Dr. Erich Jarvis: The Neuroscience of Speech, Language & Music | Huberman Lab Podcast #87

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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[lively music]

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, my guest is Dr. Erich Jarvis.

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Dr. Jarvis is a professor at the Rockefeller University

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in New York City

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and his laboratory studies,

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the neurobiology of vocal learning, language,

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speech disorders,

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and remarkably, the relationship between language,

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music and movement, in particular dance.

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His work spans from genomics,

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so the very genes that make up our genome

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and the genomes of other species

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that speak and have language

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such as songbirds and parrots

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all the way up to neural circuits,

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that is the connections in the brain and body

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that govern our ability to learn

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and generate specific sounds

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and movements coordinated with those sounds,

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including hand movements

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and all the way up to cognition,

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that is our ability to think in specific ways,

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based on what we are saying

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and the way that we comprehend

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what other people are saying, singing and doing.

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As you'll soon see,

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I was immediately transfixed

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and absolutely enchanted by Dr. Jarvis's description

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of his work and the ways that it impacts

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all the various aspects of our lives.

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For instance, I learned from Dr. Jarvis that as we read,

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we are generating very low-levels

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of motor activity in our throat.

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That is, we are speaking the words that we are reading

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at a level below the perception of sound

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or our own perception of those words.

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But if one were to put an amplifier

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or to measure the firing of those muscles

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in our vocal chords,

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we'd find that as we're reading information,

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we are actually speaking that information.

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And as I learned, and you'll soon learn,

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there's a direct link between those species

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in the world that have song and movement,

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which many of us would associate with dance

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and our ability to learn and generate complex language.

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So for people with speech disorders like stutter,

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or for people who are interested

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in multiple language learning,

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bilingual, trilingual, et cetera,

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and frankly for anyone who is interested

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in how we communicate through words, written or spoken,

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I'm certain today's episode is going to be

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an especially interesting and important one for you.

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Dr. Jarvis's work is so pioneering

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that he has been awarded truly countless awards.

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I'm not going to take our time to list off

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all the various important awards that he's received,

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but I should point out

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that in addition to being a decorated professor

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at the Rockefeller University,

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he is also an investigator

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with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute,

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the so-called HHMI.

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And for those of you that don't know,

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HHMI investigators are selected

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on an extremely competitive basis

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that they have to re-up,

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that is they have to recompete every five years.

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They actually receive a grade every five years

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that dictates whether or not they are no longer

Time: 178.32

a Howard Hughes investigator

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or whether or not they can advance to another five years

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of funding for their important research.

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And indeed, Howard Hughes investigators

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are selected not just for the rigor of their work,

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but for their pioneering spirit

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and their ability to take on high-risk, high-benefit work,

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which is exactly the kind of work

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that Dr. Jarvis has been providing for decades now.

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Again, I think today's episode is one of the more unique

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and special episodes that we've had

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on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

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I single it out because it really spans

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from the basic to the applied

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and Dr. Jarvis's story is an especially unique one

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in terms of how he arrived at becoming a neurobiologist.

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So for those of you that are interested

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in personal journey and personal story,

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Dr. Jarvis's is truly a special and important one.

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I'm pleased to announce that the Huberman Lab Podcast

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is now partnered with Momentous supplements.

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We partnered with Momentous for several important reasons.

Time: 229.14

First of all, they ship internationally

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because we know that many of you

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are located outside of the United States.

Time: 234.24

Second of all, and perhaps most important,

Time: 236.25

the quality of their supplements is second to none,

Time: 238.8

both in terms of purity and precision

Time: 240.48

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Time: 242.43

Third, we've really emphasized supplements

Time: 245.04

that are single ingredient supplements,

Time: 247.11

and that are supplied in dosages that allow you

Time: 250.02

to build a supplementation protocol

Time: 252.27

that's optimized for cost,

Time: 254.13

that's optimized for effectiveness,

Time: 255.99

and that you can add things and remove things

Time: 258.15

from your protocol in a way

Time: 259.47

that's really systematic and scientific.

Time: 261.24

If you'd like to see the supplements

Time: 262.44

that we partner with Momentous on,

Time: 263.76

you can go to livemomentous.com/huberman.

Time: 266.85

There, you'll see those supplements.

Time: 267.99

And just keep in mind

Time: 269.01

that we are constantly expanding

Time: 270.45

the library of supplements available through Momentous

Time: 273.15

on a regular basis.

Time: 274.11

Again, that's livemomentous.com/huberman.

Time: 276.63

Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

Time: 279.03

is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

Time: 281.7

It is however, part of my desire and effort

Time: 283.5

to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

Time: 286.08

and science-related tools to the general public.

Time: 288.66

In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

Time: 292.35

Our first sponsor is InsideTracker.

Time: 294.63

InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

Time: 296.91

that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

Time: 299.37

to help you better meet your immediate

Time: 300.84

and long-term health goals.

Time: 302.43

I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

Time: 305.19

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Time: 307.41

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Time: 309.24

can only be analyzed from a quality blood test.

Time: 312

And nowadays with the advent of modern DNA test,

Time: 314.22

you can also get insight into, for example,

Time: 316.08

what your biological age is

Time: 317.46

and compare that to your chronological age.

Time: 319.44

The problem with a lot of DNA tests

Time: 321.45

and blood tests, however,

Time: 322.8

is you get information back about metabolic factors, lipids,

Time: 326.37

and hormones, and so forth,

Time: 327.45

but you don't know what to do

Time: 328.83

with or about that information.

Time: 330.78

InsideTracker solves that problem with a simple platform

Time: 333.54

that allows you to click on any specific factor,

Time: 336.15

learn more about it and what it does in your brain and body,

Time: 338.7

and also the various nutritional supplementation

Time: 341.4

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Time: 343.23

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Time: 345.39

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Time: 349.05

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Time: 350.43

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Time: 353.16

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Time: 355.95

That's insidetracker.com/huberman to get 20% off.

Time: 359.7

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Time: 362.1

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Time: 364.02

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Time: 365.88

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Time: 367.92

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Time: 370.11

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Time: 373.38

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Time: 374.52

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Time: 375.93

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Time: 377.88

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Time: 379.89

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Time: 381.69

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Time: 382.71

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Time: 384.72

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Time: 386.55

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Time: 388.08

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Time: 390.21

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Time: 392.07

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Time: 393.3

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Time: 394.68

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Time: 397.86

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Time: 399.33

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Time: 400.62

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Time: 403.35

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Time: 405.99

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Time: 408.51

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Time: 409.83

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Time: 411.57

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Time: 413.37

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Time: 415.41

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Time: 418.23

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Time: 419.85

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Time: 422.49

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Time: 427.11

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Time: 429.72

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Time: 431.28

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Time: 432.54

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Time: 435.03

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Time: 436.86

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Time: 438.54

I've mentioned this before on the podcast,

Time: 440.49

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Time: 442.56

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Time: 443.97

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Time: 446.31

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Time: 449.16

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Time: 450.6

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Time: 451.433

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Time: 454.2

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Time: 457.68

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Time: 459.9

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Time: 461.07

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Time: 462.48

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Time: 464.22

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Time: 465.69

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Time: 468.15

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Time: 469.23

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Time: 473.4

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Time: 475.5

That's drinklmnt.com/huberman.

Time: 478.95

And now, for my discussion with Dr. Erich Jarvis.

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Erich, it's so great to have you here.

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- Thank you. - Yeah.

Time: 485.34

Very interested in learning from you

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about speech and language.

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And even as I ask the question,

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I realize that a lot of people, including myself,

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probably don't fully appreciate the distinction

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between speech and language, right?

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Speech, I think of as the motor patterns,

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the production of sound

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that has meaning, hopefully.

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And language, of course, comes in various languages

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and varieties of ways of communicating.

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But in terms of the study of speech and language,

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and thinking about how the brain

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organizes speech and language,

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what are the similarities?

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What are the differences?

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How should we think about speech and language?

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- Yeah, well, I'm glad you, you know, inviting me here.

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And I'm also glad to get that first question,

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which I consider a provocative one.

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The reason why, I've been struggling,

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what is the difference with speech and language

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for many years.

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And realize, why am I struggling,

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is because there are behavioral terms,

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let's call 'em psychologically,

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psychology developed kind of terms

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that don't actually align exactly with brain function.

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All right.

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And the question is there a distinction

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between speech and language?

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And when I look at the brain

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of work that other people have done, work we have done,

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also compared it with animal models,

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like those who can imitate sounds

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like parrots and songbirds.

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I start to see there really isn't such a sharp distinction.

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So, to get at what I think is going on,

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let me tell you how some people think of it now.

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That there's a separate language module in the brain

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that has all the algorithms and computations

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that influence the speech pathway

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on how to produce sound

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and the auditory pathway on how to perceive

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and interpret it for speech

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or for, you know, sound that we call speech.

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And it turns out,

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I don't think there is any good evidence

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for a separate language module.

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Instead, there is a speech production pathway

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that's controlling our larynx,

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controlling our jaw muscles

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that has built within it

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all the complex algorithms for spoken language.

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And there's the auditory pathway

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that has built within it,

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all the complex algorithms for understanding speech,

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not separate from a language module.

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And this speech production pathway

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is specialized to humans

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and parrots and songbirds,

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whereas this auditory perception pathway

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is more ubiquitous amongst the animal kingdom.

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And this is why dogs can understand,

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"sit", "sientese", "come here, boy",

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"get the ball" and so forth.

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Dogs can understand several hundred human speech words.

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Great apes, you can teach them for several thousand,

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but they can't say a word.

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- Fascinating.

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Because you've raised a number of animal species

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early on here and because I have a,

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basically an obsession with animals

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since the time I was very small,

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I have to ask, which animals have language?

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Which animals have modes of communication

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that are sort of like language.

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- [Erich] Yeah.

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- You know, I've heard whale songs.

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I don't know what they're saying.

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They sound very beautiful,

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but they could be insulting each other for all I know.

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- [Erich] Yeah.

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- And they very well may be.

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Dolphins, birds, I mean,

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what do we understand about modes of communication

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that are like language,

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but might not be what would classically be called language?

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- Yes, right.

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So, modes of communication

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that people would define as language,

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more, very, in a very narrow definition,

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they would say, production of sound, so speech.

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But what about the hands, the gesturing with the hands?

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What about a bird who is doing aerial displays in the air,

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communicating information through body language, right.

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Well, I'm going to go back to the brain.

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So what I think is going on

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is for spoken language,

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we're using the speech pathway

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and all the complex algorithms there.

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Next to the brain regions

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that are controlling spoken language

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are the brain regions for gesturing with the hands.

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And that hand parallel pathway

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has also complex algorithms that we can utilize.

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And some species are more advanced in these circuits,

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whether it's sound or gesturing with hands

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and some are less advanced.

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Now, we, humans and a few others

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are the most advanced for the speech sounds

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or the spoken language,

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but a non-human primate can produce gesturing

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in a more advanced form than they could produce sound.

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I'm not sure I got that across clearly,

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just to say that humans are the most advanced

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at spoken language,

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but not necessarily as big a difference at gestural language

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compared to some of the species.

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- Very clear and very interesting.

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And immediately prompts the question,

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have there been brain imaging

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or other sorts of studies evaluating neural activity

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in the context of, you know, cultures and languages,

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at least that I associate with a lot of hand movement,

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like Italian. - Yep.

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- Versus, I don't know,

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maybe you could give us some examples of cultures

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where language is not associated with

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as much overt hand movement.

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- Yes, so as you and I are talking here today

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and people who are listening, but can't see us,

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we're actually gesturing with our hands as we talk

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without knowing it or doing it unconsciously.

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And if we were talking on a telephone,

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I would have one hand here

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and I'd be gesturing with the other hand.

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[Andrew laughs]

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Without even you seeing me, right?

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And so why is that?

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Some have argued and I would agree,

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but based upon what we've seen

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is that there's an evolutionary relationship

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between the brain pathways

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that control speech production and gesturing.

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And the brain regions I mentioned

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are directly adjacent to each other.

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And why is that?

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I think that the brain pathways that control speech

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evolved out of the brain pathways that control body movement.

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All right.

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And that

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when you talk about Italian, French,

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English, and so forth,

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each one of those languages

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come with a learned set of gestures

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that you can communicate with.

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Now, how is that related to other animals?

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Well, Cocoa, a gorilla who is raised

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with humans for 39 years or more,

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learned how to do gesture communication,

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learned how to sign language, so to speak, right?

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But Cocoa couldn't produce those sounds.

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Cocoa could understand them as well

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by seeing somebody sign

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or hearing somebody produce speech,

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but Cocoa couldn't produce it with her voice.

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And so, what's going on there is that

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a number of species, not all of them,

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a number of species have motor pathways in the brain

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where you can do learn gesturing,

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rudimentary language, if you wanted, say with your limbs,

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even if it's not as advanced as humans.

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But they don't have this extra brain pathway for the sound.

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So they can't gesture with their voice

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in the way that they gesture with their hands.

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- I see.

Time: 924.54

One thing that I've wondered about for a very long time

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is whether or not

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primitive emotions and primitive sounds

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are the early substrate of language.

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And whether or not there's a bridge

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that we can draw between those

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in terms of just the basic respiration systems

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associated with different extreme feelings.

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Here's the way I'm imagining this might work.

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When I smell something delicious,

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I typically inhale more. - Hmm hmm.

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- And I might say, mmm, or something like that.

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Whereas if I smell something putrid,

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I typically turn away, and I wince

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and I will exhale [exhales],

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you know or sort of kind of like turn away,

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trying to not ingest those molecules

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or inhale those molecules.

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I could imagine that these

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are the basic dark and light contrasts

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of the language system.

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And as I say that,

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I'm saying that from the orientation of a vision scientist

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who thinks of all visual images built up

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in a very basic way of a hierarchical map model

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of the ability to see dark and light.

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So I could imagine this kind of primitive

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to more sophisticated pyramid

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of sound to language.

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Is this a crazy idea?

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Do we have any evidence this is the way it works?

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- No, it's not a crazy idea.

Time: 1007.07

And in fact,

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you hit upon one of the key distinctions

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in the field of research that I started out in,

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which is vocal learning research.

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So for vocal communication,

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you have most vertebrate species vocalize,

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but most of them are producing innate sounds

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that they're born with producing,

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that is babies crying, for example,

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or dogs barking.

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And only a few species have learned vocal communication,

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the ability to imitate sounds.

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And that is what makes spoken language special.

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When people think of what's special about language,

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it's the learned vocalizations.

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That is what's rare.

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And so, this distinction between innateness and learned

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is more of a bigger dichotomy

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when it comes to vocalizations

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than for other behaviors in the animal kingdom.

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And when you go in the brain,

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you see it there as well.

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And so all the things you talked about,

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the breathing, the grunting and so forth,

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a lot of that is handled by the brain stem circuits,

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you know, right around the level of your neck and below.

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Like a reflex kind of thing.

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So, or even some emotional aspects of your behavior

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in the hypothalamus and so forth.

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But for a learned behavior,

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learning how to speak,

Time: 1090.98

learning how to play the piano,

Time: 1092.78

teaching a dog to learn how to do tricks

Time: 1095.54

is using the forebrain circuits.

Time: 1098.09

And what has happened is

Time: 1100.07

that there's a lot of forebrain circuits

Time: 1101.81

that are controlling,

Time: 1102.643

learning how to move body parts in these species,

Time: 1104.54

but not for the vocalizations.

Time: 1106.34

But in humans and in parrots and in some other species,

Time: 1109.76

somehow, we acquired circuits

Time: 1112.04

where the forebrain has taken over the brain stem

Time: 1116.27

and now using that brain stem,

Time: 1118.22

not only to produce the innate behaviors or vocal behaviors,

Time: 1121.37

but the learned ones as well.

Time: 1123.71

- Do we have any sense

Time: 1124.76

of when modern or sophisticated language evolved?

Time: 1130.04

You know, thinking back to the species that we evolved from,

Time: 1134.33

and even within Homo sapiens,

Time: 1138.11

has there been an evolution of language?

Time: 1139.55

Has there been a devolution of language? [laughs]

Time: 1142.16

- Yeah.

Time: 1143.3

Yeah, I would say,

Time: 1146.21

and to be able to answer that question,

Time: 1148.94

it does come with the caveat

Time: 1150.44

that I think we humans overrate ourselves

Time: 1153.35

compared to other species.

Time: 1155.06

And so it makes even scientists go astray

Time: 1160.01

in trying to hypothesize

Time: 1161.24

when, you especially don't find fossil evidence

Time: 1163.64

of language that easily

Time: 1166.79

out there in terms of what happened in the past.

Time: 1173.15

Amongst the primates, which we humans belong to,

Time: 1175.82

we are the only ones that

Time: 1176.843

have this advanced vocal learning ability.

Time: 1181.1

Now, it was assumed that it was only Homo sapiens,

Time: 1186.83

then you can go back in time now

Time: 1188.99

based upon genomic data,

Time: 1191.03

not only of us living humans,

Time: 1192.5

but of the fossils that have been found

Time: 1194.6

for Homo sapiens, of Neanderthals, of Denisovan individuals

Time: 1200.27

and discover that our ancestor, our human ancestors,

Time: 1205.55

supposedly hybridized with these other hominid species.

Time: 1210.83

And it was assumed that these other hominid species

Time: 1213.68

don't learn how to imitate sounds.

Time: 1216.47

I don't know of any species today

Time: 1218.45

that's a vocal learner that can have children

Time: 1221.15

with a non-vocal learning species.

Time: 1223.34

I don't see it.

Time: 1224.18

Doesn't mean it didn't exist.

Time: 1226.1

And when we look at the genetic data

Time: 1228.92

from these ancestral hominids, that, you know,

Time: 1233

where we can look at genes that are involved

Time: 1235.55

in learned vocal communication,

Time: 1237.53

they have the same sequence as we humans do

Time: 1241.07

for genes that function in speech circuits.

Time: 1243.8

So I think Neanderthals had spoken language.

Time: 1246.38

I'm not going to say it's as advanced as what it is in humans.

Time: 1248.99

I don't know.

Time: 1250.28

But I think it's been there for at least

Time: 1252.26

between 500,000 to a million years

Time: 1255.41

that our ancestors had this ability

Time: 1258.56

and that we've been coming more and more advanced with it

Time: 1260.96

culturally and possibly genetically.

Time: 1264.53

But I think it's evolved sometime

Time: 1266

in the last 500,000 to a million years.

Time: 1268.28

- Incredible.

Time: 1270.71

Maybe we could talk a little bit more

Time: 1271.91

about the overlap between brain circuits

Time: 1274.46

that control language and speech

Time: 1276.62

in humans and other animals.

Time: 1280.25

I was weaned in the neuroscience era

Time: 1283.25

where birdsong and the ability of birds

Time: 1287.57

to learn their tooter song

Time: 1289.639

was and still is a prominent field,

Time: 1292.61

subfield of neuroscience.

Time: 1293.9

And then of course,

Time: 1294.733

neuroimaging of humans speaking and learning, et cetera,

Time: 1299.51

and this notion of a critical period,

Time: 1301.16

a time in which language is learned more easily

Time: 1304.4

than it is later in life.

Time: 1306.2

And the names of the different brain areas

Time: 1308.81

were quite different.

Time: 1310.49

If one opens the textbooks,

Time: 1312.14

we hear Wernicke's and Broca's for the humans.

Time: 1314.63

And you look at the birds of it,

Time: 1315.92

I remember, you know.

Time: 1317.303

- HVC. - Robustus, striatum.

Time: 1319.97

Area X. - That's right.

Time: 1320.87

That's right, yes. - Et cetera.

Time: 1322.79

But for most of our listeners,

Time: 1324.59

those names won't mean a whole lot,

Time: 1326.99

but in terms of homologies

Time: 1330.89

between areas in terms of function, what do we know?

Time: 1333.62

And how similar or different are the brain areas

Time: 1337.25

controlling speech and language

Time: 1338.677

in say a songbird and a young human child?

Time: 1342.41

- Yeah, so, going back to the 1950s

Time: 1346.1

or even a little earlier,

Time: 1347.33

and Peter Muller and others who got involved in neurotology,

Time: 1351.47

the study of neurobiology of behavior

Time: 1354.8

in a natural way, right.

Time: 1357.44

You know, they start to find that behaviorally,

Time: 1360.86

there are these species of birds

Time: 1362.3

like songbirds and parrots,

Time: 1363.59

and now we also know hummingbirds, just three of them

Time: 1366.05

out of the 40-something bird groups out there on the planet,

Time: 1368.99

orders, that they can imitate sounds like we do.

Time: 1372.68

And so that was a similarity.

Time: 1374.36

In other words, they had this kind of behavior

Time: 1376.22

that's more similar to us than chimpanzees have with us

Time: 1379.28

or than chickens have with them, right,

Time: 1381.68

their closer relatives.

Time: 1383.24

And then they discovered even more similarities,

Time: 1385.67

these critical periods that if you remove a child,

Time: 1390.17

you know, this unfortunately happens where a child is feral

Time: 1393.35

and is not raised with human

Time: 1394.7

and goes through their puberty phase of growth,

Time: 1398

it becomes hard for them to learn a language as an adult.

Time: 1401.24

So there's this critical period where you learn best.

Time: 1404.06

And even later on, when you're in regular society,

Time: 1406.4

it's hard to learn.

Time: 1407.54

Well, the birds undergo these same thing.

Time: 1410.45

And then it was discovered that if they become deaf,

Time: 1413.99

we humans become deaf,

Time: 1415.61

our speech starts to deteriorate

Time: 1417.5

without any kind of therapy.

Time: 1420.02

If a non-human primate or, you know,

Time: 1423.23

or let's say a chicken becomes deaf,

Time: 1426.53

their vocalizations don't deteriorate.

Time: 1428.42

very little at least.

Time: 1430.4

Well, this happens in the vocal learning birds.

Time: 1432.92

So there were all these behavioral parallels

Time: 1434.81

that came along with a package,

Time: 1436.58

and then people looked into the brain.

Time: 1438.95

Fernando Nottebohm, my former PhD advisor,

Time: 1441.53

and began to discover the Area X you talked about,

Time: 1445.34

the robust nucleus of the archipallium.

Time: 1449.9

And these brain pathways were not found

Time: 1452

in the species who couldn't imitate

Time: 1453.35

so there was a parallel here.

Time: 1455

And then jumping many years later, you know,

Time: 1458.42

I started to dig down into these brain circuits

Time: 1461.39

to discover that these brain circuits

Time: 1463.79

had parallel functions with the brain circuits for humans,

Time: 1466.79

even though they're by a different name,

Time: 1468.23

like Broca's laryngeal motor cortex.

Time: 1470.84

And most recently,

Time: 1472.31

we discovered not only the actual circuitry

Time: 1474.647

and the connectivity are similar,

Time: 1476.51

but the underlying genes that are expressed

Time: 1479.18

in these brain regions in a specialized way,

Time: 1481.85

different from the rest of the brain,

Time: 1483.05

are also similar between humans, and songbirds and parrots.

Time: 1486.83

So all the way down to the genes.

Time: 1488.15

And now we're finding the specific mutations

Time: 1491.3

are also similar, not always identical, but similar,

Time: 1494.9

which indicates remarkable convergence

Time: 1497.06

for a so-called complex behavior

Time: 1499.4

in species separated by 300 million years

Time: 1501.56

from a common ancestor.

Time: 1502.91

And not only that,

Time: 1504.08

we are discovering that mutations in these genes

Time: 1508.34

that cause speech deficits in humans, like in FOXP2,

Time: 1513.351

if you put those same mutations

Time: 1515.21

or similar type of deficits in these vocal learning birds,

Time: 1518.06

you get similar deficits.

Time: 1519.74

So convergence of the behavior

Time: 1521.9

is associated with similar genetic disorders

Time: 1524.75

of the behavior.

Time: 1525.62

- Incredible.

Time: 1526.88

I have to ask, do hummingbird sing, or do they hum?

Time: 1531.02

- Hummingbirds hum with their wings

Time: 1532.94

and sing with their syrinx.

Time: 1534.7

- In a coordinated way?

Time: 1536.11

- In a coordinated way.

Time: 1537.56

There's some species of hummingbirds that actually will,

Time: 1543.11

Doug Ashler showed this,

Time: 1544.49

that will flap their wings

Time: 1546.98

and create a slapping sound with their wings

Time: 1549.98

that's in unison with their song

Time: 1552.29

and you would not know it,

Time: 1554.21

but it sounds like a particular syllable in their songs,

Time: 1558.56

even though it's their wings

Time: 1560.33

and their voice at the same time.

Time: 1562.07

- Hummingbirds are clapping to their song?

Time: 1564.47

- Clapping with their,

Time: 1565.52

they're snapping their wings together

Time: 1568.22

in unison with a song to make it like,

Time: 1570.86

if I'm going ba, da, da, da [bangs], but, da [bangs]

Time: 1574.31

and I banged on the table

Time: 1575.75

except they make it almost sound like their voice

Time: 1578.09

with their wings.

Time: 1580.16

- Incredible. - Yes.

Time: 1581.3

- I, I'm...

Time: 1582.62

- And they got some of the smallest brains around.

Time: 1583.453

- As the kids would say mind blown, right?

Time: 1585.74

- Yes. Yes.

Time: 1586.573

- Incredible. - Yes.

Time: 1587.51

- Incredible, I love hummingbirds.

Time: 1588.71

And I always feel like it's such a special thing

Time: 1591.08

to get a moment to see one

Time: 1592.13

because they move around so fast

Time: 1593.39

and they fled away so fast in these ballistic trajectories.

Time: 1596.66

- [Erich] Yep.

Time: 1597.493

- That when you get to see one stationary for a moment,

Time: 1600.68

or even just hovering there,

Time: 1602.93

you feel like you're extracting so much

Time: 1604.37

from their little microcosm of life,

Time: 1607.13

but now I realize they're playing music essentially.

Time: 1609.68

- Right, exactly.

Time: 1610.513

And what's amazing about hummingbirds

Time: 1613.01

and I'm going to say, vocal learning species in general,

Time: 1616.31

is that for whatever reason,

Time: 1618.2

they seem to evolve multiple complex traits.

Time: 1621.92

You know, this idea that the evolving language,

Time: 1624.86

spoken language in particular,

Time: 1626.84

comes along with a set of specializations.

Time: 1629.69

- Incredible. - Yeah.

Time: 1631.28

- When I was coming up in neuroscience,

Time: 1633.62

I learned that I think it was the work of Peter Muller

Time: 1637.55

that young birds learn,

Time: 1640.55

songbirds learned their tooter song and learn it quite well,

Time: 1646.31

but that they could learn the song of another tooter.

Time: 1649.49

In other words, they could learn a different,

Time: 1651.17

and for the listeners, I'm doing air quotes here,

Time: 1652.767

"a different language",

Time: 1653.817

"a different bird song",

Time: 1655.61

different than their own species song.

Time: 1657.59

But never as well as they could learn

Time: 1659.66

their own natural genetically linked song.

Time: 1664.43

- Yes. - Genetically linked,

Time: 1665.45

meaning that it would be like

Time: 1667.13

me being raised in a different culture,

Time: 1668.84

and that I would learn the other language,

Time: 1672.92

but not as well as I would have learned English.

Time: 1675.71

This is the idea. - Yes.

Time: 1677.06

- Is that true? - That is true, yes.

Time: 1679.051

And that's what I learned growing up as well.

Time: 1681.17

And talked to Peter Muller himself about before he passed.

Time: 1685.79

Yeah, he used to call it the innate predisposition to learn.

Time: 1689.51

All right.

Time: 1690.941

So which would be kind of the equivalent

Time: 1693.86

in the linguistic community of universal grammar.

Time: 1696.41

There is something genetically

Time: 1699.71

influencing our vocal communication

Time: 1703.01

on top of what we learned culturally.

Time: 1705.5

And so there's this balance

Time: 1707.24

between the genetic control of speech

Time: 1709.76

or a song in these birds

Time: 1711.41

and the learned cultural control.

Time: 1714.5

And so, yes, if you were to take,

Time: 1718.22

you know, I mean, in this case,

Time: 1720.5

we actually tried this at Rockefeller later on.

Time: 1722.96

Take a zebra finch and raise it with a canary,

Time: 1726.62

it would sing a song

Time: 1728.27

that was sort of like a hybrid in between.

Time: 1729.89

We call it a can-inch, right?

Time: 1731.665

[both laughing]

Time: 1733.46

And vice versa for the canary,

Time: 1735.29

because there's something different

Time: 1736.34

about their vocal musculature

Time: 1737.99

or the circuitry in the brain.

Time: 1740.57

And with a zebra finch, even with a closely related species,

Time: 1743.78

if you would take a zebra finch, a young animal,

Time: 1747.32

and in one cage next to it placed its own species,

Time: 1750.59

adult male, right.

Time: 1752.15

And in the other cage placed a Bengalese finch next to it,

Time: 1755.51

it would preferably learn the song

Time: 1757.7

from its own species neighbor.

Time: 1760.4

But if you remove its neighbor,

Time: 1762.17

it would learn that Bengalese finch very well.

Time: 1764.9

- [Andrew] Fantastic.

Time: 1766.4

- It has something to do with also the social bonding

Time: 1769.04

with your own species.

Time: 1770.36

- Incredible.

Time: 1771.59

That raises a question that I,

Time: 1773.45

based on something I also heard,

Time: 1774.83

but I don't have any scientific

Time: 1777.26

peer-reviewed publication to point to,

Time: 1778.97

which is this idea of Pidgin not the bird,

Time: 1781.49

but this idea of when multiple cultures

Time: 1785.21

and languages converge in a given geographic area,

Time: 1787.67

that the children of all the different native languages

Time: 1790.43

will come up with their own language.

Time: 1793.22

I think this was in island culture,

Time: 1795.02

maybe in Hawaii, called Pidgin,

Time: 1796.82

which is sort of a hybrid of the various languages

Time: 1799.58

that their parents speak at home

Time: 1801.227

and that they themselves speak.

Time: 1803.39

And that somehow Pidgin again, not the bird,

Time: 1806.6

but a language called Pidgin,

Time: 1808.01

for reasons, I don't know,

Time: 1810.41

harbors certain basic elements of all language.

Time: 1814.64

Is that true?

Time: 1815.81

Is that not true?

Time: 1817.481

- I would say, I haven't studied enough myself

Time: 1819.41

in terms of Pidgin, specifically,

Time: 1821.51

but in terms of cultural evolution of language

Time: 1824.15

and hybridization between different cultures and so forth,

Time: 1827.57

even amongst birds with different dialects

Time: 1830.54

and you bring them together, you know,

Time: 1833.75

what is going on here is cultural evolution

Time: 1837.95

remarkably tracks genetic evolution.

Time: 1841.19

So if you bring people

Time: 1843.26

from two separate populations together

Time: 1845.09

that have been in their separate populations,

Time: 1847.37

evolutionarily, at least for hundreds of generations,

Time: 1851.36

so someone's speaking Chinese,

Time: 1852.74

someone's speaking English,

Time: 1854.57

and that child is then learning from both of them.

Time: 1858.26

Yes, that child's going to be able to pick up

Time: 1860.69

and merge phonemes and words together

Time: 1866.09

in a way that an adult wouldn't, because, why?

Time: 1869.21

They're experiencing both languages at the same time

Time: 1872.93

during their critical period years,

Time: 1876.05

in a way that adults would not be able to experience.

Time: 1879.77

And so you get a hybrid.

Time: 1881.57

And the lowest common denominator

Time: 1883.61

is going to be what they share.

Time: 1885.38

And so the phonemes that they've re retained

Time: 1887.84

in each of their languages is what's going to be,

Time: 1891.83

I imagine, used the most.

Time: 1893.6

- Interesting.

Time: 1895.16

So we've got brain circuits in songbirds and in humans

Time: 1900.11

that in many ways are similar,

Time: 1901.73

perhaps not in their exact wiring,

Time: 1903.77

but in their basic contour of wiring.

Time: 1905.96

And genes that are expressed

Time: 1907.43

in both sets of neural circuits in very distinct species

Time: 1911.48

that are responsible for these phenomenon

Time: 1914.63

we're calling speech and language.

Time: 1916.85

What sorts of things are those genes controlling?

Time: 1920.57

I could imagine they were controlling the wiring

Time: 1923.39

of connections between brain areas.

Time: 1924.98

You know, essentially a map of, you know, of a circuit,

Time: 1928.85

basically like an engineer

Time: 1929.84

would design a circuit for speech and language,

Time: 1931.61

nature designed the circuit for speech and language,

Time: 1934.79

but presumably other things too.

Time: 1936.77

Like the ability to connect motor patterns

Time: 1942.44

within the throat of muscles within the throat,

Time: 1944.39

or in the control of the tongue.

Time: 1946.01

I mean, what are these genes doing?

Time: 1947.75

- You're pretty good, yeah.

Time: 1949.04

You've made some very good guesses there that makes sense.

Time: 1954.44

So, yes, one of the things that differ

Time: 1956.81

in the speech pathways of us

Time: 1958.28

and these song pathways of birds

Time: 1959.78

is some of the connections are fundamentally different

Time: 1962.42

than the surrounding circuits,

Time: 1964.04

like a direct cortical connection

Time: 1967.91

from the areas that control vocalizations in the cortex

Time: 1970.28

or the motor neurons that control the larynx,

Time: 1972.56

in humans or the syrinx in birds.

Time: 1974.9

And so we actually made a prediction

Time: 1977.63

that since some of these connections differ,

Time: 1980.09

we're going to find genes that control neural connectivity,

Time: 1983.42

and that specialize in that function, that differ.

Time: 1985.85

And that's exactly what we found.

Time: 1989.27

Genes that control what we call axon guidance

Time: 1991.55

and form neuronal connections,

Time: 1992.87

and what was interesting,

Time: 1994.07

it was sort of in the opposite direction that we expected.

Time: 1997.97

That is, some of these genes,

Time: 2000.58

actually, a number of them

Time: 2001.6

that control neural connectivity were turned off

Time: 2004.87

in the speech circuit, all right.

Time: 2007.87

And it didn't make sense to us at first

Time: 2009.4

until we started to realize the function

Time: 2011.08

of these genes are to repel connections from forming,

Time: 2014.5

so repulsive molecules.

Time: 2016.39

And so when you turn them off,

Time: 2018.58

they allow certain connections to form

Time: 2020.26

that normally would have not formed.

Time: 2022.24

So by turning it off,

Time: 2023.89

you gain a function for speech, right?

Time: 2027.58

Other genes that surprised us

Time: 2029.68

were genes involved in calcium buffering neuroprotection,

Time: 2034

like Parvalbumin or heat-shock proteins,

Time: 2036.73

so when your brain gets hot, these proteins turn on.

Time: 2039.7

And we couldn't figure out for a long time,

Time: 2041.32

why is that the case?

Time: 2043

And then the idea popped to me one day and said, ah,

Time: 2046.51

when I heard the larynx is the fastest firing muscles

Time: 2049.9

in the body, all right.

Time: 2051.67

In order to vibrate sound

Time: 2054.1

and modulate sound in the way we do,

Time: 2056.68

you have to control,

Time: 2058.24

you have to move those muscles, you know,

Time: 2060.88

three to four to five times faster

Time: 2063.1

than just regular walking or running.

Time: 2065.47

And so when you stick electrodes

Time: 2068.59

in the brain areas that control learned vocalizations

Time: 2071.65

in these birds and I think in humans as well,

Time: 2074.35

those neurons are firing at a higher rate

Time: 2076.93

to control these muscles.

Time: 2078.79

And so what is that going to do?

Time: 2080.95

You're going to have lots of toxicity in those neurons,

Time: 2083.59

unless you upregulate molecules

Time: 2085.45

that take out the extra load

Time: 2088.743

that is needed to control the larynx.

Time: 2090.97

And then finally, a third set of genes

Time: 2092.86

that are specialized in these speech circuit

Time: 2095.26

are involved in neuroplasticity.

Time: 2097.9

Neuroplasticity, meaning allowing the brain circuits

Time: 2101.59

to be more flexible so you can learn better.

Time: 2105.67

And why is that?

Time: 2106.823

I think learning how to produce speech

Time: 2109.27

is a more complex learning ability

Time: 2112.6

than say learning how to walk

Time: 2114.58

or learning how to do tricks

Time: 2117.34

and jumps and so forth that dogs do.

Time: 2119.71

- Yeah, it's interesting as you say that,

Time: 2121.803

because I realize that many aspects of speech

Time: 2124.63

are sort of reflexive.

Time: 2125.71

I'm not thinking about each word I'm going to say,

Time: 2127.78

they just sort of roll out of my mouth,

Time: 2129.07

hopefully with some forethought.

Time: 2131.02

We both know people that seem to speak, think less,

Time: 2135.25

fewer synapses between their brain and their mouth

Time: 2137.35

than others, right. - Yes.

Time: 2138.34

- A lot of examples out there,

Time: 2139.75

and some people are very deliberate in their speech,

Time: 2141.58

but nonetheless, that much of speech has to be precise.

Time: 2146.41

And some of it less precise.

Time: 2149.02

In terms of plasticity of speech

Time: 2151.33

and the ability to learn multiple languages,

Time: 2153.7

but even just one language,

Time: 2155.68

what's going on in the critical period,

Time: 2157.87

the so-called critical period? - Yeah.

Time: 2159.19

- Why is it that, so my niece speaks Spanish.

Time: 2162.97

She's Guatemalan and speaks Spanish

Time: 2164.44

and English incredibly well.

Time: 2166.24

She's 14-years-old.

Time: 2168.19

I've struggled with Spanish my whole life.

Time: 2169.63

My father is bilingual.

Time: 2170.59

My mother is not.

Time: 2171.7

I've tried to learn Spanish as an adult.

Time: 2173.98

It's really challenging.

Time: 2175.93

I'm told that had I learned it when I was eight,

Time: 2178.09

I would be better off. - That's right.

Time: 2179.92

- Or it would be installed within me.

Time: 2182.68

So the first question is,

Time: 2184.51

is it easier to learn multiple languages

Time: 2186.37

without an accent early in life?

Time: 2188.08

And if so, why?

Time: 2189.25

And then the second question is

Time: 2190.78

if one can already speak more than one language

Time: 2194.56

as a consequence of childhood learning,

Time: 2196.4

is it easier to acquire new languages later on?

Time: 2200.32

- So, the answer to both of those questions is yes, in that,

Time: 2204.85

but to explain this, I need to let you know,

Time: 2209.02

actually the entire brain

Time: 2211.39

is undergoing a critical period development,

Time: 2214.36

not just the speech pathways.

Time: 2216.34

And so it's easier to learn how to play a piano.

Time: 2219.28

It's easier to learn how to ride a bike

Time: 2221.38

for the first time and so forth

Time: 2223.24

as a young child than it is later in life.

Time: 2227.2

What I mean easier in terms of when you start

Time: 2231.55

from first principles of learning something.

Time: 2233.92

So the very first time,

Time: 2235.51

if you're going to learn Chinese as a child

Time: 2237.07

versus the very first time you learn Chinese as an adult

Time: 2240.07

or learning to play piano as a child versus an adult.

Time: 2244.33

But the speech pathways,

Time: 2246.49

or let's say speech behavior,

Time: 2248.32

I think has a stronger critical period

Time: 2251.95

change to it than other circuits.

Time: 2254.29

And why, what's going on there in general?

Time: 2259.57

Why do you need a critical period

Time: 2261.01

to make you more stable,

Time: 2263.98

to make you more stubborn, so to speak?

Time: 2267.16

The reason I believe is that the brain is not for,

Time: 2272.107

the brain can only hold so much information.

Time: 2275.56

And if you are undergoing rapid learning to learn,

Time: 2281.02

to acquire new knowledge,

Time: 2282.67

you also have to, you know, dumb stuff.

Time: 2285.76

Put in memory or information in the trash,

Time: 2288.97

like in a computer.

Time: 2290.17

You only have so many gigabases of memory.

Time: 2293.02

And so therefore, plus also for survival,

Time: 2297.28

you don't want to keep forgetting things.

Time: 2299.74

And so the brain is designed, I believe,

Time: 2303.85

to undergo this critical period

Time: 2305.92

and solidify the circuits with what you learned as a child

Time: 2309.157

and you use that for the rest of your life.

Time: 2311.14

And we humans stay even more plastic in our brain functions

Time: 2316

controlled by a gene called srGAP2.

Time: 2318.49

We have an extra copy of it

Time: 2320.05

that leads our speech circuit and other brain regions

Time: 2322.24

in a more immature state throughout life

Time: 2324.55

compared to other animals.

Time: 2326.08

So we're more immature.

Time: 2327.73

We're still juvenile like compared to other animals.

Time: 2329.77

- I knew it.

Time: 2330.666

- But we still go through the critical periods

Time: 2332.86

like they all do.

Time: 2334.24

And now the question you asked about,

Time: 2337.12

if you learn more languages as a child,

Time: 2341.71

is it easier to learn as an adult?

Time: 2343.6

And that's a common finding out there in the literature.

Time: 2346.39

There's some that argue against it.

Time: 2348.13

But for those that support it, the idea there is,

Time: 2351.97

you are born with a set of innate sounds

Time: 2354.64

you can produce of phonemes.

Time: 2356.74

And you narrow that down

Time: 2358

because not all languages use all of them.

Time: 2360.37

And so you narrow down the ones

Time: 2361.96

you use to string the phonemes together,

Time: 2364.33

in words that you learn

Time: 2366.13

and you maintain those phonemes as an adult.

Time: 2369.46

And here comes along another language

Time: 2371.65

that's using those phonemes

Time: 2372.85

or in different combinations you're not used to.

Time: 2376.24

And therefore, it's like starting from first principles,

Time: 2379.48

but if you already have them

Time: 2381.07

in multiple languages that you're using,

Time: 2383.23

then it makes it easier to use them

Time: 2385.06

in another third or fourth language.

Time: 2387.289

- I see, incredible.

Time: 2389.98

- So, it's not like your brain

Time: 2392.216

has maintained greater plasticity,

Time: 2394.57

it's your brain has maintained greater ability

Time: 2397.45

to produce different sounds

Time: 2399.52

that then allows you to learn another language faster.

Time: 2402.16

- Got it.

Time: 2403.6

Are the hand gestures associated with sounds

Time: 2408.01

or with meanings of words?

Time: 2410.17

- I think the hand gestures are associated

Time: 2411.94

with both the sounds and the meaning.

Time: 2414.49

When I say sound like if you are really angry, right,

Time: 2419.32

and you are making a loud screaming noise, right,

Time: 2422.86

you may make hand gestures

Time: 2425.14

that look like you're going to beat the wall, right?

Time: 2427.9

Because you're making loud sounds and loud gestures, right.

Time: 2432.67

But if you want to explain something like, come over here,

Time: 2435.88

what I just do now to you for those who can't see me,

Time: 2438.64

I swung my hand towards you and swung it here to me.

Time: 2441.88

That has a meaning to it, to come here.

Time: 2444.46

So just like with the voice,

Time: 2446.8

the hand gestures are producing both, you know,

Time: 2451.48

both qualities of sound.

Time: 2453.13

- And for people that speak multiple languages,

Time: 2455.89

especially those that learn those multiple languages

Time: 2458.41

early in development,

Time: 2459.76

do they switch their patterns of motor movements

Time: 2462.28

according to let's say,

Time: 2464.14

going from Italian to Arabic

Time: 2466.63

or from Arabic to French

Time: 2468.79

in a way that matches the precision of language

Time: 2472.9

that they're speaking?

Time: 2473.98

- You know what?

Time: 2474.813

You just asked me a question,

Time: 2475.646

I don't know the answer to.

Time: 2477.13

I would imagine that would make sense because of switching

Time: 2483.19

in terms of sometimes people might call this code switching,

Time: 2485.92

even different dialects of the same language.

Time: 2488.41

Could you do that with your gestures?

Time: 2490.57

I imagine so, but I really don't know if that's true or not.

Time: 2494.296

- Okay, well, I certainly don't know from my own experience

Time: 2495.91

because I only speak one language.

Time: 2497.343

[both laughing]

Time: 2499.63

Before we continue with today's discussion,

Time: 2501.88

I'd like to just briefly acknowledge our sponsor,

Time: 2503.95

Athletic Greens, now called AG1.

Time: 2507.19

Athletic Greens, aka AGI,

Time: 2509.44

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Time: 2511.9

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Time: 2514.96

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Time: 2517.66

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Time: 2520.09

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Time: 2521.467

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Time: 2524.65

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Time: 2525.88

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Time: 2528.97

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Time: 2531.88

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Time: 2533.47

The gut microbiome, as many of you know,

Time: 2535.18

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Time: 2536.29

and it also supports the so-called gut brain access,

Time: 2538.33

which is vital for mood, for energy levels,

Time: 2540.7

for regulating focus

Time: 2541.96

and many other features of our mental health

Time: 2543.79

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Time: 2546.1

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Time: 2547.75

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Time: 2549.13

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Time: 2550.54

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Time: 2553.18

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Time: 2554.8

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Time: 2556.45

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Time: 2560.35

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Time: 2562.06

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Time: 2564.64

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Time: 2565.48

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Time: 2568.24

Again, you can go to athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 2571.45

to claim that special offer.

Time: 2572.86

To go a little bit into the abstract, but not too far,

Time: 2577.54

what about modes of speech and language

Time: 2579.43

that seem to have a depth of emotionality and meaning,

Time: 2583.03

but for which it departs from structured language.

Time: 2586.99

Here's what I mean, poetry. - Hmm hmm.

Time: 2589.99

- I think of musicians,

Time: 2591.4

like there's some Bob Dylan songs that, to me,

Time: 2594.46

I understand the individual words.

Time: 2597.19

I like to think there's an emotion associated with it.

Time: 2600.25

at least, I experience some sort of emotion

Time: 2601.96

and I have a guess about what he was experiencing.

Time: 2605.65

But if I were to just read it linearly without the music

Time: 2609.49

and without him singing it, or somebody singing it like him,

Time: 2612.79

it wouldn't hold any meaning.

Time: 2613.84

So in other words, words that seem to have meaning,

Time: 2617.2

but not associated with language,

Time: 2619.66

but somehow tap into an emotionality.

Time: 2623.11

- Yep, absolutely.

Time: 2625.145

So, we call this difference semantic communication,

Time: 2629.2

communication with meaning

Time: 2631.15

and effective communication,

Time: 2632.59

communication that has more

Time: 2634.75

of an emotional feeling content to it,

Time: 2637.367

you know, but not with, you know, the semantics.

Time: 2640.3

And the two can be mixed up,

Time: 2642.58

like with singing words that have meaning,

Time: 2645.7

but also have this effect of emotional,

Time: 2647.95

you just love the sound of the singer that you're hearing.

Time: 2652.03

And initially, you know,

Time: 2656.74

psychologists, scientists, in general,

Time: 2658.78

thought that these were going to be controlled

Time: 2660.58

by different brain circuits.

Time: 2663.04

And it is the case.

Time: 2664.33

There are emotional brain centers in the hypothalamus,

Time: 2667.12

in the cingulate cortex and so forth,

Time: 2669.7

that do give tone to the sounds.

Time: 2673.06

But I believe, you know, based upon imaging work

Time: 2677.14

and work we see in birds,

Time: 2679.57

when birds are communicating semantic information

Time: 2682.72

in their sounds, which is not too often, but it happens,

Time: 2685.63

versus effective communication,

Time: 2688.51

sing because I'm trying to attract the mate,

Time: 2690.55

my courtship song or defend my territory,

Time: 2693.37

it's the same brain circuits.

Time: 2694.69

It's the same speech-like or song,

Time: 2696.58

circuits are being used in different ways.

Time: 2700.945

- A friend of mine, who's also a therapist, said to me,

Time: 2703.99

you know, it's possible to say,

Time: 2705.22

I love you with intense hatred

Time: 2707.92

than to say, I hate you with intense love.

Time: 2710.2

- [Eric] Right.

Time: 2711.033

- And reminding me that it's possible to hear

Time: 2712.54

both of those statements in either way.

Time: 2715.06

So I guess it's not just limited to song or poetry.

Time: 2719.29

It also, there's something about the intention

Time: 2723.7

and the emotional context in which something spoken

Time: 2727.24

that it can heavily shape the way

Time: 2729.07

that we interpret what we hear.

Time: 2731.26

- That's right.

Time: 2732.31

And I consider all of that actually, meaning,

Time: 2735.43

even though I defined it as,

Time: 2737.71

people commonly do semantic and effective communication.

Time: 2741.73

Effective communication to say, I hate you,

Time: 2743.98

but meant love, right,

Time: 2747.49

does have emotional meaning to it, you know?

Time: 2751.33

And so, you know, one's more like an object kind of meaning

Time: 2753.76

or an abstract kind of meaning.

Time: 2755.71

There's several other points here

Time: 2756.79

I think it's important for those listening out there to hear

Time: 2760.45

is that when I say also

Time: 2762.34

this effective and semantic communication

Time: 2767.32

being used by similar brain circuits,

Time: 2768.85

it also matters, the side of the brain.

Time: 2771.31

In birds and in humans,

Time: 2774.49

there's left-right dominance

Time: 2777.34

for learned communication, learned sound communication.

Time: 2781.51

So the left in us humans is more dominant for speech,

Time: 2785.71

but the right has a more balance for singing

Time: 2789.25

or processing musical sounds

Time: 2791.17

as opposed to processing speech.

Time: 2792.85

Both get used for both reasons.

Time: 2794.86

And so when people say your right brain

Time: 2797.59

is your artistic brain

Time: 2799.12

and your left brain is your thinking brain,

Time: 2801.43

this is what they're referring to.

Time: 2803.71

And so that's another distinction.

Time: 2806.26

A second thing that's useful to know

Time: 2809.61

is that all vocal learning species

Time: 2811.72

use their learned sounds for this emotional

Time: 2815.38

effective kind of communication,

Time: 2818.05

but only a few of them like humans

Time: 2820.39

and some parrots and dolphins

Time: 2822.19

use it for the semantic kind of communication,

Time: 2825.07

we're calling speech.

Time: 2827.23

And that has led a number of people to hypothesize

Time: 2831.28

that the evolution of spoken language, of speech,

Time: 2834.43

evolved first for singing,

Time: 2837.19

for this more like emotional

Time: 2839.71

kind of mate attraction like the Jennifer Lopez,

Time: 2842.56

the Ricky Martin kind of songs and so forth.

Time: 2845.74

And then later on,

Time: 2847.45

it became used for abstract communication

Time: 2849.61

like we're doing now.

Time: 2851.05

- Oh, interesting.

Time: 2852.19

Well, that's a perfect segue for me

Time: 2854.68

to be able to ask you about your background

Time: 2858.4

and motor control, not only of the hands but of the body.

Time: 2862.72

So you have a number of important distinctions to your name,

Time: 2866.35

but one of them is that you were a member

Time: 2869.11

of the Alvin Ailey Dance School,

Time: 2872.11

School of Dance. - That's right.

Time: 2872.98

That's right, hmm hmm.

Time: 2874.03

- So you're an accomplished

Time: 2875.68

and quite able dancer, right?

Time: 2878.17

Tell us a little bit about your background

Time: 2880.84

in the world of dance

Time: 2883.12

and how it informs your interest in neuroscience,

Time: 2887.389

[clears throat], excuse me,

Time: 2888.222

and perhaps even how it relates

Time: 2889.96

specifically to your work on speech and language.

Time: 2892.09

- Yes, well, it's interesting.

Time: 2894.49

And then this kind of history even goes before my time.

Time: 2897.31

So in my family, my mother and father's side,

Time: 2899.92

they both went to the High School of Music and Art

Time: 2901.75

here in New York City.

Time: 2903.58

And particularly, in my mother's family,

Time: 2905.23

going back multiple generations, they were singers.

Time: 2908.41

And I even did my family genealogy

Time: 2910.33

and found out not only, you know,

Time: 2912.61

we have some relationships to some well-known singers,

Time: 2915.46

distant relationships like Thelonious Monk,

Time: 2917.8

but going back to the plantations

Time: 2920.41

in North Carolina and so forth,

Time: 2922.93

my ancestors were singers in the church

Time: 2925.81

for the, you know, the towns and so forth.

Time: 2927.97

And this somehow got passed on

Time: 2929.8

multiple generations to my family.

Time: 2931.93

And I thought I was going to grow up

Time: 2933.7

and be a famous singer, right.

Time: 2935.26

And me and my brothers and sister

Time: 2937.99

formed a band when we were kids and so forth.

Time: 2941.68

But it turned out that I didn't inherit

Time: 2944.62

the singing talents of some of my other family members,

Time: 2947.62

even though, you know, I was, you know, okay.

Time: 2950.2

You know, but not like my brother,

Time: 2951.97

or not like my mother or my aunts and my cousin Pura Fe',

Time: 2956.17

who's now a talented Native American singer.

Time: 2958.99

And so,

Time: 2963.88

that then influenced me to do other things.

Time: 2967.3

And I started, you know, competing in dance contests,

Time: 2972.04

you know, actually this is around the time

Time: 2973.45

of Saturday Night Fever and I was as a teenager.

Time: 2976.15

And I started winning dance contests.

Time: 2978.4

And I thought, oh, I can dance.

Time: 2980.11

And I auditioned for the High School of Performing Arts.

Time: 2982.87

And I got in, here in New York City,

Time: 2985.39

and got into ballet dance and got in, right.

Time: 2988.15

And thought, if I learned ballet,

Time: 2989.83

I can learn everything else.

Time: 2990.88

It I that idea, if you learn something classical,

Time: 2993.01

it can teach for everything else.

Time: 2995.65

And I was, yeah, at Alvin Ailey Dance School,

Time: 2998.32

Joffrey Ballet Dance School.

Time: 3000.06

And at the end of my senior concert,

Time: 3004.29

I had this opportunity to audition

Time: 3006.3

for the Alvin Ailey Dance Company.

Time: 3008.37

And I had an opportunity to go to college.

Time: 3011.07

And I also fell in love with another passion

Time: 3013.26

that my father had, which was science.

Time: 3015.84

And so I liked science in high school.

Time: 3018.51

And I found an overlap also between the arts and sciences,

Time: 3022.65

you know, both required creativity, hard work, discipline,

Time: 3026.49

you know, new discovery, both weren't boring to me.

Time: 3029.7

And the one decision I made at that senior dance concert

Time: 3033.81

was, you know, when talking to the Alvin Ailey recruiter

Time: 3036.78

and thinking about it,

Time: 3037.613

I have to make a decision.

Time: 3039.36

And I thought something my mother taught me

Time: 3042.72

because she was growing up in the 1960s cultural revolution,

Time: 3045.967

"Do something that has a positive impact on society."

Time: 3049.92

And I thought that I could do that better

Time: 3051.3

as a dancer than a scientist.

Time: 3053.37

So now jump, I get into college, undergraduate school,

Time: 3057.81

I major in molecular biology and mathematics.

Time: 3060.12

I decide I want to be a biologist,

Time: 3062.07

got into graduate school,

Time: 3063.15

wanted to study the brain at, you know,

Time: 3064.817

at the Rockefeller University.

Time: 3066.42

So I went from Hunter College to Rockefeller University.

Time: 3069.027

And so now I got to the brain

Time: 3071.429

and why did I choose the brain

Time: 3074.13

is because it controls dancing. [laughs]

Time: 3077.58

But there wasn't anybody studying dancing.

Time: 3079.92

And I wanted study the brain,

Time: 3081.27

something that it does

Time: 3082.53

that's really interesting and complex.

Time: 3084.99

And I thought, ah, language is what it does.

Time: 3087.48

You couldn't study that in mice.

Time: 3088.65

You couldn't study in non-human primates.

Time: 3090.69

But these birds do this wonderful thing

Time: 3092.43

that Fernando Nottebohm was studying at Rockefeller.

Time: 3094.89

And so that's what got me into the birds.

Time: 3100.459

And then jumping now, 15 years later,

Time: 3103.29

you know, yeah, that's right.

Time: 3104.88

Even after I'm into now having my own lab,

Time: 3108.09

studying vocal learning in these birds

Time: 3110.46

as a model for language and humans,

Time: 3112.44

it turns out that, you know,

Time: 3115.05

Ani Patel and, you know, others,

Time: 3118.11

have discovered that only vocal learning species

Time: 3122.49

can learn how to dance.

Time: 3124.716

- Is that right? - That's right, yes.

Time: 3127.41

- So I've seen these just scrolling

Time: 3129.57

through the files here in my mind.

Time: 3132.15

I think about, every once in a while someone will,

Time: 3133.92

I love parrots. - Yes.

Time: 3136.11

- So every once in a while,

Time: 3136.943

someone will send me one of these little Instagram

Time: 3139.2

or Twitter videos of a parrot

Time: 3140.76

doing what looks to me like dance,

Time: 3142.47

typically it's a cockatoo. - That's right.

Time: 3144.09

- Right. - That's right.

Time: 3144.923

- Even foot stomping to the sound and-

Time: 3147

- Famous one called Snowball out there,

Time: 3148.53

but there are many Snowballs out there. [laughs]

Time: 3151.647

- All the dancing birds are named Snowball?

Time: 3153.63

That's an interesting tactic.

Time: 3156

So only animals with language dance?

Time: 3160.02

- Yeah, vocal learning in particular,

Time: 3161.7

the ability to imitate sounds, yes.

Time: 3164.55

- Incredible. - Yes.

Time: 3165.627

And this now is bringing my life full circle, right.

Time: 3170.55

And so when that was discovered in 2009,

Time: 3175.17

at that same time in my lab at Duke,

Time: 3177.87

we had discovered that vocal learning brain pathways

Time: 3182.1

in songbirds, as well as in humans

Time: 3184.56

and in parrots, right, like Snowball,

Time: 3188.01

are embedded within circuits

Time: 3189.51

that control learning how to move.

Time: 3192.54

And that led us to a theory called the Brain Pathway

Time: 3195.66

or Motor Theory of Vocal Learning Origin

Time: 3198.27

where the brain pathways for vocal learning and speech

Time: 3201.33

evolved by a whole duplication

Time: 3203.46

of the surrounding motor circuits

Time: 3204.93

involving learning how to move.

Time: 3207.63

Now, how does that explain dance, right?

Time: 3210.75

Well, when Snowball, the cockatoos, are dancing,

Time: 3215.25

they're using the brain regions

Time: 3216.69

around their speech-like circuits

Time: 3218.88

to do this dancing behavior.

Time: 3220.8

And so what's going on there?

Time: 3222.36

What we hypothesize and now like to test

Time: 3226.5

is that when this,

Time: 3229.23

when speech evolved in humans

Time: 3231.96

and the equivalent behavior and parrots and songbirds,

Time: 3235.23

it required a very tight integration

Time: 3238.98

in the brain regions that can hear sound

Time: 3241.89

with the brain regions that control your muscles

Time: 3244.47

from moving your larynx and tongue and so forth

Time: 3247.26

for producing sound.

Time: 3249.359

And that tight auditory motor integration,

Time: 3251.88

we argue, then contaminated the surrounding brain regions.

Time: 3255.957

And that contamination of the surrounding brain regions

Time: 3258.78

now allows us humans, in particular, and parrots.

Time: 3262.74

to coordinate our muscle movements of the rest of the body

Time: 3266.31

with sound in the same way we do for speech sounds.

Time: 3270.69

- [Andrew] Well.

Time: 3271.523

- So we're speaking with our bodies when we dance.

Time: 3273.54

- Incredible.

Time: 3274.497

And I have to say that

Time: 3276.15

as poor as I am at speaking multiple languages,

Time: 3278.76

I'm even worse at dancing, so.

Time: 3281.31

- But I guarantee you're better than a monkey.

Time: 3284.19

- But not Snowball, the cockatoo?

Time: 3285.6

- No, maybe not Snowball.

Time: 3287.55

On YouTube, we have a video

Time: 3288.87

where there's some scientists dancing with Snowball

Time: 3291.21

and you'll see Snowballs doing better

Time: 3292.95

than some of the scientists.

Time: 3294.279

- Okay, well, as long as I'm not the worst

Time: 3295.53

of all scientists dancing. - I don't think so.

Time: 3298.71

- There's always a neuroplasticity.

Time: 3300.51

May it save me someday.

Time: 3303.3

You said something incredible

Time: 3304.98

that I completely believe even though I have minimum to,

Time: 3310.65

let's just say minimum dancing ability.

Time: 3312.72

Okay, I can get by at a party or wedding

Time: 3314.64

without complete embarrassment,

Time: 3316.29

but I don't have any structured training.

Time: 3320.04

So the body clearly can communicate with movement.

Time: 3326.88

As a trained dancer and knowing other trained dancers,

Time: 3330.979

I always think of dance and bodily movement

Time: 3334.83

and communication through bodily movement

Time: 3336.6

as a form of wordlessness,

Time: 3338.64

like a state of wordlessness.

Time: 3340.23

In fact, the few times when I think

Time: 3342

that maybe I'm actually dancing modestly well

Time: 3345.84

for the context that I'm in,

Time: 3347.52

or I see other people dancing

Time: 3348.96

and they seem to just be very much in the movement,

Time: 3351.42

it's almost like a state of non-language,

Time: 3354.42

non-spoken language. - Hmm hmm.

Time: 3357.591

- And yet what you're telling me is

Time: 3359.79

that there's a direct bridge at some level

Time: 3362.7

between the movement of the body and language.

Time: 3365.67

So is there a language of the body

Time: 3368.55

that is distinct from the language of speech?

Time: 3372.03

And if so, or if not, how do those map onto one another?

Time: 3375.81

What does that Venn diagram look like?

Time: 3377.46

- Yeah, yeah.

Time: 3379.68

So, let me define first dance in this context

Time: 3382.38

of vocal learning species.

Time: 3384.6

This is the kind of dancing

Time: 3386.13

that we are specialized in doing

Time: 3388.41

and the vocal learning species are specialized in doing

Time: 3391.38

is synchronizing body movements of muscles

Time: 3394.56

to the rhythmic beats of music.

Time: 3397.05

And for some reason, we like doing that.

Time: 3399.57

We like synchronizing to sound

Time: 3402.719

and doing it together as a group of people.

Time: 3405.39

And that kind of communication amongst ourselves

Time: 3409.11

is more like the effective kind of communication

Time: 3411.81

I mentioned earlier,

Time: 3413.04

unlike the semantic kind.

Time: 3414.9

So we, humans, are using our voices more

Time: 3418.5

for the semantic, abstract communication,

Time: 3422.46

but we're using learned dance

Time: 3424.47

for the effective emotional bonding kind of communication.

Time: 3429.21

It doesn't mean we can't communicate semantic information

Time: 3432.24

in dance, and we do it,

Time: 3434.49

but it's not as popular.

Time: 3436.44

You know, like a ballet that, you know, in the Nutcracker,

Time: 3439.77

it is popular, you know,

Time: 3441.18

where they are communicating,

Time: 3443.01

you know, the Arabian guy comes out,

Time: 3445.98

which I was the Arabian guy in the ballet Nutcracker.

Time: 3448.2

That's how I remember. - Oh, yeah?

Time: 3449.033

- Yeah, for the Westchester Ballet Company,

Time: 3450.78

when I was a teenager.

Time: 3453.33

You know, we're trying to communicate meaning

Time: 3455.7

and our ballet dancing, it can go on

Time: 3457.35

with a whole story and so forth.

Time: 3459.63

But people don't interpret that as clearly as speech.

Time: 3462.72

You know, they're seeing the ballet

Time: 3464.61

with semantic communication,

Time: 3466.2

with a lot of emotional content,

Time: 3468.57

whereas you go out to a club, you know,

Time: 3471

yeah, you're not communicating,

Time: 3473.91

okay, how you're feeling today?

Time: 3475.17

Tell me about your day and so forth.

Time: 3477.33

You're trying to synchronize with other people

Time: 3479.97

in an effective way.

Time: 3481.35

And I think that's because,

Time: 3484.44

the dance brain circuit

Time: 3486.96

inherited the more ancient part of the speech circuit,

Time: 3490.08

which was for singing.

Time: 3492.15

- I always had the feeling

Time: 3493.23

that with certain forms of music, in particular opera,

Time: 3497.16

but any kind of music where there's some long notes sung

Time: 3503.34

that at some level,

Time: 3505.83

there was a literal resonance created

Time: 3509.22

between the singer and the listener.

Time: 3513.153

Or I think of like the deep voice of a Johnny Cash

Time: 3515.97

or where at some level,

Time: 3517.41

you can almost feel the voice in your own body.

Time: 3520.38

And in theory, that could be the vibration of the

Time: 3525.57

or the firing of the phrenic nerve

Time: 3526.95

controlling the diaphragm for all I know.

Time: 3529.04

Is there any evidence that there's a coordination

Time: 3531.12

between performer and audience

Time: 3533.693

at the level of mind and body?

Time: 3540.72

- I'm going to say, possibly, yes.

Time: 3544.11

And the reason why is

Time: 3545.22

because I just came back from a conference

Time: 3547.35

on the neurobiology of dance-

Time: 3550.47

- Clearly, I'm going to the wrong meetings.

Time: 3552.153

- Yeah, a colleague invited me.

Time: 3553.506

- You know, vision science sounds be so boring.

Time: 3554.76

- Yes, well, one of my colleagues,

Time: 3556.71

Tecumseh Fitch and Jonathan Fritz,

Time: 3558.84

they organized, well, a particular section

Time: 3561.6

on this conference in Virginia.

Time: 3563.79

And this is the first time I was in the room

Time: 3565.89

with so many neuroscientists

Time: 3568.17

studying the neurobiology of dance.

Time: 3569.76

It's a new field now, in the last five years.

Time: 3572.58

And there was one lab

Time: 3576.9

where they were putting EEG electrodes on the dancers,

Time: 3581.61

on two different dancers partnering with each other,

Time: 3584.49

as well as the audience, you know, seeing the dance

Time: 3589.38

and some, you know, argued,

Time: 3590.91

okay, if you're listening to the music as well,

Time: 3592.283

how are you responding

Time: 3593.58

'cause you're asking a question about music

Time: 3595.68

and I'm giving you an answer about dance.

Time: 3598.08

And what they found is that, you know, the dancers,

Time: 3602.31

when they resonated with each other during the dance,

Time: 3604.65

or the audience listening to the dancers and the music,

Time: 3607.8

there's some resonance going on there

Time: 3609.69

that they've score as higher resonance.

Time: 3613.11

Their brain activity with these wireless EEG signals

Time: 3616.47

are showing something different.

Time: 3618.09

And so that's why I say possibly, yes.

Time: 3620.7

It needs more rigorous study

Time: 3623.22

and you know, this is some stuff they publish,

Time: 3625.71

but it's not prime time yet,

Time: 3627.54

but they're trying to figure this out.

Time: 3629.4

- Love it.

Time: 3630.233

So at least if I can't dance well,

Time: 3632.31

maybe I can hear and feel

Time: 3634.44

what it is to dance in a certain way.

Time: 3636.213

- Yes, that's right.

Time: 3637.65

And this will be, some people will think that they,

Time: 3641.61

even songs that they hear

Time: 3643.77

and they can almost sing to themselves in their own head

Time: 3646.89

and they know what they want it to sound like.

Time: 3649.163

And you know when it really sounds good,

Time: 3651.27

what it sounds like,

Time: 3652.59

but they can't get their voice to do it.

Time: 3655.5

- I'm raising, for those listening,

Time: 3656.76

I'm raising my hand.

Time: 3658.29

No musical ability.

Time: 3660.12

Others in my household have tremendous musical ability

Time: 3663.3

with instruments and with voice, but not me.

Time: 3666.21

- Yeah, well, and so this is one of my selfish goals

Time: 3671.79

of trying to find the genetics

Time: 3673.77

of why can some people who sing really well and some not.

Time: 3677.76

Is there some genetic predisposition to that?

Time: 3680.547

And then can I modify my own muscles

Time: 3682.89

of brain circuits to sing better?

Time: 3684.45

- You're still after the sing.

Time: 3686.244

I guess this is what happens

Time: 3687.077

when siblings vary in proficiency

Time: 3690.75

is that competitiveness amongst brothers

Time: 3693.51

and sisters never goes away.

Time: 3694.83

- I've been trying to be as good as my brother,

Time: 3696.78

Mark and Victor, you know, for my entire life.

Time: 3700.35

- Well, watch out, Mark and Victor,

Time: 3701.43

he's coming for you with neuroscience to back him.

Time: 3705.03

Earlier, you said that you discovered that you could dance.

Time: 3709.41

That caught my ear.

Time: 3711.36

It sounds like you didn't actually have to,

Time: 3712.98

I'm not suggesting you didn't work hard at it.

Time: 3715.047

But at the moment where you discovered it,

Time: 3717.6

it just sort of was a skill that you had,

Time: 3720.27

that up until that point,

Time: 3721.92

you didn't target a life in the world of dance,

Time: 3726.15

but the fact that you quote, unquote,

Time: 3728.077

"discovered that you could dance really well"

Time: 3730.17

and then went to this incredible school of dance

Time: 3731.94

and did well,

Time: 3733.53

tells me that perhaps there is an ability

Time: 3736.41

that was built up in childhood

Time: 3738.78

and or that perhaps we do all have

Time: 3741.57

different genetic leanings for different motor functions.

Time: 3744.9

- Yeah, well, for me, there could be,

Time: 3747.6

both explanations could be possible.

Time: 3749.34

For the first, yeah, I grew up in a family,

Time: 3752.28

listening to Motown songs,

Time: 3754.29

you know, dancing, you know, at parties and so forth,

Time: 3757.8

family parties and, you know,

Time: 3759.36

an African American family, basically.

Time: 3761.55

And so I grew up dancing from a young child,

Time: 3768.42

but this discovery, you know, maybe dancing even moreso,

Time: 3774.57

in terms of a talent,

Time: 3777.03

it could, the genetic component,

Time: 3778.71

if it really exists, I don't know.

Time: 3780.21

You know, with my 23andMe results, you know,

Time: 3783.75

it says I have the genetic substitutions

Time: 3787.83

that are associated with, you know,

Time: 3790.2

high intensity athletes and fast twitch muscles.

Time: 3793.17

And who knows.

Time: 3794.16

Maybe that could have something to do with

Time: 3796.14

me being able to synchronize my body

Time: 3800.7

to rhythmic sounds, maybe,

Time: 3803.91

maybe, better than some others.

Time: 3806.43

It turns out that my genetics also show

Time: 3808.92

that I have a genetic substitute

Time: 3811.35

that makes it hard for me to sing on pitch.

Time: 3814.68

And so that does correlate with my, you know,

Time: 3817.08

even though I can sing on this pitch,

Time: 3818.28

especially if I hear a piano or, you know,

Time: 3820.89

kind of playing it, but,

Time: 3822.51

you know, maybe that's why my siblings, you know,

Time: 3824.64

who didn't have that genetic predisposition

Time: 3827.01

in his 23andMe results, you know,

Time: 3829.44

it could go along with the genetic component, as well.

Time: 3832.62

- I'm imagining family gatherings with 23andMe data

Time: 3836.16

and intense arguments about it,

Time: 3838.29

innate and learned ability. - Yes.

Time: 3839.94

- Fun.

Time: 3841.17

Love to be an attendant.

Time: 3842.85

I'm not inviting myself to your Thanksgiving dinner

Time: 3844.89

by the way, but I suppose I am.

Time: 3847.17

- You're welcome to. - Thank you.

Time: 3849.27

I'll bring my 23andMe data.

Time: 3851.52

I'd love to chat a moment about facial expression

Time: 3854.67

because that's a form of motor pattern that,

Time: 3857.213

you know, I think for most people out there

Time: 3860.37

just think about smiling and frowning,

Time: 3862.35

but there are, of course, you know, thousands,

Time: 3864.48

if not millions of micro expressions

Time: 3867.45

and things of that sort,

Time: 3868.65

many of which are subconscious.

Time: 3870.99

And we are all familiar with the fact that

Time: 3874.68

when what somebody says

Time: 3876.27

doesn't match some specific feature

Time: 3878.4

of their facial expression

Time: 3880.35

that it can call, you know,

Time: 3882.51

that mismatch can cue our attention,

Time: 3885.21

especially among people that know each other very well.

Time: 3887.91

Like somebody will say, well, you said that,

Time: 3890.43

but your right eye twitched to the, you know,

Time: 3893.58

a little bit in a way that tells me

Time: 3895.35

that you didn't really mean that,

Time: 3896.49

these kinds of things.

Time: 3897.69

Or when, in the opposite example,

Time: 3901.8

when the emotionality and the content of our speech

Time: 3905.04

is matched to a facial expression,

Time: 3907.2

there's something that's just so wonderful about that,

Time: 3911.25

because it seems like everything's aligned.

Time: 3912.99

- [Erich] Yeah.

Time: 3913.823

- So how does the motor circuitry

Time: 3916.29

that controls facial expression

Time: 3918

map onto the brain circuits that control language,

Time: 3921.6

speech, and even bodily and hand movements?

Time: 3923.4

- Yeah, and you ask a great question

Time: 3926.1

because we both know some colleagues

Time: 3928.02

like Winrich Freiwald at Rockefeller University

Time: 3930.63

who study facial expression and the neurology behind it.

Time: 3933.99

And now we both share some students that we're co-mentoring.

Time: 3937.53

And talk about this same question that you brought up.

Time: 3941.31

And what I'm learning a lot

Time: 3943.17

is that non-human primates have a lot of diversity

Time: 3946.59

in their facial expression like we humans do.

Time: 3949.2

And what we know about the neurobiology

Time: 3952.14

of brain regions controlling those muscles of the face

Time: 3955.62

is that these non-human primates

Time: 3957.15

and some other species that don't learn

Time: 3958.83

how to imitate vocalizations,

Time: 3960.75

they have strong connections from the cortical regions

Time: 3965.79

to the motor neurons that control facial expressions,

Time: 3969.36

but absent connections or weak connections

Time: 3972.42

to the motor neurons that control the voice.

Time: 3974.76

So I think our diverse facial expression,

Time: 3978.93

even though it's more diverse in these non-human primates,

Time: 3981.03

there was already a preexisting diversity of communication,

Time: 3985.68

whether it's intentional or unconscious

Time: 3988.08

through facial expression in our ancestors.

Time: 3991.5

And on top of that, we humans now add the voice

Time: 3995.76

along with those facial expressions.

Time: 3998.1

- I see.

Time: 3999.886

And in terms of language learning when we're kids,

Time: 4002.78

I mean, children, fortunately are not told

Time: 4005.21

to fake their expressions

Time: 4006.38

or to smile when they say I'm happy.

Time: 4009.38

So at some point, everybody learns, for better or for worse,

Time: 4012.95

how to untangle these different components of hand movement,

Time: 4018.53

body posture, speech, and facial expression.

Time: 4021.41

- [Erich] Yes.

Time: 4022.243

- But in their best form, I would say,

Time: 4025.7

assuming that the best form is always,

Time: 4027.47

I guess there are instances where, you know,

Time: 4029.03

for safety reasons, one might need

Time: 4030.65

to fain some of these aspects of language.

Time: 4033.92

But in most cases, when those are aligned,

Time: 4036.74

it seems like that could reflect that

Time: 4039.65

all the different circuitries are operating in parallel,

Time: 4042.32

but that the ability to misalign these

Time: 4045.47

is also a powerful aspect to our maturation.

Time: 4049.91

I can think of theater, for instance,

Time: 4051.83

where deliberate disentangling of these areas is important.

Time: 4056.72

But also we know when an actor,

Time: 4059.39

when it feels real. - Yep.

Time: 4061.34

- And when it looks like,

Time: 4062.69

when bad acting is oftentimes

Time: 4064.52

when the facial expression or body posture

Time: 4066.5

just doesn't quite match what we're hearing.

Time: 4068.06

- [Erich] Yeah.

Time: 4068.93

- So are these skills that people,

Time: 4072.17

that learn and acquire according

Time: 4073.61

to adaptability and profession?

Time: 4075.23

Or do you think that all children and all adults

Time: 4078.59

eventually learn how to couple

Time: 4080

and uncouple these circuits a little bit?

Time: 4082.46

- Yeah, I think it's this similar argument

Time: 4085.25

I mentioned earlier about the innate and learned

Time: 4088.37

for the vocalizations.

Time: 4089.6

And by the way, when I say,

Time: 4090.95

we humans have facial expressions

Time: 4092.72

associated with our vocalizations

Time: 4094.64

in a different way than primates, non-human primates,

Time: 4097.04

it's the learned vocalizations I'm talking about.

Time: 4099.59

So there is a common view out there

Time: 4103.7

that facial expressions in non-human species

Time: 4106.43

like nonhuman primates,

Time: 4108.14

or you can have them in birds, too,

Time: 4110.24

are innate, all right.

Time: 4113.48

And so they're reflexive and controlled.

Time: 4116.24

I don't believe that.

Time: 4117.073

I think there's some learned component to it.

Time: 4118.85

And I think we have more learning component to it as well,

Time: 4121.88

but we also have an innate component.

Time: 4124.88

And so if you try to put your hands behind your back

Time: 4128.3

and hold your fist, or even just not,

Time: 4129.89

and try to speak and try to communicate,

Time: 4132.44

it's actually harder to do.

Time: 4133.79

You have to force yourself or put it by your side.

Time: 4137.15

This comes naturally.

Time: 4138.41

Facial expressions comes naturally

Time: 4139.88

because there's an innate component.

Time: 4142.07

And yes, you have to learn how to dissociate the two,

Time: 4146.36

communicate something angry with your hands

Time: 4148.37

or with your face,

Time: 4149.48

but, you know, politely with your voice.

Time: 4153.59

It's very hard to separate those two,

Time: 4156.32

because there is that innate component

Time: 4158.33

that brings them together.

Time: 4161.18

So it's like an email, too.

Time: 4162.41

You're emailing and someone says something by email,

Time: 4165.68

someone can interpret that angrily or gently,

Time: 4170.42

and it becomes ambiguous.

Time: 4172.67

The facial expressions get rid of that ambiguity.

Time: 4176.15

- So glad you brought that up

Time: 4177.02

because my next question was,

Time: 4178.67

and is about written language.

Time: 4181.31

The first question I'll ask is when you write,

Time: 4184.1

either type or write things out by hand,

Time: 4186.77

do you hear the content of what you want to write

Time: 4191.87

in your head?

Time: 4192.83

Just, you personally.

Time: 4194.6

- Yes, I do.

Time: 4195.74

Yeah, and I know that I do,

Time: 4199.58

because I was trying to figure out a debate about this issue

Time: 4203.54

and trying to resolve the debate

Time: 4206.03

with my own self experimentation on me.

Time: 4209.06

- I asked that because,

Time: 4211.531

a quite well-known colleague of ours,

Time: 4212.72

Karl Deisseroth at Stanford,

Time: 4214.7

who's been on this podcast, you know,

Time: 4216.879

his optogenetics fame and psychiatry fame, et cetera.

Time: 4218.81

- Yeah, I know him. - Yeah, he sends his regards.

Time: 4221.757

- Okay. [laughs]

Time: 4222.86

- Told me that his practice for writing

Time: 4227.3

and for thinking involves a quite painful process

Time: 4232.31

of forcing himself to sit completely still

Time: 4236.18

and think in complete sentences,

Time: 4238.37

to force thinking in complete sentences.

Time: 4240.047

And when he told me that,

Time: 4241.31

I decided to try this exercise and it's quite difficult.

Time: 4243.95

First of all, it's difficult

Time: 4244.88

for the reason that you mentioned,

Time: 4246.59

which is that with many thoughts,

Time: 4248.36

I want to look around

Time: 4249.193

and I start to gesticulate with my hands, right?

Time: 4252.14

So there it is, again,

Time: 4253.01

the connection between language and hand movement,

Time: 4255.68

even if one isn't speaking.

Time: 4258.47

And the other part that's challenging is

Time: 4261.86

I realize that while we write in complete sentences,

Time: 4265.16

most of the time, we'll talk about how that's changing now.

Time: 4268.057

- Right. - In texting, et cetera.

Time: 4270.14

That we don't often think in complete sentences,

Time: 4274.61

and specifically in simple declarative sentences,

Time: 4278.75

that a lot of our thoughts would be,

Time: 4280.73

if they were written out onto a page

Time: 4283.34

would look pretty much like passive language

Time: 4287.3

that a good copy editor or a good editor would say,

Time: 4290.36

ugh, like we need to cross this out,

Time: 4291.95

make this simple and declarative.

Time: 4293.63

So what I'm getting at here is

Time: 4295.88

what is the process of going from a thought to language,

Time: 4300.17

to written word?

Time: 4302.18

And I also wanted to touch on handwritten versus typed,

Time: 4306.92

but thought to language, to written word.

Time: 4309.65

What's going on there?

Time: 4310.7

What do we know about the neural circuitry?

Time: 4313.07

And I was going to ask, why is it so hard?

Time: 4315.47

But now I want to ask why is this even possible?

Time: 4318.74

It seems like a very challenging

Time: 4320.6

neural computational problem.

Time: 4322.25

- Yeah, yeah.

Time: 4323.69

And coming from the linguistic world,

Time: 4327.86

and even just the regular neurobiology world,

Time: 4330.08

going back to something I said before

Time: 4331.79

about a separate language module in the brain.

Time: 4334.4

You know, there was this thought or hypothesis

Time: 4336.74

that this language module

Time: 4338.57

has all these complex algorithms to them.

Time: 4341.69

And they're signaling to the speech circuit,

Time: 4344.48

how to produce the sounds,

Time: 4346.43

the hand circuit, how to write them or gesture,

Time: 4350.24

the visual pathway on how to interpret them from reading

Time: 4354.38

and the auditory pathway for listening.

Time: 4357.29

I don't think that's the case, all right.

Time: 4359.93

And you know, that this thinking where

Time: 4361.7

there's this internal speech going on.

Time: 4363.89

What I think is going on is

Time: 4366.05

to explain what you're asking is about,

Time: 4368.99

that I'm going to take it from the perspective,

Time: 4370.49

reading something.

Time: 4371.66

You read something on a paper.

Time: 4373.79

The signal from the paper goes through your eyes.

Time: 4376.76

It goes to the back of your brain,

Time: 4378.08

to your visual cortical regions eventually.

Time: 4381.44

And then you now got to interpret that signal

Time: 4384.08

in your visual pathway of what you're reading.

Time: 4387.11

How are you going to do that in terms of speech?

Time: 4389.27

That visual signal then goes to your speech pathway

Time: 4392.62

in the motor cortex in front here, in Broca's area.

Time: 4395.78

And you silently speak what you read

Time: 4398.78

in your brain without moving your muscles.

Time: 4401.33

And sometimes actually, if you put electrodes, EEG,

Time: 4405.8

EMG electrodes on your laryngeal muscles,

Time: 4408.95

even on birds, you can do this,

Time: 4410.57

you'll see activity there while reading

Time: 4413.87

or trying to speak silently,

Time: 4416.39

even though no sound's coming out.

Time: 4418.55

And so your speech pathway

Time: 4422.03

is now speaking what you're reading.

Time: 4425.54

Now to finish it off,

Time: 4427.55

that signal is sent to your auditory pathways

Time: 4429.77

so you can hear what you're speaking in your own head.

Time: 4433.28

- That's incredible.

Time: 4434.12

- And this is why it's complicated

Time: 4436.13

because you're using like three different pathways,

Time: 4439.16

the visual, the speaking motor one,

Time: 4441.137

and the auditory to read.

Time: 4444.17

Oh, and then you got to write, right?

Time: 4446.9

Okay, here comes the fourth one.

Time: 4448.7

Now the hand areas next to your speech pathway

Time: 4451.49

has got to take that auditory signal

Time: 4453.29

or even the adjacent motor signals for speaking

Time: 4456.11

and translate it into a visual signal on paper.

Time: 4459.29

So, you're using at least four brain circuits,

Time: 4463.43

which includes the speech production

Time: 4465.47

and the speech perception pathways to write.

Time: 4468.35

- Incredible.

Time: 4469.55

And finally, explain to me why,

Time: 4473.03

so I was weaned teaching undergraduates,

Time: 4475.7

graduate students and medical students

Time: 4477.23

and I've observed that when I'm teaching,

Time: 4480.56

I have to stop speaking

Time: 4481.97

if I'm going to write something on the board.

Time: 4484.25

I just have to stop all speaking completely.

Time: 4486.68

- [Erich] Right.

Time: 4487.719

- It turns out this is an advantage to catch

Time: 4489.14

because it allows me to catch my voice.

Time: 4491.36

It allows me to slow down a bit, you know,

Time: 4493.91

breathe and inhale some oxygen and so on

Time: 4496.46

because I tend to speak quickly

Time: 4497.69

if I'm not writing something out.

Time: 4499.85

So there's a break in the circuitry for me,

Time: 4502.04

or at least they are distinct enough

Time: 4503.63

that I have to stop and then write something out.

Time: 4506.57

- Yes, that does imply competing brain circuits

Time: 4510.38

for your conscious attention.

Time: 4513.89

- We have colleagues up at Columbia Med

Time: 4516.92

who are known, at least in our circles,

Time: 4519.98

for voice dictating their papers, not writing them out,

Time: 4523.61

but just speaking into a voice recorder.

Time: 4526.25

I've written papers that way.

Time: 4527.72

It doesn't feel quite as natural for me

Time: 4531.47

as writing things out. - Yeah.

Time: 4532.88

- But not because I can go quickly from thought

Time: 4535.67

to language to typing.

Time: 4536.883

I type reasonably fast.

Time: 4538.25

I can touch type now.

Time: 4539.33

I don't think I ever taught my,

Time: 4540.59

I think I taught myself.

Time: 4541.61

I never took a touch typing course.

Time: 4543.23

But it just sort of happened.

Time: 4544.063

Now, I think, my motor system

Time: 4545.81

seems to know where the keys are

Time: 4547.34

with enough accuracy, that it works.

Time: 4553.07

This is remarkable to me that any of us can do this.

Time: 4556.28

But when it comes to writing,

Time: 4559.31

what I've found is that if my rate of thought

Time: 4562.94

and my rate of writing are aligned nicely, things go well.

Time: 4567.98

However, if I'm thinking much faster than I can write,

Time: 4571.4

that's a problem.

Time: 4572.72

And certainly, if I'm thinking more slowly

Time: 4575.18

than I want to write, that's also a problem.

Time: 4577.94

And the solution for me

Time: 4579.59

has been to write with a pen.

Time: 4581.48

I'm in love with these.

Time: 4582.53

And I have no relationship to the company,

Time: 4584.45

at least not now, although if they want to come,

Time: 4586.13

you know, if they want to work with us,

Time: 4587.84

I love these Pilot V5, V7's

Time: 4589.85

because not necessarily because of the ink

Time: 4592.49

or the feel, although I like that as well.

Time: 4594.59

But because of the rate that it allows me to write,

Time: 4597.26

they write very well slowly,

Time: 4598.58

and they write very well quickly.

Time: 4600.5

And so I have this theory,

Time: 4603.98

supported only by my own anecdata,

Time: 4606.65

no peer reviewed study,

Time: 4608.24

that writing by hand is fundamentally different

Time: 4613.28

than typing out information.

Time: 4615.74

Is there any evidence that this motor pathway for writing

Time: 4620.81

is better or somehow different

Time: 4624.38

than the motor pathway for typing?

Time: 4626.93

- Yeah, that's interesting.

Time: 4629.36

And I don't know of any studies.

Time: 4631.7

I have my own personal experience as well,

Time: 4633.47

but trying to put this into the context,

Time: 4636.2

if I had to, you know,

Time: 4638.06

design an experiment to test the hypothesis here that,

Time: 4641.295

you know, to explain your experience and mine,

Time: 4643.67

is that writing by hand,

Time: 4646.7

I would argue, requires a different set of less skills

Time: 4652.07

with the fingers than typing.

Time: 4655.04

So you have to coordinate your fingers more

Time: 4658.25

in opposite directions and so forth with typing,

Time: 4662.69

but also writing by hand requires more arm movement.

Time: 4666.445

And so therefore, I would argue that

Time: 4672.474

the difficulty there could be

Time: 4675.2

in the types of muscles and the fine motor control

Time: 4678.83

you need of those muscles

Time: 4680.15

along with speaking in your brain at the same time.

Time: 4682.49

- So basically, I'm a course, I'm a brute.

Time: 4684.53

So it makes sense that I would have,

Time: 4686.013

a more primitive writing device would work.

Time: 4687.98

- That's right, yes.

Time: 4689.09

But, let me answer this in terms

Time: 4693.259

of my own personal experience, right.

Time: 4694.733

What I find is I can write something faster by hand

Time: 4702.38

for a short period of time, compared to typing.

Time: 4705.59

And that is because I think

Time: 4706.82

I run out of the energy in my arm movements

Time: 4710.72

faster than I run out of muscle energy

Time: 4712.79

in my finger movements.

Time: 4715.58

And I think it takes longer time

Time: 4718.46

for us to write words with our fingers,

Time: 4721.31

because, and in terms of the speech.

Time: 4723.83

So I think your writing,

Time: 4726.08

whether it's by hand or typing and your speech,

Time: 4729.29

they only will align very well

Time: 4731.69

if you can type as fast as you can speak

Time: 4734.54

or write as fast as you can speak in your head.

Time: 4736.61

- I love it.

Time: 4737.443

So what you've done, if I understand correctly,

Time: 4739.4

is created a bridge between thought and writing,

Time: 4742.73

and that bridge is speech.

Time: 4744.74

- That bridge is speech, that's right.

Time: 4747.08

That's right.

Time: 4747.913

When you're writing something out,

Time: 4749.12

you're speaking it to yourself.

Time: 4751.19

And if you're speaking faster than you can type,

Time: 4753.44

you've got a problem.

Time: 4755.39

- Interesting.

Time: 4756.874

I do a number of podcast episodes that are not with guests,

Time: 4759.41

but solo episodes.

Time: 4760.4

And as listeners know,

Time: 4761.45

these are very long episodes, often two or more hours.

Time: 4764.63

And we joke around the podcast studio

Time: 4767.6

that I will get locked into a mode of speech

Time: 4770.54

where some of it is more collaborative and anecdotal

Time: 4774.32

and then I'll punch out simple declarative sentences.

Time: 4778.46

I find it very hard to switch from one module to the next.

Time: 4782.09

The thing that I have done

Time: 4783.95

in order to make that transition more fluid

Time: 4787.43

and prep for those podcast episodes

Time: 4789.92

is actually to read the lyrics of songs

Time: 4793.43

and to sing them in my head

Time: 4795.71

as a way of warming up my vocal chords.

Time: 4797.72

But luckily for those around me, when I do that,

Time: 4801.29

I'm not actually singing out loud.

Time: 4803.75

And so this, what you're telling me

Time: 4806.99

supports this idea that even when we are imagining singing

Time: 4812.15

or writing in our mind,

Time: 4814.22

we are exercising our vocal chords.

Time: 4816.47

- You're actually getting little low potentials

Time: 4819.8

of electrical currents reaching your muscles there,

Time: 4822.77

which also means you're exercising

Time: 4824.21

your speech brain circuits too, without actually, you know,

Time: 4827.06

going with the full-blown activity in the muscles.

Time: 4829.91

- Incredible. - Yeah.

Time: 4830.743

And this idea of singing helps you as well.

Time: 4836

Even with Parkinson's patients and so forth,

Time: 4838.07

when they want to say something,

Time: 4839.03

singing or listening to music helps them move better.

Time: 4841.31

And the idea there is that the brain circuits for singing,

Time: 4845.18

or let's say the function of the brain circuits for speech

Time: 4847.94

being used for singing first is the more ancestral trait.

Time: 4851.45

And that's why it's easier to do things with singing

Time: 4854.27

sometimes than it is with speaking.

Time: 4856.22

- I love it.

Time: 4858.17

Stutter is a particularly interesting case

Time: 4862.28

and one that every once in a while,

Time: 4864.86

I'll get questions about this from our audience.

Time: 4868.34

Stutter is complicated in a number of ways,

Time: 4871.1

but culturally, and my understanding from these emails

Time: 4874.55

that I receive is that

Time: 4875.84

stutter can often cause people to hide and speak less

Time: 4880.19

because it can be embarrassing.

Time: 4881.99

And we are often not patient with stutter.

Time: 4885.17

We also have the assumption that if somebody's stuttering,

Time: 4887.54

that they're thinking is slow,

Time: 4888.62

but it turns out there are many examples,

Time: 4890.93

historically of people who could not speak well,

Time: 4893.15

but who were brilliant thinkers.

Time: 4896.39

I don't know how well they could write,

Time: 4897.92

but they found other modes of communication.

Time: 4901.34

I realize that you're not a speech pathologist or therapist,

Time: 4905.12

but what is the current neurobiological

Time: 4908.24

understanding of stutter

Time: 4909.44

and, or what's being developed

Time: 4911.9

in terms of treatments for stutter?

Time: 4913.55

- Yeah, so we actually accidentally

Time: 4917.78

came across stuttering in songbirds.

Time: 4920.3

And we've published several papers on this

Time: 4923

to try to figure out the neurobiological basis.

Time: 4924.92

The first study we had was a brain area

Time: 4928.4

called the basal ganglio,

Time: 4929.6

or the striatum part of the basal ganglia

Time: 4932.99

involved in coordinating movements,

Time: 4934.91

learning how to make movements,

Time: 4936.83

when it was damaged in a speech-like pathway in these birds,

Time: 4942.11

what we found is that they started to stutter

Time: 4945.26

as the brain region recovered.

Time: 4948.08

And unlike humans,

Time: 4950.75

they actually recovered after three or four months.

Time: 4953.75

And why is that the case?

Time: 4954.86

Because bird brains undergoes new neurogenesis

Time: 4958.13

in a way that human or mammal brains don't.

Time: 4961.79

And it was the new neurons that were coming in

Time: 4965

into the circuit, but not quite, you know,

Time: 4967.85

with the right proper activity

Time: 4970.58

was resulting in this stuttering, in these birds.

Time: 4974.48

And after it was repaired,

Time: 4975.89

not exactly the old song came back after the repair,

Time: 4979.82

but still it recovered a lot better.

Time: 4982.37

And it's now known,

Time: 4984.02

they call this neurogenic stuttering in humans,

Time: 4989.06

damage to the basal ganglia

Time: 4990.5

or some type of disruption

Time: 4992.45

to the basal ganglia at a young age,

Time: 4994.43

also causes stuttering in humans.

Time: 4996.71

And even those who are born with stuttering,

Time: 5001.51

it's often the basal ganglia that's disrupted

Time: 5004.9

than some other brain circuit

Time: 5006.49

and we think the speech part of the basal ganglia.

Time: 5009.46

- Can adults who maintain a stutter from childhood

Time: 5013

repair that stutter?

Time: 5014.41

- They can repair it with therapy,

Time: 5016.81

with learning how to speak slower,

Time: 5019.45

learning how to tap out a rhythm.

Time: 5022

And yeah, I'm not a speech pathologist,

Time: 5023.77

but I started reading this literature

Time: 5025.84

and talking to others, that you know,

Time: 5028

colleagues who actually study stuttering.

Time: 5030.49

So yes, there are ways to overcome the stuttering

Time: 5034.93

through, you know, behavioral therapy.

Time: 5039.76

And I think all of the tools out there

Time: 5044.14

have something to do with sensory motor integration,

Time: 5047.77

controlling what you hear with what you output

Time: 5051.31

in a thoughtful controlled way helps reduce the stuttering.

Time: 5055.93

- There are a couple examples from real life

Time: 5057.67

that I want to touch on,

Time: 5058.927

and one is somewhat facetious,

Time: 5061.319

but now I realize, is a serious neurobiological issue,

Time: 5066.22

serious meaning I think interesting.

Time: 5068.62

Which is that every once in a while,

Time: 5071.17

I will have a conversation with somebody

Time: 5073.15

who says the last word of the sentence along with me.

Time: 5077.05

And it seems annoying in some instances,

Time: 5080.83

but I'm guessing this is just a breakthrough

Time: 5082.9

of the motor pattern

Time: 5083.86

that they're hearing what I'm saying very well.

Time: 5086.32

So I'm going to interpret this kindly

Time: 5087.82

and think they're hearing what I'm saying.

Time: 5090.01

They're literally hearing it in their mind

Time: 5093.55

and they're getting that low-level electrical activity

Time: 5096.55

to their throat.

Time: 5097.39

And they're just joining me

Time: 5100.209

in the enunciation of what I'm saying,

Time: 5102.67

probably without realizing it.

Time: 5104.68

Can we assume that that might be the case?

Time: 5106.27

- Well, I wouldn't be surprised so that, you know,

Time: 5108.79

the motor theory of speech perception

Time: 5110.8

where this idea originally came,

Time: 5112.12

what you hear is going through your speech circuit

Time: 5115.42

and then also activating those muscles slightly.

Time: 5119.44

So yes, so one might argue,

Time: 5123.61

okay, is that speech circuit now interpreting

Time: 5126.37

what that person is speaking?

Time: 5127.9

Now, you're listening to me

Time: 5129.52

and is going to finish it off

Time: 5130.96

because it's already going through their brain

Time: 5133.87

and they can predict it?

Time: 5134.8

That would be one theory.

Time: 5136.9

And I don't think the verdict out there is known,

Time: 5138.82

but that's one.

Time: 5139.99

The other is synchronizing turn-taking in the conversation

Time: 5147.49

where you're acknowledging that we understand each other

Time: 5152.05

by finishing off what I say.

Time: 5155.455

And it's almost like a social bonding kind of thing.

Time: 5158.56

The other could be,

Time: 5159.58

I want the person to shut up

Time: 5160.78

so I can speak as well and take that turn.

Time: 5163.21

And each pair of people have a rhythm to their conversation.

Time: 5168.31

And if you have somebody who's over talkative

Time: 5170.41

versus under talkative of vice versa,

Time: 5172.84

that rhythm can be lost in them finishing ideas

Time: 5175.48

and going back and forth.

Time: 5176.92

But I think having something to do with turn-taking,

Time: 5180.37

as well, makes a lot of sense.

Time: 5182.32

- I have a colleague at Stanford who says

Time: 5184.27

that interruption is a sign of interest.

Time: 5187.379

[Erich laughs]

Time: 5188.212

I'm not sure that everyone agrees.

Time: 5189.19

I think it's highly contextual.

Time: 5190.69

- [Erich] Yes.

Time: 5191.523

- But there is this form of a verbal nod

Time: 5194.65

of saying, hmm hmm or things of that sort.

Time: 5196.42

And they're many of these.

Time: 5198.67

And I'm often told by my audience, you know,

Time: 5200.74

that I interrupt my guests and things of that sort.

Time: 5203.11

Oftentimes, I'll just get caught in the natural flow

Time: 5205.06

of the conversation, but. - Right.

Time: 5206.66

Well, I think we've had pretty good turn-taking here,

Time: 5209.68

I hope.

Time: 5210.513

- So far so good. - I feel that way.

Time: 5211.87

- I'm glad you feel that way,

Time: 5213.07

because especially in the context of a discussion

Time: 5214.93

about language. - Yes.

Time: 5216.25

- It seems important.

Time: 5219.19

Texting is a very, very interesting evolution of language

Time: 5225.67

because what you've told us is that we have a thought,

Time: 5229.54

it's translated into language.

Time: 5231.52

It might not be complete sentences,

Time: 5233.02

but texting, I have to imagine this is the first time

Time: 5235.75

in human evolution where we've written with our thumbs.

Time: 5238.6

So I don't know,

Time: 5240.01

it seems more primitive to me than typing with fingers

Time: 5242.05

or writing with hands, but hey,

Time: 5243.07

who am I to judge the evolution of our species

Time: 5245.74

in one direction or the other?

Time: 5247.3

But the shorthand grammatically,

Time: 5251.38

often grammatically deficient incomplete sentence form

Time: 5254.65

of texting is an incredible thing to see.

Time: 5258.76

Early in relationships, romantic relationships,

Time: 5261.31

people will often evaluate the others text

Time: 5264.28

and their ability to use proper grammar

Time: 5267.1

and spelling, et cetera.

Time: 5268.51

This often quickly degrades.

Time: 5270.67

And there's an acceptance

Time: 5271.87

that we're just trying to communicate through shorthand,

Time: 5274.33

almost military like shorthand,

Time: 5277.9

but with internally consistent between people,

Time: 5280.69

but there's no general consensus of what things mean,

Time: 5282.94

but, you know, WTFs and like,

Time: 5285.94

and OMGs and all sorts of things.

Time: 5287.59

- [Erich] Right.

Time: 5289.39

- I wonder sometimes whether or not

Time: 5291.37

we are getting less proficient at speech

Time: 5294.82

because we are not required to write and think

Time: 5299.17

in complete sentences. - Hmm hmm.

Time: 5301.69

- I'm not being judgemental here.

Time: 5302.92

I see this in my colleagues.

Time: 5304.36

I see this in myself.

Time: 5305.98

This is not a judgment of the younger generation.

Time: 5309.91

I also know that slang has existed for decades,

Time: 5314.89

if not hundreds of years.

Time: 5316.36

But I also know that I don't speak the same way

Time: 5318.28

that I did when I was a teenager,

Time: 5320.26

because I've suppressed a lot of that slang,

Time: 5322.33

not because it's inappropriate or offensive,

Time: 5325.3

although some of it was, frankly,

Time: 5328.12

but because it's out of context.

Time: 5330.52

So what do you think's happening to language?

Time: 5333.04

Are we getting better at speaking, worse at speaking?

Time: 5336.1

And what do you think the role of things

Time: 5338.26

like texting and tweeting

Time: 5339.7

and shorthand communication, hashtagging,

Time: 5342.97

what's that doing to the way that our brains work?

Time: 5345.31

- Yeah, I think that,

Time: 5348.01

well, one, in terms of, you know,

Time: 5351.55

measuring your level of sophistication and intelligence

Time: 5354.37

when you say OMG, right.

Time: 5356.59

I think that also could be a cultural thing

Time: 5359.08

that, ah, you belong to the next generation.

Time: 5361.93

If you're an, you know,

Time: 5362.98

or you're being cool,

Time: 5363.91

if you're an older person, you know,

Time: 5365.98

using OMG and other things that the, you know,

Time: 5369.04

younger generation would use.

Time: 5371.05

But if I really think about it clearly,

Time: 5376.33

texting actually has allowed

Time: 5379.33

for more rapid communication amongst people.

Time: 5384.119

I think, without the invention of the phone before then,

Time: 5387.67

or, you know, texting back and forth,

Time: 5390.1

you had to wait days for a letter to show up.

Time: 5393.37

You couldn't call somebody on the phone

Time: 5394.81

and talk as well, you know?

Time: 5395.947

And so this rapid communication

Time: 5397.87

in terms of the rapid communication of writing in this case.

Time: 5401.59

So I think actually,

Time: 5404.02

it's more like a use it or lose it

Time: 5406.54

kind of a thing with the brain.

Time: 5410.14

The more you use a particular brain region or circuit,

Time: 5413.62

the more enhanced.

Time: 5414.52

It's like a muscle.

Time: 5416.32

The more you exercise it, the more healthier it is,

Time: 5419.11

the bigger it becomes and the more space it takes

Time: 5421.21

and the more you lose something else.

Time: 5423.37

So I think texting is not decreasing

Time: 5430.54

the speech prowess,

Time: 5432.04

or the intellectual prowess of speech.

Time: 5434.23

It's converting it and using it a lot in a different way,

Time: 5438.94

in a way that may not be as rich in regular writing,

Time: 5443.26

because you can only communicate so much nuance

Time: 5447.55

in short-term writing,

Time: 5449.62

but whatever is being done,

Time: 5453.19

you got people texting hours and hours

Time: 5455.29

and hours on the phone.

Time: 5456.55

So whatever, your thumb circuit is going to get pretty big,

Time: 5460.36

actually. [laughs]

Time: 5462.01

- I do wonder whether, you know,

Time: 5464.29

many people have lost their jobs based on tweets.

Time: 5467.08

- [Erich] Hmm hmm.

Time: 5468.1

- The short latency between thought and action

Time: 5471.55

and distribution of one's thoughts

Time: 5473.83

is incredible. - Yes.

Time: 5475.93

- And I'm not just talking about people

Time: 5480.07

who apparently would have poor prefrontal top-down control.

Time: 5483.97

This is geek speak by the way,

Time: 5485.26

for people that lack impulse control.

Time: 5487.36

But high-level academics,

Time: 5488.86

I'm not going to point fingers at anyone.

Time: 5490.54

But examples of where you see these tweets and you go,

Time: 5493.57

what were they thinking? - Yep.

Time: 5495.85

- So presumably, there's an optimal strategy

Time: 5499.81

between the thought speech motor pathway,

Time: 5504.4

especially when the motor pathway engages communication

Time: 5507.34

with hundreds of thousands of people

Time: 5509.17

and retweets in particular

Time: 5510.64

and the cut and paste function

Time: 5511.473

and the screenshot function

Time: 5513.22

are often the reason why speech propagates.

Time: 5515.68

- [Erich] Yep.

Time: 5516.513

- So to me, it's a little eerie that,

Time: 5520.6

just that the neural circuitry can do this

Time: 5524.32

and that we are catching up a little bit more slowly

Time: 5528.85

to the technology,

Time: 5530.14

and you've got these casualties of that mismatch.

Time: 5533.8

- I think that's a good adjective used, the casualties,

Time: 5539.32

you know, of what's going on,

Time: 5540.37

because yes, it is the case with texting,

Time: 5543.31

what you're really losing there

Time: 5545.47

is less so the ability to write,

Time: 5548.32

but more the ability to interpret what is being written.

Time: 5552.01

And you can over or under interpret

Time: 5553.75

something that somebody means.

Time: 5557.65

On the flip side of that, you know,

Time: 5560.2

if somebody's writing something very quick,

Time: 5563.59

they could be writing instinctually,

Time: 5566.11

more instinctually, their true meaning,

Time: 5569.29

and they don't have time to modify

Time: 5571.84

and color code what they're trying to say.

Time: 5575.05

And that's what they really feel

Time: 5577.72

and as opposed to saying it in a more nuanced way.

Time: 5580.21

So I think both sides of that casualty are present.

Time: 5585.04

And that's a downturn, you know,

Time: 5587.35

unintended negative consequence of short-term,

Time: 5592.51

I mean, short-word communications.

Time: 5594.82

- Yeah, I agree that this whole phenomenon

Time: 5597.4

could be netting people that normally

Time: 5600.58

would only say these things out loud

Time: 5602.29

once inside the door of their own home.

Time: 5604.15

- Right. - Or not at all.

Time: 5605.11

- [Erich] Right.

Time: 5606.37

- It's an interesting time that we're in.

Time: 5608.29

These are these speech and language and motor patterns.

Time: 5611.172

- So part of the human evolution for language,

Time: 5612.88

I think this is all part of our evolution.

Time: 5615.31

- That's right. - Yeah.

Time: 5616.722

- So for those of you thinking terrible thoughts,

Time: 5618.25

please put them in the world and be a casualty.

Time: 5620.2

And for those of you that are not,

Time: 5621.52

please be very careful with how proficient

Time: 5624.16

your thought to language to motor action goes.

Time: 5627.085

- [Erich] Yes. [laughs]

Time: 5627.97

- Maybe the technology companies

Time: 5629.38

should install some buffers, some AI-based buffers.

Time: 5632.65

- Right, that's taking some EEG signals

Time: 5634.81

from your brain while you're texting to say,

Time: 5636.85

okay, this is not a great thought, slow down.

Time: 5640.99

- Right, or this doesn't reflect your best state.

Time: 5644.86

That brings me to

Time: 5646.18

what was going to be the next question anyway,

Time: 5648.22

which is we are quickly moving toward a time

Time: 5650.89

where there will be an even faster transition

Time: 5655.24

from thought to speech, to motor output,

Time: 5658.6

and maybe won't require motor output.

Time: 5660.76

What I'm referring to here

Time: 5661.63

is some of the incredible work of our colleagues,

Time: 5664.3

Eddie Chang at UCSF and others

Time: 5666.01

who are taking paralyzed human beings

Time: 5669.55

and learning to translate the electrical signals

Time: 5672.49

of neurons in various areas,

Time: 5673.81

including speech and language areas,

Time: 5675.52

to computer screens that type out

Time: 5677.5

what these people are thinking.

Time: 5678.4

In other words,

Time: 5679.233

paralyzed people can put their thoughts into writing.

Time: 5682.33

That's a pretty extreme and wonderful example

Time: 5685.21

of recovery of function. - Hmm hmm.

Time: 5687.7

- That is sure to continue to evolve.

Time: 5690.34

But I think we are headed toward a time,

Time: 5692.83

not too long from now

Time: 5694

where my thoughts can be translated into words on a page

Time: 5698.53

if I allow that to happen.

Time: 5700.45

- Yeah so, and Eddie Chang's work,

Time: 5703

which I admire quite a bit and cite in my papers,

Time: 5707.2

I think he's really one of those at the leading edge

Time: 5710.17

of trying to understand within humans,

Time: 5713.47

the neurobiology of speech.

Time: 5715.6

And he may not say it directly, but you know,

Time: 5717.82

I talked to him about this.

Time: 5718.99

It supports this idea that the speech circuit

Time: 5721.96

and the separate language module,

Time: 5723.61

I don't really think that there's a separation there.

Time: 5726.85

So with that knowledge,

Time: 5728.8

yes, and putting electrodes into human brain

Time: 5731.32

and then translating those electrical signals

Time: 5733.39

to speech currents.

Time: 5734.83

Yeah, we can start to tell what is that person thinking?

Time: 5738.25

Why, because we often think in terms of speech.

Time: 5742.21

And without saying words.

Time: 5744.97

And that's a scary thought.

Time: 5746.5

And now imagine if you can now translate

Time: 5749.32

those into a signal that transmits something wirelessly

Time: 5752.62

and someone from some distant part of the planet

Time: 5755.65

is hearing your speech from a wireless signal

Time: 5758.71

without you speaking.

Time: 5760.96

So probably that won't be done in an ethical way,

Time: 5764.77

who knows, you know?

Time: 5766.854

But I mean, the ethics of doing that probably,

Time: 5768.97

you know, might not happen, but who knows?

Time: 5771.1

We have these songbirds, you know.

Time: 5773.774

If we apply the same technique to them,

Time: 5775

we can start to hear what they're singing

Time: 5776.41

in their dreams or whatever,

Time: 5778.48

even though they don't produce sound

Time: 5779.8

so we can find out by testing on them.

Time: 5782.35

- It's coming. - Yes.

Time: 5783.28

- One way or another, it's coming.

Time: 5786.13

For those listening who are interested

Time: 5788.23

in getting better at speaking and understanding languages,

Time: 5792.49

are there any tools that you recommend?

Time: 5794.74

And here again,

Time: 5796.354

I realize you're not a speech therapist,

Time: 5797.86

but here I'm not thinking about

Time: 5799.12

ameliorating any kind of speech deficiency.

Time: 5802.24

I'm thinking, for instance,

Time: 5804.07

do you recommend that people read

Time: 5806.77

different types of writing?

Time: 5809.47

Would you recommend that people learn how to dance

Time: 5811.42

in order to become better at expressing themselves verbally?

Time: 5815.5

You know, and feel free to have some degrees of freedom

Time: 5820.48

in this answer.

Time: 5821.59

These are obviously not peer-reviewed studies

Time: 5824.2

that we're referring to, although there may be,

Time: 5827.14

but I'm struck by the number of things

Time: 5830.11

that you do exceedingly well,

Time: 5831.52

and I can't help but ask,

Time: 5833.649

well, the singing, which I realize it may,

Time: 5837.7

your brother didn't pay me to say this,

Time: 5838.96

may not be quite as good as your brothers yet,

Time: 5841.42

but is getting, you'll surpass him,

Time: 5843.19

I'm guessing at some point.

Time: 5844.353

♪ Getting there ♪

Time: 5845.254

- Getting there.

Time: 5846.087

[both laughing]

Time: 5846.92

Exactly, there you go.

Time: 5849.67

You know, should kids learn how to dance

Time: 5852.28

and read hard books and simple books?

Time: 5855.94

What do you recommend?

Time: 5856.773

Should adults learn how to do that?

Time: 5858.07

Everyone wants to know how

Time: 5858.903

to keep their brain working better, so to speak.

Time: 5861.76

But also I think people want to be able to speak well

Time: 5864.61

and people want to be able to understand well.

Time: 5866.62

- Yeah, so what I've discovered personally, right,

Time: 5870.58

is that, so when I switched

Time: 5872.35

from pursuing a career in science from a career in dance,

Time: 5879.61

I thought one day I would stop dancing,

Time: 5882.58

but I haven't because I find it fulfilling for me,

Time: 5886.87

you know, just as a life experience.

Time: 5889.18

So ever since I started college,

Time: 5891.76

you know, my late teens and early twenties,

Time: 5895.36

I kept dancing even till this day.

Time: 5898.39

And there've been periods of time,

Time: 5899.5

like during the pandemic

Time: 5901

where I slowed down on dancing and so forth.

Time: 5904.3

And when you do that, you realize, okay,

Time: 5906.43

there are parts of your body

Time: 5907.78

where your muscle tone decreases a little bit and somewhat,

Time: 5910.694

or you could start to gain weight.

Time: 5912.64

I somehow don't gain weight that easily.

Time: 5914.29

And I think it's related to my dance,

Time: 5915.88

if that's meaningful to your audience.

Time: 5918.97

But what I found is, you know,

Time: 5922.557

in science, we like to think of a separation

Time: 5924.79

between movement and action and cognition.

Time: 5928.3

And there is a separation for you

Time: 5929.65

between perception and production,

Time: 5931.66

cognition being perception,

Time: 5933.58

production being moving, right.

Time: 5935.83

But if the speech pathways

Time: 5937.84

is next to the movement pathways,

Time: 5939.82

what I discover is by dancing,

Time: 5942.34

it is helping me think.

Time: 5944.95

It is helping keeping my brain fresh.

Time: 5947.2

It's not just moving my muscles,

Time: 5949.27

I'm moving or using the circuitry in my brain

Time: 5953.05

to control a whole big body.

Time: 5956.44

You need a lot of brain tissue to do that.

Time: 5958.75

And so I argue,

Time: 5959.89

if you want to stay cognitively intact into your old age,

Time: 5965.23

you better be moving

Time: 5966.55

and you better be doing it consistently,

Time: 5968.38

whether it's dancing, walking, running,

Time: 5971.14

and also practicing speech,

Time: 5974.41

oratory speech and so forth or singing,

Time: 5976.84

is controlling the brain circuits

Time: 5978.58

that are moving your facial musculature.

Time: 5980.47

And it's going to keep your cognitive circuits also in tune.

Time: 5984.64

And I'm convinced of that from my own personal experience.

Time: 5987.97

- Yeah, for me, long, slow runs

Time: 5990.88

are a wonderful way to kind of loosen the joints

Time: 5994.24

for long podcasts, especially the solo podcast,

Time: 5998.11

which can take many hours to record.

Time: 6000.12

And without those long slow runs,

Time: 6003.27

at least the day before, or even the morning of,

Time: 6005.82

I don't think I could do it, at least not as well.

Time: 6008.19

- All right, well, you're experiencing something similar.

Time: 6010.74

So that's an N of two.

Time: 6011.94

- Yeah, N of two.

Time: 6013.77

I'm tempted to learn how to dance

Time: 6015.72

because there are a lot of reasons to learn how to dance.

Time: 6018.218

- [Erich] Yes.

Time: 6019.051

- And people can use their imagination.

Time: 6021.06

I definitely want to get the opportunity

Time: 6023.64

to talk about some of the newer work

Time: 6025.89

that you're into right now about genomes of animals.

Time: 6030.87

As you perhaps can tell

Time: 6032.43

from my quite authentic facial expressions,

Time: 6035.07

I adore the animal kingdom.

Time: 6037.92

I just find it amazing.

Time: 6039.12

And it's the reason I went into neurobiology, in part.

Time: 6042.93

So many animals, so many different patterns of movement,

Time: 6045.42

so many body plans, so many specializations,

Time: 6049.41

what is the value of learning the genomes

Time: 6051.96

of all these animals?

Time: 6053.85

You know, I can think of conservation-based, you know,

Time: 6058.23

schemes of trying to preserve these precious critters,

Time: 6062.1

but what are you doing with the genomes of these animals?

Time: 6064.17

What do you want to understand about their brain circuits?

Time: 6066.537

And how does this relate to some of the discussion

Time: 6068.43

we've have been having up until now?

Time: 6069.33

- Yeah, I've gotten very heavily involved in genomes,

Time: 6074.4

you know, not just to get at an individual gene

Time: 6076.98

involved in the trade of interest, like spoken language,

Time: 6081.48

but I realize that, you know,

Time: 6084.78

nature has done natural experiments for us

Time: 6088.62

with all these species out there with these various traits

Time: 6091.62

and the one that I'm studying, like vocal learning,

Time: 6093.84

has evolved multiple times among the animal kingdom,

Time: 6096.48

even if it's rare, it's multiple times.

Time: 6099.51

And the similar genetic changes occurred in those species.

Time: 6105.81

But to find out what those genetic changes

Time: 6108.39

that are associated with the trait of interests

Time: 6110.58

and not some other trait like flying in birds,

Time: 6113.4

as opposed to singing,

Time: 6116.49

you have to do what's called comparative genomics,

Time: 6118.83

even in the context of studying the brain.

Time: 6121.017

And you need their genomes to compare the genomes

Time: 6124.17

and do like a GWA, a genome-wide association study,

Time: 6127.2

not just within a species like humans, but across species.

Time: 6130.62

And so you need good genomes to do that.

Time: 6133.53

Plus, I've discovered I'm also interested

Time: 6136.23

in evolution and origins.

Time: 6137.88

How did these species come about a similar trait

Time: 6142.35

in last, you know, 300 million years or 60 million years,

Time: 6145.95

depending who you're talking about.

Time: 6147.72

And you need a good phylogenetic tree to do that,

Time: 6150.9

and to get a good phylogenetic tree,

Time: 6152.64

you also need their genomes.

Time: 6154.59

And so, because of this,

Time: 6155.94

I got involved in large scale consortiums

Time: 6158.64

to produce genomes of many different species,

Time: 6161.82

including my vocal learners

Time: 6163.23

and their closest relatives that I'm fans of.

Time: 6167.4

But I couldn't convince the funding agencies

Time: 6169.23

to gimme the money to do that just for my own project.

Time: 6172.62

But when you get a whole bunch of people together

Time: 6175.35

who want to study various traits,

Time: 6177.21

you know, heart disease,

Time: 6179.43

or loss and gain in flight and so forth,

Time: 6183.51

suddenly we all need lots of genomes to do this.

Time: 6186.84

And so now that got me into a project

Time: 6189.69

to lead something called the Vertebrate Genomes Project

Time: 6192.66

to eventually sequence all 70,000 species on the planet.

Time: 6196.74

And Earth BioGenome Project,

Time: 6198.9

all eukaryotic species, all two million of them.

Time: 6203.16

And to no longer be in a situation

Time: 6206.79

where I wish I had this genome.

Time: 6208.95

Now we have the genetic code of all life on the planet,

Time: 6212.31

create a database of all their traits

Time: 6214.62

and find the genetic association

Time: 6216.6

with everything out there

Time: 6218.97

that makes a difference from one species to another.

Time: 6222.45

One more piece of the equation to add to this story

Time: 6227.4

is what I didn't realize as a neuroscientist

Time: 6230.88

were that these genomes are not only incomplete,

Time: 6235.17

but have lots of errors in them,

Time: 6238.23

false gene duplications,

Time: 6240.15

where mother and father chromosomes

Time: 6241.8

were so different from each other,

Time: 6243.93

that the genome algorithm,

Time: 6245.58

assembly algorithms treated them as two different genes

Time: 6248.34

in this part of the chromosome.

Time: 6250.5

So there are a lot of these false duplicated genes

Time: 6252.9

that people thought were real, but were not

Time: 6256.17

or missing parts of the genome

Time: 6258.48

because the enzymes used to sequence the DNA

Time: 6261.75

couldn't get through this regulatory region

Time: 6263.85

that folded up on itself

Time: 6266.16

and made it hard to sequence.

Time: 6268.56

And so I ended up in these consortiums

Time: 6272.7

pulling in the genome sequencing companies,

Time: 6275.64

developing the technology to work with us

Time: 6278.73

to improve it further

Time: 6280.05

and the computer science guys

Time: 6282.27

who then take that data and that technology,

Time: 6284.55

and try to make the complete genomes

Time: 6286.29

and make the algorithms better

Time: 6288.3

to produce what we now just did recently

Time: 6291.87

led by an effort by Adam Phillippy

Time: 6293.79

is the first human Telomere-to-Telomere Genome

Time: 6296.52

with no errors, all complete, no missing sequence.

Time: 6300.75

And now we're trying to do the same thing with vertebrates

Time: 6304.02

and other species.

Time: 6304.853

Actually, we improved that before we got to the,

Time: 6307.263

what we call telomere-to-telomere,

Time: 6309.03

from one end of the chromosome to another.

Time: 6311.22

And what we're discovering

Time: 6313.59

is in this dark matter of the genome

Time: 6315.78

that was missing before,

Time: 6317.67

turns out to be some regulatory regions

Time: 6320.55

that are specialized in vocal learning species

Time: 6323.34

and we think are involved in developing speech circuits.

Time: 6326.58

- Incredible.

Time: 6327.413

Well, so much to learn.

Time: 6329.7

And we're going to learn from this information.

Time: 6332.13

Early on in these genome projects and connectome projects,

Time: 6335.28

I confess I was a little bit cynical.

Time: 6337.02

This would be about 10, 15 years ago.

Time: 6339.06

I thought, okay, necessary,

Time: 6340.38

but not sufficient for anything.

Time: 6342.63

We need it, but it's not clear what's going to happen,

Time: 6344.58

but you just gave a very clear example

Time: 6346.23

of what we stand to learn from this kind of information.

Time: 6349.62

And I know from the conservation side,

Time: 6352.59

there's a huge interest in this

Time: 6353.79

because even though we would prefer

Time: 6355.41

to keep all these species alive rather than clone them,

Time: 6358.8

these sorts of projects do offer the possibility

Time: 6361.32

of potentially recreating species that were lost.

Time: 6364.23

- [Erich] Right.

Time: 6365.063

- Due to our own ignorance or missteps, or what have you.

Time: 6369.36

- Yes, and along those lines,

Time: 6373.44

because, you know, we got involved in genomics,

Time: 6376.11

some of the first species that we start working on

Time: 6379.35

are critically endangered species.

Time: 6381.54

And I'm doing that not only for, you know,

Time: 6385.86

perspectives to understand their brains

Time: 6387.51

and the genes involved in their brain function,

Time: 6389.37

but I feel like it's a moral duty.

Time: 6391.8

So the fact that now I become more involved

Time: 6394.56

in genome biology

Time: 6396.09

and have helped develop these tools

Time: 6397.65

for more complete genomes,

Time: 6399.03

let's capture their genetic code now, before they're gone.

Time: 6403.83

And could we use that information

Time: 6406.56

to resurrect the species at some future time,

Time: 6409.44

if not in my lifetime,

Time: 6410.94

in some time in the future and generations ahead of us.

Time: 6414.78

And so, in anticipation of that,

Time: 6419.55

we create a database, we call the GenomeArk

Time: 6423.06

and no pun intended like Noah's Ark,

Time: 6425.94

meant to store the genetic code

Time: 6428.31

as complete genome assemblies as possible

Time: 6430.83

for all species on the planet

Time: 6433.2

to be used for basic science,

Time: 6434.67

but also some point in the future.

Time: 6437.31

And because of that,

Time: 6439.38

funding agencies or private foundations

Time: 6441.69

that are interested in conservation

Time: 6443.46

have been reaching out to me now, a neuroscientist,

Time: 6446.64

to help them out in producing high quality genome data

Time: 6450.36

of endangered species that they can use,

Time: 6452.43

like Revive & Restore,

Time: 6454.14

who want to resurrect the passenger pigeon

Time: 6456.54

or Colossal, who wants to resurrect the wooly mammoth.

Time: 6459.75

And so we're producing high quality genomes

Time: 6461.97

for these groups, for the conservation projects.

Time: 6464.7

- What a terrific and important initiative.

Time: 6467.25

And I think for those listening today,

Time: 6469.11

they now certainly understand the value

Time: 6473.311

of deeply understanding the brain structures

Time: 6476.49

and genomes of different species.

Time: 6478.41

Because I confess,

Time: 6480.33

even though I knew a bit of the songbird literature,

Time: 6482.82

and I certainly understand

Time: 6483.87

that humans have speech and language,

Time: 6485.46

I had no idea that there was so much convergence

Time: 6488.07

of function, structure and genomes.

Time: 6490.257

And to me, you know, I feel a lot more like

Time: 6493.38

an ape than I do a songbird. - Right.

Time: 6496.08

- And yet here we are with the understanding

Time: 6498.573

that there's a lot more similarity

Time: 6500.4

between songbirds and humans

Time: 6502.68

than I certainly ever thought before.

Time: 6504.39

- Yeah, something very close to home for us humans,

Time: 6507.39

I can give you an example of is evolution of skin color.

Time: 6512.01

And skin color, we use it unfortunately,

Time: 6515.13

for racism and so forth.

Time: 6517.17

We use it also for good things to let in more light

Time: 6519.84

or let out less light depending on the part of the planet,

Time: 6522.9

you know, our population evolved in.

Time: 6525.36

And most people think dark-skinned people

Time: 6527.61

all evolved from the same dark-skinned person

Time: 6529.98

and light-skinned people all evolved

Time: 6531.66

from the same light-skinned person,

Time: 6532.77

but that's not the case.

Time: 6534.42

Dark skin and light skin amongst humans

Time: 6537.45

has evolved independently multiple times,

Time: 6540.63

like in, you know, the Pacific islands versus Africa.

Time: 6543.63

And it's just depending on the angle

Time: 6546.36

of light hitting the Earth

Time: 6548.31

as to whether you need more protection from the sun

Time: 6550.65

or less protection,

Time: 6552.69

that's also associated with Vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

Time: 6556.71

And so, and each time,

Time: 6562.17

where darker or lighter skin evolved independently,

Time: 6566.1

it hit the same gene, you know,

Time: 6568.71

the mela [finger snaps].

Time: 6570.51

- Melanin. - Melanin receptors.

Time: 6572.34

That's right, yes, yeah.

Time: 6573.75

Genes that are involved in melanin in formation.

Time: 6577.08

And so those genes evolve some of the same mutations,

Time: 6581.01

even in different species.

Time: 6582.6

It's not just humans.

Time: 6584.25

In equatorial regions, they are darker-skinned animals

Time: 6588.15

than going away from the equator.

Time: 6590.52

- Oh, right, I think of Arctic foxes

Time: 6592.14

and things of that sort. - Yep, that's right.

Time: 6593.326

That's right, polar bears, you know,

Time: 6596.19

and so some of the same genes are used

Time: 6600.18

in evolutionary perspective to evolve in a similar way

Time: 6603.09

within and across species.

Time: 6605.07

- Incredible. - Yeah.

Time: 6606.12

And that's same thing happening in the brain too.

Time: 6608.22

Language is no exception.

Time: 6609.9

- Well, I have to say,

Time: 6610.733

as somebody who is a, you know, career neuroscientist,

Time: 6614.1

but as I mentioned several times now,

Time: 6615.75

who also adores the animal kingdom,

Time: 6618.18

but is also obsessed with speech and language,

Time: 6623.04

at a distance not as a practitioner of music and dance,

Time: 6628.71

this has been an incredible conversation

Time: 6631.23

and opportunity for me to learn.

Time: 6632.997

And I know I speak for a tremendous number of people

Time: 6635.577

and I just really want to say,

Time: 6636.81

thank you for joining us today.

Time: 6638.76

You are incredibly busy.

Time: 6639.96

It's clear from your description of your science

Time: 6642.387

and your knowledge base,

Time: 6643.47

that you are involved in a huge number of things,

Time: 6646.62

very busy, so thank you for taking the time

Time: 6648.51

to speak to all of us.

Time: 6650.25

Thank you for the work that you're doing,

Time: 6652.02

both on speech and language,

Time: 6653.61

but also this important work on genomes

Time: 6655.74

and conservation of endangered species and far more.

Time: 6660.66

And I have to say,

Time: 6662.13

if you would agree to come back

Time: 6663.33

and speak to us again sometime,

Time: 6664.98

I'm certain that if we were to sit down even six months

Time: 6667.17

or a year from now, there's going to be a lot more to come.

Time: 6668.92

- Yeah, we have some things cooking

Time: 6670.939

and thank you for inviting me here

Time: 6673.44

to get the word out to the community

Time: 6676.44

of what's going on in the science world.

Time: 6678.45

- Well, we're honored and very grateful to you, Erich.

Time: 6680.67

Thank you.

Time: 6681.503

- You're welcome.

Time: 6682.38

- Thank you for joining me today for my discussion

Time: 6684.24

with Dr. Erich Jarvis.

Time: 6685.68

If you'd like to learn more about his laboratory's work,

Time: 6688.35

you can go to Jarvis Lab, spelled J-A-R-V-I-S lab,

Time: 6692.79

all one word, jarvislab.net.

Time: 6695.01

And there you can learn about all the various studies

Time: 6697.14

taking place in his laboratory,

Time: 6698.94

as well as some of the larger overarching themes

Time: 6701.1

that are driving those studies,

Time: 6702.75

including studies on human genomics and animal genomics

Time: 6705.99

that surely are going to lead

Time: 6707.67

to the next stage discoveries

Time: 6709.59

of how we learn and think about,

Time: 6712.02

and indeed use language.

Time: 6713.91

If you're learning from and or enjoying this podcast,

Time: 6716.31

please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Time: 6718.32

That's a simple zero cost way to support us.

Time: 6720.72

Please also subscribe to the podcast on Spotify and Apple.

Time: 6723.99

And on both Spotify and Apple,

Time: 6725.88

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Time: 6727.32

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Time: 6729.15

If you have questions or comments or suggestions

Time: 6731.19

about topics you'd like us to cover,

Time: 6732.66

or guests you'd like us to interview

Time: 6733.92

on the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6735.54

please put those in the comment section on YouTube.

Time: 6738.24

We do read all those comments

Time: 6739.65

and we do take them to heart.

Time: 6741.18

Please also check out the sponsors

Time: 6742.47

mentioned at the beginning of today's podcast.

Time: 6744.66

And check out Momentous supplements,

Time: 6746.55

our new partners in the supplement space.

Time: 6748.2

And check out Athletic Greens.

Time: 6750.21

That's the best way to support this podcast.

Time: 6752.52

If you're not already following us on social media,

Time: 6754.77

please do so.

Time: 6756.06

We are hubermanlab on Twitter,

Time: 6757.8

and we are also hubermanlab on Instagram.

Time: 6759.87

In both places, I cover science and science-related tools,

Time: 6763.2

some of which overlap with the content

Time: 6764.79

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6765.93

but much of which is unique from the content covered

Time: 6768.51

on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 6769.68

Again, that's hubermanlab on Instagram

Time: 6771.037

and hubermanlab on Twitter.

Time: 6773.04

Please also check out our Neural Network monthly newsletter.

Time: 6775.95

This is a newsletter that has summaries of podcast episodes.

Time: 6779.43

It also includes a lot of actionable protocols.

Time: 6781.74

It's very easy to sign up for the newsletter.

Time: 6783.78

You go to hubermanlab.com, click on the menu,

Time: 6785.94

go to newsletter.

Time: 6787.02

You supply your email,

Time: 6788.01

but we do not share your email with anybody.

Time: 6790.02

We have a very clear and rigorous privacy policy,

Time: 6792.9

which is we do not share your email with anybody.

Time: 6795.12

And the newsletter comes out once a month

Time: 6797.64

and it is completely zero cost.

Time: 6799.17

Again, just go to hubermanlab.com

Time: 6801.21

and go to the Neural Network Newsletter.

Time: 6803.67

I'd also like to point out

Time: 6804.503

that the Huberman Lab Podcast has a clips channel.

Time: 6807.15

So these are brief clips anywhere from three to 10 minutes,

Time: 6811.5

that encompass single concepts and actionable protocols

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related to sleep, to focus,

Time: 6816.99

interviews with various guests.

Time: 6818.25

We talk about things like caffeine,

Time: 6819.66

when to drink caffeine relative to sleep,

Time: 6822.09

alcohol, when and how,

Time: 6823.35

and if anyone should ingest it relative to sleep,

Time: 6826.47

dopamine, serotonin, mental health, physical health,

Time: 6829.08

and on and on, all the things that relate to the topics

Time: 6831.96

most of interest to you.

Time: 6833.28

You can find that easily by going to YouTube,

Time: 6835.95

look for Huberman Lab Clips in the search area,

Time: 6838.86

and it will take you there, subscribe,

Time: 6840.45

and we are constantly updating those with new clips.

Time: 6842.76

This is especially useful, I believe,

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for people that have missed some of the earlier episodes,

Time: 6846.33

or you're still working through the back catalog

Time: 6847.95

of Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 6849.06

which admittedly can be rather long.

Time: 6851.16

And last, but certainly not least,

Time: 6853.47

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 6855.313

[lively music]

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