Dr. James Hollis: How to Find Your True Purpose & Create Your Best Life

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is Dr James

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Hollis Dr James Hollis is a jungian

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psychoanalyst and author of more than 17

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books about the self relationships and

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how to create the best possible life

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some of the notable titles and topics of

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those books include creating a life

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finding your individual path as well as

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the Eden project in search of the

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magical other which as the name suggests

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is about relationships he has also

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written about how to access our most

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resilient self in the book entitled

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living Between Worlds finding personal

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resilience in changing times during

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today's discussion Dr Hollis teaches us

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what questions we need to ask of

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ourselves on a regular basis in order to

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best understand who we really are and

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what we most Des desire at the level of

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vocation romantic relationships

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friendship and family and indeed in

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relationship to life's journey what

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you'll quickly realized during today's

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discussion with Dr Hollis is that while

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yes he is trained as a yian

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psychoanalyst he is also very firmly

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grounded in Practical tools that is he

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teaches us the simple and yet practical

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tools that we can each and all apply on

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a daily basis in order to make sure that

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we are staying on our best path we

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discuss how family dynamics that we grew

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up in as well as trauma and attachment

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Styles combined with our unique gifts

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and indeed our shadow side as well in

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order to drive us down particular

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trajectories in life that sometimes lead

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us where we want to go but other times

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lead us astray and when they do how to

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get back on track today's conversation

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with Dr Hollis is truly a special one in

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that he rarely does podcast appearances

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in fact we travel to him to record this

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podcast that's how motivated I was to be

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able to sit down with him because I'm

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familiar with his many books and his

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incredible teachings but I really wanted

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to get his knowledge collected in one

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format in one place and what I can

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promise you is that by the end of

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today's podcast you will be thinking

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differently about yourself about the

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people in your life and indeed life

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itself before we begin I'd like to

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emphasize that this podcast is separate

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from my teaching and research roles at

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Stanford it is however part of my desire

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and effort to bring zero cost to

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Consumer information about science and

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science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is matina

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matina makes loose leaf and ready to

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drink ybba mate now I've long been a fan

Time: 156.959

of yerbamate as a source of caffeine in

Time: 159.2

part because of its high antioxidant

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content as well as its ability to

Time: 162.64

elevate glucagon like peptide 1 or glp1

Time: 165.76

which leads to a slight appetite

Time: 167.4

suppressing effect as well as its

Time: 169.04

ability to regulate blood sugar and

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possible neuroprotective effects I also

Time: 172.84

just happen to love the way that

Time: 173.879

yerbamate tastes I'll sometimes drink it

Time: 176.08

hot by pouring hot water over the loose

Time: 177.92

leaf yerbamate and I'm particularly fond

Time: 180.519

these days of drinking the zero sugar

Time: 182.72

cold brew matina yerbamate that I help

Time: 185.159

develop now I realize that there are a

Time: 186.68

lot of different brands of loose leaf

Time: 188.44

and canned and bottled yerbamate out

Time: 190.319

there but the reason I like matina the

Time: 191.92

most is first of all it has absolutely

Time: 194.28

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Time: 196.64

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Time: 198.64

thirdly because they offer low sugar and

Time: 200.56

zero sugar varieties if you'd like to

Time: 202.48

try matina you can go to drink maa.com

Time: 205.72

huberman that's spelled drink m a t i n

Time: 209.56

a /h huberman Right Now matina is

Time: 212.76

offering a free one PB bag of loose leaf

Time: 214.959

yate tea and free shipping with a

Time: 217.28

purchase of two cases of their C Brew y

Time: 219.76

bate again that's drink maa.com

Time: 223

huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by ju ju makes medical grade red

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light therapy devices now there's one

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thing that I've consistently emphasized

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on this podcast it's the incredible

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impact that light meaning photons can

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have on our mental health and physical

Time: 238.519

health red and near infrared light has

Time: 240.799

been shown to have profound effects on

Time: 242.28

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Time: 244.28

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Time: 246.2

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Time: 247.84

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Time: 250.28

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Time: 252.36

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Time: 254.76

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Time: 256.84

infrared light and most importantly

Time: 258.84

offers the only true medical grade Red

Time: 261.04

Light Panel available I personally try

Time: 263

to use the handheld ju go unit as it's

Time: 265.56

called every day and especially when I'm

Time: 267.52

on the road traveling if you'd like to

Time: 269.24

try Ju you can go to jv.com huberman

Time: 272.479


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jv.com huberman juv is offering an

Time: 276.639

exclusive discount to huberman Lab

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podcast listeners with up to $400 off

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juu products again that's jv.com

Time: 284.039

huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by betterhelp betterhelp offers

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Professional Therapy with a licensed

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therapist carried out online I've been

Time: 293.28

going to therapy for well over 30 years

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initially I didn't have a choice it was

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a condition of being allowed to stay in

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school but pretty soon I realized that

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therapy is extremely valuable in fact I

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consider doing regular therapy just as

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important as getting regular exercise

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including cardiovascular exercise and

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resistance training which of course I

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also do every week the reason I know

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therapy is so valuable is that if you

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can find a therapist with whom you can

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develop a really good rapport you not

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only get terrific support for some of

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the challenges in your life but you also

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can derive tremendous insights from that

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therapy insights that can allow you to

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better not just your emotional life your

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relationship life but of of course also

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the relationship to yourself and to your

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professional life to all sorts of career

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goals in fact IC therapy is one of the

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key components for meshing together all

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aspects of one's life and being able to

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really direct one's focus and attention

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toward what really matters if you'd like

Time: 346.639

to try betterhelp go to betterhelp.com

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huberman to get 10% off your first month

Time: 351.639

again that's betterhelp.com

Time: 353.639

huberman and now for my discussion with

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Dr James Hollis Dr James Hollis such a

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honor and a pleasure to sit down with

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you I'm a huge fan of your writing and

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I'm excited to talk to you today thank

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you Andrew it's a privilege to be with

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you thank you let's talk about the self

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this is something that I think people

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occasionally wonder about you know who

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who am I we wake up every day we have

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some stable representation of who we are

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in our name most of the time and we

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develop a self a story MH based on what

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we know about our parents our siblings

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our life from the perspective of yion

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psychology maybe psychology generally

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how should we think about

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ourselves well first of all the idea of

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the self with a capital S to distinguish

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it from the ego Consciousness that is to

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say my conscious presence as you and I

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are talking right now um is a

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Transcendent other it's a mystery it's

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um essentially governed by our instincts

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you know it's nature seeking its own

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expression and its own healing what I've

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seen in terms of the activity of the

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self through the years it has two

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agendas one healing when injured and

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secondly expressing itself in the same

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way that the acorn becomes the oak tree

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so to speak um now the ego of course is

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that little cintilla of energy that we

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begins to Cluster we're born without an

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ego but then there's this sbl shards of

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experience between the the me and the

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not me that slowly accumulate almost in

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Tidal pools so that I begin to

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differentiate myself from the other my

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mother let's say or my father or the

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object that is there and you're right we

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are an animal that seeks to understand

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as part of our adaptation to the world

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and so we are narrative animals we

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create stories about it and our stories

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rise out of what we're experiencing at

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the moment so you can see why a person

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bornn into a certain culture or a

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certain family of origin with its style

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of relating or disr as the case may be

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uh becomes the ground for defining that

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person's sense of self so it's important

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to distinguish between the self and

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one's sense of self the sense of self is

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who I think I am in any given moment

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that's very fluid of course now we have

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all kinds of internal clusters of energy

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that are called complexes a ter that

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ized and complexes are uh Splinter

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personalities he said so a person might

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say why did I get so upset yesterday

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what what came over me or I don't know

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what I was thinking when I made this

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decision and that's our recognition that

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we were in an altered state at that

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moment that it that something within us

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had been triggered had sufficient energy

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to come up usurp ego Consciousness and

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take it over actually the term that y

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used in in German meant possession it's

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a state of psychic possession

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temporarily you know we we joke that

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lovers are fools or lovers are blind so

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we know that people are in a certain

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they're caught in a certain projection

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onto the to the other and you know that

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ultimately gets um you know resolved

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into some sort of reality through time

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and and experience with that

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individual but in that state of being

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one senses that one's making the right

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decision and no one wakes in the morning

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and says for example well today I think

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I'm going to do the same stupid

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counterproductive things I've done for

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decades but there's a good chance we

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will why because we have certain

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clusters of energy in us that are

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regularly triggered when triggered they

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catalyze a response in the ego that

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enacts that program so it affects our

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body it affects our our script and of

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course it affects our our per I of self

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and world so you know from the

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standpoint of of therapy one of the

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things we try to do is suggest to people

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you're not what happened to you because

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one of our Tendencies is to internalize

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whatever is happening to us and thinking

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of that defines us of course the younger

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the more less formed we are uh the more

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we're likely to be defined by poverty or

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by disease or by alcoholism or or by

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sexism or or whatever the social

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constructs are into which we're born as

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well as the psychodynamics of the family

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of origin so in those

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circumstances uh we all have a

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provisional sense of

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self and if you have a culture that says

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this is who you are this is what you're

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your your orders are your your marching

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orders here's your script and the more

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authoritarian the culture or or the more

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traumatic one's environmental situation

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and family of origin the more likely I'm

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going to be reacting to that

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so when I've had an experience I'm

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either going to repeat it or I'm going

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to try to run from it or maybe I'll be

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spending my life trying to treat it in

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some way that I'm not aware

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of um this activates many people into

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the healing professions by the way

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whether it's clergy nursing therapy etc

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etc that that's often a sensitive child

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in the family who feels I have to try to

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stabilize my environment in order to uh

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so get things back to a a normal State

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whatever that might be so that then it

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can be there for me but of course that

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never quite happens you know a child

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can't fix a parent you see and so many

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people in the helping

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professions um are are driven there by a

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powerful internalized message which

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becomes their sense of self so it's a

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long-winded way of saying there's

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distinction between the self which is

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the natural organic development of this

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organism you know as we're speaking it's

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growing our toenails digesting our

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breakfast mentating emoting and so forth

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most of that's autonomous activity it's

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kind of like the centipede you know you

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congratulate the centipede on how well

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he coordinates all of his legs and then

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he thinks well should I move this leg or

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this leg or this and he's immobilized

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these are not functions that we govern

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consciously although we can interrupt

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them consciously but something is there

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taking care of us it's an organic Unity

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and that's what you meant by the by the

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self capital S our sense of self is a

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different matter and so one of the

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things that I've tried to emphasize in

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therapy is you're not what happened to

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you because we tend to be bound to our

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story that says either that's who I am

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that's what I'm defined by or I'm

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spending my life trying to differentiate

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myself from that get away from that

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perhaps so um again our sense of self is

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very provisional it evolves and and in

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any given moment there may be something

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in the unconscious that's um triggered

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and of course the problem with the

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unconscious it's unconscious so I don't

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know that it's happened it's I I have

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the unconscious uh triggered it has the

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power to rise take over provisionally

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spin out its program and then after a

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while you know it recedes back into the

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unconscious and as I said sometimes

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people will stop and say well I wonder

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what was behind that decision or why did

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I choose that path or what in me is

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blocking me from doing what I know is

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right for me you know as uh Paul said in

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the letter to the Romans though I know

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the good I do not do the good well why

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not well he saw it as in insufficiency

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of will but we know it's more than that

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we we know that there are unconscious

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factors at work that have a certain

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autonomy and the more unconscious they

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are the greater their autonomy will

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prove to be

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if they are unconscious and they're

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driving us sometimes into States other

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times traits I mean and that's a perhaps

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an interesting discussion in of itself

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is you know when what's the difference

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between a state of mind and body and a

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trait but if it's

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unconscious what chance do we stand to

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overcome these things I mean what

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where how does the awareness come about

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can we do it on our own does it require

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Reflection from a trained professional

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and if so um you

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know when we become conscious of

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something does that immediately flip a

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switch or does it require constant

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returning to um you know seeing and uh

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for you know forcing the the unconscious

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to become conscious over and over again

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sure well those are great questions um f

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first of all again none of us rise us

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saying we're going to be

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counterproductive today but we will

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because of the autonomy of those

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clusters of energy within us now I've

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said to many people who've asked that

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question well start with your own life

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look to the patterns that you have a

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pattern is an

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indication of some cluster of energy

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whether it's outward or whether it's

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inward that you're carrying with you um

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and we don't do crazy things we always

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do logical things if we understand that

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what we're in service to iny Ally I give

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you an example I was working in a closed

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ward of a hospital many decades ago and

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there was a fellow repeatedly trying to

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break a window people were assuming he

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was trying to escape or get a Shard of

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glass for some nefarious purpose and no

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one bothered to ask him why he was doing

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this and he said he had the delusion

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that he was first of all in a locked

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Ward so he was caught in a you know

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situation and in his psychosis he felt

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that um somebody was pumping air from

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the room now if this door was locked and

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the air is being pumped out of this room

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the most logical thing we would do is

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break through a window or break down the

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door so his behavior was logical based

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on the premise now the premise is often

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inaccurate or tied to one place but gets

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extrapolated to another one somewhere

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else and and then we are responding

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logically to that that premise so you

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start with your own life particularly

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the places where you you find these are

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self-defeating behaviors or behaviors

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that are hurtful to you and someone else

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and then you say since that's not my

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conscious intention and yet there it is

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as part of my history then I have to say

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all right what is it within me that you

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know has the kind of power to take over

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my ego Consciousness now just to back

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off for a moment here I I think we're

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only conscious in the ego dealing with

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reality uh a few times during the course

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of a day my favorite analogy is when you

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get up in the morning and you step in

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the shower it's too hot or too cold so

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you change the water temperature well

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that's the ego and its proper function

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it's being adaptive to its reality it's

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being protective at that moment it's

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achieving the optimum situation for you

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but from the rest of time on when that

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same ego is flooded by other material

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some of which just conscious who gets

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the kids today after school how do I get

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to the work on time Etc but underneath

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that are other drivers that have to do

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with fear-based responses or adaptive

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responses that um were perhaps once

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protective but later you know we weren't

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born with them but we acquired them

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along Life's Highway so what was once

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protective often becomes constrictive

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later and and creates those patterns so

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the number one you start with your

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patterns um secondly and everyone sort

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of laughs at this but there's a certain

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truth you might talk to those around you

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such as your spouse or your closest

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partner or or your children and ask them

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about what they see in us if you can

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bear to hear what they have to say and

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to say where is it you see me being

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hurtful to myself or others or where is

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it that I get in your face in an

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inappropriate way uh and they'll usually

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have something to inform us with thirdly

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we pay attention to our dreams because

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we don't choose to dream but sleep

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research tells us that we average about

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six dreams per night that's a lot of

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activity nature doesn't waste energy

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it's processing something and it's not

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just processing if we pay attention over

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time um you begin to realize it has a

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point of view another way of putting

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this is the psyche which is the term I

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would use here and that's the Greek word

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for Soul by the way the the the psyche

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you know has its own intentionality it's

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omnipresent and it's commenting and it

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comments in terms of our feeling

Time: 1144.72

function you don't choose your feelings

Time: 1147.08

feelings are autonomous responses to

Time: 1149.4

what has happened you can repress them

Time: 1151.52

suppress them anesthetize them project

Time: 1154.159

them onto others but you are in the end

Time: 1158.08

um you know a creature that has an

Time: 1160.159

autonomous feeling response secondly we

Time: 1163.52

have energy systems if I'm doing what's

Time: 1166.159

right for me the energy is there the

Time: 1167.76

flow is there

Time: 1169.4

we can mobilize our energy and we have

Time: 1171.36

to in life to get up and feed the baby

Time: 1173.64

at 2: in the morning or um you know put

Time: 1177.24

in our 40-hour week or whatever the

Time: 1179.44

requirements are uh but over time uh

Time: 1182.96

forcing the Energy System leads as we

Time: 1185.679

know to boredom and burnout and

Time: 1187.84

ultimately depression often with

Time: 1190.32

self-medication attached to that um

Time: 1193.72

thirdly we have dreams which

Time: 1195.84

comment um fourthly most importantly is

Time: 1199.96

the question of meaning if what we're

Time: 1202.559

doing is Meaningful as understood by the

Time: 1205.44

psyche it will support us even in the

Time: 1208.32

face of suffering and sacrifice and so

Time: 1211.12

forth if what we're doing is wrong as

Time: 1214.24

seen by the

Time: 1215.52

psyche then over time it begins to

Time: 1219.4

pathologize so you take that word

Time: 1221.919

Psychopathology literally from the Greek

Time: 1223.88

it means the expression of the suffering

Time: 1226.2

of the

Time: 1227

Soul which I think is

Time: 1229.24

ratory the expression of the suffering

Time: 1231.919

of the Soul now that seems to me

Time: 1235.679

obligatory to take

Time: 1237.6

seriously if my soul and again that's a

Time: 1241.28

metaphor you know people look for the

Time: 1243.96

soul throughout history and you can't

Time: 1246

find it in the pineal gland for example

Time: 1248.72

the Soul's a metaphor for the organic

Time: 1250.96

wisdom of that natural being that we

Time: 1254.36

are the soul is a metaphor for uh this

Time: 1259.32

purposeful expression of the organism it

Time: 1262.039


Time: 1262.84

purposeful in other words question that

Time: 1266.799

occupies all of us in childhood and

Time: 1269.76

throughout the first half of Life at

Time: 1271.36

least if not an entire lifetime is what

Time: 1274.919

does the world want of me what do my

Time: 1276.36

parents want from me what do my school

Time: 1278.2

teacher want me what do The Playmates

Time: 1280.12

expect of me what does the partner want

Time: 1282.559

for me what does the employer want all

Time: 1284.24

of these are reality-based encounters

Time: 1286.96

with the demands of the environment and

Time: 1289.919

and part of what we have to do is

Time: 1291.24

develop enough ego strength to create a

Time: 1293.4

provisional sense of self and a

Time: 1295.24

provisional functional self to deal with

Time: 1298

those expectations but then when you've

Time: 1300.4

done that you know why are you still

Time: 1302.52

here what's the purpose are you simply

Time: 1304.64

here to be a creature of

Time: 1306.36

adaptations now without those

Time: 1308.12

adaptations we would be overwhelmed

Time: 1310.12

typically by the circumstances of our

Time: 1312.24

lives so we accommodate them in some

Time: 1314.96

way but in the second half of life and

Time: 1317.64

I'm using a ter very

Time: 1320.32

Loosely um the real question is what

Time: 1323.08

does the soul want of me you know what

Time: 1324.919

does the psyche want of me that's a

Time: 1326.96

different question then the issue comes

Time: 1330

up what is it that is wishing expression

Time: 1332.159

in the world through me that's a

Time: 1333.919

different question then what does the

Time: 1335.36

world ask of me the people that we would

Time: 1338.44

most admire in history are people who in

Time: 1342.2

some way found and lived out what the

Time: 1346.08

soul was asking of them it didn't spare

Time: 1348.679

them from suffering sometimes even

Time: 1351.48

martyrdom it doesn't spare you from

Time: 1353.919

conflict and pain maybe isolation maybe

Time: 1357.679

Exile but you're fed by the

Time: 1360.36

purposefulness of it take that away and

Time: 1363.64

life is pretty

Time: 1364.76

empty and of course we live in a culture

Time: 1367.4

where there's this enormous barrage of

Time: 1370.84

external stimuli well buy this purchase

Time: 1374.64

that do this or that the latest thing

Time: 1376.6

and this or that the newest shin

Time: 1380.039

and the more I'm seeking to Define

Time: 1383

myself through that environmental

Time: 1385.279

summons the more likely I'm going to be

Time: 1387.4

aranged from something inside all of us

Time: 1390.48

know it but we don't know what to do

Time: 1392.039

about that at some level and typically

Time: 1395.08

it has to hurt enough inside to bring a

Time: 1397.4

person into therapy people don't just

Time: 1400.08

walk in and say well I was in the

Time: 1401.4

neighborhood and I thought I'd pop in

Time: 1403.159

and talk to a total stranger pay him

Time: 1406.039

some money and then you know walk out as

Time: 1409.32

a different person doesn't work that way

Time: 1412.279

I I've often said to people this is not

Time: 1414.24

about curing you because you're not a

Time: 1415.76

disease this is

Time: 1417.799

about uh making your life more

Time: 1419.88

interesting where you realize every

Time: 1421.919

morning you get up um you have something

Time: 1425

profound to address

Time: 1426.64

today why am I here and in service to

Time: 1429.919

what because if you don't ask that

Time: 1432.08

question you're going to be in service

Time: 1433.44

to your adaptive postures from childhood

Time: 1436.919

as many people prove to be until the

Time: 1439.96

conflict within reaches that point where

Time: 1442.6

the suffering of the Soul

Time: 1443.88

Psychopathology is

Time: 1446.24

sufficient um I myself was cruising

Time: 1449.64

along in my 30s I'd achieved everything

Time: 1451.84

that I wanted to achieve and was

Time: 1454.6

enjoying my life and then suddenly

Time: 1456.52

inexplicably had a very serious

Time: 1459.2

depression and it took me a while to

Time: 1461.88

realize that I was asking the wrong

Time: 1464.2

question the first question that occurs

Time: 1466.399

to a person under those circumstances is

Time: 1468.44

is um how quickly do I get rid of this

Time: 1471.2

you know give me five easy steps or a

Time: 1473.799

pill for that or whatever I didn't

Time: 1476.799

understand the real question is why has

Time: 1478.559

your psyche autonomously withdrawn its

Time: 1480.96

approval and support from the agenda

Time: 1483.72

that you've been addressing it was a

Time: 1486.12

good agenda nothing wrong with it but

Time: 1489

there was something else that was

Time: 1490.64

missing in this process and it took a

Time: 1493.32

depression like something from below

Time: 1495.44

reached up and pulled me down something

Time: 1497.2

was being pressed down down that's

Time: 1499.76

depression and at the bottom of that

Time: 1502.279

well there's always a task there's

Time: 1504.96

always an issue the identification of

Time: 1508.159

which can lead one into a new place in

Time: 1511

one's life a different journey in my

Time: 1514

case it it led me

Time: 1516.679

to uh leave a very fine tenure position

Time: 1521.64


Time: 1522.44

Academia travel to Switzerland and spend

Time: 1525.799

several years there in retraining as as

Time: 1528.36

a psycho analyst and uh I now look upon

Time: 1531.72

that depression as beneficent but at the

Time: 1534.039

time I certainly didn't as you can

Time: 1536.24

imagine I'd like to take a brief break

Time: 1538.399

and acknowledge our sponsor ag1 by now

Time: 1541.36

most of you have heard me tell my story

Time: 1542.96

about how I've been taking ag1 once or

Time: 1545.039

twice a day every day since 2012 and

Time: 1547.44

indeed that's true I started taking ag1

Time: 1549.88

and I still take ag1 once or twice a day

Time: 1552.44

because it gives me vitamins and

Time: 1553.76

minerals that I might not be getting

Time: 1555.08

enough of from Whole Foods that I eat as

Time: 1557.559

well as a adaptogens and micronutrients

Time: 1560.24

those adaptogens and micronutrients are

Time: 1561.919

really critical because even though I

Time: 1563.32

strive to eat most of my foods from

Time: 1565.44

unprocessed or minimally processed Whole

Time: 1567.279

Foods it's often hard to do so

Time: 1569.2

especially when I'm traveling and

Time: 1570.48

especially when I'm busy so by drinking

Time: 1572.6

a packet of ag1 in the morning and often

Time: 1574.72

times also again in the afternoon or

Time: 1576.6

evening I'm ensuring that I'm getting

Time: 1578.799

everything I need I'm covering all of my

Time: 1580.48

foundational nutritional needs and I

Time: 1582.76

like so many other people that take ag1

Time: 1584.64

regularly just report feeling better and

Time: 1587.159

that shouldn't be surprising because it

Time: 1588.6

supports gut health and of course gut

Time: 1590.159

health supports immune system health and

Time: 1592.24

brain health and it's supporting a ton

Time: 1594.279

of different cellular and organ

Time: 1595.88

processes that all interact with one

Time: 1598.08

another so while certain supplements are

Time: 1599.88

really directed towards one specific

Time: 1601.64

outcome like sleeping better or being

Time: 1603.44

more alert ag1 really is foundational

Time: 1606.32

nutritional support it's really designed

Time: 1608.32

to support all of the systems of your

Time: 1610.039

brain and body that relate to mental

Time: 1611.76

health and physical health if you'd like

Time: 1613.52

to try ag1 you can go to drink a1.com

Time: 1616.64

huberman to claim a special offer

Time: 1619.12

they'll give you five free travel packs

Time: 1620.72

with your order plus a year supply of

Time: 1622.88

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink a1.com

Time: 1627.48

huberman so if our task is to get in

Time: 1632.399

touch with this kind of Yearning of the

Time: 1636.279

Soul um to perhaps do some reparative

Time: 1639.48

work from our childhood or at least

Time: 1641.44

understand our parent child

Time: 1643.32

relationships and then in an ideal

Time: 1645.72


Time: 1647.159

to express ourselves through some higher

Time: 1650.559

calling if you will but higher meaning

Time: 1653.52

for us or for the world hopefully both

Time: 1656.039

that's that would be

Time: 1657.52

ideal in terms of the day you know you

Time: 1660.44

said you you you can wake up in the

Time: 1662.039

morning presumably some of the residual

Time: 1664.44

thought processes and emotions from a

Time: 1666.36

dream or dreams still live within us

Time: 1669.88

early in the day and then we start going

Time: 1671.72

about our day doing the Practical things

Time: 1673.6

making the cup of coffee drinking the

Time: 1675.32

water getting some sunshine uh these

Time: 1677.559

sorts of things

Time: 1680

how is it

Time: 1681.679

that the typical person any of us can

Time: 1685.48

think about segmenting our thinking and

Time: 1687.559

our actions in a way that we're touching

Time: 1690.32

into the deeper meaning of life while

Time: 1693

also carrying out a life because as you

Time: 1695.039

know and I know and everybody listening

Time: 1696.76

and watching knows that there's stuff to

Time: 1698.679

do we need we need to often get an

Time: 1701.72

education make a living tend to people

Time: 1703.44

around us tend to ourselves and and it

Time: 1705.88

becomes a a a kind of a

Time: 1709

Neuroscience problem in my mind right

Time: 1711.72

you know different brain circuitries for

Time: 1713.2

different types of thinking and if I may

Time: 1716.24

it I think it also becomes a time

Time: 1718.24

perception problem you know the brain

Time: 1720.039

the human brain to me is so magnificent

Time: 1722.24

at setting Milestones that are like get

Time: 1724.32

in the shower finish the shower check

Time: 1727

the text messages talk to somebody and

Time: 1729.2

get about the day the Milestones become

Time: 1730.88

very close in and then if we're lucky

Time: 1733.44

enough to be able to take a walk and

Time: 1734.84

reflect put the phone away Etc then our

Time: 1737.48

mind can expand into you know gosh why

Time: 1740.48

am I here you know uh what about my that

Time: 1743.399

thing my grandfather said to me or my

Time: 1745.64

grandmother said to me and you know that

Time: 1748.08

the ability to to place our perception

Time: 1750.72

in larger or smaller time bins seems

Time: 1753.039

very closely linked to all of this um

Time: 1756.64

and to the sense of mortality which

Time: 1758.12

we'll certainly talk about in a little

Time: 1759.679

bit but in in a kind of a practical way

Time: 1763.2

in the absence of a daily therapy

Time: 1765.64

session um how

Time: 1768.799

how do you suggest people start to

Time: 1771.88

segment um or um compartmentalize in a

Time: 1775.32

way that's functional for instance um

Time: 1778.279

should people set aside 15 minutes each

Time: 1781

morning to just think about why they're

Time: 1784.72

on this Earth uh and why they're doing

Time: 1788.279

and what they're doing as opposed to

Time: 1790

just doing sure well this is a central

Time: 1793.2

problem of our time is is um everybody

Time: 1796.24

is going to say I don't have time for

Time: 1797.84


Time: 1798.679

I had a colleague now deceased Maran

Time: 1800.64

Woodman in Toronto who used to say to

Time: 1803.64

her clients you have to guarantee me one

Time: 1806.519

hour per day that you reflect on your

Time: 1809.12

dreams or you you journal in terms of

Time: 1812.32

what's going on in your life and she

Time: 1813.519

said always people say I don't have time

Time: 1815.64

for that then she said then you you

Time: 1818.24

don't have time for

Time: 1819.88

therapy you don't you're not making any

Time: 1822.76

priority here for this and you're right

Time: 1825.559

the claims of you know woodsworth wrote

Time: 1827.799

In 1802 the world is too much with us

Time: 1831.279

getting and spending we lay waste our

Time: 1833.44

powers this is 1802 before the internet

Time: 1836.88

right with all of its claims upon us

Time: 1839.279

there's such a noisy Den around us we're

Time: 1841.96

all distracted by that you see that's

Time: 1845.2

why it usually takes a crisis in a

Time: 1847.12

marriage or depression or whatever the

Time: 1849.279

case may be to get people to pull out of

Time: 1852.24

that and reflect upon that so I spend 15

Time: 1855.96

minutes every morning before starting uh

Time: 1858.6

just meditating particularly working on

Time: 1860.679

a dream if I've had a dream and and

Time: 1863.559

secondly I reflect on things in the

Time: 1865.399

evening too because one of the things we

Time: 1867.08

want to try to do is to say what are the

Time: 1870.84

stories I'm living here you know one of

Time: 1874.159

them I've got to earn a living one of

Time: 1875.6

them I've got to do this another one I

Time: 1877.08

have to do that you see but but what's

Time: 1879.399

all that frenzy about you see that's why

Time: 1882.679

I think the first half of life and I say

Time: 1885.559

this semih humorously is a huge and

Time: 1888.88

unavoidable mistake because we're living

Time: 1891.12

just reactively you see it's not

Time: 1892.84

generative it's reacting to whatever is

Time: 1895.72

going on around us is one's entire life

Time: 1899.039

to be spent reacting to

Time: 1901.399

things now when you're young there's

Time: 1904.24

only so much ego strength to to reflect

Time: 1907.36

upon this a number of years ago I was

Time: 1909.84

asked to give a talk to an advanced

Time: 1912.159

group of uh college students at a

Time: 1914.519

university on the psychodynamics of love

Time: 1918.32

well they were all interested about love

Time: 1919.919

I can tell you right so it was a 3-hour

Time: 1923.159

seminar so over the first 90 minutes we

Time: 1925.08

talked about projection transference all

Time: 1927.84

these they got it they were smart kids

Time: 1930.559

and then we took a short break when we

Time: 1931.96

came back and I said now let's apply

Time: 1933.679

these ideas to your current or recent

Time: 1936.399

relationships it was like the curtain

Time: 1938.36

came down you know they were 1920 21 22

Time: 1942.399

in that area they couldn't bear they

Time: 1945.88

could get the idea but they couldn't

Time: 1947.32

bear to look at themselves with that

Time: 1949.519

kind of scrutiny Flash Forward 20 years

Time: 1952.96

when they're 40 and their marriage just

Time: 1954.679

dissolved or um you know the the

Time: 1957.76

relationship has hardships of one kind

Time: 1960.039

or another they're much more likely to

Time: 1962.36

be able to a have enough ego strength to

Time: 1965.44

bear looking at

Time: 1967.08

oneself secondly um there's enough life

Time: 1970.799

experience to reflect

Time: 1972.679

upon because this kind of work takes

Time: 1975.919

courage in the first place I have to be

Time: 1977.919

able to Bear to look at myself and see

Time: 1981.08

what's there which won't always be

Time: 1983.24

pretty and and secondly it's

Time: 1986.32

humbling because this is not about

Time: 1988.399

feeling great it's about being called to

Time: 1991.159

accountability which is a whole

Time: 1992.559

different matter to be an adult is not

Time: 1995.399

just to have a big body it's it's to

Time: 1998.08

know that I'm accountable for what's

Time: 1999.88

spilling into the world through me you

Time: 2002.72

said once in one of those telling

Time: 2004.559

statements that haunts me in a

Time: 2006.08

constructive way he he said the greatest

Time: 2008.519

burden the child must bear is the

Time: 2010.2

unlived life of the parent so where I'm

Time: 2013.679

stuck as a person my children will be

Time: 2017.48

stuck or they'll be spending their life

Time: 2019.88

trying to get unstuck you see so the

Time: 2023.039

best thing I can do for them is to model

Time: 2025.32

for them you know a life lived with as

Time: 2028.12

much courage as I can mobilize and as

Time: 2030.72

much Integrity as I can manage and in

Time: 2033.639

doing that it not only models it gives

Time: 2036.24

permission to them

Time: 2038.639

um one of the things I found for many

Time: 2040.48

people they don't really feel

Time: 2043.159

permission to feel what they feel desire

Time: 2046.12

what they desire go out and fight for

Time: 2048.159

what matters to them because life we

Time: 2050.839

learn early is conditional you will be

Time: 2053.879

acceptable in this family you will

Time: 2055.8

perhaps be loved you'll be rewarded or

Time: 2058.32

you'll be punished if you meet these

Time: 2061.04

conditions and if you don't meet the

Time: 2063.2

conditions a lot of people put

Time: 2065.119

conditions on their on their children

Time: 2068.159

you know a lot of people are still

Time: 2070.04

living through their

Time: 2071.96

children um you know if you forgive the

Time: 2076.159

joke here there there's an old joke

Time: 2077.639

about Jewish Mothers the fetus is not

Time: 2080.28

considered full term until it's

Time: 2081.599

graduated from Medical School you see

Time: 2084.44

and that's an it's a joke about a

Time: 2086.599

cultural expectation and carrying

Time: 2089.399

someone else's unfinished business in a

Time: 2092.72

way in which you know is to make them

Time: 2095.72

feel good rather than serve what is one

Time: 2097.92

expression through you which is quite a

Time: 2099.56

different matter so one of the things

Time: 2101.92

one has to do is seize permission to

Time: 2104.64

realize life is

Time: 2106.079

short um we're we're here a very brief

Time: 2109.2

time and the summons is to live your

Time: 2112.04

journey as honestly as you can and when

Time: 2115.76

you do it ultimately serves other people

Time: 2118.359

it's not selfish it's actually serving

Time: 2120.76

the self if you will it's not

Time: 2123.52

narcissistic it's not self-absorption

Time: 2125.76

it's it's actually humbling

Time: 2128.8

I would never imagined as a child that I

Time: 2131.28

would spend my adult life listening to

Time: 2133.599


Time: 2134.76

suffering and yet that's my day job and

Time: 2138.56

I'm humbled to be invited into the lives

Time: 2140.96

of other people it's profoundly

Time: 2143.24

meaningful I can't imagine living

Time: 2145.599

without that at the same time um it's

Time: 2150

not fun it's not pleasant but it's

Time: 2152.839

profoundly meaningful that's the

Time: 2155.319

distinction that's why of those very

Time: 2157.68

various sources of insight that we can

Time: 2160

have into our lives you have to ask

Time: 2161.8

about what is most meaningful to me as

Time: 2164.56

defined by the psychi not by the culture

Time: 2166.64

around you because what the culture says

Time: 2168.04

it's all about being successful it's all

Time: 2169.839

about making money it's about living in

Time: 2172.16

this neighborhood it's about buying that

Time: 2174.16

object and if that worked we would know

Time: 2177.28

it it obviously doesn't so that's what

Time: 2181.079

brings us back to that humbling moment

Time: 2183.64

that maybe I'm not living my life sir in

Time: 2187.24

k guard the Danish Theologian in

Time: 2190.079

Copenhagen the 19th century talked about

Time: 2192.319

a man who was shocked to find his name

Time: 2195.44

in the obituary column and he hadn't

Time: 2197.359

realized he died because he hadn't

Time: 2199.56

realized that he was here in the first

Time: 2201.4

place now this is a carard talking in

Time: 2203.8

the middle of the 19th century think

Time: 2206.079

about the ramping up of the stimuli

Time: 2208.52

around us the the steady drum among

Time: 2212.119

young people you take away their cell

Time: 2213.8

phone they experience enormous anxiety

Time: 2216.56

because this is their link to the world

Time: 2218.72

and yet it's constantly making demands

Time: 2220.52

upon them so again underneath all of

Time: 2223.76

this is we have an appointment with our

Time: 2226.319

own souls and the question is are you

Time: 2229.52

going to show up for the

Time: 2231

appointment and I thought I had but my

Time: 2234.839

psyche thought otherwise so it was in

Time: 2237.16

the midst of a serious depression that I

Time: 2239.04

began showing up and it was a a

Time: 2242.16

difficult process but ultimately proved

Time: 2244.44

to be I think

Time: 2246.359

transformative like I certainly agree

Time: 2248.4


Time: 2249.599

hardship for better or worse is often

Time: 2251.96

the way that these things stimulate the

Time: 2253.839

self-reflection that's required for

Time: 2256.4

change there seems to be a a tricky

Time: 2260.359

situation whereby on the one hand I'm

Time: 2263.24

hearing and I agree that it all starts

Time: 2265.96

with being very honest with oneself

Time: 2267.8

about what one really wants yeah and I

Time: 2270.72

love and thank you for mentioning this

Time: 2273.839

15 minutes in the early part of the day

Time: 2276.24

perhaps ideally 15 minutes at the end of

Time: 2278.2

the day where one takes time away from

Time: 2280.839

input from others of any form electronic

Time: 2283.599

or otherwise to just reflect on what's

Time: 2286.599

inside and the messages coming up

Time: 2288.8

through dreams and reflection Etc uh so

Time: 2292.359

important um and and may I just add

Time: 2294.8

another pie forgive the interruption but

Time: 2298.44

I've often said to individuals it's not

Time: 2300.48

so much what you believe feel or do it's

Time: 2303.24

what it's in service to inside of you

Time: 2306.2

that's an important distinction so I may

Time: 2308.4

think I've done a good thing when it's

Time: 2310.599

really an old

Time: 2312.16

codependence or it's it's a way of

Time: 2314.68

avoiding conflict or it's a fear-driven

Time: 2318.359

response we have to always be asking but

Time: 2321.28

what was that in service to inside of me

Time: 2324.52

and you may not know at first but you

Time: 2326.28

keep asking the question it'll it'll

Time: 2328.4

it'll start you know rising to the

Time: 2330.48

surface you begin to recognize that

Time: 2333.079

that's how we begin to identify some of

Time: 2335.28

those internal drivers that we call the

Time: 2338.04

complexes because again they they're

Time: 2340.599

they clusters of energy with the power

Time: 2343.8

to create a provisional

Time: 2346.04

personality and many times people are

Time: 2348.44

identified with their complex that's who

Time: 2350.68

I am you know I am what I do I am my

Time: 2353.88

performance rather than beneath all of

Time: 2357.24

this is a human being who is wandering

Time: 2360.64

through life afraid of dying trying to

Time: 2363.079

avoid pain as much as possible and um

Time: 2366.319

hoping that someone's going to step in

Time: 2367.76

and make it all

Time: 2370

right I'm certainly familiar with the

Time: 2372.28

feeling of

Time: 2374.72

um recognizing what I want but

Time: 2378.839

being afraid that if I were to express

Time: 2381.56

that that it would not um would not be

Time: 2385.72

accepted certainly and that certainly

Time: 2388.24

can create problems um I'm also familiar

Time: 2391

with recognizing what I want and stating

Time: 2393.76

it very clearly and some people um

Time: 2396.44

fortunately respond in well but I think

Time: 2400.079

it's fair to say at least based on my

Time: 2401.76

experience that when we are really

Time: 2403.72

honest with ourselves and with others it

Time: 2405.52

doesn't always land well right I mean um

Time: 2409

I pay a lot of attention probably too

Time: 2410.68

much to U messaging on social media in

Time: 2413.24

the landscape of science and health it's

Time: 2415.48

just kind of the world I live in um much

Time: 2417.76

of the time these days uh and what i

Time: 2420.96

notic is that there's a real

Time: 2422.4

gravitational pull of people to um

Time: 2426.72

what's called the one whatever they are

Time: 2427.8

influencers public figures or that that

Time: 2429.96

are just very clear about who they are

Time: 2434.119

um at least in their own self-perception

Time: 2436.119

but then here in lies the the twist it

Time: 2438.96

seems is that what I'm hearing is that

Time: 2441.079

often our self-perception is not

Time: 2443.88

accurate that's correct and it's almost

Time: 2446.4

futile to try and convince people that

Time: 2448.44

we are who we believe we are right and I

Time: 2451.8

have a theory that's emerging it's not a

Time: 2453.44

formal theory that the internet and in

Time: 2456.48

particular social Med media are is

Time: 2459.119

borderline it weaves back and forth

Time: 2461.48

between sane and psychotic yes as if a

Time: 2463.88

borderline person would projecting

Time: 2465.76

either adoration or total disgust and I

Time: 2469.96

I warn anybody now including myself if

Time: 2472.24

you're going on social media you're

Time: 2473.92

interacting with a

Time: 2476.04

borderline organism so you need to be

Time: 2478.68

prepared to be told in various ways

Time: 2481.28

sometimes subtle sometimes overt that

Time: 2483.319


Time: 2484.72

terrible and you also need to be

Time: 2486.599

prepared for

Time: 2488

immense reward and being told that

Time: 2490.92

you're spectacular simply by being there

Time: 2493.839

that's what it is to interact with a

Time: 2495.079

borderline person and there's no

Time: 2496.92

controlling or predicting their um their

Time: 2499.72

flips so um in any event that's a little

Time: 2503.16

uh you know Theory that's emerging why

Time: 2505.64

wouldn't it be that way right you're the

Time: 2507.44

psychologist but why wouldn't it be that

Time: 2508.92

way because ultimately social media is

Time: 2510.92

the emerging property of all these

Time: 2513.56

individuals um okay so you've made it

Time: 2515.96

clear how one way to Anchor to the self

Time: 2520.88

and get in touch with what's really

Time: 2522.96

going on inside yes reflecting on dreams

Time: 2525.28

reflecting on what guers to the surface

Time: 2527.8

journaling perhaps

Time: 2530.04

meditation ideally twice a day perhaps

Time: 2532.599

therapy as well would be ideal yes but

Time: 2535.2

then we move about our day and we do our

Time: 2537.52

best to be the best version of ourselves

Time: 2539.8

right and when we get positive feedback

Time: 2543.68

we tend to I think as you know

Time: 2546.079

neurobiological psychological organisms

Time: 2548.44

do more of that do more of that um uh

Time: 2552.16

and it's sort of a bank account of sorts

Time: 2554.72

we're going for a net positive balance

Time: 2557.559

um and we tend to do less of the things

Time: 2559.52

that give us negative

Time: 2561.04

feedback except perhaps or go to social

Time: 2563.599

media where people seem to go on there

Time: 2565.559

specifically for friction-based

Time: 2567.319

interactions as well which is its own

Time: 2569.16

thing so as we move through life first

Time: 2573

half of Life second half of Life how is

Time: 2576.44

it that

Time: 2577.64

we can Orient in time as I kind of put

Time: 2581.079

it before how can we

Time: 2583.2

um Carry Out These daily or weekly or

Time: 2586.839

maybe yearly Reflections in a way that

Time: 2589.48

really serves us well I mean do you

Time: 2592.079

recommend one day a week stepping away

Time: 2594.079

from everything do you recommend um

Time: 2596.24

doing Retreats of sort do you recommend

Time: 2599.4

that um people keep a life journal is

Time: 2602.359

the story and seeing how one story

Time: 2605.68

evolves is this useful what I'm trying

Time: 2607.92

to do here is um kind of uh Orient

Time: 2610.079

people to some practical tools because

Time: 2612.68

um because I think at some

Time: 2615.599

level we can get pulled down currents of

Time: 2618.92

any kind that's right and ideally we we

Time: 2622.119

you know stay out of deep

Time: 2624.68

pathology but even if we hit the rumble

Time: 2627.4

strips and go back over and over again

Time: 2630.44

um this is this is important work right

Time: 2632.88

this is this is about being the best

Time: 2634.64

version of ourselves and Society

Time: 2636.28

benefits from that so are there more

Time: 2639.079

macroscopic things that we can do um or

Time: 2641.76

is it just a daily chip away two

Time: 2644.16

meditations ideally Therapy Journal and

Time: 2647.92

just anchor down um like do we ever get

Time: 2651.52

do we ever get to

Time: 2653.079

relax well of course of course um f

Time: 2656.76

first of all there's no formula it's

Time: 2658.599

applicable to everybody in their life

Time: 2660.4

circumstances you know the word

Time: 2661.88

Psychotherapy literally means from the

Time: 2663.599

Greek to listen to or pay attention to

Time: 2666.52

the soul

Time: 2668.28

however you go about doing that is right

Time: 2670.28

for you it's up to you to figure that

Time: 2672.28

out and for some people be working in

Time: 2675.079

nature for others to be working with

Time: 2676.8

their hands for others it'll be through

Time: 2678.76

some creative Enterprise or working with

Time: 2681.2

their dreams or meditating or or

Time: 2683.8

whatever um I would say whatever helps

Time: 2687.76

you step out of the stimulus response

Time: 2690.44

stimulus response melee that we call our

Time: 2693.24

daily life is likely to be helpful to

Time: 2697.28

you either because you rest and you

Time: 2699.359

restore the psyche and or you have some

Time: 2702.319

reflection upon it you you recollect

Time: 2704.839

yourself as it is right you remember the

Time: 2708.16

self because we get unraveled I often

Time: 2711.04

have the feeling of getting unraveled in

Time: 2714.04

life where you know this calls you and

Time: 2716.119

this calls you and this calls you and

Time: 2717.52

that calls you and you're just it's just

Time: 2719.24

pulling you away where from from some

Time: 2721.599

Center here and again this is not about

Time: 2723.16

self-absorption but if I'm not in

Time: 2725.76

connection with something abiding here

Time: 2729.119

my behaviors or choices there are not

Time: 2731.04

going to be very helpful in the long run

Time: 2732.92

you see they're going to be merely

Time: 2735.2

responsive to the demands of the

Time: 2736.8


Time: 2740

circumstances one thing I enjoy doing

Time: 2742.079

from time to time is drawing I like

Time: 2743.68

doing anatomical drawings and things of

Time: 2745.2

that sort and I find that if if I engage

Time: 2747.52

in an activity that absorbs all of my

Time: 2749.839

attention yes even though I have zero

Time: 2753.92

minus one aspirations of becoming a

Time: 2756.16

commercial artist or something of that

Time: 2757.92

sort that um two things happen one I

Time: 2761.48

exit the stimulus response

Time: 2764.28

world and at the same time it's

Time: 2767.92

inevitable that some insight comes later

Time: 2770.88

that's right what is that well I see I

Time: 2773.44

think that's a good example though as

Time: 2775.16

you said of exiting the stimulus

Time: 2776.92

response cycle because in that moment

Time: 2780.16

something in your psyche Rises to

Time: 2782.44

express itself through you and and you

Time: 2786.16

know it's your drawing it we we could

Time: 2788.52

perhaps read that drawing and and

Time: 2790.96

perhaps interpret something of it you

Time: 2793.44

know like the famous Roar shock for

Time: 2795.16

example I mean what Roar shock's an ink

Time: 2797.319

plot when's an ink plot not an inklot

Time: 2800.2

well when I confabulate a response to it

Time: 2803.44

you see and that response is indicative

Time: 2805.44

of what is going on inside of me so

Time: 2808.119

that's a good example I mean for some

Time: 2809.88

people you know they they have those

Time: 2811.72

moments when they're out jogging for

Time: 2813.319

example or riding a bicycle or or

Time: 2815.88

whatever whatever ever it does listening

Time: 2817.68

to music there's no right path for

Time: 2820.92

everyone it's like find the place where

Time: 2823.76

you're able to be alone with yourself

Time: 2827.4

and if you can tolerate being with

Time: 2830.2

yourself and you pay attention something

Time: 2833.72

will start coming up you see and and

Time: 2837.319

ultimately ironically that's the cure to

Time: 2839.64

the great disease of our time which is

Time: 2842.04

loneliness it's interesting that the UK

Time: 2845.2

and Japan

Time: 2847.079

now have cabinet level posts for

Time: 2849.76

ministers of loneliness so great is a

Time: 2851.96

lonely we've never been more connected

Time: 2853.76

in human history through our Electronic

Time: 2855.96

media and yet people are now isolated in

Time: 2858.92

their rooms talking to each other and I

Time: 2862.119

I saw a cartoon I probably New York or

Time: 2864.24

somewhere where a couple was getting

Time: 2865.599

married and the the minister says to the

Time: 2868.319

couple well text each other I do you

Time: 2870.72

know it was ultimately a joke about how

Time: 2874.16

we are so media dependent now that we're

Time: 2877.76

disconnected from each other and so

Time: 2880.88

whatever it is that helps you link to

Time: 2883.76

something in here you asked this

Time: 2886.16

question which I I'm also haunted by in

Time: 2888.359

a constructive way he said we all need

Time: 2890.28

to find what supports us when nothing

Time: 2892.359


Time: 2893.8

us and that's ultimately the cure for

Time: 2896

loneliness that there's something inside

Time: 2897.8

of me that knows me better than

Time: 2900.079

me is

Time: 2902.48

is working hard to bring about a healthy

Time: 2907.599

response to whatever life brings and it

Time: 2910.839

has a purposefulness to it an

Time: 2912.599

intentionality an

Time: 2914.559

expression and when I'm in touch with

Time: 2917.68

that I feel that sense of wholeness and

Time: 2920.16

purposefulness when I'm out of it when I

Time: 2922.76

start unraveling so to speak and un just

Time: 2925.599

that's how how we get exhausted and

Time: 2927.16

burned out and so forth so again this is

Time: 2931.44

I use that word recollecting remembering

Time: 2934.359

it's like pulling the pieces back

Time: 2936.079

together again in some way so what

Time: 2938.76

Shakespeare said the um knitting the

Time: 2942.28

Ravel raveled sleeve of care you see he

Time: 2945.72

he was using the same metaphor of being

Time: 2947.559

unraveled in some

Time: 2949.4

way I love this notion of um spending

Time: 2953

time alone and accessing one's deepest

Time: 2956.04

resource for self-care as a way to deal

Time: 2958.88

with loneliness because ultimately I

Time: 2962.079

also completely agree that stimulus

Time: 2964.44

response is the Hallmark of of text

Time: 2968.44

messaging there can be useful sure

Time: 2971.319

aspects of text messaging of course

Time: 2972.839

coordinating plans Etc and communicating

Time: 2975.319

but but certainly social media it's a

Time: 2977.52

you know we have a stimulus response

Time: 2979.04

device some people think of it more like

Time: 2980.52

a slot machine but it never actually

Time: 2982.2

Returns the jackpot is the is the issue

Time: 2985.079

um and I also think that social media

Time: 2987.48

can be terrific for educating and

Time: 2988.96

learning as well um certainly much of

Time: 2991.64

what I do or strive to do I think time

Time: 2995.04

alone is incredibly beneficial so thank

Time: 2998.24

you for for highlighting that and and

Time: 3000.76

also that it doesn't take much you know

Time: 3002.72

maybe even a half hour that's right walk

Time: 3004.88

or something of that sort if I may what

Time: 3007.44

do you think happens when we exit that

Time: 3009.48

stimulus response mode do you think the

Time: 3011.76

unconscious mind is revealed a bit more

Time: 3014.96

to us um and I think of the unconscious

Time: 3017.48

mind um a a former guest on this podcast

Time: 3020.76

um a psychiatrist described the

Time: 3022.68

unconscious is kind of like the the the

Time: 3025.24

iceberg that's beneath the surface

Time: 3027.4

all the stuff going on that we're

Time: 3029.48

entirely unaware of do you think that

Time: 3030.64

the water recedes a little bit

Time: 3032.64

absolutely because there's no room for

Time: 3035.64

the expression of of of whatever is

Time: 3038.64

wanting to be acknowledged within us

Time: 3040.96

when we're constantly responding to our

Time: 3042.88

environmental demands um one of the

Time: 3045.52

things I try to do is walk a mile every

Time: 3047.68

day I've gone through some health issues

Time: 3049.28

in recent years and so I'm sort of in a

Time: 3052.68

physical recovery stage of life and I

Time: 3055.92

mock a mile a day even though it's

Time: 3057.96

physically difficult uh and I find that

Time: 3061.24

revelatory because that's I I'm focused

Time: 3064.4

on being present here rather than all of

Time: 3067.599

the distractions there and that's one of

Time: 3069.92

the things that I have found a form of

Time: 3073.2

meditation if you will and what comes up

Time: 3076.079

for me is often

Time: 3078.799

surprising I've talked before in the

Time: 3080.72

podcast about meditation clinical

Time: 3082.599

hypnosis something called Yoga Nidra

Time: 3084.599

which is a self-directed relaxation

Time: 3086.96

sometimes call it non-sleep deep rest

Time: 3088.359

Etc and without taking us on a tangent

Time: 3091.2

um I I raise this because we keep

Time: 3093.92

talking about meditation and um I think

Time: 3096.079

to a lot of people meditation sounds

Time: 3097.64

like something esoteric to me as a

Time: 3100.359

neuroscientist meditation is a

Time: 3102.079

perceptual exercise it can be done to

Time: 3104.4

enhance focus by focusing on a specific

Time: 3106.599

location behind the forehead or looking

Time: 3108.559

at a a light it can be um an uh open

Time: 3112.48

monitoring meditation where you're

Time: 3114.44

intentionally not trying to focus on any

Time: 3115.96

one thing but it at the end of the day

Time: 3117.64

it's a perceptual ex it's it's a

Time: 3119.44

deliberate perceptual

Time: 3121.2

shift um much in the same way that if I

Time: 3123.359

decide to you know listen to an opera

Time: 3126.96

with my eyes closed that's a in some

Time: 3128.839

sense it's a meditation it's a

Time: 3130.24

deliberate perceptual shift

Time: 3132.68

um so a deliberate perceptual shift that

Time: 3136.559

we're calling a meditation which I think

Time: 3138.04

is a great label for it that is directly

Time: 3140.88

aimed at better understanding the UN

Time: 3142.68

one's own unconscious processing so that

Time: 3145.4

one can then lean

Time: 3147.68

into the stimulus response parts of life

Time: 3151.079

with more intentionality with less

Time: 3154

opportunity to hit the rumble strips or

Time: 3155.799

go into the gutter um with a more

Time: 3159

authentic response to it you see because

Time: 3161.88

it's more likely to be coming out of me

Time: 3163.839

rather than simply being reactive I

Time: 3165.599

think that's the important thing what's

Time: 3167.799

so important about what you're saying is

Time: 3169.119

that for years now we've heard about you

Time: 3171.88

know meditation being important as a way

Time: 3174.24

to uh intervene in the Ulus

Time: 3177.559

response process yes um and people say

Time: 3180.72

be responsive not reactive and it all

Time: 3183.04

sounds so wonderful just as sounding

Time: 3185.079

being gritty and resilient sounds

Time: 3186.599

wonderful but one of the things that's

Time: 3188.119

many really important here that you're

Time: 3189.68

raising is that there are methods to do

Time: 3192.28

this they almost always involve going

Time: 3194.68

inward or someone who can see what we

Time: 3197.96

can't see pointing out blind spots in us

Time: 3201.16

that's right well I I think again the

Time: 3203.76

issue is to still the traffic inside and

Time: 3206.68

be present to the moment in whatever way

Time: 3208.64

that is that's why I said a person can

Time: 3210.72

meditate by work of the

Time: 3212.72

hands or by walking or something that

Time: 3216.599

pulls one out of the the cycles that are

Time: 3219.48

running their their little script over

Time: 3221.44

and over and over so there are many

Time: 3223.92

forms of meditating and you know ancient

Time: 3226.52

Traditions have revealed that too

Time: 3227.92

there's walking meditation and so forth

Time: 3230.24

and you mentioned music I think that's

Time: 3232.559

another example to listen to music I

Time: 3234.64

think takes one out of you know nature

Time: 3236.559

said once without music Life's a

Time: 3239.079

mistake and I think what he was getting

Time: 3241.28

at was there is a sense in which music

Time: 3245.4

has no purpose except being itself so

Time: 3249.68

when we're really present to the music

Time: 3252.559

we were in the midst of being if I'm

Time: 3256.76

well we're at Spring right now as you

Time: 3258.72

and I are talking and it's beautiful in

Time: 3260.48

the neighborhood and so I've been

Time: 3261.92

watching the flowers emerge and so forth

Time: 3265.04

um and and simply being present to that

Time: 3267.319

means some of that other traffic is

Time: 3269.4

stilled and then I return and the

Time: 3271.76

traffic resumes but maybe I have a

Time: 3273.599

little more of a sense of who I am and

Time: 3276.92

from whence I'm responding you see as a

Time: 3279.68

result of that reentering process you

Time: 3282.88

know the the Zen folks talk about being

Time: 3284.68

no minded I think that it was their way

Time: 3286.96

of talking about being present to this

Time: 3289.2

moment but but not consumed by the

Time: 3292.96

demands of this moment and that's that's

Time: 3295.4

a difficult thing to manage but it's

Time: 3297.72

essential I'd like to take a brief break

Time: 3299.96

and acknowledge one of our sponsors

Time: 3301.599

waking up waking up is a meditation app

Time: 3304.28

that offers hundreds of guided

Time: 3305.599

meditations mindfulness trainings yoga

Time: 3307.799

needer sessions and more I started

Time: 3309.88

meditating over three decades ago and

Time: 3311.88

what I found in the ensuing years is

Time: 3313.68

that sometimes it was very easy for me

Time: 3315.64

to do my daily meditation practice I was

Time: 3317.64

just really diligent but then as things

Time: 3319.68

would get more stressful which of course

Time: 3321.2

is exactly when I should have been

Time: 3322.44

meditating more my meditation practice

Time: 3324.92

would fall off with we piing up they

Time: 3327.079

make it very easy to find and

Time: 3328.76

consistently use a given meditation

Time: 3330.599

practice it has very convenient

Time: 3332.039

reminders and they come in different

Time: 3334

duration so even if you just have one

Time: 3335.72

minute or five minutes to meditate you

Time: 3337.48

can still get your meditation in which

Time: 3339

research shows is still highly

Time: 3340.799

beneficial in addition to the many

Time: 3342.599

different meditations on the waking up

Time: 3344.2

app they also have Yoga Nidra sessions

Time: 3346.64

which are a form of non-sleep deep rest

Time: 3348.88

that I personally find is extremely

Time: 3351.16

valuable for restoring mental and

Time: 3352.839

physical Vigor I tend to do a yoga NRA

Time: 3354.96

lasting anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes

Time: 3356.88

at least once a day and if I ever wake

Time: 3359.039

up in the middle of the night and I need

Time: 3360.44

to fall back asleep I also find Yoga

Time: 3362.48

Nidra to be extremely useful if you'd

Time: 3364.68

like to try the waking up app you can go

Time: 3366.72

to waking up.com huberman to try a free

Time: 3370.079

30-day trial again that's waking up.com

Time: 3374.2

huberman perhaps we can talk about the

Time: 3376.68

shadow this notion of the shadow um

Time: 3379.92

sounds very ominous um what is the

Time: 3383.44

Shadow and are people aware of their

Time: 3388.039

shadows and if they're not how can they

Time: 3390.96

become aware of them and how can they

Time: 3393.359

work with them well a shadow was yung's

Time: 3397.319

metaphor for those parts of our own

Time: 3400.839

psyche and our our affiliation with

Time: 3403.799

groups for example whether it's a

Time: 3406

religious group educational group a

Time: 3408

national identity that when brought to

Time: 3411

Consciousness we find troubling perhaps

Time: 3413.88

contradictory to our values or um you

Time: 3417.839

know inimical to our sense of self-worth

Time: 3420.64

or something like that for example

Time: 3423.2

typical Shadow issues include our

Time: 3425.559

capacity for jealousy and for Envy for

Time: 3428.92

aggression for greed etc etc uh we don't

Time: 3433.4

want to acknowledge those things but

Time: 3435.359

since when are we exempt from The Human

Time: 3438

Condition the wisest thing ever said

Time: 3440.24

about the shadow came from the Latin

Time: 3441.96

playright Terrance two Millennia ago who

Time: 3444.72

said uh nothing human is alien to me now

Time: 3449.52

I think that's important to recognize in

Time: 3451.44

me I carry the entire capacity of human

Time: 3454.28

nature to express itself some of those

Time: 3457.52

forms of Expressions will be acceptable

Time: 3460.28

to the society or to my psychological

Time: 3463.039

culture and some will not be um and

Time: 3466.16

that's the shadow material and you know

Time: 3468.88

there's the personal Shadow and there

Time: 3470.319

are group Shadows because Nations can be

Time: 3472.88

possessed by Blood Lust For example or

Time: 3475.799

or a fashion is a shadow issue where

Time: 3478.24

everybody has to look the same way and

Time: 3480.079

dress the same way and so forth you know

Time: 3482.559

the more insecure I am as a person the

Time: 3485.039

more likely I'm going to try to look

Time: 3486.72

around me for what are the clues so I

Time: 3488.359

can fit in be be like others therefore

Time: 3490.76

I'll be acceptable you see that's not a

Time: 3493.359

federal crime that's a very deep complex

Time: 3496.4

that is left over from childhood I'm not

Time: 3499.119

here to fit in I'm here to be who I am

Time: 3502.64

which at times will fit in and other

Time: 3504.359

times it won't but that's okay okay

Time: 3506.599

because I'm at least in good

Time: 3508.28

relationships to my myself at that point

Time: 3511.4

so typically the shadow manifest as

Time: 3514.52

being unconscious therefore it just

Time: 3516.119

spills into the world through us a

Time: 3518.599

perfect example of Shadow issues as I

Time: 3520.599

mentioned before is parents expecting

Time: 3522.559

their children to grow up and have you

Time: 3524.319

know the same kind of values that I have

Time: 3526.839

for example same religious views marry

Time: 3529.48

somebody that I find acceptable etc etc

Time: 3531.96

well that's not really loving the

Time: 3533.96

otherness of the other is it it's not

Time: 3535.72

really loving the child for their own

Time: 3537.319

Journey that's them carrying some piece

Time: 3539.799

of their of their own unfinished

Time: 3541.92

business secondly uh we disown the

Time: 3545.24

Shadow by projecting on some you know

Time: 3547.2

those people across the border they're

Time: 3549

you know they're the carrier of they're

Time: 3550.96

they're what's wrong with this world you

Time: 3552.52

see I disown the shadow in myself by

Time: 3556.559

seeing it in everybody else around me

Time: 3558.92

Yung actually said what often we find

Time: 3560.799

troubling in another person is because

Time: 3562.68

they're they're expressing something

Time: 3564.24

within our own unconscious

Time: 3566.76

um you know as a certain itinerate Rabbi

Time: 3569.48

said two Millennia ago um I can see the

Time: 3572.52

speck in your eye but miss the log in my

Time: 3574.72

own that's a perfect illustration What

Time: 3576.799

The Shadow

Time: 3578.079

is thirdly one can get caught up in it

Time: 3581.319

that's at times what rock concerts are

Time: 3584.079

mass events people caught up in a mob

Time: 3587.039

mentality where you lose your sense of

Time: 3590.52

individual ego identity and become

Time: 3593.559

subsumed into a collective mood

Time: 3596.64

and you know that could be um a hanging

Time: 3599.079

mob for example as has happened in

Time: 3601.599

history too many times um and it could

Time: 3604.48

be a force for good or a force for evil

Time: 3606.559

but again the larger the group the lower

Time: 3608.599

the level of consciousness of the

Time: 3610.079

individuals in that group and then

Time: 3612.44

fourthly we recognize it in

Time: 3614.76

ourselves in a um speech at Yale

Time: 3617.96

University in 1937 Yung said a person

Time: 3621.76

who could look at their own shadow and

Time: 3623.68

own it he said now has large problem

Time: 3626.68

because they're no longer to blame

Time: 3627.92

others for what goes wrong in their life

Time: 3630.24

they they have to acknowledge that

Time: 3631.68

within themselves and he said further

Time: 3634

it's the single best thing you can do

Time: 3635.599

for your Society this is not Naval

Time: 3637.799

gazing this is how you lift your

Time: 3640.119

unfinished business off of your partner

Time: 3642.96

your children take it back yourself

Time: 3645.799

which is a loving thing to do and a

Time: 3648

civic-minded thing to do if you look at

Time: 3650.559


Time: 3652

here so how does one

Time: 3656.44

learn what their Shadow or Shadows well

Time: 3659.64

again if you're married ask your partner

Time: 3661.64

sure you know who will tell you

Time: 3663.559

immediately um what your unfinished

Time: 3665.839

business may be um or your children or

Time: 3668.839

your close friend perhaps um it shows up

Time: 3672.24

in dreams um you know Freud talked about

Time: 3675.16

a young man who's disowned what the

Time: 3677.52

content of his dream he says well I I

Time: 3679.28

don't you know fre said well whose dream

Time: 3682.039

do you think that was it was your dream

Time: 3683.799

you have to acknowledge that that was

Time: 3686.319

embodying something within you so um

Time: 3690.079

there are many ways to recognize the

Time: 3691.64

shadow often consequences pile up and

Time: 3694.44

then one begins to realize well the only

Time: 3697.52

consistent person in all the uh scenes

Time: 3699.88

of this drama I call my life is is mAh

Time: 3702.839

so I have to acknowledge that that's my

Time: 3705.559

stuff and that's a very humbling thing

Time: 3708.319

that's why I say this work is humbling

Time: 3710.079

not not uh inflating in some way it's

Time: 3713.119

humbling so um again shadow work is

Time: 3717.039

never going to be popular because it

Time: 3719.2

means I'm taking

Time: 3721.119

responsibility and yet what else would

Time: 3723.279

being human being who's responsible and

Time: 3726.4

adult like um do accept except

Time: 3729.68

responsibility you see it's one of the

Time: 3732.119

definitions I would say of an adult

Time: 3733.88

person is I I know I'm accountable for

Time: 3736.2

what spills in the world through me yes

Time: 3738.68

I'm responding to various things that

Time: 3740.68

happen around me but sooner or later I

Time: 3744

I'm the one bringing my stories my

Time: 3747.64


Time: 3748.64

responses and something of my shadow to

Time: 3751.72

the mix and responding out of that now

Time: 3754.88

that's a witch's brew at times as you

Time: 3757.44

could imagine at the same time you

Time: 3760

recognize all right but that's my

Time: 3761.92

business to address because if I don't

Time: 3765.319

it just

Time: 3767.359

continues what I observe in the world

Time: 3769.52

and what I've experienced before is that

Time: 3772.359

um certainly we all have Shadow sides um

Time: 3775.88

me everybody I mean I think that's like

Time: 3779.16

I think anyone that doesn't believe that

Time: 3780.64

is uh perhaps not of homo sapiens um you

Time: 3784.839

know um maybe other animals have shadows

Time: 3787.279

too who knows um but that when Shadows

Time: 3790.279

Clash it becomes very confusing because

Time: 3793.279

um given what you're saying very few

Time: 3795.44

people address their shadows and these

Time: 3798.16

days especially there's no need to make

Time: 3800.52

this political this is just social sure

Time: 3803.599

um we see mob

Time: 3806.52

forming as you said the larger the group

Time: 3809.68

the lower the level of

Time: 3811.4

Consciousness and then it

Time: 3813.88

becomes even more challenging to address

Time: 3817.559

one's Shadow when

Time: 3820.559

a there's the perception of an attack

Time: 3824.599

mhm B that attack often times is the

Time: 3828.96

reflection of the other group Shadow and

Time: 3831.799

C people find Refuge with people who

Time: 3835.52

have similar Shadow yes processes so it

Time: 3839.799

um not to be pessimistic here but

Time: 3843

um perhaps the answer is what you

Time: 3845.16

referred to before is to go inward to

Time: 3847.16


Time: 3847.88

self work with somebody or or um

Time: 3851.079

somebody close to you that that has your

Time: 3853.279

best interest in mind truly best

Time: 3855.44

interest in mind and then um try to

Time: 3858.319

resolve that well yes and very few

Time: 3861.119

people are willing to do that that's

Time: 3862.559

what polarizes societies polarizes

Time: 3864.92

groups and and so forth it's it's

Time: 3867.44

comforting to find like-minded people

Time: 3869.64

but then they're both caught in the same

Time: 3871.48

complex there's another way of putting

Time: 3872.96

that so ultimately whatever reality is

Time: 3876.839

it's going to wear through that and and

Time: 3878.799

reveal something that's uh going to be

Time: 3881.68

pretty disconcerting to individuals who

Time: 3884.079

who are caught in a collective

Time: 3885.319

identification that way you know the the

Time: 3888.799

shadow comes because our human nature is

Time: 3892

thrust into various social situations we

Time: 3895.079

can't help but have a shadow you know I

Time: 3898.039

we we have to socialize a child we learn

Time: 3900.279

to use a knife and a fork and not take

Time: 3902.079

our siblings food and that sort of thing

Time: 3904.64

you learn to look both ways for you

Time: 3906.2

cross the street there's socialization

Time: 3908.119

that's important and yet the greater the

Time: 3910.96

socialization the more likely there's

Time: 3912.72

going to be an interruption I mean think

Time: 3914.359

about those cultures where people are

Time: 3916.799

forced to dress alike for some form of

Time: 3919.92

unity or

Time: 3921.64

Conformity um um think think about where

Time: 3924.68

a person might have a special gift or

Time: 3926.88

talent but it's not appreciated in

Time: 3929.44

family X or Y well where does that

Time: 3933.359

natural form of expression go it

Time: 3935.96

pathologizes as depression or it comes

Time: 3938.88

out in compensatory dreams or

Time: 3941.2

projections onto someone else or or it

Time: 3943.64

makes the person ill you know the

Time: 3945.76

unlived life can make a person ill

Time: 3947.839

there's a sickness under death as kard

Time: 3950.079

talked about it you know it's it's uh

Time: 3952.319

it's that sickness where where the human

Time: 3954.92

spirit is being being repetitively

Time: 3957.24

violated and much in our culture

Time: 3960.039

violates our spirits and and spirit is

Time: 3963.48

not something you will it's something

Time: 3965.52

that that is the quickening of life's

Time: 3968.079

energy and service to something and if

Time: 3970.76

your family or your situation imposes

Time: 3973.279

itself upon that uh to give a quick

Time: 3976.72

example my my own family of origin was

Time: 3980.119

one in which they were by the

Time: 3982.48

circumstances of decades ago unable to

Time: 3985.599

to attain an education my father worked

Time: 3987.92

in a factory my mother was a

Time: 3989.839

secretary and um for them life was a

Time: 3994.2

series of shaming

Time: 3996.279

events and um overwhelming events and

Time: 3999.799

the message to me both over and covert

Time: 4002.079

is don't go out there it's it's too too

Time: 4005.16

big it's too much stay here and we'll

Time: 4007.72

take care of each other so one of the

Time: 4010

first things I did when I was 18 was

Time: 4012.2

left I went to college and came back for

Time: 4014.88

vacations but but I left psychologically

Time: 4017.559

at that point I something in me knew

Time: 4020.64

that I had to have a larger life than

Time: 4022.44

that and I say that with love and

Time: 4023.799

respect and compassion for my parents

Time: 4027.52

the last conversation I had with my

Time: 4029.599

mother before she died of

Time: 4031.52

cancer um her ancestor her father she'd

Time: 4034.799

never known was from

Time: 4036.359

Sweden and I'd had a book translated

Time: 4039.279

into Swedish and I told her I thought

Time: 4041.559

that would be something that would be

Time: 4043

nice for her and and she was horrified

Time: 4046.4

it's like why have you written it what

Time: 4049.72

are they saying and I thought she meant

Time: 4051.96

reviewers at first and I realize that's

Time: 4054.079

the voice I heard in childhood she was

Time: 4056.799

saying you shouldn't be out there now

Time: 4058.839

people are going to attack you this will

Time: 4063

draw attention to you you see and her

Time: 4065.799

intention was protective in her last

Time: 4069.599

days actually before she died she was

Time: 4072.039

more afraid of what people thought than

Time: 4076.319

whether her son was living his journey

Time: 4078.2

or not and I say this with grief for

Time: 4081.48

her and and that was the message of

Time: 4084.16

childhood you know it's too much out

Time: 4086.839

there and yet something inside quickened

Time: 4091.2

and said well you need to go where those

Time: 4093.119

airplanes are going you need to go see

Time: 4095.319

the ocean for yourself um you need to

Time: 4098.04

try to live in a foreign country and see

Time: 4099.719

what that's like um was I was that easy

Time: 4103.6

no it was doubly hard because of the

Time: 4105.92

messages I had but it was just necessary

Time: 4109.92

sooner or later again the appointment

Time: 4112.319

with your life do you keep it or you not

Time: 4114.839

keep the appointment so that was the

Time: 4117.199

first meeting of the appointment was to

Time: 4119.319

to leave home and start the journey you

Time: 4122.6

know in terms of the the archetype of

Time: 4125.12

the of the journey first is the

Time: 4127.839

departure and then you have the

Time: 4129.6

initiatory experiences which can knock

Time: 4131.679

you down and then the question is do you

Time: 4133.64

get up and go to the next one

Time: 4136.239

and sooner or later something begins to

Time: 4138.199

change inside and you begin to feel that

Time: 4141.359

this is this is the journey that's right

Time: 4143.199

for me it's very moving to hear because

Time: 4146.48

I you know we hear with that we become

Time: 4148.48

our parents M and yet I've never

Time: 4150.719

believed that um I believe that um for

Time: 4155.88

whatever reasons inside us that we

Time: 4161.199

either adopt their traits unconsciously

Time: 4165.159

or consciously or we resist them 180° in

Time: 4168.88

the other direction MH there doesn't

Time: 4170.799

seem to be a 90° response that's as as

Time: 4173.679

your example beautifully illustrates

Time: 4176.96

that there's something in the brain and

Time: 4178.96

in the human psyche that either says

Time: 4182.88

yeah okay like that's just the way life

Time: 4184.64

is um For Better or

Time: 4186.92

Worse um or says

Time: 4190.359

no and you know I feel I'm 48 years old

Time: 4194.12

so I'm still learning to be a full adult

Time: 4197.6

um um I like to think there's some

Time: 4199.44

neuroplasticity left science tells us

Time: 4201.6

there's neuroplasticity throughout the

Time: 4203.04

lifespan so and I do believe that um but

Time: 4207.32

I feel like so much of being an adult

Time: 4209.159

perhaps just being a human being is

Time: 4213

about learning to stand one's ground and

Time: 4215.84

say no no no no no that's me and this is

Time: 4219.04

what's right for me and you're wrong

Time: 4222.56

crazy or just different and we agree to

Time: 4225.08

disag agree and then there's the other

Time: 4227.28

half of being an adult which is saying

Time: 4229.84


Time: 4231.159

goodness you might be right maybe you

Time: 4234.36

are right okay you're right I screwed up

Time: 4238.48


Time: 4240.28

I need to think at least think about

Time: 4242.88

this differently and and the hard work

Time: 4245.36

of being a human I think is

Time: 4249.12

knowing when you are dealing with

Time: 4252.719

incoming messages that are real

Time: 4256.64

they could be from a healthy Source or

Time: 4259.36

an unhealthy Source it's complicated

Time: 4261.64

this is why I mentioned this thing about

Time: 4262.8

the internet and social media in

Time: 4264.28

particular earlier I do believe it's

Time: 4265.8

borderline I think if you were to remove

Time: 4268.92

the names and the um faces and you would

Time: 4272.32

just put that into a a a script you'd

Time: 4275.679

say this is a dialogue coming from a

Time: 4277.84

borderline person weaving back and forth

Time: 4280.52

across the line literally of healthy and

Time: 4284

psychotic and so as a human especially

Time: 4286.48

nowadays it's complicated um we don't

Time: 4289.8

just live in little Villages where we go

Time: 4291.679

okay well that person tends to kind of

Time: 4293.4

you know spin off and that person seems

Time: 4295.6

very grounded but occasionally makes

Time: 4297.44

mistakes too you know um and so I feel

Time: 4300

like so much of the work of being a I

Time: 4301.96

said an adult but I I'm going to replace

Time: 4303.679

that with just a human is trying to know

Time: 4307.199

thyself right as the Oracle said and own

Time: 4310.159

thyself and and report that into the

Time: 4312.52

world but also to be semi-permeable and

Time: 4315.199

in a way that's functional is such hard

Time: 4317.76

work because in both

Time: 4320.639

cases the adoption of what we were told

Time: 4325.04

and what was ingrained in us and is

Time: 4326.639

unconscious so that we just live out the

Time: 4328.679

script of our parents or where we say no

Time: 4332.04

I'm I'm going to leave this little town

Time: 4333.679

or I'm not going to live life or

Time: 4335.76

relationships that way at all I'm going

Time: 4337.679

to do it this other completely different

Time: 4339.4

way maybe unconventional way both have

Time: 4342.48

an element of reactivity in them and cly

Time: 4345.48

both have an element of um kind of

Time: 4348.84

uh um there's like a there's a Vigor

Time: 4352.36

behind it sure no your your point is

Time: 4356.239

very well taken and and appropriate

Time: 4358.76

because it is a paradox first of

Time: 4362.04

all in the Eden Project a book I wrote

Time: 4364.88

on relationship and subtitled the search

Time: 4367.159

for the magical leather there is inside

Time: 4369.8

of us this infantile and understandable

Time: 4373.76

desire to find the right person who's

Time: 4375.52

going to make our life work for us who's

Time: 4378.08

going to take care of us meet our needs

Time: 4379.88

read our minds etc etc you see and the

Time: 4383.639

other person has that going on in them

Time: 4385.639

so they project that on to us you wonder

Time: 4387.679

why relationships get so complexed you

Time: 4390.28

see but the great gift of relationship

Time: 4394

if you can tolerate it is the otherness

Time: 4396.239

of the other produces the dialectic

Time: 4399.159

produces the the enlargement that comes

Time: 4402.04

from encountering the other I've learned

Time: 4404.28

so much from my my wife and I believe

Time: 4406.04

she's learned a few things from me uh

Time: 4409.239

our ongoing dialogue because we're both

Time: 4411.639

similar and very different at the same

Time: 4413.84

time is one that has at times been

Time: 4416.8

conflictual naturally but most the time

Time: 4420.199

is a pattern of growth because we we are

Time: 4423.28

allowed to bring in that other

Time: 4424.8

perspective and see the same reality my

Time: 4427.4

my my wife has taught me to see some

Time: 4429.28

things that I wouldn't have seen before

Time: 4430.92

because she's has an artist Eye on the

Time: 4434.12

other hand there are places where you

Time: 4435.92

have to come up as you said against what

Time: 4438.04

is Central and critical to your own

Time: 4440

well-being or your own integrity and

Time: 4442.52

then you have to stand for that and the

Time: 4444.679

wisdom to know which is which at any

Time: 4446.76

given time is is not in bred it's it's

Time: 4449.6

one of those times where we have to find

Time: 4451.52

that balancing point between legitimate

Time: 4455

dialogue and compromise and sacrifice in

Time: 4457.76

a relationship there's a place for

Time: 4460.04

sacrifice but at the same time there's a

Time: 4462.52

place where you have to say all right

Time: 4464.48

but I also so have to separate myself

Time: 4466.719

here and and stand for this on the other

Time: 4469.719

side of that and you know it takes a

Time: 4471.92

solomonic wisdom to know always what's

Time: 4474.12

right but over time I think one can get

Time: 4476.52

a sense of of what that's about so you

Time: 4480.08

know again that's why we we have to

Time: 4483.28

individuate as individuals by definition

Time: 4486.52

but also in

Time: 4488.32

relationship because it's the otherness

Time: 4490.4

of the others that pulls us out of that

Time: 4492.159

self-referential system otherwise we get

Time: 4494.4

caught you know in a circular dialogue

Time: 4497.52

among our complexes for example as y

Time: 4499.84

said it's important to go to the

Time: 4501.04

Mountaintop to meditate but if you stay

Time: 4502.88

up there too long you'll be talking to

Time: 4504.76

ghosts you know your your complexes will

Time: 4507.84

be caught in this this looping cycle and

Time: 4511.239

you need the other to pull you out of

Time: 4513.199

that into the presence of the other and

Time: 4515.52

it's out of that that the third

Time: 4517.639

comes um Joseph camel made an important

Time: 4520.4

distinction once he said about committed

Time: 4523

relationship he said if you're

Time: 4524.28

constantly sacrificing to the

Time: 4526.92

other um you'll grow

Time: 4529.719

resentful but if you're sacrificing to

Time: 4532.08

the project the two of you've launched

Time: 4534.719

to together as a friendship or a

Time: 4536.48

marriage or whatever form it takes you

Time: 4538.88

can do that in a very constructive way

Time: 4541.04

you're fed by that because you're you're

Time: 4543.239

you're mutually committed to the project

Time: 4546.4

that this relationship

Time: 4548.159

represents and that's an important

Time: 4550.159

distinction I

Time: 4551.44

think yeah given that 50% or more of

Time: 4555.159

marriages seem to end in divorce these

Time: 4557.12

days I think that statistic still holds

Time: 4559.719

um do you think that can be largely

Time: 4562.4

attributed to uh people not arriving to

Time: 4565.32

those relationships with the mindset you

Time: 4567.6

just described people not arriving to

Time: 4569.52

those relationships having um a deep

Time: 4572

enough understanding of themselves prior

Time: 4574.159

to that or um something else I think all

Time: 4578.4

of the above um first of all young

Time: 4580.679

people tend to marry and make babies

Time: 4583.8

understandably um um and then 20 years

Time: 4586.52

later in some way they're a different

Time: 4588.639

person and it's very hard for the

Time: 4591.199

premises that brought them together to

Time: 4593.239

still obtain in a Developmental and

Time: 4596.8

honest way you know many years

Time: 4599.52

later when you reach that point then

Time: 4603.159

there is a time for renegotiation or if

Time: 4605.84

need be unfortunately the dissolution of

Time: 4608.199


Time: 4609.239

relationship um because I had a

Time: 4611.639

colleague in New Jersey years ago who

Time: 4613.96

worked exclusively with the couples and

Time: 4615.6

she she talked about starter marriages

Time: 4617.639

and she said I would never say that

Time: 4618.92

publicly because that sounded too

Time: 4621.36

pessimistic but she said if you're lucky

Time: 4624

your starter marriage will be a good one

Time: 4625.8

that will evolve and so forth but for

Time: 4627.84

most people that which brought them

Time: 4630.92

together was running from their parents

Time: 4634.199

or replicating their parents'

Time: 4636.199

relationships or uh their their

Time: 4638.92

insecurity about themselves therefore

Time: 4640.8

they bonded with someone else who was

Time: 4642.239

going to take care of that for them

Time: 4643.56

whatever it was

Time: 4645.679

it's been outlived their their own

Time: 4648.719

natural development their life

Time: 4650.32

circumstances have changed and then it

Time: 4652.56

brings about you know the necessity of

Time: 4655.159

some very difficult decisions so you

Time: 4658.12

know marriage marriage is an institution

Time: 4662.159

with the best of

Time: 4663.719

intentions that is sorely tested over

Time: 4666.639

time and you know sometimes it'll

Time: 4669.36

survive the test in I I would not

Time: 4671.28

automatically applaud if someone's been

Time: 4673

married 50 or 60 years I would ask what

Time: 4676.239

has happened to the soul of that person

Time: 4678.36

in that

Time: 4679.679

relationship has it grown has it

Time: 4681.96

developed did did they mutually support

Time: 4684.52

each other's growth and development or

Time: 4687.12

did something get stuck at that point

Time: 4690.159

and um our our early family of origin

Time: 4694.36

Dynamics still dominating that

Time: 4696.28

relationship and from the outside we

Time: 4698.159

usually don't know the answer to that

Time: 4699.719

question but inside you'd have to say

Time: 4702.239

what what has happened to this person

Time: 4705.32

and the same is true with parenting you

Time: 4707.56

know parenting is very very difficult

Time: 4709.76

because we'd like to think we know

Time: 4711.8

what's right for our own child but then

Time: 4714.48

they have to spend a good part of their

Time: 4715.88

life trying to get away from us in some

Time: 4717.8

way as we did ourselves you see and then

Time: 4721.48

you if you remember that then you're a

Time: 4723.44

little more likely to say you know I

Time: 4725.04

really don't know what's going on here

Time: 4726.76

but I have to pay more attention to what

Time: 4728.36

I think is wanting expression through my

Time: 4731.239

child and and support that rather than

Time: 4734.4

assuming that they're going to grow up

Time: 4735.84

and replicate our lives and our values

Time: 4738.36

as I've said

Time: 4740.679

before given the number of people who do

Time: 4743.84

deep introspective work either by

Time: 4746.88

themselves or with a trained

Time: 4747.96

professional it's perhaps should

Time: 4749.96

surprise us that 50% of marriages do

Time: 4752.48

survive yeah in a in a way yes and and

Time: 4755.159

those that survive are not necessarily

Time: 4757.44

good marriages in the sense in which the

Time: 4760.32

person is growing and developing they

Time: 4761.76

may be stuck they may be afraid of the

Time: 4763.48

Alternatives they may be Bound by

Time: 4765.199

economics for example or or cultural

Time: 4767.96

forms so again from outside you don't

Time: 4770.52

know what's happening inside the soul of

Time: 4772.4

that individual and it's very important

Time: 4774.28

for us to not judge them for that

Time: 4776.719

reason earlier you you described the the

Time: 4779.8

painful work sometimes painful work of

Time: 4783.28

really addressing what one wants and

Time: 4785.239

really getting in touch with one's Soul

Time: 4788.28

psyche um and how Society or we think

Time: 4792.719

Society might not approve of that and

Time: 4795.96

yet when I think about popular

Time: 4798.679

culture um often times it's the people

Time: 4802.159

that seem to be living in their own

Time: 4805

truth that are most celebrated that's

Time: 4808.32

true like there's something about the

Time: 4811.159

the crowd I've shifted from Mob to crowd

Time: 4813.639

here to make it sound more benevolent

Time: 4815.28

but but it's still a mob that cheers on

Time: 4818.28

the person who really seems to be in

Time: 4820.12

their we say full expression or living

Time: 4822.48

in their truth but who just comes out

Time: 4825.36

and says like yeah I don't I don't

Time: 4827.96

really care what they're saying about me

Time: 4830.56

or what people think I know me I know my

Time: 4833.36

own goodness my own intention my own um

Time: 4836.84

Mission and the people close to me do

Time: 4839.239

hopefully they have people close to them

Time: 4841.84

and we say yeah like go it's inspiring

Time: 4846.56

yes that's why I said earlier many of

Time: 4848.36

the people in history that we would

Time: 4850.159

admire had difficult lives but we admire

Time: 4852.92

them because they stuck to some value

Time: 4856.04

that was Central to who they were and

Time: 4857.84

they lived that maybe at Great cost but

Time: 4860.199

they live that through whatever

Time: 4862.6

suffering they had to to trans to

Time: 4865.28

experience um again from outside we

Time: 4867.8

don't know do we when we see some

Time: 4870.239

cultural figure out there uh may maybe

Time: 4873.52

they're manipulative may maybe they're

Time: 4875.32

caught in a complex of some kind we

Time: 4877.12

don't know from outside you you have to

Time: 4880.76

say I mean one of the Shadow issues how

Time: 4882.84

often people will live through a

Time: 4884.159

celebrity or live through a pop figure

Time: 4886.44

in some way maybe imitate that person uh

Time: 4890.32

again for a child that's natural and

Time: 4892

normal on the other hand uh sooner or

Time: 4895.56

later you have to say but my journey is

Time: 4897.52

a different

Time: 4898.639

Journey maybe they're living there is

Time: 4901

been in my living mind and I don't mean

Time: 4903.56

this in any grandiose way I don't mean

Time: 4905.6

that they have to go out and become

Time: 4907.239

something that's noted in the society

Time: 4909.679

but to live in accord with something

Time: 4911.52

that is wishing its its U expression

Time: 4914.04

through us that's why I said the final

Time: 4916.88

question in life is is what is wanting

Time: 4920

to live in this world through me rather

Time: 4922.199

than what do I want or what do my

Time: 4924.159

complexes want because they're noisy

Time: 4926.8

chatterers in there you know I had a a

Time: 4929.159

dear friend from another state right to

Time: 4931.04

me just yesterday and um he's in

Time: 4934.08

semi-retirement now and he's been

Time: 4935.679

dealing with some health issues and uh

Time: 4938.4

he said now that I'm not distracted I

Time: 4941.92

have time to work on all the Goblins of

Time: 4943.639

the past that I left behind and he's an

Time: 4946

analyst so it's not like we get rid of

Time: 4948.6

these things they're lifelong this is

Time: 4950.8

why Yung said we can't solve these

Time: 4952.96

things but we can outgrow them there's a

Time: 4954.679

big difference you know you become

Time: 4956.84

larger than what happened to you for

Time: 4958.639

example you become larger than that

Time: 4960.679

voice inside of you that says you can do

Time: 4962.4

this but you can't do

Time: 4963.92

that um and over time you know something

Time: 4967.639

inside of you is wishing that growth and

Time: 4970.44

pushing that and again pathologizes when

Time: 4972.679

that's blocked so so people can be doing

Time: 4975.76

all the right things is defined by their

Time: 4978.88

values and their

Time: 4980.4

environment and it violates something

Time: 4982.679

inside that's why we can be quote

Time: 4984.8

successful and Achieve things and it

Time: 4986.76

still feels empty there's no there there

Time: 4989.88

you know you get to the top of the

Time: 4991.32

ladder and you realize there's no there

Time: 4993.4

there and that happens so often in our

Time: 4996.48

culture um I I remember one of the um

Time: 5000.199

fiscal figures in the late 20th century

Time: 5003.6

who had a personal Fortune of $400

Time: 5006.36

million and he was asked what was his

Time: 5009.08

philosophy of life and he said well the

Time: 5011.84

end of life the person with the biggest

Time: 5013.44

pile wins and I remember thinking how

Time: 5016.28

infantile is that this was a smart

Time: 5019.04

man and Elder Statesman in his field

Time: 5022.4

ultimately went to prison because of

Time: 5024.08

some things um

Time: 5026.88

but that's the philosophy of the sandbox

Time: 5029.639

I have the biggest pile of sand I've won

Time: 5031.719

no you haven't won your

Time: 5033.44

debt and it's a pile of sand what are

Time: 5035.8

you talking about and yet this is what

Time: 5038.32

drove the man's life and obviously drove

Time: 5040.199

him across enough lines that it got him

Time: 5043.84

into legal troubles sooner or later and

Time: 5046.88

again I say that without judgment I'm

Time: 5048.4

just saying here is an example of a very

Time: 5052

achieved person who's been living an

Time: 5055.12

infantile philosophy and as such

Time: 5057.96

something else causes him to pay greatly

Time: 5060.239

for that yeah I certainly can say that

Time: 5063.639


Time: 5065.36

despite having pursued work with a lot

Time: 5067.52

of vigor and career that without

Time: 5070.719


Time: 5072.28

friendships and relationships are the

Time: 5075.36

most important thing there's just no

Time: 5077.28

question right the uh especially when

Time: 5080.04

things get hard that's right you know I

Time: 5082.4

I actually I actually have a list in

Time: 5085.239

this very book I won't flip to it now of

Time: 5087.52

the people that I'm just really blessed

Time: 5089.639

to call close friends like real friends

Time: 5092.28

that you can count on and to me it and

Time: 5094.639

I've always in my sister I have an older

Time: 5096.48

sister and she always said you've always

Time: 5097.6

been a pack animal I've always had uh U

Time: 5100.4

big groups of of biggish groups of

Time: 5102.92

friends and it's something I've invested

Time: 5104.28

in heavily sometimes to the expense of

Time: 5106.159

other things um including work and other

Time: 5108.6

relationships but um but the notion that

Time: 5112.36

um yeah the material things or that the

Time: 5116.04

uh opinions of strangers would somehow

Time: 5118.679

fill us that to me is like the most

Time: 5122

foreign concept sure like that's that's

Time: 5124.159

the the most foreign concept but um but

Time: 5126.52

clearly some people operate on those

Time: 5128.52

metrics that's like of course and my

Time: 5130.76

guess is that they have a a um a a

Time: 5134.08


Time: 5135.199

Horizon that is you know tacked to

Time: 5137.679

whatever it is the algorithms are that

Time: 5139.84

get them that thing and so it must feed

Time: 5141.44

some reward mechanism that hasn't

Time: 5143.04

distracted enough like locked into this

Time: 5145.08

one mode of time perception you know

Time: 5146.96

just hit the mile Mark hit the mile Mark

Time: 5148.679

hit the mile Mark so that they're not

Time: 5150.199

aware but when you take somebody like

Time: 5152.159

that who's been doing that for a

Time: 5153.199

lifetime and you say wait

Time: 5155.04

you know you're on this track going

Time: 5156.48

around and around and AC crewing

Time: 5158.119

trophies but actually that track doesn't

Time: 5160.28

go anywhere doesn't lead you into the

Time: 5162.44

world that's right my guess is that they

Time: 5164.6

they just they've been doing it so long

Time: 5166.48

that they're like an animal that's just

Time: 5168.04

been you know digging a trench and in

Time: 5170.44

its zo confined sure cage which is

Time: 5174.08

something I'm finding with a lot of the

Time: 5176

men that I see uh I happen to see right

Time: 5179.04

now in my practice uh several men

Time: 5182.199

between UH 60 and8 80 and uh one

Time: 5186.92

82 um and of course they've been

Time: 5189.96

conditioned to work and then suddenly

Time: 5192.4

you know on Monday morning you have to

Time: 5193.6

stop and think who you are you get up

Time: 5195.119

and you go to work and you do what

Time: 5196.36

you've done all these years and then

Time: 5199.32

suddenly you don't do that what are you

Time: 5200.6

going to do you say well I'm going to go

Time: 5202.04

play golf every day well okay go do that

Time: 5204.84

but typically within three or four

Time: 5207.08

months the depression comes and they'll

Time: 5209.119

think about well I need to get back into

Time: 5210.88

doing this or get doing that you

Time: 5213.239

see so often we find people defined by

Time: 5218.08

exactly that kind of mentality I've

Time: 5220.28

finished the first lap so what do I do

Time: 5222.28

run another lap and run another lap and

Time: 5224.119

you realize you keep coming back to the

Time: 5226.679

same starting point that's why I say

Time: 5229.04

it's not what you do it's what it's in

Time: 5230.52

service to inside that makes a

Time: 5232.199

difference so is that person being

Time: 5235.159

successful by external standards yes

Time: 5237.48

whatever that means does that mean that

Time: 5240.119

their psyche is going to cooperate and

Time: 5242.08

give them that genuine sense of s

Time: 5244.159

satisfaction in something no it won't

Time: 5246.639

it's autonomous it's not going to get

Time: 5250

co-opted into that and soon or later you

Time: 5253

know chickens come home to roast and

Time: 5254.76

then you have a depression as I

Time: 5257.159

experienced and and or you you find your

Time: 5260.679

relationships are in tatters all around

Time: 5263.36

you so sooner or later I mean no

Time: 5267.08

Revelation on my part nature will

Time: 5269.52

Express itself and if uh if we live long

Time: 5273.639

enough and then everything that we've

Time: 5275.88

pushed underground is be is going to be

Time: 5277.6


Time: 5278.76

up you mentioned men in particular so

Time: 5281.92

now it probably be a good time to um ask

Time: 5284.6

about men in particular you wrote Under

Time: 5286.679

Saturn Shadow which is how I initially

Time: 5288.56

learned about your work and then I

Time: 5290.52

listen to some of your lectures online

Time: 5292.4

I'm still in the process of reading your

Time: 5294.36

um other books but um let's talk

Time: 5298.96

about archetypes

Time: 5301.28

stereotypes of men and women um with the

Time: 5304.48

intention of course of um better

Time: 5307.239

understanding what's real as opposed to

Time: 5309.08


Time: 5310.08

stereotype um so in the um let's call it

Time: 5314.96

the 1930s 40s 50s 60s view of men in the

Time: 5319.52

United States and elsewhere there was

Time: 5321.32

this notion of kind of like the

Time: 5323.239

stoic uh and work and um uh Duty and um

Time: 5331.84

and to some extent a fair amount of

Time: 5333.6


Time: 5334.639

right like it wasn't really because with

Time: 5337.92

um fewer words uh we have less awareness

Time: 5340.88

at least of what people are saying who

Time: 5342.48

knows what they're thinking whether

Time: 5343.96

don't they talk a lot or not um but

Time: 5346.84

there was this idea of of the um the

Time: 5350.08

male as somebody who did

Time: 5352.52

stuff maybe thought about

Time: 5355.159

it but didn't really talk about it much

Time: 5358.76

um nowadays things have

Time: 5360.6

changed um this is born out in the

Time: 5363

statistics on College campuses about how

Time: 5365.44

many people seek therapy um if they have

Time: 5368.28

an issue it's gone from like 15% to 85

Time: 5371.8

plus% at least roughly in the statistics

Time: 5374.32

I've seen so um but in terms of males

Time: 5379.04

and their sense of Duty and how they're

Time: 5380.96

supposed to be in the world um I would

Time: 5383.6

think just the way I just laid out the

Time: 5385.679

little you know by all admittance like

Time: 5388.76

just very Antiquated now view of

Time: 5392.6

maleness um

Time: 5395.56

that they would be thinking a lot about

Time: 5397.8

what's going on it would meet some of

Time: 5399.52

the daily practices that you talked

Time: 5401.119

about earlier um that there would be

Time: 5403.28

reflection that there would be um

Time: 5406.199

Consciousness there would be um uh an

Time: 5410.48

understanding of one's Shadow or if one

Time: 5412.84

were to add in the the other stereotype

Time: 5415.44

that went with it that they drink a lot

Time: 5417.119

right that was very much I'll remember

Time: 5419.44

my first I went to graduate school first

Time: 5421.159

at Berkeley before I shifted to a

Time: 5423.04

different place um and I was told when I

Time: 5426.199

got there that it used to be that the

Time: 5428.84

faculty and graduate students of which

Time: 5431.639

at that time in the 1970s and 60s was

Time: 5434.679

mostly male mostly now that's changed

Time: 5437.28

fortunately right that they would meet

Time: 5439.76

every day after work to drink and then

Time: 5443.08

stagger home to their Partners every day

Time: 5445.719

and I was shocked like are you kidding

Time: 5446.88

me I was like no every single day so you

Time: 5448.8

know the the idea here is that um that

Time: 5451.6

was the old view now things are very

Time: 5454.199

different but what about the work

Time: 5457.719

of men men and boys to try and

Time: 5460.88

understand their own psyche better what

Time: 5463.48

what is the uh what are the things that

Time: 5465.639

are specific to them that you've talked

Time: 5468

about and then we'll turn to women and

Time: 5470.44

then uh we'll we'll do our best to

Time: 5472.159

bridge The Divide in a

Time: 5474.239

conversation well um Ju Just to go back

Time: 5477.48

to our our earlier conversation for a

Time: 5479.76

moment you know why would those men have

Time: 5482.88

to drink every day and the answer is

Time: 5486.4

because there was some deep pain that

Time: 5488.4

they had to

Time: 5490.08

anesthetize of which they were by and

Time: 5492.239

large unaware or presumably they would

Time: 5494.48

have the opportunity to address whatever

Time: 5496.28

that was um you know and I'll come back

Time: 5499.76

to that in a moment I've been asked

Time: 5501.52

often to speak about men by women's

Time: 5503.88

groups and by the way men's groups have

Time: 5506.08

never asked me to talk about women right

Time: 5508.28

is that right that's right you know

Time: 5509.84

individuals such as yourself but it's

Time: 5511.92

it's mostly women's groups have asked me

Time: 5514

talk about those strange creatures

Time: 5515.36

called men and I say imagine these three

Time: 5517.56

things first of all that you cut away

Time: 5520.48

all your close friends the women that

Time: 5522.639

you share your worries about your

Time: 5525.119

marriage with about your children about

Time: 5527.239

your body your love life or lack thereof

Time: 5530.6

you know those people are gone forever

Time: 5532.639

there's no one you can share that with

Time: 5535.159

secondly um you have to sever your link

Time: 5538.48

to whatever your guiding Source may be

Time: 5540.56

you call it your instinct or your

Time: 5542.08

intuition whatever it is that's that's

Time: 5543.92

cut off it's not acceptable and thirdly

Time: 5546.84

your value as a human being will be

Time: 5548.76

defined by your meeting abstract

Time: 5550.639

standards of productivity as defined by

Time: 5553.92

total strangers in your culture and

Time: 5556.8

sooner or later no matter how much you

Time: 5559.119

win today you'll wind up a loser and the

Time: 5561.679

thing is you hold that off as long as

Time: 5563.32

you can so keep running all right and

Time: 5566.159

women hear that and they think well

Time: 5567.56

that's horrible that's horrible how

Time: 5570.199

lonely that would be how isolating that

Time: 5572.44

would be and of course it is it's self

Time: 5574.76

arranging you know my my poor father was

Time: 5577.32

pulled out of the e8th grade sent to to

Time: 5579.239

work in the factory worked all of his

Time: 5581.8

life in that factory and and by the

Time: 5583.76

standards of his day he was a good man

Time: 5586.44

he supported his family he didn't run

Time: 5588.36

away he he accept the

Time: 5590.92

responsibility but I also know he didn't

Time: 5593.239

live his own soul I know that and I had

Time: 5595.92

Clues here and there and I even saw that

Time: 5597.639

as a

Time: 5598.639

child um and and so when I started to

Time: 5602.679

reflect on

Time: 5604.36

men I I realized I had my own

Time: 5606.76

inhibitions about that and I was

Time: 5609.4

fortunately enough as a therapist I

Time: 5611.119

would say all right what would you say

Time: 5613.44

to someone who expressed these

Time: 5615.84

inhibitions I would say all right there

Time: 5617.76

there's some some fears here that you're

Time: 5620.32

defending yourself against what's that

Time: 5621.84

about so I thought and then I had a

Time: 5623.96

voice in me that said but these are

Time: 5625.56

secret you don't talk about it then I

Time: 5628.56

thought well that's my duty isn't it I

Time: 5630.48

have to bring some of those things up

Time: 5632.56

and so that's what led to the writing of

Time: 5634.679

the book under Sater Shadow and um I

Time: 5639.56

suggested a number of those Secrets One

Time: 5641.32

is men's lives are much as much governed

Time: 5644.159

by role expectations as women's lives

Time: 5646.32

are less so today but in the past they

Time: 5648.92

were Ironclad right um and they the net

Time: 5653.32

effect of those roles was self-

Time: 5655.04

arranging you know you are your function

Time: 5657.32

you are your

Time: 5658.56

duties um men's lives are governed by

Time: 5662.119

fear-based responses

Time: 5664.52

and there's a certain level of

Time: 5666.36

competitiveness that is essential to to

Time: 5668.92

men's culture women learn through the

Time: 5670.639

years probably out of necessity to

Time: 5673.48

cooperate and support each other um and

Time: 5676.28

and they can get through difficult

Time: 5678.52

things by doing that for for men it's

Time: 5680.92

you're always having to

Time: 5682.76

demonstrate your competency in one area

Time: 5685.6

or another and the one thing you don't

Time: 5687.8

want to do is be a loser you see it's a

Time: 5690.28

zero sum game winners and losers and um

Time: 5694.719

ultimately there's a deep deep uh

Time: 5697.719

longing for well there's a fear of the

Time: 5700.8

feminine socalled that can include the

Time: 5703.48

feminine within hence men's estranging

Time: 5706.76

themselves from themselves I had a

Time: 5708.48

client many years ago who was sent into

Time: 5711.08

therapy by his wife saying you know

Time: 5712.639

either you go to therapy or I'm out of

Time: 5714.4

here so he was there very reluctantly

Time: 5716.8

and he walked in and he saw a box of uh

Time: 5719

tissue there a Kleenex box and he he

Time: 5721.32

just kind of sniffed at that without

Time: 5723.32

saying anything and I knew exactly what

Time: 5726.159

he was saying but I acted like I didn't

Time: 5728.119

and he thought I'd missed the clue and

Time: 5729.44

so he pointed the box and sniffed again

Time: 5732.239

and I I said what what's this about and

Time: 5734.08

he said well you had a woman in here

Time: 5735.88

before don't you I'm not going to be

Time: 5737.239


Time: 5738.36

that and I said you know every man has a

Time: 5741.639

a lake of Tears inside of himself and a

Time: 5744.32

mountain of anger in there and I said

Time: 5746.04

sooner or later and he said no no we

Time: 5748.8

have other better ways of dealing with

Time: 5750.44

that and I thought well our prognosis is

Time: 5752.4

not very good here

Time: 5754.32

he he left after about five sessions

Time: 5756.76

because it was just going to ask more

Time: 5758.88

than he was capable of so there's a fear

Time: 5762.199

of the feminist like I have to be so

Time: 5764.159

much in my masculine mode of

Time: 5766.52

combativeness or competitiveness or

Time: 5768.88

expression of Competency I can't afford

Time: 5771.44

anything that one would

Time: 5773.239

undo my my shaky hold on that

Time: 5775.92

wheresoever you see Macho Behavior you

Time: 5778.96

see fear-based overcompensation is what

Time: 5781.36

it amounts to right you know saber

Time: 5784.239

raveling rattling is is always a

Time: 5786.76


Time: 5788.159

response and and underneath there is a

Time: 5790.719

very deep longing you know for the wise

Time: 5793.76

father for for the the person you could

Time: 5797.44

see some modeling from who would teach

Time: 5799.719

you something who would share with you

Time: 5801.92

wisdom he's learned along the way and so

Time: 5805.159

you know the condition of modern men and

Time: 5807.239

things have changed a great deal and I

Time: 5809.52

think partly stirred by the um

Time: 5812.719

revolution in in in the history of women

Time: 5816.44

you know and and their courage in

Time: 5820.119

addressing these stereotypes about what

Time: 5822

a woman is and what she's supposed to do

Time: 5823.719

with her life um required men to start

Time: 5827.52

looking at themselves as well so women

Time: 5829.6

have done us a great favor not always

Time: 5831.92

recognized by men but um you know in

Time: 5835.44

both cases you have to say all right the

Time: 5837.719

message you have from family of origin

Time: 5839.639

and culture may or may not work for you

Time: 5842.76

but you're here to in a certain way

Time: 5846.199

deconstruct you know those expectations

Time: 5849.76

and and find your own path you

Time: 5852.28

see uh the Spanish analist Irene Deo not

Time: 5856.159

long to cease now talked about the

Time: 5857.96

difference between focused awareness and

Time: 5860.239

diffuse awareness and I think rather

Time: 5863.04

than talk about gender which is a social

Time: 5865.92

construct coming out of this culture or

Time: 5867.84

this culture or this culture talk about

Time: 5870.48

those are two different modes of

Time: 5872.84

orientation to the world and we need

Time: 5874.88

both we need focused awareness that's

Time: 5877.92

gold directed behavior that is

Time: 5879.599

historically associated with the

Time: 5881.56

masculine and we also need this

Time: 5884.119

awareness of context and of

Time: 5886.679

relationship so this focused awareness

Time: 5889.4

without relatedness leads to sterility

Time: 5891.96

and isolation and on the other hand too

Time: 5894.8

diffuse without a sense of directed and

Time: 5897.04

purposeful Behavior you know means that

Time: 5899.44

one is just sort of fumbling one's way

Time: 5901.199

through life too I've always said to

Time: 5903.08

women in therapy you know to be a man is

Time: 5906.76

in a sense your requirement is to know

Time: 5908.52

what you want and to do it but you have

Time: 5911.159

to do that too in what y called the

Time: 5913

Animus that is to say the so-called

Time: 5914.8

inner masculine or the inner focused

Time: 5916.96

awareness and that gold directed

Time: 5919.76

behavior is what moves your life forward

Time: 5922.199

in a purposeful way but for men it's

Time: 5925.4

it's about becoming aware of again

Time: 5927.92

context and

Time: 5929.56

relatedness what happens if I have the

Time: 5932.159

biggest pile of sand at at the end of my

Time: 5934.159

life well you know obviously you can't

Time: 5937

take it with you but in the end it's

Time: 5938.56

only sand money is only money what was

Time: 5942

your life about that's the

Time: 5944.44

question women have to ask that men have

Time: 5947.44

to ask that and sometimes the culture is

Time: 5950.52

supportive in that process sometimes

Time: 5952.4

it's opposed to that and and then that's

Time: 5954.8

when you have to engage in a fight men

Time: 5957.159

and women have a you know a common

Time: 5959.639

summons here and they can be very

Time: 5962.599

supportive of each other as well as you

Time: 5964.84

know celebrate their

Time: 5966.599

differences and recognize um you know as

Time: 5969.8

men are beginning to recognize if you

Time: 5973

don't address what's going on inside of

Time: 5974.92

you you're you're going to be uh simply

Time: 5977.599

a creature of adaptation and you're

Time: 5979.44

going to lose your way sooner or later

Time: 5982.32

um when I came back from my training in

Time: 5984.84

Zurich in the

Time: 5986.679

70s um I would say my practice was 90%

Time: 5991.04

women and 10% men today it's the reverse

Time: 5994.36

90% men I don't put out a shangle and

Time: 5996.56

say I see men or women I I see both but

Time: 6000.32

uh I think again it's the change is in

Time: 6002.44

men now they they

Time: 6004.28

recognize they're lost in some way the

Time: 6007.96

old masculine definitions are no longer

Time: 6011.8

applicable you know a lot of this

Time: 6014.28

happened with the Industrial Revolution

Time: 6016.119

where Fathers and Sons work together in

Time: 6018.08

the same trait if you were a Tanner you

Time: 6020

tanned you know if you were a carpenter

Time: 6022.84

you you built houses if if you were a

Time: 6025.199

Shepherd you you know worked with a

Time: 6027.679

sheep and so forth um and you sort of

Time: 6030.44

learn who you are from your rubbing

Time: 6033.199

shoulders with the father well well

Time: 6034.719

today men go away to the factory or go

Time: 6037.119

away to the office and Sons are at home

Time: 6039.84

with their mothers you know and they're

Time: 6042

female School teachers and so forth and

Time: 6044.28

so there's again this deep hunger for

Time: 6047.84

the initiatory Father the the the the

Time: 6051.76

supportive father in traditional

Time: 6054.239

cultures where there were rights of

Time: 6055.84

Passage they recognized the importance

Time: 6058.36

of separating the boy at puberty in a

Time: 6061.76

simpler culture yes but at puberty it

Time: 6064.56

wasn't initiated by the personal father

Time: 6067.92

or relatives it was by the elders in the

Time: 6070.719

tribe often wearing masks or painted

Time: 6073.44

faces because they were archetypal

Time: 6075.32

forces they were not the neighbor down

Time: 6077

the street it was like you're in the

Time: 6079

hands of the Gods now and they require

Time: 6082.28

you to leave home and we're going to

Time: 6083.8

teach you things but we're also going to

Time: 6086.679

bring about some forms of isolation and

Time: 6089.199

suffering for you so begin to realize

Time: 6091.08

that you have within you the resources

Time: 6092.92

to undertake this journey what we have

Time: 6095.52

now is is a whole culture of uninitiated

Time: 6098.28

males who haven't left home

Time: 6100.239

psychologically speaking you know in the

Time: 6103.159

past they were simply governed by

Time: 6104.639

masculine roles and now as those of

Time: 6107.04

dissolved for many men um there there's

Time: 6110.48

very little sense of well what does it

Time: 6112.119

mean to be a man what am I supposed to

Time: 6114.159

do as as a man and the answer basically

Time: 6117.639

is go live your life find find your path

Time: 6121.239

find the courage and resolve and

Time: 6123.04

resources to to sustain that over time

Time: 6126.52

but you know how to do that is there's

Time: 6128.679

no model for that it's it's you have to

Time: 6131.119

sort of find that your yourself you see

Time: 6134.32

and that's what brings people into

Time: 6135.88

therapy at times and it's interesting

Time: 6137.96

that I have right now this collection

Time: 6140

and it's consonant with my own stage of

Time: 6141.679

Life Journey too of of I only have one

Time: 6145.159

man under 50 and all the others are

Time: 6149.159

interested in how you deal with aging

Time: 6151.08

and mortality for a good reason and

Time: 6153.159

they're also dealing with how do I

Time: 6154.56

Define myself other than my

Time: 6156.88

work and and that's where the unlived

Time: 6160.719

life often is coming back back in a very

Time: 6163.719

useful way all right although there are

Time: 6166.52

some things that have left and not

Time: 6168.28

coming back in terms of the changes in

Time: 6170.52

the body and that sort of thing but

Time: 6172.199


Time: 6173.719

now is the time to address this

Time: 6175.96

emotional developmental spiritual life

Time: 6179.88

that is to say do you have any concept

Time: 6181.88

of a story that's larger than the

Time: 6183.599

stories of your complexes you see

Time: 6186.92

doesn't mean one has to be part of a

Time: 6188.599

religious group it means that you have

Time: 6190.32

to question what quickens the spirit in

Time: 6192.84

me what stirs me inside what touches me

Time: 6197.48

where do I encounter the numinous and

Time: 6199.679

the the word numinous means there's

Time: 6201.32

something there that that causes this

Time: 6203.96

reaction within me so if you and I walk

Time: 6206.56

into an art museum let's say and you're

Time: 6209.8

touched by a particular painting and and

Time: 6211.88

frightened by it or moved to Tears by it

Time: 6214.119

or whatever and the other person walks

Time: 6215.96

by and is indifferent which is a right

Time: 6218.199

well it's not right or wrong it's this

Time: 6221.239

here it correlates with something in

Time: 6224.08

here that's what caused that resonance

Time: 6227.08

and that resonance is your engagement

Time: 6229.239

with something numinous for you you

Time: 6231.599

don't have to know it or explain or

Time: 6233.8

whatever but you have to Value it and

Time: 6236.639

ask what is it that was touched in me

Time: 6239.08

and if it doesn't speak to me um Duty or

Time: 6243.04

convention or expectations insufficient

Time: 6245.639

to make it happen we can't will these

Time: 6248.56

things to be

Time: 6249.719

numinous numinosity is something that's

Time: 6252.84

defined by one soul and not by the

Time: 6255.639

collective that's for sure and women and

Time: 6258.28

men in time I think will find that they

Time: 6260.84

have very similar goals in their life

Time: 6264.08

and that's how to balance my journey

Time: 6267.04

with the legitimate commitments of

Time: 6268.8

relationship on the other side and that

Time: 6272.36

that's why we have that wonderful word

Time: 6274.4

sacrifice you know not surrender

Time: 6276.92

sacrifice is fer to Sacred sacrificer to

Time: 6281.119

make sacred if you're sacrificing on

Time: 6284.119

behalf of a value that is right for you

Time: 6287.599

and for your project together then

Time: 6290.639

you're both served by that on the other

Time: 6292.84

hand and you don't sacrifice the Journey

Time: 6295.239

of the individual Spirit too and again

Time: 6299

it's about balancing that as best one

Time: 6301.44

can and there's very little in our

Time: 6303.56

culture that rewards that but then the

Time: 6306.32

price is again the symptomatology that

Time: 6309

comes from to the surface and from a

Time: 6311.119

psychodynamic standpoint we don't say

Time: 6313.119

well how quickly to get rid of the

Time: 6314.639

symptoms we say why if they

Time: 6316.92

come what are they asking of me that's

Time: 6320.48

why as I I said my first question in

Time: 6323

therapy was how quickly did I get rid of

Time: 6324.679

this depression get back on the road you

Time: 6326.52

know the careerism road right and and I

Time: 6330.8

came in time to realize it was my psyche

Time: 6333.36

saying you're on the wrong path fella

Time: 6336.159

you don't know it's not so much that

Time: 6337.76

it's wrong it's just not right for you

Time: 6340

there's a big difference here and you're

Time: 6342.159

going to have to find a different kind

Time: 6343.8

of conversation in your life and so

Time: 6346.04

forth and during my training I was

Time: 6348.04

obliged to you know do my um clinical

Time: 6351.119

experience I was working in a

Time: 6352.28

psychiatric Hospital in uh New

Time: 6354.8

Jersey and sometimes I was shuttling

Time: 6357.8

back and forth the same day between the

Time: 6360.159

psychiatric hospital a locked word in

Time: 6362.36

the in the University campus and I came

Time: 6366.28

to realize the conversation in the

Time: 6368.599

hospital was more real somehow it was

Time: 6370.719

more more about things that

Time: 6373.08

mattered and that's what began to to you

Time: 6376.639

know further my resolve to move from

Time: 6379.719

Academia to being a a therapist you know

Time: 6383

working therapist and and and so forth

Time: 6385.44

so it it the point is I need to add this

Time: 6389.719

my way of responding

Time: 6392.44

to the family of origin and social

Time: 6395.48

context stuff was to retreat into the

Time: 6399.04

life of the mind I didn't realize that's

Time: 6401.599

what I was doing at the

Time: 6403.239

time that's why the psyche had to reach

Time: 6405.639

up and Pull Me

Time: 6407.32

Under And um then I came to realize that

Time: 6411.639

the fears that I had in childhood were

Time: 6414.08

the ones I had to face at midlife the

Time: 6416.4

difference being I was bringing the

Time: 6418.599

adults capacity to the table that was

Time: 6421.84

not present to the child

Time: 6424.159

so quick example in my first week

Time: 6428.36

working in the psychiatric hospital I

Time: 6429.84

was signed to a kind of grizzled old

Time: 6431.639

ex-military guy who was the my mentor

Time: 6434.76

and without asking me he took me into an

Time: 6437.239

autopsy it was his you know let's

Time: 6439.599

initiate the new kid kind of thing you

Time: 6441.599

know well I realized it was a test so I

Time: 6444.599

stayed cool and so forth all the while

Time: 6446.719

I'm seeing this human body you know cut

Time: 6448.84

up and so forth in a radical

Time: 6451.36

way and and I realized all that I had

Time: 6454.84

fled in childhood was right there on the

Time: 6457.679

table before me and it continued to

Time: 6460.639

perseverate in my dreams and so forth

Time: 6463.52

and I I was back in Zurich in my own

Time: 6466.199

analysis and I talked about this and my

Time: 6468.8

analyst said quite rightly he said when

Time: 6470.52

you've dealt with your fears the fears

Time: 6472.44

of others will not be so threatening to

Time: 6474.44

you cu the the closed W I was in was at

Time: 6477.76

times violent and so forth and was not a

Time: 6480.52

pleasant situation but I could feel my

Time: 6482.719

own sense of purpose and gravitas in

Time: 6486.56

that situation after that so it's like

Time: 6489.159

you can run but you can't hide sooner or

Time: 6491.36

later what you've avoided will show up

Time: 6493.8

in your behaviors or your blockage in

Time: 6496.199

your behaviors so it doesn't go away it

Time: 6498.639


Time: 6500.119

somewhere I'd like to just hover a bit

Time: 6502.36

on this idea that um you know on the one

Time: 6505.36

hand our work is to understand ourselves

Time: 6509.119

and what really feeds our

Time: 6510.84

soul um and to try and live that forward

Time: 6514.239

as much as possible in a benevolent way

Time: 6517.639

one would hope and on the other hand

Time: 6520.52

anytime we are in the relational aspects

Time: 6524.92

of life in particular romantic

Time: 6526.88

relationship as we sort of framed it

Time: 6529.08

here yes um because I think with

Time: 6531.56


Time: 6533.599

and work relationships oftentimes it can

Time: 6535.52

align with the self in a different way

Time: 6539.84

um and it's our work to try and as you

Time: 6543.199

said sacrifice to to sacrifice one for

Time: 6545.8

the other one for the other in a way

Time: 6547.88

that over time allows both to not just

Time: 6550.56

persist but grow and I'm also thinking

Time: 6554.04

about what you said earlier which was

Time: 6555.56

you know we should be cautious about

Time: 6557.28

immediately applauding the 50-year

Time: 6559.239

marriage because often times there's a a

Time: 6561.88

soul death in one or both people um and

Time: 6566.159

that we don't want to celebrate that and

Time: 6568.199

yet there's something pretty impressive

Time: 6569.88

about a 50-year marriage as as a um if

Time: 6573

for no other reason as an endurance

Time: 6575.04

event but we have to be cautious about

Time: 6577.239

rewarding endurance events like that

Time: 6579.159

because in as much as they sound to be

Time: 6581.56

about love I mean there's also the

Time: 6583.119

endurance event of the person that was a

Time: 6585.159

stock broker for 50 years and got to the

Time: 6586.96

end and then walked out of the stock

Time: 6589.88

exchange or stepped out from behind the

Time: 6591.32

computer monitor and went

Time: 6593.36

oh wow I missed a lot that's right so um

Time: 6599.52

there's no handbook for this of you know

Time: 6602.679

you spend 15 minutes here and 30 minutes

Time: 6604.88

there ratio of 2 to one children absorb

Time: 6607.719

energy and when there health or other

Time: 6610.52

issues in a relationship

Time: 6613.04

then then you know energy goes you know

Time: 6616.44

as well um

Time: 6619.599

so what's the you know what's how does

Time: 6623.08

one guide the rudder I mean uh does it

Time: 6625.92

require third- Party Support I mean I

Time: 6629.4

mean I've often thought this that

Time: 6630.8

because we evolved presumably in small

Time: 6632.48

villages where there was support that at

Time: 6634.88

closer proximity than perhaps we have

Time: 6636.84

now um people that know both individuals

Time: 6640.08

and have the best uh uh in mind for both

Time: 6645.92

um and for the collective I mean is

Time: 6648.119

there the idea that like every romantic

Time: 6652.36

couple should have a third- party

Time: 6654.92

trained counselor to guide them seems

Time: 6656.96

like not a bad idea although I think

Time: 6658.719

people are pretty resistant to that and

Time: 6660.239

of course it takes resources which is

Time: 6661.88

always an issue sure sure well there's

Time: 6664.48

nothing wrong with having the third

Time: 6666.079

party conversation from time to time

Time: 6667.92

that's for sure we have to remember that

Time: 6670.679

what we call therapy is a relatively

Time: 6672.28

modern invention um how was that

Time: 6674.599

addressed before you're right at the

Time: 6676.159

Village level uh when people were living

Time: 6679.8

in um vit vitalized mythological systems

Time: 6685.159

they had a sense of relatedness to the

Time: 6687.04

Cosmos first of all who are the gods whe

Time: 6690.8

whether do we go when we die what's this

Time: 6693.28

life about in other words every tribe

Time: 6694.96

had its

Time: 6696.04

story secondly what is our relationship

Time: 6699.56

to Nature and to live in harmony with

Time: 6701.92

that nature as opposed to violating it

Time: 6704.52

repeatingly for our own

Time: 6706.28

purposes thirdly who to whom do I belong

Time: 6710.84

who is my tribe who are my people and is

Time: 6714.119

that a life serving or a life supressing

Time: 6717.52

experience and fourthly is the mystery

Time: 6719.199

of individual journey by what lights do

Time: 6722.199

I conduct my journey and so forth and of

Time: 6724.92

course those mythological systems were

Time: 6727.239

not particularly interested in the

Time: 6729

development of the individual but

Time: 6730.4

they're certainly about the individual

Time: 6732.199

being subsumed into the the tribal

Time: 6734.599

experience at least you have a sense of

Time: 6737.4

belonging erode that and people fall out

Time: 6740.84

of that into the abyss of the self as it

Time: 6744.36

were um you put it this way he said you

Time: 6747.88

know PE people walked off the medieval

Time: 6750.76

Cathedral into the abyss of the self in

Time: 6752.88

one of his letters you see and it became

Time: 6757.599

a cultural contrivance with the best of

Time: 6760.239

intention to help people find their path

Time: 6764.159

and deal with whatever their psyche's

Time: 6766.679

reaction to you know again typically not

Time: 6769.8

always but typically what brings people

Time: 6771.84

to therapy is that their belief system

Time: 6775.119

or their conventional practices are no

Time: 6777.52

longer working for them I had a client

Time: 6780.48

from Houston once who said in his AA

Time: 6783.719

group their slogan was this isn't

Time: 6785.639

working for me but I do it very well

Time: 6788.159

that pretty much um summarizes the first

Time: 6790.36

step of going into 12st step is that

Time: 6792.76

recognition that's right and then uh you

Time: 6794.76

know 12st step of course provides so

Time: 6796.239

much more but applicable to all of us

Time: 6798.679

you know our our our practices sooner or

Time: 6800.84

later will often because they're driven

Time: 6802.84

by these stories that we carry INTC

Time: 6805.88

psychically uh they don't work for us

Time: 6808.04

but we've learned to do them with

Time: 6809.4

certain facility and so forth and that's

Time: 6811.36

when the discrepancy becomes so

Time: 6813.639

difficult then one has to to face the

Time: 6815.96

you know the the fire so to speak then

Time: 6819.119

what matters is how am I to conduct my

Time: 6821.48

life in the face of these circumstances

Time: 6823.96

which I'm not able to solve in the old

Time: 6826.159

way and that's the adventure and that's

Time: 6830

the challenge and at the same time it's

Time: 6832.04


Time: 6833.159

to to many people understandably so

Time: 6836.88

sooner or later again one has to say is

Time: 6840.44

this your life or is it someone

Time: 6843.079

else's most people are not living their

Time: 6845.48

life sadly they're living reactively

Time: 6847.8

they're living whatever the stories were

Time: 6850.52

and I put stories not in the sense that

Time: 6852.84

they're so conscious as such as they

Time: 6857.36

are representing whatever message we

Time: 6861.079

internalized and produced a splinter

Time: 6863.44

narrative again when triggered it has

Time: 6866.079

the power to to govern our behaviors

Time: 6868.599

it's why again you start with your own

Time: 6870.679

patterns and say where did this come

Time: 6872.56

from I wasn't born with it pattern is

Time: 6875.48

something that is replicating itself as

Time: 6877.84

a result of this story spilling into the

Time: 6880.679

world so you know what what I learned in

Time: 6883.84

my own life was I had put so much of my

Time: 6887.239

emotional distress up in the world of

Time: 6890.8

the life of the mind which was rich inv

Time: 6892.56

valuable I don't repudiate that but it

Time: 6894.599

was too

Time: 6895.48

one-sided and what I had to do was come

Time: 6897.96

back and face what was on the operating

Time: 6899.92

table in that Psychiatric Hospital the

Time: 6902.76

world of repressed emotion fears etc etc

Time: 6906.199

it's like both are true now see if you

Time: 6909.639

can honor both of them and when you do

Time: 6912.119

something grows and develops within you

Time: 6914.28

to respond to that in a new

Time: 6916.76

way so we've been covering a lot of

Time: 6919.04

human universals and things that

Time: 6921.32

everybody should think about and address

Time: 6924.52

we talked a bit about things more or

Time: 6927.159

less specific to men um what about women

Time: 6931.239

what what are some of the um unique

Time: 6935.119

psychic challenges that um that they

Time: 6938.48

face and need to address in specific

Time: 6941.239

ways sure well first of all each woman

Time: 6945.719

has to examine what was the message

Time: 6948.44

given her by her family by her mother

Time: 6951.88

her family extended family expectations

Time: 6954.599

and role models and cultural setting and

Time: 6957.599

so forth and say is is this something

Time: 6960.04

that supports my personal growth and

Time: 6962.239

development or not I mean that's a kind

Time: 6964.199

of inventory men have to ask that same

Time: 6966.36

question as

Time: 6967.52

well um we we have to acknowledge that

Time: 6971.119

biological differences suggest if you're

Time: 6973.92

a woman you're the one who's going to be

Time: 6975.52

carrying that baby and still in our

Time: 6978.239

culture the major responsibility for it

Time: 6980.8

while shared by father and mother

Time: 6984.239

hopefully still is something you have to

Time: 6987.44

attend and many women are trying to have

Time: 6990.76

it both ways as we know the the career

Time: 6993.48

development and and being a parent at

Time: 6996.56

the same time I saw a survey some years

Time: 6999.52

ago that um a large number of women

Time: 7003.599

Executives all at M mbas and had all

Time: 7006.92

achieved you know like vice president

Time: 7008.84

status or something in their

Time: 7010.76

corporation when at asked around age 50

Time: 7013.88

would you do this all

Time: 7015.679

again almost 100% said no it cost too

Time: 7020.199

much from me it cost me too much they

Time: 7023.96

felt something else was missing they

Time: 7025.96

they felt friendship was missing they

Time: 7027.76

felt intimacy was missing in many cases

Time: 7030.92

they felt parenting was missing or it

Time: 7032.92

had gotten short shrift you see um as as

Time: 7037.079

men often face when they look at

Time: 7038.88

retirement they you know the old saying

Time: 7040.84

you on your deathbed you say GE I wish I

Time: 7043.04

spent more time with the office you know

Time: 7044.8

it's like I wish I'd done this or that I

Time: 7046.96

know a few scientists who to this day

Time: 7049.4

say that they plan to die in their

Time: 7051.159

office it's always a sad thing for me to

Time: 7052.96

hear this yeah I also know their

Time: 7054.599

children in many cases and that's uhh

Time: 7058

about four fifths of the time is not a

Time: 7060.44

good picture that's right yeah and uh

Time: 7063.56

again not all right this four fifths but

Time: 7066.599

um because other colleagues are

Time: 7067.88

spectacular parents but I grew up with

Time: 7069.52

the children of a lot of academics and a

Time: 7072.599

lot of times it ain't the pretty picture

Time: 7074.84

that's right so I I think that um

Time: 7078.52

another thing that men in our time

Time: 7081.599

really need to learn is if you're in a

Time: 7085.199

relationship part of your role is

Time: 7087.32

supporting the growth and development of

Time: 7088.84

your partner and the more insecure the

Time: 7091.239

man the more threatened he will be by

Time: 7093.239

that because she might go off in some

Time: 7095.28

other direction you see um and that

Time: 7098.119

means sharing household duties and

Time: 7100.44

sharing child care and so forth forth

Time: 7102.52

which you do to the best of your ability

Time: 7105.04

having a child and having two careers

Time: 7107.04

requires an enormous amount of juggling

Time: 7109.199

as we as we all know but you can do it

Time: 7112.32

in good faith with the best of

Time: 7115.32

intentions if not resentment builds and

Time: 7118.52

one-sidedness build so I I think for for

Time: 7122.119

women they still need a partner that

Time: 7125.719

will buy into the notion of genuine

Time: 7128.599

reciprocity in our responsibility to

Time: 7131.52

each other and to our our work together

Time: 7134.199

which includes child

Time: 7135.679

rearing uh without which women are

Time: 7138.48

unduly burdened you see unfairly

Time: 7141.4

burdened and I don't think we've solved

Time: 7144.239

that one yet I think that's still

Time: 7145.76

open-ended in the in the culture at this

Time: 7148.4

point on the other hand it's it's

Time: 7150.92

stunning to see women grab hold of the

Time: 7154.04

opportunities available now uh I'm

Time: 7156.84

living in a retirement community as of a

Time: 7159

year ago and so many of the women that

Time: 7161.52

I've had din with my my wife and I have

Time: 7163.679

dinner with various people have said

Time: 7165.84

well when I was at this stage women were

Time: 7167.48

not allowed to do this one woman was a

Time: 7170.199

scientist and she said I just wasn't

Time: 7171.96

recognized in the physics World until

Time: 7175.119

like late in my life and you forget how

Time: 7178.239

recently that was the case I mean that

Time: 7180.52

was that was a deep violation of the

Time: 7182.8

human Spirit Well it was routine and so

Time: 7185.8

many of the women that I see there who

Time: 7187.36

are going to be over 70 most of them are

Time: 7189.52


Time: 7190.719

80 live lived in a world that was not

Time: 7193.079

unlike a segregated world you know just

Time: 7196.36

as you know I grew up where segregation

Time: 7198.96

was practiced by half of this country

Time: 7201.599

it's not so long ago somewhat hard to

Time: 7204.88

Fathom um how much things have changed

Time: 7208.199

and yet also how much things persist

Time: 7210.92

that's right that's right well and you

Time: 7213.88

know the 60s happened and what this what

Time: 7215.84

happened to the 60s is a a a kind of re

Time: 7220.199

Resurgence From Below in both men and

Time: 7223.36

women some men and some women to

Time: 7226.28

overthrow the sort of oppressive nature

Time: 7228.92

of role definitions and so forth you

Time: 7231.239

know I mean you couldn't think of

Time: 7233.76

marrying a person uh in another religion

Time: 7236.44

for example you couldn't think of

Time: 7238.159

marrying someone of A different race I

Time: 7240.119

mean it was the price of that meant you

Time: 7242.119

had to go live in anonymously in the

Time: 7244

city somewhere or you couldn't be gay

Time: 7246.239

for example uh the love that dare not

Time: 7248.92

speak its name as it was called um all

Time: 7252.76

of that's been radically challenged and

Time: 7254.599

rightly so and and yet what that does is

Time: 7258.4

bring about a world of great Freedom

Time: 7261.32

greater freedom but also ambiguity you

Time: 7264.8

know if this isn't right well but what's

Time: 7267.04

this and what's that and people are

Time: 7269.52

troubled by ambiguity and so therefore

Time: 7272.04

there's there's always a reactive uh

Time: 7274.56

nature in in some individuals who are

Time: 7277

fighting that you see so again it shows

Time: 7280.88

up in very ious issues of of racism

Time: 7284.36

whether we have abortion or not or

Time: 7286.4

whatever the social issue may

Time: 7288.88

be lot of what's playing out there is

Time: 7291.96

the traditional role definitions versus

Time: 7295.079

a sense of the autonomy of the

Time: 7297.28

individual to live his or her journey

Time: 7299.52

you say I'd like to shift a bit to

Time: 7303.119

discussions of pathology or um asserted

Time: 7308

pathology nowadays I think thanks again

Time: 7311.48

to social media um or no thanks to

Time: 7314.92

social media um there's a lot of use of

Time: 7318.159

psychological terms M

Time: 7321.76


Time: 7323.8

projection um

Time: 7327

gaslighting clinical diagnosis I mean I

Time: 7329.84

I admittedly took the liberty of saying

Time: 7331.84

that I as a non-clinician view the the

Time: 7334.88

landscape of a lot of social media as as

Time: 7337.48

borderline and I have no credential to

Time: 7340.239

be able to diagnose an individual let

Time: 7342.8

alone the internet but so I'll be clear

Time: 7344.92

about my limitations um whenever

Time: 7347.8


Time: 7349.719

but there are real pathologies of the of

Time: 7352.96

the psyche of the mind yes um I'd be

Time: 7355.679

curious about your view of the ones that

Time: 7358.04

tend to capture people's um attention

Time: 7360.719

the most you know I mean uh I think we

Time: 7363.599

Now understand some of the neurochemical

Time: 7366.32

basis of certain CH psychiatric

Time: 7369.8

challenges schizophrenia bipolar in

Time: 7372.28

particular OCD particular sometimes by

Time: 7374.8

way of which medications they respond to

Time: 7377.119

or don't um but that alone doesn't allow

Time: 7380.76

us to understand their underlying

Time: 7382.599

mechanisms I think a lot of that is

Time: 7384.04

still mysterious but I'd love um to get

Time: 7387.28

a different perspective on these things

Time: 7389.52

which is the psychological perspective

Time: 7392.36

which um of course Embraces biology but

Time: 7396.119

um looks at it a little bit differently

Time: 7397.52

so um yeah what what are your thoughts

Time: 7400.199

about the way that these days um these

Time: 7404.04

words are slung and

Time: 7407.76

um and what's your view about our actual

Time: 7410.599

treatment for these uh for these

Time: 7412.679

conditions both for the people suffering

Time: 7414.48

from them and the people that suffer

Time: 7416.96

because others suffer from them yeah

Time: 7419.32

well you're asking me to speak both as a

Time: 7421.199

therapist and as a citizen I think and

Time: 7423.4

I'll address the first one first um part

Time: 7427.96

of the therapist's role is to

Time: 7430.159

differential diagnosis in other words if

Time: 7433.079

a person comes in with a depression we

Time: 7436

have to try to Define what kind of

Time: 7437.679

depression are we talking about there

Time: 7438.76

different kinds of

Time: 7439.92

depression is this a reactive depression

Time: 7442.639

it's only pathological if it lasts too

Time: 7445.04

long or lasts interferes with their

Time: 7448.04

normal functioning too much and that's a

Time: 7449.92

judgment call if a person's grieving the

Time: 7452.719

loss of something important in their

Time: 7454.28

life the loss of a marriage would say

Time: 7456.52

it's appropriate to feel uh depressed

Time: 7459.04

for a certain length of time until

Time: 7460.8

life's ches move one forward and so

Time: 7463.96

forth there is um um biologically driven

Time: 7468.84

depression which can be approached with

Time: 7471.119

medication although many of the

Time: 7472.679

anti-depressants are very limited in

Time: 7474.639

their success long-term therapy tends to

Time: 7477.52

be more effective as various Studies

Time: 7480.199

have recognized albeit there's a you

Time: 7482.639

know an economic cause to that and then

Time: 7485.079

thirdly there's what you can call an

Time: 7486.96

intas psychic depression which is what I

Time: 7489.84

experienced was that you know there were

Time: 7493.119

certain parts of my life that had been

Time: 7494.52

walled off and and you know that was

Time: 7498.44

crying out pathology comes from the

Time: 7501

Greek word pathos which means suffering

Time: 7504.04

and logos which means expression of so

Time: 7506.36

pathology means the expression of the

Time: 7508.8

suffering Psychopathology is expression

Time: 7511.119

of the suffering of the Soul so what is

Time: 7513.28

it in terms of this person's natural

Time: 7515.92

desire to live in a meaningful way

Time: 7518.04

that's interfering with her life is it

Time: 7519.76

biologically driven is it as function of

Time: 7522.44

the social context in which they live or

Time: 7524.599

is it some personal task that they have

Time: 7527.559

to address and that kind of differential

Time: 7531.04

diagnosis is is essential and as you

Time: 7533.639

said there are certain conditions that

Time: 7535

are predominantly biologically driven

Time: 7537.36

such as schizophrenia bipolar

Time: 7539.88

Etc so secondly then speaking as as a

Time: 7544.96

citizen you know the internet and I

Time: 7548.76

don't want to get lost in the internet

Time: 7550.239

again but it's like it's a vast Open

Time: 7552.599

Stage in which whatever is unaddressed

Time: 7554.84

in people can can be put out there

Time: 7558.4

without censorship without reflection

Time: 7561.639

without the other being represented and

Time: 7564.96

you know it it allows people to to

Time: 7568.639

reveal whatever is going on within

Time: 7571.28

them uh with without genuine dialogue

Time: 7575.199

and of course you can have opposition

Time: 7577

but what has to happen typically is

Time: 7579.079

again associating with like-minded

Time: 7580.76

people I must be right because these

Time: 7583.32

other people agree with me you see so

Time: 7587.199

you know any of these terms can be

Time: 7589.48

misappropriated and and will be sooner

Time: 7592.159

or later so what one has to say is we

Time: 7595.44

can only make diagnosis with you know

Time: 7598.679

observation over time it's very hard

Time: 7602.04

initially to to know what's really going

Time: 7603.96

on as I mentioned what we do or what

Time: 7607.159

someone does is logical what we don't

Time: 7609.32

know is what it's in service to inside

Time: 7611.119

of them

Time: 7612.4

and you will not get much sense of that

Time: 7614.719

by the internet because it's too

Time: 7616.96

superficial that's why it takes repeated

Time: 7619.76

observation and conversation for that to

Time: 7623.719

emerge the reason I keep coming back to

Time: 7625.88

the internet is I think it's where most

Time: 7627.36

people get their information now it's

Time: 7629.92

unless they're listening to this as a

Time: 7631.44

podcast that's where they're going to

Time: 7632.76

get this information

Time: 7635.96

um I think what you said about um the

Time: 7639.28

lack of dialogue being really key I mean

Time: 7642.36

I think we see this now also at the

Time: 7643.88

level of media we have a very polarized

Time: 7646.119

media yes um this is an independent

Time: 7648.96

media channel we don't have a political

Time: 7650.96

stance despite what some people might

Time: 7653.52

assert we don't right it's about science

Time: 7655.639

and health information to the for

Time: 7657.52

everyone who is interested zero cost

Time: 7660.239

that's that's that's the the mission

Time: 7662.44


Time: 7663.92

um when we read and see things now um

Time: 7669.04

about politics but also about business

Time: 7670.88

about sports about celebrity about kids

Time: 7673.8

about culture um all too often the the

Time: 7676.84

labels of psychology are placed on those

Time: 7679.239

kids are depressed they're you know

Time: 7681.44

they're not just lonely they're

Time: 7682.48

depressed and they may very well be U

Time: 7684.96

experiencing high levels of clinical

Time: 7686.92

diagnosis of depression that that could

Time: 7688.76

be true so you know my concern it's a

Time: 7692.48

it's a real concern which is why I keep

Time: 7694

bringing this up is that uh in doing

Time: 7697.28

that that we both um diminish the

Time: 7700.599

suffering of those who are really

Time: 7702.04

suffering from those pathologies yeah

Time: 7704.199

and we also perhaps um create a little

Time: 7708.28

bit of catastrophizing about you know

Time: 7710.599

feeling low for an afternoon um might be

Time: 7713.88

a great source of of stimulus to go like

Time: 7717.079

you know write or think or nap or

Time: 7720.559

Insight um and you know I load to think

Time: 7725.96

that in people learning terms that

Time: 7729.239

somehow they're getting further away

Time: 7730.8

from what they need

Time: 7731.96

no I I agree you know Lou pastur from

Time: 7735.96

which from whom we got pasteurization of

Time: 7738.199

course um reportedly put over the

Time: 7741.32

entrance to his office tell me not your

Time: 7744.32

politics or your religion tell me only

Time: 7746.079

your suffering and I I always think

Time: 7748.639

about that in the context of therapy

Time: 7751.28

because everybody is a suffering Soul

Time: 7754.48

because you know life is difficult and

Time: 7756.32

then you die so have a nice day right um

Time: 7759.559

life is suffering and that's not that's

Time: 7762.159

not pessimistic that's just you know

Time: 7765.199

descriptive the question is what does

Time: 7767.36

that suffering make you do what does it

Time: 7769.48

keep you from doing that's the central

Time: 7771.639

question there is where the person is

Time: 7774.04

called into some

Time: 7776.8

accountability you know if you're

Time: 7778.599

depressed all right what's the task that

Time: 7780.559

that depression is asking of you uh if

Time: 7783.559

you're anxious where's that anxiety

Time: 7786.36

coming from how much of that is archaic

Time: 7788.8

how much of that was inherited from

Time: 7790.679

family how much of that is what you know

Time: 7793.32

unique to your life and what is the task

Time: 7796.719

that is to be addressed there I also

Time: 7798.92

wrote a book called swamplands of the

Time: 7800.44

soul that deals with anxiety depression

Time: 7802.679

loss betrayal etc etc and sooner or

Time: 7805.96

later life is going to take us to

Time: 7808.159

swamplands where you find yourself

Time: 7810.719

really mired into something and one will

Time: 7813.679

feel very much victimized in that way

Time: 7816.4

but that's that's the passive experience

Time: 7819.199

the summons is always what is the task

Time: 7821.92

that this visitation to the swampland is

Time: 7824.599

asking of

Time: 7825.84

you what do you need to address if if

Time: 7828.52

you feel that your partner betrayed you

Time: 7830.44

and left the marriage for example all

Time: 7832.28

right and took your self-esteem with

Time: 7834

that all right well your task is the

Time: 7836.239

recovery of self- worth because without

Time: 7838.48

that no other choice you make is going

Time: 7840.199

to be very good um and maybe that's a

Time: 7843.639

hard project but that's nonetheless the

Time: 7845.76

work you have to do so always the

Time: 7849.559

question what does this make you do what

Time: 7851.719

does it keep you from

Time: 7853.76

doing and to bring responsibility back

Time: 7856.76

to the individual and of course some

Time: 7858.8

people are willing to accept that

Time: 7860.159

responsibility some are not and that

Time: 7862.159

makes the difference I had a colleague

Time: 7864.04

many moons ago who said she could tell

Time: 7866.96

in the first hour whether the person she

Time: 7868.88

was seeing was a big kid or a little kid

Time: 7871.559

because everybody's recovering child and

Time: 7874.599

the big kids could do the work the

Time: 7877

little kids wanted someone to tell them

Time: 7878.599

what to do or tell them that there's an

Time: 7881.639

easy fix to this um and in the long run

Time: 7885.88

uh those persons going to stay stuck

Time: 7887.639

pretty much until something else happens

Time: 7890.76

in their life perhaps well to me it

Time: 7893.36

seems that the the litmus test is the

Time: 7895.36

extent to which somebody is pointing

Time: 7897.639

fingers at others or directing the work

Time: 7901

towards themselves regardless of who was

Time: 7903.48

wronged sure right one individual both

Time: 7906.4

individual like regardless ultimately I

Time: 7909.119

think what you're saying and forgive me

Time: 7910.28

for interrupting is that if one is

Time: 7911.92

asking what is the task to develop what

Time: 7914.639

you know to control one's anxiety to

Time: 7916.84

develop stronger sense of self to um to

Time: 7920.639

better understand uh what one really

Time: 7922.96

wants and assert that um to uh set

Time: 7926.119

better boundaries so that um people's

Time: 7928.4

projections are not as um permeable to

Time: 7930.639

us whatever it is

Time: 7932.84

ultimately There's

Time: 7935.119

No Business of looking at what others

Time: 7939.44

are doing wrong in that it's all

Time: 7941.4

introspective and self-directed thing

Time: 7943.36

that's right well and you gave good

Time: 7945.639

examples of the kind of tasks that rise

Time: 7947.96

out of a person's experience now for

Time: 7950.639

example if a person has been subject to

Time: 7953.159

Serious abuse in childhood physical or

Time: 7955.36

emotional or sexual or whatever um it's

Time: 7959.28

affected their entire life well what is

Time: 7961.96

the task you know it's it's it's to rest

Time: 7965.36

from that experience a sense of

Time: 7968.36

self and that one is still here to live

Time: 7971.32

one's Journey that's why I said at the

Time: 7973.599

beginning of our conversation I'm not

Time: 7975.4

what happened to me I'm what is wanting

Time: 7977.8

to be expressed in my life through

Time: 7980.04

me to get a person to that place take

Time: 7983.8

some time and repetition frankly you

Time: 7986.36

know the two hardest things I ever

Time: 7987.96

learned as a therapist and I still don't

Time: 7989.559

like either one of them is patience you

Time: 7992.119

have to sit with it over time you have

Time: 7995.159

to sort and sift and sort and sift and

Time: 7997.96

hold this over time till something else

Time: 8000.119

emerges and secondly powerlessness I

Time: 8004.079

can't fix anybody right but we can try

Time: 8008.28

to promote the attitudes and behaviors

Time: 8010.639

that will allow that person to find what

Time: 8012.48

is Right From Within them because

Time: 8014.76

something in each of us always knows

Time: 8017.28

what is right for us if we pay attention

Time: 8021.079

and if we are willing to honor what

Time: 8023.4

emerges and have enough courage to

Time: 8025.679

address that then we can live in a

Time: 8028.199

different way and it's very tough in the

Time: 8030.8

face of subst substantial abuse for

Time: 8034.92

example because it was so intrusive and

Time: 8037.52

so devastating it's cleared out a space

Time: 8039.639

in which the self seems to find no room

Time: 8042.8

but that's that's the task then is the

Time: 8044.92

recovery of a sense of self and purpose

Time: 8047.199

that's independent of what happened to

Time: 8050.52

oneself it's almost as if one needs to

Time: 8053

really understand their own story but

Time: 8054.92

then be able to depart from that story

Time: 8058.8

yeah that's why I said one has to have a

Time: 8060.599

larger story than what happened to you

Time: 8063.76

right one has to have a larger story

Time: 8066.599

than the story that one's culture gives

Time: 8068.639

you or your family of origin gives you

Time: 8071.52

what is that story that's why I said my

Time: 8075.04

instructions and my models were to stay

Time: 8077.44

home and stay

Time: 8079.119

safe something in me hungered and I

Time: 8082.96

honor my teachers to this day I enter a

Time: 8086.52

local librarian who showed me any book

Time: 8088.96

she said she recognized this kid's a

Time: 8091.04

reader so she said to me you don't have

Time: 8094.119

to stay in the children's section you

Time: 8095.32

can go anywhere you want in the library

Time: 8096.92

which I I thought was like having a lot

Time: 8098.559

of candy I I enjoyed that and as a child

Time: 8102.119

I devoured the biographies of famous

Time: 8104.44

people because I think I was looking for

Time: 8106.719

clues about how do you live a larger

Time: 8109.52

life I couldn't have languaged that it

Time: 8112.199

was just some deep urge within how do

Time: 8115.36

you live this life in a way that's more

Time: 8119.159

satisfying and I was privileged to have

Time: 8122.199

some people there notably teachers and

Time: 8124.679

the librarian who gave permission to

Time: 8128

that and and supported that and I'm and

Time: 8129.96

I'm grateful to them so um you know I I

Time: 8134.28

I think it probably would have happened

Time: 8136.599

anyway but much later in life but I I

Time: 8140.199

look back and I realized there was

Time: 8141.88

something there that wanted to go as I

Time: 8143.96

said to see where the airplanes went

Time: 8146.559

what the ocean looked like what it meant

Time: 8148.4

to live in a foreign country what it

Time: 8150

meant to learn a foreign language you

Time: 8152.32

know all of those things were

Time: 8155.44

unimaginable to my family and I you know

Time: 8158.719

rest their souls um because I I I grieve

Time: 8163.599

the life they were not allowed to live

Time: 8165.679

you know I I never forget that and then

Time: 8167.88

it you know causes me to resolve again

Time: 8172.199

to stop and say all right now where are

Time: 8174.159

you being blocked today by convention or

Time: 8177.199

your old fears or or your inhibitions or

Time: 8180.96

or whatever because there's there's

Time: 8182.92

always a summon to show up in fact in

Time: 8186.119

one of the books I said my motto which I

Time: 8188.079

think about every morning is very simple

Time: 8190.639

shut up suit up show up now I'm speaking

Time: 8194.12

to myself when I say this shut up means

Time: 8196.479

stop whining you know there are people

Time: 8199.12

who don't have food today there are

Time: 8201.359

people whose children are being killed

Time: 8203.12

today there are people don't have a roof

Time: 8205.08

over there you you have tons of things

Time: 8208.679

shut up don't whine speaking to s suit

Time: 8212.319

up means prepare do your homework don't

Time: 8215.2

expect life just to present it to you

Time: 8217.16

you have to go out and work hard at

Time: 8218.92

something show up meaning not show off

Time: 8221.96

but just do the best you

Time: 8224.439

can step into life you know sooner or

Time: 8228.08

later life knocks us down death is the

Time: 8231.04

great democracy but you're here to live

Time: 8233.679

it as best you can by lights that matter

Time: 8237.719

within instead of what people around you

Time: 8239.719

are saying you know

Time: 8241.399

and as simplistic as that slogan is I

Time: 8244.559

know a lot of people have copied it and

Time: 8246

put it on their refrigerator because

Time: 8248.319

it's a reminder of this is your life

Time: 8251.679

you're accountable what are you going to

Time: 8253.76

do about

Time: 8256.28

that I'm going let that sink in for

Time: 8259.319

everybody I think um shut up suit up

Time: 8261.88

show up is uh is um essential um I love

Time: 8269.16

that I love Eric's stages of

Time: 8272.559


Time: 8273.8

maturation um for those not familiar um

Time: 8277.92

Ericson I think another danne right is

Time: 8280.76

it Dane yeah um psychologist you know

Time: 8283.719

set about to um kind of explain

Time: 8286.08

neurobiology without knowing any

Time: 8287.559

neurobiology and asserted that there

Time: 8289.08

were specific core conflicts that

Time: 8291.319

infants and children young adults and

Time: 8293.599

adults go through um and the AG the age

Time: 8297.96

ranges are more uh variable now

Time: 8301.439

um based on life expectancy and other

Time: 8303.639

factors than they were originally but

Time: 8306.24

one reason I like um Erikson's stages of

Time: 8308.439

development so much is that um as a

Time: 8311.28

developmental neurobiologist first

Time: 8313

that's where I started out more or less

Time: 8315.359

um it makes perfect sense to me that the

Time: 8317.88

brain circuitry would be resolving

Time: 8319.84

certain things about interactions with

Time: 8322.08

physical objects and relational objects

Time: 8324.679

and it just makes perfect sense and and

Time: 8326.519

what what genius it was to to um to

Time: 8329.96

superimpose on that um some ideas about

Time: 8333.319

what infants are doing from 0 to one and

Time: 8335.599

from 3 to 5

Time: 8337.319

Etc rarely if ever do we hear about the

Time: 8340.08

maturational stages of adulthood and the

Time: 8342.84

core conflicts that we

Time: 8345.319

all have to go through um you know

Time: 8348.519

perhaps not exactly from age 45 to 50 or

Time: 8351.84

50 to 55 or 75 to 80 and so forth but

Time: 8356.439

that life as it were might be a series

Time: 8360.559

of of um trying to make it through

Time: 8363.12

specific milestones and when we don't

Time: 8365.04

make it through a milestone um problems

Time: 8368.319

arise sure sure you described the first

Time: 8371.679

half of life as one in which we're kind

Time: 8374.84

of foraging more or less for most people

Time: 8377.16

unconscious of how our parental

Time: 8379.88

influences or family influences um set

Time: 8383.479

about certain patterns that may or may

Time: 8385.28

not be healthy for us and then at some

Time: 8386.8

point some event

Time: 8388.439

comes um often times a painful event but

Time: 8391.88

that but it could be a joyous event like

Time: 8394.16

the birth of a child or something like

Time: 8395.96

that and all of a sudden we get hit

Time: 8397.24

Square in the face with the work that we

Time: 8399.359

need to

Time: 8400.56

do would you say that the second half of

Time: 8403.72

life is one in which

Time: 8406.92

we because of our life experience and

Time: 8409.359

because of some awareness and yet

Time: 8411.2

because also our brain is yes still

Time: 8414.28

plastic but it takes more work than when

Time: 8416.2

we're kids to to modify our brain

Time: 8418.56

circuitry that we you know that we have

Time: 8421

to set about this juggling Act of still

Time: 8423.56

trying to understand the self while

Time: 8425.399

still bringing the self that we have

Time: 8427.399

into the world right we don't we don't

Time: 8428.92

really get to pause go to the

Time: 8430.96

shop and um come out a year later in

Time: 8434.16

most cases um so regardless of whether

Time: 8438.56

or not somebody is 10 15 20 50 or 80

Time: 8443.04


Time: 8444.16

old how do we know what our work is then

Time: 8448.359

like how do we best know like what to to

Time: 8450.76

focus on because it can beit be a bit

Time: 8452.88

overwhelming to to think about like

Time: 8455.28

tackling all of this sure sure well let

Time: 8458.6

me say first of all many years ago I was

Time: 8460.68

when I was still teaching at a

Time: 8462.08

university um I taught a course on life

Time: 8465

stages and for one of the papers I asked

Time: 8468.96

the students to imagine two stages ahead

Time: 8472.399

of them so if they were typically 18 to

Time: 8474.8

22 let's say to imagine themselves in

Time: 8477.92

their 40s and try to write about their

Time: 8480.76

in their 40s and the assignment

Time: 8482.84

completely failed Al although it it was

Time: 8485.96

made useful uh for the classroom

Time: 8488.2

discussion because all of them imagine

Time: 8490.68

in their 40s they would have this

Time: 8493.399

perfect marriage their adolescent

Time: 8496.08

children will would adore them and they

Time: 8498.479

would be in these satisfying careers

Time: 8500.359

despite everything we'd read everything

Time: 8502.52

we' talked about as a time of turbulence

Time: 8504.68

and disappointment and and and so forth

Time: 8507.72

and and it was a complete failure so it

Time: 8510.08

it's hard for us to imagine that we too

Time: 8512.24

will go through these similar kinds of

Time: 8515.08

things but usually we do and some of

Time: 8518.68

this is triggered by roles in one's life

Time: 8521.88

a lot of it's determined by our own

Time: 8524

aging of the body and so forth so for

Time: 8526.96

example the last stage in Ericson's um

Time: 8530.2


Time: 8531.16

discussion in so-called old age is the

Time: 8534.359

conflict between Despair and

Time: 8537.28

integrity and I remember reading that

Time: 8539.399

when I was young I wondering what did he

Time: 8541.16

really mean by that now I know that in a

Time: 8544.479

very personal way despair is one sees

Time: 8548.24

friends die one sees Avenues in your

Time: 8551.08

life closed that you can't possibly do

Time: 8553.399

that you're confronted with the unlived

Time: 8556.52

life or the mistakes you made you're

Time: 8559.16

dealing with loss of functions of the

Time: 8561.56

body you're you're facing your mortality

Time: 8563.92

and so forth and so on and how could you

Time: 8566.92

not despair in the face of that well at

Time: 8569.399

the same time there's again the summons

Time: 8571.56

to accountability what now is life

Time: 8574.479

asking of you how are you to show up

Time: 8577.04

today in in this changed environment you

Time: 8580.6

see so you know the the stages of life

Time: 8584.96

you know and Shakespeare wrote about the

Time: 8586.479

seven stages of life I think Ericson had

Time: 8588.88

eight stages and again underneath

Time: 8592.8

this these things happen right and often

Time: 8597.6

one doesn't realize it one reads about

Time: 8599.84

it somehow it's sort of like when you're

Time: 8601.6

young yes mortal I understand I'm mortal

Time: 8603.92

but you know that happens to people out

Time: 8606.439

there you know it's not part of my DNA

Time: 8609.2

you see well it is and sooner or later

Time: 8612.72

life is going to unfold unless it's cut

Time: 8615.24

off in some way you know and uh I

Time: 8618.72

remember reading when I was in graduate

Time: 8621.08

school um a saying in ancient Greece

Time: 8623.92

that I saw in several different

Time: 8625.76

environments and it said best of all is

Time: 8628

not to have been born second best is to

Time: 8630.56

have died young and I thought gee how

Time: 8632.52

awful that is right well I think I've

Time: 8635.479

understood why they were saying that if

Time: 8637.319

you if if you're born into the veil of

Time: 8639.8

Tears so to speak you're born into

Time: 8642.68

suffering you're you're you're born into

Time: 8644.72

mortality you're born into loss and so

Time: 8647.2

forth if you're going to live you're

Time: 8649.64

going to go through some of those if you

Time: 8651.64

live long enough you'll go through the

Time: 8653.52

loss of people you love and care about

Time: 8656.399

you may outlive your children as I've

Time: 8658.16

had an experience and sooner or later

Time: 8661.52

you know life will take you to these

Time: 8663.6

difficult places and what are you going

Time: 8666

to do then who are you then and how are

Time: 8667.76

you going to address that and that's

Time: 8669.24

where the issue of Integrity came in and

Time: 8670.96

I think Ericson was was right on that to

Time: 8673.6

in to be a person of integrity means to

Time: 8675.8

integrate something to pull back one's

Time: 8678.92

stuff and and sense this is who I am and

Time: 8682.359

and this is where I stand Visa this

Time: 8684.64

dilemma it's why I said the Practical

Time: 8686.8

question is how now am I to live my life

Time: 8689

in the face of this

Time: 8691.24

situation that's a task that comes to

Time: 8694.04

each of us at at some place in our life

Time: 8696.8

and that never goes

Time: 8699.439

away let's talk about death okay I've

Time: 8703.8

often wondered whether or not um the

Time: 8707.479

human brain's ability

Time: 8709.399

to um adjust the aperture of our time

Time: 8714.56

perception is an Adaptive thing because

Time: 8719.92

we're we to not be able to do that we

Time: 8723.68

would probably always focus on the fact

Time: 8725.52

that at some point we are going to die

Time: 8727.96

this to me um is analogous to uh

Time: 8733

situation in space not outer space but

Time: 8736.16

um let's just frame it this way we can

Time: 8739.12

Orient in time and in particular under

Time: 8741.479

conditions of stress the our time

Time: 8743.08

Horizon tends to shrink we have to solve

Time: 8745.92

for now we get the troubling text

Time: 8747.359

message somebody's we care about is in

Time: 8749.12

trouble we need to solve for now now so

Time: 8750.96

the time Horizon has shrunk we're on

Time: 8753.399

vacation we're relaxed everything's

Time: 8754.92

taken care of we're fed we're rested our

Time: 8756.84

loved ones are safe we're safe and all

Time: 8759.52

of a sudden we can Daydream right so um

Time: 8763.56

in the space domain um the brain can

Time: 8767.16

learn to navigate a small environment

Time: 8768.92

like this room um and in conversation

Time: 8771.88

we're present to this room but we can

Time: 8774.52

also imagine that we're just two people

Time: 8777.279

among billions of other people floating

Time: 8779.279

on a planet in the galaxies and we can

Time: 8781.2

expand our notion of space the

Time: 8782.6

space-time dimensionality of perception

Time: 8785.399

of the human brain is vast and it can be

Time: 8788.88

consciously controlled or unconsciously

Time: 8791.64

controlled so that's great it allows us

Time: 8794.479

to be functional in a number of

Time: 8795.92

different SpaceTime Dimensions um it

Time: 8799.399

also can allow us to avoid the reality

Time: 8801.68

which is that at some point our time

Time: 8803.399

here is finite yes and the example you

Time: 8807.399

gave earlier of somebody who is just

Time: 8808.6

trying to pile up as much money to get

Time: 8809.96

to the y was an example I think of a a

Time: 8811.76

shorten time

Time: 8813.04

Horizon other compulsive behaviors maybe

Time: 8815.72

even addictive behaviors I would argue

Time: 8819.04

um have some component often of being a

Time: 8822.96

way to avoid the reality of death it's a

Time: 8826.2

way of packing away the fear of death

Time: 8828.359

because if you can create these

Time: 8830.6

reward-based which eventually become

Time: 8833.04

punishment based in the case of

Time: 8834.8

addiction um milestones and and

Time: 8838.6

algorithms that the brain is running

Time: 8840.2

solve for this now solve for this now

Time: 8841.64

solve for this you Stave off the reality

Time: 8843.88

which is death is

Time: 8848

coming are we as humans meaning is it

Time: 8851.12

our work if we wish to be the most

Time: 8854

conscious healthy version of

Time: 8856.319

ourselves um to understand and

Time: 8859.24

acknowledge our sense of mortality I I

Time: 8862.319

think of the um what I consider the

Time: 8864.24

great commencement speech of Steve Jobs

Time: 8866.12

at Stanford in 2015 where he talks about

Time: 8868.319

the the knowledge of one's mortality is

Time: 8870.359

actually in his words more or less one

Time: 8873.08

of the most important features of our

Time: 8875.279

self-recognition as humans um so that's

Time: 8878.6

the question and then the um the

Time: 8881.319

challenge becomes how often to think

Time: 8883.479

about it um you don't want to think

Time: 8885.76

about too much it can uh because it can

Time: 8888.359

be paralyzing it can lead I mean if we

Time: 8890.92

just think that we're if we acknowledge

Time: 8892.56

that we are indeed it's a fact just two

Time: 8894.8

people among billions floating around on

Time: 8896.439

a planet in the M then then nothing

Time: 8898.279

really matters right our one can get the

Time: 8900.8

sense that our impact is zero but if we

Time: 8904.16

over um emphasize our impact thinking

Time: 8907.04

that everything we do like the movement

Time: 8908.68

of this book is going to impact

Time: 8910.24

molecules that then will impact you go

Time: 8912.319

you'd go crazy you become dysfunctional

Time: 8914.52

in a real way so those are the two

Time: 8916.52

extremes and I'll just kind of set that

Time: 8918.12

about and and let um for uh reflection

Time: 8922.04

but it in terms of our our sense of our

Time: 8925.52

own mortality and what that means about

Time: 8927.56

our sense of life seems like a pretty

Time: 8929.72

big topic and I know you're writing a

Time: 8931.479

book about this and I'm very excited to

Time: 8932.76

read it when it comes out well I've

Time: 8935.24

actually written about it before um the

Time: 8938.56

Paradox here is it's mortality that

Time: 8940.88

makes this life

Time: 8942.84

meaningful if we were

Time: 8945.319

Immortal we would simply do this for a

Time: 8947.84

century then we' get bored and then we

Time: 8949.84

do something else for a century and then

Time: 8951.359

get bored and then something else for a

Time: 8952.84

century life is short as as Yung said

Time: 8955.88

that short pause between two great

Time: 8957.72

mysteries from whence we come we know

Time: 8959.6

not whether we go we don't know the

Time: 8962.96

problem is the identification of the ego

Time: 8966.08

one of the things that's occurred is in

Time: 8968.96

many traditional cultures that ego was

Time: 8971.12

subsumed as I said into a larger story

Time: 8974.359

take away that story and what's going to

Time: 8976.16

fill that space the ego you know my my

Time: 8979.08

own importance my

Time: 8981.2

self-perpetuation the fact that people

Time: 8983

have Frozen their brains and wanting to

Time: 8985.08

be revived in some future um you know

Time: 8988.2

era is a good example of denial it seems

Time: 8991.52

to me um it's it's life means something

Time: 8996.319

because your choices are finite you

Time: 8998.56

don't live here

Time: 9000.12

forever now when the more you identify

Time: 9003.479

with the ego the more threatened you're

Time: 9004.96

going to be by that um and and then you

Time: 9008.04

begin to realize all right the center of

Time: 9009.96

my personality is not the ego there are

Time: 9013.08

several things to say about this none of

Time: 9015.68

which is proof of anything simply

Time: 9018.8

observations uh and and Yung pointed

Time: 9020.84

this out in a essay once called the soul

Time: 9022.88

in death um psyche doesn't seem to

Time: 9026.68

recognize uh its own termination people

Time: 9029.6

who are overtly dying and they know

Time: 9031.24

they're dying and I one of my patients

Time: 9033.04

right now is a gleo blastoma client

Time: 9035.359

who's who's not going to be here in a

Time: 9037.399


Time: 9038.479

months um who's acutely aware of of

Time: 9042.96

mortality but the dreams have to do with

Time: 9046.16

Journeys and crossings and things of

Time: 9048.279

that sort in other words as if

Time: 9050.52

the human psyche is not bound by time

Time: 9052.479

and space per se but the ego is so if

Time: 9056.72

there's another life it's another life

Time: 9059.68

you know if there's a life after this

Time: 9061

it's another life this is the only one

Time: 9062.399

we know about for

Time: 9064.16

sure and I would say in terms of the

Time: 9067.08

fear of death which most people don't

Time: 9069.96

want to talk about but sooner or later

Time: 9071.68

it comes up in therapy no matter what

Time: 9073.96

stage of life one is involved

Time: 9076.16

in you know is either

Time: 9080.479

either there is another life of some

Time: 9083.2

kind which is larger than my imagination

Time: 9086.16

can conjure up or there's an

Time: 9089.08

annihilation of this ego identity either

Time: 9091.88

case my theories about it and my

Time: 9094.479

anxieties about it are rendered

Time: 9097.04

moot so again the more I identify with

Time: 9099.68

the ego Consciousness the more I'm tied

Time: 9101.8

into its perpetuation the less I'm

Time: 9103.88

identified with that the less it

Time: 9106.24

matters I would say to you at this

Time: 9108.399

moment I'm trying to be as honest as I

Time: 9110.319

can about it the chief thing I worry

Time: 9113

about as I approach my

Time: 9115.72

mortality uh is I don't want my wife to

Time: 9118.12

be alone I care for her and I know there

Time: 9120.72

are areas where she needs my help and I

Time: 9123.399

want to be here for her as long as I can

Time: 9127.2

and my existence a little over a year

Time: 9129.319

ago was sort of problematic coming out

Time: 9131.08

of the all those surgeries so that's one

Time: 9132.96

reason we moved to retirement community

Time: 9134.84

so there' be some structure there for

Time: 9136.76

her secondly I don't you know want to

Time: 9140.24

suffer obviously um but that's outside

Time: 9142.8

of my control and and thirdly I'm still

Time: 9145.76

curious as a human being there's so much

Time: 9147.64

to learn and when we're talking about

Time: 9149.359

the internet and its perils it's also an

Time: 9151.12

enormous learning tool I I love to

Time: 9153.279

Google up things and find out about

Time: 9155.08

things that used to be so difficult to

Time: 9156.84

learn about so I I still heavily

Time: 9160.2

invested in the adventure of life but

Time: 9163.52

I'm less and

Time: 9165

less um attached to it in some peculiar

Time: 9168.72

way uh it's the ego attachment you know

Time: 9173.2

um the German word galenite mean is the

Time: 9176.16

word for serenity it's it's the

Time: 9178.04

condition of having let

Time: 9180.12

go and the only solution so to speak for

Time: 9184.04

our fear of mortality is accepting it

Time: 9187.68

paradoxically of letting go of the

Time: 9190.359

fantasy of the sovereignty of the ego

Time: 9192.439

that it's immune somehow to the Natural

Time: 9195.04

order of things the natural progression

Time: 9197.399

of things now I'm not saying that makes

Time: 9200.2

me wholly unafraid of death that would

Time: 9203.04

be delusional and it's in another way

Time: 9205.84

but I can say that I'm not defined by it

Time: 9208.12

in any way and I think you're right A

Time: 9209.88

lot of people what what it usually

Time: 9211.64

produces is either depression and and

Time: 9213.96

toror of some kind or phonetic

Time: 9217.319

activity so the inability of a person to

Time: 9220.96

relativize the ego in the context of the

Time: 9224.68

idea of the

Time: 9225.92

soul and does that Soul perpetuate I

Time: 9228.8

don't know if I knew I would tell

Time: 9231.399

you I wouldn't want to keep that a

Time: 9233.56

secret I don't know it's a

Time: 9235.72

mystery maybe I'll be a conscious enough

Time: 9238.359

to experience it maybe I'll just be

Time: 9240.359

annihilated either way as I said my

Time: 9243.319

present speculations are just that

Time: 9245.52

speculations and ultimately irrelevant

Time: 9248.359

and again the thing we have to recognize

Time: 9250.56

it's mortality that makes this life mean

Time: 9253.2

something because your choices matter

Time: 9256.16

you're here a short time what are you

Time: 9258.72

going to do with that precious gift you

Time: 9260.76

call your life what are you g to do with

Time: 9264.76

it I can't think of a more appropriate

Time: 9267.439

place to end and yet um I have still so

Time: 9272.72

many more questions um but I think

Time: 9277.6

because of today's conversation I

Time: 9278.96

realized that those questions are uh

Time: 9281.399

questions to ask of self um as I think

Time: 9285.16

everyone listening and watching this

Time: 9287.76

surely is stimulated to ask ask many

Time: 9290.439

important questions of self um I must

Time: 9294.12


Time: 9295.04

I'm both um a bit a struck frankly

Time: 9299

because I uh you know again I'm familiar

Time: 9301.88

with your teachings and and work in the

Time: 9304.479

form of books um and it was a great wish

Time: 9308.16

of mine in my life journey to sit down

Time: 9310.12

with you uh face to face and have a

Time: 9312.56

conversation so um that's why I'm uh

Time: 9316.08

speaking more slowly today than I

Time: 9317.6

normally do uh my audience perhaps will

Time: 9319.72

notice that and if they send some

Time: 9321.479

emotion it's that I feel like there's

Time: 9323.2

just so much richness here to take in uh

Time: 9326.399

for myself and for everyone listening to

Time: 9328.6

take in um I'm certainly going to listen

Time: 9331.399

to this again and and take careful notes

Time: 9333.319

and we we likely will put some notes and

Time: 9335.16

some highlights we always timestamp

Time: 9336.72

everything so that people can navigate

Time: 9338.279

back but I think there are just so many

Time: 9340.56

um essential prompts of the self of the

Time: 9343.2

soul that um people are going to be

Time: 9345.24

motivated to take as a consequence of of

Time: 9347.8

hearing your words today so uh I just

Time: 9350.52

really want to say thank you so much for

Time: 9353.479

the work that you've done and that

Time: 9355.56

you're doing and continuing to do um and

Time: 9359.399

for taking the time to share this uh

Time: 9362.319

this information with us because it's it

Time: 9364.399

really is uh it really is the the guts

Time: 9368.56

like the core stuff of of being a human

Time: 9371

being so thank you so much well thank

Time: 9373.479

you Andrew may I just ask add as a

Time: 9375.6

footnote here there's a wonderful letter

Time: 9378.76


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poet RKA to a young man in which he

Time: 9384.16

said you want the answers the key is to

Time: 9387.88

find the right questions and live the

Time: 9389.64

questions you're not yet ready to live

Time: 9391.359

the answers but you you ask the right

Time: 9393.76

questions in time if you live them

Time: 9395.76

honestly with as much Integrity as you

Time: 9398.24

can manage someday you'll live your way

Time: 9401.2

into their answers for you and that's

Time: 9403.92

what I would say h ask large questions

Time: 9407.319

as children we did what was the about

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why am I here what's what's the story

Time: 9412.279

what's going on here we get so inured to

Time: 9415.64

those questions by our adaptive

Time: 9418.72

necessities and we have to come back to

Time: 9420.8

those questions I'm still asking those

Time: 9422.96

questions I've do it consciously now ask

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large questions you'll live a large and

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interesting Journey ask small questions

Time: 9429.72

and it gets diminished somehow

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another thing I say to a lot of patients

Time: 9435.6

when you reach a a decisive point in

Time: 9437.92

your life we have to make a decision one

Time: 9439.68

way or the other ask does this path

Time: 9442.24

enlarge me psychos spiritually or does

Time: 9445.16

it diminish me and you usually know the

Time: 9447.08

answer to that if you choose the larger

Time: 9450.479

path you're going to grow and develop it

Time: 9452

it's going to take something out of you

Time: 9453.96

but it'll give something to you if you

Time: 9456.359

don't your life gets narrower and

Time: 9458.359

narrower and narrower and something

Time: 9460.12

inside of you knows the difference and

Time: 9462.399

sooner or later the psyche is going to

Time: 9464.12

show up with its point of view and the

Time: 9467.399

more we fled from that kind of question

Time: 9469.8

that kind of conversation the more

Time: 9471.96

pathology is going to erupt when we've

Time: 9475.16

avoided the big question so thank you

Time: 9478.08

for asking big questions and thank you

Time: 9480.8

for inviting me to be part of this

Time: 9482.359

conversation today it's been a privilege

Time: 9484.16

and a pleasure thank you so much thank

Time: 9487.319

you for joining me for today's

Time: 9488.52

discussion with Dr James Hollis I hope

Time: 9491.04

you found it to be as insightful and

Time: 9493

practical as I did if you're learning

Time: 9495.6

from and or enjoying this podcast please

Time: 9497.8

subscribe to our YouTube channel that's

Time: 9499.6

a terrific zeroc cost way to support us

Time: 9501.76

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Time: 9503.479

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Time: 9505.92

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Time: 9507.6

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Time: 9509.479

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Time: 9511.24

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Time: 9512.96

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Time: 9515.319

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Time: 9516.6

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Time: 9518.56

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Time: 9519.6

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Time: 9521.8

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Time: 9524.12

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Time: 9526.04

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Time: 9527.52

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Time: 9529.439

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Time: 9532.2

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Time: 9534.52

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Time: 9536.319

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Time: 9538.2

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Time: 9539.479

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Time: 9541.24

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Time: 9542.76

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Time: 9545.399

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Time: 9547.359

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Time: 9549

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Time: 9550.88

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Time: 9552.88

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Time: 9554.76

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Time: 9556.68

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Time: 9558.96

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Time: 9561.04

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Time: 9562.84

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Time: 9565

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Time: 9567.359

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Time: 9570.12

down to newsletter and enter your email

Time: 9572.24

and I should mention that we do not

Time: 9573.359

share your email with anybody thank you

Time: 9575.56

once again for joining me for today's

Time: 9577.08

discussion with Dr James Hollis and last

Time: 9579.68

but certainly not least thank you for

Time: 9581.64

your interest in science

Time: 9585.57


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