Dr. Karen Parker: The Causes & Treatments for Autism

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is Dr Karen

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Parker Dr Karen Parker directs the

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social neurosciences research program at

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the Stanford University School of

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Medicine the goal of her laboratory's

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research is to understand the biological

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basis of social functioning at every St

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age of the lifespan so this includes the

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bonds that form between infant and

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parent or parents as well as the bonds

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that occur between children as they grow

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up which of course form the template for

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social functioning when we become adults

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Dr Parker's research is heavily focused

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on autism and indeed on all forms of

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autism spectrum disorders today we

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discuss autism we talk about the

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prominent theories and current

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understanding of the biological basis

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for autism as well as what Still Remains

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mysterious and unresolved D about the

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causes of autism you may have heard that

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the incidence or perhaps just the

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diagnosis of autism has dramatically

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increased in the last 10 to 15 years and

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today we discuss why it is in fact that

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the incidence not just the diagnosis but

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the incidence of autism has so

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dramatically increased and perhaps most

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excitingly Dr Parker shares with us

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brand new research findings from her

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laboratory that point to a new

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understanding of what causes autism as

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well as a novel treatment for autism

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before we begin I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my

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teaching and research roles at Stanford

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it is however part of my desire and

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effort to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme I'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is eight sleep eight

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sleep makes Smart mattress covers with

Time: 110.56

cooling Heating and sleep tracking

Time: 112.28

capacity I've spoken many times before

Time: 114.439

in this podcast about the fact that

Time: 115.92

sleep is the foundation of mental health

Time: 118.2

physical health and performance now a

Time: 120.24

key component of getting a great night's

Time: 121.84

sleep is that in order to fall and stay

Time: 124.2

deeply asleep your body temperature

Time: 126.119

actually has to drop by about one to 3°

Time: 128.759

and in order to wake up feeling

Time: 130.119

refreshed and energized your body

Time: 132.04

temperature actually has to increase by

Time: 133.8

about 1 to 3° one of the best ways to

Time: 136.4

make sure that those temperature changes

Time: 137.879

occur at the appropriate times at the

Time: 139.959

beginning and throughout and at the end

Time: 141.56

of your night when you wake up is to

Time: 143.44

control the temperature of your sleeping

Time: 145.04

environment and that's what eight sleep

Time: 146.68

allows you to do it allows you to

Time: 148.56

program the temperature of your mattress

Time: 150.16

and sleeping environment such that you

Time: 151.92

fall and stay deeply asleep easily and

Time: 154.64

wake up each morning feeling incredibly

Time: 156.68

refreshed and energized I've been

Time: 158.36

sleeping on an eights Sleep mattress

Time: 159.64

cover for almost 3 years now and it has

Time: 161.959

dramatically improved the quality of my

Time: 163.76

sleep so much so that when I travel and

Time: 166

I'm at a hotel or an Airbnb and I don't

Time: 167.959

have access to my eight sleep I very

Time: 169.76

much look forward to getting home

Time: 170.959

because my sleep is always better when I

Time: 173

sleep on my eight Sleep mattress cover

Time: 174.84

if you'd like to try eights sleep you

Time: 176.28

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Time: 178.04

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Time: 181.2

mattress cover eight sleep currently

Time: 183

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Time: 185.599

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Time: 188.08

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Time: 189.84

huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by element element is an

Time: 194.12

electrolyte drink that has everything

Time: 195.72

you need and nothing you don't that

Time: 197.2

means zero sugar and the appropriate

Time: 199.519

ratios of the electrolyte sodium

Time: 201.36

magnesium and potassium and that correct

Time: 203.72

ratio of electrolytes is extremely

Time: 205.48

important because every cell in your

Time: 207.36

body but especially your nerve cells

Time: 209.319

your ner neurons relies on electrolytes

Time: 211.599

in order to function properly so when

Time: 213.64

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Time: 215.48

appropriate amount of electrolytes in

Time: 216.799

your system your mental functioning and

Time: 218.64

your physical functioning is improved I

Time: 220.72

drink one packet of element dissolved in

Time: 222.599

about 16 to 32 ounces of water when I

Time: 225.159

wake up in the morning as well as while

Time: 227.319

I exercise and if I've sweat a lot

Time: 229.48

during that exercise I often will drink

Time: 231.239

a third element packet dissolved in

Time: 233.04

about 32 ounces of water after I

Time: 235.04

exercise element comes in a variety of

Time: 237.2

different flavors all of which I find

Time: 238.92

really tasty I like the Citrus I like

Time: 241.04

the watermelon I like the raspberry

Time: 242.76

frankly I can't pick just one it also

Time: 245

comes in chocolate and chocolate mint

Time: 246.76

which I find tastes best if they are put

Time: 248.599

into water dissolved and then heated up

Time: 250.92

I tend to do that in the winter months

Time: 252.48

because of course you don't just need

Time: 254.36

hydration on hot days and in the summer

Time: 256.799

and spring months but also in the winter

Time: 258.88

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Time: 260.88

environment tends to be dry if you'd

Time: 262.84

like to try element you can go to drink

Time: 264.68

element spelled lm.com huberman to try a

Time: 268.4

free sample pack again that drink

Time: 270.16


Time: 271.68

huberman today's episode is also brought

Time: 274.039

To Us by Aeropress Aeropress is similar

Time: 276.56

to a French press for making coffee but

Time: 278.759

is in fact a much better way to make

Time: 281.08

coffee I first learned about Aeropress

Time: 283.039

well over 10 years ago and I've been

Time: 284.8

using one ever since Aeropress was

Time: 287.12

developed by Allan Adler who was an

Time: 289.68

engineer at Stanford and I knew of Allan

Time: 292.32

because he had also built the so-called

Time: 294.479

aobi frisbee which I believe at one time

Time: 296.96

perhaps still now held the Guinness Book

Time: 298.6

of World Records for furthest thrown

Time: 301.36

object and I used to see Allan believe

Time: 303.36

it or not at parks around paloalto

Time: 305.96

testing out different aobi frisbe so he

Time: 308.08

was sort of famous in our community for

Time: 311.039

developing these different Feats of

Time: 312.759

engineering that turned into commercial

Time: 314.72

products now I love coffee I'm somebody

Time: 316.919

that drinks coffee nearly every day

Time: 318.759

usually about 90 to 120 minutes after I

Time: 321.28

wake up in the morning although not

Time: 322.44

always sometimes if I'm going into

Time: 323.84

exercise I'll drink coffee first thing

Time: 325.919

in the morning but I love love love

Time: 328.84

coffee and what I've personally found is

Time: 330.84

that by using the Arrow Press I can make

Time: 332.759

the best possible tasting cup of coffee

Time: 335.199

I don't know what exactly it is in the

Time: 337.52

Aero press that allows the same beans to

Time: 340.08

be prepared into a cup of coffee that

Time: 342.12

tastes that much better as compared to

Time: 344.68

any other form of Brewing that coffee

Time: 346.8

even the traditional French press the

Time: 348.88

Aero press is extremely easy to use and

Time: 351.199

it's extremely compact in fact I take it

Time: 353.639

with me whenever I travel and I use it

Time: 355.479

on the road in hotels even on planes

Time: 357.28

I'll just ask for some hot water and

Time: 358.56

I'll Brew my coffee coffee or tea right

Time: 360.199

there on the plane if you'd like to try

Time: 361.84

Aeropress you can go to Aero press.com

Time: 364.96

huberman that's a r o

Time: 368.599

p.com huberman to get 20% off any

Time: 371.919

Aeropress coffee maker Aeropress ships

Time: 374.16

anywhere in the USA Canada and over 60

Time: 376.639

other countries around the world again

Time: 378.36

that's Aeropress

Time: 379.88

docomond to get 20% off and now for my

Time: 383.28

discussion with Dr Karen Parker Dr Karen

Time: 386.68

Parker welcome thank you it's great to

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be here this is going to be perhaps one

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of the longer conversations that we've

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been able to have over the years um in

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part because whenever I see you on

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campus we're headed in our respective

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directions but I'm very excited because

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the topic of autism is one that is on a

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lot of people's minds and I think the

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first question that always comes up it

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seems is whether or not the frequency of

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autism is indeed increasing or whether

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or not the field of medicine is is

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getting better at detecting what was

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always there over time do we have any

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clear answers to that well I think it's

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a multifactorial answer so we're getting

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better at detecting autism right so in

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the past we were diagnosing kids at nine

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or 10 years of age right and now

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clinicians are able to reliably diagnose

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kids um at two to three years of age

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right so there's more people um there

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are pediatricians have autism screeners

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now so when you bring in your baby and

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over the first couple years of life

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you're filling out screeners that are

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looking for autism symptoms right so so

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there's just a lot more awareness around

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autism but the rates have increased to

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now 136 us children have a diagnosis of

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autism which is over two years ago it

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was 1 in 44 so 1 in

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36 wow I feel like it was just yesterday

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when it was 1 in 80 but is 1 in 36 um

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the average across Bo and girls um does

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skew differently if you look at just

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male births versus female births yeah

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that's a great question so autism is

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male biased and prevalence so you have

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and again the studies veryy I mean it's

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it's worth noting that autism is a

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highly clinically heterogeneous disorder

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which means that if you met one kid with

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autism you've met one kid with autism

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right so so we have to bear that in mind

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as we have this conversation but you

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know different studies show that about

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for every one girl there's three to four

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boys that are impacted by autism so

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there's you know differences in the

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prevalence rate and also there's

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different monitoring sites so the way in

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the US that these data are generated is

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the CDC has 11 monitoring sites across

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the country and so they they follow um

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children and then that's where we um

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that's where the prevalence rates come

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from and they release new prevalence

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rates every you know few years so if

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Physicians are able ble to detect autism

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early say in a 2-year-old or a

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three-year-old have to imagine that

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they're working off of tests that don't

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rely heavily on language because even

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though you can get you know some verbose

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two and three year olds most two and

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three-year-olds don't have a very

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extensive vocabulary um and I'm guessing

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that they're also relying on things like

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visual gaze um among other things um

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we've already made clear that this is um

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not a discussion to allow people to

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diagnose themselves or others but um

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with that said what are some of the

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diagnostic tools that people use you

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know um is it language is it Vision or

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does it present as um you know abnormal

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auditory processing maybe you could give

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us a sampling so autism is um a

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behavioral diagnosis right so unlike

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other areas of medicine where you might

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be able to take a blood test or there's

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other sort of tools it's all a

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behavioral diagnosis by um an expert so

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usually um a psychiatrist or a

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psychologist and they look for two core

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features so the so this is based on the

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DSM um five and there the two core

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features are pervasive social

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interaction challenges and the presence

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of restricted repetitive Behavior but

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there are a lot of people with Autism

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who have anxiety there are a lot of

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people with sensory challenges there are

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a lot of people with seizure disorder

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um Sleep Disorders so again it's each

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person with autism has this sort of

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unique collection of traits and you know

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that's how they get diagnosed we're

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going to talk a lot today about

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interventions but how early are some of

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the behavioral interventions and I

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should just say any interventions

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introduced nowadays so if someone brings

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their child to the pediatrician and they

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take one of these tests and that a child

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is deemed as having autism um um will

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the will the one-year-old or the you

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know two-year-old immediately go into

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behavioral interventions well so usually

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you need to have the diagnosis of autism

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and then there are behavioral

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interventions a variety of different

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ones um that are used there are some

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studies where um because autism is

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highly heritable you can have one child

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with autism and then you if you have

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subsequent children you're at an

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increased risk of having subsequent

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children with autism and these are

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called Baby sibling studies so what

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you're doing is enriching the population

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of infants that you follow

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prospectively um who are more likely to

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receive an Autism diagnosis and there

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are studies where some of those children

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are enrolled in Behavioral Studies even

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when they're quote unquote at

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risk I've heard before that you know

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parents in which one or typically both

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parents are say of the engineering mathy

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physics quote unquote hard science

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science type are um more likely to have

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autistic children is that true I mean

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did that bear out in the data you know

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if you look at profession or or um you

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know undergraduate major uh does any of

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that correlate with the probability of

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having an autistic child yeah well what

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I can say is that there's been some

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studies so what we know is that autistic

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traits are continuously distributed

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across the general population and there

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was a study and there's a couple

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different instruments that are used used

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to be able to measure these autistic

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traits so there's something called the

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social responsiveness scale and then

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that's a us-based instrument and there's

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an Autism quotient that's a similar

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measure that was um designed in England

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and what what we know from work with the

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AQ is that individuals that are in

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intense stem Fields like engineering

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physics and math have a greater burden

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of autistic traits even if they don't

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have an Autism

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diagnosis okay so that leads me to

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wonder whether or not this whole

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business of a spectrum yeah is actually

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multiple spectry spectrums is it

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spectrums or spectry what someone will

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put it in the in the comments on YouTube

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we know that for sure please let me know

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I would like to know what is the plural

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of spectrum spectrums um you know

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because when we hear the word spectrum

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we think okay there's a spectrum of

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severity right and in fact I have some

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experience with um severe autism not in

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my family but where I went to

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undergraduate University uh UC Santa

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Barbara down the way from that school

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was the Deo school which was a school

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which um has been there for a long time

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that um parents would send their kids if

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they were quote unquote severely

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autistic it was actually where um Dustin

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Hoffman went to um study for his role in

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Rainman and the uh the kids who were

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really delightful they used to come into

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town every once in a while to the coffee

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shop where I'd study and they would also

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continue on from there to Kmart which is

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why the Dustin Hoffman character would

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say gotta go to Kmart gotta go to he

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would do that repetition right that

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Kmart was down the road from our you

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know our College housing and the Deo

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School those kids were literally in a um

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away from home facility

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full-time and I spoke to some of the

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parents at one point and they were at

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that facility meaning the parents had

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sent them their children away to live

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there full-time of course they'd get

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visits and they'd get visits home um

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because they were I suppose we could say

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at the far end of some spectrum that

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made it at least to the parents idea

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impossible for them to be at home okay

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now at the other end of the spectrum if

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one is just simply thinking in terms of

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severity I know people who have

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self-identified as a autistic that's how

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they've referred to it so I feel

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comfortable um saying that they've said

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I am autistic um and they seem pretty

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high functioning meaning they have

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driver's licenses drive cars are in

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healthy relationships and manage life

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apparently well um they have some traits

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that yes I would agree are a little bit

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different right so this is where we get

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into neurode Divergence right um but I

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guess the point is you know should we

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think about autism as on a spectrum or

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given the fact that there are these um

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kind of collections of different traits

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could there be a spectrum of severity

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also a spectrum of um you know more

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stereotype behaviors um another spectrum

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that intersects with that that has to do

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with you know obsession with a

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particular topic you know you could

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imagine that there are you know 50 or 60

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different Spectra or spectrums I still

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don't know which one to say and that

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when we talk about the Spectrum we're

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really talking about something that's in

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multiple dimensions and not just one

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line that goes from severe to mild does

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that make sense yeah I mean I think this

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is where understanding the biological

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basis of behavior would then allow us to

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be able to say you like here's these

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different dimensions right but not

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understanding the biology you're left

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with okay we're are we lumpers or

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Splitters like how do we think about

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this because autism is highly heritable

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so there's about 40 to 80% of autism is

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um is genetic right so these vary wildly

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right but the but the common thinking is

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that the majority about 50% of autism is

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um is associated with common genetic

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variants and so the way that we've

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always thought about this is that there

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is this you know autism is largely an

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inherited polygenic condition and but

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what I mean by that is that you have a

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lot of common variants that are additive

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and so if you think about this

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collection of common genetic variant

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that underly the Spectrum right so if

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you have less of a dosing of some of

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these common variants you might see

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somebody who's a lot more who's higher

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functioning like you said and if you end

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up with one of these single Gene High

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penetrant um disorders you might see

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severe intellectual disability and sort

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of lower functioning on the other end of

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the spectrum but I think that there is a

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lot that we don't know and what you're

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bringing up I think underlines you know

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sort of an issue with autism autism

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which is common for many brain disorders

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which is like if you don't understand

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the underlying biological basis it also

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gets very difficult to diagnose and

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treat right and that's where we are with

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a lot of different you know psychiatric

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and neurodevelopmental disorders to date

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has there been any specific neural

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network that we can point to and say Ah

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that's the neural network that seems to

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be different in people who are on the

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autism spectrum um I saw a study

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published recently that seemed to point

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to the idea that the genes that are

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altered in autism um at least include a

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large number of genes that are altered

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or the proteins that are the consequence

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of those genes are altered

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and exist at the synapse at the

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connections between neurons and I'm

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asking it that way because you know some

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years ago I was at a talk on autism at

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Stanford and someone raised their hand

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and says um do we even know that autism

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is a brain issue right could couldn't it

Time: 1093.36

be an issue of you know the immune

Time: 1095.039

system or the cardiovascular system

Time: 1097.039

which at the time seemed like okay gosh

Time: 1098.919

of course it's but wait then you stop

Time: 1100.52

and you think that's a really good

Time: 1102.039

question right how do we know it's a

Time: 1103.799

it's a challenge of the brain right I

Time: 1105.919

think that's a great question right and

Time: 1107.44

there may be people talk about

Time: 1138.32

just take for a moment that this is a

Time: 1140.2

brain disorder how do you study it in

Time: 1142.96

people right so you know it's very

Time: 1145.48

difficult to get access to either

Time: 1147.84

cerebral spinal fluid which is a fluid

Time: 1149.96

that bathes the brain um brain tissue

Time: 1152.76

biopsies it's very hard to get people

Time: 1155.76

especially children that are really

Time: 1157.84

impacted into a brain scanner right

Time: 1160.24

because they can't sit still they may

Time: 1161.44

have sensory issues they don't want to

Time: 1163.039

go into a scanner right so a lot of the

Time: 1165.24

tools that neuroscientists or or

Time: 1167.76

psychiatrist have to think about looking

Time: 1170.799

at the brain are um limited right and

Time: 1174.88

then and then the other part is how do

Time: 1176.76

you model so the other way we might

Time: 1178.28

think about getting access or or

Time: 1180.84

thinking about model systems what we

Time: 1183.679

need to do is think about the control

Time: 1185.84

animals and we need to make sure that

Time: 1187.919

the species that we're modeling them in

Time: 1190.919

has um features of control humans if you

Time: 1194.159

will so we need to have complex

Time: 1196

cognitive abilities we need to have

Time: 1197.679

complex social skills we need to have an

Time: 1200.559

organism that has Vision as its primary

Time: 1202.6

sensory modality right potentially sleep

Time: 1205.4

consolidating so we need to think about

Time: 1207.36

all of those and and the the tricky part

Time: 1209.799

I think until fairly recently was that

Time: 1212.6

we were doing all of this work in Mouse

Time: 1214.84

models and you know the control mice

Time: 1217.52

just fundamentally lack many of the

Time: 1220.559

characteristics that are needed to model

Time: 1223.24

you know autism with Fidelity right and

Time: 1225.76

I think that's you know when we look at

Time: 1228.2

drug development pipelines about 50% of

Time: 1231.76

preclinical failures so that would be

Time: 1234.36

something that's tested in an animal

Time: 1236.159

that works and then fails in a human

Time: 1238.919

clinical drug trial 50% of those

Time: 1241.4

failures can be attributed to poorly

Time: 1243.12

selected animal models and so I think

Time: 1245.6

part of where we we will be getting

Time: 1248.039

traction is picking you know developing

Time: 1250.6

sophisticated models as a sort of point

Time: 1252.64

of entry into being able to understand

Time: 1254.72

some of these things that are really

Time: 1256.159

difficult us studying people yeah such a

Time: 1258.52

key point and um for those that um have

Time: 1260.88

not heard of pre-clinical models

Time: 1262.36

pre-clinical models are non-human models

Time: 1264.6

so it could be Mouse could be nonhuman

Time: 1266.44

primate could be flies or worms for that

Time: 1268.6

matter but uh we're going to talk a lot

Time: 1270.6

about non-human primate preclinical

Time: 1273

models um and the work that you've been

Time: 1274.919

doing and of course also the work that

Time: 1276.76

you've been doing in humans um the other

Time: 1279.679

animal um the other private the other

Time: 1282.08

primate right exactly I love to remind

Time: 1284.679

people that we're primates um Old World

Time: 1286.919

primates um thank you for doing that so

Time: 1289.44

you've been talking about the genetic

Time: 1290.88

influences on autism and of course genes

Time: 1292.72

in the environment interact right it's

Time: 1294.72

never nature or nurture it's always an

Time: 1296.6

interaction and that isn't just about

Time: 1298.84

the epig genome it's also just about the

Time: 1300.52

fact that nature impacts the genome and

Time: 1302.6

our genome impacts the way that we

Time: 1304.159

interact with the environment Etc so

Time: 1306.24

what is the role of the environment in

Time: 1308.84

autism both the frequency and the

Time: 1310.559

presentation of autism right so I mean

Time: 1313.08

there are again lots of different

Time: 1315.279

epidemiological studies so um Advanced

Time: 1317.679

parental age uh prematurity severe

Time: 1320.76

prematurity is a risk factor for autism

Time: 1323.6

um maternal illness during pregnancy um

Time: 1327.039

so there's there's a bunch of different

Time: 1328.84

things that have been associated with an

Time: 1331.799

increased risk for autism in terms of

Time: 1334.52

environmental influences and how they

Time: 1336.12

can intersect with Biology um one of the

Time: 1338.84

things that I was really struck by in

Time: 1340.679

the early 2000s that at least by my read

Time: 1344.039

of the literature hasn't really gone

Time: 1345.559

anywhere was this idea that was proposed

Time: 1347.24

by pashco who used to run the

Time: 1348.88

neurobiology department um at Yale um

Time: 1352.159

expert in brain neuro anatomy in

Time: 1354.48

non-human primates and in humans

Time: 1356.24

embryology um really luminary of our

Time: 1358.679

field and he had a series of papers

Time: 1362.52

exploring how the migration of neurons

Time: 1364.72

during early development you know it's

Time: 1366.44

you and I both know but most people out

Time: 1368.36

there probably don't know because we

Time: 1369.76

haven't covered this in the podcast um

Time: 1371.679

it's not typical dinner table

Time: 1373.159

conversation you know when you when an

Time: 1374.799

embryo when a human embryo is developing

Time: 1376.799

the the neurons are born at one location

Time: 1378.64

and they migrate out some distance to

Time: 1380.32

their final um resting place where then

Time: 1383.12

they grow out their connections and

Time: 1384.4

connect with one another and that

Time: 1386.24

process of neuron neuronal migration is

Time: 1388.64

oh so critical for the eventual wiring

Time: 1390.76

of the brain and rakes had this idea

Time: 1394.2

that perhaps and I really want to

Time: 1396.08

emphasize perhaps that the more frequent

Time: 1399.039

incidents of autism might be correlated

Time: 1402.159

with the increase in early prenatal

Time: 1404.88

ultrasound and he had these papers

Time: 1407.24

published in number of really

Time: 1408.52

high-profile journals including

Time: 1410.08

proceedings of the National Academy and

Time: 1411.6

Science and elsewhere showing that in a

Time: 1413.32

mouse model if you do

Time: 1415.76

Ultrasound with each successive

Time: 1417.76

ultrasound you got more migration errors

Time: 1420.279

right so there to me was a you know an

Time: 1422.36

interesting example of of the

Time: 1423.799

environment frequency of ultrasound and

Time: 1425.96

cell migration having some sort of

Time: 1428.32

interaction but it seemed like it never

Time: 1430.36

went anywhere it never got tacked to

Time: 1432.76

okay you should keep in mind the number

Time: 1434.72

of ultrasounds that you're getting for

Time: 1436.039

your child and of course ultrasounds are

Time: 1438.08

critical for for pregnant women to get

Time: 1441.36

because they can Stave off a number of

Time: 1443.12

developmental issues and they're super

Time: 1444.96

important but you know we've heard about

Time: 1447.64

ultrasound you know it within the

Time: 1449.24

scientific literature and then

Time: 1450.32

occasionally we'll hear other theories

Time: 1452.08

about okay it's having two parents who

Time: 1453.84

are both engineers and then we'll hear

Time: 1456.039

oh you know it's um you know toxicity in

Time: 1458.279

the food environment we've heard you

Time: 1459.72

know hypothesis about vaccines or the

Time: 1462.559

the adant that the vaccines are

Time: 1464.159

contained in you know in that large

Time: 1467.08

cloud of the

Time: 1468.559

has anything really um emerged from them

Time: 1472.039

as like okay there really seems to be at

Time: 1474.559

least one major risk factor

Time: 1476.559

environmental risk factor because I feel

Time: 1478.64

like all those theories I come up get

Time: 1481.08

some popular press bunch of papers are

Time: 1483.6

published sometimes those papers are

Time: 1485

retracted like in the case of the

Time: 1486.399

vaccines um and then the theory kind of

Time: 1489.799

dies yeah so is there any specific

Time: 1493.08

environmental influence on autism that

Time: 1496.24

we can say yes they're really seems to

Time: 1498.279

be something there yeah I I mean it's a

Time: 1500.72

it's a really spectacularly good

Time: 1502.6

question I think the tricky part about

Time: 1504.44

it is that every single person that

Time: 1507.279

comes into a trial has a different

Time: 1508.679

genetic background right and so until we

Time: 1511

can have these a priori stratified

Time: 1514.159

trials where you could then you know as

Time: 1516.399

a good scientist you would only

Time: 1517.679

manipulate maybe one two variables at a

Time: 1520.279

time right but when you're doing these

Time: 1521.72

large epidemiological studies because

Time: 1523.679

you can't it's very difficult to do

Time: 1526.52

experimental studies right especially

Time: 1528.32

with developing children um I think

Time: 1530.72

that's an incredibly difficult study to

Time: 1532.76

do right so there's been an interest in

Time: 1536.12

this field of there's these neurogenetic

Time: 1539.399

syndromes that have high penetrance for

Time: 1541.64

autism which basically means that you

Time: 1543.88

could have a disorder um or you know

Time: 1547.08

another genetic condition let's say it

Time: 1548.76

doesn't have to be a single Gene but

Time: 1550.76

that a lot of those kids tend to also

Time: 1552.64

get an Autism diagnosis and so there's

Time: 1554.799

been work and like so for instance

Time: 1556.12

fragile X is a good example where

Time: 1558.44

because autism is so diverse in terms of

Time: 1561.72

clinical presentation that let's say you

Time: 1564.12

have a medication that could work for a

Time: 1566.159

handful of kids in the trial you may not

Time: 1568.52

be statistically powered to see it right

Time: 1570.72

so so you know the way I think about the

Time: 1573.159

autism world is there's so little we

Time: 1575.76

don't know so think about being in a

Time: 1577.96

dark room and you have a flashlight and

Time: 1581.08

you only see where you shine the light

Time: 1583.48

right and so if you think about a very

Time: 1586.44

heterogeneous genetic heterogeneous

Time: 1589.12

study it's going to be very difficult to

Time: 1591.559

tease out these pieces because an

Time: 1593.32

environmental risk factor um might be a

Time: 1596.039

driver for one kid but not another right

Time: 1598.559

and so I think what we need to do is to

Time: 1601

have these genetically defined subgroups

Time: 1603.32

of individuals and then be able to test

Time: 1606.44

the G by Gene by environment

Time: 1608.6

interactions or in this genetically

Time: 1611.08

defined group of individuals um can we

Time: 1614

test this certain medication to see if

Time: 1615.84

it's beneficial for this subgroup of

Time: 1617.6

children got it so you you mentioned

Time: 1619.96

fragile X which um we know um presents

Time: 1623.88

with autism like symptoms in some cases

Time: 1626.559

and then I think of another disease like

Time: 1628.6

um Timothy syndrome a mutation in an L

Time: 1631.48

Type calcium channel which um for those

Time: 1633.76

of you that don't know what these cell

Time: 1634.84

type calcium channels are they're

Time: 1636.039

they're not just important for the

Time: 1637.08

function of neurons in the brain they're

Time: 1638.48

really important for the function of

Time: 1640.559

neurons and other other tissues

Time: 1642.6

including heart tissue right so um kids

Time: 1645.919

with Timothy Syndrome have cardiac

Time: 1648.08

issues yeah and they have autism so you

Time: 1651.24

know I think it's important for us to

Time: 1653.039

kind of explore this a bit because in

Time: 1654.96

most people's minds you know kids with

Time: 1657.44

autism have autism and occasionally

Time: 1659.279

they'll have other issues you know gut

Time: 1661.2

issues or heart issues or um muscular

Time: 1664.279

skeletal issues but we often think that

Time: 1666.32

that's the consequence of the autism but

Time: 1667.96

often times that they have multiple

Time: 1669.799

things going on and the autism actually

Time: 1672.08

could be secondary or independent of the

Time: 1674.48

other thing that's going on so this is

Time: 1676.96

what leads me back to this idea of a

Time: 1678.88

spectrum you know is you know is it

Time: 1681.72

possible that what we call autism is

Time: 1683.6

actually like 50 different disorders or

Time: 1686.519

50 different conditions depending on

Time: 1688.559

what one wants to call them um I mean

Time: 1692.36

what is autism really I mean is it it's

Time: 1695.32

what does it really center around what

Time: 1697.72

and I I think here maybe it's useful to

Time: 1699.279

go like do we go to the diagnostic

Time: 1700.88

criteria like how do we decide if a

Time: 1703.279

child has autism if they also have a

Time: 1705.159

bunch of other things that are

Time: 1706.64

challenging them I I think that that's

Time: 1708.36

The $64,000 Question right and and and

Time: 1711.6

again in other areas of medicine so if

Time: 1714.2

you think about let's think about cancer

Time: 1715.679

biology right like decades ago somebody

Time: 1719.159

would come in with cancer and you would

Time: 1720.72

hit them with radiation chemotherapy and

Time: 1722.559

that was the best that we could do right

Time: 1724.399

but with the invention of a lot of

Time: 1725.72

molecular tools you can remove a a tumor

Time: 1729.32

and you can do molecular profiling and

Time: 1731

even you know have personalized

Time: 1732.76

medications made right to attack that t

Time: 1735.12

tumor and so you know know what's really

Time: 1739.399

tricky when you have a behavioral

Time: 1741.039

diagnosis that's not

Time: 1743.6

biologically defined you you see a lot

Time: 1747.44

of heterogeneity so it's incredibly

Time: 1749.919

difficult I think to answer this

Time: 1751.519

question because we don't know how many

Time: 1754.279

kinds of

Time: 1766.32

autismsocial people people I've heard

Time: 1768.76

clinicians say well that's not really

Time: 1770.12

autism right that's a piece of fragile X

Time: 1773

right but if it's a behavioral diagnosis

Time: 1775.559

and they meet be behavioral criteria it

Time: 1778.559

becomes this weird circular argument

Time: 1780.48

right so like until we really understand

Time: 1783.84

what autism is I I I think that it's

Time: 1788.12

going to be very tricky to start you

Time: 1790.399


Time: 1791.36

subing different aspects of the

Time: 1794.559

condition as we all know quality

Time: 1796.6

nutrition influences of course our

Time: 1798.64

physical health but also our mental

Time: 1800.36

health and our cognitive functioning our

Time: 1802.159

memory our ability to learn new things

Time: 1803.919

and to focus and we know that one of the

Time: 1805.88

most important features of highquality

Time: 1807.84

nutrition is making sure that we get

Time: 1809.48

enough vitamins and minerals from

Time: 1811.32

highquality unprocessed or minimally

Time: 1813.399

processed sources as well as enough

Time: 1815.399

probiotics and prebiotics and fiber to

Time: 1817.96

support basically all the cellular

Time: 1819.72

functions in our body including the gut

Time: 1821.799

microbiome now I like most everybody try

Time: 1825.12

to get optimal nutrition from Whole

Time: 1827.44

Foods ideally mostly from minimally

Time: 1830.12

processed or nonprocessed Foods however

Time: 1832.44

one of the challenges that I and so many

Time: 1834

other people face is getting enough

Time: 1835.64

servings of high quality fruits and

Time: 1837.2

vegetables per day as well as fiber and

Time: 1839.44

probiotics that often accompany those

Time: 1841.08

fruits and vegetables that's why way

Time: 1842.919

back in 2012 long before I ever had a

Time: 1845.48

podcast I started drinking ag1 and so

Time: 1848.48

I'm delighted that ag1 is sponsoring the

Time: 1850.399

hubman Lab podcast the reason I started

Time: 1852.72

taking ag1 and the reason I still drink

Time: 1854.72

ag1 once or twice a day is that it

Time: 1857.399

provides all of my foundational

Time: 1858.919

nutritional needs that is it provides

Time: 1860.84

insurance that I get the proper amounts

Time: 1863.24

of those vitamins minerals probiotics

Time: 1865.08

and fiber to ensure optimal mental

Time: 1867.84

health physical health and performance

Time: 1870.279

if you'd like to try ag1 you can go to

Time: 1872.279

drink a1.com huberman to claim a special

Time: 1875.84

offer they're giving away five free

Time: 1877.6

travel packs plus a year supply of

Time: 1879.48

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink a1.com

Time: 1883.44

huberman to claim that special offer

Time: 1886.48

well probably a good time for us to

Time: 1888.799

think about the work that you've done in

Time: 1891.559

terms of trying to tack the biology of

Time: 1896.76


Time: 1898.399

communication and behavior yeah right

Time: 1900.639

those things interact not just language

Time: 1902.159

but also Behavior to autism in humans

Time: 1906.6

using non-human primate models and then

Time: 1909.679

of course to also discuss some of the

Time: 1910.919

work that you've been doing in humans

Time: 1913.159

and we can't have that discussion

Time: 1915.2

without first having a discussion about

Time: 1917.6

two neuropeptides that I think most

Time: 1919.72

people have heard of at least one of

Time: 1921.32

them and I think there's a lot of

Time: 1923.039

misunderstanding about but you're going

Time: 1924.559

to clarify that for us which are

Time: 1926.84

oxytocin and vasopressin so before we

Time: 1929.76

dive into the uh the important work that

Time: 1932.72

you've been doing on vasopressin in

Time: 1935.399

particular but also oxytocin and

Time: 1937.919

autism what are oxytocin and vasopress

Time: 1941.88

really okay so they're these small

Time: 1944.559

little peptide they're nine amino acids

Time: 1946.84

long are very tiny they only differ by

Time: 1949.24

two amino acids and they're these

Time: 1951.36

ancient peptides that are hundreds of

Time: 1953.44

millions of years old and in almost any

Time: 1956.32

species studied um whether it's the

Time: 1959.399

current version you might have vasit

Time: 1961.039

tocin or other Mosin which are um sort

Time: 1964.12

of precursor forms in other species but

Time: 1966.279

they're highly evolutionarily conserved

Time: 1968.6

and they're involved in social behavior

Time: 1971.279

um in pretty much any it could be egg

Time: 1973.12

laying it could be you know but but

Time: 1974.639

reproduction and social behavior across

Time: 1977.48

the philogenetic tax so house cats make

Time: 1980.679

vasopressin and oxytocin humans

Time: 1983.2

obviously make vasopressin and oxytocin

Time: 1985.76

and pretty much every other species that

Time: 1987.559

has to interact with and connect with

Time: 1989.919

other members of its species especially

Time: 1991.639

mammals right so oxytocin and vasor

Time: 1993.48

pressin are pervasive and Maman species

Time: 1996.72

do the different species tend to make

Time: 2001.44

oxytocin and vasopressin in similar

Time: 2003.88

brain areas and tissues um yes but not

Time: 2007.399

completely overlapping but I I think the

Time: 2009.799

thing that the the beautiful mystery

Time: 2011.72

about these and the infuriating piece of

Time: 2014.039

them is that because they're so

Time: 2016.039

structurally similar um they can have

Time: 2019.039

similar effects and they there's four

Time: 2021.919

receptors that they bind to so if you

Time: 2023.6

think about a hormone or a

Time: 2025.039

neurotransmitter so oxytocin vasor

Time: 2026.96

pressent if you think about them like a

Time: 2028.44

key and a receptor like a lock and you

Time: 2030.76

have to put them together to open a door

Time: 2032.919

open Behavior they can bind to these

Time: 2035.36

four receptors so it can be very

Time: 2038.639

difficult to

Time: 2040.039

disentangle which one is acting and at

Time: 2042.799

which receptor and where in the brain oh

Time: 2045.08

so oxytocin vasopressin are chemically

Time: 2047.08

similar yes interesting yes and uh where

Time: 2050.2

would you say lies their greatest um

Time: 2053.28

output Divergence which is just nerd

Time: 2055.2

speak for um is there an example of

Time: 2057.24

something that oxytocin does that

Time: 2058.76

vasopressin doesn't and vice versa yeah

Time: 2061.24

okay so what's really fascinating is

Time: 2063.119

these two neurotransmitters or hormones

Time: 2065.879

were discovered for their peripheral

Time: 2068.359

effects which basically means not in

Time: 2069.879

their brain but somewhere in their body

Time: 2071.879

and so oxytocin's involved in um uterine

Time: 2075.32

contractions and milk let down and so

Time: 2077.56

was during lactation so people sort of

Time: 2080.24

always thought of it as the female

Time: 2081.72

hormone and then vasopress has um at

Time: 2085.52

least in the in the peripheral system

Time: 2087.919

has been involved in um urine regul like

Time: 2090.48

urinary output regulation blood pressure

Time: 2093.44

um and so we only knew about their their

Time: 2097.119

physiological roles as their sort of

Time: 2099.2

classic hormones for decades and what

Time: 2102

was interesting is these um like naming

Time: 2106.119

conventions are fascinating medicine

Time: 2108.119

right so you could name a virus after

Time: 2111.119

where it was first found right or it

Time: 2113.88

could be named after somebody who

Time: 2115.64

discovered the disease like Alzheimer's

Time: 2117.28

for instance is a good example and what

Time: 2119.119

was interesting oxytocin was only named

Time: 2121.16

once vasor pressin was named twice so

Time: 2123.28

it's either called Arginine vasor

Time: 2124.839

pressin or anti-diuretic hormone and so

Time: 2127.64

it had two different names and so as you

Time: 2129.64

can imagine sometimes genes are named

Time: 2131.44

twice and so somebody in cancer is

Time: 2133.48

studying one Gene and somebody and

Time: 2135.16

autism is studying another and they're

Time: 2136.48

not even communicating because they

Time: 2137.839

don't even realize that they've at least

Time: 2139.839

historically now we have all kinds of

Time: 2141.599

Gene annotation sites so it's less

Time: 2143.32

likely to happen now but but what was

Time: 2145.28

fascinating is they were these hormones

Time: 2147.04

were named oxytocin is Greek for quick

Time: 2149.72

birth so for decades people only

Time: 2152.359

appreciated their physiological roles

Time: 2155.119

but but there were neuron anatomist

Time: 2156.359

saying hey so these are both made

Time: 2158.56

they're made in a lot of different

Time: 2159.68

places but the the the action sort of

Time: 2162.28

happens in the hypothalamus where

Time: 2163.839

they're made and there were anatomists

Time: 2165.839

that said wait these sort of project

Time: 2167.44

back into the brain what are these doing

Time: 2168.839

in the brain and one of my favorite

Time: 2170.96

historical stories was um I had a mentor

Time: 2174.88

um uh a colleague like an you know who I

Time: 2178.079

didn't train with but he was um a real

Time: 2181.04

source of wisdom to me for many years

Time: 2182.8

and his name is Court Peterson and he

Time: 2184.24

told me this wonderful story about this

Time: 2186.76

duuk oologist named Peter claer and um

Time: 2189.8

Peter was studying ulet so sheep and

Time: 2192.2

goats and he wrote a story of paper in

Time: 2195.4

1971 called Mother Love what turns it on

Time: 2198.599

and um you know one thing about science

Time: 2200.44

is I love going back and seeing where do

Time: 2202.68

the Pearls of Wisdom come from and so he

Time: 2204.56

wrote this and said you know oxytocin is

Time: 2207.119

orchestrating all these events of

Time: 2210.119

motherhood and there are sheep and goats

Time: 2212.64

in particular that have offspring that

Time: 2215.4

are precocious meaning they're basically

Time: 2217.04

born ready you know within an hour they

Time: 2218.68

can run with the herd unlike our species

Time: 2220.72

which is altricial meaning we have very

Time: 2222.88

helpless infants and mom needs to bond

Time: 2225.88

really quickly with that baby if it's

Time: 2227.68

going to be running around and you only

Time: 2229.52

you know from an evolutionary

Time: 2230.92

perspective you want to be investing in

Time: 2232.8

the baby that's yours not somebody

Time: 2234.359

else's right and um he hypothesized that

Time: 2237.48

it was oxytocin that was being

Time: 2239.24

co-released into the brain and during

Time: 2242.359

milk let down that was what turned

Time: 2244.88

Mother Love on and that was really the

Time: 2247.079

beginning of this whole field of

Time: 2249.04

thinking and so that opened up thinking

Time: 2251.28

about oxytocin in rodent maternal care

Time: 2255.359

and a variety of other instances can I

Time: 2258.52

just briefly interrupt you because I

Time: 2260.16

find this so interesting and I know it's

Time: 2261.599

interesting to everyone listening as

Time: 2263.8

well because you know yes and thank you

Time: 2267.599

for making it clear that oxid doin has

Time: 2269.76

many different roles um but this role of

Time: 2272.119

Mother Love and bonding to infant um has

Time: 2274.96

me needing to ask whether or not the

Time: 2277.079

idea was that oxytocin is released in

Time: 2279.599

the mother when she interacts with her

Time: 2281.319

own baby um and that leads me to the

Time: 2284.4

question is oxytocin also released in

Time: 2287.16

the baby um in reaction to to the mother

Time: 2290.56

and how long is that effect lasting

Time: 2293.52

because in order to have a pervasive

Time: 2295

bond with that baby and not just some

Time: 2296.68

other baby and of course we still have

Time: 2298.72

visual cues and you know we know our

Time: 2300.44

baby versus another baby most instances

Time: 2303.24

um there are rare exceptions or perhaps

Time: 2305.119

not so rare exceptions but leaving those

Time: 2307

aside you

Time: 2308.76

know the mechanism that would allow for

Time: 2311.839

mother infant bonding and infant mother

Time: 2314.76

bonding by way of oxytocin presumably is

Time: 2317.52

something that is literally changing

Time: 2319.64

their brains saying it's you are the are

Time: 2323.079

the center of my life right and the baby

Time: 2325.359

of course is saying well you are my life

Time: 2327.44

because you are the source of life right

Time: 2329.64

certainly for the early part um early

Time: 2332

part of life and that nowadays it seems

Time: 2333.52

that that that can extend well into the

Time: 2335.44

uh the teens and 20s for some people but

Time: 2338.079

um you how how is oxytocin working is it

Time: 2340.8

is it working over the course of minutes

Time: 2342.8

hours is there some specificity of this

Time: 2345.16

baby and this mom that links them in in

Time: 2347.68

some more pervasive way I mean how is

Time: 2350.079

oxytocin doing this magic of bonding

Time: 2353.359

yeah I mean it's it's very species

Time: 2355.72

specific right so I think that and you

Time: 2358

need to think about like The

Time: 2359.599

evolutionary history of the species

Time: 2362

right so if you think about sheep or

Time: 2364

goats the early studies that were done

Time: 2366.48

are you um The Passage through the

Time: 2369.68

vaginal Canal was what you know so you

Time: 2371.72

would activate oxytocin receptors that

Time: 2373.72

way but if you gave an oxytocin

Time: 2376.68

antagonist meaning you would give into

Time: 2379.24

the brain something that blocked the

Time: 2381.359

oxytocin receptors so if the oxytocin is

Time: 2383.96

being released into the BL brain but you

Time: 2385.68

have a pharmacological agent blocking

Time: 2387.44

its ability to bind to its receptors

Time: 2389.599

these sheep and goats wouldn't um bond

Time: 2392.079

to their baby for instance so literally

Time: 2394.16

the passage of the baby out of the

Time: 2395.96

vaginal Canal triggers the oxytocin

Time: 2399.52

pathway the release of oxytocin as in

Time: 2401.839

lactation does too nature is so

Time: 2403.44

beautiful because if you had to pick one

Time: 2404.96

event yeah to trigger the release of

Time: 2406.92

oxytocin if oxytocin's role is to create

Time: 2409.28

bonding with offspring that would be the

Time: 2411.68

event because that's a tough one to

Time: 2413.2

mistake right right but but what I will

Time: 2415.88

say because I think you will you know to

Time: 2417.88

avoid you getting attacked on Twitter or

Time: 2419.839

wherever you might I'm GNA get attacked

Time: 2421.24

anyway if not if not for this discussion

Time: 2423.76

then another one but I'm tougher than I

Time: 2425.52

like so um but it's really species

Time: 2428.359

specific right so if you think about our

Time: 2430.48

species and a lot of primate species we

Time: 2433.319

live in these extended family groups and

Time: 2435.64

that's how we evolved and so unlike a

Time: 2438.119

goat or a sheep that might live in a

Time: 2440.04

herd where there's a lot of

Time: 2441.48

non-relatives we lived in a community of

Time: 2444.319

relatives right and so we and we do all

Time: 2447.359

kinds of care of extended relatives and

Time: 2449.88

so you wouldn't necessarily expect in a

Time: 2452.119

primate species where you have this long

Time: 2455.24

rearing history where help from the

Time: 2457.8

family and and biparental care where

Time: 2460.599

where sort of everybody sort of like it

Time: 2462.56

takes a village to raise the baby we

Time: 2464.839

readily adopt in our in primate

Time: 2467.52

societies right and so you know um like

Time: 2470.68

I had a CE I mean I'll tell you

Time: 2472

something personal I had a C-section um

Time: 2474.76

and uh had I had a lot of postpartum

Time: 2477.96

complications and so lactation didn't

Time: 2480.04

work out that well for me one of my

Time: 2481.44

friends would say um I massive um DVS

Time: 2485.2

and Pulmonary emop and so I almost died

Time: 2487.359

after my son was born the first time and

Time: 2490.079

so I didn't have a vaginal delivery I

Time: 2492.48


Time: 2493.56

DVT thrombosis yeah and it was sort of

Time: 2496.119

like welcome to Motherhood and I was in

Time: 2497.72

the ICU and um had to get a filter put

Time: 2501.2

in um an inferior vnea filter to um stop

Time: 2504.88

me from dying because the I had

Time: 2506.64

scattershot clots all over my lungs and

Time: 2509.48

so I didn't really you know I didn't I I

Time: 2511.44

didn't do a vaginal delivery I had a

Time: 2512.96

C-section and I wasn't really able to

Time: 2515.64

lactate and man I love that baby right

Time: 2518.839

so you know I can give you know what I

Time: 2520.319

will say is um it's really different in

Time: 2522.52

primates and we don't really understand

Time: 2524.359

how bonding occurs but what I will say

Time: 2526.599

is that bonding between a mother you

Time: 2529.16

really need to think about the

Time: 2530.4

evolutionary selective pressure so I was

Time: 2532.359

an evolutionary biologist before I found

Time: 2534.839

Neuroscience right and so I really

Time: 2537.4

everything I do I think about from an

Time: 2539.119

evolutionary perspective um so but it it

Time: 2543.119

is um many people go into the oxytocin V

Time: 2546.28

oppressing field because they have a lot

Time: 2548.76

of questions about social interactions

Time: 2551

right like I think if you think about us

Time: 2552.559

is being social is actually one of the

Time: 2556.359

one of the core characteristics of our

Time: 2559.4

species right so social interactions are

Time: 2561.48

rewarding from infancy they Keep Us

Time: 2564.04

Alive as you mentioned right and so I

Time: 2567.119

think it's not an accident that the way

Time: 2569.4

we think about disorder in our species

Time: 2572.24

is many disorders are disorders because

Time: 2575.079

of lack of social connectedness right so

Time: 2577.28

it could be something like autism where

Time: 2580.079

you know there's these pervasive social

Time: 2581.96

interaction impairments it could be

Time: 2584.24

something like drug abuse where you know

Time: 2586.92

you you a risk factor for drug abuse is

Time: 2590.599

feeling you know socially disconnected

Time: 2592.76

and alone right um social um isolation

Time: 2597.4

or loss of a loved one is a very strong

Time: 2600.119

predictor of the onset of a stress

Time: 2601.76

related depressive anxiety disorder in

Time: 2604.359

terms of when and how oxytocin is

Time: 2607.28

released you mentioned um mother infant

Time: 2610.4

bonding um I think you said yes that the

Time: 2614.76

infant is also releasing oxytocin we

Time: 2617.359

think um so it's it's bidirectional um

Time: 2620.839

we think I think most of the work has

Time: 2622.52

been done in mom would be and and again

Time: 2625.119

this has not been really done well in

Time: 2627.319

primates right so we're extrapolating

Time: 2629.44

this information from species that have

Time: 2632.52

different evolutionary histories than us

Time: 2635.2

right so it's go sheeps um Prairie vs

Time: 2639.24

mice rats so what do we know about the

Time: 2642.48

role of oxytocin in humans do I mean we

Time: 2644.92

know it's there yeah we presume based on

Time: 2647.8

the animal models that it's involved in

Time: 2649.88

mother infant bonding um and presumably

Time: 2653.28

romantic partner bonding at least you

Time: 2655.4

hear that a lot um it was unfortunately

Time: 2658.64

nicknamed The Love hormone yes um and

Time: 2661.079

the reason it's unfortunate it was is

Time: 2663.319

that while that might cue attention to

Time: 2665.28

oxytocin and I'm you know a big fan of

Time: 2667.4

people paying attention to biological

Time: 2668.92

phenomena it uh it discards the other

Time: 2671.839

and many roles of of oxytocin but yeah

Time: 2674.76

what can we say about oxytocin in humans

Time: 2676.96

if anything like do we know that it does

Time: 2679.52

I mean we're just so we're assuming

Time: 2682

based on the animal models that it does

Time: 2683.359

something I mean this is very different

Time: 2684.8

than like dopamine where there's tons of

Time: 2686.4

animal model data but we know but they

Time: 2688.72

brain Imaging where we know where

Time: 2690.44

dopamine is expressed and do we even

Time: 2692.599

know where oxytocin receptors are

Time: 2694.2

expressed in the human brain presumably

Time: 2695.76

that information is is out there

Time: 2697.599

recently but again there's a lot of

Time: 2699

specificity and I think if you're

Time: 2700.599

thinking about disorders you would then

Time: 2703.2

have to study those specific

Time: 2705.119

subpopulations right and and you need

Time: 2707.28

you know a lot of this work has been

Time: 2708.76

done so you have to think about how do

Time: 2709.92

we study it right so the best way to

Time: 2711.68

study it would be to have radio tracers

Time: 2713.76

where you could then which we do have

Time: 2715.319

for dopamine and and other compounds

Time: 2717.96

where you would then go and see where

Time: 2720.28

after somebody's performed a task do we

Time: 2722.24

see you know um activation right or

Time: 2725.16

uptake um there are some Imaging studies

Time: 2727.64

they're usually done giving intranasal

Time: 2730.16

oxytocin um and then you basically ask

Time: 2732.52

questions about okay we give you

Time: 2733.96

oxytocin and trenas which presumably

Time: 2736.2

enters the brain there's we could talk

Time: 2737.8

about reasons why we think that um and

Time: 2740.04

then we have you perform on some task

Time: 2742.4

right and so you know there's evidence

Time: 2744.119

if you give oxytocin it diminishes the

Time: 2746.76

amygdala's response um to fearful

Time: 2749.4

stimuli right so that it might have this

Time: 2751.839

sort of pro-social effect and and it was

Time: 2754.119

actually data like that that caused

Time: 2756.079

people to start thinking um initially

Time: 2759.16

about oxytocin and those are data on

Time: 2761.319

humans that's right it reminds me that

Time: 2763.04

there was this brief moment where

Time: 2764.76

oxytocin wasn't just being discussed as

Time: 2766.72

the love hormone it it was being

Time: 2768.68

discussed as the trust hormon right also

Time: 2772.04

um far too simple heuristic but but

Time: 2775.599

again I think it's cool that the you

Time: 2777.28

know that the the Press picks up on

Time: 2779.44

these things and at least tells people

Time: 2780.72

about what's being discovered and we

Time: 2782.359

just always have to be careful that not

Time: 2784.2

um uh have it leads the assumption that

Time: 2786.68

that's the only role of a given of a

Time: 2788.4

given hormone so um it can reduce

Time: 2791.64

apparently it can reduce the output of

Time: 2794.24

the amydala in some way this brain area

Time: 2797.04

associated with um threat detection um

Time: 2800.24

and so you could imagine how that would

Time: 2802.04

bias the person toward being more

Time: 2803.96

pro-social right um have there been

Time: 2807.52

studies exploring the role of oxytocin

Time: 2810.119

in making autistic children more

Time: 2812.28

pro-social and behind that question I

Time: 2814.48

suppose is the assump you can verify or

Time: 2817.559

or not that autistic children are less

Time: 2820.96

pro-social than other children um is

Time: 2823.2

that true um or is it that you know

Time: 2825.599

autistic kids are just maybe more

Time: 2827.599

pro-social with the one friend they

Time: 2829.04

really really like um I happen to know

Time: 2831.319

some kids uh with autism or however you

Time: 2834.599

want to phrase it and um they have close

Time: 2837.16

friends and they seem to really like

Time: 2839.92

those specific friends a lot like they

Time: 2841.92

seem very happy when they show up at the

Time: 2843.68

door and like all all the Hallmarks of

Time: 2845.8

you know healthy social mind but it is

Time: 2848.839

true that they are uncomfortable in in

Time: 2850.8

groups and where there's a lot of noise

Time: 2852.24

a busy birthday party is overwhelming

Time: 2853.92

for them but you see them playing with

Time: 2855.76

one or two friends and like you could

Time: 2858.079

see all that and assume okay it's just

Time: 2861

kind of an introverted kid actually kind

Time: 2862.92

of reminds me of me you know I mean I

Time: 2864.839

don't have a problem with crowds but I I

Time: 2866.599

much prefer to be with a small group of

Time: 2867.88

friends or one close friend so I hear

Time: 2870.16

you I'm that way too right so um you

Time: 2872.8

know how do we think about this um okay

Time: 2875.559

well I would say the social features of

Time: 2878.76

autism are interesting right and so you

Time: 2880.76

might have there were there was an

Time: 2882.839

attempt a long time ago like 1979

Time: 2885.72

there's a woman named Lura Wing who

Time: 2887.4

tried to subtype the social features of

Time: 2890.96

autism right and so there could be

Time: 2892.64

people um that are socially avoidant and

Time: 2895.559

really just don't want to have social

Time: 2897.96

interactions there could be kids that

Time: 2900.2

are um active but odd which means that

Time: 2903

they have an interest in being social

Time: 2905.16

but maybe they don't read social cues

Time: 2908.2

right and they interact in ways that

Time: 2910.64

other kids don't understand or make

Time: 2913.92

could cause bullying right and sounds

Time: 2915.72

like Junior High School yeah exactly um

Time: 2918.319

and and that's often why um you know

Time: 2920.559

some autistic kids do better with adults

Time: 2922.44

right because adults know how to sort of

Time: 2925.28

Channel um discussions with somebody who

Time: 2927.8

might be a little socially awkward right

Time: 2929.76

but there's different phenotypes I mean

Time: 2931.2

uh people having a disinterest in social

Time: 2933.96

interactions could be that they're

Time: 2935.839

highly socially anxious right um that

Time: 2938.48

making eye contact makes them anxious

Time: 2956.96

you again that's another caveat um there

Time: 2960.319

have been some studies administering

Time: 2962.559

oxytocin to individuals with autism and

Time: 2965.04

again these are these single dose

Time: 2966.48

studies so the first studies that were

Time: 2968.96

were done were looking at single dose

Time: 2972.48

oxytocin in males because some of the

Time: 2975.359

and we can talk a little bit about why

Time: 2977.119

oxytocin versus vasopressin which

Time: 2979.319

vasopressin actually would have been my

Time: 2980.72

choice um based on the animal literature

Time: 2983.16

and we can talk about that but vas

Time: 2985.44

oxytocin was given to males um partly

Time: 2988.52

because it wouldn't the idea would be

Time: 2990.48

that the of Target effects in the

Time: 2992.4

peripheral nervous system I.E milk let

Time: 2994.76

down uterine contraction are not going

Time: 2996.079

to happen in males right and so that it

Time: 2997.68

was deemed that they might be safer

Time: 2999.119

subjects males are often also the the

Time: 3001.839

go-to for research studies as you may

Time: 3003.48

have talked about on on your podcast

Time: 3005.359

before too something that fortunately is

Time: 3007

changing thanks to a mandate by the uh

Time: 3009.76

by the NIH correct um I I had to just

Time: 3012.92

kind of um smile slash um raise my

Time: 3016.68

eyebrows a little bit at the idea that

Time: 3018.48

you know the the assumption that

Time: 3019.72

oxytocin administered to males yes one

Time: 3022.319

can see why it wouldn't cause milk down

Time: 3024.599

or uterine contract

Time: 3026.359

but um but of there could be other

Time: 3028.559

peripheral effects ofto and males but

Time: 3030.559

they had to pick they had to pick one so

Time: 3031.92

they went with males okay so um and

Time: 3033.92

there is this higher incidence of autism

Time: 3035.48

in males so it's not a terrible place to

Time: 3037.76

start you just would hope that they

Time: 3039.04

would also do the the experiment on

Time: 3040.599

females but um so they're doing this by

Time: 3042.799

nasal spray so intranasal one dose

Time: 3045.72

correct and for reasons that I don't

Time: 3048.319

understand it's 24 international units

Time: 3050.359

and I think maybe somebody did the first

Time: 3052

study using it and you know this is how

Time: 3053.64

science happens right and it worked and

Time: 3055.44

so then everyone uses that protocol and

Time: 3057.48

so then there's been a lot of studies

Time: 3059.559

looking at um you know there's one

Time: 3062

reading the mind and the eyes so can you

Time: 3063.88

look at pictures of somebody's eyes and

Time: 3066

then ask what is the emotion that

Time: 3067.799

they're feeling right after receiving

Time: 3069.76

this or Placebo um where's your eye gaze

Time: 3074.2

going in a picture right so one of one

Time: 3076.52

of the theories is that people with

Time: 3078.72

Autism May at least a subset of them

Time: 3080.76

lack social motivation so maybe they're

Time: 3082.559

not looking in the places like eyes

Time: 3084.72

where you rece receive a lot of social

Time: 3086.96

cues that are relevant to social

Time: 3088.4

communication and so some of these early

Time: 3090.52

studies showed that a single dose of

Time: 3093.119

oxytocin in people that were um had high

Time: 3096.72

functioning autism so they were verbal

Time: 3098.68

like you said they could come in for

Time: 3099.799

studies and that it looked like it had

Time: 3101.76

some potential Effectiveness and so

Time: 3103.599

there became a really strong interest in

Time: 3106.559

the field to think about oxytocin

Time: 3108.96

potentially is a therapy for autism and

Time: 3111.28

is oxytocin available over the counter

Time: 3113.4

does it require prescription I I mean

Time: 3115.52

you see sites that are selling it but

Time: 3117.799

that doesn't mean anything these days

Time: 3119.48

right um there's gry Market there's all

Time: 3121.64

sorts of stuff going on um but I know

Time: 3124.079

people that have used oxytocin um

Time: 3127.4

there's actually a market for and by the

Time: 3129.28

way folks I'm not suggesting this but

Time: 3130.839

someone the other day told me that

Time: 3131.96

they've been regularly taking um uh

Time: 3135.52

oxytocin ketamine nasal inhalations um

Time: 3139.119

as part of their work with their

Time: 3141.559

licensed therapist on um like PTSD type

Time: 3145.76

stuff relating to let's just call it

Time: 3148

relational trauma okay um so that's

Time: 3150.839

happening um but let's just think about

Time: 3153.4

oxytocin alone for the moment um are

Time: 3157.2

parents of of autistic kids able to like

Time: 3159.4

buy oxytocin nasal spray no so so it

Time: 3162.76

would need to be written like the

Time: 3164.68

prescription would be need to be written

Time: 3166.4

by a um by a physician um and it's not

Time: 3170.68

on the market right so there's one thing

Time: 3172.319

we should say is there's only two drugs

Time: 3174.319

that are approved by the FDA to treat

Time: 3176.799

autism and they're both antis psychotics

Time: 3179.079

which they um they treat Associated

Time: 3181.799

features like irritability and they have

Time: 3184.24

off Target effects like weight gain and

Time: 3186.559

and and you know so we don't have any

Time: 3188.92

medications that are currently approved

Time: 3191.24

in the US or anywhere else for that

Time: 3192.88

matter to treat the core features of

Time: 3195.76

autism interesting and um unfortunate um

Time: 3199.4

and hopefully that will change in the

Time: 3200.839

not too distant future um do we know

Time: 3204.359

that children autism people with Autism

Time: 3207.04

because I'm going to just sort of assume

Time: 3209.16

that um autism is stable over the

Time: 3211.48

lifespan um like if a child is diagnosed

Time: 3213.88

with autism are they going to be an

Time: 3215.92

adolescent and adult with autism so I

Time: 3218.2

would say that in a lot of cases autism

Time: 3220.2

has lifelong impact but there are people

Time: 3222.559

who outgrow their diagnosis um you know

Time: 3225.599

there are people who respond well to

Time: 3227.24

behavioral therapy um I mean obviously

Time: 3229.799

it's not the Cure All for everybody

Time: 3231.24

there's lots of people who go through

Time: 3232.359

intensive behavioral therapy and

Time: 3233.839

probably see minimal benefits um but I

Time: 3236.319

mean it's certainly something that

Time: 3238.4

occurs in childhood for the diagnosis

Time: 3241.64

occurs in childhood and it you know for

Time: 3244.839

most people will then be present across

Time: 3247.319

the lifespan so we could say people with

Time: 3249.079

Autism because each study sometimes

Time: 3251.359

we'll have adults sometimes you'll have

Time: 3252.72

teenagers sometimes you'll have

Time: 3254.4

kids I'd like to take a quick break and

Time: 3256.72

thank our sponsor insid tracker insid

Time: 3259.4

tracker is a personalized nutrition

Time: 3260.96

platform that analyzes data from your

Time: 3262.68

blood and DNA to help you better

Time: 3264.92

understand your body and help you reach

Time: 3266.359

your health goals now I've long been a

Time: 3268.2

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 3269.839

done for the simple reason that many of

Time: 3271.599

the factors that impact your immediate

Time: 3273.119

and long-term Health can only be

Time: 3275.04

analyzed from a quality blood test a

Time: 3277.319

major problem with a lot of blood tests

Time: 3278.96

out there however is that you get

Time: 3280.799

information back about metabolic factors

Time: 3282.88

lipids and hormones and so forth but you

Time: 3284.76

don't know what to do with that

Time: 3285.72

information with inside tracker they

Time: 3287.599

make it very easy because they have a

Time: 3289.28

personalized platform that allows you to

Time: 3291.92

see the levels of all those things

Time: 3293.28

metabolic factors lipids hormones Etc

Time: 3295.799

but it gives you specific directives

Time: 3297.68

that you can follow that relate to

Time: 3299.24

nutrition behavioral modifications

Time: 3301.04

supplements Etc that can help you bring

Time: 3303.119

those numbers into the ranges that are

Time: 3304.839

optimal for you if you'd like to try

Time: 3306.599

insid tracker you can go to insid

Time: 3308.76

tracker.com huberman to get 20% off any

Time: 3311.92

of insid tracker's plans again that's

Time: 3313.76


Time: 3314.839


Time: 3316.359

huberman is it known whether or not

Time: 3318.76

people with Autism assuming they meet

Time: 3321.16

the criteria for being autistic at that

Time: 3323.16

at that moment um have lower natural

Time: 3327.76

circulating or active levels of oxytocin

Time: 3330.68

because you know it's one thing for a

Time: 3332.16

nasal spray to um of oxytocin to improve

Time: 3335.359

social functioning it's another um to

Time: 3338.64

know that it that the effect is

Time: 3341.079

addressing an underlying biological

Time: 3343.68

deficit yeah that's it's such a great

Time: 3345.599

question okay so we should unpack that

Time: 3347.24

because there's been a lot of work in

Time: 3348.52

this area so the first question is where

Time: 3350.4

are we measuring the oxytocin right so

Time: 3352.799

we mentioned oxytocin has all kinds of

Time: 3354.72

effect in the body as well as the brain

Time: 3356.96

and it's released into the blood but

Time: 3358.839

it's also released directly into the

Time: 3360.4

brain and there's variable evidence

Time: 3362.68

about if you measure it in blood is it a

Time: 3364.64

readout of the brain or not right or

Time: 3366.359

should you be looking at something like

Time: 3367.839

spinal fluid that's maybe a a better

Time: 3370.319

biochemical proxy of the brain um most

Time: 3373.76

studies so what I will say is there were

Time: 3376.559

there's been m a handful of small

Time: 3379.119

studies where there has been some you

Time: 3382.96

know there's been some benefit Maybe no

Time: 3385.16

benefit small effects we did a study

Time: 3387.72

that was a small study at Stamford and

Time: 3389.96

it was based on um Mouse genetic data

Time: 3393.079

and I'll I'll sort of walk you through

Time: 3394.64

what we did um so there's multiple Mouse

Time: 3398.2

models of these neurogenetic syndromes

Time: 3401.52

where um people have social impairment

Time: 3404.2

right we can Qui quibble about whether

Time: 3405.839

that's autism or not but that they have

Time: 3407.319

social impairment and so that there are

Time: 3409.92

this um fragile X Mouse there's a PR

Time: 3412.44

willly syndrome Mouse which is the

Time: 3413.92

magile 2 Gene that um gets manipulated

Time: 3417.28

and then there's a catnap two mouse and

Time: 3418.96

in all of those instances when you

Time: 3421.839

genetically modify those mice you see a

Time: 3424.88

reduction of oxytocin in the

Time: 3427.2

hypothalamus and what's interesting is

Time: 3430.079

that um in those instances where you see

Time: 3432.44

this genetic modification you do see

Time: 3434.4

lower blood levels in these genetically

Time: 3437.16

defined models what's really cool is you

Time: 3440

can give oxytocin across development in

Time: 3442.76

those models and at least in the cat to

Time: 3445.4

Mouse you can restore oxytocin neuron

Time: 3448.76

number to equivalent of control animals

Time: 3452

suggesting that oxytocin is doing

Time: 3453.88

something in these oxytocin deficient

Time: 3457.28

animals right so these are not an

Time: 3458.599

oxytocin Gene manipulation but these are

Time: 3461.72

these syndromes where you see as a

Time: 3463.319

consequence of manipulating genes for

Time: 3465.039

these syndromes that oxytocin gets

Time: 3466.96

knocked down right and so our thinking

Time: 3469.079

when we went into our clinical trial was

Time: 3471.72

what if um its blood oxytocin levels

Time: 3475.079

that there going to be a subset of

Time: 3476.68

individuals that just make less oxytocin

Time: 3479.96

humans and that maybe those are the

Time: 3482.359

individuals who could who stand to

Time: 3484.359

benefit the most from treatment and so

Time: 3486.52

we were the first group um to

Time: 3490.079

ask you know across this range of

Time: 3492.64

individuals who showed up and we did in

Time: 3494.92

all the trials that we'll talk about

Time: 3496.24

today um these are done with my

Time: 3498.16

colleague Antonio Harden at Stanford

Time: 3499.88

who's a child psychiatrist um and we

Time: 3502.64

always have double blind meaning that

Time: 3504.559

the investigative team is blind and that

Time: 3506.68

the um or unaware I should say they're

Time: 3508.92

unaware of treatment and then the

Time: 3510.359

families and the children are unaware um

Time: 3512.76

and then they're randomized meaning

Time: 3513.88

there's an equal chance you could get

Time: 3515.119

either drug or Placebo um and they're

Time: 3518.52

and they're controlled right okay so we

Time: 3521.16

asked if we know what your pre

Time: 3522.96

pre-treatment pre-treatment blood

Time: 3524.68

oxytocin level is who's going to benefit

Time: 3527.24

from treatment and we found a couple

Time: 3528.64

really interesting things one was that

Time: 3530.599

the lower your Baseline so your

Time: 3532.88

pre-treatment blood oxytocin level you

Time: 3535.48

showed much greater benefit from the

Time: 3537.44

oxytocin intervention these are children

Time: 3539.24

one one intervention one nasal spray

Time: 3541.559

this was four weeks sorry I should have

Time: 3543.079

clarified this is four weeks of

Time: 3544.4

treatment being um administered oxytocin

Time: 3547.52

twice a day okay and um and and so we

Time: 3551.079

saw Effectiveness there may sorry to

Time: 3553.319

interrupt so much but just uh males male

Time: 3555.359

and female subjects we did but again you

Time: 3557.4

know because the autism is male biased

Time: 3559.839

and prevalence even if you make this

Time: 3561.76

heroic effort to over recruit try to get

Time: 3563.96

more girls in and um in in the study we

Time: 3566.68

usually try to aim for the prevalence

Time: 3568.4

rate because it's difficult to get girls

Time: 3570.44

just because there's fewer of them got

Time: 3572.079

it okay but um boys and girls were

Time: 3574.039

included they're taking oxytocin over

Time: 3575.839

the period of several four weeks and if

Time: 3578.839

they started off with lower Baseline

Time: 3580.44

levels of oxytocin you observed a

Time: 3582.799

benefit of the oxytocin treatment in

Time: 3585.48

those individuals what about the

Time: 3586.559

individuals who had normal to high you

Time: 3589.599

didn't see much benefit right and so

Time: 3591.48

that was a a cue to me to think that

Time: 3593.88

there may be a subset of individuals

Time: 3596.72

that you know for whatever reason they

Time: 3598.599

have lower oxytocin and they may stand

Time: 3601

to benefit more from treatment and none

Time: 3603.44

of the prior studies had looked at blood

Time: 3605.76

oxytocin levels and so what we had

Time: 3607.68

thought was that well maybe if everybody

Time: 3611.48

had measured Baseline blood oxytocin

Time: 3613.44

levels maybe some of these you know

Time: 3615.2

maybe there would have been more um

Time: 3617

positive outcomes so but there's there's

Time: 3619.4

a lot of controversy in this field about

Time: 3621.799

whether oxytocin is a treatment for

Time: 3623.64

autism right so after we completed that

Time: 3625.76

trial there was a large

Time: 3628.52

multi-site um what's called a phase

Time: 3630.72

three oxytocin treatment trial that was

Time: 3633.24

done at I think five sites and they gave

Time: 3636.72

oxytocin for an extended period of time

Time: 3639.76

um and they showed no benefit um and and

Time: 3643.96

were they looking to see who started off

Time: 3646.72

with low levels of oxytocin at

Time: 3648.72

pre-treatment so what was interesting

Time: 3651

about that study um and there were a lot

Time: 3653.599

of issues with it

Time: 3655.039

was that um oxytocin is something where

Time: 3659.119

you have to if you look at it it

Time: 3661.44

degrades it's like that's kind of what I

Time: 3662.96

joke about right so you need to take it

Time: 3664.799

we take when we go in we have like these

Time: 3667.72

really intense protocols right so you go

Time: 3670.16

in and we have vacutainer tubes that are

Time: 3672.48

cold and we put them on ice and then the

Time: 3674.24

FLOTUS takes the blood from the child a

Time: 3677.16

lot of technical gymastics yeah and then

Time: 3679.48

we make sure we spin it in a centrifuge

Time: 3681.64

cold and then we pipe head it onto dry

Time: 3683.4

eyes so like so we have very minimal

Time: 3685.599

loss of the signal and so if you don't

Time: 3689.28

adhere to those rigid protocols which is

Time: 3691.4

very difficult to do across multiple

Time: 3693.48

sites um it can be very difficult to get

Time: 3696.88

an accurate read of oxytocin and so I

Time: 3699.24

think for me it's still an open question

Time: 3702.28

um they didn't see that blood oxytocin

Time: 3704.52

predicted response um in that study um

Time: 3708.319

the data weren't provided in the paper

Time: 3710.079

it was just said that they didn't um but

Time: 3712.4

it's still an open question

Time: 3733.079

and so that you know maybe that is the

Time: 3735.4

way if you give it acutely like in those

Time: 3737.48

early studies we talked about that maybe

Time: 3739.72

oxytocin you know diminishes Spar we

Time: 3742.2

know that oxytocin decreases um the

Time: 3744.72

stress axis the hypothalamic pituitary

Time: 3747.559

um adrenal axis and then it can diminish

Time: 3749.799

anxiety in animal models so we that's

Time: 3751.68

well established um and in a former life

Time: 3754.279

I was a stress researcher so I've spent

Time: 3755.92

a lot of time thinking about this but

Time: 3757.92

but it's sort of the sad thing is is

Time: 3759.52

that once you have a negative trial it

Time: 3762.559

um there isn't a lot of interest in

Time: 3764.64

funding uh the work going forward right

Time: 3767.359

and so I think it's still really an open

Time: 3769.88

question about if there is a subset of

Time: 3772.119

individuals that could benefit from

Time: 3774.4

oxytocin replacement therapy right and

Time: 3777

it's and and until there's money to do

Time: 3779.079

that work um we may not ever know the

Time: 3782.48

answer well be it will be important for

Time: 3784.96

that work to be done eventually

Time: 3786.52

hopefully the field will return to it

Time: 3788.2

despite whatever Trends might be

Time: 3789.559

happening now I think it's important to

Time: 3792.44

know for the parents of autistic

Time: 3795.599

children um whether or not there were

Time: 3797.599

any negative effects of oxytocin

Time: 3800.72

Administration in particular in the

Time: 3803.079

children that did not benefit from

Time: 3805.48

oxytocin treatment the rationale is the

Time: 3807.68

following well of course these things

Time: 3809.2

require a prescription um if a parent

Time: 3811.88

has a child with autism especially if

Time: 3813.76

they're young enough that the behavioral

Time: 3815.279

interventions could possibly stand a

Time: 3817.68

good chance of inducing neuroplasticity

Time: 3819.559

rewiring of the neural circuits that

Time: 3821.4

underly social connection well then

Time: 3822.88

there's this um Tim limited window um in

Time: 3828.48

which you know those parents presumably

Time: 3830.48

are willing to try most anything

Time: 3832.2

provided it's safe right so let's assume

Time: 3834.88

and I'm making up these numbers now

Time: 3836.279

because I haven't seen this study but

Time: 3838.039

according to what you told me that let's

Time: 3839.64

say a third of the autistic boys and

Time: 3842.68

girls that come in have um low Baseline

Time: 3845.24

levels of oxytocin they're the ones that

Time: 3847.119

are going to benefit from this oxytocin

Time: 3849.039

intervention the other 23ds don't well

Time: 3852.119

given the difficulties of measuring

Time: 3853.4

Baseline levels of oxytocin most people

Time: 3855.16

don't have access to those kind of

Time: 3856.68

resources um if it's safe to give

Time: 3859.24

oxytocin no matter what well then if I

Time: 3862.2

were that parent I'd be knocking on my

Time: 3864.24

Physician's door saying hey give me an

Time: 3865.559

oxytocin spray because my kid might fall

Time: 3867.599

into that onethird category if and only

Time: 3870.16

if it turns out that oxytocin is safe to

Time: 3872.72

give but if there's a risk profile that

Time: 3874.68

doesn't justify that kind of shotgun

Time: 3876.24

approach well then I wouldn't do that

Time: 3878.16

yeah so um is oxytocin spray safe and if

Time: 3882.319

so why doesn't every physician who has a

Time: 3885.799

patient with autism give them oxytocin

Time: 3888.24

nasal spray right it's a great question

Time: 3890.119

and I I know that you know I'm a parent

Time: 3892.119

of three children and I know this sense

Time: 3894.64

of like you would do anything to help

Time: 3896

your child right and so I I think the

Time: 3898.72

tricky part is that so one thing I will

Time: 3900.76

say is that all of the studies and

Time: 3902.4

there's been many of them have shown

Time: 3903.92

that oxytocin is um is relatively safe

Time: 3907.64

in a pediatric population right um the

Time: 3910.4

tricky part is I don't know there's

Time: 3912.4

Physicians that you know really pay

Time: 3913.92

attention to clinical trials and if they

Time: 3915.64

don't see a benefit they may not be

Time: 3917.799

willing to write the prescription right

Time: 3919.64

so until we could identify a group of

Time: 3923.16

children that could benefit you know we

Time: 3926.2

need to create the opportunity for

Time: 3928.799

Physicians to recognize that this could

Time: 3931.24

potentially still be a treatment right

Time: 3933.079

but that work you know but I I think the

Time: 3935.319

tricky part and what I will say is and

Time: 3936.76

we can maybe talk a bit about vasor

Time: 3938.359

press which you know my feeling is that

Time: 3940.52

if I was placing bets and and having to

Time: 3943

choose between these two my my money

Time: 3945.319

would be on vasor press well we are

Time: 3947.279

definitely going to yeah um talk about

Time: 3949.039

Vaso pressent in detail I mean the

Time: 3950.88

reason I I mentioned that hypothetical

Time: 3952.799

scenario is just the sense of urgency

Time: 3955

and in some cases desperation that

Time: 3956.64

parents feel and you know time's ticking

Time: 3959.52

and if oxytocin's safe then you know um

Time: 3962.319

I guess I'll put in my vote that you

Time: 3963.72

know parents should at least talk to

Time: 3965.079

their physician maybe even hand them the

Time: 3966.76

study um to consider but I can also

Time: 3969.64

understand the perspective of a

Time: 3970.76

pediatrician who says well listen it was

Time: 3972.119

a small number of kids that benefited um

Time: 3974.48

you're welcome to try it but I don't you

Time: 3976.839

know it doesn't seem like the results

Time: 3978.279

are that impressive but um you this gets

Time: 3981.079

to a bunch of larger issues about you

Time: 3982.839

know Medical Care and randomized control

Time: 3985.48

trials and the desperation of parents

Time: 3987.16

and kids to treat neurodevelopmental

Time: 3989.16

challenges um I I just want to ask

Time: 3992.559

because it feels relevant in a in a real

Time: 3995.359

way um you know if ultimately the goal

Time: 3999.839

of improving symptom profiles in

Time: 4002.76

autistic kids is about improving social

Time: 4005.839

cognition and social

Time: 4007.799

behavior and that process involves

Time: 4010.559

rewiring of brain circuits

Time: 4012.359

neuroplasticity is there any reason

Time: 4014

reason to think that other approaches to

Time: 4017.079

inducing neuroplasticity would be

Time: 4018.96

beneficial even if they're not in the

Time: 4021.24

biological Pathways that are disrupted

Time: 4023.319

in autism um I think for instance about

Time: 4026.44

the now extensive use of ssris for the

Time: 4029.48

treatment of

Time: 4030.52

depression some cases it works in some

Time: 4032.68

cases it doesn't side effect profiles

Time: 4034.76

are a serious concern yeah as I've

Time: 4037.44

discussed on this podcast before but

Time: 4039.4

ultimately we know that depression is

Time: 4041.4

not a serotonin deficiency in most cases

Time: 4044.64

ssris or atypical anti-depressants like

Time: 4047.039

Ryon Wellbutrin and things of that sort

Time: 4049.359

when they work they probably work

Time: 4051.4

because of their ability to induce neuro

Time: 4054.119

or assist neuroplasticity right right um

Time: 4057.52

also the trials on psilocybin are not

Time: 4059.88

really about psilocybin they're about

Time: 4062.88

neuroplasticity at least the trials for

Time: 4065.079

depression right there may be other uses

Time: 4066.72

of psilocybin that relate more directly

Time: 4068.64

to the effects of psilocybin But

Time: 4070.599

ultimately you know what we're talking

Time: 4072.24

about here is the attempt to re wire the

Time: 4074.319

brain in a specific way whether or not

Time: 4076.279

it's assisted by oxytocin or some other

Time: 4079.039

mechanism so the question is are there

Time: 4083.48

trials happening where people are

Time: 4085.52

exploring say psilocybin MDMA which by

Time: 4088.48

the way we know increases oxytocin and

Time: 4091.319

serotonin dramatically as well as um

Time: 4094.48

things like atypical anti-depressants in

Time: 4098

kids that have autism not because we

Time: 4099.839

think that those autistic kids are

Time: 4102.199

deficient in any of the neurochemical

Time: 4104.08

that these drugs would Target but that

Time: 4105.4

these drugs can help rewire the brain

Time: 4107.279

and ultimately that's what these kids

Time: 4109.12

need right I it's a really great point

Time: 4111.56

and I there might be subsets of kids

Time: 4113.719

right there might be kids where there

Time: 4115.88

would be a medication that would Target

Time: 4117.799

other Pathways but that potently

Time: 4119.839

releases oxytocin right that and but

Time: 4122.199

there might be kids that have an

Time: 4123.56

oxytocin deficiency right but I think

Time: 4125.56

that that circles back to your point at

Time: 4127.799

the beginning or our point is that

Time: 4130.199

autism is a very heterogeneous condition

Time: 4133.159

and being a

Time: 4134.4

to know before you begin a trial right

Time: 4137.839

like who am I going to put into it and

Time: 4140.04

what is my primary outcome like one

Time: 4142.08

measure that I think is going to move

Time: 4143.48

the needle right like it kind of

Time: 4144.799

requires a crystal ball so there's a lot

Time: 4146.92

of guesswork that goes into this um but

Time: 4149.6

I would very much like to see I I will

Time: 4152.319

say one other thing that um there I have

Time: 4154.4

a colleague named Adam guella who's at

Time: 4156.159

the University of Sydney and he

Time: 4157.96

published a paper a year or two ago now

Time: 4160.52

suggesting that oxytocin be may be most

Time: 4163.279

effective in kids at younger ages and I

Time: 4166.88

I don't quote me somewhere between two

Time: 4168.92

and or you know two and five or three

Time: 4171

and six or something find the paper and

Time: 4172.48

put it in the show show notes but you

Time: 4174.12

know so it could be to your point about

Time: 4176.6

neuroplasticity that oxytocin may be

Time: 4179.92

maximally beneficial in younger ages

Time: 4183.4

right and if you're if these studies are

Time: 4185.56

these Haj podes across ages and across

Time: 4189.04

sort of different social

Time: 4191

phenotypes finding that signal is really

Time: 4193.839

important right and and maybe age is a

Time: 4196.36

driver or or maybe you know low blood

Time: 4199.719

oxytocin regardless of what age you are

Time: 4203.08

or maybe in Adam's case if you recruit

Time: 4205.679

really young children you're likely to

Time: 4208.12

see a benefit just because the BL the

Time: 4210.08

brain is wiring up and it's more plastic

Time: 4212.76

at you know younger ages yeah that's

Time: 4214.679

also a vote um in my opinion um for

Time: 4219.159

early examination of kids right like

Time: 4221.88

parents really need to get autism screen

Time: 4224.04

and perhaps maybe the most important

Time: 4226.32

thing is to make autism screening as

Time: 4228.56

available and as inexpensive as possible

Time: 4230.84

for everyone because of the importance

Time: 4233.04

of early intervention even if it's

Time: 4234.6

purely behavioral intervention but

Time: 4236.04

certainly if it's behavioral and Drug

Time: 4237.52

intervention but the clinic wait times

Time: 4239.44

are really long right so you have to

Time: 4241.36

have a specialist who's capable to

Time: 4243.32

diagnose autism and so you could have a

Time: 4245.92

clinic where you know you're showing

Time: 4248.36

Troublesome features and a parent wants

Time: 4250.52

to get their kid into a clinic and you

Time: 4252.08

could have a 12mth or or 18-month wait

Time: 4254.64

time right and so there are a lot of

Time: 4257.159

people that are thinking about are there

Time: 4259.76

are there laboratory based tests that we

Time: 4261.92

can develop maybe either for detection

Time: 4264.52

or clinical referral right so could we

Time: 4266.679

come up with a a biomarker panel for

Time: 4269.36

instance where we might be able to say

Time: 4272.84

wow here's some here's a panel where we

Time: 4275.719

think this child is at reasonable risk

Time: 4278.199

for developing autism can we make sure

Time: 4281.199

they're prioritized for getting a

Time: 4282.84

diagnosis right so we can get them an an

Time: 4285.199

early intervention but right now we

Time: 4287.08

don't we don't have that right so having

Time: 4289.96

some sort of laboratory based test

Time: 4291.76

whether it could be

Time: 4292.84

biological um or if we could do

Time: 4295.48

something with ey gaze and there's a lot

Time: 4297.6

of companies working on these things now

Time: 4299.76

to say this may not you know and and

Time: 4302.36

also obviously again autism is always

Time: 4305.159

controversial in this field right

Time: 4306.76

there's so many different stakeholders a

Time: 4308.679

lot of clinicians will say well I don't

Time: 4310.199

I don't want a 30-second video clip

Time: 4312.12

replacing expert clinical opinion

Time: 4313.88

there's good reasons for them to feel

Time: 4315.28

that way but I think if there was a way

Time: 4317.32

to prioritize people that are in this

Time: 4320.08

line um you know we could get diagnoses

Time: 4323.56

faster well you wouldn't want false

Time: 4325.6

positives but I would think that a 30

Time: 4327.199

second video clip provided itself

Time: 4328.88

something useful is going to be more

Time: 4330.48

valuable than nothing yeah given the

Time: 4332.36

time sensitivity uh what are some of the

Time: 4334.8

barriers to um getting this behavioral

Time: 4337.679

testing to be not just more prominent

Time: 4339.92

but pervasive like it seems to me that

Time: 4343.239

well I recall in school they gave us the

Time: 4345.48

hearing test we all marched on the bus

Time: 4347.32

we get the beep test and you know um you

Time: 4350.639

know for hearing um challenges uh we get

Time: 4353.679

Vision tests you get the babinsky reflex

Time: 4356.239

test not the moment you come out of the

Time: 4358.159

womb but pretty pretty soon after I mean

Time: 4361.12

why isn't this stuff um happening uh for

Time: 4364.12

autism um for every kid yeah it's not

Time: 4368

scalable right so you these interviews

Time: 4370.719

with parents and the tests that you do

Time: 4372.6

can take hours right and and any given

Time: 4375.04

clinician even if they're working really

Time: 4377.44

long hours there just aren't that many

Time: 4379.56

people that are have the extensive

Time: 4381.4

training needed to make these expert

Time: 4383.199

diagnoses right and so I think that

Time: 4385.44

there's you know clinicians that are

Time: 4386.96

doing the absolute best they can but

Time: 4388.719

they can only see a certain number of of

Time: 4391.08

people a week right and does it have to

Time: 4393.12

be a physician sorry to interrupt does

Time: 4394.6

it or could it could you know could a

Time: 4397.08

well trained technician do this yeah

Time: 4399.679

well I mean I I think technically it's a

Time: 4402.44

DSM diagnos is right so it's usually

Time: 4404.56

somebody who has a clinical degree so it

Time: 4406.199

would be a clinical psychologist it

Time: 4408.199

could be a behavioral pediatrician it

Time: 4410.199

could be you know a child psychiatrist

Time: 4412.36

or child neurologist but I mean again

Time: 4414.28

that requires years and years of

Time: 4415.719

training um and if we look in areas

Time: 4419.159

where people have fewer accesses access

Time: 4422.159

to Resource I mean particularly in

Time: 4424.6

impoverished areas the mean age of an

Time: 4426.8

Autism diagnosis is years later than in

Time: 4430.199

wealthy areas where you know there's

Time: 4432

many different medical specialist with

Time: 4433.88

parents you know that aren't working

Time: 4435.679

three jobs and you know can sit waiting

Time: 4438.36

around you know and and really Lobby and

Time: 4441.199

and really advocate for their kids right

Time: 4443.239

because you know if they don't show up

Time: 4445.04

for work that day they're not going to

Time: 4446.199

get fired from their job right and so I

Time: 4448.6

think that you know if there's some sort

Time: 4450.76

of solution that allows there to be a

Time: 4453.96

more democratic approach to saying we

Time: 4456.88

need a really quick way like you said to

Time: 4459.96

be able to identify at risk children

Time: 4462.8

especially if it's a a blood test or

Time: 4465.08

something like that you know it could be

Time: 4467.12


Time: 4468.84

impactful are there human trials

Time: 4472.159

exploring MDMA methylene dioxy

Time: 4475.4

methamphetamine also referred to as

Time: 4477

ecstasy um and oryan for um treatment of

Time: 4481.36

autism so I was aware that Maps had an

Time: 4484.76

MDMA trial in autism um I don't know

Time: 4488.52

what's happened with that yeah perhaps

Time: 4491.32

it's still ongoing I'll check the map

Time: 4492.92

site in communication with them from

Time: 4494.4

time to time I mean the the the reason

Time: 4496.6

for asking it of course you know but

Time: 4498.32

maybe in case um some of the listeners

Time: 4500.92

um don't is the MDMA causes these

Time: 4503.08

massive increases in serotonin that

Time: 4505.4

seems to be the major source of the MDMA

Time: 4508.679

effect so to speak um based on the work

Time: 4512.239

of our colleague Rob malanka and um in

Time: 4514.76

at least one human study comparing um

Time: 4517.56

MDMA to very high does oxytocin

Time: 4519.84

treatment ruled out the oxytocin Spike

Time: 4523.28

that's induced by MDMA as the as the

Time: 4525.28

source or the only source but of course

Time: 4527.199

these chemicals can synergize I mean but

Time: 4529.6

based on its chemical profile oxytocin

Time: 4531.639

release massive serotonin release

Time: 4533.8

dopamine release and a propensity to

Time: 4536.36

enhance neuroplasticity I mean assuming

Time: 4538.36

all the safety protocols were were there

Time: 4541.679

um seems like not the perfect drug but

Time: 4544.08

not a bad choice um if of course it's

Time: 4548.32

inducing the kind of plasticity that

Time: 4550.6

someone with autism would be seeking

Time: 4552.639

right I mean I think I think the tricky

Time: 4553.8

part especially in children right is

Time: 4555.6

there's going to be a reluctance to

Time: 4557.679

potentially give them psychedelics right

Time: 4559.48

and so you know is there a way to

Time: 4561.92

modify um you know the chemical compound

Time: 4565.04

to you know be something that parents

Time: 4568.12

might be more willing to give to their

Time: 4570.08

children right right and I totally agree

Time: 4572.08

with that um I guess to play Devil's

Time: 4573.639

Advocate not against you but um uh well

Time: 4577.679

I'll just state it very directly and

Time: 4579

then I I'll take the heat as necessary

Time: 4581.44

um I mean I've done two episodes about

Time: 4585.56

the uh the drugs that you know Millions

Time: 4588.76

tens of millions if not hundreds of

Time: 4590.12

millions of parents are already giving

Time: 4591.679

their kids for ADHD which are um include

Time: 4594.76

amphetamines including dioxine

Time: 4596.639

methamphetamine is actually a

Time: 4597.8

prescription drug for a very small

Time: 4599.4

subset of kids with ADHD but things like

Time: 4601.48

adderal viance even methylphenidate rlin

Time: 4604.679

I mean these are amphetamines they

Time: 4606

induce dopamine release and

Time: 4607.239

norepinephrine release and uh again I'm

Time: 4609.28

not suggesting people um give their kids

Time: 4611.32

MDMA um to try and amarate symptoms of

Time: 4614.239

autism but something chemically similar

Time: 4616.679

to it ought to be developed or at least

Time: 4618.32

explored in a human trial in my in my

Time: 4620.8

opinion well time will tell I'll reach

Time: 4622.84

out to the maps group and see see what's

Time: 4624.56

happening let's talk about vasopress yes

Time: 4627.159

because there's a lot to discuss there

Time: 4629.159

so you told us this is a molecule that

Time: 4630.639

chemically is very similar to oxytocin

Time: 4633.36

um is it manufactured in the human brain

Time: 4635.96

and body yes okay do we know a subset of

Time: 4639.52

the sites that it's known to be produced

Time: 4642.28

and where it's of its actions are and

Time: 4644.4

you mentioned the kidney and the

Time: 4645.52

anti-diuretic hormone um roles but

Time: 4648.44

within the brain like what brain areas

Time: 4650.8

have neurons that make vasopressin well

Time: 4653.08

or have the receptors for I mean The

Time: 4654.88

receptors are all over are all over the

Time: 4657.48

brain and again it varies depending on

Time: 4659.52

the species and you know the way the

Time: 4661.6

receptors are measured or in postmortem

Time: 4664.28

tissue right which can be very difficult

Time: 4666.44

to get good samples right and so we need

Time: 4669.159

to have that caveat going in um but yeah

Time: 4672.719

I mean it's it's made in the

Time: 4675.12

hypothalamus um and it's released all

Time: 4677.76

over the brain and there is vasor press

Time: 4680.04

and receptors all over the brain right

Time: 4682.239

and um what's really interesting about

Time: 4684.84

vaser press and I always sort of joke

Time: 4686.44

that oxytocin you know always saw its

Time: 4689.52

day in the sun if you will and the

Time: 4691.199

vasopress was sort of the stepchild that

Time: 4694.04

was like left you know sort of behind

Time: 4696.48

and and the reason why I find this

Time: 4698.199

fascinating is again like I think back

Time: 4700.08

to my you know my my roots as a you know

Time: 4704.48

evolutionary biologist behavioral

Time: 4706

neuroscientist and what was interesting

Time: 4708.12

is that there were studies in the early

Time: 4710.199

to mid 1990 showing that vasopressin was

Time: 4713.639

critical for male social behavior and so

Time: 4716.88

um there was work you know there was a

Time: 4719.08

variety of people and I I think Rob

Time: 4720.76

Minka mentioned this on his on on the

Time: 4722.76

podcast he did about you know there's a

Time: 4725.159

a group of people like Sue Carter Larry

Time: 4727.48

young Tom inso some of these early

Time: 4729.6

people and they gave Vasa pressen to

Time: 4732.52

male Prairie voles and V

Time: 4735.32

vasopressin was what induced um pair

Time: 4738.44

bonding um with a a female mate and also

Time: 4741.92

paternal care and and as I recall those

Time: 4744.88

experiments were done in the context of

Time: 4746.44

looking at um polygamy versus monogamy

Time: 4750.44

of these Prairie VES um Prairie VES

Time: 4753.4

versus like a different species so same

Time: 4756.8

um genus but a different species so it

Time: 4758.719

might be a Montaine V or you know highly

Time: 4761.84

related but these other species so

Time: 4763.92

Perales are monogamous the males uh well

Time: 4768.28

I mean that was the 50% divorce right

Time: 4770.12

yeah that was I don't think it's that

Time: 4771.679

bad but I think they're doing better

Time: 4772.92

than we are as a species that's true we

Time: 4774.84

should look to them for pointers and all

Time: 4776.28

the divorce folks are saying wait why'

Time: 4777.6

you say better I have some divorce

Time: 4779.239

friends that have said divorce is like

Time: 4781.12

the greatest thing so we always say like

Time: 4782.679

doing better doing worse right um anyway

Time: 4785.199

that's a whole other podcast um and

Time: 4787.239

certainly not the hubman Lab podcast but

Time: 4789.04

or maybe it is but um or will be but

Time: 4792.04

yeah my understanding is is that you

Time: 4793.159

have certain vs that mate with almost

Time: 4798.96

exclusively with one other V for their

Time: 4801.52

entire lifespan and then you have other

Time: 4803.08

vs located elsewhere um that in those

Time: 4807.04

colonies they mate with lots of

Time: 4809

different well so the males and females

Time: 4810.679

have lots of different partners um rais

Time: 4812.92

young with lots of different partners

Time: 4814.159

mating with lots of different partners

Time: 4816

and that if you give Vasa presson then

Time: 4818.679

you can make the I was want to call them

Time: 4820.8

polyamorous but I don't know if they

Time: 4822.199

love each other I'm going to answer for

Time: 4824.08

more and assume they love each other the

Time: 4826.44

polygamous moles not polyamorous but

Time: 4828.679

polygamous moles then become monogamous

Time: 4831.96

well I yeah I would say that is probably

Time: 4833.719

not the take-home message so the

Time: 4835

take-home message would be they had

Time: 4837.159

let's say that there was like the good

Time: 4838.48

vs right which are the Prairie VES and

Time: 4840.32

they were the ones that formed these

Time: 4841.56

monogamous parir bonds dad participates

Time: 4844.199

in paternal care with Mom they co- ra

Time: 4847.159

babies together and then Dad chases off

Time: 4849.84

Intruders right and then there's the

Time: 4851.88

more Ace social vs and so these are like

Time: 4855.04

the Montaine VES um and um we'll we'll

Time: 4859.679

see it's a complicated story but there's

Time: 4861.52

these Montaine vs where um males and

Time: 4864.12

females live separately females like

Time: 4866.28

maybe live on the male's territory the

Time: 4868.28

male mes with a few different females

Time: 4870.239

absolutely doesn't provide any paternal

Time: 4871.8

care at all mom raises babies by herself

Time: 4874.08

right so that's these are really the

Time: 4875.84

like 1950s versus 2020s yes yes to be to

Time: 4879.92

to broadly stereotype to broadly

Time: 4881.8

stereotype and if you give okay so for

Time: 4885.36

Prairie voles they're sort of primed to

Time: 4888.199

form bonds and to be the males to be

Time: 4890.48

good daddies if you will and all you

Time: 4892.48

have to do is give them a single

Time: 4893.92

injection of vasopressin and you know or

Time: 4897.32

you can give an antagonist and usually

Time: 4899.48

the way they form the bond is through

Time: 4901.36

mating right so they you put them with a

Time: 4903.56

female they mate they cohabit for a bit

Time: 4906.679

there's been all kinds of parametric

Time: 4908.199

studies I I can't remember how many

Time: 4909.88

hours it takes to form a parabond um but

Time: 4912.28

then you can do these things called

Time: 4913.44

partner preference tests and then you

Time: 4915.4

can say here's the guy that you made it

Time: 4917.199

with here's this guy you don't know and

Time: 4918.88

you can do it for males you can do it

Time: 4920.159

for females and they pick their partner

Time: 4921.679

they choose to go hang out with their

Time: 4922.84

partner the Montaine BS you know either

Time: 4926.159

after meting with somebody May either be

Time: 4928.4

equal or maybe they'll even go spend

Time: 4930.28

time with the new individual so the

Time: 4931.88

cleanest story was that Prairie voles

Time: 4933.44

are monogamous Mont voles are not

Time: 4935.28

monogamous but in the prairie vs you

Time: 4938.8

could give vasor pressen instead of

Time: 4941.28

mated cohabitation and you could turn on

Time: 4943.84

a like you know a bond with somebody

Time: 4946.639

after only living with them for a very

Time: 4948.199

short period of time right um or you

Time: 4950.76

could induce paternal behavior and I was

Time: 4953.639

working with a V species in grad school

Time: 4955.48

I think the most interesting scientific

Time: 4958.12

experience that I've ever had right and

Time: 4959.92

you and I both know this right when

Time: 4961.52

you're young you're actually the person

Time: 4963.239

doing the work right as you become you

Time: 4965.88

know the head of your lab you're mostly

Time: 4968.32

writing grants and giving talks right

Time: 4970.199

and then you get to hear about the super

Time: 4971.56

cool things that every in your lab is

Time: 4973.52

doing right eventually the the members

Time: 4975.4

of your laboratory kick you out of the

Time: 4977.639

lab they literally say like get out of

Time: 4979.639

here you're leaving things in the wrong

Time: 4980.8

place whereas initially you're telling

Time: 4982.76

them hey that's in the wrong place

Time: 4984.28

within a year or two for me I think it

Time: 4986.32

took about four or five years but by

Time: 4988.4

about year six right I was um demoted to

Time: 4992.92

my office to just write grants and write

Time: 4994.679

Pap I was told that one time I was back

Time: 4996.36

there and I tried to waigh and I was

Time: 4997.52

like so excited what they were working

Time: 4998.92

on and they basically just said go write

Time: 5000.679

grants and bring in more money right

Time: 5002.04

like that was kind of their attitude

Time: 5003.32

like we get to be the ones who get to do

Time: 5004.92

the cool stuff so back when I got to

Time: 5006.96

actually do the science um I remember I

Time: 5011.159

had this species where and I and again I

Time: 5013.639

told you I came at this from an

Time: 5014.56

evolutionary perspective so these were

Time: 5016.12

called meadowes and I found them very

Time: 5018.56

interesting so when I showed up in my

Time: 5020.52

thesis advisor lab she I said I really

Time: 5023.12

want to study oxytocin and vasopressin

Time: 5025.239

and I really want to study VES and I

Time: 5026.76

know you have a v species and she said

Time: 5028.199

why I don't have prairie vs I have these

Time: 5029.639

meow voles and I'm studying them because

Time: 5031.88

they're so sensitive to light and they

Time: 5034.12

changed their behavior based on light

Time: 5035.96

and I she said well you can do what you

Time: 5038.36

want but our grants basically have to

Time: 5040.56

have a circadian component and so she

Time: 5042.32

said you got to work that in but then we

Time: 5043.96

kind of struck this deal so I was

Time: 5045.44

hanging out in the animal rooms and I

Time: 5047.32

thought it was really fascinating so she

Time: 5049.12

had animals that were either on short

Time: 5051.28

day lengths or long day lengths so the

Time: 5053.36

mimicking some um summer and winter and

Time: 5056.12

I was noticing that on winter day

Time: 5057.88

lengths the the males were hanging out

Time: 5059.719

with the females and when the female had

Time: 5061.76

a litter he was like participating and I

Time: 5064.44

was like whoa these are not supposed to

Time: 5065.96

be monogamous animals and so I went into

Time: 5068.719

the field research and they were doing

Time: 5070.88

all these radio telemetry studies and so

Time: 5073.52

like if you I we should probably explain

Time: 5075.44

what those are putting a little

Time: 5076.6

transmitter um under the skin it's

Time: 5078.679

painless for the animal but that allows

Time: 5080.4

the researcher to um monitor the

Time: 5082.52

behavior of the animal remotely without

Time: 5085.32

having to you know put them in cages and

Time: 5087.719

stuff so and so this is like under field

Time: 5089.6

conditions and vs are everybody's

Time: 5091.679

favorite snack so they have like a very

Time: 5093.76

limited lifespan in the wild I mean like

Time: 5095.92

on the order of months and and so like

Time: 5098.4

if you have a short lifespan like you

Time: 5100.8

should just keep reproducing right and

Time: 5102.639

so what was interesting is at the end of

Time: 5104.4

the summer days as you're going into

Time: 5106.119

winter territories collapse and males

Time: 5108.4

are found with females and they co- ra

Time: 5111

babies it makes sense if it's you're

Time: 5112.36

going to have a litter and mom needs to

Time: 5114.159

get up to go eat you need somebody to

Time: 5117.04

sit there and warm those babies or

Time: 5118.36

they're going to die because they're

Time: 5119.48

going to freeze to death right so I

Time: 5121.36

started saying like wow I think these

Time: 5123.239

metales are good dats like I'm noticing

Time: 5125.88

this and so I told my thesis adviser I

Time: 5128.119

want to study how oxytocin invasor press

Time: 5131.159

can maybe this is involved in tracking

Time: 5134.28

these evolutionary mating strategies and

Time: 5136.52

so again like the coolest experience I

Time: 5138.719

ever had was on these males that were

Time: 5140.96

housed under short day length so they

Time: 5142.8

were like winter males um I was able to

Time: 5146.159

put Vaso pressent directly into their

Time: 5148.159

brains and and it was like turning on a

Time: 5150.92

light switch and they ran around the

Time: 5153.199

cage picked up all these babies put them

Time: 5155.04

in a nest and huddled over them and if

Time: 5157.639

you put a placebo into their brain

Time: 5160.04

nothing happened and so to me I always

Time: 5162.719

filed that away in you know in the back

Time: 5165.8

of my mind of like wow Vasa pressin is

Time: 5168.28

this really interesting hormone um and

Time: 5172.44

maybe someday I will I did a postto on

Time: 5175.96

something else but it was always you

Time: 5177.639

know back in the back of my mind of I

Time: 5179.84

really want to return to this it's so

Time: 5181.679

incredible that a eight amino acid long

Time: 5185.239

peptide could basically turn these um

Time: 5188.28

relatively negligent fathers into very

Time: 5190.639

attentive fathers yes yeah it was

Time: 5193

fascinating right that I mean it just

Time: 5194.679

speaks to the power of the peptide baso

Time: 5197.76

pressent also speaks to the power of

Time: 5199.119

brain circuitry it also speaks to the

Time: 5201.119

idea that brain circuitry is often

Time: 5203.92

sitting latent in the background you

Time: 5205.8

know ready to be activated that it's not

Time: 5208.48

just about neuroplasticity and building

Time: 5210.44

up a new circuit that some forms of

Time: 5212.76

neuroplasticity are about unveiling

Time: 5214.6

what's what's already there and that

Time: 5217.08

peptides can act like switches um which

Time: 5220.239

you know kind of makes sense on the one

Time: 5221.639

hand but um I've never heard of a result

Time: 5224.639

as dramatic as that so

Time: 5227.6

um I'm presuming you're going to tell us

Time: 5229.88

that that then LED you to go back to

Time: 5232.08

vasopress and explore its ability to

Time: 5234.56

induce good parenting and negligent

Time: 5236.48

fathers I haven't studied that yet um no

Time: 5240.08

well so I think that you know my mom

Time: 5241.76

always says Chance favors the prepared

Time: 5244.239

mind and so I was doing my postto at

Time: 5247.719

Stanford and I got recruited to stay on

Time: 5249.56

the faculty and I you know had been

Time: 5252.6

doing work in stress vulnerability and

Time: 5254.6

stress resilience and I really and I

Time: 5257

love doing that work but I still felt

Time: 5259.36

this tug of you know I had spent all

Time: 5262.239

this time in a Psychiatry department

Time: 5263.96

where I was surrounded by clinicians and

Time: 5266.4

I realized that a lot of the stuff that

Time: 5268.36

I was doing had clinical relevance right

Time: 5270.679

and so sometimes you sort of meet the

Time: 5273.36

moment right and so right as I was

Time: 5275.159

transitioning to to have my own lab in

Time: 5277.52

my department there was uh a bunch of

Time: 5280.36

stuff going on so there were a lot of

Time: 5282.159

very dedicated parents who were lobbying

Time: 5284.96

for funding for autism research because

Time: 5287.08

it was horrifically underfunded really

Time: 5289.88

horrifically underfunded wow I mean at

Time: 5291.84

rates of one in 36 well not at the time

Time: 5294.199

right so it was it was 1 in 150 or

Time: 5296.44

whatever it was back then but there were

Time: 5298.159

all these parents and and I I mean again

Time: 5300.119

they're heroes in my eyes that they ad

Time: 5302.239

ated so much for their loved ones and so

Time: 5304.6

there was you know they started forming

Time: 5306.239

parent Grassroots organizations that

Time: 5308.48

have culminated they all started joining

Time: 5310.239

together which is now Autism Speaks um

Time: 5312.679

and then there was a man named Jim

Time: 5314.08

Simons who runs um one of the most

Time: 5316.119

successful hedge funds in the world and

Time: 5318.159

he decided wow I'm gonna you know

Time: 5320.56

there's let's put money into autism

Time: 5322.56

right and so does he have a personal

Time: 5323.84

link to autism I you'd have to ask him

Time: 5326.639

because often times not always but often

Time: 5328.84

times when you hear about um wealthy

Time: 5332.04

donors um devoting a lot of money to one

Time: 5334.52

area of science there's there's a

Time: 5335.84

familial thing there you know a member

Time: 5338.08

of their family or a close friend has

Time: 5340.36

this Challenge and they they really want

Time: 5342.04

to see that challenge absolutely I mean

Time: 5344.28

a lot of money I've gotten for my lab

Time: 5346.36

from philanthropist and what I will say

Time: 5348

is the most impactful work I've ever

Time: 5349.639

done is through philanthropy right there

Time: 5351.56

are crazy ideas that no funding agency

Time: 5353.48

ever touches right um but yeah so they

Time: 5356.8

put they both put um a lot you know

Time: 5359.28

there there was a lot of emphasis and so

Time: 5361.32

because the s's Foundation started

Time: 5363.36

issuing requests for applications there

Time: 5365.679

was a group at Stanford that formed and

Time: 5367.56

it was um um a clinician with a basic

Time: 5370.44

scientist and my chair at the time said

Time: 5373.48

well you know almost nothing is known

Time: 5375.199

about the biological basis of autism why

Time: 5377.719

don't you go I'm going to introduce you

Time: 5379.32

to the the the head of child psychiatry

Time: 5381.719

you should go talk to this group and so

Time: 5384.119

as I Was preparing my slides and

Time: 5386.52

realizing that you know social

Time: 5388.159

interaction impairments were a core

Time: 5389.6

feature of autism I thought wow you know

Time: 5392.239

these neuropeptides May really be you

Time: 5395.32

know um a part of this puzzle and so

Time: 5398.4

that's actually really how I got pulled

Time: 5401.08

into um autism research was was through

Time: 5404.119

that and it was I I was you know

Time: 5406.48

everybody at the time was very

Time: 5408

interested in oxytocin and you know I

Time: 5410.679

remember thinking so we actually did

Time: 5412.52

probably the most definitive blood

Time: 5414.96

oxytocin um study because there was this

Time: 5417.679

idea again like this marketing campaign

Time: 5419.76

of like the oxytocin deficit hypothesis

Time: 5422.08

of autism and you know given how

Time: 5424.32

clinically heterogeneous autism was we

Time: 5426.52

got money actually from the Simons

Time: 5427.84

foundation and we did the first study

Time: 5430.08

with maybe 200 kids um and what we were

Time: 5433.8

able to show was that blood oxytocin was

Time: 5436

not a marker of autism right so it

Time: 5438.84

wasn't like there was a bimodal

Time: 5440.28

distribution meaning two completely

Time: 5442.52

nonoverlapping levels of oxytocin in

Time: 5445.52

people with Autism people without autism

Time: 5447.96

so the lower your blood oxytocin levels

Time: 5451.36

um actually regardless of who you were

Time: 5453.159

you could be a child with autism you

Time: 5454.88

could be an unaffected sibling with

Time: 5456.679

autism or you could be a unrelated

Time: 5459.36

control child and it was the lower your

Time: 5461.6

blood oxytocin levels the greater your

Time: 5464.8

sort of social difficulties and the

Time: 5466.639

slopes you know were different they

Time: 5468.08

started at different points because the

Time: 5469.4

behaviors were obviously different but

Time: 5471.44

that's what got us thinking about our

Time: 5472.92

clinical trial which is that blood

Time: 5474.92

oxytocin level is not going to be this

Time: 5477.04

great differentiator between people with

Time: 5480.08

and without autism right but we might be

Time: 5482.56

able to find a subgroup who could

Time: 5484.159

benefit from treatment but what I like

Time: 5486

so much about your approach the way you

Time: 5489.239

described it is that it it sets aside we

Time: 5493.199

don't we don't want to say discards but

Time: 5494.56

it sets aside this thing that we call

Time: 5496.239

autism yeah which is already hard to

Time: 5498.44

Define and diagnose and there's all

Time: 5500.119

these different spectrums and you're

Time: 5501.679

trying to F and just says okay children

Time: 5504.119

with autism have challenges in social

Time: 5507.08

cognition social behavior social bonding

Time: 5509.4

yeah so do adults with autism for that

Time: 5511.56

matter matter let's just focus on that

Time: 5514.199

yeah and not worry so much about whether

Time: 5517.04

or not somebody is diagnosed as Autistic

Time: 5519.159

or not and just focus on what are some

Time: 5521.28

of the potential neuropeptide deficits

Time: 5523.719

or overexpression of neuropeptides that

Time: 5526.92

may in some way relate to those Social

Time: 5529.159

Challenges right and then one can Circle

Time: 5532.52

back to the question about autism in

Time: 5535.199

collecting those data but it also points

Time: 5538.28

to this idea that like when we when we

Time: 5539.8

go after a disease like Alzheimer we can

Time: 5542.28

often miss the possibility that

Time: 5543.88

Alzheimer's while it has you know

Time: 5545.96

deficits in cognition and memory could

Time: 5548.239

also be a bunch of other things like a

Time: 5550.159

metabolic disorder of the body and so

Time: 5551.719

maybe you go after a particular

Time: 5553.92

symptomology yeah and try and attack

Time: 5556.32

that and you might actually potentially

Time: 5558.84

treat or cure multiple diseases it's a

Time: 5561.32

very different approach and I I hope um

Time: 5563.32

people are catching on to the the

Time: 5564.84

subtlety but also the the the potential

Time: 5567.32

impact of that um because if I heard

Time: 5571

correctly you said there are people who

Time: 5573.159

are not autistic who have social

Time: 5575.32

functioning deficits and they too have

Time: 5580.159

less circulating oxytocin right so I

Time: 5583.28

would say we haven't studied people

Time: 5584.92

where we brought them in and

Time: 5586.08

characterized it right so these are

Time: 5588.04

typically developing kids but what we

Time: 5590.84

did is in the abilities that are typical

Time: 5594.239

of a controlled child we still saw that

Time: 5596.8

gradient right and so I think it just

Time: 5599.48

sort of begs the question about you know

Time: 5602.04

what is oxytocin's role in human

Time: 5604.8

sociality right I mean I think there's

Time: 5606.76

just so much that we don't understand

Time: 5609.96

about both of these molecules um in

Time: 5612.84

terms of their disease liability if

Time: 5615.8

they're low or their healing potential

Time: 5618.32

if we are you know able to use them as

Time: 5621.119

modulators um of other

Time: 5624.119

therapies so how did you move from

Time: 5627.199

oxytocin to vasopressin um you mentioned

Time: 5630.52

that everyone was was all excited about

Time: 5632.92

oxytocin still the one that we hear the

Time: 5634.84

most about yeah although after this

Time: 5636.6

podcast episode and when I start

Time: 5638.52

blabbing about vas oppress to everybody

Time: 5641.4

um you know maybe that'll change but

Time: 5642.88

it's I think it's going to take a lot

Time: 5644.04

more than that but um maybe it's because

Time: 5646.56

the name isn't as there's something

Time: 5648.92

about oxytocin that like kind of sounds

Time: 5650.96

like the love looks like the love

Time: 5652.52

hormone but like vasopressin should be

Time: 5654.44

renamed right well it should be called

Time: 5656.6

something else like not anti-erotic

Time: 5658.119

hormone not vasopressin I mean you're

Time: 5660.639

going to tell us how critically

Time: 5661.96

important it is perhaps even more

Time: 5663.4

important than oxytocin for autism and

Time: 5665.679

social functioning so I don't know by

Time: 5667.96

the end of this podcast we'll we'll come

Time: 5669.88

up with a new name I it's needed right

Time: 5673

well I'll put it out there um uh okay so

Time: 5677.159

how did you get to vas oppressor okay so

Time: 5679.199

it was interesting with oxytocin because

Time: 5681.159

we didn't you know and again I was

Time: 5682.8

skeptical that we would see these big

Time: 5684.239

group differences but you know it was a

Time: 5686.56

little bit of like okay you know what

Time: 5688.32

everyone's saying this is not going to

Time: 5690.719

be the big solution right um and so I

Time: 5695.4

actually came at it from the work that

Time: 5697.56

we did in monkeys and so I think I

Time: 5699.96

mentioned previously at the beginning of

Time: 5701.36

the podcast that there were a lot of

Time: 5703.6

limitations that I saw and then

Time: 5705.56

sometimes if you come into a field you

Time: 5707.84

know when you're you're a little bit of

Time: 5710

an outsider right like I'm not a

Time: 5711.6

clinician I don't see autism patients

Time: 5714.199

but I also I have this really strong

Time: 5716.52

interest in social behavior and the

Time: 5719.159

biology of it and so I I was thinking

Time: 5723

about what are what are things that we

Time: 5726.199

need to do to better address the

Time: 5729.84

challenges in autism so one of them was

Time: 5731.96

why are we looking in blood right like

Time: 5733.48

if you look at neurological conditions

Time: 5735.76

there's been a lot of progress made by

Time: 5737.76

doing biomarker Discovery in cerebral

Time: 5739.92

spinal fluid right so like the the

Time: 5741.92

biological substrates or or clues of

Time: 5745.119

markers of say um various forms of

Time: 5748

Dementia or um or MS were for first

Time: 5752.719

found in spinal fluid right because it's

Time: 5754.56

the it's the fluid that bathes the brain

Time: 5756.36

in the spinal column and so if you're

Time: 5758

looking for the bio chemistry of an

Time: 5760.199

illness that's the closest fluid that

Time: 5761.88

you can get to the brain right so blood

Time: 5763.52

draw just won't do it maybe right so

Time: 5765.52

that was part of my thinking but then

Time: 5767.159

there was the issue of the animal models

Time: 5769.36

right so there was drug after drug after

Time: 5771.6

drug that was tested in mice and they

Time: 5773.719

failed in human clinical trials and so

Time: 5776.44

it made me start thinking could we

Time: 5778.76

develop a primate model um of naturally

Time: 5783.08

occurring social impairments right so

Time: 5785.32

can we because in autism these social

Time: 5787.84

impairments are if you will naturally

Time: 5789.88

occurring right and so you know this is

Time: 5792.36

these spontaneously occur in children um

Time: 5795.36

and so it made me wonder could we

Time: 5797.199

identify monkeys in a large Colony that

Time: 5801.44

have social

Time: 5803.119

impairments in and after talking to to

Time: 5806.36

clinicians who who treat these children

Time: 5809.48

can I spend a lot of time validating a

Time: 5812.239

monkey model where there will be monkeys

Time: 5814.28

that have features that look like they

Time: 5817.04

have direct relevance to core autism

Time: 5819.239

symptoms um and so what I did was

Time: 5821.76

there's a um primate Center the

Time: 5823.719

California National Primate Research

Time: 5825.28

Center and so what we did is so I think

Time: 5828

I mentioned earlier that there's these

Time: 5830.28

surveys that can be used to look at

Time: 5832.08

autistic traits in the general human

Time: 5834.28

population right and so we refined one

Time: 5837.88

of these and we did what we call back

Time: 5839.92

translate so basically it's an

Time: 5841.719

instrument that's used for humans and

Time: 5844.679

then what we did is modified it to be

Time: 5846.56

able to to use this rating scale in

Time: 5849.4

reesus Max which are an old world monkey

Time: 5851.719

and I know you're familiar with them and

Time: 5853.92

um and I was interested in looking at

Time: 5855.88

Old World monkeys because they're some

Time: 5857.44

of the closest relatives to human that

Time: 5859.88

are used in biomedical research and and

Time: 5862.92

um as I mentioned previously these

Time: 5864.639

autistic traits are continuously

Time: 5867.08

distributed across the general human

Time: 5869.119

population and that this

Time: 5872.04

genetic uh say let's call it genetic

Time: 5874.76

liability which is a fancy way of just

Time: 5876.44

saying that we think that there's a

Time: 5878.719

there's a genetic risk that underlies

Time: 5882.04

this Continuum of Behavioral traits

Time: 5884.159

right so if we think that that's true in

Time: 5886.08

humans and in one of our closest

Time: 5888.04

relatives and we think that some of

Time: 5890.92

these genes create proteins that then

Time: 5893.639

are what sets up the developing brain to

Time: 5896.119

develop in the way that autistic brains

Time: 5898.28

develop so let's just assume that that's

Time: 5900

the premise that's what we went with can

Time: 5902.08

we find reesus maacs that are just

Time: 5904.239

living in large outdoor colonies and

Time: 5907.04

identify animals that might be good um

Time: 5909.88

models for autism and the answer is yes

Time: 5911.719

we could do this all kinds of different

Time: 5913.32

ways one is we could just take people

Time: 5916.04

and um score monkey behaviors outside

Time: 5919.04

their cages while they're interacting

Time: 5920.599

with their peers we can use rating

Time: 5923.52

scales and again the rating scale we Ed

Time: 5925.679

it's called the social responsiveness

Time: 5927.199

scale so this is called the MAAC social

Time: 5929.4

responsiveness scale revised it's a

Time: 5931.119

mouthful um but what it allows us to do

Time: 5933.32

is measure autistic like traits in

Time: 5935.239

monkeys and we can also bring monkeys in

Time: 5937.599

for experimental test to see where their

Time: 5940.679

eyes look or how do they perform how do

Time: 5943.36

they respond to videos of other monkeys

Time: 5946.4

you know if they're making affiliate of

Time: 5947.96

overtures do they um do like you know

Time: 5950.239

you know ma goo which is a a positive

Time: 5953.32

response well they do that right I I um

Time: 5956.92

I'm going to apologize for interrupting

Time: 5958.48

you again but I just have to tell people

Time: 5959.88

this because I spent time up at the UC

Time: 5961.679

Davis primate Center as a graduate

Time: 5963.159

student and and by the way what we're

Time: 5964.719

referring to here are non-invasive

Time: 5966.48

observational studies at least thus far

Time: 5968.92

so these are monkeys living in large uh

Time: 5971.32

exclosures not enclosures large

Time: 5973.76

exclosures um forming colonies and

Time: 5976.04

social relationships and um you know I

Time: 5978.36

think anyone that sees monkeys at the

Time: 5979.719

zoo and we all learn that monkeys go and

Time: 5982.679

they don't if you want a monkey to like

Time: 5987.679

you you learn this working with macx um

Time: 5991.04

first of all they don't the affiliative

Time: 5993.36

call is

Time: 5995.04

a they do this really nice and the

Time: 5997.199

little ones the babies I spend a lot of

Time: 5999.4

time with these monkeys and the little

Time: 6000.679

ones they do this thing where they go I

Time: 6002.8

used to I used to nurse the little ones

Time: 6004.239

every once in a while they and they're

Time: 6006.8

just you know just like makes your heart

Time: 6007.96

melt I think there must have been an

Time: 6009

oxytocin dump at that moment that's

Time: 6010.679

probably happening right now but if you

Time: 6012.4

want the monkeys to like you you have to

Time: 6014.199

give an affiliative facial gesture which

Time: 6016.28

is not a smile that's actually an

Time: 6017.719

aggressive gesture so as Karen Dr Parker

Time: 6020.52

just showed you it's lip smacking which

Time: 6023.119

is so if you see a monkey at the zoo and

Time: 6025.56

you want it to pay attention to you

Time: 6027.36

you're going to have to lip smack and if

Time: 6028.84

it doesn't either you're not doing it

Time: 6030.88

right or it just doesn't like you

Time: 6032.76

exactly right great all right thanks now

Time: 6035.159

we'll go back to the uh the study of uh

Time: 6037.8

or the establishment of this really key

Time: 6039.32

experiment right so then what we did is

Time: 6041.08

we identified these these animals and we

Time: 6043.36

spent a lot of time so one one of the

Time: 6045.639

things that I do as one of my areas of

Time: 6048.76

expertise is validating animal model so

Time: 6051.76

a lot of like I mentioned like a lot of

Time: 6054.159

reason why experiments fail is people

Time: 6056.76

will take an animal off the shelf and

Time: 6058.52

say oh I'm going to do this right but if

Time: 6060.679

you're you know if you're studying a

Time: 6062.56

disorder that's characterized by visual

Time: 6065.52

issues is it is it the best thing to do

Time: 6067.92

in a nocturnal species that has old

Time: 6070.679

faction as its primary sensory modality

Time: 6072.599

or you're referring to mice right or is

Time: 6074.48

it better you know and again I will say

Time: 6076.48

all models have value there's all you

Time: 6078.08

know there's reasons you just have to

Time: 6080.32

you know you basically have to stand by

Time: 6082.32

what you're modeling and so I think one

Time: 6084.28

of my the biggest issues I have with a

Time: 6086.32

sort of mouse phenotyping Mafia is that

Time: 6089.199

you know there's this group of tests

Time: 6090.679

that they use and they use it in every

Time: 6092.44

single disorder right and then if

Time: 6093.76

there's a positive hit it's like oh this

Time: 6095.28

is like you know this test is really for

Time: 6097.32

Parkinson's today but it's for

Time: 6098.84

depression tomorrow right and so so my

Time: 6101.32

goal was to to devise very specific

Time: 6104.28

tests that would allow us to evaluate

Time: 6106.679

you know core features of autism in this

Time: 6108.84

model and the answer is we found it

Time: 6110.36

right so if you you look at monkeys that

Time: 6111.76

spend a lot of time alone they have a

Time: 6113.92

much greater burden of autistic like

Time: 6116.08

traits measuring on this rating scale

Time: 6118.36

they have diminished social motivations

Time: 6120.639

so other monkeys will come up and

Time: 6122.599

interact with them but they don't engage

Time: 6124.96

in um social overtures them that much

Time: 6128.04

themselves they do less grooming less uh

Time: 6130.4

affiliative um behaviors um they in some

Time: 6134.08

of the work that we're doing they don't

Time: 6135.28

lip smack back and we can talk a little

Time: 6137.119

bit about that we did a pharmacological

Time: 6138.8

probe and we can talk a bit about what

Time: 6140.199

vasor press does to that which is kind

Time: 6141.88

of exciting um and so we spent a lot of

Time: 6144.119

time validating this behavioral

Time: 6146.48

phenotype right to say that we really

Time: 6149.28

feel like there are are core aspects of

Time: 6152.56

it that are allowing us to model autism

Time: 6155.4

right um and I have a paper which if you

Time: 6157.199

want to put it in it's all about

Time: 6158.76

creating this monkey model and and and

Time: 6160.96

the power of of doing it and where it it

Time: 6163.44

took us clinically we will provide a

Time: 6165.239

link to that in the show note captions I

Time: 6166.719

also just want to um throw up my vote

Time: 6169.08

for the the fact that you did this work

Time: 6171.639

because again I I don't disparage Mouse

Time: 6174.44

model work but we've just seen over and

Time: 6176.08

over again that the incredibly small

Time: 6177.76

fraction of mouse models that lead to uh

Time: 6180.56

valid Therapeutics in humans and that

Time: 6182.28

there's just a lot of differences

Time: 6183.48

between um primate brains and rodent

Time: 6186.48

brains and we have a very elaborate you

Time: 6188.8

know frontal cortex a bunch of other

Time: 6190.32

circuitry that might if they have the

Time: 6192.8

that they probably use it for other

Time: 6194.56

things and it's just very hard to com to

Time: 6197.599

draw conclusions from those models and

Time: 6199.599

and they're they're great for probing um

Time: 6202.28

functions that are uh let's just call

Time: 6205.08

them more autonomic type functions um

Time: 6207.719

and for doing some of the initial

Time: 6209.08

investigations but um you know I think

Time: 6212.239

while I don't want to see every research

Time: 6215.159

lab switch over to primates you know I

Time: 6216.92

think one has to be really thoughtful

Time: 6218.52

about the kinds of experiments one does

Time: 6220.44

with primates at all yeah um this sort

Time: 6222.92

of um behavioral assessment and and the

Time: 6226.52

identification of a of a primate model

Time: 6229.04

for autism seems like a a very good use

Time: 6231.28

of of um of Human Resources right well

Time: 6234.719

and the other thing I will say is that

Time: 6235.96

there were medications that were only

Time: 6237.88

tested in rodents that when they were

Time: 6240.96

when they were tested in people had

Time: 6243.159

really negative consequences I can give

Time: 6244.88

you two examples so one is the lamide

Time: 6246.8

which was a morning sickness medication

Time: 6248.96

that was given to women um that were

Time: 6251.719

pregnant um and the safety testing and

Time: 6254.119

talks was toxicity testing was done only

Time: 6256.08

in mice I didn't know that yes and

Time: 6258.08

that's why it went on the market it went

Time: 6259.36

on the market in Europe um and there

Time: 6261.199

were all these children born with

Time: 6263.4

profound lib limb abnormalities when

Time: 6265.639

they went back and tested the drug in um

Time: 6269.36

marma sets neither rees's monkeys or

Time: 6271.599

cinus monkeys an old world monkey they

Time: 6274.719

had the limb abnormalities and so all

Time: 6276.679

they had to do and again you know I I as

Time: 6279.159

an animal lover treat the you know the

Time: 6280.84

life of a single monkey or or a single

Time: 6283.119

Mouse for that matter an individual

Time: 6285

monkey excuse me or individual Mouse for

Time: 6287.119

that matter as you know as critical I am

Time: 6290.04

a species I do think there's a

Time: 6291.48

difference between their life and our

Time: 6293.159

lives when it comes to um you know what

Time: 6296

study one does but um but just the idea

Time: 6299.719

that these severe developmental defects

Time: 6302.52

in humans could have been avoided by

Time: 6303.96

doing an experiment perhaps even on one

Time: 6306.44

right maret right um and again I feel

Time: 6309.32

for the life of discomfort of that maret

Time: 6311.76

but um the idea that that could have

Time: 6314.719

saved so many human lives it's just

Time: 6317.159

striking well and there was also that

Time: 6319.04

street drug MP TP that was a synthetic

Time: 6322.36

heroin right that caused like overnight

Time: 6324.44

parkinsonian ISM right when like I think

Time: 6326.4

the dopamine cells were just oblad right

Time: 6329.28

but when you went and looked in mice

Time: 6331.36

mptp didn't have those effects it was

Time: 6333.4

only in primates and other or humans and

Time: 6335.599

other primates right so and I agree with

Time: 6337.48

you I am an animal lover I I think that

Time: 6340.159

we have to be very careful whenever we

Time: 6342.48

do any animal experiments right and so

Time: 6344.639

you really need to have a good

Time: 6346.119

justification I think for any science

Time: 6348.08

that's done I will say that upfront um

Time: 6351.159

and you know we have this you know new

Time: 6353

generation of stem cell and organoid

Time: 6354.88

work which I think is going to you know

Time: 6356.599

allow us to make all kinds of disease

Time: 6359.08

progress right so without having to

Time: 6360.76

study uh whole animal models or in in

Time: 6363.48

complimentary right but I mean I think

Time: 6365.599

again I think we need to pick the model

Time: 6368.56

based on the question we're asking right

Time: 6370.92

and so if you want to have a medication

Time: 6374.199

that's safe and well tolerated you know

Time: 6376.679

in people um were effective and you want

Time: 6379.239

to move the needle on Lex social

Time: 6381.119

cognition you want to be testing it in a

Time: 6383.36

species that also has complex social

Time: 6385.36

cognition look the Netflix show chimp

Time: 6387.639

Empire people haven't seen it they

Time: 6389.44

should watch it when you watch it you

Time: 6390.88

realize they're very much like us yeah

Time: 6393.48

and dare I say we're very much like them

Time: 6396.159

oh yeah it's uh Far and Away different

Time: 6398.159

than watching a bunch of mice yes and

Time: 6400.32

I'm not being disparaging of mice I'm

Time: 6401.76

assuming they have that mice also have

Time: 6403.44

complex social cognition VES also have

Time: 6405.28

complex social cognition but it's of the

Time: 6407.4

mouse V type and we don't know really

Time: 6410.44

even what to look for right but with

Time: 6412.76

primates there's you know affiliative

Time: 6414.48

gaze there's you know affiliative

Time: 6416.04

grooming there's um ostracization of

Time: 6419.599

individuals in a troop I mean there's a

Time: 6421.32

there's a you know baning taking care of

Time: 6423.48

other babies there's all sorts of

Time: 6424.88

interesting dynamics that map so clearly

Time: 6427.679

onto human behavior and vice versa yeah

Time: 6430.52

yeah so you establish this Colony up at

Time: 6433.199

Davis um at the regional primate Center

Time: 6437

that and where you identified some

Time: 6439.32

monkeys that we don't if they have

Time: 6440.8

autism but you could see that they were

Time: 6443.84

less socially affiliative right and I

Time: 6445.719

would never say they have autism like I

Time: 6447.44

will say that up front you know they

Time: 6449.48

have features that resemble human autism

Time: 6453.08

and that allow us to model this right so

Time: 6456.04

so we started studying those animals and

Time: 6457.84

what we wanted to do was do some

Time: 6460.119

biomarker Discovery so what we wanted to

Time: 6462.159

ask was are there any molecules that

Time: 6464.4

allow us to differentiate these what

Time: 6466.679

we'll call them naturally low social or

Time: 6468.52

low social monkeys from soci socially

Time: 6470.719

competent high social monkeys and so we

Time: 6473.44

measured a bunch of different um

Time: 6475.639

readouts of neurotransmitter systems

Time: 6478.32

that were either involved in Maman

Time: 6479.92

social behavior had been implicated in

Time: 6483.119

idiopathic meaning autism that doesn't

Time: 6485.08

have a genetic cause or these

Time: 6487.32

neurogenetic syndromes that we've been

Time: 6489.119

talking about um where there's Pathways

Time: 6491.48

that are really associated with them and

Time: 6493.159

so if we measured a bunch of these

Time: 6495.04

systems with 93% accuracy without even

Time: 6498.32

knowing what the monkey who the monkey

Time: 6500.04

was if they were low or high social we

Time: 6501.8

could just put them in the low social or

Time: 6503.36

high social bucket and was this by blood

Time: 6505.159

draw or cerebral spinal this was it was

Time: 6507.36

everything we did Blood we did CSF and

Time: 6509.32

we put all these measures into the

Time: 6510.679

hopper we did a discriminate statistical

Time: 6512.679

analysis which was like a machine

Time: 6514.599

learning algorithm where we just said

Time: 6516.32

here's all this information help me

Time: 6518.44

classify if this individual is high or

Time: 6520.679

low social for cerebral spinal fluid is

Time: 6523.52

collected by spinal tap correct in my

Time: 6525.8

understanding I've never had one um but

Time: 6528

that spinal tap is of course more

Time: 6529.88

invasive than a blood draw but it still

Time: 6532.56

is um done as an outpatient thing in

Time: 6535.84

humans like you can go in get a needle

Time: 6537.639

inserted into the lower spine by by an

Time: 6539.76

expert um they're going to draw cerebral

Time: 6542.04

spinal fluid I mean not that much more

Time: 6545.159

invasive and timec consuming than

Time: 6547.4

getting a a needle into your vein for a

Time: 6550.56

blood draw right I mean it's it's we

Time: 6553.56

think of it as it's technically a little

Time: 6555.56

bit more challenging um but their CSF

Time: 6559.88

draw humans all the time right so in

Time: 6562.32

theory this could map to a human study

Time: 6564.599

and it did which we'll talk about cool

Time: 6566.719

so we went out and we did this I have

Time: 6568.32

this spectacular statistician who's we

Time: 6570.88

we spend a lot of time together his name

Time: 6572.36

is Joe Garner and um and he is a

Time: 6574.92

statistical genius and so he developed

Time: 6577

this and and we do all of our work

Time: 6579.119

together or you know I would say 95% of

Time: 6581.199

it we just love working together and he

Time: 6583.32

developed a statistical winning winwing

Time: 6585.48

strategy to identify what were the key

Time: 6587.92

drivers and what was fascinating is in

Time: 6589.679

this first monkey cohort it was the

Time: 6591.92

cerebral spinal fluid levels of

Time: 6593.719

vasopressin that were really what was

Time: 6596.239

driving this classification right so if

Time: 6598.599

we just knew your levels of your of

Time: 6600.88

vasor pressent in spinal fluid but not

Time: 6602.639

in blood interestingly um we could

Time: 6605.4

pretty closely perfect to perfect

Time: 6607.8

classify you as high or low social and

Time: 6610

so then we replicated that again in

Time: 6611.719

another monkey cohort because obviously

Time: 6613.679

it's a scientists you always want to

Time: 6615.08

replicate your work and then if it was

Time: 6617.239

really a biomarker meaning it's a

Time: 6619.159

molecule in the body that gives us um an

Time: 6621.76

indication of something and in this case

Time: 6623.4

it's an indication of your Social

Time: 6625.44

functioning we were able to look at um

Time: 6628.36

monkeys and we saw that the Vasa

Time: 6629.84

pressent was consistent across

Time: 6631.84

measurement time so there was a wide

Time: 6633.76

variety of Vasa pressin levels but

Time: 6636.44

within an individual monkey it was

Time: 6638.4

pretty much the same right so that's

Time: 6639.76

what you want to see with the biomarker

Time: 6641.599

and then we showed that the vasor

Time: 6642.92

pressen levels were closely uh linked to

Time: 6646.8

uh groom SP grooming uh time spending

Time: 6649.36

grooming and as we mentioned I think we

Time: 6651.199

mentioned earlier grooming is in many

Time: 6653.28

monkey species a critical behavior that

Time: 6656.52

solidifies social bonds and maintains

Time: 6658.4

them and so the individuals with the

Time: 6660.4

lowest CSF phasor pressent levels had uh

Time: 6663.4

spent the less time the least amount of

Time: 6665.119

time in in grooming grooming other

Time: 6667.32

monkeys other monkeys yeah this

Time: 6668.88

allopathic grooming is a very

Time: 6670.4

interesting behavior and um from

Time: 6671.96

watching chimp Empire I can tell you

Time: 6674.04

that um new relationships are

Time: 6676.159

established in many ways by um monkeys

Time: 6680.079

these chimps chimpanzees sort of

Time: 6681.8

offering their back for grooming and if

Time: 6683.719

another um chimp elects to yes groom

Time: 6687.119

that um chimp then it establishes some

Time: 6689.679

form of trust and it and it all seems to

Time: 6692.199

have to do with proximity like how close

Time: 6693.84

are you going to let me get to you vice

Time: 6695.56

versa in humans that you know we talk

Time: 6697

about personal space and there's a whole

Time: 6698.96

set of things related to consent in this

Time: 6700.599

whole allopathic grooming thing and then

Time: 6703

if they um you know if a if a chimp

Time: 6705.639

misbehaves on on an outing then they

Time: 6708.32

aren't groomed by others and they can

Time: 6709.76

actually get parasitic infections and it

Time: 6711.92

can be very costly uh it's very

Time: 6714.56

interesting you know uh to just think of

Time: 6716.88

alpath grooming as a as not a um kind of

Time: 6720.599

a primitive of language but a whole

Time: 6722.96

language into itself absolutely yeah and

Time: 6725.52

and also just critical for the species

Time: 6727.239

so that was really interesting to me

Time: 6728.719

that we were seeing these hints that

Time: 6730.84

vasor pressin could be you know really

Time: 6734

important but of course you know

Time: 6735.36

somebody will say and I will say upfront

Time: 6737.76

monkeys don't have autism right so then

Time: 6739.48

the question becomes does this have

Time: 6741.599

what's called translational value so you

Time: 6743.96

know can I see this observation in an an

Time: 6746.84

animal model and will it provide

Time: 6748.84

fundamental insights into humans right

Time: 6751.079

and so I wanted to get cerebral spinal

Time: 6753.639

fluid from people um to test this

Time: 6755.88

hypothesis because we had in parallel

Time: 6758.639

done a study looking at blood vas

Time: 6760.88

oppress levels and people within without

Time: 6763.079

autism and we didn't see a group

Time: 6764.679

difference there unlike this really

Time: 6766.719

profound difference that we saw when we

Time: 6768.44

looked at spinal fluid and the monkey

Time: 6770.04

and again I think I mentioned the blood

Time: 6771.36

vasor press levels were

Time: 6773.04

indistinguishable if you were higher low

Time: 6774.96

social monkeys so there was something

Time: 6776.48

about looking more proximate to the

Time: 6778.599

brain that was giving us more

Time: 6780.079

information than say the blood alone and

Time: 6782.8

so I said I wanted to get spinal fluid

Time: 6785.04

and like you said people do this all the

Time: 6786.56

time how would we um but we're you know

Time: 6789.28

it's not going to be a first pass

Time: 6790.92

especially when we don't really have any

Time: 6792.36

evidence in people to go in for what we

Time: 6795.199

would call a research lumbar puncture

Time: 6797.4

right and so I had to get really

Time: 6799.239

creative about how do I get spinal fluid

Time: 6802.4

from children and what we did was we

Time: 6804.76

piggybacked on to a clinical indication

Time: 6807.52

for um a spinal fluid draw so and and we

Time: 6812.239

did this so I tried to get funding for

Time: 6813.639

this this is like you know again I mean

Time: 6815.52

I think this is important for people to

Time: 6816.88

know how science is done right and so I

Time: 6819.119

wrote all these Grant applications

Time: 6820.52

nobody would fund it they said that this

Time: 6822.159

is really interesting it's too high risk

Time: 6824.88

you won't be able to pull it off and you

Time: 6827.28

know I don't usually back down from a

Time: 6828.8

challenge like if I think think

Time: 6829.88

something's a good idea and I want to do

Time: 6831.44

it I'm going to find a way to do it if

Time: 6832.76

somebody if it's impossible that's one

Time: 6834.32

thing but if it's hard to do it doesn't

Time: 6836

mean you shouldn't do it you just have

Time: 6837.36

to figure out how to do it and so I

Time: 6839.599

always try to see Bridges where other

Time: 6842.36

people see barriers right and so it's

Time: 6844

like well how can I access spinal fluid

Time: 6845.639

and so I went around talking to all my

Time: 6847.639

friends who were on and Stanford's

Time: 6849.76

really wonderful because it's such a

Time: 6851.239

small school right and so you're on all

Time: 6853.639

these different committees with all

Time: 6854.8

these different people and so lot of

Time: 6856.48

committees lots of I can attest lot of

Time: 6858.4

Comm exactly but it's really because

Time: 6859.96

you're on them with people from all

Time: 6861.119

different departments I know people in

Time: 6862.679

departments that I wouldn't otherwise

Time: 6864.32

know um and you get very uh you get to

Time: 6867.76

know these people well in these many

Time: 6869.76

committees and where we live it's a

Time: 6871.199

small community right so like maybe were

Time: 6873

the experiment Karen maybe there's a I

Time: 6875.28

always wonder whether or not there's a

Time: 6876.239

larger experiment right not on monkeys

Time: 6878.079

not on the the patients or the Clone but

Time: 6880.28

like we're maybe we're the experiment

Time: 6882.199

right and they're looking at how we

Time: 6883.48

interact on committees anyway please

Time: 6885.28

continue so I started going up to people

Time: 6887.84

that I knew and said hey if you're

Time: 6889.679

you're taking spinal fluid can I get a

Time: 6891.44

little bit of extra right and of course

Time: 6892.96

we got you know IRB approval meaning we

Time: 6895.28

had ethics approval and all this and um

Time: 6897.679

or you could get the remnant sample and

Time: 6900.239

obviously again get consent from the

Time: 6901.88

families so we could either get a little

Time: 6903.599

bit extra when it was being drawn for a

Time: 6905.8

research indication so so they were

Time: 6907.639

getting a spinal tap no matter what and

Time: 6909.639

then we were just either we're getting a

Time: 6911.04

little bit extra or we were going to

Time: 6912.599

getting the remnant that they were going

Time: 6914.48

to throw out right so you usually take

Time: 6916.28

more than you need because you don't

Time: 6918.04

want to have to do another spinal tap

Time: 6919.76

right and so we were able to go around

Time: 6922.48

and I hustled around and got all these

Time: 6924.52

people involved to help me we put um hot

Time: 6927.04

pink stickers on the lumbar puncture

Time: 6929.159

trays so that in the emergency room so

Time: 6931.639

if somebody was doing a spinal tap they

Time: 6933.8

would call us so we knew about it and we

Time: 6935.88

could get you know samples um again

Time: 6938.44

under people's consent um so we got all

Time: 6940.92

these people involved and we finally got

Time: 6942.96

samples from children with autism and

Time: 6945.8

children without autism and then we also

Time: 6948.88

made sure that whatever they were being

Time: 6950.4

worked up for was negative right so we

Time: 6952.88

got the the sort of healthiest people we

Time: 6955.04

could given that everybody was coming in

Time: 6957

for a medical reason to have a lumbar

Time: 6958.92

puncture and in this in this first study

Time: 6961.52

we had seven children with autism seven

Time: 6964.4

children without autism and we could

Time: 6967.04

nearly perfectly classify 13 out of 14

Time: 6969.84

individuals by just knowing their CSF

Time: 6971.88

vasor pressent level Alone um which is

Time: 6974.32

pretty remarkable given that there isn't

Time: 6976.079

a biological indicator that we a robust

Time: 6978.84

biological IND Ator that we know so

Time: 6981.04

basically in this relatively small

Time: 6983.48

cohort yeah having low vasopress is the

Time: 6986.32

biomarker of autism correct and and

Time: 6988.52

again and what I will say is in our

Time: 6990.079

monkey studies and in our human studies

Time: 6992.88

CSF oxytocin level became our control

Time: 6996.239

right so in our monkeys there were no

Time: 6997.96

difference in CSF oxytocin by group um

Time: 7001.239

and then in this first study um there

Time: 7003.36

were no differences in CSF oxytocin

Time: 7005.76

levels um uh a sample size of 14 is

Time: 7010.159

intriguing but given autism so

Time: 7012.719

clinically heterogeneous we want to

Time: 7014.28

replicate it and so I knew that there

Time: 7016.56

was um a professor at the NIH named um

Time: 7019.88

Sue swedo who was collecting uh cerebral

Time: 7023.199

spinal fluid in as part of a research

Time: 7025.56

study because she was interested in

Time: 7027.239

immune parameters and fate deficiency so

Time: 7030

she had children that were medically

Time: 7032.52

healthy and they were getting you know

Time: 7034.119

just like at ni you get these huge

Time: 7035.52

workups right so they were very

Time: 7036.88

well-characterized participants so we

Time: 7039.079

were able to look at and again we also

Time: 7041.56

this is the first time we were able to

Time: 7042.679

look at girls so we had a small sample

Time: 7045.04

of girls and we had boys and we

Time: 7047.199

basically just asked the question can we

Time: 7048.56

replicate this and I was very interested

Time: 7051.639

in well will oxytocin be what's

Time: 7054.04

different in the girls right so maybe

Time: 7055.679

there will be some sex specificity here

Time: 7057.92

and that we'll see low CSF vasor pressin

Time: 7060.239

in the males and low CSF oxytocin girls

Time: 7063.76

that was not the case what we found was

Time: 7065.44

that if in the individuals with autism

Time: 7067.84

regardless of their um biological sex um

Time: 7071.44

that they all had lower CSF phasor

Time: 7073.52

presson levels than the individuals

Time: 7075.599

without autism and because they were so

Time: 7077.88

well characterized we were also able to

Time: 7080.52

show on a gold standard research

Time: 7082.599

diagnostic assessment of autism so it's

Time: 7084.92

a an assessment that's used um uh to in

Time: 7089.56

a research situation to validate an

Time: 7091.4

Autism diagnosis by an expert clinical

Time: 7093.84

opinion that the lower your vasopress

Time: 7096.119

levels in spinal fluid the greater your

Time: 7098.88

um social symptom severity um your

Time: 7102.28

clinical symptom severity and then we

Time: 7103.84

asked it's like well vasor press's

Time: 7105.44

involved in social behavior but it's not

Time: 7108.119

really that involved in restricted

Time: 7109.679

repetitive behaviors and that was

Time: 7111

actually the case so it was the CSF Vasa

Time: 7113.28

press and track the social symptom

Time: 7114.92

severity not the repetitive symptom

Time: 7117.199

severity suggesting that there might be

Time: 7118.88

other biological measures that could be

Time: 7122.159

included as a way to you know have a

Time: 7125

more powerful way to differentiate

Time: 7126.719

people with and without autism um and so

Time: 7129.48

then I was really so so that was really

Time: 7131.679

exciting to replicate that um and then I

Time: 7134.4

had a colleague named um John

Time: 7136.04

Constantino who um is now at Emery but

Time: 7138.28

he used to be at wasio and I knew that

Time: 7140.36

John I had been at a meeting in I think

Time: 7142

it was 2010 and I found out that he had

Time: 7145

what I will call Liquid Gold so he had

Time: 7147.4

this uh minus 80 uh C freezer um that

Time: 7151.719

was uh had a bunch of um neonatal infant

Time: 7154.639

CSF samples that he had from Human

Time: 7157.679

infants and he had collected them and

Time: 7160.28

again this was under ethical approvals

Time: 7163.32

and it was basically they these infants

Time: 7165.28

came in for something that needed to be

Time: 7167.48

worked up that was very rare um but if

Time: 7169.639

they had it they would you know they

Time: 7171.239

they could die so they needed to get a

Time: 7172.599

medical treatment for it but the the

Time: 7174.56

vast majority of these children ended up

Time: 7176.92

being healthy so it was a pretty healthy

Time: 7179.4

sample if you will right and so I knew

Time: 7181.76

he had all these samples and I said to

Time: 7183.199

him wouldn't it be really interesting if

Time: 7185.56

we teamed up and we look at this uh CSF

Time: 7188.84

vaser press finding in children before

Time: 7192.76

the period when behavioral symptoms

Time: 7194.679

first manifest right and so so sorry

Time: 7197.119

again to I'm going to apologize every

Time: 7199.4

time no no no I just but I think it's

Time: 7201.159

important because this was a question

Time: 7202.44

that um I was thinking about earlier and

Time: 7204.119

I imagine many other people were too you

Time: 7205.92

know you find these monkeys that have

Time: 7207.56

social uh interaction deficits you find

Time: 7210.76

um kids that have social interaction

Time: 7213

deficits and you see that there's low

Time: 7214.96

vasopress in both groups this extends to

Time: 7217.679

male and female children but then of

Time: 7219.679

course the question becomes well maybe

Time: 7221.44

they have low vas oppress because of so

Time: 7223.84

many years or even months of social

Time: 7225.8

interaction deficits right that the the

Time: 7227.599

direction of causality isn't clear and

Time: 7229.32

so yeah when you said Liquid Gold you

Time: 7231.48

know referring to the um CSF from these

Time: 7234.88

infants um taken prior to any

Time: 7237.92

opportunity for social interaction

Time: 7239.56

Beyond just you know whatever

Time: 7241.28

interaction they had with their their

Time: 7242.48

mother up until the point the the CSF

Time: 7244.4

draw was taken um this really gets at

Time: 7246.679

the issue of causality right so it's a

Time: 7248.4

quasi perspective you know because it

Time: 7250.599

was banked and then a lot of time went

Time: 7252.679

by right and so what we realized we

Time: 7254.4

could do was and this was a heroic

Time: 7256.88

undertaking on John's part so these were

Time: 7259.76

um this was these samples were collected

Time: 7261.48

back on paper medical records so he had

Time: 7263.48

to trace 2,000 paper paper what's that

Time: 7266.239

yeah exactly so he had to trace 2,000 I

Time: 7269.4

think paper medical records to an

Time: 7271.04

electronic medical record and then what

Time: 7273.32

we did is we he looked to see who went

Time: 7276.4

on to develop autism and who didn't

Time: 7278.76

right so then what we had with spinal

Time: 7281.079

fluid samples that have sort of been

Time: 7282.639

waiting in the freezer if you will and

Time: 7284.52

then we could ask you know do

Time: 7286.88

individuals who later receive an Autism

Time: 7289.32

diagnosis many months or even years

Time: 7291

later already have low vasopress levels

Time: 7293.719

as infants and the reason why this was a

Time: 7296.44

compelling question to ask is there's

Time: 7298.92

evidence to suggest that behavioral

Time: 7300.44

therapies are more effective the younger

Time: 7302.48

the child is right and if you think

Time: 7304.96

about it if if behavioral

Time: 7307.239

characteristics of autism emerge across

Time: 7309.88

development you know what if and this

Time: 7312.079

was my this is sort of my we haven't we

Time: 7314.52

haven't substantiated this yet but this

Time: 7316.36

is like sort of my big question what if

Time: 7318.52

all these autism susceptibility genes

Time: 7320.76

summon interact and converge upon a few

Time: 7323.76

common Pathways in the brain right and

Time: 7325.44

so for years people have talked about

Time: 7327.36

this excitatory inhibitory balance

Time: 7329.4

theory of autism but what if vas oppress

Time: 7332.199

is one of those Pathways because it's so

Time: 7334.4

critically involved in Social

Time: 7335.8

functioning and so what I was interested

Time: 7338.04

in and so let let's just say for a

Time: 7339.96

moment you know your genes are set at

Time: 7341.52

Birth what if the Vaso prestent is

Time: 7343.52

already low in the brains of these

Time: 7345.239

infants and so it puts them on this very

Time: 7348.159

different trajectory where you have this

Time: 7350.76

cumulative effect of they're maybe a

Time: 7352.8

little bit less socially interested and

Time: 7355.119

maybe they're not making the eye contact

Time: 7357.159

and if there was a way to intervene

Time: 7358.719

really early even potentially with a

Time: 7360.52

vasopress and replacement therapy that

Time: 7362.84

you might be able to put them on a

Time: 7365.04

different developmental trajectory so

Time: 7366.84

that was my big what if question

Time: 7369.56

and what was really remarkable was so I

Time: 7372.239

had been asking John hey can I have your

Time: 7374.239

spinal fluid samples and and he finally

Time: 7376.04

agreed after he saw a couple of those

Time: 7377.639

papers understandably he wanted to make

Time: 7379.32

sure that we already had shown something

Time: 7380.84

in people and animals that were sort of

Time: 7383.239

if you will symptomatic with social

Time: 7384.76

impairment and what we found was yes

Time: 7387.04

this was the case so it was a small

Time: 7388.599

sample it needs to be replicated but

Time: 7390.84

individual so infants that went on to

Time: 7393.04

have an Autism diagnosis later in life

Time: 7396.4

already had low CSF vasor pressent level

Time: 7399.36

oxytocin levels did not differ between

Time: 7401.8

infants that received a subsequent

Time: 7404.28

autism diagnosis and those that didn't

Time: 7406.52

so suggesting that we have a

Time: 7409.079

biomarker that you know might really be

Time: 7411.56

a good readout for you know clinical

Time: 7414.119

referral or risk management monitoring

Time: 7416.48

incredible so you're telling us that

Time: 7419.119

levels of

Time: 7420.28

vasopressin correlate with social

Time: 7424.28

cognition deficits that right I think

Time: 7427.88

that warrants a brief discussion about

Time: 7429.88

cerebral spinal fluid I teach neuro

Time: 7432.52

Anatomy to medical students so um

Time: 7434.88

forgive me for for having to ask this

Time: 7436.96

but you know I think of cerebral spinal

Time: 7438.559

fluid as the stuff that exists in the

Time: 7440.4

ventricles and down the central Canal

Time: 7442.32

the spinal cord and provides essential

Time: 7444.48

nutrients and uh for neurons and other

Time: 7447.32

cell types in the

Time: 7448.639

brain but it's also a reservoir for

Time: 7452.48

chemicals coming from the brain which is

Time: 7454.8

why the spinal tap is useful right um

Time: 7458.44


Time: 7459.32

in the context of a cerebral spinal tap

Time: 7463.719

and you're measuring CSF and you're

Time: 7465.52

seeing okay lower levels of vas oppress

Time: 7467.76

in these individuals with these

Time: 7470.8

challenges with social deficits does

Time: 7472.8

that mean that they're making less

Time: 7475.239

vasopressin does it mean I mean it could

Time: 7477.32

have gone the other way too like they're

Time: 7478.719

dumping too much vasopressin into the

Time: 7480.4

CSF and it's not able to function in the

Time: 7482.239


Time: 7483.28

like you know what do we know about CSF

Time: 7486.159

and what does it mean right well I mean

Time: 7487.96

it's a great question so I I think this

Time: 7490.679

is just the tip of the iceberg right so

Time: 7492.84

I think of the CSF as as sort of like

Time: 7495.8

the kitchen sink of the brain right and

Time: 7497.92

what we need is real specificity and so

Time: 7501.04

I mean my working hypothesis and we'll

Time: 7503.36

talk a little bit about pharmacology is

Time: 7505.84

that there's a deficiency in um in vasor

Time: 7509.52

produ vasor pressent production in

Time: 7511.28

individuals with autism but there's a

Time: 7512.84

lot of elegant experiments that need to

Time: 7514.84

be done to be able to answer this

Time: 7516.96

question so we have funding ly to look

Time: 7520.159

in um postmortem human brain tissue um

Time: 7524.4

to look at um in both blood CSF and

Time: 7528.719

hypothalamic tissue where vasopress is

Time: 7530.96

made to look at inner relationships

Time: 7533.52

right which is very difficult to do but

Time: 7536.04

also to see if there's a fewer number of

Time: 7538.52

Vaso pressent producing cells and if

Time: 7540.719

Vaso pressent gene expression is

Time: 7542.199

diminished right because that would help

Time: 7543.76

us begin to answer is this a production

Time: 7546.48

issue right so if you think back to the

Time: 7548.079

Prairie V

Time: 7549.52

they're sort of primed to be parental

Time: 7551.8

right um or in in my case the mees right

Time: 7555.04

but you can do this in any V species

Time: 7556.92

well at least the two that I'm thinking

Time: 7558.32

of and you put baso pressent into the

Time: 7560.28

brain and then all of a sudden it it

Time: 7562.239

unlocks this Behavior right so is it

Time: 7565.079

possible that children with autism or at

Time: 7567

least a subset of them um all you have

Time: 7569.679

to do is replace vasopress and that

Time: 7572.239

there might be a subset of these kids

Time: 7574.92

minimally that could benefit from vasor

Time: 7576.96

presson replacement if you will

Time: 7580.239

is there any evidence for excessive

Time: 7582.36

urination in kids with autism which if

Time: 7585

anyone's going what what why is he

Time: 7587.32

asking that if you recall vas supressant

Time: 7589.079

is also anti-diuretic hormone um I

Time: 7591.88

suppose the other question is could you

Time: 7594.639

has anyone looked at levels of a oppress

Time: 7597.48

in the urine of autistic kids versus

Time: 7599.36

non-autistic kids because it's acting

Time: 7601.96

peripherally and um you said blood draws

Time: 7604.28

don't reveal any differences um in

Time: 7606.4

circulating blood we know that you're

Time: 7608.599

urine is filtered blood fair enough but

Time: 7612.159

um seems at least worth worth a looky

Time: 7615

okay so I have this awesome medical

Time: 7616.559

student in my lab named Lauren Clark and

Time: 7618.8

we with um three different Physicians

Time: 7621.32

from different backgrounds so um wrote a

Time: 7623.88

perspective piece that's currently under

Time: 7625.4

review and it actually asked this

Time: 7627.239

question so you know given all these

Time: 7629.599

weird medical naming conventions it's

Time: 7632.44

possible that this information is

Time: 7634.92

existing in information silos in

Time: 7637.119

different disciplines right so it raises

Time: 7639.639

this idea of if you have low vasopressin

Time: 7643.079

so there's a if you really don't have

Time: 7646.28

you're not making vasopress you have a

Time: 7648.48

disorder called Central diabetes

Time: 7650.199

insipidus right which is characterized

Time: 7652.119

by excessive thirst um um lots of

Time: 7656.48

urination um and and you know bed

Time: 7659.599

wedding potentially um and so what we

Time: 7662.199

wanted to do was ask has this been

Time: 7664.44

missed right so shouldn't there be a

Time: 7666.32

subset of kids with autism where we

Time: 7668.36

might might be able to look at these

Time: 7669.559

other physiological features and say

Time: 7672.44

yeah this is the subset we want to be

Time: 7674

giving vasor pressent to and so she

Time: 7675.76

wrote this perspective where we did a

Time: 7677.4

little bit of a review and the answerers

Time: 7679.48

there's some

Time: 7680.44

intriguing um studies that we reviewed

Time: 7683.199

in this paper where it looks like and

Time: 7685.559

and what's funny is when you read the

Time: 7686.76

discussion section it'll be like wow

Time: 7688.719

there's all these kids with autism that

Time: 7690.599

are drinking lots of water and we don't

Time: 7693.44

know why or wow there's a lot of bed

Time: 7695.719

wedding but it's not tied to

Time: 7697.239

intellectual disability where you might

Time: 7698.96

see a lot of bed wedding or something so

Time: 7701

all of these studies kind of raise this

Time: 7702.8

point of like wow this is really

Time: 7704.36

interesting um and there's been no big

Time: 7706.76

epidemiological study done on this and

Time: 7708.719

certainly not any study where people who

Time: 7711.199

come at it from brain science and then

Time: 7714.119

the the practitioners who are like an

Time: 7715.88

endocrinologist for instance which which

Time: 7717.88

is where some of these people could show

Time: 7719.48

up um are are really connecting the dots

Time: 7723.119

so I think that remains to be determined

Time: 7725.679

but we are actually about to launch a

Time: 7727.52

study to to investigate this right I was

Time: 7730

meeting with Lauren yesterday about it

Time: 7731.84

so um it's a really good question and I

Time: 7733.92

hope to have information on it in the

Time: 7736.079

not to distant future as I recall

Time: 7738.48

alcohol is an antagonist of vasopressin

Time: 7741.76

so Al there's a lot of different drugs

Time: 7743.48

that could interact with vasor pressent

Time: 7745.199

and so one thing I'm interested in is

Time: 7747.32

are there any drugs that release vasor

Time: 7749.96

pressent as a side effect and could some

Time: 7752

of them be mobilized to treat autism we

Time: 7754.599

also know that like um acupuncture can

Time: 7757.559

release phaser and there's been some

Time: 7759.239

studies done in Rats on that um and so

Time: 7762.599

one question would just be are there any

Time: 7764.32

alternative therapies where we can be

Time: 7767.239

relacing vasor pressent naturally or do

Time: 7769.199

we need to you know do a replacement

Time: 7771.88

study where we give you know intranasal

Time: 7773.96

vaser press into children with autism

Time: 7775.92

right and of course I'm I'm not I want

Time: 7777.719

to say I'm not advocating that people go

Time: 7779.119

out and do this on their own right like

Time: 7780.559

I'm I I'm a big proponent of randomized

Time: 7784.04

clinical trials where you assess safety

Time: 7786.199

right and efficacy yes science science

Time: 7788.44

medicine right but I appreciate you

Time: 7790

saying that yeah um some years ago so

Time: 7792.199

this would be

Time: 7793.48

mid90s um there was a small but very

Time: 7798.32

active subculture that I was not a part

Time: 7801.4

of okay I swear um that were combining

Time: 7806.32

GHB gah hydroxy butyrate um and

Time: 7810.639

vasopressin as um combination quote

Time: 7813.4

unquote sex drugs really yes yeah um and

Time: 7817.599

I don't know the rationale for including

Time: 7820.079

Bas oppress was in any case whether or

Time: 7822.4

not that's by way of enhancing social

Time: 7824.599

bonding or a direct effect on sexual

Time: 7827.36

arousal itself is still unclear but in

Time: 7829.679

any event since we're talking about Bas

Time: 7831.32

oppressing maybe you should tell us

Time: 7832.76

about the actual science of uh

Time: 7834.48

vasopressin sorry maybe I should allow

Time: 7836.44

you to tell us about the actual

Time: 7837.719

scientific study of vasopressin um in

Time: 7841.119

other words what happens if you give

Time: 7843.28

people Vasa press in a controlled

Time: 7845.36

environment not the sort of environment

Time: 7847.04

I'm talking about but a controll and the

Time: 7848.4

one thing I will say because I have

Time: 7849.48

people contact us all the time saying

Time: 7851.44

where can I get vasor pressent and what

Time: 7852.92

I would say is vasor pressen means you

Time: 7856.36

know you're having effects on blood

Time: 7858.119

pressure you're having effects on really

Time: 7860.4

important right vasod right and vas the

Time: 7864.52

dosing has to be appropriate you know

Time: 7866.639

you don't want people just going and

Time: 7867.92

trying this because there could be

Time: 7869.199

really severe adverse effects right so

Time: 7871.52

that's why we've been studying this in a

Time: 7874

in a controll clinical trial right so um

Time: 7876.8

I teamed up with Antonio Harden who's

Time: 7878.719

the child psychiatrist that um I've been

Time: 7880.639

working with for years and we did the

Time: 7882.76

first sort of first inclass vas oppress

Time: 7885.88

treatment trial in children with autism

Time: 7887.8

so again this was everyone was unaware

Time: 7890.76

of who was on basor press whether it was

Time: 7892.96

the family or the clinician who was

Time: 7894.48

doing the evaluation um and then it was

Time: 7897.119

randomized Placebo controlled um and

Time: 7900.079

then we basically gave um vasor presson

Time: 7902.52

again twice a day for four weeks um to

Time: 7905.28

children they were about 6 to 12 years

Time: 7907.199

of age and then we had a primary outcome

Time: 7909.88

measure which was the social

Time: 7911.36

responsiveness scale we could get into

Time: 7913.28

discussions about what a primary outcome

Time: 7915.8

measure should be you know wouldn't it

Time: 7917.679

be great if there was a biological

Time: 7919.44

measure um but this is sort of what had

Time: 7921.76

been used in the past and something that

Time: 7923.52

the FDA approved us using I was partly

Time: 7926.52

interested in using the SRS because we

Time: 7928.76

had used it in monkeys right and we had

Time: 7931.119

shown at least in monkeys we've never

Time: 7933.559

looked at this in people because of you

Time: 7935.32

know the lack of available samples but

Time: 7937.84

that monkeys in this general population

Time: 7940.719

that we've looked at there's a

Time: 7942.4

continuous distribution of these SRS

Time: 7944.8

scores that relate to the CSF vasor

Time: 7948.28

press levels and so what was I wanted to

Time: 7950.96

know if we use the SRS as an outcome

Time: 7953.32

measure and we're administering vasor

Time: 7955.599

presson can we change you know the

Time: 7957.76

scoring on this instrument based on our

Time: 7959.679

animal data so SRS is social social

Time: 7962.599

responsiveness scale corre um without

Time: 7965.04

going into a lot of detail because we

Time: 7966.52

can always refer people to the paper and

Time: 7968.4

I think most people just want to

Time: 7969.719

understand the top Contour um the SRS

Time: 7971.92

presumably has to do with um how often

Time: 7975.239

the kid uh interacts with another kid

Time: 7978.239

how often they initiate that interaction

Time: 7980.119

versus on the receiving end things like

Time: 7982.239

affiliative play um how often they look

Time: 7984.8

at one another versus averting gaze um

Time: 7988.04

these kinds of things yeah and then

Time: 7989.239

there's also um a little bit about

Time: 7991.48

restrictive repetitive behaviors so even

Time: 7993.76

though it's called the social

Time: 7994.8

responsiveness scale there's also an

Time: 7997.28

assessment of other features of autism

Time: 7999.32

in it but you can sort of think about it

Time: 8001.32

as a quantitative way to assess features

Time: 8004.36

of interest in autism and this was

Time: 8006.679

related to our biology and the monkeys

Time: 8009.679

and so then we use this as this outcome

Time: 8011.48

measure um in our trial and and you know

Time: 8015.159

as a as an experimentalist I have this

Time: 8017.84

sort of trust but verify right so you

Time: 8019.599

want to you want to see the same thing

Time: 8021.119

over and over and over again right like

Time: 8022.84

scientists like repetition and so we had

Time: 8025.639

Parents fill out um their impressions of

Time: 8029.599

what the child's uh Behavior was you

Time: 8032.36

know before and after being on the

Time: 8034.679

medication we also had a clinician make

Time: 8037.48

an evaluation but we also had the kids

Time: 8040.639

perform laboratory based tests where

Time: 8043.76

they would see like I mentioned that the

Time: 8046.04

um reading the mind in the eyes test or

Time: 8047.76

we would show them a picture of a a face

Time: 8050.079

and say what emotion is this and so we

Time: 8052.159

were able to have what's called um

Time: 8054.719

converg in validity right so it's a

Time: 8056.52

fancy scientific term to say do all

Time: 8058.88

these measures that we think should be

Time: 8060.28

related are they related and are we

Time: 8061.96

seeing the same thing and um the answer

Time: 8064.559

was yes so that when we gave children

Time: 8067.52

with um autism vasopressin versus kids

Time: 8070.32

with autism of placebo the kids who were

Time: 8072.679

treated with vasopressin showed um

Time: 8075.32

increases in Social abilities on parent

Time: 8077.559

report clinician evaluation and child

Time: 8080.159

performance on laboratory based tests

Time: 8082.599

wow um was that um was that immediate

Time: 8085.76

like they they did the nasal spray and

Time: 8088

they immediately started um receiving

Time: 8090.52

and and initiating more social

Time: 8092.32

engagement or was this a buildup over

Time: 8094.36

time and what I'm getting at here is

Time: 8095.88

whether or not this is the reflection of

Time: 8098

a short or longer term neuroplasticity

Time: 8100.92

like where there structural changes in

Time: 8102.239

the brain or or is this something that

Time: 8104.76

was more acute um we don't know the

Time: 8106.719

answer to that so we basically looked at

Time: 8108.559

dosing with the idea that we would you

Time: 8110.599

know and and again I think we've

Time: 8111.84

mentioned this about um limitations on

Time: 8114.679

like there's so many things that a

Time: 8116.4

scientist would like to do but you

Time: 8118.119

always limited by a budget right and so

Time: 8120.52

when we started this work again it was

Time: 8122.079

like philanthropic shoestring budgets

Time: 8124.599

right and so you had to really be laser

Time: 8127.239

focused on what are the things that we

Time: 8128.679

can do on the budget at hand so

Time: 8130.36

unfortunately we didn't do like EEG or

Time: 8133.32

brain Imaging or other things that would

Time: 8135.36

be I think potentially very interesting

Time: 8137.559

to do because you might be able to see

Time: 8139.4

an early signature of response right so

Time: 8141.639

maybe after the first dose let's say wow

Time: 8144.239

like there's some interesting changes

Time: 8145.559

that are predictive of somebody who

Time: 8147.119

would be a resp responder to the

Time: 8148.44

medication and we don't know that yet um

Time: 8151.32

but we do know after this 4-week period

Time: 8154.079

that we we saw you know these changes

Time: 8156.4

and in then in a subset of kids we

Time: 8158.159

actually saw diminished anxiety and also

Time: 8161.159

diminished restricted repetitive

Time: 8162.639

behaviors um so suggesting that the

Time: 8164.88

vasor pressent effect may not only be on

Time: 8168.76

um social behavior have you ever just

Time: 8172.44

wanted to try or tried vas oppress you

Time: 8175.32

know I haven't but you're in a

Time: 8176.52

Psychiatry Department after all and I

Time: 8178.199

not suggesting that members of the

Time: 8180

Psychiatry Department are constantly

Time: 8181.44

testing the drugs that they use on their

Time: 8182.8

patients with themselves but but I've

Time: 8185.639

had several members of this department

Time: 8187.639

of which I'm a courtesy member um member

Time: 8189.8

by courtesy any event and we'll see if

Time: 8192.04

I'm still am after what I'm about to say

Time: 8194.319

uh Dr Carl dth who's a clinician our

Time: 8196.84

first guest on the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 8199.679

also a phenomenal neurobiology

Time: 8201.84

researcher uh David Spiegel um Rob

Time: 8206.16

malenka um

Time: 8208.28

and others um that I've spoken to you

Time: 8211.2

know I think all of whom said you know

Time: 8213.16

that they felt as clinicians Rob's not a

Time: 8215.84

clinician but anymore right but as a

Time: 8218.08

clinician that they felt almost a

Time: 8219.88

responsibility to understand the effects

Time: 8222.2

and side effect profiles of the drugs

Time: 8223.76

that they were giving their patients

Time: 8224.8

which I saw not as Renegade or

Time: 8226.8

experimental but rather as very

Time: 8229.16

compassionate like seeking empathy um so

Time: 8232.04

I'm curious have you ever just snuck a

Time: 8234

little little no no I never have but

Time: 8236.399

there is a long history Medicine of

Time: 8238.92

people trying out they believe so much

Time: 8241.84

in their solution that they go and

Time: 8244.319

vaccinate their family with the new

Time: 8246.04

vaccine that they've created or they try

Time: 8247.92

the medication themselves right so MDMA

Time: 8250.639

was developed by Sasha kogan in a

Time: 8252.16

laboratory in the East Bay first by a

Time: 8254.559

pharmaceutical company in the early

Time: 8255.8

1900s but then kind of disappeared it

Time: 8258.16

did disappear and then it was

Time: 8259.479

resurrected independently in the in the

Time: 8261.84

19 I think 70s and 80s and then now it's

Time: 8264.359

one of the um sort of hot topics items

Time: 8268.04

for the treatment of PTSD still in late

Time: 8269.92

phase clinical trials still illegal but

Time: 8272.399

um self-experimentation is is one of the

Time: 8275.559

central themes of Psychiatry frankly

Time: 8277.96

yeah I mean I guess I you know it's I

Time: 8280.24

Pro I got in trouble in class for being

Time: 8282.08

too social right so so I guess I've

Time: 8284.84

never it might send you over the other

Time: 8286.599

spot yeah yeah exactly who knows but no

Time: 8288.479

I I never no and the thing is is that

Time: 8291.2

these oxytocin Vasa pressin and again

Time: 8294.24

these are done and this is this is

Time: 8295.679

something that I think we've hit on over

Time: 8297

and over again in the podcast is you

Time: 8298.559

need to know who's you're studying right

Time: 8301.16

what's the species who's the individual

Time: 8303.679

you know most of these have been done in

Time: 8306.479

you know neuro I mean a lot of the

Time: 8308.08

oxytocin and a little bit of the

Time: 8309.599

vasopress work the single dose work was

Time: 8311.96

mostly done in in what we'll call

Time: 8313.559

neurotypical people right just asking

Time: 8315.719

can we move around social behavior by

Time: 8318.12

just giving this single Drug

Time: 8320.359

Administration most people that are

Time: 8322.359

neurotypical didn't say that they could

Time: 8324.559

tell if they were on the drug or the

Time: 8326.16

placebo right so interesting so I think

Time: 8328.2

the question really becomes you know

Time: 8330.399

drugs have different you know they work

Time: 8333.639

differently based on the individual

Time: 8335.359

who's taking them so if you have a

Time: 8337.319

neurotypical individual and you give

Time: 8339.04

them Vaso presson you know maybe they'll

Time: 8341.559

self-report that they don't see a

Time: 8343.2

difference but if you had somebody who

Time: 8345.519

isn't producing enough phas of presson

Time: 8347.92

maybe you know they would self-report

Time: 8350.28

after a period of time or maybe even

Time: 8352.16

after the first dose wow I really see

Time: 8354.28

something different right did any of the

Time: 8356.28

kids uh report how they felt they just

Time: 8358.84

said like wow I I like playing with

Time: 8361.8

other kids more were they self-aware in

Time: 8363.84

that way and um also feel free to

Time: 8366

mention if it feels right to you any um

Time: 8369.479

let's let's consider two outlier cases

Time: 8372.08

one spectacular result if that you know

Time: 8374.84

a kid that went from very socially

Time: 8376.439

isolated to you know maybe very

Time: 8378.319

gregarious and um but let's also balance

Time: 8380.76

that with another outlier the the kid

Time: 8383.399

with low Vasa presson who took Vasa

Time: 8385

presson who for whom there was no

Time: 8386.599

significant shift I'm presum that the

Time: 8388.599

data set you probably obser something

Time: 8391

like each of those yeah so I mean what

Time: 8393.12

I'll say is that um so yeah I mean there

Time: 8396.84

were definitely kids who didn't respond

Time: 8398

to the medication I mean one thing I

Time: 8399.52

think it's important to say and again

Time: 8400.76

this was a small pilot trial right we're

Time: 8403.479

in the process of replicating this in a

Time: 8406.28

much larger sample so you know as a

Time: 8408.56

scientist again you want to say okay

Time: 8410

this is really intriguing and

Time: 8411.2

interesting and I've invested a lot in

Time: 8414

you know this monkey model and then

Time: 8415.319

doing all the CSF work in patients to

Time: 8417.52

suggests that there may be a there there

Time: 8419.56

here but I want to see it replicate um

Time: 8422.16

we did have an article um that Stanford

Time: 8425.84

medicine I can send you the link um they

Time: 8429.04

they were able to I think interview a

Time: 8430.6

family that had been in the trial um and

Time: 8432.6

so obviously there's patient privacy and

Time: 8434.88

you know you have to they have to say

Time: 8437.16

it's okay to talk about it but this is a

Time: 8438.68

family that was contacted I think they

Time: 8440.68

were Anonymous but this is in this

Time: 8443

report um and they basically said the

Time: 8445.52

the dad said that his son was walking

Time: 8447.479

around the he was on Vasa presson and

Time: 8450.2

his son was walking around a grocery

Time: 8452

store and he like was looking for him

Time: 8454.68

and he turned around and he said he was

Time: 8456.24

Gob smacked because his child was you

Time: 8458.68

know just talking to making chitchat

Time: 8461.04

with somebody like in an aisle and he

Time: 8462.96

said he had never seen that happen

Time: 8464.399

before um and so you know we do have

Time: 8467.439

anecdotal reports like that and I think

Time: 8470.08

you know the tricky part is are we we

Time: 8472.84

didn't stratify anyone going into this

Time: 8475.24

trial right and so the concern always is

Time: 8477.96

did we get really lucky in the first

Time: 8479.92

trial and we somehow got the the quote

Time: 8482.04

unquote right people that entered the

Time: 8484.56

trial that we're going to be the ones

Time: 8485.8

who would respond to the medication or

Time: 8487.96

is this a medication that has sort of

Time: 8490.479

broad use in this population and we you

Time: 8493.76

know the second trial will be um

Time: 8496.72

positive you used nasal spray to deliver

Time: 8500.12

the vasopress and and um presumably that

Time: 8502.8

gets into the blood circulation of the

Time: 8505.28

brain um and supplies neurons with

Time: 8508.08

vasopressin but it's very non-specific

Time: 8510.16

and I'm not criticizing but if you think

Time: 8511.76

about you just putting a bunch of

Time: 8513.399

vasopressin into the brain and if people

Time: 8515.52

wonder why this is that it's because

Time: 8517.319

basically you have neurons of your

Time: 8519.16

central nervous system um are part of

Time: 8521.28

your factory system and believe it or

Time: 8522.68

not right behind your where your nose

Time: 8524.479

meets your forehead um the brain is

Time: 8527.08

right there there's a little bit of bone

Time: 8528.359

and then the brain is is is right there

Time: 8530.24

so um one of the reasons you can get in

Time: 8532.88

there um and it's easier than an ocular

Time: 8535.08

injection or something that wouldn't be

Time: 8536.96

a good approach and it's easier than a

Time: 8539.479

peripheral in injection into the vein

Time: 8542.04

but at the same time I have to presume

Time: 8544

that this I'm imagining this V supress

Time: 8545.96

just kind of like preting through the

Time: 8547.52

brain binding to whatever receptors

Time: 8549.16

happen to be there you said The

Time: 8550.08

receptors are

Time: 8551.28

everywhere and then this significant

Time: 8554.6

Improvement in social cognition right so

Time: 8556.64

that raises all sorts of interesting

Time: 8558.04

questions about like what are what

Time: 8561.439

relevant circuits are impacted um or is

Time: 8564.319

it some Global Inc could it be some

Time: 8567.24

global increase in kind of awareness of

Time: 8569.64

surroundings um although some autistic

Time: 8571.88

kids are overwhelmed by their awareness

Time: 8573.479

of surroundings so um yeah what are some

Time: 8575.76

thoughts about how vasopress might be

Time: 8577.479

working to exert this this really

Time: 8580.359

impressive and frankly important effect

Time: 8582.399

right so I mean could it increase social

Time: 8584.04

motivation does it you know like so

Time: 8585.76

let's talk about like how sort of

Time: 8587.72

complexity of social um sensory

Time: 8590.04

processing is it that were directing

Time: 8593.24

attention to social cues where there

Time: 8595.359

wouldn't have necessarily been as much

Time: 8597.12

iess right um are we increasing social

Time: 8600.56

motivation which would suggest from some

Time: 8602.439

of the animal studies may actually be

Time: 8604.2

happening right um we don't know and I

Time: 8606.52

think that's partly when you have other

Time: 8608.96

models or if you're able you know to do

Time: 8611.6

imaging studies I mean one thing that's

Time: 8613.479

been a little bit of a Holy Grail in

Time: 8615.279

this field is that if we could get um

Time: 8619.08

tracers that are um basically like a you

Time: 8621.96

know a molecule that would allow us to

Time: 8624.399

inject it into somebody and then

Time: 8626.12

visualize the brain like if I'm thinking

Time: 8627.72

about a pet trace or a radi liend where

Time: 8630.04

you could then ask questions about you

Time: 8632.72

know what's happening in the brain can

Time: 8634.56

we can we give vasor pressent in the

Time: 8636.52

context of a you know functional brain

Time: 8640.319

Imaging scan and ask like where is the

Time: 8642.52

vasor press and binding what kind of

Time: 8644.04

circuits are involved like that needs to

Time: 8646.12

be the next step of the work to know

Time: 8648.6

like where where our targets are and you

Time: 8651.12

you can do something like functional

Time: 8652.76

proteomics right where if you know where

Time: 8655.16

basa press and receptors are you can

Time: 8657.12

overlay that with studies of functional

Time: 8659.72

brain Imaging right and that would allow

Time: 8661.479

you to say these areas are dense in

Time: 8663.6

phasor press and receptors and do we see

Time: 8666.88

similar responses in what we call bold

Time: 8669.479

signal on a on a brain scan so let's

Time: 8672.399

let's be more colloquial about this like

Time: 8674.24

do certain areas of the brain light up

Time: 8676.359

if you will where we know vasopress and

Time: 8678.76

receptors are are densely distributed um

Time: 8682.56

in ways that we know are tied to social

Time: 8686.16

motivation or or social salience or

Time: 8688.359

other things that we think could be

Time: 8689.6

moving the needle here um in the trial

Time: 8692.8

how is this happening and and I think

Time: 8694.92

you know one thing the reason why we did

Time: 8696.76

this work is and I think it speaks to

Time: 8698.6

what you said earlier is there is an

Time: 8701.24

urgency on the part of parents to say

Time: 8704.439

you know my child's brain is developing

Time: 8707.12

right and and there's a sense of that

Time: 8709.64

them you know by the sort of Western

Time: 8711.64

model has failed a lot of people you

Time: 8713.439

know they look to doctors and say what

Time: 8715.04

are what are the solutions and doctors

Time: 8716.56

will say well we have a limited number

Time: 8718.72

of tools in the toolkit here we just

Time: 8720.56

don't know right and so you know one of

Time: 8722.96

the reasons why they did that big

Time: 8724.24

oxytocin study was that people were

Time: 8727.16

trying to get the oxytocin anyway so it

Time: 8729.279

was like let's just make sure that this

Time: 8730.92

is safe let's see if it's effective and

Time: 8733.72

so some of our thinking was you know as

Time: 8736.12

soon as some of this work hits you know

Time: 8739.76

like it get and some of the work is been

Time: 8741.16

covered by the media and so you know our

Time: 8744.08

feeling was we can give this intranasal

Time: 8747.88

um and we can do it under safe

Time: 8750.64

monitoring ways um and so people are

Time: 8753.359

going to think about doing these things

Time: 8754.84

anyway so let's just make sure that this

Time: 8756.56

is safe and let's test this in a

Time: 8758.279

rigorous way so we don't know the mode

Time: 8760.6

of action but then our feeling is is

Time: 8762.56

that you know at least from the initial

Time: 8765.04

safety data it looks pretty safe um and

Time: 8768.6

you know and so the idea would be and

Time: 8770.359

there's a long tradition in Psychiatry

Time: 8772.319

if we don't know the the mechanism of

Time: 8774.24

action but if we have a medication that

Time: 8777

can be impactful and improve the lives

Time: 8779.52

of people with Autism and we can

Time: 8781.8

diminish suffering and people can more

Time: 8784.399

readily reach their full potential you

Time: 8786.92

know to me it actually seems unethical

Time: 8789.279

not to move forward in a way that's

Time: 8791.359

scientifically sound Amen to

Time: 8795.04

that this seems like a good time to

Time: 8797.6

raise the topic of the microbiome and

Time: 8801.96

not as an unrelated topic and and here's

Time: 8804.24

why um I've seen a fair number number of

Time: 8807.359

studies in Mouse models arguing that in

Time: 8810.279

a mouse model of autism which now

Time: 8813.16

frankly I have to kind of wonder about

Time: 8815.279

the the um Power of that model but

Time: 8818.12

anyway the models are out there in the

Time: 8819.88


Time: 8835.72


Time: 8837.399

that fecal transplant into a host that

Time: 8839.88

does have social deficits and rescue

Time: 8843.8

some degree of social deficits I don't

Time: 8846

know if this has actually been done in

Time: 8847.399

humans as well and for those of you that

Time: 8849.12

are cringing yes they do feal

Time: 8850.68

transplants in humans for treatment of

Time: 8852.64

obesity and a bunch of other things um

Time: 8855.64

this isn't because scientists are

Time: 8857.12

obsessed with feal matter it's because

Time: 8859.6

um feal matter contains a lot of the

Time: 8862.2

microbiome elements um so the

Time: 8865.359

microbacteria of the the of the gut um

Time: 8869.24

and the reason I'm raising this now is

Time: 8871.479

you know one possibility and it it's not

Time: 8873.76

mutually exclusive with a brain

Time: 8875.64

mechanism is that the administration of

Time: 8878.2

vasopressin somehow rescued a vasopress

Time: 8881.12

deficiency in the gut so the questions

Time: 8883.479

are as follows is there any evidence

Time: 8885.84

that vasopress is manufactured in or

Time: 8889.439

impacted by the gut microbiome of humans

Time: 8893.04

we'll just start with humans since I

Time: 8894.56

think most and um because that would

Time: 8897.08

that wouldn't be a Smoking Gun but it'

Time: 8898.52

be an interesting detective story well

Time: 8900.92

okay so the one piece of evidence that I

Time: 8902.56

will say that I find provocative and

Time: 8904.399

fascinating and one thing I want to say

Time: 8907

is I I think there's really great work

Time: 8909.6

done in mice I don't want to be a mouse

Time: 8911.04

Basher so I want to just like sort of go

Time: 8912.56

on the record that I'm not bashing other

Time: 8915

models um if it's a conser so I think

Time: 8917.88

about everything from like an

Time: 8919.04

evolutionary perspective if a mouse

Time: 8921.16

shares a brain structure with a human

Time: 8923.6

and it's highly conserved you know Mouse

Time: 8926.12

work can be incredibly important and

Time: 8928.72

very impactful right yeah my my lab did

Time: 8931.6

years of mouse work some primate work

Time: 8933.399

where necessary um now I only work on

Time: 8935.439

humans um but um absolutely it has it

Time: 8939.399

has its uses um but clearly the primate

Time: 8942.319

model for social um deficits as it

Time: 8946.04

relates to autism you you at least have

Time: 8947.72

me convinced that that one has a lot of

Time: 8949.6

power let's just say that exactly okay

Time: 8951.359

but I'm going to now say there is a

Time: 8953.04

really cool Mouse study that was done

Time: 8955.399

that I found and there's been you know

Time: 8957.72

lots of different studies so there's

Time: 8959.8

been mice so there's these like I said

Time: 8961.52

these genetically modified mice that

Time: 8964.279

have genetic syndromes that are you know

Time: 8967.56

where the individuals have social

Time: 8968.84

impairments and some of these

Time: 8970.76

individuals and again here's a here's a

Time: 8973.319

problem with a field often they will

Time: 8975

measure oxytocin but not vasor pressin

Time: 8976.88

right so like they're not often both

Time: 8978.52

measured together which I always do now

Time: 8981.16

um but there's been some really

Time: 8982.76

interesting evidence that in these Mouse

Time: 8985.72

models that and and again multiple

Time: 8989.24

studies but like certainly low blood

Time: 8991.439

oxytocin levels in these Mouse models

Time: 8994.399

what and and with the sense that maybe

Time: 8996.319

they have some sort of abnormal gut

Time: 9000.24

microbiome and then what they've done is

Time: 9002.2

they've given a probiotic to these mice

Time: 9005.64

normalize their social functioning um

Time: 9008.84

and that in there's an increase in

Time: 9011.08

oxytocin and in a recent study also

Time: 9013.439

vasopressin at the level of the

Time: 9015.439

hypothalamus so by giving a probiotic

Time: 9018.92

you I believe the oxytocin levels were

Time: 9021.399

increased in the blood you saw more

Time: 9024.479

species typical social behavior and this

Time: 9027

was all driven by this upregulation of

Time: 9030.399

oxytocin gene expression and also vasor

Time: 9033.04

pressent in this very recent study and

Time: 9035.319

what's interesting is there's this nerve

Time: 9038.04

called the vagus nerve which is uh it's

Time: 9040.64

I think it means the wandering nerve

Time: 9043.319

vagam it's for Vagabond yeah exactly

Time: 9046.24


Time: 9047

and even it's in the gut but it actually

Time: 9050.04

has a direct projection to the nuclei

Time: 9052.52

and the hypothalamus where oxytocin and

Time: 9054.68

vasor pressent are made how interesting

Time: 9056.88

yes and so when you sever the Vagas you

Time: 9060.6

then in this one study it's a neuron

Time: 9062.64

paper um I think it's like 2020 it's a

Time: 9065.16

super cool paper and then what you do is

Time: 9067.72

you decrease the gene expression and you

Time: 9070.08

don't see the rescue of the oxytocin

Time: 9073.16

levels or the social behavior in this

Time: 9075.16

model so so another words if I interpret

Time: 9077.399

this correctly and I'll go look up the

Time: 9078.6

paper and provide a link to it um

Time: 9082.319

they're they're by increasing the

Time: 9086.52

diversity of gut microbiota because

Time: 9088.24

that's really what a probiotic does sort

Time: 9090.04

of across the board increases the

Time: 9091.319

diversity of gut microbiota no one

Time: 9094.16

specific ilis as I always say because

Time: 9095.96

they all seem to end in ilis you know

Time: 9097.479

multiple Iles Iles ilsy here we go again

Time: 9101.319

um you upregulate gene expression and

Time: 9105.439

thereby action of oxytocin and

Time: 9107.68

vasopressin in the hypothalamus but

Time: 9110.16

that's a neurom mediated thing it's not

Time: 9112.68

as if the microbiota travel to the brain

Time: 9114.92

something changes in the gut which

Time: 9116.439

activates the vagal pathway from gut to

Time: 9119.399

the specific nucleus in the brain and um

Time: 9121.64

we know that the vagal pathway is

Time: 9122.92

involved because it seems at least

Time: 9124.56

partially necessary if you sever that

Time: 9126.12

you give a vagotomy then the uh this

Time: 9129.04

effect is is blunted or eliminated

Time: 9131.96

that's very interesting and and ties the

Time: 9134.279

microbiome to oxy invasor Preston

Time: 9137.479

production in a neural and somewhat

Time: 9140.52

causal way um and makes the data on

Time: 9144.88

fecal transplants make a lot of more

Time: 9148.04

sense because I always wondered okay so

Time: 9149.76

you take a you know taking the

Time: 9150.92

microbiota from one animal putting into

Time: 9152.6

another animal you're creating you're

Time: 9155.319

transferring the millu of the gut but it

Time: 9158.76

doesn't say anything about mechanism

Time: 9160.6

right so this this is a really cool

Time: 9162.92

fascinating and there's also a study

Time: 9164.56

I've always wanted to do is you can get

Time: 9166.88

a vagal nerve stimulator they used to do

Time: 9169.2

them as implants right but you can also

Time: 9171.16

get one that you sort of clip onto the

Time: 9172.92

ear and I've always wanted to ask if we

Time: 9176.399

we use this in autistic individuals and

Time: 9180

you know could we increase like can we

Time: 9182.399

alter social behavior right and would

Time: 9184.479

that be something that we could actually

Time: 9185.72

measure in the blood especially if we're

Time: 9187.279

seeing this this change in these blood

Time: 9189.72

levels right are you doing that

Time: 9190.96

experiment no but I've always I've I've

Time: 9193.359

always thought it would be we we have to

Time: 9195.72

get you the to do that experiment and

Time: 9197.68

and I know a few times you've raised the

Time: 9199.319

issue of funding it's not something we

Time: 9200.479

spend a lot of time on this discussing

Time: 9202.439

on this podcast but I think what should

Time: 9204.52

be abundantly clear to the listeners um

Time: 9206.68

throughout the course of this episode is

Time: 9208.319

as you mentioned ear you're very

Time: 9209.52

determined to get work done you'll

Time: 9210.92

figure out a way but the way I describe

Time: 9213.56

um finances and and research is that

Time: 9216.12

it's absolutely necessary but it's not

Time: 9218.399

sufficient you of course have to have

Time: 9219.76

the right people in the right lab head

Time: 9221.72

directing the work but no money no no

Time: 9224

project and it and it is disappointing

Time: 9226.359

to see that despite the federal budget

Time: 9228.279

for research being um you know still

Time: 9230.72

reasonable it's not what we would like

Time: 9232.2

it to be um it's still very hard

Time: 9238.08

for amazing worldclass Labs like yours

Time: 9240.96

to say Hey you know listen there's this

Time: 9242.479

vagel thing and clearly there's a

Time: 9244.04

rationale it's not like you're pulling

Time: 9245.439

this out of out of nowhere and um you

Time: 9247.96

want to go do this study but what we're

Time: 9249.399

really talking about is three to five

Time: 9251.04

years of grant writing before you could

Time: 9252.359

even initiate that study meanwhile

Time: 9254.84

autistic kids are going from Age 2 to 5

Time: 9257.319

to six these are critical windows so if

Time: 9259.359

ever there was a um there was a

Time: 9261.8

rationale for um you know moving a lot

Time: 9264.439

of funding to uh you know I don't even

Time: 9267.84

call it highrisk but you know logically

Time: 9269.88

sound hypothesis testing for the

Time: 9272.12

treatment of autism it's it's now so I'm

Time: 9274.399

I'm going to get active on on this front

Time: 9276.319

so I won't get into how but you know uh

Time: 9278.88

when I get something in my uh in my

Time: 9281.24

neural circuits for for talking they

Time: 9283.04

tend to not shut down for a while well

Time: 9284.8

there will be a community that is is

Time: 9286.16

going to be immensely grateful well it

Time: 9288.399

seems like um the parents of these kids

Time: 9290.279

and the kids themselves could greatly

Time: 9291.68

benefit so um you mentioned that the

Time: 9294.12

first study on um vpress Administration

Time: 9296.76

that saw these improvements in Social

Time: 9298.2

functioning you said a small cohort how

Time: 9300.2

many how many kids was It ultimately

Time: 9302.08

that you could use data from okay so we

Time: 9304.399

had I mean you screen a lot so I think

Time: 9306.439

our you know because we had very rigid

Time: 9308.2

criteria so we ended up with 17 kids

Time: 9311.64

that were on active drug and 13 that

Time: 9313.92

were on Placebo and then not a study no

Time: 9317.12

and the placebo CH we we always have

Time: 9320.16

like a humanitarian open label extension

Time: 9322.8

arm which allows for anybody who is in

Time: 9325.439

Placebo can get access to the drug so

Time: 9328

both Antonio and I feel very strongly

Time: 9330.399

about making sure that if we're doing a

Time: 9331.72

medication trial everybody can benefit

Time: 9333.64

from it right so afterwards if they say

Time: 9336.04

okay I was in the placebo group but I

Time: 9337.52

really want the chance to try this thing

Time: 9339.279

they can't but then you also get more

Time: 9340.439

data we get right so I think when the

Time: 9342.52

families are now aware that their child

Time: 9344.8

is on basor pressent and the clinicians

Time: 9347.359

are aware you know you really want

Time: 9349.279

there's a huge Placebo response rate

Time: 9351.52

right and so I mean it's not a placebo

Time: 9353.399

response rate here but but we really

Time: 9355.92

would want to make sure that our

Time: 9359.24

evaluation of the social behavior is

Time: 9361.72

done unaware to the medication but you

Time: 9364.319

can get good safety data right so so you

Time: 9367.04

can have those you know 13 children who

Time: 9369.52

were on Placebo we can then also make

Time: 9372.12

sure that their blood chemistry Labs

Time: 9374.52

look good that their cardiograms look

Time: 9377.16

good right and so that also allows us to

Time: 9380.399

assess safety parameters in a greater

Time: 9382.399

number of children in a fairly broad

Time: 9385.96

literature search I was able to find

Time: 9388.16

okay microbiome so feal transplant is

Time: 9390.439

something that people are excited about

Time: 9392

as weird and there are trials in people

Time: 9393.92

with Autism ongoing in using feal

Time: 9396.399

transplants okay oxytocin nasal spray

Time: 9400.2

presumably still being investigated by

Time: 9402.56

some groups or it's been abandoned well

Time: 9404.479

I think it's mostly been abandoned

Time: 9405.92

because there's no funding priorities

Time: 9407.8

for it right so so I know that maybe in

Time: 9410.68

Australia because of Adam's positive

Time: 9413.52

findings that I I don't know what his

Time: 9415.359

plans are but maybe he's doing work

Time: 9417.319

there um there might be a little bit of

Time: 9420.16

work with behavioral therapy and

Time: 9422.76

oxytocin but this is the problem when

Time: 9425.08

there's one big trial that fails the

Time: 9427.8

funding just completely dries up so even

Time: 9430.04

if there's promise I don't know a single

Time: 9432.6

funding agency that's going to touch it

Time: 9434.88

got it um and then there's the Vasa

Time: 9437.24

pressen Administration work that you're

Time: 9439.68

doing right I think it's worth

Time: 9441.359

contrasting that work with the Fairly

Time: 9444.76

large trial that was done by a major

Time: 9446.8

pharmaceutical company exploring the

Time: 9448.6

role of vasopress in for the treatment

Time: 9450.279

of autism um you could tell us what they

Time: 9453.8

did because it's

Time: 9456.56

basically the opposite of what you did

Time: 9459.52

um and you can tell us the outcome

Time: 9461.88

because I think that if anything that

Time: 9463.439

study um in advertently Provide support

Time: 9467.479

for the results that you observed which

Time: 9469.16

is that administering let's say

Time: 9470.88

increasing Bas oppress levels in the

Time: 9472.479

brain seems to um ameliorate some of the

Time: 9474.88

social deficits of autism right so um Ro

Time: 9478.92

had a compound called bapin which was a

Time: 9481.52


Time: 9483.08

v1a receptor antagonist which basically

Time: 9486

means there's um I think I mentioned

Time: 9487.6

there's these four neuropeptide

Time: 9489.04

receptors and oxytocin vas are present

Time: 9491.52

binding to each other's receptors but

Time: 9493.279

the v1a receptor is the one that is um

Time: 9498.56

most implicated in social behavior um

Time: 9501.479

and so they had and this is the tricky

Time: 9503.64

part about when medications are

Time: 9505.56

developed in in Pharma versus in

Time: 9507.64

academics right in academics there's

Time: 9509.96

definitely this transparency we write

Time: 9511.92

grants the abstracts are are publicly

Time: 9514.16

available we register our trials they do

Time: 9516.2

too but a lot of the shall we say early

Time: 9518.52

development is all put out in

Time: 9520.2

Publications right and then it's also

Time: 9521.88

peer- reviewed and there's you know an

Time: 9524.84

open trail of why we're doing what we're

Time: 9526.72

doing but in a pharmaceutical company

Time: 9529.08

you know they have the ability because

Time: 9530.88

also they have all the funding to be

Time: 9532.72

able to do all kinds of development that

Time: 9534.76

may never see the light of day because

Time: 9536.439

of the proprietary basis of it right and

Time: 9539

so you know when you go back to so it's

Time: 9541.72

not it's it still is not clear to me why

Time: 9544.88

they took the approach of using an

Time: 9548.08

antagonist to the main Vaso pressent

Time: 9550.6

receptor in the brain um what's

Time: 9553.52

interesting is if you go back and you

Time: 9555.399

look at the animal literature there are

Time: 9558.64

hamsters that if you give them vasor

Time: 9560.64

presson they become aggressive right and

Time: 9562.64

if you give male Prairie VES vas op

Time: 9565.24

press they can become aggressive but

Time: 9566.8

let's think about the context that

Time: 9568.399

they're doing this in these hamsters

Time: 9571

that show aggression are asocial they

Time: 9573.479

live by themselves if you give them vas

Time: 9575.479

oppress and the only social repertoire

Time: 9578.56

they have is to you know have sex with a

Time: 9581.24

female or to fight a male that they see

Time: 9583.72

they have a very limited social rep

Time: 9586.08

right and when the Prairie V male is be

Time: 9588.16

is being given vasopressin it's often in

Time: 9590.76

the context of PR like um protecting his

Time: 9593.319

mate and his offspring and so then it's

Time: 9595.6

actually species appropriate for him to

Time: 9597.8

attack a Marauder male on his territory

Time: 9600.479

who's going to you know kill his babies

Time: 9603.04

right and so so my thinking in reading

Time: 9605.6

the preclinical literature the animal

Time: 9607.279

literature was that all right that makes

Time: 9609.92

a lot of sense in the context of those

Time: 9611.8

species but we've never seen any

Time: 9614.319

evidence in our Tri aggression didn't

Time: 9616.64

change we also have an aggression

Time: 9618

measure in this current in the current

Time: 9619.72

trial as well but you know for me the

Time: 9623.279

vast majority of evidence from the

Time: 9625.24

animal literature suggested that Vasa

Time: 9627.56

presson was

Time: 9629.12

pro-social um and that you know

Time: 9631.359

especially given our our CSF findings

Time: 9634.16

like over and over across species across

Time: 9636.399

studies across ages that we we should be

Time: 9639.16

giving vaser presson especially given

Time: 9641.16

the correlations between vaser presson

Time: 9643.64

in CSF and symptom severity and autistic

Time: 9646.399

traits you know the former and people

Time: 9649.56

and the latter in the monkeys um and so

Time: 9652.359

they had some preliminary studies that I

Time: 9655.399

believe were maybe single dose one that

Time: 9658.08

they published um but then they had a

Time: 9660.68

trial where the primary outcome measure

Time: 9663.479

the social responsiveness scale was

Time: 9665.16

negative and then they had um some

Time: 9668.72

secondary measures that maybe showed

Time: 9670.12

some promise and then they were

Time: 9671.92

conducting another trial um and then did

Time: 9675.72

a futility analysis and I know they

Time: 9677.479

stopped the trial and I don't think it

Time: 9679.2

was for safety reasons but again you

Time: 9681.16

know a lot of this isn't made public

Time: 9682.84

right because it's a pharmaceutical

Time: 9684.24

company so you know we we will see

Time: 9687.279

because we are going to be completing

Time: 9688.88

our larger trial you know this year and

Time: 9691.92

you know as they say the proof is in the

Time: 9693.24

pudding so we will see if you know we

Time: 9695.68

can replicate our initial pilot findings

Time: 9698.12

well sounds like they got it backwards

Time: 9700.12

that blocking vasopress Pathways would

Time: 9702.24

just make things worse and that

Time: 9704.319

augmenting Vis oppress and makes things

Time: 9706.399

better um although that last statement

Time: 9709.319

um needs to be supported by this more

Time: 9711.56

extensive population well I think you

Time: 9713.399

know there's been a lot of speculation

Time: 9714.88

and maybe there are people closer to the

Time: 9716.399

trial than me who might be able to speak

Time: 9718.2

to mechanism but you know I would meet

Time: 9720.6

the RO people at conferences and they

Time: 9722.479

would come to my talks and I would

Time: 9724.2

always ask him like what's the mechanism

Time: 9725.76

of action why are you antagonizing the

Time: 9727.92

system when we're giving you know a Vasa

Time: 9729.8

pressent Agonist if you will and you

Time: 9731.88

know some people had said well maybe by

Time: 9733.72

blocking the Vasa presson recept

Time: 9736.24

you know there's a way to have oxytocin

Time: 9739.16

me be more bioavailable that sounds like

Time: 9741.8

some gymnastics yeah yeah I totally

Time: 9743.64

great and so I've never had a I I've

Time: 9745.52

never received a

Time: 9747.76

compelling response from anybody about

Time: 9751

why they did their trial and then you

Time: 9753.68

know the differences I mean when when

Time: 9755.279

this was ongoing and you know there was

Time: 9758.279

potentially room for both right um you

Time: 9761.279

know maybe I thought that maybe there's

Time: 9762.76

some some optimal band of Vasa presson

Time: 9764.8

signaling in the the brain right and so

Time: 9766.96

maybe there's some people where they

Time: 9768.88

have too much vasopress and some who

Time: 9770.8

have too little right and so this was a

Time: 9772.6

lot of maybe but it it doesn't to me

Time: 9775.16

seem like that's the case especially if

Time: 9777.319

our current trial has a positive rate

Time: 9779.68

out I'd be remiss if I didn't ask for

Time: 9782.8

your stance and uh read of the landscape

Time: 9787.279

on the data about vacines and autism I'm

Time: 9790.6

not talking about covid vaccines here I

Time: 9792.479

want to be really clear about that but

Time: 9794.279

there was a theory uh running about um

Time: 9797.52

not just in the Press but in um the

Time: 9800.16

scientific literature for a while that

Time: 9802.52

uh vaccines could cause autism yeah that

Time: 9806.08

was proposed um my understanding is that

Time: 9810.12


Time: 9810.84

debunked that idea still lives on the

Time: 9815

internet um but what is the evidence or

Time: 9818.439

let let's say let's go through this

Time: 9820.56

sequentially what was the idea what was

Time: 9823.6

the evidence for that idea and

Time: 9825.8

then what caused the demise of the the

Time: 9829.68

at least the scientific support for that

Time: 9831.2

idea leaving open of course that new

Time: 9833.319

data may come right but let's talk about

Time: 9835.72

what is known now right and I think what

Time: 9837.88

I will say is being evidence-based is is

Time: 9840.72

sort of like something that all

Time: 9843.399

scientists should strive for right and

Time: 9846.12

so so the the backstory on this is there

Time: 9848.76

was a guy named Andrew Wakefield who

Time: 9850.359

published a paper um and he basically

Time: 9853.16

said the preservatives and vaccines are

Time: 9855.24

causing autism so not the specific

Time: 9857.84

vaccine but the adant the stuff that's

Time: 9859.84

preserving the stuff that's keeping the

Time: 9862.319

the vaccines um bio effective right at

Time: 9865.479

least that was my understanding right

Time: 9867.6

that's mine as well and so and and then

Time: 9869.92

it turn I want to be clear because the

Time: 9871.319

internet is is a is a cruel and um

Time: 9874

diabolical place my stance is that that

Time: 9876.92

was the hypothesis I don't agree with

Time: 9880.08

that stance right okay right and so or

Time: 9883.08

if we want to just back up a little bit

Time: 9884.8

broader there was this idea that

Time: 9886.88

something about vaccines were causing a

Time: 9890

um autism but the study was debunked he

Time: 9892.479

lost his medical license and the paper

Time: 9894.68

was retracted right well he lost his

Time: 9896.56

medical license on the basis of the fact

Time: 9898.439

that the study was wrong or was there

Time: 9900.76

think he F the data there were that's

Time: 9902.56

why I recall as well that there was

Time: 9903.88

evidence of him literally making up the

Time: 9906.52

data right right so it wasn't a case of

Time: 9908.72

like sloppy technique it was a case of

Time: 9911.24

of intentional fraud right that's my

Time: 9913.64

understanding again what was the did

Time: 9915.2

anyone ever like look into what his

Time: 9917.439

motivation for what what it was like why

Time: 9920.16

someone would I mean threw away his

Time: 9921.52

whole career right yeah I don't I don't

Time: 9924.319

know um but but I think the hard part

Time: 9927.279

about that is understandably people got

Time: 9930.479

very frightened right that we're doing

Time: 9932.399

something to our children that could

Time: 9934.56

have you know un unanticipated

Time: 9937

consequences and you know when something

Time: 9938.84

like that happens then we dump a you

Time: 9941.319

know we we spend a lot of money

Time: 9942.96

investigating it and so the the the good

Time: 9944.8

news is at this point there have been

Time: 9946.399

multiple multiple studies that haven't

Time: 9949.16

shown a correlation between you know

Time: 9952.56

vaccines and autism I do believe the

Time: 9954.64

preservatives have been changed as a

Time: 9956.439

result so that's something we should

Time: 9957.76

check um that you know that might be

Time: 9959.56

something where you know there's been a

Time: 9961.52

public health change on preservatives

Time: 9963.479

that are in vaccines that's interesting

Time: 9965.359

in its own right I mean we don't want to

Time: 9966.88

cause alarm if um but that's that's

Time: 9969.08

interesting you know that that in this

Time: 9971.279

data fraud case it might have cued

Time: 9973.08

people to the idea that certain things

Time: 9974.68

might have been um needing change even

Time: 9978.12

though it wasn't the specific issue that

Time: 9979.84

this uh this fraudulent researcher was

Time: 9982.52

focused on the change was made to make

Time: 9984.359

sure people would vaccinate their

Time: 9985.76

children right like so this is something

Time: 9987.68

that I think we should have lots of

Time: 9989.12

caveats here like you know post the post

Time: 9991.72

the studies like make sure that what

Time: 9993.72

we're saying is accurate right but I but

Time: 9996.12

I think that my concern is that we've

Time: 9998.399

spent you know so the good news is that

Time: 10001.2

you know the Maj like every single study

Time: 10003.08

that I'm aware of does not not show a

Time: 10005.92

relationship between vaccination and

Time: 10007.92

autism right and so I think that most

Time: 10010.64

scientists and medical doctors that I

Time: 10012.479

know that are part of like the you know

Time: 10015.2

standard biomed research Community do

Time: 10018

not believe the vaccines cause autism

Time: 10020.279

they vaccinate their own children you

Time: 10022.479

know they recommend vaccinations to

Time: 10024.6

other people's children um and and so I

Time: 10027.399

think that's where we are um you know

Time: 10030.04

could I just ask a question um uh and I

Time: 10032.72

feel more than obligated to do this

Time: 10034.72

because I I don't you know I think I

Time: 10036.76

have a pretty good finger on the pulse

Time: 10038.04

of the listenership of this podcast but

Time: 10039.96

I think there's a range of of stances on

Time: 10043.04

this um where some people um have a lot

Time: 10046.12

of trust in the standard medical

Time: 10047.439

establishment others have less right

Time: 10049.479

trust in the standard medical

Time: 10050.6

establishment and I wouldn't be doing my

Time: 10052.319

job if I didn't try and represent um all

Time: 10055.6

those sides um and you know one thing

Time: 10058.96

that I've heard okay is that over the

Time: 10061.8

last 20 or 30 years there's been a

Time: 10063.68

dramatic increase in the number of

Time: 10065.359

vaccinations that kids get and I don't

Time: 10067.319

know if that's true but when we say

Time: 10069.16

vaccinations we could be talking about

Time: 10071.24

you know measles Mom's forella right um

Time: 10074.16

polio um we could also be talking about

Time: 10076.479

measles bumps forbell polio flu shots

Time: 10079.64

every year rabies vaccine technis

Time: 10082.399

vaccine H HPV right with one that wasn't

Time: 10085.96

even available when I was in in college

Time: 10087.92

you know as a everyone in college was

Time: 10089.84

was well aware there wasn't an HPV

Time: 10091.24

vaccine um didn't change people's

Time: 10093.08

behavior a whole lot but um

Time: 10095.84


Time: 10097.56

know there's there's a vaccine there's

Time: 10101

multiple vaccines and then there's you

Time: 10103.16

know all the vaccines yeah right and I

Time: 10105.279

think that one of the concerns that I

Time: 10106.76

hear about um is the idea that okay

Time: 10110.16

there's some critical vaccines but then

Time: 10112

which ones are perhaps less critical if

Time: 10114.359

any um and these are the kinds of

Time: 10116.359

discussions that are starting to surface

Time: 10118.96

um and that you know have parents and

Time: 10121.84

potential parents you know rightfully

Time: 10123.76

thinking about this stuff and and no one

Time: 10125.439

really knows where to get the

Time: 10126.68

information but like I'm I I've tried

Time: 10129.479

and I can't find a pediatrician that

Time: 10131.2

says Hey listen these but not those or

Time: 10134.72

you can certainly find board certified

Time: 10137.16

Physicians that say many and certain

Time: 10139.24

board certified Physicians that say none

Time: 10141.08

you actually can find those um the none

Time: 10143.2

category tend to hide themselves a

Time: 10144.64

little bit more than others for obvious

Time: 10146.56

reasons but it's hard to get a sense of

Time: 10148.96

like which which vaccines are critical

Time: 10151.08

and which ones aren't if you're a parent

Time: 10152.88

and you're not versed in this stuff and

Time: 10155.04

so you could imagine that like people

Time: 10157.439

are you know kids are taking many more

Time: 10159.88

vaccines and only some of those are

Time: 10161.279

critical or maybe all of them are

Time: 10162.479

critical well I think I guess the way I

Time: 10164.56

would maybe turn it on its head is that

Time: 10167.279

you know because of

Time: 10169.439

this this study that did in some ways so

Time: 10173.12

much harm right like we SPI study we

Time: 10175.6

spent I I I don't even want to Hazard a

Time: 10178.439

guess about how much money worldwide

Time: 10180.68

went into studying you know the the you

Time: 10184.12

know vaccine and autism based on a

Time: 10186.359

fraudulent data right like that's to me

Time: 10188.239

a real tragedy but at the time they

Time: 10190.12

didn't know it was fraudulent exactly so

Time: 10192.2

they went after this thinking it was

Time: 10193.88

true okay but I think I think the thing

Time: 10197

the consequence of all this that I think

Time: 10199.04

is also extremely sad is that

Time: 10203.72

everybody because everyone got so riled

Time: 10206.279

up and so fearful there has been

Time: 10209.8

historically until recently many

Time: 10212

researchers who were like oh man I don't

Time: 10213.92

want to touch IM mology and autism with

Time: 10215.8

a 10-ft pole right and yeah you know and

Time: 10219.399

I I wouldn't consider myself Fearless

Time: 10221.239

but like my lab never had any reason to

Time: 10223.04

work on those yeah on those important

Time: 10225.52

problems but I'll tell you like it seems

Time: 10227.2

like a it's not a kettle of fish it's

Time: 10228.92

it's a ball of barbed wire with a bunch

Time: 10230.76

of you know Napalm burning around it and

Time: 10233

you know I mean you say one thing your

Time: 10235.52

your career is ending you say the

Time: 10237.2

opposite thing your career is also

Time: 10238.56

ending you know it's it it's it's a it's

Time: 10241.92

a mess but but I think this highlights

Time: 10245

that there are so many parents you know

Time: 10247.12

again and I think we need to listen to

Time: 10248.8

parent stakeholders right like you know

Time: 10251.12

there's there needs to be a dialogue

Time: 10253.84

whenever anybody's studying any illness

Time: 10256.439

to to talk to the people who are

Time: 10258.2

involved right and and I think that

Time: 10260.279

there are parents who will report wow

Time: 10262.68

like there are there is immune system

Time: 10265.08

disregulation in my child and but

Time: 10268.359

because of this historical issue with

Time: 10271.16

vaccines it's only been very recently

Time: 10274.12

that I think people scientists medical

Time: 10276.56

doctors have said okay we're hearing a

Time: 10279.16

lot about this from parents and are

Time: 10281.64

there a group of individuals who have

Time: 10284.64

you know um immune issues that could be

Time: 10287.16

driving their autism right we don't know

Time: 10288.88

and everything should be evidence-based

Time: 10290.92

but I think that like you said with this

Time: 10292.52

cancel culture and all this fear

Time: 10295.16

scientists sometimes will pick topics

Time: 10297.64

very judiciously based on you know like

Time: 10301.04

hey I just want to be left in peace and

Time: 10303.16

I'm trying to help this community and if

Time: 10305.64

there is areas of the Enterprise that

Time: 10307.64

you think are going to cause all kinds

Time: 10309.16

of grief then people are going to be

Time: 10311.319

less reluctant to study them even if

Time: 10313.439

it's critically needed well that's a a

Time: 10316.96

perfect place to say thank you I realize

Time: 10320.92

you're not addressing the vaccine autism

Time: 10323.16

issue directly but you're so clearly

Time: 10325.96

going after the target trying to figure

Time: 10328.16

out what are the biological mechanisms

Time: 10330.68

that are disrupted in autism and by

Time: 10332.84

extension other deficits of social

Time: 10335.2

function in kids and adults you've

Time: 10337.8

identified this incredible relationship

Time: 10340.399


Time: 10342.359

vasopress which should have more

Time: 10344.64

prominence in my opinion than oxytocin

Time: 10346.88

its lesser cousin just kidding oxytocin

Time: 10349.84

lovers um but also have shown you know

Time: 10354.76

yes in a small study but you're now

Time: 10356.16

extending this to a larger cohort as you

Time: 10358.84

mentioned uh a causal relationship when

Time: 10362.52

B oppress is administered to these low

Time: 10364.92

vasopress SL low social functioning kids

Time: 10367.96

their symptoms improve so I I know I

Time: 10370.92

speak for many people when I say that um

Time: 10373.52

I truly appreciate your doggedness in in

Time: 10376.88

going after this problem especially on

Time: 10379.439

the complicated landscape of lack of

Time: 10381.2

funding for doing novel and truly

Time: 10383.08

high-risk work um especially on the

Time: 10386.72

backdrop of the sociopolitical landscape

Time: 10389.96

around autism it's a complicated thing

Time: 10391.56

even to discuss you know as I mentioned

Time: 10393.6

in the introduction you know we had to

Time: 10395.279

have some fluency around autism so we

Time: 10397.12

sometimes said autistic sometimes we

Time: 10399.439

said people with Autism you know I mean

Time: 10401.6

it's a it's a tough one but in order to

Time: 10403.92

make progress real progress in this area

Time: 10406.64

we need people like you we need you and

Time: 10409.04

you're doing it to get in there and just

Time: 10411

go okay you know let's get at the

Time: 10412.399

biological functions let's get at the

Time: 10414.16

novel treatments and you're making

Time: 10416

amazing progress so I'm so grateful that

Time: 10417.84

you're doing it and that you'll continue

Time: 10419.56

to do it and that you came here today um

Time: 10422.6

to teach us what you've been up to um

Time: 10424.92

I'm oh so grateful and I just want to

Time: 10427.16

say thank you for that and that we

Time: 10428.96

absolutely have to get you back here uh

Time: 10430.84

to give us an update on your progress

Time: 10433.04

really soon and and again and again and

Time: 10435.479

again thank you so much I love being

Time: 10437.6

here all right well I've Loved this

Time: 10439.359

conversation and um I'll sign off by

Time: 10442.12

saying folks this is how diseases are

Time: 10445.16

cured thank you for joining me for

Time: 10447.12

today's discussion with Dr Karen Parker

Time: 10449.12

about the biological basis of social

Time: 10450.88

functioning and autism to learn more

Time: 10453.16

about Dr Parker's research

Time: 10454.8

please see the links in our show note

Time: 10456.439

captions if you're learning from and or

Time: 10458.399

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Time: 10460.279

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Time: 10462.359

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Time: 10464.8

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Time: 10466.68

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Time: 10469.12

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Time: 10470.68

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Time: 10472.72

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Time: 10474.439

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Time: 10475.8

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Time: 10477.92

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Time: 10480.279

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Time: 10492.479

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Time: 10494.16

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Time: 10497.96

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Time: 10499.92

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Time: 10502.04

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Time: 10503.359

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Time: 10519.399

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Time: 10521.2

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Time: 10550.399

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Time: 10554.6

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Time: 10556.439

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Time: 10559.439

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Time: 10561.92

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Time: 10565.8

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Time: 10568.16

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Time: 10570.359

and enter your email and I should point

Time: 10572.08

out that we do not share your email with

Time: 10574.279

anybody thank you once again for joining

Time: 10576.12

me for today's discussion with Dr Karen

Time: 10578.08

Parker and last but certainly not least

Time: 10580.96

thank you for your interest in

Time: 10582.09


Time: 10586.399


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