisses pigs or other

Time: 5365.139

species in which the typical Arrangement

Time: 5367.659

is to water deprive the animals we never

Time: 5371.44

do that and then have the animals work

Time: 5373.719

for their daily ration of water right

Time: 5376.12

and some people are hearing this and

Time: 5378.219

probably think wow that's barbaric and

Time: 5380.26

here I'm not trying to point fingers at

Time: 5382.36

the people doing that kind of work I

Time: 5383.56

just think it's important that people

Time: 5384.58

understand how the work is done right in

Time: 5387.4

order to motivate an animal

Time: 5389.34

to play a video game right depriving

Time: 5392.26

them of something that they yearn for is

Time: 5394.78

a very efficient way to do that we don't

Time: 5396.88

do that we they have free and full

Time: 5398.92

access to food this entire time so they

Time: 5400.96

aren't hungry they aren't thirsty the

Time: 5403.06

only thing that would motivate them is

Time: 5404.5

if they want a treat extra to their

Time: 5406.659

normal rations

Time: 5408.179

but there's there's never any

Time: 5410.38

deprivation there's never any adverse

Time: 5412.12

negative stimuli that pushes them to do

Time: 5414.699

anything I must say I'm impressed by

Time: 5416.86

that decision

Time: 5418.719

um because uh

Time: 5421

training animals to do tasks in

Time: 5424.36

laboratory settings is very hard and the

Time: 5426.34

reason so many researchers have

Time: 5427.6

defaulted to water deprivation and and

Time: 5430.6

having animals work for a ration of

Time: 5432.46

water is because frankly it works right

Time: 5435.28

it allows people to finish their PHD or

Time: 5437.56

their postdoc more quickly than having

Time: 5439.719

to wait around

Time: 5442.3

um and try and figure out why uh their

Time: 5445.36

monkey isn't working that day in fact

Time: 5447.34

having known a number of people who've

Time: 5449.199

done these kinds of experiments although

Time: 5451

we've never done them in my lab

Time: 5452.58

my monkey isn't working today is a

Time: 5456.159

common uh gripe among graduate students

Time: 5458.92

and postdocs who do this kind of work

Time: 5460.9

um and for people who work on mice okay

Time: 5462.82

so this is um uh very important

Time: 5465.28

information to get across and there's no

Time: 5468.28

Public Relation statement uh woven into

Time: 5470.44

this is just we're talking about the

Time: 5471.639

nature of the research but I think it is

Time: 5473.679

important that people are aware of this

Time: 5475.239

yeah it's one of the one of the

Time: 5476.8

underappreciated Innovations out of

Time: 5478.42

neurolink is how far the Animal Care

Time: 5480.04

team has been able to to move in the

Time: 5482.38

direction of Humane treatment of these

Time: 5483.88

guys wonderful as an animal lover myself

Time: 5486.58

I can only say wonderful

Time: 5489.159

why pigs yeah pigs are you know they're

Time: 5493.48

actually fairly commonly used in medical

Time: 5495.28

device research

Time: 5497.139

um more you know in the cardiac area

Time: 5499.96

their hearts are you know somewhat

Time: 5501.88

similar to human hearts how big are

Time: 5503.44

these pigs I've seen Little Pigs and

Time: 5504.88

I've seen big pigs yeah there's a range

Time: 5506.86

there's a bunch of different varieties

Time: 5508.6

of pig there's a bunch of different

Time: 5509.98

species that um you know you can

Time: 5513.04

optimize for different uh

Time: 5514.659

characteristics there's mini pigs

Time: 5516.639


Time: 5517.719

um you know Yorkshires there's uh a lot

Time: 5521.44

of different kind of pigs that we use in

Time: 5523.179

different contexts

Time: 5524.739

when we're trying to optimize a certain

Time: 5526.9


Time: 5528.36

so yeah the pigs are we don't

Time: 5531.58

necessarily need them to be smart or

Time: 5533.38

task performers although occasionally we

Time: 5535.9

have you know trained them to walk on a

Time: 5538.3

treadmill when we're studying how their

Time: 5540.76

limbs move for some of our spinal cord

Time: 5543.219


Time: 5544.719

um but we're not you know recording

Time: 5546.76

interesting say cognitive data out of

Time: 5550.179

their minds they're really just a

Time: 5552

biological platform with a skull that's

Time: 5554.56

close enough in size and shape to humans

Time: 5557.08

to be a valid platform to study the

Time: 5559.719

safety of the device

Time: 5561.46

unlike a monkey or a human a pig

Time: 5564.28

I don't think can reach out and hit a

Time: 5566.86

button or a lever exactly how are they

Time: 5569.62

signaling that they um saw or

Time: 5572.44

um sent to something yeah so again the

Time: 5574.6

pigs are really just a safety platform

Time: 5576.52

to say the device is safe to implant it

Time: 5579.219

doesn't you know break down or cause any

Time: 5581.38

kind of toxic reaction the monkeys are

Time: 5583.719

where we are really doing our heavy

Time: 5585.04

lifting in terms of ensuring that we're

Time: 5587.139

getting good signals out of the device

Time: 5589.12

that that what we expect to see in

Time: 5591.639

humans is validated on a functional

Time: 5593.98

level in in monkeys first

Time: 5598.06

let's talk about the skull yeah years

Time: 5600.82

ago you and I were enjoying a

Time: 5602.32

conversation about these very sorts of

Time: 5605.38

things that we're discussing today and

Time: 5607.06

he said you know the skull is actually a

Time: 5608.8

pretty lousy uh biological adaptation

Time: 5611.26

far better would be a titanium plate You

Time: 5614.44

Know spoken like a true neurosurgeon uh

Time: 5616.78

with a radio receiver implanted in his

Time: 5619


Time: 5620.08

um but in all seriousness

Time: 5622.719

you know drilling through the skull with

Time: 5624.639

a two millimeter hole certainly don't do

Time: 5627.219

this at Home Folks

Time: 5628.9

um please don't do this but

Time: 5631.6

um that yes that's a small

Time: 5635.139

um entry site but I think most people

Time: 5637.12

cringe when they hear about that or

Time: 5638.739

think about that sure and it obviously

Time: 5640.48

has to be done by a neurosurgeon with

Time: 5642.28

all the appropriate

Time: 5643.659

um uh

Time: 5645.3

environmental conditions in place to

Time: 5647.679

limit infection

Time: 5649.42

what did you mean when you said that the

Time: 5651.639

skull is a poor adaptation in a titanium

Time: 5653.86

plate will be better and in particular

Time: 5656.26

what does that mean in reference to

Time: 5658.84

things like traumatic brain injury I

Time: 5660.58

mean are human beings unnecessarily

Time: 5662.92

vulnerable at the level of traumatic

Time: 5664.6

brain injury because our skulls are just

Time: 5666.4


Time: 5667.78

um hard enough

Time: 5670.54

you know maybe I'm being too harsh about

Time: 5673.42

skull the skull is uh very good at what

Time: 5676.84

it does given the tools that we are

Time: 5680.02

working with as biological organisms

Time: 5682.3

that develop in our mother's uterus the

Time: 5685.3

skull is you know usually the

Time: 5688.06

appropriate size it's one of the hardest

Time: 5689.98

things in your body

Time: 5692.08

um that said there are a couple puzzling

Time: 5693.94


Time: 5695.76

some of the thinnest bone in the skull

Time: 5698.38

is in the temporal region this is uh you

Time: 5701.26

know neurosurgeons will all know that

Time: 5702.699

I'm heading toward a feature that

Time: 5705.58

sometimes Darkly is called God's Little

Time: 5707.32


Time: 5708.34

where the very thin bone of the of the

Time: 5710.92


Time: 5712.06

um part of the skull has one of the

Time: 5714.94

largest arteries that goes to the lining

Time: 5717.639

of the brain right attached to the

Time: 5719.92

inside of it and so this this bone just

Time: 5722.679

to the side of your eye tends to

Time: 5724.719

fracture if you're struck there and the

Time: 5727.48

sharp edges of that fractured bone very

Time: 5729.52

often cut an artery called the middle

Time: 5731.38

meningeal artery that leads to a big

Time: 5734.32

blood clot that crushes the brain that's

Time: 5737.139

how a lot of people with you know

Time: 5739.36

otherwise would be a relatively minor

Time: 5741.159

injury end up dying is this large blood

Time: 5744.699

clot developing from high pressure

Time: 5747.159

arterial blood that crushes the the

Time: 5749.26


Time: 5750.219

and so why would you put the artery

Time: 5752.92

right on the inside of the very thin

Time: 5754.719

bone that's most likely to fracture it's

Time: 5757.6

an enduring mystery but this is probably

Time: 5760.199

the most obvious failure mode in in you

Time: 5763.659

know the design of a human skull

Time: 5765.04

otherwise you know in terms of General

Time: 5767.8

impact resistance

Time: 5770.08

I think the brain is a very hard thing

Time: 5771.699

to protect and the the architecture of

Time: 5775.179

human anatomy probably given all other

Time: 5777.699

possible architectures that can arise

Time: 5780.219

from development it's not that bad

Time: 5782.8


Time: 5783.76


Time: 5784.78

one of the interesting features in terms

Time: 5786.58

of shock absorption that hopefully

Time: 5787.9

prevents a lot of traumatic brain injury

Time: 5789.699

is the fluid sheath around the brain the

Time: 5792.159

the brain you may know is

Time: 5794.86

um it's mostly fat it floats in salt

Time: 5798.76

water in our brains so our brains are

Time: 5800.8

all floating in in salt water and so

Time: 5802.9

with rapid acceleration deceleration

Time: 5805.48

that sheath of salt water adds a

Time: 5809.26

marvelous protective cushion against

Time: 5812.4

development of

Time: 5814.239

you know bruising of the brain say or

Time: 5816.52

bleeding in the brain and so I think for

Time: 5820.54

any flaws in the design that do exist

Time: 5824.139


Time: 5824.92

you can imagine things being a lot worse

Time: 5827.26

and there's probably a lot fewer tbis

Time: 5829.42

than would exist if a human designer was

Time: 5832.239

taking a first crack at it

Time: 5834.58

as you describe the the thinness of this

Time: 5836.56

temporal bone and the in the presence of

Time: 5838.719

a critical artery just beneath it

Time: 5841.6

um I'm thinking about most helmets

Time: 5845.199

um and here I also want to cue up the

Time: 5848.44

fact that while whenever we hear about

Time: 5850.44

TBI or CTE or brain injury people always

Time: 5853.6

think football hockey but most traumatic

Time: 5856.42

brain injuries are things like car

Time: 5858.52

accidents or construction work right and

Time: 5861.28

it's not football and hockey for some

Time: 5863.679

reason football and hockey and boxing

Time: 5865.6

get all the attention but my colleagues

Time: 5868.48

that work on traumatic brain injury tell

Time: 5870.1

me that most of the traumatic brain

Time: 5872.679

injury they see is somebody slips at a

Time: 5874.6

party and hits their head or

Time: 5877

um uh you know was in a car accident or

Time: 5880

environmental environmental accidents of

Time: 5882.82

various kinds

Time: 5884.98

to my mind most helmets don't actually

Time: 5886.9

cover this region close to the eyes so

Time: 5889

is there is there also a failure of um

Time: 5891.88

helmet engineering that um you know I

Time: 5895.239

can understand why you'd want to have

Time: 5896.5

your peripheral vision out the sides of

Time: 5898.36

your eyes uh per free of your eyes but

Time: 5901.12

it seems to me if this is such critical

Time: 5902.5

real estate why why isn't it being

Time: 5904.239

better protected

Time: 5905.86

you know I'm no expert in helmets but

Time: 5908.62

um I don't think we see a lot of

Time: 5910.48

epidural hematomas and squirts injuries

Time: 5913.86

to get this kind of injury you usually

Time: 5916.9

need a really focal blunt trauma like

Time: 5919.06

the baseball bat to the head is a

Time: 5920.92

classic mechanism of injury

Time: 5923.88

that would lead to to a temporal bone

Time: 5926.8

fracture an epidural hematoma

Time: 5929.679

um with sports injuries you know you

Time: 5932.32

don't often see that especially in

Time: 5933.82

football with uh you know a a sharp

Time: 5937.56

sharper object coming in contact with

Time: 5940.6

the head it's usually another helmet

Time: 5943.179

right is the the mechanism of injury uh

Time: 5946.36

so I I I can't think off the top of my

Time: 5949.42

head of an instance of this exact injury

Time: 5952.42

type in sports

Time: 5954.219

you spent a lot of time poking around in

Time: 5956.199

brains of humans

Time: 5958.6

um and while I realize this is not your

Time: 5961.36

area of expertise you are somebody who I

Time: 5964.84

am aware you know cares about his health

Time: 5967.179

and the health of your family and I

Time: 5969.58

think generally People's Health

Time: 5972.1

um when you look out on the landscape of

Time: 5973.659

things that people

Time: 5975.04

can do and shouldn't do if their desire

Time: 5978.82

is to keep their brain healthy do any

Time: 5981.699

um any data or any particular practices

Time: 5985.42

come to mind I mean I think we've all

Time: 5987.1

heard the obvious one don't don't get a

Time: 5988.42

head injury right if you do get a head

Time: 5989.98

injury make sure it gets treated and

Time: 5992.26

don't get a second head injury right but

Time: 5994.239

those are sort of duh type

Time: 5996.52

um answers that um I'm able to give so

Time: 5998.86

I'm curious about the answers that um

Time: 6000.179

perhaps I'm not able to give yeah well

Time: 6001.92

you know the obvious ones it's one that

Time: 6004.02

you you talk about a lot

Time: 6006

um and I see a lot of the the smoldering

Time: 6008.88

wreckage of humanity you know in the

Time: 6011.04

operating room uh and in the emergency

Time: 6013.199

room for people that come in you know I

Time: 6016.32

work my practices in San Francisco right

Time: 6018.42

next to the tenderloin and so a lot of

Time: 6020.34

people that end up coming in from the

Time: 6021.84

tender line have been drinking just

Time: 6024.679

spectacular amounts of alcohol for a

Time: 6027.06

long time and their brains are uh you

Time: 6030.42

know very often on the scans they look

Time: 6032.94

like small walnuts inside their empty

Time: 6035.76

skull there's so much atrophy that

Time: 6038.1

happens with an alcohol soaked brain

Time: 6040.739


Time: 6041.9

that I would say that's you know Far and

Time: 6045.42

Away the most common source of brain

Time: 6048

damage that many of us just volunteer

Time: 6050.82

for and it's you know when you look at

Time: 6053.94

the morbidity kind of the human harm in

Time: 6057.42

aggregate that's done it's mystifying

Time: 6059.46

that that it's

Time: 6061.44

not something that we are all paranoid

Time: 6063.9

about we're

Time: 6065.28

um people think that I don't drink it

Time: 6066.96

all I'll occasionally have a drink I I

Time: 6069.12

could take it or leave it frankly if all

Time: 6071.76

the alcohol in the plant disappeared I

Time: 6072.96

wouldn't notice but I do occasionally

Time: 6074.34

have a drink maybe one per year or

Time: 6076.02

something like that but I am shocked at

Time: 6079.38

um this current state of affairs around

Time: 6081.659

alcohol consumption and advertising Etc

Time: 6084

when I look at the data mainly out of

Time: 6085.44

the UK brain bank which basically shows

Time: 6087.179

that for every drink that one has on a

Time: 6090.12

regular basis

Time: 6091.679

when you go from zero to one drink per

Time: 6094.26


Time: 6094.98

there's more brain atrophy thinning of

Time: 6096.9

the gray matter cortex you go from one

Time: 6098.94

to two more thinning you go from two to

Time: 6100.86

three and there's a near linear

Time: 6102.42

relationship between the amount that

Time: 6104.28

people are drinking and the amount of

Time: 6105.36

brain atrophy and to me it's like it's

Time: 6108.42

just sort of obvious from the these

Time: 6110.639

large-scale studies that

Time: 6112.56

um as you point out alcohol atrophy is

Time: 6115.199

the brain yeah it kills neurons right

Time: 6117.36

and I don't have any bias against

Time: 6119.159

alcohol or people that drink I know many

Time: 6121.199

of them but it does seem to me kind of

Time: 6123.96


Time: 6125.1

um that we're talking about you know the

Time: 6126.119

Resveratrol and red wine which is at you

Time: 6128.46

know infinitesimally small amounts and

Time: 6130.619

not even clear Resveratrol is good for

Time: 6131.94

us anyway by the way

Time: 6133.739

um a matter of debate I should point out

Time: 6135.96

but um so alcohol certainly alcohol and

Time: 6139.38

excess is bad for the brain sure

Time: 6142.26

um in terms of uh okay so we have head

Time: 6145.56

hits bad alcohol bad

Time: 6148.98

um you're working as you mentioned

Time: 6150.659

you're the tenderloin

Time: 6152.219

um is there any awareness that

Time: 6153.78

amphetamine use can can disrupt brain

Time: 6157.139

structure or function you know that

Time: 6159.179

that's not an area that I spent a lot of

Time: 6161.159

time researching in I you know I

Time: 6163.38

incidentally take care of people that

Time: 6165.78

have used every substance known to man

Time: 6167.58

in quantities that are you know

Time: 6169.32

spectacular but I haven't specifically

Time: 6172.08

done research in that area I'm not super

Time: 6174.9

well versed on the literature

Time: 6176.699

yeah I ask in part because

Time: 6178.739

um maybe you know a colleague or will

Time: 6180.84

come across a colleague who's working on

Time: 6182.1

this is there's just such a

Time: 6184.02

um a incredible increase in the use of

Time: 6187.26

things like Adderall Ritalin modafinil

Time: 6189.42

armodafinil which I think in small

Time: 6191.82

amounts in clinical clinically

Time: 6193.739

prescribed situations can be very

Time: 6195.54

beneficial but

Time: 6197.04

um let's be honest many people are using

Time: 6198.78

these on a chronic basis right I don't

Time: 6200.639

think we really know what it does to the

Time: 6202.38

brain aside from increasing addiction

Time: 6204.6

for those substances that's very clear

Time: 6206.34

well For Better or Worse we're

Time: 6207.96

generating a massive data set right now

Time: 6211.08

well put

Time: 6212.76


Time: 6214.5

I'd like to briefly go back to our

Time: 6216.659

earlier discussion about neuroplasticity

Time: 6218.219

you made an interesting statement which

Time: 6220.38

is that we are not aware of any single

Time: 6223.02

brain area that one can stimulate in

Time: 6224.76

order to invoke plasticity right it's a

Time: 6227.76

malleability of neural architecture

Time: 6229.699

years ago Mike mirzanek and colleagues

Time: 6233.34

at UCSF did some experiments where they

Time: 6236.06

stimulate nucleus basalis and paired

Time: 6239.699

that stimulation with eight kilohertz

Time: 6241.86

tone or um in some cases they could also

Time: 6245.34

stimulate a different brain area the

Time: 6247.38

ventral tegmental area which causes the

Time: 6249.84

release of dopamine and pair it with a

Time: 6251.46

tone and in it seemed in every one of

Time: 6253.8

these cases they observed

Time: 6256.679

massive plasticity

Time: 6259.5

um now I look at those data and I

Time: 6262.44

compare them to the kind of classic data

Time: 6265.199

um I think it was Carl Ashley that did

Time: 6266.699

these experiments where they would take

Time: 6267.719

animals and they'd scoop out a little

Time: 6269.04

bit of Cortex

Time: 6270.3

put the animal back into a learning

Time: 6271.739

environment and the animal would do

Time: 6273.48

pretty well if not perfectly sure so

Time: 6276

they scoop out a different region of

Time: 6277.32

Cortex and a different animal and by the

Time: 6279.239

end of maybe three four years of these

Time: 6280.92

kinds of lesion experiments they

Time: 6283.739

um referred to the equal potential of

Time: 6285.6

the cortex meaning they concluded that

Time: 6287.82

it didn't matter which piece of the

Time: 6289.32

cortex you took out that there was no

Time: 6291.78

one critical area so on the one hand

Time: 6293.4

you've got these experiments that say

Time: 6295.679

you know you don't really need

Time: 6298.02

a lot of the brain right and and every

Time: 6300.719

once in a while a news story will come

Time: 6301.98

out where um they'll a patient a person

Time: 6304.32

will go in for a brain scan for some

Time: 6305.82

other reason or an experiment and the

Time: 6307.739

person seems perfectly normal and

Time: 6309.36

they're like missing half their cortex

Time: 6311.159

right and then on the other hand you

Time: 6313.44

have these experiments like the

Time: 6314.52

stimulation of basalus or VTA where you

Time: 6316.8

get massive plasticity from stimulation

Time: 6318.36

in one area I was I've never been able

Time: 6321

to reconcile these kinds of discrepant

Time: 6323.159

findings and so I'd really like just

Time: 6325.199

your opinion on this you know what is it

Time: 6327.78

about the brain as an organ that lets it

Time: 6330.119

be both so critical at the level of

Time: 6332.219

individual neurons in circuits so so

Time: 6334.38

critical and yet at the same time

Time: 6337.08

um it's able to uh circumvent these what

Time: 6340.619

would otherwise seem like massive

Time: 6342.179

lesions and holes in itself yeah I mean

Time: 6345.36

a lot of a lot of it to reconcile those

Time: 6347.52

experiments you first account for the

Time: 6351.119

fact that they're probably in different

Time: 6352.5

species right you take out a particular

Time: 6356.159

portion of a pig or a rabbit grain a

Time: 6358.38

small amount you might not see a

Time: 6360.179

difference but a small portion of a

Time: 6362.46

human brain say the part most interested

Time: 6366.239

in coordinating speech or finger

Time: 6368.4

movement and you're going to see

Time: 6369.78

profound losses or visual cortex right

Time: 6372.96

I take out a small portion of V1 and

Time: 6375.179

you'll you'll have a visual deficit

Time: 6378.06

um and so species matters uh age matters

Time: 6382.679

if you take out half of the brain in a

Time: 6385.98

very young baby

Time: 6387.3

that baby has a reasonable chance of

Time: 6389.46

developing High a high degree of

Time: 6391.619

function by having the remaining half

Time: 6395

subsume some of the functions lost on

Time: 6397.44

the other side

Time: 6398.84

because they're very very young and

Time: 6401.1

their brain is still developing it's a

Time: 6402.96

it's to some degree a blank slate with

Time: 6405.48

extremely high plasticity over many

Time: 6407.639

years so that can overcome a lot of

Time: 6409.98


Time: 6411.54


Time: 6412.32

taking an adult

Time: 6414.02

animal's brain that isn't very well

Time: 6416.34

differentiated functionally to begin

Time: 6418.86

with you might not see those deficits so

Time: 6421.02

apparently there's a lot of redundancy

Time: 6422.52

as well right there's a lot of say

Time: 6424.5

cerebellar and spinal circuits in other

Time: 6427.02

animals that

Time: 6428.58

generate stereotyped Behavior patterns

Time: 6431.04

and might not need the brain at all to

Time: 6433.8

perform say a walking movement or some

Time: 6436.38

other sequences of motor activities so a

Time: 6441.42

lot of that depends on the experimental

Time: 6442.86

setup I would say in general adult

Time: 6445.44

humans are very vulnerable to losing

Time: 6447.48

small parts of their brains and losing

Time: 6449.82

discrete functions

Time: 6452.52

I'm going to take the liberty of asking

Time: 6454.32

a question that merges across neural

Time: 6456.119

Link in Tesla

Time: 6458.639

I could imagine that

Time: 6461.04

cars whether or not they're on autopilot

Time: 6464.46

mode or being driven by the human

Time: 6466.08


Time: 6467.639

um and Society generally would benefit

Time: 6470.699

from knowing whether or not a human is

Time: 6473.58

very alert or sleepy sure

Time: 6477.179

I don't own a Tesla um

Time: 6479.88

perhaps this technology already exists

Time: 6482.1

but is there any idea that a simple

Time: 6484.98

sensor maybe even a just eyelid position

Time: 6487.52

or pupil size or head position

Time: 6491.6

could be introduced to

Time: 6494.4

a car like the Tesla or another car for

Time: 6497.4

that matter yeah and resolve a common

Time: 6500.94

problem which is that when people are

Time: 6502.56

less alert not just when people fall

Time: 6504.6

asleep but the simple drop in alertness

Time: 6507.78

that occurs when people are sleepy is my

Time: 6510.84

read of the data is responsible for

Time: 6513.9

approximately a third a third it's

Time: 6516.42

incredible of accidents between vehicles

Time: 6519.54

and then of course some percentage of

Time: 6520.98

those are going to be lethal accidents

Time: 6522.3

so in terms of preserving life this

Time: 6524.4

might seem like a minor case but it's

Time: 6525.659

actually a major case scenario yeah you

Time: 6528.06

know I have no you know special insight

Time: 6530.159

into how Tesla software works I know

Time: 6532.98

they have brilliant engineers

Time: 6535.199


Time: 6536.4

when I have a Tesla when I drive it it

Time: 6539.82

seems to know when I'm looking at the

Time: 6541.739

road versus not and it yells at me if

Time: 6544.32

I'm not looking at the roads how does it

Time: 6545.88

do that and what voice does it use

Time: 6547.08

there's a small camera uh up by the

Time: 6549.9

rearview mirror and I think it's a

Time: 6552.3

simple eye track my my guess here is

Time: 6554.639

that it's a simple eye tracking program

Time: 6557.46

um and so it may already be the case

Time: 6559.86

that it's implemented that it's

Time: 6561.119

detecting whether your eyes are open or

Time: 6562.619

not obviously you know it's not

Time: 6566.82

um strict it's not stringent because

Time: 6568.8


Time: 6571.08

um and I've I've seen Forums on the

Time: 6574.56

internet where people tape over that

Time: 6575.88

small camera so like so they can wall oh

Time: 6579.239

goodness but uh you know I think they're

Time: 6582.84

definitely making efforts to try to try

Time: 6584.699

to save lives here

Time: 6586.739

incredible I say incredible just because

Time: 6589.139

I think I'm fortunate enough to live in

Time: 6591.54

a lifetime where there were no electric

Time: 6593.46

cars when I was growing up and now

Time: 6595.08

things are moving oh so fast

Time: 6597.6

um no pun intended

Time: 6599.639

what is your wish for brain machine

Time: 6603.179

interface and brain augmentation so

Time: 6605.159

let's let's assume that the the clinical

Time: 6607.679

stuff can be worked out or maybe you

Time: 6609.36

have a a pet clinical condition that you

Time: 6612.78

just are um just yearning to see

Time: 6616.08

resolved yeah that would be fine too but

Time: 6618.659

in addition to that way you really just

Time: 6621.179

expand out let's say we can

Time: 6623.659

extend your life 200 years or we're

Time: 6627

thinking about the kind of world that

Time: 6629.1

your children are going to live in and

Time: 6630.6

their grandchildren will live in what do

Time: 6632.82

you think is really possible yeah with

Time: 6635.82

brain augmentation and brain machine

Time: 6637.44

interface and here please feel no bias

Time: 6640.199

whatsoever to answer in a way that

Time: 6643.5

reveals to us your

Time: 6645.48

um your incredible empathy and

Time: 6648.119

consideration of clinical conditions

Time: 6649.619

because that's how you spend your days

Time: 6651.239

is fixing patients uh and helping their

Time: 6654.36

lives be better so if it lands in that

Time: 6657.3

category great but

Time: 6659.159

um for sake of of fun and forsake of

Time: 6661.679

delight and forsake of um really getting

Time: 6664.26

us the audience to to understand what's

Time: 6666.9

really possible here please feel no

Time: 6670.199

shackles yeah uh well you know I I

Time: 6675.8

love the idea down the road and we're

Time: 6679.38

talking you know a 10-year maybe 20-year

Time: 6681.96

time frame of uh humans just getting

Time: 6686.58

control over some of the horrible ways

Time: 6688.739

that their brains go wrong right so

Time: 6691.199

I think everybody

Time: 6693.54

at this point has either known someone

Time: 6695.94

or second order known someone a friend

Time: 6697.8

of a friend who has been touched by

Time: 6700.38

addiction or depression suicide

Time: 6703.4

obesity these functions of the brain or

Time: 6707.46

malfunctions of the brain are what

Time: 6709.56

drives me these are the things that I

Time: 6711.78

want to tackle in my career you know in

Time: 6715.86

terms of my kids lifetime I'm thinking

Time: 6719.54

you know full human expansion of human

Time: 6723.78

cognition into AI full immersion in the

Time: 6728.76

internet of your cognitive abilities

Time: 6731.719

having no limitation for what you think

Time: 6736.86

um as bottlenecked by needing to read

Time: 6739.02

the Wikipedia article first to have the

Time: 6741.6

data to inform your thoughts

Time: 6744.26

having communication with anyone that

Time: 6747.6

you want to unrestricted by this you

Time: 6750.78

know flapping air past meat on your face

Time: 6754.82

it's a

Time: 6756.719

you know a means of communication that's

Time: 6759.54

ridiculously prone to being

Time: 6761.1

misunderstood it's also a tiny narrow

Time: 6764.04

bottleneck of communication where you

Time: 6766.679

know trying to send messages back and

Time: 6768.42

forth through a tiny straw and there's

Time: 6770.82

no reason that needs to necessarily be

Time: 6772.8

true it's the way things have always

Time: 6774.119

been but it isn't the way things are

Time: 6775.98

going to be in the future

Time: 6777.48

uh and I think there's a

Time: 6781.02

you know

Time: 6782.34

a million

Time: 6784.199

very sci-fi possibilities in terms of

Time: 6787.5

banding human Minds together to be even

Time: 6790.139

more potent as a as a multi-unit uh

Time: 6793.38

organism uh you know as an opt-in

Time: 6797.4


Time: 6801.119

uh you know these are things that are so

Time: 6803.1

far down the road I can't even directly

Time: 6805.26

see how they would be implemented but

Time: 6807.36

the technology we're working on is a

Time: 6809.46

little crack in the door that allows

Time: 6811.08

some of this stuff to even be thought

Time: 6812.34

about in a realistic way

Time: 6815.04

well to that to that point I you know

Time: 6817.619

encourage anyone who is you know excited

Time: 6820.5

about things like that you know

Time: 6822.06

especially mechanical engineers software

Time: 6823.8

Engineers robotics engineers come to the

Time: 6826.92

neuralink website and look at the jobs

Time: 6828.3

we've got we need the brightest people

Time: 6830.219

on the planet working on these the

Time: 6832.02

hardest problems uh in the world in my

Time: 6835.02

opinion and so if you want to work on

Time: 6838.139

this stuff come help us

Time: 6840.719

I have several responses and to what you

Time: 6843.06

just said

Time: 6844.02

um first off I'll get the the least

Time: 6846.42

important one out of the way which is

Time: 6848.159

that years ago I applied for a job at

Time: 6849.78

neurolink the neural link website at

Time: 6852.42

that time was incredibly sparse right it

Time: 6854.639

was just said neural link and I said if

Time: 6856.139

you're interested give us your email so

Time: 6857.94

I put my email there I got no response

Time: 6859.86


Time: 6861.119

um the uh they made a wise choice in um

Time: 6866.6

now uh fast forward several years I am

Time: 6870.9

um very grateful and I think very lucky

Time: 6873.54

um that you who passed through

Time: 6877.08

fortunately for me through my lab at one

Time: 6879

point and we had some fun Expeditions

Time: 6881.76

together in the wild uh neural

Time: 6884.28

exploration so we can talk about some

Time: 6885.96

other time as well as I'm learning from

Time: 6888.179

you as you pass through your time at

Time: 6890.159


Time: 6891.36

um but have arrived there at neurolink

Time: 6894.179

and and I'll say that they're very lucky

Time: 6896.28

to have you and um folks like Dan Adams

Time: 6899.1

who have known for your very long time

Time: 6900.84

so uh phenomenal neurosurgeons like

Time: 6903.84

yourself neuroscientists and

Time: 6906.42

um Vision scientists like Dan and others

Time: 6909.3

it's really an incredible Mission so I

Time: 6912.119

really want to start off by saying um

Time: 6913.8

thank you to you and all your colleagues

Time: 6916.26

there I know that neurolink is really

Time: 6918.6

tip of the spear in being public facing

Time: 6920.52

with the kinds of things they're doing

Time: 6921.719

and and being so forthcoming about how

Time: 6923.82

that work is done in animals and exactly

Time: 6925.8

what they're doing

Time: 6927.719

um and that's a very brave stance to

Time: 6929.699

take yeah especially given the nature of

Time: 6931.8

the work but well that's classic Elon

Time: 6934.02

right he he doesn't keep secrets in

Time: 6936.78

public too commonly he tells you what

Time: 6939

he's going to do and then he does it and

Time: 6940.619

people are always amazed by that you

Time: 6942.6

know he releases the Tesla master plan

Time: 6944.4

and tells you exactly what the company

Time: 6946.32

intends to do for the next several years

Time: 6947.94

and people assume that there's some

Time: 6949.86

subterfuge that he is misdirecting but

Time: 6952.98

it's it's right out there in the open

Time: 6955.199

and I think neuraling follows in that

Time: 6957.239

path of you know we want people to know

Time: 6959.52

what we're doing we want the brightest

Time: 6961.44

people in the world to come help us we

Time: 6964.02

we want to be able to help patients we

Time: 6966.54


Time: 6967.56

you know the most motivated patients

Time: 6969.9

with quadriplegia to you know visit our

Time: 6972.84

patient registry uh and and sign up to

Time: 6976.32

be considered for clinical trials that

Time: 6978.3

that will happen in the future we'll put

Time: 6979.98

a link to that by the way so um maybe

Time: 6982.08

just uh the direct call could happen now

Time: 6984.42

so you uh this is for people who are

Time: 6986.88

quadriplegic or who know people who are

Time: 6988.8

quadriplegic who are interested in being

Time: 6990.3

part of this clinical trial it's a

Time: 6992.82

patient registry right now that we're

Time: 6994.38

just collecting information to see who

Time: 6996

might be eligible for clinical trials

Time: 6997.8

that'll happen in the future we're still

Time: 7000.139

working with the FDA to hammer out the

Time: 7002.36

details and and get their final

Time: 7003.92

permission uh to proceed with the trial

Time: 7006.8

great so please see the note in the show

Time: 7009.38

note the link excuse me in the in the

Time: 7011

show note captions for that yeah I want

Time: 7013.52

to thank you guys for your stance uh

Time: 7015.619

being public facing and also doing the

Time: 7017.239

incredibly hard work I also think the

Time: 7018.619

robotics aspect which you've clarified

Time: 7020.179

for me uh today is extremely Forward

Time: 7023.119

Thinking and uh absolutely critical so a

Time: 7026.119

lot of critical engineering that note

Time: 7027.5

out will Wick out into other domains of

Time: 7030.619

neurosurgery and medical technology not

Time: 7032.78

just serving neural links Mission

Time: 7034.599

directly and I really want to thank you

Time: 7038.08

uh first of all for coming here today

Time: 7040.4

and taking time out of your important

Time: 7042.8

schedule of seeing patients and doing

Time: 7044.599

brain surgery literally time away from

Time: 7047.36

your family and time away from your

Time: 7049.58

mission at neurolink briefly to uh to

Time: 7052.639

share with people what you guys are

Time: 7054.139

doing as I mentioned before there's a

Time: 7056.06

lot of Mystique around it and even

Time: 7058.239

despite the fact that neurolink has gone

Time: 7060.739

out of their way to try and erase some

Time: 7062.06

of that Mystique this to me is the

Time: 7064.639

clearest picture ever to my knowledge

Time: 7067.82

that has been given about what's going

Time: 7069.679

on there and and the the stated and the

Time: 7071.78

real Mission and what's going on at the

Time: 7074.179

level of of nuts and bolts and and guts

Time: 7077

and brains and this kind of thing and I

Time: 7079.46

really just want to thank you also for

Time: 7080.719

for being you which is uh perhaps sounds

Time: 7082.699

like a a kind of an odd um thing to hear

Time: 7085.159


Time: 7086.239

I think as made apparent by the device

Time: 7088.52

implanted in your hand you don't just

Time: 7091.4

um do this for a job you live and

Time: 7094.52

breathe and embody truly embody this

Time: 7097.639

stuff around the nervous system and

Time: 7100.46

trying to figure out how to fix it how

Time: 7101.78

to make it better and you live and

Time: 7103.58

breathe it and I know your deep love for

Time: 7105.199

it so I want to thank you for um not

Time: 7107.599

just the brains that you put into it and

Time: 7110.36

the energy you put into it but also for

Time: 7112.099

the the heart that you put into it

Time: 7113.84

thanks for that Andrew I appreciate that

Time: 7115.54

we we just want to help people we want

Time: 7117.98

to make things better well

Time: 7120.26

I know that to be true knowing you and

Time: 7123.08

um thank you again for coming here today

Time: 7124.58

and I look forward to another round of

Time: 7126.98

discussion and um whenever the time

Time: 7129.139

happens to be when these incredible

Time: 7130.94

technologies have um spelled out to the

Time: 7133.82

next uh major Milestone thank you thank

Time: 7137.42

you for joining me for today's

Time: 7138.38

discussion with Dr Matthew McDougall all

Time: 7141.08

about the human brain and how it

Time: 7142.82

functions how it breaks down and the

Time: 7145.159

incredible efforts that are being

Time: 7146.36

carried out at neurolink in order to

Time: 7148.4

overcome diseases of brain and nervous

Time: 7150.38

system function and to augment how the

Time: 7152.599

human brain works if you'd like to learn

Time: 7154.639

more about Dr mcdougall's work and the

Time: 7156.5

specific work being done at neurolink

Time: 7158

please see the links that we've provided

Time: 7160.04

in the show note captions if you're

Time: 7161.96

learning from and or enjoying this

Time: 7163.4

podcast please subscribe to our YouTube

Time: 7165.199

channel that's a terrific zero cost way

Time: 7167.3

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Time: 7169.34

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Time: 7171.739

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Time: 7173.599

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Time: 7175.639

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Time: 7177.98

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Time: 7179.719

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Time: 7181.58

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Time: 7182.84

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Time: 7185

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Time: 7187.4

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Time: 7189.679

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Time: 7191.119

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Time: 7192.8

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Time: 7195.02

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Time: 7196.52

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Time: 7197.9

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Time: 7199.4

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Time: 7201.26

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Time: 7202.76

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Time: 7204.56

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Time: 7206.48

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Time: 7208.28

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Time: 7209.42

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Time: 7211.159

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Time: 7212.42

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Time: 7213.739

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Time: 7216.219

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Time: 7218.5

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Time: 7221.36

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Time: 7222.679

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Time: 7225.139

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Time: 7227.659

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Time: 7230.179

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Time: 7232.46

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Time: 7233.84

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Time: 7235.76

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Time: 7237.56

again it's huberman lab on all social

Time: 7239.3

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Time: 7241.099

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Time: 7242.36

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Time: 7244.52

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Time: 7246.5

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Time: 7248.78

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Time: 7250.94

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Time: 7253.46

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Time: 7255.92

tools for and instance for optimizing

Time: 7258.08

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Time: 7259.52

deliberate cold exposure or deliberate

Time: 7261.02

heat exposure optimizing dopamine again

Time: 7262.94

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Time: 7265.159

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Time: 7267.56

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Time: 7269.599

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Time: 7271.46

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Time: 7273.739

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Time: 7275.96

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Time: 7278.54

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Time: 7280.52

even have to sign up to access those but

Time: 7282.26

I think most people do end up signing up

Time: 7283.58

for the newsletter because it's rich

Time: 7285.08

with useful information and again

Time: 7286.46

completely zero cost thank you once

Time: 7288.739

again for joining me for today's

Time: 7289.82

discussion with Dr Matthew McDougall and

Time: 7292.4

last but certainly not least thank you

Time: 7294.5

for your interest in science

Time: 7296.04


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